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  1. Jaypat

    Troy's Maggot - 5

    Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 TROY Come here, Maggot. I know we finished the workout for the day, but I want to show you something. Stand right here in the mirror. That’s good. Now, take off your shirt. What do you see? What do you mean, nothing? You’ve been training for 3 weeks now! What do you see?! You don’t know? Ok, let me show you. First, your paunch is almost completely gone! You think you’re getting fat? Haha. No, Maggot, you’re just getting a little bulking gut. A bulking gut is completely different than a paunch. A bulking gut is a nice rounded stomach that comes from putting on muscle, which usually comes with a little fat—not much you can do about that. And a paunch hangs low on your waste, goes all around your middle like a spare tire and comes from being a crap eating, video gaming, couch jockey! You see those two bumps just below your rib cage? They were never there before, were they? Those are your upper abs, Maggot. You’re starting to get fucking abs! Yeah go ahead and poke ’em. Solid, aren’t they? And check out your chest. No more flat nubs. They’re becoming rounded mounds now. You have to have noticed how they’ve started pushing out the front of your shirt. And those new little caps of muscle on your boney-ass shoulders. They make your body look broader up top. And flex those arms. Yeah, that’s it, flex. You got biceps, now Maggot! They’re not much more than bumps, but they’re a helluva lot more than you had when we started. And feel those legs! Yeah go on, feel ‘’em, just like this. They’re a lot thicker and harder than they were. That’s all the running and the squats you’ve been doing. Fuck, they’re like rocks! You... …Ahhh… Cindy? What’re you doing here? You came to see what I’ve been spending so much time on? So what if I’m standing here with a shirtless dude? This is a weight room. There are lots of shirtless dudes around. What do you mean I spend more time with my Maggot than I spend with you? He’s my Maggot. I told you about the bet. So what if I had my hand on his leg. Dudes feel each other’s muscles in the gym all the time, especially if one dude is training another dude. Is he blowing me? Cindy, if you were a dude, I’d knock you into next week for saying something like that! Ok, fine. Fucking ask him. See, he’s not blowing me. Are you fucking happy? Where are you going now? Geeze, fucking bitches! Problem is, she’s the hottest girl in school; buys her a lot. The bitches are gonna start looking at you soon, Maggot. Be fucking careful though; most of ’em are bat-shit crazy. So, don’t pay any attention to Cindy. I think you should be proud of yourself Maggot! I think you should enjoy the look and feel of your body as you change from a slug to a man! And I’ll tell you something else! I think you’re doing way better than your buddy Ralphie. From what I can see, you just got better genetics, like I’ve been saying all along! Simon Philips, though… I don’t know what’s going on with him. Those shirts Jack dresses him in are so big they hang on him like a tent. It’s hard to tell what’s going on underneath. But he’s such a tiny guy, I can’t believe he’s doing better than you. Yup, I think we got this bet won! Brian’s Journal Day 22 The shit seriously hit the fan today! I don’t know what’s going to happen now… Just when I was starting to get used to this whole fucking weird maggot-thing. I mean at first, it was pretty fucking rough. My body hurt so bad, I could barely move. But that went away after a couple of weeks. I still hurt, but nothing like I did. …And after the workout yesterday, fucking Troy, actually giving me a guided tour of my own body. As if I hadn’t noticed. Hell yeah, I’d noticed! It’s been staring out of the mirror at me every morning for days! At first it was me looking at these little lumps and bulges going, “Is that what I think it is?” A little prodding, a little poking and I was pretty sure. Fuck, they’re muscles. I was growing muscles! Then I found if I tried I could actually make them jerk a little. It was actually pretty cool—all those tiny bulges of twitching muscle. And my biceps… they started showing up about a week after the workouts began. I’ve been checking those out every day. And every day they get bigger. I mean they’re not huge or anything. In fact, I think most guys have bigger arms than me… But then again, every day they get bigger. I think it was the day after I first started noticing the changes that I found myself waking up in the morning before Troy actually got there. I’ll never forget the look on his face the first morning I was out of bed and waiting for him when he showed up. It was classic Troy. And then today at lunch… Fuck… Shit got real. It started out pretty normal. I was feeling pretty good about the changes I was going through, and I found myself looking across the lunch table at Ralphie and wondering what kind of changes he was going through. So, I said, “Hey dude, check this out.” And I pulled up my sleeve and flexed my budding bicep for him. He kinda smirked at me and went, “Oh yeah? Check this out.” Then he pulled up his sleeve and flexed his arm. Fuck, he had a bicep too! Was it as big as mine? Was it bigger? I just couldn’t tell. But I knew a way to find out. “Wanna arm wrestle?” I asked. “Seriously?” asked Ralphie. “Yeah,” I said. “Seriously.” It was about this point that the jock table noticed what we were doing. They all started elbowing and nudging each other and pointing over at us. Hunter and Troy were grinning and trash talking each other and I could tell bets were being placed. Before Ralphie and I knew what was happening, the whole jock table was crowded around us. For some reason Jack wasn’t there. I never really found out why. I think he may have been sick or something, but anyway… Our little arm wrestling match had become a main lunch time event. Talk about pressure, I think both of us were kind of regretting our decision. But it was far too late now. We took our positions, elbows on the table and arms extended. I could hear Troy cheering me on, “You can do it, Maggot! He’s nothing! Waste him!” Of course Hunter was saying pretty much the same thing to Ralphie. We clasped hands and stared each other in the eye. Damn, Ralphie looked determined. Well, I was just as fucking determined! One of the jock’s said, “Ok, on the count of 3. 1… 2… 3!” And it was on! I gave a mighty push! Fuck, I thought I might just have been able to quickly slam his arm to the table, but fuck no! He pushed back just as hard. We were both straining, hard as we could, against each other. The cheers and shouts of the jocks all around us. A lot of them were calling, “Go Maggot, go!” Of course it was hard to tell which maggot they were cheering for. I’m not even sure if they knew. I’m not even sure if they cared. I could see my new bicep bulging up hard. Fuck, at that moment it just didn’t look like much. But Ralphie’s didn’t either and after a few seconds he started to give. Slowly I began forcing his arm down. “That’s it, Maggot!” shouted Troy. “Destroy him!” I could see Ralphie was straining as hard as he could and I could see he looked worried. I found myself smirking over the table at him. I was winning. I was stronger. And it felt pretty damn good. With one final heave, giving it everything I had, I slammed him to the table. FUCK YEAH! Cheers went up amongst the jocks. Money changed hands. Troy was slapping me on the back. “Atta boy, Maggot, I knew you could do it!” Hunter looked kind of pissed, and he shouted over at Troy. “It ain’t over yet. We got til graduation! By then my maggot will be crushing yours into dust!” “Yeah,” answered Troy, “and then you woke up!” And then suddenly we all heard this ridiculously loud shout. It sounded like a pissed off kid who had just gone through puberty and gotten a voice that was way too deep for him to handle. “FUCK OFF, DOUCHE! Everybody turned. There in the lunch line was little Simon Phillips, resplendent in his tent-like, yellow Jack’s Maggot shirt. He was red faced and pissed and shouting at Justin Tambor, who was about a head taller than him, “YOU FUCKING CUT IN FRONT OF ME!” “Yeah?” said Justin. “So, what if I did? What are you going to do about it? You fucking jock-boy guardian angel ain’t here today! And you’re just a little fucking ant man without him.” “ANT MAN?” Simon turned so red I thought he might explode. Then suddenly he was yanking off his yellow shirt and… Holy fuck! He was completely yoked! He pulled a most muscular pose and, all at once, muscles were exploding out all over him. He had a fucking bulging chest, a chiseled six pack, a back writhing with ridges and slabs of muscle, tennis ball sized, striated shoulders and big, vein-covered bicpes that looked like they were starting to develop peaks! Simon let out a low growl and then, grinning savagely, he grabbed Justin by the arm, twisted it, and forced the wincing taller guy, to his knees. “WHOSE FUCKING ANT MAN NOW, DOUCHE?!” It was suddenly so quite in the cafeteria you would have thought school had ended and everyone had gone home. Simon turned to Ralphie and me and shouted. “And when the time comes, I’m going to do the same thing to you two losers, only by then I’ll be way fucking bigger!” Then smirking, he flexed his bulging biceps at us. “Unless you want some now?” Both Raphie and I were too shocked to move, let alone answer him. One of the lunch monitors came over and asked Simon to put his shirt back on which he begrudgingly did. It was then I noticed Simon had a bad breakout of acne across his chest and back. The lunch monitor led both Justin and Simon out of the cafeteria, presumably to the office. As if someone hit a switch, the cafeteria erupted into a sea of babble. Troy tapped me on the shoulder and said, “Stick to your phone. You’ll be hearing from me.” Then he turned to Hunter and said “Jack’s been juicing his maggot.” Hunter acknowledged Troy with a sagely nod, and the two of them walked away to confer. Ralphie was as stunned as me. Holy crap! What’s going to happen now? Next Part
  2. The stale smell of sweat that constantly lingered in the air was like a trigger for Henry. After 8 months of avoiding the gym, he finally got his ass through those gym doors and committed to a membership. It didn't help that this gym in particular was in the basement of a building, but he had no excuse to avoid it since he lived down the street. He missed it. The hot gym rats obsessed with the pump, the tight clothes, the lack of clothes, the glimpses of swollen bodies in the change room, and that overwhelming gym aroma. As soon as he swung open the gym door, he was hooked again. Escaping the busy city streets with traffic noise, and entering the world of clanking iron weights, grunts of exhaustion and pure muscle growth. Henry always wanted to become massive. Ever since he was young growing teen, when he first saw bodybuilders in an Olympia book at the local book store. He was mesmerized by it. The seed was planted, and he knew he'd be huge some day. Henry didn't realize how fucking hard that would be. Now, standing at 5'10, 160lbs at 27 years old, he wasn't exactly the muscle freak he fantasized about. He had the typical excuse that life got in the way. First it was school, then work, then his dating life. His last boyfriend wasn't much of a fitness enthusiast, and Henry, being a creature of comfort, followed suit and avoided the gym. It didn't fit in with the life plan at the time. That all changed after a messy breakup. Tired of not looking after himself, and feeling misdirected, he always felt there was something missing - it had to be the gym. Every other aspect of his life seemed to be perfection to anyone on the outside looking in. He was a 20-something guy, living in the city, newly single and easy on the eyes. Henry just wasn't happy being skinny. That deep inner passion was finally being unearthed and he was listening to it. After a two weeks of