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  1. (This story is taken from my own head, and has been edited over the past year. I worked to make it a little more...sexy. Part 2 & 3 are in the works, and will be posted later in October. As always, any comments are welcome and hope you enjoy!) Costume’s R Us - A Halloween Convert’s Story Chapter 1 My whole life, I have always hated Halloween. I think it all started when my mom used to make me dress up in ridiculous costumes as a kid. She had always wanted to be the ultimate stay-at-home mom, and my Halloween costumes really became an excuse for her to justify the sewing machine she’d purchased for “home projects.” Unfortunately for me, these “projects” were not the super-hero or fireman costumes I wanted or that my friends were wearing. Instead, I would parade around in an ill-fitting costume that always required some sort of explanation. One year, I was Mexican Jumping Beans, yeah, don’t get me started. Eventually even my mom gave up on sewing, leaving me stuck as a misshapen pumpkin for three years in row. Needless to say, at thirteen when I out-grew my pumpkin costume I was happy to turn my back on Halloween. Yet at thirteen, I had no idea how impossible it would be to skip an “american pastime” like Halloween. Throughout high school and college, while everyone around me seemed to only love Halloween more, my disdain for the holiday continued to deepen. College was what really sealed the deal for me with Halloween. You see, I was never a really attractive kid. Not surprising considering when you consider I was a pumpkin for three years running. During most of college I continued to gain some weight, and by graduation I carried an extra 60lbs on my 6” frame, making me an unhealthy 240lbs of wide young man. It didn’t help my attitude about the holiday that college was filled to the brim with young male athletes in their prime. For them, Halloween was simple. You just find a costume that involved taking your shirt off and you were good to go. Togas, Strippers, the Hulk, whatever; they pulled it off effortlessly. I don’t have to tell you that going to a costume party filled with gorgeous guys without shirts (and of course equally beautiful girls as “slutty whatevers”) when you are carrying that 60 lbs of extra fat is not a good time. As icing on the cake, I was a closeted homosexual which made the whole Halloween experience a living nightmare for me (no pun intended). Once college was over, I looked forward to never having to celebrate Halloween again. I could leave the lights off in my apartment, go to the movies, or do anything that avoided the day entirely. I couldn’t have been more wrong! **************************** Just three months after graduation, I started a new job with a national marketing agency. I’d done an internship with them previously, and I’d hoped to be staying near my small hometown in California. But not a month later, I was asked to join the team being setup in far-away Massachusetts. Considering how lucky I was to even have a job in this economy, I didn't fight it. But this is how just four short days before Halloween, I moved across the country to my new condo in... yep, you guessed it, Salem, Massachusetts. Never having been to the East coast, let alone in the fall, I never in my worst nightmares would have imagined the heights to which NewEnglanders went for Halloween. Everywhere I turned there were witches, ghouls and ghosts. Even my cubicle was plastered with fake spiderwebs and Halloween-themed welcome decorations for me upon my arrival. It was literally starting to make me sick with anxiety. I thought I was going to lose it when I saw the flyer on my monitor. It was for the work “social event of the year;” the annual Halloween Costume Party. I contemplated running all the way back to California. Attached to the flyer was a note from my new boss, Amanda. “See you tonight, fun is MANDATORY!” Unfortunately, I had no choice. If I was going to make ANY friends in this place, or at the very least not piss off my new boss, I had to go to the party. Bonus misery points here, the party was tonight, which meant I had to get a costume pronto! Amanda, a sweet & pretty thirty-something dressed as a Cleopatra, sent everyone in the office home at lunch to get ready. Before I could leave Amanda called me into her office for a quick chat. With a smile, she wrote down a list of restaurants, hot spots, and costume stores for me. She reiterated that there would be drinks, dancing, and even prizes at the party, telling me “what a great icebreaker it would be.” Feeling trapped and miserable, I headed out to look for a costume...willing to settle for anything other than a pumpkin. ********************************** After drowning my sorrows over lunch, a triple bacon cheeseburger & two pints of Guinness if you must know, I reluctantly began exploring the downtown area in search of a costume, Amanda’s list in hand. The two Halloween stores Amanda recommended were total strikeouts. Most of the costumes had been picked through already and they didn’t have anything left I could fit my fat ass into. All the employees reminded me, in their polite NewEngland fashion, that Halloween was only four days away and people “Got an early start here.” Whatever. Frustrated, I decided to take a break from shopping & explore the downtown square. Unfortunately, even walking the quaint streets on a warm & sunny fall day wasn’t helping my sour mood. I couldn’t afford to make a bad impression at this party. I’d just moved thousands of miles from home and I desperately needed to make some friends. Yet all I could think about was wearing a pumpkin costume & all my new coworkers laughing at me. I told you, I’m definitely scared. Completely consumed by my own thoughts, I was hardly aware of my path around town. I didn’t notice when I turned a corner and was walking down a not-so-friendly looking side street. Suddenly I stopped, when I noticed a costume-shop window directly in front of me. The store had a small handwritten sign that read, “Costume’s R Us : Be Who You Want to Be.” It wasn’t on my list from Amanda, but thats probably because the store sign looked like it was about to disintegrate into dust. The whole store looked like something out of an old movie. Its windows were covered with cobwebs (the real kind), the steps were half broken, and even the building seemed to be leaning at an odd angle. Normally, I wouldn’t even have attempted going into a place like this. It was just too seedy looking, but I was desperate. I was willing to try any place that might have a non-vegetable themed costume to fit me! Taking a deep breath, I walked through (yes through, there was no glass on the door frame) the doorframe and into the shop. Right away I felt something was different about this store, it didn't just look strange, it felt strange. Before I could even begin to figure out what was off, I was welcomed by one of the oddest looking women I have ever seen. She had a rainbow of colors on her clothes and in her wild unkempt hair. Huge bracelets of every color hung from her skinny wrists, and she had at least two rings on almost every finger. Despite her unorthodox appearance, she welcomed me with a warm almost knowing smile. “Ahh, Look at you my dear, how splendid,” she said in a raspy voice, “What do you dream of being?” “Ummm, I don't know. Well see, ahhh, I ahhh, I need a costume for tonight,” I started, feeling myself beginning to ramble, “It’s our work Halloween party tonight, and I just moved here to start this new job. I really want to make friends and impress everybody.” I stammered out, giving way more than the necessary amount of information. “So you dream of being impressive?” She asked, quizzically. “Well not, I don’t dream about it....look I really just need a costume that is big, interesting, and can cover my ass,” I said, turning slightly to indicate its large size. “Oh, and it can’t be a pumpkin!” I added hurriedly. “Hmmmm, I think I know just the thing. Come this way Dearie,” she said, setting off towards the back of the dimly lit store. The women led me to a nearly empty rack of costumes at the back of the store, nearly identical to all the other nearly empty racks of costumes we’d passed. The rack hung under a sign that read: “Men’s XXL -XXXXL.” I wasn’t all that happy about being considered THAT large, but then again, I was desperate. “Which one would you like, Dearie?” she said, pointing to the three costumes left hanging on the rack. I looked at the costumes in disdain, feeling my heart sink. These were exactly the type of Halloween costume I’ve always despised. Costume one was a Pirate. The bottoms were ripped & frayed brown khaki pants, which were torn and stretched in a way that left it hard to imagine how they stayed together. The top was brown leather vest, also torn & sliced, which had no way to fasten shut. The accessories included a Johnny Depp-style pirate hat, odd looking boat shoes, and a rather convincing fake sword. There was also a small rusty looking gold bracelet, but thats was all. Minimalist pants and no shirt to covering my fat body, yeah not going to happen lady! Costume two was a nondescript Superhero. This costume was a spandex bodysuit, reminding me of a full body Underarmor outfit. Only this suit was made from a shiny textured fabric, that almost looked like transparent snake skin, and clearly cut to show off some very large muscles. It came with a cape, blue patent leather boots, and two small gold wrist cuffs. Knowing there was no way I was going to squeeze into spandex in public, I instantly ruled this one out as well. Costume three was even worse than the other two, it was a gladiator “outfit.” I use the term outfit loosely, as this costume included no shirt at all. It was really just a TINY leather skirt, a sword & harness, and some sandals with gold-ankle bands. HELL NO. Fat or thin I wasn’t going to make my first impression on anyone at work while wearing a mini-skirt! My hopes of making friends were quickly disappearing. I was going to look ridiculous in any of these costumes. “Thats it huh? Well I guess I will take the pirate outfit, its got a little more coverage to it. Are you sure its going to fit?” I asked, holding up the outfit. I figured at the very least I could add a shirt and some long-underwear, so the pirate outfit wouldn't be all skin. “It will fit perfectly. I guarantee it. If you aren’t 100% satisfied bring it back for a full refund, even after the party. I promise all my customers complete satisfaction!” Figuring I had nothing to lose, except what little dignity I had left, I paid for the Pirate costume and headed home, feeling dejected. I arrived home with about six hours to kill before the party, & decided I should try this insane costume on. At least if I didn’t like it I would have time to go back and switch it so I didn't make myself or others vomit at the sight of me. Maybe I could even find a pumpkin costume someplace, I still had time, right?! After spreading the costume out across the bed, I stripped and walked to the mirror in my bathroom. I was such a pitiful sight. Pale white & 240lbs of fat, the only thing it looked like I had pirated was a ship full of Krispy Kreme Donuts. Turning away from my reflection, I walked back to the bed and put on the few articles of clothing that made up the costume. I was surprised to find that everything fit, so well in fact some of it was actually quiet baggy on me. Maybe it might disguise my weight a bit! I strapped on the sword, placed the hat on my head, and slide on the old golden bracelet before heading back to the mirror in the bathroom to check out my reflection. Or at least thats what I was planned to do. Suddenly I was so completely exhausted. I fell on my bed, still in the costume, and drifted into a deep deep sleep. ********************** The sun as setting by the time I woke up from my spontaneous nap and I desperately needed to piss. Despite the heavy feeling in my limbs, I climbed off my bed and headed into the bathroom. After having some trouble finding the light switch, I flipped it on and got the shock of a lifetime. I was still wearing the pirate costume, but everything else had changed. Let me just start by saying, I was fucking gorgeous! As I’ve mentioned, I am a tons-of-fun in the Dairy Queen kind-of-way guy. But the reflection staring back at me was tons-of-fun in the Hercules kind-of-way. The body reflected in the full length mirror was so incredible I couldn’t believe it. Where to start...well lets start at the bottom because that’s where my tour started as well. Through the rips in the thin khaki fabric I could see that my legs were phenomenally muscular. My thick calves distended the bottom hem around their size and my incredible quads bulged out of the shredded pants; almost as if they had been designed to showcase the powerful muscles just visible underneath. My hamstrings and glutes hadn’t been left out either, and from the back or the side it was clear that my ass would give J.LO a run for her money, only mine was solid muscle. Perhaps the best part of the lower-front view was my VERY packed crotch. My dick had never been a strong suit for me before, barely managing 5.5” hard with small balls to match. Now everything was bulging prominently, and it was visibly clear that I could have moonlighted as a 16th century pirate-porn star! Up top, the now under-sized open leather vest accentuated my incredible 8-pack. My waist probably had more muscle than I had on my entire body before my nap. Each rippling ab was perfectly formed and shrink wrapped under tight-tanned skin. It was so tight that, despite all the muscle, I figured it couldn’t be much more than 30” around. My rippling abs only made my chest, back, and shoulders look wider. Two thick squared-off pecs protruded inches above my abs with a deep striated chasm between the muscles. I could have watched the rise and fall of those beautiful pecs all day! My back was easily just as muscular, making me feel almost as thick as I was wide. My incredible lats pushed my arms our and stretched the tiny vest almost to the breaking point. Capping my thick torso were my barn-door wide shoulders, which jutted out the sides of my vest. Thick deltoids rippled with every movement, looking like inflated soccer balls and framing my muscular neck flawlessly. Connected to those amazing shoulders were two of the most muscular arms I had ever seen. Even unflexed they twisted and bulged under my glowing golden skin, as thick veins accented by build. Flexing one arm in the mirror, I watched in ecstasy as MY mountainous arm swelled skyward. GOD DAMN; I WAS JACKED! My body and dick weren’t the only things that had improved, even my face had become more manly. I still looked like me, at least for the most part, but a more ruggedly handsome version of myself. All traces of fat and jowls had melted away replaced wth a strong jaw, visible cheekbones, and coated with a thick layer of stubble. Even my eyes had changed, now a crystal clear and bight sparking copper color. “Guess she was right.” I said, surprised at the deep rumbling of my voice, “I am satisfied.” Stripping off the costume, I decided to shower and examine my body. This was undoubtably one of the best experiences of my entire life to date. Just seconds of staring at my naked body in the mirror my MASSIVE cock was rock hard & standing at least 10” out over my much bigger balls. I laughed at the sight of it, enjoying the sight of my muscles rippling as I did. “I am going to have to be careful with this thing, it was probably more lethal than my costume’s sword!” I weighed myself while the shower warmed up, running my hands across my hard muscles while the scale announced that I weight 230 lbs. So I’d lost ten pounds overall, but probably gained 50lbs or more of pure muscle in the process. Can’t argue with those kind of results! Exploring my body and cock in the shower was the thrill of a lifetime. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought this could be me! Watching the water cascade around my muscles was intoxicating. But as I inspected I noticed something intriguing. My wrist now had a small intricate tattoo. The thin band had the same detailed pattern my golden bracelet, but I had no idea where the bracelet had gone. I should have been more concerned about this, but honestly that paled in comparison to suddenly become a six foot tall muscle stud. My new cock was considerably more interesting, and I really didn't give a shit how this had happened. I just wanted to enjoy every moment of it. I was everything the old me wasn’t & I loved it! ************************************* Finally, a thirty minute shower and four (HOLY HELL) orgasms later, I was back in my costume and ready to head out the door. Looking at the clock, I realized I still had almost three hours to kill before the party started. “I should get some food and some caffeine in these big muscles,” I said aloud, just to enjoy the deep rumble of my baritone. I grabbed my keys and headed back downtown. Having never been an attractive or muscular guy, I wasn’t really prepared for the response I received. Walking around town in my costume was a thrill. For the first time in my life, regardless of where I went, people couldn’t help but react to me. Many people stared, women in particular. More daring people complimented me on costume/muscles/looks, some even wanted to take selfies with me! Some even touching my shoulders or arms, complimenting me on my body and getting a quick feel. The attention was really started to get me going, and worried that I would bust through my costume if I wasn’t careful, I decided to duck into the empty Starbucks for a latte and maybe a salad. Inside Starbucks, I was presented with another “first in my lifetime” experience. Daniel, that’s what his name tag read, was the skinny-college aged Barrista who nearly fell over himself to get me my drink order, at least after he stopped staring long enough to write on the cup. While stumbling around beyond the counter, paying more attention to me than what he was doing, Daniel accidentally squirted me with the sugary syrup used in the latte I’d ordered. Mortified with his mistake, he quickly rushed around the counter, grabbing my wrist as he went. He led me to the bathroom while mumbling, “I promise we can get it off the vest, it doesn’t....it doesn’t stain Sir. Oh I’m such a klutz.” Once inside the restroom, he locked the door a before turning around to face me. “Damn, you must workout a lot.” He said. “Ugh, sorry Sir I shouldn’t have said that. Sir, Do you mind taking that vest off? I can clean it up right now if you’d like.” I just laughed, “I’ve never worked out a day in my life,” the awe & envy in his face apparent, “But you can clean it up, you are the expert.” I slowly removed the vest, my muscles rippling and flexing as I removed the tight fabric. Bouncing my pecs slightly, I handed him the vest. Now Daniel was completely mesmerized by my bare flawless torso. Completely out of character (or would it be in Character, since I am a Pirate?), I decided to have some fun with him. “You know it really wasn’t that bad on my vest,” I said with a smirk, “I think you got more of that syrup on my abs than on the vest anyway.” Before I could say another word, Daniel was on his knees. “Please...please let me lick it off you Sir. PLEASE. I would give anything just to touch your body.” he begged. Who was I to turn him down with a request like that! Hell, I would get as much pleasure from this as he would. “Knock yourself out Danny,” I said, spreading my arms wide and flexing my gorgeous eight-pack. He was on me in an instant, licking my abs like a puppy. His hands went everywhere, squeezing my massive lats and caressing my thick glutes. From his moaning, it was obvious he was enjoying himself. Soon, a stirring in my pants indicated my enjoyment as well. Once again he gave me a pleading look, and I simply nodded. With expert care, Daniel undid the clasp and lowered my torn pants to the ground. Since I was commando underneath, my porn-star dick sprang out easily. Daniel started sucking eagerly, quickly bringing me to my fifth orgasm of the day, which he swallowed enthusiastically. Realizing that this wasn’t going to satiate him or me, Daniel quickly asked, “Sir, fuck me. Please, I have to feel you inside me,” he pleaded. Despite five earlier orgasms, I was rock-hard & still very horny. I guess supernatural hyper-muscular pirates have fantastic stamina! This was all new territory for me, but what the hell. I was hot, horny, and ready to go; why not fuck a stranger in Starbucks? Its a Pirate’s life for me! “Hope you can handle this Danny boy.” I said confidently, pulling down his pants. I lifted him off the ground like a doll, my muscles easily handling his weight. With a grin, I plunged my massive cock inside his ass. Daniel screamed with pleasure, his skinny legs wrapping around my muscular waist. I felt his toes curling with pleasure. I supported his weight with my cock and arms and began thrusting. His hands, lips, torso, ever part of him possible rubbing against me as I fucked him. Minutes later I felt his body begin to rock as he orgasmed. Allowing myself to release as well, I came for the sixth time that afternoon inside him. Breathing heavily, Daniel cleaned us up while in a state that could only be described as euphoric. My vest was now unstained, but I had a new wardrobe malfunction. My semi-hard cock, stretching towards my left hip, was even more prominent in my seemingly tighter pants. I was about to get nervous, but that was the old me talking. I didn’t have to care about that anymore. I just fucked someone in Starbucks! I’m am a fucking pirate stud! Daniel was blabbing, nearly in tears thanking me, telling me I was the hottest man he’d ever met. He tried to give me his number as I left, but I just shook my head. “I know where to find you Danny. See ya around.” ******************* Back on the street I walked aimlessly. I was still horny and reeling from my Starbucks experience, all thoughts of dinner or the latte long gone. By the time I finally payed attention to where I was going, I found myself on the same dark alley I’d gone down a few hours earlier and standing right in front of the costume shop! “What the hell,” I said to myself, “I might as well go in and tell that lady how happy I am with everything.” Walking into the store, the shopkeeper looked at me quickly and said, “Oh no! Not satisfied? Please please come quick, we’ll fix it right before your party.” I couldn’t even utter a word before she’d pulled me by the hand and led me into the back room. She opened drawers full of golden bracelets, chains, and rings all with nearly illegible engravings. She searched quickly, talking to herself and not listening to me at all. I couldn’t really hear much of what she sad, but I heard a few random words that sounded a lot like “muscle” and “strength.” After less than a minute she found what she was looking for. With a cry of delight, she turned around and snapped a new bracelet around my muscular wrist. “This will fix everything. Go lie down, I’ll wake you for your party.” I couldn’t even protest as she pushed me onto the bed I’d failed to notice when we walked in. Once again I was overcome with drowsiness and started to fall asleep. What the hell was I getting myself into...
  2. spacevlad

