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  1. ploder4

    Close Encounter Part 3 - Evolution

    I was on a roll so I made another tiny chapter. Sorry they are so small but it seems that it's easier to work with and post them. Close Encounter Part 3: Evolution "Sir, you're holding me." Ben said sofly. Sir looked at Ben with no real reaction other than a raised eye. "It seems I am. Should I not be?" "Oh no, no! I love it. But I just wonder what made you do it?" Ben asked turning to face Sir full on resting his head on the alien's huge pectoral. Sir was briefly wordless for a minute as he contemplated his action before speaking. "I don't know... I just did. It felt right." Ben smiled. "I'm glad it felt right to you." Both of them turned back to look at the ceiling for no reason than to just lay there against each other for a few minutes. "For some reason, I feel connected to you." Sir spoke out loud. "It may be the experiment but I'm not sure." "Well, we share DNA now. That may be the reason" Ben replied but refrained from speaking his thought of "I hope it's not just that but something more." "It might be." Sir guessed in response. Ben did a double take. "Did you just hear my thoughts?" Ben asked lifting his head off of Sir which caused Sir to lift himself on his elbows. "Did you not just speak it?" Sir asked. "I heard you plainly." "No, I thought it. I never said it out loud." Ben replied with a half smile before putting his hand to his head. "Are you okay? I sense there is something wrong." Sir asked, his eyes widening a bit showing his concern. "No, I'm okay. I guess that bout of wild sex took a lot out of me. Just a small headache..." Ben replied quickly. "I just need to lie down..." Ben got up quickly but wobbled causing Sir to jump up with an amazing speed to catch him. "Wow! That was some..." Ben began to clutch his head his body slowly sinking to the floor. "Ben! Are you okay?" Sir's voice resonated through the room joined with other voices and sounds. Ben began to hear it bounce around in his head like an echo chamber. "I can't hear you Sir. It's so loud." Ben muttered going into a delirium. Sir probed Ben's mind to see if he could find the answer but was soon hearing a din of static. The static sound was so loud and so sudden that Sir almost dropped Ben clutching his own head. Sir managed to disconnect himself from probing Ben's mind, picked him up, and placed him on the bed. Sir began to feel Ben's body to check for any signs of other problems. Ben's eyes shut hard suddenly and his back arched. Sir felt the muscles in Ben suddenly tense up and bulge beyond their original size. Sir bent down over Ben and looked directly at Ben's face while he put his hands to both sides of his head. "Open your eyes, Ben." Sir said out loud. Ben reacted with a dramatic shift as his body suddenly started to writhe and bulge. Ben's body began to bend and twist as his muscles grew larger. Sir opened up the mind link again. "OPEN YOUR EYES!" Sir commanded inside Ben's head as the static seared through his own mind. Ben screamed and his eyes shot open wide revealing two black orbs much like Sir's. Ben's body exploded with muscle mass as he continued in his tranformation busting through his clothing. Ben's arms blew out of the sleeves. His back tore his shirt as his lats busted out the sides. Ben's legs flexed and the fabric made a loud crack as his legs bulged out the seams. Ben's cock bulged further and furher out almost a foot before it also burst through, steel hard and throbbing angrily. Sir pushed his mind further into the static staring intently into his eyes. "Ben! Look at me. You need to focus on me. You must calm your mind. What you are hearing is all the interference of all the frequencies that I am capable of hearing." Ben was still writhing but his eyes were now locked with Sir's. Sir searched his surrounding frequencies to find something constant and steady. A ticking clock started to sound off quietly but distinctly in the static. Sir increased it's volume in his head. "Focus on the clock Ben. Hear it ticking. Focus on it." Sir commanded in Ben's head. "Think of nothing else, let the ticking be the only sound you hear." The static began to clear with the exception of the ticking clock. Sir's trick was working. "Can you hear me Ben?" Sir spoke through the ticking. Ben nodded and his body begain to calm itself. "Good. Keep focusing on the ticking and my voice." The static continued to decrease to a barely audible level. Ben was breathing hard and his eyes were less wide open. Sir released his hands from Ben's head and moved back looking at the result of the transformation. "What just happened?" Ben croaked finding his voice again. "A transformation." Sir replied now running his hands clinically up and down Ben's body. "I feel so heavy." Ben panted attempting to lift his arms. As Ben did so, he looked down at them and saw how much they changed. "Sir! I'm HUGE!" Ben looked at Sir with his wide opal eyes and smiled big. "It looks like you became a human copy of me." Sir said as he looked at Ben up and down. "You feel okay other than being heavy?" Ben's body suddenly felt charged with energy and he suddenly sat up nearly colliding with Sir's head. "I feel amazing!" Ben nearly squealed as he looked his body over, flexing his arms and pecs. Ben watched as the muscles bulged and relaxed with each movement. "This is awesome!" Sir looked at Ben still concerned. "You hear any static in your head?" "No, it's all gone." Ben replied as his hands groped his arms tracing the bulging veins. Ben suddenly jumped out of the bed nearly knocking Sir over. "I have to see myself!"
  2. This chapter is graphic in the sense of sexual activity. Sorry it's kinda short. There may be a little muscle growth in it. I hope you enjoy it. Part 2 -- Exploration -- Ben went back to sit on his bed, looking at Sir in awe as he took in the fact that he was talking to a real live alien who was somewhat close to a superhero in his opinion and was trapped here because he had used HIS DNA to enhance himself. "And my DNA helped you become this?" Ben asked. "Yes, it did." Sir responded back plainly. "Because of that, I owe you a debt of gratitude." "You owe me nothing, Sir. I am happy that my DNA has turned you into such a stud... err, mighty being for the good of your kind." Ben backtracked quickly but Sir's eyes widened a bit. "I know you use the term 'stud' when you refer to someone as appealing, especially in the sexual sense." Sir simply stated. Ben immediately turned red. "Uhm..." "Judging by your embarrassment I assume I am correct." Sir added. "Uhm..." Ben started to shake a bit. "I take that as a compliment since that is usually the intent of such a statement. Thank you." Sir said. Ben's anxiety deflating in a sigh of relief. It was then that the flood gates opened. "Do you know how really hot you look right now Sir?" Ben blurted out unabashedly. Now it was Sir's turn to jump back a bit in surprise but quickly recovered. "That is the second time you referred to me in a sexual context. I am appreciative of your positive review of me considering the circumstances I came from." Sir looked down at the floor for a brief period. Tears started to well up in his eyes. "I had friends, like you. I had a family and a life on my home planet like you. It's nothing like that now." Sir's voice suddenly took on a shaky crescendo of sorrow. "I am a giant monster to them!" Ben quickly got up and attempted to comfort the alien knowing that he is in the throes of another emotional fit. Ben also took the opportunity as a good excuse to touch Sir's massive muscled body again. "I'll be okay Sir, I think they'll come around soon enough after they have reviewed the good things you did." Ben soothed trying to say the right thing but feeling like he is gambling with his words. "You don't understand. The experiment changed my body so much to them that I became alien to them as well. My body in comparison was five times as tall as theirs and you know that I am many thousand times stronger than an entire army of them. My population reproduces asexually and by cloning. Cloning now more than ever since asexual reproduction results in many complications for the parent. Those complications are usually lethal." Sir divulged still on edge but calming down. Ben looked at the significant bulge at the alien's crotch. "And you have a cock and balls. Why is that a big deal?" "They had never seen them before. My colleagues were curious, but most found them disgusting, including the Elder Council." Sir was now calm but still looking morosely at the floor. "Then I had the urge." Ben's hands tightened against the muscled alien on the word "urge." "The urge?" Ben asked with a gulp. "Yes. What you would call masturbation." Sir said. Ben could see Sir's bulge begin to grow. "It was an amazing feeling. I touched it and sent waves up my torso and down my legs that I could never describe. It was an amazing feeling." Sir began, his head looking up and his hands slowly roaming his muscled body. "I felt my body, like I am now and felt power radiating from me, and my sex organ swelled as it is now." Ben looked down to see a significant bulge jutting out under the skimpy underwear like garment. Ben couldn't control himself any longer and began to run his hands down Sir's body tracing each massive muscle as he did. "My body was as big as their buildings, my arms were taller than my colleagues and possessed raw power thousands and thousands of times stronger than they could ever achieve." Sir continued looking up at the ceiling now. Sir began to rub his chest with one arm and flex the other into a mountainous peak of strength and power. Ben had reached Sir's abs and continued to slowly rub them up and down, breathing heavily. Ben looked down to see an enormous sex tool bulging up and outward under the fabric and it stretched thin pulling the waistband away from his chiseled stomach. "You were horny, Sir." Ben moaned as his hands continued to approach the alien's sex tool. "Yes, I was horny." Sir moaned with more lust than Ben and continued to escalate. Sir began to reach out to Ben almost by instinct and grope his body as well. "Do you trust me Sir?" Ben asked as he took his clothes off. His breath becoming heavy on the brink of the same sexual frenzy. "I am going to help you." "Yes, Ben. I trust you." Sir's body was slowly bucking the air. Ben reached down and gently cupped the massive alien balls. Sir suddenly threw his head back as his body went into a full body flex. Sir's muscles seeming to explode to twice thier original size. Ben moved his head down to lick the alien's giant bulge when the massive cock ripped free from it's confines on it's own, slapping the aliens torso with a loud thwack. The alien cock rested throbbing angrily against his chiseled abs almost reaching up to his heaving pecs. Sir moaned loudly, his cock drooling copious amounts of pre. Ben couldn't stand it any longer and attacked Sir's cock with his tongue which in turn caused the alien to arch back pushing his crotch to Ben's face harder. "OH! What is this? I feel sooooo...." Sir moaned even louder as he placed his hands on Ben's shoulders pushing him into his crotch more. Ben redoubled his efforts and continued to lick and suck before moving up and engulfing the massive alien cock head into his mouth. The heat of Ben's mouth increased Sir's frenzy. Sir bucked his hips uncontrollably against Ben's face. Ben kept up with little problem as he continued to grope the alien's balls. All of a sudden Sir arched back even further gripping Ben's head so hard it almost hurt as it was mashed against Sir. Sir's balls drew up dramatically and the throbbing shaft swelled. Ben knew it was going to be a massive load of cum. Sir screamed outside and inside Ben's head as his whole body seemed to flex harder. A torrent of alien cum rushed down Ben's throat. Each load was just as powerful as the next. Sir blew at least 20 volleys into Ben before coming down from his mind blowing climax. When Sir's grip finally loosened Ben pulled off and wiped his lips with his hand. Sir wobbled on his feet for a few steps before falling to the floor, his cock still spurting little amounts of cum on the way. "Sir! Are you okay?" Ben rushed over to the fallen alien, only to hear garbled words. Sir's body rose and fell dramatically with his heaving breaths. "Sir?" Sir turned his head to look up at Ben. A delirious smile crossed his face. Ben looked at the alien for a moment before breaking out into laughter. Sir lifted his head a bit and looked at Ben puzzled. Sir's action only caused Ben to laugh even harder. "I'm sorry Sir!" Ben breathed between laughs. "The look on your face..." Ben continued to laugh before making the delirious face back at Sir. "That's not what I looked like." Sir rebutted but starting to laugh a deep voiced chuckle himself. Ben made the face again before more laughter and Sir followed suit with another face. Ben laughter started to wain a bit as he got down on the floor and laid against the alien's solid heaving body. Sir looked back at Ben a little puzzled as to his action, but made no effort to resist. Ben turned his body to lay face up like Sir's, resting his head on the alien's near pillow sized arm. Both of them laid there looking at the ceiling, their heavy breaths lightened. It was when they were calmed down that Sir put his arm gently around Ben.
  3. Florida20

    My Twin Moves On (Chapter 12)

    I finally got around to writing a new chapter in the series. It's mostly a builder for the next chapter which (hopefully) will conclude the story. It's been a while so if anyone needs a refresher, I've posted the first 12 chapters (including this one) here in the Archive Section. I'll do my best to get the next chapter in a reasonable time. CHAPTER 12 Dr. Powers slipped by me as if he owned the room. “Shut the door,” he ordered. I obliged then turned to face him, finding the greying man standing in the middle of the room with his hands held thoughtfully behind his back. He stared at me through cold blue eyes. I returned a glare just as cold and prepared to stand my ground. The events of the previous few hours put me in no mood to be lectured by a man I could crush with one hand. Although nearing sixty by the look of his face, he was still an impressive figure by normal standards and filled out his clothes well. Silver lined his temples while a thick and neatly combed salt-pepper mix covered the rest. His eyes were a sharp and clear blue; a bombardier’s eyes that spoke of a dark intelligence within. They searched my body mechanically and with purely scientific interest. His demeanor was harsh. He stood perhaps six feet tall and could have weighed two hundred pounds. It was hard to tell exactly through the suit he was wearing. “What do you want?” I boomed and crossed my arms before me, letting my chest flair and arms swell. I was a giant compared to him: my nearly seven foot tall body bulging with muscle upon muscle capable of bending him in half. He had to sense the disparity even if his face remained flat. “Impressive,” the doctor stated mechanically as his eyes searched my frame. Once satisfied, his steely gaze shifted from my leg to my eyes. “How do you feel? Heart issues? Back pain? Joint problems? Bones feel strong? Are you urinating regularly-“ “I’m fine,” I said, a little taken aback by his choice of topics. “Good,” he said as he stepped towards me. Everything happened so fast. One second I was towering over him, his eyes level with my sternum. Then he revealed something hidden behind his back. Then there was pain. So much pain. The world rolled before my eyes. I tried to resist, to fight. Something slammed against my back. I heard a crash. Confused and dazed, I looked up to see Dr. Powers standing over me with a black metal pole in his hand. He stepped over me as I tried in vain to get up. My muscles only spasmed uselessly. “Why” dribbled from my lips. Without a word, the doctor stabbed at me with the black pole. There was a hissing sound as I was wracked with a pain double that of the first. I tried to scream but the world went black before I could open my mouth. * * * I heard voices, garbled voices, as if I were overhearing a conversation under water. My head hurt and that feeling of cotton stuffed between my ears was back in force. It was the dazed and confused feeling I’d had each time I woke up after…wait…Had I taken another pill? My heart leaped. How big was I now? Wait, that wasn’t right. This feeling was different. Something was wrong. I opened my eyes and was greeted by a blurred world. There was movement. A tall shape and a short shape. They were only dark talking blobs. And they were both taller than me…wait. No. I was looking at them from the ground. I tried to raise my head and was terrified to discover I couldn’t move it. Panic boiled in my gut. I tested my legs again, then my arms, my fingers. Nothing. I tried to yell for help but only a negligible gurgle came out. The panic cleared my mental fog like a wildfire. Dr. Powers! He’s here. He…tazed me! I tried again to move but all was in vain. All I could do was try to blink away the blur. And listen. “You need his blood, Ben,” I heard Dr. Powers’ voice say. “But the anesthesia is swimming in there too. It attacks the nervous system quickly, though, so he’ll take the brunt of it. You will likely only be put in a light sleep.” “No matter,” I heard a frail yet determined voice respond. “My god he is a specimen.” A pause. “Rick, he’s waking up!” The rising panic in the frail man’s voice was not mirrored by Powers. “Well look whose back,” he said as his slowly sharpening form moved over me. I finally blinked the blur away to reveal those cold blue eyes staring at me from above. Rage filled me as I fought against those invisible chains which bound by body. I could hear a growl begin in my gut and felt my head start to swing ever so slightly side-to-side, but that was the physical extent of my rage. Dr. Powers laughed and turned his attention to a metal pole rising from somewhere over my head. It appeared to be an IV stand and attached to it was a giant bag of clear, yellowish liquid. “Let’s just up the dose a bit,” he said as he fiddled with something out of my eyesight. I rolled my eyes down and that’s when I noticed the tubes. A half dozen were jutting out from my still massive form. Two held the clear liquid and entered in at my wrist. Four others were filled with a deep crimson liquid which could only have been my blood. Those tubes were as thick as drinking straws and erupted from the meatiest part of each arm and thigh. Suddenly my body felt cold and those invisible chains grew tighter. What limited movement I had suddenly disappeared. I looked back up at Dr. Powers and saw he was done fiddling with the IV. Now I could only stare at my captors with cold hate. As Powers finished with the IV, the second figure waited patiently from a wheelchair. He was ancient, well over eighty. He also looked incredibly familiar. He wore pressed slacks and a white, buttoned dress shirt that hung on his bony frame like a curtain. His cloudy eyes had intensity but the face they were planted in sagged like a deflated balloon. Most of his scalp was mottled with dark spots. What little hair he owned either blobbed like weeds on his brow or fell in scattered strands from scalp to his neck. He stared at me with obvious hunger. Finished with the IV, Powers turned back and stared over me, eyes searching. I looked down at my useless body. I was where I had fallen, giant legs sprawled on the floor and my torso lying on my brother’s mattress. The frame of the bed had collapsed as I fell on it and I found myself partially sitting, mostly lying on both the floor and bed. I was surprised to find that I was naked. I forced my eyes back on Dr. Powers, and found myself locked in his gaze. “You ready to give back what you borrowed?” he asked. Without a pause, he turned back to the familiar man in the wheelchair. “Come on up, Ben. Let’s get you on the bed.” As he gingerly helped the elderly man to his feet and guided him to my brother’s roommate’s bed, I wracked my brain to remember who he was. I’d seen those eyes, that face. Even the wheelchair. Whoever he was, he kept staring at me with those hungry eyes. What did he want from me? “We hoped this wouldn’t be necessary, boy,” Powers said after he laid his friend down. He then bent down a picked up four thick clear tubes. I looked back at my body and saw four similar tubes stick in each thigh and the meatiest part of each arm. A quick scan revealed that my blood-filled tubes ran into small machine before emerging empty on the other side and were now being inserted into similar parts of the old man’s body. “You’ll be okay, Ben,” he said tenderly. “When you wake up you will be a new man.” With that, he turned on the machine separating my tubes from Ben’s and suddenly the blood on my side rushed into Ben’s side and entered his body. The man groaned as his gaze held mine. Then his eyes grew heavy his breathing feeble. After a moment, they closed. I turned my attention back to Dr. Powers, who was already staring at me. “Don’t judge me, boy,” he said with a sneer. “You should be down in the Bahamas with your pretty-boy roommate. It’s not my fault you stumbled on this little secret.” He turned and started making his way around the room, which I only now realized was trashed. Every drawer was open with contents thrown haphazardly onto the floor. “I made this medication for us, but they need a young man’s body to work. Truth be told, it was your roommate who seemed the best fit for this experiment. A half dozen pills only gave me an extra twenty pounds. For Ben Fitz here they were useless. But for you…” his eyes flickered to my body. “Well, let’s say we didn’t expect them to work so well. How many did you take? Five? Six? All of them?” He didn’t wait for a response he knew I was unable to provide. How surprised would he be to discover I’d taken only one? Dr. Powers continued to search the room for any pills I’d saved. His search was interrupted as a crash shook the room and was followed by a herd of thunderous voices. Their laugher boomed through the door and their footsteps made the ground shake. My breath caught. The boys from the basement had emerged and, by the sound of things, were much bigger than the giants I’d run away from earlier today. The torrent of sound erupting from them audibly made its way down the hallway, leaving Dr. Powers in what only could be called a stupor. As the sound faded down the hall, Powers made his way to the door. He opened it and peeked towards the chaos. Upon seeing the scene out of my eyeshot, his jaw dropped. “My god,” he whispered. Without another word he gathered his things and bolted from the room, closing and locking the door behind him. Now it was only this mysterious Ben Fitz and myself, connected by some blood machine what was…what? Going to make him younger? He appeared to be the same old geezer I saw sitting in the wheelchair when I— Suddenly the memory came flooding back. Ben Fitz. The Fitz Mafia…this crusty old man was the honorary mascot of my brother’s workout group. The pieces were slowly fitting together. I felt my heart race in its paralyzed body. Dr. Powers and Dr. Fitz were the co-authors of the paper I found on gene therapy. And the tenants of this dorm were their lab rats. Both had their eyes all over this place. A groan shook me from my thoughts. Although still wispy, it was stronger than the frail and shaking voice I’d heard from Fitz so far. He was still the old man. Yet… Didn’t his shirt once sit on him like a tent? Although still oversized, there was definitely a form under that fabric; not just a skeleton with skin. Had his face filled out a bit? A gloom bubbled across my consciousness as the consequences became clear. I looked at my own body. It was still the superhuman form I’d come to expect but…was it getting smaller? As the minutes ticked by, my hunch became fact. I could feel my muscles slowly drain as my blood pumped into a growing Ben Fitz. As his chest filled the shirt and the skin on his face regained its youth, my body slowly but surely began shrinking away. I did not want to lose this body! Panic-stricken, I fought against the paralytic drug with everything I had. All I had to do was shake the IV free. More muscle draining minutes wore by with no progress. Then I heard the sagging mattress groan. It must be working. I fought harder and harder against those chemical bounds. More groaning. Shrinking or not, I was still over three hundred pounds propped against this shattered bed. A few more rocks and… Crash! The frame gave its final death cry and collapsed completely. I fell awkwardly, my entire body now lying on the floor. A quick scan sank my heart as I realized that not only was the IV still firmly attached to my wrists (and neck!), the draining tubes were as well. To make matters worse, I could no longer see Dr. Fitz. All I saw were the tell-tale tubes reaching up from the machine of the floor and disappearing over the corner of the mattress. Exhausted, paralyzed, and now blind to what was happening, I felt resignation seep into me. Minutes turned into hours and I could only watch as my crumpled body began to wither away. The definition and vascularity remained but the size mysteriously disappeared. In turn, I heard the sporadic moans escaping Ben Fitz’s mouth grow deeper and stronger. More than once, the bed groaned beneath his ever increasing weight as he stole it from me. Arms as big as a womans waist withered: 26 inches, 25, 24, 23. The sides of beef that made up my chest deflated like a balloon. The deep canyons of my 40 inch thighs grew shallow. I closed my eyes, unable to witness the slow, inevitable return to my once scrawny self. Footsteps. A familiar voice. I opened my eyes as the door knob rattled. I must have dozed off, only this time the memory of what had happened remained stuck in my brain like shards of glass. I immediately looked down at my body. Once one of the most powerful specimens on the planet, it now looked very similar to the healthy yet narrow frame I began the week with. Only now my skin seemed to hang off me and puddle around my body. Although still a body many would kill for, the sight of it only made me want to sob. All that power. Gone. Only then did I notice the giant, vascular arm hanging over the side of the bed in front of me. A striated bowling ball shoulder, an equally impressive upper arm, and a bulging forearm mapped with sinew, veins and muscle. It was Dr Fitz and he was now overflowing the bed. I could see the top of his mountainous chest when it rose with every strong, deep breaths. He was the giant now. How long had I been out? Late afternoon light beamed through the window. The doorknob rattled again, which would have made me jump had I not been paralyzed. Dr. Powers was back. Now that I was drained, I was useless to him. What would he do to me? My breath got stuck in my throat as the door opened. An impressive figure strolled into the room but it wasn't Dr. Powers. It was my brother.
  4. Here is the first part, The Extreme Makeover: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2699-the-extreme-makeovermy-best-friends-party/ Groaning as he feels the liquids flowing through him, the big brute continues to push all of his weight down on the defenseless man trying to conjure up the growth from within him to commence. His breathing gets shallower as he gets closer to losing consciousness. Deveraux can sense it starting as he pulls his cock out of the motionless man’s mouth and grunts a few times before speaking again. ‘Yeah come on man! I want to feel it come out of you. FUCKING GROW MAN! Make me fucking cum without touching myself, I love watching and feeling hot muscle as it expands. You can’t stop it, it has to happen now or you won’t survive.’ Loud crunching sounds start coming from beneath Deveraux’s ass as Joe’s broken legs begin to forge together from their carnage. He cries out in agony as his body starts to repair itself before igniting an incredible growth process. More popping sounds emanate from the bones in his broken arms. Deveraux reaches down to grip them holding him in place. His cock throbs as it lightly dribbles precum onto him again. He looks Joe in the eyes and tries to keep him from panicking. ‘Look at me runt…..just focus your attention on my incredible body and let yourself go. You can’t stop it now because it is already changing who you are. *can feel Joe’s body trying to expand but is noticing some kind of interference* Stop resisting…..you are prolonging it if you try to fight. Let that motherfucking beast out of that puny body. I can feel it trying to get out. *Joe’s legs shake violently* LET GO MAN! Your legs are desperately trying to free themselves from this prison.’ ‘NOOOO, OH GAWD……*stretch*……PLEASE…..*legs are reacting as it moves into his crotch* NO! NO! NO! *balls bounce and begin inflating* ACK!’ Joe can feel his ballsac stretching to its limits trying to contain his growing testicles. He moans longingly feeling them filling with cum by his overactive prostate. The giant sitting on top of him can sense a difference finally coming over the helpless man. He lightly rubs his dripping cock on Joe’s chin and slowly grinds on his crotch with his huge glutes. The sensation from this makes the small man’s cock start growing and arches directly at Deveraux’s hole. The giant feels the man’s pants tenting as the growing penis continues swelling and lengthening. ‘OHH YEAH! You want to fuck me little man? Give me all you got then.’ Joe’s quads, hams, and calves start to widen outwards making Deveraux growl waiting for them to explode through the fabric of his pants. He can feel the little man’s growing pole ripping the fabric in his underwear and pants before it goes sailing up inside him making him roar in delight as he tenses his muscles and glutes feeling it rubbing his insides. Joe moans deeply watching the giant’s chest and arms flex and strain as the veins pulse and drip with perspiration. ‘FUCK ME MAN! Become the gawd you were always meant to be. *can feel Joe’s stomach inflating* YES! FUCKING GROW FOR ME! *sees the buttons straining to hold on* RIP THAT MOTHERFUCKER OPEN! *three buttons go flying as his growing stomach emerges* OHH FUCKING YEAH!’ Joe thrusts unconsciously inside the giant unable to really feel anything in his legs anymore. Deveraux can feel the growing man’s legs getting ready to burst through as the seams begin slowly ripping. He howls in laughter seeing the sheer power starting to take over Joe’s body. Joe’s feet are tearing their way out of his shoes as his thickening calves and ankles destroy his socks. His chest heaves up and down as his pecs start inflating which catches the eye of his eager partner. ‘OH MY GAWD MAN! You are really going to set me off…..destroy that fucking shirt and I will shower your muscles with tons of muscle building protein.’ ‘I……can’t……breathe……uhhh……*feels his pecs stretching and pulling on his undershirt underneath his jacket* ahhh…..*his nipples are now visible through the fabric*……so…..much……pressure.’ Deveraux squirts a stream of precum on top of Joe’s jacket and under his chin and neck. He moans loudly feeling Joe’s legs finally emerge through his pants as well as his throbbing horse cock which quickly destroys his underwear and exposes his tennis ball-sized testicles. The man’s round stomach is now forming a huge set of misshapen abdominals which are now rubbing against the behemoth’s ballsac massaging them over and over again and setting the goliath on fire as he reaches down and feels their incredible power against his fingers. The growing man’s undershirt rips finally as loud shredding noises echo throughout the elevator shaft. Joe’s shoulders, traps, and arms begin ripping their way through the fabric as Deveraux grunts loudly feeling the cum start to race into his cock. He sprays both emerging pectorals with his jizz as he looks Joseph directly in the eyes and can see the change in his demeanor. Instead of fear now, he is embracing the growth whole-heartedly as he opens his mouth and sticks his tongue out to swallow the jets of cum as they go down his throat. The load accelerates his growth as his clothing is no match for the bloated muscles now taking him over. He grunts feeling his back and lats busting numerous seams as they quickly break free. His pecs swell so fast that they make loud stretching noises. He moans loudly as his nipples double in size and tighten as the air hits them. His shoulders and traps continue growing as his arms begin looking like giant tree trunks. The roadmap of veins covers both arms and sit on top of what could be described as two cantaloupes. Deveraux barely finishes cumming before he realizes that he is going to be dwarfed by the giant growing beneath him. His asshole is being stretched much wider by the python growing inside him which prompts him to try to get off of it. ‘OH FUCK! *trying to pull the giant pole out* PLEASE MAN……*feels the huge cock spilling inside him*……WHAT THE……*feels himself growing again*……OHHH FUCKKK YEAHHHH! *voice deepens as he grows with Joe*’ The weight of the two behemoths is becoming unbearable for the elevator as it creaks under them. They both start laughing hysterically as they continue fucking. At nearly a half-ton, the two men can’t seem to stop having sex as they change positions and fuck each other interchangeably growing bigger than they were before. Once they get to 1500 pounds combined, the elevator falls and hits the ground sending the two engorged giants into the steel floor. Their sheer size does little damage to themselves as they lay there still interlocked and continue to laugh in their deep manly voices. After a few minutes longer, they stop fucking and look at each other. Deveraux makes a proposition to Joseph. ‘HEY! YOU KNOW WHAT WE SHOULD DO? WE SHOULD KNOCK THIS BUILDING DOWN JUST TO SEE IF WE CAN BIG FUCKER!’ Noticing that they have already caused cracks in the foundation of the building, Deveraux manages to crawl over to the side of the shaft and get up onto his feet again. However when he puts his arm on the the wall, it starts to buckle and causes debris to fall from the ceiling which of course makes Joseph laugh as it hits his enormous buddy in the head. Joe picks himself up by placing his arms over the sides of the crater they created from the fall and lifts himself up on to his feet. The ground nearly swallows him up as he does so. He then turns to stare down his equally imposing partner and starts charging at him which barely gives Deveraux time to counter. Joe jumps in the air as the two behemoths go flying through the wall and out a pair of glass windows. They land in the nearby parking lot and destroy a large chunk of the concrete as another crater forms. The aftershocks from this are rolling up the building which prompts several windows to crack and shatter. The two hulks can see that their bulk is causing this kind of destruction which immediately gets a rise out of Deveraux whose cock is now standing completely up now. He moans watching shards of glass cascade from the multiple-storied skyscraper on to the ground in front of him. He turns to Joe and slaps his cock on his side which makes the other giant grab it and stroke it roughly. The sensation sends him into a fury which naturally leads to more jizz flying out of his cockhead. The white flood covers Joe’s chest and drips down into the asphalt. Deveraux points his massive fingers in the direction of the structure. ‘OHH FUCK YEAH MAN, WHY DON’T YOU GO BACK OVER THERE AND FINISH WHAT WE STARTED. THEN YOU WILL REALLY OPEN THE FLOODGATES IN MY COCK!’ Joe smiles and starts bouncing around trying to get enough momentum to go barreling through the front entrance of the sports company; the shockwaves cause more cracks to form on the sides of the building. Deveraux’s deep gravelly voice rumbles as he pinches his nipples and rubs his chest anticipating the destruction that is about to happen. He can hear the giant muscle gawd inside knocking down beams as sections of the building start to crumble. The sight of this sends the massive stud into a wave of ecstasy as he shoots several more ropes of cum into the air. He watches another part of the building collapse before Joe comes rushing out the front entrance again waddling from side to side. Once he clears it, the rest of the building collapses leaving nothing behind but a giant mountain of steel, concrete, and wood. Joe returns to where Deveraux is standing with his immense tool and quickly latches his mouth around it pumping and sucking it with all of his might. This of course prompts another wave of cum to go flying all over Joe’s immense frame and inside him. The huge man surges in size once again surpassing a half-ton himself and rising quickly. He grabs Deveraux by the arm and immediately places the massive hulk’s mouth on his own immense pole. He looks down at him and smiles before saying, ‘let’s never stop growing man!’
  5. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Other Side of Our Minds

