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  1. MuscleNexusTF

    The Roommate's Gift

    The Roommate's Gift It all began in John’s first year of university. It was an unassuming request; ‘one roommate required for a year lease downtown. John had instantly fell in love with the apartment, but he knew he couldn’t pay his bills without splitting the cost. Kareem had answered the ad almost as soon as it went up on the internet. John thought he was an ordinary guy. Also a first year, and wholly in love with the apartment as well. He had a short beard, olive tanned complexion and piercing green eyes. At first glance, John was not incorrect in assuming that he was from somewhere in the middle east, Kareem’s slight accent only confirmed his assumption. It soon became clear that Kareem was a perfect fit for a roommate. He was clean, organized and didn’t seem like he would have any problems paying for the second half of the rent. John helped him move into the apartment and began preparing for the start of the school year. Shortly after Kareem had moved in, John was woken up one early morning by the clash of pans from the kitchen. He cracked his door open and peaked through. What he saw took his breath away. He knew that Kareem had some hidden bulk under the baggy clothes that he usually wore, but nothing could prepare him for the sight of the muscular man shirtless in his kitchen. Kareem was huge. His body resembled that of a competition bodybuilder, only perhaps a little less leaner and definitely hairier. John retreated back into his room unnoticed. He regarded his own body with distaste. He was pale and skinny, with just enough fat to cover up his abs completely. He had basically no body hair to speak of, which suited him just fine. The only part of his body that he had any pride for was his legs. Good genetics and a lifetime of bike riding had given him swollen calves and cut quads. He went back to bed, dreaming of what it might feel like to have a buff masculine body like his roommate’s. School began and John found himself thrust into the daily grind of life. School and a retail part-time job kept him busy enough so that he barely saw Kareem. This didn’t stop the two from becoming closer and closer, and before either of them realized it, they were best mates. It was one dusky evening when John’s life began to change. Kareem was probably a better cook than John could ever hope to be. He was initially uncertain about the dishes that Kareem put in front of him, but he had yet to have a bad bite, so he never refused anything. Both of them were exhausted from a full day of classes, but John was especially exhausted after getting rejected, once again, by a girl he had been seeing for a couple weeks. Settling down to the steaming food in front of them, John blurted out his desire to have a body like Kareems. “That would get the girls’ attention,” he said dejectedly into his plate. Kareem looked up quickly and regarded John with those piercing eyes of his. “You should come to the gym with me tomorrow,” he said matter of factly. His pecs instinctively twitched under his tank top as he said it. “Yeah maybe. But I’ve tried the gym before, and it just doesn’t seem to work for me! The only things I can ever get to grow are these damned legs.” He looked down at his lower extremities with bewilderment and frustration. “You probably weren’t eating enough,” Kareem said dryly to him. “I think I know how to help.” The slightest smile appeared on his face. He pushed his bulk out his chair and strode over to the kitchen cupboards. John watched him rifle through the numerous spices and herbs that he kept in the cupboards, before he produced a small glass container. “Salt,” he said. “From my hometown, it will help kick up that food a bit.” John didn’t think the food in front of him needed more salt, in fact it was plenty salty already. But he only watched as Kareem knocked some of the salt into his hand. The grains were ruby red and almost seemed to play with the light in the room. John had never seen salt like that before, but he’d also never seen most of the things in Kareem’s spice cupboard, and he tended not to ask. Kareem sprinkled it over John’s food before plunking back into his own chair and tucking into the food. John watched suspiciously as the red crystals dissolved. He shrugged and began to eat. The next morning, John was quite literally woken up by his stomach. Its desperate cries moved him quickly out of bed and into the kitchen. He was not surprised to see Kareem frying up breakfast for the two of them. “Good morning,” he said sleepily before sauntering into the bathroom. “Morning,” Kareem announced, not turning away from the sizzling frying pan. He smiled to himself as he heard the click of the bathroom door closing. John looked in the mirror. “Huh,” he said flatly. His lanky body didn’t look as lanky anymore. In fact, he thought he looked pretty good! He had the first signs of some muscular definition in his chest and arms. The bulge of his legs seemed to push his boxers slightly wider than he had ever noticed before. Oddest of all, he seemed to have a slightly shadowed patch in the middle of his chest, closer inspection revealed budding hair that he had never noticed before. He rubbed the stubble on his face, that also seemed darker and denser than he had ever noticed before. It looked like he only had to wait a couple of weeks before he would be sporting a full dense beard. John wasn’t stupid, and it didn’t take long for him to figure out what had happened. An image of the glass container with the red salt sprung into his mind. He reached into the depths of his mind, trying to remember some factoid of biology that would explain what the salt had done to his body. Nothing came to mind. “Was it dangerous?” John wondered to himself. He realized he didn’t really care, he just needed more of it. Kareem was sitting at the table with two steaming plates as John left the bathroom. He stopped himself from smiling, the transformation had already begun. John had reacted quickly to the crystals, better than Kareem ever had, he was glad that he had only given him a little bit. “Breakfast is ready,” he said cooly. “I’m sorry I started without you, but I need to get going, anatomy class at 8:30, remember?” “Yeah, no worries. Thanks for breakfast!” John watched Kareem curiously as the big man shoveled the last bit of food into his mouth and grabbed his bag. They exchanged goodbyes and all at once, John was alone in the apartment. He wasted no time in seizing his opportunity. He opened Kareem’s cupboard, expecting to find the usual mess. Instead he found exactly what he was looking for. The red salt was there, right in front of him, almost like it had been placed there on purpose. He didn’t give it much thought, only grabbing it and emptying a generous amount into his food. Just like before, it absorbed into his food. Only this time, there was so much that it left a reddish hue. He hesitated for a second, unsure of what he was doing. “It’s only salt,” he laughed to the empty room before shovelling the red food into his mouth. He admitted, the taste wasn’t fantastic. The salt was indeed salty. But he ate it all. Afterwards he only sat there, waiting. But nothing happened. Maybe he was mistaken? Maybe he just hadn’t looked at himself in a while and it was just Kareem’s calorie dense food that had caused him to grow. That wouldn’t exactly explain the hair, but it made more sense than muscle growing salt. John pulled on a shirt and pants, ignoring the feeling of tugging fabric. He would have to take the bus, there was no way he was making it to campus in time by walking. As he flashed his student ID to the bus driver he suddenly felt his skin flush and his head go light. He quickly chose a seat in the back, happy that there was barely anyone else in the bus. His whole body seemed to go numb and cold, he realized he was sweating. John could feel every heartbeat along almost every inch of his body, as if his heart was pumping overtime. And then he felt it. An unmistakable feeling of heaviness enveloped him and he began to grow. He looked at his forearm with a mix of disgust and ecstasy as he watched it fill with hot, hard muscle. Thick veins pushed against the skin under his arm, and as his muscles grew they appeared on the backs of them as well. He watched with bated pleasure as his forearms pumped themselves larger and larger, and thick hair began to mat on their tops. John gasped as he felt his sleeves fill up from his swelling biceps and triceps. A tiny groan escaped his lips, which only drew the gaze of a few bus passengers who looked away before they noticed what was happening. He felt the fabric stretch and stretch until the material was skin tight over a pair of massive bodybuilder arms. A vein ran down each arm, even visible when they ascended into the sleeves of his shirt. Unbeknownst to John, a deep crevice was forming between his ballooning pecs. It was visible above the collar of his stretching V-neck shirt. He reached with a veiny muscle hand to grope a growing pec. The muscle was hard and warm under the thin fabric, he could feel it slowly expanding under his touch. He looked down at himself, suddenly aware that his chest had grown into a thick shelf of muscle. He rubbed under the shirt, not surprised to feel a modest amount of soft hair covering the hard muscle. As his back widened and his shirt tightened, an obvious eight pack was suddenly visible on his torso, pushing the material into eight neat mounds under his heaving pecs. He flexed an arm, delighting in the ball of muscle that formed and the explosion of vascularity that suddenly stood in stark relief against the smoothness of his skin. His attention was suddenly diverted to his lower half, as he felt an overwhelming tightness. His legs were huge! The bulky, hairy mounds of muscle were spilling over his seat. Luckily he had worn stretchy running shorts, and the bulk had only made them ride up, revealing his now god-like lower limbs. He felt ripping and knew that his boxers had given way to his growth, giving him relief from the tightness and allowing his muscles to grow into the soft fabric of his shorts. A couple veins ran down his massive calves, making them look even more cut and athletic. He again praised himself for wearing flip-flops, as even his feet had grown. They were long and thick, corded with athletic looking muscle and veins. He kicked off the useless flip-slops absentmindedly. And just as soon as it started, it stopped. John’s shirt clung tightly, but securely to the muscle man’s torso. His hairy, meaty pecs were overwhelmingly visible above the deep V collar. His previously baggy running shorts were filled with hard hairy muscle, making them resemble compression shorts. He brought a meaty hand to his chin, only to realize that a short dark beard had grown. The transformation was complete. John had a body to rival his roommate’s and he knew it. The bus trundled to his stop, just beside the main quad of his university campus. The sun was out and hundreds of students were milling around the grounds. John noticed that many of the guys were shirtless. He wasted no time in pulling his off, finally ripping it a little bit in the process. He was the biggest man on campus now, he knew it, and he loved it. Thanks to Kareem’s gift, university was about to get a whole lot better. This one's pretty PG.. Let me know what you think!
  2. Xyggurat

    A Little Too Far, Part II

    "I think I took more than fifteen pounds," he said, taking in my physique. I joined him in taking an inventory of my body. Without a mirror, I couldn't tell entirely how much I had changed, but it didn't look too bad. Everything was smaller, for sure, less pumped than it had been. I'd started out as an incontrovertibly muscular guy, and now I was more athletic in build, like a wrestler or a big swimmer. A couple of minutes of contact had set me back months in the gym. "Yeah," I said. "You know me, sometimes I take things too far," he said. That was for sure. And that should have bothered me, but it didn't. The only things occupying my mind right then were how incredibly horny I was, and how amazing Kyle looked. His nonexistent body fat highlighted every inch, every pound of his purloined gains. His abs contorted with every shallow breath he took. Veins tangled down his still-slender arms, blue vines over the hard, tight muscle that now graced his limbs. I reached out and grabbed his biceps. He flexed his arm involuntarily. Damn, it was like granite. Still touching him despite the numbing tingle that started spreading up my arm, I copped a feel of my own gun. It was still way bigger than Kyle's, but not quite as defined. "Mike. Your muscles," he protested. "Don't worry. They'll grow back," I found myself saying, even as a part of me rebelled at taking the situation so calmly. I'd worked hard for those gains! "Stop, man. I--" Kyle tried to tug away from me. I was still stronger. I held him in place, but the swaying motion of his body freed his erect cock from his boxers. It poked out the hole in the front, looking big, red, and angry. Like I mentioned, his dick had always been pretty impressive. Less than an inch smaller than mine, and I was a big boy. It had never looked this large before. "Wait a second," I said, finally letting go of his arm. The brief contact had given him another jolt of size, sending him past a runner's build and on his way to looking like a swimmer. His shoulders actually had some breadth to them now, his chest a bit of roundness. I wasn't really paying attention to his muscles, though, because his cock had my full attention. Curious, almost fearful of what I might find, I hauled my own meaty dick out of my shorts. It drooled a bit of precum. I was as boned as I'd ever been, but it felt a little less impressive in my hands. That had to be because I felt a bit unmanned by how good Kyle's looked, I rationalized. His wasn't as big as mine, was it? Ignoring his protestations, I pressed our cocks together. The tingle came back, the strongest I'd felt yet. For all his murmured 'no's and 'stop's, Kyle didn't protest as I compared our dicks. He was almost as long as I was. Mine was thicker, but the decent length advantage I thought I possessed had evaporated. I could barely tell mine was longer. His dick surged in my hand. It was just a quick pulse, almost like he'd flexed it. His tool stretched wider and longer, but when it unflexed, it retained its new size. Now we were dead even. As I held it there, trying to confirm the transformation, it surged again. The head pushed forward, swelled wider. Its engorged tip pressed painfully into the meat of my groin. Just like that, Kyle's dick was clearly a little longer than mine now. "Dude, your dick," I said, looking up at him. And that's when I got my next surprise. We were eye to eye. I'd been a good inch taller than Kyle for as long as I could remember. Neither of us were wearing shoes, but we were unquestionably the same height now. "Please, you've got to stop," he said. There was no force in the plea. "Fuck, man, you're changing. You're getting so hot," I said. His cock throbbed. It was huge and angry. I reached out to stroke the shaft, fending off the voice of warning in my head. My fingers could barely touch around the shaft, and as that draining tingle returned, they started being forced apart by its growth. Kyle moaned under my ministrations. His voice sounded deeper, sexier. He brought his arm up in a solid flex and let his other hand roam the new-minted muscle sprouting there. The biceps was definitely bigger than a goose's egg now, on its way toward becoming a solid orb of power. The thought of his purloined strength increasing drove me into a desperate haze. I fell to my knees, took his cock in my mouth, and began to suck the salty precum away. "Oh, Mike," said Kyle. The last of his resistance crumbled. I could tell you the exact instant it happened. His protests cut off. He ceased trying to push me away. Instead, an enlarging hand pressed against the back of my head, massaging my scalp as it forced me down harder on the lengthening pole. I wheezed as its hot flesh invaded my throat. But Kyle had stopped caring. "Yeah, take it." His tenor voice had taken on a baritone rumble. I gazed up at him. His abs were in the process of reshaping themselves into a defined set of six cobbled bricks. They settled, tightened, and the grooves between them began to deepen into valleys. Above the corrugated landscape of his abdomen, two sizable pecs thrust forward, filling with striated new mass by the second. My dick throbbed uncontrollably, and I reached down to jerk it. My cock was as hard as I could imagine it being, but it barely filled my hand any more. Usually it could fit both. That was when I knew things had gone way out of control. I struggled against his grip, managed to pull off of his dick. It seemed endless. I finally got it out of my mouth, and it stared me eye to eye, thick as one of my diminished wrists and nine inches long at least. Kyle, lost to his lust, pivoted his hips and slapped me across the cheek with the massive tool. "Come on, Mike. Suck it. Get me off," he said. "Kyle, wait," I said. I struggled to my feet, shaking off his treacherous touch. God, he had grown. Kyle was bigger and longer everywhere. His limbs had stretched out. His bright green eyes were now several inches above mine. Rounded deltoids capped his shoulders, broadening his body so that I could no longer see to either side of him. Crap. How much had I given him? I felt small and weak. "What?" he panted. His hands kept snatching at my body, ignoring my attempts to rebuff his touch. "Come on, suck me." I pushed his hand away from one of my pecs. The muscle was barely there. "We have to stop, dude. Look at how small I am now! And you, you're almost six feet!" He looked, but he wasn't seeing me. I was sure he only saw the strength I still had to offer, the muscle he could still take. "Gotta get bigger. Just a little more." His arms wrapped me in an embrace, pulled me closer. The tingling erupted between us, so strong that it was almost paralyzing. His flesh scraped against mine as the transfer accelerated. The arms around me pumped and firmed. "No more," I said. My voice was shrill with panic. More than that, it was higher in pitch. It broke like a teenager's. He ground his adamantine muscles against my inferior ones. "Should've... unh. Should've listened to me before," he said, his voice not cruel, just not caring. His desire was too great. I struggled in earnest. My thrashing almost got me free, but then Kyle redoubled his grip. The next time I had enough energy to fight him, he fended off my struggles with ease. He was a full head taller than I was, and the transfer did not show any signs of stopping. He could have held me there and drained me down to nothing. But he had other ideas. Warning sirens blared in my brain the moment I felt him spinning me around. He bent me over. His massive dick, now almost a foot long, pressed against my back. He pushed me forward. The head prodded my butt, trying to find entry. "You've still got a hot ass," he slurred, drunk on his own power. "Kyle, no, don't!" I cried. The tip of his cock pressed against my hole. My cry turned into a shriek as it started pushing past my defenses. I hadn't bottomed for Kyle in a long time, and the last time, his dick had been about half its current size. Heedless, he just kept easing in, not caring how I writhed in his grip. All the while, the transfer continued. By the time he was all the way in, I had to stand on my tiptoes. I'd never been with a guy that much taller than I was. But that wasn't a problem for Kyle. Two great hands closed on my sides and lifted. My feet left the ground. He let out a grunt of effort at supporting my weight, and a tremble went through him. But as the seconds passed, it got easier, whether because I was growing lighter or he was getting stronger. At last, he seemed to stabilize. Then he started pumping into me. No, not even that. He used me like a rag doll, pushing and tugging on my diminishing body. His cock kept growing in me the whole time, until I felt like I was being shrink-wrapped on the gargantuan pole. It swelled suddenly. I felt every ridge and bend of it as it grew. I thought it was a surge of growth, but no. He let out a bass groan that rumbled in my chest as he started to cum. A hot geyser filled me, spurt after spurt. I was cumming, too. He came more in a single shot than most guys would have in an entire night of sex. The entire way through his rollercoaster of pleasure, he held me tight in arms that felt like steel girders around me. And then it was done. The tingling faded away. Kyle was gentle as he withdrew from me. I felt impossibly empty without his dick in side of me, like I'd collapse in on myself without it there to support me. He eased me back onto my feet. I couldn't even stand on my own two legs, so he helped me to bed. He was massive. My brain could barely do the math, but he was well past six feet, ripped and huge like a competition bodybuilder. Massive, veined muscles fought for space on a frame that had been built like a stick not an hour beforehand. If he was around 6'3, that put me right around the five foot mark. No wonder he looked so massive. He sat next to me on the bed. It creaked beneath his weight. I reached out and touched his arm. He flexed involuntarily. The muscle didn't rise up. It exploded, a peak that would make Everest jealous. "Sorry," Kyle said. His voice sounded like a subwoofer. The absurdity of the massive beast I'd helped create, looking so cowed, so disappointed in himself, made me almost want to laugh. Almost. "Yeah," I said, now exploring my own tiny physique. I was muscled like a little bird. I wasn't even the 98-pound weakling. I was his little brother. "Maybe we can fix it." "Got another ten grand?" I asked. "No. You?" I shook my head weakly. "Uh uh. So. Stuck like this." "I don't think I'll be needing you to spot me any more," Kyle said. "Nope," I said. We sat there in silence. After a few moments, the bed started to rock. It took me a second to realize that Kyle's titanic new body was shaking with laughter. "It's a good thing I got two vials for that price, right?" Kyle winked at me, holding something up. It was glass and full of greyish fluid. So that was how I lost all of my size and gained it back in just over an hour. Kyle hadn't been entirely honest about the price of the stuff, either. He's never tipped me in to who his supplier is, says he likes being the big man between us, but he's still taking the stuff. That became obvious the day he showed up at my place, two inches taller than I was and better hung. I didn't ask who his donor was this time. I didn't want to know. But I've been saving up, and I'm going to find Kyle's guy. It's harder than you'd think. Not something you just post on the Craigslist personals about: "Looking for Muscle Theft Potion." Trust me, I tried. As for Kyle, he's almost at the immense size he was at on that fateful day. All that beef is a lot more fun to play with when it didn't come from you, let me tell you. And Kyle doesn't seem to want to stop. I asked him the other day how big he wanted to get, and he just gave a shrug of those awesome, boulder-sized delts of his. Maybe he'll never stop. Oh well, what can you do? He always did take things too far.
  3. musclefan

    Backfired Spell

    This is one of my all time favorite stories that was on the old forum. I took the liberty of posting it here in the hopes that you all might be able to find more stories like it. I would love to see an illustration of this as well. Just putting that out there haha. Also if you're wondering why the text looks funny, trust me it looks a lot worse on the archive. ....................... `Backfired Spell` by slave4life `Part 1` `` `Darren was a complete asshole. He was the most arrogant guy I had ever met with a sadistic streak that he took out on me. ` ` ` `My name is Paul. I had just started my junior year of college and was living on campus. I went to a community college my first to years at home and was living in the dorms for the first time ever. I had a few friends at the school but they already had living arrangements so the student housing office paired me with Darren. I was immediately attracted to him. He was 5’9 a lean muscular build dark hair and piercing blue eyes. He has very little body fat and weighed in at 17` pounds. He loved spending time at the gym. He was not a bodybuilder by any means but had more of a boy next door look. In high school he was on the wrestling and lacrosse team. In college he began playing rugby for fun. ` ` ` `However, at first meeting he wanted nothing to do with me. I was below average in every way 5’6 and a 13` pounds wet. I was never into working out but liked running so have a very slim build. I am also extremely shy so am very quiet and have a difficult time making new friends. I did not fit anywhere into his social standing.` ` ` `At first he just ignores me but then things got progressively worse. At first it was small things like intimidating me with his size over me to get his way. Then he began to slap me around. When he realized I was too afraid to fight back he began threatening me to do tasks for him like cleaning his clothes, making his food and completing his homework (except math which I was terrible at). He stopped using my name. He simply referred to me as slave or bitch. ` ` ` `One day he came home drunk and woke me up and told me he noticed the way I stared at him every time he took his shirt off. He said he knew what faggots like me wanted and proceeded to shove his cock down my throat. He threatened to hurt me if I didn’t take it. I was so afraid of him I let him do what he wanted (though in the back of my mind enjoyed it). Soon I was not only his house slave but his sex slave. He never showed any kind emotion to me though. I was just a thing to him. I hated living with him and tried switching roommates but the student affairs office said there was no openings. I was too embarrassed to tell them what was really happening. I also thought about dropping out and moving home but my parents were so proud of me for being the first in the family to attend a University. On top of that they would have been out of a lot of money. I was stuck in hell.` ` ` `During Spring break my parents had dragged me to an estate sale. My father had purchased a large crate of old books. When we got home he left them on the counter to search though later. I was curious and began searching though it. At the bottom of the crate there was a very old, dusty and torn book. When I opened it I quickly realized it was a book of spells and magic. I of course thought didn’t believe it was real but was still curious so I snuck it up to my room. Jokingly I read one of the spells out loud trying to turn my blonde hair dark brown. When nothing happened I laughed and went to bed. ` ` ` `When I woke up the next morning to pee I was astonished when I looked into the mirror and had a head full of dark hair. Shaking I ran back to the book flipped to the spell and recited a counter to reverse it. Bewildered I watched in the mirror as my hair reverted back to blonde before my eyes. This book was for real! My mind began to focus on Darren and the revenge I could reap onto him. ` ` ` `The book contained several spells that could be fun to use but one caught my eye. The spell was a strength stripping spell. The victim of the spell would be stripped of all their strength and muscle leaving them a weak and powerless. It was a permanent spell. So even after it was cast they would not be able to gain strength even by working out. It was meant to strip warlords and kings of their power an authority. It would be perfect to use on Darren. The spell seemed very complicated and the faded and torn page was hard to read but I was desperate to make it work.` ` ` `I returned to school like nothing had changed. Darren was already there and when I opened the door exclaimed “On your knees and suck my dick faggot” I complied but laughing in my head that things were about to change.` ` ` `The next day when Darren left for classes I began to prepare for the spell. The spell had called for black candles but I couldn’t find any. I did not want to use white but figured red candles would be fine. The spell had called for some very specific herbs. When I went to the herb store to get them I was having a hard time locating them. The teenager behind the counter did not seem interested in helping me. I located what I believed to me most of them but one. When I asked the worker where it was he rolled his eyes and walked me down one aisle. They were out of it. I told him it was an emergency and need it now. He grabbed a packet near the empty space and told me that it pretty much was the same thing. Again in my desperation for revenge I ignorantly accepted the package not realizing that the teenager simply did not want to deal with me and simply handed me a random package of herbs.` ` ` `Frantically I rushed back to the room. I began mixing the necessary ingredients into a bowl. As I was cutting one of the roots I was shaking and I accidentally knocked my finger with the knife. A few drops of my blood leaked into the mixture but I kept working. I had to place symbols on the ground. I used a can of spray paint. In addition to several other symbols I had to make a large circle on the ground that he had to step in. I put it a few feet in front of the door. There was supposed to be some sort of symbol in the middle of it but that part of the page was so faded I could barely make it out. I had noticed a symbol drawn near it though that looked like a sideward 8. I figured that was it and was happy someone was nice enough to document the faded symbol. I painted it onto the ground. ` ` ` `I knew Darren would be home soon so I took my place. The spell had an enchantment I was supposed to read. It too was very faded. So I copied it onto a piece of paper so I could read it easier. I thought I had copied it correctly.` ` ` `Nervously I waited for what seemed like an eternity when the door handle began to jiggle.` ` ` `Darren walked in and kicked his sandals off. Then he looked around. He looked down at the circle with the sideward 8 that he was standing in and looked at me and said “What the fuck”?` ` ` `Everything was going as planned. I quickly read the spell out loud perfectly. Darren tried to walk toward me angrily but when he reached the end of the painted circle he was unable to exit it. He had a look of terror and bewilderment in his eyes.` ` ` `With my hands shaking I lit a match and threw it into the mixing bowl of ingredients I had placed on the ground a few feet before me. The bowl burst and smoke began to rise from it. It was not normal smoke it was an eerie yellow color.` ` ` `Suddenly like a bolt of lightning the smoke separated into two flew into me and into Darren. The force threw me onto my back. It seemed to hit Darren with the same force square in his chest but he remained standing. There was an odd sound and a slight rumbling and then the black symbol under his feet began to glow a bright yellow. The glow radiated through Darren’s feet up his legs and then radiated all over his body. “This is it” I thought. I thought Darren would be in pain but instead he began too smile and moan as if he were having an orgasm (I would know that face anywhere). ` ` ` `The light then faded. There was no change to him. He then came back to reality and a look of anger came to his face when his focus came back to me. I was screwed. The spell failed. I immediately felt like an idiot. ` ` ` `What the fuck are you doing faggot” Darren yelled at me as he began to walk towards me. He was no longer bound to his circle. “What the hell have you done to the room you are going to pay motherfucker.”` ` ` `I rose to my feet but then suddenly I was hit with an extreme pain that started in my gut then radiated across my whole body. I dropped to my knees moaning in pain. Darren saw my pain and laughed. “Serves your right you little shit. But you are about to feel the pain of my fists you little homo” He raised his arm to punch me as he approached me when all of a sudden I screamed as I had a sudden sensation something had exploded out from me. “What the fuck” Darren said in shock as he stared at me. I looked down at my hands and there was a soft glow all around them. Then I realized it was all over my body. An aura of light flowing softly all around me. The light began to grow brighter and brighter. It was coming from inside of me. Whatever it was I could feel it being pushed out from inside my own body. ` ` ` `“Dude, what the hell have you done,” Darren asked as he began to back up and the light brightened even more. All of a sudden a burst of light separated from the aura around me and hit Darren square in the chest. His whole body flashed. His eyes went wide and his whole body stiffened as he gasped. He stood there looking confused. Another burst of light then flew from me to him again this one longer. As it hit him he threw his head back and began to moan. Then another burst hit him and another. He was smiling again as if he was in the grips of an orgasm. ` ` ` `I did not feel so wonderful however. As each burst left me it felt as if I was being punched but from inside my body. I wanted to run but I couldn’t move. I fell to my knees in pain. What the hell was this light around me, why was it going to him and what happened when it absorbed into him?` ` ` `“That feels wonderful!” Darren exclaimed as he came back to reality. “More I want more!!” Three more bursts flew to him. “Fuuuuck” he screamed out in joy as I screamed out in pain. “uung” he bellowed as he gripped the front of his shirt and then ripped it open. He kept ripping all the way down. And then he flung the shirt off of him. His body was shaking. Not him, he was standing perfectly still. But it was as if his muscles were vibrating. He was watching in disbelief. “ ` ` ` `“Please” I begged you are scaring me. “and it hurts”` ` ` `“I don’t care fucker” he snarled at me. “It makes ME feel good and I need more. Besides I didn’t do this, you did. So I’m just taking what you have freely offered. Now more faggot.” He had an angry tone in his voice. “I SAID MORE” ` ` ` `Suddenly he threw his chest forward. As he did this I could feel the light around me reacting as if some force were pulling at it. It was Darren. Before the light was flowing to him by its own accord. But know it was as if he was pulling it to him. As if there was an invisible force between his chest and it. I screamed out in agony as all of a sudden the light exploded and began to rush towards him. It was absorbing into his chest. Darren threw his head back and screamed loudly. There was so much light it seemed endless. He then brings his hands to his chest and then rubs them down to his stomach. As he does this his hands are glowing and streams of it follow them from his chest and absorb into where he touches. It is as if he is grabbing the light somehow. He then brings his hands back to his chest and pulls some light over his biceps and then down his arms. He looks as if he were cleaning himself in the shower. He is literally bathing himself in energy. He then bring his hands back to his chest and then up to his face. When he takes them away I can see light flowing into his mouth and eyes. His eyes momentarily hold an eerie glow. As they fade back to normal I can see he is looking at me dead in the eye. ` ` ` `“What is he thinking” I wonder. He can tell I’m in pain maybe he will stop. But then all of a sudden he says “You haven’t even begun to feel pain yet” as he brings his arms up into a double bicep pose and flexes every muscle in his body. I don’t know how but the force of the light becomes stronger. The light that is absorbing into his chest begins to radiate out to cover his whole body. ` ` ` `His muscles begin to flex over and over. Then all of a sudden something very scary begins to happen. I notice it first on his bicep. It seemed to flex and then from its flexed state it seemed to flex again. Then all of a sudden his shoulders begin to broaden. Darren notices too. “I’m growing. Holy shit my muscles are growing. I can feel the power feeding them. Yes more feed me more faggot.” As I look at his hamstrings it is obvious he is becoming aroused as his cock begins to tent in his shorts. As his body begins to broaden the only thing that is getting smaller is his waist I watch as his already six pack begins to tighten and form into an eight pack. ` ` ` `“Yes Yes.” he says excitedly. There is such an enthusiasm in his voice. I wondered what he could be thinking of and what sensations he was feeling. Whatever he was thinking I was obviously the last thing in his mind. He seemed not to care what was happening to me. I was in so much pain at this point I was crying. At first it was like a hot hot fire within me but then it as more light left me I began to feel cold inside. As it continued my body began to feel exhausted. Whatever was making him stronger was definitely weakening me and the light around me began to dim more and more. What would happen if he took it all? Would I die?` ` ` `Darren was a sight to see. His legs were spread wide his chest jutting forward still pulling at me his arms were outstretched at his sides. His head was slightly tilted back. His whole body was glowing in light waiting to be absorbed into him. It was swirling all over his body, flowing into his mouth. He muscles still growing larger on his 5’9 frame. He just kept moaning. He appeared to be in a state of total ecstasy. I wondered what in the world could be going through his head. His thoughts were obviously focused on himself. ` ` ` `Suddenly the light around me began to fade even more and the stream to become intermittent. He threw his chest forward more and it strengthened back for a second but then stopped. I fell to the floor. I felt so tired and sore. I couldn’t even pick myself up. I was still alive though. There was still an ever slight aura around me. Maybe there was so little left he couldn’t maintain the stream.` ` ` `My eyes were focused on Darren as the last of the energy absorbed into his skin. His body had grown quite a bit. He wasn’t body builder huge though but he was large. His body had put on maybe 25 pounds of muscle but he looked very bulky for his height. Suddenly Darren looked at me as if he had just remembered I was in the room. His eyes had a dazed look to them as if he buzzed. Then he began to run his hands all over his new body admiring his engorged muscles. He looked down at his body as he flexed into a most muscular pose. Then he held one arm to his side and stared at his bicep as he flexed it over and over. ` ` ` `Then while still flexing his arm he looked at me coldly. “Look at me” he sneered at me. “LOOK AT ME” he then screams and then pulls his other arm into a double bicep pose. He was imposing. Of course it was a very unreal and I still had no idea what exactly happened. It was also a scary thought that someone who already treated me like shit had gained so much power. He could do so much more to me now.` ` ` `“This is incredible” he said. Still admiring his new physique he was in total awe as if he thought it was a dream. “But how. I mean once it started it was like instinct kicked in and I knew what to do. But what the fuck did you.” I was still in shock and was only able to stutter. Darren then began to look at the symbols around the room, the herb bowl on the floor and then noticed the spell book still open on the counter. “Magic?” he said in disbelief. “You cast a spell?” I could tell something didn’t feel write to him. “But I make it a point to make your life a living hell. Why would you make me more superior to you then I already was?” He then walked over and stared at the book. I could see the realization in his eyes when he read the title “To weaken an enemy.” ` ` ` `“You little shit.” He said looking at me. “You were tying to hurt me” He then put his attention back at the book. Then he began to laugh evilly. “But you messed it up didn’t you. Tell me exactly what you did.”` ` ` `‘Darren…” I began to say. But then he walked over to me and grabbed me by the hair. ` ` ` `“Let’s get one thing straight fag slave.” He said coldly. “You don’t have the fucking right to use my name. You will show me the respect I deserve and address me as Master. Am I clear?”` ` ` `“Yes master” I said timidly.` ` ` `“Now tell me what you did.” He said “Every detail.”` ` ` `So weakly I proceeded to tell him every detail of the ritual. He began to laugh hysterically when it was done. “You fucktard” he bellowed. “Did you really improvising would work? You made so many mistakes it hard to keep track of. You can’t just go around changing ingredients. And that symbol I stepped on. Where did you get that” I pointed out the sideward 8 drawn on the page. “I’m sure that was a huge mistake cuntrag. Didn’t you ever pay attention in math? That is the sign for infinity. That was probably the last symbol you wanted me on.” He began to laugh again. ` ` ` `I felt awful. I mean I figured if I messed it up that just nothing would happen. What a cruel trick that it would do the exact opposite of my intentions.` ` ` `“I guess destiny is on my side.” He said proudly. “I can’t wait to try out my new body.” Then he looked down at me. “But I don’t think we are quite done.” I realized that I still had some aura around by body. ` ` ` `“Please no” I begged. “I already feel so weak. ` ` ` `“Of course you do.” He said “I just drained you of most of you life force.” ` ` ` `“What” I exclaimed` ` ` `“What the fuck do you think that was faggot? I could feel it as it coursed into my body. It was your life energy why do you think you are so weak. I can still feel you inside me.”` ` ` `“But I could die” I began to cry.` ` ` `He stared at me for a moment. “Not my problem. You have already offered it up to me and now it is mine to take. I want it all! You have no idea what you have done fagslave.` ` ` `He then reached down and picked me up by the hair bringing me to my feet. He places one of his meaty hands around my neck. “Why the hell would you think for one second I care about you? This isn’t about you, you disgusting piece of shit. You are nothing more than scum to me. This is about ME about what I want. And right now I want to feel your energy inside me. Making me grow”` ` ` `I then felt a wave of heat at my neck and then a coldness filling my body. Light flowed into his hand and up his arm began to course all over his body like electricity. He moaned as he brought his free arm up and flexed his biceps. I again watched as the flexed and inflated. He was looking at me directly in the eyes. His were full of lust and intoxication. “Yes faggot watch me grow before you eyes.” His body began to pulse in light. I was getting very dizzy and the room darker. ` ` ` `He began to groan loudly “So much.. ugh so much energy I can feel it trying to cram into every cell of my body. Then something strange happened. I felt increased pressure at my neck and then my feet began to rise of the ground slightly but his arm was staying perfectly still. It wasn’t just his muscles that were growing it was his whole body. He was actually growing taller. “YES” he screamed in excitement. “This is really happening. Make me grow you little bitch. So amazing. I feel so amazing.` ` ` ` ` `The energy in me began to deplete and his growth slowed. He began to shake me. He wanted every last bit of energy I had. As he shook I could see small dots of light flow to him. I was hanging on by a mere thread and could feel one last bit within me. He pulled my face his then he screamed. “You belong to me now.” And still holding me by the neck he threw his arms straight to his sides, threw his chest forward and his head back and flexed every muscle in his body. The very last of my energy flowed into him and he glowed brightly and screamed louder than I have ever heard. ` ` ` `When it was over he threw me in disgust to the ground before him.` ` ` `“Kneel” he commanded.` ` ` `I have no idea but I rose to my knees before him. His muscles had grown even larger but he had also grown a few inches as well to about six feet. It made his muscles seem more proportionate to his taller and wider frame. There was something else different about him but I didn’t know what.` ` ` `I had no idea how but I was. He had drained all of the life energy I had. I could feel it. I felt empty inside. All I could focus on was him standing proudly before me. I was his. I don’t know and couldn’t explain the feeling within me but somehow I knew that I was now his property.` ` ` `“Do you have enough materials so prepare the spell again slave? He asked me with no emotion in his voice.` ` ` `“Yes Master” I said meekly` ` ` `“Good.” He said “I’m not done growing.`
  4. Another digimon(/furry) continuous story attempt. Outside Machinedramon’s city where he once ruled, there is a bar called the Flex Fountain that serves ‘strong’ drinks, both in the literal and figurative sense. Again, it’s a digimon centered/focused and two writers can work on one digimon, continuing/finishing where one has left off, in addition of bringing other digimon to join in on the growth later on in the story. However, writers can branch out and start another new storyline with a different digimon if they wish. Just be sure to write _____’s (Name of Digimon, bold/enlarged lettering) Storyline at the top of your post as well as those who add to that particular storyline to prevent confusion. For ex. Veemon’s Storyline. If you want to do different kinds of storylines with an already used digimon with a different drink/product, then just add Story with a number after it. For ex. Veemon Story #2. Again, sex is allowed as well as other types of fetishes/TFs and you can determine the rate of growth. A 20-25 ft one story bar located in outskirts by the main road leading into the city where Machinedramon once ruled during the Dark Masters reign where the city was more brighter than gray than it was before. A huge sign labeled "The Flex Fountain" was on the roof with a banner stretched across saying "Grand Opening" in big red letters while above was a neon animated sign of a muscular clawed arm flexing. Digimon from near and far were talking about it as they seen fliers in the city and elsewhere before opening. It was a bar that served drinks, non-alcoholic and alcoholic, that could give any digimon huge amounts of muscle and strength. Inside, the bar had a long bar counter in the right side of the room with bolted down round cushioned bar stools. There were shelves of many alcoholic drinks behind the counter that was just as long and had about five rows of bottles with different shapes and sizes, but had some odd names and labels like "Strengthen Scotch", "Victory Veiny Vodka", "Burly Bear Beer", “Adonis Ab Ale”, “Pec-uliar Pina Colada”, “Macho Man Margarita”, etc. There were many kinds of glasses and mugs for drinks below the counter and on some of the shelves. The bartender happens to be a Vajramon who drying a wine glass with a blood red colored napkin, but in a bartender uniform of a black vest and tie with a long sleeved shirt than the familiar red armor it wore. On the other side of the bar were plenty of things for customers to do, such as, playing pool and darts for there were about a couple of pool tables and dart boards on the wall. Some round poker tables were in the mix as well. There also some slot machines in the back where the bathrooms were and karaoke in the far right corner of the huge room. The walls were a silver-white and the floor was mostly dark beige ceramic tiles. Most of the customers were huge, packed with muscle! Higher level digimon such as Weregarurumon and Cyberdramon that were already well built with muscle, but the ones in the bar looked like they had taken tons of steroids, looking more like over exceeding body-builders with great thickness and vein popping bulges. There were even some rookies there being about 3 or 4 times their normal height, more adult-sized humanoid builds and structures and nearly the same size as the champions and ultimates in the room, packed with rock hard muscle all around, inflated pecs, abs, calves and all. It was in the late evening hours approaching midnight as the Vajramon was near finishing up cleaning and wiping another round of glass mugs, shot and wine glasses while looking over the bar patrons drinking and clanking bottles and mugs, talking, playing pool with some playful roughhousing, and other activities the bar had to offer. He heard the front door opening and smiled and greeted as a curious and first-time customer walked in.
  5. JadeDragon

