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  1. Omiganda

    Bear's Cub Part 14

    A few days ago, I figured out how to end this story. Funny this has still been left unfinished for atleast 2 years. I wrote this pretty fast so apologies for the mispelling. Part 13: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/5864-the-bears-cub-part-13/ Part 14 “Happy Birthday!” “Hmmmm….. huh?” “Happy Birthday, Bear!” Hare said with a cheer as he slapped Bear’s muscular stomach. Hare quickly grabbed his hand as they reddened from the impact. Regardless of their growth, Bear’s muscles were still like uncompromising granite. “Oh yeah, I forgot” he said almost nonchalantly but it was written on his face how excited he really was. Donut and Slugger came around with a large cake with a large protrusion sticking from it that looked pretty familiar. Bear smirked and giggled a little as they tried to place it on his big muscle gut. “Sit still!” Slugger demanded as they balanced the silver platter before letting it go. All of Bear’s pups stood around his bed as they waited for him to speak. He looked at each one of us with a loving flare in his eyes. “You are the best pups I could have ever asked for. I wish you’d untie me so I could hug all of you.” I saw a grin on Taker’s face at that comment. “Hey, that wouldn’t be fun. It’s your birthday.” I honestly was impressed with Bear’s resilience to speak on the issue when there were signs all over that gave away our plans. There was the fact that the large protrusion in his cake was an extra large dildo with a cake coming out of the cock hole. The fact his big forearms were tied fast to his bed with thick, heavy-duty chains to compensate for Bear’s great strength. There was the face that we’d all come into his room wearing nothing but what he said to be his favorite uniforms on all of us. I was originally against it since the suit he said he’d liked on me the most was my birthday suit. I’d had my hands covering my crotch for the last few hours. I realize it was ridiculous since we all were having sex together every weekend and we all often wore little to nothing anyway but it was different coming to Bear pre-exposed. Bear could see the shyness in my eyes and going by the bounce in his shorts, he clearly reveled in it. “Mmmm, I see Cub’s looking quite tasty today” he said, licking his lips. “Haha, glad you said it exactly like that” Donut said as grabbed me around the waist. We’d talked about this stunt over and over but, no matter what, all the pups insisted that I be the one to do *that*. I felt my body tighten as we walked up to Bear’s bed side and Donut grabbed my waist with his big, muscled hands and lifted me onto Bear’s mattress. The amount of surface area left on the bed that didn’t have a healthy portion of Bear was rapidly shrinking these days. After our last few growth spurts, we couldn’t find a big enough opening down in the den to fit Bear inside. It was like an impending conclusion when all of us had grown so quickly in the last few months. Bear had to crouch in every part of the house and even when he went to his new room in the Hibernation Room, we had to struggle to slip him through and not destroy the walls. We couldn’t let Bear try by himself as, thanks to the growth, he’d gotten way too strong to do most things without destroying something. Doors broke, walls were given knew “openings”, ceilings were instantly decimated with his hard head. Even the hibernation room’s door was removed so that Bear didn’t tear the whole second floor down with his massive shoulders. These were signs that we were going to hit the max size of the two story house soon and it was clear Donut wasn’t too far off. Already his head was closing in on the tall ceilings and I could see his red headed Mohawk scrapping plaster. Still, as we’d grown in the house, we’d become closer than ever. Bear loved us all equally but he was starting to become more of a monster in the sack as our growth seemed to spur him to have longer and longer periods of sex that left us all weak and panting on the floor in heaps of sweat and euphoria. I felt closer to each of my brother’s than I had with my own parents. Donut was like the big brother I always wanted to teach me and make me a better person. Taker and Balls were my pals and loved to rough house with me, ruffling my hair and slapping my butt to congratulate me when I succeeded and to comfort be when I failed. Slugger and Hare were my support system when it came to getting me through my classes that I struggled on and loved to push me to try new things and work to refine the old. Even Toxic was a ball of kindness when he wasn’t and took me to the places the other bears were too nervous to take me. I’d gotten my first lap dance with Toxic. It was almost like he knew what I was most uncomfortable doing and would go out of his way to push me into them so that I’d gain better street smarts. What sucked, however, was that the closer we got, the more I realized something was wrong. Something in me knew each one of them was hiding something from me that they weren’t ready to be open about. That didn’t matter right now though as I stood over the bed and climbed over Bear’s massive limbs. Since he’d gotten blocked from going downstairs to his “contraption”, he tried to do more work outs and lift to compensate for his lack of sexual release while we were all in classes or off supporting our individual clubs. Bear’s concern with our future’s is probably what let us all know he cared the most. That didn’t, however, help me climb over all of his massive, bulging limbs as I kicked a leg over a bicep that was probably a match for my own chest measurement. Bear’s massive body was a lot to take in with people who didn’t know him. When they saw him, many stared and gasped at how they’d seen their first giant. Having an almost 12 foot tall man pass you was like watching a tree with legs take walk. Not just a big tree but a beautiful tree. Bear’s body features were amplified like all of ours. His legs got thicker and his stance got wider. His torso was a mountain of curves and mounds that were each probably further from his body than any furniture one could sit on. It was nearly impossible to get him through our new double door entrance at the front of the house but it was only made worse when he tried to pull his big, hulking arms through. I actually had to climb a little onto his adamantine wall of abs and looked down over a mountain rage to his big, grinning face. I saw his teeth appear as he realized what we’d planned. I took a deep breath and tried to think loose before I moved the candle away from the cake and lowered myself onto his stomach. The cake we’d set on his stomach wasn’t too big but it was made to hold in place a LARGE dildo. Slugger had produced a massive 2 foot dildo from somewhere he wouldn’t say. Before we knew it, ideas were flooding out of him on what to do for Bear’s birthday. I was thinking about how strange that was for an instantly but I couldn’t keep it in my head as my muscular ass cheeks were spread wide by the warm, rubber cock filling my anal cavity. It was sliding in with some difficulty but I was prepared. For weeks, the other pups had been prepping me to take on Bear’s gargantuan crotch anaconda and I’d almost gotten big enough to take all of Donut or Slugger. I couldn’t believe how their growing cocks were able to enter my ass but it was even more impressive that I was making it past the first foot so easily. It was only until last week that I struggled to make it to the 2nd foot. I kept thinking in my head ‘Think of Bear. Think of Bear.’. Donut had taught me that trick when he explained how he’d come into the fraternity as he was the first to take Bear’s cock and was also the one who could take it the easiest due to his size. On the weekends it was an amazing size as Donut, already a massive man, took on Bear’s cock again and again as they both grew and grew through the weeks. They were reaching superhuman levels the way Bear was roughest with him and Hare. A few times, Bear had cracked the walls trying to fuck Donut into oblivion. I thought of how Donut got pounded by the long log of man-god that was Bear as I felt myself get filled with the singular pillar. With a last groan of ecstasy, I was rewarded with a cold feeling as the white icing had covered my butt and I felt a few seconds to relax. I struggled through the waves of pleasure to see Bear’s face and I was happy to see he was giving me the most intense bed-eyes. “Mmmmm, such a good Baby Cub. You’ve almost prepped that tight little butt for me, haven’t you?” he said as he licked his dry lips. He looked like a man who hadn’t had water to drink in years. I felt my muscular chest swell a little with pride as I saw that look of pride. I lifted myself up slowly and my ass made a loud plop at the release of the dildo. “Alright, pup, finish him off” I heard Taker say. I proceeded with the plan as I began to climb Bear’s wide torso and felt the bed fall away as Bear’s body widened with my climb. As I reached his big, cushion like pecs, I looked down between them to Bear’s big face and I think I blushed as I turned around and sat on my stomach. “Oh, good, dinner” I heard and felt rumble through his big chest before a big, wet and long tongue moved over my bubble butt. I groaned and moaned with excitement as Bear moved his tongue artistically over my vanilla cream covered butt cheeks and hungrily ate it off me. “Mmm, my favorite. Cub flavored.” I screamed as he shoved his massive tongue forward like a dagger and I felt myself pierced by what simply couldn’t be just a tongue, though it was. The other cubs began to move into their sectors and began to rub Bear’s big muscles. Rarely did they get a chance to ravage Bear like this so each one went at it like an animal as they tried to please themselves and their big fraternity leader simultaneously. Bear was livid and I could tell as I heard chains rattle and his tight XXXXXXL underwear stretched. I was still receiving a savage lashing from Bear but I could still appreciate a growing pillar in his underwear as he grew hard. Toxic had taken the opportunity for what it was and had climbed between Bear’s big legs to sit on top of his watermelon like nuts. He watched playfully as Bear’s cock reached higher up and was beginning to length between Toxic’s legs. He actually had to move further back as he felt the big man cannon beneath him start to lift his body. The way it moved powerfully, I instantly wondered if his cock was strong enough to lift people and even heavy duty weights. “Uh oh, Bear’s coming to play, pups” Bear said as he felt his cock stretch his sweaty briefs further. His smell was getting stronger as I felt his muscles get sweaty and his hairy chest was starting to glisten from his heat. Toxic looked as excited as I did as we watched the tower grow and reach taller than our sitting positions and finally outgrew Bear’s remaining clothing with a powerful RIP. His cock was a beautiful and powerful piece of architecture as it bobbed with arousal. It couldn’t have been shorter than 3 feet and was veined from top to bottom, the head red with rapidly pumping blood. Each inch looked as thick and intimidating as the rest and we feared that it could rip me or Toxic apart if given the chance. Still it was in Toxic’s eyes that I knew we were in agreement; that wasn’t a bad fate in order to atleast try once. That wasn’t our goal today, though, as Toxic leaned in and I watched his handsome face release a long tongue of its own. He was red too as he closed in on the hot piece of meat that towered in front of him. I was actually pretty jealous even as I felt Taker and Donut reaching up and grabbing my ass cheeks to spread them even wider for Bear’s tongue. Toxic had Bear’s cock all to himself and I saw the desire in him to keep it that way, his resting place on top of Bear’s balls like a throne. I didn’t have time to worry much about it, though, as Hare and Balls had moved to Bear’s big and hairy nuts and were licking it as Slugger looked to be preparing something at the end of the bed. “Got a big present for you bear!” I heard Balls call before he looked over at me and snickered. “Aww for little ol’ m--- FUCK!” Bear roared as he shook in his chains and I was rocked back and forth on his massive, convulsing body. Slugger grinned as he pushed the longest dildo I’d ever seen underneath Bear’s balls, pressing into what I’d always assumed was sacred ground. “Oh you little *groan* fucker” Bear groaned ferociously as his big and powerful cheeks were pulled apart by the truly gargantuan rubber tool. It was beyond human comprehension as it looked almost as big as my big arms in thickness. Bear convulsed and roared with pleasure as his anal cavity was stretched by more cock than he’d ever taken. Bear had done a lot of new things with us in the last few months but we’d had yet to reverse the roles till now. I’d never heard him make such a deep squeal as he was penetrated. The pups were all working more ferociously than before as our exploits reached a fever pitch. Taker and Donut nibbled and kissed each of Bear’s muscle, each one tensing to the touch to rock hardness and practically hot enough to melt stone. Balls and Hare were now trying to suck Bear’s massive balls into their mouths, each one larger than their heads. Slugger was probably having the most fun besides me and Toxic as he quickly pushed his rubber weapon in and out of Bear. Suddenly, Bear’s entire body tensed. “Ah fuck!” he cried as his large and veiny muscles all flexed enormously. Bear’s cock was slowly growing as he felt himself on the edge. I gasped at its size and appearance as it glistened and even turned a bit purple. Before we knew, Bear moved in a blur. His massive biceps pushed Taker’s and Donut’s faces to him. With perfect precision, he gave each aggressive kisses that pushed them both over the edge. Bear knew just how to give each of his pups their high. I watched as he used every tied body part to release an orgasm for each of us. As cum from Donut and Taker rained down over us. Bear tightened up his stomach and roared ferociously. Taker and Donut were more easily influenced by feeling and intimacy rather than power but the rest weren’t so lucky. Bear’s leg shackles came undone as his big muscles bulged. He used his long legs to pull both Balls and Hare into his crotch, pressing their faces across Toxic’s back. “GRAAAAH!” He roared as his cock and balls grew and gave all of them a front row seat to his power. Just the force he exerted caused all 3 to cum simultaneously, Hare and Balls shouting at the top of their lungs into Toxic’s back and Toxic crying as he felt the cock in his arms rock like a volcano and finally spewed cum with the rest of the pups. So much testosterone and energy was enough for Slugger to also cum, who felt he couldn’t move the massive dildo anymore with Bear’s powerful ass cheeks laminating it. Before I knew it, I wasn’t left out as I felt Bear at it again, his tongue penetrating quickly and had me shouting as well. All heard was chains as Bear effortlessly shredded his bonds and began to sit up, grabbing me with an arm and holding me upside down as he came, his tongue going deeper and deeper until finally I came too, firing toward the floor with an unbelievable orgasm. Every muscle was flushed with the greatest feeling that I could never get enough of as I joined the other pups in a white burst of cum. Muscles, cocks, and handsome faces were tangled on Bear’s bed as they all experienced simultaneous ejaculation. Bear was still at it, still hard, and still firing jizz that hit the walls, the ceilings, and the lights, darkening the room as he and his pups coated the room white. Still too small and too weak to do so with them, I still launched a hefty load onto the floor. The others were still lying on the floor weakly, their bodies convulsing as they basked in the afterglow of this last escapade. Bear’s head was firmly placed against the 9 foot ceiling as he playfully licked me and kissed each of my cheeks as I came down from my high. I felt myself surrounded in muscles and warmth as Bear smacked his lips. “That was fun, guys. I’d recommend stronger chains though.” I tried to tell him that the chains were made of stainless steel but I was interrupted by a cracking noise. We all forced ourselves up at the sound of a tree falling down. It was only in the last moment that we were freefalling. A crash came as we all fell and collapsed into the kitchen, cum still raining from the ceiling two stories up but was now accompanied by plaster and dust as the floor wasn’t capable of holding of our weight in the same spot anymore. Bear landed on his big butt but he’d made sure to wrap me tight in his arms for the landing. It was like I’d fallen in a big mattress that had cushioned the fall. Groans could be heard as the guys all felt pains from falling several feet. Bear had a shocked expression his face too and looked at Slugger. Slugger only sighed. “I know, I’ll let them know. This place was getting cramped anyway.” To Be Continued….
  2. momoware

    Memoirs of Young Muscle part III

    I'm afraid I haven't updated this much! I plan to though in the near future. A lot of people have messaged me about a followup so I finally got round to it. I really like the characters, one of whom is based on an especially impressive growing young bodybuilder on here. Prior instalments can be read at part I- https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6200-memoirs-of-young-muscle-1/#comment-58970 part II- https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7825-memoirs-of-young-muscle-2/#comment-78409 ------------------------------ ‘Alex, I haven’t seen you in months, it’ll be such a pleasure to look into your eyes once again!’ Mr. Richards had been sadly torn between Moscow, Tokyo and Beijing for half of the year. This arrangement had caught him by surprise, but work sometimes necessitated these inconveniences to his daily life. Even more surprising though had been the series of emotions that Alex had gone through in his patron’s absence. Even from the beginning he had like Mr. Richards, fund him a good-looking and agreeable man to spend time with. But in the months he had been gone, Alex found himself feeling lonely and dejected, each day looking forward to receiving a call, or even better a long letter from the man who had started merely as his sponsor and had over time, at least in Alex’s head, become his lover. Of course even this melancholy did not distract Alex from his goal; Mr. Richards had, after all, become his sponsor for a reason. He had spent millions paying for gym equipment and a team of trainers, tanners, masseurs and stylists in order to turn this young man into the biggest, hottest, most ripped bodybuilder the world had ever seen. One positive coming from Mr. Richards’ long absence had been Alex’s increased determination to impress his lover upon his return. The phone call had awoken him, and after Mr. Richards hung up, having said he would return to London in the early afternoon, Alex knew that he had only a few hours to be ready to greet him. He immediately ran down the corridor towards the gym and began a furious arm workout, first destroying his biceps with brutal 100 lb dumbbell curls, and then attacking his triceps for a further half hour. His usual workouts ere intense, but this put his other efforts to shame. After 10 reps he would breathe deeply once or twice, roar at the top of his voice, and then blast out another set. After an hour of this his face was bright red, pumped with blood, and the veins in his biceps pulsated noticeably with the sheer volume of blood pumping through. He stood in front of the mirror and checked himself out. He knew that his abs were tight already, and as arms and legs were Mr. Richards’ favourite body parts he wasted no time in starting a round of squats and deadlifts. He hit some poses in the mirror, becoming visibly aroused as he did so. He pulled out a series of pictures from when Mr. Richards had last seen him and began to laugh, thinking just hoe thrilled and turned on he would be, returning to a pumped beast so much broader, taller and beefier than six months ago. He resolved no to jack off, as he wanted to hear Mr. Richards’ sensual moan as gallons of warm thick semen filled his ass later that day. - As the front door of the apartment opened, Alex instructed all the house staff, including the staff paid to help him train, to vacate the premises. He grabbed a bottle of champagne from the fridge and opened it, the power of the cork erupting was not enough to even slightly cause his large veiny hand to shake. He had conservatively donned a black Calvin Klein speedo for the occasion, and wandered into the foyer to greet Mr. Richards. His usual cocky and aggressive manner was changed, and on this occasion he walked over to Mr. Richards and, embracing him tightly in his huge arms, kissed him tenderly on the lips. ‘I’ve really missed you.’ Was all he said, as he poured two glasses. The two of them sat on the couch and discussed the few months they had missed. They talked about Mr. Richards’ series of mergers in Russia and Japan, and about Alex’s enormous gains. Mr. Richards, having just arrived at Heathrow from a 12 hour flight, was exhausted, but his eyes could not stray far from admiring Alex’s giant physique. The combination of hormonal supplements that had been devised for him meant that he had also been growing in height and width, as well as musculature. ‘You haven’t shaved your pits Alex!’ Mr. Richards commented whilst licking, kissing and worshiping his protégé’s biceps. ‘Oh no! I forgot. This morning after I woke up I went and did some really tough arm and legs work-‘ ‘Yes, I can see! A very nice job you’ve done. I wasn’t complaining about the pit hair, I think it’s very sexy.’ He ducked his head and began to lick the armpit hair and really relish the salty sweat that had become mired therein, ‘Alex, I’ve been away a really long time, and I’m afraid I’ll fall asleep soon, so before I do, I want this inside of me.’ As he said those last words he grabbed the huge meaty cock in Alex’s speedo that had been gradually inflating. The package in his hand felt warm and smooth, and quickly became rock hard as the two began to kiss passionately. ‘Mr. Richards, that’s fine with me! But I have to tell you something else. It’s been a hard few months, quite lonely and long, and it allowed me to spend a lot of time thinking. Thinking about my training, and about life. And...about how I think I’m in love with you.’ Mr. Richards’ hold on Alex’s cock tightened and the air in the room become tense for a few seconds. This tension was cut by Mr. Richards smiling at his lad. He leaned in to kiss the giant chest. ‘I am very relieved hear you say that Alex. For a very long time I’ve bene developing feelings for you too, beyond our little arrangement here, and not just about huge muscles or domination. I had been nervous that you wouldn’t feel the same way, but now this can become even better!’ The pair’s eyes lit up with this exciting revelation. Mr. Richards immediately stripped himself of all clothes and as it reached breaking point, Alex’s speedo tore right down the middle, with the enormous cock bursting out. Having had 6 months to prepare himself to receive this giant dick, Mr. Richards simply slid on top of the shaft and slowly allowed it to enter him. The two of them continued making out, as Alex’s massive dick moved so far up Mr. Richards’ body that his gut could be seen expanding each time he was deeply penetrated. To be continued.
  3. Abduction Part Seven by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9055-abduction-part-three/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9137-abduction-part-four/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9182-abduction-part-five/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9374-abduction-part-six/ "Let me understand this, Dr. Ah'almant. You signed off on those two earth boys as having been restored to the complete normal self?" A doctor of the Doctors of Nasiph was in front of his superior being drilled questions in a semi angry tone that was rising in pitch and annoyance by the minute. "Yes... yes... sir." "And yet they still left here the same height as when brought to us this second time." "Well, they arrived the first time a very large species." "You realize that the average human male runs between what they call five feet nine inches to six feet one inches tall? That their extremely tall run from six foot two to seven foot five and at seven foot six they begin to be classified as giants?" "Uhmmmm...." "We were supposed to turn them back to normal so they would fit into normal Earth society, and they already stood out being above height and weight men at 6' 4" tall and around 300... what is their weight measurment.... pounds... yes, pounds. Three hundred pounds. They were already fairly outstanding individuals and you left them at what?" "Uhm....." "Eighteen feet! Actually eight and a fourth inches over eighteen feet tall. Eleven feet taller than where the giant status begins!" ***************************************************************************** Somewhere on some unknown tropical island Julian and Terry were lying on a large brush of foliage on an embankment overlooking a sandy beach. The shuffling of their feet have broken up and caused the collapse of one end of the embankment making it a much smoother slope down to the beach. Their arms, as large, if not larger, than most of the young adult palm trees surrounding them, caused the same said trees to bend or break under their weight when they stretched or shifted. The sun kissed their skin making it turn a golden color, but not too dark and leathery looking of a tan. The breeze caressed and wafted over their entire bodies, rushing over their muscle bellies, whistling into their crevices, and swirling round in them. On their arms, legs, abs, and chest, their hair drifted and waved like long standing grass in this breeze and tickled and stroked their skin into pleasant, dreamy pleasure. Sighing Julian rolled over and into the arm pit, chest, and abdomen area of Terry. Groggily he sighed again and his mind thought he must be in the arms of his lover. He raised his right and to mindlessly run his fingers through the chest hair of Terry, ever so lightly cupping Terry's massive pectorals before finally gliding up and down Terry's obliques and abs. This cause Terry to raise his right arm and wrap Julian in it, pulling him closer and causing Julian to rest his head up onto the mighty, thick, and dense pillow that was Terry's right pec. Terry became pretty motionless, just holding Julian to his side, while Julian continued his ab stroking. However, Terry despite his drowsiness was moving and moving quickly. Sensing someone beside him, a man, a man who was just as big and as powerful as he was, his cock began to rise in arousal and stretched and it inched, larger...thicker....fuller....harder.....over the course of minutes until it finally rose up enough to flip itself and point up continuing it's journey towards Julian's hand. After it nudged Julian's hand, Julian had a smile spread across his lips, and his hand began to grab a hold of Terry's massive member and begin to stroke it. Julian's mind was filled with visions of how large his lover was and it began to turn him on. His cock answering the arousal response began to lurch and jump out longer, thicker, fuller, fatter. Julian couldn't believe how long it was taking him to achieve a full erection, but he was enjoying this lingering and lengthening sensation as his cock stretched out longer and longer than before. But then his cock struck something hard. It was Terry's hip. Yet his cock kept inflating. It kept getting bigger and bigger. It was becoming hard and stiff and large enough on its own that it began to push Julian away from Terry. It began to roll him over. Suddenly Julian's mind was flooded with memories, scenes from the last couple of months: being abducted by a large man, then abducted by aliens, finding out his first kidnapper was Terry, him and Terry growing into giants, made to grow more by made military doctors, turned into ice giants by space doctors, living on a frost giant world and going through another puberty and becoming even taller and more hulkish. "huuuuuuuu!" Julian suddenly sat up gasping and his eyes fluttering in the sunlight, trying to adjust to real life vision and hoping it didn't contain any of what he had been seeing in his dreams. But the near smack of his chin and the great slap to his chest by his own cock let him know that those dreams were real. "Hey," said Terry, "Are you alright?" "Terry... we're huge!" "I know. I never thought I would like to be taller and bigger than I was, but I....." and Terry flexed his left arm as he bounced his pecs and then made a face and bobbed his cock, "I like this." "Terry, we're too big! We'll never fit in on Earth if we ever...." Julian looked around at the surroundings. "Where are we?" "Actually, I think we're back on Earth. But you're right, we're never going to fit into normal society. We're as tall as some of these palm trees. not to mention built like the hulk and hung like a horse." "What are we going to do? And.....what the hell....look at what you caused to...." "Hey....shhhhh. Listen... I'm here for you. Yes, we're too big for the normal world, but we're the same size, we have each other. Is that... is that such a bad thing? I know... .... I know I love you. Always have. I would be here for you now. I would never leave your side. Especially since you need someone roughly the same size to be with you. I didn't mean for us to become this size. And remember your own fantasy journals made the aliens think we were supposed to grow and grow and the rest of it is all accidents, mistakes from other alien races." Julian turned and looked out to the sea. "It's not how you probably saw your future, Julian, but you're now twice to three times bigger and dozens of times stronger than any of the jocks that used to pick on you, and you have a man who's just as huge that loves you and would love to love you. Would that be such a bad life, even stuck on this, what is probably deserted island?" Julian slowly turned, pivoting on flat feet on his heels, causing large sand dunes to be formed. "You never answered where you thought we were. Do you think we're back on Earth?" "Well, even though things look a little small to us, it feels right. Don't you think so? I mean my body feels comfortable here, like it doesn't have to adjust." "You're right I don't think my body needs to adjust either. ... ...." Julian dropped to his knees, and brought his face up close to Terry's. "...Except to adjust to having an old friend as a lover, partner, and feeling his gigantic body on me and his monster tool in me." With that Julian bent forward and kissed Terry passionately, deeply, pushing him back down in the brush. **************************************************************************** "And what of this genetic sequence here? Does that look like it is part of the human make up?" "Uhmmmm, no sir." "No sir? It doesn't? So that means you still have some of the genetic codes and markers of the Calcryans still active in those two men. Do you know what the ramifications of this could be? The mildest of which would be they retain some of the natural pigmentation tattoos. What if that kind of marking is largely taboo on Earth?" ****************************************************************************** Terry and Julian caressed and rolled and rolled on the embankment, then into the sand and shore for what must have been an hour's worth of caressing, stroking, massaging, kissing, neck nibbling, tongue wrestling. Finally they came up for air Terry on top, Julian flat back against the sand. As they looked into each other's eyes, Terry saw Julian's ice blue eyes become even icier and bluer than they were before. Julian say Terry's eyes glow and turn into a deep, dark, but brilliant green. What they didn't notice was the skin over their left pectoral. It looked like an invisible hand was drawing over it, recreating a familiar marking that they had when they were temporarily Calcryans. But this time they didn't share the same snowflake shape of the Calcryan nobility, instead they each developed their own symbol. Instead of a snowflake Julian looked like he had a capital D appear as his tattoo-ish birthmark, while Terry's looked like a capitol M. Terry stood up and walked out into deeper parts of the ocean, pulling on Julian's hand, with eyes begging him to come in and join him. Once there he wrapped his arms around Julian's waist and pulled him in close, tilting his head to go in for a deep passionate kiss, as Julian hugged Terry's neck with his arms and Terry's waist with his legs. It wasn't long before Terry used the buoyancy and the wetness of the ocean to help him push and thrust his cock further and further up into Julian's hole. They rocked and bobbed with the tidal waves that came in with perfect rhythm. All the kissing, caressing, nip nibbling, sock sucking, and ass fucking that went on, pounding each other as the waves pounded their sweaty, wet, salty, muscular bodies. Suddenly Julian pushed down on Terry's shoulders and hoisted himself off of Terry's colossal cock, screaming "I need you in me!" Terry wondered for a moment as Julian backed away from him, but then went into surprise, shock, and ecstacy as Julian bobbed cock heads with him as though they were going to frot something fierce. Instead Julian's cock seemed to grow wider and thicker and suddenly Terry found his dong sliding into and up Julian's and it felt tighter and better than any ass if could ever experience. Back and forth like two piston parts rubbing together they thrust and bucked and pushed and pulled each shaft back and forth. Caressing their own pecs and pinching their own nips, fondling their own balls. Finally Terry began to buck and shiver, shake and quake, and with a loud ecstatic moan he arched his head and back backwards and sent a torrent of a seamen stream up and through Julian's cock and into his balls. With this, Julian's balls began to become slightly fuller and larger, hanging a little bit lower. However, Julian had no time to wonder what had happened to him, a feeling and an urge took him over and he reached out to grab Terry's dynamic dong which wasn't going flaccid after release. No it went the exact opposite becoming larger, fatter opening up for Julian's cock, which slid in nicely and the pair once again went into rhythmic action until Julian found the grand release that Terry has recently discovered, while Terry discovered the newer sensation of even larger testies. *************************************************************************** "Are you aware the human race is an opposite gender reproductive system, where as the Calcryans' are flexible?" "Uh...what?" "Yes, because of the harsh cold nature of the planet, their reproductive systems are able to reproduce female-male, female-female, male-male. We're not sure how but they are able to do so. Now what if that's introduced on a not so harsh world as Earth is?" ***************************************************************************** Almost five months have gone by. Terry and Julian have managed to create a large shelter of somewhat to help keep the rains off of them, find shade from the sun from time to time, or store food, and finally find a bit more level place to lie down and go to sleep in. They were returning home, walking along the beach, after fishing the ocean depths for very large fish to feed them. They had discovered that they seemed to be eating less and less, so to speak, and that a good blow job from one another and sucking down of their partner's semen was enough to sustain and fill them up. They had begun making gigantic weight sets out of palm trees and parts of ships wrecked on the island or reefs. Julian managed to make some rudimentary instruments and would play pieces for Terry, while Terry learned how to make some paper and canvas and began to draw and write things with some homemade ink. Their walk home was a little slower than usual this evening. Their balls had grown considerable in the past four and half months, becoming exceptional of girth, weight, and low hanging. Every movement, no, the mere thought of them caused those testicles to feel racked with pain. But the two giant, young studs were dealing with it, laughing and smiling, staring all star cross at each other like they often did at dusk before giving into love and lust once more and screwing the hell out of one another. Julian was just about to ask if Terry wanted to head back to the shelter and make out when suddenly he felt and extreme pain as though he had be kicked in his oversized nuts. "UUAAAAAAH!" Julian dropped to his knees in the surf. "Jules! Are you alright." "I'm.... fine.... something is up though with my balls. They're in such....pain...." "Don't worry we'll figure this ouOOOOOOOOOOOUT!" And now Terry dropped to his knees. Before long the two men lay on their backs writhing and grimacing in pain and frustration. Both of them made large divots in the sand as they beat their hands and fists against it. Although they were in pain so bad they had begun to see stars, their cocks began to engorge themselves and stretch and grow to their hardest and fullest potential. This only added weight to the men's balls causing the pain to increase even more. Finally Julian managed to stammer, "I need you to jack me off." "What?!" "I don't know why, but something is telling me this will go on unless I jack off." "You mean masturbation will take care of this pain? But we jack off two, three, four times a day. How on Earth could we have blue balls?" "I don't know, but I need to be wanked and wanked now!" "OOOOooooooooohhhh so do I. I can feel it now... I need to blow." "Move to me, feet to feet." "What?" "Just move to me, lie down in the sand, but do it your feet to my feet." "Then what? OH huh huh huh huh huh" "Now move in....a little closer. Yes... now spread your legs open wide. Now move in your left foot and use it to caress... OH! YES! OH GAWD YES! THAT'S IT! Now at the same time I'll caress your balls with my foot..." "HOLY FUCK! THAT FEELS SOOOOO FUCKING GOOD!" "Now... NOW! HUH huh huh huh...jack....s...s.s.s.....stroke your own cock." The two men began to do this, squirming in pain and yet pleasure at the same time. But as they did so, they began to feel their pecs inflating, growing fuller, larger, broader, wider, denser, harder." "My pecs.... Julian.... my pecs are swelling. I couldn't see past them before but now it's like I have two balloons, no, tires being rapidly....UH!....rap.....rapidly filled with air." "No....feel it.... really feel it! I can feel the insides flow.... like I'm being filled with liquid. I can hear the swish and gurgle." It seemed like they stroked their cock and rubbed each other's balls for hours until finally Julian began to buck and pant and cry. "Oh. OH! OH! Oh my gawd!" Suddenly his scrotum pull up and close to his crotch and suddenly a large object seem to get injected into and ejected out of his cock onto Terry's chest. Once there it immediately began to cry and wail until it suddenly found and latched onto Terry's right nipple. "Terry... Terry can you see what that was? What it is and doing? I mean.. shit I think something came out of me there....." "I...I think.... I THINK!...... You're...gonna.....you're gonna....find out.... SOON!" And just as Julian's had done before Terry's scrotum and cock now did the same and before he knew it Julian had something attach itself and begin sucking on his left nipple. But before he could react to that, his body repeated the same actions as it had done before, and Terry followed suit quickly behind. The two men lie there panting in the sand and surf, feeling their nuts shrink back down to their normal freakish size. With their hands they began to feel and grope just under their pecs at the objects that came out from them and attached to their nipples. "Julian.... Julian! Are these what I think they are that I am feeling?" "Yes....congratulations Terry.... It's a boy and ....a boy! Congratulation you're a father! How 'bout on my end?" "If I can tell correctly... it's two boys on this side too, proud pappa." The two tried to raise their heads up enough to see over their pectorals and look at each other, upon which they began chuckle and then laugh, before laying their head back down in the sand and laugh hysterically. ****************************************************************************** "And then... do you know what's going to happen to them if you left any of their aging sequence DNA inside them? Once adults the Calcryans age at a much slower rate than humans do, and we don't know much about how Calcryans age while growing up. How is that going to mix with human DNA? And it is those same set of genes that allows things to be passed down like an embedded memory. How will that work?" "I don't know, sir." ****************************************************************************** Ten years had passed since Julian and Terry had lied down on the beach and given birth to four boys. They decided that their last name would be Dealmiki, while giving them the first names of Calum, Cotton, Loki, and Ajay, and raised them with every bit of knowledge they could remember. Yes, the term is raised. The first number of years the boys were fed by milk from Terry and Julian, then they were fed as much fish and fruit they could collect, and within those short ten years the boys grew and grew and grew, both mentally and physically eventually rising and standing taller and broader than their Dad's. They only knew how much taller due to a ship that crashed upon the island in which they discovered a measuring tape and marked out a growth tree. The young men were now fully grown adults standing twenty feet four and three-fourths inches tall. Almost two feet taller than their dads, and they were just a bit more muscular, dense, strong - proportionately, than their fathers. They had thick mane of hair on top of their head, and were covered in feathery hair over their chest, abs, arms, and legs just like dad and papa, too. And of course they were just as hung as well, eighty and three-fourths inches long when erect. It was the evening of their eleventh birthday. Julian & Terry couldn't believe how much the "boys" had grown and that they stood before them full physical adults. Not only that but their thirst for knowledge was voracious and their experience, comprehension, and development of emotional maturity was beyond scary. The six men celebrated the double set of twins' birthday and then the boys set out to camp on the other side of the island to have some fun on their own, leaving their Dad's to rest and cuddle. Ajay stood looking out over the seam almost like he was one guard. His looks was the closest to Terry's: dark olive skin, jet black hair, and deep forest green eyes, but his penchant of being on look out and worrying about the others was more of Julian's character. Loki was a combination of both Terry and Julian physically. Shocking bush of platinum blond hair, plus the rest of the hair on his body, which then stood out against his deeply tan skin, and made his brooding burnt sienna colored eyes pop out due to contrast. Like his name, he was the trickster of the four, not so much that he liked playing practical jokes, but that he was the most inquisitive, which frequently brought a little mayhem. He was busy picking up drift wood or pulling up some older palms and making a fire. Cotton looked the most like Julian physically, brilliant platinum blond hair on a lighter skinned body with piercing blue eyes. Like Loki, he was also inquisitive but more in a studious way. He'd sit for hours and watch something unfold so that he could understand it. He was busying lying on his back near the fire Loki was building and staring at the stars finding and identifying the constellations in his mind. Last was Calum who took on traits from both parents, individually and mixed, thus looked a little mismatched. The hair on top of his head was a dirty, strawberry-blonde, but as you worked your way down his body his hair got darker and darker until it became a golden brown that glistened with golden highlights in the sun. Instead of either blue or green eyes under that mop of reddish hair there was a pair of deep, nearly black eyes. He was the most lax of the four boys, except when it came time to celebrate. He was definitely the party maker, and attendee. In fact, his lazy ways had slightly changed his body shape from the others. He was still as tall and as powerfully built as the other three, but instead of having a tight, taught waist of abdominal cobblestone like his dads and brothers he had a little bit of a ball gut that was dense like granite with the lattice pattern on it. He was leaning back on a bolder and drinking the last of a secret drink he had made out of a hollowed tree trunk. Polishing off the drink, Calum leaned his head back and let out a huge belch, which at his size could nearly shake their side of the island. "Gawd, Calum, a little decorum would ya?" "Oh shush, Ajay. Kick back and enjoy. It's our birthday, and it's not like we'll ever experience any formal occasion anyway. We're three nearly four times as tall as most men. If we go to the mainland, we wouldn't fit in their buildings let alone be able to sit down at their tables." "Shush, Calum. I don't want to hear about food right now. I'm freakin' starving." "How could you be starving, Cotton? We just got through with a birthday feast. Dad and pa cooked a ton of fish for each of us, plus kelp and seaweed, coconuts, We had plenty to eat." "I don't know Calum." said Ajay. "I think I'm feeling the same way. I just feel so....hungry." Loki spoke up with smirk and a laugh. "I don't feel hungry, I feel... .... .... What's dad's term for it? I think... I feel horny?" "What?" The other three said in surprise. "Seriously, do you two actually feel hungry or is it this feeling, this urge, coming from like not the pit of your stomach, but lower... .... in your groin." Ajay spun 'round on his heels in the sand, "Alright, Loki, that's enough, you don't need to get all weird on us to be amusing on our birthday." But Loki lay back on his back, his hands going up to his mountainously mounding pecs and began to rub them while traveling down his abs and then began to rub his inner thighs and balls. "No... seriously.... I feel so.... hot. Like I'm burning up and I need something to happen... down here.... I need.....it's like a pressure that..... that..... must be......released." Ajay called out that it needed to stop but after a couple minutes of Loki writhing on the ground becoming less and less in control of himself, decided that they should perhaps send one of them to go get their fathers. "No." said Cotton as he rolled over on his side and stared intently at Loki. "Let's watch and see what this is. Maybe it's part of our giant nature or something." The trio stood, sat, or lie there watching as Loki got quiet, continued to rub himself until it became rhythmic and his breathing began to match the pace. Then it happened.... Loki's cock, nearly thigh long soft, just like his three brothers, began to lurch, stretch, and throb forward more and more greatly increasing in length and in then in girth. Up and out it grew, stiffening harder and harder. "C...C... Cotton?" Said Loki with a fearful look on his face and a hand reached out towards him. "What's happening to me. My penis is becoming so rigid, so long!" Cotton rushed and kneeled down beside Loki. "It's ok, Loki. We'll figure out what this is... we just need to go ask dad and pa.....pa......." "Cotton?" "So.....hungry......." "What?" Suddenly almost as if he had no choice in the matter, Cotton reached out to Loki's engorged schlong and brought the head of it to his mouth. It was but a few moments and grasps of surprise and pleasure from Loki, that soon Cotton's dick began to stretch and inflate as he nibbled and sucked on Loki's giant cock head. "Cotton! What are you doing? ", called out Ajay. You need to stop that!" "Wait, Ajay.... look!" said Calum and the pair watched in surprise as their brother, Cotton's prick, inflated and lifted, stiff and proud as it grew and grew. "We need.... to.....to.... so...... so....hungry....." Suddenly Ajay had moved over to pull and tug on Cotton's cock and bring it to his mouth so his tongue could work on it fast and feverishly. Calum, recoiled in horror and then knelt down next to Ajay, frantically trying to speak to him. "Ajay, you need to stop. You're the one who's always cautious, watching over us. You're the common sense to our fiery passions and instincts. You need to stop so we can run back and tell Dad and Papa. We need to.... oh man...I feel so.... hungry... .IT'S HAPPENING TO ME! Ajay! You need to snap out of it!" Calum thought about getting up and running, but by the time he did so, Ajay's schlong had risen and grew and grew and grew in its firm erection that it raised up to the level of Calum's chin and mouth. The moment slit touched lips, it was anyone could ever write. The four young giants twisted and turned, writhed and slithered, groped and squeezed on the sandy ground until one by one they all arched their back in spasms and released muffled and clogged moans of god like passion while drinking from their siblings at the same time. The felt like they were blowing for hours, string after string of cum from one infinite, continuous load. It blew past each other's lips, over their tongue, down their throats, before hitting and gathering in their stomachs, which began to fill up and become distended. After lying somewhat comatose from the four wads blown, the quartet of brothers began to slowly sit up and a breath in deeply trying to clear their heads. "I think...." said Cotton..... "I think now that we're adults, that is how we feed." "What?" cried out Calum. "Are you nuts?" "No, think about it. Do you feel hungry anymore?" "What? Uhm..... no...I don't...." "Loki.... how 'bout you?" "I feel...... neither hungry nor horny." "It makes sense... we weren't full, even despite the things Dad and Pa made for us, and at our height and size....We'd deplete the ocean of wild life within just a few years trying to feed us four." "Six, Cotton. There's Dad and Pa, too." "But think about it. Have you ever seen them eat food?" "Yeah... at....wait.... it's only on special occasions." "Exactly. Ajay, what do think about this?" Ajay hadn't gotten up or completely recovered yet from the experience that he and his siblings just had. But now... now he was standing up slowly, somewhat stoically, looking into the distant horizon as if he had some important work to do. "I think...." "Ajay?" "We must protect our race. And we must make sure all generations are equal in size and strength." "AJAY?" Suddenly the other three watched as Ajay's cock, so recently blown and sagged into softness, rose up to full longest, thickest, and hardest mast it could ever achieve, and he began walking to the other side of the island where Julian and Terry relaxed and cuddled. A couple of the brothers loosely uttered an objection, but suddenly they were all overcome by the same sense of urgency, desire, need that Ajay was under and they began to walk towards home base, cocks granite hard rods bobbing in the moonlight. *************************************************************************** "And these genetic markers, forget everything it might do to those two, what will happen to other humans that come into contact with it? Via sweat, let alone sexual fluids. And this marker here.... this one allows them to adapt and pick up other traits still. Is this one... I can't even tell the report is blotched with stain patterns and running ink." "Uhm... ..... uhm..... that set of markers....are ......are inert, sir. We thought not to do too much damage and rebuilding removing sequences if not necessary. Since that one registered in them as non-functional, we thought it alright to leave it in." "Well, that's one of the few things you've gotten right about this mess!" ****************************************************************************** It didn't take long before the four boys reached their fathers, suddenly waking them with their presence and startling them with their touches, gropes, and fondles. Julian and Terry started protesting, but soon realized they were over powered by their taller and stronger children. Eventually they were standing in a daisy chain, circle: Cotton into Loki and Loki into Julian, who was in Ajay, who was in Calum, who was in Terry, who was in Cotton. Developing a rhythm, the four young men started chanting as they thrust and caused their fathers to do the same. "Preserve the race. Equal strength for all generations...." The thrusting and grunting continued for quite some time until the four boys all released at once and a build up of power rushed round their circle. It wasn't visible to the naked eye, but one could definitely see the shock wave effects it had on every man there. Eventually the four sons dropped to the ground, while Terry and Julian stood their ground and began to moan and cry out as though they were having the best sex of their life mingled with torture. Slowly their frames began to rise up taller, higher, broader, thicker, growing and growing upwards and out. Their feet covered more area and began to sink deeper in the sand. Their arms hung further and further out as their lat spread out wider and wider. The arms also became fuller and fuller with a larger, denser, bigger peak of biceps and triceps. Their necks lengthen and thickened become a sick column of power while their chests developed further and farther than before barreling out more and more over their abdominals and obliques, eventualy rising up so high they had a hard time pushing their head down. Their legs became covered in vessels that climbed and entwined like vines round a post, and as that dance occurred, Julian and Terry had to widen and widen their stance as their thighs became thicker and thicker, wider, harder, along with their already impossible huge diamond cut calves. Then their balls swole larger and hung slightly lower while their cocks extended and bulked in girth as they became erect and grew and Grew and GREW! Their cocks full extended in massive I-beam like erections, the pair, joined by their sons in raising their hands above their heads in classic victory pose stance. They were every bit as tall, broad, thick, strong, hung, and virile as their sons now. Soon all six issued a primal scream to the night as they all blew a load, streaming it yards and yards across to hit one another and splatter. As they all eventually began to sink down in exhaustion from their euphoria, they failed to be able to see or notices one of several things happening on the island. To the east their rose a submarine, and squeezing out of the hatch was a man, Although still quite small to these six men, he was a hulking giant in the real world on mainland. His form was like that of the hulk but with a blonde buzz cut, a golden tan, and his name rank and awards tattooed on his upper arms and his chest. From the south-west there was arriving a very tall yet within normal parameters, somewhat built, Polynesian young man arriving in an outrigger canoe, filled with some rations, offerings, and stories and carvings of various legends of his people. Down from the north-east there was a golden haired, muscular man, with pale skin, who was just a tad shorter than Polynesian young man he couldn't see arriving. He was in his own private boat that looked slightly not of this world, full of many electronic gadgets that he was firmly set on contemplating. High above, without anyone taking notice, was a blue flash and streak of what appears to be a comet plunging through the Earth's atmosphere but not actually breaking apart. It crashes in the very heart of the island, but far away from Julian & Terry's family, or the arrival point of the three unknown visitors.
  4. FREaky

    Abduction Part Six

    Abduction Part Six by F_R_Eaky More parts are still coming,too. Enjoy. Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9055-abduction-part-three/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9137-abduction-part-four/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9182-abduction-part-five/ There was a great din from all the chatter taking place in the stands of the auditorium. This rolling noise began to soften and become a great murmer and then finally winds of whispers as the auditorium began to get dark and figures began to take their place for the unfolding event. Three semi-circular fence like structures rose up on the arena floor, each one highlighted by a spotlight. On the opposite side of the floor another, single fence rose, while in front of them but more centered of their two locations, a semi-circular platform rose higher and higher. Soon there rose a disk from the ground behind the singular semi-circular fence, with several people standing together as a group and one man at the point. Meanwhile from various stands in the auditorium, a few seats detatched themselves and began to deposite a singular semi-transparent humanoid with an equally, but rainbow sheened, translucent blob inside his head behind one semi-circular fence; a group of various sized, shaped, and hued aliens in white or light blue aprons, coats, or clothes, behind another fence; and finally two twin humanoids with a very low and pale yellow glow around them, Nixos & Drixos, behind the last. After all creatures on the floor were arrnaged, the auditorium became darker still and one by one seven spots on the tall semi-circular platform on the arena floor began to be filled by all manner of space alien like creatures, each one under their own spotlight. When they were filled, a humanoid in very distinguished robes came through an archway, sat on a very impressive looking chair, which then floated towards the top of the semi-circular platform, but then stopped and attached itself to the platform on the left hand side about three to four feet from the top. The robed humanoid looked at the seven aliens above him, who all gave a solemn nod at the same time. The robed figure then turned to look out over the auditorium, where upon he grabbed a large crystal orb and banged it on the side of his chair's arm thrice. "The court of the Interplanetary Council of Subuducamamasfos in now in session. We call upon the case number Appshiyat-Ateqisyem-Agemolingnul-2-0-0-7: Interplanetary Council verses The Doctors of Nasiph, The Aura Luminary Corps, and Drixos & Nixos Sharapat. This being the continuation of four days worth of deliberation, the Council will come to decision upon it today, barring any new evidence. Does any council wish to present any new material?" There was silence. "None presented we shall present judgement. The Honorable Kel-Ha shall speak on behalf of the judges today." Nodding towards the aliens upon the platform, the robed humanoid sat down at his chair upon which a desk formed in front. At this time all the lights shinning upon the seven judges dimmed saved the central one. "We have reviewed this case with much diligence, and have decided to deal with it with an extreme hand of grace and decorum. There was a great wrong here, one that could cause a planetary catastrophy beyond all measure. Indeed it may even cause a civil war. On top of that we have two members of a lesser evolved species that have had their genetics altered to a point which they may not ever be able to return, although we understand some of that was their own race's doing. Although we are going to find for no malice or ill will on all three of the involved parties, we must insist that in the future extreme caution, care, and fact finding occurr before jumping to conlusions, salvations, and corrective measures. Which is why although we find you innocent to a certain extant, there will be stiff recompense to be done or paid none the less! "To The Doctors of Nasiph. Although your record is usually exemplary, you performed corrective surgery without having further tested the subjects, Terry Mikicia and Julian Dealag, two humans from the planet Earth, to verify what species they were and where they came from. We understand the error given their size and appearance, and given being mislead by the assumptions of the members of the Aura Luminary Corps, Drixos and Nixos Sharapat. Never the less, you should have followed all of your protocols in verifying who they were for you have now turned two humans into Calcryans and did so using specific DNA you were only to touch in emergcies as set by the agreement between you and the Calcryan government and monarchy. The result is that these two humans, now Calcryans, are at a Calcryan age of still physcial growing development, AND...and.... the DNA you used was from the royal family line. These two things combined mean the two humans could wind up becoming even larger than before and thus, perhaps, unfit to live on their home world. Not only that but by using the royal family DNA, you, unwittingly, according to Calcryan law may have created more possible heirs to the throne. They are smaller than the current reigning monarch and heirs apparent, but if they become larger than them, it could cause a civil war. "Therefore as punishment, all of you will be required to take classes in interplanetary law, reminding you of what one has the right to do concerning the operating on various galactic species, as well as a review of your own policies and procedures for detecting and identifying original DNA. This will be done after the two Earthmen are brought back from the Calcryan's home world of Callero, and you have returned them to full human status, and until you have completed the classes, the entire complex's services shall be placed on hold. Anyone in non compliance will be apprehended and sent to the penal colonies. "Next, the Aura Luminary Corps, or more specifically the Guardians of the Corps. Your punishment will be listed with our next defendants. ... .... .... "Drixos & Nixos Sharapat, although admirable that you took a team in to rescue those two Earthlings, you did so at great risk and with great consequences because you based many of your decisions on whims and assumptions instead of tactical manuvers and scientific fact. You exposed the presence of the Interplanetary Council and all their races to an awaiting member of our council, that would not be eligable for applying until they achieved long range space travelling capabilities. You had corrective surgery done on two Earthlings based upon an assumption on what their physical appearance looked like instead of one, following the facts as stated by one Dries Van Donk, a hidden member of the Nord'oks on Earth, and two, would have been confirmed by simple DNA testing on your part. And it is your assumptions that lead to your own council into taking the two Earthlings to the Doctors of Nasiph for corrective treatment. "This is why the the council orders the following fines and punsihment: First Drixos & Nixos Sharapat, it shall be your duty to go to Callero and find the two Earthlings and bring them back to the Doctors of Nasiph for treatment. Second the Guardians of the Aura Liminary Corps are to take the same classes as the Doctors of Nasiph. Until such time as their completion, the Aura Liminary Corps are all temporarily suspended from any activity involving protection and law enforcement. Like wise if not in writing, it shall be made so, that the laws regarding treatment and interference with other galatic cultures are a prerequisite before graduating from the Corps. Third all Corps members shall report for a class on this subject or their temporary ban will not be lifted, and finally after classes have been taken, Drixos & Nixos Sharapat are to have a period of one full year of suspension without their abilities before they are allowed to resume duties within the Corps. Any diviation from this will result in apprehension and internment to one of the penal colonies as well as consideration for the application of disbanding the Aura Liminary Corps altogether. "There is one other final note. Although several things were handled with great assumption and negligence, it did bring about a sad truth to the attention of the Interplanetary Council. The original origin of all this great mutating of DNA of these two Earthmen, as well as the finding of kidnapping of another species, has caused this court to issue a warrant for the arrest and impounding of all Syriegs within our sector of space. Once apprehended we shall contact the leaders of their world and a trial shall then commence. There will be a bounty placed upon their heads, to bring them in alive... ... ...claimable by any, save for members of the Aura Luminary Corps, who can bring either the members or their ships into custody." The light dimmed over Kel-Ha's head, and the desk disappeared in front of the robed humanoid. "This ends this court and case of the Interplanetary Council of Subuducamamasfos. Note the judgement and pay heed... ... ..." *********************************************************************** Meanwhile on Cellero a messenger has entered the throne room of King Quubah and Queen Ghalaishian ruling monarchs of Callero. The pair are tall, giants by our standards, and very stately, with monochromatic skin and hair coloring in hues from white to greys and blues. They are broad and thick, strong, heavily muscled of frames, and although blue skinned, almost give the appearance of being ice sculptures come to life. Their snow white hair blowing in the breeze, along with crystal like robes. Over their left shoulder and pectoral or breast region is something that looks like a tattoo. It starts in a line going diagonally from base of the neck to the arm pit, but breaking this line in the middle is a shape something akin to a snowflake. "Tell me, messenger, where is my son. He is to be here with me to learn how to regard and solve this newly arrived matter of state." "Your Majesty, Prince Phro-xen is neither in the castle nor in the capitol city. Reports have it that he left in the middle of the night taking his younger brother, Prince Blihzcard with him... ... ... several days ago. They intend to remove the threat of royal impostors from usurping the throne or their heritage." "THOSE FOOLS! The arrivals are not originally from our lands. They do not know our ways. They will be scared and homesick for their world. The way to approach them is to welcome them, help them, assist them. Then they will be willing to leave to go back home, once they've had corrective surgery. Chasing them down will cause them to become pissed off at all of Callero, especially the Royal Family. Worse yet, if they manage to evade capture and a chase and hunt pursues, they will build up a tremendous amount of exercise before they go into hybernated growth." "Hybernated growth, Your Majesty?" "Yes. These aliens made into Calcryans are still but of a young age to us. They are right at the moment where they will have their final physical growth and development. The one where we are cocooned in ice and our bodies grow and grow depending on how many ice crystals form around us and become part of us. These two men are nearly as tall as we are now. The Princes force them into a chase, into greats amount of work to remain free, they could not only grow to be much larger and stronger than us, but in a pissed off state, and backed and pressed by any usupers that could meet with them, they may actually take the throne from us. The Princes are causing their own downfall! Prepare my team! We now must hunt for the Princes, and pray to Phrah-sté we find them in time." On the other sideof the main continent, two figures are running across the top of a frozen plateau, breathing heavily, icily, exhausted from climbing and running. They are just over fifteen feet tall and exceedingly muscled. One has peircing ice blue eyes and gleaming white hair, while the other had eyes so deep and dark indigo they almost look black, with hair the same azure hue. "I have never seen anyone pursue someone with such a hatred and a vengence, Julian. Not even in sports competitions. These two men and their following are nuts!" "I'll say they are, Terry. Have you heard what their screams are? They keep spouting off something about trying to usurp the monarchy. I have no idea what monarchy they're talking about." There were a few blast shots that came from below them and landed a little too close. Looking around, Terry noticed a fairly large, slightly balanced boulder on one edge of the plateau. Rushing it, Terry slammed his shoulder and hands into its side rocking the boulder slightly. After a coupler of tries, he called out to Julian who staring up the side of the mountain. "Julian... JULIAN! Help me out here. This will help us just a short bit." Julian joining Terry, the two men easily shift the boulder off its balancing point and sent it plumeting down the side of the plateau, where upon it caused the troops following the two royal hunters to scatter in every direction. "What were you looking at? Why were you staring off into a daze when we have this fight on our hands?" "I wasn't staring off into space, Terry. I was looking just a little further up the mountain. Look at that point up there. It's a cave entrance. I think we might have a chance of making it up there before they reach the top of this plateau." "You sure on that. We keep having a harder and harder time breathing here, Julian." "I know, but I think it's something we'll get used to." "Used to? What do you mean?" "Every single night, since this chase has begun taking place, when we wake up in the morning, we've been covered in a layer of .... like....ice crystals. I think it's come from a mixture of the surrounding air and the sweat we're producing in these alien bodies, and I think it's becoming part of us." "A part of us?" "Yeah. Every day we seem to get stronger and stronger. Although we still kind of look like we're in a jumpsuit of the frost build up, it's not become a gigantic four foot thick layer. After the second day, as another layer builds up upon us, we abosorb one into our bodies becoming stronger and more muscular. That's why you were nearly able to move that boulder by yourself. It's why we're out of breath; our muscles have been getting larger and larger and stronger and denser and we're not used to running with the added weight yet. I mean, look at us, I can tell we're already broader than we used to be. If we were in our humanoid forms again, we'd look absolutely sick with muscle." "Well let's just hope it doesn't add to our cock size. Even with them balled up in a supportive pouch in front of us, it's hard to run any way given the size of these fuckers." "I thought you were turned on by my...uh....our size." Terry chuckled, "Shush and head for the cavern." The pair of men ran towards base of the mountain side in which the cave was located, followed by a goodly climb. They reached the top just as the two princes and their entourage reached the top of the plateau that was now below the pair. A couple of well placed blasts alerted Julian and Terry that their pursuers hadn't given up and they ran into the cave, hoping that there would be another way out or at the least, a way to keep the princes and their followers at bay. After a good length the cave opened up from something tunnel like into a vast cavern with great width and height. Not only that, but turning around to look back to the tunnel entrance, Julian and Terry could see a large boulder, on the right hand side of the cavern mouth, which would be large enough to completely block entrance into the cavern. Working together again, the pair managed to get the boulder to rock and then roll over to the left until it fell in front of the cavern mouth. However they knew, if the two of them could roll it, the two princes might be able to as well, and if not them, just a few volunteers from their entourage joining them would easily roll the great rock away. Looking up into the cavern Julian pointed out there parts of the cavern wall above the opening looked a little unstable and with any luck they two of them could create a rock slide which would add to the difficulty getting in as then it would be a boulder backed by a pile of smaller rocks which we harder to simply push one's way through. The pair climbed up to precarious ledges above the cavern mouth and began slamming their fists as best as they could the create the rock slide, which after several blows they did achieve. They jumped back down and stood in the center of the cavern looking at the rock slide and then stacked up any loose rocks and boulders that lay close by. "Julian, do find it harder to move right now?" "Yeah... those layer of crystals I was talking about have now worked up about several layers before absortion begins. We've not only gained more weight, but all these ice like crystals have added to our weight as well. I feel like I have on about twenty weight jackets." "I feel so sleepy as well." "Me too." "What... what do think that mark is that's developing on your chest?" "You mean the one that looks similar to the one developing on the same area as your chest?" The pair stared at one another as something that appeared to be a tattoo or a birthmark formed on their upper torso. Starting from the base of their neck and running down to their under arm on their left pec, was a line that was broken in the middle by a snowflake. "As if.... the blue tinting to our skin and hair wasn't enough." "Yeah....where the hell is Loki? He could teach us how to look normal." "I.... I don't see....another....another way out of here, Julian. I think we need to climb the walls of this cavern and see if we can find some other tunnels higher up to get to." "Or..... or......uhm......uh....or climb out that hole up on top. It looks large enough for us to pass through, but I don't recall seeing it from the outside. If.... if...we....." "Yeah....if we.... can, uhm.....get there we could leave the two.....two.....princes...." The two men backed into each other in the center of the cavern and stood back to back. "Terry.... I don't think I can....can move. My feet feel like...." "Like lead....mine too. I feel so...heavy..... so sleepy." "The crystals are getting deeper and larger....and there's a dark blue goo....forming....around..... around... our....." "Got to.....keep our....feet moving......can't stay....stay..... staaaaaaay." The two men leaned back to back into one another and their eyes closed as they went into a deep, deep sleep. One by one the multiple layers of ice crystals that had developed from air moisture and persperation, became absorbed into the bodies. As this happened their muscles began to increase in size, density, and strength. Their calves started swelling first, bunching and bulging becoming impossibly thick and hard. A vein full of what we would probably describe as literally ice blue water snaked up from around the feet and ankles entering into the the hope diamond shaped calves causing it to swell so large it looked as large as the men's current upper arm. Next everything, back to front, tightened on the young men's thighs, which were already colossal, but they began to swell and inflate, larger, thicker, faster, as the icy river meandered and rolled over each muscle belly and crevice. Inflating to proportions that would proclaim them to be permenant bicycle riding bodybuilders, the thighs began to push their feet further and further apart as they required a wider and broader stance in order to simply stand. Next their asses bubbled out even larger, fuller, tighter, taughter and more solid above the mighty column of legs. Their appearance nearly looked like two fine spheres of ice that glissened in later afternoon light, but the attention was soon to shift off of them to the abs rising up and above from the groin, each individual abdominal and oblique muscle suddenly swelling and their cuts developing deeper and doing so block by block. The sound of ice breaking and tinkling filled the air as each lower torso muscle snapped into place and began stacking themselves on top of one another and spreading each other out from the groin, up the lower torso, out and up to the lats. The lats kept growing and growing until they flaired out so broad, so wide, and so thick it pushed and lifted the arms up higher and higher until the young men almost looked like they're standing in the Di Vinvi's anatomy of man sketch with arms sticking straight out instead of hanging by the side. Up and up the icy flow journeyed reaching the pecs and sending them into maximum and inflation. Deeper and deeper the center crevice grew as the young men's chests rolled and barrelled out, growing thicker, wider, hanging further out and down. The rolling actually to be seen as their nipples moved down....down....down.... until they practically pointed straight down. Eventually it looked like they young men didn't have thick plates of muscles for a chest, but two halves of globe that widened out to square or trapazoid on the bottom where it attached to the torso. These were pecs that dared to be shot at. Pecs that threatened to engulf whole hands, if not arms in the clevage between them. And the young men's heads snapped to attention as their backs rolled and broadened, pushing their shoulders and thus the traps into growing wider and fuller, and mounding up into huge mountainous ranges that impersonated the mountains they were currently standing in. But the neck was also experiencing it's own growth, becoming ever thicker and harder, looking like a grand column of granite that was as thick as the young men's own head. Rambling over the delts, which they infused with increasing size and power growing them into huge spherical shapes like giant pumpkins, the icy rivellets plugged themselves into the upper arms and filled them with more and more power, the biceps and triceps mounding, popping, and rising higher and fuller and thicker so as to make their arms practically look square. As those veins spread out over the fore arms and into the hands, they caused those forearms to inflate like elongated balloons and transform the forearms into looking like the calves of a person, or gigantic hamhocks. By now as all of the layers of crystal had been absorbed into their bodies, it left behind another kind of ice layer that was transparent but darker blue hued and it rose up to engulf the boys feet and legs, butt, mid-section, chest, arms, back and shoulders, neck and head. As this process was going on, the Prices and their men had begun attempting to push the boulder out of the way, but realized they needed to work on the pile of smaller rocks around and behind the boulder first. Remaining delayed, they couldn't see what else was happening to Julilan and Terry as they lay in a sleep induced coma in their icy cocoon. Looking like something from an animation, the ice was infusing itself with the young men and causing them to grow...Grow....GROW....RISE HIGHER AND MOUND FURTHER! It started with their feet and hands that simple pulsed out larger and fuller, longer, stronger, followed by their legs stretching up higher, taller. One could see the blue ice get sucked into the various body parts, and then they young men just grew. The torso then rose higher, the arms got longer, the back and shoulders became broader, the neck got longer, the head got a little bigger. Step by step they kept growing. The feet spread out across the floor. The legs stretched out longer, the arms hung down farther and farther, their torso elongated, their neck rose and rose higher and higher. Every few mintues the blue ice was being absorbed by Julian and Terry and each time it was, another part of the two men grew in bigger and bigger behemoths, giants. No one was there to accurately measure them, but they would still be in awe at the height and size they were achieving. This skeletal growth did nothing to stretch out or make smaller their new muscular size, it grew with them proportionately, make them far larger and stronger than the two princes and thier family. Up and up they rose.... one inch....two inches....six inches..... a whole foot....two feet.....four feet....four feet ten inches.... The rock slide began to shift and fall apart, but not just from the work of the princes and their men, Julian & Terry's own feet had grown large enough they began to shift the rock pile from underneath. The way now clear, the Princes and their men entered the cavern and stared up in shock. The Princes just slightly taller than their father, were now looking straight on into the mammoth pecs of Julian and Terry. Indeed looking straight on, one could tell the two princes came up to the arm pits of Julian and Terry; this was going to be no small take down at all. The Princes themselves now backed up into the tunnel for fear of possible harm from the now much larger Julian and Terry, who were still out cold and sleeping from their growth. Not only that but the sounds of ice tinking and bones breaking could still be heard, indicating the two foreigners could still be growing. If more proof was needed, the sound of ripping cloth was heard and suddenly two snaps and two fluttering pieces of cloth came from Julian and Terry as their cocks experienced their growth spurt and they oozed and stretched and grew out from their groins and down the length of their thighs. From the entrance of the cavern, the words "Hold! Hold in the name of the King!" were heard. But one of the Princes' men flew into a rage and grabbed an axe and began to run at Julian and Terry screaming, "To protect the crown!" "HOLD! I SAID HOLD!" "RAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUURGH!" "I SAID....." There was a sudden blast and the princes' man was suddenly frozen stiff in a block of ice. All of the men turned and looked back toward the entrance of the tunnel where the king and his men were striding in from, the king holding a staff that was glowing with an eerie blue light. The king glowered at his sons and then stared down the entire lot of their entourage. He then turned towards the frozen man and shot a bolt from his glowing staff. The formerly charging man shattered into hundreds of pieces. The princes' men stood in shock until one of them in shock cried out, "Your Majesty?" "WHEN A KING TELLS YOU DO SOMETHING, BY PHRAH-STÉ, YOU DO IT! IF I TELL YOU TO JUMP, YOU ASK HOW HIGH. IF I TELL YOU TO CRAWL, YOU ASK THROUGH WHAT! AND WHEN I TELL YOU TO HOLD, YOU HOLD OR FACE CHARGES OF TREASON! AND THAT GOES FOR CROWN PRINCES TOO!" King Quubah raised his staff once again and sent a charge to the tunnel ceiling creating thousands of icicles that pointed jaggedly down and imprisoned many of the men there, save his own force. "Look...LOOK! At what you have done, you two impertinent, arrogant, upstart of supposed grown men! I told you to meet with me on this day and I would show you what we needed to be done, and now look at what you have created. They stand nearly head and chest, let alone shoulders above me, ABOVE YOU! And they have the birth mark of the royal family...." "But father the mark isn't out fault..." "SILENCE! ... ... ... You are correct, it isn't your fault. That particular error goes to those av'lance hag doctors at Nasiph! But this.... THIS!" and Quubah poined up and down at the forms of Julian and Terry, is your fault. Had you not chased them down like animals, they may have stayed at a more similar height as we, but you didn't. They're like twice as muscular as they were before. They're a head and chest taller than you. Not only could this place our world, our kingdom, our line in jeopardy, but you may have made it so they couldn't return to their homeworld. You may have made it so they could never be turned human again! Had you greated them friendly and warm like, welcomed them into our home, they would've turned to us for help and assistance in returning to their world, where now they may not be able to, they may hate you, and if they run into an insurgents, could decide, 'It's good to be royalty', and take over!" "That doesn't have to happen, Your Majesty." Suddenly from the opening in the cavern ceiling their floated down to men, twins, in a yellowish hue. It was Drixos & Nixos, who landed next to Julian and Terry and stood looking up at them in shock. The pair was tall compared to Drixos and Nixos before, but now the twins only came just above the knees of Julian and Terry. "By Orion's belt! What do you people eat here?" "Who are you two, and what do you want here? Answer quickly or I'll have you imprisoned." "I am Drixos, this is Nixos, of the Aura Lumianry Corps. It is our fault that these men were dropped off here, and that they were changed into Calcryans. We resuced them from a base on the planet Earth, and given their size, assumed they were Calcryans who had been altered, you all being at least around twice as tall as humans. It looks a little like a battle took place, or started to take place. Did we arrive before a civ...." "No one as made an attempt for the throne. My sons, just happened to have chased these two for a few days and then thought they'd get rid of them. We shall be teaching them extra lessons in diplomacy later. For the now, if the two men wish to return, so be it. If they wish to stay, we shall accomodate them, although we would need to talk to them about where they would like to stand in the royal family." "Actually we're going to take them back to their home world." "Do you think they will fit in back there?" "We're pretty confidant the Doctors of Nasiph can change them back. We will stop off there first, and then continue on the journey to Earth." "Should we attempt to wake them?" "No.... they'll probably prefer to be asleep during the procedure and the flight back home." "Very well then. Take them." "And both we and the entire Aura Luminary Corps are sorry for the trouble we caused." "No no. It's alright. Any coups have been adverted. We shall be fine..." At that moment a rustling and tinkling ice kind of sound was heard and as all looked up to Julian and Terry, they noticed as the young men's cocks suddenly swelled, inflated, lengthened, and became stiff and hard as ice. But the size to which they increase seemed physically impossible, made everyone gasp, and a few of the soldiers look in horror, move their bodies as though their butts had clenched forever shut, and a couple then collapse and barf. Suddenly the youngest prince blurted out, "By Phrah-sté! The size of their...." "Yes, my son, they have impressive royal staffs and orbs as well. The would certainly have made fine nobility. Drixos, Nixos, the sooner you take them home, the better." Drixos bowed to the king and he and Nixos formed a yellow ball around Terry and Julian and flew them out of the cavern, away from Callero, and back to the Doctors of Nasiph. After the procedure was over, the twins hesitated in picking up their charges. "Drix.... they're still the same size. They're still huge!" "Well, the Doctors think they're normal. Their report will say they're normal...." "But they're not! They're giants compared to the rest of the Earthlings." "Then we will find them a nice exotic island to live on and let them figure out the rest." "But..." "But nothing. The report is good, they are good, and that's what were doing so we can get on with our suspension." Nixos shook his head at Drixos but followed suit as the pair once again cocooned Julian and Terry into yellow spheres, flew them back to Earth, and dropped off the sleeping men on a dessert island in the Pacific.
  5. teroyugi