    ‘Will you stop trying to molest me Justin, I wish I never told you about that story now.’ The curious 20-year-old college student has been hitting on his older 22-year-old roommate for several months. Braxton mentioned to Justin one night while the two guys were in their bedroom after having a few drinks that he was visited by an older man the night he turned 18. He was a freshman in college and didn’t really know anyone that went there. The man was dressed incredibly well in a nicely tailored suit from top to bottom. At the time, Braxton’s roommate was visiting family so he wasn’t around which left the young student all alone. The man showed up at the front steps of the dormitory that Braxton was staying in. It so happened that the teenager was outside standing and talking on his phone. When he finished his phone call, he turned to go back inside but not before this man stops him. ‘Hello there Braxton mind if I have a few words with you.’ With a puzzled look on his face, the 18-year-old stares at the man and wonders how the hell he would know his name. ‘Uhhh, I don’t know who you are and I don’t want to buy what you are trying to sell to me so…..*stops to think*…..how did you know my name?’ The man smiles and proceeds to walk towards him up the stairs into the front lobby. Braxton starts to move backwards inside before he is about to scream. The man grabs his arm and holds him in place. The scared teenager freezes as the man puts his arms around Braxton’s back. ‘Shhh, I’m not here to hurt you buddy, you are ready to graduate to the next chapter in your life. You obviously don’t remember anything about me since you are so surprised to see me. Unfortunately, restraining you right now is the only thing I can do to get your attention.’ Braxton tries to scream but nothing comes from his voicebox. He grabs it with both hands and looks around to see if anyone notices. There isn’t a soul there probably because it is after midnight now. The man takes him over to one of the chairs sitting on the balcony beside the entrance to the dorm and tells him to sit down. The man pulls up another chair and sits in front of Braxton. He takes a few deep breaths and looks the young man in the eyes. ‘Okay…..when you were 12 Braxton, you were in an accident. As you lay dying in that hospital bed, your mind and soul took a journey to a place not many have ever been to before. That plane of existence is where I reside. You were not sure why you had the feelings you did back then since you were on the verge of becoming a teenager. Your soul latched on to me Braxton and wanted to learn what to do next which I was obliged to do. You were unaware that your body was healing with my assistance.’ ‘That wasn’t the only thing I was helping you with either. *clasps his hands in Braxton’s* Your cock and balls for the first time that day started to function in a more mature fashion. You had your first orgasm in that hospital bed and it was amazing.’ Braxton rips his hands away from the man and jumps up. He rushes towards the front lobby doors and turns around. ‘I don’t fucking know what you are talking about man, I don’t ever want to remember that day ever again…..’ The man stops him midway through his thought. ‘Braxton…..you know who I am because you made me look the way you always wanted your fantasy man to look like. You always wanted to be with an older man around your dad’s age because you have talked about it every night before you go to bed. Even now at this school, you mention me and dream about me.’ The teenager goes inside and down the hall before he stops by one of the night auditors. ‘Is everything alright Braxton? You seem flustered and a bit…..sweaty.’ He turns and notices that the man is right behind him, but the auditor doesn’t see him. Braxton thinks for a moment and speaks. ‘I just went on a run, I’m alright.’ ‘Okay, remember that you must be in before midnight though during the week.’ The auditor turns and walks back to the front desk. Braxton gets into the nearby elevator as the man follows him inside. ‘He doesn’t see you. Who are you?’ *reaches to feel the man’s thick muscular chest which strains against his satin dress shirt* The man reaches over to push the stop button on the elevator and pulls Braxton in to him. He grabs the teen’s hands and rubs them up and down his chest as he stares into his eyes. The teen is in awe of the man’s incredible muscles that he feels underneath the fabric. The man’s groomed black fur on his face and neck is exactly what he envisioned in the dreams he has had since he was 12. ‘You know who I am Braxton. I’m your Matt that you have formed in your mind, well at least physically. I can also sense something else going on in your mind.’ Matt lets out a few growls as Braxton hears a few rips coming from the man’s body. His body appears to be growing a little bit as his shirt splits down the middle of his back along with his suit jacket. His thick hairy pecs shred the front of the shirt slightly as they are now visible. The teenager lets out a few moans. He reaches in to feel the hairy swollen muscles that feel soft to the touch. ‘Hold on there buddy, look down. GRRR!’ *winks* Matt’s quads swell up to the point that his suit pants look painted on. The seams rip enough to where the thick hairy slabs jut out the sides. The surprised teen leans down to run his hands along each bump and curve. He lightly moans feeling the thick forest of hair sitting on top of both tree trunks. While he is down there, Braxton feels a lot of heat radiating from the center of Matt’s pants. The big man grunts as his crotch grows thicker and longer. The young teen can’t seem to take his eyes off of it hearing noises coming from within. ‘Go ahead buddy, put your hand up to it, you are compelling me to grow.’ Braxton runs his hands along the crease of Matt’s shaft. The huge pole pulses against his hand as he finally gives in to it a little to lay his head against it. The big man reaches down to pet the teen’s head and hair before telling him to look up. ‘You are the reason I am like this Braxton. My body is what your mind created and is creating as we are in here right now. I know my muscles are turning you on greatly as I sense it in you. There is a part of you that was longing for this day to come. Now that I am here, it is time for you to take the next step and enter into the next stage of your life Braxton.’ The dazed teen slowly moves Matt’s cock around before he unzips his pants and swallows the huge pole down his throat. He sucks on it lovingly making the big man groan deeply. Braxton looks up and smiles as he starts to feel the need for Matt to grow again. More popping comes from the big man’s body as his pants completely shred and fall down to the ground. His immense chest finishes off the rest of his dress shirt as he yanks it off and throws it to the other side of the elevator. He growls and does a most muscular for Braxton as his jacket nearly disintegrates under the incredible mass forming on his body. This makes the young man moan even louder as he tastes a river of precum flowing down into his belly. ‘RAWR! Yeah buddy, you are making me want to rage Braxton. If you continue on this path, I won’t be able to hold back. I enjoy it because you enjoy it of course.’ The young student grabs Matt’s immense ass and snaps the waistband off freeing up the last remaining fabric from his body. His socks and dress shoes explode under the pressure of his growing feet. Braxton moans as he continues to gulp at the big man’s powerful rod as it lengthens and slides further down inside the teen’s throat. Matt reaches his incredibly massive arms out to brace himself against the elevator walls which are now creaking. ‘Mmmmm buddy…..this is about to get really dangerous though Braxton. Stay close to me.’ Matt’s huge frame is now as wide as the elevator now as his head starts to go through the ceiling. Debris begins falling down as the growing man laughs destroying the walls and lights which explode against his hairy stone skin. Braxton sucks even harder and faster tasting the ooze draining inside him as Matt roars in delight. He raises his massive left arm up to grab the cables above his head while gripping Braxton in his right arm. He lifts the young man up with him who still has his mouth locked on to the huge pole residing in his throat. ‘It feels absolutely incredible Braxton. Keep sucking buddy while I get both of us to safety up at the top of this dorm.’ The giant continues climbing up the cables with one arm as he feels his cock and balls getting closer to the edge. They are now swelling to the point that they are turning a purplish-red color. Matt stops moving up the cable to compose himself for a few seconds making Braxton come up for air as the giant’s huge cock bounces furiously spraying several jets of precum down inside the elevator car below them. The huge stud flexes his entire body enhancing the feeling from within while growling in delight. ‘Make me cum Braxton you really do have quite a wild streak from within your mind. It will be the biggest load you have ever seen in your life.’ Holding on to Matt’s waist as much as possible, the student strokes the giant’s cock in a strong even fashion knowing that the volcano will erupt at any time. The monster’s massive legs and quads move with the rhythm as they thrust faster with each stroke. Matt starts to climb upwards again feeling the tension from inside his balls building up again as his testicles cannot grow anymore otherwise they will rip through the sack. ‘SHIT! OHHHH FUCK BRAXTON, look out. I am going to coat this whole place.’ Braxton moves his head as Matt’s piss slit stretches to its limits before launching a giant wave of cum fifty feet into the air before it lands onto the nearby tunnel wall. The giant continues swiveling his lower body still able to hold on to the cable as his body pours sweat down on to the lower elevator car. Yet another giant stream of cum goes flying from Matt’s huge cock and finds its way down at the bottom of the tunnel. Braxton now moves back into the huge pole’s path and awaits the third jet as he opens his mouth. Matt roars in laughter still thrusting his quads in the eager young man’s face. ‘You want this kind of power too don’t you buddy…..yeah I know you do…..I have always known that you wanted this. Well you will get your wish Braxton, open wide little man!’ The student sticks his tongue out as another huge jet of cum hits him in the face and coats his shirt and pants. He locks his mouth on top of the huge pole and chokes as the cum continues to shoot out of the giant’s cock and down Braxton’s chest and lower body. Matt smiles at him and can feel the young man gulping down tons of cum craving what he has always dreamed about. The big man waits until all of the cum has left his body before he starts to climb again. Braxton moans caressing his lover’s immense ass and licks the sides of Matt’s cock getting every drop he might have missed. The student’s stomach is so swollen that it pushes his shirt all the way up above it. He literally looks pregnant. Matt laughs again as he feels the round protrusion up against his legs. ‘I think you have had enough to drink Braxton. Let’s get out of here before something else happens.’ After a couple more minutes, they finally reach the top. Matt busts through the top by putting his fist through the steel and concrete. He finds the roof and looks down at Braxton. ‘You trust me right Braxton?’ He then lifts them both up onto the roof and falls over to rest. Braxton lets go of his waist and does the same thing. After calming down, the giant gets up and goes to stand over his young lover. The student’s stomach remains bloated from the massive amount of cum he consumed. Matt helps him up so he can talk to him. ‘Well, what are you waiting for Braxton? *waves his arms* You consumed enough muscle building protein to probably take this building down.’ Braxton wonders what he is supposed to do. Matt looks him straight in the eyes and says to just concentrate his energy on him. The student’s breathing increases as his body begins to react. His stomach slowly empties as his legs and feet start growing. His jeans split immediately as his shoes explode under the sheer mass that is being added. His muscles make quick work of his shirt as his back cracks several times trying to accommodate the incredible amount of muscle that keeps piling on top of their selves. The young teenager that was there just a minute before is completely gone now as Braxton matures right in front of Matt’s eyes. The big young stud roars in ecstasy as he feels completely reborn. He flexes his massively round muscles trying to show off in front of Matt who just laughs. He flexes his muscles back at Braxton as they both grunt at each other. The roof creaks under their feet as they take a few huge steps around. Matt eventually gets behind his young lover and wraps his arms around him. He then throws Braxton to the ground and starts wrestling him. They grunt and groan rubbing their slick hairy muscled bodies together until they eventually just decide to stop. After a few minutes, Matt moves down to his partner’s lower body and starts to toy with Braxton’s thick meaty cock. ‘You worked me over really well Braxton, now it is my turn buddy.’ After being edged by Matt several times the young behemoth finally launches his cum volcano into the air as it floats over the side of the building and coats several of the dorm student’s cars. Braxton quickly moves himself to the edge of the building and shoots several more jets of cum hitting nearby streets and sidewalks. They both laugh hysterically until Braxton finishes cumming. Matt puts his arm around his young lover and kisses his lips. They embrace each other and moan as they calm down. ‘Well that’s it buddy. I’ve done all I can do for you at this point, but I will be back soon don’t you worry.’ Matt vanishes a few seconds later. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ‘Are you fucking serious Braxton? I mean…..I knew that you nearly died and all but this Matt guy just sounds like some kind of fantasy.’ ‘And I would agree with that assessment Justin, but he is very real. He helped me learn how to control it after that night. It wasn’t the only time we were together either.’ Justin tries to rub his roommate’s crotch again which makes Braxton quite irritable. ‘DAMNIT JUSTIN! I am not going to grow for you. I am not Bruce Banner it doesn’t work that way.’ ‘So what triggers it then?’ Braxton knows what he is trying to do and doesn’t go for it. ‘HA! nice try there genius, but no clues.’ Justin finally gets up from Braxton’s bed and moves over to the bathroom to strip naked. His 10” cock is wet with precum which prompts the college student to rub it up and down his shaft to make it shiny. Braxton stares intently at it and is dumbfounded as to why he never saw Justin’s huge cock before. ‘Uhh Justin, I had no idea that you were so…..wow endowed.’ He can start to feel himself heating up quickly too. Before he can even try to control himself, his body starts to react. Justin can see the discomfort he is in and walks back over to him. He grins at Braxton and bounces his cock at him. ‘So you want this do you man? This is going to be fucking awesome.’ Once he stands directly in front of Braxton’s face, he slaps his cock on his roommate’s face and chest and watches in amazement as his gifted older roommate’s growing muscles rip, shred, and tear their way through his clothes and continue growing to unimaginable heights. Never in his wildest dreams did Justin think that this improbable story was true, but now he knows that Braxton’s near-death experience brought with it a powerful gift. In case you want to read another installment in the series: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3467-the-other-side-of-the-mirror/
  6. Ragnar12231

    Packmates part 3

    Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3688-packmates-werewolf-muscle-growth-part-1/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3689-packmates-part-2/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4032-packmates-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4526-packmates-part-5/ "It sounds as though he hasn't grown up at all Fen." grumbled Ragnar as he finished reading the letter. He then passed it to him and stood up and began barking orders, "Pack up all your stuff, we're leaving for Wolf house tonight. Unchain Bane and tell him to use his mind-link to contact all our foreign Pack leaders, Miranda you'll help him. Alphas make sure we're ready to leave in an hour, get every weapon, valuable, scrap of food and clothing we have. Now go!" Everybody immediately began busying about with Ragnar's orders. Most of us hadn't unpacked at all so our stuff was already in the car, so we were all packing away Ragnar and Layton's things into boxes we had found in the attic. When Layton arrived downstairs he began to teleport the boxes to Ragnar's storage facility - which he had bought for the use of this spell - so that they could then be accessed when things calmed down a little. We were completely ready to leave exactly an hour later. Ragnar then began to separate all fourty-five of us into cars and groups. We were to travel as a group, but every car needed at least two defenders, one brawler, one disabler and in cars with a lot of people in, a healer. Word amongst the group was that our entire French chapter had been destroyed and the only survivor was in a coma in hospital... Needless to say nobody wanted to share a car with Ragnar or Fenrir in their current mood. We set off for Wolf house as quickly as possible, it would take about two and a half hours to get there, but for the other werewolves Ragnar had ordered there it would take longer - as some were from America and Canada. Ragnar was taking no chances. Layton I had never seen Ragnar so tense, his eyes were darting about all over the road as we sped along the motorway. He had every car on a closed radio system and was constantly asking them for updates, I knew he was upset about losing the French chapter of our Pack but I was afraid we'd be arrested with the way he was driving. In our car we had: Ragnar, Myself, Fenrir, Ollie and Danny. Fenrir had taken up almost all the room in the back so Danny was sat on his lap whilst Ollie sat in the small space by the door, Fenrir's large arm over the back of him and his humongous thigh pressing against him. Rag was in the boot, his tail wagging happily as he knew where we were going. As we pulled up to the gates of the estate a small portly man stepped out of the guard hut and waved at us. Ragnar rolled down the window and greeted the man, before handing him a list with our number plates on it. The ride from the gate to the garage was about twenty minutes by car, through a dense ring of forest and then across a lush green expanse. A large modernised gothic mansion loomed up in front of us. It was bare brick but there were a lot of windows surrounding the enormous house. It could hold around one hundred and fifty people in it and it roomy enough to allow the Pack members to walk around in their natural size - apart from Ragnar and Fenrir. "Wow..." Was all I could say as we pulled up in the small pantheon that acted as rain cover for the entrance. "This is amazing" complimented Ollie as we all got out. Rag was barking madly and as soon as we had opened the boot he darted off inside and eventually came back with a pale, skinny, old man in tow. "Everyone this is Jace" introduced Ragnar as he hugged the man. "Hello again, Ragnar. I kept the house the way you asked, I'm happy to see you again" said the man formally. It was his nature to always be polite and obedient as he used to be a vampire's thrall. "I'm happy to see you too Jace, could you help us organise the unloading the stuff?" asked Ragnar as more cars began to arrive. "Of course, right away" replied Jace as Ragnar moved inside of the house. The lobby was very wide, with an ornately carved double staircase that wrapped around a reflecting pool with a large crystal statue in the middle. A woman carved completely out of a dazzling blue crystal. Above hung a chandelier made of the same thing. Ragnar knelt in front of the pool and put his hand on the largest stone in the centre of the pool's rim. Immediately the crystal began to glow and runes appeared all over the stone and on certain slabs of the floor - which was natural stone. Though the more recently developed areas of the house were more modern. However despite a larger majority of the house being stone it was never cold as it had underfloor heating, which had been put in during the roman invasion of England - Ragnar had had the house cloaked from view for many centuries as it served as a safe haven for all manner of supernatural people and creatures. "What's with the fancy light show?" I questioned as I walked over to him and looked up at the statue. "The shield of sacrifice... Runa's spirit powers it" said Ragnar as he smiled nostalgically. "Your wife?" I asked awkwardly. We had never spent too much time on the topic as Ragnar didn't like thinking about his past too often. "Well technically she's my fiancé, but yes. Her human spirit protects this place whilst her wolf spirit runs free in Hircine's realm" he replied as he brushed his cheek and turned to me. "Come with me, I want to show you something" So I did. He lead me down long corridors, each looked like it had been made in a completely different era of time as I walked past a brazier and then a gas lamp. Eventually we entered into a stone courtyard, in the centre bloomed an enormous rose, a haze of pollen emanated from it's petals and as the sunlight hit it it seemed to glow slightly. "This courtyard was a gift from my old friend, it's teeming with magic so it's easy to practice your spells here" Ragnar explained before pointing to an ornate golden chest within the roots of the giant rose "and in there is every spell tome you'll ever need, once you've mastered them. Miranda can train you" I hugged him tightly, knowing that he had put a lot of thought into this gift and allowed me into a private place "Thankyou so much" I said happily as a flock of crows landed in one of the trees that skirted the courtyard. "You're welcome, cub. Only you, me, Fenrir and Miranda can access this place. We call it the Grove" he explained as we began to walk around it. "It's not just great for training though" he said mysteriously as he took off his shirt and took a deep breath in. "It's great for helping werewolves to grow" his chest expanded even more and stayed that way. I began to get a little aroused as he began to move closer to me. "It might even help you become one" I rested against him and stroked his chest "Without almost killing me?" I asked, trying not to sound hopeful. "Well... It'd speed up the healing process and make the it a whole lot easier but. It's still dangerous" he replied as he ran his hands down my sides and onto my ass. "But I'm hopeful" "Then so am I" I replied positively. I wanted to become a werewolf so badly, not just for me but for Ragnar. I knew he yearned to share the gift with me, to have me in his Pack. "Good, now how about I show you to our bedroom?" he murmured into my ear before playfully biting on it. "Okay, but we should probably check to make sure those guys aren't ripping each other apart. They were all forced together for three hours" I replied, smiling as he nuzzled against my shoulder. "C'mon" "Hmmph, alright but if I have to miss this chance with you then you owe me big time" he warned, before letting go of me. The rest of the guys were all in the lobby sitting on some of the benches that had been scattered around or lying down with each other. "Alright! Here are your rules: Keep all transformations outside or in the cellar, no running inside the house... Oh and if you touch this statue I will kill you" said Ragnar, ending on a very serious note. "And I won't try to stop him" added Fenrir as he walked over to Ragnar "The statue is the big guy's wife, so you might wanna just steer clear of her in general. Okay?" Fenrir patted Ragnar before walking towards the stairs. "Yes. Now rooms. My quarters are on the top floor, Fenrir, Snow and Logan's second floor, Scott's are in the North wing, Bear your lot will be in the west wing when they arrive, Welshies you're in the East, the two south wings are reserved for the Werelions and the Americans." Ragnar announced. "Dinner is gonna be at six tonight, if I catch you taking food without permission you'll miss it. We only get food deliveries once a week here so we have to be sensible. Okay? Now go on, scatter" "Do we have everything sorted?" I asked, turning to him and smiling. "The others are working to finish it off, we're just waiting on the response from the other Pack's so we know when to pick them up." Ragnar replied as he put his arm over me. "Only one thing I need to sort out then.... Uni" I replied, looking up at him. "Crap... I totally forgot" he sighed as we sat down on the stairs. "Can't really let you out by yourself... I suppose you and Bear or Fenrir could go" "Anyone smaller?" I asked as I thought about trying to get them into the lecture theatre. "Hmmm, you only have to go to lectures, the rest of it can be e-mailed?" asked Ragnar as he put his hands together. "Library too, but yeah" I replied as I looked up at the ceiling. "When he gets here I'll send Logan with you, he's only five eight" replied Ragnar "but he's my aggressive Beta, the aggressive Beta out of everyone. Perfect for you" "Great, can I set up a teleport anywhere?" "The Grove should work" he said happily before he slid his hand up my leg and crept closer. "And now that's sorted..." I stroked his grizzly face as he leant in and began to kiss me, before his body began to press against mine. As he lifted me up I pulled off one of his chains and dropped it to the floor causing it to become visible. "What're you up to cub?" he questioned as his trouser buttons popped open and his entire body began to swell. The growth was most noticeable in his chest as it pressed against of me, I could feel every thick fibre of tensed muscle as his pecs rolled up me. "I thought you deserved to relax a little after all that's happened I replied as I began to kiss his chest, causing him to groan in pleasure as his trousers ripped off. I teleported us to our bedroom and we landed heavily on the bed. Ragnar sat up, his now humongous frame taking up most of my vision as his underwear burst open and his python of a penis popped out and snaked up his chest. "I hope you're ready then cub" he growled playfully as he massaged his humongous, throbbing cock as it began to dribble precum. I quickly removed my clothes, finishing just before Ragnar had grown to the ceiling. As he pressed his cock against me I felt it throb as it went lower. I felt his thick fingers circle my eager hole as he buried his head in my neck and began to kiss and nibble on me. I began to rub his mountainous chest, causing his heavy pecs to squeeze together. I then began to rub his large hard nipples as he forced two fingers into me. I'd never had sex with him with one of his chains off so I hadn't expected his fingers to be that big. They stretched me just as much as his dick used to. "Wow, I never realised how tight you were cub, this might be a bit of a squeeze I mean... I don't want to break ya" "I'll be fine, don't worry" I panted in response as the third finger wriggled inside me. I groaned in pleasure as they got close to my prostate and I began to lick his chest, he was no longer at my neck as he looked down at me. His fourth finger never came as he pulled them out and then began to stroke his dick "I'm a bit too much for you to handle right now so how about you help me with this?" he suggested as he indicated to his dick. I stood on the bed and he grinned as I began to worship his chest, my entire hand could slip between his pecs, hell! Even my forearm would get lost in there. His furry abs jutted out towards me by at least two inches but his pecs eclipsed them entirely. I started to suck his nipples and he grunted in pleasure as he began to beat off his monstrous dick. I worshipped his entire torso and them began to kiss him once more and grab at his nipples. As he began to reach his climax he carried me into the bathroom, breaking the doorway as he did so. His dick swelled until his head was as large as my actual head as his pendulous balls churned and his nipples hardened as I began to suckle them once more. In a roar of pure ecstasy he released his orgasm, covering the walls of the room in his seed as I tasted a sweet liquid come from his nipples too. I don't know how long he was cumming for but it certainly broke any world records. When he finished he let me down to the floor and grinned happily as he looked down at my stunned face, sweat was glistening on his body as he flexed and grew a bit more. "Heh you're pretty awesome cub, shame I couldn't really let loose though, this" he indicated to the spunk covered walls "isn't even the beginning" "You're a fucking beast" I complimented as the last dregs of cum began to roll down his dick "I can't let you leave like this though, how about I clean you up?" I began to lick the cum off his dick as he grinned and then lifted me up away from it. "Keep doing that and you might drown in it" he teased as he kissed me and then held me close to him. "Don't worry about the mess, I'll sort it out later" He carried me out of the bathroom and over to the bed where we lay down together, I could feel his heart pumping in his chest and slowly he began to transform as I nuzzled against him suddenly incredibly tired. I closed my eyes and instantly drifted off to sleep. "Wow. Ragnar's pretty loud when he gets going, huh?" Buck noted as he looked around the room. Tank and Buck were sat with Fenrir, Miranda, Bear, Asad, Angus and Ollie. "Heh, just wait till you see him really let loose" said Fenrir as he chuckled and poured himself a drink from the small table they were sat around. They were all in a large living room with high backed armchairs, a plush sofa and a roaring stone fire place with a stag's head above it. There was also a large TV that stuck out a little but it could be hidden by a moving book case - which was pretty awesome. "And you would know about that why?" teased Miranda as she nudged him in the side. "I hear stories" replied Fenrir as he put his arm around Miranda and kissed her. "Probably told half of them." she replied as she rested against him. "I hear Ragnar's as big as a house you know" stated Asad as he scanned the room with his gleaming eyes. "I heard his dick's as big as a house" added Angus as he grinned and slowly put his arm over Ollie. "You wish" teased Bear as he smiled at him from the otherside of Ollie. "It'd be one hell of a night I'll give you that" Angus replied as he looked up and down Bear. Bear went a little red as Angus gave him a nod of approval but before they could speak everyone turned their heads to the front of the house as they picked up the sound of a vehicle approaching the house. "A motorbike?" questioned Asad as he stood and then darted away, barely making a sound. The rest of them soon followed him outside. They found a rather small (in comparison to them) man on an oversized motorbike hop off. The group only noticed his height at first but when he got off and he went to take his helmet off they were treated to seeing the man's ginormous biceps flare up. They looked like they belonged on Ragnar rather than him and his chest was just as impressive. His legs were incredible too as they bulged out to obscene proportions. As the helmet was lifted off the group saw a mane of dark ginger hair and an incredibly attractive face. "S'Ragnar here?" he asked as he walked towards them with a confident stride. Fenrir sniffed the air and grinned, "He's a little preoccupied right now pipsqueak" he teased. The man stopped and turned to him before reaching up and grabbing Fenrir's shirt and pulling him down to his level as quick as a flash. "You wanna try that again, you lanky bastard?" he growled in a heavy Canadian accent - which seemed funny when he swore. Fenrir pulled away, impressed by the man's prowess. "He's up in his room" replied Fenrir as he put out his hand "Fenrir" The man took it and the two of them shook strongly "Logan" he replied as he caught the eye of all the other men "Anyone else wanna crack a joke? I feel like a brawl after that journey" "Ah! Master Logan" cried Jace from the doorway as he came outside. He walked straight over to him. "Come this way, I have direct orders to take you straight to Ragnar" Logan didn't put up a fight as he was dragged away, merely rolled his eyes and let Jace do his thing "Alright Jacey, lets go" he said as he was pulled inside. When they reached Ragnar's room all they heard was "Come in" before they could even knock. They stepped inside and found Ragnar laying in bed with Layton asleep beside him. He smiled happily at the two of them and got up to hug them both. "I'm glad you made it here okay" said Ragnar, sounding relieved as he let go. "Nice to be here. Who's the little guy?" he asked before Ragnar chuckled and sat down. Jace left the room as he had been preparing dinner and needed to get back. "The one I told you about, your new Alpha" he replied as they both watched Layton. "Well he's cute, I'll give ya that but he doesn't look like an Alpha... He's not even a werewolf yet" "He's immune" stated Ragnar as he looked Logan in the eyes "I think he might be the Nephilim we've been looking for" "For Hircine?" he inquired, looking down at Layton. "Perhaps Sanguine too" said Ragnar happily "I just hope he can handle it" "I'm sure he'll be fine" comforted Logan as he watched Ragnar stroke Layton's hair. "Yeah, he's strong... In mind more than body, obviously" replied Ragnar as he scanned Layton. "Does he know he's Nephilim?" "I think he's sussed out that he's different, but no" replied Ragnar as Layton began to wake up. Layton instinctively began to nuzzle Ragnar and then he realised Logan was sat beside him. He immediately sat up and blushed before saying "Hey, you must be..." Layton looked him up and down "Logan?" "Bingo" Logan replied as he nodded at him. "You're the infamous Layton, right?" "Yeah, that's me" Layton replied laughing a little as he slowly covered himself up. "Sorry I have that effect on people, being the aggressive beta and all" excused Logan as he pulled the blanket down and kissed Layton on the cheek, stunning him a little. "See, I don't bite" "You know I'm starting to think leaving you alone with Logan is a bad idea" said Ragnar as he turned to Layton and put his arm around him. "Huh? What do you mean left alone with me?" questioned Logan. "Layton needs a bodyguard for when he travels to Uni, you're the only small Pack member we have who's also strong enough to protect him" replied Ragnar as he kissed Layton on the forehead. "Can I count on you?" "Yeah, of course... Wait how old does that make you?" asked Logan, as he looked down to Layton. "Errr. Twenty" he replied, feeling a little judged. "I started Uni later because I went travelling and I didn't know what to do, still don't really" "Ah, cool what are you studying?" asked Logan curiously as Ragnar stood up. "I have business to attend to, I'll leave you two to chat." he said as he moved towards his wardrobe. "Oh and he's off limits for awhile" teased Ragnar as he looked back at Layton who turned bright red. "We don't want to break him after all" A few minutes later Ragnar was back at his normal size and wearing a pair of large jogging bottoms and a tight black T-shirt. "Ragnar! The Americans are landing soon we better go" said Fenrir as he jogged down the hall. "You're gonna have to go alone Fen, the girls need me to go get them. Athene said they're being followed I need to go" he said as Fenrir turned around and followed him. "You using the portal, or can I?" asked Fenrir as they darted down the stairs to the lobby. "Go ahead, I'm taking the Rover" he replied as he patted Fenrir on the shoulder "Take Miranda with you and be safe" He then went into the small side room where the coats, keys and insurance documents were kept. Once he had his keys he charged into the garage and hopped into the car, driving off whilst the automatic door lifted. A few hours later Jace rung the bell for dinner and the Pack all converged in the large dining room. Most individual Packs stayed together but some people, like Ollie and Chris had mixed with other Packs. "I'm afraid Ragnar won't be joining us so as the aggressive Beta and Ragnar's Alpha mate, Layton and I will be having first pick of the food" announced Logan as he and Layton entered the room. Logan was wearing a red flannel shirt that was rolled up around his gigantic biceps and threatened to burst when he moved his arms and a pair of blue jeans and surprisingly large brown boots. Bane rolled his eyes and made a disapproving grunt as Layton sat down and just as he glared over at Layton a steak knife slammed into the back of his chair next to his head "Do you have a problem, Bane? Please, say you do" growled Logan as he grinned at him and picked up another knife "Ragnar may be a bit more lenient with you but I won't hesitate to hurt you again. Next time I'll shave that crappy beard off your face" snarled Logan, causing Bane to gulp and shake his head. "Good boy, now how about you apologise to Layton?" "Sorry, Layton" he said slowly as he bowed his head. When he looked up Logan was next to him grinning. "I've heard Bane isn't the only one who isn't to happy with Layton's appointment... I'd love to see you say that once he's been Bitten" said Logan mysteriously as he got closer to Bane. He then put his large arm around his neck and grabbed onto the knife then flexed against his ear and smiled as he saw him shake. He pulled the knife out of the wood and then brushed his thick beard against Bane's cheek and whispered, "Just remember who's in charge here. Boy"as he put his hand on Bane's thigh, causing him to lose control and cum. Needless to say the meal started off rather slowly after that but once everyone relaxed again the room was still filled with a happy clamour. Though, the empty section of the table where the French quarter had once sat still hung over them like a dark cloud. Luckily Ragnar had found the girls without trouble. They had broken down at the side of the road and were rather wet. "Don't worry girls, your carriage awaits you" chirped Ragnar as he unlocked the doors for them. All ten clambered inside with their leader, Athene, hopping up next to Ragnar "They almost found us, go quickly!" she urged as he put his foot down. "Don't worry they won't catch up to us" said Ragnar confidently as the girls grabbed their seat belts, afraid of Ragnar's violent driving. "So how come I haven't seen you all in... What is it now, two years?" questioned Ragnar as they got into the motorway. "We were renovating the place and didn't want your lot wrecking all our doorways and ceilings. Lanky bastards" grumbled Athene as she scraped her fingers through her hair. "Anyway, last I heard you have a new little Alpha friend. Giving away my position so soon?" "You never were my Alpha Athene, you just like to think that" teased Ragnar as he turned on the radio "and he's certainly a lot nicer than you" replied Ragnar as he grinned at her. "How're the rest of you doing?" He was met with a mixture of: cold, tired, wet, hungry and cramped. When they returned the rain was pouring heavier than ever, Ragnar pulled up inside the garage and the girls quickly ran inside whilst Ragnar locked up. "Ah! Ladies I was told of your arrival, there's food in the kitchen for you and your beds have been made up in the North wing along with the Scotts" said Jace happily as he greeted them and lead them to the dining room where Logan, Angus and Layton were all still sitting chatting. "Hey girls!" called Angus as he waved them over and pulled up a chair, indicating for them to sit with them. They all obliged and sat down, Lily ended up next to Angus, she was the smallest there standing at only 5ft 3" and therefore looked rather silly next to Angus. Seeing that they were all cold Layton blasted the fireplace behind them with a cone of flames and it roared into life "Eat up then" he encouraged as Jenny, their Pack's omega tried to cuddle against Logan, mainly because she was cold. He didn't really respond apart from putting his hand on her shoulder as he and Layton were still talking. When Ragnar entered the room and sat down with them conversation stopped. "How'd it go then, no mishaps I hope?" asked Logan as Jace served Ragnar. "Nah, at least not on my end. They were followed for awhile though" replied Ragnar before digging into his food. "Well, good news is Layton isn't as immune as we thought. Look" Logan grabbed Layton's arm and showed it to Ragnar "Look, he isn't as scrawny as before. So from what I've heard your little boost seemed to help." explained Logan as Layton wrestled his arm free and rubbed it. Ragnar thumped Logan on the arm and growled, "He's still not a werewolf, he's fragile. You'll hurt him" Logan rubbed his own arm and looked at Layton "Sorry, I got carried away" he apologised as Layton stopped rubbing his arm and nodded. "I'm still kinda tired, I'm gonna go to bed" he announced as he stood up and kissed Ragnar on the cheek "see you in the morning" Ragnar put his arm around his waist and pulled him closer and kissed him but Layton wasn't so into it. "Sorry, I'm just not feeling too great. Think I've got a fever" he replied. "Jace, could you look him over and help him to bed for me?" asked Ragnar. "I'll be up later, I need to be ready if Fenrir needs help" "Alright, goodnight then" replied Layton as Jace walked over and lead him away. "You see that's the problem with humans, always getting sick" stated Angus. "More a problem with weaklings, he doesn't look like the healthiest of humans" replied Athene as she took a drink. Ragnar growled at her and locked eyes with her "I don't expect to have to discipline you Athene, but if you doubt your Alpha once more I will" She closed her mouth and nodded before turning back to her food. Ragnar finished his quickly and left the dining room with Logan to go and check on everyone. Buck Tank and I had decided to check up on Craig as we hadn't seen him since Bear had started teaching him how to use our boost. We found him chatting with one of Angus' Pack members - Dale I think his name was. Craig looked totally different though, he was about half a foot taller and had a thick Blonde-ish brown beard. He was only slightly more muscular however, but he had a tighter bubble butt now. "Hey guys! Like the new me?" he questioned as he grinned at us and put his arm around Dale. "Yeah you look great, lets hope you can keep it up" I replied as Dale smiled at the two of us. "What do you mean?" asked Craig as Tank grinned back hungrily at Dale who was the smallest among us. "Well you need to work out to keep the height and muscle. No such thing as a free lunch and what not" I replied as I saw Tank lick his lips. "Here why don't we get you really filled up, bring your friend too" I flirted as I turned and walked out of the room. I'd heard that there was a bit of a competition between Craig and another wolf called Danny, so I had something planned for the two of them. I found him sitting with Ollie in the small conservatory by the pool, they were chatting and watching something on the little TV as they rested on the couch. "Hey, I hear Craig's beefing up Danny. Wouldn't want him beating you would you?" I teased. "I hear you've been boosting him, Buck" he replied as Ollie looked up at me. "Perhaps... Wanna try it out?" I tempted as he kissed Ollie. "No need to" he replied as he reached under his shirt and pulled out a chain with a strange looking pendant on it. "Layton made me this, I'm not as weak as I look you know" as he stood up and locked eyes with me. "But you're right, I don't want Craig beating me. So you're going to help me stay ahead, without the boost" "How can I?" I questioned looking at him curiously. "This" he tugged on the chain "gives me all the protein I need, so long as Layton refills it. So I'm gonna gain muscle the good old fashion way. I want you to help" "Why?" I asked, rolling my eyes but getting a little nervous as he approached me. "Because I'm asking you nicely" he replied as he got close to my ear. I gulped and he grinned before throwing his arm around me and pulling me over to the couch. "Come on, I'm not letting you boost that jackass back up. You can stay with us" I wasn't going to defy him, he was more dominant than I realised... and pretty attractive. An hour later Tank and Craig came into the room searching for me. Craig was even bigger than before, his muscles had exploded in growth. He was at least 6ft 5", his chest about 62" and his arms a solid 40". His abs were slightly rounded due to what must have been Tank's entire load fully inside of him. "Is it just me or did you get fatter Craig?" jested Danny as we looked up. Craig just growled and barged over to him "You wanna say that again, pretty boy?" he threatened, trying to intimidate Danny who looked as calm as could be. He even laughed a little. Danny just rubbed Craig's muscle gut and grinned "I'm impressed Tank, that's a fair bit of cum you managed to pump into our little friend here" he teased. "Ha! Look who's talking, you runt" snarled Craig as Ollie cowered away, catching his eye. "Hmmph, I guess it makes sense that a weakling like you would hang around with Ollie" SMACK. Danny hit Craig around the face and snarled, "Don't you dare say a word against him" before taking a deep breath and getting up. Craig had been knocked to the floor by the hit and Tank and I were stunned. Danny then grabbed Craig and immobilised him in a headlock. He then pulled him over to Ollie and tightened his grip "Apologise" he ordered. Craig struggled and tried to free himself but soon realised Danny was far stronger than he had ever let on. "Sorry" he mumbled before Danny squeezed again "Sorry!" he said properly before Ollie put a hand on Danny's arm, making him let go before he turned to Craig. "This isn't you Craig, I think you should go get some rest" he said parentally. Craig nodded and left the room, barging through the doorway and back along the corridor whilst Tank and Danny squared up to one another. Despite his advantage in size Danny didn't seem to be fazed by Tank - in fact he was calm. "You're the one boosting Craig eh?" asked Danny as he looked Tank up and down. Tank growled and moved towards him "You got a problem little man?" he snarled. Danny just cracked a smile and rubbed Tanks's muscle gut "Not at all big guy, why don't you come sit with us?" Tank wasn't expecting the response and he loved his stomach to be rubbed but no-one expected him to be charmed by Danny. "Alright" was all he said in response as Danny's hand reached around him and lead him over to the couch. "Looks like tonight's gonna be fun" he said as he nuzzled Tank and began to rub his stomach. Half an hour Ragnar came in to check up on us. "I see you've met my little prodigy then" said Ragnar as he walked over to us and took Ollie's seat - and then let him sit back down on his lap - "More than meets the eye aren'tcha Danny" he put his arm over him and grinned. "He certainly knows how to treat a guy" said Tank happily as Danny stroked his belly once again. "Heh, more like get what he wants" replied Ragnar as he winked at Danny. "I have no idea what you mean" Danny replied innocently, yet he couldn't stop himself from grinning when he felt Tank nuzzle him - showing that he felt that Danny was now more dominant. "Well whatever you're planning I'd suggest you take it up to the bedroom. Unless you want Jace banging on your doors at four in the morning to clean up your mess." said Ragnar as he wrapped his arms around Ollie "Oh and play nice." He then stood back up and left the room, his alpha scent had caused us all to become rather aroused and a little submissive which Danny instantly took advantage of. "Alright, get up to my room" he ordered. We instantly got up and he grabbed Tank's ass and got up himself "I hope you're ready to take it, you look pretty tight" Tank whimpered and darted off. I stood their stunned, only Bear had that power. Our Beta barely made him flinch. Danny just grinned at me and pointed to the door. I followed suit with Tank and ran. When Danny finally came in we were all sitting obediently. He walked over to us and grinned before saying, "Take off your clothes and throw them over there" he pointed to laundry basket. As we did so he smiled at us all "Now take off mine" he ordered. Ollie immediately started taking off his shirt and Tank pulled down his trousers. I had the job of getting his boxers off. As I did so he stopped me "Use your teeth" I but onto the fabric and ripped them off, allowing his impressive manhood to fall onto the face. I nuzzled his crotch and looked for permission as Tank moved around him and began to feel his ass, Ollie was on his chest. "Lick" he ordered us all. We obeyed. As Danny began to get aroused he tugged on his chain and grinned at me before lifting it off. His chest began to expand first as fresh layer of hair covered his bulging pecs. His abs hardened and jutted out more before his arms swelled up to the size of Ollie's head. He only grew about half a foot but his feet swelled to a solid size fifteen. I felt his cock push further into my mouth and his now massive balls rub against my chin. Tank was pushed away from his spot by Danny's perfect rounded ass but after he was snarled at for stopping he soon carried on. He then began to kiss Ollie before fondling his - rather average in comparison - dick. Ollie squirmed a little but seemed to enjoy himself as Danny rubbed it rhythmically. "Tank, time for you to swap places. Get down in front of me and don't cum till I say so. Big boy" To my surprise Tank willingly obeyed. I'd only ever seen Bear make him get down like that, Danny was certainly special. I moved away and watched as Tank accepted Danny's throbbing cock, he groaned in ecstasy but tried to contain it. Danny began to thrust into him, slowly at first but gradually getting faster - only wavering when Tank seemed uncomfortable which I respected. Soon Ollie and I were making out and grinding each other before we were in the same position as the other too. Ollie was of course bottoming. After an hour and a half Danny still hadn't allowed Tank to release himself and it looked like he big guy was struggling - as he never bottomed he found it harder to control. Ollie and I had finished and were nor bathing in the afterglow as he nuzzled against my chest. Twenty minutes later Danny called me over and instructed Tank to release his orgasm into my mouth. I happily obliged and swallowed what was possibly the biggest load I'd ever gotten from Tank. Danny then went over to the bathroom and began to wash himself down. "I'll see you two in the morning, I think it's time Ollie and I went to sleep" he ordered as he swaggered out of the bathroom looking pumped from his session with Tank. We both kissed him goodbye and he smiled warmly as we left. I then guided Tank back to our room as he was rather giddy. We walked past the main foyer and saw Ragnar knelt by crystal, he was staring into the water and occasionally speaking. I knew he noticed us and was glad we hadn't walked into a private call as he probably would've been annoyed. When we got to our room we found Bear waiting for us. We all crawled into the bed and fell asleep together as we did at home with the rest of the Pack members. We slept together mainly for warmth but also because it provided a sense of protection - it was nice. Layton When I woke in the morning I found Logan spooning against me and Ragnar's unmistakeable presence above us, covering the two of us with ease. I still felt a little groggy so I didn't try to wake up, I also knew that Ragnar had been awake till the early hours of the morning sorting out the American Packs so I wasn't keen on waking him either. Unfortunately the dogs didn't share my consideration of Ragnar's current situation and took to barking and howling as they were given their breakfast. Ragnar let out a slow and very deep growl that resonated through the house and the dogs immediately stopped. "Morning cub," he grumbled as he nuzzled my chest and then kissed my forehead "you feelin' better?" "Uurgh, not really but I'm better than I was yesterday" I replied honestly as I felt Logan wrap his arms around me and nuzzle my neck. "Deep sleeper isn't he" I noted. "Yeah, could sleep through a bloody earthquake" grumbled Ragnar as he rolled his eyes at him and got off us. "I'm going down to the showers, you coming?" asked Ragnar. I was a little confused as to why he wouldn't just use his own but then I looked down at his gradually rising dick and realised he was refraining from initiating morning sex with the two of us due to our current condition - which I thought was pretty sweet. "Nah, I think I'll shower on my own." I replied as I sat up "you go have some fun" I then continued, smiling and nodded at his crotch. He broke into a small smile before going over to his chest of drawers to grab some towels "I'll see you at breakfast then, make sure he wakes up" he instructed as he indicated to the tuft of ginger hair poking out of the sheets. "Will do" I said happily as I waved him goodbye and then lay back down. When Logan and I finally got down to breakfast I noticed the hall was considerably more packed than before. As we entered an entire table of men looked over at us, they seemed curious and a little judgemental. "Ah, our Alpha finally awakes!" called one of the bigger ones with an accent straight out of an American sitcom "Ahh, Layton" said Ragnar as he stood and took me over to their table. "Meet our American Pack mates" They all politely said hello and the man who had shouted to me turned out to be their aggressive Beta, Scott. Their Alpha was an enormous man, he had a strong brow and thick dirty brown hair that covered most of his body. His stomach was a fully loaded musclegut that looked harder than titanium. But what interested me most about them all was that a lot of them were wearing chains with padlocks, they weren't one's for hiding growth and I was curious to find out what they were for. But before I could ask I was pulled onto someone's lap, their arms clamping around me as they nuzzled my neck. "You're just so cute and tiny" he said as I turned to look at him. He was blonde and judging from the way I had to angle my head to look at him, rather tall. His arms were big but not anything amazing and despite having rock-hard abs he wasn't uncomfortable to lay against. "Ahhh yes, Layton this is the American Omega, Brad" said Ragnar as he put his hand on Brad's shoulder. Instantly making him let go of me "he's very friendly" Brad just smiled and grinned at Ragnar, "I just wanted to say hey" he replied. "Hey" I replied ask stood up and smiled at him. That 's when I realised that he was bigger than I'd first thought. Deciding that it'd be rude to vocalise my surprise I instead turned to the Alpha and asked, "What's with the collars?" "They symbolise that they are all in my Pack. In my family. They've pledged themselves to me" he replied before sticking out his hand "I'm Al, big Al. But these guys usually call me Alpha" "Nice to meet you Alpha" I replied, deciding that I preferred it as a name. I shook his hand, his grip was firm but not strong enough to hurt me. "You too, I look forward to seeing how well you do in training" he replied, grinning slightly as Ragnar lead me away to our table. "What did he mean by training?" I questioned, he simply smiled and tapped his glass once. A wave of resonating sound swept across the hall and silenced everyone. "Now that all our Pack's are together I'd like to explain our situation a little more. We have amassed here in order to stand against a dangerous Pack of mutated mutts. They are like us, only they have no control over their minds or their lycanthropy. We are going to stop them, cure them if possible and if not... Kill them" Some people seemed a little shocked, others looked to the floor but a lot of the men and all of Athene's Pack were not fazed at all. "To make sure we limit casualties you will all be training whilst you are here in: Fitness, hand-to-hand combat, sword fighting, sorcery for those who can and in control of your wolf forms. This will all take place during the day and it will start tomorrow, you'll be split into groups and trained on different things more depending on your skills. Any of you who do not wish to fight will still go through the training so that I know you can defend yourself. That is all, now lets eat" Most of the hall dug in immediately but some people - such as Ollie - seemed rather nervous. "And you, Layton, will be joining them." said Ragnar before eating "we need to build up your strength" I didn't argue just nodded and began to eat. I hadn't minded just learning magic but having that alongside everything else Ragnar had mentioned and a Uni course was a little too much to handle. Sensing my apprehension Ragnar put his arm around me and kissed me on my forehead. "It'll be alright once you're an Alpha the workload won't be hard at all" After breakfast we were split into our groups. Which started off as one member from each Pack in each, the girls ran out quickly but at the end there were still a few Americans and the Alphas. "Alright, now I'd like you all to remove your chains and get changed into some clothing that'll fit your size. If you didn't bring any speak with Jace "Don't do it in here though, it's crowded enough already" About seventy percent of our Pack left the room to change. The rest of us walked out of the hall, following Ragnar out to the front of the house. When the others returned I was shocked. A lot of them were above nine feet and had the body of gods. They were all wearing specially made gym clothing, though some wore normal casual T-shirts and shorts as though they walked around town as a giant. "Good, now if you could all follow me. We're going for a run, fall behind too far and... Well lets just say you don't want to fall behind" the order Originated from Logan. All of the new giants turned to face him and grinned down at him. "Huh sure pipsqueak-" Logan growled and pulled off his shirt before grabbing onto his own chain and tearing it off. His body flooded with dark ginger hair and his chest expanded as his already impressive body swelled up, eventually he began to get taller too, growling more and transforming into a wolf. He still had the same ginger fur and he was taller than everyone present now. "Say that again, make my fucking day" he snarled as he grabbed the giant who was back chatting him. He remained silent, too scared to make a sound. "Now now Logan" said Ragnar calmly "no need to show off." Ragnar turned to his Pack and grinned. "If you fall behind you get to deal with me. Now go" We all ran off as Ragnar waved us away. He then walked back up to the house and slipped inside. As we ran Logan began to transform back, returning to his normal size but with a 'pumped' look. As he was at the front I couldn't really see. Ollie and I had found ourselves at the back along side some of the chubbier Pack members. Ollie wasn't unfit, he just wanted to make sure I kept up. I wasn't unhealthy either but in comparison to the werewolves I was a Shetland pony thrown amongst a group of stallions. I only upside was that I got a nice view of everyone's behind. We came to a lake and Logan stopped. We followed suit and he smiled over at me. "Now, can all of you swim?" We all nodded. "Great, then follow me" And with that he ran along a small jetty that stretched into the lake and dived in. It was September so the water wasn't exactly warm, but I didn't think the temperature would be a good enough excuse not to go so I dived.
  7. SarisHappy