    The Game

  6. Omiganda

    The Bear's Cub Part 9

    Sorry about the delay! I know someone was hoping that I'd post this sooner but I've been playing with college and Photoshop so I almost had too little time to write something new. Luckily, I got enough time next week to right atleast 2 new chapters. Crossing fingers! OH, and I hope you guys enjoy this one. The goal of this one was to flesh out the characters a little while adding a bit off...... color. Enjoy! Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1985-the-bears-cub-part-1/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2044-the-bears-cub-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2154-the-bears-cub-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2248-the-bears-cub-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2335-the-bears-cub-part-5/ Part 6: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2625-the-bears-cub-part-6/ Part 7: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2787-the-bears-cub-part-7/ Part 8: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2829-the-bears-cub-part-8/ The Bear’s Cub Part 9 It was a really different feeling walking around the frat house. My underwear was tight to my skin and felt so light, giving me a sort of sinful feel that gave me the feeling my parents could walk in at any moment and I’d be there, on full display to be embarrassed and almost naked. It was different here though. I felt really good for some reason. Almost as if I could walk around the Cave in nothing but a jockstrap and it would all be cool. I could just imagine Bear in a tight one himself and stretching it like its plastic wrap with that beast he was packing. The house was quiet, a contrasting to all the other times I’d been in the Cave. There wasn't a massive frat horny frat member around that might try to take me and break me like a Slim Jim. Am I slut? I thought to myself a bit hesitantly. I really enjoyed the sex. Like, REALLY enjoyed the sex. But it was so much to take on from the time before all this started. I was a spring chicken in a field of hungry sex wolves with big muscles, wide struts, and big endowments centering the masterpieces. Was that wrong? I thought about things like that and got chills up my spine as I walked down the stairs and pulled at the waistband again. I liked the feeling but it was still tight and it left a red mark when I looked down to observe. I could felt my cock harden as I imagined the red mark on someone bigger than me. I could see Donut now, his pale skin contrasting that red mark. My cock twitched in the pouch of my briefs as I thought about him. I thought I was bound to drool the way I was thinking about all those amazing curves and that red hair flaring out as he held me down. I’m not cheating on anyone, I thought. I have nothing to be ashamed of. I laughed at the realization that I wasn’t alone in the fact that I always thought about sex. It was fucking college! Everyone’s thinks about it! I probably think as much about them as straight guys think about girls, I joked to myself. I was a little hesitant to enter the kitchen now. It was such a humbling experience how my little 5’6 body had trouble reaching counters because the house was made for much bigger men. Everything cookable was up at the top of the drawers and I didn’t want t look ridiculous climbing the kitchen counter like a toddler trying to get food on their own. The only thing I could reach were the poptarts. There were so many different kinds I found it almost odd that any of the cubs would eat these. They probably dissolved in their systems in, what, less than 2 hours? Regardless, my stomach got me raring to jump and grab a box of plain strawberry that I practically flew to reach. It was when I landed that I stopped in my tracks and I looked at my feet. Something wasn’t right. I knew for a fact that, because I was so small, the ground didn’t create much of a vibration when I landed. I shouldn’t have heard a sound. Then, I looked at my feet and gasped. The way they reached out didn’t look the same. Were they bigger? I went over to the kitchen table and just looked at my feet as I ate poptarts, my eyes intently looking for differences. My feet were healthy and clean, like I always kept them. But my legs didn’t connect them the way my body did. There was even a vein as if there were actual muscle in there! A smile crept on my face for a second as I reached for another pack of Poptarts but suddenly my thoughts sort of shrank in my head. They seemed really insignificant suddenly. Who gives a fuck about feet or food, I suddenly thought. Where had this come from? I was motionless as thoughts ran through my mind. My feet are puny. These little tappers aren’t worth shit. But Bear’s…… I didn’t even realize my hand was in my little briefs as I thought about the cubs. I subconsciously leaned back in my chair and looked up at the ceiling. If I could see myself, it would have looked like I was looking into another world or at a television. It wasn’t far off as I thought of Bear and the cubs. HIS cubs. My cock was rapidly getting hard as I lay in my briefs on the kitchen chair, moaning as my cock grew in my hand. Was it bigger? I didn’t take a quality second to think about that as I pounded away in my briefs. I didn’t realize my other hand was rubbing against my body until I was fully hard. Whoa, where did all of those muscles come from? Before I knew it, I was really looking at my body. The muscles weren’t large. Still, they were tight and lean like a track athlete. I felt the strength in the muscles and flexed some. My body felt so firm now! I was fidgeting in the chair a little. Rubbing here, then rubbing there. My mouth was gaping open as I tried to release the pressure from touching my own nipples. I didn’t remember having sensitive nipples till now. I was so in the throes of pleasure, I could tell my toes were curling. I leaned back in the chair and was practically using the head of the seat stand at a 45 degree angle from the ground. I was practically hovering as my legs flexed and lifted my ass off the chair. “Ugh!” I grunted as my cock tightened and shot off my jizz like a gun. There was more than I remembered as I actually came for a good bit and it got on the table. When it was over, I was in the chair still, my body weak from climax. My eyes were closed as I tried to recuperate. I didn’t hear anything. Not even the big steps moving towards me. “Not great” came a familiar, condescending voice from behind me. I was quickly opened my eyes as I realized I was no longer alone. A big man came around from behind and dragged his finger over my salty mess on the table, bringing it to his mouth as he looked at me. “Not very good but oh well” said Toxic as he licked his lips and looked down at me with a bit of a smirk. “Liking the new size, runt?” he said down to me. I went red almost as I quickly grabbed my cock and did everything I could to stuff it back in and pretend like he hadn’t seen anything. New size? “You’re so little it’s ridiculous. If we're all going to get bigger, you could have at least gained some real mass. Here's some real fucking muscle” With that, Toxic raised a lean arm and flexed. I gasped as I saw that bicep bulge and rise. It had to be over 19 inches of muscle packed on one arm. Toxic was wearing tight a tight t-shirt with letters stretched over his big pecs and his nipples almost pulling at it themselves. His arms filled the short sleeves even though they were now up to his shoulders and looked like if he hunched them, it might explode. I could hear him puffing himself up and chanting "big, big, big". He was wearing a watch but it looked tight on his big, veined arm. I could only really see his legs from this position but I could tell his entire lower body was big as it filled his jeans and looked like he’d burst at the seams by squatting too much. He was wearing sandals but it looked like they were just a little small on him. This filled body had my attention. He saw my hunger and chuckled. “At least you know to appreciate a mad with real muscle” he said as he raised his bicep some and kissed the peak. I drooled as it was one of the things I always found hot about big athletes. Cocky as fuck. “W-Wha—“ “Wha-Wha-What am I talking about? Bullshit! You can’t tell me you didn’t notice yet.” I looked down at my body and really noticed my muscles. They were so much different from how they were before. I looked at him and he looked at my body too but not in the same way. It felt more like disgust from him. “I can’t blame you. It’s not a lot to look at, huh?” Instantly, I got a bit mad. I was really overwhelmed with him before but, now, Toxic was pissing me off. I tried to stand up and walk away but I felt a big, powerful hand grab my shoulder and hold me in place. “Where ya goin’? Got all these muscles and I have no one to help me come down from the high.” At this, he spun me around and I looked up at him. He was so big and he looked like he could eat several steaks with that look he was giving me. I thought about how I felt a few moments ago. Was this what I looked like getting horny and bothered all of a sudden? I wanted to run but Toxic was sure I wasn’t going anywhere. He looked at me like I’d just covered myself in barbeque sauce. Toxic walked forward, pushing me back till my back touched the couch in the next room. Before I knew it, he’d flipped me over it and I was on my stomach. “That’s a good runt” he said as he began to unzip his tight fitting jeans and his own white briefs came out for air as the package got some space. He was bigger than I remembered as he pulled down his pants and the big beast he coveted was lifted and then dropped over his underwear, the endowment bouncing a little with its weight. I was about to run as flashes of the last time I’d had sex with Toxic came to me. I had to get away. Toxic had my leg before I was really on my feet and he flung back down on the couch, holding me in place with one hand like I was a balloon he was holding against gravity. I fought but it was useless. I was placed on my stomach and had little room to fight or defend myself. My ass was free game. Toxic let his pants fall and he used his other hand to grab at the couch so he could hold his weight over me. “Just relax and enjoy it, runt” he said down to me. I closed my eyes as I prepared to be assaulted by this big horrible, beautiful man on top of me. I fought but I felt so defeated. He grabbed waistband and yanked it down to put my ass on full display. Right as I thought I felt a big cockhead graze my cheeks, the hovering feeling of hormonal man above me was gone. I heard someone hit the wall like a force had thrown them at it. I opened my eyes and looked behind me to see a naked man with clearly pale skinned heritage in his genes. Donut’s big muscular back was a comfort but it was different. He looked so much bigger! His ass was filling his jock strap and then some with it’s big, hard form. He was so big that, even though Toxic was wider, I could only see his hands and legs grasping the wall. Donut was so wide. His sweaty body was a work of art in the sunlight as held Toxic. When he spoke with his powerful voice, I was actually taken aback because…..well….. it sounded… Scottish. “Ah gang doonby tae git a good pump 'n' ye attack th' wee Cub?” Donut said to Toxic face to face as Toxic was being pinned over a foot above the ground. Toxic looked like he was in pain being held on the wall the way he was but he forced a smile. “Don’t get too excited, Angus” Toxic said through bared teeth. “You’re Scottish is showing.” There was a booming thud as Donut pulled Toxic off the wall and forced him back on it with force. “Clam up, ya’ hurdie! That's nae mah pumpin' name! ” he roared. “Ah thought we telt tae keep aff th' Cub!” I saw Donut cock his arm back and my cock was hard like titanium. His arm was big before but it was so much different now! That bicep was really impressive the way it bulged bigger than my head and made his forearms and shoulders swell! His roadmap like back was being redrawn as his muscles all tightened. Even Toxic looked like he was starting to get afraid of Donut fast. I came over to Donut. "Don't hurt him, Donut! He's just being an ass!" I tried to plead. Half of me wanted to hurt Toxic after he tried to take me and use me again like a lucky sock or a condom but I knew it wasn't right. I was almost afraid for him but it all meant nothing when the door slammed open. Bear was home. “WHERE’S MY CUB!!!” To Be Continued……..
  7. SarisHappy

    The couple

    Here is a story I intend to create a few chapters of. But we'll see how dedicated I am. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I pumped the weights furiously. It was literally my only outlet. I'm the oldest girl, with 3 younger brothers, and parents from the Middle East. My parents have good intentions, but they can't seem to get past the culture shock of coming to America. Everyone is a whore in their eyes, and they think I'm going to be sucked up into the endless wave of hedonism. I mean, they're probably right. When I was younger, at least. I would've been that girl that didn't learn of the consequences of my actions. But hearing all throughout my childhood, the stories my dad would tell me, the things he saw...He opened up a store in the middle of the poorest community of Detroit. While sometimes I did go to work with him, safe behind the glass, there were some really scary things that went down. The thing is, this painted the picture of all America for him. Everyone was a drug addict trying to scam you. Everyone wanted to have sex with me and throw me to the curb. And before you assume anything, religion never had anything to do with it. Luckily, college gave me some relief from their over-protection. But try as I might, the constant barrage of lessons from my parents gave me a massive fear of things like drugs and alcohol. Which is fine, I guess. But it doesn't give me much of an outlet... That's when I picked up weight lifting. I started a year ago, and never stopped. I loved watching my body change and grow. I loved gaining strength and power. I loved the flexibility, I loved being able to pull myself up and over and around anything with little effort. I move gracefully and with purpose. I got lucky, though. Over this year, not only did I put on muscle mass and lost some of my baby fat, but my curves amplified. I had a booty that black women complimented. I had to buy a whole new set of larger bras for the 4th time this year. I swear, I'm ever a little taller! But all this motivation wouldn't have started if it wasn't for them. This couple I saw at the gym almost daily. They were at the school's gym more than anyone else, and I almost always saw them there. I wanted them to notice me. I wanted them to compliment me, and bring them into their program. I wanted more than anything to be a part of their team... I pushed the weight over and over again, thinking of them. Of their size and power. Of their beauty and grace. It motivated me. It gave me the strength to push out a few more reps. My body was soaked in sweat. I was already at the gym for an hour and a half, and everytime I thought of this couple, energy just grew within me. I'm surprised they weren't here yet... I set the weights down, feeling the deep burn in my muscles. I loved that feeling. It was like an addiction to me. I glanced at the gym's door... They were here! Yes! I looked around quickly like a giddy school girl, and moved to a station closer to the door, so I can have a better view of the magnificent, giant couple...
  8. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Transformers (6 of 6)

    Avery tries to keep some kind of composure as he knows things could turn out really bad for all four of them. The muscles on both Lance and Morris twitch several times before they start throbbing to the beating of their hearts. The huge studly graduate student isn’t quite sure what to do as the sirens get closer to campus. He panics a bit and hopes that the guys’ growth cycles will stall just a little while longer so he can get them to some kind of safe zone. ‘SHIT! I don’t think Hardman really thought this through. I need to get us out of here. WAKE UP GUYS!’ The two students moan as they finally come to their senses. The field glistens with massive pools of cum as Avery reaches down to wipe them both off. Their muscles continue to throb as he finally gets them to their feet. They both appear to be in some kind of drunken state. ‘Come on Morris, hop on my back man. Lance I will carry you buddy. The professor will hopefully return to normal size before the cops get here. We have to get going before we lose our senses.’ They both get on Avery as he starts booking it out one of the tunnels of the stadium. He stops when he gets to the end to look both ways so that they are not seen before rushing his way past the dorms. The two students start groaning louder which worries the graduate student even more as he feels his own body starting to react. He knows at any moment he will go into a similar growth cycle just like the professor did. He can now see the end of the street where the university starts. Unfortunately though he feels his cock starting to grow again as it flops back and forth against his huge veiny quads. ‘AHH SHIT…..guys…..uhh fuck……I have to…..put you both down…..I can’t hold it…..back…..any longer.’ He drops Lance on the ground as Morris climbs down quickly once he feels Avery starting to shake violently. They both grab each other and start moving away from him as they see him starting to swell up. The big stud grunts feeling his muscles growing wildly as his back stretches and pops making him grow taller and wider than he was before. His cock continues to grow bigger as it starts to spill a massive river of cum into the middle of the street where he is standing. At this point, it looks like Avery is losing his battle to stay in a normal human form as he disappears inside the behemoth that is emerging. The two weakened students can only look on as they manage to get to the side of the street and witness yet another man being transformed into a giant muscle gawd. Their own bodies have stopped throbbing. The cracking sounds emanating from Avery’s body are echoing through the campus as people begin to look outside their windows and doors. A crowd is beginning to form on the other side of the street beside the dorms. Lance and Morris try to get up again so they can make another attempt to escape off campus. The behemoth is now well past 600 pounds as his massive two foot dong begins launching cum everywhere and landing all over the ground creating huge white ponds. He is well over nine feet tall and continues to grow wider now covering most of the street. Screams are heard from many observers as they take off back inside the dorms. A few male bystanders stare in awe at the beast transforming in front of them. Lance trips and falls into one of the puddles of cum being created by Avery. The beast laughs watching him struggle in the sticky muck. Morris turns around and sees this and goes to pick him up, but his buddy tries to stop him from touching him. ‘MORRIS NO! I have been exposed by both of them now, if you come in contact with this, I don’t know what will happen to you.’ Morris doesn’t hesitate and grabs Lance by his shirt sleeve and pulls him out of the puddle. A familiar voice is heard from behind getting closer to them which makes Morris shutter. He starts moving away from the voice with Lance on his side as they limp away from both the voice and the beast. ‘BEN……GO AWAY MAN! You have to get out of here.’ ‘No Morris…..I am going to get you both away from whatever this thing is. Come on.’ Ben catches up to them and makes an attempt to put his arm around both men but not before Morris yells for him to keep his distance. ‘STAY THE FUCK AWAY BEN. You have to get away from us…..ahhhh shit…..Lance…..the throbbing is back again…..’ ‘ACK I know Morris…..I can’t stay on my feet anymore…..*falls down about fifty feet from where Ben is* SHIT! It is starting to move through me……*loud cracks and pops start pouring from Lance’s 200 pound frame* Morris…..*muscles swelling* ahhhh fuck…..’ The tattooed stud can’t hold it back any longer as his body convulses violently shredding his t-shirt and splitting the seams of his jeans. Ben jumps back from where he is standing and yells ‘DUUUDE!’ watching what is transpiring with Lance. His clothes are gone within seconds as fabric goes flying everywhere. Morris is barely standing feeling himself getting closer to the edge. Lance begins losing control over his mind as his throbbing cock swells bigger and begins aiming itself towards Ben’s direction. Morris in his weakened state tries to point to Ben to make him go away but is starting to change himself as he feels his back trying to crack and pop like Lance did. The growing behemoth’s tattoos are now stretched to the point that they look like scars on his shoulders. Ben once again tries to reach for Morris, but he stops himself once he sees that Morris is struggling to keep himself from changing. ‘Dude, I don’t know what to do? I can’t leave you here. I know now that this cum coming out of you guys is contagious somehow. I don’t want this to happen to me…..i mean…..i want to be big…..but this turns you guys into monsters…..shit I’m really scared for you Morris.’ Morris groans as he falls over by the road entrance into the university. Ben turns to see a giant rope of cum come flying in his direction and jumps out of the way. Lance is now well over 800 pounds and continues to get bigger as he falls to the ground. The crash from his fall shatters windows and creates an aftershock that sends Ben and Morris flying into the air. Ben lands in one of the nearby oak trees while Morris goes crashing through a nearby dorm which makes his roommate yell in fright. ‘NOOOO! MORRIS! DAMNIT!’ Lance finally stops growing and passes out once he reaches a thousand pounds. The police along with other vehicles finally get to the university to determine what is going on. Lance is lying in a massive crater he created when he fell. Ben quickly climbs down from the oak tree and sneaks around a back entrance into the dorm he saw Morris plunge into. People are filling the main lobby trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Ben races past them and gets into one of the elevators. His heart beats so fast that he nearly passes out as he stands. He reaches the top level of the dorm and gets out. With no one of that floor, he immediately notices smoke coming from one of the rooms. He removes his hoodie and uses it to open the door. Inside he sees Morris lying on top of a mountain of rubble nearly lifeless. He rushes to his side to check for a pulse not realizing that he has touched his roommate’s skin. Morris’s clothes are ripped from the impact and exposes parts of his nicely developed body. Ben feels a faint pulse and tries to wake him up. ‘MORRIS.....dude wake up. Come on…..shit man…..I don’t want to lose you. GAWD! I bet every bone in your body is broken.’ Morris moans a few times before his cock starts to rise in his pants. Ben gets silent and turns his head to see a huge snake starting to form underneath his roommate’s exposed boxer briefs. He turns his head back around and gets a scared look on his face. ‘NO NO NO MORRIS! Fight it! Don’t let it win, you can hold it back…..’ Morris opens his eyes and smiles back at Ben. His body begins to transform like the others did. Whatever bones were broken are now healing as his muscles start stretching and growing. The exposed parts of his chest swell up and rise extremely close to his face as the fabric on his shirt rips open showing off massive muscles in his pecs and abs. He grunts feeling his jeans ripping open as his swelling cock busts out of his boxer briefs and continues to grow. Ben knows there is no way he can stop Morris’s transformation and ponders what to do next. His roommate is now well over 300 pounds as his back and ass destroy his clothes further. Morris is now trying to stand up as he continues to grow. He walks toward Ben which makes his roommate start to move away from him. The remaining fabric on Morris’s body clings to his immense shoulders and waist. Ben can only look on seeing his friend become unrecognizable as he sails past 500 pounds and grows even taller. Morris moans as his cock takes aim at Ben and begins drooling precum all over the floor. ‘Please Morris…..don’t do this. I hope you can still hear me in there. I love you man…..but I don’t want to be like you. This is not what I want.’ The behemoth walks up next to Ben and picks him up. Ben shakes nervously not knowing what will happen next. The now 600 pound giant looks him in the eyes and smiles once again like before. He rubs Ben’s back with his huge right paw feeling his small buddy shaking. It appears that he has stopped growing too as the giant looks down at his body and sees this. At nine feet, he can almost reach the ceiling now and notices that he can push through it which he does. He tosses Ben up on to the roof and lifts himself up beside him. Then he picks Ben up again and holds him against his massive 80” chest and pumps his 45” guns before letting out a couple of low grunts. The surprised roommate is trying to figure out what he is doing with him. ‘Morris? Are you still in there dude? You seem a bit different from the other guys.’ The behemoth looks him in the eyes again and shakes his head up and down indicating that he is indeed still coherent. ‘Can you speak to me man? Wait…..maybe that isn’t such a good idea, you might kill me with your voice.’ Morris smiles at him and puts Ben up to his mouth to give him a kiss. Ben hesitates but knows he doesn’t have a choice as the giant man plants a wet one on his lips. Remarkably though, Ben feels a sense of ease and relaxes a bit as they kiss. The huge man’s powerful hands are soft and comforting and Ben can’t seem to keep his eyes off the swollen pipes pulsing from Morris’s cannons. The behemoth’s immensely deep voice is felt against Ben’s body which makes his cock jump. They finally stop kissing. ‘Morris…..I uhhh…..i’m not gay man…..but you are making me want you which doesn’t make sense. I have never felt this way about you before. It must be the way you look at me and how you just kissed me. I actually feel compelled…..NO! I don’t want that!’ Morris grins and leans in to kiss and lick Ben’s neck and rub his back. The roommate tries to resist, but he realizes that it may already be too late. His shirt is ripped off as the behemoth goes for his pants which he tries to fend off but fails. Ben is stripped naked as his cock bounces furiously which makes the giant growl softly. ‘NO! Damnit, I don’t want this…..*Morris pulls Ben up to suck his cock* ohhh gawd…..mmmm oh fuck I have waited months for this…..’ The behemoth sucks lovingly on Ben’s cock making him hump Morris’s lips. The roommate moans loudly as he unloads his seed down the giant’s throat. This sequence lasts several minutes as Morris continues sucking on Ben’s cock and draining him. The weakened man is then put down on the roof floor where he leans against one of the brick posts. Morris looks down at him and winks as his cock towers over top of Ben’s body. ‘Get it over with then Morris. I can’t even move now…..you took away any energy I might have left……’ Gunshots are heard beneath them as hundreds of darts go barreling through Morris’s sides. He roars out in pain as the building shakes before falling backwards and crashing all the way down to the main floor of the dorm. This makes the whole roof shake as Ben clings to the post. Once the dorm stops moving, Ben crawls over to look down inside the building and sees Morris lying there surrounded by several policemen and military personnel. He notices him now starting to shrink back to a fairly reasonable size as these men converse with each other. Once he finishes reverting, he is put on a gurney and the men disappear out the front doors of the dorm. Ben crawls back to where he was and tries to hide away from view as he sees four unmarked vans being loaded up with numerous men and can see Morris being put in one of them. They quickly drive off the campus as a huge crowd of students begin forming outside again. He wonders what will happen now since he knows that his roommate is now some kind of superhuman.
  9. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Giant Reveal (5 of 6)