    Little Man

    It was a cloudless night; moonlight was the only source of light to guide my escape. I couldn’t see where I was going well but I knew HE wasn’t far behind! The thundering crash of trees smashing into the wooden wall of houses made me turn back. There he was! The first thing I noticed was his blond army crew haircut and how his head was visible above the small forest I came from. Mick was closing in on me. “Shit! He grew again?” I said to myself as I ran into the kitchen of the house beside me. I crawled over to a window facing him, and peeked outside. “Come out wherever you are Little Man,” he yelled. With a grunt, the four trees in front of him were uprooted. Holding their bark above his head like they were paper with his huge titanic arms he threw them towards the backyard of the house I was hiding in. The grassy backyard was destroyed in seconds. He stepped out of the forest and I let out a gasp at what I saw. Mick had grown so tall that the second floor bedroom was already at his eye level. His muscles were engorged with power and blood. Each bicep was the size of a wrecking ball, his barrel chest was large and strong enough to balance a fully loaded truck. My eyes drifted lower and I marveled at the tightness of his 6 pack-abs each as large as a plasma sized TV. And between his titanic thighs was his humongous boner piercing the sky. A drop of pre fell from the slit of his dick with a plop. I knew what he was after, and how he could break me in seconds but seeing that massive muscle giant made me hard. Mick stepped closer to the house; I could see his massive feet through the window to the elft of the backdoor. “Show yourself Little Man, you know you can’t resist this.” I couldn’t see what he was doing, but the sound of his heavy moaning meant he was feeling his muscles again like back in the lab- what a narcissist. I crawled closer to the backdoor and looked up through the window, and there he was licking his right bicep while stroking his giant member with his free hand. “All of this rock hard muscle, how can you be so selfish and not share it with the world Little Man? If you do as I say I promise you can have muscle giants to play with 24-7.” Mick released a guttural growl as his dick fired a torrent of pre-cum against the wall of the house. That one squirt made the house shake a little. “Fine if you want to play hard to get…” Mick started twisting his right nipple and was jerking his cock faster. His face was red hot with ecstasy; I knew he was going to cum soon! I quickly ran for the front door and managed to escape the house. A powerful roar came from behind me, I just had seconds to dodge to my right when the roof of the house I was in was blown away by a tidal wave of cum. Pieces of wood, tiles and globs of semen flew across the street, but the show wasn’t over just yet. I watched in horror as Mick’s back was growing larger by the second. Every time he cummed he would grow. When his growth stopped was the height of a telephone tower. “THERE YOU ARE LITTLE MAN,” he said in his booming voice. It took all my willpower to move, but before I could get far a giant hand had captured me. It's pretty short, hehe this is what happens when I write in a horny mood. The original idea was muscle giant hide and seek. Thanks to Ferren_Wolf on CF for proofreading. Comments appreciated. Love to write for muscle growers.
  6. FREaky

    Abduction Part Five

    Abduction Part Five by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9055-abduction-part-three/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9137-abduction-part-four/ Despite being tranqed, tased, and beat, Julian and Terry still managed to come in and out of consciousness starting about half way to the base the intruding commandos were heading. Glimpses of dimly lit corridors with sparks of light and heavy shadows, or of many camouflaged men standing next to them and doing something, and then there were the white coated people who also were doing things. Julian and Terry weren't sure what was up in their daze. Terry woke up first, feeling exceedingly uncomfortable. He was on a table of some kind, or something more like a cross of St. Andrew that was at about a forty-five degree angle from the floor. His hands and arms were up above his head and pulled slightly beyond their normal reach or extension point. Likewise, his feet and legs were the same but they were also pulled apart from one another while the arms and hands were close. This felt worse than being on the Syriegs' tables. There it was mind control or invisible force field that kept him and Julian immobile and pinned down. Here it was some kind of straps, possibly two kinds some of leather or Kevlar and some of metal. Trying to pop and rock his body a little bit Terry could feel the straps were on each wrist, each bicep, his forehead, his neck, his chest, just above his hips, above his knees, and his ankles. One could actually feel each and every thing that kept one pinned down. To make matters feel worse he had a breathing mask attached to his face. Although annoyed that once again he and Julian had been kidnapped and taken somewhere against their will, Terry found himself slightly aroused. Usually in a flat on your back position such as this, if looking down, and with an ability to suck in his abs and concave his chest a bit he could still manage to look down and see his feet, see a partial section of his ample cock. Now, besides the mask, he could see how his chest barreled out so far all his vision was blocked by nothing but chest ridge and the chest hairs that covered it like some kind of hedge or expansive moss. This caused a realization of how much muscle mass he had put on and even though it happened unnaturally, he felt fine, powerful, and so he was very turned on by it. The arousal was even worse when his mind went down the road that Julian was also the same height, build, strength, and genital size that he was. It didn't take long before his prick began to swell and snake further down his leg before attempting the ascent it couldn't physically reach anymore due to its incredible length, girth, and weight. "I see one of the genetic freaks is up in more ways than one. Good morning, sleeping ugly!" Terry turned his eyes towards a figure that approached. Terry would have once considered him a slightly tall man, about his original height of 6' 4", as well as his high school fighting weight of around 240 pounds or so. He had a buzz cut hair style, naturally, and a pair of steel eyes that looked cold, careless, soulless. It didn't help that there was a circular C shaped scar going around his left eye and eyebrow. "Yeah, I know. Not gonna win a beauty contest any time soon, but that's alright, momma didn't raise me to do that." Terry swallowed. licked his lips and dryly attempted to speak, "Whoo...whoo...who are...?" "Who am I? I am Major Grant Payne, United States Army." Terry let out a soft chuckle. "That's right, meathead, I am Major Payne and I'm going to be one for you if you don't fully cooperate; not that you have a choice. However, if you care to make light of my name and rank, I can make sure this goes extremely painful for even your giant roided self." "What.... what are you going to do with us?" "Oh... not me. I'm not the one you gotta worry about, impress, or kiss ass to. That pleasure falls to my superior, Colonel Delilah Sergeant." Terry began to chuckle again. "I would suggest you nip that laughter in the bud right now. Yes, we've got ironic names for military personnel, but she takes more exception to your laughter about it than I do, and let me tell you, that woman is to be feared. She's not the tallest or biggest built woman I've ever seen, but she is one hell of a bitch. If you're out in the dessert with her, you could survive, if you could take her out. Puncture her veins and you'd have an endless supply of ice water to drink. I mean she has no problems in deciding, quickly, what your worth is to the team, to the military, and if it's not much, she'll leave you behind to fend for yourself or die in order to achieve the goal. It will be up to her whether we treat you well or exceptionally poorly. Whether you and your giant fuck buddy there lives or dies." "How did you...find us?" "Oh that was easy. We've been watchin' you. Oh, not you specifically, not originally. You think we haven't known about those fuckin' Syriegs all this time? Once mankind developed radar equipment it was only a matter of time before that technology progressed for us to see and monitor any ET's that were stopping by for a visit. We know about them for decades. They're doing minimal damage to humanity, so we let them study us and while they're abducting folks like you, we can observe and study them and their technology. No sense in causing worldwide panic and let everyone know. There'd be mindless rioting in seconds. "However, this time they broke pattern. One of their shuttle crafts went haywire and we decided to see why. Might as well, as we have a hidden base here. Oh, don't look so surprised. We have hidden bases everywhere in the world, whether the country is friendly with us or not. Thus, last night as we hid in trees and bushes looking in through your windows, besides seeing to guys get each other's rocks off, we could see you. Two giant, roided, muscular giants of men. We ran a photo recognition of who you two were and then we found out.... .... .... Terry Mikicia, once a big man on college campus, sights set on achieving a career in the NFL. You weren't ever as big as this before, but you were a big fella, just a bit more muscled than I am. But that just could be a simple matter of augmenting your genes somehow. Not worth a lot of our attention, just our curiosity. Hard to find naturally built guys like you, let alone find them and augment them. "But your buddy there. Julian Dealag... ... ... now there... there was something to take notice of. Short shit to average height sized male with a body the size and durability of a pipe cleaner. Yet here... Here he is a nearly ten foot tall behemoth of mounding muscle. Now this....THIS... we could use. How did they do that to him? If we could find that out, we could create the biggest, largest army that no one could stand up to. Fuck those shits creating religious wars. We could be an army tall enough to kick in their front doors and actually bring the house down on top of them! So that's why we're here. We're gonna find out what they did to ya boy, and then we're gonna duplicate it to make the world's strongest army." Suddenly the doors burst open and in walked Colonel Delilah Sergeant. She was around five foot six, athletic, jet black hair which cut in a bob style framed a pair of eyes that looked almost as black as the hair. Her lips were thin, pierced, and below a thin and straight as an arrow nose. Terry shivered when he saw her not because she herself looked cold or formidable, but because her face and eyes almost reminded him of the Syriegs in appearance. "And we're gonna get started on that right now, Major. Is all in preparation?" "Yes, ma'am!" "Alright, those of us that need to be out of the way up to the observation booth. The rest of you to your stations." Although the teams looked surprised at her entrance and a bit shocked at her announcement of the procedure to start and start now, they did as they were told and walked to prepositioned areas. There were several minutes which felt like hours that went by of people checking machines that hummed and whirred and beeped, while people looked at screens and dials or checked the tubes going into Julian or Terry or that their masks were on straight. But then there was an announcement, a nod, and suddenly Terry felt as though his bloodstream were being invaded. He could feel it. Not like when they inject one with some sort of chemical and one felt either a burning or chilling sensation that coursed through ones veins, no this was more like a worm had penetrated the skin and was slowly swimming through one's veins. Yet that still isn't enough to describe it. In order to describe it correctly one would have to say that said worm had a drill bit head made up of a dozen saws that all focused to a point and was somehow boring one's veins wider and cleaner than before. Terry let out a moan as if he was going to be sick and Major Payne stepped up, smiling at him and said, "Don't worry. It won't hurt for long and the rewards will be great. You'll have served your country, and you won't be standout freaks any more. We'll figure out what genetic mutation and markers they did to you, replicate that with some fine solders, and whenever they're on leave you'll have some buddies your size to play football with." Terry was just thinking of how glad he was that Julian seemed out of it, but then Julian seemed to groan a bit, louder and louder until finally his body spasmed and twisted as though it intended to sit up, although it could not due to the restraints. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" "We've found one of the organisms that helped cause the growth!" Colonel Sergeant's voice echoed coldly over the intercom. "Proceed with capture and analysis from the nanobot." Terry then let out a scream as well, and wished at this moment more than anything that he could rip his veins out from his body. He began to twist and control a little as well. "We found one in subject two!" "Proceed with same orders as with subject one!" There were several minutes of excruciating pain, as though there was some kind of war going on inside the veins of Julian and Terry. "Nanobot is collecting more of the cell samples used to cause the mega growth." "Steady and be observant." Suddenly there felt as though the worm like bots were shooting streams of ice water ahead of their drills and Terry's head began to swoon heavily as though he had stood up too fast. "Both subject's blood pressures are rising and rising fast." "What is the problem?" "It's like the nanobots have somehow blocked the arteries in front of them?" "Look deeper find the cause!" There was much whirring and beeping going on, none of which sounded positive. Terry was finding it hard to breathe and his heart felt as though it was having an incredible time just to beat. "Sir! The nanobots, the cells that they have collected seemed to have changed shaped. They're forming together, elongating like a tube of some kind and sending out one of their own cells far ahead of the nanobot." "Look ahead and see what it's doing!" More clicks and hums, throbs and whirs. "Sir... we're looking at some of the cells... the one shot off is meeting others ahead of it and their turning green?" "What do you mean they're turning green?" "They're not... they're not turning green themselves, but they are achieving a green glow." "Analysis!" One scientist ran over to another station and began looking at data that was scrolling up at an incredible rate. "Sir! These aren't cells of the subjects, Sir!" "Then what the hell are they?" "They're much more advanced nanobots than what we have. They were in the process of dying, but our nanobots capturing them has apparently reactivated them...." "What are you saying?" "Luminescent glow in over 45% of the subjects' body." "Forty-five percent! I thought this just started?" "It did... I'm not sure how they're communicating or..." "Anyone know what these hyper nanos do when activated?" In answer to her question, Terry let out a cry of pain followed by a long and low moan, which was again followed by a series of short, yelped gasps. Suddenly all the excessive facial and body hair that both Terry and Julian had either fell off their body or receded back into their body. And with each time he made Terry or Julian made their utterances, their feet suddenly swelled and grew, elongated and became denser, longer, wider, bigger. "ABORT! ABORT NOW! Command our nanobots to let theirs go!" "Luminescence throughout 79% of subjects' body." "Inject the omega bots!" A series of frantic clicks and whirs, button pushing and lever yanking and soon robotic arms with needle extension were heading towards the elbow crooks of Julian and Terry. However with a few gasps and groans, Julian and Terry's limbs began to lengthen, their shoulders began to broaden, their hands and feet got larger, their muscles began to thicken, even their cock and balls were inflating and swelling once more. At the point and time of injection, the needles now met the elbow end of the giants' inflating biceps and it being now to dense for the needle caused it to snap instead of penetrate. "Automatic hypodermic have been sna...." "I can see that! Get in there and do it manually you dolt!" The lab assistant ran for some prepared syringes, but by the time he returned it was too late. The young men had swollen and grow to the point that the bonds holding them were cutting deep into their skin, but the skin and muscle and bone were growing at such a phenomenal pace that the straps of leather and metal were creaking and groaning and stretching beyond their capacity to hold. Up and up the numbers on the monitor went as the boys began to outgrow the cross like tables they were on length, width, and weight wise. "Reaction is happening. Subjects have increased in height up to 11' 1.5!" The assistant with the syringes came running up to Julian's bed and attempted to inject him manually, but with another surge of growth the left hand straps holding Julian's arm in place snapped allowing a full twitch to affect his arm. This in turn caused Julian's arm to put enough force on the wrist strap that it gave way and Julian's arm lashed out striking the assistant in his chest and knocking him back several feet from the table. "Subjects have grown again. 137.38 inches or just over eleven feet five and fourth inches tall!" More groans and moans from Terry and Julian as their bodies swelled ever longer and broader, taller and wider, thicker and harder. Their veins pulsing up to the top caressing every hill and dale of their mounding muscular frame. Suddenly there was a large hiss and the tables sunk down and tilted even more forward than usual. "Table hydraulics have been compromised. Tables cannot support the weight." "SOMEBODY WITH MEDICAL SCIENCE DO SOMETHING HERE!" Again groans, moans, the eerie sound of bones snapping and breaking, mixed with stretching noises of sinew and ligaments and tendons growing and snapping and increasing along with muscle fibers breaking down and increasing in size. "Subject proportionately are gaining in muscle density and strength, not just proportionate to new height but actually adding weight!" More moans and screams as the feet got larger, the hands more massive, the heads stood taller. "Subjects are now 145.16 tall or twelve feet one and almost one fourth inches tall and still growing!" Julian and Terry's heads both rolled to either side and then began sit straight up and slightly rock from side to side growing further and further up as their shoulders began to broaden wider and wider. "Subjects gaining in height again. One hindered forty-six inches, forty-seven, forty-eight-forty-nine, one hundred fifty, one fifty-five, one sixty!" Suddenly the x shaped tables that Julian and Terry were now leaning on instead of strapped to, began to bend and fold over backwards. Everyone began to watch as the musculature of these to giant men became even larger, harder, stronger. Their muscles bulged and popped, mounded and rose, ever higher and denser, thicker and stronger, not only become so much bigger, but more defined, cut, their striations and fibers becoming individualistic as well as working and become one. Overly developed medical drawings of the humanoid muscular system in full blown, swollen, color. "Subjects body mass is increasing, muscle mass taking over greater percentage of weight. Starting weight of three-thousand two-hundred forty-five pounds after last growth spurt. Three-thousand two-hundred fifty.....two-hundred sixty.....two-hundred seventy...." "Try to initiated the blood transfusion and cleaning system!" "Two- hundred ninety, three-thousand three-hundred ten, three-hundred-forty, three-hundred seventy! Muscle mass increasing in greater amounts.... three-thousand four-hundred even.....four-fifty....five-hundred.....five-hundred forty.....five-hundred sixty ....five-hundred seventy-five..... five-hundred eighty....five hundred eighty-five....eighty-six....eighty-seven....eighty-eight....eighty-nine.....ninety.... Subjects leveling off at three-thousand five-hundred and ninety pounds." "I don't care if they are leveling off get the cleaning system running on them now!" "We've already initiated that back when you...." Suddenly Julian and Terry began to shake wildly and convulse. Their skin began to take on a slightly blue tint. Their mouth bobbed open and closed as if they were desperately gasping for air." "WHAT'S GOING ON DOWN THERE!" "The subjects aren't getting enough oxygen! They're suffocating!" "How is that possible with the masks on!" "Their....their hearts have reversed their beating pattern. They're circulation is going backwards!" "Pull everything out. PULL EVERYTHING OUT OF THEM NOW!" But soon there was the sickening sound of blood hitting the upended bottoms of the automatic syringes. The army's nanobots were pushed out of the young giants' blood stream. Shortly thereafter the needles themselves seem to have been pushed out or pulled out due to the giants' growth. They looked more like the incredible hulk now than ever. Arms hanging in mid air. Back and lats all hooded and broad underneath. Shoulders that looked like they would raise up at any minute and pinch off the head via the neck, if it weren't for the fact the neck looked like some Doric, ionic, or Corinthian marble columns Thighs that looked bigger than most men's chest. Calves that looked bigger than most men's waist. Forearms that if looked at too closely might be mistaken for a bicep they were so huge and developed. Chests that seemed to barrel out more and more and more threatening to tip the men over if they stood up. Meanwhile the air began to be heavily scented with a strong musky and teenage boy smell. Several of the scientists gagged, other sprung a instant hard ons and began to cum, causing them to collapse to the floor. Julian and Terry's body hair began to grow in again, covering partially their feet, their entire legs, up their crotch, scrotum, chest before stopping there. Then it moved on to a spot about half way down their upper arms, filled up their arm pits, and continued down to cover their forearms and part of their hands. While on top, five o'clock shadows came growing to a day's growth, two days, three days, a full beard, slightly long beard, while their head hair grew longer and longer around their faces and down to their shoulders and mid back. Major Payne however, stood up, grabbing gun and syringes in hand, and smiled, with a raging hard on under his camouflaged pants. "Power..." He smiled through gritted teeth and droned. "Pure power....... and STRENGTH!" He started to stride across the room ready to take command and charge of the situation. But the table, completely bent under the young men's weight, now snapped into two while the last remaining buckles and straps snapped off from the giants or the table itself. "Monitors still working. Subjects height is increasing again!" Julian and Terry now assumed a horse stance: feet shoulder with apart, hands at sides - in as much as their upper arms, back, and lats allowed, and their heads and neck standing straight and getting taller by the minute. They threw their arms, back, and shoulders back, clinched their fists and flexed their arms, their chests continued to just jut and barrel out forming a pec shelf any mountain precipice desire to have and be. Growing longer, thicker, and wider, the giants' torso and legs grew and grew sending their growing heads ever higher and higher to the approaching Major Payne. "One-hundred sixty-seven point six six six inches tall and it looks like there is still another spurt to grow!" "We don't have the ability to keep them at this point. Take the down and out, NOW!" But Major Payne wasn't thinking clearly, nor through the steam and the heat and the distance could he estimate nor judge the size of the situation clearly. Not paying attention to the one lab assistance constant updates, Major Payne was too careless and too cock and approached a threat that was beyond his scope and growing larger by the minute. Standing currently at just over thirteen feet tall, Major Payne just barely came up to either Julian or Terry's knees and when Julian saw him, his mind in total instinct and survival mode, he back handed Major Payne and sent him flying across the entire room and up into the observation room window. Still the lab assistant called out stats as the young men's bodies continued to grow and soar. Their muscles were swelling and inflating, vessels were rising to the top and snaking all over their bodies. Their testicles were swelling larger, firmer, hanging lower, and producing such a copious amount of cum they could fill a pitcher full with one volley, while at the same time their colossal cocks just oozed and snaked out of their groins ever longer, thicker, veinier threatening to become a third leg. "One-hundred seventy inches....one seventy-five......one seventy-eight....one seventy-nine.... one eighty....one eighty -one....one eighty-one and a half....... one eighty-two. Subjects are one-hundred eighty-two inches tall and weigh in at five-thousand two-hundred and sixteen pounds!" And suddenly and in great awe another staffer commented right next to the first...."with a thirty-six inch flaccid cock?" The growing stopped, the young behemoths stood there bobbling a little on their feet before suddenly their pricks rose and swelled to full concrete hard erection "Thirty-seven....thirty-eight....forty.....forty-two.....forty-six.....fifty.... good lord.....fifty-one....two... three..... four.....and a fourth.....and a half.....and three-fourths." Then both giants snapped their heads back and thrust their hips forward as their titan testicles pulled themselves up and they spewed cable sized ropes of jizz across the entire room. One volley....two.....four......eight......twelve......sixteen.... The whole room stood there in stupor before someone screamed at the Colonel who had been watching all from the observation window. "Colonel we have to do something!" Proving her hardness of mind and possibly heart, despite the fact that a change had come over her, slightly, she turned exposing her dampened shirt, coat, and skirt that showed tremendous leakage from her nipples and crotch, and gave the order coldly, "Gas them. GAS THEM NOW!" "But we have people down ...." "FOR THE SAKE OF SECURITY GAS THEM ALL! WE CAN WAKE THEM UP LATER!" On the order suddenly there was a large amount of sleeping gas that piped in and flooding the chamber below. The two giants tried to back off from it, but it was coming from everywhere. They went to try and hold their breath, but they were still weak from the massive growth spurt that they had. Finally in frustration, Terry picked up part of his table and flung it across the room towards the observation area. Striking somewhere and something beneath them, there was a large clunk heard followed by the hiss of escaping steam or gas. "What did he hit? SOMEONE FIND OUT WHAT HE HIT!?" Suddenly there was an explosion from one of the walls. As the gas and dust began to clear out of the room or settle to lower levels, one could suddenly see five people standing at the hole in the wall. Three of them wore something that looked like futuristic police uniforms, two respectively built men with a glowing golden aura around them, one fairly normal looking but buff female. Another male wore something that looked almost from Earth's period of the 1970's, like the jumpsuits worn by either Elvis or the Osmond Brothers, except it had no fringe and was much more open in the front revealing the symbol of Mercury tattooed across his decently developed chest. The other man looked like a Norse human and was instantly recognizable by the two giants. "Hey!.......DRIESSSSSHH!" "DRIESSSHHHHHHHHHHMYHEWWO" And with that the two giants went down to the floor. "OPEN FIRE!" screamed Colonel Sergeant. The two glowing men immediately put their hands up and a large yellow but somewhat transparent construct formed between them, their team and everyone else. The bullets that were shot at them seem to either hit the construct and then just fall to the floor or bounced off. "HOLD YOUR FIRE THEY'RE RETURNING THE BULLETS! HAND TO HAND! NOW!" With that Colonel Sergeant took out her gun and blew out the observation window, them flung herself over it and began to charge after the intruders. "Al-Elameph, Dries, go after the two we came for. Merc, tackle the gun-ho bitch, I'm betting she's the leader. Drixos and I will take care of the grunts. MOVE!" With that the constructs became scoops and the two glowing men began pushing soldiers and lab techs across the room to the other side. Meanwhile Merc turned to face and stare down Colonel Sergeant. "You have no right to be in this facility. This is a facility of the United States Government. You are trespassing, and you specifically are weaponless. I strongly suggest you leave." {"I am far from weaponless, my dear."} "UGH!" No one saw any movement from Merc and barely some out of Colonel Sergeant. For that matter no one heard anything either. They simply saw the Colonel train her gun on the bare-chested opponent and then falter in her stance a bit. {"As far as trespassing goes, I believe according the treaties and laws of your planet, this base would be considered a trespassing violation to this nation, which is not your own. You are also in violation of interplanetary article number three section b sub section eight of the keeping and...."} "GET OUTTA MY MIND!" The Colonel fired of two shots, although in extremely slow fashion. Merc managed to dodge one and move the other just before he refocused his attention on the Colonel and mind whipped the gun out of her hand then lifting her up, placed her back into the observation room before moving the car doors off their hinges and placing them in to the observation window area while placing something against the entrance door. Meanwhile Al-Elameph was easily bulldozing and then flying her way across the room to Terry. She easily picked him up and flew him out the door. This was unlike Dries, who although exceeding strong was finding the new size and weight of Julian to be somewhat difficult to manage. He was just barely able to grab a hold of Julian's wrist and get him slide across the floor. "I am so liking how I feel on this planet's atmosphere, Dries. I could learn to like this. Since I've got it, might as well flaunt it. Take it easy and I'll return to help you with him." Unfortunately before Al-Elameph could return, the item that Terry had punctured with his table toss exploded sending Dries flying and landing in a spot where the building gave way and began to crumble. "Dries!" "Leave him. He blends in here on this planet better than we do, and reinforcements plus the law for this country are coming in. Let's get the alien hostages out of here so they can be treated and sent back to their home worlds." And with that Al-Elameph flew over picked up Julian and brought him close to Terry, where upon Nixos and Drixos formed a bubble around Al-Elameph and Terry and one around Merc and Julian and proceeded to fly up high in to the sky. In orbit there seemed to be hundreds of ships engaging each other in a bit of a battle. An intergalactic police force had come checking on the Syriegs and did not like what they saw. They were in the middle of shutting everything down and fining the Syriegs when the Syriegs let them know they were not happy. Boarding their own ship, Nixos, Drixos, Merc, Al-Elameph, put Julian and Terry into a medical bed and began to get their ship powered and programmed. "Someone got that Nord'oks message all screwed up I believe." "How so, Drixos?" "I know it said about being altered and the government taking them, but did you see the size of those guys?" "Yeah I did. Huge kerfers that's for sure." "Only kerfers I know that grow that big and strong are..." There was a slight pause between Nixos and Drixos before they turned to one another and said, "Calcryans!" "Worry not, Drixos. We'll speak with the council. They'll order us to take them home, but before that, they'll go through to proper training to have their humanity removed and they'll be proper Calcryans again." "Better not let them wake up until the corrective surgery is done. One thing you don't want to do to a Calcryan is remove his body tattoo. These two are going to go ballistic if they wake up to see theirs have been due to the Syriegs' experiments."
  7. FREaky

    Abduction Part Four

    Abduction Part Four by F_R_Eaky (Am working on part five right now. This one is just a transitional chapter without any growth in it. Hope you are all enjoying it.) Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9055-abduction-part-three/ Morning. Sunlight is streaming through the windows creating a golden shaft of light which bathes the sleeping man, highlighting his torso. He is laying on his broad back with one fairly large arm clutching a pillow as if he's holding someone. Accentuating the peaks and mounds of his slightly off-season musculature, the sunbeams also set his his head and chest hair alight so it looked as though he was a holy man with halo and glow from his broad, expansive chest. The top sheet hems are wrinkled and gathered around his abs and are tenting nicely from his ample cock that has hardened and risen like a miniature redwood tree. The man feels very comfortable, rested, and completely happy save for the fact that even on this king sized bed, the man is two inches taller than the mattress is long. Shifting his legs ever so slowly he attempts to gather some of the sheets around his feet to make them covered and warmer as the sunlight doesn't quite extend the full length of the bed. His body is waking up his mind, or his mind is waking up his body. It matters not which direction, the part that disturbs him is one of the two doesn't wish to wake and get up yet and the other seems to be forcing it to happen. Try as he might he can not get himself to fall back to sleep, although it's not due to his mind or body defying him. As he lies there attempting to hit his mind's snooze button, he begins to hear strange noises. The sound of something being scraped. There are some low, softened giggles followed by shushing noises telling someone to hush. The scraping noises begin again, followed with some grunts, groans, and a little heavy breathing mixed with more laughter and shushes. The scraping begins again only this time he can almost feel the scraping through the house, as though the shudders are telling him the house it was is being used to scrape and scratch the item in question that is being rubbed. "Ach! I think I'm stuck!" "Shhhhhh! You'll wake up Dries." "I can't help it. I think I'm actually stuck. Who knew even laying down sideways I wouldn't be able to get through the door." "Well you better think of something quick because your cock is rising to the occassion for some reason." "hahahahahaha. I know... ... ... the thought that I've become so big I'm stuck in this doorway is turning me on." "Well, we better get you through soon or that cock is going to prevent you from getting free and I'll have the same problem from watching it grow." "Well, it's a good thing I lead with hands and arms out, but I don't think I'm out quite far enough to use them to push off against the building. Here. You grab my legs..." "Your ankles you mean. Even though I'm the same size as you there's no hope of even my two hands grabbing your legs and holding on to them." "Ach! You know what I mean. Grab my feet, my ankles, push me via my ass, just help give me a push! This door frame is starting to dig in." "Alright but you need to exhale and sink your chest in as much as possible when I push, ok? One the count of three. One.... two.....three....." The sound of struggling went on for a little bit but eventually the man made it out of the doorway, after which he helped pull his friend through as well. Within minutes there was the sound of more glee but not the quieted giggles as before. No the sound had become full blown riotous laughter accompanied by some decent sized thumps followed by tremors that lightly shook the house. Opening his eyes and sighing, the Norse looking man threw back the sheets and stood up stretching his powerful body and limbs as he did so. With the sunbean still striking his nearly perfect form and long hair, looking almost like the god Thor approaching the window, he was soon to discover his godhood well eclipsed by two hulking figures below. There running about on the lawn, naked as the day they were born, were Julian and Terry playing a kind of game of tag with one another, running under a make shift garden sprayer shower, or sometimes standing still and feeling the warmth of the sun caress their bodies. Body wise the two nearly ten foot tall men were almost mirror twins of each other save their different facial structures and that Julian had much fairer skin and golden hair compaired to Terry's more swarthy look of olive complected skin and sable colored hair. "It feels so good to be out here in the open." "Yeah letting the sun hit our bodies, the air caress them all around and everywhere." "Not to mention the water. Feeling it splash against us like it's hitting stone or steel plates and then cascading over every mound, through every valley and crevice. It was a great idea of yours to use the sprinkler head as a shower out here." "Hmmmm indeed." "But I'm having one problem.... all this running and moving around... it's causing my dick to sway and swing. It pulls on my groin so heavily... not to mention all this muscle. The weight of it as it bounces when I even just slightly job let alone run. I feel so big. so Huge! SO POWERFUL! IT TURNS ME ON!" Terry approached Julian and kissed him deeply. "You are so big, huge, and powerful. We're built like the most massive, biggest, bodybuilders ever now: Morgan Aste, Mamdouh “Big Ramy” Elssbiay, Craig Golias, Rolley Winklar, Phil Heath, Ronnie Coleman, Gunter Schilerkamp, Markus Ruhl, Nasser El Sonbaty, Greg Kovacs. The difference between us and them is were are cut and defined with all this mass, we have semmetry,we're hung like bulls, and we're almost ten feet tall." Terry went in again for a deep kiss. but then broke it off and moved his mouth down to Julian's marble column like neck. Julian gasped at this but threw his head back to expose his neck more, while his hands went down to caress and grope Terry's astounding ass and pull him as close as the two behemoth's chests would allow. "hmmmmm ooh fuck.... fuck, Terry.... fuck!" "What? What's wrong?" "I can't stop thinking about you. How large you are. How strong. How hung.... and that I'm the same way now too. It puts me in a constant state of horniness. I want you... I need you...now!" "Then take me. It's your turn this morning. Shove that rod up my ass." Looking around Julian found a small box that both his feet could stand on and would support his body weight. Then leading Terry back over to the make shift shower he proceeded to have Terry stand on it which raised him only slightly higher than Julian. Terry leaned a little forawrd to grab the pole of the basketball hoop that they used to hang the sprayer nozzle from, while Julian grabbed him by the waist, and after coating them with shampoo and water, began to slowly push his way in. With in minutes the two were working up a good rhythm: Julian pushing in and out of Terry's ass, while caressing his obliques, abs, chest, and shoudlers; Terry gripping the pole, raising up and down on the balls of his feet, flexing his ass and releasing it, while one hand went down to begin stroking his raging hard on. Dries stood there watching the whole thing. The ballet of behemoth bodybuilders, thrusting, pushing, impaling, drilling, groping, caressing, bouncing, over and over again until both men began to raise up on their tip toes from feet and legs that were twisting and curling. Their panting turning into deep moans and screams of utter delight. The feeling of their huge muscles tensing and flexing, releasing and popping, as they writhed and wriggled in pleasure until finally one then the other triggered by the first suddenly roared out and screamed in ecstacy with both men spewing copious amounts of cum in great shooting strings: one up the ass of the other and the other across the yard. Meanwhile Dries stood at the window watching like it was the biggest, best, and most intense sporting event any has ever participated. At the moment of the young men's climax he suddenly, without having touched his cock at all, began to spray ropes of ejaculate all over the window. He stood there transfixed for several minutes until he bagan to shake and tremble and went to sit down on the bed. Meanwhile the two young giants staggered under the shower to try and get themselves cleaned off once more from all the cum they had produced. Afterwards they punch-drunk walked over to the tap to turn the water off, dry each other off, and then after applying liberal amounts of sunscreen, took some blankes to the middle of the yard, spread them out, and took a long nap semi cuddling one another out in the sun. The young men lay out in the sun for about thirty minutes before Dries nudged them to roll over, and then thirty minutes after that he nudged them again to lie down in the shade of the tree line. About three hours after that he comes back outside pushing a draped tea trolly that is loaded down with platters of food. "Gentleman, here is brunch." "Oooh. Getting all fancy on us, Dries? Brunch and served on a fancy clothed serving cart too." "No, Terry. It is brunch because it is almost noon and the cart is only draped because..." and Dries moved all the trays over to a table. "...these are a new pair of pants, each, that I made for you two. We will have to worry about shirts and shoes later as we go. You two are of such a size in both height, proportions, and body build even at my height you would never find anything available in any of your retail stores. But we need to make you a little less obvious than your nude form." "Why? Are we going somewhere?" "Yes. Your size is too big for us to stay here. Only two and half more feet and you would be twice as tall as some of the tall people in this country. You stand out way to much and the idea was to for you to blend in so you could live your lives without having to worry about being refound and recaptured by the Syriegs, so, now to that end, we're moving. We will be heading further out into the country to meet up with some other Nord'oks. There we will see where we can buy a house out in the very rural areas either here in the Netherlands, or press furth north into Scandinavia." "Awww come on, Dries. We could take them down now. We're huge!" laughed Terry and even Julian chuckled a little and flexed his right arm and bicep. "Yes, but you still have to be very vigilant. The Syriegs still have ways that could bring you down, capture you, or end your life, and they very well may go for that last option. Observation of your planet is one thing, the temporary for a night abduction and study of the human body is another thing, but the abduction of a member from the human race, altering their DNA, is another and they do have an intergalactic police force they must answer to. If you were discovered, especially now at this size, they would be called before a tribunal of planets. Not only that but think about humanity as well. Whether for sports or for war, mankind, especially those in power, have dreamed of finding ways to make the taller, the stronger, the bigger, the faster, to most dominant type of men possible. You two may not even be safe from your own kind." "How is it you came to have all this money to buy property and How do you know the languages so well, and customs, and how to drive a truck?" "The Syriegs have been studying your planet for a long, long time. Originally, they had a few of their study labs here on Earth, as opposed to up in starships in orbit over the Earth. There were some of my people who all those years ago decided to break free then. To fight. We didn't want to see another race subjugated by them. This meant some of us broke free ourselves. We decided no longer to be slaves and finding ourselves compatible with the Humans on this planet, we began to have relations with them. We didn't have the high tech medical and science equipment to alter the Human DNA structure to resist the probes and such of the Syriegs, so we did it the old fashioned way - we bred with them." "You just broke free and then started mating with the natural wild life?" "Think about it, Terry. When you first saw me, what was your first impression? Was I some creepy-freaky space alien?" "No... I thought you were Human. Probably someone who was of...." "Norse descent? And what is the other adjective name for something from the Norse countries?" "Nordic!" Said Julian excitedly. "Nordic...Nord'ok.....And besides the Netherlands, what other area of the world is known for fairly tall, ruggedly built, and strong men with platinum to golden brown to red hair like myself?" "The Norse countries...." said Terry. "Dries," asked Julian. "How long has your race been here?" "We've been here almost as long as the Syriegs have, and they've been studying your species since the days of the cavemen." "And the Nord'oks broke free...?" "Shortly after man left the caverns and began to build structures to live in." "My gawd....the amount of influence your people have probably had..." "Yes indeed. But... first you need to finish your brunch." Said Dries as he got up and walked to the door of the house. "After you've finished your brunch, put your pants on and then we'll get ready to leave." [PEWT! PEW! PEWT!] Dries gave a small cry of pain and as Julian and Terry turned their heads to look at him, his eyes rolled back and his body went limp, collapsing to the ground. Julian and Terry mere split seconds after gave small cries, more of surprise than pain, as they suddenly felt like they were bitten by mosquitos. "Ow! What the hell!" Said Terry as he jumped up to his feet. "Whoa...." said Julian as he stood up on his. "I'm feeling a little of balance. I think we must have been darted with something." "Great. I've forgotten where I got hit now and as big as we are a little dart is going to be hard to find to pull out." "Then allow me to give you ones that you can see a little better. Agent Tse Tse, the E-Tranqs! NOW!" [FOOMP! FOOMP!] "OW!" Jumped and jerked Julian. "SON OF A BI.... YOU FUCK WADS!" And with that Terry began to lumber stomp his way towards the first series of men in camoflauge uniforms he saw coming at him from behind the tree line that surrounded the yard. "Gentlemen I suggest you use your energy to sit. You are going down. We've shot you with enough tranquilizers to knock out a bull elephant and we have more available. If you chose to stand and fight, the fall usually requies some kind of treatment for head trauma. Be smart. Be sensible." "AAUUUUUGH!" Terry roared and began to bend over slightly hunched and swing his massive arms with closed fists at the line of gentlemen. His landing blows sent a few men spiraling up into the air and across the yard, while all of them were at least knocked down and windless by the blow. Julian soon followed, but appeared to be in deep, deep concentration, during which he moved slowly, but purposefully, and seeing the fallen attackers that Terry had knocked down, he began to raise a foot and stomp on one of their legs at the ankle or the knee joint. Once down he lifted up his oppoiste foot applying all of his weight to bare on top of the commando's leg. "Blondie is concentrating his way through the tranquilizer. Before the ebony haired one picks up on the idea from him, let's take him out. Break up their concentration boys and zap 'em while you do that." There appeared two teams of men with bazookas who took aim at the giants' balls. Out of the bazookas came what kind of looked like large pillows, but were in fact much denser and not so fluffy. The first one made contact with Terry's balls and he doubled over howling in pain. The second one, Julian managed to jump up to avoid, but it still caught on his left thigh, bounced to his right then back to the left, and continued to bouce back and forth down his leg, causing him to trip and fall on his landing. Next while the two were somewhat dazed, another set of men came out with two weapons that looked like they were going to fire lawn darts at the giants. Two clicks were heard and the darts soared through the air and into the giants bodies carrying a set of long thin wires with them. A second later and both giants were writhing on the ground, screaming in pain, their whole bodies twitching. It was not long due to the tranquilizer, the racking, and the shocking, that both men passed out. "Eagle Crest to Statue of Liberty. We have the two giants. Proceeding to load them up into the trucks and take them to our secret base in Tulipville. Over." "Excellent work, Eagle Crest. Will meet you there with Spangled Surgeon. Remain now on radio silence until your arrival. Over." "Roger that. Eagle Crest out." "Alright boys! Let's get these hulking behemoths loaded and head back. You two, take their caretaker and place him in his bed, then shoot him up with this. This should wipe out his memory of the last few days. He won't remember taking them in, however he took them in or found them."
  8. FREaky

    Abduction - Part Three

    Abduction Part Three by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ After Julian's growth it became quiet in the weird, alien operating room, and both Julian and Terry drifted in and out of sleep and consciousness. Eventually a couple of the short, pasty, large black-eyed aliens came and stood next to them, poking, prodding, taking stats down. But for some reason, this time, Julian and Terry could hear them. Could hear their thoughts as they were speaking to one another. "Has it been decided?" "Yes, these two, now, are large enough to make excellent drones for the home world. After we have initiated their proper growth pattern, they will make some of the best and strongest drones we have ever had." "Do we start the sequence now?" "No. They will be a bit too large for transport at the time. It is preferable to keep them this size and have them grow there." "When is their transportation?" "They are to be loaded now." "Initiating paralytic serum." Suddenly Julian and Terry felt something icy cold run through their veins and they realized their bodies became quite stiff and rigid. Scared they could feel their pulse and heart rates quicken. They could hear the beat of their heart in their heads. They were to be taken away from Earth. They would probably never see their families again and they were going to be slaves to these alien beings. The two lie there in terror, wishing they could at least turn their heads to look at one another. The aliens stepped away from the pair and the bright overhead lights dimmed leaving only side light to filter into the room from off branching corridors. "Drone Three-five-seven-one, load these two onto shuttle craft Beta-Beta immediately. Starship Beta-ap-Alpha is due to leave momentarily for the home world and these two are scheduled to go with it to become drones. Bieg Greevlix will be leaving this Bieg ship and transfer over to the transport ship to watch over these two and other prospects. As such he will fly the shuttle and its contents over. You are to accompany him." A very powerful drone, standing seven feet tall with a powerful strongman or power lifter like frame, turned his honey-gold haired head towards the alien and silently, stoically bowed at the waist and proceeded to punch some keys on the tables Julian and Terry lied upon. Once that was done he hit a side button, where upon the sound of releasing gas was heard and the table's base seemed to disappear. With that the drone pushed the table down the corridor and onto an awaiting mini ship in the shuttle bay. Once he had both Julian and Terry he punched some more buttons on the table and then on a side panel in the shuttle before fingering a small pad and then sitting down on a bench in the back and staring straight ahead. Shortly thereafter Bieg Greevlix showed up, coming through the back hatch, stopping to look at Julian and Terry. "Yes...yes... these will make some excellent workers for the home world. Is everything listed and prepared for departure, drone?" The giant man turned his head somberly and dazed like towards the alien and nodded an affirmative. "Good. Bieg Greevlix to Commander Heenah. I am aboard the shuttle and shall proceed with departure." "As ordered. Proceed Bieg Greevlix. Enjoy the return to the home world." "Computer initiate lift off procedure." There were some beeps from the computer and then suddenly the drone stood up and gave a chop like blow to the neck and head of the alien. He in turn immediately went unconscious and collapsed to the floor. Quickly the drone opened the side singular door to the shuttle, which was on the opposite side of any control center, and dropped Bieg Greevlix off onto the shuttle bay floor. Then, per Greevlix's previous commands, the shuttle began to rise up off the floor and slowly proceed towards the bay doors. Slowly the doors opened, but once the shuttle had reached that space midway of leaving the ship, one of the doors suddenly snapped back to the shut position striking the shuttle craft from the side abruptly. There was but a moment before there was a beep at the console and a voice was heard. "Bieg Greevlix, that impact was a sudden malfunction in the shuttle bay doors. You have continued to drift out, are you and your systems functioning." The giant brute stood up and approached the console. "This is Drone Three-five-seven-one. Bieg Greevlix was thrown from his seat and has struck his head. He is unconscious but appropriately stable. All shuttle and new drone transport mechanisms are functioning normally. The new prospective drones are perfectly fine and still in the transport mechanisms. I shall continue the short flight to Starship Beta-ap-Alpha, dock, and then have Bieg Greevlix looked at by medical personnel." "As it should be. Proceed shuttle craft Beta-Beta. Bieg Ship, Terra Delta out." "Confirmed. Shuttle Craft, Beta-Beta out. Computer, initiate flight sequence Four-Twenty Nine Terra." Those words spoken, the hefty drone stood up and went back to where Julian and Terry lay and actually spoke verbally. "Sorry, gentlemen. You will be not going to the home-world today. I am taking you someplace else. I will apologize for the ride, it is going to be a fast and turbulent one. Should you feel sensation return to your bodies grip the sides of the table as tightly as you can." After a few more taps and beeps on the table he quickly moved back to the cockpit seat. The shuttle craft, once near the Star Ship Beta-ap-Alpha, suddenly pivoted and warped out from underneath it, heading straight for another star ship that was in a lower orbit than Beta-ap-Alpha was. Going underneath that ship, it then came out from under and struck the Earth's atmosphere. It took a few moments before anyone of command structure realized what was happening, and by the time they went to give orders, the tractor beams were bouncing off of the secondary star ship, and then the shuttle craft was lost in the Earth's atmosphere. Any attempt to retrieve Julian, Terry, and the Drone was now going to be done via shuttle craft to shuttle craft, or risk informing the Globe of their presence. Upon hitting the atmosphere, Drone Three-five-seven-one walked over to the tables Julian and Terry were on and started madly poking buttons in a furious sequence. "Initiating infusion of proper growth sequence now." Suddenly Julian and Terry felt as though a warm liquid was not only being pushed through their veins, but poured over their entire bodies. They felt flushed, they felt powerful, they felt aroused and growing into a extreme sense of horniness. Suddenly their proud masts of eleven and three-fourths inches was standing straight and tall from their groins and there wasn't anything either of the two men could do about it. As the shuttle continued its decent, the Drone pulled out more clothing like his and began to dress both Julian and Terry in them. Around the time he got shoes that managed to fit them on, the shuttle's speed slowed down, the craft came to hover over a spot, and make then make a landing. Helping the two to sit up. "Gentlemen, I wish I could help you acclimate yourselves to walking again, but we don't have enough time. You must relearn to walk by yourselves while I get our next mode of transportation. Computer, open back hatch, followed by releasing gases to mask energy trail, followed by going into cloaked mode." After giving the orders, the buff drone walked out of the hatch doors and towards a large thicket on the side of a small field the shuttle had landed in. As he began to clear away some of the bush, Julian and Terry began to stand up. First Julian kind of slid off the table landing on his two feet. This made a resounding thud which startled him and he looked above as if they were being attacked. "Relax." Said Terry. "That's you. Men our size have a tendency of making some fairly large thuds when walking. Muscle mass weighs more than just bone and fat and we've got a bit of the mass on us." "Oh... right..." Julian turned and attempted to walk out the hatch doors but wobbled and fell over. Terry was there, still a little off balance himself, but only due to not having walked and using those muscles for the last few days or weeks, perhaps months. He stopped down and put his right arm under Julian's left arm pit and then around the back until his right hand was under Julian's right arm pit. Draping Julian's left arm over his shoulder and holding it down by grabbing Julian's left hand with his, Terry smiled shyly at Julian. "Here. We're both going to be a bit wobblely from lack of movement. Perhaps we'll do better supporting each other." "It's so hard to move with these legs." "That's what happens when you develop large, powerful thighs. They get in the way of each other. Here... kick your legs out kind of sideways when you walk. That'll help." "Yes... it takes some of the pressure off of....ugh...." and Julian laughed nervously. "What? It's ok go ahead and say it." "It takes some of the pressure off my balls. How the hell do you do it? With the size of these thighs and these bull balls, it's like I'm racking myself every time I take a step." Terry giggled. "Just wait till you learn to walk around with your cock snaked down your pants or at home you say 'fuck it,' and you just walk around naked. The weight of your cock pulling on your groin. Fuck, it keeps one aroused and horny twenty-four and seven. I honestly believe I was only going to have like a nine inch cock or so, but once it got to that size, the weight began to pull and kept me at that aroused state so much, I think it forcibly caused my cock to grow the extra two and three-fourths inches due to constant erection." Julian laughed as he felt his own now huge cock throb and bob in his pants, aching for release from the confines or the touch of Terry. His mind was also processing so much more than his arousal and moving with quantum quads: moving with big huge feet; the longer stride at six feet four inches; the feeling of his muscles being so full and swole, hard, dense, and strong; the feeling of those muscles touching Terry's; the two sets of muscles bulging and shifting against one another fighting for space; the shirt rubbing on his newly enlarged and downward pointing nips, or the shirt rubbing and shifting all his new body hair; and the realization he was just as tall and big as Terry was. Eventually making their way over to the side of the field. The trio of men watched as the shuttle cloaked itself and became invisible. Then they turned their attention towards a pickup truck that was on a slight ridge of earth that was a well hidden dirt road. Unfortunately the wheels were halfway buried in the soft clay. "It must have rained since this vehicle was placed here. We need to lift it up and out. Gentlemen, I know this is asking a lot, but we can do this. You two grab a back side each, while I take the front." Terry nodded at Julian who had looked at him questioningly, and then took a position next to one of the truck's back wheels. Julian moved around to take the opposite side and the two grabbed the sides of the truck just above the wheels. The drone moved to the front and grabbing a hold of the front bumper called out, "On three gentlemen. One.... Two.....THREE!" Together the three strongmen hoisted the truck up out of the muck and then on the Drone's pulling as he began to walk backwards, moved it slightly ahead of the ruts it created. Once down the drone told Julian and Terry to get into the cab while he went back around and replaced all the loose bramble and brush into the position that originally hid the truck. Then he climbed in the truck, started it up, and the three took off down the road. It was a few minutes before anyone said anything, but it was Terry who initiated the conversation. "So...uhm.... Drone Three-five-seven-one?" "Call me, Dries. That is the name I will be going by where we are living, Dries Van Donk." "Alright.... Dries..... uhm where are we going and what do you mean 'where we are living?'" "Allow me to explain much. You were kidnapped by a race of what you would called space aliens. They refer to themselves as the Syriegs. The Syriegs helped create my people, the Nord'oks, from people on this planet. We are bred to be large and docile, perfect little drones to do most manual labor for them, especially the heavy stuff. "Now at the same time, they are still studying your race, humans, and how they have developed over the last two-thousand years. Oh yes, you haven't been alone and you've not be alone for quite some time. At any rate, that is why you were both taken originally, to see how human kind has developed physically, psychologically, and so forth." "Wait, so they plucked us two to be samples for the entire Earth?" "You are an extraordinary specimen, Mr. Mikicia..." "Terry, please, since you gave us your first name." "Alright, Terry. ... You are an extraordinary specimen of your species, Terry, but these are a scientific race of aliens, do not let pride think that you are the only person they have taken and observed." "It's like all those stories we've heard about, Terry. Those alien abductions and people only remembering glimpses, if they ever even realize they've been abducted." "Correct, Julian. Although they can mask ones abduction very well, the process is far from perfect. But some of us Nord'oks have decided to it is time to end this. Not only do we wish to achieve freedom for ourselves, but for the experimentation and observation of the human species to stop as well. In order for this to happen, we need more of you to be aware and coherent about your abduction. Obviously we cannot just drop you off back home as they would find you there, and now that part of Julian's missing growth pattern has been restored, he would stick out like a sore thumb there, identifiable to anyone who saw him. I, too, need a place where I can hide and blend in. Being large men the best place for us to do so is a country where men are fairly broad and large." "And where is that exactly?" asked Terry. "We are in the Netherlands. Specifically heading towards the town of Geldermalsen a little over an hour away from Amsterdam." "The men are pretty tall here but not necessary broad. That's usually more of the Norse." "Which is why those of us planning an escape like this, especially for you two, we chose the Netherlands. If your body frame is too bulky and built and stands out too much, it is fairly easy to cross over into the Scandinavian regions and blend in better there." "So why were Terry and I chosen to be kidnapped?" "With your family away on vacation, and a home located in the countryside you were easier to abduct with minimal effort. Also they wanted to study you as there was such a difference in your appearance, they wanted to know how the divergence amongst family members became so great." "Divergence among family members? We're not related." "You and Mr. Dealag are not related, Julian?" "No." Dries began to laugh low and long, continuing until Terry interrupted it. "What is so funny, and what did you mean earlier by Julian's missing growth pattern?" "Part of the reason why you two were going to go to the home world was because of your exceptional size and strength. Although many of my kind are taller than you are, Terry, you have an ample ability to become far denser and stronger than most of us. Your musculature was something in particular they wished to study and breed. Given Mr. Dealag's..." "Julian..." "Given Julian's frequent appearances at your house for so many years, and the fact he was there on a night where the rest of your family was gone, it was assumed you were relatives. This was believed even more so when you, Terry, told us that Julian should have equaled you in height, musculature, and sexual organ size. In turn that statement was collaborated by Julian's statement of how he had never grown since sixth grade and we found documents that supported this, plus his charts of how he was supposed to have grown." "oh...my...gawd...." "What is it, Julian?" "Hence the reason why they wanted you two to return to the home world, your genetic code was to make you giants among your people and they wished to exploit that." "Giant's among men...Julian what did you tell them?" "It's still so foggy... but I think when they asked me why I was so much smaller than you, I told them my fantasy story I've had since junior high." "And what was that?" "That I just stopped growing at the end of sixth grade for some reason and thus I was missing like almost half of my physical development." "And so they gave it to you and that's why you're as large as I am now." "That is incorrect Terry." "Incorrect, Dries? Look at him. That's what they did. He's every bit as tall and as strong and as hung as I am." "Although that is true, that isn't however the replacement of the lost growth spurt we thought he, and you, were supposed to have." "Wait, me? What?" "Since you said Julian was supposed to be as big as you, we figured his development had been stunted and we brought him up to your size." "Right." "But then we found the documents about what should have been his physical growth that he didn't receive and we programmed treatment for him to have them. Since that would've have put him quite a bit taller than you, and they thought you were family, the same treatment was given to both of you." "Just what kind of documents where these? Where did you get the information?" Julian groaned and finally croaked out. "It was my fantasy journals." "What?" "My fantasy journals where I wrote how I hadn't grown properly missing part of the average male growth spurt between ages 9 and 12, all of the small growth spurt between ages 12 to 14, the big growth spurt between 14 and 18. All of which is recorded in an Almanac of information from like twenty years ago." "Do not forget the other information, Julian." "What other information? Julian?" "I also had created fantasy documents. One that showed how most males grow about another two inches between ages 18 and twenty five, how excessive exercise can cause an increase of height between four to five inches, and how I, being as I was premature was shortened seven inches of growth in the womb coming out so much smaller than the average baby boy." "And given what we thought was supposed to be both you and Julian's current corrected height, we added two more inches on to that." "My gawd! Julian! We're going to be real live fucking hulks! We won't fit anywhere. What the hell were you thinking?" "I certainly wasn't thinking that one day an alien race would one day kidnap my ass, look at the documents, think they were actual medical documents, and make it all happen! It was just a fantasy. Something I dreamed up." "But why?" "Terry... you don't understand... You grew up. You GREW! You grew into a taller than average man with all these rippling muscles and strength and balls of exceptional virility with a massive tube steak. You and almost every other guy in school, although in varying states of packaging than the complete one you got. There I was... five feet nine inches tall at the end of sixth grade, twelve years old, standing taller than my father, as tall as most of the teachers. My family thought I was going to be huge! A giant! And I just stopped. More and more all the other boys just grew right past me, taller, broader, stronger, more hung, and then they all began to tease me and taunt me, pick on me, abuse me, and even though I fantasized about them, being with them, making love to many of them, I also wished I could grow to join them. Then I wished I could grow and become slightly bigger than them taking over their records, beating them in sports, eventually growing into a giant of a man that they would be powerless to stop. It just became an all waking fantasy that I couldn't get out of my head, that I jacked off to more and more, and the more I did so, the more I needed to create things to get me off. Doctored photos of me being so huge, the documents showing what kind of growth pattern I should've had...muscle growth stories that made me horny and feel powerful. ... ... ..." Terry turned his head and stared in silence at Julian until finally whispering, "Gawd.... Julian.... we really did a number on you, didn't we?" "Yes..." "Well, now you're bigger than most of the guys from high school. You're built like a tank and hung like a horse, just like me. There are some men bigger than us, but we're large enough to command respect at a glance. Your fantasies have become reality now. You don't need to feel timid, frightened, or insecure anymore." Julian looked up and while blushing smiled at Terry, who smiled a very reassuring and beautiful smile back. "You two are going to be much bigger than this." said Dries. "In fact it's one of the reasons why we needed to hurry and get to our new home. I activated the growth program so it would be more difficult to find you as their last records of what you looked like would become incorrect." "Won't they be able to calculate how big we'll be?" "No. I've sent a virus back through the systems erasing all your files and both the bieg ship, the shuttle craft, pad, and medical tables. Here we are gentlemen." Dries pulled the truck into a driveway on the outskirts of town and parked close to a large two story house that looked like it was oddly proportioned. "Wow...huge house." "Indeed. We weren't sure how tall you'd become so we got this place which is an old four story granary type barn. Hope fully the floors are high enough you'll have room to move, although we'll probably have to adjust the doors to accommodate you." As they got out of the truck, Dries turned and tossed the keys to Terry. "Here." he said. "Unlock the door. There's only two keys so shouldn't take you long to figure out. Julian, help me with these boxes." Peeling back a tarp, Dries revealed three boxes containing provisions packed in plastic or tins, as well as some mechanical tools and objects for helping to get appliances running. Stepping through the door and the corridors, Julian and Terry discovered what was to be their new home: Entering through the back door, they came into the a combination mud room, breakfast/dining nook and kitchen. On the wall farthest from them in the middle was an open squared archway and on the far right hand side as set of fairly enclosed stairs going up. Stepping through the doorway was a decent sized room with hutches, china cabinets, and a dining table. Opposite the kitchen-dining doorway was another doorway that led to a great room that rose up all four stories and showed exposed rafters. It contained three couches, some recliners, a large radio, TV, desks with computers, door to a half bathroom, and the grand stair case that led to the second story, at the bottom of which was front door out of the house. Upstairs all the bedrooms and their private baths were as tall as the downstairs rooms not counting the great room, two stories tall. Each had some kind of bed, nightstand, armoire, and chest of drawers." "Come, help me get the provisions unpacked and into the...what do you call it? Pantry. I will get the stove, furnace, and fireplaces going." "Not a probAAUUUUUGH!" Terry had started to answer while smiling at Julian and clasping him on the back, but he suddenly doubled over in pain that was coursing through his entire body. Julian let out a yelp as well, experiencing the same kind of sensations. "Are you two, alright?" "Not sure, Dries." said Terry. Dries looked at Terry then backed up a couple of steps. "What? What is it?" "The growth is beginning and beginning now. Your face is completely devoid of any facial hair." Terry looked over at Julian and could see his face was smooth as a baby's bottom as well. Reaching over for the ties of the shirt, Terry untied the ribbons and pulled the shirt apart in the front. His chest and abdomen were also as smooth and hairless as his face. Suddenly his chest began to deflate a little and his abs to become not quite so defined. "What's happening to us?" Terry queried loudly, but his resonant voice scooped up into higher pitches as he asked and soon he sounded more a like a young preteen, albeit a fairly large preteen. "The program is reverting you back in age in order to more efficiently produce the replacement growth into your bodies. Get to the great room now. We have no idea if you'll grow too tall for the other individual rooms." Julian and Terry bolted for the grand stair case and then dashed for the center of the great room before they both doubled over in pain. Dries showed up with a couple of round disks and placed one each in the upper corner of both men's left eyes. "There is not much I can do. You will be going through this process, but it is rushed. You will be experiencing a great amount of growing pains as your skeletons enlarge and lengthen, the same for your muscles. Just try to breathe deeply and slowly, or lie down on the floor and meditate. The disks I placed upon you will show you statistical information through your eyes as your body changes. Will this happens I will go sort out the provisions and get the stove started. You will be exceptionally hungry after this ends." Dries left to go into the kitchen as Julian and Terry became a little thinner and even less hairy. Then a hush fell as everything seemed to stop and then both men screamed as it felt like someone was stabbing them with ice picks being driven straight up through the palms, heels, knees, and shoulder blades and into their shins, thighs, arms, and spine. "It might help if we attempt some kind of calisthenics, slight workouts to take our minds off the pain of growth." "That might increase it too. Do you think that wise?" "We're going to be giant fuckers anyway; might as well go for broke." And so as the process began, Terry began to wrestle with Julian, forcing him to use his body to counteract Terry pinning him or holding him into submission. In between the moving, the holding, the pressing, the pushing Terry asked questions of Julian, which their bodies seem to answer. "What...what's huh huh...the first....urrf.....first part?" "Uhm... the make up of my small birth length. Seven inches I think." "No.... they increased it due to my height remember...." "Oh....yeah...OOOOOOOOOOO!" The growth hit them hard this time and as they watched their straight on vision rise up higher and higher they saw in their vision the stat's counter rise and rise in numeric value: 6' 5", 6' 6", 7", 8" 9", 10", 11", 7 Feet, 7' 1"...7' 2". "Oh shit... said Terry, dropping to his kneels with Julian nearly collapsing on top of him. That... that was fuckin intense. How many more of these spurts do we have to go through?" "Fa.....fa....four to five...more...or so....." "And the next one?" "Finishing up an uncompleted growth spurt between ages nine and twelve." "Oh good. Not too much theOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" [7' 3", 7' 4", 7' 4.5"] "Julian...these clothes are already getting too tight and we've not even filled out yet." "Fuck the filling out. My balls and cock are growing and they're being racked by the shrinking crotch in these pants." "What...huuuuuuh.... what's the next one?" "Pre-spurt between ages twelve and fourteen." "Alright and how much is AAAAAUUGH!" [7' 5.5", 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5] "I think you have your wish for loosening your pants, Julian." "Yeah... we've grown far too tall for these things. My feet have split out of the shoes...." "Mine split out during the first growth for our birth." Julian laughed, "Yeah....true that. Mine as well. But I just split out of these pants in the ass and crotch." "I can tell. Your cock is hanging out all limp between your legs, you horse fuck!" "Who's calling whom a horse fuck, donkey dick?" The two stared at each other laughing but with a very devilish grin on their faces. Suddenly the two of them reached out for each other's cock, attempting to grab it and stroke it. "Oh no you don't. You're gonna get the public boner before I do, Sir Schlong!" "Course I'm going to get a boner. You're freakin' hung like an adult male already. That is so fuckin' hot! Gonna see how big it becomes by strokin' you off." "NO YOU DON'T!" The two began to wrestle each other even more as they attempted to grab one another's penis and cause the other to have an embarrassing erection. Both of them pulling, stretching, effectively jelqing one another's prick. "AAAUGH SHIT ANOTHER GROWTH SPURT! WHICH ONE IS THIS?!?" "Uhmmmm ahhhh.... main one during teen age puberty...." [Access to local information readjusting calibrations for growth spurt. Men of your height should have something akin to NBA player David Robinson....] "Did you see that flash across your eyes, Julian? What the hell does that mean?" "I think it means, we better hold... hold on! NMMMMMMMRGFFF!" [7' 9.5", 7' 10.5", 7' 11.5", 8' .5", 8' 1.5", 2.5". 3.5", 4.5", 6.5", 7.5"] "Auuuugh...aughhhh oh shit... did we? Did we just grow ten inches?" "Yeah...." "I don't think even myself personally at 6' 4" had a ten inch growth spurt.... oh my....Hmmmmmf" "And the small college growth spurt between ages 18-25 now....auuugh." [8' 7.5", 8' 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 9' 1."] "Auuuuugh.... did that just say... nine feet one? Nine feet one inch tall?!?" "Yes... Terry....I....oooh...... I think..... so......keep rubbing.... it seems to lessen the pain and we have one more growth spurt to go through...." "One more?!?" "The adjustment of height due to physical activity." "Oh shit.... we've been really physical due to this....oooh my gawd." Julian and Terry suddenly doubled over into each other's arms and while staring at one another could no longer help themselves. Forgetting all pain of the growth spurts they were going through, they embraced one another and began to kiss passionately and hug and grope one another lustfully, collapsing to the floor in a heap made up of two giant male bodies in the process of stretching ever longer and longer. [calculating effect of athletic activity upon overall growth spurt.... ..... ..... 9'1", 2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 7", 8," 9", 10".... 9'10" tall.] The two men couldn't have cared less by this point. They were rolling around on the floor groping and hugging each other, kissing in mad passionate love. All the whole while their muscles began contracting and expanding, flexing and relaxing, swelling and popping, becoming ever larger, firmer, stronger, more striated, more defined, and denser than ever before. It wasn't too long before whatever pieces of clothing they had left on were being popped, snapped, ripped, and torn off by mountainous mounding of muscle growing on their frames. They went well beyond whatever conditioning Terry's body had been before. They were now truly muscle freaks of the large extra tall, extra heavyweight class of Olympic level bodybuilding. The little disks eventually flashing the total of 1,265.75 lbs for the young men's individual weight. Eventually Julian broke free from Terry and flipping him over onto his back cried out, "Oh fuck this... I want your muscle cock!" and dove onto it right as the disks flashed before their eyes....24 inches - 2 feet. And as he surprising went down on Terry, his mouth and throat somehow taking him all the way down and began to bob his head, each time his nose met Terry's crotch, the crotch got hairier and bushier, thicker and fully while Terry's body became covered in that fine, yet thickly feathered hair all over his body, and so did Julian's too. Eventually Terry had to stop Julian because Julian's two days worth of beard stubble was tickling the inside of this thighs and besides which, he was begging to fill Julian's tight, extremely bubbled butt with his petrified and petrifying pole. Terry had just pushed himself all the way in at Julian's insistence, when Dries walked back into the great room. "Gentlemen, I have dinn....oh! Oh my...." And with that he turned and went back into the kitchen while Julian and Terry writhed on the floor in lust and ecstasy. Two gigantic bodybuilders in love with one another and their bodies.
  9. FREaky