lifting, Henry's early morning workout was becoming a routine. It was less busy at the gym in the morning, so he didn't feel as self-conscious while we got his footing with his workouts. The intense pain he felt was slowly subsiding day by day. His body scorched with pain for days after each workout, but he secretly loved it. He knew his body was responding to his growth plan, and it was worth it to see the results each day. It wasn't insane growth, but he noticed it. He started to become a gym regular. He was greeted by name as soon as he approached the front desk, he noticed a few regular early morning gym rats as well. He hadn't had the nerve to speak with anyone yet, it was easier to just keep to himself, but there were definitely a few guys who stood out. Maybe it was a matter of time until he became gym bros with them. There was one trainer in particular that stood out. Henry avoided getting a trainer, despite the aggressive efforts from the gym owner. Too much money, and he wanted to go at his own pace. But this trainer was hot as hell. Around 5'7", and easily 200lbs. He was the only trainer who trained early in the morning, always had a smile on his face, and was well aware of how pumped and swollen his body was. Henry kept a low profile and assumed he was under the radar and unnoticed the whole time, but could have sworn this trainer gave him a side glance a few times. Nothing more annoying the a gym induced crush - completely throws off the gaydar! Especially from a trainer! In any case it was motivation for Henry to get up every morning, with the hopes of seeing Pete the trainer. Henry never made any obvious effort to workout near Pete while he was training clients. The odd time though it would happen by chance. Usually Henry would turn down his earbuds and see if he could discretely listen in on his conversation. Keeping it casual so he didn't draw any attention to himself. On one specific morning Pete's client started a chat about drinking the night before, and Pete expressed his love for wine. Henry noticed how self conscious Pete became. His client, an uppity annoying middle-aged woman, was shocked by his response. WINE?! And Henry was shocked by HER response, thinking, what's wrong with wine?! Is wine gay? He laughed to himself. Well, he thought he laughed to himself. The muffled laughter was within earshot of Pete. For the first time Pete looked directly at Henry, and smirked. That of course was such a subtle insignificant signifier to make Henry's mind race for the rest of his workout - maybe Pete really is gay! Given his profession, the bro-culture, the muscle, the sweat, the client-base, maybe Pete's been on the down-low out of his own insecurity. It was driving Henry mad, but he wasn't about to outright ask Pete. A couple weeks went by. Henry kept to his routine as much as possible. Up early, get to the gym, maybe Pete is working. Most mornings he was. Made all the effort worthwhile when Henry saw Pete laughing and talking with a client in his tight white shirt, waddling around the gym. Leg day. Leg day is when everything changed, 6 weeks into Henry's secret muscle growth plan. He was in the squat rack, which happened to be near Pete and his client. Henry was just finishing up his last set, when Pete walked by. "Nice form", he said. HOLY SHIT. Henry's heart would have started racing if he wasn't already exhausted. Henry grabbed his towel, and wiped the sweat streaming down his forehead. "Thanks, I think I'm getting the hang of it", said Henry. "Well, if you ever need any pointers flag me down anytime, I can tell you have a lot of potential. Would be good to see you get the most out of your workout", said Pete. "Ah, thanks man, really appreciate it but I can't afford a trainer right now. Thanks for the compliment though", said Henry. Pete laughed, "Free of charge buddy, I don't charge unless it's a full session, you've seriously got a frame to get freaky", and then winked at Henry as he walked over to meet his next client. Henry couldn't help himself from smiling. Finally, he had an in.
  3. "Ah, Jeremy, glad I've caught you!" "Ah, Mr. Stuart" smiled Jeremy and then noted the expression on his face, "Is everything all right, sir?" "In a word, no" came the reply and with that gestured the exchange student into a spare classroom that wasn't being used. As he said behind a desk he sighed and said "I'm afraid we may have to cancel the Christmas Fayre!" "No" exclaimed the Englishman, "but the effort we've put into it all. What will the school think?" "I know" replied Mr. Stuart, "but, well, look at this e-mail I've had this morning" and with that handed his smartphone to Jeremy who read it with an air of concern, "Dear Sir, I am sorry to have to report that John Cena is no longer able to be your Father Christmas for the fayre that you are holding on December 19th next due to having suffered a broken ankle in his most recent bout. We will be more than happy to refund the cost of hiring him" As Jeremy handed the phone back, his heart sank. He had agreed to be the elf in charge of Santa's grotto and had instigated the poll on the school's website for people to choose who should play Santa, "and now the whole school will be so disappointed" he frowned and then suddenly suggested "What about him?" he asked "Him?" asked Mr. Stuart As Jeremy mimed raising a sword he gasped, "But what if he, you know" and opened his eyes wide to recreate the expression on the Ultimate Musketeer's face when he orgasmed after his last appearance, "I mean you haven't been him since Hallowe'en. He's going to be in a foul mood you know!" "I cannot disappoint the school" came the reply and so it was agreed that Jeremy would meet up at Mr. Stuart's house early on the Saturday morning and between them they would try and convince his alter ego to step into the breach *** "NO!" came the resounding reply "What?" exclaimed Alexi and Jeremy in unison "NO!" the Ultimate Musketeer insisted, "Why should I? You seem to forget that I was a hero back in the time of Louis XIII and XIV. Anyway who is this Santa Claus?" "He's a person who delivers gifts to children across the world!" replied Jeremy in the back of the Musketeer's mind, "He's a force for good in the world just like you!" Before the hero could answer, Alexi said "Have you ever celebrated Christmas?" "Of course I" the Musketeer started but then stopped and bowed his head and said softly "No, monsieur" and explained that whilst the person who hosted him every time had indeed celebrated Christmas, he had never experienced it himself and with that sat down on a chair and held his head in his hands. The Ultimate Musketeer, perhaps the most powerful man ever to exist, was crying. "There, There" said Jeremy and added "When I go back to England next week, I will let you celebrate Christmas as yourself!" "But, you can't" exclaimed Alexi, "his and your secret!" "No, it can be done!" and explained that every Christmas, whatever the weather, he had left the house where he lived after the presents had been unwrapped in the morning and walked around his neighbourhood speaking to the residents who were on their own or just needed a little solace, "If I explain to my parents that I wish to speak to someone who lives a little out of the way and that I will be back rather later than normal, that will give me time to become the Musketeer and introduce myself as a friend who has been invited to take part in Christmas!" "You'd do that?" sniffed the Musketeer, "for me?" "I'm British" chuckled Jeremy, "I'd do it for anyone!" With that the Musketeer stood up and bellowed "Monsieur, you have a Santa Claus!" *** "Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our school's Christmas Fayre and would you please welcome our very special guest, Santa Claus!" As the principal led the applause the Ultimate Musketeer, dressed in a bright red outfit stepped out of his grotto and with a mighty "HO, HO, HO!" announced "I now declare this Fayre and my Grotto OPEN!" and with that a rush of kindergarteners surged towards the grotto and for the rest of the afternoon, an almost constant supply of "Please Santa, can I have a lightsabre?" and "Could I have a Minion?" and one rather quiet "Santa, can I wish for snow?" came through and all the while the Musketeer laughed "Ho, Ho, Ho!". Just as the grotto was about to close another person came in and as the lad sat on Santa's lap he was asked "And what would you like for Christmas?" "Mr. Cena" came the reply, "I want to ask a favour of you!" and as the Musketeer looked at the lad sitting on his lap, Jeremy exclaimed in the back of his mind "Oh, lord, Jake!" "And what favour would that be?" replied the Musketeer, not breaking character for a second. "Sir" came the rather modest reply, "Could you help me raise funds please?" "Raise funds?" asked the Musketeer "There's a hero of mine" Jake replied, "who I first met a few months ago. Sir, he's the biggest, strongest man in the world and, I realise this is unlikely to happen, but, sir, could you wrestle him for charity?" "And who is this hero?" asked the Musketeer "He calls himself the Ultimate Musketeer, sir" came the reply, "I first thought he was a comic book hero, but then, sir, I met him, just as I am meeting you and sir, he is magnificent. He's as big as Triple H, stronger than you and the Hulkster combined and oh, sir, could you wrestle him please?" "And if I did, where would the funds go to?" asked the Musketeer "To the charity that a friend of mine holds dear" came the reply, "a charity that raises funds for wounded warriors in my friend's homeland of England!" As the Musketeer listened, Jeremy couldn't believe what he was hearing. Jake, the person who had bullied him all semester considered him a friend. Jeremy asked the Musketeer if he could speak and asked "Lad, why do you want me to wrestle your hero?" "To admit to my friend that I was wrong" Jake said, "to admit that the Musketeers of old were heroes and that I shouldn't have bullied him over it. But, well, I'm the school's star quarterback, sir, if I don't bully someone who is different I'd be removed from my social circle of jocks. Consider it my Christmas present to him, sir!" Now it was Jeremy's turn to cry and as the Musketeer replied, "I'll speak with this Ultimate Musketeer of which you speak. Now, you run along and I'll see what I can do!" in the back of his mind he could hear Jeremy wail "Thank you, Jake, Thank you!" *** As promised the Ultimate Musketeer did celebrate Christmas with Jeremy's parents and once they had got over his size and strength, which was proven by him cracking walnuts with his fingers, they treated him as one of their own family. They shared their chocolate selection boxes with him, they pulled crackers with him which he always won, and they shared their Christmas dinner with him. And in deference to his host's nationality, he stood respectfully as the Queen delivered her Christmas address to which he whimpered "Dieu Sauve La Reine" as he saluted the National Anthem. As the sun started to set he gently shook his hosts hand and said "Madame, I thank you for allowing me to visit this, my first proper celebration of the Mass of Christ. If there is anything I can do for you, please let your son know!" and with that he bowed and let himself out of the door. As he walked slowly to the beach he started to cry gently and murmured "Thank you, Jeremy for allowing me to celebrate Christmas!" "Not a problem in the slightest" replied Jeremy and added "And don't worry, when I get back to school in the New Year I'll arrange that wrestling bout between you and John Cena" and chuckled "Shall I send a picture of you posing naked or just as you are?" As the Ultimate Musketeer's booming laugh filled the air, he stood on the beach overlooking the sea where Jeremy lived he raised his sword and roared "Thy honour is restored" and as Jeremy made his way back to his home, the Ultimate Musketeer said "Joyeux Noel, mon amis" to which Jeremy replied "And the same to you big guy!"
