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  1. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 8

    Here are all the parts up to this chapter, just in case you haven't read them in order. Blue Pill Part 1 Blue Pill Part 2 Blue Pill Part 3 Blue Pill Part 4 Blue Pill Part 5 Blue PIll Part 6 Blue Pill Part 7 ~Blue Pill Part 8~ Derek stood in front of Riley with his arms outstretched flexing both of his mammoth arms. Each peak reaching almost 18 inches. Riley rubbed his hands over the peaks feeling the mounds of flesh harden underneath his fingers. He traced the veins that ran along the surface of each peak as it pumped more blood through his engorged veins. While Riley was worshipping Derek’s arms, another appendage began to stir and swell. Derek had always been the alpha male of the swim team. Not only because of his captain America good looks, but his body was magnificent compared to the rest of the team. This was due to the amount of time Derek put in at the gym each day. However it wasn’t his looks or his muscles that people envied most, it was Derek’s massive log between his legs that made him noteworthy among the schools populace. Before Derek’s growth, he was a hefty 8.5 inches long and 6 inches around. Although that sounds impressive, Derek could tell just by how his speedo was beginning to stretch away from his body that it was bigger than he previously remembered. While Derek was flexing his arms for his muscle admirer, he looked down to enjoy the new size of his bulge. It was then that he noticed the white striped pill sitting in the pouch of his speedo at the base of his dick. Derek reached into his speedo and pinched the pill between two fingers. “You ready to help me grow some more Riley?” Derek asked without ever waiting for a response. Next thing Riley knew, he had a hand covering his mouth as he felt something small inserted between his lips. “Now swallow or I will pound you into a pulp!” Derek said as he leered into Riley’s eyes with a strong burning desire to grow. Riley didn’t have much of a choice as he could begin to feel the pill dissolve in his mouth, he swallowed. It was a labored swallow as it stuck a few times on the way down, making Riley gasp and gag behind Derek’s hand. “That’s a good bitch, now let’s see how big we can make those tits of yours.” Riley looked at Derek with a confused look on his face as Riley was picked up by the behemoth and carried over to the Bench Press. Derek sat him down on the bench and loaded the bar with two 45 pound plates on each side. “Now lift.” Riley knew it wasn’t a question and more of a command. So Riley positioned himself under the bar and raised the bar up to begin his first rep. Riley slowly performed ten perfect reps as his pecs began to swell with blood from his pump. Just as he set the bar down, Derek had put another 45 pound plate on each side. “Lift” Derek grunted. So Riley lifted the bar once again, this time straining to get his ten reps in. Riley’s tank was now beginning to strain from his pump. His pecs felt full and tight. Riley re-racked the weight and reached up with both of his hands feeling his pec pump. He was brought back to the reality of things when he heard a loud rip. Riley looked to his right to find the source of the sound. The speedo that was holding back Derek’s mammoth dick had snapped from the immense strain from the erection that was now throbbing in front of him. “Holy shit Derek, that thing has to be at least 10 inches long!” Derek grinned at the excitement that showed on Riley’s face. Derek turned and put another 45 pound plate on each side of the barbell. “Lift” Derek grunted. “I can’t lift that, its twenty pounds more than my one rep max.” Riley exclaimed as he looked at the bar and back at Derek. “Did I stutter, I said LIFT!” Derek’s baritone voice echoed through the gym as Riley laid back under the bar and prepared for failure. What happened next surprised and scared Riley more than anything else. Derek reached forward and grabbed onto the waist of Riley’s shorts. “Lift your ass up.” Derek ordered. I dare not disobey, clearly I do not want to anger this behemoth. Riley slowly lifted his ass off the bench, holding the barbell racked with weight to pull himself up. Derek yanked his shorts down in one swift motion. Derek then lifted my legs straight up, sitting at the end of the bench and resting my legs on his shoulders. Riley’s eyes grew wide with fear at what was going to happen next. Derek stuck his thumb in his mouth and pulled it out with a pop. He then lowered his hand to Riley’s ass as he lifted him off the bench and slowly inserted his thumb into Riley’s ass. Riley’s eyes rolled back into his head as he could feel Derek’s thumb rub against his prostate. Riley was then surprised by a tingling feeling in his chest. Riley stared at his own nipples as he slowly saw them disappearing from his field of vision. “Oh my god, is my chest growing?!?” Fear and panic had formed on Riley’s face as Derrick got an evil grin on his. “Now lift” Derek commanded. Riley positioned himself under the bar again, Derek’s finger shoved firmly in his ass. Riley pushed the weight off the supports and lowered it to his chest. As Riley pushed the weight back up he noticed his pecs swell a little more and then stop once he reached the top of the lift. Riley lowered the weight again and began to push the weight back up expecting to see the same thing, only to be disappointed when nothing happened. Derek slid his finger out of Riley’s ass as Riley re-racked the weight. Derek stretched and was able to put another 45 pound plate on each side without leaving the bench. “There is no way I’m going to lift that, its 450 pounds!” Riley exclaimed, contemplating how he was going to lift the bar. Riley watched as Derek began massaging his dick. The pre-cum that continuously flowed from the tip was smeared all over his mammoth dick making it shine with lube. Riley began to panic as he knew what was coming next. Derek positioned his cock head at Riley’s sphincter and began to push. Riley fought with all of his might to stop this monster from penetrating his hole, but the harder he resisted the harder Derek pushed. Derek, getting fed up with Riley putting up a fight, grabbed Riley’s shoulders and pushed him down on his dick. Derek watched as his thick dick quickly disappeared into Riley’s ass. “NNNNGHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKK!” Riley yelled out as his eyes rolled back into his head as pain and pleasure seeped through every nerve of his body. Derek sat still as Riley slowly came to his senses, regaining his surroundings. Riley began to feel again as he noticed that tingling feeling was now a burning sensation in his pecs. He looked down to see his pecs swelling right before his eyes. “Now lift!” Derek ordered as Riley grasped the bar again and lifted the bar from the supports. Riley lowered the weight down to his inflated chest, knowing there was no way he was going to lift it up. As Riley struggled to push the bar back up and began shaking, Derek began sliding his dick back out. This caused Riley’s prostate to be massaged by Derek’s massive cock head. A sudden surge of growth filled Riley’s pecs as the weight easily hefted back up towards the supports. Amazed, Riley began lowering the weight again, at the same time Derek began to push his fat dick back into Riley’s hole, hitting his prostate and causing Riley’s pecs to swell once again. This went on rep after rep. Each of Riley’s reps timed perfectly with the rhythm of Derek’s fucking. The weight became much lighter as Riley’s pecs swelled to massive proportions. Riley’s vision became filled with nothing but rippling engorged pec meat. As the weight became lighter Riley kept cranking out reps faster, causing Derek to fuck him faster. Riley re-racked the weight after about 100 reps, only to find that his pecs had stopped growing long ago. Derek continued to fuck Riley’s tight ass as he reached both hands up and felt his bulbous pecs. Derek pinched each of Riley’s perky nips to find them leaking with the milk of his desire. Derek leaned forward, stopping the fucking and left his dick buried to the hilt in Riley’s ass. Derek latched onto Riley’s left nipple with his teeth and began to suck hard, tasting the sweet delicious nectar flowing into his mouth. Riley began moaning and writhing on the bench as Derek continued to suck from his left nipple. Riley watched in ecstasy as his left pec quickly deflated to half its size. Derek noticed the milk was slowing down to a dribble so he moved over to the right nip, clamping down with his teeth, eliciting a sound of pleasure from Riley through his gritted teeth. Derek began to feel full as he could feel his gut beginning to swell against Riley as he sucked the last drops of milk form Riley’s right nip. Once finished, Derek squeezed each nipple to make sure he hadn’t gotten every last drop of Riley’s sweet nectar. Satisfied that there was nothing left, Derek leaned back up to his full height again. This time Riley could see what looked like a roid gut, solid yet so full of fluid that it pushed Derek’s abs out making him look as if he were pregnant. Derek rubbed his hands up and down his gut relishing in the thoughts of growth that were soon to ensue. Riley began moaning as Derek began moving his dick in and out of Riley’s ass. Riley watched in amazement as Derek became coated in sweat, causing his freshly grown chest hair to matte to his skin. Riley saw the veins on Derek’s arms getting thicker as he pistoned in and out of his ass. His shoulders and pecs swelling larger as well. Derek reached around Riley’s legs that were still positioned on his growing shoulders and grabbed onto his own nipples making himself give off a deep guttural moan. “FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK I’M GONNA CUM!” The first thing Riley noticed was an increased pressure in his ass as the torrent of cum began to flood his insides. Then he felt even more pressure as Derek pushed further and further into him. That’s when Riley was shocked to see that Derek was no longer moving. So that meant that his dick was growing inside of him. Riley looked down to see his lower abs on his right side being pushed up higher and higher as the mammoth cock inside him grew even larger. As if it was a renewal to the ecstasy Derek was feeling he began to cum even harder. “HOLY FUCK I’M CUMMING AGAIN” Derek yelled out in pleasure as he began ramming his dick back into Riley. Riley’s stomach began expanding at an alarming rate as he was filled with gallons of Derek’s cum. Just when Riley thought he couldn’t take anymore, Derek pulled out of Riley’s ass, making a loud sloshing sound as cum poured out of his ass. Derek was still shooting cum onto Riley’s ass as he stroked his newly enlarged 13 inch dick. Riley looked on in awe, not at the massive appendage between Derek’s legs, but his quads which had easily doubled in size since he started to fuck Riley. Derek was ripped to shreds showcasing veins that snaked all over his muscles fueling his body with the supply of nutrients it needed. Derek threw his arms up into a double bicep pose as each peak rose higher and higher, his lats fight for space with his massive triceps. Riley couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Derek had to weigh at least 250 pounds. “You must be bigger than Chris by now!” Riley said in amazement. “I’m not done yet little runt. I plan on getting much, much bigger!” Derek said as an evil smirk stretched across his face from ear to ear. Luke led Eric back into his home gym in the basement. “I can’t wait for you to see me get even bigger!” Luke reached into the pocket of the sweats and pulled out the pills he had grabbed from his duffel. He fished out two plain blue pills and threw them into his mouth and quickly swallowed. Luke turned to Eric with a look of excitement on his face, “Ready to see me grow?” To be continued...
  2. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 5

    Here is Blue Pill Part 4 In case you haven't had a chance to read it Blue Pill Part 5 As I came too it was absolutely quiet. I felt relieved that I didn’t hear Chris anywhere near. As I opened my eyes, I was reminded of why I had passed out in the first place. In front of me was a huge ball belly. It really did look like I was pregnant. I began to run my hands over my stomach. I was expecting it to feel soft, but it was rock hard, completely filled with Chris’s cum. My god, there had to be gallons of cum inside me. I figured I should get up and cleaned off before I got out of there. As I stood up I slipped and fell back into the pool of cum that was on the floor. There had to be just as much cum on the floor as was inside me. It was everywhere, all over the benches, lockers and the walls too. I then remembered Chris growing again just before I passed out. This was apparent from the shredded remains of his football pants still on the floor, covered in sweat and cum. I attempted to get back up off the floor, this time bracing myself on the nearby bench. As I steadied myself and got back on my feet, I could really feel the weight of my new distended belly. Quickly I grabbed the tape measure that was still on the floor by my bag and began wrapping it around my waist. I almost fell back to the ground when I read 46”. “There’s no way I’m going to be able to get rid of all of this.” As I tried to figure out how I was going to be able to get passed my mom with this big of a gut. “I have to get home and work out.” As I turned to grab my stuff off the floor, I noticed a locker still open across from mine. Holy shit! Chris had left his locker wide open. I quickly stumbled across the benches to get to his open locker and examine the things inside. I saw a bunch of sweaty old gym clothes, some deodorant, a worn fitness magazine and a bag at the back of his locker. I grabbed the bag from the back and unzipped it. Two bottles fell from the bag, both with blue caps. I was absolutely sure these were the bottles that Chris was getting his pills from. One bottle had a white stipe on the top of it and the other was just blue. So I twisted the top off of the one with the white stripe and inside there were blue pills with white stripes around the middle. I poured out half the bottle into my hand and twisted the cap back on the bottle. I proceeded to open the plain blue top bottle to find plain blue pills. I poured out half of the battle into my hand and closed the bottle. I put everything back neatly into Chris’s locker, hoping he wouldn’t notice I had been in there, at least not until I was bigger. I was just about to grab my stuff and leave when a familiar sheet of paper caught my eye underneath Chris’s magazine. I pulled the sheet out from underneath realizing it was our stat sheets from gym class. Chris’s first entry read as such: Height: 5’10” Weight: 170 lbs. BF%: 16% Arms: 14.5” Neck: 12” Chest: 40” Waist: 30” Thigh: 26” Calves: 14” I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. At the start of the school year, Chris wasn’t much bigger than me. So I quickly flipped through the pages to find the last entry. The last entry was a week ago. I dropped the papers when I saw his new stats because I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Height: 5’10” Weight: 220 lbs. Arms: 19.5” Neck: 17.5” Chest: 55” Waist: 28” Thigh: 30” Calves: 19” He gained over 50 pounds in less than 2 months! All from these blue pills. I couldn’t wait to start on them. So I grabbed a white striped and one of the plain blue and popped them in my mouth and swallowed. “Guess I’m gonna have to work out before I go home.” I stood in front of the mirror, flexing my arms and legs, imagining them growing as big as Chris’s and then even bigger. I started getting hard just imagining it. So I grabbed my bag and headed back down the stairs towards the weight room. The lights were already on inside the weight room. I had sworn they were off when I had gone up to the locker room. I walked in and the room smelled of sweat and bleach. I looked at the clock on the wall, already 9:30. Perfect time to get big, and that’s exactly what I did. I started off with squats, three 45’s on each side. I did a perfect set of 10 with almost no difficulty, so I upped the weight with two more 45’s on each side. As I squatted down for my first rep, I could feel the muscle fibers pulling and stretching in my legs. As I began to press up I could feel the struggle in my legs with the weight. As I pushed harder I saw veins begin popping out all over my thighs and they began the bulge bigger right before my very eyes, slowly pushing my shorts higher up my legs. I bent down for the second rep only to hear my shorts rip right down the middle. With each rep my thighs bulged bigger and bigger. After about twenty reps I felt that my thighs had enough attention and that it was time to move onto another body part. As I re-racked the bar I grabbed hold of my shorts, or what was left of them, and ripped them from my legs. This revealed massive cut quads, with the teardrop muscle just above the knee; veins snaked all over my quads. My boxer briefs were straining to contain my legs. I went to each side of the bar and took of the added 45’s that I had put on for squats. I got back under the bar and began to slowly rise up onto my tip toes. I felt the stretch in my calves as I began to reach as high as my feet would let me go. I watched my calves as they bunched up on the back of my leg. I slowly let the weight back down and watched as their size and shape, as if I was still flexing them. This went on for twenty reps; I re-racked the weights and headed over towards the mirrors to get a good look at my new legs. What I saw before me was simply amazing. My legs looked like they belonged to an amateur bodybuilder. My quads bulged out in every direction with veins snaking all the way from my hips to my feet. My calves were rock hard diamonds now, even when relaxed, they hung of the back of my legs looking like two massive striated balloons. My boxer briefs had pulled so tight from my growth that you could see right into them. I turned to the side to get another view of my legs and noticed why my underwear was so tight. My ass had grown along with my legs. It jutted out from my back and was rock hard. It almost looked like you could rest a glass on the top of it. Although it was much smaller than before, my stomach almost matched my butt in how it bulged out in front of me. This time I could see clearly defined abs underneath the gut, like a bodybuilder who had done too many steroids. I took a quick look around to see if anyone was around. I didn’t see anyone so I started to slide my underwear off when I realized they wouldn’t go down past my huge quads. I put my thumb under both sides of my briefs and I ripped them right off my waist. My cock must have been rock hard from watching my legs grow bigger, because it smacked itself against my lower abs. Now that I was no longer constricted, I gave my dick a few tugs as pre began to leak from the engorged head, and headed back over to the bar I was working out with. I didn’t change the weight, instead I got underneath the bar and rested it on my upper pecs and began pressing upward. I performed a perfect military press, and as I did I could feel my shoulders and traps swelling with muscle. I did twenty reps and re-racked the bar. From there I headed over to the T-bar row machine. I put 360 pounds on it and got into position. As I pulled up I could feel my back swelling to lift the weight. This swelling happened every time I lifted and then lowered the T-bar. I could feel my lats beginning to push against my arms, and I realized I still hadn’t worked my arms. I stepped over the wall of dumbbells and I picked up the 50 pounders. I began doing standing dumbbell curls. As I raised each fist up, I watched as my bicep bunched up. I lowered the weight and my bicep stayed bunched up. Veins began spreading all over my arms as they swelled bigger with more muscle. I stepped over to the pulley machine and began doing cab le pull downs. I watched rep after rep as my triceps turned into horseshoes packed muscle. It was so tight and hard I couldn’t even finish my set. As I let go of the rope, my dick brushed against the machine, leaving a sticky trail of pre-cum all over the support bar. I looked down towards my dick as it spit out more pre-cum. Looking past my dick and onto the floor, I saw a puddle of what I assumed was my pre-cum. I grabbed the head of my dick and began massaging the pre all over my dick. As I began jacking myself right there at the pulley machine, my pumped bicep rubbed against my nipple and I felt my eyes roll back into my head. I almost passed out from the rush I got from the sensitivity in my nipple. I let go of my dick and cupped each of my pecs in my hands and realized I had forgotten to work my pecs. I headed over to the bench press, tweaking my nipples along the way. As I leaned back onto the bench I saw that my nipples were wet, and I realized my hands were also wet. I tossed it away in my mind as being pre-cum left over from tugging at my dick. I looked to each side realizing I had forgotten to put any weights on the bar. There was already 540 pounds loaded on the bar, which was almost triple what I had ever lifted for bench press. I however was feeling daring and extremely aroused, so I grabbed onto the bar and hefted the weight up. Bringing the bar down to my chest was the easy part. I struggled trying to push the bar back up, but as I did I once again could feel the muscles in my pecs stretching and growing. I looked down to watch after each rep as my field of vision became obscured by the pecs that kept pushing their way up closer to the bar. The weight came falling down fast, but I quickly regained my composure and re-racked the weight. It wasn’t that the weight had gotten too heavy; something had caught my attention while I was watching my pecs grow. It was a bead of milky white liquid that had formed at the tip of my nipple. I reached my hand down and wiped the liquid onto my finger. I brought it closer to my face so I could examine it better. “This definitely isn’t pre-cum!” “No, it’s milk.” I turned to see Chris stepping out of the shadows of the hallway. “I’ve been watching you in here. Lifting and pumping up your puny muscles. I’m guessing you got into my things. You stole from me none the less.” Chris continued walking closer to me. With each step his grin got bigger and bigger. “Now it’s time for you to pay for what you’ve taken of mine.” Chris was clearly bigger than what I last remembered of him. His arms and traps bulged out of the tank he was wearing. His sweatpants didn’t hide a single detail of the musculature of his legs. They looked like they were saran wrapped. You could see very cut, every bulging vein through his sweats. I was still lying on the bench, a mix of shock and fear written across my face. I didn’t know if I should try and run or take the beating I was about to receive. Who am I kidding? There is no way I would be able to out run this behemoth. Chris stopped at the end of the bench and grabbed my ankles. He slid me across the bench until my new bubble but rested right at the edge. I watched in horror as a bulge began snaking its way down his right leg, slowly plumping up, thicker and longer with every beat of his heart. Chris leaned in, almost as if to kiss me, but he stopped short. His head hovered right above my pecs. Then I watched as he ran his tongue across my nipple, collecting the fluid that had built up. The feeling of his tongue was like sandpaper. It didn’t hurt; in fact it felt absolutely amazing. I didn’t want him to stop. I was in for a surprise, because he sucked my nipple into his mouth and began flicking it with his tongue. I began writhing on the bench underneath him. He reached his arms down on both sides of the bench to steady me as he sucked on my nipple. It felt as if I was pissing out of my nipple. It’s the only way I can describe the feeling at that moment. As Chris sucked on the nipple, he was also swallowing, what I assumed to be my milk I was producing. Before I knew it, my right nipple had stopped giving milk. I looked down and watched as Chris moved to the other nipple, doing the same to it. I was absolutely horrified to see that my right pec was now half the size of my left one. Granted it was still pretty big, but I can’t go around with one pec bigger than the other. As I had begun freaking out, those thoughts slowly began to diminish as euphoria washed over me from the feeling of my left pec being drained of milk. I saw my left pec slowly deflating in size as Chris continued to suck, until both pecs were once again the same size. Chris came up for air and his eyes had a look of hunger mixed with lust. Chris stood back up to his full height only to reveal that the entire right leg of his sweat pants was completely soaked from pre-cum. I could see Chris’s dick throbbing, begging for release. Chris reached his hand down his sweats and grabbed onto his dick. He slowly hefted out the monster that I remembered all too well. Except this time it was bigger. Chris reached into his sweat pants pocket and pulled out 2 blue pills. He popped them in his mouth and swallowed. “Hope you’re ready to give that ass of yours a workout, cause I sure am.” Chris held a hand out in front of his dick while the other squeezed it from base to tip, giving him a handful of pre-cum. He began lathering it all over his dick, and still had some left over, so he shoved a finger up my hole. Then he shoved another finger up my whole as a moan escaped my mouth. “Gonna have to stretch ya for this one. The biggest I’ve ever been, measured myself with the tape measure you left out before coming back down. I’m now up to the 11 inch mark, 6.5 wide.” Chris said with a chuckle as he pulled his fingers out. Chris grabbed onto my ankles once again and positioned the head of his dick right at the entrance of my hole. He slowly pushed forward and I felt his cock head stretch my hole wider with every passing second. I began to wince from the pain, but Chris kept pushing, no longer caring if he hurt me. I could see the lust in his eyes had fully taken over. I let out a deep moan as I felt the ridge of his head finally slip passed my ring. I had thought at this point Chris would have just hit it home, but he continued his slow assault. As I watched Chris slowly enter me, I was amazed to see that my field of vision was once again becoming obstructed by my pecs. They seemed very large and pumped. In fact they seemed larger than when Chris had finished sucking from them. I finally felt Chris’s balls touch against my ass. He then pulled back a little quicker and slid back in and continued in that tempo. As he did this, I noticed my pecs swell a little larger with each thrust of his dick. “Yeah, watch those babies grow.” Chris said as he began fucking me even faster. I reached my hands down and cupped both of my pecs and felt them slowly getting heavier in my hands. My hands brushed against my nipples and my cock shot out a jet of pre-cum. I latched onto my nipples with my fingers as I felt milk spilling out of them. My cock was throbbing every time I pinched on of my nipples. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. My pecs had gotten so swollen that I almost couldn’t see Chris anymore, and that’s saying something considering how massive Chris is. Upon seeing my pecs at their new bulbous size, playing with my ultra-sensitive nipples, and Chris pistoning in and out of me like a jack rabbit, I had finally lost it. I let out a loud moan as I began bucking my hips. My cock lurched and began spilling my seed all over my abs. I shot and shot and shot. I covered my pecs, face, the bench and Chris's torso. As I was cumming I felt my lats spread wider across the bench. I watched as my pecs completely blocked my view of Chris. My arms bulged thicker with muscle and I could feel the weight of my legs now having to rest on Chris’s shoulder. Just as my cock had begun to slow down and I thought I was done, it swelled up even more. It grew thicker and longer and began shooting all over again. My ass clamped down tight on Chris’s cock. This must have been too much for him. “FUCK IM GONNA BE FUCKING HUGE!!!!” I thought Chris had cum a lot before, but this was insane. Before I knew it, I could see something over my pecs and it was my ballooning belly from all of Chris’s cum. I reached down and felt my stomach. It felt like a water balloon as it fills up. I could feel it filling me up. To my amazement, Chris picked me up and began driving his dick into me even faster. As he did this I watched his body explode with muscle. I heard a loud rip as his tank and sweats both ripped from his body. It looked like he had almost doubled in size as veins exploded all over his skin, trying to feed his muscles all of the blood they required. I watched as muscle fibers twitched and expanded right before my eyes. Chris began moaning even louder as I felt a tight feeling in my stomach. I looked down to see the outline of Chris’s cock as it slowly expanded in all directions inside of me. I looked in the mirror on the wall as his balls caught my attention. They expanded and hung lower. I could feel the torrent of cum increase inside of me and I didn’t know how much more I could take. With that, Chris pulled out and shot that last of his load all over me and the weight bench. Coating everything and leaving a massive puddle underneath us. I watched as Chris walked out of the weight room, panting heavily. I had never seen someone so massive in my entire life. I laid there for a few minutes wondering what to do next, and then I remembered that I needed to tell Eric what I had learned about Chris and the pills. I went to get up, but realized I couldn’t move due to my massive stomach. “Great, now how am I gonna get out of here.” Continued in Blue Pill Part 6
  3. Jaypat

    Troy's Maggot - 2

    Link to Part 1 TROY “Wake up Maggot! I said wake the fuck up! How did I get in here? Haha. You’re parents let me in. I know its 5 AM. Yeah, your parents are up already, Maggot, and so should you be! I told them I was your volunteer personal trainer from school, here to help you pass your fitness evaluation. Your mom thought it was a great idea and showed me right up. I caught her checking me out, too. Haha. So, get up Maggot! Why are you still in bed? Haha, look at your eyes bugging out of your head. That’s right, Maggot, I’m lifting you right out of your fucking bed with just one of my huge fucking arms. I wore this tank top just so you could get a good look at what a Man’s arms should be like. Just look at my bicep bulging up big and hard like a cannon ball as I rip you out of your fucking bed. Check out the pulsing veins in my massive forearms as I effortlessly hold you up. That’s right Maggot, you’re so puny it’s effortless! It’s not even a good workout for me. I’m going to put you on the floor now, so you better stand on those puny stick like legs of yours. Good. Oh, isn’t that cute; you sleep in your tighty whities. And you’ve got some serious morning wood going. Too bad, no time for that. Here put these on. What are they? There a pair of light blue gym shorts and a t-shirt. Go on, put ‘em on! Cover up a little of that milk-white, flabby pathetic body. Yeah, I know they’re big on you… for now. But they won’t be for long. Why are you asking me what it says on the front of the shirt? Can’t you read? Do you need glasses or something? It says, “Troy’s Maggot,” that’s what it says, because that’s what you are and you’re going to wear this t-shirt every day until you earn the right not to. Hell yeah, you’re going to wear it to school! That’s the whole point of the thing. Don’t worry; I got you two pairs. So, while you’re wearing one, the other one can be in the wash. See, I thought of everything! Now, put ‘em on! Look, Maggot, I’m dragging you downstairs in 30 seconds and if you’re not wearing your uniform, I’m going to drag you down there just like you are now, dressed in only your tightie whities. You think there’s anything you could do to stop me? Haha. That’s fucking right, Maggot. One look at my massive, bulging, sculpted torso, and you know you’re fucked. Haha! Accept your place on the food chain! Good, you got them on. Yeah, you look like crap, but again, that’s the point! Come on, Maggot, down the stairs you go. I’ll push you if I want to fucking push you! Yeah, your parents already left for the gym. I can’t believe your parents workout and you’re such a slug! Ok, this is what we call a protein shake. This is going to be your breakfast from now on. Yup, forget about your fucking frosted cookie-o’s cereal. I threw that shit out. You not only look like a 12-year-old boy, you eat like one, too. I gave your mother a whole new diet plan for you, full of lots of heathy meat and vegetables, and you’re going eat every bite of it or I’m going to come down here and shove it down your pencil necked throat! And you can start by finishing that protein shake. No, Maggot, you left half of it in the fucking glass. Drink it all! Ok, you asked for it. That’s right Maggot, I only need one of my giant, meaty hands to fit almost all the way around your puny stick-neck. That way I can use the other one to shove the glass into your mouth and tip it up. You better open up and swallow otherwise this shits going to run all down your front, and that’s how you’ll be going into school today, with spilled dried protein shake all down the front of your fucking shirt! That’s it. Now swallow! Swallow or you’ll choke on it! Good! I hope we won’t have to go through this every morning, but on the other hand, that was kind of fun! Now, we’re going to go for our morning jog! That’s right Maggot, a jog! Now out the door! Pick those feet up! Faster, Maggot faster! Do I know Rich Perkins? Yeah, I know who he is, why? Do I think he could put on some size? Yeah, probably—wait a minute! I know what you’re doing and I’ve got news for you. Hunter Jack and I went over every single looser in our school, every one of them! And out of the whole bunch, I chose you, you lucky son of a bitch, and that’s the end of it. So, keep jogging! How far? Until I fucking tell you to stop, that’s how far! Keep going! Pick it up, Maggot! Oh you better not throw up! Oh fuck! Maggot, that was good protein shake. I should make you lick that up off the ground. Never mind, you’ll just have to have 2 more when we get back! Now pick it up! Let’s go! Brian’s Journal Day 2. I am sooooo fucked! Ok, first Troy lifts me out of my bed with just one of his gargantuan arms. Holy fuck! His swole, vein wrapped, sculpted gargantu-muscle limb, just bulging out all over, is holding me suspended in midair like I’m a pillow or something. I mean, fuck! I boned right up, right there, dandling from his thick muscle fingers. Then he makes me wear this butt-ugly bright blue shirt that says Troy’s Maggot in giant letters across the front and then makes me run til I throw up. So then I have to drink another 2 of those gag-worthy protein shakes. It was all I could do to keep from throwing up again on the spot. Then he tells me I have to meet him after school at the gym. Fuck, man, I have a life, friends, homework and I just got Rage of the Dead 3 for my PS4! I don’t have time for this fucking workout shit! Then I get to school and everyone is staring at me in my bright blue Troy’s Maggot shirt. And fucking Edgar Suarez, who’s almost as big a douche as Troy, starts laughing at me every time he passes me in the hall. I feel like a total idiot. At lunch time I met up with Ralphie. We usually eat lunch together, along with our buddy, Ross. That was the first sight I got of Ralphie in his bright red Hunter’s Maggot shirt. Ralphie had apparently had a morning very similar to mine. It actually made me feel better that I wasn’t the only one going through this shit. When Ross showed up, we told him the whole story. He said he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Well, I knew what I wanted to do. When I opened my lunch bag, I found my mom had packed me a humongous lunch, two chicken breasts, broccoli, sweet potatoes – fuck! Who could eat all that? Ralphie also had a huge lunch. I ate half of one of the chicken breasts – that’s all I could handle, but then Troy came over to my table and stood over me until I ate the rest. Fuck! I though my stomach was going to explode. Ralphie managed to eat all his without Hunter coming by, but I could see the big jock watching him from across the room. Geeze, are we really going to have to do this until graduation? Link to Part 3
  4. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 4