    It was possibly one of the most divine sights to see on our planet. Two human specimens built so perfectly, so genetically healthy, entwined in a primal, loving embrace. Their bodies were made for nothing else other than to pass on as much of their genes as possible. No one could think otherwise in their presence, as a sexual energy flowed through them as though their form was otherworldly. Being in their vicinity was an aphrodisiac. And by chance, the two crossed paths. This was about a month ago, and they haven't stopped fuckin' since. The amazonian women shifted up and down the gigantic shaft, it stretching her to her limit. She was a strong one. Her musculature was hard, but kept a feminine softness to it, as a perfect layer of fat softened her curvy body. A body that could outperform some males in terms of strength, but carried such grace that that a ballerina jealous. From the perspective of the average man, her ass was gigantic. Two spheres, topped on thick thighs, pulsed as the throbbing member slide in and out, in and out. She was on top, on her knees and hands, over the massive man. Her hands rested her upper body weight on his pecs. Pecs that were more like slabs of meat. Her weight felt like nothing to him, and she was a big girl. Even strong men would be worry about their ability to lift the beauty. She rode him longer and better than anyone ever could in his life. Afterall, he was pretty sure he had the biggest penis to ever belong to a human being. He never, ever went balls deep. And this dark skinned goddess of the Levant took complete control of him. He flexed his wide core and pelvic muscles, performing a kegel, causing his dick to bulge. He saw it. She felt it, threw her head back, her thick black hair flailing wildly behind her. She responded, expertly controlling the muscles in her lower abdomen, tightening herself around the engorged member. Between her strong biceps, she squeezed her breasts, the only other chest that could compete with the man under her in size. She leaned downward, her breasts squeezed between their massive frames. The woman's kegel remained tight, acting like a natural cock ring to the man's penis. Now closer, she used the muscles in her proportionally small waist to rock her hips up the shaft. As she reached the top of the shaft, she released the kegel. She went down the shaft relaxed, kegeled when she got back to the bottom of the shaft, and moved upward again. The man kegeled while she relaxed, and relaxed while she kegeled. Back and forth they went. The energy built up inside of them. The rhythm picked up pace. The couple seemed to be energized. They moved faster and faster. Then... bliss Something more than an orgasm. Something more than a human being could ever feel. Something they had never felt before. It didn't end. their sight was overloaded, as though they blinded by a light, but without the burning sensation. Just a white flash, that slowly faded. The feeling remained, and they gazed into each other. Her breasts grew... against his swelling pecs. His hands grew around... Her lengthening torso. Her hips swelled in all directions... Creating room for his growing cock. His back lifted his body off the bed... Raising her growing form high upward. Her feet slid downward... Along his swelling thighs. His feet slowly moved off the bed... Followed by her hair. His growing lips embraced his.. . Held by his widening jaw... The unearthly feeling subsided, bringing them down to a state of humanly orgasm. The fluids poured out of them. She screamed in ecstasy, as it vibrated, swirled, and exploded throughout her entire body. His giant form flexed and exerted itself, pumping out load after load deep inside her. She fell limp, and he caught her, she shook slightly. The orgasm lasted for 20 minutes for both of them. They never thought it would end. They laid in embrace, their bed legs shattered under their weight. Her giant form laid across his bigger one. Slowly, sleep began to overtake them...slowly...little by little...everything grew dark... before the same energy slowly push the sleep away... The End.
  8. Part 1-The Sexual Chemistry is here: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2716-the-construction-projectthe-sexual-chemistrywhos-worshipping-who/ The Construction Project sequel: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4583-constructing-more-projects-and-building-bigger-men-muscle-genie/?hl=%2Bconstructing+%2Bmore+%2Bprojects Who's Worshipping Who? sequel: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4503-to-worship-or-not-to-worship-another-admirer-enters-muscle-genie/?hl=worship The gloriously hairy Iraqi stud’s massive muscles are eventually too much for his white costar’s own as he makes Dallas submit to him after several minutes of rolling around on the ransacked set. They continue to ignore everything their director Francesco says as he just sits there with a bewildered look on his face. He doesn’t seem all that interested in seeing the two muscle studs doing wrestling moves or trying to overpower each other in any way. ‘Guys…..come on. It was hot at first, but you both are now way too large to market for our audience. I was hoping that putting you two together, my two biggest stars, could result in the biggest selling video ever, but now I realize that you could both model for COLT and not for my company.’ The two huge studs stop what they are doing and sit up to look straight at him. Dallas decides to get up and waddles over to the director to stand in front of him breathing heavily and dripping with sweat. He has a big smile on his face and as he bounces his pecs. ‘And what is wrong with making a hot growth video with some amazing sex thrown in Fran? I think you have always had a thing for both of us otherwise you wouldn’t have waited until now to put us in the same scene together. Besides, you could become a star yourself Mr. director. That pooch of yours could look really hot with some big thick slabs of beef attached to it don’t you think?’ *reaches in to rub Francesco’s belly lightly making the director lean back a little* The director seems a bit embarrassed but also a tad bit aroused at the same time. He pushes Dallas’s big burly hand away and tries to get up, but the white porn star won’t let him. Abdul stands up from where he is sitting and rubs down his incredibly thick hairy muscled body for a few seconds before walking over beside Francesco to rub his huge throbbing cock against the director’s face. The stunned man falls back in his chair and lands on the ground as it breaks. The two big studs follow him down and start rubbing him in the crotch and chest making him moan very lightly. Dallas then jumps back up to turn the camera around and hits the record button on it. He returns down with the other two men and rubs his cock up against Francesco’s face and slaps Abdul’s cock as well. The director can’t resist any longer as he grabs both rods and starts licking them both tasting the sweet precum oozing out both cockheads. The two behemoths growl and start making out with each other while Francesco shoves his tongue down inside the arab’s foreskin, chewing it slowly and moaning deeply. Abdul’s incredibly thick furry body is something the director always loved, but never acted on it before because he wasn’t entirely comfortable with the way the man acted around him. Feeling like he is being neglected, Dallas shoves his cock in the side of Francesco’s mouth and starts humping it, gliding it in and out with a slow and steady rhythm. The director gags as Abdul follows suit by shoving his thick hairy pole down inside Francesco’s mouth as they both fuck his throat at the same time making him have to drool huge strings of spit. The juices drip down both cocks making them both grunt loudly. Francesco rubs it up and down both shafts at the same time to get them nice and lubed since he knows that both men don’t want him to stop sucking as they hump his mouth. He watches intently as both ballsacs begin swelling up in front of his face and changing to a blue color. He moans loudly knowing that he will get a cum bath within a short amount of time. He pulls both rods out to run his tongue along their slits and can taste some of their pre starting to change over to cum. He stops sucking them interchangeably long enough for them both to groan as their poles start pumping their seed all over Francesco’s face and head. The thick gooey wads paint his face in white as he gasps for air feeling the seed river trying to seep its way inside him. The huge studs shove their cocks back inside his mouth and continue dumping their loads down his throat until they are completely depleted. When they finally pull out of him, he chokes several times losing some of it on the floor before trying to get up from the ground to catch his breath. He is finding it very difficult to do so however as Abdul reaches down to pick him up and carry him over to the ravaged set. Dallas spins the camera around still recording so he can join them. Abdul puts him down to grab some sheets that are lying to the side still in decent condition even after the two studs destroyed the bed. He finds an empty area and lays them on the ground so he can get down on the floor. ‘Dallas, go make sure the camera is positioned on us. *gets down on the sheet and looks up at Francesco* Come down here Fran and worship me man so I can fucking watch you transform into one of us. You won’t have to be sitting in a chair anymore after this film, I guarantee it.’ Dallas rushes over and points the camera at them before going back to join the other two. He starts to take Francesco’s shoes off, but Abdul motions for him to stop. The director immediately starts to bury his head into Abdul’s chest and moans deeply as he loses himself in the hot arab’s musk and masculinity. The hairy stallion looks over at Dallas and smiles. The white stud isn’t quite sure why he isn’t allowed to take anything off Francesco, but is willing to just let it be since there must be a reason. It isn’t long before the two behemoths can hear the director wincing. His body starts sweating profusely underneath his clothes which prompts the two men to growl knowing it is close to happening. Francesco stops licking Abdul’s body to look up at him in anguish. The big man grins. ‘RAWR FRAN! Fucking blow up for us man! You have double the power inside you so you should absolutely explode.’ The director is unable to utter a word as he feels himself starting to grow. His body starts flexing immediately putting a lot of stress on his clothes. His shirt shreds down his back getting the attention of both behemoths as they can see the muscles doubling up on each other. Within seconds, his entire outfit is being obliterated by mounds of sheer steel stretching and pulling his body bigger and wider than ever before. Francesco is getting noticeably more dominant with each additional inch of muscle being added. He goes into gawd mode roaring with excitement feeling himself changing into a new man. *still growing* ‘MORE! MORE! FUCKKK!’ *passes 400 pounds* Both Abdul and Dallas grab a hold of his new 16” dong and starts drinking the honey that is pouring out of it. The giant though scurries backwards away from them to stop them from trying to swallow any more of it. He manages to get up onto his feet before they both try to tackle him back down. He manages to push them away from him as he finishes his growth cycle. He is now trying to escape from them to prevent the possibility of them outgrowing him. ‘NOOO! *voice is noticeably deeper* You are both trying to get the upper-hand on me like before. Stay the fuck away from me! I swear I will hurt both of you and I don’t want to do that because…..you are right Abdul, I like you a lot, but this fucking body *rubs his chest as he continues to move backwards*, I have to stay bigger than you.’ He continues to leak his precum all over the ground as he finds a wall in behind the rubble from the set. Abdul tries to grab a hold of his legs and pull him down but gets kicked in the process. Dallas tries to follow in behind and shoves a hand up inside the hole of the hulking brute. Francesco agonizes as he starts punching the wall and cracking it until pieces start falling all around him. Dallas tries to get underneath his cock to catch the honey flowing, but gets a warning. ‘AHHHH please don’t Dallas…..I will pound you if you keep trying to make me cum.’ Francesco’s rage grows deeper as he pounds the wall in until it finally gives way and hits the white giant on the back as it starts crashing to the ground. Dallas accidentally pulls his hand out of the director’s anus and watches in disgust as the behemoth starts to waddle away from him through the wall opening. He can’t seem to get up from where he is now sitting and leans up against a pile of rubble. Abdul though runs past him and jumps through the opening to chase after the hulk. He starts yelling at him to get his attention. ‘HEY FRAN! I’M COMING TO GET YOU BIG STUD! YOU MIGHT BE BIGGER, BUT I CAN DEFINITELY OUTRUN YOU!’ The thick arab picks up speed as he closes the gap on the director down a nearby alley in the middle of the city. He can see Francesco stop to catch his breath and makes his move placing all of his power into his immense legs. Before the giant hulk can start running again, Abdul grabs him around the waist and pulls him down to the ground. Both men are sweating buckets practically as they lay there exhausted. Abdul gets on top of him and laughs as he punches the hulk’s chest in a dominant manner . ‘I told you…..*pants*……I would catch you……*pants*……now fuck me like you have always wanted to Fran. No resistance…..*pants*……no qualms…..*pants*…..I know you want to fill me up badly. You say you don’t want me to grow again…..*pants*……but I fucking know otherwise. *winks*’ He grabs the director’s massive dick and slowly slides it inside his hole. He hops on it a few times as it gets it further inside before he begins humping the hulk and punching him in the chest again like he was doing. With their insatiable desire not dissipating anytime soon, the process could continue indefinitely.
  9. Have you read THE COMPOUND?....you will find into old archive page 179...it's aa amazing story, but never have a ending or a continue...only 2 cap......any one like to continue? PART 1 http://archive.muscle-growth.org/threads/20646-p1.html PART 2 http://archive.muscle-growth.org/threads/20665-p1.html
  10. Ragnar12231

    Packmates Part 2

    Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3688-packmates-werewolf-muscle-growth-part-1/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3691-packmates-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4032-packmates-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4526-packmates-part-5/ "Morning" I said chirpily as Ragnar and I entered the kitchen an hour later. Everyone in there was either naked, wearing a towel or a tank-top and shorts - as it was forecast to be very hot today. They all looked at each other and then to the mess they had created, then back to me. "Morning..." said Danny in a tone as nervous as that of someone diffusing a bomb. "Don't worry about the mess, you can clean up later" I replied, smiling sweetly. They all let out their held breaths, glad that I hadn't gone loopy. 'Like I would let them get away with trashing our kitchen'. "You're certainly in a good mood this morning, I'm guessing this big lug had something to do with it?" teased Craig as he came up behind me and put his hands on my waist. Still a little pissed off with the way he had treated me I grabbed his wrists and forced his hands away "Yes, he knows how to treat me right" I replied snidely. "Hey, I'm sorry okay? I didn't mean it" he grovelled, nuzzling me a little. I squeezed his hands and thought about his apology. I placed his hands back on me and leant back against him a little "Do it again and I swear to God I'll rip your balls off" I threatened, making him grin nervously. "There's the Layton I know" said Danny as he chuckled at Craig's discomfort and gulped down his coffee. "That goes for you too, lover boy" I warned before going to make myself some breakfast. I sat down between Ragnar and our Omega - Ollie. He had arrived this morning as he lived in London and could easily get the train to us. He was rather small, with very little muscle or fat and he had dyed-blue hair. He was wearing a purple tank top and tight black shorts; his feet were bare. "Layton!" he said happily as he threw his arms around me and hugged me tightly "I missed you" I hugged him back and echoed his words. As Omega, Ollie was in charge of keeping everyone in our Pack happy and content, as he was the most submissive. He was always able to cheer people up, as it was impossible not to want to be happy around him - the only person he couldn't help was Ragnar, which is where I came in. DING-DONG. The doorbell announced a new Packmate entering the house. Asad - the only werelion in Ragnar's main pack and the old Alpha of the werelions - glided out of the kitchen with a feline slink to his step. He was a very tall man, with powerful legs and arms but a long and flexible chest. His skin was jet black and his hair was tied back in dreads with real animal teeth interwoven into them. He, like Ollie, lived in London with his brother Ike and the rest of his Pack. But his fierce loyalty to Ragnar and their close friendship meant that he would help us out whenever and wherever. "It's the Scotts" his low and heavily African accented voice was clear and positive as it reverberated through the house. We heard him open the door (which I had fixed whilst I waited for Ragnar to return after my run in with the sword wielding maniac) and greet the 'Scotts' before they strolled into the kitchen. First came Angus, the largest of their group. He stooped under doorways sideways in order to fit his bulk through them. He was a purebred bull of a man and one of the strongest members of our Pack. He enjoyed challenging Ragnar to any form of contest, or so I'm told as I had never met the man before today. The last time Ragnar had gone to visit him (the first chance I had to meet him) my mum had fallen ill and I'd spent the week with her instead. "Ahhh, you must be the famous Human-Alpha I've heard about. Layton is it?" said Angus as he put his hands on my shoulders and grinned down at me. I touched his hand and smiled back before zapping him with electricity "You must be Angus, I hear you're a secondary Alpha" I replied, as he jolted away. "Heh, you certainly know how to pick 'em Ragnar. Small, feisty and cute. Just my type" he growled almost flirtatiously. Ragnar grabbed him in a headlock and grinned "Why thank you, but if you talk him down again I may have to find a new secondary Alpha" he threatened half heartedly as Angus began to wrestle with him a little. "Gotcha. Now where's the feast I was promised?" he said happily as Ragnar let go. "It'll be ready soon, I just need to go get the food. Fancy coming with me Ollie?" I asked, pulling him away from the rest of the Scotts who had surrounded him. "Yeah, of course" he replied as one grabbed his ass. Angus then did the same to him, making him turn to him and grin playfully. "I'll go get dressed then" I replied happily as I got up and then left the now rather crowded kitchen. I had to brush past Angus on my way out and I could tell that he was trying to impress me a little by flexing and grinning with a set of perfect teeth. I threw on a new pair of boxers and then searched for some shorts I didn't mind being seen in public in. Rag bounded up the stairs and came into my room as I buttoned up a white linen shirt. "Hey boy, they arguing again?" He just smiled and nuzzled against me. He only ventured upstairs when people were being aggressive so I sighed and kissed his forehead before going downstairs. As I walked into the kitchen the sudden tension I created could've been cut with a knife. Everyone's eyes went to mine; apart from Ragnar's - his were closed. "Have I interrupted something?" I asked innocently, holding myself a little awkwardly now. "Nah, we were just chatting. C'mon lets go" said Ollie with a visage of cheeriness. I let myself be pulled away, suddenly feeling slightly upset. I heard Ragnar punch one of the kitchen walls as Ollie closed the door behind me. He lead me over to his car and opened the door for me. He started speaking as soon as we were out of earshot "Some of the Pack members weren't happy to find out that they were being 'ruled' by a human Mage, they said it was too much like the old days. Ragnar silenced them but he can't cover for you too much else the Alphas won't respect him... Neither will Hircine" explained Ollie, his knuckles had gone white from his grip on the steering wheel. "I knew I wasn't going to be popular, I guess I just didn't expect it to happen this quickly..." I muttered, looking up at the road. "It's Bane. One of the old Lycans, he used his friendship with Hircine to convince Ragnar that you need to be bitten." he said before trying to act cheerily again. "Being a werewolf isn't too bad you know, you just have to put up with the shaving." "Yeah... The only problem is, I've already been bitten. I'm immune" I replied slightly shamefully "I'd have to have half my chest bitten off and a wolf spirit forced into my body and sealed there by Hircine himself." "That sounds... Painful" said Ollie quietly as we drove past an empty park, one that was usually full of kids at every hour of the day. "Yeah... I'm not really that eager to go through with it" I replied, sighing a little as we pulled into the supermarket parking lot. "I'm sure thing'll sort themselves out. Don't worry" Ollie encouraged once more, not really knowing how to respond. I smiled back at him and put on a brave face for the rest of our trip. When we got back to the house things seemed a little calmer and there was a new powerful presence in the front room. As Ollie and I entered we heard booming footsteps and watched the ceiling shake slightly as a hulking 8ft 5" behemoth of a man came to greet us. We could see every fibre of his dense, bulging muscles. His legs were as thicks as pillars and his thighs rubbed against one another as he walked, the three bulbous heads pushing his workout shorts to the max. His waist was thick and just as muscular, still managing to give his torso a V shape due to his wide, mountainous back. His abs jutted out of his frame by at least an inch, each one of them as large as a steel bar and just as strong. Above them his enormous pecs cast a shadow as they hung away from his body enough to shelter both myself and Ollie like an umbrella. He was shirtless so we could see his huge nipples staring down at the floor as his rolling pecs bounced about as he walked towards us. His bull-like neck tensed as he grinned happily at us, his thickly bearded face and reddish cheeks warming my heart. "Bear" I said happily as I moved towards him and felt his powerful embrace as he lifted me into the air and cradled me slightly. "Hey there, little cub. I've missed you" he said joyously as I was forced into his cleavage; which I could easily fit my arm into. "I've missed you too, where the hell have you been?" I asked as his chest hair tickled my face. "Travelling, visiting my pups, hibernating. I've been a very busy man. But don't worry I'm here now" he replied reassuringly as he tussled Ollie's hair and lead us into the living room. Two of his Pack members, Tank and Buck were sitting on the couch. Asad was sat in one of the armchairs by our fireplace and Bane was in the one opposite, facing away from us. "Who's the new guy?" asked Tank, referring to me as we hadn't met - but of course Ragnar spoke of his Pack a lot so I had picked up everyone's names. "Ragnar's little Alpha, Layton" replied Bear as Buck gave up his seat for him. At the sound of my name Bane snorted and laughed. "Oh please, he's not an Alpha" he cackled, glaring at me "he's human" "Well I can't really deny that he's human. But if Ragnar's chosen him to be Alpha then he's an Alpha. I don't mind it one bit" defended Bear, holding Bane's glare and daring him to challenge it. The room became tense afterwards as Bear looked for anyone else who seemed to have a problem with me. Bane stifled a whimper and looked away - no-one opposed Bear. He was Alpha of werebears and therefore just as powerful as Ragnar, as his kind had grown since the ancient times; unlike Asad's who now needed the help of the werewolves and werebears in order to survive. Hating the tension and conflict I created I tried to get up, however Bear's arm was locked around me and there was no way in a million years I'd be able to move it. "I'd better start cooking, everyone looks famished" I urged, smiling up at Bear. He kissed me on the cheek and then let go of me. I rushed into the kitchen, the usual Pack members and the Scott's were all there. The topic of discussion was Rugby and food - as per usual. They all got up and greeted me, mainly because they knew I was going to start cooking. I told them that I needed space and then ordered then to leave, though it was really only because I didn't want them to see me cry. Tears rolled down my cheeks like waterfalls as I unpacked the shopping onto the counter but I made no noise as I knew it would give Bane satisfaction to know he had upset me. Just as I began to cook the bacon we had bought I felt two massive arms hug me tightly "Please don't Cub" said Ragnar quietly as he buried his head in my shoulder. "It's all gonna turn out OK" "I-I don't k-know if I'm r-r-ready for this, Ragnar" I choked, trying my hardest not to sob and breakdown. Ragnar just cradled me in his arms and stroked my hair smiling down at me "I won't make you do anything you don't want to do Cub. I promise." I nodded and asked to be put down. "Thank you, Big guy" An hour later the food was ready and I was curled up in bed with Ollie and Rag. We had taken our own food upstairs as I didn't fancy being downstairs and Ollie wouldn't get any food if he stayed so we had shared a plate. I assumed the shouting we heard was about food or Rugby or Football or who had the nicest ass: Ollie or Ragnar. Until I heard a banging at the door "Layton! I challen-" "Don't you dare..." snarled Ragnar as I heard him get closer to the door. "I challenge you to the Alpha's trial" Bane called, I could hear his malevolent grin spread across his face. "W-what's that?" I whispered, looking over at Ollie but before he could answer Bane shouted. "A fight to the death-" "STOP!" bellowed Ragnar, causing everyone to flee from him and shut up. His voice was terrifying and harsh like a typhoon. He glared at Bane, he let the silence linger a little before breaking it. "Our Pack is in danger, that's why I've gathered us together. Our way of life is at risk of being exposed. Everyone is in danger. I don't need your petty little arguments right now. If I say Layton is an Alpha he's an Alpha. If I tell you to stop, you stop" Ragnar stalked towards Bane and lifted him into the air by his throat "and if you dare disobey me again, I will kill you" Ragnar then threw Bane along the corridor "Go down to the Den. Now." Needless to say Bane did as he was told. "All of you, get back downstairs and wait for me to return." The rest of the Pack scurried away, apart from Bear who stood next to Ragnar. "Go and get Bane prepared, he is to suffer" Bear nodded and strode down the corridor, his heavy footfalls hiding Ragnar's, who suddenly appeared next to me. "Ollie, could you leave us please" said Ragnar softly, though Ollie still sprinted out of the room. I knelt on the bed and stroked Ragnar's face "That was amazing" I complimented. "It was nothing. That wasn't even me fully pissed off" he replied as he lay down on the bed and closed his eyes. I knew he needed to calm down and relax so I began to massage him, glad of the distraction and the intimacy. At around 1:30 Ragnar and I descended the stairs. The house was a lot more packed now as our welsh chapter had arrived, along with our contacts within the police and forensics. "Ragnar!" boomed a heavily accented welsh-man as he charged over to us and grabbed Ragnar by the shoulders. "Good to see you, what's occurring then?" "Someone's after our Pack, Gareth" Ragnar replied before the two of them embraced in a back breaking bear hug. "Anyone we know?" asked Gareth as Ragnar put his arm over him and lead him into the living room to where Asad, Bear, Angus and our police contact 'Copper' were waiting. "I think that the Fallen are striking back against us" said Ragnar gravely as he took his seat in the comfortable high-backed throne-like armchair by the fire. "If this is the case, we need to move to Wolf House. Else we may risk losing some of our members" "The fallen?" I questioned, hovering nervously by the door. Bear indicated for me to sit on his lap so I obeyed and Ragnar began to explain. "Centuries ago when I was starting the Pack my friends Miranda and Fenrir conceived a child together. They named him Lupus. The boy was remarkable, he was walking after a few weeks and his first words were when he was six months old. As he grew we all knew the boy was something special so we gave him the Bite prematurely; assuming it would help him to develop. Instead of helping him the Bite took over his body turning him into a wolf permanently... Or so we thought" Ragnar paused and lay back in the chair "The boy mutated, his body unable to handle the Bite but his brain forcing it to work and obey him. Fenrir tried to help him and Miranda used every remedy and spell she knew to try and help him but it was to no avail. The boy had become a freak of nature. A beast. We decided to put him down - knowing that he was in pain, knowing that it was only a matter of time before the cravings started. However, the boy anticipated our move and ran away, fleeing without a trace; leaving no scent to follow." "Over the years we heard stories about our son. Rumours that he was creating his own Pack - his mind shattered and twisted into thinking that he was a new breed. An evolution, the Apex of our kind" All heads turned to the doorway as it was blocked out by the largest man I had ever seen and a dazzlingly beautiful woman by his side. "And now he wants revenge" the man finished gruffly as he broke through the doorway and stood up fully. He was at least ten ft tall and as broad as a truck, his body was covered in scars and tattoos. His neck was thick and corded with muscle, bulging out as wide as my back on either side. His lats lead down to shoulders as large as beer kegs and pecs that jutted out from his frame like enormous bumpers, you could see every fibre of muscle underneath them as he flexed them slightly, causing them to roll and crash back down like a tsunami. Needless to say his humongous arms were pushed away from his body by them. His biceps, even un-flexed were larger than Ragnar's head and his forearms were no joke either. Each one of his eight abs were swollen and pushed to the maximum, each of them coming a foot away from his body and leading down to a sizeable bulge which hung away from his body. If you could force your eyes away you could see his enormous thighs, which were as thick as wheely bins and grinded together as he walked, forcing his manhood forwards. Ragnar stood up, dwarfed by the giant - which I hadn't thought was possible. "Thank you for coming, Fenrir. I've missed you" Ragnar said humbly. Fenrir looked like he was going to punch Ragnar - which'd probably break even Ragnar's indestructible bones - but then his rugged face cracked into a wolfish grin "Hmmph, I've missed you too. Little guy" he teased before the two of them hugged. Fenrir's incredible frame completely enveloping Ragnar's. "Fenrir, you're suffocating him" scalded the woman as he let go of Ragnar. "Pfft. I'm fine Miranda, it'll take more than an overgrown pup to put me down" said Ragnar as he then grabbed Miranda in a hug. Fenrir raised and eyebrow at him before looking around at all of us. "Human, Werebear, Werelion... Welshman. All we need now is a vampire and a God and it'll be just like old times" said Fenrir before letting out a hearty laugh which shook the ceiling and floor - which groaned under the behemoth's weight. "Oi what's that supposed to mean?" asked Gareth bravely as he stood up. Fenrir just laughed even more and patted him on the back, and ass (He had very big paws). Gareth fell forwards into Ragnar and Fenrir grinned "I was only teasing, I love your accent by the way" he almost flirted. "Alright Fen, stop antagonising your brothers. Why don't we go down to the den and get you caught up on who's who? You can meet the little shit who's been pissing me off recently, I think you remember him?" "Bane? Can't wait to see him again, still owes me a fight" Fenrir said happily as he followed Ragnar out of the room, taking a lot of the doorway with him "ohh, oops, sorry about that" As soon as he left the room seemed to breathe and take in the strong smell of alpha musk that had been left. "By the gods, I thought Bear was big. But that guy? He's fucking huge!" exclaimed Gareth. "That's 'cause he walks around without his Chain. If I weren't wearing mine I'd beat him" defended Bear as he pulled out a chain necklace from under his shirt. Every member of our Pack who was too big to function in everyday life was required to wear one as it made you smaller. Bear didn't shrink too much because he could afford to live as a giant. I smiled up at Bear, finding it cute that he felt inadequate around Fenrir "I hate to break it to you but... He was wearing a Chain" I muttered. I knew because I was the one who helped Ragnar to make everyone's chains, I could spot them from a mile away. "He's also older than Ragnar, with Miranda being much, much older than that so I think you can be excused for not being the biggest guy around" I stroked his bulbous biceps and nuzzled against his pecs "You're still big in my books" "Thanks Pup, you doing okay by the way?" he asked kindly as he began to wrap his arms around me. "Yeah I'm fine. Ragnar's got everything sorted" I replied truthfully. I had gotten over everything that had happened because Ragnar had a new plan for me. Bear's stomach churned and grumbled and so did Angus' "You got anymore food Pup? There's a lot of big guys here to feed now, no-one's very full even after your amazing meal" "Our local diner does large orders for us, I'll give you the number" I said helpfully as I felt his istomach vibrate once more. "You know what I'll just do it myself." I stood up and pulled out my phone before going to my speed dial... Yes we did have take-out that often. "But you're paying" "Fine with me, just make sure it gets here soon" grumbled Bear as he scratched his stomach. "Just leave it to me" I replied as I left the room. Tank and Buck walked past me, grinning. "Hey, Layton... Fancy hanging out with us later?" offered Buck as he turned around. A little shocked by their proposal I took a few seconds to reply "Um, sure. Why not, it should be fun" I said positively. I wanted to make a good impression on all the new Pack members. "Think you can bring along that big guy too? He looks like a lot of fun" said Buck as Tank put his arm over him and began to kiss his ear. "He's married, they've had a kid together... He'd probably rip you in half" I replied, a little surprised with their request. They looked at each other then down to me "So?" Flabbergasted I turned and went into the kitchen to find the menu. A few hours later I was sat in the garden with Ollie and Danny. "Have you two ever been to this, 'Wolf house'?" I asked as we began to swing on our garden chair. Our garden was quite big, as it had to accommodate Rag when we were out. "I stayed there for a weekend with some of the rugby lads. It's certainly well equipped for anything you had planned: Parties, sports, orgies, S&M, hunting" "What?" "Hunting. Got a lot of space too and a pool" said Danny happily. "That was a great weekend" "It sounds like a holiday, though I doubt it'll be as fun if we're at war with the Fallen" I replied, looking up at the sky now. Rag was sleeping under us, with his head in the flower beds. Suddenly I jolted forwards "Shit... My Uni course, I totally forgot" I groaned. "I'd better go finish up the work" Before Danny could convince me otherwise I had darted off and upstairs into my room. Buck Tank and I were prowling the house now, looking for fresh meat. We were used to having lots of potential partners available but here everyone liked to act like a 'total top' - apart from Ollie and Layton - so it was hard to find someone suitable. I was a pretty big guy so I didn't think it'd be too hard to find someone who would submit. It'd be even easier for Tank as he was only half a foot under Bear's height and about as broad. Eventually we found someone, a cute guy called Craig. He swaggered up to me and began flirting but I'd soon turned the tables and started kissing him as he was forced to back up into Tank, who began grinding on him. "Woah, you guys are certainly eager" he groaned as I dragged him into the downstairs bathroom. As I felt his dick grow against my own I began to pull off his shirt as Tank started to kiss his neck and bite his ear - tasting his prey. "Do you want the front or the back?" he asked me, grinning before he grabbed Craig's sweet plump ass. "I fancy the back" "Go right ahead Tank, I ain't stopping ya" I replied as Craig began to grin nervously. "I guess I'll take your ass then, Buck" he said, trying to sound confident. I just laughed and pulled down my shorts "You crack me up, Pup. Now lets get those pants off ya before Tank rips them off" I replied, stroking his face as he chuckled nervously again. We locked eyes and I challenged him to try and take control again, he back down pretty quickly and I smiled triumphantly "That's a good boy, you deserve a treat after that. Tank lets double up" "What?" asked Craig worried now. I kissed him on the lips as I began to pull off my boxers, grinding against him as I did so. "Don't worry I'm sure you can handle it." I assured as Tank began to rub his throbbing member between Craig's plump bubble butt "Just relax and it won't hurt a bit" Tank was grinning like a madman at this point, his dick was at least fifthteen inches and about as thick as a wine bottle. "You look pretty tight, Pup" noted Tank as he pulled a bottle of lube out of one of the bathroom cupboards and began to drench his dick with it before applying it to Craig's clenched hole with his thick fingers before one of them slipped inside. "Hmmph, not as tight as I thought. Ragnar's been in here, ain't he?" "Yeah, maybe you're not as big as you thought" growled Craig, pissing Tank off. "Ooooh wrong move, boy" I laughed as Tank rammed into Craig an entire foot of his meaty, muscular, throbbing cock. Craig grunted in pain and pleasure before he felt another hand on his ass, mine. "C'mon Tank make room, I ain't that small" I grumbled as I lubed up my own dick. It was about half a foot smaller than Tank but I certainly knew how to use my dick better than him. Tank growled at me then threw an arm around me and pulled me into his armpit. His arm then went lower as I forced my dick into Craig; who cried out in painful ecstasy as his hole was stretched beyond it's limits. Tanks fingers then crawled into my ass, making me convulse and impale Craig further "Right now lets get the real fun started" grunted Tank as he forced in the last three inches of his dick - the thickest part. "Please, oh god. Too much, just..." Craig panted and I was afraid he'd force us to stop "go slow" I grinned down at Craig before slapping his cute little ass "Aye aye captain" Tank began to thrust into Craig in unison with me, slow at first but then as his hole forced itself to accommodate our powerful erections we moved faster and faster. Craig was cumming all over the floor within the first minute but Tank and I were only just getting started "That better not be all of it" Tank grumbled as he grabbed Craig's dick and began to rub it. "We've barely started. Pup" After half an hour of thrusting Craig was reaching his limit so we released our first orgasm into him "That's the problem with werewolves, no stamina" grumbled Tank as he pulled out and stroked the back of my head "fancy cleaning me off?" "Oh god... I feel so full" groaned Craig as he looked back at me "you both?" I nodded happily and Tank chuckled and helped Craig stand up "We gave you a full tank don't worry" he joked as I cleaned off his dick; I couldn't get enough of his cum. "I hope you use our little boost wisely" I said looking him up and down "I mean you still look like a normal guy" "What do you mean, boost?" asked Craig confused. I rolled my eyes and lead him out of the bathroom, explaining to him that werewolves could absorb protein from any source - including cum - and turn it straight into muscle and that werebear cum was extra potent. "C'mon we'll take you to Bear, he's a pro. He can teach you how to do it" Tank said happily. As we dragged Craig over to Bear I saw Ollie and Danny sitting close together outside, Ollie was tucked against him. But their position wasn't what caught my attention, it was the bird on top of the swing seat that I was really looking at. It was a raven, a rare sight; especially since it's eyes were a toxic green colour. It also had a message wrapped around it's foot... I left Tank to carry Craig and told him I would be back. He gave me a serious glance, knowing I never gave up an opportunity to watch our prey grow. He didn't try to stop me but I felt his eyes on me as I moved towards the patio doors. As I approached them Danny and Ollie looked up, probably wondering why I was naked. When they pulled their 'oh yeah' faces and remembered that I had just come out of a house full of horny werewolves with nowhere to go, I was removing the message from the bird - which studied me with it's piercing green eye and attempted to pec- "Ow!" I snarled as the bird drew blood. Ollie and Danny rushed up when they saw me unravel the letter. "Give it to Ragnar" urged Ollie, but I had already started reading. Dear Father, I hear you've joined forces with the Fake Alpha and his gullible friends. I hope you know what you're in for then, I'm wiping out their pitiful Pack. This world isn't big enough for the both of us, my new breed will tear you all apart. If you don't believe that I can do it then try contacting your French Pack members. Lupus.
  11. SarisHappy

