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  1. (This story is taken from my own head, and has been edited over the past year. I worked to make it a little more...sexy. Part 2 & 3 are in the works, and will be posted later in October. As always, any comments are welcome and hope you enjoy!) Costume’s R Us - A Halloween Convert’s Story Chapter 1 My whole life, I have always hated Halloween. I think it all started when my mom used to make me dress up in ridiculous costumes as a kid. She had always wanted to be the ultimate stay-at-home mom, and my Halloween costumes really became an excuse for her to justify the sewing machine she’d purchased for “home projects.” Unfortunately for me, these “projects” were not the super-hero or fireman costumes I wanted or that my friends were wearing. Instead, I would parade around in an ill-fitting costume that always required some sort of explanation. One year, I was Mexican Jumping Beans, yeah, don’t get me started. Eventually even my mom gave up on sewing, leaving me stuck as a misshapen pumpkin for three years in row. Needless to say, at thirteen when I out-grew my pumpkin costume I was happy to turn my back on Halloween. Yet at thirteen, I had no idea how impossible it would be to skip an “american pastime” like Halloween. Throughout high school and college, while everyone around me seemed to only love Halloween more, my disdain for the holiday continued to deepen. College was what really sealed the deal for me with Halloween. You see, I was never a really attractive kid. Not surprising considering when you consider I was a pumpkin for three years running. During most of college I continued to gain some weight, and by graduation I carried an extra 60lbs on my 6” frame, making me an unhealthy 240lbs of wide young man. It didn’t help my attitude about the holiday that college was filled to the brim with young male athletes in their prime. For them, Halloween was simple. You just find a costume that involved taking your shirt off and you were good to go. Togas, Strippers, the Hulk, whatever; they pulled it off effortlessly. I don’t have to tell you that going to a costume party filled with gorgeous guys without shirts (and of course equally beautiful girls as “slutty whatevers”) when you are carrying that 60 lbs of extra fat is not a good time. As icing on the cake, I was a closeted homosexual which made the whole Halloween experience a living nightmare for me (no pun intended). Once college was over, I looked forward to never having to celebrate Halloween again. I could leave the lights off in my apartment, go to the movies, or do anything that avoided the day entirely. I couldn’t have been more wrong! **************************** Just three months after graduation, I started a new job with a national marketing agency. I’d done an internship with them previously, and I’d hoped to be staying near my small hometown in California. But not a month later, I was asked to join the team being setup in far-away Massachusetts. Considering how lucky I was to even have a job in this economy, I didn't fight it. But this is how just four short days before Halloween, I moved across the country to my new condo in... yep, you guessed it, Salem, Massachusetts. Never having been to the East coast, let alone in the fall, I never in my worst nightmares would have imagined the heights to which NewEnglanders went for Halloween. Everywhere I turned there were witches, ghouls and ghosts. Even my cubicle was plastered with fake spiderwebs and Halloween-themed welcome decorations for me upon my arrival. It was literally starting to make me sick with anxiety. I thought I was going to lose it when I saw the flyer on my monitor. It was for the work “social event of the year;” the annual Halloween Costume Party. I contemplated running all the way back to California. Attached to the flyer was a note from my new boss, Amanda. “See you tonight, fun is MANDATORY!” Unfortunately, I had no choice. If I was going to make ANY friends in this place, or at the very least not piss off my new boss, I had to go to the party. Bonus misery points here, the party was tonight, which meant I had to get a costume pronto! Amanda, a sweet & pretty thirty-something dressed as a Cleopatra, sent everyone in the office home at lunch to get ready. Before I could leave Amanda called me into her office for a quick chat. With a smile, she wrote down a list of restaurants, hot spots, and costume stores for me. She reiterated that there would be drinks, dancing, and even prizes at the party, telling me “what a great icebreaker it would be.” Feeling trapped and miserable, I headed out to look for a costume...willing to settle for anything other than a pumpkin. ********************************** After drowning my sorrows over lunch, a triple bacon cheeseburger & two pints of Guinness if you must know, I reluctantly began exploring the downtown area in search of a costume, Amanda’s list in hand. The two Halloween stores Amanda recommended were total strikeouts. Most of the costumes had been picked through already and they didn’t have anything left I could fit my fat ass into. All the employees reminded me, in their polite NewEngland fashion, that Halloween was only four days away and people “Got an early start here.” Whatever. Frustrated, I decided to take a break from shopping & explore the downtown square. Unfortunately, even walking the quaint streets on a warm & sunny fall day wasn’t helping my sour mood. I couldn’t afford to make a bad impression at this party. I’d just moved thousands of miles from home and I desperately needed to make some friends. Yet all I could think about was wearing a pumpkin costume & all my new coworkers laughing at me. I told you, I’m definitely scared. Completely consumed by my own thoughts, I was hardly aware of my path around town. I didn’t notice when I turned a corner and was walking down a not-so-friendly looking side street. Suddenly I stopped, when I noticed a costume-shop window directly in front of me. The store had a small handwritten sign that read, “Costume’s R Us : Be Who You Want to Be.” It wasn’t on my list from Amanda, but thats probably because the store sign looked like it was about to disintegrate into dust. The whole store looked like something out of an old movie. Its windows were covered with cobwebs (the real kind), the steps were half broken, and even the building seemed to be leaning at an odd angle. Normally, I wouldn’t even have attempted going into a place like this. It was just too seedy looking, but I was desperate. I was willing to try any place that might have a non-vegetable themed costume to fit me! Taking a deep breath, I walked through (yes through, there was no glass on the door frame) the doorframe and into the shop. Right away I felt something was different about this store, it didn't just look strange, it felt strange. Before I could even begin to figure out what was off, I was welcomed by one of the oddest looking women I have ever seen. She had a rainbow of colors on her clothes and in her wild unkempt hair. Huge bracelets of every color hung from her skinny wrists, and she had at least two rings on almost every finger. Despite her unorthodox appearance, she welcomed me with a warm almost knowing smile. “Ahh, Look at you my dear, how splendid,” she said in a raspy voice, “What do you dream of being?” “Ummm, I don't know. Well see, ahhh, I ahhh, I need a costume for tonight,” I started, feeling myself beginning to ramble, “It’s our work Halloween party tonight, and I just moved here to start this new job. I really want to make friends and impress everybody.” I stammered out, giving way more than the necessary amount of information. “So you dream of being impressive?” She asked, quizzically. “Well not, I don’t dream about it....look I really just need a costume that is big, interesting, and can cover my ass,” I said, turning slightly to indicate its large size. “Oh, and it can’t be a pumpkin!” I added hurriedly. “Hmmmm, I think I know just the thing. Come this way Dearie,” she said, setting off towards the back of the dimly lit store. The women led me to a nearly empty rack of costumes at the back of the store, nearly identical to all the other nearly empty racks of costumes we’d passed. The rack hung under a sign that read: “Men’s XXL -XXXXL.” I wasn’t all that happy about being considered THAT large, but then again, I was desperate. “Which one would you like, Dearie?” she said, pointing to the three costumes left hanging on the rack. I looked at the costumes in disdain, feeling my heart sink. These were exactly the type of Halloween costume I’ve always despised. Costume one was a Pirate. The bottoms were ripped & frayed brown khaki pants, which were torn and stretched in a way that left it hard to imagine how they stayed together. The top was brown leather vest, also torn & sliced, which had no way to fasten shut. The accessories included a Johnny Depp-style pirate hat, odd looking boat shoes, and a rather convincing fake sword. There was also a small rusty looking gold bracelet, but thats was all. Minimalist pants and no shirt to covering my fat body, yeah not going to happen lady! Costume two was a nondescript Superhero. This costume was a spandex bodysuit, reminding me of a full body Underarmor outfit. Only this suit was made from a shiny textured fabric, that almost looked like transparent snake skin, and clearly cut to show off some very large muscles. It came with a cape, blue patent leather boots, and two small gold wrist cuffs. Knowing there was no way I was going to squeeze into spandex in public, I instantly ruled this one out as well. Costume three was even worse than the other two, it was a gladiator “outfit.” I use the term outfit loosely, as this costume included no shirt at all. It was really just a TINY leather skirt, a sword & harness, and some sandals with gold-ankle bands. HELL NO. Fat or thin I wasn’t going to make my first impression on anyone at work while wearing a mini-skirt! My hopes of making friends were quickly disappearing. I was going to look ridiculous in any of these costumes. “Thats it huh? Well I guess I will take the pirate outfit, its got a little more coverage to it. Are you sure its going to fit?” I asked, holding up the outfit. I figured at the very least I could add a shirt and some long-underwear, so the pirate outfit wouldn't be all skin. “It will fit perfectly. I guarantee it. If you aren’t 100% satisfied bring it back for a full refund, even after the party. I promise all my customers complete satisfaction!” Figuring I had nothing to lose, except what little dignity I had left, I paid for the Pirate costume and headed home, feeling dejected. I arrived home with about six hours to kill before the party, & decided I should try this insane costume on. At least if I didn’t like it I would have time to go back and switch it so I didn't make myself or others vomit at the sight of me. Maybe I could even find a pumpkin costume someplace, I still had time, right?! After spreading the costume out across the bed, I stripped and walked to the mirror in my bathroom. I was such a pitiful sight. Pale white & 240lbs of fat, the only thing it looked like I had pirated was a ship full of Krispy Kreme Donuts. Turning away from my reflection, I walked back to the bed and put on the few articles of clothing that made up the costume. I was surprised to find that everything fit, so well in fact some of it was actually quiet baggy on me. Maybe it might disguise my weight a bit! I strapped on the sword, placed the hat on my head, and slide on the old golden bracelet before heading back to the mirror in the bathroom to check out my reflection. Or at least thats what I was planned to do. Suddenly I was so completely exhausted. I fell on my bed, still in the costume, and drifted into a deep deep sleep. ********************** The sun as setting by the time I woke up from my spontaneous nap and I desperately needed to piss. Despite the heavy feeling in my limbs, I climbed off my bed and headed into the bathroom. After having some trouble finding the light switch, I flipped it on and got the shock of a lifetime. I was still wearing the pirate costume, but everything else had changed. Let me just start by saying, I was fucking gorgeous! As I’ve mentioned, I am a tons-of-fun in the Dairy Queen kind-of-way guy. But the reflection staring back at me was tons-of-fun in the Hercules kind-of-way. The body reflected in the full length mirror was so incredible I couldn’t believe it. Where to start...well lets start at the bottom because that’s where my tour started as well. Through the rips in the thin khaki fabric I could see that my legs were phenomenally muscular. My thick calves distended the bottom hem around their size and my incredible quads bulged out of the shredded pants; almost as if they had been designed to showcase the powerful muscles just visible underneath. My hamstrings and glutes hadn’t been left out either, and from the back or the side it was clear that my ass would give J.LO a run for her money, only mine was solid muscle. Perhaps the best part of the lower-front view was my VERY packed crotch. My dick had never been a strong suit for me before, barely managing 5.5” hard with small balls to match. Now everything was bulging prominently, and it was visibly clear that I could have moonlighted as a 16th century pirate-porn star! Up top, the now under-sized open leather vest accentuated my incredible 8-pack. My waist probably had more muscle than I had on my entire body before my nap. Each rippling ab was perfectly formed and shrink wrapped under tight-tanned skin. It was so tight that, despite all the muscle, I figured it couldn’t be much more than 30” around. My rippling abs only made my chest, back, and shoulders look wider. Two thick squared-off pecs protruded inches above my abs with a deep striated chasm between the muscles. I could have watched the rise and fall of those beautiful pecs all day! My back was easily just as muscular, making me feel almost as thick as I was wide. My incredible lats pushed my arms our and stretched the tiny vest almost to the breaking point. Capping my thick torso were my barn-door wide shoulders, which jutted out the sides of my vest. Thick deltoids rippled with every movement, looking like inflated soccer balls and framing my muscular neck flawlessly. Connected to those amazing shoulders were two of the most muscular arms I had ever seen. Even unflexed they twisted and bulged under my glowing golden skin, as thick veins accented by build. Flexing one arm in the mirror, I watched in ecstasy as MY mountainous arm swelled skyward. GOD DAMN; I WAS JACKED! My body and dick weren’t the only things that had improved, even my face had become more manly. I still looked like me, at least for the most part, but a more ruggedly handsome version of myself. All traces of fat and jowls had melted away replaced wth a strong jaw, visible cheekbones, and coated with a thick layer of stubble. Even my eyes had changed, now a crystal clear and bight sparking copper color. “Guess she was right.” I said, surprised at the deep rumbling of my voice, “I am satisfied.” Stripping off the costume, I decided to shower and examine my body. This was undoubtably one of the best experiences of my entire life to date. Just seconds of staring at my naked body in the mirror my MASSIVE cock was rock hard & standing at least 10” out over my much bigger balls. I laughed at the sight of it, enjoying the sight of my muscles rippling as I did. “I am going to have to be careful with this thing, it was probably more lethal than my costume’s sword!” I weighed myself while the shower warmed up, running my hands across my hard muscles while the scale announced that I weight 230 lbs. So I’d lost ten pounds overall, but probably gained 50lbs or more of pure muscle in the process. Can’t argue with those kind of results! Exploring my body and cock in the shower was the thrill of a lifetime. Never in my wildest dreams had I thought this could be me! Watching the water cascade around my muscles was intoxicating. But as I inspected I noticed something intriguing. My wrist now had a small intricate tattoo. The thin band had the same detailed pattern my golden bracelet, but I had no idea where the bracelet had gone. I should have been more concerned about this, but honestly that paled in comparison to suddenly become a six foot tall muscle stud. My new cock was considerably more interesting, and I really didn't give a shit how this had happened. I just wanted to enjoy every moment of it. I was everything the old me wasn’t & I loved it! ************************************* Finally, a thirty minute shower and four (HOLY HELL) orgasms later, I was back in my costume and ready to head out the door. Looking at the clock, I realized I still had almost three hours to kill before the party started. “I should get some food and some caffeine in these big muscles,” I said aloud, just to enjoy the deep rumble of my baritone. I grabbed my keys and headed back downtown. Having never been an attractive or muscular guy, I wasn’t really prepared for the response I received. Walking around town in my costume was a thrill. For the first time in my life, regardless of where I went, people couldn’t help but react to me. Many people stared, women in particular. More daring people complimented me on costume/muscles/looks, some even wanted to take selfies with me! Some even touching my shoulders or arms, complimenting me on my body and getting a quick feel. The attention was really started to get me going, and worried that I would bust through my costume if I wasn’t careful, I decided to duck into the empty Starbucks for a latte and maybe a salad. Inside Starbucks, I was presented with another “first in my lifetime” experience. Daniel, that’s what his name tag read, was the skinny-college aged Barrista who nearly fell over himself to get me my drink order, at least after he stopped staring long enough to write on the cup. While stumbling around beyond the counter, paying more attention to me than what he was doing, Daniel accidentally squirted me with the sugary syrup used in the latte I’d ordered. Mortified with his mistake, he quickly rushed around the counter, grabbing my wrist as he went. He led me to the bathroom while mumbling, “I promise we can get it off the vest, it doesn’t....it doesn’t stain Sir. Oh I’m such a klutz.” Once inside the restroom, he locked the door a before turning around to face me. “Damn, you must workout a lot.” He said. “Ugh, sorry Sir I shouldn’t have said that. Sir, Do you mind taking that vest off? I can clean it up right now if you’d like.” I just laughed, “I’ve never worked out a day in my life,” the awe & envy in his face apparent, “But you can clean it up, you are the expert.” I slowly removed the vest, my muscles rippling and flexing as I removed the tight fabric. Bouncing my pecs slightly, I handed him the vest. Now Daniel was completely mesmerized by my bare flawless torso. Completely out of character (or would it be in Character, since I am a Pirate?), I decided to have some fun with him. “You know it really wasn’t that bad on my vest,” I said with a smirk, “I think you got more of that syrup on my abs than on the vest anyway.” Before I could say another word, Daniel was on his knees. “Please...please let me lick it off you Sir. PLEASE. I would give anything just to touch your body.” he begged. Who was I to turn him down with a request like that! Hell, I would get as much pleasure from this as he would. “Knock yourself out Danny,” I said, spreading my arms wide and flexing my gorgeous eight-pack. He was on me in an instant, licking my abs like a puppy. His hands went everywhere, squeezing my massive lats and caressing my thick glutes. From his moaning, it was obvious he was enjoying himself. Soon, a stirring in my pants indicated my enjoyment as well. Once again he gave me a pleading look, and I simply nodded. With expert care, Daniel undid the clasp and lowered my torn pants to the ground. Since I was commando underneath, my porn-star dick sprang out easily. Daniel started sucking eagerly, quickly bringing me to my fifth orgasm of the day, which he swallowed enthusiastically. Realizing that this wasn’t going to satiate him or me, Daniel quickly asked, “Sir, fuck me. Please, I have to feel you inside me,” he pleaded. Despite five earlier orgasms, I was rock-hard & still very horny. I guess supernatural hyper-muscular pirates have fantastic stamina! This was all new territory for me, but what the hell. I was hot, horny, and ready to go; why not fuck a stranger in Starbucks? Its a Pirate’s life for me! “Hope you can handle this Danny boy.” I said confidently, pulling down his pants. I lifted him off the ground like a doll, my muscles easily handling his weight. With a grin, I plunged my massive cock inside his ass. Daniel screamed with pleasure, his skinny legs wrapping around my muscular waist. I felt his toes curling with pleasure. I supported his weight with my cock and arms and began thrusting. His hands, lips, torso, ever part of him possible rubbing against me as I fucked him. Minutes later I felt his body begin to rock as he orgasmed. Allowing myself to release as well, I came for the sixth time that afternoon inside him. Breathing heavily, Daniel cleaned us up while in a state that could only be described as euphoric. My vest was now unstained, but I had a new wardrobe malfunction. My semi-hard cock, stretching towards my left hip, was even more prominent in my seemingly tighter pants. I was about to get nervous, but that was the old me talking. I didn’t have to care about that anymore. I just fucked someone in Starbucks! I’m am a fucking pirate stud! Daniel was blabbing, nearly in tears thanking me, telling me I was the hottest man he’d ever met. He tried to give me his number as I left, but I just shook my head. “I know where to find you Danny. See ya around.” ******************* Back on the street I walked aimlessly. I was still horny and reeling from my Starbucks experience, all thoughts of dinner or the latte long gone. By the time I finally payed attention to where I was going, I found myself on the same dark alley I’d gone down a few hours earlier and standing right in front of the costume shop! “What the hell,” I said to myself, “I might as well go in and tell that lady how happy I am with everything.” Walking into the store, the shopkeeper looked at me quickly and said, “Oh no! Not satisfied? Please please come quick, we’ll fix it right before your party.” I couldn’t even utter a word before she’d pulled me by the hand and led me into the back room. She opened drawers full of golden bracelets, chains, and rings all with nearly illegible engravings. She searched quickly, talking to herself and not listening to me at all. I couldn’t really hear much of what she sad, but I heard a few random words that sounded a lot like “muscle” and “strength.” After less than a minute she found what she was looking for. With a cry of delight, she turned around and snapped a new bracelet around my muscular wrist. “This will fix everything. Go lie down, I’ll wake you for your party.” I couldn’t even protest as she pushed me onto the bed I’d failed to notice when we walked in. Once again I was overcome with drowsiness and started to fall asleep. What the hell was I getting myself into...
  2. spacevlad

    They're Really Sensitive Now

    Hey guys. This story idea has been bouncing around in my head for a long time and I finally decided to write it down. I also wanted to try writing a shorter story, so this one is only two chapters long. I hope you enjoy! I got back from work early today and noticed Josh’s car in the driveway. He must already be home from the gym, I thought to myself. My boyfriend Josh had been hitting the gym hard the last couple months since he has been “between jobs”. I hadn’t exactly been happy about the big guy’s unemployment, but I was glad he was using the time to pack on more muscle to his chunky frame. He had put on 20lbs of mostly muscle over the last two months, putting him at 260lb, and seemed to be horny all the time. My cock twitched in my dress pants as I walked up to the door. Josh met me at the door with a big grin on his face. “Welcome home, bud!” he said and pulled me into a big bear hug. Josh was a big guy, with a thick ex-jock daddy build. He had been in the closet growing up, playing football and lifting weights to prove he was one of the guys and try to be more than just a pudgy guy but had let himself go after college a bit and as his metabolism slowed in his 30s. Now in his 40s, he was getting serious about putting on real size and going for the musclebear daddy look. His squishy gut pressed against me as he squeezed, but I also felt his hard round pecs and strong thick arms pressing against my skinny frame. I grunted as he finished his hug and put me back down. I looked up at his 6’ height and smiled. His dirty blonde hair was cut short into a Mohawk—he had been having fun with his hair since he didn’t have a job—and a full beard that made him look extra burly. He wore a cut-off tank top that showed off his big, round shoulders and arms. His gut protruded out in front of him, hanging over the belt on his jeans and jiggling as he stepped back from me. “Hey there Josh, good to see you. So you came home early from the gym today?” I said as I put my bag on the sofa and took off my shoes. He looked pretty pumped up, like he had worked his arms and chest good. “Nah, I didn’t end up goin’ to the gym today,” Josh drawled. He had grown up in South Carolina and was a bit of a redneck at heart, but had moved up north for work. “I got myself somethin’ I’ve wanted for years,” he said and raised his eyebrows, giving me a knowing look. “Oh yeah? What’s that big guy?” I asked and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his thick torso and looking up at him. “You know how guys always say, ‘I got my nipples pierced and now they’re super sensitive’? Well, I finally decided to try that theory out for myself!” Josh said and puffed up his big chest in my face. I backed up from him and noticed the nubs showing underneath his shirt where his nipples were. “Oh shit, you finally did it! Show me, show me!” I said excitedly and grabbed at his shirt. “Hehe, alright alright little guy, just hold on a sec,” he said and lifted his shirt off, revealing his furry belly and chest. Josh was very hairy, with brown hair covering his chunky forearms, spreading over his chest and belly, and even all over his back. With the shirt off, I could see the little barred piercings on his fat, thick nipples. They were red and looked irritated from being recently pierced, but they looked just right on him. “Oh wow man, that’s so hot! Can I touch them?” I asked and moved closer, looking at how they made his nipples look thick and swollen. “Oh yeah bud, please do, they feel so good when I touch ‘em now!” Josh drawled and reached up to prod one of the bars. “Ooooh, man I get chills just pokin’ ‘em!” I reached forward and touched one of them. It was warm to the touch and I could tell Josh liked it, as he shivered when I jostled it. “Did it hurt getting them in?” I asked. “Yeah, a little bit, but after a second it started feelin’ real good, and that hasn’t gone away yet, hehe,” Josh said and pinched his right nipple a bit harder. His right bicep and pec looked great when he did that. “And man, I gotta say, those guys sayin’ it makes your nips more sensitive were damn right! It feels so good now when I touch ‘em…and it makes me real horny too!” Josh said and reached down and clutched the bulge in his jeans. I looked down and sure enough, he was packing big time down there. I reached down and rubbed it, and his cock felt harder and bigger than ever. “Oooh man, looks like I should help you out with this!” I said seductively and squeezed his balls. They twitched in my hand. “Oh yeah bud, let’s go upstairs,” Josh said and pushed me in the right direction. In the bedroom, I disrobed and got on my knees. I unzipped his jeans and rubbed my beard against Josh’s tight boxer briefs, smelling the sweat and musk of his crotch and teasing his big cock. “Oh yeah little guy, that’s just right, keep goin’,” Josh sighed as he towered over me, flicking his nipples idly and grunting occasionally as he did. He lifted his shirt off, revealed a pelt of salt and pepper fur spreading over his belly and chest. He looked magnificent. I pulled his jeans and underwear down and started working on his thick cock. It seemed bigger and thicker than I remembered; I guess he was really turned on! I stretched my lips around his mushroom head and sucked hard, using as much force as I could, barely denting the rock hard cock. “Oh fuck man, feels great, even better with—ah!—rubbin’ my nips too,” Josh said, skipping a beat as he pinched down hard on his piercings. He kept rubbing and flicking them, breathing harder and grunting as he did. After a few minutes I stood back up and pressed against him. He was big and warm, bigger than I remember, and I thought how nice it was that he was spending time in the gym getting bigger. He had always talked about getting bigger and stronger and getting back into the kind of shape he was in during college, and now he had some time to do just that. I reached up and flicked his nipples, and he chuckled and shivered and backed away from me. “Fuck dude they’re so sensitive… can’t believe they feel this—mmmph—fucking good!” Josh roared and pushed me back onto the bed after I pinched them again. I gave him a sly look as he loomed over me. “I love rubbing them, feels and looks so good dude,” I said as he got onto the bed and put his knees and thighs on either side of me, straddling my skinny frame. “Yeah man, feels even better with my dick in your mouth,” he growled and scooted forward until his cock was on my lips. I opened wide and he shoved it in, fucking my mouth as he loomed over me. I reached up and started playing with his nips, and he moaned and flexed down at me. His arms looked huge, I thought to myself, way bigger than they were a couple days ago. Was he making gains that fast? Damn, it turned me on. I dropped my arms and reached around to stroke myself, but it was hard reaching all the way around his thick frame. Josh reached for his pecs and rubbed his fingers across the meaty nubs of his nipples, flicking up, then down, then up, then down in rhythm with thrusting his massive cock in and out of my mouth. I breathed out of my nose but it was getting harder and harder not to choke on his cock; his cock had never felt so big before. Fuck, this was hot. “Yeeeaaah buddy, feels so good, big ol’ pierced nip muscle bear daddy on top of you, just gonna get bigger too, all the guys at the gym will be jealous,” Josh grunted down at me. I looked up and I could see him looking at himself in the mirror, admiring his gains, all the while playing with his hard nips. “Damn boy, you look so small down there, doing such a good job sucking daddy’s big dick,” he grunted, his voice sounding deeper and richer than before. He was way into it! He started working up a sweat and his cock was filling my mouth up big time. I couldn’t take a full breath because his heavy weight was pressing into me hard, harder than ever, but I knew he was getting close to sucked with renewed vigor. His thick thighs squeezed me, surrounded me, his epic mass looming over me, his gut smothering me as he approached climax. He pinched his nipples hard and finally came, roaring as he filled my mouth with cum. There was so much of it I couldn’t swallow it all down, and it leaked out of my mouth and onto my beard. Josh shifted his bulk and got off of me, and I rolled over and grabbed a towel next to the bed, wiping off my mouth and clearing my throat. “Hooo man, that felt fuckin’ amazing,” Josh grunted, his voice sounding different. “Your mouth felt so tight!” he boomed and smacked my butt. “Yeah man, that was great,” I said as I rolled off the bed and stood up. I turned around just as he was getting up off the bed and he rose to his full height…and bumped his head into the ceiling. Josh looked confused as he stood up and rubbed his head, his knuckled scraping against the ceiling, and he looked around the room…and looked down at me. “Holy shit, what the fuck happened?” he rumbled, confused, and turned to look at himself in the mirror. “Why does everything look so damn small?” I just stood, dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open in shock at the massive muscle monster standing in my room. Josh had grown—big time—while fucking me, and was way bigger than he or anyone had ever been before. Josh looked in the mirror. Staring back at him was a monstrous musclebear, thick all over, muscles exploding and bulging off every inch of his body, his thick round belly fat and wide, covered in sweat-matted fur. He reached up and rubbed his fingers through his salt and pepper beard and across his lantern jaw and smiled, admiring the way his bicep exploded into a round peak, a hose-like vein snaking down it and into his forearm. He took a big breath and puffed out his barrel chest; it had be 70 or 80 inches around. He was wider than the damn doorway, easily. He moved his hand over his huge belly and rubbed it and jiggled it appreciatively; it had grown much bigger too, giving him the massive build of a powerlifter or a strongman. He hefted his bigger, thicker cock, which was still leaking cum onto the floor, and smacked his tree trunk thighs. “Holy fuck, I look good. What the fuck happened? Did I… fuck, man, I reckon I know what did it,” he said as he turned to me. He stepped closer and looked down at me imposingly. “F-fuck man, this is so hot… w-what do you think did this?” I said and couldn’t help but rub my hands through the dark hair of his belly and reach up and squeeze the hard muscle of his biceps. My hand looked so tiny next to his hulking arm. “These,” he said and flicked his fingernail against the metal of his piercings. A shiver ran through his big body and I heard his head scrape against the ceiling even harder. “I can feel a rush of fuckin’ energy every time I touch these babies,” he said and flicked his left nipple a couple times. I swear I could see his muscle bunch up thicker and plumper when he did, could feel his gut tense up fuller and rounder under my fingers. “Whoa, what the fuck…that’s… awesome! But you’re really huge, bud, like people are gonna wonder what the heck happened!” I said, alarmed as I thought about the realities of suddenly having a seven and half foot tall musclebear boyfriend. “Yeah, prolly, but who cares? This feels amazing!” Josh said with a grin and pinched both nips, twisting the little piercings in them and swelling bigger. His head scraped on the ceiling harder and I could see some dust come down from it. “Dude, you gotta slow down! We should figure this out before you get any bigger, and I mean, damn man, you’re already like world-record size!” I said and backed up, struggling to drink him all in. Jesus, he was big! “Slow down? Fuck that little squirt, you know I’ve been wantin’ to get bigger, and I found a shortcut! Hell yeah!” he boomed and flexed, his fists coming together, his pecs, traps, delts, and arms swelling with new muscle. I didn’t know where to look, it was so fucking hot. “Holy shit you’re big… but I mean, seriously, how are we even gonna feed you?” I said, rubbing his big belly, bouncing the fat up and down. “Well you can start by gittin’ me some burgers, boy,” Josh boomed as he wrapped his huge arms around my skinny frame and lifted me up to face him. “Big daddy is callin’ the shots ‘round here now, and I’m hungry after that growth spurt of mine.” “A-alright big guy,” I started but he squeezed me harder and the breath left my lungs. Jesus he was dangerously strong! “Call me sir, boy,” he growled and squeezed me harder, testing his strength, grinding me against his bigger, harder body. “Fuuuuck… yes sir!” I wheezed as I ran out of air. “Good boy, hehe. Now, go to Wendy’s and get me a couple combo meals now,” he said and put me back down on the ground. I caught my breath and leaned against his tremendous bulk. “Yes sir! Just, try not to rub your nips too much while I’m gone, we need to figure this out before you grow any bigger!” I pleaded. He just turned to the mirror and started flexing, admiring his new size. “No guarantees, boy, now go fetch me those burgers,” he grunted, too interested in the size of his biceps to even look at me.
  3. Part 1 is here in case you missed it: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7025-a-most-muscular-year-starts-with-a-christmas-surprise-part-1-of-7/ Ed’s old friend Vaughn is one of the guys that contacted him during the week and wanted to invite him to go to a party across town on New Year’s Eve. He told him though that he wanted to wait and see if Kris had something else in mind before he would confirm the invite with him. Vaughn used to work with Ed at his company a few years ago and they started hanging out almost immediately. A relationship blossomed and they ended up dating for a while. Vaughn was never as muscular as Ed was. He was quite thin and rarely gained any weight at all back then, well at least that was the way it was two years ago since that was the last time they actually saw each other in person. The workout that Ed got in today is fierce as he works his arms over really hard to get a good pump in them since the next couple of days will be busier than normal. When he finally gets home, there is a box sitting directly in front of his door with a note underneath the bow. It states that he is not to open what is inside until 12:01am on the night of December 31st. He immediately knows that it is from Kris so he takes it inside and places it underneath his Christmas tree. Just like he did on Christmas Eve, Ed lies down on the couch and falls asleep hoping that he will be awakened by his new lover’s arrival. On the first second of midnight on New Year’s Eve, Ed awakens to a knock on his front door. He jumps to his feet to get there as quickly as he can. When he opens it up, Kris reaches out to grab Ed and gives him a giant bear hug. Their embrace is incredible as he squeezes his young lover with all of the strength in his body making every muscle tense against Ed’s nearly equal frame. Their eyes lock onto each other as they immediately start kissing. The two men start rubbing on each other lovingly since they haven’t had any contact for several days. Kris feels Edward’s chest through his black shirt and marvels at how much bigger it is from the week before. He nearly rips it down the front, but Ed grabs his hands first and motions for him to knock it off before pulling him into the house. He pulls his shirt off to reveal his huge hairy pecs that hang with quite a cleavage with a lot of space along the sides as well. Kris laughs before pulling his red shirt off and showing off his equally large chest as well. It appears that the potion they took the week before made them almost identical in size. Before he started his workout over the past week, Ed was slightly smaller than Kris, but that isn’t the case anymore. Kris most likely knew this would happen which is why he left for a few days so his young lover could start realizing his true potential physically. What is with the package that arrived the day before though? Kris moves up against Ed as their pecs press against each other as the hair on them bristle when they move up and down. The feeling feels tremendous to Ed as he feels warms sensations moving throughout his body. Kris picks him up in the air to smell just above his black jeans. As he positions himself to hold him with one arm, he unzips Ed’s jeans with his other one and watches them fall to the ground as they reveal his partner’s thick hairy legs making the older stud swoon in delight. Ed is emitting really strong odors now since his testosterone levels have increased exponentially. Kris is quite intoxicated by it all as he starts licking Ed’s wet abdominals and tasting the sweat that is running down them. This leads to Ed pushing Kris down on the floor and doing some kissing and licking of his own. His mouth finds its way towards the huge mounds on Kris’s shoulders. His arms show off the massively snaky veins that wait patiently to be serviced by their young master. Ed flexes his equally huge veiny arms which of course get the attention of his elder muscle daddy. The two men have come to the realization that they are becoming mirror images of each other physically and frankly couldn’t care less about it because they are falling in love. It isn’t so much a fuck session but rather a need to fulfill the needs that they crave for each other. Kris pulls his white pants off to reveal that he is wearing absolutely no underwear as his giant cock waits patiently to be sucked dry. Ed greedily swallows it down his throat slurping to get to the seed that is lurking inside Kris’s huge balls to plant them directly into his own belly. Remembering how thick his older lover’s cum was last time, he sucks on the huge pole rapidly to get into a steady rhythm. Kris moans feeling his prostate expanding as his balls and cock swell until they turn a dark purple. He turns his head to stare into Ed’s eyes and tells him that he is getting ready to explode. Ed preps himself for the coming river as he feels Kris’s tasty precum starting to change over to the creamy batter. Each time Kris shoots a stream into his partner’s gullet, Ed’s cock bobs up and down getting closer to the edge. Kris reaches down with one hand to grab Ed’s cock knowing that it will blast at any second and with his other hand he pulls his lover around to slap his rod along his face. After swallowing another huge rope of cum, Ed finally shoots his wad all over Kris’s face. Kris is quickly coated by the thick sauce that is pouring all over his face. He licks Ed’s gaping cockhead running his tongue along the opening and catches its contents as he moans deeply. The two men are extremely satisfied with their selves and get up off the ground to go to the shower to clean up and prepare for that night’s New Year’s party. The late afternoon arrives after the two lovers reacquaint with each other. Kris finishes dressing before going over to pick up the package he sent to Ed earlier in the week. He rips the box open with his bare hands and pulls out another bottle that is similar to the one they consumed just a week earlier. He smiles looking at it sparkle with a bluish color and takes it to Ed who is still in the bathroom. Ed stops grooming himself long enough to look at the shimmering diamonds swimming around inside. Kris tells him that this one isn’t going to be for them, but rather for another fortunate soul. Apparently he already knew about someone from Ed’s past otherwise he would not have sent it in the first place. Instead of a pouch, the bottle arrived in a box similar to one that cologne comes in. Ed has the urge to take the bottle away from Kris, but at the same time, he wonders if Kris has another agenda he isn’t letting him in on. He never believed in this stuff before, but since the gorgeous daddy came down that chimney that night, he is starting to think that anything is possible. Kris looks into Ed’s eyes and can see his temptation so he wraps his huge arms around him and squeezes him tightly to make him realize that they are done with their transformation for now. Ed still manages to get ready before Kris does and goes to find his phone to check to see if he has received any voicemails. There is one from a familiar voice, Vaughn. He says that his plans are still intact and that he still wants Eduardo to attend the party with him. Ed immediately returns his call to confirm that he will be there with Kris, but not to be shy and to come talk to him anyway. Before Ed could get back to Kris in the bathroom, he can hear that deep laugh echoing. It dawns on Ed that this must be the other man that Kris was talking about. He asks him what the potion will do which prompts the studly daddy to say that this one requires a much slimmer guy to transform. Kris finishes getting ready and the two men leave to go eat somewhere before they go to the party. The company party looks exceptionally good this year since it appears as though they poured a bit more money into it. Ed introduces Kris to a few of his coworkers and forgets that he looks quite a bit different than the last time they may have seen him. Some of the guys subtlety grab his arms and pecs while the girls rub on his ass and ask all kinds of questions pertaining to his personal life. Kris laughs as they do this since they barely notice that he is even there. Ed finds this rather peculiar that they don’t say hardly anything to him since he is standing right beside him all the time. Kris pulls him over to a nearby mirror in the corner of the facility and Ed is shocked to see that Kris doesn’t look the same as he sees him. He has the white hair and grey beard that he had before he took the potion that night. The body looks great, but that is the way it was before the potion as well. Kris says that they see what he looks like pre-potion, but not afterwards because the potion provides the results of whatever the receiver wished for. Ed understands now that only he sees the bigger and younger Kris, while everyone else sees the muscular and older version. As they look in the mirror, Ed notices that Vaughn is walking towards them and goes to turn around. He accidentally knocks the small latino man down with his huge chest which gets a big laugh from Kris and a horrified look from Edmond. Vaughn is in complete awe when he sees how Ed looks and can’t help but to feel his power when he grabs the big man’s hand and is picked up off the ground. He still looks as small as he did before, but Vaughn is quite a bit better looking now as well. His Hispanic features are more prominent with his hazel eyes and brown skin. Kris whispers into Ed’s right ear that he will give him the potion when the ball drops as the New Year begins. At this point in time, it is just past 11. Kris ventures off to allow Ed and Vaughn some privacy and to get reacquainted. He finds out that Vaughn moved away to go live with his new boyfriend, but not long afterwards the boyfriend was deployed to Afghanistan and was killed by friendly fire. It took him nearly a year to get over the shock of it happening. Ed proceeds to tell him about Kris, but it isn’t the actual story of how they met. Vaughn thinks that the two men together are quite hot and that he doesn’t even care about the age difference. Ed quickly understands why the potion is meant for Vaughn. Five minutes before midnight, Kris returns back over to hand Ed the potion and tells him that when the clock passes 12:01, he is to give it to his old friend. Vaughn spends the last remaining minutes talking with Kris and Ed. The countdown begins as everyone stares at the television monitors as they watch the ball drop in Times Square. Midnight finally hits as Vaughn squeezes Ed and tells him how much he has missed spending time with him. Ed hands him the potion and says that he bought him something for the party. Vaughn is quite surprised by the gesture and wishes that he had known that Eduardo was going to be at the party sooner because he would have bought him something as well. Kris motions for them to go into the nearby bathroom to talk in private. Ed wraps his arms around Vaughn’s back and leads him into the room with Kris following behind them. They close the main bathroom door as Kris locks it. Vaughn finds this to be a bit strange, but thinks that maybe Ed is going to tell him something important. Ed looks back at Kris getting the nod to have Vaughn drink the potion. Ed unscrews the lid off and tells Vaughn that he should drink it since what happens next might be quite enjoyable. He can sense how nervous his small friend is, so he holds his free hand and leads his other hand to his face. He tells him to trust him as he tips the bottle towards his mouth as Vaughn opens it and swallows the contents. The sensation going down is quite shocking to him because he says it feels like his body is on fire. He is wearing a shiny short-sleeved silver dress shirt and a nice pair of black trousers on his 5’8 135 pound frame. He can feel his body reacting to the liquid fairly quickly as his arms start swelling expanding the veins as they rise to the surface. His chest fills out his shirt and stretches it until it is so tight that he can barely breathe. Both Ed and Kris grunt as they see him begin his metamorphosis. He starts to panic when he feels his legs growing inside his pants as a few threads along the side seams slowly rip. This prompts him to place his arms up to his head as he groans in agony making his biceps shred the fabric as they continue to thicken up. He runs into a stall and places both of his hands on to the side walls. His fingers continue to widen as the stall starts to squeak. His bloated delts and lower back muscles split the back of his shirt open as the two other muscle studs watch eagerly hearing Vaughn’s black boots blow out as his socks shred and his feet continue to grow. His butt is so thick now that it makes the seams completely rip out as it frees itself from any fabric in its way. His brown skin is all shiny now from the river of sweat coming from his pores as it continues to stretch over his expanding muscles. His triceps destroy the rest of his sleeves as his shirt glues itself to his body. His newly acquired lats bust out the side seams as his shoulders and traps massacre more fabric over top of his new cobblestone abs and obliques. Ed approaches Vaughn with caution as the growing man is in such euphoria that it might be dangerous to interfere. The heat radiating from the much heavier Hispanic man is fogging up the windows in the bathroom. Ed lightly places his hands around Vaughn’s thick waist and begins running them along the amazingly firm ridges before moving them to the front to feel his incredibly swollen and wet abdominals. He then reaches up and marvels at the power radiating through Vaughn’s pecs as he feels them stretching under his hands. He presses himself up against his old friend as Vaughn’s huge quads finally blast through his pants and fall to the ground. His ass is pulsing against Ed’s throbbing cock which is trying to burst out the front of his own pants. Thick black hair is now sprouting all over his new muscular body. Ed moans as he reaches down to feel Vaughn’s huge brown cock as it drips a thick stream of precum onto his hands. Kris smiles since he foresaw this happening days ago. He watches as his lover rubs Vaughn’s new body and starts stroking his own cock in his pants. As Vaughn becomes aware of his surroundings again, he turns around and rips the rest of his outfit off. His huge thick brown rod stands straight up as it rubs its thick goo all over his friend’s pants and shirt. Ed moves down to gobble it up as the syrup flows down his throat. The taste is so good that it makes the eager sucker start to touch his self. Vaughn’s hazel eyes stare down at his friend as he flexes his huge guns and attempts to push the side walls down with them. At nearly double his size from before his voice has deepened greatly as his confidence soars and demands for Ed to service him. The new brown hulk reaches down and rips Eduardo’s shirt off to start rubbing on his imposing hairy chest. As he sucks on Vaughn’s cock, Ed reaches up to rub on his big friend’s thick hairy forearms which are now covered in huge hose-sized veins. He traces two of them all the way up to Vaughn’s massive softball-sized biceps and soccer-ball sized shoulders. His touch makes Vaughn growl as he starts to pick Ed up. He rips the butt out of Ed’s pants and boxers and plunges his thick brown rod into his winking asshole. Ed moans feeling it spreading his hole wider as it swallows it inch by inch. Kris has completely stripped naked now and moves over behind Vaughn to get on the toilet to find a position to make Ed suck his cock to eruption. In order to do so him and the brown hulk knock one of the stall walls down to get more space. Ed gulps down Kris’s cock as he starts rubbing on Vaughn’s thick hairy pecs. After a few minutes of this, Kris’s cock turns purple. Waiting for his reward, Ed opens his mouth to catch the thick volcano of cum as it showers his face and runs down his bare chest. Vaughn stops fucking Ed so he can taste the cum as well on Ed’s body. Ed pulls Kris out so Vaughn can down whatever was left inside his pole. Vaughn picks up speed again as his thick cock swells and his balls rise. He pulls his cock out and lets Ed move down to catch his cum. The white spunk flows out and on to Ed’s chest before the beautiful veiny pole is plunged into Ed’s waiting mouth. Kris moves down with Ed as they pass the spurting rod back and forth to each other. With Ed really close now, he moves up to Vaughn’s face and jerks faster on his cock. Vaughn tells him to spray his chest and arms because he wants to feel like a dominant master for once. With pleasure, Ed shoots a huge load all over his brown partner’s pecs, abs, and biceps leading the big Hispanic stud to rub it into his muscles. He flexes his incredible body in front of Ed and Kris and demands that they both lick the cum off. Without wasting another minute, they do as he asks. With the three studs now completely spent from this whole sequence, what will Vaughn do about clothes? Kris hands him his shirt since he is the only one that still has a shirt. Vaughn puts it on even though it is actually a little too big for him. He laughs a little since he never imagined that something like this would ever happen to him. He asks Kris if he can kiss Eduardo since he misses it so much and of course Kris says why not. Vaughn immediately grabs Ed and plants a very passionate kiss on his lips that lasts for well over a minute at least. The feeling is so amazing that he shoots a quick load onto the floor again. The fun part now is to try and get out of the party without being seen. They end up finding a back door and manage to run out into the street with Vaughn only wearing a loose shirt, Kris wearing just pants, and Ed wearing torn clothes. The brown hulk races into Ed and Kris’s car to lie down in the back seat as the other two follow into the front seats. The three of them laugh as they rush out of the parking lot and roll up at Ed’s place. There is a race to the shower with Kris deemed the winner. While he cleans himself, Ed and Vaughn start rubbing on each other and end up fucking once again. Instead of pulling out this time, Vaughn shoots his thick load inside Ed. The hungry bottom lies there in ecstasy as he feels the spunk coating his insides as he kisses Vaughn at the same time. The two men manage to get in a position to rub each other with their pecs, as the hair bristles and their nipples touch perfectly. The sensation from this contact makes Ed cum on to Vaughn’s thick abs as he rubs some of it in and feeds the rest to Vaughn. Kris gets out of the bathroom and sees what they are doing. He tells Ed to get off Vaughn so he can go shower. Once the satisfied bottom leaves the room, Kris winks at Vaughn and grabs the smaller muscleman to flip him over and start fucking him. Kris pushes his thick rod inside Vaughn’s tight hole and starts thrusting rapidly. The Hispanic stud squeals as Kris fucks him really hard. As Kris gets really close to cumming inside him, Vaughn pulls himself off the older man’s pole and makes the cum spray all over the floor. Ed comes back in again as he sees his mature lover shooting and gets down on his knees to catch watch is left in his mouth. He gets a little irritated because some of it hit the ground and he will have to clean up the mess. Vaughn gets up and runs into the shower before something is said to him about it. Kris looks at him and promises that he will help him clean it up since he didn’t mean to do that. They kiss on it and go to get some towels and floor cleaner to clean it up with. When they finish getting it clean, they both go to the bathroom to invite Vaughn to stay since he can’t go anywhere at that time of night and in that condition. He agrees since he doesn’t have any clothes to wear at the moment and admits that he still has strong feelings for Eduardo. A decision is made to where Ed and Kris will sleep in the bedroom while Vaughn will be sleeping on the couch. The three men manage to wind down to sleep as the New Year gets off to a very rousing start. The story continues in Part 3, coming up in two weeks.
  4. Well, I was poking around on Metabods looking for an older story, and I came across one that I wrote that I had no idea was posted on there, haha! I thought I had lost this story entirely from a computer crash a few years ago, but lo and behold, it was all right there. The story is about an artist who uses a special ink to draw a muscle stud who comes to life. He grows some more, they have fun testing his strength and eating big, and meet some new friends at the gym. I never actually finished the story, but I might now that I've found it again. Hope you enjoy! http://metabods.com/mb/index.php/Jake:_hand-drawn_giant#part_1
  5. GlamRockCowboy