    You Can Stop - Part Two

    You Can Stop - Part Two (with a big thanks to ShreddedFreaksLover and FitnessBel for their assistance in the couple of statements I needed in Spanish. And to Phoenix27 who also offered to help.) by F_R_Eaky Part One: Part Two [rattle rattle rattle crattle rattle POP hsssssssssssssss] "No... no no no no no no nooooo NO!..... DAMN IT!" Ted pulled his car over to the side of the road but let it coast for as long as it could, including a turn off onto a slightly smaller street. "Why... WHY?! Why didn't I take a flight? Why did I decide that a two week trip across the U.S. would be a relaxing vacation?" It was the middle of June, just before summer started, and Ted was taking a couple of week's worth of vacation to celebrate his birthday, abroad on a scenic car trip of the United States. Truth be told, however, he was actually taking it to avoid contact with Cris, his best friend in the whole world. Over the last couple of years his friend has gone through some physical changes. Radical changes to say the least: a drop of 150 pounds of fat that his body seemed to then turn and inflate into more and more muscle that just seems to keep piling on and swelling ever thicker and harder, he's become just over two feet taller, his feet have grown up twenty-eight and half sizes, and he has a cock that appears to be growing out of him like some kind of natural, flesh made fire hose. "Awww fuck!" Said Ted exasperated. Shakily one hand went to his forehead while the other went to the waistband of his pants. He needed to undo them quickly to allow some room as just the quick thought of Cris made him spring wood as hard as the petrified forest. "I'm a top.... how can I be a top when I know someone who's almost two feet taller than me and is growing into the hulk?!? And how is it happening to him? Even late bloomers just don't suddenly grow two feet...OVER two feet in just over two years. It's not done.... it can't happen that way. It's medically impossible! His organs can't develop fast enough. He should've collapsed. The human heart doesn't function well anymore once you get past a certain large size. He was my best friend... my little best friend. I enjoyed being his protector....his guardian.... his close fantasy. I know I was. I was the closest thing he had to a really big...BIG! MAN!..... When we had friendly good-bye hugs, I could feel him twist and squirm so I wouldn't feel his growing erection in his pants. He was Cris.... he was Crisito! I was the big man. I WAS THE BIG MAN!" Ted shook even more violently. He was dealing with conditions and emotions he didn't like, he didn't want to face, and his plan to run away for his birthday, he now realized backfired completely. "Oh....SHIT!" Looking around, he realized the little stretch of road he was on, he vaguely recognized. His car's check engine light having come on, he got off the highway at the nearest exit and hoped that problem would be a quick fix. But now, now something as popped and he could smell the radiator fluid leaking out. Where was it he pulled off and into? He originally wasn't sure. He wasn't exactly paying attention. Recognizing the street and area he's on, however, made him understand he's pulled off near Cris' town. Getting out of the car, he popped the hood open , looked, and confirmed at least one of his fears, He'd blown a hose and possible the cap to the radiator. Even if he could get replacement fluid, there's probably a good guarantee that it will leak and he'll need to replace the radiator, if not something else as well. Leaving the hood open, Ted opened the car door and sat back down inside, after rolling the windows down. Pulling out his Android he started to look up local towing and repair shops. [toof toof toof... toof toof toof.....toof toof toof....] Ted began to hear a sound. He wasn't sure what it was at first. In fact, he shook his phone and cursed at it, thinking it might be trying to go out on him like his car was. [Toom Toom Toom.....Toom Toom Toom....Toom Toom Toom...] "What the hell is that noise?" [THUMP THUMP THUMP!] This time the sound was not only right upon Ted, but went right past him, and suddenly, as he turned his head around to look out the back window, the hood came slamming down, his car's front end rose up, and poor Ted was nearly tossed into the back seat. "Auuuuuh!.... Not quite the right grip!" a somewhat deep and sexy voice said. Ted looked out the front window as the car went back down, only to see the backside and bubbled ass of a giant bodybuilder, power lifter, or some such. The man's back and shoulders stretched out wider and wider than his tiny string tank top. His traps threatened to pull the straps off and away from the main fabric of the shirt. The sides were stretched out and pushed down by a thick flaring set of lats which were pushing a pair of arms sporting the largest tricep muscles Ted had ever seen. Those tris were above a massive set of forearms that looked as big as most men's upper arm. Well, that would be if the man attempting to hoist up the car was the size of an average man. Framing the lower back, the forearms only served to accentuate how tiny the man's waist came down to from that expanse of back and then back out wide again from the two granite boulders that made his ass, and the columns of pure tightly strung power that were his thighs, the pair of which stretched and strained the nearly paper thin workout shorts hidden underneath a very large pair of basketball shorts that would probably be pants on average sized men. This giant squatted down and grabbed the front of the car once again and then stood up, every muscle of his arms, shoulders, traps, back, butt and legs, moving in harmony, bulging in use, becoming larger by the second as the veins that fed them became engorged with blood. The bellies getting bigger and bloated, beefier and harder, defined and denser. Letting out a primal kind of scream as he got the front of the car raise up off the ground, the man's neck suddenly flared out thicker and wider, threatening to become as wide as and take over his head, and pushed his traps, delts, and back, even wider out. Turning his head to the side in order to call out behind him the giant stated hushed in deep rumbling tones, "It's okay, sir. My name is Cris. Put your car into neutral and I'll pull it down and off the road to my house. Then I can offer you the use of a directory, phone, and something to drink, if you've been out here for a while." It took Ted a couple of fumbling tries to get the car out of gear and he was erupting in his pants. The sound, the registering of Cris' rich, honey coated, but firm and strong voice into his ears sent a jolt from them down his spine, around his ass, and drove straight into his balls, the touch of which took his breath away and caused him to fill his underwear to capacity. It took about fifteen minutes to jog the car down the road, turn onto the next, and then into the driveway of Cris' home. Along the way, Ted marveled at how easily this seemed to be for Cris. There were a couple of small breaks, some heavy breathing to be sure, but still, no other man could do this without popping a vein or snapping his back. What's more the amount of speed Cris could generate while towing this car. As they were now in his driveway, Cris squatted down and put the front of the car onto the ground, and then turned around to address the driver. "There we go. Now you can rest in a shaded and air conditioned pla....Oh my Gawd! Ted! How are you?" Ted got out of the car and then turned to face Cris, his jaw going slack as he did so. Looking straight on, Ted knew he was looking about where the second row of abs would be. This meant that his head, the head that topped his six foot three inch frame, only came up to somewhere between that second row of abs and the bottom of Cris' chest, which was hanging, rounder, wider, fuller, thicker than ever. Ted slowly raised his head up and up in order to his friend's face, but it was becoming slightly blocked by his friend's own pectoral muscles. "It so good to see you! What a surprise!" and Cris pulled Ted into a big old bear hug, engulfing Ted in his oversized arms and planting Ted's face into the valley crevice of his chest. Ted began to fight back, to kind of punch Cris' arms and obliques trying to break free. "OH....MY....GAWD!" "TED! TED? Ted, it's me.... it's Cris." Ted backed off a moment and stared at Cris. Then he shook his head as though to clear his vision. "Cris..... CRIS! Oh my gawd.... this... this you!?" "Yeah.... are you okay? You seemed to be fighting for your life there and all I was doing was giving you a hug." "Just I didn't physically recognize you....right off the bat that is. You've....it.....growth..... Happened again did it?" "Uhm... haha.... yeah. I'm getting huge... HUGE!" "Uhhhhh." "Ted, are you okay?" and Cris stepped forward to catch his best friend. "Yeah... must be...the heat." "Out there a while were you?" "Yeah, you could say that. And uhm, sorry... part of recognizing you now is by voice and...." "I KNOW, RIGHT?!" "OOhhhhh" "Whoa! Better get you inside, you're looking very faint." "....that voice...." "Yeah, I know. A few more steps down and I'm going to be wallowing in the depths like James Earl Jones, Alan Rickman, Benedict Cumberbatch, and Sam Elliot." and Cris laughed deeply. "Oh auuugh huh huh huh auuuuugh huh huh huh huh...." "Ted? Ted?" Cris slightly bent over and with ease picked up Ted, two handed, and draped him over his shoulder and held him like one would a small child. After carrying him into the guest bedroom, Cris went and got a wash cloth, ran it under cold water, and applied it to Ted's forehead. This brought Ted too almost immediately, albeit a bit groggily. As his vision cleared from coming to, he looked up and could see the great torso and head of Cris' body looming over him from the side of the bed. He knew part of it was due to the angle of his vision from laying on the bed, but still, even taking that into consideration, Cris looked absolutely huge. He filled the room, with sheer presence if not physical actuality. "so....friggin'....big...." "I know, right?!? I'm getting huge, Quick rundown of the usual stats so you have an idea of where I am right now. So.... prepare yoursel.... well, that's kind of stupid as you're already laying down. Alright.. whoooooooo..... okay, so get this..... I am.... eight feet five inches tall. My upper arm measures twenty-nine inches around, which if I was your height would be twenty-one and half inches. Can you believe that? I mean look at these arms...." and Cris stood up and did a front double bi pose. "I'm becoming like an Olympian! My arms both in real numbers and ratio wise have gone over the twenty inch mark! It's fucking incredible! And with the rest of my muscles as strong and developed as my upper arms, it means that I weigh in at a 636 and a fourth pounds, or just over 260 pounds if I was only 6' 3" tall." "You're too...." "I know, Ted. I know I've grown absolutely huge and all, and there is a lot to be worried and scared about, but I keep coming back from every test healthier and healthier, bigger, broader, thicker, denser, harder, taller, stronger.... I'm feeling better and looking more defined and cut as well as larger every day. Seriously, what's wrong with this?" Cris did a most muscular pose this time. "Too big... Cris you're...." "And get this... things were becoming too small for me at work. Neither a desk nor chair to fit my frame. Hell, even the cubical was becoming too small, so I had to quit that job. I wondered what I was going to do to earn money, and then I get approached by of all people, the manager for the Harlem Globetrotters. They're the ones who gave me my latest height measurement. I'm going to be working as one of the giants on the team. And get this, they wanted to come up with something better for me as a nickname, because when Paul Sturgess was playing for them he was known as 'Tiny.' I'm nine inches taller than he was. Can you believe that? Just the other day I was only an inch taller than him and now I'm nine inches taller." "Just an inch...taller..." Ted hoarsely whispered. "What's that? Well, at any rate since, I'm nine inches taller than 'Tiny' was so my name had to be worse so to speak, so as part of the Globetrotter's roster I'm now Cristóbal 'Mini' Espino Maclérigo, Cris Espino for short. They're the reason why I was out jogging on the road. I'm in training. I needed it. They couldn't believe someone my size had no basketball experience. When I told them what was happening, they explained they had good insurance and would help me get connected to the world's leading authority on growth issues. As long as I'm with them, they're helping me find doctors, furniture, clothes.... SHOES! Shoes, because a twenty-two inch long, nine and a fourth inch wide foot needs a size US Men's 44 shoe. And I get to hang around a bunch of guys that doesn't quite seem like ants to me. Plus I get to train. I get to work out and lift and train my body to maybe even get bigger. Think about it? With my voice lowering, and my body developing thicker hair and hair in more places than I had it, they think I'm going to stop growing soon, but it is possible I could match Robert Wadlow or at least come in at a close second." Those last few words rang in Ted's ears and head. He'd be a close second almost as tall as or as tall as Robert Wadlow, the world's ever tallest man recorded. "You can stop. YOU CAN STOP!" Cris got that tingly feeling all over his body again, twice, but he took no notice as he was wondering about his friend's reaction. Ted was now sitting up on the side of the bed, then standing up to approach Cris, only a step away. "You should stop! You keep thinking this is great and wonderful but you're doing it all wrong. You're still with doctors who told you one, two, three spurts ago you were almost done. Now you're almost three feet taller than what you were. THREE FEET TALLER, CRIS! Your internal organs can't be developing fast enough for this to support your ginormous body, yet, but you decided to go out and do work outs and running, cardio exercise when your heart could be too small to support your body doing things like just waking up, let alone a work out." "Ted! What the fuck?! Where is this coming from?" "I'm just worried about you and you don't seem to be taking true care of yourself. Look, I don't mind you getting all huge and powerful on me here, but you can't go out and start flexing all that muscle until you're sure you're done growing. It's great being the big guy, the strong man. I get it. I understand. It's also one of your biggest fantasies. But if you don't really think about what you're doing, it could all be just an instant, a flash of a life that's taken away forever." "Dios mio, Ted!" "Cris...Cris.... .....ito" whispered Ted under his breath. "Look, what I'm saying is just slow down a bit. You don't know if you're done growing outwardly or inwardly yet and you need to be cautious until you do. For the now, relax, take supplements, do light workouts, save the super human, super-hulk acts until you know your insides have caught up to support this body. Don't cause it to burn out so quickly after becoming this. Let yourself slowly develop into it so you not only get all this size you like, but can enjoy it for many, many years." "Oh!...oh..oh...hahahahahahaha...Ted...." and Cris reached out and bear hugged Ted again and held him, cradling him. Ted's body pressed against his torso and between his mammoth thighs and super boat feet. "Ted....Ted....mi amigo...hermano....my Tedito. Are you this scared for me?" Ted breathed a heavy sigh. Cris just called him Tedito. Diminutive suffix. He appears small to Cris now. Yet, as he is engulfed in the arms, chest, and legs of this giant man, as much as it makes his blood boil that to Cris he is the small and ever shrinking man, part of him, is becoming more aroused towards Cris. The bigger Cris gets, the hornier Ted becomes and the deeper his desire is developing for his once short, small framed, high school friend. He knew he'd need to act the part right now, his car needing to be repaired. He'd tell Cris his reaction was due partially to the heat, partially to being exhausted from the drive. He would tell him that his company realized they made an error and allowed him the time off to be with either family or friends. He would then leave when the car was finished, saying he needed to leave to ensure he was able to get home and back to work on time. **************************************************************************** Six months later Ted was sitting in the living room of his family's home in Spain for Christmas. He was having problems sleeping so he got up and went to his Grandfather's study and turned on the television to see if he could catch the broadcast of some US late night show from the night previous. Finally he settled down upon one. [applause] "Alright, welcome back, welcome back. So if you weren't with us before the break, you missed seeing a small demonstration of regular and comedic basketball skills by the world famous Harlem Globetrotters. They have freshened back up a little and changed and we'd like to welcome them back now. Please welcome, Cristóbal 'Mini' Espino, Alishia 'Jupiter' Joiner, Stephan 'Slapshot' Terrence, and Eirik 'Velocity' Van Laren." [applause] Ted sat up in the couch a little upon hearing his best friend's name. He was quickly placed into shock however as soon as the team members came out, receiving not only applause but cat calls and whistles from the audience members as well. And it was no wonder why. Although they were in their public speech or interview uniforms, the fact of it was they were all not only tall and good looking, but Cris' shirt barely came over any part of his shoulders and the hem stopped half way down his abs. Even without that visual done on purpose to help strike up conversation, Ted could clearly tell Cris was not only taller, but even bigger and buffer than before. The quartet of players allow Alishia to sit in the chair closest to the host while the other three sat on the couch, Cris actually squatting down upon the arm rest, which had the audience members oohing, awing, and laughing. Even sitting up on the raised arm of the couch, it was still low enough that his knees were up and away from the couch about twice as much as any of his teammates, his tights bent upward. The audience, now, also got a glimpse of Cris' pants, not only nearly looking painted on, but coming up short, stopping at mid calves. If that wasn't bad enough, one look at him and one could tell his back and him could take up about three fourths of the couch width himself. His thighs pushed one another and made him sit in an exceptionally wide stance. His lats were taking on a w appearance and pushed his upper arms, which looked like bowling balls, up and out at an angle almost parallel to the floor. "Welcome, players, welcome. I guess the first thing I should help state and explain is that you four are just representatives to the program here this evening. That is, you do indeed play for the team, but that there are many more of you than just you four." The players looked at one another before Eirik smiled and said, "You take it Alicia." "Uhm... that's right. The roster for the Harlem Globe Trotters is actually enough to field about three teams so that we can cover and show support for more events across the country and the world." "And with just you four we have not only a tremendous amount of diversity of athletic prowess and skill, but also of various backgrounds. Within you four there is Caucasian, African-descent, and Hispanic-Latino race, there is not only male but female players, and not only American born players but African and Dutch players as well." "That's right. Obviously of course, I am one of the female players." [OOOOW!] "Yeah! GIRL POWER!... hahahaha.... and Cris here, despite his looks and what folks think Hispanics and Latino's look like, he's one of the Hispanic-Latino American players we have, and he and I are from America, while Stephan is from Trinidad, Eirik is from the Netherlands. And our larger roster for the three teams are all just a diverse. The organization originally started to help out and encourage minorities to get out and be active, take pride and part of the community, strive to do something, and we still do. The roster has grown and changed over the years to reflect the various things and statements we stand for. The Globe Trotters men and women of all races, country of origin, language spoken. We recognize the game is being played and watched by humanity, not just a few select or chosen people." [applause] "So you go around the world and you play, you entertain, you give speeches, why? What after all these years are the Globetrotters trying to achieve?" "Well, the Globetrotters over the years have sponsored and supported several outstanding charities and camps for children and families. It's all about one having a good, clean, fun filled time of entertainment, and two, bringing various causes to the front of society's mind to support and help them. One of the newest one's is the B.I.G. campaign, B.I.G. standing for Battling Inaccurate Growth patterns." "And how did you guys come to support that organization?" "Well... " and Alishia looked towards Cris, "I would again think that obvious." [hahahahahahahahahahaha] "I'm thinking there might be a tie in here. First let me ask you, it's said that the Guinness Book of Records is helping sponsor and promote the upcoming year's worth of scheduled events. How come they're doing that?" "I think that should be state by my teammate down there, Cris." "Alright, Cris, can you tell us about this sponsorship? And I should mention at home for some of the folks that some of you player's nicknames are meant to be oxymoron's, such as is the case here with Cris whose nickname is 'Mini.' Why is that, Cris?" "Ah haaaa.... well I'm kind of the answer to all three of the questions. My nickname is mini because I'm not only the tallest player on the current roster of the Globetrotters, but I'm also the tallest player of all time in the Harlem Globetrotters." "That's right the tallest was Paul Sturgess, and you are nine inches taller than him. How tall was he." "He was seven foot- eight inches tall." [whoooooa, wow, oooooh, aaaaaahhh] "But I should say that fact about me being nine inches taller isn't true any longer." "Isn't true, what did you grow?" "Yes." "You've grown since you joined the Globetrotters?" "Yes." "How old are you?" "I just turned twenty-five last June." "And so you're now how much taller than seven foot-eight inch Paul?" "I'm one-foot three and a half inches taller than Paul now." "One foot.... woha ha how.....That makes you..." "It makes me Eight feet - eleven and half inches tall." "Wow that's half a foot since you joined!" "Right, and that's why we're supporting B.I.G. and Guinness Book of World Records is supporting most of our events this up coming year. I originally started out three years ago at five-foot eight inches tall and have grown three feet three and half inches since then. I've had doctors looking at me, testing me, doing research, but they've not come up with a reason as to why I'm just growing and growing. I just happen to be lucky that everything is growing at a decent, constant, and proportionate rate." "I...let me tell you, I'm not sure about proportionate there. Your feet are huge. What size.... you know, they joke and say people with big feet have boats for shoes but yours would have to be..." "They'd pretty much be equivalent to the world's largest cruise ships." [hahahahahahahahahahaha] "So do you know if you've broken that record?" "Yes... At the start of the year they're going to take my measurements, confirm, and present me with certificates for breaking the world's tallest man in history, because I beat Robert Wadlow by .4 of an inch, the world's biggest hands, feet, and shoes, and I'm also going for the world's largest arms." "Wow....Your whole body is just busting out and breaking all kinds of records. Are you getting used to all the attention your height and size brings?" "It was a little difficult at first, but uhm....OOOOOoooooooomphhhhhha!" and raised his left arm in front of his teammate Eirik's head and did a biceps pose. "I'm getting used to it." "Good gawd! Look at that! I think... can we get a play back on that? I think your arm just obliterated your teammate, Eirik's head from view! You look freakin' incredibly built, for a tall man, of any height of tall. How large are those upper arms of yours and how much do you weigh?" "Well to answer your previous question, first, my shoes are a size 46 quintuple D which means my feet are twenty-two and two thirds inches long by just over nine and half inches wide." "Good knight! It must be murder finding shoes!" "They're all custom made. As for my weight and arms.... my arms are thirty-three and fourth inches around, which to put that in perspective, if I was only six foot three inches tall, my arms would be just over twenty-three inches." "Good....gawd....Why aren't you competing in bodybuilding? I bet you'd take that title as well." "Actually I am, but I'm announcing that on a separate program than the Globetrotters." "And what was your weight?" "Eight-hundred eighty-three and a half pounds." "WHOA! I could just ask questions of you all night, but I need to head to commercial break. Anything you and the rest of the teammates would like to say? Alishia?" "Shout out to my lil' girl, Tanya. Merry Christmas and Momma loves you, now mind your daddy and go to bed!" "Stephan." "I'd like to say hello to my fiancée, Rhonda. Love ya, baby. See ya soon. Happy Hanukah" "Eirik?" "Hello to mum & dad and the whole family as well as everyone in the Netherlands, especially Amsterdam! PROOST!" "Finally Cris...haha aka hahahaha 'Mini'." "I'll shout out to all my family in Puerto Rico and Spain - Quiero mandar un gran saludo a toda mi familia en Puerto Rico y España. A mis abuelas y abuelos, mi madre, mi padre, mi hermano mayor, Mateo, que cada vez está más pequeño y pequeño , y a mi hermana Catalina. Os quiero, ¡Feliz Navidad! And one more shout out to mi amigo mejor, Ted. Hermano, que esta cada vez más pequeños, tambien. Saludos!" "Ok! What he said. We'll be right back with the band, Madrigal!" Ted sat there breathing deeply, shaking, trembling. Cris' voice was lower. He was even bigger and bigger built. Cris just told him via television that Cris' brother was getting smaller and he was getting smaller, as well. His vision started to white out. His hand holding a glass began to shake and spasm. His cock sprang up and down, inflating and deflating, becoming hard and soft. His free hand quickly grabbed the remote control and began flipping through the stations looking for something to calm him down. "......and welcome back to the Howard Stern show. So if you're just joining us in the last spare minutes of our program... SHAME ON YOU! You're too fuckin' late. Or perhaps not. We had a big guest on the show today, a very big guest, in fact in about a week's time he's going to be declared the biggest fucking man of all time by the Guinness Book of World Records. It's Crystalball..." "haahahahahah Howard!" "I can't say it all. It's your name. Introduce yourself, and you know what, if you don't mind go ahead and throw your middle name in. For Christ's sake, the American government is so dense with all its forms and ignorance of other name practices in the world it's not like your people even have the chance to actually put your entire name down without having some unworldly senator looking at you like your some kind of freak, so go ahead, say it all and say it proud!" "Cristóbal Eduardo Espino Maclérigo." "My gawd! What a name. I couldn't get that all out. I'd sprain my tongue. Wouldn't I, Robin." "Hmmm that's right. True that." "But let me tell you, it sounds so fuckin' sexy. Almost all Latino names are like that. They sound so exotic...so....... hawt! I tell ya, if I had a name like .... Espiritus Sancta there...." "Howard! ahahahahahah!" "Well whatever it was, my plain Anglo tongue can't wrap around it, but I tell ya, if I had a name like his, my tongue would've have wrapped around four times as many women in my life as it did." "So a total of four then. hahahaa!" "Robin! Ouch.... do you feel the love, Cristóbal. Do you see what I have to put up with every day at work? And she's not just a coworker, she's a friend! But any rate before we wrap up the program... I warned you I was going to do this, Cris. You're getting honored for your body breaking several records: world's tallest man, world's tallest bodybuilder, world's biggest feet, world's biggest hands, which if you didn't catch earlier, Cris is eight feet eleven and half inches tall - that's .4 of an inch taller than Robert Wadlow whose record height was recorded the same year as his death, 1940, so subtract that from this year and that's how long this record has been held by Robert and not broken. Anyhow he's 8' 11.5" tall, he wears a size 46 quintuple E because he feet are absolutely fuckin' huge 22.66" long by like 9.25" wide. His upper arms are 33..25" thick, as in big around. That means his upper arm is as large as most average height men in America, or in other terms it's only two and three fourths inches shy of being exactly three feet thick. Because of this incredible super human build on him he weighs and astounding 883.5 pounds! But we've got one more tale of the tape to do. One that the people of Guinness World Records won't touch..." "Oh nooo..... nooo.... Howard...." "No... no... I warned you I was going to do this. I've asked this of all the men who taller and bigger than I am and you are the biggest out of all of them. I've seen pictures of you, your outline of IT, running down your pants or shorts leg...." "aaaauuuugh, come on...." "No... no... you're the biggest man in the world, soon to be proclaimed, and I want to know, American wants to know." "Not all, America...." "Oh come on, Robin. You know they are. You are!" "I'm different... I'm a woman." "Yeah? Well I know something about Crystalball here that you don't. It won't matter how much woman you are because Cris swings the other way. But the question is, 'Exactly how much IS he swinging the other way?' Americans are perverts at heart. They want to know deformity either for intellectual, curiosity, or shock factor. So we've got the people who officially measured Jonas Falcon's penis here, as well as Mr. Falcon himself, wave hi, Jonas..." "Hey..." " and we want to know, World's Tallest Man, World's Tallest Bodybuilder, World's Tallest Homo... are you also the World's Biggest Man Down Under?" "Auuuugh...." "Are you willing to let these people measure your dip stick?" "I...I don't ...." "I'll haunt you forever. No matter where we are, where you go, and you're going to be a hard man to hide, you know this, I will hound you and ask you until you reveal all. My listeners want to know." "Alright...alright I'll do it, but to paraphrase Susan from the TV show Coupling, 'I present this penis as a protest.'" "HAHAHAAAAAAA Presents his penis a protest! Nowhere else in the Radio world will you hear a proud and sanctimonious penile statement like that, folks." "It makes a great tongue twister for warm up before you go to work on one too.... present penis in protest...present penis in protest...present..." "HHAAHAHAHAHA ROBIN! AW GAWD! We're all goin' to Hell as soon as the broadcast is done folks. Into the basket, press down, no passing go, no two-hundred dollars. Ok... so, Cris... if you step right over here. This'll stop anyone from seeing it if they walk in. And can you give us an idea of what we're going to see? Do you have a teeny average size penis on an giant body, do you have a fairly large sized cock on a giant body or do you have a giant cock on an average size body?" "Uhm.... I kind of have a cock that's almost the percentage bigger of the average penis as my body is bigger than the average body." "Really? You're not shittin' me?" "Nope." "You're that fuckin' hung?" "I'll let your experts measure and see." "Ok...first... are you completely soft? Totally flaccid?" "Yep." "Ok... then if you're willing, drop trou!" "Hmmmm ok...get my shorts over my bubble butt.... and ....." "OH MY GAWD! JESIS H.... The man is the first bipedal donkey folks. You....well.... I we'll need to see what it is in a second here.... team what you got for Mr. Softy?" "Thirteen and one fourth inches long." "Good...night....Cris! Cris! Do you have any boyfriends who live to tell others what you're like in bed? I mean you only have to grow during erection one fourth of an inch before you tie Jonas Falcon in size! Jonas, I think you're goin' to have to pass the crown over. Ok...Cris, now I want you to put on those headphones there. Yep..... ok thumbs up if you can hear the things playing on the computer monitor in front of you." "Sure I can....OH MY!" "I hope they're the kind of guys you like, Cris." "Oh...no...not here in pu....OH!....OH! OH! OH!..." "We've got something on all monitors, Cris. Just sit back and enjoy the show.... Because we're goin'.... holy shit! Robin, are you seeing this?" "How can you not help but see this." "Folks his penis is stretching and inflating rapidly to a much larger size. Cris, how the hell do you not pass out during sex? Still rising...still growing..... Someone needs to go back to the timer controls on the recording and playback to see how long it takes to stiffen up. Wow. That is just... out there! It'd be a third leg when it gets done, folks. It's so fuckin' long and thick. It's tryin' so hard to rise up, but the length of it and the weight of it is causing it to instead just stick straight out and hover and bob in the air like some kind of flesh made crane arm. Ok... I think that's it... good night the amount of blood needed for this..... Even before I hear the results I must stand and give you and mother nature an ovation for this DNA combination. Team do we have the results?" "Yes...21.25" "Good night... twenty-one and a fourth inches long! He's just shy of having a two foot penis! What the hell would that be if he were my height?" "About fifteen and a fourth." "Fifteen and a fourth inches! And what if I were as tall a Jonas there. How much more would he be packing than his thirteen and a half if he was hung like Cris?" "He'd be just under thirteen and three-fourths." "Just under... well Jonas it seems like even proportionately Cris has got you beat by almost a fourth of an inch. And what if he still is growing? Good gawd, Cris. You make love, you're going to kill someone with that thing. You have a boyfriend?" "Not right now, no." "Well, if you did, I wouldn't know to say if he was a lucky or an unlucky son-of- a bitch. HAHAAHA... anyway, thanks for sharing, and over sharing per my request. Good luck to you with your time with the Harlem Globetrotters and in finding clothes and everything that fits. Speaking of... God Bless in you finding a partner that can handle THAT thing. It'd be like that horror movie Anaconda right there in your own bed! Alright, alright, we need to get out of here for today. Thanks for listening to the Howard Stern show we'll....." [CLICK.... ..... ...... ..... .....Crrrrrrack crash!] The glass Ted was holding in his right, shaking hand began to crack and fracture and finally shattered in his hand. He remained there almost all night, his vision blanking out to white noise, his hand bleeding into what was left of the cup and milk he was drinking, his penis going back and forth between extremely limp and flaccid and exceptionally hard and spewing cum. ************************************************************************** It's June. It has been just past a year since the last time Cris and Ted have seen each other, which was suiting Ted perfectly. Despite Cris having once been his best friend, it was becoming far too confusing whenever he was around him. It was too confusing with just the sight of him. The crash of emotions ripping through Ted's mind he simply couldn't handle in his life right now. Fear and worry over what was happening to his best friend of so long. Would Cris be alright physically or would these growth spurts suddenly turn on him? Jealousy over the fact that Cris was becoming far taller, stronger than he could ever hope to become, which then lead to feelings of inadequacy about his masculinity, his able to protect, his dominance. He's never wanted to dominate Cris before though. Why did it seem so important now that he should be on top? It was because despite the fact of them never showing an interest in each other beyond friendship before, despite having had tons of relationships with other men, it meant within Ted there was a yearning to be with Cris for every part of the day. A passion to be with him that keeps growing as much as Cris was physically growing and more the bigger, the stronger, the more virile Cris gets. A lust to feel that power whether it would be being able to take it for himself, or feel himself physically over come and engulfed by it. Too many new emotions. Too many old emotions changing. Ted has keep his head buried in work all this time, only being out and about now because he won a competition without meaning too. The corporate heads not only gave him the vacation trip, they ordered him to take it. Luckily for him his flight to Las Vegas was already arranged with the trip, there would be no need to drive through the Midwest where Cris lived. He spent the first couple of days exploring a few of the various casinos, actually managed to win one-thousand dollars at one table. Today however he decided to make a day of shows and this afternoon's fare was going to be Cirque du Soleil's new show, Variations (Toutes Choses Grandes et Petites), Variations (All Things Great and Small). The show was a wonderful display of acrobatics, trapezee, rope, and silk artistry, as well as fantastic side show acts, songs, and dance. It occurred to Ted that the title and theme for the show, Variations, had to be because the settings of each act took the audience all over the world: Japan, the United States, Ireland, Italy, Norway,... However he soon realized, the names of the places were all connected to fictitious or mythological stories from Lilliput and the Pryor Mountains to Brobdingrag and Jötunheimr. Ted's heart began to race. They had everything separated into little people: gnomes, fairies, leprechauns, and big people: giants, Cyclopes, and the like. He began to get the shakes. "No!" Thought Ted to himself. "He is not here, and even if he is, I will keep control. I will remain composed. He won't know that I'm here. No need to be near him." He breathed much easier when Cris didn't show up through the whole program. Traveling back to his hotel, Ted managed to spy a sign advertising a charity wrestling event to support cancer prevention research, being held by and between the American, Wrestling International Foundation and the Mexican, Loco Lucha Libre, in which a team from each group would fight over a charity belt and title. Ted thought "What the hell. why not?" to himself and when he got back to his hotel called the number on the posters to see if there were any tickets left. There were and he ordered one and even placed a bet for the Loco Lucha Libre team when asked if he cared to place one. "This should be interesting." Ted chuckled to himself. "These things are more drama than a soap opera than athletic competition." After dinner, Ted made his way to the Arena and waited in his seat surrounded by rowdy, raucous, people who were chanting and screaming for their teams. Soon the arena lights dimmed except for the center, the spot lights came on, the loud, blaring into music came on, and the announcer came down from the ceiling with microphone in hand. "ARE WE READY TO THRASH AND BASH?!" The crowd roared extremely loud in high anticipation. "The let's welcome, first, the American team, The American Eagles!" Again the crowd roared such as to nearly drown out the announcer's words. "Member number one standing six foot one inch tall and weighing in at two-hundred and fifty one pounds.....Jack Necca!" [RAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!] "Member number two, standing six feet four inches tall and weighing in at two-hundred and sixty-seven pounds..... Jameson!" [RAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!] "Member number three, standing at seven feet even and weighing in at three-hundred and fifty pounds.......Joe Nathaniels!" [RAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!] "Member number four, standing at six feet four inches tall and weighing in at two-hundred sixty-five pounds....... Reg Romany!" [RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW!] "And now let us welcome to arena, the team for Loco Lucha Libre....but before I introduce, I should let everyone and the American team know.... as this is a charity event, the boards of both organizations decided to make it a challenging and special event. The four man American team will be fighting a one man Lucha Libre team. Worry not, those of you who have placed bets, it will not be as one sided as it may seem. Introducing to the ring, standing at a towering nine feet six inches tall and weighing in at a staggering one-thousand fifty-three pounds, El Oso Masivo, The World's Tallest Man and World's Tallest Body Builder ...Cristóbal... Eduardo... Espino Maclérigo!" Ted suddenly sat up and forward in his seat. The audience became a mixture of laughter, boos, and chatter of disbelief over the stats listed by the announcer, but then Cris came walking in ducking everything used to make the contestant archway as he stood at least head and chest above it, and the crowd fell silent. Striding in wearing black wrestling briefs that did nothing to hide his enormous bulge, so it was assisted to cover by a Roman gladiator skirt of leather straps, his feet were covered in a modern twist of the Roman sandal and a boot. He was popping and bouncing his exceptionally hairy, mounding pectorals as he walked down the aisle, occasionally doing crab shot poses and growling loudly. Walking up the ring steps sideways so his huge feet could fit on the steps he hit the top and then without thought simply stepped over the ropes of the ring. No assist, no push down or pull down by him or any other person. At his height he could simply step over them as though they were toy size to him. As the American team balked and stammered, Ted could hear the ring side announcers begin commentary. "I don't think the American team is liking this, and why not? Look at the size of this guy! He had to turn sideways for his feet to be able to go up those stairs." "True, but the real question is why didn't he just step from floor to ring top? I'm pretty sure this guy can do it. He's a giant!" "And imagine if he does a kick to one of the other guys? I've just been handed some other stats on him... his shoe size is a US size 46 quintuple E, which means his feet are twenty-two and two thirds inches long. That's almost a two foot, foot!" "And not just the size of his feet, but remember and imagine it being powered by those legs.... I mean the man's thighs, no a single thigh, looks like it is bigger around than any of his competitor's waists, maybe even their chest!" "Those thighs are apparently fifty-two and half inches around. That is just slightly bigger than Necca's chest measurement. Ungodly!" "And just think about getting arm slammed or picked up or choke held by the arms of that man. Those upper arms are almost thirty-seven and three-fourths inches around!" "That...that... is hard to put one's mind around." "Well let's bring him down to our level, so to speak. If he was say a moderately tall guy, say six foot three inches tall, his upper arm would be just over twenty-four inches around. He's got the build of Mr. Olympia competitors." The match started and it was clear that the American team was going to have to gang up on Cris in order to have any chance at winning. This was made apparent when as seven footer Joe Nathaniels squared up and off against Cris he only came half way up Cris' abs! Jack, Jameson, and Reg all hovered around Cris' navel. What an odd show. Joe bounces off the ropes to perform a clothes line to the front of Cris' things and just goes bouncing and flipping off as Cris' thighs were immoveable. Two of the guys jumped Cris' arms who then stood up to full height and proceeded to flex his massive guns as high as he could form the peaks. Between the increase in muscle/arm size of the peaks and the hair on his arms wicking off sweat, it didn't take too long before each wrestler had to break their hand or arm hold on Cris' arms and drop to the floor. There were a couple of times where it looked like numbers might have the advantage. Joe and Jack providing a distraction, Jameson and Reg clasped wrists and bounced off the ropes to deliver a two man clothes line to the abs of Cris. It knocked the wind out of him, a little, but didn't really stop him. Joe turned at one point and kicked the back of Cris' knees bringing him down on one knee. However things soon turned back in favor of Cris, who showed he could easily throw off the four men, even if all were on top of him. In fact, a couple of times it almost looked as though the breakaway shrug had sent one or two of the American team over the ropes. The crowd was thoroughly entertained and spent a lot on donations, food, drink, programs, anything they could get their hands on for this most excellent match. After an hour and a half, with an intermission, of roaming and bouncing around that ring, the team signaled Cris it was time to end it, and they agreed to end it with him as the crowd was just going wild over him. Cris managed to let them know he'd studied some wrestling moves and could do this spectacularly, if they let him. Agreeing, Cris had them fly off of him after a four man pile up that came to a possible pin and count of two. Then one by one Cris got them to bounce off the ropes, take a clothes line from him, which practically knocked them out cold, but then he picked them up, hoisted them above his head, and body slammed the first one onto the floor, the other three on top of the first guy and then each other. One hand however remained under the American member's back so it took the brunt and shock of the slam, not the member's back. The crowd going wild after Cris placed a finger tip onto the chest of Jack Necca and held him and the other three under him down for the count and the ring of the bell, they began to shout out "OSO! OSO! OSO!", "CRIS! CRIS! CRIS!" or a combination shout of "CRIS...TÓBAL.... CRIS...TÓBAL.... CRIS...TÓBAL...." The ring announcer pulled up a ladder and stood on it to help raise Cris' hand in victory and was still pulled off of it by Cris' hand. The four American members left by various means: Joe was carried off in a stretcher with an oxygen mask, Reg was supported and quasi carried by his usual two teammates in regular wrestling matches as he stumble-walked out of the arena, while Jameson and Jack were assisted to walk off by their wrestling wives. They had waited for Cris after all had left the arena, but due to what happened next, contacted him later to thank him for a great match and show, as well as blush and nervously exclaim how wild and thrilling it was to actually be picked up by someone, without having to do a choreographed jump assist, and flipped over to their back. They were mind blown to say the least. But the reason why this happened days later was because the broadcasting company had an idea that went slightly askew. They decided to pull out a supporter of Cris' from the audience and interview him while bringing Cris up from behind to stand for pictures and sign autographs for the fan. Fate decided to throw in an irritating ripple into this part of the event for the fan supporting Cris that they chose, was Ted. Actually Ted had taken bets on and was originally only supporting the "lucha libre" team, but as the switch was made, he wound up thus supporting Cris. An unaware Ted was pushed towards an interview area, interview holding his back, while stuffing a microphone into his face. "This is Mandy Kinpata here at the epic Wrestling International Federation and Loco Lucha Libre's charity event where we've just seen that massive giant, Cristóbal Eduardo Espino Maclérigo, who chose the ring side name of El Oso Masivo, take on four men to win this champion charity title. We're here with one of his fans. Tell me, sir, what is your name and why did you support Cristóbal this evening?" "My name is Ted, and I didn't support Cris this evening." "But we have your winning ticket stub for betting on him to win the fight." "No, I was betting on what I thought was going to be a representative, Latino-Hispanic team for Loco Lucha Libre." "Well, aha...even though the team turned out to be only one man, Cris, it was still a spectacular match, and him coming down here to help support such a great cause, that has to make you a great fan of hi....." "Nothing has to make me a fan of his, Mandy. Look he has a big heart for charity causes, but in real life he doesn't look out for the important things, he's irresponsible with his health, and he doesn't think abou....." Before he could finish what was probably going to be a long tirade against Cris, Cris had come from behind and hearing him, reached out with an arm, grabbed Ted, and hip carried him back to the locker room. "Well.... apparently Cris has an enemy of some kind and the world's tallest man didn't take kindly to it. He's drug the non-fan off to the back. We'll see if we can get in and cover what's happening." Most of the fan crowd and then the arena administration crowd made space and made it quickly as Cris stormed through with Ted on his hip. He stopped briefly to open one of two double doors to his room, which was a grand viewing box hurriedly turned into a dressing room as the regular dressing rooms were all too small for Cris. Shoving Ted inside, Cris the unhitched the other door, twisted, bent, and turned to get his massive frame through the double doorway before standing up to full height, puffing his chest up, and addressing Ted while closing the doors behind him. "What the hell was that about?" "About you. About all ... all this! What the hell are you doing? It's obvious that you've still been growing and you need to be careful how much exercise and exertion you put on your body until they stop your growth or can ensure you're healthy enough to compete regardless thereof." "Oh come off it! There has got to be so much more to it than you're worried about my welfare, health, and safety. You were fuckin' giving me a character assassination out there!" "No.... not really.... I'm talking to abs here. Do you realize I'm talking to abs? YOUR abs? I used to talk to the top of your head. A few more inches I'll be able to do that again, except it's going to be your lower head not your upper one." "Dios Mio! Lay off about my cock..." "No! You fucking looked obscene out there in those trunks, and those strips of leather only highlighted that you're packing a five foot soft cock! What kind of message is that to send to kids?" "I don't have a five foot cock. It's only three feet." "THREE FEET!?!" "Well, thirty-six and half inches, but only when fully erect. It's a bit smaller when soft. Proportionately, I'd only have a two foot long cock if I was your size." "ONLY A TWO FOOT..... FUCK YOU, CRIS! You just don't see.... you're so blind at how you're body is growing and morphing into a freak of nature! At my height or at your height, who the hell are you going to fuck with a two foot cock?!" "Ted!" "You've not taken this seriously. You're not being cautious. Hell you've thrown caution to the wind. And you don't even think of the safety of others. What would've happened if your heart wasn't able to support this gigantic body while doing all those moves? Forget you dying alone, what if you died while falling on top and pinning one of the other wrestlers? One thousand pounds of dead weight resting on top of him. People can't survive under that, Cris. You could kill a man without wanting to like they did in old days to torture confessions out of them by being pressed under weight." "For fuck's sake, Ted...." "You should go to the doctors and tell them they needed to remove your pituitary gland or something. There should be hundreds of treatments but you really haven't sought them have you. Now you're so big, you really can't live in this world. You're a foot and half taller than most rooms, you're like two-thirds the maximum amount of weight most elevators can carry, not like you could stand up in them. Your toes can't even navigate steps your feet are so big. And these muscles.... getting ripped is one thing.... achieving a trainer's or gymnast's type of build is great, but this.... any more muscle mass and you won't be able to bend your arms. You won't be able to jack off that giant flesh tube of yours. You just don't seem..." Cris interrupted Ted suddenly by stepping in his way. Flexing his left arm slowly right in front of Ted's face, Cris made sure to cause his bicep to rise and peak very slowly, showing off its definition, its size, its hardness and density, its squirming veins. "Madre de...!" "You like it don't you?" "Grow up, Cris!" "I am. I am growing up. Bigger... Hmmmmmph....Stronger.....rrrrrrrrrrrrr.....taller.... oooooooooh......and more hung every day. And it's killing you, isn't it?" "Shut up!" "You just can't take it that I grew up to match you and then surpass you. That your once small, weak friend, is now suddenly so big he can not only take on a man your size, but take on two...three....four.....five.....maybe six or ten.... AT THE SAME TIME! HOOOOOOOOMMMMMMPH!" Cris was performing a series of classic bodybuilding poses as he said this. It made Ted blush and flush hot, so he turned away, but not before there was the sound of fabric lightly tearing and then fully ripping and suddenly from under the leather straps of the gladiator skirt shot out Cris' three foot cock. "MY GAWD!" "You can't take it that I've become more virile than you. That with one load I've probably got enough cum to impregnate a town...... a metropolis!" and Cris flexed and bobbed his erect cock. "I've got enough cum to blow up a man's ass and make it spew out his mouth! .... ..... ..... And you actually....secretly want it....don't you?" "You...." "I what? Say it..... SAY IT! It's what you've wanted me to do, supposedly, all this time since I first grew two inches! You don't really care about me and my health, otherwise you'd be hearing what I've told you. I'm getting checked out by doctors. They've tried several treatment options. They can't tell why I'm growing or what will stop it. They only know that I am growing and that everything, despite what medical knowledge and examples and testimony says, is working fine and normal on me. No deformations....no break downs....I'm healthy as a horse...." "A TROJAN HORSE! YOU'RE TOO FUCKING BIG! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!?!" "Yeah.... I'm a Trojan horse...a big huge vessel with no real substance inside me. You want me... you know you want me.... You're own fucking cocks gives you away. It's tenting your pants, right now. As we scream at each other. I'm going through something I can't explain. It's scaring the hell out of me. It really is. As I watch the world around me get shorter and shorter, smaller and smaller, tinier and tinier and then I realize, it's not getting smaller, I'm getting bigger. But then the question becomes will I become too big for most of it...any of it....all of it? Am I doomed to become this man that eventually grows off the face of the earth and my force winds up pushing it off its axis and orbit? "I could've used a friend during this time. Someone to stand beside me and tell me things would be alright. And if that friend of so many years found himself attracted to me...he could've told me. Let me know, so that maybe.... just maybe....I would've told him I had been falling for him. Falling for him years ago. And even if there were problems trying to figure out the physics of how to make love between a now supposed six-foot three inch runt and whatever I became.... .... ....I could've had the chance of having a love during this time. A love to support me. A love that once was and could still be at the same time my best friend. Be he couldn't admit that could he. He couldn't submit to being the smaller guy, even though he could still act the top with me." "You....can....." "Knock it off, Ted!" "NO! YOU CAN STOP! YOU.....YOU CAN.....stop..... you just need to listen to yourself, hear what you're saying. You need to take care of yourself better. You need to visit the doctor's more. Quit telling me I'm on a binge here. You can get your feet bound... there are drugs for your bones, shots for your organs and muscles, to get this under control... you just need to..." "Ted...." "YOU CAN STOP! YOU CAN STOP! YOU CAN STOP! YOU CAN STAHHHAHAHAOP!" "You're right Ted. ... ... ... I can stop. I can stop trying to deal with you. I can stop trying to get you to accept me. I'm just trying to live my life while they figure this out. You don't want me to do that. As such... I can't live my life with you involved in it." Cris felt that odd tingling sensation he frequently got around Ted the last few times they met and hung out. This time however the sensation felt about six times stronger and as it coursed through his body he turned with a primal yell and kicked the metal double doors open and off to his make shift dressing room. "rrrrRRRRRRRRRAUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" SLAM - CRASH! "You can stop, Ted. I don't want to hear any more of your denials and bullshit. As a friend I've prevented the door from hittin' ya where good Lord split ya. There will be no photo opportunity, no autographed pair of trunks for you. Get out, and if you ever find yourself somehow in my moving circles...keep quiet and don't let me know you're there. You've shrunk while I've grown, in more ways than just physical size, and you've become too small for my attention." With that Cris took out his android phone and very easily snapped it two, symbolizing that he was getting rid of Ted's phone number and contact information. Ted shook and trembled for several minutes and finally exploded. "YOU ASSHOLE!" WHAP! Cris' hand flew out backwards and smacked Ted not only across the face but face down through chest as well, Up he sailed a few feet into the air, across the room, and out the open doorway. It took him a couple of minutes to regain his composure. Everyone in the hall, the reporters, the camera men, the other wrestlers waited allowing him to do so while they shook off the shock of the bursting door and then Cris' anger. Then, Ted got up, stumbled, regained balance, and quietly left the building. The reporters' nose for news kicked in and they began to attempt coming through the empty doorway and bombard Cris with questions. He turned rose to his full straight as could be height, puffed out his chest and lowly and slowly commented. "Ladies and Gentlemen, of the press and otherwise, despite my breaking the door down, that was a private moment. If you really feel the need to find out about it, you will have to ask later. You can see where this is a good idea because right now...." He picked up the metal bar that was originally between the two double doors and bent its ends as though tying the bar into a bow. "I don't feel like discussion right now." And he dropped the metal bow in the doorway. **************************************************************************** "Awwww cmon' man. Itsh the middle of the night...und itsh gotten fuck-(hic) cold here in Orlando." "It's not the middle of the night, ya bum. It's cold here because it's February, and this ain't Orlando. Closest fucking metropolis is across the river, St. Louis. Get out of here. You're stinking up the place and pissing off my customers." "But I need shomethin'...jush a little d'nashion to get shomething t' eat?" "I know what you'll eat. I know why you sound the way you do. Because Martha two doors down has pity on you like she always does and gave you twenty to go get a hot meal and instead you walked into Sparrow's Liquor and bought a bottle. For Pete's sake, man. It's only noon!" "Well shen, I could ushe shome lunsh." "That's it... I'm done. Gary! Walk him out of here." A man that was about six foot five, three hundred pounds, filling out a t-shirt and black suit jacket beyond capacity, walked over to the man, stated, "C'mon buddy. It's not happy hour as of yet, and even if it was, you're not making the boss happy.", and pushed the man out the back door and into the alley. The man stumbled and fell, then picked himself up and walked right up to the back door, put his face on it and yelled, "BASHTARDO!" He walked away mumbling to himself, "Esh moo...moo...moouy grande bashtardo.....no....bashtarda...." and then sung in a high pitched voice, "My llamo es Gary y soy una bashtardita! hmmmmaaaa fucks you!" This was Theodore James Wentworth the Fifth. A man of great renown and respect, via his fancy sounding name only, now. After his last encounter with his best friend, Cris, things did not go well. He still couldn't wrap his mind around what had happened to Cris, how Cris was going to live, what his place could ever possibly be in Cris' life, and how it would fit in with his desire to be like he was in most of his relationships, a dominant top. He still couldn't accept his growing feelings for his friend. He couldn't accept the humiliation he received from Cris at their last meeting, especially the fact that the beginning and ending of that story was caught on digital recorders and broadcast all over t.v., cable, and the internet. It cause his mind to wander, his work to suffer, and thus his life to degrade. Eventually he lost his job, any money he had saved, his house, his car. He took to begging and wandering here and there, hoping he could once again make it if he hung around where his old job was in Orlando. Problem was he took to drinking and being in such a constant state of inebriation was prone to pranks of high school and college boys who played the practical joke of getting him snookered and then driving him to a town two hours away. Thus began his life of traveling across the United States. Only one group had some pity on him and did him one slightly good favor. Knowing his mind and life was pretty much gone, and that perhaps family lived where he once was based, after finding he did have his ID in a coat pocket, they took him to an all night tattoo parlor and got that ID information tattooed on his left shoulder. Was a good thing too, as he lost the ID two pranks after. Now he was somewhere in the Midwest, although his mind told him that he was still in Orlando. But the town he was in had a wonderful park that contained several structures for extreme biking and skateboarding, as well as miniature golf. Finding that the door to the windmill was unlocked and that the inside of the windmill was large enough for storage, he crawled in for his evening nap, praying that the structure would keep him warm enough to survive the night at least. ... .... .... ..... ..... The next morning Ted woke up in a luxurious, four post bed with satin and silk sheets. The sun light streaming through the window not only blinded his eyes but made his head feel as though a street jackhammer was working inside his skull. His head began to bob as his stomach began to complain and gurgle and soon he was over the side of the bed and puking directly into a prearranged, plastic bag lined, waste basket. Within minutes of the dispelling of the last amount of liquor in his system, a butler came striding through the door, looked down with his eyes only, at the waste baskets, and then stated in an eloquent, perfect pronunciation, Southern drawl, "Ah.... I see sir is up." He then walked briskly and floating like, as if he were being dragged on wheels, to a wardrobe where he got out a bathrobe and some clean clothes. Holding the bathrobe out to Ted he announced, "His Honor, the Mayor of Fallen Brooke, will be with you for lunch. He is currently in his study working off several items of business before he will see you. Until then, you are to make yourself available for use of this bathroom here, and then you may change into these clothes. We had them tailor made for you. ... ... .... As well as one can for such an emaciated form." "Were are my clothes?" "Those rags were properly disposed of; burned faster than Sherman did Atlanta." "I want my clothes!" "You can wear them again come Ash Wednesday! You are to go take a bath right now." Ted said in exasperation under his breath, ""Escucha, bastardo. En mi ropa estaba mi credencial, así que tráemela antes de que te rompa la cara, capullo!" The butler looked at Ted and cocked his right eyebrow at him. "I said, 'I need to have my clothes searched for my I.D. and I would prefer to choose my own replacement clothes, please.' For those who don't understand Spanish.'" Turning and opening the door to the bathroom, the butler looked sternly at Ted and replied, "Entiendo perfectamente español : mexicano, puertorriqueño, panameño, y español en ambas formas formales y coloquiales. Mis padres estaban casados en el momento de mi nacimiento, por lo que no soy un bastardo. Conozco varias formas de artes marciales, manejo de armas , y mi último trabajo fue en el servicio secreto, por lo que definitivamente no se vas a romper la cara. Puede que sea un agujero de culo, pero usted es todo un culo." "That last phrase doesn't make any sense in Spanish." "No, but it makes perfect sense if you speak English." "But I do and that makes no..." "I might be an ass hole, but you are a whole ass. As in all, total, completely encompassing...ass. Você compreende? Comprenez-vous? Ti comprendere? Vy ponimayete? Begrijp je dat? ¿Comprendes? ” Ted said, looking down at his feet. "Yes..." "Y en español." "Sí,... ... ... totalmente." "Es muy bueno. And might I suggest, sir, that when you pick up the soap to wash, you begin with your mouth. Any language is best spoken...cleanly." Ted took the towels from the butler very red faced and proceeded to walk into the bathroom. "Well... aren't you a knowledgeable...." "I have no problems in punching you in the mouth and addressing you as 'Señorita Puta' during your stay here." "...person...." Ted walked into the bathroom and shut the door. After about two hours in the tub, the first hour used to soak all the dirt and grime off, Ted put on the set of clothes. It is amazing how much an attitude can change after washing a couple years of dirt and grime off of one's body, and the booze out of one's system. Opening the door the bedroom called out to the butler. "Uhm....Butler? Sorry, I don't know what to call you as I was kind of mouthy and didn't allow you to tell me. ... ... ... Hello?" Looking around the suite he saw no one was there and so he went to the door he saw the butler come through and opened it up. "Hello?.... Mr. Butler....whatever your name is? I'm all clean and done....and uhm a little less sassy right now. Hello? Jeeves? .... well, okay, maybe a little bit of sass left." Stepping out he saw a magnificent foyer that was probably two maybe three stories high. It was interesting architecture. Sure there were columns and such but there were so tall, so big, for a home foyer, but the thing that drew most attention was the odd front door entrance. There were two double doors the opened in to show off the front porch, but the area they were built in looked like another giant set of double doors. The bottom two inside corners we made up on the real doors people use. At the top of the wall that was made to look like the two smaller doors were a set a big huge windows that mimicked the shape of the windows in the proper doors. The difference was the small windows in the proper doors were heavily frosted while the replicated ones above were crystal clear letting in as much sunlight as possible. Being the afternoon now, the windows flooded the foyer with sunlight. Ted stood there basking in the warmth, closing his eyes and breathing in deeply. "I don't know who this mayor is..." thought Ted, "But I need to thank him greatly. It has been a long time, too long, since I have been sober. This is all like I'm waking up from some nightmare and into a golden world. HUH!" Ted opened his eyes for just a moment thinking maybe he had died and this was Heaven. Growling from his stomach let him know this was still Earth and that he was not dead. He wasn't sure where to go from here and figured he'd wait for the butler to come get him. Closing his eyes again, he bathed in the light of the sun beam and continued to breathe deeply. PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD PAD "hmmmm" thought Ted. "Something is making a decent thump. Must be some kind of machine going off somewhere." THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP THUMP Ted swore he might have felt vibrations that time with whatever the noise was. The instinct of fight or flight was beginning to well up in him. He made the decision he should make a break for it and run back to the bedroom. DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! DOOM! It was too late. Whatever it was had come up behind him, almost right behind him. It was close enough the vibrations through the floor nearly knocked poor Ted down. He was glad he was still standing in case he needed to make a break for it, but for now fear held him and he closed his eyes tightly and thought to himself, "Perhaps if I stay still, whatever it is will not see me or will mistake me for statuary." The next thing Ted heard was a laugh and a voice that was so deep, yet full and mellow, it sent ripples of vibrations running over his brain, down his neck, and into his chest and lungs where they continued to bounce for a few minutes after he stopped talking. The tone of this voice just dripped masculinity, virility, sex appeal and poor Ted's cock, despite his malnourishment as of late, sprung a full, rock hard, woody in his new pants. "Ted?!... Ted is that you? Dios mio, Ted you look so freakin' thin! I'd say I should get you some water, but I think you should have a soda of some kind, help add the pounds back on you. Well, compared how I'd look to you know, you'd probably expect me to hand you a Pepsi." Ted turned around slowly and his straight on gaze was met with nothing but thigh on either side. These thighs just bulged out massively from the knees, their size and weight making it impossible to walk straight. The legs would have to be kicked out to the sides, damn near split walking from how Ted figured it. Each tear drop shape of the front of these thighs were large enough that Ted could place his hand on one of them and it wouldn't be large enough. The cuts of definition were so large and deep Ted though he could stick his hand into them like an actual crevice on a granite mountain. Hell, the striations looked nearly that deep. And then running over them, all these mighty tubes just under the skin. "My gawd!" Thought Ted. "The sculptor of this statue got so detailed. The work on these veins is breathtaking." But then Ted had to shake and quiver a bit, remembering as he followed a plumping vein down the thighs, across a cable car strand for hamstring and down into hard diamond shaped calves that this wasn't a statue, it was a person that had walked into the room. He lingered on the calves because they were so big they nearly looked the same size as the thighs... perhaps. Then he saw the feet at the bottom... the huge, massive, meaty, thick, strong and slightly hairy feet. Realizing the shins, calves, and thighs were hairy as well, Ted, began to follow that trail back up stopping and taking a quick breath when he realized, near the knees, floating just above them, but hanging in between like the pendulum of some giant clock, was the head of a penis that was ginormous, and it was connected to a shaft that was just as impossibly huge - and it was soft! It curved slightly at the top, or more correctly its base as the colossal cock had to hang over and ample set of balls, the size of which Ted thought for sure he could bowl with and might give a strong man trouble to lift. Continuing to arch his head and neck backwards, he saw the thick yet feathery bush of hair that covered the crotch area and spread up and out over the swelling eight pack of abs that looked like it was so stacked and hard that it could actually serve as an old fashioned cobblestoned road with horses trotting on it. The obliques of this giant man were the same, and together with the abs they would provide a surface for a quartet of ladies to scrub wash clothes on. Up and up this stacked column of cobblestones Ted looked until his vision was blocked by two excessively large and round capstones that blocked out all view of the ceiling. Damn, did these fuckers still out and past the abs. Like it might be an actual foot or more from ab wall to the edge of the chest. It was so thick and full, so broad and wide, it barreled so large and heavy, for a moment Ted thought it might cause the man to topple, or that again, perhaps this was a sculpture and the chest part of the torso had broken way and rolling off the top of the abs. But there they stayed swelling just a little and then receding, in and out, in and out, as Ted took very large and long deep breaths. Ted could see something that looked like small stalactites, one each hanging off of one or the other pectoral, nearly pointing down and enticing him to come suckle and drink. Attempting to bend to the side to look around the great chest precise, Ted found his vision blocked on either side by the thick, massive lats that now had the appearance together of creating not a v, not a triangle or an inverted pyramid, but something more akin to a w, trapezoid, or a bracket. Combining with the man's back and shoulders, they made his mega man's backside a wall, literally a fuckin' walking, moveable solid wall. But it wasn't these thing that impeded Ted's vision as much as it was what they held up. Pushing them up and out at angles that were more parallel to the floor than hanging and pointing down to it, the lats held up the giant guys arms making them practically stick straight out. "If this was a statue...the structural support need to hold those arms in the air would need to be...." So full, so tight, so dense and large were the bellies of the biceps and the triceps that they weren't the simple curve of something ball or oval like. No they were more like an elongated and squared circle or oval or a rounded cornered rectangle. Until the giant flexed them. Whenever he moved his hand inward, that bicep popped with power and began to rise and rise and rise, so high Ted thought that when fully flexed and held the biceps peak could surely have snow form upon it. But no, those rivers of hot blood crossing here and there, making the biceps look like sacks of basilisks or great sand worms, would create too much heat and melt that snow away. The veins snaked and extended their way down into forearms that Ted was certain was larger round than his waist...his chest! Both his thighs put together! Who was this man? Who was the person who drug him while asleep out of the golf windmill? Who was this god like being that was so muscular Hercules himself would cry in fear upon meeting him? This giant, hairy, muscular, manly, musky, hung, virile, alpha supreme male... "Oh gawd... I'm too close for you to see me." said this mega mayor and the form began to move and pad his freaky feet in order to back up a few feet. Ted looked up and up and up and waited and waited. Slowly, eventually, cresting over the chiseled chest with the forest of hair, came the man's face and then Ted saw...Ted knew.... the face was, the mammoth man was his former best friend Cris. "AH! AH!" Cried out Ted as suddenly his body began to spasm and shake uncontrollably. "Ted? Are you alright?" Cris said as he bent down to be closer and more eye level to Ted. Once there Cris could see that in almost one split second, Ted had not only become aroused, not only achieve full, maximum stiff, erection, but that he was already spewing copious amounts of cum in his new pants. The sudden rush of arousal and climax at nearly the same instant moment was a little too much for Ted and he dropped to his knees and into the waiting hands of Cris. Looking up at Cris he hoarsely whispered, "Cri....Cris.... Crisón,... mi Crisito..." and then passed out. ************************************************************************** It was several hours before Ted woke up, and he didn't want to when he did. Dreaming he was out on a beautiful sunny day, he was laying down in semi-tall grass and he was enjoying the smell of it and the feel of it on his face, in his fingers, surrounding his torso and through his feet. He was running his hands through this grass and inhaling deeply when he came too. There was a bright light as he actually opened his eyes and his vision adjusted from sleep to awake. Looking out he could see a couch just on the other side of very odd coffee table. It looked more like a set of two tiered steps, except they were made of glass and iron metal. The higher side is what faced him, while the lower side was on the side closest to the couch. The couch also appeared odd, or at least it did to point of view. The couch he was on was huge...really huge, especially compared to the couch across the way. Ted couldn't even feel the end of the couch, which at six-foot three inches tall he was usually used to feeling if laying stretched out on one. After closing his eyes again, Ted rolled over onto his back and ran his fingers across the couch cloth. Again, there was the feeling of being able to run his fingers through something. "Hmmmm must be a couch covered in shag rug material." Thought Ted to himself and he laughed as he ran his fingers through it and rubbed his arms up and down and then rubbed his feet over it. Opening his eyes to look down at his own feet, Ted suddenly took in a sharp intake of breath. He saw his own feet, but there...several feet away from his own feet was another pair of feet that looked nearly gigantic. As his depth perception changed focus he realized looked down, the middle of his vision was blocked by something tubular and mounding , like a fairly large pipe, rising out of the shag fur of the couch and heavily flopping over an end. It was then that Ted realized he wasn't lying on a couch, but on the torso of a man. Another gasp and Cris sat up and then turned around to look up towards the head. He immediately fell forward and propped himself up on one elbow firmly planted in the rich deep brown "grass" he had been lying on. "Easy," said Cris. "Don't sit up too fast. You're still a little too weak and you may pull your I.V. out. You were really quite malnourished. They've been giving you loads of I.V.'s with vitamins and other nutrients in them." Ted looked across towards the fairly large face of Cris and began to quiver. Finally tears welling up in his eyes he buried his face into the crevice of Cris' protruding pectorals while attempting to hug them and hug Cris. "I am so sorry...Cris... I've been.... I've been...." "Estúpido?" "Yeah...." The two lay there for a moment with Ted looking up several times, mouth open, attempting to say something, before grunting in frustration and looking down or away again. Finally he just began to blurt out. "Cris.... I am so sorry. I've been the world's biggest jerk. I... I had begun to develop feelings for you, my friend....my brother. I've had them for a while and I didn't know how to tell you. And then you started growing and growing....and growing. I was so scared for you, but at the same time I kept picturing us being an item as slipping away. I'm a top man. You know I am. I love to take the lead and to be rough, but with you getting bigger and bigger, taller and stronger, I just could be the top to you. I couldn't dominate you. The bigger you got the more distant I figured you would be relationship wise. It was even worse given the fact that you were developing a cross between donkey and horse genes down there." Cris laughed a small, low chuckle. "At the same time, the bigger and larger you got, the more it turned me on. I can't hardly look at you right now without blowing a load. You are just so mind blowingly huge! So fucking sexy! I wanted to be with you, but I also still wanted to dominate you. And then I also had to try and balance out those emotions with the fact that my friend was growing and growing without any knowledge why. I knew you needed support, but your body was changing so fast I thought I was losing my best friend, you just looked so different after each growth spurt. And I was so scared for you, but I didn't know how to show support, because I didn't know how to handle it. Then you were becoming more confident, more aggressive, more out there personality wise, the man I fell in love with seemed to be disappearing personality wise as well. "All these emotions thrashing inside me, all the changes you were going through. I was just in panic mode. It doesn't give me an excuse for how I was acting. I was an ultimate jerk. I should call my own self a pendejo. I needed to be there for you, as your best friend, whether I ever expressed my love to you or not. You needed me and I failed." The two sat there for about another fifteen minutes in silence, staring but not actually staring at each other. Finally Ted began to speak again. "I nearly died when you threw away my phone number and kicked me out, but I don't blame you. I don't know how you found me, and I don't deserve this treatment, but I will find a job and pay you back. I.... I really appreciate this." Another poignant pause occurred before Cris spoke. "As the mayor of Fallen Brooke, I have quite a few connections. When the mini-golf owner called for the police to come in and remove you from his windmill, I was called by the police chief. They identified you by a tattoo on your left shoulder and I told them to bring you to my house." "I don't have a tattoo on my left..." "You have been out of it a while. ... You have one of all your personal information ." "Oh my gawd." "You've really been messed up, haven't you." Cris wrapped his arms around Ted and pressed him into his chest for a huge bear hug. "So....obviously you're still growing. Hopefully, despite all my negative predictions otherwise, everything is growing normally, just extremely large?" "Yes. Everything about me is huge, but functioning normally, and I am no longer growing. I stopped growing about six months ago and the last check up shown the plates fused, so there is no more growth. I have stopped at this tiny, short, little height." and Cris laughed. "Short little height. You do realize I only come up a fourth of the way up your thighs when we both stand up. So... out with it.... how big has my friend.... we are still friends aren't we?" "Tedito.... we're still best friends. I wouldn't have told the police to drop you off here and paid for doctor's and medicine if we weren't." "I'm glad. So how big has my friend grown? Do you fit in anything anywhere anymore?" Cris belly laughed. "No.... no, not really. Let's see.... I'm twelve feet six inches tall." "Twelve!..." "Yep. I am exactly twice as tall as you are. My monstrous dogs down there are almost three feet long, thirty inches to be exact and twelve and one-third inches wide, so I now wear a US men's size 68 6E shoe. I weigh three-thousand six-hundred pounds, which if you make proportionate for comprehension, if I had the same build at your height, I'd weigh four-hundred fifty pounds. I weigh this much because my muscles have grown as though I have the muscle disorder where their growth and development isn't inhibited. My upper arm for example is Seventy-four and one fourth inches around. That is my upper arm is almost as big around as you are tall." Cris raised up one arm and slowly flexed it causing the extremely full and flat belly of his biceps grow and rise up higher and higher until it filled Ted's vision. Ted quickly developed a raging hard on seeing an upper arm that was roughly like three feet tall. "If I was your height, it would mean that my upper arm would be just over thirty-seven inches around." Ted swallowed hard. "Dios mio.... and... how..... how big is.... is... is your?" "If I was your height my cock would be three feet long." "Three feet long?!" "Yes but on me that means it is six feet long." Ted leaned forward again, his hands out to support himself on Cris, but he began to absent mindedly run his fingers through the thick and fluffy hair over Cris' chest. "I see you're really liking the hair." Ted smirked. "You've become like a god, my friend. So big, so strong, so dense, so tall, so hung, so hairy, you're just the ultimate man. The prime alpha male. That alone turns me on beyond all belief. Add to it that I know you... your personality... and it just....I want you so bad right now. I'm burning inside with so much desire for you, I feel like I'm going to explode. I know... we can only be friends." "No... not friends." "Yeah... I know.... my brother from another mother. Mi hermano." "No...." "No?..." said Ted looking up with a look of fear in his eyes and panic on his face. "Mi amor." Ted flushed hot and was starting to shake a little and to faint upon hearing those words, but he kept himself awake. "All this time we've dated other people because we thought since we grew up together we were too much like brothers to have a relationship. The truth though is that I've been falling in love with you for years. It killed me to snap my android and throw away any chance of recalling your phone number when I kicked you out. I took a trip out to Orlando to call upon you, but you had lost your job, your house by then and I'm guessing was already in a drunken stupor, because I put out a notice to look for you, to have you contact me, but no answer came." "Yeah... I had a really rough patch with a lot of travel apparently. ... ... ... But.... how can we even try this? Even if I decide to compromise and be your 'bitch bottom', hahahaha... how are you going to make love to me? I'm only three inches taller than your cock is?" Cris thought about this for a moment. "Maybe we don't have to compromise your favorite roll?" "How?" "Well....if my cock is only three inches shorter than you are tall, my cock head should be as big as someone's ass to you. Why don't you fuck my cock?" "You're pulling my leg." "No... I'm serious. Here...get up." Cris had Ted hop off of him and he stood up next to the couch. "Go ahead and grab it. Work the head. You can ride it up as it becomes erect." Ted marveled as he began to stroke and pat and smack Cris' penis head as though it were some guy's ass in front of him. A penis that already looked so huge and gigantic to Ted began to swell and lurch and grow in length and girth. Ted moaned as he could feel the blood pumping up into the shaft, the heat rising through it all. He felt the life sized anaconda grow thicker and thicker, swelling harder and harder in his hands while it's length increased and kept pushing him further and further back. Grabbing a hold around the shaft, Ted rode Cris' cock as it rose up and up until it hoisted Ted up off the couch and surprisingly he pulled himself on top to set on the head. After catching his breath, Ted balance himself and stood up on Cris' cock and proceeded to take his pants and shirt off and throw them to the floor. He then walked down to the base where he held onto Cris' abs and obliques as though he were rock climbing and attached his mouth to Cris' right nip. "OOOH!" Cris cried in surprise, but adjusted his stance to stand firm. After performing that action, along with kissing every little muscle belly of the obliques Ted could find, he then sat back down at the cock base, his feet dangling over the sides and resting upon Cris' goodly sized balls. Rubbing as sensually as he could muster, Ted drug his hands up and down Cris' prick's shaft and base, while his feet rubbed across and over Cris' nuts. "Oooooh wow....that's nice..." moaned Cris. Several minutes later, Ted turned and lay down length wise down Cris' cock, head facing into Cris' thick bush of crotch hair. He then shimmied his way out to the head and once there began to balance himself and get himself ready to enter Cris' slit with his own throbbing member. Ted caused the schlong to droop down so he could get his feet onto the couch, then grabbing behind the head as though it was someone's waist, Ted pushed Cris' member down and then slowly and gently pushed his way into the slit. "hoo HOOO!" gasped Cris in excitement as he staggered back a step. "Yeah.... you like that, doncha? My big fat cock going into your slit." Ted began to buck his hips while making his hands caress the helmet all over. He shuddered all over for surprisingly the piss slit was just as tight for him as any hole would normally be. Cris on the other hand was having a problem with the sensations that was travelling up his shaft through his crotch up and over his abs, chest, neck, chin and lower lip, or down through his balls, down his thighs, over his knees, past in his calves, into his feet and curling his toes. "oh OH! OH! OH!... .... .." he gasped several quick breaths. "The sen-SA-tion...huh huh..... all those nerve endings being stroked like.... oooughhh! stroked.... gawd! Stop.... STOP!" "Hmmmfff.... NO! You're tight slit feels too good. So wonderful! Take it! Take my cock! Non stop! Humping like a fuckin' bunny!" Ted doubled his efforts and began to plow double time in and out of Cris' slit. "AAAAAUGK! OH! OH! YOU HUH HUH HUH YOU HAVE GOT TO STOP! OH OH!...." "NO! Take it! TAKE IT!" Cris began to shake uncontrolably. His footing began to give and stumble stood back and forth. He kept trying to push his cock forward and herky-jerk his groin and cock from Ted or cause it to yank Ted off the couch. "Ted TEAAAUUUUUUUUHFFFFFFFFFFFUCK! HUH HUH HUH STOP! STOP!" On either side of the giant couch were two huge metal sculptures. Cris reached out and individually pulled them closer in between convulsions created by Ted's mad non-stop drilling into his piss slit. When they were finally only arms length on either side of him, he used them to help support himself and keep from buckling whenever the sensation of Ted' cock rubbing shot across his body. "YEAH....C'MON! MY GIANT BITCH! MY LOVER! EXPLODE! EXPLODE FOR ME..EE...EEEEE AH! AH! AH!" "OH! AI! AI AIAIAAIAIAIAIAAI HUH HUH HUH GRRRRRRRRRRRRRNNNN O! NO! NO NO NO! NOT HUHUH HUH YET!" The next growl Cris made he brought his arms down in front of him making the most muscular of crab shots of all time. His neck swelling, his traps rising, his delts flaring, his biceps popping, his fore arms swelling, his abs and obliques contracting, and his chest barreling and tightening. Problem was Cris was still holding onto the statues at his side and with a great sound of stressing and stretching metal he bent them down. Eventually there were pats and smacks of flesh upon metal as Cris' violent tremors began to become more violent and he was forced to relieve his shaking by smacking the ruined metal sculptures with his hands when the energy hit his finger tips. His hips were gyrating and bucking, his thighs were swelling and straining, his calves were becoming swollen with blood as the balls of his feet began to be in charge of his balance and keeping him standing. His head was snapped back and his face was contorted in ecstasy. He cried out and he pleaded with Ted. "OH! ooooh gawd...stop...please.... stop I can't .... I can't take it.... Ted.... TED!" But Ted who was also beginning to lose his sense of balance and control, looked up to see the giant twelve and half foot tall, supremely muscled body of Cris straining, flexing, rolling, popping to keep balance, to keep stance, becoming covered and drenched in sweat like some competitor upon the Mr. Olympia stage. Ted reached out with one hand and began to stroke up the hard under ridge of Cris' penis. This in turn made Cris scream out in pleasure and kick one leg out to the side and slam the foot down onto the floor for extra stability, causing the marble in the floor to crack and crumble. "you fuckaaaaauuuuugh YOU FUCKER! OH! BASTARDO! HNNNNNNNNNNGGGFFFF" Ted now began to caress the ridge of the helmet from the underside where the sides come together out and around to the top. Start and the slit and down and around. Slit and then down and around. All while still pumping, humping, and fucking away at the new hole that was his favorite. "You're gonna cum... and you're gonna cum....NOW!" Ted rammed his cock in slowly this time, while taking the thumbs of his head to press in at the slit and the firmly rub out to the head ridge at the same time. "OH OH OH OH OH OH OH OH NO OH NO OH NO NO NO OH OH AI AI AAAAAAACK UUUUUUUUUUH AI?!" With a sudden most guttural sound, Cris' body shook like he was having a grand mal seizure, then his left knee gave out and he dropped to it as his head and back snapped back, his colossal chest and muscle gut extended forward and his super schlong thrust Ted into the back of the giant couch. "AAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" The sound was said to be heard a few miles away. Cris' chest caused his arms to contract and the metal statutes groaned and snapped in two. He fell back, his taught bubble butt landing on his left foot. And then the stream came.... Ted could hear it. Feel it. Like the sound of a torrent of water gushing out of a much smaller pipe it filled Cris' dynamic dong and suddenly spewed forth like a geyser. The blast was so powerful it knocked back into the couch and then kept him pinned down as several volleys that would've been a couple hundred feet long, had there been room, struck him, and splattered against his chest. One couldn't tell that Ted was having his own orgasm. One wasn't sure it his face was contorted in pleasure or if pain from the blast of his lovers orgasm hitting him in the chest. And even though he had an ample amount of cum himself, it lost in the massive pool left by Cris' rapids of spunk. Cris grabbed Ted, and then flipped himself over, butt on the floor, back resting against the giant couch. He placed Ted onto his chest. Trying to gasp out something to say in between several extremely powerful after shudders and minor orgasms, Cris finally passed out, not noticing that Ted had already done the same. It was said that it took nearly an thirty minute soak in a tub to be able to release Ted from Cris' cum soaked chest hair. The cleanup of the living room took a number of hours, of which the butler complained and threatened to quit his job if he wasn't invited to at least watch the next time Cris and Ted chose to go at it one of the more public rooms of the house. Ted managed to heal up and regain some weight, muscle weight under Cris' tutelage. He eventually found work, in the area local to Cris' home and the two have been insaparable. They have celebrated more and more anniversaries together, and Ted has remained the top by jumping up and clinging to Cris' cock whenever he wants it, or by staring hard at Cris and his muscles and whispering at him "You can stop." Cris has never started growing again, but the phrase now causes him to nearly rip out any underwear whenever he is wearing a pair. In fact, Ted will tease and drive Cris so nuts with the phrase, making him so horny, the public now has to cry out and remind Cris of his mayoral duties, "You can stop!"
  10. geektofreek

