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Jake was fuming. Fuck Amber. Fuck Brad. Fuck them all. So he liked dominating. So what? Some people like submitting. Luke was flooded with endorphins, his sperm confirmed his brain was awash in dopamine, he felt pleasure and sexual arousal when Jake commanded him. So what was wrong with that? Two consenting adults. Sure, he roughed him up a bit at the start, but there’s nothing stopping him from leaving, ending it.

There was no real danger, why was everyone overreacting? And why couldn’t Amber understand? He was nothing like those filthy scum. He would never keep anyone against their will, or rape them, or kill anyone. He might hurt his toys now and then, but they were always free to leave if they didn’t like it. He could stop it at any time.

“Luke, what is your safe phrase?”

“Safe phrase, sir?”

“You know, a phrase that tells me you’ve had enough, you want out, we’ve gone beyond your limits, beyond what you feel comfortable with.”

“I don’t have one, sir. At least, not with you. There is no out, there is no enough, there are no limits. My discomfort is irrelevant. I am yours to do with as you please. You command, I obey. No questions, no delays.”

“Sam, you can tell me.”

“Exactly what I just said. This is not something you just pick and choose. I am yours, wholeheartedly, forever. There’s no going back from that. If you choose to punish me, hurt me, damage me, then it’s my role to take that. If you choose to give me pleasure, then I will accept that gratefully. But I have no say in the matter. No option to refuse. No way to back out.”

“Just so we’re clear - and I’m only ever going to say this once - I’m not keeping you against your will, you are free to leave at any time, to end this arrangement.”

“No, you are not. But, no, I am not. I have committed myself to you. We are bonded now. You are my alpha, now and forever.”

Jake’s deep gravely groan expressed his pleasure and arousal. His cock swelled, diamond hard, his pre soaking into his boxer briefs. He was forever the alpha, the master, in charge, dominant, as things should be.

“Luke, until I say otherwise, you are free to use your initiative to please me. You may speak unbidden, if it relates to you wanting to please me.”

Luke beamed, “Thank you sir. I hope I will live up to your expectations, and expect punishment if I don’t.”

Jake was driving, so Luke’s options were ostensibly limited. He straddled Jake, careful not to obscure his vision, or obstruct his arm from changing gears. He nibbled on his earlobe, kissing down his neck, playfully biting his trap. He nuzzled into his neck, his tongue licking his prominent Adam’s apple, enjoying the feel of it bobbing up and down as he swallowed.

He felt Jake’s erection poking into his taint. He adjusted his hips and the angle of his pelvis so that his cock was poking into his crack, and he flexed and relaxed his glutes, massaging the glans. Jake groaned. Luke’s own cock masted as he pleasured his alpha, and altered the angle of his hips and pelvis again, their bulges meeting and pressing into one another. He flexed his cock, which twitched and bounced against Jake’s, eliciting groans of pleasure.

He opened Jake’s shirt, exposing his outrageous torso, a work of art, a marble statue, a Graeco-Roman god. As he continued the frottage, rubbing his bulge against Jake’s, he used his tongue to trace along the deep cleft between his perfectly squared off pecs, circling around to his nipples, nibbling, sucking, licking, creating waves of pleasure in his alpha emanating from his cock and nipples, suffusing his entire body.

Jake orgasmed, without cumming, pleased with Luke’s ministrations. He reached into Luke’s pants, wrapping his powerful hand around Luke’s dick and squeezed, hard. Luke groaned in pleasure and pain. “You’ve done well. We’ll have to start your arousal training. I don’t want you getting hard or cumming unless I allow it.” He squeezed harder, the pain increasing, pleasure decreasing.

“Y-ye-yes, sir. I will obey.”

“You will. One way or another.”


HE had a dilemma. Amber wanted to restart their project, to cut off Jake’s ability. But HE was now business partners with Jake, a large part of which would rely on his ability. If they cut Jake off, they would lose out on substantial profits.

But Amber’s suspicions were very troubling. If Jake had indeed abused his abilities as she suspected, that was very serious indeed. HE did not believe the ability could be used to force someone to do something they did not want to do, but if there was even a tiny spark there, HE suspected it could be used to fan the spark and ignite behaviours and traits that the subject normally wouldn’t exhibit, perhaps even taking over their entire psyche. If Jake had done that, abused someone so thoroughly, so wholly, then they absolutely could not allow that to continue, or to spread.

HE messaged Brad and Amber.