    Re-Post: Muscle Beach Dream

    BEACH MUSCLE DREAM BY GLAMLEATHERPUNK (AKA GLAMROCKCOWBOY) INSPIRED BY NO NAME'S REMORPHED PICTURE OF THE SAME NAME ON THE DEVIANT ART WEBSITE It was a cold, raw, brooding day in early February—the kind of day that exactly suited the mood of the solitary figure walking up a deserted beach in northern California. 18-year-old Greg Brzinski was slowly making his way towards an old lifeguard's beach house. Just that morning, he had finally re-ceived his high school diploma in the mail, after passing all his exams a semester early. On learning of Greg's graduation, his father had immediately pulled out a gun and forced his son to pack all his mea-ger worldly possessions in the large duffel bag that was now slung over his slender shoulders. He had repeatedly told Greg that, once he did graduate, the two would part ways forever. Even with that, how-ever, the boy had never expected to be forced out of the house at gunpoint. Once he had packed his things, his father had actually blindfolded him, put him in his very old and rus-ty car, and driven him out of the city, cursing Greg all the while. He had never wanted a child, he said. Indeed, he even went on to complain that the only reason he had married Greg's late mother was that he had been forced to do so by his own parents after getting Greg's mother pregnant. He then went on to curse her, and his parents as well, in the vilest language imaginable. (Greg's mother had died of cancer some two years earlier.) When they had reached one of the entrances to the beach, they had stopped. Greg had then been flung out of the car, followed, only a moment later, by his duffel bag. As Greg slowly picked himself up, his father pulled the door shut and drove away, laughing insanely as he did so. Despite his having been blindfolded, however, Greg had immediately recognized where he was. It was a small private beach, owned by an alumnus of Greg's high school, that Greg and his schoolmates had often used during the spring and summer months. Now, however, the beach was closed for the winter. Even the lifeguard's beach house toward which Greg was now headed was most likely deserted, although it was available for rent on a month-to-month basis during the winter months. Greg was acquainted with the owners of the beach. Indeed, he had told them of his father's threats the last time they had seen each other at the beginning of the school year. To his astonishment, the owner's son had given him a key to the house, telling him that he would be welcome to reside there if necessary until he could make some sort of other arrangements. Now, with his father having disowned and aban-doned him, Greg had no choice but to do just that. The slender youth sighed with relief as he came up to the door and gently laid his duffel bag on the ground beside him. Then, digging deep into his pockets, he extracted the key that his friend had given him. He sighed again as the key unlocked the front door of the house without the slightest difficulty. Breathing a prayer of thanks, he went inside and locked the door behind him. Much to his surprise, the beach house appeared to be clean and comfortably furnished. He flipped a light switch on the wall beside him. A series of concealed fluorescent fixtures along the walls instantly came to life, setting the room ablaze with light. Greg blinked a few times as his eyes adjusted them-selves to the higher level of illumination. Although the house was small, it had a combination living room and dining area, with a fireplace along one wall. To one side, there was a large wood box, which was filled with driftwood as well as kindling. There was even a box of matches on the mantelpiece. Since the house was already reasonably warm, Greg saw no need to start a fire as of yet. Instead, he went into the small but well-planned kitchen, along with a small pantry, that opened onto the dining room. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the shelves were all fully stocked, and so was the large refrigerator along one wall. There was even milk, butter, orange juice, and eggs, and all recently pur-chased at that, judging from the dates on the packaging. Greg shook his head in wonder as he made his way to the bathroom. Here again, the room was fully stocked with towels and wash cloths, along with soap and other toiletries. There was even a bottle of liquid bubble bath, along with a Jacuzzi tub! A front-loading combination washer-dryer stood in an alcove off the bathroom itself, along with a linen closet which was also fully stocked, including detergent, fabric softener, and non-chlorine bleach. Greg once more shook his head in wonder as he made his way up the small staircase to the beach house's second floor. Here, there was an enormous bedroom, with a California King-sized bed. To Greg's astonishment, the bed was swathed in what had to be the richest satin sheets, pillowcases, and comforter that he had ever laid eyes on. There was also a small bookshelf and desk area, including a telephone and computer, complete with high-speed internet access. The room was completed by a large overstuffed recliner, upholstered in the richest, softest black leather Greg had ever beheld. Indeed, the recliner appeared to have been a recent addition to the bedroom, for the aroma from the leather all but filled the room, actually causing Greg to experience an erection! Off to his left, there was a set of curtains, which, when opened, revealed a sliding glass door that led to a roofed balcony or porch, complete with beach chairs and a small picnic table. The view from the porch was nothing short of spectacular, even in weather like this. Indeed, even with the glass door shut, the occupant would have a marvelous view from the inside. Clearly, this beach house was not only built to last, but for comfort as well, even in the stormiest weather. Going back downstairs, Greg fetched his duffel bag, then returned to the bedroom and began putting his meager wardrobe into the walk-in closet and dresser. As he did so, Greg wondered if the house's owners might not have been keeping tabs on him, and prepared the house accordingly. Well, he would check on that possibility soon enough, Greg thought to himself. Right now, he needed to get a hot meal and a hot bath, and then maybe take a nap. Going back down to the kitchen, Greg decided on some hot chicken noodle soup, a couple of peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, and a large glass of milk—a simple but comforting repast. After washing the dishes, Greg then drew a hot bath, including an appropriate amount of bubble bath, and turned on the Jacuzzi jets full force. He sighed in delight as he settled into the tub, where he lounged for over an hour. He slowly got out of the tub and dried himself in an enormous, incredibly soft bath sheet, which he had hung on an electrically heated towel bar earlier. He then swathed himself in a rich white satin bathrobe, slid his feet into a set of sheepskin slippers, and headed upstairs to his new bedroom. On checking the bedside clock, Greg saw that it was only 1:00 in the afternoon. He wondered if he should try to call his friends to let them know that he was now safely ensconced in their beach house. A surprisingly strong wave of sleepiness, however, made him decide to postpone doing so until later in the day. He thereupon knelt down by the bedside and gave heartfelt thanks for this unexpectedly rich safe haven, then doffed his robe and slid between the rich satin sheets, falling asleep just moments after his head touched the pillow. As he slept, Greg dreamed that he was walking up and down the beach on a warm, sunny day. As he did so, he noticed, to his astonishment, that every muscle in his body was growing. With every step he took, he was getting bigger—taller—stronger. His skin, which before had been a sickly, pasty white, gradually morphed to a gorgeous golden tan in color. His hair was growing, too—longer, thicker, ful-ler, richer, shinier, softer, and silkier every minute. His already cute face became even cuter—prettier—handsomer—sexier—with a perfectly-shaped nose, high cheekbones, and lips that were growing big-ger and fuller and poutier and more kissable, until finally he became what could only be called the ulti-mate beach pretty boy. As he now turned and walked back toward the beach house, his stride changed slightly, becoming more and more the swaggering strut of a full-blown bodybuilder. The pace of his muscle growth now quick-ened, while his gonads now swelled to a size and power and potency he had never even dreamed of. By the time he reached the beach house, Greg had morphed into what most of his peers would have re-ferred to as a "muscle freak"--and Greg revelled in that realization. So much so, in fact, that as the dream came to an end, Greg experienced by far the most powerful orgasm of his life, pumping out what seemed like gallon after gallon after gallon of his male essence. As his "wet dream" finally tapered off, Greg's sapphire-blue eyes flickered open. He flushed with em-barassment as he realized that he was lying in a huge puddle of his own semen. He promptly flung the satin comforter to one side, then jumped to his feet. As he did so, he caught a glimpse of himself in the large 3-way mirror that stood to one side of the bed. His mouth fell open, and he stiffened in astonish-ment as he realized that at least part of his dream had come true, and that he now actually was a full-fledged muscle freak. Even his hair had grown every bit as big, as long, and as rich as he had dreamed it had. To top it all off, his skin was now an even more beautiful golden tan than it had been in his dream! Greg shook his head in utter wonderment, then realized he still had some cleaning up to do. He there-upon pulled the soiled satin sheets and pillowcases off his bedding, then went downstairs to the alcove where the washer-dryer sat waiting. He loaded the machine, then began measuring out the appropriate amounts of detergent, bleach, and fabric softener, which he then added to the proper dispensers. As he did so, Greg noticed a brand name on the packages that he had heard of, but had never seen before: “Nu-Yu.” Greg's pulse quickened. He had read about the Nu-Yu company online. They had recently been under fire from a number of government agencies for their extravagant claims. The resulting combined law-suit had gone all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court—and the company had won! In a stunning unani-mous decision, the Court had overruled the various government agencies, couching their decision in language that was so strong, so unequivocal, so decisive, that even the Attorney General of the United States had publicly admitted defeat. The memory prompted Greg to check the labels of all the other cleaning aids and toiletries he had used. Sure enough, they were all labeled, “Nu-Yu.” In fact, every cleaning aid and toiletry in the entire beach house carried the “Nu-Yu” label. On a hunch, Greg examined the labels of the bubble bath, the soap, and the shampoo and conditioner he had recently used a little more closely. The soap and bubble bath both bore a designation of “Ex-treme Beach Muscle,” while the shampoo and conditioner were labeled “Extreme Glam Rock Big Hair.” Greg promptly grinned from ear to ear as he digested the labels' implications. Then, realizing that he needed to clean himself up as well as the bed sheets and pillowcases, he removed his underwear (which had somehow enlarged itself to accommodate his new size) and added it to the washload. After starting the machine, Greg went back to his bedroom to fetch fresh underwear, as well as the satin bath-robe he had worn earlier. Then, hanging the huge bath sheet on the towel heater once more, the young giant took another bath, being especially careful to wash his newly-enlarged gonads. As he did so, an incredible feeling of pleasure and exultation came over the young muscle giant, for he realized that his muscles were growing even larger and more powerful, while his hair was growing into what could only be called a super lion's mane, towering more than a foot beyond the top of his head, then rippling down in super-luxuriant, coal-black waves over his rapidly-swelling chest, shoulders, and yard-wide back, fi-nally terminating at the bottom of his now medicine ball-sized calves! As the now teen muscle super-giant got out of the tub and dried himself off, he realized that not even such big-haired rock legends as Bill Kaulitz of Tokio Hotel and the 90's rock group Nitro would be able to match his hair in length, volume, or for sheer beauty. After putting on deodorant and donning his newly super-sized underwear, on impulse Greg decided to look for some makeup. After all, he thought, since he now possessed tresses worthy of any glam rock megastar, why not complete the look? Checking the vanity top, for the first time Greg noticed a wide selection of unisex cosmetics, as well as shaving cream, after shave, and cologne, all of which bore the Nu-Yu label. There were even a Nu-Yu toothbrush and toothpaste and mouthwash! Despite his still-increasing size, Greg found that he was easily able to shave, brush his teeth, and put on a selection of cosmetics that amplified and magnified his “pretty boy” good looks and sex appeal until they were almost unbearable. As he headed back upstairs, Greg suddenly realized that his new abode had somehow modified itself to accommodate his now super-giant status. He shook his head in wonder as he re-entered the bedroom, carrying a load of satin sheets and pillowcases to replace the ones he had soiled earlier. He was pleasantly surprised to find that the now “California Super-King” mattress was undamaged, despite the volume of his earlier ejaculation. After putting the replacement linens on his bed, Greg took a good look at himself in the big 3-way mir-ror that stood next to the closet door. He was genuinely shocked to see how enormous his muscles had become. By this time, his pectoral muscles had actually grown to the point where they were within an inch of his nose, while his traps were up to the tops of his ears. His neck had been all but swallowed up by his shoulder muscles, including his deltoids, which were as big as medicine balls. His biceps were also medicine ball sized, while his triceps were at least half again as big! His thighs were each the size of a 1200-pound giant pumpkin, while both his calves and his forearms were slightly larger than medi-cine balls. His glutes were about the same size as his calves, giving him the biggest, tightest, sexiest-looking “bubble butt” he had ever seen. Even the muscles of his face were bulging with power, yet in such a way as to maintain, and even enhance, his “pretty boy” looks. The incredibly deep cleavage be-tween his massive pecs enabled Greg to breathe, talk, and eat without any difficulty. In fact, despite his incredibly massive musculature, Greg found that he could move around with surprising ease and flexi-bility. He was also astounded to to see that his each of his testicles was now the size of a giant canta-loupe, while his now “ultra-mega-SUPERmanhood” was now a whopping 14 inches long and 7 inches around—and that was in its relaxed state! Greg swaggered over to the closet to see if there was anything he might be able to wear, given his now-enormous size. To his astonishment—and relief—he found several dozen pirate and poet shirts, over a dozen pairs of what could only be called “pirate pants,” plus several pairs of buccaneer boots, super-wide belts, sashes, enormously wide-brimmed “pirate king” hats, and even several 17th-century-style “commander's coats.” He also found several satin sharkskin business suits in both single-breasted and double-breasted styles (all with wide-leg slacks!). While all the suits were in an unmistakably high-fashion style, he noted that some of the suit coats were waist-length, while the rest were regular-length. To complete the wardrobe, there were several pairs of ankle boots, some with stacked heels and plat-form soles, as well as a selection of neck chains, earrings, pendants, and other jewelry. Greg was agog to behold such a luxurious wardrobe, and he was surprised to find so many pirate-type items in the closet. On giving the matter a little thought, however, Greg realized that, at least for now, he was living in a seaside environment, and so it made sense for him to dress accordingly. So the young super-giant swaggered into the closet and selected a white silk gauze pirate shirt with sleeves that actually dwarfed even his huge arms, a pair of black rayon pirate pants whose legs all but swallowed up his enormous thighs and calves, a pair of thigh-high buccaneer boots in black patent leather with high stacked heels and thick platform soles, a 3-inch-wide black patent leather belt with a huge ring buckle, and a 4-inch-wide sash in royal purple satin. Checking the dresser that stood to the right of his 3-way mirror, Greg burst out laughing when, in addi-tion to a fine selection of over-the-calf hosiery, he found more than a dozen pairs of what could only be described as men's pantyhose! Then, remembering from one of his history classes that men had in fact worn stockings quite similar to pantyhose back in Elizabethan times, he cried out, “Well, why not?” He thereupon selected a pair of black silk pantyhose and put it on—and promptly experienced the erection of his life! It took several minutes, in fact, for Greg to calm down and thereby avoid yet another super-orgasm. Once he did, however, he quickly proceeded to put on the shirt, the pants, the belt, the sash, and finally the boots. Greg almost fainted as he looked over the final result of his efforts in his 3-way mirror. If there were any such thing as a “super-swashbuckler,” he decided, he surely qualified, especially with his rich, dark chocolate-brown tresses coming down to his ankles, both in front and in back. On impulse, he selected a rich burgundy velvet coat and the biggest, widest-brimmed “pirate king” hat he could find and added them to his outfit. The result was nothing short of staggering, both in looks and in sex appeal. Greg let out a positively thunderous laugh of exultation and exuberance as he once more preened himself in his 3-way mirror. He didn't just look like a “pirate king”--he looked and felt like a “pirate emperor!” Now that he was fully dressed—and then some!--Greg decided to let his benefactors know that he had taken them up on their kind offer to reside in the beach house. He thereupon powered up the computer, which of course took several minutes to get going, especially in view of the number of system updates that needed to be downloaded and installed. While all of that was going on, Greg decided to go down to the kitchen and brew himself a pot of hot tea, especially in view of the fact that it was cold and raw outside. As he did so, he spotted several bottles of food supplements in one of the kitchen cabinets. He was not surprised to find that they too carried the “Nu-Yu” label (including, of course, the customary and mandatory FDA disclaimers, the sight of which caused Greg to snort with amusement). As he looked over the labels of the supplement bottles, he saw that one was labeled, “Extreme Super Intelligence,” the second read, “Extreme Wealth,” and the third read, “Extreme Musical Ability.” After reading the directions on each label, he took one—and ONLY one—tablet out of each container. (The directions warned that taking more than one would render the supplement useless, especially if more than one supplement were to be taken at the same time.) Since the directions indicated that each sup-plement was to be taken on an empty stomach, he filled a water glass, then took each of the pills, one at a time, washing each pill down with at least two swallows of water. Within a matter of minutes, the supplements began to take effect. In five minutes, Greg sensed that his intellectual capacities had increased to the point that his already high IQ had skyrocketed beyond any measurable level. In ten minutes, Greg's net worth had shot up to over a trillion dollars, and the beach house had morphed into a mega-mansion that even the Sultan of Brunei would envy. Lastly, by the time fifteen minutes had elapsed, a huge pipe organ had become part of the walls and ceiling of the beach house, and manuscripts for several new organ symphonies had appeared on the solid gold coffee table in the mansion's huge new music room. As the transforming effects of the supplements tapered off, Greg suddenly noticed that there were jew-eled rings on every finger of both of his massive hands, while his outfit had become at least a hundred times more lavish and extravagant than all of the legendary Liberace's richest costumes put together. Shaking his head in wonder, the young trillionaire made his way back to the bedroom, now enlarged to the size of a small house. He was amused to notice that the computer he had turned on just half an hour before was only now finishing up downloading and installing the system updates it had begun working on when it had first been powered up. Before he could even sit down at the desk, however, the computer, having finally completed its soft-ware updating, suddenly began updating its hardware as well, finally morphing into what Greg knew had to be the hottest, fastest, most advanced luxury gaming computer system on the entire planet. He once more shook his massive, gorgeous young head in wonder as he finally seated himself and began the task of contacting his benefactors and letting them know what had happened to him. Within five minutes, Greg had composed an email to his benefactor, David Johannsen, thanking them for their incredible generosity, and briefly describing the changes in himself and the beach house. Within another five minutes, he received a reply, telling him that the beach house was now his to keep, along with its contents (all of which, of course were now greatly augmented in luxury and value due to Greg's taking the “Extreme Wealth” supplement only a short time earlier). The message also stated that David, along with his twin sister, Jenna (Greg's long-time girlfriend) and his own girlfriend, Ruth Bohr, would be coming to visit him shortly. Needless to say, Greg promptly acknowledged the message. He then logged off the Internet and printed out a report listing both the hardware and the software that were now installed on the system. Greg whistled in admiration as he looked over the listing. All of his favorite computer games, as well as the latest in multimedia production software and his favorite glam rock music videos and audio tracks, were at his command. In addition, the system was equipped with full 7.1 surround sound capability, as evidenced by the numerous satellite speakers positioned around the room, to say nothing of the massive subwoofer in one corner of the room. He also had a full selection of cable TV channels at his disposal for viewing on the big 50-inch monitor on the desk in front of him. By this time, Greg realized that David and his party would be arriving shortly. He was about to turn off the computer when he saw a notice on the screen that more updates were being downloaded and in-stalled. With a snort of amusement, he arose from the desk and left his new toy to augment its capabili-ties still further. As he did so, Greg felt an enormous surge of increasing power and strength rushing upward through his body. He felt himself growing taller as well, and he somehow sensed that he was now at a height of well over 7 feet. His already massive gonads swelled up even bigger, creating an obscene bulge at the front of his pirate pants, which were now of heavy black silk satin. Thankfully, his trousers promptly enlarged themselves just enough to correct the problem. As he made his way down the stairs toward his now-massive front door, his hair began to sparkle from the presence of gold, silver, and platinum dust, as well as powdered precious and semi-precious stones in every color of the rainbow. Although Greg was ecstatic about his now ankle-length tresses, he still could not help thinking that having his hair styled in long, big, brawny-looking curls might actually be more fitting, given his greatly-modified appearance. As if in direct response, Greg's hair began curling itself exactly as he had envisioned. Even when the curling process concluded, however, his hair was still long enough for him to sit on! Just before he opened the door, Greg pulled his hair back such that it all fell over his incredibly broad back and shoulders. He then fluffed up the numerous rows and layers of ruffles and lace on his “mega-pirate” shirt, which was now of cloth-of silver, and straightened his massive “commander's coat,” which was now of cloth-of-gold. He then opened the massive door, only to be confronted by three of the biggest, most lavishly-clad young super-giants he had ever seen. Quite clearly, David, Ruth, and Jenna had had given themselves the same “Nu-Yu” treatment that he had. The very sight of his three transformed friends enraptured him, as he threw his gargantuan arms around each of them in turn, es-pecially Jenna, whom he favored with what could only be described as an “ultra-mega-maxi-SUPER kiss”--a kiss that kept going deeper and deeper and deeper, until at last Greg simply had to break it off in order to breathe. David had brought the necessary documents for Greg to sign in order to formalize and legalize the transfer of the property from himself to Greg, an action which Greg promptly carried out with all man-ner of flourishes. David then gave the documents to a lavishly-clad young servant who was standing outside the front door, with orders to forward them to the proper authorities. Even as he did so, much to Greg's delight, his best friend's outfit became even more lavish, indicating an increase in David's net worth. He joyfully covered his best friend's face with kisses, thanking him again and again for his in-credible generosity. David, for his part, did the same to Greg, thanking him for his love and friendship, which had begun when they were both in kindergarten, and was now reaching its apotheosis. The culmination of these events took place two days later, when the two young couples were formally married in Las Vegas. Local newspapers described the affair as “the most lavish double wedding in Las Vegas history.” Every member of Greg and David's graduating class was present for the ceremony, all of them gorgeously dressed for the occasion. They all went wild when Greg announced that he was arranging full-expense-paid scholarships for each and every one of them all the way through their PhD studies, should any of them want to go that far. The reception and concert that followed featured the hottest glam rock groups and singers from the 1980's, all of whom wore outfits so extravagant that even Adam Ant shook his head in wonder. As might be expected, the two young “MEGA-couples” then proceeded to consummate their unions in the most luxurious honeymoon suites Las Vegas had to offer. They then returned to the beach house, now a “mega-mansion,” where the whole affair had begun. The two couples had decided to share the house, for they wanted to live together always. Despite the staggering wealth and muscle they all now possessed, the four young “mega-muscle-teens” were humble and grateful, and they all recognized the enormous responsibility that came with such blessings. As they made the return journey to their new home, they all prayed sincerely for God's guidance and help as they began their new lives of muscle and luxury together.
  6. hero1000

    College Hulk Part 5

    Part 1&2 Part 3&4 Part 6 Part 7 Part 5: Steve pulled the rental car up to the frat house and dialed Jonas number again. It rang and rang then went to voicemail. “Where the hell are you?” Steve blurted into the phone. He got out of the car and made his way back to their room. Thinking he might find Jonas napping on the bed, he opened the door quietly. No one was there. Jonas’ bed was made up and Steve’s bed was stripped. “Crap, have to go move my laundry over to the dryer” He shook his head and wondered what was going on. Maybe Jonas was really pissed at him. He really hoped the whole argument would just blow over. Steve went down the hall and heard the door open. He saw Tony walking in. “Tony! Hey!” Startled, Tony looked up, ‘Oh…oh…Hi Steve” “What’s wrong you look like you just saw an alien or something…” “No…nothing’s wrong. Just a little tired and need to get back to my room, that’s all.” Tony passed Steve and headed towards his room, but Steve called after him, “Tony…you sure you’re all right?” Tony turned around, “Why?” “There’s a big rip in the back of your shirt. Actually you look a bit like you’ve been in a fight. Is someone picking on you?” Steve got a little angry thinking about this kid getting bullied. “No. I just….I was…getting out of my car…that trunk, you remember how heavy it was. Kind of embarrassing actually” Steve looked a bit confused, “Yeah, yeah, I guess. Go get some rest” Steve continued down to the basement to move his laundry over to the dryer. When he got there someone had already pulled his clothes out of the washer and tossed them on a bench, all wet and soggy. “Really?!” Steve stalked over and picked them up, they looked clean at least. He took his time picking through each item and when he was satisfied, he loaded them into the dryer. Soon he made his way back up stairs and as he passed Tony’s room, Tony was coming back out of it and stopped short when he saw Steve again. Tony was carrying an armload of folded clean clothes. Steve stopped him, “Tony, what’s going on? Where are you going with those clothes? School starts back up soon.” “Yeah, I know. I thought I would donate them to….” “Donate?” Steve shook his head, this wasn’t adding up. Tony didn’t donate stuff, he was a hoarder. “You haven’t heard from Jonas by any chance have you? He still isn’t answering his phone” Tony shook his head as Steve pulled his phone out of his pocket to try again. He dialed the number and waited when suddenly he heard an answering ring from behind Tony, whose eyes went wide. Steve hit “end call”. The ringing stopped. He hit dial again and the ringing resumed after a couple of seconds. “Why is Jonas’ phone in your room?” “Oh..he…he must’ve left it there when he went out…” Steve shoved passed Tony and pushed the door open. He looked around and didn’t see the phone anywhere in the open. Steve knelt down and looked under the bed, but no phone was there. Steve took out his own phone and dialed it again. The ringing came from Tony’s locked wardrobe. He slowly turned around and stared at Tony who had dropped his clothes on the floor. “What’s going on, here?” “I …I…ok. I saw that Jonas left his phone…he…he told me he didn’t want to talk to you because he thought you were acting like an asshole this morning.” “Didn’t want to talk to me?” An unexpected jolt of pain went through Steve when he heard this. “Yeah, he said you …well…I don’t want to get in the middle. I saw he left his phone on my bed so I picked it up to keep it safe” Steve sat slowly down on the bed, “But why? When I left he was asking me to …to…stay” “I really don’t know.” Steve felt depressed and crushed, “Maybe you can get it for me and I can give it back to him…maybe that will…” “I really don’t know if I should. He didn’t really want anything to do with you…” Steve felt another emotional punch to the gut. “Please. I need to try to make this right” Tony sighed dramatically and moved to unlock the wardrobe. “Why didn’t you tell me about this when I asked you this morning?” Tony paused “I wasn’t quite sure what to say. I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you then.” Tony unlocked the door and reached for the phone but bumped a pair of New Balance that fell off a shelf to the floor at Steve’s feet. Steve recognized them at once. They were too big for Tony’s little size 6 feet. “These…these are Jonas’ shoes.” Steve rose off the bed. Tony whirled around and looked at him, panic in his face now. “He was really upset this morning….couldn’t even help me with….” “Are you telling me he forgot his shoes? Something isn’t right here.” He glared at Tony, “What the hell is going on?” A rush of anger went through Steve and he grabbed Tony by the shirt and slammed him against the wall and demanded again, “What the hell is going on?!” Steve pressed in an inch from Tony’s face and felt a surge go through him, but he was too angry to care. Tony stared as Steve’s face went through a spasm and he heard a pop like a thread giving way. Steve seemed to swell but was oblivious to it. Was he another one like Jonas? Steve suddenly released Tony, snarled and turned away. Tony gasped. Steve’s back seemed wider and his neck thicker but then they seemed to shrink. Maybe it was just an illusion, but …no. Tony almost smiled in spite of himself. The left shoulder seam had a split in it, small, but enough to indicate what had happened. Steve seemed completely unaware. Steve looked back at Tony who was now rubbing his chest nervously, “Where is Jonas? And don’t even think about lying to me anymore.” “Okay. I can explain everything. He really is fine. Just resting…you’ll see. Would you…like some tea? It’s very relaxing.” “Are you serious?!” He swore at Tony. Tony backed up a little and said nervously, “Just trying to be polite…” “Just start talking” “Jonas came to help me with my project. It is about the effects of radiation on mutations in certain animals. I can show you…” “Just keep talking for now” “Well he wanted…he wanted to…” “What? For crying out loud stop stuttering and speak or I will….” Steve suddenly couldn’t speak and could only grunt a few times. Tony noticed a huge struggle going on inside of him. After a moment, Steve seemed to regain control. Breathing hard he continued, “You tell me where Jonas is or take me there.” “I’m trying to tell you. When he saw what my topic was he became very excited and wanted to know more so I brought him someplace where he could find out.” “Take me there.” Tony smiled at him, “Are you sure? Jonas might not like it. You see I know things.” Steve grabbed Tony’s shirt again and jerked him towards the door, “Not as much as you might think. Now let’s get going.” He shoved Tony in front of him into the hallway. Tony let out a yell. The hallway was gone. It was replaced by cinderblock walls and, to Steve, a very familiar desk with a phone on it. Steve yelled into the air, “Damn it! Not now. Don’t do this to me whoever is screwing with me!” Tony turned to look at him, his face pale with horror, “What is…where….where are we?” Steve just glared at him, “You mean ‘When are we’?” Tony started to ask something but the door behind them opened and a large figure filled the frame. “Steve, keep quiet. I heard you yelling we can’t be discovered” Steve whirled around to see Jeff standing there with his shirt torn. It appeared he had started changing then changed back. “Who is ‘we’? Is that asshole Matt back there with you?” “No, he took off after our last encounter. I’m by myself. Or I was until you showed up. How do you keep doing that?” “I wish I knew” “Who is this?” Jeff gestured to Tony. “This is a little punk who is making life difficult for a lot of people. His name is Tony and he kidnapped your son.” Jeff looked confused this time. “I don’t have a son. At least that I know about.” “You will. You need to sit down so I can explain some things” Steve still held Tony by his shirt and thrust him at the desk. Jeff sat in the chair behind the desk. Steve first addressed Tony, “Well little boy, let me introduce you to the year 1958” Jeff interrupted, “59” “What?” “It’s 1959. Why is that such a big deal….wait a minute…are you guys….are you…..?” “From your future….2014 to be exact” Jeff went white, “Holy shit! How come you are back here?” “I don’t know. I’m trying to figure that out. I don’t even own a Delorean.” “A what?” Steve relaxed his grip a bit on Tony’s shirt and shifted to talk to him, “It’s a kind of a car….never mind. Jeff I need to talk with you. You have to get control of this because I know things that….” Tony lunged out of Steve’s grip and charged the door that Jeff had just come through, as fast as his pudgy legs would carry him. Steve moved to grab him but tripped on the corner of the desk, “Jeff grab him don’t let him leave” Jeff bolted up to help and Steve righted himself as the door slammed shut and they heard a lock click. “You can’t frighten me. I will never tell you where Jonas is. You are a bully and an asshole, Steve, just like Jonas said” Steve yelled at the door, “Tony I will find you and you won’t like it. I know this building better than you.” Steve turned to Jeff, “Do you have a key?” “I think. Wait I left it on the other desk down the hall” “If we both charge it can we break it down?” “This building is pretty old it shouldn’t take much. Let me try first and see what I can do.” Jeff rammed the door and it rattled a bit. He backed up and tried again. Steve could see the bulk of the young bodybuilder tense and rattle under the clothes. The sleeves and back had tears in them that showed Jeff sweating as he tried once more. “Jeff, were you able to start to change and then stop it?” Jeff paused for breath and turned to him, “I was trying. I was hoping I could stop before the clothes failed…” “Yeah that worked” Steve smiled. “But seriously you obviously stopped it.” “I didn’t think I was going to be able to do it. I was hiding here when I knew that I couldn’t hold back anymore. I don’t want to change in public. I can’t imagine how that would be. I don’t think Matt cares anymore.” He paused again to breathe “I felt the rush and tried to fight. I tried to think of anything else, but, “ he smiled at Steve, “you know how it feels. Then I heard you yell and I didn’t know who it was. Panic set in and it felt like a balloon popped or something and I just got smaller again. Hadn’t we better go after your friend?” “Yeah. I was just wondering because each time I’ve changed I’ve had no control at all. It’s like an animal takes over and it feels so good I just don’t want…ahhhhh” Jeff looked up to see Steve’s eyes turn white. “Steve you’d better fight this you don’t want your friend to see it. I managed to do it.” Steve had begun to swell and was close to the size of Jeff normally. The only problem was that Steve’s clothes were made for a smaller man. They stretched out with small tears appearing in the seams. Steve gasped , “I..I don’t think I can….you won’t be able to scare me” The collar of his shirt tore apart and thick traps rose up as his back widened out. Jeff yelled at him, “Ya gotta try dude!” Steve grunted as the back of his shirt tore apart revealing lats like massive wings spreading further apart. The front of his shirt was rent open and pectoral muscles spilled out. Steve turned to look at the door and as his skin changed to a deep green he charged it. The door blew off the hinge and a huge cloud of dust rose around the door way. In the dust was a large shadow that continued to swell while the sound of clothing popping and tearing ensued. With a loud roar, he yelled down the hallway, “Tony get back here you little runt!” Then the creature moved into the hallway. Jeff sighed and followed through the dust muttering to himself, “So much for keeping quiet” He tried to follow Steve down the hallway but he felt the inner tugging of his own creature stirring again. He tried to think of other things. Shortly he heard yelling from the room where the machine had been that had started all of this. He darted into the room and saw Steve holding Tony up by his feet. “Put me down. Whatever you are put me down.” The stench of urine reached Jeff’s nose and he realized it came from the kid in the air and he saw the dark stain on his jeans. “Steve, put him down. That won’t help anything.” The kid shrieked, ‘This is Steve????” The creature glared at Jeff who shrugged and said “Sorry, didn’t mean to blow your cover” Steve lowered Tony to the ground slowly still glaring at Jeff with distrust. “You are still puny” Jeff flexed an arm and then said, “I think I’m pretty good” Tony hit the floor and then scrambled to his feet. He tried to kick Steve’s leg. Jeff warned, “I wouldn’t do that kid” Steve suddenly yelled out, “NO! I….” loud cracking noises ensued and thick green fur appeared on his abdomen as he swelled even larger. Jeff looked at Tony, “Second wave kid, and he’s pissed. I would get out…of…the way” his voice dropped in pitch as he lost the battle with his own creature. He realized that his penis had gone instantly erect. In terror, Tony saw the other man’s eyes turn white and he began to swell. The man’s eyes glazed over and he smiled and grunted as the rips in his clothes spread even wider. Steve turned and smiled watching the little man become a playmate that was his own size. Jeff felt his back widen out and his butt fill in the remaining space in his pants. Steve’s dick was fully erect watching the muscular transformation in front of him. Tony was horrified at what appeared to be two monsters like Jonas was and he knew they hated him and he didn’t know what to do. Jeff finished the first phase of his transformation when the first explosion came. It sounded like it was from the front office then another explosion. Dust and debris rained down all around them. Jeff rumbled, “Bombs!” He felt the second surge begin. Steve looked at Tony and growled then lunged towards him. Tony shrieked as the creature fell over him, but there was no weight. The loudest and fiercest of explosions came then and Tony blacked out. When he opened his eyes he did feel a lot of weight. It was smothering him. It felt like a body. It was a body. He pushed hard and to his surprise the body rolled off. It was Steve, fully clothed and looking completely normal except that he was unconscious or….maybe…he was dead. Tony watched for a bit and saw Steve breathing. He was alive. But had Steve tried to save him from the falling bombs? Had this just been a weird hallucination? Maybe Steve tripped pushing him out the door and fell on him knocking them both out. That had to be it. Well, now he could take care of this other problem as well. He went back into his room and got more of the tranquilizer he used on Jonas. He injected Steve so he wouldn’t wake up then dragged him out to his car and laid him on the back seat. To be continued...
  7. GiganticBeast

