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  1. Xyggurat

    A Little Too Far, Part I

    It was never supposed to be like this. Things just went a little too far. Okay, way too far. The first thing you have to understand is that I'm not an idiot. I was just sympathetic to Kyle's plight. I remembered what it was like to be a little guy, just starting out at the gym, wondering why my muscles wouldn't grow when everyone else's gains seemed to be in overdrive. But I'd fixed all that. Got my diet in check, started really pushing myself hard, and after a few years of consistent work, I was sporting a good 180 pounds on my 5'9 frame. Not huge, but big. Big and hard. When I'd flex my arms, a solid, veiny orb like a softball would pop up, almost stretching my sleeves to the breaking point. You can bet that I showed those babies off when I went out to the clubs. Kyle, though, Kyle was a mess. My little buddy was only an inch shorter than I was, but he looked like he weighed half what I did. I was surprised when he told me he weighed about a buck thirty. In two years of working out, he'd gained precisely three pounds of muscle. Now, I know what you're thinking. He must have been making some sort of easy-to-fix rookie mistake, right? You'd be wrong. I'd been to his place countless times. His fridge was bursting with chicken breasts, healthy carbs, greens. You'd think he spent all of his time cooking, but that wouldn't have left him much time for the gym. And boy, did he put in his hours there. I'd gone with him a few times. He couldn't lift much, on account of being a twig, but he lifted hard and he never gave up. If I'd had half his dedication during my own transformation, I'd have been an Olympia competitor for sure. Not that I was into that. Hot guys, yes. Posing straps and fake tans, not so much. Anyway, my point is that Kyle was obsessed. He'd tried everything, from supplements to a bad round of steroids that had left him looking like a pimply teenager for a month or two. Then had come reiki, Eastern medicine, hypnosis. None of it had worked, but he kept trying. So it wasn't a huge surprise when he turned up at my place that day with his newest hare- brained scheme. "I've finally got it," he said, pushing past me and plopping down on my couch like he owned it. I didn't bother asking what he'd gotten. He had a little brown bag, the sort that you pack middle school lunches in. From the way he was cradling it in his hands, you'd think it was the fucking Precious. Kyle continued, as I'd expected he would. "So, what if I told you I'd been going about getting big the wrong way this whole time?" He was really cute when he got like this. I'd never tell him that. Beautiful green eyes, sharp features. That curly dark hair. But he wasn't my type. I liked my guys big and aggressive, and Kyle was small and--okay, I guess he could be a bit aggressive, but it was hard to take a guy that skinny seriously. "I'd say you're dumb," I said. "You do all the right stuff." His eyes lit up. "Exactly. I do everything right with my lifting and diet. But I'm like an architect trying to build the Taj Mahal with no marble." "I don't follow." "It's made out of marble. If he'd made it out of adobe, it wouldn't be--" "No, I get the metaphor, dummy, I just don't know what you mean," I said. He set the package down on my coffee table, fingers twitching as if they were loath to part with it. "What I'm saying is that my body's mud. It doesn't have the building blocks I need in order to get big." "Them's genetics," I said, not without sympathy. "I'd help you out if I could." "What a relief! I was hoping you'd say that." Kyle let out a whoosh of breath. Uh oh. "I've tried helping you lift, though, and your form is great. I just don't have that much time to--" He held up a hand. "This won't take any time at all, I promise. Just like a few minutes, if that." I sat down across from him, my skepticism not put off one bit by his promises. It wasn't that I didn't want to help him. I'd supported him over the years, encouraged him in the gym, given him new plans to try. At this point, I knew anything I did was just throwing good effort after bad. "What do you need?" I asked, trying to keep the resignation out of my voice. "I need to borrow a little of your muscle," he said. I blinked. "Borrow?" "Okay, take. But only a few pounds." "Are you feeling all right? I can call 911." "I'm serious." He snatched the bag from the table and pulled out a little test tube. Well, not a test tube. It was more ornate than that. A vial, I guess? Inside was a greyish sludge. It moved sluggishly as Kyle shook the glass container. "What's that?" I asked. "Grade-A weirdass shit," he said. "You wouldn't believe me if I told you." "Try me." "So, there was this government test at Camp Pendleton back in the early 2000s, right? And--" "Nope. Stop. You're right. Don't believe you." He blushed. "What matters are the results. This shit changes you inside." "It looks like it's going to give you stomach cancer," I said. "It's not. The guy I got it from is reputable." "So there are reputable dealers of black market government test by- products, now?" He rolled his eyes. "Reputable-ish. Doesn't matter, though. You said you'd help." I sighed. "Help how?" "Like I said, this stuff changes you inside. I drink it. And then I have to... you know, touch you." "If you came over to hook up, you could've just said so," I said, jokingly undoing the knot securing my shorts. Yeah, we'd fucked a few times, but that was a long time ago. It wasn't like that between Kyle and me, really. He kept on going. "I don't know how it works, precisely. The guy who sold it to me had a lot of papers on the mechanics of it, but let's just say it's magic. I touch you, and it transfers some of your muscles to me." "That sounds pretty unbelievable. And kind of ridiculous. I mean, if it were true, no one would be able to have sex with you again, right?" "No, it only lasts for a little while. I checked," he said. He held up the vial to the light. Even when he wasn't moving it, the fluid inside kept moving, as if it was slightly alive. "You're really serious about this, aren't you?" I asked. "Dead serious." "It's not going to work. You know that, right?" "Then you have nothing to lose," he said. "Okay, maybe a few pounds." If there was one thing Kyle could do, it was sell his crazy. For just a moment, I actually considered what would happen if he was right, and the snake oil he was holding actually worked. "How much are you thinking? I just got my bench over 250." He shrugged. "A few pounds? Ten? Would ten be okay?" I considered it. Ten pounds would put him in the range of normal. And I'd still be pretty big. I could gain it back in a couple of months. There was also the fact that there was no way in hell that Kyle's sludge was going to do anything. "Make it fifteen," I said, getting up. Kyle's eyes lit up. "Wow, Mike, you're too generous!" He exploded from the couch and wrapped me in a hug, giving me a kiss on the cheek. "Kyle, I don't want you to get your hopes up," I said, extricating myself from the embrace. A shadow of doubt passed over his face, but he forced a smile. "Hey, if it doesn't work, I'm only out ten grand, right?" "Ten grand!? Kyle! You have to return that shit and get your money--" It was too late. In the intervening heartbeats, he had uncapped the vial and taken a swig of its contents. There was not a drop left. "Tastes like shit," he said. "Feels funny." It had looked like shit, too. "You going to throw up?" I asked. His cheeks had a flush to them. It made his eyes seem unnaturally bright, like two cut emeralds. I reached for my cell, considered calling the hospital, just in case he keeled over from whatever he'd just drank. But he didn't look like the stuff was having any ill effects on him yet. "No, funny good. Like warm in my stomach." He let out a soft gasp. "I think I feel it working." "Okay," I said, putting my phone down. "So what do we do now?" Collecting his wits, he focused on me again. "Take your shirt off." I don't know why I went along with it. He probably could have touched me anywhere, like my wrist or my cheek. Without waiting to see if I had obeyed, he started stripping out of his own clothes, first his t-shirt and then his shorts, leaving him standing only in boxer briefs. I followed suit, but left my shorts on. Kyle's body struck me again with how totally unimpressive it was. He wasn't fat, not even skinny fat, but there just wasn't enough muscle tone to justify the hours he spent toiling in the gym. He had a smooth chest, flat as a pancake on both sides, with only the faintest divide to hint at where one pectoral ended and the other began. He had abs, but only the sort that small guys get because they don't have any body fat to hide the muscles. I guess the one thing you could say about Kyle's body was that he had a nice cock. At seven and a half inches, it was nearly as big as mine. Right then, it was tenting out his boxer briefs. "Maybe it's just black market Viagra," I said, flicking his cock gently. He moaned. "Oh, man, don't do that. Whatever it is, it's making me super horny." Seeing him so turned on was having a similar effect on me. My dick started waking up from its nap. I told Ol' One-Eye to go back to sleep, that there was nothing to see here. "So now you touch me?" I asked. My voice was suddenly hoarse. "Yeah," he said. "Like this." Kyle placed both of his hands gently on my chest. His palms were warm and damp, fingers trembling. Heedless of my commands, my dick kept lengthening, spurred on by the intimacy of the situation. I resigned myself to a full on boner. "What now?" I asked. "I think I feel something," he said. "Don't you?" "No, I--" But I did feel something. It was an electric tingle where his skin met mine, not precisely pleasant, but not painful either. As his hands lingered there, it grew in intensity. I felt a heady weariness piling up on me. All my limbs felt heavy, like I had just finished an incredible workout, or maybe like a few days of too little sleep were creeping up on me. I staggered. My arms reached out instinctually and I steadied myself by grabbing Kyle's skinny arms. What I felt made me pause. The electric buzz between us intensified. His biceps were small, but hard under my hands. I could feel the electricity buzzing through them, almost as if it was feeding them. The skin under my fingers shifted slightly, almost as if Kyle was flexing them, but he had barely moved. No, he was not tensing them at all. They were growing. It was a slow transformation. I would have missed it at a casual glance, but my eyes couldn't leave Kyle's swelling arm. It hardened as it grew, going from merely solid to feeling like rock in a matter of moments. Or minutes. I don't know how long I stared. As I watched, Kyle's abs started to reshape themselves. They tightened and drew in, slimming his already-thin waist. Or maybe it was just that his chest and back were growing broader. His lats started to flare out a little. The crease between his pecs deepened as the muscles themselves pushed outward slightly. Man, he was starting to look pretty good. Kyle pulled away. I stumbled, surprised by his sudden movement. At least he'd had the presence of mind. I'd found his transformation, however slight, to be hypnotic. Not to mention fucking hot. "Whoah," I said. "Whoah," said Kyle. He flexed his right arm. It had been a featureless noodle before, but a firm, goose-egg peak popped up. Kyle's fingers explored the hard muscle as if it was the only thing in the universe. I didn't blame him. It was easily thirteen or fourteen inches and shredded to the bone. "Looks good," I said. Kyle glanced up at me. His gaze took me in. His eyes widened. "Oh, shit," he said.
  2. portamivia

    Ben (A repost)

    I posted this on the old forum many years ago. I'm curious to see if it can be still interesting to the people who've never seen it before. Maybe it'll inspire others to write new chapters in entirely new directions from what had been done in the old forum. Enjoy. Ben. 1. Down and down went the elevator, he could never remember how deep, exactly. A freudian block of some kind, maybe? Wanna stay sane? Then don’t think too much, compadre. You could feel the heat receding while descending down the mineshaft, the well getting somehow cooler and damper, and then, in an unsettling way, getting warm again. The magnetically levitating elevator plunged straight into hell, as temperature neared the unbearable. And then it stopped almost instantaneously, the sudden augmented gravity making the men, even these ultra-developed, specifically mutated specimens grunt in unison, their kneecaps and exploding quads absorbing the multiplied weight. The metallic reinforced doors slid screeching open, and the stench of sulfur, ozone and sweat saturated the air. They moved silently into the scarcely lit cave towards their respective shafts without even speaking, the first drops of sweat already soaking their shirts and pants. Here we are, near the core. Some workplace. You must be born into this job, they say. No way you could survive the sheer intensity of the mine work, the onslaught on the muscles and the back, the loudness, the unbreathable air, the solitude, and of course the blackness, the constant scarcity of light and the consequent nostalgia for a day in the sun without being accustomed to it since your birth. Sadly, this being the planet Mars, a day spent idly bronzing on a beach more than a fantasy was a proven impossibility. And the thing is, Ben wasn’t born into this job. And neither ware the others. They were made into it. Physically augmented for the job. This was labor camp M01. M for Mars, 01 for it was the first and, for the moment, only colony on this planet. Built by the legion of Superheroes, mind you. Not that the public on earth was ever to know this, of course. A mine, and a prison. Or maybe a prison and then a mine, as if the drilling and the uranium were just some afterthought?—well, here I am again, thinking… Ben shrugged and activated the strange contraption hanging from a specially designed rucksack attached to his body. You could call it a rucksack, if you’ve ever seen a nuclear-powered rucksack weighing around 200Kg, that is. In fact, it was more like a battery. Powering a nuclear drill that could break even through the most sturdy rocks of the known universe, and of course make short history of anything less resistant should it come unto its path. Like a hand, or your foot, or a camp guard, for that matter. That’s why on M01 you could find so many augmented, sturdy men looking all muscular and pumped up like some superhuman bodybuilder (or like Thor, to be more precise) limping around trying to divert your attention from the missing foot flexing their enormous biceps or stroking their equally inhuman cocks—sometimes with the left hand, in want of a right one, pulverized by the powerful yet hardly manageable jackhammer. And no hope of having limbs replaced with some new biomedical ones developed on earth, with this being just some faraway jail-house full of superstrong criminals people either ignored the existence of or wished as far away as possible, when not dead altogether. Ben coughed hard, as always at the beginning of a shift, before throat and lungs got accustomed to the fine uranium-rich dust floating around him as soon as the drill started to break rocks with its ultrarapid microvibrations. 4 Years like this. He wiped his eyebrows.These were tears alright but not for sadness, he repeated to himself plunging the drill into the rocks again, his triceps exploding, his arms hard and unmovable, rocks creaking all around. Can’t be sadness, never. He punched the rock, chunks flying everywhere, a fissure creaking a couple meters down the shaft. It has to be rage. Rage can be your friend, here, actually your only friend. Rage can save you. On M01 you got acquainted with rage as if it were your next-of-kin, as soon as you got raped the first night, before the doctors called you in and put you through the augmentation process. And then after it, when you were excited, feeling like superman and looking just as muscular and maybe horny as hell and aggressive and all, well then it was certainly not the end. That was just the beginning. People got if possible more violent, you could get assaulted practically every minute especially during work shifts, for no apparent reason except the thrill of trying out all this strength on someone. Anybody could be a target, as long as the aggression involved at least 2 or 3 people against one. Ben snorted. What use is there in being superstrong, if everybody else is it too? Ben heaved the small cart now full of rocks and adjusted it on the tracks, then pushed it grunting up the shaft. As soon as he got it moving, its magnetic propulsion system took command, and it glided silently up and away. He stood there panting for a couple seconds, the shirt beautifully stretching over his powerful torso at every breath, revealing the perfectly sculpted lower abs where they began to get covered by the dark trail of hair coming up from his crotch, there where the pants absconded the realm of pleasure that was his ample basket. Ben reached for a flask of water hanging from its belt and drank some of the dense, mineral-rich water inside. 15 second pause, see if I can make it 20 or even 30? But then he heard, before even seeing, the small floating camera coming and zooming in on him. Alright, alright. He gave it the finger, of course, but started the drill again all the same. He admired his manly hands as they gripped the drill strongly. So strongly in fact, that even this special metal bore the indentations of his fingers. After all these years, he was still somehow aroused by the sight of his own arms, his forearms especially, with all the little powerful muscles dancing around at every movement of his hand, like little supermen themselves, ready at his orders to give a hand or to get into a fight, prevail on anything and crush it to dust. He didn’t know if it was the same for everybody, but seeing how everyone couldn’t help but flex in front of every mirror they might come across, he was ready to bet it was: power made him horny. He wondered if Superman, or Thor or Hercules ever felt like this watching themselves, flexing their godlike muscles. Could he be as strong as them? Certainly not. In fact, inmates like Ben were strong and hung and physically practically perfect, they could curl a ton and withstand normally deadly environmental conditions (not to mention fucking each other—mostly without consent of the fucked ones—for hours) but still they were abused, and prisoners all the same. The M01 had its own way of belittling you, making you feel vulnerable and unsafe. Not a difficult task on planet without a proper athmosphere… And the guards were augmented too, obviously.Everybody dreamed of getting back to earth and show ‘them’ what a man really was, but in fact nobody knew anything about any actual inmate returning to earth to live as a god among mortals. When new inmates came in, invariably they had never heard anything about the augmentation process. Ben once asked a guard about it, and before being as usually punished with the high-charge electrical dissuasor the bastard said inmates were allowed to live a somewhat normal life in special reserves, like the indians did. Or you can stay with us indefinitely, if you don’t like the idea, sucker. FRAZZ! So as long as they could work, even if physically injured, inmates had a chance to see the end of their detention period and ‘return to earth’, whatever that might really mean. If not, weird, perfectly timed incidents seemed to happen all of a sudden. Like some emergency door in a not too deep tunnel opening unexpectedly and sucking a fatally injured or rebellious inmate out into the scorching heat and airless surface of the planet, were eyes and lungs exploded outward, the skin got fried by the sun and life left you even before your superhuman corpse touched earth. That is, Mars. Oh, well. Let’s get to work, or this day’ll never pass. Ben adjusted his grip on the drill and pushed it further into the rock. He smiled, after all. Can you think of anything more macho than this? he thought. Isn’t that the very image of fucking? To drill into the rock, tearing the damned thing and the whole fucking red planet in two with the power of a unrelenting drill, driven by the steady, superhumanly strong grip of his hand, all this inhuman power in himself unleashing against this hard yet unsuspecting matter which may try to resist but will finally submit to the swelling of his triceps, the sheer, unstoppable might of his pecs and quads and calves, his ass contracting, pushing him forward, and further still, the indestructible rock proving no match for his brawn, or the power that he unleashes with utter pleasure and abandonment, and… Ripp! Aw, fuck! Long time it didn’t happen to me, he grinned to himself, snapping back to reality. He smiled at his proud cock saluting him out of the pants it just effortlessly ripped apart. They augmented us but nobody has still invented anything wearable strong enough to contain a superhuman cock once it decides to get hard.Trying not to lose control of the dangerous drill in his excited state he looked around. Good, fucking camera not in sight. He pushed the drill further into the rock, intensifying the motion and breaking the wall of the tunnel at the height of his torso, so as to have the lower side of it brushing against his thighs and crotch. Not that whoever was operating the camera would have had much to say had he catched him doing this, it being a favorite pastime of every inmate, as long as it didn’t stop you from work.Brushing against the rock Ben got himself harder then it, and then, bending his knees slightly, rammed his cock inside the protruding part of the wall, shivers of pleasure traversing every mound of muscle on his godlike form, grunts of pleasure escaping his lips, the drill steady in his hand, the metal groaning and bending under his grip. The poor rock wasn’t anywhere as hard as him, it really had no chance. And offering little resistance, too. No way this mineral could prove harder then the asscheeks of any other inmate he had already the pleasure to force into submission and fuck… His cock and thighs pulverized the rock around them almost as efficiently as the nuclear drill itself. The harder-then steel shaft hungry for resistance, making its way into the rock as far as possible… I’m a fucking god of a man, a fucking unstoppable mountain of muscle, a fucking fuck machine… He picked up speed, large chunks of rock collapsing all around him, the drill in his hand going faster then ever, his forehead brushing against the wall and actually denting it like the rest of his almost indestructible body, his pelvis getting quicker and quicker, the unmovable rock being crushed and cracked by a power it had never withstand in all the millennia it lived. Inmates in other tunnels began to feel the vibrations even while working the drill. Some of them got aroused too.Feeling himself close, Ben stopped the drill lest he lose control of it and launching a last assault against the rock rammed his fingers right INTO the wall, gnawed at it, crushing chunks of it under his bare teeth and RAMMED his mighty, superhumanly hard cock into the rock, his 8-pack shredding the shirt and leaving indentations on the wall, every muscle flexed and engorged with blood and earth-shattering POWER. His cock exploded, and he bellowed, cum spraying everywhere, lights flickering around, and small particles of rocks snowing down in the other tunnels on inmates who smiled for themselves betting on who it was this time or getting hard themselves, zipper breaking and pants ripping. His hand still on the wall idly crushing pieces of rock to dust, his cock getting slowly soft again, Ben’s first action as soon as his mind cleared enough for it was to get the drill in function again: the cameras were to return soon, you could always bet on it. No point in being punished again, maybe frazzed into unconsciousness with electric charges, or left without food for days, like the last time. Without much thinking he started to amass all the broken, vanquished boulders into another cart.And yet, he didn’t feel as spent as usual after an orgasm, especially after one so explosive as this. Strange. Something began to make its way into his head… Wait a minute… Did I just BITE the rock? Since when could anybody DO that? For the first time, he watched around himself. His heart skipping a beat, not exactly for fear. Was this all his cum? The small tunnel looked almost like a riverbed. A riverbed of cum. Since when do I cum so much? Where did this come from? And why am I getting hard again? He shuffled his feet on the ground, his working boots sticky with goo. He looked at himself: his hands seemed somehow bigger, and of a strange, pallid color. And then… What’s this?! He had practically no shirt at all, it was all in shreds, and his pants ripped around his bulging quads too. He moved and flexed his thigh, just for the pleasure of it, marveling at the swiftness of the movements, the elegance of those brutal masses of fluid power that could in an instant become so much harder then any rock. He didn’t feel spent. Quite the contrary, he felt stronger. No, mightier, sexier even. The explanation revealed itself in all his simplicity: I grew. The thought made him all hard again. He felt constricted even by his boots. But then of course three cameras appeared simultaneously humming and floating around him… He had broken the rhythm of the carts, thus slowing down the whole chain of work up at the refinement facility. “Inmate Sherman! Resume activity immediatly! As soon as your shift ends, report to…” Suddenly he felt bold. Stronger, really unstoppable. Invulnerable. A part of his mind was telling him that this was another of the usual delusions, the power-trips that could overcome new inmates in the first week of experiencing the exhilarating effects of superstrength, breaking havoc on the walls of the containment facility (which had no sense at all, being there no way to escape if not onto the red deadly desert planet out there), attacking guards or paramilitary staff on the base, believing they could really do anything, and ending always into submission and humiliation, the more painfully the better.But another part of him was screaming louder and louder, like if suddenly breaking free from some kind of confinement, feeding from some invisible and new source of power, inflating his muscles, making him feel like a real superman, no, like a GOD, and letting his dick go into overdrive, the mighty, vein-covered shaft rising again in all its splendor. He moved with a quickness that surprised even him, grabbing the camera into his hand and immediately crushing it into dust. “Inmate Sherman! This will be considered mutiny! Do you know what kind of punishment… ” he grabbed and destroyed the other two cameras, just for the hell of it. Their little metallic body offered no more resistance then a mosquito to a normal man. Alarms began to reverberate all around, energy shields sealing the tunnels to prevent inmates to group and oppose resistance. They were coming. Ben, began feeling suddenly very calm. Even pleasantly so. He grabbed his belt, which was of a special alloy making it ultra resistant and easily teared it apart. What was remaining of his pants fell down, then he teared away the remnants of the shirt, kicked away the boots. He was nude, he felt alive as never before. He stood there for a second enjoying in a sort of stupefied way the sheer fact of breaking all rules and not being terrorized by it, but turned on, instead. He closed his hand around his cock, not so surprised by now in finding it bigger, stronger than ever. They were coming. With stunners, firearms, muscles bigger than his. Well, maybe until now bigger than his. He stood there smiling in the dim light, a living statue of muscles harder than any marble ever, his dick in one hand. He flexed a biceps and marveled at the sight of so much power, he licked it with abandonment. They were coming, they had to be in the elevators already. And yet I couldn’t care less. Or maybe I do? He wasn’t perhaps the most beautiful man in the whole complex, a blond, slavic guard or a rugged Brasilian inmate maybe claiming the prize, but he knew he had a special, unique combination of refined male facial features (black hair and blue eyes, perfect nose and square jaw), and big powerful muscles packed onto a body that seemed short until you came actually near him, when you saw his killer smile grinning down on you, his blue sparkling eyes focused on you, mostly lethally. Just why the hell was he standing there stroking his dick in the tunnel thinking about how beautiful he was? Now here’s old Reason again, arguing. Relax. Reason doesn’t apply to you anymore… He didn’t know what sort of power source had overcome him —given that one really did in the first place— but it surely made him feel powerful and calm and cocksure as hell. He felt godly, he couldn’t find any other word. He stroked his ample organ once and then took a piece of rock from the cart in one hand and smashed it against his ultra-cock, grinning at how fragile the stone felt in his hand compared to his manhood, grinding it against his skin, slowly pulverizing it. He carefully took in the movements of his superhumanly strong forearm muscles… imagining all the supermen on the planet fighting each other for the honor of pleasuring him, kneeling submissively in front of the columns of power that were his legs, licking his thighs and slowly up until reaching his balls and then the harder-than-steel shaft, looking up pleadingly like the slaves they were, licking him clean of all the precum he was abundantly releasing. He abandoned his head backwards enjoying the fantasy, which he didn’t really think of as a fantasy, after all, and only then noticed the strange light flickering from a fissure in the –now to him very small– tunnel. A particular shade of green. He smiled. He heard, with an eerie clearness, the elevator doors opening, boots of running men. At least seven. He ignored the screams and calls of the others inmates, who where trying to understand what was going on. Whathever IT was, it was behind the wall he had just fucked. He reared his fist and hit the wall with all his might. Which he probably by now underestimated. The blow felt to the others inmates like a nuclear explosion, happened once when one of the drills overheated and the battery blew, killing everybody on the floor, as the tunnel collapsed. Only this one was to obliterate everything in the whole sector and would be the last thing they would ever hear. The wall in front of Ben got simply pulverized, tunnels all around his now titanic figure collapsing over inmates and guards not strong enough to sustain the immense weight, the elevators shafts crumbling and trapping the cars in their distorted tracks, shock-waves reverberating to the surface like a strong earthquake, breaking equipment and causing a fire, making personnel in the facility fall on they very sorry asses… The planet itself was shook, like by a shiver of fear. A silence of death came upon the whole sector, but Ben couldn't care less. He opened his eyes, his gaze able to see clearly through the abating dust. He was bathed in green light. Before him, boiling from the heat coming directly from the core of the planet, was a huge underground lake. A green boiling, turbulent, dangerous-looking mass of hot liquid, perhaps originating from molten rocks. He felt a power surge not even comparable to the augmentation process, which was instead rather troublesome and painful. He gasped for air, and stretched every muscle of his body, his hands reaching the ceiling and simply pushing through, the rocks irrelevant to his strength. What is this stuff? Oh.. oh god! He came again, veins covering every part of his body, muscles reshaping in more superhumanly beautiful way, his cum spraying all over the strange lake. The orgasm lasting minutes and then beginning anew still. He was growing, adding muscle to muscle, the feeling of strength and power inside him becoming almost unbearable, the pleasure supreme. He was standing at an aperture he created with his blow in the wall of the cave, up over the brim of the lake, inside this immense and strangely lit hollow space that had till now escaped every geological survey of the planet. The boiling liquid stretched in front of him for what seemed like a mile, the river of his white cum mixing with the color. It had to be very hot, yet he felt a pleasant warm sensation. As yet another orgasm subsided, he watched at himself, looking at his hands in astonishment: not only had he grew again, amassing more unstoppable brawn on his already inhuman figure, but he had also turned a slight green. Must be some gamma radiation in the fluid… I’m becoming a fucking Hulk! Well, an intelligent, incredibly strong and probably very mean fucking Hulk, he thought. Very well. Now what? He felt still hungry for more power. He looked around, he was aware of having caused the death of all his shift companions and a series of incidents up on the surface but he couldn’t be bothered by the thougth. Instead he felt a stirring in his cock again, a mischievous smile creeping onto his face. So many superstrong badasses squashed like bugs because I threw a single punch? How lame is that? How fucking unthinkably powerful am I now? He stroked his dick into hardness again (Will I ever have enough?) and sneered at the idea of having ever been a prisoner. Contained, chained, submitted. He was a god now. Time for this universe to become his playground. He squared his gigantic shoulders, passed his hands onto his pecs feeling the enormous, unstoppable mass of brawn. He looked at the pulsing sphere of contained yet terrifying power that were his biceps, caressed his thighs, feeling every muscle saluting him, springing to attention, ready to effortlessly crush any planet that might irritate him into a pulp. Just like those other fuckers back here, he smiled. Then he stretched, appreciating the pleasure of having so much deadly power at his complete disposal and saw the lake of boiling liquid for what it was. His own personal little swimming pool. With a light push on his feet which made part of the wall of the cave crumble into dust he plunged elegantly into the scorching hot, boiling mass of liquid.
  3. goremeridian