    They're Really Sensitive Now

    Hey guys. This story idea has been bouncing around in my head for a long time and I finally decided to write it down. I also wanted to try writing a shorter story, so this one is only two chapters long. I hope you enjoy! I got back from work early today and noticed Josh’s car in the driveway. He must already be home from the gym, I thought to myself. My boyfriend Josh had been hitting the gym hard the last couple months since he has been “between jobs”. I hadn’t exactly been happy about the big guy’s unemployment, but I was glad he was using the time to pack on more muscle to his chunky frame. He had put on 20lbs of mostly muscle over the last two months, putting him at 260lb, and seemed to be horny all the time. My cock twitched in my dress pants as I walked up to the door. Josh met me at the door with a big grin on his face. “Welcome home, bud!” he said and pulled me into a big bear hug. Josh was a big guy, with a thick ex-jock daddy build. He had been in the closet growing up, playing football and lifting weights to prove he was one of the guys and try to be more than just a pudgy guy but had let himself go after college a bit and as his metabolism slowed in his 30s. Now in his 40s, he was getting serious about putting on real size and going for the musclebear daddy look. His squishy gut pressed against me as he squeezed, but I also felt his hard round pecs and strong thick arms pressing against my skinny frame. I grunted as he finished his hug and put me back down. I looked up at his 6’ height and smiled. His dirty blonde hair was cut short into a Mohawk—he had been having fun with his hair since he didn’t have a job—and a full beard that made him look extra burly. He wore a cut-off tank top that showed off his big, round shoulders and arms. His gut protruded out in front of him, hanging over the belt on his jeans and jiggling as he stepped back from me. “Hey there Josh, good to see you. So you came home early from the gym today?” I said as I put my bag on the sofa and took off my shoes. He looked pretty pumped up, like he had worked his arms and chest good. “Nah, I didn’t end up goin’ to the gym today,” Josh drawled. He had grown up in South Carolina and was a bit of a redneck at heart, but had moved up north for work. “I got myself somethin’ I’ve wanted for years,” he said and raised his eyebrows, giving me a knowing look. “Oh yeah? What’s that big guy?” I asked and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his thick torso and looking up at him. “You know how guys always say, ‘I got my nipples pierced and now they’re super sensitive’? Well, I finally decided to try that theory out for myself!” Josh said and puffed up his big chest in my face. I backed up from him and noticed the nubs showing underneath his shirt where his nipples were. “Oh shit, you finally did it! Show me, show me!” I said excitedly and grabbed at his shirt. “Hehe, alright alright little guy, just hold on a sec,” he said and lifted his shirt off, revealing his furry belly and chest. Josh was very hairy, with brown hair covering his chunky forearms, spreading over his chest and belly, and even all over his back. With the shirt off, I could see the little barred piercings on his fat, thick nipples. They were red and looked irritated from being recently pierced, but they looked just right on him. “Oh wow man, that’s so hot! Can I touch them?” I asked and moved closer, looking at how they made his nipples look thick and swollen. “Oh yeah bud, please do, they feel so good when I touch ‘em now!” Josh drawled and reached up to prod one of the bars. “Ooooh, man I get chills just pokin’ ‘em!” I reached forward and touched one of them. It was warm to the touch and I could tell Josh liked it, as he shivered when I jostled it. “Did it hurt getting them in?” I asked. “Yeah, a little bit, but after a second it started feelin’ real good, and that hasn’t gone away yet, hehe,” Josh said and pinched his right nipple a bit harder. His right bicep and pec looked great when he did that. “And man, I gotta say, those guys sayin’ it makes your nips more sensitive were damn right! It feels so good now when I touch ‘em…and it makes me real horny too!” Josh said and reached down and clutched the bulge in his jeans. I looked down and sure enough, he was packing big time down there. I reached down and rubbed it, and his cock felt harder and bigger than ever. “Oooh man, looks like I should help you out with this!” I said seductively and squeezed his balls. They twitched in my hand. “Oh yeah bud, let’s go upstairs,” Josh said and pushed me in the right direction. In the bedroom, I disrobed and got on my knees. I unzipped his jeans and rubbed my beard against Josh’s tight boxer briefs, smelling the sweat and musk of his crotch and teasing his big cock. “Oh yeah little guy, that’s just right, keep goin’,” Josh sighed as he towered over me, flicking his nipples idly and grunting occasionally as he did. He lifted his shirt off, revealed a pelt of salt and pepper fur spreading over his belly and chest. He looked magnificent. I pulled his jeans and underwear down and started working on his thick cock. It seemed bigger and thicker than I remembered; I guess he was really turned on! I stretched my lips around his mushroom head and sucked hard, using as much force as I could, barely denting the rock hard cock. “Oh fuck man, feels great, even better with—ah!—rubbin’ my nips too,” Josh said, skipping a beat as he pinched down hard on his piercings. He kept rubbing and flicking them, breathing harder and grunting as he did. After a few minutes I stood back up and pressed against him. He was big and warm, bigger than I remember, and I thought how nice it was that he was spending time in the gym getting bigger. He had always talked about getting bigger and stronger and getting back into the kind of shape he was in during college, and now he had some time to do just that. I reached up and flicked his nipples, and he chuckled and shivered and backed away from me. “Fuck dude they’re so sensitive… can’t believe they feel this—mmmph—fucking good!” Josh roared and pushed me back onto the bed after I pinched them again. I gave him a sly look as he loomed over me. “I love rubbing them, feels and looks so good dude,” I said as he got onto the bed and put his knees and thighs on either side of me, straddling my skinny frame. “Yeah man, feels even better with my dick in your mouth,” he growled and scooted forward until his cock was on my lips. I opened wide and he shoved it in, fucking my mouth as he loomed over me. I reached up and started playing with his nips, and he moaned and flexed down at me. His arms looked huge, I thought to myself, way bigger than they were a couple days ago. Was he making gains that fast? Damn, it turned me on. I dropped my arms and reached around to stroke myself, but it was hard reaching all the way around his thick frame. Josh reached for his pecs and rubbed his fingers across the meaty nubs of his nipples, flicking up, then down, then up, then down in rhythm with thrusting his massive cock in and out of my mouth. I breathed out of my nose but it was getting harder and harder not to choke on his cock; his cock had never felt so big before. Fuck, this was hot. “Yeeeaaah buddy, feels so good, big ol’ pierced nip muscle bear daddy on top of you, just gonna get bigger too, all the guys at the gym will be jealous,” Josh grunted down at me. I looked up and I could see him looking at himself in the mirror, admiring his gains, all the while playing with his hard nips. “Damn boy, you look so small down there, doing such a good job sucking daddy’s big dick,” he grunted, his voice sounding deeper and richer than before. He was way into it! He started working up a sweat and his cock was filling my mouth up big time. I couldn’t take a full breath because his heavy weight was pressing into me hard, harder than ever, but I knew he was getting close to sucked with renewed vigor. His thick thighs squeezed me, surrounded me, his epic mass looming over me, his gut smothering me as he approached climax. He pinched his nipples hard and finally came, roaring as he filled my mouth with cum. There was so much of it I couldn’t swallow it all down, and it leaked out of my mouth and onto my beard. Josh shifted his bulk and got off of me, and I rolled over and grabbed a towel next to the bed, wiping off my mouth and clearing my throat. “Hooo man, that felt fuckin’ amazing,” Josh grunted, his voice sounding different. “Your mouth felt so tight!” he boomed and smacked my butt. “Yeah man, that was great,” I said as I rolled off the bed and stood up. I turned around just as he was getting up off the bed and he rose to his full height…and bumped his head into the ceiling. Josh looked confused as he stood up and rubbed his head, his knuckled scraping against the ceiling, and he looked around the room…and looked down at me. “Holy shit, what the fuck happened?” he rumbled, confused, and turned to look at himself in the mirror. “Why does everything look so damn small?” I just stood, dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open in shock at the massive muscle monster standing in my room. Josh had grown—big time—while fucking me, and was way bigger than he or anyone had ever been before. Josh looked in the mirror. Staring back at him was a monstrous musclebear, thick all over, muscles exploding and bulging off every inch of his body, his thick round belly fat and wide, covered in sweat-matted fur. He reached up and rubbed his fingers through his salt and pepper beard and across his lantern jaw and smiled, admiring the way his bicep exploded into a round peak, a hose-like vein snaking down it and into his forearm. He took a big breath and puffed out his barrel chest; it had be 70 or 80 inches around. He was wider than the damn doorway, easily. He moved his hand over his huge belly and rubbed it and jiggled it appreciatively; it had grown much bigger too, giving him the massive build of a powerlifter or a strongman. He hefted his bigger, thicker cock, which was still leaking cum onto the floor, and smacked his tree trunk thighs. “Holy fuck, I look good. What the fuck happened? Did I… fuck, man, I reckon I know what did it,” he said as he turned to me. He stepped closer and looked down at me imposingly. “F-fuck man, this is so hot… w-what do you think did this?” I said and couldn’t help but rub my hands through the dark hair of his belly and reach up and squeeze the hard muscle of his biceps. My hand looked so tiny next to his hulking arm. “These,” he said and flicked his fingernail against the metal of his piercings. A shiver ran through his big body and I heard his head scrape against the ceiling even harder. “I can feel a rush of fuckin’ energy every time I touch these babies,” he said and flicked his left nipple a couple times. I swear I could see his muscle bunch up thicker and plumper when he did, could feel his gut tense up fuller and rounder under my fingers. “Whoa, what the fuck…that’s… awesome! But you’re really huge, bud, like people are gonna wonder what the heck happened!” I said, alarmed as I thought about the realities of suddenly having a seven and half foot tall musclebear boyfriend. “Yeah, prolly, but who cares? This feels amazing!” Josh said with a grin and pinched both nips, twisting the little piercings in them and swelling bigger. His head scraped on the ceiling harder and I could see some dust come down from it. “Dude, you gotta slow down! We should figure this out before you get any bigger, and I mean, damn man, you’re already like world-record size!” I said and backed up, struggling to drink him all in. Jesus, he was big! “Slow down? Fuck that little squirt, you know I’ve been wantin’ to get bigger, and I found a shortcut! Hell yeah!” he boomed and flexed, his fists coming together, his pecs, traps, delts, and arms swelling with new muscle. I didn’t know where to look, it was so fucking hot. “Holy shit you’re big… but I mean, seriously, how are we even gonna feed you?” I said, rubbing his big belly, bouncing the fat up and down. “Well you can start by gittin’ me some burgers, boy,” Josh boomed as he wrapped his huge arms around my skinny frame and lifted me up to face him. “Big daddy is callin’ the shots ‘round here now, and I’m hungry after that growth spurt of mine.” “A-alright big guy,” I started but he squeezed me harder and the breath left my lungs. Jesus he was dangerously strong! “Call me sir, boy,” he growled and squeezed me harder, testing his strength, grinding me against his bigger, harder body. “Fuuuuck… yes sir!” I wheezed as I ran out of air. “Good boy, hehe. Now, go to Wendy’s and get me a couple combo meals now,” he said and put me back down on the ground. I caught my breath and leaned against his tremendous bulk. “Yes sir! Just, try not to rub your nips too much while I’m gone, we need to figure this out before you grow any bigger!” I pleaded. He just turned to the mirror and started flexing, admiring his new size. “No guarantees, boy, now go fetch me those burgers,” he grunted, too interested in the size of his biceps to even look at me.
  3. Part 1 is here in case you missed it: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7025-a-most-muscular-year-starts-with-a-christmas-surprise-part-1-of-7/ Ed’s old friend Vaughn is one of the guys that contacted him during the week and wanted to invite him to go to a party across town on New Year’s Eve. He told him though that he wanted to wait and see if Kris had something else in mind before he would confirm the invite with him. Vaughn used to work with Ed at his company a few years ago and they started hanging out almost immediately. A relationship blossomed and they ended up dating for a while. Vaughn was never as muscular as Ed was. He was quite thin and rarely gained any weight at all back then, well at least that was the way it was two years ago since that was the last time they actually saw each other in person. The workout that Ed got in today is fierce as he works his arms over really hard to get a good pump in them since the next couple of days will be busier than normal. When he finally gets home, there is a box sitting directly in front of his door with a note underneath the bow. It states that he is not to open what is inside until 12:01am on the night of December 31st. He immediately knows that it is from Kris so he takes it inside and places it underneath his Christmas tree. Just like he did on Christmas Eve, Ed lies down on the couch and falls asleep hoping that he will be awakened by his new lover’s arrival. On the first second of midnight on New Year’s Eve, Ed awakens to a knock on his front door. He jumps to his feet to get there as quickly as he can. When he opens it up, Kris reaches out to grab Ed and gives him a giant bear hug. Their embrace is incredible as he squeezes his young lover with all of the strength in his body making every muscle tense against Ed’s nearly equal frame. Their eyes lock onto each other as they immediately start kissing. The two men start rubbing on each other lovingly since they haven’t had any contact for several days. Kris feels Edward’s chest through his black shirt and marvels at how much bigger it is from the week before. He nearly rips it down the front, but Ed grabs his hands first and motions for him to knock it off before pulling him into the house. He pulls his shirt off to reveal his huge hairy pecs that hang with quite a cleavage with a lot of space along the sides as well. Kris laughs before pulling his red shirt off and showing off his equally large chest as well. It appears that the potion they took the week before made them almost identical in size. Before he started his workout over the past week, Ed was slightly smaller than Kris, but that isn’t the case anymore. Kris most likely knew this would happen which is why he left for a few days so his young lover could start realizing his true potential physically. What is with the package that arrived the day before though? Kris moves up against Ed as their pecs press against each other as the hair on them bristle when they move up and down. The feeling feels tremendous to Ed as he feels warms sensations moving throughout his body. Kris picks him up in the air to smell just above his black jeans. As he positions himself to hold him with one arm, he unzips Ed’s jeans with his other one and watches them fall to the ground as they reveal his partner’s thick hairy legs making the older stud swoon in delight. Ed is emitting really strong odors now since his testosterone levels have increased exponentially. Kris is quite intoxicated by it all as he starts licking Ed’s wet abdominals and tasting the sweat that is running down them. This leads to Ed pushing Kris down on the floor and doing some kissing and licking of his own. His mouth finds its way towards the huge mounds on Kris’s shoulders. His arms show off the massively snaky veins that wait patiently to be serviced by their young master. Ed flexes his equally huge veiny arms which of course get the attention of his elder muscle daddy. The two men have come to the realization that they are becoming mirror images of each other physically and frankly couldn’t care less about it because they are falling in love. It isn’t so much a fuck session but rather a need to fulfill the needs that they crave for each other. Kris pulls his white pants off to reveal that he is wearing absolutely no underwear as his giant cock waits patiently to be sucked dry. Ed greedily swallows it down his throat slurping to get to the seed that is lurking inside Kris’s huge balls to plant them directly into his own belly. Remembering how thick his older lover’s cum was last time, he sucks on the huge pole rapidly to get into a steady rhythm. Kris moans feeling his prostate expanding as his balls and cock swell until they turn a dark purple. He turns his head to stare into Ed’s eyes and tells him that he is getting ready to explode. Ed preps himself for the coming river as he feels Kris’s tasty precum starting to change over to the creamy batter. Each time Kris shoots a stream into his partner’s gullet, Ed’s cock bobs up and down getting closer to the edge. Kris reaches down with one hand to grab Ed’s cock knowing that it will blast at any second and with his other hand he pulls his lover around to slap his rod along his face. After swallowing another huge rope of cum, Ed finally shoots his wad all over Kris’s face. Kris is quickly coated by the thick sauce that is pouring all over his face. He licks Ed’s gaping cockhead running his tongue along the opening and catches its contents as he moans deeply. The two men are extremely satisfied with their selves and get up off the ground to go to the shower to clean up and prepare for that night’s New Year’s party. The late afternoon arrives after the two lovers reacquaint with each other. Kris finishes dressing before going over to pick up the package he sent to Ed earlier in the week. He rips the box open with his bare hands and pulls out another bottle that is similar to the one they consumed just a week earlier. He smiles looking at it sparkle with a bluish color and takes it to Ed who is still in the bathroom. Ed stops grooming himself long enough to look at the shimmering diamonds swimming around inside. Kris tells him that this one isn’t going to be for them, but rather for another fortunate soul. Apparently he already knew about someone from Ed’s past otherwise he would not have sent it in the first place. Instead of a pouch, the bottle arrived in a box similar to one that cologne comes in. Ed has the urge to take the bottle away from Kris, but at the same time, he wonders if Kris has another agenda he isn’t letting him in on. He never believed in this stuff before, but since the gorgeous daddy came down that chimney that night, he is starting to think that anything is possible. Kris looks into Ed’s eyes and can see his temptation so he wraps his huge arms around him and squeezes him tightly to make him realize that they are done with their transformation for now. Ed still manages to get ready before Kris does and goes to find his phone to check to see if he has received any voicemails. There is one from a familiar voice, Vaughn. He says that his plans are still intact and that he still wants Eduardo to attend the party with him. Ed immediately returns his call to confirm that he will be there with Kris, but not to be shy and to come talk to him anyway. Before Ed could get back to Kris in the bathroom, he can hear that deep laugh echoing. It dawns on Ed that this must be the other man that Kris was talking about. He asks him what the potion will do which prompts the studly daddy to say that this one requires a much slimmer guy to transform. Kris finishes getting ready and the two men leave to go eat somewhere before they go to the party. The company party looks exceptionally good this year since it appears as though they poured a bit more money into it. Ed introduces Kris to a few of his coworkers and forgets that he looks quite a bit different than the last time they may have seen him. Some of the guys subtlety grab his arms and pecs while the girls rub on his ass and ask all kinds of questions pertaining to his personal life. Kris laughs as they do this since they barely notice that he is even there. Ed finds this rather peculiar that they don’t say hardly anything to him since he is standing right beside him all the time. Kris pulls him over to a nearby mirror in the corner of the facility and Ed is shocked to see that Kris doesn’t look the same as he sees him. He has the white hair and grey beard that he had before he took the potion that night. The body looks great, but that is the way it was before the potion as well. Kris says that they see what he looks like pre-potion, but not afterwards because the potion provides the results of whatever the receiver wished for. Ed understands now that only he sees the bigger and younger Kris, while everyone else sees the muscular and older version. As they look in the mirror, Ed notices that Vaughn is walking towards them and goes to turn around. He accidentally knocks the small latino man down with his huge chest which gets a big laugh from Kris and a horrified look from Edmond. Vaughn is in complete awe when he sees how Ed looks and can’t help but to feel his power when he grabs the big man’s hand and is picked up off the ground. He still looks as small as he did before, but Vaughn is quite a bit better looking now as well. His Hispanic features are more prominent with his hazel eyes and brown skin. Kris whispers into Ed’s right ear that he will give him the potion when the ball drops as the New Year begins. At this point in time, it is just past 11. Kris ventures off to allow Ed and Vaughn some privacy and to get reacquainted. He finds out that Vaughn moved away to go live with his new boyfriend, but not long afterwards the boyfriend was deployed to Afghanistan and was killed by friendly fire. It took him nearly a year to get over the shock of it happening. Ed proceeds to tell him about Kris, but it isn’t the actual story of how they met. Vaughn thinks that the two men together are quite hot and that he doesn’t even care about the age difference. Ed quickly understands why the potion is meant for Vaughn. Five minutes before midnight, Kris returns back over to hand Ed the potion and tells him that when the clock passes 12:01, he is to give it to his old friend. Vaughn spends the last remaining minutes talking with Kris and Ed. The countdown begins as everyone stares at the television monitors as they watch the ball drop in Times Square. Midnight finally hits as Vaughn squeezes Ed and tells him how much he has missed spending time with him. Ed hands him the potion and says that he bought him something for the party. Vaughn is quite surprised by the gesture and wishes that he had known that Eduardo was going to be at the party sooner because he would have bought him something as well. Kris motions for them to go into the nearby bathroom to talk in private. Ed wraps his arms around Vaughn’s back and leads him into the room with Kris following behind them. They close the main bathroom door as Kris locks it. Vaughn finds this to be a bit strange, but thinks that maybe Ed is going to tell him something important. Ed looks back at Kris getting the nod to have Vaughn drink the potion. Ed unscrews the lid off and tells Vaughn that he should drink it since what happens next might be quite enjoyable. He can sense how nervous his small friend is, so he holds his free hand and leads his other hand to his face. He tells him to trust him as he tips the bottle towards his mouth as Vaughn opens it and swallows the contents. The sensation going down is quite shocking to him because he says it feels like his body is on fire. He is wearing a shiny short-sleeved silver dress shirt and a nice pair of black trousers on his 5’8 135 pound frame. He can feel his body reacting to the liquid fairly quickly as his arms start swelling expanding the veins as they rise to the surface. His chest fills out his shirt and stretches it until it is so tight that he can barely breathe. Both Ed and Kris grunt as they see him begin his metamorphosis. He starts to panic when he feels his legs growing inside his pants as a few threads along the side seams slowly rip. This prompts him to place his arms up to his head as he groans in agony making his biceps shred the fabric as they continue to thicken up. He runs into a stall and places both of his hands on to the side walls. His fingers continue to widen as the stall starts to squeak. His bloated delts and lower back muscles split the back of his shirt open as the two other muscle studs watch eagerly hearing Vaughn’s black boots blow out as his socks shred and his feet continue to grow. His butt is so thick now that it makes the seams completely rip out as it frees itself from any fabric in its way. His brown skin is all shiny now from the river of sweat coming from his pores as it continues to stretch over his expanding muscles. His triceps destroy the rest of his sleeves as his shirt glues itself to his body. His newly acquired lats bust out the side seams as his shoulders and traps massacre more fabric over top of his new cobblestone abs and obliques. Ed approaches Vaughn with caution as the growing man is in such euphoria that it might be dangerous to interfere. The heat radiating from the much heavier Hispanic man is fogging up the windows in the bathroom. Ed lightly places his hands around Vaughn’s thick waist and begins running them along the amazingly firm ridges before moving them to the front to feel his incredibly swollen and wet abdominals. He then reaches up and marvels at the power radiating through Vaughn’s pecs as he feels them stretching under his hands. He presses himself up against his old friend as Vaughn’s huge quads finally blast through his pants and fall to the ground. His ass is pulsing against Ed’s throbbing cock which is trying to burst out the front of his own pants. Thick black hair is now sprouting all over his new muscular body. Ed moans as he reaches down to feel Vaughn’s huge brown cock as it drips a thick stream of precum onto his hands. Kris smiles since he foresaw this happening days ago. He watches as his lover rubs Vaughn’s new body and starts stroking his own cock in his pants. As Vaughn becomes aware of his surroundings again, he turns around and rips the rest of his outfit off. His huge thick brown rod stands straight up as it rubs its thick goo all over his friend’s pants and shirt. Ed moves down to gobble it up as the syrup flows down his throat. The taste is so good that it makes the eager sucker start to touch his self. Vaughn’s hazel eyes stare down at his friend as he flexes his huge guns and attempts to push the side walls down with them. At nearly double his size from before his voice has deepened greatly as his confidence soars and demands for Ed to service him. The new brown hulk reaches down and rips Eduardo’s shirt off to start rubbing on his imposing hairy chest. As he sucks on Vaughn’s cock, Ed reaches up to rub on his big friend’s thick hairy forearms which are now covered in huge hose-sized veins. He traces two of them all the way up to Vaughn’s massive softball-sized biceps and soccer-ball sized shoulders. His touch makes Vaughn growl as he starts to pick Ed up. He rips the butt out of Ed’s pants and boxers and plunges his thick brown rod into his winking asshole. Ed moans feeling it spreading his hole wider as it swallows it inch by inch. Kris has completely stripped naked now and moves over behind Vaughn to get on the toilet to find a position to make Ed suck his cock to eruption. In order to do so him and the brown hulk knock one of the stall walls down to get more space. Ed gulps down Kris’s cock as he starts rubbing on Vaughn’s thick hairy pecs. After a few minutes of this, Kris’s cock turns purple. Waiting for his reward, Ed opens his mouth to catch the thick volcano of cum as it showers his face and runs down his bare chest. Vaughn stops fucking Ed so he can taste the cum as well on Ed’s body. Ed pulls Kris out so Vaughn can down whatever was left inside his pole. Vaughn picks up speed again as his thick cock swells and his balls rise. He pulls his cock out and lets Ed move down to catch his cum. The white spunk flows out and on to Ed’s chest before the beautiful veiny pole is plunged into Ed’s waiting mouth. Kris moves down with Ed as they pass the spurting rod back and forth to each other. With Ed really close now, he moves up to Vaughn’s face and jerks faster on his cock. Vaughn tells him to spray his chest and arms because he wants to feel like a dominant master for once. With pleasure, Ed shoots a huge load all over his brown partner’s pecs, abs, and biceps leading the big Hispanic stud to rub it into his muscles. He flexes his incredible body in front of Ed and Kris and demands that they both lick the cum off. Without wasting another minute, they do as he asks. With the three studs now completely spent from this whole sequence, what will Vaughn do about clothes? Kris hands him his shirt since he is the only one that still has a shirt. Vaughn puts it on even though it is actually a little too big for him. He laughs a little since he never imagined that something like this would ever happen to him. He asks Kris if he can kiss Eduardo since he misses it so much and of course Kris says why not. Vaughn immediately grabs Ed and plants a very passionate kiss on his lips that lasts for well over a minute at least. The feeling is so amazing that he shoots a quick load onto the floor again. The fun part now is to try and get out of the party without being seen. They end up finding a back door and manage to run out into the street with Vaughn only wearing a loose shirt, Kris wearing just pants, and Ed wearing torn clothes. The brown hulk races into Ed and Kris’s car to lie down in the back seat as the other two follow into the front seats. The three of them laugh as they rush out of the parking lot and roll up at Ed’s place. There is a race to the shower with Kris deemed the winner. While he cleans himself, Ed and Vaughn start rubbing on each other and end up fucking once again. Instead of pulling out this time, Vaughn shoots his thick load inside Ed. The hungry bottom lies there in ecstasy as he feels the spunk coating his insides as he kisses Vaughn at the same time. The two men manage to get in a position to rub each other with their pecs, as the hair bristles and their nipples touch perfectly. The sensation from this contact makes Ed cum on to Vaughn’s thick abs as he rubs some of it in and feeds the rest to Vaughn. Kris gets out of the bathroom and sees what they are doing. He tells Ed to get off Vaughn so he can go shower. Once the satisfied bottom leaves the room, Kris winks at Vaughn and grabs the smaller muscleman to flip him over and start fucking him. Kris pushes his thick rod inside Vaughn’s tight hole and starts thrusting rapidly. The Hispanic stud squeals as Kris fucks him really hard. As Kris gets really close to cumming inside him, Vaughn pulls himself off the older man’s pole and makes the cum spray all over the floor. Ed comes back in again as he sees his mature lover shooting and gets down on his knees to catch watch is left in his mouth. He gets a little irritated because some of it hit the ground and he will have to clean up the mess. Vaughn gets up and runs into the shower before something is said to him about it. Kris looks at him and promises that he will help him clean it up since he didn’t mean to do that. They kiss on it and go to get some towels and floor cleaner to clean it up with. When they finish getting it clean, they both go to the bathroom to invite Vaughn to stay since he can’t go anywhere at that time of night and in that condition. He agrees since he doesn’t have any clothes to wear at the moment and admits that he still has strong feelings for Eduardo. A decision is made to where Ed and Kris will sleep in the bedroom while Vaughn will be sleeping on the couch. The three men manage to wind down to sleep as the New Year gets off to a very rousing start. The story continues in Part 3, coming up in two weeks.
  4. Well, I was poking around on Metabods looking for an older story, and I came across one that I wrote that I had no idea was posted on there, haha! I thought I had lost this story entirely from a computer crash a few years ago, but lo and behold, it was all right there. The story is about an artist who uses a special ink to draw a muscle stud who comes to life. He grows some more, they have fun testing his strength and eating big, and meet some new friends at the gym. I never actually finished the story, but I might now that I've found it again. Hope you enjoy! http://metabods.com/mb/index.php/Jake:_hand-drawn_giant#part_1
  5. In chapter three, I take a closer look at one of the former minor characters. As usual, I hope that you will tolerate my unintentional linguistic errors. Chapter One is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5059-project-defender-–-chapter-one/ Chapter Two is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6609-project-defender-–-chapter-two/ DISCLAIMER This story do contain an element of internalised homophobia, at least in the beginning. If you are offended by this, please read no further. Project Defender - Chapter 3 He always wanted to be huge. But he wasn’t. Kowalski had grown up in a small municipality just outside Warsaw. He had been bullied in primary school, but when he entered secondary school he joined a gym, and although his results were modest, his newfound muscles kept the bullies away. His parents – especially his mother – were devout Catholics, and he joined them, when they attended Mass on Sundays. He felt like having two minds when it came to physical exercise. On the one hand, it felt amazing in the end of each training session, when his body released all those relaxing substances, and blood pumped into all his newly trained muscles, causing him to feel hard in a very good way. On the other hand, he felt uncomfortable that he often became horny after workout. He had tried to mention it to his vicar during confession once, but Father Wójcik had reacted in horror: ’You are having dirty thoughts, young man. Do you hear: Dirty! The only normal thing to feel aroused by is your future wife. I hope you will find a suitable girl sometime during Technikum. Now avoid to think dirty thoughts again. I absolve you in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’ He hadn’t dared to mention the topic again. During his studies at Technikum, he had to go by bus to Warsaw each day, and he joined a bigger and more well-equipped gym inside Warsaw. He must have been eighteen when he found out that one of the adult guys at the gym was a British Jesuit, teaching in the capacity of Guest Professor in astrophysics at the university for a time. Father O’Kelly seemed to enjoy exercise himself, although he mainly used the treadmill and the step-up-machine, so Kowalski dared to take up his embarrassing worries. O’Kelly laughed somewhat, and had a much more relaxed view on Kowalski’s perceived problem: ’Listen, son. Now and then in the history of the Church, a few people have – mistakenly – believed that the human body is something bad. It isn’t. Evil is only able to harm things. Evil is not able to create and nurture life. Some saints were wrong about some issues, and a few of them were anorectics or neurotics. We do good if we try to do the same sort of good deeds those saints achieved, but we ought not to follow their mistaken personal opinions or quirks. The human body is an amazing thing: Our brain and our hands cooperate in a way that made engineering and art possible. The human body functions the way God intended – perhaps not perfectly, since we have a free will, but the basic processes are there, because it is for the best. St. Paul writes that the human body is a temple for the Holy Spirit. That isn’t something bad or evil, is it? Men like you try to make their temple as fitting and embellished as possible, and there is nothing wrong with that, at least if you don’t become obsessive about it, and forget the needs of persons around you. Excessive vanity would make the life complicated for you, but in the right amount it is just confidence, and confidence is good to have. Human sexuality is a strong feeling, that sometimes blur peoples judgment. Those consequences of a blurred judgment are sometimes evil, but not sexuality itself. God created it. I would advice you to exercise more, not less, since exercise helps to diminish exaggerated arousal, but I would also advice you to thank God for your ability to feel good. In the future you will probably find a cute girl. If sex had been something intrinsically bad, matrimony wouldn’t have been regarded a sacrament, would it?’ After his discussion with Father O’Kelly, Kowalski felt much better. He continued to work out at the gym, and achieved a lean and very hard physique, but he wasn’t able to become big and burly the way professional bodybuilders looked. During Technikum, some of the girls had found the combination of his short stature, ripped physique and cream coloured downy hair irresistible, and he had snogged a number of young women, but nothing serious. Since his early childhood, his favourite saint was St. Michael the archangel. The church his mother attended had several smaller adjacent altars, and his favourite one was dedicated to St. Michael. A broad shouldered statue of St. Michael was there, his enormous wings outstretched protectively, and his big chest decked with chainmail, a sword in his muscular arm, trampling the devil underfoot. It was an icon of masculine heroism, and Kowalski wanted to be a hero. To protect people, and defend them. When he graduated from Technikum, he first applied to the fire brigade, but his application was rejected since he didn’t fulfill the regulated minimum height. He then applied to the Armed Forces of the Republic of Poland, and was accepted. He scored very high on endurance tests, and he managed to lift heavier backpacks than men his own size usually did. He was very good at diving. He was extremely good at parachute jumps, but one part of his test results differed significantly from the rest: He scored low when it came to the ability to lift really heavy equipment, and he felt frustrated over this. Now and then, he shyly asked himself if he possibly could be gay. The Church’s position on the issue was clear, and that made him uncomfortable: He liked attending Mass now and then, and he appreciated to slip into an almost empty cathedral in the middle of the afternoon, experiencing the soothing silence and stillness. The Army officially maintained a non-discriminatory policy when it came to sexual orientation, and had always did, but the personal opinions among some of the senior officers and some of the other squaddies was another thing. As far as he knew, no-one had suspected anything. He knew that he often became horny when he read magazines about bodybuilding or watched action films with muscular heroes, but he wasn’t sure if that was a desire for the men themselves, or if it was rather a lust for becoming just as huge and ripped as them, excelling in masculinity. Gays are not masculine, are they? When TV news reported about Gay Pride parades in Warsaw, he didn’t feel anything for the men who walked by on the television screen: Trannies trying to look like women. Soft and wimpy men with rainbow pennants, some of them with glitter on their faces. They looked happy. He wished them luck with their everyday lives, but he didn’t feel attracted to them in any way. They seemed uninteresting. He had nothing in common to them. So he couldn’t be gay, could he? He had nothing against gays, as long as they didn’t hit on him. The Army became like a second home for him. He liked being challenged to achieve feats beyond his former limits. A couple of years went by. Then the Space Attack occurred. His family was evacuated from the Warsaw area to the countryside. He was sent to the Pan-European Military Research Facility, since he had been deemed suitable for experimentation. He had felt excited when he became aware of the purpose of The Program. De Vries had been a pain in the ass, but most of the international guys had been pleasant enough to work with. Among the scientists he felt most comfortable with the Norwegian one they called ’Viking Guy’, who had been friendly and polite. Coach was so well-trained, that he made Kowalski feel small in comparison, and there was something with the tiny Englishman, Smith, that made Kowalski feel awkward. He didn’t know what. He missed Soares. They had met the first day at the Facility, in the gym, and found a common bond in how much they liked workout and their disappointment with being hardgainers. Soares had a good sense of humour. Under cheering sounds from the other squaddies, they had sometimes wrestled at the living quarters, pitting each other’s strengths against each other. They had shared stories about their home countries and their worries for their families. Soares was also Catholic, so Kowalski had given him his St. Michael pendant as a gift of brotherhood. Soares had a good heart and kind eyes the colour of hazel nuts. And now he was comatose, because of an experiment gone wrong. Kowalski had sat beside Soares sick bed at Infirmary every evening since the accident happened. He felt angry at the scientists, but he also felt a bad conscience for his anger, since Viking Guy had told him that they worked on a treatment. He couldn’t sleep. He clothed himself, and tied his boots. The Infirmary lay in darkness, with the exception of a single lamp at the desk. To his surprise, neither Johansson’s nor Soares’ bed were there. After the initial surprise, he found Fischer, the night working nurse, tied to a chair. ’The recruits! They wheeled the patients away to the Lab.’ As soon he had freed Fischer from the chair, Kowalski jogged to the Lab, walking silently in suspicions the last distance. He peeked carefully into the Lab. Jones was there: He was a funny one, with a good sense of humour, at least when Kowalski could manage to understand his dialect. And Varga! Varga had behaved as an elder brother to Kowalski and Soares. Why had they of all persons disobeyed orders? If they actually had disobeyed orders. Weren’t they programmed to behave as perfect soldiers now? And who was the tall and muscular uniformed man typing at a screen? No! It couldn’t be… Doctor Smith? It’s impossible! He was so tiny, bespectacled and plump yesterday. This is like magic. He’s even bigger than Varga. And Boffin! And Viking Guy! And… O saint Mary in heaven: Coach was humongous now! What were they doing? Kowalski noticed the movable sickbeds. Empty. And the Chambers were activated. It dawned to him that Soares and Johansson were inside the Chambers, so it seemed that they tried to cure them from their comatose states. Cautiously, he stepped inside the lab. CHAMBER ONE IS [OCCUPIED][AND RUNNING PHYSICAL REPROGRAMMING PROTOCOL] Cpl. Soares Weight: 56 kilo grammes Now:[iNCREASING] [AWAITING DATA] Height: 168 centimetres Now:[iNCREASING] [AWAITING DATA] Chest: 91 centimetres Now:[iNCREASING] [AWAITING DATA] Waist: 70 centimetres Now:[iNCREASING] [AWAITING DATA] Arm: 34 centimetres Now:[iNCREASING] [AWAITING DATA] Thighs: 56 centimetres Now:[iNCREASING] [AWAITING DATA] ’Brain activity detected and intensifying.’ ’Pulse, breathing and temperature stable.’ Soares had grown inside the chamber. Muscles bulged and protruded from him. He was far from the size of the men in the Lab, but it was obvious that he was still growing in the golden shimmer. ’Kowalski? What are you doing here?’ Viking Guy had noticed his presence. The other large men looked in his direction. He felt uncomfortable. ’I was worried for Soares. Why did you tie Fischer?’ ’Did you tie Fischer, Jones? Why?’ ’Ah dinna thought mooch abuht ed. Ah wanted ’im to be outovva way. The Program kicked in.’ ’But why in the world would Fischer want to hinder us from curing the patients? Although it is in the middle of the night? Which is – ahem – unconventional.’ A short and confused discussion took place, but the safety for the patients soon redirected the focus of all present to the Chambers and the persons therein. Fischer peeked inside the room, but, although some of the men probably noticed him with their enhanced military senses, they all focused on the patients. Since Fischer didn’t have any patients to guard any longer, he sat down on a stool. ’Good to have you here, Kowalski.’, Doctor Green said. ’I know that you have sat beside Soares’ bed several nights. He knows you well. You are friends. He would listen to you.’ ’Yes?’, Kowalski asked. ’There is no damage to his brain. Whatever may have damaged himself before is perfectly healed by Morphogenetic Fields by now. I suspect that a psychological factor would help him to awake, under the condition that he remain in the Field during awakening. Human contact. You were scheduled for The Procedure the day after tomorrow, I believe. Would it disappoint you very much, if we rescheduled your treatment till tonight, instead?’ ’You mean. To become like you? Now?’ ’I understand that it comes of a sudden, but I really think that Soares would benefit from you talking to him, while you both go through The Program together.’ It came so suddenly. Kowalski felt confused. ’He is very close to awakening, but something delays it, and I believe there is a human factor to this. Your voice and your presence would hopefully lead him back to consciousness, but since that would expose you to The Program, you need to go through it all, with nano-inhalation, nutrition-IV and everything.’ Although it was buzz cut, Kowalski felt the hair on the back of his skull raise. He felt a pleasant shiver at his back. A lump emerged in his throat, and his mouth became dry. He silently observed the absurdly titanic men in the Lab – even the scientists looked like imaginary super-soldiers by now. He watched the growing Soares and Johansson in the Chambers. He should join their ranks tonight already. Everything felt unreal, like it was one of his silly teenage fantasies coming true. Absentmindedly, he answered: ’Yes. Of course I accept a reschedule. I want to help Soares. And it is – ehrm – actually quite exciting.’ He blushed somewhat, and untied his boots. The T-shirt fell on the bench. The trousers as well. Socks. Pants. It still felt unreal when Green applied the IV and the neuro-helmet. ’May I have a glass of water before I enter?’ Varga handed over a large plastic mug filled with drinking water. Kowalski devoured it. Green tied the breathing mask over Kowalski’s face. ’There is a microphone in the mask. If you feel strange, you may tell us. Most of the guys who have went through this Process have felt very well. Thank you for helping us to awaken Soares, and good luck inside.’ [CONNECTING] [ACCESSING DATA] [AWAITING SPECIMEN] Cpl. Kowalski Weight: 57 kilo grammes Height: 169 centimetres Chest: 91 centimetres Waist: 69 centimetres Arm: [AWAITING DATA] Thighs: [AWAITING DATA] CHAMBER ONE IS [OCCUPIED BY 2 SPECIMEN][AND RUNNING PREPARATORY PROTOCOL] [CONCOMITANTLY TO] [PHYSICAL REPROGRAMMING PROTOCOL][MULTI-THREADING] When the inner sluice opened, his entire body was struck by a violent wave. It caused all his bodily consciousness to tingle and buzz, in a way that was impossible to describe. He stepped inside the chamber, and the feeling became more intense. For a while it shut out all his other impressions. He tumbled into an intense vision of golden flashes and flares, in which his physical body ceased to exist. In its place he consisted entirely by raw, primordial power. Buzzing. Crackling. Emitting bolts. Devouring bolts. A voice which was not his own was saying something inside his mind. He didn’t actually hear it, since it was in his mind. He couldn’t hear clearly: It was not audible. It was more like a thought – an implanted thought. The intensity of the implanted thought increased: Do you accept The Program? He was rather strong minded. He couldn’t be forced to accept. Do you accept The Program? But it was because of The Program he was here. This reminded him of something a drill officer had said during basic training: ’I will break you down, in order to rebuild you!’. This was something similar. Do you accept The Program? Far, far away, he was vaguely aware that his physical body was involuntarily mumbling and grunting random words, but he didn’t pay attention to it: He was deeply immersed in his inner experience of integration into The Program. Do you accept The Program? He would become like the unbelievably huge titans outside the chamber. He shivered unintentionally in delight. Do you accept the Program? And he was here to help Soares. But what would happen if he tried to refuse The Program? You will accept The Program Fear arose. His instincts told him, that, if he accepted, he would no longer be entirely the same. From a certain point, he would no longer be himself. The instincts of fear became stronger. You will accept The Program You will accept The Program Damn it! It was his duty to endure this process, in order to help mankind. It was his duty to become… Becoming Defender Yes. To defend his fellow men against the invasion, and to defend his brothers-in-arms in danger. Becoming Protector Yes. To protect the weak and innocent… You will accept The Program Yes. To become a part of the same Program as the other optimised lads. United. Together as the first generation space marines. United… in… the… same… Program. You will accept The Program You will accept The Program You will accept The Program You will accept The Program You will ac ’SIR! YES, SIR!’ CHAMBER ONE IS [OCCUPIED BY 2 SPECIMEN][AND RUNNING NEURO-REPROGRAMMING PROTOCOL] [CONCOMITANTLY TO] [PHYSICAL REPROGRAMMING PROTOCOL][MULTI-THREADING] A small part of him knew, that the experience he re-lived wasn’t his own, but borrowed from someone else, like the one just before, and the one just before, but it felt so real, and it felt so much a part of his own experience… It was like he had been through this for years, by now: Years of painstaking exercise to perfect his ability to… …triumph in close combat… …swiftly and effectively handle weapons of innumerable types… …make tactical decisions… …defuse explosives… …hack into computer technology… It went on and on. He re-lived the lives of countless experts in their fields, and all were implanted and coalesced in him. Becoming consummate individual unit His confidence exploded and went off the scale. Nothing would ever make him feel awkward or uncomfortable any longer. Neuro-Reprogramming Protocol aim achieved Neuro-Reprogramming Protocol accomplished Closing according to Program Running: Physical Reprogramming Protocol [undivided] … [both specimen] [according to same matrix] Enhancing He was awake. He was present in a cylinder with another man. O, yes! The Chamber. The Process. Soares. His friend Soares. It felt good to be close to Soares. CHAMBER ONE IS [OCCUPIED BY 2 SPECIMEN][AND RUNNING PHYSICAL REPROGRAMMING PROTOCOL][iNTENSIFYING] The fluid around him was crackling with power discharges, and it caused his entire body to tingle in an incredible way. The power was crackling around Soares too, and he had grown amazingly big and well-defined, still pulsating of growth. Now, the same power surged through Kowalski, making him grunt with uncontrollable pleasure. An ugly sound of bones breaking and reforging was transmitted through the fluid. Kowalski was dimly aware of pain, and for a while his consciousness drifted away into darkness. When he awoke, he felt different and elongated in a strange way. The power emissions buzzed: in the fluid, on the surface of his skin, and through the essence of his entire body. He concentrated, and managed to speak. ’Soares. Wake up. It’s me, Kowalski. Please, Soares.’ And Soares opened his eyes. ’Kowalski? Oh. It feels… Mmmm.’ ’You are awake!’ ’So they continued to… Mmmm. …physical phase anyhow? Oh, this is good… Uh!’ Soares shivered in delight. He contracted his arms and tensed his abs. His dick awoke. Soares shivered again, and closed his eyelids again. His grunts revealed that he hadn’t drifted back to unconsciousness. Kowalski was so relieved that Soares had awakened, that he let his dogged determination go. His awareness tumbled into the flashing, buzzing, bubbling experience of bodily change, of transformation. The irresistible power surge… The Field… The radiation… He felt himself pack on meat in an incredible speed. His back broadened, became more massive, and his shoulders too, filling out, full, round, meaty powerful globes of human flesh. There was nothing he could do to stop it, but why would he want to do that? He was programmed to do everything necessary to optimise and maximise the performance of himself and of The Program. To enhance himself. To augment himself. And Soares. His legs felt like they were able to support incredible amounts, tree trunks widening, pillars of uncrushable steel, voluptuously huge calves. It was like pump, but intensified, and instead of just feeling like they grew, his muscles actually became larger, harder, more defined. His traps and pecs contracted in a deliriously delightful way, while they swelled up into uncrushable ridges and mounds, and he revelled in the feeling of his hyper-charged biceps and triceps, and of the vein covered steel cords, which once had been his forearms. His abs and iliac furrow burnt intensely while they became more and more well-defined, but the feeling gradually changed into the same buzzing and brimming feeling of power which filled the rest of his body. His firm gluteus had filled out into diamond hard orbs. [ACCESSING] [sPECIMEN DATA] Cpl. Kowalski Weight: 220 kilo grammes [AND INCREASING] Height: 215 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Chest: 228 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Waist: 114 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Arm: 100 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Thighs: 120 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Cpl. Soares Weight: 220 kilo grammes [AND INCREASING] Height: 215 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Chest: 228 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Waist: 114 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Arm: 100 centimetres [AND INCREASING] Thighs: 120 centimetres [AND INCREASING] [iNTENSIFYING] [according to same matrix] He didn’t become what he had ever dreamed of: He became something beyond the limits of his wildest imagination, and he diverted himself in the mindless roar of anabolic ecstasy. When he closed his eyes he heard the rushing sound of his pulse and of his blood stream transporting growth enhancing substances to every fibre of his pleasantly convulsing body. He grew in a way beyond what he could comprehend. He was a living battery, charged with the power current from a high voltage line. The power of vitality itself filled him limitlessly. Nuclear bombs exploded inside his body and inside his mind. The ineffable powerblaze stormed in every atom. He brimmed of unlimited and unconquerable might. Suddenly, he could feel Soares' hand on his left pec. It felt good. Soares’ hand had grown in size, but so had Kowalski’s pecs. Soares’ grip had increased, and a man of softer build would have been crushed by this, but Kowalski was no ordinary man. His pec resisted steel-hard the squeeze of Soares'. It felt good. Actually, it did feel amazing, since the empowering current of force, which made him grow, now streamed through him with redoubled intensity. It was like the power current streamed through him twice, and he could hear from Soares’ roar that the effect worked in both directions. He grabbed Soares’ incredible pulsating shoulders with both of his hands. His touch gave Soares a start, and for a couple of seconds Soares upper body went rigid. Then he relaxed – as far as the convulsing and pulsating state his muscles found themselves in could be called relaxed. Soares let his right hand move to Kowalski’s left bum, and the left hand soon followed. The hypertrophic power current now streamed through them again, again and again, in a heightened state of intensity. The Chamber bubbled of liquid. Thunderbolts of morphogenetic power struck their inner cores. The breathing masks hindered them from kissing each other, but both opened their eyes. Staring deeply into each others eyes, Kowalski’s ice blue eyes into Soares’ hazelnut brown ones, they could see how the heightened energy state began to affect their tissue. Golden power sparks arose in Soares’ eyes, and Kowalski could feel a strange, but pleasant, buzz arise in his own eyes. Then their eyes became interconnected to each other by two sparkling power currents of golden fire. Something happened at their groins, and the pulsating steel rods between their legs suddenly became interconnected by a similar crackling power current. Their muscular fibres became more and more unyielding. Their bodies became ever more covered in uncrushable brawn. They shook in pleasure. When Kowalski thought it couldn’t become better, more pleasurable, more ecstatic, the feeling intensified further. They both became monstrously titanic behemoths of ultra-masculine perfection. They roared. They raged. They bellowed, and hugged each other in steel hard embraces, but when the transformation process of The Program reached its climactic optimum, they both fell into velvet black unconsciousness. When Kowalski awoke, he found himself lying in a hospital bed at the Infirmary. Soares was lying in another one, and, since he was reading an e-book, any suspicions about a relapse into coma were dispelled. Two weeks ago, they had been the smallest of the recruits at the Facility. Now they both looked enormous. The story continues in https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7121-project-defender-chapter-four/
  6. GiganticBeast

    Gb's Dark Tales

    I am a very normal guy. Ish...sorta...sometimes. Very growth obsessed, as we all know, (or should know by now!) and have had countless years to focus on all kinds of fantasies and 95% of them are all wholesome and good, but every so often I want something more...I want something darker and that's where this thread is going to come in handy! This is by no means a thread for everyone, it has some topics and scenes some may find offputting! (which is why I'm posting it here!) For instance, in this story scene here, there is a woman who grows. But before you close the thread right away, let me explain. I'm a Bi giant beast man, and I've come across SO many growth stories online which deal with "turning the tables" as it were where the girl outgrows the guy. There's even a scene from time to time where the guy reclaims the power only to be trumped later on. I hate that part! With me, it's about the dominance, the POWER and that is something ONLY reserved for the men in my stories. So let me assure you, not all of these stories will have girls growing, but every single one of them will have the main theme of POWER in the absolute WRONG hands! Men who have no RIGHT to grow, and who will cause all kinds of mayhem and chaos and destruction! SO without further ado, enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The smell of the gasoline soaked burning wooden crosses filling the night air with a singeing acrid stench as the loud revelling echoed into night. The hollering cheering group of hatemongers cheering on as the helpless and hopeless were lynched and burned. Some of them hiding their faces with the long flowing white hoods, while others, even more brazen in their hate just wore plain clothes, so proud to be carrying out their twisted view of “God’s work” they want everyone to know! The crowd let out a few catcalls and slurs as the final victim was dragged up, the lithe woman still rebellious to the end after having just watched her father and husband killed senselessly. “You understand your charges? You witch, turning the minds of men with your fucking magic, making them think terrible thoughts all so you can drag them to your bed! For that only ONE sentence is appropriate!” The burly Klansman held her noose in hand staring at her, his thick bulge obvious as he ogled her curvy form, clearly falling victim to that aforementioned witchcraft! While she WAS a healer and a voodoo priestess, she’d only ever used the lessons passed on from her mother to help others, and now this muscled brute was going to end her life. Defiant to the end, she spat one last time, as the Klan leader strung her to the cross, the rage building inside of her, a darkness a seething burning hatred that could no longer be kept inside! It felt like her soul as screaming out of her body as she spit out the curse! "I swear you scum anything you do to me shall be returned to you TENFOLD!" she spat again, as the burly Klansmen struck her delicate face. "Shut your mouth you fucking whore!" he leaned in, closely, sniffing her and giving a lick across her smooth sweatsoaked cheeks "It's a shame that mouth of yours is so fucking filthy because I could think of a dozen better uses for it!" he leaned in giving her a kiss before she bit his tongue, causing him to lash out and strike her again, and damned if he couldn't feel a shock just as bad if not worse than a suckerpunch! Reeling from this, he stood back adjusting his robe, before ordering them to light her up. It was at that point he noticed her starting to moan and writhe on her stake. Far from the fear that was gripping her just moments ago, she was feeling more aroused than she ever had in her life! A warmth spreading over her, and it made him feel just as horny, his mind drawn to her full figure, her firm perky tits, everything about her made him want to fuck! This revelation hitting him just as he watched her breathing get quicker! The ropes starting to fray as she looked just as confused as everyone else! She let out another shrill moan as she suddenly SURGED up, her body bursting free of her restraints as she fell to her knees in orgasmic pleasure! From the center of the crowd rushed out the girl’s mother, the old woman smiling, watching her daughter moaning and overcome with the pleasure of this last minute spell, she was proud of saving her daughter's life like this! "IT worked! NOW my daughter you'll be unstoppable, a black goddess able to crush every one of these fuckers!" and the girl started to grin, stroking herself and feeling her body swell and grow against the hot summer ground! The klansmen backing up in fear as she swelled to 10ft, then 15ft! She never felt so...so POWERFUL! Her foot easily kicking aside one of the men who dared approach her! “EVERY ONE OF YOU FUCKERS IS DEAD!” she laughed, stomping once again the screams of terror of the little bigoted men suddenly falling hushed! She stood, confused as their attention was drawn behind her! Turning around slowly, she felt her heart stop! Watching that burly Klan leader stroking his cock through his robe, his body starting to heave with each deep breath! Every single person was losing their minds, but he was there, up on the hill stroking, and his obvious bulge was getting MORE and MORE obvious! He looked down at himself, watching the veins pulse up and down his thick hairy forearms, feeling his heart pounding faster as he stared up at the 15ft tall amazon. "YOU FUCKING WITCH! What have you DONE TO ME!?!" he moaned his body overwhelmed with the most intense orgasm of his life, as his cock literally tore free of his pants and his robe, throbbing thicker and through the open noose as he held it in his hand! Watching as the beast continued to grow with each thick rope of cum he fell to his knees as he watched the veins pulsing further up his arms and he could feel his shirt growing tighter under the flowing robe! Button bursting after button as he let out a deep guttural groan, which slowly twisted into a laugh! “You did this! You made me UHnnnnnn You made me GROW with your stupid fucking curse! You stupid little GIRL!!” he boomed with laughter as he was just 8ft tall, but by this point his cock stretched down even further, as another orgasm hit his powerful growing body, his arms stretching down his body, growing all the way to the ground as he jerked and spasmed swelling out of control! Watching his biceps fill with powerful thickening muscle as he flexed outwards feeling his lats balloon out so wide his shirt literally BURST off his frame as his arms pushed so far up his shoulders were pressing against his ears! “Mother what have you DONE!?” the amazon cried, terrified, unable to move her orgasmic growth finished at 15ft but still held in the afterglow, and the terror of this hulking hairy brute swelling in front of her! Her mother was in just as bad a state as the growing monster of a man who had just hit the 16ft mark plastered her in cum! “OH GOD it’s just not Uhhnnnn STOPPING!” he groaned barely able to talk, feeling his pecs bulge so thick they pressed against his chin! His hairy sweaty body looming over her now and shuddered as every single ab swelled outwards the thick snaking veins pulsing them into a burly musclegut, as his biceps throbbed so full he could no longer bend his lengthening arms! Struggling now to stay on his knees, moving them apart as his thick quads pressed against one another, the muscled thighs so massive they were running out of space to grow! The crowd cheering now! No longer afraid, but loving every minute, unknowing that this musclebound monster was pumping out so many pheromones that every man and woman in the crowd was overcome with an orgasmic sense of euphoria, even the once rebellious amazon felt herself was too turned on to stop herself from grinding her legs together in awe! His cock stretching down to just a few feet above the ground, pouring precum at this point as his hairy body only got thicker! “OH GOD it’s still HAPPENING i’m still GROWING how much BIGGER am I uhhnnn gonna GET you whore? I’m a FREAK already!” he bellowed shouting down at the flinching amazon before it hit him...10 times...10 times as BIG!? Again he spurted another jet of cum over the crowd, unable to stop himself from growing as he hit 20ft tall! “FUCK you’re making me SO BIG! Do you SEE uhhnnn OH FUCK Do you SEE what you’re DOING to me!?” he groaned punching the ground, his muscles jerking as hundreds of pounds of mass were pumped onto his growing frame every single second! Rising once again to his knees the monster hit 30ft then 40ft his booming guttural groans getting so LOUD they could be heard in the next county, he was trapped here, swelling and growing out of control until his cock let out another throbbing spurt of cum and swelled down to touch the ground once again! But it grew so thick the noose cut off circulation like the worlds tightest cockring! The huge low hanging balls swelling as he felt his body shudder and stop growing! Realizing that he had stopped the growth for now, he let out a snarl “OH YOU DESERVE A SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR THIS! FOR MAKING ME SO fucking BIG!” he laughed, realizing his true place wasn’t doing god’s work, it was BEING a GOD!” The amazon let out a terrified shudder as she felt herself revolted by and so turned on by this hulking monster, she wanted nothing more than to see him dead, but now her body NEEDED that massive cock inside her and as he loomed over to grab her she didn't so much as flinch!
  7. Trontastic