    Gb's Dark Tales

    I am a very normal guy. Ish...sorta...sometimes. Very growth obsessed, as we all know, (or should know by now!) and have had countless years to focus on all kinds of fantasies and 95% of them are all wholesome and good, but every so often I want something more...I want something darker and that's where this thread is going to come in handy! This is by no means a thread for everyone, it has some topics and scenes some may find offputting! (which is why I'm posting it here!) For instance, in this story scene here, there is a woman who grows. But before you close the thread right away, let me explain. I'm a Bi giant beast man, and I've come across SO many growth stories online which deal with "turning the tables" as it were where the girl outgrows the guy. There's even a scene from time to time where the guy reclaims the power only to be trumped later on. I hate that part! With me, it's about the dominance, the POWER and that is something ONLY reserved for the men in my stories. So let me assure you, not all of these stories will have girls growing, but every single one of them will have the main theme of POWER in the absolute WRONG hands! Men who have no RIGHT to grow, and who will cause all kinds of mayhem and chaos and destruction! SO without further ado, enjoy! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ The smell of the gasoline soaked burning wooden crosses filling the night air with a singeing acrid stench as the loud revelling echoed into night. The hollering cheering group of hatemongers cheering on as the helpless and hopeless were lynched and burned. Some of them hiding their faces with the long flowing white hoods, while others, even more brazen in their hate just wore plain clothes, so proud to be carrying out their twisted view of “God’s work” they want everyone to know! The crowd let out a few catcalls and slurs as the final victim was dragged up, the lithe woman still rebellious to the end after having just watched her father and husband killed senselessly. “You understand your charges? You witch, turning the minds of men with your fucking magic, making them think terrible thoughts all so you can drag them to your bed! For that only ONE sentence is appropriate!” The burly Klansman held her noose in hand staring at her, his thick bulge obvious as he ogled her curvy form, clearly falling victim to that aforementioned witchcraft! While she WAS a healer and a voodoo priestess, she’d only ever used the lessons passed on from her mother to help others, and now this muscled brute was going to end her life. Defiant to the end, she spat one last time, as the Klan leader strung her to the cross, the rage building inside of her, a darkness a seething burning hatred that could no longer be kept inside! It felt like her soul as screaming out of her body as she spit out the curse! "I swear you scum anything you do to me shall be returned to you TENFOLD!" she spat again, as the burly Klansmen struck her delicate face. "Shut your mouth you fucking whore!" he leaned in, closely, sniffing her and giving a lick across her smooth sweatsoaked cheeks "It's a shame that mouth of yours is so fucking filthy because I could think of a dozen better uses for it!" he leaned in giving her a kiss before she bit his tongue, causing him to lash out and strike her again, and damned if he couldn't feel a shock just as bad if not worse than a suckerpunch! Reeling from this, he stood back adjusting his robe, before ordering them to light her up. It was at that point he noticed her starting to moan and writhe on her stake. Far from the fear that was gripping her just moments ago, she was feeling more aroused than she ever had in her life! A warmth spreading over her, and it made him feel just as horny, his mind drawn to her full figure, her firm perky tits, everything about her made him want to fuck! This revelation hitting him just as he watched her breathing get quicker! The ropes starting to fray as she looked just as confused as everyone else! She let out another shrill moan as she suddenly SURGED up, her body bursting free of her restraints as she fell to her knees in orgasmic pleasure! From the center of the crowd rushed out the girl’s mother, the old woman smiling, watching her daughter moaning and overcome with the pleasure of this last minute spell, she was proud of saving her daughter's life like this! "IT worked! NOW my daughter you'll be unstoppable, a black goddess able to crush every one of these fuckers!" and the girl started to grin, stroking herself and feeling her body swell and grow against the hot summer ground! The klansmen backing up in fear as she swelled to 10ft, then 15ft! She never felt so...so POWERFUL! Her foot easily kicking aside one of the men who dared approach her! “EVERY ONE OF YOU FUCKERS IS DEAD!” she laughed, stomping once again the screams of terror of the little bigoted men suddenly falling hushed! She stood, confused as their attention was drawn behind her! Turning around slowly, she felt her heart stop! Watching that burly Klan leader stroking his cock through his robe, his body starting to heave with each deep breath! Every single person was losing their minds, but he was there, up on the hill stroking, and his obvious bulge was getting MORE and MORE obvious! He looked down at himself, watching the veins pulse up and down his thick hairy forearms, feeling his heart pounding faster as he stared up at the 15ft tall amazon. "YOU FUCKING WITCH! What have you DONE TO ME!?!" he moaned his body overwhelmed with the most intense orgasm of his life, as his cock literally tore free of his pants and his robe, throbbing thicker and through the open noose as he held it in his hand! Watching as the beast continued to grow with each thick rope of cum he fell to his knees as he watched the veins pulsing further up his arms and he could feel his shirt growing tighter under the flowing robe! Button bursting after button as he let out a deep guttural groan, which slowly twisted into a laugh! “You did this! You made me UHnnnnnn You made me GROW with your stupid fucking curse! You stupid little GIRL!!” he boomed with laughter as he was just 8ft tall, but by this point his cock stretched down even further, as another orgasm hit his powerful growing body, his arms stretching down his body, growing all the way to the ground as he jerked and spasmed swelling out of control! Watching his biceps fill with powerful thickening muscle as he flexed outwards feeling his lats balloon out so wide his shirt literally BURST off his frame as his arms pushed so far up his shoulders were pressing against his ears! “Mother what have you DONE!?” the amazon cried, terrified, unable to move her orgasmic growth finished at 15ft but still held in the afterglow, and the terror of this hulking hairy brute swelling in front of her! Her mother was in just as bad a state as the growing monster of a man who had just hit the 16ft mark plastered her in cum! “OH GOD it’s just not Uhhnnnn STOPPING!” he groaned barely able to talk, feeling his pecs bulge so thick they pressed against his chin! His hairy sweaty body looming over her now and shuddered as every single ab swelled outwards the thick snaking veins pulsing them into a burly musclegut, as his biceps throbbed so full he could no longer bend his lengthening arms! Struggling now to stay on his knees, moving them apart as his thick quads pressed against one another, the muscled thighs so massive they were running out of space to grow! The crowd cheering now! No longer afraid, but loving every minute, unknowing that this musclebound monster was pumping out so many pheromones that every man and woman in the crowd was overcome with an orgasmic sense of euphoria, even the once rebellious amazon felt herself was too turned on to stop herself from grinding her legs together in awe! His cock stretching down to just a few feet above the ground, pouring precum at this point as his hairy body only got thicker! “OH GOD it’s still HAPPENING i’m still GROWING how much BIGGER am I uhhnnn gonna GET you whore? I’m a FREAK already!” he bellowed shouting down at the flinching amazon before it hit him...10 times...10 times as BIG!? Again he spurted another jet of cum over the crowd, unable to stop himself from growing as he hit 20ft tall! “FUCK you’re making me SO BIG! Do you SEE uhhnnn OH FUCK Do you SEE what you’re DOING to me!?” he groaned punching the ground, his muscles jerking as hundreds of pounds of mass were pumped onto his growing frame every single second! Rising once again to his knees the monster hit 30ft then 40ft his booming guttural groans getting so LOUD they could be heard in the next county, he was trapped here, swelling and growing out of control until his cock let out another throbbing spurt of cum and swelled down to touch the ground once again! But it grew so thick the noose cut off circulation like the worlds tightest cockring! The huge low hanging balls swelling as he felt his body shudder and stop growing! Realizing that he had stopped the growth for now, he let out a snarl “OH YOU DESERVE A SPECIAL THANK YOU FOR THIS! FOR MAKING ME SO fucking BIG!” he laughed, realizing his true place wasn’t doing god’s work, it was BEING a GOD!” The amazon let out a terrified shudder as she felt herself revolted by and so turned on by this hulking monster, she wanted nothing more than to see him dead, but now her body NEEDED that massive cock inside her and as he loomed over to grab her she didn't so much as flinch!
  8. A Christmas Surprise Edmond is a very charitable man and has always done whatever he could for his friends. Whether they needed financial or emotional support, he was always there for them. He has never once felt like he should ask for handouts even if they were offered to him. Despite his good deeds, Edmond is quite lonely and feels a bit empty inside. While it isn’t unusual for him to attend the yearly parties at his friends’ pads and at his workplace, he has never found that one person to fill the empty space in his soul. His friends have never caught on to this since he has always been really good about covering up his emotions with them. This year he put his Christmas tree beside the fireplace for the first time since he moved into a new house just a few months prior. He positioned it to where he could look at it as the fire crackles in the room to give it a nice ambiance. It has made for great photos as well since he has snapped quite a few pictures on his camera, and even filmed the whole scene to send to all of his buddies. Edmond is quite modest about his body as well. Being as lonely as he is, his workouts have been ramped up to deal with the feelings he is having. His friends’ remark about his huge biceps all the time and how they always stretch the sleeves on nearly every shirt he owns. As a bit of a joke this year, he decided to film himself shirtless in front of his tree and did a few bodybuilding poses. He has played the video back several times to stare at his thickly muscled torso as it would glisten in front of the fireplace. After editing the final product, he sent pictures to most of his friends who once again remarked about how studly he was looking. Still modest by all means, he found this to be a bit ridiculous but deep down inside he was loving the way he looked and wished that he had a companion to share Christmas with so they could enjoy the fruits of his labor. He wasn’t always alone. His ex-boyfriend Les still comes by once in a while with his husband Ralf, but this year they were going to Florida for Christmas. (Les and Ralf live in Connecticut.) After attending one of his friend’s parties on Christmas Eve, Edmond arrives home around 11 to crash on the sofa. He ends up dozing off after a few minutes. As he lays there sleeping, the fire goes out and something makes a really loud sound on his rooftop. It seems as if something or someone is trying to make their way down the chimney. Feeling the room getting colder, Edmond wakes up to go check on why the fireplace went out. He can hear rustling coming from above his head and reaches over to grab the fire pick located on a rack about two feet away. A man falls out of nowhere and lands on top of Ed’s head as his face plants directly into the soot. The large man gets up as Ed jumps back to clean his face off with the clothing he has lying beside the couch. When the man walks out from within the fireplace to look at him, Ed is shocked to see that it is the man from those stories he heard about from his childhood. The man is not as heavy as they described him to be either. He looks like he could be in his 50s, but is a remarkably handsome man as well. He is laughing as he walks towards Ed. In complete shock, Ed drops the fire pick and nearly passes out. The man grabs him before he reaches the floor and picks him back up to lay him on the couch. Ed can feel how strong the man is by the way he holds him against his chest. The man’s red and white suit is quite snug as the heat emanates from his body. The man speaks in a very deep manly tone and tells him that his name is indeed Kris Kringle. He says that he came to present a gift to Edmond which has quite a few perks that he might enjoy immensely. The man’s sexy brown eyes never look away from Edmond as he speaks to him. His white beard clings to his firm face as Edmond finds himself surprisingly attracted to the man. He tries not to show it but the man is completely on to him. Kris is now sitting beside him on the couch too which doesn’t help matters. Kris hands Edmond a red velvet pouch with what looks like a bottle inside it. He tells Ed to take the bottle out and to read the inscription on it. The heavy glass bottle contains a green liquid which sparkles as it hits the light in the room. Kris says that he can decide what to do with the liquid since it can provide joy if he so desires it. He thinks, ‘What does Kris mean by happiness though and is this some kind of test?’ He looks at the bottle again and wonders what he is supposed to do with it since all it says on it is ‘Happiness’. Kris puts his arm around Edmond and pulls him in closer to his body. He whispers in his ear, ‘you can drink it, rub it into your body, or don’t use it at all. It is your choice.’ Ed’s eyes widen as he is given these options. Kris already knows what his choice is going to be, but wants to hear it straight from Edmond’s lips. He unbuckles the black belt attached to his suit and opens the top part of his jacket as he reveals his greying hairy chest which has a treasure trail that moves all the way down to the hairy bush he is sporting. Ed is floored that the man he knew from his youth is in reality an extremely muscular daddy and he is sitting beside him. Kris grunts a little as he slowly leans in to give the surprised man a soft kiss on his lips. He takes the bottle out of Ed’s hands as he kisses him so he doesn’t drop it by accident. It turns out that the bottle is only part of the gift that the hairy man is giving him. He places it on one of Ed’s side tables as it continues to sparkle like diamonds beside the lamp and the fireplace. Kris gently slides him down onto the couch as he gets better situated on top of his chest as his hugely muscled gut presses up against the striped shirt that Ed is still wearing. Kris nuzzles his face with his beard and plants long wet kisses on his partner’s neckline. It isn’t long before the mature man decides to take his entire suit off to get completely naked. Ed grabs Kris’s huge ass and feels both of his firm glutes in his hands as they flex and strain. Before he can do anything else, the sexy older man pulls Ed’s shirt off and massages his thick chest with his tongue. Kris asserts his power over his younger counterpart as he unzips Edmond’s pants and pulls them off as well. The two men’s cocks are playing hockey with each other as they slap each other numerous times before they finally lie up against each other and throb together. Kris smiles and laughs in his deep husky tone as he lets Ed know that he will feel a huge amount of ecstasy as they get further into the sex. He slides down the couch to pick the young man up so he can play with Ed’s hole as he licks it slowly before laying him on his musclegut to push his big cock inside. Ed doesn’t put up much of a fight as he gives in to the sexy older man’s advances and relaxes his hole completely to let the muscle daddy slide all the way in. Kris starts fucking him in quick bursts exerting a great deal of power into every thrust. Ed is confident that he can take it though since he focuses quite a bit on his core in his workouts. After several minutes of steady pounding Kris stops fucking him to reach over and retrieve the bottle from the table to open the lid. Ed looks at him and motions for him to drink it since it is what he wants him to do. The big stud moans under his breath and agrees as he gulps down half the bottle. He pulls his cock out of Ed before pouring the rest of it onto his heaving chest. The contents roll off the edges of his massive pecs as it trickles off his swollen nipples and into Ed’s waiting mouth. He licks the hair on Kris’s muscle gut before working his way up to munch on his big pecs and chews furiously on both of his swollen nipples. The happy older man squeezes Ed tightly as he feels his body starting to change. His skin gets tighter and more vascular as the veins grow thicker along the surface of his skin. His body hair changes to a solid brown as his cock gets more rigid than before. Ed moans feeling the muscle daddy changing as he continues to worship the mature man’s amazing chest. At the same time, Ed can feel his body changing as his muscles starts expanding. The pleasure he is feeling makes his cock shoot several ropes of cum all over his partner and himself. He looks up into his lover’s eyes and sees how incredibly handsome Kris Kringle is becoming as the man’s brown eyes look down at him as he grins. Kris proceeds to penetrate Ed once again as he fucks him with even more force than before. The feeling he is getting from this makes him almost numb as Kris continues to pound him. He can sense the big stud is about to cum and fears that Kris will plug him up if he comes inside his body, but the sexy brown-haired man assures him that he will be safe because another part of the gift is immunity from sexual diseases as well. He stops fucking Ed just before he starts blasting several ropes of cum into his gut as it coats his insides. They both moan loudly letting the rush flow through them. Ed is completely unaware that his body has grown by 10 pounds through this whole sequence as Kris massages his bottom’s bloated muscles. Kris pulls his wet cock out of Ed again to move himself down to work on Ed’s slightly larger cock. He toys with the head as it fills up with blood and then gobbles it down his eager throat. He moves in rapid succession as he immediately manages to get Ed close to unloading a monster of a load. Ed sweats profusely as he squirms back and forth on the couch as Kris holds him down promising him that he won’t lose a single drop of his manseed. After noticing his partner’s cock and balls turn a deep purple, Kris moans feeling the thick cum creep up into Ed’s shaft as it swells against his lips and teeth. He positions himself to catch the first massive rope as it sprays the inside of his mouth making the big man gag a couple of times. The next few ropes end up hitting him in the face before he locks back down onto Ed’s cock again and swallowing the rest of his load. The sensations he feels from it flowing into his stomach makes him grunt and growl with absolute delight. He continues pumping Ed with his big hands as more cum flows down into the muscle stud’s throat before letting the last few spurts shower his face as he moans deeply rubbing his younger lover’s dick against his beard. After this final exchange, Kris tells Ed to lay back and just relax as he moves back up to wrap his arms around his lover and to pull him into his chest to hold him close. The sexy older man tells him to go to sleep and not to worry that he will still be there in the morning. Christmas Day arrives and after a great night of sex, Ed wakes up and sees a much younger Kris Kringle standing in front of his Christmas tree wearing just a pair of red boxers with white fleece along the top edges. His back is to Ed as all of his massive curves glisten while beads of sweat roll down each one of them and disappear into his gorgeous butt crack. He spreads his lats out as his stands there with his hands on his hips. Ed says something to get Kris’s attention. As he turns around, his pecs bounce and his biceps clinch since he is not expecting his younger counterpart to be awake yet. He smiles as his new brown beard glows just a tad as he says, ‘Good morning, I hope you enjoyed the time we had last night.’ Ed responds by saying, ‘It was one of the best nights of my life.’ which prompts the sexy man to do a few poses himself in front of the Christmas tree. Kris stops posing to go sit beside him and puts his huge arms around his equally big partner and turns to look him in his eyes. He tells him that everything that has been given to him so far is permanent and that he will remain with him for as long as it is deemed necessary. Ed tries to hide his loneliness from Kris, but the older hunk is fully aware of how he feels just from the way he is acting. He leans in and kisses him very passionately as their tongues meet. They have sex again as Kris pulls off his red boxers to move his lover on top of him to slide his huge cock inside Ed as he rocks him up and down making the younger man moan deeply. The fucking feels so much different this time because the numbness he felt before is dissipating. Kris squeezes his lover’s thick arms and worships his huge chest with his mouth and hands. He tells Ed to just relax and let him do all of the work since it is Christmas after all and he is the one receiving gifts. He sucks on Ed’s huge nipples and rubs his hard ab tiles prompting Ed to grunt loudly as he starts to produce precum down below. Kris picks up speed inside him and promptly pumps his seed inside his lover over and over again while he continues to worship Ed’s muscular body. He finally stops unloading inside him to pull his cock out so he can return the favor and get his partner to shoot his load next. Kris somehow has the ability to make Ed’s cock swell bigger and wants him to watch as he makes this happen. The stimulation from the older stud’s tongue quickly makes the muscles in his pole pump up as it moves all the way down into his balls which are doubling in size. The pressure is so unreal that it feels as if he is going to explode in the literal sense. Ed begs him to let him cum since his cock is now turning purple. Kris laughs as he pumps it slowly with his mouth and positions himself to catch the thick river as it flows into his mouth. He growls feeling his body tense up as he starts to get a huge pump all over his body as it turns purple like it is getting ready to burst. Ed jumps to his feet to feel Kris’s hairy chest as it gets all wet from the huge amount of sweat coming from every pore in his skin. It feels so good that both men blow their loads again this time onto the floor. Ed asks Kris how long he will stay like this which he responds by saying that it is only temporary, but it could last longer if he decides to make a resolution for the upcoming New Year holiday. This is something that Ed has never done before, but will for the first time in his life. Since Kris said he was not leaving, this next New Year’s holiday would be more meaningful than ever before. Ed tells him that he wants to introduce him to some of his friends just as a way to include him in some of their social gatherings; however, the big hairy stud tells him that this can’t happen until after he makes his resolutions on or after January 1st. The two sweaty men get up to go to the shower to wash each other off. This of course leads to more passionate kissing and nice prolonged handjobs from both men. A question that is being asked in Ed’s mind is, ‘Where is all of this cum coming from?’ He is spurting nothing but solid white cream from his balls and it makes him wonder if perhaps he would continue to do so after the New Year begins. Kris smiles since he knows what his partner is thinking and unloads a nice thick load of cum as well. It appears that the happiness potion has made both of them more virile and more youthful as a result of consuming it. He then asks his older lover, ‘How is he going to keep this secret for an additional week?’ Kris tells him to relax and not to worry because he has other places he can go to in the meantime so he can just live life the way he did before they met for the time being. After draining their hoses, cleaning up their mess, and drying off, Kris tells Ed that he will be return in a few days so he can make his resolutions since there isn’t much else they can do together at this point. Ed looks at him with a bit of concern on his face but once again Kris reassures him that he isn’t leaving for good and that he will return when the time is right. After a few more minutes of hugging and kissing, he leaves out the back of the house wearing his red and white suit and slowly disappears into thin air. As he tries to keep from getting emotional over Kris leaving, Ed immediately starts texting several of his friends to tell them that he may have finally met someone that he cares greatly for. Some of them find it quite peculiar that this would happen on Christmas Day, but they do believe him somewhat. He hopes that they can meet him after the New Year starts, but he does agree with them that maybe he should just take this one day at a time. After an extremely busy week at his workplace, Ed tries to cope with being alone again since Kris still hasn’t returned from wherever he said he was going. It is the 30th of December and he has heard nothing from him. Luckily though, his friends have visited since they really want to know who this mystery man is. He doesn’t have any pictures of Kris yet to show them because he forgot to take some when they were together. One thing they didn’t pick up on was the fact that he is slightly bigger from when they last saw him at the Christmas party and from work. By drinking the green potion he was given, he ended up gaining at least 30 pounds of muscle through several days of slow gradual growth and even has more hair on his body as a result. He wasn’t too shabby before the changes, but even he has noticed some major changes like how much bigger his biceps are and how his pecs are even closer to his chin than beforehand. His workouts have gotten quite a bit easier as well. He has upped his max weight on the bench and can squat at least 100-200 pounds more than previously. The stress he had from not having Kris around has kept him focused on the gym more than ever. He has made it a point to get a bunch of workouts in before New Years Eve since he doesn’t know what Kris has planned for him. The anticipation has been building up in his brain and he wants to look his best for when he does return. The story continues with New Beginnings, coming soon!
  9. I'm a bit rusty so I apologize in advance. Wanted to try a new writing style. Part I: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6307-invisible-kid-continued/ Invisible Kid (Continued) Part II The repercussions of my decisions never shone so brightly than it did after giving my family their gifts. For the next few weeks, l’d never been more invisible as I did when I was around or near my super strong, super sized dad and brother. Dad had gotten his hands into the construction business and, as far as I could tell, had few things out there that could demolish him. Conan, being the weaker of the two, still liked to strut his stuff everywhere he went and did his best to show off that stuff to his many peers. Dad and Conan often went on father-son outings to guest star at bodybuilding or strongman competitions. They’d invited me a few times but I couldn’t sit comfortably at their destinations. They always found something to show off with. On one occasion, dad had insisted I come and see him fuck up a truck(in his words). And , of course, when your dad was multiple times your size and strong enough to flick you across the room with a finger, I had difficulty declining him. Besides, getting accustomed to living in this version of my reality was starting to get too ridiculous. To get to the counter in the massive bathroom me and Conan shared, I had to stand on a stepping stool since my older brother was over 2 feet taller than me and would have had to practically sit on the floor to see his own face in any average height mirror. Even then, he’d become so big that the mirror would also be too narrow for him to see anything but his face and two mounds behind his head and another two stuffing his chest (although partially).Going to get food was even more ridiculous when the people around me ate enough to feed an army. Apparently, my enhancements to strength and size had made them vacuums when it came to any family gathering for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. When taking something from a stray cabinet, I had to always be wary of the many XL protein powder jars my other male family members continue guzzle at every outing, half a jar per outing. The counters were even higher thanks to dad, of course. I was surprised there wasn’t a ladder for me to climb to reach the upper rows of the fridge (there was a step ladder for that, still.) The living room was probably the easiest room to live in for me, next to my own room. The many citizen and hero medals Dad were made more massive than they were when he told the stories of what he’d done to get each one. Pulling people out of fires, rescuing people falling from buildings, helping with emergency construction, helping the police in catching burlars, rapists, and murderers. He even received a medal for saving the last state wide cyclist competition from a bomb he’d accidently found in a bathroom stall. He would laugh about that when he sat beside me to talk about them on the couch because he’d had to run and destroy the sidewalk of part of the city trying to reach open water and drop the bomb into the nearby lake. It was a very daunting reality where dad and his son had become so strong that they typically did the police department’s job better than they did. He had declined their offers to invite him to be a special officer for the forces as he had his family to give full attention to (and their normal police vehicles were too weak to hold his girth and still move quickly). It was pretty much what you’d expect from a crowd of many beefy, hairy men and then adding my family into the mix. Dad and Conan were their own models of perfection in the public eye and were masterful artists when it came to looking good and making every other big man near them look like shit. They’d come wearing tight short shorts that hugged their asses and hefty content as if they were to be used for Thanksgiving dinner this year and string tank tops that were having trouble clinging to the hefty and strong chests that were almost fighting to be freed from their tight cages. It was almost elementary as every around them started gawking and even ran to crowd and fan girl them. I went to the bathroom as the crowd got too thick to breath. They seemed to almost suck the energy from the crowd the way they thrived in it so easily. Their massive frames standing over the little people around them was a sight engraved in my head. I was starting to get a little envious in all honesty. Was there really no way to reverse this? They tore up any competition they went to when strength or size was concerned. And I literally mean torn. The two were big and apparently had their size for a long time but they weren’t always the best at containing their power. I was so scared I actually made mom more durable as I would hear dad shake the entire house with their….. special time. Which was generally every night after my previous changes. But before I get off topic, again, they tore up everything that wasn’t specially made for them. Going to the bathrooms at competitions for emergencies still left cracked doorframes and overfilled urinals. Trucks or other equipment used for strongman events led to devastated trucks, bent barbells, and other quickly-useless objects. I ‘d never directly seen the size in a few years but dad had become way more manly and open after changing. Pretty much everyone but me walked around the house in tight clothing or little to none. At one point Dad had woken up extremely early, catching me watching late nite television, and was wearing nothing but a pair of briefs looked full beyond capacity. Thankfully, we had a lot of massive pillows on our massive couch or I’d have been discovered with massive erections multiple times. Dad and Conan were far more territorial and intimidating thanks to me enlarging their hefty balls. Mom seemed accustom to it after living with it and falling in love with it in this reality. I, however, would get a little shocked every blue moon when a photographer got too carried away or an obsessive fan did something dangerous during their super strong escapades like kiss their feet during a truck press or something. Rooms would become quiet when they demanded order and attention. If there was a competition between the results of my changes and myself, I’d be the one on the losing side. My family were their own singularity in the eyes of the media and the public. Untouchable. Unbendable. If they had been any stronger, more controlling, or even more beautiful than they were, they could have taken over the state, let alone the country. The only total positive from this was Luke. Luke had been bullied greatly in my reality but, in this one, he wasn’t assaulted by the bullies I’d been stupid enough to let my sex drive grow. At least, that’s what I wanted to believe. They seemed to be backing off when I was around but Luke and I played games on my massive television and hung out too much for me to believe any of that with the bruises he hid under his shirt. It was when we were going to swim in our backyard pool and maybe run along our private beach that I saw most of them. He’d attempted to hide them by wearing his shirt and shorts into the pool but he’d missed some more on his legs when he came out of the pool with dripping make-up covering black and blue bruises. I bit my lip trying not to say anything and just let him enjoy this. The choice to help in a way only I can came again and again. He was really suffering, still because of me, in a world I’d warped and was still my friend. I stayed up late in the night pondering the decision. I had to help him somehow and the only way was to make him powerful like my dad and brother. My brother…..my brother! The next morning, dad was sitting on the couch as I walked out of my room dressed to leave. I looked over and he was still wearing nothing but a confined pair of straining briefs, mom resting on his chest as best she could. It was amazing to think they were getting paid millions to run around, lifting unbelievable masses, and then just sitting on their couch watching crappy shows while half naked. “Dad, I’m going to see Conan, he left his lunch on the kitchen counter” I said, pulling a large cooler that was supposed to carry Conan’s food. No one had to know I didn’t actually go into the kitchen until 4 AM this morning, an hour before Conan woke up. “That’s so nice of you, son” he boomed over to me with a grin. “It’s good to see you getting along with your brother so well lately. The limo should still be at the front of the estate. Stay safe.” I left the house a little sad. I didn’t mean to deceive anyone but I had to do this. I needed to speak with Conan. --- The college Conan went to was very large and expansive, very difficult to navigate through without a map. Thankfully, my (wow, mine) driver left me with a map that helped me figure out where to go. At this time, Conan would be at the hangar by the school. Originally, it had been a piloting club where the students were trained to pilot small planes. I’d actually come to see some flight sequences months before my changes. Still, that wasn’t exactly important to Conan. Apparently, when he’d been a freshman in this reality, he’d bought the hangar to use as his “play room”. I found the hangar, it’s large and metal frame bent in some places. The ground was torn in separate areas as though mines had been placed and set off in different parts of the large grass field. The kind of weight to be moved to cause this much damage had to have been astronomical as I had to actually jump over a few trenches that weren’t naturally made. The close I got to the entrance, the more my footing had to get adjusted. The ground was vibrating every few seconds as if a repeated action were making it all move. I dared to move myself toward the large iron door and pull it with both arms. “Hey, bro” Conan called over to me as he looked over at me with a grin. Sweat was dripping down his forehead. “Almost done with this set” he said as he went back to the truck he was bench pressing, leaving me to gape at the ease at which he pushed out reps against the weight that was easily several tons. Their strength never stopped amazing me even though I was the one who gave it to them. I slowly moved toward a nearby bench with the cooler trailing behind me but I never took my eyes off the man pounding out the weight over him like it was just 20 pounds for an average person. When he stopped, Conan sat up and flexed his chest as iff to get kinks out of the ripples he crafted over his bulging pecs. I forced myself out of my trance, something that had taken several weeks to learn, the idea of mastering this skill completely out of sight. “Um, I brought you lunch” I said as strongly as I could. It was hard to be strong when a giant wearing nothing but a tiny pair of shorts that stopped less than mid thigh and massive tennis shoes was walking towards you with his body covered in a layer of sweat and redness from pumping blood that only added to the manly musk that got stronger as he closed on me. I’d seen people affected by dad when he went to his designated areas for workouts. Several of his lucky fans quickly wet themselves and, in most of the cases, fell onto the ground in a typically awkward faint. I had come prepared as I’d rubbed my upper lip with vapor rub for chests. I had to focus for Luke. “Thanks, kid. I was so pumped for a work out by the time I got to the kitchen, I’d already drunken two cans worth of protein and hit the door. Can’t expect any less from my biggest fan.” Conan rubbed my head and the image of his knocking me out with just a pat hit me just as quickly as the image from the past where we used to be roughly the same height, making it hard for him to really pull off this kind of move. “Why didn’t you send a butler or something?” It dawned on me that I hadn’t planned an explanation for that. “Um….. I had to ask you something” I said quickly. Conan sat on the bench beside me and continued his rest with his bulging arms over his knees, holding a jug of water that he could palm. “Shoot, bro.” I took a deep breath and sorted my words. “How did you feel when you realized how strong you were?” For the next two minutes, there was only silence. I looked at Conan and he was looking up at the ceiling with a huge grin on his face as if he were remembering a pleasant memory. He ripped off the cap for the water jug and stood, towering over me again. He started walking away towards the back door before turning and looking back at me. “Come” was all he said as he turned back and continued his journey. I stood hesitantly and followed but Conan’s stride was too fast to keep up with. It was very similar to trying to skip to keep up with someone on a bike going down a hill. By the time I made it outside, Conan was standing before his next conquest. “You remember age 7 when I had that growth spurt? I can understand if you didn’t, you were so little back then. Of course, you only got even more little when it started.” Conan stood before what must have been 3 fire 18 wheeler trucks crushed and placed on top of each other as cubed metal. Conan rubbed his hands together. “The first time I lifted a 42 inch TV is probably the first thing you’d remember from that far back” he said as he squatted, his massive legs bulging from the motion and the slight tensing of muscles. “Then there was that 2nd growth spurt and I was a fucking tower. Remember the game we used to play to see how long you could hold onto my bicep from 3 feet over the floor? That was fun. You didn’t weigh anything back then. Heh heh, not that you do now.” Conan gripped the bottom of the metal cube stack. It didn’t look as though there were any gripping points, making it more difficult to lift. Atleast, that’s what I believed. “Then people started talking my head off in high school, remember? I couldn’t ever not be the center of attention.” Conan’s arms bulged and his legs flexed tremendously as he stood up with the cubes. Like they were on a barbell, he began to lift them with a steady pace. “And I remember the funny time mom thought her “baby” was in danger when Dad picked me up and threw me into the air like a I was little. As a teenager! I’d never seen such a great view as when I started to see over trees in the park.” Conan then lifted his arms faster. I started to realize his muscles weren’t even really working hard. If anything, this would barely count as warm up weight at the speed he was pumping. Conan continued. “Then I landed in Dad’s arms like he’d barely thorwn me a foot his grasp. That’s when the power really hit me.” He said this as he bent his arms and bounced the weight in his hands, the screeching of bending metal coming from the collision of the metal to eachcube and Conan’s hands. When Conan started throwing the cubes higher, I could make out hand prints. “I know it was late but it clicked that I was becoming a god amongst men. I know it sounds weird but it’s true. People started treating me like I was the most important thing in the world. Things stopped being difficult, besides getting a girl with wide enough hips who could take me, heh.” I was hard as a rock and yet a little scared. “I haven’t gotten growing recently but I’ve definitely been getting stronger. Dad says on my birthday this year, he’s going to let me arm wrestle him as much as I want. We need to find a place safe to do it though. Doing it last time cracked a few trees in the park. I’m going to fucking show dad up and make him look weak next to me. I’m going to keep pushing till I can be as persuasive, powerful, and big as he is. Then I’m going to make him look weak and puny. Then nothing and no one will be able to get enough of me. I’m only half way through sophomore year and I’m more than I can handle!” Suddenly, Conan’s arms blurred and the cubes vanished. I stopped covering my erection with my hand in my pocket and looked up into the sky. Gone. Conan looked at me with a grin. “I might have thrown it a little high. Wait for it.” After a whole minute of searching the sky for signs of the truck cubes, I saw a dot in the sky. That dot quickly became a cube, and that cube was speeding rapidly towards its original home in Conan’s hands. But Conan didn’t move. My eyes were wide as I saw him grin, not even paying attention to the incoming cube. “Move!” I screamed as the cube was now mere feet from collision. All Conan did was laugh like a maniacal idiot before BAAAAAAAAAAAAM!! Dust and earth shook as Conan was hit with the cube. I covered my face as the dust covered me and the hangar groaned. I fell to my feet from the collision. I was horrified as I looked at the cubes. They were perfectly flat and in Conan’s place. “C-Conan….?” I called fearfully. Had I killed my brother? It was faint at first but, eventually, I heard a weird groaning sound from the steel and it began to morph. My jaw dropped as a big, thick hand came out of the cube and was accompanied by another. Within moments, Two big arms, followed by big pecs, and a smirk exited the halved cube and the 2nd cube moved with him. Conan was wearing the 2nd truck cube like a hat as his was firmly planted. He was too tall for the one cube. He walked over and stood over me, the shadow of both he and the cube over me. “Was that a good enough answer for your survey, bro? I’d do more but I’m really hungry for that cooler you brought.” --- I walked down the sidewalk of our town, leaving the limo for Conan. The display he’d shown me was horrifying. My choices had made him a hyper-narcissistic, muscle bound manipulator. Could I risk that kind of power and size changing Luke. Hell no! That was what I thought when my phone rang the next thing I thought was to run to the hospital. Lucas said he had to run to the school cause he forgot his instrument from band class and didn’t want push ups. Why didn’t I go with him? I was one of his emergency contacts outside of family so it made sense the hospital called me to let me know Lucas was right next to her, barely breathing from pain. To Be Continued?
  10. spacevlad

    Summer Research

    Hey everybody, I finished my newest story and I've started posting chapters of it over at Coiledfist.org. I'll be posting new chapters regularly over the next few days, so check back regularly as I add more. So far I've posted the first three chapters with more to come. Here's the link to the story page. http://www.coiledfist.org/stories/index.php?mode=search&submitted=1&keyType=sid&query=spacevlad_summerresearc I think many of you will like the story! It's about a researcher fed up with the red tape and regulations holding back his growth formula experiments, so he decides to take matters into his own hands. He recruits a football player on campus who is desperate to grow bigger. The formula works better than expected but at the cost of the football jock's intelligence: he grows bigger and bigger as he becomes dumber and more obedient. Growth, flexing, feats of strength, lots of sex, and a little destruction ensue.
  11. flesh4fantasy

    The Monster Maker

    Monster Maker Part 1 I should have stopped but the kid responded so well to the juice, did whatever I told him, and was so damn cute. But no, I just had to see what I could do to him if I bumped up the injections and the gym candy, bumped them up to the next level, and then the next level, and then... all that crazy experimental shit. When it became real noticeable, how he was growing, every muscle-addicted fuck in the gym came to me and wanted me to coach them. When he "came out of nowhere" and won his very first contest and scored a pro card at the same time, every pro level meathead began contacting me, harassing me. All those freaks, with their attitudes and their raisin-sized balls, would do anything to win the Olympia, anything to win the Arnold. They wanted to get the magazine covers, get the supplement company sponsorships, get it all. The dudes without any money were willing to double mortgage their homes. Hell, they'd even sell their first-born if it was legal. There were rich guys who offered to fly me to Dubai and other "exotic" places, "just to talk." There were the straight guys, totally straight guys I swear, willing to suck my cock and some would offer to let me butt fuck them, not just once, but butt fuck them on a regular basis. There were the two guys, already huge motherfuckers, who notoriously hated each other, who said they'd let me watch the two of them fuck each other and then have a three way with me. Shit, there was a guy who pulled a gun on me. But I told all of them: "No." See, I was going to make Bobby the freak to end all freaks, the contest decimator, the "Holy fuck!" of bodybuilding. I was going to be "the monster maker." That was the dream. Yeah, that was the goddamn fucking dream. **** I don't remember when they started photoshopping the big guys in the magazines, morphing them up just enough to be a little more monstrous than they are in real life. When they did that it really pushed the aspiration bar high. It upped the game for everyone: the little boys getting excited thumbing through the rags at the magazine stands; the guys pumping iron in their basements; the dudes walking into their first hardcore gym; the hungry amateur competitors; the newly minted professionals; and, especially, the seasoned, seen-it-all, pros. Yeah, all the losers and all the winners. Messing with the pics is unnecessary, ridiculous, and damn hot. Hell, the guys who have their bodies spread across the glossy pages of the thickest of the thick muscle magazine do double takes of themselves. The body on the page is always more pumped up than what they see in the mirror. They must get hard-ons looking at their beefier, better selves. It's like how they start get stiff when flexing on stage and then it's "boing!" full-on erection. Yeah, I bet in private they take their stage oil and jerk off to their altered pics, shoot loads of cum all over their own two-dimensional faces. And it makes them want, want it even more, want themselves encased in it, encased in even more muscle. What did I want? I wanted Bobby. And not just Bobby as he was, but as he could be, as the way I would make him: a living testament to those monthly bibles of muscle. I wanted him to actually look like the images in them, then go beyond them. I wanted him to be the ultimate mountain of bulging, nuggetty, veiny muscle. A beautiful walking, talking hard-on. And god was Bobby beautiful. The day he first walked into the gym, I couldn't stop looking at him, he had the face of one of those models from the old Abercrombie & Fitch catalogs. The perfect face. He wanted "abs," he said. "Sure," I said. "I can help you with that. I can help you with a lot of things." **** Part 2 in July
  12. Muscleace