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14 minutes ago, Ro20316 said:

Jake has issues. Its unbeliaveable he doest realised what he is doing with Sam. He is blaming Amber's trauma and it might be right in one hand but on the other the  way he acts torwards Sam when he is Luke is really problematic. It goes beyond the sexual part. He refered to himself as a God in a preview chapter and given his condition he feels he is entitle to. He says Sam submitted to him willingly but im sure he reasured that submission when they were fking his darker side taking a hold of him.

Brad was right to tell him off so far he is the one that Jake listen the most and im sure Brad wont hesitate if he has to teach Jake a lesson.


You HAVE been looking at my notes! :D

Jake is slowly spiralling out of control, and Brad is probably the only one that can reign him in. How that will happen...

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Jake messaged Diego: “Be at mine asap.”

Diego: “15 away.”

Jake’s already hard cock swelled further. Diego was already half way his, his domination of Diego sexually had him permanently aroused in his presence, Jake suspected he just needed a bit of a prod, like Sam did, and Diego would be his.

He pulled the beast into the driveway and they went inside, waiting for Diego to arrive.


Diego had just finished his shift when he got the message from Jake. He horned up. No doubt Sam – no, not Sam, Luke – Luke would be there too. He rubbed his bulge. Jake’s domination was so complete, so total, so overwhelming, Luke would do anything Jake commanded of him. It was fucking hot.

Diego did not bother changing out of his uniform, but jumped straight into his car and headed to Jake’s.


“Mr Rodriguez, come in.”

Diego was not surprised to see Luke greet him at the door.

He was surprised to see Jake virtually naked, sitting only in his boxer briefs - his tented boxer briefs; surprised, and pleased, aroused.

“Diego, welcome.”


Jake stood, and stalked over to his latest prey. He slammed Diego against the wall, and kissed him, violently, aggressively, his knee pressing into Diego’s groin.

Diego groaned in pleasure and pain, Jake’s knee painful against his stiffening cock, and crushing his balls.

Jake whispered in his ear, “You’re MINE Rodriguez,” as he increased pressure with his knee.

Diego’s pleasure plummeted as Jake increased the pressure, and his pain increased.

“Jake, ungh, that hurts. You’re crushing my balls.”

“That’s the idea.”

Diego tried to push Jake off him, but Jake would not budge. He increased the pressure on Diego’s balls. Sweat popped up on Diego’s brow. “Jake, get the fuck off me.”

Jake smiled, a cruel, twisted smile. “I don’t think so.” He pressed harder.

Diego was in real pain, now, his balls being crushed. He reached for his baton and smashed the end into Jake’s solar plexus. Jake doubled over, winded. The pressure released from Diego’s testicles, and he felt instant relief.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?”

Jake was still doubled over, though his breath was returning. He stood up. “Nothing is wrong with me, I’m just claiming my property.”

“I don’t think so, mate. I’m not really into the whole master/slave schtick.”

“Oh, but I am. And I’m not asking. You’ve been mine ever since I nearly impaled you with those batons. And it’s time I stamped my claim.”

“Mate, I’m not some young kid you can bully into playing your twisted games. I said fuck off, not interested.”

“Nobody was asking whether you are interested.” Jake launched at him, but Diego was ready, expecting an attack. He smashed Jake across the arm with the baton, hard enough to break some men’s bones, then followed up with a crack against his shins, dropping him to his knees.

Jake laughed! “A challenge, good. It’ll make my eventual domination all the sweeter, more arousing.”

Jake launched at him again, this time landing a crushing blow to Diego’s jaw that stunned him long enough for Jake to press the advantage. Jake was behind him, Diego’s arms pinned behind his back, Jake’s torso crushing them into Diego’s back. Diego felt Jake’s substantial cock poking into his back, swelling and hardening even further as Jake dominated. “You are already mine. The sooner you accept that, the easier it will be for you.”

Diego smashed Jake with a reverse head-butt, causing Jake to stumble back and release Diego’s arms. Diego tackled him to the ground, straddling him and landing blow after blow against Jake’s flank, his head, his torso. But Diego was no match for Jake. Jake escaped from under Diego, and mounted him from the back, his massive arm choking Diego and bringing him down on top of Jake. Jake squeezed harder, his forearms and biceps flexing, growing, pumping, as he constricted Diego’s carotid arteries. Rivers of veins exploded along Jake’s arm as Diego tried to pull Jake’s arm free, and Jake flexed to maintain the pressure. He increased the flex, his biceps and forearm belly pressing into Diego’s neck, cutting off blood flow to his brain. Diego stood no chance. He blacked out, the last thing he felt was Jake’s massive cock bouncing and poking him as it pumped out a massive load of cum.