    Transform Gaiden: Part 6

    Hey all! Here is the next part, with some actual growth! I'm working on a little side chapter at the moment, and I'll add it here when it's done, so check back regularly! Also, once again, don't hesitate to reply or offer feedback or any of that shit. I can't improve if no-one tells me I suck! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Wait, what do you mean you won’t? I’d love to be as big, as strong as you. What’s the problem?” Nate just sighed, and leaned back in his groaning chair. “Alex, you talk too much. You know that, right?” Alex just stood there, a look of dumbfounded worry on his face, like he just realised he stepped in some dog shit and tracked it through the house. “Oh shit, man. I thought he already knew everything already. Were you going to explain…?” “Ah… I’ve been putting it off. I should have been honest from the start.” Nate leaned forward and again focused his attention on Mick. He folded his arms, causing the muscles on his arms to bulge to near inhuman levels. Mick could only sit there, staring at them. “Mate, I think we should keep talking about this in the back room. I think we’re going to want the privacy.” “Privacy? What, you mean without me?” “Yes, Alex. Without you. We don’t want to ruin that lovely dress, do we? Besides, I just finished up your dinner.” Nate jerked his head in the direction of the kitchen, where the pot was slowly simmering away on the stovetop. “Oh, sweet! I always love your cooking! You did put your…?” “Yeah, I added my ‘special ingredient’. It’s ready to go.” With that, Alex spun on his heels, and headed to the kitchen. As he was dishing himself up a big bowlful of that strangely smelling pasta, Nate gave Mick a tap on the shoulder, and then headed down the hall. Mick dutifully followed, mesmerised by the writhing mass of muscle that was Nate’s ass contained in those flimsy briefs. “So.” Nate sat down on the bed in the middle of the room, and motioned for Mick to take a seat next to him. “That first night we met. What do you remember?” “What do you mean? I remember the station, and the meal, and…” “No, no, I mean after that. Do you remember when you first walked in here? What you saw… me do?” “I… don’t know what you mean. But it’s odd. My memory… It’s like it was a dream. We walked in. You went down the hall… then there was this smell. And then, nothing until I woke up without my pants on the mattress.” Again, Nate took a look at Mick, shrugged his mountainous shoulders and stood up. “I was worried about this. It looks like you blacked out after you saw me… lose control.” “Lose control? What do you mean? What are you talking about?” “…I think it’s time I showed you a bit of what I actually am.” With this, he bent over, and worked his underpants away from his crotch and down his mammoth legs. Mick recoiled at this. “Dude, the fuck are you doing?!” “I need to for what I’m about to show you. Well, I don’t strictly need to, but I go through these things so much anyway, I don’t want to ruin them needlessly.” As he straightened up, Mick couldn’t help but marvel at the size of the meat hanging in front of his face, despite his natural squeamishness. It was... beautiful. About a foot long, if not bigger. And as wide as his own forearm. It wasn’t cut, but he could still see the prominent bell end clearly through the skin. There was a small bush of brown pubes on top, as well a large vein that snaked its way across the top of the shaft. Mick was mesmerised. “Still there, mate?” Mick was suddenly aware he had been staring at Nate’s dick for a few seconds. “Yeah, yeah. Is… that what you wanted to show me?” “No. Not quite. I just want you to know, what you see may be a bit hard to believe. Just… prepare yourself, okay?” “Prepare myself? What are you talking… about… Christ…” Mick didn’t know what he was seeing. It looked like Nate was being magnified. As he watched, Nate’s muscles seemed to shift and pulse under his thin skin. And as they did, they grew. His arms grew thicker, and were shifting away from his center due a similarly engorging upper body. Then, there were deep cracking sounds emanating from within his body. It was Nate’s bones. They were shifting as well. Becoming thicker, harder and longer. They forced his head up towards the ceiling, while his muscles continued to expand in all directions. It honestly looked like Nate was turning into the Hulk, like from the movies. Only this wasn’t CGI. This was real flesh, pulsing and growing and causing the floor underneath to creak and groan as this new mass piled on from seemingly nowhere. And his face. It was always handsome before. But it was changing shape as well. His cheeks were becoming more prominent. His green eyes grew ever more intense. His face was becoming a thing of beauty. That scent was back. That rank, intoxicating aroma overwhelmed any other odour that may have been in the room. And it was pouring off Nate. For Mick, who was so close to all this change and primal sexuality, it was all too much. He was dimly aware that he had grown a massive stiffy, and now it had exploded in his pants, without any input from him. All just from experiencing what was happening right in front of his face. Then, it all seemed to slow. The writhing orgy of activity under Nate’s skin stilled, and the body parts rising above Mick’s head slowed as well. When Nate finally stopped shifting, Mick was at still sitting on the bed, looking straight at Nate’s knees. And the tip of that absolute monster of a dick. “I… holy shit, man… What the fuck…” “That isn’t all, mate. Not by a long shot.” Nate’s voice was so deep and powerful, Mick felt it like a sub-woofer more than he heard it. Then, some movement on Nate’s crotch drew Mick’s gaze back there. Something was moving around under the skin, forcing his dick to one side. And whatever it was, it was growing. It swelled, growing larger and larger, dangling lower and lower. It wasn’t until the skin broke on it, did Mick realise just what it was. It was a dick. Nate had just grown a second dick right in front of his eyes. This was insane. “You see, Mick? I’m more than just well built. I’m more than… human.” Mick was speechless. What he had just witnessed was not possible. Nate was well and truly beyond human dimensions now. He stood stooped, his head brushing the roof 3 metres off the ground. He had to weigh at least a ton. Everything about him was so extreme. It was like a dream. “Okay, I think you get it now. We should probably talk about things, and I don’t think we can do it properly when I’m like this.” Just like it started, the changes started to reverse themselves. Slowly but surely, the muscles seemed to fold into themselves. They shrunk down, and allowed his arms and legs to move closer to his torso. His bones grew smaller, and his head moved further away from the ceiling. In a matter of seconds, Nate was standing in front of Mick, the same large, though not impossible, size he was before. “Wha… what the fuck are you?” Nate just shrugged his mammoth shoulders, and sat down on the bed next to Mick. “If I ever do find out, you’ll be the first to know. All I know is one day, after a little help from a big guy, this happened.” Mick was suddenly aware of the damp patch growing cold in his pants, realising what his body had done without his input. Humiliated, he turned his sodden front to the side, keeping his head down and trying in vain to hide what had happened. He felt Nate’s hand caress his shoulder. “It’s okay. You did nothing wrong. That tends to happen around guys like us. There’s no shame in it, you know.” Mick just sat there, trying desperately to just fade away into the background. His mind was consumed by embarrassment; by the feeling he had just ruined everything. Then, a slight but firm shaking, as Nate tried to rouse his attention. “Can you turn and face me, please?” “…” “Don’t worry. Honestly, I’m not put off by this. Frankly, it’s sort of a relief for me that you did react that way. “…” What you saw was way weird shit. You could have run out of the room, and never looked back. But you sat there, and withstood all that I showed you. And you stayed conscious this time too! So please, turn around. I want to look at those beautiful eyes of yours.” Slowly, Mick turned around. The dark patch on his jeans and lower shirt was very visible, despite Mick’s hands trying to cover it. Nick gently guided his face upwards with a single powerful index finger, until they were looking at each other, eye-to-eye. “There we go. You did great. You’re doing great. I mean it. What I did to you, that was no small thing.” “But…how?” “How…?” “Do you do… all that?” Mick gestured, splaying his arms apart like the expanding body he witnessed. “Honestly, I don’t know how it happens. All that biological stuff? Haven’t a clue how it happens. That’s not to say there’s no control. There’s plenty of that. I don’t want to sound too bragging, but I do know what I’m doing when I’m with a guy. No danger of any… accidents.” “Then… why not?” He grasped Nate’s hand, almost revelling in his touch. “Is it me? Don’t you want to be with me?” At this, Nate just had a deep chuckle, making the bed and his body shaking like there was an earth tremor. “It’s not a question of me wanting you, mate. The instant we met, I wanted to change you, to initiate you into all this. It’s like, an instinct or something, like you’re always starving or massively horny, or both at the same time. Believe me, if it were just a matter of me wanting it, you couldn’t stop me, literally. “What, you mean like holding me down and… raping me?” “Huh? No, not tha-… okay, that too. But there’s something else. Something… unusual I can do, to force myself on you.” “Wait, what else can you do? How can you force… me to… what is…” Mick was at a loss for words at what he was feeling. Everything felt good. Amazing! It felt like something was… rubbing him? Stroking him? His skin felt a million supple, sensuous hands massage and stimulate every part of his body it was possible to feel pleasure in! His shoulders, his back, his ass, everywhere. His head felt blissful, full of endorphins, full of… sex! Were he capable of conscious thought, he would have likened it to a wet dream, multiplied by ten, or more. Everything was building, getting more intense. And it seemed to be travelling down, towards his sodden crotch. His dick, having spent it’s load only minutes before, was raging hard again. He could feel it. He was going to explode this time! He was hanging on by a razor’s edge… Then, it suddenly stopped. The magic hands ceased. The euphoria subsided, and Mick was slowly floating back down to earth. “Jesus, man…” Mick said, panting slightly “What was that?” “That was me. Again. That was a mental trick we can do. It’s hard to explain what it is, so I thought I’d give you a demonstration. It’s what we call ‘tugging.’” “Tugging?” “Yeah. It’s another part of the package deal, as it were. We can turn it off and on, easy as a tap. And that’s related to why I didn’t want to change you… tonight.” “I don’t get it.” Nate just shook his head. “Everything I’ve shown you, all that crazy growing, the extra dick, the tugging? It’s only a fraction of what I’m capable of. If I’m not careful, I could damn near literally fuck your brains out. Overdose you on sex, so you can’t conceive of anything else. Render all rational thought useless around me. I can take away your free will, Mick. That is the danger here. “You… can do that?” “I can. And it has happened before. I’ve gone online and spoken with some of the guys who originally started this back in the States. Some of the ways they describe how they were changed, or how they changed others, it would be the literal definition of rape, if the law knew about what we could do. There was no consent. Only unwilling coercion. I refuse to let that happen. “So, you won’t change me, because…” “Because this is a permanent, life changing action. There is no undo button on all this. But don’t think that means I won’t ever, though. I want you to think about it first. Properly. Go home, and talk to your family about how you feel. If, after all that, you still want to join me and Alex and everyone else, I will happily show you the ropes.” “You will?” “I will.” Nate just sat there, naked and stroking Mick’s hair. “Again, if you have any questions or anything, you have my number. Call me at any time, seriously.” “I think I will. Thank you. For everything.” Mick leaned forward, and wrapped his arms around the gentle giant, though his arms couldn’t reach all the way around. Nate returned the gesture, encasing Mick in a loving embrace. They could have stayed in that position forever, but a blade of twilight sun breaking through the bottom of the blinds made Mick aware of how long he had stayed. “Ah shit, I’m gonna be an hour late home! I’ve got to run, man.” “No problem. Did you need any with your, erm…” He pointed to still prominent mark on his pant fronts. “Oh. Wait, it’s okay. I’ve got my work pants in my bag. I’ll be ok.” The two of them got up, and made their way to the front door. In a matter of seconds, Mick had changed pants, and was ready to go. “So, you gonna be alright getting home alone? It’s kinda late…” “I’ll be fine. We’re not exactly in Detroit, you know. I’ve done this before.” “Alright, just offering. Give me a ring if you need anything. Anything at all.” “Well, before I leave, I do have one… little request.” “Oh? What is it?” Mick grabbed hold of Nate’s massive traps, and pulled himself up to face level. After planting one small kiss on his cheek, he dropped down, and ran out the door. “Well, goodbye to you too, sweetie.” He said softly down the corridor, and gently closed the door. “Well that was fucking anticlimactic!” Nate spun around, and saw Alex, sitting in the middle of the mattress pile, rhythmically tapping his shoes on the hard floor. “Ah fuck, I did kind of ignore you, didn’t I?” “Kinda. But still, at least you gave me a meal. I do love your cooking.” “Ha! You don’t come for the cooking, you come for the ‘ingredients!’” As he said this, he waved his imposing cock from side to side, emphasising where he got the ‘cream’ for his pasta from. “To-may-to, to-mah-to, man, seriously. Besides, I do love it when you get all protective and caring over a small guy. I can be patient.” “I care about him, but I don’t think I’m protecting him. I want Mick to get all the facts, and make up his own mind. It’s the only right way to go about it.” “I dunno, his mind seemed pretty made up just then. You really think a couple of days, or a week will change it?” “If he does, cool. If he doesn’t, also cool. So long as he makes the decision.” “Whatever floats your boat, I guess.” Alex fiddled with his dress, trying to get it to sit more comfortably on his own bulk. “I should be off too, anyway. Rehearsal is in half an hour. The Cabaret calls to me!” “Some days I wonder why you even bother getting dressed up. You know what I think you look best in anyway.” “Unfortunately, my sweet, my passion for the arts trumps my more base desires.” As he got up and sauntered out the door, he planted his own lips on Nate’s, and shared a deep kiss. “Though, that’s not to say there isn’t room for fun afterwards. Don’t wait up!” As the Hulk in Drag waltzed out the door and down toward the lobby, Nate just stood there. As he shut the door, he smirked a little as he thought to himself: “My life has gotten so weird!”
  8. A Christmas Surprise Edmond is a very charitable man and has always done whatever he could for his friends. Whether they needed financial or emotional support, he was always there for them. He has never once felt like he should ask for handouts even if they were offered to him. Despite his good deeds, Edmond is quite lonely and feels a bit empty inside. While it isn’t unusual for him to attend the yearly parties at his friends’ pads and at his workplace, he has never found that one person to fill the empty space in his soul. His friends have never caught on to this since he has always been really good about covering up his emotions with them. This year he put his Christmas tree beside the fireplace for the first time since he moved into a new house just a few months prior. He positioned it to where he could look at it as the fire crackles in the room to give it a nice ambiance. It has made for great photos as well since he has snapped quite a few pictures on his camera, and even filmed the whole scene to send to all of his buddies. Edmond is quite modest about his body as well. Being as lonely as he is, his workouts have been ramped up to deal with the feelings he is having. His friends’ remark about his huge biceps all the time and how they always stretch the sleeves on nearly every shirt he owns. As a bit of a joke this year, he decided to film himself shirtless in front of his tree and did a few bodybuilding poses. He has played the video back several times to stare at his thickly muscled torso as it would glisten in front of the fireplace. After editing the final product, he sent pictures to most of his friends who once again remarked about how studly he was looking. Still modest by all means, he found this to be a bit ridiculous but deep down inside he was loving the way he looked and wished that he had a companion to share Christmas with so they could enjoy the fruits of his labor. He wasn’t always alone. His ex-boyfriend Les still comes by once in a while with his husband Ralf, but this year they were going to Florida for Christmas. (Les and Ralf live in Connecticut.) After attending one of his friend’s parties on Christmas Eve, Edmond arrives home around 11 to crash on the sofa. He ends up dozing off after a few minutes. As he lays there sleeping, the fire goes out and something makes a really loud sound on his rooftop. It seems as if something or someone is trying to make their way down the chimney. Feeling the room getting colder, Edmond wakes up to go check on why the fireplace went out. He can hear rustling coming from above his head and reaches over to grab the fire pick located on a rack about two feet away. A man falls out of nowhere and lands on top of Ed’s head as his face plants directly into the soot. The large man gets up as Ed jumps back to clean his face off with the clothing he has lying beside the couch. When the man walks out from within the fireplace to look at him, Ed is shocked to see that it is the man from those stories he heard about from his childhood. The man is not as heavy as they described him to be either. He looks like he could be in his 50s, but is a remarkably handsome man as well. He is laughing as he walks towards Ed. In complete shock, Ed drops the fire pick and nearly passes out. The man grabs him before he reaches the floor and picks him back up to lay him on the couch. Ed can feel how strong the man is by the way he holds him against his chest. The man’s red and white suit is quite snug as the heat emanates from his body. The man speaks in a very deep manly tone and tells him that his name is indeed Kris Kringle. He says that he came to present a gift to Edmond which has quite a few perks that he might enjoy immensely. The man’s sexy brown eyes never look away from Edmond as he speaks to him. His white beard clings to his firm face as Edmond finds himself surprisingly attracted to the man. He tries not to show it but the man is completely on to him. Kris is now sitting beside him on the couch too which doesn’t help matters. Kris hands Edmond a red velvet pouch with what looks like a bottle inside it. He tells Ed to take the bottle out and to read the inscription on it. The heavy glass bottle contains a green liquid which sparkles as it hits the light in the room. Kris says that he can decide what to do with the liquid since it can provide joy if he so desires it. He thinks, ‘What does Kris mean by happiness though and is this some kind of test?’ He looks at the bottle again and wonders what he is supposed to do with it since all it says on it is ‘Happiness’. Kris puts his arm around Edmond and pulls him in closer to his body. He whispers in his ear, ‘you can drink it, rub it into your body, or don’t use it at all. It is your choice.’ Ed’s eyes widen as he is given these options. Kris already knows what his choice is going to be, but wants to hear it straight from Edmond’s lips. He unbuckles the black belt attached to his suit and opens the top part of his jacket as he reveals his greying hairy chest which has a treasure trail that moves all the way down to the hairy bush he is sporting. Ed is floored that the man he knew from his youth is in reality an extremely muscular daddy and he is sitting beside him. Kris grunts a little as he slowly leans in to give the surprised man a soft kiss on his lips. He takes the bottle out of Ed’s hands as he kisses him so he doesn’t drop it by accident. It turns out that the bottle is only part of the gift that the hairy man is giving him. He places it on one of Ed’s side tables as it continues to sparkle like diamonds beside the lamp and the fireplace. Kris gently slides him down onto the couch as he gets better situated on top of his chest as his hugely muscled gut presses up against the striped shirt that Ed is still wearing. Kris nuzzles his face with his beard and plants long wet kisses on his partner’s neckline. It isn’t long before the mature man decides to take his entire suit off to get completely naked. Ed grabs Kris’s huge ass and feels both of his firm glutes in his hands as they flex and strain. Before he can do anything else, the sexy older man pulls Ed’s shirt off and massages his thick chest with his tongue. Kris asserts his power over his younger counterpart as he unzips Edmond’s pants and pulls them off as well. The two men’s cocks are playing hockey with each other as they slap each other numerous times before they finally lie up against each other and throb together. Kris smiles and laughs in his deep husky tone as he lets Ed know that he will feel a huge amount of ecstasy as they get further into the sex. He slides down the couch to pick the young man up so he can play with Ed’s hole as he licks it slowly before laying him on his musclegut to push his big cock inside. Ed doesn’t put up much of a fight as he gives in to the sexy older man’s advances and relaxes his hole completely to let the muscle daddy slide all the way in. Kris starts fucking him in quick bursts exerting a great deal of power into every thrust. Ed is confident that he can take it though since he focuses quite a bit on his core in his workouts. After several minutes of steady pounding Kris stops fucking him to reach over and retrieve the bottle from the table to open the lid. Ed looks at him and motions for him to drink it since it is what he wants him to do. The big stud moans under his breath and agrees as he gulps down half the bottle. He pulls his cock out of Ed before pouring the rest of it onto his heaving chest. The contents roll off the edges of his massive pecs as it trickles off his swollen nipples and into Ed’s waiting mouth. He licks the hair on Kris’s muscle gut before working his way up to munch on his big pecs and chews furiously on both of his swollen nipples. The happy older man squeezes Ed tightly as he feels his body starting to change. His skin gets tighter and more vascular as the veins grow thicker along the surface of his skin. His body hair changes to a solid brown as his cock gets more rigid than before. Ed moans feeling the muscle daddy changing as he continues to worship the mature man’s amazing chest. At the same time, Ed can feel his body changing as his muscles starts expanding. The pleasure he is feeling makes his cock shoot several ropes of cum all over his partner and himself. He looks up into his lover’s eyes and sees how incredibly handsome Kris Kringle is becoming as the man’s brown eyes look down at him as he grins. Kris proceeds to penetrate Ed once again as he fucks him with even more force than before. The feeling he is getting from this makes him almost numb as Kris continues to pound him. He can sense the big stud is about to cum and fears that Kris will plug him up if he comes inside his body, but the sexy brown-haired man assures him that he will be safe because another part of the gift is immunity from sexual diseases as well. He stops fucking Ed just before he starts blasting several ropes of cum into his gut as it coats his insides. They both moan loudly letting the rush flow through them. Ed is completely unaware that his body has grown by 10 pounds through this whole sequence as Kris massages his bottom’s bloated muscles. Kris pulls his wet cock out of Ed again to move himself down to work on Ed’s slightly larger cock. He toys with the head as it fills up with blood and then gobbles it down his eager throat. He moves in rapid succession as he immediately manages to get Ed close to unloading a monster of a load. Ed sweats profusely as he squirms back and forth on the couch as Kris holds him down promising him that he won’t lose a single drop of his manseed. After noticing his partner’s cock and balls turn a deep purple, Kris moans feeling the thick cum creep up into Ed’s shaft as it swells against his lips and teeth. He positions himself to catch the first massive rope as it sprays the inside of his mouth making the big man gag a couple of times. The next few ropes end up hitting him in the face before he locks back down onto Ed’s cock again and swallowing the rest of his load. The sensations he feels from it flowing into his stomach makes him grunt and growl with absolute delight. He continues pumping Ed with his big hands as more cum flows down into the muscle stud’s throat before letting the last few spurts shower his face as he moans deeply rubbing his younger lover’s dick against his beard. After this final exchange, Kris tells Ed to lay back and just relax as he moves back up to wrap his arms around his lover and to pull him into his chest to hold him close. The sexy older man tells him to go to sleep and not to worry that he will still be there in the morning. Christmas Day arrives and after a great night of sex, Ed wakes up and sees a much younger Kris Kringle standing in front of his Christmas tree wearing just a pair of red boxers with white fleece along the top edges. His back is to Ed as all of his massive curves glisten while beads of sweat roll down each one of them and disappear into his gorgeous butt crack. He spreads his lats out as his stands there with his hands on his hips. Ed says something to get Kris’s attention. As he turns around, his pecs bounce and his biceps clinch since he is not expecting his younger counterpart to be awake yet. He smiles as his new brown beard glows just a tad as he says, ‘Good morning, I hope you enjoyed the time we had last night.’ Ed responds by saying, ‘It was one of the best nights of my life.’ which prompts the sexy man to do a few poses himself in front of the Christmas tree. Kris stops posing to go sit beside him and puts his huge arms around his equally big partner and turns to look him in his eyes. He tells him that everything that has been given to him so far is permanent and that he will remain with him for as long as it is deemed necessary. Ed tries to hide his loneliness from Kris, but the older hunk is fully aware of how he feels just from the way he is acting. He leans in and kisses him very passionately as their tongues meet. They have sex again as Kris pulls off his red boxers to move his lover on top of him to slide his huge cock inside Ed as he rocks him up and down making the younger man moan deeply. The fucking feels so much different this time because the numbness he felt before is dissipating. Kris squeezes his lover’s thick arms and worships his huge chest with his mouth and hands. He tells Ed to just relax and let him do all of the work since it is Christmas after all and he is the one receiving gifts. He sucks on Ed’s huge nipples and rubs his hard ab tiles prompting Ed to grunt loudly as he starts to produce precum down below. Kris picks up speed inside him and promptly pumps his seed inside his lover over and over again while he continues to worship Ed’s muscular body. He finally stops unloading inside him to pull his cock out so he can return the favor and get his partner to shoot his load next. Kris somehow has the ability to make Ed’s cock swell bigger and wants him to watch as he makes this happen. The stimulation from the older stud’s tongue quickly makes the muscles in his pole pump up as it moves all the way down into his balls which are doubling in size. The pressure is so unreal that it feels as if he is going to explode in the literal sense. Ed begs him to let him cum since his cock is now turning purple. Kris laughs as he pumps it slowly with his mouth and positions himself to catch the thick river as it flows into his mouth. He growls feeling his body tense up as he starts to get a huge pump all over his body as it turns purple like it is getting ready to burst. Ed jumps to his feet to feel Kris’s hairy chest as it gets all wet from the huge amount of sweat coming from every pore in his skin. It feels so good that both men blow their loads again this time onto the floor. Ed asks Kris how long he will stay like this which he responds by saying that it is only temporary, but it could last longer if he decides to make a resolution for the upcoming New Year holiday. This is something that Ed has never done before, but will for the first time in his life. Since Kris said he was not leaving, this next New Year’s holiday would be more meaningful than ever before. Ed tells him that he wants to introduce him to some of his friends just as a way to include him in some of their social gatherings; however, the big hairy stud tells him that this can’t happen until after he makes his resolutions on or after January 1st. The two sweaty men get up to go to the shower to wash each other off. This of course leads to more passionate kissing and nice prolonged handjobs from both men. A question that is being asked in Ed’s mind is, ‘Where is all of this cum coming from?’ He is spurting nothing but solid white cream from his balls and it makes him wonder if perhaps he would continue to do so after the New Year begins. Kris smiles since he knows what his partner is thinking and unloads a nice thick load of cum as well. It appears that the happiness potion has made both of them more virile and more youthful as a result of consuming it. He then asks his older lover, ‘How is he going to keep this secret for an additional week?’ Kris tells him to relax and not to worry because he has other places he can go to in the meantime so he can just live life the way he did before they met for the time being. After draining their hoses, cleaning up their mess, and drying off, Kris tells Ed that he will be return in a few days so he can make his resolutions since there isn’t much else they can do together at this point. Ed looks at him with a bit of concern on his face but once again Kris reassures him that he isn’t leaving for good and that he will return when the time is right. After a few more minutes of hugging and kissing, he leaves out the back of the house wearing his red and white suit and slowly disappears into thin air. As he tries to keep from getting emotional over Kris leaving, Ed immediately starts texting several of his friends to tell them that he may have finally met someone that he cares greatly for. Some of them find it quite peculiar that this would happen on Christmas Day, but they do believe him somewhat. He hopes that they can meet him after the New Year starts, but he does agree with them that maybe he should just take this one day at a time. After an extremely busy week at his workplace, Ed tries to cope with being alone again since Kris still hasn’t returned from wherever he said he was going. It is the 30th of December and he has heard nothing from him. Luckily though, his friends have visited since they really want to know who this mystery man is. He doesn’t have any pictures of Kris yet to show them because he forgot to take some when they were together. One thing they didn’t pick up on was the fact that he is slightly bigger from when they last saw him at the Christmas party and from work. By drinking the green potion he was given, he ended up gaining at least 30 pounds of muscle through several days of slow gradual growth and even has more hair on his body as a result. He wasn’t too shabby before the changes, but even he has noticed some major changes like how much bigger his biceps are and how his pecs are even closer to his chin than beforehand. His workouts have gotten quite a bit easier as well. He has upped his max weight on the bench and can squat at least 100-200 pounds more than previously. The stress he had from not having Kris around has kept him focused on the gym more than ever. He has made it a point to get a bunch of workouts in before New Years Eve since he doesn’t know what Kris has planned for him. The anticipation has been building up in his brain and he wants to look his best for when he does return. The story continues with New Beginnings, coming soon!
  9. Omiganda

    Belly Down Part 5

    I've posted a lot this month, huh? Part 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1510-belly-down/ Part 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1525-belly-down-part-2/ Part 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1530-belly-down-part-3/ Part 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3401-belly-down-part-4/ Belly Down Part 5 The campus was quiet in the spring night air. Crickets were the only thing that broke the barrier, though even they were hushed. The many buildings of the college campus were just as quiet as students all over the school were resting their heads before the beginning of another semester. Small vehicles carried school guards across the facility in record time. One specific vehicle arrived at the front doors of one of the school’s gyms. A large-waisted cop yanked up his belt and walked slowly to the entrance to the gymnasium. “Stupid belt is pulling at me again” he said before turning and looking down at his watch. Almost midnight. The guard grumpily walked towards the front door and shuffled his set of keys until he found the correct one. He pulled up his walkie talkie and grumpily let it set itself to the correct channel. “Tony, explain again why I’m checking the gym? I’m pretty sure no one wants to do sets at 12 AM.” *KRRRRR* “I’m pretty sure you just mean you, man. Did I see you eating another donut before you made your way there?” came the voice of an equally unconvinced guard on the other end. The cop angrily hooked his talkie back onto his chest fixture and stabbed his key into the gym’s lock. He then yanked the key out and pulled at the door handle. “What? Did I….” he started before yanking at the door again. The door was locked. He’d just locked it. “Tony, doors were unlocked” *KRRRRR* “You ever seen a athletic building that didn’t have some dumb college kids running it? Of course they forgot to lock the door. Stop slacking and hurry it up, Slater.” Slater re-unlocked the door and walked carefully into the building, passing the front desk of the large building and waving his flashlight over the many walls, passing a bulletin board or a set of stairs every so often. Slater had to admit this was his best job so far. Such a large school offered a nice sum of money to an ex-cop willing to scale over it with a small staff. He hated gyms as much as any other guy. Reminded him too much of his time in high school where they would call him things that were pretty typical to call people who weren’t supermodels. Slater was really bitter about that for the rest of his life, generally. It shone in how he had eaten his way through pounds of food to solve his problems and pick jobs where he could take his aggression out on. Of course, that doesn’t work in a world of smart phones and internet. His aggression became a spectacle and a spectacle became forced resignation. The chief said he was being “lenient” for letting him off with resignation and not a discharge. All these memories were what made Slater ignore the details and focus on completion rather than accuracy. He didn’t notice a single thing out of the ordinary that should have been obvious to a real guard. He might have seen the fact that one light was on but flickering awkwardly compared to the others. “Why would they have a light on over the vending machines here? Who would eat this diet crap?” He also could have noticed the dark red stains on the ground that might’ve been blood. “Ugh, another jock spilling their creatine crap everywhere.” Signs were all over the place and he made excuses for all the basic signs. The dents in the marble floor, the tiny symbols on the benches that looked like they were written on with magic marker, even the stray burn mark on the door to the custodian’s closet. “I don’t really blame them for not paying the custodians more, they do a crap job” Slater said into his talkie as he stomped his booted feet down the hall. Then one thing he couldn’t ignore sounded in the distance. Clank. Clank. Clank. K-Clank. Slater wielded his baton as the sound quieted down. He tiptoed as best he could to try and peek into a single room. It was dark from what he could gather but the sound had started again. Clank. Clank. Clank. Slater yanked his talkie off his chest again. “Tony!” he whispered as best he could into the device. “There’s someone else in here with me.” *KRRRR* “Have you been watching that show about hunting Big Foot again?” “No! There really is someone here!” Slater silently screamed into the talkie. *KRRRR* “Yeah, OK” Slater cursed quietly and put his device back and gripped the baton even more tightly. The muscles he’d used in the force flexed as he felt himself move into his old groove. “I’ll handle this myself. Fuck them.” He leaned in to take a peek into the room but couldn’t see much. It was a large room but it was glittered with only some moonlight. There wasn’t enough to properly make out anything but a silhouette. It seemed like an average man but his entire body was covered in something. Leather? Tight muscles could be made out on a smooth, liquid-like surface as though the entire creature were some darkened chocolate. With a squint, Slater could make out the slight redness to the man standing in the room. What threw him most, however, were the two things sticking off of his head like antennas. Were they horns of some kind? Slater quieted as he heard the man speak in a voice between a young boy’s voice and gurgling as though it were coming from several different voices. It was almost impossible to make out but he could pull out words. “No…..can’t…… he……. ready…..stupid………Syrach….” Slater leaned in further to get more volume to the man but suddenly he slipped on another dark red puddle and fell forward, hitting the ground with a thud. He threw himself upward again to try and catch the man red handed but, before he knew it, there was no light. “Hey! Come out!” he called as he waved his spotlight over spots in the room. Suddenly, there was a loud CLANK and Slater was speeding towards the exit. He didn’t bother calling for back up with his fellow officer, Tony, in the most skeptic mood. He simply ran as fast as he could, turned to lock the door and speeded off into his cart, where he made a U-turn to his original destination. A red figure stood on the building of the gym with a grin. “That sucked. He’s not close to being take-able.” He watched as the little cart buzzed away and almost hit a lamppost. “For a little human, he was a little chubby.” The red figure looked up at the moon and grinned before turning and flexing a bicep. The ball of muscle that formed was blump and almost formed a double peak but, just as it was getting pumped, the arm wiggled and bubbled like bubbling water in a pot. “Fuck, I can’t keep the form without him” he said as he looked out into the distance. “Better get back before he wakes up” he said as he jumped into the sky like an elegant bird, jumping from roof to roof. He heard a small yelp in the distance. He looked over to the city and grinned. “Ok, maybe one more work out.” --- Casey looked up at his ceiling and scratched the brown fur on his chest. He was alone in his dorm room, the building quiet as everyone was off on their weekend. He’d planned to hang out with Kenny for the weekend, maybe watch movies and hang out in town. That didn’t work out it seemed since the past few months went by. Casey had to pull back on his social circles a little to gain weight and move up a weight class. His muscles were still has hard as ever, just an extra 10 pounds of hard earned flesh. What he didn’t expect was that Kenny joined him. Kenny was growing like a weed since his win and had continued pulling wins even as he skated up 2 weight classes! Casey grew hard thinking about Kenny and stuffed his hand into his pants. Being around Kenny was a lot harder since he’d started sprouting like a late blooming social flower. Kenny, along with gaining 2 inches of height and roughly 20 pounds of tough beef, had begun to do things very unlike Kenny. It started slowly with adding more weight than he normally would, showing he was breaking his mental shell of being stuck at his normal strength. Then he began to talk to people by looking them in the eyes, though he still didn’t necessarily puff his chest out or show off any kind of new found narcissism. Casey was happy he kept some things like wore big clothes to try and hide his new muscles. The fact that Kenny was so shy also made him adorable to Casey. And then there were other things like— Casey quickly shuffled his cock to a comfortable but less noticeable position and pulled up the newspaper beside him to appear innocent as the dorm’s door unlocked and Kenny walked in. Kenny was sweaty from his second run in with the gym and was wearing a thick hoodie and running shorts that went past his needs. Casey grinned and tried to distract him while he tried to have his hard cock soften more. “Working hard at the gym I see” he said with a grin as he watched Kenny throw his bag onto their couch and pull off his hoodie from the bottom. Casey grit his teeth as he saw the muscles underneath flex and glisten in the afternoon light. “Oh, I don’t think it’s much” he said as he was clearly turning red and scratched his red hair in the way Casey loved. He’s so cute, he said as he watched Kenny pull at his shirt to get air onto his body. “You know, you can take off that shirt if its so hot” he said as he lay glued to his position. His cock wasn’t going down as he smelled the strong masculine scent from his sweaty roommate. Kenny looked over at Casey like an innocent creature begging for his life and Casey grinned and threw off the newspaper, quickly wrapping his arms around Kenny. “Come on! Show a little more skin!” he toyed as he grabbed at the bottom of Kenny’s shirt and began to pull it off. Kenny fought back as much as he could and really tried. Casey noticed it instantly as he felt the resistance and had to push to really try and get it off. Was he really this strong after the gym? He was standing in a sweat puddle practically! Casey gave it his all and, with a whoo, had yanked Kenny’s shirt off. Kenny stood defeated looked at his roommate with frustration. Casey’s mouth lay open as he saw the muscles on Kenny’s body. Each muscle was well carved and taut. His pecs were his best feature as his freckled chest and reddened nipple framed their size. Casey was frozen in place for a moment. Kenny didn’t notice as he extended his hand. “God, fine! I won’t wear a shirt, happy?” he said in the most frustrated expression he could make. Casey was petrified for a moment before moving again and handing the shirt back. He’d seen those muscles under a singlet before but nothing matched looking at them with bare skinned view. Kenny’s back muscles bulged as he turned to his stuff to pull out new clothes and get some new clothes. 177 pounds made some amazing curves on a lean body of only 5’9. Casey watched him head to the bathroom before he saw him stop at the door. “What?” Casey said as he watched Kenny stop and look over at his bed. Maybe he shouldn’t have jacked off the two times before Casey arrived. Kenny looked at the newspaper heading and picked up the newspaper and stared for a moment. He looked back to Casey. “Who’s this?” Casey recognized the heading. “Oh, it’s just some weird vigilante running around. Last night he saved a little girl who was held hostage at a bank robbery. Apparently, my dad said the press had a field day. Kenny looked at the paper again and grimaced. The man was jumping onto another roof from the bank’s domed one but he saw one thing if he squinted hard enough. Kenny set the paper back down and turned back to the bathroom, Casey’s eyes training the imprint his butt made in those basketball shorts. Casey took a breath when Kenny left the room. There always seemed to be a magnetic feeling for him when Kenny was near. He had yet to place it as he went to his bed, flipped the sheets, and then began switching clothes himself down to his white briefs. “You coming to the athletic department’s banquet?” he called as the shower water started and he pulled up a pair of jeans and sifted through shirts. “No thanks. I’m just going to take a nap!” Kenny called through the noise. Casey chuckled a little. Kenny’s “naps” were much shrter than they used to be. Usually not having much energy from staying up watching tv late, he used to only sleep 5 or 6 hours at a time. Now, he didn’t even sleep for 4, contradictory to the excess of energy he showed every day and at the gym. “Ok, I’ll save you a slice of something for dinner” he said as he put on a jacket and headed out, grabbing the wallet on their living room table and headed out, locking the door behind him. He walked off with the image of Kenny’s butt in his mind. Why couldn’t he tell him how he really felt? --- Kenny walked out of the shower and wrapped a towel over his body. He’d had to get used to the fact his back was a good bit wider than it used to be and he was starting to look really athletic. Staring into a mirror was no comfort for more than one reason. “You saw that too” he said into his reflection before it began to move on it’s own and sat on the reflection of the toilet, scratching his crotch hair before spreading his legs, still covered by the towel. “Saw what?” Nick said with a grin. “The eyes on that picture. They were red.” Nick rolled his eyes. “And you think it was me.” “Of course it was you! I just don’t get how yet!” Nick started to scream. “Oh calm down before you wake up the neighbors. There are demons other than me, you know.” Nick’s eyebrows raised at the notion of more of Nick running around, making deals with other people and doing what he did with Kenny. The past few months weren’t bad but he didn’t like the changes. He’d begun to sleep a lot less than he would have liked, giving him less dream time. He also always had a bunch of energy he didn’t know what to do with pretty frequently, especially at night time. He’d woken up several times to find himself humping his mattress or with energy that he couldn’t get rid of without at least 50 or 60 push ups for 3 sets a piece. “So there’s probably another demon running around doing what you’ve been doing to me?!” Nick turned to Kenny and looked at him offended. “Excuse me? What I’ve ‘been doing to you’? What exactly is that?” Nick stood up as though he were about to start a fight and pressed his hips to his waist, knocking the reflection of the towel off and revealing Kenny’s body in perfect reflection. “Have I been giving you more energy to get stronger? Giving you an adrenaline shot of confidence every blue moon?” he started before looking at the reflection of Kenny’s cock and grinning as he grabbed it and started hardening it. When it was to its full hardness of 7 inches. “Giving you more inches where it counts?” he said with a grin before pointing behind Kenny. Kenny turned to see the marks on the bathroom door. He’d been recording his height over the past few months. “I might have done some of that. Maybe not all of course.” Kenny hated arguing with Nick. He always made an argument into a one sided argument. Even talking to him now was more than Kenny was ready for. He was making these changes seem much better than he’d been looking at them. “Oh, you’re sorry. Great.” Nick said in salty manner before sitting back on the toilet, still naked and still hard. “You should be more concerned for other things anyway. You’re social skills still suck even when I help you.” “That’s none of your business” Kenny said, sparking anger again. “Of course it is. Do you remember the contract? I’m supposed to fix you, not help you. Your issues aren’t even that big of a deal, anyway.” Nick posed in a girly tone and waved his hand flamboyantly. “O-M-G, I gained 2 inches of height, have more friends, got bigger, and got Casey to stare at my ass as I go to take a shower.” Kenny was angry until that last reference. “What? Really?” he said with wide blue eyes. Nick looked at him in his pose and grinned. “Oh, I’m sorry. Is that important information?” --- Kenny was walking down the cobbled road of the college facilities, his clothes loose as usual but his feet hurting. He was off to go buy shoes as his current ones were tight around his feet. He’d caught himself a few times massaging the muscles to try and ease pain. He had still been thinking about what Nick had said about his growth and how he was making it a big deal. Maybe it wasn’t so bad that he was getting a little taller. It wasn’t anywhere near his 6’5 older brother or his 7’7 older older brother but it was definitely better than the 5’7 height he was used to. Still, he wasn’t sure he could handle so much change so fast. He still wanted to stay him as much as possible. That wasn’t as much of an issue when Casey was concerned of course. “He….he checked me out” he said with warm cheeks, tripping over a cobblestone. “Whoa!” he said as he steadied himself. His coordination had gotten much better since the start of these changes. He would have seen that jutting cobblestone a mile away normally. When thought it was Casey again, he turned redder and tried to brush it all aside. What he didn’t notice is his yawn as he closed in on a lamppost. Didn’t he have a nap already? Kenny decided to stop and rest on a nearby bench for a moment and spread himself out. He was kind of tired for some reason as he leaned his head back and looked at the lamp overhead shining down on him. “Just…for…..a minute…..” --- Kenny didn’t remember his dream much. He remembered flashes of it but not anything precise. He was sure that, through the dimness of his eyelids, he’d seen the moon. He’d also seen the nearby city and the lights it shone as he was flying over the rooftops. Kenny remembered a specific rooftop where there was a man standing on a roof. The man looked at him puzzled as though he was just as shocked about Kenny’s presence in the dream as Kenny was of his. Kenny remembered the man falling over the edge and Kenny reached out to grab him before it went black. The last image was the man falling to the ground beneath him before blackness. --- Kenny sat as he woke up from the strangest dream he’d seen in a long time of dreamless nights. Kenny looked around and saw that Casey was on the couch, his big feet on their coffee table as he ate Ramen noodles like a typical college student. Casey looked over to Kenny as he sat up abruptly and raised an eyebrow. “You ok, bud? You were dead as a rock in your sleep.” Kenny felt sweat on his forehead and put his head in his hands for a minute. He sat up and threw his legs over the side of his bed. He stood with wobbly legs as though he’d done way too many squats at the gym and stretched with one face over his eyes. Just a stupid dream. He noticed Caleb didn’t have a newspaper today. “No news today?” he asked. Casey just pointed to the television and Kenny walked over to it. “Welcome to the 21st centry, Ken” he said as they both watched a news woman stand in front of her greenscreen talking. “Last night, the masked red vigilante was spotted in the most peculiar of ways. Witnesses were the police and the rest of the tri-state area as an executive of the city’s electrical power company fell from the Cretts Building with the clear intent to commit suicide. The masked vigilante was seen jumping off after him, catching the 45 year old man and slamming into the ground with him in tow. Though G-forces dictate that the man AND the vigilante should have died on the spot, both were rendered safe on the ground and quickly swarmed by ambulance to check the condition of the frantic executive.” Kenny stared at the screen in silence and grabbed his legs as though he were having a sudden flashback to an old injury he no longer hand. He heard Nick in the back of his mind chuckling. Oops, looks like I got some ‘splaining to do, huh? To Be Continued….. (hopefully way sooner than the year’s time it took to update this story)
  10. flesh4fantasy