    Preacher Curls

    So I know I haven't posted an actual story on here in a LONG time. So here is a cleaned up rp that I did with a personal friend (no he is not on the forums). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Preacher Curls “So you’re not gonna talk to me?” Janet Wilford guided the Ford Navigator down the turnpike, stealing glances at the slouched figure in the passenger seat. “Marcus. MARCUS. Don’t be a brat,” she scolded, giving him a slap on the shoulder. “Don’t fuckin’ touch me!” “NO cursing,” she snapped, trying to sound authoritarian. She’d never been good at it – had a voice like a bird, and now a teenaged son that didn’t take her seriously because of it. “Don’t curse in church.” “I’m gonna stay in the car.” “For two hours? No you’re not.” "This is TWO HOURS?!” Marcus slumped against the window of the car like he’d been shot. “You’re the worst. Dad wouldn’t make me go to stupid church.” “That’s part of the problem.” “Don’t,” Marcus said with a grand roll of his eyes, as only teenagers could do. “Spare me the God shit.” “These are nice people,” Janet said through gritted teeth. “Church is more than just praying. Be polite.” She sighed and looked at his dingy plaid shorts. “Couldn’t you have at least worn pants?” "Couldn't you have not dragged me to church." He spat back. "I'd rather be playing Call of Duty or some shit." "Language!" Janet shouted back, "This'll be good for us. And if not, you better just grin and bear it. You might actually learn something." Marcus crossed his skinny arms and slouched. He knew there would be no reasoning with his mother. The Ford rolled into the large parking lot for the large Crossroads Family Church. His mother took a deep breathe. "Now we are here. Please be respectful at least." “Even the name’s dumb,” Marcus glared at the sign, like it was taunting him. “Why didn’t Avery or Bella have to come?” “Because they behave.” Marcus slammed the car door shut. “Oh, so this is s’posed to FIX me,” he chuckled cruelly. “Thanks Mom. Nice to know that you care.” “I DO care.” Janet’s frustration was coming increasingly to the forefront. “I just want you to find some good kids to be FRIENDS with!” “’cause mine are shitty huh? You hate my friends, say it, you hate my friends.” “They’re not good influe-” “You hate my friends!” Marcus accidentally said this as they opened the door and entered the church lobby, and Janet went red in the face when she realized people had heard. Marcus, to his credit, didn’t say it again. “Hi folks,” a very elderly, very stooped man in a plaid Oxford and khakis said. “Welcome to Crossroads, glad to have you here today.” Marcus stared at the ground as Janet talked to the man. He wore a name tag that said ‘My name is ELMER and I’m happy to help!’ “Here’s a bulletin for ya,” he said to Janet, and then repeated the phrase as he thrust one toward Marcus. Marcus didn’t see it at first because he wasn’t looking. Elmer held out the bulletin for a few moments before seeing Marcus wasn't paying attention. "What's wrong little guy?" Marcus grumbled back, "I'm not little." Surprising the elderly man heard the mumbled words. "Oh right, I'm sorry it must be my age. My eyes aren't what they are used to. Looks like we are having a casual day." Marcus looked up. "Huh?" “Back in my day, church was a big deal,” Elmer smiled, more to Janet than to Marcus. “Boys would never dream of goin’ to church without a collared shirt. But you feel so comfortable in the Lord’s House that you wear pajamas around it, and that’s okay.” “These aren’t pajamas,” Marcus said, taking the bulletin and walking away, but feeling suddenly self-conscious. He looked down at the dingy t-shirt – it had a skull on it – and the shorts that had been wadded up in a ball on his floor. He felt a little bad, but that annoyed him too…he didn’t come here for a guilt trip. Still, a shirt with a skull on it was maybe not the best thing to wear to church. He began picking at the black decal, just to pass the time as his mom talked to her friends, and to his surprise it peeled off pretty easily. In a matter of minutes he’d already torn off both the eye sockets, which made the skull look much less menacing. He continued to pick at it. Flakes of the synthetic material wafting to the floor. Then he felt something hard rub against the tips of his fingers. He picked at it until he thought it wasn't a good idea. With most of the skull decal gone, the shirt was plain black. His finger was resting again a white button. He looked confused. Was this shirt always a button-down? He shrugged it off. At least it looked nice, maybe he would blend in. He hoped for no more guilt trips about his attire, not that his pants were that much better than a skulled designed shirt. He passed by a mirror and looked at the shirt. It wasn’t a button-down, it was just a plain black t-shirt with a couple white buttons in the middle of it. Like they were spares sewn on for a rainy day or something. Marcus thought this was very strange, but he didn’t have anyone else to mention it to, and he couldn’t talk to his mom about it because she was freaking out about everything (she was so annoying), so instead he wandered over to the doughnut table. A plump woman with a friendly face was manning the doughnuts. “Welcome to Crossroads,” she chirped. “Thanks.” Marcus looked over the doughnuts and reached for one with his fingers. “Napkin, honey, napkin,” the woman said. “Oh, right...I wasn’t gonna touch any of the others.” Marcus grabbed a napkin anyway just to not get the woman riled up. “I’m surprised you want a doughnut! With how you look.” Marcus almost rolled his eyes but stopped himself. “I’m really skinny but I do eat,” he said, walking away with a glazed prize, missing the woman’s confused expression. Marcus' right sleeve grew taut as his bicep bunched up when he brought the doghnut to his mouth. He was getting tired of people commenting on how he looked. He was in the house of God. Would He really care what people wore as long as they came? He munched on the doughnut, the sweetness overwhelming his mouth a bit. "Too much sugar..." He thought. He looked to his mother who was still chatting non-stop with her friends. This was so boring. What a shitty day. If he’d been at Dad’s he would’ve still been asleep. No wonder he was so tired. Marcus ambled over to the beverages and poured himself a piping hot cup of coffee. He didn’t even like coffee, but a perk would do him good. “How about that Spieth kid, huh?” A friendly man struck up a conversation as he poured his own cup. “Yeah, uh, he’s real good,” Marcus mumbled, taking a sip of the bitter drink. His face puckered up and he wanted to add some sugar, but he resisted and took a second sip. This one was way better. The man continued the small talk with Marcus continuing to nod and give small replies, until he found himself getting into the conversation a bit more. "Yeah, it nice too see that he has turned a new leaf. So many troubled youth these days. I hope he sets a good example for them. I hope more follow in his footsteps." The friendly man agreed and they continued their conversation until the man's wife came by to take him to where his family was sitting. "What a good man." He thought as he watched the man walk away. Marcus looked down at his empty coffee cup, realizing that not only had he drunk the whole thing, but he’d filled up a second and finished that one off too. He had a nice buzz going as he tossed the cup into the trash. The coffee had elevated his mood and put some pep in his step. And thankfully, it had warmed him up, because for some reason he’d worn a t-shirt and shorts to church, and the a/c was blasting in here. He thought about turning it down, even thought about where the dial was located, but decided against it. He walked past his mother, down the aisle of pews to the altar. After genuflecting, he stood there and took in the neatly arranged altar. It was then an altar boy bumped into him and dropped the Bible he was carrying. Marcus bent down to pick it up and he felt the back of his shirt ride up. He handed it to the boy and smiled as the kid ran off. He tucked the tail of his shirt into his pants. He paused as he felt a leather strap running around his waist. He looked puzzled at the black belt holding up his pants. Since when did he wear a belt? It was a nice belt – shiny leather, with a silver buckle. Marcus was so focused on it that it took him a moment to realize that his ratty plaid shorts were actually ratty plaid…pants. This made his mind reel. He got nervous that the legs had ripped off and fallen and his butt was exposed or something, but he patted around himself and no – everything intact, just…pants. He could hear people’s conversations starting to diminish and saw the worship team filing in with their instruments in hand. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up from stage fright when he realized everyone was starting to sit down and he was standing up in front of the congregation. Marcus quickly scuttled to the first open pew and sat in it, refusing to look back at his mom as the modern worship team launched into a pleasant song – it wasn’t some boring hymn, it was almost like a rock song he’d hear on the radio. Except it was about Jesus and how great he was. Marcus found himself tapping his sneakers against the carpet. As he tapped his sneakers, the whiteness faded from them. The logo became lost in the blackening fabric and smoothed out to match the rest of the shoe. Soon the shoes were entirely black and had a new sheen to them. The tapping became louder as the shoe, along with his foot, stretch further and wider until they were a rather larger size 15. They looked almost like fancy clown shoes for a man his height. When he realized he was tapping his foot, he stopped. Instead he started tapping his finger against his thigh. Damn, this was a great song, and the worship leader had a terrific voice. Marcus felt inspired to sing along, croaking out a word here and there. The words were up on the screens, but Marcus had never had a great sense of rhythm, so he wasn’t good at getting the whole verses – but he could spot when each phrase was ending, so he would chime in a nice “Goooooddd” or “aboooooove” with the rest of the congregation. The first song ended and Marcus wondered if he should take this opportunity to go back to his mom. But then the worship leader began praying, so instead Marcus bowed his head – didn’t shut his eyes, though, he wasn’t a big praying guy – and stayed still. He folded his hands together and closed his eyes, hoping to blend in. If he had his eyes open or not focusing so much on what the worship leader was saying, he would have seen or heard his knuckles crack and expand, causing his finger to lengthen and thicken and his palms to widen. That wasn't the only part of his arm shifting. His shirt grew tight where his bicep was as sinew was added to the muscle. It bulked out and pressed tightly against the shirt as it started to take on a new material. As Marcus’s biceps swelled out, they pushed enough against the t-shirt sleeves that the fabric started to split – and where the black ripped apart, a light lavender color appeared. There was also a thin line of lavender down the middle of Marcus’s back, where the shirt was curiously strained. Marcus stuck his hand under his arm and itched, feeling the bloated bicep shoving against the side of his body. The seams of his t-shirt were also starting to turn light purple, and the plaid of his pants was becoming a much more subtle pattern that blended into the dark gray wool that now composed them. As the worship leader stopped praying, Marcus opened his eyes and flicked through the church bulletin as the next song started up. His eyes fell on some words at the top of a page: “MARTUS TILFORD.” Was that someone’s name? It was so close to his own, what a coincidence. And ‘martus’ was actually Greek for ‘witness’. Maybe this Martus Tilford was being a witness for Christ somewhere. Not that Marcus gave a shit about that, he told himself, trying to maintain his disinterest, but then they started reading a passage from the Bible. His ears perked up as they began to read the story. His disinterest was fading fast. He felt enamored with the message of the story and how excellently it was explained. It seemed so wonderful to his. As he sat and listened, he started to sit up straighter, and higher, his ass pushing off the pew and straining the seat of his pants. “Before we continue,” the worship leader said, “let’s all stand and greet one another.” Marcus stood up and suddenly felt horribly dizzy, to the point of needing to grab the pew in front of him so he didn’t fall. He looked down at everyone around him and realized that he was either tall, or everyone else was really short. There was a kid in the pew behind him who extended his hand. Marcus met it. “Mornin’ pal,” he said, annoying himself with his own cheerfulness. That coffee had really done a number on him. He went down the pew with a big smile on his face, vigorously shaking hands. “Good morning. Hi, how ya doing? G’morning. So glad you’re here. Hi, Marcus. Nice to meet you. Martus, good to see ya! Happy Sunday. Hello, I’m Martus. How are you today? I’m so glad.” He was taller than every single man or woman he met, and his hand enveloped theirs every time. Marcus looked at his hand when he went back to his seat. It was a big hand – thick fingers, a broad palm. Meaty and creased, and bulging with muscle, like he’d been laying bricks in his spare time or something. He looked at the white buttons running up the front of his t-shirt, and for the first time noticed that the black fabric had odd splotches of lilac here and there. The sleeves hung past his elbows now and clung tightly to his curiously big upper arms, which were laughably disproportionate to the rest of his body. His forearms were still skinny but had some shockingly large veins crisscrossing up to his biceps. Marcus traveled one of his big fingers along the vein and fingered the soft violet fabric appearing over his arms. He liked twill fabric, it was thick and durable, and the sheen highlighted his muscles. He always got twill dress shirts. Just thinking of this was enough to cause a tall folded collar to pop out of the top of Marcus’s t-shirt, the points flopping out like wings around his neck. The collar sat flush against the back of Marcus’ neck, covering the skin up to the hairline. Sleeves shot down Marcus’s arms and buttoned cuffs formed around his wrists. The lavender spots spread out over the black as Marcus swayed to the worship song. He reached up and stuck a finger inside his shirt collar. It felt strange, and yet right, to be sporting a collared shirt. What had Elmer said? Something about shirt collars and how it was good to wear them to church. Church was presenting yourself before God, and you should dress up a little. A nice dress shirt, sure, nice pants. Marcus patted his waistline to make sure his shirt was still tucked in. Those standing behind Marcus were craning their necks a little more than before. The boy’s back was getting wider, and combined with his towering height, it was hard to see over or around him. His lats gently, but noticeably, had popped out and pushed at his bulging arms, straining the back of his dress shirt more. The fabric was getting tighter all over, and soon Marcus had to reach up and open the second button on his shirt, exposing a line running down the center of his tanned chest, as his pectorals cropped up. Marcus raised one hand above his head toward the heavens as he sang. He looked up at the church’s ceiling and noticed the lavender shirt cuff around his wrist, remarking to himself that he’d never liked that color, except now he was wearing it. His eyes traced his arm, noting how the muscles were making the sleeve’s fabric tighten, and wandered down to his torso, where the shirt’s white buttons now stood out against a sea of lilac twill, puckering slightly over his chest and stomach. He looked large. His pecs were starting to stand out pretty far, making the open buttons of his shirt sit that much further apart. Marcus stole a glance over at Elmer, the greeter. The man was so stooped and yet still praising the Lord – it was inspiring. Elmer couldn’t stand up straight, but Marcus sure could on his behalf. The boy heaved his large chest up, flared out his lats and straightened his spine, pulling himself up to his full magnificent 6’5” height. Marcus sang along with the rest of the congregation. His neck pushed the collar of his shirt apart as it thickened. Along with the corded muscle of his neck, his vocal cords also changed. His voice became deeper and melodic. As he sang, he put more enthusiasm into it. In fact, it also seemed like the now large young man was leading the whole church in the song. He even smiled and the notes tumbled out of his mouth. Once the song ended, he sat down and glanced at the bulletin. SOmething caught his eye. "Parcus Tillman." He read then thought to himself. "Was that the same guy it had said when I first read it?" Marcus squinted at the program. Without thinking about it, he unhooked a pair of reading glasses from his shirt and placed them on his face, where they fit perfectly and lent his countenance some gravitas. He then pushed his long bangs back from his forehead so that they didn’t get caught under the glasses, and a curious thing happened – despite him not having any product in his thick hair, his hair stayed swept back, molded into a style by invisible pomade. His hairline inched back at the temples, going from a straight line to a peak, and Marcus absently itched between the open buttons of his shirt as hair began to sprout on his chest. He even felt hairs bristle against the lower part of his sleeves. The feeling was also mimicked in the legs of his pants. Then he had to look down. Leg of his pants? "Wasn't I wearing shorts?" But when he looked down, all he could see was a pair of nicely pressed khakis that were taut over his bulky thighs. "No... I'd never wear shorts to church." He chuckled lightly to himself. "I must be getting old if I'm forgetting what pants I'm wearing." A faint shadow formed around his lips as he grinned. Brown hair follicles pushed their way out from his chin and lips, forming a well-kept stubble. Absent-mindedly, he stroked his stubble as the worship session went on. His stomach gurgled and he thought back to what he’d eaten for breakfast: six eggs, two pieces of toast, Greek yogurt, bacon, lots of coffee, and a special Sunday morning treat, a cinnamon roll. His stomach gently filled in and pushed against the buckle of his belt, changing the profile view of his body somewhat. Marcus reached down and loosened his belt to the next notch, discreetly adjusting his package in his pants as he did so. He had more beef than a second ago. His jaw was fleshier, his chest fuller, his abs rounding out like a dome and pushing against the buttons of his dress shirt. And though it would have been unimaginable just that morning, now the stubble on Marcus’ face was looking thick and furry, quickly growing into a full beard. It was natural for men like him to not be so defined. He couldn't stay shredded forever he told himself, but he sure was going to try and keep it as long as he could. He was doing a great job at it too. His abs were still visible, he could keep up with the young’uns in the gym. Hell, he even played on a local football team. Suddenly, he felt some constriction around neck. Reaching up to his neck, he loosened his tie a little, the back of his hand brushing the bushy, but well-kept beard. His smile was beaming as the reader read the next passage. His pearly white teeth contrasting nicely with his brown beard. Feeling his shirt and collar getting continually and curiously tighter, Marcus reconsidered and removed his tie, rolling it up and setting it on the seat next to his Bible. He opened up the next button down on his shirt to give himself a little more breathing room, and while he did this, he heard some unpleasant popping noises come through the church speaker. Looking down, he saw a tiny black microphone pinned to one of the open buttonholes of his shirt, and he felt a wire snake around his thick body and attach to a mic box clipped to the back of his pants. Marcus’ smile quickly faded. Why was he mic’ed up…did they…expect him to TALK? Panicked, he grabbed the bulletin. SERMON: PARTES TILLMAN – THE BODY AS THE TEMPLE. Thank God that wasn’t his name, although his body was certainly a temple. Marcus looked down at his muscles, which were still bulging bigger, threatening to rip his shirt and pants. Man, he looked like a bodybuilder. He could even sort of remember competing. The panicked expression slowly faded from his face. Of course he used to compete. He started bodybuilding when he was a teen. He had a rough childhood, mainly stemming from his parent's divorce. He was wild and rebellious, but then found how destructive it could be. He had decided to channel his frustrations into the gym. He worked out like a madman. He swithced his diet and even found a weight lifting partner who would compete alongside him. That's how he found the church too, thanks to... He had to think for a moment. He couldn't quite remember his apparently old friend's name. Marcus shut his eyes for a bit and tried to think, and with his eyelids closed, his body swelled remarkably. He’d been big to begin with, but he crossed that threshold quickly and blew into an oversized XXL hulk, his shoulders alone taking up three or four seats on the pew. His belt buckle was forced down as his abs grew out over it. His shirt sleeves thinned over gargantuan, rippling arms, but none of this compared to his chest, which grew out so enormously that Marcus, when his eyes opened, thought he had a couple kids sitting in his lap. His peripheral vision was picking up his pecs and thinking they were people’s heads. He was, by far, the biggest person in the church, in every way – including the enormous bulge that was hanging for all to see in between his thighs. The Lord had been very generous in that department. The Lord had been very generous with a lot of things in his life. He had a body he could build, friends he could share his life with, he had a job that he loved. He smiled as he thought of how blessed he was in life. Some crow's feet and a few wrinkles showing on his face as he did so. The reader finished the passage and he looked at the bulletin to see what was listed next. Sermon: PERTES TILMEN. He chuckled at such an odd name. Someone else was chuckling, too – two very muscular teenage boys next to him, repeatedly nudging each other. Marcus didn’t even think about it, he just grabbed one of the boys and pulled him apart from the other one. Completely second nature. The twins were always horsing around at the least opportune time. “Behave yourself,” Marcus hissed under his breath, “I’m about to preach.” It was like a lightning bolt went off in his brain, right between his ears. One of the church deacons was introducing the pastor of the morning, who had passed his interviews with the elder board and was now going to preach a “trial sermon” before the congregation. Marcus was slowly ascertaining that the man was talking about him. The reader was finishing up the introduction. "Now please rise as Peter Tilmen comes to give us his first sermon." He motioned for the giant of a man to come forward to the altar. The twins, Aiden and Adam, watched as their father lumbered up to the podium and shook the reader's hand, once again completely engulfing it. The twins took after their father, tall, built, and handsome. He cleared his throat and turned towards the congregation. He certainly did not need the microphone, se he did not lean in like the reader did. "Thank you for having me," he began. Marcus wanted to say that he didn’t know what he was doing. His heart was racing a mile a minute, but his mind was impressively calm. “Now, let’s get this out of the way – the first thing people notice about me is that I’m pretty big. You’ll notice my sermon is entitled ‘The Body As The Temple,’ and well…not all temples are the same size.” There was some polite chuckling at this, and that made Marcus relax a little. And the more Marcus relaxed, the more Peter took over. “I’ve been a competitive bodybuilder for almost three decades now, and I have found this level of dedication brings me closer to God in many ways, and sharpens me for my true calling, which is the pulpit.” Some people were definitely just staring at the mountain of a man and not listening to his message, however his charisma had already won the rest of the congregation over and held their rapt attention. As he moved on, he became more confident with his speaking. Peter was easily moving Marcus out of his mind. Marcus... did he even know a Marcus? He continued on with his sermon. "God has given us all our crosses to bear. Just instead of walking with mine, I squat with it." Another couple of chuckles came from the audience, mostly from the younger crowd and the twins. He smiled warmly. "We all have our hardships and it is what we do with them that makes us who we are. We can either allow them to overcome us and lead us to sin, or we can overcome them and lead ourselves on the path of God." “But before I continue, let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Peter Tilmen, born in Pennsylvania, grew up in California, grew big in Texas where I went to seminary. I am a widower, so I am sorry to say that I will not be able to offer your good church a first lady.” The single women of the church all scooted forward in their seats. “I do come bearing two other gifts, my boys, Aiden and Adam,” Peter continued. “They’re great boys. Most of the time.” Peter’s eyes sparkled at them. They both smiled back at him. Their smiles the trademark Tilmen smile, wide and pearly white. Their smiles held a hint of mischievousness. He was glad to have avoided anyone making the everything-is-bigger-in-Texas joke, but he knew it would be bound to come up some time. Some jokes got old faster than he did. He didn't want to dawdle on his own personal life for too long and continued to preach his sermon. Once he finished his sermon, he sat down back with his twins. The congregation clapped for him as well as the first reader. "Thank you Mr. Tilmen." The rest of the worship session went smoothly. Him and his boys singing and praying together as it drew to a close. "Now there will be refreshments and snacks in the back. Have a blessed day." Ambient voices talked to each other as everyone began to file out of the large room. Adam and Aiden were quickly approached by some well-dressed girls around their age. He chuckled as some women approached him. "They take after their father." He thought to himself as he engaged the women in polite conversation. Peter shook a lot of hands that morning. He talked about bodybuilding with three very interested teen boys. He talked to Elmer the greeter. And one of the last people he talked to was a teen in the parking lot. “A hoodie? Buddy, buddy, ya gotta dress up for church. You’re coming to the Lord’s house, you gotta look nice!”
  13. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 5

    Chapter 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2247-a-pectacular-romance-pt-1/ Chapter 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2260-a-pectacular-romance-pt-2/ Chapter 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3623-a-pectacular-romance-pt-3/ Chapter 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6319-a-pectacular-romance-pt-4/ "Sooo can I kiss you now?" I nodded again in my trance and he smiled and laughed. He reached down for me and put his big hands under my armpits and easily lifted me towards his upper body. He rested my chest and stomach down on his expansive chest and I placed my hands on his upper chest. My hands held me up keeping a distance between our faces. He then pulled me in close by bringing his arms up around me like a big hug (except I was so small in comparison it was as if he was hugging himself). We looked into each others eyes and he playfully flexed his chest, and bounced his arms a few times so slightly--but it was more than enough to weaken my locked arms away from his face. I fell towards his face and we embraced in a passionate kiss. It felt like it lasted forever which I wouldn't have minded because I had never felt safer in my life than in this place surrounded by Alex's huge muscles. My sanctuary began to rumble as Alex shifted under me and began to rise off the bed. He carried me once again like an oversized baby with his huge pecs blocking my view of his face. "Where are we going now, big guy?" "Thought we should take a shower together." My mind began to race a thousand miles per hour. -------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly I was plucked out of my muscle cubby and placed on the tile floor. I looked around and noticed this was not the same bathroom I saw Alex in for the first time. I took a few steps towards a shower stall made completely of tile on all sides. I noticed that this shower stall was much, much smaller than the open shower I had seen before. "Why this shower? You can barely fit in here, big guy!" I turned to look at him as I touched the cold tile wall. "I thought it would be nice to stay extra close." He gave me a big wink and his massive 24 inch cock jumped. I smiled back at him and continued to look around the bathroom. I turned behind me and noticed another wall that was made completely out of a mirror. I walked up closer and put my hand on it. BOOM. BOOOM. BOOOOM. BOOOOM. Next thing you know the giant man is standing behind me in the mirror with that devilish grin again. I backed away from the mirror so I was standing directly in front of him. This is the first time I had seen just how huge he was in comparison to me. The top of my head was only a little bit above his mid-thigh and he was more than six times as wide as me. "You're a giant." I said flat out. "I wish." He then lifted his arms behind his head and flexed his rippling abs. I wish? He was already huge.. Maybe this relationship should be a bit more reciprocal.. Maybe I should try to make him feel as big as he makes me feel small. "No one could ever come close to being as big as you." "Damn right.. I can protect you from anyone, little man." He let his arms down and pushed his huge chest out. "I can't wait to show you just how big I can get." He still feels like he needs to prove himself to me. I looked at myself straight across in the mirror and slowly lifted my arms into a flexing pose. I was absolutely scrawny compared to the massive man behind me, but my nice swimmers build and bubble butt used to set me apart from the others. Suddenly Alex, copying my pose, threw his arms up into a double bicep. I couldn't believe the veins that spread across his muscular biceps like a road map. I smiled and then tested the waters by sliding into a skinny-man lat-spread. I knew how pathetic it would look on me but I was hoping he would show me his poses. Alex began to shift, putting his hands on his hips and swinging his crotch forward. My eyes began to widen as I looked up in the mirror at two huge mountains forming under his tight creamy skin. They rose out farther and farther each milisecond. I stumbled a step back and hit my back on one of his stone hard shins. It startled me so I spun around to face his giant leg. The darkness above made me slowly move my eyes up his body which I was basically standing directly under. I looked up at his huge veiny quads with dents that held more muscle than three of me. I slowly moved up to see his coconut sized balls hanging from a massive log that he called a cock. It was rock hard and surrounded by his thick, black pubic bush. Passed his python was a number of bricks that formed a wall of abs that had deep clefts between each muscle. Hanging above his abs were his two massive ballooning pecs that were visibly growing before my eyes as he continued to push them out farther. He took a breath in to make them even larger and then suddenly stopped flexing. He released his flex and when I turned to the mirror he was looking at my face smiling ear to ear. "Let's save this for the shower," he said with a purr, "I'm sure you'd like to wash yourself off before getting into this again." He bounced his huge pecs once. I almost just fainted at the site of his chest again and now he leaves me with a tease. Alex takes a step back and swings around, stomping his way to the shower. I follow close behind being sure to get a good view of his massive ass. His cheeks had those sexy dents that only really ripped muscle gods would have. He stepped up to the shower and I walked under his legs to step in first. The ceiling is not as high as the rest of the house but the width and length of this shower is even smaller than expected. "Big guy, I don't see how we are both going to--" BOOOM. BOOOOM. "...fit." The big guy steps in and squeezes his shoulders into the tile shower stall. He reaches way down and turns the water on hot. The water starts trickling down in droplets but not enough to shower with. I move my glance up and discover the problem. "Big guy, the water...it's..the water isn't getting passed your pecs." This is met with a roar of laughter from above. With his back against the wall, his chest juts out more than half width and size of the shower stall. "My bad, little dude. It's forming a puddle up here!" He laughs. "More like a pond." I whisper to myself still staring up at the underside of his chest. Suddenly the cleavage opens up and gallons of steaming hot water come crashing down on me. While it completely cleaned me of any food, sweat or cum remnants, the initial shock and burn made me let out a quick shriek. My eyes remained closed as I nursed my red hot face in my hands. "Oh shit, you okay?" Alex said from above. Suddenly I could feel the stall shaking and then a final BOOM as if something huge just hit the ground. I opened my eyes and looked to my side to see a huge muscled quad squeezed up against the wall. The same went for the other side. Directly in front of me was his huge wall of abs and his python cock poking out at me. The giant had come down to my level by sitting with his legs in a pretzel-syle on the shower floor. The lower portion of his huge pecs were a little more than two feet in front of my face. I could not see the concerned look on his face until he leaned forward making his pecs come flying towards me. I backed towards the opposite end of the shower but there was hardly any room in this stall with Alex taking up half of my floor space with his muscles. "You're not hurt, are you?" He asked with a furrowed brow. I shook my head and smiled cutely at his overprotectiveness. "I'll be fine as long as you don't crush me in here!" We both laughed. He reached one arm up and turned off the shower water while he sat on the tile of the cramped shower floor. His muscles were pushing against every wall of the shower and it looked almost comical as he tried to get comfortable, sliding his wet muscles in the pocket sized stall. He shifted his arm around and managed to get one arm up above his head. "I know we promised to get you washed off, but I haven't washed out my pits in two days and they could really use a deep cleaning." I looked into the deep cavernous pit and saw stretch marks and veins leading to a bushel of sweaty arm pit hair. I looked up at him and he smiled and nodded his head towards his arm pit. His huge pec and mountainous bicep made the cave of his armpit dark and very deep. I walked closer to his body and had to crawl up onto his huge quad in order to get close enough to his pit. Once I was close I decided to dig my face in all at once. He moved his arm down a bit and my head was lost in his arm pit. "Oh yea, little man, get in there! Lick my sweaty pits clean!" He raised his hand up to the back of my small head and with two fingers shoved my face deeper into his arm pit. I leaned my body in more, overwhelmed with lust and inhaled deeply. His manly musk filled me and I began to senselessly lick his sweaty pit walls until nothing was left dry. "Oh damn, little dude, your tongue feels fucking amazing on my pit. So small and gentle, yet so fuckin' hot!" I could feel his body start shaking and I put it together that it was Alex jerking his huge cock. I decided to join him by using my two free hands to stroke my cock while my head was still buried in his armpit. I then moved one hand away to explore his massive muscles. I reached for his abs and dug my fingers deep in the gaps between each brick. He noticed this and chuckled and crunched down lightly on my fingers. I plucked my hand out and moved up his abs until I reached the large underside of his left pectoral. I traced the overhang where his pecs sat on top of his abdomen until my hand reached something out of place. It felt like a cold stick. What was that? I popped my head out of his sweaty pit and hopped down to the floor. The big guy noticed and put his arm down to his sides. The way his shoulders were squeezed in the stall made his biceps push his pecs out even further. "What are you doing down there, little man?" He questioned. "I felt something wedged under your pec." I tried to push his huge man melon up but it was rock hard and not going to budge. He bellowed another laugh and used his hand to lift up his left pectoral muscle. Wedged under the huge pec above his abdomen was a bent fork. "It's a fork...I think it might have gotten trapped in there during dinner time!" We both laughed along. I pulled the fork from it's muscle dungeon and held it up. "Well, that's no good anymore! It's all bent up!" He preached. "Why don't we dispose of it?" He smiled a devlish grin and shifted around the tiny shower stall. He leaned back up against the wall and pushed his pecs out a few more inches. I gasped at the sight and felt week in the knees. His pecs rose up and up as he continued to arch his back. Suddenly his huge mountains shifted apart and his face came into view from the other side of the cavernous cleavage. "Go ahead, little man...Toss it in between my pecs," he winked, "I want to crush it for you." He almost set me over the edge. I threw the poor fork into the deep cleavage and his pecs slammed together around it like a venus fly trap. The slam of his chest made me fall onto my ass and land against the shower wall across from him. As I looked down at the tile floor below our asses the all familiar shadow of his pecs began to come over me. I tilted my head back and was greeted by his massive pecs leaning right over me. He leaned over enough so that I could see his face over his chest. "Tell me when, little man." "Now." I said staring up at him as I grabbed my cock. "Now what, little Joey?" He asked provocatively. "Now crush it between your massive pecs, big guy!" Waves immediately came over his pecs and the striations of his chest went wild. I started jerking my cock watching him crush this little fork--which was completely out of my view--into something unrecognizable. He twisted the pecs over and under eachother and I could hear the dense pecs winning the battle against the measly fork. He stopped flex and a tiny beebee sized object dropped to the wet floor near the shower drain between us. I looked up at him and he smiled down and nodded. I picked up the beebee and rolled it around in my hand. "You're so powerful..." I dropped the beebee-like pellet to the floor and reached up to his chest. However, sitting on the floor I could barely reach his pecs so I had to stand up before placing my hands on his muscular orbs that took up half of the shower space. "Flex them for me....Make them huge." He looked over his chest at me. "Stand back, little man. It's about to get really cramped in here." He got a serious look on his face before closing his eyes and tilting his head back. I took a few steps back until my bubble but pressed against the cold tile of shower wall. I touched the wall to get some moisture on my hands and then began jerking my cock. I was in for a great show. The behemoth made a loud grunt and shifted his shoulders together and then pulled them back. His pectorals started rising up in every direction as he flexed. Veins and striations swept across them and they began to turn red as blood flowed into them. "Bigger!" I shouted from the lower side of his muscle mountains. The big guy responded by pushing his chest out even further. I could hear his chest expanding like the sound of leather as his wet muscles rubbed together fighting for space. The outer sides of his pecs were now wider than his shoulders as he perched them high and mighty. "Holy shit, big guy! Your pecs are fucking huge!" I panted as I jerked faster. His chest filled any visible space of the shower up to a foot in front of me. Suddenly the two massive muscles began to spread apart at the center as they have before, but never like this. The giants face came into view at the top end of his deep cleavage with visible strain as his expression. "This muscle....is all.. for you!" He said with gritted teeth. My body quivered as I looked over the size of the muscle in front of me. Without even realizing what I was saying between my pants I managed to squeak out. "Bigger." He smiled down at me with his teeth still clenched and grabbed his immense cock between his legs squeezed up on the shower floor. He then tilted his head back and began to inhale deeply. Alex's massive pecs rose out even further in every direction like two huge balloons. The gap between them closing up as the two muscles started fighting for any space in the small shower stall. The outer sides of his chest, which passed over his arms by a few feet, touched the shower walls on both sides as they expanded larger. As I looked at the magnificent sight inches from my face I noticed his chest was beginning to squeeze against the sides of the shower and eventually would not be able to fit. I moved my head off the shower wall and slammed it forward a few inches until my face was smothered between the two huge orbs. Alex took notice and opened his chest wide to let my face fall further into his pecs. I could hear the sides of the shower stall start to crack from the pressure of his chest pressing against them. With my hands still groping my cock I swiveled my face left and right, digging my head deeper into his pecs. "Yea, little man! You like it in there? You like your entire head buried in my pec cleavage?" His words alone could have made me erupt. I know he was turning himself on, as well, because I could feel his gigantic right pec start to quake against my cheek harder and harder with each passing second which could only mean he was pumping his huge cock with his right hand. "Ah, I can squish your head, ah, like a grape in there," he said between pants. With his pecs unflexed like this I could move my face around freely so I twisted my head to the side while in his muscle prison and kissed the hot flesh he playfully threatened to squish me with. I released my cock for a moment with my hands only to pry my head out from inside his chest. I backed up against the wall which was now only a few inches behind me as he had outgrown the space between us. I tilted my head back and placed my hands on the tile wall behind me for support as I stood flat against the wall. "Flex them..Flex them bigger," I demanded. He stopped jerking and shifted his chest down so he could see my face. At first he looked at me confused, but when I smirked at him, he smirked back and winked. "Anything for my little man," he teased. He kept his eyes on me and smiled with his big white teeth clenched together. He grunted once and veins swept across the entire area of his bright red chest. "AHHHH!" I could hear his pecs flexing bigger and bigger as they inched towards my face. He grunted once more loudly and his face turned beat red. I cowered in fear and my eyes closed as he screamed down at me. Through his grunts I could feel the heat of his pecs closing in on my face before I felt two large thuds on either side of my head made me look up and open my eyes. It took my eyes a second to adjust to the darkness but after a few moments I had realized what was going on in my current situation. Alex still sat with his ass on the cold tile floor perched up against the wall across from me as I stood against the opposing wall at my full 5'5 stature. His pecs had grown so big that they formed a cave around my skull that started at the base of my neck and extended what seemed to be a few feet above me. My, oh my, he had even grown taller. I could feel the heat radiating from his red hot skin. We both sat silently for another few moments until the sound of cracking tiles filled both our ears. His chest was outgrowing the shower! I looked up passed the pecs that formed a cave around my face and saw the ceiling tiles forming cracks above us. I felt the warmth of his chest spread through my cheek bones as they grew bigger and bigger holding my face firmly in place against the tile wall behind me. Alex's head grew higher and higher up and as this happened my feet began to leave the floor. My neck strained as it carried the weight of my body up the wall. Panic set in as Alex gave me a look of despair. "Little man! I..I can't stop growing!" He proclaimed between grunts. "You've got to get out of here! I'm..I'm getting too big!" Small pieces of tile began falling from the walls as his weight shifted and his huge mountainous back left a crater in the wall behind him. I pressed my hands to the underside of his pecs and tried to pry myself free with no avail. The pressure on my head started to build up as the shower stall filled with his muscles. Suddenly a pipe in the wall burst and water poured down on us both. He looked down at me through his cleavage and we locked eyes for a few short seconds where the world seemed to stop. I looked into his deep dark eyes and it gave him the confirmation that he needed. If we did nothing my head would be crushed like a tomato between his muscle mounds in less than a minute. "ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!" He shouted as his chest filled with blood and his veins flustered across the surface of the two huge globes. They swelled larger and larger and the cracking of the shower stall became more apparent. The outer portions of his chest started cracking into the tile walls exposing the steel beams that structure the walls of Alex's oversized mansion. After a few more seconds of pushing his chest apart I was finally released from the pec vice and fell onto his expansive inner thigh muscle below as he was still sitting on the shower floor. Exhausted, yet relieved I looked up at the underside of his veiny expanding chest only to see Alex looking down at me with a shocked look as the back of his head and diesel neck smashed into the shower ceiling. He broke through the ceiling tiles and they started raining down in what seemed to be slow motion. Shards were falling right towards my helpless body when Alex's quick reflexes kicked in and he slammed his pecs together before a single shard could reach me. The light from above was blocked out and the blood started rushing to my head all at once. "Little man," his voice seemed sluggish to me and muffled as I couldn't hear him over the rumble of the shower being bursted through, "Are you okay?" I looked towards his deep cut abs and my eyes started to flutter until I drifted off into unconsciousness.
  14. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Gym Equipment

