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Muscle Lads, Inc.


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“So, how’s Nick’s training going?”

“Alf - you’ve got to keep your arms up,” Jason orders. “The paint will rub off on your sides otherwise.” 

I do as he says and lift my arms up again. I’m at Jason’s house, standing in his bathtub with my back to him as he finishes rubbing the bright green paint into the back of my legs. He’s already done my upper body. We’re leaving my face for last.

“Yeah, Nick’s doing well. His body’s really responsive. Which I knew it would be. He’s really starting to dry out.”

“I know he’s been having night sweats.” 

“He actually hasn’t really been talking about the downsides too much. I think he feels like he shouldn’t be complaining to me 'cause I’ll be disappointed in him. Like it would make him a bad student or something."

I let out a short laugh. “Yep. That sounds like Nick. I keep meaning to ask - because I’m on Team Fox, do I just automatically get a ticket to the show?”

“And why would you think that?” Jason asks, dryly.

I twist my head and look down at him.

“Arms up!” he orders.

“I thought you always sat with the guys on Team Fox at shows?”

“Only the guys I like.”

“Ooooh, so I’m sitting right next to you then? For free?” 

Jason lets out a loud sigh. “I’ll sort you out a ticket.”

“Thanks, daddy. Your new fiance won’t get jealous?”

Jason doesn’t respond. I smirk to myself. “How old IS your new fiance? I mean … I think of YOU as a daddy. But he’s a daddy daddy. He’s like a super daddy.”

“Is there an off button back here?” 

I laugh.

“He’s forty-three.”

“A super DUPER daddy.”

Jason moves on to my calves. I’m still facing one of the bathroom walls. “Jase …” I begin, my stomach tightening. “Have you ever watched … RuPaul’s Drag Race?”

“Erm. I've seen bits of it,” he replies. “Why?”

I swallow hard. “I’m just … not sure I understand it. Like ... men dressing up like women. And then … you know, getting on stage to sing and stuff.”

Jason takes his hands off my calves. “Are you actually being serious?”

My stomach pulls. Have I said the wrong thing? I look down at Jason.

“Oh, you ARE being serious!” Jason says. He clears his throat. “Well, I’m not like an expert on drag but I think a lot of guys do it because it allows them to express themselves.”


“And to lean into their feminine side. To play with gender rules. It’s performance art at the end of the day. Why are you asking me about this?"

I swallow hard. Should I tell Jason that a couple of weeks ago I saw my dad on stage in a pub fully dressed up like a woman with absolutely no prior idea that he occasionally doubles up as a drag queen called Vera Monsoon? I've never really said much to Jason about my dad. He doesn't know that my dad is gay and that's the reason he left us when I was really young. And why I grew up without a dad being around very much. And why my mum was an absolute mess for so long.

"Does Curtis do drag?"

For some reason, that makes me smile. "Nah."

“Okay, I’m done with the legs. Turn around.”

I spin around to the view of my reflection in Jason’s bathroom mirror and beam. Because I look SO fucking good. I’m painted bright green from the neck down. Just like The Hulk. To top it all off, I’m wearing a pair of cut-off denim shorts Jason has lent me. A rush of excitement courses through me as I think about what I’m about to do today. Something I’ve been excited to do since I started putting the plan into action after I saw Curtis at the weekend.

“Shit,” I exclaim. “What if they don’t let me in the school?” I ask Jason.

Jason screws his face up. “Why wouldn’t they let you in?”

“Ummm. Cause I’m a strange man turning up to a school half-naked?”

“They’re expecting you though, aren’t they?” he says.

I mischievously grin. “Nope! I haven’t told Curtis I’m coming. It’s a surprise.”

Jason smirks and rolls his eyes before instructing me to climb out of the bath and sit down on the edge so he can apply the final paint to my face.

“I can’t wait to post pictures of me like this to Instagram.”

Jason groans. “So THAT’S the reason you’re doing this?”

I laugh. “No!” I protest.

"You need to close your eyes,” he says, before continuing to carefully apply the paint to my face.

“Is there a gay fetish for this type of thing? Bodybuilders dressed as superheroes?”