Diego came to slowly. He was sitting in a chair, naked. His legs were cuffed to the chair, his arms being pinned back by Sam, the awkward angle meaning Diego had no chance to free himself. “Sam, let me go.” There was no response, no reaction.

“Sam, I am your superior officer and I am ordering you to release me.” Nothing.

“If you don’t release me immediately, you will be written up and expelled from the force.”

“He won’t listen to you. Luke has learned his place, unlike you.” Jake was still wearing the same boxer briefs, a large wet patch where he’d cummed overpowering Diego.

“You’re out of your fucking mind. It was hot when you were having a little fun, exerting dominance against a willing participant, but this is beyond the pale.”

“It’s certainly hot, and a bit of fun. I’m certainly enjoying myself,” he grabbed his bulge, emphasising how much he was enjoying himself. “You will submit to me. You are already mine. The only questions are how long it takes, and how much pain you’re willing to endure.”

Jake punched Diego in the balls, the flash of pain overwhelming Diego’s senses - he saw nothing but white, heard nothing, and felt nothing but agony, and a rising wave of nausea. He bent over as far as Sam would allow him and vomited. Jake laughed. “It doesn’t have to be this way. All you have to do is admit you are mine, submit to me. Accept your place.”

Diego spat, “Fuck off you psycho!”

Jake shook his head, “I was hoping I wouldn’t need to use this.” The electric crackle of the stun baton cause sweat to break out on Diego’s forehead. “I took this from those filthy scum, in case it would come in handy. And, today, I think it will come in very handy.” He pressed the end of the baton into Diego’s quad, and activated it. Diego screamed as his quad cramped powerfully due to the electric arc, his entire leg bent unnaturally, his quad flexed and swollen to massive proportions.

He handed the baton to Luke, who released Diego’s arms - he was still stunned and in pain from the attack on his quad, there was no danger of him attacking. “Luke, show Diego what happens to toys that disobey me.”

Luke dropped his pants, took his cock in one hand, the baton in the other. He pressed the baton to his shaft and activated it.

Diego recoiled in horror. It was one thing to have a sex slave. Role play was fun, ordering around a slave was arousing. This. This was something else entirely. This was not fun, not healthy, not normal.

Luke struggled not to scream, as the baton continued its electric crackle against his cock. Jake watched, impassively.

“STOP IT! STOP!” Diego screamed. He couldn’t take any more.

Jake smiled. “Luke, stop.” He lowered the baton, his cock showing burn marks where the two electrodes were pressed into the sensitive skin.

“Are you ready to submit?”

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Woao. Jake has crossed so many lines. He raped Diego and now has him captured agains his will, those alone are big charges and i doubt they will be so willing to let it pass. He has become the guys that raped Amber and the girls seeking pleasure outa someone's pain.

I hope Diego doesnt cave to Jake sick wishes and he keeps on fighting. He is a big guy himself and he wont let someone beats him. Even Sam has to realised how dangerous Jake has become.


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“He’s totally out of his mind. Out of control. You should have seen him, he ordered Sam to point a loaded gun at this head like it was nothing.”

“Well, that’s not evidence that he’s been abusing his ability,” HE said.

“No? Who willingly points a loaded gun to their head if they’re not suicidal, just because someone else says so?”

She had a point. “Brad, thoughts?”

“There’s definitely something off about him, that I can say for sure. He’s… different, somehow, but I can’t put my finger on it. I don’t think it’s the hormones - well, not just the hormones. He’s gone berserk on crazy levels of T before, but that felt different. I can’t really explain it, but I sense something is wrong.”

It was all very troubling. “The question is, what do we do about it? At the moment, we have no way to reverse the effect, to undo the ability. We can continue to work on it, but there’s no guarantee we’ll ever come up with a solution, or even if we do, it could take months or years.”

Nobody had an answer for HIM.


“Sam, please!”

“Luke, my new toy needs more of a demonstration.”

Luke took off his top, and pressed the baton into his nipple, the electrodes on either side of the nipple. He activated it, and his entire upper torso flexed and writhed as the muscles cramped. Despite his efforts, he screamed in pain, but did not deactivate the baton.

