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Food of the Gods - Parts 1-12 (06-03-24)


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Great addition!

Boy oh boy, does Mason have a suprise in store for him. He thinks he's big now... wait until he's shoving the sun up his asshole, or even when the time comes that he's ramming his cock through the Andromeda Galaxy or better still, imagine when he's so big he can fuck entire realities? 

I can just see it now, Mason roaring out to the void, "I AM FUCKING GOD!" as he pumps his cock endlessly! 

Four chapters in and I can already tell this is going to be epic!

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This just keeps getting better and better (and bigger and bigger)! I love how every time he outgrows something, he just moves into another place until he outgrows it, again and again!

I loved the implication that Vince might get to eat some feed and grow as well. After all, at this size, I suppose Mason doesn’t have many options on who to fuck! And considering how Mason implied in the first part that Vince “loved selling ass”, it would be a nice comeback, ha!

Also, I think I’ve noticed a pattern. Every time Mason got to grow, it seemed that he had just gorged himself with food right before. It could be a coincidence, but my growth-trigger-obsessed brain thinks not!

You really treated us well with that story this year @RealIn2Growth! It is a fantastic present! Thank you! Can’t wait to read more!

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Clint Davies was on his way back to the garage  when he decided to check up on Kenny Wilk’s place.   Clint had been driving back from The Old Hound Road where he had pulled some rich asshole’s Beemer out of a ditch, and figured since he was already out this way, he might at least make sure that everything was all right.   Kenny was in prison for the next 9 months, even though his cousin Mason was telling everyone he was in rehab, and Kenny had paid Clint $1,000 cash to check up on the house a couple of times a month till he got back.  It was easy money and he had used it to pay Alex at the gym for another killer cycle.  He was eight weeks in and he had never felt better, his entire 6’3 body pumped to the max with muscle. 

Speeding up the road, Clint had to slam on the brakes when he felt the ground he was riding on begin to quake, skidding his tow truck to a stop in the pouring rain.  Several aftershocks followed what Clint thought of as the initial ‘earthquake,’ and the muscular man found himself looking through the wet windscreen and wipers to see if he could possibly see what caused it.  Suddenly, Clint could feel the aftershocks again, yet this time they seemed to be even nearer than before.  The area around him shook in increasing intensity before Clint’s truck was suddenly dragged from one side of the wet road to another, spinning twice 360 degrees before coming to an abrupt stop.  The aftershocks lasted for a while longer, but as time passed, they seemed further away.  Not sure what had caused the freak occurrence, Clint continued on his way, turning right onto the dirt driveway that led to the farm.

Clint let out a long whistle when the headlights of the tow truck illuminated what had once been Kenny Wilk’s home.  Obviously a victim of the freak earthquake, the entire structure was completely destroyed with wood and brick and piping littering the sparse front lawn.  

Hope you’re insured, Bro, Clint thought as he tried to make out where the old farmhouse had once stood.  The entire structure looked to have burst apart in the middle and then collapsed in on itself.  

Clint hoisted his thick body out of the car, smelling the air for a possible gas leak.  The rain was coming down harder, but with the flashlight he had grabbed from his glove compartment, he was able to make out even more of the destruction around him.  Kenny had been known to dabble in illegal activities, and he wondered if he had pissed off the wrong guy, and his house had paid the consequences.  The farmhouse was so far out of the way that someone could easily plant a bomb and set it off, and no one would be the wiser for days.  The one thing Clint found odd was if there had been an explosion, there was no sign of fire.  It simply looked like something had erupted out of the house, taking most of the structure down with it,

Crossing away from the house and cutting along the dead grassy area, Clint came upon two parked cars.  One was a blue Toyota Prius, and the other, a red Ford Escort which he recognized as Mason Holt’s car.  Checking the car doors, he found both were locked.  Placing his large hand on each hood, he was able to determine that the cars hadn’t been used for a while since both engines appeared to be the same temperature as the air around it.  Moving down past the cars, Clint saw that what had affected the house had taken down the barn as well, since barely any of that structure remained intact either.

What the hell is going on here, he thought as he made his way around what appeared to be a massive divot in the ground.  Looking down into it with his flashlight, it looked like the wet earth had been pulled away in this area by either a backhoe, or some other piece of machinery.  It almost looked, from the way the beam hit the mud, that the ground had been… torn away.  Moving to investigate further and getting wetter by the second, Clint stopped again when his flashlight illuminated, what he made out to be,  a giant footprint in the mud!!

He tried to convince himself that there was no way possible it could be a giant footprint, but the more he stared at it, the more it resembled exactly what he thought it was!  Clint could easily make out where the toes had been, and where the heel had come down in the mud, no matter how crazy it seemed. Looking around to see if he was on some sort of prank show he had never heard of, he saw no sign of camera’s or a film crew.  Carefully, he moved closer to the footprint, first looking down into it, and then walking around it, taking in every angle; watching as the rainfall quickly filled it with water.

Knowing where there was one there had to be two, Clint crossed through the dead corn field until he came upon a second immense footprint.  This can’t be possible, he thought, looking at a footprint that was larger than he was tall, and he was 6’3!  Clint knew it was a footprint.  It had to be a footprint.  No matter how crazy it sounded, it was a footprint.

