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  1. Employee of the Month by Broody Monday June 1 I’d only been in this office job since March when the boss named me Employee of the Month. It was a sports betting company and the 30 or so employees were almost all straight men. Mr. Sartorius was a tall, handsome silver fox with a taste for well cut suits and a sexy Dutch accent that made me smile as I listened to him make the announcement at the monthly all-staff meeting. “…And Jeffrey’s selection is especially appropriate considering June is… Pride Month!” My smile froze into an embarrassed rictus. I hadn’t come out to anybody in the office. And I certainly hadn’t in the interview. An awkward silence came over the conference room where everyone was packed in standing room only. I looked out at the sea of faces, all masculine former jocks, and stretched my smile into what probably looked like a crazed serial killer grin. Mr Sartorius looked at me with such oblivious sincerity, then back out at the staff expectantly. Several people looked at their feet. Someone coughed. Then Banner, a young ex-soldier with arms like ham hocks, pumped his fist in the air. “Pride month!” he yelled. “HOOAH!” Mr Sartorius was super pleased at this and slapped me on the back with a hand the size of a shovel. I tried to mask my wince of pain. “FUCK YEAH Pride Month!!” Someone else boomed. The boss furrowed his brow and the temperature in the room dropped ten degrees. Mr Sartorius didn’t like swears. “All right everyone. Back to work. You can all congratulate Jeffrey personally when you have the chance.” I shook his hand and thanked him before fleeing back to my desk. It felt like I had 30 pairs of eyes boring into the back of my head. I plopped down on my cubicle desk chair, relieved. Almost immediately, Banner filled my cubicle entrance. His bowling ball deltoids stretched the maroon fabric of his polo shirt as his jacked Army-honed physique made me throw major wood in my dress slacks. I’d never been this close to him before. He smelled crazy good, like Mennen Speed Stick and spearmint gum. “Jeffy,” he said, a nickname I hated but would let Banner call me forever. “Pride month. That’s the gay month, right?” I full-on blushed and stammered “Uh, uh, uh.” Oh my God. So hot. So dumb. I turned from him and wildly yanked on the sliding platform that allowed my keyboard to be tucked in just below the desk’s surface. It jammed with a squeak. “I got you, Jeffy, this used to be my cube. I know the trick.” Banner reached down between my legs and palmed the bottom of the platform. His cheek brushed mine and the feel of his stubble sent an electric shock straight to my cock. His thick, bare muscular arm stretched out in front of me and as I saw the tension in the tendons and muscles grow I could see clearly what was about to happen but I was a deer caught in the headlights. Banner pulled and his biceps exploded into a breath-taking rippling gourd of veiny power; his forearm then twisted and a second peak pushed out of the muscle like it was giving birth to a baby. I instantly came in my pants. He froze and looked down wide eyed at the wet spot and bulge in my crotch. “Jeffy,” was all he had time to say before suddenly Mr Sartorius was standing next to him. He stood up straight and actually saluted, his eyes practically popping out of his skull. “At ease, soldier,” he chuckled warmly. “I’m glad to see your enthusiasm for your co-worker, Banner, I hope you will encourage your colleagues to be similarly charitable this month.” Banner looked wildly about, confused. “Charitable, Mr S?” “Yes, charitable.” “Sir, yes, sir!” Banner huffed. “Good. Well, carry on.” Banner disappeared so fast he might have vapourized. I grinned stupidly up at the boss, my hands in my lap. He looked at me oddly and sniffed, then shook his head, the pleased smile returning. “So glad you are getting on well here, Jeffrey,” he said, placing his hand on my shoulder. “We really appreciate you.” “Thank you sir,” I burbled, trying for the first time ever to NOT appreciate how nicely thick he was through the chest. Please go down, boner! He turned away and I finally managed to pull out my keyboard. I typed away for the painful last hour before quitting time. As I rushed out to leave, I saw Banner still moving from man to man, whispering in each colleagues’ ear as he alternately pointed at me, and at the boss’ office door. Oh shit. Cont.
  2. remerting

    Wreck It World (Part 1)

    This was an RP done with @Abyss123 and the endless muscle growth shenanigans with Wreck It Ralph being the character of choice. Features muscle growth, macro, hyper, sweat, musk and hair. Finally it was here! It took almost a week of shipping but my package had finally arrived. I've been saving up for this VR setup for ages and now I can finally experience it. I wasted no time having everything plugged in. Setting the system up seemed easier than I anticipated as the TV lit up in response to the equipment. Checking the game inside the box, I was confused upon glancing at the case. It was blank, completely white without any images or logos. I popped open hoping the CD would have some answers but... it was also completely blank. Was I scammed? I hurried and inserted the disk, hoping the system would work with a running game. To my relief, I saw the title of the game on the menu appear. "Wreck It World..." With the head gear on, I went ahead and started the game. After a black screen the first thing that appeared in front of me was... Ralph? Now the title was making sense. Wreck It Ralph was standing there, arms crossed and looking down at me with a smug grin on his face. Unlike his arcade fame, he was 3D in a simple room with wood floors, red brick walls and no windows. Something was off. Looking at my hands, I couldn't feel the controls. I tried taking off the headset but I couldn't grab anything! Nothing was there! I felt like I was trapped in the game itself! The world around blinked into focus as I felt the floor come into being against my bare feet with a soft thud. Seeing your model load in , I take a breath and flash my gappy grin with a rumbling roar I cheer, "ARE YOU READY to WRECK IT?!" slapping my hands together in anticipation as I size you up. My mind was rushing, trying to comprehend what was happening. Hearing Ralph speak with my own ears in the room and not from a television made the virtual reality even more apparent. "R-Ralph?" I could only muster his name. He was enormous, at nine feet standing. Even with the room being spacious, I still felt cramped with his presence. Luckily for him, the ceiling was rather high, otherwise his head would be rubbing up against it. I gave a hearty chuckle one massive finger scratching under my nose bashfully "Yep In the flesh Bud. Welcome to the game" I replied my arms spreading out wide as l loomed closer and closer, overshadowing you before snatching you up in a big bear hug."Never thought anyone would pick up this game" I had your head nestled into my chest as you could hear me walk around the spacious barren room. "W-Why am I here? What's happening?" The sensations were beginning to stack. I could even feel the warmth of Ralph's embrace, gently holding me in his massive arms. When I turned to look up, I could see his grin, his eyes glaring down at me all droopy with content. For a moment, I felt calm. "What do ya mean, 'Why am I here?' You bought the game right?" I replied, gently putting you down before stepping back slightly to give some room to breath but still looming over, doing some warm up stretches. Then there was a sudden slap as l brought my hands on my knees crouching down slightly a big smile spread across my face looking you up and down. A thick finger cupping under your chin steadying your head before my lips kiss your forehead softly "You're here to play." l added "In any way possible." My face must have been flushed red. If this was a game, I imagine I've walked in on some kind of dating sim with a well known video game icon. I'm not sure how or why this game exists, but I was enchanted by the affection that radiated from Ralph. It was so real, so new. I'll admit, Wreck It Ralph was quite the charmer. Lightly guiding you to step back l soon had you against the wall , rising back up l braced one tree trunk arm against the