    The Monster Maker

    Monster Maker Part 1 I should have stopped but the kid responded so well to the juice, did whatever I told him, and was so damn cute. But no, I just had to see what I could do to him if I bumped up the injections and the gym candy, bumped them up to the next level, and then the next level, and then... all that crazy experimental shit. When it became real noticeable, how he was growing, every muscle-addicted fuck in the gym came to me and wanted me to coach them. When he "came out of nowhere" and won his very first contest and scored a pro card at the same time, every pro level meathead began contacting me, harassing me. All those freaks, with their attitudes and their raisin-sized balls, would do anything to win the Olympia, anything to win the Arnold. They wanted to get the magazine covers, get the supplement company sponsorships, get it all. The dudes without any money were willing to double mortgage their homes. Hell, they'd even sell their first-born if it was legal. There were rich guys who offered to fly me to Dubai and other "exotic" places, "just to talk." There were the straight guys, totally straight guys I swear, willing to suck my cock and some would offer to let me butt fuck them, not just once, but butt fuck them on a regular basis. There were the two guys, already huge motherfuckers, who notoriously hated each other, who said they'd let me watch the two of them fuck each other and then have a three way with me. Shit, there was a guy who pulled a gun on me. But I told all of them: "No." See, I was going to make Bobby the freak to end all freaks, the contest decimator, the "Holy fuck!" of bodybuilding. I was going to be "the monster maker." That was the dream. Yeah, that was the goddamn fucking dream. **** I don't remember when they started photoshopping the big guys in the magazines, morphing them up just enough to be a little more monstrous than they are in real life. When they did that it really pushed the aspiration bar high. It upped the game for everyone: the little boys getting excited thumbing through the rags at the magazine stands; the guys pumping iron in their basements; the dudes walking into their first hardcore gym; the hungry amateur competitors; the newly minted professionals; and, especially, the seasoned, seen-it-all, pros. Yeah, all the losers and all the winners. Messing with the pics is unnecessary, ridiculous, and damn hot. Hell, the guys who have their bodies spread across the glossy pages of the thickest of the thick muscle magazine do double takes of themselves. The body on the page is always more pumped up than what they see in the mirror. They must get hard-ons looking at their beefier, better selves. It's like how they start get stiff when flexing on stage and then it's "boing!" full-on erection. Yeah, I bet in private they take their stage oil and jerk off to their altered pics, shoot loads of cum all over their own two-dimensional faces. And it makes them want, want it even more, want themselves encased in it, encased in even more muscle. What did I want? I wanted Bobby. And not just Bobby as he was, but as he could be, as the way I would make him: a living testament to those monthly bibles of muscle. I wanted him to actually look like the images in them, then go beyond them. I wanted him to be the ultimate mountain of bulging, nuggetty, veiny muscle. A beautiful walking, talking hard-on. And god was Bobby beautiful. The day he first walked into the gym, I couldn't stop looking at him, he had the face of one of those models from the old Abercrombie & Fitch catalogs. The perfect face. He wanted "abs," he said. "Sure," I said. "I can help you with that. I can help you with a lot of things." **** Part 2 in July
  11. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 5

    Chapter 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2247-a-pectacular-romance-pt-1/ Chapter 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2260-a-pectacular-romance-pt-2/ Chapter 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3623-a-pectacular-romance-pt-3/ Chapter 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6319-a-pectacular-romance-pt-4/ "Sooo can I kiss you now?" I nodded again in my trance and he smiled and laughed. He reached down for me and put his big hands under my armpits and easily lifted me towards his upper body. He rested my chest and stomach down on his expansive chest and I placed my hands on his upper chest. My hands held me up keeping a distance between our faces. He then pulled me in close by bringing his arms up around me like a big hug (except I was so small in comparison it was as if he was hugging himself). We looked into each others eyes and he playfully flexed his chest, and bounced his arms a few times so slightly--but it was more than enough to weaken my locked arms away from his face. I fell towards his face and we embraced in a passionate kiss. It felt like it lasted forever which I wouldn't have minded because I had never felt safer in my life than in this place surrounded by Alex's huge muscles. My sanctuary began to rumble as Alex shifted under me and began to rise off the bed. He carried me once again like an oversized baby with his huge pecs blocking my view of his face. "Where are we going now, big guy?" "Thought we should take a shower together." My mind began to race a thousand miles per hour. -------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly I was plucked out of my muscle cubby and placed on the tile floor. I looked around and noticed this was not the same bathroom I saw Alex in for the first time. I took a few steps towards a shower stall made completely of tile on all sides. I noticed that this shower stall was much, much smaller than the open shower I had seen before. "Why this shower? You can barely fit in here, big guy!" I turned to look at him as I touched the cold tile wall. "I thought it would be nice to stay extra close." He gave me a big wink and his massive 24 inch cock jumped. I smiled back at him and continued to look around the bathroom. I turned behind me and noticed another wall that was made completely out of a mirror. I walked up closer and put my hand on it. BOOM. BOOOM. BOOOOM. BOOOOM. Next thing you know the giant man is standing behind me in the mirror with that devilish grin again. I backed away from the mirror so I was standing directly in front of him. This is the first time I had seen just how huge he was in comparison to me. The top of my head was only a little bit above his mid-thigh and he was more than six times as wide as me. "You're a giant." I said flat out. "I wish." He then lifted his arms behind his head and flexed his rippling abs. I wish? He was already huge.. Maybe this relationship should be a bit more reciprocal.. Maybe I should try to make him feel as big as he makes me feel small. "No one could ever come close to being as big as you." "Damn right.. I can protect you from anyone, little man." He let his arms down and pushed his huge chest out. "I can't wait to show you just how big I can get." He still feels like he needs to prove himself to me. I looked at myself straight across in the mirror and slowly lifted my arms into a flexing pose. I was absolutely scrawny compared to the massive man behind me, but my nice swimmers build and bubble butt used to set me apart from the others. Suddenly Alex, copying my pose, threw his arms up into a double bicep. I couldn't believe the veins that spread across his muscular biceps like a road map. I smiled and then tested the waters by sliding into a skinny-man lat-spread. I knew how pathetic it would look on me but I was hoping he would show me his poses. Alex began to shift, putting his hands on his hips and swinging his crotch forward. My eyes began to widen as I looked up in the mirror at two huge mountains forming under his tight creamy skin. They rose out farther and farther each milisecond. I stumbled a step back and hit my back on one of his stone hard shins. It startled me so I spun around to face his giant leg. The darkness above made me slowly move my eyes up his body which I was basically standing directly under. I looked up at his huge veiny quads with dents that held more muscle than three of me. I slowly moved up to see his coconut sized balls hanging from a massive log that he called a cock. It was rock hard and surrounded by his thick, black pubic bush. Passed his python was a number of bricks that formed a wall of abs that had deep clefts between each muscle. Hanging above his abs were his two massive ballooning pecs that were visibly growing before my eyes as he continued to push them out farther. He took a breath in to make them even larger and then suddenly stopped flexing. He released his flex and when I turned to the mirror he was looking at my face smiling ear to ear. "Let's save this for the shower," he said with a purr, "I'm sure you'd like to wash yourself off before getting into this again." He bounced his huge pecs once. I almost just fainted at the site of his chest again and now he leaves me with a tease. Alex takes a step back and swings around, stomping his way to the shower. I follow close behind being sure to get a good view of his massive ass. His cheeks had those sexy dents that only really ripped muscle gods would have. He stepped up to the shower and I walked under his legs to step in first. The ceiling is not as high as the rest of the house but the width and length of this shower is even smaller than expected. "Big guy, I don't see how we are both going to--" BOOOM. BOOOOM. "...fit." The big guy steps in and squeezes his shoulders into the tile shower stall. He reaches way down and turns the water on hot. The water starts trickling down in droplets but not enough to shower with. I move my glance up and discover the problem. "Big guy, the water...it's..the water isn't getting passed your pecs." This is met with a roar of laughter from above. With his back against the wall, his chest juts out more than half width and size of the shower stall. "My bad, little dude. It's forming a puddle up here!" He laughs. "More like a pond." I whisper to myself still staring up at the underside of his chest. Suddenly the cleavage opens up and gallons of steaming hot water come crashing down on me. While it completely cleaned me of any food, sweat or cum remnants, the initial shock and burn made me let out a quick shriek. My eyes remained closed as I nursed my red hot face in my hands. "Oh shit, you okay?" Alex said from above. Suddenly I could feel the stall shaking and then a final BOOM as if something huge just hit the ground. I opened my eyes and looked to my side to see a huge muscled quad squeezed up against the wall. The same went for the other side. Directly in front of me was his huge wall of abs and his python cock poking out at me. The giant had come down to my level by sitting with his legs in a pretzel-syle on the shower floor. The lower portion of his huge pecs were a little more than two feet in front of my face. I could not see the concerned look on his face until he leaned forward making his pecs come flying towards me. I backed towards the opposite end of the shower but there was hardly any room in this stall with Alex taking up half of my floor space with his muscles. "You're not hurt, are you?" He asked with a furrowed brow. I shook my head and smiled cutely at his overprotectiveness. "I'll be fine as long as you don't crush me in here!" We both laughed. He reached one arm up and turned off the shower water while he sat on the tile of the cramped shower floor. His muscles were pushing against every wall of the shower and it looked almost comical as he tried to get comfortable, sliding his wet muscles in the pocket sized stall. He shifted his arm around and managed to get one arm up above his head. "I know we promised to get you washed off, but I haven't washed out my pits in two days and they could really use a deep cleaning." I looked into the deep cavernous pit and saw stretch marks and veins leading to a bushel of sweaty arm pit hair. I looked up at him and he smiled and nodded his head towards his arm pit. His huge pec and mountainous bicep made the cave of his armpit dark and very deep. I walked closer to his body and had to crawl up onto his huge quad in order to get close enough to his pit. Once I was close I decided to dig my face in all at once. He moved his arm down a bit and my head was lost in his arm pit. "Oh yea, little man, get in there! Lick my sweaty pits clean!" He raised his hand up to the back of my small head and with two fingers shoved my face deeper into his arm pit. I leaned my body in more, overwhelmed with lust and inhaled deeply. His manly musk filled me and I began to senselessly lick his sweaty pit walls until nothing was left dry. "Oh damn, little dude, your tongue feels fucking amazing on my pit. So small and gentle, yet so fuckin' hot!" I could feel his body start shaking and I put it together that it was Alex jerking his huge cock. I decided to join him by using my two free hands to stroke my cock while my head was still buried in his armpit. I then moved one hand away to explore his massive muscles. I reached for his abs and dug my fingers deep in the gaps between each brick. He noticed this and chuckled and crunched down lightly on my fingers. I plucked my hand out and moved up his abs until I reached the large underside of his left pectoral. I traced the overhang where his pecs sat on top of his abdomen until my hand reached something out of place. It felt like a cold stick. What was that? I popped my head out of his sweaty pit and hopped down to the floor. The big guy noticed and put his arm down to his sides. The way his shoulders were squeezed in the stall made his biceps push his pecs out even further. "What are you doing down there, little man?" He questioned. "I felt something wedged under your pec." I tried to push his huge man melon up but it was rock hard and not going to budge. He bellowed another laugh and used his hand to lift up his left pectoral muscle. Wedged under the huge pec above his abdomen was a bent fork. "It's a fork...I think it might have gotten trapped in there during dinner time!" We both laughed along. I pulled the fork from it's muscle dungeon and held it up. "Well, that's no good anymore! It's all bent up!" He preached. "Why don't we dispose of it?" He smiled a devlish grin and shifted around the tiny shower stall. He leaned back up against the wall and pushed his pecs out a few more inches. I gasped at the sight and felt week in the knees. His pecs rose up and up as he continued to arch his back. Suddenly his huge mountains shifted apart and his face came into view from the other side of the cavernous cleavage. "Go ahead, little man...Toss it in between my pecs," he winked, "I want to crush it for you." He almost set me over the edge. I threw the poor fork into the deep cleavage and his pecs slammed together around it like a venus fly trap. The slam of his chest made me fall onto my ass and land against the shower wall across from him. As I looked down at the tile floor below our asses the all familiar shadow of his pecs began to come over me. I tilted my head back and was greeted by his massive pecs leaning right over me. He leaned over enough so that I could see his face over his chest. "Tell me when, little man." "Now." I said staring up at him as I grabbed my cock. "Now what, little Joey?" He asked provocatively. "Now crush it between your massive pecs, big guy!" Waves immediately came over his pecs and the striations of his chest went wild. I started jerking my cock watching him crush this little fork--which was completely out of my view--into something unrecognizable. He twisted the pecs over and under eachother and I could hear the dense pecs winning the battle against the measly fork. He stopped flex and a tiny beebee sized object dropped to the wet floor near the shower drain between us. I looked up at him and he smiled down and nodded. I picked up the beebee and rolled it around in my hand. "You're so powerful..." I dropped the beebee-like pellet to the floor and reached up to his chest. However, sitting on the floor I could barely reach his pecs so I had to stand up before placing my hands on his muscular orbs that took up half of the shower space. "Flex them for me....Make them huge." He looked over his chest at me. "Stand back, little man. It's about to get really cramped in here." He got a serious look on his face before closing his eyes and tilting his head back. I took a few steps back until my bubble but pressed against the cold tile of shower wall. I touched the wall to get some moisture on my hands and then began jerking my cock. I was in for a great show. The behemoth made a loud grunt and shifted his shoulders together and then pulled them back. His pectorals started rising up in every direction as he flexed. Veins and striations swept across them and they began to turn red as blood flowed into them. "Bigger!" I shouted from the lower side of his muscle mountains. The big guy responded by pushing his chest out even further. I could hear his chest expanding like the sound of leather as his wet muscles rubbed together fighting for space. The outer sides of his pecs were now wider than his shoulders as he perched them high and mighty. "Holy shit, big guy! Your pecs are fucking huge!" I panted as I jerked faster. His chest filled any visible space of the shower up to a foot in front of me. Suddenly the two massive muscles began to spread apart at the center as they have before, but never like this. The giants face came into view at the top end of his deep cleavage with visible strain as his expression. "This muscle....is all.. for you!" He said with gritted teeth. My body quivered as I looked over the size of the muscle in front of me. Without even realizing what I was saying between my pants I managed to squeak out. "Bigger." He smiled down at me with his teeth still clenched and grabbed his immense cock between his legs squeezed up on the shower floor. He then tilted his head back and began to inhale deeply. Alex's massive pecs rose out even further in every direction like two huge balloons. The gap between them closing up as the two muscles started fighting for any space in the small shower stall. The outer sides of his chest, which passed over his arms by a few feet, touched the shower walls on both sides as they expanded larger. As I looked at the magnificent sight inches from my face I noticed his chest was beginning to squeeze against the sides of the shower and eventually would not be able to fit. I moved my head off the shower wall and slammed it forward a few inches until my face was smothered between the two huge orbs. Alex took notice and opened his chest wide to let my face fall further into his pecs. I could hear the sides of the shower stall start to crack from the pressure of his chest pressing against them. With my hands still groping my cock I swiveled my face left and right, digging my head deeper into his pecs. "Yea, little man! You like it in there? You like your entire head buried in my pec cleavage?" His words alone could have made me erupt. I know he was turning himself on, as well, because I could feel his gigantic right pec start to quake against my cheek harder and harder with each passing second which could only mean he was pumping his huge cock with his right hand. "Ah, I can squish your head, ah, like a grape in there," he said between pants. With his pecs unflexed like this I could move my face around freely so I twisted my head to the side while in his muscle prison and kissed the hot flesh he playfully threatened to squish me with. I released my cock for a moment with my hands only to pry my head out from inside his chest. I backed up against the wall which was now only a few inches behind me as he had outgrown the space between us. I tilted my head back and placed my hands on the tile wall behind me for support as I stood flat against the wall. "Flex them..Flex them bigger," I demanded. He stopped jerking and shifted his chest down so he could see my face. At first he looked at me confused, but when I smirked at him, he smirked back and winked. "Anything for my little man," he teased. He kept his eyes on me and smiled with his big white teeth clenched together. He grunted once and veins swept across the entire area of his bright red chest. "AHHHH!" I could hear his pecs flexing bigger and bigger as they inched towards my face. He grunted once more loudly and his face turned beat red. I cowered in fear and my eyes closed as he screamed down at me. Through his grunts I could feel the heat of his pecs closing in on my face before I felt two large thuds on either side of my head made me look up and open my eyes. It took my eyes a second to adjust to the darkness but after a few moments I had realized what was going on in my current situation. Alex still sat with his ass on the cold tile floor perched up against the wall across from me as I stood against the opposing wall at my full 5'5 stature. His pecs had grown so big that they formed a cave around my skull that started at the base of my neck and extended what seemed to be a few feet above me. My, oh my, he had even grown taller. I could feel the heat radiating from his red hot skin. We both sat silently for another few moments until the sound of cracking tiles filled both our ears. His chest was outgrowing the shower! I looked up passed the pecs that formed a cave around my face and saw the ceiling tiles forming cracks above us. I felt the warmth of his chest spread through my cheek bones as they grew bigger and bigger holding my face firmly in place against the tile wall behind me. Alex's head grew higher and higher up and as this happened my feet began to leave the floor. My neck strained as it carried the weight of my body up the wall. Panic set in as Alex gave me a look of despair. "Little man! I..I can't stop growing!" He proclaimed between grunts. "You've got to get out of here! I'm..I'm getting too big!" Small pieces of tile began falling from the walls as his weight shifted and his huge mountainous back left a crater in the wall behind him. I pressed my hands to the underside of his pecs and tried to pry myself free with no avail. The pressure on my head started to build up as the shower stall filled with his muscles. Suddenly a pipe in the wall burst and water poured down on us both. He looked down at me through his cleavage and we locked eyes for a few short seconds where the world seemed to stop. I looked into his deep dark eyes and it gave him the confirmation that he needed. If we did nothing my head would be crushed like a tomato between his muscle mounds in less than a minute. "ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!" He shouted as his chest filled with blood and his veins flustered across the surface of the two huge globes. They swelled larger and larger and the cracking of the shower stall became more apparent. The outer portions of his chest started cracking into the tile walls exposing the steel beams that structure the walls of Alex's oversized mansion. After a few more seconds of pushing his chest apart I was finally released from the pec vice and fell onto his expansive inner thigh muscle below as he was still sitting on the shower floor. Exhausted, yet relieved I looked up at the underside of his veiny expanding chest only to see Alex looking down at me with a shocked look as the back of his head and diesel neck smashed into the shower ceiling. He broke through the ceiling tiles and they started raining down in what seemed to be slow motion. Shards were falling right towards my helpless body when Alex's quick reflexes kicked in and he slammed his pecs together before a single shard could reach me. The light from above was blocked out and the blood started rushing to my head all at once. "Little man," his voice seemed sluggish to me and muffled as I couldn't hear him over the rumble of the shower being bursted through, "Are you okay?" I looked towards his deep cut abs and my eyes started to flutter until I drifted off into unconsciousness.
  12. brstealth13

    The Testosterone Effect (Part IV)

    The Testosterone Effect Part IV: New Friends Continued from: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6138-the-testosterone-effect-part-iii/ Blake's roommate, Matt, had been avoiding him ever since their sexual experience a few days ago. In fact, Matt had finally worked up the words to tell Blake his thoughts about the whole incident, to tell him that he didn't want any awkwardness between them and that he just wanted to be friends... but Blake was nowhere to be found. In reality, of course, Blake was at the research lab. Matt had grown since having sex with Blake, but he didn't really consider the cause of this growth. Matt just felt fortunate he had packed on a little more muscle - maybe now the fraternity he was interested in joining would be a little more accepting. He decided to text Sam, the fraternity membership coordinator, to see if he could have another shot. "Hey man, i dont want to seem desperate, but I bulked up a little and was wondering if i could have another shot at the frat" Matt typed out. A response arrived a few seconds later: "send photo" Matt removed his shirt and pants and stood in front of a full length mirror in nothing but his tight grey trunks. He flexed a bicep and snapped a selfie with the other hand. At this point, Matt's body wasn't the most remarkably muscular, but he was no longer a weakling, or even average, by any means. Matt had strong muscles but lacked the mass and beefy quality that Blake (unbeknownst to his roommate) was beginning to exhibit. His dick, also larger since his time with Blake, was mostly soft but with his balls, formed a nice package and bulge in his tight underwear. He sent the picture off to Sam, satisfied with his appearance. Sam received the photo and his eyes widened. "Hey men, check this out! One of our rejecteds stepped up his game!" He passed his phone around to a few other guys in the house, each one with a similar reaction of devious interest. "I want to invite him tonight," Sam said, fondling his crotch casually. "See if he knows what he's getting into." The other men nodded in agreement, each one wearing nothing but a tight white athletic jockstrap, sporting half-chubs in the package, as they split up to various rooms of the house. The men playfully slapped each other on the ass as they went off to prepare for the night's festivities. *** Meanwhile, at the research lab, Blake had finally woken up from his 12-hour-post sex nap with Max. Sampson watched into the recovery room through a one-way mirror, chatting with a technician. "Brian," he commented. Make a note that subject is awake at 16:25 and acting normally. I also went to check on Max - he doesn't seem to be harboring any special desire to see Blake. It's as if all his lust was all from the pheromones. Go in and give Blake the questionnaire, now, but be careful not to seduce him. We need to take measurements and give him a little rest before further physical tests." Brian, a scrawny 5'10" scientist, nodded and made a few notes on his clipboard. As Sampson walked back to his office, the technician unlocked the door to Blake's room and entered. "Hello there," he greeted the subject. "I'm Brian. We've got a few questions for you about what happened yesterday." "Yesterday?? That was yesterday? How long have I been out for?" Blake asked, quite alert at this point. "About 12 hours," Brian replied. He sat down on a stool next to Blake's bed. Blake was wearing nothing but a pair of blue briefs the technicians dressed him in as they moved him from the exam room floor to here, but his body was covered below the waist by a blanket. Brian marveled at his pecs, which were starting to gain some real beefy mass, but were still short in size of the rock hard globes many other men on campus sported. Blake's chest also sported a thin layer of light blonde chest hair, which was barely noticeable due to its light color. Darker blonde-brown hair sprouted from his pits, thick, bushy and manly, surrounded by a thick bicep likely capable of curling Brian the technician's weight, and then some, with ease. Brian was a little overcome with Blake's appearance, but the pheromones weren't even active. No, it was just a normal, run-of-the-mill attraction, Brian thought to himself. Blake was a really hot guy, and seemed sweet, and genuine, from the non-experimental observations Brian had made of him. He was infatuated with Blake not because of Blake's super-testosterone production scent, but normal, physical attraction. Brian asked Blake a few questions - mostly about how he was feeling - he avoided questions about the sexual stuff, to avoid making Blake the slightest bit horny. "Can't compromise the integrity of the study," Brian thought. "Regardless of his my own feelings." Some time passed, and Brian was wrapping up the questionnaire. "One more thing," he said. "We'd like you back for another experiment. We're still working out the parameters but it should take a few days just like this one did. Would next weekend work?" Blake cocked an eyebrow and flexed his pecs, casually testing his new found control over his muscles. "Another kinky experiment? Count me in! Maybe you guys can tie me up and fuck me senseless while I scream for mercy. Or you could send in a whole group of guys for me to play with. Or maybe-" "Fuck," thought Brian. "His overactive imagination is going to hit him - and me - really hard if I don't get out of this room." But instead of bolting to the door before the pheromone production started, Brian smiled. Deep down, he wanted this to happen, research integrity be damned. He smiled and listened to Blake's sex ideas as his cock slowly hardened. The pheromones hadn't started yet, but Brian couldn't be moved from this spot no matter what. He inhaled deeply and waited for the wave of sex to hit him with anxious tension. *** Matt arrived at the fraternity house, having received Sam's invitation and instructions to come by, alone, and not to tell anyone where he was going. He didn't question the frat's odd practices - many of the other meetings were done in secret - probably some freaky cultist tradition they had to upheld. As he was told, he walked around the side of the house to the rear basement entrance and produced the rhythmic knock Sam taught him to signal he was there for a frat meeting. After exchanging a few more corny codewords, the brother waiting at the door swung it open and before Matt could even see what was in front of him, a black sack was thrown over his head and his hands held behind his back by the guy who granted him entrance. He was led down the stairs with care, through the basement, pitch black in the darkness of his makeshift blindfold. His escorter shoved him gently and removed the blindfold and released his hands. Matt looked around - he was in what appeared to be a temporarily constructed booth of some kind. The house's basement was normally big, and spacious, but for some ceremonies, Sam had told him, the brothers used temporary walls they dragged in and set up. The room was pretty small, probably no larger than a closet, but enough for Matt to sit on the floor as he was told while his escort stood above him imposingly wearing a black robe with face obscured. The escort commanded, "Open the box," (he motioned to a small black parcel behind Matt) "read & follow the instructions." The mystery man closed the door to the "stall" behind him, and Matt heard it locked with a small click. "Great," Matt groaned to himself. "Hazing." He opened the box - inside was a dirty white jockstrap, complete with 3" waistband with the brand "Bike" proudly printed in the center. In truth, the jockstrap wasn't fully white but a duller color. It looked, and smelled, worn. The instructions, in the box beneath the underwear, read: "This box contains the jockstrap proudly worn by a senior brother of this fraternity. Now it is passed to you to symbolize your bond to the men of Alpha Alpha. Take it, and wear it proudly as your brother before. Wear nothing else. Wait patiently." Matt sniffed the jockstrap from a distance - it was truly rank, probably worn over 100 times to the gym by some dude twice Matt's size. He shrugged and removed his own clothes, and put on the jockstrap. It was actually pretty comfortable, once he stopped thinking about how much time it had spent pressed up against another dude's ass and junk. Matt liked how the tight straps felt beneath his ass cheeks, and how the pouch in front held his cock and balls together into a nice tight bulge. Matt sat on the floor of the room and waited for about 10 minutes (but felt like forever) until the door swung open. Another black hooded figure came in, wearing nothing but the hood and a cleaner, brand new white jockstrap. The man closed the door behind him and instructed Matt to stand. He removed his hood - the man was Sam. His red hair was messed up from the hood but his pale muscular frame stood intimidatingly in front of Matt, thin lines of red hair coating his chest and swarming around his bellybutton and strap. His muscles glistened. It looked like some oil had been spread across them. He sported a semi-erect cock beginning to pitch a tent in his jockstrap. "In this fraternity, we brothers share a special bond. One that can only be formed with trust and intimacy. We will now test your capacity to form that bond." It sounded like around 9 people were reciting the speech, all at once, one brother per stall. Sam pressed hard on Matt's shoulders, shoving him to the floor and stuffing his package right into Matt's face, who resisted at first, but eventually welcomed his new frat brother's bulge with a hearty sniff... *** Back at the lab, the pheromones were having their effect on Brian, tripling his initial attraction to Blake. He ripped off his lab coat, revealing his flat scrawny chest. Blake replied by throwing the blank off the bed and ripping his underwear off, revealing the now towering, and growing 9-inch cock that had been stiffening below for the past 10 minutes. Brian also removed his pants, showed off his own 7-incher, which he rubbed against Blake's cock with glee. Blake felt the familiar feeling of testosterone production ramping up. His muscles were tight, his cock felt harder than it ever had before as it tensely forced itself to become longer and thicker. His lust came like a wave, a primal feeling of sex and desire for cock rushing through his brain, washing away his other meaningless thoughts. Instead of fighting the lust, he embraced it, letting the testosterone his massive pulsing balls were churning out take over without resistance. Because of this, he seemed to maintain a little control of his body, feeling less like a man watching his body without control and more like powerful sex god his body was making him into. "Huh, you're a twinky little guy," Blake said salaciously. "Nothing a little time with me can't fix." Blake knew what he was doing; he was in control. He lifted his left arm and flexed, then grabbed Brian's head with his right arm and rubbed it right up against the hairy armpit, which was pumping out the all important sex pheromones that made Blake's partners unable to resist his will. Brian licked and sniffed the pit, ingesting three, four, five, ten times as many pheromones as the men before him ever had. Brian roared, his muscles thickening as well, as pecs began to burst and bulge out of his flat chest, abs sculpting themselves into existence, and biceps and legs thickening and growing tighter and denser. His cock roared out in pain, too, dripping precum and doubling in girth as it lengthened to 8.5". Blake shoved his face onto Brian's new and improved man meat, gagging down its entire length with pure happiness. He grasped his own huge cock, stroking it to satisfy himself while he pleasured his newest lover. Brian himself was in shock, his body feeling so many sensations at once as it both grew in size and thickness, his lust taking over operations of his body while his cock was greedily sucked by the most beautiful man he had ever seen. Eventually Blake was happy with his sucking and he needed more, so he commanded Brian to fuck him. Brian, normally sheepish and timid when it came to sex, immediately plunged his huge cock into Blake's hungry ass as the two fucked missionary style with animalistic rage and revelry. Blake howled and grunted, initially sated by the huge 8.5-inch fuckstick occupying his ass, but it still wasn't enough. He grabbed Brian and threw him onto his back, then stood up and sat back down right on his cock, impaling his sweet bubble ass, his muscles becoming beefier the entire time. Blake's pecs in particular were becoming huge, bulging out and nipples enlargening to unprecedented size as he slowly bounced up and down on Brian's cock. "Fuck!" Blake screamed. "It's still not enough!" He aggressively grabbed Brian's head, forcing him to sit up, and pushed the man's face into his sweaty armpit once more. Brian again inhaled a concentrated dose of pheromones and Blake immediately felt his partner's cock thicken inside his ass. He held Brian's face in his armpit for a few minutes, still bouncing up and down on the huge growing cock, which had swollen to match his own new size of 10.5 inches. Finally, the smell of sex and primal rage couldn't be contained any longer. Blake unleashed a huge torrent of cum, most of the thick spurts landing into the technician's throat, who hungry swallowed Blake's seed. The rest landed on Brian's new infantile muscles, which weren't nearly as large Blake's new beefy pecs, or even close to as large as Matt's new body. But they were muscles nonetheless, which is more than Brian could say about his body before. He came, offering Blake his load in the form of a massive facial, which the other man graciously accepted, sucking down every last drop of cum. "Fuck," Blake said. "That was intense." Brian smiled. "Fuck yeah..." he said, almost collapsing into the larger man's chest as the two drifted to sleep. Alarms were ringing throughout the lab as other technicians scrambled to clean up the messed caused by their horny colleague. All Brian could do was smile as he drifted to sleep, glancing at the hidden biosensor in this lab coat, which had secretly recorded data from the entire fuckfest unbeknownst to his superiors... *** Matt was greedily sucking on Sam's thick six-inch cock while he fondled himself, his hand down the pouch of his jockstrap. "Brothers!" a voice boomed from another stall. "Join us!" Sam removed his dick from Matt's mouth and pushed open a back panel to the stall, which led out into a larger, open area. Matt crawled out into the new space, still wearing his jockstrap, and saw the doors to other stalls open with other guys in his position crawling out into the large open area, their masters standing above them. The head brother who called out the order stood behind his own slave-boy, grinning. "Let the true bonding begin," he commanded. Continued here; https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6813-the-testosterone-effect-part-v/ Author's note: Hey guys, sorry for the delay in making this part. I'll be sure to write the next one as soon as I can put my ideas down into writing with out getting off on that fantasy first! Next time, we'll see what happens to Matt at the frat house, and learn about Brian's independent research into the testosterone effect. There'll be more story development for Blake in the next part, while Matt's segment will be pretty much alll sexy-times; I want to try and keep a balance of normal character development to advance the plot and hot man on man action from here on out. Thanks again for reading!
  13. bbmikenj