Clint walked further into the night on his hunt for the next print.  As he walked through the downpour, his flashlight hit row after row of what had once been fields of corn.  Like most farms in the area, this one had folded about 15 years ago.  Most people had moved away while others stayed and tended to either live off of the system or make opportunities for themselves, often not in a legal capacity.  Clint wondered if in 10 years there would be anyone left living there, besides those who had connection to the army base 25 miles away.  Not paying attention to where he was walking, Clint nearly fell into the third print, and was now positive that they were man made and not any form of a prank.

“Help!  Help!”  Vince cried out from beneath the timber that had once been the barn.  He had heard the car pull up and the person get out and walk around.  He had called out then too, but the rain was so loud that he doubted anyone could hear him over it.   His entire body was wet with rain and what he imagined was possibly blood.  He tried to pull himself out of the wreckage, but his lower half refused to work.  Timber had fallen across his chest making it difficult to breathe, and in the collapse, several items had hit him in the head, knocking him unconscious for several minutes.

He knew he should have run when it looked like Mason was about to stand up, but he had been too slow, and now he was pinned in the exact spot where Mason had torn through the building.  had wanted to run when Mason looked as if he was about to stand up, but he had been too slow.  Thinking of Mason coming back made Vince scream even louder when he heard the steps getting louder and louder as they moved in his direction once again.

Vince felt slight relief as several large boards were pulled off of him and his eyes made out the bright light of a flashlight.

“Please… help me!”

“Vince?  Is that you?  What the fuck happened here?”

“Clint?  You’re a sight for sore eyes.  Help me.  Please!!”

“I’m trying.  I’m afraid to move this wood here.  You’re leg… it’s looking pretty bad.”  Clint could also see a large piece of wood had impaled Vince through the abdomen, but didn’t want to further freak out his old friend, so he kept quiet.

“I don’t care, Clint.  You need to get me out of here.  If he comes back…”



“What’s Mason done now?”

“You won’t believe me if I tell you.”

“Try me.”

“He’s grown into a fucking monster.”


“He pulled down the house first and now the barn.  He needs to be stopped.”

The blood from his wounds was pouring out faster the more excited he became.

“Just calm down, Vince.  It’s gonna be okay.”

“It’s not.  If he grows again… you got to call someone!”

“Just tell me what happened.”

“Mason… Fuck!!  This all sounds so crazy, but it’s true.  I swear to Christ it's all true!  It’s too crazy not to be true!!  Mason ate a handful of some chicken feed that was laced with this growth formula.  It had been made for cows and chickens about 40 years ago.  Then… six hours after he ate it… he started getting bigger.  At first… he was just… normal.  Just… slightly taller…  Maybe more muscular…  Then… he he kept growing till he grew out of the house.  Now he’s probably 50 feet tall. You got to listen to me, Clint.  We got to call the military in.  He needs to be stopped.  He’s just going to keep growing bigger.”

“What did you say he ate?”

“Some feed.  I know it sounds crazy.”

“Yeah.  It does.  Where did he get it from.”

“From the police station.  It was confiscated years ago and was meant to be destroyed, but Mason’s grandfather had told him stories about it… so like an idiot he kept it and decided to experiment on himself.  “I think it’s the food.  I think the foods fueling the growth.  He had me bring him some Chinese food and then he started growing enormous.”

“How did you get involved in this?”

“Mason wanted me to figure out how the formula was made and reproduce it.”

“Did you?”

“No!  There was no time!  He just kept growing.  You've got to warn people, Clint!  You need to make sure he doesn’t eat again.”

“I will, Vince.  I swear.   Where’s this feed now?”

“Mason hid it in the storm cellar in the backyard.  It’s In a safe.”

“In the storm cellar?”


“You know the combo?  We need to destroy it before anyone else gets their hands on it.”

“You’re right.”

“Then I’ll call the ambulance… have them here in 5 minutes.”

“Thank you, Clint.”

“What's the combination?”

 “It’s 8… 5…1…9.”

“I’ll be right back.”

Clint jogged into the backyard taking the flashlight with him.  In the dark, Vince began to panic again over Mason’s possible return.  It had to be the food doing it.  He was always complaining about how he was starving.  What was he going to start eating when he was hungry again?  What if he’d grown even larger?  He could be 100 feet tall by now.  Vince felt like he was in one of those bad black and white horror movies of the 50’s with the giant spiders or the giant ants.  The only difference was that this giant was smart!

Clint was back in less than 10 minutes, carrying both totes full of corn.  He crossed past Vince, putting them both in the passenger side of the tow truck.  Vince breathed a sigh of relief when the light returned and he wasn’t in the dark anymore.

“You need to destroy that feed.  Burn it.  Just get rid of it.”

“You don’t need to worry about that, Vince.  I’ve got it all handled.”  

“It might be the protein in the food causing him to grow.  When I met up with him after his first growth spurt, all he kept doing was eating.”

“His body would definitely need an energy source to grow… to convert into mass.”

“That’s what I’m thinking.”

“Imagine how he had to feel being that huge.”  Clint lifted a heavy board with both hands and looked at it.  “Bet it has to feel incredible.  A real rush.  Seems like you’ve given me an early Christmas gift, Vince.  Something I’ve always wanted.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I might just have to eat that feed myself.  I could use another growth spurt.”