    Norris lived in the country for years and frequented a local run-down gym he loved so much he would have bought stakes in it probably. Unfortunately, the economy took its toll on it since the memberships dried up. It ended up closing and it left him without a place to pump iron on a daily basis. He was beginning to make huge gains there too, but alas he was left stranded. His friend, Asa, went searching for another gym close to them that could have the same type of appeal and thinks that maybe he has found one. He tells him to prepare for the neighborhood though because it will surprise him. He is alarmed at the size of the men coming out of this gym and can't help but to feel great about his chances of liking it. He enters the lobby and sees how rusty and run down it is. Some guys at that moment would have turned around and left, but this is exactly what he is looking for. Asa has a similar way of thinking so they both decide to go and look around. A manager gives them both a tour and it doesn't take long for the two gymrats to sign on the dotted line to join. Instead of going back to their apartment to get their gear which is several miles from the gym, they decide to just wing it and take their shirts off and to start pumping some iron. They go to different parts of the gym so they can focus on different routines. Norris places the same amount of plates on the bar that he always did at the other gym and starts repping the weight. The sound of the weights gets him so hyped up and he does another set. He notices that his brain gets quite stimulated when he pushes the weight up and down onto his chest. He feels his pecs swell larger the more he reps. He finds this intriguing so he goes over to do some dumbbell curls and they pump up higher too. He squeezes each dumbbell and watches the biceps grow into huge softballs. It gets his cock excited to the point that he can feel his balls filling up with cum. He can’t believe how much gratification he is getting from each part of his routine. Normally, he would only work one or two body parts per day, but this place makes him want to work all of them. He decides to go work legs next. He moans as he attempts leg lifts as his quads grow bigger with each set. His quads now appear to be pushing his shorts up to his waist. His cock is beginning to snake its way out of his shorts. He looks over in the corner where Asa is working out and sees the same thing happening to him. His back is wider and his butt is pushing its way out of his pants. He turns around as Norris’s eyes go straight to his massive chest, where he is met with enormous pecs with huge silver dollar nipples. He rubs the thick body hair sitting on them. He grins as he sees him looking and starts licking his lips. He motions for him to come over and help him with something. It is fairly late so it is just the two of them in the gym. Norris takes his shorts off to expose his new foot long which dangles hard in front of him. Asa follows suit as his 10-incher also dangles. Both men start stroking each other and licking each other’s growing muscles. Asa’s tongue travels its way down to Norris’s thickly muscled hairy abs before finding his wet cock. It has been dribbling its goo all over a bench in front of him. He slowly licks the side of his foot long and is working his way up to the head. He moans in his deep manly voice as he puts his hands behind Asa’s head to move down on him. He gulps down on his mammoth member before pushing it all the way in. Norris can feel Asa’s rod leaking heavily on his feet now. He quickly shoots ropes of cum down his eager gullet as it makes his servicer’s balls swell bigger making more additional cum for him. Norris pulls out of him and gets down on his knees to service Asa’s cock. He manages to go all the way down too as he sucks vigorously. His enormous amount of seed goes down without a hitch as his energy level goes through the roof. The two growing studs can't help stop thinking about throwing around more weight on all the racks and machines. Norris goes back to the other side of the gym still nude with his hard-on and starts doing reps on the pec deck. He feels the muscle fibers in both pecs stretching the skin and slowly filling up the space between him and the arms on the machine. He is so jacked up that his giant cock is oozing its spunk onto the floor and his thick quads. Asa is putting every plate on the leg press and goes to pump out a few reps. Each individual rep is making his quads react in a way that he can hear the muscles contracting and expanding. His huge cock is lying on his slab shaped abs and spilling its jelly all over his bouncing pecs. He rubs his fingers in it and spreads it all over his chest making it look all greased up. He even takes a little bit and dribbles it on his tongue. He growls as he tastes the sweet and sourness of it. He gets up to go over to the Preacher machine to do a few curls. The instant he picks up the stacked bar, his veins and blood vessels swell and grow in size along with the muscles stretching his forearms. He grunts loudly and sexually as he pumps his arms up with each rep. His biceps are thicker and denser now than they were before. He is feeling amazing as a result and realizes that he is able to arch his back to the point that he lean down and lick the head of his engorged cock. He manages to stick the entire head in his mouth and starts sucking it putting himself close to the edge. He squeezes his aching balls while he does this to make them move. Norris can hear the sucking sound of his mouth on his cock and it makes him moan in his deep voice. Asa picks up the pace as he gets louder and the cum starts to leave his huge balls. He feels his load rushing into his mouth and stops moving to feel his balls contracting. The loud gulping sounds coming from Asa makes Norris want to cum too. He moves from the pec deck over to a Smith machine and starts doing lunges. This exercise makes him feel like he is stroking his cock as it bounces with every rep. As the barbell sits on his back, he feels his shoulders thicken up as back grows wider. His ass and quads start reacting to the exercise and it makes him have to readjust as they grow. His grunts get louder as he feels himself getting closer to the edge. Asa is watching this occur the entire time he is sitting across the gym. He knows that his training partner is getting ready to blow so he jumps up really quick to race over to him to catch his seed. He manages to find an area underneath Norris to catch whatever he loses. The standing lifter slows his pace down to make each lunge more erotic than the last. His loud moans make Asa growl as the anticipation makes his cock leak again. His thick neck grows wider as well as his throat to accommodate Norris’s massive cock which is going deeper inside. He is deep throating him now as he awaits the huge load. He does one last prolonged lunge to blast his load inside his stomach. The excitement makes Asa shoot another load spontaneously on to his own body. Rather than being spent though, the two giants feel as if they could do this forever. Their bodies never seem to run out of sperm since every load they shoot is thick and powerful. They have grown quite considerably since they walked into that gym. It doesn't seem like it will stop anytime soon either. Asa remains on the ground as Norris slowly pulls his cock out of his mouth. They smile at each other as the cum is still oozing out of their cockheads. They both eventually embrace and kiss each other. Without making any decisions about what to do next, they both look around the gym again and wonder if they should stop lifting. They turn to look back at each other and just wink. Part 2 is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2353-gym-equipment-part-2-mystery-man-among-us/
  15. I wrote this story back in 2004 and posted it to the evolution forum, so I thought it'd be nice to post it again in this new forum. I will try to post all of my stories so they're available. This story consists of 4 parts, the first 2 which I wrote and a 3rd part which was written by an italian buddy Alfonso, and then a 4th part continued by me again. This evolved in a relatively long period of time, with years of difference between the parts being written and it's a little bit of a pastiche at some points. This story is for those interested in muscle growth and strength and how a mature grown up man increases his masculine power and presence. It contains a lot of strength and power feats but it doesn't contain sex, and most romantic interactions in the story are straight. Sorry if there are some difficulties in the use of the english language, I'm actually from Argentina and the other author is from Italy and I had to translate his part, so we're not antive english speakers. Father's pinkie stronger than son's body PART 1 (written in 2004) Derek was a farm boy who had moved to a big city in order to advance in his career, he was a bodybuilder. When he started lifting he was a regular 1.70 (5'6") 17 year old boy who weighed about 65Kg (145 lbs); he was good looking though, a nice nose, blond short hair, with green eyes, he was very handsome as a whole. During the year, he was away from his real home, his parents' farm, but he returned every summer vacation, it's been six years now he's been doing so. Every holidays his parents would meet him again, but it was a new experience every time, because their son was bigger and bigger every vacation. Not only he had increased in height unexpectedly, growing from 1.70 to 1.83 (6') at the age of 23, but he'd also grown bigger and incredibly muscular and buffed up. Every year he had to tell his parents he had to give away the clothes they'd gifted him the year before because they didn't fit anymore. They understood this, because they saw his changes and they enjoyed comparing old and new photographs: his shoulders grew wider, his arms grew thicker with biceps bulging more and more all the time, and muscles appeared in his forearms they were unaware of, his chest seemed to expand more every year; not only he had bigger pecs, but also the rib cage and lungs were growing, he could hold more breath, his father would ask him to inhale very deep and go amazed at how long it took to fill his son's lungs at full capacity. Also his legs grew thicker, and new striations appeared, when he walked around in shorts, everybody could see how the muscles in his legs worked and moved like a machine. He liked showing his legs off to his childhood friends in the farm land, all of them had either remained as thin or as fat as they were while in school, but he was stronger every summer and he would beat them when they played an ocasional rugby match, and his friends were all amazed at how powerful Derek had become. This year he would really blow them off; he was bigger than ever, he'd reached the 130kg (290 lbs) mark, he was looking like a pro; well, a little fatty maybe, off season, but most people would still be surprised at how big he was. While he was driving he thought about all the stuff he would undergo the following days. The usual welcome, his father Tom remarking how big and strong he looked this year, his mother Lisa who would say he's more handsome every time she sees him. And then, after a meal, his dad would ask him for some help at the yard. As usual for a farm house, they had a big yard, besides the field where they planted everything. This yard was always a mess; he knew, because they'd told him on the phone a couple months ago. They'd ask him for help with the old rusty useless tractor that had been laying there for years, he also thought they may want him to demolish the old warehouse that nobody used anymore; maybe installing the second windmill they'd bought but could never set in place, also moving up the parts of old metal trash that were stacked in a corner, and he couldn't forget the house that needed some fixing because it looked like it would crumble any time. This year he was a little worried too, because he'd heard in the news there had been bad storms and lightning in the area, but as nobody called him to tell him anything bad had happened, he thought everything was ok. The moment came, he was approaching home, he drove slowly and parked his car in front of the gate. He took a look at the front of the house while he retrieved the car keys, but then quickly he took a second look, astonished, everything was different. The place was looking incredible good, someone had removed all the rusted stuff from the front yard, there was a rose garden where the old tractor was, there was grass all over and mowed. There were trees placed in a decorating fashion, but not like the new thin trees you plant expecting them to grow later, someone had planted trees that where huge already, he recognized some trees that seem to be ripped off from the surroundings and planted into his yard. He found the second windmill was in place, and the biggest surprise: there was a pool installed at the front!! He was shocked, he investigated more, went to the back of the house and found that the old warehouse was not there, it had been demolished, and big chuncks of thick wall that may weigh 200kg (450 lbs) each were stacked in a corner. He also found balls of compressed and twisted metal trash lying on the floor of the back yard, "these must be the old metal stack nobody took away for years", he thought. He lowered to grab one of the balls with his hands, but when he tried to lift it he couldn't, these were really heavy ones, must be around 700 Kg (1500 lbs) each or more. The old tractor was laying vertical, and the big shovel had been ripped off from it and was laying near. He neared the porch of his home, he was surprised to see that the structure of the old house was secured with several tree trunks that were incredibly wide, he wondered how many people were needed to move those. He knocked at the door, and waited for some minutes, Lisa peered through the window, smiled, and opened the front door. "Son!!!, you finally came, we were expecting you so much!" And he gave his mom a big and strong hug. "Oh, It's been so lonesome here without you, though I was entertained anyway I must say..." She looked at him from top to bottom. "I missed you so much too", Derek replied. Derek looked at the living room and saw all the heavy old furniture was rearranged in a better way, it all looked nicer. At the same time he was wondering why she didn't coment on his body this year, he thought she'd go crazy about how good he was looking now. Derek spun around while saying "so... what do you think?" "Uh... oh... I see, seems you've grown a little, son", replied Lisa. "A litte?!, Mom, I'm fucking huge, added 19Kg (42 pounds) this year!" "Well, not bad, at least not bad for a boy your age" Derek was puzzled, he just went into the house and they closed the door. "And so, where is dad?" "Oh, guess he's freshening up, he'll be here in no time!" Then a silence built up between the two. "things have been changing up lately", the mother said. "Guess so!! Who did all the work in the lawn?", asked Derek. "Me...", replied a voice from the door that led to the kitchen. It was not a normal voice, at least not one Derek recognized, it was like Barry White had been taking male hormone and his voice was twice as deep and loud. When he looked towards the door he almost peed in his pants. The man standing there was huge, he covered all the doorway, must have been like 1.98m (6'6") tall he thought, and wide as he's never seen anybody wider, and he have seen many big guys in his career. He looked at the titan from bottom to top, the giant was wearing tennis shoes with short socks, that tried to cover thick ankles, connected to the most bulging calves he's ever seen; on top of them, the biggest quads he's ever found in a man, wide in all directions, protruding to the sides of the legs that were almost tearing the black shorts the man was wearing. Those shorts fit really snug, because the glutes were also big and rock solid; and in the crotch area he could foresee a python hiding, the dick and balls all made a huge bulge. The waist was the exact size a man this size and development should have, it was wider than a regular man's back, but it had good proportion compared to the rest of this SUPER man he was seeing now. He went up to the abs that were covered by what must have been a grey XXL T-shirt that also fit very snug on the guy's upper-body. The abs looked also firm, though this man was puffy like an off season bodybuilder, so he didn't have much ab definition, but sure looked solid; actually, the guy was better there than Derek was at the moment! He thought. He saw straight up and found the enormous lats, the back that was wide like 3 regular man and a half's backs put together, about 40cm (1'4") wider than his own. And the chest that was so bulging because the rib cage was hyper-expanded, "this man must have incredible strength, powered by those incredible lungs", he thought, but not only that, he had the most massive pecs he's ever seen, stretching the t-shirt in a way he never knew before. And when he saw him inhale the chest expanded even more, Derek was shocked at that sight. He finally rested his eyes upon the man's shoulders, basket ball sized, and then on the upper-arms, even bigger, balooned and stretched the t-shirt's fabric. The biceps and triceps together in his upper-arms were bigger in size than a bowling ball, in resting position you could see that they not only bulged to the front of the body, but also were thick and wide, if there was a way to exercise the arm to make it grow wider, this man surely knew it, there was nobody with arms so big laterally. It seems he's been working his forearm because it had striations all over and bulged bigger than most men's legs; connected to wrists that were the thickest Derek ever saw. To put it in perspective, this guy looked like he had the added size of three pro bodybuilders in off season state. He thought "who is this man?", and went straight up to the face, he couldn't help but see the amazingly developed deltoids, big as rugby balls, connected to the thickest neck in the history of human race. And at the end of that astonishing neck, was... his father's face!!! He recognized him, though he was looking better, he had strong black short hair all over the head, and was not balding like before; and had a thick but short black beard, meticulously cut (maybe that's what took so long). Tom, his father, was looking down at him with his loving green eyes. "What happens son?, mice ate your tongue?", boomed his father's incredible voice while approaching Derek. "Dad! It's amazing!! what happened?" "Well, it's a long story, kid!" "I can't believe it! I understand why mom wasn't impressed by my body", and with this he flexed one of his biceps, stretching the L T-shirt he was wearing. When he saw this, Tom smiled and flexed his own arm. "Fucking incredible!!!" yelled Derek. His father's upper arm was twice and a half as big as his own. "How did you grow so big!?, you must tell me" Tom directed his son and wife with his strong arms to the living room couch, "let's sit and I'll tell you what happened". "We were here at the sofa, watching you in the bodybuilding contest on TV, the weather was stormy and there were thunders all over. Then we started losing the signal, we thought there must be something wrong with the satellite transmission, and as we were so intrigued to see you, your mom asked me to go to the roof and try and move the dish wondering if it would fix. Well, I went there and tried to move the parabole, but it was really well fixed into position; when I was holding it a lightning struck me and the dish, blowing away the dish, me and the TV. I was unconscious, next thing I remember I was in hospital; a couple of hours later, the doctors said I was fine, I had no inner burns or anything; it was like a miracle, so your mom and me came back home and forgot about it, and went to sleep. The next day I woke up with itch and pain all over, your mom tried to call the doctor but I stopped her because I thought it wasn't that bad, just an itch. What I really suffered from was hunger, I was starving so I asked Lisa to cook a big meal, I ate like a pork, I'd never eaten so much before. At night that day I was so tired and all my body ached I went to sleep, and woke up the next day refreshed but still in pain and starving. Lisa was worried, but I told her to cook a big meal for me anyway. When I woke up from bed I felt different, with all the stuff I ate the day before, I didn't look fatter, but I felt heavier, I weighed myself and found I'd gained 5kg! (11 pounds) It felt funny, I thought, if those kilos hadn't gone to fat then they must have gone to the muscles! And I really felt tighter all over. That day I thought if I ate more I'd grow more, and besides, my body was aching, and I found if I ate more the pain diminished. So I asked Lisa to help me cook big meals, I ate so quick as if I'd been out in the desert for a year. The next day I gained 7Kg (16 lbs), I really could see my muscles were bigger, and I also felt I was taller! I measured myself and found I had grown 1,5 cm (3/4 an inch) in just two days! I knew now what the process I was undergoing meant, so I started sistematically eating and eating, and realised the pain was nothing more than growing pain, my muscles and bones where increasing their size so quickly, that was expectable. In one week I'd gained 49kg (108 pounds) of muscle and bone going from 71Kg (157 lbs) to 120Kg (266 lbs), I thought I was looking just like you or bigger, I was also taller than before, I'd grown from 1.75m (5'9") to 1.80m (5'11"). I didn't know when this was going to stop, I still felt growing pains, and kept on eating and growing, the following week I reached 1.86m (6'1"), and was weighing around 169Kg (375 lbs), I was becoming a muscle freak, I didn't have time to enjoy my new body though, as I was always in pain, and because I spent the whole day eating and eating. Your mother was doubtful at first but when she saw the results of my growth she would cook and cook all day to feed me bigger and bigger. The next week I grew too, my height rose to 1.92m (6'4"), I felt like a tall man, I always wanted to feel like that, I enjoyed it so much when I walked around, but I wasn't only tall, I was huge too, I weighed like 218 Kg (480 lbs), so much I wondered if I could walk, I was still in pain, and the growth would not subside!!!! I wondered when would it stop!! Finally, the fourth was the last week, at the end of that week I felt the pain was diminishing; but still in pain and digesting the tons of food I'd eaten, I went to sleep. The next morning I woke up feeling as good as I never felt before! The pain was all gone, and I felt for the first time the wellness of having huge muscles all over that were painless and responded to my command. I woke up from bed, when I stepped up it was like somebody was holding me, I was supersuperheavy and still I felt I was light as a feather, that's probably because my leg muscles are very very strong, far beyond I had thought before. I weighed and measured myself and found out I'd finally grown to my current 1.98m (6'6") and 270kg (600 lbs). I spent hours and hours in the mirror, flexing, expanding my chest and lats, checking out my arms and legs, I felt amazing, so invigorated, also saw that my balding head was sprouting new hair! I was in awe. I told your mother the pain has stopped so the eating all day was over, that doesn't mean I don't need big loads of food to feed this huge body I have, I'm sure I eat twice as you Derek, hehehe". "You must be very strong too!", Derek said in awe. "Well, I was coming to that part... The next thing I thought after looking at myself in the mirror was that I should be a very strong man now... And as there were so many heavy... well, I kinda forgot what heavy means", he said this as he looked at his arms and upper body, "as I said, there was heavy stuff in the garden, I tried and see what I could do with it". "Oh, I see, and that's how you did all the hard work on your own!!?", asked Derek. "Hahaha, yes, I went straight for the tractor, you know how much it bothered me to have that rusty crap there, well, I held it and tried to lift it, just like this", he did with his arms as when he lifted the tractor, his bi's and tri's flexed and bulged, together with his pecs, "I didn't thought it'd be so easy!!! I didn't have to make any effort at all, I could just grab the thing that weighed a couple tons and put it up, no hassle, just walked while holding it over my head, like I wasn't bearing anything at all, and dumped it in the backyard". "Wow!! And what else have you done?" "Well, when I fixed that up, I checked out the place and found that metal trash pile in a corner, I wanted it removed, I grabbed a steel rod that must have been 7cm in diameter (3") and hold it with both my hands and clammmm!, bent it like it was clay or something; I was so pleased; then I wanted to play around, see what I could do, so I took some shattered metals in my arms made some pressure, and all the stuff started to compact, I then felt I could compact it more and more, it seemed easier than crushing a piece of the thinest paper, the tempered steel seemed unable to bear the strength of my arms. And that's how I made those balls you should have seen in the backyard. Did you try to lift them? Cause they must be very heavy, I can lift them with one hand though". "Wow!! I couldn't even move them... I wonder how strong you must be!", said Derek. "Well, I must be very very strong cause I haven't found anything I couldn't move or break yet. Also, I found it was very easy for me to demolish that old warehouse, I just had to punch the wall and it would break like it was a pile of chalk, I then grabbed those light chunks and put them in a stack". "And what did you do next?" "Well, when everything was cleaned up I found out the yard looked so empty, your mother did a great job gardening, she put some rose bushes and flowers, and we sowed grass all over the land; she suggested we could buy some trees to plant, they'd grow nice. I said, why should we wait for them to grow? We can use the big trees that are scattered around our property. I went in her company to find the best trees around, I think you've seen them, see how thick and huge they are? Well, I kinda had no trouble ripping them off the earth; just put my arms around any one Lisa liked and the roots would be beat by the might in my arms and legs. Then I could hold them in my arms and take them here. When we arrived I realized I needed to make a hole for them; so I tried with the usual shovel I'd used before; haha! I found out that digging a hole is very easy when you're as strong as me!!! But it was still taking too long, I knew I could do it faster and better... so I went to the backyard and saw the big shovel that was attached to the caterpillar tractor; I put one hand on it, and while holding the tractor with the other I simply ripped it off! I also find that the big shovel was the right tool for me, played around with it and realised I could handle it perfect with one of my hands... With that tool I digged the big holes for all the trees, in only one move, quick and easy. When all the trees were set in place, task that didn't take too long for a man like me, I still found there was something missing, I thought we always wanted a pool, and having that shovel in my hand, and as I wasn't tired at all with all the work; I just digged the yard so they'd be room for it. That didn't take more than 15 minutes... the next day I had a pool all set up". "You also did a good job with the living room", Derek looked around. "Haha, yes, it's easy to tidy things up when you can lift a sofa with one finger!". "Oh my god, I still can't take it, all this you said is amazing, but I think I still need you to show me your strength live, in person". "Ok, son!! Let's arm wrestle, whatcha think?!" With these both men went to the table, Lisa was smiling, looking at them. When Tom sat, the heavy wood chair looked puny as if going to break in pieces. Derek sat in front of his father; Tom put his arm on the table, extended it and opened his hand, Derek gulped, that arm was something to behold!! that was definitely a big and strong hand; Derek took Tom's hand with his own, that looked tiny compared to his father's. Tom gripped. "Awwww, dad, it's ok!!! you're crushing my fingers!!". "Oh my god, sorry boy, I thought I was being gentle!", he let go a little. Lisa approached and put her tiny hands in the men's big hands, she caressed them a while and then said "Start". Derek started pushing, he was twisting his whole body, frowning, exerting all his force to move Tom's hand, moaning with the effort; Tom was amazed, he didn't have to strain at all, he just held his hand not making any special resistance, he started smilling, "Oh god! seem I'm way stronger than I thought, I must overpower you by many many times", Tom said in his bass thundering voice. Derek tried with both his hands; then stood up and aplied the combined force for both his arms, chest and legs, still Tom's hand didn't even move a little; "Son! Just my arm and my right pec are way stronger than all your body!". With that Tom decided it was time to lower his hand, when he did Derek's body was not resistance at all, he found it was impossible for him to keep up his father's hand; if he wanted, it was going down. When it was all over, Derek was gasping. "Did I hurt you Derek?", Tom asked. "No dad, I'm just a little tired with the effort"... "Sorry, it was not my intention, I must be the strongest man on earth". MMmmm, let's see something, "I'll stand up and you'll punch me with all your might!" With that the huge man stood up; when Derek had recovered, he said "mmm, are you sure?! I have a very strong punch!!". "Haha, son, have no consideration for your father, try and kill me with only one punch, here in the belly". Derek cocked his fist backward and backward, to punch like he's never done before; then with all his strength and a loud scream landed his fist on Tom's stomach. Tom looked at his son's hand in his stomach, and said "just as I supposed, I didn't even have to flex my abs to hold your punch... just my regular muscle density is enough to absorb the power of your best coup". Derek felt as if he'd punched a sand bag, it resisted so well. "Did your arm hurt son?!, you're lucky I didn't flex down there, or you'll be really harmed". "No dad, it's ok, a little sore maybe...", "Heh, my belly is like new, I didn't feel a thing", Tom said. "MMmm... why don't you take off your t-shirt, son? Let's do some comparison..." "Do we have to?" "Come on!", and Tom took the bottom of his son's t-shirt and pulled up. "Ok! Ok! Dad!", and Derek removed his tee. The son's torso was amazing, he's put a lot of work in it, maybe also some growth hormone and testosterone, but it was mostly hard work. Then Tom took off his t-shirt, Derek froze the moment he saw his father's upper body, it would have made a gorilla look puny!!! It was all pumped and bulging everywhere, he also had some heavy black hair in the chest and in the belly area. Lisa was watching everything, she was in total amazement. Derek made a double biceps pose, Tom stood behind him and copied his son's movements, it was put in evidence that Tom was more than twice as big as Derek, his biceps peaked higher, his back was wider, he was taller, his legs exceeded his son's by several times. Then Derek turned around and made a lat spread, Tom did the same, still standing behind his son, it was like a little child flexing in front of a man!! Tom's lats where much wider, thicker and his back was definitely the winner in the comparison. Then Derek turned to one side and flexed his quads; Tom turned to one side and did the same, Tom's calves were almost the same size as his son's quads... and his quads were as big around as his son's chest. "Son! You'll have to spend more time in the gym if you want to match your daddy's body!" With this Tom laughed out loud, and pat his kind in the shoulder. "Ouch! That hurt... Dad, hold your strength, you're too powerful" "Ok, sorry kid..." And he put his t-shirt on again. Then the doorbell rang. Who may that be, Lisa approached the window and saw two fat big men standing outside. "Looks like the guys from the loan"... said Lisa. "Dad! You didn't pay the loan?!?", asked Derek "Well, It's been a couple of months I don't pay, because I'm willing for a renegotiation; I've been researching and the interests we were paying were usurious; I talked to our creditor on the phone but he wouldn't want to fix that, so I was going to see him in person and stop paying until the thing was all cleared up". "Uh, you know these guys can be dangerous!", Derek said. "Well, I don't think they could do much now!!", Tom said as he looked at his body and smiled, "I'll receive them, you just relax" said in a sure tone. Then Tom opened the door and saw the two guys: they weren't there to negotiate, they were the typical big guys, mostly fat all over, they thought they could do anything they wanted, one of them had a steel rod in his hand. Tom wasn't afraid the least, he just stepped in the doorway, he was taller and bigger than both of them. The bullies looked at Tom and just gulped, they hadn't seen anyone so wide and big before, just filling the whole doorway! "Let me see, Mr. Stingyshark has sent you, didn't he?", asked Tom and then crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Yes, he sent us!", said one of them. "We'll kick your ass, idiot!", said the other. "I'd suggest you to leave now, if you don't want to be harmed", Tom replied, very tranquil. One of the guys approached him with the rod. "That rod is for making some damage in my property?, mmm", Tom said. One of the guys tried to move him, grabbing him by the arm, trying to take Tom away from the door so they could get in. Tom looked at him and did nothing. It was useless, The guy would use all his might but Tom wouldn't even move an inch from the doorway. Tom looked at the guy with the rod who approached and hit him with the steel rod. Tom didn't even feel any pain at all, as if the rod was made of rubber or something. Tom put his hands in his hip, like a superman pose. "Why don't you leave? I don't want to hurt you, just tell Stingyshark I'll be seeing him soon", said Tom. The guy with the rod hit Tom again. Tom was pissed off, he grabbed the fatass by the shirt with one hand and lifted him up 1m over the floor (3 feet), then took the steel rod with the other hand and gripped strongly using his thumb, the steel rod bent like it was soft. Then he let go the bully and let it fall on the floor with a loud thump. The other guy was frozen but still was trying to move Tom. "And you! Stop tickling me!!", with this he grabbed the bully, lifted him and threw it in their van, then did the same with the other. "And, don't come back! tell Stingyshark he'll see me!" The bullies got on the van and drove out of the property in fear of Tom. PART 2 (written in 2004) After the encounter with the bullies, Tom entered the house, crouching to fit through the door. Lisa looked at his husband and asked him if he was ok. Tom laughed, "Yes honey, what could they do to me?", smiled and lifted her up with one hand, she huged him and he kissed her in the mouth. Lisa was a good looking blonde woman, although she was in her forties she was still in good shape; Derek got his good looks from her. Tom let his wife gently stand in the floor again, and suggested they could give the pool a good try, the afternoon was quite sunny... "I'll take care of the loan guy tomorrow!" he said. "Great idea!" Lisa replied. "Wait for me, I'm gonna put on something more comfortable", with this Tom headed to the bathroom. In the bathroom Tom stripped himself, it was hard to get the clothes off through all those big muscles; when he achieved it he looked at his reflection in a big full size mirror. He was completely naked. He hit a few poses, he started with a double biceps pose, all his big arm and shoulder muscles stuck out, he smiled, looked at his bis and then changed the pose, he stepped just like a boxer, with his legs flexed and his fists in front of his face. He could now see his fists were really big, he jumped a little and could see how his quads bulged at his command; then he gave a few punchs at his reflection and was surprised at how easy it felt, as if he'd trained boxing his whole life. He tried and see how fast and strong he could punch, his first punch was so fast he was surprised, but in his second and third he realised he was doubling his speed with each hit, he made a few more punchs, "holy shit!" he thought, he began to realize his arms performed at sound speed like there was no air resistance at all, actually the air began to buzz every time he punched. He stoped punching and stood with his hands in his hips, beholding his proud chest. "Not bad for a farm man, guess I could beat Mike Tyson off the stage!" he said to himself while smiling broadly, "If these loan shark sends me his guys again they'll go straight to hospital!" He gave a severe look at the mirror, "hehe, I'll scare the wit out of them!!"... After this, he couldn't help but direct his eyes to his fantastic dick, it was soft yet it was about 13 cm (6") long and thick as a regular man's waist. He reached with his hand and massaged it a bit, very quickly it erected, reaching its 25 cm (10") full, thick as many men's forearm. He turned to a side so he could see his dick better, he thought it was almost frightening, "I could use this to fight too!". He threw some cold water from the sink over his dick so it would go down to its soft size; then he picked up a pair of huge black briefs and put them on, they fit snug. He resumed his posing routine to see how sexy he looked, flexed his abs, checked out, turned around and made a lat spread, his reflection exceeded the mirror; "Not bad for a 46 year old farmer!", he thought; actually he was looking better than at 20! "Would be better to buy a new mirror" he said to himself... He took a towel and got out of the bathroom, his heavy treads trembled around the living room; he went to the front yard. His wife and son were already in the pool, floating around. Derek looked amazing, he was in his best shape ever, thick all around and looked more mature and masculine than ever; he was hitting a double biceps pose for his mother, Lisa was caressing his bi in amazement when they saw Tom out of the house. Derek almost petrified; he hadn't seen his father's body in full glory, "Oh! my god!" he exclaimed, he felt so puny when he looked at the hypermuscled hugantic stud his father was now. "What happens, mice ate your tongue?" Tom said and laughed, then approched the pool and dive into with a lot of style. He swam a while and dived inside as if he was a professional swimmer, he dove out with a splash and said "hey!! this swimming thing is not that hard when you have the right muscles developed! and all of my muscles seem developed!" with this he examined his pecs, flexed his right bicep and pivoted his flexed arm around his shoulder while holding it with his other hand, as if he was checking his joints were properly oiled. Lisa approched him, and hugged him, he grabbed her happily. Before the amazing change he'd experienced, Tom felt he was losing the Edipo battle, his wife seemed more interested in his son's with all the big muscles than in him. Now he felt happy Lisa payed little attention to his son, he began to feel he was the man of the house again. Derek went closer to his father too, and grabbed one of his arms, caressing it, checking its full round power... "My little kid!!" Tom said, "Want to be big like daddy!? You'll have to train very hard!" Derek began to punch him at the chest, Tom laughed and grabbed one of Derek's arm, keeping it in total control "You don't want daddy mad, do you?!", he laughed. Derek laughed in unison. The next morning, Derek and Lisa were having breakfast at the kitchen when Tom arrived prepared to go and see the loan guy. He was dressed in a white short sleeved shirt, very snug to his body that showed off his big arms; and a pair of jeans that seemed also very stretched. He approched them with heavy tread. "Today, this Stingyshark is going to hear me!" "I bet he will!", Derek replied. Tom sat at the table in front of a huge breakfast that was already prepared by Lisa for him... "Guess you'll need energy, honey", Lisa said. He thanked her. "Please be careful...", she continued. "Don't worry darling, this will be a cakewalk for me now!!", he replied with a grin. They started eating, Derek was trying to open a tar with strawberry marmalade, tried with all his might but the cover was too tightly screwed even for his big hands and developed bodybuilder arms. Tom saw his son struggling and asked "Need some help with that?" Derek gave the tar to Tom; Tom took it with his left hand, put only the index finger and thumb of his right hand around the cover and unscrewed it easily while looking at his son with a mix of a concerned look and an arrogant grin. He felt great he was stronger than Derek, but also felt sorry the difference in physical power between them was so abysmal, particularly because his son had worked out so much to get big and strong, and he achieved it without effort. "Sorry boy, I put the cover yesterday, I seem to have forgotten how strong my grip is compared to other people,...anyway, just had to apply a couple of tons of torque strength from my fingers and it's open". Derek felt a little ashamed. "Do you want me to help you with Stingyshark, dad?", Derek asked. "No boy, you stay here, I don't want my LITTLE KID harmed", he replied with a fatherly tone. Once Tom finished his breakfast he couldn't help but see the looks of concern in his son and wife. "I'll show you something so you won't worry any more, follow me"... with this he stood up and went to the garage, Lisa and Derek followed; there, he took a huge hunting rifle and handed it to Derek: "Remember when I taught you how to shoot?" "Yes dad!" "Come with me", Tom went to the front yard and stood in the middle of it. "I'll stand here and you'll shoot me right here, in the chest", Tom said to his son. Lisa was shocked. "Don't worry honey, I've done this before", Tom said to her, while he removed his shirt and handed it to her. "Are you sure daddy?!", Derek worried. "Yeah, sure, don't worry!", Tom replied, "Give me your best shot". Derek was about 30 meters away from his father, he aimed like a professional at his dad's broad and bare chest (it was an easy target anyway). He hesitated a bit but finally shot the big hunting rifle bullet at his father. After the blow they'd expected the worst. Lisa put her hand in her mouth in amazement. Derek put the rifle away and saw in a shock: Tom was still standing there, smiling broadly, looking at his chest that didn't have a dent, burn or anything. Tom kneeled and picked up the bullet that had just bounced in his chest, came closer to Derek and Lisa and showed the bullet to them, it was bent in the middle. "See, I'm invulnerable, much like a superman or something, there's nothing to be afraid", he said with a grin. Then, he put on his shirt again and went to his van in the garage. Lisa and Derek followed him. Derek wondered how could his father fit into the old van now. When he saw it, he knew the answer, Tom had literally dephormated the driver's cabinet with his bare hands to fit his size and be comfortable. "I did some room in the van as you can see", Tom said when he saw the surprised look of his son, with this, he got on the van and drove outside of the garage. "Be lucky dad!" "I don't need luck, boy! hehe", Tom felt so self confident now, he wasn't afraid of anything. A few minutes later he arrived at the front door of a big mansion. Stingyshark had a huge house with a large garden and a wall all around. Tom got out of the van and could clearly see two men dressed in black suits guarding the entrance, they had machineguns. When the guys saw him they gave notice through a walkie-talkie to Stingyshark, he ordered: "If he comes closer, begin to shoot". Tom began to walk very patiently towards the entrance, the guys saw him and started fire, the machinegun bullets all bounced in the impenetrable chest and arms of Tom, barely damaging his clothes. He continued walking until he was in front of one of the guys, took his gun and bent its tip with his hand; then pushed the guard away to a side, the guy fell to the floor some meters away. The other guy was still shooting at him, he took the tip of his gun; "I don't feel like playing today little man", he said; and bent the cannon with his fingers. Put a hand in the guy and without being too rude he threw the guy away, making him fly a couple meters in the air (he didn't want to kill anyone). The first guy recovered and jumped over him, "Oh, you're persistent", Tom said. "You asked for it boy", with an arm he hefted up the guy and with little effort on his behalf threw him what would have been 5 to 6 blocks away. Now he got rid of them, he looked at the huge entrance door, "Mmmm, thick steel, not bad", he said. The door was made of hard thick steel, used for bank vaults and such, Tom put his hands in the joint between the two sheets of the door and pushed outward; the steel began to crack and bent easily until the door was completely open and crushed. Tom stepped in confidently, like he owned the world. Stingyshark was in his office, watching everything from the closed camera circuit, complaining about the lousy security he had. "Now it is time for the real artilliery!", he said to the two bullies that were his personal bodyguards. Tom was coming closer to the big mansion; when he saw something he couldn't believe: a WAR TANK was heading toward him. "Jeez, this guy must have some good contacts!"... Tom thought. The war tank threw him a cannon shot from afar. It landed in Tom's chest, caughting him off guard, throwing him a couple meters away and destroying the remains of his shirt. Tom looked at his chest, "Mmmm, they want to play, uh!?" he said to himself. The tank shot again but Tom dodged it. Then grabbed the steel sheet remaining from the front door and used it as a shield; the tank shot again and again, all the shots landed in the steel plate and Tom could keep it up without problem, while he approached the war tank. Once he was near enough he put one hand under the front of the vehicle and tilted it with his tremendous arm. The tank driver couldn't do anything, he just looked in awe. Tom put his other hand under the tank and lifted it up over his head, he was smiling at his power. He began to shake the tank, the guy inside was shaking too, hitting against the driver cab. Tom then threw the thing away, making it fly through the air, landing half destroyed and tilt to a side; the tank was useless now. The guy in it opened the little door at the top and hurried away for his life. Tom neared the house; "Is this all you have?!!!! you make me laugh!", he said at a security camera. The house entrance had a heavy oak wood door, inside the big living room it was heard Tom saying "Knock! Knock!" from the outside; and the door sheets blew into pieces punched by Tom's mighty arms. Tom entered the room, apparently there was nobody in, but he didn't trust, "this old sucker is full of surprises", he thought to himself; so he cheked out; lifted up a heavy wood sofa with one hand to see if somebody was hidding under it; but there was nobody; so he threw the sofa against a wall, making a huge hole in it. "Oops!" he said, and smiled. Then, there was his surprise, a ninja dressed in black was looking at him. "Oh well, now this", Tom said. The ninja took some "steel stars" and throw them at him, they landed and bounced in his chest; Tom looked at the ninja and just stood, he wasn't afraid the least. Realizing his previous attack was useless, the karate man approached him and hit a karate punch at his delt with his hand; for Tom it was like being caressed softly, he watched the ninja with an arrogant face. The ninja kept trying, hitting him with his legs in the stomach several times, punching him, but Tom just stood there watching him and grining, he was solid as a rock. At last, the ninja tried to punch Tom's face, but he was quicker and enveloped the ninja's hand with his own, "I don't want you to ruin my hair cut", Tom said and began to crush the ninja's hand with his fingers. "Mmmm, certainly a strong grip, don't you think?", Tom said while looking down at the ninja. The guy began to cry in pain and kneeled; then Tom let go his hand and the guy was smart enough to run away. "Is this all you have!?", Tom said to the walls. In his office Stingyshark was pissed off, he complained all his workers were a bunch of incompetents; including his bodyguard bullies. "Damn! I should have hired a dozen ninjas, if only they weren't so costy!", he screamed. And pushed a big red button in the desk with his fist. Tom was walking through the big living room, expecting something, when he heard a loud crack and the whole place began to crumble. The walls were shaking and a big column fell over him, luckily he was quick enough to take it with his hand and toss it aside easily; "Not bad!", he said... "Is this your last resort?! not bat at all..." Then huge pieces of roof began to fall over Tom, at first he could stop them with his hands and throw them away, but soon there were millions of them and he was covered in a heavy pile of bricks and wall chunks. The whole place was destroyed. In his office, Stingyshark was screaming in happiness, "Finally! I got rid of that fucker!!", the bullies were happy too. "Prepare my limo!!". A few minutes later the old usurious man was getting in his limo. But of course it wasn't the end of Tom, the pile of bricks began to move, and in the blink of an eye thousands of pieces of wall and roof were thrown away with tremendous force. In the middle of a cloud of dust and stone there was Tom standing, without a scratch, his chest and legs bare, the only remaining of his clothes were the jeans with the leg fabric all turned into shreds. Tom saw the limo was leaving the place and hurried to it. Put a heavy hand on the back of the car and it stopped moving, the wheels were still turning and the bully that was driving pushed the accelerator but all the cars' 300 horses of power couldn't beat Tom's arm's strength. While still holding the car Tom went to the front of it and punched hard at the engine; making a huge and deep dent in it. The car stopped, and smoke began to appear. Mr Stingyshark was petrified inside. The bullies got out of the car and tried and face Tom. This time Tom wasn't in a good mood... he just knocked the two guys with a punch in the head, enough to make them sleep for a week. He then went to the seat were Stingyshark was and ripped the door off, took the old man from the seat and kept him in the air with his hand. "Well, I guess we must negotiate now", the old man said. "Negotiate!?", Tom was mad, "This is not a negotiation anymore". "Ok, I suppose we can deduct some interests"... Tom calmed down and laughed "Ok, I'll tell you my terms", and he lifted the old man some more in the air. "I already payed almost double the amount you lent me, so we forget about the loan, what do you think"... "Oh well..." the old man was doubtful... Tom put him closer to his face, Stingyshark began to shake in fear. "Ok, ok, let's forget about the whole thing"... "I want it on paper", Tom replied. The old man took a paper from his pocket. "This says you don't owe me any more, let me sign it" "Fine", Tom answered and put the guy down gently. Stingyshark took out a pen and signed the paper, handed it to Tom with a trembling hand, Tom examined it. "See, it was just a matter of talking like civilized people", Tom said while folding the paper and putting it in the pocket in the remains of his jeans. Stingyshark almost fainted in the floor, he was so scared. Tom then left, got on his van and drove away. When Tom got home Derek and Lisa were expecting him. He parked and went close to them. "Oh honey! what happened to you!", Lisa was concerned when she saw her husband almost naked and with dust all over. "Don't worry my love, I'm ok, I'm not even hurt the least, look at this", and Tom handed them the paper, they entered the house, examined the paper and jumped of happiness. "Finally dad! you got it!!" "We must celebrate this", Lisa said bringing a champagne bottle from the kitchen, Lisa gave it to Tom for opening, Tom gave it to Derek with a "No no, it's your turn to open this stuff"; while Derek opened the bottle easily Tom grabbed his wife lifting her up, hugged and kissed her, Derek filled up some glasses and they had a toast. Then Lisa said she'd remembered about something and left the room. "Dad, I'm so proud of you, I don't care you're much stronger than me, in fact, I feel great you're bigger and stronger!", Derek said. Tom was surprised at that, he thought his son was jealous. Then Lisa came with a letter, "This arrived today, it's from your brother Jeff". Tom took it and opened it and began reading. "Uncle Jeff, the cop?!", Derek said. "Yes", Lisa answered. "He says he's just moved to a new city and he's inviting us to his house for a couple of weeks...", Tom said. "Cool!", cheered Derek. "It's a long time I don't see my brother... He says he has a surprise! Guess I'm the one who will surprise him!", with this Tom flexed his chest and arms in a double biceps pose and grinned. PART 3__(written in 2008) Tom spent his days in absolute calm, now that he din’t have to worry about his debts, his beautiful house and his family were his only interests. Derek had built a personalized gym for their training, when father and son trained together you could see the enormous difference between them, but for Derek being so close to his dad and to who was for him the strongest man in the world was an inspiration, he wasn’t jealous but in total admiration. Derek and Tom trained everyday together, for Tom it was too easy, he hand’t found yet anything he couldn’t lift or squish, but he wanted to help his son improve his physique, knowing that Derek had worked so much to have it and he’d become huge just because of a fortunate accident. But everyday, Tom’s curiosity regarding his brother Jeff’s letter increased. “What could be the news my brother have for me? Maybe he switched jobs? (Jeff was a reputed manager in a big corporation), maybe a new... how can this be? Tom decided he couldn’t wait any longer and also he was anxious to see his brother after so many years, his big back, that big brother who’d always defended him, guided him through life’s choices and saved him at very early age thanks to an organ donation. Tom called Derek who was at the garden and when he entered the kitchen he said to Lisa and his son he had decided to go meet his brother, he wanted to show him his changes. Lisa was very happy to see Susan, Jeff’s wife, again and to be able to make a trip with her husband, despite she enjoyed being with her husband everyday, it’s been years they didn’t go somewhere else away from their farm. Derek was very happy to be able to hug again his cousin Chuck, who had been a friend all his early years before he was moved to the countryside, and be able to see what he does now, if he’d continued being this technological superbrain he’d always been, before he’d lost contact with him when he’d started his career in ingeneering. A week after the trip was organized, all the family decides to finally part and meet Jeff, they’d try to surprise him. Wherever Tom and Derek walked by, eyes oggled their bodies, for Derek it was very amusing to feel the people’s comments about his dad and the enormous son. He was very proud of his father and him for being big, not like his dad, but wanting to become like him. Even Lisa thought she was very proud and fortunate and she didn’t dislike the people watching. When they entered the plane, Lisa sat in between these two mountains and felt happy for having such a huge husband and a big son. When they arrived they went to a car rent to get one of the biggest and most resistant cars they could find, so they will be comfortable with their big bodies. After a lot of searching the seller was happy the’d found a car Tom and Derek liked. Tom wanted to play a joke and easily lifted up the chosen car with a single hand and said “Yes, this one seems resistant” The seller exclaimed “Oh my god, how is this possible?!” “You can do anything you want with these arms”, Tom replied the salesman. “Mind if I touch your strength?”, the seller asked. “Touch the real strength”, said Tom as he bent his arm and crouched so the small salesman could be able to reach his biceps. “It’s like touching the hardest steel ever” “Hahaha”, laughed Tom, “you make me laugh” “Your son seems strong too but he doesn’t play jokes”, said the salesman as he saw Derek silently lift the car with both hands, not as high as Tom could, but with a lot of arm resistance. “Oh, my son, my blood”, Tom said with love towards his son, “he really amazes me, he’s getting stronger everyday”, he said as he got close to his son and hugged him. “It’s only thanks to you dad, I have the strongest man in the world as an example” “Derek, you’re really a source of admiration, you build day after day real man’s strength”, Tom says in deep emotion. “Since I train with my dad I must really say I feel my body more invigorated every day, I can train with twice as much weight than I could just two months ago in the gym, I’m big like a pro bodybuilder Mr Olimpya contestant, don’t know for what reason I feel stronger every time”, says Derek unable to believe his own words. Tom hugged his son again “I’m happy, even I don’t know what’s the reason but I’m happy you’re growing strong like your dad, because when something good happens to your dad, I hope this is something good for you as well, my son”. “Yes, I’m happy for this”, answered Derek excited. After asking the seller for directions to find his brother’s house and paying for the hired vehicle, Tom and the salesman sealed the deal with a handshake, Tom got a little too carried away with the grip strength of his huge hand and the crack from the seller’s hand bones could be heard all around the parking lot, Tom let go immediately and apologized, “I’m sorry, guess I got too carried away by the conversation we’ve just had, all these emotions together”, then checked the seller’s hand, “it’s just a squish nothing is broken, the pain will stop in a few minutes”, then he said “bye bye” and was about to pat on the salesman’s shoulder but when he saw the look of fear in the little man’s eyes he just stopped his hand and instead waved at him, then they stepped on the car and left. Tom was really courious about seeing his brother and what he had in store for him, and also he was anxious to show him his own surprises, which will surely be a shock. “Let’s go to see your uncle and see what’s so surprising, and maybe we can amaze him too”, they flexed their huge biceps at the same time and laughed. Then Tom starts the car and the journey to uncle Jeff’s house begins. Following directions given by the car salesman they took a route in the middle of the forest, Tom drove the big vehicle through the woods when he had to stop. There was a huge log that had fallen over the road. Luckily Tom had amazing reflexes and perfect eyesight and halted the car several feet before anything could happen. “Oh sweet, then what are we going to do? Turn back?”, Lisa asked, sitting next to her husband, as she caressed his enormous shoulder and upper arm. Tom looked at her to his side and grinned, “Sweety, don’t worry, these two strong men here can handle a little log like that” “Hey, dad, let me take care”, Derek said “Of course son, go ahead”, said Tom and smiled. Derek got out the car and walked to the log. The thing was big, a very big old tree that had rotten and fell over the motorway, it weighed easily 5 tons. Once in front it, the young man crouched and put his hands under it, then he tried to stand, groaned heavily and you could hear the wood cracking. He kept excerting force and grunting and was able to lift the log a little but only less than two inches from the ground, then had to let go, exhausted by the tremendous effort. “Oh, honey, why don’t you go give Derek a hand!”, Lisa suggested Tom as she ran her fingers through his enormous chest. “Sure”, said Tom and got his immense physique out the car, he walked to his son who was going to try it a second time, but felt the heavy hand of his dad in his back. “Let me try, buddy” said Tom in his deep masculine tone, Derek knew when to let go and moved to a side. Tom simply crouched a little and put a single hand under the enormous log, then he effortlessly stood up carrying the log playfully in his right palm. Derek amazed at the sight, there was a long way to go if he wanted to be as strong as his dad, he thought as Tom walked his huge body to a side of the road and easily and single-handedly got rid of the log, throwing it away with tremendous force. Then Tom walked to the place where the log was and noticed it had left a huge dent in the road, that could damage the rented car if they tried to pass, so he just walked to the car with Lisa in it, put a hand under it and easily picked it up over his head, took it past the dent and gently put it on the ground. Both men got in the car, “See honey, all solved!”, Tom said to his wife as he wiped up his hands and found his place next to her. “Oh, geez, that was fucking amazing!”, Lisa said in ecstasy, and gave Tom a kiss and run her hands all over his enormous body. “Yeah, so bad I coudln’t handle it”, said Derek “Oh son, you picked that up a couple inches, for what I felt in my hand that was around 5 tons, no regular man would be able to even move it, I’m very proud of you, among the regular men you must be the strongest”, Tom cheered up his son, “let’s go now, Jeff’s house is very close”, powerful Tom said and they resumed their trip. After roaming a little around the city looking for Jeff’s house, they arrived. Tom gets out of the car with big emotion but also very self assured, Derek contemplated the emotion in his father’s face, happy to be able to hug his brother, Lisa gave him a kiss “Come on my big man, go ring the doorbell, don’t worry, Jeff will be happy for sure!” “Ok, my tresure, I’ll go”, said Tom, he stood a little to watch the incredibly beautiful house Jeff had built, very big and really cosy. As he walked, Tom thought “you’d better ring Lisa, me and Derek are going to hide and see what happens”, both big men got hidden besides the front door. Susan, after hearing the bell ring went to the front door and open “Oh my god, Lisa!”, both women hugged each other with energy, “it’s been a long time Susan, I misse you really a lot”, said Lisa, “why is it that you’re alone, did something happen?”, asked Susan. Lisa, laughing, said “Yes, something has happened, but something really good, men come out now!”. Tom and Derek showed themselves, after a moment of silence Susan exclaimed “Oh my god!, huge men! this is a whole family of huge men!” and jumped to hug Tom and salute his huge nephew. “Oh my god, I still can’t believe how big and handsome you’re as well”. Tom seemed doubtful and thought how was it possible that Susan didn’t seem that amazed about their bodies. “Please come in, take a seat, you must have had a long trip”, said Susan inviting them in. Susan couldn’t take her eyes off Tom, she couldn’t believe what had happened, how lucky this familiy was. She also marvelled at Derek’s splendor and growth but her eyes were just for Tom. Seeing this huge man and so rejuvenated, surprises weren’t finishing, Susan was happy to see this muscled family. “You’re petrified”, said Tom “No Tom, excuse me, I’m just a little surprise at seeing you like this, I promise you’ll also be surprised at your brother” “Come on tell us!”, Tom demanded. “No Tom, if I tell you it wouldn’t be the same and Jeff would get upset”, she replied. “Oh, ok I’ll wait!”, said Tom a little disappointed. “Dad, did you notice how big the chairs are, made out of steel and also this table looks so heavy”, said Derek. “Yes, I see that maybe they wanted to style the house with steel, like those statues done with iron pilars and those railway beams bent over at the front-yard”, thought Tom. “Really, a beautiful house”, answered Derek. “Should I bring something to drink, you big men must be thirsty for sure with this heat” and Susan went into the kitchen and turned back with two beers and two cups of tea. “Oh Tom I still can’t believe it you’re so big and handsome and very strong I guess”, said Susan. Tom pulled out his arm, bent it and flexed his huge bicep, Susan got closer without fear and touched the huge muscle mass, caressing it softly. “Lisa, I’m very happy for you to be this lucky”. Lisa with her eyes full of joy said “Yes, my husband is the strongest man in the world and my son is on his way”, as she spoke she touched her son’s arms and the hugged her husband’s huge arm. “Sure, one of the strongest ones in the world, but there are other men who are very strong as well”, said Susan laughing. “I doubt anywhere as strong as my Dad”, said Derek, “I haven’t seen anything that can stop him yet”. “Sure, he looks very strong”, said Susan. After a little silence, Tom streched himself out and said “But Susan, when is my brother turning back home?” “Oh, in about thirty minutes I think” “I’m really looking forward to seeing him, I’m courious to see his surprise”. “Don’t worry Tom when Jeff arrives you’ll both be surprised for sure”, said Susan, “and also Chuck, the superbrain of the family, is coming this evening from the university, he’ll surprise you both too”, said Susan with her eyes full of joy. Susan took Lisa to show her around the house, then went to the kitchen to cook lunch. Derek said, “Dad, I think aunt Susan is quite a beautiful woman despite being older than Lisa”, said Derek. Tom said, “yes I think my brother and I are very fortunate to have them”. Back at the kitchen, Lisa noticed that Susan was cooking very big meals, similar in size to those she’d started cooking after Tom’s growth and when Derek began to train with his father. “Susan, aren’t we cooking too much, with all this food we can feed tens of people”. “Don’t worry Lisa, big men have big food in this house, you have to know that you’re not the only lucky one, destiny has given us both the same fortune”, said Susan smiling. “I can’t believe you, is Jeff as big as Tom?” “Yes, but don’t say anything, let’s keep it a surprise”. “But, how did it happen?” “Jeff was watching TV at night and started feeling bad, suffered from back pain, chuck had injected him an experimental serum against pain he’d been developing, but Jeff lost consciousness for a couple of hours, and after he’d rested, he woke up very hungry, this hunger lasted more or less for a month, I was worried, but then I began noticing that he was growing bigger and bigger every day and after that he’d became a big man just like your husband, I think, dunno if they have the same strength but Jeff is also huge”. “Impossible! The same thing has happened to Tom as well, he was struck by lightning and then the same as Jeff, so strange, that’s the reason why you weren’t that amazed, we’re very lucky women” “That’s true Lisa, we’re probably the luckiest there are, our husbands are not just the strongest ones but the most handsome! But just keep the secret with your husband!” “Ok, I want to see what happens too, when my son saw his father, despite he was big as well, was completely amazed, but afterwards he got really happy and now he’s growing even bigger thanks to their relationship”. “yes, the same happened with Chuck, he couldn’t believe it and after that he’d also grown big thanks to his father’s blood and his own invention, the serum, I’m really happy with my family”, “Me too, Susan, so much!” “Lisa, it seems Jeff has arrived, I think I heard the garage door, let’s see now what happens”. The front door opens, Tom stands up from the couch knowing that in seconds he will be able to hug his brother. “Dear, I’m home”, says a deep booming voice from the hall. “Your husband has come”. Tom couldn’t recognize the voice, but after a second he couldn’t even recognize who was entering the door. It was a huge body, he covered almost all the doorway, he must have been like 1,90m (6’3”) tall, almost like Tom, was also almost as big, looked just a little bit smaller, until now Tom hadn’t seen anyone even close to his size. The big man was wearing a tight black sweater covered by a very elegant jacket, smart black trousers that looked like about to burst any moment, in the dick area he could see a python hidding, his dick and balls created an enormous bulge. The waist looked like the same size as Tom’s, surely bigger than any regular man’s but in good proportion compared to his body. His arms looked also enormous, where covered by the jacket that was stretched to maximum level, these arms looked really strong. Tom asked himself who was this man as big as him, he focused his sight over the man’s face and despite he it was covered by a beautiful gray beard he could reconognize his brother. “oh my god!” Tom exclaimed, “I can’t believe it”... “Neither do I!”, Jeff exclaimed. Tom hugged his brother with tears of job, grabbing him incredibly strong, it was a very thrilling scene. “Hey! Don’t squish so tight, despite I’m strong too you can strangle me!”, said Jeff in a playful tone, but Tom didn’t want to let go his brother, he didn’t understand how he’d become that big, but most of all he was happy to be hugging his brother. After Tom has let his brother go and cleaned up his years he ammired his brother from head to toe, while Jeff did the same, and both asked almost spontaneously: “But, how did you become this big?” “Let’s get comfortable”, said Jeff, Lisa and Susan were so happy to see both brothers joining again that they too almost cried. Jeff began to explain, “It was night, I was in front of the TV, suddenly I’ve felt a fire in my spine and began to feel really bad, Susan quickly called Chuck who was at the garage, I was laid on the floor, couldn’t even move, and Chuck, seeing how desperate and in pain I was, injected me an experimental serum he was working with, I instantly felt better but I lost consciousness, and after a couple of hours I woke up over my bed, and I couldn’t even move, Chuck thought it was the effect of the medicine and adviced me to take rest, the following day I woke up famished, I’ve been always hungry for a month, then I began to feel well and here are the results”. Jeff showed off his biceps but forgot to take out his jacket and the fabric tore appart giving way to the bicep. Susan heard the tearing from the kitchen and shouted “It’s the fourth time this month Jeff! Please be careful!”, Tom and Jeff laughed madly, Tom said “it also happens to my, it’s difficult to contain all this”. “And you big nephew don’t say anything to your uncle?”, said Jeff joking. Derek was stiff by the surprise, two men, two brothers, the biggest men on earth, “oh my god”, he said a second time, “uncle, you’re really huge like my dad”, and got close to hug him, “You too my nephew, are quite big and strong, congratulations”. Derek bent his arm and showed his biceps to his father and his uncle, “but this is nothing in comparison to you too, you must have equal strength I think”. “I don’t know, I’ll take out my jacket and we’ll see”, said Jeff but it was difficult for him to take out his shirt with all those muscles, Derek helped his uncle and remained seated to see what was coming next. “Take out your sweater too”, said Tom who had already taken out his, seeing this was really spectacular, uncle Jeff looked just about a little smaller and shorter than Tom, but surely very strong. Derek was like a competition judge, “double biceps”, “back”, “lats”, “most muscular”, “arm”, he was in front of the biggest and most powerful bodybuilders, he stood up and walked close to the two giants and touched their biceps, he stood in the middle and flexed his biceps as well. “Then, who is the winner?”, kids Jeff. “mm I think my father is a little bit taller and more muscled” “hahaha the little brother bigger than his elder, Tom have you found anything you can’t destroy with your hands?!”” “I don’t know, not yet”, replied Tom “I thought so, me neither! But let’s wait no more, let’s try our strength, do you agree?”, asks Jeff “Sure”, replied Tom, “let’s armwrestle, so we can see real strength against real strength”. “Ok, I’ve always wanted to try, hopefully we’ll have the same strength”. Tom and Jeff at their sides in front of the metallic table, seeing this men was impressive, “1, 2, 3 goo!”, shouted Derek. At the beginning the two arms didn’t move at all, then their biceps began to swell bigger, Derek thought these men’s nutrition had to be huge, their biceps were really enormous, much bigger than a bowling ball, then the arms began to move, it was a terrific spectacle, how much strenght could these two men be excerting at that moment was out of any calculation, and after about ten minutes Tom finally wins. “Awesome Tom, it’s been very nice to be able to use all that strength, despite it was not max power it has been good to find something as hard as your arm” “I was also looking forward to this moment, the true steel that is inside your arm”, said Tom and with this they flexed their pumped biceps, now looking a lot bigger, Derek touched both and they were pride of their strength, the women got out of the kitchen and saw the sweated naked torso of their huge men, they put the dishes and caressed their husband’s huge biceps and kissed them. Chuck’s Arrival After lunch Tom and Jeff continued to measure their strength, the two titans challenged each other to armwrestling, fought for hours in the garden and bent over huge metal beams Jeff had collected, after each inhuman effort the huge men touched their biceps, marvelling at the extent of their strength. Watching their muscles making an actual effort when they challenged each other was satisfying to them, seeing their strength growing, Derek remained amazed, admiring the excersizes of his dad and uncle without even saying a word. He watched in awe at how their muscles resisted the strength involved in their games, as if their bodies were growing with every effort, with every new level of resistance. In the evening the men decided to take a bath in the pool, and women remained inside deciding what to cook for dinner, Derek was already playing with his dad and his uncle but it was useless to resist to these men, Jeff picked him up and thrown him up in the air to the pool, he went so hight it was as if he was jumping from the height of an olimpyc diving board; but as he was going down he saw flashing the figure of another huge man that was coming closer to the pool but when he got his head of the water he saw nobody. Derek thought it was his immagination, but suddenly he felt behind him something pressing him very tight in the back, he applied some resistance and could free himself, so he knew it couldn’t be uncle or dad cause it was no way he could’ve freed himself, he turned around and couldn’t believe his eyes, “Oh my god! Chuck! But what a change! I can’t believe it, also mi “super scientist” is working out at the gym, you have a very good body!” “Wow, you too Derek, you’re handsome, look at those big arms, to say the truth Derek I’m not going to the gym, you know I’ve never been much of a sport lover” “Nahh, are you taking roids man? Please don’t...” “No Derek, this is not thanks to steroids, this is true strength, this is thanks to my potion” “Your potion...”, behind the two young men the two older emerged silently and thrown both youngsters in the air at the same time, inside the pool Chuck noticed uncle Tom, “Hey uncle you’re also a huge man, how did this happen? You don’t have my potion, how is this possible, I wanted you to come to give you the potion, to share my new discovery, but now I see that you don’t need that, oh my god! You’re really handsome and big, your arms are so hard and thick, you’re a titan like my father, please let’s get out of the pool I want to see your muscles”. The men got out of the water, Derek noticed that the body of his cousin was smaller than his own but grown without even making any effort. It was a huge change, his cousin had also leg go his glasses, had a muscled body and an attractive face, Derek was really happy to see someone his size in the family, but the one who was really stupyfied was Chuck. “Uncle, you’re gargantuan, I can’t believe it, my dad is also big but I can’t believe this, I’ve never seen a man like you, I thought I was the only one with the strongest dad on Earth, but Derek your father is huge like mine, uncle can I touch your muscles?” “Of course you can”, replied Tom Chuck began to touch his uncle’s body, after having touched his huge chest, he stopped at the big biceps, “Uncle can I touch the strength of your arms, flex your biceps for me” “Of course Jeff, feel the power in these arms”, said Tom proud as his nephew grabbed his arms. “Oh my god, you’re really huge, you and my dad are really strong, what a muscled family, haha!” “I can’t stop thanking you my son, just because of you I can be this big and strong”, answered Jeff. “Let’s go back home men, I want to explain how we got to this”, said Chuck. Back inside the house, Chuck explain the reason of the letter and the invention of his serum: “I was working in a medicine to relief pain in people and fix small damage to bones or muscle tissue, seeing how my dad was suffering that night, despite it was in the experimental stage I had injected it, needless to say his body changed, you can see the effects, and after having studied his changed I had also injected the serum in me, I had convinced my father to call you also uncle, because I wanted to share my discovery and give you this fortune as well, but now I can see there’s not need”. “Chuck I don’t know how to thank you, I feel lucky already, and double fortune because I have such a considerate brother and nephew”, said Tom, got close to Chuck and gave him a hug. “I have the serum right now, I want this discovery no to be ever revealed because it can end up in the wrong hands and what this to remain as a treasure only to our family, I want to perfect this serum just to help the world as a medicine, and non as a formula to become big and muscled, now Derek I have the serum specially prepared for you and your father, I don’t want to put it to waste so do you like me to inject it to you, what do you say cousin?” Derek hesitated but after given a little bit of a thought he said “Not at the moment Chuck, thank you, I still have to think about it, I still want to compete in bodybuilding and if they discover I’ve taken this I will be disqualified, also with the help of my dad as a training partner I’m growing a lot by regular means, now let’s enjoy dinner, I’m hungry!” “We too!”, the giants of the house answered in chorus. PART 4__(written in 2008) After swimming in the pool the four big men decided to go out and hit the street, Jeff lived in the suburbs of a quite busy town so they decided to go and take a walk, see what was the reaction of the people to so much beef walking by. When they arrived they strouted proudly around, people watching them amazed at their size, they could see people were making comments whispering in each other's years. A girl even dared to ask Tom to show her his bent arm and she touched his massive biceps. Chuck directed the men to a big and tall shop, he said it was the best place to buy clothes for men like them, and this particular shop was really cool. Inside the shop there were four shopkeepers, two girls were piling up some crates next to a corner and two guys that were setting up the display at the front. When Chuck came in everyone turned around to see, not everyday they saw a gorgeous guy like that in the shop, quite big, muscled, handsome but also with intellectual looks. Most of the time it was just fat guys, some quite tall and big but mostly so fat they couldn't get clothes anywhere else. The boys that were at the display looked at the each other and smiled and one of them turned around, the girls looked at the guys sorta like “Don't even dare”, and the two boys resumed working. The youngest of the females motioned herself towards Chuck but her partner almost barked at her that she was the one with more time in the company and she got the good looking guys. So she went to Chuck and asked him what he was looking for, Chuck wanted some nice underwear for him but “also for my cousin, hey buddy!”, he whistled at the front door. Then Derek's astounding figure came in, if Chuck was good looking, Derek was gorgeous, if Chuck was well muscled Derek was a stallion of muscle, almost like a pro bodybuilder. Derek treaded in wearing his usual tight clothes and everyone in the place was delighted at the sight, he stood next to Chuck and the clerk couldn't but exclaim “aha...” and grin, “who is taking care of this young man here?” the older girl asked. One of the guys was about to leave his tasks and go to Derek but the younger girl flashed a hatred look at him and hurried towards Derek, “Looks like I'll be assisting you today...” “Derek”, replied the young stud. “Derek, ok! Nice name! So you practice some sports don't you?” “Yeah, a little bit of bodybuilding”, said Derek and bent his left arm, flexing his bicep tight. “Oh, I see!”, the eyes of the little girl were wide open. Derek wanted some casual wear for dinner time and such so they moved to another corner of the shop while the older girl showed Chuck some hot swimwear. Then they heard a deep voice at the door saying “oh come on, it'll be fun!” and a quite loud thud, like something heavy had bumped into the floor, then another thud, it was Jeff's 180kg (400 lbs) figure stepping on the wooden floor of the store as he was going in. When they saw this moleman coming in the guys at the display gasped, the girls turned around to see and were so distracted Derek and Chuck had to remind them what they were doing. The guys at the display looked at each other and one of them just said “Ok, it's all yours, I'll survive honey”, with a sigh. The other guy hurried towards Jeff, next to that guy Jeff was a true behemoth, almost two heads taller and more than twice as wide, could fit both of the guy's legs in the width of his arm. “Hello Sir, can I be of any help”, said the guy with a bit of a tremble. “Yes you see, I've been looking for some nice business suit that would fit me but they don't seem to make them my size, I figured maybe here I could find some”, as Jeff spoke his bass voice made the little guy shiver. “Oh of course Sir, we...”, then the little guy literally froze. He fixed his eyes at the doorway while Tom was getting in, “oh my god”, he exclaimed. As the enormous man stepped thuds even louder than those produce by Jeff could be heard, you could also see the wood bending and squealing with the 250kg (550 lbs) of Tom's physique. The 6'6” fella was wearing short pants and a T-shirt that looked painted on, it was muscle on top of muscle, and of course everyone couldn't but keep their eyes on him. Tom stood next to Jeff who now didn't look as impressive, and playfully let his heavy hand slap his older brother's enormous shoulder, that made Jeff shake quite a bit under the tons of weight. “So bro, are you looking for some sexy stuff for Susan?”, Tom joked, his voice was as deep as Jeff only with a younger feel, not so worn out. “Know what? I wonder if they have those big suits here, for people like us”, Jeff said. “Bro, I get mine taylor made, but... what about, you know, I always like to play games with Lisa and have some fun, I'd like to have like a soldier's suit, a navy captain suit, something like that, you know just for the fantasy”, said Tom and enveloped the clerk's shoulder with one of his enormous hands. “Costumes for your size?”, the young guy wondered, then his partner came in “I'll take care of this gentleman if you allow me, come with me Sir, I'll show you our collection of specially taylored themed suites for men your size”, said the second shopkeeper very politely. Jeff’s shopkeeper took him to the business clothing section, there were the most amazing suits made of the most luxurious fabrics, and in the biggest sizes. The clerk offered some suits and shirts to Jeff, who picked the ones he liked the most and tried them on, most of them fit really tight, so they had to try several different sizes. Jeff didn’t like those that were too snug on his thick muscles, but he didn’t dislike a little tightness though, so he chose the ones that were loose but still were tight enough at the arms and the pecs so everyone would be able to tell he was a big muscleman. The salesperson also introduced him a new line of jackets specially made for bodybuilders, the difference with regular jackets is that they were really wide at the shoulders but narrower below the lats, these one looked amazing in Jeff. The first pants that were offered to him looked painted on, Jeff agreed they looked sexy but he wanted something more appropriate for a business meeting so he went for looser ones, but still tight at the butt and also when he bent his legs. At the other corner of the shop, the other guy was offering Tom what looked like an enormous version of an outfit from the captain of the Titanic, even the hat was included. “Would you like to try it on?”, said the little guy trying to spread the white navy style shirt with his hands as wide as he could, the thing was enormous. “Yes of course” said Tom and immediately took away his T-shirt, the sales guy was kinda shocked and for a few moments speechless, Tom had the most enormous torso he’d ever seen, his lats were two tremendous slabs of meat, his shoulders were like watermelons and his upper arms bigger than bowling balls, his enormous pecs and abs were full of manly black hair, all bulky and excessive. “Hand it to me… hey!”, Tom had to wake the guy. “Uh, ok, sorry!”, said the guy and gave Tom the shirt. The big man tried it on, it had a tight fit, but that was what Tom wanted it was like the Titanic’s captain all muscled up. He tried the huge pants, -painted on- and then put on the hat as a final touch. “How do I look?”, he asked the sales guy as he expanded his chest to the point the fabric was just short of ripping. “I w.. would definitely go in the ship and have a trip with you, Sir”, said the guy and blushed. Tom laughed and asked “Well, I’m definitely going to keep this” “Something else?” “Yes, I was thinking maybe…” “What about a cop’s suit?”, the guy suggested. “Excellent!” “We have exactly what you need”, said the little guy and brought a huge policeman costume. “Mmm looks good, let me try this on”, so Tom took away the sailor costume, the movements of his delicious body followed closely by the sales guy’s mezmerized eyes. The colossus didn’t seem to feel any shyness to show himself in his underwear in front of this guy and the little fella was surely enjoying it. Tom put the policeman pants on, darn it was snug, and then he put on a pair of black shinny boots that were a perfect match. He then struggled with the black shirt but it fitted just right, because it was taylored for a muscleman just like him. The shirt had short sleeves that revealed his huge upper-arms and a badge and looked very real. This costume also came with a hat and a stick so when those accessories were in place Tom looked like a real cop, well in fact he looked like three or four cops together. As Chuck was being shown some underwear by one of the girls he felt something cold in the back, “Hands up you two!”, said a burglar behind him. Chuck turned around and wanted to take the gun off the guy but the thief was too fast and gave a couple steps back while still aimed at them. “Now lady you’ll go to the counter and give me all the money”, said the thief, he was not a small guy, at easily 1,80m (5’11”) and quite built. The place was big, divided into different rooms and everyone was far from them so nobody was aware of what was going on. The girl was panicked and let out a muted scream, this caught everyone’s attention. Derek was the first to come out and when the burglar saw the big guy he gave a few steps back and seemed to hesitate but he still aimed and threatened them, “everybody stand still and do as I say or I’ll start shooting!” The screams caught also Jeff’s attention who was at the other section, he advised the sales guy to stay put and went to the other room to see what was going on. Jeff’s enormous figure caused quite an impact in the thief, “Hey you, put the gun down!”, ordered the big mature man. His powerful way of walking, the gigantic tight suit he was wearing and his booming manly voice made him look so serious and full of authority that the thief just turned around and started running. But as he motioned himself out he bumped into something big and hard, he didn’t know what it was at first because he was caught by surprise but when he gave a few steps back he could see the huge cop that was in front of him with hands in his hip, it was Tom. “Darn it”, he thought and knew he was busted. Enormous Tom grabbed the guy from the belt of his trousers and picked him up like a scarecrow as he took away his gun, as the guy was held high he showed to his face how he twisted and bent the steel of the gun like modelling clay between his fingers. “It’s not a very good idea to come and rob in a Big and Tall shop, little guy, because it’s full of big and tall men who can snap you like a twig”, Tom scared the guy. “Would you take care, Jeff?” “Of Course!” Tom walked and handed the thief to his brother who held it just as easily. “Let’s take these clothes off me and call the real police”, said Tom and went to the other room to get his regular clothes on while one of the girls called nine one one. Jeff was holding up the guy who was almost petrified by the big man in business suit, when the police came in, a cop approched them, was quite skinny and not even tall, so much so Jeff couldn’t believe guys like that could be policemen. “Oh, well! You’re a big man! I see you have the situation under control”, said the cop as he saw Jeff and the hanging thief. “Yes Sir, here is your man”, said Jeff and easily dropped the burglar on the ground while still holding him. Two cops that were bigger came in and took the thief, escorting him to the patrol. “That’s one strong arm!” the skinny cop pointed and patted Jeff’s huge arm, then walked around the place and found the gun in tatters squeezed and bent, he picked it up and asked Jeff in surprise “Did you do this to the gun?!”, “No, I could have but I didn’t, it was my bro..” “I did” said a deep resounding voice from the huge man that was coming in. The skinny cop’s jaw almost dropped at the sight of Tom as he walked towards him, dressed in his tight short pants and t-shirt revealing his muscled body. “Oh my god, Sir, what an impressive body you have!”, said the cop. “Do you think I’d do a good policeman, officer?”, said Tom as he made a double biceps pose, making the huge 70cm biceps (28”) peaks stick out. “Hell yeah!” said the skinny cop. “Hey, don’t forget about me”, said Jeff and removed his jacket and his tie that was pressing his thick neck. When the policeman saw Jeff’s upper body through the tight silk shirt he couldn’t keep his manners and screamed “Holy crap! You’re two fucking stallions!” He grabbed Tom’s arm while the giant bent it just for him, and then caressed the biceps peak, his hand looked so tiny amidst all that mass. Tom didn’t care, he even liked it, he let the cop put his tiny hand in the middle of his huge pecs and caress his montaneous chest, then the cop also caressed Jeff’s huge torso, delt’s and shoulders, the little man pounded a few fists over their torsos as if he was checking if they were hollow or solid. The big men smiled and Jeff said “you can punch all you want, we’re solid as rock”, then grabbed the guy from his belt single-handedly and gently picked him up and put him back on the ground. Derek and Chuck were already outside and Tom and Jeff were joining them when they heard an emergency call on the radio. “All units please report immediately, we have a situation with the intercity line rails, two formations out of control are going to crash against each other”, the cops panicked. “Did you hear that?”, Tom said to his brother as he grabbed his enormous shoulder. “Yes, but what can we do about it?” “You’re kidding? The two of us together can stop those trains! I have already stopped war tanks and it was very easy for me, judging by the strength you showed, I’m sure it must be easy for you too!”, said Tom. “Sure I always said I feel like I can stop a train, so let’s try it!”, replied Jeff cheerfully. The skinny cop was distracted near his car when Tom got close to him and grabbed the little man’s shoulder, “I heard about the train crash, do you have any idea where are they supposed to collide?” “We don’t know for sure but maybe near the central roundabout where all the lanes join” “But that would be a disaster!”, said Tom and hurried to his brother “We gotta stop it, let’s run to the roundabout and we’ll see from there”, Tom then started running and Jeff followed behind. The huge men’s legs were so full of powerful thick muscle that they could run faster than and olympic medallist, when they reached a place close to the rails they could see the trains approaching in the distance, Tom instructed his brother to take the train to the left he would take the one to the right, then they split running at amazing speed each one to face one of the formations. When Tom reached his train he stood in front of it and leaned forward, extended his arms expecting to clamp the impact a little so nobody would get hurt. As Jeff got close to the train he decided to run alongside it, and put a hand on one side of the machine, as he diminished his speed so did the train, until it was at a safe speed and he stood in front of it and received the impact. The people in Tom’s train felt the vehicle crash against something very heavy but it wasn’t a big shake so they weren’t hurt at all, immediately the speed began to drop, Tom was being pushed along by the force of the train but he managed to get his huge powerful legs to support all the force and divert it to the ground and that made the velocity diminish every second. Jeff was doing the same with his vehicle, only difference was that he was wearing the suit’s pants and leather shoes that were going to cost a fortune, nonetheless he was getting his also huge legs well rooted in the ground. Both train’s wheels squealed and sparkled furiously as the giant supermen were putting them to a stop. A few minutes of struggle and the trains approached each other but now almost at 0 speed, finally the two men were dragged together more and more at slow speed by the inertia while each of them was still holding the front of the train just in case. Then the brother’s butt and backs touched and they ended up in a kind of sandwich between the trains. Both Tom and Jeff laughed, their enormouse rib cages pressing the steel. Fortunatelly it looked like the trains’ fuel was depleted and the engines finally stopped. Tom easily pushed forward with his arms and the whole train moved backwards enough so the men could free themselves and get out of the railway. When the two huge men walked out, they were dirty and their clothes partially ripped to shreds, Jeff looked at his shoes, they were destroyed, and he said “oh shit!” Then a flash of light blinded them for an instant, and in a few seconds a whole lot of reporters where aiming cameras and microphones at them. “Do you come from kipton?!”, asked one of the reporters. “No, we’re from this planet”, said Tom and laughed. And then continued asking questions about who they were and what else they could do. Everybody was watching them on TV and it didn’t take long until the two brothers became very famous. Tom and Jeff were invited to talk shows, news reports, interview programs where they flexed their muscles for horny hosts, compared physiques, performed strength feats, fought against famous wrestlers (beating the crap out of them of course). Despite all that exposure, neither of them revealed the source of their power. It didn’t take long until they got the attention of the richest people in town. Sitting in his dark living room, Mr Tancredo was watching Tom in the TV, at the screen the big man was single handedly playing tug-of-war against a hundred men, Tancredo’s eyes opened wide as Tom cheerfuly pulled and all the men stumbled, then let the rope go and his brother Jeff greeted him and beat him playfully as they laughed. Tancredo was sitting in a wheel chair and in the dim light looked at his assistant. “This is why I brought you here, look at these incredible men, they have physical abilites beyond anything I’ve ever seen, see how strong they are, how could it be that these men have become so powerful? We have to find out!” “I understand Sir, but do you think they weren’t born like that?” “This information you will have to collect, and If there’s a way for me to become a such a super strong man, I want it! I’m fed up with this fucking wheel chair, dammit!!” “Yes Sir, as you wish…” Tancredo was a tycoon, a very rich man in his late fifties who has been disabled since his adolescence after a car crash. His assistant, Mat Corina, received a huge monthly fee just to take care of whatever it took to make Tancredo’s wishes come true. He gathered a group of scientists to investigate a cure to his boss’ paralysis, the team has been working desperately for many years with no results,
  16. Here are the next two installments of my story, I hope you like them as much as I enjoyed writing them! Parts 1-3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6460-dont-stop-parts-1-3/ PART 4: While Andrew was getting off on his improved physique, Nicole was wondering if she was moving too quickly. She hadn’t counted on him getting taller and more muscular so quickly, but she couldn’t deny that she wasn’t getting off on his improvements too. “Especially,” she though, “his biggest improvement.” She couldn’t stop thinking about how great their sex was and about how much more he was filling her up now than the night before, and she started to get wet. Her hands almost automatically drifted to her dripping pussy and started massaging herself. In almost no time she was moaning and gyrating thinking about how much more Andrew will be changing in just a few hours… Andrew had started masturbating almost as soon as he threw the ruler down on the bathroom floor. His dick felt so much thicker in his hand than before and so much more powerful. He ran his hands up and down his abs feeling the small ridges that he hoped would soon get deeper. He cupped his right bicep with his free left hand feeling how round and hard it was. He could feel it flexing and unflexing as his stroking got faster and harder, thinking about how it could get so much bigger if he started working out more. And just like that he felt a freight train rolling up through his balls and abs until he came all over his bathroom mirror. This wasn’t a small load either. This may have been the biggest load of his young life as he shot six thick streams of milky white cum all over the sink. He almost felt embarrassed that felt as good if not better than the sex he had just had with Nicole a few hours ago, but he chalked that up to having a bigger penis now. Just as he finished cumming he heard Nicole gasp and scream from his bedroom. He ran to her thinking something was going horribly wrong, but when he reached the bed he saw that she was just masturbating and had just orgasmed. In her sex-crazed state she grabbed his still hard dick and pulled him into bed, threw him down, and pulled of his pajama bottoms. She needed to feel his bigger dick in her mouth now, and she knew that she could make it bigger too. Andrew was having the time of his life. Just two days ago he had been a shorter, fatter, less confident student who had never had sex before in his life. Now he had the girl of his dreams pulling his pants off to give him his fourth blowjob in just two days. He had the added bonus of having just cum a few minute earlier, so he lasted a lot longer than usual. He was riding high on endorphins and starting to fall madly in love with Nicole. Everything was going well for him, and he finally felt truly happy for the first time in his life. And with that beautiful thought, he orgasmed. It was so powerful and thick he was afraid he might drown Nicole in his jizz, but she was a trooper and greedily sucked down every sweet drop. Andrew started to sit up once he felt his orgasm finally subside, but Nicole pushed him down again and sexily said, “Oh I’m not done yet, I’m still thirsty.” Andrew was only too happy to comply, although he did think it was a little strange that he could get hard so soon after cumin twice in just a little under a half hour. But once his cock started plumping up in her mouth again, he definitely stopped worrying and started basking in the pleasure she was providing him. The couple only got to sleep an hour later after Nicole had finished blowing Andrew for the fourth time. It seemed to him like she was addicted to his dick, but he had no idea about her ulterior motives. He just knew that he felt completely drained and would need to drink a gallon of water the next day to rehydrate his balls after the epic cumming he had just done. He knew it was 4:30 am, but he didn’t have class the next day, so he turned off his alarm and decided to sleep in the next day. Nicole fell asleep next to her soon to be improved boyfriend wondering if four doses in one hour was too much, but she realized that what was done was done. She was too committed to stop now. PART 5: Andrew woke up, even more peacefully than the day before. He rolled over and saw that Nicole had already left. He reasoned that she probably had to get to lab early, but he was still somewhat disappointed that he didn’t wake up to her gently sucking his dick like the day before. He rolled over on to his other side to check just how late he had slept in. He was shocked to see that it was already 2:00pm. He jumped out of bed, ran to the bathroom, and was about to jump into the shower when he caught a glimpse of his reflection in his bathroom mirror. The first thing he noticed was that his mirror was still caked in his dry cum from last night, but the next thing he notices was that he had transformed even more than he had noticed the night before. He was muscular now. Not bodybuilder muscular, but he could easily get hired as a fitness model by any supplement company. His pecs were round and firm and protruded an inch from his body. He tried flexing them and was surprised when they bounced way more than he thought they could. Looking above his pecs he noticed that his traps had grown significantly and that his neck was almost as wide as his head. His shoulders were so broad he was worried that he might have some trouble going through narrow doors now, and they were large enough that he could easily make out the heads of his delts. Turning his attention to his arms he noticed a large vein crawling over the top of his much bigger bicep. He did a double bicep pose in the mirror and could see nice clean split heads in his biceps. He could also tell that his arms had gotten to be at least 16 inches around (although he made a mental note to actually measure them later). His triceps looked swollen and hung from his arms like fleshy horseshoes. His forearms had also gotten much larger even though they were pretty large to begin with because of Andrew’s masturbation habits. Below his pecs lay a perfect cobblestone six pack with deep ridges just like he had hoped for the previous night. He flexed his stomach hard and could almost make out the beginnings of his last two abs. Even though he was proud of his six pack, deep down he didn’t think it was enough; he wanted his eight pack to show. His legs had finally made considerable gains and now looked thick and powerful. His calves had the beginnings of a strong diamond shape and made his look like he never skipped leg day. His upper legs had a width and thickness to them that made Andrew realize that he could easily be called “thunder thighs” and it wouldn’t be sarcastic. Turning his attention away from his sexy muscles (“Whoa,” Andrew thought, “did I just call myself sexy?”), he noticed he was much hairier than before. His face a nice even coating of five o’clock shadow. He ran his hands up and down his cheeks and felt just how bristly and manly he felt because of it. “I can probably grow a beard now,” he thought proudly. His chest was also covered in a light even coating of soft dark hairs that lead to a confident treasure trail leading to his crotch. His legs were also very hairy now, covered in thick wiry hair that was very noticeable “and very manly,” he thought. He was probably one of the hairiest Asian men that he knew at Cornell, but he still had nothing on some of the White guys who even as freshmen had sported thick full beards and chest hair. “Maybe soon…” he thought. As he looked down at his legs he noticed that the floor seemed farther away than usual. His growth spurt from the night before had dramatically increased his height. Like most kids, Andrew’s mom had kept a height chart on his bathroom doorframe to mark how much he had grown. His mom insisted that he continue the tradition while away from college even though he had almost fully completed puberty by the time he got to Cornell, and as expected, he had only grown a quarter inch in four years. However, this height chart now came in handy as he could easily see that he had grown significantly overnight. Getting out his tape measure he determined that he had grown to be 5’ 9”, an increase of four inches in the past two days alone. He was finally within average height range for men in the U.S. and well above average height for Asian men. All of his changes started to make Andrew aroused which drew his attention to his final change he hadn’t noticed because he was still wearing his now too short pajama bottoms. He almost cried tears of joy after pulling them down to his ankles and looking at his penis. It was magnificent. His ruler told him that he was now 4.5 inches flaccid, but his cock didn’t stay soft for long. It soon jumped to attention and ended up at its new rock hard length of 7 inches with a girth of 5 inches. He could hardly fit his whole hand around it and noticed with great happiness that he could almost fit a second hand on top of the first. All of a sudden Andrew realized that his life had transformed into something perfect and his endorphins rushed. He grabbed his bottle of lotion and begin furious masturbating to his own image. Pictures of Nicole and of their sex flashed in front of his eyes, but he was mostly focuses on the sexy facial hair, the beautiful biceps, his thick thighs, and his big cock. It took him no time to cum, having the greatest orgasm of his life (a feat which he seemed to be achieving every day now). His orgasm lasted for a minute, and his dick never stopped shooting thick ropes of spunk coating every surface in the room. After what seemed like an eternity, Andrew regained sensibility and decided to take a shower. He could clean up the bathroom later. However, his dick had plans of its own and decided not to soften at all. “Well, I guess I have no choice,” Andrew said with a stupid grin on his face. His shower lasted four times longer than normal and he masturbated an extra three times, each time cumming harder than the last. After stepping out of the shower he returned to his bed where he continued his epic jerk off session. He didn’t even look at the clock, he just kept going and going and going. He finally had to stop when he realized he needed to take another shower to clean the cum off of him that his Kleenexes couldn’t get. Looking at his clock now he realized that three hours had passed. Taking about 10 minutes to cum each time, Andrew then estimated that he had just masturbated 18 times in a row without stopping or running out of semen. He knew this wasn’t normal and this shouldn’t be happening, but he didn’t want to stop.
  17. Newmassaddict