Jason doesn't respond. I sneakily open one eye to see him giving me that tired, disapproving smirk he always does. 

“Close your eyes!”

“Are my DM’s about to go crazy with superhero-loving gay geeks? Like I need another reason for guys to fancy me.”

Jason sighs. “Yes, Alfie. Because you’re SO irresistible to gay guys.”

“I mean, I kind of am.” I gasp. “You have it, don’t you? The superhero fetish. Are you turned on right now?”

I open my eyes to see him giving me a look. “Alfie - at no point have you ever turned me on.”

My mouth drops open. “Are you serious?”

He’s looking at me wide-eyed. 

“But … I’m Alfie Winters.”

“And I’m Jason fucking Fox. And I’m not into gobshite twentysomethings. No matter how big their arms, pecs and arses are.”

I grin uncontrollably. 

“Plus, you know. I can do better,” he teases, with a grin. “You’ve seen my boyfriend.”

“Yep. I’ve also seen the film Cocoon.” I gasp. “Wait - you just used the word boyfriend!”

“For the last time, close your eyes!” he orders.

“Jason’s got a boyfriend,” I playfully sing.

“You’re SO annoying.”

“I turn Nick on,” I say, grinning. “AND Curtis!”

Jason doesn't respond. There's a pause which feels a little awkward. Then Jason clears his throat. “That’s not why you hang out with him, is it?”

My chest tightens and I open my eyes. Something flickers across Jason’s face. Like he’s realised what he just said.

“No,” I say, taken aback.

“Okay,” Jason says. “Just … I think you should be careful.”

My stomach pulls. “Why?” (I think I know why.)

“Because I think it’s a bit more than him just fancying you. He came to my birthday meal, remember? And … I saw the way he was with you.”

“Like what?”

Jason gives me a look like it’s obvious. “Come on, Alf. He clearly likes you.”

My stomach feels weird. I mean … I kinda know Curtis likes me. I KNOW that. But hearing Jason say the words out loud. 

“I mean, even what you’re doing today. This big grand gesture. Going to his school. Surprising him.”

“I’m doing that for his student though. Not for Curtis.”

Jason pulls a face. I close my eyes again as he rubs the paint into my forehead. “Anyway - Curtis knows what the deal is though. He knows I'm straight. And anyway … your birthday meal was before I set him and Nick up on a date. Curtis likes Nick now.”

“That’s good,” Jason says lightly, but he doesn't sound convinced.

“Yep. They got on REALLY WELL. Apparently.” I’m surprised by the tone of my voice.

“That’s ace. They make a cute couple.”

I feel a pulling in my stomach. I'm glad I've got my eyes closed.

“But … this Nick thing is new. And he’s known you for a while,” Jason says. (Technically that’s not true.) “And people just don't switch off their feelings for other people.”

Jason’s words are going through my head as we set out to the school Curtis teaches at in Jason’s car. But the closer we get to our destination, the less I think about Jason's concerns and the more excitement I feel at the thought of what I’m about to embark on. At the thought of Curtis’ reaction when he sees me dressed in nothing but short, cut-off denim shorts and trainers with the rest of my body painted bright green.

By the time I get to the school, I’m buzzing. I feel such a fucking rush as I leave Jason and walk into the building dressed as The Hulk. My big pecs, pumped arms and blocky abs on display. Why have I never done any sort of cosplay like this before? This could be a whole new venture for me.

When the woman on reception sees me her mouth drops open in surprise. “Oh, that is brilliant!” she exclaims, as I walk up to her. “Is Mr Mayhew expecting you?” She’s so warm and nice. Also … Mr Mayhew! You mean, ickle adorable ever blushing Curtis whom I gifted a pair of shiny golden posers to last weekend?

“Erm … actually no. I’m kind of surprising him?”

She laughs and excitedly tells me to hang on for a moment. She calls for someone called Mrs Green, who bursts out laughing when she sees me. The two of them take turns to have photos taken with me and it’s pretty much the best reaction I could have hoped for. Then Mrs Green leads me through some corridors and I text Jason to assure him I haven’t been arrested.