    Body Dismorphia

    He was always big. Always taller than his peers. He liked it, but it was far from perfect. He liked being big. He liked the power, he liked taking up space. His senior year of high school, the last time he had measured his height, he was 6'7". A few years later, he'd come to the conclusion he hadn't grown since. He had a well toned body, good looks, was smart enough for college. He like when the ladies complimented him on the size of his package. But his height tended to make everything look...well...proportioned. Fuck that. He didn't want to loo proportioned. While his dick was bigger than average, it never looked big to him on his tall body. His muscles had the power to rival most people at the gym, but they looked regular on his wide frame. While this motivated him initially to get really pumped, it didn't seem to have much of an effect. He grew more defined and toned. But not bigger. He tried penis enlargement techniques, as well, including pumping. But it didn't seem to do much. He did love the feeling, though. He loved to weight lift, to run for miles. He loved using his penis pump. He did it all for years. But continued to see little gain. As he grew older, his passion and lust for size began to wane, as he matured. He was big enough. He'd have to come to terms with that. And he did. Until one night. Things were getting hot and heavy with the hottest woman he had ever been with. The tall, olive skinned beauty looked classically Arabesque, but was just as much into fitness as he was. The deeper and more intimate their embrace became, the more he began to feel like this woman was built just for him. That was...until... "What the fuck?" THe sexual vibes literally sucked out of the room. "What? What's wrong?" "That's can't be real." She said, grabbing his mostly erect penis. He looked down. He knew he was big, but his 7.5 inch penis looked as it always did. "What do you mean?" "That's way too big. I can't take that at all." She said. He knew every woman was different. But he had never been rejected for his size. He wasn't THAT big. "Come on, it's really not that big. It'll be fun." He said, trying to convince her. There was some debate, but she had made up her mind. She left him, frustrated and erect. Still partially shocked, he got up and grabbed a tape measure. "What's this bitch talking about, she's crazy." He was still erect as he placed the bottom of the tape measure at the base of his shaft. "I'm never dating..." He cut himself off. He spooled the tape measure past the 7 inches mark. Past the 8. Then 9. And kept going. "This can't be..." He said, seeing it past the 12 inch mark. The blinders fell from his eyes. It was almost like the reality in his brain had shattered. His eyes widened, seeing the illusion he created for himself fade away. It was like seeing a fish eye lens slowly turned on over his eyes, as his penis expanded quickly to it's actual size. "JESUS!" He was gigantic! "How in the..." He looked down at his body. "HOLY FUCK!" He had muscles bigger than any body builder he had ever seen. They looked didn't look human. "What..." He paused. His voice sounded deeper. He quickly stood up, unsure of what was happening. When his head hit the 7 foot ceiling, cracking it. He looked up, and saw the crack, and saw other crack in the ceiling of the same pattern. Did he really not realize how big he was? Each step he took was like an earthquake. No wonder his downstairs neighbors were always complaining about the sound. He looked down at his dick again, throbbing harder than he had ever felt it. His giant testicles swung from every little movement he made. He paced to his room, grabbed his penis pump. It was bigger than he realized, too. he went through his clothes...XXXXLs across the board. He doubted his sanity. He heard of body dismorphism, but this...how can someone miss out on THIS much size...
  12. Sarnaq

    Lord Asher parts 1-5

    (First time posting here, I know there's mistakes and i'm looking for feedback as well. Let me know and enjoy.) Lord Asher, Part 1: Moving in. I sit in the back of our pick up truck driving down an empty country road. My little brother and father are trying to isolate me again, after all the trouble I caused in the city. Both of them are hoping that a small town life will help me calm down. I've been known to cause trouble where I go, this place won't be any different. Dad knocks on the glass of the truck, drawing my attention, he's still scared of me, I can sense it. “You doing alright back there Asher?” He shouts. I hunch my shoulders and pretend not to hear him. He keeps knocking until I decide to answer him. “I'm fine dammit.” I shout back. I can feel my little brothers eyes drilling into the back of my hoodie. I slam my elbow into the glass by his face, making him yelp as he turns back around. I smirk at this, I can't feed off my brothers fear of me, not without making him submit first, and my rotten father has never given me the chance to, being home schooled has left little options for me. I should explain, I'm a demon, born and bred from my mother, who's off Satan knows where. Left to my shitty human father, he's the only one who can see what I am and question it. My horns almost hidden by my shaggy hair and my tail, anyone else I just hypnotize, like my whiny little brother. He's fully human, can't stand him either. The truck finally starts slowing, rural area; light fog all the way up in Maine, a fishing town they said it was, I didn't care too much. The place looked shitty though, all the houses looked like shit, all the same beige color. We even passed three churches on our way, I flipped off each one until we finally stopped outside our new house, same color as every other, fucking beige. My brother pounds on the side of the truck, “Yo freak, you gonna come pick out your room or what?” My father comes around, opening the back of the truck, his eyes lock with my as I walk down, jumping off the end. “Asher, think you can behave around here?” he asks, I roll my eyes and shove him to the side. I'm only 18 and I stand half a foot taller then him at 6'7 in height. You couldn't tell from the hoodie hiding my body, but I'm pretty strong as well, having loaded the furniture into the truck mostly by myself. I'll be the one getting most of it out as well. “Please Asher, just try to behave?” He asks, practically begging me as I lift the arm chair out of the back. I laugh at him with a deep chuckle. “You're so pathetic.” I say, carrying the chair into the house. After a few more trips carrying things out of the truck, Father gets a phone call, “Asher, the truck carrying everything else broke down about an hour back, I gotta go get it, come on.” he says. I fold my arms over my chest, holding back a smirk. “Why don't you go get it yourself? I'll finish unpacking here. No sense in me stopping right?” He hesitates, “you'll leave your brother alone?” he asks, already slowly heading for the door. “Yeah, I promise, you asked me to behave right?” I smile at him. “Alright, Fine.” he says, not wanting to wait any longer. “Just go pick out your room and go back to work, before your brother claims all the rooms.” he says. He shuts the front door and with that he's gone. I stand there, waiting until I hear the truck start and drive away. Once it's gone I burst into a devilish smile, my pointed teeth just itching for some primal human lust. “Hey bro where are you?” I shout out, dropping my voice as I head upstairs. “Time for me to have some fun.” I laugh. Part 2: Growing to Like my Brother I thud up the creaky stairs in our new house, letting my tail scrape against the wall as I smirk. This should be good, Father finally screwed up and trusted me so now I'll take full advantage of it. “Where are you Jake?” I shout, looking for my brother. “Over here dipshit!” he shouts back. I duck into the room, leaning on the door frame as it creaks, the room has 3 windows, tall ceilings, and is already filled with boxers of his stuff. He's laying on his bed, blasting music from his headphones as he stares at me. “Hey Jake,” I smile down at him. “Nice room you picked. I was just wondering, how tall are you again?” I walk across the room, kicking his boxes to the side with my size 17 shoes. “I dunno, like 6'2. Why you asking, did you wanna rub it in my face that my little brother is taller then me?” he scoffs. “No no, not at all.” I smirk. “I just wanted to take this room as my own from my 22 year old college drop out of a brother. It's mine now bro.” I chuckle, looming over you. I place my huge boot in the middle of your chest. You struggle against my foot as I press down harder, your mattress springs creaking from the force I'm applying to your chest. “Fuck you, Asher!” He screams, I can hear what I think is a rib cracking under my boot. “The room is yours, just get off me. Please!” he whimpers. I scoff, god he's pathetic I lift my boot, watching him lay there grabbing his chest in pain. I smile, kneeling down on his mattress as I grab his arms, pinning him down “Say you submit to me, Jake.” His eyes dart to my hands keeping him pinned, the veins covering my hands make his eyes go wide as he manages to stutter a response. “D-dad told me to never say that to you...” he whines. At this I burst out into a roaring laughter. “Dad isn't here right now, you'll say you submit to me or I'll make you regret it.” I Grin, I drag my tongue along his neck, teasing him as I chuckle, I think he's about to pee himself. “Alright... I submit to you...” he said. The moment he said that I sat up, smirking down at him as I tilted my head back in a low moan, I could feel it.. his free will belonged to me now.. and I was going to take him for everything. I moved back off him, tossing my hoodie to the side. “Strip.” I commanded him, and like that he leaned up, stripping his shirt off. The giant imprint of my boot left on his chest. He peeled off his jeans and laid there on his bed, his face started turning red as he started to blush. Even when hypnotized he was still a pathetic little fuck. I flexed my arm over him, “you like this don't you, Jake?” I smiled as his head nodded. “well I fucking love it, and want more. Do you want to give me more you pathetic excuse for a brother?” He nodded again, and that was all I needed, I pulled down my pants and boxers, showing off a massive 10 inch cock and thick. “Worship me then runt.” I practically growled at him. I watched as he hurried across the bed, grabbing my cock with both his hands as he started rubbing it vigorously. “oh Asher... you're so huge! I can't wait for you to grow even bigger. Just look at how huge you are alre-” he said as I shoved his face onto my stiffening cock. As he licked and sucked my swelling rod I could feel my body finally inching bigger as well. My feet stretched bigger, pushing my toes against my boots as my legs grew next, I flexed my legs under me as I lifted up a couple inches. My body growing more cut against my jeans, my muscled ass swelling thicker and harder. My shirt didn't even fit anymore, it stretched out over my torso, no longer covering my abs as I was a good few inches taller now. My chest pulled the fabric tight as I flexed my pecs. Throughout all this my Demonic features improved as well, my tail grew thicker around the base and slightly longer, and I could feel my horns inching longer as well. I flashed a wicked smile down at you stared up like a puppy sucking my cock. “Good worship, Jake. What do you think of my body now?” I asked, stretching my arms towards the ceiling, snickering. I brought my arms down with a flex, tearing the shirt down my chest. “You're amazing Asher, you should have made me do this forever ago! Just imagine if you could get bigger!” he said, his unabashed praise made my body throb slightly in size. I grabbed his shoulders, squeezing him as he winched. “Jake, I'm going to take everything from you.” I said, slightly intoxicated off the growth. I shoved his face back on my massive rod, having him suck. As he did I started to expand again, and Jake started to shrink as I stole his size. My cock swelling in his mouth as he grew smaller and smaller until he was only 4 feet tall, my massive rod was literately choking him as he started pounding on my muscled thighs in a desperate attempt to save his life. The results of my growth were far more impressive; The seams of my jeans finally started splitting, allowing the monster thighs to show. My massive boots did no better as my feet pushed out the tops of the shoes. I kicked them off, watching the shredded boots land next to Jake. I pushed him off my cock. kneeling on his now deformed bed. Snickering as I realized he now has to reach up for my cock! Guessing based on his size I had to be close to 9 feet tall now. “Oooh Jake,” I moaned as I rubbed my newly muscled body. “Imagine if I had more people to worship me! I'd be a God!” I roared, my tail flicking out, lashing him across his face, leaving a gash. I laughed at this, smirking with my new sharper teeth. “Or Demon...” I pondered. Outside I heard a truck pull up, the horn honk as Jake flushed white on the bed before me. “D-dads home! What are we going to do!” I stood with a smirk, my new form naked on top with a pair of shredded jeans for my bottom. My larger horns poked against the ceiling, still growing slightly from Jake's continued worship. “Come slave, I think it's time we show you're shitty excuse for a father who's really in charge here.” I smirk, breaking the door frame apart as I headed downstairs to greet father. Part 3: Owning my Brother I bend over slightly, trying to fit down the stairs. My massive feet too big to fit on the steps. I can't help but chuckle as my feet crack the old wood under them, I notice my toenails have grown to a point, even my fingernails have grown sharper. So this is what power feels like. I laugh, shoving my feet through several steps at once to get down to the first floor. I hear my slave of a brother whimpering at the top of the steps. “Be quite slave, and get down here, now.” I command him, my tail lashing wildly as I wait for our father to walk in. The second he does his face is one of absolute terror. “Asher... What the hell! You promised to behave. What have you done to Jake? Jake?!” he called out, his jaw dropping as he saw Jake climbing down the side of the broken stairs behind me. I thud across the floor towards him, pulling him forward and slamming the door, making sure it won't open until I want it to. “You we're stupid to think I wouldn't take advantage of this.” I sneered, picking him up by the throat. “I think you'll find Jake more behaved from before. Jake, come here!” I ordered him. Watching him stumble over to me. “Kiss my feet, slave.” Within seconds he was on all fours, lapping his tongue across my feet. I laugh, kicking him onto his back. As I shove my foot on his body. I can feel his worship feeding me, my foot surging bigger on his chest. My sharpened nails scrape his chest, drawing blood. My demonic features grow the most, all with my father struggling helplessly in my hand, wrapping tighter around his neck. I tilt my head back with a roar, my tail growing almost double in length, growing twice as thick, landing on the floor with a thud behind me. I let out an egotistical laugh, the intense pleasure of the growth making my cock grow hard again. My horns thicken as well, growing longer and pressing back into the ceiling. I hit 11 feet tall before I stop growing, my slave whimpering again as I lift my foot off him. My father almost knocked out in my grip. I wrap my now thicker tail around his torso, releasing my grip as I hold him. “I should thank you dad, I wouldn't have grown if you weren’t so stupid. Shame I can't absorb you, you're still useless in the end.” I laughed at him. “Asher, you need to stop, this power of yours is building off worship, the more people that worship you the bigger you'll become!” he squirmed, trying to pull my tail off him as I held tighter. I stomped over to the basement door, opening it and tossing him down the stairs. “You'll stay down here, in case I need you again.” I smirked. With my giant foot I gave the crappy stairs a shove, watching them crumble as I shut the door on my screaming father. I turned my attention back to Jake, “Go get dressed slave, you're going to get me some new clothes and food.” I commanded as he tried to climb back up the stairs to his room. I walked over to the chair I had carried in when we first got here, now comically small compared to me, just like most of the house. I sat down, breaking the legs instantly as my ass filled the chair. I used my tail to slice off what remained of my pants, my throbbing cock breaking free as I stroked myself off. I licked my lips as I sat there stroking my massive 16 inch long cock. I could feel the worship of my brother. The fear from my father feeding me. I let out a primal roar as my cock exploded. I felt the fear spike down my back from the neighboring houses... I knew from that moment, I was going to outgrow the world. Part 4: Power Spike I let out loud roar, smirking in satisfaction of how deep my voice was becoming. I had sent Jake out to the mall for everything I needed a few hours ago. To keep myself occupied I started roaring every now and then, each one deeper then the last, and each time I could feel the fear of more and more people in the surrounding neighborhood; the flimsy walls of this place felt like they would come down at any moment. I had pretty much ruined everything in reach with my tail, slashing it all to bits out of boredom. All the power I’d been absorbing from the neighborhood I hadn't used yet.. I've been storing it, the pressure I feel building inside my body is powerful.. I just need a little bit more. The damaged front door swings open slowly, scraping across the floor. It's only Jake, I stare down at him, watching him carry everything in, slowly dropping it next to my huge feet. “I got everything you asked for, Asher.” he huffed out of breath. “Good slave, kiss my feet and go make my food now.” I commanded, he dropped to his knees, kissed my feet and scurried into the kitchen. I picked through the bags of clothes my good little brother brought me, fitting on a shirt that stretched, and a massive pair of black leather jeans. It all seemed too boring, with a flick of my tail I cut some rips in the shirt and jeans. Standing with a satisfied smirk I walked toward the kitchen, my horns making a loud scraping noise as I strolled through the house, forgoing my new size 22 boots for now. I walked up behind Jake, watching him cook the meat on the stove top. Reaching into the pile of uncooked meat, dropping a piece pieces into my mouth. A moan escaped me, “Flesh never tasted so good.” I chuckled, eating down a few more raw pieces of meat. There's a knock on the front door. “Go get that slave.” I say, folding my arms against my chest as he scurries to the door. A police officer stands behind it. “Evening son, We've gotten complaints of some loud animal roars coming from this place. Is your parents home?” I take over Jake's voice. “No they're not officer, but you're more then welcome to take a look around, we just moved in.” He strolls in, hands on his belt as he looks around, the second he enters the kitchen door frame my tail shoots out, wrapping around his neck as I pull him closer to me. I toss his gun to the side, smirking down as I loom over him. “I think you'll find yourself more obedient now officer.” I smile, squeezing my tail tighter around his neck. I start taking size from him... only half a foot before I drop him to the floor. “You belong to me now. Understand?” He nods. The size I had taken from him was enough to push me over the edge. The dam of power I'd consumed from the neighborhood burst. My back exploded, two wings unfurled from the confines of my shirt, the tips of my new wings hitting the ceiling.. I spread my wings with a chuckle, the faces of my two slaves full of awe and lust for my new form. I flex my arm, hearing the threads snap, thankfully the shirt holds. “Like what you see slaves? I'm not finished.. no where close..” I smirk, my teeth like fangs now, long, sharp and powerful. “find your gun and leave slave, make sure no one bothers me here again.” I shove him out of the kitchen with my foot, watching him scramble for the gun as he runs out wearing clothes too small for him. I walk back to my chair, it looks, darker.. more fitting for me then before. “Finish my food slave." I blink at myself. My voice.. so much deeper.. powerful, stronger. My own voice turning me on.. I could get used to this. “make sure you're dressed for tomorrow as well.” I smile laughing with a deep throat chuckle. “We're going to school.” Part 5: Attendance We arrive in the school courtyard, having been signed up before I arrived in town to the only all boys school in this shithole. Instantly all the boys freeze, staring at me in fear and awe. Some of them try to resist me, but all fail. None of them realize what I am. Already poking around in their heads and making them accept my huge size and demonic features. I smile and saunter across the lawn, tempting each boy with my huge bouncing muscled ass. My slave of a brother following me as he whimpers, nobody even takes notice of him as I duck inside the school, constantly crouching to avoid breaking the ceiling, for now. With some difficulty I make it to my homeroom, the doorframe groaning as the metal bends against my body. The teacher looks stunned, and sexy as well, I give my lips a quick lick, looking over his body. Buffed, tall, and scared of me already, my idea of a good meal. I shut the door behind me, giving the lock a flick, outside the classroom the hall has flooded with people lusting for a chance to see my body, my bros face pressed against the glass as sit in the front of the class, obviously too big to even try sitting anywhere else. My wide muscled back blocking the view for most of the class. I sit there hunched over, never once taking my eyes off the teacher. Above even my brother’s worship, I can feel this guy’s lust for me, my wings unfurl slightly, and I make my biceps jump as he starts talking. I watch in amusement as he constantly gets side tracked, jumping to strange topics I planted in his head, like exactly how much I can lift and describing each of my power muscles to the class. After some time of this I can feel a haze filling the room, it’s my own musk, but the scent combined with the teachers description of my amazing body has caused some students in the back to start rubbing themselves. Each student in worship of my power as I hold back my growth, just a few moments longer. I cut the teacher off, my chuckle a deep rumble as I approach the front of the room, I give him a push down under my boot, ignoring the moan of pleasure escaping from him as I face the rest of my intoxicated class. “I think we get the image our teacher was explaining,” I grin lustfully, “But just in case here’s an example!” I grunt, flexing my arms as they knock the ceiling tiles loose. I watch with renewed lust in my eyes as the class shudders in front of me. “Just to be clear, I own you all now.” I smirk, sitting on the floor with a thud, pulling the teacher out from under me. “Yo, teach, Worship these pits.” I order, watching him scamper to bury his face in my muscled pit. “The rest of you jack off to me, you can join him when you’re done.” I order. Two students join him almost immediately, pulling off my massive boots with two heavy thuds as the start licking my feet without pause. I hold back a groan, the worship already so strong as I grow slightly. Outside the classroom I can hear my brother chanting with half the school crowded into the hall behind him. “Asher… Asher… Asher…” Each time my chest pulses and I swell larger, even sitting my horns are reaching the ceiling. After a short while everyone in the classroom is on my body somewhere, lost in worship of my massive size and power. I decide to have some fun. With almost no effort at all I start draining every worshiper on me, taking their size and adding it to me. Inch by inch they grow smaller on me as I bend to keep my head in the room, I stop draining once my wings hit the ceiling, leaving them all at about 3 feet tall on average. The sight of all these people so small on my huge body intoxicates me. I grab the shrunken teacher from under my arm, squeezing ever so lightly before I hear several of his ribs snap. That alone made me go hard, I decided there that I never want to stop... The power alone is just too damn good. I break open the classroom door, watching the worshipers scramble in as I get on my knees, body slamming the wall, not caring about the runts around me. “Follow me to the gym Slaves.” I command, moving so I’ll have more room as my massive shoulder length almost reaches from side to side to side of the hall, placing me at about 17 feet tall already. “This school won’t hold me long.” I boom my clothes ready to tear off as I plan my next growing phase.
  13. hero1000

    College Hulk Part 6

    I know it has been a long time. This plot is growing more complicated so I have to make sure I get it right. There is a new character here. Hope you enjoy. Part 1 and 2 Part 3 and 4 Part 5 Part 7 Part 6 Steve struggled to consciousness. He still couldn’t open his eyes but he began to feel aware. He was laying down…good that should help his headache. He tried to open his eyes again. No luck. He felt something warm on top of him. He could move his arm, but it felt like his brain was swimming in peanut butter. He tried to open his eyes once more and this time had some success. His mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton. “Need some water” he rasped out. He started to roll over but he suddenly fell and went face down on the floor. That hurt. He looked around and realized he was in his room. He had just rolled right out of bed. He sat up then quelled an urge to vomit as his head started pounding like somebody had a jackhammer in there and was trying to break his skull apart. He slowly stood up and went to the mini fridge to get a bottle of water. As he stood drinking it, he heard a noise and turned around. Jonas lay on his bed with his arm over his head. “Dude, shut the fridge. The light is killing me” “Jonas?” “Shut the fridge, Steve” Steve stopped staring and shut the door bringing the darkness back into the room. “Jonas. Where have you been?” “What are you talking about?” “Tony said, but…we had a fight and you….” Steve’s brain was still foggy. “You are not making any sense. My mouth feels funny. Give me some of that water” Steve went over to the bed and handed the bottle to Jonas. The water had helped and he was beginning to feel much better. Jonas took a big gulp and sighed. Steve sat heavily on the foot of Jonas’ bed. “Jonas. I’m trying to remember something. But maybe I was just having a bad dream.” “I had a pretty weird dream myself, man” “Really? Can you remember any of it?” “I was…wait…you were in it.” Steve looked at him. “You were in mine, too. We had a fight. I was pretty upset” “Yeah. You said some pretty mean things to me and I….I don’t really know why we were fighting.” Steve suddenly realized he was naked and got embarrassed. “Hah, dude I think I need to put some clothes on. Hold on.” He got up from the bed. “Wait you were naked in my dream and I caught you….” “In the shower…” Steve finished and stopped moving . Jonas sat up. “Are you sure it was a dream?” Steve opened his wardrobe and grabbed his jeans and a shirt out pulling them on. “Aren’t you gonna put on some boxers?” “I can’t find any. I think…I “ There was a knock at the door and a voice called from the other side. “Hey…hey guys! It’s almost time for class.” “Thanks, Craig!” Jonas called. Craig had the room two doors down. Jonas hopped out of bed. He staggered for a moment then ran to the trash can and wretched into it. Steve brought him a bottle of water. “Here, that should help” “Thanks” he sipped it slowly and washed the taste out of his mouth. Steve grimaced, “Great way to start the new year off” Jonas sat up. “We should probably get to our classes. Meet me at lunch so we can talk.” Steve sighed, “I guess I can get through calculus, maybe chemistry…but….damn, it…ok I’ll meet you here at lunch. I’m finished with my last class at 12:30” “I get done at 1 so make it 1:15 we meet.” They grabbed their backpacks from their lockers and headed out. Craig was waiting in the hall for them. “You two look like hell. What’s up?” Steve smirked, “Had a rough weekend” Jonas just nodded, “I’ve got to get to physics. I’ll see you at 1:15” He took off out the door. Steve turned back to Craig, “You have calculus?” “Yeah” They started out the door when Craig spoke up, “Have you seen Tony?” Steve was caught off guard. In his dream, Tony had pulled some pretty rough stuff. Maybe it wasn’t a dream. He shook his head. “Why do you ask?” “His room looks like it is cleared out. He was supposed to be in calculus with us.” “Like empty?” “Yeah. Ghost town kind of stuff. He was here last week. I talked with him.” Something kept nagging at the back of Steve’s mind. He almost had it, then it slipped away again. It was kind of frustrating. Craig looked at him with concern, “You all right, bud?” “Yeah, just trying to remember something.” They reached the Mathematics building and entered the class. They found seats next to each other just as the professor arrived. Dr. Laura Matthews was a beautiful woman. Guys took her classes even when they didn’t need to do so, just to watch her and hear her voice. Steve and Craig glanced at each other. “All right, gentlemen, I’m passing out the syllabus. Today we are going over it and getting started. Did anyone not get the book?” A couple of hands went up, including Steve. Craig whispered, “I thought you bought them last week?” “I can’t find it. Besides that means she’ll bring me a copy and I can get close enough to smell her fragrance.” “You’re sick dude” “Are you two quite finished?” Dr. Matthews was looking at them. Craig blushed. Steve smiled, “Yes ma’am. Won’t happen again. I bought a book and can’t find it today. I had a rough week” “I have several here you may take one” Steve smiled at Craig and walked up towards the front of the class to take one from Dr. Matthews. He turned and winked at Craig as he got close and reached for a book. He inhaled deeply. She was wearing an amazing scent that…..he shuddered like a switch had been flipped. An insane amount of energy and power rushed through him. He fumbled with the calculus book and dropped it on the floor. A loud groan escaped from him as he doubled over in panic. The class was laughing and Craig called out, “Hey, bro, just get the book stop being a sicko” Steve’s mind was racing, “It wasn’t a dream…this can’t be happening….it never happened…like…oh shit…” Dr. Matthews was trying to quiet the class so she didn’t see the flash of green, like a strange luminescence. Steve grunted out, “Need to use the bathroom…gonna be sick” It was hard to get the words out and he heard the change in his voice and hoped no one else noticed. Dr. Matthews shook her head in exasperation, “Hurry back” Steve tried to run from the room, but the sensations that were rushing through him were difficult to control. He managed to get out the door. Craig raised his hand, “Hey, Dr. Matthews, want me to go keep an eye on him?” She sighed, “Fine. Let me know if you need medical assistance” Craig ran out the door after Steve. He tried to figure out which way Steve had gone. He found a piece of cloth on the ground in the direction of the back restrooms. It looked kind of like Steve’s shirt. What was wrong with him? Was he really sick? Why did it look like he ripped part of his clothes off? He saw the door shut and called out. “Steve hold up, man! You ok?” He ran into the bath room and Steve turned to face him. Craig backed up his mouth dropping open. Steve’s eyes had turned white and there was a green tinge to his skin. But the most startling thing was that he appeared to have grown about 3 inches taller and exploding with muscle. The front of his shirt had burst open where two huge pecs jutted out. That matched the frayed piece of cloth in Craig’s hand. He stared dumbfounded at his friend. “Craig..ughhhhh….no….shouldn’t….” Steve tried to stammer in a deep raspy voice. A loud rip echoed through the bathroom and Craig saw Steve’s lats widen out impossibly huge pushing his arms away from his sides and could see pieces of cloth fall to the ground behind Steve. Craig stammered, “Holy shit! Steve, what the…” Steve grunted and snarled as his thighs burst apart the jeans. Sweat was pouring off his body mixed with the lack of shower that morning it created a heavy musky scent that was overpowering. Craig was at first struggling with the foul odor then began to find himself oddly turned on by it. Steve’s skin turned a deep green as his arms burst through the sleeves. His waist band ruptured as a thick muscled gut rolled outwards. He continued to get taller, grunting and gasping as the last of his clothes fell to the bathroom floor. “Steve, dude…” Steve grumbled, “Craig, sorry, can’t control it.” Steve’s thick green stick had sprung to life. Craig turned to the bathroom door and found the lock, clicking it in place. “Steve, we can’t have anyone see you like this. But DAMN! ” Steve was about 7 feet tall and massive. Most bodybuilders would be insanely jealous. Steve’s deepened voice rumbled, “Feels so good” Craig laughed, “Yeah by the size of that pole, I would say it does” “Don’t make fun.” “Woah, easy! I’m not making fun” Steve was already stroking but like he wasn’t aware of it. Craig called out, “Dude, if you’re gonna fire your cannon you might want to point it the other way.” Steve didn’t seem to hear as he was lost in ecstasy. Precum was leaking out and Craig tried to move, but was pinned between the door and Steve’s monstrous frame. “Dude, please stop you’re gonna…” But too late, Steve blew. And it was like a volcano going off. Thick spunk went everywhere. Craig got it in his eyes, his hair his mouth. “Aw, Dude! Really?!?!” He tried to wipe it off and shake it off, but it was thick and sticky. He must have swallowed a gallon of it. He barely noticed Steve as he pushed passed and tried to clean up at the sink. Craig was still scrubbing at his face and hair with paper towels and soap and water when Steve spoke behind him. “Craig…bro…I’m sorry” Craig looked up in the mirror, disgusted. But he saw a much smaller Steve. His skin was a normal pink color. He was still huge about 6’4 and over 300 pounds but definitely smaller than before and he was shrinking. Steve staggered towards the sink and leaned on it, causing it to groan under the weight. Craig moved to the side, “Dude, don’t lean you might break it” Steve was gasping like he was exhausted and looked at Craig, “Dude, I….I…” He reached out sideways and Craig had to grab him to keep him from falling over. Craig threw his arm around Steve’s still huge back and tried to help him sit. It was tough maneuvering as his friend was still bigger than normal. He finally got him up against the wall then sat across from him and watched the dehulking. Steve closed his eyes momentarily and when he opened them again they had returned to their normal color. Craig shook his head, “Dude, man, what the hell? How did you do that?” “I…I’m not sure. I smelled her perfume and it triggered something” “Yeah, right. I’ve smelled her perfume before and nothing like that ever happened to me.” Steve smiled, “Maybe you’re gay” Craig leaned over and punched him, “Shut up. Maybe you’re gay. Maybe the whole world is gay and I’m the only straight one.” Steve just smiled, but looked like he really needed sleep. Craig didn’t care he was pressing on, “Seriously, how did this happen to you? More importantly, can you make it happen to me?” Steve shook his head, “It’s a long story. I don’t know if I can make anything happen to anyone. I’m not really sure why it happened just now.” “So try me. What the hell?” “Can you help me get some clothes first? I feel really weird talking with you sitting naked on the boys room floor.” They cleaned up the restroom, and Steve hid in a stall until Craig could return with some clothes. Craig walked him back to the house. Steve decided that since Craig already saw his secret he could fill him in. By the time Steve was done, Craig was quiet for some time. He finally spoke up, “So you don’t know what happened to that little shithead, Tony?” Steve shook his head. “I think, then we need to find out. He is up to something and from the sounds of it, it can’t be good news.”
  14. goremeridian