  4. TheWeremuscleForest

    Hypnosis Does More Than One Body Good

    You can check out the first hypnosis story here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2230-hypnosis-does-a-body-good/ Hypnosis II: "Come on in boys and let’s have a chat for a few minutes." Richard Steiner invited two of his closest friends from his gym to attend a hypnosis seminar that is supposed to help you unlock your body’s sixth sense and allow you to fulfill a lifelong dream. Both of the men read the brochures carefully before they responded to his invite to make sure that it was something that they both wanted to do. Wayne, who is the beefier of the two men, admits that he is a big nerd when it comes to anything that can help him learn how to enhance his brain in any way possible. His partner Lyle is the more cerebral one who thinks that this is a bit of a gimmick, but he loves Wayne tremendously and is willing to give it a try if needed. They both ended up arriving at the hotel where the seminar is being held a bit early to get a few things done. They both spend the afternoon together at a local restaurant for a little while before Steiner calls one of them to come back to the hotel to meet up with him to hang out before they all go to the event. They get to his room a few minutes later and both enter after he invites them in. They take seats in chairs located directly across from where Steiner is dressing. The fifty-something year old is someone that Wayne and Lyle never imagined they would become so close with. They first met him a few years prior when he was just a newbie in the gym. He was thin and discouraged and kept thinking that he was too old to start thinking about bulking up in any capacity. Wayne, who is a few years younger than Lyle, immediately saw him as a fatherly figure and wanted to help him achieve the body that he always dreamed about having before he ever met either of them. As he continues to dress for the seminar, Wayne grunts a few times as he studies the older man’s sculpted chest and roidy abdominals and stares at all of the nicely formed peaks and valleys in his shoulders, back, and along his neckline. Steiner notices that Wayne is looking at him and smiles as he adjusts the glasses on his face and lightly rubs his grayish colored beard that he has had for years. He walks over and kisses the younger man on the lips while Lyle watches and shakes his head. "You two have always had this communication thing going that I have never quite understood. If you were anyone else Richard I would probably beat you up." Steiner looks over and grins before he walks over to kiss Lyle on the lips as well before rubbing the thirty-somethings defined chest which tightly hugs his dress shirt and jacket. The older stud moans as he does this and looks into his deep brown eyes. "You know I care deeply about both of you Lyle. You both have changed my life in more ways than you will ever know. I have had equally stunning men want to have sex with me for months." Lyle chuckles before shaking his head and looking over at Wayne who is also shaking his head but in a different direction. The twenty-something gets up and walks over behind Steiner to help him adjust his tie and to help him button his shirt up. The older stud leans back against his thick hairy chest which strains against the fabric in his dress shirt and sighs loudly. Steiner’s hands wander towards Wayne’s crotch but Lyle motions for him to stop doing that. "Ahhh man, Wayne and me were just going to flirt a little bit that’s all. *He winks at Lyle* It isn’t my fault anyway, big W here is trying to get a rise out of me which is obviously working." "Yeah I know how Wayne is. He is horny 24 hours a day with all of that pent up testosterone. I have told him that he needs to do something about that since he never runs out it seems." Wayne runs his hands up and down Steiner’s shirt feeling his rock hard abs and firm pecs as he gives the mature stud a few kisses on his neck and face. The older man moans deeply as he turns around to kiss Wayne on the lips again. Lyle gets up and makes them both stop before it escalates into an all-out sex fest between the two of them. "Knock it off Beastman. Knowing you, you have already ruined the inside of your boxers. That cock of yours has a mind of its own and it has never stopped leaking since I have known you. I’m right, aren’t I?" Wayne giggles in his incredibly deep baritone and shakes his head yes. Steiner rubs Wayne’s beard which sends shivers up the beefy stud’s spine as he tries to behave himself. Lyle knows that he can’t stop them from going any further since he has seen this happen more than once. The two horny studs grunt several times before they tear each other’s shirts open and start massaging each other’s chests with their tongues. Lyle sits back down in one of the chairs to watch them get even more personal as Steiner unzips Wayne’s pants and pulls his boxers down to free his monster from its prison. He immediately gets down on his knees to gulp on the smaller beast and works it over vigorously. Wayne grunts loudly as he massages the bald-headed stud’s cranium feeling his balls straining against Richard’s beard. It is obvious that Steiner is hungry for his young friend’s sperm as he continues to work it over with a tremendous intensity. He feels the flood moving up into Wayne’s huge uncut cock very quickly and opens his mouth. "MMMMM FUCKING GAWD…..I can never get enough of your cum Wayne. You always taste so fucking incredible. You have to feed me that hot cum gorgeous I am so hungry for it." Wayne flexes his thick body as he showers Steiner with his load hitting him in the face and coating his glasses in the process. The older man locks his lips on the pulsing rod and gulps down every drop he can muster as Lyle watches his throat guzzle his lover’s cum. Steiner grips his young friend’s big furry ass as he lovingly sucks slowly on the big pole to get every single drop of cum out. He looks up at Wayne as he pulls his cock out of his mouth to kiss it a few times before letting it go. He then takes his glasses off so he can see as the beefy man leans down to pull his mature friend’s pants down to return the favor. Wayne then pushes him down on the bed before positioning himself in front of the rigid pole which is pulsing wildly in front of his face. He slaps Steiner’s cock on both of his cheeks before he slurps on the precum that is now dangling from the cockhead. Next he slowly gulps on it which sends shockwaves through the older man’s body as he makes the mature stud’s ballsac jump while he massages his pole. After a few minutes of licking and teasing it, Wayne can sense the volcano building up in his close friend’s balls as they swell up until they turn a deep purple color. Steiner grunts down at him to finish him off as his beefy partner works his cock with both of his hands and his mouth. The sweat pours profusely down the lean muscular man’s chest as he sprays Wayne with several jets of his manly cum. Wayne tries not to swallow any of it since Lyle doesn’t think it is too wise but his well-trimmed beard is entirely coated in it as it continues to drip off his face and chin. Lyle gets up and walks over to both of them to pull Wayne away from Steiner’s cock. "All right you horn dogs, you had your fun can we please finish getting ready for the seminar now?" They both laugh and agree that they are going to be late if they don’t move this along. Wayne puts his pants back on and makes sure that he isn’t too dirty from all of the cum and goes to wipe his face off in the bathroom. The completely drenched older man though will have to shower again since he is very dirty. Steiner tells both of them that he will see them later probably. As they leave, Lyle gives his partner a look that doesn’t look too promising as Wayne takes his dress shirt off and prances down the hall shirtless and smelling of musk. "Did you have fun beastie? I know you probably made Richard’s day memorable. You are still going to have to find a new shirt in our room so you might as well shower again yourself." Wayne giggles in his deep voice again as he finally stops fooling around. Lyle pushes him back into the hotel room and closes the door before they bother anyone else on that floor. The beefy beast strips naked and rushes into the shower to wash up again. Lyle goes over to the window and looks down at the line for the seminar. He comments that it looks like it is going to be a long wait if they don’t get moving which promptly gets Wayne to rush out of the shower to dry off. Lyle helps him get dressed quickly as they start to jog down the hall and into the nearby elevator. Wayne grunts each time he takes a step since his heaving pecs bounce up and down constantly. Lyle punches him in the gut as the elevator doors close behind them. Once they get to the bottom floor, they notice that the line into the auditorium is the length of the whole lobby. Lyle turns to Wayne and shakes his head no which immediately draws a sad look from the beefy stud’s face. "Ahh come on Lyle, Rich invited us here. The least we can do is stay for a little bit in case he sees us." Lyle shrugs his shoulders and agrees so they get in line. It takes nearly an hour for them to finally get into the auditorium which is packed with tons of hot guys, some of which Wayne can’t seem to take his eyes off of. His smaller, yet well-muscled partner notices his big cock tenting inside his pants as they sit in their seats. He slaps it several times making Wayne grab it as he grimaces in his direction. The lights go dim a few minutes later as a man walks out to the main podium located in the center of the stage in front of them. He makes a few comments before introducing the special guest for the event. As the guest comes out, you can hear people in the audience talking amongst themselves as they see that he is a red-skinned man wearing a black dress shirt and gray pants. Wayne and Lyle look on in disbelief as they have never seen such a sight before. The man grins for a few seconds before he introduces himself to the audience and proceeds to start his presentation. Someone in the gallery stands up and asks the man a very personal question about how he came to be of that skin color. The speaker laughs and point blank tells them that they wouldn’t want to know because it might scare them. Some of the audience laughs including Wayne. After going over the basis of the whole seminar the man steps away from the podium and walks over to the edge of the stage. He points directly at Wayne and motions for him to come forward as he will be part of his next segment. Lyle shakes his head and smiles as Wayne jumps up and starts walking towards the stage. The speaker motions for Lyle to come up as well as he figures out that they are a couple. Lyle reluctantly follows behind as they both get on stage with the red man. His powerful arms strain heavily against the black fabric on his shirt as he undoes the buttons on his forearms to peel the sleeves back. Wayne moans a bit as Lyle shoves him in his side while grinning at the same time. Some of the audience chuckles as they do this. The man leans over and whispers to both of them that he already knows how to proceed with the exercise so they should just go along with whatever happens next. Wayne and Lyle stare at each other as the man instructs them to both look directly at his face and not to move at all. He tells them to try and communicate with him without moving their body or their mouth. Wayne gets a bit frustrated after a couple of minutes of this because this isn’t something that he is used to doing. The presenter whispers his name Abel to them since it is also a part of the exercise. He smiles at Wayne and tells him to just calm down and to relax his body. He can pick up on Lyle though who is calmly breathing in and out while staring into the man’s brown eyes. Abel