    Here is Blue Pill Part 3 If you haven't had a chance to read it Blue Pill Part 4 How, was the question indeed. I needed to find a way to get Chris alone and have him pump me full of his sperm again. The only problem was it was the weekend and I knew he wouldn’t like it If I showed up to his house unannounced. While thinking about how I was going to get Chris to fuck me again, I continued working out in basement garage. I would go from bench press to dumbbell flyes. Then I would head over and do some very heavy and deep squats. Hmmmmm, I still can’t make sense of why Chris’s cum affected me the way it did. He’s been dating Stacy for about 6 months now and I haven’t seen her blow up with muscles. Maybe it only affects guys! Still doesn’t explain how it’s happening though. Is Chris an alien from outer space, no, that’s not it. Maybe he was bit by a radioactive spider. I’ve been reading way too many comics. Then the thought popped into my head, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before. The blue pills Chris has been taking. I bet anything that those pills have something to do with the growth. I bet if I got my hands on some… Just then I could hear my mom’s car pulling into the drive. I scrambled up the steps only to find her waiting at the top of the stairs for me. “Honey, how many times have I told you? I don’t want you in that basement when I’m not home ok.” “Ok mom. I was just erm, looking for something, but I think I found it.” “Alright sweetie. Hey, is everything alright? You seem a little winded.” “Yeah, everything is fine.” I headed towards the door grabbing my sweater and book bag. “Where are you going this time of night young man?” Said my mother as she gave me that deep stare with both her hands on her hips. “Ummm, I forgot my biology book in my locker at the school and we have a big test on Monday that I really need to study for.” Wow, that lie surprised even me. Mostly cause it worked on my mom. “Alright sweetie, but I want you to go straight there and then come straight home. I can actually give you a ride if you like. I really don’t like the thought of you walking home after dark.” “Mom, I’m 18. I think I can handle myself. Plus it’s going to be light out for another hour or so, I’ll be fine.” I walked out the door before she had the chance to come up with a reason for me not to go. I almost forgot how it was outside, but it chills off pretty quick in the evenings. So I stuffed my sweater in my book bag for the time being. As I walked towards the school, I began to wonder if Eric would ever talk to me again. I felt really bad about how he left upset, but I really had no way to prove it to him. That was going to change. I was a block away from the school when I noticed that the football stadium lights were still on. Hmmm, must be an after game event going on, cause I could hear voices on the other side of the wall blocking me from seeing the stadium. Sweet! That means the doors are still unlocked. I headed towards the front of the school knowing that the best way of avoiding people would be to go through the empty hallways. As I got up closer to the doors, I noticed the lights were still on. I looked inside, but I didn’t see anyone. So I grabbed hold of the door and opened it. I headed down the dimly lit halls towards the gymnasium. The smell of bleach and ammonia permeated the air. You could smell the pool from a mile away. I had always wanted to try out for the swim team, but could never get the courage to talk to the team captain Riley. He was way too popular and I was just a nobody. Now that I have a better body, maybe I have a chance at making the swim team. Plus I might actually have the confidence to finally talk to Riley. Just before the gymnasium is the school weight room. Nobody was in there. In fact it looked eerie because all of the lights were off. I picked up my pace, because this was the last place in the school I wanted to be caught alone by someone. I headed up the stairs between the gymnasium and the weight room to the locker rooms. Before I headed over to the football teams locker room, I decided to make a quick pit stop at my gym locker. My gym teacher makes us keep a stat sheet every week for progress on weight loss or muscle gain. So I put my combination into my lock and opened it up to find the sheet lying on top of all my stuff with the dull pencil I had left in there. I looked at my last stats before filling out the next portion of the sheet to see how much I had grown. Height: 5’6” Weight: 156 lbs. BF%: 13% Arms: 13 in. Neck: 10 in. Chest: 34 in. Waist: 28 in. Thigh: 22 in. Calves: 12 in. It made me sad looking at my stats. It also made me realize how small I really was. I knew that it was soon going to change, so that made a smirk spread across my face. So I took my shirt off and stripped out of my pants. I grabbed a fabric tape measure from the supply closet and went to sharpen my pencil. In front of the pencil sharpener is a mirror, and I couldn’t help but watch as my pecs twitched up and down as I sharpened the pencil. My biceps tensed and relaxed from the effort. I couldn’t believe all the veins that I saw snaking across my skin. I actually started getting hard looking at my own body in the mirror. So I walked over to the scale, paper in hand and erection in the other. I swear that my dick is growing too. I don’t have any numbers to compare it to, so I guess I better start keeping a log just to see if I’m imagining it. So I started with my height and worked through all of my stats. Height: 5’6” Weight: 166 lbs. BF%: 10% Arms: 14.5 in. Neck: 11 in. Chest: 37 in. Waist: 28 in. Thigh: 24 in. Calves: 13.5 in. On the back of the sheet I started a new section called PG (Penis Growth). That way nobody would directly know what I meant by PG. I was still hard from measuring my entire body in fact I had noticed a wet spot beginning to form in the front of my boxer briefs. Which I found odd because I had never really been able to produce pre-cum before. I slipped my dick through the hole in my boxer briefs and got out the tape measure. From balls to tip I was 6.5” which felt small after seeing Chris’s monster. I then decided to measure the girth as well. I wrapped the tape around my throbbing dick as the tape met back up on the top of my dick at 4.25”. I’ve always had a pretty thick dick. “Looks like someone was preparing for my return.” I turned to see who had just walked into the locker room, but I knew by the deep baritone voice that it was Chris. “How on earth did you get out of that closet? Oh well, doesn’t matter. It’s not like you got away.” I was speechless as he began stripping out of his football gear. His pads sticking to his sweat covered body. “Why ummm are you here so late?” “The guys like to talk football after the game and go over the replays from the game. Besides you didn’t think I’d forget about my cum rag. I’m super horned up. Winning always makes me rock hard.” I could see what he meant by the way his pant leg seemed too thick on the right side. Before I could say another word Chris had untied his pants and began peeling his pants down his massive quads. I watched as I saw veins explode all over his arms and legs from the effort of trying to get his too tight pants off. I was mesmerized by this display of muscular beauty that it caught me off guard when his dick sprang up out of his pants and smacked his stomach. “Fuck! I can’t seem to get these off. Guess I’ll just have to break out of them. Chris turned around and opened his locker. I couldn’t see anything because his massive V-shaped back was in my view. His lats jutted out from his back like a pair of wings, pushing his arms further out and up. I heard a rattling sound and I saw Chris throw his head back and take a swig from his water bottle he kept in his locker. “There, that should do it.” Chris said as I slowly turned to face me again. His massive pecs came back into view all sweaty with his nipples rock hard and pointing straight towards the ground. I watched as Chris’s dick began twitching and he reached his hand up and began tweaking one of his nipples. He let out a deep baritone moan and his eyes rolled back in his head. I saw the river of pre-cum begin flowing from the tip of his dick thinking that this was my chance. I got up and walked toward the moaning behemoth as he took his other hand of his dick and began tugging on both nipples. I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to fit his whole dick inside my mouth, but I had to do my best to prove myself to Eric. I grabbed hold of Chris’s dick at the base and licked up some of the pre-cum along the shaft, making my way ever so slowly towards the massive mushroom head of his dick. I opened my mouth wide and began sucking on the head. The moans that escaped Chris were frightening to say the least, but I could tell that I was doing something right because the flow of pre-cum had increased. Next thing I knew I had a huge hand on the back of my head pressing me farther onto Chris’s dick. I looked up to see an evil smirk on Chris’s face as he leaned over his pecs to watch me suck his dick. I could feel the head of his dick hit the back of my throat, but it didn’t stop there. I began gagging from the thickness of his dick as it began cutting off my oxygen supply. Deeper and deeper his dick went till finally I felt a large pair of testicles under my chin. I breathed in deep as the head of Chris’s dicked pulled out of my airway, but it was short lived as Chris plunged his dick right back into my throat. He began skull fucking me as he would pull his dick head just to the edge of my lips and then thrust balls deep. While all of this was going on, I had noticed a strange sensation, like I was full or something. I looked down to see my stomach was bulging out once again. This realization came too late as Chris pulled his dick form my mouth and picked me up from under my arms. “Now that I’m nice and lubed up, let’s say we fuck that tight hole of yours.” I really didn’t know whether to be excited for the fucking I was about to receive or be scared for the fact that I was already full of his pre cum. I didn’t have much of a choice because before I could say anything I felt his dick slip into my ass. I was expecting pain, but somehow I only felt pleasure this time. I was amazed at Chris’s strength as he stood up, one hand behind my back and the other holding my ass. He began slamming me hard onto his dick as I kept hearing slopping noises from the pre-cum gushing back out of my already full hole with every thrust. I watched as more and more veins snaked their way across Chris’s neck and traps. They seemed to be bulging bigger with every thrust. I myself was to the bursting point. Not so much like I was going to cum, but more like I was about to explode from how full I felt. I thought my eyes were going to bulge out of my head as I saw how big my stomach had gotten. Chris must have seen the look on my face. “Hopefully you got room for more, because there’s a lot coming.” “Oh my god, Ohhhhhhhhhh FUCKKKK, I’M CUMMING!!!!” Chris said as he let out one of the deepest moans I had ever heard. Several things happened at once. There was a loud ripping sound as Chris’s massive quads blew up to shred the pants he was stuck in. I watched in awe as Chris’s pecs bulged even further out from his frame slowly pushing me further away from him. His biceps bulged bigger crushing my sides. What scared me the most was my stomach looked like I had swallowed a beach ball and it was still getting bigger. I could feel Chris unleashing his torrent inside of me. I heard a splashing sound and I looked in the mirror beside us to see come spraying out of my ass, like when you put your finger over the end of an open hose and build up pressure. What was the most surprising was the fact that I could feel Chris’s dick stretching my insides even more, and he wasn’t moving. My brain couldn’t seem to take all of this at once and I blacked out. The last thing I remember was Chris’s massive dick pulling out of my ass and the thought of how much I was going to grow. Continued in Blue Pill Part 5
  5. gingy123

    The Muscle Sandwich: Part 1

    The Muscle Sandwich: Part 1 Alex sat nervously on his bed eager with anticipation knowing that what he was about to experience would change his life forever. Alex had always been a short guy growing up and once he reached 5’1”, he just stopped growing. In addition to this he had always been pretty frail and couldn’t surpass 100lbs no matter how hard he tried. Never the less, Alex had just finished university and started working in a pretty decent job when he heard the horrible news, his uncle had passed away. His uncle John and him had always been pretty close and they would often spend time together when Alex was growing up. John had no kids and was the first person that Alex had opened up to about being gay. John admitted to Alex shortly after that he was gay as well and they found comfort in the bond they shared. When John passed away, Alex was pretty devastated and it took a while for him to get back in to the swing of things in his own life. A few weeks after John’s death, his lawyer had called to let Alex know that John had a left a sizeable amount of money in his will to Alex with special note from John. After the money had been transferred, John’s lawyer delivered the note to Alex in addition to the paperwork. Once Alex had calmed himself down he began to read note, “Dear Alex, To you I leave this modest sum of money in the hopes that you will spend it on yourself and truly enjoy it. I know you have been busy with work and school and haven’t allowed yourself much time to enjoy some of the finer things in life so I hope this sum of money will grant you that. I know you mentioned to me that you had always fantasized about having a wild time partying but just couldn’t bring yourself to do it. So as my final words I implore you to take a bite out of life and experience something unreal.” Alex had started to cry about half way through the short note but vowed to himself that he would honour his uncle’s wishes and do something amazing with the money. A few weeks later, Alex was looking at different all-inclusive trips to tropical locations online but nothing seemed to really stand out at him as a ‘once in a lifetime’ experience. Sighing with his unsuccessful searches, he busted out his cock and began to search for some porn online. Alex had always been in to really big and muscular guys and would often jerk off to porn featuring them. His favourite scenes included ones where the big, muscular, dominant top would absolutely ravage the small bottom in all positions. He also really enjoyed muscle-worshipping videos where men would kiss, grope, touch, and feel bodybuilder’s muscles and get off on them. Surprisingly enough, he had never found a video or website which did a really good job of combining both of those fantasies but he supposed it was very niche. While searching for a suitable video to wank off with he came across an ad on his favourite muscle-worshipping website. It read, “Tired of jerking off to the same old thing? Want to have a truly unforgettable experience? Try the real thing with a bodybuilder escort!” Never the one to click on online ads, Alex just couldn’t resist and clicked anyways. He was intrigued to learn more about what the ad was talking about with real muscle worship. The ad took Alex to a bodybuilder escort website which featured a whole host of very large muscular men who were available for sex, muscle worshiping, feats of strength, and more. As Alex read on he got more and more excited at the prospect of living out his fantasies with a huge muscular man. He started looking at all of the profiles of the bodybuilders before he had stumbled upon the largest man on the site. The profile read: Name: Colt Height: 6’10” Weight: 400lbs, all muscle Cock Size: 12 inches Favourite position: You, in my arms with your ankles over my shoulders while I stand and use you like a fleshlight to jerk off my huge cock. Into: Muscle worshipping, feats of strength, wrestling, fucking Special: Try me with my hot friend Ox, my gym buddy and some say ‘twin’ for a truly unforgettable experience. The profile did not have any pictures and very little information outside of the original description. Alex was absolutely convinced that this is what he needed in his life. He has just gotten out of a pretty bad relationship and was ready to use his uncle’s money to hire Colt and live out his fantasies. The contact form on the website was blinking at Alex and had the words “HIRE ME!” With a shaking hand and a much anticipation Alex filled out his contact information and with a moment of hesitation, mentioned that he would like to also hire Ox. He poured all of his fantasies and desires on the page and hoped he didn’t seem like a lunatic to the two. This was by far the most expensive option on the website but Alex had made a promise to himself and to his uncle that he would have an unforgettable time. After closing his eyes and hitting the ‘submit’ button, he was told by the website that he would be contacted by the escort shortly. The next week Alex was a nervous wreck. He spent that time being extremely anxious at work and second-guessing his decision. On a few occasions, he very nearly tried to call the whole thing off and was unconvinced if Colt and Ox had even existed. After all, there were no pictures in the profile and Alex had never heard of bodybuilders that were as large as they claimed. After a week Alex received an email from Colt. He immediately stopped everything he was doing at work to read the email which had a simple note “Is this what you want?” Alex was confused until he saw that there was a picture attached and when he opened it he very nearly creamed his pants on the spot. It showed what he guessed were Colt and Ox standing close together facing one another. They were both very tall and extremely muscular in what he guessed to be someone’s house as it looked like their heads were nearly scraping the ceiling. Then Alex took a double take and noticed something sandwiched between the two. In the center of this pair was what looked to be an average sized man, his feet dangling a foot off the floor and his whole body nearly obscured by the muscle squeezing together to hold him up. Neither Ox nor Colt were holding on to this unnamed man, he was just being held up by their two immense bodies coming together. Alex completely lost it at this point and involuntarily came on the spot. He responded as quickly as his fingers could type, “Yes Sir, I want to worship Ox and yourself and have you use and abuse me. Please fuck the ever-loving shit out of me and never let my feet touch the floor. Yours faithfully, Alex.” He hit reply and a response came shortly afterwards. They were directions for Alex from Colt, which read: You will take the next week off to prep yourself both mentally and physically. You will fly Ox and I out to your place at the end of the week. You will have the greatest 3-day weekend of your entire life. You will continue to be a slave for muscle for the rest of your natural born life. After this email, Alex made all of the necessary preparations. He made sure he was neatly groomed, had enough food in the house to feed these two gigantic men, and just waited with nervous anticipation. Finally the day had come. Colt and Ox were flying in, in the morning and were being transported by a prepaid limo to Alex’s house. As he sat nervously on the bed he heard a car roll up in to his driveway and made his way to the door to answer the resounding knock on the door. When Alex opened the door he was at a loss for words. Before him stood two of the biggest Muscle Gods he had ever seen, both in real life and online, in his entire life. Colt and Ox both smiled like the Cheshire cat. Looking way down at Alex’s 5’1” self the one in front said in a very deep and masculine voice, “This is going to be good.” He then proceeded to effortlessly lift Alex up with his hands underneath his armpits and walk through the threshold of the entrance. Alex’s mouth was agape and quietly said a prayer to his uncle John. This was going to be unforgettable. ________________________________________________________________________ Let me know what you think ! Should there be a Part 2?
  6. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 7

    Here is Blue Pill Part 6 in case you haven't had a chance to read it yet Blue Pill Part 7 I couldn’t believe how massive I had gotten as I walked back from the school to my house. My massive thighs made me waddle as they fought for space as I walked. As I got closer to my house I noticed that my mother was sitting out on the front porch, I thought it would be better if she didn’t see me in this state. I quickly turned down the alley next to the house which was hidden by a low row of bushes. I ducked down as best as I could, hoping that my hulking frame would stay out of view above the bushes. As I made my way around to the back door, I bent over to grab the spare key from under the matt and I heard the seam in the ass of the sweat pants rip. The neighbor’s dog began barking and in fear of getting caught by my mother, I quickly redoubled my efforts in finding the key in the dark. I grabbed onto the key just as I heard someone coming around the house on the porch. I quickly put the key in the lock and turned. I fell into the kitchen right as the back light came on. “Phew, close call. Now to make it upstairs before my mom comes inside.” I ran for the stairs and flew up them three at a time, surprised at the amount of power in my legs as it propelled me up the stairs. I reached the landing and dove into my room as I heard the kitchen door opening. I landed with a loud thud on my bedroom floor. “Jake sweetie, is that you upstairs.” my mom called up the stairs. I could tell she was standing right at the bottom of the stairs and she would come up if I didn’t answer. “Yeah…hack…hack…yeah” My voice was much lower than I had remembered it being before. “Honey are you feeling ok? It sounds like you’re coming down with something.” “Yeah mom, I’m fine. Just a little tired is all.” I could hear my mom heading back down the stairs, “ok sweetheart, if you need anything I will be out on the porch. Dinner is in the fridge. I made meatloaf.” “Thanks mom.” I heard the front door close again as my mom had gone back outside. I quickly flew to the phone in the hall and dialed my friend Eric. Now that I have the growth hormones, I can show Eric how I grew… __________________________________________________ ________ Meanwhile back at the high school, Derek began coming to on the bench by the pool… “HOLY SHIT”, Derek yelled as he saw his massive gut distending over his dick and balls. He slowly stood up off the bench and gained his balance as he felt the true weight of his over-extended stomach. Derek began feeling his new solid gut with his hands as he thought of how he was going to explain his new gut to coach. “I’ve gotta figure out a way to get rid of this gut before tomorrow’s big swim meet or coach will kill me.” As Derek began to turn towards the locker room, his toe hit something next to the bench. He looked down and noticed a small blue and white stripe pill rolling along the tile floor. He quickly bent over and picked it up, having a flashback remembering that it was the pill that Luke had made him take. “I’m going to get that mother fucker for turning me into this.” Just then Derek noticed a small piece of paper on top of the duffel bag at his feet. In scribbled handwriting it said that you would benefit from a workout. What a great piece of advice, Derek thought sarcastically. Derek crumpled up the piece of paper and headed into the locker room, he needed to find something in his duffel bag to wear so he could go down the school gym and workout. “Dammit!” Derek had found that someone had been in his duffel bag and his clothes were gone. He couldn’t use the clothes in the other duffel bag by the bench because they were ripped to shreds and covered in Luke’s cum. Instead Derek grabbed the last piece of clothing that he had in the bag and put it on. He looked ridiculous in his speedo with his distended gut hanging over the pouch. With the pill still in his hand he tucked it into the speedo thinking that maybe he would run into some unsuspecting victim and get some muscle like Luke did. Derek waddled his way into the weight room, relieved that there was nobody to see him in his current state of physicality. He headed over to the stair master to begin his workout. “What better than to start with a little cardio to work off this massive gut.” Derek stepped up onto the machine and started it at its lowest setting. After a couple of minutes he noticed it was beginning to get easier, so he increased the speed. This went on for about 15 minutes, Derek constantly increased the speed due to the level of ease he was feeling. Before he knew it the machine was beeping at him because he was at the max setting. “Impossible, I’ve never made it to the max setting even in my best swimmers shape. Derek finally looked down to see that his gut had slimmed down to about half of its previous size. He stepped off of the machine and noticed his legs were pumped, but not just pumped, engorged with new vein throbbing mass. He couldn’t believe his eyes. His legs had become massive and vein covered. “No way.” Derek quickly headed over to the wall of mirrors with the dumbbells in front of them to check out his new physique. “Oh my god”, Derek said in amazement as he checked out the striations and size of his new legs. He began shaking them out and flexing them as he had seen bodybuilders do before on YouTube. “What should I grow next?” Derek said out loud as he began getting excited over his new growth. “I’ve always wanted a bigger back.” So Derek headed over to the T-bar row and loaded it up with four 45 pound plates (his previous max). Derek stood over the bar and lifted it, feeling the strain in his back muscles as he pulled the bar to his chest. He lowered the weight back down and pulled the bar back up noticing how much easier it was to bring to his chest this time. Derek sat the bar down and grabbed two more 45 pound plates and loaded them on the bar. He stood over the bar and lifted it again, this time noticing a pump beginning to form in his arms as veins snaked their way over his biceps each time he brought the weight up. The veins got thicker and thicker with each rep until he finally lowered the weight back to the ground after about 30 reps with that weight. As Derek stood up he could instantly feel the difference in his muscles as his arms were now pushed out from his sides by his lat muscles. He turned and looked in the mirror. What looked back at him seemed like a fantasy from a fitness magazine. His lats flared out like a cobra head, so packed full of muscle that it pushed his arms out to a 45 degree angle. He turned and flexed his back, watching in the mirror as muscle exploded along his spine creating a set of wings that continued to spread wider the harder he flexed. Derek couldn’t believe the amount of muscle he had packed on in the short amount of time he was in the gym. Derek also noticed that he could once again see the faint outline of his eight pack abs. “Just a little bit of a gut left, what to use it on?” Just then a gasp was heard from behind. Derek quickly turned around to find Riley, the swim team’s co-captain, standing in the gym doorway. His jaw was on the floor along with his gym bag. “Like what you see?” Derek said with a devilish grin on his face. Riley was speechless as Derek stepped towards the awe struck jock. As Derek walked towards Riley he began popping his pecs in an arrogant display of muscle. Derek noticed a bulge starting to form in Riley’s shorts. Derek brought up his beefy right arm flexing it hard. He turned his head and began to lick it right in front of Riley. This sent a shudder through Riley as he spontaneously came in his shorts from the muscular display in front of him. The wet spot forming in Riley’s shorts brought Derek’s attention to his own bulge which had begun growing in his speedo. “You like my muscle Riley?” Derek asked as one hand slid down and began to man handle his own bulge through the speedo. Riley just shook his head still not knowing what to say. “How did…but you…” Riley stumbled for words as Derek put a finger up to his lips to silence his attempt at speaking. “How would you like to help me get even bigger Riley?” This question sent another shutter through Riley as his dick shot out another load in his shorts. “That’s what I thought.” Derek said with an evil grin forming on his face. __________________________________________________ ________ Eric finally answered his phone. “What?” “Eric you have to come over to my house. I can finally prove to you how I grew” Luke said in a rushed voice. “How am I sure this isn’t going to be a repeat of earlier in your basement? You don’t have Chris chained to a squat rack in your gym do you?” Remembering what I had said earlier about getting more of Chris’s cum I realized how crazy that must have sounded. “I promise you Eric, I’m being serious this time. If I can’t prove it to you this time, then you never have to speak to me again.” “Well we both know that will never happen” I could hear the smile in Eric’s voice. “I’ll be right over.” “Alright, see you soon.” As I got off the phone with Eric, I headed over to my full body mirror in the corner of my bedroom. I began admiring my muscles. Flexing my massive biceps and feeling the striations and the peaks in each one. I then moved onto my slabs of pec meat that now hung over my abs. I tensed the muscles, watching my pecs jump in the mirror. I reached over to my left pec and tweaked the nipple, sending a swift shudder of pleasure through my body. I grabbed onto my right nipple as well and tweaked it as my dick began to stiffen in the sweats I was wearing. TAP, TAP, TAP… I turned and looked towards the window as I saw Eric staring in wide eyed and slack jawed. I hurried over to the window and threw it open, slamming it a little harder than I expected. Eric quickly jumped into my room, not taking his eyes off my newly massive frame. “DUDE, WHAT THE FU….” I quickly stopped Eric in mid exclamation as I stood in front of him with a hand covering his mouth. He quickly grabbed my hand trying to pull it away, but unsuccessfully moving my hand even in the slightest bit. I then put a finger to my mouth signaling to be quiet. He got the hint and I took my hand off of his mouth. “Sweetie is everything alright? I heard a loud thud from the porch.” My mom had begun her ascent up the stairs towards my bedroom door. I quickly stepped over to my bedroom door and locked it. The knob turned as she tried opening the door. “Sweetheart is everything ok?” “Everything is fine mom, I just slipped when getting out of the shower is all.” “Alright well, be more careful next time. You definitely get your clumsiness form me.” My mom began snickering at the thought of me being just as clumsy as her. I then heard the stairs creak as she headed back down into the kitchen. The whole time I was talking to my mom through my bedroom door, I felt a small pair of hands groping my back and arms. I turned just to have my pecs groped by those same hands. “What do you think your do...” my eyes rolled back in my head as Eric pinched my nipples. I let out a slight moan as a huge grin came across his face. I went to move Eric’s hands away, but he insisted on keeping them there, tugging harder on my nipples. My dick began to respond from the sensation in my nips as it surged down the leg of the sweat pants, leaving a wet streak of pre-cum the entire way down. “You keep that up and we will have a mess on our hands.” Just then Eric pulled his hands back realizing the effect his groping had on me. He looked down and he then realized what I was talking about. “That thing is massive. How did that grow as well? I’ve seen you in the showers after gym class and you’ve never been that big, explain yourself.” Eric said all of this in a hushed voice. So I told Eric everything as we sat on my bedroom floor. Eric not once taking his eyes of my massive from. He would stare at the veins on my arms and trace their outlines with his fingers, and then he would move onto my pecs hefting each one in his hand and feeling their weight as they fell back into place. I told Eric about the blue pill and how it makes whoever takes it bigger through sexual stimulation. Then I explained that whoever takes the white stripe begins producing a muscle building milk that when drank makes the drinker grow. I also told him that the cum of the person who takes the blue pill makes you bigger as well, but only through physical exertion. By the time I was finished Eric was sitting in my lap and playing with my massive quads, watching as I flexed them in his hands. “I still don’t believe you. I would probably believe it if I could see it in action.” Just as he said that a smile spread across my face. “I can show you Eric” with that he turned and looked right up into my eyes. “How would you like to grow little buddy?” Continued in Blue Pill Part 8
  7. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 6

    Here is Blue Pill Part 5 in case you haven't read it yet Blue Pill Part 6 I had begun to wonder how I was going to get up from this bench. My stomach bulged so big that it was hard to move. I was finally able to roll onto my side on the bench and swing my legs over the edge, lifting myself off the bench and onto my feet. As soon as I stood up I could see my reflection in the mirror. My eyes bugged out of my head as I saw how massive my body had gotten. I looked like one of those amateur bodybuilders, except I had the roidgut of a professional bodybuilder. My stomach bulged out past my pecs, blocking the view of my lower body. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I realized that I was still covered in Chris’s cum. I needed to clean up so I could get home, but there was no way I was going to make it up the stairs to the locker room showers. So I grabbed my duffel bag and the tattered remains of my clothes and headed towards the Olympic sized swimming pool. I figured I could work off some of my sperm gut while cleaning up a bit. I got to the pool and there was nobody in there, thank god. I was afraid that I might have run into Derek. Derek is the captain of the swim team, 5 foot 10 inches ripped physique with beautiful blue eyes. He practically lived in the water. So to come down to the pool and not see him practicing was a sight. I headed towards the shallow end of the pool. I dropped my duffel bag off on a bench next to the bathroom entrance and then waded into the warm water of the pool. I watched as chunks of dried sperm came off my body and into the pool water making it cloudy in my wake. Once I was in far enough to float, it became easier to move and I began scrubbing my body off, getting it as clean as I possibly could. Once my skin was mostly clear of the sperm, I began to make long strokes in the water, trying to minimize my gut. I had done about 20 laps in the pool when I realized about half of my gut was gone. I also realized that because of the increased cardio, my veins were exploding all over my body. I looked absolutely shredded minus the slight gut I had left, but even that looked solid because of the abs that protruded through my gut. I headed back towards the shallow end of the pool and began my ascent out from the water. As I reached the each of the pool I heard I whistle come from the direction of the bench where I had set my duffel bag down. I turned my head to see Derek sitting on the bench with a huge hard on in his speedo. He couldn’t take his eyes off my body as I walked over towards him and my duffel bag, trying to cover up my dick with my hand. Derek looked down at what I was trying to cover up, “there’s no point in trying to cover it up because I’ve been watching you for the last fifteen minutes. You have nothing to be embarrassed about!” He began sizing me up and down as he stood up off the bench, grabbing a pec in one hand and a bicep in the other squeezing to feel their hardness. I couldn’t help but flex in response to this sudden worship session. Derek leaned his head in and licked my bicep, making his way to my armpit and licking it as well. “My god you’ve gotten so fucking huge!” Derek said as he reached down and grabbed onto my crotch. He looked me in the eyes and I asked him “wanna help me get even bigger?” I had never seen a smirk so big on Derek’s face before, but his dick did the answering as it throbbed in between my thighs as he leaned in and began licking my nipples. I reached around Derek for my duffel bag, finding my torn shorts. I reached into the pocket and grabbed a blue pill with a white stripe. “Here, take this and will help both of us grow.” Derek didn’t need to be asked twice. He snatched the pill out of my hand and grabbed a water bottle from my bag and took the pill in a flash. I then reached back into my bag and grabbed a plain blue pill. I grabbed the water bottle out of Derek’s hand and swallowed my ration of growth formula. “You ready for the ride of your life?” I asked Derek as I pushed him back towards the edge of the pool. “Depends? Are you ready to grow?” Derek asked with that same smirk. I grabbed onto Derek’s waist and he jumped latching his legs around my waist. I then waded into the arm pool water as Derek and I slowly embraced in a passionate kiss. Making things in the pool even hotter. Derek’s wiggled his ass on my dick once he felt it slowly growing across his ass. Derek let go of me and grabbed the sides of his speedo and peeled them off his strong sinewy legs revealing a rock hard 7 inch cock, throbbing against his abs, snaking with veins all the way up to a bulging red mushroom head. My dick finally reached its full glory at 8 inches, as I reached out to feel Derek’s amazing pecs and biceps. He began flexing for me and popping his pecs up and down. Derek reached down and grabbed a hold of my dick, slowly stroking it making me moan out loud. He began to increase the pressure he was applying to my raging hard on while he simultaneously increased his momentum, bringing me closer to climax. I had to grab his waist again in order to get this process started. I didn’t want to waste any of the growth formula before I got some of his man milk inside me. I knew of only one way to make Derek begin producing milk and that was to give him the fucking of a lifetime. I reached behind Derek and grabbed onto his ass cheeks, spreading them apart and slowly inserting my thick forefinger into his moistened, smooth hole. This elicited a moan to escape from Derek’s mouth as he began rocking his hips back and forth on my finger, so I decided to slip another finger in. Derek grabbed onto my shoulders, preparing himself for the two finger penetration and he bit onto the nape of my neck. This pushed me over the edge as I pulled out my fingers and repositioned his ready hole over the head of my thick shaft. I slowly lowered him onto my throbbing dick and watched him writhe in my arms in anticipation. Derek groaned as the cock head slowly pushed past his sphincter. Once my dick head was in the rest glided right in behind it thanks to the water as a lubricant. “Fuck me! Grow for me you little muscle bitch!” Derek yelled out in lust. I meant to keep my promise, so I began pounding his tight hole. Derek bounced off my torso, his ass slapping against the water every time he came back down my pole. As I began increasing the intensity of my fucking, I noticed Derek was starting to get heavier. I looked down to see that the pill was finally starting to take effect. His pecs had begun pushing further our making a shelf for his chin to rest on. Veins started popping all over his pecs as they engorged bigger with more muscle, his nipples slowly pointing towards the water. I reached up with one hand while still supporting Derek’s ass with the other, to tweak his nipple. Derek’s eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned deep and long and I watched as white fluid began trickling down my finger and then my hand. I brought my hand towards my mouth and inserted my milk covered fingers. “Mmmmmmm you taste delicious Derek. Time to watch me grow!” As I continued pumping my dick in and out of Derrick’s ass, I leaned my mouth in towards Derek’s nipple, having to lean him back in order to gain access to his nipple which was now at the bottom of his pec. I latched onto his left nipple and began to suck. I felt my mouth fill with a warm deliciously sweet liquid. My senses were on fire as I swallowed. It felt like an out of body experience as my entire body felt extremely energized. I began to suck harder, wanting more and more of this sensation. Derek lay floating on top of the water as I continued impaling him on my dick. Holding his waist and pulling his body into mine and then pushing him away, all while I continued to suck on his sweet nectar. I watched as I slowly deflated his left pec, leaving the right one looking ridiculously massive. The right pec looked so full, like it was going to burst with all the milk inside of it at any second. As the flow from the left pec slowed down to a trickle, I let go of his left pec and began the same process on Derek’s right pec. The sensation was clearly too much for Derek as I felt his dick throb against my gut and his seed shot all over the water, making it cloudier than it already was. All the precum that was leaking out of Derek’s ass had turned the pool into a hazy fluid. I watched Derek’s eyes as they fluttered back into their head. I sucked even harder making Derek moan in ecstasy. I felt his right pec flow slow down and I unlatched my mouth to look down at a normal Derek. Although his pecs seemed to retain some extra mass from the initial inflation. I could feel myself getting closer to climax as I slowly pulled my dick out of Derek’s ass and then plunged back in to the hilt. I rested Derek’s back against the buoys in the pool as he continued to float on the water with a dazed look in his eye. Now I was able to let go of him as he was supported by the buoy, I reached my hand up and grasped onto my nipples watching my dick go in and out of Derek’s ass. As I stood there twisting my nipples, I felt myself go over the edge. I felt my cock throb even larger inside of Derek’s ass as I began unleashing my torrent of jizz into his insides. As I began to shoot into Derek, I felt a strange sensation come over my whole body. Like a good stretch in each and every one of my muscles. My dick felt like it was getting even harder and I looked down to see the outline of my dick under Derek’s abs as it bulged thicker and longer. I also noticed that my gut was gone, and in its place was 4 rows of rock solid abs accentuated by throbbing veins. I slowly lost view of my abs as my pecs bulge thicker and wider, my nipples slowly being pulled down further across my chest. I felt a tingling sensation in my arms and shoulders, so I brought my arms up into a double bicep flex and watched as the peaks began to rise higher and my arms got thicker around as my triceps hung further down on my arms. I watched as more and more veins snaked their way across my arms, bulging thicker, feeding all of my new mass. My forearms inflated to match my newly amassed biceps, slowly turning into bulging throbbing bowling pin shaped muscles. I put my arms down to my sides, only to find them being pushed out by my inflating lats. I began to grow wings underneath my triceps as I could feel my back stretching wider like a cobra hood. I could then feel my ass bulge out further and get even harder than it was before. “Chris will have a hard time getting into this ass!” I said out loud as I reached my hand back flexing my ass as I squeezed it between my fingers. My legs grew stronger by the second as my thighs were being pushed apart by the bulging muscle. I began flexing my calves, feeling them bunch up into hard diamonds of muscle. I let out a guttural moan as I felt my dick throbbing inside Derek’s ass one last time. I unleashed a huge torrent of jizz into his already overfilled insides as I watched his stomach bulging further out than mine was after Chris fucked me. I began walking towards the edge of the pool again, holding Derek against my body with my enlarged dick still inside his ass. He no longer could hold anymore cum inside him and the entire walk back to the edge of the pool gallons of cum had been pumping out of his ass and into the water. I stepped out of the water, carrying Derek’s unconscious body over to the bench by the bathrooms. Still shooting jizz into his overstuffed ass all that cum shooting back out of his ass and onto the tiled floor, making a loud squirting noise each time. I laid Derek on the bench and pulled my still rock hard dick out, shooting cum all over Derek and the bench. I grabbed hold of my dick and began jerking it wildly, increasing the amount of cum I was shooting out. By the time I was done, Derek was completely covered in jizz and the tile was hidden underneath a pool of jizz. Not to mention the entire Olympic sized pool was now a solid cloud of white. I laughed a little as I realized I had also covered my duffel bag in jizz. So I went into the bathroom to find Derek’s bag on the floor, safe from the pool of jizz. I opened it to find an oversized pair of sweats and a varsity swim team tank top. I struggled to squeeze the sweat pants over my thighs and my ass barely fit in the material, stretching the fabric to an almost see through effect. I then rolled the tank over my head and popped my arms though the holes and slowly peeled the shirt over my torso. The shirt was taught and straining at the seams around my pecs, but was loose around my midsection. I headed back out into the swimming pool and took one more look at Derek. I figured he would have a lot of questions once he woke up, so I fished through my soggy duffel bag to find an untouched piece of parchment paper and a pen. I also grabbed the last off the pills from my tattered clothes and slipped them into the sweats pockets. I jotted a quick note onto the piece of paper explaining that Derek would really benefit from getting a good workout in. I headed out of the swimming pool leaving Derek in a pool of cum in his extreme state of bliss. “It’s time to find Eric and show him how I grew.” Continued in Blue Pill Part 7
  8. Jaypat