    A new kind of power source: Part 5

    Almost there! One part to go. Thanks for putting up with my ridiculous macro fantasy thus far, guys! Hope you enjoy! A new kind of power source Part 5 The Bible tells us that Moses spoke to God at the top of a mountain. Tim’s biceps put Mount Sinai to shame. “WHAT DO YOU THINK?” His divine voice reverberated through the air. “THESE PEAKS AS BIG AS A FUCKING CITY YET?” He flexed the bulging mass several times, each pump of the stupendous muscle causing it to swell yet further with unbridled strength and impossible growth. Every movement, however casual, caused my flea-like form to tumble about the straining peak. It was only when Tim spoke to me that I knew he remembered I was still there. I was in no danger of falling over the “side”. At full tensed glory, you could have sat a quarter of the population of Swindon on the pale, steel-hard mound. Of course, with every second that passed, that number increased dramatically. There was no danger he would lower his arms either. He was having too much fun. I slammed into one of the tunnel-sized veins criss-crossing the peak’s surface and rolled to my feet. Steadying myself against the hot surface of the blue, furiously-pumping wall of flesh, I tried to catch my breath. “Not yet, Tim,” I gasped. “Man, I can’t believe you’re still so god-damned SMALL!” “GRRRR!” He roared in response, pumping his biceps even more furiously than before. I managed to make it over to a nearby striation (this one only a small ditch compared to the canyon size of some of the others I’d nearly fallen into) and was able to wedge myself into the gap between the two unyielding walls to prevent myself from any further falls. Rolling about the distended muscle was a hot experience – but I was getting pretty bruised too. And I needed a few moments to get my breath back. I spat out a little blood, and a tooth. A minor price to pay for getting a chance to play on a god’s bicep. I realised, for the first time, that I couldn’t even see the curvature of his arm. The pale flesh just stretched out before me, slick with sweat. I had long since given up trying to stay dry. Besides, being drenched in Tim’s manliness was hardly an uncomfortable experience. Hell, by now, most of Wiltshire probably stank of MAN. I imagined people in nearby towns sniffing at the air, the women getting wet and even the straight men getting steel-hard erections as the rich, testosterone scent of muscle-god filled their nostrils. I wondered, not for the first time, from how far away Tim’s muscles could be seen. Other counties? London itself? When would the French start noticing the titan swelling up across the Channel from them? I couldn’t wait until the Americans caught a glimpse of him. Speaking of views, the one to my left was blocked by the veiny mound. To my right, Tim’s pale flesh just went on and on into the horizon, an endless field of twitching, straining brawn that undulated with vast subterranean muscle. “GRRRRRRR!” He roared again. I couldn’t see from here but I was sure that his breath parted the clouds I’d last seen clustering about his pecs, scattering cumuli across the UK with every huff. “YOU’RE JUST NOT TRYING HARD ENOUGH TO GROW ME, SPECK. DON’T YOU WANT THIS AS MUCH AS I DO?” I was sure that my desire was, if anything, stronger than it had ever been, and Tim was gaining hundreds of pounds of muscle mass every few seconds. It had taken a bit of practice but I had been able to break some small part of my mind away from the intense act of growing my friend so that I could actually appreciate his ascent into godhood. It was this part that responded to Tim: “You’re questioning MY desire? I want you to grow MASSIVE. Bigger than you could ever imagine. I think it’s YOU who’s afraid to grow that big…” I noticed my voice was beginning to echo and realised the steel walls about me were starting to stretch wider and wider apart. Soon my refuge would become another canyon-like striation. “Maybe you’re just happy to be this puny, this small.” I grinned. “Maybe I should find someone else to give your device to, huh? What do you say, tiny?” There was a sudden LURCH and my world tilted. I dropped out of the striation and before I knew it I was skidding across the hot, rippling surface of Tim’s bicep peak. My heart was in my mouth. I scrabbled desperately at the slick surface. “PUNY?” The word tore through reality like a nuclear explosion. “I’LL SHOW YOU WHO’S PUNY!” Tim’s growth had kicked into overdrive. I plunged into a bead of sweat several times bigger than my house. Kicking furiously through the hot, viscous, saline liquid, my head and shoulders broke the surface. It was difficult to tell from my crooked, pathetic perspective, but I figured I was somewhere near Tim’s elbow. Only the surface tension of the water was keeping me safe from gravity’s pull. This kept happening. Just when we thought we were both putting 100% of our energies into growing Tim, into cramming more and more mass onto his frame, there would be a sudden jolt like this and his rate of growth would increase. Was the source of the energy – our desire – growing too? Or had we, as I suspected, underestimated the real power of the devices? I glanced about me. Where once there had been an unrestricted view of a cloudless blue sky, now there was just TIM. Shit, that was one of his wrist muscles – his brachio-radialis, perhaps – bursting with rippling mass as it stretched out across the stratosphere. The bicep peak beneath the sweat droplet writhed as the titanic muscles expanded monstrously. Within minutes, his entire body mass had doubled; no, tripled. “My God!” I found myself gasping, though if you asked me whether I was praying to the Abrahamic deity or to my friend, I would be hard pushed to answer. I’ll go for the latter. I was filling the sweat droplet with cum from my ever-ripe balls – had been ever since he had started swelling once again – and somehow my ejaculate seemed a more fitting offering for Tim than any other deity. “STILL TOO SMALL!” he thundered, even as he passed what must have been twenty miles high and nearly that in width. Twenty one miles. Twenty two. Twenty three. The thing is, he was still too small. In our RPs we had rapidly skipped through the stratosphere. Now our journey seemed to be taking forever. I waited until one of my bouts of orgasm was over, then cried out: “Oh, you think YOU want you to grow big, little man? Well your desire’s got NOTHING on mine! I’m gonna show you just how freaking big you could be – if only you really wanted it half as much as me!” I gave another couple of kicks as I trod water. “And then – I’m gonna grow you even BIGGER!” The competition to see who could grow him the most, and the fastest, had begun. * I think there was a faint shift in ambience as we smashed into the mesosphere, though it could have simply been my imagination. Part of my brain marvelled that what had once been his height – a pathetic 25 miles – was now the circumference of one of Tim’s biceps. Grossly out-of-proportion to his stature, his physique was nothing short of… …of… …well, pretty good, I guess. The other part of my brain was obsessed with the thought: Tim was still far too small. “THAT’S MORE LIKE IT, SPECK!” The god’s voice filled my world. He was still flexing his biceps furiously, but they were so monstrous – and I, in comparison, so utterly pathetic – that I barely noticed. Do you notice when continents grate together? Or when the world spins? “WHERE’D YOU GET TO, ANYWAY?” I had lucked out. The crook of his arm was a confluence of sorts, and the bead of sweat had just grown bigger and bigger as more and more rivulets of perspiration flowed into it. The saline globe – now vast enough to flood a stadium – had gradually run around the curvature of Tim’s grotesquely swollen tricep and now hung suspended on the thickening mass of that beautiful muscle. This gave me a perfect view. Glancing one way, I could see the muscles of my god broadening with more and more insane mass. Glancing the other, I could make out the cirrostrati and cirrocumuli drifting far, far below, a swirling sea of white lapping up against Tim’s thickening calves. Logic told me that I shouldn’t be able to see anything. That at this size, at this height, Tim should be nothing more to me than a fuzzy mass, and the Earth little more than that. Yet my perspective was skewed, and I found I could make out details that should have been impossible from my perspective. “I’m on your tricep, Tim!” I called out. Again, he should not have been able to hear me. He clearly had no problem, however. “HANG ON!” The world below me disappeared, replaced with a vast, pale landscape of foothills. It was the tip of Tim’s finger. Carefully he reached up and scraped the bead of sweat onto the flesh of his digit. It had been some time since I was last on Tim’s fingertip. Before, its size had numbed my brain. Now, even the valleys of his fingerprints were lost in shadow. It was, like the rest of him, simply incomprehensible. Fifty miles. Fifty two. Fifty four. Tim raised me to his face. For a moment, I saw the same cute young guy who had thrown his arms about me and ground his cum-drenched briefs into my crotch in his driveway. Then he chuckled, nearly blowing me off his finger and sending me spinning endless miles to my death, and I knew that that Tim was long gone. The only thing linking the two was the desire to grow. “FUCKING PUNY,” he smirked, looking down at me. There was no way he should have been able to see me. No way either that I should have been able to make out his entire handsome, high-cheekboned face when his nose alone was nearly twelve times the size of Ben Nevis. And yet, here we were. “Just like our RPs!” I yelled up at him. His grin widened. “Except usually by this time you’re a lot bigger than this.” Seventy miles. Seventy five. “SHAME YOU MISSED THE BEST PART. ME CRUSHING THE FUCKING ARMY. AND ALL THOSE SKY-SCRAPERS TOO!” I laughed. “Nah – the best part’s still to come!” “ME OUTGROWING THE UK?” I shook my head. “You outgrowing the EARTH, dude.” * He blinked. If anything, that grin seemed to widen. Ninety. One hundred. “YOU SEEM PRETTY CERTAIN THAT’S GONNA HAPPEN, FOR A SPECK. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK YOU WON’T JUST PASS OUT ONCE WE HIT THE EXOSPHERE? OR THAT I WON’T JUST INADVERTANTLY CRUSH YOU?” He flexed his pecs beneath me. Like continental plates moving, the giant masses clenched into steel-hard globes of brawn. “EVEN AS I’M TALKING TO YOU, I CAN FEEL MY FEET SMUSHING THE LAST BITS OF SWINDON AND MOST OF THE SURROUNDING AREA INTO PASTE, AND I’M NOT EVEN TRYING,” he said cockily. “YOU DON’T STAND MUCH OF A CHANCE AGAINST MUSCLE THIS FUCKING HUGE.” “I won’t pass out. And you won’t crush me.” I was mildly surprised by the tone of certainty in my voice. “THAT AN ORDER?” He frowned. I felt a shift beneath me. There was a terrible BOOM, followed by a RUMBLE of destruction that sounded as though a mountain had decided to go for a romp across the surface of the Earth. Tim had taken one step forward. No, this definitely wasn’t the same guy I’d met earlier. This was Tim in full RP mode now, obsessed with nothing more than his own growth. One hundred and twenty. One hundred and forty. “No, not an order – a reality.” A look of bemusement crossed Tim’s features. It was as though he was weighing up the fun it would be to grind me to nothing against the possibility of his growth stopping. In the end, his greed won. “GO ON, SPECK. OUT WITH IT.” Two hundred. Two hundred and fifty. “You see, I began, I think your devices do more than just grow muscles.” “HOW DO YOU ACCOUNT FOR MY MASS, THEN?” He reached up and flexed the bicep of his other arm. It swelled and swelled, stretching grotesquely huge as it filled more and more of the space between titanic elbow and seething, monstrously striated, vascular wrist. “Oh, it grows muscles all right.” My mouth had gone very dry at the sight. Of course, the fact that the muscle kept growing bigger before my eyes did little to help me steady my train of thought either. “But I think it’s capable of so much more. I think it can affect reality itself.” After all, it had kept me alive so far. And provided Tim with skyscrapers and an army to fight, when that should have been impossible in a town like Swindon. And allowed us to communicate, and perceive each other. The list went on. “REALITY?” Tim clenched his bicep into a mind-blowing monster flex as though willing it to grow even faster than before. On cue, I started cumming again as the sinewy mass expanded before me, but I fought through the orgasm. “What I’m proposing is…what if we both – at the same time – stopped just thinking ‘Grow bigger, grow more muscular’ – which is taking far too long anyway, even with the occasional boosts we keep throwing at you. You’re still far too small.” No sooner had I ridden one orgasm out than I was struck with another, more intense one as I began to contemplate what I was proposing. “AND?” He growled, still pumping that bicep into inhuman hugeness. I collected my thoughts. “And instead, just think – again, together, right at the same time – ‘Be bigger than the Earth’.” Four hundred. Five hundred. “BIGGER THAN THE EARTH?” “Then we’ll make you bigger still. This’ll just be a test run. A testing of my theory.” He lowered his grotesque planetoid of a bicep. “FUCK. LET’S DO IT.” And we did.
  15. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 3

    "This is so fuckin' hot, little man!" He shouted with his head tilted back. His massive arms worked his big cock up and down. "Fuck my abs dude! And lick my fuckin pecs or I'll crush you in there!" He was jerking faster and faster, "Awww, yea, little man. Fuck my abs, lick these pecs! Ahh!" His muscles tensed and my head felt like it was going to pop. "Little man, I'm--Ahh-I'm--I'M GUNNA GROW!" I could hear his huge pecs growing on both sides of my head. The heat coming from them was making me sweat. They were growing around my skull and any second I knew they would crush me. My cock was still submerged in his abs as my hands beat the underside of his pecs. There was nothing my scrawny body could do to escape and my muffled screams were going unheard. I could feel his abs elongating and grinding my dick between them. I was on the verge of passing out when suddenly a heave of Alex's giant pecs made me go flying off of him. I flew so far off the bed that I hit the wall straight across from him and slid down to the ground. I laid on the ground panting and falling in and out of consciousness. The room slowed from a whirlwind to a slow spin as I caught my breath staring up at the high ceiling. From across the room I could hear the bed creaking and then something must have snapped because it made a loud bang that made the room shake. I was so out of it that I just laid there staring up. Out of no where the deepest voice addressed me: "Little man....you okay?" It made my spine shiver because of how loud it was. I still didn't register what it could have been until I heard whatever it was start to sit up. Suddenly there floor shook with a BOOM. Then the entire house shook with another BOOM. The light was beginning to dim as the booms came closer. I could see the knick knacks on the low table above my head move towards the edge with each shake. BOOOM. BOOOOM. I could feel the heat. BOOOOOM. My entire body lifted off the floor a little with the last shake. I finally put the energy together to lift my head a few inches. BOOOOM. "Little man... you ok down there?" I've never seen anything so magnificent in my life. From laying flat on the floor there was a god above me. It was a given I could not see his face but his pecs must have jut out at least two feet. They were covered in veins and sat high like two big beachballs on his sternum. He must have understood what my silence meant from below because he once again parted his huge ballooning pecs and stared down at me through the deep cleft between and smiled then asked, "How's the view from down there?" "God-like," I whispered to myself. He must have not heard me with his newfound height. "What was that, little guy?" And with that, the two giant orbs starting falling fast towards me in an attempt to hear what I had mummbled out of pure awe. The second it took for the behemoth to get onto one knee felt like minutes as his huge chest was thrust into my vision above me. There was almost no light from the room in my view from beneath him. "I couldn't hear what you said. Do you like how I look now?" "I said you looked God-like from up there!" He was dying to please me. "Hahaha!" He laughed whole-heartedly, "I knew you'd like seeing me G-R-O-W!" As he said the last word he expanded his back and flexed his chest high and mighty. His face completely disappeared from view and I felt my eyes grow wide as the shadow extended over my body. I was sitting up against the wall across from the bed and his chest kept flexing until his pecs met the wall and flattened against it. I know if he wanted he could have smashed through the wall with a simple pop of of chest. I couldn't handle it anymore. "You're SO BIG!" I lusted and reached up to touch the underside of his massive man mountains. But just as I almost reached them he released his flex and rose up to his feet. "Yea, little man! And It's all yours!" He flexed his massive arms and bounced his bowling ball biceps around then spun around giving me a view of his rock hard ass cheeks as he stomped towards the door. "Get yourself together and meet me in the kitchen. Your big guy is hungry!" His foot steps shook the room with each step. I spent the next fifteen minutes laying in the same slumped spot in the corner of Alex's huge bedroom jerking my cock to everything I had just witnessed. I got myself together and grabbed my tight briefs and my white tank top that I wore under my shirt. I threw them on and walked over to the large mirror wall that covered his closet and peered into it. I put my arms up in a flex position and looked myself up and down. I was so small compared to this guy! I was only 125lbs and under 5'4 while this guy was over twice my height and God only knows how much he weighed. I put my arms down as the smell of food filled the room. It smelled like...a lot of things. I left the bedroom and walked down the hall. There were rooms everywhere and the ceilings were extremely high. I made my way passed a living room with a huge couch that looked like it could have fit 10 of me. I kept walking until the smell of food was almost smacking me in the face. I walked around the corner and saw Alex sitting at a huge oak table in one of the biggest kitchens I've ever seen. There was an industrial stove and three industrial refridgerators. On the large oak table was an array of different foods.. Was he having a feast? I approached the table as he waved over with a large chicken breast in one hand and a hard boiled egg that looked like a pea clutched between his big finger tips. I walked over to the bench that was across from his bench that he used as chairs. As I jumped up I noticed this kitchen was made for someone much bigger than me because the table came up to the top of my chest. However, Alex seemed to fit very well with the setup; In fact, he looked a bit too big for it. "Dig in, little man!" He said with his mouth stuffed. I noticed he had already gone through three full roasted chickens, tons of rice, and so much other food that I couldn't identify because there was only scraps left. I reached over and grabbed a spoonful of corn, a sliver of chicken, and a dollup of mashed potatoes. The big guy laughed loudly as I started to dig in to my scarcely filled plate. "That's all you're going to have? You're making me feel fat!" He laughed. "You're anything but fat, big guy," I laughed "Trust me on that one!" He continued to chuckle along and brought one arm up, looked at it, and curled his hand towards his bulbous shoulders making his bicep rise up. Once again my eyes grew wide and my laughter turned to coughs as I choked on a biteful of corn. He quickly looked from his huge mountain to me and then back to his arm and then back at me. He put the connection together playfully. "You like this?" He smiled. "What happened to you being a PEC guy?" He popped his chest up as he said it causing me to cough again. "I am, but your entire body... All of your--" "MUSCLES?" He interrupted as he bounced his huge bicep and then raised his other arm to match. "All of your huge muscles are absolutely incredible. I still don't know why you're doing all of this for me." I stared in awe. "Little man, I told you..I'm not only doing this for you. I love how little you are; You make me feel like a giant and I love it! And I've never met anyone who wants me to get bigger like you do!" "Well, I've never seen anyone as big as you, and I don't think I ever will!" "Hell no you won't! Check this out." He let one arm down and reach across to the center of the table where a bunch of fruit was sitting. He grabbed and apple out of the bowl and brought it back towards him. He looked over to his bicep and straightened out his arm making the bicep unflex. He carefully placed the apple on the joint between his elbow and the bowling ball that sat on his upper arm. He bent his arm a few inches and the apple became completely wedged between all of the muscles on his arm. He looked right at my face and winked and then brought his hand towards his head to flex his gigantic arm. Veins rose up like ropes and the bowling ball turned into a globe right before my eyes. The apple was completely gone and only apple sauce and juice were left dripping down the side of his arms. Chunks of apple were all over his huge cannon as he looked back to me and said "Dessert is served!" I stood on my oversized chair and started crawling across the oversized table. I got to my feet and had to skip and jump over all the bowls of food and scraps left all over the table. I reached the giant man on the other side and I noticed even standing on this table with him seated I was only a few inches above his head. I rubbed my hands through his hair sensually and then slowly knelt down in front of his massive bicep. I looked up and over at his face and we both smiled before he raised his arm right up in front of my face and grunted. The massive arm was flexing even bigger inches from my face and it was filling my entire view. It was so massive it surpassed the size of a baby car seat. I put my hands on the smooth hot surface and began rubbing in a circular pattern around the spherical muscle orb. Veins ran under my finers as large as jump rope and there was a distinct crevice that seperated the bicep from the tricep that could easily fit a television remote. "Clean it off with your tongue, little man." Alex said as he peered over his huge arm down at me. I smiled again and pressed my tongue to the warm flesh in front of me. He tilted his head back and flexed his arm even bigger. The taste of apple and sweat filled my mouth. "That's right, little man, lick it all off!" I furiously began licking every inch and crevice of the massive orb in front of me. The big man groaned again and moved his free hand to behind my hand and gently pressed me face into his bicep. He relaxed the stone wall a bit and bounced my face into the huge mass. He then moved my head into the trench between his bicep and elbow where the apple had once been. "These guns could crush you right now if I wanted." I cringed as he began putting pressure on my little head with the bicep that was about four times the size. "But they're only here to protect you." I popped my head out from the muscle and smiled up at him. I rose to my feet and hugged his huge arm with both of my arms hardly being able to reach around it. My rock hard nine inch cock was grinding in the crevice where his bicep met his arm. I stopped because it felt so good that I thought I would blow my load right then and there. The big guy noticed this and reached over to my skin tight briefs and pulled them to the ground. "Go ahead, my little guy, fuck my giant muscles." I moved my legs closer to his huge bicep as I stood on the big oak table. I used one of my arms to grab onto the back of the man mountain and grabbed my cock with the other. I began flicking my nine inch cock onto the huge stone orb that was his bicep as he bounced it around for me. I then rubbed my dick all over his muscle veins. He leaned his head over to my cock and spit on my dick. I rubbed it around and then moved my dick to the deep trench where the apple and my head had once been. The big guy and I smiled at each other and then I began to thrust my dick in the cleft he made as he flexed his bicep. "You're...soo....fucking....huge!" I panted as I continued to fuck his gargantuan muscle. "That's right! Fuck my huge muscles! Tell me how big I am!" "You're....a giant. You're...a giant....muscle god!" I thrust one last time before errupting in the deep muscle trench. I pulled my dick out and slumped over his huge flexed bicep. He bounced his huge bicep one last time with a groan and it sent me flying to the place on the oak table directly in front of his massive chest. I laid face down sprawled out on my stomach. I was so tired I couldn't lift my face off the table to look at him. I could see on the side of me was still a bunch of metal and glass utensils, bowls, and plates with the scraps of food from the feast that had fed his muscles a few minutes ago and I assumed the other side of me was the same. "Wow, little man! I can see you enjoy bicep worship a lot! Hahaha, I just hope you haven't forgotten about these big ones!" I could hear him grunt and I could almost hear the sound of muscles expanding less than a foot over my head. A shadow came over me and I could feel heat from above. With the rest of the energy I had left I picked my head up and noticed he had moved closer to the big oak table because his rock hard upper abs were pressed against the table. I slowly moved my glance up higher and saw his huge mountainous pecs were being thrusted foward over my head. They formed a massive shelf that trapped me in a crawl space between the table and the pecs above me. "You better run, little man! Because here comes the real mountains!" My eyes grew wide as they expanded over me.
  16. BGryphon18

    The Muscle - Finalist Bio's

    Welcome to The Muscle Finalist Bio page! Here you can read up on each of our contestants and choose who YOU want to see become the first winner of The Muscle! ============================================================================================= Contestant 1: Adam Age: 19 Weight: 180 Occupation: Student Lifting for: 4 years Personal statement: Hey all. My name's Adam and I am hoping to be chosen as the winner of The Muscle! I've been lifting for a little over 4 years now and it's nearly become my whole life! I'm a student but I'm barely passing most of my classes as I spend all my time either lifting, eating, sleeping or thinking about getting bigger! I want to become the top name in bodybuilding so this seems like the best way to do it! I've only recently gotten into muscle worship from others as I spent most of my "free" time worshiping myself! It was an amazing experience the first time though and I've been hungry for it even more! Hope you guys choose me each week and I promise that I will do my best to prove why I should be The Muscle! Erotic Story: Um... well it's a bit embarrassing but one of the hottest things for me was after working out at the campus gym another guy who was built almost as much as I was came into the shower after me and basically attacked me... not physically, but sexually. Came right in and started feeling me up and stroking my cock. Started telling me how hot I was and how much he had been wanting to do this for weeks now and finally got the courage to do so. Well he had courage alright, liquid courage... between the strong smell and his quick work to my cock, I felt a little drunk myself! He started asking me to flex for him and show him how big I was. I was already horned up from my workout and this wasn't the first time I'd been worshiped by a guy so I figured, why not? I started by flexing my arm for him and he attacked it like a ravenous wolf! Licking and kissing it, moaning all the while he was stroking my cock. After a couple pumps I pulled him up to my face where he started gabbing about how hot I was, how he couldn't wait to see me even bigger. Well nothing gets me harder or more turned on than the idea of growth so I started giving it back to him. "Oh yeah?" I said "You want me to get even bigger than this? That's a 19 inch arm you were sucking on... bigger than most guys get and you want to see it even BIGGER!?" He was moaning even harder now and nodding his head telling me he wanted to see it bigger than his head. "Well let's compare shall we?" I said. "Let's see just how much your head compares to this gun of mine." And I slammed his face back into it. Pumping my bi into his mouth forcing him to open it as wide as he could. "Yeah... lick that huge gun. Bet you'll be even hungrier when it pumps up to 20" I flexed hard into his face before relaxing it "then 21" another pump "then 22! GRRRR!" I was fucking rock hard now and couldn't control myself. He started to thrash a bit but I didn't really notice as I was too turned on now. I pulled my arm back, turned him around, slammed him into the tile and started fucking him. Was really stupid as I didn't have a condom but I was possessed. I grabbed his hands and pinned them to the wall above his head and just impaled him in the first thrust. He was really moaning now and yelling too as I mercilessly fucked him pinning him to the wall. "Yeah this is what you wanted right? Being fucked by this big teen muscle stud? Feel my thick pecs against your back pressing you into the wall. Can't wait for them to get even bigger... want them so huge I can't see my feet over them... yeah fucking massive teen beast..." Over and over it went. No idea how long it was but I couldn't hold on much after that and rammed into him so hard I lifted him off the floor for the first blast of my cum into him. After he came back down I backed up a step and wrapped my arms around him and was bear hugging him while I shot into him. Each shot made me squeeze his torso into mine until I was finally spend and pulled out of him. When I could finally think straight again, I looked down to see that there was quite a bit of blood. At first I thought he was just a virgin, but then I saw his mouth was bleeding. Then I realized that I had broken one of his teeth while I was flexing my arm in his mouth. He was out of it and passed out so I left. Found out later that he was woken up by the janitor and taken to the campus nurse. He had to get a false tooth in the next couple days and seemed a bit weary of me after that, but I could tell that he was still really turned on by me. He never approached me after that but I could tell that if he ever got really drunk again, he'd come find me for an encore performance.
  17. SarisHappy

    My Girl II

    So lately, we've really hit the weights hard. As I've said, I've been growing all over thanks to her help. I've been getting taller, thicker, and stronger. And she joins me. We do full body work outs daily. We spend about 6 hours at the gym a day. Even after the gym, we do post work-out work-outs. What we do depends on how she's feeling usually, but she claims it's all part of her system. Like, sometimes, when we have a particularly good day at the gym, and my muscles are so pumped that my clothes look like they shrunk a size or two... She'll take me to her place, and make me flex as hard as I can for more than hour. On more than one occasion, after flexing like this, the pump would just...stay. Then the next work out session, I'd pump even bigger. It felt amazing. And her...She's putting on a lot of size, too. She eats even more than I do, strangely enough. It's because she doesn't want to cut. She tells me it's alternating between bulking and cutting that makes women lose their curves. And she doesn't want that. It's weird. It's like, they way she talks about working out is bro science, but she's not a bro. Sis science? It sounds just as stupid sometimes, but her results are real. She isn't getting taller, but she's certainly gaining faster than I thought a female ever could. Her strong, hard body building a soft, smooth layer of feminine curves. Her hourglass figure amplified, growing in all the right places. No matter what the work out, it always ends in sex. We sleep like, 4 hours a night. We're incredibly in sync. We both wake up, extremely aroused and full of energy. We trained our minds and bodies to their absolute peak, and with our genetics, our peaks were extremely high. But my favorite is when she'd exercise my dick. I'd sit down in my computer chair (custom made for my bulk), and after warming up my junk with a heat pad, I'd call her in, let her know I'm ready. She'd walk in, a smirk on her face. "Alright baby, are you ready? Are you ready to grow for me?" I nod. "No. Say it." "I'm ready." "Ready for what?" I struggle with my ego. She knows what. But I'm getting into the right state of mind. I must train my mind. Train it to listen to her, so it can command my body to change. "I'm ready to grow." "Yeah baby..." She's on her knees, in front of me, my giant flaccid hanging below. "Now don't get hard. You want to grow, don't you?" "Yes." "All you have to do is listen to me...focus on my voice." She said, her eyes never looking away from mine. Our primal urges fighting for dominance. "Just listen to me...and obey..." I say nothing. "Trust everything that I say." She says, as she grabs the head of my penis, and pulls it downward, stretching it. It feels great. It's like stretching a muscle...but not...it's my penis. "All you have to do is obey me, believe what I say, and trust me to make you grow so much bigger...." I start to get hard. "No..." She says softly, biting her lip, as she resisted the sexual urge as well. "Control it. It's YOUR penis. It's YOUR body. It's YOUR mind. If you aren't in control, who is? Stay soft..." She said. It was difficult, sitting in front of an entity that seemed to be created to simply appease my sexual interests. but I managed, and she stretched my dick in all directions. The Flaccid length stretching further and further out each moment. "Relax...relax all the muscles in your hips...your legs...your pelvis...allow them to relax into the stretch." She said, no longer looking at me, but looking at my penis, wrapping it over her forearm and pulling down on it. "Command the cells in your penis to grow...Send the message from your brain, down your spine, out through the nerves all around in and inside your penis...grow..." I've never been this turned on in my life. after a series of stretches, she pulled it straight out. It took every bit of my willpower to not get erect at the sight. Her strong arms pulling my dick longer than I'd ever seen it, even erect. "My my..." She said. "This must be a new record." Her large chest heaved up and down in arousal, but she calmed her breath. "But this is nothing...right?" I said nothing, trying to fight the erection. "Right?" She said, looking up at me. "Right." I said, hypnotized. "Then tell it to stretch out even longer..." She commanded. I obeyed. "Believe it will happen, put all of your faith into it. Ignore all doubt, and feel it..." I saw her hand move further away. "Feel it stretching even longer..." Another tiny bit, my dick stretched longer. "Feel every cell divide..." I stretched longer. "From the base..." A bit longer. "Up the shaft..." She pulled a bit harder, and it stretched even further, to it's max. She held it there for a few moments, her smirked returned. When she let go, it fell limp. She grabbed it from underneath, and shook it a little. "Haha, look at it! It's huge!" She was right. I was always a grower. While my flaccid size was always very impressive, I grew significantly. Now, I was longer than I had ever been. It looked like an salami that needed to be diced up for proper distribution. I fought the erection again, but this time, she said "Let it happen, get hard for me, big guy, let's see what I'm working with." It was like a damn has collapsed, as blood poured into my dick. It shocked both of us, as it jumped off her hand, and assumed it's upward trajectory into it's fully erect state. It exploded in thickness, but it's length remained relatively unchanged...unchanged as in, still longer than I've ever seen it. "Wow baby...You're gonna get so fucking huge..." She said. And I obeyed.
  18. TheWeremuscleForest

    Introducing the Muscle Doctor Part 2 of 2

    He grabs Bloodstone’s scrubs and tears them off including his underwear. He then turns the doctor around and starts slapping his leaky pole on his ass. The doctor tries to get away but Davis holds him down with his free hand. ‘I just want to see if this protein can be transferred to another man. Remember you told me that if I came, I would shrink so…..if I pump it into you…..would you fucking grow from it? My mind absolutely loves the thought of that doctor because I have this craving that won’t go away.’ ‘DAVE! NO! Don’t do this! Your curiosity got the best of you. Why should I have to bear the brunt of your decision?’ The big man secures Bloodstone and picks him up to carry him over to a table. He puts him down and tells him to get on his knees. The doctor tries to resist him, but is not strong enough to really make any kind of move. ‘You wanna play doctor? HUH? *slaps Bloodstone’s chest and back* Get on your knees…..you and I both know that you can’t stop me from pumping you full of this stuff.’ He lifts the doctor up off the table and arranges his legs so that he is on all fours as Bloodstone’s hairy ass glistens with sweat. Davis moans as he looks at it and moves down to run his tongue along the doctor’s hole. He slaps his ass a few times which makes Bloodstone submit a little. Davis’s strong hands travel up and down the doctor’s back making him relax. Bloodstone’s hairy cock starts to harden making Davis laugh as he slowly parts the doctor’s ass lips with his tongue. He stops after a few minutes to reach his free hand between the nervous man’s legs to massage his hairy ballsac and pet the 9x6” rod that the doctor is sporting. He is very impressed with how equipped Bloodstone is. ‘See…..this isn’t so bad is it Ross. In fact, I am hungry for some of that beautiful meat to go along with the peanut butter you made me. You told me to relax before remember? I think you should relax now.’ Davis pulls the doctor’s cock and balls underneath his legs so he can get a taste of them. The big man licks his big ballsac and lightly sucks on it tasting some of the fear emanating from Bloodstone’s body. He moans as he runs his tongue up and down the thick cock and plays with the head on it flicking his tongue a few times. The doctor trembles feeling sensations rushing up and down his body. At this point, Davis knows that he has Bloodstone willing to give in to his advances. He swallows the huge pole and gulps each time it hits his throat. The doctor moans long and hard feeling it rub the big man’s insides. Davis gets a rhythm going that makes Bloodstone hump his mouth. The big man lets out several ‘mmmmm’’s knowing that he is winning the doctor over. He takes his other hand that was holding the doctor in place and slowly pushes a few fingers inside Bloodstone’s hole. ‘STOP IT PLEASE DAVE! Uhhhh……*winces*. I can’t do this…..why subject me to such torture?’ *Davis stops sucking for a few moments* ‘You are not fighting me anymore doctor otherwise I wouldn’t be working your cock over so easily. I am really hungry for some of your spunk by the way. Is this part of your secret formula?’ *laughs* The big man goes back to working the doctor’s cock again with his mouth as he continues to rub the inside of Bloodstone’s hole. He can sense an urgency developing now and picks up his speed. He moans with each round tasting the doctor’s thick juicy precum as it coats his throat. He pulls on his own cock to get himself ready for the true test. He pulls the doctor’s cock out of his mouth to watch it spill its honey on his tongue. He smiles and kisses it a few times. ‘Okay doctor, it’s time for you to show me how much of a stud you are. Feed me Ross, I want it in my body.’ Davis starts stroking it rapidly making Bloodstone yell in ecstasy. He can’t hold back much longer and the big man knows it. He gives the doctor’s cock a few much rounds of sucking and feels his balls twitching wildly. He stops sucking right when the flood goes barreling down his throat. He slaps the doctor’s leg with his free hand and moans deeply gulping down each jet. Just when the unfortunate scientist thinks he is satisfied, the big man starts sucking again. The doctor agonizes and wants him to stop, but Davis will have none of it. ‘Ross…..you taste incredible. I want more…..I know there is more in you your balls are big and beautiful. *moves down to suck on them individually for a few minutes before going back to the doctor’s cock again* MMMMMM, makes those balls work for me Ross.’ He sucks in a steady rhythm making the doctor gasp as he feels another load starting to flow into his cock. Davis drains another load out of him swallowing every drop and letting it relax in his throat. He sighs and pulls his fingers out of the doctor’s ass and away from him. After a minute or so, he pulls Bloodstone’s cock out of his mouth and steps back. The doctor collapses on the table and moans from exhaustion. ‘It’s okay doctor, I will do all of the hard work now.’ Davis’s big cock drools in anticipation of entering Bloodstone. The big man rubs it on the doctor’s hole which seems primed for entry. His cock slowly pushes its way inside as the eager top picks the scientist up against him and holds him in place. He thrusts methodically in and out while Bloodstone just mumbles jibberish. ‘I won’t torture you very long I promise. Besides my balls are so bloated I couldn’t hold back much longer anyway.’ Davis’s voice cracks as he feels his ballsac contracting and pushing the cum directly into his cock. With a few hard thrusts, he sprays the inside of the doctor’s intestines with his thick spunk. Bloodstone groans feeling it rush inside him. There isn’t anything he can do at this point. Davis pulls out of him and lays him back on the table. A stream of cum flows on the floor from the doctor’s anus as the big man falls to the floor and rubs his cock and balls. He looks at his arms and flexes them a few times to just admire their beauty. He looks up at the scientist and wonders if anything will happen to him now. ‘Well, looks like the waiting game now Ross. Maybe I need to try and coax it to wake up inside you.’ The doctor scoots his way to the edge of the table and falls off landing on his side. He yells in pain as he continues to move away from Davis. The big man seems uninterested in following him since he isn’t moving very fast. Bloodstone leaves the supply room and heads for the chemical shower located on the other side of the panic room. He doesn’t hear the big man following him so he tries to crawl a little faster. He gets to the shower and pulls himself up slowly to pull the lever to turn the shower on. Davis now decides to get up and enters the room. ‘HA, what are you doing doctor? I don’t think washing yourself off is going to matter all that much.’ Davis goes and picks up the jar of peanut butter and makes a motion like he is going to stick his hand inside it. He hears the doctor groaning and sees him fall to the ground grasping his stomach. A huge smile appears on the bodybuilder’s face as he realizes that this may very well work. He walks over to Bloodstone and gets down on his knees to look at him. The doctor is now hurting so badly that he can’t even look up. ‘Hurts doesn’t it Ross…..when it first started in me I thought I was dying, but once it reached my balls, I was in heaven.’ The doctor’s lean frame begins to make a few popping sounds as his abs jut out a bit. The big man watches them intently as he rubs each eight individual tiles. Bloodstone looks terrified as he feels it moving through him. His lower body’s muscles stretch and pull outward forming into small vascular tree trunks stretching all the way down to his ankles and feet. Davis massages them slowly as they finish growing. ‘You are not going to be quite as large as me it seems, but I have to say I still like what I am seeing.’ Bloodstone’s flat pecs fill out next as he strains to breathe. His arms are growing entirely new veins inside them as they branch all the way up and down his hands and shoulders. His back and ass pop several times growing slightly larger and wider than before. High-pitched stretching noises radiate from the sides of his back as lats seem to come out from nowhere. Once it finally gets to his balls and cock, the doctor looks like he is completely spent and passes out. Strange stretching sounds are now coming from his crotch as the big man notices the doctor’s ballsac growing larger as his testicles blow up in size. His cock grows even thicker than before which immediately gets the attention of Davis. ‘MMMMM doctor, I think you are going to need this taken care of again.’ He leans down and licks the swollen cockhead with his tongue and figures out that he can shove it inside the piss slit. The doctor lies motionless not reacting to any of this stimulation. The big man slurps the river of honey that is now flowing freely from inside and moans deeply. Within a few seconds though, he starts to feel a bit weird and stops drinking the fluid. He falls backwards onto the floor and starts to rub his face and head. Bloodstone wakes up and looks over to stare straight at him. He quickly crawls over to Davis and throws the big man’s legs over his shoulders. He gets up on his knees to return the favor on the big man. He shoves his massive cock inside the bodybuilder and starts fucking him relentlessly. Davis agonizes feeling the doctor filling him up with that fluid. His muscles begin to shrink slightly as his cock immediately erupts. Bloodstone grabs his legs and moves both of them over to the jar before angling Davis’s huge cock inside it as it cums steadily. The big man looks absolutely horrified seeing the cum starting to mesh with the peanut butter inside. He continues to shrink and starts crying uncontrollably as he nearly returns back to his original size. The doctor slows his fucking down and squeezes Davis’s balls trying to get every last drop out of the shrinking man. Davis can no longer speak because he is so exhausted. The doctor pulls his huge cock out and gets up off the ground with the jar in tow. He takes it over to one of the media stations and returns to the supply room to retrieve his potions and scrubs before coming back. He pours one of them inside with the peanut butter where it merges with the cum and starts glowing. The doctor smiles and documents it on his tablet that was sitting in his pants. He flexes his new muscles and turns back around to look at the shocked man lying on the ground. ‘I just wanted to tell you Dave that the experiment was a rousing success. In fact, I would really like to thank you for imbuing me with muscles I haven’t had in ages. I actually needed someone like you to consume this protein just to see if it was the right combination and fortunately it was. Your brain chemistry improved as a result and you became very articulate which was a surprise. Although I wasn’t expecting you to rape me, I was not going to resist you.’ Davis looks at him in confusion and doesn’t really know where he is going with this. ‘You see Dave, I am part of something bigger, something…..very important. There are others like me that are trying to find ways to turn regular humans into muscle monsters. I think I might be the first one though to successfully keep the human mind from disappearing after transformation. Now, if you will excuse me I need to find a new set of clothes for this great new body of mine. I will send someone in to help clean you up so you can be sent into the recovery ward.’ The doctor grabs the jar, his tablet, and the remaining potions and leaves the area. Davis lays his head back down on the ground and starts sobbing again. With the experiment over, the doctor sets out for his next agenda.
  19. mimimi1234