    A new kind of power source: Part 5

    Almost there! One part to go. Thanks for putting up with my ridiculous macro fantasy thus far, guys! Hope you enjoy! A new kind of power source Part 5 The Bible tells us that Moses spoke to God at the top of a mountain. Tim’s biceps put Mount Sinai to shame. “WHAT DO YOU THINK?” His divine voice reverberated through the air. “THESE PEAKS AS BIG AS A FUCKING CITY YET?” He flexed the bulging mass several times, each pump of the stupendous muscle causing it to swell yet further with unbridled strength and impossible growth. Every movement, however casual, caused my flea-like form to tumble about the straining peak. It was only when Tim spoke to me that I knew he remembered I was still there. I was in no danger of falling over the “side”. At full tensed glory, you could have sat a quarter of the population of Swindon on the pale, steel-hard mound. Of course, with every second that passed, that number increased dramatically. There was no danger he would lower his arms either. He was having too much fun. I slammed into one of the tunnel-sized veins criss-crossing the peak’s surface and rolled to my feet. Steadying myself against the hot surface of the blue, furiously-pumping wall of flesh, I tried to catch my breath. “Not yet, Tim,” I gasped. “Man, I can’t believe you’re still so god-damned SMALL!” “GRRRR!” He roared in response, pumping his biceps even more furiously than before. I managed to make it over to a nearby striation (this one only a small ditch compared to the canyon size of some of the others I’d nearly fallen into) and was able to wedge myself into the gap between the two unyielding walls to prevent myself from any further falls. Rolling about the distended muscle was a hot experience – but I was getting pretty bruised too. And I needed a few moments to get my breath back. I spat out a little blood, and a tooth. A minor price to pay for getting a chance to play on a god’s bicep. I realised, for the first time, that I couldn’t even see the curvature of his arm. The pale flesh just stretched out before me, slick with sweat. I had long since given up trying to stay dry. Besides, being drenched in Tim’s manliness was hardly an uncomfortable experience. Hell, by now, most of Wiltshire probably stank of MAN. I imagined people in nearby towns sniffing at the air, the women getting wet and even the straight men getting steel-hard erections as the rich, testosterone scent of muscle-god filled their nostrils. I wondered, not for the first time, from how far away Tim’s muscles could be seen. Other counties? London itself? When would the French start noticing the titan swelling up across the Channel from them? I couldn’t wait until the Americans caught a glimpse of him. Speaking of views, the one to my left was blocked by the veiny mound. To my right, Tim’s pale flesh just went on and on into the horizon, an endless field of twitching, straining brawn that undulated with vast subterranean muscle. “GRRRRRRR!” He roared again. I couldn’t see from here but I was sure that his breath parted the clouds I’d last seen clustering about his pecs, scattering cumuli across the UK with every huff. “YOU’RE JUST NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH TO GROW ME, SPECK. DON’T YOU WANT THIS AS MUCH AS I DO?” I was sure that my desire was, if anything, stronger than it had ever been, and Tim was gaining hundreds of pounds of muscle mass every few seconds. It had taken a bit of practice but I had been able to break some small part of my mind away from the intense act of growing my friend so that I could actually appreciate his ascent into godhood. It was this part that responded to Tim: “You’re questioning MY desire? I want you to grow MASSIVE. Bigger than you could ever imagine. I think it’s YOU who’s afraid to grow that big…” I noticed my voice was beginning to echo and realised the steel walls about me were starting to stretch wider and wider apart. Soon my refuge would become another canyon-like striation. “Maybe you’re just happy to be this puny, this small.” I grinned. “Maybe I should find someone else to give your device to, huh? What do you say, tiny?” There was a sudden LURCH and my world tilted. I dropped out of the striation and before I knew it I was skidding across the hot, rippling surface of Tim’s bicep peak. My heart was in my mouth. I scrabbled desperately at the slick surface. “PUNY?” The word tore through reality like a nuclear explosion. “I’LL SHOW YOU WHO’S PUNY!” Tim’s growth had kicked into overdrive. I plunged into a bead of sweat several times bigger than my house. Kicking furiously through the hot, viscous, saline liquid, my head and shoulders broke the surface. It was difficult to tell from my crooked, pathetic perspective, but I figured I was somewhere near Tim’s elbow. Only the surface tension of the water was keeping me safe from gravity’s pull. This kept happening. Just when we thought we were both putting 100% of our energies into growing Tim, into cramming more and more mass onto his frame, there would be a sudden jolt like this and his rate of growth would increase. Was the source of the energy – our desire – growing too? Or had we, as I suspected, underestimated the real power of the devices? I glanced about me. Where once there had been an unrestricted view of a cloudless blue sky, now there was just TIM. Shit, that was one of his wrist muscles – his brachio-radialis, perhaps – bursting with rippling mass as it stretched out across the stratosphere. The bicep peak beneath the sweat droplet writhed as the titanic muscles expanded monstrously. Within minutes, his entire body mass had doubled; no, tripled. “My God!” I found myself gasping, though if you asked me whether I was praying to the Abrahamic deity or to my friend, I would be hard pushed to answer. I’ll go for the latter. I was filling the sweat droplet with cum from my ever-ripe balls – had been ever since he had started swelling once again – and somehow my ejaculate seemed a more fitting offering for Tim than any other deity. “STILL TOO SMALL!” he thundered, even as he passed what must have been twenty miles high and nearly that in width. Twenty one miles. Twenty two. Twenty three. The thing is, he was still too small. In our RPs we had rapidly skipped through the stratosphere. Now our journey seemed to be taking forever. I waited until one of my bouts of orgasm was over, then cried out: “Oh, you think YOU want you to grow big, little man? Well your desire’s got NOTHING on mine! I’m gonna show you just how freaking big you could be – if only you really wanted it half as much as me!” I gave another couple of kicks as I trod water. “And then – I’m gonna grow you even BIGGER!” The competition to see who could grow him the most, and the fastest, had begun. * I think there was a faint shift in ambience as we smashed into the mesosphere, though it could have simply been my imagination. Part of my brain marvelled that what had once been his height – a pathetic 25 miles – was now the circumference of one of Tim’s biceps. Grossly out-of-proportion to his stature, his physique was nothing short of… …of… …well, pretty good, I guess. The other part of my brain was obsessed with the thought: Tim was still far too small. “THAT’S MORE LIKE IT, SPECK!” The god’s voice filled my world. He was still flexing his biceps furiously, but they were so monstrous – and I, in comparison, so utterly pathetic – that I barely noticed. Do you notice when continents grate together? Or when the world spins? “WHERE’D YOU GET TO, ANYWAY?” I had lucked out. The crook of his arm was a confluence of sorts, and the bead of sweat had just grown bigger and bigger as more and more rivulets of perspiration flowed into it. The saline globe – now vast enough to flood a stadium – had gradually run around the curvature of Tim’s grotesquely swollen tricep and now hung suspended on the thickening mass of that beautiful muscle. This gave me a perfect view. Glancing one way, I could see the muscles of my god broadening with more and more insane mass. Glancing the other, I could make out the cirrostrati and cirrocumuli drifting far, far below, a swirling sea of white lapping up against Tim’s thickening calves. Logic told me that I shouldn’t be able to see anything. That at this size, at this height, Tim should be nothing more to me than a fuzzy mass, and the Earth little more than that. Yet my perspective was skewed, and I found I could make out details that should have been impossible from my perspective. “I’m on your tricep, Tim!” I called out. Again, he should not have been able to hear me. He clearly had no problem, however. “HANG ON!” The world below me disappeared, replaced with a vast, pale landscape of foothills. It was the tip of Tim’s finger. Carefully he reached up and scraped the bead of sweat onto the flesh of his digit. It had been some time since I was last on Tim’s fingertip. Before, its size had numbed my brain. Now, even the valleys of his fingerprints were lost in shadow. It was, like the rest of him, simply incomprehensible. Fifty miles. Fifty two. Fifty four. Tim raised me to his face. For a moment, I saw the same cute young guy who had thrown his arms about me and ground his cum-drenched briefs into my crotch in his driveway. Then he chuckled, nearly blowing me off his finger and sending me spinning endless miles to my death, and I knew that that Tim was long gone. The only thing linking the two was the desire to grow. “FUCKING PUNY,” he smirked, looking down at me. There was no way he should have been able to see me. No way either that I should have been able to make out his entire handsome, high-cheekboned face when his nose alone was nearly twelve times the size of Ben Nevis. And yet, here we were. “Just like our RPs!” I yelled up at him. His grin widened. “Except usually by this time you’re a lot bigger than this.” Seventy miles. Seventy five. “SHAME YOU MISSED THE BEST PART. ME CRUSHING THE FUCKING ARMY. AND ALL THOSE SKY-SCRAPERS TOO!” I laughed. “Nah – the best part’s still to come!” “ME OUTGROWING THE UK?” I shook my head. “You outgrowing the EARTH, dude.” * He blinked. If anything, that grin seemed to widen. Ninety. One hundred. “YOU SEEM PRETTY CERTAIN THAT’S GONNA HAPPEN, FOR A SPECK. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU WON’T JUST PASS OUT ONCE WE HIT THE EXOSPHERE? OR THAT I WON’T JUST INADVERTANTLY CRUSH YOU?” He flexed his pecs beneath me. Like continental plates moving, the giant masses clenched into steel-hard globes of brawn. “EVEN AS I’M TALKING TO YOU, I CAN FEEL MY FEET SMUSHING THE LAST BITS OF SWINDON AND MOST OF THE SURROUNDING AREA INTO PASTE, AND I’M NOT EVEN TRYING,” he said cockily. “YOU DON’T STAND MUCH OF A CHANCE AGAINST MUSCLE THIS FUCKING HUGE.” “I won’t pass out. And you won’t crush me.” I was mildly surprised by the tone of certainty in my voice. “THAT AN ORDER?” He frowned. I felt a shift beneath me. There was a terrible BOOM, followed by a RUMBLE of destruction that sounded as though a mountain had decided to go for a romp across the surface of the Earth. Tim had taken one step forward. No, this definitely wasn’t the same guy I’d met earlier. This was Tim in full RP mode now, obsessed with nothing more than his own growth. One hundred and twenty. One hundred and forty. “No, not an order – a reality.” A look of bemusement crossed Tim’s features. It was as though he was weighing up the fun it would be to grind me to nothing against the possibility of his growth stopping. In the end, his greed won. “GO ON, SPECK. OUT WITH IT.” Two hundred. Two hundred and fifty. “You see, I began, I think your devices do more than just grow muscles.” “HOW DO YOU ACCOUNT FOR MY MASS, THEN?” He reached up and flexed the bicep of his other arm. It swelled and swelled, stretching grotesquely huge as it filled more and more of the space between titanic elbow and seething, monstrously striated, vascular wrist. “Oh, it grows muscles all right.” My mouth had gone very dry at the sight. Of course, the fact that the muscle kept growing bigger before my eyes did little to help me steady my train of thought either. “But I think it’s capable of so much more. I think it can affect reality itself.” After all, it had kept me alive so far. And provided Tim with skyscrapers and an army to fight, when that should have been impossible in a town like Swindon. And allowed us to communicate, and perceive each other. The list went on. “REALITY?” Tim clenched his bicep into a mind-blowing monster flex as though willing it to grow even faster than before. On cue, I started cumming again as the sinewy mass expanded before me, but I fought through the orgasm. “What I’m proposing is…what if we both – at the same time – stopped just thinking ‘Grow bigger, grow more muscular’ – which is taking far too long anyway, even with the occasional boosts we keep throwing at you. You’re still far too small.” No sooner had I ridden one orgasm out than I was struck with another, more intense one as I began to contemplate what I was proposing. “AND?” He growled, still pumping that bicep into inhuman hugeness. I collected my thoughts. “And instead, just think – again, together, right at the same time – ‘Be bigger than the Earth’.” Four hundred. Five hundred. “BIGGER THAN THE EARTH?” “Then we’ll make you bigger still. This’ll just be a test run. A testing of my theory.” He lowered his grotesque planetoid of a bicep. “FUCK. LET’S DO IT.” And we did.
  4. SarisHappy

    Human Husbandry II

    So there are lots of ways we god stock make money. We sell our sperm/eggs. We make public appearances at fancy clubs and bars. Do talk shows. Some of us have reality shows (but those are B list god stock). Most of us just do some web chatting, and the money pours in. One time I made 2 months worth of bills and expenses in just 2 hours of watching classic early TV on camera in my boxers. Anyway, today is what I like to call an off day. It's my favorite kind of day. All devoted to my own pleasures and my own pampering to help me get even bigger and sexier. I wake up at 5 am, as usual, getting my normal 4 hours of sleep I need a night. It's always the same thing that wakes me up. It's my throbbing erection. It's my own personal alarm clock. Remember, I have the best sexual genes to ever walk this planet. I have full control of my erections...when im conscious. My 5 o clock boner seriously feels like it's going to rip out of my skin. Thats due to a combination of how hard I am, and how fast I'm growing. It curves upward like a crescent, it's base firmly rooted into my pelvic floor, which I flex, forcing my erection to even harder stature. I wanted to jack off right then and there. But I hadn't jacked off in years. I don't really need to, someone is always willing to do it for me. About 2 inches up from my massive erection hangs my obscene testicles, slowly shifting up and down by their own accord. Giant, soft spheres are pure manliness ejecting wave after wave after wave of testosterone through my body. I can literally feel the hormone pulsing through my veins. Most of it shooting up my shaft, which swells larger and thicker due to the feeling. It's intense. More intense than it's ever been. I took a deep breath and relaxed, my shaft softened slightly. It was hard to resist, but I didn't want to waste any time here. I feel the orange sized head tap the bottom of my right rib, and I start getting hard again. This was strange for 2 reasons. First, I've been able to control my erections (again, while awake) since I first had them. Second, the head never reached that high up my long torso. Those of you that do you silly, outdated and ancient exercise techniques might get this feeling...You know when you walk past a mirror after not really paying attention to your body for a week or two, and you are shocked by how much size you put on? I instantly jumped up, and looked at my wall-mirror (that's a wall that's entirely a mirror) and that's what I felt. but this was more than it's ever been. My heart races. I was already in the top 10 biggest god stock in the world, and I was only 19. I was already told I still have about a decade of growth left! Jesus, I was going to be a legend for years to come until one of my descendants over takes me. I wanted to flex and look at myself in the mirror. But again, I couldn't waste time. All human stock have about the same life expectancy (except military stock, poor guys), and I didn't want to waste my short 150 years on this planet not sharing myself with the world. I headed to my basement, with my personal scholar stock. Being the best of the best, I had the best resources available to me. These guys have the best training, best technology, and best intelligence around. It took them a while, but they were able to pinpoint how I had managed to get some scholar stock in me, which prevented me from being as dim witted as my fellow god stock. But anyway, every day, several times a day, I came down here for my dose. You see, this most god stock have a system like this, as we do have plenty of money. We get it early on in our lives, and it basically directly inject you with a perfect, organic cocktail of nutrients and vitamins and minerals. All things our science knows aid humans in growth and fertility. I sit my giant bulk into the seat. The nerds..er...I mean...scholars, begin taking my vitals and attaching wires to me. They start with my right arm, attaching them to my massive bicep and triceps. These will send electrical currents in patterns that simulate the brain's signal to grow. Watching their tiny hands work around my next-step-in-human-evolution arms is funny. The female one looks cute, but I like to try to keep my seed within god stock. I don't want to corrupt any other stock, especially scholar stock. If it wasn't for them, I'd never be able to be as big as I am. They had to walk up step ladders to attach the electrodes to my neck, head, and jaw. They literally climbed around me like worker ants scurrying along the queen. Except for the gross insect part and that I'm a dude. The girl attachs an electrode to the tip of my penis. She smirks a bit, and tries to hide it. Scholar stock are very professional. Catching one smirk while working is incredibly rare, even for me. "Can you get erect for me, sir." She asks. I wink, but don't get a smirk out of her again. My giant flaccid begins to rise higher and higher, and she watches intently, with a lack of emotion on her face at all. The thing is, scholar stock are great at hiding their emotions. But the OTHER thing is, god stock are great at sensing sexual attraction, stimulation, and arousal. She couldn't hide it from me. Even though scholar stock weren't the most attractive bunch, their women were able to handle my giant cock better than balanced women. The nutrients flow into my veins, literally feeding and fueling my size and growth. The electrodes turn on. The hypnotic suggestion device begins whispering into the speaker chips in my ear, convincing my body to grow and grow. God, I love this. Balanced humans find this machine better than sex. They get addicted to it and it sometimes ruins lives. So it's a regulated market. But god stock are so hyper sexual, that our orgasms and sensitive parts are amplified way beyond anything balanced humans could even feel. Our minds can handle such intense emotions, but balanced humans can't. Well, most can't. I could see my muscles throbbing and pulsing. I could feel my bones lengthening. I could feel more and more blood forcing itself into my erection. I could feel my balls swell larger and larger as they grew more efficient, the cells stimulated beyond anything the natural world could create. God...I was growing. I fucking loved when this happened. I willed myself to grow faster, bigger, strong, more sexual and powerful. This has happened only 2 times before, where I could actually see my size increase. It's a rare, but well documented, phenomena. I have tied for the record amount of times this has happened to sometime. And all 3 times, it has happened in the last year alone. I get even more turned on, somehow get harder, and bigger. I grit my teeth, clench my hands, and curl my toes. The feeling was intense. I could feel the flow of nutrients pick up speed, flowing faster into my veins, as the nano machines in my body quickly added protein to my muscles, calcium to my bones, and fatty acids wherever it needed to go. It felt like there was a pressure pushing outward from inside my cock, as each cell divided, grew to maturation, and divided again. layer upon layer of meat appeared throughout my body on top of my frame. My frame was pushing outward, widening and lengthening to hold more muscle. The problem with this system is that it stops on it's own instantly and out of nowhere. Everything could still go, but the body just ignores it, and all positive feeling ends immediately. I was about to jizz right then and there until it stopped. "Sir, you've added more to mass in this session than any previous session ever recorded!" All the dorks...I mean...ah whatever. All the dorks cheered. This was the first time I saw them react like this. It was actually kind of funny. They are cool dudes, but it's hard to get them to come out of their shells. They cheers because setting a record meant they'd get published, and more pay, and it looks great on their resumes. Anyway, I got a text, telling my my first lady of the day arrived. I buzzed her in and she entered the basement. Remember when I said most balanced humans couldn't handle this device? Well, she could. She could handle it amazingly for a balanced human. The thing is, she could handle a lot of things most balanced humans couldn't. She was, afterall, the number one ranked balanced human for god stock. This meant that her background was completely normal, with little or no traces of human husbandry in her ancestors, but her genes were perfect to add to god stock. What made things more complicated is that we were madly in love. And I was outgrowing her physically, but not emotionally or mentally or spiritually.
  5. (Finally bonding with the new site. This story was up on the old site, so some of you will have seen it before. I'll be tweaking it and a few others and getting them up here.) It started with something small. The silliest of exchanges. Kevin walked into the change room as Eric was stripping off his shirt, looked over at Eric and said, “fuck man, you have no nipples whatsoever.” It was true. Well, it was true unless Eric was absolutely freezing in which something might pop up. But otherwise his nipples were pretty much non-existent. Genetic thing. That’s the sort of stuff Eric was thinking as he glared at Kevin. That and “fuck you, asshole.” But what came out of his mouth was: “Well, we can’t all have nice plump nipples like you.” And then it happened. As Eric glared he noticed that Kevin’s nipples were literally “plumping up.” They became full and engorged as if they were aroused but Kevin didn’t seem to notice. He just laughed at Eric, flexed his chest, and said, “Yeah, you wish you had a lot of things like me.” As he flexed the nipples pushed out to … it was hard to tell, not a half inch … a third, maybe? They were not obscenely large, but they were full and swollen—plump—and when Kevin finally pulled his shirt on, still snickering, he gave them an involuntary pinch and for a moment look slightly bewildered by the action, by their sensitivity. Then he dismissed it, smiled at Eric again and said, “Seeya round, goof.” And headed off. His nipples pushed noticeably against his white shirt, even seeming to grow slightly more as they rubbed against the material. They didn’t go down. Eric had chalked the weird moment up to a cool breeze, or maybe Kevin was just, you know, sensitive there. But they didn’t go down. Whatever had happened, it was the new norm. Every time Eric saw him in the hallways, or in class, the nipples were still … there. Obviously there. Tweakably there, as when Kevin’s girlfriend gave them a tweak when they were kissing in the hallway. Kevin positively purred in return ad Eric was betting nipple play was a bigger part of their sex life now. But the point was nobody noticed that Kevin looked different. On some level, Kevin seemed to, or at least he seemed to be paying his nipples more attention. Rubbing them absently. But that might have just been because the new, plumper, more sensitive nipples were hard to ignore. But every time, Eric saw Kevin walk by with those nice plump nipples pushing against his shirt he was left with one simple truth: the curse worked. Things didn’t actually start with the nipples. They started back in sixth grade when Kevin punched out Eric for the first time. Then junior high. Then high school. Now they were in the same fricking university dorm. Oh the physical bullying had stopped. You can’t get away with that shit by the time you hit university. No, now it was just snide remarks every time Kevin saw Eric. That steady drip drip drip of insults that seems even worse than a beating. So one day, after Eric had been dumped by his girlfriend, he decided he wanted to curse Kevin. Actually the dumping had had nothing to do with Kevin. But as Eric was walking home from the dump site, Kevin had jogged by and called him a bandy legged pussy whip. It was the snare drum to the shittiest day ever. Ba-dum-bum! Eric wasn’t even sure what a bandy legged pussy whip was, but the gendered language pissed him off and he was mad already. So he headed over to his buddy Tommy’s place and bought a curse. The $100 was handed over and the curse handed back before Eric even asked how it worked. “So I can curse Kevin with this?” he asked as Tommy pocketed the money. “This” was a scroll with a bunch of latin on it. Read it, invoke his name, burn some incense, eye of newt, blah blah blah. “No.” “No??” “Well, yes, but no,” Tommy said. “There are some pretty strict rules. You’re only allowed to curse him with a compliment and only when he has said something negative about you—so he’s the trigger, not you—and the compliment has to be the exact opposite of what he said about you. Oh, and you won’t actually be able to control what you say, it’ll just come rolling out of you.” … Tommy rolled his eyes and went on, “Say, he walks in and calls you an ugly little shit.” Yeah. Been there. Done that. “You’ll turn around and say, “Yeah, I know, I’m not beautiful like you.” It’ll just pop out of your mouth and the curse will make him more beautiful.” … “So I’ll curse him and he’ll get better looking?” “Yup,” Tommy nodded, pleased sometimes this curse stuff took hours to explain. “How is that even remotely a curse?! I’ll doom him to being tall, dark and handsome?!” “Hey, it’s the best we could do with the money you had. Really nasty curses cost a lot of money. But that’s not the only thing, you cast an evil curse and it damages your soul. You pay a price every time you do something negative to him. But with this? You’re giving him what he wants. From a spiritual differential point of view, you come out the good guy.” “But … I don’t WANT to be the good guy! I want to be the dick that curses this asshole.” Tommy was having none of it: “Too bad. You’re the good guy. Look, you’re not seeing the big picture here. Kevin trashes you a lot. Like, a lot a lot. Remember that one time when he called you a pussy boy in the middle of … ” Eric glared “The point is you’ll have a lot of opportunity to throw ‘complements’ at him and, well, sometimes positive things, too many positive things aren’t a good thing.” So, bigger nipples so far. Didn’t see that coming and they didn’t seem like such a bad thing. But Eric couldn’t help wondering what would come next.
  6. Another digimon(/furry) continuous story attempt. Outside Machinedramon’s city where he once ruled, there is a bar called the Flex Fountain that serves ‘strong’ drinks, both in the literal and figurative sense. Again, it’s a digimon centered/focused and two writers can work on one digimon, continuing/finishing where one has left off, in addition of bringing other digimon to join in on the growth later on in the story. However, writers can branch out and start another new storyline with a different digimon if they wish. Just be sure to write _____’s (Name of Digimon, bold/enlarged lettering) Storyline at the top of your post as well as those who add to that particular storyline to prevent confusion. For ex. Veemon’s Storyline. If you want to do different kinds of storylines with an already used digimon with a different drink/product, then just add Story with a number after it. For ex. Veemon Story #2. Again, sex is allowed as well as other types of fetishes/TFs and you can determine the rate of growth. A 20-25 ft one story bar located in outskirts by the main road leading into the city where Machinedramon once ruled during the Dark Masters reign where the city was more brighter than gray than it was before. A huge sign labeled "The Flex Fountain" was on the roof with a banner stretched across saying "Grand Opening" in big red letters while above was a neon animated sign of a muscular clawed arm flexing. Digimon from near and far were talking about it as they seen fliers in the city and elsewhere before opening. It was a bar that served drinks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic, that could give any digimon huge amounts of muscle and strength. Inside, the bar had a long bar counter in the right side of the room with bolted down round cushioned bar stools. There were shelves of many alcoholic drinks behind the counter that was just as long and had about five rows of bottles with different shapes and sizes, but had some odd names and labels like "Strengthen Scotch", "Victory Veiny Vodka", "Burly Bear Beer", “Adonis Ab Ale”, “Pec-uliar Pina Colada”, “Macho Man Margarita”, etc. There were many kinds of glasses and mugs for drinks below the counter and on some of the shelves. The bartender happens to be a Vajramon who drying a wine glass with a blood red colored napkin, but in a bartender uniform of a black vest and tie with a long sleeved shirt than the familiar red armor it wore. On the other side of the bar were plenty of things for customers to do, such as, playing pool and darts for there were about a couple of pool tables and dart boards on the wall. Some round poker tables were in the mix as well. There also some slot machines in the back where the bathrooms were and karaoke in the far right corner of the huge room. The walls were a silver-white and the floor was mostly dark beige ceramic tiles. Most of the customers were huge, packed with muscle! Higher level digimon such as Weregarurumon and Cyberdramon that were already well built with muscle, but the ones in the bar looked like they had taken tons of steroids, looking more like over exceeding body-builders with great thickness and vein popping bulges. There were even some rookies there being about 3 or 4 times their normal height, more adult-sized humanoid builds and structures and nearly the same size as the champions and ultimates in the room, packed with rock hard muscle all around, inflated pecs, abs, calves and all. It was in the late evening hours approaching midnight as the Vajramon was near finishing up cleaning and wiping another round of glass mugs, shot and wine glasses while looking over the bar patrons drinking and clanking bottles and mugs, talking, playing pool with some playful roughhousing, and other activities the bar had to offer. He heard the front door opening and smiled and greeted as a curious and first-time customer walked in.
  7. goremeridian

    A new kind of power source: Part 4

    Thank you so much for the likes and comments, guys. knowing that somebody out there likes this stuff means a massive deal to me. It's not great literature by any stretch of the imagination - but I just needed to get a macro story out there! Two more parts to come after this... A new kind of power source Part 4 It was difficult to say what gave it away. My miraculous survival? My strange bouts of memory loss? The generic army officers in their clichéd basement with their stilted dialogue? Hmm. Probably a bit of all three. Like I had all the time in the world, I casually slipped the colander onto my head. I’ll admit, after some twenty minutes of little more than the army officer’s monotone and my own voice echoing tinnily off the grey walls of the bunker, the orchestra of crackling and humming offered by the wondrous device was a welcome sound indeed. I had almost missed it. As always, my desire was there, ready and raring to go. 900 feet, the officer had said. Man, Tim would be pissed off about staying so small for so long. I’d have to make it up to him big-time. Grow, I willed my absent friend, feeling the static about my head sizzle as it responded to my thoughts. Grow ten times bigger. A hundred times. Muscle on muscle on muscle on muscle. And don’t ever stop. … Perhaps it was just my imagination, but I fancied I felt a faint reply coming back through the thought-waves. It tickled across my scalp and spine and caused my balls to twitch with excitement. About fucking time you put the damn device back on, it went. Heh. * Other than rattling his rifle, the officer had done very little in the way of following up on his threat to shoot me. The fact that I was powering a device that would very soon end the world as we knew it surely gave him motive enough enough to put a bullet or two through my head. And yet, nothing. I wanted him to try, at least. Just so he would finally realise, as I had, that he, like me, like everything around us, was in the control of a higher power. I was on the verge of explaining myself to him – after all, it’s not every day you discover something about, oh, YOUR ENTIRE SPHERE OF REALITY – when a familiar tremble shook the scene. I had heard it several times before. It started with a noise like fingers playing up and down the walls and ceiling. Then came – yes, there it was, right on cue – the light rain of concrete dust. The last time this had happened, the concrete of the ceiling had torn open like a cheap whore’s blouse and dumped a good tonne of dustcloud into the room (certainly enough for six lungfuls, if our coughing fits had been anything to go by, with enough to spare to create a pleasant zone of eye-stinging general blindness.) This time, it was as though the sound couldn’t be bothered pussy-footing around. Just as I was preparing myself for another session of hacking coughs by taking in great gulps of the somewhat stale but comparatively clean air of the bunker, the resonance shook the entire room. Were I not a bit of a pro by now at keeping my footing I would surely have been hurled to the floor. Soldier boy over by the door didn’t have my experience. The poor lad. He had only just recovered from that last bout of dust-choking – not to mention having his rifle snatched away from him by his commanding officer – when he found himself tossed to the ground like a child’s doll in a tantrum. I swear, he actually bounced. At least twice. Enough times, anyway, to guarantee that his head smacked against the concrete floor of the bunker and – in short – put him out of the picture on what was sure to be a long-term basis. The small trickle of blood from some wound on his right temple merely served to confirm this fact. Grunty officer man – for want of a better appellation – fared a little better. When the ground shook he executed what appeared to be a peculiar little dance, bending his knees, thrusting one leg behind him and generally waving his arms about. Whatever; it kept him on his feet. More surprising than his impromptu one-man waltz was the fact that he managed to retain his grip on the rifle. The end wasn’t pointed at me, and wouldn’t be until the bunker – and by extension the officer – steadied itself, but it was an eventuality I would have to take measures to prepare myself for. I was getting pretty good at preparation by now. Lungs filled to capacity with oxygen, cheeks puffed out like a tetraodontida, I rode out the rumble and awaited the dusty, dirty nebula that inevitably accompanied it. This time, however, an itsy cloud of concrete dust was the least of our problems. The narrow cracks in the ceiling of the bunker ripped asunder and tons upon tons of loose earth and rock poured into the room. My companion screamed as mangled debris smashed down on him, burying him alive. It was like one of those gruesome, fast-paced bits in a horror film that you have to rewind back through and watch again in slow motion to fully appreciate. Within seconds I couldn’t even see his form struggling through the dense maelstrom of dirt and concrete. It was as though he had never existed at all. By this stage of the rumble we would usually be in the -ble part of the sound FX, enjoying the unthreatening hiccups of the last few receding tremors. It was clear that this time we had only just begun. * The walls were next. You’d think, with little in the way of a ceiling, the room would fill with debris from above. But the crack that had ripped wide open at the beginning of this last rumble was clearly not done with its stab at interior decoration. It quickly split off into smaller and smaller cracks, like river tributaries, that spider-webbed across the room with lightning alacrity. The scum and soil and rocks rushing in through the ruined ceiling were joined by their behind-the-walls-residing counterparts as the concrete on all sides of me crumbled away. The deadly rivers of spinning concrete slabs and spiralling earth, roaring as though the elements themselves were in pain, surged into the narrowing space. One by one the lights crackled and went out. I remained calm, nonchalant even, as the last electric glow faded. After all, I had never died like this, so I knew I wouldn’t now. Earth pooled around my feet. Occasionally it surged up to my knees. Once or twice my shins were scraped by pieces of rock. My little toe on my left foot was twisted around and broken in a dense slurry of mud and dust. Flesh wounds and minor injuries, to add a bit of colour. But I knew that no serious harm would come to me until the world ended. When Tim destroyed the Earth. * It was some time after the room about me stopped moving and the last earthy grumble had faded to a whisper that a thin sliver of morning sunshine peeped down from above. I was dozing, rather than sleeping, having slipped into one of my – as I called them now – “blanks” whilst waiting for the next scene to begin. A mattress of cold, lumpy and sharp debris and a blanket of underground darkness made for an uncomfortable bed. So it was with some relief that I saw things were moving on. The sliver became a shard, the shard a column, and – with a welcome rumble and a flash of pale flesh – a tower of light was thrown into my little tomb. An eye, like a small moon, lowered itself to the gap, practically shutting off the nascent illumination completely. “SO THERE YOU ARE!” Came Tim’s voice. It sounded like him, only his voice wasn’t just aural now, it was physical, each syllable throbbing through the bedrock. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?” I folded my arms across my chest. “Waiting for you, big guy. You know, you kept me waiting all night! I thought you’d be here sooner…” I tried to keep the tone of recrimination from my voice – but after all, being trapped in a collapsed bunker underground overnight with nothing but two corpses and several hundred tonnes of mud for company was just boring, and I wanted him to feel bad. “You’re usually quicker to catch on that I’ve been captured by the army in our RPs.” “YOU THINK I KEPT YOU WAITING?” He laughed. The sound reverberated through every atom of my body. His eye withdrew from the gap, letting the sunlight flood back in. “WHEN I SUDDENLY STOPPED GROWING, I WAS PISSED. DO YOU KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE TO BE THIS SMALL? MAN, I TOOK OUT MOST OF THE REST OF SWINDON, I WAS SO ANGRY WITH YOU.” He paused. I gave a small cough as a cloud of dust went up my nostrils. The little noise sounded frightfully pathetic beside Tim’s monster voice. “I WAS JUST GRINDING THE STADIUM UNDERFOOT WHEN I FELT MY MUSCLES GROWING AGAIN.” A finger the size of a Boeing 747 poked into the hole, tearing great chunks of concrete and streams of loose soil from the sides. For a split-second I thought he was going to squash me. “NOT FAST ENOUGH THOUGH,” he added almost as an afterthought. The tip of the finger stopped inches away from me. “YOU GONNA HOP ON? ‘CAUSE I’VE GOT SOME GROWING TO DO – AND IT’S NOT GONNA BE SAFE AT GROUND LEVEL FOR MUCH LONGER.” If what Tim had told me about his rampage through Swindon was true, it probably hadn’t been safe at ground level – indeed, at any level under 900 feet – for quite some time. But who was I to quibble? "Um. Sure," I replied. Using the piles of debris in the bunker, I clambered up, up, onto the spongy flesh of Tim’s massive finger. No sooner had I settled on the tip when the finger withdrew. There was a horrible sense of vertigo as I was brought up from the bunker and into the brilliant sunshine. Somewhere around me I had the sense of titanic limbs unbending, vast muscles stretching, steel tendons straining, valley-like joints creaking as Tim came to his feet, but in my ascent I couldn’t make out any details. It was only when I was brought up to his megalithic face, handsome features twisted in a cocky expression, that I realised just how high up I was. I had been in planes this high, of course. But being out in the open air, with nothing but the rough flesh of a giant’s index finger below you, was quite a different experience. I actually felt cold. And my lungs had to so a little more work to fill up, the air was just that bit thinner. The best part though? I glanced down from my fleshy perch at my giant friend’s enormous musculature, pumped more grotesquely huge than a muscle morpher’s most fevered dream. Tim’s muscle growth seemed to be speeding up.
  8. goremeridian