Vince’s face paled even more than it already was.

“You can’t.  Clint.  Don’t.  Really.  Mason’s not just getting bigger… he’s… he’s changing…  Did you call the ambulance?  I need an ambulance.  I really don’t feel good.  I need to go home…”

“I hate to do this to you, pal, but I can’t have you telling anyone the story you told me.”

“What do you mean?”

“Don’t worry your head about it.  Okay!”  Clint placed the piece of wood onto Vince’s neck and chest, and using his entire body weight, pressed down, making it impossible for Vince to breathe.  Vince tried to fight, but his injuries made it impossible.  His final thought before everything went to black was of his mother and wondering if she was going to be alright and who was going to take care of her now?

The footprints led Clint directly to the silo.  From outside, he could hear the loud roar of something immense inside snoring.  Poking his head into the torn metal wall, he was shocked to see the naked figure of the giant Mason.  Only… he wasn’t simply a giant.  His musculature was out of this world.

Clint moved away from the silo, his heart beat beating rapidly.  It was true.  The feed had grown Mason into some sort of muscle giant!  Clint’s hard cock pressed against his trousers.  Crouching down, he had the strong desire to jerk off, but knew that it had to wait.  He first needed to figure out a way to talk with Mason… find out how much he had eaten.  Vince had said that Mason had eaten a handful… but then he kept going on and on about all the food Mason was eating.

Clint’s cock was rock hard.  He needed to jerk off.  Badly.  Moving back to his tow truck, he opened his jeans and pulled out his 7 incher he began to frantically pound his meat.  Looking over at the feed sitting on his passenger seat, he leaned over and opened the top of the first tote.  The medicinal smell rose up from the contents within.  Lifting a handful of the corn up to his face, Clint took a whiff of it.  Then, thinking he had nothing to lose, he threw the contents of his hand into his mouth and chewed.  Grabbing onto his cock again, using the slimy residue from the corn, Clint went back to jerking off.  He was just about to cum when the  5 military helicopters roared overhead.  

Not even bothering to button up his pants, Clint watched as a group from the Army base swooped in from all directions, circling the silo.  Several armed soldiers carrying what looked like tranquilizer guns entered the silo.  They were in there for only a brief time before a crazed, naked, Mason burst out of the metal container and began swatting and roaring at the men surrounding him.  He succeeded in knocking down several and stomping on two others before he suddenly stopped what he was doing, fell to his knees, and collapsed onto the ground with a loud thud. 

Clint then watched as the group proceeded to quickly restrained Mason, and in less than five minutes, the giant was being transported through the air by helicopter, back to the base.  When they were all gone and the morning returned to normal, Clint turned on his car, glad that he hadn’t been spotted.  As he drove away, he glanced back at the fallen silo.  It had stood in the same place for over 70 years, and now had been brought down by the size and strength of one man.  It was this size and strength Clint was determined to have.  

Reaching over again, Clint took another handful of the feed and tossed it into his mouth.  The taste was awful, but Clint knew he would get used to it.  An idea began to form in his head.  This idea would have Clint standing as the biggest and most powerful man in the world.  Oh yeah, this Saturday suddenly had great possibilities!

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Great chapter!

If I were Clint I'd go straight to a grocery story, buy as much food as that truck could fit and then go to a safe secluded area and just eat the rest of that feed as soon as possible! 

He knows how big Mason got with one handful. He litterally now has the opportunity to grow larger than the planet! Not to mention how hard he was just at the mere thought of getting that big? 

As long as he has that feed I'm team Clint! 

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Tbh, I was really rooting for Vince (HOW COULD YOU lol), so it puts me in a weird hate/love state with Clint’s character for what he did.

Hate because of how much of an asshole he is for killing a man with such potential for growth (Vince was already tall with a massive dick, imagine how big of a giant he could have become!) and because you portrayed him as a touching and compassionate character, although a little too naive for his own good (c’mon Vince, it was apparent from the moment you told Clint about the feed he would backstab you). I would have thought of a smarter move from someone from a high scientific background.

Although I hate Clint, I love his devotion to grow. Since he is normal-sized at this moment, I assume we might go through more hot detailed growth process, which I can’t wait for!

I had to reread the first few chapters to look for any indication or mention of Clint, and unless I read too fast, I didn’t find any mention? A bit odd to introduce a new character late in a story like this (especially to kill and thus replace the second protagonist), but hey, if it involves more growth, I’ll just go with it!

I can’t wait for the confrontation between the two giants! As much as I would love to have Mason (the 1st protagonist) growing bigger and winning over Clint, it feels like Clint has more chances on his side to win with the full totes by his side. But who knows! Maybe Mason’s genetics and excess fat on him compels him to store more energy and grow bigger and faster overall. Anyway, I can’t wait to read more! 

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Clint arrived home from his last shift of the week on Saturday at 9 am.  He left the totes filled with feed stored away in the trunk of his car, locked in his garage.  In total, he had eaten 3 handfuls of the feed, but he knew that he needed some time away from the temptation of eating more, to think rationally about what he was doing.  Laying naked on his bed, he found it difficult to fall asleep knowing that the fulfilment of every fantasy he ever had since he was 13 was about to be his.  He couldn’t believe it!  His heart raced faster as he thought about how he had eaten some of a formula that had actually made Mason grow into a giant!!  A real muscle giant!!  This wasn’t pretend.  This wasn’t some role play.  This was going to be his reality.