turns to look at the audience. "One of the volunteers up here is following the directions perfectly. It isn’t easy to attempt communication with each other without uttering a word, but he is surprisingly receptive to this method. Now, I am going to attempt to do something with you Lyle that might scare some people. I am going to hypnotize you, but you will still be able to function normally as you are right now. Do you want me to proceed?" Lyle seems a bit apprehensive at first but Wayne grabs his left hand and shakes his head yes. Lyle admits that he is enjoying this exercise a lot since he is a bit of an intellectual anyway so the red-skinned man lets the audience know that they are moving on to the next phase. He directs Lyle over to a stool which is just a few feet from where they are standing and has him sit on it. He tells Wayne to get behind Lyle so he can be involved in the exercise as well. He looks into Lyle’s eyes and starts talking very slowly making the fit doctor get a bit sleepy. After only a few seconds, he drifts off to sleep as Wayne puts his hands on his back to hold him up. Abel now looks up at Wayne and stares into his eyes. The beefy stud goes into a trance as well as the presenter continues to talk slowly making Wayne struggle to stay upright himself. Abel walks over beside him and grabs a hold of the big man’s waist as he continues to speak softly into his ear. Wayne closes his eyes and appears to be falling asleep as well. The man holds him up in place for about thirty seconds and slowly moves away from Wayne. The beefy stud doesn’t move from that spot which gets a few gasps from the audience before they start clapping. Once the gallery finishes applauding, Abel moves back over beside them and tells the people out in the auditorium that Lyle and Wayne will wake back up after he counts to three. After he finishes counting, both men open their eyes and look around trying to remember where they are. Wayne has a grin on his face as he looks over at the speaker before he starts talking. "I uhhhh……I feel a bit different man. I have this strange urge to……uhhhhh *pop* *stretch*…..MMMMMM…..ohhh shit! I thought I was…..*fabric strains*……oh shit……" Wayne feels his back expanding as his shirt underneath his jacket splits down the middle. His wool jacket follows directly after as his entire body starts growing. His pant seams shred as well since they unable to contain the massive tree trunks as they emerge victorious from their confines. Abel hears him grunting as he gets bigger destroying his entire outfit as his huge hairy upper body exposes itself within seconds as well as his huge rod which explodes out the zipper in his dress pants. It rubs up against Lyle’s head as he lets the growth completely take over. The horny giant moans as his attention turns to his lover Lyle who can feel it building up within his body as well. "NO, WAYNE NOT HERE! Oh fucking damnit……*stretch* “pop*……it shouldn’t feel this good should it?…..ohh my gawd my cock is going crazy now." Lyle feels his body straining as it tries to prevent what is happening to him from occurring. He is sweating profusely as he grabs his dress shirt and tears it open. His lean hairy pecs swell as the buttons on his shirt and jacket fly off and end up in the audience. Some of the people in the audience gasp as they see both of them transforming into muscle giants. Lyle jumps to his feet and puts his head in his hands as his clothes are quickly obliterated under the size and power of the incredibly round and shapely muscles that are expanding onto his frame. Wayne is now nearly 400 pounds as he growls with excitement. He turns to look over at Abel who seems a bit surprised by how strong this man’s lust for muscle really is. Some of the audience is really frightened as they start to shuffle out the back doors. Some though are getting quite turned on and can’t help themselves as they start to stroke their cocks and rub their clits. Wayne notices that Abel is changing himself now. His cock bursts through his pants as it swells to twice its size. The giant beefy beast can’t take his eyes off of it as the red-skinned man destroys his clothes within seconds as his muscles double up on themselves. The man’s huge cockhead gapes open as he shoots several massive streams of cum into the audience. Wayne and Lyle feel their cocks swelling as well as their balls stretch to their limits. Both of them yell in ecstasy as they spray the audience as well with multiple streams of thick spunk. Without even noticing that he was there, Richard Steiner had managed to move directly into the path of all three cum streams and was getting completely drowned in all of it, coating his face, clothes, and the few people that were around him. They immediately feel the effects of the cum as their clothes start ripping apart. Richard roars in delight as his lean frame reshapes itself as his chest and arms blow up making his suit explode into pieces as he grows to twice his size. He feels a surge of energy he hasn’t felt since he was a teenager as well as his glasses snap in half. He continues to get wider as he grips his thick hands on two chairs that are behind him and rips them completely out of the floor. He grunts as he feels the power raging throughout his body as he eclipses 350 pounds and launches the chairs up into the air as they land close to two other growing studs nearby. The few women in the audience are growing as well as their feminine frames transform into Amazonian proportions as their tits double up in size as well as their arms and legs. Wayne bends his lover Lyle over to plunge his massive rod inside him while Abel jumps down off the stage to start walking up the main aisle towards the back of the auditorium. He stops once he gets to the end of the walkway as his cock shrinks back to its original size. The rest of his body follows as well after as he sees the destruction around him unfold. The couples that stayed to watch the carnage are getting the aftereffects of a growth cycle they never thought they would ever be a part of. Men and women have started having sex with each other while others like Richard Steiner are so hyped up on adrenaline that they are tearing up whatever they can get their hands on. Wayne and Lyle finally stop growing once the hairy giant reaches 600 pounds and his intelligent partner stops at around 450 pounds. The sheer force behind their fucking shakes the stage to the point that the walls crack around them and the floor nearly buckles. Richard stops growing once he gets to 500 pounds and is entirely unrecognizable. The grey body hair and aging skin is all but a memory as he looks more like his two friends now rather than their daddy. After getting a lot of his aggression out, he decides to hop up onto the stage to join his close friends to plug his cock inside Wayne’s mouth. The extra weight finally makes the stage give way as the floor crumbles and falls in taking the three giants down with it. Abel smiles and shakes his head in disbelief as he exits through the back doors. The owners of the hotel called the police once they began hearing strange things happening through the walls. When the cops finally do show up, they end up becoming victims themselves as the swarm of muscle behemoths tackle them on the ground and start humping and pumping their seed down the cops’ throats. The escalation of the whole event continues as it passes on the policemen who can do little to avoid destroying their uniforms as their giant muscles appear within seconds. Abel successfully managed to hide in a nearby bathroom long enough to get past them and rushes out the front lobby without getting caught. Nobody notices him leaving in his car as well as he drives off fulfilling the mission that his congregation had set up for him in the first place. Here are other Body Good installments: Sex Parts 1 and 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2258-sex-does-a-body-good-2-parts/ Achilles: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2250-achilles-does-a-body-good/ The Protein series: Protein (original story): https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2276-protein-does-a-body-good/ The sequel trilogy: Prelude: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4658-prelude-to-more-satisfied-customers-protein-does-more-than-one-body-good-1-of-3/ Boys to Men: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4743-from-boys-to-men-protein-does-more-than-one-body-good-2-of-3/ Men to Gods: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/4828-when-men-become-gods-protein-does-more-than-one-body-good-3-of-3/
  5. muscle12

    Eating and Growing

    Story by muscle12 Edited by scriptboy This is the story of Nate, a 19-year-old virgin who was having a really hard time because his friends were having their first love at such young age while he was the only one left and to make things even worse he was straight while his friends were gay. One day while Nate was with Kevin, a 21-year-old friend his apartment was caught in fire and he lost all his clothes, he asking for a place and he got in the house of his mostly gay friend who was a muscular and super ripped guy named Max but for his age it was so weird since he was only 18 but to his group of friends he was the youngest. Nate saw that Max had won so many trophies and medals in Bodybuilding shows and he had a good house. After he settled in the room Max had given him Max left to go on a date so Nate left to check the house. After a while he went to the kitchen to see if there was anything to eat. When he opened the fridge he found a ton of food and drinks! He decided to grab the ones nearest and closest to the fridge door, he prepared to eat everything in sight. As soon as he started to chew on the food and drink the drinks, a sudden rush of energy ran through him. He kept on eating until both his plate and his drink clean. Soon afterwards, not only was he overcome with energy but he was also in need of a sexual release since he felt his cock become a little tight in his pants while walking. His cock slowly grew and grew until he saw his little tool become a big tool in his own bedroom. As he orgasmed using his new tool for the first time, an image of Max and his friends were starting to form in his head and this was starting to make him moan out loud. Soon after not too much time he began to cum and he soon saw that his cum was more than any time when he had jacked off before. He started to feel his muscles burning and he saw his legs growing thicker and wider. They were filling the pants and soon burst out of them, showing two thick, long legs which matched a new cock but the growth did not stop there. His right arm started to grow and grow, becoming a thick arm with veins as he could feel his new legs with his new arm as the left arm grew to match the right arm. His pecs soon inflated while they were starting to make room for his new muscled neck; his abs popped up on his stomach like one-for-one in rows of two going 2 to 4 to 6 to 8 as he soon ripped the remaining of his shirt apart. When he walked to the mirror to see the new Nate now all he saw was that he had become a muscle guy, and while he flexed he heard Max’s car coming and he went to the living room. Just as Max entered his living room he saw the new Nate with his new body. Nate kissed Max who returned the kiss as Nate ripped Max’s clothes because he started to get really hard. Max soon got his ass fucked up and they had sex where Nate’s cum filled Max with white, thick semen but after pulling out his cock Max grew and soon he fucked Nate again. After two hours of nonstop sex they stopped since they became large, musclebound, sexy monsters as he called the friends for a "party" and after calling the last friend they kissed and rubbed their bodies and cocks against each other making them hard as the first friend entered. The End?