    Sumo Muscle, 3

    Two months had gone by since George arrived in Japan to be a sumo wrestler. Over twenty matches later, George was undefeated. He had no trouble out-powering his opponents. Most of his matches lasted less than three seconds, although sometimes he would make them last longer, keeping his opponent inside the ring for longer than he needed to, toying with them, making them struggle until they were huffing and puffing. Although he had bulked up to 410lbs, George was still much more densely packed with muscle than any of his blubbery adversaries. Even the men who weighed more than he did were no challenge for his strength, and his stamina was three times more than anyone he'd come up against so far. As he stood looking out of his floor-to-ceiling condo windows, overlooking downtown Tokyo, George admired the view. Partly because he could see himself in the reflection of the windows, and he could watch himself flexing his massive bulk, but also because he could see the big sign promoting him as the newest superstar in sumo wrestling. It was an eight-story high hologram of George in his sumo gear, towering over Tokyo, stomping and flexing in victory. The top of the sign announced the nicknamed he'd been given. Georgezilla. He had become an overnight sensation in Japan, and not a night would go by where some people didn't faint in the street at the sight of George's mass towering over them, at the huge projection of his tremendous bulk. From his 30th floor condo, he had an unrestricted view of his image. He flexed and posed right along with his hologram, and thought about his next fight. The thought of being the next grand champion sumo wrestler turned him on. And he always enjoyed stroking himself after his two hour hardcore workout, his 400-plus pounds all bloated with pump and power, the sensation in his big dick supercharged from his surging testosterone flow. He needed Mr Sanata to come up and service him. George texted him to come up, and since the former sumo champ lived only ten floors below George's condo, it didn't take him long to arrive. Mr Sanata jumped at every chance to suck George dry. He was sure that George's big loads were making him grow bigger and stronger, even as he entered his mid-forties. He was training harder and longer than ever too, and his former sumo bulk had leaned down to 12 percent body fat. He had muscle on his muscle, and was planning on entering his first bodybuilding contest. He relished the thought of going on stage with Japanese bodybuilders in their twenties, and outmuscling every one of them like a joke. So he gladly provided service to George, two to three times a day. Tonight, George asked him to do it in front of the window, so George could continue to watch his sign as Mr Sanata worked his magic. George enjoyed Mr Sanata's blow jobs more than anything except growing bigger and stronger himself. Afterwards, Mr Sanata went to the apartment next to George's, which had been converted to a private gym just for the two of them. He stripped down the posers he wore under his dress pants, and worked his chest for two solid hours. His huge Asian pecs stretched his smooth skin tightly across his chest, and glistened with sweat as if they'd been oiled up. He checked himself out in the mirrors after every set, and then would throw in a few dozen hanging leg raises. He couldn't believe his abs were showing. Even standing relaxed he could see them. And when he flexed, they popped out like six neatly stacked bricks. By the time he finished his chest workout, his pecs were swollen like two over-pumped balloons, with his nips pointing straight down. He decided he could use a massage, so he grabbed his phone out of his pants' pocket and called Taka, who was the massage therapist for all the sumo wrestlers in Mr Sanata's old academy, and was on called 24/7. Mr Sanata sent a private car to go pick him up and bring him over, so it didn't take him long to get there. Mr Sanata spent the time waiting by perfecting his posing routine in the huge wall mirrors of the gym. By the time Taka arrived, the retired sumo wrestler's chest was even more fully engorged, as were the rest of his jacked up muscles. "Good luck to you digging through all this hard muscle," he said to Taka, laughing. Taka bowed to the older man, then began to set up his table, his heart pounding harder in his chest at the sight his heavily muscled boss. Taka had grown up adoring the sumo wrestlers he saw on TV. He'd set his sights on becoming a massage therapist for them, just to get close to them. He achieved his goal, but to his dismay, most of the wrestlers were arrogant and rude to him, treating him like a dog, or less than a dog, swatting him if they became displeased with their rubdowns. Often, they were stinking drunk when they came in for their massages, so the slightest transgression would bring one of their bulky arms swinging out at him like a club, sending him flying. He'd become good at dodging them, but his real disappointment was how soft and doughy most of their bodies felt. He'd always imagined them being harder to the touch, like a rhino, or a side of beef, but this was not the case. They had many more creases and folds than he liked, especially as they laid on his reinforced massage table. That's why he was thrilled when Mr Sanata had taken a shine to bodybuilding. Every time Taka came over to rub him down, the older man had gotten harder and harder. Taka's hands had grown very strong, and his forearms disproportionately large from working on the blubbery 400 and 500 pound sumo wrestlers, so he was well prepared to work on more fit muscularity. In fact, his forearms and upper arms were so oversized and veiny for his size that people often stopped and stared at him on the street. Children would ask him if he was Mantaro, the anime muscle character. At 5'9, he was fairly tall for a Japanese man, but at 190lbs, he wasn't huge, just lean and tight, except for his 18" biceps, which he would flex for the kids. He delighted in their squeals of excitement as his arm peaked up 5 or 6 inches bigger than their fathers'. So for the next 90 minutes, he worked on Mr Sanata, fascinated by the change in the older man's muscle since he'd taken up bodybuilding. It was so much more rewarding to work on the thick hard muscle tissue, and to feel the tightness begin to release. And Mr Sanata had always treated him with respect, even when he was still wrestling. The big man would moan with pleasure as Taka found a tension spot and worked on it with extra attention. And Taka loved the feeling of pump his strong arms were getting from digging into the densely packed muscle fibers. After the massage, Mr Sanata got up and got his phone. As he began to text, he said to Taka, "Do you have time for another client?" "Yes, sir, of course," he said, but his hands and arms were still throbbing from working over the big muscles of Mr Sanata. Still, he figured he could handle one more session. Mr Sanata's text was to George, telling him he should come over to the gym, he had a surprise for him. He knew that George had never taken advantage of Taka's services. In fact, George had told him that he'd only ever had one massage. Mr Sanata thought it was time for another. "Your new client lives right next door, so he'll be here any minute. You've never met him before, but I'm sure you'll recognize him when you see him." "Not Georgezilla??" said Taka. Mr Sanata laughed. "How did you guess?" "I'd heard that he lived in the same building as you. I have seen him fight. He's very large and powerful." "That he is," said Mr Sanata. They heard the front door open as George came inside the condo/gym. Mr Sanata went over to him and said, "I have someone I want you to meet," and led him over to Taka. "This is the massage therapist I told you about. Taka, this is George." Taka bowed toward George, and George bowed back. This took Taka by surprise, because none of the other sumo wrestlers bothered to bow back at him, not even the younger ones. Mr Sanata told George to enjoy a massage on him as he packed up his gym bag to head out. George shrugged and figured why not. The only massage he'd ever had was by a small Asian woman back in the states, and it didn't do much for him. This guy at least appeared to have some power in his arms. After Mr Sanata left, Taka asked George to strip down. "Naked?" asked George. Taka said yes, and bowed again. "Unless you would be more comfortable in your shorts?" "Nah," said George, bending down to peel off his basketball shorts that fit his thick quads like stretch pants. "Just didn't want to freak you out." As George pulled down the shorts, his big dick flopped out. "Aremaa...." said Taka, stepping back and bowing again. George was hung at least double that of any of the other wrestlers. George laughed, and got up on the table. Even reinforced as it was, the massage table creaked under the weight of George's body. Taka gulped at the sight of the muscle mountain on the table. He'd never seen anything like it. He got out his massage gel and lubed up his hands, then got to work. It didn't take long for George to realize that Taka was very good with his hands. When he rubbed on George's thick neck and traps, George could sense the tension that was in the muscle loosening up. He hadn't even realized how tense were, as Taka worked down his huge delts and backside. Taka's touch made George grunt out low guttural moans of pleasure. He was surprised at how strong the smaller man's hands were, too, kneading deeply into his hard trained muscle. Taka worked diligently, and his arms began to throb from trying to loosen up the fascia on the massively built bull on his table. By the time he had George roll over onto his back, Taka was dripping with sweat. As he rubbed the soles of his big feet, George almost fainted from the pleasure of it. "Harder," he said, and Taka complied, rubbing deep into the arch. George's hardon rose up so fast that it flopped his towel right onto the floor. When Taka went to retrieve it, George said, "Leave it." Taka continued to work up George's legs, using even more gel to lube up the big man's enormous 24" calves. George's breathing had become as deep and rhythmic as a lion's. He had never known he could feel so good. That is, until Taka reached his quads, and as he ran his magic fingers up and down George's powerful inner thighs, George was hit with a huge wave of euphoria. It was like he was having an out of body experience. He couldn't imagine anything could feel so good. That is until Taka took a hold of George's huge ball sac, and began to stroke and massage it. George lulled back in ecstasy, as Taka rolled his big balls in his fingers, then caressed the sac harder and harder, always attentive to George's expressions and body motions to make sure he wasn't going too hard. Taka was also experiencing ecstasy as he worked on George, who was his dream sumo. As a kid, this is what he'd thought all sumo wrestlers would be like...massively built musclemen, with muscles hard as rhino hide. As a bonus, George was hairy. All the other sumos where basically smooth, but George's massive chest was a pelt of thick black hair. It turned Taka on more than he'd thought it would, and he rubbed his crotch against the table as he watched George's gorilla chest heave up and down. When George glanced over and noticed it, he reached out and grabbed Taka's crotch through his pants. "Ahhhhh" groaned Taka, as George imitated Taka's hand grip on his own balls. Then George sat up, still maintaining his grip. His 10inch hardon pressed against Taka's arm. He looked deep into Taka's eyes, then pulled him halfway up onto the table and kissed him square on the mouth. If Taka's feet hadn't already been dangling off the floor, he would have floated upward. He kissed George back hard, and relished the musky taste of power, and feeling his big shaft against his polo shirt. The massage table began to lean ominously from the weight of the two men. George stepped off the table, still holding Taka in the air, with Taka still groping George's big low hangers. George put him down, then grabbed the bottom of Taka's shirt and pulled it up over his head. "Nice," said George, as he got a look at Taka's tight physique. "My next fight will be for your honor," said George. "Mr Sanata told me how the other wrestlers treat you. Now it's payback time," he said as he caressed Taka's neck. "I'll crush them for you." He raised his arms and flexed his 26" biceps. "Take off your pants," he said to his new Japanese friend. Taka let go of George's big sac, then undid his belt and stepped out of his pants, never taking his eyes off of George's massiveness. His decent sized cock popped out straight. "Nice," said George. He flexed his huge pecs back and forth and watched Taka's dick jump. "You want me to beat them fast, or slow and hard?" "Slow and hard," responded Taka, soaking in George's heaving mass, only inches from his face. "I like slow and hard, too. Keep them in the ring till they are winded and gasping for breath, till they are begging to be thrown out." Taka thought he was going to faint, he was so turned on. George leaned down and picked up the bottle of Taka's massage gel. He turned the bottle upside down and squirted gel all over Taka's cock. Then George grabbed him under his armpits and lifted him off the ground until Taka's lubed-up cock slid up into George's deep pec valley. Using his powerful arms, George slid Taka's body up and down, while flexing his pecs against Taka's hardon, holding the smaller man's body in the air like a skater's lift. "Chest fuck me, Taka," George whispered in his ear. "Give me a cum necklace, little man." Taka could barely process what was going on, as his gelled cock penetrated into the 8-inch deep muscle valley between George's enormous pec mounds. As George held him firmly in the air, Taka thrust himself harder and harder against the powerful chest muscles, grunting into each thrust, finding it hard to believe that he was chest fucking a 410lb gorilla-sized sumo wrestler. He came like ninja, spewing a fountain of pent-up jiz onto George's chest and 26" neck. Afterwards, they got into the shower, where George proceeded to take Taka, slow and hard. He was careful not to split Taka like a melon, and used another whole bottle of gel and steamy hot water to work him open gently. Taka couldn't believe he was able to take the big American's club all the way to the root, but he did it, and came a second time doing it too. He couldn't wait until George's next massage.
  14. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Gym Equipment

    Norris lived in the country for years and frequented a local run-down gym he loved so much he would have bought stakes in it probably. Unfortunately, the economy took its toll on it since the memberships dried up. It ended up closing and it left him without a place to pump iron on a daily basis. He was beginning to make huge gains there too, but alas he was left stranded. His friend, Asa, went searching for another gym close to them that could have the same type of appeal and thinks that maybe he has found one. He tells him to prepare for the neighborhood though because it will surprise him. He is alarmed at the size of the men coming out of this gym and can't help but to feel great about his chances of liking it. He enters the lobby and sees how rusty and run down it is. Some guys at that moment would have turned around and left, but this is exactly what he is looking for. Asa has a similar way of thinking so they both decide to go and look around. A manager gives them both a tour and it doesn't take long for the two gymrats to sign on the dotted line to join. Instead of going back to their apartment to get their gear which is several miles from the gym, they decide to just wing it and take their shirts off and to start pumping some iron. They go to different parts of the gym so they can focus on different routines. Norris places the same amount of plates on the bar that he always did at the other gym and starts repping the weight. The sound of the weights gets him so hyped up and he does another set. He notices that his brain gets quite stimulated when he pushes the weight up and down onto his chest. He feels his pecs swell larger the more he reps. He finds this intriguing so he goes over to do some dumbbell curls and they pump up higher too. He squeezes each dumbbell and watches the biceps grow into huge softballs. It gets his cock excited to the point that he can feel his balls filling up with cum. He can’t believe how much gratification he is getting from each part of his routine. Normally, he would only work one or two body parts per day, but this place makes him want to work all of them. He decides to go work legs next. He moans as he attempts leg lifts as his quads grow bigger with each set. His quads now appear to be pushing his shorts up to his waist. His cock is beginning to snake its way out of his shorts. He looks over in the corner where Asa is working out and sees the same thing happening to him. His back is wider and his butt is pushing its way out of his pants. He turns around as Norris’s eyes go straight to his massive chest, where he is met with enormous pecs with huge silver dollar nipples. He rubs the thick body hair sitting on them. He grins as he sees him looking and starts licking his lips. He motions for him to come over and help him with something. It is fairly late so it is just the two of them in the gym. Norris takes his shorts off to expose his new foot long which dangles hard in front of him. Asa follows suit as his 10-incher also dangles. Both men start stroking each other and licking each other’s growing muscles. Asa’s tongue travels its way down to Norris’s thickly muscled hairy abs before finding his wet cock. It has been dribbling its goo all over a bench in front of him. He slowly licks the side of his foot long and is working his way up to the head. He moans in his deep manly voice as he puts his hands behind Asa’s head to move down on him. He gulps down on his mammoth member before pushing it all the way in. Norris can feel Asa’s rod leaking heavily on his feet now. He quickly shoots ropes of cum down his eager gullet as it makes his servicer’s balls swell bigger making more additional cum for him. Norris pulls out of him and gets down on his knees to service Asa’s cock. He manages to go all the way down too as he sucks vigorously. His enormous amount of seed goes down without a hitch as his energy level goes through the roof. The two growing studs can't help stop thinking about throwing around more weight on all the racks and machines. Norris goes back to the other side of the gym still nude with his hard-on and starts doing reps on the pec deck. He feels the muscle fibers in both pecs stretching the skin and slowly filling up the space between him and the arms on the machine. He is so jacked up that his giant cock is oozing its spunk onto the floor and his thick quads. Asa is putting every plate on the leg press and goes to pump out a few reps. Each individual rep is making his quads react in a way that he can hear the muscles contracting and expanding. His huge cock is lying on his slab shaped abs and spilling its jelly all over his bouncing pecs. He rubs his fingers in it and spreads it all over his chest making it look all greased up. He even takes a little bit and dribbles it on his tongue. He growls as he tastes the sweet and sourness of it. He gets up to go over to the Preacher machine to do a few curls. The instant he picks up the stacked bar, his veins and blood vessels swell and grow in size along with the muscles stretching his forearms. He grunts loudly and sexually as he pumps his arms up with each rep. His biceps are thicker and denser now than they were before. He is feeling amazing as a result and realizes that he is able to arch his back to the point that he lean down and lick the head of his engorged cock. He manages to stick the entire head in his mouth and starts sucking it putting himself close to the edge. He squeezes his aching balls while he does this to make them move. Norris can hear the sucking sound of his mouth on his cock and it makes him moan in his deep voice. Asa picks up the pace as he gets louder and the cum starts to leave his huge balls. He feels his load rushing into his mouth and stops moving to feel his balls contracting. The loud gulping sounds coming from Asa makes Norris want to cum too. He moves from the pec deck over to a Smith machine and starts doing lunges. This exercise makes him feel like he is stroking his cock as it bounces with every rep. As the barbell sits on his back, he feels his shoulders thicken up as back grows wider. His ass and quads start reacting to the exercise and it makes him have to readjust as they grow. His grunts get louder as he feels himself getting closer to the edge. Asa is watching this occur the entire time he is sitting across the gym. He knows that his training partner is getting ready to blow so he jumps up really quick to race over to him to catch his seed. He manages to find an area underneath Norris to catch whatever he loses. The standing lifter slows his pace down to make each lunge more erotic than the last. His loud moans make Asa growl as the anticipation makes his cock leak again. His thick neck grows wider as well as his throat to accommodate Norris’s massive cock which is going deeper inside. He is deep throating him now as he awaits the huge load. He does one last prolonged lunge to blast his load inside his stomach. The excitement makes Asa shoot another load spontaneously on to his own body. Rather than being spent though, the two giants feel as if they could do this forever. Their bodies never seem to run out of sperm since every load they shoot is thick and powerful. They have grown quite considerably since they walked into that gym. It doesn't seem like it will stop anytime soon either. Asa remains on the ground as Norris slowly pulls his cock out of his mouth. They smile at each other as the cum is still oozing out of their cockheads. They both eventually embrace and kiss each other. Without making any decisions about what to do next, they both look around the gym again and wonder if they should stop lifting. They turn to look back at each other and just wink. Part 2 is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2353-gym-equipment-part-2-mystery-man-among-us/
  15. brstealth13

    The Testosterone Effect (Part II)

    The Testosterone Effect Part II: Revelation About 5 days after the "incident" at the lab, Blake was sitting in his dorm room studying, while his rooommate Matt sat on the futon, playing video games. Matt was an overall average guy in nearly every way - average build, average height at about 5'10", and average personality. He was a nice guy, and a good friend, but no one to necessarily write home about. Matt was rushing a fraternity, which Blake thought was stupid, but Matt figured it would help him broaden his horizons and make friends. Matt tried to get Blake to join him in rushing the frat, but Blake wasn't interested. "C'mon, man, they're all pretty big guys. I'm intimidated. If they knew I were friends with a bigger guy like you, it'd be a lot easier," Matt pleaded. "Getting me to rush isn't going to help you with your insecurity," Blake replied. Fair enough. Matt had a rush event, so he asked Blake if he wanted to grab dinner in about an hour. "Sounds good," Blake replied. Nice, Matt was going out for a while. Perfect timing. Blake had been feeling extra horny on top of his usual above-average libido ever since he lost all control in the lab. He opened up a new browser tab on his laptop, pulled off his shirt and shorts, lubed up, and started beating off. Another thing that had changed since the research exam was that Blake now had fully-fledged cravings and fantasies. It used to be that he would feel horny and beat off to porn without thinking about the specifics of his desires. Now, he had specific and vivid cravings to suck cock and ride on a fat dick, despite never doing those things before. After about 5 minutes of pleasuring himself, Blake was getting sweaty, and a strong smell filled the room. His pits and crotch were emitting a massive amount of pheromones in the form of an intense musky man smell. Suddenly, the dorm room door unlocked and swung open. Shit. Shit! Shit shit shit! Blake thought, quickly reaching for his clothes without trying to flash Matt, who had come back extremely early. "Meeting got canceled," Matt said glumly. He hadn't turned around yet from closing the door. "Well, just for me. They don't think I'll fit in. Which is really sucky, because- whoa." Matt had turned around now and saw Blake standing there, half naked. He was partially across the room to retrieve his clothes, and feebly tried to cover his fully erect cock with his hands. "Shit man, I'm sorry, it's just that you said you'd be back in an hour and I needed to-" Matt interrupted him. "Dude. I don't know... what's coming over me but I feel like I really want you right now. It smells... so strangely good in here." In an instant, Matt was naked and pressed Blake up against the wall. The two roommates kissed passionately, and Matt slowly licked Blake's nipples, chest, armpits, and biceps. Blake started sweating even more, and the stench from his pits and crotch intensified. He felt his cock get harder, certainly harder that it ever had been. It looked bigger, too, maybe about 7.5" in length now. His muscles began to feel tight and he swore he could feel them pulsing, growing slightly firmer and larger. He felt like his sex drive just kicked into overtime, suddenly becoming overcome with a desire to suck Matt's cock. Blake dropped to its knees and took Matt's hard 5.5-incher into his mouth, slurping and sucking like a professional. Blake greedily gagged himself on Matt's cock. Meanwhile, Matt was overcome with his own lust for Blake, seemingly intoxicated by the smell of his crotch and the firm pumped appearance to his muscles. He ushered Blake over to his bed, where he laid down and Blake turned around and squatted over Matt, on his hands and knees, slowly feeding his own cock to his roommate while still sucking and gagging on Matt's dick. The sound of slupring and gagging filmed the room. Neither guy could get enough of the other. Eventually, Blake's desires reached a fever pitch. "I want you to fuck me, in the ass," he begged Matt. Matt simply grunted in approval. At this point, he was completely possessed by sexual desire. Blake got into position on his hands and knees on the bed. Matt lubed up his cock and fingered Blake's ass gently, then plunged his cock into Blake. The even more pumped up bottom moaned loudly and often at the feeling of his ass filled with hard cock. The two men took turns, alternating between Matt pounding Blake's ass, and Blake backing his ass up or riding Matt's cock. Eventually, it was time for the two guys to cum. Matt went first, blowing a pretty big load onto Blake's ass cheeks. The warm jizz felt nice on his ass, and prompted him to return the favor to Matt. Matt broke his silence since returning to the room, begging Blake to unleash his nut all over Matt's chest and face. Blake obliged, spraying and shooting Matt's chest with spurt after spurt of warm hot seed. Matt slurped a little jizz up and swallowed it, rubbing the rest of it all over his chest and stomach. Now his muscles and cock were looking a little - no, definitely bigger! His cock had swollen to about 6.5" and he could actually notice definition in his muscles - they were undoubtedly a little bigger than before he took Blake's load. After finishing their orgasms, the two men were exhausted and spent, so they cuddled right on Matt's bed. Matt wrapped his now decently big arms/biceps around Blake's built frame. Blake was so happy about what went down, but wanted to know why. He happened to check his phone (at this point, Matt was out cold). A new e-mail, from Dr. Sampson. Dear Blake, Thank you again for participating in our first stage male sexuality and development research. We've processed and compiled the results from your blood test, questionnaire, and stimulation test, and we think you'd be perfect to further participate in the study. Specifically, we think you have a condition which causes your body to produce testosterone at a hyperactive rate. We want to know how the condition effects you, and we also want to know that your condition might have on others. Could we set up a time to meet and discuss future steps and tests we'd like you to complete? Yours, Dr. David Sampson Well that explained it pretty well.. ultra-testosterone man, eh? Blake could get used to that... Author's note: next time: more growth, as Sampson learns about Blake's power, and Matt copes with his change and plots to beef up even more. Stay tuned and thanks again for all the warm feedback!
  16. spacevlad

    Tank the Bouncer

    Hey everybody. I posted a story earlier this year on Coiledfist that I think a lot of people on here would appreciate as well. It's quite long, 18 chapters in total, so I figured it would be a little too long and involved to post on here--don't want to have 18 separate threads on the story thread and don't want to have to copy/paste it all--so I'm just going to drop a link to the story here. http://www.coiledfist.org/stories/index.php?mode=search&submitted=1&keyType=sid&query=spacevlad_tankthebounce If you like dominant, growing bully types, aggressive sex scenes, and don't mind guys growing to 12+ feet tall and being a little destructive all while wanting to grow bigger and bigger... well, this is the story for you!
  17. Umpires by F_R_Eaky Part VII Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6120-umpires-part-one-by-freaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6180-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-ii/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6488-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iii/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6562-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iv/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6563-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-v/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6599-umpires-by-freaky-part-vi/ The college was in a major uproar. Two of its students had grown into life size representations of the Incredible Hulk and we hell bent on revenge, terror, and achieving the Hulk's maximum size as shown in the Ang Lee version of the movies. Indeed they were well on their way towards that goal, already having found a few more people who had been enhanced by the "Strangwich Strangers": Sebastian Knight, Mason Fletcher, Zachary Woode, Brook Wells, and Connor Rabbits. The group now also included Callum Addams who, according the Great Booke of the Family, and the legend it had inscribed in it, was to have a power to protect the six of them from the descendant of their great-great-great-great-great...one gets the picture - grandfathers' enemy, Mr. Slump. That descendant was here, a Mr. Henri Marasme, who had taken on a friend an accomplice, the former Brandon Brockman - former star quarterback and captain of the college's football team, now turned hulking brute. And the two brutes were growing by the minute. After their encounter with Sebastian and Mason in the gymnasium, Henri and Brandon left the building and decided to canvas the college quad and all its many paths. They had found what they were looking for and as such had continued to grow up and out, up and out, in height, width, and muscular size and strength, as well as endowment of their genitalia. In fact both men had now grown to be about twelve feet tall, looking like Tony Romano in his old Pepsi commercial where they had double him in size, except they had not one stitch of clothing on their bodies, the last of it torn away when the men they came across had been blessed by the strangers with increased cock and ball size. The two behemoths penises and testicles had swelled and grown that the near thong like strips of fabric that held them in place simply popped and their peckers and balls hung and swung free like a clock pendulum. Brandon had the ability to help sense those who were blessed and he had all too easily fallen into a pattern of finding them, letting Henri decide if all their gift was his, or nodding or winking at Brandon, who then eagerly backed his butt towards Henri's pole, allowing Henri to penetrate him and thus give Brandon the gifts siphoned off, whenever Henri used his power word. So now there they were two massive twelve foot tall bodybuilders, endowed larger, even proportionately, than any male star in the porno industry, traipsing around the by-ways of the campus, the muscles glistening with sweat in the bright sunlight, their cocks swinging to and fro, over and from one thigh to the other. This caused quite the commotion on campus as panic became the emotion of the day. This in turn made it perhaps a little better for the Strangers as it meant Henri and Brandon became preoccupied with #1 all the students scurrying across their path, some of whom were blessed by the Strangers and thus had gifts to steal, and #2 the campus and city police, who also had a couple of men who were blessed by the strangers and thus fueled the belief that the two hulking high-towers had the ability to suck physical attributes from any man alive. Throughout the day the sextet of men played dodge the bulks boys, attempting to figure out what to do. Panic and fear had tried to settle into most of their hearts after seeing the site of their two biggest members reduced to thin, milk-sop men of just five foot six inches tall that barely had enough muscle on them to be able to pick up their clothes let alone a set of weights. Things were even worse towards the end of the day. They had discovered that Henri and Brandon had gone to the buildings where Mason, Zachary, and Connor's dorm rooms were, as well as in town where Zachary's apartment was. Once all of the boys were there in Callum's dorm room, Callum had commented that it was known by some he was hanging around with the original five now, and although it would take some time, it wouldn't take long until they had figured out who he was and where his dorm room was located. After much worry and discussion they decided they for the now hunker down in Callum's dorm room, waiting to see how long they had, and in that time try to figure out what they and Callum were to do. To do that, however, they would need the Great Booke of the Family. Connor being on the track team and the fastest of any of the, Sebastian gave him the key to his ancestral home and sent him to run and grab it and come back. However, on his return, Connor showed up drenched in sweat, limping, and with a battered face. "Connor! What happened?" cried Callum after he opened his door and Connor slumped into the room and collapsed upon a bed. "They caught me.... briefly...." "What?!" bellowed Sebastian. "Are you okay? The Booke? Did they get the book?" "No... it's there in my back pack. I was back on the campus section of the paths, the one that runs by the theater building. Henri and Brandon had apparently been stomping around all of the paths looking for the one that leads towards your home, Sebastian. Henri knows about your home, all of our homes." "So what happened to you and your face?" asked Callum as he sat down next to Connor. "They...they had managed to spot me, and one went and cut me off further down the path. Henri stood there looking at me, while Brandon came up behind and slapped my back. I went down hard. While I was lying there, Henri said his magic word, and you were right on that, Callum, it was, 'sump.' He said it a few times, but then he allowed Brandon to sit on his dick, he said his power word a few more times, but with them connected, it left a side of me open, so I jumped up and ran into the one wooded area where the trees would at least slow them down.... That's slow them down. They're big enough now to take down some trees from saplings up to about fifteen years old! "Anyway... I doubled back around, but my feet had now become so small, my shoes slipped off, and I trouble knowing how to walk let alone run with my smaller feet. In the wooded area, the trees kept me upright, but once back out on the path, if I tripped, I fell, and one time I fell and couldn't get my hands out in time to catch myself. I performed a perfect ten face plant." Everyone looked down at Connor's feet and it was true, where once, even for a 6' 1" tall man, he had these semi-enormous size US 16 feet, he now had something that came in closer to a size ten, maybe ten and half. Sebastian broke the silence. "We need time to think. We need time to decipher. We need to move. They will search this campus until they find us." "But, love..." said Mason. "How will we find time to think and plan? Callum has no idea what his power word is, nor what his ability is and how that will save us. It won't take that long to search all of the dormitories, especially at their size. Even if we move, it won't take long to figure out where a group of six men are going." "Unless they think we've broken up and are heading out of town." "What?" asked the original five men and Callum continued on his statement. "Connor, did anyone see you come into this dorm?" "No. Why?" "Henri and Brandon don't know that you were headed to my dorm room, so let's set up a scenario for those two to discover. Bast, Mason, Zach, Brook, and I will head out now and make a run for my van in the parking lot. Guys, grab as many of the food supplies and such that we have here, and wrap them in the sheets and such for my bed. Connor, you will leave from here, out the back door of the dormitory about five to ten minutes after we have pulled out of the parking lot. Run back around some of the other buildings and approach this one from the front. Come in, run up here to this room, knock, then back downstairs and outside. Once out the front door, stop, do a worry kind of double take like you're not sure which direction to go and then take the path that leads to main bus stop that boarders both the school grounds and the town. We will meet you there with the van." Zachary leaned forward. "Alright, that makes it look like we took off without Connor, which is good in one aspect, but we have no-where to go. Those two were walking the paths looking for Bast's house." "Yes, and he knows where it and your guys' ancestral homes are, he's just not sure what paths are the route to them. He doesn't yet know me, even if he becomes aware of me, he won't be able to find out... .... .... I have a cabin out in that area as well...but in a slightly opposite direction." Darting looks of doubt and then approval at one another, the original five agreed to the plan and put it into action. Later they would find out that just three hours later, Henri & Brandon had discovered Callum had been hanging with the Strangers and the two had gone to investigate Callum's dorm room. Once at the cabin, Callum pulled his van in between two rows of wisteria and Cyprus trees effectively hiding it. Then inside he began to give out instructions. "Zach, Brook, you two go around and take these black out cloths and tack them over the windows and their curtains. Connor, you sit here and ice down your face. Bast, Mason, place all of the food items on the kitchen table, then take the sheets and make the beds up in the bedrooms. There'll be extra sheets and pillows in the hall closet if you need it. I'll put the food away and make some pitchers of tea for us to have. Whomever is done with their first task, get with someone and move the tables and other extra furniture between the front door and the wall forming as solid a line as you can. I know it won't hold them, but at least it'll be better than just the door and a deadbolt. Also, don't start a fire if you get too cold, use the heaters." The guys did as they were told and accomplished the tasks set before them, and then sat about the living room, trying to figure out what to do next in dim candle and heater light. Callum had been sitting with the Great Booke for most of the evening. Sebastian finally turned after a few hours asked the question on everyone's mind. "Have you figured out your power word yet, or what kind of power it triggers, Callum?" "No....it just mentions how it's supposed to save us, but doesn't tell us how. I'm not sure at all. The only thing I have figured out is I will have to do it soon or you'll all be stuck." "What do you mean?" "Further reading it says if he manages to get you shrunk down past five foot, that's it, you lose your abilities. Now other members of the family can still help bring them back, but if, or when all of you are shrunk down past five feet, that's it. That's all of it. You've all lost your gifts for good and four foot whatever will be your height and skinny-scrawny will be your build for the rest of your life, and it will not ever be restored to the family again." "That... that..... that just sucks!" said Brook, and he stormed off into a bedroom. With glances across the room to one another, everyone pretty much agreed to do the same: head off to bed. Zachary and Brook went to one room and held each other for comfort, hoping to try and fall asleep, but fear kept them awake. Sebastian and Mason went to another room, out of habit but not out of wanting to be with each other. They lie next to one another with a greater fear, that their new appearance wouldn't be appealing to the other man. Connor went to last bedroom, while Callum remained out in the living room still pondering what he was supposed to do. About an hour had passed when Connor came back into the living room, a sheet draped over his body about as Greek toga style as he could get without any chords to hold it in place. Sitting down next to Callum, he leaned in and whispered a soft, "hey." Callum looked over to Connor and smiled, "Hey, yourself." "Why don't you come to a nice soft bed to sleep? Can't relax and then think well sleeping on a hard, cabin couch." "Well," blushed Callum. "The bedrooms are uhmmm....full." "Are you that prudish, or do you not want me that my feet are small and ugly?" "What? No.... Connor, your feet may be smaller, but they're not ugly, and ... uhm.... you know... I'm developing feelings for you more because of who you are than the size of your feet. I mean, yeah, I liked your big feet, I like big everything, but I know enough to not let some paragon, fantasy image that no man... well, save for Henri and Brandon now, could ever live up to. I'm certainly not going to fall in love with them just because they're huge and hulking; they're assholes!" Connor cracked a smile. "How 'bout coming back there and showing me how much of my personality you like?" "No..." smirked Callum..."I think I'll show you right here." Callum leaned around and kissed Connor full on the lips and then began to wind his hands through the sheet until he had it half way off and one hand was firmly grasping Connor's cock, rubbing its head. Connor in the meantime had wound his hands around Callum, eventually ending up at the front of Callum's waist band and undoing Callum's belt. A mere few minutes later and both Callum's underpants, shirt, and socks were off and discarded on the floor next to the couch. In the first bedroom Sebastian and Mason began to have the same conversation. "What's that noise?" asked Mason. "It's the springs and joints of a couch." "Springs and joints of a couch?" "Yeah... Connor and Callum are getting it on. They really are kind of cute together. Track man and semi athletic-nerd boy." "He would be much bigger if he could be." "How would you know?" "We actually took over the master, what he's been using whenever he sleeps here. There are dozens of muscle mags and workout routines over here." Sebastian rolled over... quick and hard. "Looking for your next boyfriend?" "What? No... why?" "Sure you'd stay with a mighty midget like me?" "Bast! How could you say that? I like you because of you...who you are... your personality. I don't care that you lost your muscle size... other than the fact I know you like it. Geeze man, all of us in our group are fuckin' size freaks. But, I love you for you... besides, the smaller guys look like they build muscles better. You might look even hotter. The question is do mind a short basket ball player?" Sebastian rolled back over quickly and on top of Mason. "If we're going to be turned into diminutive bunnies... let's fuck like rabbits!" "But... I don't know how Mom and Dad made Connor." "Smart ass..." and Sebastian leaned in an kissed Mason after smacking him in the head with a pillow. In the next bedroom Zachary and Brook were still holding each other, wide awake, trembling slightly in fear of what may happen to them any day, hour, minute from now. Both of them whispering from time to time things like, "I'm glad you're with me.", or "I will always love you, no matter what happens." This is turn gave way to one patting the other's side or back for comfort, which then turned into reaffirming, warm-up-take-away-the-shivers strokes, which eventually turned into body caresses, followed by kissing and groping. Meanwhile in the living room, Callum was positioning himself on top of Connor's prick. One inside, Callum began to bounce while Connor began to buck, and both would reach and caress and kiss one another. Both men were working themselves into a pretty good frenzy of sexual excitement and energy when Connor finally stopped for a moment and said... "In case we wind up stripped of our abilities, I want you to at least experience once what we go through when we add it to our love making." "What, you're going to chant your word? Won't that alert Henri to where we are? Won't he feel that power?" "Yeah, possible, but at least you'll know what I was going all spaz on you and collapsed that night you caught me. You ready?" "Hmmmm huh... yeah..." "oooh okay... here goes.... .... thump!" "Hooooooooooooo-oh!" *************************************************************** "Oh fuck!" "Ah-HA!" *************************************************************** "Ooooh...hmmmm...Zach-AH-REEEEE!!" "Broo-HOOK!" ************************************************************* "Oh my gawd....Connor...that ....huh....that...huh...was...so....intense...." "Yeah... you should feel it when all of us say it.... THUMP!" "AAAAUUUUH!" ************************************************************** "ah-HOO! Mother fuckers!" "UUUUGHJEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZOH! Someone is using their power word!" ***************************************************************** "OH! Someone is using their power word... that fuck...putting us in jeo-PARDY!" "Oh ... huh...but... huooooommmmmmmmmmmm I LOVE when we DO this...." ***************************************************************** Callum was trembling fiercely. He couldn't hold on to Connor. He couldn't hold onto the couch. He wasn't sure his toes would ever curl out straight again, or that his bottom lip would ever come out from under his upper teeth. Connor was feeling the same way and was near to ripping one couch cushion while etching nail marks into the hard wood floor. The two were still riding and bucking when the doors to both bedrooms opened and after stopping and looking at one another, Sebastian, Mason, Zachary, and Brook grabbed their mattresses and brought them out to the living room. Plopping them down a few feet in front of the couch, Sebastian broke the tension and confusion as he addressed Connor and Callum. "Men, if we're going to do this and possibly be our own downfall, then let's do this in the biggest way possible." Forcing, Connor and Callum off the couch, they pulled the cushions off the couch and filled in the spot on the floor in front of the couch. Then Sebastian turned Mason around and rammed his rod into Mason. Mason in turn had Zachary knelt down and he placed his rod into Zach's crack. Zach in turn filled his lover, Brook's ass, while Brook turned and rammed into Connor, Connor re-established a firm hold inside of Callum, and Callum somewhat shocked at this looseness of morals, freedom of sexuality, whatever it was...turn and thrust his cock right up Sebastian. The rocking and rolling began with each man groaning and moaning in pleasure....until they finally spouted out their words. "pump" "auugh", "oooh", "fuck", "hmmmmnf", "shit", "damn".... .... ... "ahhhh-huh-heeeee.... uh....Trump" "damn", "hmmmmnf", "auugh", "fuck", "shit", "oooh",.... .... ... "aaaaiiieee ...ah...ah...huh...ah....hump" "auugh", "aahh", "shit", "hmmmmnf", "son of a", "oh hell".... .... ... "oh...oh...oh...oh...oh....oh...ooooooh......plump" "hagggggrrrrk", "fuckwad", "ah-shit", "huaaaahhhh", "pecker", "My-eeeeee".... .... ... "ahhh ha-huh-ha-huh....huh...huh....huh..... thump" "auugh", "oooh", "fuck", "hmmmmnf", "shit", "damn".... .... ... "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" Round and round the men went chanting their words as they writhed in their sexual orgy, their bodies contorting and straining like six men suffering from the worst orgasm spasms ever experienced by mankind. Eventually one of them broke the rythym stating, more like moaning... "I'm not sure what Callum's power does, but I think it definitely brought us together." The other men laughed, but Callum suddenly went rigid and croaked out breathlessly..."That's it." "What?" was the collective word uttered, followed by Connor asking tiredly, "Baby, are you alright?" "The book... the Great Booke of the Family... it didn't say my power would save us... it said I would bring us together..." "Hon, you need to relax and stop thinking about it..." Sebastian spoke out, "Let's keep chanting, he'll have to join in on it, whether he wants to or not." But Callum was already busy chanting... in his mind...and in an extremely low whisper, "their words are: pump, trump, hump, plump, thump, sump...I'm to bring them together..." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "a-ump?" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "bump...cump...dump...." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "fump...frump....gump...grump...." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "LUMP!" Collective the men all screamed the must guttural, primal scream that anyone has ever heard as the all arched their backs back in this orgasmic oval of passion. They felt the power like never before shooting out their cocks, up into their ass, spreading out through their bodies, their arms and legs, their face, nose, hair, the fingers and toes, the last two curling in so badly it looked as though their arches and palms would do the same. Eventually Sebastian started it again... "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump!" Cried out Callum out once more. Again the feeling shot through them like a bolt of electricity, like they merely weren't experiencing a stroke, but blowing their full wad in a one second power spurt. "AH!....huh....FUCK!....huh....THAT'S....huh....THE....huh.....TICKET!...." cried out Mason. "Sebastian...huh....love... again..." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "AUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" the men all collectively moaned loud and then dissipating into a low whisper. This time though their fortitude wasn't holding out as well and each on dropped to one knee. But Sebastian knew they had found something and it had to be carried through until the end. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Round and round they chanted until suddenly, Connor cried out..."My feet! My feet have grown... they're growing! They're...they're back to their old size!" Callum looked down to see his lover's feet, one of which was next to his. He realized Connor's feet had indeed grown back to its original size sixteen, but something else had happened too... "My feet are the same size as Connor's!" "What?" cried the other five men as they all looked down and realized all of their feet had been growing and all of them were now the proud owners of feet built for a size sixteen shoe. "Awwwww damn! That's sexy." said Callum. "Bast.... let's keep it up." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Soon, Sebastian and Mason began to grow taller and taller... 5' 7"....5' 8"....5' 9".... 5' 10" as tall as Zachary.... now they meeting Callum's height of 5' 11" tall, but so was Zachary. They kept on growing... and Callum joined them. 6'.... 6' 1" Now those four were as tall as Connor. 6' 2".....6' 3"....now standing at Sebastian's original height, with Connor having joined in, and the men kept growing on up to 6' 4" - the same height as Brook. Yet as they kept chanting and chanting they grew...grew...6' 5".... 6' 6".... 6' 7".... 6' 8"! They were now as tall as Mason had been and it seemed that for that moment they stopped growing taller. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" As they kept chanting, groping, feeling, caressing, screwing, kissing, they began to feel their bodies changing, rolling, bunching, flexing, swelling, popping, thickening, broadening, becoming tauter, fuller, denser, stronger, thicker, harder. Their muscles were growing...getting bigger and bigger until soon they were proportionately the same size as Sebastian was originally. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "AwwwwwwwwwwwffffffffffFUCK!" cried out Zachary. "THE POWER!" The men began to shift and rock... each one feeling their cocks becoming longer and longer, thicker, firmer, harder, their partner's filling their ass deeper, wider. Then their balls began to get larger, rounder, firmer, fuller... each one feeling as their scrotums got heavier and heavier, threatening to hang lower and lower from their crotch. Making their partner feel that more and more there was a cushion of some sort being placed between them and pressing their ass. They could feel these man globes whirl and swirl with more and more cum, making their testies feel even heavier than mere moments before. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Then they began to grow even further...all together...six formidably large men becoming even larger, greater, stronger, turning into mass monsters. Their muscles grew in size and shape. The shoulders broadened wider and wider becoming as wide as a wall. Their arms inflated and grew becoming larger than their own heads, fighting the lats and back for room to hang an move. The biceps and triceps rose and grew out larger, thicker, fuller, more defined, until their arm looked nearly square and as and as big around as a tire...a tractor tire....a boulder.... a globe on top of a skyscraper. Until the biceps head split into two and began to peak higher and higher, fuller, rounder, more defined deeper cuts. Eventually the arms snapping and breaking, reforming and reshaping longer and thicker to hold the amount of muscle they were carrying. Their delts and chest joined in the inflation and expansion as well, rounding and mounding higher and thicker. The delts looking like ball bearings for some kind of massive machine and getting larger by the minute. Their chest continued to shelf and expand larger, fuller, rounder, threatening to grow wider than their backs, than their shoulders. It did completely obscure their own lower portion of their bodies. They couldn't look down to see anything of their abs, thighs, calves, or feet. Their nipples rolled down, down, down until they nearly were turned back under the pectoral muscles themselves, the chest was so swoll with strength and power. Their asses bubbled out more and more, fuller, rounder, thicker, harder, as their cocks continued to grow and thicken, lengthen and harder, become even fuller in girth. All while the balls continued their insane filling and inflating, threatening to cause their legs to split apart even more than their burgeoning thigh muscles which had begun bunching and swelling after the buttocks. The thighs kept increasing in shape and form become so large it seemed almost impossible for them to taper at all at the waist or the knees to rejoin the body. Massive teardrops just suspended under the crotch somehow. The calves and the forearms had also grown in thickness and size. Both threatening to become nearly as large as their bigger companions, the thighs and upper arms. Meanwhile underneath all of this, their feet had grown long and wide become really large, even for their height in order to give a good, strong, foundation for the exceptionally tall frame and impossibly large amount of muscles that frame carried. They became thick, muscular, manly, but yet smooth, defined, trimmed and clean nails. And then the veins began to rise up near the surface of the skin. Even if they had lost all their musculature, their veins would still be there, all full and plump full of life and energy giving blood, providing the nutrients for more and more growth. They spread up the calves, over the knees, around the thighs, up the crotch, across the abs, mounting the pecs, cresting the delts and enveloping the neck as grew into a super thick column of marble muscle, before they continued to roll and cascade down the upper arms, forearms, and thick muscular palms and fingers of men who tossed tons of weight around. And as these vessels appeared and criss-crossed their bodies, they began to sprout out hair...mainly, thick, hair that even they could run their finger tips through. Around the ankles, up the shins and calves, over the knees, around the thighs, creating a huge dense bush at the crotch from which their cocks now rose like mighty sequoias. Up the abs the fantastic fur ran, over the chest, engulfing the nips, skipping the butt, back, delts, but continuing again on the upper arms, under the pits, over the forearms, and slightly on the back of the palms and the fingers. Finally the hair was triggered on their jaw lines coming in like a five o'clock shadow...by 9 a.m.! Then their hair grew out on top, cascading down their head until hitting the shoulders. But still despite their size, their strength, they were in the throes of constantly reaching a climax, of reaching that full orgasm that threatened to flood the cabin, and they were still writhing in ecstasy and growing as they chanted more and more.... "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Their vision rising up higher and higher. Their feet stretching out longer and longer, moving furniture out of the way, or lifting it up on their own! Their bodies spreading out wider and taller, taking up all the space in the living room, pressing in the walls, pressing in against each other. They were becoming so big, it was becoming more and more difficult for them to gyrate, buck, and hump their partners in order to achieve climax. They could hear the floor and side boards creak, their vision now rested above the two story high ceiling beams of the cabin. They were pressed into each corner and center of the room, having no room to breathe let alone move. Then they heard it.... "I know you're in there! I don't know who this Callum Addams is, but it's no use hiding in his cabin. Callum, let the five come out and I won't hurt you. You might as well come out and get it over with. Brandon and I can easily break through the walls, let alone the doors of this cabin, so we can come in a get you at any point. It's useless to resist. He's around the back, and I'm here out front. Don't know why you would choose to resist. So, come on guys.... what do you say?" Shifting their head in the eaves to look at one another, they gave each other a nod and then back to Sebastian. "What do we have to say?" Sebastian whispered to his friends. "I know what we have to say..." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump"