    After a tiring week, Morris spends the last remaining days of the semester resting quietly in his apartment. He also can’t resist texting and calling Lance after what happened the previous week. The big Arabian stud gave him his number not long after that experience in the gym. Avery seems to have disappeared in the last few days which seems really strange to both of them. That Sunday, Morris receives a call from Professor Hardman which surprises him. ‘Morris, I want you to meet with me and Lance Elrusso at the university football field. You will be taking your final exam there.’ ‘Is there some reason why we are not going to be in the classroom professor?’ The professor pauses for a few seconds and laughs a little. Morris now believes what Lance and Avery have been telling him for the past several weeks. ‘Has Avery talked to you any Morris? This exam is highly physical and may even be a little dangerous.’ ‘Yes professor, he has told me about the exam, but I am unclear as to how I was supposed to prepare for it.’ ‘You have already prepared for it Morris. Avery has kept me up on your progress as well as Lance’s. Just be here tonight at around 10 and we will get started okay?’ ‘Okay professor, I’ll be there.’ They both hang up as Morris sits up on the couch he was laying on. Ben walks in and stands beside him with an odd look on his face. ‘Dude…..don’t you know what the final exam is? I can almost guarantee that Professor Hardman is going to make you do some kind of powerlifting. You might be fine though considering how much bigger you are. Since you started in that class, you have probably gained at least 30 pounds of muscle. If I was homo, we would probably be getting busy about any time now.’ Ben does a little goofy dance before he turns to leave the room. Morris dials up Lance on his phone afterwards. The Arabian answers and seems a bit conflicted. ‘Morris…..are you as nervous as I am man? I don’t know what to expect from this. I think I know what is going to happen, but the uncertainty is killing me.’ ‘I agree, maybe we can go there together? You know where my room is, don’t you?’ *seems cheerful now* ‘Ohh yeah I do, I’ll be there in a few minutes.’ They hang up as Morris gets up to move around a little. He leaves the room to walk into the main lobby to wait on Lance. While he stands there, Avery comes up behind him and picks him up. The surprised student shutters as the stronger man holds him up above his chest. Morris turns his head to look at him. ‘Hi there buddy. Are you ready to experience something new? The professor wanted me to round you up before you go over to the field.’ ‘Ohh well Lance is coming over here to meet up with me anyway Avery.’ ‘Awesome, saves me a trip then. *flexes his huge guns* Come on stud, flex yours so we can compare.’ Morris makes a noise basically telling Avery no which makes the bigger man lightly punch him in the stomach. The student’s arms twitch and contract as Avery positions them into a double bi pose. ‘Flex them! *Morris flexes* Hehe, there you go, not bad stud. You look better every time I see you.’ Lance arrives soon after and gives Morris a huge bear hug. The two men start growling at each other playfully and wrestling around a bit before they lean in and kiss. Avery looks on in shock. ‘Whoa! Things are definitely heating up between you two. I thought me and you had a thing Morris?’ *smiles greedily as Lance turns to stare at him* ‘You said the same shit to me Avery. I know you are just doing your job for Hardman. Let’s get going since it is after 9:30.’ The three men cram into Avery’s van and ride over to the field located about five minutes away. They get out and see the professor standing by in the nearby tunnel. He looks like he has been working out for hours judging by the amount of sweat pouring off his face and neck. He looks at Avery and nods his head. The graduate student walks past the professor and down the tunnel. When he gets to the end, he starts to run out on to the field. Morris and Lance get up to the professor and stop when he motions for them to see him. ‘Hey guys, welcome to the final exam. I know you have questions as to why this is being done on a Sunday at the football field. Well you will find out soon enough. Let’s get warmed up with a nice jog around the field why don’t we.’ The unsuspecting duo starts jogging with the professor down the tunnel and out the end on to the field where Avery is already halfway across. ‘We are starting early professor? I thought it was at 10?’ Hardman looks over at Morris and winks as he wipes his glasses. ‘Ohh it is at 10, trust me guys. This is just meant to get the blood pumping and our muscles loosened up.’ After about 15 minutes of this, the professor stops jogging and moves over to the middle of the field. Avery is already there while the other two wonder if they are supposed to go meet there too. The professor doesn’t say a word to them when he leaves so they just continue to trek along the edges of the sidelines. Avery keeps looking at them and smiling. At this point, it is ten till ten and it appears the professor is starting to have trouble controlling his breathing as he stands there. Morris and Lance finally decide to meet up in the middle with the professor and Avery. ‘Is he going to be alright Avery? He looks like he is in pain.’ Lance puts his hand on the professor’s back which is very hot to the touch. The sweat cascades down Hardman’s body like a river now as he completely loses his voice. Avery leans in to the professor and nods a few times. He then pulls Morris and Lance in front of Hardman and takes over on the talking. ‘It appears that the professor will be starting the exam a bit early considering that he is having a bit of trouble at the moment. And…..uhhhhh…..fuck…..*stretch*…..it is now spreading…..mmmmm…..over….. damn……*pop*…..to me. Guys……*rip*……get ready……to be amazed.’ The graduate student grunts a few times before his pecs start growing and shredding his shirt down the middle before they flop out. His arms completely destroy the sleeves as they continue to balloon into what amounts to watermelons. He rips his shirt off and roars in delight feeling his upper body growing at an alarming rate. He then reaches down and rips his pants off with just a few of his thick fingers as his legs and calves double in size. His underwear rips and shreds so quickly it falls to the ground as his cock thickens and his ass swells. He moans feeling his rod widening and lengthening as it pools precum all over the field. ‘OMG! Lance he is becoming a beast! What the hell am I a part of here?’ Lance doesn’t seem to be listening to him though as he watches the professor beginning his transformation. Hundreds, maybe thousands of cracks and pops are heard emanating from Hardman as his body struggles to keep its shape. He wails in pain for what seems like minutes as it appears he is losing control over his body. He stops moving at one point as it appears that the sequence is over. Lance is hypnotized by this. ‘Huh? What the…..HOLY SHIT!’ The professor starts moaning deeply as his voice changes and his body reacts. His muscles immediately explode out of his clothes as pieces of fabric remain glued to his growing body. He quickly surges past 200, then 300 pounds, as his body continues to expand its way outward. At this point, Avery is finished growing and rushes over to pick the other two up to sit on his shoulders. ‘Take a good hard look at that monster guys,’ he says in a much deeper voice since he is now over 350 pounds. ‘This is a gawd emerging in front of you of epic proportions.’ 400…..500…..600…..his height starts to catch up to the sheer bulk soon after as Hardman’s spine continuously stretches pushing him up higher and higher…..7 ft…..8 ft…..9 ft…..the three men look on in awe as the professor begins losing his human characteristics as the muscles completely deform him. 700….800….900…..10 ft…..11 ft…..12 ft…..Avery walks over to stand underneath the giant behemoth. They feel it raining on them as the professor’s massive 3 foot dong drops precum on top of them. ‘Guys this is the last part of the exam. The professor is going to coat you in his…..rain. Whatever happens after this will be completely unknown to all of us. It won’t affect me though since I have already…..changed. I am going to put you both down on the ground now and don’t move.’ Avery slides them both down on to the turf and quickly moves away as the professor continues to grow. Hardman’s body now takes up nearly five yards of the field as he reaches nearly a ton in size. The two young men grip each other’s sides as they await the final shower. The giant hulk roars in ecstasy as the ground shakes and the stands rumble. The two young men can smell the rain’s musk changing above them which makes them both feel extremely funny on the inside. They look at each other and realize it must be their turn now. ‘Oh fuck Morris, I am so afraid but yet I want this badly.’ ‘I feel the same way Lance. I hurt so badly too, but feel compelled to let this happen.’ As they feel something raging inside their bodies, the flood comes flowing out of the hulk’s raging dong and drowns the two men. They fall over and start convulsing as Avery gets hit too behind them. He falls too and crawls over to check and see if they are still breathing. The behemoth continues shooting thick jets all over them as he falls over. It causes a giant sinkhole to form in the field as he lies there unconscious still shooting cum up in the air. Sirens can now be heard in the distance as Avery starts feeling vibrations coming from underneath their skin. ‘Morris……Lance……guys…..talk to me……shit I hope this works otherwise me and the professor are so fucking screwed. This has to work quickly or everyone is going to know our secret.’
  10. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Chosen Ones (4 of 6)