“Wait there,” she tells me as we reach a classroom door I presume Curtis is on the other side of. I feel like I'm about to burst with excitement as I hear her announce to the class they have a new surprise superhero guest for the party. I can not wait to see Curtis’ face when he sees me.

Mrs Green comes back and excitedly ushers me in. My stomach somersaults as I walk through the door. And then I feel a sharp panic when I look at the class before me. I knew this was a school for kids with special needs and disabilities but I’m a little taken aback at just how many kids are in wheelchairs. I have a sudden fear that I might have gotten in over my head.

And then I see Curtis looking kind of adorable with a golden crown on his head and a red cape draped around his shoulders and that fear just washes away. He's gawping at me with his mouth wide open. Like he can’t believe what’s in front of him. And then a boy next to him gasps and puts his hands over his mouth in such a cute and comical way.

“Look, Toby," Mrs Green exclaims. "We have a real-life Incredible Hulk.”

Curtis looks like he's about to say something as I walk up to them but no words come out. His mouth curls into a big grin as I reach out. 

“Is this the birthday boy?” I say, walking up to them. 

Curtis' eyes go down to my torso. He lets out a shocked little laugh. “This is Toby,” Curtis says, putting his hand on his shoulder.

“Happy Birthday, Toby.”

“You’re like a real-life superhero!”

I exchange smiles with Curtis. Then I do a little growl and flex the biceps in my right arm. The look on Toby’s face is priceless. I can tell how happy and excited he is that someone rocked up to his birthday dressed as The Hulk. And I caused that. That’s because of ME! This mix of adrenaline and warmth rushes through me. 

I suddenly notice Curtis is wearing a skirt over his trousers. He’s basically just put a skirt and cape over his normal clothes.

“Is this your costume?” I ask, screwing my face up.

Curtis looks down. “Yeah?” he says with a smirk.

“You’re, like, the worst Wonder Woman ever.”

Curtis’ mouth drops open and Toby bursts out laughing at his expense. And now me and Curtis are just grinning at each other. A moment passes between us. The way Curtis is looking at me. I can tell how much this means to him.

“How are The Hulk’s drawing skills?”

“Better than the world’s worst Wonder Woman’s.”

Toby’s laughing again and the three of us sit down and I’m handed some crayons. I look across the classroom to see Mrs Green smiling at us affectionately. There’s so much warmth and joy in this room. I can see why Curtis likes doing this job.

“I don’t think this chair is designed for bodybuilders. What are we drawing?”

“Superheroes,” Curtis tells him.

“Duh!” Toby says, which makes me laugh.

“I think I want to have muscles like yours when I’m older,” Toby says. 

Me and Curtis grin at each other. “It takes a lot of hard work!” I tell him. “And you have to eat a lot of food.”

“And you have to wear lots of novelty socks,” Curtis tells him.

“That’s true," I say, grinning at Curtis. "That’s a very important one.”

“I think I want to be taller than you though,” Toby says.

I let out a shocked laugh. “Savage!” 

Toby whispers something to Curtis. “Toby wants to ask you a question.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want YOU to hear it,” he says to Curtis.

“Cover your ears, Mr Mayhew,” I tease.

Toby comes close to my ear and in a mischievous tone which is neither very quiet nor discrete says, “Are you Mr Mayhew’s boyfriend?”

My mouth hangs open. I’m not sure what to say.  “Toby!” Curtis says, in an authoritative tone. “Alfie’s just a good friend.”

Curtis suddenly looks embarrassed. I briefly lock eyes with him for a moment and his mouth curls into a shy little grin before we both go back to our drawings.

“How’s The Hulk’s picture coming on?” Curtis asks, after a while.

“Almost done,” I say. “What do you think, Toby?” I ask, a few minutes later, passing him my drawing. 

Toby bursts out laughing when he sees it. I’ve drawn Curtis in his cape, skirt and crown and written “THE WORLD’S WORST WONDER WOMAN” at the top. I’ve changed the colour of his jumper to yellow and put an arrow towards it with the words “yellow woolly jumper” next to it. 

“Mr Mayhew’s jumpers green, though.”

Curtis narrows his eyes when he looks at the picture before grinning wildly. “There’s one thing you need to know about Alfie. He THINKS he’s some kind of comedian. But he’s not. Anyway, I’VE drawn the world’s shortest Hulk.”