    Scrubs Part One

    An old story I've cleaned up for you pleasure... “Alex, we got a new patient” Doctor Peters called Alex quickly moved from the nurses station and joined the doctor on his way to the room. Alex was new, he’d only been on the ward for a couple weeks. But he was getting used to the way things worked in the hospital. Alex had seen most of the nurses get hit on and harassed, but Alex was a guy, a hot guy, but still a guy. He’d been a gymnast in high school, and it showed. He was lean but toned and was always turning heads with his tight bubble butt showcased to perfection in his nursing scrubs. “18 year old male, came in with multiple broken bones, multiple lacerations and widespread bruising,” Peters explained. “Car accident?” Alex asked. “No, he’s not saying anything. Police found him in the park. They think he was beaten,” Peters answered grimly. “He’s in 19.” ———————————————————————————————————— Room 19 was the usual private hospital room: a bed, a couch, the same plain grey walls and a tv up in the corner. There were two people in the room with the patient when Alex and Doctor Peters walked in. Two short fat blonde men in their late twenties huddled around the bed. The two were dressed in well worn suits and both looked very tired and very worried. Alex could also easily tell that they were identical twins. Resting in the bed was a small skinny kid. Even though Alex knew he was 18, kid was the only word for him. He might of been a cute guy, if it wasn't for the massively swollen black eye and stitched up blood splattered cheek. Even his golden blonde hair was still matted with dry blood. His right arm was in a sling, and the left wrist was bandaged. A mass of bandages were wrapped tightly around his waist, no doubt to help some broken ribs heal. Both his legs looked to be in casts, but they were covered by blankets. Peters introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Doctor Peters, I’ll be handling your brothers case.” The twins nodded and shook the doctor’s hand. “Sven and Axel Storberg,” one of the blond men said. “We’re Thor’s legal guardians.” Alex looked at the tiny teenager. Thor was a very unfortunate name for him. He could never live up to that image. Peters continued. “Ok, this is Alex, he’s the nurse for this section of the floor, so he’ll be your brother’s nurse.” The twins looked to Alex as he checked on of the monitors that kept an eye on Thor’s vitals. “Will he be ok?” one of the twins asked. Alex couldn’t tell which one. “He’s stable, so he’ll be fine,” Peters explained. “Just a few weeks of rest.” “You should go, you have work,” a weak voice called from the bed. The twins nodded reluctantly and Peter’s gestured for the door. “We just have a couple things to talk about,” Peters said to the kid as they left. ————————————————————————————————————————— Thor was the only patient on Alex’s section, so between checking the kid and spinning in his chair at the nursing station, he had nothing to do. The kid had been in and out of sleep, and it was coming up to the end of Alex’s shift. The hospital was never very busy, but Alex wanted to keep an eye on the kid. He had a feeling about something. The kid was awake when Alex went to check on him before leaving for the night. “Hi,” Thor greeted, smiling weakly. “Hey, just checking on you before I leave. I’ll be back in the morning,” Alex explained, bending to check the monitors next to the bed. “Another nurse will check in the night, but you should be sleeping then.” “Ok,” Thor wheezed. Alex stood up and looked at the boy for a moment, his eyes were so blue. Ice blue, they almost looked unnatural. Alex picked up the chart at the end of the bed and clicked through it. It had the boy’s entire history. “So your brothers are raising you?” Alex asked. “Yea, parents died when I was eight. Sven and Axel had just turned 18,” Thor explained. “They gave up going to college to look after me and now they are working themselves to death to get me into a college.” “They sound like good people,” Alex said. “So why didn’t you tell them you were beaten?” Thor squirmed a little in his bed. “Did it happen because you’re gay?” Alex asked. Thor went still. “How did you know?” he asked quietly. “Even bruised and broken you still craned your neck to check out my ass when I was bent over a minute ago.” Alex smiled as the kid blushed. “You won’t tell anyone will you?” He asked. “No, but you really should. If no one else, you should tell your brothers and the police,” Alex offered. “I can’t,” Thor sighed. “I don’t remember who did it.” Alex flicked through the chart. The MRI scan taken when the kid first came in showed signs of massive brain activity. “Is you head hurting? Any headaches?” Alex asked. With the bruise and cuts on his head, he appeared to have a concussion at least. “No, my head’s the only thing not hurting.” Thor smiled. “Its feels amazing actually, like clear and focused.” “But you can’t remember who beat you?” Alex asked. Thor suddenly looked like he’d been caught. “Yea, odd isn't it,” Thor smiled, but Alex thought it almost looked like a smirk. Alex laughed. “See you in the morning. Think about talking, it’s for the best!” —————————————————————————————————————————— Alex switched into his scrubs before heading out onto the ward the next morning. He lifted the scrub bottoms up to his face, they seemed shorter then usual. “They seem to get shorter every day,” a voice joked. Alex turned to see an almost model like guy pull on his own scrubs, tiny tight shorts and an even tighter top that revealed the bottom row of his abs. “Yea,” Alex replied then quickly added, “Are you new?” The nurse shook his curling blond head. “No, been here longer then you.” “Really?” Alex asked shocked. He was sure he’d have noticed a guy like this walking the halls. “Yep, no worries though,” the nurse smiled. “This hospital is weird, only hunky guys seem to be nurses here. Its cool, but a major distraction.” The nurse vanished from the locker room and Alex followed. He tried to pull his shirt lower as the air fluttered over his abs. As he headed to Thor’s room, he noticed the absence of female nurses. There wasn’t any at all. There were female doctors and patients, but only guys in the revealing nurse scrubs and they were all major eye candy. Alex picked up Thor’s chart from the nurse’s station as a ginger nurse with amazing biceps quickly explained that Thor was awake and had been fed his breakfast. Alex was really confused by the sudden change in staff as he entered Thor’s room, but that all changed the second he saw Thor. The kid was fine, perfectly healthy. No bruises, no broken bones and no nasty cuts. He was sitting up on the bed and clicking through the channels on the TV. “Hey Alex,” Thor said, his painfully blue eyes staring. “You ok?” Alex pointed at the kid as the door swung shut behind him “You were hurt. I mean massively, like bloody corpse hurt,” he shouted. “You really want to shout corpse any louder?” Thor asked, definitely smirking this time. Alex hushed himself. “But you were….” “What?” Thor asked again, just staring. A pain shot through Alex’s head, but it was gone as quick as it came. But the confusion got even worse. “Nothing,” Alex answered, checking the chart. “I’m sure I talked to a kid like you…. he’d been beaten for being gay.” “Oh….” Thor nodded knowingly, his eyes though looking deep into Alex’s “I was… I mean am being bullied for being gay, you must have just forgot.” “Yea, must of,” Alex agreed, scolding himself for sounding so stupid. “So you hear for another session? The last nurse really worked it hard, gave his arms a real big pump,” Thor asked, tossing a grey cylinder to Alex. Alex caught it, but the chart fell onto the bed. He examined the tube, it was plastic with a fleshy opening in the shape of a mouth. It was a FleshJack. “Why do I have this?” Alex asked. Thor laughed. “Did you not sleep or something? It’s for my condition.” Alex stared at the kid, noticing the blue eyes seemed even bluer then a second ago. They cut into Alex and the confusion started to vanish. “Its for your HLS,” Alex stated, the memories returning. “Hyper Libido Syndrome.” Thor sniggered as he pulled off his pants. “Get jacking!” he ordered. Alex smiled. It was his job, after all. It wasn’t like someone made up the condition, he remembered studying it. It was very rare, but the men who suffered from it needed to ejaculate regularly. And from what Alex remembered, Thor had one of the worst cases the doctors had ever seen. After lubing up the FleshJack, Alex quickly examined Thor’s cock. It was average in every way, 6 by 4. He remembered yesterday when Peters made him Thor’s nurse. He’d expected HLS to be present only in men with massive fat cocks, not the little thing that Thor had. But Thor was a sufferer and needed his condition to be treated, so Alex started jacking. —————————————————————————————————————————— “Here’s the latest sample,” Alex explained as he handed the full FleshJack to the ginger nurse. “Wow, I only finished him off like ten minutes before you got here,” the nurse smirked. “Guy’s a cum factory.” Alex thought for a moment. He’d seen Thor as a kid, but he was a guy, a man. Alex had just jacked Thor off and he certainly wasn’t a kid. Especially with how much he’d cum. Alex watched the nurse leave with the FleshJack, his bubble butt bouncing in the tiny scrub shorts as he walked. Another nurse, one with olive toned skin and black hair, passed pushing a patient in a wheel chair. He winked at Alex and bounced his chiseled chest. It seemed normal to him now. How could he have forgotten about this? All of the hot nurses were the reason he’d applied for this hospital. ——————————————————————————————————————————— It was nearing the end of Alex’s shift and he hadn’t returned to Thor’s room. He’d gotten another nurse to provide Thor with release and the ginger nurse had jumped at the chance. But when a massive tray of food arrived for Thor’s dinner, Alex was too curious to pass the delivery job off to someone else. Why would Thor need so much food? He was tiny, barely 5 and a half feet tall and so skinny. Alex almost struggled to carry the over laden tray of chicken, potatoes and vegetable to room 19, but thankfully he was able to pop the door open and was quick to get the tray down onto the table next to the bed. “Dinner,” Alex announced to an empty bed. Alex looked around the room, no little blond kid sitting on the couch, looking out the window. Thor was nowhere to be seen. But there was a very large man doing crunches on floor next to the bed. Alex just watched for a little while as the man pulled himself up and in a deep voice counted out each rep of the exercise. “412, 413, 414,” he listed out between reps. Alex was in awe of the man’s vast back, only each deeply cut and sculpted muscle. His shoulders were rounded and bulky, his traps and neck thick with muscle. As Alex watched, the man moved his folded arms out from in front of him as they aided his crunches and moved them inline with his shoulders, which only enhanced the v-shape of his torso. Alex marveled at the size of his biceps, the thickness of his forearms and the size of his monstrous hands. A mane of long golden blond hair ran down his back. “Shit, sorry wrong room,” Alex spluttered after he broke out of his trance. The man jumped to his feet with a thud and Alex was sure the room shook. He was very tall, much taller then Alex’s 5ft10. His feet took up entire tiles of flooring, and his hospital pants were pulled tight around his bulky calves and boulder like ass. He turned and Alex felt his heart race. The man was a god, his entire body built to perfection with huge chiseled muscle. His chest was wide and heavy with overdeveloped pectorals, each one covered in a pelt of golden hair. The hair continued down his cinderblock eight pac and down into the waist band of his pants. His waist was tight and slim, but decorated with a deeply cut apollo’s belt. The beginning of his tree trunk thighs were on show by the long hanging waistband, the pants being pulled low on his front by the swollen burden that ran over a foot down his pants leg. His face were overtly manly. He had a strong jaw with thick golden stubble and a broad brow. But Alex was focused on the painfully blue eyes that stared back at him. “You’re in the right room, Alex,” Thor smirked.
  19. Umpires by F_R_Eaky Part VI Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6120-umpires-part-one-by-freaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6180-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-ii/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6488-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iii/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6562-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iv/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6563-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-v/ "Guys... we have a problem." Said Sebastian as he plopped his 6' 3" 250 pound frame onto the stone circle bench in the secret room of his ancestral home. "I believe our ancestors' enemy's ancestor is here, back in Strangwich, and he knows we know about our gift giving abilities." "What?" said most everyone in attendance: Mason, Brook, Connor, and Callum. "Late yesterday afternoon, Blake and Santiago came running in as fast as they could to the coach's office." "Well there's trouble. Two of the largest guys on the football team running anywhere. Did the door frame handle them both trying to get through?" said Callum. "That's the problem. They weren't two of the largest guys on the football team anymore, they were the two smallest, and that's the two smallest, not two of the smallest." "What?" said Mason as he rose to his 6' 8" height questioning his lover's statement. "You and I turned Santiago into a huge hunk of man nearly seven feet tall. Collectively all of us, save Callum, on the first weekend of the school year turned Blake from tiny mouse into a roaring lion that could join the NFL. How the hell are they small?" "I'm not sure. They thought the coast was clear, and so did the coach. He took them out of the line and said they were in for testing due to their recent growth spurts, not mentioning how small they were. But I saw them when they came running in and watched as they talked with the coach. They couldn't have been any taller than five foot tall." "And you think our grandparents' enemy's descendant made them that short?" "And took away their muscular size, as well as anything else we gave them probably." "Can the... enemy do that?" "Yes," interrupted Callum. "Sorry, Bast. I've been reading through your Great Booke of the Family and the stories and accounts written down. It clearly said he would be able to take our gifts, but the wording used is definitely not just the powers you have, but the effects your gifts give to others. They weren't sure what he was going to do with them though." "I think he collects them and keeps them for himself." said Zachary. "Why do you think that?" Said Sebastian. "Henri Marasme. He's a new student, who's making a big deal in more ways than one." "Starting the semester a little late isn't he?" "That's the first big deal. His parents both passed with Dad leaving him a huge company to run. It apparently took forever for him to find someone to honestly run the company while he's away for two-thirds of the year studying abroad. So he's been taking class work over the net, like an on-line class. Anyway he was supposed to arrive sometime early Saturday morning but his plane had all sorts of problems that the airlines couldn't understand nor figure out. He didn't arrive here until around ten-thirty last night." "Well it doesn't sound so odd, all explainable at some point I'm sure." "Yeah, but get this. The few members of the administration and faculty that met him Saturday night, commented on him being the most diminutive man they ever met, so did his roomy; however, everyone who's met him since Sunday evening, swears he's a hulking giant. They're talking like a seven foot tall body builder!" "They must be all slightly mistaken. Trick of light or something." "Nope. His roomy was so freaked out, he had to show off proof, so he brought people into his dorm room and opened up Henri's closet. It was full of nothing but his original clothes, all tailor made for a man of around 4' 11" who is extremely skinny. But on the bed we boxes full of new clothes and shoes from the big and tall men's shops around town all for a really big man... like around seven foot and is damn near a professional body builder. All the boxes were purchases made on Sunday evening, just before the shops all closed for the night." "That wouldn't be too long after Blake and Santiago ran to the coach. But how can well tell this guy really is the descendant of our forefather's enemy, and thus ours I guess. We'd need to find a way." "His name." Said Callum. "What?" Said everyone else collectively. "His name. Part of the curse placed upon his family was that their surname was to be 'Slump' and that no matter what they did or where they went, it would always be that. Zach you said his name was Henri... what was his last name?" "Marasme." "Sounds French...and if I remember my high school French class correctly... ... ...marasme is the French word for... to bend, to lean, or to slump. Henri's last name is slump." There was several minutes of silence, except for Callum turning pages in the Great Booke of the Family. Finally Sebastian spoke up. "So, now we need to figure out how does he get our gifts, what does he do with the effects of the gifts, and What is Callum's power and how does it save us?" Callum quickly slammed the book down on the bench, "He's storing it.... for himself." Again, came the collective response, "What?!" "I just figured out that one part of the story. He would be able to take our gifts once he realized with what laziness began and subtract that from his name. You guys spoke that your forefathers would get their gifts if they had faith in the word, and you were thinking it was having faith in a creed, like the Bible or Wiccan Rede or some such articles of faith, but you got your powers once you discovered your trigger word. It wasn't to have faith in the word, but having faith in a word. It's a magical play on words here. In case, his name is slump. He has to subtract with what laziness begins. What letter begins the word laziness?" "L" spoke up Connor. "Correct. Subtract L from the word slump and what word do you have?" Zachary spoke. "S..s...sump? What is that. I've not heard of a sump before, except as in sump pump." "Exactly. Sumps were built in old houses before all of the old water proofing materials and such came, to help prevent the basements, or more properly storage cellars, from flooding. The excess water was collected into what people today thought mistakenly were partially dried up and filled in wells. They weren't wells but a collection basin to keep the cellars from flooding, a sump. Then when modern technology had advanced far enough, but people still didn't have the money or the technology to raise the house and just make a dry basement, but the rains and such proved too much to contain in the sump, they invented the sump pump. Once your sump reached a certain level of water, the pump would kick in and start pumping the water out into a set of pipes leading out of the building." Sebastian stood up. "So you're telling me, he'll just take our gifts...powers that is, and the gifts we've given people and just collect them." "Yeah. I'm not exactly sure what he would do with your gifts, but the ones you've given, he's just going to collect and hold, probably... ... ... just like a sump held water. It just collected it and held it." Mason turned and looked over to Sebastian. "Hon, if he collects all the gifts we've given to every student on this campus... ... ..." "And tracks down the ones who have already graduated as well... ... ... he's going to grow into a ten ...fifteen...twenty foot tall hulking mass!" Callum blinked in astonishment. "Seriously? How many men have you given gifts to?" Sebastian sighed. "We haven't kept track. Collectively somewhere around twenty to thirty students per year?" "Twenty to thir.....And did you make them all behemoth footballers like Blake and Santiago?" Mason stepped forward, "Take it easy there Callum. It's not like we meant to put the world in jeopardy with what we were doing. And, no... not all of them were hulking brutes. Sometimes we just gave a bit of height, or a little muscle, or like the night we showed you, it was just cock and ball growth." "Oh gawd...." said Brook. "What will happen if he gets the people I gifted and siphons off their gift? This fifty fuckin' foot tall giant hulk with balls the size of the Daily Planet Globe! Then what if he blows a load willie nillie anywhere and it strikes women? Will they become pregnant and give birth to more giant sized Slump family children? And what happens if they have his power too? This is just.." "Shhh shhhh shhhhh shhhhh baby, calm down... breathe..." Zachary consoled as he held Brook's head to his shoulder and sat him down. The sextet sat in silence for a long while staring at each other, the walls, the fire, space, until Sebastian spoke up. "Well...You said, Callum, that this was a play on words. We need to figure out what your word is, what your gift/power is, and how it protects us, and we need to figure that out fast. Yet, at the same time... you might need to keep your distance from us. Mr. 'Slump' might not be aware of the fact that our sixth member has come to us. Keeping you at bay might keep you safe." ***************************************************************************** The college's open gymnasium was full of activity and clatter as hundreds of students were getting a workout in one form another, but then suddenly it became very quiet. In came Henri Marasme, all seven feet, oggly some odd hundreds pounds of him. He had to duck his head to get through the door. He had to twist his body sideways because his chest, back, and shoulders were too broad to fit through the door frame for a straight walk-through. Even if they were all deflated, he still couldn't do it for his arms were of such a size he nearly looked like he was doing a charades'' motion of an airplane at all times. THUD THUD THUD They heard him walking into the place, so heavy were his footfalls, despite the fact that he kicked his feet out sideways in order to walk forward. And with every step he jiggled and wig gled in a solid is flowing kind of way. The way that bodybuilder's muscles bounce, pop, and flex as they do something as simple as walking to a water cooler or reaching to grab something off a top shelf. They stood and watched him. Only one person on campus was anywhere near close to his size and that was Santiago de Silva who was apparently out with a virus or growing pains or something. The two next biggest men on campus was Brandon Brockman or Blake Smythe, and Blake was out with the same ailments as Santiago. Still it didn't matter, both men were half a foot or so shorter than Henri, and although pretty large, they didn't have the build Henri did. They'd have to combine their builds in order to be equal to Henri's. The noise only began to come back to the background when Henri sat down at a bench press and started adjusting the weights. He put a good hefty amount on the bar, causing quite a few people to stop talking again and watch as he pressed the bar and weights off the rack and then bring it down to his chest. "eeeeeeeeeee............hoooooooooo" He repeated this motion several times as folks watched the veins begin to pop out on his arms, across his chest and shoulders. They watched as his barreling chest became engorged with blood and began to mound higher and higher, swelling just a bit more and stretching the straps of his tank top wider and wider apart. Some ladies began to shift nervously in their seats or stances as they watch the peaks of pecs mound higher, grow tighter in the shirt, until Henri's nipples began to poke out tighter in the fabric than most of their nipples did in their blouses in winter. Henri began to take a sense of his surroundings. "Hmmmmmm yesssssss," He thought to himself. "There are others here who have been gifted. The quintet giveth...and I shall taketh away...." Henri performed several more reps with the bar before he began chanting with his moments. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......sump......hooooooooooooooo." He began to shift on the bench. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......Sump......hooooooooooooooo." His pecs swelled even farther, pulling the u shaped front of the tank tap further down his chest. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......SUMP......hooooooooooooooo." There was the sounds of bone snapping, skin stretching, his lats, arms, shoulders, and back seemed to push out further from his tank top. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......SUMP!!......hooooooooooooooo." His pants began to creep up his leg.... his shoes became form fitting to his feet and began to emit the sounds of small tears and rips. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......HMMMM MOTHER......hooooooooooooooo.....SUMP....SUUUUUUUMP!" His pants traveled up his leg but were snapped by his calves filling up fuller and larger quickly like some water balloon approaching burst level. "eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee......SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP!......hooooooooooooooo." His thighs split the seams of his pants, his feet burst forth from his sneakers, snapping the laces as well, while his chest pulled the top of his tank down....down....down.... until just before pulling it so far down his massively muscular man tits or 'pectacular pecs simply tore the front open all the way to half way down his abs. Men while several shrieks were heard from several men as they began to lose size. Tom: shrunk by four inches, Richard: lost thirty pounds of muscle, Harold: twenty five pounds of muscle, shrunk 5 inches shorter, Olag: lost four to five inches of cock size while his balls shrunk to the size of pistachios. It seemed like several men were tripping or collapsing, all suffering from some kind of weakness. The whole time Henri just swelled larger and broader, taller and thicker, harder, veinier, more striated. "AAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" Henri finally stood up and proceeded to start bending the weight bar... Not by much, but still, giving that any kind of curve takes a mountain of a man with an incredible amount of strength and power to do it. He began to walk forward, moaning as he did so. His crotch having grown a bit larger was getting rubbed by his tight, tight underwear and the lose fabric of his shredded jeans shifting this way and that. It soon produced a near frightening erection that threatened to tear the crotch area of his pants. Reaching the dining section of the gym, he picked up several of the large, empty, metal trays and began to bend them in half, all the way, doubled over. Students and faculty in the crowd began to whisper and moan cries of astonishment and awe, calling him super, giant, god-like. To help support this Henri then walked over to a lunch bench full of students and told them to go ahead and stay seated while he picked them all up, eventually working it up into a military press, which he pumped out several reps before being called out. "Dude! I don't care if you're the fuckin' hulk, we don't need raging hard on penis displays when working out or showing off our strength. Put them down go find some pants that fit." Henri put them down, but then turned and faced his adversary. "SUMP!" Brandon was taken aback by this a bit, but answered back as coolly and alpha as he could. "Not much. What'sup with you ... besides you're ungodly erection?" Henri stopped for a moment. His word did nothing to this man.... he was all natural...untouched. "Now, I'm a sucker for showing off a well built bod, and dude, you are totally jacked! You're like Arnie squared! But there are dress codes here at the school, and showing off everywhere is just against the bro code. I mean....I could run around in a tank top...." and Brandon took his jacket and over shirt off. "And run around all the time, but if men such as we do this, it just crushes all hopes of the everyday milksop to make himself into a man or even get out of bed in the morning. You have to play the god-like body kind of cool." "Yesssss.... coooooool." Suddenly the doors opened and in walked Sebastian and Mason, all too casually, as if about to have lunch or go sit in the sauna as opposed to getting ready for a workout. "Awww fuck!" Cried out Sebastian. Brandon turned around and saw the two gentleman standing there slacked jawed. "Go on to the pool or something Knight. This is a conversation between big men and doesn't concern you." "You know these gentlemen?" "Yeah. That one is Sebastian Knight, he's with me on the football team. He wants my position but he can't have it. He doesn't carry the size and the power necessary to do so. He keeps hitting the weight room, over and over and over and over, but he can't gain any size. He's just someone who doesn't know when or how to accept the fact of what he is and what his position in life will always be. The other dude is his buddy, Mason Fletcher, a barely talented hack on the basketball team, only there because he's slightly tall." "Hey!" "Brandon, listen to me... you need to walk away from this man." "Screw you, Sebastian!" "Knight and Fletcher... you say.... I know those names well. ... ... ... Tell me...uh.... what is your name?" "You don't know it?!? Dude, I'm the captain of the football team, for fuck's sake! Brandon. Brandon Brockman." "Hmmmm tell me... Brandon....Dude.... does Sebastian get in your way? Does he make you feel annoyed?" "Yeah... he does....quite a bit sometimes, but not much I can do about it. Why?" "I think we might be able to help each other. Pardon me for just a moment." With that Henri turned and picked up one of the sets of table and benches in the dining area and hurled it towards Sebastian and Mason. The two men realized it was coming in fast and trying to navigate through the doors behind them might not be fast enough to escape injury. Instead they dove forward, the ensemble crashing behind them getting mangled with the bar releases of the doors. It effectively blocked their immediate exit. Brando began to say something about how bad it was to damage school property, but before he could, he was turned around facing Sebastian and Mason, while his back went towards Henri. Then in one quick, and slightly painful moment Brandon's pants and underwear were ripped down his legs. Brandon went to move, but was pinned to Henri's chest by Henri's left arm. Suddenly the realization hit that Brandon may have taken on more than he should handle when he realized that the top of his head only reached mid -chest or arm pit of Henri Marasme. Suddenly there was a loud scream from Brandon and he was being held closer to Henri than he was just moments ago, with Henri's pants hanging in shreds around his ankles. Brandon attempted to squirm. "MOTHER FUCK! You....shoved your.... .... .... cock up .....my ass....." "Now, Brandonnnnnnnn... ... ... if you'd like to get rid of your problem co-player, look at him and concentrate." "YOU! Shoved your cock....up...my ass!" "Look at him! Don't worry about me and my parts or where they are. Just look at Sebastian concentrate on Sebastian." "Yeah! I see him.... he's looking at us in disgust because... YOU SHOVED YOUR COCK!...." Brandon didn't finish. Instead, over his yelling, Henri looked towards Sebastian and muttered his power word..."sump..." "UUUUH!" Brandon's cock became full erect in his pants. "Shhhhh....say it with me Brandon.... .... Say it with me and stay focused on Sebastian. One... two.... three..." "SUMP" "SUMP" This time it was Sebastian that groaned and the impromptu audience watched as his muscles became a little smaller. "Bast... hon... we need to get out of here. C'mon!" "Look at Mason now... une...duex...tois..." "SUMP" "SUMP" And now Mason slightly wavered in his stance. Brandon seemed to stand up a little taller. "h..h...Hey! This feels kind of good. Not sure about your cock up my ass, but the after affects are feeling amazing." "Good... let's chant some more at those annoyances of yours. Again..." "SUMP" "SUMP" Sebastian attempted to lead Mason away this time, but went down again, shrinking in size. "Again!" "SUMP" "SUMP" "MORE!" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" "SUMP" Over and over again they chanted and they watched as Brandon's form rose higher and higher up Henri's form: arm pit to shoulder top, shoulder top to chin bottom, chin bottom to lips, lips to eyes, eyes to top of head. Breathing deeply, Brandon moaned as his body then continued to grow out ripping and shredding, popping and snapping bits and pieces of clothing from head to toe, until he stood as tall and nearly as built as Henri himself. Clinching his buttocks a bit as he learned to walk with new added mass, Brandon drug Henri over to the lineup area in the dining hall. He too grabbed several metal trays and then proceeded to bend the over. "HmmmmmmmmmmRRRRRRRRRAAAUUUUUUUGH! FUUUUUUUUUCK THIS FEELS GOOD! This feels like power! Like size! Like something I can mother fuckin' deal wi -ITH! AH! AH! AH! OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" Suddenly Brandon was spewing more cum out of his pecker than those "peeing-cherub" fountains squirt water on a high pressure day. Henri came as well, up Brandon's ass, although it didn't seem like Brandon minded now. He collapsed behind Brandon at the same time Brandon went down from sheer joy. "There is more than that where than came from Brandon, my muscle mate. You help me track down people and we will become Gods on campus. Titans of the country.... Colossusi of the world!" While they were lost in their ecstasy, Sebastian and Mason made a run for it, heading to the pool and out the back locker room doors. They left much of their clothing behind having become too small for it. Indeed when they pounded on Callum's door, they were in nothing but their jersey or basketball tank top, loose fitting underwear, and socks. Callum happened to be there and was quite shocked when he opened up his door. "Yes, why are you pounding on my....Holy shit! Bast? Mas? you two are only five and half feet tall or so!" "We've got to get inside and change into some other clothes and then find a place to hide!" said Sebastian. "Henri did this to us, but he somehow gave our size to Brandon." "Brandon? Brandon Brockman?" "Yes... ... ... now we have two giants to worry about."
  20. Umpires by F_R_Eaky Part III Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6120-umpires-part-one-by-freaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6180-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-ii/ Callum tried to call out for help, but the campus was deserted; everyone was partying for the week end at Dubbdub Hall. Realizing no one was going to come to his aid, Callum started dragging Connor towards his dormitory. Once there he was able to get the desk attendant help him carry Connor to his dorm room, explaining that the pair had run into a belligerent drunk out on the quad who decked Connor and ran away. The clerk commented that since Connor was completely out and a large wet spot on his groin, they should probably get Connor looked at in the hospital for a concussion. Callum explained it was alright as he was a pre-med student, son of a prominent neuro doctor and could take care of his "roomie" once there. The clerk shrugged a "whatever" and walked down the hall towards the elevators to go back to his post. Staring at Connor for a bit, Callum wondered what to do. He thought that Connor, for a stalker, wasn't too bad looking. His face peaceful and handsome in unconsciousness. Deep, dark, burnt umber hair cascading into his face, over his eyes. Almost a member of the tall set, his long lithe 6' 1" track style body stretched out across the bed of Callum's roommate. No worries there; the roommate was on a trip back to the parent's house and wouldn't be back until late Sunday evening. Callum wished he could do something to help out Connor, more in the area of his creamed underpants. That'll hurt like hell once it dries, but it would be inappropriate for him to undo the pants of someone he doesn't know, let alone wash his privates. Instead Callum placed a few good pillows under Connor's head, laid a bar of soap and washrag and a towel at the head of the bed, and then went down and pulled off Connor's sneakers so at least his feet wouldn't sweat to death while Connor was asleep. "Damn!" Thought Callum. "He's got some big ass feet, even for his height. But, he's not that much taller than me." Indeed. Most of the guys Callum knew between the 5' 11", his height, to 6' 3 - 4" range of height usually wore a US Men's size 12, himself included. Sometimes a size larger or smaller, but Connor's feet were pretty damn huge. "No wonder this guy is on the track team. He jump starts with these feet and just the motion of rolling forward on the balls of his feet should propel him a foot...." Checking the inside of the tennis shoes, Callum could make out the size tag and read it as size sixteen and half. Callum's heart leapt up....Connor does have big feet. Callum liked big feet. He liked big men period. He always wanted to be a big man too. Despite being in the nerd class according to most of society, he had always managed to keep up a good, decently in shape and strong build. He tried for years to push himself further and harder to go beyond his "light" trainer's build, but it never happened. Not only had his body stopped growing up at five foot eleven, but it refused to gain any more muscle weight as well. Sitting there for a while staring hard at nothing, Callum began to smell the musky scent coming off of Connor's big dogs. The feet didn't stink, but they definitely had a scent to them and it was beginning to arouse Callum. Looking up to see if Connor was stirring, Callum began to peel a sock off of Connor's left foot. Once uncloaked, Callum marveled at Connor's foot. Studying the lines of veins crossing this way and that over it. He held it and felt its heft in his two hands and began to caress the long but strong toes. "hmmmmmm" Callum nearly dropped Connor's foot so that it would've hit the end of the bed. Fearing that Connor was becoming conscious, Callum tried to hide what he was doing by placing a pillow under Connor's left foot and then grabbed a frozen pita pocket out of his personal fridge and placed it on top of the ankle. He then crawled into his bed, faced the wall to hide his growing erection, and drifted off to sleep. Rising early in the morning since their encounter and fainting only took place around ten in the evening, Callum turned over on his bed and looked across his dorm room. Connor was gone. After looking around he noticed that on the desk that made his head board was the soap, the washcloth, and towel used but neatly laid out to dry. There was also a note that said, "Thanks" with three dollars on top of it, and a drawn arrow pointing over the desk edge and down to the waste basket where lied the limp, soggy, and warm hot pocket still in its wrapper. **************************************************************************** "I'm telling you guys, he's got to be one of us!" "Connor, I'm not buying it. Unless you're on the track field, you are usually an unconcentrated mess." "Not when it comes to our powers and what we can do, Sebastian! I'm telling you, I've tried like three times, full on concentration, like full mind power of Professor Charles Xavier of the X-men and nothing happened. He should have size 33 feet by now!" Saturday afternoon and the "strangers" have hooked up, except for Zachary who was on his way back from a morning wrestling meet. "Look, Rabbit, I'm with Bast on this. Usually you're the one of us to get distracted. Can't focus. Can't concentrate." "And, might I add to Mas's statement," Sebastian said, "You're also the one who usually chants the least, afraid you're going to give someone clown feet for real, so I doubt you've been concentrating and chanting enough on him that he'd suddenly have skis for feet." "Ho, guys!" "Hey, Zach." "Someone have feet for skis? Who we talkin' about, Callum Addams?" "YES!... Woode, you've got to tell them about Callum. I've been trying and they don't believe me." "Wait, so both of you have been concentrating on him?" "Yeah, Bast. I did one day after Connor told me he had two attempts and nothing happened. I figured it's be okay because it if wound up working, the kid could then be one of those guys who winds up proving the wife's tale about big shoe size and feet means you have a huge dick." "So, what happened?" "Nothing. It looked like he felt something, discomfort maybe, but there was no rise in his crotch bulge." "SEE! And when I did it he didn't start limping around like his shoes were too small or his feet burst out of them." The quintet stood there in a silence that hung longer and heavier than Jonah Falcon's cock. Finally Brook broke that silence. "You know Zach concentrates. Him and I both do because we can't afford to make men look like it reads, 'inflate to 3,000 pounds per square inch' across their genitals, even with Zach liking his men hung. So, what are we going to do Bast?" "I'm not sure." "Hon, you know the only people who aren't affected by our powers are others like us." "One other, Mason. There's only one other, and I am aware of that. Taking him on though... what is his power going to be? What can he increase?" "The Great Booke of the Family doesn't say?" "No. It just lets us know there is one other. A legend, really. Not a member of our family, yet somehow born of it. What else could it be? I grant muscle size and strength, you grant height, Woode grants cock size, Brook - testicle size and increased sperm count, and Rabbit...our lil' Connor boy, grants bigger feet. The only thing left would be the mind." "He is a little nerdy...very bright.... here on a scholarship." said Connor. "It's one thing to have men our age suddenly shoot up in height and musculature and all, but I don't think we could hide nor have accepted increased head size." Mason came up behind Sebastian and wrapped his arms around the other man's shoulder and waist line in a hug. "So, babe.... what do we do?" "I don't know....I'm just not sure. We need to see what kind of guy he is personally." Connor spoke up, "He's a really nice guy. Everyone I've been able to speak to about him have said really nice things and... and....." The rest of the quintet turned and faced Connor. "Out with it...." "Nothing really, it's just... he caught me last night." "Caught you? He confronted you?" "Yes." "What did you say?" "Nothing. I didn't get a chance to. You four were making out and then started chanting my word." "Oh gawd!" "I tried to resist.... but suddenly I came like nobody's business and passed out. He drug me back to his dorm room..." "And did what?!?" "Nothing! He did nothing." "He left you full of cum coated shorts?" "Yes. Took me an hour and a half in the shower this morning to get them peeled off. He thought I passed out from something. He knew I had creamed myself, but he left a washrag, towel, and soap near my head, and he did take off one of my shoes and socks." "He took off one of your shoes and socks?!?" "Yeah, but I don't think he realized both my dawgs were huge. He elevated that bare foot and then placed a frozen hot pocket on it to ice it down." Mason looked at Sebastian. "Very gentlemanly of him." Zach stepped forward, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, but what did he do before hand?" "Uhm....." Connor blushed. "I think he tried to massage my foot..." "You think?" "Alright, I'm pretty sure he was caressing and admiring it!" "Aha! Despite you stalking him, he found you cute and he likes big feet." Mason asked again, "Hon, what are going to do?" Sebastian sighed deeply.... "First thing is determine if he is one of us. Zach, Brook, go get the room ready. Connor, you said you've been following him?" "Yeah." "You know his routine pretty well then?" "Of course." "Alright. Tonight then, let us plan a proper introduction." ************************************************************************** It's ten till seven p.m. in the evening on Saturday night. Callum has gone to the library to get some extra studying done to try and clear his head of an image, an image he finds sexy. It is of a foot, and he can imagine it as a pair of feet, thinking that like most people, usually the right foot is close to a mirror image of the left. The owner of these feet he has found to be handsome as well, but the personality he knows nothing about. Well, except perhaps this guy is a stalker and is infatuated with him. Hoping to get studying done, Callum sighed about fifteen minutes ago and realized he wasn't going to get any work done, nor keep his mind off of his personal observer when this was the last building in which he caught the man stalking him. He packed up his back pack and walked out of the Library. "Why was he stalking me?" Callum thought. "Why are his feet so huge? Gawd! Why do his feet have to be sooooo...what? What the hell are feet anyway? Can you call them handsome? Or sexy? Why can't I get them out of my mind? Why am I thinking of his face? What is this I'm feeling and does it having anything to do with that sensation that happens when he's watching me from afar?" Letting out an exasperated blast of breath, Callum switch directions to change paths from his dormitory to go to a cabin. The grounds of the college were very nice and spacious and abutted against many a private, wooded property, one of which was actually the grounds for a lake. This parcel had many a secluded cabin with gardens and yards tucked in little forested cul-de-sacs which many professors rented to live in permanently or temporarily during the school year, or tourists used during the summer. Having held some very successful summer jobs and investments before starting college, Callum was able to rent one for the school year, which he knew he would need from time to time to get away from the noise and crowding of college life and company. But suddenly, there was a man, a fairly large man standing in the new path. He was broad, he was tall, he could probably easily take Callum down. Then... Callum felt it. That odd sensation he'd felt several times over the last couple of weeks. Striking him in the pit of the stomach, it spread out and radiated through his body, along his limbs, over his digits and out the finger and toe tips. "Whoa!" Callum shook his head. This time it was stronger than before. Not as a bad as about a week ago, but still somehow stronger. He looked down the path again and saw his adversary. Although unable to see his face, Callum could tell that the man was staring him down and staring him down with fierce intent. Quickly he turned and went to go a different direction. He made down this third path a number of feet until he came across another adversary. This one was quite a bit taller, maybe just as broad but not as heavily built. The sensation smacked him again in both the stomach and then the head, when he realized the sensation was the same as he just felt, but from two different type of people. Running back up the path, he broke out onto a more main one and attempted to take a fourth which turned out to be blocked by a third gentleman. Again, due to shadows he couldn't see the man's face but he could tell the shape and style of clothes. It was Connor. "What are you trying to do to me? Stalk me with a team?" Yelled Callum as he turned to run for another path, only to freeze to a staggering halt as the sensation over came him again. The quad. He had to make it back to the quad; there he would be safe. Turning to go down a fifth path to short cut to the quad, he came to an abrupt halt as there was another man in his way. This one was about his same height and build, perhaps a little heavier, but unfortunately he was also hiding in the shadows so that his face couldn't be seen. Callum nearly doubled over as if punched this time when the sensation hit him. Catching himself, he stood and began sprinting down the main path and hopefully to freedom. Yet again, there was a man. A tall, lanky figure of a man like some kind of damned toll booth officer in some scary medieval children's story. There was the sensation again, but afterwards, this time, the man began to approach him. Turning on his heels, Callum began a full out run as though he was a track star and ran right into what felt like a brick wall. "Hoooof!" "Easy there, friend. Yes, we are your friends, we may even be cousins. We needed to find out. Come with us and we'll explain everything." The man picked him up with ease in a fire man carry and began to take him down the paths, closer to where the dorms are located. Once there another man came up to him and gagged him, just as he began to get his breath and see straight after his collision with the behemoth that was carrying him. He was placed onto his feet and forced to crouch down amongst a line of bushes. "Callum.... we don't want to hurt you, and what we're going to explain to you sounds crazy, utter lunatic in thought, but we need you to watch and listen to us so you'll understand and then we'll give you some other answers later." Callum's eyes adjusting to the darkness, he began to make out his kidnappers... the Strangwich Strangers. "Listen... you've been feeling things and seeing one of us following you around quite a bit lately and there's a reason for that. You see we have this strange ability...abilities, as it is different for each one of us. We can make men grow. We can make women to a small extant grow too, but the thing of it is, we can't make ourselves grow. All the concentration and chanting we do at one another won't do a bit of good. This is how we met. How we discovered and knew we were related: our powers don't work on each other. That's what you have been feeling. Our powers have been striking you but haven't done anything to you. The only reason for that is you have to be one of us. "Now, I understand you're not going to believe us. Magical powers and all of that, like some kind of X-man mutant or Harry Potter magic shit. Trust me though, it's real. Feel again and then watch." The man stood up in front of Callum, looked him dead in the eye and then said firmly, "PUMP!" The sensation came over him again and then dissipated. It happened again four more times as the rest of the quintet stood in front of him and said their word. "You can feel that sensation, but nothing is happening, so we will need to prove ourselves and powers to you in some fashion. Look to the two corner windows of this dorm building and listen carefully." Callum glared at his captors but eventually stare through the bush and across the yard at the dorm windows. The window on the left corner there was a the silhouette of a man and a woman making out against the shade. The shadows disappeared slightly as the man leaned the woman back and they lay out, presumably, across a bed. Shortly there was some moans and grunts, although they sounded mainly masculine. Those became overshadowed by the sound of a shrill woman's voice. "Oh!.... Can't you put some more feeling into it? You need more motion to you ocean to make up for you being the captain of a dingy instead of a cruise ship!" There were more complaints about the tool with which the man was working and fucking the lady, but Sebastian whispered over them. "Poor dude. He's not a bad looking guy: around six feet tall, slight trainers kind of build, decent face, but if lacked any more in the penis department, you'd swear he was born with two belly buttons. This guy happens to be very savvy in the stocks & bonds, financial area so he's kind of loaded, and that's pretty much the only reason why this lady is with him. He takes her taunting and cruelty because he figures he's never going to get another lady to date him or be with him once they've seen what he has. "Over in the opposite corner dorm, we have a similar but slightly different story. There is a homosexual couple, and they are deeply in love for all the right and decent reasons, but one of them has a slight problem. His dick is ok... decent enough to work with, although nothing to write porn stars about, but his nads are so small one would almost swear he was a unic, a castrati, and man who was fix like a dog." Concentrating they then listened a little to the conversation of the silhouettes from that other dorm, who like the set before had embraced, kissed, and presumably assumed a reclining position on a bed or couch. "Ooooh.... mmmmmm....slurp....yeah baby give it to me... let me take...hmmmmmmmmm your seed." Sebastian whispered near Callum's ear. "Unfortunately for that one, when the seed does come it won't even be enough to wet the tip of his tongue. But now enter us, or in this case, specifically Zachary and Brook. Zachary's ability is to increase a man's penis length and girth, while Brook's is the ability to increase a man's testicle size and sperm count. Gentlemen, do your thing." And with that, Zachary and Brook first turned to look at and concentrate on the man in the left side door room. "Let's have him feel it first in his balls just a little addition there..." said Brook. "plump.....Plump....PLUMP!" "Oooooooh....." the man began to moan low and soft at first. It became a little louder and longer after a bit. "Now," said Zachary, "We give him what he and his lady friend wants. hump...." "Ooooh" "Hump....Hump....Hump....Hump...." "Oooooohhhh aaaaahhhh