    Morris’s breathing slows down as his chest begins to rise. The two hairy studs notice the changes starting as the student’s arms begin to fill out as the veins thicken up and his biceps stretch the sleeves to their limits on his shirt. He moans feeling it spreading through him as his entire body reacts. His quads begin ripping the seams on his pants as they spill out the sides making the two bigger men growl in delight. ‘Yeah Morris, let it take over. Fucking grow like us, you won’t regret it.’ He stops stroking his cock as it thickens outward and begins shooting pre like it is cum. Morris squeezes his biceps making the sleeves completely rip open revealing two huge round mounds of muscle in what were his scrawny arms. The veins pulse as they move up to his shoulders which are ripping their way through the fabric also. His nipples strain his shirt to the point that he moans feeling them ready to explode from their confines. The two bigger men rip his shirt off and start punching his mammoth pecs making him gasp in pleasure. They know it feels amazing since they have had the same reaction before through their changes. Each time they do it his cock jumps and sprays another jet of precum. ‘Shoot it man it would be the ultimate finish to a great change.’ Both Avery and Lance pick him up and pull his ripped pants off before toying with his crotch and ass. Morris squeals as he feels his load finally pushing its way up into his cock. The two men smile as he finally shoots his cum all over them before falling back on the ground. His growing glutes make him bounce slightly as he feels his legs stretching and pulling themselves bigger and wider. He continues moaning as he feels himself getting larger as the other two continuously massage his cum into his skin. ‘Feels awesome don’t it Morris. Me and Lance were shocked at the way it felt ourselves. The pump is so incredible. *both men flex their biceps above Morris* Aww yeah, embrace it man because it goes away quickly during the first change.’ Morris feels himself starting to lose a bit of the pump Avery was talking about as it starts to deflate his muscles slowly. He groans feeling himself shrink as the other two pick him up on both sides and take him to the showers. They smile at each other as they reach over to turn the stalls on and drop him down on the ground. Morris makes a few agonizing sounds and stares up at them both. He tries to get up but slips a bit making the other two studs crouch over in laughter. ‘OMG man……this is too damn funny. You know we are just playing with you Morris. The truth is…..you are a part of us now man. Consider this a hazing of sorts you are going to have no problem passing the final exam now. Hardman will give you and Lance the exam next week so get ready. Now you two need to get cleaned up and go home.’ Avery washes up quickly and leaves for the locker room. Lance walks over and puts his hand out to lift Morris off the ground. He lets go soon after as the smaller, but noticeably fitter Morris starts slipping on the floor again. He lets out a few groans before Lance grabs his arm to keep him balanced. The thick hairy stud walks over to his stall beside Morris and starts lathering himself up. Morris stands there to take in the view for a few seconds and realizes that he is incredibly attracted to him. He feels his cock getting hard again and slowly walks over behind the sexy man. He wraps his arms around Lance’s chest and starts rubbing the man’s huge heaving pecs and ab slabs. The Arabic-American moans deeply, resting his back against Morris’s chest as he reaches his own arms around to rub the smaller man’s legs. Morris arches his head around to kiss Lance on the lips, but the big man resists. ‘Come on Morris…..we can’t be doing this man…..you are obviously still feeling horny from the change. *feels the small student’s cock rubbing up against his hairy ass* Well…..*smiles at him*, I guess you could shove it in there for a few minutes if you want.’ Morris growls eagerly as he slowly pushes himself inside Lance and thrusts in and out. Lance rubs his thick beard against the smaller man’s head and moans deeply feeling every inch inside his hole. He slaps Morris’s quads with each individual thrust making the excited top grunt. ‘Yeah man, fuck me. The water really feels good against our skin doesn’t it? I noticed this after I showered the first change the other day.’ Morris grips Lance’s thick waist as he pounds him faster. The versatile big man leans his head back to whisper something in the top’s left ear. ‘Don’t cum in me okay? Avery told me that it will cause problems if I have sex with another man similar to me. Just spray it on my back.’ Morris lets go of Lance and pulls out as he jerks his cock wildly and feels his balls filling up. Lance then decides to turn around and jerk his cock too. They both lean up against each other and wrap their arms around their shoulders to bring themselves to climax. They change things up and jerk each other off with the other’s hand feeling their rods swell and tense against the pressure. Finally after a few minutes of edging, the two men spray each other with thick creamy wads as it cascades all over their bodies. Lance yanks Morris under his shower stall and starts lathering soap on him. They lightly punch each other in the chest while cleaning the cum off and laughing as they do it. Morris looks him in the eyes and winks before jumping into Lance’s arms. The big man winces for a second and leans in to kiss his buddy’s lips. They moan as they remain under the water and hold each other. Before long, other guys start showing up in the showers and glare at them in a rather negative way. Realizing that they need to get going, they let go of each other and rush to grab towels to put over top of themselves. When they get to the locker room, Morris sits beside Lance and rubs the big man’s back in a comforting way. ‘I feel like we need to be together Lance. I can’t seem to stay away from you now. The connection I have with Avery is a little different, but with you it feels like we should be linked.’ Lance looks into Morris’s green eyes and smiles. ‘I feel it too man. *puts his right hand on Morris’s left leg* We do have a personal connection. I would have never known it if we didn’t have sex. I know now why we are the two finalists we are both linked through Avery who is tied to Hardman too.’ Morris looks puzzled as to how this could happen. Lance sees this and attempts to explain it. ‘Obviously you know that I have had sex with Avery since we both have this gift. Well Avery is not the main source of this, it is actually Professor Hardman. The reason there are only two of us in the end according to Avery is the fact that Hardman doesn’t want his secret to be out in the open. He entrusted Goodwin to select the best two from the fifteen he allowed in the class, that is why Avery led the first session. He chose me before the class ever began so I knew that I would be here at the end. I noticed you with him after the second part started. He was definitely into your potential. I have no idea why, but he picked you over the rest because of what lied beneath your skin. Obviously, he was right because our chemistry is amazing.’ Lance leans over and kisses Morris before pulling him into his chest and squeezing. The smaller man moans feeling the thick fur against his face and massaging the big stud’s back. Unbeknownst to them both, Ben is walking towards them from the gym area. He taps Morris on the shoulder to get his attention. ‘Well well well…..I should have known you would be messing around with this guy. I quit the class man the professor told me I wasn’t going to make it to the final anyway. It is quite obvious that you two are the ones that did. I just didn’t know that you two were THAT close.’ Morris turns around to let go of Lance to smile up at Ben. ‘I promise I didn’t cheat on purpose Ben. It just happened that way.’ Ben curls his lip up to the side and shakes his head. It is apparent he doesn’t believe him. ‘Whatever man, it doesn’t matter because the results speak for themselves. Anyway, I am finishing up early because I have another final to get to. I will talk to you later.’ Ben runs into the showers to clean up while the other two men kiss one last time. ‘I guess we should be going too Morris before other guys here start talking; time to split man.’ Lance gets up as his towel falls off showing off his hugely muscled lower body before slowly sliding his shorts over top of his beefy ass. He can hear Morris moaning over on the bench they were sitting on. The big man turns to push him off and growls in a flirty way. ‘Hey get up goofball and dress. You have got to get moving, I know you have other finals.’ Morris admits that he does and gets up to go over to his locker to get a clean outfit out that he left there the other day. When they finish dressing, Lance rushes out the front doors of the gym so Morris doesn’t follow him too closely. By the time Morris goes up the basement steps into the main lobby, Lance is nowhere to be seen which makes the student a little sad but he knows that he needs to study for the four other finals that are taking place the rest of the week. He returns back to the student lounge with his backpack in tow and lays his books down on one of the tables to study.
  11. The Construction Project Parker is an ordinary guy living in a suburban development in a large city. He has noticed a lot of new properties going up lately around him. The construction outfit in charge of building them seems to be employing only the biggest guys they can get their hands on. On an adjacent lot next to his house, he can’t seem to stop staring at them through his kitchen window. They aren't completely muscular, but most of them have wide backs, thick arms, and even a few have decent sized guts. He has recently started taking more walks just to catch a glimpse of them. The weather has even gotten really hot and steamy. As it does get hotter, a few of them wear only tanks and tight jeans instead of their usual uniforms. He sometimes stares at the beef as he walks by the property. A few of them have started to look back to give a little flex just to show off their masculinity. He has winked at them at times as he looks at their poses. Late one day in particular after Parker arrives home from work, three of them are sitting down on the bottom rung of scaffolding resting and talking to each other. He looks out to catch a peek from his kitchen window. Two of them have decent chests hugging their tight undershirts as he stares at their huge pecs and sexy guts. The other one is fairly built and can almost see his abs protruding. He closes his eyes to visualize what they would look like if they were bigger. As he sits there with his eyes closed, he can hear something coming up behind him. Before he can open his eyes to turn his head around, the strange force places its energy onto his neck and moves inside his skin. He cannot speak as he is rendered silent as it travels through his body. After that scary moment passes, it disappears behind him. He jumps to his feet and wonders what just happened. He turns to look across the street and notices something different now. The two bigger guys are now talking to each other in an unusual manner. One of them points to his left arm as if he is going to flex it. He raises it and puts it directly in front of the other guy to do a flex. The bicep swells up and stretches the fabric on his undershirt to the point that it rips. He does the same with his other arm and the same thing happens. The other guy sitting beside him plays along and points to his pecs and bounces them. They grow each time he bounces them making his undershirt split in between them. They seem to be playing some kind of game with the two of them going back and forth with each body part like they know what would happen if they flexed. Parker is so fixated on the two big men that he loses sight of the smaller one. He apparently noticed that he was watching from his window from the side out of view of the other two. He is already crossing the street to enter through Parker’s front door. The big men are growing at a steady rate as they turn their backs to him and point at each other. They both do double bicep flexes as their backs thicken up and spread out like wings. Their legs seem as if they about bust out of their confines too as they look down and notice the seams coming undone in their work pants. Parker watches as one guy rips the pant legs off the other one and vice versa. Both are now standing up in front of the property flexing and posing in just their under gear now. He finds this both amusing and erotic at the same time because there are people walking and driving by, witnessing the spectacle. It isn't long after seeing this happen that Parker realizes there is someone in his house. He hears the front door fly open as he jumps to his feet. By the time he does, the man that was out of view across the street, Lennox, is already wrapping his arms around Parker’s waist to pull him down on the floor. With him pinned to the ground by the red headed, brown eyed stud, he sits on top of Parker and growls at him as he turns beet red and his muscles begin to tense. He feels Lennox’s legs starting to swell up as the muscles make stretching noises. His work pants shred into multiple pieces and his quads spill out of the fabric showing off their thick striations and reddish brown hair. He lets go of Parker’s arms to put his hands on his swelling chest. He feels Lennox’s pecs blowing up and stretching his work shirt to its limits. He groans in delight as it rips out the sides exposing huge lats. Parker can see the thick forest of hair growing underneath his growing arms making him moan lightly. The growing stud gets a crazy look on his face as he does a lat spread shredding the back of his shirt to release his delts from captivity. The fabric begins to fall down his sweaty red fur that has thickened on his gorgeous chest. Parker can feel Lennox’s engorged new cock pushing against his boxers. He can feel its heat as it rubs against his clothing and spills a little precum through his underpants and on to his shirt. Lennox grabs his right hand and puts it down his boxers to make Parker feel his cock and commands him to start stroking him. He puts his other hand on his thick furry rock hard abs and then flexes his thickening forearms that have grown fire hose veins. He sees and feels how much Parker wants him since his cock is now rubbing against his thick glutes. He growls as he rips his boxers off and positions his ass to hump Parker’s throbbing cock. The humping is making him growl louder as his arms continue to grow bigger. He pumps his biceps a few times to make the veins thicken up and the bicep stretch the skin even further. His huge traps stand up as the fur snakes behind his arm slightly to cover his thick horseshoe triceps. He makes Parker stop stroking his cock to feel his thick fur. His breathing picks up as he leans down to bury his mouth into Parker’s. The kiss makes him moan as his desire for a redheaded musclebull comes true. He stops kissing him to say how much he wants Lennox’s cock. He winks as he moves down to push his huge furry rod into Parker’s mouth. He moans as the taste is unlike anything he has had before, so sweet and salty. The precum starts to drip out of his cockhead as Parker works it over good. Lennox growls as he gets closer to shooting his load into his throat. His big rod manages to force its entire length in when he cums as the thick texture rolls its way down his throat. The taste sends Parker into ecstasy as he squeezes Lennox’s lower back. He laughs as he pumps every single drop of cum down his throat. The red bull starts to get more forceful with Parker as he demands to see his muscles blow up. He wants to resist this urge to grow, but his lust may be too much. Lennox turns his body around to rub the giant wet spot in Parker’s pants, knowing that he is spilling precum. His eyes turn back to stare into his smaller victim’s. ‘Come on little man, I know you want to grow. I want you to fuck me with that hot body of yours. You made me into this fucking god, now I want you to become one too.’ Parker continues to agonize as Lennox continues to stimulate his cock making his hormones rage inside him. He moves his ass back on top of the spot where Parker’s cock is to send him flying. ‘Hump me man, I know you can’t hold back much longer.’ He starts to rub his chest under his dress shirt making him lose his concentration. When he starts to pinch his nipples and kiss his neck, Parker starts to give in. ‘Yeah man, make yourself into a god. Make me want you. I want to feel your body explode.’ ‘AHH GAWD NOOOO!’ he says back. ‘Fuck yeah, I feel it. FUCK MAN, GROW FOR ME!’ Parker’s chest starts to swell as Lennox feels his pecs inflating, spreading further outward. He can feel his nipples starting to point down towards the floor. ‘Aww fuck yeah, I love it man. MORE MORE!’ His arms expand wildly stretching his sleeves to the point that they rip within seconds. Lennox takes his hands out from underneath his shirt in time for his chest to pop buttons all over the room. He laughs as this happens as it makes his cock bounce. He goes back to rubbing Parker’s chest as it grows thick black fur over top of its new 8-pack abs. ‘I want to fucking feel your legs explode man. Rip those fucking pants to shreds.’ He gets his wish as Parker’s mammoth quads and hams destroy his dress pants and break free as Lennox can start to feel the gargantuan cock stirring inside Parker’s boxer briefs. ‘AWW FUCK YEAH! IT FEELS INCREDIBLE! Gawd I have to have your rod man.’ He rips his underwear off to feel the thick wet black bush against his cock and Parker’s rod toying with his hole. At this point, Parker’s back is swelling to the point that it is lifting him off the ground and his shirt is literally being destroyed. His eyes no longer have fear in them and instead of sheer dominance. ‘OH GAWD, You are fucking gorgeous man. Fuck me damn it, FUCK ME!’ Parker growls in his new manly voice as he squeezes his thick rod inside Lennox’s tight hole. He yells as the feeling is intense. The new black haired musclebear is filled with intense lust as he pushes his cock all the way in. He starts pumping him hard as he stares at Lennox’s thick reddish brown fur and rubs his huge muscular legs. He picks him up to put his legs around his waist and slams him against the kitchen wall to fuck him again. Lennox laughs and moans as both of their desires are coming to fruition. Parker grunts as he licks and sucks on his thick pecs and broad neck. It is at this point, that he peeks out the window to look at the two hulks across the street. He moans as his eyes are peeled at them. Lennox manages to turn his head enough to look too and laughs. They stop fucking to look at each other and agree that they want more. Sequel: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4583-constructing-more-projects-and-building-bigger-men-muscle-genie/ The Sexual Chemistry Dallas is known in the film industry as a fun-loving guy with a big personality. He always seems to know how to make his costars feel at ease with him. Despite the seriousness of his sex scenes, he cuts the tension on the set with his charm and wit. Even the film crews like him a lot. He doesn't have the best body, but he stays in decent shape. His popularity is based on the fact that he is a natural performer and has a great presence on screen. One film director in particular, Francesco, has called him back for nearly every film he has made. Dallas may not necessarily be the star of every film, but he is in them in some capacity. While he has done films with women before, he doesn't see the passion like he does with men. Men understand him much better and like his attitude more than women do. He never really had a sexual preference before, but he could completely turn gay for the right guy. He has great male friends in the industry, many of which have performed with him on several occasions. His favorite in particular is a gorgeous Arabian stallion that has been in two films so far. This man has incredibly nice features such as big full round pecs, black body hair, thick veiny arms, bulging quads, and a thick and juicy cock that he serviced in both films. He is a fairly quiet man as well who usually smiles off camera at the other actors whenever he doesn't have to do a scene. Dallas is amazed at how he can shut off his dominance once he finishes his scenes. He usually goes back to being very quiet and somewhat shy. He has those classic Iraqi facial features, but with a nicely groomed mane and beard. He can’t speak much English, but Dallas is willing to help him with learning so he can get to know him better. The problem may be that only Dallas is attracted to him and not vice versa. The man, whom he knows as Abdul, may not be attracted to him because he is so skinny. He never makes eye contact until he has to onscreen because it is possible that he isn’t all that attracted to him. This is the first man that Dallas has ever really had strong feelings for and wishes that he could be his physical equal. After filming a scene on his new movie, Dallas sits down on the bed thinking about what his sexual position will require. He hears a noise from behind the camera and out came a hulking figure with a bottle that looks like lube. It hands it to him and points to his junk. He understands what it means as he pumps the bottle to lube his hands up. The figure then points to his entire body and basically motions for him to use the entire thing at one time. Dallas finds this strange, but starts putting the lube all over himself. By the time he is done with the bottle, the figure has disappeared. His next scene is coming up and he is told that a returning star will be in the scene with him. From around the corner he catches a glimpse of his Arabic crush in a stunning getup which shows off his massive bulge and heaving chest. He instantly gets aroused when he sees Abdul and they start making out. The Arabic stud looks into his eyes and it seems so different, like he sees something he never saw before. As the scene progresses, Dallas realizes that the sex is making him grow with Abdul fully aware of the transformation. His voice is deepening as his growth makes the Arab go crazy with lust. This amazes Francesco so much that he is turned on himself. What was supposed to be a fairly short scene originally has now turned into possibly the top scene in the whole film. Dallas’s growth is slow, but steady as Abdul’s focus on him makes it prolong. The Iraqi starts with his feet and works his way up to his quads. He pulls Dallas down to him to spread his legs apart and give him complete control. The growing model can't contain his excitement as Abdul begins to tower over him with his strong muscular body. He starts to mouth dirty words to the Arab as he smiles back understanding every single one of them. He starts licking Dallas’s chest getting him prepared for the rush of growth. He puts his huge arms around the growing star’s legs and begins to penetrate him with his huge cock. The thrusting makes Dallas yearn for even more as he feels his muscles starting to tense up as the thick stallion picks up speed inside him. He can now feel his entire body starting to grow. The sound of popping and cracking envelopes through the lens as it is caught on video. The director has already pulled down his pants and is stroking his cock watching Dallas’s transformation commence. His quads expand in Abdul's huge hands as the Arab’s arms squeeze tighter trying to keep control. Dallas’s moans are beginning to change over to growls as his neck swells and his shoulders grow wider. His arms are exploding in size as thick veins pulse while muscles are beginning to appear out of nowhere. His growing pecs are bouncing more than before as his abs tense up growing bigger with each thrust. His Arab costar proceeds to go deeper inside him as his ass grows. He growls feeling Dallas’s hole stretching wider allowing him to push his entire girth inside. Before he even cums, he pulls out and climbs up the growing star’s torso to sit on his cock. He has never been submissive in a scene before, but Dallas’s massive transformation has gotten him so horny that he has to be fucked by him. His virgin hole is now getting stretched by his white costar’s bigger cock as it makes him growl feeling every single inch gliding inside him. Dallas pumps him slowly to loosen him up. Abdul stares at him with extreme lust and wants him to fuck him harder. ‘Mmmm, yeah beautiful man. You want to fuck your prize don’t you. Take me and do what you will with me.’ His voice gets louder as Dallas pumps harder inside him. He jacks his cock as he is being fucked and starts oozing his sticky precum onto his white mate’s huge pecs. He leans down to lick it up as he feels Dallas getting closer. Francesco tells him to cum on his back, but he no longer wants to do what the director wants him to do. Both Dallas and Abdul are developing a connection with each other now. As the growing stud starts to cum, the Arab shoots his load on to his face. Dallas’s load is quite extreme and actual makes the stallion growl in Arabic. He pulls his white top’s cock out of his hole and turns to suck the rest of the cum out. ‘*growls* OH YEAH…..*moans* GIVE ME YOUR PROTEIN YOU WHITE GAWD! CONVERT ME TO YOUR SIZE!’ Abdul opens his mouth and swallows up his cock. He gulps down the remaining cum and starts to growl very loudly. It is only a matter of time before he will experience a growth sequence himself. Despite the fact he is turned on by this, Francesco is frustrated that the two studs are not listening to him so he gets up to leave. When he tries to walk through the stage door, he discovers it is locked from the outside. He starts to wander around the entire set trying to find a way out. While the director tries to find an escape route, Abdul can feel himself changing. With his mouth still down on Dallas’s cock, he moans in Arabic as he feels his muscles twitching and popping. Dallas stares intently as his Arabic costar begins growing. ‘MMMM, GROW FOR ME STALLION! I WANT YOU HUGE, HAIRY, AND HOT!’ Abdul flexes his biceps as they blow up into huge mounds. His hairy muscles grow thicker and rounder shining under the stage lights. The two men’s size alone breaks the bed under them as some of the set pieces begin to fall over. The Arab turns to stare into Dallas’s eyes and takes his mouth off his love muscle. They laugh as Abdul crawls his way up to his white costar’s face and plunges his tongue down his throat. ‘*loud noises* OH FUCK MAN, I THINK I HAVE FOUND PARADISE WITH YOU. I WANT TO MAKE LOVE TO YOUR HUGE ROUND MUSCLES BABY.’ The Arab shoves his 300 pound body in his 250 pound partner’s face and moans. He starts whispering Arabic words in Dallas’s ear which immediately prompts the two men to wrestle each other. The camera never stops rolling this entire sequence. Francesco finally gives up on trying to find a way off the set and goes back to his director’s chair. His frustration seems to have lapsed somehow. He even wonders if he will ever add this scene to his new movie. He might even join the two studs. Sequel: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3717-the-scene-stealer-more-sexual-chemistry-muscle-genie/ Who's Worshipping Who? Dorian is a reasonably fit guy with a real fetish for muscle. He likes to talk to other guys with the same interests on chat groups. The problem he has though is there isn't anyone that lives near him to interact with not only on a personal level, but also in a sexual way. He loves to cam with the guys he talks to daily, but can't actually feel their muscles in person. That is until one weekend he meets a remarkably huge man at his local department store. Dorian notices his massive pecs, bulging arms, and skin tight pants that leave nothing to the imagination. The man spots him checking him out and he smiles back. He is reluctant to speak to him but approaches him anyway. He knows what Dorian is thinking by the way he looks at him as it is written all over his face. He puts his hands on the small guy’s shoulder, leans down, and says that he is willing to do a session with him that night if he was game. Immediately he says yes as the man gives him the room number of a hotel he lives close to. Dorian arrives that night and knocks on the door. The man opens the door only wearing a small pair of shorts and an Under Armour top. He tells him to come inside and sit down like a good little man. Dorian knows how this could turn out but before anything happens, the man says he needs to go to the bathroom. While he is in there, a hulking figure appears from the corner of the room and blows smoke into Dorian’s face. He absorbs the haze and feels lightheaded from it. The figure disappears not long afterwards. The bodybuilder emerges from the bathroom dripping with oil and starts the session. Dorian’s fears from before appear to be gone now. He feels more empowered and starts to rub on the big man. The man’s commands and his desires are burning a deep fire inside of his body. He is starting to get really warm and is feeling quite good. The strongman’s dirty words are actually increasing his testosterone levels as he feels his body responding. As the big man starts getting more into his role, he flexes his massive biceps and tells Dorian to rub them and taste them. He obliges as he licks the crevices between the bicep and the forearm. He then traces his finger along a giant vein traveling up the arm to the giant’s huge shoulders. At this point in time, the small guy is still wearing a t-shirt with khaki shorts. The sensation is extraordinary to him and he can feel the bodybuilder’s pecs bouncing on the side of his face. He lays his head against them as he tells him to feel them against his hands. Dorian grabs both pecs and feels their hardness as he squeezes. The man moans in his deep voice as his worshipper starts to nibble on his nipples. He wraps his massive guns around him and tells him to keep chewing. The feeling ignites a charge inside Dorian’s body as he feels something happening to him. The huge stud starts to whisper dirty words in his ear because he senses that he enjoys them. ‘Feels great baby, I want you to fucking suck those boulders until I growl.’ Dorian starts rubbing his huge quads as he chews on his nips. The oiled up big man is rubbing his worshipper’s back now as he feels him sweating profusely and straining. He notices Dorian’s chest expanding against his making him moan slightly as he feels the smaller man’s back stretching his shirt. He loves feeling the muscles growing so much that he rips his shirt off to watch him continue to grow. ‘Oh yeah baby, I had no idea that you were holding back on me.’ Dorian can feel his rod starting to push against his in his posers. He puts his hands on the growing admirer’s arms and squeezes them so he can feel the power growing in them. His toned arms are now filling out and becoming incredibly thick and wide. The man can't help but to pull his posers off and sit his cock on Dorian’s expanding chest. His dirty talk increases as he witnesses the growing worshipper’s pecs inflating and hears the muscle stretching his skin. ‘OH BABY! I am loving this hot transformation of yours. I thought I was coming here to impress you, but you are impressing me.’ Dorian’s nipples point downward with his new size as he now has a small waist is now thick and beefy. He is getting taller too as his spine pops and lengthens accommodating his new wider back. His legs that were once dwarfed by the big man's are now as thick as his. He remains sitting in the same position he was in before, but now is approaching the same size as his strongman. He looks at Dorian with an incredible lust in his eyes as he goes to kiss him and wraps his legs around him knocking him to the ground. He starts to kiss and lick Dorian’s new body and pours a ton of oil on him. The big man starts to rub himself against his newly worshipable stud to get them both slicked up. They both begin to massage, kiss, and lick each other. ‘Mmmm baby I can’t get enough of your new body. I just want to spend all my time with you now. In case you wanted to know baby, my name is Caleb.’ His smooth and silky crotch is now in Dorian’s face as well as his fully erect cock. He immediately goes straight to his balls and starts to lick them. After spending a fair amount of time on them, he kisses his cock getting Caleb quite excited. Without ever even sucking on him, Dorian manages to make him cum with his engorged biceps squeezing his cock. ‘Ahh fuck baby, keep flexing harder around me. I want to feel every striation and vein pushing against me.’ Dorian smiles as he pumps his arms harder making the blood rush to his huge veins. Caleb hears his stud’s skin stretching under the pressure as his biceps form a seal around his cock. He feels the veins in his cock rubbing against the ones in Dorian’s arm and it makes him moan loudly as he spills another huge load on top of his arms. Now Caleb wants to return the favor to Dorian. The new big man leans back on the hotel floor as he goes down on his hairy cock sucking feverishly with the intent of drinking his thick load. Dorian moans trying to hold back as Caleb keeps looking up at him and smiling. ‘Gawd baby, I think I may be falling in love with you. All I can think about is sucking you dry and filling my belly with your seed.’ Dorian looks him in the eyes and flexes his massive guns to make him ease up slightly. He grabs Caleb and squeezes him tightly around his waist. The hairy muscle stud bounces his eager cock in anticipation of penetrating his smooth buddy. Caleb yells in delight as he feels Dorian’s cock tickling his hole. ‘Oh baby I’m yours. I can’t resist your power. Fuck me please, I need you.’ Dorian slowly pushes his way in as Caleb’s hole easily stretches. He quickly picks up steam as he begins to growl pumping in and out of him. After a few minutes, he shoots several ropes of cum inside Caleb, then does so again a few minutes later. Each time Caleb squeals in delight as he feels it moving up into his intestines. ‘Keep pumping me full of your cum baby, I could do this for hours.’ He may actually get his wish as Dorian continuously dumps load after load inside him. It is hard to tell where this will end, but one thing is for sure, things can change in a hurry. Sequel: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4503-to-worship-or-not-to-worship-another-admirer-enters-muscle-genie/