“Alfie has a name, you know,” Toby jokes. Me and Curtis burst out laughing and the three of us are all laughing together.

“Can Alfie come back tomorrow?”

My heart expands and Curtis gives me a warm grin. “No, Tobe. Alfie has a job. This is just a one-off for your birthday.”

Toby lets out a disappointed groan and Curtis ruffles his hair and gives me a knowing grin. Something pinches in my chest. Seeing him like this at his job. He seems different. More mature, I guess. I suddenly feel this overwhelming tug of affection for Curtis Mayhew. I’m so glad I did this.

After about an hour, Jason texts me to let me know he’s parked outside the school again. When I stand up from the tiny chair I've been sitting on, Curtis orders Toby to thank me for coming. Then Toby throws his arms around my waist and gives me a big hug, my heart feels like it's about to burst.

Curtis agrees to see me out of the school. After I've waved goodbye to Mrs Green and the rest of the class, Curtis closes the classroom door and the two of us walk through the corridor.

“I … can’t believe you did this!" he gushes. "I think you’ve just made Toby’s year.”

I shrug. “I’ve always had this thing where I wanted to dress up like The Hulk. Jason helped me out. The denim shorts are his. I think that means he’s a bit of a slut.”

Curtis grins. “You’re wearing them well.”

I say goodbye to the woman on reception as we pass her and Curtis walks me out of the building.

“Do you think I could persuade Jason to film a video of me posing like this in the town centre?”

Curtis grins and bites his lower lip. 

“Seriously though. Thank you for doing this,” he says as the two of us come to a halt outside.

"No worries. World's worst Wonder Woman!"

Curtis laughs. And now the two of us are just looking at each other and smiling. I feel an overwhelming urge to hug him. It's weird though, because we hugged each other the first time we met at that tube station in London and it didn’t feel strange or awkward. But now, for some reason, the idea of hugging Curtis makes me feel kind of nervous. Maybe it’s because we know each other better now?

"Well, I better ..."

Curtis bites his lips and nods.

"I'll look out for the Instagram posts," he teases.

I’m buzzing about the whole experience all the way back home. I keep thinking about Toby’s face and reaction. And Curtis’ face when he first saw me. How surprised he was. How much it clearly meant to him that I'd gone to the effort of dressing up like The Hulk and dropping by the school unannounced. Even just seeing Curtis in that classroom. Surrounded by all of his students who clearly adore him, just doing what he loves. 

I’m thinking all of this as I open the front door to the flat and walk in. But then I stop dead in my tracks in the hallway. Because I can hear voices in Nick’s room. What is Nick doing home at this time in the afternoon? Maybe he came back for lunch. His office is only a fifteen-minute walk away from here. But there’s another voice in his room too. A man’s voice. What the hell?

I quietly close the front door and make my way to the kitchen. Nick has a guy in his room and my first thought is - what about Curtis? Maybe it’s just a mate, but I just get this sense that it’s not. And then I hear Nick’s bedroom door opening. And I hear voices again. I quietly creep to the side of the kitchen door and peek out so I have a view of the hallway and front door at the end of it. Nick’s half-dressed and kissing a man who is now leaving.

Wait - I know that guy. And then it hits me and my stomach violently lurches. Because the guy who Nick is kissing, half-naked is fucking Andy. The guy who Jason Fox has been seeing. The guy we all met at his birthday meal the other weekend. The guy Jason referred to as his “boyfriend” just a few hours ago.

I hear Andy leave and the front door closing. Without even thinking, I step into the doorway of the kitchen. Nick spins around and stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. His face goes white as a sheet. 

“What the fuck, Nick?”

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When Curtis and Alfie are together you can just hear their hearts thumping for each other.  Only great writing can do that.  Alfie, wake up already and un-repress that urge for a cute muscle-worshiping guy like Curtis.  We just know that they've got to get it on - eventually.  And Alfie, get real about your dad as well.  I think this is all leading to us reading about some major Alfie-revelations coming up soon. 