    This story is incredible

    I really really love it! It's incredible. Can't read it until the end, impossible... http://shld0n-hcks.deviantart.com/art/Colossal-Cards-488989740 Praise to the author!
  20. TheWeremuscleForest

    Introducing the Muscle Doctor Part 1 of 2

    Davis rushes his way into the lab’s bathroom and locks the door behind him. He feels very strange and wonders if he might have done something earlier in the day to cause such discomfort. After about a minute of walking around the toilet and urinal, he turns to look at himself in the mirror above the sink. His green eyes stare back at him as he makes a few goofy gestures. He rubs his black hair making the brown highlights shine in the lights. He then proceeds to rub his smooth lightly tanned face and takes a few breaths. There are a few knocks on the bathroom door. ‘Dave? What did you do? The tests we have been running seem to be going well, is there something you need to tell me?’ The doctor in charge of Davis’s tests is Ross Bloodstone, a researcher trying to come up with a way to create a stronger protein without any horrible side effects in the food supply. He suspects that Davis may have eaten something he wasn’t supposed to and is possibly about to go through some kind of drastic change. He wants to document what will happen next, but he hopes that Davis can keep himself in check as he goes through with it. ‘Okay Dave. Listen to me carefully. Did you eat some of the honey peanut butter on my desk?’ Davis’s eyes dilate a bit as he listens to the doctor’s questions. He tries not to panic, but it is getting harder to not think about what he has done. ‘Oh shit, oh shit! Damnit Dr. Bloodstone, I could smell it and it sort of summoned me towards it. I grabbed some of the wheat bread on the lunch counter and took it over to the peanut butter. The taste was incredible, I had two sandwiches. Oh fuck, I am going to get really sick now?’ The doctor smiles a bit and pulls up a chair close to where he is standing and sits in it in front of the door. He pulls his tablet out from his lab coat and boots it up to start documenting the whole scenario. ‘Just listen to me okay. You may be experiencing some pain coming from within your body in a little bit, I want you to relax your body for me and keep calm. The peanut butter contains an experimental protein that hasn’t been tested fully on humans yet. We discussed this before remember? I just never told you that it was injected into the peanut butter.’ Davis remembers the conversation and goes to sit over in a corner away from everything. Dr. Bloodstone leans down and peeks under the door to see where the man is sitting and gets back up to sit in his chair. He can hear Davis muttering to himself in a mean tone. ‘Do you feel anything unusual happening to you Dave?’ ‘No doctor, should I come out so you can take a look at me?’ ‘NO DAVE! You stay put this has to be contained in a secure area. Where you are at is perfectly fine.’ Davis starts sweating from his head as it starts to trickle down his face and neck. His grey dress shirt is beginning to look damp from the perspiration forming under his pits. He loosens his blue necktie so he can breathe a little better. He looks down to see if he is sweating from his legs since he is wearing a really nice pair of black trousers and notices a couple of wet spots coming from his quads. He jumps up and starts pacing again. He lets out a few sounds that makes Dr. Bloodstone wonder if he is starting to have trouble keeping it together. ‘Dave? Tell me the truth. Are you feeling a bit strange now? I need to know so I can document the effects.’ Davis stops in his tracks and immediately feels his stomach tighten up on the inside. He wonders if he will start to go through some kind of physical change. He had heard about this through a mutual friend who stated that Bloodstone Labs was into some kind of new biological research. He had volunteered because he needed the cash since his job was only part-time. The odd feeling is starting to move up into his lungs now making him breathe a little deeper and slower. ‘Uhh doctor…..*breathes heavy*…..it is getting harder…..for me to…..breathe. I am…..so fucking scared right now.’ ‘It will be alright Dave, just relax, breathe slowly and let it make its way through you. It will be a slow and methodical process, but it can’t be stopped. You will probably have a sense of panic come over you shortly because it will get to your brain. Just tell me what is happening.’ Davis winces as he feels his abdominal area pop a few times. He thinks that the muscles around his midsection are trying to grow or something and reaches down to rub them from the outside of his shirt. A few small ridges form against his fingers which makes him jump back a bit. His shirt starts to stick to them as they glue themselves to the wet fabric. Several more pops radiate from his pecs as he rushes over to look at his chest in the bathroom mirrors. ‘Ahh……uhhhh damnit…..doctor my chest is popping and I…..think it is trying to swell or something.’ He can see them trying to jump a few times before they start to slowly grow. The space between his pecs and his dress shirt is shrinking as they touch the fabric on his shirt. His nipples protrude and are entirely visible as he stares at them intensely. The sensation of them brushing against his shirt sends tremors down to his crotch as he feels his balls trying to swell. ‘Ohh gawd doctor…..I am feeling so much…..uhhhh sensation……*his legs start swelling*…..oh shit oh shit…..*feels his cock jumping in his boxers*……yep I am panicking doctor…..please make it stop.’ ‘I can’t make it stop Dave, you have to just relax and let it flow through you. Your body is just fulfilling its needs. Don’t worry I am still documenting all of this.’ Davis feels his quads and hamstrings stretching and pulling the fabric in his trousers tighter than before as his cock starts to lengthen and push itself down his right leg. He turns to the side to look at the back of his shirt as he feels his delts and shoulders popping before they start to push his dress shirt up towards his head. His feet have now completely filled his shoes as he hears them starting to rip through the front of the leather. His breathing is now greatly compromised as his entire body is being crushed inside his clothes. His ass is now close to bursting through the back of his trousers as his glutes flex. *heavy breathing* ‘Uhhhh……I can’t speak…..fuck…..i just want out of these clothes…..’ The last parts of Davis to start growing are his arms which sound like air mattresses filling up. The stretching makes the man yell out as the muscles in his forearms swell to the point that his shirt just rips down the seams of his sleeves. Several thick veins are visible over top of the huge baseball-sized muscles that he is staring at in the mirror. He watches intently at his growing biceps and triceps which make quick work of his sleeves. His arms pulse with incredible power as he studies their vascularity. He raises his arms up which makes his lats bust through the sides of his shirt. The huge wings flare out and rip the armpits completely open. The massive hairy pits reek of testosterone which immediately reaches Davis’s nose. He can feel his mind starting to change as his quads and ass destroy his boxers and trousers. The dense leg muscles spill out of the open seams as his calves continue to grow. His shoes disintegrate under the pressure of his growing feet. ‘RRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAWWWWRRRRR!’ The man flexes his chest as every shirt button goes flying in the air. His immense pecs destroy the front of his shirt as he watches himself expand in the mirror. He tears the rest of the shirt off to admire his upper body. The veins in his neck have doubled in size as his face and head thicken. His cock drools precum on the ground as it dangles off to the side. His calves break free from their confines which cause his trousers to just blow in the wind. He grunts and yanks the rest of the fabric off his lower body and stares at himself in the mirror. *still grunting* ‘FUCK YEAH! GAWD I HAVE NEVER FELT SO FUCKING FREE! *flexes his 20” pythons* MMMMM I AM SO FUCKING HORNY! *does a most muscular* FUUUCCCKKKK! RAWR! Doctor, you have given me the greatest gift ever. I want more! Will I get even bigger than this?’ Dr. Bloodstone keeps silent to try and step away from the door. He then rushes into a nearby room that is insulated to prevent anything from getting in. He shuts the door behind him and moves over to a station full of monitors. He turns on the one that overlooks the bathroom and activates a speaker. He can see the 275 pound hulk standing in front of the bathroom mirrors completely soaked from head to toe stroking his 11” tool and grunting. ‘Dave, listen to me. You are letting your inhibitions get the best of you, I want you to try and not get carried away with this. The protein is probably building up in your testicles now so do me a favor and cum for me so we can finish this.’ Davis looks up at the camera and laughs in his new deep voice. He walks over to it and makes his cock swing back and forth slapping his quads. He growls and does a double bicep pose. ‘Come on doctor, why don’t you come in here and play with me. I won’t hurt you too badly I promise. So you are telling me that if I cum, then this will cause me to shrink back to where I was?’ Bloodstone pauses for a few moments and speaks. ‘Well Davis, I really have no idea. All I know is, you consumed enough of the protein to cause a 100 pound growth cycle to occur and it released your mind from its restraints. You’re cognizant which is good, but I don’t trust you.’ Davis makes motions with his huge hands like he is summoning the doctor down. ‘Doctor?…..Ross?…..come play with me…..I will just get upset if you don’t come back and destroy that puny door that is supposed to keep me in here. You know I will just try and find the rest of that peanut butter because I want to fucking grow out of this building. FUCK! That makes me so damn horny just thinking about it.’ Bloodstone realizes that he has left the key components of his formula out on the lab floor and opens the door to run after them. At the same time, he hears Davis bashing in the bathroom door. After three punches, the huge bodybuilder’s veiny forearm goes through the wood and reaches down to rip the door handle completely out. The frantic doctor quickly shuffles through his vials and grabs potions and liquids before racing back into the panic room. Davis breaks down the door and races down the hall towards the doctor. He is not fast enough to get there as Bloodstone manages to lock it down. Davis pounds relentlessly on it and yells in disgust. After a few seconds he stops pounding and just stands there. He laughs and wonders if Bloodstone can see him in the hallway. ‘So……can you see me doctor? What are you trying to keep from me? I just want to play. I won’t hurt you because I know you can fucking grow me into a gawd. *can smell the peanut butter* *starts laughing* You didn’t take it? Are you kidding me?’ Davis walks over to it on the lunch table and picks it up. He finds a camera above his head and waves the jar at it. He opens the lid up and scoops some of it out. He smiles and rubs it on his huge sweaty cock. He strokes it a few times and moans before laughing again. ‘Does it absorb doctor? I fucking love the fact that you left this out. What are you up to? You want me to fucking hulkout don’t you? *looks down at his cock and sees it spilling precum all over the floor* Oh fucking yeah, my body is so hungry for this. Say goodbye to your lab doctor because I am getting ready to tear this place apart.’ Before he licks his fingers he stops and looks up at the camera again in the lunch area. He gets one of the chairs from a nearby table and pushes it up to the wall where the camera is. He stands up on it and looks directly into the camera. His deep green eyes sparkle as he cocks his head to the side and smirks. He flexes one of his huge guns and leans over to kiss it before running his tongue all around it. He moans each time he does this. Then he turns back around and looks into the camera again. ‘Why would you let me do this doctor? I think you are getting your rocks off on this myself…..or……you are wanting me to rampage out in the middle of the city and fucking hurt people. Yeah…..I think that is it. I’m on to you, Doctor Bloodstone.’ He grabs the camera and rips it completely off the mount on the wall. Bloodstone tries to flip a few buttons to find another nearby camera but Davis is nowhere to be seen. The doctor goes on to the loudspeaker to reach the entire complex to get Davis’s attention. ‘Dave, listen to me. Just calm down and I will be out in a little bit. We can figure something out on how to resolve your issue I promise.’ Before he can get another word in, he hears a huge crash come from the other side of the room and realizes that Davis has found another way in. The bodybuilder is heard moving his way through one of the vents in the ceiling which makes the doctor try to go out the front entrance. The door doesn’t budge though which makes him really nervous. After a few seconds, the doctor grabs his potions and runs into the supply closet located nearby. Davis falls through the ceiling and lands on his feet. He roars in delight as debris sticks to his body. He tosses the jar of peanut butter over to the side to where he can get to it again. ‘I know for a fact doctor that you are in here because I bent the door frame to this room so that you couldn’t get out. Now come out from where you are so we can have a discussion.’ There is no response from the doctor which aggravates Davis. He rips up one of the monitor stations and growls flexing his huge muscles. ‘FUCK! I think I may have to eat some more of that peanut butter. My body really wants to fucking destroy this room. You are forcing me to make a dangerous decision Bloodstone. Get the fuck out here right now!’ The supply room door opens and Bloodstone walks out. Davis gets an evil grin on his face and starts to walk over to him. The doctor sweats profusely before walking backwards into the supply room again. ‘DOCTOR BLOODSTONE, stop moving right now. You are going to feel me up whether you want to or not.’ The doctor is face to face with the huge man and reaches out to feel the huge pulsing veins in his arms. Davis flexes them making the muscles swell. Bloodstone calmly runs his hands up and down them which makes Davis moan deeply. The big man takes the doctor’s hands and puts them on his heaving pecs which are continuously dripping sweat. He bounces them making the doctor grin a little. ‘You look amazing Dave and I think you can be happy looking like this. I just don’t understand why you didn’t already consume the peanut butter. What changed in you to make you have to think about it?’ Davis picks him up and looks him directly in the eyes. ‘Ohh I am definitely going to eat it doctor, I just want to try out an experiment of my own too.’ To be continued…..
  21. momoware


    Just another warning/reminder that there's some "weird" stuff here: bodybuilders birthing bodybuilders out of their nutsacks and violent sex scenes/language/imagery. Enjoy! -------- Each time a new muscle baby had been born into the room in a pool of ejaculate they were taken backstage, shaved and tanned appropriately, for showing off during the progeny round. This round basically reflected the results of the domination round, in that it ranked competitors based on the quality of their muscle babies that had been birthed in the show. The victor of the domination round had surprisingly been Martin, who, spurred on by his defeat of the gigantic Wyman, had scored a full 119 points, having pinned down, penetrated and deposited a muscle baby in every one the evening's finalists. In second place was Wyman, who had scored 17 points with every competitor except Martin, who you remember overcame him after being unsuccessfully pinned down. The top three performing men were called out; Wyman, Martin and Chen Xiao, who had produced four muscle babies that night. They were each followed by their muscle children onto the stage, once gain dressed in the respectful black speedo that was the equivalent of black tie at these events. The muscle babes were all roughly the same height, around 7', although they would continue growing for quite a long time, with the exception of the vascular, ripped beast birthed to Wyman by Jean Marie, who having accelerated his growth at an unbelievable rate now stood sixteen feet and eight inches tall, his head touching the banner that hung from the roof of the vault. It was the first time in history that a muscle baby had exceeded its father's height in such a short space of time, and he was even larger than the dozens of Wyman's other muscle babies that sat in the audience. He had been weighed earlier at 2100 pounds, and now that the thick mainly hair had been removed from all over is body his incredible definition showed. The grooves between each of is abdominal muscles were deep enough to run a finger through and his chest was the size of a car, inflated to twice its size when he inhaled. He never stopped panting and sweating, and within minutes of his all over shaved thick patches of sweaty hair had already reformed under his massive arms that rested almost at 90 degrees due to the vast, sweeping lats that exploded from the side of his body. The hormones that Wyman fed himself in abundance had been even more strongly transmitted to his muscle baby to the end that whilst everybody else on the stage was dressed in their regulation speedo, he was fully nude as he simply never ceased to masturbate. The power of is sex drive was such that his erection was constant, and his cock so heavy that it hung down even when erect. Assistants on the stage were given instruction to constantly be pumping the huge nine foot long cock to prevent his balls from swelling up. Every two or three minutes his abdominals would begin to pulsate rhythmically and a deep moan filled the stage as two thousand litres of cum poured out of the giants balls. The scoring of this round was a foregone conclusion- the presence of this one muscle baby that had surpassed all known norms and expectations granted Wyman a certain win. Whilst Wyman's muscle babies all had the angry, fierce and chiseled face and strong rugged jaw of their father, Martin's were far more handsome and had delicate features, a small nose, long eyelashes and beautiful green eyes like him. Their body hair was very light brown and a huge tuft stuck out over their speedos. I looked forward to meeting them all and worshipping those bodies. However there was one thing I wanted that was purely for myself. Ever since seeing the massive muscle baby of Wyman's suck up the semen from the ground and grow at such a stupendous rate, I was desperate to do the same. Clearly the high-testosterone hormones in Wyman's semen had caused this, and I figured in the muscle baby’s semen the level would be even higher. The audience had dwindled to around fifteen people- the rest had exhausted themselves fucking during the domination round. So I took advantage of this opportunity to get down on the ground and drink as much of the muscle babies jizz as I could in the interval as the muscle babies were escorted off the stage. I filled my water bottle, again, and again, and again. I had drunk eight litres of the 22,000 that had been spilt, and my stomach began to bloat, enough is enough for now, I figured, and went to the bathroom. Whilst in there I encountered Jean Marie, the extremely handsome French bodybuilder who, after being almost ripped apart by Wyman's muscle baby, had birthed two more on behalf of Chen Xiao and Martin. He seemed close to passing out, but was polite and friendly, and I confided in him my theory regarding the muscle baby cum. He seemed open to the idea of ingesting some but was not lucid enough to engage in real conversation. He sat down opposite the wash basin, his massive cock and balls slumping down to the ground, weighing down their latex prison and invited me to sit next to him. My immersion into this underground bodybuilding world had only started a couple of months prior, and I was still a nube weighing only 420 pounds at 6"8, but I suspected that Jean Marie was happy for some company that was not likely to overpower and fuck him to the point of near death. He held me in his big strong arms and both our cocks rose to their full glory as we began to massage each other and slide into blissful orgasm, covering ourselves in gallons of hot creamy seed. He licked some from the tip of my cock as it continued to pour out, his rugged facial hair becoming matted in my sticky man juice. As we rested for a moment, Mustafa ran into the bathroom, totally unsurprised by what he saw to inform us that Wyman's big muscle baby had begun to spasm uncontrollably after having gown to beyond thirty feet tall, weighing in at 6430 pounds and that he had had to be tranquilised with drugs intended for whales. He was effectively dead now, as without consciousness there was no way for him to recover from this state. Mustafa ran out as he had taken it upon himself to spread this very unusual news. I smiled and began to laugh, and Jean Marie asked me why I was so amused. "You see, the muscle baby you birthed is now dead, and the only person who consumed his cum, full of those magical growth hormones, before it was too late, is me! My hormone makeup is changing as we speak, I can feel it, and I'm going to become the biggest man that ever lived! Let's go see what's happening to that baby!" I said, grabbing the Frenchman’s hand and running out of the bathroom.
  22. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 2

    "Little man, I told you I will never hurt you. Look at all the power I have in just my chest. I'm here to protect you, not hurt you." And with that Alex released me and grabbed my hand. He slid my hand to the underside of his pecs, and a small gumball sized piece of metal fell into my palm. It was warm to the touch. It was once the door knob that he crushed with just his pecs. I turned the metal pebble around in my hand a few times. It was still as heavy as the sturdy doorknob it once was, but he had crushed it to such a dense piece that it was unrecognizable. I was in absolute awe as I looked back up at the hunk of a behemoth that stood in front of me. My senses must have come together because I noticed that he was much taller than he was when I first saw him. I noted that I still stood on this dresser he had placed me on to get eye level with the top of his chest. But now, even with this three foot dresser beneath my feet, I only came up eye level with the top row of his ten-pack abs. He had to be at least 11 feet tall now without even noticing. "You're incredible, big guy! We only met today but I feel like I've known you forever..." I said as he placed his giant finger on my lips. He brought his hands to my waist and brought my face up to his. We stared into each others eyes and then he brought me towards him for a passionate kiss. I wrapped my arms around his huge neck and ran my hands through his hair on the back of his head. We ended thee kiss with dual smiles and he kissed me once on my forehead and then placed me on the ground: a place I hadn't seen him from in a while. Looking up from the floor I felt absolutely puny. This guy was more than twice my height and well over four times my weight. The top of my head was under his huge cock which still was in a winning battle with his skimpy underwear. I looked up passed his rigid abs which could now be mistaken for a brick wall and giggled because there was no way this big guy could even tell I was standing below. His pecs completely blocked me from his view, even if I took two steps back. But, with his crazy muscle control, Alex once again opened the trench between his pecs and peered down at me with that same kidish smile. "Go grab the fire extinguisher over there." He said pointing to it on the wall opposite to us. I obeyed and quickly scurried over and tried tugging it off the wall. After a few attempts at prying it free, it finally popped off it's casing and fell into my hands. It was rather heavy and even wider than the dictionary. I brought it back to the giant man and held it above my head. He smirked and plucked it from my grasp. "Wouldn't I make a great fire fighter?" He laughed as he brought the object to his chest. From this perspective I didn't think I would be able to control myself. Alex put the fire extinguisher at the top of the deep trench and started pushing it in. I grabbed my cock and started to jerk at the sight. His massive chest swallowed it as soon as he pushed his giant biceps into the sides of each pec. Suddenly he stumbled back a step which caused the room to shake and looked down at me with the weirdest expression. What was that for? AAAHH--AAH---AH...Oh shit..CHOOOOOOOOOOO! The big guy let out a huge sneeze that sent me flying two feet back and landing on my ass. But as I jerked my cock flying through the air in those few mili-seconds I had probably witnessed the greatest accident of all time. His chest puffed out more than half a foot larger than it already was and the waves of striations purged the pectoral surfaces. They were like two giant beachballs and they had just been filled with twice as much air as alotted. The two muscles smacked together with an audible flex that sounded like a rock fall and a faint POP could be heard at the end of the sneeze. I noticed his pecs didn't fully deflate from the size they just took on; they had to have just taken on a few inches before my eyes. But what was that pop? Alex lunged towards me with his giant thuds and came to his knees in front of where I laid on the ground, still shocked from the super sneeze he just let out. He leaned over me, "Are you okay, little man? I didn't know that was coming!" "Yea I'm okay," I smiled as I grabbed the top of one of his mountainous biceps that holstered him up. I looked under his pec shelf and noticed some white powder coating his upper abs. I reached over and swirled a little onto my finger and brought it up to his face. "What is this stuff?" I asked. "I'm not sure." He said. I brought the white powder to my nose and took a whiff. It had no scent, so I put a little to the tip of my tonuge. "Oh shit," I looked up at him, "Big guy, I think you...I think you crushed the fire extinguisher between your pecs. I think it popped and this is the powder inside." Alex leaned back to investigate. He flexed his pecs and made them seperate into two firm globes with a deep divide. As soon as he did this, a heavy metal plate fell to the floor and he looked to me dumbfounded. "Sometimes you just don't know your own strength!" I smiled. "But look, Alex, there's a bunch of the residue inside your cleavage." "Damn, you're right little man." He looked down at his chest and then back to me. "Would you like to clean me off?" He flashed his big pearly whites and brought his arms up to the biggest double bicep I had ever seen. His biceps were covered in veins and had multiple divids in the surface that made them look like mountains. He quickly rose from the floor and plucked me up and brought me to my feet. He stomped his way out of the room and came back a few moments later with a wet wash cloth hanging over his thick traps. He walked over to the bed making the floor creak and then plopped onto his back on his expansive mattress which was clearly made for a giant like him. As he laid on the bed I couldn't get over how amazing his body looked. His huge quads were twice as big as my torso. His abs were an ocean of muscle and his arms were two big basketballs attached to boulder-like shoulders. I walked towards the foot of the bed and hopped up. It seemed like his body was endless because of how tall he had grown. I playfully began commando crawling up his massive body towards the two mountains that were his chest. His chest had gotten so big that his two nipples were at a complete 90 degree angle with his mid section; they might have even been caving under 90 degrees. "You okay over there?" The big guy asked from the other side of the mountains. The valley suddenly opened and he popped his head up into my view between them. I smiled up at him in awe. "Can you bounce them for me, big guy?" I asked delighted. "Of course. Haha, you just love when I bounce these big boys don't you, little dude." He bounced the big right one, and then the left, and then the right. He kept going slowly at first and then sped up. I could hear them growing a slight amount with each bounce. BOOM. Boom. BOOM. Boom. BOOM. "Come on, little man, get to work!" He bounced them both at the same time making the white powder stir up into the air. I excitedly sat up and shimmied my way up his body until I sat straddling his abs. My plump little ass could feel the ripped muscles beneath me flexing with every breath he took. I reach over his chest and grabbed the damp wash cloth. "Big guy, I'm nervous" I said shakily. "Why's that, little guy?" "You just crushed a pressurized steel tube by sneezing. What if you crush my hands while I clean off your chest?" "I promise I won't hurt you." He said sincerely. He gave his pecs one last pump and then grunted as he flexed them apart. I was in complete awe as I stared into the cavernous cleavage of my giant. "It's like a cave!" I said as I looked over his chest. As a sat there on his abs, his chest jutted out so far that it was level with my collar bones. With the rag in hand I circled the outter surface of his right pec, collecting all the white powder from the dent near his bicep and mid-pec. I repeated this with his left pec making sure to cover every inch. I then took a deep breath and exhaled as I moved the rag towards the center of his chest. I whiped down the two muscular walls that started off the deep cleavage and felt the ripples of striations that formed his chest. I moved deeper into his chest and my hand completely disappeard from sight up to my wrist. It started to become a tighter squeeze but the big guy noticed and shifted a bit, opening his vice-like pecs for my comfort. I put a bit more pressure into my rubbing and my hand slipped in halfway up my forearm. I had no idea his pecs were this big even though I had been oogling over them the entire night. A slight twitch of his pecs caused them to clamp down on my right hand and the pain shot up all of my arm. "Ah!" I shouted and tried to rip my arm from the vice. But it was trapped between the two boulders. While it was only a second, it felt like forever until the big guy finally ungripped my hand and I was set free. "You almost crushed my hand! You said you wouldn't!" "I was just playing with you, little man!" He chuckled. "You know I would never hurt you. Now get back in there!" He demanded as he grabbed my hand and placed it back on his huge pec. "Alright, big guy, but no funny business!" I pushed my hand into the cleavage up to my wirst where it was a tight squeeze again. I decided to use my other hand to try and pry the two mounds apart but they were just too strong. "I can't get in there." He noticed this and shifted once more to allow me to clean up the rest. My hand slid farther and farther down the cleavage, making small circles with the damp rag. My arm was buried between his pecs up to my elbows before my fingertips reached the bottom of the trench. Damn, his chest was really something else! I rubbed the rag up and down the rift and cleaned up all of the white powder that had made its way in there. I looked up at his face and noticed that his eyes were closed; he was certainly enjoying this worship! I tugged at my arm until it was free of the vice that was his chest. "All done." I smiled as I tossed the rag and placed a hand on each expansive pec. He opened his eyes and looked over at me. "Time for a deep cleaning." He smiled, "Be sure to use tongue." I looked at him very confused until his massive arm rose and grabbed the back of my head. My eyes grew wide as he pulled my head towards his chest. There was nothing I could do, he was too strong to even notice if I was resisting. My face met the cleavage of his pecs and was pressed in. My entire face was succumbed to his huge chest. He began shifting his pecs around like he did with the fire extinguisher and my face was pulled deeper into the cave of his chest. I was covered up to my ears in muscle. My hands flailed and smacked his huge outer pecs as my muffled yelps went unheard. He then started bouncing his pecs around my head and the pressure felt like I was getting punches left and right. I reached my hands behind my head and found that the back of my head was no longer on the surface. He had fully enveloped my head with his pecs. I began to calm down as I started to find this strangely erotic. This was the safest place in the world. I don't think a bomb could even harm me in here! I inhaled and smelled his deep musk and the bit of sweat that built up in his cleavage. I rubbed my hands on the surfaces of his pecs and he noticed that I started to like it in there. "I dont feel your tongue, little man!" I could hear his deep voice bellowing from outside. I began to lick both walls of muscle that tightly held my head in place. I pushed my face in deeper until I reached the bottom of the cleavage and ravaged the area with my tongue, leaving no spot untouched. My cock was rock hard and pulsing. The big guy reached under his pecs where my waist was straddling his midsection and grabbed my dick in his hands. He began stroking it and then I heard a loud rip. Suddenly I felt something smack my back with a loud THUD. It felt like a big meat stick. It was a big meat stick. I felt his huge pecs start to ripple and bounce as he jerked his huge rod behind me. Every time he would jerk it, the fist-sized head would smack my upper back. I started to move my hips to jerk myself into his big hand when he grabbed my waist and pulled me closer. I could feel his abs tensing below my ass as he took my dick and pushed it down towards the surface of his stomach. He pressed it down and my dick was trapped between two of his huge abdominals. I moved my hand to where he had placed my dick and pushed on it harder until it was firmly in the furrow of his abs. I started to gyrate my hips a bit as if I was fucking his abs. I was doing all of this while my head was still firmly planted between the two giant pecs. "This is so fuckin' hot, little man!" He shouted with his head tilted back. His massive arms worked his big cock up and down. "Fuck my abs dude! And lick my fuckin pecs or I'll crush you in there!" He was jerking faster and faster, "Awww, yea, little man. Fuck my abs, lick these pecs! Ahh!" His muscles tensed and my head felt like it was going to pop. "Little man, I'm--Ahh-I'm--I'M GUNNA GROW!"
  23. roboprobo