    Dwarfed by Dad - PART 3

    Thanks again for all the great feedback everyone! Once again this was mostly written on my phone, so please excuse the errors. Hope you enjoy the next installment. - PART 1 - PART 2 ************************* DWARFED BY DAD PART 3/4 “Oh-NO… Dad, not my NEW pants!” I barely even made it through the front door of his house, suddenly overshadowed by his colossal bodybuilding figure, hearing the all too familiar sound of his gigantic arm muscles beginning to work and move, simply flex, the tortuous ear filling commanding power, the old man's twenty-nine inch bicep, raising towards my face. His horrendous forest of silver armpit hair exploded against my nose, smothering me in his rank grandpa-aged musk, causing my dick to bloat, bone up humiliatingly. Then I felt the warm marbled layering of muscle striations build against my whimpering lips, this entire mountain of inhuman strength stack, so high, the peak reached the outstretch of his hand, erupted dangerously into his own face. It was as if someone had stuffed this enormous jack o'lantern under his skin, the biggest arm muscle the world would ever see. Within a few seconds, a few simple pumps of this gigantic daddy spectacle, I started shooting streams of jizz, pathetically, right into my own pants. “HAHA!” Dad voice thundered above me. “Measured them at THIRTY-inches this morning!” He pumped his arm once more, once again suffocating me in his arm muscles, the now thirty-inch monster of old man power. My brand new khaki pants were literally destroyed, soaked, sopping wet with the humiliating incestuous juice of my own boy-sized dick, right through the front of my zipper. I cringed embarrassingly. You think I would have been used this by now. After all, this was now at least a twice-daily occurrence, the rules and regulations of being a slave to a growing muscle-god. “Should I get my mask on, sir?” I still timidly asked “Nope!” Dad grinned looking down at me, barely visible through the outstretch of his own titanic male pecs. “I got something SPECIAL planned for you today…” Now usually the old man would make me wear this demeaning monkey-mask, an old costume from childhood, ever since that first day in the shower, a mere two weeks ago. He never wanted to participate in anything “queer”, the whole “ignorance is bliss” thing, even though he was letting another man, his own son for that matter, worship his gigantic naked physique, most of the time until he would shoot, shower me with his creamy thick gallon-sized load. But today, just as he said, he had something “special”, a new level of mockery that I was inevitably going hopelessly eat up. As he placed his hands around his waistband, as the floor and walls began quaking with every monstrous step, as he slowly turned around, bulging out of these sweaty skin tight gym-shorts, I knew, what was grossly in store for me. “W-Wait, d-dad, p-please…” “I always did enjoy the feeling of women's TONGUE up my ass.” Dad snickered. “And now you're going to CLEAN me with yours!” The old man menacingly laughed, beginning the long and lengthy process to pull off his own shorts, wiggle and squeeze down the swampy grey fabric, so much musk wafting his obscene child-gobbling asscrack, I honestly thought I was going to pass out, let alone even make it to the licking part. I held my nose together as the elasticity in his waistband began to crackle and pop, watching his tire-sized hairy muscle-glutes heave outward towards me, blimp almost dangerously large, breaking any known barrier of bubblebutt size. “I can't imagine how BAD I smell…” Dad continued his bantering. “After a SIX-hour workout, I must be RIPE!” The old man laughably struggled, barely able to pull his own shorts down even halfway his ass. There wasn't so much the problem of his swampy bubbled butthole, or his equally growing large male appendage in the front, but more so with his insanely monstrous and inhuman massive forty-two inch bloated hairy daddy-thighs, eighty-four inches in diameter combined! Even a pair of XXL shorts found complete struggle, fabric fraying and stretching to unbelievable transparency. I honestly didn't think they were going to make it... *RIIIIPPPPPPP* “Fucking UNREAL!” Dad roared proudly, as his shorts ripped and blew apart to the floor. “Won't be long before I'm squatting entire NAVY-ships!!!” He grunted jokingly, taking and rubbing one of his colossal hands along the lining of his gigantic hairy stink-hole, the seemingly endlessly muscle canyon of his asscrack. That was just a taste of how the old man had been talking lately, by the way, his insatiably unrealistic dreams of growing, leaving me always speechless, stammering in dumbfounded fear. Last week he actually tried lifting his Honda right in the driveway, right in front of all the onlooking neighbors, the jaw-dropped kids in the street. He grabbed it by the tail end and growled furiously, his muscles surging bigger than ever, as they always did, but thankfully, the car didn't budge. I know a vehicle is nowhere near being some ship on the sea, but I don't know, just the fact that he was even trying, still endlessly growing, gave me worry that these ridiculous dreams of his, would soon become my nightmare of a reality. “WELL?” Dad boomed questionably. “You going to get CLEANING or what!?” “...yes sir.” I responded with a gulp, but what choice did have? That's not to say, I wasn't completely drooling over the once in a lifetime opportunity, monkey-mask free, to get my actual face up against those two mighty and stage-crushing monster muscle glutes. It was still just so humiliating to me, especially with the way dad would treat me, about the “comical” rate he outgrew me, how he was excited to “double me”, he would often remark. I guess he was getting close, weighing in at a shocking 383-pounds of bone crushing grandpa-aged silver hairy man muscle. But you know, it was just three weeks ago I was some proud bodybuilder, and now... “FUCK-yeah!” Dad deeply groaned. “Get your tongue WAY up there…” He grabbed the back of my hair, smothering my face into all his sweat and left over shit before forcibly squeezing my head, an insignificant grape between his buttcheeks, further up into dark depths of his swampy asscrack. Who knew the old man would like this much assplay, or that I ever would ever turn out to be such a fag for muscle freaks. I'll admit though, there was something kind of comforting about digging and licking my way up his suffocating muscle hole, that familiar fatherly musk I had known since birth. The whole scene ended with the old man groaning like a pig and bent over, his foot long horse cock draped on the floor like a Python, splooging a river of cum, out of this totally tongue-sized piss hole. Then he made me lick up the whole thing up. “Now I really do feel like a KING…” Dad remarked, relishing on the whole humiliating view in the reflection of the living room mirror, as he relentlessly posed. Those words were the beginning of the end, destiny veering it's ugly head. A few days later, the old man demanded I moved in with him, needing his “slave” to be around whenever he commanded. He still fucked woman regularly, daily almost, “pussy splitting” them with his grotesquely veiny old man cock. I still didn't get how he was doing it, how he was growing all over, like some testosterone dripping teenager during a growth spurt. His height had reached a daunting six-foot-four, his feet to a shoe-popping size sixteen, clothing dimensions you wouldn't believe. “Hand me another one, SQUIRT!” Dad boomed above me. “Y-You want M-MORE?” I stammered in disbelief. It was about a week later at the grocery store, aisle seven, the frozen meat department. Dad had finally surpassed his eagerly awaited 400-pound mark, 423-pounds to be precise, so much muscle bulging into muscle, it wasn’t just freaky, it was downright terrifying. Yet he still wanted more, guzzling back four protein shakes already as we wandered up and down the aisles, a man dying of thirst, only it was his muscles, and you wouldn’t believe how much they needed to feed. His brand new XXL-sized clothes looked on the verge of bursting, especially around his grotesquely bloated muscle-gut, the nearly painted on and tortured light blue denim, splitting obscenely around the seams of his legs and groin. I reached down into the shopping cart regardless, never wanting to disobey my master, handing him another bottle of Muscle Milk, only two left now out of the original six-pack. The old man swiped it fiercely from my hands, blowing off the cap with a single thumb, raising the spout to his lips. “God-DAMN, feels like my shirt is gonna BURST!” Dad winked looking down at me, another devilish grin on his face. “OH-Well!” He was so unapologetic, so arrogant in his actions. He didn’t even stop to think about the mounding spectacle of people forming, women and men alike, staring at the over 400-pound muscle god with three full shopping carts. There was this pregnant wife with two children, some little cheerleader with all her friends, even another father with his son after baseball practice, then came the smartphones. With all that protein building up, filling him with a nearly boundless amount of fuel, I knew, it was only a matter of time before there would be another incident, another explosion of muscle growth, just like that day at the gym, captured on the endless amount of cameras surrounding us. “MMPF, SO-good!” Dad grunted under his gulping breaths. “D-Dad, y-your clothes…” I cringed, whimpering devastatingly, as his nearly transparent shirt, the already painted on and skintight ripplings of his freaky muscle striations, began ballooning even bigger. You could already hear the whispers and squeals of the crowd, the baseball boy roar in amazement, as if he had just seen the Hulk, a real life superhero. The various artificial sounds of camera shutters echoed throughout the store, just as I could hear the first small tear, somewhere underneath his armpits, then a second around the underside his two overshadowing inflated blimps of hairy mammoth pecs. *SNAP, POP* “SORRY folks!” Dad chuckled carelessly with a belch. “I was just SO hungry!” *BURRPPPP* *RIIPPPPPPPPPP* As he let out another thunderous belch, before I could even blink, nearly every thread in his shirt suddenly unraveled across the insane rumbling muscle dimensions of his chest into a million tiny pieces, blowing around his beachball-sized arms, detonating around his barn door wide lats, absoluting exploding around his gorilla-sized neck. The crowd variously gasped as every inch of his shirt helplessly fell to the floor, revealing to all them, even the now drooling store employees, the worlds most disgustingly powerful, the most musclebound hairy old man chest, the biggest daddy to walk the planet! “OOPS...” Dad smirked, hearing the various pathetic remarks, the words of disbelief and terror. He started posing anyway, with that wild grin on his face, flexing nearly every muscle he could, starting with his arms first, his burly and gigantic thirty-three inch beasts, nearly crushing his own skull as the two mountainous peaks collided with his stubbled silver face. Then he pleasurably began to bounce and quake his gigantic chest, the blimping hairy chest cleavage, the two overshadowing airships of power, feeling as if the aisle was actually beginning to shake. A few of the women's awes turned into sweet tiny moans, as they publically grabbed grabbed their sopping wet groins, finger-damming there uncontrollable gushing pussys. Even some of the men began bulging in there pants, throbbing pervertedly, continuously adjusting themselves. “JUST started working out a few MONTHS ago!” Dad arrogantly stated, the big crowd pleaser, making everyone chuckle, as if it was a joke. He looked down at me right afterwards with that smirk again, like they had no idea what was to come, as he powerfully turned his stance and showed off his absolutely door-crushing backside. You could tell that he was aching for more, more muscle, occasionally glancing down at the two remaining bottles of Muscle Milk with his piercing blue eyes. I thought he was going to do it, but then, out of nowhere, embarrassingly enough, the old man let out this gigantic grandpa fart. *RIIIPPPPPPPP* “OH-fuck!” Dad devilishly laughed, turning his neck and attempting to look down towards his ass. “Was that my PANTS!?” The crowd gasped once more, I couldn't believe it, covering my mouth and staring like everyone else. His two bulbous and obscene muscle glutes, the pornographic airbag sized butt cheeks, just from a simple fart, had rumbled and quaked to such a severity, that the light blue denim fabric had actually torn apart, right down the shockingly deep muscle valley of his asscrack. Luckily, for the all children's sake, the now dozens of families watching, his swampy grey briefs were still strongly held together. But you could still hear the sound of fabric crackling, slowly snapping apart, as if the old man wasn't done growing yet, as if this whole show was just beginning. “He’s G-GROWING!!!” This woman suddenly shrieked. “You FOLKS want to see some REAL MUSCLE!?” Dad roared, the old man was fucking eating it up. I don't know if he was growing on purpose, or if he just couldn't stop, but he did forcefully and ultimately playfully pump and flex his legs, blowing the remaining seams around his tremendous muscle thighs and groin in an instant. Still mostly held together, however, the now tattered and tortured blue jeans, he let out this deep sinister laugh as the growth took place, as the skin of silver monster muscle legs began effortlessly squeezing through the gaping holes of the fabric, torrentially swelling bigger. It was shocking to say, that his nearly basketball-sized calves were the first to completely blow through the bottom of his pants. *RIIIPPPPPPP* “I make ARNOLD look like an ANT!” The old man mocked, towering above us looking six-foot-seven, posing like the champion he was, the total reigning supreme bodybuilding god of the world. After his calves, his shoes completely blew apart, tearing around the front first from these gigantic hairy toes, then around the laces due to his widening feet, brand new Nike’s, completely destroyed. The crowd continued to gasp, most family's ran. It was just in time as his over fifty-inch muscle thighs blasted through the rest of his denim, the teeth of his pant-zipper erupted with this firehose-bulge of musky underwear fabric. The whole thing ended with those planetary muscle-glutes, those two car-crushing swampy butt cheeks, snapping what was left of the destroyed fabric clinging to his legs. “Better SHIELD your EYES!!!” That was dad’s favorite part, as he boomed the words with laughter, as he shattered the aisle with a most muscular pose. We watched the video what must have been a dozen times, one of many recordings posted online, along with hundreds of shocking photos, the old man's new ego-exploding treasure trove. He couldn't even operate the computer his hands were so big, crushing his desktop keyboard at first, making us revert to my tiny eleven-inch laptop. “They're calling me a GOD!” Dad chuckled delightfully, slowly standing up from his broken chair. “I think it's time you WORSHIP your GOD…” I'll just let you know, that he was completely naked, and he was pointing to his size-twenty feet. It felt just like that first time in the shower. I didn't even ask if I should wear my monkey-mask. My tongue started slowly with those gigantic-toes, kissing and working my way up to those cock-boning disgustingly freaky bowling-ball calves, then I made my way up his gigantic monstrous silver thighs. It was absolutely terrifying, being next to these legs nearly triple the size of my own body. But I kept on worshiping, despite his questionable movements, the occasional thump from a single tiny motion, shaking the entire house, nearly snuffing me out. It was then I looked up, terrified, just knowing what was going to happen next. “GOD-damn, just look at those pretty little LIPS!” Dad suddenly grabbed me by the cheeks, stuffing his gigantic thumb down my throat. “I think it's time you SUCK your DADDY’S cock!” I always knew I was a little gay... **************************** Comments are appreciated
  11. FREaky

    Abduction Part One by F_R_Eaky

    This is starting off a bit slower that I usually go. The tags will happen over the course of upcoming chapters. This is the long set up. I hope you enjoy this one as always. - Frank. Abduction Part One by F_R_Eaky Julian was expecting to have a decent day today. He didn't have any grand expectations for it, but he figured he would at least moderately enjoy himself at the Pride Festival activities on this balmy Saturday afternoon. Coming in from the middle entrance he knew he'd turn to the right to walk down the main promenade, looking at only the booths on the right hand side. He'd then see who was on stage at this end of the promenade before turning round and heading up the entire length of promenade to see what booths were on what originally was his left hand side and then at the end who was on at the stage on the left side promenade end. After that he'd go back up that half of the promenade to the center and scope out all the food booths. Tomorrow he'd let his friends know which ones had the best food for the best price to have lunch at after the big Pride Parade. For the now, he'd scope out everything on the promenade and afterwards he'd walk off to the side to head to the Missouri-Illinois LGBTQ History display pavilion. It was early in the Pride Festival day, so the promenade wasn't crowded yet. There was plenty of walking room. At the end of the right hand side of the promenade the stage was bare, nothing happening as of yet. No performers. No awards. No competitions. No administrative announcements. Julian looked down at his feet to rest his eyes from the harsh glare of the sun. He always forgot to bring his sunglasses.. Seeing that his right shoelace was untied, he stepped off to the side of the stage so as not to go butt up in the crowd and bent down to tie his shoe. What happened next would change Julian's life forever. A strange and wondrous series of events would begin right here and now, although, if Julian foresaw what would happen he'd probably have done his best to stop it. Coming up from tying his shoe, Julian felt a sharp blow to the back of his head. It wasn't enough to make him unconscious, but certainly enough to knock his senses off line for a few minutes. If that wasn't bad enough, a fairly large and meaty hand grabbed his left arm and helped pull his torso up, the hand's partner rushed in and gut punched Julian severely. He would have doubled over but his head met a great wall of pectoral muscles. As he stood there in a semi conscious state, breathing into the shirt covered valley of a set of protruding pecs, his body supported in a standing position by his attacker's hands and arms, those arms pulled him in close, tilted his head back, and began to suck face, long, passionately, and deeply, as if Julian had just walked on and became an extra of a Sean Cody production. His mind tried to tell Julian he should do something, but the blow to his head made his vision and his mind spin and his nose tingle. The punch to the gut made it almost impossible to breathe, which in turn affected his reasoning capabilities, and his attacker lip locking with him only took the impossibility from almost to absolute. The rest of the world, if anyone saw him, saw Julian becoming weak in the arms of his lover. And what a lover this attacker could be. Midway through the deep passionate pucker, the man wrapped one arm under Julian's ass and easily hoisted the 5' 9", 155 pound, platinum haired, ice blue eyed, twenty year old off the ground. In a few short minutes Julian was carried away to an awaiting van parked at one of the metered parking spaces outlining the park. Depositing Julian into the passenger seat, his abductor quickly placed a blindfold over Julian's eyes and then tied his wrists to the arms of the seat and buckled him in. That was the only thing about the car ride that Julian would ever recall. Julian did realize when they stopped that it was several hours later. The white blindfold over his eyes allowed colors of various pastel light through and a cooler breeze caressed his skin which meant it was now around dusk. His nostrils were also filled with the scent of a fresher breeze, tinged with hay and occasionally the smell of animal manure - he was at a farm. This was confirmed when a large door was heard to be rolled open and he was escorted inside. Walking all the way to the other end of the barn, Julian was placed into a chair and given a grunt command with a firm hand on a shoulder as an order to sit down. After being placed in the chair his hands and legs were then bound to them using some sort of fairly strong rope. ["I apologize for the rough handling. I am a bit taller and stronger than most men."] "That doesn't mean you have to handle people this way. What the hell gives? Bashin' the back of my head and then punching me in the stomach, and then...then... KISSING ME!" ["That part was needed in order to make it seem like you were willing to go with me."] Great. Thought Julian to himself. He's using one of those voice altering devices to speak to me. "What gives with the voice. Why do you need to sound so computer like?" ["It is necessary for fear of vocal recognition."] "Vocal recog....what the fuck, bro.? You mean you're someone I know? What the hell is this a surprise party of some kind gone wrong?" ["The first statement is correct, the second one is not."] "I know you?! This is fucking ridiculous. What a way to treat a friend, coworker, or acquaintance. What the hell do you want anyway? I don't have a lot of money. Neither does my family." ["It isn't money that I want."] "Ok, fine then. I'm not gonna just sit here. HELP! HEEEEEEEEEEEELP!" ["Screaming will only wear you out and make you more exhausted. You are in a barn in the middle of its hay stores, the bales of which will absorb your screams. No one outside the barn can hear you, and if they could, there's no one here as they are gone on vacation to Florida for the next two to three weeks."] "So... what... what do you want with me?" ["I need your help. I need you to make love to me."] "Say wha da fu? What makes you think, after this approach for picking up dates, that I'm going to want to make love to you? Why do you need me to make love to you?" ["I need you to make love to me to.... to see....."] "To see what, if you can get it up? Do you have an injury or something that won't allow you to get erect?" ["I need to see if I...I am gay. ... ... ..."] "To...to see... if you're gay? How can you not know? You either are or aren't. I mean seriously, dude. It's something you're born as not something you..." ["I have never been with anyone...ever. Now...away at... ... ... well, away and out in the public, people are wondering what my orientation is. I've been raised, so to speak, to be heterosexual, but I can't quite seem to bring myself to be with a woman. I get erections at the sight of some men, but that could be a passing phase. I need to know if I will stay erect and climax at the touch of another man or if I don't."] "So what? I'm your test subject? a... a...guinea pig of sorts? I'm not just going to make love to you to prove, what? Do you need emotional support to realize it's okay to be gay? I could give you pamphlets, books, websites on information and therapy for that. Just let me..." ["I THINK HOMOSEXUALITY IS FINE! I don't think it's an abomination or a sin. It's just....it's just in my line of training..uh....work...there are...obstacles...people...that rise up and make the path difficult. I want to know how to plan out and map my life. Should I stay this course or change it depending upon whether or not I'm gay. I just.... I....just want to...to make...sure."] "Why did you choose me to verify this?" ["Because... I.... knew you were gay.....and...I....like you."] "So this was a way to get a date?" ["No. ... ... ... It's just a way for me... maybe I'm the only one who needs it done this way... but I need to confirm my sexuality. You... you were gay and kind and smart... .... ... and I knew I had a build you like. ..."] "Build I like? What kind..." ["Please... if you promise to do this for me, no questions asked, I will release you. All I ask is that when I free your hands you don't try to remove your blindfold and you don't attempt to make an exit, of which there is only one, by the way. If I see you attempt one of those two things, I'll knock you out and dump you somewhere. I just want you to make out with me so I can see if mentally, physically it's what I respond to. I've never been with anyone, ever. I've had my blood tested for any diseases, just in case, and can show you that paper if you're worried. You can do it however you like best. Just let me know how to bend or lift or whatever. I basically will be a semi-slave to you tonight."] "Alright! Alright... geeze....I'll do it. Although you better have one amazing fuck bod to touch." The abductor bent over and undid the rope on both of Julian's wrists and his ankles, but stood directly in front of the chair. Julian stood up slowly, keeping the blindfold on for even without physically seeing, he could tell them man was a fairly big man. Slowly, gingerly he stuck his hands out and soon came into contact with a fairly thick and full chest. "Geeze...." Julian whispered as he continued to move his hands up the body of his abductor. Groping, caressing, feeling Julian began to get a sense of how big this man was. His own head only came up to about the man's nose or mouth. He has a very thick and powerful neck that was rooted into some pretty damn broad and solid shoulders, which of course sat above some fairly barrel like pecs. Julian's hands then went down and over the flattened peaks of his abductor's relaxed biceps. "You are built like a brick shit house, and a fairly tall and wide one too." ["I'm 6' 4" tall and weight two-hundred thirty five pounds."] "Oh my...." Julian's knees buckled at the thought of the size of this man as well as from being exhausted and hungry not having had lunch or dinner so far this day. ["No worries, I have you."] "Sorry... ... ... I'm a little weak from skipping lunch and dinner...." ["If you want we can stop this and I can get you something to eat first."] "No, no. It's okay. I can do this." Placing his hands on the abductor's chest again, Julian glided them up the neck and reached out for the chin, causing the abductor to flinch his head back and inhale sharply. "Don't worry. I'm not going to try anything stupid. You are built way bigger than me and could knock my head off I believe, or put me into a more permanent state of unconsciousness. And as tall as you are, and assuming you've worked your legs out too and aren't chicken legged, if I attempted to run away, you'd chase me down in minutes." Julian's abductor relaxed and Julian went back to seeing the man's face via his finger tips. The man's chin was strong but not too prominent. The jaw line was pretty square and the cheek bones were set fairly high. Although there was a two day or so worth of stubble on the face, Julian could tell the cheek bones were hidden slightly be a pair of fairly chubby cheeks. "My gawd..." thought Julian. "He has got to have a wonderful set of dimples to look at." Next were the full, pillow-like lips that was below the man's slightly bulbous and wide nose. A thick but well groomed set of eyebrows floated above a pair of eyes that felt as though they might have a slightly outside downward turn to them almost as if he were oriental of some sort. Then the hands reached the top of this behemoth of a man and became entangled in thick mop of hair that hung down to the man's shoulders. ["What do you want me to do?"] "Well, first..." said Julian as he moved his hands down to his abductor's waistband and then run them up inside his shirt."We're going to remove this shirt..." As the abductor reached down with his meaty hands and grabbed a hold of the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up, over, and off his torso and head, Julian sent his hands gliding across the man's abdominals and obliques, then catching up to the man's pecs, giving the nipples a squeeze. The whole time Julian was getting harder and harder in his pants over how built this man was, and now how hairy he was - he could run his fingers through it on his chest. Tall, built, hairy... this man's body had almost everything Julian ever wanted in a man. "Oh gawd, he can't be handsome... if he's handsome then I'll... and what a fuckin' eight pack. I could trace that all...." ["Pardon?"] "Nothing! Nothing... just kind of mumbling to myself." Julian kept alternating hands left and right, back and forth, letting each one massage a nip, or stroke the obliques, or trace the abs. He kept this up for quite some time until wrapping his arms around the abductor's neck, he spoke. "What I need you to do now, if were truly going to see if you're gay, is to pick me up and support me either around the waist or under my ass." As the abductor did so, Julian lip locked him giving him one of the deepest, most passionate kisses he had ever given a man. Julian wasn't sure who this was, even after being told the man knew him somehow from somewhere, but that feeling, that instinct that he somehow knew the man quite well was talking over along with a burning desire the more he felt the man's granite like body. The man although surprised at first by the kissing motion, began to return it back just as equally passionate, and when Julian began to use his tongue to caress the abductor's tongue, the abductor followed suit pressing his full pillow like lips even deeper towards Julian. Julian ran his hands through the man's thick hair, over the plinth like neck, across the mountain mounding traps, skimmed over some bowling ball like delts, and finally after caressing the tris and running a finger to trace the quickly rising blood vessel across the top of flat yet still quite mounded bicep, begged the man to flex one for him so he could cup it in his hand. The feeling of the large ball of biceps was almost enough on its own to make Julian reach an early climax. "I need you to put me down and for you to get out of those pants." ["You will trick me. You will leave me once they are around my ankles."] "No.... I will stay here, I promise." The man did as he was told to do so, even taking off his socks and shoes in the process. When the man announced that had stripped out of his lower clothing, Julian dropped to his knees and asked for the man's foot. Raising his foot, the man allowed it go slightly limp as Julian moved it to position it on one of his thighs. Upon contact Julian let out a small gasp. ["Are you alright?"] "Yes. I expected you to have decent sized feet, being a tall man and all, but these are getting up there." ["Is that a problem?"] "No..." and Julian swallowed hard before answering. "It's a turn on. They feel about as long as a ruler, maybe slightly longer. They are wide too, thick, meaty. They're just as muscular as your upper body is." ["Size sixteen, 4E wide."] Once again Julian swallowed hard as he began to caress the man's foot with both of his hands, massaging and rubbing them, running his finger between the man's toes. Eventually he moved his hand across the arches and ankles, through the hair on the man's legs up the shin and across the back to grab a hold and kneed the man's very ample calves. The abductor's ankles were as thick as his wrists and the calves were hard dramatic sized diamonds. Julian shuddered out a breath, realizing, calculating in his mind that this man was overly blessed in the genetics department. He was incredibly thick in a regular, average, skinny state, which meant that he could blow up far more than what he was now and carry an insane amount of muscle weight on this frame. Tracing the hamstring up to the thigh bicep, Julian caressed the abductor's thigh, moving his left hand to trace and feel the crevices and mounds of the tear drop shapes, while his right traveled up to, run into, cup, and grab the bulging, bubble butt cheeks. These legs matched his torso in being so full and stacked with defined, dense, muscle. If the man snapped his leg straight, knees locked, foot pointed, it became a massive column for Julian to climb and cling around like a growing vine of ivy. Suddenly Julian pushed himself away. "I can't do this. Go stand on the other side of this barn!" ["What? What is wrong? What is the matter? I don't understand."] "I just can't. No... this is wrong... I won't. Stand on the other side. GET AWAY FROM ME!" ["Is there something wrong with my body? I thought you liked very muscular men. Am I too hairy, perhaps I should shave?"] "It matters not if you shave! I just can't. It can't happen. I need you to leave... me... alone!" ["I... I'm sorry... for... whatever I did... please... please I need you to finish this.... I need to know..."] "How are you feeling right now?" ["Confused.... scared...incredibly lonely now that your touch has stopped. Extremely upset at the thought of upsetting you. Losing you...even though I don't really have you because I..."] "You were turned on and you don't want the feeling to end. You're feeling a physical and emotional loss at its sudden stop. All this from the touch of a man. Have you ever felt this way towards a woman?" ["No."] "Alright. Then trust me, you are gay. How are you hanging now? Still erect, or soft?" ["Soft... ...suddenly very soft....I think the shock and feelings of guilt and embarrassment have made it even recede slightly less than normal."] "Alright. I did this out of selfishness." ["Did...what?"] "Pushed you away. I was hoping it would make you flaccid. If you're going to keep me here, make me do this to you, then I need to get something out of it for my own sake. I want to feel you get aroused. I want to feel it become erect in my hands, and if your body is any hint of what you might be packing, I'm going to fuckin' love this." Julian motioned for the man to come back towards him. When Julian could feel the presence of the abductor's body near him, he got back down on his knees, reached out and felt for the man's crotch. He wasn't displeased or surprised. "Holy shit..." Julian gasped. "You had better be just a shower or I'm going to be in big trouble..." The man pulled his body back a little and blushed all over. Julian could feel the heat rise and radiate all over the abductor and feel the man's stance shift into one that was coy and shy instead of the usual confident and aggressive. "Do... ....do you know how big you are?" ["Eight and a half inches soft."] "A..aan....and e...erect?" ["Eleven and three-fourths by six"] "Holy shit.... fuckin' beast...." Despite his now slight apprehensions, Julian reached out and began to caress and stroke the abductor's mighty cock with his right hand. His left hand went past to cup and fondle the man's balls, which felt as equally larger than an average man's testicles as the abductor's cock did. Within seconds, Julian's thumb glancing across the man's scrotum had the abductor moaning in pleasure. In only a minute or two, Julian's right hand felt the abductor's cock surge and swell, throb and bob, lurch and lengthen, tighten and thicken. It grew impossibly hard and straight like an iron bar with a many a veins crossing over it and a clear and firm penile raphe underneath. The head quickly out grew it's hood of excess penile tissue, the abductor being an uncut man. That head grew a bit thicker and fatter than the rest of the penis forming a perfect helmet at the end of such a long shaft. Fully erect the abductor's penis just stuck straight out from his body. Its own length and thickness making it too heavy to physically rise and point upward and smack the man's abs on its own. It did however bob and bounce like a fishing rod, each and every time a pulse of blood coursed through it. Once fully erect it didn't take long for Julian to stop his stroking procedure and begin sucking on it in true sucker and lollypop style. The abductor shuddered and moaned as Julian's lips encompassed his cock head and form a seal around it. He uttered and sputtered as Julian's head moved forward, causing his lips to do the same and caress that shaft as long and as far as he could. Julian did all manner of tricks to suppress his gag reflex, which was being activated more and more by the super shaft filling his mouth and then throat. Soon his tongue went to work, swirling round and round the shaft, tracing the raphe and licking the underside of the cock from base to piss slit, before beginning an in and out dart and flick session that traced the crown of the head and flicked the slit until the abductor began squirming and wriggling in mad, mad ecstasy. ["AUGH!...FUCK!....WHAT...HUH HUH HUH....WHAT THE HELL...ARE.....ARE YOU....DOING TO ME!?"] Julian didn't break his contact to inform the abductor at exactly what this was. Instead he kept working and working the mega meat until he was able to take it all the way down so that his chin tickled the abductor's balls while his nose were tickled by the abductor's public hair. The abductor couldn't hardly take it anymore. His legs began to contort. His feet and toes began to curl. Slowly, small strides at first, he began to step forward, pushing Julian more and more until they hit one of the great walls of hay. It was at that moment the abductor heard a pop. "Take me.... take me now. I don't care that you're my abductor. That you have kidnapped me. I need to feel you in my lower parts now!" Julian jumped towards the man, his arms clinging around the man's bull neck, his legs wrapping around the tight waist, his lips planting a firm, firm kiss on the man's lips. The abductor wasn't sure what to do, so with just hands and body for guides, Julian finally got himself lowered onto the abductor's dynamic dong and showed the man what it felt like when one takes a tight, tight, ass balls deep. ["Oooooh my gawd! I....I.....it feels.... IT FEELS!...."] "Shut up and develop a rhythm to your pounding. Get into that....lose... UGH! your. ... OH!...s...self and go with the rhythm. OH OH OH OH FUCK!" Julian's back and shoulders were being pushed up and back, digging into the hay bales, individually pieces of straw stabbing and slightly cutting into him. His hole felt like it was being stretched and stretched and stretched while his insides felt as though they were being moved around. The abductor felt like he had found a jacking machine that finally fit him. Waves of pleasure crashing over and overwhelming his mind and senses. His primal instincts took over, leading his body into that natural rhythm of pounding and ramming. It wasn't too long after this... ["Oh.... oh... AIEE! I'M GONNA.... OH SHIT....IT'S GONNA...GONNA!"] In a quick motion, the man stepped sideways and Julian felt his back exposed to air. The man pushed Julian off of his cock with a loud pop and then suddenly became spastic. ["Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh HUH HUH AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH HUH HUH HUH HUH HUH AH HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO FUCK HUH HUH AH SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HMMMMMMMGRRRRRRFFFFFFF HUH HUH HUH OOOOH!"] Having landed on his feet, Julian stood there, in front of the man, in absolute amazement. Despite the man falling on his knees and Julian being a couple of feet away from him, the man managed to shot his load across and up the distance to splatter on the front of Julian's shirt. The realization sent a spasm down Julian's spine, over his ass, across and into his balls, which in turn sent a sensation up his cock and there Julian shook and shivered in orgasm. Julian heard the man moan a bit more and then the sound of his body collapsing backwards to the ground. He also manage to deduce that he had to be in the opening that led to the doors of the barn. "Fuck it..." he thought to himself. "It'd only help prove my story if I'm found pants less. Leave the jeans behind." And in a swift motion, he blindly reached and jumped above him, near the edge of the tunnel and latched onto the strings of one of the hay bales. With a bit of struggle and jumping, he managed to weaken the bale that was the cornerstone of the arch and soon he could hear and feel the multitude of stacked bales above him coming down. Julian then turned and ran out the tunnel. ["No! Wait! Auuuuugh!"] Julian removed his blindfold once he could tell he was out of the bales of hay. He stumbled slightly as his eyes adjusted to the light and began to see again. "Damn, this barn is huge!" Julian never stopped running as he could hear his abductor roaring in panic and stack was shifting constantly. This man was not only large and strong enough, he was well versed and practiced in hay baling and pitching. The man was almost clear of the fallen hay bales by the time Julian got to the barn door and managed to pull it open far enough for him to get through. Hearing the heavy footsteps breaking in to a run, Julian knew that an escape via a driveway or pasture run wasn't an option. Instead, he had to go into the house and hope that he could lock and barricade himself in and his abductor out and make a phone call for help. Still blinking his eyes to adjust and clear his vision, Julian spotted and stumble ran towards the house, hearing the barn door not only being pulled open slightly wider but practically being flung open the entire way in one fell swoop. He ran and ran his footsteps beginning to bound and bounce like a jack rabbit, but his attacker, his abductor, despite making plodding sounds like a bull, began to prove he's more like a Clydesdale horse. Julian wondered if he would make to the house in time, when suddenly there was a blinding light that over took the whole yard. "Oh shit, I set off automatic flood lights....can't see..." Julian heard the word, ["fuck!"] behind him and the heavy sounds of large feet and man they're attached too fumbling and falling. He never heard the final thud, though. At that same moment he tripped and fell, face first to be planted firmly into the ground, his feet high in the air.
  12. The V Files: Busted Behemoth by F_R_Eaky It was one of the more unusual and yet normal looking cases Agent Schinnee and myself have ever investigated. From the outside the house appeared normal, and so too did most of the inside. Schinnee and myself had been called to this address. Apparently a neighbor had heard some kind of crashing and rumbling the night before as if the walls were falling in. He didn't do anything then, but came over the next day, he stopped for a visit and found his neighbor lying on the floor. That's when he called the authorities. The local police came in to investigate and immediately called the FBI. The Bureau sent over an agent who came back to the office so flustered, even without any information, they decided this needed to be investigated by my department. Upon our arrival, Schinnee and I got out of our car and approached the front door. Everything looked normal, nothing out of the ordinary. Even for the ordinary this place looked very bland and, how do kids phrase it today?...meh! We entered the living room, which was very clean and organized. To the left there was a small dining area and then the kitchen. It too was very clean save for a tray full of Cheesy like crackers and a large mug full of tepid tea. Continuing our search of the house, Schinnee took the room to the left and back, while I took the one to the right back to . It was slightly askew. A computer room it was, but it didn't look like the computer had been touched, nor anything else on the desk. There was a tall shelf to its side against a wall, now it had its papers and books knocked down and strewn about the floor. There was a bit of indentation in a couple of the shelves and not much else. This wasn't a mess generated by a search through here like a robbery, ... this was possible a fight scene. But there was something else odd about the room. The ceiling looked very real and solid with intricate crown moulding, yet appeared slightly flimsy and almost gave the feeling of a drop ceiling. The door was a bit smaller than the rest of the doors and doorways throughout the house, and the furniture seemed almost child sized. Glancing at the computer, I clicked through a series of windows opened up on the desk top. Most were several pictures of men. Large men, in one way or another. Some were highly endowed penis wise, as if their mother had bred with a horse. Others were very tall, so as to have redwoods for their paternal parent. Still others were descendants of Hercules or some other man with extremely large muscular genetics and build, while some were well done photo manipulation combining several of the men together. The other windows were chat rooms and sites for tall men, large penis support, big feet, bodybuilders, and bears. "I'm not sure why we were called in, Schinnee. This man has fetish for big men....really big men. Total alpha male junkie. Probably was attacked by some man he met on-line whom he had given his real address." "Boulder... I think you better come in here." "Why, Schinnee?" "ooooohh...." It was then that I heard the sound of a man moaning. I got up from the desk chair, opened the small side door to the room Schinnee had first entered, discovered a larger door behind it, opened that and entered the room, turned, walked through, and discovered two other rooms. These were a couple of rooms though, that looked thoroughly destroyed, as if a demolition team had come through and performed their job on just an eighth of the house. And there, there in the middle of the room lied their wrecking ball. "Oh...my...gawd..." "That's what I said, Boulder." There, in the middle of the room, rooms so to speak, was the man the neighbor was checking on, moaning. The police, the agent before us, Agent Schinnee and I had all automatically assumed that this man would be dead, but there he was lying naked on the floor. "Uhm... Good morning. It's ok, sir. I'm Agent Boulder, this is Agent Schinnee of the F.B.I. we're here to help you." "You gonna be any better help than that last agent who wouldn't do anything for me but run out the door?" "No... no. ... we're gonna try and do our best to help you any way we can. You just sort of took our last agent and the police before him by surprise. Why don't you start telling me your name." My partner called in for assistance before the man spoke up. "...This is Agent Schinnee we're going to need some back up and medical assistance here. ... ... A lot of back up, sir. I'm going to need a structural engineer, a few contractors and some of their equipment, especially quite a few tarps and a large flat bed truck." "My name is Gerald. Gerald Milstadt, but you can call me Gerry." "Alright, Gerry." I responded while Agent Schinnee went to go find a towel or blanket to try and cover Mr. Milstadt up. "You are on the floor, taking up quite a bit of space, and have several large bruises, some lacerations on your body, and your nude. Can you tell me how you wound up like this?" "Yes...a man by the name of Blaise, Blaise Hanson did this to me, although I am to blame for why it happened." "Did you meet this Mr. Hanson on the internet and invite him over?" "Yes...and no. I did meet Blaise several years ago on line, but I didn't invite him over. He...he hacked and traced my computer, discovered where I lived and came over. He took me by surprise." "Are you saying he broke into your house and you were unaware of his doing so?" "Yes." "And then he attacked you?" "In a manner of speaking, yes." "How big is Mr. Hanson. What's his physical description?" "Uhmmmm" and Gerry let out a long sigh with a soft smile. "He's about 5' 11", 180lbs of some nice muscle, salt in pepper hair - short cut, ice blue eyes, strong jaw, and the cutest cleft chin you ever saw. Gawd, he's one handsome man." "You'll have to beg my pardon, Mr. Milstadt, but I find it hard to believe, even taking you by surprise that a man of that stature could take a man your size down, let alone out." "He had some help and he didn't actually take me down, not directly." "I think you had better tell me this story from the beginning, Mr. Milstadt." "Please, Gerry, and I'll tell you but I'm not sure if you'll believe me, agent. ... ... ... ************************** It started several years ago, at least for myself and Mr. Hanson. Despite what you see right now, I was a man of little stature and build. 5' 6" to be exact and although cut and defined, but muscles weren't that large. I was lucky to be a swimmer's build at best, if that. I've always wanted to be bigger, and I've admired, in some cases lusted, after men of great size. In fact, if you've looked at my computer before you came in here, you can tell it's my fetish. Downright obsession to be truthful. Doesn't matter how a man is big, I look at it: towering men over seven feet tall, men with huge feet size US men's shoe twenty or larger, bodybuilders with arms bigger round than their head - reaching 22, 23, 24, or even 25 inches around, men endowed with a cock that can measure out exactly one foot, sometimes a little more, sometimes a little less. The point is if they're above average in some way, I look at their pictures and drool over them. Many times I wish I could be them. And that's what I did. My obsession took over. I lost control. I not only enjoyed looking at the pictures of these men, but I wanted to be them. I wanted to talk with men and hear them praise me for how tall, muscular, or endowed I was. I wanted to hear them jack off to my voice, because they believed me to be a giant muscle god. I wanted to jack off listening to them praising and worshiping me for the same reason. However I couldn't do it as fantasy chat, some kind of role playing crap. That wouldn't work. I would know automatically it wasn't real and I wanted it to feel real. Instead I began to collect photos of my favorite men and I began to use them. I put them up as my profile pictures in chat rooms for tall men, bodybuilders, giant hairy bears, and large penis groups. I even began to swap my face for theirs on the bodies, use that for the pictures for my avatar, I began to craft smaller furniture to sit in to make me look larger when chatting live, to use homemade large dildos as a penis prosthetic to make me look hung, and even began to use a cgi program to create bodies to super impose over mine while talking live on video streams. Well, one of the first people I ever talked with was Blaise. He was just as turned on by big, Big, BIG men like I was. He was even working out to add some muscle to his frame. He talked with me for hours about the beauty of the human male form and how much prettier, handsomer it was the bigger it was in height, development, or endowment. Of course, looking at the pictures I posted of myself, he praised and worshipped me for my outstanding physique. We sent emails of files to one another, photo of my large hand, then he'd print it out and place his hand on it and send me the picture of that back so I could see the size difference, the same for footprints, and shoe sizes. He bought a shirt tailor made for my "body" wore it for a whole weekend and then sent it to me so I could wear it. Of course, what was happening was he was falling in love with me. And to tell the truth, I was actually falling in love with him. He was taller than me, becoming larger built than me, from what I could tell, was even a little more hung than I am, and that face.... oh that handsome face. Not to mention his personality and his soul.... True he wasn't actually a giant bodybuilder with a cock the size of a fire hose, but, he was large enough for me and I would be happy with him. However, in order to be in a real relationship with him, I had to come clean. I had to tell him what I had done. Needless to say he didn't take it well at all. Can you blame him? I mean I basically cheated him out of the man of his dreams. He thought I was all that and a mountain side, too, and it turns out I'm just this short, lithe, little twink. He was furious. He wrote me letters wanting stuff back, repayment for items purchased. He called repeatedly. I apologized a couple of times, but he wanted more...he wanted something. I eventually changed my phone number, email account, and nick on all the chat boards I frequented. But, I have a problem. My obsession wasn't just an obsession, it was an addiction. I kept returning to the chat rooms, posting other men's pictures as myself, upgrading to cgi, green screens, furniture and object props so I could appear more live, more realistic as a giant, muscle mountain, male porn star. I've been doing it for fifteen years. FIFTEEN YEARS! I've broken a few more hearts and I've used quite a few men's bodies. Last night is when it all caught up with me. Blaise must have used an alias to get to talk with me, and once he figured out the giant he was chatting with was really me, he began to trace my system and discover where I lived. Sitting at my computer desk last night, I had every chat room open scanning for someone looking to talk to a "big man." I finally found my chat mate on the large penis support group page. I was talking with this man in open chat, telling him about my fourteen inch cock on my seven foot tall body. I'd sent him some still shots. We chatted in some p.m.'s and agreed to do a video chat. It was all good. I was in my reduced sized furniture, which made me look really tall, and I had on my homemade dildo so I looked hung like a mule. But just when it started to get all down and dirty, all complements and worship, suddenly there was a new person in the chat room posting up in conversation to attract my worshipper's attention. The new chatter was posting things like, "The man has got a four and half inch dick in real life." or "He's lucky if he's five and half feet tall, let alone seven." He also typed up "He's as hairy as a baby's bottom!", "He's just playing you to get his own rocks off!" I tried to defend myself, tell him to fuck off, and that's when he typed in, "He's going to talk to you while sitting on baby furniture so you think he's some damned basketball sized fucker!" I responded with "I do not!", and that's when he typed, "Yes you do, you're sitting in your Barbie sized furniture right now, I can see it!" I froze and then turned my head to the window to look outside. I thought I might have caught a glimpse of something, but by the time my eyes really adjusted from screen glare to night time darkness, there was nothing there. I sat there, heart pounding, beads of sweat beginning to form on my brow and then that's when I heard footsteps on my back porch. Then I remembered ... I had left the door unlocked. WHAM! Suddenly the door flew open and in stomped Blaise looking every bit as hot and sexy as he did before. He seemed to fly into my computer room and smacked me right out of my chair, into the bookcase, and then onto the floor. He stood there legs straddling over me, and although I kept my eyes focused on his hot tempered gaze, I could see under and through his legs, via my peripheral vision, that several men of varying largeness has strolled through my open door and was filling up my computer and living rooms. "Tonight, you insensitive fuck, your charade of being a big man ends! Why did you keep on doing this? How many other men have you built up and then broken their hearts because you weren't the man you physically described or showed?" "Oh....gawd.... Blaise.... I'm sorry. I never meant..." "Shut up!" Blaise said as he delivered another slap to my face. "There's no excuse for this! You have the same kind of fantasy, the same obsession, the same fetish as so many other men like myself have, and yet you betrayed us all by portraying yourself off as some muscle bound, hung, giant of a man, one with a great personality. You get our hopes up that by chance some porno Adonis of the Nephilim in the real world not only exists but is willing to converse with us, have a relationship with us, and then we discover you're nothing more than another average milksop like the rest of us." "I'm sorry. I wish... I could do something..." "DO WHAT?! Pay me back? You ought to pay me back. I SPENT MONEY ON YOU! Spotted a pair of size twenty-three sneakers, two pair in fact, bought and sent them to you, to help ease the inconvenience your giant-size life had to go through in finding clothes that fit. Do know who makes those size of shoes? It's not the el cheapo company. It's only the expensive name brands that can make the really giant sized shoes. You know, the ones who at a normal size 9, 10, or 11 cost around $85 a pair! $150 if there is a bidding war. How much do you think those rare sizes went for? Do you know there's enough actual tall, tall, men with big, big feet that are clamoring, fighting to get a hold of those size shoes?" "Blaise... I never meant for you spend..." "TWO HUNDRED FIFTY DOLLARS! That was the one pair. The other was three hundred and twenty five. And look at you. What... what size shoe you wear? I think even my size eleven and halfs are huge compared to your shoes. What size you wear, huh? WHAT SIZE DO YOU WEAR!?!" Blaise dropped down to one knee, which rested on my stomach. He then reached up and grabbed one of my feet and pulled my leg up in the air towards me. "AH-HUUUUUGH! ....[cough cough...sputter] eiiight...." "WHAT'S THAT?" " [cough cough cough] EIGHT! I wear as size US Men's size eight shoe." "Fifteen sizes.... FIFTEEN SIZES! Fifteen sizes smaller than what you claimed to me." Blaise laughed and threw my leg back down to the floor. "three and half smaller than my own shoe." Blaise turned and grabbed the chair near my computer desk and sat down in it. It was custom made smaller than average furniture to make me look taller, and at almost half a foot taller than me, Blaise looked huge in it. Especially the way his muscular form, even though small, so to speak, filled out his tight t-shirt, making the wing span of his lats look like they were really flaring out massively over the arms of the chair, while his ample thighs and knees were sitting high and being pushed up towards his chest. He only has the build of a soccer or rugby player, but he nearly looked like the hulk sitting in that chair and the sight of him, despite my fear at the time, turned me on something fierce. "OH MY GAWD! Are your shorts tenting? Are you developing an erection over me?!" "I'm sorry Blaise, you've been working out.... you've always looked so handsome...." "If I'm gonna make you cream your pants, better give you a good show for that deed." Blaise got up out of the chair and stood over me again, straddling his legs once more on either side of my waist. "Do I impress you?! AM I HULKISH ENOUGH FOR YOU! CAN I PLAY THE PART OF THE GIANT TONIGHT?!? RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUGH!" He began to bend over at the waist and growl at me. He kept making a most muscular pose over and over again while screaming at me. He'd flex his arms in a frontal double bi and then go back to the most muscular, eventually ending the posing session by grabbing his t-shirt collar and ripping his shirt down the front revealing his chest and abs. Between being scared and the arousal I felt at the site of him playing alpha male, the site of him ripping his shirt off revealing his muscles, and the thought of him maybe growing larger, taller, broader, stronger, I ... ... ... I couldn't... ... ... I couldn't help it. ...I ... ... ... I blew a load on the spot. It wasn't long before the wetness showed through my shorts. "Did....did you just blow your load? Week little fucker!" Blaise flipped the chair over back towards the desk and walked around to me. "Well, that's okay. It's fine because I'm here to help you with that little problem. In fact, we all are here to help you with your lit-tle pro-blem." "What...huh...huh... do you mean?" "Well in this case, right now, it'll take you, the average sized man, what? Three to four hours before you might have enough sperm built up to have another really good toe curling orgasm with a full load of spunk blowin' out the pipes. But see... tonight, we're gonna turn you in a man. A big man, Gerry. ... ... ... or will we call you Demitri? Or is it Padraig? No? Albert? Jeremy, Eoin, Ricardo, or any of the other fifty some odd names you've used as a mother fuckin' alias! ... .... ... doesn't matter. The point is, we're gonna make you so huge, even in the balls department, that when you blow, just one shot... one shot, from you orgasm might be enough to coat a wall in this room. The entire wall." Still breathless I lie there looking up at Blaise, who now had turned the chair back over and sat in it again. "What...what do you mean? What are you saying?" "Karma, buddy boy. It's payback time, and the way you're gonna pay us back, is by growing. You're gonna become our big man, but not the way you think. You see, we're not going to make you a good sized jock, or a superstar athlete or a professional bodybuilder. No... we're going to go beyond that. We're going to make you a freak! You're going to become a giant, muscle bound, overly hung, man that is so thick and broad he nearly looks perfectly square. You're going to become so fucking hung, you'll need to arrange for a blood transfusion so you won't die of lack of blood to the brain when you get an erection!" I sat up, shakily, not knowing who these other men were in my house, but I kept my focus on Blaise. I began to unsteadily stand up, while looking at him, and tell him to his face... "You're...crazy..." "I'm crazy? I'M CRAZY!?! YOU'RE THE ONE WHO HAS BEEN TAKING PICTURES OF OTHER MEN AND MASQUERADING AS THEM ON THE INTERNET SO YOU CAN GET YOUR ROCKS OFF AND I'M CRAZY?!?" He sat there, his chest heaving in anger, the movement of his pecs stretching outward with each breath now pulling the split part of his shirt slightly more open every time it expanded, allowing it to close when he exhaled. "Do you recognize any of these men?" "N..n..n..no...no" "They are your inspiration for your body. For your alias' body." I looked around the room and my eyes opened wide in horror. These weren't, as I assumed, the men whom I had turned on and led into believing I was a runway model version of the hulk. These were the men who pictures I had used and stolen their physical identity. I had no idea why they were there or what they were going to do, but I soon found out. I stood up and attempted to make it to the side door of the computer room. It would give all of them, including Blaise, more than enough trouble to get through because it was made for me to look tall. I just get through it via ducking my head, most of them would have to bend at the waist due to height, or turn to the side due to musculature. Blaise, however, had other plans. "Oh... no. You can't go running off. I think it's time for the first installment of improvements, and let's start with his feet. Gentlemen?...." From the crowd of men gathered in my computer room and living room, a young man, just barely out of his teens, stepped forward. He was a handsome lad, kind of tall at 6' 1" but his feet were enormous. He turned and looked at me and simply said, "Size Nineteen." "AAAAUUUUGH!" I was nearly out the two doors and was going to be able to sprint and run towards the freedom of the back door and then my car, but suddenly there was this incredible pain that shot up through my body from my feet to my brain. It was so strong I saw stars immediately and fell just outside of the second original, normal sized, side door. I lie there, staring at my feet, feeling them pulse and swell. I could hear bone braking and sinew snapping, tendons stretching. "Aaaaaaah.....AHUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-AH!" The pain was incredible, but the worst part was, it now began in my hands; they were joining in! I watched in horror as my feet kept on swelling, larger, longer, wider, thicker, the form of my shoe becoming lost as it began to look like the shoe was actually formed to the size and shape of my foot. And then along with the popping and snapping of my musculature and bones, the pops and snaps of the seams of my shoes began to be heard. This was followed by the rips of the fabric, and soon my feet felt the cool air caress them as my toes and the balls of my feet began to grow out of my shoes and shred my socks. When it was done my feet were poking out of my ratty-tatty shoes, having grown almost four inches longer in a matter of minutes, maybe seconds. The heel and sides were nearly blown out as well. I turned face down, placing my hands on the carpet. They were in proportion to my feet now, these huge paw sized hands. It was only slightly difficult using them to help push me up to stand, but once I tried to walk, I was tripping over my huge ass feet. I wasn't sure how to walk with them. Size nineteen shoe, 13.66 inches of foot on legs for a 5' 6" body. We're talking my foot was now the length of my entire shin. "Oooh those look a little disproportionate on you. Let's help you out." Next to step up was a man. I remembered his name and his height instantly. Alexander, 82 inches. He didn't have to say it. I knew this was going to hurt like hell. "Six foot ten inches." Instantly the air was filled with the sound of breaking bones, snapping sinew and tendons, stretching skin. I dropped to the floor again wracked with pain as my body started lengthening, becoming taller and taller. Sixteen inches taller to be exact. Blaise was certainly correct, my feet would become more proportional on me now than they were on my original body size. "In case you should be able to develop a resistance to pain of growing bones, let's add the rest in." And now two more gentlemen came forward, Joseph and Miguel. I knew what both of them were there for. Joseph, an armature bodybuilder, I had used his body to tout me as hugely muscular once. Miguel, I had pictures of his ample cock that I proclaimed were mine. "215 pounds." "Eleven and half inches." Once again pain overloaded my senses as I began to feel my muscles inflate and stretch a bit, becoming denser, thicker, harder, stronger. But I also felt my cock begin to ooze out further and further from my groin becoming longer and slightly thicker. Despite all the pain and the sexual feeling of my cock growing, I managed to clear my head enough that I stood and stumbled towards this, the back to rooms. Blaise had followed through the door, directing smaller men though it and telling the bigger men to go around through the other side room. He took a leg swipe at my feet and set me sprawling to the floor. It didn't help that I smacked my head on a wall, right where a stud was located. But that wasn't painful. Not by a long shot. Not compared to what was in store for me. "You're going nowhere, Mr. Big Ass. You see we've got all these gentlemen to go through and here's the kicker. When they state their stats, you're not going to go into their stats like you have done with the first four gentlemen. Noooo, no. What will happen is life, karma, this spell, or whatever it is I managed to find, will subtract your stats from theirs and add it to your already new body form. So say, after you're done growing from this, and a guy who is 7' 6" inches tall comes forward, the universe will subtract your 5' 6" and wind up with two feet. This will then be added to your six foot ten inch frame making you eight foot ten. The other gentlemen will work the same way. And now began the parade of men, all of whom looked angry as they approached, but then smiled with a pleased sneer after they were done. "250 lbs" "6' 8" " "Size 16" "Size 23" "260lbs" "190lbs" "Ten inches" "Fourteen Inches" "Size 20" "7' 2" " "6' 6" " "7 foot" "255lbs" "254lbs" "Bear hair...grrrrr!" "ten and half inches" "300lbs" "Nine and three quarter inches." "6' 11" " "Nine and half inches." On and on they came. I can't tell you how many men's pictures I used over the last fifteen years, but Blaise had identified and located them all. He must have had copies of all my profiles using their actual or modified pictures and shown each and every single man. My mind was now completely non-functioning. I was in so much pain my vision was lost to something that looked like a t.v. set with a picture with reduced vibrancy or saturation that was becoming tunneled by white noise, but I could see and tell what was happening to my body - I was growing! By the minute, by the second, my limbs and torso became longer and longer, taller and taller. I was becoming a giant of the first order. It wasn't too long before I was as long as one of these rooms and going for both of them. I just kept feeling myself slide across the floor without any push from me. I just watched as my arms pushed my hands further and further away from me, while my legs did the same to my feet. My head meanwhile kept on rising higher and higher until it seemed that even in a sitting down position it would meet the ceiling. My hands and feet kept on throbbing and pulsing, getting longer, wider, thicker. I could see my hands as I writhed on the floor, compared to things that were falling off of shelves and tables my growth was knocking over. I could see over time I would be able to palm a basket ball, a water cooler jug, a double sized laundry basket. Meanwhile my feet were stretching and growing across the floor taking up a whole tile length wise, two tiles length wise, three tiles length wise and a tile and half width wise. My frame was simply becoming gigantic. Colossal! Swollen is what my muscles became. In mirror and window reflection I could see my body as it became a little swollen, a little bit built and what fabric that remained of my clothes after the height growth, were now becoming tight, form fitting, second skin like as my muscles grew and inflated. I went from swimmer to basketball build, then onto soccer and rugby players. Moving into gymnasts, then American football players, then power lifters, the amateur bodybuilders, then professional, then Mr. Olympia. My body kept breathing out inflating with muscle and then cutting back and defining. Ribbons and streamers of veins began to pop up on the top of my muscles and course over them this way and that, feeding them with the oxygen and nutrient filled blood. I could feel myself rising slightly off the floor: My calves rose my shins, my thighs rose themselves, my butt became rounder and firmer rising my head a little higher in a seated position. My lats, back, and deltoids made my torso rise, while my triceps lifted up my arms. More and more I was developing mounds and crevices, hills and valleys, all up and down my body as my muscles kept on inflating. My calves were becoming as big around as my upper arms. My upper arms were becoming bigger round than my head...than some folks waist....than my waist! My thighs were becoming as big around as my waist as well, each! Yet still they were so cut and defined you clearly saw these three monstrous tear drop shapes the size of dragon tears. My biceps became so full, rose so high the peak was taller than my head, and what a peak it was, split double head fully developed and defined. Meanwhile my chest kept on barreling out, becoming wider and thicker, fuller and rounder. So fucking huge, so heavy I thought my lungs would collapse due to the weight of them. Flat chested to slight ridges, ridges to crescents, crescents to plates, plates to slabs, slabs to globes, globes to oil barrels. So full, so hard, so wide, so thick, so high.... my nipples were damn near pointing straight down. My chin was being held up by my pecs. Then there came the bunching and scrunching of my abdominals and obliques. In mere moments I went from having a lower torso that was a smooth and flat as a baby's bottom to being covered in ridges and groves marking out a herringbone pattern on the side and straight pattern down the middle. Further and further my waist tightened and my abs and obs bunch and grew forming pebbles, rocks, bricks. From that swelled out my lats, growing wider and wider thicker and fuller. It met my back which was doing the same. Constantly growing broader and bigger, pushing my shoulders straighter, taller, but the bone growth was making them become broader, wider as well. My deltoids were rounding out fuller and harder growing into globes the size of bowling balls, cannon balls. My traps mounded and mounded ever taller, thicker, higher, threatening to pinch off my neck, despite its lengthening and thickening into a mighty marblesque column of power. That's when I realized exactly what Blaise was doing. What he had done. He was giving me too much of a good thing. I was blowing up with muscle and power beyond human recognition. My arms both upper and lower swelled so big they became locked in place. I could reach straight out, but I could never bend them. But I couldn't ever reach out directly in front of me. My lats had grow so they pushed my arms up higher and higher until even standing relaxed, my arms hang as though I was making an imitation of an airplane all the time. My legs became locked as well, the muscle size growing so full, but even if I could bend at the knee again, I couldn't walk as my thighs were so huge they pushed each other out so far I seemed to be always attempting the side splits. And then it happened. My muscles were becoming so thick, so defined, so dense and heavy, my body began to break the floor tile. I could hear all this sound like thousands of tiny pieces of glass breaking, shattering. I could feel under my naked body all of the tiny cracks forming, growing getting longer, becoming fissures until the tiles were all these broken bits, pieces, and shards, and then they too began to crack and break apart until they became grit and finally powder. It was soon after I began to hear the moans and groans of the floor boards and the support beams. Soon slight cracks were heard and I sunk slightly into the subflooring. My muscles, my body then began to have slight convulsions which caused my legs and arms to move uncontrollably. Smashing and thrashing into the wall boards, the door frames, the support studs. Soon plaster dust and wood splinters were flying everywhere. The room, rooms, were coming down on top of me. But that's when my saving grace occurred. My cock grew. I guess I shouldn't say that my cock grew now. It has been growing this whole time, as well as my testicles and scrotum. It was a good thing that my thighs had ballooned so and pushed each other away for my junk needed room to grow. Larger and larger my balls became: size of jack balls to billiard, billiard to baseball, baseball to basket ball, basket ball to bowling ball, bowling ball to medicine ball, medicine ball to.... to....well there aren't any balls really much bigger than that unless you get to a wrecking ball and I'm certain they might have become that size. But snaking over them was my cock. It keep oozing and oozing out of me, tickling my insides right where the cock base joins the body. I kept feeling it's slow growth as it lengthened and stretched becoming longer, swelling thicker, becoming veinier, developing more skin so that it was once again uncut. Growing and growing, the head reaching over my massive balls, half way down my thigh, three fourths, meeting my knees, my claves, caressing the underside of my calves, my ankles. ... ... ... My pecker and nads had been made overly disproportionate to my body. I might due to blood loss if I became erect. And there, amidst the falling plaster, the chipping tile, the creaking beams, Blaise came and stood over me, smirking and nodding in approval. He had one last thing to do. "Now, I get to add to you. Oh yes. One bit more. No, if it was me, you wouldn't increase that much, but I'm not using my stats. I'm using your stats. The stats of the man you said you were. The man I thought was real. The man I thought was the answer to my fantasies. THE MAN I FELL IN LOVE WITH!" "No. No no no no no no. Please, Blaise I'm already so..." "Seven foot eight inches tall! Five hundred forty one pounds! Size US 32 Men's Shoe Triple E! Fourteen inch cock! And you were a hairy bear!" I started growing again, just slight compared to my new size, but the fact of the matter is, I didn't need any more size. I couldn't have any more size. My chest on its own was so heavy now, I could hardly breathe. But, grow I was going to do, and grow I did. This time it was enough power and strength and size added that I slightly outgrew these two rooms, lying askew as I was. Had I been lying in a straight line I wouldn't be in this perilous predicament. However, I was lying off kilter and thus one of my legs grew into that door frame and wall and took out what was a major support beam. Now I am a giant beast. I am actually nearly as broad with muscle as I am tall, but even at this size I can't live through an entire house collapsing on me, which is what would happen should that support beam give, and I just kicked it, so to speak, right on out. Broken it clean through. Luckily for me, I was also aroused by all this growth of muscle and body and cock and feet, so my willie began to grow again, this time becoming erect. It grew and grew, lengthening, thickening, hardening, showing all the world I wasn't just a shower, but an incredible grower as well. Nearly doubled in length my penis did. I could tell. And guess what happened. It grew at an angle that my cock head touched the ceiling spot where the support beam was. The reason why Blaise and all those men, and myself, survived was because my cock had grown large enough it was bigger than the support beam, and was now carrying the weight of my house. Blaise could see what was done, and what was going on. He smiled evilly and began to pole dance on my cock. Using his whole body to rub and slide all over while the other men assembled began to beat and kick the sides of my body. They didn't last long. My dense muscles and sheer size made it impossible for them to make a dent and their own hands and feet took a bruising and a beating more than my body did. They soon resorted to using bits and pieces of broken boards and two by fours. Although I knew I was a complete freak now, never able to move, being locked into place by my own muscles, I still was highly aroused by the fact that I could take a beating from some of the biggest and strongest men on the planet all at the same time. That my cock was large enough to support the house. That was supposed to be my downfall. Soon I let out a deep, guttural, low moan and I spewed a load of spoo so large my cock looked like a busted pipe with a crack in it. A tight spray of cum came squirting out ever direction from between my cock head and the ceiling. Looking like a gigantic sprinkler system, spunk sprayed everywhere showering down on the men and Blaise. Blaise stood there pleased with himself and glanced down at me. "I hope you deflate fast, you bastard." And that's when and where he left me. They all left me. I've only been able to survive, not being crushed because the feeling of the weight of the house pressing on and into my cock head. It rubbing the piss slit all night long. Adding thoughts of being the strongest, most muscular man in the world. It kept me aroused enough all night I've been able to keep my erection. I'm growing tired however. Afraid I'm drifting asleep, and will become flaccid soon. "Boulder, somehow he's had enough blood to keep his brain functioning, but he's still going to be light headed, and there are other problems that can occur having an erection for more than four hours let alone more than twelve." "You're the medical expert, Schinnee. What are you saying?" "As soon as the structural engineers get here, we need to put up temporary, replacement support beams, and then we need to cause him to ejaculate. Hopefully his penis will become flaccid. Besides, we can't have him tenting the tarp on the flat bed truck when we take him to the local base." "Not all of the task force are gay. They're not going to be thrilled with this assignment when they get here and find out what it is." "To bad for them." ********************** There was a lot of complaints by some of the task force when they got there, but it's a dirty job some had to do. Agent Schinnee and I took point directly rubbing his cock near the head, and we became covered, coated in sperm from head to toe. Took us over an hour and a half to stroke him off. Very odd to feel something one's mind is perceiving to be a marble column, yet radiates heat, feels like flesh, and has a large pulse to it. The engineers of course we able to get in the support beams before we went to work on making Mr. Milstadt flaccid, and the government sent in workers to repair all the damage done to the house so Mr. Milstadt could sell it. It's not like he was going to be able to live there anymore. No, he's under the care of the government as they try to figure out exactly what was done to him and if there is a way to reverse it. That doesn't seem possible though. We've got the top geneticist working on it and although they've had some hopeful results for some cure, they didn't work on him. He's been taking it very well though, for although he's completely immobile locked in and down by the weight of his own muscles, which hopefully over time will shrink down by themselves without a workout, he still gets aroused by the fact of how much bigger he is than all the staff, especially some of the bigger built, larger grunts of the troop. He springs massive boners all the time that look like a totem pole. Any finger prints of the men who attacked Mr. Milstadt were destroyed by his cum and the water from busted pipes. We will try and locate and identify them by going through Mr. Milstadt's computer and see if we can trace where he got the pictures, but he's obliterated most of the faces on them. As for Blaise Hanson, he's disappeared without trace. We've not been able to track him down at his house, place of work, or on any of the chat rooms he frequents. We figure he's probably lying very low in the fetish community right now, and has probably moved to another country. I must close this report now. We've taken on hiring, after some auditioning, a man who gets along with Mr. Milstadt. His name is Hansel Blair. He's an average, middle aged sort of guy, salt n pepper hair that's very long, average height and build, with a little bit of paunch, soft kind of musculature that shows he was probably a wrestler or something back in college. He's got an amazing smile though, just above a chin with a handsome cleft. The main duty of Mr. Blair's is to whack off Mr. Milstadt so that he can be relieved and flaccid at least some point during the day. Mr. Blair has been very good at this. Will keep you posted on further developments. Agent Boulder, out.
  13. Ziel