Looking forward also to reading how Alfie blasts Nick for fooling around with Andy, who also needs to get taught a thing or two about what he's doing.  



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1 hour ago, DennisFLL said:

When Curtis and Alfie are together you can just hear their hearts thumping for each other.  Only great writing can do that.

1) Yes, I 100%-ly agree. 

2) I really love that description lol

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15 hours ago, muscleaddict said:



“So, how’s Nick’s training going?”

“Alf - you’ve got to keep your arms up,” Jason orders. “The paint will rub off on your sides otherwise.” 

I do as he says and lift my arms up again. I’m at Jason’s house, standing in his bathtub with my back to him as he finishes rubbing the bright green paint into the back of my legs. He’s already done my upper body. We’re leaving my face for last.

“Yeah, Nick’s doing well. His body’s really responsive. Which I knew it would be. He’s really starting to dry out.”

“I know he’s been having night sweats.” 

“He actually hasn’t really been talking about the downsides too much. I think he feels like he shouldn’t be complaining to me 'cause I’ll be disappointed in him. Like it would make him a bad student or something."

I let out a short laugh. “Yep. That sounds like Nick. I keep meaning to ask - because I’m on Team Fox, do I just automatically get a ticket to the show?”

“And why would you think that?” Jason asks, dryly.

I twist my head and look down at him.

“Arms up!” he orders.

“I thought you always sat with the guys on Team Fox at shows?”

“Only the guys I like.”

“Ooooh, so I’m sitting right next to you then? For free?” 

Jason lets out a loud sigh. “I’ll sort you out a ticket.”

“Thanks, daddy. Your new fiance won’t get jealous?”

Jason doesn’t respond. I smirk to myself. “How old IS your new fiance? I mean … I think of YOU as a daddy. But he’s a daddy daddy. He’s like a super daddy.”

“Is there an off button back here?” 

I laugh.

“He’s forty-three.”

“A super DUPER daddy.”

Jason moves on to my calves. I’m still facing one of the bathroom walls. “Jase …” I begin, my stomach tightening. “Have you ever watched … RuPaul’s Drag Race?”

“Erm. I've seen bits of it,” he replies. “Why?”

I swallow hard. “I’m just … not sure I understand it. Like ... men dressing up like women. And then … you know, getting on stage to sing and stuff.”

Jason takes his hands off my calves. “Are you actually being serious?”

My stomach pulls. Have I said the wrong thing? I look down at Jason.

“Oh, you ARE being serious!” Jason says. He clears his throat. “Well, I’m not like an expert on drag but I think a lot of guys do it because it allows them to express themselves.”


“And to lean into their feminine side. To play with gender rules. It’s performance art at the end of the day. Why are you asking me about this?"

I swallow hard. Should I tell Jason that a couple of weeks ago I saw my dad on stage in a pub fully dressed up like a woman with absolutely no prior idea that he occasionally doubles up as a drag queen called Vera Monsoon? I've never really said much to Jason about my dad. He doesn't know that my dad is gay and that's the reason he left us when I was really young. And why I grew up without a dad being around very much. And why my mum was an absolute mess for so long.

"Does Curtis do drag?"

For some reason, that makes me smile. "Nah."

“Okay, I’m done with the legs. Turn around.”

I spin around to the view of my reflection in Jason’s bathroom mirror and beam. Because I look SO fucking good. I’m painted bright green from the neck down. Just like The Hulk. To top it all off, I’m wearing a pair of cut-off denim shorts Jason has lent me. A rush of excitement courses through me as I think about what I’m about to do today. Something I’ve been excited to do since I started putting the plan into action after I saw Curtis at the weekend.

“Shit,” I exclaim. “What if they don’t let me in the school?” I ask Jason.

Jason screws his face up. “Why wouldn’t they let you in?”

“Ummm. Cause I’m a strange man turning up to a school half-naked?”

“They’re expecting you though, aren’t they?” he says.

I mischievously grin. “Nope! I haven’t told Curtis I’m coming. It’s a surprise.”

Jason smirks and rolls his eyes before instructing me to climb out of the bath and sit down on the edge so he can apply the final paint to my face.

“I can’t wait to post pictures of me like this to Instagram.”