    Troy's Maggot

    TROY “There you are, you fucking wimp!! Hey! Don’t try to run… Ok, fine, you want it the hard way. There, see? I told you not to run. I caught you pretty fast, didn’t I? Looking at these monster quads of mine, you might think they’d make me slow and awkward, but hell, no! They’re like fucking steel springs; so fucking powerful, I fucking fly across the ground! Not like those fucking sticks you walk around on. Put any fucking strain on those things, looks like they’d snap. Haha. “Hey, hey, don’t fucking struggle, you goddamn stick-boy, I don’t want to hurt you. Yeah, that’s right, for once I don’t want to hurt you… Besides, no way you could break my grip. See those wide-ass rippling forearms with those thick veins running up them and straight over my fucking huge, 18-inch, chiseled biceps - that’s one inch for every year I’ve been alive, haha– they’re way too much for your puny, soft, weakling body to fight against… But then you know that. I’ve shown you often enough, throwing you around like a fucking rag doll, before mashing your face against my stone-like abs. So, stop struggling cause if I want to fuck with you, there ain’t nothing you can do about it. “There, that’s better. I’m going to let go of you now. Don’t try running cause I’d just catch you again. You run like a fucking girl, you know that? There, that’s good. Now you just sit there and listen to what I have to say. “Hunter, Jack and I were sitting around talking about genetics… yeah, you know Hunter and Jack, don’t you? I can tell you’re scared of them, too. Haha. Well, we were talking about how all three of us had great genetics ’cause we’re all pretty fucking jacked for 18-year-olds. Haha. I see your eyes bugging out every time I flex this fucking 18-inch bad boy bi o’mine. He’s fucking awesome, isn’t he? Anyway, we’ve all got pretty fucking big arms and huge-ass legs, and pecs like cannon balls, backs like walls and stomachs like cement… anyway, we got to talkin about how some dudes probably have great genetics but never do anything with them. “That’s when you came up. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a total stick-boy. Jeeze, it’s embarrassing how skinny you are. But if you worked at it, and I mean hard, I think you got the potential to be a fucking beast. “Hunter didn’t agree with me. He thought Ralphie Bennet had the most potential. Yeah, Ralphie’s a friend of yours, isn’t he? I mean any dude can put on some muscle, but looking at the way you’re put together vs him, I think you could out class him easy. “Don’t fucking blush, wuss, I’m not gay for you or anything. I just think you’ve got better genetics than Ralphie Bennet. Jack picked Simon Philips, if you can believe it. Philips? There has never been a more natural born wimp! “So we all got into a kind of argument over it, and that kind of turned into a bet. So now we each have until graduation to put muscles on our dudes. Then we see whose boy gets the biggest. “Don’t shake your head at me, loser, this is the best thing that ever happened to you. I’ll make a man out of you! You’ll be able to walk down the street with your head held high in a fucking man’s body, not a fucking stick figure. And you’ll do it because while you do, you’ll be under my protection and no one will fucking mess with you. I can see you like that. And if you don’t do it, I’ll make your life hell every single day for the rest of high school. Is that understood? “Good, good. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s see what we’ve got to work with. Take off your shirt. Take it off, damn it! Listen, maggot, you have to do what I tell you, whatever I tell you, whenever I tell you to do it if we’re going to pull this off, understand? From now until graduation, I own you! Your ass is mine! So, take your fucking shirt off! I’m not going to tell you again! “Ok, you asked for it! “Yeah, I ripped your fucking shirt off! What are you going to fucking do about it? That’s what I thought. Next time I tell you to do something, do it or I’ll rip your fucking head off! Got it, Maggot? “Good! Now let’s see what we’ve got… Jeeze, you’re fucking pathetic. Stick-thin flabby arms, no fucking chest at all, and you have a fucking paunch. You’re 18 years old; how do you have a fucking paunch? Don’t shrug you’re skinny-ass shoulders at me, Maggot. I’m going to take off my shirt. Check this out! “Look at my fucking bulging striated pecs! Look at my cobblestone abs! Feel them, Maggot. Stick out your skinny little fingers and feel them. Feel how hard they are? Like fucking steel! Check out the V taper of my thickly muscled back! You’ve already seen the guns, but I’m going to give you another look. Bam! There they are, Righty and Lefty. Righty’s a bit bigger, but Lefty’s struggling to catch up. “You’ve got these same muscles buried deep somewhere in your skinny little carcass, and I’m going to bring them out, each and every fucking one of them! How does that make you feel, Maggot? Does it excite you? It should. I remember the first time I saw a big dude on TV when I was about 8. I knew I wanted to be just like him when I grew up, wanted to feel all that huge, thick, powerful muscle all over me, and now I do! Didn’t you ever fucking want that, Maggot? I don’t know how anyone can stand to be like you. You’ve got a body like a twelve-year-old boy. How can you fucking stand to be like that? Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Soon you’ll be bigger, a lot fucking bigger. You’ll be a fucking muscle dork. You’ll be the biggest, strongest fucking muscle dork this school has ever seen. And if you’re not, I will fucking kill you. Brian’s Journal Day 1 Oh my god, what do I do now? Troy Watkins, the bane of my existence, wants to make me his… his monkey-boy. I guess that’s the best word for it. He wants to train me so he can win some stupid bet he made with his wrestling buddies. His trained monkey… I’d say fuck that, but I don’t really have any choice in the matter. Jesus, the arms on that dude. I’ve never seen anything like that; they’re like fucking grapefruits bulging out of his arms, vein covered, rock-hard grapefruits! I mean I always knew he had to be jacked, but shit… I didn’t know guys our age could get arms that big! And the rest of him… his muscles are monstrously huge! His body looks so fucking powerful… Jeeze, I’m starting to get hard. That’s weird… but his brick wall abs and his massive chest… He could squash me like a bug… damn… oh fuck… And that powerful stone wall of a stomach… heaving in and out as he breathed…I’m so fucking hard right now… brb… That’s better. Damn, guess my hormones are out of control or something. Anyway, Jack Colby is doing the same thing to Ralphie. I called him when I got home and sure enough, he got pretty much the same speech from Hunter that I got from Troy. We’re both kinda fucked. And I guess the same thing is happening to Simon Philips, although neither of us really knows him. We tried to think of a way to get out of it, but the only thing that either of us could think of, is to get these douches to choose someone else for their little contest. So we came up with a list of guys who aren’t jocks, but who look like they could be. And tomorrow, we’re going to drop a few of these names and see what happens. Wish me luck. I’m going to need it. Link to Part 2
  9. momoware