wall leaning over you. "You're familiar with some games with affection mechanics right?" I asked one hand idly rubbing your shoulder as l took up your view, looking down on you, breathing getting heavier. "How about you try some experimenting." l smirked. "L-Like what?" The soft and sultry tone of his voice had me anxious at the giant's intentions. It seemed obvious what he was suggesting yet I couldn't help but act oblivious. A second lumbering arm set over your head, my leg sliding forward to your side. "Like I bet you always wanted to feel a man that dwarfs you like I do " I teased, my chest pushed forward as I try to pop a button. Never did I imagine wanting such a thing but having Ralph present himself so dominantly made me realize how much I needed it. Sneakily I could feel him gyrating his waist up to mine. Seeing as how I was too weak to make a move, Ralph decided to surprise me, leaning down and pressing his lips into mine. My thick tongue squeezed in as soon you found yourself completely pinned to the wall . My groin sliding up and down your body. A hand slipping down, grabbing and pressing your palm onto my bulge, feeling it seeming to pulsate to your touch My body quivered from being immediately pinned by your body. Your indomitable tongue invaded my mouth and wrestled me into instant submission. I heard you moan quietly as we kissed. Since you invited my hand to your crotch, I went ahead and cupped the denim mass between your legs. You kissed me harder, making me squeeze harder in response, which in turn made you bully my mouth even more. Parting our lips for air, my face was flushed red as I groaned and moaned like a hungry beast. The denim bulge twitching to life under your fingers. My fingers thicker than your wrist slid up your arm, a toothy grin spreading across my face with a heaving breath pushing by huge frame in and out slowly. "Not bad , for your first time little bud" I cooed. Time seemed to pause as the bulge between my legs seemed to pulsate, feeling like it was inflating under your hand, spreading your fingers slightly. Unknown to me, I mistook your growing meat as a simple erection, though rather large. I continued to grope you while you were busy pushing your lower body in and out towards me with my hand still magnetized to your crotch. The junk now was really starting to push out as I could easily cup around its length. Looking down, I gasped, surprised to see the distended bulge bigger than what I had pictured. I quickly used my second hand to encompass the other side while you pushed your clad member in and out between my palms. I let out a low groan as I felt the bulge between my legs getting bigger and heavier squatting and thrusting , my shaft swelling stronger and stronger with each thrust. Your hands splitting apart from the sheer girth. Digging my thick fingers into the stone brick wall crumbling to my power , sweating and drooling as I get swallowed up by the pure euphoria a faint musk starting to linger. Amazing your overalls managed to restrain such a massive size. The prick was already nearing nine inches towards me but oddly enough your crotch, at level with mine, was starting to reach where my stomach was. Looking back up, I saw creases drawing across your shirt. Your chest was widely pronounced now, popping out near my face as it put a strain on your plaid shirt. The blocky shape of your massive arms started to round out as muscles appeared on your figure. I didn't think you could get any bigger but the swelling of your lats made your frame look all the wider. What was happening?! I gave a deep rumbling chuckle "You pick up on con...unf...trols quickly." I commented, bringing my arms up, the sleeves of my shirt riding, trying to retreat up my arm as more and more muscle builds . A fat finger digging under the fabric tearing it slightly showing some ample pit hair poking out . Resting back down, a meaty paw slaps onto your shoulder, my hand stretching down your arm easily wrapping around it with my pinkie. It didn't take long for your erection to reach me at a full foot in length. The entire front portion of the dark red overalls were bending to the will of your meat. After prodding me a few times from your air humping, even you could tell it was getting pretty big but I knew you didn't want to stop. I was too distracted by the enormous shelf of pecs that were growing towards me, straining each button on your shirt as the collar was stretched lower, showing more skin and even some newfound chest hair. Then, I could feel it. Something hot and hard had pressed itself between my legs. The look on your face told me everything as you gave me a smug grin before I was pulled up with the rest of your body. My feet left the ground and I found myself sitting on top of the growing pouch that was your junk. My gap tooth smile said it all. This was a simple taste of what was possible. Both arms raised Into a double bicep flex enjoying how heavy they were starting to feel. The new mounds of a cliff that made my chest now lightly bouncing as I breathed. The strap of my overalls holding strong keeping my new endowment lifted and perky. Slowly bounding them up and down in a mesmerizing pattern, you never realized one of my heavy paws sneaking behind you cupping the back of your head and back lightly pressing you into my new cleavage. Enjoying feeling you dwarfed by my sheer mass, I started to wander the room, my heavy foot steps echoing with deep thumps. I wholeheartedly basked in your manly presence as your rich, hair-filled chest pressed firmly into my face. Up close and feeling your pecs, I could see them visibly growing, pushing my head back ever so slightly. Your stride left me bobbing up and down across your hardened prick with every step you took and it too was slowly pushing out against my legs, clearly growing with the rest of you. You stopped for a moment, breathing sensually before rocking your hips up and down, bouncing me on your dick more and more. A moan found its way out your columnar throat as I watched you grow faster with every drop my body had on my 'meat seat'. Scared to fall off, my legs clung to it tightly which only serviced you more. Buttons were popping off above my head with rips and tears starting to form across your tight plaid shirt. The top was already riding high up, exposing newly shaped, square-like abs with the sleeves barely wrapping around your shoulders. Even under two layers, both of your nipples were prominently pushing against the edges of the clothes, desperate to escape their confines. I pulled myself back in an attempt to keep your torso in sight but the growth was hard to keep up with and the thrusting made it difficult to inch away. Luckily for me, your cock was keeping up almost more than I expected. Although growing longer, it was noticeably widening thicker and thicker from the gains. By now, your overalls were doing all they can to keep your junk in check with one strap holding everything back. Finally your shirt was really coming apart as your chest was too much for the poor clothes to handle. With each heaving breath it was clear how much denser my chest was getting. Hair spreading out, pressed and overflowing from the tears of what remained of my shirt. My cock pulsated under you with trembling power, clearly building up more and more as the shaft bent upwards, forcing the tip to the ground. My arms raised up revealed even more dense hair covering my body with a potent musk lingering inside the sealed room. My meaty paws clapping together flexing my arms over us . Your eyes traveled down, watching sweat slowly cascade over the bulging muscles newly forming and swelling over my body, slipping over the thick vine-like veins guiding your gaze lower. A smug smirk spread across my face. My tree trunk neck fought for room over my expanding frame to not be swallowed by my raising traps. "Tell me buddy, do ya like your new boyfriend being this big, or do ya feel like seeing how big I can be?" I bounced my pronounced chest with a rythmic beat to my heavy sultry breathing, a hand cupping around under it feeling it up for myself; the nip being presented as a treat for you and you alone. The other hand slapping behind you onto my shaft. A shuddering moan echoed in the room as a shiver of bliss shot up my spine. "Well? I'm waiting buddy." I