“You see, toy, Luke has learned his place. Is willing to even accept searing pain for his master, his alpha. For me.” Jake spoke quietly, like the sizzling, the arcing, the blood curdling screams were not happening.

Diego could smell searing flesh. “STOP! STOP!”


The arcing stopped, a small tendril of smoke rising up from around Luke’s nipple, hideous burn marks where the electrodes pressed into the flesh.

Jake was smiling! Diego felt sick, and not just from the continual nausea from the residual pain in his testicles. What was wrong with Jake? This was not normal. Jake rubbed his bulge, his cock impossibly hard. He was enjoying the proof of his absolute control, absolute dominance, over Luke.

“Well, toy? Do you accept your inferiority? Your role? Your destiny?”

Diego would never submit, but how to stop Sam from hurting himself. Diego could not believe he was so far brainwashed that he was willing to hurt himself, maim himself, for his ‘alpha’ to cruelly repeat the process on someone else.

Jake punched him in the gut, causing Diego to vomit, triggering his nausea again. Jake punched him again. And again. And again. And again. Diego’s entire torso was on fire, he flexed his core as much as he could to absorb the blows, resist, but Jake was strong, his punches powerful, technical, bruising, crushing, painful. The more blows that were landed, the less Diego was able to withstand.

Jake motioned to Luke, “Stand him up.” Luke stood up Diego and pinned his arms back. Jake used Diego’s sagging balls like a speedball, Diego initially groaning in pain, but the pain quickly became so intense, he stopped feeling any pain and, eventually, passed out. His brain protecting him from the searing, intense pain.

Jake’s cock was granite. He took this opportunity to cum over Diego, aiming some ropes into his slack-jawed mouth. As he set his swimmers to work, his cock hardened again, he was ready to blow again almost immediately.


Diego awoke, his testicles swollen and on fire. They throbbed with his heartbeat, intense, searing pain with each beat.

“I can take away your pain,” he said, as he stroked his cock. It seemed even bigger, swollen harder, “let me give you a taste.”

Diego marvelled as the pain and discomfort melted away, replaced with a feeling of well-being, euphoria, virility and power. Jake’s cock spurted pre.

“I can also make you wish you were never born.” Diego screamed as his entire body felt like it was on fire, from his toes through to his head, every fibre of his being was roasting in intense flames, the pain everywhere, all at once. Just as it began, the pain subsided. “So, you see, I have complete control over my property. I control how you feel. I control whether you’re aroused,” to his shock and horror, Diego’s cock started swelling, rising up and hardening more than he had ever felt it harden before. It was painfully hard, and painfully pleasurable. “I can give you endless pleasure, or endless pain.”

“Luke, help my new toy with his arousal.” Luke dropped to his knees, and took Diego’s cock in his mouth. Diego gasped and shivered. His cock was ultra sensitive. He’d never felt such pleasure before, and Luke hadn’t even started, all he’d done was put his dick in his mouth. Diego groaned, despite his best efforts, it was just so fucking GOOD. Luke began expertly sucking his cock, his tongue dancing all over the surface, flicking his meatus, licking his fraenulum. Diego was ready to explode when, suddenly, he lost all sensation, and his cock deflated.

"Luke, enough," Jake smiled, “I can take away your arousal, just as I can stimulate it.” Diego’s cock exploded in size, from flaccid to rock hard in an instant, pre pouring from his tip. He felt stimulating sensations from within his cock, and felt his prostate being stimulated from within. He could hold back no longer, and blew the biggest, longest, most satisfying load of his entire life, his entire body quivering and shaking with arousal and desire. He breathed heavily, his pupils dilated, his body flooded with endorphins and dopamine.

Before he’d even finished cumming, while still riding the orgasmic high, he felt another wave of orgasm, his cock pumping out another load, his entire body tingling with pleasure. Diego groaned. Jake smiled. “Infinite pleasure, infinite pain, the choice is yours.”

“I submit, master. I am yours to do with as you please.”

Jake’s cock exploded, handsfree, pumping his cum in huge arcs all over his latest toy. His orgasm mind-blowing. He stood, his cock still pumping cum, and inserted his pumping cock in his new toy’s mouth, the toy sucking greedily, hungrily.

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1 hour ago, kauri said:

.... man this is getting a little too dark for me....

There's more dark coming, probably about the same level, but I haven't written it yet, so can't promise anything. I think, if you've made it this far, you'll probably be right through to the end.