    Memoirs of Young Muscle 1

    “I’ve been waiting for a very long time to find someone like you Alexander. A young man with brute strength, excellent genetics and a raging testosterone factory between his legs. Most importantly though, you have inside yourself an overwhelming desire to be huge, and you will be, with my help. I’m going to fund you in every way you could possibly need to become the biggest, freakiest bodybuilder on the planet. You’ll have muscle growing out of muscle and you’ll have the body of your dreams. I truly can’t wait to make that happen for you. Are you on board?” Alexander was unsure how to feel and what to say. Mr. Richards had invited him down to his beachfront mansion after being spotted taking a dip in a small pond a few miles inland. After a brief chat with Alexander, Mr. Richards knew that he had found what he had always been looking for. Alexander had never had an outlet to talk about his goals and fantasies before, so he was extremely open with Mr. Richards, explaining that in the past few months he had been training hard using an assortment of rudimentary gym apparatus that he had largely designed himself. Mr. Richards eyed the young man’s bulging upper arms, that he could not believe were the result of just a few months of lifting weights at home. The quads were mighty oaks too, with a big meaty ass at their north end that for practically any other bodybuilder would have been unachievable without significant pain, hard years squatting and probably even steroids. He was the whole package. Having waited to fully comprehend all that had happened, he finally responded, in a way that shocked and thrilled Mr. Richards. “You’ve been very welcoming to me today Mr. Richards, and I’m grateful. I’m going to accept your offer, but first I need to make somethings clear.” He stood up and walking to the other side of the table where Mr. Richards sat. He placed his large hands on Mr. Richards shoulders, squeezing the average sized man’s delts. “In just three months of training I’ve achieved all this, turn round and get a proper look.” Alexander removed his shirt, and then his boxer shorts, the only clothes he had had on prior. He proceeded to hit several of the standard bodybuilding poses. A classic front double biceps opened the show; he pumped each arm up repeatedly with several big gulps of air entering his enormous chest. The arms were remarkable. They were even well defined, considering that rest of his form still showed signs of high body fat. His chest and stomach drooped slightly under the weight of fat that was rapidly disappearing. The shape of well-formed pecs and abdominals lurked beneath this layer of fat, and that opportunity for development excited Mr. Richards. A fat cock and a big ball sack hung beneath the stomach, and from the second he felt eyes watching him the cock began to grow harder. He moved into a lat spread that saw developing muscle wings fly out from either side. They weren’t large, but they were impressive for an amateur after so little time working out. This pose made Alexanders pecs ascend slightly, giving his overall physique a more solid look. Finally came a stunning abdominals and thigh pose that began with him lifting his left leg three feet into the air and pounding it down to the ground with a thud that struck fear and admiration into Mr. Richards. The beginnings of quad striations were beginning to show, and an oversized calf jutted out halfway down form the knee. Alexander’s cock had risen to full mast by this point. He strutted over to Mr. Richards, arms not touching the sides of his bulky body and without forewarning rammed the huge meat into his patron’s waiting mouth. He continued talking as he thrust his cock in and out of the delighted billionaire’s jaw. “So you see, if you want me to cooperate, we’re going to have a professional relationship. And that professional relationship first and foremost means me on top, always. I’m in charge here, even though I’m doing this for your pleasure. We’re going to make both of us happy, but doing it my way. In exchange for your cooperation with this agreement I’ll never look elsewhere for support, it will all come from you. My cock is exclusively yours, and your ass is exclusively mine. I’m going to dominate you in ways you can’t even imagine yet, and we’ll both fucking love it.” Alexander decided that he wouldn’t continue this forced blowjob any longer, he was far too keen to get down to the business of growing. Besides, there would be a great many more opportunities to fuck Mr. Richards into oblivion. Mr. Richards was overcome with delight at this news. “Well, Alexander, that arrangement, as I’m sure you can imagine pleases me a great deal. So, I won’t waste any time in telling you what we have planned for you.” He stood up and marched across the room, pulling open a curtain that had split the room in half. Behind it stood a line of people looking into the distance. “These will be your coaches along the road to greatness for you Alexander. This is Franco, he will be training your lower body, look at his quads!” Sure enough, Franco was one of the IFBB’s most celebrated bodybuilding veterans, famed for his ripped and massive quads. He hit a similar abdominals and thigh pose, but this one, unlike, Alexander’s before, shook the entire room. “And this is Connor, he’ll be training your upper body. You’ll notice he’s got some real melon shoulder, and those pecs, woof! Adrian will be your dietician and chef, inform him later of any requests or needs you have, although I should warn you, success in bodybuilding does not consist of culinary pleasures, and lastly this is Tony, who will be your posing instructor. We’ll start you training posing right away, so that by the time you’ve trimmed that stomach down and put on some more mass you’ll already be a dab hand at it. Tony, what did you think of that posing you saw earlier?” Tony, who had also been an IFBB mainstay for many years stepped forward and directly approached Alexander. He was two inches taller and had about 100lbs of muscle over the 23 year old. “It was really good Alex,” He got up behind the still naked Alexander and held his large waist, “Once this waist gets down to maybe 34 inches we’ll show you how to get some swing in your posing, it looks great on stage and it’ll really highlight your abs and obliques, it’s going to look amazing, I can guarantee you that. Mr. Richards said we won’t spare a penny in turning you into the ultimate muscle machine.” Mr. Richards leaned into Alexander’s boyish face, “Well done Alexander, we’re going to turn your genetic giftedness into your dreams come true soon, let’s get to work.”
  10. It had been a long day, slaving away in my cubicle. The drudgery of routine had long since taken over any type of excitement I may have ever had about my job. I was middle age, out of shape, and quite frankly broken. And as I completed the arduous tasks put to me by my boss, and drove through the rush hour traffic back to my apartment, I had ample time to reflect on my station in life. I pulled up to my complex, drug myself out of the car, and nearly tripped on a box that had been unceremoniously been tossed near my front door. I opened my door, and kicked the box in. I went through the routine of cleaning, cooking, eating, and doing my rituals after work, when I noticed the box on the floor where I'd kicked it. Walking over to it, I noticed that there was no identifying label on it. It wasn't addressed to anyone, and apparently hadn't come from anyone. Curious, I opened the box somewhat hesitantly. I dunno, maybe I thought something was going to jump out at me. No movement, so I took the top completely off and found what I thought was a blue, shiny tank top resting at the bottom. I'm by no means athletic, too many hours of a wasted youth in front of video games rather than doing anything outside. Not fat, really, just not 'muscular', or anyone that could in any way fill out a tank top. I pulled it out, and realized, it wasn't just a tank top, it appeared to be a onesie. Maybe a wrestling singlet? Ok, now I know somebody screwed up - I have absolutely no business using or wearing this. I turn it over in my hands, the fabric must be that spandex / lycra stuff. It's shiny, and looks like it's supposed to hug against whoever's wearing it. It's got some white inlays on the side - made well, looks durable. It looks like it's an XL, probably would fit someone 220-225 lbs or so, maybe heavier. I look down at my 165 lb body and laugh slightly to myself. Looking back at the singlet, on the right leg is a little white square with a red logo of what looks like a stickman with his hands raised. The word "Brute" under the logo on the tag. "Yep," I think, "you'd have to be one to wear one of these things." Holding the singlet, I thought of those pictures I'd seen of college athletes completely going at it. There was something of a primal urge to dominate about them. I guess I could see that. I looked closer at it, then back at myself in the mirror I'd walked over to my brown eyes nestled under a unruly mop of black hair that sort of defied any meaningful style. Why not. I stripped down to nothing and realized that besides being painfully pale, having no muscle to even mention, and looking as far from an athlete as one can be, I had no idea how to put one of these things on. No zippers or anything, so I guess it's in through the neck. I stepped in and put each leg through the appropriate holes, then without much effort draped the straps over my nonexistent shoulders. It was laughable, really. My legs didn't even come close to touching the holes that were meant to grab them, and if I didn't hold the straps on my shoulders, they'd fall down my arms. The neck line was so large, it draped past my smooth 'chest' and would've exposed my abs if I'd had any. I looked like a little kid in their big brother's wrestling gear. It really reminded me of when I'd tried on my first singlet - my big brother's in fact. I couldn't have been more than 5 or 6 and was really curious about the sport. He was a high school wrestler back then, very muscular. Someone I looked up to. I loved his legs. They were his secret weapon. He really overtrained legs, something his coach loved because of the strength, but his quads got so big he had to customize his singlets, the leg holes were just too small. I widened my stance in front of the mirror, shifting my weight. I smiled to myself. My legs were bigger than his. My singlet digging into my deeply etched quads, every muscle standing at stark relief. Square stances were always hard for me, but they were my favorite. Fake out whoever I was rolling with at the time, let them think they have the advantage, then Boom! - Quads sprung, and immediate take down. Plus, with legs this big, it was almost impossible to get my lead leg out without a waddle to adjust my hip position that threw me off balance. I reached down to touch my legs, and felt the singlet rub against my abs. I stood straight and saw my 8 pack, in stark relief, like the singlet had been vacuum packed on my torso. God I'd worked to train those. I wasn't gonna let anybody get backs on me! Had to get my bridges just right, and the secret was always a tight core. Hours doing bridges, planks, anything to build a bulletproof torso. Dieted like hell to get 'em, but damn did it pay off. I rolled my bowling ball shoulders, trying to get some room from the straps clinging onto my traps, moving my huge bi's off my lats, the singlet almost digging into the cobra hood that was my back. I raised an arm and flexed a 21 inch bicep in the mirror, a cocky grin on my face. Coach always said my pecs and my arms were going to kill my growth allowance. I never gave a fuck though. The size is what was made my opponents run screaming. Hell, they'd basically stick themselves to the mat if I just glanced at them. Sure I'd bare my teeth and give a guttural growl, but that's beside the point. I looked at the veins snaking their way down my massive forearms and up my bi's and tri's to my shoulders. Faces of opponents those arms had wrapped up and took down flashed past. Even guys that had more mat time than I did couldn't get past my sheer strength. Those shoulders gave me more inner control than any opponent I ever faced. My pecs strained against the fabric of the singlet. A deep trench between them. They were so big, the singlet actually folded up underneath them, just accentuating my immense size. I flexed a most muscular, the blood rushing into the muscle, pumping the veins larger, and let out a primal roar, my deep voice echoing through my room. I gave a deep dumb laugh. It was something I'd always done at staging at any tournament. Scared the hell outta anyone around me. I mean after all I was a monster. Not a shred of fat or water on me, and nothing but dense, powerful, primal muscle. Holding the pose, feeling an almost orgasmic pump, I saw a blond glint on my chest. Damn, the hair was already growing back - I'd never get through the groom check like that. It'd had been a problem since high school when I started juicing - my transition from human to mutant beast. Sophomore year, it'd gotten so bad it earned me the name "Beast". I liked that though. Primal, masculine...dominating. My 10 in cock stirred to life just thinking about controlling an opponent, toying with them, then using my raw strength to force them to the mat and make them submit - Holy shit I almost blew my load - God I love wrestling! I looked back, game face on, locking stares with the blue-eyed blond hulk in the mirror. My deep tan and flawless skin popped agains the shiny blue of the singlet. I gave a deep growl, never breaking the penetrating gaze to my opponent: myself. This would be my last year wrestling for the college, but maybe I could go on and trade in my singlet for posing trunks. I was almost bigger than most of those bodybuilders anyway. and the thought of getting even bigger - I flexed my lats, arms and chest again and watched the raw power in the striations - transitioning from beast to full on mutant. Oh yeah. That was me. Pure masculine muscle and raw power. I noticed the clock - 1 hour before practice. Better get to the gym, coach does not like to be kept waiting. I flexed a double bi in the mirror, lats straining against the blue fabric. The Brute logo stretched out against my quads. "Damn right I fuckin am!", I gave a knowing grin at the stud in the mirror and strutted off to the gym.
  11. My Weekend JOB part three by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6983-my-weekend-job-part-one/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7119-my-weekend-job-part-two/ The last two nights had brought about some incredible role play, video viewing, and jacking off. It also had brought about some tremendous growth. Joshua, Brent, Andrixos, & Darien, originally being 5' 9", 6' 3", 6' 4", and 6' 1" respectively, the later three having average builds with a little pooch, and Joshua being a tad overweight, had all grown into some large 6' 10" tall men, with strong enough builds to place them on a soccer or maybe even a rugby field. Waking up that Sunday morning and realizing they were now some big, athletic men, with schlongs a size that would scare any gay porno star and embarrass Jonah Falcon for being tiny, the four were staring at each other slightly speechless. Eventually the silence was broken Darien. "Alright.... we've grown. We've all grown. How are we going to get back to our lives? We have no clothes to wear. People are going to notice. I doubt we even have shoes now. My feet don't look small in the slightest and the rest of you look to have equal size dogs compared to mine." "I may be able to help with the shoes." said Brent. "Depending upon what size we are, I have my whole giant shoe collection with me. We might be able to fit into some of them. I also have a large version of the device used to measure shoes." Brent reached in and pulled it out of his suit case. "And I can take care of some temporary clothes." spoke Joshua. "I've received some bonuses at work and I had some suits made. Originally I had these four made in case Brent and I grew again, but since all four of us have grown, might as well let each man have one to leave here dressed." With that, Joshua pulled out four athletic work out suits: tank top, t-shirt, shorts, and pants. All royal blue, white stripe down the leg, white piping along the sleeve hem and collars. Then a smile appeared across Joshua's face. "In fact I might be able to help out more." Joshua walked over to the little dinette table, which looked even smaller to him now than it did before, and turned on his laptop. In a few moments, after doing some quick searching, he turned and addressed the other three men. "There's a Big N Tall Men's Store not far from here. If we take measurements, we could see if there is someone there to go ahead and make any necessary adjustments, have them choose some outfits, alter them, and then pick them up later on today. I have enough funds I could probably pay for about three outfits for us each. That would give us four, enough to make through half the week and even the rest if you immediately washed those clothes." "What do we do until the clothes are ready?" asked Andrixos "Well, ... we could get cleaned up, go out for breakfast or lunch, walk around the mall or the park and get a feel for how big we are now compared to other folks. I mean...think about it. We can't walk straight through most doorways now due to height, maybe not even due to our shoulder width without extra muscle. We all thought Andrixos was pretty tall at 6' 4" and now we're six inches taller than how tall he used to stand." The others liked and agreed to the idea, save one small objection from Brent, who only wanted to measure everyone's feet to see if he had shoes to let them use. Of course, their feet were huge... they were up to a US Men's size 21. Luckily, Brent had recently bought two extra pair of size 24 that he came across, so he had four pairs of that size to allow each one of them to be able to wear some shoes, although they were three sizes too large. And so, each one of them took a good long turn in the bathroom shaving, taking a shower, and...well, they did now have a foot and half long cock when erect, and as each one of them began to hold it, heft it, raise it, and eventually play with it, they began to realize it was extremely sensitive and the act of just giving one good stroke sent a jolt of pleasure down over their ample balls and up their abs, spine, and into their lower lip. This of course was accompanied by groans, moans, and grunts that were lower and deeper than any of them had uttered before and only fueled desire by the other three men waiting outside the bathroom door. After Andrixos had finished his turn in the bath, the last of the four, he strode out smiling and smirking. "Man.... I don't know about you guys, but I can't actually wear my underwear. It's too small for my package. I need to wear my new shorts as underwear and let that cock hang down a leg." "I hear what your sayin'." Said Brent. "The bulge I was creating was really far out there, and my underwear, without moving, was so restrictive it racked my balls just standing there." All four of the men laughed and absent mindedly cupped their cock and balls. Bathed and dressed the four men hit the town and had the time of their lives. They all had to adjust the seat in their cars to allow ample leg room. They nearly had to tilt their heads in their cars as well. The loved when they bent forward or bent their legs how the fabric was pulling slightly tight against their ass or their thighs or better yet pulling and stroking their hanging cocks. Once at the restaurant, they chose a Golden Corral for the buffet, they marvel at how almost everyone, save a few other tall men like themselves or a mere few taller kids or adults who did or used to play basketball, were so much shorter than them, especially since the men all seemed to be hovering close to their shoulder chin to shoulder level at most. They thrilled and nearly got erect as people kept stopping them and asking them if they were on a basketball team, or how tall were they, or could they compare shoes or hands. More than once they were asked to stand and give height comparisons, or asked to receive a phone number from some woman or man giving coy smiles and a wink. Not to mention how flabbergasted they were to see how much food, individually, let alone all four of them could pack away at one sitting now. They then roamed the local mall and had fun attempting to find fitting clothes in any of the stores, as well as receiving more requests and inquiries for comparisons and size information. After that they went to a park where, after Darien's purchase of a basketball at the mall, they took off their shirts and their pants and proceeded to play a couple of rounds of two on two basketball. They couldn't believe how much more in health they were, how much stronger, how high they could jump, how much closer the basket seemed to them. They enjoyed the jumping even more though, for it caused their penises to bounce and flop and they could feel its new heft and weight pulling on their groin along with their large and full testicles. They were sure they became semi-erect more than once while playing, and were more turned on by the fact they were fairly certain someone was taking pictures of them, or rather their ample cock peaking out just past their short hem. After peeling off their tank tops, much to the delight of several women and men who tried in various incognito ways to watch them play ball, they wiped themselves down and put their tshirts and pants back on. They then went to the Big N Tall Men's store and collected their new clothing. This was then taken back to the hotel, where after thanking Joshua, they packed up their things, said good-bye, and went their separate ways. Joshua got in late enough to avoid the "welcome home" from his friend, Lawrence. He wasn't sure how he was ever going to break this kind of news to his friend. "Oh, hey, Lawrence. Yeah, in case you didn't notice over the last two weeks I've gone from 3 or so inches shorter than you to almost being a foot taller, but that's no big deal." He collapsed into his bed, which was now about half a foot too short for him, and soon went fast asleep. **************************************************************************** The next morning was a series of bumps, bruises, and curse words. Not used to his new size, and the weekend seeming more like a dream than usual, Joshua managed to stub his toes, bang his knees, thump his head, and slam his shoulders into this, that, and everything else in his house. That doesn't even cover the "morning piss fiasco" that occurred. Forgetting how much larger his prick was, or the fact that he was taller and farther from the toilet than he ever was before, he managed to let loose about half his bladder all over the place before he finally made it dead shot , center of the toilet bowl. After cleaning the bathroom, applying a band-aid, or two, to his head, readjusting the ceiling fans, and having breakfast, Joshua attempted to sit and think about what he was going to do for the day. That's when there was a knock on the door, right as Joshua was ready to tromp back upstairs. "Josh! Josh! You in there? C'mon man, I know you take a day off the Monday following your mandatory job weekends." Joshua nearly froze. He knew what Lawrence's next move would be; to look through the door window on the right side of the door from Lawrence's point of view. That window looks straight onto the staircase. There was no time, nor any way for Joshua to run up their stairs without making a tremendous amount of sound, not with a 6' 10" athletic frame. With that realization he turned and attempted to as gracefully as possible step as far as he could, onto his toes, across the hallway, in front of the door, and into the living room. Managing to do so without too much noise, he turned into the bay area of his living room, but hung close to the wall. He watched the hallway floor through the hall-living room doorway. When he saw the shadow come across and leave that area of the floor, he turned on his tip toes back into the hallway and then down the corridor into the kitchen. He moved out of the hallway -kitchen doorway in case Lawrence looked in through either the right or left door side windows. He began to stare at the pantry, wondering what, and how much, to fix for breakfast. His stomach was growling and he was pretty sure it was loud enough Lawrence could hear it outside. But then, Joshua heard a click. It was his back gate opening. "Oh shit!" Thought Joshua. In one split second Lawrence could be walking up the deck steps and could see him through the kitchen window. If he attempted to go back down the hallway, he'd be spotted. If he turned to go through the doorway from breakfast nook to the living room, he'd be spotted providing Lawrence walked across the rest of the deck and went to look through the sliding glass door. The only option was the pantry. Joshua moved quickly and just in time, for as soon as he stepped into the pantry, Lawrence's face was there at the kitchen widow. Seeing the shadow move from the floor, meaning Lawrence left the window position, Joshua attempted to close the pantry door. He couldn't. Between his feet and his shoulders, Joshua was too big to close the door quickly. Seeing the shadow on the floor indicate Lawrence was as the sliding glass door, Joshua attempted to walk further into the pantry. It wasn't exactly two people deep, especially now that Joshua was a 6' 10" athletic male. Leaning against the upper cabinets, with his butt resting against the counter, Joshua held his breath hoping that from the angle Lawrence was at, if any part of himself showed, the refrigerator would block enough of the view to hide him. Luckily it did. That out of the way, Joshua decided to make one big decision, especially after checking his bank accounts. There was no way to hide this growth from his boss and coworkers unless he didn't appear there at all. With a quick phone call and an explanation of a family emergency, Joshua apologized for the short notice and quit his job. He then went upstairs and donned his wrestling max, stripped to his athletic shorts, and turned on his main computer, camera, and called up CAM4. He had been doing very well with his persona of Clyde S'Dale, and was certain more people than ever would pay to see him and his physique now. Indeed it didn't fail. More and more people wanted to see the tall, slightly muscular stud with a horse sized dong. He played coy, and never really answered how big it was, just giving slightly vague answers like, "Up to my second row of abs..." or something else like that. Five days, a couple hundred private shows, and several thousand dollars received later, Joshua received a phone call from Brent. It sounded almost like Brent was going mad. Not mad as in crazy, but driven insane by an urge or desire he had to have. He wanted to meet with Joshua again, he needed to, he HAD to. In fact he told Joshua that Andrixos and Darien had expressed and urgent need to meet again as well. Joshua had to admit he'd been feeling a need to meet up with them as well. It might not have been as strong an urge since he was giving nearly hourly shows on the web with his body and his huge schlong, but he definitely felt a necessity to meet with them again. Besides with the weekend coming up, he needed to find some way of avoiding a job free Lawrence who for the last few days was pounding on his door and even notifying the police to drop by for a check-up. Deciding what city would be the best for the four of them to meet in, Joshua paid for the hotel room, and then went to pack what clothes he had that fit, his lap top, a camera, and several wrestling masks. He loaded the car in the garage and then making sure the coast was clear of Lawrence's spying eyes, took off to meet his friends. ************************************************************************* Brent, Andrixos, and Darien were a little surprised when on the elevator ride up, they figured out that the room number coordinated with a top floor room. Their jaw nearly hit the floor when, after knocking, Joshua opened up the door and led them into the Prince's suite. There was an entry way with two large walk-in closets, then a central great room that contained generous space for a living room and an area for a full kitchenette and small dining area. Off that room, in opposite directions were a bedroom each, complete with king size bed, a full closet space, and an en suite bath/shower with Jacuzzi tub. "weoooooooooo" Andrixos whistled. "That must have been some bonus you got from your job and then they just promoted you....big time!" "Actually I quit my job." replied Joshua. "Then how can you afford this?" asked, Brent. "Easy... I've been wearing a mask, wrestling briefs, and whipping it out and jacking online." "What?!?" said the other three men. "No way! You mean you've been earning money jacking off for folks online?" said Darien. "Yep. They like to see tall, built, or hung men, posing, stripping, and jacking. We're all three. I mean hell. I had one guy plop down $250 just so he and he alone could watch my cock go from flaccid to erect. Then allowed me to open my cam back up for others to see me strut my stuff and then pay to view me jack." "How much are they paying to watch you jack?" "Depends on who's on, how many are on, and how much they each have. Yesterday afternoon I had a bidding war going on. Guys wanted to watch me and have me talk to them and only them. Had one guy from England, two from Germany, three from Saudi Arabia, one from Dubai, and another three from Japan all bidding. I was about ready to cum just watching the prices go up. The bidding took almost twenty minutes, finally won by one of the guys from Japan. Paid $25,000 just to watch me beat off and talk with him about it." Joshua could watch the other three men move and shift. Their faces going from awe and inspired looks to ones of almost pain. At the same time their pants began to stretch out in front of them in various ways: either their package bulge became fuller and rounder, mounding more and more, or this extremely thick, long line suddenly ran down their pants leg, crotch to knee. "Fuck!" Cried Brent. "If I wasn't horny before, I sure am now. Thinking about all those men on line, just wanting to see you, watch you, be in awe and nearly worshipping you and your growing cock, or your muscles, or height...." "As I understand it, you all had problems with being horny." "Well, yeah." said Andrixos. "Only...we've been trying to keep our jobs, our regular lives. Been kind of hard trying to figure out how to explain this growth spurt. At the same time, we've been walking around looking down at guys now, being so much taller than them, and having to duck through doors, and being able to handle more and more weight in the gym... .... ... it's been a huge fucking turn on. I've been wanting to jack and jack and jack!" "Same goes for me." said Darien. Brent spoke up. "And me, although my family wound up finding out. It kind of worked out alright, as I haven't really seen them in a couple of years, but they're all wanting me to get checked out for a brain tumor now. Still... the looks admiration, lust, and jealousy I catch from women and especially guys as I pass them.... ... ... it's so hot. I get boned all the time. I had to pick up salt-peter so I could go to work without sprouting an erection while there." "Well, even with my jacking off daily, hourly, I'm still horned up, extremely active, and sperm producing. I think our new sized testicles are just pumping extremely high levels of testosterone through us." "I'll agree to that." said Andrixos. "I swear I'm developing more hair down my chest and abs." "Well, at any rate, if you guys would be up to making some money and taking care of this horniness at the same time, I've got some extra wrestling masks and we could see how much folks are willing to pay to watch four extremely hung, quite tall, and decently built men take care of each other's needs." As the other three, hearing of what Joshua had been doing, were already about to burst a nut exploding from so much cum churning, there wasn't any opposition to the idea what so ever. In order to help hide identities and location, they decided to pile all their clothing and such into one bedroom, take the paintings off the walls in the other bedroom, pile in on that king size bed, which they made look kind of small, and perform their shows there. They performed one group show and then four solo shows before they finally decided to order up a late dinner. In the middle of teasing and enticing viewers to pay for another show, but letting their cocks go erect and tent their underwear out in impossible fashion, their dinner arrived. Knowing that a towel wasn't going to cover up a damn thing, Brent ran for the door, opened it, stood behind it, with a twenty from Joshua extended around the door and said, "Sorry, shower, just push it in past the door. Thank you, and something for your trouble." The money was taken from Brent's hand, there was a pause and then the cart of food seemed to lurch and zoom forward a good distance from the door heading towards the dinette set. "SHIT!" cried out Brent, as he quickly looked around the door and seeing no one there, slammed it shut and ran to grab the cart. "What's going on out there?" called out Joshua. "Nothing! I guess the bell boy didn't want to accidentally see anyone naked, so he super pushed the cart through the door." "Well, that was kind of a surprise." "Not half as much the surprise as you're gonna get, Josh!" "LAWRENCE!" Suddenly Joshua's friend, Lawrence came rolling, non-gracefully, out from the bottom, skirt covered portion of the cart. He stood up and looked straight into the occupied bedroom and began talking down to his friend. "I've been wondering what's going on. Finding out you've quit your job. You've not answered your phone, me knocking at your door. You're here, off again with one of your work conferences. All work no pla......GOOD GAWD ALMIGHTY!" "Now, Lawrence... Larry. I know this looks a bit odd, but I can explain..." Lawrence began backing out of the doorway. "Three giant masked men....wrestlers..... Joshua... I never knew you were into this kind of kinky stuff. Where are you?" "I'm right here." "I don't see y....oh my gawd. It's... it's a.... a ... bondage -slave thing isn't it. They have you pinned under the covers." "No... Larry...." "You're confined in the closet... tied up aren't you... oh...gawd..." Lawrence had continued to back up to get out of the doorway, but he ran into Brent who was now filling up the space. Startled Lawrence turned and looked at what was blocking his way, and then looked up into the masked face of Brent. Taking a step backwards, Lawrence muttered something and then tripped his own self up and collapsed to the floor. "FOUR! OH... MY...... ugh.....four tall men....tall athletic men.....and all of them with... with... baseball bats for cocks!" "Andrixos, take the keyboard. Have us go dark for about ten to fifteen minutes, tell them we'll be right back after that and not to worry we won't be blowing our load while we're gone." "Right." Joshua got up off the bed and walked past the laptop with the camera and peeled off his mask, staring down at Lawrence. "Oh my gawd! It is you! Josh! What the! How! This is! All this and.... ALL THAT! I need to leave! I need to get out of here... I need to...uh... hmmmm uh-huh.....no....nooooo!" Joshua looked down into his friend's face and then stepped forward, invading Lawrence's space, causing Lawrence to back up. Brent noticing what he was doing and the sound and look coming from Lawrence stepped forward blocking Lawrence's retreat. Joshua stepped forward again pinning Lawrence between himself and Brent. Lawrence was still kind of stammering and now no matter which way he turned his head, his vision was filled with the crescent shaped pectorals of either Joshua or Brent. This was from his straight on vision. He had to look up a titch to notice that he just barely stood a couple of inches...his hair line...over the tops of Joshua and Brent's shoulders. Trying to avoid eye contact or further chest contact, Lawrence cast his eyes downwards, but there his vision was filled with a trim waist line with the hint of very defined abs starting to show, a treasure trail of hair going from chest down to a waistline of very tight and full underwear, even though that treasure trail was almost fully blocked by a cock that was incredibly long and impossibly thick. "UH! Oooh ooh ooohoohoohohohohohohohohohohohoh..." Lawrence almost passed out. But Brent caught him and as Joshua backed a little bit away he could see a wet spot forming and spreading near Lawrence's crotch region. "La... Larry?... .... ... Are you turned on by our size?" "N...n...no... no! I'm not..." "Your pants say you're lying. And uhm...what exactly are you going to do once you leave here?" "I've got to.... I don't know warn your family. Tell them you've somehow become a basketball star and that you're into kinky BDSM or something...whatever this is..." "It's not BDSM, Larry." "It's not?" "No.... it's four men....four grown men.... four very grown men who like showing off their size, their strength, their power. You like men with size, strength, and power, don't you, Larry?" "What? N...n..n..n.no! Why are you looking at me like that? I need to leave and I need to go now." "Nooooo... you drove all this way to find me, why not stay? Enjoy the view? You've got the same kind of view from all four directions." "What?" "Andrixos,... change the heading on our page to Four Giant Horsemen and a Guest. We're going to have some fun." "What I'm not...hmmmmmrrffff" Joshua leaned over and grabbed an extra fifth mask and put it over Lawrence's head and pushed him into the bathroom. "Alright everyone get dressed and help set the laptops and camera's facing the direction of the bathroom, closet, and chairs." When all of that was done, the four men prepared themselves: two sat in the chair, one on the corner of the bed, just able to be seen, and Joshua stood near the doorway of the bathroom. They turned the camera on, announcing they were ready for a show and waited for the people to pay to view. Soon they had filled the private room to capacity, the counter was still flying with incoming payments, and Joshua gave a slight nod to Brent who was reclining on the bed. He knocked on the head board as if it was a door. On that sound, Joshua turned and answered the door, pulling the masked Lawrence through. "Hello, wrestler Adam Atomic. It's good to see you. Well, we hear you think you're a pretty big man in the ring. Do you think you're a big man?" "Uhm....well yeah...." "I don't think you look that big to me. Wrestler Dreadnaught, do you think he looks big?" Picking up on the glance and the starting consonant cue of the name called, Darien stood up and planted himself behind Lawrence, now aka, Adam Atomic. He loomed over the man and then spoke. "Why no, Juggernaut. He just barely comes over the top of our shoulder's he's not a big man at all." "Let's see those pants of yours....take them off." "Wha...what?" "Take off your pants Adam Atomic....." Sheepishly, Lawrence took off his jeans and stood there holding them. "Now, Dreadnaught, you take off your pants and the two of you exchange." Darien did so and after he and Lawrence exchanged pants, Joshua commented. "Now put them on. And tell us, where do the pants come up on one? Dreadnaught, how does Adam's pants fit on you?" "They are a little tight, even around my slim, defined waist. I'm not sure I can get them buttoned. Even if I did, the bottom of them come up to the top of my calves." "And how 'bout you, Adam? Where does Dreadnaught's pants come up to on you?" Lawrence whispered. "my abs..." "I'm sorry what was that?" "m..mm...mmm my... my abs. The top of the pants comes up to the middle of my abs." "Well then you're not very tall are you? So, not a big man that way...Aggressor, come stand behind Adam now. ... ... ... Now, you and Adam exchange shirts." Lawrence looked up at Joshua who just tilted his masked head down and stared hard as he could through the fabric. In just a couple of minutes, Lawrence was taking off his shirt and handing it to Andrixos who did the same. "Put them on, gentlemen." The two did so. Several dings were heard as more people paid even more money for the spectacle they were seeing as Andrixos struggled to get Lawrence's shirt put on. After many twists and turns, assistance from Darien, there he stood the back pulled firmly taught, the sleeves ridding up his deltoids, the chest form fitting across his slight lats and crescent shaped pecs, all of which cause the shirt to keep his arms hung in a position slight out and away from his body as if he were making a motion of being an airplane. "Aggressor, tell me, how does Adam's shirt feel?" "It's very tight, feels pretty small. The hem stops half way down my abs. Might do for a muscle shirt at the beach." "And do you think it is small because of height?" "Not that alone. It's also because I have muscle." "Would you care to show us muscle's affects." "Yes, well see.... because of my lats, back, and shoulders it is pulled incredible tight...." Andrixos performs a most muscular pose causing the back of the shirt to rip down the middle. ".....rrrrrrrrrauuugh! And thus will get ripped if I was performing shrugs or dead lifts. But the same could be said for the front. ...." At this point Darien steps behind Andrixos and pulls the two pieces of the shirt back together once again. This time Andrixos does a chest shot and causes the front of the shirt to explode open, followed by a couple of shoulder shrugs and bicep flexes to cause the sleeves to burst. "Ahhhh man this... shirt couldn't cover a big man any time at all." "Adam, how does Aggressor's shirt fit on you?" "Like...like a.... almost... like a mini dress,..." "Hmmmm and can you flex your muscles and split the sleeves?" "n...nn...no...." "The chest?" "No..." "The back?" "No...." "Dreadnaught, could you squat a little bit and see how well Adam's pants hold up?" Darien performs a few squats pumping up his thighs. It's not a great split, but they can confirm that after a while a small pop and tear in the seam of the jeans have occurred. "Brawny, come over here in just your wrestling posers and stand beside Adam and flex.... .... .... Now, Adam, you flex in front of Brawny there. ... .... That's it, put your arm in front his and flex. Harder..... HARDER! Hmmmm does your biceps come up to the size of Brawny's at all?" "No..." "No.... let's try another comparison. Put your hand up like you're going to give a high five.... now, Brawny place your hand against his. Adam, does your hand measure up to Brawny's?" "No..." "No... in fact, Brawny can you bend your fingers down? Wow.... if we were just a little bit taller and bigger, we could engulf your whole hand just by bending our fingers down to our palm. Why don't you stick your foot out for us. ... .... ... What size show do you wear?" "Twa....twelve." "And is that a pretty big shoe?" "It's a good sized shoe..." "A good sized sh..... Brawny would you place your foot next to Adam's.... ..... my goodness, your feet look a little small Adam. Brawny what size shoe do we all wear?" "Twenty-one." "Twenty-one... and why don't you take this ruler here and see how much longer your foot is compared to Adam Atomic's...." "Three inches." "Three inches longer... wow.... so we have longer feet, and wider too...bigger hands....larger muscles... Oh, and just to make sure, why don't you try on Adam's shoe and Adam try on one of our shoes..... .... ..... Adam can you keep your feet in one of Brawny's shoes? Give it a walk." Lawrence tries to walk with the tennis shoe but it is large enough that his heel easily slides out of it, causing him to stumble and trip as he walks. When he stops, Brent tries to put his foot into Lawrence's shoe, eventually ripping out the front from all the pulling and struggling to get it on. "Oh...it looks like Brawny has torn through your shoe. And now, the last test. ... .... Adam, hand me your underwear." "What?!?" "Hand me your underwear, Adam." Josh stood there with his hand out waiting for Lawrence to obey. Lawrence took a look around him and eventually stepped out of his underwear, handing them to Joshua. In turn, Joshua stepped out of his and handed them to Lawrence. They both put them on, Lawrence looking like he was wearing an oversized baggy diaper of sorts, while Joshua was wearing something very tight, with an obscene bulge that pulled the waistband down and out a bit from his body. "And now for the last demonstration...." Joshua began to concentrate. Andrixos grabbed the laptop and made the web cam zoom in on the tightly packed crotch of Joshua. In a few moments it began to stir. Folks viewing began to see Joshua's penis pulse and ooze, throb and inflate larger and larger. Fuller and thicker... Originally it stayed in its curled up position, just growing into a larger and fatter curl, but then it began to straighten itself out, fighting against the cotton fabric with all its might. Short little snapping sounds began filling the air. The titanic tube of meat was getting longer and larger by the second, pulling down and out, further and farther the fabric of the underwear away from Joshua's body. Eventually everyone began to see more and more of the base of Joshua's monster cock as the waist band got pulled and stretched more and more. The tenting became so bad that soon Joshua's balls fell out on either side of the fabric. More rips and tears were heard. The cock was straining, quivering in its cotton prison, until finally there was a loud rip and the front of the underwear gave way. The snap of the waist band back to Joshua's abs made the revealing of his donkey dick even more impressive as it quickly pulled the fabric back to the base of the mighty schlong. "AAAAAH" bellowed Joshua in pleasure. "The awesome release. Tell me, can your dick do that to your underwear, let alone mine?" "N...nn..nn..no...." "In fact..." and Joshua put his hand down and felt all over the loose fitting underwear. "Oh... there it is... you're even erect right now, but we can't even see it in all that material. I hate to say this, but you are not a very big man. At least not compared to us, are you?" "N..nn...no...no..." "Well, I'm sorry but small men have a job to do...." And with that Joshua ripped off the underwear, picked up Lawrence and placed him on the bed next to him. With a quick glance, Brent, Andrixos, and Darien also joined them, sans underwear and cocks throbbing, on the bed. "You, Mr. small fry, have to worship us. And you must do it quickly, because as I said earlier, if we were just a little bit taller, stronger, more hung, we could completely engulf you and the thing of it is..." Joshua took Lawrence's hand and began to have Lawrence stroke his cock. "...we ARE getting bigger...." The three friends took this as a cue and the chant they so often made while watching videos and pictures or listening to audio clips, they began to make now as they stroked themselves, rubbed their or each other's chest or nipples, cupped their balls. "...TALLER..." "STRONGER...." "MORE HUNG..." "BROADER..." "THICKER...." "DEFINED..." "SWOLE..." "DENSER..." "BIGGER!" "FULLER!" Over and over again the chanted, moving Lawrence around like a large sack, forcing him to stroke their cocks, suck on the their nipples, feel their flexed arms, trace the beginnings of their abs, cup and rub their balls. More and more, over and over they gave poor Lawrence a workout, smacking him with their cock, showing how their schlong was a long as his arm, bouncing their pecs in front of his face, smothering his face in their arm pits, all while still chanting.... "WIDER!" "HIGHER!" "MORE VIRILE!" "SWOLLEN!" "VACSULAR!" "THE BIGGEST!" "THE STRONGEST!" "THE TALLEST!" "THE DENSEST!" "THE MOST HUNG!" "BIGGEST BALLED!" "OOOOOOOOOH!" They had reached the heavy breathing and moaning stage. Words were becoming more and more like grunts. Their breathing was becoming labored and broken. The strokes upon their dicks were sending wave after wave after tsunami like wave of pleasure through their bodies. Eventually as Brent began to yelp and moan, shiver and buck, from the stroking he received from Lawrence, Joshua picked him up and dropped him to the side.... "Sorry, Atom sized Adam, this drink is for real big men only!" And with that he grabbed Brent's cock and pulled it towards him, just in time to catch the tidal torrent of man seed into his mouth. On and on Brent's load seem to go.... volley after volley after uncountable volley of cum cocktail poured from his balls and erupted out his flaring head. This in turn sent Joshua's stomach into distention and then his body rocking in ecstasy along with the continued jerks and pulls of his three friends. Andrixos took the load this time, guzzling it all the way down, while Darien took the load Andrixos spewed for several pulsing minutes. When in turn the man shake caused Darien to reach climax, Brent grabbed his mighty python and sucked it down full force. The four king sized men lying haphazardly in a stupor on the bed, as if they were suddenly over any healthy limit of inebriation were out of it, unaware of the dings and pings coming from the laptop as men around the globe sent extra money for a phenomenal finish, along with thanks yous and cries out for more. From up off the floor, Lawrence barely raised his head and hand, clicked the camera off and logged out of the site. He then began to gather a pants and shirt and his torn pants from off the floor and slide into them as best as he could. Crawling his way towards the door towards the living room area, he attempted to stand and get his footing. "Oh, no... not tonight, buddy." Lawrence let out a small yelp as Joshua had grabbed him from behind. He pulled him into a deep and long kiss that left Lawrence too light headed. He passed out and Joshua placed him into the bathroom and shut the door. He then grabbed some pillows and some extra bedding and placed them on the floor in front of the door and leaned on it to fall asleep. This effectively trapped Lawrence, who wouldn't discover that until later in the evening, or would that be early in the morning. ************************************************************************ "OH FUCKING SHIT!" The quartet of large men were woken by the scream of Lawrence who was able to come out of the bathroom. He had tried to do so in order to get away, but the four men although in a drunk like stupor all night, had managed to intentionally or accidentally keep some of their wits about them. Two of them had gone through to the other bed room to grab the other pillows and extra bedding to make themselves comfortable and keep themselves warm. One of them was sleeping on the king size bed. One each was sleeping on the floor on either side of the bed, while the other had moved in front of and was leaning on the door from the bedroom to the living room. Although he was originally trying to get away, the sight Lawrence saw made him shout in awe and perhaps even fear. It didn't take long for the four large men to see what his fuss was all about. Standing up they began to realize the room looked much smaller. The king size bed didn't fit them at all. Lawrence...poor Lawrence who at six foot tall, last night came up to two inches just above the top of their shoulders, but today, this morning, the top of his head only managed to come up somewhere between their cock and their belly button. Looking down at themselves they also noticed that they were a hell of a lot buffer and defined as well, something akin to a large rugby player or gymnast, a bicyclist with an equal upper body. They began to flex and pose, pop and bounce their muscles this way and that, acting out as if they were in a body building competition. Despite the vaulted ceilings, they began to reach up and touch them. They began to put on their old clothes, seeing how extremely tight and small they were and then flex, bend, twist, and shred out of them. They saw how their feet covered up their old tennis shoes that were once three sizes too large. Their cocks sprang to life and extended long, thick and hard from their groin. They reached full erection quickly, but stood there and bobbed and bounced sticking straight out from their grown, albeit perhaps pointing a little bit down due to the extreme length and girth. But they had some help flying high with the two large globulous spheres that were their balls. Lawrence brought them out of their awe, giddiness, and lust. Having waited for them to move enough from in front of the door, he got it open and bolted for freedom. However Joshua was quick enough and large enough to respond in time. He barreled through the doorway after Lawrence. Although executing the head and waist bend perfectly, there was no way to complete the waist and shoulder twist in time. The door was now dented, or more correctly slightly broken and splintered, while a nice chunk of the wall on the opposite side was gone, accompanied by warmed door framing. This startled Lawrence making him pause, and giving Joshua just the time he needed. He grabbed Lawrence and pulled him in close in an extreme bear hug. "No! NO! LET ME GO! LET ME GO!" "Shhh shhh shhh it's okay... Larry.... it's ok..." "No this is not okay! You're fucking freaks... giant freaks! You're like the first stage of hulkout growth! You're like nine and half feet tall and only need another hundred more pounds or so... well if you were normal size, to become the Incredible Hulk!" "Shhhhh ok... we're huge... it's alright... not a bad thing to be huge....It has it's perks..." "LET ME GO!" Lawrence struggled and fought, wouldn't listen to Joshua as he tried to talk with him. Joshua not sure what to do kept hugging Lawrence, but he started doing so tighter and tighter. "You're smothering me!" "Shhh shhh. Listen, Larry.. .we can work this out. You don't need to tell anyone..." "YOU"RE CRACKING MY RIBS, YOU FUCK!" "NO, I'M NOT! I'm just holding you till you calm down..." "IT HURTS! I CAN'T BREATHE! CAN'T....Can't....breathe...eathe..." Lawrence tried to squirm free and get his head to where he could breathe, but Joshua, not knowing his own strength, kept Lawrence's face buried deep in his pecs. Finally Lawrence managed to get his head twisted on way, but when it did so, his mouth found one of Joshua's new larger and firmer nipples. Originally Lawrence tried to spit it out and move his head or mouth away from it, but then suddenly Joshua's pecs began to swell and inflate, fuller and broader. Lawrence could hear and almost feel the movement of some kind of liquid. Then there was a sweet, yet savory kind of tasting milk that hit his tongue and he began to suck and Suck and SUCK! "OOOOOH!" Joshua moaned deeply as his cock sprang to life. The three other giants crawled their way into the room and began to try and ask Joshua how he was doing, but he was lost in the euphoria of his nipple being sucked. Eventually there was a loud pop as Lawrence removed his mouth off of Joshua's swollen nipple. He began to shake, and then to scream, and then to turn slightly purple. Coming out of it, Joshua set Lawrence down, trying to call his name and get information out of him. It didn't work. Lawrence just stood there screaming in agony until suddenly the air was filled with the sound of breaking bone and snapping sinews. Lawrence suddenly just shot up and up and up growing so tall that the borrowed pants which originally came half way up his abs, now hit him directly on the waist and were perhaps a couple of inches above the ankle. His body then began to twist and contort into this pose and that and each time it did, he seemed to stand a little fuller, a bit broader, a titch thicker.... he was growing and he grew and filled out and filled out until suddenly he was shredding the very clothes that was once way to long and baggy for him. He stood there for quite a while in collar and waist band that held torn pieces of clothing. Hair began to thickly coat his legs, arms, groin, abs, and chest. A full beard, but neatly trimmed along the jaw line grew in, while his hair grew out to shoulder length. The four giants stood up and looked at him, realizing he was around seven feet tall, if not exactly, and had the build of someone between and amateur and a professional, title winning bodybuilder. Just a tad bit bigger built than them, technically to be sure, but their height and muscle size to his ratio obscured that fact. Eventually Lawrence began to blink and come out of dazed state of mine. Joshua worried that he might have caused some kind of damage to his friend, despite the new build, called out to him. "Larry.... .... ... are you okay?" Lawrence blinked and then looked at Joshua and smiled a contented and kind of school girl crush kind of smile. "Oh...the gods are awake. What do you require, sirs? Jack off, blow job, bath, shave, breakfast? What shall I do for you? Shall I order?" The four behemoths stood there looking at Lawrence and then at each other. "What does it mean, Josh? What is he saying?" Asked Brent. "It means....Larry is going to order breakfast for us and himself. You, Darien, and I are going to try and see if we can repair some of this damage, while Andrixos sees if he can contact 7'2Giant." "Contact 7'2Giant?" "Yes," said Joshua as he stood flexing his muscles and bouncing his pecs. "I don't think we'll be going back to a normal life at all now, and I think we're the right size to make him the runt of his videos that we imitated so well, last night. It's time for the world to see how small he really is."
  12. Newmassaddict