    A new kind of power source: Part 3

    A new kind of power source Part 3 Reality itself seemed to shudder with terror as Tim’s mass began to expand. Before, in the cramped space of the basement, I had experienced this from a disappointingly confined point of view. Now, even in the comparative dimness of the street lights, I could watch Tim’s ascension to godhood in all its glory. I had suspected that Tim’s height grew at the same velocity as his mass. Now, however, I could see that his skeletal structure only expanded to be able to contain more and more muscle, and only when each limb was filled to the brim with straining brawn, would his frame expand once again. In essence, his height was taking its orders from his muscle. So it was that, while he had only become a mere four or five metres taller in the last clutch of seconds, Tim’s swollen calves were already smashing through the walls of the houses on either side of the street. Bigger than cars now, the striated beasts, bursting with impossible strength, demolished living rooms, smashing effortlessly through brickwork, even as his thighs, tensed to monster width, crushed in the roofs and chimneys, causing the houses to collapse in on themselves in a deafening cascade of rubble and glass. “SO FUCKING SMALL!” He roared into the night, his twitching balls swinging and taking out another lamp-post, sending it crashing to the ground before me in a shower of sparks. “NEED TO GROW FASTER!” Some sliver of panic registered within my mind that he wasn’t growing quick enough, but there was nothing more I could do. My entire being was devoted to growing Tim. I could barely think for myself now. My hand, slick with cum, was working my cock automatically now; I had no control over myself physically. I think I was gurgling something; a prayer, perhaps, to my new god. Desperate to add as much mass onto his frame in as quick a time as possible, Tim reached down, a mountain of MAN descending through the night. Knuckles bigger than me swept dangerously close on either side. For a moment, Tim’s now train-carriage-sized fingers scraped along the street, smashing cars out of the way in screeches of agonised metal and glass, and ploughing great furrows in the ground. Then his hands crashed down, down through the concrete of the street, the quake nearly throwing me off my feet and blowing out windows and dislodging roof tiles for half a kilometre around. Seconds later, fingers curled around clusters of crumbling, pathetic houses, his hands tore free from the ground. Clutching his impromptu dumb-bells, Tim began curling the debris in each hand, pumping his grotesquely-swelling biceps even further. “MORE!” He yelled. His voice alone could surely be heard for miles. “MUST GET BIGGER!” Furniture and other debris rained down from between his fingers as he curled the staggering weights with a single-minded intensity. Bits of rooftop, whole sections of bedrooms, still with flapping, ragged carpets attached, fireplaces, bicycles, window panes and furniture, endless furniture, slipped down through the night and smashed to splinters and brick dust on the ground below. A chaise-longue that somehow survived the fall bounced for nearly fifty metres down the street, spinning end over end, before colliding with a telegraph pole. Like an animal caught in a trap, its frantic speed only ensured that it got more and more tangled in the telegraph wires until it finally came to stop swinging wildly, energy spent, ten feet up in the air. I didn’t care about the danger I was in. My only thought was about Tim’s size – and about how much bigger he needed to be. I was determined that all the other growing he had done so far would be pathetic compared to this. Somewhere beyond Tim a plume of fire shot out into the sky, and seconds later the sound of an explosion filled my ears. Almost as though they had been waiting for their cue, a number of other small detonations and flames flared up amid the brickwork skeletons of the ruined buildings up and down the street, filling the scene with flickering red-gold light and casting the apocalyptical landscape about me into ghastly silhouette. Wreathed in smoke and fire, Tim’s physique was magnificent. I couldn’t see his head beyond his mountainous pectorals, and the deep striations between his abdominals were plunged into a darkness more impenetrable that that at the dawn of creation, before God declared, “Let there be light.” But the flesh I could see, straining pitifully against the sheer mass and strength of the impossible muscles growing bigger and bigger beneath its pale surface, was tantalisingly worship-able. Every metre of his skin glinted wetly with sweat in a heat more staggering than that of the surrounding fires: the incomparable heat of muscle growth. His cock, nearly as long now as the ruined street upon which I was trying to keep my footing, and certainly wider, pointed east across Swindon, towards the direction of London. I would happily ride on that thing all of the way there. Hell, soon half of Swindon would be able to ride on that god-cock. I ignored the BOOM of a gas main several streets away. It was merely another trumpet-call to herald the rise of Earth’s muscle god. Out and out he grew, up and up, muscle thickening and swelling, his whole physique filling with more and more super strong mass, his hunger for size only increasing the bigger he became. Rooftops became knee-height, then calf-height, then ankle-height, then toe-height as his hyper-muscled physique ascended heavenwards. How he didn’t pulverise me as those titanic toes stretched out across Swindon I do not know. My body seemed to be running on auto-pilot. At times I would snap briefly away from thoughts of growing my friend to find myself disorientated, in a different street, or in an open square, like I had been sleep-walking, always one step ahead of Tim’s mass. Once I was jolted out of my muscle-growth-lust when my elbow struck a brick wall behind me. I allowed myself a quick glance about; I was in an open area and the ground was filled with stars. No, I shook my head; it was glass. Broken glass, from all the smashed shop windows. And the air was rife with screams, like shrill fireworks. I didn’t see people, as such, just faces, frantic with fear, moving past me quickly. The glass crunched underfoot. Their feet kicked shards of it skittering about. Shooting stars whirling below me. That was all the time I allowed myself. I then turned and – seeing Tim’s titanic, beautiful form looming up over the town, impossible muscles flexing into grotesque hugeness as he pumped them bigger and bigger – forgot about the world around me and threw my thoughts solely into growing him once again. “HA HA! WHAT DO YOU THINK OF ME NOW, SI?” My god’s voice roared. High above, Tim hit a double biceps pose, muscles bigger than factories thickening more and more massively on his arms. The split in the titanium peak alone would require days of tongue worship, and the muscle was only swelling vaster every second. “THIS AS BIG AS YOUR LITTLE MIND CAN HANDLE? FUCK, I CAN’T EVEN SEE YOU ANY MORE – YOU’RE TOO TINY!” I wanted to reply, to shout something up. I couldn’t see his head – fuck, soon his pectorals would rival the hill upon which Swindon Old Town sat, so insanely huge had they become – so I didn’t know if he was even looking in my direction. But I was shaken with another orgasm and lost the ability to speak. “ME?” He continued. “I’VE GOT A LOT MORE GROWING TO DO. IN FACT, I WANT GROW SO BIG I REDEFINE THE FUCKING WORD. YOU WITH ME?” Far, far, below him, riding out my dozenth orgasm in the last few minutes, I could barely mutter the words, “Fuck yes…I’m gonna grow you HUGE, Tim!” “And that’s exactly why you need to come with us,” said a voice from behind me as a firm grip settled on my shoulder. * There was something familiar about the big, frowning, uniformed man sat across the desk from me in the yellow-lit bunker, though I couldn’t work out what. I took in his massive form, straining beneath the army fatigues. Noted his grizzled, cleft chin and perma-grimace. His handsome, weathered features. I was sure I remembered him from somewhere. What really nagged at my brain though were the parts I couldn’t remember. Such as my hasty flight to this bunker. Had I been blindfolded? Or drugged? The memory escaped me. My memories of moving from street to street – of actually putting one foot in front of the other to avoid Tim’s swelling mass – were equally absent. It was like my night had been broken up into a series of paragraphs of lucidness, the breaks between them skipping over periods of time. Perhaps I had just been too focused on Tim. Or the colander had messed with my perspective somehow. It looked relatively harmless, sat as it was on the desk between us. You’d never know it was responsible for turning a man into a god. Well, partially responsible, anyway. I surpressed a grin. I suppose I myself had some small part to play. “You want to explain the connection between yourself and that…that behemoth out there?” The man grunted in deep baritone. “His name’s Tim.” I was going to add, “or you could call him god”, but decided against it. Army man hadn’t hit me yet, but occasionally his hands would clench in a threatening manner and I decided to err on the side of caution. “And you’re growing him? With that?” He gestured at the colander. His voice remained level. His sentences didn’t even go up at the end, like he wasn’t asking questions at all, just grunting statements at me. There was no point in lying. He had obviously heard something, which is what I was doing here in the bunker. I glanced about me. The room was several times bigger than my entire flat. With my memories so fuzzy – or missing – I had no idea whether we were on an army base somewhere or deep underground. Did Swindon even have army bases? Occasionally there was a distant rumble. A giant footstep, perhaps. It was a testament to the architects of the bunker that the place didn’t shake too much, and only a modicum of concrete powder rained down from the ceiling each time. Other than the two of us, there was a young guard standing by the door. I tried to recall what was behind that door, but failed. My memories just seemed to start here, in this room, in this chair. I looked back at my interviewer. His frown was deepening. “Well…we were sort of both growing him. Pooling our insane muscle growth desires. It wasn’t just me.” I began to note the miasma of dried cum radiating from me. If I had been self-conscious earlier on this evening, now I had the justification to be completely mortified. Yet I felt strangely calm. Yes, I stank of ejaculate. Yes, I could tell that the man opposite me could smell it too. But as far as I was concerned, it was an offering to Tim. And there would be a lot more where that came from. The man rubbed his chin. “Well, you’re in a lot of trouble now, son. The freak is pushing nine hundred feet tall, and nearly that in width. Our bullets aren’t able to penetrate his damn skin. And our tanks aren’t having much luck either.” Another rumble gently shook the bunker, as though in response. “We’re trying to scramble the local air force – it looks like we’re going to have to go nuclear on this big bastard.” He leaned closer. “Unless you can help us shrink him somehow.” It was while I was digesting his words that it slowly dawned on me. Something didn’t feel right about this. Tanks? A local air force? In Swindon? That was surely pushing the boundaries of possibility. And yet, at the same time, there was that sense of familiarity. As though I had seen and heard this all before. I realised the officer was expecting a response. “There’s no way I’m going to shrink him. I don’t even think I can, anyway. But I wouldn’t, even if I could. I want what he wants – to grow him endlessly bigger and bigger, no size ever being big enough. Muscles stretching across the world, the galaxy, the universe...” “You’re MAD!” He snapped at me suddenly. “Why on Earth would you want that? Don’t you care about the destruction he has caused? The lives that have been lost?” He snatched up the colander. “Now, you’re going to tell me how to use this thing to reverse the process, or I’ll destroy this bloody machine for good!” It was weird. Even before he had finished one sentence, I knew what the next would be. It was like he was reading from a script I’d already cast an eye over. Which is what prompted me to say, “No." I gave him a calm, level gaze. "No, you won’t.” * He came to his feet in anger, just as a terrific rumble erupted over our heads. It was the biggest one yet. With a cra-a-a-a-ck the concrete of the ceiling split open and the room was flooded with dust. My teeth rattled in my mouth. “You won’t destroy the colander,” I continued through the disorienting din, “because you can’t. I HAVE to wear it, and Tim HAS to become bigger. He’s got so much more growing to do. You’ll see!” The dust swirled into the bunker like a blinding snowstorm, setting the three of us coughing like crazy and ending any chance of further conversation for the next few seconds. Yet even as my lungs and throat stung, this felt…right. In a moment of clarity, I realised why it seemed as though I had been through all of this before. Because I had. Eyes straining through the concrete dust, I snatched the colander from the officer’s grip. “No!” He gasped. “You have to stop!” He was struck by a bout of horrible coughing, but managed in a moment to get the words out, ragged though they sounded coming from a seething sore throat: “You’ll destroy us all!” “I know,” I coughed in reply. “What Tim grows bigger than the Earth, we’ll probably be crushed between his pecs.” I spat out a globule of gritty concrete dust that had settled on my tongue. “Or his abs. Or maybe he’ll use the Earth as a dumb-bell and just rip us from orbit.” I swept my tongue around my teeth, collecting up any stray concrete, and hawked that out after the first globule. “Or he might just squash us between thumb and forefinger.” The fog of dust was beginning to settle, and I could make out the officer’s choking form in the swirling grey before me. He fixed me with a bloodshot eye. I continued, with more confidence: “Your men have failed, the tanks have failed, the nukes will fail. And Tim will become a god – because of this.” I held the colander up. The dust had nearly settled now. The vague shape of the young officer by the door, bent over double and coughing, rifle swinging from his shoulder, could now be made out through the haze. “Because of your stupid muscle growth machine?” The big man before me wheezed. “No.” I ran a finger over the colander, getting a small electric shock for my troubles. “It’s more than that, I see that now.” I couldn’t help letting out a small grin. “I mean, how have I survived Tim’s growth so far? Dumb luck? That’s impossible! I should have been crushed by rubble – or by Tim’s own muscle – a hundred times over. Hell, you or that young officer over by the door should be shooting me with guns even as I speak. After all, I’m about to be responsible for even more death and destruction. But the only time I have been injured was when this thing,” I tapped the metal rim, “was damaged the first time Tim grew, in his basement. You see, when it’s working, it does more than just grow Tim's muscles.” “You want me to shoot you, boy?” The officer spat. He turned and snatched the rifle from the officer by the door. “If you don’t put that thing down I’ll be more than happy to oblige!” But I had the measure of this man. “No you won’t,” I replied calmly, “because you never do. I mean, not once when Tim and I have RPed have I ever been shot by one of the army guys. Or squashed by rubble, or anything.” I shrugged. “You see, I always get crushed towards the end - in the final destruction of the Earth.” He frowned. Though the answer would be well, well beyond him, he asked, for the first time, with a slight, but noticeable, inflection: “RPed?”
  9. JadeDragon