  12. The Extreme Makeover Joseph works for an online company that specializes in workout gear. He loves his job because it caters to men that he is attracted to. Sometimes it is part of his job to take orders for the company on its website and to talk to customers on the phone. As an advantage over their competitors, his company even has a kiosk on the bottom floor of the building. Every once in a while he goes down there to see what the kiosk is displaying for the week. While he is browsing, he always notices an overweight middle-aged man looking through the displays. He always seems really disappointed when he notices that the company doesn't make a size big enough for his frame. Joe always feels really bad for the guy but wonders why he doesn't just buckle down and do something about his weight. He is there practically every time he is down there. It is the end of one of his workdays as everyone is leaving the building when he notices a hulking figure walking slowly around the kiosk on the bottom floor. He is dumbfounded at its size and notices the overweight man is there at the kiosk also. The figure looks up at Joe and smiles. He jumps back from where he is standing and doesn't know why it is there. The surprised man looks around and sees that there are only the three of you in the building. He notices the overweight man wearing a badge on his jacket that says Deveraux as he turns around out of view of the being to browse through the products at the kiosk as he usually does. He doesn't even notice the figure walking up behind him. It goes to reach inside the obese man to do something to him. It keeps its hands inside Deveraux for what seems like a minute or two. It removes them finally and vanishes in thin air. Joe tries to move from where he is, but realizes he is frozen in his spot. He doesn’t know if he is supposed to witness something happening or not. He notices Deveraux leaning over on the the kiosk and is sweating profusely. Joe tries to yell over to him, but he is unable to get any words out. He hears the man starting to groan and agonize in pain as he grabs his back with his right arm and starts to rub it vigorously. He grips the counter of the kiosk with his left arm and pushes down on it like he is about to jump out of his skin. His breathing is getting heavier as his back gets more saturated from his sweat. Joe hears his voice getting deeper as he stands there. His legs appear to be shrinking as his jeans look a bit looser than before. It also looks as if his jacket is going to swallow him up as his back gets thinner. He looks almost anorexic as all of the fat disappears from his body. His grip on the kiosk is getting worse as he starts yelling in pain. He is heaving up and down like he is doing pushups. Joe is in disbelief at what he has witnessed so far. Deveraux finally lets go of the kiosk to grab his shirt under his jacket and rips it open to pound on his heart. He falls to the ground and appears unconscious, but gets back up not thirty seconds later. Joe suddenly hears what appears to be a stretching sound. The man starts laughing hysterically now as his scrawny back begins to explode in size stretching his jacket to its limits. His tiny legs are now spreading further apart from each other as his jeans begin to split their seams. His giant hamstrings bust through the fabric as his calves jut out to the sides. The sounds of laughter echo through the floor as Deveraux splits his jacket in the back as his delts and traps make quick work of the fabric in his jacket and shirt. The clothing falls to the ground as his mammoth rippling back muscles glisten in the lights. He turns to smile as Joe as the extreme muscles in his waist are visible now showing off his now 28" midsection. His lats have pushed his undeveloped arms up into a straight line now. His hands are growing now as he flexes his growing forearms and biceps. He starts growling as hair starts sprouting all over his body. The sweat is now pouring off of him on to the ground. He turns his head to watch his biceps continue to swell as they create splits. His triceps form into the biggest horseshoes Joe has ever seen. At this point, he is still in his boxers as his tight bubble butt pushing further out from his body and is stretching the fabric to its limits. Joe still cannot move as Deveraux stares directly into his eyes and growls in a menacing way. He is trying to figure out how to get away from this beast and takes his shoes off. It seems to work as the hairy monster waddles his way over to Joe to grab him before he gets away. Joe takes off and it makes Deveraux angry. He goes back over to the kiosk and bashes it in before grabbing a size 2XL shirt and puts it over his head. He grunts as he flexes his massive body and shreds it to pieces. Joe tries to run out the front lobby doors, but they are locked for some reason. The big beast yells, ‘You can’t get away from me runt, I will fucking make you beg for mercy.’ Joe doesn’t respond to this taunt and runs for the nearest elevator. The sound of heavy feet is heard moving faster towards him as he tries to close the doors and find a safe floor above him. ‘Come on you damn machine, close CLOSE CLOSE! ! ! ! !’ Deveraux gets there at exactly the same time the doors close and puts his huge fists into the doors making them form the same pattern as his arms. When the elevator starts to go up, the metal blocks it from moving upwards. ‘Damnit NO! I can’t let him get me!’ Joe tries to lift the panel above his head in the elevator and succeeds. He jumps to climb up as the big beast yells pulling the doors open. Deveraux jumps into the elevator hitting the back wall and putting a huge hole in it. ‘RAWR! WHERE ARE YOU RUNT? I HAVE A PRESENT FOR YOU!’ His giant member tents in his boxers as he rips them off with no effort at all. He can hear Joe on top of the elevator and punches his arm through the top. Joe tries to grab the elevator cable to climb up, but he isn’t strong enough to climb. He can see a ladder off to the side and jumps on to it. Deveraux pulls his bloody arm back into the elevator and jumps out the side to where Joe is. He tries to grab him, but slips and starts to fall before grabbing the elevator car. ‘Leave me alone beast! I haven’t done anything to you. Why do you want to hurt me?’ Deveraux punches his way back into the heavily damaged car and jumps out the top again before landing on the top. He spots Joe climbing again. ‘I’M NOT GOING TO HURT YOU RUNT, I’M GOING TO MAKE YOU WANT THIS POWER!’ ‘I don’t want your power, I just want to be left alone.’ ‘NOT HAPPENING RUNT!’ He jumps on to the ladder and starts to pull Joe down. ‘Nooooo stop, I can’t…..’ ‘HAHA! JUST RELAX LITTLE MAN AND LET ME DO THE HARD PART!’ He slams Joe on to the top of the elevator car making him wince as he feels his bones break. Deveraux holds him down by sitting on him and putting his huge cock on top of his lips. ‘OPEN UP LITTLE MAN, I HAVE TO FEED YOU. YOU NEED MY SAUCE IF YOU WANT TO LIVE!’ Joe tries to keep his lips closed, but the big monster begins to crush him to make him submit. ‘YOU DON’T HAVE A CHOICE RUNT, I WILL MAKE YOU FUCKING GROW! AHHH FUCK, I FEEL IT MOVING THROUGH MY COCK!’ Deveraux’s cock contracts and starts oozing its honey all over Joe’s face going into all of his orifices. He shakes violently as he feels himself being swallowed up by the new force building inside him. Sequel: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3837-beyond-extremes-making-the-impossible-possible-muscle-genie/ My Best Friend's Party Perry is friends with a straight coworker Cary. They have known each other for a fair amount of time, but he has never been attracted to him sexually. He has invited him to his birthday bash which takes place in a week. He accepts the invitation because he does appreciate his attention. He enjoys spending time with Perry because he tells him how good he looks all the time since he works out regularly even though he isn't all that big. The day of the party arrives and Perry shows up just in time for it to begin. He tries to stand in a corner so he doesn't get in the way of Cary’s family and friends. An older man with a salt-and-peppery beard and very powerful looking features stands next to him. He looks remarkably similar to his friend. He quickly realizes that he is Cary’s dad, Gary. This becomes a problem because he can't take his eyes off of him. The older man is wearing a loose-fitting shirt, but he can see down it and notices that his pecs are big and round with tufts of greyish brown hair. He has hazel eyes and a powerful looking bull neck too. After Cary finishes his cake ceremony, he comes over to talk to Perry. He tells him that his dad was a competitive bodybuilder at one time and that he never stopped training even after he retired from the shows. His father is also divorced because he wasn't faithful but he doesn't regret ending the relationship either. Perry feels awful for staring at his dad, but the man is strikingly beautiful. He glances over at Gary again and notices there is another powerful looking man talking to him. Cary sees that Perry is looking at him too and says to stop staring at his brother like that. He is shocked that this other man is his brother and asks him why he didn't follow in his brother and father's footsteps and get monstrously huge. He says that he never wanted to because it wasn’t in his plans. Now Perry can't take his eyes off of either one of them as Cary walks away to talk to other family members at the party. With him standing there just staring at them, a hulking figure walks in front of Perry and knocks him into the nearby stairs. He falls over unconscious and when he awakens, the figure places a white patch on his arm as it begins to melt into his skin. He is horrified but can't seem to make a sound. Once it is absorbed completely, the figure disappears and nobody notices it was ever there. The party eventually winds down as Perry sticks around. He can't seem to pinpoint why he doesn’t want leave the property. His friend is surprised he is still there, but is quite glad actually. Gary and the brother, whom Cary has said is called Junior, are also still around. He is being led over to them by some unforeseen force that he cannot control, but he doesn't really mind either. Junior shakes his hand as he seems shocked by the sheer power in his arms. They are incredibly vascular and have huge veins that snake all the way up his and in fact his entire body is loaded with them. The brother is only wearing a tank top at this point as he notices the veins moving down his chest. He locks eyes on him and can't seem to look away. Gary is also still in the same room as he sees what is happening. With Perry just standing there, he feels the urge to flex his arms even though he has no muscles. He raises his left arm and flexes it noticing it fill up with blood and expanding. He does the same with his right arm and the same thing happens. Junior smiles and flexes his huge vascular arms to match Perry’s. He walks over to him and starts to rub his thick biceps that are now straining the fabric on his dress shirt. He grabs a hold of Perry’s waist and lifts him up in the air to prove how strong he is as he puts him back down on the ground. Junior dares him to do the same to him now. Perry laughs and says that it is impossible since he has never been known to work out that much. Junior winks and flexes his arms in the same position he had his and yells at him to pick him up. After a few seconds, Perry walks over to him and starts to lift him up in the air. As he does, his back thickens up and rips the seams on the sides of his shirt. His lats flare outward as he puts Junior back down on the floor and goes back to where he was before. Perry moans as he does this knowing that his body is growing with each exercise. Junior starts to bounce his thick pecs and dares him to do the same. Even before he attempts to, he can feel them swell up into huge melons and pushes his shirt to its limits. He walks back over to him and rips the top two buttons open to expose his pecs. Perry amazingly bounces both of them up and down with ease. Junior bounces his as he walks over to him and starts to kiss the crevices between his pecs. He rips the rest of Perry’s buttons off the front of his shirt and notices the 6-pack sitting below them. He rubs them as he works on Perry’s nipples. He moans as he rips Junior’s tank off and massages his thick chest. The brother quickly moves up his way up to his lips and plunges his tongue in his mouth. They both start to growl in pleasure as they move over to a nearby table to worship each other. Perry’s tight glutes and quads in his pants are pushing against his as he tries to position himself on top of him. They both move back and forth on each other licking and sucking chests and backs. The two admirers manage to unzip each other's pants setting their muscles free that were gasping for air. Junior massages his aching legs and licks the body hair protruding from his crotch. The smell emanating from Perry’s cock is enough to get him hard as he takes his underwear off to expose his 8" member. He sticks it in his face and begs him to suck him off. Perry delicately starts to massage his cock with his tongue and sucks him very slowly. He moans and instantly begins to leak precum down his throat. Perry finally takes his underwear off and strokes his 7" cock until it is able to sit on Junior’s back. Gary is over in the corner out of the way getting quite turned on by this sequence. The two of them have completely forgotten about him and don’t even notice he is stroking his huge cock. He is rubbing his well-muscled body tweaking his nipples and growling in his low voice. He closes his eyes occasionally to imagine himself being right in the middle of the action. The button-up shirt he is wearing looks as if it is about to burst from its seams as he gets more pumped. ‘Mmmm boys, I really think you should move this along,’ Gary says to them. After a few slaps on Junior’s back, Perry slides his cock inside him and starts pounding his hole. Junior moans and almost laughs as he gets plowed. Remarkably, Cary is nowhere to be found during this whole session. Gary stops stroking his cock for a minute to puff his chest up to make his shirt rip open. The buttons on his shirt go flying across the room as his huge pecs and distended abs are exposed. ‘Awww fuck yeah, I love how pumped I am getting boys. You two keep doing what you are doing and I will just stand here and keep growing.’ Perry increases his speed inside Junior as their moans continue to get louder. It is at this point that Cary comes walking into the room and sees what is going on. With a horrified look on his face, he attempts to make them stop fucking each other. They both look at him and just smile continuing to pleasure each other. He notices his dad standing there with his cock out and gets angry. ‘I don’t know what is wrong with all of you, but I am not going to stay here and witness this anymore.’ He tries to go through the front door of the house, but it is locked somehow. He tries to open it again and fails. With a strange look on his face, he goes to find something to pick the lock. Once again, he fails to open the door. It is at this point that he runs into his bedroom and slams the door. Gary’s growth cycle continues as his black jeans begin to strain under his size. Perry pulls out of Junior to turn him around and spray his jizz all over his face. Gary’s growing lower body splits the seams on his jeans and break free. ‘Gawd yes boys, I love it. You are turning me into a gawd. Keep going, I want more.’ Junior returns the favor on Perry and plugs his cock inside him. He pounds him into oblivion as his dad begins to grow wider shredding the rest of his clothing. Gary growls as he feels himself starting to push his way through a nearby wall. ‘MORE, MORE, MORE! ! ! ! ! I WANT YOU TO FUCKING FILL HIM JUNIOR!’ Junior moans as he spills his spunk inside Perry’s ass. The two young men fall to the ground as they exhaust themselves. Gary destroys the wall he was leaning against and starts to stroke his growing cock. He moves over to where the two guys are lying and growls at them. ‘I WILL MAKE YOU BOTH LIKE ME. YOU CAN’T RESIST IT, I WILL TRANSFORM YOU.’ Gary yells as he unloads on top of them coating their backs in thick white cum. He leans down to rub it all over them trying to make it absorb. They have a hard time breathing now as the pain inside them grows. Cary remains in his room wondering how he will get out of this situation.
  13. Personal Growing Pains Doug is a successful personal trainer. He has many satisfied clients, some of which are fairly well-known athletes. He has also gotten quite wealthy from his business, but has also lost a bit of interest in it. His body has not kept its hardness either since he doesn't feel compelled to workout on a daily basis anymore. He has developed a fondness for another man along the way. This man in particular is someone that he got close to recently because of a very bad accident. He was leaving his house one day and just happened to witness a major car accident right down the street. He went to check for survivors and this man was bleeding very badly inside his vehicle. Doug’s powerful body was able to pull him out of the wreckage and carry him to safety. He didn't think much about it at the time, but the man he saved would become his best friend. The man wasn't in the best physical shape, but he became so enamored by him that he didn't care and it influenced his own physical performance. He was spending more time with him and not enough at the gym and his business was even starting to suffer. He never tried to make his friend shape up because he fell in love with him. He knew that his buddy was overweight, but he never cared. He was starting to get pudgy himself and it was turning off his clientele. Things were beginning to look bleak for his lifestyle and his relationship also. His boyfriend, Nelson, was now starting to look at him differently. He was attracted to Doug that night in the hospital and couldn't believe that someone like him would be interested in someone like his self. He didn't like the direction Doug was going with his life so they both separated and decided to take a break for awhile. Sitting in his living room one day, Doug happens to notice a huge figure hovering around the doorway to his kitchen. He goes to get up but it freezes him in his chair as he can only watch. It comes over to him and makes him push his gut out towards it. It places its hand on top of it as a light shoots out of his belly button. He can't scream in agony because he is still frozen. After the light vanishes, the figure turns around and disappears. He comes back to his senses and wonders what just happened. He ventures to bed that night thinking that things may never be the same with him and Nelson, but that may not be true. He wakes the next day and discovers that his gut has actually shrunk. In fact, he looks in the mirror and notices that his muscles are actually getting slightly more toned similar to the way they used to look. He feels more relaxed and refreshed too. He starts off to his personal training business and gets into his car. It is at this point that he gets a strange feeling inside his body. As he drives he feels his head getting really fuzzy. He stops on the side of the road for a minute or two hoping that it will go away. That strange feeling now moves down to his neck, then his shoulders, and down into his arms and chest. He notices that his body is starting to expand as his car seat is beginning to buckle. He tries to get out of his seat belt, but can't because his chest is getting too large. The growth gets to the point that he just has to wait to see if the car holds up. Nelson ironically has been staying with a friend just a block away from where his is parked and can see his car from the house. He slowly walks out of the house to stop and look at Doug inside the car. After getting a little concerned, he jogs down to see what is happening. As Doug just sits in his car feeling helpless, he feels a rush of strength running through his body. His pecs are now stretching his muscle shirt to the point that he can see the fabric starting to run. His arms are forming huge hose shaped veins and are starting to rip the sleeves of his shirt cleanly as the seatbelt around his chest is being pulled from the side of the car. His expanding back is breaking the seat in the car and his legs are rubbing together now. He keeps on growing and is being pushed forward into the windshield as crazy noises are heard from inside the car. Nelson watches in bewilderment as he sees his growing muscles damaging the car. The seat completely buckles under his weight as the steering wheel breaks off. Doug can hear the metal in the car getting bent as his granite muscles destroy everything in their path. It isn't long before he hears the windshield crack and shatter under his mass. He manages to crawl out of the front of the car as the hood completely falls in under his weight. The car is nearly totaled now. He gets off the car and goes running towards Nelson. He is not as fast as Doug since his muscles have actually made him more agile. Nelson is still fairly overweight so the running makes him breathe heavy. Doug manages to catch him and feels his rapid heartbeat since he is terrified of him. He looks into his boyfriend’s eyes as he feels nothing but lust for him, but there is a tad of compassion too. The rabid lust in his mind leads him to grab Nelson and rip his pants off to start fucking him. He screams when Doug penetrates him, but his thrusts calm him down as he begins to feel the big man’s cock starting to massage his prostate. The feeling is so amazing to him that he gives in to his lust. They both haven't had sex in quite some time and Doug’s goal is to pass his seed on to him and make Nelson like him. With both of them in the middle of the street, Doug turns him over so he can get in deeper. His boyfriend manages to take his entire girth into his hole and starts moaning with every thrust. He closes his eyes and begins to imagine what he will look like as Doug cums inside him. The anticipation is so high that he pumps Nelson harder and harder getting very close to shooting a giant river inside him. He feels Doug swelling up inside him as he begs for him to let go. He yells as he shoots a massive load inside Nelson’s gut. ‘I love you so much Nelson. I want you to become what you should have always been.’ Before he even pulls out of him, he notices Nelson’s body starting to tense up and widen. The shirt he is wearing splits down the middle exposing his thick, massive back. While he isn't becoming hard and ripped, his arms, legs, and chest are getting huge and beefy. His muscles are getting wider and hairier, as he flips Nelson over to start passionately kissing him. He grabs Doug and puts his growing cock inside his hungry ass. He feels it getting thicker and longer as Nelson penetrates him. The two lovers can't help but to stay in the middle of the street since they are so into each other. Doug moans feeling Nelson pulsating against him. His muscles still stretching and pulling their way out from within his body. His shirt completely rips apart and falls to the ground. Now he has achieved his genetic potential. ‘Oh baby, turn me around I want to look at your new body.’ Nelson stops fucking Doug long enough to twist his body around to where he is now facing him. Doug growls as he feels his lover’s newly formed beef on his chest and back. Nelson pulls him into him and starts grinding him again. At this point, they are attracting a huge crowd of people. Their grunts are getting louder with each minute as the sweat pours off of both of them in the hot sun. ‘MMMM DOUG I AM CUMMING SWEETIE!’ As he climaxes, Nelson shoves his cock all the way in and squirts his seed into Doug’s intestines. The feeling makes the two men double over. Some people have apparently called the authorities as some police cruisers pull up beside the two behemoths. One heavily muscled policeman gets out of his vehicle to walk over to them and pulls his revolver. They don’t respond and he gets irritated. After kicking them, he warns them that he will shoot if they don’t move. What happens next may not be pleasant. When Friends Become Lovers Will has a roommate that he has been friends with for quite some time. They both went to the same college, and after about two years of living in dorms, they decided to move in together. He has received a lot of help from Randall with his studies after struggling through his junior year. In actuality, he helped get Will through some really tough hardships. When Will’s family gave up on him after he came out, he was there to support him all the way. They have never really shown any kind of physical attraction before, but Will certainly has noticed how Randall looks. He finds him very attractive and always notices how perfectly groomed his face is. He loves the way he fixes his hair, kind of spiky but with blonde edges and the glasses he wears because of the way they make him look, smart and sexy. He has caught Randall naked a couple of times, but never tries to make him feel uncomfortable when he does. His body is quite tight, but not extremely developed. He has a six-pack of abs, but admits that he doesn't work them at all. When they hang out together whether they are playing video games or just watching tv, they just act like regular buddies. They occasionally talk about what if they slept together, and just laugh about it mostly. They both know that it will come up soon though. They want to make a move on each other, but they don't want to jeopardize anything in their friendship either. Will has a great body with big hairy arms and a barrel chest as well as thick legs. He really likes Randall’s body, but wants him to be more than he is too. Will drifts off to sleep one night and awakens to find a hulking figure standing over him in his room. Before he can get up, it takes its hand and places it on his head. He is immediately put into a deep sleep and awakens the next morning to find the figure gone. After a long day of classes, Will comes back to their apartment to find his hunky roommate waiting for him. He is cooking a really fragrant meal similar to something he learned from his grandparents. Will seems really surprised at how good the food looks and goes to take a spoon to taste one of the sauces. Randall turns and hits his arm while laughing. He winces, acting as if it hurt when it didn’t. He also remembers that the last time he did this was when their birthdays came around. He is inadvertently staring into Will’s eyes and turns back around to continue cooking. Something feels a little different now. Despite never showing any affection before, Will moves behind him and wraps his arms around his waist to hug him. Randall nervously smiles as this has never happened before. He assures him that this is okay because he really likes him. He moves in now to nuzzle Randall’s head as his body is pushed up against him. Despite a low moan, he still feels really nervous and just wants to finish cooking. Will doesn’t want to give up though as he grabs Randall’s arm and turns him around. He leans down and kisses him on the lips. A moan is heard, albeit a low one again. The demeanor on Randall changes as he moves in closer and his breathing is slightly faster. Will kisses him again and reaches over to turn the oven off. He picks him up off the ground and proceeds to take him into their tv room. He lays him down on the couch as Randall wraps his arms around Will’s back. His moans are getting progressively louder as Will feels his transformation commencing. His hands trace his arms as he feels them popping and making all kinds of hot sounds. He watches his body hair thicken up and cover his bare skin. He winces as he feels himself changing and unable to stop the growth. Will kisses him again reassuring him that this is what they want. His arms have now filled up the sleeves to the point that they are ripping the seams and exposing his thick hairy flesh. Will leans over to lick his new thick veins on his biceps and rubs his bulging hairy forearms. He wants this transformation to be slow and passionate as he stares into Randall's beautiful emerald eyes. He grabs Will to wrap his huge arms around his head. He moans as his back muscles stretch their way across his very tight shirt. It starts to shred from the sides as it exposes his growing lats. Will feels their raging power as Randall squeezes him. After taking in his arm growth, the anxious top places his hands on his roommate’s soaked front to feel his chest vibrating. He starts rubbing his pecs feeling their rage as they thicken up and stretch the front. His hairy monsters are busting through the holes as every button goes flying like rockets. Will growls as he feels both perfectly hairy mounds and starts kissing the shelves of both feeling their power and tasting the salty sweat. He moves down to lay his head on them as his hands reach down for Randall’s transforming stomach as he feels his abs growing. They spread out wider and thicker as he puts his fingers in between the wider separations. His moans are noticeably deeper now as Will moves his hands to his expanding legs. He can feel incredible power building up in his expanding quads as they pull the denim tighter in his jeans. He hears the fabric stretching to its max making his crotch start to stir a bit. His growing ass is busting its way out the back of his jeans as his boxers rip too. His new bubble butt is now free as Will caresses each new curve. Randall lets out a huge growl as his quads and hams finally bust the seams out on his jeans exposing his massive hairy wheels. His calves are growing too as they hang over the sides of his leg. He grabs Will and makes him squeeze his cock as he pulls him up to him to shove his tongue down his throat. He moans as he feels his cock getting thicker and shreds his boxers completely. His glasses can no longer handle the pressure of his growing muscular face so the frames break in two and fall to the floor. He grabs Will’s legs and holds on to him as he stands to put them around his waist. He can feel Randall’s huge hot cock pushing against his back. He carries him over to the sliding door to their deck and presses him against it so he can position himself. He pushes his hairy muscular body against Will’s and starts to hump him driving him mad with lust. He plunges his tongue down his throat again and tries to make him give in to him. He is so madly in love with Will now that he wants him to grow even bigger than he already is. Will smiles with his big brown eyes and flexes his thick guns making Randall swoon as his grabs them. He teases his cock as it dribbles its precum on to the back side of his shorts. ‘Make me want to grow Rand, I need you to worship me more.’ ‘Mmmm, aww fuck bounce those huge pecs of yours Will.’ Will bounces his pecs through his thin tank top making Randall lick the creases between them. Will moans in his gravelly voice as he feels hot sensations travelling through him. ‘Fuck yeah gorgeous, make me grow, keep making me want it.’ Randall humps him faster as his cock finds its way into his shorts and starts to massage his hole. ‘Ohh gawd yeah that feels good baby. AHH YEAH!’ *stretch* *pop* Will’s legs start spreading wider as his body starts to put pressure on the glass behind him. ‘GAWD, it feels so insanely good baby.’ His beefy quads grow thicker as they push his shorts above his growing ass. His hole now is accessible to Randall’s cock. ‘Baby, I want you inside me. Make me fucking grow, I want MORE!’ ‘OH Will, grow for me!’ Shoves his cock into his hole and starts thrusting. ‘MMMMM, FUCK pump me full of sweet cum Rand.’ Will feels his arms getting wider as his biceps stretch bigger. Randall sees this and sucks on the huge boulders. His forearms seem to be growing more veins too. ‘YEAH baby, give me your cum. Make me explode in size.’ Randall moves faster inside him getting very close. ‘Here it comes Will, GROW, GROW, GROW!!!!!’ He shoots huge ropes inside him as Will yells, ‘FUCK YEAH, OHH FUCK…..’ He feels his chest growing rapidly as his massive pecs grow up to his face, he feels his back starting to break the glass on the door as it shatters taking the two men on to the deck. His tank and shorts shred to pieces as his entire body explodes in size. Randall feels his cock being swallowed up by the gargantuan ass appearing in front of him. Will’s cock erupts spraying huge jets of cum into their tv room as it coats the floor. The two lovers instantly lock lips and continue to make love. Will is a giant man now as he lies on the deck with his large best friend and now lover lying on top of him. Despite the fact that both men are bleeding from the glass shards, they smile and can’t help but worship each other. Whether they remain like this or not, they have confessed their love for each other and that is enough.
  14. A Model Existence Harris is a successful male model. His good looks have gotten him plenty of work in the fashion industry. He has done a few shows before, but has a big secret. He wears big platform shoes to make himself taller than he really is. Even in the photos he shoots, he wears those ridiculous shoes to make himself look normal. His good friend in the industry is a fashion photographer, Curtis. He sees Harris’s potential and knows that he probably will have to wear those shoes for his entire career to fool people into thinking that he is of average height. The short model has a nice body as well as some guys are blown away when he goes shirtless. He has bouncing pecs and a great 8-pack of abs to show for his hard work in the gym. His weakness though is his arms which are small and unimpressive because of his strange genetics. While sitting in a lawn chair near a hotel pool one day just before a shoot a dark figure comes walking up to him and points to his short legs. Harris gets mad about it, but can't seem to move. He watches helplessly as the figure starts pulling on his legs. He feels his thighs cracking as they are being pulled outward by the figure. The strange thing is he can feel a tingling sensation starting up too in that area. After the pulling ends, it disappears and he can move again. He is amazed to see that he has gotten six inches taller and is of decent height now. Despite saying he is of decent height, he is still barely over five feet tall. Not long after this occurrence, he starts attracting more attention. His developed chest is now more in line with the rest of his body. With his added height, it makes his chest more appealing to many people passing him by. More guys are starting to talk to him as well as a few that has touched his abs and chest. He loves this new attention he is receiving and is revved up for another photo shoot. Curtis is in shock when he sees just how tall he has gotten. He thinks Harris has had surgery, and really wants to take a bunch of new pictures of him. He goes to put on some new shorts to show off his legs as the shoot begins. His photographer motions for him to get in the water at the pool so he can take a picture of his new legs underneath it. He gets in and sees a reflection of himself. He can't believe how great he looks except for the fact that his arms are now so short and skinny compared to the rest of his body. Harris starts walking around in the water after a few photos and gets that tingling sensation like he had before. He sits in the water and put his arms underneath him. Curtis takes another photo of him sitting and tells him to strike a pose. He keeps his arms underneath the water since he doesn't want them in the picture. As he sits in the water, Harris can feel the bones in his shoulders starting to pull apart and reform. The cracking is muffled though since they are underwater. He suddenly feels his arms getting longer as he tries to maintain his composure. He can feel the muscles popping and growing forming giant veins as well as huge mounds of muscle on his triceps and biceps. He decides to lift his arms out of the water to flex his newly formed biceps now looking more like softballs. Curtis looks shocked and starts snapping more photos with Harris’s new growth. His shoulders have grown too as he can see in the photographs. Curtis tells him to get out of the water so he can stand by the pool. He asks Harris to shed his pants so he can take some nude pics. After hesitating for a minute or two, he decides to go ahead and do it. After disrobing completely, Curtis starts up with the photos once more as the growth begins again. Harris feels popping happening in his back as he grows taller again. Curtis stops to watch his transformation commence and starts getting turned on his self. ‘Looking good there buddy. I don’t know how you are doing this, but this is definitely going to be the best shoot we have had.’ He is now rubbing his crotch as he witnesses the model’s feet getting thicker and his hands expanding. His height went up another four inches since the last time this happened. His huge chest is now beginning to look more proportional to the rest of his body. Curtis takes his shirt off to get more comfortable as the shoot continues. ‘Nice man. Look at me, yeah. How about you do another double bi flex? Yeah, looks great buddy. Turn around and flex your glutes. Great! How about flexing that back of yours? Gorgeous.’ Curtis’s hairy chest begins to glisten in the hot sun as he starts to pull off his shorts. Harris stares him down and wonders what the heck is going on with him all of a sudden. ‘Dude, are you stripping? What does this have to do with me taking pictures? I mean I know I look great, but come on.’ The photographer tells him to go over by the diving board and sit on the end while he gets into the water. With Curtis not five feet from his thick beercan cock, Harris begins to realize what he is doing. ‘Dude, seriously I know you want this. I have known you for what seems like forever, even before my changes you could have had me.’ He notices that Curtis has stripped his underwear off as it floats to the other side of the pool. He snaps one more picture before putting the camera on the side of the pool and swimming back over to Harris’s cock. He licks the tip and gobbles it down. Harris moans loving his desire for him. Forgetting that he no longer has short arms, he nearly knocks the photographer out. Curtis is unfazed as he goes to town on Harris. ‘Ahh yeah man, feels awesome. I want to cum so bad. Come on make me cum, dude.’ Curtis sucks harder and faster making Harris moan feeling the rush moving through him. Curtis stops sucking in time for Harris’s spunk to go flying into his face and the pool. The photographer licks a great deal of cum off his face and swallows it. The model leans back on the diving board and sighs. Curtis crawls out of the pool to go lay in a lawn chair. His thin emaciated frame struggles with each breath as he seems to be having trouble. Harris looks up and sees how winded his photographer is and sort of smiles. It looks as if he knows what is coming next. Setting the Stage Mat has competed in quite a few shows, but never placed higher than sixth place, just missing the top five. Success has eluded him for the past four years since he started bodybuilding. He is still fairly young, but he is having a hard time keeping with it. That urge to go beyond the 'natural' look is always at the back of his mind. He always manages to think it through though and stays natural. He looks pretty good by casual lookers, but the judges at the shows tell him that he needs to focus more on his weaknesses such as his neck, abs, and calves. They are fairly small and don't mesh well with the rest of his muscles. He poses in front of his giant mirror occasionally and wonders how he will manage to improve these eyesores. As he looks in the mirror, he notices a hulking figure in the doorway of the room and before he can turn around, it places its fingers onto his midsection. The fingers slowly inch their way inside his body and he feels a rush of adrenaline pass through him. He closes his eyes as this happens and when he opens them, the figure is gone. His next show is actually tomorrow and he must drive there with his trainer, Luis, in tow. He wonders if this will cause some kind of problem when he steps foot on the stage. When he awakens the next day, he feels no different but again wonders if something will happen. The auditorium is located across town so he calls Luis to get him to come pick him up. They get to the auditorium and Mat quickly begins his warm up. He does a few reps on the machines to get his pump on and has Luis touch up his tan a bit. He watches as his fellow competitors each go by him and gets in line for their turn on stage. He was selected to go last in the drawing of numbers as he waits patiently hoping to remember everything in his routine. When his turn finally comes, he feels a sense of pride come over him instead of being nervous. He walks up to the stage and the music begins. He slowly feels something building inside him that he has never felt before. With his first bicep flex, he stares at them in shock as he watches them inflating. He proceeds to flex his shoulders as he feels them pumping up as well as his back and lats pushing their way out further and further. The judges are in awe of what is happening to Mat. He does a chest flex and can feel his pecs filling up pushing against his chin as well as his abs taking up the bottom half of his chest. This causes a reaction in his lower half next. His quads and hams are enlarging faster than the skin can manage as more muscle moves down to his calves now flaring outward. His posers feel fuller than before with his cock pushing against the fabric. His bubble butt is filling out now also and is about the bust out the back of his posers. He can literally feel the skinny fabric on the sides of his posers beginning to pull apart. He continues his routine though as the judges and the audience hears a huge snap come from his crotch. The posers go flying towards a judge and his big inflated cock hangs down right in front of them. The music goes off and Mat exits the stage a much larger man. He quickly tries to find a towel or something, but he can't find one big enough so Luis grabs two towels to put around his waist. His trainer is speechless as to how he would grow so much. He was mostly just a support system throughout Mat’s training before, but now he is in love with his new body. They go to the waiting area to see what happens next in the competition as they watch from the side of the stage. Before Mat asks Luis why he is there, he undoes his towels and starts sucking his huge cock. He moans as he looks at every new crevice that has been born onto his body. Before Mat hears his name come up again, he feels a load building up in his balls. Luis waits patiently to feel his cum hit him so he can absorb some of the growth serum. The eager trainer strokes faster as Mat tries to hold back. Luis whispers, ‘come on give it to me big boy, I want what you have.’ Mat moans in a muffled voice as he shoots directly on to Luis’s muscle shirt he is wearing. He smiles as he fingers the jizz and shoves it down his throat to absorb it. He immediately feels a massive rush going through his body as he starts jerking Mat again. ‘I want more, I know you are storing it up.’ As he continues jerking, the sounds of stretching are heard coming from Luis’s body. He groans as he feels his gym clothes getting tighter. Mat shoots another long strand of jizz on to his arm which makes his body react faster. ‘OHH GAWD! I CAN’T KEEP IT TOGETHER MAN!’ Luis starts growing taller now as his clothes shred and his olive skin stretches further trying to maintain the pace of his muscle growth. They eventually fall off as his cock oozes its spunk on to the ground. At this point, the competitors are aware of what has happened. The curtain concealing them is opened and the audience sees the two huge men naked with huge erections. They both laugh at each other as they try to run out the back. They hear footsteps coming from behind them as Mat is stopped. When he turns around, he realizes that it is the main judge, Felix. He tells him that he was going to be crowned the winner even before this transformation, but now he needs to come back just to show everyone what kind of a boss he is. Luis is also invited since he too has dramatically grown. They can’t believe that after such a crazy sequence, anyone would want them to perform. After thinking briefly, the two huge men go back into the auditorium and try to find towels to cover their privates with. After a little prep work, the two gods step up on to the stage and what happens next may change everything.
  15. FREaky