    Growth Part 12

    Part 1 HERE Part 2 HERE Part 3 HERE Part 4 HERE Part 5 HERE Part 6 HERE Part 7 HERE Part 8 HERE Part 9 & 10 HERE Part 11 HERE 12 I racked the mammoth weight I had just benched for countless reps and laid back on the bench. Pain ripped though my blood-engorged pecs and sweat formed a puddle around me. Slowly I stood up and looked at my reflection in the mirror. My pecs were pumped to their full 67” girth. I flexed them and relished the feeling of the dense muscle pushing up my chin. I stared at my mutated body and started to get hard at the site. I weighted myself at 365lbs this morning. I closed my eyes and recalled of the horrified reactions I received on my way to the gym. Comments like “gross”, “too much” and “that’s sick” only made me harder. I loved being a massive abomination of what people think is normal and right. Their disgust only made me want more. I added more weight and preformed 12 perfect reps before reaching the rack. I glanced across the room to see a competitive bodybuilder squatting the same amount of weight. I chuckled and added two more plates for a total of 585lbs. I was feeling unstoppable today. As I waddled towards the locker room I heard a commotion from the gym owners office. A guy wearing a hoodie came out of the room, head down, walking fast. He clearly wasn't paying attention because he slammed into my shoulder and to my surprise; almost knocked me over. “HEY; watch where you’re going!” I yelled but he was already halfway down the hall. I poked my head into the owner’s office “Everything ok Grant?” “Yeah Dave. It’s my son Matt.” Matt? I thought. Wasn’t he that skinny kid Tyler and I caught watching us that day… “He’s pissed I won’t give him more cash. Little ungrateful asshole” Grant continued. I quickly left the office and headed down the hallway in the direction Matt was heading. I saw the back door of the gym was open and stepped into the alley. It was getting late so it was a little hard to see. To my left I heard what sounded like a grunting noise and then a loud crash. I moved towards the sound and stopped dead in my tracks. There, a guy was unleashing lightning fast combinations onto the side of a huge metal dumpster. Deep dents had already formed in a few places. I must has let out a gasp because the guy stopped and turned towards me. “Matt?” He pulled down his hood and squared his shoulders. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Even with his bulky clothes I could see that this was not the same 200lb kid we busted a while back. “What the fuck do you want?” “What the fuck do I want? I want to know what the hell you are doing out here destroying that dumpster.” I said and stepped closer to the kid. “Mind your fucking business.” Matt replied and turned back to the dumpster and slammed his fist into it hard. I reached to grab hold of his shoulder but he spun around quickly before of could touch him. “What did I just say?!” He screamed in my face. “Kid; you need to calm down before you piss me off.” I said. Matt’s eyes scanned my pumped, sweaty body. He took a step back and licked his lips. “You are so fucking massive. I mean, you were huge the first time I saw you but you look like you've gained over 20lbs since then.” “Try 30.” I said. “It looks like you’ve put on some weight yourself.” Matt smiled and slowly peeled his sweatshirt off to reveal his upper body. I had to take a step back at the site. “Some weight? Try 55lbs in less then three months” Matt said. “Bu-but-but…” “255lbs and 3% bodyfat” Matt said. He tucked his balled up fists behind his back and flared his staggeringly wide lats. “Damn kid” was all I could muster. Even though he was considerably smaller then me, I could not get over his proportions. He had incredible round delts, thick powerful arms and a minuscule waist. His skin was very pale but it could not hide the mind boggling network of veins and striations that covered every inch. “You know; I should thank you. That day you and Tyler found me watching you in the gym was the worse day of life. You two were so cruel to me I seriously considered never stepping into a gym again. I always hated being small and weak and seeing you two just made it all the more clear that I was a fucking twink. But the more I thought abut the more angry I got. Then I met Clint and everything changed. I’ve done nothing but lift weights since that day. Did you know I was in the audience the day Tyler annihilated the competition at the bodybuilding show? I was a lot smaller then but I wanted to run on stage and tear him apart. Fortunately Clint calmed me down. That day only made me focus even harder. You probably think you are a demon in the gym; but that’s nothing compared to me.” To make his point; Matt raised his arms in Sergio Oliva’s famous “Victory Pose”. His thick, vascular forearms exploded with mass. The veins travelled down his dense, gigantic biceps. Even with his arms spread apart to accommodate his huge shoulders, there was little space between the two arms. He then slowly lowered his arms and hit a perfect double bicep pose. His whole body shook from the effort. “They just reached 20 inches flexed. It makes me sick that they are so small.” “There is nothing small about those Kid” I said and raised my own 26” arms and flexed. “I like your determination in the gym but you have a LONG way to go to reach this level.” Matt’s eyes widened as he stared at my mind-boggling size but I saw a flash of rage when I said that. He moved towards the battered dumpster and gripped the thick metal side. His arms, back and shoulders ignited and the container started to move. He dug his legs into the ground and started to push; hard. Before I could react the dumpster came barrelling towards me. I placed my hands on it but his momentum was too great. I slammed into the brick wall of the gym as the dumpster crashed into my chest. “What the FUC-“ Matt continued to push the heavy dumpster; pinning me against the wall. He was growling like a rabid animal. “I’ve wanted to test my strength against you for a long time. I want this to hurt as much as you and Tyler hurt me that day.” Matt’s entire upper body was nothing but flexed, granite hard, vascular muscle. He adjusted his legs and pressed harder. The heavy metal dumpster pressed against my chest. My arms were pressed tight to my sides, preventing me from getting a good grip. I flexed my chest. I felt the dumpster move slightly but Matt was well anchored to the ground. His quads were shaking and his once baggy sweats were skin tight. “I’m going to fucking kill you!” I screamed. I managed to place one foot on the wall behind me and started to push. Matt moved back a small bit but held his ground. Sweat was pouring from his body. He raised his head, closed his eyes and started to press harder. To my amazement, his body started to expand. The once hulking kid now looked absolutely massive. His extreme vascularity looked downright grotesque. His veins looked like thick ropes criss-crossing his pale, shiny skin. I planted my foot on the wall and pressed hard. I was able to move the heavy dumpster just enough to move my hands into a better position. I started to press. Blood filled my already pumped chest. I felt my massive body swell with power. Matt had a look of fear in his eyes as the dumpster started to move. After 30 seconds I was able to step to the side. The dumpster slammed into the side of the building, sending chucks of brick into the air. Matt was pressing so hard he fell to his knees. I wasted no time. I stepped towards the kid and landed a brutal kick to his side. I don’t know if he was ready for me or not but my foot connected with his flexed obliques. There was a loud thud and pain shot up my leg. It felt like I just kicked a concrete wall. Matt smiled and stood up and faced me. His body was as pumped as any I had ever seen. He looked like he was carved from stone. His traps and shoulders betrayed the proportions of a normal human. The effect was amplified by his thick, striated chest and minuscule waist. “Try that again” he said and flared his lats and flexed his abs. I almost had to stifle a gag as his already defined abs transformed into a solid column of muscle. I spin around and swung my inhumanly massive leg as hard as could. I connected with his hard etched obliques again. The impact was so powerful Matt was pushed two feet to his left but he remained standing. The fact that Matt was able to withstand that kick threw me into a rage. This jacked up kid was nothing compared to my massive 365lb body. I moved with lightning speed. I slammed my shoulder into Matt’s chest. He stumbled back. I wrapped my thick arms around his ripped upper body and started to apply pressure. His muscles tightened; they felt like metal plates shifting. With my mouth pressed against his sweaty neck I whispered “You feel that kid? That’s what real power feels like. I could crush you like a grape if I wanted”. “Try” Matt said with a grunt. I smiled and applied more pressure. I could feel his whole body shake: trying to break my bearhug. “Harder!” Matt screamed. My dick hardened hearing the kid ask for more torture. He was stronger than he looked. I grunted and applied my full strength. I must have been caught up in the moment and didn’t realize how close we were to the wall. Matt was able to place his feet against the brick and like a leg press, started to push. Suddenly, I heard a tearing sound. I looked down and saw Matt’s sweats disintegrate. He let out a loud scream and pushed with all his might. I stumbled back and released him from my grip. Matt turned to face me. He grabbed hold of the remaining pant material and tore it off, revealing his incredible quads and calves. If it was possible; they were more vascular than his upper body. A disgusting network of views covered every inch of their pale skin. Deep cuts and striations erupted as they moved. Each massive quad was clearly bigger then his waist. His calves were something else altogether. If his mammoth quads were 30” his calves had to be close to 20”. Their exaggerated proportions were enhanced only by their extreme conditioning. Clearly seeing my reaction Matt slowly flexed his legs. His hands caressed each quad as they increased in size and hardness. “Clint can barely look at these legs without cumming” Matt said with a smirk. “Just wait until they are twice as big as yours and even more ripped”. I couldn’t help but get turned on by Matt’s pump engorged body. I adjusted my hardening cock causing him to crack a smile. “I thought you only had eyes for Tyler?” he asked. “I do but I can’t deny that your body is turning me on.” “Likewise. Show me your massive body” Matt said, licking his lips. I peeled off my sweat soaked tank top and revealed my 365lb body. I pulled my shorts up as high as they would go. I planted my feet and started to hit pose as pose. Matt’s eyes widened as my humungous body grew larger. “Feel me get freaky huge kid” I commanded. Matt stopped close and started to touch my hot, sweaty skin. He traced the deep muscle separation between my arms and shoulders. His strong hands squeezed each striation as I flexed harder. He moaned as his hand cupped my thick pec. When it flexed into granite hard muscle he squeezed it harder. I was grunting and holding each flex long enough for him to inspect every inch. “Fucking Massive” was all he could say, repeatedly. To send him over the edge, I started to recite my inhuman stats. “Arms 26”, forearms 21”, neck 20”, chest 67”, waist 36”, quads 34”, calves 22”” Matt’s body tensed and shuddered as I spoke each number. He looked ready to climax and he had yet to touch himself, he just continued to feel my huge body. I raised my arms into a brutal double bicep flex. Matt ran his hands down my thick triceps and flared lats. When his hands reached my etched abs he took a step back. With incredible speed he rammed his left leg into my stomach. I was caught off guard by the ferocious impact and stumbled backwards. Matt moved towards me again, grabbed my around the waist and with a savage grunt, lifted me off the ground. He pumped his huge legs a few times and slammed me into the brick wall. The impact knocked the air out of my lungs. I feel to my knees. “You might be huge but you are still an fucking asshole” Matt screamed. He then swung his leg around and connected with my chin. Pain ran through my head and neck and I collapsed on the ground. I was still conscious when I saw him approach me. I felt his strong hands dig into my meaty traps. Intense pain coursed through my neck as he lifted me to my feet. I couldn’t comprehend how powerful he was. Before I knew what was happening Matt repositioned his arms and lifted me clear off the ground. He had one hand around my neck and the other between my legs. With a growl, he lifted me higher and slammed my body across his leg. Unbearable pain shot through my abs and lower back. He pushed my off his leg onto the ground. Unable to move I watched Matt stand up and stand over me. He had a savage look on his face and was breathing hard. He took a few laboured steps away, his extremely pumped quads were clearly making walking difficult. “STAND UP!” he yelled. I slowly regained some motor skills and was able to move into a kneeing position. I stood up but had to steady myself against the wall. I shook my head; trying to comprehend what was happening. How was this kid so strong? As if reading my mind Matt said “You’ve never thought I had this much power in this small body did you? Well asshole, I’m not done yet.” With another exhibition of his incredible quickness, Matt ran towards me and slammed his shoulder into my exposed abdomen. He then wrapped his arms around me, positioned his legs and hoisted me across his shoulders. With a grunt he stood straight up. “Your big 365lb body feels lighter than I expected” he said with a chuckle and started to perform squats. “Fuck, these quads are so PUMPED!” I tried to move but he clamped down harder and stood up straight. “You’re not going anywhere.” Matt said and started to walk towards the busted dumpster. With another savage grunt he repositioned his hands and to my utter horror started to press my body over his head. His arms were shaking but they continued to lift me higher. With my full body weight suspended above his head Matt’s let out a ear piercing scream and launched me into the side of the dumpster. My body slammed hard against the metal container and I crumpled in a heap on the ground. Matt grabbed one of my feet and dragged my alone the ground for a few feet. He then pulled me up so I was in a slumped sitting position in the dark alley. “I’m having a great fucking time tearing you apart but I’m hungry as hell. I need to add some fuel to this growing body.” he said and took a few steps back. “I guess we’ll have to finish this later” He said and started to move towards me. I didn’t have time to react. The last thing I remember was seeing Matt’s thick quad moving with lightning speed towards my face.
  13. I hurried out, a bit afraid of my now giant-sized boyfriend. Jeez, I hope Josh took my advice and didn’t keep playing with his growth-inducing nips, but I didn’t have much confidence in his ability to control himself. He had been working so hard to put on more size, and now that he could do it with a flick of his nipples… I shuddered to think how big he might want to get. The thing that surprised me most was it was changing his entire body and not just making him bigger. Josh’s whole body transformed from pudgy middle-aged ex-jock into enormous swole meathead muscle daddy. My cock swelled in my jeans as I drove, thinking about his enormous body that would put the biggest powerlifters to shame, but I was worried too. While I was out, I got a couple troubling text messages from him. As I was leaving, he sent me a message about how hard it was to type on the little keyboard on his phone. In line at the drive-thru, he sent a pic showing me how small a can of soda looked in his hand. At the stoplight on the way home, he sent a selfie showing how he had to duck to get through doorways. The last message I opened as I put the car in park, and I gulped when I saw it: a video of him rubbing his Mohawk against the ceiling, a clear divot in the paint on the ceiling, his hair roughly scraping the paint away, then him looking at the camera and saying “These ceilings are gittin’ mighty short” then chuckling ominously. When I opened the door, I was met with his huge naked frame. I had to crane my neck up to look at him. He had obviously grown even bigger while I was away, his massive body thicker and fuller, his shoulders twice as wide as mine, his belly radiating heat. “Hey there little guy, took ya long enough! Gimme those burgers,” he said and grabbed up all the food, even my order. He rumbled over to the living room table, the entire house shaking as he walked. His head was only a foot away from the 10-foot ceiling in the living room. He slumped down on the couch and it cracked dramatically. “Oops, guess I broke the couch, sorry bud,” he grunted and ripped into the bag until he found a burger. He started stuffing his face with food, eating shockingly fast. “Josh, man, you really need to slow down, you can’t just keep growing like this,” I said, concerned, as he finished the first burger and tore into the second. “Says who,” he said flatly, and kept eating. The burgers looked so small in his huge hands, more like sliders. He breathed heavily and his huge chest rose and fell. I sat down, squeezing between him and the armrest of the couch. I felt tiny next to him. “M-me, but, I’m just, uh, concerned, I mean, you’re… wow…” I trailed off as my hands explored his giant body, packed with muscle. He was a changed man, the most impressive example of alpha man muscle bull on the planet. Josh burped, loud and explosive, and then laughed at me. He kept eating. I couldn’t help but rub my hands all over him, hungry to feel his muscles and worship his huge body. “Yeah little boy, just rub my muscles. I know you like how big I’m gettin’. How about you help me grow some more and play with my nips? They’re feeling so good,” he growled as he stuffed a clutch of fries into his mouth. I obeyed, even though I knew it was the wrong decision. I reached across and tugged at the piercings, scraping my fingernail over the meaty nub. He took a big breath and sighed contentedly, and I could see his traps and shoulders bulge up and out bigger and thicker. He was growing right there in front of me. “I just can’t help it, bud, it feels so good,” Josh said around a mouthful of food. He grunted as I traced my finger over the bumps surrounding his nipple, pleasuring radiating through his body, trigging more growth. “Yeah bud, make me even bigger, feels good,” he growled and leaned against me. His heavy bulk was warm and his meaty arm felt solid. “But Josh, I mean, you’re already—mmph—too big,” I said half-heartedly as his huge round shoulder bulged against me more. I was being squished between him and the armrest of the couch as he expanded wider next to me. Josh just chuckled. “No such thing, boy, never could be too big,” he grunted and sat up straight on the couch, tossing the last of the food onto the table. He had eaten it all in record time. Josh pressed against me harder on the couch. "Jesus boy, look how small you are compared to me now," he rumbled. He twisted around on the couch and brought his arm up next to mine, flexing. It dwarfed mine; his wrist was thicker than my upper arm. He wrapped his hand around my thigh, the huge paw almost going all the way around it as he compared our legs. He squeezed my thigh hard until I gasped in pain. "So frail and weak now boy, compared to me... yeah..." he said and rubbed his hand up and down my leg. I could see his huge cock start to chub up thicker and bigger. The size disparity was definitely turning him on. He rubbed his big belly, then shifted his legs, planted his huge feet on the ground, and stood up, towering over me. His massive cock flared bigger as it swelled to full hardness, and he turned to face me. His cock smacked me on the forehead, and he grinned down at me. “Now big daddy is ready to fuck, and guess who gets to bottom?” he rumbled as he looked down at my tiny body from over the mountains of his pecs and huge belly. I gasped and tried to slip away over the armrest but he was too quick for me. He reached down and grabbed me, flipping me over on the couch and pinning me with one hand. With the other, he reached down to grab my pants and tore at them roughly until they tore, ripping them down until they hung around my knees. “Yeah boy, you got such a cute little ass for me to fuck…gonna fill you up good, boy,” Josh rumbled, his deep voice shaking me to the core, and I felt his heavy weight on top of me as he climbed aboard. His huge cock slapped on my ass cheeks, copious amounts of precum smearing around my furry crack. I gasped and protested, but he just pressed my head into the cushions, his hand wrapping all the way around my skull, and I felt his cock press against my hole. “You ready for daddy’s cock, son? Gonna feel real good!” he grunted and he pressed into me hard, his powerful cock forcing its way in. He was way too big for me, and I yelled in pain, but my cries only seemed to encourage him. He thrust into my deeper, and he sighed contentedly. “Yeah, take it,” he rumbled and he started bucking against me, fucking slow at first but picking up the pace. He let go of my head and I came up for air, but was powerless to move. There was nearly a ton of musclebear giant on top of me, and I was in no position to resist. “Gonna grow so much bigger than I am now, boy, you can’t imagine how fuckin’ good it feels,” he drawled, and I could tell he was flicking and pinching his nipples aggressively. He grunted and huffed as he fucked me harder, his huge cock filling me up bigger and bigger as he grew wider and thicker and taller. “FUCK your little hole is so tight, just right for my huge cock,” he roared and pressed into me harder, his tremendous weight hurting my back. I could feel his cock expanding inside me as he grew. I groaned and protested, but he ignored me and kept fucking. Josh was in total control. He grabbed the sides of his piercings and twisted, and I could feel his whole body swelling up thicker and heavier and bigger, the frame of the couch creaking under his growing weight. “Yeah boy, such a nice ass for me to fuck, gonna breed you good while I fucking grow and grow, gonna outgrow your damn house boy, FUCK,” he roared and I felt hot cum fill up my stretched hole. He ground into me hard as he came and came, and finally collapsed on me, his massive weight crushing me into the sofa. I couldn’t breath until he finally lifted his huge body up and off of me. I sat up after collecting myself and looked up at him. He was enormous. He had to bend his neck and shoulders down so avoid pressing against the 10 foot ceiling, and he was continuously rubbing his nipples, rubbing his fingers around them in circles. I could see his body continuously bulging up bigger, inch by inch, pound by pound, his chest expanding out thicker, his shoulders surging wider, his arms expanding harder and more muscular, his gut swelling out fatter and rounder. “Boy, I suggest you git unless you want this damn house to come down on you, I feel a BIG growth spurt comin’ on and daddy is gonna get HUGE,” he said, not even bothering to look down at me, too focused on admiring his muscles. He tensed his arm and flexed his bicep, and he grinned, obsessed with the size he was packing on. He pinched his right nipple harder and I heard the ceiling crack as his head pressed against it. I got up, getting my pants on his a hurry, my ass hurting. My instinct to flee kicked in and I rushed out of the house. I could hear him growling and grunting from inside, could hear things crashing in the living room as the ceiling started to give way. I backed up, the orange sunset casting light onto the front of the house as sounds of destruction came from inside. “Josh! Stop!” I yelled but I knew it was pointless. He was past the point of no return, addicted to the feeling of growing, his base instincts for power and size overwhelming his better judgment and any kind of feelings he had for me. All I could hear was smashing and occasionally him groaning or laughing. Just as I was about to turn and run, I flinched as a huge fist burst out of the roof of the house, followed by a spiky Mohawk as his head crunched up and out. He breathed heavily and shuddered in pleasure, and I saw a wave of growth wash over him. He surged up taller, growing several feet in a matter of seconds, and he exploded bigger. His massive shoulders crunched up through the roof, throbbing with muscle, covered in brown fur and sweat as he grew bigger. He spotted me on the front lawn and grinned, then grew even bigger as he rubbed his nipples roughly. “HEY THERE LITTLE BUDDY! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, BIG DADDY IS COMIN’ OUT!” he boomed, the force of his voice making my head spin, and suddenly the front of the house exploded with debris. He huge foot surged forward, crashing through the wall of the first floor, followed by his thick thigh smashing through the rest. His giant gut, sweaty and covered in hair, burst through the upper floor and the roof, and the giant was free of the house. I dashed out of the way in time for the debris to spread across the front lawn. His huge foot thumped down on the grass, sinking in a few inches under his massive tonnage. He crashed out of the house and planted himself half on the front lawn, half in the street, 40 feet tall and bigger and thicker than ever. He had a generous distribution of fat padding the profoundly dense muscle as he looked down at me, idly flicking a nipple with one hand and brandishing his rock-hard cock with the other. “HOOO BOY LOOK AT ME NOW! I’M FUCKING HUGE! GONNA HAVE SOME FUN AT THIS SIZE!” he roared and squeezed his cock, dripping precum onto the sidewalk. He turned and grabbed the lamppost next to the house, wrapped his fingers around it, and yanked up, twisting the metal of the suddenly delicate-looking pole and tearing it out of the ground. Josh just laughed at how easy it was. He brought it up to his chest and bent the damn thing in half. He dropped it, the metal clanging on to the ground, and he puffed out his chest, rubbing his thick fingers over the salt and pepper chest hair. He rubbed his fingers over his nips and he expanded bigger and taller. His enormous body glistened in the light of the setting sun, the orange glow of sunset making him look like a god. “FUCK YEAH, SO DAMN STRONG TOO,” he boomed and took a step into the street. The asphalt cracked under his tonnage and he thumped over to the neighbor’s house. “THESE HOUSES ARE ALL SO DAMN SMALL, JUST WAITIN’ TO BE SMASHED UP!” he said and rested his arms on the roof of the neighbor’s house. It came up to his chest, the rough shingles right at the level of his nips. He scraped against the roof, the rough material sending shivers of pleasure of his body, triggering more growth. I saw him swell up a foot taller in an instant, and his whole body bulked up thicker. “AWW FUCK YEAH, NEED TO FUCK,” he grunted, gripped the roof, and slammed his huge cock into the siding of the house, crashing right through the wall. He flicked his nips some more and surged up taller and heavier. “FUCK YEAH, SO STRONG!” he roared and slammed into the house again, his cock crashing in higher up this time, as he grew bigger and taller. His huge body smashed into the house again and again and again. I watched in horror as he picked up speed and started fucking my neighbor’s house apart, growing and growing as he flicked and pinched his nipples. It was easy to see him surging up bigger every time he touched his piercings, the little metal rods growing with him, having caused some sort of transformation and triggering his growth. They gleamed in the light of sunset and he grabbed them and twisted hard, wrenching pleasure through his body and triggering more and more growth. “AWWWWW YEAH BOY GROWING SO HUGE! YOU WATCH YOUR BIG DADDY CUM NOW!” he boomed and suddenly looked over at me, grinning down at me. Josh turned his head back to the house, his massive cock exploding up and out of the roof of the house as he continued to grow taller and wider just as cum shot out of it like a hose. It landed all over the back of the house and the back yard, coating the grass in sticky white cream. Josh roared and grunted as he shot his load and finally collapsed against the house until it gave way. He fell over and crushed the house, which looked so small next to him now, the ground shaking as his huge body fell. “Josh!” I yelled and ran over, waving my hand in front of my face as the dust rose up. I got closer, but froze when I heard ominous, deep laughing. Josh was fine. Better than ever, actually. “HAHA FUCKIN’ LITTLE HOUSE COULDN’T SUPPORT MY WEIGHT!” he rumbled. His huge foot thumped onto the ground as he lifted himself up. He rose up to his full height and towered over me, his giant body thick and round with bulging muscle, swollen and heavy with fat and size. His gut loomed over me, jiggling as he shifted his weight and planted himself over the rubble of the house, only outdone by his massive barrel chest. His nipples were red and stuck out prominently. He had to be 100 feet tall now. Josh looked down at me and grinned, his salt and pepper beard and lantern jaw making me feel weak in the knees, both from fear and being so turned on. “WHAT DO YOU THINK NOW, LITTLE BUD? TOO BIG FOR YOU? HAW HAW! TOO BAD, I’M JUST GONNA KEEP GROWIN’ MORE!” he roared down at me and smashed his feet on either side of me, scaring me and making me fall down on my ass as the ground shook. I looked up and saw his huge balls hanging low, furry and pendulous, his thick cock throbbing as it dripped cum down next to me. He backed up a bit and flexed his arms, and they rose up in dramatic peaks, a huge vein snaking over them, his thighs shaking with muscle and beef, thicker than any tree trunk I had ever seen. “WELL YOU’RE NO GOOD TO ME NOW, BOY, TOO SMALL FOR ME TO FUCK! GONNA GET BIGGER AND FUCK SOMETHING MY OWN SIZE!” Josh boomed, his voice so loud and bassy it hurt my ears. His huge foot rose into the air, swooping past me and landing fifty feet away up the street, his huge body crunching into the pavement. His wide ass shook dramatically as he took another step away from me, his massive back spreading wide with muscle, his traps bunched up into his neck. Josh turned up the street and idling flicked his nipples, each touch sending shivers of pleasure up his giant body. He could feel himself growing bigger with each touch, each flick, each pinch, shivers of size pulsing through his body. He never wanted the feeling to end, the feeling of power and strength, of growing taller and wider and heavier. He grunted and rose taller, hummed with pleasure and got thicker as he prodded and rubbed both of them, his biceps bulging up thicker as he lifted his arms to his nipples. He grinned as he felt his cock throbbing and chubbing up already. It was time to find something big enough for him to fuck.
  14. spacevlad

    They're Really Sensitive Now

    Hey guys. This story idea has been bouncing around in my head for a long time and I finally decided to write it down. I also wanted to try writing a shorter story, so this one is only two chapters long. I hope you enjoy! I got back from work early today and noticed Josh’s car in the driveway. He must already be home from the gym, I thought to myself. My boyfriend Josh had been hitting the gym hard the last couple months since he has been “between jobs”. I hadn’t exactly been happy about the big guy’s unemployment, but I was glad he was using the time to pack on more muscle to his chunky frame. He had put on 20lbs of mostly muscle over the last two months, putting him at 260lb, and seemed to be horny all the time. My cock twitched in my dress pants as I walked up to the door. Josh met me at the door with a big grin on his face. “Welcome home, bud!” he said and pulled me into a big bear hug. Josh was a big guy, with a thick ex-jock daddy build. He had been in the closet growing up, playing football and lifting weights to prove he was one of the guys and try to be more than just a pudgy guy but had let himself go after college a bit and as his metabolism slowed in his 30s. Now in his 40s, he was getting serious about putting on real size and going for the musclebear daddy look. His squishy gut pressed against me as he squeezed, but I also felt his hard round pecs and strong thick arms pressing against my skinny frame. I grunted as he finished his hug and put me back down. I looked up at his 6’ height and smiled. His dirty blonde hair was cut short into a Mohawk—he had been having fun with his hair since he didn’t have a job—and a full beard that made him look extra burly. He wore a cut-off tank top that showed off his big, round shoulders and arms. His gut protruded out in front of him, hanging over the belt on his jeans and jiggling as he stepped back from me. “Hey there Josh, good to see you. So you came home early from the gym today?” I said as I put my bag on the sofa and took off my shoes. He looked pretty pumped up, like he had worked his arms and chest good. “Nah, I didn’t end up goin’ to the gym today,” Josh drawled. He had grown up in South Carolina and was a bit of a redneck at heart, but had moved up north for work. “I got myself somethin’ I’ve wanted for years,” he said and raised his eyebrows, giving me a knowing look. “Oh yeah? What’s that big guy?” I asked and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his thick torso and looking up at him. “You know how guys always say, ‘I got my nipples pierced and now they’re super sensitive’? Well, I finally decided to try that theory out for myself!” Josh said and puffed up his big chest in my face. I backed up from him and noticed the nubs showing underneath his shirt where his nipples were. “Oh shit, you finally did it! Show me, show me!” I said excitedly and grabbed at his shirt. “Hehe, alright alright little guy, just hold on a sec,” he said and lifted his shirt off, revealing his furry belly and chest. Josh was very hairy, with brown hair covering his chunky forearms, spreading over his chest and belly, and even all over his back. With the shirt off, I could see the little barred piercings on his fat, thick nipples. They were red and looked irritated from being recently pierced, but they looked just right on him. “Oh wow man, that’s so hot! Can I touch them?” I asked and moved closer, looking at how they made his nipples look thick and swollen. “Oh yeah bud, please do, they feel so good when I touch ‘em now!” Josh drawled and reached up to prod one of the bars. “Ooooh, man I get chills just pokin’ ‘em!” I reached forward and touched one of them. It was warm to the touch and I could tell Josh liked it, as he shivered when I jostled it. “Did it hurt getting them in?” I asked. “Yeah, a little bit, but after a second it started feelin’ real good, and that hasn’t gone away yet, hehe,” Josh said and pinched his right nipple a bit harder. His right bicep and pec looked great when he did that. “And man, I gotta say, those guys sayin’ it makes your nips more sensitive were damn right! It feels so good now when I touch ‘em…and it makes me real horny too!” Josh said and reached down and clutched the bulge in his jeans. I looked down and sure enough, he was packing big time down there. I reached down and rubbed it, and his cock felt harder and bigger than ever. “Oooh man, looks like I should help you out with this!” I said seductively and squeezed his balls. They twitched in my hand. “Oh yeah bud, let’s go upstairs,” Josh said and pushed me in the right direction. In the bedroom, I disrobed and got on my knees. I unzipped his jeans and rubbed my beard against Josh’s tight boxer briefs, smelling the sweat and musk of his crotch and teasing his big cock. “Oh yeah little guy, that’s just right, keep goin’,” Josh sighed as he towered over me, flicking his nipples idly and grunting occasionally as he did. He lifted his shirt off, revealed a pelt of salt and pepper fur spreading over his belly and chest. He looked magnificent. I pulled his jeans and underwear down and started working on his thick cock. It seemed bigger and thicker than I remembered; I guess he was really turned on! I stretched my lips around his mushroom head and sucked hard, using as much force as I could, barely denting the rock hard cock. “Oh fuck man, feels great, even better with—ah!—rubbin’ my nips too,” Josh said, skipping a beat as he pinched down hard on his piercings. He kept rubbing and flicking them, breathing harder and grunting as he did. After a few minutes I stood back up and pressed against him. He was big and warm, bigger than I remember, and I thought how nice it was that he was spending time in the gym getting bigger. He had always talked about getting bigger and stronger and getting back into the kind of shape he was in during college, and now he had some time to do just that. I reached up and flicked his nipples, and he chuckled and shivered and backed away from me. “Fuck dude they’re so sensitive… can’t believe they feel this—mmmph—fucking good!” Josh roared and pushed me back onto the bed after I pinched them again. I gave him a sly look as he loomed over me. “I love rubbing them, feels and looks so good dude,” I said as he got onto the bed and put his knees and thighs on either side of me, straddling my skinny frame. “Yeah man, feels even better with my dick in your mouth,” he growled and scooted forward until his cock was on my lips. I opened wide and he shoved it in, fucking my mouth as he loomed over me. I reached up and started playing with his nips, and he moaned and flexed down at me. His arms looked huge, I thought to myself, way bigger than they were a couple days ago. Was he making gains that fast? Damn, it turned me on. I dropped my arms and reached around to stroke myself, but it was hard reaching all the way around his thick frame. Josh reached for his pecs and rubbed his fingers across the meaty nubs of his nipples, flicking up, then down, then up, then down in rhythm with thrusting his massive cock in and out of my mouth. I breathed out of my nose but it was getting harder and harder not to choke on his cock; his cock had never felt so big before. Fuck, this was hot. “Yeeeaaah buddy, feels so good, big ol’ pierced nip muscle bear daddy on top of you, just gonna get bigger too, all the guys at the gym will be jealous,” Josh grunted down at me. I looked up and I could see him looking at himself in the mirror, admiring his gains, all the while playing with his hard nips. “Damn boy, you look so small down there, doing such a good job sucking daddy’s big dick,” he grunted, his voice sounding deeper and richer than before. He was way into it! He started working up a sweat and his cock was filling my mouth up big time. I couldn’t take a full breath because his heavy weight was pressing into me hard, harder than ever, but I knew he was getting close to sucked with renewed vigor. His thick thighs squeezed me, surrounded me, his epic mass looming over me, his gut smothering me as he approached climax. He pinched his nipples hard and finally came, roaring as he filled my mouth with cum. There was so much of it I couldn’t swallow it all down, and it leaked out of my mouth and onto my beard. Josh shifted his bulk and got off of me, and I rolled over and grabbed a towel next to the bed, wiping off my mouth and clearing my throat. “Hooo man, that felt fuckin’ amazing,” Josh grunted, his voice sounding different. “Your mouth felt so tight!” he boomed and smacked my butt. “Yeah man, that was great,” I said as I rolled off the bed and stood up. I turned around just as he was getting up off the bed and he rose to his full height…and bumped his head into the ceiling. Josh looked confused as he stood up and rubbed his head, his knuckled scraping against the ceiling, and he looked around the room…and looked down at me. “Holy shit, what the fuck happened?” he rumbled, confused, and turned to look at himself in the mirror. “Why does everything look so damn small?” I just stood, dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open in shock at the massive muscle monster standing in my room. Josh had grown—big time—while fucking me, and was way bigger than he or anyone had ever been before. Josh looked in the mirror. Staring back at him was a monstrous musclebear, thick all over, muscles exploding and bulging off every inch of his body, his thick round belly fat and wide, covered in sweat-matted fur. He reached up and rubbed his fingers through his salt and pepper beard and across his lantern jaw and smiled, admiring the way his bicep exploded into a round peak, a hose-like vein snaking down it and into his forearm. He took a big breath and puffed out his barrel chest; it had be 70 or 80 inches around. He was wider than the damn doorway, easily. He moved his hand over his huge belly and rubbed it and jiggled it appreciatively; it had grown much bigger too, giving him the massive build of a powerlifter or a strongman. He hefted his bigger, thicker cock, which was still leaking cum onto the floor, and smacked his tree trunk thighs. “Holy fuck, I look good. What the fuck happened? Did I… fuck, man, I reckon I know what did it,” he said as he turned to me. He stepped closer and looked down at me imposingly. “F-fuck man, this is so hot… w-what do you think did this?” I said and couldn’t help but rub my hands through the dark hair of his belly and reach up and squeeze the hard muscle of his biceps. My hand looked so tiny next to his hulking arm. “These,” he said and flicked his fingernail against the metal of his piercings. A shiver ran through his big body and I heard his head scrape against the ceiling even harder. “I can feel a rush of fuckin’ energy every time I touch these babies,” he said and flicked his left nipple a couple times. I swear I could see his muscle bunch up thicker and plumper when he did, could feel his gut tense up fuller and rounder under my fingers. “Whoa, what the fuck…that’s… awesome! But you’re really huge, bud, like people are gonna wonder what the heck happened!” I said, alarmed as I thought about the realities of suddenly having a seven and half foot tall musclebear boyfriend. “Yeah, prolly, but who cares? This feels amazing!” Josh said with a grin and pinched both nips, twisting the little piercings in them and swelling bigger. His head scraped on the ceiling harder and I could see some dust come down from it. “Dude, you gotta slow down! We should figure this out before you get any bigger, and I mean, damn man, you’re already like world-record size!” I said and backed up, struggling to drink him all in. Jesus, he was big! “Slow down? Fuck that little squirt, you know I’ve been wantin’ to get bigger, and I found a shortcut! Hell yeah!” he boomed and flexed, his fists coming together, his pecs, traps, delts, and arms swelling with new muscle. I didn’t know where to look, it was so fucking hot. “Holy shit you’re big… but I mean, seriously, how are we even gonna feed you?” I said, rubbing his big belly, bouncing the fat up and down. “Well you can start by gittin’ me some burgers, boy,” Josh boomed as he wrapped his huge arms around my skinny frame and lifted me up to face him. “Big daddy is callin’ the shots ‘round here now, and I’m hungry after that growth spurt of mine.” “A-alright big guy,” I started but he squeezed me harder and the breath left my lungs. Jesus he was dangerously strong! “Call me sir, boy,” he growled and squeezed me harder, testing his strength, grinding me against his bigger, harder body. “Fuuuuck… yes sir!” I wheezed as I ran out of air. “Good boy, hehe. Now, go to Wendy’s and get me a couple combo meals now,” he said and put me back down on the ground. I caught my breath and leaned against his tremendous bulk. “Yes sir! Just, try not to rub your nips too much while I’m gone, we need to figure this out before you grow any bigger!” I pleaded. He just turned to the mirror and started flexing, admiring his new size. “No guarantees, boy, now go fetch me those burgers,” he grunted, too interested in the size of his biceps to even look at me.
  15. Guest

    (Un)even rivals (4)