What had Vince said?  Mason had eaten a handful of the feed and about 6 hours later he had started to grow.  Looking over at his clock, Clint saw that it was 9.45 am.  He had eaten his first handful around 7.30 am.  The second was around 7.50, and the third was around 8.10, just before he had gotten back to the garage.  That would mean that his growth should start around 1.30 pm.  

Vince had also said that Mason’s growth had started out normal.  That he had only gained about a foot or so in height the first day.  Was that because he had only eaten a handful?  Did one handful equal about a foot of growth?  Then he must have eaten more of it and Vince wasn’t aware.  There must have been a third tote.

Clint sat up in bed, his cock hard.  

That must be it, he thought.  Mason must have had a third tote.  He brought it to the farm where he ate from it, growing to his 50 foot size.  So, what Clint had eaten would probably grow him to about 9’3… which would be great… but would definitely not be enough.  His intention all along had been to eat more of the feed… but now that he had some barometer of how much feed to size… it made what he was about to do so much easier.  If one tote brought Mason to 50 feet… imagine what two would do!!

Clint wanted to grab the totes and start eating, but he really needed to get some sleep.  He knew that sleep was the smart thing for him to do.  Once he started growing, Clint wasn’t sure how much sleep he was going to get, let alone, when he reached his final size… whatever that was going to be.  100 feet?  200 feet?!

The alarm on his phone sounded.  It was the one Clint had set 7 weeks ago to remind himself it was time for his injections.  It seemed silly to be doing it now, especially with what he had already taken earlier in the morning, but Clint was definitely a creature of habit; and he had spent the money. So, getting up from bed, he proceeded to prep and then inject his D-bol, test, and hgh.  When that was finished, he went back into the bedroom and laid down.

His heart was still racing.  Where would he sleep once he grew?  How would he sleep?  Would he just lie down in some field or on some mountain and sleep?  What about other basic human needs?  How would he bathe?  What would he eat?  What about drink?  The military already knew about Mason.  Would they let Clint live when they found out about him?  Would guns be able to hurt him when he was 200 feet?  What about bombs and missiles?  What would he do when he got super horny?  Would he just jerk off in front of the whole entire world?  Who would he talk to when he got bored?  Would he get bored?  There were so many questions tumbling around in his head.

He was never going to sleep.  He needed to simply admit that to himself.  Normally with the next two days off from work, he would have jerked off, showered, eaten lunch, and then gone to the gym.  Instead, he lay there for a moment longer, and made a decision that would forever affect him.  When it was decided, Clint got out of bed, pulled on a jockstrap, and quickly walked into the garage.  Pulling the two totes out at once, Clint carried them into his kitchen and deposited them on his table.

He was tempted to open the first container right away and start eating, but he held off until his coffee was finished brewing.  He wanted to be wide awake for what he was about to do next.  The coffee seemed to take forever, but that gave him time to brush his teeth, piss, and grab a t-shirt to wear in the chilly house.  Smelling the coffee permeating the air, he went back into the kitchen, poured himself a mug full, added only a hint of skim milk, and took his first sip.  Once the mug was nearly half empty, he walked away from the window he had been looking out of to the kitchen table and sat down.

Opening the first tote, he took a whiff of the contents, the pungent odor of chemicals and corn hitting his nose.  The smell should have repulsed him slightly, but he found that it was actually turning him on.  It probably wasn’t the smell that was doing it, he thought, but the power the ripe smell brought with it.  The thought of that unbridled power got him instantly hard.

Moving his hand into the feed, he brushed it around, creating small valleys and hills in the pile for a few moments before picking up nine kernels in his hand for closer examination.  There seemed to be a light film of some sort of oil that completely encapsulated each of the kernels, making them slightly slick and sticky.  Moving the kernels around the palm of his hand with his fingers for a few seconds, he took a look at the sheen and the way the light from the window hit them before opening his mouth and throwing them in.  He chewed them quickly and swallowed them with a gulp of coffee.  That should bring him to 10 feet.

Grabbing another handful, he proceeded to do the same thing.  He quickly threw the contents into his mouth, chewed them down quickly and swallowed them with a gulp of coffee.  11 feet.

Size.  All of Clint’s life he had been obsessed with size.  When puberty hit, it only got worse, and he would find himself jerking off as often as he could to pictures of bodybuilders.  That was before he started going to the gym.  Once that began, nothing could stop him.  He worked hard to gain pound after pound of muscle, and when he reached as large as he thought he could go, he began TRT and other steroids.

Working as a tow truck driver in a small town had its perks.  No one ever questioned him or drug tested him, so he was free to grow as huge as he wanted to.  At 6’3 and 264 lbs of muscle he was called Tank by guys at the garage.  He knew that he was never going to be happy with his size, but he was at least content.  All of that changed the second he saw the footprint.  He knew then and there that the footprint was his destiny.

Lowering his hand back into the container, he grabbed another handful of feed, this one much larger than the previous ones, and threw it into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed.  12 feet… maybe 13!