14 minutes ago, portamivia said:

Hmmmm I like dark… 😜

Me too. I had to step away before the very end, otherwise... well, you know.

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He rewarded his new toy in the short term with a surge of more dopamine and endorphins. In the longer term, he ramped up his hormonal profile, masses of free testosterone would begin surging through his system, with optimised hormonal profiles to build masses of dense, vascular muscle, and supra-normal strength.

His toys would all be super men, powerful, virile, strong, and massive, packed with dense, striated vascular muscle, pumping out litres of cum at will. His will, of course. Never let it be said that he was not a benevolent master.

While he adjusted his toy’s hormones, he also adjusted his own. His promise to Brad be damned. What the fuck did Brad know, anyway? He dialled the intensity up of every change to more than double its highest previous setting. He wanted to pile on the muscle, to be jacked as fuck, to be stronger than even Brad. His cock swelled as he anticipated the sweet, sweet feeling of torrents of free testosterone pumping and surging through his veins.

He stroked his new toy’s hair as he continued milking his cock dry, groaning happily as Jake’s cock swelled and delivered a continuous stream of his pre, the world’s sweetest nectar. Jake’s explosive cumshot and orgasm as Diego had said the magic words were - well, he didn’t have a description for how good it felt to break him. To own him. To have him as his plaything.

“Toy, you need a name. Luke, what do you think?”

“Whatever you wish, master.”

“I asked you for YOUR opinion.”

Luke trembled. Master was unhappy. He raised the baton and pressed it to his abdomen, activating it. His body writhed in pain, his screams of agony reverberating throughout the room. He stopped, panting.

“I am sorry, master. I think he looks like a Cesar, sir.”

“Hmm, Cesar? What do you think toy?”

Diego stopped suckling on Jake’s cock long enough to say, “Cesar approves, master.”Jake’s cock somehow surged even larger in Cesar’s mouth, gouts of pre pumping, Cesar greedily sucking up his master’s ambrosia.

While Jake basked in his victory, in the back of his mind, he wanted more. He wanted a constant link to his toys, so he could reward them, punish them, at will. He needed to find a way for his sperm not to be killed, but to be nurtured and nourished by his toys, maintaining the link, forever cementing his control.

Cesar groaned as Jake’s cock flexed and twitched in his mouth as he imagined being able to inflict pain, grant pleasure, even make them cum, at will, torrents of pre pouring from the tip. Cesar suckled greedily, happily, the endorphins and dopamine reinforcing the positive feedback, strengthening Jake’s hold over him.


Jake’s entire body was pumped, erect, veins bursting up from his skin. Every inch of his skin was hyper sensitive, sending powerful shocks of pleasure, causing pre to spurt from his cock. His cock leaked pre continuously, its massive tumescence tingling with virility, with power, the inundation of testosterone increasing its sensitivity, its hardness, new veins snaking along the shaft, feeding it with more power, more testosterone.

His balls were swollen, aching, throbbing in time with his heartbeat as they struggled to produce the flood of testosterone that Jake demanded of them. He cupped them with his hand, and gasped, just that simple movement sending ripples of pleasure throughout his body. They were heaving and roiling, effervescing with the effort needed to produce the testosterone Jake demanded. He smiled, they were bigger and heavier, becoming more powerful, more capable, as he pushed their limits.

He looked at his arm, a massive network of veins branching down from his biceps. The veins WERE more prominent, already, and, as he flexed his forearm, he could see new tributaries were forming, new feathering, the largest hose-like veins expanding even larger. He orgasmed, allowing himself to cum, the feelings beyond anything he’d ever experienced before. Even the orgasm as he’d broken Cesar paled in comparison, and that was the pinnacle thus far.

His toys greedily lapped up his cum, taking turns to suck the remnants directly from his cock. Jake smiled cruelly as they guzzled his cum, they would be the first to experience his hyper-sperm, sperm that evaded the host’s immune system, sperm that would live in the brain forever, giving Jake direct, immediate access to his toys’ brains, to their pleasure, to their pain, to their selves. He would be able to control them as he controlled himself, truly his, forever.

He groaned as his cock pumped out more cum, his tweaking continuing until he found the right mix of changes. Until he would be unstoppable.

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Yikes… Jake has totally lost himself now and will soon have a veritable hoard of slaves bound to his will. Jake is redefining what it means to be power mad. 

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