    Four Chris was preparing his bag for his upcoming trip: he would be out of town for two weeks to compete in a level 1-event and the San Francisco-masters. He gazed up and turned his head around as he thought he heard a deep, beastly roar coming from the house next door. He gulped as it reminded him of his cousin's deep voice from his nightmare. "Must be imagining things", he said to himself and went into the bathroom to fetch some stuff. He had to grab the washbasin for support when a feeling of weakness fell over him. His vision went dark for a split second and his knees buckled while goose bumps appeared all over his body. He blinked a few times and looked at his reflection in the mirror. His tank top still clung to his well-trained, 215 pound frame but he could swear something was off: his wide, rounded shoulders that normally formed a strong line seemed to hunch forward slightly and his protruding pecs seemed to hang down a bit lower against his tank top as if his big muscles were pulled down by gravity. "Lack of sleep is getting to me", he said and discarded the thought. He grabbed his razor and toothbrush and put them in his bag. He tossed his bag over his shoulder and went downstairs. Next to his car keys on the kitchen table he found a note. "Some inspiration to bring back the gold" He turned the note around and discovered a picture of his girlfriend in her tiny, black bikini. He put the picture in his wallet and left, feeling a bit uneasy having to leave his girl behind. Ted had finished cleaning the cum-stained bathroom, pulled on a fresh tank top and his baggy hoodie and went out for a workout. He felt the energy flowing through his veins and his balls pulsing as they released amounts of testosterone in his body. He saw his cousin putting a bag in his car and headed over. "YO, Chrissy". Chris nearly jumped up as he heard the deep voice. He turned around and instinctively took a step back as he saw his big cousin strutting toward him. He looked up into 6 feet tall teen's eyes. Ted couldn't suppress a faint grin as he noticed his muscular cousin stepping back from him. "Recovered from our arm wrestling, Chrissy? Just say when ya want a rematch. I'ld love to wipe yar ass again", Ted said and intently stopped very close to his cousin. Chris gulped and tried not to look intimidated but his big cousin standing just inches in front of him, made him feel uncomfortably. His feeling of physical supremacy, regained during his shower-fuck, evaporated as he was reminded of his defeat. The musky smell surrounding the big guy added to his unease. "Just kiddin', Chrissy", Ted said and laughingly patted his cousin's muscular shoulder, "Ya going on a trip?". Chris relaxed a bit at the teen's smile but suppressed a grunt from the surprisingly hard pat. "Off two weeks to compete. Defending my titles.", he said while scanning his cousin's big frame hidden under the baggy hoodie. Ted followed his cousin's gaze and grabbed his right arm, playfully closing his big paw around the 20 inch bicep he destroyed last night. "How's yar arm feeling? Hurting after I crushed it?", he asked and clenched his paw some more around the hard muscle. "I'm fine", Chris said, his voice cracking slightly as his aching bicep was dented by the paw. He cleared his throat while the surprisingly hard grip released the strong orb of meat atop his right arm. "Could you do me a favor, Ted", he asked as he looked back up into his cousin's eyes. "Ya name it", Ted replied with a smug grin on his face. "Would you mind keeping an eye on Trisha? First time she can't come with me cause of her work. You're family and live next door, so…", Chris asked. "No worries, Chrissy. I'll take care of her", Ted answered. "Thanks a lot, Ted", Chris stated and extended his hand to his cousin. Ted grabbed his cousin's hand, his big paw engulfing it and shook it powerfully. Chris winced a little, a faint painful grunt escaping his mouth and pulled his hand from the strong grip. Or tried to. Ted grinned as he felt his cousin trying to break free. "See ya in two weeks, Chrissy", he said and opened his paw. Chris got in his car and drove off, seeing his cousin's smiling reflection in his side mirror. Jeremy put the voodoo doll at the bottom of his bag and left his uncle's gym in a hurry. He jumped into his car and raced off to the airport, happy he hadn't run into the teen beast and wouldn't have to see him for two weeks. He felt energy flowing through him and strutted proudly across the crowd. He noticed his rival Chris standing at the check-in and thought the guy already looked less intimidating. He followed him from a distance, feeling stronger and more confident by his rival diminished aura. He got in line for the flight a bit behind his rival and installed himself at the rear of the plane. Arriving in San Francisco, he took a cab to his hotel. He strutted through the hallway, checked in and got to his room on the second floor. As soon as he entered his room, Jeremy tossed his bag on the floor and fished out the voodoo doll. He went into the bathroom and stripped in front of the mirror. Strength flowed through his 209 pound body as he went through some poses, highlighting his excellent shape. He grabbed the doll and clenched his fist around it. Instantly, he felt more energy coursing through him. A few blocks away, Chris felt a sudden surge of weakness come over him in his hotel room. The room danced before his eyes, his knees buckled and he crashed down atop his bed. "Must be some kind of jetlag", he muttered to himself before passing out in a deep, dark sleep. "Yeah", Jeremy grunted to his reflection. He could swear his muscles were getting more defined in the mirror. He flexed his chest a final time, striations and veins pushed up against his skin and went to sleep as he gave the voodoo doll another squeeze. Back at home, Ted was having the workout of a lifetime. The double dose of his new steroid atop his usual dose of old steroids pumped energy and testosterone through his huge body. He had set new personal records on every lift, pushing more weight and pumping out more reps than ever. He'd been in the deserted gym, filling it with his grunts and roars, for three hours and moved into the final part of his grueling workout: smashing his arm muscles. His arms, together with his shoulders, had always responded best to his training. The 25 inch orbs of power atop his arms dwarfed his other huge muscles. "Let's see what my babies can with their new fuel", he groaned to himself as he grabbed the heaviest dumbbells. He raised the 130 pound dumbbells slowly and lowered them back down with perfect control. "Feels like a feather", he said and began cranking out perfect rep after perfect rep. Blood began flowing into the meaty masses, a web of veins branching off the thick vein that snaked from his delts over the biceps onto his thick forearms. "More", he gritted between his teeth as he kept moving the weight up and down, pumping more blood into his swelling biceps. In his sweatpants, his plump dick followed this lead and blood began inflating the thick shaft. "Bigger", he grunted in between fastening breaths. His pumped biceps began burning painfully, stretching his skin as he forced the muscles to grow bigger. The burning sensation turned into a stabbing pump, his arms shaking from the effort but Ted kept cranking out reps. His dick had hardened fully, its 10 inches tenting the front of his sweatpants and a small dark patch forming where his precum flowed from the dark red head. "50", he grunted as he lifted the dumbbells a final time and tossed them on the floor. He ripped off his sweat drenched tank top and moved in front of the big mirror. He extended his arms, marveling at the size of the stretched, shiny red biceps. He brought in his forearms, his arms shaking with cramps as the pumped muscles protested against the command of flexing. His biceps balled outward into perfectly rounded orbs that swelled atop his arms; their peaks rose up and up and up, a web of curly veins pushed up against his stretching skin. "FU…UGH…UGH…UGH…CK", he roared as his biceps swelled beyond their familiar 25 inches and stopped just over 26. His dick jolted, its dark red head popping up over his waistband and exploded: cum geysered upward in the air, splattering against his face, pecs and abs. Ted lowered his left hand and stroked his spasming shaft, coating the mirror and the weights with his thick cum while he kept flexing his beastly right arm. After ten blasts, his orgasm wore down and Ted grinned at his cum-drenched reflection in the cum-stained mirror. He lowered his right arm and strutted toward the shower, jerking off once more as the hot water cascading down on his pumped muscles pulled his cock back to hardness. A few days went by and the level 1-event leading up to the San Francisco masters began. Even though he weighted exactly the same as he did during his previous competition, Chris' body seemed somehow less intimidating. But as usual the champ cruised through the opening rounds, his 215 pound physique still besting his opponents, and proceeded to the final. Jeremy came in radiating confidence as he felt the energy from the curse flowing through his 209 pound body. His flexing was more graceful than ever and he too cruised into the semis. There, his road into the finals was surprisingly blocked by Tom, a local athlete that had been handed a wildcard into the event. Jeremy outsized Tom by a good 10 pounds, but was less ripped: the thin layer of fat covering his muscles from his winter bulk, made him look softer than the 199 pound Tom. The guy's vacuum ab-pose handed him the ticket into the final, leaving Jeremy frustrated on stage. Chris didn't really care about his opponent: he'd always focused on his own physique and continued this approach. In the final, the 16 pound difference he held, secured his win. He outsized the local guy in every pose and his own ripped yet seemingly lessened body dominated in every pose. Tom tried putting up a good show but whatever he tried, the champ did better. When Chris threw his signature pose, the back double bicep, Tom just stared in awe as the muscles on the champ's wide back mounded against each other and his intimidating arms rose into their 21 inched orbs of hard meat. Tom shook the champ's hand and gladly accepted second place with a smile as broad as Chris' one. Jeremy was in a foul mood back in his hotel room. He could accept his loss to Tom: he had been neglecting his own training because of the voodoo curse and his own physique was a bit off. But the news off Chris's victory made him roar in anger. He grabbed the voodoo doll and squeezed it with all his might. Instantly, a wave of energy flowed through him. "I'll get back to him next week at the master-event", he said and went to bed. The week went by and soon enough the San Francisco masters were up. Jeremy felt more energized with every passing day and felt atop his game going into the competition. He easily won his opening line up and the next round. In the quarter finals however, he bumped into Tom again. Just like a week earlier, the guy's rippedness sealed Jeremy's faith: the judges unanimously declared Tom the winner of the line up and made him advance to the semis. Jeremy's frustration nearly exploded as he heard that his big rival Chris was cruising through the competition and was to meet Tom in the final on Sunday. The night before the big final the full moon illuminated the San Francisco sky. In his bed Jeremy felt an enormous wave of energy hitting his body. He awoke from his deep sleep and stumbled into the bathroom, gasping at his reflection as he turned on the light: most of his body fat seemed to have evaporated from his body. He looked a good 20 pounds lighter but striations and veins decorated his relaxed muscles. " All my fat must have gone to Chris", he said and returned to bed. The final got underway but from the beginning it was clear that Chris would win. The 20 pounds of fat that had somehow beefed him up, had softened his intimidating muscles but handed him an 36 pound advantage on his opponent. Tom came in at his prime: ripped and vascular but his 199 pound physique was simply overshadowed by the champ. Chris' huge muscles looked a bit saggy and his flexes lacked their usual explosion of masculinity, but his size simply couldn't be denied. Tom did beat him in the vacuum ab-pose but lacked the real size in the other flexes. Chris took the win, his sixth consecutive master-event and prepared himself to get home. Back at home Ted's two weeks had gone by like a breeze: he'd had the most fantastic workouts ever and was horny all day. His gains had been fairly slow, only 5 pounds, but his housemate had told him to be patient with the experimental stuff. He got home from the gym and stepped out of his car and stepped over to the house next door. He took the spare key Trisha had given him and went in. He looked around the house to check if everything was ok. "What took you?". Ted turned around to find Trisha standing naked atop the stairs. He rushed up, pulled down his sweatpants as he reached her to free his hardening cock, pushed Trisha back against the wall and eagerly pushed his rock-hard 10 incher inside her. "Oh God", she grunted as the thick shaft invaded her. Ted kept pushing more and more of his dick into her tight pussy. "Yeah. So much bigger than Chris. God", Trisha groaned as the thick snake pushed deeper inside her. When half of Ted's cock was inside her, spasms shot through her frail 120 pound body and her juices flowed along the hot pole. Ted felt the wetness along his rock-hard shaft and drove two more inches of his meat into her. He positioned his hands against the wall and began driving his cock back and forth into her, gently. Incoherent sounds escaped Trisha's mouth, her hands clawed into the hoodie covering Ted's torso as the teen beast began fucking her. She was being shoved up against the wall by the force of his trusts, her eyes widening in disbelief and sheer lust as her feet left the floor. Ted's big balls drew tight and began to churn as he completely dominated his cousin's girlfriend, supporting her with just his 10 incher. "YEAUGHN!", he bellowed deeply as his orgasm exploded into her, filling her with his sticky juice. Black dots of pleasure danced in Trisha's sight and she fell limp against the teen beast, her head resting atop his protruding, heaving pecs. Ted felt the pressure build around his cock as more loads blasted from his balls into Trisha. Cum was already sliding from her, flowing along the exposed three inches of his cock onto his balls before sliding along the crevices of his thick thighs. After ten blasts his orgasm cooled down and he slowly withdrew from Trisha. He wrapped his right arm around her, easily lifting her up against his big frame, pulled up his pants with his left hand and carried her to bed. He gently put her atop the bed and went home.
  16. I'm a bit rusty so I apologize in advance. Wanted to try a new writing style. Part I: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6307-invisible-kid-continued/ Invisible Kid (Continued) Part II The repercussions of my decisions never shone so brightly than it did after giving my family their gifts. For the next few weeks, l’d never been more invisible as I did when I was around or near my super strong, super sized dad and brother. Dad had gotten his hands into the construction business and, as far as I could tell, had few things out there that could demolish him. Conan, being the weaker of the two, still liked to strut his stuff everywhere he went and did his best to show off that stuff to his many peers. Dad and Conan often went on father-son outings to guest star at bodybuilding or strongman competitions. They’d invited me a few times but I couldn’t sit comfortably at their destinations. They always found something to show off with. On one occasion, dad had insisted I come and see him fuck up a truck(in his words). And , of course, when your dad was multiple times your size and strong enough to flick you across the room with a finger, I had difficulty declining him. Besides, getting accustomed to living in this version of my reality was starting to get too ridiculous. To get to the counter in the massive bathroom me and Conan shared, I had to stand on a stepping stool since my older brother was over 2 feet taller than me and would have had to practically sit on the floor to see his own face in any average height mirror. Even then, he’d become so big that the mirror would also be too narrow for him to see anything but his face and two mounds behind his head and another two stuffing his chest (although partially).Going to get food was even more ridiculous when the people around me ate enough to feed an army. Apparently, my enhancements to strength and size had made them vacuums when it came to any family gathering for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. When taking something from a stray cabinet, I had to always be wary of the many XL protein powder jars my other male family members continue guzzle at every outing, half a jar per outing. The counters were even higher thanks to dad, of course. I was surprised there wasn’t a ladder for me to climb to reach the upper rows of the fridge (there was a step ladder for that, still.) The living room was probably the easiest room to live in for me, next to my own room. The many citizen and hero medals Dad were made more massive than they were when he told the stories of what he’d done to get each one. Pulling people out of fires, rescuing people falling from buildings, helping with emergency construction, helping the police in catching burlars, rapists, and murderers. He even received a medal for saving the last state wide cyclist competition from a bomb he’d accidently found in a bathroom stall. He would laugh about that when he sat beside me to talk about them on the couch because he’d had to run and destroy the sidewalk of part of the city trying to reach open water and drop the bomb into the nearby lake. It was a very daunting reality where dad and his son had become so strong that they typically did the police department’s job better than they did. He had declined their offers to invite him to be a special officer for the forces as he had his family to give full attention to (and their normal police vehicles were too weak to hold his girth and still move quickly). It was pretty much what you’d expect from a crowd of many beefy, hairy men and then adding my family into the mix. Dad and Conan were their own models of perfection in the public eye and were masterful artists when it came to looking good and making every other big man near them look like shit. They’d come wearing tight short shorts that hugged their asses and hefty content as if they were to be used for Thanksgiving dinner this year and string tank tops that were having trouble clinging to the hefty and strong chests that were almost fighting to be freed from their tight cages. It was almost elementary as every around them started gawking and even ran to crowd and fan girl them. I went to the bathroom as the crowd got too thick to breath. They seemed to almost suck the energy from the crowd the way they thrived in it so easily. Their massive frames standing over the little people around them was a sight engraved in my head. I was starting to get a little envious in all honesty. Was there really no way to reverse this? They tore up any competition they went to when strength or size was concerned. And I literally mean torn. The two were big and apparently had their size for a long time but they weren’t always the best at containing their power. I was so scared I actually made mom more durable as I would hear dad shake the entire house with their….. special time. Which was generally every night after my previous changes. But before I get off topic, again, they tore up everything that wasn’t specially made for them. Going to the bathrooms at competitions for emergencies still left cracked doorframes and overfilled urinals. Trucks or other equipment used for strongman events led to devastated trucks, bent barbells, and other quickly-useless objects. I ‘d never directly seen the size in a few years but dad had become way more manly and open after changing. Pretty much everyone but me walked around the house in tight clothing or little to none. At one point Dad had woken up extremely early, catching me watching late nite television, and was wearing nothing but a pair of briefs looked full beyond capacity. Thankfully, we had a lot of massive pillows on our massive couch or I’d have been discovered with massive erections multiple times. Dad and Conan were far more territorial and intimidating thanks to me enlarging their hefty balls. Mom seemed accustom to it after living with it and falling in love with it in this reality. I, however, would get a little shocked every blue moon when a photographer got too carried away or an obsessive fan did something dangerous during their super strong escapades like kiss their feet during a truck press or something. Rooms would become quiet when they demanded order and attention. If there was a competition between the results of my changes and myself, I’d be the one on the losing side. My family were their own singularity in the eyes of the media and the public. Untouchable. Unbendable. If they had been any stronger, more controlling, or even more beautiful than they were, they could have taken over the state, let alone the country. The only total positive from this was Luke. Luke had been bullied greatly in my reality but, in this one, he wasn’t assaulted by the bullies I’d been stupid enough to let my sex drive grow. At least, that’s what I wanted to believe. They seemed to be backing off when I was around but Luke and I played games on my massive television and hung out too much for me to believe any of that with the bruises he hid under his shirt. It was when we were going to swim in our backyard pool and maybe run along our private beach that I saw most of them. He’d attempted to hide them by wearing his shirt and shorts into the pool but he’d missed some more on his legs when he came out of the pool with dripping make-up covering black and blue bruises. I bit my lip trying not to say anything and just let him enjoy this. The choice to help in a way only I can came again and again. He was really suffering, still because of me, in a world I’d warped and was still my friend. I stayed up late in the night pondering the decision. I had to help him somehow and the only way was to make him powerful like my dad and brother. My brother…..my brother! The next morning, dad was sitting on the couch as I walked out of my room dressed to leave. I looked over and he was still wearing nothing but a confined pair of straining briefs, mom resting on his chest as best she could. It was amazing to think they were getting paid millions to run around, lifting unbelievable masses, and then just sitting on their couch watching crappy shows while half naked. “Dad, I’m going to see Conan, he left his lunch on the kitchen counter” I said, pulling a large cooler that was supposed to carry Conan’s food. No one had to know I didn’t actually go into the kitchen until 4 AM this morning, an hour before Conan woke up. “That’s so nice of you, son” he boomed over to me with a grin. “It’s good to see you getting along with your brother so well lately. The limo should still be at the front of the estate. Stay safe.” I left the house a little sad. I didn’t mean to deceive anyone but I had to do this. I needed to speak with Conan. --- The college Conan went to was very large and expansive, very difficult to navigate through without a map. Thankfully, my (wow, mine) driver left me with a map that helped me figure out where to go. At this time, Conan would be at the hangar by the school. Originally, it had been a piloting club where the students were trained to pilot small planes. I’d actually come to see some flight sequences months before my changes. Still, that wasn’t exactly important to Conan. Apparently, when he’d been a freshman in this reality, he’d bought the hangar to use as his “play room”. I found the hangar, it’s large and metal frame bent in some places. The ground was torn in separate areas as though mines had been placed and set off in different parts of the large grass field. The kind of weight to be moved to cause this much damage had to have been astronomical as I had to actually jump over a few trenches that weren’t naturally made. The close I got to the entrance, the more my footing had to get adjusted. The ground was vibrating every few seconds as if a repeated action were making it all move. I dared to move myself toward the large iron door and pull it with both arms. “Hey, bro” Conan called over to me as he looked over at me with a grin. Sweat was dripping down his forehead. “Almost done with this set” he said as he went back to the truck he was bench pressing, leaving me to gape at the ease at which he pushed out reps against the weight that was easily several tons. Their strength never stopped amazing me even though I was the one who gave it to them. I slowly moved toward a nearby bench with the cooler trailing behind me but I never took my eyes off the man pounding out the weight over him like it was just 20 pounds for an average person. When he stopped, Conan sat up and flexed his chest as iff to get kinks out of the ripples he crafted over his bulging pecs. I forced myself out of my trance, something that had taken several weeks to learn, the idea of mastering this skill completely out of sight. “Um, I brought you lunch” I said as strongly as I could. It was hard to be strong when a giant wearing nothing but a tiny pair of shorts that stopped less than mid thigh and massive tennis shoes was walking towards you with his body covered in a layer of sweat and redness from pumping blood that only added to the manly musk that got stronger as he closed on me. I’d seen people affected by dad when he went to his designated areas for workouts. Several of his lucky fans quickly wet themselves and, in most of the cases, fell onto the ground in a typically awkward faint. I had come prepared as I’d rubbed my upper lip with vapor rub for chests. I had to focus for Luke. “Thanks, kid. I was so pumped for a work out by the time I got to the kitchen, I’d already drunken two cans worth of protein and hit the door. Can’t expect any less from my biggest fan.” Conan rubbed my head and the image of his knocking me out with just a pat hit me just as quickly as the image from the past where we used to be roughly the same height, making it hard for him to really pull off this kind of move. “Why didn’t you send a butler or something?” It dawned on me that I hadn’t planned an explanation for that. “Um….. I had to ask you something” I said quickly. Conan sat on the bench beside me and continued his rest with his bulging arms over his knees, holding a jug of water that he could palm. “Shoot, bro.” I took a deep breath and sorted my words. “How did you feel when you realized how strong you were?” For the next two minutes, there was only silence. I looked at Conan and he was looking up at the ceiling with a huge grin on his face as if he were remembering a pleasant memory. He ripped off the cap for the water jug and stood, towering over me again. He started walking away towards the back door before turning and looking back at me. “Come” was all he said as he turned back and continued his journey. I stood hesitantly and followed but Conan’s stride was too fast to keep up with. It was very similar to trying to skip to keep up with someone on a bike going down a hill. By the time I made it outside, Conan was standing before his next conquest. “You remember age 7 when I had that growth spurt? I can understand if you didn’t, you were so little back then. Of course, you only got even more little when it started.” Conan stood before what must have been 3 fire 18 wheeler trucks crushed and placed on top of each other as cubed metal. Conan rubbed his hands together. “The first time I lifted a 42 inch TV is probably the first thing you’d remember from that far back” he said as he squatted, his massive legs bulging from the motion and the slight tensing of muscles. “Then there was that 2nd growth spurt and I was a fucking tower. Remember the game we used to play to see how long you could hold onto my bicep from 3 feet over the floor? That was fun. You didn’t weigh anything back then. Heh heh, not that you do now.” Conan gripped the bottom of the metal cube stack. It didn’t look as though there were any gripping points, making it more difficult to lift. Atleast, that’s what I believed. “Then people started talking my head off in high school, remember? I couldn’t ever not be the center of attention.” Conan’s arms bulged and his legs flexed tremendously as he stood up with the cubes. Like they were on a barbell, he began to lift them with a steady pace. “And I remember the funny time mom thought her “baby” was in danger when Dad picked me up and threw me into the air like a I was little. As a teenager! I’d never seen such a great view as when I started to see over trees in the park.” Conan then lifted his arms faster. I started to realize his muscles weren’t even really working hard. If anything, this would barely count as warm up weight at the speed he was pumping. Conan continued. “Then I landed in Dad’s arms like he’d barely thorwn me a foot his grasp. That’s when the power really hit me.” He said this as he bent his arms and bounced the weight in his hands, the screeching of bending metal coming from the collision of the metal to eachcube and Conan’s hands. When Conan started throwing the cubes higher, I could make out hand prints. “I know it was late but it clicked that I was becoming a god amongst men. I know it sounds weird but it’s true. People started treating me like I was the most important thing in the world. Things stopped being difficult, besides getting a girl with wide enough hips who could take me, heh.” I was hard as a rock and yet a little scared. “I haven’t gotten growing recently but I’ve definitely been getting stronger. Dad says on my birthday this year, he’s going to let me arm wrestle him as much as I want. We need to find a place safe to do it though. Doing it last time cracked a few trees in the park. I’m going to fucking show dad up and make him look weak next to me. I’m going to keep pushing till I can be as persuasive, powerful, and big as he is. Then I’m going to make him look weak and puny. Then nothing and no one will be able to get enough of me. I’m only half way through sophomore year and I’m more than I can handle!” Suddenly, Conan’s arms blurred and the cubes vanished. I stopped covering my erection with my hand in my pocket and looked up into the sky. Gone. Conan looked at me with a grin. “I might have thrown it a little high. Wait for it.” After a whole minute of searching the sky for signs of the truck cubes, I saw a dot in the sky. That dot quickly became a cube, and that cube was speeding rapidly towards its original home in Conan’s hands. But Conan didn’t move. My eyes were wide as I saw him grin, not even paying attention to the incoming cube. “Move!” I screamed as the cube was now mere feet from collision. All Conan did was laugh like a maniacal idiot before BAAAAAAAAAAAAM!! Dust and earth shook as Conan was hit with the cube. I covered my face as the dust covered me and the hangar groaned. I fell to my feet from the collision. I was horrified as I looked at the cubes. They were perfectly flat and in Conan’s place. “C-Conan….?” I called fearfully. Had I killed my brother? It was faint at first but, eventually, I heard a weird groaning sound from the steel and it began to morph. My jaw dropped as a big, thick hand came out of the cube and was accompanied by another. Within moments, Two big arms, followed by big pecs, and a smirk exited the halved cube and the 2nd cube moved with him. Conan was wearing the 2nd truck cube like a hat as his was firmly planted. He was too tall for the one cube. He walked over and stood over me, the shadow of both he and the cube over me. “Was that a good enough answer for your survey, bro? I’d do more but I’m really hungry for that cooler you brought.” --- I walked down the sidewalk of our town, leaving the limo for Conan. The display he’d shown me was horrifying. My choices had made him a hyper-narcissistic, muscle bound manipulator. Could I risk that kind of power and size changing Luke. Hell no! That was what I thought when my phone rang the next thing I thought was to run to the hospital. Lucas said he had to run to the school cause he forgot his instrument from band class and didn’t want push ups. Why didn’t I go with him? I was one of his emergency contacts outside of family so it made sense the hospital called me to let me know Lucas was right next to her, barely breathing from pain. To Be Continued?
  17. Mickyh29

    Big Jack Pt1

    Hey Guys, been a while since i last posted a story on here, so heres my newest entry. enjoy!! This is a story about Jack, Jack is no ordinary 19yr old……………. “COME ON ONE MORE!!!!” shouted Dean, Dean was jacks training partner. “ARRRGGGHHHHHH” grunted Jack as he lifted the last of his 12 reps on bench press on to the rack, jack stood up and looked in the mirror, staring back at him was a sight that drew gasps from both dean and others in the gym. Jack was a 6ft brick shit house. His chest was rippling with thick dense rock hard muscle, the vest he had on could not contain the sheer size of his pecs, they were so thick every time he breathed in the vest would ride up his torso And begin to tear under the sheer mass of his chest. “add another 25kg on each side mate” he asked dean Dean placed the weights onto the bar which was already loaded with 300kg, bringing it upto 350kg. Jack repped out another 12 reps like it was nothing, re racked the bar and got up again. “This is to easy, I need a real challenge! Whack another 100 on!” Dean added the required weight so that the bar had 450kg loaded on it. “ Man this is crazy shit jack, can’t believe what you’re doing, your pressing over 4x my body weight!!” “Well when you’re as big n strong as me there’s no room for light weights, its heavy as fuck or nothing at all, you don’t get pecs like these by lifting sissy weights!!” Jack bounced his enormous pecs, each bounce shifted his perilously frail vest close to breaking point. Jack laid down on the bench, got his tree trunk arms into position and with a mighty grunt lifted the bar from the rack, each rep was greeted with an almighty grunt, his pecs were bulging with blood pumping round his massive chest. Jack managed 8 reps before re racking. He stood up. “Arrrghhhhhh, im fucking pumped man, look at me? This is what u call pure beastly muscle!!” Jack was pumped, like nothing anyone had ever seen , he moved closer to the mirror, ripped off his vest to reveal the rest of his enormous body, his pecs still filled with blood and rippling from his bench press, sweat was dripping down to his stomach which resembled a block of marble which had had eight large chunks carved into it, his triceps were also rippling from the routine, his tri’s n bi’s were huge at least 35” round, veins snaking down to his beefed up forearms, his giant boulder shoulders looked strong enough to barge through brick walls, his meaty traps stretched up his thick bull neck and his lats were two thick slabs of rock jutting out of his sides. It truly was a sight to behold for everyone not at least dean who was trying so hard to hide his erection going on in his pants. “Jesus jack you look incredible, I’d hate to see a guy cross you!!” dean said with a hint of jealousy. “if they did, they would end up like this!” Jack picked up an olympic sized barbell with no weights on and began to bend it in half like it was made out of rubber, then tossed it aside. “anyway dean im 400lb of freaking huge muscle, I’d be surprised if anyone would cross me!!” Dean gave a laugh of a guy who was like ‘yeah I suppose so but really wanna see it’. “true enough, ok now its my go!!” Dean was inferior to Jack in height, weight and strength so before he could even start his lifting he had to take 400kg worth of weight of the bar. Dean was only 17 and had the physique of a track n field athlete, so he was fairly toned with a bit of size but that size looked skinny compared to Jacks mammoth size. So with 50kg left on the bar dean started his routine. Even though Jack and Dean were good friends jack always took the piss out of dean for his inferior showings, mostly to try and spur him on but also to show his superiority and dominance over him, dean could not help but feel intimidated by jack, he daren’t tell him to shut up or go away in slight trepidation of what jack might do. “ Come on you skinny git, call that heavy lifting I can’t even see your pecs there that small and feeble, if you don’t start tryin harder im gonna crush you, now LIFT!!!” jack’s booming shout reverberated around the gym. Dean finished his first set and sat up, “ Jesus jack im tryin alright!!” Dean bit back a little. “that’s not trying that’s playing safe, you wanna grow ? You want to lift heavy!!! That isn’t heavy look!” Jack then proceeded to lift the loaded bar of the rack with one hand and start repping some shoulder presses, after 20 reps he re racked the bar. “see!!” “alright jack stop showing off ya big headed freak!!” dean sarcastically replied. “Jealous you skinny fuck? Well you better be coz unlike you I wanna grow! I wanna get bigger and stronger than ever before.” “ well maybe you do mate but im an athlete, my sport does not require me to get big n bulky, so i maintain what I have!” Dean tried to hide the fact he actually likes jack being all dominant etc coz it makes him hard, and whether jack will like the fact that dean loves being with this muscle mammoth. After dean had finished his chest routine he and jack decided to hit some biceps. As Jack was so big and strong the dumbells the gym had were to light for him so jack had to curl using an Olympic bar and plates, he started of light by curling 100kg for 15 reps, “easy!! Whack another 250kg on dean.” Dean added the weight. Jack composed himself, lifted the bar off the ground and slowly started to curl the 350kg bar, with each curl his massive biceps ballooned to unprecedented sizes, thick veins popped and stretched with every move, after hitting 10 reps he placed the bar back on the floor, looked in the mirror and hit a double bi pose, his biceps bulged and formed a gargantuan mound of granite muscle that looked bigger than his head, he relaxed then hit it again this time managing to squeeze an extra inch on top of his already impressive bi’s. Dean had never seen jack hit a bi pose before, his cock was now so hard it was making an impression in his shorts. “ WOW jack they are awesome man fucking huge!! Im gobsmacked!” “I can see your impressed, I only have to look at your shorts to notice that, ya big gay, come over here?” Dean walked over to where jack was, the size comparison was breathtaking, next to jack dean looked like a twig. “take your top off” jack asked Dean didn’t dare disagree so he took his shirt off, his tight body glistened with sweat. “now stand infront of me and flex!” Dean flexed his biceps, moderate sized peaks appeared from his arms, they looked pretty cut but looked no bigger than 15”. To rub the salt in more jack then flexed his bi’s behind him, his bi’s clearly 3x the size of deans. Then without warning Jack picked dean up and started curling him, every curl took deans face to within cms of jacks biceps, jack curled dean 20 times before putting him down. “you like that gay boy, your cock sure did!!” Dean looked down and saw a dark grey wet patch were he had cummed, he looked up and said, “ that was awesome!!” Jack and Dean made their way to the changing room.
  18. goremeridian

    Sex at 500lbs

    Just a quick one-off while I'm sorting out the next chapter of Superior...enjoy... SEX AT 500LBS James’ bicep swelled into impossible peaked hardness, striated mass wreathed in veins pumping testosterone-rich blood as he heaved the gargantuan weight. “Fuckin’ 100 tonnes,” he smirked, feeling the BURN slicing its way, white hot, through the freakish muscle as he completed his thousandth rep. “So fuckin’ LIGHT.” He lowered the specially-made dumb-bell to the floor of the gym, the sound of clanking metal drowning out the mewling orgasm of his naked little worshipper suckling at his grotesque calf muscles. James glanced down at the pathetic little runt trying to lick every drip of sweat from the striation between the impenetrable flexed brawn of his lower leg, and smirked. “You wanna worship some REAL muscle, runt?” He said, bringing his mammoth arms up into a double bicep that dwarfed his own head, peaks the size of medicine balls and billions of times harder, flexing them a good few times to see if he could SQUEEZE more growth out of them. Big as he was, at 500lbs of muscle mass, the biggest man alive…James wanted to get SO MUCH BIGGER. Alas, his 34 inch peaks were already stretched to their full capacity. A capacity that made his little runt worshipper salivate. “Yes Master!” He stammered. “I feel like I’ve been waiting HOURS for you to finish your bicep workout to get those guns as big as you can.” “Heh, 34 fucking inches runt,” James grunted, holding the pose. His chest, like it was feeling left out of the picture, also pushed out into a FREAKING VALLEY of striated mass, straining against and then tearing through the material of his XXL gym vest, revealing the deep, serrated symmetry of his ten-pack abs. His little worshipper’s eyes went wide, not knowing which sweat-shimmering bunched heaving mass of upper-body brawn to throw himself at first, but the monstrous bodybuilder shook a finger. “I’m not talking about these muscles,” the hulk-like stud said, flexing a most muscular that swelled his goliath traps up to his ears and made his pecs stick out nearly THREE FEET in front of him, hard dark nipples pointing down towards the runt gazing up at his Master. “I’m talking…” And then the little man heard it. The straining and buckling and grinding of titanium underwear. Impossible! Those briefs could withstand a nuclear explosion! James’ thick, musky 18 inch cock RIPPED free from the confines of his reinforced underwear and SWUNG in a low arc, slapping his worshipper in the face and sending him sprawling backwards onto his arse. “…about this muscle. And you’re gonna worship it with your WHOLE BODY!” The hulking bodybuilder, his monstrous bloated form now clad in little more than trainers, sweat-soaked tattered clothes lying about the sweltering gym, TOWERED above his fuck-slave. Ignoring the fear in the runt’s eyes, James scooped him up, the swollen mass of his body somewhat restricting his movements, and positioned him on his cock. “So big, Master…” The runt squirmed in James’ grasp, his weak struggles only serving to remind James of the vast disparity in size, strength and STUDLINESS between him and his worshipper – something that caused his cock to swell EVEN BIGGER. Any reminder of how goddamn HUGE he was pushed him over the edge. The runt was trying to tell him something about going easy, taking it slowly, but James ignored him. Since when do gods listen to insects? With a manly grunt, he grasped the puny man by his ankles and PULLED him down onto his cock. There was some resistance at first, the little speck’s anus clenched tightly in fear, refusing to let him enter…but with his herculean strength, NOTHING could withstand James’ might for long. Then he felt it give a little…a little more… “M-master!” The man was squealing, but the only thing James could hear were his own grunts and the blood pounding furiously in his ears. Then, suddenly, the scrawny little bottom boy’s arse STRETCHED open around the tip of his cock. “Fuck YEAH!” James gripped the runt’s ankles more tightly, fingers leaving indents on his puny bones, and SHOVED his cock inside. To the hilt. It felt so gloriously tight, HUGGING every inch of his monster cock, a hot, tight bottom about to be wrecked completely. Anyone wandering into the gym at that point would have torn out their eyes in disbelief. Neither man clenched in this sweaty sexual embrace looked human. James was grossly, hideously overmuscled, his swollen, sweat-dripping 500lbs frame flexing and unflexing into peaks and valleys as he withdrew his cock and pounded it inside his little bottom boy AGAIN and AGAIN. And the bottom boy himself, his body distorted around James’ grossly oversized club of a penis, resembled little more than a fleshy condom. Only his squeals of pleasure and terror, and cries of “More Master! Harder! Bigger!” identified him as a sentient being and not just a warped sex-tool. It was that word, “Bigger” that finally did it for James. Like a machine, the pounding of the runt’s arse and the smushing and rearranging of his internal organs intensified to the point where the titan’s muscular glutes were clenching and unclenching so quickly with every thrust that they BLURRED with speed. The air itself turned scorching hot with the friction, and thick with the smell of MAN. The stud’s mind was saturated with that word. Bigger. “Gonna be so BIG runt,” he snarled. “Biceps bigger than the fuckin’ UNIVERSE! Pecs that can fuckin’ WARP REALITY when I flex ‘em, like I’m warping your PUNY LITTLE BODY, ruining you for any other man.” In his mind’s eye he saw his monstrous mass swelling, swelling across time and space. “But I’d still be too SMALL runt…I’d have to get INFINITE TIMES THAT SIZE, EVERY SECOND, UGHH.” The runt’s eyes had long since rolled back in his head, his little nervous system unable to handle that much pleasure…unable to handle that much MAN. Unconscious in dreamland. James hoped the little worshipper’s dreams were full of him…much like his body was now. James felt his orgasm boiling within him. His balls, the size of melons, clenched suddenly. “FUCK!” The bodybuilder yelled, a ROAR that shattered every window in the gym. “THEN EVEN BIGGER! THEN BIGGER STILL! NEVER STOPPING, ALWAYS GROWING, BIGGER, BIGGER, BIGGER!!!!” And he exploded inside the little man, quarts of hot scalding cream filling his tiny body to the brim and beyond. His vast tree-trunk of a cock wedged firmly up the runt’s anal passage, he watched the little man’s belly begin to bloat out, filling with his sloshy seed. AGAIN and AGAIN he shot, GALLON after GALLON stretching the little runt out, pale skin straining, his belly beach ball sized, then more and more swollen, until he became little more than a spherical vaguely human-like VESSEL for James’ LAKE OF CUM. * It took a further 10 minutes for James to finally stop cumming, and a further five to withdraw his vast cock from the ruined bottom boy. No sooner had he pulled it out than a RIVER of hot, sticky cum started SLUICING out of the gaping, raw hole, pooling on the floor of the gym. It would be several hours before the worshipper awoke, alone and shivering, feeling an EMPTINESS inside him that would never again be filled, every muscle, bone, organ and ligament aching as he sat up, belly smaller yet still monstrously bloated, cooling cum still running out of his arse to join the crusted 6-inch deep pool that carpeted the gym. To think, he had only popped into the gym today for a quick bit of cardio. Little had he known that he would bump into…and become intimately acquainted with…a 500lbs bodybuilder. Of course by that time the number was waaaaay out. Because across town, his libido momentarily sated and his quick, light biceps workout done for the day, James had procured something he loved even more than sex and pumping iron: EXPERIMENTAL GROWTH PILLS. And had taken the whole lot…
  19. cropsey23