cooed, licking my lips with anticipation. I was too nervous to really reply. Ralph was growing with each passing second, making every league of size more mesmerizing than the last. The final bits of plaid that clung to your glistening skin finally tore off your form revealing your torso in all its hairy glory. With the legs of your pants ripped to nothing, your overalls were now repurposed as an over-the-shoulder pair of briefs which clung from the head of your growing member down into a pouch fitted around your balls and extending back to your waist. That one strap was diligent to keep it contained, digging snuggly into your right trap and extending all the way down your meaty length. What the overalls couldn't cover was the shaft. Pinned to your heavy testicles, your cock bulged upwards into a curve which raised me higher up till we were nearly eye level. The thing was huge, almost reaching a size that matched your own body! Even your chest was capable of rubbing up against it. We exchanged looks for a moment and I suddenly realized I never gave you an answer. All I could really do was say one thing. "Bigger..." That was all I needed to hear to please my little buddy. My cock shuffled under you as I adjusted my stance. Both my massive hands gripped at the sides of my junk, tenderly rubbing up and down as the excess sweat worked as a lubricant. The feeling of all my digits massaging and dragging skin was utter euphoria. My palms were large enough to encompass so much of my meat. I watched you bob up and down as my hips worked to dry humping my massive schlong. I pressed my bulge closer to my body, holding it and shoving as much into my torso, touching more and more sensitive cock-flesh. I could feel my extended arms swell larger, denser, stretching in unison with my horny antics. I started losing my grip slightly as even my meat swelled larger to match and exceed the rest of me. All I could do was grind and grow, filling in more of the room. Now your growth was peaking more than ever before. The sheer width your body had achieved was even greater than your height. You were a living wall with blocky shoulders and massive pecs tripling the span of your frame right before my eyes. I struggle to focus on one part of you, to bring my vision to appreciate your musculature but your physique is an assortment of monstrous hirsute mass with every peak calling me to gaze upon it. Still, if I had to choose, your chest kept me hooked as your stretched out biceps pushed both pillows of beef upwards and into your face. The grind against your manly stubble only served to arouse you further, your hands never resting in their pursuit to satisfy your sexual quenching. The room was definitely getting smaller. I never realized how big it was until your godly form began replacing the fleeting space. I could see your hair nearly grace the ceiling and even I, myself, was getting close to it while atop your manhood. You've had to have reached 20 feet by now, and your cock... good lord. Who knows how big that was. Still, you didn't care or even notice. You were hungry. To keep myself from touching the roof, I laid down belly first, my legs and arms spread against your cock. I rubbed with you, hoping you would get some satisfaction. The room was being filled with my pungent musk, my heavy breathing a mighty boom as I grinded against my mammoth dong. Buckling and shuddering as all the different sensations brought me to my knees. With my hairy chest falling right before you, my arms flexing pressing them into a seductive pose for you. Shoulder rolling as l shimmy closer. With a grunt and a hefty bear hug around my dick, you begin sliding down from the excess moisture into my pecs. I smile, holding back a groan from the mere act of riding down my enormous cock right before giving you a kiss to your lips. The romantic peck didn't last long as you were reaching the apex of your mass. By now you were immobile, pinned to every flat surface of the virtual box we called a room. With no space left to move, all your muscles could do was fill whatever room it could find. Your cock and balls had already eaten half the area, pressed tightly into the walls, ceiling and floor and still eager to fill more with its flesh. Even more surprising was seeing the overalls still actively extended under the package like a pouch. The strap was stretched so far that it looked almost string-like in comparison to the rest of you. And speaking of the rest of you, your traps had surpassed your head and cushioned upwards into the roof. Both shoulders grinded up to each wall with massive arms still swelling below the enormous jugs of your chest. I took one last glimpse at your ruggedly handsome smile before I sank below from the growth of your chest. More and more muscle continued filling my vision until my body was surrounded in it. My entire front side basked in the musky heady expanse of your pecs with chest hair shoving itself into my face. I breathed deep, savoring the fragrance your body provided. Meanwhile, my back was fixed to your dick which had become a pure wall of genitals. I was in heaven, hearing the squelching of sweat being squished between me and the two barriers of meat. My body vibrated as I could faintly hear you moan from above me, the bass from your throat shaking the very room. No doubt you were in utter bliss as your cock was squeezed into every crack and crevice left, all working to masturbate you further which only grew you more, squeezing your manhood tighter, growing and then squeezing and then growing! My new beefy shuddered as you could feel my whole body shake and quiver with every heavy breath dripping with euphoria as each movement of my massive sweaty body teased me in a different way, be it my arm pushing up to adjust for the lack of space resulting in my meaty paw groping my tender cock. Or shuffling my body to relieve pressure from my cock to only have it swell larger to take up more room pressing you closer to me, gyrating my torso to show you just how much you've done so far. A hearty chuckle echoed from on high above you, muffled by the dense forest of hair and muscle around you. "Oh. OH... OOOOHHHH! That's it Buddy! You've made me a real man now!" l praised, swooning over my size gifted by your touch. "This world is too small for me now though, I think yours should be more fun... for the both of us! Get ready Bud, I'm coming to wreck your world!" I continued flexing my body, your surroundings bulging larger and LARGER! hot to the touch, the dense musk coating your body in my scent sweat drenching your clothes, losing more room as l grew all around you. Your head squeezed between my pecs, feeling them bounce thumping onto your shoulders... And then the world went dark, the sensations of my expanding mass and heat still spinning you. *CRASH!!* I had done it, finally meeting someone who could truly appreciate mass at its peak and further beyond. The world around me coming into focus, feeling my body come into being in YOUR world. My traps crashing through the ceiling, my tree trunk neck finally having room to stretch seeing a room formally somewhat tidy now demolished with my huge head filling in a crater. My dick shot gunning forward still contained by my repurposed overalls. The thick head pressing against a door frame blowing out the wall before long resting in the kitchen. A set of bulging lumbering arms with hands easily able to cup a bus reaching out casually blasting through walls to pull myself up. With a heavy *THUMP* one foot smashed on top of your couch, my colossal body raising through the house, feeling your world crumble around me. Bursting free of your fragile house with a hearty cheer, feeling the cool air against my hot body. My dick sling bobbing with the new room at my disposal. Looking around like a giddy child at my new playground, dick and balls swinging wildly as l survey the area bashing against neighboring building, trees and lights. Snapping back to realize there was someone I was forgetting. Two meaty finger diving between my pecs moaning as l fished deeper plucking you out drenched in my sweat. Giving you a toothy smirk, I kiss you passionately in my palm. “Now that you completed the tutorial. You ready for level 1?” I cooed, a faint mist emitting off my body from the mix of hot and cold air.