  6. Jaypat

    Troy's Maggot - 4

    Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 TROY So you wanna fucking quit, do ya? Haha. I was wondering how long it would be before you tried this. Every fucking step you take’s gotta be fucking agony. Haha. But you know what that pain is? It’s your weakness leaving your pathetic, scrawny body. And your weakness ain’t gonna give up without a fight! But you know what? I’m not going to let you quit, Maggot. I’m not going to let your weakness claim you! You’re mine! I’m going to make you see this through and get big so I’ll win this bet –I’m going to do that for damn sure! I never make a bet unless I’m ready to do what I gotta do to win it. But this is also fucking good for you, Maggot. This is the best fucking thing that ever happened to you. You just don’t know it yet. But you will someday. Someday you’re gonna get down on your knees and thank me for the hell I’m about to put you through! You just don’t know it yet! Still want to quit, hunh? Nah, I not going to kick your ass. That would be too easy on you. You got a little brother, right? What’s his name? Joey? That’s right, little Joey, baby faced dude. What is he, 15? No, I’m not going to kick his ass; I’m going to train him! Imagine little Joey huge and swole. Imagine seeing him coming out of the bathroom every morning, a towel wrapped around his waist, getting more and more jacked as the days go by. Imagine seeing his back get wider and wider and denser and denser with rippling slabs of muscle. Picture abs evolving out of his boyishly narrow waist and gradually forming hard, chiseled bricks of sinew, see his pecs in your mind as they slowly expand fuller and fuller until they become striated boulders of pure, unadulterated muscle. And picture those boyish arms swelling bigger and bigger day by day until they’re erupting with vein covered, bulging biceps and imagine his legs bursting out into massive muscle pillars. That’s right, in 6 months I’ll put so much fucking muscle on that kid you won’t recognize your brother from the neck down. He’ll be a fucking titan! Imagine him muscled-up and smirking, busting in through your door, coming in here to fuck with you every day or every night or any fucking time he feels like it! Cause that’s what little brothers who get bigger than their big brothers do. Haha. My older brother doesn’t even come home for Christmas any more. Maybe I shouldn’t have made him drink all that toilet water… But never mind that. You won’t be able to stop little Joey from fucking with you with that pathetic, skinny body of yours. He’ll be able to do whatever he wants to you. And if you let him get bigger than you now, guaranteed he’ll be bigger than you for the rest of your life. Every fucking family gathering—he’ll never stop humiliating you. Is that what you want? Is it? I didn’t think so. Now get the fuck up and let’s go running. Brian’s Journal Day 4 Fuck!... Fuck! I can’t see any way out of this. A muscled-up Joey? After all the shit I’ve done to him… I’d never survive it! Troy’s fucking got me. He’s really fucking got me! Well, this morning’s run went better, anyway. I didn’t throw up, something Troy was very happy about. I don’t know, though; somehow I have a hard time seeing it as a victory. When I got into school, there was Edgar Suarez laughing at me again. Somehow he heard about what happened in the weight room yesterday and was ripping into me about being forced to strip down in public when suddenly I heard this roar from down the hallway. “SUAREZ!” yelled Troy, as he thundered over. His face was red. Veins were standing out on his thick, corded neck. His fists were clenched, making his wide forearms writhe and bulge. “What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?! “Hunh?” said Suarez. “Can’t you read? Don’t you see what’s written on his shirt? It says Troy’s Maggot! That means this maggot’s mine! I’m the only one who gets to fuck with him. You fuck with him, you fuck with me. You wanna fuck with me, Suarez?” “N..no,” said Suarez. “Then stay away from my Maggot,” hollered Troy. “I catch you fucking with him again, I’ll put you in the goddam hospital!” Then Troy turned and stormed away. Suarez just kinda looked at me with a genuinely puzzled look on his face before he turned and slunk off. Everyone else was kinda staring at me, too, so I make a quick exit myself – still not sure what to make of the whole thing. I met Ralphie again for lunch. You know, I used to look forward to lunch, but not anymore. Both of us had ridiculously huge meals packed for us again and neither one of us was looking forward to eating all that food. But one look at Troy and Hunter, watching us from the jock’s table, and we knew we didn’t have a choice. We were about to dig in when we caught our first sight of Simon Philips wearing his bright yellow Jack’s Maggot shirt. Geeze, he really is a small guy, maybe 5’ 4” really tiny hands. I suddenly understood Troy. Why did Jack choose him? I mean Ralphie and I aren’t giants or anything, but Simon Philips almost makes us look like it. We tried to wave him over, but he just gave us a look like a scared rabbit, shook his head and hurried by our table. What was his problem? Next Part
  7. Be sure to read the entire series here: Christmas Surprise: https://muscle-growt...se-part-1-of-7/ New Beginnings: https://muscle-growt...gs-part-2-of-7/ Progression to Sex: https://muscle-growt...ex-part-3-of-7/ Danger and Passion: https://muscle-growt...on-part-4-of-7/ Changes Who We Are Forever: https://muscle-growt...er-part-5-of-7/ Magical Suit: https://muscle-growt...it-part-6-of-7/ Culmination of Destiny ‘Hola Eduardo, es agradable verte de nuevo.’ Ed’s face lights up once he sees who it is and rushes over to give his old friend a big hug. ‘Holy crap, I have missed you so much Vaughn. When you moved to Maryland, I had hoped that we would hang out a lot more, but it never materialized for some reason.’ Vaughn moans as he runs his hands along Ed’s big muscles and leans in to give the big guy’s pec shelf a nice wet kiss. Ed grins and leans down to give him a soft kiss on his as well. ‘Well Eduardo…….you haven’t seen me because I was brought up here apparently to wait for you. Your wonderful friend Kris has made me feel so welcome here. He even……shall we say…..lets me worship him and…..*pauses to look away*service him…..when he isn’t with you of course.’ Ed laughs a bit as he continues to hold Vaughn in his arms. He looks at the Hispanic man’s muscular body and sighs as he rubs the nicely-shaped balls of muscle in his arms and shoulders. They go to sit on the bed and start kissing each other deeply. It isn’t long before it progresses to Ed running his tongue along Vaughn’s gorgeous arms as he moans feeling the hormones rushing through his body. He pulls the smaller stud’s pants down as he moves down to lick on his tight stomach and abs. Vaughn reaches down to squeeze on the bigger man’s pecs as his nipples get erect and push up against the soft brown fabric in his top. They eventually start massaging each other’s big packages as the moaning gets louder. Ed pulls Vaughn’s underwear down and swallows his thick brown cock gently sucking it as it glides in and out of his mouth. They lose themselves in each other and are completely unaware that they have a guest as Kris sneaks in behind them and slides on to the bed. Ed looks over and smiles as he continues to massage the Hispanic stud’s rod with his tongue. Kris is wearing his traditional red and black suit for the upcoming holiday season but his big beefy torso still sticks out from inside the outfit’s fabric. Ed moans as the older man wraps his arms around Vaughn’s waist and opens the flap of his suit that hides his thick meaty rod and slides it inside the small man’s tight hole. The brown-skinned hunk squeals feeling his anus being filled to the brim with Kris’s giant love muscle. Ed feels the man’s balls filling up with cum as they twitch and swell against his face. He slows his pace down to let the Hispanic stud enjoy himself as Kris pounds him slowly getting every inch of his cock inside. The sweat increases along the hunky daddy’s chest and on top of his head as it glistens in the overhead lights and underneath his red suit. Ed rubs his hands on Vaughn’s chest feeling his rippling waist and then teases his nipples. As he does this, he tastes the Spanish speaker’s thick honey flowing down his throat. Kris pulls something out of one of his suit pockets and hands it over to Ed. He stops sucking on Vaughn to see what it is as the serviced Hispanic stud does so as well. It appears to be some kind of tube full with gold colored ointment on the inside. Ed looks up at Kris in a confused manner which makes the older bodybuilder laugh in his baritone. ‘This is different Kris. What am I going to do with this?’ ‘You will find out now won’t you Edmond. I think you will enjoy it quite a bit. It isn’t permanent by any means so just let it work its magic and we will get to the good stuff later.’ ‘Ohh so I am rubbing this on me and not Vaughn? You have always been so good to me Kris.’ Vaughn looks back at Kris with his lips puckered a bit at him. Kris laughs and waves his ring finger at him. ‘Now little pup, I have something for you as well.’ He pulls out what looks like a sounding wand from his other pocket. It isn’t silver though, but rather black with a gold tip on it. ‘Here you go V. Do you want me to help you insert it?’ Vaughn nods his head up and down as Kris takes the cover off of it. Ed looks on anxiously to see exactly what this device is supposed to do. The older man rubs on the younger stud’s legs as he quits thrusting inside him to reach down and take Vaughn’s cock into his hands. He strokes it slowly to get it erect again as Ed reaches down to massage his balls as Kris holds the sound in his left hand. ‘Are you ready for it cutie? *kisses him on his lips* Don’t worry about it okay? It only feels weird when it first goes in.’ Vaughn seems a bit uneasy about it but Ed distracts him by placing the Hispanics hands on his pecs and tells him to squeeze them. They both moan as Kris smiles and holds the young man’s cock upright. He slowly pushes his slit open with the bottom of the sound and slowly maneuvers it inside. The young stud’s body tenses as the pressure makes him grimace a bit. Kris slowly strokes his pole as it slowly slides further down inside. It finally makes it all the way down until only the gold tip is visible. Ed and Kris look at each other and wink as Vaughn stops groaning and calms down. ‘Hey Kristian, I don’t seem to feel it anymore. What is it supposed to do?’ He suddenly goes quiet as Ed immediately notices something happening to him. The long rod disintegrates into Vaughn’s cock as the big vein in the side of it pulses and begins growing. The cock itself is getting thicker as Ed feels the brown-skinned stud’s balls swelling as his sack stretches to accommodate the two tennis balls. The growth moves down his legs as Ed feels his quads growing wider as the muscles thicken up and form large diamonds. It moves down into his calves which reshape themselves to look like huge hearts. Edmond leans down to lick both of them as Vaughn’s cock finds its way down to Ed’s face. It rubs its thick pre in his hair which gets a few grunts out of the big stud. Kris starts to thrust inside the growing man again as he feels his expanding bottom’s firm ass swelling up into two giant balloons. ‘Ohh fuck yeah V, you are going to make your big daddy cum buckets inside you.’ ‘OY VEY! *grabs his throat*…..OH WOW MY VOICE…..MMMMM IT IS MOVING UP INTO MY CHEST NOW!’ His tight waist is now growing wider as the muscles make room for his growing 8-pack. His nicely developed arms are blowing up as well as incredibly loud stretching sounds blast through the room. The veins force themselves to expand as his biceps and forearms nearly double in size. The splits in his biceps disappear as they grow into giant singular beefy mounds. The tennis balls of muscle in his forearms have now grown into huge baseballs. Ed can feel his balls working overtime as they contract violently. Vaughn yells in ecstasy as his growing pecs inflate themselves further outward from his chest as they now heave over his new swollen 8-pack. His nipples dangle over the edges as they stretch out wider making his cock throb wildly. Edmond reaches down to grab it as he anticipates a massive load as the Hispanic stud pants in agony. His nicely built back stretches further out from his core as newly formed muscles appear out from nowhere as he feels his lats flaring without even trying. Kris squeezes them tightly making Vaughn squirt a massive jet of pre into Ed’s face. They both laugh as the final sequence proceeds on the growing young man. His youthful looks disappear as his clean cut face is now covered in a nice thick layer of black fur. Ed moans seeing Vaughn’s head maturing in front of him as his chiseled brown skin gleans of sweat against his short black hair and brown eyes. Kris is pounding him as hard as he can now making it nearly impossible for the newly minted hulk to hold his load in. Ed opens his mouth to catch his contents as Vaughn roars in delight with his immensely manly new voice. The cum is amazingly thick and white as Ed quickly gulps it down. He feels his friend’s cock writhing as it pumps rope after rope of hot jizz savoring the sweet nectar as it fills his belly. Kris squeezes him harder as he yells as well pumping his big load into the Hispanic hulk’s intestines. Ed slides over to feed some the cum he still has in his mouth into Kris’s as they lock lips and pound on each other’s chests. Vaughn squeezes them both into him as they all lay down on the bed together. ‘Oh my gawd Kristian I feel incredible. Is this your gift to me?’ ‘Of course it is V. I hope you wanted to be bigger than you were because this is a permanent change.’ Vaughn grins and rubs his powerful body as his hands move down to his giant veiny cock. ‘Umm…..I think I need to cum again guys. Are you both really hungry because I think I can feed an army with what I have in my crotch? *winks*’ They laugh and nod their heads as the Hispanic hulk gets onto his knees in between Ed and Kris and starts stroking in a steady rhythm. His balls instantly swell up as he feels them contracting within seconds. ‘Wow that was……QUICK…..OH MY GAWD!’ Both of his older partners stick their tongues out as they catch a few ropes of his thick spunk as it flies all over the bed and the wall behind them. They each take turns gulping it down as it continues to pour out Vaughn’s cockhead. He finally finishes a minute later as Ed and Kris gently massage his back and ass to comfort him after such a grueling session. Kris turns to look at Ed and smiles knowing that his turn will come next. ‘Okay Edmond, you know it is time for you to open your gift right?’ Kris says with a smile. ‘Yeah I know Kris. Just give me a few minutes okay so I can revel in my friend’s intoxicating beauty.’ The Hispanic hulk grunts as he grabs Ed in his arms and squeezes him tightly. Ed moans before doing the same to Vaughn as they kiss each other quite passionately. Kris looks on as he sits back still in his red suit and puts his arms behind his head. He scoops up several strands of cum from the wall behind him and rubs it into his protruding pecs. The two younger studs stop kissing to turn and look at their older master as they hear and see his chest growing as it shreds the front of his suit as his two thick hairy mountains drip with sweat. He growls as he flexes his guns making them grow as they make quick work of his sleeves. The two men look on in amazement before moving over to nurse on his melons as they run their tongues along his hard nipples. He wraps his huge arms around both of them and squeezes them as his biceps grow even larger. They moan louder as they continue to work his pecs over and tug extremely hard on his nipples. ‘OH YEAH BOYS…..MAKE YOUR DADDY PROUD…..FUCKING MAKE ME CUM…..’ They chew even harder as his cock rises between them and swells even bigger. It shoots a volcano of precum all over his red pants as his quads and ass blast through the seams in his pants and rip through the sides. They are completely lost in his incredible muscularity as he continues to grow even bigger all over his body. His suit is now in tatters as the bed breaks below them. They continue to accelerate his growth as his chest heaves violently. ‘AHHH…..YEAH…..BOYS…..FUCK…..MMMMM…..I CAN’T HOLD IT…..ANY…..LONGER…..’ The volcano of precum disappears as Kris thrusts his huge lower body up into the air as garden hose sized jets of cum fly into the ceiling as wood crashes into the ground below. He yells in delight as the two men stop turning him on as he holds them close to him to protect them from the falling debris. His solid 450 pound frame doesn’t take any damage whatsoever from the shrapnel as all three of them laugh hysterically. ‘Whew guys, I have needed to do this for months. I saved it for this very moment Edmond, but V holds a special place in my heart as well so I am glad that you could be a part of this too.’ They both kiss Kris and huddle up against him as he slowly shrinks back down to his normal 325 pound size. Vaughn makes a sad face but Kris punches him in the arm which makes the hulk puff his bicep up. They start to wrestle around as Ed watches in delight. The two men have meant a lot to him for so long that he is thankful that they can be in the same place with him. After a few minutes of horseplay, they stop to relax as their thickly muscled bodies drip profusely with sweat. ‘Alright Edmond, now you can open your gift. Sorry I just had to do that little transformation for you, I’m sure you will understand, right?’ *he smiles and winks* Ed eagerly opens the tube of ointment and notices its glittery sheen right away. Kris moves up next to him after Vaughn sits down on the dirty floorboards. He squeezes a pile of it on his big hands and slowly rubs it into the beefy stud’s neck. He leans in to give Ed a nice long kiss as he puts a little more on his back. ‘WHOA! I think I can feel it working already Kris. Aww shit, I think I am going to ruin these nice pajamas you gave me.’ He feels his body growing as his thick muscles grow even thicker as they pull the brown fabric to its limits showing off his gargantuan pecs. Kris winks as his partner’s pants rip all the way down the seams as his seismic tree trunks and enormous calves quickly destroy whatever has been covering them. His body hair turns a bit silvery which stuns Ed quite a bit. He feels his huge arms tearing the sleeves apart as they grow another three inches. His monstrous mammaries finally bust through the front as the rest of his dark fur changes over to the same silvery color as his legs. Kris massages them with his hands and moans deeply as he reaches down to rip off the rest of Ed’s brown top. He sucks on his hard nipples as they ache under the pressure of Ed’s growing tits. Vaughn strokes his own cock as he witnesses his good friend’s transformation continuing. Before long, Kris enters Ed’s hole as he lovingly fucks him. The horny latino moves back over to the broken bed to massage Kris’s huge back as the hunky daddy works over his bigger partner’s amazing ass. ‘I feel…..different somehow Kris. What exactly is this ointment supposed to do to me other than make me bigger than I already am?’ Kris puts his hand over Ed’s mouth as he continues to fuck him. Vaughn slaps his own cock on Kris’s back before he finally enters the huge silver daddy. The three huge studs continue to worship and fuck each other for an additional several minutes before they finally unload inside each other. Kris pulls out of his new silver haired lover and flips him around to prepare him for the upcoming white rain. ‘Are you ready for your facial Edmond Kringle…..uhhh…..I mean my silver pup.’ Ed looks into Kris’s eyes and looks a bit bewildered but nods his head in agreement anyway. The hunky daddy smiles down at him as his cock throbs wildly against his huge lover’s shoulder. He then slaps it against Ed’s face before he strokes it a few more times. Ed runs his tongue along the sides of the shaft before Kris’s moans louder than he ever has before. Vaughn proceeds to fuck him harder to coincide with the whole event. The huge latino stud holds the mature man tightly against him as he feels his own load building up. ‘Mmmm feels really good V. Fill me up really good with that big hot load of yours.’ Vaughn growls deeply as he yells in ecstasy shooting an immense flood of cum inside the huge muscle daddy. Kris turns his head around to kiss his young admirer’s lips as he shoots his own load all over Ed’s hairy face. The giant river coats the handsome stud’s silvery beard and the hair on his head as he opens his mouth to catch the rest of it. He then swallows Kris’s cock down his throat to gulp on the massive load as he massages the big daddy’s thick muscular body. The three men finally fall over completely spent from the amazing sex they just had. Both Ed and Vaughn lovingly run their tongues and hands all over Kris as he lays there looking down at them with his arms around their backs as he rubs their soaked muscles slowly and methodically. They take turns moving up to kiss him before he decides to sit up. He then gets up and walks over to the nearby window to look at the snowy landscape and its icy waters. He signals for Ed to come over to the window to be with him. ‘Come here Edmond, I want to show you something.’ ‘Umm okay, just give me a minute. Should I put something on first?’ ‘No, you can walk around here completely nude if you want Ed. This is your new home now, you won’t be returning to your old life ever again because you won’t ever have to.’ Ed seems shocked by this revelation as he walks over to be with Kris. The thick muscle daddy leans down to plant a huge kiss on his silvery haired lover and holds him tightly in his arms. Vaughn gets up to put a robe on and sits in a chair before getting up again. Kris turns around to wave at him before the Hispanic stud leaves the room. Ed seems really confused by what is transpiring. ‘You see Edmond that ointment I gave to you is not meant to be temporary, it is a permanent potion that is meant to transform you into your next life. This is the one and only time that I have ever lied to you about anything, and I love you so much. I…..am at the end of my life now and I have found my true successor. That is you beautiful and I want you to continue my legacy okay?’ Ed looks into his eyes as he feels the tears welling up from inside him. Kris rubs his back slowly as he squeezes his partner into his chest and neck. ‘It is okay to be upset man I totally understand what you are thinking. You see…..when I met you last Christmas by that fireplace I had no idea that I would fall for you so much but I did. I confess that I have always planned on turning you into a Kringle, but I never knew how incredibly hot you would become after your change either.’ Kris lets him go long enough to go grab an old body-sized mirror from across the room to bring over to where he is standing. They stand in front of it together and look at each other’s hugely muscled physiques. Ed can now see the thick silvery fur running up and down his body which shocks him a bit at first. Kris’s darker fur makes him a bit jealous. ‘Why am I the silver one though Kris? Why couldn’t I look like you?’ ‘You see Edmond, you will be taking over my duties now and all of the people down below us will be expecting silvery white, not brown or black or even red fur. Don’t worry you will be given my powers as well. V will be with you here to keep you motivated so you won’t be alone ever.’ ‘So Vaughn knew about this too?’ ‘Yes he did. V has been up here for quite some time actually. He didn’t know that I would give him that gift though. I’m sure he left us here because he wanted to be alone for awhile, but he will be fine once some time passes. You will remind him of me since he cares about you so much.’ Ed continues to hold on to Kris tightly against him as he kisses the big muscle daddy again. The hunky older man looks into his lover’s eyes and seems transfixed on them. Ed feels like he is frozen in place as Kris’s eyes grow dark as his pupils completely dilate. The stunned silvery haired stud feels his own do the same thing as they remain still for nearly an entire minute. After this sequence stops, they both fall to the ground and are unconscious. A few minutes later, Ed wakes up to find numerous half clothed men standing over him including Vaughn. They lift him up and carry him over to the broken bed again. He looks around for Kris, but he is nowhere to be seen for some reason. ‘Wha…..where is Kris? Vaughn please tell me…..he is still…..please…..’ Vaughn gets in bed with Ed and holds him tightly against his chest before he starts to cry. The big stud is absolutely dumbfounded and attempts to punch Vaughn in the chest which he blocks with his huge hands. He squeezes Ed tighter against him as the other men leave the room behind them. ‘I’m sorry Eduardo…..*tears rolling*…...I have dreaded this day for so long but I also knew it was coming soon…..he made you his successor so you are now part of the Kringle bloodline. I just hope you think I am a good enough partner for you. I know why he wanted me to look like this now. He wants you to be as happy as possible.’ Ed slowly weeps into Vaughn’s huge chest as they lie down together in the rubble. ‘Is he even here anymore Vaughn? Where did they take his body?’ ‘I’m not sure exactly how this works Eduardo. There was no body to be found because by the time I got back in here, he was already gone.’ Ed stops crying to let go of Vaughn and sits up. Vaughn gets behind him and wraps his arms around his buddy’s torso. He kisses his silver haired lover’s neck and face as he presses his body up against him. ‘I care about you more now than I ever have before Eduardo, which is why I have to get you prepared to do your duties as the planet’s gift giver. I need to get you dressed for the job and on your way. We unfortunately don’t have time to grieve right now because there is so much work to do.’ Ed turns his head to sort of smirk at him as the two men get up to go shower. After cleaning each other up, Vaughn rushes his muscle daddy down the hall and into wardrobe. Several men help get him get fitted into the classic red and white garb before they place a mirror in front of his face. Ed gasps as he sees his reflection. He literally looks like a muscular version of Santa Claus as he turns his body from left to right to marvel at himself. Vaughn laughs a bit as he gets directly behind him and holds him tightly. ‘You look amazing daddy, I think the transformation is complete papi, now you need to go back to civilization for tonight and make a bunch of guys dreams come true.’ Ed turns around to kiss Vaughn one last time. ‘Kris is right you were the perfect choice to be with me. Now I am wondering where my first destination will be……’ Ed immediately feels himself being transported to somewhere else. Before he has time to think any longer, he lands on a rooftop. He is a bit dazed as he takes a few steps and falls down the chimney that is just a few steps away. As he lands directly into the fire, it goes out and doesn’t leave a single mark on him. He can hear voices from inside the house as they are awakened from their slumber. Ed jumps to his feet to look himself over before he notices an extremely beefy man breathing heavy on a nearby couch. He isn’t alone either as his lover looks just as shocked as he is. ‘Oh my gawd, you are actually real aren’t you? I could have sworn that you were a myth, but here you are, and…..wow you are big…..and ridiculously hot.’ Ed shakes his head and smiles when he realizes that both men are from his past. He smiles really big when he moves over to join the two men on the couch. They clearly do not recognize him at all which makes it all the better for him. He sits between them as they both instinctively start rubbing on his suit with their hands and move in to snuggle with him a bit. ‘So boys, what is it that you want for Christmas? Let me check my list here…..*pulls a card from his pocket to see who they are just for show*……ahh yes…..Gus and Isaac. You two have both been good and bad this year I see. I think I can give you both gifts that you will enjoy immensely.’ He undoes his belt and unbuttons part of his suit to reveal his silver-haired muscular chest which shocks the two men greatly. They waste no time on getting more acquainted with him as he finds a bottle in his other pocket. He pulls it out to look it over and laughs as he puts it on a side table. He undoes the rest of his suit as both men strip naked. Edmond looks at them and winks as they start to have sex. This is the end of the story, but I want to know if you have a favorite part of the series. Let me know in the comments what you liked and didn't like. Check out this recent story: How to Change Your Life through Muscle Therapy Two-Parter: Part 1: https://muscle-growt...py-part-1-of-2/ Part 2: https://muscle-growt...py-part-2-of-2/
  8. Jaypat

    Troy's Maggot - 3

    Part 1, Part 2 TROY “Ok, Maggot, welcome to my favorite room in the school! Welcome to the weight room! Can’t you just smell the testosterone? That’s right, the equipment in this room has forged thousands of sniveling skinny boys into monstrously jacked-up men! And it’s going to do that to you, too! Ready? Yeah, that wasn’t really a question. Get on the scale, Maggot! I want to see what I starting with. First, strip off you clothes, right down to your tighty whities. Yes, right here! I know there are other people around, even a couple of girls. Take ’em off or I’ll take ’em off for you! There! What, are you fucking shaking? You’re sure as hell turning bright red! I want you to remember this. I want you to remember the shame you’re experiencing over your own skinny pathetic body. I’m going to make that go away. Now check this out. That’s right, Maggot, I stripping down, too. Check out the monster pecs, the brick-like abs, and the massive muscle pillars I call legs. Think I’m ashamed of my body? You’re damn right, no. I love my body! If I had my way, I’d go around like this all the time, all the fucking time! Now, up on the scale! Geeze, seriously? 140 pounds? And you’re 5’ 8”? Damn, I got a long fucking way to go! Now me. There, that’s a man’s measurments! 6’ 2” and 260 pounds! Fuck yeah! If I had tits and a pussy, I’d fuck myself! What are you saying, Maggot? You could never… what? Get like me. HAHAHAHAHA! No one fucking expects that! First of all, you’re only 5 fucking 8 and since you’re 18, I wouldn’t count on getting much taller. Second, I’ve been working out since I was 11 years old – Look at this bicep! Look how huge it is – like a fucking softball! Look at that perfect peak with that thick vein snaking right over the top! That’s 7 years of building and sculpting; 7 years of being forged by the iron. I don’t care how good your genetics are, in the few short months we have before graduation, you won’t even been in the same county as me, the same state, the same country! All you have to do is get bigger than your friend Ralphie and that wuss Philips, and I know you can do that! Now put your uniform back on and let’s get started. Yeah, I’m staying shirtless while I train you! I know it’s against the weight room rules, but who’s going to stop me? I told you I love my fucking body, every jacked up inch of it! Now get on the fucking bench; I’m going to show you how to do a bench press. What do you mean you know how to do a bench press? You don’t know shit! Ok, then, show me. Get on the fucking bench and show me a bench press. We’ll start with just the bar. I don’t want you hurting yourself; it’s way too early in the game for that. Was that it? Was that your bench press? Pathetic. For starters, you were too far forward on the bench, you were gripping the bar all wrong. You practically dropped it on your chest – there’s something called a negative rep, Maggot—and you lifted it up at a slant. It’s got to go up evenly. Get off the fucking bench! I’ll show you how it’s done. First I’m going to put a plate on either side of the bar. I don’t think I can do a set with