    Ladder of the Heavens

    I swear, I do write muscle growth stories that don't also turn into macrofests. This, however, is not one of them. Plenty of muscle growth to be had though... as well as a wide array of other kinks including but not limited to growth, shrinking, even some muscle/cock drain. I actually do a bunch of stories with dick shrinking as a theme, but seeing as that is pretty much the opposite of what I assume people here want to see, I doubt I'll be posting any of those here. That said if anyone's curious I have a full tag for those [Over on my Tumblr] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sid stood in line with all the other acolytes and fidgeted nervously. This was it. He had come of age and all that was left was to officially ascend to adulthood. He just wished he could shake the overwhelming sense of dread that had plagued his mind all day. The dark, indigo skies did nothing to alleviate his panic. “Hey. Relax. You’ll be fine.” Sid’s best friend, Zen said. Sid glanced over at his pal and tried his best to smile, but his expression looked pained and forced. “That’s easy for you to say.” Sid replied flippantly. Of course Zen wouldn’t be worried. He already had a great body. There was no doubt that he was bound for greatness. Sid on the other hand was a total shrimp. He didn’t even come up to Zen’s shoulders. The tip of Sid’s head was just barely even with Zen’s exposed nipples. Like all the acolytes. Sid and Zen were clad in little more than a ceremonial loincloth. The small cloth was enough for Sid, but it didn’t cover Zen’s goods at all. The tip of Zen’s huge, soft, cock poked out past the bottom hem of his ceremonial garb. Sid tried his best not to stare, but Zen was just so hot. Zen’s toned, firm muscles were simply spectacular, and his ashen grey skin looked fantastic in the purple light from the torches that lined the path of up the ziggurat. The light made his already purple-tinged flesh look even more lavender than it normally did. The light even seemed to make his shaggy, purple hair sparkle which just served to make him look even more handsome. Zen put his hands on his hips and puffed up his chest dramatically. “You were staring so hard I thought I’d give you a nice view.” He said playfully. “As if I was staring.” Sid sputtered indignantly. “Whatever you were doing it looks like you enjoyed it.” Zen replied playfully. He gave a quick nod towards Sid’s crotch and gave his shorter, slimmer buddy a sly win. Sid glanced down and saw that his dick was standing straight at attention. He gasped and shot his hands down to cover up – less because he was embarrassed about popping a wood in line and more because he was embarrassed about the size. Even hard his dick was nowhere near as big as his buddy’s soft cock. Sid could feel the heat on his face. He just knew that his cheeks had to be turning new and exciting shades of magenta of even indigo as the blood rushed to his cheeks. He was so embarrassed that even his pointy ears felt like they were burning. Zen just laughed and gently rustled Sid’s green hair. “Just relax. Your size doesn’t mean anything. It doesn’t affect your ascension at all.” Zen explained in an effort to soothe his bud’s nerves. “That’s easy for you to say. I’m already halfway to being an imp…” Sid grumbled. Zen tried to keep a straight face but ended up laughing at his friend’s comment. “That’s just a story they tell acolytes to keep them from slacking off in their duties. I’ve never heard of anyone actually getting turned into an imp at an ascension ceremony.” He explained. “What about that cage that the groundskeeper has outside his window. He says it’s the perfect size to keep an imp in.” Sid replied and shuddered visibly as he did so. “He says a lot of things.” Zen replied and rolled his eyes. “I’ve never seen or heard of anyone getting turned into an imp. No one here is going to fail their ascension least of all you.” “How can you be so sure…?” Sid muttered. “He can’t.” Came a haughty voice from beside Sid. “No one asked you, Vin.” Zen growled. “You didn’t have to, but I knew I was needed.” Vin replied. He was almost as huge as Zen in every way imaginable, but what made him really intimidating were his two lackeys at his side. The two lackeys were every bit as big and as built as their leader. Zen may have been able to handle Vin one on one, but three against one would be nearly impossible. Vin and his posse liked to terrorize the acolytes throughout the course of their training. He was openly hated by most, but everyone knew there was no way to directly oppose him without it coming to blows which would end poorly for everyone involved. Vin had a remarkable ability to keep his nose just clean enough to stay out of trouble but still throw his weight around and boss others around. Vin leaned down and peered menacingly at the much shorter, smaller acolyte. Sid recoiled in fear but for the most part stood his ground. Vin sneered and let out a menacing chuckle. “I don’t see why you’re so worried about becoming an imp.” He said darkly. He paused for a moment and stared down the cowering acolyte as he waited for his words to sink in. Sid didn’t know where he was going with this line of reasoning, but he sure it wasn’t good. When Vin finally finished his line of reasoning he proved Sid’s suspicions correct. “You’re already such a shrimp that you won’t even notice when you inevitably become one. Why, I doubt you’d even notice the difference. You mighteven add on a few inches in the process.” He said sinisterly. “The only one who has anything to worry about is you.” Zen replied defiantly. “Oh? You gonna do something about it?” Vin sneered. “No. I won’t have to. Everyone here knows what you’ve been up to these past few years. Do you really think you’ll be judged highly when you take the trial?” Zen asked. “You think I care about some stupid trial? Look at me. I’m fit to be a legionnaire. This whole ceremony is just a joke. I’m gonna walk up there and take my armor, and no feeble old git in a gaudy robe is gonna stop me.” Vin replied. He folded his arms in front of him and glared menacingly at Zen. At first Zen said nothing in reply, but he didn’t back down either. He met Vin’s glare and stared right back at the would-be bully. After a long, tense moment, Zen finally spoke. “I wish you all the best in trying it.” He said. “I don’t need luck.” Vin replied flatly. He then turned and marched his way back up towards the front of the line. His two lackeys made sure that the people who were in line in front of him didn’t get make any effort to deny their boss his rightful place. “If anyone deserves to be an imp it’s that guy.” Zen spat. Sid shuddered. “Even he doesn’t deserve that.” He muttered. Even just thinking of it made his stomach turn. He felt like he was going to be sick. Zen clapped a hand on Sid’s shoulder and smiled down at his little buddy. “You’re the nicest guy here. They’d never make you an imp.” He said reassuringly. “I wish being nice counted for something. They don’t grade you based on how nice you are. They grade you based on how strong you are or how brave or how smart. I’m none of those things!” Sid lamented. “Don’t sell yourself short. You’d be a great addition to any caste, and… you know… I’m still not saying it’s possible. I don’t think you have anything to worry about, but just for a second, let’s say the worst does come to pass, I’ll look after you, ok?” Zen said sweetly. “You mean like your pet?” Sid asked. “Well… I’d never think of you like that, but I’d do anything in my power to help you. So… stop worrying. I’ll take care of you, ok?” Zen replied. Sid nodded silently and wiped a tear from his eye. He was still terrified, but at least he knew that his best friend would look out for him. Even being cursed to live as an imp didn’t seem so bad if he could spend it with Zen. Sid’s gut churned again. He was so worried about failing his trial that he had completely forgotten about another serious issue. Even if he did succeed there was no guarantee he’d ever see his best pal again. He could get shipped off to any corner of the known universe. Suddenly failing his trial didn’t sound like such a bad idea… A loud horn blast split the air. The sound announced the beginning of the initiation. All the acolytes returned to their place in line and waited quietly to be called up to the altar where four priests stood with their staves held aloft. Each priest wore a different costume to denote their status and the caste they represented. Rah, owner of the red gem, had crimson robes and an iron mask to denote his ties to the worker caste. All who wished for a life of quiet fulfillment hoped for his favor. Sin, owner of the purple gems, had on ornate, layered robes. Each layer was a different shade of purple, and on his head was a helmet of solid steel. He oversaw the warrior caste. Those who sought to prove themselves, bring honor on their families, or protect those closest to them sought out his blessing. Next was Sol, owner of the blue gem. He wore simple, blue robes and a faceless, porcelain mask. He oversaw the caste of the learned; scholars, merchants, scribes. Those who wanted a more intellectual life hoped to earn his good graces. And behind all three of them sat an old, faceless figure clad in threadbare grey robes. No one knew his name or his status, but it was clear he was revered by the other three priests. His gnarled staff had a black gemstone on the tip of it. There were more myths and rumors surrounding him than there were facts. No one knew for sure just what to make of him or what caste he represented. The acolytes went up one by one to receive their blessings. Unsurprisingly Vin and his cronies were at the front of his line, but what was surprising was that Vin hung back and let his lackeys go first. No doubt he wanted to make a big show of getting a better result than they did. His two cronies went up one after the other, and both received the blessing of the red gem. Rah signaled for an attendant to come forward and pulled out what appeared to be four earrings, but it was clear that that was not the intended use. Only scholars got their gemstones placed anywhere on their faces. The attendants stepped and held the rings up to the lackey’s nipples. The rings instantly clamped down on the exposed flesh, but the two newly designated workers didn’t seem to feel a thing. There was no blood and no pain. There wasn’t even any irritation of the surrounding skin. Their brand new nipple rings looked as if they had been there for years. The small red gemstones on their new rings began to glow brightly, and the lackey’s already massive frames expanded rapidly under the power of the red gems. Their already defined muscles grew and grew. Soon their chests were so broad and their pecs so large that even just one of those slabs of brawn could have been used in place of the ceremonial altar. Their abs were so deep and so thick that each individual bump of their eight pack abs was as large as a couch cushion. Their biceps bulges like beach balls. Their legs were as thick as tree trunks. Their pitiful little loincloths which were the only holdover from their days as acolytes were now so tiny on them that the lower hem of the cloth didn’t even dip low enough to cover the base of their cocks. Their huge, fat cocks were easily two feet long and dangled down to their knees. Their massive nuts were as large as basketballs. Their huge, hulking bodies were now perfectly suited for the arduous lives that awaited them on the frontier mining colonies. They stood by and silently waited for the approval of their leader, but Vin hardly seemed to notice them as he walked by. It wasn’t until he reached the altar that he turned back and sneered, “Enjoy your lives as peasants.” His lackeys were saddened but not altogether surprised by his response. The first priest stepped forward and held his gem aloft. The red gem did not react to Vin’s presence. Vin sneered at the priest and then waited for Sin to step forward. Sin came forth and held his staff up towards Vin, but none of the gemstones began to glow. Vin was furious. “What’s the big idea. I’m destined for great things. I’m not some pencil pusher.” “No…” came a raspy voice from somewhere behind Him. Vin spun around quickly as if he was ready to fight whoever it was that dare deny him his destiny, but upon seeing the aged, faceless priest glaring down at him from behind his dark, threadbare cowl, Vin fell suddenly silent. “You clearly lack the intelligence to be one of the literati…” the ancient priest rasped. His lifted his staff high. The jet black gemstone atop seemed to gleam and glisten, but it would be imprecise to say that it glowed. Rather it seemed to be sucking the light from the air around it. As Vin stared into the swirling, black vortex terror began to well up inside of him. Vin tried to back away, but his two former lackeys stepped forward to hold him down. Vin thrashed as hard as he could as the ancient priest slowly shambled down the steps to the main altar. Soon he was standing mere feet in front of Vin. Even as close as he was, Vin couldn’t make out any features from beneath the cowl. It almost appeared as if he was gazing into the abyss as he tried to look for any sign of mercy under the ancient priest’s hood. The old priest pulled a small, tarnished iron ring with a jet black gemstone from his robe and held it up to Vin’s neck. The ring was far too small for Vin to wear on his fingers, but he got the feeling that that wasn’t where he was supposed to wear it. Vin could feel the malice emanating from the ring. The priest continued to move the ring closer and closer to Vin’s throat until it was actually touching his exposed flesh, but the priest kept pushing. The ring began to sink right into the flesh of Vin’s throat like a rock being swallowed by quicksand. Vin could feel it sinking ever deeper into his throat. The ring finally stopped sinking when only the small black gemstone was left exposed. Vin could feel the lump of it nestled right against his Adam’s apple. “H-Hey… Guys? Let me go, would ya? I mean, Workers. That’s not bad, right? You can take pride in your jobs and all that, right? In fact, I wouldn’t mind joining you. So come on? Give me some of those rings and let me join you. It’ll be great, right?” Vin pleaded nervously, but his former lackeys showed no signs of remorse nor did the wizened priest. Vin turned back towards the priest and tried to protest some more, but he couldn’t get the words to form. The ring seemed to be growing within his throat. The lump in his throat was now so huge that it was actually blocking his windpipe. He felt sick to his stomach. His skin felt like it was crawling. His very bones felt weak. The priest moved with a speed that belied his age. In one deft motion he sliced the string of Vin’s loincloth causing it to fall from his swole frame and fall to the floor. Vin was left completely nude in front of everyone, and he could do nothing to cover up. Vin whimpered pitifully as he saw the effects begin to take hold. His firm, rippling abs which he had spent years sculpting slowly began to smooth over. His big, beefy pecs began to deflate. His thick, muscular quads shrunk and shriveled before his very eyes, but perhaps what was even more terrifying was what was going on between his legs. His cock slowly pulled inwards. His balls slowly pulled upwards. With each passing second he could see his nuts get ever so slightly smaller, his cock getting ever so slightly thinner. He glanced back up to plead one last time. It was then that he realized something else was happening. He had to stare up to even see the faceless priest’s hood. Just moments earlier he had been taller than the wizened old priest by a good margin, but now he barely reached the grey-clad figure’s shoulders. He then realized why the ring felt so huge in his throat. It wasn’t growing. He was shrinking around it. He was dwindling by the second, and it didn’t seem like it would stop any time soon. With each passing moment he got smaller… shorter… slimmer… His muscles melted away to nothing, and his dick continued to recede. Before long he was so short that his feet didn’t even touch the ground. It was now pointless for the two newly ascended workers to both hold him, so Vin was passed off to just one of them to hold. The worker turned and lifted Vin up for the whole crowd to see. Vin tried his best to cover up, but there was nothing that he could do. He didn’t have the strength to fight his giant captor, and he was quickly losing the will to fight back at all. Already he was so tiny that either of his captor’s giant hands eclipsed his entire arm, and yet he was still shrinking. He couldn’t figure it out. How tiny was he supposed to get? When would it stop? It was then that he remembered what that shrimp Sid was saying before. Vin had made sure to tease the twerp about his misguided fears, but Vin now saw that he was the mistaken one. The curse did exist. It wasn’t just some story told to scare acolytes into behaving. He was being shrunken down to… an imp. He remembered the tiny cage that sat outside the groundskeeper’s house. He remembered how he used to joke about how nothing could fit in that. He used to say it was obviously just decoration. Nothing could possibly be that small. Not even rats could fit in that cage, but as he continued to dwindle down to the point that he easily fit in the palm of his captor’s hand, he knew how wrong he was. He could feel the band of tarnished iron pushing its way through his skin. He was now so tiny that the ring – which was too small to even fit on his pinky when he was big – was actually bigger than his neck. He then realized that it was never meant to be a ring. It was a collar for a tiny animal. It was a collar for him. The tarnished iron band passed seamlessly through his flesh. There wasn’t even the faintest mark on his skin to show where it had come from, but it didn’t look like the ring would slide through his flesh so easily the next time. It was firmly locked in place around his neck. The opening wasn’t tight enough to be uncomfortable, but it was far too small to slide over his head. There was no way he could get the ring off without getting someone to slice it off for him. The jet black gemstone stuck out from the front of the collar and gleamed directly below his chin. It was so heavy that he could barely stand, but he refused to let them see him collapse. He mustered what resolve he could and stood shakily to his feet and stared of defiantly at the gigantic priest and his two towering former lackeys. Vin had to be no more than four inches tall at this point. His muscles had all vanished leaving him with a slim, slender physique. His dick and balls had dwindled considerably even in comparison to his vastly shrunken body. His once hefty, foot-long cock which once dangled over halfway down his thigh was now a tiny little nub between his legs which looked much like a small acorn, and his once massive, chicken egg sized balls which used to hand down nice and low were now as tiny as the tip of his shrunken dick. His tiny nuts now longer hung low. Instead his sack had pulled up tightly against his groin which just made his junk appear all that much smaller. Vin was furious, but he knew he was powerless. His former lackey poked and prodded him with one meaty finger. Even just the tip of the hulking worker’s broad fingertip was as wide as Vin’s now slim and slender torso. Even just a soft poke from the giant was powerful enough to send Vin toppling over. Even as he was herded into his tiny cage he glared defiantly at his captors. As far as Vin was concerned there was nothing more they could do to him, and there was no way he was going to give them the satisfaction of seeing him crumble. One of the attendants took his cage from the priest and carried it down the main aisle. As he traveled past all of his former classmates Vin saw a multitude of glances sent his way. Some people were shocked. Some laughed as they saw the former bully being toted away like a mouse in a cage, but most of them had this smug sense of vindication. It was as if the overwhelming majority of them were glad to see him get his just deserts. Vin was not at all surprised by any of these. It was no secret that he made his fair share of enemies in his time as an acolyte. It was no surprise that many of them harbored ill will towards him, but there was one acolyte that amazed him. There was only one person that shocked Vin. As he passed by Sid he could see the terror and sorrow in the scrawny guy’s eyes. Vin couldn’t help but gawk at the guy he once tormented mercilessly. Sid was now far bigger, far buffer, and far better hung than Vin, but Sid was still considered the smallest, weakest, and littlest guy in the class. Even though Sid was by far the smallest acolyte, his dick alone was now bigger than Vin’s entire body. Vin felt a twinge of remorse. Just minutes earlier he had mercilessly teased the shrimpy acolyte about the curse. He had menacingly told Sid that he’d be doomed to live his life as a tiny imp, but Vin had not believed such a thing existed back then. He had merely been tormenting someone smaller than him to make himself feel bigger and stronger, but now that he knew the truth he would never wish such a fate on anyone else. As Vin was carried out of the ascension grounds he heard one last comment sent his way. Sid turned towards his bigger, stronger protector and softly uttered, “He didn’t deserve that… Nobody deserves that…” “Yeah…” Zen murmured awkwardly. He felt sick to his stomach after what he had just seen, and he felt even worse because he had been secretly wishing that it would happen. Even as he watched the black gemstone suck the light from the air around it Zen had felt his pulse race. He had to fight back his own arrogant sneer as he watched the terror well up in his former tormentor’s eyes. Zen had enjoyed watching the tables turn. He had enjoyed watching the bully plead for mercy, but as the inches melted away and Vin’s cock and muscles receded away to next to nothing, Zen felt a pit form in his stomach. The curse was worse than he had imagined, and he knew more than anything he could not let that befall his best friend. He’d do whatever he needed to. The rest of the ceremony went off without a hitch. The acolytes all went up, received the blessing of the gems and were given their new body. There were quite a few acolytes who got sent to the worker caste, a few scholars, and there were even a lot of soldiers. All but three of these had been given the blessing of the deep, purple gem which denoted that they’d be low level soldiers. The other three received the blessing of the lavender gem which meant that they were destined to be leaders and generals. There was much rejoicing and congratulation as these acolytes took on their new forms, but never once did anyone notice the third purple gem glow. Finally it was Zen’s turn to take the trial. Rah waved the red gem in front of him, but nothing happened. Nobody was surprised to see this. Everyone had figured Zen had the makings of a general so when Sin stepped forth with the purple gems an expectant hush fell over the ascension grounds. As most people suspected, the deep purple gem did not light up. There was some muttering amongst the crowd. Even some of the attendants were baffled. The gemstone on the tip of the priest’s staff was glowing brightly, but none of them had seen this color before. A resplendent magenta glow filled the altar. “I have not seen this in centuries…” Sin muttered. It was the first time anyone had ever heard him speak. His voice sounded frail and feeble, but he moved with the speed and vigor of a young man as he marched away from the altar and into the ziggurat behind them. He returned a few minutes later with an ornate jewelry box. Another hush fell over the crowd. All the acolytes recognized the seal on the front of the box. It was the emblem of the royal guard. “No way…” One of the recently ascended acolytes muttered. “A Praetor?” Another gasped. “I thought they were only fairy tales!” Another murmured. Sid was excited for his best bud – he really was… but there was something gnawing at the back of his mind. Praetor was such a rare and powerful position. Even though it was purely symbolic since there hadn’t been a monarch in centuries, Zen would no doubt be shipped off to the capitol to stand guard over some official location. Sid had no doubt that Zen might even be sent to oversee the senate itself. The secret meeting grounds of the high council was strictly off limits to all but the elite of the elite. Even if Sid managed to get a good ranking and a good gemstone and a position somewhere on the homeworld, his chances of every seeing his best bud again were slim to none, and even if he could somehow keep in contact with Zen, the chances they’d have to actually visit one another would be few and far between. They might even go years without seeing each other. Just thinking about it made Sid feel incredibly sad. He almost found himself wishing that he’d fail his trial. At least then he could stay by his best friend’s side… even if it was confined to a small cage like some sort of exotic pet. Sin reached into the box and pulled for a small, silver ring with a glowing amethyst set into it. Sin then knelt down before Zen and placed the ring against the exposed tip of Zen’s cock. The platinum ring passed through the soft skin of cockhead like a warm knife passing through butter. The ring left no marks as it passed. The flesh reformed behind the metal just as it had been before. If not for the band of silver which now protruded from the underside of Zen’s glans it would have seemed like he had never been pierced at all. Zen felt the effects immediately once the ring was in place. It was a strange yet familiar sensation. He could feel his cock chubbing up as it had so many times in the past, but it felt far more intense than it ever had before. The blood rushed to fill his cock, but it seemed like no matter how much blood flowed to his loins it was never enough. His cock just continued to chub up indefinitely. He glanced down at his dick and saw that what he was feeling wasn’t far from what was actually happening. His already sizeable dick was swelling before his very eyes, but it wasn’t just plumping up from the rush of blood and flood of arousal. His cock was literally growing by the second. It stretched longer, swelled fatter, grew heavier with each passing second, and it wasn’t just his cock. His already full, chicken-egg sized balls were growing too. Soon they were the size of baseballs and his dick dangled down past his knees. The plump, meaty shaft was already as thick as his huge, muscular forearm and showing no signs of stopping anytime soon. Zen was used to people seeing his dick. It was no secret that he was hung before, and his acolyte garb rarely covered the entire thing, but this was different. He was usually able to keep his arousal in check, but his cock was chubbing up in front of everyone that he ever knew. It was a little embarrassing. Especially once pre began to trickle from the tip of his huge chubby. The clear liquid dribbled across the silver ring that stuck out from the bottom of his slit as it oozed out. Zen felt like he should do something to stop it. The ring was so pretty that it seemed a shame for it to be laminated in his juices like this, but there was nothing he could do. The growth felt too good. There was no way he could get his libido under control at a time like this. Zen felt another rush flow through him, but this time the energy coursed through his entire body. His already firm, sculpted muscles grew and expanded before his very eyes, but the change was nowhere as severe as it had been with the workers earlier. His pecs grew thicker. His abs grew deeper. His biceps bulged farther. His lats flared out from under his arms. His quads grew larger. He was definitely getting bigger and stronger by the second, but his form was more built for speed and grace than it was for manual labor. Zen was so excited that he wanted to rush towards his best friend and gush about his good fortune, but as he glanced down at Sid he realized something was very odd. Sid was always on the short side, but now Zen’s best buddy barely reached his thigh. Sid now stood eye level with the base of Zen’s cock although it didn’t look like Sid was complaining. Sid was staring straight at Zen’s cock with a look of out and out lust and awe, and Sid’s little dick was standing straight up at attention. Sid was so hard that his loincloth couldn’t even hide his arousal. His rigid dick had lifted the cloth out of the way so that his dick and balls were clearly on display. Sid stared on in awe as Zen continued to grow and grow. Sid had seen a few ascensions before. He had watched the rest of his graduating class take their trials already and he had even served as an attendant for one or two in the past. He had seen acolytes grow up to be sentinels or legionnaires, but nothing compared to what was happening to Zen. The tallest Sid had ever seen anyone grow was almost ten feet tall, but Zen had already passed that mark and was still growing by the second. Up and up he went. It wasn’t until Sid barely reached halfway up Zen’s shin did the growth finally taper off. Zen’s stood completely nude. His loincloth had snapped loose and fluttered helplessly to the floor early on in his transformation, but he was hardly worried. He was so overcome by huge and powerful he felt, and he could tell from the look in his best friend’s eye and the stiffy that Sid was sporting that he looked hot as hell. His changes weren’t even over yet. His muscles and frame had stabilized, but his dick was still growing. It was now almost as thick as his hips and almost as long as his legs, and still it kept growing. His massive nuts already dwarfed the altar beside him. Either immense orb was almost twice as tall as Sid and far, far wider. Zen’s massive nuts continued to grow by the second. Soon his enormous orbs rested solidly on the ground. His massive, fat cock draped over his nuts, and even then his dick was still long enough to rest solidly on the ground. The tip of his dick came to a rest mere inches in front of Sid. Sid stared on in awe at the cavernous maw of his best bud’s cock. The slit alone was taller than he was. He had never seen anything so hot in his life. He could feel the heat emanating from it. The scent of Zen’s pre flooded his nostrils. Sid took a moment to soak up every inch of his pal’s cockhead. It was so massive that it blew his mind, and the ring had grown right alongside the dick. The silver band was now every bit as wide as Sid’s slender shoulders. The glowing amethyst was now larger than Sid’s whole head. It blew his mind to think that just a minute ago that ring was small enough that he could have worn it on his finger if he had wanted to. “So what do you think?” Zen asked playfully. He even went so far as to puff out his chest and put his hands on his hips as he posed for his best bud. Sid couldn’t respond – at least not vocally anyway, but his awed gaze and rock hard, dribbling boner said more than enough. Zen chuckled as he watched his tiny pal eyeing him up. He couldn’t wait to see what changes the crystals had in store for his little buddy, and since Sid was next in line, all that was left was for him to undergo the trial and get his own crystal. Sin returned to his post alongside the other priests and beckoned for Sid to come forward. Sid felt like his stomach was about to go supernova. He was so caught up in watching his pal transform that he had almost forgotten that his turn was next. He was so nervous he felt like he could puke and was visibly shaking as he slowly made his way up to the altar. Zen tried to cheer him on, but even the towering, twenty foot behemoth of a best bro wasn’t able to sooth Sid’s nerves. The ritual began as it always did. Rah held forth his staff and waited for the crystal to react. There was a tense moment as everyone waited for some sort of reaction, but no one was surprised when the crystal remained dormant. Nobody thought Sid to be the worker type. He was too much of a daydreamer to be expected to focus on manual labor for extended periods of time. Sin took the stage next. He raised his staff high and waited for some reaction. A tense silence fell over the crowd as they waited, but it soon became apparent that none of the military gems saw him suitable for their service. No one was really surprised by this though. Sid was too gentle for a life in the military, and it wasn’t that he was weak. The gems had the power to alter his physical stature any way they saw fit. Sid was far too kind to be expected to raise arms against another. He would never be able to carry out his duty as a soldier. Sid fidgeted excitedly as the third and final priest made his way forward. Sid never thought of himself as the intellectual type, but it was sure a better fit than the other two roles, and plus there was always the slight chance that he could get assigned as a scribe in the capitol. As he saw it, it was the best possible outcome. Sol raised his staff high. Sid closed his eyes involuntarily. He was so excited and nervous that he couldn’t bear to look. He was already imagining how he would look once he ascended. Scribes didn’t get much growth, but he hoped he could get a few inches of height and some more length downstairs at the very least. He was tired of being so short and tiny. An unearthly silence fell over the crowd. Sid felt like his gut was doing flips. This wasn’t right. Someone should have said something. There should be some cheering or something. Sid still couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes, but the reason was different this time. His excitement gave way to fear. He couldn’t have failed the trial, could he? He slowly worked up the nerve to open his eyes. He started slowly. His right eye slowly inched open, and he gazed out at the staff through his half-open slit. His jaw dropped. His gut lurched. The stone was still inert. There wasn’t even the faintest glimmer of light in it. “There must be some mistake!” Zen shouted. Sid could feel the ground around him shuddering as his titanic pal stomped towards the altar. “There is no mistake…” Sol said solemnly. “I… I failed…?” Sid murmured softly. He still couldn’t quite believe it. He felt sick. He had seen what happens to those who fail. Is that what awaited him as well? Would he get to be as small as Vin? He was already so small to begin with… what if he shrunk down even smaller than Vin? He shuddered just thinking about it. The thought terrified him, but try as he might he couldn’t shake the image out of his mind. Already his imagination was running wild. His mind’s eye replayed the scenario again and again, and each time he shrunk down smaller and weaker. Even if Zen agreed to take him in what kind of friendship could they even have if Sid was too small to speak too…? Too small to see? “I can’t allow this. I won’t let you turn him!” Zen shouted. Sid could hear the arguing going on around him, but it all seemed like it was miles away. He was still too in shock to fully comprehend what this meant. “You will stand down…” The ancient, faceless priest rasped. Somehow the audience fell even quieter. It was as if the air itself froze in time and space as the wizened priest stood up from his chair and limped down towards the altar. “I swore I would protect him.” Zen replied defiantly. “And you will.” The grey priest replied. Zen was taken aback. It wasn’t that the priest was menacing… far from it. His demeanor was far different than it had been when dealing with Vin. He sounded almost amiable. It was as if he found Zen’s defiant attitude enjoyable and even endearing. “Yes… I see now why you were chosen. You’ll make a great Praetor.” The old priest mused aloud as he placed his hands on the box from earlier. Zen watched intently as the ancient priest opened another compartment on the side of the box. The seal of the royal guard folded away to reveal another, more ornate emblem emblazoned on the side. Those who were close enough to actually see the emblem turned to whoever was nearby and started muttering amongst themselves. They had seen this seal before, or rather, they had seen a close facsimile of it. It looked much like the emblem of the ruling council, but crude X that made up the council’s emblem was replaced with an ornate set of wings. There had long been rumors of an older emblem that predated the council’s seal, but no one had seen it in centuries and even the records of it had been erased from history. Everyone was wondering if this could be it, and if this was the ancient emblem then what did that mean for Sid? The faceless priest strode over towards Sid and gestured over to the altar. “Please. Have a seat.” He said gently. Sid was still shaking like a leaf, but at least it didn’t look like he was going to be shrunken down into an imp in the immediate future, and it seemed the best way to ensure that that didn’t happen was to play along so he did just that. He obeyed the priest’s suggestion and hopped up onto the stone altar. The smooth stone felt cold against his exposed ass which did nothing to alleviate his shivers. As the priest stepped forward and stood directly in front of Sid, Sid became aware of something different. The gemstone atop his staff was glowing! It wasn’t like it had been with Vin. The gemstone atop the ancient priest’s staff was emitting a brilliant green light. Even just seeing the warm light put Sid at ease. He steadily began to relax, and as he did so he became aware of more changes that he had missed before. The priest’s staff was no longer the warped, sinister hunk of rotting wood it had been before. Sid could see small sprouts of fresh vegetation cropping up along the gnarled wood. “Here. Put this on.” The priest said gently. It wasn’t so much a command as it was a suggestion. It was almost as if he was offering Sid a gift. Sid nervously held out his hand and waited for whatever it was the priest had to give him. He was surprised when he saw the circular medallion and the platinum chain that it was attached to. The medallion bore the same strange emblem that he had seen on the box. Sid glanced nervously over at his pal as if pleading for Zen to give him some advice. Zen merely nodded silently. He was as confused as Sid was, but for the time being it seemed best to keep doing as the priest asked. Sid swallowed in an attempt to clear the lump that had formed in his throat, but it didn’t help much. He was so nervous he could barely keep his fingers steady. He almost dropped the medallion more than once as he tried to put it over his neck. The chain was the perfect size for him. It slipped neatly over his head and rested comfortably around his neck, and the medallion itself rested directly against his chest. The fit was so perfect that it was almost surreal. Sid glanced down and marveled at the small, circular piece of jewelry. It just felt right. He gasped as he saw the small gem in the center light up. It glowed with the same brilliant green as the priest’s staff. The glowing light spread outwards until the wings on the medallion sparkled with emerald light. It was then that Sid first felt something was wrong. Something was different. He could feel his body changing. It didn’t feel bad per se, but it certainly didn’t feel good. It felt as if he was being re-written from the inside out. He could feel his body adjusting and shifting. His bones moved. His muscles shifted. His shoulders felt like they were about to pop clean out of his body, and there were these two odd lumps forming on his back. He wanted it to end, but he wasn’t ready for what he would become when it was over. He glanced pleadingly over at his best bud. He figured if anyone could help him it would be Zen. “What are you doing to him?” Zen asked the priest. His voice was even and metered. He was polite enough so that the priest would not have reason to be upset with him, but he had just enough force behind his words to make it clear that it was in the old priest’s best interest to answer him. “Consider this another trial.” The priest said dismissively. “What if he fails it?” Zen asked. The priest shrugged in reply and said, “That would have been a pity, but it’s best not to dwell on what might have been. Look.” He then pointed over to Sid who was now sitting bolt upright atop the altar. He had a look of shock on his face that was slowly giving way to relief. Sid had been holding his breath for the entire process. When he finally felt the changes begin to subside he let out a long, relieved sigh. Right as the breath left his lungs, the two lumps on his back cracked open, and his new wings began to unfurl like sails in the wind. The sheer, emerald material billowed out behind him and slowly began to take form. By the time they had fully formed Sid’s diaphanous butterfly wingspan was easily five times as wide as his shoulders, and his wings were over twice as tall as he was. Two long, ribbon-like tails flowed from the bottom of his wings. Attached to the bottom of either tail was a sparkling green gemstone that was every bit as resplendent as the one glowing atop the priest’s staff. “What happened? What am I looking at?” Zen asked the priest. “That…” The priest replied with a pleased chuckle. “That is a Monarch. The first one we’ve seen in over a thousand years.” “So… what now?” Sid asked. “Now… you receive your gems.” The priest replied. Sid glanced down at the pendant around his neck and then back up to the priest. “You mean this wasn’t it?” He asked as he held up the pendant he was referring to. “Just one stone wouldn’t do for a Monarch, and that medallion you wear is the royal seal.” The ancient priest explained. He then reached into his robe and pulled forth a handful of small, platinum rods and a platinum ring. “These…” The priest explained dramatically. “These are your personal gems.” “Woaahh…” Sid murmured as he stared at the array of jewelry. The ring itself was very similar to the one Zen had had implanted into the tip of his cock. Even just the thought of having matching rings with his best bud got him excited, but he had never seen anything like the small rods before. He could only imagine what kind of effects they could have, and since it looked like he was no longer in danger of being turned into an imp, his mind was free to race with erotic ideas of just how huge and sexy he could grow to be. It wasn’t long before his dick was fully boned. Sid could barely contain his excitement. His body trembled with anticipation. His rock hard stiffy shuddered with arousal. Beads of pre cascaded down his dick as the priest knelt down before him. The wizened priest’s hands steadily drifted towards Sid’s cock. Cid was so excited that everything seemed to be moving in slow motion. He just wanted to shout at the ancient figure to hurry it up, but he knew better than to sass such an ancient and powerful sorcerer. The priest slid the first rod through the front of Sid’s cock. Sid gasped in shock and sat bolt upright as he felt the narrow metal bar slide into the soft underside of his rigid dick. It didn’t hurt – quite the contrary. He felt a small bit of pressure as the rod broke the skin, but for the most part it just tickled. He could feel the bar slowly sliding through his dick. He could feel the metal grazing past the puffy, sensitive ridge on the underside of his cock. He soon felt the gentle nudging of the rounded tip of the bar poking against his exposed flesh and knew that the first bar was all the way in. The priest then placed a similar sphere on the other side of the bar effectively sealing it in place. The process continued again and again. The priest slid a third, a fourth, and even a fifth rod into the underside of Sid’s rigid, shuddering cock. Sid was so excited that he felt like he could burst at any moment, but the suspense was killing him. Despite all the jewelry he now had adorning his dick he hadn’t seen a single inch of change. The priest raised the ring up high. Sid tensed up. He knew this was it – the final piece. Once this was in place he would take his true form. He was as excited as he was nervous. There was no telling how he’d look when it was done. He wasn’t even sure he’d see much change at all. He didn’t necessarily want to be as big and bulky as one of the workers, but he knew he was tired of being so small. The priest slowly and methodically placed the ring against the soft, spongy flesh of Sid’s flared up cockhead. Just as it had with Zen, the metal band sunk into his flesh. Sid watched intently as the ring slowly sifted into place. It wasn’t long until the black gemstone on the tip of the platinum band poked out directly above the slit of his cock. The thin, sparkling metal band looped back around and then sunk into the underside of his cock directly before the lower ridge of his cockhead. Nothing happened at first. For a brief moment Sid was sure it was another dud, but what did that mean? He was already a Monarch. Could he really fail his trial at this late of a stage? Then Sid noticed a small glimmer. He was so fixated on the ring that he had forgotten to even look at the bars. The lower rung on his Jacob’s Ladder began to glow with a dazzling green hue. Then the next rung lit up as well… followed by the next… and the next… Finally the top rung lit up, and the gemstone atop his ring began to steadily stir to life. Sid was so excited that he was leaking pre like a faucet. The beads of clear liquid rolled across the gemstone atop his cock, washed over the narrow, platinum band, and cascaded down his cock – zigzagging across the parallel ridges of the consecutive bars which were buried just below the surface of his cock as they did so, and finally oozed over his balls and pooled on the cool, stone altar directly below him. Sid could feel the changes welling up inside of him. He didn’t feel anything in his body or his muscles, but he wasn’t too worried about that. He could feel the unbridled energy coursing through his cock and balls. He stared on with a look of manic glee plastered across his face as he watched his once small cock steadily creep up in size. The changes were slight at first; just a few inches in length; a little bit of thickness; his balls grew from the size of ping pong balls to the size of avocado hearts, but the changed soon ramped up. The inches rapidly turned to feet. His cock soon reached a foot long. The tip of his dick reached all the way up past his belly button. The shaft was every bit as thick as his wrist. His once small balls grew to the size of chicken eggs, but that was not the end of his changes. His cock continued to grow and grow, and his piercings swelled right alongside his growing dick. Soon the tip of his dick stood at eye level. He stared in awe as he sat face to face with his own cock. The pre-oozing slit was as long as his own currently agape mouth. His thick dick was as wide across as his shoulder and far, far thicker around than his lean, slender torso. His nuts had reached the size of beach balls, and still his growing showed no signs of slowing. It wasn’t long before his towering cock was so huge, so thick that he could no longer straddle it. The girth was simply too huge for him to spread his legs far enough. He quickly pulled his knees in close to his chest and watched on in awe as his cock continued to surge up in size. It had already outstripped even Zen’s own cock in terms of size. Sid’s towering boner stood well over ten feet tall. It was easily twice as tall as he was, and far thicker around. The thick, meaty cock was as wide as a set of double doors. His balls had already reached the size of sofas, and still there was no end in sight. Up and up his cock surged. Out and out his balls swelled. Sid soon realized that he was no longer seated atop the altar. His nuts had grown so large that they lifted his small, slender figure off of his perch. Sid stared down at the ground as he watched the ceremonial grounds grow ever further away. From his perch atop his swelling balls he could see for miles. He could even see past the outer walls of the ceremonial grounds. When he had first visited the grounds, he never understood why it was so far removed from civilization. There was nothing within the walls save for one lone ziggurat and a small altar at the base of it. Empty fields spread on for miles and miles in every direction. Towering walls surrounded these fields. The walls were so high that not even Zen at his new towering size could have hoped to peer over them, but now Sid was higher than those walls while perched atop his own growing nuts. His balls had already exceeded the size of average houses and were closing in on the size of mansions. His cock towered hundreds of feet into the air. Sid was so overcome by the rush of growth and the amazing pleasure that coursed through his cock and balls that he hardly noticed the other sensations against his exposed nutsack. It almost felt like he had ants crawling all over his balls. He soon found out that that wasn’t too far from the truth. The first person to come into view was Sid’s best friend, Zen. Zen had the faceless priest perched atop his shoulders and Sin and Rah clinging to his back. He had scaled the sides of Sid’s ever-growing nuts while carrying all three of the priests. One of Vin’s former lackeys had helped carry Sol, the fourth and final priest up and out of the way of the expanding wall of ball flesh that had rolled over the ziggurat and the surrounding ceremonial grounds. Slowly more and more of the graduating class and the attendants came into view. Soon everyone who had attended the ceremony was gathered atop just one of Sid’s swelling nuts. His balls were so huge that there was far more room than they all needed to be able to spread out, and he was still growing. By the time his growth had tapered off, the walls of the ceremonial grounds pressed against his nuts on all sides. The walls were easily hundreds of feet high, but his monolithic nuts were so massive that they even spilled over the top of the towering walls. Sid stared at his cock in awe. His dick was like a solid wall of flesh that stood before him. He glanced left and right and tried to see the edges of his dick, but his cock seemed to stretch on to infinity. It wasn’t until he looked up that he could see the shape of his titanic cock slowly coming into focus. His dick was now so massive that only the lowest rung of his glowing green ladder was still beneath the clouds. His colossal, glowing jewelry shone so bright that it made the very sky itself shine a brilliant green. Somewhere far above the skyline, up in the outer rim of the planet’s atmosphere, the colossal crystal atop Sid’s cock shone like a second, dazzling green sun in the sky. The gleaming beacon could be seen across much of the planet. Even neighboring colonies could see it sparkling in the night sky. Sid slowly began to catch his breath, but it was but a brief respite. He soon began to feel something new welling up inside of him. He could feel bristling energy surging from his nuts up into his body and out through his back. There was no way for him to turn around and witness the effects firsthand, but he knew instinctively what was happening… His wings were growing and at a surprising rate. Soon his wings blotted out the entire skyline. The shimmering, green appendages flowed and billowed like banners in the afternoon sky. Sid’s entire body felt light as a feather. He felt like he could just float away at any second. He couldn’t help himself. Even though he had hundreds of passengers along for the ride, he had to try it out. He flapped his colossal wings. The gust of wind blew across the plains with the force of a typhoon, and his body ever so slightly rose up. Sid was too amazed to stop at just that. He had to test his limits. He had to see if he could really fly. He pumps his wings again and again. With each flap of his massive wings, he rose ever further from the ground. Soon even his mountain size nuts began to lift from the ground. Sid was ecstatic. Despite the immense size of his nuts he could traverse the whole world if he wanted to. He could soar through the skies atop his flying fortress of phallus, his floating continent of cock, but for the time being he was satisfied. He slowly coasted to a landing right back where he had lifted off from. The ground beneath him trembled as his colossal balls made landfall beneath him. Once the trembling stopped and once the spunk pent up in his massive balls stopped sloshing, the four high priests made their way forward and all knelt down before their new ruler. Sid was suddenly feeling very awkward. “Um… what do I do now…?” He asked nervously. “That is up to you. It is your right to rule if you so choose it.” The faceless priest explained. “Alone…?” Sid asked. “No. Not alone. You have your Praetor. He will serve as your personal guardian and closest advisor, and should you need anything of us, we will do whatever we can to assist you.” The ancient priest said. Sid was excited to say the least, but not because he was now de facto ruler of the planet. He wasn’t sure he was ready for that kind of responsibility, but this meant that he never had to part with his best pal. Zen would be by his side for eons to come. “I… don’t know if I’m ready for that. Can I just start with a few simple commands?” Sid asked. “If that is what you wish. What would you have us do?” Sol asked. “It’s Vin… Is there any way you can undo what was done to him?” Sid asked. Sin shrugged. Rah shook his head. Sol merely bowed his head silently. The nameless, faceless priest was the only one to speak up. “What you ask is beyond our power.” He explained. “It is the will of the crystals. Only they have the power to undo what was done.” “Oh…” Sid murmured dejectedly. The priest could tell that their new leader was distraught. “…but….” He began to say. Sid perked up instantly and listened intently to what the wizened, grey priest had to say. “But it is possible… in a future ascension that he could be judged anew. Maybe in a year or two he will be ready to join the castes.” The priest explained. “Really?” Sid asked excitedly. “Then… bring him here. I’ll look after him. I’ll see that no harm befalls him before the next ceremony.” He said. The priest nodded and then gestured for one of the acolytes to come forward. The young trainee stepped forward with the small cage still in hand. He had not had time to go anywhere before Sid’s growth had caused his balls to envelope the countryside and was camped out with the rest of the ceremony attendees atop Sid’s nuts. Sid gingerly grabbed the cage and held it in his hands. He stared down and marveled at what had become of his former bully. “You’re safe.” Sid said softly. Vin seemed to relax ever so slightly at even the mere words. Vin was so tiny that Sid could hold him in the palms of his hands, but even so, Sid’s shrinkage was nothing compared to the changes that had befallen Zen or even Sid himself. Sid now had the population of an entire town now camped out atop his mountainous nuts and had a drill that pierced the heavens. There was no doubt in his mind that life was going to be interesting going forward. Sid wasn’t sure he was ready to protect someone else’s life let alone lead an empire, but he had his best friend by his side. He was sure he could manage.
  14. Chapter 1 James didn’t have much going for him. He wasn’t large. He wasn’t small. He wasn’t even ugly. He was alright looking by most accounts; he just didn’t really stand out. It worked all right in high school since he could slink into the crowd and avoid bullies, but back there he had had all his old friends. His relative anonymity was getting to be tiresome now that he was in a new city and a new school. He had been so looking forward to college because he had heard about all the great parties that he could go to, but having gone to a few already, he could safely say they weren’t any better than the ones back in high school. He spent the entire time with his back to the wall and a red solo cup in one hand. James let out a sigh as he trudged into his last class of the day. It wasn’t even a real class; it was just a TA session. Every Wednesday night, his physics class had an extra hour long session tacked onto his already tedious schedule. The only plus side was that the nerdy grad student who instructed the class during this period was hella cute. The black haired guy was a little on the chubby side, but he carried his weight well. His small, round, thin, gold rimmed glasses gave him an endearingly goofy look like something out of a children’s fantasy novel. Even the guy’s name was cute. When James had seen the name “Mathis” on his syllable he had expected some dour old geezer or some Axe’d up dudebro. He was very pleasantly surprised when the cuddly looking grad student had shown up and insisted they all refer to him by his first name, Donnel. James threw his book bag under one of the desks and gave a nod of recognition to the dude seated two seats down. This was the closest thing he had to a friend this early into his new school life. With any luck, by midterms they would even know each other’s names. James whipped out his smart phone and began flipping through his various apps. An errant porn gif crossed his dash which caused him to hastily turn off the screen. The last thing he needed was one of the other students to catch him staring at big, floppy, dongs in the middle of class. He took a quick glance around to be sure no one had seen him; he seemed to be in the clear. He let out a sigh, and waited for his dick to decide to forget what he had seen. His own respectable cock was refusing to obey and steadily chubbing in his loose cargo shorts. James could do nothing but slump back into his chair and wait. He might not have much going for him, but what he did have was an overactive imagination. His mind was still replaying that pixelized cock bobbing and flopping in rhythm with the deep thrusts that the dude was receiving from behind. James stared into the blank screen of his phone. He was too afraid to turn it back on for fear of someone catching sight of the gif that was most assuredly still playing on his dash. All he could do until the TA decided to show up was stare at his own reflection in the black screen. The college student staring back at him looked just as skittish as he felt. The thin, face was covered in freckles, mostly clustered along his cheekbones. The tussled mop of light, reddish brown hair looked like something from the Beatle’s early career. He wasn’t particularly fond of the Beatle’s or their hairstyles, but he had been too broke to get a haircut and too lazy to touch a brush in months. The lean student absentmindedly twirled the phone in one hand as he watched the second hand tick away on the old and busted little wall clock that had probably been mounted on that same wall since the physics building had been christened in 1973. Eventually, the cute, chubby grad student staggered into the classroom, huffing slightly as he struggled for breath. “Alright class… Get your books out… we’re going to review for your first exam.” Donnel rattled on between gasps for breath. It was obvious that he had been running to get there. A slight layer of sweat had soaked into his shirt causing it to cling to his skin. It wasn’t the first time Donnel had shown up to class slightly late and even more out of breath. Apparently he had one of his graduate level classes all the way across campus that let out immediately before the class he was scheduled to teach. It was no doubt a serious inconvenience, but James couldn’t help but wonder if the chubby guy had lost a few pounds over the last few weeks. James was sure he could see a little definition showing through the TA’s clinging shirt. James never really had trouble in physics. He could memorize formulas and laws and theories really easily. At this rate this class was going to be ridiculously boring for him. Sure enough, his mind began to wander within the first five minutes of their review. His mind always wandered in this class, but he never got called out on it. His eyes were glued to the cute TA the whole time. He was sure that Donnel had lost a little weight in the past few weeks. James couldn’t help but think how much better the guy was looking now. James mind began to drift farther and farther. Donnel was cute now, sure, but he’d be frickin' hot with a bit of beef on him. James’s mind drifted to thoughts of the chubby instructor filling out his green and white plaid button up shirt with brawn instead of pudge. James could actually see that dude’s shirt fit him snugger as his flabby little moobs gave way to thick slabs of brawn. As the teacher’s shirt got tighter and tighter, the ripples of his toned, beefy abs began to show through the front of the fabric. The grad student’s chest got wider and thicker as his pecs and lats grew and spread. The TA’s now huge muscles pressed against his shirt on all sides causing the fabric to pull away down the center. Large gaps could be seen up and down the front of his shirt as the buttons struggled in vain to bring to two halves of clothing together, and still the TA kept swelling. The buttons eventually gave up the ghost and began to burst free at mach speeds. The miniature projectiles ricocheted off of desks and walls, but no one in the class seemed to notice. The TA’s shirt sleeves ripped loudly as his huge, muscular arms got to be simply too much for them to handle James was actually a little startled by the noise, but it alerted him to all the growth going on in other areas as well. He could see now that it was not just the cute teacher’s chest that had been beefing up, but the rest of him as well. The seams of the TA’s tight jeans were already showing signs of popping and snapping. It was obvious that his thick, brawny quads were going to overpower the tight denim at any second. James’s eyes focuses on the cute guy’s pants as he waited with bated breath for those to follow his shirts example. As James eyed the teacher’s lower half he became aware of the pronounced bulge in the front of the guy’s jeans. James had to silently give his subconscious a mental high five for thinking about that too. It was only fitting that such a massive, burly stud of a man have a cock to match. James couldn’t wait for the beast to burst free of its cruel captivity. Something that great deserved to be seen by all. The lanky student bit his lower lip as he stared at the lewd sight before him. He wanted to rub one out so bad, but he dared not do so in the middle of class. There was no telling just how much of his actions would be visible in the real world. He might find that he would be beating off in the dream and also in front of the actual teacher. With an audible shred, the teacher’s jeans burst into ribbons, leaving him completely nude except for a skin tight pair of grey boxer briefs. The briefs did absolutely nothing to disguise the magnitude of the TA’s cock. It was thicker around than James’ skinny arm and well over a foot long. The thing had to be closing in on two feet. It was impossible to tell for sure due to the way it bunched and folded in the confines of the teacher’s way too tiny undies. James’s jaw dropped. That thing was that huge and still soft! The massive dick was accompanied by two equally massive, cantaloupe sized nuts. It was a miracle that the immense package was still contained within the thin layer of fabric. “Not for long.” James thought to himself with a smirk. This dream was too good to stop now. He was going to go for the Full Monty. The TA had another surge of growth, but still no one except for James seemed to notice. The last vestiges of the guy’s clothing broke away, leaving the now towering wall of toned beef completely nude. His huge, nude TA still paced and spoke confidently as he rattled on about gravity and inertia and friction and wind resistance, but James couldn’t care less about that shit. The TA’s cock was so huge that the head of it grazed the ground as he walked. The shaft was as thick around as James’s lean waist. The two enormous nuts were now the size of jumbo beach party beach balls. His broad chest was almost three times as wide as James’s shoulders. Either individual massive pec was easily the size of James’s Torso. James could curl up like a cat and nap on that broad, burly chest of he wanted to, and he really wanted to. James was so entranced by that fantastic brawn that he just had to get up and get close to that. He had to feel those glorious muscles against his flesh. He wanted to rub his tongue against that colossal dick. James smirked as he noticed the steady chubbing of the teacher’s cock. The gigantic schlong steadily hardened and lifted itself up and up. James couldn’t have peeled his eyes away if he wanted to. He couldn’t be sure, but it was almost as if the giant dick was reacting to his thoughts. James shrugged and rolled with it. This was his dream after all. He began imagining even more lurid acts he would do if he ever got the chance. He wanted to straddle that giant cock like a roadhouse mechanical bull and ride it as it bucked and lurched. He would latch his arms and legs across it and rub his tongue along every inch that was available to him. The TA’s giant cock was already oozing pre and shuddering in response to James’s imagined touches. James wanted all the cum that was contained in those massive, heavy nuts all over him. He was just about to hop up from his seat and begin attending to Donnel’s amazing, growing, dream cock, but the teacher seemed to be one step ahead of him. Donnel set down his text book and went about pacing around the room while absentmindedly stroking his colossal dong. James’s eyes followed him intently as did the eyes of most everyone in the class. James couldn’t help but wonder if anyone else was part of his dream. All eyes seemed intently glued to the now beefy instructor and his massive, oozing cock. Quite a few students had a pink tinge of arousal visible on their faces. James could even catch sight of a few boners pressing against the fronts of some of the guy’s pants. One or two of the braver ones even had a hand down the front of their pants shamelessly stroking their hard-on. He quickly dismissed the idea. If anyone else could see this, surely they would have freaked out by now. James shoved his doubts and inhibitions aside and slowly walked up to the TA. No words were exchanged, but the look of sheer, unadulterated lust in James’s warm brown eyes made it absolutely clear what he wanted. He stood in front of the massive, muscular dude and began to stroke and lick the enormous cock. James dug his own respectable bulge against the soft underbelly of the massive cock and began to grind passionately. He was so overcome by the sheer magnitude of the cute young teacher that he forgot everything else. The thick, veiny cock pulsed and shuddered against his face and chest. James knew it was only a matter of moments before it blew. Seconds later, James was knocked to his feet by a surge of jizz from the monstrous cock. The spooge was so warm and thick that it was like being bathed in tar, but it smelled and tasted so wonderful that James didn’t mind at all. The thick, goopy spunk soaked his clothes and clung to his lightly tanned skin, and yet more and more kept flooding from the TA’s immense nuts. By the time the torrent of spooge had tapered off, James was so coated that his own load was completely lost in the giant tidal wave of spunk from the teacher. James could do nothing by lie in the giant puddle of spooge that now covered the entire front of the classroom. “Oh! I’m terribly sorry. I don’t know what came over me!” Donnel sputtered in shock. James chuckled silently to himself; he knew exactly what just came over him. The huge, brawny guy slowly reached a hand down to help up his jizz soaked student. James reached up and accepted the teacher’s help. James was feeling so great from the intensity of his own climax that he was only vaguely aware of how sticky his skin was now. His gut felt pretty heavy too. There was no telling how much of the salty spooge he had guzzled in his erotic trance. James’s eyes slowly scanned the classroom. All eyes were on him now. The other students looked at him with a look of awe, shock, and even some jealousy. As the afterglow slowly began to fade, James was snapped out of his trance by a loud, rattling ring from the bell. He nearly jumped from the shock. He came crashing back to reality. He suddenly felt incredibly embarrassed. All the other students were gathering their books and packing their bags, barely paying attention to him, but one or two would occasionally glance his way. Something just seemed off. He was sure he had woken up from his dream, but he was still coated in spunk. A firm hand on his shoulder brought his attention back to the cute guy. James looked up to see that same cute face looking down on him, although the face had noticeably trimmed down since the beginning of class. No surprise there, considering the TA no longer had an ounce of fat on his. He was now a huge, hulking muscle god with a four foot cock. “Again, terribly sorry about the mess… You know how it is with guys like me… Sometimes we just can’t help it.” Donnel said apologetically. “Although… Given the lengths you went to to get me off, I suppose I can’t really take all the blame.” He added with a sly wink. James was dumbfounded. He could no longer tell the difference between his dream and reality. Just how much of what he had dreamt had he really done? Had he really transformed the cute, portly grad student into that massive, nude wall of brawn and balls? The real question was could he do it again if he wanted to? A devious smile crept across his jizz-coated lips. This was going to be an interesting semester after all.
  15. Ziel