    First story - Growth, Part 1

    I have been reading stories on this site (and the old one) for many years. I'm in awe of the talented writers that post stories here. Recently, I have started writing my own stories. This is something I have been working on and have received some positive feedback. I hope you enjoy it. Growth 1 It’s been happening more and more lately. I catch a glimpse of myself in a mirror or window reflection and my heart skips a beat. This used to happen only on occasion; during a particularly gruelling workout. I would see my reflection in the gym mirror and have to do a double take. These days, its happening outside the gym, when I’m not even pumped. It all started two months ago when I finally broke the 300lb barrier. I remember just staring at the scale for well over a minute. 301.5lbs it read. I finally tore myself away from the display and lumbered towards the bathroom. Instantly, my cock was rock hard. I could feel its 9” girth pressing against my gym shorts. I stopped in front of the bathroom mirror and literally ripped my tank top off. I knew anyone else in the locker room could've heard the tearing sound but I didn’t care. I contorted myself into a most muscular crab pose. My traps rose to touch my earlobes. Thick veins erupted on the surface of my tanned skin. Sweat immediately started to glisten on my hulking shoulders. Deep striations and more veins coverd their surface. My inhumanly huge biceps harden like granite as they reached their 25” maximum size. I grunted and flexed even harder. My bloated triceps exploded in perfect ripped horseshoes as my forearms tripled in size. At 20” of thick, vein covered monstrosities, they were larger than most men’s biceps. I could feel my chest filling with blood as it rose to meet my chin. Striations three inches deep appeared. Each overdeveloped fibre twitched and moved with raw power. I was growling now and my arms started to shake as I held the pose. Through the small gaps between my arms and chest I could see my ripped abs expanding in a solid powerful column. Even though I could not see it; I flared my impossibly wide back to the point where the skin felt as if it might split open. I managed to take a step back as the seams of my gym shorts started to tear. A network of veins so thick and engorged covered every visible inch. At 37” each quad fought with the other for room. Sweat ran down my quads to my calves. Even though my massive quads prevented my legs from touching at the knees there was barely an inch separating my calves. At last measure they we over 22” of pure beef. Even unflexed they were the most overdeveloped calves I had even witnessed. I had now been holding this body torturing pose for close to a minute. Sweat was pooling at my feet, my whole body was trembling and I was growling like a rabid animal. My eyes darted around my reflection as 301.5lbs ran though my head. Summoning an incomprehensible inner power I somehow flexed even harder. As I watched my already hulking frame expand even bigger I could feel huge amounts of hot cum running down my legs. I released to pose as I hit orgasm and stumbled back and slammed into the wall behind me bracing myself on the counter to stop from collapsing on the floor. I had never cum without touching myself before.
  18. GiganticBeast