    The Game

  10. Part Three (of Three): Black By: Jman250 Archive Link: http://archive.muscle-growth.org/threads/23533-p1.html Aaron stood with his back towards Robert and me, looking down at his truly massive frame. He left us there to watch him, discarded and used, for what seemed like hours. “Fuck, this is amazing.” His voice was so deep. It made me shiver when I thought about what he had become -- what I had allowed him to become. He had positioned himself in front of my inadequate mirror, rising several inches above its seven-foot frame, admiring himself thoroughly. Each immense muscle group fascinated him as he rubbed and explored his new body. I watched each fiber on his expansive back flex and bulge with round hard balls of muscle, more than I knew could exist. They each rolled and contracted as he moved his arms in an exploration of his body. He stood fixated on his image. Nothing of the mirror was visible from my view on the ground; his mountainous back blocked my view. Even so, with what I could see I was in awe. He brought his arms into a double bicep, making his back even wider as his shoulders pushed upward and outward. He flexed both arms, causing peaks to form so large they would dwarf a basketball. “Fuckin’ A,” he was lost in his own admiration. His ass clenched and unclenched as he watched himself, causing those huge globes to bunch up higher than I thought possible, supported by legs that were, in a word, epic. Aaron’s legs had always been his best feature. What had started as thick, meaty thighs now looked more like thick, knotted tree trunks. His overly large feet, that had obviously grown to keep up with his evolved height, stood just wider than the massive expanse of his back, his stance pushed apart by those inhuman thighs. His calves were long and hard, covered in veins. They had taken on a truly impressive teardrop shape that pushed out so far they seemed to defy gravity. I just stared. He had become massive and I was to blame. My now much smaller cock ached at the sight. For an eternity, we watched, Robert and I. I didn’t dare move from my spot; I didn’t want to lose sight of the body Aaron now possessed. And yet, I knew his size should be mine. At length, Aaron turned around. I nearly came at what I saw standing before me. His expansive back turned to reveal globe like pecs the size of beach balls rising and falling with his breath, with two perfectly shape nipples forced to point down. His abs reminded me of cobbled sidewalks, row after row clenching with deep cuts and valleys. Somehow, his waist had remained comparatively small. And to complete the picture, a mesmerizingly long and thick phallus extended straight out from atop melon-sized balls. Aaron grinned down at us. “Pretty damn impressive,” he said, the deepness of his voice sending another shiver down my spine. “All this from the two of you.” He watched us from our prone position. I didn’t dare to move. “Robert,” Aaron continued, startling him by his address, “go get the box out of my room. ” My eyes went instantly wide. What more could he take from us? After a moment of hesitation Robert managed to find his feet and got up to fulfill Aaron’s request, his own two-inch cock at attention. He had no idea what had caused his new situation, and I had no way to warn him about the mysterious box. He seemed to move awkwardly, unfamiliar of his new smaller stature. As he left the room, Aaron looked me over. “Looks like I’m the big man again,” he said, flexing his cock, causing it to bob up and down. Dozens of memories flooded my brain, memories of how much Aaron liked to show off his cock. Before his growth, he had an impressive eight inches. I thought back to the first time I saw it. Even back then, he made sure I knew whom the bigger man was. I thought back to morning showers interrupted by his sudden entrance, and to him strutting about the common area before bed butt naked. “Thought you could out-size me, huh?” He flexed an arm, causing my own cock to jump. “So tell me, little man, where’d you get that box?” I didn’t know what to respond. I had no answer for him. “I found it,” was the only thing I could think of to say. “Found it, huh?” he didn’t believe me. “Come on, who gave it to you?” He flexed an impressive arm. “Where’d they get it?” He tensed his awesome eight-pack. “I got all this size from somewhere,” he emphasized his point by bouncing his pecs. “Fuck you, Aaron, you already stole what you wanted.” I was feeling bold. “You can tell me.” He flashed a grin, grabbed his cock and pointed it towards me. “No.” We never really got along, but I knew he wouldn’t hurt me. “Pretty stupid of you to leaving it laying around for me to find.” “My door was locked.” “Eh, whatever,” he shrugged his big, round shoulders. They glanced his ears. “I’ll find out where you got it. When I do, there’ll be more of this!” He raised his arms into a solid flex once more and my mouth went dry. I thought back to those last moments in the gym with Adam. Adam must have felt so helpless. He must have felt like I was feeling right then. No, I wouldn’t tell Aaron anything, even that I had no idea where the gods forsaken box had came from. Robert stammered back into the room. He looked unsure of, well, pretty much everything, like he was still in a daze. He must have retained some sense of togetherness though, because he came in following his charge, carrying the oak box between his hands. “Robert, don’t ...” I tried to stop things from going any further, but Aaron would have none of my interference. In a split second and with a quick swipe, the box had been transferred. Aaron’s desire showed on his face -- the same desire I felt when I betrayed Adam. “Let’s go,” Aaron commanded. “Go where?” “Where else? The gym.” Aaron opened the box to pull out its precious contents. As he handed it back to Robert, I could see the inside was pitch black. He left the note unread. Aaron held something in his hand and gazed at it longingly. Without a moment’s delay, he popped it in his mouth and swallowed. Just like that, my hopes of fixing the score were gone. ---- Soon after, we arrived at the school gym. It was late and only the most dedicated gym-goers were still there. Robert and I had been told to get dressed. I avoided going anywhere within range of Aaron’s touch, which was difficult given his size. Aaron had usurped Adam’s old posers, the bright green posers I had borrowed earlier that day. They were stretched past their limits. His enormous thighs ripped the basket slightly as he pulled them on. Good thing too, because without the rip his package wouldn’t have fit. Even so, his massive cock and balls strained the material, their weight pushing the cloth away from his body. The rear fabric was nowhere to be seen -- it bunched together and hid, pulling tightly between the two globes that made up his glutes. Every eye fixated on us as we entered. How could they not be? A massive seven-foot plus behemoth with two tiny runts like us? As we advanced, the four guys still working out stopped what they were doing to watch. They ranged from track athlete to bodybuilder, and Aaron transfixed them all. His body was the envy of everyone. He had a glow about him, something desirous. “Let’s see how strong I am,” he said to nobody in particular. He walked to the preacher bench, already loaded by one of the larger guys, and sat down. The guy nearest, wearing a red tank, gloves and sweats, started to protest. “I’ve got one more set.” “Oh. Sorry,” replied Aaron as he started to lift the weight. There must have been two hundred pounds on the bar, and Aaron banged out ten reps without breaking a sweat. “Too light anyways. You mind adding more?” The guy in the red tank looked shocked. When he didn’t move, Aaron got up and loaded two more forty-fives on each side. “No way.” The red tang guy folded his arms, covering his sizable chest, bunching his pecs considerably; he didn’t seem amused. Aaron ignored him and started to lift. His first two reps went fine, but by the fifth and sixth, Aaron was noticeably fatigued. He got up looking annoyed. “I’m impressed!” His attitude took on a quick change. “Thanks,” Aaron did a quick flex. He looked huge. “Mind helping me out a bit?” “Sure, with what?” the guy looked flattered. “Can I borrow your gloves?” The guy in the red tank looked a bit confused, but seemed to think it was alright. He started undoing his gloves and moved to hand them to Aaron. As he handed them over, Aaron grabbed his hand. Robert and I just watched. There was no point warning him, he wouldn’t believe us. Besides, Aaron must have him under his influence by now. They stood there for a moment, grasping hands. The guy made no attempt to free himself, he just stood there, happy to be of service. I knew Aaron was growing. The smile on his face told me everything. It was happing so slowly that the only sign was the slow shrinking of the other guy. Once I noticed it though, there was no mistaking Aaron’s growth. His arms had expanded a good half-inch within moments, and just kept going. After a short while, Aaron let go. “Thanks.” He took the gloves and proceeded to sit down once again. This time there was no hesitation. He finished ten reps in a heartbeat and, just for good measure, did a few more. “Wow,” the red tank guy was surely impressed. I could see a sizeable bulge forming down one leg of his sweat pants. By this time, two other of the larger men had come over to watch, with the smallest guy in the gym disappearing into locker rooms. I wanted to leave -- I couldn’t watch him take hard work and time from innocent people. These men had no idea why they were so enchanted with this huge Adonis. But I had no place to go. Aaron had commanded me to come, so I was stuck. Next, Aaron found a bench. “Load it up,” he instructed to those around him. Only the guy in the red tank moved, but in a short time the bench press was loaded with 540 pounds, all the available large plates in the immediate area. I looked at Aaron’s shirtless torso. His massive, beach ball sized pecs would surely have no problem lifting that. Two of the larger men moved to spot him, but Aaron protested, “No need guys, I got it.” He got into position and started to push. At first I thought I saw him shake, but he must have been getting his balance because he quickly pushed out eight reps. “Add more.” This time, all three onlookers were inspired to help. They each went in search of more weight. The guy in a baggy green shirt and shorts came back first, loading up each side with forty-five more pounds. Aaron struggled with his first rep. It was clear he wouldn’t make it to eight. His big chest shook through the next few lifts. After four reps he threw the weight back onto the rack with a deafening *bang*. “Fuck! Not strong enough.” In a fluid motion he reached over his head to the guy in green and grabbed his legs. It happened much faster this time. I could see his whole body expand outward. Everything expanded quickly: pecs jutting farther from his body, the crevice deepening between them; neck thickening; thighs bulging, pushed farther apart on the bench; feet expanding. The tight confounds of his posers started to rip more and Aaron must not have wanted to burst out just yet, because he let go of the guy’s (now slightly smaller) legs. Just as he prepared himself for another few reps, the other guys appeared carrying a plate each. They slide one on each end and looked expectantly at Aaron. He was happy to oblige. My jaw dropped at the sight of Aaron pushing out four solid more reps. “I feel pumped!” he shot up and bounced his chest. His pecs looked gigantic as they flexed, making him look truly unstoppable. And he wasn’t done yet. He walked to the leg press machine, his posse following step. Two of the guys were painfully hard, and the other, dressed all in black, looked to be impressed by the show. They were all pretty big and that made me shudder at how big Aaron would become with those three offering what they had. Plate after plate got loaded onto the machine until there was no more room for more, definitely past its max. The machine creaked slightly as Aaron reclined back on the pads. He started to push. One, two, three reps without issue. I’ve always thought legs were Aaron’s best feature. The machine was really starting to groan at the weight as he pushed out a fourth, fifth, and sixth rep. “Aargh!” Aaron let out a yell at the weight, but still he continued. Seven, eight, nine! Then something unexpected happened. Something inside the machine snapped and one of the bars supporting the massive amount of weight fell! The weight crashed to the ground. Aaron, obviously surprised by the sudden change in weight, pushed too hard and crashed the footrest against the frame, cracking it into two. “Fuckin’ A!” Aaron let out a roar of laughter at his feat of strength! He could overpower the machine, and he could get bigger. Robert and I moved back in fear! For the first time since any of this started, I was afraid of what Aaron was becoming. Two of the men stood mesmerized but the third started to stumble backwards to escape. Within seconds Aaron leapt from the broken machine to grab hold of the man in black before he could escape. He would have more! He wrapped his arm around the man’s torso and pulled off his shirt. Though he was no bodybuilder, this guy was definitely well sculpted. Aaron pulled him into an embrace and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of energy coursing through his body. The sight was amazing and horrifying all at once. Aaron’s growth seemed to accelerate with each passing moment. Within seconds, the confines of Adam’s green posers burst apart, freeing Aaron’s monstrous manhood to press against his captive’s thighs. It started to grow hard as it dangled there. I watched it fill with blood, pushing its way between the man’s sculpted legs. With each beat of Aaron’s heart it rose higher, until at last it stood straight out with a foot of cock jutting out behind the man’s ass. Aaron moaned as his growth continued. He reached down and grabbed hold of the smaller man’s gym pants and pulled in two directions. Aaron’s biceps swelled larger as he tore the pants into strips, revealing the man’s average size cock straining in his underwear. Opening his eyes, Aaron looked down at the shrinking man. He pulled at his underwear until those too split into pieces and he pulled the man in closer, pressing his slightly dwindled cock between their torsos. All fear had vanished from the man’s face -- it was replaced with pure ecstasy. Aaron grew outward in all directions! His back was growing wider, more balls of tight muscle formed. His glutes pushing up higher and expanding outward. His legs were thickening. And he was beginning to inch upward. The man straddling his dick moved higher and higher off the ground. Aaron leaned back slightly, causing his obliques and ten-pack abs to tighten into a magnificent display. He let go of the now much smaller man supporting him with his cock and torso, and brought his arms into a stunning double bicep. His peaks flexed so large I thought they might burst through the skin! “Strip and come feel my size,” he instructed to those standing watch. Robert and I stood rooted to the spot. His voice was several octaves deeper than it had been an hour before, but I did not feel compelled. We watched as the two other men, one in green and one in red began to remove their clothing. I glanced at the box in Robert’s hands as the scene in front of me unfolded. One of the guys removed his green baggy shirt to reveal tight, hard muscles. He looked to be about Robert’s size, or his old size before Aaron took all his strength. His cock was bigger than mine, and thick. It stood hard at attention just below his belly button. The man in red was a sight to behold. His pecs bunched and bounced as he removed his shirt, revealing a solid cobblestone of eight-pack abs. And when he removed his sweats, I gasped out loud. Aaron’s cock was gigantic already, but with what this guy had to add, it would become something entirely unthinkable. His already hard cock sprung free and bobbed above his abs, nested just below his round pecs. They both moved forward and began grabbing hold of Aaron’s behemoth body. One walked around and began stroking Aaron’s expanding cock, still half supporting and pushing the first man’s thighs farther apart. Aaron let out a moan that could be heard for miles. I watched, unable to move, as his growth redoubled! His head was inching upward as his cock pushed outward. His balls were already bigger than melons, and they rested against his redwood thighs, visibly churning. “We have to get him off!” I whispered to Robert. “That will stop the growth, if he cums!” He just gawked. He look terrified beyond belief, petrified beyond movement. I ran forward and began stroking and licking as best I knew how. Aaron let out a deep moan. His voice was so deep it almost threw me off guard, but I continued with my task. I looked up as Aaron grew higher and wider still. I could feel my mind begin to cloud. Aaron looked Godly. Surely, the Gods would find a place for him amongst them. No! I had to finish! The mass of muscle in front of me was amazing. Three muscular men, all feeding Aaron. His arms expanded larger, growing larger than my waist! His calves were inflated like balloons! I felt myself tremble, tremble for joy. I was giving Aaron more muscle, more size than I had ever known. It felt, in a word, orgasmic! Then without warning, I came. My mind cleared and I let go, falling to the ground. Without realizing it, I had been lifted off the ground. He must have passed fifteen feet tall! His cock was now thicker than my leg! “Can’t. Cum. Won’t. Cum. Not. Until. More.” A titan voice boomed from above me. It sounded like pure sex. He looked down, his shoulders totally engulfing his neck, and smiled an evil and knowing smile. I backed away and stumbled into Robert, who was now surprisingly taller than me. My plan had failed. The smallest of the three fell off Aaron onto the ground, spent. He blinked dazedly and gazed up at the magnificent creature he had helped to create. He looked small and weak, but retained a look of health, just like Robert and me. Both men left were caressing Aaron’s legs and balls. As I watched, his dick began to tilt upward. Every day that I’d seen it Aaron’s dick had pointed straight out, but he was becoming so muscular and massive that his dick was no exception. It rose slowly, angling first to forty-five degrees, then stopped when it pointed straight up. It obscured the middle of his ten-pack abs, that stretching longer as he grew. It reached past his exercise ball-sized pecs. The pulsing head came to a rest right below just his chin. “Aargh!!” Aaron let out another massive moan that shook me to my core! The second man collapsed the floor, drained of his strength. As Aaron felt his growth ebb, he reached for the last man standing. He had started out the largest and still looked like a sports athlete, his dick still hard and hovering slightly above his belly button. Aaron’s growth had plenty left on which to feed. The first man down must have been awaken by this late exchange because he scrambled to his feet and ran for the door, still buck-naked. Aaron, so lost in the energy still feeding his body, had no care of the fallen people below. Then something happened that I did not expect. As the smallest of the men ran out the door, he ran *smack* into Adam. My heart dropped as I looked at the kid I loved. He surveyed the scene with his mouth wide, tilting his head back to fully see the true titan Aaron had become. His height had increasing several feet below the twenty foot ceiling, but he was still expanding, taking every ounce of muscle the last man had to offer. Adam swooped in, grabbing me by the arm. I couldn’t leave, it would take too much for me to leave. I had to stay. But Adam gave me no choice. As Adam dragged me from my place, I reached for Robert. Reluctantly, the two of us were pulled to safety before Aaron could finish. To this day, I have no idea what became of Aaron. He appears in my nightmares as if he still wants to feed from what little strength I have left. Adam says we’re healthy. We can get something back, if we work hard. I believe him. I have to believe him. We didn’t go far, but we’re safe. Robert never comes out of his room. He never got over that first encounter. He keeps the box by his bed with its note: “Run and grow.” Adam says he’ll recover too. I believe him. I explained everything to them both once we had all recovered enough to talk. ---- One morning, Robert rolled over in his bed, his tiny frame getting comfortable on his twin mattress as the sunlight streamed through the blinds. As he opened his eyes, he glanced at his nightstand like every morning before. This time, though, something about the box caught his eye. He uncovered it and looked inside. There, surrounded by a brilliant shade of purple, were four odd somethings. And a note: “Eat and grow.” - End -
  11. Part Two (of Three): Bright Green By: Jman250 Archive Link: http://archive.muscle-growth.org/threads/23455-p1.html The clothes left behind, once loose on Adam, were now incredibly tight on me. Nobody seemed to recognize me on my way back to the dorms, but everyone looked. I had the look of a professional bodybuilder and was damn tall! I didn’t look as big as the last guy etched on the box, but my size was impressive. Walking had definitely changed. I had a swagger, and my arms had to hang down at an angle. As I reached to open the door of my dorm’s common room, I thought back to the look on Adam’s face after my growth. It was heartbreaking to say the least. I felt a sense of loss and wondered if he’d ever forgive me. At the very least I wanted to talk about what had happened. Hearing Aaron inside broke my train of thought. All thoughts of Adam pushed aside, I grinned. Imagine Aaron’s reaction. Just the thought made my cock jump in their tight confines. Aaron had always bragged about his cock size, but now I knew I was bigger than him by at least two inches. And fuck! with this new, erm, ability, I could make the size difference even bigger (I chuckled at my own pun). I let myself in. Aaron was lying on the couch watching TV. He heard me come in. “I ate your leftovers. I was hungry. You can grab something else later.” He said out loud, not even look up. “Yeah, whatever,” I shot back. My newly deepened voice must have caught him off guard. He sat up a bit before replying, “Do you have a cold? Don’t get me sick.” “No. Just a good pump at the gym.” That got his attention. He swung around on the couch to look at me. Where he was obviously expecting to see my face he found an eyeful of my pecs. He looked up my full six foot seven inches of height and fell backwards off the couch. I chuckled at the spectacle. “W.. w.. what happened to you?” he managed to sputter out. I flexed one of my arms. “Twenty inches. It was a good workout.” He seemed unsatisfied and just stared. I walked slowly around the couch; I wanted to get close and see what his toned soccer muscle would do to my size. Not wasn’t like Adam. He was an ass and he deserved what was coming to him. “T.. t.. that’s impossible!” He looked at me in awe. “Oh, it’s possible alright. Look at me!” Sixty-five inch chest, solid eight-pack, thirty-two inch waist, thirty inch thighs, twenty inch calves. I lowering my gym shorts, releasing my now semi-hard cock. It wasn’t fully hard but still must have been a good eight inches. I bragged to him like he did to me many months before, “eleven inches.” I needed to show him what I had become. He just stared. “It’s huge!” he finally relented. I just nodded. “Touch it,” I urged him. Cautiously, he put both hands on my dick. The warmth made it plump more in his hands, getting harder still. It slowly grew to its full size, pushing his fingers and hands apart. The thought of sucking out his muscles and growing more in size was making me horny. But nothing was happening. No energy yet. I bent down and grabbed him by the arms. With little effort, I lifted him to straddle my cock. “Feel my muscles,” I ordered as I pulled off Adam’s shirt and brought him into a tight embrace. His groping hands were playing with my back, neck, ass, anything within reach of his hands. Still, with all this contact, there was no energy. I was starting to get angry. Here I was, having this guy who I hated get off on my body with nothing in return for me. I could feel his dick completely hard in his pants as we embraced. Maybe I was doing this wrong? I pushed him back onto the couch and unzipped his pants. His eight inch dick sprang out, completely hard. I used to think he was big; not anymore. Aaron was in complete lust over my huge body. With little effort I lifted his weight and took his cock into my mouth. After seeing him hard wood morning after morning, I secretly wondered what it would be like to suck him off, but that was before… before Adam. Now I felt nothing but greed. I wanted his size. There was no energy. “It must have been a one-time thing,” I thought to myself. “Why did I have to take from Adam?” I sighed to myself at the thought. Before I could pull off Aaron’s cock, he came down my throat. “Ugh!” I dropped him on the couch and spluttered back at him. “It didn’t work!” A look of terror filled his eyes. Before I could react, he was up off the couch and out the door, pulling up his pants on the way. This was all too much. I looked at Adam’s gym shorts stretched half way down my thighs and I fell back onto the couch. I was feeling the guilt of what I had done to Adam. “First I get huge from Adam, and now nothing from Aaron?” I thought out loud. “Where’s that damn box?” I went back into my room and retrieved it from the trash bin. Something was different about it. I took off the lid and looked inside. It was green. Not just any green, but a bright, neon kind of green. Left inside were two somethings and the note: “Steal and grow.” I thought about what had unfolded earlier in the gym. “That’s it!” I mused to myself. I put the box on my dresser where I had found it only an hour or two before. “Here I come Adam.” I locked my door, pulled on his shorts, and left in search of my boyfriend. I left several message on his phone, urging him to return my call, but no luck. After an extensive search of the gym, his apartment (he lived alone), his favorite places, my favorite places, and everywhere I could think he’d be, I returned to my dorm defeated. It was much later in the day, and the sun had begun to set. I walked into the common room and surveyed the area. No sign that Adam had been there. I walked to my door and reached down for the handle when I heard Aaron’s door open. I spun around to look at him, still angry about this morning. The look on his face surprised me. He had a mischievous look in his eyes. I was used to that look by now. It was the look he always used before putting me in my place. And there was something else -- lust. He looked different, almost radiant. A thought entered my head and my eyes went wide. I grabbed and I turned the handle to my room. It was unlocked! Aaron leapt after me and grabbed my leg as I crossed into my room! No box. Rage began to fill me as I looked down at my suite mate! But I found myself unable to respond. There was a foreign energy filling my soul. I could already see his growth. Even as he held my ankles, he cowered, obviously afraid I would take revenge. I didn’t move. My mind was split. I felt rage, but also joy -- a joy willed from somewhere outside myself. I found myself thinking, “He would look good with more muscle.” He was very attractive, after all. So this is how Adam felt? After a moment, he looked up at me with malice in his dark brown eyes. Snap out of it! I tried to resist. He had easy access to my shorts from his prone position. He hefted them down and kneeled in front of me. “Gods, I forgot it was that big.” No! He can’t do this! I couldn’t resist. My dick was already hard, eleven inches bobbing before my cobblestone abs. He looked at it guardedly, and then took the plumb-sized head into his mouth. As if struck by a sudden surge, he grabbed my ass cheeks and clenched with his fingers, digging in hard. Feeling the hard globes of my ass made him push more of my huge cock into his mouth. It felt good. I could see his muscles inflating within the weak confines of his clothes. “Those won’t last long,” I thought to myself. This was wrong. From this angle, I could see his traps pushing outward. His shoulders were quickly filling his shirt. Both arms seemed to strain the material. “He’ll look hot when he’s as huge as me.” Images of the supreme muscularity he would soon contain filled my mind. It made me moan. Why did I moan? This isn’t right! My sound seemed to awaken him. He pulled off my cock and started up at me, calculating. A large wry smile crossed his lips as he stood up. “You can’t hurt me, can you?” he sneered up at me. His voice was already starting to deepen. It sounded so sexy. “Can you even move?” He pushed me a little. The force surprised me and I fell back into my room, making a loud *thud* as my ass hit the hard floor. It must have surprised Aaron too, because he let out a single laugh as I fell. I never realized he had such a cute laugh. I needed to resist! His face lit up. “This is perfect!” he said, more to himself than to me. “He’s right,” I thought to myself. “I can’t wait for him to become perfect.” I smiled up at him. Still looking at me, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone. He walked out of sight, but I could hear him: “Hey, Robert, dude, you’ve got to get over here. “No, I mean it! Like right now! “It’s unbelievable! Dude, really! “Ok, cool! I’ll see you in a bit.” The conversation ended and he returned to me. I could already see his pecs pressing against his previously baggy shirt. “I should get you on the bed,” he thought out loud. I was all too happy to oblige. I got up, stripped down (anticipating his desire) and stretched out on the bed. I wanted to hurt him! My cock stood tall, though slightly smaller than before, as a tribute to my amazing body. I wanted to watch him grow. Aaron’s face lit up again, looking like he’d just won the lottery. He stood in my doorway, calculating. After a short while, there was a knock from outside my view. “Come in!” Aaron shouted, not taking his eyes off me. The door opened and closed. “Dude, what’s so impor…” Robert had obviously seen Aaron. How could he not be speechless? Even from his short contact, Aaron was already gorgeous! Must resist! Robert was Aaron’s team captain – one of his favorites team members too, or at least I gathered by his past visits and the repeated bangings of a headboard on the wall while I would try to sleep. Not many of the soccer players were as hung as Aaron, and not many players were as buff as Robert. He wasn’t huge, by any means. Certainly not as large as even Adam used to be, but he filled out his clothes well. Robert, with his short blond hair, entered my field of view. I could see him through the doorway, eyes not moving from Aaron. “How …” he trailed off. Aaron, with his gave still fixed on me, pulled off his shirt. I felt a shudder move through my body as I looked at him. He had a six-pack when all this had started, and now he had the most solid six-pack I had ever seen! His round, firm pecs jutted from his body with perfectly round nipples pointed perfectly straight. His arms had grown to at least fourteen inches already. “Dude, you look amazing! Like a model!” Robert was clearly impressed. “And you’re getting buff! How’d this happen?” Finally, Aaron took his rust brown eyes from me and turned to fixate on Robert. “Here, let me help you with that.” Aaron reached under Robert’s shirt and pressed firmly on his abs. Aaron’s body flexed ever so slightly. After a moment, he seemed satisfied and lifted the shirt completely off. “Strip,” was all Aaron had to say. Robert’s blue eyes gazed longingly at Aaron, and he seemed more than willing to oblige. He took everything off. His body was well kept. Aside from the hair on his head, he was completely clean-shaven. The gods had blessed him with a strong body, but sadly his dick was less than impressive. It was hard and obviously shorter than six inches. “Shame,” I thought, “Aaron won’t steal much from that.” Must fight back! Aaron, though, seemed pleased. “Go lie down with Chad.” It seemed the first time Robert realized I was there. It didn’t seem to matter much. Aaron was the only thing on his mind. “Ok boys, let’s have some fun.” He looked so beautiful. He came into the room and pulled off his pants. With a quick glance at me, he tore his underwear from his body. “Friggin A!” was all he could say. His previously eight inch dick was already slightly bigger. He started stroking it. It must have been nine inches already. “Ok Robert, you in back; Chad, you in front. I want my dick in that beautiful ass.” Robert practically leapt from the bed! I can’t imagine Aaron let him top much. All to happy to oblige, I got up and moved to position myself in front of Aaron as requested. I was still taller than him by a good foot, but he’d already grown an inch or two in height. He positioned me so I could see him in the mirror, his dick pointing straight out, floating less than an inch from my hole. He leaned forward slightly, standing on his toes to get close to my ear. Without touching he whispered, “I figured out what you were trying to do to me earlier. I read the note. Now you’re gonna pay. Watch me get huge.” He flicked my cock and I shuddered with pleasure. I could see him pull Robert closer. Without moving or shifting from his stance, he encouraged Robert to enter. Robert looked elated. Aaron closed his eyes as Robert pushed into his hard ass. I could see the growth almost immediately. Aaron’s legs -- those amazing legs with massive calves, already huge and toned -- started to grow. “Harder!” Aaron shouted back. Robert pushed harder, pumping his not quite five incher in and out. He looked to be in pure ecstasy! All the while, Aaron stood immobile. He fixated on me, staring into my eyes through the mirror. No matter how hard Robert pumped, Aaron stood still. His expanding legs kept him, and his quivering dick in place, half an inch away from me. He was torturing me. His abs grew harder. I watched two more ridges appear to complete his massive eight-pack. His pecs inflated like balloons, the cleft between then growing ever deeper. His shoulders and back widened as he took on a definite V shape from his former narrow soccer player appearance. And still Aaron did not move. He stood there with hard concentration, eye locked, massive legs holding him in place. I could see Robert loosing muscle. “Aaron will be huge.” I thought to myself. Resistance was useless at this point. He grew wider, inching quickly to match the huge expanses of my frame. A smile crossed Aaron’s face. He realizing his time had come. Though he hadn’t moved an inch, Aaron’s dick began to push on my ass. It was growing too. I could feel it pushing past the globes of my ass cheeks, hard and impervious as they were. Then slowly, very slowly, it hit my hole. I felt the strange foreign energy fill my body. My dick was rock hard! His legs grew harder and more massive, filling with power faster than the rest of his growing body. He held firm as his growing cock pushed, millimeter-by-millimeter, against my tight hole. I could feel the mushroom head expanding thicker too, as it pushed my rock hard cheeks apart. “Gonna get huge,” was all he said. After what seemed like an eternity of ecstasy, the head of his enflamed cock grew into my waiting hole. Just the tip at first, as my ass stretched to accommodate his growing, thickening mushroom head. Finally, and with an audible *pop*, it finally pushed past my sphincter. Aaron let out a massive moan in victory. “Huge!” He had the hard look of a small bodybuilder now; his already lean body seemed devoid of fat, his skin vacuum-sealed to his expanding muscles. Aaron’s moan sent a shudder though Robert. He was much smaller now than Adam now. As he came in Aaron’s ass, a consciousness seemed to return to his eyes. Exhausted, he fell to the floor. With just his cock in my ass, Aaron started feeding on my size. Not only was he growing huge and buff, he had dominated me completely. Though he hadn’t moved an inch, I could feel his dick expanding, pushing into me as my own still significant member slowly receded. “Bend over,” Aaron said. I grabbed my ankles. His growth had slowed when Robert fall, but I felt the strange energy inside me increase and renew as he started to push further into me. The feeling was incredible! I was being dominated by a man that would soon be massive! Truly massive! He continued pushing in, and in, and in. “Ahh! My cock must be as big as yours by now. And it’s going to be even bigger!” Indeed, a glance at the unconscious Robert confirmed this as Robert’s previously meager endowment was down to almost nothing. I would be there soon. I felt his pubs brush against my ass. “Picture it,” he said through his panting, “my arms growing huge. Bigger than they are now!” He raised them into a double bicep. “My pecs will be monsterous!” he bounced them in triumph. “My legs,” he ran a hand along those truly massive thighs, “can crush anything.” He pulling out in a long stroke, “and my cock,” he pushed back in, “biggest in the world!” With that he started pumping fast. Faster and faster as he grew. He had to continually re-adjusted his stance as his thighs ballooned larger and larger, first past thirty, then thirty-five, then forty inches. His abs grew longer as he grew taller. His pecs must have passed the sixty-inch mark, but stayed round and perfectly shaped, as his body grew wider. His nipples continued to point straight out. Arms past twenty-two inches. Forearms ballooning and flexed as he held me in place. “I’m getting so huge!” All the while, I could feel his weight increasing behind me. With every thrust I began to wobble. I couldn’t support his weight. “You’re getting so weak,” he was panting hard, “feel me grow!” Just as I felt I would fall forward and be crushed by his weight, I felt him lift me off the ground! I let go of my ankles so he could bob me up and down on his massive member. “So friggin’ huge!” His head started disappearing over the top of my seven-foot mirror. My once impressive cock was dwindling to near its old size. I could feel him growing bigger inside my ass, stretching out my hole and shoving ever deeper into me with each thrust. My chest and abs looked like they had before Adam. And yet he continued, growing ever bigger. “Massive cock filling your ass!” He thrust harder still, throwing me around like a rag doll! My own little cock looked smaller than ever before, shrinking past the six-inch mark. “A LITTLE BIT MORE!” he screamed out, taking every bit of strength I had. His shoulders were wider than a doorframe. His massive legs were so huge his stance was several times wider than his impressive chest! “NOT YET!” His eyes were closed tight in concentration! His massive body was in solid relief as his rock hard muscles flexed and grew. “JUST A BIT MORE!” My dick continued to detract as his thickened in my ass! “Ahrg!” he finally screamed! His dick pumped load after load of cum into my ass. I could feel massive amounts of seed slosh around my insides. His face was in ecstasy. It was amazing! He had finally become massive, taking all that I could give. His balls grew bigger with every load! Larger than tennis balls, oranges, melons! He pulled out of my ass and continued to shoot in every direction! Finally, unable to hold out any longer, I came. As my small load dwindled, my mind cleared and I looked down at Robert, then down at myself. Aaron looked at us, towering above. Finally he spoke, “this will do, for now.”
  12. The Box Part One (of Three): Dark Red By: Jman250 Archive Link: http://archive.muscle-growth.org/threads/23533-p1.html I woke up one Monday morning to find an oak box sitting on my nightstand. “That’s odd,” I told myself, “I don’t remember putting an oak box on my nightstand. In fact, I don’t remember owning an oak box, especially one of dark red.” It was carved with ornate pictures of men marching along its side. I blinked a few times to get the sleep out of my eyes and took a closer look. The men were hot! Or at least they were as hot as wood carved men could be. I moved out of bed and picked it up. Each side had a series of three men, smaller on the left to massively buff on the right. It could have been a procession, but all three men were oddly similar. Weird. “It’s getting late,” I reminded myself. I knew I had to get ready for the gym. I put the box down and stripped for my morning shower. I had a decent body. Five eleven, sandy blond hair, long but not in my face. Green eyes. Dimples when I smiled. I’d say I was damn cute. I started really working out a few months ago. This kid I met really inspired me, really motivated me, and I made a lot of improvements. I didn’t think I’d ever be as buff as him, though. I wasn’t big; in fact I was kind of skinny. My biceps and chest started to show some size, but it’d been a lot of work. I walked out of my room and into the common area bathroom. I started the shower and got in. The warm water felt good running over my body and morning wood. My dick was pretty average, compared to some of the guys at school. “Six inches is bigger than some,” I always told myself. It was small compared to Adam though. Adam is the kid I work out with. I guess I shouldn’t call him a kid -- he’s built and way bigger than me! But he’s younger than my twenty four years of age. I’ve been spending a lot of my free time with him lately, almost to the point of being inseparable. You’d never guess we weren’t the same age. Standing there in the shower, my mind drifted back to the box on my nightstand. I started stroking my hard cock. I’d always had a thing for big guys, huge and hard. Like Adam. Hard expanses of muscle. I started picturing him bigger than ever -- muscles expanding to become huge! I let out a soft groan as I stroked faster and almost shot my load when -- *Bang* *Bang* *Bang* “Fuck Chad, jack off somewhere else. I need to shower.” It was Aaron, my suite mate. He and I shared a common room. “Shut it! I’ll be out in a second.” I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around my waste. My boner hadn’t softened all the way, so I did what I could to cover it up. Aaron was standing there when I opened the door. He was already naked. I couldn’t help but look over his toned body, firm pecs, six-pack abs, big hard cock. “Move!” He shoved passed me into the stall. I was used to this ritual, it happened every morning. His morning wood slapped my thigh as he pushed past. “Over eight inches,” he bragged on our first such encounter, many months ago. He stood there naked, inches from me “Alright! I’m leaving!” He’d been a real dick since we met, always showing off or putting me down. I don’t know how we got paired. He’s more of the athletic type; I’m of the do-whatever-comes-along type. He played soccer, so his body was skinny but solid with good tone. His legs were his most impressive part, with amazing calves that seemed like stone even when he stood still. At least I’m taller. Back in my room I remembered the box. I opened it this time. Inside the wood was dark red. There were three pieces of something and a note. “Eat and grow.” I blinked at the note. “Eat and grow.” Fuck! This was either a prank or my wildest dream come true! The gods must have been smiling down at me! All caution out the window, I put one of the three somethings into my mouth and swallowed. It tasted bitter and made me frown. Then I waited. Nothing. I turned the note over and make sure I hadn’t missed any instructions. Nothing. “What a crock. It must be one of Aaron’s bad jokes. I’ll kill him for this.” I closed the box and threw it in the trash. Still rather annoyed, I put on my gym clothes, grabbed my bag, and left to meet Adam. Adam is the kid, err, man I work out with at the university gym. We met one morning during a workout. He didn’t like the town gyms, he said, so he used ours. I’d never seen him around town before. He said he’d had a recent growth spurt and needed someplace new to train. We’d gotten really close since then. Some even started calling us boyfriends. When I got to the gym, I found Adam alone in the old aerobics room. He lifted his shirt and moving his torso from side to side, watching the amazing relief of his eight-pack abs flex and bulge. His long brown hair swayed from side to side with his movement. My dick started to get hard, making an obvious tent my shorts. “You ready little man?” Adam saw me reflected in the mirror. He smiled bright at me. His bright brown eyes seemed to twinkle. “Got to get big!” he said and brought his arms up in a double bicep. Seventeen inches. I knew every inch of him by heart. With all his training he was really starting to look like an amateur bodybuilder. “Mhmm” was all I could manage. I dropped my bag. He walked over to me in that big guy swagger. “You look different,” his voice was deep. He sounded concerned. It’s hard to believe he’s younger than me. “Really?” I remembered the box! I looked down for changes, but nothing. “Strange.” He examined me for a moment. “I guess it was nothing.” He smiled down at me and grabbed me in a bear hug! I was a few inches off the ground. He’s six foot four. “I missed you!” he said and kissed me on the cheek. It felt amazing wrapped in his muscular arms. Almost energized. My cock jumped in my gym shorts at the feeling. “I saw you yesterday,” I gave him a wry grin. “So?” he gave me one final squeeze before putting me down. I’ve always loved Adam’s touch, but this time when he let go I almost felt withdrawal. My body wanted him. I had to touch him again. “Let’s skip the workout.” I was getting an idea. “What? No way. I love our workouts.” “I know what else you love...” I slid a hand under the base of his shirt to feel his rock hard abs. The amazing energy seemed to return. He grinned down at me as I traced the cobblestones making up his hard stomach. He flexed against my hand and I felt the firm ridges of his abs contract. “I had a bad morning. Please?” I looked at him longingly. My other hand hooked the elastic of his gym shorts and slid them slowly down. I let my hand linger for a moment on his thigh, feeling its solid mass. He was wearing his favorite neon green posing trunks. I knew nobody would interrupt us in this part of the gym. He closed his eyes and let out a low grunt in response. I continued to feel his chest, sliding my other hand upward until I reached his huge, tight, hard, round pecs. He bounced his chest for my pleasure. I’ve always loved the feeling of his heavy pecs, so firm and with perfect quarter sized nipples, but this time felt somehow better. It was something magical, extra erotic. With my other hand I gently cupped his balls, feeling them through his now exposed posing trunks. They were big and heavy; they filled my hand. But the best part came next. I moved to massage his thick cock. It was only semi-hard but already strained the green fabric. Lust began filling my every thought. I slowly removed his trunks, both of us standing there in the gym. Adam breathed in when the cold air hit his shaft. It stiffened more as I wrapped my fingers around its thickness. It grew harder with each passing moment, the head moving further away from my closed palm as it lengthened. I had Adam, almost twice my size, in rapture using only my touch. I felt strong! I looked at the mirror across from us, watching as I held his throbbing cock in one hand, massaging his hard, globe like pecs with the other. It felt hot. From somewhere in the recesses of my mind, I came to a sudden clarity. Focusing on myself, I noticed I was bigger. Not by much, but even through my clothes I could tell I had grown in size. My thoughts recalled the box. Maybe it wasn’t a prank after all. The growth was just delayed! I wanted more. Stopping suddenly, I pulled off my shirt. The energy from my contact with Adam stopped, but damn it was worth it. The mirror showed my normally skinny body was bigger. A solid six-pack had begun to show. My delts and biceps had started filling out. And best of all, my pecs had grown the fastest, already round and solid. They were flatter than I would have liked, but a cleft was forming between the two muscles. I never had that before. Adam seemed unresponsive to what was happening. He stood there watching me, breathing heavily, waiting for more of my touch. Still, I had to see more. I shucked my pants and glanced down at my legs. They were solid! I flexed and watched my thighs bounce. My underwear felt tighter too – I could feel the fabric hugging my ass tighter than ever before. This was incredible! And I wanted more. Adam gazed dottily at me as I pulled off his shirt. I took off his shoes and completely removed his posers. He stood there in his beautiful glory wearing only his socks. He was gorgeous standing there, cock at attention half way up his abs, but I didn’t care. All I wanted was to continue my growth. Something about this energy was addicting. I needed to feel it again. And it was mine with a touch. I squatted down and took his cock into my mouth. It had reached its full ten inches of solid meat and I devoured it whole. I knew every ridge of his cut manhood, having sucked it dozens of times before, but this was somehow different. It felt somehow meeker than normal. I didn’t care, though. The growth energy felt stronger than before so I sucked and bobbed on his big cock as if my life depended on it. I reached around and dug my fingers into his ass cheeks. They were so hard they might have been made of granite, but smooth and sculpted like marble. The energy felt stronger still! I wanted more. I leaned forward against his legs to touch more of my body to his. I could feel my increased weight as I shifted forward. I felt heavy. Still sucking, I glanced at my arms. They must have been fourteen inches by now. Adam closed his eyes and let out a long moan. His voice seemed distant, softer than normal. I leaned in further, shifting more of my weight and using his body as support. I was putting all my strength into sucking his cock. My own dick was painfully hard by now. It throbbed in my underwear. It wanting to be released. I let go of Adam’s ass to pull off my skivvies. They were so tight with my expanding thighs, but I pulled free, releasing my member. It hit my abs with a *thwack*! I stopped. My eyes went wide. With my mouth unmoving and still on Adam’s cock, I reached down to touch it. It was bigger too! I rubbed it gently and it pulsed at the attention. Starting at the base, I moved in a long slow stroke to feel it’s new size. I gasped as I reached the tip, a shudder running through me. The gasp made me realize that there was more space in my mouth than before. I looked up at Adam in shock! From this view, I could see his abs and pecs had receded. His normally massive eight-pack looked to be a dwindling six-pack, and his once perfect pecs where smaller. I reached up to feel his body with my hands. He was smaller all over – his legs, his ass, his back, and even (as my mouth now realized) his cock! As if prompted by my comprehension, Adam stumbled backwards under my newly increased weight falling on his hands and elbows, his dick forcibly pulled from my mouth. I fell too, more in shock than pain. Even after the sudden movement, Adam looked content, even peaceful. He beamed at me from his prone position. I stood up, relishing the feeling my now harder and powerful legs. I looked in the mirror. What I saw there was incredible! My shoulders and neck were big. I used to look so narrow, but no longer. My pecs were round – round, solid, and powerful. They looked like volley balls fighting for space on my chest! I reached up to touched them, bounching them to feel their mass. They filled my now larger hands. The sensation made my cock jump. My arms and forearms looked amazing, with biceps at least fifteen inches. I flexed one, then the other. My once emerging six-pack had turned into a solid cobblestone of six massive bulges, with two more just becoming visible below my pecs. I looked like a fitness model -- one that spent too much time in the gym! Finally, I focused on my dick. An amazing V shape had formed below my abs, my hip flexors pointing to a dick I was proud to display. It had clearly pushed past seven inches and hovered in front of my abs between eight and nine. It quivered there, waiting to be pleasured. It was as thick as Adam’s, or as thick as his used to be. I looked down at Adam now, feeling scared by what I had done to this kid – this kid that over the past months, I had begun to love. But I also felt lust. It wasn’t lust for his now smaller form. It was lust for more. More muscle. I could take more! He still had muscle. At the very least he went from an amateur bodybuilder to athletic swimmer! And besides, he’s younger than me. He could get it back quickly! I needed the energy. Standing him up, I pressed his front against the mirror. His back was much smaller now, but there was still muscle there. Muscle to steal. I positioned my now larger dick between his ass cheeks. With a light push, I felt my now enlarged dick head press against his tight hole. Adam let out a whimper. He looked so content, like he was enjoying all this. He wanted my cock in his ass as much I wanted to feel my new size and strength filling his hole. I pushed in. The energy flowed freely now! If it felt amazing before, it was beyond imagining now! Going slow at first, I pushed in. Inch after inch of my growing cock pushed deeper until my pubes pushed against Adam’s now smaller ass. I could feel my legs and arms increase in strength. Pump after pump filled me with more energy! Energy I needed more than anything in the world! I could feel my strength increasing fast as I picked him off the ground, my dick still inside. That would have been impossible just moments ago, but now here I was. Big. My arms budged and flexed as I lifted his weight. They hit sixteen inches for sure! Harder and harder I began to pump into him as my weight increased. I could see more and more of myself in the mirror as my shoulders and back widened. They past what must have been fifty inches. I must have been getting taller, too! I was slowly lifting Adam higher and higher off the ground. He became easier to hold as my arms pushed past seventeen and grew quickly towards eighteen inches. I could feel my cock expanding thicker, his ass getting tighter with each push, each stroke getting longer too. It felt huge! Probably past twelve inches! But still I wanted more. I closed my eyes, pumping frantically and feeling the energy fill me. It felt so good, so incredible. I could never have imagined something so hot! Lust filled me and I craved more. I was in pure ecstasy! “Gods this feels amazing!” I was trembling with the pleasure. Both our weights were pushing hard against the mirror. I glanced up; I looked massive! Finally, with one full and solid pump, I came. I threw my head back and let out a moan that sounded more like a scream! I kept cumming and cumming into Adam’s ass. More and more pleasure filled my head as I felt my balls grow heavier in their sack and my load shoot harder and more frequent. I allowed the feeling to overwhelm me, standing there with Adam in my huge arms! Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, it stopped. I opened my eyes to see the most beautiful face I had ever seen staring back at me. I was different, stronger -- a true man. My green eyes flashed back at me. After a moment, my stare faded. The pleasure rushed from me and I realized the face in the mirror was still me. I felt a weak shutter against my abs and I looked down. Adam, was still in my arms, and had cum against the mirror. He looked small now, like an eighteen year-old kid. His now five inch cock began to deflate. Reality hit me. What had I done? I pulled him off my dick and set him on his feet. He blinked at himself in the mirror a few times, suddenly aware of what had happened. His mouth fell open in shock as he examined his new body. He made no sounds. I was significantly taller now -- a definite change from our previous roles. Neither of us moved. Except for his horrified continence, he looked healthy. He looked like me when I was his age. “Adam?” I focused on him, a tear running down my face. What had I done? He looked me in the eyes for a moment before darting away. He ran to where I left his clothes and grabbed them in his small arms. A look of confusion and sadness overcame his face. He paused then he dropped his clothes in favor of my old, much smaller garments. He pulled on my shorts. They looked too big. He looked at me one last time -- it was a look that showed I had betrayed him and his love – before he ran for the door.
  13. SarisHappy

    The Couple II

    Wait a minute...where was she? The massive man was there without her? This was a first! They were inseparable! And I could see why. Literally, the two most gigantic, beautiful people I've ever seen in my life. They would work out for hours and hours. And I'd just watch...I'd watch them get pumped up from their already obscene sizes to even bigger. I swear you could watch them grow before your very eyes. They had to have an insane sex drive. You could see it in the way they looked at each other. And this was the first time he was alone! I had to make a move. Any move. I couldn't let this opportunity slip through my fingers. I followed him, thinking about what a creep I was. He went to the squat rack, and loaded weight after weight onto it. The bar bent, and still he added more and more. I walked past him, just because I wanted to get a better look. Jesus...he looked bigger than ever. He must've been a foot and a half taller than me...and I am tall for a woman. I kept trying to think of ways to start a conversation with him. I'm not good at approaching...I'm a woman! Not only that, I had to compete with his beautiful, fit, curvy, fill figured, large breasted, wide hipped, thin waist'd, strong amazonian goddess of a girlfriend. Now I'm gorgeous. but even I can't hold a candle up to her. I was the hottest girl on this campus until she showed up. I try not to hate. I try to be humble and thankful. But come on, if you saw me, even you gays would be like "Yeah, I'd hit it." I was nervous about the other sex for the first time in my life. And it didn't help that I was watching while he began doing squats. His tight tank top and shorts clung to his body, as he shifted up and down seamlessly. It was a poetic strength, something that would inspire epic tales of ancient civilizations. Something so inhuman, people would believe that the gods were involved. I'm skeptical, though. He must have some very lucky genetics. No steroids can do...this... Holy shit... His tank top...a tiny rip just appeared in the side of it. He doesn't notice though... I watched more intently, not even caring how creepy i looked anymore. Each squat, bit by bit, little by little, was making him bigger. What the fuck...this can't be possible. He was smirking. I could see it happening. He could, too. I don't even think he noticed me watching. The giant bulge in his shorts swelled outward. Oh my god, I had to look away. If I watched this happen, I was going to have wet yoga pants to contend with. But this was amazing! I had to watch! I turned back just as he loaded the weight back on the rack. He was bigger! He was taller! What the hell! No, I had to get a part of this. I don't care what part. A touch. Some sex. Some growth. Something! I walked right up to him, my mind completely blank. He looked down...way down at me. I blushed. I was intimidated. Me! I'm fucking gorgeous. he should be creaming HIS pants at the sight of ME! His scent wiped away what little thought I had in my mind. The only reason I regained my senses was knowing that I had to something, anything, to attain the desire of my primal lust. "Uh...um..." I looked around, nervously. Other people were watching him, too. Now I was a part of the spectacle. It just made things worse. Say something! Anything, you idiot! He's just a man, don't let him have this power over you! "Yes?" he said, slightly annoyed, slightly intrigued. I think because he didn't have his girl around to focus on, his obviously intense sexual prowess was looking for something else to dominate. And I was a distant 2nd to his girl. I paused. I shook my head, squeezed my eyes shut, and blurted out in a tone loud enough for him to hear, but not loud enough for others, and quickly, "I saw you grow I want you I want to grow I want you to grow more please take me take me or ill cry and cry and cry and it'll be your fault for making a grown woman cry you asshole you dick you fucking jerk!" There was a pause. I opened my eyes, I knew that my face was bright red, out redding my brown skin. He replied, in a deep voice that only the divine could have. "Wait, what?"
  14. goremeridian