Jason groans. “So THAT’S the reason you’re doing this?”

I laugh. “No!” I protest.

"You need to close your eyes,” he says, before continuing to carefully apply the paint to my face.

“Is there a gay fetish for this type of thing? Bodybuilders dressed as superheroes?”

Jason doesn't respond. I sneakily open one eye to see him giving me that tired, disapproving smirk he always does. 

“Close your eyes!”

“Are my DM’s about to go crazy with superhero-loving gay geeks? Like I need another reason for guys to fancy me.”

Jason sighs. “Yes, Alfie. Because you’re SO irresistible to gay guys.”

“I mean, I kind of am.” I gasp. “You have it, don’t you? The superhero fetish. Are you turned on right now?”

I open my eyes to see him giving me a look. “Alfie - at no point have you ever turned me on.”

My mouth drops open. “Are you serious?”

He’s looking at me wide-eyed. 

“But … I’m Alfie Winters.”

“And I’m Jason fucking Fox. And I’m not into gobshite twentysomethings. No matter how big their arms, pecs and arses are.”

I grin uncontrollably. 

“Plus, you know. I can do better,” he teases, with a grin. “You’ve seen my boyfriend.”

“Yep. I’ve also seen the film Cocoon.” I gasp. “Wait - you just used the word boyfriend!”

“For the last time, close your eyes!” he orders.

“Jason’s got a boyfriend,” I playfully sing.

“You’re SO annoying.”

“I turn Nick on,” I say, grinning. “AND Curtis!”

Jason doesn't respond. There's a pause which feels a little awkward. Then Jason clears his throat. “That’s not why you hang out with him, is it?”

My chest tightens and I open my eyes. Something flickers across Jason’s face. Like he’s realised what he just said.

“No,” I say, taken aback.

“Okay,” Jason says. “Just … I think you should be careful.”

My stomach pulls. “Why?” (I think I know why.)

“Because I think it’s a bit more than him just fancying you. He came to my birthday meal, remember? And … I saw the way he was with you.”

“Like what?”

Jason gives me a look like it’s obvious. “Come on, Alf. He clearly likes you.”

My stomach feels weird. I mean … I kinda know Curtis likes me. I KNOW that. But hearing Jason say the words out loud. 

“I mean, even what you’re doing today. This big grand gesture. Going to his school. Surprising him.”

“I’m doing that for his student though. Not for Curtis.”

Jason pulls a face. I close my eyes again as he rubs the paint into my forehead. “Anyway - Curtis knows what the deal is though. He knows I'm straight. And anyway … your birthday meal was before I set him and Nick up on a date. Curtis likes Nick now.”

“That’s good,” Jason says lightly, but he doesn't sound convinced.

“Yep. They got on REALLY WELL. Apparently.” I’m surprised by the tone of my voice.

“That’s ace. They make a cute couple.”

I feel a pulling in my stomach. I'm glad I've got my eyes closed.

“But … this Nick thing is new. And he’s known you for a while,” Jason says. (Technically that’s not true.) “And people just don't switch off their feelings for other people.”

Jason’s words are going through my head as we set out to the school Curtis teaches at in Jason’s car. But the closer we get to our destination, the less I think about Jason's concerns and the more excitement I feel at the thought of what I’m about to embark on. At the thought of Curtis’ reaction when he sees me dressed in nothing but short, cut-off denim shorts and trainers with the rest of my body painted bright green.

By the time I get to the school, I’m buzzing. I feel such a fucking rush as I leave Jason and walk into the building dressed as The Hulk. My big pecs, pumped arms and blocky abs on display. Why have I never done any sort of cosplay like this before? This could be a whole new venture for me.

When the woman on reception sees me her mouth drops open in surprise. “Oh, that is brilliant!” she exclaims, as I walk up to her. “Is Mr Mayhew expecting you?” She’s so warm and nice. Also … Mr Mayhew! You mean, ickle adorable ever blushing Curtis whom I gifted a pair of shiny golden posers to last weekend?

“Erm … actually no. I’m kind of surprising him?”