  3. spacevlad

    Away Game: Chapter 2

    This is the second and (as of now) final chapter of the story. In this chapter, Adam and Wyatt explore their feelings for each other. Lots of sex and growth ensues! “What are you doing?” Wyatt rumbled softly. Adam retracted his hands and then froze, holding his breath. “Were you touching me?” Wyatt asked. “It-it was an accident, I was just, uh shif ting around, and—“ “Uh huh. Hmmm little buddy,” Wyatt slurred and then reached over to Adam. “What are we gonna do with you, hmm?” the big man rumbled and then reached for Adam. Adam tried to back up but was already on the edge of the bed. Wyatt’s huge arms wrapped Adam up like he was tackling him, and then the big lineman pulled Adam closer into a tight, warm, fleshy embrace. Wyatt squeezed Adam into a bear hug and pressed Adam’s face against his chest. “Yeah come here little guy,” Wyatt whispered. “Damn, you’re so skinny,” he said and humped his waist forward, rubbing the titanic bulge in his shorts against Adam’s stiffy. “Yeah, I thought so,” Wyatt hummed as he rubbed his bulge against Adam’s. “You like big guys, don’t you?” Wyatt asked as he squeezed Adam harder. “Y-yes,” Adam grunted as the most beautiful man he’d ever seen ground his giant body against him. “I’m sorry, you’re just so BIG and I, I, I just wanted to see what it felt like, and—“ “Shhhhh, little guy, you’re in luck. As it turns out, I love skinny little guys like you,” Wyatt breathed as he moved his lips closer to Adam. Adam could taste the beer on Wyatt’s lips as they kissed, their tongues wrestling, Wyatt’s thicker lips and mouth dominating Adam’s. They kissed for what seemed like forever to Adam until Wyatt pulled away. “How’s that, little freshman?” Wyatt said with a grin. Adam was speechless and just sighed in relief and pleasure. Wyatt’s huge left hand explored Adam’s skinny frame, reaching lower, running over Adam’s ribs and hips until he felt the meaty handfuls of his kicker’s bubble butt. “Ohhhh fuck yeah,” Wyatt rumbled as he felt Adam’s perfect, round ass. His huge paw took handful and squeezed, his fingers sneaking into the crack of Adam’s ass. Adam returned by rubbing his hands hungrily all over Wyatt’s chest, shoulders, and arms, feeling every inch of bulky muscle packed on the college senior. Wyatt tensed and flexed his muscles to show the power he had over the diminutive kicker. “You like that? All that muscle? You wanna feel?” Wyatt rumbled as he shifted his weight and pinned Adam on his back. “You like all this size?” Wyatt said as he straddled Adam and flexed his big arms, 22” of thick power, exposed hairy pits radiating his jock BO stink into the room. “Oh fuck yeah, ever since the first day I saw you at practice I couldn’t believe how big you were, fucking huge,” Adam breathed as he reached up and rubbed Wyatt’s huge belly, which was pressing down on him. “Aww yeah, the first time I saw you I knew I watched your skinny little ass, couldn’t wait to stretch you out on my thick cock,” Wyatt drawled as he pressed his hard bulging cock against Adam’s shorts, knocking on the door to Adam’s thigh hole. “Oh fuck, yeah, big man, do whatever you want to me, so much bigger and stronger than me, do it,” Adam whispered and Wyatt growled in response. The big man stood up at the end of the bed, shucked his shorts, and then spat into the palm of his hand. He reached down and started stroking himself, his dick 8 inches long and nearly as thick, a huge red mushroom head slick and hard. His pecs and arms and traps tensed as he pumped his cock harder, his huge thighs fighting for space against his swelling balls. He was hairless, totally smooth and sweaty, slick and glistening in the moonlight filtering in through the blinds. Adam ripped the sheets and covers off the bed and got in position, stretching his flexible legs over his shoulders and spreading himself wide. “Aww fuck yeah Adam, such a furry hole, look at that, perfect fucking, ooooh yeah,” Wyatt growled as he slipped a slick finger inside Adam and rubbed it around. “Gonna stretch you out SO good bro, you’re gonna be feeling it for days, I promise. Most guys can’t take my cock… can you?” Wyatt said as loosened up Adam while staring right into Adam’s brown eyes. Adam just groaned and moaned louder, the big lineman’s fingers already making him feel things I had never felt before. He looked up at the monster jock towered over him, thick muscles tensing, lineman gut jiggling slightly, swollen cock throbbing and leaking. “Yeah here it comes bud, get ready,” Wyatt whispered as he got back onto the bed, the mattress shifting and groaning as his 360lb bulk straddled the little kicker and he pushed his cock relentlessly inside. Adam groaned and Wyatt clamped a huge hand down over Adam’s mouth, silencing him. “Shhh bud we can’t have the rest of the team hear us,” Wyatt growled as he pushed his cock in even deeper. “Ohhhhh fuck yeah,” Wyatt whispered as he pushed in all the way up his balls. Adam could feel the big tight balls pressing against his ass. He looked up at his enormous buddy with his mouth agape, then nodded for more. Wyatt slowly pulled his cock out right up to the ridge of his mushroom head and then slammed back in with a grunt, like he was slamming into someone on the football field. “Uuunnnnnggggg,” Adam said as quietly as he could, still shocked that this was happening. The huge lineman grabbed Adam’s ankles and held them in place as he thrust in and out of Adam. “Oh my god bud you got SUCH a tight hole for me to fuck, don’t you,” Wyatt rumbled as he set Adam’s ankles on his shelf-like shoulders and pecs. “So fucking tight for my big thick dick, huh” Wyatt said as he increased the pace of his fucking. “Uhhnnnngggg yeah big guy, fuck me, fuck me Wyatt, holy shit, so big!” Adam said as Wyatt rode him, pounding in harder and harder, all 360lbs of his bulk crashing into him. “YEAH fucking right so huge, gonna grow more and more too huh, big fuckin’ monster jock pounding you GOOD,” Wyatt breathed as his lips and mouth tensed. He pounded away relentlessly, slamming his heavy bulk into Adam’s tight hole, stretching it, ruining it, sending shockwaves of pleasure through Adam’s entire body. Minutes went by with the only sound being Adam’s muffled groans, Wyatt’s determined growls, and college jock beef slamming together. Wyatt’s eyes squinted together and he twitched. “Feels so good, big top pounding his little freshmen kicker, hell YES,” Wyatt boomed and his face contorted in a tight expression as he exploded into Adam. Adam felt the heat of his lineman buddy filling him up, making him feel complete for the first time in his life, felt pressure surging inside. Wyatt groaned and grunted and pulled out, cum dribbling onto the sheets of the bed as he stood again at the end of the bed, his huge thick red cock bobbing and dripping onto the floor. “Your turn now, little