    A new kind of power source: Part 2

    Thanks for the feedback so far. All your comments and likes are really appreciated, guys; each one serves as a little confidence boost! A new kind of power source Part 2 Within seconds Tim’s body was swelling out under the yellow basement light, throwing monstrous shadows about the small room. “Yes!” He grunted. “Bigger! BIGGER!” I barely had time to revel in the fact that this was actually working. Even as the thought came to me that every lusty dream I had ever had was suddenly coming true, vast, striated muscles were pulsing beneath the thin surface of Tim’s flesh, growing ever more massive, stretching the tanned skin to breaking point. My eyes flicked maniacally from one body part to the next. His biceps, now the size of his head, surged mountain-like before me, riddled with blue, testosterone pumping veins. Even unflexed, those beasts looked like they had the power to grind steel. His pectoral balcony, straining forward towards me in the basement gloom, wreathed with striated iron muscle, seemed impossibly big for his height, and only the incredible power in his thickening teardrop thighs and pert, bubble glutes prevented him from toppling over. Moments later, layer after layer of titanium muscle was added to his widening back, pushing his creaking, twitching shoulders out further and further, the sheer weight of the musculature playing across the surface acting as a counterbalance to his front. Tim wasn’t just filling the room with his physical presence, however. My nostrils were assailed with the smell of his testosterone, my skin was smothered in the raging heat pulsing through his engorged muscles. A rich aura seemed to extend well beyond the straining tendons and thickening physique: an aura of MAN. I could taste it on my tongue, too. By the time Tim’s growth had slowed, there wasn’t one part of the basement that wasn’t saturated with his masculinity. I felt it permeating through my flesh down to my very bones. As soon as it had begun, it was over. Like a picture of a morphed bodybuilder brought to life, Tim gazed down cockily over his steaming, hulking musculature, casually flexing one muscle after another into impossible hugeness. In the sauna heat from the transformation, his ripped, monstrous physique glowed with sweat. Rivulets ran tantalisingly down the crevasses and valleys between his tense sinews. He glanced at me. I, of course, was lost for words, my tongue only good for keeping my drool in check – a task that it wasn’t entirely successful at. “I knew it would fucking work!” He chuckled loudly. My ears rang a little with each syllable. “Man, for a trial run of the machine I thought I’d gain a couple of pounds or something.” He raised an arm and flexed a bicep. The peak rose higher and higher, the size of a basketball. He gave it an extra couple of squeezes, trying to pump even more height out of the flesh-coloured mountain. He seemed to be absorbed in his bicep worship, a huge toothy grin on his face, and it took him a couple of seconds to tear his eyes away and look back at me. “Guess I underestimated the power of our desire, huh, Si?” I found the words – the only words I could bring myself to say. “You need to grow so much fucking bigger, dude…” His smile widened. * Even as I was thinking it, his musculature began twitching and swelling anew. “Oh, YES!” Tim laughed. His vast muscles started to thicken, stretch out, pumping bigger and bigger. “By the time I’m finished, my bicep’s going to be bigger than you!” His muscles were growing so quickly now that he had to step forward to keep his balance. As it adjusted to his new weight, his rippling thigh, squeezing more and more massive as it thickened into impossible hugeness, was now wider around – at least twice as wide – as my whole body. Even as I watched, the teardrops bunched larger and larger in a dance of grotesque mass. I was panting with excitement. “That’s still too small – your bicep should be bigger than this fucking basement!” “Ha! I’d still be a pipsqueak!” He laughed, his voice deepening into a boom as he began to inch upwards towards the ceiling. “My bicep should be bigger than my whole fucking house!” His head struck the yellow light, and his swollen, pulsating musculature was revealed as the bulb swung in a narrow arc. Freakishly huge now, bigger than any bodybuilder, bigger even than most of the morphs I’d seen, Tim’s growth only seemed to accelerate as we threw our ideas back and forth. The basement was now growing swelteringly hot as more and more of the space was filled with Tim’s hulking mass. I swear I could hear the muscles grinding against one another, and took another couple of steps back towards the comparative coolness and safety of the stairwell. I should have moved more quickly. Even as I was yelling; “It needs to be bigger than this neighbourhood!”, Tim’s muscles slammed into me, pinning me against the wall. I was pressed between concrete and MAN, the latter being the far more solid of the two substances. Somehow I heard my muffled voice keeping up the rant through the smothering embrace of Tim’s twitching bulk: “Then twice as big! Ten times! So much bigger! You need to be freaking HUGE!” I heard cracks and ear-splitting grating noises as I was pressed more and more tightly into the hot, hardened, thickening mass of sweat-soaked muscle. So pulsating and freakishly hulking was the musculature crushing me, I couldn’t even identify which body part it was. A giant thigh? A serrated, steel-hard wall of abdominals? I doubted I would even reach the stud’s pecs now. Above the noises of the building around me being destroyed by Tim’s ascension to muscle god, above even the sound of my own heart pulsing in my ears, I could hear my friend’s triumphant roars. “Gotta bet BIGGER! Still too fucking SMALL! Come on Si – help me grow MASSIVE! You want this as much as I do…you want me to become a fucking god. Then GROW me, you little fuck! Focus your desire! I need MORE! A hundred times more! A MILLION! Come on!” And just like that, I released the last few fetters on my desire…and the power flooding into Tim went off the scale. * I must have blacked out – probably from oxygen deprivation after being smothered by all that muscle – because the next thing I knew, I was lying on the asphalt outside. A bent streetlamp crackled and spluttered above me. In the flickering light of my surroundings, I recognised Tim’s street. “About time you woke up,” came Tim’s voice from all around me. “I stopped growing soon after you passed out. And I hate being stuck at this teeny tiny size!” I glanced up. Silhouetted against the moonlight, a vast striated colossus filled the night sky. Even hunched, Tim’s muscular form towered above the rooftops around us. Swollen, giant muscles flexed massively as a finger bigger than my entire body was lowered towards me and gently nudged me to my feet. Bricks and broken glass littered the quiet street around me. Had Tim truly outgrown his own house? I was head height to his shin. The calf muscles bulged grotesquely out from either side of the bone. Even in the dim light I could count the striations in the twin masses. I couldn’t help shivering a little in the night air. I was damp from head to toe with the stud’s sweat. As much out of a desire for warmth as a longing to feel his mass, I hurried over to Tim’s leg and threw my arms about his calf. Glass crunched underneath my trainers. “You’re so BIG!” I stammered, between tongue-licks of monstrously swollen sinew. I groped at him with desperate fingers but beneath his thin film of pale skin the muscle was impenetrable as steel. I heard, rather than saw, the tendons of his mighty cock straining in the night as the beast filled with blood somewhere above me. “So fucking HUGE!” I gulped at the sweat coating every inch of his muscle. Tim responded by shifting his footing and raising his giant heel, forcing the calf I was worshipping to flex half again as big. It broke my embrace, nearly knocking me onto my arse. The twitching muscles were so massive now they looked as though they were in danger of tearing free from his leg completely. “Time to get bigger, though, right?” The titan grunted. Mountainous muscles bunching against one another, he reached down and adjusted his swelling cock, itself already several times bigger than me. “You’re not pussying out on me now, are you, Si?” “No way,” I called up to him. “It’s just…I can’t believe I’m not dreaming or something. We’ve RPed this for months, and now, here you are. A total muscle stud. And you’re only going to get BIGGER!” It wasn’t that my desire had recharged. Rather that, despite the incredible energy that I had generated earlier, I had only just scratched its surface. I had so much more desire to give; untapped, endless depths. I threw it at him, focusing all my will, all my libido, bending my mind to the task of growing Tim even more insanely muscular. But…nothing. “Hurry up, Si!” He grunted, working his tool, the noise shaking the night. “The street cleared pretty quickly when I broke free from my pathetic little house. But people are gonna be back soon, with the police or something.” So that’s why the street was so quiet. Tim had scared everyone away. How long had I been unconscious? I redoubled my efforts, let visions of Tim swelling out across the starlit sky fill my mind and my soul, ignoring the drool that had started to run down my chin. To no avail. What was wrong? Was some small part of me secretly content with Tim at this size? A large dollop of pre splashed to the street beside me. I fought back the urge to dive to my knees and lap up the hot, creamy puddle. No way. I knew that I would continue to grow him as long as our energy source held out. And our desire was limitless. Yet something was stopping me. * And then I realised. I no longer had the crackling sound in my ear! Straining to think through the thick fog of desire, I pulled the colander off my head. It must have been damaged during Tim’s last growth. One of the wires was flopping about and the sparks seemed almost lethargic in their movements. “SIMON!” Tim yelled. I felt the vibrations of his voice shaking my very atoms. He was working his giant mantool furiously now. “I’ve got to get BIGGER, so much BIGGER! Why am I stuck at this puny size? Need to be bigger than the EARTH, fuck – a million times bigger, so much mass!” Tim was so lost in muscle-lust that he would be of no help to me. I had to do this on my own. Though my own muscle-lust, my own impossible desire, was running rampant now. I had to do this quickly before I lost control altogether. I grabbed the wire. The electric shock barely registered through my orgasmic haze. Somewhere in the distance, I heard the sound of police sirens. Where did the wire go? I tried to remember. My fingers moving independently of thought, they nudged the wire into one cluster of diodes and circuits after another, prodding and poking as far as the wire would stretch. Tried wrapping it around the green wire. Forcing the exposed metal end under one bit. Round another. Bending it back on itself and tightening it around an exposed metal hook. … Lashed with electric shocks and numb with lust, it was a moment before I realised the colander had began to hum once more. Was it…working? The sirens sounded very close now. I hurriedly shoved the colander on my head. By this stage our pent-up energy could have buckled the universe. And now the floodgates were thrown wide open...
  15. goremeridian

    A new kind of power source: Part 1

    A New Kind of Power Source Part 1 goremeridian: I want to grow you…wish I could fill your body with such insanely huge, freakish, striated muscle, the fucking Earth would tremble under your mass MoreMass90: That’s too small, I want to grow BIGGER, little man you can’t handle the size, the sheer grotesque muscle mass, I want to grow to goremeridian: But then you look down at your godly musculature, stretching as far as the eye can see, titanic muscles pulsing like mountains under your stretched-thin skin, people and cities below you mashed into the canyon striations of your fucking calves – and you know you’re still too puny; you have to grow a million times more MoreMass90: Fuck a million? I grow that and laugh at you, your planet is so pathetic as I swell up and around it. I could crush it in my pecs – you’d like that, wouldn’t you, you weak little shit? Ground into paste by my pecs? – but before I do I will myself to grow a billion billion billion times bigger, every picosecond goremeridian: Even though I’m crushed into oblivion by the mass of your heaving pectoral muscle you can still feel my consciousness resonating across the galaxy, urging you on. As you swell out across the universe, you realise you’re still growing too SLOWLY, at this rate you’ll never get big enough MoreMass90: Big enough? I don’t know what you mean. There’s no such size as big enough, I want my muscles to redefine big, fucking shatter the universe then get even BIGGER, never too big That was the usual sort of casual chat I had with my YM buddy Tim, or MoreMass90, as he was known in muscle growth circles. So it was with some surprise that I switched on my phone after work one day to find a comparatively sober message waiting for me instead, sent an hour earlier: MoreMass90: Hi Simon. Best news EVER: I’ve found a way to actually DO this. But I need your help. I’m cumming with excitement as I type this, fuck. Please come as soon as you get this, I’ll pay you everything in my bank account if you want, I don’t care, fucking hurry dude It was five minutes before an ache in my pupils made me realise I’d been staring at the screen. Or perhaps it would be truer to say through the screen, as though my mind’s eye could see the intensely, agonisingly hot possibilities lurking just beyond the words. Below was his address. Tim lived in Swindon, in the west of England. Luckily, being a Londoner, most parts of the UK were only a train ride away. I was already plotting the route. Did that mean I had already made up my mind to go? I brushed the thought aside, focused on the practical…yet even as I checked for times on thetrainline.com, I found myself wondering exactly what Tim meant by “do this”. Obviously he hadn’t found a way to grow insane muscle mass…or had he? There was a train out from Paddington in an hour. I could make it out to Swindon and come back on the last train home, so I would be able to get a couple of hours of shut-eye in before work the next day. Before I knew what was happening, my cock was throbbing. What if it worked? What if it was really like we had RPed in our chats? Would I even care about my job the next day? Fuck, would there even be a London left? Or a planet? Without any manual prelude, I came violently into my briefs. The orgasm was so intense it left me disorientated for a good few minutes afterwards. Did I really want this? I gasped for air as the cum puddle in my lap began to cool. This was my ultimate sexual fantasy – to watch a man grow endlessly huge, with an indefatigable hunger for more mass – but it was also freakishly dangerous. I knew once Tim started, he would never want to stop. … Fuck YES; I wanted it more than anything. As if I’d take his money! I’d it for free a million times over. My own life, my own existence, my own reality were nothing in the face of this. Of course, it could all be a big joke… Suddenly noticing the time, I grabbed my jacket and dashed out of the door, not even having a chance to change my dripping underwear. I prayed that it wasn’t. * The skies began to darken as the First Great Western slipped out of Didcot Parkway some 15 minutes before the Swindon stop. I was alone in the carriage, which suited me fine: I was becoming keenly aware that I reeked of ejaculate. While in certain parts of the UK that might be considered acceptable, I knew it would be far from appreciated on a train full of tired commuters. I started to wonder whether people’s cum smelt the same, and whether people would actually be able to identify my particular odour. Perhaps they would simply assume I was unwashed. Different people’s cum certainly tasted different; surely it wasn’t too much of a stretch to imagine that they smelt different too. That’s what I hate about train journeys when you forget to bring a book. Your mind goes to odd places. I checked my mobile again but, as I suspected due to the absence of a YM ping, I hadn’t received a reply from Tim since I sent him my quick “On my way” from the platform at Paddington. I used the remaining time to scroll up through some of our past conversations. I had only met Tim around 6 months ago but in that short time I had come to know him well. We YMed nearly every other day. Sometimes this was just one or two lines, a nugget of a macro muscle growth thought if one of us was inspired by something – an advert or film, an overheard conversation in an elevator, a hunky guy observed stepping on worms in Soho Square – and wanted to share it with the other. Though sometimes our chats lasted hours. Many an evening I had planned an early night only to receive the familiar ping of an incoming message…and find myself still hard at it, throwing insane growth ideas back and forth even as the sun came up, lost in a whirl of muscle lust. Tim was frighteningly obsessed with growing huge muscles. The sheer incomparable orgasmic pleasure he got from growing and demanding more growth was matched only by my own as I imagined just how big I truly wanted him to grow. There was no sating either of us…every size, every mass I gave him he threw back at me, scoffing at my imagination, demanding to be swollen bigger and more insanely sexy than I could have dreamed, forcing me to go one greater, and greater still… Those were some of the best nights of my life. * By the time I made it to Tim’s front door my lust had cooled off somewhat. I was more curious at this point than anything. I was also more than a little worried that I reeked of cum. I knew Tim had mentioned his own ejaculations, but it was one thing to say how horny you were on YM and quite another to actually waltz up to someone’s front door stinking of sperm. I feared, not for the first time, that this was all a prank. The moment the door opened and saw Tim standing there, desperate look on his face, swollen boner straining against his soaking briefs (his only clothing), I realised I’d had nothing to worry about. “You’re here!” He rushed forward and threw his lithe arms around me. We’d never met like this in real life before so this sudden closeness was a bit of a shock. I also became acutely aware of two things: Tim was just as handsome and sexy as he had appeared in the pictures he had sent me of himself, and his sticky cock was grinding up against my own through the flimsy barrier of our cum-drenched clothes in a not unappealing manner. But we were standing in the middle of his driveway. “Tim! TIM!” I carefully detached myself from his embrace. “Oh!” He stammered, blinking like he was just waking up or something. “I’m just so relieved you’re here, Si…waiting has been AGONISING!” He glanced down at his cock. “I can’t help it – I just have to keep jerking off at the idea of getting huge for real! My cock is insatiable!” He grabbed my hand and half-lead, half-pulled me into his house. My own penis was feeling pretty much the same way at this point. I tried not to think about his words for fear that I’d orgasm again. Instead, I focused on the play of muscles up and down his naked arm and shoulder, across the striations of his half-shadowed back as he yanked me up the driveway. The clenched, steely hillock of his tricep just seemed to be crying out for my tongue to worship it. Tim was smaller than me physically but more muscular, and I was acutely aware how much I was getting off on being manhandled by the little stud. I tried to push my thoughts elsewhere. “Um…isn’t your dad home?” I asked, stepping over the threshold, acknowledging the fact that we were both dripping with ejaculate and Tim was wearing next to nothing. Another victim of the housing crisis, Tim was forced to still live at home with his father despite the fact that he was 24. I ribbed him sometimes about the fact that I’d moved away from home when I was 19, and that if he actually got a proper job (an assistant at his local PC World to my copywriter in an upmarket London advertising agency) he might be able to afford a rung on the property ladder. I was surprised to see the place wasn’t the bachelor pad / slum I’d been expecting. Tim’s parents had divorced a decade previously and his dad had stayed pretty much single since then. I knew from personal experience that men can get a little slob-like if there isn’t a strong woman about to keen them in line. But the place was spotless. The wooden floor in the hallway actually gleamed, as though it had been freshly mopped and polished earlier that day. But I wasn’t here to sightsee. His grip on my arm causing the tendons beneath the tanned skin of his wrist to bunch into tensed titanium, Tim led me through the hallway and seconds later down a flight of basement stairs. I was so careful not to trip down the steep flight of steps – I had never seen a person so eager to get somewhere as Tim – that I nearly missed his reply; “Dad’s on a fishing trip with mates for the rest of the week – we’re all by ourselves.” It was on the “elves” that Tim reached the bottom of the staircase and stopped, releasing me. I nearly fell on top of him, so alacritous our descent had been. In his hurry I didn’t think he’d even remembered to close the front door. “It came to me about a week ago,” he stammered as he tottered over to a table laden with an assortment of wires and machine parts, his rising excitement evident in his voice. Bending over the table, his tight buttocks strained against the material of his briefs. He was one hell of a sexy guy and I was already at full mast. How would I feel if he started growing? I took the last step, my foot clunking against a small cog left discarded on the floor and sending it wheeling off into one of the unlit corners of the basement. Unlike the rest of the house, it looked as though this place hadn’t been cleaned in years. Tim continued, over a rippling shoulder: “I’ve been trying to make my insane muscle growth dreams a reality for years, Si – and the answer was staring me in the face.” He turned. Clutched in his hands was a colander wreathed in wires. Occasionally a spark would crackle across its surface, amid the popping circuits and hissing diodes. It looked like some sort of torture device. These brief flashes of light illuminated the shadowed striations between his flexing sinews as his tight musculature tensed and relaxed in excitement. “You see,” he was saying, “growing mass like that requires energy. Stories talk about people being granted muscle through laser beams or hi-tech nanobites…hell, we’ve even RPed those catalysts a few times ourselves, haven’t we? But where am I going to get the energy to power those? PC World? Hah!” He shot me a toothy smile. His eyes were sparkling with excitement and a kind of madness. “So I had to think about a different source of power. An unlimited source that will grow me as big as I want…as big as you want me to be.” He held the colander out to me. Hesitantly, I reached out and took it. I was expecting an electric shock the moment my fingers came into contact with the metal of the colander, and held it rather tentatively away from me. I realised he was waiting for me to say something. I tried not to think about the fact that our straining boners were pointing directly at one another and that I was hornier than I had ever been before in my life. “Um, so you found it? The source of energy, that is?” He grinned. “Yes. And it’s so simple, I don’t know why no-one has thought of it before.” A spark hopped across my thumb, narrowly missing the flesh, causing the hairs on the back of the digit to bristle. “DESIRE, Simon. Yours and mine. That’s the source of energy.” He gestured for me to put the colander on my head. I clutched at some sense of reason through my libido. “Er, if I put this on, won’t I fry? It doesn’t exactly look safe…” “Nonsense!” He laughed, and grabbed a similar looking device from the table behind him. He popped it on his own cranium. “You might get an electric shock or two, but it’ll be worth it! Just imagine: it’s what we’ve been RPing about for the last half year…it’s what you and I have been dreaming about since our hormones first kicked in…a man like me getting the grotesque muscle mass he craves…” Reluctantly, I slipped the colander over my head. Instantly my ears were filled with a slight buzzing. With that noise echoing in my head, I wasn’t sure how much volume to give my next sentence: “So how does it work?” I pitched, somewhere between a yell and a shout. The wild look in his eyes hadn’t lessened at all. I checked – yup, there was his boner still, if possible, straining even bigger in his cum-drenched briefs beneath his taut abs. Tim was clearly just as caught up in the moment as I was. “Through desire, man can accomplish anything. You think it was mere evolution that made that fish first decide to walk on land? No, it was desire – a driving lust to be better, bigger, stronger, smarter…” Through the tirade in my ears I was only catching every other syllable of what Tim was saying, but it was enough to get a general idea. “You desire more than anyone I’ve ever met to see a man get endlessly bigger and more muscular. Sometimes you can’t even breathe you want it so badly. And I…I desire to grow bigger and more muscular than any of those other guys you’ve RPed with. Nothing in my life is more important to me than growing impossibly huge and muscular. We both want this. Our desire is unlimited. This-” he tapped the colander on his head “will trigger an evolution – my evolution – based on the power of our desires. At a genetic level, I will be altered…I will change, evolving to match our pooled desires.” My dick felt as though it was going to explode. And his looked pretty much the same way. Hell, if it was desire he wanted as an energy source, we clearly had enough between us to power a continent! Tim chuckled at me from across the room. “You ready?” I nodded, the colander rattling on my head, not trusting myself to be able to speak. “Then here goes…” I didn’t realise, of course, that thinking our pooled desire could power a mere continent was a serious understatement…
  16. SarisHappy

    The couple

    Here is a story I intend to create a few chapters of. But we'll see how dedicated I am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I pumped the weights furiously. It was literally my only outlet. I'm the oldest girl, with 3 younger brothers, and parents from the Middle East. My parents have good intentions, but they can't seem to get past the culture shock of coming to America. Everyone is a whore in their eyes, and they think I'm going to be sucked up into the endless wave of hedonism. I mean, they're probably right. When I was younger, at least. I would've been that girl that didn't learn of the consequences of my actions. But hearing all throughout my childhood, the stories my dad would tell me, the things he saw...He opened up a store in the middle of the poorest community of Detroit. While sometimes I did go to work with him, safe behind the glass, there were some really scary things that went down. The thing is, this painted the picture of all America for him. Everyone was a drug addict trying to scam you. Everyone wanted to have sex with me and throw me to the curb. And before you assume anything, religion never had anything to do with it. Luckily, college gave me some relief from their over-protection. But try as I might, the constant barrage of lessons from my parents gave me a massive fear of things like drugs and alcohol. Which is fine, I guess. But it doesn't give me much of an outlet... That's when I picked up weight lifting. I started a year ago, and never stopped. I loved watching my body change and grow. I loved gaining strength and power. I loved the flexibility, I loved being able to pull myself up and over and around anything with little effort. I move gracefully and with purpose. I got lucky, though. Over this year, not only did I put on muscle mass and lost some of my baby fat, but my curves amplified. I had a booty that black women complimented. I had to buy a whole new set of larger bras for the 4th time this year. I swear, I'm ever a little taller! But all this motivation wouldn't have started if it wasn't for them. This couple I saw at the gym almost daily. They were at the school's gym more than anyone else, and I almost always saw them there. I wanted them to notice me. I wanted them to compliment me, and bring them into their program. I wanted more than anything to be a part of their team... I pushed the weight over and over again, thinking of them. Of their size and power. Of their beauty and grace. It motivated me. It gave me the strength to push out a few more reps. My body was soaked in sweat. I was already at the gym for an hour and a half, and everytime I thought of this couple, energy just grew within me. I'm surprised they weren't here yet... I set the weights down, feeling the deep burn in my muscles. I loved that feeling. It was like an addiction to me. I glanced at the gym's door... They were here! Yes! I looked around quickly like a giddy school girl, and moved to a station closer to the door, so I can have a better view of the magnificent, giant couple...
  17. Luvsmusl

    Muscle Memory by LuvsMusl

    MUSCLE MEMORY By LuvsMusl Cody was in rough shape when I picked him up from the hospital. For ten weeks he had been flat on his back, battling a nasty infection. Between the ravages of being sick, and his utter lack of appetite, he had lost at least 60 pounds off his once athletic, solid frame. In short, he was a wreck. He could move only very slowly, one labored step at a time, as I helped him to my car. During the 50 yard journey he needed to stop twice and take a minute or two to rest. But at least now the infection had been knocked back and he had been cleared to come home. I was every bit as happy as my roommate that now he could start moving a little more, rehabbing, and getting back to his old, healthy self. I won’t lie, I love the kid, and we’ve been friends for six years and roommates for two. It killed me to see him like that, and it was a huge relief that he was finally out of the woods. There was still one hurdle to jump, however. The infection had apparently crossed the blood-brain barrier, and his mind and memory were pretty dicey. The doctor was optimistic, but couldn’t guarantee that Cody would get his full mental agility back. For now, he was pretty good at recognizing and understanding whatever was right in front of him. He remembered my car, and knew the route home, and was instantly familiar with our apartment. But almost everything that happened before he got sick was kind of a blurry haze. He’d get a vague memory of something, and he’d say “Did we go to Clairmont together?” Or, “Do I know someone named Christine?” It was unsettling, to say the least. We got home, and as I was helping him to his bedroom Cody put a bony hand around my arm and squeezed my bicep. “Look at you,” he laughed. “Mr. Buff.” Then, sadly, “And then there’s me.” “A month or two and that won’t be a problem,” I told him. “Some healthy eating, maybe a slow reintroduction to the gym, and you’ll be a stud again. Dude, you’ve always been considerably bigger and harder than me.” “Was I?” He clearly had no memory of it, and seemed pretty skeptical. “It’s true. You’ve always been jacked, and you’re crazy good looking. No homo, but in shape you’re a muscular love god. Girls walk into traffic staring at you.” He laughed, still not quite buying it. “Okay, Mike, I’ll take your word for it. But you’ll be my motivation. Cause compared to me you look like fucking Hercules. No homo.” First day back at the gym was a little unnerving. It was like he’d never been there before, and had to be led to the locker room and then pointed to each training room or piece of equipment where we both had clocked hundreds of hours. The great thing, though, was that a dozen of our gym buddies stopped by at one point or another, to high-five Cody, tell him they’d missed him, and offer sincere encouragement. He clearly remembered and recognized a few of them. But with most of them he just played along, accepting their delighted back slaps and fist bumps, while shooting me a look of complete cluelessness. “I sure have some big-ass friends,” he whispered. “You do,” I told him. “But, trust me. In no time flat you’ll fit right in again. It’s called muscle memory.” To be honest, I thought maybe my words were a little too optimistic. On doctor’s orders, Cody took it slow and easy that first day. Light weights, not too many sets or reps. But he was definitely enjoying himself. He was like a caged up animal that is suddenly released back into its natural habitat. And at the end of the workout, damned if he didn’t have a nice little pump going. Miraculously, in three weeks Cody’s body was pretty close to what it had been before he got sick. He obviously had amazing powers of recovery. All of our friends were blown away, and people – inside the gym and everywhere else – couldn’t stop complimenting him on his remarkable comeback. In the locker room, as we showered and dressed, he couldn’t help hitting a proud double biceps pose in front of the mirror. “Is this pretty much how you remember me looking?” he asked. “Dude, you’re a tick away from your all-time best shape. Maybe even more shredded, since you dropped all that bodyfat while you were sick.” “You know, you were right. I am bigger and harder than you. Feel that.” He moved his perfectly shaped, baseball bicep in front of my face. “You’re kidding, right? I didn’t think we were those guys. Those ‘bro’, feel my bicep’ guys.” He laughed. But he didn’t move his arm away. Instead he flexed it a few times to pump some more blood into the two bulging heads, and, with a smile in his voice, challenged me again. “Bro’. Just fuckin’ feel it.” I did what he said. It was hard. A little disturbingly, so was I. I was switched to the night shift for the next couple of weeks, so I didn’t see much of Cody for the rest of the month. We texted back and forth, like always, and occasionally left smartass notes for each other on the fridge. “Hey, loverboy, pick up some laundry detergent,” stuff like that. Finally it worked out that we could spend part of a day together, so we made a date for the gym. On my drive there I realized that except for a glimpse or two of him bundled up among the twisted sheets and pillows on his bed I hadn’t laid eyes on my roommate for at least three weeks. I didn’t spot him on the gym floor. Glad that I wasn’t too horribly late I hustled to the locker room. No sign of him in there, either. Just some massive guy with his huge back to me, changing into his gym clothes. When he bent over to stuff his bag into a bottom locker his thick, perfect lats flared into a giant V the width of a Buick. And that beefy, solid, sculpted bodybuilder ass… Jesus! Let’s just say for a few seconds I not only forgot all about Cody, I forgot what year it was, I forgot my own name. The guy obviously felt me staring, and turned toward me as he scrunched up his tee shirt, getting ready to pull it over the mountains of beef that were pretending to be his shoulders. “Mike! You’re late.” …I think it’s called a fugue state. That thing where your mind and senses just go completely blank because they can’t process reality. I don’t know if I stood there gaping for twenty seconds or twenty minutes. But my next memory was Cody’s handsome face, blue eyes twinkling like in the best of times, breaking into a playful, welcoming smile. Instead of pulling the tee shirt on he straightened his back and tensed his…his muscles. I mean his MUSCLES. Brick wall, razor cut, vascular as hell, stacked and jacked, boner-inducing M… There was sweat running down the crack of my ass. “Dude, tell me the truth,” he said. We haven’t really seen each other for a couple weeks. Can you tell I got bigger? “Cody, are you kidding me? You’re fucking massive! How did you do this? You’re a monster! You look like you’ve put on thirty pounds, and you’re still ripped to the bone!” “I’m up fifty,” he said. “It’s funny. But I think my memory’s coming back. I started remembering what I looked like, and it’s like my body just began falling in line with it. Like you said, muscle memory.” He turned toward the mirror, grabbed one hand with the other, and flexed into a side chest shot. His pecs seemed to triple in size as they ballooned into granite-hard wedges of sheer muscle mass, giant domes of hard beef criss-crossed with rows of deep striations. He flexed a little harder and his upper chest got even bigger, swelling up to a few inches below his chin. It was mind blowing. “So is this how big you remember me?” he asked. “Dude. Stop playing with my head. You’ve never been this huge. I’m not sure anyone has, at least no one around here. You’re, like, fifty pounds more muscular than sophomore year, remember? When we both did that juice cycle and ate like 9,000 calories a day.” “Aw, Mike. That’s why you’re my friend. You always have something nice to say.” He held the pose a little longer, appraising himself in the mirror. “Actually, I‘m remembering that I was a little bigger than this. Maybe even a lot bigger.” He slapped his chiseled midsection and pulled on the shirt. “Let’s hit the weights.” I’ve never trained harder in my life. Cody kept slapping plates onto the bar till we hit our normal max for each exercise, and then he’d drive me through a couple more sets, spotting me as lightly as he could as I grunted and strained to move more weight than I ever had. He was moving like a demon, no rest between sets, yelling out “Come on! This isn’t nap time!” if I tried to pause a moment. By the end of each movement my muscles were burning and quivering, and more than a few times I felt like I might heave. Thankfully, I got a break at the end of each exercise as Cody did an additional two brutal sets without me, usually maxing out at twice the highest weight we’d lifted together. At the end of our workout I could barely stand up. We grabbed our stuff and this time Cody had to help me to the car, more or less carrying me on the couple of occasions I started to lag. “Great workout,” he said as he poured me into the passenger seat. “Feels good, doesn’t it?” As he drove us home I very quickly began to nod out, as the blood drained from my head and rushed into my traumatized muscle fibers. And other places. The last thing I remember was glancing over at Cody as he drove, and wondering if I was hallucinating or if that ungodly huge thing hanging from the steering wheel, that veiny globe of meat that looked like a python digesting a hippo, really was his right arm. I came to on our battered sofa in the living room. Cody, in his briefs, handed me a shake. “Drink,” he said. “Carbs and protein, good stuff.” As I sipped my shake he chugged his. “Bro’, that was kickass. Insane pump, right?” He flipped on a light and strode to the middle of the room. Glancing in the little mirror over our dinette table, he started moving fluidly through a series of bodybuilding poses, watching his chest, his arms, his back, his shoulders as he kept flexing, ridges and striations looking sharper and sharper as he forced even more blood into his engorged muscles. “Mike, check it out,” he said. “Like Arnold in ‘Pumping Iron.’” He caught my eye as I stared in amazement. “It can’t be possible. But I swear you look twenty pounds bigger than when we left the gym,” I said. “Y’know, I think I do. I keep remembering, more and more, how I used to look, and I think my body is gradually getting there.” “Getting there? You’re there, bud, you’re miles past there. I think that virus did something crazy to your self-perception.” He looked at me in a strange way. As if taking me in for the first time. “Look at you,” he grinned, “sitting there all stiff and formal. The workout’s over, we’re home, get comfortable, kick back.” Before I could stop him he was playfully pulling my shoes and socks off, and then my gym shorts and my shirt. I tried to resist, giggling nervously like a teenaged girl, but he was just too strong. Pushing back against his powerful arms I felt like a little boy trying to fend off a grown man. When at last he’d stripped me to my bikini briefs I quickly grabbed a pillow to hide what was happening in my lap. Cody darted to his gym bag and fished around inside it for something. “I brought us a little present,” he said, and pulled a thick, expertly rolled joint from the bag. “Weed? Where did you get that?” “Oh, some girl at the gym gave it to me. And also her phone number.” “What girl?” “Kathy?... Cassie?... I don’t remember. Apparently I fucked her once.” “Apparently she liked it.” “Hey,” he said. “Here’s something else I remembered. That I could do this.” He came closer to me, jiggled his relaxed quad, then clenched it into a hard flex. Sweeping canyons and ridges of human rock exploded into enormous, sculpted columns. I gasped a little, then quickly looked up to see if he had clocked my reaction. His face was covered with a shit eating grin. I’m pretty sure he was teasing me. “For a while I forgot I had these ridonkulous wheels. And calves.” He turned, lowered his marble ass toward the floor, and flexed his calf. Two torpedos of fierce-looking muscle bulged side by side beneath the crook of his knee. “Wanna feel ‘em?” “I’m okay,” I mumbled, clutching the pillow tighter to my lap. “Why don’t we fire that thing up?” “Great idea.” He took a wooden match from a cup on the table, struck it with his thumb nail and lit the joint. He sucked in a prodigious toke, chest swelling as he filled his lungs. Then he sat beside me on the couch and handed me the blunt. As I took a hit I saw him staring down at his midsection. It was insanely beautiful. Perfect rows of hard symmetrical abs framed by the thick fingers of his upper obliques and the powerful V of his transversus abdominis, its two muscular branches converging on either side of his elegant, tawny pleasure trail. All of it pointing downward, down below the waistband of his briefs, down toward the inviting bulge straining against the cotton. Cody and I, both thoroughly baked, sat in silence a moment, staring at the pretty pattern made by those perfect muscles of his lower torso. After a moment Cody spoke. “Do me a favor, Mike. Run your fingers along the ridges between my abs. You know, like you used to do. Checking out how deep they are.” I didn’t honestly remember ever doing that. But I was really high, so I didn’t question it. I gently led my index finger up and down the valleys between his cobblestone abs, enjoying the feel, and the sight, of my digit disappearing to the second knuckle between those hillocks of muscle. After a minute Cody put his thick hand over mine, stopping me. But still clutching my fingers against his hard gut. “Do you know what else I remember?” he asked, pausing for effect. “I remember how sometimes we’d get a good buzz on after our workout and then you’d go crazy sucking my cock.” I started pulling my hand away. Pretty sure this was something I did not remember. “Okay, Cody, stop fucking around,” I said. “That, just now, was definitely not cool.” He continued to hold my hand in his powerful grip. There was nothing I could do about it. “No, really, Mike, this is something I completely remember. And I’m pretty sure you do, too.” “Well, you’re wrong,” I said. At which point he let go of my hand, reached over and pulled the pillow away from my lap, letting my hard, and by now throbbing cock surge upright, breaching the top of my bikini briefs like a big, happy whale rising through the surface of the Pacific. “See, you do remember,” he said. And then Cody kicked off his briefs, and gently but powerfully guided my head to his beautiful cock. I took it in my mouth and something inexplicable happened. Even though I had never done this before, or anything close to it, I actually did seem to remember. Or maybe it was the dope. In any case, it was clear that whatever I was “remembering” was working really well for Cody. And his deep grunts and groans of pleasure helped me remember better and better. A few seconds before he was about to cum Cody pulled his muscle cock out of my mouth and we both sat back and stroked off together, finishing, perfectly in unison, with an eruption of glistening joy juice that rivaled the dancing waters in Las Vegas. After a moment of blissful, breathless stillness, we toweled off and Cody helped me off the couch and guided me toward the bathroom. Standing behind him in the cramped shower stall under a stream of soothing water, I massaged soap onto his wide, muscled back. Euphorically exploring the thick hardness of his traps, his rear delts, the dense, rigid columns of his erector spinalis. My hands now had a mind of their own, and quickly skated down his smooth skin to the solid, triumphant curves of his magnificent ass. It was the Chartres Cathedral of asses, the Parthenon, the Taj Mahal of perfect, sculpted bubble butts. As my fingers slipped through the entrance, soaping him up between his glorious buttocks, my cock suddenly was rock hard again. Poking, without my help, into the soapy pathway I had just created. “You know what?” I said. “I just remembered something else. Do you remember how, sometimes after our workouts, we would shower together and I would fuck you senseless with my big, thick, pile-driver cock?” There was a moment of silence as he considered this. “I’m not sure I do remember,” he said. “Remind me.”
  18. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Transformers (6 of 6)