That was it.  He was definitely on his way, but he knew he would never be satisfied with the 50 or 60 feet Mason had gained..  No… he needed ultimate size to be happy, which meant at least 200 feet or more! 

Standing up, Clint carried the tote to the kitchen counter and set it down next to his power blender.  Using a pint glass, he moved some of the feed into the blender until it was nearly filled.  Then, grabbing a tub of mass gainer, he dropped five scoops of the strawberry powder into the blender along with 2 cups of skim milk.  Clint blended all of this together until it transformed into a thick pink smoothie.  Removing The glass container from its base, Clint lifted it to his lips and proceeded to drink the contents down.

His cock was hard as he swallowed more and more of it, stopping for a short time to catch his breathe.  When the foul tasting mixture was gone, he replaced the blender back on the base and began to quickly calculate the amount of feed he had already eaten with what he imagined was his goal size.  

23 feet, he thought.  That probably brings me to 23 feet.  I’ll do just one more to be safe.  That should get the ball rolling.  Then… when I’m that huge… I can just swallow the contents of both totes down and no one will be able to stop me!

Again he filled the blender with feed, mass gainer, and milk.  After blending it, he once again drank the contents.  His stomach felt bloated and distended, but he also found it impossible to stop.  By this time tomorrow, it will all be worth it, he thought.  By this time tomorrow, I’m going to be worshiped as a god!

Okay.  Just one more, he thought.  One more shake should bring me up to 50 feet.  Maybe more.  Fuck!  Imagine me at 50 feet tall!!  Fuck yeah.  One more!  Feed… mass gainer… milk… blended.  

His stomach lurched as he began downing the third blenderful, and for a moment Clint was afraid he was going to be sick, but after a few even breaths, he felt better and began drinking again.  When he was finished, he let out a loud belch, and left the used blender in the skink.

Taking the now nearly empty tote back to the kitchen table, Clint replaced the cover, and carried both of the totes into his bedroom.  Moving to the back of his walk-in closet, he left the two totes there covered with laundry.  Convincing himself that they were safe and where no one could get at them, he walked into his bathroom to shower and change for the gym.

Standing with the water pouring down hard on top of him, Clint began to wonder if this was one of the last few times he would shower in hot water.  Trying to savor and remember each moment for the times he might need it, he took his time shampooing and conditioning his hair, lathering his hairless, ripped torso up with body wash, and scrubbing every square inch of himself clean.  

He laughed to himself remembering that he had developed the habit of showering before and after the gym in the middle of Covid, and it had stuck.  He definitely would miss taking a hot shower, but he also knew that there were other things he would miss more, like the gym.  The gym was his haven in an insane world.  It was the place where he could get all of his frustrations out and feel better about it afterwards.  If this workout was going to be his last, he would make it count.

Drying himself off, he was surprised when he heard his stomach start to growl.  It had only been twenty minutes since he had drunk the shakes with feed and mass gainer, and that should have kept him filled up for at least two hours.  He had been eating at various intervals for the past five days because of a crazy work schedule, and now it must have been catching up to him.  

After slipping on a jock, Clint went barefoot into the kitchen to make another shake.  His original intent hadn’t been to make it with the feed, but he now questioned why he wouldn’t.  If he was going to do it… if he was going to grow his body to new heights, why not make it astronomical?  Why not make it something the world would remember.

Carrying the glass blender into the closet, he filled it completely with feed and moved quickly back into the kitchen where he proceeded to blend it into a powder.  He then added seven scoops of mass gainer, two scoops of pre workout, and milk to the mix and blended again.  Grabbing the blender jar, he gulped down several mouthfuls before carrying it with him into his bedroom to get dressed for the gym.

70 feet.. Maybe more, he thought.

Finally dressed in a stringer tee, sweatshirt,  and sweatpants, he tied his sneakers, checked himself out one more time in the mirror, looked at his phone to see that it was only 10.30, picked up the glass blender jar, and finished the contents.  Leaving the empty container in the sink, Clint grabbed his keys and drove to the gym.

Ten minutes later, he was sitting in the parking lot with a hard on tenting his sweatpants.  The desire to stroke it was strong, but doing so wouldn’t make it go away.  Instead, Clint closed his eyes and tried to focus on the full body workout that he was planning.  He went through each exercise, where in the gym the equipment would be that he needed, and how many reps he would do of each.  When his cock had calmed down and was only chubbed up, he climbed out of his car and entered the gym.

The smell he loved hit him as soon as he opened the door and grew stronger as he walked into the locker room to deposit his things.  That took less than two minutes, and soon he was standing in the matted area, stretching.  

At 10:45, the gym was fairly empty.  He had often seen Vince here at that time, but knew that he would never be seeing Vince again, and wondered if anyone had found the body.  He doubted it.  No one had any reason to even drive down to that farm, and probably wouldn’t for a day or two, and by that time, he would have grown beyond caring about the consequences of what he had done.

Starting out on the chest press machine, he pumped out 25 pre-exhaust reps with a fairly low weight for him.  He rested for 45 seconds, and then added more, this time for 15 reps.