    The Managing Director

    At 32, Eric Rhodes was the youngest Managing Director at his financial services firm. In eight years, he managed to grow his portfolio to over $100,000,000, an unheard of accomplishment. He was able to accomplish that due to his razor sharp knowledge of intricate trading markets and his relentless drive to exceed client expectations. He was also one of the best salesmen at the firm. He was able to easily impress new clients both with his knowledge, as well as his looks and his charm. Eric traded on all his assets, and he wasn't the least bit self-conscious about it. His smarts, his charm, his looks: it was all part of the total package. And when he needed to close a deal, he could use each and all of those assets to have even the most hard-boiled clients eating out of his hand. At 6 2, and a solid 195, Eric still carried his college athlete's build. Indeed, he was known as the Christian Bale of the firm: for his impeccable taste in clothing, his relentless drive, as well as his six-pack abs. He knew exactly how to dress too: super tight shirts and suit pants were his most common currency in getting what he wanted. Eric had very ambitious plans for the coming year. He was close to signing several new clients, which would significantly increase his portfolio. He had approval to hire a new analyst to help with the increased workload, and Eric was focused on finding the right candidate. He had burned through so many assistants over the years: most people had a hard keeping up with his pace. He instructed his Human Resources director to send him only college athletes. Eric knew he wasn't allowed to be so specific in his hiring request, but he wore an extra-tight shirt to the meeting with his HR recruiter. A simple bend of his elbow would ball up his huge bicep, and the recruiter would be putty in his hands. Eric's firm was hosting an open house for several top-tier universities. They would have a day of interviews followed by a reception. Eric was too busy to participate in the interviews, but the recruiter encouraged him to go to the reception, and assured him there would be several candidates who fit his basic requirements. Eric got in a quick workout before the reception. He had been doing a lot of squats lately, and his knew his ass looked incredible. He dressed in his finest suit, but the pants were getting very tight around his glutes. He pulled them on anyway, not caring how obscene they might have looked. He paired it with a dark blue French-cuff shirt. The shirts too, were getting tighter across his chest and shoulders. Still, Eric didn't care: he loved the attention it got him. Eric walked into the reception and quickly scanned the room: eager young ladies, some math nerds, and a couple of vaguely athletic guys. He wasn't impressed, but decided to mingle a bit anyway. Eric found himself a baseball player to talk to. Henry Tatum was about 5 10, 170, had short jet black hair and bright brown eyes, and the classic baseball player's build. Not too big, but no doubt athletic, and he seemed to have good knowledge of the markets. In the middle of the conversation, something made Eric look up. Standing in the doorway was a tall, well built guy. Eric couldn't see much else since the guy had people crowded around him. But he literally was head and shoulders above everyone else. Eric watched how he easily worked the room, then lost sight of him. A few minutes later, while still talking to Henry, he felt something behind him: a presence, followed by a shadow. He slowly turned around to see a guy, about 6 5, sandy blond hair and blue eyes, just peering out at the crowd. Eric was impressed by his presence. He turned and introduced himself. The giant man introduced himself as James Prowse. He was 22, a recent Columbia grad. He wowed Eric with his athletic record: he started out as a wrestler, but then moved to rugby. When Eric asked why, James just answered: "Got too big." Eric was intrigued, and asked what were his current stats. James responded, 6 6, 275. Eric engaged in a spirited conversation with both James and Henry about the markets, and was quite impressed with both of them. But if he had to pick one, it would be James. His mere size would overwhelm any client into saying yes. As the evening wore on, the room got warmer. James was the first to take off his suit jacket, revealing a broad, massive chest, as well as gargantuan shoulders. Henry quickly followed suit, revealing a fit, compact build, and surprisingly sizable biceps. Eric found his eyes constantly drawn to James' balled up biceps, and he was enraptured with everything James had to say. Eventually, James took off his tie and rolled up his sleeves to reveal huge forearms, and Henry followed. Eric, ever the well-dressed man, still had his suit jacket on, and was a bit dismayed at how unkempt the two young men looked, even though they were both clearly beautiful and well-built. "Guys, if you come to work for me, the dress code is very rigid," Eric said. James just grinned a dazzling smile. "Lighten up, Eric," he said. He glanced at Henry, who proceeded to take of Eric's suit jacket, with surprisingly little resistance from the Managing Director. Eric didn't mind, and in fact the evening reminded him of his college days. He was also pleased to have an opportunity to dazzle the room in the skin-tight shirt. The buttons across Eric's chest were strained at capacity, and left a huge gap where his skin was revealed. Most people would consider that poorly fitted clothing, but Eric enjoyed the alpha element of bursting with muscle. James seemed to focus on the shirt, and while Eric was deep in conversation (trying to avoid James' biceps), he just reached over and with a flick of his finger, the shirt opened up. Eric looked up, stunned. No one had ever dared to be that forward with him before. Filling with rage, but also impressed with the young man, he just said to James: "Why did you even come and talk to me tonight?" James just smiled again and said, "I saw the tallest guy in the room, and I stood next to him. That ALWAYS makes me feel even more powerful." While most people would consider that behavior unprofessional, Eric was completely intrigued. He looked right at James and said "You're hired." James didn't even respond at first. He just looked at Eric and said "Hire Henry too." Eric didn't like being told what to do, especially from a 22 year-old analyst. And he knew he only had approval to make one new hire. While he tried to stammer out a protest, James just nonchalantly crossed his arms. Then James looked directly at Eric, and his eyes narrowed. In a deep and authoritative voice, he said: "I just met you an hour ago. And in that hour, I was able to size you up, and to create a need in you that didn't even know you had. A need you now DESPERATELY must fill. Doesn't that make me a good salesman?" And with that, he bunched up his massive biceps. In a daze, Eric turned to Henry. The amiable, handsome baseball player now had a dark and intense look on his face. "Do the calculus, Eric," was all he said. He bunched up his biceps too. "Mine aren't as big as James, I know that. But the three of us together will be unstoppable, and you know it." He seemed much taller than his 5 10. Eric thought about it for a few seconds. Was he being worked over by two college guys? He didn't seem very pissed at the idea. Plus, they were smart, and clearly had killer instincts. To close the deal, Henry discreetly slid his hand inside Eric's shirt and rubbed his hard stomach. "You are so hungry for this, Eric." Eric felt the strong calloused hand of the athlete on his abs, and by instinct just flexed them up. "I'll take that as a yes" said Henry when he felt Eric's abs crunch. "Does a $500,000,000 portfolio make you hard, Eric?" said the baseball player, who seemed to enjoy toying with the powerful Managing Director. Eric looked up at James, who simply nodded. With that, Eric slid his hand inside Henry's shirt and felt the ripped abs of the college athlete. Eric was also drawn to his overwhelming confidence like a moth to a flame. Eric seemed enraptured by the hands on his stomach. Looking at the giant rugby player, and the surprisingly strong and assertive smaller baseball player, Eric was indeed getting hard. "Why stop at $500,000,000? You are both hired." "Good boy," said James. "You won't regret this. Now, let's get to work." And with that, the three men left the room and headed to Eric's office.
  20. Hey buds. Thought I'd try my hand and writing some muscle fistfight stories. Decided to try tumblr so pics and stories can be side by side, but can repost them here if people wish. Nobody quite is into the "just right" thing you are into, another reason to write my own. These stories will be one-on-one fights usually between a hot guy from the inter webs and a more famous celebrity. Themes of toughness, masculinity, surprising strength, growth (will be restricted to semi-realistic adrenalized shirt-busting pumps), dominance, comeuppance etc. Hope you will visit and comment, reblog and like! http://broodingmuscle.tumblr.com Thanks studs! Mack
  21. spacevlad

    Tank the Bouncer

    Hey everybody. I posted a story earlier this year on Coiledfist that I think a lot of people on here would appreciate as well. It's quite long, 18 chapters in total, so I figured it would be a little too long and involved to post on here--don't want to have 18 separate threads on the story thread and don't want to have to copy/paste it all--so I'm just going to drop a link to the story here. http://www.coiledfist.org/stories/index.php?mode=search&submitted=1&keyType=sid&query=spacevlad_tankthebounce If you like dominant, growing bully types, aggressive sex scenes, and don't mind guys growing to 12+ feet tall and being a little destructive all while wanting to grow bigger and bigger... well, this is the story for you!
  22. Umpires by F_R_Eaky Part VI Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6120-umpires-part-one-by-freaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6180-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-ii/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6488-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iii/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6562-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iv/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6563-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-v/ "Guys... we have a problem." Said Sebastian as he plopped his 6' 3" 250 pound frame onto the stone circle bench in the secret room of his ancestral home. "I believe our ancestors' enemy's ancestor is here, back in Strangwich, and he knows we know about our gift giving abilities." "What?" said most everyone in attendance: Mason, Brook, Connor, and Callum. "Late yesterday afternoon, Blake and Santiago came running in as fast as they could to the coach's office." "Well there's trouble. Two of the largest guys on the football team running anywhere. Did the door frame handle them both trying to get through?" said Callum. "That's the problem. They weren't two of the largest guys on the football team anymore, they were the two smallest, and that's the two smallest, not two of the smallest." "What?" said Mason as he rose to his 6' 8" height questioning his lover's statement. "You and I turned Santiago into a huge hunk of man nearly seven feet tall. Collectively all of us, save Callum, on the first weekend of the school year turned Blake from tiny mouse into a roaring lion that could join the NFL. How the hell are they small?" "I'm not sure. They thought the coast was clear, and so did the coach. He took them out of the line and said they were in for testing due to their recent growth spurts, not mentioning how small they were. But I saw them when they came running in and watched as they talked with the coach. They couldn't have been any taller than five foot tall." "And you think our grandparents' enemy's descendant made them that short?" "And took away their muscular size, as well as anything else we gave them probably." "Can the... enemy do that?" "Yes," interrupted Callum. "Sorry, Bast. I've been reading through your Great Booke of the Family and the stories and accounts written down. It clearly said he would be able to take our gifts, but the wording used is definitely not just the powers you have, but the effects your gifts give to others. They weren't sure what he was going to do with them though." "I think he collects them and keeps them for himself." said Zachary. "Why do you think that?" Said Sebastian. "Henri Marasme. He's a new student, who's making a big deal in more ways than one." "Starting the semester a little late isn't he?" "That's the first big deal. His parents both passed with Dad leaving him a huge company to run. It apparently took forever for him to find someone to honestly run the company while he's away for two-thirds of the year studying abroad. So he's been taking class work over the net, like an on-line class. Anyway he was supposed to arrive sometime early Saturday morning but his plane had all sorts of problems that the airlines couldn't understand nor figure out. He didn't arrive here until around ten-thirty last night." "Well it doesn't sound so odd, all explainable at some point I'm sure." "Yeah, but get this. The few members of the administration and faculty that met him Saturday night, commented on him being the most diminutive man they ever met, so did his roomy; however, everyone who's met him since Sunday evening, swears he's a hulking giant. They're talking like a seven foot tall body builder!" "They must be all slightly mistaken. Trick of light or something." "Nope. His roomy was so freaked out, he had to show off proof, so he brought people into his dorm room and opened up Henri's closet. It was full of nothing but his original clothes, all tailor made for a man of around 4' 11" who is extremely skinny. But on the bed we boxes full of new clothes and shoes from the big and tall men's shops around town all for a really big man... like around seven foot and is damn near a professional body builder. All the boxes were purchases made on Sunday evening, just before the shops all closed for the night." "That wouldn't be too long after Blake and Santiago ran to the coach. But how can well tell this guy really is the descendant of our forefather's enemy, and thus ours I guess. We'd need to find a way." "His name." Said Callum. "What?" Said everyone else collectively. "His name. Part of the curse placed upon his family was that their surname was to be 'Slump' and that no matter what they did or where they went, it would always be that. Zach you said his name was Henri... what was his last name?" "Marasme." "Sounds French...and if I remember my high school French class correctly... ... ...marasme is the French word for... to bend, to lean, or to slump. Henri's last name is slump." There was several minutes of silence, except for Callum turning pages in the Great Booke of the Family. Finally Sebastian spoke up. "So, now we need to figure out how does he get our gifts, what does he do with the effects of the gifts, and What is Callum's power and how does it save us?" Callum quickly slammed the book down on the bench, "He's storing it.... for himself." Again, came the collective response, "What?!" "I just figured out that one part of the story. He would be able to take our gifts once he realized with what laziness began and subtract that from his name. You guys spoke that your forefathers would get their gifts if they had faith in the word, and you were thinking it was having faith in a creed, like the Bible or Wiccan Rede or some such articles of faith, but you got your powers once you discovered your trigger word. It wasn't to have faith in the word, but having faith in a word. It's a magical play on words here. In case, his name is slump. He has to subtract with what laziness begins. What letter begins the word laziness?" "L" spoke up Connor. "Correct. Subtract L from the word slump and what word do you have?" Zachary spoke. "S..s...sump? What is that. I've not heard of a sump before, except as in sump pump." "Exactly. Sumps were built in old houses before all of the old water proofing materials and such came, to help prevent the basements, or more properly storage cellars, from flooding. The excess water was collected into what people today thought mistakenly were partially dried up and filled in wells. They weren't wells but a collection basin to keep the cellars from flooding, a sump. Then when modern technology had advanced far enough, but people still didn't have the money or the technology to raise the house and just make a dry basement, but the rains and such proved too much to contain in the sump, they invented the sump pump. Once your sump reached a certain level of water, the pump would kick in and start pumping the water out into a set of pipes leading out of the building." Sebastian stood up. "So you're telling me, he'll just take our gifts...powers that is, and the gifts we've given people and just collect them." "Yeah. I'm not exactly sure what he would do with your gifts, but the ones you've given, he's just going to collect and hold, probably... ... ... just like a sump held water. It just collected it and held it." Mason turned and looked over to Sebastian. "Hon, if he collects all the gifts we've given to every student on this campus... ... ..." "And tracks down the ones who have already graduated as well... ... ... he's going to grow into a ten ...fifteen...twenty foot tall hulking mass!" Callum blinked in astonishment. "Seriously? How many men have you given gifts to?" Sebastian sighed. "We haven't kept track. Collectively somewhere around twenty to thirty students per year?" "Twenty to thir.....And did you make them all behemoth footballers like Blake and Santiago?" Mason stepped forward, "Take it easy there Callum. It's not like we meant to put the world in jeopardy with what we were doing. And, no... not all of them were hulking brutes. Sometimes we just gave a bit of height, or a little muscle, or like the night we showed you, it was just cock and ball growth." "Oh gawd...." said Brook. "What will happen if he gets the people I gifted and siphons off their gift? This fifty fuckin' foot tall giant hulk with balls the size of the Daily Planet Globe! Then what if he blows a load willie nillie anywhere and it strikes women? Will they become pregnant and give birth to more giant sized Slump family children? And what happens if they have his power too? This is just.." "Shhh shhhh shhhhh shhhhh baby, calm down... breathe..." Zachary consoled as he held Brook's head to his shoulder and sat him down. The sextet sat in silence for a long while staring at each other, the walls, the fire, space, until Sebastian spoke up. "Well...You said, Callum, that this was a play on words. We need to figure out what your word is, what your gift/power is, and how it protects us, and we need to figure that out fast. Yet, at the same time... you might need to keep your distance from us. Mr. 'Slump' might not be aware of the fact that our sixth member has come to us. Keeping you at bay might keep you safe." ***************************************************************************** The college's open gymnasium was full of activity and clatter as hundreds of students were getting a workout in one form another, but then suddenly it became very quiet. In came Henri Marasme, all seven feet, oggly some odd hundreds pounds of him. He had to duck his head to get through the door. He had to twist his body sideways because his chest, back, and shoulders were too broad to fit through the door frame for a straight walk-through. Even if they were all deflated, he still couldn't do it for his arms were of such a size he nearly looked like he was doing a charades'' motion of an airplane at all times. THUD THUD THUD They heard him walking into the place, so heavy were his footfalls, despite the fact that he kicked his feet out sideways in order to walk forward. And with every step he jiggled and wig gled in a solid is flowing kind of way. The way that bodybuilder's muscles bounce, pop, and flex as they do something as simple as walking to a water cooler or reaching to grab something off a top shelf. They stood and watched him. Only one person on campus was anywhere near close to his size and that was Santiago de Silva who was apparently out with a virus or growing pains or something. The two next biggest men on campus was Brandon Brockman or Blake Smythe, and Blake was out with the same ailments as Santiago. Still it didn't matter, both men were half a foot or so shorter than Henri, and although pretty large, they didn't have the build Henri did. They'd have to combine their builds in order to be equal to Henri's. The noise only began to come back to the background when Henri sat down at a bench press and started adjusting the weights. He put a good hefty amount on the bar, causing quite a few people to stop talking again and watch as he pressed the bar and weights off the rack and then bring it down to his chest. "eeeeeeeeeee............hoooooooooo" He repeated this motion several times as folks watched the veins begin to pop out on his arms, across his chest and shoulders. They watched as his barreling chest became engorged with blood and began to mound higher and higher, swelling just a bit more and stretching the straps of his tank top wider and wider apart. Some ladies began to shift nervously in their seats or stances as they watch the peaks of pecs mound higher, grow tighter in the shirt, until Henri's nipples began to poke out tighter in the fabric than most of their nipples did in their blouses in winter. Henri began to take a sense of his surroundings. "Hmmmmmm yesssssss," He thought to himself. "There are others here who have been gifted. The quintet giveth...and I shall taketh away...." Henri performed several more reps with the bar before he began chanting with his moments. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......sump......hooooooooooooooo." He began to shift on the bench. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......Sump......hooooooooooooooo." His pecs swelled even farther, pulling the u shaped front of the tank tap further down his chest. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......SUMP......hooooooooooooooo." There was the sounds of bone snapping, skin stretching, his lats, arms, shoulders, and back seemed to push out further from his tank top. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......SUMP!!......hooooooooooooooo." His pants began to creep up his leg.... his shoes became form fitting to his feet and began to emit the sounds of small tears and rips. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......HMMMM MOTHER......hooooooooooooooo.....SUMP....SUUUUUUUMP!" His pants traveled up his leg but were snapped by his calves filling up fuller and larger quickly like some water balloon approaching burst level. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP!......hooooooooooooooo." His thighs split the seams of his pants, his feet burst forth from his sneakers, snapping the laces as well, while his chest pulled the top of his tank down....down....down.... until just before pulling it so far down his massively muscular man tits or 'pectacular pecs simply tore the front open all the way to half way down his abs. Men while several shrieks were heard from several men as they began to lose size. Tom: shrunk by four inches, Richard: lost thirty pounds of muscle, Harold: twenty five pounds of muscle, shrunk 5 inches shorter, Olag: lost four to five inches of cock size while his balls shrunk to the size of pistachios. It seemed like several men were tripping or collapsing, all suffering from some kind of weakness. The whole time Henri just swelled larger and broader, taller and thicker, harder, veinier, more striated. "AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" Henri finally stood up and proceeded to start bending the weight bar... Not by much, but still, giving that any kind of curve takes a mountain of a man with an incredible amount of strength and power to do it. He began to walk forward, moaning as he did so. His crotch having grown a bit larger was getting rubbed by his tight, tight underwear and the lose fabric of his shredded jeans shifting this way and that. It soon produced a near frightening erection that threatened to tear the crotch area of his pants. Reaching the dining section of the gym, he picked up several of the large, empty, metal trays and began to bend them in half, all the way, doubled over. Students and faculty in the crowd began to whisper and moan cries of astonishment and awe, calling him super, giant, god-like. To help support this Henri then walked over to a lunch bench full of students and told them to go ahead and stay seated while he picked them all up, eventually working it up into a military press, which he pumped out several reps before being called out. "Dude! I don't care if you're the fuckin' hulk, we don't need raging hard on penis displays when working out or showing off our strength. Put them down go find some pants that fit." Henri put them down, but then turned and faced his adversary. "SUMP!" Brandon was taken aback by this a bit, but answered back as coolly and alpha as he could. "Not much. What'sup with you ... besides you're ungodly erection?" Henri stopped for a moment. His word did nothing to this man.... he was all natural...untouched. "Now, I'm a sucker for showing off a well built bod, and dude, you are totally jacked! You're like Arnie squared! But there are dress codes here at the school, and showing off everywhere is just against the bro code. I mean....I could run around in a tank top...." and Brandon took his jacket and over shirt off. "And run around all the time, but if men such as we do this, it just crushes all hopes of the everyday milksop to make himself into a man or even get out of bed in the morning. You have to play the god-like body kind of cool." "Yesssss.... coooooool." Suddenly the doors opened and in walked Sebastian and Mason, all too casually, as if about to have lunch or go sit in the sauna as opposed to getting ready for a workout. "Awww fuck!" Cried out Sebastian. Brandon turned around and saw the two gentleman standing there slacked jawed. "Go on to the pool or something Knight. This is a conversation between big men and doesn't concern you." "You know these gentlemen?" "Yeah. That one is Sebastian Knight, he's with me on the football team. He wants my position but he can't have it. He doesn't carry the size and the power necessary to do so. He keeps hitting the weight room, over and over and over and over, but he can't gain any size. He's just someone who doesn't know when or how to accept the fact of what he is and what his position in life will always be. The other dude is his buddy, Mason Fletcher, a barely talented hack on the basketball team, only there because he's slightly tall." "Hey!" "Brandon, listen to me... you need to walk away from this man." "Screw you, Sebastian!" "Knight and Fletcher... you say.... I know those names well. ... ... ... Tell me...uh.... what is your name?" "You don't know it?!? Dude, I'm the captain of the football team, for fuck's sake! Brandon. Brandon Brockman." "Hmmmm tell me... Brandon....Dude.... does Sebastian get in your way? Does he make you feel annoyed?" "Yeah... he does....quite a bit sometimes, but not much I can do about it. Why?" "I think we might be able to help each other. Pardon me for just a moment." With that Henri turned and picked up one of the sets of table and benches in the dining area and hurled it towards Sebastian and Mason. The two men realized it was coming in fast and trying to navigate through the doors behind them might not be fast enough to escape injury. Instead they dove forward, the ensemble crashing behind them getting mangled with the bar releases of the doors. It effectively blocked their immediate exit. Brando began to say something about how bad it was to damage school property, but before he could, he was turned around facing Sebastian and Mason, while his back went towards Henri. Then in one quick, and slightly painful moment Brandon's pants and underwear were ripped down his legs. Brandon went to move, but was pinned to Henri's chest by Henri's left arm. Suddenly the realization hit that Brandon may have taken on more than he should handle when he realized that the top of his head only reached mid -chest or arm pit of Henri Marasme. Suddenly there was a loud scream from Brandon and he was being held closer to Henri than he was just moments ago, with Henri's pants hanging in shreds around his ankles. Brandon attempted to squirm. "MOTHER FUCK! You....shoved your.... .... .... cock up .....my ass....." "Now, Brandonnnnnnnn... ... ... if you'd like to get rid of your problem co-player, look at him and concentrate." "YOU! Shoved your cock....up...my ass!" "Look at him! Don't worry about me and my parts or where they are. Just look at Sebastian concentrate on Sebastian." "Yeah! I see him.... he's looking at us in disgust because... YOU SHOVED YOUR COCK!...." Brandon didn't finish. Instead, over his yelling, Henri looked towards Sebastian and muttered his power word..."sump..." "UUUUH!" Brandon's cock became full erect in his pants. "Shhhhh....say it with me Brandon.... .... Say it with me and stay focused on Sebastian. One... two.... three..." "SUMP" "SUMP" This time it was Sebastian that groaned and the impromptu audience watched as his muscles became a little smaller. "Bast... hon... we need to get out of here. C'mon!" "Look at Mason now... une...duex...tois..." "SUMP" "SUMP" And now Mason slightly wavered in his stance. Brandon seemed to stand up a little taller. "h..h...Hey! This feels kind of good. Not sure about your cock up my ass, but the after affects are feeling amazing." "Good... let's chant some more at those annoyances of yours. Again..." "SUMP" "SUMP" Sebastian attempted to lead Mason away this time, but went down again, shrinking in size. "Again!" "SUMP" "SUMP" "MORE!" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" Over and over again they chanted and they watched as Brandon's form rose higher and higher up Henri's form: arm pit to shoulder top, shoulder top to chin bottom, chin bottom to lips, lips to eyes, eyes to top of head. Breathing deeply, Brandon moaned as his body then continued to grow out ripping and shredding, popping and snapping bits and pieces of clothing from head to toe, until he stood as tall and nearly as built as Henri himself. Clinching his buttocks a bit as he learned to walk with new added mass, Brandon drug Henri over to the lineup area in the dining hall. He too grabbed several metal trays and then proceeded to bend the over. "HmmmmmmmmmmRRRRRRRRRAAAUUUUUUUGH! FUUUUUUUUUCK THIS FEELS GOOD! This feels like power! Like size! Like something I can mother fuckin' deal wi -ITH! AH! AH! AH! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Suddenly Brandon was spewing more cum out of his pecker than those "peeing-cherub" fountains squirt water on a high pressure day. Henri came as well, up Brandon's ass, although it didn't seem like Brandon minded now. He collapsed behind Brandon at the same time Brandon went down from sheer joy. "There is more than that where than came from Brandon, my muscle mate. You help me track down people and we will become Gods on campus. Titans of the country.... Colossusi of the world!" While they were lost in their ecstasy, Sebastian and Mason made a run for it, heading to the pool and out the back locker room doors. They left much of their clothing behind having become too small for it. Indeed when they pounded on Callum's door, they were in nothing but their jersey or basketball tank top, loose fitting underwear, and socks. Callum happened to be there and was quite shocked when he opened up his door. "Yes, why are you pounding on my....Holy shit! Bast? Mas? you two are only five and half feet tall or so!" "We've got to get inside and change into some other clothes and then find a place to hide!" said Sebastian. "Henri did this to us, but he somehow gave our size to Brandon." "Brandon? Brandon Brockman?" "Yes... ... ... now we have two giants to worry about."
  23. Guest

    (Un)even rivals (3)