guy,” Wyatt rumbled and he climbed back on top of Adam, this time at a different angle. “What, what are you, whoooooooooaaaaaaaa,” Adam breathed as Wyatt slurped up his rock-hard cock into his mouth. It did not take long for Adam to explode into Wyatt’s mouth and for the hungry jock to slurp up every drop of Adam’s seed. “Mmmm nothing like a midnight snack,” Wyatt grinned as he scooted forward until he was laying next to Adam once again. “Come here, little guy, you’re all mine now,” Wyatt said as he wrapped his huge, strong arms around the kicker and pulled him in until he was spooning him. “Wyatt, that was amazing,” Adam said as he felt the warm breath of the senior blowing against the back of his head. “Shhh little guy, just go to sleep now and let me wrap you up,” Wyatt said as he squeezed Adam in his arms. “I got you now.” Adam just smiled, euphoria still tingling up his spine and ass from being freshly fucked, and they both drifted off to sleep. -- Adam woke up still being gripped tightly by Wyatt’s huge arms. Massive scarred-up forearms seemed to cover most of his torso, and Wyatt’s beefy pecs pressed against Adam’s back and neck uncomfortably. Adam shifted and wriggled a bit, trying to escape Wyatt’s grip, but found that he couldn’t. It was enough to rouse the sleeping giant though. “Hey there little guy, good morning,” Wyatt purred, his deep voice sounding soft. “Well, that was fun last night huh?” he asked as he squeezed Adam from behind again. “Uh huh, it was… incredible!” Adam said and pushed himself against Wyatt harder, his ass pressed up against Wyatt’s morning wood. Wyatt shifted away from Adam and reached his arms up to stretch. His huge body stretched longer than the length of the bed and his arms actually bumped against the headboard. Annoyed, Wyatt grunted and stood, looking a bit… different. “Whoa, what the… is the room smaller than I remembered?” Wyatt asked, reaching up to scratch his chest. Adam turned to look at the beefy lineman and his jaw drawed. Wyatt was noticeably bigger. Several inches taller and much more muscular, he looked more like a professional wrestler or strongman competitor than a chunky offensive lineman. He still had an ample belly and soft extra padding, but he looked harder, bulker, bulgier, more muscular everywhere. “W-Wyatt… you… are you bigger??” Adam asked in confusing as he scrambled out of bed to compare his own size to Wyatt. Wyatt waddled over to the bathroom, his heavy steps shaking the entire room, and looked in the mirror. Adam turned the light on, and Wyatt took a deep breath and drew himself up to his full height. “Well holy shit, I’m DEFINITELY bigger than last night! What the fuck,” the big senior rumbled, his voice deeper too. “I look fuckin’ AWESOME!” he said and he raised his right arm up to flex. His huge bicep exploded with thick, round muscle, a vein throbbing down the center of it. “How the fuck did this…happen!?” Adam stammered as he snuck around Wyatt—who had completely eclipsed Adam from the mirror—and started exploring every inch of beef on Wyatt’s huge body. “I don’t know, bud, but I feel amazing… I’m gotta be almost a foot taller than you and at least 100lbs bigger,” Wyatt said as he flexed every way he knew… he tensed his traps, which merged with his bull neck, he brought his fists together and saw his pecs pulse with thick powerful muscle, he shook his thighs and watched the massive quads solidify into rock-hard beef as he flexed. Wyatt’s huge cock throbbed and stiffened up fast, poking out into a raging boner as he watched himself flex and watched his little buddy worship his growing body. He turned to Adam, grabbed underneath the kicker’s arms and lifted him up, and made out ferociously for over a minute. “Oh fuck yeah, this is bigger too!” Wyatt purred as he reached down to squeeze his cock after detaching from Adam and letting him down to the ground. “You wanna get down there and take care of that for me?” he growled. “Yes sir!” Adam dropped to his knees and opened wide, stuffing Wyatt’s swelling cock into his mouth. Wyatt groaned and wrapped one enormous hand around Adam’s skull, pushing his cock in deeper as he started thrusting rhythmically. Wyatt looked in the mirror, a skinny little twink on his knees choking on his massive cock, a gigantic football monster staring back at him, packed with more size and muscle than he ever let himself dream of having. He flexed his arm and tried kissing it, but there was too much trap and delt meat in the way for him to reach. He moaned and blew his load down Adam’s throat. Adam sucked down all he could and then fell back onto his ass. He looked up at Wyatt towering over him, a huge muscular giant, his body swollen with muscle and fat, and he grinned. “Now it’s my turn!” Adam huffed and he held his hands up for Wyatt. Wyatt reached down and effortlessly lifted the 150lb kicker into his arms and carried him over to the bed. “That’s right little bud, I need more of that sweet cream of yours. This big boy is hungry!” Wyatt boomed and then threw Adam onto the bed from several feet away. Adam scrambled and fell on the bed and was quickly pinned down by Wyatt’s huge bulk. The heavy lineman crushed him until 450+ pounds of muscular football jock, smearing post-cum all over Adam’s chest and flat stomach. “You’re so little, and I’m so BIG, damn we make a perfect pair, huh?” Wyatt rumbled as he grabbed Adam from underneath, pulled him up, and then slurped up the kicker’s comparatively smaller cock. Adam lasted even less time than last night as he watched the giant football stud bob his head back and forth over as he sucked Adam’s dick. How as this real? Adam wondered but ultimately couldn’t think straight as the pleasure radiating through his body. He exploded into Wyatt’s mouth after only a few seconds. Wyatt greedily slurped up every drop, sucking hard to make sure he didn’t miss one, and then stood up. This time the results were more immediate. Wyatt felt a pleasing warmth radiating through his body, starting in his stomach and then pulsing out from there like a furnace. He grunted and groaned and he felt his muscles cramp and tense involuntarily. He winced, took a deep breath and stretched his arms up, and then let out a huge sigh. As he did, his entire body exploded with size. He surged up several inches, his body grew thicker and wider, his muscle ballooned harder and rounder. He took another deep breath, deeper this time, and then groaned, growing and growing right in front of Adam. Wyatt’s arms bumped against the ceiling as he grew, past seven feet tall, the floor creaking under his exploding weight. “Holy shit, Adam, look at this!” Wyatt boomed as he exploded with more size, growing and growing into the biggest damn football player that’s ever existed. He swelled up to strongman size, then powerlifter size, then BIGGER, his body bulging with hard muscle, his gut round and