    Skeeter's Cleaners

    Davis knelt down beside a nearby car and used his reflection in the side mirror toadjust his tie and brush his wavy, brown hair away from his face. He wasnervous as hell, and it showed. His hands were trembling so bad he could barely even hold the mic. “Dude. Relax.” Davis’s buddy Trey said. He adjusted his satchel and shot his buddy a smirk that somehow managed to be both sarcastic and reassuring in the way only a best friend could accomplish. Davis’s buddy was fairly similar in height and build. Davis appeared to be a little thicker around the middle, but neither could be considered overweight. Trey’s most defining feature was his eyes. His grey eyes seemed to sparkle in the afternoon sun. Trey’s jet black hair and light skin seemed to accentuate his brilliant eyes. “How can I calm down? This could make or break my career!” David replied. His voice cracked from nerves. “What career. You don’t even have your degree yet.” Trey replied and rolled his eyes sarcastically. “If I nail this report, I can include the video with my resume and bingo bango, I’ve got the internship at the station.” Davis replied. “Sure. After they actually look at your resume, and after you sit down and not flub the interview.” Trey sassed back. “All the more reason to get this perfect!” Davis retorted. “Fine. Whatever, but you could have picked a less boring topic. I mean who wants to watch an expose on cleaning.” Trey scoffed. “For your big, fat information this is a very fast growing field.” Davis countered. Trey made a snorting sound as he stifled his own laughter upon hearing “fast growing.” “I think you just want to see the workers up close and personal.” Trey replied. He made a playful clicking sound and shot Davis a sly wink. Davis’s face turned bright red. “Ju-Just Shut up!” He stammered. “My interests are purely professional! Now get the camera ready. Our liaison is here!” Davis turned and darted over towards a large olive green van that had pulled into the parking lot nearby. The logo on the side of the van was questionable at best. The caricature of a man dressed in blue overalls looked borderline phallic. It was a wonder that the design ever got past the censors… but then again people have become much more lax about nudity lately. Trey once again rolled his eyes sarcastically but scooped up the camera and trotted after his excitable pal. The van pulled up beside the two college guys. The window slowly rolled down, and an incredibly large man peered out from inside the van. Davis’s jaw dropped. He had not expected someone nearly so huge… nearly so hot. The man at the wheel was probably in his mid twenties. His piercing blue eyes seemed to peer straight into Davis’s soul. His stubble accentuated his shapely jaw. His neatly trimmed, brown hair framed his handsome face perfectly. Davis could only stare at him in silent awe. The man waited a moment before awkwardly asking, “So uh… you are the guys here about the story, right…?” “Yeah. Ingmar here just can’t seem to find his voice.” Trey replied lazily. He then playfully elbowed Davis in the ribs and said to his buddy, “Dude. Say hello or something.” “Oh. He-hello…” Davis stammered. “Right. So you guys wanna see how we do business? There’s room in the truck if you want to ride along. I’ll take you some of the sites and show you our operation.” The large man explained. “That sounds wonderful.” Davis gushed as he rushed around the van. He got to the other side and reached for the handle on the passenger side door when the driver stopped him. “You’re going to have to ride in the back. There’s no room for another passenger up here.” He explained. “Oh… Ok…” Davis murmured in reply. He took his hand off of the passenger side door handle and trudged dejectedly over towards the back door. Trey was already there and had crawled into the back. Davis followed after him and began to take his seat, but he stopped and gawked before he could even get his seatbelt on. The driver wasn’t even kidding. There was simply no room in the front for another passenger. The huge man occupied the entire front bench. He broad, muscular shoulders were so wide that he had to curl his shoulders in a bit just to fit into the van. It was a miracle he had managed to maneuver enough to even peer out the side window. Davis couldn’t get over how huge he was. He looked like he was trying to ride in a little clown car instead of the full-sized, industrial panel van that he was currently driving. “Oh. I never got your names.” The huge man said. He didn’t even bother to turn around, but that didn’t bother Trey or Davis at all. It was obvious to both of them that it would have been a difficult task for their massive guide. “I’m Trey.” Trey replied instantly. There was an awkward pause as Davis just sat there and gawked at the enormous cleaner. He was so entranced that he hadn’t even comprehended the question. All he could do was soak up those fantastic, enormous muscles that bulged through the man’s button up shirt. “… aaaand this is Davis. You’ll have to excuse him. He’s not the most conversational person at times.” Trey eventually added. The large driver chuckled pleasantly and replied. “That’s alright. It’s hardly the first time someone has reacted that way around me. The name’s Mel by the way. So did you guys have any questions while we drive?” Trey took a moment to let Davis chime in, but when it was obvious that Davis wasn’t running at peak mental capacity, Trey decided to step up to the plate. “Well… I guess you could start by telling us what exactly you do.” He said. “Oh well that’s an easy enough question. I run a cleaning company, but you knew that already. I suppose you want to know more about how we work, huh? Hmm… It’s a lot easier to show than to tell, so how about we skip that question until we get to our next site.” Mel responded casually. “Fair enough, but there’s more to your business than just simple cleaners. You are known for only taking on… err… very specific types of jobs.” Trey muttered awkwardly. The driver laughed so hard that the entire van shook. The sudden outburst was enough to even snap Davis from his hormonal reverie. “Huh… wuh…?” Davis sputtered. “You don’t have to be so discrete about it.” Mel replied between chuckles. “Everyone here knows what we do. We clean cum. We scoop spunk. Hell. It’s written on the side of our van.” “Umm… right… but that’s a very specific business model. What prompted you to pursue this… uh… venture.” Trey asked. Mel chuckled again. Trey could practically hear Mel’s eyes rolling as he did so. “Basic business, boy.” Mel replied. “All alliteration aside, I would like to know more.” Trey countered. Mel shrugged. His bulging traps hit the roof of the vehicle as he did so. Davis was once again floored by his sheer size. “Well, I’ll skip the whole bit where semen became a major issue for cleaners…” Mel began. Trey didn’t need any more information on that point. Everyone knew the story by now. It was all over the news. It had started a few months ago. No one was really sure how or why it had started. They weren’t even sure where exactly it originated, but people began growing, and it wasn’t just people getting taller. Some did, but the changes affected everyone differently. Even to this day experts weren’t sure what was causing it. Trey and Davis had not been exposed to whatever it was that was causing these changes, but there was no doubt that Mel had. What else could explain the driver’s massive, muscular physique that filled the front half of the van. “… anyway, your average Ready Maids or whatever you would call for a clean-up just didn’t have the equipment to handle the mess. I don’t suppose you’ve seen one, but these folks can drench a room, let me tell ya.” Mel explained. Trey couldn’t even fathom what that much cum would look like, and he didn’t particularly want to find out. Davis on the other hand seemed to be all too happy to imagine what it must be like. He had a stupid grin plastered across his face, and the tent in his slacks didn’t leave much to the imagination about what he thought of the matter. Troy decided to keep the discussion moving. He had a good momentum going, but there were other topics that they could cover while they traveled. “Right. My biggest question is how do you afford this operation? You don’t list rates on your site. In fact it looks like you don’t even charge. How does that work?” Trey asked. “We make our money in other ways.” Mel explained. “Did you know that semen is rich in protein? That goes doubly so for the stuff we clean up. Some of my buddies have a lab and they cooked up a way to distill it down and extract the base proteins from it. I don’t know the specifics – too technical for me- but I can tell you that we make a killing by reselling the processed material as fertilizer. It apparently works well too. Did you see that pumpkin on the news last week? That guy used our product for his crops.” Mel sounded like a proud father as he spoke of the prize winning pumpkin. Trey had to admit that he was pretty impressed too. He didn’t realize that these cleaners had diversified so well. Not only were they providing a necessary public service by cleaning up the messes caused by massive, horny, enhanced dudes, but they had also managed to turn the waste product into something that could be used to benefit society as a whole. The numbers were already running in Trey’s head. The pumpkin the size of a small house was only the start. There was potential here for much, much more. This could be the end of world hunger as they knew it, and there’s no telling what further applications could be derived from the protein rich sludge. As if to answer Trey’s internal monologue, Mel began to say, “Yeah. My buddies back at the labs have all sorts of ideas for new uses. Just the other day Rich came up to me and he said to me- … hold a tick.” Mel’s exposition was cut short by a loud beeping coming from the dashboard of his van. He pressed a button and said, “Talk to me, Rich.” A staticy, robotic voice came from the dashboard. It sounded like their walky-talkies were reaching the edge of their service area. The voice of the man on the other side was barely even understandable. “We’ve got a major spill on Hammond Street. Mel, can you go look into it?” The voice asked. “Aww shit, Mel. I told you I’m retired from the collection biz. I’m just here as a representative now.” Mel grumbled. “I get that, but this is serious. It’s the biggest haul on record, and we’ve received word from some of our other trucks that there’s a lot of activity on the streets. GroTech and Steele Steamers are already converging on the site. If we don’t get a man on the site soon we’ll miss our chance. You’re only a block away. If you could just claim it for our business we could send some more equipped trucks your way to assist with the clean up, “Fine. I got it.” Mel grumbled in reply. He then hit the button to hang up. “Looks like you guys are going to get some hands on experience with how we do business.” Mel stated. Trey perked up. It was obvious that this part was directed and him and his buddy, but there was something that seemed off. “Is business really that competitive?” Trey asked. “Naw. We’re on good terms with all the other businesses that have cropped up over the past few months. It’s just that… well, I’m a little worried.” Mel responded. “Worried?” Davis asked. “Yeah. The guys at Steele are nice enough, but they don’t have the equipment for a large job like this. They shouldn’t even be trying it, and then there’s GroTech…” Mel replied. His voice trailed off at the end as if he was deep in thought. “That doesn’t sound like the name of a cleaner.” Davis replied. “It isn’t. They’re a biomedical lab.” Trey cut in. “What he said.” Mel concurred. “And that’s what has me curious.” Trey didn’t feel like pressing the matter further, and Davis seemed more interested in other things. Trey’s best bud was practically bouncing in his seat. He looked like a kid who was just told that they were going to Disneyland. It didn’t take them long to reach the site. They really were less than a block away. Mel turned the corner, and as soon as he did everyone in the van could see their destination. Trey and Davis recognized the place immediately. It was the Kappa Phi Beta house, but it was better known as Masta Masta Betta by the locals. It was a relatively new fraternity that had sprung up in the wake of the mysterious growths that had begun a few months back. Every one of their members had been exposed in some way or another. Davis was obsessed with them. He went out of his way to talk to any of the frat bros that he could. Each one was larger and more massive than the last. It seemed like they grew more and more each time he met them, but no matter how much he talked to them or how much asked, they would never divulge how they had achieved such herculean proportions. Mel pulled the van up in front of the large, two story house. Davis and Trey didn’t even wait for instructions. They both hopped out and took stock of their surroundings, but their interests were very different. Trey began to check out the surroundings and pick the best possible location to set up his tripod, but Davis merely gawked at the devastations. Everything was drenched in cum. Spooge seeped out of the upstairs balconies and oozed out of the doors. The excess spunk soaked into the grass reducing the entire front lawn to a sticky, slimy, off-white bog. A noise from behind managed to draw Davis’ attention away from the house and back towards the van. The shocks on the vehicle groaned as the entire van lurched to one side. Suddenly the van snapped back to its normal position. Mel groaned as he stood up and stretched. His back popped audibly as he did so. “I’m getting too old for this…” He muttered as he turned his head from side to side to loosen his sore muscles. His neck crackled almost as loudly as his back had done. Davis’ jaw dropped. He had known Mel was huge, but he hadn’t dared imagine that he was this massive. The cleaner was easily ten feet tall. His broad, muscular chest was almost as wide as the van itself. It was a wonder he fit into the vehicle at all. Mel sighed and gestured towards the frat house. Frat bro after massive, hulking, cum-coated frat bro began to stagger out of the house. “I figured something like this would happen. You get that many heavies in one place and it’s gonna turn into an orgy.” Mel muttered. Davis’ dick felt ready to burst straight through the pleats of his pants. He had never seen anything so sexy in his life. Every dude that staggered out of the house was massive. They had muscles stacked on top of muscles. The shortest one of the bunch was easily eight feet tall and built like a Mr. Universe competitor, but perhaps even more impressive were their cocks. The tallest frat bro had the smallest dick of the bunch, but even his cock reached down to his knees. His two, massive beach ball sized nuts hung about halfway down his thighs. Davis could barely comprehend how huge he was. He had to be even taller than Mel. Davis barely reached up to his crotch. Davis soaked up all the nude, massive college bros that he could. He wanted to run up there and nuzzle up against all those guys at once, but he knew better than to do that. He just wished he could feel those cocks up close and personal. One of the guys there was particularly hot and especially hung. He was short compared to the others, but still had at least three feet of height on Davis. The real thing about him that caught Davis’ eye though was his cock. The dude had a thick piece that was so long the head of it rested solidly on the ground. The massive, spongy tip was broader than Davis’ shoulders. David could only imagine what it must be like when fully hard. He could only imagine that it would be even longer than he was tall. Davis felt his dick lurch in his pants. Just thinking about a cock that huge drove him wild. It took every ounce of willpower he had not to cream his jeans right then and there. Trey’s mind was swimming. He couldn’t fathom how these guys had grown so fast. He had had a class with one of them earlier this same afternoon, and the dude had doubled in size since then. It was tough to say for certain, but it looked like they were still growing before his very eyes. Trey felt even more lightheaded by the moment. Something about this place was getting to him. His eyes passed from one frat bro to another, and he couldn’t deny that they were hot as hell. There was something else at work here though. It was hard to explain, but just being there was orgasmic. It was like the very air itself was making him horny. His head felt fuzzy. He could barely focus on anything. The only thing he could do to keep some semblance of sanity was focusing on his camera. At least when he threw himself into his art he could tune out everything else, but even his passion for video was beginning to lose out against his skyrocketing libido. Trey grunted and shook his head in hopes of shaking the erotic fog that was settling in on his mind. He needed to focus, but it took every ounce of willpower he had just to set up his tripod. He’d much rather scope out the tripods staggering around in front of him. Just thinking about those hot, hung college bros got Trey rock hard below the belt. Trey’s own dick was pretty average by most accounts, but it was straining hard against the front of his jeans. Trey’s hand rubbed idly across the bulge in his pants. It felt huge, far bigger than he expected, but he couldn’t focus on that too much. His skin felt hot. He felt like he was suffocating. He tore at his tie in an effort to loosen it. Once the knot was out he pulled at the buttons on his shirt. Before long he had the front of his shirt completely open. The cool air felt great against his exposed chest, but it wasn’t enough to diminish the burning sensation that coursed through his body. Trey’s mind was so hazy that he didn’t even notice the definition of his abs. He was a fairly active guy, but he had never been particularly cut. Today though he had a very nice, defined eight-pack set of abs. Even his chest was showing some remarkable definition. His pecs were firm and shapely. There hardly appeared to be an ounce of fat on his lean, toned body. Mel rounded the corner and stepped out from behind that van. His appearance was enough to draw even Davis’ hormonal gaze away from the bevy of nude, hung frat bros. Davis’ eyes bugged out. His jaw dropped. He thought the bros were hot, but Mel was in another league of his own. Just the bulge in his slacks was bigger than Davis was. Davis could barely fathom how much cock must be crammed into those denim slacks. Davis took his time soaking up the huge cleaner’s body. Now that Mel was out in the open, Davis could appreciate him more. His shirt was so stuffed full of muscles that Mel had to keep the top four buttons undone. There was simply no way he could close the front of his shirt across those massive, bulging pecs. Either slab of pectoral brawn looked large enough that Davis could lay across them like a king sized bed. Davis couldn’t help but daydream about doing just that. He wanted to feel what it would be like to lay across those firm, brawny slabs while the steady rhythm of the enormous hunks peaceful breathing rocked him to sleep. “Wow… This place is potent…” Mel muttered. He looked uncomfortable, and it didn’t take Davis long to figure out why. Mel’s clothes appeared to be getting smaller by the second. His huge, bulging muscles pressed harder against the already stretched fabric. The few buttons he had clasped struggled to hold back the surging wall of brawn. The stitches began to pop where the sleeves met the torso. “Wait… are you…?” Davis began to say. “Growin’. Yeah.” Mel replied. “It’s this place, or rather this cum. I don’t know the technical stuff, but people who have been exposed to the growth hormones generate more of their own. You get too many of ‘em in one place and it could cause a chain reaction, and judging by the guys that just traipsed on out, it looks like there’s a bunch of growers under one roof.” “Masta Masta Beta.” Davis chimed in. “What?” Mel asked. “It’s the frat. Or I guess that’s just what we call them. A bunch of… uh… growers you called them? Yeah well they all live here. It’s the official grower dorm I guess you could say.” Davis explained awkwardly. “So they took all the growers and shoved them in one house?” Mel asked incredulously. He looked simply flabbergasted. “Uh yeah. That about sums it up.” Davis replied. “Freakin’ idiots.” Mel muttered. He stomped off across the mucky lawn. His gait started out determined and resolute, but as he got closer and closer to the epicenter he began to wobble and stagger. The hormones that hung in the air were so powerful that they were overpowering his senses. He had had months to develop a resistance, but he had never encountered a spill quite this potent before. By the time Mel reached the front porch his shirt had fallen away completely. His bulging muscles had burst clean through the fabric leaving nothing but a hail of tattered cloth confetti. His jeans were starting to follow suit. He had grown so much so fast that his quads were straining against the tough denim. The seams along the sides popped and frayed. Large swaths of exposed thigh peeked through the tears. Mel staggered and took another step forward. He had to struggle to maintain his balance. The fog was settling in even stronger than before. He could feel every inch of his body surging outwards. His dick strained painfully against his fly. It wasn’t just the increase in size that was causing his discomfort though. He was so horny. His cock wanted to stand at attention in its full upright and locked position, but it was trapped in a painfully curved position. Mel felt another wave of growth hit him. His muscles surged outward, his balls swelled, his cock burst through the front of his jeans and flung upright. Mel could only stare at his own cock in dumbfounded awe. It was far larger than before. The head used to only reach to his chin when he was fully hard, but now the tip was well above eye level. The tip of his dick was also as broad as his impressively swole shoulders. “Fuck…” Mel muttered. It was difficult to say whether the expression was an utterance of annoyance or awe. Not even Mel himself was sure. It could very well have been a mixture of the two. He couldn’t deny how fantastic his cock looked. The hormones were still doing a number on his mind. It took every ounce of willpower he had to stop thinking about his massive, fully boned cock and his enormous, muscular bod, but he still had a job to do. The recent growth spurt had made his job far more difficult. “shit…” Mel muttered. He was now completely nude. What little clothing he had left had long since fallen off his massive frame, but that was the least of his problems. He glanced around him and noticed that he was now eye level with the second floor windows. He had almost doubled his height in the past few seconds. There was no way he could even hope to even fit inside the frat house without bashing through the wall like the Kool-Aid man. It was then that he noticed something else. There was a hand pressing against his exposed thigh. Mel heard a soft, whimpering, “wow…” Mel glanced down to see Davis staring up on him with pure, unadulterated lust and awe in his eyes. Davis’s hormonal state was not at all surprising, but what was surprising was his stature. Davis didn’t appear to have grown an inch. His clothes still fit him just as well as they had before… all except for his pants. The tent in his slacks was painfully obvious, but given the state of everyone else in the vicinity that was hardly an issue. “Hey. How do you feel?” Mel asked. Davis shrugged and then went back to rubbing the thick muscles of Mel’s exposed thigh. “Alright I guess…” Davis murmured softly. He was far too entranced by Mel’s muscles to really focus on anything else. Mel was mildly amused that Davis was more interested in his muscles than his cock. Davis obvious knew what he liked. Mel could tell from the look in Davis’s eyes that the dude had his sights set on something bigger and better, but Mel’s huge, beefy ass was just barely out of his reach. “Wow. You’re resistance is remarkable.” Mel replied. “Resistance?” Davis asked. He had an idea of where this was going, and he didn’t like the sound of it. “Yeah. Short version is everyone is affected differently. Some people get hit really hard, some not so much. I’ve never seen someone with your resistance before. I’d hate to think what would have happened if you were susceptible to this stuff. This is the strongest I’ve ever seen it.” Mel stated. Davis was a little disheartened. He had secretly wished to grow larger, but it didn’t seem like he’d be seeing much gains today. “I need you to do me a favor.” Mel said. Davis perked up upon hearing this. As much as he loved fawning over Mel’s massive, exposed muscles, he was eager to prove himself in any way he could. He wanted nothing more than to please the towering titan before him. “Go back to the truck and grab the stasis module.” Mel said. Davis stared back up at him. He didn’t say anything, but the way he furrowed his eyebrows said everything for him. Davis had no idea what it was he was supposed to get. “It’s this thing. It looks like a jar with things coming out the top. It’s the only thing in the trunk. It should be easy.” Mel explained while awkwardly pantomiming the size and shape of the contraption. Davis wasted no time. He snapped to attention and gave the hulking goliath a solemn salute. “Yes, sir!” Davis replied enthusiastically. He turned around and sprinted across the mucky lawn. He barreled past Trey and quickly popped the rear hatch of the van. He was in such a hurry that he didn’t even notice that his best bud now stood a good head taller than him and had long since shirked his shirt. Even the fly of Trey’s pants was down to give himself more room for his swelling bulge. Davis was pleased to find that the van was unlocked. Once the door was open he saw that what Mel said was true. The only thing in the far back of the vehicle was this large device that looked like a twelve gallon mason jar full of bluish green liquid with a strange looking domed top. The top of it had wires and dials sticking off of it that made it look like some sort of brain scrambler one would expect to see in a cheesy B movie. Davis wasted no time. He scooped up the device and hauled ass back to the frat house. He was expecting it to be heavy, but it was surprisingly light. He barely felt the strain on his muscles as he hoisted the object out of the van. Davis was in such a hurry to get back to Mel that he didn’t even notice that the entire van shifted as the immense weight of the device was lifted off of it. When Davis got back to the towering cleaner, he shouted up at Mel, “Hey! I got it! Now what!?” Mel glanced down and was surprised to see that Davis was carrying the device so easily. Maybe the college student wasn’t as resistant as he originally thought. That hardly mattered now though. Davis was the only one who could complete the next task. “Alright. Find the source of this mess and place that device. Then turn it on and get back out. Try not to inhale too deeply while in there, and get in and out as quick as you can. You’re resistant but not immune, and once that thing gets going it’ll start a chain reaction.” Mel explained. Davis tried to hide his excitement. He was going to get to actually go inside and see the site firsthand, and if what Mel said was true, the effects would be even more potent when he got deeper in. No doubt he’d really begin to see changes by then. Davis nodded happily and hopped into the frat house. He was trying to hide his joy, but he was practically skipping as he went. The inside of the frat house was even worse off than the lawn. Jizz oozed down the steps. The entire house reeked of sex and sweat. Davis found the smell to be intoxicating. He wanted to stay there forever. He wanted to just lay back and bathe in the spunk, but he had a job to do, and the last thing he wanted to do was disappoint that sexy as hell titan outside. Davis followed the trail of jizz upstairs and down the hall. It was pretty easy to figure out which room was the epicenter. All the cum in the house seemed to be seeping out of one room in particular. He shifted the device over to one hand and then turned the knob. The second the door opened he was immediately struck by the musk in the room. His head was swimming. He had never felt so horny before. Davis could feel the changes immediately. His shirt felt tighter, and his junk seemed to press harder against the front of his slacks. He was so giddy he could hardly think about anything else, but he had a job to do. Davis slogged through what appeared to be the communal gathering room. There was a large table on one side of the room that seemed to be a pool table, but there was so much jizz plastered to it that he couldn’t be sure. Everything in the room seemed to be vaguely shaped like furniture, but there was so much spunk clinging to everything that it looked more like a winter wonderland than a frat house rec room. Davis placed the device on a table roughly in the center of the room and flipped the large switch to the on position. He didn’t know what the device was supposed to do, but it seemed to be working. It hummed to life and the gel inside began to glow. A warm, blue mist wafted out of the holes in the top. The mist permeated everything in the room, but the haze covering the frat house was nothing compared to the haze settling in on Davis’s mind. Something about the blue mist made his hormones rage even harder. Davis didn’t even try to fight it. He quickly undid his belt buckle and kicked off his pants. His cock strained against his boxers. His dick was leaking so much pre that his cotton undies had become completely saturated. Davis pushed down his boxers. His huge cock flung free and slapped against the front of his shirt. His dick was huge. The tip of it reached up past his belly button, and the thick tool was as big around as his forearm. Davis was so overcome with how huge it was, how fantastic it looked. He wanted to feel every inch of it. He ran his hands along the length of it. His cock was so thick that he couldn’t even get his hands to wrap all the way around it, and it was still swelling before his very eyes. He was so entranced by his cock that he hardly noticed the other changes that had gone on in his body. All the fat that had clumped around his midriff had melted away and was replaced with dense, sculpted muscle. He was beyond shredded. His muscles looked like they were etched straight into his skin. The deep grooves of his abs loved like valleys. His toned, firm pecs were perfectly sculpted. Davis flopped to his knees. His nuts made a dull splatting sound as they made contact with the layer of jizz that coated the carpet, but he didn’t pay any attention to that. His cock demanded his full attention. As it grew and grew it became more and more enticing. The tip of his dick soon reached his chest, and still it kept growing. Davis craned his neck as best he could and stuck out his tongue, but he could only just barely brush his tongue across the tip. That didn’t last for long though. Soon it was tall enough that he could easily glide his tongue across the entire length of this oozing slit. He could taste his own pre, and it was fantastic. He moaned softly as he felt the warm liquid slide down his throat. This was the horniest he had ever been before, and there was still more to come. He was so enamored with his own cock that he hardly realized that it he no longer had to crane his neck. He was face to face with his own massive cockhead, and it was still growing. Mel noticed the blue fog wafting out the door. “Aw, hell…” He muttered. He hadn’t told Davis anything about how to operate the machine. He had just said to turn it on without even thinking about what it was set to. If it was pumping out enough fog to fill the entire house it had to be running at full power. Mel had just wanted to salvage the one room, but the mist was renewing more than that. Every ounce of spunk the fog touched would soon be restored to full potency, and the mist would soon flood the front yard as well as everything in the house. Mel pounded on the roof. The entire frat house shook from the force, but Mel didn’t let off. He knew they needed to get out of there quick. He was already so tall that the roof of the two-story frat house only reached his chest, and he was still growing. “Hey, kid! Davis! Can you hear me!?” Mel shouted. “Davis! Get out of there!” Davis heard Mel’s voice. He wasn’t at all interested in following his orders, but he slowly staggered to his feet. The man’s deep, baritone voice reverberated through the entire house and struck a chord with Davis’s dick. Davis’s mind was flooded with images of how hot and sexy the hulking cleaner was. He needed to see more of the guy. Something seemed wrong to Trey, but he couldn’t quite place it. He had long since ditched his jeans and was now standing completely nude beside the van, but he couldn’t care about that. He was more worried about his friend than anything. Mel seemed worried, and then there was that blue mist seeping out the door. What was that stuff? Davis was in there too, right? The blue mist that was now wafting over to him seemed strange, but it felt so nice. He inhaled deeply and let the mist warm and soothe his lungs. Trey needed to clear his head more than anything. He just could not seem to focus. He just kept thinking about how horny he was and how hot his skin felt. He had pulled off every last stitch of clothing, but he still felt like he was burning up. Trey sat down on the van. The vehicle was little more than a stool to him now and creaked in protest against his immense weight. Trey didn’t seem to notice or care about that though. He just kept thinking about what was playing out before him. The frat house was easily three hundred feet away, but it looked far closer. The size seemed way off too. It was the same frat house he had seen earlier, but it appeared to be the size of a garage. Trey idly stroked his dick as he tried to piece together his scattered thoughts. His cock was far too large for him to wrap his hands around. It wasn’t just that it had grown longer, which it had done quite a bit, but it was far, far thicker than before. The tip of his dick only reached up to his belly button when he had been standing, but it was easily as thick as his dense, sculpted quads. The van creaked louder. Trey tried to shift his weight and get comfortable, but it was no good. His ass was spilling over the sides of the van. The vehicle was just too small to serve as a decent bench. Trey noticed Mel getting more and more agitated. Something was definitely wrong, but what could he do? Trey tried again to clear his head. He had to do something. He couldn’t just sit there jacking off while his best pal was trapped in there. Trey tried to get up, but his legs felt weak from the sheer intensity of his arousal. He fell forward and landed on his hands and knees. His balls filled up every inch of space between his legs. His huge nuts even scraped the ground as he knelt there and tried to work up the will to move. The blue fog was even denser down closer to the ground. With each breath he took, he inhaled lung-fulls of the soothing mist. Trey slowly crawled forward. The haze in his mind got heavier with each foot he crawled. His destination seemed to be getting closer by the second even when he wasn’t moving. Finally he reached his goal. He tried to call out to Mel and ask what was going on, but it only came out as a horny, pleading moan. Mel heard the noise and turned around. His jaw dropped. Trey’s clean shaven face filled his entire field of view. The dude was simply massive now. The cameraman had grown so much so fast that even on his hands and knees he towered over Mel. Davis awkwardly staggered out the door. It was getting to be tough for him to move around. His body hadn’t grown much, but his cock had swelled to an enormous size. The shaft itself dwarfed the rest of his body. His nuts were the size of bean bag chairs and rested solidly on the ground, and as more and more of the blue mist filled his lungs, his cock and balls continued to creep up in size. There was no telling how much longer he’d still be able to move, but that was the least of his worries at the moment. Davis couldn’t even comprehend what he was seeing before him. There was a massive hand filling much of the front lawn. The fingers on the enormous extremity were larger than Davis’s entire body. Davis’s jaw dropped as his eyes slowly traced a path along that powerful hand, up the massive, muscular forearm, past the massive, bulging bicep, until he finally was staring straight up. The dense, sculpted pecs filled the entire skyline. The sheer size of the guy left Davis speechless. He had never seen anything so hot before. Davis slowly became aware of another form to his side. The other guy seemed tiny compared to the godly titan that towered over the both of them. Davis couldn’t help but think how strange it was that the guy next to him would ever be considered small. Davis barely came up to the dude’s ankles. Even the two story frat house didn’t even reach up to his waist. The dude’s massive ball sack alone rivaled the size of the house. As Davis’s lurid gaze slowly made its trek to the very top of the mountainous beefcake, he quickly recognized that chiseled jaw line and that sexy stubble. The massive, muscular behemoth beside him was none other than the cleaner, Mel, but that didn’t make any sense to him. There had been no one even close to Mel’s monolithic size earlier. So who could this new titan possibly be? It took an extreme amount of willpower for Davis to pry his eyes off of the massive hotty’s fantastically handsome face, but once he did, he began to take stock of the even larger titan towering above the two of them. The colossal dude had nowhere near the bulging, musculature that Mel had, but he was by no means scrawny. Even had he not been large enough to put Godzilla to shame, his dense, toned muscles would have been enough to draw Davis’s lusty gaze, and then there was his cock. The tip of the titan’s colossal cock reached up all the way to his chest and was impressively thick even for its monumental size. The fat, fully boned cock was as thick around as even the titan’s broad, barrel chest. By this point the colossal college stud was practically laying atop his own dick as opposed to propping himself up on his hands and knees. His massive cock shuddered. The mountainous head flared up. Pre oozed out the tip like water cascading down Angel Falls. It was obvious that the titan was getting close to creaming, and Davis couldn’t wait to see it happen. The entire city was sure to be coated in spunk once the monolithic cock unloaded its glorious load. “We’ve got to move!” Mel bellowed. He reached down and effortlessly scooped up the hormone addled Davis – monster cock and all. Davis was overwhelmed. He was so ecstatic, but he wished he could see more. The cleaner’s powerful hand was wrapped around his whole body and pining him against his own cock. Pre cascaded freely down his enormous cock and washed over him. Davis was quickly laminated in his own juices. It felt so wonderful and tasted even better, but he still wanted to see. He had to see more of that godly titan from before, and there was something else weighing on his mind. Davis fidgeted and thrashed as best he could in the tight enclosure. Eventually his motions got through to the towering stud that held him, and Mel loosened his grip enough that Davis could peer up at him. “Trey! Where’s Trey!” Davis shouted up at the hulking cleaner. Mel seemed baffled and first, but soon his confusion gave way to something else. It was as if he was trying to think of the best way to break the news. Davis’s heart sunk. For a brief moment he feared the worst until Mel lifted his hand up and gave Davis a clear view of the towering titan. Davis’s jaw dropped. His cock lurched. His heart leapt for joy. Not only was Trey alive and well, but he currently dwarfed the both of them. Davis had always though his best bud was pretty cute, but now Trey had evolved into something so fantastic, so stunning, that Davis had no words for how hot he truly was. Trey’s massive, hunched over form now loomed over the entire campus and the surrounding residences. The frat house had long since vanished under his swelling cock. Trey didn’t seem to notice or care. He was so lost in his hormone enhanced ecstasy. The monolithic titan moaned orgasmically as he ground his mountainous cock against the earth below. His constant gyrations had worn a deep crevasse into the once flat terrain. The pre flowing freely from his gargantuan schlong had drenched the city below. Trey’s moan were so load that they caused the very earth around him to tremble, but Davis had never heard a more tender, sensual sound. Trey’s soft, pleading whimpers echoed in Davis’s ears and reverberated through his fully boned cock. He felt like he could bust his nut just from the erotic moans of the hot as hell titan. Trey sensually chewed on his lower lip. Davis couldn’t help but marvel at the giant’s expression. Despite his size, Trey managed to look so sweet and innocent. Davis wished he could fly up there and kiss Trey right on his lips, but of course such a thing would be impossible. Trey’s lips were now as wide as a major freeway. Even if Davis managed to get close enough to kiss those full, luscious lips, how would Trey ever feel it? Trey’s eyes fluttered open for a brief second. The gigantic, piercing grey orbs scanned the horizon. The titan’s gaze fell upon Davis for a brief, fleeting second, and his eyes once again fluttered shut. Some small part of Trey’s mind that could still function rationally had resisted his own hormones. He had resisted the powerful aura that had transformed him into a sex-addled colossus. He had summoned forth superhuman levels of restraint to hold back his load for as long as possible, but now that he knew his pal was safe, he had no reason to fight it anymore. A small smirk crossed Trey’s titanic lips. A sensual moan split the air. Trey’s entire body shuddered, and the earth below followed suit. Trey’s monolithic cock lurched and trembled. The enormous, spongy head flared up. “Shit…” Mel muttered under his breath. It was clear what was about to happen. Davis wanted to watch his titanic friend for a while longer. He wanted to listen to Trey’s orgasmic moans. He wanted to watch those colossal muscles ripple and flex. He wanted to watch that monolithic cock shudder and shoot, but it was not to be. Mel clasped both hands around him and clutched Davis to his chest to shield him from the blast. Trey cried out in ecstasy. His orgasmic roar echoed far and wide. His cry of release could be heard across the country, but the effects were even more far-reaching. His cock lurched hard, and an enormous, sticky rope of jizz launched forth from his cock like water shooting from a geyser. Mel couldn’t move in time. The cum crashed against him and soaked into his skin, but he managed to keep his grip on Davis. Mel could already feel the changes setting in. His muscles surged. His cock swelled. His balls inflated even more, but all his growth was nothing compared to what was going on between his hands. Mel opened his hands and glanced down. It was tough to make out what was happening at first. Davis was completely engulfed in cum. Mel could barely make out his tiny form thrashing in the thick layer of spunk that coated his hands, but soon it became apparent that something was different. Whatever resistance Davis may have had to the growth effects seemed to have vanished. Davis’s once tiny form expanded before Mel’s very eyes. Davis’s growth far exceeded that of Mel’s own. In a matter of seconds Davis went from being able to rest comfortably in the palm of Mel’s hand to being large enough that Mel had to cradle the dude in both hands. Before long Mel was holding Davis in his arms as if he was carrying his blushing bride across the threshold, but even that didn’t last long. Davis soon became so huge and so heavy that Mel couldn’t even hold him anymore. The layer of jizz that coated the two of them didn’t help the situation at all either. Mel’s grip slipped, and Davis landed in the lake of spunk with a resounding plop. The impact sent shockwaves through the city and ripples through the spooge. Davis was stunned at first. The standing pool of spunk made it impossible to tell where he was or even how large he was. A seemingly endless layer of white stretched out as far as the eye could see, but soon he began to recognize shapes and places. The weird lump to his left had to be Madison Hall, the largest building on campus. The whole structure could easily fit in the palm of his hands, and it was dwindling before his very eyes. As Davis continued to grow, Trey continued to cum and cum again. His massive cock caused the ground below him to shudder as it erupted like a volcano. Warm, sticky white jizz gushed forth and poured out onto the ground below. Even had Trey been able to keep his eyes open long enough to look around him, he wouldn’t have been able to see anything other than the vast expanse of sticky whiteness. He finally reached his limit. His cock gave a few last weak, watery spurts of jizz and began to soften. Trey rolled over onto his back and just laid there basking in the afternoon sun, a goofy smile plastered across his face. He didn’t even think about any damage he might have caused or about the lasting effects of his growth spurt. All he could think about was how great he felt. He continued to lay there for what felt like ages as the fog of lust and hormones steadily faded from his mind. He was vaguely aware of someone else nuzzling up beside him, but it took him a while to clear his head enough to check and see who it was. Trey wasn’t surprised to see his best buddy Davis curled up beside him. Trey ran his fingers tenderly through Davis’s jizz-soaked hair. Trey was still having trouble believing everything that had happened, but he couldn’t deny what he was seeing. Davis was barely even half his height. If not for the light dusting of a treasure trail and the neatly trimmed patch of pubes, it would have been easy to mistake Davis for a young child. The massive chubby nestled between Davis’s legs didn’t hurt either. Even soft, Davis’s cock was as big as the rest of him. His almost twice as thick around as his toned, muscular chest. On a regular sized person, Davis’s balls would have appeared to be the size of couches, but there was no way for Trey to gauge just how massive they must be now. Trey brushed Davis’s hair aside and gave his smaller pal a soft kiss on the forehead. Davis chuckled softly and curled up closer against Trey’s chest. Trey wanted to stay there with him and cuddle some more, but as the fog cleared from his head, his curiosity began to get the better of him. He gently pushed away from his pal and sat up. He looked around him and took stock of the devastation. On some level he knew he should be worried, but he just couldn’t seem to care. It wasn’t just the afterglow that was still clinging to him after that titanic orgasm. It was as if every cell in his body was coursing with cosmic energy. He felt so alive and invigorated. He felt so powerful. It was hard for him to worry himself with the ants that scurried down below. As Trey surveyed the horizon he saw many small figures slowly rising from the white expanse. The ground beneath him was dotted with people of various shapes and sizes. Each one was steadily growing. It was fascinating to watch. It was like a time lapse video of flowers breaking through the snow, but these weren’t plants. These were people. Even the largest of these new sprouts was barely as big as Trey’s thumb, but they had to be gigantic to the average person down below. Trey couldn’t help but feel pride at the new race of giants he had brought into existence with his mere presence. Trey heard some talking off to his side and glanced over to see who it was. He saw Mel holding the bent and battered Skeeter’s Cleaners van to his ear like a tiny Bluetooth ear piece. Mel was now absolutely titanic by all normal comprehension, but even he didn’t even reach up to Trey’s knees. “Yeah. Rich. I need you to send every guy we’ve got. … Yeah. Call in everybody. Get the guys at Steele on the line too. Better call up every contact you’ve got while you’re at it. … Big? Have you seen the news? This spill is freakin’ ginormous!” Mel grumbled into his makeshift cellphone. “… Don’t worry about other people getting some. There’s gonna be more than enough for everybody. You can run all the tests you want on this stuff, and you’ll still never run out. I swear. It’s that fuckin’ huge!” Trey smirked as he glanced around at the scene below him. He could see large tanker trucks slurping up as much jizz as they could carry to be hauled off to various labs and storage facilities. The massive trucks were designed to hold an Olympic swimming pool’s worth of liquid, but Trey could have easily held one atop the tip of his pinkie. As he watched the tiny men in hazmat suits struggle to clean up the mess, Trey couldn’t help but chuckle softly. His monolithic cock stirred to life. Even in its flaccid state the enormous tool was as wide as his hips and as long as his legs. It would be truly a sight to behold once it got hard again. He was half tempted to drench the city in his seed once more, but he figured that they had more than enough to clean up for the time being. There were other cities out there that could benefit from his gift. Trey scooped his groggy little friend up in his arms and set off for new horizons. He had always wanted to travel, and at his new size he could walk to neighboring cities in a just a few paces. It wouldn’t take long at all for him to reach the next state or even to cross the country. He could travel wherever he wanted, and wherever he went he could drench the land in growth. As Trey trudged through the cum-coated city he could still feel his size creeping steadily upwards. He had no idea when or even if his growth would ever stop. Maybe he’d outgrow the whole planet with his best buddy at his side. Maybe they would eventually stop growing and live out their lives as a titanic couple. Maybe someday the scientists would find a way to reverse the process and shrink them back down, but for the time being Trey was going to enjoy his new life.
  16. Ziel