hmmmmmm" "Ah-OH! OH! Baby... you're actually beginning to learn to use that little pea shooter." "HUMP! HUMP!" "HMMMMMMMRRRRGH! OOOOH GAWD!" "AAAUUUUH! OH! SHIT! OOOOH BABY! Wha...? What's happening? You're filling me so well! AUUH! AUUUUH! OH GAWD! GAWD! YES! YES!...." "HUMP! HUMP! HUMP!" "EER! HUH! EER! HMMMM! YEAH! FUCK! SO! TIGHT!" "YES! YE-AAAUGH! OH! OH! WHAT THE AWWWWG! FUCK! SO BIG! TOO HUGE! SHIT IT HURTS! OH MY .....GAWD!" "AAAAWW YEEEEAH YOU LIKE IT NOW? AM I BIG ENOUGH FOR YOU?!" "AUUUUUGH NO! TOOO....SHIT! HUUUUUUUUNNNNNNGH!" "HMMMMMMM AH HMMMMMMMMMM MMMM yyyyyYYYYYEAH! FEEELS SO... SOOO... AH-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH HOOO MAN! I'M A GOD NOW!" "OH! WHAT WAS? DID....DID YOUR....OOOH AHHH UUUGH DID YOUR COCK JUST TEAR THE CONDOM? OHHH?" "TEAR THE CONDOM? OOOOOH YEAH....IT...IT... IT DIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIID! HUH HUH HUH!" "OOOH NO NO! DON'T CUM... DON'T CUM NO YOU NEED A NEW CONDOM FIRST! AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" POP! "AUUUUUGH FUCK YEAH! LOOK AT THIS BILLY CLUB!" "Ry....Ryan.... I might get pregnant.... I'm off my pills. You can't have a huge dick..." "Why not? I've had a huge cunt all this time!" "Ryan!" "No, Sheila! You've been with me because you want my money. You haven't cared about as a person ever. You've belittled me because I wasn't endowed. You've gone through my check book and bank account statements. Don't tell me you haven't; there are nail polish smudges on the envelopes and statements! I've stayed with you and put up with your shit because I thought no woman would every have me after they saw my lack of equipment. I didn't need nor wanted to be hung like a horse. Just an average dick would've done. That's all I prayed and asked for, but since this has happened....I'm not going to complain, just buy new accommodating pants." "You're not thinking of leaving me now! Your horse prong split the condom. You have to take care of me!" "No, I have to take care of the child, if you care to carry it. I'll be making enough money to help raise him or her, I'll even take the child off your hands if you don't want him or her, but I'm not staying with you. Don't need to now." There was the rustling sound of clothes being hurriedly put on, keys grabbed, and the sound of a couple of doors slamming. "You created a monster." Callum said mumbly through his gag. "He's feeling very powerful and lost in lust and virility right now," said Sebastian, "but it will wear off and he'll calm down to his regular self. However, he won't go back to her. She really has been secretly going through his check and savings books. She doesn't really care about him and never has. In fact, she's been seeing Brandon the football Captain on the side for the last couple of weeks." The six men then turned their attention to the other dorm room and Zachary and Brook did their thing again. "hump...Hump....HUMP!" "hmmmmmm hmmmmm (gag) uhhhch (pop) Uhmmmm Guy? Have you been using a penis pump or something?" "No... why?" "You cock just seems.... so much....bigger...." "What do you want to do? Stop, suck still, or have me hump your fine ass?" "Let's hump...." And the two men repositioned themselves and began to go at it. "aaah...ahhh OH! GUY!...." "Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm fuuuuuuuuck.... Clint.... you controlling your hole? You feel so...hmmmmmmmmm tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight!" "OH GAWD! Guy! Oh.....man....." "Hmmmmmm huh...huh.... oh....oooooh....yes..... auuuh...." "Hump!" "Zachary!" "What? Both of them can handle one more inch. He's only eleven." "Like Ryan is now only twelve... Brook, your turn." "Plump....Plump....PLUMP.....PLUMP!" Guy began to feel a tingling over his balls. It increased the tremendous amount of pleasure he was receiving from his cock as he plunged deeper and deeper into Clint's ass. The new sensation of racking himself while having sex as his ever increasing in size balls began to heavily slam against Clint's buttocks. "Hmmmmmmr hmmmmr hmmmr huh-uh-huh-uh-huh...ooooooh" "OH! OH! OH! FUCK! AUUUGH! oooooh.... you're sooo big! Auwwww gawd, Guy.... I...I...AYIEEEE....I LOVE IT!" "Hmmmmm hoooo hoooo....hoooo... you love me huge?" "Hmmmmm fuck yeah! Ramp... OOOH..... up your weight training...AH! FUCK! OOOH! Become a huge dom for me. OOOOOH!" Mason leaned in towards Sebastian. "I think that's a cue for us to join in just a little." "After your lead, hon." "Trump...Trump...Trump....Trump!" "Pump....Pump....Pump....Pump!" Guy's frame began to rise up taller and broader, which in turn meant Clint's ass began to rise up off the bed a bit higher and higher. Clint stared up the length of his body to his lover at the end and his eyes began to grow wider and wider. Guy rose up to an impressive 6' 4" tall, and of course he cock and balls became slightly larger growing in proportion to the new frame size. Then Guy's muscles began to hunch and bunch, pulling in, expanding out. Lines and ridges of definition began to appear all up and down his body as his muscle heads and bellies began to inflate, bloat up, and then slightly shrink in to a very chiseled and defined state. He was smooth, taught, and hard. Guy now looked like a very tall gymnast who had to keep adjusting his stance, while fucking, as his muscles grew in and out. Clint was watching in awe, noticing the streams of sweat as the travelled down Guy's body. No longer did they simply flow straight down and off. No, now they had to rise and fall, sweep and curve over many a different mounding mass of muscle: down the brown, over the cheek bones, under the jaw line, around the chorded neck, sliding down the traps, pooling a bit at the clavicle and the little trench between the traps, delts, and chest. Finally cresting over the great globes of the pectorals, the beads of sweat careened down to latch onto a nipple until it grew and grew in size much like the body to which it clung and then drip on to the abs where it rolled and bobbed over each cobblestone like a sleigh over a series of snow covered hills. Some of the droplets we caught up in the forest of pubes while others made their way to the thigh. It was here they were joined by other streams that had traveled over the great mountain called, "Biceps" following the path of the great hidden river called "Blood" which it was so jealous of as it wished it could be inside, flowing through this marble like body, feeding and nourishing the muscles it was caressing all this time on its journey. Following the veins the beads rolled down the biceps and the triceps, to merge and meet around the elbow and the course over the many defining lines of the defined forearms and head for the vice like hands and finger tips of the hand. Cascading off the hands the pearls of sweat joined their brothers on the thighs and again rolled over and through, over and through the many hills and valleys that all the tear drop shapes of the front thigh. Some took the more scenic route and glided around to the buttocks, driving straight into the valley of the crack, coming out at the thigh and across the taught tight road of the hamstring. Once there the traffic all joined at the knee and formed a traffic jam at the calves where they drove off the human highway and collided into a pool at the feet that seemed to be stretching and growing towards them. The pool of sweat crying as it died away into evaporation wishing it could caress this form once again. "Thump... Thump....Thump!" Connor said. "There he should be a little more stable on his feet now." "Ohhh....my....gawd.....Ah! HA! AHHHH! OOOH! OOH! OOOH! HOOOOO!" Clint was spewing his load all over the place after watching the changes that developed on Guy. This in turn began to send Guy over the edge and his grunting and moaning as well as the more jerkiness of movement as he plugged Clint's hole showed. "Ooooh babe...hmmmm....pull it out.... PULL IT OUT!.....Shower me with your seed!" Guy pulled out with an almost sickening loud pop and began to stroke his newer, longer schlong, aiming right for Clint's face. Clint was about to be drowned. "Ooooh... AAAW .....YESSSSS..... AAAAAH UUUUUUGH..... GAWD!.......OOOOH OH OH OH OH OH............................................. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" Volley one. "ah-HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" Volley two. "HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" Volley three "HUUUUUUH AAAAAAH HRRRRRRRRR AAAAAAAAGH!" Four.....five.....six.....seven..... "HHAAAAAAAAAAAaaaawaHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA OOOOO SHIT MOTHER FUCK DAAAAAAAAMN!: Eight....Nine...Ten.....ELEVEN....TWELVE....THIRTEEN.....FOURTEEEN! "Aaaaaaaaaugh.....hoooooo......uh-wah......huh........hmmmmf.......aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah......" Twenty! Twenty volleys of spunk rope came uncoiling from Guy's huge prick. The first one completely coating Clint's face and damn near all his hair. The last one looked small compared to the first, yet would make most people think of the impossible cum shots seen in most porn videos. Guy damn near passed out from the ecstasy, but weakly managed to fumble with his lover, Clint to the shower, which was soon to be clogged from too much cum. Callum stood there transfixed on what he had heard, knowing that it wasn't a set up. Neither of these couple's had been hired as actors. What this quintet of men could do was amazing. "Can we trust you to take the gag off now?" Callum nodded his head and Sebastian did so. "Will you follow us so we can explain this to you, and tell you why we think you're a part of us?" "Yes." Callum dryly whispered, and the six men walked down the trails and away from the dorms.
  21. Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1261-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-three/ CHAPTER FOUR I leaned back in the leather armchair and waited for Matt. Immense legs spread open, huge balls resting on the leather seat, fat cock thrusting straight up toward the ceiling with pre-cum oozing continuously from the piss slit. I surveyed my massively muscled arms and torso. Enormous, cut pecs, carpeted with shining black hair. Dense cannonball-like like biceps, wrapped with bulging veins. Huge, fur covered forearms, ripped and heavy with thick, powerful muscle. Even my wrists and hands were noticeably thicker now. I hadn’t tried, but they looked as if they could crush a bowling ball. I didn’t understand what was happening, I didn’t know why it was happening, but the fact remained that something was happening. Part of me wanted to stop trying to figure it out and enjoy the ride, the other part wanted answers. Three hours had passed since I got home. In that time, I had returned Matt’s call and invited him over, cum four times while beating off in the mirror to the image of my growing masculine magnificence, and taken a shower. I spent nearly an hour simply examining my equipment. It was not only beautiful to look at, but also too amazing to be real. I pulled a jumbo egg out of the refrigerator to compare it to my testicles. They were the same size. I had always had large balls, but they had at least doubled in volume. And my cock – even soft, it was a heavy slab of meat. But it was erect most of the time. And when it was erect, it leaked pre-cum. Continuously. I even used a measuring cup to determine how much I was producing – about an ounce every minute. Other than the tequila, I had consumed nothing since beer bust, yet I continued to grow and generate a ridiculous amount of cum and pre-cum, laws of physics be damned. It was intensely hot but stressful as well. It was also messy. Terry had returned my call and arranged for me to see him Wednesday morning. I managed to resist describing what remained unbelievable even to me. I had also called Hank, but he didn’t answer. I did leave him a voicemail basically begging him to call me back. Matt was on his way, but I really needed to talk to Hank. No one understood me like he did. I sat up a bit to better see over the shelf of my pecs and watch my cock throb. Matt was right, it is magnificent. It glistened with the pre-cum that seeped out of the slit like a fountain, slowly bobbing back and forth as my heart beat, almost hypnotic as it waved... A knock at the door announced Matt’s arrival. He was early. I had given him my code to the main door and left my own door unlocked. My heart sped up. My cock throbbed yet more powerfully in anticipation of the worship he would inevitably beg to give. The flow of pre-cum increased. “Come,” I said, as if by instinct. The door opened. “Come?” It was Hank’s voice. “Since when do you greet your visitors like that?” He asked as I heard the door shut. Startled, I stood up and turned around to face him. “Sorry, I was expecting someone else.” “Who, your personal servant?” He said irritably as he set his gym bag in the corner as usual. I watched him lean over and futz with the zipper for a few seconds and arrange the bag just so. “Sorry I didn’t call first, I just thought I’d stop by...” Then he looked up and saw me. “Oh ... shit.” He literally fell to his knees, shaking the floor on impact. His jaw went slack and his eyes glazed over, just as Mark’s had earlier in the day. “I need to worship you,” Hank said slowly as he removed his gym shorts and began working his cock. “I know,” I said simply. Pre-cum began actually spurting from my cock as if I were coming, yet I wasn’t. Still, the sensation was indescribable and I again wondered how my body could generate so much semen. “You may.” He lunged forward and took as much of my cock into his mouth as he could. Still on his knees, he began sucking frenetically. With one hand he grasped the thick lower shaft of my cock where he couldn’t reach with his mouth, and with the other he grabbed my low-hanging balls. He briefly pulled back. “Fuck, they’re huge!” He exclaimed with wonder before returning to servicing me. “I know,” I agreed. “They are huge.” I put my hands on my hips. He continued to suck as if his life depended on it, desperately trying to shove more of me into his mouth. His jaw couldn’t open nearly wide enough for the lower half of my tool, but the feeling of his teeth against my shaft was amazing. “Yeah, that’s good,” I said. He pulled back again. “Sorry about my teeth, it’s just so fucking fat now!” “I know. My cock is very fat,” I acknowledged. Hank had never been able to open wide enough for the base of my cock and watching him struggle to even take half of the superior tool was intensely gratifying. “You like the Alpha Stud’s big fat cock, don’t you?” He nodded rapidly and began rubbing his face against the length of it, licking it, kissing it – which felt good, but I preferred his lips wrapped around it. A command formed in my mind that seemed perfectly natural yet at the same time completely alien – Suck, slave. Slave? I stopped the thought before it reached my lips. I felt like an intruder in my own body. Why would I think of my best friend as a slave? On the other hand, something within me knew that he was my slave. They all were. How else should I refer to them? They exist to service me, after all. “Suck, slave,” I commanded. And even with his hands cradling my massive nuts, he came spontaneously, involuntarily grasping my balls and pulling down with such force that I began to spray cum all over his shaved head and the t-shirt that stretched across his insanely wide back. “Ah!” He yelled as he released his load onto the rug. “UGH!” I seized my fuck cannon with both hands and watched as it continued to unload onto Hank, shooting ropes of cum into his face as he sat up. When he realized I was still coming, he took the engorged head of my cock in his mouth and sucked as hard as he could, eagerly swallowing the remainder of my load... ...Which redoubled in volume as my cock responded to the suction. I bellowed as the power of my orgasm spiked, every muscle in my body flexing, exploding from my frame, my massive arms raised in a double biceps pose as if declaring myself master of all in my presence. Which was, of course, only Hank, but one had to start somewhere. Hank, meanwhile, was coughing, choking, unable to swallow fast enough to keep up with my cum torrent, which finally slowed once he pulled away and looked up at me, his face slack, his expression shell-shocked. I gazed down at him, my powerful arms still flexed in dominance, my huge cock still thrusting forward, still rock hard, throbbing, oozing cum or pre-cum or whatever in the hell I produced in apparently limitless quantity. He broke eye contact and took in my phenomenal body, impressive before but now superior even to his. He likely still weighed more than I, but he was also taller and since he was off-season, not as lean. I blinked, suddenly self-conscious. I brought my arms down and reached forward to help him up. “I kinda like it down here,” he said. “I could really get off grovelin’ at your feet.” I offered my hand again. “You already have,” I said. “Now get up, we have to talk.” But to my surprise, he ignored me and began kissing my feet. “Come on, man. Get up,” I asked again. He rubbed his cheek against one of my bowling ball-like calves. Apparently asking politely wasn’t going to work. “STAND, slave!” I commanded right as the door opened and Matt walked in. Hank immediately jumped to his feet, blocking my view of Matt and the door. Slave. There it was again, only I hadn’t blocked it this time. “Well, that was interesting,” I heard Matt say. Then he shut the door and moved so that Hank was no longer between us. “Fuck,” he said when he saw me, and he dropped to his knees and gawked. “You’re even bigger,” he said, his voice filled with awe. “And your cock and nuts, oh my god they’re insane!” I laughed. “Yeah, you could say that.” I looked back at Hank, who was now staring at my chest. His own dick was beginning to grow again. “Oh, would you take this off already?” I said as I reached up and tore his cum and sweat-soaked shirt from his body. “Thank you,” he said blankly before bending forward as if to lick my left nipple. “Oh, no.” I pushed him back upright. “No no no. Talk first, then you can worship to your heart’s content.” I turned to Matt, who seemed to have fallen into a trance as he stared at me. “You too. Off the floor. We have to talk.” He didn’t respond. “NOW!” He jumped to his feet and blinked. “Sorry, I ... you ... well, I’ll just say it. You’re a god.” I shook my head and walked over to him, my cock slinging pre-cum side to side as it swung with my steps. “Save that for later, right now I’m just happy to see my sexy boy.” I pulled him to me until his legs were straddling my cock and lightly brushed my nose and lips against his, breathing deeply to enjoy his familiar scent. “I’ll just be taking a cold shower,” Hank announced before disappearing into the bathroom. “But I need to worship you,” Matt pleaded softly but urgently. Already he was gazing at me, his face the epitome of adoration. “I want you to fuck me with your massive rod.” “I know you do,” I said as I felt my cock begin spurting more pre-cum even as I doubted his ability to accommodate my greatly increased size. “That’s part of what we need to talk about.” Ten minutes later, I was back in my armchair, which I had turned to face the bed, with a king sized sheet covering my entire body. Hank had finished his shower and emerged in a pair of clean gym shorts and pulled up one of the chairs from the breakfast table. Matt sat on the end of the bed and tried with limited success not to stare at Hank’s massively muscled torso. “Okay, here it is in a nutshell,” I began. “I’m growing and I don’t know why. People, even straight men, are desperate to submit to me and I don’t know why. My equipment is, well, you’ve seen it, impossible. And speaking of impossible, I haven’t eaten anything since yesterday at around noon. And I’m, well, I don’t know how much heavier.” I looked at Matt. “I weighed after you left last night and was a pound heavier.” “You must be a hell of a lot heavier now,” Matt observed. “I know. I haven’t checked though.” “Why the hell not?” Hank asked. “Weigh already.” “I’m afraid to, man, this freaks me out.” He looked at me as if I were crazy. “It freaks you out. You’re gettin’ heavier and more muscular and it freaks you out. I should have such problems.” “Fuck you, smart ass. I dig the mass; it’s the lack of a reason that bothers me. My life is spinning out of control. My boss told me today that no one could work around me because I’m too distracting. I need my job, man.” “Your boss?” Hank asked. “Mark?” “Yeah, you remember him?” “How could I forget? He was one big fucker.” “Yeah, well, today he was the fuckee.” Hank looked at me doubtfully. “Really. You fucked him.” “He begged me to. He ... he ... he really needed it.” I shrugged my massive shoulders. “He liked it.” “Can you blame him?” Matt said. Hank’s eyes narrowed. “Even straight dudes are hot for you and you’re complainin’.” “You don’t understand,” I said. I crossed my arms under the sheet, which meant that I was no longer holding it up to hide my pounding erection. The tan-colored sheet draped over the head and a wet spot formed that grew rapidly. I watched as it moved the entire sheet with each throb. “I’m having strange thoughts, crazy dreams,” I said as I lifted the sheet back up. “Like what?” Hank asked. My face flushed and I looked at Matt and frowned. “It’s ... personal. Embarrassing.” “Oh, please. The kid already thinks you’re a god and heard you call me a slave. Just say it.” “This thought keeps popping into my head that I’m ... that I’m...” “Spit it out!” “The Alpha Stud of humanity,” I blurted. “There, I said it.” “What else?” Hank prompted. “That everyone wants me to fuck them. That they...” I trailed off. It was too humiliating to say. “That they need you to dominate them,” Matt finished slowly, as if a light had gone off in his head. “Like I do.” Hank furrowed his brow. “So do I,” Hank agreed finally. “But then I always have. Did Mark?” I nodded. “Jamal, if this was happenin’ to anyone else but you I would be scared shitless. But I know you man, you have a heart of gold. Roll with it.” The sound of the explosion faded away. The rain of debris seemed to have stopped. My heart was pounding in my chest and I stood to look back at the North Tower. I had a clear view of the upper half of the World Trade Center and watched as a massive cloud of smoke yet larger than the building itself slowly drifted eastward. Several of the upper stories on the north face were in flames. People around me were staring in disbelief, screaming, hands over their mouths. Everything had become very surreal. I felt a hand on my shoulder and jumped. “Hey, easy there.” It was Hank. “You’re lot stronger than you look.” I was immediately embarrassed that I had pushed someone I barely knew to the ground. “I’m sorry, man,” I said as I turned to face him. “I ... I – ” “That was amazin’,” he said. “Your friend was right.” “Right?” I asked. “About you. You do have a heart of gold,” he said. “Because I pushed you down?” “Because you protected me with your body.” He was smiling, but I watched a tear roll down his cheek. “Thank you.” I shrugged my shoulders, flustered. “You’re welcome,” I said. “I would have done the same for anyone.” Then I shook my head. I hadn’t intended to belittle our brief relationship. “I mean...” A sheet of paper landed on Hank’s head and slid off. I looked around the intersection again. Suddenly, the air was filled with hundreds of sheets of paper falling from the sky. “Jamal, if this was happenin’ to anyone else but you I would be scared shitless. But I know you man, you have a heart of gold,” Hank said. “Roll with it.” “But –” He held up his hand. “Just stop. Somethin’ fantastic has happened to you, why can’t you accept it?” “Because I don’t know what’s happening. I can’t control it.” “You don’t have to understand it.” “But what if it doesn’t stop?” Hank laughed. “What if it don’t stop? What if you keep getting’ bigger and more muscular? What if your cock and balls keep growin’? What if you keep gettin’ stronger? I assume you’re gettin’ stronger too, right?” I shrugged. “You haven’t tested your strength,” he said, incredulous. I shook my head. “I don’t want to be some kind of freak,” I said. “I was happy how I was.” “That hell you were, you were pissed off all the time because people keep treatin’ each other like shit.” “WELL THEY DO!” I screamed. “THEY KILL AND TORTURE AND CONTROL EACH OTHER OVER SUPERSTITIOUS SHIT AND GREED AND HATE! IT’S PATHETIC AND I CAN’T TAKE IT ANYMORE!!” In my anger, I threw the sheet off, jumped up and marched over to the remains of my television. “Look, I did this yesterday,” I said as I pointed to the mess. Hank looked at the shattered television. “Yeah, I noticed,” he said calmly. “Lemme guess. The Texas governor?” “You know me too well.” “Yeah. Yeah, exactly. ‘I know you too well’ is right, and I’m askin’ you to stop worryin’ about everythin’. Stop fightin’ it. Whatever is happenin’ is happenin’ for a reason, we just don’t have the answers yet.” “That’s what concerns me,” I said. Hank rolled his eyes and sighed. “I give up.” Matt turned to Hank. “Is he always like this?” “YES,” Hank said. He buried his face in his hands. “An’ that’s why he’s still single.” “But he’s not single,” Matt countered. I furrowed my brow. “I’m not?” “No. You have a boy who worships you,” he said, smiling. “Me.” And my cock, which much to my astonishment had been completely flaccid for some time, surged to full mast so rapidly that it slapped against the brick wall of my abs before bouncing into position. “Then come here and worship me,” I said as the powerful organ began to throb and spew pre-cum onto the floor. Hank’s jaw fell as he slid off the chair and onto his knees. “Now we’re talkin’,” he said. * * * Matt and Hank serviced me until their jaws, holes and equipment were too sore to continue, which was about three hours. I then showered alone, wanting to spend more quality time with my magnificent body, and finally weighed before crawling into bed: 273.5 shredded pounds. They settled down with me after showering together (Matt was predictably into Hank’s body, Hank was predictably taken with Matt’s cock). I was on my back with my arms stretched out so that Matt could rest his head on my left shoulder, Hank on my right. Matt turned his head so that his face was in my armpit and began sucking. I smiled and turned toward Hank. “Hank,” I said. “Yeah.” “Can you run home in the morning before I leave for work and bring me the largest shirt and jeans you have? I can’t go to work tomorrow in gym shorts.” Matt stopped licking my pit. “Talk about chaos in the streets of Manhattan!” “Yeah,” Hank said. “No problem.” “Thanks.” “Jamal?” Hank said. “What’s up?” “You’re just goin’ to keep growin’ more magnificent,” he said. I didn’t say anything, but my cock surged to life, thrusting toward the ceiling. There was no need to look at or touch it to know how massive and hard it was. I could just feel it. Matt and Hank immediately changed positions. As exhausted as they were, they crouched on either side of me and began frantically licking my throbbing rod. “Nice,” I said as my cock rewarded their attention with continuous spurts of pre-cum. I grunted with satisfaction, reveling in the bliss of their continuous service until finally, even though I was not the least bit tired, I fell asleep even as they worshipped. Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1402-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-five/
  22. Everett is a beefy middle-aged bodybuilder that really loves how his body is progressing. He works incredibly hard to make his muscles get unbelievably pumped and as they glisten with sweat. This makes the other guys around him just gawk in amazement that a man in his forties could look so huge and yet so youthful and powerful. Two of these guys in particular are quite taken by his incredibly developed physique. The first of the two is a teenager by the name of Alonzo. He has tried to make his body grow the old-fashioned way by just doing basic training exercises. He lifts fairly light, but does high rep sets and benches close to his body weight. He has developed a real fondness for Everett as well as his tremendous muscles. They have both talked a lot more lately and it seems as if he views him more as a daddy figure than his own dad. The other guy, Leto, is a postgraduate student with a quiet demeanor, but he also knows how to push the weights around. He can lift quite a bit of weight, but he still feels like he is not reaching his goals. Everett finishes his workout and heads down the main hall to where the gym has its sauna. It is normally a good place for him to replenish his energy. He normally always waits until there is no one in there because it is where he has a secret that nobody knows about. Once he goes inside, he meets up with a hulking figure that pulls his towel off and places its mouth on his rod. He lies back on a bench and lets the figure slide its tongue up and down his cock until it shoves it down inside his piss slit. He always watches as the figure's tongue conforms to the opening and glides it slowly down along the walls. It eventually makes it all the way down past the base to stimulate his prostate which makes his body shake uncontrollably. Everett’s eyes normally go back into his head for several seconds as his balls expand violently filling with lots of cum. The figure finishes what it is doing after blowing Everett’s balls up and leaves. He is always surprised when he doesn’t cum because it always feels like it is going to explode out of his body. Alonzo and Leto come walking in directly after the figure leaves and sits on opposite ends of the sauna. Everett is completely oblivious to them being there as his cock throbs wildly and his balls ache wanting it to cum really badly. The two younger men are immediately fixated on what is going on with the older muscleman. He turns to look over at the graduate student and grunts. ‘Hey there Leto, you think you can come over here and help your big strong buddy out with something.’ Leto wastes no time and moseys his way over to start rubbing on his thick body as he licks the big man’s chest making him hornier. The teenager rubs his own cock in hopes of Everett returning the favor. Leto’s mouth moves its way down slowly along Everett’s hairy stomach before finally reaching the older man’s cock to start sucking on it slowly. He moans deeply as he feels his prostate reacting to Leto’s amazing sucking. This sensation releases the floodgates in Everett’s balls as he unleashes a river of cum down the student’s throat. Some of the cum pours manages to put out of his mouth as the beefy stud watches it flowing down his thick torso. ‘Mmmm yeah big daddy, I think you are starting to make me grow. I feel like I am being freed from a prison I have been in for 19 years.’ As each rope flows into Leto’s stomach, it makes his body react. The young man’s arm muscles stretch and widen loudly while his back muscles double up on themselves. Alonzo can smell Everett’s cum from the other side of the sauna and it is making him have a hard time focusing on what he is observing. He starts shooting multiple strands of cum himself from across the room as it nearly hits the growing beast on his expanding back. Everett turns to look at Alonzo from where he is sitting and grins. The incredibly horny teenager wants to come over to them so bad, but the muscle daddy waves his hand at him to let him know not to move. Instead, he moves Leto out of the way and gets up to go over to where Alonzo is sitting. ‘Hello there Alonzo, would you like to join the big boys club with me and Leto by chance?’ *winks* He places his giant cock on the teen’s leg and leans down to give him a nice long kiss on the lips. His cock slowly oozes a river of precum all over Alonzo’s leg. The smell of it intoxicates the teen greatly, but he is still able to keep his attention on Everett kissing him. The muscle daddy attempts to keep him as calm as possible so he can slowly pick him up and slide him on top of his muscle building cock. After they stop kissing for a minute or two, Everett uses his powerful arms to hold him as he teases the hungry teen’s anus with his wet cockhead. Alonzo moans loudly feeling the beefy stud push his massive precum covered cock slowly into his eager hole over and over again. He lubricates Alonzo’s hole each time as he watches the precum dribble out of his cockhead and disappear into the bottom’s well-lubed sphincter. ‘Focus on me cutie and I will do the rest.’ Everett makes sure he will feel the change as much as possible as he pushes further into the teen’s hole. This makes Alonzo want it more as he begins to lose his grip on reality once the muscle daddy pushes rest of his bloated rod inside him. Everett puts the young man’s arms around him to have him hang on as he feels his balls swelling to where they were earlier with Leto. With the precum now flowing out of the teen's swollen anus, the muscle daddy grinds him as he stretches his hole even more. Everett’s hands rub Alonzo’s back and head making the horny teen give in to him as he nears his climax. He wants to draw the growth cycle out for as long as he can because he wants to watch and feel Alonzo’s transformation in his own hands. ‘Are you still with me Alonzo? I hope you are because you will enjoy this more than anything else you have ever experienced in your life. Stay with me okay.’ Alonzo reaches down to stroke his cock as Everett continues to thrust inside him. The muscle daddy whispers in his ear to stop touching it so he can put it between his monstrous pecs. The young man moans deeply and shifts his position so Everett can lean his chest forward. He grabs Alonzo’s cock and puts it between his two hairy mountains. He flexes them and pumps the young man’s dick with them. Alonzo can’t hold back and launches a huge load all over Everett’s bullneck as it runs down his huge chest and along his cock making it all shiny with sweat and cum. The big man grunts and rubs it into his body as he places Alonzo’s hands on his jagged abs to let the young stud feel him growing. ‘MMMMM…..see what you are doing to me Alonzo…..*stretch* *pop* (voice deepens a little) you are….*grunts* making me grow *moans deeply* little man…..’ Alonzo watches Everett’s abs expand as they straighten up and look like square tiles as they protrude away from his core nearly matching the size of his pecs. He yells as he feels the muscle fibers in his pecs expanding thicker and wider making them bounce involuntarily. His biceps balloon to nearly twice their size as he grips the young man tighter trying not to let go as his forearms and hands swell larger. He slows his rhythm down inside Alonzo’s ass to concentrate on his own growing balls, which Alonzo can feel pushing up on him just beneath his glutes. The growing behemoth groans as his cock struggles for air as it continues to expand inside the teen’s anus. He is making Leto horny again from across the sauna as he watches the older man growing into a demigod. Everett can hear him from across the room and motions for the horny muscleman to come over so he can play with him again. ‘AHHHH FUCK…..*grunts deeply* MMMMM….. *yells loudly* GET OVER HERE LETO AND LET’S REALLY HAVE SOME FUN!’ He continues to have eye contact with Alonzo as he grabs the young man’s member again to suck on it. The incredibly powerful muscle in Everett’s newly expanded mouth and head massage the young stud’s rod to the point that he is having trouble keeping from unloading. The massive behemoth notices that he is struggling with it and stops sucking him. He then pulls him down to his mouth so he can kiss Alonzo again to distract him for a few more moments. The sensation from their tongues locking together is enough for the demigod to launch his load up inside the teen pumping him full of muscle-building cum. ‘FUCK YEAH! MMMMMM OHH I WANT YOU TO FUCKING EXPLODE ALONZO! BECOME THE MUSCLE GOD YOU ALWAYS WANTED TO BE YOUNG MAN!’ The extreme volume of cum being pounded into his small frame is making him heat up to the point that he gets extremely ill from it. Everett gets a concerned look on his face for a few moments and tries to pull out of him, but the teen motions that he wants him to just let him sit still for a few moments. He leans his body back onto the older behemoth’s redwood sized tree trunks as it profusely pours with massive amounts of sweat. His body heaves greatly before he lets out several loud screams as he feels his muscles blowing up rapidly. The muscle fibers in his pecs and shoulders grow so quickly that his skin instantly develops long streaky stretch marks. His biceps, triceps, and forearms nearly overpower the bones in his arms as they double up on themselves. He then grows a thick layer of fur all over his entire body which immediately makes Everett swoon as he runs his hands through the dark forest. His expanding legs spread out to accommodate the engorged beast and its two tennis balls that are emerging between them. When his growth cycle finally ends, his cock flops onto Everett’s abs as the older behemoth sits him up again. His ass has grown to accommodate Everett’s immense tool which feels like a perfect match for them both. He looks into his young partner’s eyes again and smiles as he watches the finishing touches being made to the much more masculine teenager’s face. The intensity of the growth cycle is so extreme that Alonzo sprays more cum onto the muscle daddy’s chest because of the unbelievable stress that has been applied to his body. ‘Ohh god Alonzo! *laughs* You have inadvertently started another growth cycle in me gorgeous. *stretch* *pop* *rip* *squeak* MMMMMM, FUCKING YEAH!’ Everett starts growing once again as he breaks the bench he is sitting on with Alonzo on top of him. The shockwave of the two behemoths as they fall to the floor is so strong that Leto falls over as well. The walls inside the sauna shift slightly as the three studs waste no time getting back to business. Alonzo seems quite a bit different now as well as he goes back to kissing the muscle daddy as he remains on top of him. He grinds Everett really hard to make the demigod cum inside him again to satisfy an even stronger hunger. Leto manages to get back up off the ground to walk over to the big men to shove his cock into the face Alonzo. It is obvious now the process could be neverending as all three muscle monsters are completely consumed by their desires. Everett can sense it and is encouraging them both. ‘MMMM YEAH BOYS, KEEP FEEDING EACH OTHER. FEED ME! WE CAN OUTGROW THIS FUCKING SAUNA. I CAN FEEL IT!’ Everett feels Alonzo stop grinding him and stands up. He grabs the older behemoth by the legs and turns him over to plunge his massive pole into the excited muscle monster. The bloated older man laughs hysterically as Alonzo pounds him into oblivion. Leto waits until the young behemoth is in a steady rhythm before he plunges his thick prick down the hungry musclestud’s throat to coat his insides. As Alonzo sends Everett into a euphoric state, Leto does the same to his horny young partner. The cycle may never end at this point as the three mammoth musclegods try to vanquish their thirst for muscle.
  23. First Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1131-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-one/ Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3376-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-eleven/ CHAPTER TWELVE It turned out that the power plant was not our destination. We circled back into town and Hank parked the van in a lot behind a fast food strip off Albany-Post Road. Matt led us away from the building and through a densely wooded area until we reached the grassy clearing of the power company’s right-of-way. The sky was clear and the air was cool and fresh. Autumn had finally arrived, tardy but in full force. The high-voltage lines running from the plant were immediately ahead. We approached the base of the nearest tower, which must have been at least 60 feet wide. I looked around. The clearing was actually a wide tree-lined corridor that the power lines ran through on their way to New York City. There was no one in sight. “How did you know about this?” I asked. “Google Maps,” Matt said. I realized with some amusement that they had conspired to bring me here. “You knew about this the whole time.” “Yep,” Matt said. “Hank suggested it last night while you were busy worshipping yourself, not that I blame you. Anyway, there’s a large pond right there,” he said as he pointed south. “If you see anyone coming, you can jump down and submerge yourself until they leave. We’ll be in the van or at the Subway.” Hank looked at Matt. “Subway? We just ate lunch. I’m goin’ to Dunkin Donuts.” “The hell you are,” Matt said. He turned back to me. “Subway,” he repeated. “See you in an hour or so. And we expect you to be twice as big. Oh, and don’t cause a blackout.” He winked, kissed me on the chest and headed back across the grass toward the trees. Hank looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and grinned. “Guess the kid is in charge,” he said before turning away. “Wait,” I said. He turned back toward me. I stepped forward, lifted him so that he straddled my harder-than-steel cock, and put my arms around him. He may as well have been weightless, and I idly wondered how much weight my cock alone could support. I rubbed my nose against his, my beard against his cheek. “I know I’ve been self-absorbed lately,” I said. “But I love you, man. You’re still my Big Red and I don’t know what I would do without you.” I could feel him tense up and then grip me tightly as he whimpered. His breathing became heavy. “Are you listening to me or getting off?” I asked. “Sorry,” he said between breaths. “You gotta understand what you do to us.” I sighed, but I did know what I did to them. I was well aware of the power I had over others, but that didn’t make it any less inconvenient. “Did you hear me?” “Yeah. I never stopped lovin’ you, man. You know that.” I nodded. “Yeah, I know.” I kissed him gently and allowed my hands to explore his enormously muscular body. As small as he now looked compared to me, he was still Mr. Olympia, one of the largest and best-proportioned bodybuilders in the world. His size and coat of beautiful red hair still turned me on immensely. “And thanks for accepting Matt too. It’s a huge relief that you guys get along.” “What’s not to like?” Hank said. “The kid is sweet, smokin’ hot and packin’ like nobody’s business.” I smiled. “That he is,” I said as I set him back down. “I’ll see you in a bit.” As he turned away, I noted the large wet spot that had formed in the crotch of his jeans. I watched him waddle across the clearing and smiled to myself. “I love you,” I said quietly. “So, I do have some good news,” Hank’s ex-lover, Michael, said. “I believe I’m close to convincing the judge to dismiss the case.” As usual, I had met Michael at a coffee shop across the street from his office in Chelsea. What wasn’t usual was that instead of an Armani suit, he wore a Ralph Lauren polo that was one size too small. It did emphasize his tight, muscular build well and I assumed that he had a date or was meeting friends for a drink after our appointment. “I don’t get it. What about the good Samaritan law you told me about?” “One of the exceptions concerns something called imminent peril. If Karen’s parents can convince the judge that she was not in imminent peril, they can argue that your actions were reckless and unnecessary.” “Isn’t the North Tower falling down imminent peril?” “Right, that’s the question. The South Tower had already collapsed. Is it not reasonable to assume that the North Tower might also fall?” “I can’t believe this is even happening. I can’t believe they are blaming me for this. I tried to help her. I just wanted to get her out of there. They act like I forced myself on her.” “They have argued that you were trying to be a hero. They doubt she wanted to be helped. But that won’t matter if the paramedic’s deposition goes the way I think it will.” We wrapped up our meeting and I stood to leave. “I can’t thank you enough for all the help you’ve given me,” I said. Michael shook his head. “I can’t stand these bullshit lawsuits anyway,” he said as he stood and pushed his chair under the table. “They are lashing out blindly and you happened to be in the way. But...” “But?” I asked. I watched as his face flushed. “There is a way you can thank me.” “Sure,” I said. “Anything.” “I find you very attractive.” I froze and mentally replayed his last words. He was in a relationship, which made him off-limits in my book, but he was also handling a case that could destroy my life. And of course I had fallen in love with Big Red. “Man, I don’t know what to say.” I shook my head. “I’m flattered – seriously – but I love Hank.” I watched Hank until he disappeared into the trees and then turned my attention to the tower and the high-voltage lines that it supported. High-voltage transmission lines are not insulated. These were likely carrying a few hundred thousand volts – possibly five hundred thousand. I could climb up the tower, snap one of the lines in two and simply hold an end in each hand, but I had no idea how much weight the tower or a line could support. I weighed almost a half-ton already and for all I knew, this much current could double my mass – or more – in no time. On the other hand, I suspected I would be able to tell if the tower was about to fail. I began climbing until I neared the level of the high-voltage lines. The possibility also existed that the current could kill me. I deliberately did not say so to my friends, but thus far I had only been exposed to trivial voltages. These power lines were a whole new animal, but I was too hungry for them to play it safe. I would either survive or I wouldn’t. I was either a god or I wasn’t. As I reached my target, I extended my right hand, grasped a support beam tightly enough to hold on yet not hard enough to deform it (a mistake I made near the ground), and pulled myself up. It was effortless of course, yet my tremendous biceps still flexed as my arm lifted my mass. A single bolt of electricity arcing from the power line into my right biceps startled me with a loud SNAP. Instinctively, I relaxed and dropped back. Pre-cum spurted from my cock before resuming its perpetual ooze. I lifted my right arm back over my head and flexed my forearm. Sure enough, I was rewarded with another SNAP as the current was somehow attracted to the flexing muscle. I flexed it as hard as I could, reveling as my forearm exploded into a fantasy morph of extreme muscularity, fantastically thick and easily strong enough to crush pretty much anything except my own cock. My heavy-duty padlock – crushed into a lump of steel. A granite rock in Hank’s rooftop garden – crushed into sand. Hank’s bowling ball – crushed into powder. Hank was pissed, but he hadn’t bowled in years anyway. Electricity continued to arc and flash into my forearm from two of the high-voltage lines as I flexed. I watched, mesmerized by the visual display and physical sensation. I kept expecting it to burn or sting but of course it didn’t – it was warm and gentle, stimulating like a lover’s caress. I relaxed again and the light show stopped, but my cock began to spasm and pre-cum gushed forth as I realized I could redirect the current into me from not one or two but possibly all of the transmission lines at once simply by flexing. Earlier, as we left the van and walked toward the transmission tower, I had mixed feeling about growing even larger. However, now that it was so close I could taste it, I couldn’t wait. I vaulted up to the next cross member so that I was at the same level as the lines and wasted no time in flexing every voluntary muscle I possessed. I hit what could only be the most muscular most muscular pose ever and hundreds of thousands of volts of current leapt from the lines and slammed into my body. The world vanished in a blinding storm of light. I couldn’t see at first, but I could certainly feel and my entire body seemed to vibrate rapidly as it hungrily soaked up as much energy as the power lines could feed into me. After a few seconds, I could also feel myself growing hotter, not just my skin where I was in contact with the electron-conducting plasma around me, but internally where something was occurring, generating whatever matter I was now composed of. Even the temperature of my immense cock and balls soared, sending massive waves of pleasure coursing through me as I felt myself building toward what was certain to be my most epic orgasm yet. Still I flexed, pre-cum exploding from my growing, throbbing cock, overwhelmed by the orgasmic sensation of my gigantic muscles increasing in size, density and hardness. Even as my equipment unleashed gallons of my jism each minute, the pressure within my loins continued to mount higher and higher, my mind spinning in ecstasy as I felt my impossibly powerful body prepare to pump enormous volumes of my cum into a world that would soon be desperate to worship at my feet, my world, my planet of willing slaves who would thankfully submit to the absolute domination of the Alpha Stud. I continued to flex, my muscles bursting with additional mass and power, demanding greater and greater amounts of energy from the transmission lines, and my eyes relaxed so that I could see the glow of previously invisible radiation around me, the sweep of the Milky Way across the sky, the globe of the sun that showered my planet with heat and light, countless galaxies, quasars, and closer to home, the reactor cores of the Indian Point power plant, one of which was glowing more and more brightly as I sucked more energy from a system I knew was only moments away from automatically shutting down. I could feel the structure of the transmission tower begin to warp from the intense heat of the energy storm around me. I could see the transmissions lines themselves sag as they rushed ever-increasing amounts of electricity into my growing body. As large as the power generating capacity of the plant had seemed only minutes ago, it was now completely inadequate and I decided that I would order my slaves to construct one worthy of feeding my magnificent body. I imagined the joy of my already overwhelming masculinity and power increasing without limits and swung my massive arms upward, still flexing, into a spectacular double biceps pose as my reproductive equipment, now really my dominance equipment, unleashed countless gallons of cum, erupting, exploding, bursting from my harder-than-steel cock with such force that it propelled me from the collapsing transmission tower. My dense, super-heated body slammed into the ground, searing everything it came in contact with and creating a cloud of steam that dissipated as the tower’s remains fell around me in a glowing mass of twisted steel and aluminum. I was so hot that even the metal that touched me melted, forming molten puddles that vaporized any nearby moisture. At the same time, my fantastically huge cock continued to spasm wildly, throbbing, pumping, spewing my hot jism into the air like an erupting volcano. It rained down around me, melting anything it came into contact with, until finally, minutes later, my great cock rested, and everything that could fall had done so, and anything that could burn, boil or vaporize was long gone. I lay there in the molten wreckage, now aware that I was far more powerful than I had previously imagined. I stood and looked around me. I had originally hoped to keep any damage to the tower to a minimum, but as I surveyed the wreckage, I realized that I had not only destroyed the entire tower, I had completely obliterated it. There was nothing left but the concrete foundation and a smoking mass of cooling metal. My body temperature was still thousands of degrees. I needed to cool off as quickly as possible before returning to the van, so I began walking toward the pond, vaporizing the water content in the grass and earth with each step. I estimated I was about a foot taller and at least twice as massive – so heavy that my feet sank slightly into the earth, compressing the dirt. My cock was easily over two feet in length and I watched the mesmerizingly beautiful tool swing from side to side as I lumbered across the clearing. It slung my white-hot pre-cum back and forth across the grass, which sizzled as each thick, heavy rope landed. My awareness of myself – my impossibly strong, mind-blowingly massive musculature, my absolute masculinity, my ripped, thick, hairy, godly, seemingly indestructible body, my immense, vein-wrapped fuck tool and incredibly dense grapefruit-sized balls, all so painfully beautiful – washed over me, leaving me feeling drunk once again with my extraordinary magnificence. My mind spun, filled with an overwhelming euphoria. Each movement of my body brought me closer to another epic orgasm, the pressure in my loins building once again, mounting yet higher, and as I entered the pond and hundreds then thousands of gallons of water flashed into steam, instantly vaporizing. I seized my perfect cock and released my cum, which fired through the water in a continuous super-heated jet until in less than a minute the entire pond had vanished in a tremendous explosion of steam that shook the earth and soared hundreds of feet into the air. Finally, as my cock rested once again, as the air cleared and my limitless cum collected in the bed of pond, as the sound of numerous sirens drifted through the surrounding trees, I knew I had cooled enough to return to the van and the world I was destined to rule. Next Chapter: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6388-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-thirteen/
  24. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 4