jiggly still but with turtleshell abs swelling underneath. His arms stuck out to his sides as his arms and lats fought for space, and his traps and shoulders blew up taller and wider. He adjusted as his weight as his thighs ballooned thicker, rubbing against each other awkwardly. His calves bulged with more size, absurdly huge and matched only by his huge feet. His cock throbbed hard again, over a foot long now and thick as a beer can. His piss slit flared angrily and the big mushroom head glistened red. Wyatt felt the surge of energy subside and brought his arms together in a most muscular pose for Adam, his massive chest bulging with muscle. “FUCK YEAH!” he roared. His whole body was slick with sweat, and he seemed to shine in the morning light. Wyatt went to the mirror and grunted and growled and laughed as he looked over the changes to his huge body. He looked over at the doorway to the toilet and laughed; there was no way he was fitting in there now. Adam appeared at his side, nestling in under his sweaty, rank armpit. The little guy only came up to Wyatt’s nipples now, and his eyes were even with the top of Wyatt’s huge round belly. “Well, little buddy, whatever’s in your spunk has a pretty powerful effect on me, I’d say!” Wyatt rumbled as he pulled his little boyfriend next to him and squeezed him in a friendly headlock. “I sure am glad we got paired to room together!” Wyatt said. He shifted Adam around and reached under the kicker’s arms and lifted him up; it was even easier now than just minutes before. He pulled him close and kissed Adam aggressively, pressing the little freshman’s body against his gigantic one in a huge bear hug. After a minute, they finally detached, precum from Adam’s leaking cock smeared against Wyatt’s gut. “Me too, big guy… me too!” Adam said with a grin and they kept making out, their cocks throbbing against one another, ready for another round of growth.
  4. spacevlad

    Away Game: Chapter 1

    Hey everybody! I got inspired and finally wrote this idea that I've been playing with in my head for years and years. Many of us have had those crushes in our youths that we just couldn't touch but always wanted to if only we could get in the right situation. For me, I had major crushes on some guys on the football team when I was in college, and I look back and wish I could have just touched them, if not more. This story is an attempt to explore that idea. Adam is a scrawny freshman kicker for a small college in Minnesota. The smallest guy on the team, he doesn't fit in real well and feels pretty awkward around the other, bigger players. On a road trip to an away game, Adam gets paired to room with Wyatt, the biggest offensive lineman on the team, a hulking senior. In chapter one, they get to know each other and Adam tries to control his desire in the tight space of their hotel bed. Adam lurched in his seat as the rickety old school bus trundled down a bumpy road somewhere in rural Minnesota. He was squeezed in next to the window beside one of the wide receivers as the bus sped north towards their away game. It wasn’t until tomorrow, but because it started at noon the team had decided to spend the night at a cheap hotel on Friday to make sure everyone was fresh. Adam was a scrawny freshmen, the backup kicker for a small liberal arts school that happened to have a pretty decent football program. They weren’t D1 or anything, but the team was still filled with athletes, guys who had done well in high school and were good enough to play in college. Most of the other guys on the team were big, 220lb+ and built, lean, fast, muscular, but Adam wasn’t really any of those things. Sure he could aim the ball with uncanny consistency, which had earned him a partial scholarship and all-state honorable mention last year, but Adam was not really athletic. Just 150lb and 5’7”, he was easily the smallest guy on the team and didn’t really feel like he fit in. The bus was hot and musty, and the weather was unseasonably warm and humid for September in Minnesota. The bus was filled to the brim with oversized college jock bros who were loudly talking, playing music, and carrying on. Adam tried to ignore it and pressed his headphones on a little tighter. Finally the bus pulled in to the parking lot of the crappy little hotel they would staying at for the night. It was already sunset outside, and everyone was eager to get off the bus but before they could, coach stood up and yelled for everyone’s attention. He explained that there were only 30 rooms to go around, so people were randomly assigned a roommate for the two nights they were staying. Adam gulped. He didn’t know most of the guys on the team and he still felt pretty insecure about being around so many other big guys he didn’t know. It didn’t help that he had a crush on one player in particular… “Adam!” Coach bellowed and Adam perked up in his seat. “You’re with Wyatt!” People chuckled and hollered at this, and Adam blushed. He turned to look and saw Wyatt looking back at him, grinning. Wyatt was the biggest guy on the team by far; pairing him and Adam together must have been some sort of sick cosmic joke. Adam sunk down in his chair as the rest of the team filed off the bus. Adam slumped his heavy bag down on the floor of the room as he filed in. He was carrying not only his normal luggage but also all his football gear. Admittedly his gear was lighter and smaller than most, but it was still a heavy load. He looked around the room and cringed. It was small and dingy, like it hadn’t been updated since the 80s, with an old TV and cramped bathroom. And… “One bed!?” Adam groaned to himself. There wasn’t much room on the floor to sleep either. Would he have to… share!? Suddenly a shadow engulfed Adam as the light from the doorway was blocked. He turned and Wyatt was filling up the entire doorway. Wyatt was a senior offensive lineman and easily the biggest guy on the entire team. He was 6’1” and at least 360lbs, or so Adam had heard, with a bulky mix of lumpy, thick muscle and a generous distribution of fat. He was wearing a sweat-stained tanktop and blue mesh basketball shorts; his pasty, huge arms were slick with sweat as he lugged his considerably bigger bags in his hands. The weight from his bags made his enormous round delts twitch with muscle; his biceps exploded with muscle as he hefted the bags in front of him and entered the room. “Hey, you Adam?” Wyatt rumbled in a deep but soft voice as he threw his bags next to Adam’s. “Man, you ARE a little guy!” Wyatt laughed. Adam blushed, embarrassed. Wyatt extended a hand. “I’m Wyatt,” he said. “I-I know,” Adam stammered awkwardly as he extended his hand. Wyatt’s engulfed Adam’s completely, and Adam felt the thick, calloused hand squeeze his own until he winced. “Guess we’re roomies, huh?” Wyatt said as he bumped past Adam, his enormous round gut and shelf-like pecs brushing