Resting again, he wondered what the military were going to do with Mason.  Would they use him as a weapon?  Take him apart to see what made him grow?  What if Mason had told them about the feed already and they had gone to the farmhouse?  Would they report finding Vince’s body, or cover it up?  Pumping out another 12 reps with an even higher weight, he pushed those thoughts from his mind.  Clint wished he had had the time to talk with Mason before he was taken, to ask him questions, gather information on what to expect when the growth started, but in a way, he was glad that it was all an unknown.  It definitely made it more exciting.

When he eventually moved onto the bench press, he forced himself to focus, live in the moment, and connect fully with every muscle he was working.  He felt the burn and the heat in his chest as he performed rep after rep.  Adding more weight, he went at it again with even greater vigor, pushing himself to lift even more.  After his fourth set, he sat up and admired his serious chest pump.  Looking in the mirror, he watched his pecs jump as he flexed, pulling at the fabric of his stringer.  Cupping his pecs, he wondered if they actually looked slightly bigger or if that was his own imagination.  Not wanting to waste the energy he felt coursing through his body, no doubt from his pre workout, he added more weight, and found himself surpassing his personal best.

After his sixth set, each time adding even more weight, he racked the bar and made the decision to begin working shoulders… but… after a seventh set.  Grunting, he pushed out 6 reps with 110 lbs added to his personal best.  Racking the bar, his hard on was back as he sat up and took in himself in the mirror.  Fuck!!  He definitely looked more swollen than he should have looked.  He could see his nipples pressing against the fabric of his tee and feel it sitting tighter over his chest than it had five minutes before.  Not caring anymore that his hard cock was definitely on display, Clint made the decision to start working shoulders.

Time seemed to fly by as Clint pushed himself to go beyond failure on every lift.  Moving like a machine, he worked through each and every muscle group, often going back to focus on ones he had already done, but too excited when he watched his body swell larger.

An hour and twenty minutes had passed in the blink of an eye when the first hunger pains hit him.  Suddenly, from out of the blue, all Clint could think about was eating.  Waddling to the smoothie bar, a place he had never gone to in the five years he had attended this gym, he found himself ordering two different mass gainers, and drank them both right down.  He questioned ordering a third, but was dying to get back to the weights.  He finally made the decision, ordered it, swallowed it down without even tasting it, and was back working legs.

It was 12:45 when the hunger hit Clint again, this time even worse than before.  Waddling back to the bar, his stomach made the decision for him, and he immediately ordered six mass gainers at once.  As he waited for the surprised girl to make them all, he looked at himself in the mirror with awe.  

His entire body was so pumped… so swollen… that what Clint was wearing looked practically painted on.  Thick veins rose up, trailing over various other muscle groups, as he commanded his body to move and flex.  Even his hard cock.  Fuck!!  Even his cock looked more swollen than usual.  Even his hands..  his fingers!

Grabbing one of the shakes she left for him on the counter, Clint drank it down as he stepped on the scale in the hallway.  The dial quickly moved to 302, where it stayed firm.  Was it possible?  Had he gained 36 lbs of muscle mass in 2 hours?  His cock throbbed as his stomach growled.  Clint wanted to work out some more, pump himself up to even larger heights, but he wondered if it was best he went home.  It was obvious the feed was doing something to him, and although he was loving the stares he had begun receiving from some of the other people in the gym, he also wanted to be alone with his own growing body; worship it first himself before he gave it to the world.

He was still standing on the scale, and hadn’t noticed the dial had moved up to 309 by the time he got off.  Crossing back to the shake bar, Clint was now more aware than ever how his body moved differently with added weight and size.  Downing his fourth shake, he was surprised when he felt his hard cock suddenly lurch higher, causing the head to poke out of the waistband!

Attempting to cover it with a shirt that had grown a size or two too small did very little to hide a cock that now seemed to have swollen larger with the redo of his body.  Clint grinned seeing the fat head poking up at him, the slit pulled wide with a teardrop of pre leaking out.  The entire shaft looked to have grown a half inch fatter and about an inch longer!

Clint was in awe of it and kept staring down at it over his fat pecs.  He rubbed the slit, feeling the silkiness of the pre between his fingers.

“Bro!  What are you doing?”

Clint felt a hand grab his shoulder and was moved along from the smoothie bar.  He only had time to grab his two additional shakes before he was escorted away.  Looking to his right, he saw that it was Alex who was quickly moving him out of the public area and into his office.  Clint’s cock head and a portion of the shaft were still on display as he walked, his tee revealing the bottom of his abdomen.

When they arrived at Alex's office, the younger guy closed the door and turned Clint to face him.

“What the fuck, Clint!  Put that shit away!”

Clint tried to pull up his sweat pants as best as he could, shoving his cock under the waistband and to the right.

“I’m sorry.  I was starving and didn’t notice…”

“What are you cycling?”

“Just what I bought from you.”

“I’ve been watching you all day.  You’re lifting like a beast.  You sure that’s all you’re on?”

“Yeah.  Guess I’m just getting great results.”

“You can say that again.  You’re fuckin’ jacked, bro!  How much you weighing?”

“Not sure.”  Clint’s cock leaped again as he stared at the sexy PT he had always had a crush on.  Alex was about 26 and had moved to town about a year ago from California.  He was known to have screwed his way through most of the female clients, often accompanied by his girlfriend who worked the front desk.  Alex was slightly taller than Clint, but his youthful body was much tighter.  More athletic model than bodybuilder.

“Hop on the scale, bro.”