    OK so this was a test I'd done, to see if it was possible to enjoy write/experience a growth scene without actually seeing it. If it would still be as fantastically hot if there was something left to the imagination, and I found yes. Yes it was. This actually led to the audio growth clips I've come to be known for as I took it one step further after my good friend who I wrote this for reacted oh so very well to it! This is written from my friend's perspective as he listens to a poor beast in the midst of his first growth spurt! ------------------------------------------------------- Only have 10 minutes of personal break, I make it into the bathroom finding it completely empty, much to my relief, I make a b-line for the last stall and sit down and not 3 seconds later I hear the door booted open! Jesus christ, just can't catch a fucking break...if I wasn't such an awkward individual I could do my business and be back out there, but no, I'm just going to wait until he leaves... Peering through the stall I can see the reflection on the opposite wall from the large mirror stretching across the bathroom, and no, of course, the asshat is walking past the urinals, I can barely make out who it is, I don't recognize him he's got a pretty basic checkered shirt, blue jeans, slightly patchy beard and a shaved head. I flinch as he throws open the stall beside me. God he's in a hurry, maybe he'll be done at least before my break is up... The awkward silence passing on for minutes before I can hear him starting to pant a bit, his breath echoing through the large porcelain filled bathroom as he starts to grunt. I can't help but make out "oh god..not here..not now.." his breathing getting even faster as I hear metal starting to pop like on a zipper, and a stretching sound like leather being torn open. Poor bastard must be having trouble getting his belt off. I peer down, trying to be as casual as possible about it and see sure enough his pants still seem to be up, but I can't see much past his shins. I can't fucking leave yet, he's gotta be done soon, he knows i've done nothing, but the longer I hear him the more I'm positive somethings wrong with him, his panting getting even faster, every few breaths he moans out this whimper, and it's then I hear a fabric rip, and then again! his voice sounds a bit deeper for some reason, making me jolt as he curses "FUCK! How much did I drink?" he sounds pretty worked up about that, and it makes sense, too drunk to open up his belt he must be trying to tear it off, damn he's going to be awhile I guess, but I hear a loud SNAP and a sound of metal hitting the tile floor, I can see his buckle skid out the front as his belt must've finally torn open. That only makes his panting get louder, fuck I should maybe call 911 for this guy, the sound of cloth shredding getting louder and more frequent, and I hear PING “UGGNNH” PING “Ohhhh” PING “UHnn” as the metal stall wall is hit over and over again by..something...I see a tiny plastic button rolling under the stall towards me and I don't know how to react, but hear another few PINGS as well as his deep almost animal like “Uhh” after each one, i’m not sure how comfortable i am sitting here listening to this! Suddenly his foot slides under the edge of the stall, and I realize the asshole must be jackin off or something in there, and now thinking i’m in for it! Because i’m sitting here listening to the whole show “Uhh no thanks man” I mutter, but his foot stays in place, the sneaker flexing and bulging at the front and I can hear that ripping sound again “Ughhn Why’d she give me so MUCH” he grunts and I watch his toes PUSH through the top of his sneakers! Pushing apart as his white cotton covered toes seem to flex and curl against the quickly splitting sneaker..what..what the fuck is happening to him? “OHhh HERE IT COMES” he bellows loudly as his shoe just bursts off! The laces tearing apart as the shoe falls off his socked foot, the sock starting to spread so thin I could see his skin through it, until it shreds off and snaps back to the elastic around his now THICK ankle. I look down as far as I can bend, watching the denim jeans on his legs getting tighter by the second I can watch the denim bust at the seams as his calf thickens and throbs his moans seeming to time exactly with each throb! SMASH as the side wall BOWS inward, I jump up, my heart pounding at this point, I can see the steel wall bending inward as his moans get LOUDER and more frantic “Ohhh god i can’t STOP” he grunts as I see his hair poking over the top of the stall wall! The toilet paper holder falls off, and I have a hole into his stall, peering in and I can just see his torso now, and my mouth goes dry! His slender frame from earlier is gone, the checkered shirt is hanging in shreds over his body, the sleeves split up to the broad shoulders as his body shudders and throbs I watch him PUNCH against the opposite stall groaning as a thick muscled gut spills out over his lap, blocking any view of his groin but he’s..he’s HUGE! Gotta be 9ft tall by this point and bigger by the second! “STOP just fuckin STOP” he moans, and my face is pressed against the wall, watching as he fills that stall with his growing bulk! His broad hands reaching up to his shoulders to tear off the last bits of shirt, I can see the fabric digging into his muscled arms and neck but his pecs and biceps are too thick to reach! He just groans as his body shudders all over, I can see the hairs standing up across his body as his shirt SNAPS and falls at his side on the floor of the bathroom! I can’t see his face but I do see the seat pouring off his chest as the growth only seems to be getting faster now! There’s a loud CRACK as the toilet is crushed by his muscled thighs he stands up suddenly and both stall walls around him are knocked off the hinges leaving me staring at him, almost 20ft tall, his head and shoulders pressed against the cold tile ceiling his body trembling as the last bit of growth runs through him I can’t even think of something to say, the man is immense! Every muscle thick and flexing, veins pulsing across their surface as strands of torn clothing are draped over his shoulders and down his thighs. A bulked roid gut looking so full yet hard as rock only feet away from me as he seems as dazed, if not more so, than I am! “What...what the HELL happened to you!?” I manage to ask before he grunts out his reply “Ohhh god...here comes stage 2” (also made a little pic as a reward for missing out on seeing that growth to begin with!)
  19. spacevlad

    Tank the Bouncer

    Hey everybody. I posted a story earlier this year on Coiledfist that I think a lot of people on here would appreciate as well. It's quite long, 18 chapters in total, so I figured it would be a little too long and involved to post on here--don't want to have 18 separate threads on the story thread and don't want to have to copy/paste it all--so I'm just going to drop a link to the story here. http://www.coiledfist.org/stories/index.php?mode=search&submitted=1&keyType=sid&query=spacevlad_tankthebounce If you like dominant, growing bully types, aggressive sex scenes, and don't mind guys growing to 12+ feet tall and being a little destructive all while wanting to grow bigger and bigger... well, this is the story for you!
  20. Umpires by F_R_Eaky Part VII Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6120-umpires-part-one-by-freaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6180-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-ii/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6488-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iii/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6562-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-iv/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6563-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-v/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6599-umpires-by-freaky-part-vi/ The college was in a major uproar. Two of its students had grown into life size representations of the Incredible Hulk and we hell bent on revenge, terror, and achieving the Hulk's maximum size as shown in the Ang Lee version of the movies. Indeed they were well on their way towards that goal, already having found a few more people who had been enhanced by the "Strangwich Strangers": Sebastian Knight, Mason Fletcher, Zachary Woode, Brook Wells, and Connor Rabbits. The group now also included Callum Addams who, according the Great Booke of the Family, and the legend it had inscribed in it, was to have a power to protect the six of them from the descendant of their great-great-great-great-great...one gets the picture - grandfathers' enemy, Mr. Slump. That descendant was here, a Mr. Henri Marasme, who had taken on a friend an accomplice, the former Brandon Brockman - former star quarterback and captain of the college's football team, now turned hulking brute. And the two brutes were growing by the minute. After their encounter with Sebastian and Mason in the gymnasium, Henri and Brandon left the building and decided to canvas the college quad and all its many paths. They had found what they were looking for and as such had continued to grow up and out, up and out, in height, width, and muscular size and strength, as well as endowment of their genitalia. In fact both men had now grown to be about twelve feet tall, looking like Tony Romano in his old Pepsi commercial where they had double him in size, except they had not one stitch of clothing on their bodies, the last of it torn away when the men they came across had been blessed by the strangers with increased cock and ball size. The two behemoths penises and testicles had swelled and grown that the near thong like strips of fabric that held them in place simply popped and their peckers and balls hung and swung free like a clock pendulum. Brandon had the ability to help sense those who were blessed and he had all too easily fallen into a pattern of finding them, letting Henri decide if all their gift was his, or nodding or winking at Brandon, who then eagerly backed his butt towards Henri's pole, allowing Henri to penetrate him and thus give Brandon the gifts siphoned off, whenever Henri used his power word. So now there they were two massive twelve foot tall bodybuilders, endowed larger, even proportionately, than any male star in the porno industry, traipsing around the by-ways of the campus, the muscles glistening with sweat in the bright sunlight, their cocks swinging to and fro, over and from one thigh to the other. This caused quite the commotion on campus as panic became the emotion of the day. This in turn made it perhaps a little better for the Strangers as it meant Henri and Brandon became preoccupied with #1 all the students scurrying across their path, some of whom were blessed by the Strangers and thus had gifts to steal, and #2 the campus and city police, who also had a couple of men who were blessed by the strangers and thus fueled the belief that the two hulking high-towers had the ability to suck physical attributes from any man alive. Throughout the day the sextet of men played dodge the bulks boys, attempting to figure out what to do. Panic and fear had tried to settle into most of their hearts after seeing the site of their two biggest members reduced to thin, milk-sop men of just five foot six inches tall that barely had enough muscle on them to be able to pick up their clothes let alone a set of weights. Things were even worse towards the end of the day. They had discovered that Henri and Brandon had gone to the buildings where Mason, Zachary, and Connor's dorm rooms were, as well as in town where Zachary's apartment was. Once all of the boys were there in Callum's dorm room, Callum had commented that it was known by some he was hanging around with the original five now, and although it would take some time, it wouldn't take long until they had figured out who he was and where his dorm room was located. After much worry and discussion they decided they for the now hunker down in Callum's dorm room, waiting to see how long they had, and in that time try to figure out what they and Callum were to do. To do that, however, they would need the Great Booke of the Family. Connor being on the track team and the fastest of any of the, Sebastian gave him the key to his ancestral home and sent him to run and grab it and come back. However, on his return, Connor showed up drenched in sweat, limping, and with a battered face. "Connor! What happened?" cried Callum after he opened his door and Connor slumped into the room and collapsed upon a bed. "They caught me.... briefly...." "What?!" bellowed Sebastian. "Are you okay? The Booke? Did they get the book?" "No... it's there in my back pack. I was back on the campus section of the paths, the one that runs by the theater building. Henri and Brandon had apparently been stomping around all of the paths looking for the one that leads towards your home, Sebastian. Henri knows about your home, all of our homes." "So what happened to you and your face?" asked Callum as he sat down next to Connor. "They...they had managed to spot me, and one went and cut me off further down the path. Henri stood there looking at me, while Brandon came up behind and slapped my back. I went down hard. While I was lying there, Henri said his magic word, and you were right on that, Callum, it was, 'sump.' He said it a few times, but then he allowed Brandon to sit on his dick, he said his power word a few more times, but with them connected, it left a side of me open, so I jumped up and ran into the one wooded area where the trees would at least slow them down.... That's slow them down. They're big enough now to take down some trees from saplings up to about fifteen years old! "Anyway... I doubled back around, but my feet had now become so small, my shoes slipped off, and I trouble knowing how to walk let alone run with my smaller feet. In the wooded area, the trees kept me upright, but once back out on the path, if I tripped, I fell, and one time I fell and couldn't get my hands out in time to catch myself. I performed a perfect ten face plant." Everyone looked down at Connor's feet and it was true, where once, even for a 6' 1" tall man, he had these semi-enormous size US 16 feet, he now had something that came in closer to a size ten, maybe ten and half. Sebastian broke the silence. "We need time to think. We need time to decipher. We need to move. They will search this campus until they find us." "But, love..." said Mason. "How will we find time to think and plan? Callum has no idea what his power word is, nor what his ability is and how that will save us. It won't take that long to search all of the dormitories, especially at their size. Even if we move, it won't take long to figure out where a group of six men are going." "Unless they think we've broken up and are heading out of town." "What?" asked the original five men and Callum continued on his statement. "Connor, did anyone see you come into this dorm?" "No. Why?" "Henri and Brandon don't know that you were headed to my dorm room, so let's set up a scenario for those two to discover. Bast, Mason, Zach, Brook, and I will head out now and make a run for my van in the parking lot. Guys, grab as many of the food supplies and such that we have here, and wrap them in the sheets and such for my bed. Connor, you will leave from here, out the back door of the dormitory about five to ten minutes after we have pulled out of the parking lot. Run back around some of the other buildings and approach this one from the front. Come in, run up here to this room, knock, then back downstairs and outside. Once out the front door, stop, do a worry kind of double take like you're not sure which direction to go and then take the path that leads to main bus stop that boarders both the school grounds and the town. We will meet you there with the van." Zachary leaned forward. "Alright, that makes it look like we took off without Connor, which is good in one aspect, but we have no-where to go. Those two were walking the paths looking for Bast's house." "Yes, and he knows where it and your guys' ancestral homes are, he's just not sure what paths are the route to them. He doesn't yet know me, even if he becomes aware of me, he won't be able to find out... .... .... I have a cabin out in that area as well...but in a slightly opposite direction." Darting looks of doubt and then approval at one another, the original five agreed to the plan and put it into action. Later they would find out that just three hours later, Henri & Brandon had discovered Callum had been hanging with the Strangers and the two had gone to investigate Callum's dorm room. Once at the cabin, Callum pulled his van in between two rows of wisteria and Cyprus trees effectively hiding it. Then inside he began to give out instructions. "Zach, Brook, you two go around and take these black out cloths and tack them over the windows and their curtains. Connor, you sit here and ice down your face. Bast, Mason, place all of the food items on the kitchen table, then take the sheets and make the beds up in the bedrooms. There'll be extra sheets and pillows in the hall closet if you need it. I'll put the food away and make some pitchers of tea for us to have. Whomever is done with their first task, get with someone and move the tables and other extra furniture between the front door and the wall forming as solid a line as you can. I know it won't hold them, but at least it'll be better than just the door and a deadbolt. Also, don't start a fire if you get too cold, use the heaters." The guys did as they were told and accomplished the tasks set before them, and then sat about the living room, trying to figure out what to do next in dim candle and heater light. Callum had been sitting with the Great Booke for most of the evening. Sebastian finally turned after a few hours asked the question on everyone's mind. "Have you figured out your power word yet, or what kind of power it triggers, Callum?" "No....it just mentions how it's supposed to save us, but doesn't tell us how. I'm not sure at all. The only thing I have figured out is I will have to do it soon or you'll all be stuck." "What do you mean?" "Further reading it says if he manages to get you shrunk down past five foot, that's it, you lose your abilities. Now other members of the family can still help bring them back, but if, or when all of you are shrunk down past five feet, that's it. That's all of it. You've all lost your gifts for good and four foot whatever will be your height and skinny-scrawny will be your build for the rest of your life, and it will not ever be restored to the family again." "That... that..... that just sucks!" said Brook, and he stormed off into a bedroom. With glances across the room to one another, everyone pretty much agreed to do the same: head off to bed. Zachary and Brook went to one room and held each other for comfort, hoping to try and fall asleep, but fear kept them awake. Sebastian and Mason went to another room, out of habit but not out of wanting to be with each other. They lie next to one another with a greater fear, that their new appearance wouldn't be appealing to the other man. Connor went to last bedroom, while Callum remained out in the living room still pondering what he was supposed to do. About an hour had passed when Connor came back into the living room, a sheet draped over his body about as Greek toga style as he could get without any chords to hold it in place. Sitting down next to Callum, he leaned in and whispered a soft, "hey." Callum looked over to Connor and smiled, "Hey, yourself." "Why don't you come to a nice soft bed to sleep? Can't relax and then think well sleeping on a hard, cabin couch." "Well," blushed Callum. "The bedrooms are uhmmm....full." "Are you that prudish, or do you not want me that my feet are small and ugly?" "What? No.... Connor, your feet may be smaller, but they're not ugly, and ... uhm.... you know... I'm developing feelings for you more because of who you are than the size of your feet. I mean, yeah, I liked your big feet, I like big everything, but I know enough to not let some paragon, fantasy image that no man... well, save for Henri and Brandon now, could ever live up to. I'm certainly not going to fall in love with them just because they're huge and hulking; they're assholes!" Connor cracked a smile. "How 'bout coming back there and showing me how much of my personality you like?" "No..." smirked Callum..."I think I'll show you right here." Callum leaned around and kissed Connor full on the lips and then began to wind his hands through the sheet until he had it half way off and one hand was firmly grasping Connor's cock, rubbing its head. Connor in the meantime had wound his hands around Callum, eventually ending up at the front of Callum's waist band and undoing Callum's belt. A mere few minutes later and both Callum's underpants, shirt, and socks were off and discarded on the floor next to the couch. In the first bedroom Sebastian and Mason began to have the same conversation. "What's that noise?" asked Mason. "It's the springs and joints of a couch." "Springs and joints of a couch?" "Yeah... Connor and Callum are getting it on. They really are kind of cute together. Track man and semi athletic-nerd boy." "He would be much bigger if he could be." "How would you know?" "We actually took over the master, what he's been using whenever he sleeps here. There are dozens of muscle mags and workout routines over here." Sebastian rolled over... quick and hard. "Looking for your next boyfriend?" "What? No... why?" "Sure you'd stay with a mighty midget like me?" "Bast! How could you say that? I like you because of you...who you are... your personality. I don't care that you lost your muscle size... other than the fact I know you like it. Geeze man, all of us in our group are fuckin' size freaks. But, I love you for you... besides, the smaller guys look like they build muscles better. You might look even hotter. The question is do mind a short basket ball player?" Sebastian rolled back over quickly and on top of Mason. "If we're going to be turned into diminutive bunnies... let's fuck like rabbits!" "But... I don't know how Mom and Dad made Connor." "Smart ass..." and Sebastian leaned in an kissed Mason after smacking him in the head with a pillow. In the next bedroom Zachary and Brook were still holding each other, wide awake, trembling slightly in fear of what may happen to them any day, hour, minute from now. Both of them whispering from time to time things like, "I'm glad you're with me.", or "I will always love you, no matter what happens." This is turn gave way to one patting the other's side or back for comfort, which then turned into reaffirming, warm-up-take-away-the-shivers strokes, which eventually turned into body caresses, followed by kissing and groping. Meanwhile in the living room, Callum was positioning himself on top of Connor's prick. One inside, Callum began to bounce while Connor began to buck, and both would reach and caress and kiss one another. Both men were working themselves into a pretty good frenzy of sexual excitement and energy when Connor finally stopped for a moment and said... "In case we wind up stripped of our abilities, I want you to at least experience once what we go through when we add it to our love making." "What, you're going to chant your word? Won't that alert Henri to where we are? Won't he feel that power?" "Yeah, possible, but at least you'll know what I was going all spaz on you and collapsed that night you caught me. You ready?" "Hmmmm huh... yeah..." "oooh okay... here goes.... .... thump!" "Hooooooooooooo-oh!" *************************************************************** "Oh fuck!" "Ah-HA!" *************************************************************** "Ooooh...hmmmm...Zach-AH-REEEEE!!" "Broo-HOOK!" ************************************************************* "Oh my gawd....Connor...that ....huh....that...huh...was...so....intense...." "Yeah... you should feel it when all of us say it.... THUMP!" "AAAAUUUUH!" ************************************************************** "ah-HOO! Mother fuckers!" "UUUUGHJEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZOH! Someone is using their power word!" ***************************************************************** "OH! Someone is using their power word... that fuck...putting us in jeo-PARDY!" "Oh ... huh...but... huooooommmmmmmmmmmm I LOVE when we DO this...." ***************************************************************** Callum was trembling fiercely. He couldn't hold on to Connor. He couldn't hold onto the couch. He wasn't sure his toes would ever curl out straight again, or that his bottom lip would ever come out from under his upper teeth. Connor was feeling the same way and was near to ripping one couch cushion while etching nail marks into the hard wood floor. The two were still riding and bucking when the doors to both bedrooms opened and after stopping and looking at one another, Sebastian, Mason, Zachary, and Brook grabbed their mattresses and brought them out to the living room. Plopping them down a few feet in front of the couch, Sebastian broke the tension and confusion as he addressed Connor and Callum. "Men, if we're going to do this and possibly be our own downfall, then let's do this in the biggest way possible." Forcing, Connor and Callum off the couch, they pulled the cushions off the couch and filled in the spot on the floor in front of the couch. Then Sebastian turned Mason around and rammed his rod into Mason. Mason in turn had Zachary knelt down and he placed his rod into Zach's crack. Zach in turn filled his lover, Brook's ass, while Brook turned and rammed into Connor, Connor re-established a firm hold inside of Callum, and Callum somewhat shocked at this looseness of morals, freedom of sexuality, whatever it was...turn and thrust his cock right up Sebastian. The rocking and rolling began with each man groaning and moaning in pleasure....until they finally spouted out their words. "pump" "auugh", "oooh", "fuck", "hmmmmnf", "shit", "damn".... .... ... "ahhhh-huh-heeeee.... uh....Trump" "damn", "hmmmmnf", "auugh", "fuck", "shit", "oooh",.... .... ... "aaaaiiieee ...ah...ah...huh...ah....hump" "auugh", "aahh", "shit", "hmmmmnf", "son of a", "oh hell".... .... ... "oh...oh...oh...oh...oh....oh...ooooooh......plump" "hagggggrrrrk", "fuckwad", "ah-shit", "huaaaahhhh", "pecker", "My-eeeeee".... .... ... "ahhh ha-huh-ha-huh....huh...huh....huh..... thump" "auugh", "oooh", "fuck", "hmmmmnf", "shit", "damn".... .... ... "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" Round and round the men went chanting their words as they writhed in their sexual orgy, their bodies contorting and straining like six men suffering from the worst orgasm spasms ever experienced by mankind. Eventually one of them broke the rythym stating, more like moaning... "I'm not sure what Callum's power does, but I think it definitely brought us together." The other men laughed, but Callum suddenly went rigid and croaked out breathlessly..."That's it." "What?" was the collective word uttered, followed by Connor asking tiredly, "Baby, are you alright?" "The book... the Great Booke of the Family... it didn't say my power would save us... it said I would bring us together..." "Hon, you need to relax and stop thinking about it..." Sebastian spoke out, "Let's keep chanting, he'll have to join in on it, whether he wants to or not." But Callum was already busy chanting... in his mind...and in an extremely low whisper, "their words are: pump, trump, hump, plump, thump, sump...I'm to bring them together..." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "a-ump?" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "bump...cump...dump...." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "fump...frump....gump...grump...." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "LUMP!" Collective the men all screamed the must guttural, primal scream that anyone has ever heard as the all arched their backs back in this orgasmic oval of passion. They felt the power like never before shooting out their cocks, up into their ass, spreading out through their bodies, their arms and legs, their face, nose, hair, the fingers and toes, the last two curling in so badly it looked as though their arches and palms would do the same. Eventually Sebastian started it again... "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump!" Cried out Callum out once more. Again the feeling shot through them like a bolt of electricity, like they merely weren't experiencing a stroke, but blowing their full wad in a one second power spurt. "AH!....huh....FUCK!....huh....THAT'S....huh....THE....huh.....TICKET!...." cried out Mason. "Sebastian...huh....love... again..." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "AUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!" the men all collectively moaned loud and then dissipating into a low whisper. This time though their fortitude wasn't holding out as well and each on dropped to one knee. But Sebastian knew they had found something and it had to be carried through until the end. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Round and round they chanted until suddenly, Connor cried out..."My feet! My feet have grown... they're growing! They're...they're back to their old size!" Callum looked down to see his lover's feet, one of which was next to his. He realized Connor's feet had indeed grown back to its original size sixteen, but something else had happened too... "My feet are the same size as Connor's!" "What?" cried the other five men as they all looked down and realized all of their feet had been growing and all of them were now the proud owners of feet built for a size sixteen shoe. "Awwwww damn! That's sexy." said Callum. "Bast.... let's keep it up." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Soon, Sebastian and Mason began to grow taller and taller... 5' 7"....5' 8"....5' 9".... 5' 10" as tall as Zachary.... now they meeting Callum's height of 5' 11" tall, but so was Zachary. They kept on growing... and Callum joined them. 6'.... 6' 1" Now those four were as tall as Connor. 6' 2".....6' 3"....now standing at Sebastian's original height, with Connor having joined in, and the men kept growing on up to 6' 4" - the same height as Brook. Yet as they kept chanting and chanting they grew...grew...6' 5".... 6' 6".... 6' 7".... 6' 8"! They were now as tall as Mason had been and it seemed that for that moment they stopped growing taller. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" As they kept chanting, groping, feeling, caressing, screwing, kissing, they began to feel their bodies changing, rolling, bunching, flexing, swelling, popping, thickening, broadening, becoming tauter, fuller, denser, stronger, thicker, harder. Their muscles were growing...getting bigger and bigger until soon they were proportionately the same size as Sebastian was originally. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "AwwwwwwwwwwwffffffffffFUCK!" cried out Zachary. "THE POWER!" The men began to shift and rock... each one feeling their cocks becoming longer and longer, thicker, firmer, harder, their partner's filling their ass deeper, wider. Then their balls began to get larger, rounder, firmer, fuller... each one feeling as their scrotums got heavier and heavier, threatening to hang lower and lower from their crotch. Making their partner feel that more and more there was a cushion of some sort being placed between them and pressing their ass. They could feel these man globes whirl and swirl with more and more cum, making their testies feel even heavier than mere moments before. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Then they began to grow even further...all together...six formidably large men becoming even larger, greater, stronger, turning into mass monsters. Their muscles grew in size and shape. The shoulders broadened wider and wider becoming as wide as a wall. Their arms inflated and grew becoming larger than their own heads, fighting the lats and back for room to hang an move. The biceps and triceps rose and grew out larger, thicker, fuller, more defined, until their arm looked nearly square and as and as big around as a tire...a tractor tire....a boulder.... a globe on top of a skyscraper. Until the biceps head split into two and began to peak higher and higher, fuller, rounder, more defined deeper cuts. Eventually the arms snapping and breaking, reforming and reshaping longer and thicker to hold the amount of muscle they were carrying. Their delts and chest joined in the inflation and expansion as well, rounding and mounding higher and thicker. The delts looking like ball bearings for some kind of massive machine and getting larger by the minute. Their chest continued to shelf and expand larger, fuller, rounder, threatening to grow wider than their backs, than their shoulders. It did completely obscure their own lower portion of their bodies. They couldn't look down to see anything of their abs, thighs, calves, or feet. Their nipples rolled down, down, down until they nearly were turned back under the pectoral muscles themselves, the chest was so swoll with strength and power. Their asses bubbled out more and more, fuller, rounder, thicker, harder, as their cocks continued to grow and thicken, lengthen and harder, become even fuller in girth. All while the balls continued their insane filling and inflating, threatening to cause their legs to split apart even more than their burgeoning thigh muscles which had begun bunching and swelling after the buttocks. The thighs kept increasing in shape and form become so large it seemed almost impossible for them to taper at all at the waist or the knees to rejoin the body. Massive teardrops just suspended under the crotch somehow. The calves and the forearms had also grown in thickness and size. Both threatening to become nearly as large as their bigger companions, the thighs and upper arms. Meanwhile underneath all of this, their feet had grown long and wide become really large, even for their height in order to give a good, strong, foundation for the exceptionally tall frame and impossibly large amount of muscles that frame carried. They became thick, muscular, manly, but yet smooth, defined, trimmed and clean nails. And then the veins began to rise up near the surface of the skin. Even if they had lost all their musculature, their veins would still be there, all full and plump full of life and energy giving blood, providing the nutrients for more and more growth. They spread up the calves, over the knees, around the thighs, up the crotch, across the abs, mounting the pecs, cresting the delts and enveloping the neck as grew into a super thick column of marble muscle, before they continued to roll and cascade down the upper arms, forearms, and thick muscular palms and fingers of men who tossed tons of weight around. And as these vessels appeared and criss-crossed their bodies, they began to sprout out hair...mainly, thick, hair that even they could run their finger tips through. Around the ankles, up the shins and calves, over the knees, around the thighs, creating a huge dense bush at the crotch from which their cocks now rose like mighty sequoias. Up the abs the fantastic fur ran, over the chest, engulfing the nips, skipping the butt, back, delts, but continuing again on the upper arms, under the pits, over the forearms, and slightly on the back of the palms and the fingers. Finally the hair was triggered on their jaw lines coming in like a five o'clock shadow...by 9 a.m.! Then their hair grew out on top, cascading down their head until hitting the shoulders. But still despite their size, their strength, they were in the throes of constantly reaching a climax, of reaching that full orgasm that threatened to flood the cabin, and they were still writhing in ecstasy and growing as they chanted more and more.... "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Their vision rising up higher and higher. Their feet stretching out longer and longer, moving furniture out of the way, or lifting it up on their own! Their bodies spreading out wider and taller, taking up all the space in the living room, pressing in the walls, pressing in against each other. They were becoming so big, it was becoming more and more difficult for them to gyrate, buck, and hump their partners in order to achieve climax. They could hear the floor and side boards creak, their vision now rested above the two story high ceiling beams of the cabin. They were pressed into each corner and center of the room, having no room to breathe let alone move. Then they heard it.... "I know you're in there! I don't know who this Callum Addams is, but it's no use hiding in his cabin. Callum, let the five come out and I won't hurt you. You might as well come out and get it over with. Brandon and I can easily break through the walls, let alone the doors of this cabin, so we can come in a get you at any point. It's useless to resist. He's around the back, and I'm here out front. Don't know why you would choose to resist. So, come on guys.... what do you say?" Shifting their head in the eaves to look at one another, they gave each other a nod and then back to Sebastian. "What do we have to say?" Sebastian whispered to his friends. "I know what we have to say..." "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump"

    Scrubs Part One

    An old story I've cleaned up for you pleasure... “Alex, we got a new patient” Doctor Peters called Alex quickly moved from the nurses station and joined the doctor on his way to the room. Alex was new, he’d only been on the ward for a couple weeks. But he was getting used to the way things worked in the hospital. Alex had seen most of the nurses get hit on and harassed, but Alex was a guy, a hot guy, but still a guy. He’d been a gymnast in high school, and it showed. He was lean but toned and was always turning heads with his tight bubble butt showcased to perfection in his nursing scrubs. “18 year old male, came in with multiple broken bones, multiple lacerations and widespread bruising,” Peters explained. “Car accident?” Alex asked. “No, he’s not saying anything. Police found him in the park. They think he was beaten,” Peters answered grimly. “He’s in 19.” ———————————————————————————————————— Room 19 was the usual private hospital room: a bed, a couch, the same plain grey walls and a tv up in the corner. There were two people in the room with the patient when Alex and Doctor Peters walked in. Two short fat blonde men in their late twenties huddled around the bed. The two were dressed in well worn suits and both looked very tired and very worried. Alex could also easily tell that they were identical twins. Resting in the bed was a small skinny kid. Even though Alex knew he was 18, kid was the only word for him. He might of been a cute guy, if it wasn't for the massively swollen black eye and stitched up blood splattered cheek. Even his golden blonde hair was still matted with dry blood. His right arm was in a sling, and the left wrist was bandaged. A mass of bandages were wrapped tightly around his waist, no doubt to help some broken ribs heal. Both his legs looked to be in casts, but they were covered by blankets. Peters introduced himself. “Hello, I’m Doctor Peters, I’ll be handling your brothers case.” The twins nodded and shook the doctor’s hand. “Sven and Axel Storberg,” one of the blond men said. “We’re Thor’s legal guardians.” Alex looked at the tiny teenager. Thor was a very unfortunate name for him. He could never live up to that image. Peters continued. “Ok, this is Alex, he’s the nurse for this section of the floor, so he’ll be your brother’s nurse.” The twins looked to Alex as he checked on of the monitors that kept an eye on Thor’s vitals. “Will he be ok?” one of the twins asked. Alex couldn’t tell which one. “He’s stable, so he’ll be fine,” Peters explained. “Just a few weeks of rest.” “You should go, you have work,” a weak voice called from the bed. The twins nodded reluctantly and Peter’s gestured for the door. “We just have a couple things to talk about,” Peters said to the kid as they left. ————————————————————————————————————————— Thor was the only patient on Alex’s section, so between checking the kid and spinning in his chair at the nursing station, he had nothing to do. The kid had been in and out of sleep, and it was coming up to the end of Alex’s shift. The hospital was never very busy, but Alex wanted to keep an eye on the kid. He had a feeling about something. The kid was awake when Alex went to check on him before leaving for the night. “Hi,” Thor greeted, smiling weakly. “Hey, just checking on you before I leave. I’ll be back in the morning,” Alex explained, bending to check the monitors next to the bed. “Another nurse will check in the night, but you should be sleeping then.” “Ok,” Thor wheezed. Alex stood up and looked at the boy for a moment, his eyes were so blue. Ice blue, they almost looked unnatural. Alex picked up the chart at the end of the bed and clicked through it. It had the boy’s entire history. “So your brothers are raising you?” Alex asked. “Yea, parents died when I was eight. Sven and Axel had just turned 18,” Thor explained. “They gave up going to college to look after me and now they are working themselves to death to get me into a college.” “They sound like good people,” Alex said. “So why didn’t you tell them you were beaten?” Thor squirmed a little in his bed. “Did it happen because you’re gay?” Alex asked. Thor went still. “How did you know?” he asked quietly. “Even bruised and broken you still craned your neck to check out my ass when I was bent over a minute ago.” Alex smiled as the kid blushed. “You won’t tell anyone will you?” He asked. “No, but you really should. If no one else, you should tell your brothers and the police,” Alex offered. “I can’t,” Thor sighed. “I don’t remember who did it.” Alex flicked through the chart. The MRI scan taken when the kid first came in showed signs of massive brain activity. “Is you head hurting? Any headaches?” Alex asked. With the bruise and cuts on his head, he appeared to have a concussion at least. “No, my head’s the only thing not hurting.” Thor smiled. “Its feels amazing actually, like clear and focused.” “But you can’t remember who beat you?” Alex asked. Thor suddenly looked like he’d been caught. “Yea, odd isn't it,” Thor smiled, but Alex thought it almost looked like a smirk. Alex laughed. “See you in the morning. Think about talking, it’s for the best!” —————————————————————————————————————————— Alex switched into his scrubs before heading out onto the ward the next morning. He lifted the scrub bottoms up to his face, they seemed shorter then usual. “They seem to get shorter every day,” a voice joked. Alex turned to see an almost model like guy pull on his own scrubs, tiny tight shorts and an even tighter top that revealed the bottom row of his abs. “Yea,” Alex replied then quickly added, “Are you new?” The nurse shook his curling blond head. “No, been here longer then you.” “Really?” Alex asked shocked. He was sure he’d have noticed a guy like this walking the halls. “Yep, no worries though,” the nurse smiled. “This hospital is weird, only hunky guys seem to be nurses here. Its cool, but a major distraction.” The nurse vanished from the locker room and Alex followed. He tried to pull his shirt lower as the air fluttered over his abs. As he headed to Thor’s room, he noticed the absence of female nurses. There wasn’t any at all. There were female doctors and patients, but only guys in the revealing nurse scrubs and they were all major eye candy. Alex picked up Thor’s chart from the nurse’s station as a ginger nurse with amazing biceps quickly explained that Thor was awake and had been fed his breakfast. Alex was really confused by the sudden change in staff as he entered Thor’s room, but that all changed the second he saw Thor. The kid was fine, perfectly healthy. No bruises, no broken bones and no nasty cuts. He was sitting up on the bed and clicking through the channels on the TV. “Hey Alex,” Thor said, his painfully blue eyes staring. “You ok?” Alex pointed at the kid as the door swung shut behind him “You were hurt. I mean massively, like bloody corpse hurt,” he shouted. “You really want to shout corpse any louder?” Thor asked, definitely smirking this time. Alex hushed himself. “But you were….” “What?” Thor asked again, just staring. A pain shot through Alex’s head, but it was gone as quick as it came. But the confusion got even worse. “Nothing,” Alex answered, checking the chart. “I’m sure I talked to a kid like you…. he’d been beaten for being gay.” “Oh….” Thor nodded knowingly, his eyes though looking deep into Alex’s “I was… I mean am being bullied for being gay, you must have just forgot.” “Yea, must of,” Alex agreed, scolding himself for sounding so stupid. “So you hear for another session? The last nurse really worked it hard, gave his arms a real big pump,” Thor asked, tossing a grey cylinder to Alex. Alex caught it, but the chart fell onto the bed. He examined the tube, it was plastic with a fleshy opening in the shape of a mouth. It was a FleshJack. “Why do I have this?” Alex asked. Thor laughed. “Did you not sleep or something? It’s for my condition.” Alex stared at the kid, noticing the blue eyes seemed even bluer then a second ago. They cut into Alex and the confusion started to vanish. “Its for your HLS,” Alex stated, the memories returning. “Hyper Libido Syndrome.” Thor sniggered as he pulled off his pants. “Get jacking!” he ordered. Alex smiled. It was his job, after all. It wasn’t like someone made up the condition, he remembered studying it. It was very rare, but the men who suffered from it needed to ejaculate regularly. And from what Alex remembered, Thor had one of the worst cases the doctors had ever seen. After lubing up the FleshJack, Alex quickly examined Thor’s cock. It was average in every way, 6 by 4. He remembered yesterday when Peters made him Thor’s nurse. He’d expected HLS to be present only in men with massive fat cocks, not the little thing that Thor had. But Thor was a sufferer and needed his condition to be treated, so Alex started jacking. —————————————————————————————————————————— “Here’s the latest sample,” Alex explained as he handed the full FleshJack to the ginger nurse. “Wow, I only finished him off like ten minutes before you got here,” the nurse smirked. “Guy’s a cum factory.” Alex thought for a moment. He’d seen Thor as a kid, but he was a guy, a man. Alex had just jacked Thor off and he certainly wasn’t a kid. Especially with how much he’d cum. Alex watched the nurse leave with the FleshJack, his bubble butt bouncing in the tiny scrub shorts as he walked. Another nurse, one with olive toned skin and black hair, passed pushing a patient in a wheel chair. He winked at Alex and bounced his chiseled chest. It seemed normal to him now. How could he have forgotten about this? All of the hot nurses were the reason he’d applied for this hospital. ——————————————————————————————————————————— It was nearing the end of Alex’s shift and he hadn’t returned to Thor’s room. He’d gotten another nurse to provide Thor with release and the ginger nurse had jumped at the chance. But when a massive tray of food arrived for Thor’s dinner, Alex was too curious to pass the delivery job off to someone else. Why would Thor need so much food? He was tiny, barely 5 and a half feet tall and so skinny. Alex almost struggled to carry the over laden tray of chicken, potatoes and vegetable to room 19, but thankfully he was able to pop the door open and was quick to get the tray down onto the table next to the bed. “Dinner,” Alex announced to an empty bed. Alex looked around the room, no little blond kid sitting on the couch, looking out the window. Thor was nowhere to be seen. But there was a very large man doing crunches on floor next to the bed. Alex just watched for a little while as the man pulled himself up and in a deep voice counted out each rep of the exercise. “412, 413, 414,” he listed out between reps. Alex was in awe of the man’s vast back, only each deeply cut and sculpted muscle. His shoulders were rounded and bulky, his traps and neck thick with muscle. As Alex watched, the man moved his folded arms out from in front of him as they aided his crunches and moved them inline with his shoulders, which only enhanced the v-shape of his torso. Alex marveled at the size of his biceps, the thickness of his forearms and the size of his monstrous hands. A mane of long golden blond hair ran down his back. “Shit, sorry wrong room,” Alex spluttered after he broke out of his trance. The man jumped to his feet with a thud and Alex was sure the room shook. He was very tall, much taller then Alex’s 5ft10. His feet took up entire tiles of flooring, and his hospital pants were pulled tight around his bulky calves and boulder like ass. He turned and Alex felt his heart race. The man was a god, his entire body built to perfection with huge chiseled muscle. His chest was wide and heavy with overdeveloped pectorals, each one covered in a pelt of golden hair. The hair continued down his cinderblock eight pac and down into the waist band of his pants. His waist was tight and slim, but decorated with a deeply cut apollo’s belt. The beginning of his tree trunk thighs were on show by the long hanging waistband, the pants being pulled low on his front by the swollen burden that ran over a foot down his pants leg. His face were overtly manly. He had a strong jaw with thick golden stubble and a broad brow. But Alex was focused on the painfully blue eyes that stared back at him. “You’re in the right room, Alex,” Thor smirked.
  22. thirtieths

    A, 1

    (Will eventually contain elements of growth and theft) The officer's body was tough and taut beneath the fabric of his uniform, but although his chest still bulged outwardly against the confines of his clothes, he found that his shirt, once impossibly-tight, felt a tad bit looser these days. Despite there being no interruptions in his diet or the intensity of his frequent sessions at the gym, age taunted him by softening his pecs just that little bit more every couple of weeks and invisibly stealing the definition of his powerful arms as the months faded in and out. When his colleagues back at the precinct wished him a happy birthday and congratulated him on another year on the force, common courtesy forced him to smile and politely thank them when all he wanted to do was lament what he had lost. He was fifty two. Before that, he was fifty one, and that was when he had first began to notice the stealthy degradation of his condition. The realization was one that seemed to sour his whole entire existence, preying on him, lacing his mind with poisonous wandering thoughts that reminded him time was no longer on his side. "Your biceps seem a bit saggier," the voice in his head suggested. "Those abs aren't as impressive as they once were." Sometimes, he felt as though he'd be willing to do anything to go back to the way things used to be, when he was always impressed by how he appeared in the mirror. He pulled over a man who was going 35 miles over the speed limit, which was typically an almost inexorable offense. Officer Kurt Brandt knew that he'd have to stick him with a ticket when he walked over to stopped car's rolled down window to give him the usual talk. The last thing he expected was the driver to thrust his arm out and grasp his forearm with an inescapably-tight grip. "Hey!" Brandt yelled. "What do you think you-" A mysterious sensation that warmed the expanse of his muscled gut cut him off, leaving him without words. At first, he felt like he was suffocating, but then he started to flood with energy and arousal. Soon, his pectorals felt as heavy as lead and the button on his shirt collar popped in response to the thickening of his neck. His could feel his stomach tightening and pushing outwardly, filling with pounds of coiled, compact muscle that his skin painfully strained to accommodate for while the veins on his biceps flared triumphantly as they bloated with powerful mass. Against his professional instinct, Brandt began to moan, struggling to suppress the urge to tear off his clothes and witness the fantastical growth that transpired within him. "You want to keep it?" The man asked. Brandt could only offer him a grunt, a whine and a nod. The pleasure silenced him yet as he continued to grow. "Then you're not giving me a ticket." Suddenly, Brandt grew stern, knowing that he couldn't allow his personal desires cloud his judgment. This could be considered nothing less than a bribe. Picking up on the possibility of the officer's apparent change of heart, the stranger reaffirmed his grip and Brandt almost fell to his knees. His body, now carrying nearly forty more pounds of muscle, began to quiver and shake. The officer's eyes grew cold and wide with fear as he felt his muscles tremble: he could tell they were receding and the pain was unbearable. It shot throughout him, draining him gradually. Involuntarily, he whimpered, and the stranger stopped. His shape then bounced back to its new normal. "Do we have an agreement?" He said, brimming with smugness and self-assurance. "Yes," the officer said in a voice that simultaneously affected both joy and defeat. "Good, then here's my number. I know you're going to want more."
  23. Varg