    ANTIALPHA! By F_R_Eaky Bo was a very diminutive and slight man. If he turned sideways you practically thought he went invisible he was so skinny. Just barely was the shape of his muscles and they were very soft and smooth. They were distinctly visbible from one another, but there wasn't any huge seperation or definition to be seen and certainly not any vascularity. The most defined muscles on him was his butt, made so by light workouts so that he had just enough of a bubble shape to be seen and grabbed. Not only were his muscles smooth, his whole body was, not a bit of hair on him, except for the gelled coif that topped his head, and that head topped off his 4' 11" tall body. Like I said he was a very diminutive and slight man. But this is ok. Bo is fine with the fact that he looks like a boy, a prepubecent male, even though he is 25 years old. He loves the attention and the action it gets him at the clubs. Oh yes, he's a regular at the gay clubs and bars every weekend. In fact he's something of a celebrity that many men wish to know becasue...well he's the perfect bottom: he's short, thin, boyish looking with huge blue eyes and strawberry blond hair, can suck the chrome off of a bumper and folks swear he could take a yard stick up the back entry. Even men who are only around 5' 6", even 5' 2" can feel like a real huge man if they have an evening with Bo. Bo has practically made it his life. Indeed, sometimes he charges money for services, and many times men have given him extravagant gifts and enough money as a thank you to start an Individual Retirement Account. Turning off the news, which was giving some boring report about how a local research lab had thought they discovered THE biological amoeba that kicked off all life on Earth. Apparently found in some recently unearth fossilized rock. They had one box containing a sample disappear from a shipment and asked the public to notify them if they came across or found it. But who cares about that? It was night time. Time to go find someone to fill his attention span and then fill his.... for the evening. He was wearing an extremely tight light grey v-neck shirt, with a pair of white capris with a grey-tan-black plaid print on them. A nice pair of leather sandals finished off the ensemble, along with a couple of writst bands, watch, and a ring. Well, it's summer time in LasVegas on a Wednesday evening, which means tonight is just a dress casual and hang out at an open bar night. Running out to try and catch a cab, they almost never see him or if they do they don't realize he's an adult, he stepped on something that snapped or shattered and then rose up above his sandle soles to cut his right foot. "OW! MOTHER FFFFFFFF!" Bo looked down at his foot, where a nice gash was oozing blood. It was oozing out all over a small vile and some torn up packaging. A little further down the way was the remnants of a container. "Damn it.... my sandals will be ruined and red doesn't go with this outfit!" After placing his head set on to listen to his digital recording of "This Boy is a Bottom," he dashed into a store to get some paper towels and flesh colored band-aids, treated his foot and proceeded to cab hunt again. Twenty-five minutes later he was at bar out near the main strip. Upon hitting the door, the bartender called out, "Hey... the party can start now, Bo Tum is here!" There were a few jeers a lot of cheers and some applause. They all knew Bo and even if they had already had him, they did agree he was generally amiable and fun to be around. Rounds of drinks, some slight dancing on the dance floor, lots of conversation and talk about news, weather, sports, and other trivial matters were the make up of most of the events of the evening. Sipping the last out of a glass, Bo decided it was late and time to go home. The bar was almost set to close and no one had made a pass at him or otherwise blunt and blatant offer for sex all night. Standing up he wobbled a little bit. "Whoa..." he thought to himself. "I must have miscounted my number of drinks to my snacking." "You all right there, Bo?" asked the bartender. "You look a little wobbley." "Yeah....I'm fine. You know me, I never drink to tipsy state. Must be catching a cold... or I cut myself earlier before I came in, maybe I picked up something." "Hmmm might better get that checked out. Could need a shot or something for that cut." "Perhaps....well, anyway. Have a good night." Bo left the bar and walked outside to try and hail a cap. He thought he had managed to flag one down when suddenly from behind he was grabbed by a moderately good sized man. "Oh... you're coming with me, twinkie the kid, and we're gonna have some fun. I'm a big boy if you know what I mean and I love to stretch me out some holes." How the man had grabbed him and where his head came up to on the man, Bo could figure out he was somewhere between five foot eleven inches to six foot one inch tall, with a very slim built. However, his hip against the man's legs, he could feel snaking down the man's left pants leg was a tube of something. Normally Bo would've figured this to be a sock, a roll of quarters, something placed there, but as the man drug him into the alley behind the bay, he could feel this tube get longer and thicker in the man's pants leg... and longer...and longer... and longer.... Now in the back alley, the man suddenly quick as lightning flipped Bo around and threw a punch right to his face. Bo nearly collapsed and saw stars. The man then flipped Bo around again, yanked down Bo's pants and his baby blue thong, and then attempted to undo his own belt and zipper. The man didn't have a chance. Suddenly Bo felt as though someone else had joined in and pinched his buttock, his left cheek specifically. It felt however as if a part of his ass had become super stretchable and came out like a tether, a line of some sorts, and struck something although he wasn't sure what. It had struck the man, and once attached the man suddenly became dazed, drowsy, and a bit dilerious. Bo felt as though there was a sudden burst of energy, like a live wire was touching the spot on his ass, but it cleared his head and he was able to slough off the gentleman, turning and kicking him as hard as he could in the side after pulling up his thong and pants, then running away to hail a cab and get home. Upon arrival he went to the bathroom to take a shower...and slightly cry. Having guys pick him up or even blatantly asking for sex is one thing, but being physically attacked and rape was another. After standing in the shower for what felt like an eternity, Bo finally shut it off, towel dried himself absentmindedly, and then crawled into bed, nude, completely exhausted. ..........THUMP THUMP! Bo awoke with a gasp. It was the early hours of the morning, just minutes before the dawn spreads its rays over the horizon. THUMP THUMP! What was that? Was that the sound of that man trying to break down his apartment door? Did he manage to get into the building despite security? THUMP THUMP! The sound made his heart beat. THUMP THUMP! No the sound was his heart beat. So loud... so strong... THUMP THUMP! "UUUWAAAH!" Bo felt something in his groin lurch. THUMP THUMP! "AAAHHHH!" He felt it lurch again. Cupping his hands over his balls, Bo removed one hand to peel back the sheet on top of him. Another lurch came and Bo swore he flet his cock move, but not as though it was becoming erect. THUMP THUMP! "OOooh...no...n..n..no...NO!" On and on with the beating of his heart Bo felt his cock lurch and ooze out of him, growing incredibly long and surprisingly thick It was fastly becoming too much for his small hands to contain, and soon it lifted his hands up off if his groin. "No! No! What is happening! I'm a twink! I'm a full fleged boi bottom! I can't get hung!" But hung he was becoming. larger and longer, thicker and fuller he felt his cock become under his hands. He could feel veins forming across the shaft, criss-crossing huge and plump, even though his every growing cock was still soft and floppy. THUMP THUMP! "AAAACH!" His penis now lurched forward, getting longer and thicker, but firmer as well. "No.... I don't want an erection now... " Trying to choke the base of his cock, Bo eventually had to give in for his cock had grown so long and thick soft, as it lurched and sprouted erect now it was becoming monstrous in size and to big for him to grasp fully round with his small hands. THUMP THUMP! Up and up and up it rose until it was standing ridiculously tall, impossibly thick, with veins pulsing and squirming like writhing snakes over a rod. "HOLY FUCK! I HAVE A CADUCESUS FOR A PRICK!" Bo bemoaned loudly. THUMP THUMP! But now he had another situation to deal with. His hands were rising once more, being pushed away from his cock from behind... Suddenly Bo's eyes had to roll up and behind, his mouth loosely dropped open and a long gutteral moan issued forth from his mouth. THUMP THUMP! In time with the beating up his heart his ball were swelling...inflating....growing! THUMP THUMP! - Nuts THUMP THUMP! - Eggs THUMP THUMP! - Lemons THUMP THUMP! - Tomatoes. THUMP THUMP! - just a bit larger... THUMP THUMP! - a bit more..... Bo looked down at his cock, seeing the head come up to this very small, pin sized mole he had on his abs. The swelling of his balls stopped, resting so firm, so big, so heavy on this tighs. "My god... I have bouncey balls for testicles! OOOOooooooh!" Then the balls just slightly inflated once more and then pulled up and shrunk inward. "OH! AUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" Out of nowhere climax came to Bo and he suddenly blew a sticky stream of spunk right dead center between his eyes. It was so much, so long, so full, so hard a blast, Bo swore it felt like it was silly string shooting out of his dick in one long spray - the finger being held down on the trigger until all the contents had emptied from the can. Laying there in a tsunami like dowsing of his own cum, Bo passed out. Waking later in the day, he cursed as he peeled himself off the bed the feeling of dried cum flaking off of him, his pillows, his bed sheets. Yet he also needed to curse to because of trying to stand and walking. His balls having grown so large, and hanging a little low, even his spindly twig like legs racked them when he walked, and it didn't help he had this monsterous anaconda hanging over them and pushing back down. Making his way to the toilet, he had a bit of trouble trying to figure out the angle he needed to point his member. What the hell happened? He wasn't hung! He knew he wasn't hung! At best he had a four inch cock....when erect! Now.... NOW! After wiping off the seat and mopping the floor from his misguided piss, Bo grabbed a ruler and laid it out across his cock - 9.5 inches... soft. Shakily he left the end of the ruler at the base and measured up to his small pin sized mole on his abs. ... .... ....Fifteen inches. His cock was fifteen inches long when erect. "I.... I.... can't have that... I'm a twink! I'm a bottom! I'm supposed to be small, everywhere, and take in the ass like a man! I can't out schlong my lovers!" Bo looked down on the floor where some magazines were and saw one cover that showed off horse hung twinks.... "No.... I can.....I'm ok....yeah.... I can still be a twink.....I just don't use it forcefully. I let my men marvel at it. How small of frame I am and yet how my dad must have been a horse. I can still get men... I can still get it all the time...yeah.... I am still a twink... yes......yes.....yes?" Crawling into the shower, turning it on full blast, Bo sat in the steam and cried.
  16. The Geek Squad Owen is a Technical Service Specialist for a big time financial company. He is known to work out regularly and has a very respectable body in comparison to his coworkers. His neighbor in the department, Merrill, is the cutest guy he has ever laid eyes on. While he is svelte, he has an adorable face and wears wire thin glasses. He always wants to talk to Owen, but always turns the other way when he notices him looking back in his direction. Besides his neighbor, he works with six other men on a team that is in charge of the computers in the company. Most of them are also thin, but in his mind, he envisions them being so much greater than that. During one of their slow periods of a work day, Owen sits and daydreams about them becoming more than just brainiacs. As he comes back to reality, he turns around in his chair and is met by a hulking figure standing in the doorway of his cubicle. Without a second thought, it places its massive hand on his head and it makes him lightheaded. It smiles at Owen’s reaction and vanishes instantly. His imagination seems to be getting the best of him, but his fantasies could become reality as he peeks over the side towards Merrill. He is not part of the wish since he is already known as the buff geek but rather his coworkers are. It is implanted in his mind as to what will happen next with them. Merrill appears to be working on some new program that was installed recently and is organizing a tutorial to present to the entire team including Owen. He is wearing a long sleeved dress shirt and loose khakis. He doesn’t even know that he is being watched since the buff geek is trying to stay hidden. Owen turns back around to slide down the cubicle wall slowly while imagining his crush growing unable to stop the transformation. It doesn’t take too long before he hears a slight moan coming from the desk. He peers over the wall again to watch and see if something happens. ‘Uhh….damnit why do I feel so sick all of a sudden. I need to get these words…..shit damn brain can’t concentrate…..what the…..*stretch*’ Merrill can hear something in his back pop which scares him. He can feel vibrations coming from his arms as he trembles slightly. He puts his hands on the desk to brace himself. ‘AHHH *pop* DAMNIT…..what is happening to me….I (voice deepens) I can’t do this right now *pop* *stretch*’ Owen moans as he sees the cute man’s back growing wider and stretching his shirt until it busts the sides revealing huge lats and delts. His leather shoes explode as his feet break free and his pants start to split. Merrill moans now as his apprehension turns to complete lust rubbing his meaty pecs as they shred his shirt. He flexes his growing arms as they completely rip the sleeves in half. His wish is coming true as Owen unzips his pants to jerk off on to the cubicle wall. He is stunned when Merrill puts his fist through it and grabs his cock to shove it in his mouth. ‘OH YEAH BABY, YOU TASTE GOOD. I WANT IT.’ He sucks vigorously making Owen yell as he gets close. The sounds draw the other four members of the team out from their areas to see what is going on. Now with an audience, Merrill pulls Owen’s cock out of his mouth and jerks him until he sprays his face. The other four, Karl, Casey, Van, and Ivan watch in shock as this happens. Once Merrill finishes draining Owen, he turns to smile at them. He points at them and says that he needs them to learn a new program he is working on. He turns and accidentally knocks the computer monitor off his desk. ‘AW FUCK, WELL I GUESS I WILL HAVE TO SHOW YOU SOMETHING ELSE.’ He rips his pants off and exposes his huge cock to them. Owen is still in his cubicle as he looks around the main area of his spot into the main floor to see what transpires next. The guys panic and start to run the other way. When they get to the elevator on that floor, it doesn’t work. They freeze as the huge muscular man taunts them. ‘Where is Owen? I need your assistance with something buddy. You fed me muscle, now you need to feed them.’ Owen crawls around the corner and looks slightly embarrassed. He stands with a noticeable hardon again which gets Merrill’s attention. ‘Mmmmm, I see you are enjoying the situation my good friend. Why don’t you start with our German coworkers?’ Merrill points at Karl and Ivan and tells them to sit in front of the elevator. Owen lowers his head and takes a few seconds before raising it again to look at them. Karl is now starting to shake as Ivan begins sweating profusely. The two men are basically wearing the same clothes, black shirt and gray pants. Casey and Van try to move away from them, but Merrill makes them stay in their spots. The two nerdy Germans begin rubbing their chests as they feel themselves starting to vibrate. They moan just slightly and start to speak their native language as they feel their bodies starting to swell. Owen’s eyes immediately light up as he sees them growing bigger. Within about a minute, their muscles rip out of their clothes as the two men turn to rub each other. Merrill laughs as he notices the other two IT members trying to find another way out of the office. Casey tries to split from Van, but Merrill yells at them to give it up because they are next. Casey wears glasses similar to Owen’s, but he wears them for fashion only. When he tries to escape through another room outside, he is stopped by Merrill who throws him back into the main floor. ‘Just where do you think you’re going little man? I bet that Owen has big plans for you.’ He turns to Owen to make him do something. The buff geek smirks as he stares at Casey. He hears him wince in pain immediately as he feels himself being stretched. His outfit gets shorter on him as he gets taller. Massive popping sounds are heard as his body explodes in growth making him forget why he resisted in the first place. Merrill is so enticed by Casey’s transformation that he completely forgets about Van who is still trying to find his way off the floor. Owen locates him and walks towards him. Van grabs a knife on one of the tables and shows it to him. ‘Stay away from me man, you are some evil creature or something turning us into monsters. I am perfectly happy being a skinny black man. We were once close, why would you want to be this way towards me.’ Owen admits that maybe this went too far, but that he only wants to make Van more attractive. This is a tough one for him since Van is his closest friend in the department. What will Owen do with Van? The sequel is here for you to enjoy: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6035-fixing-what-isnt-broken-the-geek-squad-part-2-muscle-genie/ The Virgin Awakens Wilson is an average looking man with a small gut. He has been a wallflower on various muscle sites for years but only recently decided to go out and start interacting with his community. He feels as if he is insignificant compared to other guys he has met and really wishes he would get over this hurdle. There is a section on the social media site he belongs to that is aimed at meeting guys in the same predicament, but he is reluctant to join it. One of his muscle buddies on his Messenger list manages to get him to join just to try it out. He decides to take the plunge and joins. Within the same hour, he has at least three guys wanting to meet him at a local restaurant down the street. He is shocked by this because he had no idea there were guys like him so close. Wilson sets up a blind date with one in particular and goes down to the restaurant that evening to meet him. When he gets there, he tells the host that he is there to see Aaron, his date. The host points him in the direction of where the guy is sitting at. While Aaron isn't extremely tall, he is extremely big with mammoth shoulders, hulking biceps, and a set of pecs to die for. He has a blonde beard and is wearing a nice outfit which leaves nothing to the imagination. Wilson walks up to the table but not before the sexy stud stands and smiles at him. He shakes Wilson’s hand as the smaller man starts to tremble. As he flexes his arms, he wants his admirer to rub his forearms and move his way up to his biceps. He is completely shocked by the power in Aaron’s body. After talking for a while getting to know each other, they both eat their meals and leave the restaurant. Wilson admits to him that he is not comfortable with him yet because he has never spent time with another man before. Aaron places his arm around him and leads him into a bar to get a drink or two. He stays with Wilson the whole time they are there as he looks at him sitting on a stool beside him and smiles. The smaller guy forces a smile that prompts Aaron to kiss him. His kiss makes Wilson automatically wrap his arms around him and not let go. He is completely caught up in his body and charm. Aaron says he wants to leave and take him somewhere else and Wilson agrees. He can't believe that a guy like this would want to be around him but continues to go along with it. He proceeds to go into a hotel as Wilson stops him. He knows what he wants to do and wants to stop it from happening. He gets frustrated with him really quickly and just walks off. The smaller guy can't understand why Aaron would want to do this so quickly and walks his way back to his house. While sitting at his computer pondering what happened earlier, a strange looking figure appears on his computer screen in a box that looks like a webcam feed. It directs his eyes to its own and he is hypnotized. After a few seconds, the figure disappears and the box is gone. He is puzzled as to what just happened. He does feel a sense of calm though compared to earlier in the day. Wilson then notices that Aaron is on Messenger and tries to talk to him. He attempts to ignore Wilson, but he is persistent and apologizes to him. He tells him that he wants to meet with him again, but the big stud is not pleased with the way he made him feel. He says he has to find some other guy to get off on because of what he did. He feels horrible for this, but he does like him a lot and wants to try again. Aaron admits that he likes him too and will meet with him again. It is the following weekend and the two of them go on another date. Aaron purposefully gets all pumped up from the gym just to make Wilson feel bad for standing him up the way he did. He makes him rub his arms again like before and this time lifts him up to kiss him inside the restaurant. The reaction this time is a little different as Wilson presses his body into his stronger date. He feels his chest pushing its way outward. Aaron rubs his back as he feels the muscles expanding and pushing wider. He growls as Wilson’s clothes get tighter as his cock pressing against his. Both men lose track of where they are at as the sex commences between them. He rips his growing date’s pants off and starts to finger his hole making him squeal in delight. Wilson’s shyness with Aaron is gone as he begins humping his crotch. The blonde stud unzips his pants as his big cock slowly slithers its way up the growing virgin’s bum. Since he hasn't been fucked before his hole slowly stretches. The feeling intensifies his growth as his chest shreds his shirt in half making the Aaron yell in absolute lust. He is completely intoxicated with Wilson’s scent as well as the sight of seeing him becoming a huge hulk. The horny man manages to push himself all the way in and starts to thrust wildly with anticipation of what happens next to his growing date. Wilson throws the tatters of his shirt away from both of them and starts to feel himself expanding on top of the hot blonde muscleman. His ass begins to lift him up in the air as it grows making Aaron rearrange his position as Wilson’s hole widens making it easier for him to fuck his hole. Wilson starts to flex his arms and notices how vascular they are getting. The small veins that were there before are now growing under his skin as his forearms stretch to make room for more muscle. He can hear all of his muscles popping and expanding growing wider. The two studs are moaning and growling since it feels so amazing. Aaron has already cum in Wilson twice and it is making him really crazy. His biceps are exploding in growth as his decent sized veins strewn across his biceps now push furiously against his skin and grow to the size of small garden hoses. His biceps are bigger than softballs now as his triceps expand as big as horseshoes. The blonde stud wants to see more growth occurring as he cums in him again. Wilson’s decent pecs now stretch the skin and push even further away from the front of his body as his nipples hang down. His abs pop their way into ten separators and grow as big as floor tiles. He feels his lats spreading their way out of his back, straining for life. Wilson’s back begins to make cracking noises as his spine reconfigures itself to accommodate more size. He moans wildly as more muscles appear on his expanding back. Aaron cums in him yet again which leads to more growth moving down into his legs. He feels his quads being pushed outward as the blonde stud sees his legs spreading. His cock that was bouncing before is beginning to tighten up and points up at the ceiling. The muscleman watches as Wilson’s balls expand and his cock gets thicker. Wilson’s feels it starting to ooze thick precum honey onto his body. His quads start popping as he sees more muscle growing on top of the muscle he already had. His calves balloon to twice their size and his feet destroy the shoes and socks he is wearing. He screams in delight as his cock sprays solid white cum onto Aaron’s face. He grabs Wilson’s cock and squeezes it hard to make him shoot another jet into his face as he laps it up. The virgin’s transformation is now complete as he appears completely different than before. The small innocent shy man that entered that restaurant that evening is now no more. With Aaron taking in his seed, Wilson hopes that the same thing will happen to him too. He looks tiny compared to his new size, but you can't help but to be attracted to him. He slides off his cock and sticks his into Aaron’s mouth to have him lick and swallow what is left on it. Aaron swallows the sticky honey inside his throat and shivers with excitement as it tastes better than anything he has ever drank in his life. ‘Mmmm Wil, I feel so good. Your juices are really awakening my senses all of a sudden.’ The huge behemoth moves back a little as the two men lie on the ground where their table used to be. Aaron seems to be slightly intoxicated by something as he tries to stand up only to fall over like he is drunk. His pumped muscles are now starting to pulsate as they slowly start to expand larger than their current size. ‘OHHH…..FUCK…..YEAHHHHH!!!!! (voice begins to echo)’ He reaches down to rip his shirt and jacket off as he upper body muscles start to explode in growth. Many patrons in the restaurant are running out the doors as they see this transformation take place. Wilson laughs as he witnesses his date’s changes. ‘I NEED MORE WIL! GIVE ME MORE!’ Despite being slightly alarmed, Wilson allows Aaron to rapidly jack him as he feels himself getting close to bursting again. Aaron moves his gargantuan chest in position to absorb the spunk. Wilson growls as his sperm fountain completely coats his growing date. The massive blonde big man roars in excitement as his lower body blasts through his pants and underwear exposing everything. ‘MMMMM OHHH FUCK GROW! MAKE ME A GAWD! WIL I WANT YOU SO FUCKING BAD MAN!’ He reaches down and picks Wilson up in his arms as he buries his mouth in his. He eventually soars past 400 pounds now dwarfing his 300 pound date. His 6’1 height is now beyond 8’. Most of the restaurant is empty now as they both expect the authorities to show up at any second. Aaron’s gargantuan legs and feet easily crush the wood beneath them as the floor starts to crack. He stops when he gets to the front doors and notices a bar to the side of him. With Wilson in his left arm, he walks over and bashes the bar with his right arm. They both laugh and kiss before walking out the front of the restaurant. Once they are clear of the property, the police rush in to survey the damage.
  17. First Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1131-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-one/ Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2107-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-nine/ CHAPTER TEN After the inevitable cum torrent that followed my feeding at Terry’s building, I reconnected the wiring so that the tenants would have service while waiting for everything to be properly repaired. Back in his office, Terry measured my height and weight and found that I was three inches taller – now six foot six – and weighed 877 pounds. Matt formally measured my cock at eighteen inches in length and over a foot around at the base. I spent the evening worshipping my massive tool, sucking down my cum with each frequent eruption and reveling in my hyper-muscular magnificence. Terry, Matt and Hank watched me, completely transfixed, and beat their meat until they were too raw and sore to continue. We finally left Terry to check on the samples that he hadn’t sent out for analysis and close up his office for the night. Hank drove us back to my place and returned the van. Matt showered and immediately collapsed on the bed and was asleep even before Hank arrived. Hank was too tired to clean up and fell asleep with his arm around Matt. I was relieved that they liked each other, as I couldn’t imagine living without either one of them now. I was wide-awake, still over-stimulated from my recent energy consumption and the resulting growth. I yearned for someone to fuck, yet I still had my incredibly powerful hands, and I looked down at the gigantic, fur covered mounds of my pecs and seized the base of my immense fuck rod. One foot around. I applied as much pressure as I could to my cock, watched in awe as the thick cords of muscle in my pecs exploded into full, shredded relief and after wrapping my lips around my cum slit, stroked upward toward the engorged head. * * * I was staring at my reflection in the mirror, stroking the full length of my eighteen-inch cock when Carlos’ powerful voice projected down from upstairs, “Jamal?” “Down here,” I called out. The gym had closed an hour earlier but I wanted to see my 877-pound body and foot and a half long cock in an adequately sized mirror. My cock was fucking massive. I was fucking massive. Yet I didn’t look like I weighed almost 900 pounds. My muscle, my body, was so dense that my appearance was more like that of a human bodybuilder of my height that weighed around 500 pounds, completely ripped – which was still fucking massive. He jogged down the staircase, shaking it with each step. He saw me and fell silent for a long time. “Fuck me,” he finally said. It’s a good thing Carlos is so big, I thought as my fat, throbbing cock slid into his tight, burning ass. Otherwise my huge fuck tool would have never been able to fit. With some regret, I realized that this would probably be the last time I would fuck anyone. My cock, like my muscle, will just get bigger and bigger every time I feed... Sweat was pouring from his head and tears from his eyes as I effortlessly slid him up and down my long pole. He was obviously in considerable pain, but this did not matter. My pre-cum would soon blunt his pain receptors. Several minutes later, his eyes focused on mine. My cum had worked its magic. “You can’t imagine how good you feel inside me.” But I did know. If having my cock rammed up his ass felt half as good to him as it did to me, he must be in heaven. Once I felt he was ready, I began bouncing him on my cock. “Grab my nipples and hold on,” I ordered. He obeyed and squeezed them as hard as he could, which sent an electric jolt directly to my huge fuck rod. I let go of his hips and stopped thrusting. Using only the strength of my powerful cock, I lifted him up until his pecs were in my face and he slid all the way down my eighteen-inch shaft. Then I lowered him down about a foot, flexed my cock and threw him upward. He quickly rose up, his shredded abs in my face, only the fat head of my throbbing tool still in his ass, and let gravity pull him back down my shaft. Our eyes remained locked as I threw him upward with my cock again, and again, and again. “Oh my god,” he said under his breath. “Yes, I am your god,” I said as I lifted my colossal arms into a double biceps pose, which made his mouth fall open and cum shoot onto the black hair covering my massive pecs. He reached forward with trembling hands, feeling my immense deltoids, biceps and traps, his jaw still hanging in awe. The 380-pound bodybuilder rode my cock for hours, his own dick rock hard as I demonstrated my power for him. I lost track of time, my mind clouded with lust. Carlos wasn’t just another bodybuilder. He was the most muscular, masculine man I had ever seen. Even as the power exchange continued, even as I admired and praised his godlike body, I knew I owned his soul. My cock belonged rammed deep within him, filling his gut with my pre-cum, stretching him out as no one else could. I had always derived great pleasure from the satisfaction I brought to others by penetrating them and once again felt an overwhelming desire to fuck everyone. I wanted to make everyone feel safe and secure. I wanted to feel everyone’s ass around my fantastically thick bull-cock, to fuck everyone simultaneously, to make them feel the power of my dominance and strength, to satisfy them as only I could. Carlos buried his face in the fur of the six-inch deep cleavage between my gigantic, rolling pecs and wept with joy, reiterating his undying love and desire to worship me forever. I came. Cum erupted from my cock and shot back out of his ass like a rocket igniting. The pressure lifted him off my volcanic dick and he slid down the topside, now straddling it. I held him as cum continued to explode from my fire hose of a cock, hitting the ceiling and knocking a few of the insulating panels to the floor. Finally the cum torrent diminished and I returned Carlos to the spunk drenched weight room floor. He immediately fell to his knees and knelt before me, his cum enema pouring out onto the rubber tiles. “Please,” he said in a small, submissive voice. “Yes.” I knew what he wanted. “Please lemme serve you.” The desperation in his voice compelled me to comfort him and I reached down to gently rub the back of his neck. “Yes,” I said. “I need to worship you.” “I know,” I said before cum exploded from my pounding cock with such force that I was hurled against the mirrors at the back of the room, which shattered as the brick wall collapsed around me... I was laying face down. I opened my eyes and could see nothing. Pushing myself up, I realized that I was on the remains of my bed, which were strewn across the floor. The mattress had been torn to pieces. I climbed to my feet and looked down at the gaping hole my cock had punched through the floor and into the apartment below. “Oh, fuck,” I said as I wondered if I needed to sleep inside a steel vault. “Yeah, you were sleep fuckin’ again.” I heard Hank say. I frowned. I was certain it hadn’t been a dream. It seemed so real, yet here I was in my apartment, and Carlos remained in the hospital. The sound of an approaching siren filled the air. I looked to my left and saw him sitting in my chair. “That would be the ambulance,” he said. “Matt thinks your downstairs neighbor had a heart attack.” I closed my eyes and sighed. “Mrs. O’Leary?” “Yeah.” “Is Matt with her?” “Yeah.” Mrs. O’Leary had been widowed shortly before I moved into the building. Her husband, a retired police officer, had been shot and killed with his own gun by the previous tenant of my unit, a meth addict who had been in the process of burglarizing their apartment when they returned home. My relationship with her was strained at first. She later told me that I scared her because I was “dark and swarthy like that hoodlum.” After a year or so, she realized that my complexion was the only thing I had in common with him and that I was a “quiet and respectful” young man. I did make an effort to be nice to her. I believed it was important to have a good relationship with my neighbors, but mostly I felt sorry for her and somehow bad that I was living above her, just as had her husband’s killer. I wanted her to know that she could trust me and eventually, she did. I helped her fix things in her apartment, took out her “rubbish,” as she called it, and listened to her when she was lonely. Now I had punched a hole in her ceiling with my cock, flooded her apartment with several gallons of cum and given her a heart attack. “I have to move outta here,” I said. He nodded. “Yeah, I think so too. I’ve been thinking about it. You can come stay wit me until you get too big.” “Too big for your loft? I don’t want that to happen.” He shrugged his huge shoulders. “But if it does, you can move into Grand Central. Who’s gonna stop you?” * * * The paramedics took Mrs. O’Leary to the hospital, where she was in stable condition. Matt said that she should be fine. He moved his luggage to my place and spent the day cleaning her apartment while I replaced the sheetrock in her ceiling and painted. The repairs to my floor could wait. I just wanted her to return and find her home as it was before I sleep-fucked the floor. Hank’s visit with Carlos the day before had gone well. The supersized Puerto Rican had been taken to surgery immediately but was already on the mend. Hank reported that Carlos was obsessing about me and had even dreamed of me. He didn’t say if Carlos had shared details about his dream with him and I didn’t ask. Hank returned to his normal routine of training and eating, at least for the day, and posed for a photo shoot for his oldest sponsor. He had been with them since our first date... “You certainly live up to your rep,” Hank said. We lay side by side on my bed, drenched with sweat. The sheets were soaked. I would be making an unscheduled trip to the laundromat. I laughed and turned my head to kiss him. His copper hair glowed in the warm light of the setting sun. “You’re so hot you make it easy,” I said as I pulled the condom from my dick and tossed it aside. It was a cheesy comment, but true. “I haven’t been so turned on by someone since ... I can’t even remember.” My breathing was still heavy; my heart was still pounding. Of course, I had done most of the work. And it wasn’t easy holding his massive legs in the air. “It was worth the wait,” he said. Over two months had passed by the time Hank was able to track me down. He didn’t realize until he was clear of the thickest dust that he had lost me after the collapse of the South Tower. Once it was obvious that he wouldn’t be able to find me, he walked home and spent the next month trying to get in touch with our mutual friend to get my last name. That didn’t help him much, however, as I was unlisted. It wasn’t until he found out that I had been discharged from Bellevue that he was able to get my number through a friend of his that worked there. I was grateful and flattered that he had gone through so much effort. “What’s on tap for tomorrow?” I asked, hopeful that he would spend the night. “I signed a contract with my first sponsor!” he said, suddenly excited. “The first photo shoot is tomorrow.” The doorbell rang. I ignored it. “Who? Can you tell me?” “Myostate Nutrition,” he said. “And no, I haven’t tried their stuff.” He shrugged. I knew of them though. “Oh yeah. I use their protein powder. I like to mix the chocolate and vanilla together.” I had gone through several tubs of it in the past month as I tried to regain my weight. The doorbell rang again. “Expectin’ someone?” he asked. I shook my head. “Anyway, most brands are pretty much the same,” he said. “I’ve never noticed –” The doorbell rang twice. “Fuck,” I said. “Okay, okay, I’m on my way.” I pulled on my gym shorts, opened the door and looked back at my date, smiling. “Don’t go anywhere!” I jogged down the five flights of stairs, annoyed but feeling happy for the first time since learning of Karen’s death. As I walked across the entryway, I could see a man in a wrinkled suit through the ironwork that protected the glass door. I took him for a salesman and briefly considered turning around and returning upstairs, but something compelled me to open the door. “Jamal Al-Bakri?” he asked. “Yeah.” He handed me a large envelope. “I was hired to serve you with this court summons. Good evening.” He nodded curtly and left. Stunned and confused, I stood frozen for a moment as the door swung shut. I tore the envelope open and pulled out the document. I had been named as the defendant in a civil lawsuit. “WHAT THE FUCK!?!” I stormed up the staircase in a fog and slammed my door. “You know the woman I told you about?” I began without preamble. “The one I tried to help? Her parents are suing me for wrongful death!” I threw the envelope on the bed. “What the fuck? How is this even legal? I tried to help her and they are suing me?” I collapsed into my chair and leaned forward until my head was between my legs. “I can’t even afford an attorney. What do they think they can get out of me?” “Someone to blame?” “They can blame a bunch of Saudi terrorists!” I felt completely helpless. The saying was true. No good deed goes unpunished. I had narrowly survived death only to be held responsible for the death of the very person that I was trying to protect. Apparently, feeling as if I had failed her miserably wasn’t punishment enough. I was still in Hell after all. “You mind if I look?” he asked. “No.” I heard the rustling of papers and then nothing for several seconds. “Shit,” he finally said. “What?” “Karen Davis.” I sat up and looked at him. His face was white. “You knew her?” “My ex is a defense attorney,” Hank said quietly. “He lives for this sort of shit. Lemme talk to him.” I scowled. “Who was she, Hank?” I demanded. His breathing became labored and he looked away. “She was my cousin. The one I was gonna meet.” Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3376-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-eleven/
  18. The Big Promotion Henry is quite prominent in real estate and has sold quite a few properties since he started in the industry. He is quite well-known for being one of the top performers also. He has co-listed with other agencies, but the profit margins are so thin that he doesn't do that anymore. He has often worked with cute guys, but they don't appeal to him that much because he is into the more muscular ones. Every once in a while his boss Marc shows up at the agency and wants to know how things are progressing. He really likes his boss a lot, but has been told by other employees that he is straight with kids. Marc tries to keep his distance at times, but has a tendency to put his hands on Henry’s shoulders when he talks to him. His boss wears incredibly nice clothes and depending on the time of year, will wear suits, snazzy shirts, well-kempt trousers, and really great vests and jackets. Henry really loves everything about him. He has a nicely groomed face with a trimmed beard, beautiful brown eyes, and white teeth. He has even shaved his head before when it gets too hot. Perhaps the one thing he notices the most about his boss is that the clothes he wears are always too small for him. His suits always look like they are about to rip completely off of him because they hug his huge muscles so much. He works out quite a bit of course which is one reason why he doesn't see him that much. He runs a gym down the road in addition to the agency where he has a tendency to stay at quite a bit. One day while Henry is at one of his open houses, Marc comes by to observe. He makes unannounced visits just to see if his agents are doing their jobs accordingly. It is an unbelievably hot day too. Henry works out regularly too as his boss is quite aware of. He happens to wear a tight shirt that particular day and it makes his pecs look pretty dang good. Marc makes a comment about his chest and he gets slightly embarrassed. He reassures him that it was just an observation and not to worry about it. His boss is wearing a jacket, but he has to take it off because it is getting wet from the sweat that is starting to appear. The shirt he is wearing is already entirely soaked and his massive chest is showing as clear as day through it. Henry tries to keep your eyes on the patrons to avoid looking at Marc. When the open house ends, his boss hangs around and starts chatting with him. He was grading him the whole time on his presentation and is quite pleased with his delivery. Over his shoulder during the conversation, Henry notices a hulking figure walking through the property. His boss never sees it despite the fact that he did. In fact, Marc has lost track of where he is. He goes looking for Henry elsewhere on the property. Eventually, Henry catches up to the figure where it stops and shows him its hand. It motions for him to open his hand up and close his eyes. When he does, the figure places its hand on top of his and they both meld together. It creates a reaction that he has never felt before. Once the meld is complete, the figure vanishes and Marc suddenly appears around the corner. ‘Well there you are Henry I wondered what happened to you.’ ‘I thought I saw someone…..nevermind I guess it was my imagination.’ ‘I have to tell you Henry that you have impressed me over the last year. You could be going places in this industry.’ ‘Thank you Mr. King, I appreciate your vote of confidence.’ ‘Can you hold on for a minute man, I need to stretch my back I think.’ *stretching sound* With his back now turned to him, Henry can see Marc’s deltoids contracting as they appear to be getting wider. *fabric stretches* *groan* ‘Damn, I swear I need to cut down on those dips. My little lady won’t be pleased to see me looking so fatigued.’ ‘Ummm….Mr. King, your shirt seems to be getting tighter on you.’ ‘What is that Henry? Ohh, what the hell? I don’t ever remember getting this pumped before?’ *low grunt* *rip* Marc’s lats rip open the sides of his shirt and come into view. Henry moans lightly as he sees this. His boss slowly looks down at the front of his shirt and makes another groaning sound. ‘Goddamnit, I can’t believe I am ruining this shirt.’ *pop* *pop* *pop* ‘Ahhh fuck, my damn pecs are so swollen.’ *shred* Marc’s back splits his shirt as more sounds are being heard now. Henry can’t speak as he sees his boss actually growing bigger. *growl* ‘Ahh damn, I feel so damn good though.’ *RIP* His shirt is ripped clean off exposing granite slabs of muscle on his back. He turns to Henry and rubs his massive pecs as they drip with sweat. ‘I don’t know what has come over me man, but I like the feeling.’ *stretch* *fabric tightens* Marc’s dress pants are now stretched to their limits as he grabs both legs. *pop* *pop* ‘Ahh that feels so much better.’ His seams along his quads bust out relieving the stress on his expanding tree trunks. *BOOM* ‘Shit, what the fuck?’ His growing ass splits the back end making way for more size. Henry is mesmerized by the sight he is seeing. *growl* *pop* *pop* The rest of the seams on Marc’s pants bust and his pants fall to the ground revealing a massive display of power in his lower half. He is wearing a tight speedo which leaves nothing to the imagination as his thick rod rages in it. Henry licks his lips as he sees it throbbing. ‘Ohh fuck, it hurts but I can’t help but to like it. Henry I need you to come over here and do something for me. I can promise you a promotion if you can get me off man.’ Henry rushes over to get on his knees as the towering man in front of him tears off his speedo. Henry watches as it flops in front of his face. He opens his mouth to feel a jolt of precum hit his teeth. He licks it up and swallows tasting its salty goodness. He then gulps down the huge rod as Marc growls flexing his muscles and rubbing his chest. Henry is so eager for his load that he speeds up the tempo. This makes his boss moan really loud as his load quickly moves up into his shaft. ‘You are my number one agent Henry. MMMMM FUCK THAT FEELS SO GOOD! YEAH, EAT MY CUM MAN!’ Marc’s huge load shoots straight into Henry’s throat as he guzzles down every drop. He gets a strange but warm feeling deep down inside him. Marc smiles as he stares down at him seemingly knowing what is about to happen. The Family Business Colin is a small business owner that works long hours nearly every day. He hasn’t had the time to get to the gym very much either since it is a family business. One of the people that he hired recently from the family is his younger brother Evan, who just graduated from college. He has a very reasonable body, but has developed a beer gut from all of those parties he attended. He has had a lot of issues with him because of his tardiness and lack of caring about even working. Colin has really gotten tired of it lately and is starting to think about letting him go. On one day in particular, he receives a phone call on his business line and a very masculine voice is on the other end. The man asks if his brother is there and that he needs to see him in person. He tells the man that he is, but he needs to get his act together soon or he will be out the door. The man laughs and says he knows what he is talking about. After a few hours, he happens to see a gorgeous black behemoth walk in. He spots Evan and goes over to talk to him. Colin quickly realizes that he is the voice from the phone as he listens to them and quickly notes that he is dating his brother. He watches as this black beauty puts his brother into a headlock and makes him whine. He can’t help but to laugh since Evan truly deserves it. It is also quite obvious that his brother is a slave to muscle as this guy has complete control over him. The man comes up to the counter and asks if Evan can get off early because they need to go to a show. He wonders what show he is talking about as the man flexes his enormous biceps to say, ‘this type of show’. Colin laughs and says yeah he doesn’t see a problem, but to make sure that he gets back into the store tomorrow. The man assures him that will happen as he waddles out of the store with his brother in tow. He can't help but to envy his brother for finding such a fine specimen of man. The next day, Evan comes walking in slowly as he is asked why he is there early because it is unusual. He says that his boyfriend, Duke, fucked him so hard last night after the show that he can't feel anything back there. ‘He said that I needed to get here on time or it will happen again.’ Colin laughs, but at the same time, feels a little sorry for him, even though he deserves it. Duke comes in later on and spots his brother putting stuff up in the back. He hears them arguing and goes to check. He can't help himself but to stare at the boyfriend's incredibly vascular body with all its huge bumps and hard angles. He knows that Colin is looking at him and bounces his pecs as he is talking to Evan. The store owner turns away to go back to his work area. As Colin goes back to stand, he hears someone coming from behind him. He is unable to turn around and is shocked to see a strangely shaped hand go underneath his arm and into his pants. He can't say a word as it moves further down inside past his cock and balls. He can feel the hand becoming a fist now as it penetrates his ass. The feeling is excruciating, but at the same time, he feels himself getting warmer. It continues to fist him until he cums in his pants. Afterwards, it removes the hand and disappears. He looks down and sees that the cum has disappeared. Still in his work area, he notices someone else coming up behind him. It is Duke pushing himself up against him and rubbing his huge muscles on his back. Colin can feel his cock beginning to press up against his ass and he gets excited. His cock is starting to lengthen as he hears a ripping sound coming from his crotch. His cock and balls are destroying his underwear and are starting to rip through his pants. The big black brute begins to grind against his ass as he feels it expanding. Colin’s pant seams are now splitting apart as his quads flare outwards. Duke is so mesmerized now he unzips his pants and starts to fuck Colin as his ass continues to expand. His lower body is so much bigger than his upper body as the growth cycle moves up. Duke thrusts harder inside him as he watches the back muscles expand and stretch. He rips his shirt off to watch Colin’s muscles form huge ridges and massive valleys. He starts licking him and whispers nasty things in his ear. ‘Mother fucker, I want you to blow the hell up. Make me cum hard stud. I want your ass more than anything.’ Colin can't help but to start leaking precum as he tells him this. Evan is off in the background watching the whole sequence happening. He is mortified that it is his brother getting fucked and not him; however though, he secretly always wanted to see his boyfriend fuck another man. ‘MMMMM, yeah I know you love this. Make this black god worship you.’ Colin moans as his arms begin to fill out stretching the skin to its limits. Duke hears the sounds and growls as he punches them. He feels himself getting close to the edge and stops fucking him. His growing bottom is now starting to look much thicker as his chest pushes itself outward and his neck and head thicken to nearly twice their size. Colin is no longer the same man as he boasts in his incredibly deep voice. ‘FUCK ME BLACK GOD! YOU WILL PUMP ME FULL OF THAT HOT SAUCE OR I WILL HURT YOU!’ ‘What the fuck? What has happened to you man? I…..’ The much bigger Colin plunges Duke’s cock deep inside him and starts thrusting making him scream in pain. Evan sees this and tries to help, but is no match for his mutant brother as he falls and hits his head. Duke is unable to hold back anymore and shoots his load inside the crazed musclehead. He laughs as he forces the black man to wait and dump his entire seed inside him. When he finishes, Duke falls over beside Evan’s unconscious body completely spent. The raging behemoth turns to look at them and starts flexing his muscles making them start to react again. What happens next is not going to be appreciated.
  19. Behind the Counter Bennett is a loyal patron of the local coffeehouse. He enjoys the casual atmosphere because the neighborhood is so peaceful and it is located really close to his job. The one thing he likes the most about it though are the baristas behind the counter. The guys are ruggedly handsome and extremely friendly. They always seem to be in a good mood when he walks into the shop. There is normally about four of them during the morning shift and two during the evening hours. He always goes in during both times of the day and all six of them are great to look at. Most have obviously worked out before, but are different shapes and sizes. He has a boyfriend at home and does care about him a lot, but both have had a hard time lately seeing eye to eye. When Bennett goes to this coffeehouse, he is put at ease by the guys that work there with their charm and great conversation. He sometimes fantasizes about them being behind the counter and suddenly growing massive with their clothes straining to be relieved. One evening in particular, while he was just minding his own business in the coffeehouse, a hulking figure sits down with him in the booth and starts writing something on a napkin. It slides it over to him and when he looks up, it is gone. The writing on the napkin tells him to order a coffee concoction that they have never served before and that they must drink all of it. (The six baristas on both shifts) He is mystified by this strange request, but is also compelled. Since it is on the evening shift, he knows it is about the two guys, Sonny and Lewis. He orders the ingredients as they both stare at him in bewilderment. After he pays one of them, he tells both of them to go ahead and drink it. They look at him with a puzzled look, but they like him a lot so they guzzle it down sharing it back and forth. Both of them look like they are going to pass out as they sit down for about a minute or two. As they both get up they appear to be fine afterwards. Bennett is convinced now that whatever was on that napkin was a ruse cooked up by perhaps a coworker or something. He turns to leave the coffeehouse until he hears the bigger barista of the two Lewis make a strange noise. ‘Uhhh *stretch* what is happening…..(voice deepens)…..to me….*rip*’ Bennett turns to see the beefy man’s back busting its way through his uniform. His muscles glistening as he gets wider. Sonny looks in awe at what is transpiring to his coworker that is until he grabs his stomach and doubles over in pain. ‘Ahhh damn, my stomach…..what the…..(voice deepens)….OHH SHIT…..*stretch*’ Bennett looks over the counter and sees the skinny man filling out and stretching the material on his uniform. His arms swelling into huge cannons as his face changes to look more chiseled. His cute features are now more defined. His bright green eyes along with his pale skin bring out his Irish ancestry moreso than before. He smiles up at Bennett as pushes his chest out to make the fabric split and his dark furry pecs more visible. ‘Mmmmm Bennett, you like what you see? Why don’t you come behind the counter so I can help you with your order.’ Meanwhile the growing Lewis is groaning louder than before as he gets taller and his shoes disintegrate under his massive size. His 220 pound frame has increased to nearly 300 now as his thick beefy muscles shine. He turns around and pulls the tattered fabric off of him. His underwear hangs on by just a few threads as his huge prick stands on end. ‘GET OVER HERE DUDE AND SERVICE ME! IT’S MY TURN TO BE WAITED ON!’ Knowing that he may be in some trouble, Bennett tries to leave the coffeehouse, but is stopped by both men. Lewis grabs his legs and pulls him down on to the floor. Sonny rips his uniform off now and plugs his cock into Bennett’s mouth. Despite his efforts to break free, he gulps down the Irishman’s member and starts sucking. Lewis works his hole over as he teases it with his 13-inch rod. ‘*lick* YEAH DUDE, YOU SMELL FRESH…..*lick*. YOU WON’T FORGET MY ORDER.’ He puts his cockhead into Bennett’s hole which makes him squirm and laughs as it tickles. He pulls it out just long enough to drizzle a long strand of precum on to the entrance of his hole. ‘I KNOW YOU WANT THIS DUDE! THIS WON’T HURT YOU A BIT!’ Lewis slowly pushes his way back in this time spreading Bennett open. His hole responds as it swallows his cock. He moans as he keeps sucking Sonny feeling the huge beefy stud twisting and hurdling his way further in. The Irishman pulls out of Bennett’s mouth to start jerking. He starts moaning louder as he begins to sway. ‘Mmmmm Bennett I have something you might want, but you will have to be willing to drink a lot more than you are used to.’ Sonny yells as he shoots huge ropes of cum on to Bennett’s face and body coating him. At the same time, he feels Lewis’s flood cascading inside him making him lose his inhibitions. He spurts a huge amount of cum himself onto the floor as it rolls. Knowing that he has both loads inside him, he panics and attempts to break free again. They let go of him and start to make out with each other as he runs back towards the door again. Before he can grab the handle, he feels sharp pains traveling up his back and into his head. He grabs it with both hands and yells. He fears that he will no longer be able to control anything as this pain continues to intensify. Whatever is growing inside him now is meshing with the cum from the two huge baristas and it may even dwarf them. The Bucket List Hussein is a volunteer at his local nursing home. He earned a license to go work for a place to take care of people in need when they are hurt or require some sort of medical assistance. He is also quite strong and it shows even though he tries to be coy about it. He tries to cover up his muscles the best he can because he doesn't want to stick out like a sore thumb in the facility. The green outfits available don't quite fit right so he is allowed to buy his own. He has been assigned two residents in particular, a man and a woman. The woman, Emile, recently hurt her back when she went into the greenhouse located at the back of the complex. He normally has to carry her to her chair or her bed whenever the time comes during his shift. She is not as old as the man is, but she likes to take advantage of Hussein quite a bit because she thinks she is the boss. He puts up with her antics mostly because he knows that she will get better in a few weeks. The man, Curtis, is a lot older and could be considered elderly because his body is getting brittle. Despite his physical ailments though, he has a great outlook on life itself and strikes up great conversations with Hussein. Curtis enjoys it when he talks about his workout routines and how the other guys in the gym look at him. The elderly man admits that he wishes he focused on his body when he was younger because he did too many bad things and didn't care about the consequences. Carrying the man around is like carrying a small chair around because he is light as a feather. Unlike Emile, the man feels his strength when he carries him and it makes him feel safe. After putting Curtis in his bed one night, he had to go get his meds. At the medical bay, he spots a huge figure going through the medical cabinets. Hussein instantly goes to stop it and ends up being frozen in place. It waves its finger at him and points to a small cup with a pill in it. Then it directs him to go to the elderly man’s room. At this point, the figure vanishes and he is free from his spot. He stares at the pill, but doesn't really question its use. When he arrives to give Curtis his pills, he waits to give him the cup after a little chit-chat. The elderly man takes the pill once he is given the cup and swallows it before lying down. Hussein is puzzled as to why that pill was given to him in the first place. He notices this time how the man is sleeping and it seems slightly different. He is very calm and appears to be sleeping quite well. The big Arab weightlifter decides to sit beside him for awhile to observe. He hears Curtis whisper things occasionally in his sleep. ‘Uhhh, I don’t want anymore pills…..I feel fine. See I will show you I’m fine.’ He moves his frail arm and tries to make a muscle. The spindly strands of muscle start to fill up with blood and swell making the skin look fresher and more youthful. The same happens with his other arm. Hussein looks completely shocked. The process continues as Curtis tries to flex his chest. His loose gown is now getting noticeably tighter as his chest swells and fills in every gap. His face gets younger too as the wrinkles dissipate and he starts to look more manageable. Before long, it moves all the way through his entire body as cracks, pops, and stretching skin are seen and heard all over him. The former 100 pound elderly man has nearly doubled in size and looks more like he is in his 50s. Hussein can’t believe that this has happened. The man’s gown shreds along his pecs as two cinnamon colored boulders fall out. Curtis awakens and smiles at Hussein as he sits up. With only a gown on, the man’s cock is completely visible as it grows to its appropriate size. ‘Hello Hussein, I dreamed about you a lot and now that I am my true self, I want to reward you for helping me all this time.’ He stands to walk over to the big Arab and puts his cock in his mouth. Curtis starts to rub his beard as he fucks his face. They both moan as the male nurse pulls his thick cock out of his pants to stroke it. His love for older men comes out as he sucks harder on Curtis’s juicy rod. ‘Mmmmm, I love the taste Curtis. I really want your seed daddy.’ ‘Just a little more Hussein and you will get it.’ After a little more coaxing, Curtis unloads into his throat as the big man swallows every drop. He feels himself getting close as the middle-aged muscleman moves down to catch his spunk. Curtis sticks his tongue out to catch the thick seed as it sprays his face. He licks it off his new beard and rubs some of it on his huge nipples. He tells Hussein to come over and sit by him so they can cuddle a little bit. They start kissing passionately as they partake in each other’s company. Hussein admits that he imagined that this would be the way Curtis would look if he did indeed workout when he was younger. He just had no idea that it would come to fruition. His cinnamon body hair has flecks of grey and his muscles have just slightly wrinkles in them. Hussein can’t help but to embrace him and rub his thick chest and arms while stroking his cock. ‘I want to feel you inside me now big man. You like this daddy, now make him feel special.’ Hussein’s hazel eyes widen as he turns Curtis over and plows straight into him. It seems these two will continue to enjoy each other’s company for quite some time.
  20. TheWeremuscleForest