    Avery tries to keep some kind of composure as he knows things could turn out really bad for all four of them. The muscles on both Lance and Morris twitch several times before they start throbbing to the beating of their hearts. The huge studly graduate student isn’t quite sure what to do as the sirens get closer to campus. He panics a bit and hopes that the guys’ growth cycles will stall just a little while longer so he can get them to some kind of safe zone. ‘SHIT! I don’t think Hardman really thought this through. I need to get us out of here. WAKE UP GUYS!’ The two students moan as they finally come to their senses. The field glistens with massive pools of cum as Avery reaches down to wipe them both off. Their muscles continue to throb as he finally gets them to their feet. They both appear to be in some kind of drunken state. ‘Come on Morris, hop on my back man. Lance I will carry you buddy. The professor will hopefully return to normal size before the cops get here. We have to get going before we lose our senses.’ They both get on Avery as he starts booking it out one of the tunnels of the stadium. He stops when he gets to the end to look both ways so that they are not seen before rushing his way past the dorms. The two students start groaning louder which worries the graduate student even more as he feels his own body starting to react. He knows at any moment he will go into a similar growth cycle just like the professor did. He can now see the end of the street where the university starts. Unfortunately though he feels his cock starting to grow again as it flops back and forth against his huge veiny quads. ‘AHH SHIT…..guys…..uhh fuck……I have to…..put you both down…..I can’t hold it…..back…..any longer.’ He drops Lance on the ground as Morris climbs down quickly once he feels Avery starting to shake violently. They both grab each other and start moving away from him as they see him starting to swell up. The big stud grunts feeling his muscles growing wildly as his back stretches and pops making him grow taller and wider than he was before. His cock continues to grow bigger as it starts to spill a massive river of cum into the middle of the street where he is standing. At this point, it looks like Avery is losing his battle to stay in a normal human form as he disappears inside the behemoth that is emerging. The two weakened students can only look on as they manage to get to the side of the street and witness yet another man being transformed into a giant muscle gawd. Their own bodies have stopped throbbing. The cracking sounds emanating from Avery’s body are echoing through the campus as people begin to look outside their windows and doors. A crowd is beginning to form on the other side of the street beside the dorms. Lance and Morris try to get up again so they can make another attempt to escape off campus. The behemoth is now well past 600 pounds as his massive two foot dong begins launching cum everywhere and landing all over the ground creating huge white ponds. He is well over nine feet tall and continues to grow wider now covering most of the street. Screams are heard from many observers as they take off back inside the dorms. A few male bystanders stare in awe at the beast transforming in front of them. Lance trips and falls into one of the puddles of cum being created by Avery. The beast laughs watching him struggle in the sticky muck. Morris turns around and sees this and goes to pick him up, but his buddy tries to stop him from touching him. ‘MORRIS NO! I have been exposed by both of them now, if you come in contact with this, I don’t know what will happen to you.’ Morris doesn’t hesitate and grabs Lance by his shirt sleeve and pulls him out of the puddle. A familiar voice is heard from behind getting closer to them which makes Morris shutter. He starts moving away from the voice with Lance on his side as they limp away from both the voice and the beast. ‘BEN……GO AWAY MAN! You have to get out of here.’ ‘No Morris…..I am going to get you both away from whatever this thing is. Come on.’ Ben catches up to them and makes an attempt to put his arm around both men but not before Morris yells for him to keep his distance. ‘STAY THE FUCK AWAY BEN. You have to get away from us…..ahhhh shit…..Lance…..the throbbing is back again…..’ ‘ACK I know Morris…..I can’t stay on my feet anymore…..*falls down about fifty feet from where Ben is* SHIT! It is starting to move through me……*loud cracks and pops start pouring from Lance’s 200 pound frame* Morris…..*muscles swelling* ahhhh fuck…..’ The tattooed stud can’t hold it back any longer as his body convulses violently shredding his t-shirt and splitting the seams of his jeans. Ben jumps back from where he is standing and yells ‘DUUUDE!’ watching what is transpiring with Lance. His clothes are gone within seconds as fabric goes flying everywhere. Morris is barely standing feeling himself getting closer to the edge. Lance begins losing control over his mind as his throbbing cock swells bigger and begins aiming itself towards Ben’s direction. Morris in his weakened state tries to point to Ben to make him go away but is starting to change himself as he feels his back trying to crack and pop like Lance did. The growing behemoth’s tattoos are now stretched to the point that they look like scars on his shoulders. Ben once again tries to reach for Morris, but he stops himself once he sees that Morris is struggling to keep himself from changing. ‘Dude, I don’t know what to do? I can’t leave you here. I know now that this cum coming out of you guys is contagious somehow. I don’t want this to happen to me…..i mean…..i want to be big…..but this turns you guys into monsters…..shit I’m really scared for you Morris.’ Morris groans as he falls over by the road entrance into the university. Ben turns to see a giant rope of cum come flying in his direction and jumps out of the way. Lance is now well over 800 pounds and continues to get bigger as he falls to the ground. The crash from his fall shatters windows and creates an aftershock that sends Ben and Morris flying into the air. Ben lands in one of the nearby oak trees while Morris goes crashing through a nearby dorm which makes his roommate yell in fright. ‘NOOOO! MORRIS! DAMNIT!’ Lance finally stops growing and passes out once he reaches a thousand pounds. The police along with other vehicles finally get to the university to determine what is going on. Lance is lying in a massive crater he created when he fell. Ben quickly climbs down from the oak tree and sneaks around a back entrance into the dorm he saw Morris plunge into. People are filling the main lobby trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Ben races past them and gets into one of the elevators. His heart beats so fast that he nearly passes out as he stands. He reaches the top level of the dorm and gets out. With no one of that floor, he immediately notices smoke coming from one of the rooms. He removes his hoodie and uses it to open the door. Inside he sees Morris lying on top of a mountain of rubble nearly lifeless. He rushes to his side to check for a pulse not realizing that he has touched his roommate’s skin. Morris’s clothes are ripped from the impact and exposes parts of his nicely developed body. Ben feels a faint pulse and tries to wake him up. ‘MORRIS.....dude wake up. Come on…..shit man…..I don’t want to lose you. GAWD! I bet every bone in your body is broken.’ Morris moans a few times before his cock starts to rise in his pants. Ben gets silent and turns his head to see a huge snake starting to form underneath his roommate’s exposed boxer briefs. He turns his head back around and gets a scared look on his face. ‘NO NO NO MORRIS! Fight it! Don’t let it win, you can hold it back…..’ Morris opens his eyes and smiles back at Ben. His body begins to transform like the others did. Whatever bones were broken are now healing as his muscles start stretching and growing. The exposed parts of his chest swell up and rise extremely close to his face as the fabric on his shirt rips open showing off massive muscles in his pecs and abs. He grunts feeling his jeans ripping open as his swelling cock busts out of his boxer briefs and continues to grow. Ben knows there is no way he can stop Morris’s transformation and ponders what to do next. His roommate is now well over 300 pounds as his back and ass destroy his clothes further. Morris is now trying to stand up as he continues to grow. He walks toward Ben which makes his roommate start to move away from him. The remaining fabric on Morris’s body clings to his immense shoulders and waist. Ben can only look on seeing his friend become unrecognizable as he sails past 500 pounds and grows even taller. Morris moans as his cock takes aim at Ben and begins drooling precum all over the floor. ‘Please Morris…..don’t do this. I hope you can still hear me in there. I love you man…..but I don’t want to be like you. This is not what I want.’ The behemoth walks up next to Ben and picks him up. Ben shakes nervously not knowing what will happen next. The now 600 pound giant looks him in the eyes and smiles once again like before. He rubs Ben’s back with his huge right paw feeling his small buddy shaking. It appears that he has stopped growing too as the giant looks down at his body and sees this. At nine feet, he can almost reach the ceiling now and notices that he can push through it which he does. He tosses Ben up on to the roof and lifts himself up beside him. Then he picks Ben up again and holds him against his massive 80” chest and pumps his 45” guns before letting out a couple of low grunts. The surprised roommate is trying to figure out what he is doing with him. ‘Morris? Are you still in there dude? You seem a bit different from the other guys.’ The behemoth looks him in the eyes again and shakes his head up and down indicating that he is indeed still coherent. ‘Can you speak to me man? Wait…..maybe that isn’t such a good idea, you might kill me with your voice.’ Morris smiles at him and puts Ben up to his mouth to give him a kiss. Ben hesitates but knows he doesn’t have a choice as the giant man plants a wet one on his lips. Remarkably though, Ben feels a sense of ease and relaxes a bit as they kiss. The huge man’s powerful hands are soft and comforting and Ben can’t seem to keep his eyes off the swollen pipes pulsing from Morris’s cannons. The behemoth’s immensely deep voice is felt against Ben’s body which makes his cock jump. They finally stop kissing. ‘Morris…..I uhhh…..i’m not gay man…..but you are making me want you which doesn’t make sense. I have never felt this way about you before. It must be the way you look at me and how you just kissed me. I actually feel compelled…..NO! I don’t want that!’ Morris grins and leans in to kiss and lick Ben’s neck and rub his back. The roommate tries to resist, but he realizes that it may already be too late. His shirt is ripped off as the behemoth goes for his pants which he tries to fend off but fails. Ben is stripped naked as his cock bounces furiously which makes the giant growl softly. ‘NO! Damnit, I don’t want this…..*Morris pulls Ben up to suck his cock* ohhh gawd…..mmmm oh fuck I have waited months for this…..’ The behemoth sucks lovingly on Ben’s cock making him hump Morris’s lips. The roommate moans loudly as he unloads his seed down the giant’s throat. This sequence lasts several minutes as Morris continues sucking on Ben’s cock and draining him. The weakened man is then put down on the roof floor where he leans against one of the brick posts. Morris looks down at him and winks as his cock towers over top of Ben’s body. ‘Get it over with then Morris. I can’t even move now…..you took away any energy I might have left……’ Gunshots are heard beneath them as hundreds of darts go barreling through Morris’s sides. He roars out in pain as the building shakes before falling backwards and crashing all the way down to the main floor of the dorm. This makes the whole roof shake as Ben clings to the post. Once the dorm stops moving, Ben crawls over to look down inside the building and sees Morris lying there surrounded by several policemen and military personnel. He notices him now starting to shrink back to a fairly reasonable size as these men converse with each other. Once he finishes reverting, he is put on a gurney and the men disappear out the front doors of the dorm. Ben crawls back to where he was and tries to hide away from view as he sees four unmarked vans being loaded up with numerous men and can see Morris being put in one of them. They quickly drive off the campus as a huge crowd of students begin forming outside again. He wonders what will happen now since he knows that his roommate is now some kind of superhuman.
  19. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Giant Reveal (5 of 6)

    After a tiring week, Morris spends the last remaining days of the semester resting quietly in his apartment. He also can’t resist texting and calling Lance after what happened the previous week. The big Arabian stud gave him his number not long after that experience in the gym. Avery seems to have disappeared in the last few days which seems really strange to both of them. That Sunday, Morris receives a call from Professor Hardman which surprises him. ‘Morris, I want you to meet with me and Lance Elrusso at the university football field. You will be taking your final exam there.’ ‘Is there some reason why we are not going to be in the classroom professor?’ The professor pauses for a few seconds and laughs a little. Morris now believes what Lance and Avery have been telling him for the past several weeks. ‘Has Avery talked to you any Morris? This exam is highly physical and may even be a little dangerous.’ ‘Yes professor, he has told me about the exam, but I am unclear as to how I was supposed to prepare for it.’ ‘You have already prepared for it Morris. Avery has kept me up on your progress as well as Lance’s. Just be here tonight at around 10 and we will get started okay?’ ‘Okay professor, I’ll be there.’ They both hang up as Morris sits up on the couch he was laying on. Ben walks in and stands beside him with an odd look on his face. ‘Dude…..don’t you know what the final exam is? I can almost guarantee that Professor Hardman is going to make you do some kind of powerlifting. You might be fine though considering how much bigger you are. Since you started in that class, you have probably gained at least 30 pounds of muscle. If I was homo, we would probably be getting busy about any time now.’ Ben does a little goofy dance before he turns to leave the room. Morris dials up Lance on his phone afterwards. The Arabian answers and seems a bit conflicted. ‘Morris…..are you as nervous as I am man? I don’t know what to expect from this. I think I know what is going to happen, but the uncertainty is killing me.’ ‘I agree, maybe we can go there together? You know where my room is, don’t you?’ *seems cheerful now* ‘Ohh yeah I do, I’ll be there in a few minutes.’ They hang up as Morris gets up to move around a little. He leaves the room to walk into the main lobby to wait on Lance. While he stands there, Avery comes up behind him and picks him up. The surprised student shutters as the stronger man holds him up above his chest. Morris turns his head to look at him. ‘Hi there buddy. Are you ready to experience something new? The professor wanted me to round you up before you go over to the field.’ ‘Ohh well Lance is coming over here to meet up with me anyway Avery.’ ‘Awesome, saves me a trip then. *flexes his huge guns* Come on stud, flex yours so we can compare.’ Morris makes a noise basically telling Avery no which makes the bigger man lightly punch him in the stomach. The student’s arms twitch and contract as Avery positions them into a double bi pose. ‘Flex them! *Morris flexes* Hehe, there you go, not bad stud. You look better every time I see you.’ Lance arrives soon after and gives Morris a huge bear hug. The two men start growling at each other playfully and wrestling around a bit before they lean in and kiss. Avery looks on in shock. ‘Whoa! Things are definitely heating up between you two. I thought me and you had a thing Morris?’ *smiles greedily as Lance turns to stare at him* ‘You said the same shit to me Avery. I know you are just doing your job for Hardman. Let’s get going since it is after 9:30.’ The three men cram into Avery’s van and ride over to the field located about five minutes away. They get out and see the professor standing by in the nearby tunnel. He looks like he has been working out for hours judging by the amount of sweat pouring off his face and neck. He looks at Avery and nods his head. The graduate student walks past the professor and down the tunnel. When he gets to the end, he starts to run out on to the field. Morris and Lance get up to the professor and stop when he motions for them to see him. ‘Hey guys, welcome to the final exam. I know you have questions as to why this is being done on a Sunday at the football field. Well you will find out soon enough. Let’s get warmed up with a nice jog around the field why don’t we.’ The unsuspecting duo starts jogging with the professor down the tunnel and out the end on to the field where Avery is already halfway across. ‘We are starting early professor? I thought it was at 10?’ Hardman looks over at Morris and winks as he wipes his glasses. ‘Ohh it is at 10, trust me guys. This is just meant to get the blood pumping and our muscles loosened up.’ After about 15 minutes of this, the professor stops jogging and moves over to the middle of the field. Avery is already there while the other two wonder if they are supposed to go meet there too. The professor doesn’t say a word to them when he leaves so they just continue to trek along the edges of the sidelines. Avery keeps looking at them and smiling. At this point, it is ten till ten and it appears the professor is starting to have trouble controlling his breathing as he stands there. Morris and Lance finally decide to meet up in the middle with the professor and Avery. ‘Is he going to be alright Avery? He looks like he is in pain.’ Lance puts his hand on the professor’s back which is very hot to the touch. The sweat cascades down Hardman’s body like a river now as he completely loses his voice. Avery leans in to the professor and nods a few times. He then pulls Morris and Lance in front of Hardman and takes over on the talking. ‘It appears that the professor will be starting the exam a bit early considering that he is having a bit of trouble at the moment. And…..uhhhhh…..fuck…..*stretch*…..it is now spreading…..mmmmm…..over….. damn……*pop*…..to me. Guys……*rip*……get ready……to be amazed.’ The graduate student grunts a few times before his pecs start growing and shredding his shirt down the middle before they flop out. His arms completely destroy the sleeves as they continue to balloon into what amounts to watermelons. He rips his shirt off and roars in delight feeling his upper body growing at an alarming rate. He then reaches down and rips his pants off with just a few of his thick fingers as his legs and calves double in size. His underwear rips and shreds so quickly it falls to the ground as his cock thickens and his ass swells. He moans feeling his rod widening and lengthening as it pools precum all over the field. ‘OMG! Lance he is becoming a beast! What the hell am I a part of here?’ Lance doesn’t seem to be listening to him though as he watches the professor beginning his transformation. Hundreds, maybe thousands of cracks and pops are heard emanating from Hardman as his body struggles to keep its shape. He wails in pain for what seems like minutes as it appears he is losing control over his body. He stops moving at one point as it appears that the sequence is over. Lance is hypnotized by this. ‘Huh? What the…..HOLY SHIT!’ The professor starts moaning deeply as his voice changes and his body reacts. His muscles immediately explode out of his clothes as pieces of fabric remain glued to his growing body. He quickly surges past 200, then 300 pounds, as his body continues to expand its way outward. At this point, Avery is finished growing and rushes over to pick the other two up to sit on his shoulders. ‘Take a good hard look at that monster guys,’ he says in a much deeper voice since he is now over 350 pounds. ‘This is a gawd emerging in front of you of epic proportions.’ 400…..500…..600…..his height starts to catch up to the sheer bulk soon after as Hardman’s spine continuously stretches pushing him up higher and higher…..7 ft…..8 ft…..9 ft…..the three men look on in awe as the professor begins losing his human characteristics as the muscles completely deform him. 700….800….900…..10 ft…..11 ft…..12 ft…..Avery walks over to stand underneath the giant behemoth. They feel it raining on them as the professor’s massive 3 foot dong drops precum on top of them. ‘Guys this is the last part of the exam. The professor is going to coat you in his…..rain. Whatever happens after this will be completely unknown to all of us. It won’t affect me though since I have already…..changed. I am going to put you both down on the ground now and don’t move.’ Avery slides them both down on to the turf and quickly moves away as the professor continues to grow. Hardman’s body now takes up nearly five yards of the field as he reaches nearly a ton in size. The two young men grip each other’s sides as they await the final shower. The giant hulk roars in ecstasy as the ground shakes and the stands rumble. The two young men can smell the rain’s musk changing above them which makes them both feel extremely funny on the inside. They look at each other and realize it must be their turn now. ‘Oh fuck Morris, I am so afraid but yet I want this badly.’ ‘I feel the same way Lance. I hurt so badly too, but feel compelled to let this happen.’ As they feel something raging inside their bodies, the flood comes flowing out of the hulk’s raging dong and drowns the two men. They fall over and start convulsing as Avery gets hit too behind them. He falls too and crawls over to check and see if they are still breathing. The behemoth continues shooting thick jets all over them as he falls over. It causes a giant sinkhole to form in the field as he lies there unconscious still shooting cum up in the air. Sirens can now be heard in the distance as Avery starts feeling vibrations coming from underneath their skin. ‘Morris……Lance……guys…..talk to me……shit I hope this works otherwise me and the professor are so fucking screwed. This has to work quickly or everyone is going to know our secret.’
  20. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Chosen Ones (4 of 6)

    Morris’s breathing slows down as his chest begins to rise. The two hairy studs notice the changes starting as the student’s arms begin to fill out as the veins thicken up and his biceps stretch the sleeves to their limits on his shirt. He moans feeling it spreading through him as his entire body reacts. His quads begin ripping the seams on his pants as they spill out the sides making the two bigger men growl in delight. ‘Yeah Morris, let it take over. Fucking grow like us, you won’t regret it.’ He stops stroking his cock as it thickens outward and begins shooting pre like it is cum. Morris squeezes his biceps making the sleeves completely rip open revealing two huge round mounds of muscle in what were his scrawny arms. The veins pulse as they move up to his shoulders which are ripping their way through the fabric also. His nipples strain his shirt to the point that he moans feeling them ready to explode from their confines. The two bigger men rip his shirt off and start punching his mammoth pecs making him gasp in pleasure. They know it feels amazing since they have had the same reaction before through their changes. Each time they do it his cock jumps and sprays another jet of precum. ‘Shoot it man it would be the ultimate finish to a great change.’ Both Avery and Lance pick him up and pull his ripped pants off before toying with his crotch and ass. Morris squeals as he feels his load finally pushing its way up into his cock. The two men smile as he finally shoots his cum all over them before falling back on the ground. His growing glutes make him bounce slightly as he feels his legs stretching and pulling themselves bigger and wider. He continues moaning as he feels himself getting larger as the other two continuously massage his cum into his skin. ‘Feels awesome don’t it Morris. Me and Lance were shocked at the way it felt ourselves. The pump is so incredible. *both men flex their biceps above Morris* Aww yeah, embrace it man because it goes away quickly during the first change.’ Morris feels himself starting to lose a bit of the pump Avery was talking about as it starts to deflate his muscles slowly. He groans feeling himself shrink as the other two pick him up on both sides and take him to the showers. They smile at each other as they reach over to turn the stalls on and drop him down on the ground. Morris makes a few agonizing sounds and stares up at them both. He tries to get up but slips a bit making the other two studs crouch over in laughter. ‘OMG man……this is too damn funny. You know we are just playing with you Morris. The truth is…..you are a part of us now man. Consider this a hazing of sorts you are going to have no problem passing the final exam now. Hardman will give you and Lance the exam next week so get ready. Now you two need to get cleaned up and go home.’ Avery washes up quickly and leaves for the locker room. Lance walks over and puts his hand out to lift Morris off the ground. He lets go soon after as the smaller, but noticeably fitter Morris starts slipping on the floor again. He lets out a few groans before Lance grabs his arm to keep him balanced. The thick hairy stud walks over to his stall beside Morris and starts lathering himself up. Morris stands there to take in the view for a few seconds and realizes that he is incredibly attracted to him. He feels his cock getting hard again and slowly walks over behind the sexy man. He wraps his arms around Lance’s chest and starts rubbing the man’s huge heaving pecs and ab slabs. The Arabic-American moans deeply, resting his back against Morris’s chest as he reaches his own arms around to rub the smaller man’s legs. Morris arches his head around to kiss Lance on the lips, but the big man resists. ‘Come on Morris…..we can’t be doing this man…..you are obviously still feeling horny from the change. *feels the small student’s cock rubbing up against his hairy ass* Well…..*smiles at him*, I guess you could shove it in there for a few minutes if you want.’ Morris growls eagerly as he slowly pushes himself inside Lance and thrusts in and out. Lance rubs his thick beard against the smaller man’s head and moans deeply feeling every inch inside his hole. He slaps Morris’s quads with each individual thrust making the excited top grunt. ‘Yeah man, fuck me. The water really feels good against our skin doesn’t it? I noticed this after I showered the first change the other day.’ Morris grips Lance’s thick waist as he pounds him faster. The versatile big man leans his head back to whisper something in the top’s left ear. ‘Don’t cum in me okay? Avery told me that it will cause problems if I have sex with another man similar to me. Just spray it on my back.’ Morris lets go of Lance and pulls out as he jerks his cock wildly and feels his balls filling up. Lance then decides to turn around and jerk his cock too. They both lean up against each other and wrap their arms around their shoulders to bring themselves to climax. They change things up and jerk each other off with the other’s hand feeling their rods swell and tense against the pressure. Finally after a few minutes of edging, the two men spray each other with thick creamy wads as it cascades all over their bodies. Lance yanks Morris under his shower stall and starts lathering soap on him. They lightly punch each other in the chest while cleaning the cum off and laughing as they do it. Morris looks him in the eyes and winks before jumping into Lance’s arms. The big man winces for a second and leans in to kiss his buddy’s lips. They moan as they remain under the water and hold each other. Before long, other guys start showing up in the showers and glare at them in a rather negative way. Realizing that they need to get going, they let go of each other and rush to grab towels to put over top of themselves. When they get to the locker room, Morris sits beside Lance and rubs the big man’s back in a comforting way. ‘I feel like we need to be together Lance. I can’t seem to stay away from you now. The connection I have with Avery is a little different, but with you it feels like we should be linked.’ Lance looks into Morris’s green eyes and smiles. ‘I feel it too man. *puts his right hand on Morris’s left leg* We do have a personal connection. I would have never known it if we didn’t have sex. I know now why we are the two finalists we are both linked through Avery who is tied to Hardman too.’ Morris looks puzzled as to how this could happen. Lance sees this and attempts to explain it. ‘Obviously you know that I have had sex with Avery since we both have this gift. Well Avery is not the main source of this, it is actually Professor Hardman. The reason there are only two of us in the end according to Avery is the fact that Hardman doesn’t want his secret to be out in the open. He entrusted Goodwin to select the best two from the fifteen he allowed in the class, that is why Avery led the first session. He chose me before the class ever began so I knew that I would be here at the end. I noticed you with him after the second part started. He was definitely into your potential. I have no idea why, but he picked you over the rest because of what lied beneath your skin. Obviously, he was right because our chemistry is amazing.’ Lance leans over and kisses Morris before pulling him into his chest and squeezing. The smaller man moans feeling the thick fur against his face and massaging the big stud’s back. Unbeknownst to them both, Ben is walking towards them from the gym area. He taps Morris on the shoulder to get his attention. ‘Well well well…..I should have known you would be messing around with this guy. I quit the class man the professor told me I wasn’t going to make it to the final anyway. It is quite obvious that you two are the ones that did. I just didn’t know that you two were THAT close.’ Morris turns around to let go of Lance to smile up at Ben. ‘I promise I didn’t cheat on purpose Ben. It just happened that way.’ Ben curls his lip up to the side and shakes his head. It is apparent he doesn’t believe him. ‘Whatever man, it doesn’t matter because the results speak for themselves. Anyway, I am finishing up early because I have another final to get to. I will talk to you later.’ Ben runs into the showers to clean up while the other two men kiss one last time. ‘I guess we should be going too Morris before other guys here start talking; time to split man.’ Lance gets up as his towel falls off showing off his hugely muscled lower body before slowly sliding his shorts over top of his beefy ass. He can hear Morris moaning over on the bench they were sitting on. The big man turns to push him off and growls in a flirty way. ‘Hey get up goofball and dress. You have got to get moving, I know you have other finals.’ Morris admits that he does and gets up to go over to his locker to get a clean outfit out that he left there the other day. When they finish dressing, Lance rushes out the front doors of the gym so Morris doesn’t follow him too closely. By the time Morris goes up the basement steps into the main lobby, Lance is nowhere to be seen which makes the student a little sad but he knows that he needs to study for the four other finals that are taking place the rest of the week. He returns back to the student lounge with his backpack in tow and lays his books down on one of the tables to study.
  21. hero1000