Clint did as he was told, feeling a bead of pre leaking out of his cock head.

“318.  What were you last week?”

Clint quickly lied.  “310.”

“8 lbs in one week.  You are having fucking killer gains.  You might want to lower the dose.  Looks like it’s really fucking with your sex drive from the look of that pole.”

“Yeah.  Having to jerk off all the time.”

“I bet.”  

Clint bounced his pecs for the young PT.  “Want to measure me?”


“Measure me.  Not sure what my stats are, and would love to know.”  Alex appeared slightly flustered over Clint’s request, and a quick glance down showed Clint wasn’t the only one somewhat aroused.

Looking at his watch, he moved over to his desk and grabbed a tape measure.  “I’ll.., I’ll do those guns first.

Clint flexed as Alex wrapped the tape around his upper arm.

“Damn!  27 inches.”


70 inches.”


“Tight 36 inches.”


Alex looked into Clint’s eyes as he lowered himself to his knees.  Clint knew the PT could have measured them standing, but had made the deliberate decision to kneel before him… one he guessed more and more people would do in the coming days.

“Quads are… fucking thick.  They’re 37 inches.”

“Fuck yeah.”


“What about my cock?”  The words fell from Clint’s mouth like silk.

“You’re what?”

“My cock.  What are its stats?”  The two men stared at each other intently, the temperature in the room rising quickly.

“Your cock?”

“Yeah.”  Clint moved his hand to Alex’s head and slowly began to rub it.  Moving his hand over the PT’s face to his sharp jaw, he lifted the younger man’s head up until they were looking into each other's eyes.  “Do you want me to take it out?  Would that be easier for you?”

“Yeah.  I.., I think it would be.”

Not taking his eyes away from his prize, he put his right hand into his sweatpants, lowered them slightly, and pulled his hard cock out.  The wet head glistened in the light of the office, its size proudly on display

“Measure it.”

Running the tape measure over the top of the shaft from root to head, Alex looked down at it intently,

“It’s 9 and a bit.  Nearly 9 and a half inches.”

“How thick?”

This time Alex grabbed the cock with his calloused hands, stroking it slightly as he wrapped the tape measure around it,

“It’s fucking thick.  Hair above 6 inches.”  Alex pulled the tape measure off but left his hand there, slowly moving it up and down the shaft.  “Never knew you had such a huge hog, Clint.”

“Big all over.”

“Hell yeah you are.”  With swift determination, Alex pulled Clint’s tight sweatpants down revealing his jockstrap.  “Huge balls too.”

“Oh yeah?”  Clint looked down at his ballsack seeing that his balls looked as if they had grown slightly larger along with his cock.

Alex laughed.  “Don’t know the size of your own balls?”

“Guess they look normal to me.”

“Big bull nuts and a horse cock.  Bet you fuck like a machine.”

“You asking?”

“Never done it with a guy before.  Don’t think I’ll be starting with this monster.  Doubt you’d get it in.”

“You’d be surprised.”

“I bet’.”  Both men laughed at the silence of the room broken by the growling of Clint’s stomach. 

“You might want to drink that shake.”

“You might want to start worshiping my cock.”

The room was silent once again and heavy with testosterone,

“What did you say!”

“Worship it.”  Clint moved his hand behind Alex’s head again.  Alex couldn’t seem to take his eyes off of Clint’s cock, watching it bounce, sway, and flex in front of him.  As he stared at it, he knew it had to be his imagination, but it seemed like he watched it grow slightly longer and fatter right in front of him.

“It’s only natural… Alex… to want to worship something far superior you yourself.  Don’t you think?  Unless yours is on par with mine?”

“No.  Not at all.”

“Then go for it.  Worship it.”

Alex moved his hand up and down the shaft, gripping it tighter in his hand.  He could feel the heat rising up off of Clint’s cock and balls, and felt the warmth it was giving being passed on to him.

“Good boy.”

Alex followed his instincts, moved his head closer to the fat glans, opened his mouth wide, and took it in.

“That’s it.  Just like you’ve seen your girlfriend do.”

Clint’s cockhead seemed to fill his entire mouth.  The taste was salty… musky… masculine.  Alex thought he would hate it… possibly gag, but found it was a taste he rather enjoyed.  It was a manly taste, testosterone filled, and Clint was right… his cock was one that deserved to be worshiped.

Clint pressed on the back of Alex’s head, suggesting the PT take some more of his cock down his throat.  As he did, his tongue began massaging the shaft at the same time.

“Fuck!  That’s a talented mouth.”

Encouraged by Clint’s words, Alex took more of his cock in, and began massaging his balls with his hand.  Soon, his head was bobbing up and down on Clint’s cock, each time getting further down on it.  Alex wanted to bury his nose in Clint’s pubes, to suck as much of his cock as he could, to please him by giving his body as much pleasure as he could.  Grabbing onto Clint’s quads, Alex forced the thick cock in further until it felt like he was swallowing it.

Alex sucked Clint’s cock harder and faster.  Clint’s body felt more alive than it ever had before, and far heavier than he was used to.

“Fuck!  I’m so fucking horny… I think I’m going to blow.”