She laughs and excitedly tells me to hang on for a moment. She calls for someone called Mrs Green, who bursts out laughing when she sees me. The two of them take turns to have photos taken with me and it’s pretty much the best reaction I could have hoped for. Then Mrs Green leads me through some corridors and I text Jason to assure him I haven’t been arrested.

“Wait there,” she tells me as we reach a classroom door I presume Curtis is on the other side of. I feel like I'm about to burst with excitement as I hear her announce to the class they have a new surprise superhero guest for the party. I can not wait to see Curtis’ face when he sees me.

Mrs Green comes back and excitedly ushers me in. My stomach somersaults as I walk through the door. And then I feel a sharp panic when I look at the class before me. I knew this was a school for kids with special needs and disabilities but I’m a little taken aback at just how many kids are in wheelchairs. I have a sudden fear that I might have gotten in over my head.

And then I see Curtis looking kind of adorable with a golden crown on his head and a red cape draped around his shoulders and that fear just washes away. He's gawping at me with his mouth wide open. Like he can’t believe what’s in front of him. And then a boy next to him gasps and puts his hands over his mouth in such a cute and comical way.

“Look, Toby," Mrs Green exclaims. "We have a real-life Incredible Hulk.”

Curtis looks like he's about to say something as I walk up to them but no words come out. His mouth curls into a big grin as I reach out. 

“Is this the birthday boy?” I say, walking up to them. 

Curtis' eyes go down to my torso. He lets out a shocked little laugh. “This is Toby,” Curtis says, putting his hand on his shoulder.

“Happy Birthday, Toby.”

“You’re like a real-life superhero!”

I exchange smiles with Curtis. Then I do a little growl and flex the biceps in my right arm. The look on Toby’s face is priceless. I can tell how happy and excited he is that someone rocked up to his birthday dressed as The Hulk. And I caused that. That’s because of ME! This mix of adrenaline and warmth rushes through me. 

I suddenly notice Curtis is wearing a skirt over his trousers. He’s basically just put a skirt and cape over his normal clothes.

“Is this your costume?” I ask, screwing my face up.

Curtis looks down. “Yeah?” he says with a smirk.

“You’re, like, the worst Wonder Woman ever.”

Curtis’ mouth drops open and Toby bursts out laughing at his expense. And now me and Curtis are just grinning at each other. A moment passes between us. The way Curtis is looking at me. I can tell how much this means to him.

“How are The Hulk’s drawing skills?”

“Better than the world’s worst Wonder Woman’s.”

Toby’s laughing again and the three of us sit down and I’m handed some crayons. I look across the classroom to see Mrs Green smiling at us affectionately. There’s so much warmth and joy in this room. I can see why Curtis likes doing this job.

“I don’t think this chair is designed for bodybuilders. What are we drawing?”

“Superheroes,” Curtis tells him.

“Duh!” Toby says, which makes me laugh.

“I think I want to have muscles like yours when I’m older,” Toby says. 

Me and Curtis grin at each other. “It takes a lot of hard work!” I tell him. “And you have to eat a lot of food.”

“And you have to wear lots of novelty socks,” Curtis tells him.

“That’s true," I say, grinning at Curtis. "That’s a very important one.”

“I think I want to be taller than you though,” Toby says.

I let out a shocked laugh. “Savage!” 

Toby whispers something to Curtis. “Toby wants to ask you a question.”

“Yeah, but I don’t want YOU to hear it,” he says to Curtis.

“Cover your ears, Mr Mayhew,” I tease.

Toby comes close to my ear and in a mischievous tone which is neither very quiet nor discrete says, “Are you Mr Mayhew’s boyfriend?”

My mouth hangs open. I’m not sure what to say.  “Toby!” Curtis says, in an authoritative tone. “Alfie’s just a good friend.”

Curtis suddenly looks embarrassed. I briefly lock eyes with him for a moment and his mouth curls into a shy little grin before we both go back to our drawings.

“How’s The Hulk’s picture coming on?” Curtis asks, after a while.

“Almost done,” I say. “What do you think, Toby?” I ask, a few minutes later, passing him my drawing. 

Toby bursts out laughing when he sees it. I’ve drawn Curtis in his cape, skirt and crown and written “THE WORLD’S WORST WONDER WOMAN” at the top. I’ve changed the colour of his jumper to yellow and put an arrow towards it with the words “yellow woolly jumper” next to it. 