past Adam’s arm. A wave of musky BO sweat followed Wyatt as he passed. “You’re a freshman, right?” he said as he went into the bathroom. Adam marveled as the size of Wyatt’s enormous round ass, wide and powerful, and the spread of his huge back. He watched as Wyatt awkwardly squeezed into the little bathroom, his back wider than the door, his giant shoulders brushing against the frame roughly. “Y-yeah, the backup kicker. You’re a senior, right?” Adam said timidly. A loud stream of piss poured into the toilet as Wyatt dropped trow with the door open and relieved himself. “Yup. I saw you practicing the other day, you’re pretty good!” Wyatt said. Adam was taken aback. The big senior had noticed him? “Uh, thanks man, just something I’ve always been good at,” Adam said as Wyatt flushed the toilet. Adam sat the bed. Wyatt waddled back into the room, his big thighs rubbing together as he walked. He stepped up to Adam and towered over him. “Well it’s good to have you on the team, hopefully I can help set you up for some points tomorrow,” Wyatt said with a genuine smile. He had narrow, green eyes, black hair, and a sharp high and tight haircut. A wispy mustache and chin hair was all the facial hair he could grow, and Adam guessed that Wyatt was probably smooth and hairless under his tight tanktop. Wyatt’s exposed arms were huge, easily over 20” around and solid with hard muscle. His chest stuck out like a shelf, heavy pecs heaving up and down as he breathed, stretching the straps of his tank top until they were taut between his traps and chest. Adam gulped a little and felt his cock chub up as the handsome guy three times his size complimented him. “Th-thanks big guy. Uh, I’ve seen you around too, kinda hard to miss the biggest guy on the team,” Adam said. He couldn’t help but comment on Wyatt’s size. “Heh, yeah that’s me, always trying to get as big as possible. This isn’t nearly big enough to me, I’d love to start pushing 400lb by the end of the year if I can,” Wyatt said, looking off into the distance and flexing a bit. His forearms and upper arms bulged with mass and his traps rose to engulf his neck. “B-bigger!?” Adam blurted. “You’re already like three times my size!” “Heh, well, we’ll see,” Wyatt said and he sat down on the bed too, his soft belly jiggling slightly as he did. It creaked ominously and leaned towards Wyatt’s side. “I don’t want to intimidate any teammates now,” he said and nudged Adam roughly, pushing him off the bed. Wyatt boomed a jovial laugh and extended a hand to help Adam up. “Oops, sorry little guy! Guess I underestimated just how light you are!” Adam was shocked as just how easily Wyatt’s mass had displaced him. “Well with power like that you might intimidate people more than you think!” Adam said with a smile. He noticed just how thick and bulky Wyatt’s legs were from down on the floor, and gulped as the size of Wyatt’s huge feet before he stood up again. “I try to save it for the field,” Wyatt said. “I actually try to be extra nice and approachable outside of football…people tend to be kind of scared of me because of my size,” Wyatt explained. “I can see that, I’ll admit I was kind of nervous when they said we were gonna room together,” Adam admitted. “Oh really? Don’t be, man, it’s all good. Seniors gotta take care of their freshmen, right? We’re all on the same team,” Wyatt as he rose to his full height. He patted Adam on the shoulder roughly. “Besides, I’m a lineman, it’s my job to protect you,” Wyatt said with a smile. “Heh, yeah that’s true!” Adam chuckled nervously. “H-have you always been big?” “Oh yeah, growing up I was always the biggest kid in class, way taller and heavier than everyone. I grew up on a farm, so kind of got that cornfed diet and functional strength from doing chores. I was kind of a fat kid growing up but then I discovered weights and football in high school and here I am,” Wyatt said as he shifted his bulk from side to side. “It’s fun being the biggest!” Adam nodded and then looked over to their single queen-sized bed. “So, uh, I guess I’m taking the floor and you can have the bed?” Adam said nervously. “Naw, the bed is plenty big enough for both of us, I don’t want you on the floor the night before a game!” Wyatt rumbled and moved over to where his bag was sitting. “I mean, obviously I’m gonna take up more room than you, but you can squeeze on there, you’re a small guy,” Wyatt said as he looked Adam up and down with an expression that Adam couldn’t quite figure out. “You’ll be right up next to me.” Adam noticed Wyatt’s enormous bulge in his tight basketball shorts shifting around. “O-ok if you insist, big guy,” Adam said. “Mmm big guy, I always like when people call me that!” Wyatt laughed. He lifted his shoulder pads up out of his bag and set them down on the bed, causing the bed to bounce a little. “Jesus, those are so big!” Adam blurted. “Heh, yeah they had to custom order those for me. Already getting a little tight compared to earlier this season though, the bulk I’m on right now is working great! Put on 10lbs in the last three weeks!” Wyatt said excitedly as he unpacked the rest of his gear. “The school cafeteria is always good for me,” he said patting his gut. “Gotta have them gainz, right?” “Heh, yeah, right, gainz!” Adam chuckled nervously as the big lineman took up more space with his gear. “Let’s go get some food before it gets any later,” Wyatt said as his huge belly rumbled. “I’m starving!” -- Adam and Wyatt had spent more of the evening watching ESPN on the crappy hotel TV and getting to know each other. They talked about they each got into football, what Wyatt’s gym routine was like, foods they liked, and so on. The AC in the room was on full blast but it was still pretty warm, so both guys were in bed without shirts on. Eventually they turned the TV and stared at their phones for a while as it got later. Adam laid next to Wyatt in bed, tense and nervous. Wyatt’s wide frame spread to take up most of the bed, and Adam was clinging to an edge. It didn’t help that Wyatt’s heavy weight made the mattress sink down; Adam had to make sure he didn’t roll towards the middle of the bed and against Wyatt. Adam had to focus to contain the rising pressure in his pajama pants as he tried not to look too much at the bulky behemoth laying next to him. Wyatt was shirtless and hadn’t showered, so his smell permeated the room. He also radiated heat, a massive meaty furnace just inches from Adam. “Alright bud, I’m gonna sleep now. See you tomorrow,” Wyatt said as he turned off his phone and set it on his night stand. He shifted around in bed until his back was turned to Adam. He looked like a huge wall or mountain next to him, taking up 3/4ths of the bed. “O-ok Wyatt, goodnight,” Adam said nervously. Adam tried to lay as still as he could until he heard Wyatt starting to snore and breath evenly. Adam couldn’t sleep. He was raging hard; he