    Three Ted parked his car in front of the gym, got out, tossed his cousin's sweat drenched shirt over his wide shoulder and strutted toward the building. He pulled the door but it was locked. He looked up and noticed the 'out of business' sign. He banged his fist against the heavy door, rattling the glass. Jeremy heard the banging sound and left his office. He looked in the direction of the door and saw the familiar big teen pounding the metal surface. He grabbed his keys and hurried to the entrance to unlock the door, noting the dents Ted's fist had made. Ted saw Jeremy coming over and pulled open the door as it was unbolted, his wide shoulders brushing against the frame as he entered. Jeremy instinctively stepped back: the big teen looked even more intimidating filling the frame of the door. Before he could react, two big hands grabbed his armpits and lifted him up against the wall. "What's the big idea of closing down your gym?", Ted snarled, "I paid ya good money to work out here". Jeremy's breathing fastened and his armpits got sweaty as his feet dangled in the air: just like the day before in his office, he was in the hands of this teen beast. He squirmed in the steely grasp, unable to break free. He gulped when he realized he was at the mercy of the huge 18 year old that was six years younger than him and had dented the steel door just by pounding on it. "Well? Thought ya could use me to get my cousin's shirt, hustle my money and then ditch me? Back in juvy I always got back on those kind of guys", Ted barked and shoved the 209 pound bodybuilder hard against the wall while tightening his grip. "Oufgh" A faint sound of pain escaped Jeremy's mouth as his back was slammed against the wall. He stopped squirming as the hard pressure around his ribs increased even more. "Man, I could break all your bones right now. Your body is no match for my strength. A total wimp. Just like my cousin.", Ted bawled and raised the right corner of his mouth to show his teeth like a dog. The pressure soon lessened and Jeremy took in a few deep breaths before replying. "Look man", he said, "this gym was on the verge of bankruptcy when you came by yesterday. I just decided to shut it down so I can focus on taking back my top spot from your cousin. You can keep training here. For free. Whenever you want." "A personal gym all for myself? That's more like it", Ted said. "Yeah", Jeremy replied quickly, "You won't have to hide your physique to avoid suspicion from the other gym members. Or fear unannounced drug tests. I could write you a training program. Or become your training partner." "Good thinking, little guy. But you're too tiny and weak to work out with me. Ya just couldn't keep up with me. Ya need real muscle to train with the big guys ", Ted stated and lowered him back down, " But I could go for a quick workout right now. Still feeling pumped from beating my cousin. Ya should have seen his face when he got I would beat him. And when I actually beat him. Priceless." Jeremy, still a bit wobbly on his feet and taking in deep breaths, locked the door and grabbed the sweat drenched shirt from the teen's shoulder. "You know your way around. I'll be in my office", he said. "Let's toss some weight around. YEAH!", Ted boomed and swaggered into the gym. Chris' evening wasn't passing as smoothly as his cousin's. The painful pump in his pecs had been agonizing him ever since his lost fight. His right shoulder felt like his delts had been ripped off the joint. His right arm felt even worse: his cramped 20 inch bicep stabbed in pain like a truck had passed over it; spasms kept shooting through the cord-like muscles in his forearm. He hadn't said a word since his cousin left. "Come on, hon", Trisha said as she installed herself next to him in the couch and rubbed her body against his, "cheer up. It was a simple arm wrestle contest against your cousin. Not like you lost a big title to your rival." Chris didn't react and kept staring at the TV. "You're still my number one. I know a good way to make you feel better", Trisha said. Her hand slipped underneath his shirt, brushing the hard lines of his six-pack and moved down into his pants. Her fingers played with his cock: she playfully grabbed his balls and traced along the flaccid shaft, mentally comparing it to what she had felt through Ted's sweatpants. "I'm gonna sleep. Don't feel so well", Chris said. He pulled her hand from his pants and went upstairs, leaving his girlfriend behind. He entered their bedroom and took off his clothes, avoiding to look at his reflection in the mirror on the furthest wall. He opened the door of the adjacent dressing and grabbed a pair of pajamas: for the first time since graduating high school, he wouldn't sleep in his boxers or nude. He felt weak and small, as if his cousin had stripped him of his manhood by beating him. The tight fabric of his unused pajamas made him feel slightly better. He got in bed, wondering if it had always been this large, and coiled himself up in a ball underneath the sheets, like a scared child. Jeremy was in his office carefully assembling the ingredients for his revenge on his rival, Chris. He had found a website on voodoo spells and decided to give it a try. Despite not really believing in this supernatural mumbo-jumbo, he knew it was worth a shot. His rival had clearly better genetics than him and he couldn't beat Chris naturally. And steroids were no option due to the weekly drug tests by the LTB. "YEAH!" The loud roar echoing through the deserted gym made him look up. Ted's shouts had been alternating with the bangs of heavy weights dropping down for the last hour. Jeremy shook his head and returned to page he had printed. He took the voodoo doll he had ordered from the box, leaving the spare one in it. He then grabbed the sweat drenched, stinking shirt Ted had brought and wrung it out over the doll. Chris' sweat dripped from the shirt onto the doll, soaking it before it absorbed into it. He quickly tossed the doll in the top drawer of his desk as the door was slammed open. A sweaty Ted, his face dark red from his workout barged in. Heat and a mixture of sweat and musk radiated from his 260 pound body, filling the office. "You're still here", Jeremy said casually, "thought you were in for a quick training?". "It was a quick one", Ted replied in his deep voice and stepped up to the desk. "But… you trained for an hour", Jeremy answered promptly. Ted grinned. "For little boys like ya and my weak cousin an hour is long. But for big guys like me it's just enough for a quick arm workout", Ted stated and flexed his arms. Jeremy stared at the stretched hoodie covering the teen's arms as its seams protested with ripping sounds as they were pushed upward and outward by the orbs of steely meat swelling into their 25 inches of power. How does the guy look underneath?, Jeremy thought. "Ya said I could train whenever I want", Ted said and lowered his arms. "Yeah, sure", Jeremy replied, "Just give me a call and I'll make sure I'm here". "Na. I don't want to have to wait for ya. Just give me a key so I can get in", Ted stated. "No. No. I can't…", Jeremy stopped speaking as he noticed the angry look in the teen's dark brown eyes and the hoodie's strained sleeves as he folded his big arms across his chest. "I'm not asking ya. I'm telling ya to give me a key. Got a problem with that, kid?", Ted barked, his deep voice rattling the glass of the cabinet behind the desk and grabbed Jeremy's keychain lying on his desk. " No problem at all, man. Take them. I'll use my spare key", Jeremy replied promptly. "Thought so", Ted said and turned around to leave, "And make sure the water's running next time. I like to shower after my training". Jeremy stared at the teen's wide back as he strutted out of his office, slamming the door as he left. He took in a deep breath in relief as he heard Ted's car start and race away from the parking lot. "I'll have to keep on his good side. If this mumbo-jumbo doesn't work, I'll have to use him to keep his Chris out off the competition. But if it does work, I'll be way bigger than him once I've stolen his cousin's muscles and then I'll show him who's boss ", he said to himself, "I'll make him cry for mercy in my grip and crush him. Then steal his muscles too". He took the doll from the top drawer and followed the instructions on the paper. He cut a piece from Chris' red shirt and draped it across the doll before putting the doll in a purplish solution he had made with the other ingredients. "Now, it just has to take in the potion over night and everything should be ready for my revenge tomorrow." He gathered what was left of the ingredients and put them in a box in the cabinet behind his desk. He took his spare key from his desk and headed home for the night. Ted sped home after his quick workout and pulled up in front of the garage with squealing tires. He entered the deserted house, put on the lights and took off his hoodie. He really hated having to hide his huge body. He thought back to his days in juvy, when he walked around barechested just to remind everyone he was in charge. He chugged down a gallon of protein shake and noticed a note on the kitchen table. "Off to see my contacts. Will be back tomorrow with your new candy. S." Ted smiled and went upstairs to take a quick shower. He tossed his stinking tank top aside, stepped out off his sweatpants and boxers and got in the shower. He groaned as the hot water cascaded down on his muscle-filled frame. He turned off the water, stepped out and grabbed a towel. He dried off the damped mirror and stared at his reflection. He flexed his huge arms, the pumped muscle rounding outward and mounting upward. His hard, meaty biceps swelling into steely orbs, pushing up some blue veins as they brushed past 25 inches. "Pumped and hard from my workout", he said to his reflection and lowered his left arm to grope his nicely round right bicep. "The arm that crushed ya like a little girl, couz", he said to himself as he tried to dent the hot rock atop his right arm, "Instantly felt you were mine. Your puny grip no match for my iron grasp." His plump cock filled with blood, raising upward and smacked against his stomach as he tightened his grip around the hard ball of muscle and the mound withstood his thick fingers. "Your feeble attack useless against my superior strength. Even had to hold back not to crush ya on the spot. Pushed your powerless arm back easily. Dominating ya in front of your girl. YEAH!", he groaned as his 10 incher exploded onto the mirror, coating it with spurts of sticky cum. Ted's left hand released his bicep and roughly groped his rock-hard, spasming dick. He milked four more blasts from the throbbing 10 incher onto the mirror before leaving the bathroom and strutting into his bedroom. Feeling untouchable and all-powerful, he laid down naked atop his bed, his still hard dick pointed toward the ceiling. His right paw instinctively grabbed the rigid shaft and he stroked away. Within the minute his hefty balls churned and pumped out four slightly lesser bursts that shot up and rained back down on his 260 pound frame, splattering as the thick liquid hit his pecs and stomach. He dozed off, his 10 incher deflating very slowly. Chris passed a restless night. He'd been turning back and forth for hours before falling asleep. He dreamed that he was arm wrestling his cousin again. He fought with everything he got but his cousin's arm didn't budge. His own arm was pumped beyond belief as it was being pushed down. He brought in his second hand, grabbed the huge paw around his hand and pulled. His cousin just kept smiling and pushed his arms down effortlessly. As his hand hit the table, his cousin roared and exploded in size; mammoth-sized muscles ripping his clothes to shreds as the guy doubled in width. The massive beast looked down on him with an evil grin and said "You're mine!" as his huge paw reached for him. Chris shot up in his bed, his heart pounding in his heaving chest and his pajamas wet with sweat. "Just a dream", he whispered to himself and slid back down. At took several minutes before his breathing finally calmed down and he snoozed off again. He dreamed that he was standing on stage and posing for an enthusiast crowd. He went into a most muscular when a large shadow fell over him. He turned around and stared at a mountain of muscle: the most ripped and thick abs he'd ever seen, filled his vision. He looked up and gazed at bottom of an insanely protruding rack of pecs. The huge, striated, vein-soaked mountains jutted so far from the giant's chest they blocked the sight of his head and cast shadows on the top of the ripped abs. A huge paw suddenly grabbed Chris and lifted him up to reveal the evilly grinning face of his cousin. "You're mine!", his beastly huge cousin said as he pushed Chris' face in the deep cleavage between the massive pecs and crushed it by flexing them. Chris shot up once again, breathing even heavier this time. He looked at his radio, noted the time and decided to get up. He entered the bathroom and took off his soaked pajamas. He stopped in front of the large mirror and inspected his physique. His 215 pound body looked as ripped and defined as ever but he just felt weaker. He flexed his abs, making his six-pack ripple and harden. It didn't impress him as usual. He lifted his left arm and brought in his forearm. The hard, meaty bicep swelled into its familiar 20 inches of vein-covered beef. Yet, it seemed somewhat meager. He proceeded by flexing his quads, pushing his half-hard cock up as the thick muscles hardened. The veins and grooves he had trained so hard for appeared, but couldn't take his feelings away. "Ridiculous", he said out loud to his reflection, "arm wrestling is all about leverage and weight. Ted was clearly way heavier, fatter than me. So he has more raw strength. My defined body would make his blobby physique look like shit." "You're right, hon." Chris turned around and saw his girlfriend stand in the doorway, naked and with lust filled eyes. He grinned and they stepped into the shower together. Chris pushed Trisha up against the tilled wall, put his hands aside her head and invaded her with his 7 incher. "Oh, hon", Trisha grunted as her boyfriend's hard snake eagerly entered her. Chris drove his hips back and forth aggressively, his six-pack flexing and relaxing as his cock travelled in and out of his girl. "Oh, yeaugh", Trisha moaned lustfully and grabbed Chris' muscular back for support under the force, groping the bulging mounds atop the wide surface. Chris went at her at full force, fucking her with unknown intensity. It felt like he was reclaiming his manhood, retaking his top dog position as he summoned every ounce of force the big muscles on his 215 pound body could produce. "YEAUGHN!!!", he groaned loud and deeply as his balls contracted and spat a first load of his juices through his rock-hard shaft into his girl. Three more volleys shot from 7 incher as he kept ramming it back and forth into his girlfriend. "Yeah, yeah, yeah", Trisha grunted in her boyfriend's ear as she rested her head on his thick shoulder. She felt his snake beginning to soften inside her as spasms shot through her and her own orgasm overwhelmed her delicate 120 pound body. Chris felt his girlfriend tighten around his deflating cock and wet hotness flowed along it as he drove it into her a final time. He withdrew his dick from her, a mixture of his and her juices dripping from the thinning shaft as he pulled it out. "That was incredible, hon", Trisha said between fast breaths and kissed his lips. Chris returned the kiss, feeling back on top of his game and ready for an intense workout. Jeremy entered his gym after a restless night: excitement to start his revenge had kept him from falling asleep. He first turned the water back on in case Ted would show up this early; he didn't want to get hoisted up by the huge teen once again. He went to his office and opened the top drawer of his desk. He pulled out the recipient with the special formula and the doll. He carefully lifted the doll from the purplish substance and put it on his desk. He also took the piece of paper containing the instructions and said the final incantations out loud: "Gargak Profundis atque venerabilis, Ggrrtjzaku dzedzikoirku!". A surge of power went through him as he said the final word. "It's starting", he said, "your titles are mine now, Chris!". Ted awoke fully recharged after a peaceful sleep and was greeted by the sight of his rock-hard 10 incher pointing at the ceiling. He scratched his meaty chest and felt the patches of dried cum. "Right", he said, "fell asleep thinking of my power". He got up and strutted over to the bathroom, his erect cock swinging back and forth in the process. He saw the cum-stained and grinned. He turned on the shower and stepped under the hot water, letting it clean his pecs as his hands automatically went to his throbbing dick. He put his left paw around his shaft at the base of his cock and his right paw atop his left, covering the entire shaft but unable the cover up the dark red head. He moaned slightly as he tightened his grip, grinning as he couldn't fully close his big hands around the incredible girth of his 10 incher. Within seconds he exploded against the tilled wall, wads of his sticky cum sliding down slowly to the bottom of the shower where they mixed with the soapy water and formed a thick puddle around the drain. After seven big blasts, he released his very slowly deflating cock, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower. He dried himself quickly, his half-hard dick smacking between his thick thighs. He wrapped the towel around his waist and opened the white cupboard. "Shit, I'm out of stuff", he rumbled in his deep voice before finding a final vial at the back. He sucked up its content with a syringe, planted the needle in his left ass cheek and emptied it into his body, his half-hard cock jolting underneath the towel as he felt the steroids passing into him. "Ah, you're up. Thought I heard some grunts in here." Ted turned around and looked down on his housemate. "Didn't mean to wake ya, S.", he said, his deep voice drowning his housemate's high pitch. "Nah, I just got back. I'm off to sleep now", the guy said and looked around in the bathroom. "Man, could you at least wipe your cum from the mirror. I told you before to jerk in the shower, big guy." Ted looked at the mirror and returned his look on his housemate. "Sorry, S.", he rumbled, "These roids just get me so horned up…" "I can tell", the guy replied and let his gaze rest at the obscene lump in the towel draped around the 260 pound 18 year old. Ted's eyes followed his roommate's gaze and his more-than-half-hard cock jolted, tenting the towel some more. "260 pounds of beef and you're still just a horny teenager, big guy", the guy said and looked back up in Ted's eyes. "Remember your first years in juvy? The big guys picking on you, beating you up." Ted clenched his fists at the memories, his forearms rippling with strength and his biceps hardening atop his arms. "You were skinnier than me back then. What did you weigh? 130 pounds? 120 just like me?", the guy said. "125. Ya know it, S.", Ted mumbled like an angry child. "And who helped you turn that pathetic, skinny 6 feet frame into the 260 pound beast you are today? Who gave you the chance to get back on all your bullies?", the guy asked and pointed his index finger against the big teen's chest, pushing it into the protruding rack of muscle. "I owe it all to ya, S.", Ted replied and looked into his 5'5, 120 pound housemate's eyes, "No one will ever touch ya when I'm here". "That's why I let you move in with me, big guy. None of the other dealers dares to double-cross me knowing I've got a beast like you to back me up. That's why you can stay for as long as you want. All summer. Until next year. We'll see", the guy stated, "And I'll give you some nice candy when you behave, big guy". "Ya have my stuff", Ted asked eagerly and slightly bounced his pecs under his housemate's touch. "Told you I would get it. And don't I always take care of you, big guy? The stronger you are, the safer I am. Back in juvy I saw how you struggled to gain some muscle and when my protector got out, I beefed you up for my protection. I'll keep doing the same now", the guy said, "I've gotten something very potent for you. Still experimental but way stronger than the traditional steroids". "And can it be detected? If I want to get into bodybuilding…", Ted blurted out. "It's still experimental, so it should pass the traditional tests", the guy answered. "Great, S.", Ted said, "Can't wait to get my hands on it". "Why wait, big guy?", the guy asked and disappeared into the hallway. Within seconds he got back from his room with a little box filled with vials. "A first stash as a test run." Ted quickly grabbed the box from his housemate's hands and let a vial drop into his own big hand. "Looks the same like my roids", he said as he examined the vial. "This is extracted from bull semen and further enhanced", the guy said, "You inject it just like roids but it has to be directly into your balls. It forces them to produce as much testosterone as a bull." "Let's see", Ted replied and filled a syringe with the content of the vial in his hand. "No! Wait!", his housemate said, "you've already taken a dose of the other stuff today". He grabbed the big teen's forearm and pulled with all his might. Ted didn't hear his housemate's warning and his thick forearm wasn't slowed down by the tugging of the 120 pound guy. His right hand disappeared under the towel and he felt the needle against his right nut. He flexed his thick thigh, trapping his right nut against it and pushed in the needle. "Yeah", he grunted as he emptied the content into his right nut. He withdrew the needle and filled it again with the content from a second vial. "What are you doing?", his housemate asked and frantically tried preventing the 260 pound beast from carrying on. "A round for my other nut too", Ted replied. His right hand disappeared under the towel again and the needle invaded his left nut, emptying the juice into it. "What have you done?", his housemate yelled, "A double dose on top of your usual roids?!". Ted pulled the needle from his left nut and tossed the syringe in the sink. "I feel it working", he bellowed, "Ughn!". A warm feeling spread through his balls, that pulsed under the towel. His more-than-half-hard cock surged to full hardness, ripping the towel away to reveal his entire body, and smacked against his stomach as it inflated into its 10 inches of hard glory. "Yeahn", Ted grunted, his rock-hard cock throbbing and a musky odor radiating from his trimmed pubes and the dark hair in his deep armpits. The bathroom filled with the musky scent and his housemate jumped out mere seconds before Ted exploded the load of a lifetime. Cum splattered onto the ceiling, coated the tilled walls, sprayed the window, stained the mirror and pooled on the floor as his pulsing balls fired gallons of his thick spunk though his wildly throbbing 10 incher. After 12 huge blasts, his orgasm wore down and Ted stood breathing heavily amidst the devastated bathroom. "Clean up your mess before you go out", his housemate said and went to bed.
  24. This is my attempt to continue the Invisible Kid, an old story from one of my top 5 favorite authors, TheEd. I did everything I could to give respect to his story. I hope it gives you guys the same chills that the original author gave me from this story. (BTW, this is part 3 so I have a feeling you might not understand much unless you find the original in the archives) My waking up was……pleasant. I woke up to the hood of a red and white umbrella you might have seen in an old commercial or TV show from the earlier 2000’s. I blinked my eyes. It was all a dream, I thought. I let out a sigh of relief. Almost blew my family up into giants, I laughed inwardly. But then two heads appeared in my view. “Are you ok, son?” My eyes bulged out of my skull (or atleast I felt like they did) as my eyes attached my dad’s handsome face to what should have been his body. Instead, a bigger, more beautiful looking interpretation of it filled my vision on my left side. “He’s just taking me in, dad. You know how I can be a bit much to handle” said Conan’s voice, also attached to a large body that must have been crafted from tanned marble. The two standing over me were like twin skyscrapers, my dad the taller of the two, their tight little red shorts still moist from the water and making a perfect shining effect as they stretched over thighs, waists, and bulges in their pants that pulled the lycra taut. I bolted upright and yet they still towered over me. Dad grinned even though he began to stand straight and his vision was eclipsed by two massive pectorals that looked dominated enough of Dad’s torso to protect me from the rain. “You’d think that he’d be used to us by now” he said as he leaned forward, grabbed me with two enormous hands and set me on my feet. I looked way up to my enormous father and brother but couldn’t fathom the words to speak. “Go on inside, son. For this one time, I’ll let your brother lotion me up” he said with a grin and passed the large bottle of lotion to Conan. The bottle seemed so average in their hands. Conan groaned as I walked away. “Why do I have to do it? He’s not going to be on display tomorrow.” I entered our now enormous house and hopped onto our “couch”. I call it couch but it was more like its own bed. I sat waaay back into the seat and found my knees couldn’t even bend due to the big furniture. How could I have done all of this? I grabbed the remote and quickly switched to the news. Everywhere I looked, there was my family. Whenever the news wasn’t talking about the weather, they were talking about either dad or what our family appeared to consist of: mom, dad, and Conan. As far as I could tell though, I didn’t remember being at any of these events. I became really scared of how much power I have used as I saw pictures of me being there (even though I obviously wasn’t the center of attention). Dad was typically flexing above a crowd thanks to his enormous height of 7’10. Sometimes, Conan would flex over them as well just to be apart and the crowd always seem to welcome him at each occurrence. Mom could be seen cheering on the sidelines often, not that it was hard when she was over 6’6. I kept looking for myself and I really had to squint to see myself next to them in different events. Compared to my enormous family, I was practically becoming invisible. “Marveling at the legacy?” came a booming voice from behind. Dad was looming over me and the couch, his pecs still doing their job at obscuring most of his face from me. He was still wearing nothing but his tight spandex shorts but that didn’t stop me from gawking. I had to rip my eyes away before he could peek over his pectoral mountains and keep my composure. “Yeah, they’re expecting me to visit a local strongman competition nearby. Crazy right?” he said with a big grin, my brain was turning to mush watching him smile with his deadly, handsome face. “Wait, dad. Have you ever even lifted weights before?” It was a fair question. I’d built them to be massive and virile sex gods, even now Dad’s shorts were straining and screaming as his cock hardened and grew rapidly inside. Dad shrugged and I almost went blind from the beautiful mountain range of muscle he created. “You already know that story, son. Me and your brother just kept getting bigger. Never needed to touch a weight. I’m actually a little bit excited to see what it feels like to lift steel like that.” I raised my eyebrows. “But dad—“ I started but his massive hand consumed my scalp and he ruffled my hair as if we were still in the previous reality. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. It always is.” I was more than anxious when the competition really got started. Big, hulking men stomped like bulls from station to station, their thick bellies round with beefy muscles that entered my vision before the rest of them did. Watching them lift the weights they hefted that day would be something I might not forget for a while. Dad, being the guest appearance, came near the end. I’d walked around for popcorn to calm my nerves but heard some of the competition managers talking and laughing about howthey’d been so lucky to get Dad to their competition. Too bad he was just for show. I stormed back to the competition to see dad waiting in his tent, lifting a weight awkwardly. For the competition, he’d convinced mom that he should wear something tight and intimidating, a tank top over his big muscles that looked like it was bound tear with the smallest flex and a pair of tight short shorts that were only an inch away from putting dad’s big, globe like ass muscles on display. He was definitely lifting much more than I could lift but I’d seen actors on Youtube lift just as much and they were a small fraction of Dad’s size. I came up to dad and jumped back for a second, he was taller than me and he was sitting on a low bench! “What’s up, son? Ready to see your da—Whoa” I jumped as I saw dad grab the weight he was hefting with his second hand. They had been right, my powers had only given dad visual beauty and size. I hadn’t considered making his super strong until his strong cock was ready for sexual release. I looked at dad’s big, bulging muscles. Can I make them stronger without making them grow? My eyes were glued to the muscles as I narrowed down my vision on them. I tried his biceps, then his pecs, then his forearms and so on until I’d reached his feet, covered in sneakers that were bulging from their girth. The feeling of concentration made me hold my breath again as I thought about Dad’s power. I wanted him much stronger. Way stronger than any of the other competitors and definitely stronger than those 6’7 mountains they had lifting the heaviest pounds. For a solid ten seconds, dad was still trying to hold the weights up and bend his arm properly as I tried to give them power. I got frustrated and gasped for air at the 30 second mark. His muscles hadn’t changed at all! The only reasonable difference might has well have been a pump. Was that the limit of my powers. Dad stood up and I lost sight of his face again as he heard an alarm sound. “That’s my cue!” he boomed as he strutted toward the ring. I ran to the crowd hurriedly and I made it just in time for this hefty man to come and lift a barbell attached to what had to be a ton on each end! The man was big at 6’9 and had to stuff his clothes with atleast 350 pounds of fat and powerful beef. He was hairy like a beast and his muscles were large and round. His cheeks were thick as though he were actually eating right then and there. To some, he might have been the perfect powerlifter. He lifted the weight with what looked like all of his strength and I gasped as it almost looked as though he could deadlift it but then he seemed to crumble and the weight slammed into the ground, cracking the cement and shaking the ground by the assistants nearby. I saw Dad come up behind him and pat his thick back as he supported himself on the weight in front of him, his forehead red and sweaty. “Careful now, I don’t think you’re big enough to carry all that weight yet” he jokingly jabbed at the guy and they both chuckled a little as the thick powerlifter strutted back to give Dad some space. I couldn’t stop thinking about what had happened when I used my powers. Why didn’t it work? Dad’s muscles could be seen so it should have worked perfectly, right? Dad took a deep breath and I held my own as he prepped. Everyone was silent as he firmly grabbed the weight. Suddenly, dad’s muscles flexed and he attempted to yank the weight up with all his strength. The most beautiful muscles I’d ever seen seemed to enlarge as I watched him attempt. His back muscles hulked behind his neck and his pectoral muscles stretched the fabric of his tank top. Because of his skimpy shorts, I could see that dad’s shorts were also struggling as his big thigh muscles and ass tightened. So many vascular muscles appeared to punch up and against his thin skin but the weight didn’t budge. I was still holding my breath but I heard one of the managers laughing beside me again. That made me angry. Suddenly, dad’s muscles loosened up a little but the weight went up off the ground by an inch. Then he lifted it 2 inches. 2 inches became 3 inches and then 4 and then 6. Dad was slowly lifting the weight off the ground his hips. Light began to glisten on his muscles more than before and I was starting to see that his muscles had not grown but became harder! With a huff, he had swung the weight from his hips to his chest and I still hadn’t let go of my breath. I was realizing I was still making him stronger but I felt the part of me that didn’t want to stop. I wanted dad to win and the manager’s silence had clearly shown he had but I wasn’t satisfied. They’d insulted my dad and I wouldn’t let them off that easy. Suddenly, Dad pushed with new might and the weight was over his head. Over time, he flexed his muscles less and less as they were taking less and less strain. When I stopped, I took stock of what I’d done. He hadn’t gotten too strong right? Suddenly, my eyes had to adjust to something changing in the atmosphere. I rubbed them to get whatever it was out of my eyes and there it was again. Conan’s voice came from beside me. “Dad, stop kidding around!” “Sorry, son. I was having fun watch all of their jaws drop!” I opened my eyes and there was dad but something was different. There was more weight! Dad was holding not 2 tons over his head but 10 tons! That wasn’t even the most shocking part as he was now holding it on one hand and standing on one foot! Dad was like a circus performer balancing on a ball as he held the weight in the air easily. In a really cocky way, he scratched his slightly hairy armpits and hefted his cock, now getting hard and causing the contents on the shorts to balloon. Dad flexed a bicep with a pearly white smile. “You guys got anything heavier? Here, son! This weight isn’t that much is it?” I recoiled and fell back as dad actually THREW the 10 tons over in my direction! I crouched and waited for the end but I heard the clinking as something caught the weight. “Come on, kid. You’re not scared are ya?” Conan’s heavy voice said down to me. He was now holding the weight over his head too! He turned to dad and called back. “Yeah! It could use some more weight! Maybe add 45 on both ends?” he said, starting laughter between him and dad. Mom was in the background with a grin and her legs shifting. “My big, strong men” she said proudly. Her eyes were glued to dad and I knew they’d pound each other like animals tonight. Would she be able to handle the power I’d given him? Back home, I got a call from Luke. He’d stayed home to hide from the bullies for a day. Instantly, my guilt came back. I’d made Dad and Conan super human and Luke was still having to stay home to hide from bullies that I’d created! I wanted to give him the power to protect himself but I didn’t want him to kill anyone. The way he talked about getting revenge on those bullies really unsettled me. Of course, it unsettled me as much Mom and Dad in the background, the sound of their bed creaking and breaking under Dad’s mighty thrusting power and sending the strength and sound through the walls to my room. I turned on my headphones and tried to be a good teenager to sleep through it all but my hand found my cock and the sound of dad making the house shake sent me over the edge….. twice.
  25. The heavy fire door swung open so violently the closing mechanism snapped with a sharp bang as Adrien Brody crashed through into the alley like he was shot out of a cannon. Josh stepped through the frame and caught the edge of the door deftly as it rebounded off the side of the studio’s wall. He looked back over his shoulder to Jet. “Tell everyone to take the rest of the morning off, we’ll come back after lunch,” he directed bluntly, then slammed the door behind him and approached Brody, now sprawled on the ground, clutching his lower back were he’d hit the fire door’s horizontal pushbar. “You and I are going to have some words, asshole,” Josh said angrily as he closed on the actor. “Actually not words so much as sound effects.” With that he slammed a hard fist into his own thick palm with a loud SMACK! Brody scrambled backwards to get some distance, his cockiness evaporating. As a tall guy, he hadn’t been manhandled like that since he was a teen, and never by a dude 8 inches shorter than him. Jesus, what the fuck was that? He still couldn’t quite believe what was happening. His back hit the alley’s opposite wall and he reached his arms back to lever himself back up to a standing position. With his height and reach advantage re-established he felt some confidence return. “You’re gonna regret that, motherfucker,” he growled and, raising his fists up in a boxing stance, he closed on Josh and went for a left jab, straight right, left cross combo. With reflexes the likes of which Brody had never seen, Josh batted the punches aside like he was swatting flies, and leapt forward to smash a brutal head butt on Brody’s elegant brow. “Gaaaah!” the handsome actor screeched as he stumbled backwards into the alley wall, then bent over and clutched his head in searing pain. His skull rang like a bell and when he opened his eyes he was seeing double. Josh gripped the actor’s shiny black locks and pulled his head up to get right in his face. Through Brody’s filmy, concussed gaze Josh looked practically demonic, his face flushed and his eyes flashing. Dontpanicdontpanicdontpanic. “Are you starting to get an idea about what I’m ‘gonna do about it’, bitch?” Josh hissed. “L-l-listen. Dude. Don’t you fucking know who I am? I’m Adrien Brody and I got a Sony film set to be on tomorrow! You think you’ll ever get work again when I tell them you fucked up my face?” Josh folded his taut muscular arms over his chest, the adrenalin of the fight pumping up his torso so that the Black Flag t-shirt clung to his powerful physique like a second skin. “Thanks for reminding me, dumbass. I guess I now have nothing left to lose.” “W-w-wait” Brody backpedalled uselessly as the director grabbed the actor’s head and shoved it between his thighs. Before he could register what was going on, Brody felt two strong arms around his waist and suddenly he was airborne again. Josh had pulled him upside down into a piledriver position. But he put too much muscle into the lift and Brody over rotated, throwing Josh off balance. Brody sensed a chance and wrapped his own long legs around Josh’s head and flexed hard. The actor wrung a muffled grunt from the director as he stumbled, releasing Brody’s head from his thighs, then fell onto his back. Brody ended up on top as Josh landed hard, his face mashed into Brody’s crotch as he got the wind knocked out of him. Brody shouted with glee at this turnaround: “Yeah mother fucker, how do you like me now?” He brought his own hard lean arms up into a double bicep flex, as he gloated over the breathless director. “Get… your… bony… fucking… ass… off… my… chest,” Josh gasped, sucking in air to get his strength back. Brody reached back to pound a fist into his diaphragm, but Josh’s stomach was granite hard. Josh raised his legs up to hook under the actor’s arms and easily threw the taller man off him. Josh got to his feet and lifted the bottom of his tee to show off an eight pack of carved abs. “Wanna try that again mother fucker?” he sneered, “see if those pipecleaners you call arms can dent these babies?” Enraged at being mocked, Brody clocked Josh across the face and then followed up with a flurry of body blows. Rather than winding him like Brody hoped, Josh just threw back his head and laughed. “And I ain’t even flexing yet, you’re fucking pathetic. Who’s your boxing coach, Honey Boo Boo?” he grinned, totally unfazed by the head shot too. What the fuck, this guy is made of metal! Josh then smashed a left into the actor’s stomach with so much force it sent Brody reeling backwards toward a dumpster. A wave of nausea overcame him and he fell to his knees retching. As he dry heaved and gasped, his hands felt something long and cold on the ground. His long fingers closed on the end of the piece of rebar. Brandishing it as he got to his feet, he tried to get a hard look back on his face. But Josh looked the furthest thing from scared. “Now things get interesting,” he said, gesturing to Brody, “Bring it, bitch!” The actor leaped forward and swung three times with the half-inch thick bar, but Josh dodged each one. On the third he grabbed the bar, wrenched it down to the horizontal and held it between them. Brody grabbed the other end too and pushed hard trying to use his height and weight advantage to drive Josh back. Josh planted one foot behind him and stopped Brody’s momentum cold. Goddamit , pushhhhh! Brody muscled arms and lean pecs surged as he put everything he had into pressing Josh back. Sweat pored off the actor’s face and arms as he strained, his face contorted in a teeth-grinding grimace. Josh was sweating too, but a huge grin plastered his face. “Smug motherfucker! I’m gonna wipe that smirk off your face.” With a surge of adrenaline, Brody growled and threw his whole body into his next push, and felt Josh’s arms tremble. Yessss! But his glee was short lived. He saw Josh was now concentrating and straining with huge effort. His traps bunched up high on his strong neck, his lean pecs inflated to twice their size, and his arms… Holy shit! With a bang, the sleeves of Josh’s Black Flag t-shirt tore in jagged rents up to the shoulder, busted utterly by an avalanche of bicep muscle. Josh let loose a primal roar that Brody felt in his bones and the half inch rebar bent into a hairpin sharply before snapping in two! Brody, stunned, dropped his hands to the side momentarily before something primitive in his brain took over. Before he even knew what was happening he was fleeing in panic. But Josh was faster and tackled him into the side of the dumpster. “Not done with you yet, asshole,” the director hissed as he stomped on Brody’s chest to hold him in place. “I should throw you into this thing because that’s all you are, fucking trash! But I’m in the mood for a bigger challenge than tossing your puny body around again.” Giving Brody another stomp, Josh turned and reached up to grip the edge of the dumpster with both of his well muscled hands. Brody, winded from the two chest stomps, and utterly exhausted, could only shake his head in disbelief. No fucking way! Josh’s back exploded as he hauled on the edge of the dumpster like a man possessed. Tanned wings of lat muscle ripped through the seams of Josh’s now thoroughly destroyed shirt as the alley dumpster slowly tipped up on its outer edge. Holding the huge steel box with arms now positively bloated with pump, the director stared down at an astonished Brody. Josh’s torso, silhouetted against the alley lights, flared like a cobra hood. His deep hairy pits dripped sweat and testosterone. “Take a good look at what a real man looks like, punk. And think about what kind of man you want to be while you’re in traction. Josh dropped his arms and let the dumpster go, and started walking out of the alley as he heard the satisfying crunch of Brody’s arms snapping while reflexively trying to break its fall. After dialing 911, Josh crushed his phone in his fist and tossed the pieces aside. Fucking awesome pump, gotta lay low for a bit, but definitely gonna get my hands on some more assholes who’ve screwed me over in this town. Tearing the scraps of cloth from his hairy and unbelievable jacked torso, he stalked off into the night. Acknowledgement to zipman for a story element
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