“Mr Mayhew’s jumpers green, though.”

Curtis narrows his eyes when he looks at the picture before grinning wildly. “There’s one thing you need to know about Alfie. He THINKS he’s some kind of comedian. But he’s not. Anyway, I’VE drawn the world’s shortest Hulk.”

“Alfie has a name, you know,” Toby jokes. Me and Curtis burst out laughing and the three of us are all laughing together.

“Can Alfie come back tomorrow?”

My heart expands and Curtis gives me a warm grin. “No, Tobe. Alfie has a job. This is just a one-off for your birthday.”

Toby lets out a disappointed groan and Curtis ruffles his hair and gives me a knowing grin. Something pinches in my chest. Seeing him like this at his job. He seems different. More mature, I guess. I suddenly feel this overwhelming tug of affection for Curtis Mayhew. I’m so glad I did this.

After about an hour, Jason texts me to let me know he’s parked outside the school again. When I stand up from the tiny chair I've been sitting on, Curtis orders Toby to thank me for coming. Then Toby throws his arms around my waist and gives me a big hug, my heart feels like it's about to burst.

Curtis agrees to see me out of the school. After I've waved goodbye to Mrs Green and the rest of the class, Curtis closes the classroom door and the two of us walk through the corridor.

“I … can’t believe you did this!" he gushes. "I think you’ve just made Toby’s year.”

I shrug. “I’ve always had this thing where I wanted to dress up like The Hulk. Jason helped me out. The denim shorts are his. I think that means he’s a bit of a slut.”

Curtis grins. “You’re wearing them well.”

I say goodbye to the woman on reception as we pass her and Curtis walks me out of the building.

“Do you think I could persuade Jason to film a video of me posing like this in the town centre?”

Curtis grins and bites his lower lip. 

“Seriously though. Thank you for doing this,” he says as the two of us come to a halt outside.

"No worries. World's worst Wonder Woman!"

Curtis laughs. And now the two of us are just looking at each other and smiling. I feel an overwhelming urge to hug him. It's weird though, because we hugged each other the first time we met at that tube station in London and it didn’t feel strange or awkward. But now, for some reason, the idea of hugging Curtis makes me feel kind of nervous. Maybe it’s because we know each other better now?

"Well, I better ..."

Curtis bites his lips and nods.

"I'll look out for the Instagram posts," he teases.

I’m buzzing about the whole experience all the way back home. I keep thinking about Toby’s face and reaction. And Curtis’ face when he first saw me. How surprised he was. How much it clearly meant to him that I'd gone to the effort of dressing up like The Hulk and dropping by the school unannounced. Even just seeing Curtis in that classroom. Surrounded by all of his students who clearly adore him, just doing what he loves. 

I’m thinking all of this as I open the front door to the flat and walk in. But then I stop dead in my tracks in the hallway. Because I can hear voices in Nick’s room. What is Nick doing home at this time in the afternoon? Maybe he came back for lunch. His office is only a fifteen-minute walk away from here. But there’s another voice in his room too. A man’s voice. What the hell?

I quietly close the front door and make my way to the kitchen. Nick has a guy in his room and my first thought is - what about Curtis? Maybe it’s just a mate, but I just get this sense that it’s not. And then I hear Nick’s bedroom door opening. And I hear voices again. I quietly creep to the side of the kitchen door and peek out so I have a view of the hallway and front door at the end of it. Nick’s half-dressed and kissing a man who is now leaving.

Wait - I know that guy. And then it hits me and my stomach violently lurches. Because the guy who Nick is kissing, half-naked is fucking Andy. The guy who Jason Fox has been seeing. The guy we all met at his birthday meal the other weekend. The guy Jason referred to as his “boyfriend” just a few hours ago.

I hear Andy leave and the front door closing. Without even thinking, I step into the doorway of the kitchen. Nick spins around and stops dead in his tracks when he sees me. His face goes white as a sheet. 

“What the fuck, Nick?”

Ugh and I know we’re not even at the best part yet😭🫶🏼

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