couldn’t believe the guy he had such a massive crush on was right next to him, shirtless, sleeping, snoring. Adam could feel the heat and smell the musk radiating off of him, inviting Adam in. Adam couldn’t help but reach out and touch Wyatt’s big back. He was hot to the touch, his thick body soft but solid at the same time. He touched Wyatt’s traps, feeling their hardness and thickness, and then moved his hand up and over Wyatt’s massive boulder shoulder. Adam risked giving it a little squeeze and shuttered as he felt the hardness of the bulky muscle. He moved his arm across Wyatt’s upper arm, feeling the bulk of his huge thick triceps and running his fingers over the curve of Wyatt’s round bicep. Adam groaned softly and arched his back, his cock throbbing. He leaned closer to Wyatt’s sleeping form and breathed in his warm, heavy, musky scent. He couldn’t believe this fantasy was coming true. Suddenly Wyatt shifted, turning around to sleep on his other side, and Adam quickly retracted his hand and went still again. Wyatt settled with his face towards Adam, his chubby round cheeks looking soft as he snored and breathed on Adam. Wyatt’s breath was minty and fresh, and his lips were pouty and soft, with just a bit of a mustache and goatee framing them. His pecs were pressed together as he layed on his side, showing the enormous bulk of chest. He snored louder as he drifted off to deeper sleep, a deep rumbling growl that made his huge chest rise and fall, and Adam knew he wasn’t going to get much sleep that night. He thought about reaching out to touch the lineman’s meaty chest, moving his hand just over it, but couldn’t muster the courage to do it. He didn’t want to wake him and make things awkward. Instead Adam pulled a pillow around his head to try to block out the snoring and tried to go to sleep. -- The next day the game went just fine. Adam didn’t actually play, as he was just the backup, but he had fun watching Wyatt flatten the opposition and move people around easily with his huge bulk and tremendous strength. He had never noticed the way Wyatt really controlled the offense, because he had been so focused on the ball before. The only problem was that it was brutally hot, the hottest day this late in the year Adam could ever remember, and everyone was a sweaty soaking mess by the time they were done. After the game, the team had a post-game meeting, dinner, and then all went out to a movie, and Wyatt mostly stuck with his linemen buddies and Adam kept to himself. Adam sometimes caught Wyatt looking over at him and he would nod or look away awkwardly. Did Wyatt know that Adam touched him last night? What if he had told everyone else on the team? Adam was anxious and self-conscious the entire day. Finally, Adam headed back to his hotel room. It was dark by the time all planned activities were done. Wyatt had gone over to a friend’s hotel room after the movie, so Adam was alone. They weren’t leaving until the following morning, so he just had to wait around. He decided to go to bed early, but was awoken at 11:30pm by Wyatt bursting into the room. “Adam! You should have gone along with me tonight, bud,” Wyatt slurred as he stumbled into the room and slammed the door louder than he probably meant to. “Derrick somehow got a couple cases of beer and we were all playing Cards Against Humanity,” he rumbled as he sat on the bed and slipped off his huge shoes. “I-I didn’t know I was invited,” Adam said quietly, and Wyatt turned and stood up. “Of course you are, little guy! You’re my friend now, so you’re always invited,” Wyatt said as he looked down at Adam, who was shirtless and laying in bed. “Hey why is it so hot in here?” Wyatt said as he started trying to strip his shirt off. “The AC broke,” Adam explained as he watched Wyatt wrestling with his Underarmour compression shirt. “It’s, uh, gonna be kind of a warm one I think,” Adam said but his attention was fixed on the giant lineman exposing his enormous sweaty torso. Wyatt finally slipped the shirt off and stood shirtless and sweaty in the middle of the room. He then proceeded to awkwardly step out of his grey athletic shorts, leaving only skin-tight white compression shorts that left little to the imagination. “Ahh, that’s better!” the big lineman boomed as he approached the bed. “W-what are you wearing?” Adam said, shocked that his crush was about to get into bed wearing nothing but compression shorts. “The only thing that fits me,” Wyatt said. “My boys need plenty of room, as does my ass and thighs, so the stretchy stuff is what I wear. Now scoot over, short stuff, make way for the big guy!” he said before crashing down onto the bed. The mattress squealed dramatically, and Wyatt partially squashed Adam. “Whoa, jeez, Wyatt, aren’t you gonna shower first?” Adam said as he wrinkled his nose as the sweat-soaked behemoth pressed against him, smearing sweat all over his arm. “You’re gross!” “I never shower after games, it’s bad luck and I kind of like the football pad smell,” Wyatt grumbled as he pressed against Adam harder. “Deal with it, little guy!” Wyatt’s beer breath wafted over Adam as he pressed against him. “Jeez, how much did you have to drink?” Adam asked as Wyatt’s sweaty frame soaked the sheets. “Enough for even someone my size to feel it!” Wyatt said and then burped loudly. “Jesus… that’s gonna be tougher if you get bigger like you said you want,” Adam said nervously as he scooted over to the edge of the bed again. “Mmmm yeah but it’s worth it. Bigger… I wish I was so big I took up the entire bed,” Wyatt said sleepily. “Yeah, well, it would take you even more to get drunk then… Wyatt?” Adam asked as he shook the big man’s shoulder. Wyatt was out like a light. Adam didn’t move, realizing that his crush was pumped up, sweaty, drunk, and laying just inches from him. He couldn’t decide if he had the best or worst luck in the world, and let his eyes explore the giant football stud. Adam’s cock swelled to life as he watched Wyatt breath, watched his muscles twitch whenever he shifted in weight or twitched in his sleep, and he couldn’t help but want more. He reached out again, hesitating at first and just hovering his hand over Wyatt’s pale skin. This was wrong! But he couldn’t help it… his lust was too strong. This time Adam reached for Wyatt’s heavy smooth pecs and front shoulders. He scooted closer, close enough to feel Wyatt’s breath, and pressed his lean legs against Wyatt’s thick tree trunks. Adam sighed and ran a finger over Wyatt’s meaty nipple, then ran his hand down across Wyatt’s huge, perfect belly. He rubbed it in circles and jiggled the chub at the bottom. Wyatt’s BO scent filled his senses and Adam’s cock throbbed harder. “What are you doing?” Wyatt rumbled softly. Adam retracted his hands and then froze, holding his breath. “Were you touching me?” Wyatt asked.
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