Clint felt Alex begin to move his head in a more frantic rhythm.  The rush of orgasm quickly took hold of him, and seconds later he felt his balls rise up.  His body shook as he began to cum, unloading rope after rope into Alex.  Alex tried to swallow as much as he could, but it just seemed like every second there was more going in.  Unable to take anymore, he released Clint’s cock from his mouth.

To both Alex and his own shock, Clint kept coming.  The orgasm lasted three times the length of any he had ever had before, and was far stronger.  By the time it subsided, he had created quite a mess on Alex’s floor.

Both men were silent, the room filled with the sound of their beating hearts.  While still leaking, Clint pulled his sweatpants up.

“I’m fucking starving,  I’ve never been so hungry in my life!”  He grabbed the half melted protein shake he had carried into the office and gulped the entire thing down.  Still unsatisfied, he began to think of where he could stop and grab food.

“Of course you’re starving.  You’re bulking.”

“You don’t know the half of it.”

“You are on something else, aren’t you?”

“It’s natural.., made from corn.”

“Corn?  That’s how you’ve gotten so huge?”

“It’s helped.”

“Where’d you get it from?”

“That’s a secret.  Tell you what… if I’m still around tomorrow… if I’m not too huge… I’ll bring some in for you to try.  Bulk you up a little.”

“We can meet in here if you want.”

“Sure.  Sounds good.”

“In a few weeks I can measure you again.”

“A few weeks!!  That’ll be a laugh!!  In a few weeks you’re gonna need a way bigger measuring tape.  Way bigger!!!”

“I hope so.”

“I have to go.  Need to eat.”

“Yeah.  I have a client in a few minutes.  And I need to clean up this mess.”

“Something for you to remember me by.”  Clint grabbed hold of the knob and opened the door.  Moving out of the office, he went down the adjacent hallway and into the locker room.  

Looking at himself in the mirror, Clint grinned. He looked even bigger than when he had seen himself last!  Moving to the scale again, the numbers flew up to a staggering 339.  Fuck!!  He had gained nearly 75 lbs of muscle since he entered the gym, and it looked like he was still pumping up further.  His muscles bulged everywhere, pouring out of his stringer tee and pulling the material of his sweat pants taught.  His cock was hard again, and from the way it extended out of the waistband… looked like it too had gained more length and width since Alex had played with it.

Oh yeah.  He was going to be a mighty giant!  Seeing himself as he looked now, Clint knew that when he got home, he was going to eat the rest of the feed that was left in the first tote.  When he grew… he wanted to become something mythical.  Something that would be talked about for hundreds of years.  When he stood looking out at his world… he wanted to blot out the sun for those below.  

Clint grinned again as his shoulders flexed and swelled. When he grew… he would make Mason seem like a toddler compared to him.  When he walked, the ground would shake for miles.  His footprint would cover city blocks!  How big was that building in Dubai?  Clint couldn’t remember the name, but he knew that it was about 2,700 feet tall.  That was as tall as he wanted to be.  He wanted to be able to grab that building with his massive hands and squeeze it until it crumbled to the ground.

Cumming again at the thought, Clint let loose his immense load on the locker room mirror.  After coating part of it with his 15 ropes of cum, he wiped his cock off with his old sweatshirt and threw it on the bench.  Grabbing his keys to the soundtrack of his stomach growling, he walked out of the locker room and out of the gym, doubting he would ever set foot in it again.

As Clint passed by the free weights section, much larger than he had been 5 minutes ago, Alex Regwood looked up and began to put two and two together.  

How could you have come upon my grandfather's work, he thought, and if you  have... then we're all fucked!


Doctor Dante Wright sat back in his chair and rubbed his eyes.  His neck hurt from staring so long into the microscope, and his eyes were practically crossed.  He needed a cup of coffee.  He had been woken up way to early that morning and brought in before he even had his first cup and his oatmeal.  He had been shown something by the General that he found nearly impossible to believe, but couldn't deny what he was staring at.  A giant!  A 70 foot giant was lying unconscious in a hanger on the Army base.  A giant that seemed to still be slowly growing larger.

"Find anything useful?"  General Barron Grant had walked up behind him at some point, quieter than the muscular man should have been.

"Actually... I think I have."  The General leaned over the desk and looked into the microscope, not sure what he was looking at.

"Able to stop it?"

"Not exactly... though I might know what's causing it."

"Oh yeah?"

Dante turned on the monitor and what he had been looking at under the microscope came into view.

"What you're seeing is a simple blood sample.  There are his red blood cells... his white blood cells... his platelets... but there's also something else.  See this right here? "

"The thing that looks like a Stop sign with spikes?"

"Exactly.  His blood is littered with them.  My guess... and there's still a lot more research that needs to be done... that it's some sort of... virus... and it's changing his genetic makeup."

"Causing him to grow."

"To an extent.  Yes."

"Can you reproduce it?"

"That, I still don't know."

"More to the point... how long before you have whatever's causing him to grow... in me?"

Dante looked at the General and shook his head, yet there was an undeniable smile on his face.

"I'm going to need coffee first.  Then we're going to need the rest of these dead weight scientists out of here.  It's going to need to be just you and me if I'm going to be building a bigger beast."

General Barron Grant grinned.


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Oh fuck...Clint, Mason, Alex and now this general...make them grow huge and then how about a beautiful walk of destruction with these titans?  

Bigger is always better!

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