    College Hulk Part 6

    I know it has been a long time. This plot is growing more complicated so I have to make sure I get it right. There is a new character here. Hope you enjoy. Part 1 and 2 Part 3 and 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 6 Steve struggled to consciousness. He still couldn’t open his eyes but he began to feel aware. He was laying down…good that should help his headache. He tried to open his eyes again. No luck. He felt something warm on top of him. He could move his arm, but it felt like his brain was swimming in peanut butter. He tried to open his eyes once more and this time had some success. His mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. “Need some water” he rasped out. He started to roll over but he suddenly fell and went face down on the floor. That hurt. He looked around and realized he was in his room. He had just rolled right out of bed. He sat up then quelled an urge to vomit as his head started pounding like somebody had a jackhammer in there and was trying to break his skull apart. He slowly stood up and went to the mini fridge to get a bottle of water. As he stood drinking it, he heard a noise and turned around. Jonas lay on his bed with his arm over his head. “Dude, shut the fridge. The light is killing me” “Jonas?” “Shut the fridge, Steve” Steve stopped staring and shut the door bringing the darkness back into the room. “Jonas. Where have you been?” “What are you talking about?” “Tony said, but…we had a fight and you….” Steve’s brain was still foggy. “You are not making any sense. My mouth feels funny. Give me some of that water” Steve went over to the bed and handed the bottle to Jonas. The water had helped and he was beginning to feel much better. Jonas took a big gulp and sighed. Steve sat heavily on the foot of Jonas’ bed. “Jonas. I’m trying to remember something. But maybe I was just having a bad dream.” “I had a pretty weird dream myself, man” “Really? Can you remember any of it?” “I was…wait…you were in it.” Steve looked at him. “You were in mine, too. We had a fight. I was pretty upset” “Yeah. You said some pretty mean things to me and I….I don’t really know why we were fighting.” Steve suddenly realized he was naked and got embarrassed. “Hah, dude I think I need to put some clothes on. Hold on.” He got up from the bed. “Wait you were naked in my dream and I caught you….” “In the shower…” Steve finished and stopped moving . Jonas sat up. “Are you sure it was a dream?” Steve opened his wardrobe and grabbed his jeans and a shirt out pulling them on. “Aren’t you gonna put on some boxers?” “I can’t find any. I think…I “ There was a knock at the door and a voice called from the other side. “Hey…hey guys! It’s almost time for class.” “Thanks, Craig!” Jonas called. Craig had the room two doors down. Jonas hopped out of bed. He staggered for a moment then ran to the trash can and wretched into it. Steve brought him a bottle of water. “Here, that should help” “Thanks” he sipped it slowly and washed the taste out of his mouth. Steve grimaced, “Great way to start the new year off” Jonas sat up. “We should probably get to our classes. Meet me at lunch so we can talk.” Steve sighed, “I guess I can get through calculus, maybe chemistry…but….damn, it…ok I’ll meet you here at lunch. I’m finished with my last class at 12:30” “I get done at 1 so make it 1:15 we meet.” They grabbed their backpacks from their lockers and headed out. Craig was waiting in the hall for them. “You two look like hell. What’s up?” Steve smirked, “Had a rough weekend” Jonas just nodded, “I’ve got to get to physics. I’ll see you at 1:15” He took off out the door. Steve turned back to Craig, “You have calculus?” “Yeah” They started out the door when Craig spoke up, “Have you seen Tony?” Steve was caught off guard. In his dream, Tony had pulled some pretty rough stuff. Maybe it wasn’t a dream. He shook his head. “Why do you ask?” “His room looks like it is cleared out. He was supposed to be in calculus with us.” “Like empty?” “Yeah. Ghost town kind of stuff. He was here last week. I talked with him.” Something kept nagging at the back of Steve’s mind. He almost had it, then it slipped away again. It was kind of frustrating. Craig looked at him with concern, “You all right, bud?” “Yeah, just trying to remember something.” They reached the Mathematics building and entered the class. They found seats next to each other just as the professor arrived. Dr. Laura Matthews was a beautiful woman. Guys took her classes even when they didn’t need to do so, just to watch her and hear her voice. Steve and Craig glanced at each other. “All right, gentlemen, I’m passing out the syllabus. Today we are going over it and getting started. Did anyone not get the book?” A couple of hands went up, including Steve. Craig whispered, “I thought you bought them last week?” “I can’t find it. Besides that means she’ll bring me a copy and I can get close enough to smell her fragrance.” “You’re sick dude” “Are you two quite finished?” Dr. Matthews was looking at them. Craig blushed. Steve smiled, “Yes ma’am. Won’t happen again. I bought a book and can’t find it today. I had a rough week” “I have several here you may take one” Steve smiled at Craig and walked up towards the front of the class to take one from Dr. Matthews. He turned and winked at Craig as he got close and reached for a book. He inhaled deeply. She was wearing an amazing scent that…..he shuddered like a switch had been flipped. An insane amount of energy and power rushed through him. He fumbled with the calculus book and dropped it on the floor. A loud groan escaped from him as he doubled over in panic. The class was laughing and Craig called out, “Hey, bro, just get the book stop being a sicko” Steve’s mind was racing, “It wasn’t a dream…this can’t be happening….it never happened…like…oh shit…” Dr. Matthews was trying to quiet the class so she didn’t see the flash of green, like a strange luminescence. Steve grunted out, “Need to use the bathroom…gonna be sick” It was hard to get the words out and he heard the change in his voice and hoped no one else noticed. Dr. Matthews shook her head in exasperation, “Hurry back” Steve tried to run from the room, but the sensations that were rushing through him were difficult to control. He managed to get out the door. Craig raised his hand, “Hey, Dr. Matthews, want me to go keep an eye on him?” She sighed, “Fine. Let me know if you need medical assistance” Craig ran out the door after Steve. He tried to figure out which way Steve had gone. He found a piece of cloth on the ground in the direction of the back restrooms. It looked kind of like Steve’s shirt. What was wrong with him? Was he really sick? Why did it look like he ripped part of his clothes off? He saw the door shut and called out. “Steve hold up, man! You ok?” He ran into the bath room and Steve turned to face him. Craig backed up his mouth dropping open. Steve’s eyes had turned white and there was a green tinge to his skin. But the most startling thing was that he appeared to have grown about 3 inches taller and exploding with muscle. The front of his shirt had burst open where two huge pecs jutted out. That matched the frayed piece of cloth in Craig’s hand. He stared dumbfounded at his friend. “Craig..ughhhhh….no….shouldn’t….” Steve tried to stammer in a deep raspy voice. A loud rip echoed through the bathroom and Craig saw Steve’s lats widen out impossibly huge pushing his arms away from his sides and could see pieces of cloth fall to the ground behind Steve. Craig stammered, “Holy shit! Steve, what the…” Steve grunted and snarled as his thighs burst apart the jeans. Sweat was pouring off his body mixed with the lack of shower that morning it created a heavy musky scent that was overpowering. Craig was at first struggling with the foul odor then began to find himself oddly turned on by it. Steve’s skin turned a deep green as his arms burst through the sleeves. His waist band ruptured as a thick muscled gut rolled outwards. He continued to get taller, grunting and gasping as the last of his clothes fell to the bathroom floor. “Steve, dude…” Steve grumbled, “Craig, sorry, can’t control it.” Steve’s thick green stick had sprung to life. Craig turned to the bathroom door and found the lock, clicking it in place. “Steve, we can’t have anyone see you like this. But DAMN! ” Steve was about 7 feet tall and massive. Most bodybuilders would be insanely jealous. Steve’s deepened voice rumbled, “Feels so good” Craig laughed, “Yeah by the size of that pole, I would say it does” “Don’t make fun.” “Woah, easy! I’m not making fun” Steve was already stroking but like he wasn’t aware of it. Craig called out, “Dude, if you’re gonna fire your cannon you might want to point it the other way.” Steve didn’t seem to hear as he was lost in ecstasy. Precum was leaking out and Craig tried to move, but was pinned between the door and Steve’s monstrous frame. “Dude, please stop you’re gonna…” But too late, Steve blew. And it was like a volcano going off. Thick spunk went everywhere. Craig got it in his eyes, his hair his mouth. “Aw, Dude! Really?!?!” He tried to wipe it off and shake it off, but it was thick and sticky. He must have swallowed a gallon of it. He barely noticed Steve as he pushed passed and tried to clean up at the sink. Craig was still scrubbing at his face and hair with paper towels and soap and water when Steve spoke behind him. “Craig…bro…I’m sorry” Craig looked up in the mirror, disgusted. But he saw a much smaller Steve. His skin was a normal pink color. He was still huge about 6’4 and over 300 pounds but definitely smaller than before and he was shrinking. Steve staggered towards the sink and leaned on it, causing it to groan under the weight. Craig moved to the side, “Dude, don’t lean you might break it” Steve was gasping like he was exhausted and looked at Craig, “Dude, I….I…” He reached out sideways and Craig had to grab him to keep him from falling over. Craig threw his arm around Steve’s still huge back and tried to help him sit. It was tough maneuvering as his friend was still bigger than normal. He finally got him up against the wall then sat across from him and watched the dehulking. Steve closed his eyes momentarily and when he opened them again they had returned to their normal color. Craig shook his head, “Dude, man, what the hell? How did you do that?” “I…I’m not sure. I smelled her perfume and it triggered something” “Yeah, right. I’ve smelled her perfume before and nothing like that ever happened to me.” Steve smiled, “Maybe you’re gay” Craig leaned over and punched him, “Shut up. Maybe you’re gay. Maybe the whole world is gay and I’m the only straight one.” Steve just smiled, but looked like he really needed sleep. Craig didn’t care he was pressing on, “Seriously, how did this happen to you? More importantly, can you make it happen to me?” Steve shook his head, “It’s a long story. I don’t know if I can make anything happen to anyone. I’m not really sure why it happened just now.” “So try me. What the hell?” “Can you help me get some clothes first? I feel really weird talking with you sitting naked on the boys room floor.” They cleaned up the restroom, and Steve hid in a stall until Craig could return with some clothes. Craig walked him back to the house. Steve decided that since Craig already saw his secret he could fill him in. By the time Steve was done, Craig was quiet for some time. He finally spoke up, “So you don’t know what happened to that little shithead, Tony?” Steve shook his head. “I think, then we need to find out. He is up to something and from the sounds of it, it can’t be good news.”
  22. Omiganda

    The Bear's Cub Part 8

    Wow, we've come a long way from chapter 1 but it's finally here. Hope you guys love this part as much as I do. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1985-the-bears-cub-part-1/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2044-the-bears-cub-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2154-the-bears-cub-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2248-the-bears-cub-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2335-the-bears-cub-part-5/ Part 6: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2625-the-bears-cub-part-6/ Part 7: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2787-the-bears-cub-part-7/ Bear’s Cub Part 8 We went upstairs to the living room and all across the couches, the other frat members were making out. Each young, manly face was pressed against another as the 5 cubs made out. Oh, there was of course Toxic. Toxic was tied up at the moment, his body wrapped in thick rope. Bear actually laughed when he saw Toxic the way he was, looking over to Hare. “I couldn’t wait till tomorrow” Hare said, striking a laugh through everyone but Toxic. I was really starting to feel the power emanating from this powerful orgy as the activities became more heated. Shirts came off and pants were dropped, leaving all of the pups stuffing their underwear heavily with their large junk. Bear’s face was something along the lines of smug at what his frat had become. I could see his chest swell with pride a little. “Alright, alright, everyone into the Hibernation Room. Time for you guys to play with the bear in his cave” he said. With that Bear led the way up, the other pups first watching him travel up the stairs and then run from what they were doing to chase him and the big, thick ass flexing and bouncing in his tight cargo shorts when it went around the corner. I watched them run up the stairs like someone had just screamed “Soup’s on!” but I still hadn’t caught on yet. Hare smacked me on the back in a brotherly way and I gasped for air because of his power. I looked back at him but it was too late for explanations as he put his hands under my arms and the man who was at least a foot taller than me picked me up and planted a kiss on me. Toxic’s existence had completely left me as I became immersed in Hare. When I got close enough to him, I could really feel the tensing muscles he used to hold me as he kissed all over me. Even as he carried me up the stairs, he didn’t tire as he made our way to the Hibernation Room. Toxic waited till we were gone before he looked at the rope typing him down around his arms and legs. He cursed silently as he began to wrestle with it for his freedom. --- I could feel the real hardness in Hare’s biceps as one arm let go to widen the space the open door to the room left as the other held me in place. My cock was pressed between us but it was perfectly comfortable as my crotch rubbed against the hardness of Hare’s abs. “Come on, Cub, we have bigger fish to fry. Very big fish.” Hare set me down and grabbed my shirt. “You don’t need this.” Hare’s arms bulged for an instant before shredding my shirt in two like paper. I was bare naked and, with a quick unbuckling of his belt and a drop of his pants, so was Hare, his beautiful body bare for all to view. “Come on, Cub! We’re waiting on you!” Hare grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. Bear was standing above the other cubs, all on their knees before him as they gazed up at his naked, hairy body. I was as speechless as I was when I’d first seen Bear naked. I could see Bear was sweating and I almost couldn’t tell if what I was seeing was real as his balls seemed to pulse every few seconds. Bear’s long, massive cock was only barely tamed as it was dripping profusely on the mat in the room. We were like this for a minute and I couldn’t help questioning why we were doing this. We were only all looking at Bear, his glorious form towering. It was an easy answer. We were waiting for his OK. An OK that came when he smiled and nodded. “Come.” We all attacked Bear, the 6 of us swarming Bear in a wave of worship and pleasure. Bear’s pleased moan was all we needed to keep going. Hare and Taker were down on their knees tasting the sweat on Bear’s thick, hairy legs. Balls and Slugger were licking each of Bear’s arms, their pink tongues tasting the massive blocks of iron that were his biceps. Donut, the only one tall enough to try and reach Bear’s face with his half a foot disadvantage had his nose and tongue putting his senses to work on Bear’s barrel chest. I felt so out of place. I really was a runt of the litter in this situation the way there was no space for me to taste the manly musk of Bear. Bear looked down over Donut’s red head with a big grin. With a loud grunt, Donut was forced to move close to Bear as he seemed to be doing something. I looked down and, between Donut’s legs, a massive appendage was growing down Bear’s legs like an anaconda. As it began to erect itself I could see the muscularity of the big cock shower when Donut, a large fucker, was being lifted by its length. Donut resorted to wrapping his legs around what he could of Bear as the cock held him up, making his feet incapable of touching the ground. “Get some before they take it all, Cub.” I walked nervously to Bear and got down on my knees as the tool held true and started to leak pre cum like a leaky faucet. I hesitantly licked the head and felt my mouth tighten the way one’s mouth tightened when they taste something amazing. It was a taste I’d never forget. It was all I needed to close in, grab his cock with both hands, and try to pull it down so that I could make out with the head. “Ugh….. such good, good pups I’ve got.” We all were pleased that Bear was so proud of us as we all put more effort into our work. Suddenly, I looked up to see Donut’s back shake before Bear’s cock itself was shaking. I was too late but I’d tried to get away as Bear’s climax was close. “FUCK! MOVE CUB!” I jumped out of the way and was glad as a white geyser fired out of Bear’s cock and went flying across the room at high pressure like a fire hose. Bear was bucking with each new launching of blast as his cock fired a constant supply of cum for at least 10 seconds, the wall quaking with each shot. I turned around to see that the door I’d entered from was given a new coat of white. I was speechless as I saw the destruction Bear’s cock could unleash with one shot. I turned to see Bear’s tired face but that wasn’t what I saw. Bear’s muscles were all flexed and his dominating stature felt more dominating. Hare and Taker backed away first as they felt the muscles in the legs they touched flex even larger. Balls and Slugger retreated as well as they felt that Bear was about to make another move. “I need a warm ass. NOW!” Bear had made his choice before anyone could retreat or oblige as he grabbed Donut’s hips with his big hands and lifted his 300+ body easily. Just as Donut was lifted, Bear’s massive dick defied gravity, it’s over 2 foot long length looking like it was on a hunt for the pale, bubbly ass hovering above it. Bear and Donut made eye contact for an instant, their care for each other reflecting between them. With a slow lowering, Bear began Donut’s descent and Donut threw his head back, the mix of pain and pleasure reaching all parts of his body. His ass clenched for only an instant before relaxing from experience. Donut knew if he refused Bear at all, he’d get seriously hurt. It helped at least that whenever it was Bear’s cock, his ass seemed to widen just for him. It was like his ass only accepted and allowed something so large if it belonged to Bear. “Fuck him, Bear!” “Ride it, cowboy!” “I guess it makes sense a donut would have a big hole to fill!” The other pups made catcalls and cheers like Donut was performing some strenuous sport by riding Bear. I was astonished as more and more of that crazy thick meat Bear owned vanished into Donut’s waiting hole. As Donut was lowered, I could see Bear’s face as he enjoyed the feeling of his cock entering such a tight yet open space. Donut moaned and held Bear’s big shoulders the way someone would put their hand on a dresser as he was impaled. The two grunted and moaned as their fucking progressed. I’d never seen something so amazing as Donut had reached the bottom of the tall pole and had his ass spread to allow access. The others in the room were jacking off at the sight of such big men connected by such a powerful man weapon. They were only even more turned on when Bear began the real show, lifting Donut. Donut groaned as he began to go up and down, his ass smacking Bear’s balls with each thrust and collision. Donut groaned as his ass was getting a bit sore. For 30 minutes, Bear pounded him like clockwork, his big balls smacking his ass with each upward heave and his chest swelling with the feeling of having his cock sheathed for an instant before Donut was lifted. Suddenly, Donut shouted. “Fuck!” With a rhythmic grunt, his big cock blasted all it had as high as it could. Though strong, it wasn’t as powerful as Bear’s heaving pecs, the cum being splattered and spread with the power of Donut’s strong jets. He kept cumming on and on, unable to stop for what felt like an entire minute! Bear slowed and eased up on Donut as he saw how exhausted he was. “Good pup, Donut. My biggest pup can really put up a fight.” I was still shocked at all the cum everywhere. “Wow Donut! You can cum more than Bear!” My reaction made everyone turn their heads to look at me. All but Bear. Bear was lifting up Donut. Off his still iron hard cock…. Bear was like lightning as he quickly went to the next biggest, bending Balls forwand and lower his cock, Balls’ legs already spread far apart to handle Bear bareback. Already, his precum was working its magic and making Balls’ ass wet and safer to enter. Bear had already started pounding, kissing Balls neck seductively went he also bent forward before looking over at me with a hungry look. “Didn’t say I was done fucking, Cub!” he roared. Balls was already getting jello legs handling Bear’s assault, his cock also leaking cum from his big balls. Gis wolfish, rough looks still looked beautiful as his face formed an O-shape. He was defenseless and accepting for all of 40 minutes before he too launched his cum from his balls, the jet not as strong as Bear’s or Donut’s, let alone as relentless, but it still fired big volleys all over the mat, making the ground slippery yet still not making it thick enough to affect the heavy Bear’s traction. This went on for hours. One after another, each pup was taken down after nearly an hour as they each received Bear’s constant onslaught. After Slugger’s turn, Bear came just as hard and 20 minutes longer than before, painting the door behind me a thicker coat of white. Bear was a monstrous hurricane of sex as he had each pup on their back and panting after they blew their loads. I was almost terrified when Taker went down as Bear looked over at me with that hungry stare again. I felt my ass tighten a bit at his gaze before he smiled, walked over to me, placed his hand on my back, and kissed me deeply for a minute, warming me up and having me cum my comparatively miniscule load on the ground. I was a shivering mess as I stood with wobbly legs before the sex god that was Bear. “You’re still not ripe enough yet, Cub. You need more time.” With that he turned his big, mountain range back to me and smiled at the sight of Hare jacking himself off in wait. Bear practically attacked him as he began his entrance into Hare’s ass. I was almost scared for him as he was certainly not as big or as durable looking as the bigger pups. Yet, he still looked like he was enjoying it as he was fucked by Bear, potentially rougher than all the others! I was pulled out of my trance by Donut, his big body sweaty after pleasing Bear and his eyes tired looking. “Is he going to be OK?” I asked. “Whatcha mean?” Donut asked as he also watched Bear pulverize Hare. “Won’t he be injured getting fucked like that?” “You’re kidding right? Slugger’s the best top but, when you need a fine flexible ass that doesn’t quit, you got to Hare.” I looked over surprised as I watched Hare’s face show his pleasure. He didn’t look like he was going to be as easily defeated as the others and, of course, he wasn’t. For 2 hours nonstop, Bear fucked to his heart’s content, practically ripping Hare a new one the way he pounded him. Hare ended up coming twice already and was beginning to show fatigue only just as his cock hardened again for what looked like a third time. Donut and the rest were too tired to do anything but watch as Bear fucked Hare. It was only after Hare came the third time that finally tired out, his body limp from exhaustion on Bear’s cock. Bear eased Hare off him and laid him down carefully before standing erect. Speaking of which, it only just occurred to me that Bear was still hard and his reddened cock was looking like it would explode as it had an angry vein on its length and its head was swollen bigger than before. I couldn’t believe Hare had taken that whole. Bear turned to me, his cock coming behind and staying perfectly straight and at an upward 45 degree angle as walked towards me. I fell to my knees as Bear thudded towards me with his big feet. Bear reached me and stood like Big Ben above me with his legs spread and his cock smacking his thick abs. “You’ve almost made it, Cub. You’ve shared your worship with your brother pups and now, with my power, I will make you a full fledged cub.” I didn’t understand what he was saying as I was mesmerized by the masculine temple before me. “You’re still too weak and small to handle my cock but you are ready to take it now. My final load.” With that, Bear aimed his cock downward and I saw that it was still leaking but not with the clear liquid of precum but the white liquid of 100% man juice. I was intimidated for a moment before I was accepting of what Bear had to give me. This was his gift and, as his Cub, I had to accept it. I wasn’t ready for it mentally but I didn’t dodge it as Bear began to release the flexing muscles of his cock to set his load free. My vision was covered quickly and my world began dark yet whiter than ever. I was reminded of what happened with Toxic but this was different. I was accepting Bear’s gift for me. His youngest and smallest pup. I could tell he cared for me. He wouldn’t do anything to harm me. As the assault of a 3 minute cum wave finally let down, I felt myself getting tired in the thickness of my cum blanket. I felt a big man lift me up and carry me to a nearby wall before he laid on his side and yanked me closer, his big muscles pressed against my entire body. I was so warm and exhausted, I didn’t hesitate to let myself drift to a sound sleep. --- I woke up the next morning with my eyes sealed shut. I was a little scared but I realized that I hadn’t removed the cum that was on me from last night. I peeled off the dried cum cage I was in and looked around into an empty room. The room was still cum stained but there were no other pups in the room. Even Bear was gone. I looked around before looking down and seeing a pair of underwear in my size, a towel, and a note. It read: Get cleaned for breakfast, Cub. Well be back soon with a big load to celebrate your becoming brothers with the other Cubs. Don’t go looking for any other clothes. Bear I looked at the letter and then the underwear and smiled. I had brothers now. I found the bathroom and almost gasped at how much shower there was inside. It looked like the one’s freshman were supposed to get when they moved in and had to share with the others in their dorm building. I saw the knobs for each shower were about chest high but I realized that was understandable since I was a dwarf in a house of huge men. I got turned on the water and felt the dried cum unsettle from its home on my skin, the pieces chipping away until there was only skin. I took some soap and a rag and rubbed them together before taking the rag and setting the soap in it’s place before it suddenly fell to the floor. I grinned as I’d very literally dropped the soap. I almost wanted to have another pup in here to catch me bending over to take it as I leaned forward and picked it up before setting it down. After 5 minutes of washing away the cum and thinking about the other big pups, I turned off the shower and began to towel off as I looked in the mirror. I looked like a whole different person in the foggy reflection. I could still make out my face but I seemed different. I looked healthier almost. I felt warmer than ever before in this home of brothers. It was such a new feeling for me that I got lost in my own eyes thinking about it. It was when I heard the left over water in the shower empty out and I realized what I was doing did I quickly attempt to cover the matter up along with my own body. I looked at the black briefs and decided to kick my legs into them and yank them up. My eyes widened at the feel of them. Were they even my size? I looked down and looked at the tag behind me. Yeah, a small looked accurate for such a little man. Why were they tight? I actually had to adjust myself in their embrace as I felt like I was being constricted. Did they order some weird brand, I wondered. I felt the sides dig into my skin a little by their tightness but I shrugged it off. Had I been paying attention and looking more closely, I’d have seen the mirror was defogged and my appearance wasn’t in the mirror anymore. Instead, a bigger back and a slightly taller man had his back turned to the mirror as he walked out in his tight black briefs. To Be Continued…..
  23. Lexfan

    Lex Smash

    This is a story I had posted on the old site. I thought some of you here might enjoy it. It is not part of "Lex's Fulfillment." As Bruce Banner approached the front door of the large white building, he stopped to think if he really wanted to enter. He had flown hundreds of miles and rented a car to get him to this empty parking lot in front of an isolated building on the far outskirts of Metropolis. What brought him here was a single email: "Dr. Banner, let's meet. I think I have found the solution to your monster problem." Over the years, he had received hundreds of similar messages, and he had learned to ignore them. They were invariably from crackpots or publicity hounds, who could not understand the havoc that the uncontrolled behemoth dormant inside him could cause. This email he could not dismiss because of the name on the signature line: Lex Luthor. Luthor's reputation as power hungry egomaniac was well known, but what Banner also knew was that Luthor was an astounding scientist whose accomplishments often leap-frogged over existing work. Banner also had heard that in recent months Luthor had been using his enormous resources to acquire equipment and raw materials needed to generate gamma radiation. Perhaps Luthor had uncovered something that could rid Banner once and for all of the green Goliath inside him. He at least had to find out what Luther was up to. No one seemed to be present, but Banner found a note on the door directing him to come in and meet Mr. Luther in the center laboratory. The space Banner entered seemed to him nothing like a laboratory. Indeed, it was just a huge cavernous window less space, several stories high and close to a football field in space, without a single piece of equipment. As he walked several feet into the room, he heard a man entering behind him. "Dr. Banner, so good of you to come." He turned and got his first sight of Lex Luthor. At 6'2," he loomed over Banner's slight 5'7" frame. Luthor was also a large man, with a barrel chest that heightened the imposing effect of his famous bald head. After having only seen pictures of Luthor in sharply-tailored Italian suits, Banner was most surprised the informal clothes Luthor was now wearing - a black t-shirt and some type of sweat pants, and even more oddly, he was bare foot. As the door closed behind Luthor, a loud clanking sound echoed in the room. "This is a specially designed reinforced facility, and I have bolted us in as a safety precaution, I hope you understand." "I understand the concern, Mr. Luthor, but as long as I stay calm, we should be safe. No offense, but I doubt even you have been able to develop a structure that could contain the Hulk." "Don't worry, Dr. Banner, I am thoroughly aware of the power of your alter ego. That is why I brought you here." "Exactly what have you learned that makes you think you can rid me of the Hulk?" "Let's say I now have a deep understanding of your transformations. The manner in which the radiation when sparked unleashes its power through your psyche." "Have you found a means of nullifying the radiation?" "I have no interest in squelching the radiation's power, just in channeling it. I believe your monster can be controlled by a change in the psyche that releases it." "Mr. Luthor, I have been through every form of psychological therapy known, and while it has helped me delay his appearances, it has not been effective in making him disappear." Luthor moved within a few feet of Banner, clearly studying him intensely. "The difference is that treatment has concentrated on your psyche. The answer lies in breaking the monster's will to personify your repressed rage." "That's an interesting theory, but I don't see how you could test it without actually having to deal with the Hulk directly." "Then it's time Dr.Banner, that we summoned him." Suddenly, Luther smack Banner with his left hand fist, knocking the bewildered scientist to the ground. "What are you doing? You don't realize the danger you're causing!" "Trust me, Dr., I do, but there is no other way." Luthor kicked Banner in the ribs. "AAAH, you're insane! Get out of here quick!" "That would defeat the purpose. Are you getting angry yet, Dr. Banner?" "Yes, and you won't like me when I'm angry." "Let's find out." Luthor kicked Banner again in the ribs, and again. That was enough for the effect Luthor was seeking. Banner's body began to shake rapidly and then expand. He ripped and then burst out of his shirt, as his muscles exponentially expanded and his skin turned a deep green. He rose up, his seven foot gigantic frame looming over Luthor, his arms of at least 40 inches in diameter raised in the air with fists clenched. Luthor didn't move, he just stared at the mountain of green muscle in front of him. "Who is funny bald man, and what he want from Hulk?" "You can call me, Lex, Hulk. I want to get to know you." "Out of way, bald man, Hulk leave." "I'm sorry, Hulk, I can't let you do that." "No one stop, Hulk!" The green behemoth shoved Luthor, sending him flying across the room, crashing into a wall. Hulk turned away and lumbered toward where he entered, when he heard an altered deep voice emerge from where Luthor had landed. "Yes! Yes!" Luther was now the one whose body was shaking and then expanding. Although his skin stayed the same pale shade and his head remained bald, Luthor's frame started a transformation remarkably like the one Banner had undergone only moments before. His expanding chest quickly burst through his shirt, and his legs transformed into thick trunks that caused the once loose material of his pants to stretch to near their blocking point. His biceps began to resemble over inflated basketballs. His back expanded past the point he could pass through most garage doors. The Hulk had watched Luthor's alteration to a titan in stunned silence. The Hulk now looked up into Luther's eyes, as Luthor's height now exceeded the Hulk's to the same extent Luthor had loomed over Banner before their transformations. "Bald man may be big now, but he not stop Hulk from leaving." "Green one push Lex into wall when Lex small. Green one afraid of Lex now." "Hulk not afraid of bald one. Hulk strongest there is." "Lex bigger. Lex stronger." "Hulk smash!" "Lex crush!" The two behemoths lunged at each other, but the Hulk managed to connect first, landing an oversized fist into Luthor's jaw that sent the bald goliath stumbling backward several feet, but incredibly he remained on his feet. Unaccustomed to an opponent able to withstand such a blow, the Hulk was unprepared for the speed with which Luthor returned the blow, smashing an undercut into the Hulk's jaw that sent the green giant hurtling backward, landing prone on the ground. "Get up, Green One, Lex want to punish you!" As the Hulk cleared his head and looked up, he saw His bald opponent standing over him. As the Hulk moved to get up, he felt a powerful right arm reach around his back. The Hulk attempted to resist but found himself lifted like a barrel up onto Lex's shoulder. "Hulk heavy but not too heavy for Lex!" Luthor strode around with the struggling Hulk held by Luthor's enormous right arm onto to his shoulder, as if showing off to an audience. "Put Hulk down Bald One!" "Lex will put you down, Hulk." Luthor moved his left arm underneath the Hulk and pushed him up, moving Hulk up into the air, falling hard on his back. The Hulk quickly started to pull himself up, but Luthor jumped on top of him. Luthor grabbed both of Hulk's wrists in his hands. The two wrestled for a few moments, the Hulk unsuccessfully trying to push Lex off of him. Luthor finally sat on top of Hulk, holding Hulk's arms pinned to the ground by his head, like two oversized children on a schoolyard. "Lex beat Hulk easily. Hulk might as well be puny Banner. Lex bored." "Hulk not beaten. Angrier Hulk get, stronger Hulk get." As he strained against Luthor's grip, the Hulk's body swelled and Luthor could feel the Hulk's strength rapidly increase. The enraged Hulk pushed Luthor off him, hurling Luthor back more than a hundred of yards. Luthor picked himself with a grin on his face. "If Hulk thinks he's strongest, come and prove it." The two combatants strode toward each other with outstretched arms before them, and when they met locked hands. Their superhuman arms immediately swelled with strain as they pressed against each other for dominance. The now fully-enraged Hulk had the strength advantage, initially forcing Luthor to step back. The two combatant's glared at each other with determination. "Hulk's anger makes him stronger!" "Stronger Hulk get, Lex get even stronger." The Hulk could now feel Luthor's power increase. The Hulk's arms began to shake as Luthor pushed back against him, harder and harder. As Luthor began to move Hulk backward, it became clear he was winning the contest. The Hulk struggled to regain momentum, but to no avail, as Luthor's might continued to increase. "Hulk can't lose!" "Hulk already lost!" With a confident surge of power,the transformed Luther pushed the Hulk's arms backward, causing the Hulk to release his grip on Luther's hands. Luther let go of the Hulk's hands and wrapped his arms around the Hulk's back, lifting Hulk off the ground in a constricting bear hug. "Feel Lex's power!" "Aaaaaaaagh!" The Hulk bellowed in pain as Luthor hardened his vise-like grip around the behemoth's midsection. The Hulk tussled and pushed against Luthor's enormous chest but was unable to break Luthor's painful hold. Luthor could see desperation and agony mounting in the Hulk's eyes, like a trapped, injured animal. As Luthor tightened the pressure, he could feel ribs crack. Luthor released his arms, and the Hulk collapsed on the ground. "Get up, Lex not done with you." The Hulk attempted to rise, only to be knocked back down by Luthor's fist in his face. For the next hour, Luthor methodically pummeled the Hulk, battering him from one end of the building to another, and repeatedly picking him up and slamming the Hulk forcefully down. The Hulk at first attempted to resist and shield himself, but eventually he appeared to surrender to being a punching bag for his larger and stronger opponent. Finally, bruised and bleeding, the Hulk lay prone face down across the floor, almost unconscious. The Hulk felt Luthor rip the Hulk's pants apart, leaving him naked. The Hulk looked up and saw Luthor pulling down his stretched garment, revealing a hard member in oversized proportion to the rest of Luther's giant frame. "Lex take his prize." . . . Bruce Banner awoke to find himself in a space that appeared to be a hospital room. He could tell he had on a brace and was connected to multiple intravenous lines. Although his system was clearly flooded with pain relievers, it was agony just to move his head. "Aah, you are back. You had us scared there for awhile." Across the room, Banner recognized Lex Luthor, returned to his normal form and dressed in his trademark Italian suit. Vaguely remembering the beating that Luthor in his altered state had given the Hulk, Banner attempted to move. "Calm, Dr. Banner, you are not in condition to move. I'm afraid you won't be for several weeks. I regret it was necessary for you to undergo this trauma." Banner struggled to speak. "How . . ." "I had been studying you and your alter ego for some time. I had thought your other half might be of value to me in getting rid of a problem I have had with a certain extra-terrestrial. However, in studying I determined I could replicate and refine the effects gamma radiation had on you. I used that process on myself." "You don't realize what you have done . . . Harboring the monster inside has destroyed my life." "The transformation is somewhat different for me, Dr. Banner. While your other self is driven by anger, mine is driven by a desire to dominate." "Why did you still need me." "I needed your alter ego to trigger the release of mine. My transformation is stimulated by the power of the threat faced. I needed to confirm my transformed self would be as powerful as I expected. And you did want to be rid of your monster." "You were able to remove the radiation from my body." "No, I don't think that is possible for either of us, but I don't think the Hulk will be back." "I don't understand." "The Hulk was driven by the expression of a single psychological state, anger. That state has now been irrevocably changed to something else." "What?" "Fear. Now please forgive me, Dr. Banner, I have an alien to attend to."
  24. lionsimb