    An Alpha And His Beta

    Part 1 I'm a bodybuilder, and like all bodybuilders, I decided to have an abnormal life. I took my body to the furthest point, broke down any barriers, and pushed even further until there was no going back. I was 72 inches tall (6 feet tall), weighing in at 218 pounds of muscle when I was cutting and 245ish pounds when I was bulking. Right now it's summer, so of course I've got my trimmed look for the season. Except trimmed was too delicate of a way to put it. I was ripped, cut, chiseled, and overall amazing. My body fat must have been 6% at the most. My muscles just jumped off my smoothly waxed body, which would cause some hard problems for people who saw me. Vascularity wasn't for everyone, so I didn't expect everyone to fawn over my body. Most people did, though. I loved the attention. I was 22 and considered a bodybuilding prodigy. Some say I use steroids because people are jealous. Some say it's synthonol because all young people are lazy. Some say it's because of photo editing because I'm vain. Some say it's due to me being half black because racism is still a thing. It's none of that, just my genes. Thanks to my genes, I also have the perfect skin color to just make the muscles POP off my body without a ton of oil or exact lighting. Saying I'm blessed would be an understatement. Men were envious of me, my good looks, my body, my voice, my demeanor, my everything. Sure I was arrogant and tough; I came off as a brute to most. Though that's just me and what I am. I'm an alpha at heart. My boyfriend had an abnormal life too, minus the choice factor. He loved me with all his heart and he was my beta. I was here to protect him, love him, and take care of him if he ever needed anything. In return he just makes me happy; so very, very happy. We were together, so to speak, since he was 11 and I was 12. After he hit the end of puberty, something changed in him. Like a light went out in the room, but it was hard to tell since there were other lights on too. Each full moon it felt like the lights were growing dimmer and I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was failing him as his alpha. “Hey Pup, wake up.” I drew the curtains on both sides of the bedroom. “Noooo. . .” He groaned as he rolled under the sheets. I could see his short yet messy bunch of light strawberry blond hair stick out from under the sheets. “Don't make me come under there. You know what'll happen if I do.” I playfully teased as I leaned on his side of the bed. He pulled the covers entirely over his head. “Look, Rett, I know you hate it. . . But you have to get up. I'll make you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'll make you all the things you like, Puppy.” “Don't call me Puppy. How would you like it if I called you Chocolate Drop or M&M?” “As long as you let me melt in your mouth and not your hand, I wouldn't care my darling little Woof-Woof.” I got on top of him and put half of my weight on him, kissing the side of his face through the sheets. “Pffhah-Shut up, Roman!” I managed to make him laugh a little. Though I knew he didn't feel up for laughing since it sounded so strained. I usually called him some sort of dog-related cutesy name to test his mood. If he didn't complain then he was happy. After he did get up, he seemed lethargic and depressed the entire day. I prepared meals for the week, so he just sat around in the kitchen. When I was working out he was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling instead of working out with me. And after dinner I read a book about different workout methods while he sat next to me without cuddling up to me. He was in nothing but his shorts, and the air conditioning had to be making him feel chilly. His pale skin seemed even paler than usual, even with the added color of his sparse reddish-blond hair over his body. It was like he was just there and didn't want to even touch me, even if it meant he wouldn't be cold. I wrapped my arm around him and he didn't even budge. “It's been 10 years since we've had to do this. I wish I could make it better for you.” I kissed him on the forehead. “Unless you can change me from being a-” An alarm went off and his saddened state quickly turned to panic. I looked at my phone and it was actually 8:12, meaning the clock was off by a lot. Things were dire, but I didn't want to tell Everett. “8pm. . . It's 8pm!” “OK, come on, we still have some time.” I examined his expression and realized we didn't have nearly enough time. His sharp teeth were getting sharper and his turquoise eyes flickered between being gentle and fierce. I picked him up in my arms and took him down to the basement. Then I placed him on the floor in the corner, away from the cellar windows. I reluctantly pulled the silver chains around him, tying him tightly to the house's cement foundation. “I. . . Everett, we don't have to do this.” “Yes we do, Roman. He might hurt you. I don't want. . . Alpha, I-” He tried speaking, but a gruff sound cut him off. “Just go now. Don't look at me. . ." “Beta, relax.” I gave him a peck on the lips. I hated doing this to him. I hated to hear him growl and struggle while I sat on the couch upstairs. Everett nodded, but his eyes switched. There was a different man or creature in the driver's seat. What little control Everett had, he used it to yell at me. Something he rarely did unless it was playful. “Go! Just get out of here!” Everett grunted as eerie black lines snaked their way from his chest to the rest of his body. He barked and growled as the lines grew in number, thickness, and length. His teeth were now entirely pointed, and his nails were growing longer and darker. I was always interested in his transformation from a toned 5'8” cutie to something hairy and hulking. His face pushed out as his skin went from sparsely hairy to shag-rug in a matter of seconds. He arched his back as his chest swelled outward, his growls becoming deeper and gruffer. His arms lengthened, as did his back and legs. Although they weren't normal human proportions, his arms being longer and his legs being shorter than a normal human of his size. Meanwhile his musculature was drastically changing. Even with the dense strawberry blond fur covering his body, I could tell where his muscles began and ended. Each muscle group beautifully redefining themselves on his strange frame. His shoulders swelled larger than any bodybuilder's I knew, with his chest broadening so much thanks to his larger lats and of course his heavier pecs. His arm grew so big that it seemed like it'd be impossible for them to move. His traps made his neck disappear, and a slight hunch was forming since he was so top heavy. His growls were now feral, his eyes now staring directly at me with pride and ferocity. His shorts managed to stay on, though only enough to cover his pelvic region. His tail was poking out from the top of his shorts, while the legs where entirely torn. Everett' quads made sure to tear away at his shorts' legs, ballooning so far outward that the beast had sit with his legs in a V shape. His feet were no longer dainty, and instead, were large, long, and hairy with sharp nails at the end. He snapped at me and growled even louder. I knelt down so I was eye level, just a few inches away from his range of motion. I've seen Everett's beast form when he was younger, when he looked more like a wolf pup than a beast. Though now I had the chance to see the matured version of his beastly side. It's where half of his personality came from. In other words, this was half of the man I loved. . . In a form that he'd describe as monstrous. He still had the same beautiful turquoise eyes, but they seemed so intense. I yelled to put him back in his place. “Shut the fuck up!” Sure enough he did and his ears fell down. He looked more like a harmless puppy. I touched my nose to his like when we were kids and his ears popped back up as his tail wagged uncontrollably. Everett didn't want me spending time with his feral side. He didn't want me even seeing it just so he can pretend it doesn't exist. The beastly side of Everett seemed lonely and sad, probably due to years of being locked away in a cellar the halfway through puberty. But now he was bigger and possibly more dangerous. Despite popular belief, werewolves can transform whenever. It's just that when they do, they give in to their feral nature for a set amount of time. They essentially fall asleep as their other half takes over. “Heh, you still see me as your Alpha, don't you?” I rubbed his head. “You're so much bigger than me too.” Everett looked at me with puppy-dog eyes and patted the space next to him. He just wanted company. Everett always told me to just walk away and leave him alone, but I never really asked why. I thought it was because his wolf form would be dangerous, but he didn't seem that way. He whimpered as his puppy-dog eyes intensified. I couldn't not say yes. I sighed and sat down next to him, he leaned over and placed most of his weight on me. Thankfully I was a bodybuilder, so at least he didn't crush me. “You love me as much as the other you does, don't you?” He rubbed his head against mine as a way to say yes. “I don't get why Everett hates you.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned away to look towards the cellar window. Staring at the beams of moonlight shining on to the basement floor. He whimpered more and turned my way. Again, with the big-eyed look. I reached for a flashlight and put it in my pocket. “Now I see why. He knew I couldn't say no to that face. OK. . . I'll let you out. BUT! Only if you let me accompany you. I don't want you getting into trouble, understand?” The beast eagerly nodded and I got rid of the chains. He crawled around on all fours, individually shaking his legs and. . . Arms, legs, leg-arms? After that he stood up. I felt like I was looking up at a tall skyscraper, even though he was only 6 inches taller than me, perhaps 10. It was hard to tell, but his head was almost touching the ceiling even though he was slightly hunched over. I looked down to see the shorts still intact, finding it funny that it looked like a dog was wearing underwear. Though his body looked human-shaped, even if his arms and legs were slightly different proportion wise. He just looked wolf-y from the neck up along with his furry hands and feet. So he was 75% extremely hairy human and 25% wolf-thing. I unlocked the cellar door and opened it, yet Everett didn't budge. “Come on.” I gently said, as I held my hand out to him. He approached me and looked out the cellar door and then down at my hand. He was actually afraid, maybe because he hasn't been outdoors for about a decade. The way the moonlight reflected off his fur looked amazing. He almost looked white with tones of red, orange, and pink. “I'll be right here with you. I'll keep you safe.” He placed his hand in mine, carefully wrapping his larger hand around mine so his nails wouldn't scratch me. Everett' hand felt softer than I thought it would. Even in this gigantic beast form, he was still my gentle beta. I walked up the stairs and lead him to the outside world. He stared at the back yard and the dense forest beyond it. Then he looked down at me. I whipped out the flashlight and lead him towards the forest until we were deep inside. He let go of my hand and ran around a few trees. He sniffed a tree and licked it, his face contorting into a grossed-out expression. That's what he gets for being curious. I laughed and approached him. I pet him behind his ears and I could see his tail wagging back and forth. He did the same to me, letting his furry hands run along my head. He let out a strange noise, like he was confused. “Oh yeah, last time you saw me was 10 years ago when you were just a small pup. . . I got rid of my pony tail since then. So it looks like you're the only one with a tail now.” I heard him laugh, or at least I thought he was laughing. Then he lunged at me, playfully of course. He pinned me down, but I fought back. He grunted a few times as he realized I was strong in my own right. Sure he was stronger, but I was actually able to fight him off a bit. I used his oddly portioned weight against him and flipped him on to his back. He yelped and went limp, allowing me to pin him down to the ground without any effort. This was the playful Everett I knew. I never understood why Everett hated this part of himself. My hands ran over the beast's body and his breathing became strained. His chest, stomach, and even his arms felt oddly human. Sure it was all covered in fur, but the proportions and hardness reminded me of my fellow bodybuilders. Just. . . Bigger. Everett let out a soft sigh, and looked at me. I didn't have the flashlight, but the intense moonlight was enough for me to see him clearly. It reminded me of the look Everett gave me the first time we had sex. Nervous, excited, scared, but most of all he was happy. I backed off a bit, because I don't think I was ready to have any intense relations with this form of Everett. He shouldn't even be having thoughts of having sex with a human, not in his beast form anyway. Then it clicked. An idea that might help both sides of Everett in the long run. “Everett.” His ears perked up when I said his name. “Or Werewolf Everett. Whatever. I can't babysit you. You have to go out and do what you want tonight without me, this is your only night you can be free to do whatever. Yes you're my beta, and yes I love you very much. . . But you're a beast right now. A wild and humongous beast with a different set of needs. You need to hunt. You need to be free without me tying you down.” Everett reached out and put his hand behind my back. He pulled me down towards him until I was snuggled up against his powerful chest. It was obvious he didn't want me to leave him. “It's OK, Beta. Just promise me you won't hurt anybody and that you'll be safe. I don't care if you eat a stupid cat or whatever. . . Er, just don't bring anything home.” He hugged me tighter and whimpered. “Come on Rett. . . Look at you. You're powerful and intimidating. Nothing can hurt you out here. You don't need me to stay safe.” He nuzzled me and whimpered some more. I took the hint that he wanted to be tied down by me, as if he didn't even realize it was a bad thing. “Don't worry, Beta. I'll be home when you get there.” I got off of him, allowing him to stand up. I picked up the flashlight and made my way back to the house. He called out to me, but I kept walking. The beta-nature in him couldn't refuse my order, but he didn't want to go without me. Everett had to go get everything out of his system and me being there wouldn't help him do that. If anything, it would just stifle half of his own personal growth. It actually hurt to hear him bark and whimper, and the fainter the sounds, the more it hurt. I was his Alpha. I had to do what was right for him even if it didn't feel right at the moment. Finally I was back at the cellar door and I couldn't hear him at all.
  24. hoola

    Don't Stop: Parts 1-3

    Hey everyone! This is my first story, but I've been reading the work on this forum for years now. I was finally inspired to write my own story, so I hope you all like it! These are the first three parts in what may end up being a long story, so let me know if you have any suggestions for directions to take in the next parts. There isn't any growth in the first part, but stick with it, this story is going to get juicy... Don’t Stop PART 1: Andrew woke up from his nap feeling refreshed and ready for his date that night. It had been weeks before he had finally worked up the courage to ask Nicole out, but he knew he had to give it a try before it was too late. They were both in their final year at Cornell and were at the top of their class, Andrew majoring in biology with a focus on human physiology and Nicole majoring in toxicology. Andrew was practically sweating out of his skin earlier this morning during biology lab, but all of his nervous planning paid off. She had said yes, and not just any yes. She seemed genuinely happy and excited to go out with him. Her excitement was only matched by his relief. With all the thoughts of Nicole running through his head, Andrew understandably had a “little” problem in his boxers, so he decided to take care of it before picking Nicole up. He pulled off his shorts and threw them hastily on the floor letting his four inch dick stand up proudly from his lap. Andrew knew he was under the national average in penis size, but as a Chinese man he had grown up accustomed to people making fun of his size and ancestry. Personally, his size didn’t really bother him too much, but he had always wondered what it would be like to be bigger. Not only that, but Andrew was not the tallest or most fit person at Cornell. He was only 5’ 5” tall and had just the slightest hint of a tummy bulging out from under his T-shirt. He had very little facial hair, and almost no body hair to speak of either. Despite his mental acuity and high academic achievements, his physique had always held him back from ever asking a girl out. Except for until earlier this morning. Although he had never had sex with a girl before, he had no shortage of sexual fantasies to play in his head as he was jerking off. Kissing Nicole at her doorstep, coming up for “coffee”, undressing her, seeing a vagina and breasts in person for the first time, sucking on one of her nipples, penetrating her with his rock hard… and with that Andrew exploded all over his sheets. He couldn’t believe how intense his orgasm was and how much he had cum (much more than ever before). He could have lay there for hours basking in his post-orgasm bliss, but turning over he noticed that it was already almost 7pm. He quickly jumped in the shower, cleaned himself off, grabbed his car keys, and sprinted out the door. He made it to Nicole’s apartment just in time. She walked out of the house looking so good Andrew thought his eyes would literally pop out of their sockets. A backless dress, stilettos, and a nice long leg slit made Andrew wonder how long he would be able to hide his erection. “You look amazing,” he said to Nicole as she got in the passenger’s seat. “You’re not looking too bad yourself,” she replied with just the slightest hint of a wink. “So where are you taking me tonight?” “I thought we could go to a movie and then grad dinner if that’s ok with you,” Andrew stammered nervously. “I mean, we can definitely do something else if you don’t want that. Or whatever, I don’t really care,” Andrew finished with a whimper. Nicole of course loved this scared puppy demeanor, it was what had made her interested in Andrew for the past year and a half. “Movie and dinner sound great!” she said. And it was great. They went to an old classic movie theater and watched Casablanca which he thought was great but she thought was a little too cheesy compared to the modern style of movies. Then they went to a little French restaurant where all the cooking was done by two old French grandmothers who were experts at making boeuf bourguignon. They realized that they actually had a lot in common aside from a mutual physical attraction and ended up leaving the restaurant holding each other’s hands. Finally, they ended up in front of Nicole’s doorstep. Andrew was both terrified and extremely excited to get his first kiss. He leaned in ever so gently and kissed her on the cheek. After a brief silence, Nicole turned to him and said, “Why did you stop?” The two then kissed passionately, sparks flying and fireworks dancing behind their eyes. After what seemed like an eternity Nicole spoke up again, “It’s a bit chilly outside right now, do you want to come up for some coffee?” Andrew’s jack off session started playing through his head again and he found himself thickening to his full four inches. “Definitely. I don’t want this night to stop.” PART 2: Nicole and Andrew couldn’t keep their hands off of each other as they ran up the stairs to Nicole’s bedroom. They tried to be quiet so as not to wake up Nicole’s roommates, but their moans and groans could not be stifled. They made it to the top of the stairs, burst through her bedroom door, and collapsed on her bed. It took no time for Andrew to remove Nicole’s shirt and bra, but it did take him a while to stop marveling at the first pair of boobs he’d ever seen. Nicole meanwhile pulled down Andrew’s shorts and underwear allowing her to stare and Andrew’s erection, the first erection she had ever seen. The two virgins wasted little time trying to throw off those titles as Nicole smoothly guided Andrew’s throbbing cock to her wet pussy. Andrew’s fantasy was finally coming true. He could feel every glorious second of his first penetration, her velvet walls enveloping him in a feeling of utter pleasure. It took everything he had not to cum right there, but he managed to hold on and start thrusting. Andrew’s thrusts were understandably weak and inexperienced, but he soon got into the swing of things. He was able to notice what Nicole liked and what she didn’t like as much (although to be honest she was enjoying everything a lot) and adjust his thrusting style to make her moan more and more. After a minute or so Andrew couldn’t hold it in anymore. He could feel the best moment of his life building in his balls, churning up through his core, and eventually erupting out of him like a primal roar. He screamed as he emptied his balls into Nicole which in turn triggered her orgasm. The two then collapsed on top of each other, panting furiously, silly grins spread wide across their faces, virgins no more. Andrew was on fire. His boner showed no signs of going away, and Nicole was only too happy to help him out. In his post-orgasmic haze he hardly even noticed her putting on some chap stick before taking his whole cock in her mouth in one go. “Oh baby my dick is going crazy!” he screamed. Her response was limited because his dick was in her throat now, but she managed to look up at him and wink in her special subtle way. Andrew continued to moan as Nicole went to work on his rock hard shaft and as her throat massaged his sensitive head. He lasted for a surprisingly long time (but still only a few minutes) before he managed to choke out, “I’m cumming!” He poured his load down her throat, and she greedily drank it down with no problems. This orgasm was so much more intense for Andrew than the first one. It was so intense in fact that he passed out soon after the biggest ejaculation of his life. As he drifted off into sleep he remembered thinking about how rude it was that he didn’t go down on Nicole, but those thoughts were soon replaced with dreams and fantasies replaying the past half hour all night long. The last thought he had before succumbing to sleep’s welcoming embrace was, “I hope this perfect feeling never stops.” PART 3: Andrew woke up from his perfect dream to the perfect view. Nicole had woken up a few minutes before him and had started to massage his morning wood to get it ready for some morning sex. Andrew couldn’t believe that he had had sex last night. He woke up feeling very refreshed and yet super horny. He also felt like his dick was about to explode out of its skin. As soon as Nicole sat on top of him and guided his cock into her open hole he forgot all about how weird it was that his dick felt bigger and instead started to ride the towering waves of pleasure he was experiencing. He came with a roar just like the night before, but this time he felt like he shot by far the biggest load of his life into Nicole’s quivering vagina. Unlike the previous night, Andrew decided to reciprocate the oral sex Nicole had given him. This was the closest he had ever been to a vagina, and he relished every second of it. She tasted so sweet and smelled so good he wondered if she had added any perfumed product around her vagina to make it taste like that. He felt like he could keep eating her out for hours, and by the sounds of her intense moans and gasps it sounded like she could go forever. However, after about fifteen minutes, Nicole’s alarm went off signaling that it was time to get ready for class. She hopped in the shower leaving Andrew to bask in the sunlight streaming in from the window… Andrew woke up to a sudden pain in his balls. He looked over the blanket to find a larger tent than he used to pitch. He ripped the blankets off the bed and stared at his dick. “There’s no way it’s still just four inches long,” Andrew mused to himself. It looked to be at least an inch longer than it used to be and maybe a hair thicker, although he wasn’t sure about any of it. “Maybe a trick of the late morning light,” he thought, although he secretly hoped he actually had grown. As he got up from the bed he noticed he felt a little off balance and dizzy. “That’s strange,” he thought out loud, “I thought I was finished growing taller years ago.” That wasn’t the only thing that had changed though. He also noticed he no longer had a chubby stomach. In fact, he could almost see the faintest outlines of his abs. Lastly, he noticed dustings of hair on his legs and the barest hints of a mustache coming in. “Finally,” he said, “I haven’t been able to get any facial hair no matter how many growth products I’ve tried.” He chalked up his increased masculinity to the fact the he had just lost his virginity and that his testosterone must be pumping in overdrive. Somewhat concerned but happy with his new appearance, Andrew decided to go home, change, and head off to class. He had a hard time focusing on anything though and spent most of the time texting with Nicole. She was only too happy to text back: A: Last night was fun right?! N: LOL yeah totally. And this morning A: Best alarm clock ever hahaha. After waiting a few minutes: A: How would you feel about round three tonight after dinner? My place? N: Sounds delicious. I’ll be over as soon as I’m done in lab! A: Awesome, I’m thinking about cooking sausage for dinner ;P And so with that Andrew ran to the supermarket to grab the ingredients he needed to make the best sausage paella Nicole had ever tasted. He also grabbed a pack of regular condoms and some lube (just in case she was more adventurous than he had hoped for). Dinner was delicious, and afterward they decided to relax and watch a movie together. Except that by the end of the first thirty minutes both of them knew that the other didn’t really want to finish the movie. Nicole stood up and straddled Andrew catching him a bit off guard and firmly kissing him. After a few minutes of making out Andrew asked, “What flavor chap stick is that?” “Oh do you like it? Some of the grad students in my lab are focused on making entirely non-toxic cosmetics and they said I could take a tube to try!” Nicole replied before diving back in for another kiss. Truth be told, Andrew really did love the taste of the chap stick and wanted more of it. Kissing didn’t last long though before the couple decided to ramp things up. Andrew ripped off Nicole’s shirt, happily surprised she wasn’t wearing a bra. Nicole in turn completely undressed Andrew and admired his new masculine traits. “Wow, I thought you had a little bit of a tummy last night,” she teased. “And the leg hair, I’m a huuuge fan. Emphasis on the huge which by the way…” she said looking aright at his fully erect cock. She could tell it was bigger than last night, and she needed it inside of her right away. She started sucking him off and could tell he was enjoying it by how loud and frequent his groans were becoming. For someone who had never given a blowjob before last night she was very talented. The pleasure soon became too much for Andrew to bear, and he shot at least five times down her expectant throat. He was just getting started. Andrew quickly led her to his bedroom, and Nicole threw him on the bed. Her pussy was on fire and it was not going to be satisfied until she and Andrew shared an orgasm. He mounted her and rapidly thrust his newly grown cock deep into her pussy. He could feel he had grown a little bit, the way her vagina felt tighter and the way his head felt bigger and more sensitive. He began jackhammering quickly in and out of her, pulling out completely before each thrust to feel the maximum effect of continuous penetration. Nicole meanwhile was just mouthing “oh god yes, ohhh so good” after having screamed so much she literally became speechless. Andrew on the other hand felt like a real man for the first time in his life. He grunted powerfully and felt completely in control. She had already orgasmed and he was proud that he had held off for so long already. However, just as Nicole was nearing her second orgasm, Andrew felt his balls begin to tighten and felt the familiar rush of energy through his core. And then they came together and it was beautiful. Nicole’s sex was undulating so much Andrew almost fainted from the amount of stimulation his head was experiencing. It seemed to last forever (and they both wanted it to last forever too), but all good thing must end eventually. They finally stopped convulsing and collapsed into each other’s arms. Both were too exhausted for words, but they cuddled together until they peacefully fell asleep. Andrew woke up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom and almost tripped over his own feet trying to get there. He finally made it to his mirror and turned on the bathroom light. “What the fuck is happening to me?!” he gasped. Staring back at him from the mirror was still Andrew, just an improved version. His mustache had thickened and was becoming darker and more noticeable. He even had several dark hairs on his chin and a few thin dark hairs beginning to sprout on his chest near his nipples. Looking down he noticed that his shirt was fitting him better so he removed it to find out what was hiding underneath. He gasped again after seeing his newly defined muscles. His pecs were still pretty small, but there was a noticeable separation between the two and they protruded a bit from his body when he stood up straight. His arms were looking pretty good too, and when he flexed them he could see small golf ball sized mounds where he knew his biceps and triceps were. He also definitely had abs now, although they were the kind of abs that skinny people have because they have no body fat. Looking past his abs he could see that his thighs and calves had also bulked up, but not to anything truly spectacular. It merely looked like he enjoyed running every now and then. But the thing that really shocked him and made him gasp for a third time was what he saw when he took off his underwear. His flaccid penis which had previously only measured two inches long was definitely bigger. He wanted to know exactly how much bigger, so he snuck back into his bedroom to grad a ruler from his desk and then returned to the bathroom to measure himself. Three inches soft. He was overjoyed, and his dick began to harden thinking about his new growth spurt. He began stroking himself to reach full erection so he could measure just big he had become. Once he was as hard as an iron rod he found that he was five and a half inches long. Now remember, Andrew was a biology major with a focus on human physiology, so he knew this shouldn’t be possible. However, he wasn’t thinking about how illogical this all was or how improbable these changes were. He wasn’t even thinking about why this was happening. All he could think about was that he didn’t want this growth to stop.
  25. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 4

    Previous 3 Chapters: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2247-a-pectacular-romance-pt-1/ https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2260-a-pectacular-romance-pt-2/ https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3623-a-pectacular-romance-pt-3/ "'Wow, little man! I can see you enjoy bicep worship a lot! Hahaha, I just hope you haven't forgotten about these big ones!' I could hear him grunt and I could almost hear the sound of muscles expanding less than a foot over my head.A shadow came over me and I could feel heat from above.With the rest of the energy I had left, I picked my head up and noticed he had moved closer to the big oak table because his rock hard upper abs were pressed against the edge. I slowly moved my glance up higher and saw his huge mountainous pecs were being thrusted forward over my head.They formed a massive shelf that trapped me in a crawl space between the table and the pecs above me. "You better run, little man! Because here comes the real mountains!" My eyes grew wide as they expanded over me." Alex's heaving pecs would definitely crush me if I didn't move fast. I knew I had to get out from beneath their tremendous overhang above the table. I ended up twisting around until I could do a crab crawl away from his chest until I was laying on my back with my feet inches from his enormous pecs. I could not see his head over the huge muscle mountains because he had them flexed up like he was holding in a deep breath. Suddenly the two huge masses came crashing down towards the table until they made impact. His pecs were so deceivingly dense that their weight was much greater than anything I had ever seen before. Upon impact they crushed glass and metal plates, cups, bowls, and utensils without Alex giving the slightest flinch. They shook the table so much that I flew a few inches into the air along with the entire spread that was across the table. I gathered myself as he leaned forward over his chest until his smiling face came into view. "What was that for!?" I shouted at him as I began rising to my feet. "You could have crushed my legs!" "Oh, relax! I knew where you were the whole time!" He chuckled. "Besides, don't act like you don't like the power behind these big ones!" And with that he raised one big pec a foot into the air and made it go crashing back down with just the use of his intricate chest muscles. One single pec bounce made the entire table shake again and I lost my balance and landed in a big bowl of mashed potatoes. I looked up at him in awe as I realized just how much power he had. They were resting on the table in all their glory, just waiting for worship. "Big guy, can you...Can you bounce them for me?" I stated in a trance. "Oh you mean THESE?" He said as he flexed his pecs hard. I could see them expand a few inches as he grunted to make them bigger for me. "I can do better than that! Stand back, little man," he inhaled deeply and his chest expanded, "EARTHQUAKE!" I watched almost in slow motion as one huge pectoral rose off the table surface and then slammed back down with a loud BOOM making the entire table shake. The other pec rose up a second later and came crashing down with another BOOM! Every scrap, every bowl, every single thing on the table--including myself--was being thrusted into a pec bounce earthquake. BOOOM! I flew a few inches off the table. BOOOOOM! I flew a foot away from his chest. BOOOOOM! I flew a foot closer and landed amongst the salad dressing. Every bounce got faster and faster until eventually I was covered in table scraps and there was no plate left overturned. His pec bounce earthquake lasted about a minute, but it felt like forever. Alex looked down at me and hysterically laughed which caused his pecs to bounce together a few more times shaking the table once more. "Look at you, little man! You're covered in food!" Trying to act as cute as one can possibly be while covered in food and probably bruises I looked up at the big man before me and said "Looks like I'm the one who needs the cleaning now!" I ended my suggestion with a cute smile. "Get over here, little man!" I rose to my feet and hopped over the broken tableware towards the big guy. As I reached him I noticed that his pecs really had gotten even bigger than before. I was a full arms length from his face with his chest between us. I also noticed that before that when he was sitting my head was a bit above his, whereas now we were eye level. "Big guy, did you grow for me?" I asked as I looked down at his huge muscular body. "At this point I can barely notice it. I just keep getting bigger and BIGGER!" He pushed his bench out from under him and rose to his feet. No matter how many times I had seen him, every time he rose up like this It put me in complete awe. His massive frame could hardly contain how big his muscles had gotten. I was now only face-to-face with his mid pecs even though I was standing on this oversized table. Alex looked down at me over his chest and snickered, "Looks like you're not the only one who likes these bad boys." He flicked my rock hard cock that stood at full attention for his massive muscles. All I could do was gawk up at him and give a hard swallow and nod. He smiled and grabbed the back of my tank top and ripped it off my body. My underwear had gone long ago and probably sat in a bowl of gravy somewhere on the mess of a table. Alex then scooped me up with one arm and cradled me like a baby with his huge chest hanging above my head. Every step he took away from the table was a long slow stride that made a loud boom. My cock was rock hard so I twisted around so it could rub against one of his brick like abs as my hands explored any muscle that surrounded me while I enjoyed the ride. We ended up back in his bedroom which looked much larger from the height he had me held at. However, as he spun around and sat down on the bed it was clear he was much bigger than before. He released his grip on me when he sat but I clung to his midsection like a baby monkey. He shifted his ass farther back onto the bed and laid back so his upper-back landed on the pillows and his head was pinned against the backboard of the once oversized bed which he now dwarfed. I stayed clinging to his abs, even as he laid down, with my scrawny legs wrapped to the sides of his hips and my chin tucked into his second row of abs. From this angle I smiled hypnotically at the two huge pec mounds in front of me. I could not see Alex's face but I could sense his devilish grin already. He relaxed his pecs and his face came into view between his cleavage. "You like these big ones?" He made them jump a few times. "Hell yea, big guy. I'd love to f--" I stopped. "You would love to what?" He looked at me for a second and then it clicked. "You want to fuck my pecs, little man?" I blushed uncontrollably and looked down at the trenches in his abs. I brought my hand to one of his oversized abs and pushed myself up so I was sitting upright on his tight abdomen. I was still always so caught off guard by his forwardness. "Sorry, little guy, you can't fuck these pecs right now," He said nonchalant. My spirits must have visibly sunk because he gave a hearty laugh as he reached his long muscular arm to his nightstand and grabbed a big bottle of oil. My eyes glowed as they followed the oil hover over his massive cleavage. "Now you can fuck 'em." He winked and tilted the bottle into the sharp crevice in his chest. The oil poured down the inner pecs like cave walls until it pooled at the bottom and formed a flowing river that poured the shiny liquid into the cracks of his abs. I was uncontrollably drawn to his muscles. I shimmied up the slick rows of his freshly oiled abs and began ferociously rubbing the oil all over the two mounds that perched level with the high of my chest. "G'head, my little man, put it in there!" He taunted me as he bounced them around. I slid my cock between his massive pecs while I rubbed the outer portion of his chest, pushing them together to no avail. He smiled once more. "Don't mind if I join!" He reached his huge arms behind me grabbing onto his huge cock that rose up behind me. The act of his arms extending towards his cock pushed his pecs together causing my dick to get wedged between the huge mounds: it felt amazing. I began thrusting my cock in and out of the deep cave in front of me. He tilted his head back and let out a deep groan. He then lifted his head up and looked over his chest at me. "My pecs are so sensitive, little man! This feel as good to you as it does to me?" I slowed my thrusts and kept my eyes on his as I lowered my head a short distance until my lips met a striation on one of his huge pec mounds and kissed it tenderly as my silent response. "I thought so." He smiled. My cock was large to any normal person but compared to Alex's chest I couldn't believe he could even feel something so much smaller in size rubbing against such hard muscle. "Oh yea! Check this out, little guy!" Our eyes met and locked gazes as he pushed his shoulder towards each other making the huge mounds smash together and then he released it. The oil made his big shiny pecs make audible noises as they slammed together like two beef steaks being slapped together. "Oh yea.." I said between pants, "Bounce..them..Bounce my cock around." He looked down at his chest and began slowly rolling them back and forth with my cock sliding around in the cleavage. He sped this up until they were bouncing around like drums. I put my hands over his huge nipples and pinched them with everything in me. He groaned and made his pecs separate a few inches from both sides of my cock and froze them. "Slap your cock around my pec cleavage," he said with a grin and a sweat-drenched brow. I wrapped my hands around my meaty cock and had to almost tug it out of the oil-filled trench. I was uncontrollably hard at this point; my cock full of blood. I threw my dick to the right and it struck the inner wall of his deep chest crevice. It was like hitting slippery steel. I smacked it to the other side and rubbed it around the inner surface. "How does that feel?" He asked. "They feel like stone." I panted. I pulled my dick away from his chest and threw it down between the two stone walls with a THWACK. "Can you make them soft?" "They are barely flexed now but I can try to relax for you, little man. Go ahead and play with them," he smiled and gave them a bounce with my cock tightly placed in the cleavage and then relaxed his chest. I placed my two small hands on the two huge mounds and pushed them together over my dick. To my surprise, they moved with some effort like two huge sand bags. I tossed them around as if I was juggling two beach balls. Alex smiled up at me from his head placed on the ground and then closed his eyes--allowing me to really do whatever I wanted with his big chest. I pulled my cock from the muscle prison and moved my face towards the two mounds. I kissed one of the inner sides and then smashed my face into his pec cleavage once more. I pulled his pecs apart like two elevator doors and shimmied my face into the muscle cave. It smelled like deep manly musk. I began ferociously licking the muscle to the left and right of my face. I could feel pressure form as he moved his huge hand to the back of my head and plucked my face from his muscle cave. "Fuck them more, little guy. I want to see you cum between my pecs!" This excited the shit out of me but what was even better was how he then grabbed me like a rag doll and lifted me up off his abs and placed me back into pec-fuck position. He pushed my cock deep into the trench and looked down at his chest. He smiled and inhaled deeply so they rose up like balloons and the cleavage opened up, exposing my cock trapped snug between the two mounds. He looked me in the eyes and spit right on my cock with a smirk. "Have at it." He pushed his chest out even further and they slammed together. I ferociously began slamming my cock into the deep trench created by the globes he called pecs. My tight abdomen was smacking the underside of his chest with each thrust of my cock. We were both sweating immensely, and this made it easy for my dick to plunge in and out of his chest cave. I went on with my head rolled back for what felt like forever until I came back to reality to wipe my brow of sweat. I looked down at Alex's face and he head his rolled back, as well, until he felt my stare and looked up at me over his meaty pecs. "You ready to give me your cum?" He winked at me. I nodded with a smile and continued to plow my dick in deeper between his pecs. He put his hands to my waist and stopped my rhythm. He lifted my ass up off of his abs like I was a toy and repositioned me--he put my body laying on top of his with my face level with his and my cock laying on the front ridge of his two mountainous pecs. Alex pulled our faces close together and I touched my hands on the sides of his big head. He had such an attractive face with a defined jaw and perfect hair that I ruffled my hands through and let my fingers get lost in. He kissed me on the lips and pulled away and smiled. "You're cute," he said, "Now cum for me." With that, the front trench of his chest opened up and my rock hard prick sprung head first into the cleavage like I was fucking the earth's tectonic plates. My mouth was left agape in pure ecstasy as he kissed and licked my mouth and worked my cock between the front of his pecs. I didn't have to move an inch, his chest rocked my cock back and forth in the striated groves that clamped it in place. He was playing with me this whole time until now. "Oh..oh..big..guy..holy..shit" "That's it, little man! You're almost there! Cum for your big guy!" He said in a loud whisper right in my ear. "I've got to have your cum!" That was it for me. I blew the biggest load I've ever felt in my entire life into the deep chasm between his pectorals globes. We were both covered in sweat and I was huffing like a mad man. He kissed me once more and I slid my dick out of his muscle and shimmied my way onto his abs where I saw sprawled out with my back up against the underside of his huge chest. His pecs were so large that I could sit back and they would act as a back support that reached up to my lower back. With my legs stretched out my feet only reached across his huge cobble stone abs to the top of his thick pubic bush. I rested my arms back and leaned into his chest like a deep comfy couch and craned my neck back to look at him. "Wow, big guy, that was intense." "I thought you'd like that." He said as he lifted his head over his muscle mounds. He pulled up his index finger into the air and winked again. "And I know I'll like this." He dug his long thick finger into his pec cleavage and scooped up my cum on the top of his finger. He plucked it out and looked at it and then to me. He put his finger to his mouth and sucked up my seed and dropped his head back in ecstasy. He gave a loud whoop and picked his head back up to look at me. "My god, little man, you taste like a lemon drop. I can't get over how you make me feel. You make me feel so powerful. I feel--I feel like--" "A muscle god?!" I peeped in. "Hahaha! Yea, little man! A big muscle god and nothing can hurt me." He bounced his pecs around making me fling onto his abs where my fingers dug into the deep crevices between each cut row. I spun around so that my ass was more towards his genital region and my feet were touching the bottom of his pecs. "I wouldn't say nothing can hurt you, big guy.. Afterall I was just on top!" I giggled and gave a cute wink. He howled with laughter. "Ooooh, is that right Mr. Tough guy?! I'd love to see the damage you could do to me." With that I felt his body tense up beneath me as his arms rose into a crippling double bicep. "I bet I can make you do whatever I want!" I proclaimed proudly. "That will be the day! Haha!" he mocked again. I put on my most determined face as a used my hands to move myself back farther down his v-cut abdominals until my back was against his half-mast cock. Under my tight little ass was a deep bushel of pubic hair that spurt out plentifully on both sides of my glutes. "Huh?" He gave a puzzled look. I smiled at him and dug my hands into his pubic bush and latched onto two handfuls on both sides of my ass. "Hey little man, what do you think you're doing down there?" "Make your biceps dance for me," I demanded sternly. "What are you doing, Joey??" I tugged on the pubes as hard as I could. For me, this was the strength I would need to use when moving furniture. To him, he could probably chalk this up to an annoying fly buzzing around, but in such a sensitive area I got a nice response. The big guy winced in pain and his huge muscles tensed up all around me. His quads rose off the big bed, his abs formed even deeper rifts as the jolt made him crunch his midsection a bit. "Owww!" He shouted down at me. I relaxed my so-called torture grip. "You better not do that again, little man!" He said confused but with a smile. "I said bounce your biceps!" I tugged at the thick bush again. He winced again making his huge muscles tense up. This time he shot his hands under my armpits like I was an oversized doll and tried to pry me off his v-cut pubic area. However, I twisted the thick black hair around my hands and held tight. The short jerks he gave me in attempt to pry me off only made him wince even more from the sensitive pain. I had found a weakness in my muscle god! Defeated, he smiled at me again. "Alright, little man, you win this time!" He announced. He could have easily crushed me like a bug with any muscle group of choice. But I think it was cute the way he let me win to feel some sort of power between us. He rose his arms up again to an un-flexed double bicep. "How do you like this, lil man?" He started flexing and un-flexing alternating between biceps. They rose up like mountains exploding each time and then deflated to a still very impressive flattened ball. The veins on his biceps were incredibly breath-taking; like a road map of thick fat veins all carrying blood as the passenger to each muscle group. His huge orbs pulsed as his hands tensed and I could only look on with admiration from a distance. "You like this, little guy?" I nodded, mouth agape like I was hypnotized. "Soo are you going to stop torturing my pubes?" I nodded again mesmerically and released my grip completely. His bicep bouncing show still went on. "Sooo can I kiss you now?" I nodded again in my trance and he smiled and laughed. He reached down for me and put his big hands under my armpits and easily lifted me towards his upper body. He rested my chest and stomach down on his expansive chest and I placed my hands on his upper chest. My hands held me up keeping a distance between our faces. He then pulled me in close by bringing his arms up around me like a big hug (except I was so small in comparison it was as if he was hugging himself). We looked into each others eyes and he playfully flexed his chest, and bounced his arms a few times so slightly--but it was more than enough to weaken my locked arms away from his face. I fell towards his face and we embraced in a passionate kiss. It felt like it lasted forever which I wouldn't have minded because I had never felt safer in my life than in this place surrounded by Alex's huge muscles. My sanctuary began to rumble as Alex shifted under me and began to rise off the bed. He carried me once again like an oversized baby with his huge pecs blocking my view of his face. "Where are we going now, big guy?" "Thought we should take a shower together." My mind began to race a thousand miles per hour. ----------------------------- Next part should be done relatively sooner.
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