    Peen Genie

    Starting off posting here with one of my more recent stories. I figured I'd start off with this one seeing as I got the idea for the name from a David Bowie song. I'll be steadily cross posting a lot of my muscle growth oriented stuff over here, but I've got a ton of stories over On my tumblr that features both muscle growth and a variety of other themes. --------------------------------------------------------------- No one was more surprised than Kendal when a real live genie sprung forth from the rusted and busted old lamp he picked up at the flea market, but that was partially due to the fact that there was no one else around to see it. Kendal was in the comfort of his own dorm room when he set to work polishing the old lamp in hopes of getting it presentable for the play he and the rest of his team were putting on as part of their final project for his theater class. The whole reason he had gone to the flea market in the first place was to find something that would be passable as a magic lamp for their production of Aladdin. Kendal never dreamed he’d find something anywhere near as authentic – in terms of both form and function! As one would expect he was in for quite a shock when mist started to billow from the tip of the lamp, and he was downright flabbergasted when the mist coalesced into the upper half of a giant, beefy, grinning man. “I am the genie of the lamp.” The mysterious figure said. “And I’m probably hallucinating.” Kendal muttered. If the self-professed genie had heard Kendal’s snarky response he did not let it show on his face. The genie had the same calm, knowing smirk on his face the entire time. After a moment of awkwardly fidgeting in place Kendal finally worked up the nerve to speak up. “So… are you really real? I mean like, you’re a genie right? The wish granting demigod kinda thing?” Kendal asked nervously. “I am no demi-god. I am but a creature bound by strict rules.” The genie replied. “But how much of those stories are true? Like, all the stories tell of genies granting wishes. Is that a real thing you do?” Kendal asked. He was trying to remain skeptical, but the sight of a floating, beefy, blue skinned dude was kind of hard for him to write off as a simple trick of the light. That said he didn’t want to give himself false hope. There was no guarantee that this so called genie was capable of the miraculous feats told about in legends the legends of old, and there was also no guarantee that said genie was at all benevolent. “I see you doubt me.” The genie replied. He didn’t seem at all offended though. In fact he seemed amused more than anything. The sly smirk on his handsome face seemed to be goading Kendal into asking for some sort of demonstration. “Well, can you blame me? Genies are the stuff of fairy tales. I’ve never heard of one actually existing! And what about that lamp? I find it hard to believe that if it was the genuine article that some skeevy shopkeeper in a rundown flea market would be selling it for five dollars.” Kendal replied. “I know of whom you speak. He did not realize what he had in his possession. To him it was yet another damaged knickknack to be sold to the highest bidder. Only the true owner of the lamp may summon the denizen.” The genie explained. “Wait. I don’t get it. That guy wasn’t the true owner, but I am? How is that even possible? Is this some weird destiny type thing? Was I fated to find this lamp?” Kendal sputtered. His mind was racing at a million miles a minute. He had never been anything special. In fact he was about as far from special as one could get. All throughout high school he had been a short, stringy, completely forgettable dweeb whose only real feature was how little he stood out in a crowd. The thought that he could be destined for greatness excited him more than the prospect of a genie and his wishes. “Nothing so grand.” The genie replied flatly. Kendal looked obviously crestfallen, but it didn’t last long for the genie continued his explanation. “The previous owner discarded the lamp once he had received his wishes, but discarding is not the same as relinquishing just as finding is not the same as owning. The next person found it and could find no value in it so he too discarded it. This process continued for centuries – long after the original owner had been dead and buried. In all these years you are the first to obtain the lamp honorably.” “So it’s mine… because I paid for it?” Kendal asked skeptically. “Correct.” The genie replied. “But if the last guy wasn’t the original owner how could he have sold it? Wouldn’t that invalidate the clause or whatever the hell legal jargon genies use?” Kendal asked. “That is not so. You had no way of knowing the history of the lamp. Though it was not purchased from the owner your actions were in line with the code, and since there was no current owner, ownership then fell to you regardless of the multitude of hands it has fallen into.” The genie explained. “Oh…” Kendal replied. “I… I think I need a moment. I still can’t quite believe any of this is real.” “Very well then. I will wait until you are ready to accept the truth. When you are ready we can discuss the matter of your wishes.” The genie explained. “Oh… Ok.” Kendal muttered. He then staggered over to his bed and plopped down on the edge of the mattress so he could take it all in. He was still having trouble soaking it all up. He was as big a skeptic as one could ever hope to find. He never once believed in magic. Even as a little kid he was the guy who constantly would call out the stage magician and reveal the sleight of hand to the others, but even he couldn’t deny what he was seeing, and the genie’s story made some sense. After a few minutes of trying to wrap his mind around it, he finally worked up the nerve to ask another question. “So I have something I would like to ask. I realize it’s a silly question, but um… do you have a name?” Kendal asked. For the first time the genie was taken aback. “In all my millennia you are the first one to ask such a thing.” He replied. “Oh. Sorry. Did I say something wrong? I didn’t mean to offend you.” Kendal hurriedly sputtered. “No. No, it’s nothing like that. It’s just been so long…” The genie replied. His words drifted off, and he was seemingly lost in thought. It took a few moments for him to finally snap out of it. When he did finally speak again his words were distant and he seemed distracted. “My name… I’m called… Could that really be my name…? It’s the only name I know… but it’s been so long… Yes. I believe that is correct. Azkaban. I am called Azkaban.” He said slowly. Kendal slowly got up from his bed and walked over towards the towering genie. His fears and doubts were slowly starting to melt away. Somehow seeing the mystic entity so flustered made it easier to believe his words. Once Kendal had crossed the room to where the genie now hovered he held out his hand for Azkaban to shake and said, “Well then, Azkaban. My name’s Kendal. It’s nice to meet you.” The genie was once again taken aback by Kendal’s actions, but he reached out and shook Kendal’s hand despite his confusion. “It’s good to meet you too…” He replied. “So… How does this work anyway? I mean. You say I get wishes, but I don’t know if I want them… I mean, don’t get me wrong! The thought of being able to wish for something is exciting! It’s just like a fairy tale, but for every happy fairy tale there are just as many horror stories! It’s not that I don’t trust you, but how do I know you won’t somehow turn all my wishes into curses or something messed up like that?” Kendal rattled on nervously. “I see what you mean… I am bound by the code to honor your wishes. I do get some leeway in how to grant them, but as for if you can trust me… I suppose there is nothing for you to do other than make a wish. You may request three wishes, and I will honor those wishes as I see fit.” Azkaban explained. Kendal was relieved to see that the genie did not appear at all offended. In fact he seemed impressed by Kendal’s restraint and foresight, but whether or not that is what the genie was really thinking Kendal had no way of knowing. What Kendal did know was that Azkaban was right. There really was no way to guarantee this wasn’t some demonic plot or some monkey paw-esque nightmare until he took the plunge and made a wish. Kendal mulled it over for a minute. There were so many things he could ask for. He could ask for wealth, for power. He could ask for immortality or eternal youth. He could ask for any of the cliché things that fairy tale characters asked for… but none of those were what he really wanted. Kendal’s gaze fell upon the full length mirror that hung from the back of his bedroom door. He could see himself clearly in the glass panel; his shrimpy body; his slight stature; and even though he couldn’t see anything that would really indicate how much he was packing due to the clothes he was wearing, the lack of any discernable bulge said enough. What he really wanted more than anything was to not be so damn small. He wanted to be big. He wanted to be strong. He wanted to be HUNG! Kendal thought back to mission trip he got roped into going on by his parents last year. The trip had been alright as far as church functions go, but what really stood out was the evening communal showers. Kendal had known he was interested in dudes for ages, but seeing Dylan in all his beefy, nude glory as he soaped down those huge muscles and fantastic cock had helped dispel any belief that Kendal may have had that he was anything other than totally, 100%, unabashedly gay. Kendal was a year older than the guy, but he felt like a kid next to the studly jock. It was with the image of the school’s star quarterback in all his naked glory seared into his mind that Kendal turned to face the genie and make his demands. “I want to be bigger.” Kendal said. “Bigger?” The genie replied skeptically. “No. Not just bigger. Bigger. I want to be bigger. I want to be stronger. I want to be better hung. You know? Not just a slightly bigger dick. I want A LOT bigger dick.” Kendal rattled off excitedly. “I see…” The genie replied. He seemed to mull it over for a moment and then nodded. “If that is your wish then say it.” “It is! It is what I wish! I wish to be bigger!” Kendal replied. He was excited before, but now he was positively giddy. The thought of being anyway near as hot as that beefy stud in the showers filled him with no small amount of excitement and devilish glee. He couldn’t wait to see how huge he got. Already his mind was racing. What if he got to be as big as Dylan? … what if he got to be even bigger? “Very well. It is done. You shall now grow bigger in all the ways you specified.” The genie replied. He snapped his fingers which caused a bolt of lightning to arc from his hand and nail Kendal straight in the chest. Kendal half expected to be smote when he stood, but he was pleasantly surprised to find that he was indeed not reduced to a singe mark on the carpet. He was very much alive and in fact felt stronger and healthier than ever before. Kendal stared down at his body. He could already feel the changes setting in. They were slight at first, but he could feel them ramping up. He felt stronger. His arms felt firmer and tighter. He could feel the soft layer of pudge on his belly melting away. Kendal spun around to stare into the mirror across the room. He could see that he was a few inches taller than he had been mere seconds ago. He was no longer a 5’4” shrimp. He was now well on his way to being tall, and there was no telling how much bigger he would get before all was said and done. Kendal wasn’t too focused on his height though. He could already see his muscles starting to press against his once loose t-shirt. He had gone from being pretty spindly with just a bit of a paunch around his belly to looking fit as hell. He looked like a lean, toned, swimmer ready to compete for the gold medal. His once loose shirt now stretched taut across his toned pecs and his well-defined abs. His once baggy shorts now gripped his swelling quads like a second skin. His bottom hem of his shorts once dangled down around his knees, but now only reached halfway down his thighs. Kendal watched in awe as he grew and grew. His too-small t-shirt slowly crept up along his abs as he steadily outgrew it. His once baggy shirt soon looked like an undersized crop top. His once loose shorts soon looked like ridiculously tiny running shorts. His muscles looked phenomenal and were getting bigger by the second. His once flat, unremarkable chest now had a set of pecs that looked like large, extra firm, king sized pillows. His abs were so thick and well defined that light couldn’t even reach the depths of those fantastic trenches which were etched into his abdomen, but for all the changes his muscles and height had gone through they paled in comparison to what was going on between his legs. Kendal gawked at the obscene bulge in his shorts. His shorts were already too small for him even without the surplus of sausage swinging between his legs, but with the added mass of a cock that was easily a foot long his pants looked ready to burst at any second. Kendal couldn’t say the exact size for sure, but the hefty piece of meat was as long as his forearm and every bit as thick as his wrist and then some! Kendal winced in pain. His shorts were simply too small, and his cock was simply too big. Something had to give. Fortunately his pants didn’t last much longer. The front of his once loose basketball shorts split open allowing his massive cock the spill out. Kendal tried to let out a sigh of relief but at the same time gasped in shock at what he saw. The net result was that the air caught in his throat as he gawked at his immense cock. He had vastly underestimate the sheer size of it! Even in its chubbed up state the behemoth was as thick as his neck and dangled to his shins! His low hanging fruit appeared to be the size of basketballs, but given his new and improved stature, Kendal figured they were probably closer in size to schoolhouse globes. Kendal could merely stand there and gawk at the changes that had gone on in his body. He was now huge. He was beyond huge. He was massive! His head almost reached the roof of his bedroom. His body was now so broad and brawny that his beefy, barrel chest was twice as wide as his door frame. His meaty pecs looked like mattresses. Each individual, burly bump on his deeply trenched eight pack abs was as big as a football. His biceps bulged out like basketballs. His massive quads were as thick as an oak tree, and his cock was even thicker. The head of his enormous schlong now rested solidly on the ground, and that was even after having to drop over his enormous ball sack which was filled with two low-hanging orbs that were easily the size of beanbag chairs. His pair of nuts now dangled so low that they almost scraped the floor even though he was standing as straight and tall as he could get, and Kendal had no doubt that in the next minute or two his nuts would rest solidly on the floor! “Um… Not complaining, but just how much bigger am I going to get?” Kendal stammered. He was far larger than he had ever dared dream possible, and he was still growing. He wanted to be huge, but this huge? He didn’t know if he could go through life like this! He was a freak, but at the same time he couldn’t deny how hot as hell he had become. His hands couldn’t stop exploring every inch of his newly enhanced body. His firm, thick muscles felt fantastic, and his massive, beefy, muscle booty felt even better. “You did not specify. You merely wished to be ‘bigger’.” Azkaban explained. “That’s not really an answer.” Kendal murmured blissfully as he stroked his expanding muscles. By this point his cock was as long as he was tall and was well past a semi. It wouldn’t be long before it was rock hard and bigger than he was. “Isn’t it though? You wished to be bigger, and so bigger you shall be until such a time that you wish it to stop.” The genie explained. “I have to use another wish to stop it?” Kendal asked. He tried his best to be incredulous, but he was so blissfully enthralled by his growth that his question came out as a soft, contented murmur. “If you ever wish to stop, yes.” The genie explained. Kendal tried his best to formulate an argument, but he just couldn’t do it – in part because he was feeling too fantastic to really concentrate on much and in part because he knew better than the demand a do over with a super powered spirit. “I really need to stop growing…” Kendal murmured. “But do you wish it?” Azkaban replied. Kendal couldn’t reply. He merely sat back against the wall and stroked his expanding muscles. His bed creaked noisily under the weight of his expanding ass. Already he had grown so huge and beefy that his booty filled up the entire bed. The extra-long twin sized mattress was more like a footrest than a futon. Kendal had to hunch down to keep from hitting his head against the ceiling. He knew he was huge. He was beyond huge. He was absolutely massive. He was far too large to get through his day to day life, but he just couldn’t care enough to want it to stop. He loved every pound of muscle he packed on. He loved every inch of cock he added. He was tempted to call the genie’s bluff and just let himself grow indefinitely. He chuckled softly as he imagined himself outgrowing the entire dorm. He could only imagine the looks on his friends’ and classmates’ faces as he beheld his mammoth form. His daydreams took a dark turn. Instead of his friends being excited and aroused by his magnificently massive body they stared on in horror as his growing bulk outgrew the dorm and spilled out into the quad. People were running and screaming like something out of a Godzilla flick. It was then that Kendal realized how freakish he must look to others. The moment of horror was enough to shake him from his stupor, but the sudden crack of the bed snapping like a twig beneath him snapped him the rest of the way out of it. “I need to stop!” Kendal sputtered. “But do you wish it?” the genie asked again. “I… I need…” Kendal murmured. He just couldn’t bring himself to say it. It was one simple word, but as much as he knew he needed to stop he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. It felt so good. Part of him wanted to keep growing. Part of him wanted to keep getting bigger and stronger and sexier. “It will stop only if you wish it to.” The genie said calmly. “I need it to stop… I must stop…” Kendal mumbled softly under his breath. He knew he needed to act fast. With each second he waited the bliss and euphoria grew… as did the rest of him. If he didn’t stop soon he doubted he’d be able to stop at all. Kendal let out a disgruntled sigh and softly muttered, “I wish for it to stop…” “Your wish is my command.” The genie replied. He once again snapped his finger, and Kendal was once again struck by a bolt of pure magical energy that erupted from the genie’s fingertips. Kendal instinctively winced upon impact, but he felt no pain at all. In fact he felt a surge of relief wash over him. It was as if every muscle in his body had been holding its breath in anticipation, but now they had all let out a sigh of relief. The sensation was borderline orgasmic, but as he slowly came down from the euphoric high the true enormity of his situation began to dawn on him. Even though he was seated flat on his ass on the floor of his dorm, Kendal still had to hunch over to not hit his head on the ceiling. His room was an easy ten feet floor to ceiling, and Kendal could tell that he would be almost twice that height if he actually stood up. Kendal’s broad, muscular, barrel chest was so huge that his shoulders pressed against either side of his bedroom. His pecs alone were as big as billboards. Each individual, deeply trenched, incredibly swole abdominal muscle was easily as large as a king sized pillow. His Adonis Belt alone was thick enough to for an average sized guy to cling to it like a body pillow. Kendal’s thick, muscular quads were easily as thick as redwood tree trunks, but as massive as his musculature was, it paled in comparison to his cock and balls. Kendal’s cock stretched out in front of him and pressed against the wall on the opposite end of the room. His fully boned dick had to be every bit as long as he was tall if not even longer. Either one of his enormous nuts was every bit as big as his impossibly broad, brawny torso, and his dick itself was every bit as wide as his broad, barrel chest. To say he and his dick were massive would be an understatement. It was positively titanic. “Woah…” Kendal murmured in awe. “So you like what you see?” Azkaban asked impishly. “Well… yeah, but… I can’t be seen like this…” Kendal replied. “So then you wish to be smaller once more?” The genie asked. Kendal balked at the suggestion. It wasn’t just that he had learned not to be so vague with sizes. There was a part of him that genuinely didn’t want to shrink back down. He had tasted godliness, and the last thing he wanted was to be just another shrimp… but option did he have? He couldn’t actually go through his life like this, could he? “I… I dunno… I don’t want to be small. I want to keep being big – bigger than any other guy out there. I love how I am right now, but I can’t go through life as a freak…” Kendal lamented. “I think I understand. If that is your wish I will be glad to oblige.” The genie replied. Kendal balked once more. He didn’t think that the genie was pulling his leg. Something about the way Azkaban replied gave Kendal the impression that the genie was being absolutely sincere, but Kendal still had no idea what his own wish was. What could he even ask for in this situation? He was stuck between a cock and a hard place. Kendal glanced down at the genie. Azkaban seemed positively puny next to the now massive, muscular theater nerd. Kendal spent the next few moments in quiet contemplation as he tried to size up the genie and his motives. Eventually Kendal decided to go for it. The genie seemed to understand what Kendal wanted even if he himself did not. Kendal let out a sigh and steeled his resolve. He swallowed once to clear the lump in his throat and help soothe his nerves, but he had succeeded at doing neither. “Ok.” He said nervously. “Ok. That is what I wish.” “And it is my duty to see your wish granted!” Azkaban roared triumphantly. The enthusiasm with which the genie replied took Kendal by surprise, but the lightshow that ensues amazed him even more. The genie raised his hand up high and snapped his fingers once more. This time the resulting crack split the air which such force that Kendal thought his eardrums might implode. Lightning arced from the genie’s fingertips. Bolts of magic arced through the air and went every which way, and yet not so much as a single errant spark fell upon Kendal’s immense form. The light show continued for what seemed like hours. Kendal had no idea what the genie could possibly be doing that would require so much magic nor was he able to ask. He was still far too baffled and dazed to formulate a question when the lights died down. Azkaban looked bushed. He teetered on the edge of exhaustion. “It is done.” He rasped. “That was your third and final wish.” “What did you do?” Kendal asked. “You shall see, but for now I must take my leave. That wish sapped even my near infinite cosmic powers. I must rest now, but before I go I wish to say it was nice to have met you…” The genie mumbled softly. With that Azkaban collapsed from exhaustion, but his body never reached the ground. His bulky form dissolved into a cloud of purple mist which then retreated back into the old, rusted lamp from whence it came. Just like that the genie was gone from Kendal’s life, but the effects of their short time together would be felt for ages to come. Kendal slowly looked over his body. It was every bit as huge as it had been moments ago. He still filled up just about every inch of space in his now sorely undersized dorm room. Apparently the genie’s last magic trick had not affected him personally, but if it didn’t affect him then who had it affected? Kendal wasn’t given too much time to think about it though. No sooner had he started mulling it over than the wall on the opposite side of his room shifted over as if the entire wall was one giant sliding door. Kendal looked up in shock just in time to see his best buddy step through the entrance. Kendal would recognize his buddy Keith anywhere, but even he could hardly believe that the dude before him was his best pal. Keith’s face was unmistakable, but the rest of him was completely different! Keith had been every bit as scraggly as Kendal had been, but now he had to crouch just to walk into Kendal’s dorm. He was still shorter than Kendal by a good margin, but he had to be a good foot or two taller than the ceiling. He hadn’t just grown taller either. He had muscles stacked on top of muscles. His tiny t-shirt was wrapped so tightly across his chest that Kendal could make out the very contours of his buddy’s pecs. Not that Kendal really had to use his imagination much anyway. Keith’s shirt didn’t even stretch halfway down across his pecs. The bottom hem of his shirt stopped just above his nipples leaving those thick, puffy nubs exposed for all to see. Keith had packed on so much muscle onto his already huge frame that his broad, barrel chest was at least double, probably triple the width of an averagely proportioned person of the same height. He was every bit as wide as a moving van, and his impressively fat cock – while only about as long as his legs – was every bit as thick as his waist, and it wasn’t even fully hard! Kendal took a moment to soak up the image of his best bud’s burly new body. Fortunately Keith’s choice in attire made that a very easy task to do. Keith was clad in pair of tennis shoes, a tiny t-shirt which was so short and so small that it wouldn’t even really classify as a crop top, and absolutely nothing in between. Keith’s fat cock rested atop two massive nuts which filled their tight sack. His humongous, tight ball sack filled out every inch of space between his crotch and his ankles. Even though Kendal couldn’t see Keith’s quads from behind those immense nuts, Kendal had no reason to doubt they were just as big and beefy as the rest of his best bro. “Hey! What’s the hold up? We’ve got rehearsal in twenty minutes.” Keith said casually. Kendal’s size and nudity didn’t even seem to faze him. “Sorry. I guess I lost track of time.” Kendal replied. He was completely baffled about what was going on, but he figured his best course of action was just to play along for the time being. “I’ll say. You haven’t even put your shoes on yet… Or did you need help with that again? I know how hard it is for you to bend over especially in this little crap hole of a dorm. Seriously dude! Put in for a transfer already! You’re the biggest dude on campus. You shouldn’t be living in one of the little dude dorms. Not when a new mega dorm just opened up across the quad!” Keith grumbled. “Yeah. I guess I have kind of put that off too long, haven’t I…” Kendal replied awkwardly. “Yeah. I’ll say.” Keith scoffed, but his playful act of derision halted mid eye-roll as his gaze fell upon the lamp. “Oooh. Is this the thing? Can I see it?” He asked, but he didn’t wait for a response. He had already bent down and had picked up the rusted relic and was already rubbing some of the dinge off of it. “Um… sure. Help yourself.” Kendal replied. He half expected Azkaban to pop out and start dispensing more wishes, but it looked like the genie wasn’t going to be making any more appearances any time soon… at least not until Kendal relinquished ownership anyway. Kendal couldn’t help but stare at his best bro in awe. Even just the slight action of scrubbing the lamp caused Keith’s already impressive muscles to bulge even more. Seeing that immense brawn in action was like poetry in motion, but Kendal’s show was suddenly interrupted when Keith’s eyes fell upon his watch. “Oh, shit. We’re gonna be late.” Keith grumbled. He then nodded towards the wall behind Kendal and said, “Go step outside. I’ll get you something to wear. We’ll have to hurry if we’re gonna make it.” Kendal wasn’t sure what Keith meant, but he didn’t think it would make any sense if he asked for clarification so he merely acted like he knew what he was doing. Kendal glanced over towards where Keith had gestured, and to his surprise he saw a very distinct handle sticking out of the side of his wall. He grabbed the handle and pulled and then marveled as his wall slid aside like a side door on a van. The wall opened up directly onto the quad. The large, open, grassy park was full of hot, beefy, hung dudes. It seemed like every guy in the world was now massive, muscular, and packing more meat than a burger chain. Even the ‘smallest’ guys were well over eight feet tall, built like a Mr. Universe competitor, and looked like they had a king size pillow and a couple of basketballs stuffed into their shorts, but as Kendal stood up to his full height he realized that these guys didn’t even come up to his crotch. His cock alone dwarfed their entire bodies. Even just one of his enormous nuts was bigger and heavier than some of the guys out there. “Here. Let me help you get these on.” Kendal heard Keith say. Kendal turned and glanced over at his pal, and saw the Keith was holding a few articles of clothing. “Do I really need to wear those?” Kendal asked. He was feeling so huge and sexy that it seemed a shame to cover up, and it wasn’t like anyone else out there seemed to care about modesty. Outfits like Keith’s seemed commonplace, and there were quite a few guys clad in nothing more than jogging shoes. “Whatever dude. If you want to drag your balls across the concrete I won’t stop you, but it’s 90 degrees out and we have to cross asphalt. I’m just trying to save you a couple of baked potatoes.” Keith replied playfully. “Right. Good point.” Kendal replied. Kendal then looked down at the extra-large pair of briefs and began to realize the problems his huge size presented. How was he even supposed to put them on? He could barely bend over due to all the muscles in the way, and his enormous cock and balls made squatting down a chore and a half as well. “So… you gonna help me out here?” Kendal asked. “Of course.” Keith replied as he laid Kendal’s shorts out for him on the grass. Keith then playfully bowed and gestured towards the garment. “Your chariot awaits.” He said playfully. Kendal took the jokes in stride and even managed a comically wry, “That will be all, Jeeves.” He then stepped into the leg holes of the tiny pair of briefs. Keith wasted no time – in part because they had no time to waste, and in part because he loved this part of the day. Any chance to get up close and personal with Kendal’s enormous nuts was a wonderful experience, and this time didn’t disappoint. Keith all but mashed his face into his pal’s massive ball sack as he pulled the fabric up and over his buddy’s nuts. He could actually feel the heat emanating from his pal’s balls. Kendal’s nuts were so huge, so soft, so warm… “Ok. Ok. You can snuggle up against my sack tonight, but weren’t you the one saying we had to hurry or we’d be late?” Kendal sassed playfully. “Oh… Oh, yeah. Right…” Keith murmured. He quickly hopped to his feet and tried to act like he hadn’t totally just been trying to spoon his buddy’s ball sack, but he wasn’t fooling anyone. His eyes kept drifting down towards the overstuffed pouch of his best pal’s pants. It wasn’t right to call them pants really. They barely even classified as a thong much less briefs. The front of his thong was filled so full of balls that the rest of the garment had been stretch into a series of super thin spaghetti straps. The back strap had been completely swallowed by his huge, bubbly, muscular butt cheeks making it appear – when viewed from the back at least – as though he wasn’t wearing anything at all, and the view from the front was no less lurid. The small, triangular swath of fabric didn’t even cover the front half of his ball sack. It was a miracle of modern engineering that the small bit of fabric managed to keep his nuts off the ground at all let alone kept them from shifting around too much as he walked. This of course meant there was simply no room for his colossal schlong to fit in there alongside his balls, but Kendal was just fine with that. It felt so much better to just let his enormous semi loll about in front of him. It wasn’t like anyone was complaining anyway. In fact it seemed like just about everyone stared on at Kendal’s enormous cock with gazes filled with lust, envy, and out and out reverence. Kendal stepped into his shoes much the same way he had stepped into his briefs. Keith of course was there to help every step of the way. It only took a moment for the two of them to be ready to make their way over towards the theater building and prepare for their rehearsal. The entire way there Kendal made sure to check out the changes his wishes had wrought. Everywhere he went, everywhere he looked he saw dudes – massive dudes. Each one seemingly hotter, beefier, and better hung than the last, and yet not one of them came close to rivaling the sheer enormity of Kendal’s massive, burly bod or his colossal cock and balls. In fact very few of them came close to rivaling even Keith’s impressive proportions, and even he only came up to Kendal’s midriff. Kendal had never intended for anything quite like this to happen when he had made his wishes. He had never dreamed of growing anywhere near this large nor had he ever intended to make others grow with him, but seeing the results of his wishes he knew he wouldn’t want it any other way. Azkaban clearly knew more about what Kendal really wanted than even Kendal himself had. It was just a shame that there had been only three wishes… Kendal glanced over to see his buddy unabashedly checking out his package as they walked. Already ideas were formulating in his head. Already Kendal was thinking that maybe, just maybe, once the play was over and they no longer needed the lamp as a cheap prop, he could give it as a gift to his best friend and biggest fan.
  17. This was a requested idea for a story. I hope the person who requested it and all of you like it. The Modern Ultra Man by F_R_Eaky "His limo has pulled up!" one of the Mr. Olympia stage staff hoarsely whispered off in the sides of the stage. It was still loud enough to be heard by all of the stage hands and all of the contestants waiting for the curtain to go up and the parade of participants to begin. The show was not late in starting, and neither was the contestant whom just pulled up in the limo, but he was late in his arrival for prepping, weighing in, and positioning for entry. But after seeing him at his first check in the day before, everyone knew it really didn't matter. This man was so large he was going to walk in last just so as not to cause a disruptive audience. No matter whom was walking or standing next to him, even if you could bring back and add some of the larger greats of bodybuilding to the current: Lou Ferrigno, Quincy Taylor, Noah Steere, Aaron Reed, Ralf Moeller, Nathan Jones, Conan Stevens, Olivier Richters... the fact remains he made each one of them look small, and everyone who stood next to him made their picture look like a size difference shot for Tall Men or Muscle Growth website. The rest of the competitors looked towards the stage door either angrily, apprehensively, or disgustedly. Who was he? Where did he come from? How is it he was just showing up this year and blowing everyone away in competition? Scientists, doctors, legal folk, administrators, all those with a logical mind will tell you that the young man's father is Kentaka Kenyama, known affectionately to his fans as Ken'Ken. He was, and still is, a very famous sumo wrestler, although he is retired and only trains others now. He was also one of the biggest sumo wrestlers ever standing at 6' 9" and coming in at close to 600lbs. One could definitely agree that this is where the mysterious bodybuilder got his stock from - the genetic make up that made his DNA; however, his mother and the locals tell a different story. According to his mother, Miyu, his father is actually a yōkai, something akin to a goblin, but he was a very distinguished yōkai. It...he, was very striking and handsome of face, he was also very strong and powerful. He approached Miyu one night and said that he had to have her, to be with her. She, of course, refused and tried to run away, but suddenly the yōkai began to grow taller and taller until he was exceedingly and exceptionally tall as a giant. As such he could easily outrun her, no matter which direction she went, and so she simply gave up. It is said she was found by a local monk who, upon hearing her screams and moans, found her lying on a large rock, her robes undone, in the throws of a fit that made her body buck as if being struck by something in her groin. Once the monk approached her, the seizure stopped and he bundled up her robe and called out for another to help carry her to her home. Nine months later she gave birth to a boy - a very healthy and large limbed boy. But there was something quite unusual about him. His face was very soft and fair looking, not at all like his fathers, but perhaps every bit if not more so like his mothers. And the child never out grew this beautiful face. He was such an anomaly with his large muscular male body, but very angelic and hadsome, almost female like face. His father more and more shunned the boy as he got older because everyone wanted to treat him like a bishounen - men who were so modelesque in the face they could nearly pass as a woman. His mother loved him just as he was, and in fact named him Daikenmio, a name that meant "large, strong, beautiful man." The rift between Daikenmio and his father grew larger, almost in proportion to as large as Daikenmio was growing himself. His father seeing how large Daikenmio was growing naturally wanted him to follow in his footsteps as a great sumo wrestler. But being a more modern child, and not really sensing a lot of love from his father, Daiken, as his friends called him, decided to choose another sport all together, bodybuilding. He began training with the best while in High School. How could he not, he approached them as this towering fourteen year old and they thought he was already an adult. Imagine their surprise as over the years while training him, the man not only grew out but grew up as well! The kid was lifting while he was growing and studying all training techniques, eating habits and cooking styles, and when his growth spurt stopped he gorged himself on food and heavier lifting while his body went through the filling out process to "catch up" to his height. By the time all was said and done, by age twenty-nine Daiken was the largest bodybuilder in the world. He stood a towering seven foot eight inches tall. And that tall frame carried and immense build of mounding muscle that weighed in at 551 pounds. True he weighed less than his father, but the size of his arms, his legs, his chest, they were all much thicker than his dad's and he had a taut waistline with bricks for abdomen muscles too. And strength! Daiken had it in spades. His muscles were so tightly packed, so dense, he was like twice as strong as an average sized gentleman, proportionately. No matter how one looked at it, making his father as large as he is, or making him as large as his father was, the young man out lifted, out carried, out hoisted, out hefted his father in every way imagineable, and we do me every way imagineable. When Daiken walked into a room to pose or walks out on the beach, people do a double, triple, and quadruple take. Frist they have to take in how tall he is, most of them not even coming up to his chest. Second they have to take in his muscular size: arms bigger round than his own head, which are lifted up to hang almost straight out by lats that are so wide he nearly looks square in the torso. Then there are his thighs which force him to kick his legs out sideways in order to be able to walk, and that doesn't count his calves which are so big and thick they could snap an average man's waistband. Then there is the third thing....well third, fourth, and fifth things. Daiken is carrying a package... a HUGE package. One can't help but stare at the massive buldge in front of them. It looks even worse from the side because his massive quads are pushing his balls and cock up and out in front of them. And this cock, flaccid, hung down three-fourths the way to his knees! Imagine all that bunched up together with his ample sized balls in a tight, little, posing strap. However, he was definitely making a name for himself. People couldn't help but stare and watch him. His face was so handsome with high cheek bones, deep golden brown eyes, long thin and pointed nose, with full, naturally pouty lips, all topped off with a thick mane of jet black hair that was straight and feathered naturally and nicely. Then they would see this model's face they fell in love with stand up...and up....and up....and Up... AND UP! They couldn't believe how tall he was. How short he made them feel. Then they would notice how small he made them feel as they'd ask to stand next to him and then see his supremely built body of massively built muscle. Of course they had to ask and then take pictures of comparisons between them and him: hand to hand; foot to foot; shoe to shoe; head to his shoulder, mid chest, bottom of chest, mid abs; flexing of arm to arm in which his was a mountain and all others were sticks. Then he does things like pick them up easily with his hands, one handed, hoists them on his shoulder, rests them on his bulbous and barreling pectoral muscles which were so big, it was like staring at a wall when close to them. Or perhaps he might do a feat of strength like lifting several people on a bench at once, or hoisting a small car by himself. The was just no getting around it, he was the biggest freak of nature in mankind's history with the most adoreable face that everyone sighed and swooned over. It is with this size and looks that he finally decides to compete in bodybuilding competitions. He wasn't going to work his way up and bide his time, learning here, learning there, earning a few titles and then faultering to nothing and battle back. No, he was just going to show up and win. He was going to train like there was no tomorrow, learn every trick before hand, and come in the largest, the biggest, the most defined, the most shredded yet most full bodybuilder of all time. And that's just what he did. He entered a local competition and won it hands down. He entered a regional and won it completely. He entered national and took it easily. He then set his sights on the professional competitions: Ironman, Arnold Classic, Mr. World, Mr. Universe... he set his sights on them and he defeated everyone, taking every title. He knew he had it all, a handsome face with the body of a god. Even as bulky and as largely built as he was, he still had definition, symmetry, full muscle bellies, grace and form. And so now, it was time to take the title of Mr. Olympia. Daikenmio opens the stage doors, both of them so he can actually get through. He unzips his jacket and throws his arms behind him while two members of his entourage grab the jacket lapels and peel it off of their boss. He slips out of some sandle like flip-flops and then flexes each leg causing it to swell and pop the seams on the sweat pants he was wearing. He then does a squat to cause his calves to rip them further. Finally he reaches in the waist band and just snaps it off pulling on the pants and causing the cuffs at his ankles to pop and he hands the shredded pants to one of his groupies. He saunters over to the line up grabbing a Japanses flag along the way. He kicks his legs out from side to side in order to walk with his gargantuan thighs. The thighs in turn cause a rolling motion of his cock and balls in their tiny poser prison and they bounce from one thigh to the other in great obscene fashion. His footsteps, as light as he tries to make them are thudding hard and loud with each pad of his foot. His head must duck some of the rigging for the curtains and sets. His pectoral muscles, his chest, bounces in full fashion almost like boobs but with more solidity and much more display of muscular movement. The crowd is roaring, cheering, applauding as all of the contestants step out on stage, first to the center and then to their respective little spot. It all goes quiet when he comes out. Standing two feet taller than most of the competitors, he dwarfs them like no other man could. His own legs are thicker round than any of these men's thighs, waists, torsos, their chest area. Indeed just one of his calves might be thicker round than any measurement on these men and they all look bloated and smooth compared to him. But of course, what audience member is going to notice that? They're too busy watching the bob that is his cock and balls going up and down as they roll from left to right, pulling harshly on his posing strap, causing the band to slide down and out showing a bit of the monstrously massive base of his prick while the bulbous mushroom like head, covered in the shimmering jade colored cloth, bobs and bounces like a large bouncing ball leading folks in a sing-a-long. The parade of competitors and countries over, he goes and sits in the greenroom working on keeping his pump. The crowd outside has tried to cheer for the person they originally came to see, but many are talking about the gigant behemoth, wondering where he came from, exactly how big he is and how will the judges grade his physique? Finally it is his turn to pose by himself. He comes out to traditional Japanese music that becomes cut with fusion of western pop and Japanese style popping in and out here and there. With each pop and change of music, he moves and twists his body into various bodybuilding poses: Rear Double Bicep: Yes it shows off his arms, but folks are murmuring about his back. How incredibly thick and wide it is. His back, his shoulders, his lats all there to make that Christmas tree shape, but somehow is more like and extra wide W. It only gets wider as he moves into a Rear Lat Spread. Dear god! He looks to be nearly as wide as he is tall. This is impossible, and yet there he stands. Side Triceps: Good Lord! Now they're realling beginning to see and sense the size of his arms. His biceps is elongated and somewhat flat in the pose and they can see just how big, how bulging and developed his triceps are. They stick out behind him enough one could lose a competitor's head behind it. It is equal proportionately to his monstrous biceps and makes that arms just swell with power. Side Chest: And that biceps begins to swell just a little as Daikenmio grabs a hold of his own hand and moves into the pose that causes his chest swell up and rise! It's not a chest, it's not a pec shelf, it's a fucking awning that another man could seek shelter under. His pecs just jut out there so full and thick, round and massive. How and why does he not fall over when he attempts to walk.... that's right it's because of those massively thick thighs and calves he has. Front Lat Spread: The crowd goes into murmured whispers and gasps. Daikenmio seems to inflate even larger as he works his way into this spread. His chest is just there. It rises so high. It hangs so low. It's as wide if not wider than his lats. It...these... those are his body part du jour. Huge mighty slabs of concret just sticking out from his body. The crowd is taking bets, wondering if bullets would bounce off of them. Those shoulders are so broad. The lats are right there with them. This man has wings. WINGS! Large enough that he could probably jump from a ship without a parachute, catch enough wind, and glide down to safty. How does he even get into this position his lats. back, chest, and upper arms all fighting for room to be seen and to execute movement. Front Double Biceps: BOOM! BOOM! He just shot off his two guns and they're like something off of a battleship. The crowd is paying attention to them this time around and they gasp in awe and wonderment as the two upper arms flex and rise, swell and grow to be as big if not bigger than Daikenmio's head. The rise of biceps' peak, the fullness of the bellies. The squirm of the veins crossing over the tops, criss-crossing over the pecs and deltoids and running down the cobblestone that is the abs. But those arms, so full and dense looking when relaxed and then POW! the mountains erupt into active volcanoes rising higher and higher in the sky.... ... ... Abdominal and Thigh: Holy crap.... it is mind blowing how huge his other muscles are. It's even more mind blowing to see how tight his waist is in comparison. The harringbone pattern of the interlocking obliques. The straight row pattern of the abdominals. All these little cobblestones working together to form such a perfect road of fitness and strength. All working their way down to the thighs that are huge and inflated. Bloated with muscle. Each one containing massive tear drop shapes in the front and a leg bicep in the back. Oh how inspiring to see all these muscles rolling and bunching... bulging...in just one package of a man. Most Muscular: And now everything pops and lurches forward. He swells that much more as he growls and flexes like a crab. His shoulders popping, his arms expanidng, his chest jutting, his abs crunching, his thigh tear drops snapping into definition and outrages bulge. And then he moves into the victory pose, standing up to his full height and raising his arms and hands high. Now he looks even bigger than ever as it looks like he might be able to reach a stage light and pull it down. The crowd is beginning to go wild, coming out of their shock. He smirks greatly and nods his head as he approves their new found love and respect for him. He does another lat spread to show off his chest, but this time something happens. There is a lurch in his poser trunks. This happens to many bodybuilders. The rush and feeling they get on stage might make them erect, however with Daikenmio this will pose a problem as his cock is so big, but he tries not to concentrate on it and continues his posing. Another pose - another lurch. His cock just grew out more at the same time his muscles seemed to swell bigger. Pose -lurch... LURCH! SWELL! Daikenmio is swelling up even larger and his cock is hanging longer and thicker than before. The crowd is becoming torn on what to do. Some folks are already screaming. Some are beging to run away. Others are still watching this giant man and cheering him on. Pose - lurch - swell. Pose - Lurch - Swell.... POSE - LURCH - SWELL! The more he poses his muscles the longer and thicker his cock grows. The bigger his prick becomes the larger, more dense, his muscles grow and inflate. The more he swells and inflate, the more he wishes to pose to show off his body. The more he shows off his body, the more confident he becomes and the more confident he becomes, the prettier his face is becoming. His face is becoming?!? The crowd gasps as it seems over the course of time, as he has been growing, his face has been changing as well. He's becoming even more strikingly handsome. The ultimate adonis. Women become frozen at a mere look at him. Men begin to stammer as their confindence in the presence of such a huge, handsome, well built, hung man drains slowly away. Daikenmio just smiles and keeps flexing. His dick and balls swell out larger, further, heavier. His muscles bulk up more and more. His arms begin to elong-gate growing even bigger with muscle. And then he begins to stand up even taller. Taller. TALLER! He is growin up, growing out, and growing a third leg. Eventually there is a rip a tear and the audience gasps as Daikenmio's cock rips his poseres to shreds and his balls and cock now hang free. Someone hollers out, "MY GAWD! WHAT AN ERECTION!" Daiken replies: "My cock is not erect." There is a collective "Not erect?!?" exclamation from several people followed by moans and whimpers as several of the staff, the competitors, and the audience have just creamed themselves at the idea that Daikenmio's penis is in a "small" flaccid state. Daikenmio meanwhile has continued to grow and broaden and lengthen and harden....and so his arms have grown almost gorilla like. His muscles are massively huge and powerful. With his cock becoming so big, he looks like a living, walking version of a morph by N. A cartoon of Matt. Overly grown men by Hulum. This he likes and it turns him on. It turns him on that people are cumming at the sight of him and are hopping up on stage now to caress, grope, and feel up his muscles. And this begins the loop cycle Daikenmio is still stuck in to this very day. His cock began to spew forth his seed, shooting semen every which way it was pointed. As it shoots it grows bigger, longer, thicker. Spurt of growth - spurt of semen....spurt...spurt...Spurt... Spurt... SPURT! SPUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRT! As his cock blows and grows his muscles are still getting bigger and bigger. Larger and fuller. He is becoming muscle bound unable to move for friends or family as his muscles are growing too large and fighting for room to move. His body is attempting to help by making him grow taller now. Taller.... broader.... fuller....thicker... harder...denser... more hung....bigger balled....prettier face....shooting cum.... His head is being held up by his pec shelf, so big and broad are his chest muscles, the biggest thing on him, well except for his cock. That is growing, still growing right now, in a semi-flaccid state. We calculate he might be about only half way to erection and yet his cock has grown so large it is now a length and half of his current body height. That by the way is approximately fifteen feet tall....and growing. Yes you heard that correctly. As I said earlier Daikenmio is stuck in a loop. His cock is still growing causing his muscles to grow, which is causing his body height to increase, which turns him on and turns others on - that's part of a rotating crew that comes in just to clean him up, rub him down, feed him, jack him off. Then that turning him on causes his cock and balls to go off and cum all over the place, which causes his cock to grow and round we go again. We estimate he will break through the stage ceiling in just a few days. A few weeks and that bubble but of his will flatten the entire convention center. But there he is just growing, flexing, and cumming... and if you'll excuse me... I need to go relieve myself by cumming on him. I just can't help it. He is so good looking and built like a god!
  18. Hi everyone, As you may know, Michael Fitt recently closed his Website, and all his social media accounts. I have not heard from him in quite a while, but I will respect his wishes and assume he has decided to move on--or at least take an extended break. Mike, of course, has been the inspiration for my Super-Fitt stories. I have decided, at least for the moment, to retire the series, but I wanted to give it some closure. Here is what may well be the final chapter. Thank you all for your support for this series. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ When Super-Fitt saved the world from destruction by aliens, he thought that was the last he would hear from them. He had propelled the alien ships with his super-breath into a distant galaxy, billions of light-years away. Even with their advanced technology, they would not be able to get back or even contact their home. Unfortunately, when they failed their mission, their home planet assumed they had been killed. They had sent hundreds of ships before to demand that Super-Fitt either surrender to them to let them copy whatever it was that made him the most powerful known being in the universe, not knowing that his power was not something that could be duplicated. It merely was. This time, they sent the entire fleet--thousands and thousands of ships, with millions of alien beings--with the same mission. In the intervening time, Super-Fitt had become even more powerful and had a greater mastery of his powers. He knew by his super-senses that the aliens were on their way long before they had entered the Solar System. He would be ready for them. Bouncing his Super-Pecs, he caused himself to grow roughly to the size of the planet Jupiter. They would only get to the Earth through him. As he expected, the alien fleet sent him a telepathic message: “Surrender yourself to us, Super-Fitt, or we will destroy your precious Earth.” “You don’t learn, do you?” he replied. “With the power of my breath alone, I sent your little friends into another galaxy. Surely, you must know I could do the same to you. Or worse. I could crush you to smithereens,” Super-Fitt said flexing his planet-sized biceps. “I could burn you all to a crisp. I could make your ships disappear and let the vacuum of space run its course on you. Or I could just end you.” “We are aware of that. That is why we want your power. We would be unstoppable.” “Even if you could duplicate it, I would never allow it.” “That is your big mistake! We will now destroy the Earth!” “You wouldn’t dare!” “We would!” In the next instant, every one of those alien ships fired on the Earth, turning it to so much dust and ash. Super-Fitt normally has a face of preternatural beauty. In this moment. It was a face of pure rage. He let out a primal scream, inaudible in space, and bounced his Super-Pecs. In that instant, every one of the alien ships and every alien in them, those near the former site of planet Earth, those that had been sent to the distant galaxy, as well as every single member of that alien race on their home planet ceased to exist. They just weren’t. There was no dust. No residue. They were gone, as if they had never been there. Super-Fitt looked to the dust of the Earth. The aliens thought they had called Super-Fitt’s bluff. They thought they had destroyed the Earth. Or so they thought. In the instant before they fired, Super-Fitt absorbed the life energy of every living being on Earth into himself. The souls on seven billion humans, as well as every other living thing, now existed only within the body of Super-Fitt. Super-Fitt had a plan all along. There was a parallel universe in which all life on Earth had been destroyed by nuclear war. He would go to that world and rebuild it, restore it to its former state. He would then put everyone and everything back as it was. No one else would ever know they had been moved to another universe. Indeed, no one else would ever know anything out of the ordinary had happened at all. Super-Fitt looked again at the where the planet where he had been born had been. Then, bouncing his Super-Pecs, his teleported himself and everyone else to that other universe where he had a lot of work to do. And when it was all over, he took a well-deserved rest. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dedicated to my friend Michael Fitt. Thank you for seven great years. Enjoy your next adventure. --Rock
  19. Quite a few people have been in touch regarding a follow up, so here it is. It took ages, but I orgasmed twice writing it, so if you enjoyed the first instalment, this may do something for you! Link to previous instalment: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6200-memoirs-of-young-muscle-1/ --- Four months had passed since Alexander, who had made quite clear that he would go only by Alex, had first begun his training programme, funded by his wealthy, horny patron, under the auspices of some of the world's leading bodybuilding and strength training experts. The training had yielded some amazing results already, in spite of the fact that Alex had been so reluctant to give up on the diet he adored so much. It turned out that Mr. Richards, Alex's billionaire sponsor, did not mind this in the slightest. He was perfectly happy to watch the increasingly thickly muscled Alex eat huge quanities of pizza, steaks and fast food. It had proven a major turn on for Mr. Richards, who it seemed had unknowingly been long harbouring a fetish for big men overeating, expanding hard stomach walls and general slovenly behaviour from giant muscle men. So, there had been so reduction in his body fat levels. However nobody was complaining, as his muscular development was exemplary. He awoke one December morning in the lavishly decorated bedroom of Mr. Richards' Holland Park penthouse. The property magnate had been willing to spend some time in the US in order to find his subject, a young man so motivated by a desire to build muscle and sculpt himself into a god that he was willing for this aim to completely take over his life. However, having found Alex, he was very much in a rush to return to London, where he found his life to be somewhat more comfortable and familiar. Alex of course had no objections to the mountains of money and resources that he was set to receive and had spent these four months living a life of unimaginable luxury, alongside his regimental exercise schedule and frequent visits into Mr. Richards' bedroom. He was not out of shape himself and in spite of his overwhelming commitments to his various investments he managed to find time to make regular trips to the gym. He had a swimmer's build, a tiny waist ribbed with muscle that bulged and twisted as he moved. His abdominal muscles were perfect if slight and covered in soft and gently haired skin. His pecs were not large but well defined and formed a sexy self at the top of his relatively small frame. As Alex entered the gym, Mr. Richard's was just finished a set of pull ups. He performed these excercises in just his boxers, and as Alex crept up behind him silently he effortlessly lifted Mr. Richard's into the air and then off of the bar as he removed his hands from it. Holding his like a baby he then moved in and gave him a long and powerful kiss, Alex's beefy chest inflating and he drew in air from Mr. Richards' mouth. 'Oh boy, you're getting so strong, I felt light-headed when you took that breath out of me!' Alex carried his patron out of the gym and down the corridor to his bedroom. He was originally planning to go in and do some squats, but he momentariyl weighed up his options, looking down at his heaving massive muscular quads and juicy ass and deceided that fucking Mr. Richards may well be a better use of his time right now. After his comments regarding Alex's increased strength, the impressive 23 year old's dick had begun to rise to its full glory. By this point a meaty semi-erection occupied his skin tight boxer briefs. Generally the two of them fucked in silence, even though over these months they had become friends and enjoyed spending time together. Mr. Richards' morbid fascination with Alex's gigantic muscles and the intense pleasure that Alex felt when slipping his big manly fingers into his tight pink little asshole meant that both parties were fully occupied by the thoughts in thei head throughout. He dropped Mr. Richards onto the bed and immediately lifted his legs into the air. With his teeth he pulled off Mr. Richards' underpants and then began to run his tongue around the anus, gently to begin with and then rougher. He then moved to deepthroating the beautiful soft and fleshy penis, which gradually grew longer and harder. Once both men had reached a state of full erection, Alex lay on his back and let Mr. Richards worship his entire body as was their routine. Mr. Richards slight body was very mobile and he moved all over Alex with ease. Alex's toes it had been discovered, were erogenous zones, and when Mr. Richards sucked both of his big toes at the same time, Alex's whole enormous body would shudder with pleasure. Then, his with nipples hard and meaty, Mr. Richards would travel up to the bulky chest, holding the two slabs of pec meat in his hands, before leaning in and nibbling on those sensitive nipples. Alex rocked his head back and howled, making the walls of the room shake and his abdominals tighten. 'Okay Mr. Richards, you've got me going now, I can't wait anymore, give it me to me!' Mr. Richards obeyed and turned around, presenting his ass the Alex, who slipped an index finger in, causing Mr. Richards to moan like a bitch, shut his eyes and grit his teeth. It turned Alex on hugely, hearing his patron squeal with pleasure, just from a single finger! He imagined how shrill and intense hisscreams would become as he pounded his thick rod in and out of the soft ass. With two fingers now inside the anus, he leaned forward and was able to put his tongue further in. Mr. Richards, who had been dutifully sucking the dick that was about to be jammed in his hole, rolled his eyes back in his head. The salty joy that was Alex's pre-cum was dripping down his face and forming a puddle on the bed and it seemed that neither of them could resist any longer. Alex reached down and covered his hands in the pre-cum that was so liberally being spilled on the bed and used it to prepare Mr. Richards now significantly wider asshole for the trauma it was about to endure. He then lifted the man up as though he weighed nothing and slid him onto the waiting 12 incher. He entered so slowly, because he loved to see Mr Richards' face as his insides became filled with the massive cock. Instead of thrusting his hips, Alex preferred to show off his strength by lifting Mr Richards under his armpits, and then placing his hands on his shoulders and pushing him back down. Precum continued leaking out of his ass, and Mr Richards was aware of the warm fluid entering his body. Alex grew tired of this quickly, and lifted Mr Richards off his dick slowly, then laying him on his back and sticking his rod back inside so he could begin fucking more quickly and powerfully. The tension built and reached an unbearable level. As Alex felt he was about to come he moved into give Mr Richards a gentle kiss, and having shown his soft side for a moment he stood up straight and roared 'HURGHHHHHHHHHHHH' before unleashing his load in the spent billionaire's hole. He hit a front double biceps pose, kissing each bulging sphere of muscle once before exhaling deeply and pulling his cock out, following by a stream of thick, hot cum. Mr Richards had a smile on his face like the Mona Lisa as he stood up and got out of bed. 'Another stellar performance Alex. This arrangement is still working well. I'll leave you for the rest of today to get to the gym, I think Franco said he was going to really work your legs today. They're looking great, but we need them bigger! And stronger! I can't wait until the next time I get to wear those big manly thighs like a necklace.' As he walked out of the bedroom on his way to the office he slapped Alex on the butt cheekily. The young bodybuilder grinned. This was everything he had ever wanted, an opportunity to build his muscle, live a life of unlimited material pleasures and fuck whenever he felt like it. More confusingly, he was starting to develop feelings for the man who was making all this possible.
  20. My Weekend JOB part four by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growt...d-job-part-one/ Part Two: https://muscle-growt...d-job-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7245-my-weekend-job-part-three-by-freaky/ It was going on noon and the four massive men were wondering what to do. Lawrence, Joshua's friend, was now something akin to a seven foot tall amateur bodybuilder and love sick bodyguard that would follow any order given to him by any one of the four giants. Indeed he had ordered breakfast for the four of them and himself, enough to fill an entire NFL football team, if not two. The bill was then paid off with some of the money the mega men had earned via their cam show with the formerly short and meek Lawrence the night before. The giants had given up on any repairs to the one bedroom's doorway and were trying to figure out what to do next. They had liked the idea of emailing the athletic, Russian alpha, 7'2Giant, but they realized that would take too long to set up a meeting with him, his flying there...so now they were trying to figure out what to do? "Is there a bodybuilding contest we can go and conquer?" asked Andrixos. Lawrence went to the computers to check, Joshua, Brent, Andrixos, and Darien having grown so tall their fingers were now a little too large to properly use the keyboards. "No, sirs. There isn't a bodybuilding championship either close by or going on today." "No matter," said Joshua. "We're larger than them, but not proportionately so. Our bodies are more like the size of gymnasts, maybe some American footballers, but not quite up to bodybuilder physique yet." "Yeah... but damn! This muscle feels sooooo good." said Darien. "So does our cock and balls.... man I want more.... I want more size! Strength! POWER!" and he flexed his muscles in various poses and growled. "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" "I'd like to fly." blurted out Brent. "You know, like Superman. I... I don't know why...but it just seems to me like it would had to the alpha masculinity of it all if we could be super dense and hard, as well as strong, and could fly like the son of krypton." "Hmmmmmm yeah.... I kind of like that idea." said Andrixos, and he began to absent mindedly rub his cock. "I like it too." said Darien. "Anything to get us bigger! Stronger! GROWING! GGRRRR!" "Oh, sirs.... your becoming stronger, larger, that is just so hot. Andrixos, sir, you are beginning to sport one of your massive erections. May I strip my clothes and help you take care of it?" "Ye...what?....uhm...yes... please, by all means." With those words, Lawrence took off all his clothes and began to stroke the magnificent, nearly torso long chubby Andrixos was thrusting out from his groin. "My gawd, that's fuckin' hot as hell!" cried Darien, and soon he became fully erect and began stroking his cock, sitting right next to Andrixos. Lawrence noticing this, placed himself so he could reach out and stroke one head, Andrixos', with one hand, and the globulous gland of Darien with the other. It didn't take long until Joshua and Brent were sitting opposite of Andrixos and Darien, sporting full lumberjack logs and jacking like there was no tomorrow. When that happened Lawrence repositioned himself and extended his legs out to let each foot stroke the penile head of Joshua and Brent. "Ooooooooh GAWD!" Cried out Brent. "Becoming like Superman...big barreling chest...." "Super strength, in bulging biceps and triceps." cried out Joshua. "Getting bigger and bigger...all other guys a puny little men...mere mortals!" bellowed Darien. "Cocks getting bigger...." Moaned Andrixos. "Bend steel beams..." "Flying through the air...." "Hulking out of the super suit...." "Balls increasing in size....." "Hmmmmmmm is it wrong, to still want to grow, even with the proportionate strength of Superman?" cried out Joshua. "Not at all!" bellowed Darien. "Super strength along with supersize... We can have all the runts worship us like muscle godsssss...gettin' bigger!" "Oooooh yeah...." moaned Joshua... "Taller...broader.... men shrinking down past our waist when we're both standing..." "Kind of like... walking out onto the field like the Tony Romero commercial and being twice his size." "Yeah.... all the little football fuckers only come up to like our knee or just above!" said Andrixos. "AAAAAhhh FUCK! That'd be so hawt!" moan Joshua. "Hi! We're friends of Tony Romo... much bigger friends..." voiced Brent. "Ooooh yeah....MUCH bigger friends..." called out Darien. "And just like him we agreed to allow ourselves to be doubled in size to remind you that new Pepsi lemon flavor gives you double points..." "HMMMMMMM FUUUUUUCK!" cried out Andrixos. "We walk out onto the field just like him, but all his team mates and opposing team mates come up even shorter on us than they do on him. Because we started out taller than him..." "Ohhhh yeah.... and we grrrreeeeeeeEEEEEEW!" moaned Joshua. "And we got taller and broader....bigger and fuller!" "Thicker!" "Harder!" "Stronger!" "Denser!" "More hung!" "Bigger balled!" "Sooooo swollen!" "In muscles and cock!" "We stomp out onto that field now nineteen feet tall. Six and half feet taller than the doubled in size Tony Romo. He can't believe Pepsi allowed this. He can't believe how big our muscles are. How huge our cocks are. How we can attempt to put one of his new uniforms and not only do we burst out of it, but it looks almost like threads on us." "YEAH! Showing Romo who's a lil' wuss!" "And we start to play football, but there's nothing holding us back, none of the opposing team can really hold on to us and if they managed to do so, we simply keep on walking each one is so light. Collectively the team is so light to us! And eventually to save broken bones and thus the roster, we stop walking and we just hover slightly and fly in a standing position towards the goal line." "All the while they team feels how helpless it is to stop us and still we continue to grow..." "GROW!" "FUCK YEAH! BIGGER!" "STRONGER!" "BROADER!" "THICKER!" "SO! ...uhhhhuhhhuhuhuhuhuhuhuhuh... ah huh huhHUH HUH HUH SO MUCH FUHULL....ER!" "UHWAH AH HA! HMMMMM FULLER, SWOLLEN, STRONGER!" "AH HA AH AH AHHHHH!" Suddenly Joshua was ready to blow and pointed his massive cock directly across from him towards Andrixos. The load came out like unusually large string of silly string or cheese whiz, just bursting and streaming out with the pressure of Niagara Falls forced into and coming out of a funnel. The stream his Andrixos just below his chest and caused him to convulse wildly, as he suddenly hit orgasm with just enough time and control to point his cock towards Brent. Contact of Andrixo's stream had the same affect on Brent as Joshua's did on Andrixos and soon Brent had his cock aimed towards Darien who in return aimed his cock towards Joshua until all four of the large men had been splattered and duly coated with one of their friend's spunk. Breathing heavily and half asleep over the intense orgasm each large man had experienced, they suddenly gave out small whimpers and moans, their faces contorting into masks of pain. Lawrence looked at the four large men and then began to notice, their feet were getting bigger, longer, and wider. Those feet were now too being pushed out closer and closer to his central location in between the four large men. "Ohhh...the masters are growing!" The four men began to moan and cry out as the air was filled with the sound of snapping bone and stretching sinew, tearing muscles and rebuilding fibers. Soon the large feet began to touch one another and then their bodies began to be pushed back towards the four corners of the room, which they were beginning to fill rapidly. Their muscles bunched and hunched, mounding and growing on top of one another, filling the men's bodies out more and more, becoming even fuller, thicker, more swollen than before. Feeling the strain of the him and his friends growing against one another, Brent called out. "We've got to break out the window and jump, or we'll destroy the room and possibly this floor. We're growing too big, too heavy!" Following his lead, Andrixos joined Brent in placing his feet upon the window frame and the outer wall of the suite's living room area and began to push. Their legs swelled suddenly and popped massively, the veins popping up and travelling all up and down their swelling calves and thighs. They were performing squat moves against the wall and their leg muscles responded to the workout by growing larger with tear drop shapes popping up all over the front of their thighs. Joshua and Darien joined in by spreading their legs and moving into position so that it looked almost as if they were going to pull Brent and Andrixos onto their laps. Using their backs, they leaned behind them towards the inner wall and began to push using their arms, back, and shoulders thrusting their groins into their friends' lower backs and buttocks, while their legs went around on either side. It seemed to take forever but eventually there was the sound of plaster and timber giving way and soon the men had pushed out the exterior wall and window and were now attempting to, as gingerly as they could, crawl out and somehow exit the building. Brent sat there on their newly made ledge looking down. Even though they were growing, on their way towards nineteen feet tall, the drop was still going to be a bit more than twice their height. However he didn't have time to sit and think forever, for Joshua's feet and legs were rapidly growing and pushing him off, whether either man wanted that or not. Brent eventually gave a push off and then.... found himself floating in mid air. "I..... I..... I'm flying!" One by one as the other three young giants came out, after watching Brent, they too discovered they could fly and instead of having to jump and fall down to a tremendous thud and aftershock landing, could instead float or fly down and then hover until they finished growing down to the ground. Once they landed, their bodies began to bunch and hunch, lurch and twitch, as their muscles continued to inflate and swell. They were standing taller, broader, and most definitely thicker, going and growing from the gymnast physique into something much stronger and bigger. But something was changing. They had begun to grow slightly different from one another. Brent and Darien as they filled out began to develop a bit more thickness to their overall frame and their waistline. Brent filled out into the half-muscle half fat kind of look, but one that you knew wasn't real fat fat because it didn't wiggle and wobble when he moved. It still looked solid and tough. Darien's guy filled out a bit, but still kept some of the definition of his abs and obliques. In truth Brent was beginning to look like a line backer and Darien was beginning to look something between a power -lifter or an off season bodybuilder. Joshua and Andrixos weren't to be outdone, they swelled just as large as their friends, albeit they did it with more cuts and striations to their muscles than Brent's or Darien's. Their stomach pulled in taught and revealed a two...four...six....eight pack of solid bricks. Two things began to spread over their bodies: hair and veins. Veins began to slowly plump up and snake their way over every hill and dale, curve and crevice of the four giants' muscles. They began to form very quick and thick outlining their bodies this way and that. The hair which had already been growing on them now was coming in longer and thicker all over their bodies, spreading finger rubbing rugs across their chest, upper arms, forearms, arm pits, abs, crotch, and legs. Their beards came in as very thick five o'clock shadows and their head hair grew down to their shoulders. Next their cocks pulsed and bobbed, oozing out a little more and more into an extremely vulgar and thick flaccid state. It would have been mind blowing to see exactly how much man meat they now carried soft between their legs, but the colossal cocks began to stretch and swell, growing into and erect state as the balls underneath them swelled and grew too, pushing the cocks further and further out. Finally the four men stood there breathing deeply, their sweat glistening off their now larger swollen bodies and through the slightly denser hair which covered them. Their cocks stuck straight out and bobbed slightly. If one was an eight foot tall man, one would just come three fourths of the way up the giant's calves. Six foot, only about half way up. Their enormous, thick and yet long, manly feet covered up to two square sections of concrete and made large pad sounds when they walked. Eventually, one of them moved. "AuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugghhhhhhhyyyYYYYYYYEAH!" bellowed Joshua as he raised his arms into a double bicep pose, then turned his hands outward while raising his arms further as if to going into a victory pose, but this was broken off as he actually bent his torso sideways, extended one of his arms out sideways and twisted into a stretch. "This...this...fucking.... feels AWESOME!" Cried out Andrixos as he performed a most muscular. Brent began to laugh, "We can fly, we're so tall, and even bigger and stronger than before proportionately." "I wonder what we can do?" queried Darien. "Let's go find out." said Brent as he turned and walked towards a truck stop he saw towards his right. There were quite a few tanker trailers and trucks lined up in the parking lot. Squatting down, Brent began to put his hands on the trailers and roll them back and forth a bit to see if they were full or not. He finally smiled up at his friends when he came to an empty one. "Safety first." he laughed and then proceed to pick up the trailer with both hands and working into an awkward curling position, then into a standing press form. "OOOOOH YES!" Brent cried as he hoisted the tanker trailer and it's truck over his head and then began to over head presses and curls with it. Soon the other three giants found empty tanker trailers of their own and the four began having a workout session. After putting those trailers down as gingerly as they could, they began to search for box trailers and ones that were loaded at that to see if they could do the same exercises with a heavily loaded trailer. Lift after lift, curl after curl, the giants began to lift and pump their bodies up. Their sweat and musk filled their air around them. Their veins throbbing and pulsing, swelling as if attempting to break open their skin while feeding their muscles to grow even bigger. People came out of the truck stop: some were truckers worried about the condition of their tractors and trailers, while others were just people who came out to marvel or be terrified at the size of these nineteen foot tall, muscular giants. The later were broken into several categories: people who were frightened just slightly or for their soul, people who stood in awe, and people who stood in lust with some men and women wetting themselves by cuming at the sight of these powerful giants. After the trailer workout was done, the four men turned and uprooted some small trees near a park so they had room enough to sit or lean back and stretch. It was at that moment that Lawrence caught up to them. In fact, he had caught up to them much earlier and had been observing the crowd picking out some of the taller and stronger men who stained their own shorts with their own cum while simply staring at the giants. "This one is mine!" Lawrence called out as he lead a charge of three other men to climb up the bodies of Joshua, Brent, Andrixos, and Darien. They scaled the legs, bounded over the crotch, rock climbed the abs until they all reached their prize: the nipples of one of the four giants. Once there the four men began to suck and suck and suck until the four giants blew their nipple load into the awaiting men's' mouths. After that the four sucking men began to twist and contort, stretch and reach, as their bodies grew and grew. The crowd gasped in amazement and recoiled in horror, wondering, fearing, if their worst nightmare might come true: these four men would grow as tall as the other four giants. They came close, but did not. The four smaller men, lead by Lawrence swelled and grew, blew out of their clothing and shoes, until they had reached the height of twelve feet tall and were roughly the size of an amateur bodybuilder. These four men then went and found other men and had them drink from Joshua, Brent, Andrixos, and Darien's nipples as well, although they only reached a height of seven and half feet tall, with the muscle size of a line backer in football. Lawrence then barked an order: "The masters need refreshments - GO!" While the other men, eight in total, went and grabbed things like tanker trailers full of milk, or all of the largest bags of chips or sandwiches they could find, the now four twelve footers, slid down the abs of the giant men, sat amongst the giant's crotch hair, at the base of their cocks, and began to stroke and rub it in nice long, slow, massage like strokes. Soon the other men were now bringing the food and milk which the four giants gulped down and devoured faster than observing folks could imagine. The giants all leaning back on their elbows, their bodies stretched out half a block or so, enjoying the after affects of a great work out, a good meal, and the caress of their schlongs. At one point Brent let his head flop back and he sighed contentedly, "hmmmm merry Christmas to me...." A few minutes later Andrixos laughed and said, "Yeah.... like that video... 'Merry fuckin' Christmas to me.'" "What?" questioned Joshua. "There's this video. It's Christmas and this guy gets a present from his friend. It's a good sized bottle with instructions for this grow potion." "Oh yeah!" said Joshua as he sat up. "I know that one. Cute guy, too. He's in his living room, he's already quite tall." "Yeah, he's like around six and half feet or so cause he's not that much shorter than the seven foot tall Christmas tree." Darien sits up now and says, "Six and half feet isn't that tall any more boys." The four giants all chuckle, but Andrixos continues. "Yeah, true, but anyway. He gets this Christmas present and it tells him, 'drink a little or a lot - grow potion.' And then he laughs and says, 'You fuckin' know how much I'm gonna drink.... fuck little.' Then he says something like, 'Here goes.' and he downs the whole bottle." "Oh yeah...." says Joshua and then he begins to grow and grow taller and taller... his shirt starts ripping off of him, his pants begin to rip and fall off." "Yeah, and then there should be something included in the way of cock growth potion because when the pants come off, that package is pretty good size." "I know, right!?!" Brent laughs and hefts his cock a bit. "Well, it's not a good size now." and again all of them laugh. Andrixos continues, "But he's still growing and growing, eventually he's bursting through the ceiling of his living room and then they cut away to the outside of his house." "Yeah?!" state the other three in anticipation and they begin to all stand up, slightly moaning, as they begin to stroke their massive cocks at the head, while Lawrence and his men hang on, still stroking away at the giants' cocks' base. "And then you hear this explosion and an eruption of fire, and then the guy is growing from behind the house and he keeps getting taller and taller, broader and broader. He grows until the six story building his apartment was in only comes up to his knees." "Ooooh fuck yeah..." "Hmmmm yeah growth..." "Growing bigger...BIGGER!" "And then he looks down and he kind of smiles like he's satisfied and that's the end, but then suddenly he begins to grow again and he cries out, 'Awwww ha ha, oh..yeeaaah.' and he gets taller and taller until the building is now somewhere between his ankles and about one-fourth of the way up his shin. Then he cries out, "awww shit... Merry fuckin' Christmas to me..', because of all this new size he's got and then he says, 'Think I'll take a walk around.' or something like that and he begins to walk around his block a little bit. But due to his size, he's now creating cracks in the street pavement, he's making houses shake with just his footsteps...." "And then he'll notice cars aren't as big as his feet." "Buildings are the size of chairs...hmmmmmmm" "High-wire power lines are only at his knees... oooooooh." "After walking around he says, 'Shit, this is the fuckin' best shit ever. Wish I could have some muscle with this too.' And then he grabs his stomach and he begins to swell and grow and inflate and get thicker, stronger, larger...." "BIGGER! HMMMM HUH HUH HUH!" "BROADER! HUH HU HUH HUH HMMMMMGGGFFFF!" "STRONGER! HUUUUUUUUUU!" "And then he calls out his friend's name and says, 'You fuckin' put some wish potion in there too!' And he begins to moan and groan, does a double biceps pose and his muscles are inflating and swelling...." "PLUMPING! HUH UH AAAAAWWWW GAWD!" "GETTIN' SWOLE! HUH HUH HUH HUH" "HUH HUH HUH OOOO SHIT! MOUNDING MASSIVE!" "His upper arms are swelling, his lats are expanding into huge wings, his shoulders and back are getting ever wider and wider His thighs are inflating to impossible sizes, his calves are becoming huge marble columns, and then the muscle causes him to grow in height again and he just keeps growing and growing bigger..." "TALLER!" "STRONGER!" "LARGER!" "FULLER!" "THICKER!" "HARDER!" "HUH HUH HUH F..... F..... Finally the building are just barely coming up to his ankles, he's growing out of screen. He's becoming.... HOOO! ...s....s...so tall...SO TALL!....HUH HUH That... that his head is ....disappearing from the screen and he calls... he calls....calls OUT! TA! HA HO HOOO HOOO HUH HUH HEEE HUUU.... Merry fuckin' Christmas to me!" "HUH HUH UH HUH HU HUH HAPPY NEW YEAR!" "HUH HUH HUH BLESSED YULE!" "HAP...HU HUH HUH HAPPY CHANUKAH!" "And then...AND THEN! He... he growls some more...and continues to.... TO....AH.... OH....GAWD..... TO....GROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW!" "AH! SUH SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL!" "SIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIZE!" "MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASS!" And with that the four giants once again released a torrent of cum that wound up aimed at each other. Splattering against their bodies, the cum coated their already glistening and heaving muscles, seeping into their pores and being absorbed by them. The affects were instant as they began to grow up taller and taller, their cocks jutting out farther and farther from their groins, their feet swelling and lengthening out more and more covering more and more ground, their muscles inflating and swelling even larger and fuller no approaching a size where they were beginning to fight each other for room and make things like walking, scratching their nose, or drinking a glass of water - if they could find a glass their size - hard if not impossible to do. The veins popped out even fuller and more defined on their body criss-cross this way and that. Their muscles formed deeper valleys, higher peaks and mounds, became even denser and stronger mass. Their hair grew in thicker and slightly longer. Their looks became younger and younger. They were slightly de-aging coming back to the optimum prime of manhood: eighteen to twenty five years old. They walked around in a dazed state for a bit, trying to find their balance. Trying to walk normally without having to kick their legs out sideways. Attempting to walk with their arms straight down at their sides to no avail. Meanwhile mere mortal men on the ground were realizing they now only came up to the four giants ankles, and that not only were streets and sidewalks buckling underneath the giants' weight but so too was the ground. The four giant men had once again grown and grown so much they were now fifty feet tall and with the build, strength, and size of amateur bodybuilders and their equivalent in power lifters. Joshua and Andrixos were even more cut and defined yet still fuller and bigger, while Brent and Darien were fuller and thicker than before. All of them massive beasts with colossal cocks and balls to prove it, and throw them off balance. Meanwhile, Lawrence and his three twelve foot tall guards were leading what could become the world's largest circle jerk. "The gods need more fuel and we must supply it to them as their loyal servants!" With that, as he stood on the bridge of Joshua's foot he began to start pumping his cock hard and fast. The other three large men did the same, each respectively on another giant: Brent, Andrixos, or Darien. Slowly but surely, men from all over, whether on their own accord or under the influence of the musk exuded by the giants, began to climb onto or stand near the feet of the giants and jack off.
  21. I hurried out, a bit afraid of my now giant-sized boyfriend. Jeez, I hope Josh took my advice and didn’t keep playing with his growth-inducing nips, but I didn’t have much confidence in his ability to control himself. He had been working so hard to put on more size, and now that he could do it with a flick of his nipples… I shuddered to think how big he might want to get. The thing that surprised me most was it was changing his entire body and not just making him bigger. Josh’s whole body transformed from pudgy middle-aged ex-jock into enormous swole meathead muscle daddy. My cock swelled in my jeans as I drove, thinking about his enormous body that would put the biggest powerlifters to shame, but I was worried too. While I was out, I got a couple troubling text messages from him. As I was leaving, he sent me a message about how hard it was to type on the little keyboard on his phone. In line at the drive-thru, he sent a pic showing me how small a can of soda looked in his hand. At the stoplight on the way home, he sent a selfie showing how he had to duck to get through doorways. The last message I opened as I put the car in park, and I gulped when I saw it: a video of him rubbing his Mohawk against the ceiling, a clear divot in the paint on the ceiling, his hair roughly scraping the paint away, then him looking at the camera and saying “These ceilings are gittin’ mighty short” then chuckling ominously. When I opened the door, I was met with his huge naked frame. I had to crane my neck up to look at him. He had obviously grown even bigger while I was away, his massive body thicker and fuller, his shoulders twice as wide as mine, his belly radiating heat. “Hey there little guy, took ya long enough! Gimme those burgers,” he said and grabbed up all the food, even my order. He rumbled over to the living room table, the entire house shaking as he walked. His head was only a foot away from the 10-foot ceiling in the living room. He slumped down on the couch and it cracked dramatically. “Oops, guess I broke the couch, sorry bud,” he grunted and ripped into the bag until he found a burger. He started stuffing his face with food, eating shockingly fast. “Josh, man, you really need to slow down, you can’t just keep growing like this,” I said, concerned, as he finished the first burger and tore into the second. “Says who,” he said flatly, and kept eating. The burgers looked so small in his huge hands, more like sliders. He breathed heavily and his huge chest rose and fell. I sat down, squeezing between him and the armrest of the couch. I felt tiny next to him. “M-me, but, I’m just, uh, concerned, I mean, you’re… wow…” I trailed off as my hands explored his giant body, packed with muscle. He was a changed man, the most impressive example of alpha man muscle bull on the planet. Josh burped, loud and explosive, and then laughed at me. He kept eating. I couldn’t help but rub my hands all over him, hungry to feel his muscles and worship his huge body. “Yeah little boy, just rub my muscles. I know you like how big I’m gettin’. How about you help me grow some more and play with my nips? They’re feeling so good,” he growled as he stuffed a clutch of fries into his mouth. I obeyed, even though I knew it was the wrong decision. I reached across and tugged at the piercings, scraping my fingernail over the meaty nub. He took a big breath and sighed contentedly, and I could see his traps and shoulders bulge up and out bigger and thicker. He was growing right there in front of me. “I just can’t help it, bud, it feels so good,” Josh said around a mouthful of food. He grunted as I traced my finger over the bumps surrounding his nipple, pleasuring radiating through his body, trigging more growth. “Yeah bud, make me even bigger, feels good,” he growled and leaned against me. His heavy bulk was warm and his meaty arm felt solid. “But Josh, I mean, you’re already—mmph—too big,” I said half-heartedly as his huge round shoulder bulged against me more. I was being squished between him and the armrest of the couch as he expanded wider next to me. Josh just chuckled. “No such thing, boy, never could be too big,” he grunted and sat up straight on the couch, tossing the last of the food onto the table. He had eaten it all in record time. Josh pressed against me harder on the couch. "Jesus boy, look how small you are compared to me now," he rumbled. He twisted around on the couch and brought his arm up next to mine, flexing. It dwarfed mine; his wrist was thicker than my upper arm. He wrapped his hand around my thigh, the huge paw almost going all the way around it as he compared our legs. He squeezed my thigh hard until I gasped in pain. "So frail and weak now boy, compared to me... yeah..." he said and rubbed his hand up and down my leg. I could see his huge cock start to chub up thicker and bigger. The size disparity was definitely turning him on. He rubbed his big belly, then shifted his legs, planted his huge feet on the ground, and stood up, towering over me. His massive cock flared bigger as it swelled to full hardness, and he turned to face me. His cock smacked me on the forehead, and he grinned down at me. “Now big daddy is ready to fuck, and guess who gets to bottom?” he rumbled as he looked down at my tiny body from over the mountains of his pecs and huge belly. I gasped and tried to slip away over the armrest but he was too quick for me. He reached down and grabbed me, flipping me over on the couch and pinning me with one hand. With the other, he reached down to grab my pants and tore at them roughly until they tore, ripping them down until they hung around my knees. “Yeah boy, you got such a cute little ass for me to fuck…gonna fill you up good, boy,” Josh rumbled, his deep voice shaking me to the core, and I felt his heavy weight on top of me as he climbed aboard. His huge cock slapped on my ass cheeks, copious amounts of precum smearing around my furry crack. I gasped and protested, but he just pressed my head into the cushions, his hand wrapping all the way around my skull, and I felt his cock press against my hole. “You ready for daddy’s cock, son? Gonna feel real good!” he grunted and he pressed into me hard, his powerful cock forcing its way in. He was way too big for me, and I yelled in pain, but my cries only seemed to encourage him. He thrust into my deeper, and he sighed contentedly. “Yeah, take it,” he rumbled and he started bucking against me, fucking slow at first but picking up the pace. He let go of my head and I came up for air, but was powerless to move. There was nearly a ton of musclebear giant on top of me, and I was in no position to resist. “Gonna grow so much bigger than I am now, boy, you can’t imagine how fuckin’ good it feels,” he drawled, and I could tell he was flicking and pinching his nipples aggressively. He grunted and huffed as he fucked me harder, his huge cock filling me up bigger and bigger as he grew wider and thicker and taller. “FUCK your little hole is so tight, just right for my huge cock,” he roared and pressed into me harder, his tremendous weight hurting my back. I could feel his cock expanding inside me as he grew. I groaned and protested, but he ignored me and kept fucking. Josh was in total control. He grabbed the sides of his piercings and twisted, and I could feel his whole body swelling up thicker and heavier and bigger, the frame of the couch creaking under his growing weight. “Yeah boy, such a nice ass for me to fuck, gonna breed you good while I fucking grow and grow, gonna outgrow your damn house boy, FUCK,” he roared and I felt hot cum fill up my stretched hole. He ground into me hard as he came and came, and finally collapsed on me, his massive weight crushing me into the sofa. I couldn’t breath until he finally lifted his huge body up and off of me. I sat up after collecting myself and looked up at him. He was enormous. He had to bend his neck and shoulders down so avoid pressing against the 10 foot ceiling, and he was continuously rubbing his nipples, rubbing his fingers around them in circles. I could see his body continuously bulging up bigger, inch by inch, pound by pound, his chest expanding out thicker, his shoulders surging wider, his arms expanding harder and more muscular, his gut swelling out fatter and rounder. “Boy, I suggest you git unless you want this damn house to come down on you, I feel a BIG growth spurt comin’ on and daddy is gonna get HUGE,” he said, not even bothering to look down at me, too focused on admiring his muscles. He tensed his arm and flexed his bicep, and he grinned, obsessed with the size he was packing on. He pinched his right nipple harder and I heard the ceiling crack as his head pressed against it. I got up, getting my pants on his a hurry, my ass hurting. My instinct to flee kicked in and I rushed out of the house. I could hear him growling and grunting from inside, could hear things crashing in the living room as the ceiling started to give way. I backed up, the orange sunset casting light onto the front of the house as sounds of destruction came from inside. “Josh! Stop!” I yelled but I knew it was pointless. He was past the point of no return, addicted to the feeling of growing, his base instincts for power and size overwhelming his better judgment and any kind of feelings he had for me. All I could hear was smashing and occasionally him groaning or laughing. Just as I was about to turn and run, I flinched as a huge fist burst out of the roof of the house, followed by a spiky Mohawk as his head crunched up and out. He breathed heavily and shuddered in pleasure, and I saw a wave of growth wash over him. He surged up taller, growing several feet in a matter of seconds, and he exploded bigger. His massive shoulders crunched up through the roof, throbbing with muscle, covered in brown fur and sweat as he grew bigger. He spotted me on the front lawn and grinned, then grew even bigger as he rubbed his nipples roughly. “HEY THERE LITTLE BUDDY! YOU BETTER WATCH OUT, BIG DADDY IS COMIN’ OUT!” he boomed, the force of his voice making my head spin, and suddenly the front of the house exploded with debris. He huge foot surged forward, crashing through the wall of the first floor, followed by his thick thigh smashing through the rest. His giant gut, sweaty and covered in hair, burst through the upper floor and the roof, and the giant was free of the house. I dashed out of the way in time for the debris to spread across the front lawn. His huge foot thumped down on the grass, sinking in a few inches under his massive tonnage. He crashed out of the house and planted himself half on the front lawn, half in the street, 40 feet tall and bigger and thicker than ever. He had a generous distribution of fat padding the profoundly dense muscle as he looked down at me, idly flicking a nipple with one hand and brandishing his rock-hard cock with the other. “HOOO BOY LOOK AT ME NOW! I’M FUCKING HUGE! GONNA HAVE SOME FUN AT THIS SIZE!” he roared and squeezed his cock, dripping precum onto the sidewalk. He turned and grabbed the lamppost next to the house, wrapped his fingers around it, and yanked up, twisting the metal of the suddenly delicate-looking pole and tearing it out of the ground. Josh just laughed at how easy it was. He brought it up to his chest and bent the damn thing in half. He dropped it, the metal clanging on to the ground, and he puffed out his chest, rubbing his thick fingers over the salt and pepper chest hair. He rubbed his fingers over his nips and he expanded bigger and taller. His enormous body glistened in the light of the setting sun, the orange glow of sunset making him look like a god. “FUCK YEAH, SO DAMN STRONG TOO,” he boomed and took a step into the street. The asphalt cracked under his tonnage and he thumped over to the neighbor’s house. “THESE HOUSES ARE ALL SO DAMN SMALL, JUST WAITIN’ TO BE SMASHED UP!” he said and rested his arms on the roof of the neighbor’s house. It came up to his chest, the rough shingles right at the level of his nips. He scraped against the roof, the rough material sending shivers of pleasure of his body, triggering more growth. I saw him swell up a foot taller in an instant, and his whole body bulked up thicker. “AWW FUCK YEAH, NEED TO FUCK,” he grunted, gripped the roof, and slammed his huge cock into the siding of the house, crashing right through the wall. He flicked his nips some more and surged up taller and heavier. “FUCK YEAH, SO STRONG!” he roared and slammed into the house again, his cock crashing in higher up this time, as he grew bigger and taller. His huge body smashed into the house again and again and again. I watched in horror as he picked up speed and started fucking my neighbor’s house apart, growing and growing as he flicked and pinched his nipples. It was easy to see him surging up bigger every time he touched his piercings, the little metal rods growing with him, having caused some sort of transformation and triggering his growth. They gleamed in the light of sunset and he grabbed them and twisted hard, wrenching pleasure through his body and triggering more and more growth. “AWWWWW YEAH BOY GROWING SO HUGE! YOU WATCH YOUR BIG DADDY CUM NOW!” he boomed and suddenly looked over at me, grinning down at me. Josh turned his head back to the house, his massive cock exploding up and out of the roof of the house as he continued to grow taller and wider just as cum shot out of it like a hose. It landed all over the back of the house and the back yard, coating the grass in sticky white cream. Josh roared and grunted as he shot his load and finally collapsed against the house until it gave way. He fell over and crushed the house, which looked so small next to him now, the ground shaking as his huge body fell. “Josh!” I yelled and ran over, waving my hand in front of my face as the dust rose up. I got closer, but froze when I heard ominous, deep laughing. Josh was fine. Better than ever, actually. “HAHA FUCKIN’ LITTLE HOUSE COULDN’T SUPPORT MY WEIGHT!” he rumbled. His huge foot thumped onto the ground as he lifted himself up. He rose up to his full height and towered over me, his giant body thick and round with bulging muscle, swollen and heavy with fat and size. His gut loomed over me, jiggling as he shifted his weight and planted himself over the rubble of the house, only outdone by his massive barrel chest. His nipples were red and stuck out prominently. He had to be 100 feet tall now. Josh looked down at me and grinned, his salt and pepper beard and lantern jaw making me feel weak in the knees, both from fear and being so turned on. “WHAT DO YOU THINK NOW, LITTLE BUD? TOO BIG FOR YOU? HAW HAW! TOO BAD, I’M JUST GONNA KEEP GROWIN’ MORE!” he roared down at me and smashed his feet on either side of me, scaring me and making me fall down on my ass as the ground shook. I looked up and saw his huge balls hanging low, furry and pendulous, his thick cock throbbing as it dripped cum down next to me. He backed up a bit and flexed his arms, and they rose up in dramatic peaks, a huge vein snaking over them, his thighs shaking with muscle and beef, thicker than any tree trunk I had ever seen. “WELL YOU’RE NO GOOD TO ME NOW, BOY, TOO SMALL FOR ME TO FUCK! GONNA GET BIGGER AND FUCK SOMETHING MY OWN SIZE!” Josh boomed, his voice so loud and bassy it hurt my ears. His huge foot rose into the air, swooping past me and landing fifty feet away up the street, his huge body crunching into the pavement. His wide ass shook dramatically as he took another step away from me, his massive back spreading wide with muscle, his traps bunched up into his neck. Josh turned up the street and idling flicked his nipples, each touch sending shivers of pleasure up his giant body. He could feel himself growing bigger with each touch, each flick, each pinch, shivers of size pulsing through his body. He never wanted the feeling to end, the feeling of power and strength, of growing taller and wider and heavier. He grunted and rose taller, hummed with pleasure and got thicker as he prodded and rubbed both of them, his biceps bulging up thicker as he lifted his arms to his nipples. He grinned as he felt his cock throbbing and chubbing up already. It was time to find something big enough for him to fuck.
  22. spacevlad