    Muscles In Milwaukee

    I am excited to be traveling to Milwaukee to meet with a man that I have been interacting with on a daily basis. He really means a lot to me and I have a gift for him for his birthday. I left for the trip to Wisconsin early Saturday morning hoping that I would get there by the evening. We interact through texts all the way there. It is probably about a ten-hour trip from where I live to where he lives in the middle of Milwaukee. The trip is quite exhausting for me as I am not used to driving long distances. I finally reach the city limits and the traffic is quite congested. I realize that it may take another hour to just to get to his house because he has actually warned me about this before. (I now understand why he rides a bike to work once in a while or takes the train.) I arrive at the address he gave me; but he hasn’t gotten home yet. I decide to take a look around the neighborhood while I waited for him to get here. I don’t venture far though because I don’t want to miss him. From around the corner, I see a man wearing a bike helmet peddling his heart out to get here. He sees me and jumps off the bike to give me a big hug. I am shocked at how sexy he really is. Hank is fair-skinned, but his body is very similar to mine in a few ways. He has a fair amount of hair on his body and I can tell that he has been working out some. His beautiful brown eyes are the first things I notice through his cute glasses. I have always loved his facial hair because it really adds to his sexiness. He reaches in to give me a kiss and grabs my hand; it is something I have waited for quite some time. I stop him as he leads me into his apartment to give him a better kiss. I know that deep down he wants to lead, but this is my chance to be the one in control. I can’t help but give him tongue as I press him into me fulfilling a desire that I have suppressed. He grows in his deep manly voice as he tries to press back. I have wanted this man for longer than he realizes. We stop to go inside and lay on his couch. He wants to role play, but I tell him that my gift for him sort of goes with that. He purrs in his usual adorable way and asks where it is. I say it might hurt a little, but the prize will be worth it for him. He says it is okay, but that he is also a little nervous. As I start to kiss him again he gets distracted as I pull him into me. He starts to kiss my arms and feel their hardness which leads me to retrieve my little gift for him out of my pocket. I was just thinking about injecting it into his neck, but he would be angry with me, so I decided to stop him and tell him to put his hands out for me. He thinks this is peculiar, but he trusts me. I take my little syringe out and plunge it into his left thumb and right thumb. I inject the solution into both fingers and hope that it will work. He is slightly upset with me, but can’t help but think that it is a good thing. I hope that this will fulfill a lifelong dream of his. We start to make out again and get more into it. I don’t want him to take his clothes off though because I want him to fulfill one of my lifelong dreams. He starts to talk dirty to me. I think this is nice and hope that the growth serum will kick in while he is on top of me. I can feel him start to sweat as I am feeling his hairy arms get perspired. He can’t help himself and starts to puff himself up like he is going to dominate me. This of course gets me excited as my heart starts to race now. I keep putting my hands under his plaid shirt hoping to feel something happening. He gets quiet for about a minute and says that he is feeling lightheaded. I say that you need to just wait and see what happens. It isn’t long before I hear him groan. The role play begins when he feels something explode inside him. He gets this gleam in his eyes when he takes his glasses off. At this point, I know what is going to happen. All of the videos that he has made wishing he would grow to become a giant will come true here in front of me. I tremble in excitement as I feel his hairy legs start to shake. The blood is now rushing through his body as he is about to break out of his small shell. I literally see him growing taller. He yells in pain as his back cracks and prepares itself for more size. His shirt is rising up his chest with his taller frame. I hold his hands as I want to feel his strength increase. He starts to say ‘Boom’ and each time his arms grow. I watch as his hands thicken and I want to let go but can’t. His forearms start making popping sounds as I witness his veins widen and appear under his skin. Without even flexing his biceps, I hear his shirt rip as his former 14” biceps swell instantly to 22”. His fair skin stretches leaving huge marks which I love. I start rubbing his swollen guns and I am very close to losing my load. He growls at me and puffs his chest out ripping the buttons clean off revealing two massive hairy pillows with testosterone pouring off of them. I can see his abs start to expand and appear out of nowhere. The formerly hidden tiles have thickened and are popping out one by one. I moan as I can feel all eight of them against my hands. He eases up on me because he doesn’t want to crush me. He growls again and starts to do a double bicep pose. His widening shoulders bust through the top as I can see his neck getting thicker. His lats have started to get thicker as if they are coming out of his spine. I can hear his back popping getting thicker and more massive. He moans in sheer delight and starts to yell as the feeling is so amazing. He is even better looking in his face as his already great features are becoming more refined and his beautiful brown eyes stay focused on me. I start to talk him up in a nervous sounding voice and can feel his expanding legs on my chest. The feeling of his growing body is making me blow my load twice as I am already lusting after this man. I start to rub his thickening quads which are now pulling the threads out of his shorts. I can actually feel their size between each thread now as they are about to break free. He says his usual ‘Boom’ and they completely bust the top of his shorts open. I nearly lose consciousness when this happens, but he smacks me across the face to snap me out of it. His expanding calves are beside my ear and I can hear them stretching and widening growing twice their size. He growls as his feet are pushing their way out of his shoes. I can hear the leather shredding as his ankles bust out and shreds his socks revealing huge size 16 feet. Although he is still wearing his underwear, his already huge cock is hanging out from the bottom. He groans as I can see his cock widen and stretch to coincide with its length. I am mesmerized by its beauty and immediately reach for it. The whole sequence is making his cock completely wet and dripping with sticky precum. I coat his cockhead with it and even taste it as I can’t resist it. The taste is so sweet that I want more. I grab the base of his shaft and squeeze all the way up hoping to get a bunch out. I am amazed when I can hear his deep incredibly hot voice moan as a river of precum comes flooding out. He can see that I want it really bad and proceed to move my head to catch a puddle of it in my mouth. I shoot another load in my pants the instant it hits my throat. Hank’s butt is now busting the back of his underwear out as this happens. I push myself to where I can suck the top half of his cock since it is so immense. He rips the rest of his underwear off and is now free from all clothing. He flexes his massive 22” arms again and even licks them feeling their power as I start to worship him feeling his incredibly thick quads against me. It may not be the exact place he wants to be in, but I think that 300 lbs is a great start. His dominating personality is in full force as he demands that I service him. He moves off of me to stand and start posing. I start to feel his thick muscles all over his body including his ridiculously wide back. I can’t help myself and start sucking on his arms, tasting their sweat as they pump up. He grabs me and tears a hole in my pants where my asshole is. I beg him to fuck me as I want to feel his power inside me, but he demands more worship. He commands me to lick his bouncing pecs since he knows that I like them. The massive thickness of them makes him have to adjust his back. I suck on his nipples and make him growl with excitement. I feel him position me and tease my hole with his cockhead smearing his precum all over it. I yell for him to please fuck me as I am going insane. He holds me up with his right arm and puts his thick fingers at the base of my hole. I can feel him push one finger in, then two, and finally three making me squeal as he continues to tease me. He pumps his cock a few times and squirts a jet of precum into my hole to make it slick. I coo and even start punching his chest as the feeling drives me wild. I have never felt more comfortable in my life as I am in Hank’s arms. The huge stud is dominating me, but is also pleasuring me. I think he wants to rip my clothes off, but he knows what I am up to. I rest my head on his enormous shoulders and delts and wrap my arms around his thick lats and back and wait patiently for him to take me to another place I have never been. I feel him start to position me to where he can get an ideal entry spot. His wet cockhead is now right at my holes entrance. I can’t stand it anymore and start to move down on top of his cock feeling it push my hole wider and wider. The feeling is painful but I am willing to take it as I am falling in love with him. He growls as he pushes more of his thick muscle into my ass and is flexing his incredibly thick hairy abs on the ridge of my lower back. Every single inch of his rod inside me is pushing me closer to euphoria as the pain is quickly turning to pleasure. My hunger for him and the ability to hulkout are clouding my brain. I want both so bad it is making me crazy with lust. I start to grind on the half of his cock that is in me feeling the muscle fibers and the veins pushing against my insides. Hank reaches for my head and plunges his tongue down my throat demanding me to kiss him. I am feeling quite the rush as he is now fucking me easier now. His thrusts are getting faster as he wraps his king size arms around my back. He squeezes tight to get a good rhythm going. He stops kissing me to rip the top of my shirt open and starts to smell the testosterone that is on my chest. It makes him crazy with power as he pushes his cock further into me. The pain goes beyond hurt now as I feel him entering into another part of my body. Another jet of precum starts to move up into my intestines. I yell at him and tell him to make me grow as I need it. I hear his voice change slightly in tone as I can see in his eyes that he is about to give me what I want. He flexes his arms for me again as he begins to pump me full of hot thick cum. Jet after jet floods me as I moan in ecstasy knowing that I will join him soon in the big boys club. I can feel my mind start to change slightly as this happens. He starts to talk dirty to me again and demands that I grow for him. I can feel it start at my feet as my shoes begin to buckle under the new size of them. My feet were at 11 ½, but quickly change to 12, 13, 14, and then 15 breaking through the shoes and going to tatters. My already thick legs begin to push apart as Hank witnesses my calves double up in size and my quads squeezing my shorts to their limits. My ass thickens to the point that the seams shred and reveal a gigantic bubble butt fit for a power bottom. He growls in anticipation of knowing that his favorite body parts are coming soon. I straddle the big man who is quickly becoming my equal. I completely push myself down on him as my thickening muscles are now making way for his cock. My shorts completely shred as my outer thighs completely rip up the seams on the sides. The back of my boxers are also gone as my rapidly expanding bubble butt is now sitting on Hank’s quads. I squeal as my cock begins to lengthen going from 6, to 7, to 8, to 9, and finally 10 inches. The feeling is so unreal that I shoot a jet of cum on to his massive torso. My increasing weight is now forcing him to let go. I manage to grab a hold of him with my massive legs, but I have not changed on top yet. He demands that I grow for him on top, growling as he says it. His eyes are now intensely staring at my still tiny muscularity in my chest and arms. I yell in pain as the growth begins to travel up my lower back where I sustained a tough injury quite some time ago. I feel the vertebrae in my spine crack and reshape. Hank instantly places his hulking hands on the back of my shirt to feel the muscles contract. I can feel them start to stretch and grow pulling my shirt tight. My pecs are now starting to fill out and widen. My nipples which sat on the edge of my pecs before are now stretching and are getting much fuller. He starts cussing in an excited way as he sees my chest fill out. I can feel my lats being summoned from inside my back as they bust through my shirt and continue to thicken. My shoulders rip through the top of my shirt and my delts blow up. I am breathing much heavier now as the strain of my shirt is felt. The sheer power in my chest begins to shred the area between my pecs in my shirt. My back is now shredding the entire back of the shirt leaving only the neck intact. As my shirt hangs there, I can feel my arms start to react. I look into Hank’s eyes and see a real delight come over him as he feels my arms around his face begin to swell and thicken. He watches as my forearms ball up and get freaky big leading to my former 14” arms. He growls loudly as they fill up my sleeves and completely rip the fabric off with their rapid growth. First 15, then 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, and then 21 inch guns. The skin stretches to the point that my eagle birthmark is not recognizable anymore. Finally my gut begins to react as my weakest area suddenly has a six-pack popping out of nowhere. I revel in finally getting rid of my biggest adversary. I laugh as I am now 280 lbs of thick beefy muscle. I flex my massive guns knowing that he will service me and give me pleasure. He moans as I squeeze my new hairy biceps in his face making him lose himself. His cock begins to harden again and I slip him back inside me. The testosterone flowing through me now is giving me more confidence in dominating him. I can feel my body hair thicken and darken as he fucks me. We both growl as we try to dominate each other. I think for now that we will be content with our growth as we have accomplished so much already. The sex between us is rough and we have even ruined his furniture, but it is highly satisfying as he cums in me again and again and again and there are no ramifications. I know he doesn’t like to be fucked in the ass so I manage to talk him into taking my load in his mouth. Just like his precum, it is sweet. He is apprehensive at first, but after he tastes it, he wants more and more of it. In the four hours we have had sex, he has taken my load eight times. It is hard to tell if this serum is permanent or temporary, I guess we will find out tomorrow.
  21. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Miracle Serum

    Brandon has worked out for several years and never suffered a single injury until now. He likes to practice doing Olympic weightlifting in his spare time away from his job. Unfortunately, he ended up popping a couple of vertebrae in his back. His therapist at the gym wants to refer him to a specialized doctor to help alleviate his issue. He thinks that the doctor is an orthopedist, but his therapist says that he goes beyond that and tries to dig deeper to find the solution. After talking about it for a little while, the doctor’s office is contacted and an appointment is set up. Brandon says his goodbyes to Saul, his therapist, and leaves. When he arrives there, he notices it isn't a typical looking waiting room. There is only one chair in the lobby and no window for a receptionist. He goes ahead and sits in it to wait. A strange alarm goes off and a technician comes out from behind a side door. They start to talk to him about his back injury and where exactly it is located. He lifts his polo to pinpoint where the vertebrae are at as they jot down some information. They shake his hand, get up, and leave to go back behind the side door. He is puzzled by this strange consultation and starts to look around. Before he starts studying the room closer, a man in a lab coat opens the door and motions for him to follow him. He follows the man down a long hallway and into what looks like an exam room. He immediately notices a long wall cabinet filled to the brim with different vials labeled according to types of injuries. He tells him to sit back down on one of the exam tables so he can examine him closer. He remarks about scars found all over his body. Brandon tells him they are from experiences with weights, dumbbells, and whatever else he has been in contact with in the gym. The man looks down at the data collected by the tech and says that he needs for him to take his polo off to look at his lower back. He introduces himself as Dr. Heinrich Goldmann as he examines Brandon’s back. He tells him that he has a way to combat his back issues. Brandon watches as the doctor goes over to the cabinet and pulls out a vial that has a label on it. He notices that is says 'lower back' on it. The doctor smiles and goes to retrieve a syringe in a drawer and places it into the vial. The serum has a gray color to it when he fills up the syringe. He wants Brandon to lie on his side so he can get the serum into the correct vertebrae. While he is leery of the serum, he trusts that the doctor can help him. After a quick glimpse, he plunges the syringe directly into his injured vertebrae and pumps the serum into him. The pain vanishes not long after Dr. Goldmann pulls it out of him. He wants him to just lie there in that position for a few minutes so the serum can get into his bloodstream. Instead of a painful sensation he is feeling a really warm and inviting one. There is a noticeable difference in his back as well as the surrounding muscles. He feels the vertebrae moving around inside his body and popping back into the position they were in previously. The doctor reenters the room and wants to see his progress. He is quite happy to see that the serum has indeed worked. He tells Brandon to slowly sit up on the table now. He pulls up his desk chair and sits down close to where Brandon is sitting shirtless. He goes into more details about how the serum has other benefits too. He wants to show him one particular type of benefit as he gets up and takes another serum from the cabinet. Goldmann gets another syringe from a drawer, puts it in the vial he just selected, and plunges it into his own arm. He winks as he pulls the sleeve up on his coat to expose his nicely developed vascular arm. He starts making odd noises as he stands by the cabinet with his arm exposed. Brandon watches his forearm and upper arm muscles start stretching and popping. The veins in his arms are expanding into huge tubes as his growth spreads down to his chest. He is actually laughing at this point as he opens his coat to show his expanding hairy chest swelling up and stretching his undershirt to its limits. His nipples are literally pushing their way free. He moans as the shirt shreds freeing his monster pecs and cobblestone abs. His voice has also deepened as Brandon sees him growing everywhere now. There are loud rips coming from the back of his coat as his delts and shoulders are tearing their way through his coat as his quads, glutes, and calves split his pants open. He turns his head to flex his giant guns and completely shreds the rest of the coat exposing his newly massive frame. He walks toward Brandon to touch him for some unknown reason. The instant his huge paws make contact with his skin, he feels a burning sensation starting to move up his back. Brandon looks down as his scars disappear and his body temperature rises. He quickly realizes that Dr. Goldmann has injected him with some muscle growth serum that will change who he is possibly. The doctor is now entirely naked and pumped to the max by his transformation. He manages to calm down enough to watch Brandon go through his potential change. He is still wearing most of his clothes, absent a shirt, from when he walked into the office. He can feel the sweat starting to pour down his body as a rush of adrenaline overtakes his senses. He can feel his clothes getting tighter on him as his muscles start getting pumped. He feels extremely warm on the outside, but he is completely numb on the inside. The only thing he feels now is some sort of pressure coming from his muscles. He can feel his back starting to pop as his spine realigns itself. His breathing is starting to change as well as his chest heaves up and down. The doctor eagerly watches as Brandon’s back swells pushing his muscles to grow as his lats push his arms out further to their sides. He can’t feel any pain at all, but is amazed at what he is seeing. He feels his delts pushing up against his neck as it thickens. His back now looks thick, tanned, and very strong. He looks down and sees his pecs getting wider and fuller as he feels the intense pressure of them pushing outward. His half-exposed abs are popping multiples times doubling up on each other until he has nearly a 10-pack. His wide arms are tighter and more defined now. His huge softball size biceps appear to be growing bigger as he stares at his forearm muscles stretching his skin to its limits. He is feeling a lot of pressure coming from his lower half now. It is finally relieved when the seams split in his jeans around his quads. Once they break free, they continue to grow and shred the denim in half. Even Brandon’s calves grow beyond his pants as they bust the seams along the bottom. The boots he was wearing explode under the tension of his growing feet. Dr. Goldmann seems giddy as he goes to grab another syringe in his huge right hand from a drawer and goes to open the cabinet again. Brandon falls over from the ordeal, and even feels a tad numb. When the doctor comes toward him again with the syringe, he manages to stop him and goes running out of the room. With just his shredded pants on, he goes barreling out of the office. The doctor follows behind him completely naked still with the syringe and what appears to be a gold serum in his hands. Before Brandon can get to the stairwell at the end of the building, the doctor puts his tools on the ground and jumps to try and hold him down. Even though he is still bigger than Brandon, he is not as strong. He tries to punch him, but his steel frame nearly breaks the bones in his hand. Goldmann tells Brandon that the serum will help him feel more relaxed and he won't really care about fighting him once it enters his bloodstream. He yells at the top of his lungs hoping someone else in the building will hear him, but there is no response. The doctor laughs as he reaches for his syringe. Brandon gets to it first and slings it across the hallway before he gets a hold of it. The doctor jumps to his feet to retrieve it as Brandon goes down the stairwell. Both men are shaking the building now as they move. Just when he thinks he has a head start on the doctor, he jumps from three stories up and lands on top of him. Brandon yells again as the doctor plunges the syringe into his neck. He knows that the doctor has managed to put that other serum in it because he can see the gold glowing inside it. The adrenaline is starting to flow through him again as he manages to overpower Goldmann before he pushes the serum into his body. The syringe still sits in his neck as the doctor goes flying into one of the walls crumbling it. Brandon feels a sense of panic as he is soaked in perspiration. He carefully pulls it out without injecting himself. The doctor gets back up again and tries to come after him again. Before he reaches you though, another voice is heard at the top of the stairwell. Goldmann stops to look up at them and is immediately hit with some strange powder. He cowers over in pain as Brandon watches him shrink. The voice gets closer now as the doctor completely reverts back to his old self within a minute or two. He falls over unconscious not far from where he went into the wall. The voice is now beside of Brandon as he looks up at them. It is the technician from the consultation. He tells him that this serum he is holding is strictly designed to control guys mentally and that the doctor was going to use him for his advanced research. He wasn’t going to allow that to happen though since he could see some good in Brandon. He mentions that his name is Sloan and that he won’t make him revert since he likes what he sees from him. Brandon smiles and grabs him in his arms. Sloan shutters at the power emanating from his gorgeous muscles. He pets the thick brown fur on his chest and looks into his big hazel eyes and short brown hair. Brandon stares at the shot and wonders if what he said is true. He decides to plunge it into Sloan anyway. He pushes the serum into his left arm and wonders if he was right. He throws the syringe and the vial down to the bottom of the stairwell where they both shatter. Sloan grabs him on the neck and squeezes, constantly staring into his eyes. They both lie there waiting to see what will happen next.
  22. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Ultimate Dream State