    Tales of a Lust Mage #4

    Tales of a Lust Mage #4 'Halloween, Fiends, and Super Heroes' SUB TAGS; Superhero, Magic, Solo, Forced Growth (some), Hyper (some), Height, Angel, Demon, Characters (Hector, Jenna, Amber, Usiu, Bucardo, Dagger Jaw ), Halloween, Costume Author Note: Thanks for tuning in again, guys. I originally wanted to go with a different direction for my 'Halloween' story, but as you can see, that didn't work out as perfectly as anticipated. I also wanted to shout out to a friend of mine, they know who they are, because I've been wanting to do a superhero story for a while. I bet they didn't think it'd happen! You know the drill, comment your thoughts, even if you didn't like it! Part I – The Costume Shop I’m not exactly sure how to retell this. It was all really strange and happened the spookiest night of the year, Halloween. I thought I was going to just have the usual, boring Halloween I always do. You know, the one where you go to bars and no guys check you out because you wore a banana costume (what was I thinking that year…?) or your friends all ditch you because you don’t like to get ball-to-the-wall drunk. My high school sweetheart, Jenna (joking, I’m gay: we figured it out a few weeks in the relationship), forced me to go to a really exclusive party this year. She handed me the ticket- the only ‘entry’ to this ritzy money bags party. “Wait, don’t they get like, models, and even strippers and stuff for those kinds of parties?” I asked, twiddling my thumbs around the fancy embossed ticket. Jenna was on the phone. “Relax, look, don’t get a normal costume. If you want to fit in or look decent, go to the address I messaged you. It’s an amazing costume shop, a lot of custom made stuff. I already left a tab with them, I told the owner that you’d show them my text message and could get whatever you thought looked good.” Jenna said, on the phone. I grunted, “What?! You can’t keep paying for my junk, you know! Especially frivolous stuff like this.” “Oh stop it, when you get back on your feet you can pay me back.” Jenna giggled. We’d both gone to the same college, too. Now she was a full-fledged lawyer and I was an accountant without work. She offered to get me set up at the firm she worked, but she’d just been hired herself. Her last position let her go with a great severance package a few months ago, so I guess she didn’t mind changing jobs. I walked through the streets, seeing lots of old stores and buildings, all like in a tourist picture for 'old towns'. They didn’t belong in the city. My feet splashed into a puddle, scuffing my shoes. I frowned, knowing I’d become lost. I sat down on a bench and looked at my phone, wondering why I had lost signal. Then my eyes looked upward. I swear I would’ve noticed the tailor/costume shop, I’d passed right by it. Somehow, there it was, two stories high and older than dirt. I walked inside and was greeted by an older woman. I think she was an older woman, she wore lots of older women’s clothes. Her hair was very unkempt; maybe it was the style, big and puffy. She had long nails and waved at me from the counter. I smiled and saw the tons of costumes and normal clothing, all either vintage or extremely well-made, if not both. “How can I help you, young man?” She asked. Her small name tag said ‘Bhain’. I didn’t know how to pronounce that. She had an Irish accent, I think. “Well, I don’t really know. I’m here to get a costume for a party. My friend, Jenna, she,” “Oh yes! Jenna! Oh I love her. Such a nice young lady. You must be her friend, ah, what was your name?” “Hector. Hector Roberts.” “Oh yes, Hector! Well, what are you looking to be this haunted night?” She asked. She spoke with her hands a lot. Before I could answer, customers began swarming her. Each had questions or needed to buy something. I smiled and gave her the okay sign so she knew I’d be patient. I walked around and saw that most of the costumes weren’t silly, but regal. Some were scantly, so I didn’t even dare look at those. “Excuse me, would you like some assistance?” Someone asked from behind me. I turned to see a much shorter young woman looking up at me. She seemed extremely young, but looked related to Bhain. “Oh, well, I’m just looking. I don’t think any of these costumes would fit me correctly, or flatter.” I said. “Well, my mom sent me to help you, she said you were a friend of Jenna’s. Jenna told me to help you however I could last week when she bought a costume. I hope I don’t bother you…” the young girl said, nervously. I smiled, feeling a fellow spaz talking to me. “Well, okay. You can help. Did she have in mind what I should look at? You know, like a costume she might think I look good in? What’s your name, by the way?” I asked. “Amber. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She said, stiffly putting her hand out to shake. We looked for costumes, maybe for an hour. All of them didn’t seem to fit me right. Amber told me her mom could stitch them up appropriately for my size, but I just didn’t find them likeable. I started feeling frustrated at the sight of no costume looking good. I finally told Amber that she’d been very helpful, but I just didn’t think anything was made for me. “Oh…” Amber said, somewhat sad. I was tempted to ask about her age. She seemed really built like a woman, just short and soft-faced. Her overtly-kind demeanor confused me. “Well, I think I need to go get my mom, maybe she could help you better. I promise we can find you a good costume!” She said, walking off. I didn’t argue, she was too fast. I sighed as my hands moved around the racks when I finally noticed the perfect costume. It looked somewhat like a uniform- with a beautiful trench coat, white and blue. I didn’t think it was a costume until I examined its details; buckles, belts, and lots of layers of different fabrics. It looked to be my size, if not a bit form fitting. The costume had feather lining in certain places, which I thought was strange. I saw that it carried a very regal mask- white and carved out of what may have been faux ivory. My curiosity got the best of me as I grabbed the mask and felt its beautiful craftsmanship in my fingers. I finally gave up and put the mask on. Immediately running to the mirror, I saw how cool I looked. The mask covered most of my face, but it had a strong jawline, unlike mine. I still didn’t know what the costume was of and yet I was excited to try it on. “Mr. Hector, everyone’s gone, so we can both help you pick out a cost-” Amber said before stopping right in her tracks. Her mother stood behind her, juice bottle in hand. She didn’t look as concerned. “Too late now, he tried it on, dear.” Bhain said. “Hmm? What’s wrong with it?” I asked. I felt confident in the mask, hidden and somehow accentuated by its design. “Nothing, dear. Would you like to try on the costume? I know it’s not a conventional super hero costume, but we can add a cape and insignia.” Bhain added. “Definitely! I want to try it on!” I managed to say, excitedly. I tried it on and beamed. I looked like a model in a fashion magazine. The outfit looked like a high-class trendy outfit, covered in sharp shapes. Amber placed the trench coat on top. She showed me all the zippers that altered the outfit to shorts if so wished- or small jacket. I couldn’t help but pose. Amber smiled and told me it looked wonderful on me. “How much is it?” I suddenly said, knowing the outfit was probably too expensive to rent or buy, being in its own display. “Take it as a gift.” Bhain said. I suppose my normal ego brought me back to reality when I said, “Oh I couldn’t do that. It’s beautiful, and I don’t even know how to use it on a normal basis. Wouldn’t it get dirty? I’m afraid to even wear it out.” Bhain opened her juice bottle and poured the contents onto the outfit. I almost screamed, but saw that the juice literally dripped off of it. I was surprised! “No, it’s been altered to be defiant of most liquids and other matter. Now take it, before I call Jenna and tell her you’re being stubborn.” Bhain teased. She directed Amber to get me a box and directions on how to keep the suit pristine for the party. I tried to argue about paying for it, or at least paying for some of it with my own money. It didn’t work out. As Bhain looked through some cases she talked about the costume with her daughter. I guess it was small talk, but I tried not to eavesdrop. “Did she leave it here? Did you put it out?” Bhain asked. She always seemed calm, if not happy. He hands pulled out a white cape. It was gorgeous, but I felt the need to wear the outfit alone. It was so cool… “No, Mom. I didn’t even know it was out on the floor. I swear.” Amber said, making the insignia. She later told me it would just stick onto the fabric and could be pulled off for actual wear. Bhain handed me the box and smiled at me once more before I left. She simply whispered to me, “Well, maybe it’s just your destiny to look this good, Hector.” Part II: I Am the One Hiding Under Your Bed I walked into the halls of the great mansion, letting my trench coat sway in the cold wind of Halloween night. I kept my head up high as I passed a few guests. I didn’t know if they were looking at me, but I was hoping they were (for some reason). Jenna stood in a long, gossamer dress. She smoke to a few gentlemen as she played with her martini glass. She bid most of them goodbye as she looked over at me. She gasped and laughed, picking up her dress to come in my direction. “My! A super hero, or are you an anti-hero? What are you, the white vigilante?” She surmised. “Well, Amber gave me a symbol to wear on my belt and chest, but I don’t see any letters, so I think I’m the Super Bird…” I said. I'm not very good at names. “You look great! Does it come with padding? Your shoulders look so wide. You look taller in it too.” Jenna giggled. I laughed, somewhat blushing. I wasn’t attracted to Jenna, but she was definitely someone I wanted approval of. “Oh, I wanted you to meet an old colleague. His name is Bucardo. Bucardo, this is Hector.” Jenna said, introducing us. Bucardo seemed like an extremely serious man. He had a costume of some sort of scaled creature and wore two masks on his shoulders, like shoulder plates. One was a wolf and the other, a bird. “Pleasure.” He said, shaking my hand and smiling. His costume was strange, but seemed so well-made. “Oh gosh, I really don’t want to talk to Gary. He’s such a flake.” Jenna whispered. “You know me, I’m here for the wine.” Bucardo said. “Who’s Gary?” I asked. “Why, the owner of the mansion and host of the party, Gary Codington. I’ve done some accounting for him, among other business. Now he sits with another crowd, however.” Bucardo said, checking his wrist watch. “Oh, you’re an accountant?” I asked, being friendly. My trench coat started feeling heavy. I hadn’t even had a drink yet. “Yes, I forgot to really tell you who Bucardo is. He was in finances back for the last firm I worked for. He managed some of the investments the company did on the side. You remember?” Jenna asked. She hiccupped. “Yeah, I remember, Rourke Law & Consulting. How goes it for them, by the way?” “Well, they’re having a slow start in their new location. It was privately owned by a single person, but Bune over here still works with him through an assistant.” Jenna laughed. She was tipsy. She mispronounced Bucardo’s name and almost lisped all her other words. “I must really be going. I honestly did come for the drinks. I’d suggest you two get home before things get… ugly.” Bucardo said, staring up at the balcony where the lights were turned off. People stood up there, in the shadows. Suddenly, a gray-haired man walked up to us. I didn’t even notice him as he startled Jenna. He touched her shoulders, putting his head close to her he neck. “Why, Jenna Yang, you look marvelous tonight.” He said, rubbing her shoulders. She looked awfully uncomfortable. I would have said something, but he seemed bigger than me… I know. I suck. “Hello, Gary. How have you been?” Jenna said, flattening her tone. She looked like she was ready to puke, but not from the martinis. “What are you this year, Gary? A zombie curtain?” Bucardo said, playing with his wine glass. “Funny, Buck. So funny.” Gary said, stepping back and standing up straight. “I am a vampire, can’t you see from my Victorian outfit?” “You got the undead part right, Gary. I love how sunken-in your eyes look.” Bucardo said. The tension was rising. “Jenna, would you have a dance with me?” Gary asked, ignoring Bucardo. “Oh, I can’t, I’m already drunk, and I might vomit on you. Besides, my date tonight is Hector. Hector, this is Gary.” Jenna responded. I could see the glint in her eye that yelled an S.O.S. at me. I almost laughed. “I see. What is your costume tonight, I can’t tell it matches his?” Gary seemed to joke. I wasn’t sure. “I’m a damsel in distress, Gary. Hector’s my super hero!” Jenna giggled. “Oh, I see. Well, pleasure to meet you, Hector. I’ll see you all around, please enjoy the festivities. And try the food; it’s to die for.” Gary said, leaving before I could respond to his introduction. “See, you are a super hero, Hector. You save me from total creeper-doom.” Jenna whispered. We joked and laughed for a few minutes after Bucardo left. I felt sick to my stomach and didn’t drink. Jenna stopped drinking after a few cocktails, three. I told her I’d be right back and headed to the bathroom. I got lost, of course. I found myself in the library. I had no trouble seeing, although it was extremely dark in the corridors of the mansion. I noticed that there was dust settling on mostly everything- as if the home got little service or use. My landed face to the ground when I heard someone speaking in amongst the shelves. “We should just get it over with now, stupid.” “No, there are few who have to stay alive, or Gary will be pissed.” “I don’t give a shit about what Gary says. He’s about dead, anyway. I can sense the staff missing from his study. I’m starving, man. I need to feed.” “Silence, all of you.” a deep voice growled. I hid myself as I slid upward, trying to glance at the voices’ source. There stood three normal sized men, wearing masks. I was astounded by how realistic the masks were. Their eyes looked like hollow orbs of unsettling glow, and their mouths looked torn open, always smiling wide with giant fangs. Even when they spoke, their monster mouths opened and moved naturally. Amongst them stood a larger man, almost too tall to be human. These rich blokes went all out- The tallest one had vibrant red eyes, and his fangs looked like daggers, jutting out everywhere. “There’s someone here.” The large one boomed. I swallowed my breath and stood, back stuck to the shelf. I held my mouth, hoping to silence any fear-made sounds. “Sounds like we have someone in here, we better kill them now.” “Oh yeah! Fuck yeah! Let’s eat!” one answered as they all ran in different directions. The largest one stepped around, grinding his teeth with the noise that only steel makes against itself. “They’re not costumes, young man.” Said a voice, booming like the monster, yet vibrant. Who was that? I thought to myself. I tried to find the exit quietly. “Me, the guise you wear. I’m not simple fabric, boy.” the voice responded. “What?!” I rasped loudly. The monster grunted, laughing a bit as he knew where I was now. “I said, ‘I’m not simple fabric’, BOY!” the voice yelled. My head throbbed. “Oh, a celestial. My favorite flavor.” The monster said, standing behind me. “Oh fuck.” I managed to squeak out, looking back at the monster. I heard the creature smack its mouth, preparing to eat me, possibly whole. I closed my eyes the moment he lifted his giant arm above his head, ready to smash me to an easy digestible mush. I heard a massive crunch. I whimpered, as the little wimp that I am. But I felt little pain. I opened my eyes and saw my forearms pressed up against the creature’s fist. My mouth went agape as I was holding his force up with my puny arms. “Defend us, boy!” the vibrant voice yelled, angrily. “Mmmmmnope, I think I’m going to run!” I said out loud, running off into the corridor. I fell to my face again, but quickly jumped up and went on my way. The adrenaline really helped, I guess. The monster growled and began pacing after me. “Fuck, fuck, fuck, I’m so dead!” I yelped, looking for a place to hide. I heard the music of the actual party coming from the west, the direction I was running in. Once again, a surge of weight pulled me down. I couldn’t breathe well and ran into what seemed to be a bathroom. Fool as I am, I locked the door in hopes to deter the monsters. I ran to the sink and slipped, hitting my head on the hard marble sink’s side. I fell to the ground. It’s almost funny, I thought I was going to die from the head wound and not the monster’s mouths. “Stupid boy. I can’t believe you’re the only celestial blood around.” The voice said. I passed out as I looked at my hands. Something was different with them. They looked veiny, pulsing even. I felt my consciousness leave me as I felt them cramp up. Part III: A Hero, Born I awoke, dizzy. I coughed and dragged myself to the toilet. I felt a lack of balance as I did so, even on the ground. “What the heck happened...?” I asked myself, out loud. “Do people no longer know about the beasts that roam the night, afoul bastards whom create turmoil to the poor souls of Earth?” the voice boomed, annoyed. “Okay, I’m going to need you to show yourself, if you’re going to keep talking to me.” I said, noticing my sleeves were gone. My arms looked weird in the darkness. “I am Iusiu, boy. I am an angel, as you might call it. I have no form but the garb on your skin.” He said. “Oh great, so the monsters back there were probably a hallucination, just like you, then. All’s well, I just need psychiatric help.” I said, looking for a light. I was able to walk, following the wall as my crutch. Walking was different, too. The dizziness made it worse, as I felt like my stance was widened. “Fool, I am no mental illusion. Look in the mirror, the light is right there.” Usiu said. I flipped the light on. The mirror stood across the room. I saw a figure, muscular and wide. He wasn’t massive, or super-built, but definitely defined. I almost jumped for the door, assuming it was someone else. Then I saw its movements follow mine. I slowly walked to the mirror and finally understood. I was about five feet tall at the beginning. I couldn’t believe it, I’d hit at least a foot in growth. I passed my hand through my hair and noticed my chiseled lats and abs. My hair had grown a bit out of control, down to my neck. I’d just gotten preppy crew cut a few days ago. Not much of my face changed, but it looked thicker, manlier. My neck fitted it well, curving into rock-hard shoulders. I noticed my costume wasn’t the same. “I changed my form so those beasts do not recognize us. Sadly, they can change their form too. It is a shame they already ate a poor mortal a few hours ago. The fool who unleashed them will lose control of them soon and they will feed on everyone if we do not hurry.” Usiu said. I looked at my clothes and coughed. My mask lay on my neck. It was more of a helm now. My trench coat had been changed to great shoulder pads, like silver (I still don’t understand very well how I knew what pieces turned into what). My shirt had become a simple harness, hiding inside the buckles and straps. They had grown two intricately made faux wings, like an angel’s. The pants had changed to a skimpy pair of shorts, perfectly accentuating my apparently grown junk. I was so confused and looked at the bulge that stuck round and out from my shorts. They looked more like briefs, tight to my skin. I lost my shoes, only wearing blue boots. “H-holy… What happened to me?!” I yelled. “I had to make some changes, but it has cost me a lot of energy. I didn’t have much to begin with, and there’s no sun to obtain energy from right now, so we must make haste.” Usiu said. “No, no! We are not making any hastes! You need to make another costume, or some shit, because this is too revealing!” I yelped. “I will not. I only looked through your communicative technology to see what people wear on haunted nights.” He said. “What?! You mean my phone? No wait, I had some pretty bad pictures on there! God damn it, you only checked the first picture, for that gay underwear Halloween catalogue! Change into something else!” “No. I will not. We need the energy to fight that Codington man and his attached fiends.” Usiu said, flatly. I wanted to cry. “Excuse me, are you in there, Hector? I thought I heard you. Are you okay? You’ve been gone for forty-five minutes, I’m really worried.” Jenna said, knocking on the door. By impulse I ran to the door and slowly opened it. I managed to squeak out a nervous, “Yeah, I’m totally fine, Jenny.” “You didn’t drink at all, you sure you’re okay?” She said. I opened the door slowly. She gasped and stared at me. I felt my face turn bright red, extremely exposed and semi-naked. “Wow, Hector! I can’t- holy shit, you’ve been working out!” She laughed, “And you’re not afraid to show it, I see! Did you get both outfits free?! I don’t actually mind, they both fit you very well… You belong in a Victor’s Secret catalogue!” How funny. I wanted to hide behind my mask. I clumsily fumbled around as I put on the mask, trying to fix my hair. “You even got another insignia, on your chest? Wow, it looks like a real tattoo, even.” She said, poking my pectorals. They were so defined now. I kept forgetting to breathe. I looked down and saw it. I felt my mind unlocking knowledge from somewhere, I have no idea where. It was Usiu’s name, in a symbol. “W-well, I like to go… All out, you know me!” I chirped, like a robot. We heard a scream. I instinctively grabbed Jenna and pushed her into the bathroom. I said, “Stay in there, something bad is going down. If I don’t come back in five minutes, get out.” Before running off. I felt somehow brave, ready to take on anything. I ran to the ballroom to see a man gnawing into another. People were running away, screaming. The man chewing on flesh quickly dropped his disguise, showing off his ugly true form. There was blood. I hated blood so much. I wanted to run away like the little bitch I am, but I couldn’t. Usiu forced courage into my chest. “Stop at once, demons! You are all under my power!” Gary yelled. I assumed it was him. “Shut up, Gary.” One of the demons said, biting into his neck. After chewing on his meat, he spit it out and kicked Gary around, letting him bleed to death. “Your meat is gross.” The giant demon-monster crashed into the ground, breaking the tiles underneath him. He laughed, already finishing a poor rich-guy’s corpse in his mouth. I wanted to puke. “Let me enter.” Usiu said. “What?” “Let me enter your soul. Don’t be afraid, I will protect you if you protect me. If we don’t do something, more people will die.” Usiu responded. I shivered and closed my eyes. “Fine. Let’s do whatever it is you want me to do. Enter my soul, or whatever.” Immediately I felt a surge of electricity run through me. I twisted as the energy ran through me. I forced my hands into the wall, cracking it as my arms began to grow. I felt my stance widen once more, pushing my legs with more musculature. My clothes did not tear, simply unaccommodating my size. I saw my biceps swell like bowling balls as my chest jutted outward. I blushed as the growth pushed my cock upward, almost ready to burst out of my tiny shorts. They somehow stretched as my ass pushed up, perfectly round. I didn’t know how to deal with all the sensations, but I had no time to react anyway. “Who are you?” The giant demon said, finishing his meal. He was massive too. I heaved my giant chest up and down, trying to breathe. Crap, what should I call myself? I can’t use my name or Usiu’s, I thought to myself. I noticed some dumbass trying to film the spectacle on his phone for the internet. The ‘Super Angel’ was a terrible name. Usiu whispered all the aliases he could think of. I picked one that I thought fit well. I somehow could think as one with Usiu. I knew he’d speak as one with him. “I am the Seraph, defender of the weak, destroyer of evil, paladin of retribution.” I said, much deeper than my actual voice. I sounded incredibly manly and eloquent. I still thought what I said was terribly stupid. God I wish I’d not said that. The idiot filming on his phone even spelled it wrong when he posted it, with an f. How do rich people stay so stupid? The demon laughed. He didn’t even move, he just stayed crouched at the top of the giant stairs. “I also know of you. You lost your name, and you wish to get it back. You were tricked worse than how you trick mortals, and now have the bodies you wanted. You can no longer do much in the other realms, and have even become a laughingstock to other fiends.” I said, somehow knowledgeable. He growled heavily. “I have a name, and you shall remember it well for it is the way I killed you. I am Dagger Jaw. I’m going to rend your pretty little head into a nice butter for my toast.” He quickly jumped at me, using the full force of his giant legs. I heard the resonating sound of the floor cracking as he jumped and attacked me. His mouth opened wide, literally splitting apart just to fit as much as he could inside. I reacted by stepping back and smashing his face into the ground. Before he could get up the four demons jumped at me. They were much smaller than me now, but very quick. One bit into my neck as I grasped two in well-made catches. My hands had become far bigger to accommodate my thick forearms. It wasn’t the strength alone that killed them, but the lightning I shot through them. Their hollow eyes lit up in a shocking blue, leaving burnt husks. I quickly threw the last demon across the ballroom before Dagger Jaw reached out and punched me in the gut. I wasn’t fast enough to squeeze my brick abdomen- but I was able to take the shock well enough to be thrown back. The first small demon to attack me gnawed on my neck as he tore at my back with his claws. I had hit the wall and smashed myself against it, letting the demon fall off like a burnt leech. “Okay, okay. I can use electricity, but can I fly or anything?!” I yelled at Usiu. I guess he responded by letting arcane symbols grow out of my back. I expected wings, but this was good enough. I flapped them and slowly lifted off. I’d never flown before, even in a plane, so it was very weird. Dagger Jaw grabbed a table and threw it at me. I tried dodging but decided to simply knock it out of the way. I lost some altitude. He squatted down to prepare a massive jump. I had no time to pay attention to the other two demons. Dagger Jaw quickly flew up at me and slashed at me with his great claws. I was lucky enough to drop my wings so I could fall out of the way. “I’m running out of energy, use your powers wisely, boy.” Usiu whispered inside me. The two smaller demons quickly spun around my feet with black rope. I really hope it didn’t come from somewhere weird, it felt slimy. I lost my balance and fell backward. Before they could get away I grabbed one and put him in front of me, sensing Dagger Jaw coming down at me. He didn’t care as his claws went right through his lackey, actually ripping into me. I screamed. I dropped my hands down, feeling the incredible pain inside my stomach. Dagger jaw salivated above me, dripping disgusting drool on my face. “You’re mine now, ‘paladin’.” He rasped. His giant mouth quickly snapped around my arm in one last hope of defense I put up. He coughed a laugh, knowing he’d won. “I wouldn’t laugh.” I said, grabbing his head with my other free, non-bloody hand. Dagger Jaw tried to move his mouth, but my arms grew in size, too big for even him to chew on. I remember watching the video and saw my eyes glow a bright blue, right before shocking the shit out of Dagger Jaw. Dagger Jaw pulled away but couldn’t move far, my massive right hand holding onto his forehead. I grabbed him in both arms and began squeezing. It felt so good to be this size. It felt amazing to feel this strong, crushing a giant monster’s head between my hands. “P-please… have mercy o-on…” Dagger Jaw muffled. I was about to say something clever, I think. “Sorry, I can’t hear you, the reception is tightening too quiet.” Wait. No. Okay, I’m not very good at the puns and catchphrases, yet. But I didn’t fuck up my moment because I heard the sound of sirens before I could say anything. I turned back to hear them and Dagger Jaw slashed at me once more. He didn’t keep attacking and ran off, heavy enough to leave shattered footprints in the ground. He even broke through the walls, rather than finding an exit. I held my wounds and noticed they started healing. It was slow, but Usiu put the mass back together. “That’s amazing…” I huffed, falling backward. “No time to rest, boy. I have something to tell you, which may be of importance. The soldiers are coming in. You need to escape. Also, although I can heal you, right now I don’t have the power to stop the growth.” Usiu said. I looked down and saw my arms pushing upward. I was growing again. “Wait, what?! You said you were out of power! You’re telling me you need power to STOP me from growing?!?” I yelled at him. I knew we were alone, I could feel it in the air. “No, boy. The problem lies in my lack of practice. I’ve been dormant for about a few centuries, now…” “Are you fucking kidding me?” “Do not foul your tongue in my presence.” “Are you serious?!?! Now is not the time!” I yelled, getting up slowly. I couldn’t even stand correctly, my legs were becoming too wide. “Run, escape to the woods. You’ll either explode in a bolt of lightning or…” I didn’t bother to ask more questions. I ran and broke my own escape through the mansion. My arms were like giant hammers at this point, smashing through walls like a gingerbread house. It still felt bad on my skin, but I was more worried about exploding. I didn’t want to explode. I finally found myself in the woods, far from the scene. I could see helicopters flying around, looking for suspects, etc. They somehow missed me. “Boy, there is one way you will not die from the explosion…” Usiu said. I fell backwards, no longer able to balance my body. I felt my groin swell massively, finally popping out my genitals out of the shorts. Usiu pulled back the clothing, letting the growth become slightly more comfortable (if that could have been possible). I moaned as I saw my giant cock swell. I could barely lift my arms. “You must release your energy.” Usiu whispered. I didn’t bother to fight and began rubbing the massive erection up and down. I can’t explain very well what it felt like. I could feel the pulse run through my blood, its own separate sensation of electricity pushing through every bit of flesh I have. Every time my heart pulsed, I could feel it force every bit of me stimulate. I moaned as my hands tried wrapping around my giant member. I couldn’t see much of anything, my pecs were trying to eat my face. I finally started feeling my climax and roared my heavy, manly voice. With a flash, I ejaculated. Thunder literally filled the sky, dropping down a bolt of blue lightning. I felt the energy shoot upward- the way science tends to explain lightning. I somehow reached the sky with my force. It was quick, so fast I couldn’t really examine all the sensations. It didn’t matter anyway, because I was ejaculating copious amounts of seed all over myself. With every gush, I shrunk. I roared and roared with every spurt of cum. It felt amazing, like a release that didn’t stop running through me. I crawled for a bit before standing up. I grabbed onto a tree and heard the rain come down, cloaking the night in even more darkness. Usiu pushed my now overtly-sore body in flight. I somehow found my apartment. “You can make rain too…?” I rasped, so tired speaking was difficult. “No, that must have been a stroke of luck, or someone decided to help us.” Usiu whispered as I landed on my bed. I felt paralyzed from the pain. “I suppose you are paladin material after all.” Usiu said, letting me finally sleep. I couldn’t stay awake long enough to tell him he was awful and I wanted him to go away. Somehow, I didn’t want him to. I wanted to be a hero, and maybe that’s why I found him hidden in a chain around my neck. I had a lot to learn, I figured out quickly. I didn’t ask him to leave that morning after, even with the strange ejaculation. Maybe I liked it all. I found my phone mostly unscathed as my memory jumped towards Jenna. I freaked and looked through, hoping for her safety. I was so afraid. She left me a message that said, “I don’t know what happened last night! I think I was so drunk, but thank goodness I got home before things got crazy. The taxi driver said you were with me? Gosh, I’m sorry for all of this. That was a terrible costume party. I really hope you’re okay.” I was relieved. Holding the phone up to my face was very tiring on its own. Usiu said I’d accustom to our powers soon enough, so I simply rested until I could at least get up. I didn’t bother to ask questions, my mouth costing too much energy to move. I simply held my hand on the insignia on my chest. I fell asleep. _______________________________________________________________________________________ “F-fuck… I’m… No… I…” Gary said, holding his wound. He just needed to heal his wound. The cops hadn’t found him, or the secret studies. He crawled around, looking for things to cover the bite with. He then stopped, trembling. Too afraid to turn, he fell to his knees. The light of the doorway outlined a demon’s shape. Gary had no power to subdue even him, and he knew his fate belonged to the demon’s claws. The demon fell to the ground, black blood gushing from its mouth. A large, glowing white hole went right through his gut, burning slowly before fizzling out. Someone stood behind the creature. “Gary. You’re a terrible excuse for a conjurer. I’ve met children who are better conjurers than you. You should have stayed with necromancy, you were at least half decent at that.” Said the woman in the beautiful red mask. She pulled up her dress so she wouldn’t step in the demon’s blood. “Y-you! This was you?! You took my staff! That’s why I lost control of them, you fucking bitch!” Gary spat out before blood gushed from his mouth. “It wasn’t just her,” Bucardo added, flipping on the lights. He pulled of the masks on his shoulders and let the snake-skin shed off. His skin had a perfect, fair tone. He snapped his fingers, letting a black suit fit around him, pinstriped. He fixed his tie and ram broach. Gary cursed at him while he fiddled with his diamond cufflinks. “Well, you see, Gary. You should have stayed small business. You’ve done a great job, honestly, doing terrible things here in New York. But the fact is, you rose up too fast. I’ve had bigger fish to fry, but I decided I needed to stop you before you became too much of a problem.” The woman said. “But- but you’re an angel-worker! You can’t do these things!” Gary said, coughing up more blood. “On the contrary,” Jenna said, pulling off the mask, “I’m an angel-worker by nature. I decided Bune here would be much more powerful in helping me ruin you. Did you notice how bad your stocks fell in the last two months? That was him. He can do that, you know. From time to time I have to use sub-lunar spirits.” She held his face as she slowly kneeled down to look at him. She kissed his forehead and trembled her lip. Jenna didn’t seem happy for a short second. “Do you want me to go find ‘Dagger Jaw’?” Bune asked. He stood straight. “No, our pact is complete. Thank you for your help, oh powerful spirit. I release you.” Jenna said, pulling out a knife of pure obsidian. “Jenna, please… I deserve a trial, by the council, remember? Those are the rules…” Gary rasped. “Dearest Gary, The council has no effect on my mental state, if physical. My methods may be unorthodox…” Jenna said, holding the knife at his neck, “but they exterminate more disgusting bastards like you than someone else’s.” The knife slit through, releasing a fountain of red, like her dress. End
  24. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Other Side of the Mirror

    WARNING: This story could make one part of your body very uncomfortable so reader discretion is definitely advised. Campbell is waking up from a deep sleep and can feel a heavy breeze brushing up against his legs. As he lies there, he looks over at his floor mirror and notices a black swirl forming in the middle of it. He jumps to his feet and quickly slides some shorts over top of his bare ass and cock. The cloud starts to cover the entire area of the mirror until it finally reveals what appears to be some walkway that leads to a bench. The surprised young man walks up to the mirror but tries to keep his distance. It isn’t long though before the wind starts to kick up louder and heavier than before. This time though, Campbell can feel himself being drawn in towards the mirror. He quickly grabs on to the end of his bed and holds on for dear life. He yells in fright as things from around his bedroom go flying inside. He turns to see a huge dark figure walking towards him from inside the mirror and sticks its massively muscled arm through to grab him by his legs. He screams, ‘NOOOOO!’ as the bed gets dragged along with him through the mirror. He loses consciousness as he is pulled in and lands directly in front of the bench he saw from within his room. The mirror disappears behind him as he lies there motionless. The figure picks him up and lays him on the bench. As he comes to, the figure starts to form a humanoid shape before Campbell is fully aware of his surroundings. Once the groggy young man sits up, the figure is done forming. It goes to sit beside him and puts its newly made left arm around his left shoulder. Campbell turns to look at him and nearly jumps off the bench once he sees who he thinks is a ghost. ‘WHAT?! Noooo, it can’t be! *tears well up in his eyes* Nooo noooo! I remember when you died. This can’t be…..why Josiah? Why?’ Campbell falls into the man’s arms and continues to cry. Josiah rubs his back and pulls him up against him. He rubs his scruffy beard against the sad man’s face and lets out a small groan. Campbell stops crying to push himself back a little bit to look into the man’s brown eyes. He is in awe of who he is looking at. ‘How is this possible? I am looking into your eyes and it is as if you never left.’ Josiah grabs both of the man’s hands and grasps them before putting them around the back of his neck. Campbell runs his hands along the man’s shoulders before placing them on the man’s exposed forearms. The man is wearing the jumpsuit from when he was murdered nearly four years before. The green and white stripes run up and down the jacket and sweatpants. His olive colored skin is covered with a forest of brown hair on his arms and legs. He is also wearing the tennis shoes from then too. The man smiles at Campbell and pulls him in close before leaning down to kiss him on the lips. The surprised young man moans feeling the man plunge his tongue down his throat. The kiss is long and very satisfying as Campbell lets out a few moans. Josiah holds him tightly in his arms as his partner rubs his dark buzzed hair. They stop kissing as the man looks him in the eyes again and appears to be trying to speak. ‘Can you talk Josiah? Please say something to me I want to remember what you sound like.’ The Lebanese-American man makes a few sounds, but seems unable to push out any kind of word or sentence. Campbell hugs him tightly as he maneuvers to sit on top of the sexy man’s lap and feels Josiah’s cock pressing up against him. He reaches down inside the man’s pants to feel its warm uncut sheath against his fingers. He sighs a bit before leaning up to kiss Josiah again. ‘I will never forget how incredibly sexy your cock is Josiah.’ The smiling arab man reaches down to feel Campbell’s rod in his shorts and pulls it out to slap it against his jacket. A little bit of precum gets slung and stains the man’s jacket. After a few minutes of making out, the smaller man moves down off his lap and pulls Josiah’s cock out to gently kiss it and lick the edges. The arab lets out a few moans as Campbell works him over slowly and methodically. The taste of Josiah’s honey makes the eager sucker work harder as it starts to flow freely. After a few more gulps, Campbell looks up at his lover and sees him get a strange look on his face. ‘OH NO? What is it Josey? You look like you are in some kind of discomfort.’ The concerned lover can feel the bigger man’s cock vibrating against his face as it starts to swell. The veins thicken as the growth progresses down to his ballsac which is swelling itself. Campbell hears a few noises coming from the arab’s mouth as his legs begin filling up every square inch of his pants. The seams tear slowly as his quads and hamstrings spill out the openings. Campbell moans as he licks his lover’s engorged pole as it leaks more of its thick honey. The growth moves up into Josiah’s chest as his stomach reacts violently. The arab shakes as his stomach balloons until it stretches his jacket to its limits. His mouth gapes open before he feels the growth get sucked back in and rush into his pecs which quickly blow up. Their massive size forces his jacket to split along the sides as his thick furry pecs peek out the edges. Campbell stops licking Josiah’s cock to reach up and feel both huge mounds. The arab continues to breath heavy as he stretches his arms out to his sides. An immense amount of pressure starts building up in both of them as each muscle fiber in his forearms and biceps begin stretching and thickening wider than before. Josiah has a crazy look on his face again as he stares intently at them both. The sleeves strain as the growing bulbs of muscle continue to expand along what appears to be giant hose-sized veins. The big man starts to moan as his eyes go back into his head. His back splits his jacket in half as his gargantuan delts appear. His hairy traps and shoulders rip through his jacket as it starts to fall down his thick sweaty waist. The briefs Josiah is wearing buckle under the weight of his huge hairy ballsac and cock. Campbell holds them in his hands as he moves his mouth and tongue up to lick and kiss his arab lover’s massively muscled torso. Once he gets to the big man’s huge pecs, Josiah grabs hold of Campbell’s shorts and rips them off. He then lifts the surprised man up flexing his 22” guns and shredding the fabric and disintegrating it at the same time. He swallows Campbell’s cock and sucks it vigorously making the smaller man moan deeply and humps his lover’s mouth. Josiah looks up at his face and smiles before pulling Campbell’s cock out to massage the head a few times with his long tongue. ‘Mmmm Josey, I always dreamt about you looking like this baby. You are so huge and furry and……*rubs the big man’s thick furry beard* beautiful.’ The heavily muscled arab slowly parts Campbell’s cock head and slides his tongue down inside while gripping his lover tightly around his waist. His own cock bounces furiously against his thick hairy slabs. Campbell moans in ecstasy not realizing that Josiah is pushing his tongue further down inside. It reshapes itself to slide all the way down to the base of his cock before searching for his prostate. The small man is unable to move as he yells in delight rather than pain as the big arab’s cock rises and arches itself towards Campbell’s pulsing hole. He gasps as he grips Josiah’s shoulders feeling some kind of river starting to rush into him from the muscled stud’s mouth and tongue. After a few seconds, the arab slowly slides his tongue out as a thick river of honey flows from inside Campbell’s cock and on to Josiah’s chest. ‘Ahh Ahh AHH! OH GAWD Josey, I have never felt such a rush like this before.’ The arab leans down to give Campbell’s bulging cock a few nice long sucks to swallow some of the precum it is drooling. His own cock rages trying desperately to find its way into Campbell’s other passion canal. The small man feels himself being lowered now onto Josiah’s immense 13” cock slowly and methodically. He grips his hairy lover’s mammoth biceps squeezing them making the big man growl as he stretches Campbell. ‘YES BABY, OH GAWD. Fuck me please. I’m all yours.’ The small man gives Josiah complete control of him as his anus conforms to the giant horse cock now entering it. Campbell feels his legs and ass shake as it pushes further inside searching for that magical place. He is surprised at how easy it is for the arab stud to fuck him but lets it all occur since the feeling is too much to prevent. After nearly sliding all the way in, Josiah’s cock finds his prostate and starts to massage it. ‘YES! YES! YES! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me Josey!’ *shakes violently* Josiah rubs his legs and back to make him calm down and straightens up to kiss Campbell’s chest while holding him in place. He slowly starts to thrust inside the horny bottom working a nice steady rhythm as he lovingly licks the smaller man’s neck and face. He grunts deeply as he manages to mate with Campbell’s prostate as the two organs merge. Within seconds, the big arab starts unloading huge jets of cum directly into it thrusting over and over again. Campbell yells in delight feeling his insides filling up with thick white jizz. Before he can look into Josiah’s eyes again though, he starts to drift away. After a few seconds, he jumps up in his bed and yells. He looks around and wonders if this was perhaps just a dream. He turns and looks at his alarm clock and realizes that he is late for a meeting with one of his close friends. He starts to put his pants on when he feels something really strange going on in his crotch. He tries to stand up but can’t seem to get up from the bed. Campbell can feel strange sensations coming from his prostate which worries him. He notices his cock starting to wake up as it gets harder. He pulls his pants back off around the time he shoots a clear stream of precum into his boxer shorts. He takes them off and sees his cock arching up in the air. The pressure from within his prostate starts to build up as if he is about to shoot a massive load, but nothing happens. He stares intently at his cock as the piss slit begins to stretch. He yells in fright feeling his prostate growing as it starts to bulge outward from inside his body. His cock begins to grow bigger too as his balls thicken and swell. The feeling scares him so much but he is unable to move as his cock and balls triple in size. His legs move out to the sides to accommodate the large appendage that is now growing. It is stretching the lower part of his stomach as well. It finally stops growing after about five minutes. He stares in awe at the giant balloon now sitting where his pelvis was and wonders if this might have been a result of that dream that he just had a little while before. His cock continues to grow even after his prostate and stomach stop expanding. It finally forces him to move to the floor. The gargantuan pole eventually stops pooling precum. He can feel whatever it is inside him starting to move forward now as his cock grows even larger. The thing is pushing itself through his massive cock as the piss slit stretches even wider. Campbell can no longer feel anything in that part of his body including his legs and feet. The intruder stops moving halfway down the canal before its shocked host feels his prostate starting to react. The blood in his body all rushes into his immense cock’s veins and arteries to finally launch the intruder out of the cockhead. Campbell passes out from the carnage as the thing from inside him is birthed as it is followed by an ocean of cum. The sheer power behind the release launches the new lifeform into the wall in front of him cracking it and landing the creature down onto the ground. Still passed out and cumming, Campbell is unaware that he has given birth to someone he knows from his past. The lifeform stretches out from its fetal position and begins to come to. Millions of cracks and pops radiate from the floorboards and walls as it starts to grow bigger and wider. Literally hundreds of muscles swell and balloon all over the new human’s body. Within just minutes, it triples in size from a small skeletal man into a huge hulking beast. It tries to stand up several times but falls over causing quite a few loud noises in the room. This awakens Campbell from his coma and he sits up really quickly. He immediately looks down and sees that his cock has returned back to normal. The huge river of cum he is lying in makes him jump to his feet. He notices the giant crack in the wall across the room and seems terrified as to what could cause that. He hears heavy breathing coming from the same area and gets really nervous. He goes back over to his bed to turn a light on and can see a huge hairy man shaking violently as he leans against the wall. The man’s huge hairy muscular torso glistens with sweat and is dripping cum everywhere. ‘WHO ARE YOU!? DID YOU…..COME OUT OF ME!?’ The man turns to look at him and looks extremely stressed. His brown eyes and thick beard immediately resemble someone. Campbell is holding the lamp he had turned on to throw it at the man but instead slowly puts it back down. He can hear the man muttering to himself. ‘I…..I don’t know what is going on with me. I just remember…..*man starts to think* disappearing from here. *Looks into Campbell’s eyes* OMG CAM! I thought I would never see you again.’ The shocked smaller man wades his way over to the hairy stud and holds him tightly. The man picks him up and kisses him on the lips. They both sob a little as Campbell rubs the big arab’s huge muscles and moans. The man looks down and realizes that he doesn’t have the same physique as before and starts bouncing his pecs and biceps. The smaller man rubs and squeezes them each time they bounce and then kisses them. This goes on for a few minutes before they move into the nearby hallway and into the kitchen. Josiah sits Campbell down on the counter and opens the refrigerator. ‘I have to eat Cam…..for some reason I am hungrier than I have ever been in my life. *Looks down at his body again and then turns to look at Campbell* Did you always want me to look like this Cam? If I would have known that, I would have spent way more time in the gym.’ Campbell smiles at him and shrugs his shoulders. ‘Uhhhh well…..I did fantasize quite a bit about you hulking out and growing into a beastly Lebanese gawd.’ Josiah laughs in his deep voice and turns back around to grab all of the meat he sees sitting in the refrigerator. He closes it and takes it over beside Campbell. There are chicken breasts and a few cooked beef patties. He takes them all out of their packages and just wolfs them down. Campbell seems alarmed by this, but figures that this will be a new requirement. ‘Cam, I think I am going to need more than this. I’m sorry if any of that was your dinner.’ *winks* ‘Josey, I don’t care if you eat all of the food in the fridge. I am so happy you are back, I just want to hold you forever.’ Campbell reaches over and rubs Josiah’s thickly muscled chest. The forest of brown fur soothes the small man as he leans up against the huge arab. Josiah picks him back up and squeezes him tightly before burying Campbell into his enormous pec shelf and veiny neck. ‘I love you more than you will ever know Cam and I won’t leave you again. Your big Lebanese beast is here with you now and forever.’ They start to kiss again as Josiah props his lover up on the wall and wraps Campbell’s legs around his back before he slowly slides his huge Arabian cock inside his lover and starts to fuck him. Every mammoth muscle in his back and legs flex and strain as he makes love to Campbell. Meanwhile…..the mirror in Campbell’s room is beginning to cloud up again just like it did in the beginning.
  25. roboprobo