    Vikram's Trunk

    Long time reader - first time posting. The first two chapters are mostly for character building, and such. The growth starts at the end of chapter two. ;S Hoping to see where this leads! CHAPTER ONE: The cool winter chilled at the back of my neck, I pulled my scarf higher obscuring the tip of my shivering chin, my quivering lips. Why had I decided to come here? Well, because of Frank and Jim. You know the type. That kind of married couple the ones who always seem so sickeningly “into” each other, the ones who’ve probably never had a single fight. Always so… so sweet so… What only made matters worse is that I’ve known Frank, I’ve known him since we were in the same grade – St. Catherine’s Elementary School – and I’ve had a crush on him for about as long. I remember the anguish, the sense of betrayal when he started dating Him. Jim, the artist, Jim the aspiring writer/actor/director. How could I compete with that? Me. The writer. Me the boarding on introverted. The words not speeches. The more-on-the-scrawny side, the never-really-works-out because – hey – my metabolism’s just like that. I’d probably just be scraping 170 with my coat, my hoodie, my gloves, boots, scarf, and all the other winter apparel that never really seemed to take the sting away from the relentless, Canadian, winter. Always mistaken for twenty, sometimes sixteen, once even fourteen. But actually just shy of twenty-five. I stopped and examined my reflection in the window. Rosy, high-ish cheek bones (nothing compared to Jim’s face carved by goddamn angels), dark blue eyes (again, nothing like Jim’s cherubic light-green orbs), and dirty-blonde hair (not like… his… wavy blonde locks). Sometimes there’d be the ghost of a shadow of a hair growing in a weird, confused, spot somewhere along my jaw. But I’ve never been able to manage anything else. (Again not like – Maybe I should stop with the comparisons. This is starting to bum me out.) In any case, what had once been a burning hurt had slowly turned into a cool stone in the pit of my stomach. Frank was happy. Jim was… Well. Jim. Their wedding was simple, elegant, tasteful, and they… seemed so in love. Never really seemed keen on sharing how they met, though. Always a mystery. Probably just eHarmony or something. (Not that I’ve had much luck there or at all for that matter.) Which brings me to where I was then: A complete and totally sketchy alleyway in the middle of nowhere. A half-frozen piece of paper clutched in one of my gloved hands supposedly directions that led to this fabled ‘Shop of Wonders.’ I had my doubts. Oh god did I ever. But I was doing this for Frank. (I always did things for…) He said, he insisted. “Seriously. Give this place a chance. You’ll see – I promise you won’t be disappointed.” And then I found it. A perfectly average 7-11 tucked in the middle of nowhere. In the middle of other boarded-up shops, industrial offices, in the middle of a snow-banked nothing. God. I felt like I was here to buy a gun or something. I puzzled over this development. I puzzled over the fact that the address was addressed to… here. This convenience store. But I remembered Frank’s conviction, somewhere in the back of my mind, I remember the fervour of how he spoke once again, “This shop is amazing, fantastic and,” he winked, “maybe even a little magic. It has a way of making all your wishes come true. Of making all your troubles… dissapear.” I didn’t see what was so amazing about a 7-11. But, I shrugged, I was here anyways. May as well give it a shot. So – I pushed open the door as a bell tinkled signalling my arrival. I immediately unwrapped my scarf and stuffed my hat into my black pea coat pocket – force of habit. Everything seemed normal enough. Grungy ceiling, walls, faded colours of green, blue and red. A plethora of dusty merchandise arranged in a half-ass sort of way. An ‘Out of Order’ Slurpee machine (not that anyone would want one of those now) sat in the corner next to the area where a small cash register would sit. Next to where an employee should be standing. I looked around: there was literally nobody here. No one in uniform, no customers, nothing. If I wanted to – I could just take something and leave and no one would be the wiser. I meandered around the shop after I stomped my slushied boots on the welcoming mat. I picked up some items here and there (in some cases having to blow a layer of dust to see what it actually was) and found myself in the magazine section. Nothing but old magazines, yellowed papers, forgotten articles, discarded pictures from years before. One of those trashy tabloids actually had the date ‘2000.’ Meaning it was nearly fourteen years old. “Shit,” I muttered to myself, “If this magazine was a kid – I could be… Teaching it.” I worked as a substitute teacher. Partially because I never really gave up my dream of being a writer or playwright and partially because getting a full time position in the city is almost impossible. I turned and looked around again as if expecting to see an employee breathing down my neck. But nope. No one. Nothing. This place was abandoned. Yet… The lights were on. The heating was on. The door had been open. So… There should be… someone… here. I waited for a few minutes in the center of the store expecting – I don’t know. I don’t know what I was expecting. Something. Anything. Anyone? But nothing happened. I sighed. Maybe this was another one of Jim’s practical jokes. Jim. That guy. I swear I – No. No. I said I wouldn’t dwell on him again. I waited for a few minutes longer before I finally decided to give up. It was no use – there was nothing here for me now. Much like Frank. I turned to leave, I headed towards the door… But something caught my eye. Something behind the wall behind the cash register. I closed the door, I shuffled towards it. There was a hallway there. A hallway that led down a bit towards a door with a sign above it, “Vikram’s Shop of Wonders.” My heart skipped a beat. This was it. This was the place that Frank had told me about – it was real. I found my feet beginning to lead be towards this place before I could process what I was doing. My hand around the door-knob before I could protest, before I could think clearly. And before I knew it, I was inside the little room. A room covered with a ceiling covered with different swathes of translucent fabrics, pink and purple and blue and orange. As well as shelves which lined all the walls which made the area feel smaller than it actually was. In the center of the room was a low table and cushions for sitting as well as a stereotypic crystal ball at its center. So entranced was I with the room that I almost didn’t see something on the opposite side. Or rather, someone. A man, about my age, stood watching me. He had quite short jet-black hair, piercing dark blue eyes, and rather pale skin. Much of his jaw was stubbled in a sort of intentionally unkempt way and he – he seemed to be watching me. He wore a dark-brown leather jacket, and a blue-and-white checkered shirt with matching dark blue skinny jeans and brown-laced shoes. His build is what I would call average – maybe he worked out a bit but nothing serious. Relatively broad shoulders, about the same height as me at around five eleven, and a very slight paunch. The only difference was he could pull off the paunch look with just the right amount of definition in his chest, arms versus me where I’d look more like a lollipop if I had any trace of fat in my upper body. Conclusion: he was cute. I found my self blushing slightly and I averted my eyes. “Looking for something?” He asked and my eyes immediately shifted back to him. This time I noticed his eyebrows – just the right amount of thickness and seemed natural versus… Jim’s stupid and overly groomed brows that looked more like lines than anything else. (Maybe that wasn’t completely fair but whatever. Jim sucks.) In any case – on of this man’s brows were raised in an inquisitive but also very attractive manner. “Uh… I…. Well… I…” I stammered then cleared my throat, “Maybe?” I waved the little piece of paper that Frank had given me. “Are you Vikram?” I asked. “Uh,” The man shrugged, “no, I’m not.” There was an awkward pause filled with some sort of tension that I wasn’t familiar with. “I’m David,” I offered, “some people call me Dave.” No one called me Dave. That was a lie that I don’t really know why I spun. “Dexter,” He offered, “but people call me Dex.” I wasn’t sure if he saw through that little white lie or not. Never the less, there was one of those awkward pauses again as we just stood there. “Soooo,” I attempted to fill the silence, “do you know when Vikram will be back?” “You just missed him actually,” Dexter explained, “Just left. But he told me to wait for – Well. He told me to wait. Said I could help the next customer.” What kind of help? My mind drifted to some… less than pure places, I’ll admit. “Oh,” I nodded in a overtly-normal way, “Great.” Another awkward pause, I allowed my eyes to scan the shelves full of unfamiliar objects, colours, stuffed animals, dolls. Miscellaneous junk it seemed. “Vikram told me that what you want – or – what you need is over here,” Dexter pointed to the bottom of a cluttered wall, “on this shelf.” I nodded slightly, my pulse beating in my ears. I walked over towards him and looked towards where he pointed. I couldn’t help but feel his warmth in the slightly chilled room, smell the smooth clean smell of cool spearmint that came from the man. I looked at the top shelf. “No – Not that shelf,” Dex smiled as he redirected my gaze, “that one.” The bottom. One. The one that seemed to merge with the floor. It contained a large trunk that would normally be used to store clothing, a ring box presumably containing a ring, a deck of playing cards, a photograph, a USB Stick (which, in retrospect, seemed really out of place), a balloon, a necklace, a book… I was confused – and apparently it showed. “You need to pick one,” Dexter explained. “I need too…?” I let my sentence trail off. “Yes David,” Dex smiled. My heart fluttered. The way he said my name… “Uh… I don’t really know…?” I was confused. “Just pick whatever one feels right.” I crouched, my hand hovered over the necklace, the book, the trunk. “I just take one…” I still wasn’t sure. “Yup that’s how it works,” Dexter spoke patiently, “Now, which one will you choose?” - - - CHAPTER TWO: “Now, which one will you choose?” Dexter’s question hung in the air. Admittedly, I wasn’t sure. Honestly, I didn’t even know what I was choosing between. Was this some sort of superstitious kind of deal? Some zodiac or voodoo hocus-pocus kind of idea? Regardless – I looked in-between the items – the flash drive, the trunk, the necklace, the book… But my eyes kept being drawn back to the trunk. As immense as it was – it had these details carved into it, these figurines, serpents, and little scenes so expertly woven in the grain and swirls of the wood. A lot of nights holding swords, serpents swirling around other serpents – that kind of mythology mumbo jumbo. My hands reached towards the surface and – I don’t know what I expected to happen – but nothing did. Just straight up normal wood, rough to the touch, smooth in other places. Warn. Relatively old. So I reached forward and slide it out from its confines, I then blew some of the dusty from its surface. Expecting… I don’t know. An inscription, some message, some sort of treasure map maybe? “Why not take a look inside?” Dexter offered. I shrugged, “May as well I guess.” So I lifted the lid – again – I don’t know what I was expecting. Some sort of magic jewels, diamonds, maybe a Ouija board or something. But what I found was completely off my radar. It contained clothes. A bunch of different kinds of clothes. “Fancy that, a clothing trunk containing clothes,” I chuckled as I shut the lid. I stood up, wiped the dust from my hands, and stretched my back. “There’s no way this thing’s moving very far.” “Well maybe if we both give it a shot.” Dex suggested. I stared at him for a moment. “No I still don’t think that’ll… I live on the third floor in my apartment.” Dex returned my blank stare with a blank stare of his own. “There aren’t any elevators and I don’t much fancy dragging this thing-“ “Well I could help.” I raised an eyebrow, “did you just invite yourself over?” “Possibly,” Dexter smirked. “Well all right then. That settles that.” I glowed internally. I will take that golden star of social interaction and relish the hell out of it. It was rare that I was so on the ball like that – my dating life normally consisted of awkward glances across a bar or room and deliberate, planned ignoring. So this was… This was kind of a big deal. I didn’t even care about the trunk and the strange-ass shop in the back of the sketchiest 7-11. This guy was coming home with me. I turned to leave. “Um,” Dex objected. “What’s wrong?” I asked. “The trunk.” “Oh right that.” What followed was possibly the most inelegant, sweaty, cold, and clumsiest carrying session of my life. We managed to carry the thing past several displays (one of which I knocked over) as we left the store. Not to mention almost-dying several times down the frozen street to my parked car huddled pathetically under a half-dead evergreen tree. We wrestled the thing inside my trunk, after pushing down the back seats, and took a few moments to regain our composure after being buffeted by the flurry outside. I turned the key and cranked the heating up full blast. “Well then – now that that’s over…” I sighed rubbing my hands together. Dex smiled, “You mean the easy part – we’ve got three stories worth of anguish. Just you wait.” “Oh right. That. Thanks for reminding me.” “Any time.” I shifted the car in reverse, backed out of the stall, and began the drive home. “So,” I began, “what brought you specifically to Vikram? And his shop of wonders.” Dexter shifted in his seat – was he uncomfortable? Perhaps he didn’t want to talk about it. “Oh you know. I suppose… There’s always something. Right? Things that you’d like to change. Improve. People you’d like to meet,” he glanced at me for a split second before looking away, “that sort of thing. How about you?” “My friend recommended it. Uh – Frank.” “Frank Smith?” “Yeah… You know him?” “We used to work together – at the YMCA. We were lifeguards.” “No way!” “Small world,” Dexter smiled that smile of his. We continued talking for the rest of the ride home – about a half an hour’s worth. I learned that Dexter had actually recently moved back to the city after taking a job in another province for a couple of years. Said he didn’t really like the feel of where he’d come form and missed much of his childhood friends who still lived around this area – so he moved back a couple of weeks ago. “But it’s been hard,” he admitted, “meeting new people… And stuff. I mean – some of my old ‘friends’ have changed so much. It’s like… I hardly even know some of them anymore.” He was having more trouble that he expected picking up where he’d left off – finding that space that had almost disappeared when he’d moved away. Although he didn’t say so explicitly – I sensed that he felt particularly lonely. Perhaps he didn’t have any family? But I didn’t get a chance to ask as I pulled into my parking spot and we jumped out eager to finish the monumental task that still lay ahead of us. I’m sure I got my fair share of bruises, bumps and scrapes during our little trek up the stairwell. Curses and grunts flew freely until we finally burst through the final door and slid the trunk across the carpeted hallway to my apartment, “307.” “Well… This is me,” I muttered as I pulled out my keys. I opened the door and we slid it inside. It was only a one bedroom, had a small galley kitchen that opened to a small living room. A couple of couches here and there, a decently-sized television hooked up to a plethora of consoles, a laptop, some chairs, a table. Nothing too special, nothing out of the ordinary. I hung my jacket and kicked my shoes off in the hallway only to turn around and notice Dexter hovering near the door – still wrapped in his winter coat. “What’s wrong?” I asked. Dexter rubbed the back of his neck, “Uh… Nothing. Just… I should probably get going.” My heart sunk. “Oh.” “No it’s… It’s not that I’m just not… You know. That kind of guy.” Dexter made a vague gesture towards the bedroom. “Oh. OH. No I didn’t think you were,” I lied. “Here,” he pulled out a piece of paper and wrote something, “call me? We’ll grab a coffee or something.” “Are you okay finding your way home?” “Yeah – I live like two blocks away. No big deal.” A brief awkward silence fell between us before he leaned forward and kissed me on the forehead. “Goodbye David. See you soon?” I shut the door behind him. I found myself sinking into my living room couch staring at a blank piece of wall. Was it something I said? Did I do something wrong… Or maybe he really wasn’t that kind of guy. I glanced at the piece of paper before I placed it on my coffee table. I’d give him a call – see where things went. But I was disappointed. I’d definitely let my mind run away with me for a couple of moments there. I stood, and yawned, and dragged myself to the kitchen when my toe caught against something sharp. I yelped more in surprise than pain as I looked down and spied that trunk. Oh right – the whole reason for this. Supposedly. Apparently, according to the unseen Vikram, this is what I needed. I kneeled and opened the lid. Clothing. Same as before. I fished through the different articles and found it held quite variety. Different kinds of shorts, shirts, some sports equipment, and a lot of different kinds and sizes of underwear (some more… ‘exotic’ than others). As well as curious leather ensemble that looked significantly out of place and significantly older than anything else in the trunk. I sighed – resigned to close the trunk and stuff it away and likely forget about it before something else caught my eye near the bottom of the small mound of clothes. An envelope. Curiosity getter the better of me, I opened it and found a small folded piece of paper folded on the inside. “Hey David” I almost threw the thing against the fucking wall. How was this addressed to me?. “Hey David, It’s Vikram. Sorry I couldn’t be around. Had some more ‘pressing’ matters to take care of if you know what I mean. But I think you’ll find yourself very happy with this trunk. It’s pretty self explanatory. Basically… Just try something on and see for yourself. More instructions to follow, - Vikram” I looked on the opposite side of the paper, glanced inside the envelope, and fished around the trunk for any addition ‘instructions’ but there didn’t seem to be anything else. Just try something on? The thought of putting someone else’s clothes on felt kind of weird… But kind of thrilling at the same time. I allowed my fingers to drift through the pile of miscellaneous articles hoping that something would just jump out at me. And something… Did. My fingers found a pair of white tighty-whities about two or three sizes to big on the side of the trunk. I pulled them out and glanced at them dubiously. “It’s not like I have anything else to do,” I said to no one in particular. I stripped down to my own underpants and glanced at my reflection in the small bathroom mirror. Skinny. And much younger looking than my twenty-five years of age would suggest. I had some bags under my eyes, my arms were skin and bones, more skin than bones at that. I’d always been that kid – the one who could eat a horse and stay the exact same weight, work out and never gain a pound. I compared the width of the tighty-whities to my own. A small versus a extra-large. Much more than just a couple of sizes, you could basically fit an entire person inside of these. Before I slipped them on, I glanced at my basically average cock. Man-scaped optimistically waiting for that one night stand that never happened. I’d sort of gotten in the habit ever since my last boyfriend and never really stopped. I slipped them on. I had to hold up the fabric in bunches just to keep it up. If I were to let go – it’d just fall straight to the ground. It was more than just a little pathetic. It looked like I was drowning in the fabric. “Just try them on he said, no further instructions he said,” I laughed to no one in particular. Then suddenly… Something happened. It’s kind of hard to put into words. It kind of felt like a pulse – like some kind of energy. It radiated from the fabric and flowed and spread through my entire body like a warm wave. And it only grew hotter – focusing first in one space. I watched with disbelieving eyes as slowly the fabric filled with a swelling ass, from almost entirely flat to full on bubble-butt until the underwear fit snugly and comfortably by itself. Then the wave shifted downwards to my chicken legs and it was almost like it was attached to a pump as they slowly started to inflate. I could feel the strength knotting and pushing outwards against my taught skin as my calves and thighs began to inflate to swimmer’s, then even bodybuilder proportions. I had to widen my stance as my legs fought against each other for more and more space. I could feel my lower body getting stronger, I could feel my lower body getting heavier. As if on cue, my cock sprung to full mast, the feeling erotic. Like some sort of build up the likes of which I’ve never felt. Finally the warmth spread to my upper body as one by one abs began to appear and became more and more pronounced, two, four, six. My pecs expanded and took on a life of their own becoming two full balloons of power forming a shelf past which I could no longer see the rest of my body if I looked down. My shoulders widened and mounded with lumps they’d never seen before and my biceps expanded from nothing to apple sized, baseballs, and even further to small watermelons. My whole body seemed to be flexing, building up tension, flexing past its breaking point and expanding further, further, further. Even my neck took on a life of its own and became fearsome and bullish as my traps expanded around it. Even my face became broader, larger, and my chin expanded and became more masculine. I flexed and let out a deep guttural rawr. The feeling of taking up more space, the feeling of my weight as I stumbled around the bathroom that now felt much too small. I flexed my arms and watched the veins bulge around mountains and valleys that now formed my new body. All the while my cock twitched and seemed to follow suit with everything else, growing, and growing, peeking out and becoming a little monster all its own, a little python. It was too much to bear – too many sensations all at once, until at last the mounding tension was released as my cock blew the biggest load I’d ever seen. Spurt after spurt, wet and stickiness everywhere, covering my sink again and again as I stumbled back and fell against the wall lost in the sheer ecstasy of it all. When I’d finally calmed down, when I’d finally regained some of my senses, I found myself sitting against the wall, barely enough room between myself in the bathroom table, breathing hard, my massive chest rising and falling, rising and falling. And my cock still rigid-hard ready for a round two. I slowly lumbered to a standing position and opened the door, finding myself needing to squeeze through sideways just to get through. Everything seemed so much smaller now, everything was so much closer together and I found myself bouncing off things, colliding into walls and furniture all the while the floor groaned and squeaked in its own agony protesting against the new weight it had to bear. I quickly fumbled with my cell phone, now so small against one of my colossal hands, and had to dial several times before my sausage fingers could get the number right. It rang a couple times as I pressed the tiny receiver against an ear. Dexter picked up, “Hello?” “Dexter –“I stopped myself before I continued, my voice so much deeper and sexier than before, “It’s David… Listen I… Need your help with something-“ “No need to say anymore, I’m right outside.” I felt my underwear begin to dampen as my cock began to leak copious amounts of precum at the thought. I stumbled towards the door, and opened it. (To be continued?)
  25. musclesmoker

    Body To Match The Package

    First try at a muscle growth story, so be gentle. ----------------------------------- Body to match the package, part 1 My name is Jamie. I'm your average high school senior. Play a bit of football but I'm nothing to write home about. Gotta stay focussed on studying so I can get into Yale to follow in dad's footsteps. I'm into guys, and I'm open about it. Luckily it's 2014 and nobody seems to mind at all, although I don't get a whole lot of action because there are plenty of other hotter guys around. Ever since I can remember, I've dreamed of being bigger than I am. The muscled jocks at school make me jealous -- even angry -- because no matter what I do, or how much I lift, I can't seem to ever pack on any muscle. So like I said, I'm pretty average. 5'11", 170lbs and relatively solid but definitely not model or bodybuilder material. That all said, there is one area where I'm substantially more blessed than the other guys at school. Yeah, I mean my package. Everyone jokes that I have a donkey dick, or a horse cock, but it doesn't really do me much good because I just don't have the body to match. Funny, that even a 13" rock hard uncut cock, with mammoth low hanging lemon-sized balls, isn't a turn on for most guys because the rest of me is so fucking ordinary. Anyway, I digress. There's a circus in town this week and most of the school is going, but it's not really my scene. I'd rather sit around home and fuck bitches on GTA... helps keep my mind off my lack of a sex life. Friday afternoon School was brutal today, as usual. Trying to keep all the bullshit math formulas straight is killing me right now, but thank god it's the weekend. I left my last class a few minutes ago, and it was a bit of an ordeal. I was sitting right behind Jake, the studly varsity football QB. Staring at his impossibly thick neck and wide back, and breathing in his sweaty man stink kind of got me going. It's bad enough that my limp dick is over 9" long... not exactly easy to fit it in jeans, let alone underwear, and today was no different than usual. I actually had to get a couple jockstraps custom made for gym class. I had to buy XXL sized ones, and a local seamstress took in the waist and added some fabric to the pouch. Even with that, my meat kind of spills out of it and literally swings around in my gym shorts, but at least it's all collected into one heavy lump. So anyway, I was pretty turned on by Jake's overall package, and when I stood up to leave, I realized I was nearly hard. The snake going down my left thigh was obvious, as always, but for fuck sakes I even had a wet spot down towards my knee. Christ he drives me wild. My monster balls seemed to be hanging even lower than usual, and you could make them both out clearly through my worn jeans. A couple guys near the front of the class noticed my less than subtle bulge and one of them actually grabbed it -- full on cupped the head of my horse dick -- when I walked past. Everyone laughed. It was a fucking show. Time to get home and let this thing loose. I decided to swing into the bathroom and change into a pair of sweats that I keep in my bag for times like this. My underwear (a ridiculously stretched out pair of light blue Andrew Christian almost naked briefs that actually manage to accommodate most of my meat) were a write-off, totally drenched in precum. I couldn't help but squeeze it onto my tongue and smother myself in the musk of my own crotch sweat for a second or two. Luckily nobody came in, because I forgot to close the stall door and it would have been another embarrassing show in the mirror for anyone who walked in. Speaking of the mirror, I looked down at my hanging dick...a good 11 or 12 inches of half hard man meat, hovering over my two bull balls that swung proudly about six inches from my crotch. It really is an impressive piece of equipment, but fuck I wish I could pack some muscle onto my chicken legs so people would actually be interested rather than just laughing at my monster dick. Oh well, not much I can do about it right now. I swung it back and forth for good measure, my heavy nuts making a nice "thwack" noise against my skinny thighs. Sigh. I pulled my thin grey sweats up my legs and let my dick and balls hang down my left leg, as usual. It was pretty much soft, hanging somewhere over 9 inches, but fuck you could almost make out the head through the material. Not to mention my nuts, which looked like two hanging apples behind my cock. Well, I guess a freaky bulge in sweats is less embarrassing than a wetspot in jeans. As I walked out of the stall towards the mirror, I watched my package swing back and forth between my legs... something I actually really loved the sight of, but fuck one of these days it'll get me arrested. And just as I was almost feeling good about one part of my body, I caught a glimpse of my average, skinny arms in my fitted green polo. Fucking pathetic. I headed down the hall and out of the school, my package swinging lazily the whole way. Got a few good glances from both guys and girls ... the most encouraging was from a skater guy I kind of have a bit of a crush on. He openly stared and licked his lips... but he's just a tease. I know he's more into the gym rats than joe blows like me. My car (a ten year old rusty Civic) is in the shop again, so I'm stuck walking home. And fuck me, the goddamn circus is smack in the middle of my route home. Nothing like a bunch of carnies standing between you and your beloved couch. They block off an entire road for this shit, so I have no choice but to walk right down the midway. I guess at least I could grab some popcorn or something. As always, my thin-fabric-covered dick 'n balls caught a few good glances, but I managed to get through most of the grounds without running into anyone I know. But then just as I was coming up to the exit gate, who do I see coming towards me but my wet dream Jake... drool. He was wearing an impossibly tight red tank top and black lycra cycling shorts. What a fucking showoff. I love how his arms are forced away from his body by his overall width, with his heavy, meaty pecs pointing nearly straight down to the ground... and his fucking tree trunk legs rolling around each other, straining the tight fabric of his hot, sweaty, delicious tight shorts. His own dick actually looked pretty impressive in them. I've seen him in the locker room and he's about 6 inches soft, which is respectable for most guys but actually looks a bit small on him given his hefty, swollen, sexy build. And there it is... more fucking precum leaking from my hardening cock. I looked away from my dream man to try and will it back down a bit, but he noticed me at the last second. "Jesus, Jamie, put that thing away. Go home and jack off to some fag porn or something. I know I'm hot as fuck, but you don't gotta be a perv." A couple of girls walking by stopped and laughed, and one of them pointed right at my swinging meat. I turned beet red with embarrassment. I wanted to fucking KILL him. Cocky, evil, sexy bastard. I started to run, and all I could think of was how desperately I wanted to be able to get bigger. A second before I got through the gate, I tripped over a tiny, nearly invisible woman who seemed to be wandering around aimlessly. She couldn't have been more than 40, but she had long, grey hair that was almost white. "Fuck. Lady, I'm so sorry," I said as I reached out to her to help her stand back up. "Oh don't worry about a thing, dearest," she said, "I tend to not watch where I'm going at the best of times." She stepped back a few feet and gave me a once-over. I noticed when her eyes locked on my lowhanging meat and the unavoidable wet spot from my ever flowing fountain of precum. But then she looked back up and locked her eyes with mine. It was actually pretty strange. It felt like she was looking directly into my soul, and like time had frozen for a minute as she studied me. I eventually broke out of whatever trance-like state I was briefly in, and she grabbed my hand, saying "Come with me, dearest. I've got something you need." The tiny woman led me behind a tent, to a tiny trailer that must have been from the 1950s. She swung the door open with some pretty intense effort, and hopped up the step. She motioned me inside, and for some reason I didn't feel any reason not to follow her. She pointed me to the only seat -- an ancient, worn built-in loveseat -- and started digging around in a cupboard under the micro-sized sink. She turned back to face me, holding a large pill bottle of some kind, and said, "Dearest, I may not look very impressive, but then again, people tend to misjudge others based on their physical presence, don't they?" I nodded, because I knew exactly what she meant, having been overlooked most of my life due to my unimpressive body. "Well, over the past few decades, I've made it my mission to help out other folks like me. The kind who understand how it feels to feel inferior, or under-appreciated, or even ... pathetic." I felt a tear fall from my eye, and turned beet red again. I'm such a fucking sob. "Oh dearest, don't worry. I promise today will be your last day feeling small and less than perfect. I'm going to give you something that should help change your life. This bottle is full of pills, made from ancient herbs from across the globe -- and beyond -- that can help you achieve whatever goals you desire. I'm going to give them to you, and you're going to accept them gratefully. You're going to take two each day -- one when you wake up, and one when the sun begins to set -- for as long as you feel you need a bit of a boost to become the man you desire to be." I looked at her wide-eyed as she handed me the bottle. It was dark red glass, with a cork stopper, and no label whatsoever. I wanted to ask her what exactly the pills were, when she locked her eyes on mine once again and I felt the same soul-grabbing gaze as a few minutes earlier. Something in my brain clicked, and I realized that I could trust this woman. I stood up, said only "thank you," and hopped out of the trailer. My dick, thankfully, had gone back to its completely limp but heavy and thick nine inch state, so swung freely as I walked but wasn't protruding noticeably. I left through the gate, but not before turning back for one last glance at the woman -- only to see that her trailer was gone. Like it had never been there. I looked down at the bottle of pills in my hand, admiring its weight and the beautiful red glass. "I guess it's worth a shot," I thought, as I walked the last few blocks home. To be continued........
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