    Liam has always had a desire deep down to be big and strong, but didn't want to work out to get there. He has received advice from his friends that hypnosis might be a way for him to fulfill his lifetime dream. He heard from a guy at the gym that there is a specialized therapist that can help men with their mental blocks. When he goes into the office, he is greeted by the man who tells him to just call him Oliver. He points to his leather couch and wants Liam to lie down and just relax as he eases his way into his mind. He starts to listen to Oliver’s words as the therapist has him close his eyes. Liam begins to drift off as he speaks to him in a very calm manner. He tells him to visualize what his body looks like at the present time. As he lies there, he wants him to try and flex his arms and pump his chest. He is unaware of his state of mind as he continues to drift deeper into this new consciousness. Oliver lifts his arms up to make him flex as he positions them for him. His muscles are not toned since he never worked out before. He then lifts his shirt up to expose his skinny chest and tells him to contract his chest muscles. Liam visualizes this unconsciously and begins to smile as he feels something building up inside him. His chest muscles are reacting as the therapist sees his abs thicken up and stretch out. The growth is moving up to his pecs as they blow up to look like small pillows. His arms are swelling too as the therapist hears what sounds like helium pushing blood through his veins. Oliver tells him that he is doing great and to try and lift the weight sitting in front of him. Liam sees a barbell sitting in from of him in his mind loaded up with 400 pounds of plates. He goes to try and lift it. When he does, the therapist sees him stand up from the couch and lean down to lift the invisible weight. As he does so, his legs expand and shred his pants exposing his underwear which does little to hold his expanding butt and growing cock. The therapist moves over to a chair to watch him continue his transformation. His chest, arms, and shoulders are ripping his shirt to the point that they leave nothing concealed. He lifts the invisible barbell above his head before throwing it back down to the ground. He roars as he drops it showing the huge change in his voice too as it goes an octave lower. Oliver takes a moment before telling him to lie back down on the couch so he can rest. Liam appears spent and is soaked in sweat due to his massive growth. He doesn't want to wake him yet because he needs him to sleep for a bit. As he lies there in nothing but his underwear, Oliver starts to make him visualize what his cock looked like before. In his mind, he is naked with his new muscular body, but his cock is the same as it was before. He makes him focus his energy on his cock. He wants Liam to try and flex it so it will pump more blood. He begins to notice changes occurring down there. He sees his balls expanding in his undies as he smells the aroma of cum filling the air. His cock is slithering its way out of the top of his underwear now and sits on his thick abs. He moans as the feeling is unbelievable as it bounces with each beat. The therapist can’t help but to lick his lips as he talks to you staring at the beautiful piece newly formed. Oliver continues to talk as he slowly walks over to him to leans down to service it. Liam continues to moan in his gravelly voice as he is caressed by the therapist. He wants him to keep focusing on his cock. His balls are growing again as they tear his underwear. His cock moves further up your chest now. His crotch breaks free and his underwear rips off. Oliver pulls the remnants off of him and starts petting his cock. Liam goes to touch it, but he tells him not to move a muscle. As he keeps him calm, the therapist starts to lightly lick the cock head making him squirm. He tells him to just relax and go back to where he was at with the barbell in front of him. He wants him to load it up with more plates now. Liam walks over to where he thinks it is in his mind and grabs the invisible plates to put on the barbell. As he attempts this, the therapist stands back so the newly muscled Liam can stand like he did before. He sticks his thick arms out and makes motions similar to what bodybuilders do when they load up the bars. He thinks the barbell is at 500 pounds now and goes to lift it up. As he raises his arms above his head again, his muscles start growing again as the skin stretches, revealing more muscles on top of the ones he already has. Oliver tells him he is succeeding at his goal and he now needs to put the weight down so he can go sit and rest again. He growls as he makes a slamming motion and goes to sit on the couch again. As he sits down, the therapist takes his glasses off and walks over to sit beside him. He tells Liam to imagine his lover being there with him in the gym. He smiles and says his name Vince. Oliver says that Vince is on his knees and he is going to suck his cock after that hard workout. He moans a few times before the therapist moves down on his cock and starts sucking. He honestly thinks that it is his lover doing it so he pushes down on Oliver’s head to go deeper. The therapist moans as he tastes the precum going down his throat. He starts talking dirty to Oliver repeatedly using Vince as his name. He gets so turned on that he makes Liam stop for a moment so he can get on top of him and tell him to flex his arms for him. He growls as he flexes his huge 24" bis so Oliver can feel their power in his hands. He follows this up with a command to bounce his pecs so he does. He can feel the power raging through Liam’s entire body now. It gets him so excited that he unzips his trousers and pulls his throbbing cock out while sitting on the big man’s lap. All this is going on while Liam still thinks it is his lover Vince. He is imagining his beautifully hairy body sitting on his lap while his cock is out touching his leg. Oliver is stroking both of them at the same time as he leans up to kiss him. He manages to get a kiss in before the big stud pulls him in to him. He literally can't tell the difference between the therapist and Vince because they are about the same size. He reaches down and tears a seam open in the rear of his trousers and reaches in to rip his briefs open in the butt. He moans as Liam sticks his huge rod inside his hole and starts fucking him. Oliver is drenched in sweat now and his clothes are stuck to his body. His loud moans make him fuck harder because Vince always loved to be pounded. The power in his thrusts makes the therapist cum all over his chest. As he tries to pull out of Oliver, the therapist tells him to stay inside. It is at that moment that Liam questions Vince since that doesn’t sound like something he would say. He pushes Oliver off of him and appears to be waking up. He attempts to keep him under, but it doesn’t work. When he comes to, he notices that the therapist is completely soaked in sweat and his cock is out of his pants. He yells a few times and goes to confront him, but before he does, he realizes that he isn’t the same size he was. He looks down and notices how immense he is now and goes over to look in a mirror close to the office door. He can't believe such a thing could cause major changes like this. Oliver tries to make him understand that he needs his influence and control to maintain this kind of growth. Liam turns to laugh at him and proceeds to go out the office door, but he remembers that he is wearing no clothes. The therapist tells him he can get him some new clothes that will fit, but he needs to do something for him. He stops walking and turns to go sit down and listen to what he has to say. He tells him that he needs to put him back under so he can finish the process, but for that to happen he must be fucked before it can be finished. Liam laughs again and gets up to leave again. He tells Oliver that he will just walk out of the office naked since it doesn’t really bother him anyway. He pushes the therapist out of his way and leaves.
  23. Wet Dreams May Come - Part 12 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2388-wet-dreams-may-come-part-1/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2402-wet-dreams-may-come-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2407-wet-dreams-may-come-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2419-wet-dreams-may-come-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2420-wet-dreams-may-come-part-5/ Part 6: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2426-wet-dreams-may-come-part-6/ Part 7: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2437-wet-dreams-may-come-part-7/ Part 8: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2451-wet-dreams-may-come-part-8/ Part 9: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2487-wet-dreams-may-come-part-9/ Part 10: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2533-wet-dreams-may-come-part-10/ Part 11: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2548-wet-dreams-may-come-part-11/ Devon lay on the bed moaning like mad with a sound that was a mix of pleasure and pain. His testicles were swelling and growing, becoming larger and firmer by the second. But before Drake could do anything there was a sound at the front door, and it flew open to reveal Anton, Harry & Deanna, as well as Charles, all being flung to the floor by the earth itself outside. A mound of earth with various objects such as mushrooms, branches, and moss, created the figure of a man that rolled up to and through the door, but as it rolled ever closer to that destination the man's limbs and features became clearer and clearer until there in the living room stood a marvel of a man: 6' 8" tall, rugby player's build, but with much definition, a deep olive color, much like clay, with mossy hair that spread across his chest and cascaded down his head. The hair clung around his jaw line like two days worth of stubble and framed the top of his head which held two eyes that looked like emeralds. On the very top of him was an exceptionally rudimentary crown made out of what looked like chunks of gold and silver all mish-mashed together and having randomly picked up and encased precious to semi-precious to precious stones. Anton, Harry, Deanna, and Charles barely had time to pick themselves up off the floor, when they were whisked away and up into the air to be deposited on the second story loft. Chairs from the dining room made it with them which, by unseen hands, they were then forced to sit in, along with James. Drake made to move and was suddenly hit with some kind of blast that although making him take a step back, shattered into a million sparkling pieces upon impact with his chest. The stagger was just enough so that vines creeping like tendrils came in from the outside and bound him tightly so that he could not move. Then the man walked up the stairs. "Behold, Lord Oberon approaches." called out Puck. Reaching the top of the stairs the man turned towards the vine covered giant. "You have been far to wayward, Draig Coedwig, and no one disobeys Lord Oberon, especially not one of his own sons! But I do believe you have had a great amount of assistance in this, and we shall take care of the usurper to my authority... now!" Turning his head and body towards the bed, he stared down upon Devon and his oddly growing form. He waved his hand and suddenly there was a shower of sparks and sparkles that flew everywhere but onto its intended target. Oberon looked aghast and stood staunchly to attempt again, with the same results as last time. "Who dares interfere with Lord Oberon's punishment. This man shall be dealt with for obstructing nature and the will of Lord Oberon!" The fairy king fired spells again at Devon, with the same brilliant but non-affective result as a woman's voice was heard echoing on the wind. "I think not!" Suddenly there were quite a few flittering miniscule globes of light, flickering and fly hither and yon in the house, and one that shimmered brightly growing in form until there at the foot of the bed stood a tall, beautiful, athletic woman, with pointed ears, and sapphires for eyes, alabaster like skin, and fine spun gold for hair. She too wore a crown of gathered pearls and dew drops that caught and refracted the light from and to every direction. Oberon stepped back astonished then stepped forward one step and roared, "Know your place, woman!" There was a flash of light in the woman's eyes which extended throughout and past her body suddenly flooding the house with a great brilliance and her voice echoed on the air like a god's. "EVEN TO YOU, OH, OBERON, I AM NO MERE WOMAN AND SHALL NOT BE ADDRESSED AS SUCH!" The ground, the house, and many loose articles shook at the resonance of the woman's voice, but it and the light lessened to a degree and she approached Oberon, calmly but extremely stoically. "You have been drunk reading the work of Shakespeare again, I take it. I know my place, and charge thee to remember yours! I am not like the woman describe in Shakespeare, some sophomoric, dewy-eye school girl that is utterly naive. When the Earth-mother made us to rule the realm of the fey, she made us equal to one another so that there would be balance in the magic we wrought. You have no ability to outdo or overcast me any more than I do you, and you will not talk down to me like I am your lesser or I will call mother to have her way with you!" Suddenly there were several bright flashes of light. The bed, Devon, Drake, Oberon, and the woman, we down on the first floor, while Anton, Charles, Deanna, Harry, James, and Puck were on the upstairs loft, sitting in chairs overlooking the living room, all were free save Puck who was now bound by the vines. The rest of the living room furniture was neatly stacked and arranged where the bed had been. "What is this Titania? Why doest thou defy me! Can you not see that justice needs be done here?" "Perhaps and perhaps not, but are you truly seeking justice or vengeance against an adult son who desired to do something else with his life that what you wanted?" "He is the heir to our kingdom!" "Only made so recently because you in a drunken rage decided to banish the other hundred or more some odd siblings of Draig! And why worry so much about the establishment of an heir? We are immortal. Able to be killed, yes, but who would do it? The age of war amongst the fey is long past. We all work together to preserve ourselves against mankind and modernization. And if you would be calm yourself, you'd see that is the reason I am able to override your magic right now." Pointing to the bed, Oberon and everyone else began to watch as Devon's moans became louder, more frequent and breathless as he writhed on the bed. His two balls were simply gigantic now, even for a giant man of nine and a half feet tall. They had grown to the size of two small bundles, packages....and there was movement from within! Two small hands, on set in one ball and another pair inside the other ball, began pushing outward a little and then stroking down. "OOoooooooooo, fuck!" Devon began to twist and write, his hands aimlessly reaching for his balls, hefting them, rubbing them trying to reach for his cock head to rub it hard, fast, and furious. Yet he could not do so for his cock had begun to grow becoming a bit longer and much thicker. The girth kept pilling on until cock actually was as thick as one of his thighs and rested heavy upon both of them, nearly making it impossible for the man to reach his testicles and give them a vigorous rub. "AAauuuuugh! OOOOOoooooh! ....huh.... Must....CummmmmmmmMMMMMMOH!" Devon began to buck his hips and attempt to roll his massive thighs inward so that they might caress and stroke his massive balls, while his hand stretch, reached, and contorted into various twisted angles, eventually grabbing a hold of the sides of the bed and nearly crushing them to splinters. The two hands in each set of balls began to rub harder and faster eventually alternating stroke and pressure types: one moving fast and quickly in shorter and shorter strokes, while the other pushed out harder and farther moving in very long and slow but firm, powerful strokes. Finally that was enough. Arching his back and letting out a low, drawn, deep resonant moan, Devon cried out and finally reached orgasm. Suddenly one set of hands withdrew, and was seen travelling down the gigantic rod that now was Devon's cock. A second set of moans and the second set of hands withdrew inside and a secondary form was seen travelling down the great penis. A third and fourth set of moans and Devon actually blew his load this time beginning with two volleys that set out two babies with the fluid. As Devon's cock began to recede and shrink back to its normal erect length of three feet and resting flaccid length of twenty-four and three-quarters inches, the two babies that were expelled began to rise in the air and in a matter of seconds went from wee new-borns to toddlers, their cries getting louder and lower as they grew. But these were no ordinary human new-borns, or toddlers for that matter they were both extremely tall and very muscular for their age compared to human children, and they were extremely blessed in another way as well. From across the room, or even one floor up and away, one could tell these were two boys - twin boys. Another few minutes passed and the boys grew from toddlers to primary school boys, another growth school boys to pre-teens, and once more and the young boys stood as young men, just turned teenager about three fourths of the way to adulthood. And there they stood still screaming, but their eyes beginning to open, their breathing becoming normal, standing an incredible seven feet ten inches tall, near one of the only regular sized doorways in the house where they rose head and shoulders above the frame. Originally they had extremely golden blond hair that hung in small ringlets, but as they grew and aged it got longer, straighter, and fuller, retaining some but not all of the curl and taking on a darker brown with honey golden highlights. They were a perfect combination of their two parents physically. Their cries grew silent and they stood there stretching out their arms and legs, staring at their hands and feet, until they suddenly looked up with a sense of knowing and looking at Devon and Drake spoke out, "Dad?....Dad?..." "What on earth?" bellowed out Oberon. "Yes, dear, what on Earth, indeed. I was allowed a bit of extra strength to countermand your actions because Devon was pregnant with child, two children it seems, twin-boys. Mother would never allow you to kill new life simply because a son of yours strayed from your plans for him. You must swallow your arrogance and pride this time. Your battle is lost. Draig now has sixteen trappings of human life, along with pictures and documentation to prove he is human - eighteen now that he has two sons with this man. His fey magic is spent, and he is nearly large enough that nothing magical you can do would affect him. You would have to resort to hurting him. Would you do that? Have you grown so cold and hard, so like the way of men?" Suddenly there was a great blast of wind which sent Titania off her feet and skidding out the door. The bed Devon was on disappeared from underneath him, and four male fey appeared behind the twin boys binding them so they could not break free. "Most definitely, and now that the sons are born, I shall my say and my vengeance upon my son, by taking out this....this man, he claims to love and for whom he has forsaken everything!" Casting a very large spell in the form of a huge ball of crackling energy and fire, Oberon pushed his hands and arms from his torso and sent it towards the staggering Devon, who was still very bewildered and weak from giving birth. But Drake had been working on the vines and managed to snap free, screaming out Devon's name, he rushed to Devon's side and embraced him, attempting to pull him down into a crouching position in the hopes that the great ball of magic would fly over them both. Despite being held the two-twin boys managed to take single steps forward, calling out the word "Dad" in unison and with terror in voices. Their captors held them firmly and would not release them, but then something strange and wondrous occurred. Their cocks suddenly grew and inflated into a massive erection that glowed and sparkled vividly. Suddenly the two youths, clinched their buttocks, arched their backs, tilted their head backwards, rolled their eyes upwards, twisted their legs and arms, curled their fingers and toes, and.... "UAWAAAAAGH!" "UAWAAAAAGH!" Like their father Drake had done so few nights ago, it seems they somehow managed to have a magical orgasm, the power of their magic emanating from their prongs. Two balls of magic sped towards Devon and Drake with blinding speed, even far faster than Oberon's most powerful and perhaps deadly spell. The boys magic struck true to the very center and core of Devon and Drake and in seconds they went from trying to crouch down to doubling over. Low growls began to emanate from their mouths, their bodies began to contort and rise to change and yet once again...GROW! With each pound of their heart and breath of their lungs their hands and feet swelled and grew longer, pulsed and grew wider, stretched and grew thicker...bigger and bigger and bigger until they looked so odd with ridiculously large clown feet and hands to match. But then they began to moan and cry out and again in pulsed timing with their breath and heart beats their legs began to grow longer, their arms reached out further, their limbs grew out farther and farther from their torso. As they stood up, stretching and twisting to accommodate the finishing growth of their arms and legs their torso and neck began to stretch, to elongate, to rise higher and higher while their shoulders got even more impossibly wider and wider. But more than their bodies grew.... their muscles kept up with the growth, keeping the same size and proportion they had been, but now that the increase in height was done, they too partook of the energy to grow. Every muscle fiber of their body twitched and bounced. The two men bent and spasmed into various poses, like some bodybuilder who knew all compulsory moves and positions but lacked fluidic and graceful movements to change from one to the other. A dance looking as though performed by marionettes made of the Tin Man in his most rusted condition ever, the two flexed and popped and bounced their muscles as they grew deeply denser, thunderously thicker, and horrendously harder. More full and swoll they became. The mountain mass of muscles on their bodies rolled and grew fighting for every last millimeter of space on the now gigantic frames of their bodies. Their upper arms now looked to be nearly as thick as their thighs once were, their thighs each as thick as their torso. Calves we so dense and full one would swear they were the thighs if not for the shape of them. The traps rising high pushing on their ears, save for the fact their necks grew into mighty plinths that pushed them back down, somewhat. The back and chest the pushed out and so wide, there was no way to describe them but as a breathing wall. One step for either of the two giants and the earth shook for miles around them, and that was if they stepped tip-toed. Stumbling around like toddlers once more, for their legs were simply to ginormous to walk regularly, the two men suddenly snapped frozen stiff, moaning in sheer pleasure as their cock and balls now partook of the growth and simply, effortlessly, and yet oh so greatly inflated, oozed, poured out ever longer, thicker, rounder, fuller, harder that previously. They just kept growing and growing gaining in size and weight hanging fuller, longer, and lower. The balls of course finally reached their size hanging like melons compared to other men, but their pricks kept going and growing now going from flaccid to erect state. But so long and thick they were they simply grew out and down and occasionally bounced up, but slammed back to pointing downward. They were so thick and long and heavy there was no way any longer they could support themselves in an upward, standing erection. And with that the two men spewed copious amounts of spoo onto the floor as the great magical ball of lethal energy from Oberon hit them both. It hit them both and shattered into hundreds of thousands of little flicker flames off in every direction setting the whole place on fire. All of Devon's friends weren't sure what to do as they tried to figure out how to get down from the loft, past Puck, past Oberon, and out the now burning barn. Suddenly there was a great wind that arose and on it, it carried the heavy dewed form of a fog. Within an instant every single flame that was ablaze was snuffed out, causing minimal damage to the objects they were on and to the barn itself. Now a bright sparkle returned, it was Titania back from being swept out, and this time there was a slightly invisible figure of a woman behind her wearing a crown and dress of wheat, barley, and oat sheaves and a top and over gown of green leaves and moss. But whatever those two ladies had in mind to do or say, they had to wait, for the two boys suddenly clutched their sides, and then each other. The fey guard commanded by Oberon tried their best to keep hold of them but they were growing again... and growing and growing and growing and growing, yet it didn't appear that they were aging or their form maturing from the new teenage stage. They only thing that actually changed about their appearance was that their ear tops grew lower and rounder as they got taller and taller, until the twin boys finally stopped at a towering height, later discovered to be thirteen feet four inches tall, and a bit more length to their...now regular, 'wands.' Oberon was suddenly hoisted up into the air, while floorboards in the living rose up and off the planks that were coming up as well. From this newly, although properly and politely made hole, a mound of earth rose up and encompassed Oberon from his feet all the way up to his shoulders. "What is this!" "It is the work and will of Mother!" Called out Titania. "You have lost your mind and your way, Oberon. So she has given me the power to counteract and keep you at bay until such time as she deems your head is clear thinking again. However, do not think you will call upon your equal powers to get away. That is not me that has incased you, it is mother herself! And she will drag you into her and begin to re-teach you and educate you in the error of your ways. "It begins with this. If you wondered what has happened here tonight. You not only lost a son due to your temper and malcontent, you lost an entire family! You sought to destroy the human, who really had no blame nor fault to play in this. It was our son, Draig's wish to leave, to become human, and he managed to find a human with good enough heart to not only help him, but love him. A love that was so strong that upon their first night together, magic deemed it necessary to make it possible for them to have children. "Now the children were a breed between fey and human, and we could have talked with Draig and Devon about raising them and allowing the two to visit them, for they carried two traits- one from fairies and one from humans. Fey children are born adults, their knowledge and minds intact and accessible upon awakening. Human children grow from babies and must learn, be educated, learn to operate their bodies and grow into adulthood. The traits combined and had them grow physically to their teenage years, mentally a little in between, full of some knowledge, and recognition, but still much they needed to learn. They would be impossible as they were to raise into the human world. We could have offered to raise and change them in world where they could have lived, with us, but your actions have caused us, yourself, to even lose that. "Their sensing that their fathers were in trouble caused them to shoot out the only vestige of fairy magic inside them to protect their parents, but what could protect them from the hell you unleashed? They had to grow! Already by human standards they were legally declared giants, and now your actions made sure there is no doubt. Look at High Priest James! He is considered fairly tall for a man and yet he doesn't even come up to the middle of Devon and Draig's knees! He just barely reaches the bottom of their knee caps! As such with the father's genes changed, especially by magic what do you think that meant for the boys? Out of a union from their fathers they came, and if their fathers changed, so too would they. They now stand so tall James comes up but barely a quarter of the way up their thighs! When done growing and adults, they will be as tall, if not larger, than Devon and Draig! To help raise them so they could come back and live with their fathers eventually, we cannot even do that now! They are far too big to take inside a fairy hill and magic to shrink them.... And Titania shot of four balls of light striking Devon, Drake, and the twins, which simply struck them, spread it's glow around the bodies and dissipated. "Works absolutely nil!" "I know not what treachery you spew forth but..." Suddenly the earth rose up and enclosed around Oberon's mouth. "Be silent. Your mother is administering admonishment against you and you had better listen." Suddenly the ground that held Oberon began to pull down into the earth. Oberon groan and screamed, struggled, as best he could encased in the earth mound, but down he went. Down...down...down... down... until his head disappeared and one could not even tell the earth had been disturbed there. The planks that had been taken up before were all placed back, in more square and true alignment then they had been before, followed by the floor boards, then the bed disappeared, replaced by the living room furniture. Titania then turned and faced Draig. "Draig, my son. You have a lesson to learn as well, especially now that you shall be raising a family. You kept your heart's desires and wished known from both your parents and the rest of your family. Had you not done so, you might have found an ally, or at the very least, it wouldn't have come as such as shock to us. But...that part is now over. I love you... and as for this young man.... Devon, you risked much attempting to fight the king of the fairies, but if you are driven by such a love for my son as to do that, and even slightly succeed, I might add, then I most assuredly love you, for that great amount of love given towards my son. You two have my blessing on your marriage. "And let that start the bestowing of gifts and punishments, for all the great battle and deeds that have come forth from this, there is much bestowing that needs to be done. First... Devon and Draig, you have a lot of work to do in adjusting this place to your new size, both in body frame, and in family size. So with that...." Titania waved her hand and the furniture and bed all enlarged itself to accommodate Devon and Drake's new size. "There are two more beds of the same size, one for each of the sons for they need a place to sleep too. Also there is some smaller furniture more human sized, so friends, family, and guests may rest comfortably while partaking in your company. "High Priest James. Some of what you did, ran contrary to the vows and oaths you took as a priest, yet you did do your best to help my son and his companion. So you shall be given a push...something neither a punishment nor a reward. My son, and his partner, deserve a proper wedding, and you shall make sure it is provided unto them. Hold it here in the adjacent field next to the property. I shall help arrange for it to be temporarily cleared for the event. Draig's family does like to celebrate. "Harry and Deanna, you gave up part of your property, your building to house my child and his partner. In this we are very pleased. I understand that you are attempting to eat more wholesome food and grow most of them yourself in your garden, as a reward I shall help see to it that you learn from the best and your garden is always overly abundant. You shall never starve as long as either one of you lives. "Anton. You have to prominent a place for me to grant you much in the way of magic, but you also must continue to help, for my two grandsons will need to have certificates made and be introduced to the world which they live in at some point in time. But we fey do have some friends in high places...look for a promotion soon. "PUCK! As usual your forget that as royal fool, jester, entertainer, your place is not just by Oberon's side, but as mine as well. I should have learned of all these transactions by you. As my grandsons cannot learn they way normal human students do it shall be your job to teach them until they come of age, matching their physical bodies, but you shall do this at a cost." Titania waved her hands and Puck suddenly grew and swelled until was in the form of Edwin Clayworth once more. "You shall train them and to help keep up the human appearance, train them in this form and in this form you shall remain until this task is done. And one other punishment as well. Oh, think not I know not of your romp with Cobweb and Peasbottom, two of my ladies with whom you were to have no contact. As such, your punishment shall be a reward. A reward for.... "Charles. I appreciate your assistance in all these matters, Charles. I also see into your mind and know your heart's desire, something that isn't too far off from my son-in-law Devon's." Waving her hands two extremely large sandals came up from nowhere, shrunk just a little bit and deposited themselves into Charles' hands. "You shall soon obtain a world record yourself, the world's most changed or varied human, after Devon and Draig, of course. Put this on when you go to bed every night. Over the course of time you shall become a seven and a half foot tall, largely muscled and endowed man yourself. But along with the reward, I must charge thee with a task. For you see, eventually Oberon will be brought to his senses and will be released, he will then try to claim old friends again. I will not have Puck's punishment lessened by any degree. Therefore he shall be bound to this plane, and bound by you. Discover a lover of your own if you wish, even a partner for life, but let them know, until such time as my grandsons are old enough, it is your task to come here, once grown into the large man you will become, and have your way with Puck.... whether he wants it, or not. "For the now that is all. I will come visit all of thee again soon and talk more on these matters, the dawn is approaching and I must away to Mother before I can even sleep on this matters. Draig, Devon, take care my loves, and be sure to name your children well." There was suddenly many flashing lights as if hundreds of photography flash bulbs and several strobe lights were going off simultaneously and when they stopped, Titania was gone. Devon turned and asked what the weather was going to be like for the next couple of days. He was informed it was to be sunny for both. With that he smiled at Drake, pushed against the wall above the outer doorway and made it cave in, collapsing outside. Walking through the new doorway he called out to Drake and asked him to help move the twin's beds into the living room and shooed everyone away so they could get some sleep. Over the next few weeks everyone pitched in to get the barn upgraded and expanded so the twins could have their own bedrooms. The major addition to the barn, not just fixing the rest of the inside, turned out to be a weight room from Devon and Draig to train, and eventually the twins as well. Well, seeing the giant, colossal, strong men their father's were they couldn't help but desire to be as big and strong as them. Devon and Drake decided to name them exactly as they would be, but choosing regular names that sounded close to what they told them their true names were. One was Carl Dean and the other was Foster Faer which were similar sounding to the Welsh words cawr dyn and the Gaelic words fathach fear both of which meant "giant man." Speaking of giant men, Devon and Drake spent a bit of time away from the lime light, in seclusion. With occasional trips to doctors and specialists who were paid off or rewarded by Titania, to make low key and mysterious updates about the two giant men who so recently burst onto the scene. After a period of about seven years, the doctors said the men's mysterious growth that had continued finally stopped, their bones fused together as they should be and they were now reintroduced to the world even bigger and stronger than before. The Three Bars Pub crowd went stark raving mad over the sight of them, as well as the Guinness World Record people, Playgirl, and the Genitass World Sexxx Record people. For no wonder, when they came out and appeared in public, most men didn't even come up to the top of their calves, and the amount of weight they were able to bench and lift and hoist and press, even calculating things proportionately was utterly staggering. Not to mention the fact that being so tall and so hugely built and defined, it was near to impossible to figure out how to design clothes for them, let out find enough fabric to do it. Add to that fact that for the pants or shorts one had also accommodate their exceptionally long and thick cocks. Despite wearing some specialty made shorts, the Genitass World Sexxx Record judges practically didn't have to ask them to strip in order to measure, except when it came to being erect. Playgirl had to reprint that month's issue a total of five times. Back at home, the two turned on their cameras everywhere, except in rooms where the twins were located, and this time indeed made absolute millions off their pay for view website and continue to make more so today. Well, wouldn't you pay to watch when given the opportunity to see two men with these stats: HEIGHT: 192 inches, 16 feet, or 4.876 meters tall! NECK: 65 inches or 1,651millimeters. SHOULDER: 293 inches or 7,442.2 millimeters. CHEST: 262.25 inches or 6,661.15 millimeters. UPPER ARMS: 90 inches or 2,286 millimeters." FOREARMS: 74.5 inches or 1,892.3 millimeters. ABS: 98 inches or 2,489.2 millimeters. WAIST: 86.75 inches or 2,203.45 millimeters. THIGHS: 106 inches or 2,692.4 millimeters. CALVES: 80.75 inches or 2,051.05 millimeters. FEET & SHOES: 38.33 inches or 973.582 millimeters long by 15.66 inches or 397.764 millimeters wide. A size US Men's 93 5D or a size 492 in the UK. WEIGHT: 8,257 pounds or 3,745.312 kilograms, or 589.78 stone! BENCH PRESS: 17640 pounds or 8.5 tons 640 pounds or 8,001.369 kilograms, or 1260 stones. COCK: 60.75 inches, or 5 feet 3/4 of an inch, or 1543.05 millimeters flaccid and 90 inches, or 7.5 feet, or 1543.05 millimeters erect. And their balls seem like small boulders to most men. Carl and Foster were introduced to the world on their "fourteenth" birthday, looking like very large, hulking teenage boys, not yet gone through puberty which scared everyone. Well, when a fourteen year old young man, let alone two, stand 160 inches, or 13' 4", or 4.064 meters tall, wouldn't you be scared, if not somewhat apprehensive? It was no surprise when they introduced Ed as the man who had acted as nanny and assisted in raising them up to that point, although it still made many marvel for even as tall as Ed was, the twins had outgrown him by the time they were, "five." But that was a number of years ago. The twins are now aged twenty and rumor has it they are just as big, if not a tad bit bigger than their fathers. There is another rumor surrounding them, for, well... young men are young men and they have needs, especially from age eighteen through their twenties. And if they are as tall or taller than their fathers' height of sixteen feet, who will they get to be with them? Rumor has it, they decided to be with each other. But then again, that can all be seen can't it? They've now joined the live web broadcasts. You can look them up easily, or still find appearances down at the Three Bar Pub, or.... if you go through that hedge there and make right...there is an exceptionally large barn you may find interesting. How do I know? Oh, I don't... I just spread gossip around. It gives me something to do during the day... just here to cause mischief and mayhem. (wink)
  24. The Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste Alfie was born with a gift he inherited from his parents. He never wanted to use it for any particular reason because he knew if he did, he could not fit in with the rest of his classmates. The other kids always talked about him behind his back as if he was some freak of nature. They knew about the story of his family's secret and made it clear to him that he wouldn’t escape its reputation. What they didn’t know though is that he always knew what they were thinking. He can hear their thoughts traveling through their heads. This never became an issue with him until he entered high school. They always pick on him because of the way he looks physically. He is not a fit guy and they know that they can push him around because of it. He has been practicing his mental abilities for several weeks to make his hormones react in a way that they can become a factor in retaliation for his bullying. His father has even told him that if he wants to prevail in a bad situation, he needs to harness his energy and fight back. The baseball team is the worst offender because he tried out for it one day last summer and always wanted to play. He was deemed too heavy and couldn't keep up with the bigger, more muscular boys. Some of the guys had monster arms and huge quads due to their hardcore training routines. Alfie envies their dedication and really wants to have that trait too. One day as he walks to his next class in the hallway, three of those huge guys from the team stop dead in their tracks where he is walking and knock him over. His school books and supplies fly everywhere around him as they start laughing and taunting him. He gets so mad that he decides enough is enough and starts playing with their heads. He makes eye contact with all three of them and starts focusing his energy on their minds. He knows that their only power in this situation is in their muscles, so he starts to make them feel uneasy. He makes them shrink one by one as their hulking arms and legs start to diminish in size. What he wasn't expecting was stealing their muscle power and putting it into his own body. If it was just one of them, he would only experience some growth, but since it is three of them, his growth will be astounding. He can sense the changes coming to his body as they are frozen in their positions. Alfie looks down and sees muscles starting to peek through his fat. He weighs 230 pounds in his current state, but it is obvious that he will grow even bigger. The guys are rail thin now as they watch his body convulse and reshape itself in front of them. His fat arms are thickening into huge cannons as they keep stretching bigger. His once flabby moobs are now forming into gargantuan pillows which explode through his shirt. His clothes shred as he can't stop the growth process. His big legs are becoming massive tree trunks as his back begins to take up the entire walkway. He realizes that this isn’t normal growing but there is little he can do about it at this point. The guys don’t even notice how much they shrunk because they are mesmerized by this behemoth appearing in front of them. His growth gets to the point where the floor below them starts creaking. Alfie raises his arms and puts them out to his sides to push on the lockers and crush them. His old ass is reforming to grow to three times its size as he busts through his underwear. He reveals his thick throbbing cock as it oozes its thick gunk on to the quaking floor. Amazingly, Alfie’s mind remains intact as he lets out a huge roar to scare the baseball players. The guys start running now but he manages to catch one of them in his arms. He thinks about hurting him real good, but instead decides to teach him a lesson and tries to penetrate him. He rips his pants off and gets his cockhead in before the guy squeals in pain. The other two are still running, but they turn around once they get to the stairwell to see where the other guy went. The two guys, Ronnie and Todd, wonder what they should do next. Their teammate, Steven, is being raped badly by Alfie but he must be over 8’ feet tall and 400 pounds easy now. There are screams heard through the building as other kids go barreling out the side doors to avoid the behemoth’s wrath. Steven continues to wail as Alfie spreads his ass wider and wider as his 15” cock moves further inside. Todd tells Ronnie to go call 911 since he doubts the police would be much help. After sending his teammate down the stairwell to call emergency services, Todd finds a fire extinguisher close to where he is standing and grabs it. He runs towards Alfie who is still ravishing Steven. He sprays him with the extinguisher and makes him angrier. The hulking kid starts to use his powers again on Todd, but this time to make him fall over. Todd screams in pain as his head is killing him. He falls to the ground and is knocked unconscious. With Ronnie not there, Steven is powerless against the behemoth. He begins to weaken considerably as Alfie finishes fucking him. The huge kid dumps his load inside him and drops him on the ground. The floor beneath Alfie now is cracking and giving way. He manages to lift himself out of the sinkhole that was the floor and makes a door in a nearby wall to go outside. Flashing lights surround him as various security teams set up their positions when he comes into view. He is told to get down on the ground or they will have to shoot him. Ronnie is seen hiding behind one of the SWAT team members. Alfie spots him and starts to charge towards him. Shots ring out as he is hit several times. He falls over and destroys the concrete beneath him. Everyone is told not to approach him because they are not completely sure if he is awake or not. Ronnie attempts to get past the barricade set up by the security teams to see if Alfie is dead. It seems he has forgotten about the massive monster’s mental powers. The Two Lovers Edwin is a nicely built 27 year old who was previously overweight during his childhood. He decided six years ago to do something about it though. Before he started though, he went to college and earned a great degree from a well-known university. He met all kinds of guys there and learned a lot about himself including the fact that he is really into muscle, a lot of muscle. His first boyfriend is not extremely big and isn't that tall either. He always went to go and watch him practice for his archery tournaments and was amazed at how muscular he had to be to compete. For a guy that wasn't taller than 5'3, he is major ripped and has quite the arms. Edwin loves to rub his arms all the time and enjoys the feeling it gives him inside. They both used to say how they were both outcasts when they were younger and now they have each other. One day, both men were at the local mall and walked by a vendor that was pushing a new product aimed at enhancing your libido along with various other things that they couldn't mention out on the floor. Both guys were suspicious because no one was stopping to even listen to the guy's spiel. His boyfriend, Angelo, heard the word libido and pulled his arm to stop and listen to the vendor. After a little coaxing, Edwin did in fact stop and that was all it took. The vendor gave both men one single pill to take before they both have sex. He mentioned that the results will happen when you need them to. They both looked at the tiny little bottles with the pills in them and were really confused as to why there would be only one pill. The vendor said trust him it will be all they need and then proceeded to walk out of the mall. It is very strange to see the man turn around after giving them the pills. Both men are intrigued that just a single pill could do so much. They don't want to waste too much time so they have sex that night. Edwin tells Angelo to take his pill first because he is the more sexual one. He does so but nothing was happening. He already has abs that peek through the skin, but they don’t completely show.....yet. Edwin decides to wait to see if Angelo’s pill starts working before he takes his. After several minutes, there is still nothing to be seen on him. He begs Edwin to take his since he doesn’t want to be the only guinea pig. After giving in to his playful nudging, he takes his pill. Nothing seems to be happening for him either. The two men both decide to do the nasty anyway since they are already so horned out. During this point of his life, Edwin’s body is fairly average and has no real muscle tone. Angelo however still finds him incredibly attractive even without the muscles. He starts to kiss his adorable Latino lover and rubs his hands all down his chest and back. He hears him start to moan and groan, but the eroticism of his voice keeps his attention on the stud’s body. His hands can now feel a noticeable difference in his back. The muscles appear to be getting wider as he feels his lats spreading and thickening outward. With his body up against Angelo’s, he feels his pecs starting to fill out, getting fuller as his arms get beefier and veiny. He starts licking the growing biceps filling up with more blood and getting more powerful. His abs are popping out into huge blocks and amazingly he height is increasing. He can hear Angelo’s spine and back making loud popping sounds adding inch after inch of additional height to his frame. He had decent legs before, but now they are getting as large as oak trees. He had a small penis because of his height, but Edwin can now feel that it has lengthened because of his height difference. It is at this point that Angelo tells him that it is his turn to change. Now at 5'8, he is just one inch shorter than Edwin is. He places his nicely formed hands onto his lover’s back and starts to massage him. At the same time, he uses his tongue to start licking the creases of his ears. He moves up to Edwin’s neck and feels the muscles tense as the sweat begins to bead up. He moans since the feeling is so amazing. He wraps his arms around him to get to his chest which at the moment has no definition.....yet. He caresses and rubs Edwin’s pecs as he begins to feel the muscle fibers expanding. His skin starts stretching as he hears popping coming from all over his body. The sound instantly gets both men excited as their cocks grow hard. Angelo takes his right hand and moves it down to Edwin’s cock as he feels it lengthening. His skinny arms are swelling and dripping with rivers of sweat. His pecs blow up into boulders as the ends of his nipples drape down towards the floor. Angelo can’t stop licking him now as he moves his body to Edwin’s front to get to his hairy abs and beautifully formed new tree trunk legs. His back continues to make huge popping sounds as it adds muscle after muscle to his changing frame. Edwin appears to be the same height. They both wonder what would happen if they came on each other now. Neither one of them would eat the cum, but would love to see what happens if they rubbed it into each other’s muscles. They get so hot for each other that it doesn't take very long for both studs to climax. They manage to do it at the same time and spray their juices on each other. It is at that point that they both started rubbing it into each other. For one of them, the growth didn't stop, but for the other one, it did. The pills had the same effects on both men, but when they came on each other, the jealousy became too much for one of them. Angelo ended up becoming Edwin’s ex-boyfriend after that crazy night. They don't talk to each other that much anymore since the outcome was not satisfactory for one of them. They moved on to different men with different qualities.
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