    Tales of a Lust Mage #2

    Tales of a Lust Mage #2 By ROBOPROBO SUB TAGS: Magic, Basic Growth, Height, Combat, Characters (Bradley, Xaekus, Rafael, Alice), The following work of fiction portrays fictional characters in sexual situations. Please do not read if you are not interested in stories written for erotic purposes, if you are not of legal age, or if it is illegal for you to read sexually explicit material in this format or through this medium. Author note: I feel there is much more plot in this installment than there was in the last. I do apologize if this feels like fluff. I DO split up the stories in parts, so if you feel you don't need too much plot, head over to Part 2, about halfway through the story. The sexy things start happening there. I un-officially will be using 'sub' tags so you know what will be involved in each story. TALE II Part 1 – Mortals and the Gazes of a Magician Rafael was a pretty boring, average eighteen year-old. As he mopped the floors of the shop he worked at, he pondered what he'd be doing for another year in this town. He was excited to go to his dream university but -due to his father's illness- he'd deferred his attending date for another year. He'd come to terms with how things were going, and figured at least it'd be another year before he reached full solitude. Rafael wiped the counters of the yogurt shop’s registers. The tiny little shop was called ‘Leche Lucy’ and was owned by an old family friend (Lucy). She had known Rafael since childhood and was considered a ‘godmother’- she gave him a job for the next few months while he took care of his dad. For now Rafael took a few classes at the local community college and worked part time here. Things were pretty calm in his life so far, if not somber. Recently Rafael began working out a lot more. He had enough time to do so and liked the ability to excel in a physical activity. In school he wasn’t very coordinated and he never made the teams for any sports. He’d tried out for wrestling, soccer, football, tennis; all in vain. He’d been a late bloomer and he happened to be a year younger than all his classmates, giving him a very large disadvantage in the physical department. Now that he was a year and some months out of school he felt capable of at least weight lifting appropriately, and hopefully athletically in the future. Because Rafael often worked alone in the store, he found himself wandering mentally about everything. School, work, and so far- fitness. He’d started dieting these last few weeks and certainly noticed some good changes. Changing your lifestyle so drastically always made you think about it constantly, but he was finally getting used to it for the most part. Rafael wished it hadn’t poured today- business had gotten really bad in the last few hours. It made him anxious enough to clean the shop twice. Now he had nothing to do. He stood inside the kitchen and decided to rearrange some things. The young man could even practice his squats a little as he picked up large tubs of flavoring and yogurt ingredients. He liked to feel his muscles ask for more oxygen, even if it were more warm-up than work-out. A few minutes went by of him moving boxes and tubs of different things before he heard the bells on the door signal the entry of a customer. Rafael almost groaned as he had just started to pick up a sweat (he’d started counting how quickly he could move a certain amount of things at a time, sort of like reps). “At least some people are not so afraid of the rain,” Rafael whispered to himself. The shopping was not one large building but rather many shops linked to roads. The mall was indeed big but fell prey to the weather’s mercy. Rafael swallowed his breath before he could finish his thought. His eyes were looking downward, so he’d gotten fairly close before experiencing the sight visually. There stood a tall, wet guy in the shop. Rafael tried to not let the intimidation shake him as it often did when there were attractive people in his vicinity (men or women). This guy though- this guy was on a different plane. The guy wore what seemed to be a blue pair of slacks, but really expensive looking ones- perfectly shaped to his fairly muscular frame. Rafael’s eyes had already gotten to curious by instinct before he could look away. They noticed this guy had no jacket on, simply a white shirt and red tie. Rafael had immediately begun holding his breath as he knew that this man had been drenched. This meant his physique was certainly seeable through said white shirt. Often, Rafael felt jealous when people like this man were around. They were perfect –and even if they worked for it- he always felt inadequate around them. He tried not to look and finally noticed his breath was still on hold. He almost gasped as he remembered to breathe. Time seemed to go far too slow as everything felt awkward. “Can I help you?” Rafael said in an octave higher than his usual voice. The man wasn’t looking at Rafael and turned his head away from the outside windows to greet him. “Oh. I was caught in the rain. My umbrella broke.” Said the wet man flatly. “That sucks. What were you looking for, exactly?” Rafael tried to say. Rafael could feel the guy seek eye contact, almost menacingly, like an animal that could roar anything into submission. Rafael couldn’t help but be pulled in to the man’s gaze as he learned his name. “I’m Bradley. I’m new in town and I figured I could just check out the shops. Weather came down and greeted me with open arms.” As he said this, Rafael couldn’t help but swallow his tongue. Bradley was fairly tall and carried a wide pair of shoulders. His black hair had gotten wet and curled over his forehead. Rafael could not prevent the man’s brown eyes snare. His brow was intense- like an action hero, shooting his eyes at Rafael forever. That’s what it felt like, but looking back Rafael knew it must have been an awkward minute. “Do you mind if I use your bathroom?” Bradley said. Rafael returned to Earth and coughed, “Yeah, yeah it’s over there on the wall, I mean, by the wall! I mean.” Bradley laughed and looked at the puddle that was under him. He didn’t seem to mind that his chiseled abs and pectorals clung to his wet white shirt. He simply looked back up to Rafael and said, “I’m so sorry about the mess, should I run to the bathroom?” You could get shirtless, it would keep the dripping at bay and you’re basically shirtless anyway, thought Rafael. Bradley immediately began unbuttoning his shirt. Rafael almost jumped back at the feeling that his mind was being read. “Something wrong?” asked Bradley, pulling off the soaked shirt. His skin’s muscular ridges glistened with droplets of water. “What? No-“ “I just thought it’d make more sense to not drip all over the place,” Bradley said, placing the shirt on the ground. “You’re not uncomfortable, are you? We’re just guys.” “No, of course not, I don’t care!” Rafael almost yelled from anxiety. “I’ll go get you some towels or something!” He said, stumbling about. Who was this guy?! Was he a model? What was he doing in boring Tripole?! Bradley dried his hair with both hands, seemingly showing off his well-developed triceps and v-shaping lats. Rafael tried to not look. Luckily he was accustoming himself to speaking normally. Bradley looked at him and asked, “I didn’t catch your name.” Rafael observed his facial features as he said this. Bradley carried a prominent brow- it made his eyes intense, aside from his stiff demeanor. The young man –by Rafael’s guess, twenty-one, maybe twenty-five- carried well-groomed facial hair that matched his now waving brown locks. His skin was fair, almost pale but lively still. His face was longer than it was square, making his general visage look more slender than muscular at first glance. “I’m Rafael.” The shopkeeper responded. “Call me Brad.” Rafael almost smiled out of instinct as Bradley talked to him. Rafael was interested in this stylish, athletic person (as there seemed to be few and far between in Tripole). Rafael never really thought about sexual attraction as much as he pondered what was beautiful and what wasn’t. Bradley made him more afraid than sexually interested, if anything. Rafael didn’t think himself gay, either. “It’s a good thing I brought some clothes with me,” Bradley said, “I heard it might storm terribly today so I used my weather-proof backpack.” “Backpack?” Rafael asked, seeing Bradley open an orange pack. Bradley did not respond. Rafael could have sworn the guy walked in without anything on him, but whatever. There was no point in asking. “Mind if I change in your bathroom?” Bradley said. “No, it’s basically public to customers.” Rafael said. He quickly wanted to take back what he stated- knowing it sounded a bit rude. “Oh, I don’t even know what this shop is. I’ll get something, then. You sell yogurt?” Bradley asked. It either seemed that Bradley smiled sparingly or he was not very amused. “Y-yeah, ah, all these different machines have a different flavor. I can give you a sample of each, if you like. You seem pretty fit, are you interested in some fat-free pineapple yogurt? It’s my current favorite.” Rafael rambled. He gulped at the realization. “Yes. That sounds like a good idea. Are you interested in fitness?” Bradley said. It seemed Bradley blinked little. He was always observing, from what Rafael could tell. Observing from far away. Rafael grabbed a tiny sample cup and let Bradley taste. Bradley licked the top and looked at him. There was no reaction. “Did you like it?” Rafael asked. He was starting to get nervous again. “I’ll take four ounces.” “Right away, here, just take this cup and you can add things from the bar over here. Fruits, candy. Whatever you’re into.” Rafael said, with relief. “Oh, so I don’t really order. That’s a pretty clever idea. Do I pay by weight? Flavors?” “Weight. Sorry, I should probably explain everything.” “I think I can keep up.” Rafael kept worrying that Bradley was unamused or offended. He walked awkwardly around the bar to the register. “Add your toppings, and we’ll weigh it for your total price.” And so, Bradley got a small cup of yogurt. “May I go change now?” Bradley asked. “Sorry, I didn’t really mean you had to buy something or you couldn’t use the bathroom. That probably sounded kind of rude.” Bradley was tasting the yogurt. He actually closed his eyes for a long time- maybe to savor the yogurt and do nothing else. “Oh, this is really good. I’m glad I walked in here and not some fast-food trough.” Bradley said, moving his spoon around in the cup. He lifted the spoon and looked over at Rafael. “I am having a bad week, I thoroughly enjoy all these little shops usually, just haven’t had the chance to really-” He was saying, before dripping some yogurt onto his chest. He looked down. Pineapple yogurt dribbled down his dense pectoral. He looked up at Rafael- whom was staring. “Well, are you going to lick it off? Or do you want to wait for it to slide onto my nipple?” asked Bradley, indeed seriously. He was still shirtless. “What?!” yelled Rafael. His face flushed. “Hmm? I said, ‘is this a family owned business?’” Bradley repeated. He grabbed a napkin and cleaned off the spill. Rafael scratched his head. “Yeah, sorry, I misheard… Yes, well, technically. I call the owner my Grandma, but she isn’t, really. Her son and daughter take care of the store, but they just opened another down south at another mall, so they really don’t get here often. They hired someone else for the weekends, but that’s basically the only time there’s someone else besides me here. I came in early today because a lot of chores needed to be done. I even though of closing, but.” Rafael tried looking out the window. He felt uncomfortable. Was he interested in this Bradley character? “I’ll be right back, going to change.” Bradley said, grabbing his backpack and walking off to the bathroom. He came back out wearing a tight green tank top and blue shorts. He seemed ready for a work-out or a day at the beach. Somewhere somebody could enjoy his physique. The clothes seemed small for him; made his musculature look even bigger than the wet slacks and shirt. “So, do you work out, Rafael?” Bradley asked. “Yeah, I try to. Been trying to gain weight. Well, muscle.” Rafael tried to say, jokingly. His progress was still not too much to show off with. “Oh. You only work here? School?” Bradley said, slowly sitting in a big round chair. Clarisse, Gram Lucy’s daughter, had funded a new ‘look’ for the shop so it would resemble a modern café. There seemed to be a giant void around Bradley. Maybe it was just how Rafael felt. “I have two classes, both at different store hours. I don’t really need to miss work.” Rafael said. He had a habit of rubbing his fingers into his hands away from view when he was nervous. His hands were at his sides, behind the counter. “Oh. I see.” Bradley said, quietly. His eyes seemed to stare down Rafael, who was ironically standing up. “What else do you want to tell me, Rafael?” Bradley said slowly. Rafael opened his mouth before thinking and quickly spouted out everything that followed. “Well, my father is dying and I know it and it’s been causing so much turmoil in the house. My Gram is such a nice woman but I know she doesn’t know how to help more so than making my father and I feel like family. I’m not skilled enough to do anything and even though I got accepted to the university I’ve wanted to go to since forever I doubt I’ll become a good sociologist because people don’t even know what sociology is and I’m a hug nerd that somehow got to talk to one of the cool people. You’re one of the cool people- you’re some really buff cool dude from who-knows-where and you somehow ended up in the terribly normal Tripole, where no cool people ever stay and I find you extremely intimidating; so much so that I’m questioning my sexuality because I kind of want to be your friend just to see what exactly it is I’m feeling. I also feel so shallow because you’re pretty interesting as a person on your own, without being so cool and buff and attractive.” “So you don’t always get this nervous around attractive, muscular men?” Bradley said, letting his tongue reach out for the spoon slowly. “I don’t, what-” Rafael tried to cough up as his face went rose red. What just happened?! “You have bad hearing. I said, ‘Do you research a lot of fitness? Bodybuilding, and the like?” Rafael looked around the room; what was happening to him today? Did he have a lack of oxygen? Was he hallucinating? “Oh! Ah, sorry, I. I do, I’ve started trying to eat enough macro-nutrients to obtain my goals. Kind of hard, but slowly.” He said, trying to calm down. After some talk about lifting, Rafael said something awful. “Sometime maybe I can have a physique like yours.” He swallowed his tongue immediately after his brain registered how awkward he sounded, only to become surprised at his new acquaintance’s expression. Bradley’s lips pursed. They almost curled at the ends –upward- as if to hide a smile. Rafael almost smiled too, were it not for his unease. “You like this physique?” Bradley said, returning to his almost monotone voice. He flexed his arms by placing his hands behind his head, elbows pointing upward. His lats spread out like wings. They squeezed his well-defined pectorals- whom were peeking out of the tiny tank top. Rafael felt his chest squeeze as well, but from a loss of air. “W-well yeah! I mean, not to sound weird, but you have a great body. I know you probably worked really hard for it, so I won’t be rude, but I’m pretty jealous.” Rafael said, laughing. He felt like he could say anything right now. Bradley had told him about his old home in New York, work with a law firm, and school education. They were almost friends, right? “Well,” Bradley said, looking down at his expensive-looking ring. “I wouldn’t say I ‘worked’ hard for it. I don’t really deserve it, I just happened to be at the right place at the right time. I’m actually trying to slender down. I have a few persons to blame.” Xaekus sneezed as he filed paperwork into cabinets back at home. He was having a hard time not following his master around. He at least wanted to yell at Bradley for not faxing all paperwork properly (the printer jammed). “Oh, you mean, like your genetics? Lucky you.” Rafael said. Bradley almost smiled again. “Do you have a training partner?” he asked. He tossed the yogurt cup away. “No, I don’t really.” Rafael said before stopping his sentence. “You don’t really? You don’t really training partner?” Bradley asked. “I don’t really have any friends.” Rafael said, sheepishly. “Oh. Well, if you ever want to work out, I’m new here too so I need a good spotter. Would you be interested?” Bradley asked. “Yes!” Rafael said loudly. He swallowed his tongue as he tried to gain composure quickly after. “Here, this is my office number. I’ve got to get going since the rain has dwindled- need to pick up some groceries.” Bradley said. He put on his backpack and picked up the wet bag Rafael had given him. “Call that number to set up an appointment with my secretary. I’ll see you Thursday, that’s the next workout day for me.” Bradley said, walking out of the store. Rafael looked down at the business card- it looked so fancy. It was an ivory, thick paper with shining ‘gold’ leaf. It looked like it belonged in an old movie about business men and CEOs. The words were made up of small, intricate script. Apparently, Bradley owned his own ‘multi-level consulting service’, whatever that meant. Was Bradley a lawyer? Rafael stared at the card, wondering who exactly he had just talked to. ___________________________________ Thursday came and Rafael found himself inside the gym. It was early in the morning, before the yogurt shop was to open, and Rafael had nothing else to do. He was almost excited but feared how much he’d drag down Bradley- if he were to come at all. The voice on the phone sounded really annoyed to hear about having to set up an appointment, Rafael wanted to tell them it was okay not to. “No, you already called, we don’t want all my time to go to waste,” said the secretary on the line. Rafael thought his name might be ‘Xak’, by what Bradley had mentioned of his employees. “Ah, I really mean it, if it’s too much of a bother, I can tell Bradley,” “Excuse me, I think you mean ‘Mr. Rourke’. If you have no professional business with him, I would suggest you use his professional name, at least. Thank you. I’ve set up the appointment for 9 A.M. sharp. Do not be late.” The voice on the other side said quickly before hanging up. And so, Rafael found himself inside the gym. It was raining hard again so he’d gone inside. Someone asked if he needed help with anything and he told them he was waiting on a friend. Rafael began to fret as the clock struck nine. He looked to the door to see Bradley walking in with a large black umbrella folding in his hands. Bradley wore a black suit today to match. His silver sunglasses made him look distant as he put the umbrella away in his leather gym bag. Rafael looked down at his baggy sweatpants and grey shirt with a frown. “He’s with me,” Bradley said, handing the attendant his badge. She blushed. He was so commanding, somehow without a direct word. “Do you need workout clothes? I brought an extra set, in case.” Bradley said, walking to through the locker room. “Well, I think what I’m wearing works?” Rafael asked. “Nonsense, you can’t see any of your physique in that. You need the motivation of seeing your body pumping new growth, or you’ll get slow results.” Bradley said, unbuttoning his shirt and placing it on a hanger with its jacket. Rafael tried to look away. He looked at the clothing Bradley had set down. A cerulean V-neck and black shorts were folded neatly. Rafael picked them up and saw tags still on them. New clothes? Rafael thought. They looked expensive, too. Brands he’d never heard of. “Relax, I didn’t buy those for you,” chuckled Bradley. He seemed to know what Rafael was thinking. He chuckled. “Ah, but they’re about my size.” Said Rafael. “Because I got those in the past- I forgot about them, but they were for my size.” Brad said. “Oh.” Answered Rafael. Bradley was once a normal size. Today was predominantly leg day. Bradley spotted Rafael. Rafael knew that workouts were sacred, so he tried pushing aside his anxiety to later. It was difficult, as Bradley tended to spot real close. Sometimes Bradley’s chest would touch Rafael, or Rafael could feel the static between their clothes. An exaggeration, but Rafael felt that way. Brad’s form was almost perfect. He swayed a bit when the weight racked. Rafael tried to help as much as possible. Bradley didn’t focus much in weight but seemed to push out tons of reps. Rafael found himself trying to keep up and sometimes bumping into Bradley. The quiet athlete said nothing. Rafael couldn’t help but wonder what it’d feel to touch Brad’s big, meaty legs. They stretched the fabric of his shorts with every squat. Brad looked like he pumped up quickly, his quads seeming to push his shorts out every exercise or so. Rafael thought maybe all bodybuilders (or whatever Bradley considered himself as) got this way when lifting. And so, Rafael worked hard. At the end he found himself exhausted and drenched in sweat. He huffed, upset that Bradley had mostly just-started breathing heavily most of the time. “Sorry if I drag down your workout, Bradley.” Rafael said, as they were changing. The gym was small and had no showers. “This town needs more gyms.” Brad said, showing off his chiseled abdomen. He put on a loose sweater. He looked tired too. “Also, just call me Brad.” He added. “Oh. Okay.” Rafael answered. Bradley and Rafael went to the lobby. “Well, I guess I’ll see you around, or whatever?” asked Rafael. “If you like, you can work out with me anytime. I’m not trying to gain mass, so we can go ahead and workout light until you’ve reached my ‘level’ of expertise. Just call Xak again, he’ll take care of you.” Bradley said, putting on his watch and rings. “Oh, that guy… Sure.” Rafael tried to laugh. “What, was he trouble?” Bradley asked. “Oh no! Sorry no, he seemed pretty cool.” Rafael eased. “Hmm. Is that so?” Bradley said, “Well, I’ll see you, training partner.” He raised his hand out for a handshake. Rafael smiled and clasped the hand. “Ouch!” Rafael yelped. He pulled his hand to see a small red dot on his hand. “Oh. Sorry, I forget this ring has a jag. I should toss this thing, but it was a gift.” Brad said, “Do you want to get a band aid or something?” “No, I’m fine, it’s not that bad. I’ll just wait until it clots on its own.” Rafael said. “Thanks so much for the workout!” He managed to add, happily leaving the gym. Bradley waved good bye and smiled, almost forcibly. His sunglasses seemed useless at night, but he sure looked good in them, Rafael thought, stealing a glance once more. Bradley waited a bit to observe his ring. There was definitely a drop of blood on it, preparing to dry. He needed to be quick. He almost grimaced at the ease his plan had worked with. Part 2 – Dream Walking Rafael prepared to shower. He couldn’t get Bradley out of his mind. Was Rafael gay? He’d never felt any attraction to anyone. He knew so little about Bradley, but there was an essence to him. A feeling around him. Rafael felt comfortable and somehow scared in his presence. He looked in the mirror and frowned- there was nothing like Bradley’s in the reflection. No well-groomed hair, no defined and masculine beard, no intense brown eyes and long, handsome face. Rafael felt his chest sink; it was hard being average. He didn’t consider himself even that. Rafael went into the shower and lathered, rinsed. The norm. His mind wandered around. Work, Dad, Bradley. No! Work, Dad, school. Rafael folded down a bit, trying to get his mind off of Brad. He lathered downward and couldn’t help wondering what it’d be like to maybe hold Bradley’s bicep. It was so toned, like a baseball. Crap. Rafael had an erection. Maybe he’d deal with it, but he certainly wasn’t going to think about Bradley. “What are you doing, master?” Xaekus said, trying to push the bottle around. When Brad got home, it was to the bottle for Xak. “Nothing!” Brad yelled out. He couldn’t find the jar of lavender incense. “Master, who was that young man that called?” Xaekus asked, slowly pushing the bottle. He couldn’t see what his master was doing in the other room. “Just a friend. Is that you moving your bottle, should I come in there?” Bradley said, lighting the large brazier. It spout fire upward. “No, Master, I’m not doing anything. Just like you.” Xaekus growled. He saw a pile of papers on one of the tables in the room. I just cleaned up those files, Xaekus thought, angrily. There were a few specks of mud on the floor Brad had tracked in. Xaekus growled. “You don’t have friends,” bit Xaekus. Bradley found the lavender. He’d make Xaekus arrange all the incenses alphabetically tomorrow, this was stupid. He heard Xak’s remark and grabbed the shade’s sage too. “I close this room by the power of my god spark.” He said, tossing a handful of shade’s sage into the brazier. It gushed out black smoke and began circling the room. Xaekus groaned- now he would certainly not see anything. “Go clean the house, Xaekus, by my will and order.” Bradley said. “But master, you haven’t fed me!” Xaekus whined. He didn’t say more, knowing he’d receive no answer. He went onto his business. _________________________________ Bradley grabbed a handful of lavender and tossed it in. He pulled out a red pendulum- amethyst, his favorite for this work- and chanted. He began undressing himself. The white vial of strange oil popped open in his other hand. He rubbed the pendulum with it and then his tongue. It tasted awful, but Brad was used to it. He closed his eyes as his focus seemed to waiver. The white vial held a strong hallucinogen. The pendulum swayed around, finding its own focus. Bradley had dream walked before, he did it often without wanting to as he slept. One night he’d been going through the town, learning about it and seeing if he could find a good place to post an actual office. Last thing he wanted was a witch hunt- they somehow happened in the modern world still. Maybe it was the subconscious telling mortals there was magic? He’d been going past dreaming people, many spirits, and definitely ghosts. None bothered him. He looked over and saw something glint that night. He went to see out of curiosity and saw Rafael. He saw his soul squirm in sadness, worried about the future. To each their own, Bradley said, preparing to leave. “Oh, you know he seems interesting.” Alice said. “Ugh, no. Not right now, Alice.” “It’s that time of year.” She said, playing with her long, blonde locks. She weaved them into a bun and giggled. “AliCiel, look. I know I’m supposed to reach my quota, but I don’t know what to do right now. I did some pretty good things last year.” He said, sitting next to the sleeping Rafael. “It’s not even against your better being, honey, and as great as those things were, once again they weren't for yourself.” Alice said. She wore a very crisp white suit. “Fine, okay, so what do you want me to do?” Bradley said. His usual calm demeanor was wavering with annoyance. “Make a friend. All you have to do is something good for the better of others and for yourself.” Alice said. “So I just change him how he wants, and then I don’t deal with you again for a while?” Bradley snapped. “You make him confident in who he is, and improve him. Don’t replace him. You didn’t replace yourself, you just improved, remember? Besides, he's much more important than you think.” Alice said. The feathers of her jacket’s shoulders glistened. “Angels are almost as annoying as djinn, and are half as useful as demons. Have I ever told you that? I set up an extremely successful large-scale adoption agency that helps kids find homes last year, and that wasn't enough? You’re at least two months early.” Bradley bit. “Oh stop it, you know you love me. I’m your higher guardian. You don’t call on me often anymore, but I know you’ll always need me for some emergency.” She said, giggling. “Now help him. He’s trying hard, he just needs a push. You know it isn't small if I direct you to one person. He may look normal, but he’ll be important soon enough. Who knows, maybe you’ll learn to be friends with people.” So once again, Bradley found himself standing above the thin, average looking young man. He’d been seeing him regularly for a while now. If it were in person, it could be considered ‘stalking’, but Bradley had been doing most of his information gathering through dream walks and his black mirror. He learned about Rafael’s hard work, his skills, and his kindness. So tonight he’d help Rafael the best way he could think possible; giving him some will power. He knew that although Rafael worked out, studied hard, and tried his best there was always something dragging him down. Rafael’s father was dying and there was no family left to connect with Rafael. Maybe it was that? Maybe it was the bullying Rafael had received as a child. It could have been the differing look he carried in comparison to most of the ‘attractive’ people that he saw often in town. He was different too- he loved art and could not focus on certain things in life. Rafael was told time and time again to choose simple careers like his other schoolmates. The boy had not listened. Bradley didn’t feel too bad for him, everyone goes through this. Everyone can choose to be successful. And yet here he was, wondering what his Guardian Angel could mean about this seemingly normal man. As Rafael slept, Bradley poked his body, looking at what foundation there was to work with. Bradley was very good at magic of the flesh, but as Alice directed, he would have to do most of the work the good old fashioned way. He found that most minds kept intact better if they were changed slowly, anyway. _______________________________________ Rafael yawned and wrestled around with his sheets. He would get very cold and used a lot of them. His hands crept around slowly, half asleep, looking for his big pillow he would often sleep curled around. He rubbed something smooth, not like fabric. Rafael did so for a bit, looking for a way to grab on. His mind began noticing the anomaly that was skin not his own. “What the hell…?” He murmured, about to bounce out of the bed in a startle. “What’s wrong…?” murmured someone else in his bed. Rafael almost jumped out of the bed as he pulled the cover off. There lay a muscular, tall man. He curled up a little as his small red underwear proved weak only against the cold room and massive basket. Rafael had no time to pay attention to such things, but it became obvious in the seconds to come. Bradley curled around and opened an eye to look at him. He let a small smile show. “What’s wrong?” He asked, groaning and reaching for Rafael with his fair, sculpted arm. Rafael tried to gather his thoughts but was still very sleepy. He felt light as air as he tried to step out of the bed. Everything seemed to vibrate in different rhythms- making him want to lie back down. “Are you all right?” Bradley asked, getting up and stretching a bit. He yawned as his hands played through his hair. His chest heaved up with said yawn. Rafael couldn’t manage to respond and hung onto the edge of the bed, lest he puke or fall from the strange vibrating. Bradley didn’t show much emotion, as usual, but he seemed to carry a semblance of a smirk. He seemed almost cocky, in a way. “Come on, Rafael. Get back in bed. I told you I would return home in the morning.” “I’m not. What is…?” Rafael finally managed to say, stupefied. Bradley’s hand rubbed Rafael’s leg slowly. He whispered “Oh, you want to go again?” Rafael couldn’t manage to say anything and certainly not figure out what was going on, seeing tall Bradley pull himself out of bed and walk around. He stood in front of the sitting Rafael in the darkness. He lifted his arms and placed them behind his hands behind his back- stretching so as to show off his v-shaped body. His lats spread upward and framed what was an abdomen that could be made of marble. Bradley breathed in and let his chest expand outward, on display for Rafael. Rafael didn’t know what to do. He hoped that his time sitting up would help him awake and sense things better, but he felt light-headed even now. He felt like he was going to vibrate out of control, especially with Bradley showing off his body in such a way. Bradley let go of his pose and stepped closer to his small friend. “Do you plan on just sitting there, or touch me?” He said, quietly. Slowly Rafael responded by reaching out and feeling only Bradley’s skin. “Bradley, I don’t know where I am.” He whispered softly. Bradley hushed him and said, “Just call me Brad, Rafael. I already told you. Now enjoy what you like. It’s for you to do with what you will tonight.” Rafael calmed a bit and slowly got up. He still didn’t know how to feel, but he’d wanted to see what so much musculature was like. Brad was certainly lithe and tall, but his definition and dense mass looked amazing in the violet moonlight. Rafael’s hand moved around, feeling Bradley’s hard abdomen. There were no blemishes, no scars, all of it perfectly smooth skin. Rafael rubbed upward and felt Brad’s dense pectorals. They were like mounds of rock, stuck to a human’s front. Rafael couldn’t help but slide his finger up and down his cleavage. He could feel arousal rush through his legs. He couldn’t help but look up at Brad and observe every inch he wanted to since the first day they met. Rafael didn’t understand what he was feeling, but he certainly liked it. “Do you like my face?” Bradley asked, rubbing the smaller man’s shoulder. “Yes…” Rafael muttered quietly. His mind was adrift the blue mist in the room. “Do you fear me?” “Yes.” Bradley breathed in quickly to flex his biceps and show off his chest once more. He did this for a few seconds and then sat next to Rafael. “Do you want to be strong, like me?” Bradley asked. He held both Rafael’s hands on his legs, pushing the fingers over the ridges of his striated quadriceps. “Yes, I want to be strong.” Rafael coughed. The world stopped bouncing around and Rafael felt everything balance. He looked up at Bradley’s outstretched hand and put his own in its grasp. Immediately he felt a warmth- an energy. He closed his eyes. Everything seemed to move slowly. Rafael felt his blue boxers tighten as he looked down at his legs. They were outstretching along with his feet. He found himself skinny as a twig but as tall as Bradley. Bradley himself leaned in and kissed him passionately, squeezing him in muscular embrace. This sent a wave of ecstasy through Rafael. He felt his frame widen with sinew that grew between his shoulders and chest. His legs thickened as Bradley’s arms squeezed in on his abdomen. His waist tightened smaller. Bradley let go of Rafael, not once wavering his gaze. Rafael looked at his hands as they pulsed with blood. His arms had become veiny. He looked at his body and saw that it was solid as rock, pressing the veins out and stretching his dark brown skin. His hands still up he looked back at Bradley. “Flex for me, stud.” Bradley commanded. Rafael followed suit, posing himself only how he thought he could, since he’d never posed for anyone. He let out his arms and then showed off his biceps. He couldn’t manage to look forward at Bradley in shyness. Bradley managed to chuckle and pushed his arms slightly up to fix his pose. He let his fingers land between Rafael’s now stone-solid pectorals. They slid down, pushing to get to the cleavage’s base; Rafael instinctively flexed. Bradley then let his fingers run like a weaving snake between Rafael’s brick abdominals. “Are you a great man now, Rafael?” Bradley asked, “Strong enough to dominate me? I’m almost invincible, you see.” Rafael once more acted on instinct and reached out with his elbow to knock Bradley down. He didn’t know why his body reacted this way- he didn’t want to hurt Bradley. This was of no matter as Bradley quickly bent backward and then pulled himself up with ease. “Use the force you were given.” Bradley commanded, now certainly as menacing as ever. Rafael lifted his hands up into the air to slam onto Bradley, whom did not dodge. He instead reacted by tossing his own two arms above himself to take the hit. Rafael groaned as the force vibrated through both of them. Their forearms acted like blades; tough as steel. Rafael pressed down as hard as possible, feeling Bradley weaken. Bradley’s hands slipped to the sides as he moved out of the way. He opened his palms and thrust both arms straight at Rafael’s midsection. Almost as if time slowed down, the shockwave of force from Bradley’s shoulders exploded into and through his hands. They sent Rafael past the bed and on the floor. Bradley slowly walked around. “You need to be stronger, Rafael.” He said, lifting his foot above Rafael, preparing to slam into him. Rafael felt a tinge of fear as he saw the massive quad tightening and getting ready to crush him. As Bradley slammed his leg into the ground (so hard, the wooden floor shattered into the base under), Rafael quickly knocked him down with a swoop of his own leg. It was difficult hitting him, as they were both dense like metal. Even if he himself was this dense, the shock would cause pain. Bradley looked at him from the ground and finally smiled once more. He slowly crawled back to Rafael and whispered something that Rafael could not understand. They then kissed. Rafael woke up. He held his head. He looked around and saw the bed empty, aside from himself. He looked around and saw that the room was normal. No cracked floor. No mist. He crawled out of bed, as if dizzy from a night of alcohol. His eyes went to the mirror and saw no difference in his body. Just a dream. Then he saw it. He looked at his abdomen. It was tighter than the night before. He grew excited and flexed- just like Bradley had made him in the dream. His arms didn’t look much bigger, but they certainly had gained mass. Rafael couldn’t believe it and almost jumped with excitement. He looked at every corner of his body and saw a little progress everywhere. A single work out with Bradley had helped him so much. He thought it was impossible. And then Bradley was on his mind. He was so different and strange. Now he grew nervous, thinking about his obviously sexual needs for a man like Bradley. What was going on? Rafael sat down on his bed and tried to examine his situation. Eventually he got up and went on with his day, happy he had improved so much by making friends with someone. Bradley sat in his kitchen. He drank his coffee and rubbed his forehead. It was early in the morning. Xaekus had long finished his duties and must have grown tired of trying to see into his master’s affairs. Brad sneezed as the smell of sage and lavender blew out of the room. The curtains flailed slowly in the morning winds of the kitchen windows. “Why didn’t you just do it altogether?” Alice asked him from behind the counter. “Because he has a great deal of self-integrity. If I give it all to him now, he’d lose his respect for hard work. That’s one of his most amazing qualities.” Bradley said before sipping his coffee. “Did you call him amazing?” Alice giggled. “Did I say ‘amazing’? I meant to say ‘interesting’. It’s one of his more respectable qualities.” Bradley said. “Oh, I can definitely see him in your stars soon!” Alice said, walking out the kitchen door. She knocked over a file cabinet, not to anger Bradley, but to prod Xaekus. “I certainly hope not.” Bradley said, staring blankly at the dancing blue curtains. END TALE II Ending Author Note: I do apologize if there's not much sensuality in this story. I wanted to flesh out some more plot points in my series. I might add more to this story, but I doubt it. I have so many ideas for other tales that will span out to other characters (like a solo for Xak, he seemed popular in LM #1. Thank you once again for reading my work and giving me feedback.
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