    They're Really Sensitive Now

    Hey guys. This story idea has been bouncing around in my head for a long time and I finally decided to write it down. I also wanted to try writing a shorter story, so this one is only two chapters long. I hope you enjoy! I got back from work early today and noticed Josh’s car in the driveway. He must already be home from the gym, I thought to myself. My boyfriend Josh had been hitting the gym hard the last couple months since he has been “between jobs”. I hadn’t exactly been happy about the big guy’s unemployment, but I was glad he was using the time to pack on more muscle to his chunky frame. He had put on 20lbs of mostly muscle over the last two months, putting him at 260lb, and seemed to be horny all the time. My cock twitched in my dress pants as I walked up to the door. Josh met me at the door with a big grin on his face. “Welcome home, bud!” he said and pulled me into a big bear hug. Josh was a big guy, with a thick ex-jock daddy build. He had been in the closet growing up, playing football and lifting weights to prove he was one of the guys and try to be more than just a pudgy guy but had let himself go after college a bit and as his metabolism slowed in his 30s. Now in his 40s, he was getting serious about putting on real size and going for the musclebear daddy look. His squishy gut pressed against me as he squeezed, but I also felt his hard round pecs and strong thick arms pressing against my skinny frame. I grunted as he finished his hug and put me back down. I looked up at his 6’ height and smiled. His dirty blonde hair was cut short into a Mohawk—he had been having fun with his hair since he didn’t have a job—and a full beard that made him look extra burly. He wore a cut-off tank top that showed off his big, round shoulders and arms. His gut protruded out in front of him, hanging over the belt on his jeans and jiggling as he stepped back from me. “Hey there Josh, good to see you. So you came home early from the gym today?” I said as I put my bag on the sofa and took off my shoes. He looked pretty pumped up, like he had worked his arms and chest good. “Nah, I didn’t end up goin’ to the gym today,” Josh drawled. He had grown up in South Carolina and was a bit of a redneck at heart, but had moved up north for work. “I got myself somethin’ I’ve wanted for years,” he said and raised his eyebrows, giving me a knowing look. “Oh yeah? What’s that big guy?” I asked and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around his thick torso and looking up at him. “You know how guys always say, ‘I got my nipples pierced and now they’re super sensitive’? Well, I finally decided to try that theory out for myself!” Josh said and puffed up his big chest in my face. I backed up from him and noticed the nubs showing underneath his shirt where his nipples were. “Oh shit, you finally did it! Show me, show me!” I said excitedly and grabbed at his shirt. “Hehe, alright alright little guy, just hold on a sec,” he said and lifted his shirt off, revealing his furry belly and chest. Josh was very hairy, with brown hair covering his chunky forearms, spreading over his chest and belly, and even all over his back. With the shirt off, I could see the little barred piercings on his fat, thick nipples. They were red and looked irritated from being recently pierced, but they looked just right on him. “Oh wow man, that’s so hot! Can I touch them?” I asked and moved closer, looking at how they made his nipples look thick and swollen. “Oh yeah bud, please do, they feel so good when I touch ‘em now!” Josh drawled and reached up to prod one of the bars. “Ooooh, man I get chills just pokin’ ‘em!” I reached forward and touched one of them. It was warm to the touch and I could tell Josh liked it, as he shivered when I jostled it. “Did it hurt getting them in?” I asked. “Yeah, a little bit, but after a second it started feelin’ real good, and that hasn’t gone away yet, hehe,” Josh said and pinched his right nipple a bit harder. His right bicep and pec looked great when he did that. “And man, I gotta say, those guys sayin’ it makes your nips more sensitive were damn right! It feels so good now when I touch ‘em…and it makes me real horny too!” Josh said and reached down and clutched the bulge in his jeans. I looked down and sure enough, he was packing big time down there. I reached down and rubbed it, and his cock felt harder and bigger than ever. “Oooh man, looks like I should help you out with this!” I said seductively and squeezed his balls. They twitched in my hand. “Oh yeah bud, let’s go upstairs,” Josh said and pushed me in the right direction. In the bedroom, I disrobed and got on my knees. I unzipped his jeans and rubbed my beard against Josh’s tight boxer briefs, smelling the sweat and musk of his crotch and teasing his big cock. “Oh yeah little guy, that’s just right, keep goin’,” Josh sighed as he towered over me, flicking his nipples idly and grunting occasionally as he did. He lifted his shirt off, revealed a pelt of salt and pepper fur spreading over his belly and chest. He looked magnificent. I pulled his jeans and underwear down and started working on his thick cock. It seemed bigger and thicker than I remembered; I guess he was really turned on! I stretched my lips around his mushroom head and sucked hard, using as much force as I could, barely denting the rock hard cock. “Oh fuck man, feels great, even better with—ah!—rubbin’ my nips too,” Josh said, skipping a beat as he pinched down hard on his piercings. He kept rubbing and flicking them, breathing harder and grunting as he did. After a few minutes I stood back up and pressed against him. He was big and warm, bigger than I remember, and I thought how nice it was that he was spending time in the gym getting bigger. He had always talked about getting bigger and stronger and getting back into the kind of shape he was in during college, and now he had some time to do just that. I reached up and flicked his nipples, and he chuckled and shivered and backed away from me. “Fuck dude they’re so sensitive… can’t believe they feel this—mmmph—fucking good!” Josh roared and pushed me back onto the bed after I pinched them again. I gave him a sly look as he loomed over me. “I love rubbing them, feels and looks so good dude,” I said as he got onto the bed and put his knees and thighs on either side of me, straddling my skinny frame. “Yeah man, feels even better with my dick in your mouth,” he growled and scooted forward until his cock was on my lips. I opened wide and he shoved it in, fucking my mouth as he loomed over me. I reached up and started playing with his nips, and he moaned and flexed down at me. His arms looked huge, I thought to myself, way bigger than they were a couple days ago. Was he making gains that fast? Damn, it turned me on. I dropped my arms and reached around to stroke myself, but it was hard reaching all the way around his thick frame. Josh reached for his pecs and rubbed his fingers across the meaty nubs of his nipples, flicking up, then down, then up, then down in rhythm with thrusting his massive cock in and out of my mouth. I breathed out of my nose but it was getting harder and harder not to choke on his cock; his cock had never felt so big before. Fuck, this was hot. “Yeeeaaah buddy, feels so good, big ol’ pierced nip muscle bear daddy on top of you, just gonna get bigger too, all the guys at the gym will be jealous,” Josh grunted down at me. I looked up and I could see him looking at himself in the mirror, admiring his gains, all the while playing with his hard nips. “Damn boy, you look so small down there, doing such a good job sucking daddy’s big dick,” he grunted, his voice sounding deeper and richer than before. He was way into it! He started working up a sweat and his cock was filling my mouth up big time. I couldn’t take a full breath because his heavy weight was pressing into me hard, harder than ever, but I knew he was getting close to sucked with renewed vigor. His thick thighs squeezed me, surrounded me, his epic mass looming over me, his gut smothering me as he approached climax. He pinched his nipples hard and finally came, roaring as he filled my mouth with cum. There was so much of it I couldn’t swallow it all down, and it leaked out of my mouth and onto my beard. Josh shifted his bulk and got off of me, and I rolled over and grabbed a towel next to the bed, wiping off my mouth and clearing my throat. “Hooo man, that felt fuckin’ amazing,” Josh grunted, his voice sounding different. “Your mouth felt so tight!” he boomed and smacked my butt. “Yeah man, that was great,” I said as I rolled off the bed and stood up. I turned around just as he was getting up off the bed and he rose to his full height…and bumped his head into the ceiling. Josh looked confused as he stood up and rubbed his head, his knuckled scraping against the ceiling, and he looked around the room…and looked down at me. “Holy shit, what the fuck happened?” he rumbled, confused, and turned to look at himself in the mirror. “Why does everything look so damn small?” I just stood, dumbfounded, my mouth hanging open in shock at the massive muscle monster standing in my room. Josh had grown—big time—while fucking me, and was way bigger than he or anyone had ever been before. Josh looked in the mirror. Staring back at him was a monstrous musclebear, thick all over, muscles exploding and bulging off every inch of his body, his thick round belly fat and wide, covered in sweat-matted fur. He reached up and rubbed his fingers through his salt and pepper beard and across his lantern jaw and smiled, admiring the way his bicep exploded into a round peak, a hose-like vein snaking down it and into his forearm. He took a big breath and puffed out his barrel chest; it had be 70 or 80 inches around. He was wider than the damn doorway, easily. He moved his hand over his huge belly and rubbed it and jiggled it appreciatively; it had grown much bigger too, giving him the massive build of a powerlifter or a strongman. He hefted his bigger, thicker cock, which was still leaking cum onto the floor, and smacked his tree trunk thighs. “Holy fuck, I look good. What the fuck happened? Did I… fuck, man, I reckon I know what did it,” he said as he turned to me. He stepped closer and looked down at me imposingly. “F-fuck man, this is so hot… w-what do you think did this?” I said and couldn’t help but rub my hands through the dark hair of his belly and reach up and squeeze the hard muscle of his biceps. My hand looked so tiny next to his hulking arm. “These,” he said and flicked his fingernail against the metal of his piercings. A shiver ran through his big body and I heard his head scrape against the ceiling even harder. “I can feel a rush of fuckin’ energy every time I touch these babies,” he said and flicked his left nipple a couple times. I swear I could see his muscle bunch up thicker and plumper when he did, could feel his gut tense up fuller and rounder under my fingers. “Whoa, what the fuck…that’s… awesome! But you’re really huge, bud, like people are gonna wonder what the heck happened!” I said, alarmed as I thought about the realities of suddenly having a seven and half foot tall musclebear boyfriend. “Yeah, prolly, but who cares? This feels amazing!” Josh said with a grin and pinched both nips, twisting the little piercings in them and swelling bigger. His head scraped on the ceiling harder and I could see some dust come down from it. “Dude, you gotta slow down! We should figure this out before you get any bigger, and I mean, damn man, you’re already like world-record size!” I said and backed up, struggling to drink him all in. Jesus, he was big! “Slow down? Fuck that little squirt, you know I’ve been wantin’ to get bigger, and I found a shortcut! Hell yeah!” he boomed and flexed, his fists coming together, his pecs, traps, delts, and arms swelling with new muscle. I didn’t know where to look, it was so fucking hot. “Holy shit you’re big… but I mean, seriously, how are we even gonna feed you?” I said, rubbing his big belly, bouncing the fat up and down. “Well you can start by gittin’ me some burgers, boy,” Josh boomed as he wrapped his huge arms around my skinny frame and lifted me up to face him. “Big daddy is callin’ the shots ‘round here now, and I’m hungry after that growth spurt of mine.” “A-alright big guy,” I started but he squeezed me harder and the breath left my lungs. Jesus he was dangerously strong! “Call me sir, boy,” he growled and squeezed me harder, testing his strength, grinding me against his bigger, harder body. “Fuuuuck… yes sir!” I wheezed as I ran out of air. “Good boy, hehe. Now, go to Wendy’s and get me a couple combo meals now,” he said and put me back down on the ground. I caught my breath and leaned against his tremendous bulk. “Yes sir! Just, try not to rub your nips too much while I’m gone, we need to figure this out before you grow any bigger!” I pleaded. He just turned to the mirror and started flexing, admiring his new size. “No guarantees, boy, now go fetch me those burgers,” he grunted, too interested in the size of his biceps to even look at me.
  23. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 6

    Chapter 1: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-1/ Chapter 2: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-2/ Chapter 3: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-3/ Chapter 4: https://muscle-growt...r-romance-pt-4/ Chapter 5: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6733-a-pectacular-romance-pt-5/ "ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!" He shouted as his chest filled with blood and his veins flustered across the surface of the two huge globes. They swelled larger and larger and the cracking of the shower stall became more apparent. The outer portions of his chest started cracking into the tile walls exposing the steel beams that structure the walls of Alex's oversized mansion. After a few more seconds of pushing his chest apart I was finally released from the pec vice and fell onto his expansive inner thigh muscle below as he was still sitting on the shower floor.Exhausted, yet relieved I looked up at the underside of his veiny expanding chest only to see Alex looking down at me with a shocked look as the back of his head and diesel neck smashed into the shower ceiling. He broke through the ceiling tiles and they started raining down in what seemed to be slow motion. Shards were falling right towards my helpless body when Alex's quick reflexes kicked in and he slammed his pecs together before a single shard could reach me. The light from above was blocked out and the blood started rushing to my head all at once. "Little man," his voice seemed sluggish to me and muffled as I couldn't hear him over the rumble of the shower being bursted through, "Are you okay?" I looked towards his deep cut abs and my eyes started to flutter until I drifted off into unconsciousness. Chapter 6 My mind played through the craziest dreams for what seemed to be only a second but must of been a few hours. My final dream was more of a sensation. I could feel the warm sun on my body and feel the thick green grass under my skinny back and between my fingers. It was peaceful until the sky became dark and thunder began repeatedly booming through the air. The thunder claps only got louder and louder and made my body cringe with fear until suddenly they stopped. I relaxed once I came to realize it was only a dream and I slowly opened my eyes as I sat up. Where the hell was this? I was sitting in a huge open field surrounded by thick forest with only Alex's huge mansion about a half of a mile away. Around me on the grassy plain were pieces of machinery and boulders of all different sizes from metal beams, broken down cars, dump trucks, and things of that nature. To my immediate right was an oversized weight bench with stacks and stacks of barbells and iron weights surrounding the machinery. I took all of this in within a few seconds until I realized how the sun was shining brightly in the sky, yet there was a cold cloud that loomed over and shaded this area only. It only took another second to remember this familiar feeling. It wasn't a cloud. It was a shadow. "About time you woke up." It was a deep booming voice from behind me that made my body quiver. I stood up from the ground slowly and turned around. Directly in front of me was a pair of the largest feet I'd ever seen. Slowly, my eyes drifted upwards to a shape that was taller than a telephone pole or a street light. If I were to judge I would say he was clearing 25-30 feet at this point. He was packing a set of legs that made tree trunks look like toothpicks. He had made himself a makeshift thong out of a massive sheet or curtain that was silky and black. It left nothing to the imagination as his huge log of a cock sat to the left and his thick pubic bush bursted from the top of the garment. A light happy trail left sight in the deep crevices of his abdominal muscles that were as large as car windshields--all 10 of them surrounded by cobble stone obliques and matched with a heavy V-shape to his waist. His long arms were covered in veins and his big biceps sat in front of his tremendous lats forming a deep arm pit with thick black hair. The ball of his bicep was now much larger than my entire body when it was unflexed. My mouth fell agape when I shifted my eyes to his chest. His nipples, now as large as my entire chest, pointed directly down at me due to the serious amount of dense muscle his pecs held. His massive pecs were each the size of a small car and they were packed with muscle and held back by a paper thin layer of soft skin.Striations teared across the huge mounds into the distinct dent on the outer portion of each pec. The outer dent alone could have been used for a seat for myself. The striations led across to the center of his chest which had a huge diamond cleft in the middle where the upper and lower pec of each globe met at the center point. His face came into view between the two huge mounds and he smiled down at me flashing his big pearly whites. "What do you think, little man?" He bellowed. "You're so massive--I can't believe it." I said as I marveled over his muscles. He smiled again at how in awe I was and brought one of his massive arms up for me to gawk at. The massive bicep bounced as he twisted his wrist left and right. "You want to play on my big muscles?" He chuckled and looked at the huge bicep ball and then down to me. "Come on, little guy, get a closer look at this big arm!" He was so big it felt like slow motion as he knelt down to grab me. With one big hand he scooped me up under my armpits and wrapped his entire hand around my body. Wind rushed passed as he lifted me up twenty feet off the ground to his level. I looked down and saw things from his view. The ground looked so far away but the real view was checking out his abs from above. Deep groves tore through his ripped midsection and led into his thick pubic bush. I was snapped out of my trance when Alex thrusted me towards his bicep. He held me there in front of the huge bicep ball about a foot away. I looked up to his face and he nodded towards his bicep. "Go ahead, little man, these big muscles are all for you!" I leaned in and kissed the hot flesh. It was so hard like kissing a wall made of steel that had a soft layer of skin over it. I looked down and noticed he was pitching a huge tent in his self-made thong. He loved our size difference almost more than me. I could feel his stare on me as I continued to kiss and rub the big bicep. "Do you want me to flex it for you?" "You mean--it's not flexed right now?" I quivered. His bicep was already bigger than me! I couldn't imagine it getting much bigger. "Not at all, little man. Here, I'll flex it for you!" He placed my small body on the top of the huge mound and I scurried around like a naked mouse trying to get a safe spot. I peered over the edge of his arm and almost fainted at how high I was from the ground. Suddenly the skin on his arm tightened and began moving in every direction. I could feel the muscle underneath me becoming impossibly hard. Huge corded veins began surfacing beneath my body as large and as wide as my wrist. The huge mound below me slowly rose up higher and higher bringing me up with it. I was now even the upper mid section of his whopping veiny forearm that seemed a length away to my tiny size. My cock sprung to full attention over the significant feat of power in his bicep. I sat in a crab-walk pose on the top of his mountainous bicep. Turning my head to his face, "Big guy, your bicep is three times the size of me." "Hell yea, little man! I love it when you talk about me like that!" He bursted. "Like what?" I asked curiously. "Like when you make me feel big! I'm not the best with words but when you make me feel...I don't know, it just gets me so hot when you make me feel like--" "Like a giant?" I cut him off. His confused expression changed to a reassuring smile. His big pearly white smile explained an understanding I hadn't felt between us before. "Yea, little man. I like when you make me feel like a giant. It's you that's making me get so big. I've been growing bigger and bigger ever since I was a boy. But this is clearly something different in me. It's everything about you.. The way you admire my size; the huge difference in power between us; the way you make me feel protective of how fragile you are..Even your cum makes me just keep getting bigger and bigger!" My body quivered with his explanation of his feelings for me. I felt like the most special man in the world. To be selected and cherished by a huge man of his size made me realize just how lucky I was. "I like how you make me feel too, big guy! You have so much power and can crush me at any second, but you're so careful and considerate of what I want. I love it when you show off just how BIG you are!" I squeaked. "Is that so? Well how would you like to see me pump these big muscles up for you?" He smiled and bounced his huge pecs, alternating them like two separate globes. "I thought they were pumped already..You haven't touched any of this?" I said pointing out to the boulders, stacks of cars, and freight trains attached by various steel beams. "These muscles are cold right now." He winked and brought his other bicep up and flexed it. "I can make them much bigger, if you'd like." I gulped hard and nodded up at him. He smiled back and carefully--so as not to let me fall off his bicep mound--maneuvered towards a stack of cars wrapped together with with metal pipes and a steel beam between connected to another stack of cars. It was his makeshift dumbbell. He knelt to the floor to grab the dumbbell with the opposing hand and then rose up to his full height. Looking down at me he began curling the immense weight, watching my reaction to the bicep fluctuating with power. It would bunch up and shake with might as he struggled to continue his reps. The bicep ball turned beat red and was visibly gaining a massive pump. "You like that, little man? Do you like this big bi getting all pumped up for ya?" He said between gritted teeth. A slight sweat broke out on his forehead. "You're fucking massive, big man. Can you pump this one up next?" I eagerly patted the thick muscle beneath my ass. "Sure thing." He passed the huge makeshift dumbbell from the opposing hand to the hand of the arm I was straddling. As he let the weight shift to the bicep I was on I could immediately feel the muscle tense up. He began lifted the huge weight up way above my head and then bringing it back down as he curled the massive amount of weight. The bicep rose up like a huge mountain beneath my body. It was too much for me to handle. I laid out on my stomach across the expansive bicep and started kissing and licking the muscle. "Yea little man, worship these big muscles!" He was getting excited over my loss of control. "It's so fucking big! I can feel it pumping up bigger and bigger!" I said as his reps increased faster and faster. "Yea, little guy! Keep turning me on! Check these babies out!" He threw the dumbbell to the ground making a loud bang. He then threw his bi's up into a double bicep pose. The force of the muscle rising up so fast threw me off balance and a struggled to grab a hold of the something as I slid off the top of the mound. My hand grabbed a rigid vein that was as thick as a tree branch and I tried to pull myself back up but I was too weak. I let go and fell down into the trench between his big bicep and his forearm. I was only about half the size of a pencil to this behemoth so he couldn't even tell I had fallen. The huge mound started filling up again as his forearm flew up into a bicep pose. His thick forearm pushed me against the massive bicep and I was trapped once again. It was getting tighter and tighter each second until I finally could gasp a small shout. Alex quickly relaxed his bicep and peered over the muscle mound until his eyes met mine. "Little man! What are you doing down there?" He asked worrying. "I'm sorry big guy I got caught up in the excitement and lost my balance." I said with a frown. "Aw, little man, you have to be more careful." He said as he lifted his other arm to a pose to show me the power. He picked up a boulder as big as my body off the floor and placed it in the tight spot I sat in on the opposing bicep. "I could have crushed you between my bicep and forearm without even noticing!" He flexed hard and the big boulder was crushed into small rocks that trickled out of the tight space as he released. I patted the big boulder of a bicep next to me firmly. "It's a good thing you didn't!" "It sure is!" He smiled playfully as his huge hand came towards me. He picked me up under my shoulders again and used his other hand to sit me in the palm of his hands. I sat comfortably with my legs crossed like a pretzel in the palm of his one big hand. "It's crazy to think just yesterday you were just a cute little pipsqueak in a bar and now--well.." he brought his hand that I sat in down below his great big chest and looked down at me over them, "now you're a cute really really little pipsqueak in the palm of my hand. He smiled and bounced his big pecs towards me. They were so massive and wide that they filled my entire vision. They bounced around smashing into each other with every leap off of his torso. I starred up at the act in awe and my cock began oozing pre cum. The bouncing ceased and his smile changed to a smirk as he brought his big pinky up to my cock and swiped the pre off. He brought his pinky up to his face. "I love how much these big pecs turn you on, little man--but I especially love making you cum. It's one of my weaknesses yet my greatest strength, little guy. This shit right here makes me get BIG!" He stuck his pinky into his mouth and sucked on the insignificant droplets of my pre cum. I smiled proudly as he looked back down on me. "Hey, little man?" He smirked again. "Yea, big guy?" "I was thinking--now that I'm big enough for it--how about you lay down in my pec cleavage while I pump these big pecs up for ya?" He winked and pushed his pecs out so far that they casted a shadow over me and his face disappeared from view. He leaned back in shock and awe as they separated like the red sea above me. "So, what do ya say, little guy?" He bounced them again. "Please...please, big guy..yes!" I said shocked at first but then ecstatic about what was to come. "Awesome, little dude! I'm gunna pump these big ones up so BIG for ya!" He pushed them out one more time and then turned to his work station. With a few big booms he made his way over to a huge freight train cart. It was perched on top of two steel holder that struggled to keep it off the ground. The cart was filled to the brim with big boulders and car parts as I could see through the openings. Around the area was a bunch of other freight cards of similar sizes. "Close your eyes." A big crash boomed through the open field as his thick, rock hard ass slammed to the ground. I could feel him shimmying around while I was flung around in his clenched fist. He then placed me on his body and I plopped on my ass. I felt my hands around and could tell I was sitting on his big tight abs. "Open your eyes." I slowly opened them and smiled bright. His massive pecs sat high and mighty only a few feet in front of me. He flexed them apart and his face came into view between them. "Get on in here, little man!" he said, tightening his huge chest. I crawled over to his big chest and then started pushing my way between the two big mounds. It was a tight squeeze but I managed to shift between on all fours. The two mounds went about two feet above me on both sides in this position. "Would you..would you mind laying on your back facing up at me? I want to see your face and your cock while I get these big ones all PUMPED for ya." He said bashfully. I smiled and nodded playfully as I maneuvered my way around the pec cave. My entire body was about a foot short on the top and bottom from being exposed of his cleavage--a perfect fit! I placed my ass down and laid down into the two massive mounds looking up at his big face that sat just outside his two pecs. "Let's get this blood flowing!" He said as he raised his huge arms up to the freight on the beams above. He huffed loudly as the freight train was lifted off the beams. It came a few feet above me and his chest seemed to spread wide and felt open until he started lifting it high into the air with his two arms. His biceps pushed his big pecs together and they rose up a few feet on both sides of my body. My arms became pinned to my sides and my face must have given off a panicked reaction because his deep voice came in just in time to soothe me. "It's-argh-It's alright, little guy!" His face was red and beads of sweat formed above his brow. "I've got better control now..I won't crush you in there!" The tectonic plates that were his pecs shifted like big boulders and tightened up giving me a little more room to cozy up. The pec walls became dense road maps of veins to either side of my wimpy body. The warmth of his huge muscles surrounding me was almost too much for me to handle. I grabbed a hold of my prick and the big guy took notice. "Oh yea, little man! You're getting off on my strength I can feel it! Just look at that pre-cum!" He hoisted the big freight train far above and it clanked with the sound of all the dense metal weights it carried inside. "Let's see what your pre-cum can do for these big muscles!" He brought his chin down to the top of his chest and his huge warm tongue slid out of his mouth coming closer and closer to my cock. The tip of his big wet tongue brushed over my cock head and my mind went whirling. I started jerking my dick uncontrollably towards his big face. He slid his tongue back into his mouth and his eyes closed. Veins started bulging out further on the walls of the inside of his pecs. I could see them writhing under the thin, hot skin. Still with his eyes closed, he brought the freight train swiftly towards his chest until it was only a few feet above me and then quickly pushed it back up in a bench press motion. This caused his huge pecs to spread far away from me and seem as though two big hills were being stretched out until he threw his arms away and the two hills rose up higher than before. He repeated the motion a number of times, each second showing more veins. The walls of his pecs were visibly inching towards me from every direction with each rep. "Hey, big guy! It's getting a little cramped in here!" I tried to peep out between a rep, but he couldn't hear me over the sound of his own grunting. "Wor...ship....me!!" He said in grunts. "Pump....these..argh...pecs!!" After about 20 more reps he finally placed the freight train back on the beam above and relaxed his chest with a loud sigh. He looked down at me being squeezed between his huge pecs. "Alright, little man! Check out this pump you got me!" He pushed his pecs together twice for emphasis. My arms and shoulders were pushed in front of my chest squishing my entire body. "This is all just from your pre-cum!" "Yea, big guy! Your pecs are getting so pumped!" I shouted without thinking, in blatant encouragement. My desires couldn't hold back my nerves that he could crush me between his pecs with a simple sneeze. "You've got to cum for me again, little guy.. I want to pump them up even bigger!" He winked and smiled. "Bigger?? Just how big are you going to get?" My voice squeaked with concern. "Aww, little man! Don't be nervous..You know you want me to grow just a little bigger, don't you?" He inhaled and his muscles rose me up a couple of feet. "Well..I think..." I began to sweat, overwhelmed with sexual tension of right and wrong. "I think I can make you cum without trying." He chuckled at my feeble attempt of denial. My eyes grew wide as he heaved his chest and the two mounds shifted away from both sides and became taught like steel mountains. He held the pose and I could see the strain on his face. His chest became red and warm to the touch as the veins doubled in amounts and thickness. "Tell me what you like about my muscles." He asked in a sexual tone. "I...I.." "Do you like how hard they can get?" He tightened his chest even more, making audible sounds of the chords of muscle fighting for space in all their density. "How about I bounce you around in there, little man, would you like that?" My eyes grew even wider and I grabbed my cock and croaked back in moans of anticipation. He flexed one big pec and I flew to the left. He bounced the other and I flew right back. "Oh yea!" He shouted and started bouncing them back and forth. I was being tossed around like a medallion between his huge pecs. He did this for a few seconds until he noticed how thrashed I was getting in there. He pressed the two pecs against both sides to secure me. He then continued his pec dance a little more slow and sensual. I was swooning over the control he had in all of his muscle. "Cum for me, little guy!" He stuck his tongue out and it flopped over my thighs and cock. I was seconds from climaxing but I resisted the urge. He ceased the bouncing but held me tight in the cleavage. He raised his head more to look down at me between his chest muscles. "Look at how big I am, little man..Look at how big you make me!" He pushed his chest out the farthest It's ever been and I was thrusted higher and higher as they pushed out with all his strength. They suddenly release and open wide. I fell about a foot deeper to the base of where the pecs met each other from his breast plate. "I can protect you from anything with these pecs," He smiled down at me. Then it turned into an evil grin: "Or I can crush you with them!" He made them bounce one big time clapping them together over my tiny body. He held out his tongue and like clockwork my cock exploded with cum all over his tongue. For my small size even I was startled by how much cum had just came out of me. I flopped back into the pocket of his big pecs lifelessly. I didn't think I could ever move again after that. Alex was awfully silent for a second until I could feel movement around me. "You don't know how great this feels!" He said, excited. "I can feel my muscles squirming to let loose! I've got to pump them up!" He quickly placed his hands back under the big train above, that outsized him by quite a bit, and started to press the weight like it was a feather. With each lift his chest was audibly expanding and squeezing me a little more. "Check this out, little man!" He looked down at me, "I'm not even breaking a sweat no more!" He chuckled. "It's like the weight is getting lighter!" "I don't think so, big guy...I think...I think you're growing bigger!"
  24. Umpires by F_R_Eaky Part VIII Part One: https://muscle-growt...-one-by-freaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growt...r-eaky-part-ii/ Part Three: https://muscle-growt...-eaky-part-iii/ Part Four: https://muscle-growt...r-eaky-part-iv/ Part Five: https://muscle-growt...-r-eaky-part-v/ Part Six: https://muscle-growt...freaky-part-vi/ Part Seven: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6652-umpires-by-f-r-eaky-part-vii/ "I don't like to be kept waiting, gentlemen!" bellowed Henri Marasme in the inky blackness of the night. He was standing out in front of the little cabin of Callum Addams, while his new found friend and super hulk, Brandon Brockman, stood near the back door of the cabin. "I will give you until the count of three to come out, or then Brandon and myself will come in, whether you want us to or not!" Henri and Brandon both stood in the cool night air of very early, o-dark thirty morning hours, their massive fifteen foot tall bodies, covered in mammoth mounds of muscle that popped and flexed, bulged and bounced with every twitch of their nerves. Their clothes were completely shredded from all the growth in height, muscle weight & size, and their testicle and penis development. Nothing actually remained of their clothing saved parts of their underwear which truthfully speaking were only being held in place by the rugged stitching and metallic zipper of what was their denim jeans, and that, on both of them, was pretty much just a few threads away from snapping off and fluttering to the ground. It hung around a thigh, Henri's left and Brandon's right, went over the crotch as best it could, and then back up around still attempting to try and cling to one ass cheek but pretty much sliding under it. Their cocks hung obscenely forward and out from their groins, the head caught in the remnants of the underwear, the shaft oozing out down and then doubling back up, riding on itself until it reached it origin point at the base of the abdomin region. Their balls hung out on either side of the fabric and yet were pushed forward by the size of their own thighs, which in turn pushed forward and rose their cocks. Standing there, their nearly fifteen foot tall silhouettes rising with their breath, heavily, powerfully, they were about to begin the count down when a chant began to be heard. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Softly at first, and the two mega men outside of the cabin mistook it for whispered prayers. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Then it was a little louder and the pair thought the men inside were perhaps moaning. Were they attempting to get one good jerk off session before the monstrous mass monsters stole more of their size? "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" But the sound grew londer and louder, and Henri knew they were chanting but he wasn't sure what. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Suddenly there was the sound of massive splintering. It wasn't the usual sound like small twigs being broken, or even the sound of a two by four being forced to bend. This...this sound was becoming a great din to the ears, completely filling the entire night air, and the sound was more akin to the sound of a sequoia somehow being ripped apart. Within minutes, just as the dawn broke over the horizon, the roof and parts of the walls of the cabin began to break and the six men Henri Marasme was looking for suddenly rose up and out of the cabin in staggering height, muscle definition and size, and cock and ball measurements. Up and up and up the six men grew, their heads rising higher and higher than the roof point was. Their feet, backed by massively long legs that were swelling and plumping with greater and greater muscles, were bursting through great log walls and knocking over foundation stones. Henri stood staring further and further up and higher, breathlessly whispering the word, "no." Brandon meanwhile backed up from the cabin as he was staring at the rising heads of the enemies he came to steal from and shrink. Not looking behind him, he stumbled several times as he watched the men grow and grow until their crotches rose well above where the roof top had been. He scurried as fast as he could so as not to be over taken by the massive dogs that were these giants' feet, as those spread out longer and wider, across the whole yard. The six men were bucking and humping, thrusting and slamming into each others ass, moaning and chanting the whole time. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Bigger and broader, higher and taller, thicker and denser, fuller and more bloated they grew with muscle size and strength, giant sized height and feet, with pronounced prongs of tube steak pushed up and out by the globulous set of balls ever seen on a human being. Their hair cascaded down their heads, over their shoulders and continued half way down their back. Their body hair grew in thick, yet feathery, covering their chest, abs, partial upper arms, forearms, crotches, thighs, and feet. It came in a spread out, making them colossal size colt men, yet it didn't hide their muscles, it somehow managed to accent and highlight the curves, the rises, the peaks and valleys of their sickeningly full yet defined muscle heads and bellies. Finally one or two more thrusts did it and each man moaned loud, long, and hard, as their body shook and quivered, their feet and toes bend and curled, their arms flung back slack and useless. They bucked and spasmed as their cocks each swelled just that much larger, enough to actually be seen by their front partner's ass cheeks spreading open just a touch wider. They pumped volley after extremely long volley into their front partner while receiving the same from their rear partner. They began to moan and shout in ecstasy with each volley for it was both a release and then moment of tension with each blast. On one hand they were releasing built and pent up sexual energy, on the other hand each volley caused them to have another massive growth spurt, expanding their bodies even further and harder. Finally when all the spasm and ejaculations stopped, the men stood frighteningly impressive. The point where the nearly two story tall cabin roof would be now only came up to the six men's calves....just beneath them! Groggily the six men pulled out from one another and stumbled round the ruins of the cabin, cursing loudly as every once in a while the mighty logs used to make the walls now proved to be matchstick size splinters poking the giant men's feet. Shaking off the euphoria, Sebastian looked down and round, finally resting upon Brandon and said, "I think we need to divide and conquer." Brandon stood motionless, not sure what to do, run or attempt and attack. Suddenly he was smacked, lifted, and tossed a good forty, fifty, hundred or more feet from the cabin sight as one of the men had pulled buck on his still fairly erect cock and let it smack Brandon like giant billy club. The sextet then turned their attention upon Henri, but he slowly, carefully had backed away a bit and went to chanting on his own. "sump.... Sump.....SUMP!" One by one each of the six giants felt his touch and had to stagger to regain footing having suddenly lost some height, muscle size, foot size, cock and ball size, or a little bit from all. They tried to advance on Henri, but being the much smaller man at first, he could dodge in between the trees of the surrounding forest. After a moment of slight skirmishes, Sebastian began to moan and shrink, but only in muscular size, and it quickly went. His muscles went down from freakish hulk to beyond Olympian bodybuilder down to new pro contender to amateur bodybuilder to football player to gymnast to soccer player to swimmer to slim twink. The loss was so quick and draining, Sebastian nearly fell and passed out on the spot. "Auuuuh.....guys we've got to take him down." There was the sound of splintering wood again, but from their vantage point so high up due to their height, the six men couldn't see where it was coming from, not until suddenly one of the trees began to move on its own. It was Henri in complete and utter uber swollen beast mode. He had taken on all of Sebastian new giant muscular size on his much shorter frame. His muscles were so full, so swole, so pumped that his veins bulged extremely full and thick. His muscles mounded and bunched almost like great massive pillows nearly swallowing up his head, hands, and feet. He looked like a cross between the Hulk and the Michellen Man save he had a very tight and defined waist. Yet somehow he had managed to grab a fairly large tree and rip it from the ground with his new found strength. With that tree, Henri turned it and struck Brook right in the solar plexus and then up in Brook's face has he came down from the stomach blow. This sent Brook staggering backwards and landing on his ass, dazed for a few minutes. While everyone was looking at Brook, Henri called out to Brandon telling him to follow his voice and get over where he was. Connor turned attempting to find Henri by voice, but suddenly fell to the ground and smashing his face into the dirt, but hard. The impact of course would send warning signals to geological survey sites in the North America. "My feet! I have like no friggin feet!" "What?" Called out Zachary and Callum, but as they moved to get near Connor, Zachary went down with loud surprised gasp and cry. There was also heard a slight scream from Henri. While everyone had been distracted with Brook's fall, he took Connor's feet size away and was now using his extremely large dawgs to trip Zachary. As everyone turned to look at where Zachary landed, Henri came out enough to set his focus and gaze on Mason. "SUMP SUMP SUMP SUMP!" Suddenly Mason started shrinking in height rapidly. "Auugh AHH UUUGH AAAAH WUAAAAH!" Mason fell to his knees mid stride of attempting to walk and soon stood about a third shorter than the other five men of his group. Meanwhile Henri was now much taller and stronger and he turned and gave a hell of a punch to Callum's right ankle, causing that man to wince in pain as though he just had a rock tossed at his ankle by lawn mower. Floundering around a bit with his extremely over-sized feet he called out to Brandon, screaming at him to get over to him. Brandon did indeed eventually find his way over to Henri and they positioned themselves for the siphoning of energy but to be transferred to Brandon: Henri's cock stuffed right up Brandon's firm bubble ass. However in the time it took to get situated, the Strangwick Strangers had slightly regrouped and not sure what do they followed Callum's suggestion of "let's fuck!" to perhaps be the best option. There was some adjusting here and there as Henri via Brandon had managed to get a few chants in before the giant mega men got their act together, but once they did it turned out to be Henri's doom. "Sump!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Brandon received the new dose under the combined power of all six words, but he didn't how he thought he would: a combination of all the enhancements. No instead he just got one, height. Suddenly blowing up about eight feet taller, this upset the balance of the position Brandon and Henri were in. Henry's overly muscular legs could have supported the weight, even the size, but he didn't have those legs positioned correctly to manage the balance. He fell backwards and Brandon simply sat on him. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Within the time it took for Henry to get Brandon up and off of himself so he could see what was going on, the six Strangers were all aroused, screwing their previous partners like before, and had grown back all being the same height, shape, strength, feet, cock & ball size. With that, Sebastian turn slightly and announced they would take care of one threat now. The back of his hand sliced through the air with speed and struck the body of Brandon, who went up and sailing much further this time that when he had been struck by the spring platform like motion of a giant cock earlier. Henri, now with the weight of his controlled partner off of him, began to concentrate on the six men again to siphon off their gifts. "SUMP!" But the young giants continued their sex and their chants. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" The affects were either quite comical or grotesque depending upon how one looked at it. The power surge being siphoned off from the six fucking giants was so powerful, Henri couldn't control how or what he was getting, nor how he placed it into or upon his body. "SUMP!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Suddenly Henri's cock just sprang to life and grew and grew and grew, snaking along the ground to an incredible nine or ten feet, almost half to two-thirds the length of his body. "SUMP!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Whap! His right bicep just suddenly inflated looking like a bit of mountain top resting on top of a small man's arm. The peak actually smacking him in the head. "SUMP!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" PHHHHHHHHHHOMP! "AUUGH!" One, just one, of Henri's testicles blew up like it was attached to a highly powerful air hose. His legs spread out wider and wider as though doing the splits. Almost both of his feet left the ground the titanic testicle grew so large and round. It was the left that just barely stood tippy toe to give him some stability. "SUMP!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Buh-BOUCE! Buh-BOUCE! "Waaaaaah...." Henri's chest, both pectorals, filled and grew like gigantic punching balloons being filled with water. So full and round they looked almost more like tits, and his nipples were forced so far down, they nearly doubled back under the pecs to point inward. But Henri was groaning now for the added weight made it one, hard to breathe, and two, added more weight that rested on his one giant swollen testicle. This in turn produced a prolonged feeling of being kicked there. "SUMP!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Huh-WAAAAAAAAH!" Henri's cock received another massive dose and oozed out longer and thicker like some snake of play-dough being squeezed out of press. His cock had now grown to be as long as he was tall...flaccid! But the feeling of his cock growing, sliding along the ground, much of it grassy and slick with dew, made Henri aroused and suddenly his cock began to grow and swell longer and thicker become erect as much blood, perhaps too much blood, was being shifted into his engorging schlong. And that increased size also meant more weight pressing down on his gigantic testicle. Trying to focus, but now slightly dilerious, Henri tried to keep going. "SUMP!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" RRRRRRRRRICK! RRRRRRRRRICK! RRRRRRRRRICK! RRRRRRRRRICK! RRRRRRRRRICK! RRRRRRRRRICK! RRRRRRRRRICK! RRRRRRRRRICK! "uh-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" This time Henri's thighs got it and got it but good, receiving the muscular size from each and every single one of the six colossi. Each tear drop in the front swelled and ballooned until it became a grotesque shape, looking nothing at all like the tear drops one is used to seeing even on the biggest of bodybuilders. One...two....three.... four....five....six...... and then the hamstrings tightened so fast and hard it pulled his shins and feet up against the thighs as the thighs' biceps portion grew out to overly puffed proportions. This of course meant there was more weight being placed upon the one mega-testicle of Henri Marasme, and on top of that it mean that the super thighs were so titanic in proportions, thickness, and strength, that they were also closing in on that one testicle and squeezing it firmly and constantly. Henri now lost in confusion and pain tried to focus, clear his head, and think of what he needed to do, but all he could think of was what he had been doing and that that must be the correct action to take. "SUMP!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" Henri now experienced a large heady feeling, for that is where the growth was taking place, all in his top head. Henri suddenly looked as though he was become a rather funky looking bobble -head. His head kept gaining in size, teetering upon his much smaller neck. It eventually became to heavy for his neck and body to keep up and so it titled backwards, taking Henri's torso down with it. The motioned ended with Henri's eyes going cross-eyed for his head his a decent sized rock, as well as the fact that his head added more weight on top which assisted in further racking his gi-normous sperm-sphere. "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" The six men now lost in pleasure and ecstasy once again, kept on chanting and chanting. Henri's body kept absorbing random amounts of growth a couple to three times after he had passed out and looked a horrific gross mash up of hyper-masculine parts looking now like a cross between the Hulk and the Hunchback of Notre Dame. The young men however continue to grow up and out, up and out as they fucked and chanted, reaching a somewhere around one-hundred fifty to two-hundred feet tall. But despite the feelings of pleasure and power, Sebastian managed to break free of his hypnotic euphoria and gasp out that they needed to finish the job by hand. They couldn't make themselves even bigger as they were already way too big. They had to give their loads up to the air, the universe, whatever. And so one by one they each pulled out of one another and faced each other in a circle, becoming the site to behold - the world's largest circle jerk! Slowly but surely, they all succumb to the vigorous rubbing of their shafts. They all began the dance of the one-working-leg-man as that feeling zipped down their cock head, through the shaft, over the abs, across the chest, up the neck, around the chin, and right into the lower lip. "AAAAUUUUUUGH!" "FUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" "DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYUMN!" "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" "MOTHER!" "SNFABIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH!" And with an almost choreographed like thrust of the pelvis, each titan of power blew his load which rose up and out of their cocks and shot well above their heads in such thick ropes of cum, it looked almost as if their cocks were shooting out strands of silly string. With their moaning and release, the young men began to shrink. "AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH!" They shank some more and so did Henri and Brandon. "AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH!" Shrinking more, along with Henri and Brandon, but suddenly on the other side of campus in a doctor's office, Santiago de Silva began to grow, as well as his sick bed mate, Blake Smythe. "AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH!" More shrinkage from the eight men, but others who had experienced sudden bone and musculature loss, penis or ball size, virility problems, height shrinkage, were growing and filling out more and more. "AAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGH!" It seemed as though the spurts of cum were meeting up high in the air and almost exploding like fireworks, but then vaporizing and misting back down upon those who were once blessed with the gifts of the Strangwich Strangers. Brandon Brockman returned to his regular size, but once he awoke, ran for his dorm room, packed his belongings and transferred that day; he was never exactly the same. Santiago de Silva and Blake Smythe became two of the biggest men on campus, returning to the blessed height and size the Strangers had given them, but then growing and swelling just a bit larger to 7' 6" tall with bodies like pro-bodybuilders and equipment like the biggest of porn stars. Henri Marasme continued to shrink even beyond his regular height. In fact it's rumored it's some kind of punishment from the universe. It's said that any time he gets his dander up and proclaims he will be a huge, massive man, once again, he looses another two inches of height, becomes that much thinner and frailer, and his cock is damn near threatening to invert and become a vagina. As for the Strangwich Strangers, the five, now six men.... well they still live in the area and one can't help but see them. They continued to shrink down quite a bit, but their height seemed to reshape itself into more muscle mass, or more cock extension & testicle inflation. When the young men awoke after their supreme jack off session, and the authorities were arriving, they stood up to see that they had indeed kept quite a bit of the growth that had occured. Their muscles were so full and pumped it was hard to bend their arms and legs, to reach for anything in front of their chests - the massive pec shelves they are. They waddled instead of walking regularly. Speaking of walking, you hear them coming a good distance away. That's because those uber built bodies are on such tall frames. When the police arrived and the six men stood up....and up.....and up....... The tallest officer at six foot six inches tall still only came up to about the knee cap or so of the six giant men. They were sixteen feet tall. In order to tell their story, they had to sit down and lean forward a little bit so they could see the police over their protruding pecs. Course the police had a hard time trying to focus on their jobs. Not only were they speaking to six young men built bigger than any Mr. Olympia ever, if not bigger than all of them together, that stood sixteen feet tall, but also, also... had flaccid cocks that hung down to their knees and had enough ridges in them they looked like they could grown almost a foot longer when erect. The Strangwich Strangers have a blog and cam site now where one can see them perform daily tasks of picking up their property, setting new foundations, lifting into place walls of their old family houses as they improve them and equip them for men of their size. Usually you can see them perform in the nude, and paid members can see them get it on with each other. They each combined their properties as the couples they came to be: Knight-Fletcher, Wells- Woode, & Addams-Rabbits. Callum sold the property the demolished cabin sat on, and claimed the old family homestead and dug up and moved his ancient ancestor to the local grave yard, along with his memorial marker. Since then, things seem to have settled down and become very prosperous in the region. Although there are still some tales of giants...men far bigger...two...three....four ti....five times the height of the Strangwich Strangers. Men who can rip trees out of the ground and snap them in two like match sticks. Who can crush granite boulders with their bare hands and leave giant crater like footprints in the earth. Surprisingly the stories always seem to escalate right after one of the parties on the Strangers property where one can hear it echo through the hollow... ... ... ... .... "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "AAAAAUUGH!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "FUUUUUUUCK!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "DAAAAAAAAYUMN!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "MOTHEEEEEER!" "Pump" "Trump" "Hump" "Plump" "Thump" "Lump" "SNFABIIIIIIIIIIITCH!"
  25. JoeyT24

    A Pectacular Romance Pt. 5

    Chapter 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2247-a-pectacular-romance-pt-1/ Chapter 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2260-a-pectacular-romance-pt-2/ Chapter 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/3623-a-pectacular-romance-pt-3/ Chapter 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6319-a-pectacular-romance-pt-4/ "Sooo can I kiss you now?" I nodded again in my trance and he smiled and laughed. He reached down for me and put his big hands under my armpits and easily lifted me towards his upper body. He rested my chest and stomach down on his expansive chest and I placed my hands on his upper chest. My hands held me up keeping a distance between our faces. He then pulled me in close by bringing his arms up around me like a big hug (except I was so small in comparison it was as if he was hugging himself). We looked into each others eyes and he playfully flexed his chest, and bounced his arms a few times so slightly--but it was more than enough to weaken my locked arms away from his face. I fell towards his face and we embraced in a passionate kiss. It felt like it lasted forever which I wouldn't have minded because I had never felt safer in my life than in this place surrounded by Alex's huge muscles. My sanctuary began to rumble as Alex shifted under me and began to rise off the bed. He carried me once again like an oversized baby with his huge pecs blocking my view of his face. "Where are we going now, big guy?" "Thought we should take a shower together." My mind began to race a thousand miles per hour. -------------------------------------------------------- Suddenly I was plucked out of my muscle cubby and placed on the tile floor. I looked around and noticed this was not the same bathroom I saw Alex in for the first time. I took a few steps towards a shower stall made completely of tile on all sides. I noticed that this shower stall was much, much smaller than the open shower I had seen before. "Why this shower? You can barely fit in here, big guy!" I turned to look at him as I touched the cold tile wall. "I thought it would be nice to stay extra close." He gave me a big wink and his massive 24 inch cock jumped. I smiled back at him and continued to look around the bathroom. I turned behind me and noticed another wall that was made completely out of a mirror. I walked up closer and put my hand on it. BOOM. BOOOM. BOOOOM. BOOOOM. Next thing you know the giant man is standing behind me in the mirror with that devilish grin again. I backed away from the mirror so I was standing directly in front of him. This is the first time I had seen just how huge he was in comparison to me. The top of my head was only a little bit above his mid-thigh and he was more than six times as wide as me. "You're a giant." I said flat out. "I wish." He then lifted his arms behind his head and flexed his rippling abs. I wish? He was already huge.. Maybe this relationship should be a bit more reciprocal.. Maybe I should try to make him feel as big as he makes me feel small. "No one could ever come close to being as big as you." "Damn right.. I can protect you from anyone, little man." He let his arms down and pushed his huge chest out. "I can't wait to show you just how big I can get." He still feels like he needs to prove himself to me. I looked at myself straight across in the mirror and slowly lifted my arms into a flexing pose. I was absolutely scrawny compared to the massive man behind me, but my nice swimmers build and bubble butt used to set me apart from the others. Suddenly Alex, copying my pose, threw his arms up into a double bicep. I couldn't believe the veins that spread across his muscular biceps like a road map. I smiled and then tested the waters by sliding into a skinny-man lat-spread. I knew how pathetic it would look on me but I was hoping he would show me his poses. Alex began to shift, putting his hands on his hips and swinging his crotch forward. My eyes began to widen as I looked up in the mirror at two huge mountains forming under his tight creamy skin. They rose out farther and farther each milisecond. I stumbled a step back and hit my back on one of his stone hard shins. It startled me so I spun around to face his giant leg. The darkness above made me slowly move my eyes up his body which I was basically standing directly under. I looked up at his huge veiny quads with dents that held more muscle than three of me. I slowly moved up to see his coconut sized balls hanging from a massive log that he called a cock. It was rock hard and surrounded by his thick, black pubic bush. Passed his python was a number of bricks that formed a wall of abs that had deep clefts between each muscle. Hanging above his abs were his two massive ballooning pecs that were visibly growing before my eyes as he continued to push them out farther. He took a breath in to make them even larger and then suddenly stopped flexing. He released his flex and when I turned to the mirror he was looking at my face smiling ear to ear. "Let's save this for the shower," he said with a purr, "I'm sure you'd like to wash yourself off before getting into this again." He bounced his huge pecs once. I almost just fainted at the site of his chest again and now he leaves me with a tease. Alex takes a step back and swings around, stomping his way to the shower. I follow close behind being sure to get a good view of his massive ass. His cheeks had those sexy dents that only really ripped muscle gods would have. He stepped up to the shower and I walked under his legs to step in first. The ceiling is not as high as the rest of the house but the width and length of this shower is even smaller than expected. "Big guy, I don't see how we are both going to--" BOOOM. BOOOOM. "...fit." The big guy steps in and squeezes his shoulders into the tile shower stall. He reaches way down and turns the water on hot. The water starts trickling down in droplets but not enough to shower with. I move my glance up and discover the problem. "Big guy, the water...it's..the water isn't getting passed your pecs." This is met with a roar of laughter from above. With his back against the wall, his chest juts out more than half width and size of the shower stall. "My bad, little dude. It's forming a puddle up here!" He laughs. "More like a pond." I whisper to myself still staring up at the underside of his chest. Suddenly the cleavage opens up and gallons of steaming hot water come crashing down on me. While it completely cleaned me of any food, sweat or cum remnants, the initial shock and burn made me let out a quick shriek. My eyes remained closed as I nursed my red hot face in my hands. "Oh shit, you okay?" Alex said from above. Suddenly I could feel the stall shaking and then a final BOOM as if something huge just hit the ground. I opened my eyes and looked to my side to see a huge muscled quad squeezed up against the wall. The same went for the other side. Directly in front of me was his huge wall of abs and his python cock poking out at me. The giant had come down to my level by sitting with his legs in a pretzel-syle on the shower floor. The lower portion of his huge pecs were a little more than two feet in front of my face. I could not see the concerned look on his face until he leaned forward making his pecs come flying towards me. I backed towards the opposite end of the shower but there was hardly any room in this stall with Alex taking up half of my floor space with his muscles. "You're not hurt, are you?" He asked with a furrowed brow. I shook my head and smiled cutely at his overprotectiveness. "I'll be fine as long as you don't crush me in here!" We both laughed. He reached one arm up and turned off the shower water while he sat on the tile of the cramped shower floor. His muscles were pushing against every wall of the shower and it looked almost comical as he tried to get comfortable, sliding his wet muscles in the pocket sized stall. He shifted his arm around and managed to get one arm up above his head. "I know we promised to get you washed off, but I haven't washed out my pits in two days and they could really use a deep cleaning." I looked into the deep cavernous pit and saw stretch marks and veins leading to a bushel of sweaty arm pit hair. I looked up at him and he smiled and nodded his head towards his arm pit. His huge pec and mountainous bicep made the cave of his armpit dark and very deep. I walked closer to his body and had to crawl up onto his huge quad in order to get close enough to his pit. Once I was close I decided to dig my face in all at once. He moved his arm down a bit and my head was lost in his arm pit. "Oh yea, little man, get in there! Lick my sweaty pits clean!" He raised his hand up to the back of my small head and with two fingers shoved my face deeper into his arm pit. I leaned my body in more, overwhelmed with lust and inhaled deeply. His manly musk filled me and I began to senselessly lick his sweaty pit walls until nothing was left dry. "Oh damn, little dude, your tongue feels fucking amazing on my pit. So small and gentle, yet so fuckin' hot!" I could feel his body start shaking and I put it together that it was Alex jerking his huge cock. I decided to join him by using my two free hands to stroke my cock while my head was still buried in his armpit. I then moved one hand away to explore his massive muscles. I reached for his abs and dug my fingers deep in the gaps between each brick. He noticed this and chuckled and crunched down lightly on my fingers. I plucked my hand out and moved up his abs until I reached the large underside of his left pectoral. I traced the overhang where his pecs sat on top of his abdomen until my hand reached something out of place. It felt like a cold stick. What was that? I popped my head out of his sweaty pit and hopped down to the floor. The big guy noticed and put his arm down to his sides. The way his shoulders were squeezed in the stall made his biceps push his pecs out even further. "What are you doing down there, little man?" He questioned. "I felt something wedged under your pec." I tried to push his huge man melon up but it was rock hard and not going to budge. He bellowed another laugh and used his hand to lift up his left pectoral muscle. Wedged under the huge pec above his abdomen was a bent fork. "It's a fork...I think it might have gotten trapped in there during dinner time!" We both laughed along. I pulled the fork from it's muscle dungeon and held it up. "Well, that's no good anymore! It's all bent up!" He preached. "Why don't we dispose of it?" He smiled a devlish grin and shifted around the tiny shower stall. He leaned back up against the wall and pushed his pecs out a few more inches. I gasped at the sight and felt week in the knees. His pecs rose up and up as he continued to arch his back. Suddenly his huge mountains shifted apart and his face came into view from the other side of the cavernous cleavage. "Go ahead, little man...Toss it in between my pecs," he winked, "I want to crush it for you." He almost set me over the edge. I threw the poor fork into the deep cleavage and his pecs slammed together around it like a venus fly trap. The slam of his chest made me fall onto my ass and land against the shower wall across from him. As I looked down at the tile floor below our asses the all familiar shadow of his pecs began to come over me. I tilted my head back and was greeted by his massive pecs leaning right over me. He leaned over enough so that I could see his face over his chest. "Tell me when, little man." "Now." I said staring up at him as I grabbed my cock. "Now what, little Joey?" He asked provocatively. "Now crush it between your massive pecs, big guy!" Waves immediately came over his pecs and the striations of his chest went wild. I started jerking my cock watching him crush this little fork--which was completely out of my view--into something unrecognizable. He twisted the pecs over and under eachother and I could hear the dense pecs winning the battle against the measly fork. He stopped flex and a tiny beebee sized object dropped to the wet floor near the shower drain between us. I looked up at him and he smiled down and nodded. I picked up the beebee and rolled it around in my hand. "You're so powerful..." I dropped the beebee-like pellet to the floor and reached up to his chest. However, sitting on the floor I could barely reach his pecs so I had to stand up before placing my hands on his muscular orbs that took up half of the shower space. "Flex them for me....Make them huge." He looked over his chest at me. "Stand back, little man. It's about to get really cramped in here." He got a serious look on his face before closing his eyes and tilting his head back. I took a few steps back until my bubble but pressed against the cold tile of shower wall. I touched the wall to get some moisture on my hands and then began jerking my cock. I was in for a great show. The behemoth made a loud grunt and shifted his shoulders together and then pulled them back. His pectorals started rising up in every direction as he flexed. Veins and striations swept across them and they began to turn red as blood flowed into them. "Bigger!" I shouted from the lower side of his muscle mountains. The big guy responded by pushing his chest out even further. I could hear his chest expanding like the sound of leather as his wet muscles rubbed together fighting for space. The outer sides of his pecs were now wider than his shoulders as he perched them high and mighty. "Holy shit, big guy! Your pecs are fucking huge!" I panted as I jerked faster. His chest filled any visible space of the shower up to a foot in front of me. Suddenly the two massive muscles began to spread apart at the center as they have before, but never like this. The giants face came into view at the top end of his deep cleavage with visible strain as his expression. "This muscle....is all.. for you!" He said with gritted teeth. My body quivered as I looked over the size of the muscle in front of me. Without even realizing what I was saying between my pants I managed to squeak out. "Bigger." He smiled down at me with his teeth still clenched and grabbed his immense cock between his legs squeezed up on the shower floor. He then tilted his head back and began to inhale deeply. Alex's massive pecs rose out even further in every direction like two huge balloons. The gap between them closing up as the two muscles started fighting for any space in the small shower stall. The outer sides of his chest, which passed over his arms by a few feet, touched the shower walls on both sides as they expanded larger. As I looked at the magnificent sight inches from my face I noticed his chest was beginning to squeeze against the sides of the shower and eventually would not be able to fit. I moved my head off the shower wall and slammed it forward a few inches until my face was smothered between the two huge orbs. Alex took notice and opened his chest wide to let my face fall further into his pecs. I could hear the sides of the shower stall start to crack from the pressure of his chest pressing against them. With my hands still groping my cock I swiveled my face left and right, digging my head deeper into his pecs. "Yea, little man! You like it in there? You like your entire head buried in my pec cleavage?" His words alone could have made me erupt. I know he was turning himself on, as well, because I could feel his gigantic right pec start to quake against my cheek harder and harder with each passing second which could only mean he was pumping his huge cock with his right hand. "Ah, I can squish your head, ah, like a grape in there," he said between pants. With his pecs unflexed like this I could move my face around freely so I twisted my head to the side while in his muscle prison and kissed the hot flesh he playfully threatened to squish me with. I released my cock for a moment with my hands only to pry my head out from inside his chest. I backed up against the wall which was now only a few inches behind me as he had outgrown the space between us. I tilted my head back and placed my hands on the tile wall behind me for support as I stood flat against the wall. "Flex them..Flex them bigger," I demanded. He stopped jerking and shifted his chest down so he could see my face. At first he looked at me confused, but when I smirked at him, he smirked back and winked. "Anything for my little man," he teased. He kept his eyes on me and smiled with his big white teeth clenched together. He grunted once and veins swept across the entire area of his bright red chest. "AHHHH!" I could hear his pecs flexing bigger and bigger as they inched towards my face. He grunted once more loudly and his face turned beat red. I cowered in fear and my eyes closed as he screamed down at me. Through his grunts I could feel the heat of his pecs closing in on my face before I felt two large thuds on either side of my head made me look up and open my eyes. It took my eyes a second to adjust to the darkness but after a few moments I had realized what was going on in my current situation. Alex still sat with his ass on the cold tile floor perched up against the wall across from me as I stood against the opposing wall at my full 5'5 stature. His pecs had grown so big that they formed a cave around my skull that started at the base of my neck and extended what seemed to be a few feet above me. My, oh my, he had even grown taller. I could feel the heat radiating from his red hot skin. We both sat silently for another few moments until the sound of cracking tiles filled both our ears. His chest was outgrowing the shower! I looked up passed the pecs that formed a cave around my face and saw the ceiling tiles forming cracks above us. I felt the warmth of his chest spread through my cheek bones as they grew bigger and bigger holding my face firmly in place against the tile wall behind me. Alex's head grew higher and higher up and as this happened my feet began to leave the floor. My neck strained as it carried the weight of my body up the wall. Panic set in as Alex gave me a look of despair. "Little man! I..I can't stop growing!" He proclaimed between grunts. "You've got to get out of here! I'm..I'm getting too big!" Small pieces of tile began falling from the walls as his weight shifted and his huge mountainous back left a crater in the wall behind him. I pressed my hands to the underside of his pecs and tried to pry myself free with no avail. The pressure on my head started to build up as the shower stall filled with his muscles. Suddenly a pipe in the wall burst and water poured down on us both. He looked down at me through his cleavage and we locked eyes for a few short seconds where the world seemed to stop. I looked into his deep dark eyes and it gave him the confirmation that he needed. If we did nothing my head would be crushed like a tomato between his muscle mounds in less than a minute. "ARRRRGGGHHHHHH!" He shouted as his chest filled with blood and his veins flustered across the surface of the two huge globes. They swelled larger and larger and the cracking of the shower stall became more apparent. The outer portions of his chest started cracking into the tile walls exposing the steel beams that structure the walls of Alex's oversized mansion. After a few more seconds of pushing his chest apart I was finally released from the pec vice and fell onto his expansive inner thigh muscle below as he was still sitting on the shower floor. Exhausted, yet relieved I looked up at the underside of his veiny expanding chest only to see Alex looking down at me with a shocked look as the back of his head and diesel neck smashed into the shower ceiling. He broke through the ceiling tiles and they started raining down in what seemed to be slow motion. Shards were falling right towards my helpless body when Alex's quick reflexes kicked in and he slammed his pecs together before a single shard could reach me. The light from above was blocked out and the blood started rushing to my head all at once. "Little man," his voice seemed sluggish to me and muffled as I couldn't hear him over the rumble of the shower being bursted through, "Are you okay?" I looked towards his deep cut abs and my eyes started to flutter until I drifted off into unconsciousness.
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