    Previous 3 Chapters: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2247-a-pectacular-romance-pt-1/ https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2260-a-pectacular-romance-pt-2/ https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3623-a-pectacular-romance-pt-3/ "'Wow, little man! I can see you enjoy bicep worship a lot! Hahaha, I just hope you haven't forgotten about these big ones!' I could hear him grunt and I could almost hear the sound of muscles expanding less than a foot over my head.A shadow came over me and I could feel heat from above.With the rest of the energy I had left, I picked my head up and noticed he had moved closer to the big oak table because his rock hard upper abs were pressed against the edge. I slowly moved my glance up higher and saw his huge mountainous pecs were being thrusted forward over my head.They formed a massive shelf that trapped me in a crawl space between the table and the pecs above me. "You better run, little man! Because here comes the real mountains!" My eyes grew wide as they expanded over me." Alex's heaving pecs would definitely crush me if I didn't move fast. I knew I had to get out from beneath their tremendous overhang above the table. I ended up twisting around until I could do a crab crawl away from his chest until I was laying on my back with my feet inches from his enormous pecs. I could not see his head over the huge muscle mountains because he had them flexed up like he was holding in a deep breath. Suddenly the two huge masses came crashing down towards the table until they made impact. His pecs were so deceivingly dense that their weight was much greater than anything I had ever seen before. Upon impact they crushed glass and metal plates, cups, bowls, and utensils without Alex giving the slightest flinch. They shook the table so much that I flew a few inches into the air along with the entire spread that was across the table. I gathered myself as he leaned forward over his chest until his smiling face came into view. "What was that for!?" I shouted at him as I began rising to my feet. "You could have crushed my legs!" "Oh, relax! I knew where you were the whole time!" He chuckled. "Besides, don't act like you don't like the power behind these big ones!" And with that he raised one big pec a foot into the air and made it go crashing back down with just the use of his intricate chest muscles. One single pec bounce made the entire table shake again and I lost my balance and landed in a big bowl of mashed potatoes. I looked up at him in awe as I realized just how much power he had. They were resting on the table in all their glory, just waiting for worship. "Big guy, can you...Can you bounce them for me?" I stated in a trance. "Oh you mean THESE?" He said as he flexed his pecs hard. I could see them expand a few inches as he grunted to make them bigger for me. "I can do better than that! Stand back, little man," he inhaled deeply and his chest expanded, "EARTHQUAKE!" I watched almost in slow motion as one huge pectoral rose off the table surface and then slammed back down with a loud BOOM making the entire table shake. The other pec rose up a second later and came crashing down with another BOOM! Every scrap, every bowl, every single thing on the table--including myself--was being thrusted into a pec bounce earthquake. BOOOM! I flew a few inches off the table. BOOOOOM! I flew a foot away from his chest. BOOOOOM! I flew a foot closer and landed amongst the salad dressing. Every bounce got faster and faster until eventually I was covered in table scraps and there was no plate left overturned. His pec bounce earthquake lasted about a minute, but it felt like forever. Alex looked down at me and hysterically laughed which caused his pecs to bounce together a few more times shaking the table once more. "Look at you, little man! You're covered in food!" Trying to act as cute as one can possibly be while covered in food and probably bruises I looked up at the big man before me and said "Looks like I'm the one who needs the cleaning now!" I ended my suggestion with a cute smile. "Get over here, little man!" I rose to my feet and hopped over the broken tableware towards the big guy. As I reached him I noticed that his pecs really had gotten even bigger than before. I was a full arms length from his face with his chest between us. I also noticed that before that when he was sitting my head was a bit above his, whereas now we were eye level. "Big guy, did you grow for me?" I asked as I looked down at his huge muscular body. "At this point I can barely notice it. I just keep getting bigger and BIGGER!" He pushed his bench out from under him and rose to his feet. No matter how many times I had seen him, every time he rose up like this It put me in complete awe. His massive frame could hardly contain how big his muscles had gotten. I was now only face-to-face with his mid pecs even though I was standing on this oversized table. Alex looked down at me over his chest and snickered, "Looks like you're not the only one who likes these bad boys." He flicked my rock hard cock that stood at full attention for his massive muscles. All I could do was gawk up at him and give a hard swallow and nod. He smiled and grabbed the back of my tank top and ripped it off my body. My underwear had gone long ago and probably sat in a bowl of gravy somewhere on the mess of a table. Alex then scooped me up with one arm and cradled me like a baby with his huge chest hanging above my head. Every step he took away from the table was a long slow stride that made a loud boom. My cock was rock hard so I twisted around so it could rub against one of his brick like abs as my hands explored any muscle that surrounded me while I enjoyed the ride. We ended up back in his bedroom which looked much larger from the height he had me held at. However, as he spun around and sat down on the bed it was clear he was much bigger than before. He released his grip on me when he sat but I clung to his midsection like a baby monkey. He shifted his ass farther back onto the bed and laid back so his upper-back landed on the pillows and his head was pinned against the backboard of the once oversized bed which he now dwarfed. I stayed clinging to his abs, even as he laid down, with my scrawny legs wrapped to the sides of his hips and my chin tucked into his second row of abs. From this angle I smiled hypnotically at the two huge pec mounds in front of me. I could not see Alex's face but I could sense his devilish grin already. He relaxed his pecs and his face came into view between his cleavage. "You like these big ones?" He made them jump a few times. "Hell yea, big guy. I'd love to f--" I stopped. "You would love to what?" He looked at me for a second and then it clicked. "You want to fuck my pecs, little man?" I blushed uncontrollably and looked down at the trenches in his abs. I brought my hand to one of his oversized abs and pushed myself up so I was sitting upright on his tight abdomen. I was still always so caught off guard by his forwardness. "Sorry, little guy, you can't fuck these pecs right now," He said nonchalant. My spirits must have visibly sunk because he gave a hearty laugh as he reached his long muscular arm to his nightstand and grabbed a big bottle of oil. My eyes glowed as they followed the oil hover over his massive cleavage. "Now you can fuck 'em." He winked and tilted the bottle into the sharp crevice in his chest. The oil poured down the inner pecs like cave walls until it pooled at the bottom and formed a flowing river that poured the shiny liquid into the cracks of his abs. I was uncontrollably drawn to his muscles. I shimmied up the slick rows of his freshly oiled abs and began ferociously rubbing the oil all over the two mounds that perched level with the high of my chest. "G'head, my little man, put it in there!" He taunted me as he bounced them around. I slid my cock between his massive pecs while I rubbed the outer portion of his chest, pushing them together to no avail. He smiled once more. "Don't mind if I join!" He reached his huge arms behind me grabbing onto his huge cock that rose up behind me. The act of his arms extending towards his cock pushed his pecs together causing my dick to get wedged between the huge mounds: it felt amazing. I began thrusting my cock in and out of the deep cave in front of me. He tilted his head back and let out a deep groan. He then lifted his head up and looked over his chest at me. "My pecs are so sensitive, little man! This feel as good to you as it does to me?" I slowed my thrusts and kept my eyes on his as I lowered my head a short distance until my lips met a striation on one of his huge pec mounds and kissed it tenderly as my silent response. "I thought so." He smiled. My cock was large to any normal person but compared to Alex's chest I couldn't believe he could even feel something so much smaller in size rubbing against such hard muscle. "Oh yea! Check this out, little guy!" Our eyes met and locked gazes as he pushed his shoulder towards each other making the huge mounds smash together and then he released it. The oil made his big shiny pecs make audible noises as they slammed together like two beef steaks being slapped together. "Oh yea.." I said between pants, "Bounce..them..Bounce my cock around." He looked down at his chest and began slowly rolling them back and forth with my cock sliding around in the cleavage. He sped this up until they were bouncing around like drums. I put my hands over his huge nipples and pinched them with everything in me. He groaned and made his pecs separate a few inches from both sides of my cock and froze them. "Slap your cock around my pec cleavage," he said with a grin and a sweat-drenched brow. I wrapped my hands around my meaty cock and had to almost tug it out of the oil-filled trench. I was uncontrollably hard at this point; my cock full of blood. I threw my dick to the right and it struck the inner wall of his deep chest crevice. It was like hitting slippery steel. I smacked it to the other side and rubbed it around the inner surface. "How does that feel?" He asked. "They feel like stone." I panted. I pulled my dick away from his chest and threw it down between the two stone walls with a THWACK. "Can you make them soft?" "They are barely flexed now but I can try to relax for you, little man. Go ahead and play with them," he smiled and gave them a bounce with my cock tightly placed in the cleavage and then relaxed his chest. I placed my two small hands on the two huge mounds and pushed them together over my dick. To my surprise, they moved with some effort like two huge sand bags. I tossed them around as if I was juggling two beach balls. Alex smiled up at me from his head placed on the ground and then closed his eyes--allowing me to really do whatever I wanted with his big chest. I pulled my cock from the muscle prison and moved my face towards the two mounds. I kissed one of the inner sides and then smashed my face into his pec cleavage once more. I pulled his pecs apart like two elevator doors and shimmied my face into the muscle cave. It smelled like deep manly musk. I began ferociously licking the muscle to the left and right of my face. I could feel pressure form as he moved his huge hand to the back of my head and plucked my face from his muscle cave. "Fuck them more, little guy. I want to see you cum between my pecs!" This excited the shit out of me but what was even better was how he then grabbed me like a rag doll and lifted me up off his abs and placed me back into pec-fuck position. He pushed my cock deep into the trench and looked down at his chest. He smiled and inhaled deeply so they rose up like balloons and the cleavage opened up, exposing my cock trapped snug between the two mounds. He looked me in the eyes and spit right on my cock with a smirk. "Have at it." He pushed his chest out even further and they slammed together. I ferociously began slamming my cock into the deep trench created by the globes he called pecs. My tight abdomen was smacking the underside of his chest with each thrust of my cock. We were both sweating immensely, and this made it easy for my dick to plunge in and out of his chest cave. I went on with my head rolled back for what felt like forever until I came back to reality to wipe my brow of sweat. I looked down at Alex's face and he head his rolled back, as well, until he felt my stare and looked up at me over his meaty pecs. "You ready to give me your cum?" He winked at me. I nodded with a smile and continued to plow my dick in deeper between his pecs. He put his hands to my waist and stopped my rhythm. He lifted my ass up off of his abs like I was a toy and repositioned me--he put my body laying on top of his with my face level with his and my cock laying on the front ridge of his two mountainous pecs. Alex pulled our faces close together and I touched my hands on the sides of his big head. He had such an attractive face with a defined jaw and perfect hair that I ruffled my hands through and let my fingers get lost in. He kissed me on the lips and pulled away and smiled. "You're cute," he said, "Now cum for me." With that, the front trench of his chest opened up and my rock hard prick sprung head first into the cleavage like I was fucking the earth's tectonic plates. My mouth was left agape in pure ecstasy as he kissed and licked my mouth and worked my cock between the front of his pecs. I didn't have to move an inch, his chest rocked my cock back and forth in the striated groves that clamped it in place. He was playing with me this whole time until now. "Oh..oh..big..guy..holy..shit" "That's it, little man! You're almost there! Cum for your big guy!" He said in a loud whisper right in my ear. "I've got to have your cum!" That was it for me. I blew the biggest load I've ever felt in my entire life into the deep chasm between his pectorals globes. We were both covered in sweat and I was huffing like a mad man. He kissed me once more and I slid my dick out of his muscle and shimmied my way onto his abs where I saw sprawled out with my back up against the underside of his huge chest. His pecs were so large that I could sit back and they would act as a back support that reached up to my lower back. With my legs stretched out my feet only reached across his huge cobble stone abs to the top of his thick pubic bush. I rested my arms back and leaned into his chest like a deep comfy couch and craned my neck back to look at him. "Wow, big guy, that was intense." "I thought you'd like that." He said as he lifted his head over his muscle mounds. He pulled up his index finger into the air and winked again. "And I know I'll like this." He dug his long thick finger into his pec cleavage and scooped up my cum on the top of his finger. He plucked it out and looked at it and then to me. He put his finger to his mouth and sucked up my seed and dropped his head back in ecstasy. He gave a loud whoop and picked his head back up to look at me. "My god, little man, you taste like a lemon drop. I can't get over how you make me feel. You make me feel so powerful. I feel--I feel like--" "A muscle god?!" I peeped in. "Hahaha! Yea, little man! A big muscle god and nothing can hurt me." He bounced his pecs around making me fling onto his abs where my fingers dug into the deep crevices between each cut row. I spun around so that my ass was more towards his genital region and my feet were touching the bottom of his pecs. "I wouldn't say nothing can hurt you, big guy.. Afterall I was just on top!" I giggled and gave a cute wink. He howled with laughter. "Ooooh, is that right Mr. Tough guy?! I'd love to see the damage you could do to me." With that I felt his body tense up beneath me as his arms rose into a crippling double bicep. "I bet I can make you do whatever I want!" I proclaimed proudly. "That will be the day! Haha!" he mocked again. I put on my most determined face as a used my hands to move myself back farther down his v-cut abdominals until my back was against his half-mast cock. Under my tight little ass was a deep bushel of pubic hair that spurt out plentifully on both sides of my glutes. "Huh?" He gave a puzzled look. I smiled at him and dug my hands into his pubic bush and latched onto two handfuls on both sides of my ass. "Hey little man, what do you think you're doing down there?" "Make your biceps dance for me," I demanded sternly. "What are you doing, Joey??" I tugged on the pubes as hard as I could. For me, this was the strength I would need to use when moving furniture. To him, he could probably chalk this up to an annoying fly buzzing around, but in such a sensitive area I got a nice response. The big guy winced in pain and his huge muscles tensed up all around me. His quads rose off the big bed, his abs formed even deeper rifts as the jolt made him crunch his midsection a bit. "Owww!" He shouted down at me. I relaxed my so-called torture grip. "You better not do that again, little man!" He said confused but with a smile. "I said bounce your biceps!" I tugged at the thick bush again. He winced again making his huge muscles tense up. This time he shot his hands under my armpits like I was an oversized doll and tried to pry me off his v-cut pubic area. However, I twisted the thick black hair around my hands and held tight. The short jerks he gave me in attempt to pry me off only made him wince even more from the sensitive pain. I had found a weakness in my muscle god! Defeated, he smiled at me again. "Alright, little man, you win this time!" He announced. He could have easily crushed me like a bug with any muscle group of choice. But I think it was cute the way he let me win to feel some sort of power between us. He rose his arms up again to an un-flexed double bicep. "How do you like this, lil man?" He started flexing and un-flexing alternating between biceps. They rose up like mountains exploding each time and then deflated to a still very impressive flattened ball. The veins on his biceps were incredibly breath-taking; like a road map of thick fat veins all carrying blood as the passenger to each muscle group. His huge orbs pulsed as his hands tensed and I could only look on with admiration from a distance. "You like this, little guy?" I nodded, mouth agape like I was hypnotized. "Soo are you going to stop torturing my pubes?" I nodded again mesmerically and released my grip completely. His bicep bouncing show still went on. "Sooo can I kiss you now?" I nodded again in my trance and he smiled and laughed. He reached down for me and put his big hands under my armpits and easily lifted me towards his upper body. He rested my chest and stomach down on his expansive chest and I placed my hands on his upper chest. My hands held me up keeping a distance between our faces. He then pulled me in close by bringing his arms up around me like a big hug (except I was so small in comparison it was as if he was hugging himself). We looked into each others eyes and he playfully flexed his chest, and bounced his arms a few times so slightly--but it was more than enough to weaken my locked arms away from his face. I fell towards his face and we embraced in a passionate kiss. It felt like it lasted forever which I wouldn't have minded because I had never felt safer in my life than in this place surrounded by Alex's huge muscles. My sanctuary began to rumble as Alex shifted under me and began to rise off the bed. He carried me once again like an oversized baby with his huge pecs blocking my view of his face. "Where are we going now, big guy?" "Thought we should take a shower together." My mind began to race a thousand miles per hour. ----------------------------- Next part should be done relatively sooner.
  25. bbmikenj

    Sumo Muscle, pt 2

    Because George's uncle continued to be supportive of his weightlifting, buying him more and more weights, better benches and machines, George continued to grow bigger and stronger. His uncle even cleaned out his two car garage and filled it with equipment to give George more space to workout. Sometimes, his uncle would watch as he trained, which motivated him to train even harder. George would strip down to his briefs in the garage, and work out like a beast for a couple of hours, dripping sweat all over the concrete floor, and flexing between sets in the floor-to-ceiling mirrors his uncle had put up, snorting like a bull as he flexed as hard as he could, the his mass exploding out all over his body. George would forget his uncle was even there, he'd get into such a muscle zone. When he was done, he'd strip off his briefs and wring out the sweat in them, then toss them into the corner of the garage. Then he'd waddle into the house to take a 40 minute shower, which annoyed his two cousins because he used up all the hot water. It annoyed them even more when George's uncle, their father, made them wipe down all the sweaty benches and machines in the garage, and then mop up the floor. George would reward them later though, by flexing his 360lbs of muscle for them and letting them worship him. Even though they both had girlfriends, they got off on their younger cousin's massive size and power. They both thought about George when they were having sex with their girlfriends now too, and the girls couldn't figure out why their sex had gotten so much better, but no one complained. One day, George was working out in the garage. He had both garage doors open, and even though it was cold outside, he was still sweating like a bull, and the fresh air made him look and feel more pumped up than ever. He didn't notice that a car had pulled into the driveway until he heard a car door shut. He looked out, and to his surprise, saw Mr Sanata standing there. Mr Sanata looked surprised, too. He couldn't believe how much size George had packed on since he'd been gone. He walked up to the garage, wide-eyed. He bowed to George, and George bowed back. Mr Sanata looked him over. Although he was used to being around huge men, and he was a big man himself, he had never seen a sumo wrestler who came remotely as heavily muscled as George had become. And George recognized the look in Mr Sanata's eyes, a look of awe and lust. George had more and more people looking at him that way. Mr Sanata started to unbutton the white dress shirt he had on. He stripped it off and tossed it aside. He had on a white guinea tee that highlighted his own massive size. George could see that the older man had been hitting some heavy weights since he'd last seen him. Much of his sumo bulk had been replaced by dense, mature muscle. His big delts had thick veins showing up on them, and so did his arms. He still had a good sized gut on him, but it looked much harder. "You've inspired me to become a true musclehead, George," He raised his big arms into a double biceps pose, and his arm muscles swelled up solid. Though in his forties, the big Japanese man looked like an off-season Hidetada Yamagishi, and at 6' tall, 298lbs, a much bigger version. His 23"biceps had huge peaks with splits starting to show. His forearms had become heavy with vascularity. "And," he said, "I now I almost even have abs." He reached down and pulled his guinea tee over his gut. Then he sucked his gut in hard and flexed, and George could see a six pack trying to pop out under the bulk. "I want to pay you homage," said the former sumo champ. Then he lowered himself to his knees in front of George. At first George thought this might be some sumo ritual, but he quickly realized that it was not. He reached back toward the wall behind him, and pressed the button for the automatic garage door, and the door began to lower. Even before the door was shut, George began to pull his sweat-soaked briefs down over his massive thighs. He had them to his knees when Mr Sanata went down on him, and gave him the best blow job he'd ever had. George couldn't believe how good the older man was, and held out as long as he could because it felt so good. He figured Mr Sanata must know some ancient Asian secrets, the way he worked his tongue and throat. And when he looked down on the massive traps and shoulders of Mr Sanata, George couldn't believe how much solid muscle the older man had added since he'd seen him. It made him spew like a fountain into the thick bull necked musclehead on his knees before him. Afterwards, the two massive men worked out in the garage, doing forced reps of every chest exercise they could do. Their huge pec slabs bloated up like over-pumped balloons, their skin stretched taut over the mounded muscle. For two hours, they worked chest, stopping only to flex their pecs at each other, although by the end, their muscles had become so engorged, they could barely move them. They took turns rubbing down each others chests, digging in deep to break down the fascia and allow their pec muscles so expand even more. When they were done working out, the two muscle beasts waddled into the kitchen, where George mixed up a gallon each of protein shake. After Mr Sanata downed his, he explained to George that he came back to see if he could convince him to come back to Japan with him, and do some sumo wrestling. "You only have to stay as long as you want, but the Japanese people would worship you." "How much does it pay?" "If you win matches like I think you will, you could make a ton of money. Plus, I can line up some underground matches, where wealthy clients pay even more. And you will no doubt start getting endorsements, and money for making appearances." "You'll fly me out first class?" "No," answered Mr Sanata. "I'd never fit in coach," said George, heaving out his gorilla-sized chest. "Not coach either. I have a private jet waiting to take us back. Plus, you'll have your own luxury apartment in Tokyo, with a private gym, plus access to all the privileges that the top wrestlers get." George nodded toward the garage gym, sweat still rolling down him. "A better gym than that?" "Ten times better." "As much food as I want?" "An endless bounty." "When do we leave?" asked George. Two hours later, they were pulling up to the small local airport where Mr Sanata's private jet was waiting to fly them to Japan. "It's a very long flight," Mr Sanata said as they approached the plane. "But I'm sure we can find things to do." As they made their way up to the plane door, the metal steps creaked and wobbled under the weight of their mass.
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