just the bar. I’d feel like I was lifting fucking air. Yeah, you could be benching at least this much by graduation, probably more. Depends on you. This is just a fucking warm-up weight for me! Now look how I’m positioned on the bench – you gotta pay close attention because the bench is just a narrow little strip and it gets swallowed up under my fucking wide-ass, granite back—so you gotta look to see I’m positioned that when the bar comes down it will touch my massive upper chest. ‘course you’ve got a much smaller target so your position is going to be a little different. Look how I’m grabbing the bar, evenly on both sides. You can use these markings on the bar to guide your hands. What, did you think they were only for decoration? Now lift the bar out of the supports – I see you looking at the giant carved triceps exploding off the back of my arms, but this is a chest exercise, so I want you looking at my chest! Good! Now lower the bar slowly to your chest. Then slowly raise it back up. Now when you’re doing this, try and concentrate on your chest muscles, feel them working as they lift the weight. Now, your pecs are so small you might not be able to do this yet. So, for right now, just imagine it. Then when you get the bar back up, pause for a second and squeeze your pecs like this. See how my pecs bulge into mountains, see the striations surface? That’s how you can tell I’m squeezing them. It’s not going to be as easy to tell with the little nubs you have, but time will fix that. Now get on that bench and let’s see you try! Brian’s Journal Day 3 Fuck, I can hardly move. My legs barely made it up the stairs to my room without collapsing last night. I was wobbly and shaking all over! I fell into bed, didn’t undress or anything. And I woke up to Mount Troy ripping me out of my bed again, flexing those massive arms of his! And when he set me down… unimaginable pain across my entire body. He said I was just stiff and that all I needed was to stretch and go for a run. A run?!!! I didn’t even want to go for a crawl! Everything I had hurt. It didn’t matter to him. He dragged me down to the kitchen and poured another protein shake down my throat. Then he threw me outside and made me stretch – Fuck did that hurt! And then I had to jog. I made it a whole block, my body wracked with pain, before I threw up the protein shake. Troy just told me to shake it off and keep going. We made it another block and then I just started stumbling all the time. Finally, he said it was enough and we could walk back to the house. He asked me how the stiffness was and holy crap it was actually better. He grinned at that and told me he was giving me the day off from the weight room for recuperation. But he ordered me to eat everything my mother made for me and to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Then he forced me to drink another two protein shakes before he left. When I got into school one of the first people I saw was Susie Nickerson. I’ve always had a thing for her. I was going to ask her out this week, but as soon as she saw me in my Troy’s Maggot shirt, she busted out laughing. I wanted to run away, but even if I did, I was in so much pain the best I could have managed would have been a rapid stagger. That’s it! I’m done! I know he said he’d make my life hell if I didn’t go through with this, but I don’t know how it could get worse than this! Tomorrow when he shows up, I’m telling him. He can beat me into unconsciousness if he wants. I’m through with this shit! Next Part
  9. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 8

    Here are all the parts up to this chapter, just in case you haven't read them in order. Blue Pill Part 1 Blue Pill Part 2 Blue Pill Part 3 Blue Pill Part 4 Blue Pill Part 5 Blue PIll Part 6 Blue Pill Part 7 ~Blue Pill Part 8~ Derek stood in front of Riley with his arms outstretched flexing both of his mammoth arms. Each peak reaching almost 18 inches. Riley rubbed his hands over the peaks feeling the mounds of flesh harden underneath his fingers. He traced the veins that ran along the surface of each peak as it pumped more blood through his engorged veins. While Riley was worshipping Derek’s arms, another appendage began to stir and swell. Derek had always been the alpha male of the swim team. Not only because of his captain America good looks, but his body was magnificent compared to the rest of the team. This was due to the amount of time Derek put in at the gym each day. However it wasn’t his looks or his muscles that people envied most, it was Derek’s massive log between his legs that made him noteworthy among the schools populace. Before Derek’s growth, he was a hefty 8.5 inches long and 6 inches around. Although that sounds impressive, Derek could tell just by how his speedo was beginning to stretch away from his body that it was bigger than he previously remembered. While Derek was flexing his arms for his muscle admirer, he looked down to enjoy the new size of his bulge. It was then that he noticed the white striped pill sitting in the pouch of his speedo at the base of his dick. Derek reached into his speedo and pinched the pill between two fingers. “You ready to help me grow some more Riley?” Derek asked without ever waiting for a response. Next thing Riley knew, he had a hand covering his mouth as he felt something small inserted between his lips. “Now swallow or I will pound you into a pulp!” Derek said as he leered into Riley’s eyes with a strong burning desire to grow. Riley didn’t have much of a choice as he could begin to feel the pill dissolve in his mouth, he swallowed. It was a labored swallow as it stuck a few times on the way down, making Riley gasp and gag behind Derek’s hand. “That’s a good bitch, now let’s see how big we can make those tits of yours.” Riley looked at Derek with a confused look on his face as Riley was picked up by the behemoth and carried over to the Bench Press. Derek sat him down on the bench and loaded the bar with two 45 pound plates on each side. “Now lift.” Riley knew it wasn’t a question and more of a command. So Riley positioned himself under the bar and raised the bar up to begin his first rep. Riley slowly performed ten perfect reps as his pecs began to swell with blood from his pump. Just as he set the bar down, Derek had put another 45 pound plate on each side. “Lift” Derek grunted. So Riley lifted the bar once again, this time straining to get his ten reps in. Riley’s tank was now beginning to strain from his pump. His pecs felt full and tight. Riley re-racked the weight and reached up with both of his hands feeling his pec pump. He was brought back to the reality of things when he heard a loud rip. Riley looked to his right to find the source of the sound. The speedo that was holding back Derek’s mammoth dick had snapped from the immense strain from the erection that was now throbbing in front of him. “Holy shit Derek, that thing has to be at least 10 inches long!” Derek grinned at the excitement that showed on Riley’s face. Derek turned and put another 45 pound plate on each side of the barbell. “Lift” Derek grunted. “I can’t lift that, its twenty pounds more than my one rep max.” Riley exclaimed as he looked at the bar and back at Derek. “Did I stutter, I said LIFT!” Derek’s baritone voice echoed through the gym as Riley laid back under the bar and prepared for failure. What happened next surprised and scared Riley more than anything else. Derek reached forward and grabbed onto the waist of Riley’s shorts. “Lift your ass up.” Derek ordered. I dare not disobey, clearly I do not want to anger this behemoth. Riley slowly lifted his ass off the bench, holding the barbell racked with weight to pull himself up. Derek yanked his shorts down in one swift motion. Derek then lifted my legs straight up, sitting at the end of the bench and resting my legs on his shoulders. Riley’s eyes grew wide with fear at what was going to happen next. Derek stuck his thumb in his mouth and pulled it out with a pop. He then lowered his hand to Riley’s ass as he lifted him off the bench and slowly inserted his thumb into Riley’s ass. Riley’s eyes rolled back into his head as he could feel Derek’s thumb rub against his prostate. Riley was then surprised by a tingling feeling in his chest. Riley stared at his own nipples as he slowly saw them disappearing from his field of vision. “Oh my god, is my chest growing?!?” Fear and panic had formed on Riley’s face as Derrick got an evil grin on his. “Now lift” Derek commanded. Riley positioned himself under the bar again, Derek’s finger shoved firmly in his ass. Riley pushed the weight off the supports and lowered it to his chest. As Riley pushed the weight back up he noticed his pecs swell a little more and then stop once he reached the top of the lift. Riley lowered the weight again and began to push the weight back up expecting to see the same thing, only to be disappointed when nothing happened. Derek slid his finger out of Riley’s ass as Riley re-racked the weight. Derek stretched and was able to put another 45 pound plate on each side without leaving the bench. “There is no way I’m going to lift that, its 450 pounds!” Riley exclaimed, contemplating how he was going to lift the bar. Riley watched as Derek began massaging his dick. The pre-cum that continuously flowed from the tip was smeared all over his mammoth dick making it shine with lube. Riley began to panic as he knew what was coming next. Derek positioned his cock head at Riley’s sphincter and began to push. Riley fought with all of his might to stop this monster from penetrating his hole, but the harder he resisted the harder Derek pushed. Derek, getting fed up with Riley putting up a fight, grabbed Riley’s shoulders and pushed him down on his dick. Derek watched as his thick dick quickly disappeared into Riley’s ass. “NNNNGHHHHHHH FUCKKKKKKKK!” Riley yelled out as his eyes rolled back into his head as pain and pleasure seeped through every nerve of his body. Derek sat still as Riley slowly came to his senses, regaining his surroundings. Riley began to feel again as he noticed that tingling feeling was now a burning sensation in his pecs. He looked down to see his pecs swelling right before his eyes. “Now lift!” Derek ordered as Riley grasped the bar again and lifted the bar from the supports. Riley lowered the weight down to his inflated chest, knowing there was no way he was going to lift it up. As Riley struggled to push the bar back up and began shaking, Derek began sliding his dick back out. This caused Riley’s prostate to be massaged by Derek’s massive cock head. A sudden surge of growth filled Riley’s pecs as the weight easily hefted back up towards the supports. Amazed, Riley began lowering the weight again, at the same time Derek began to push his fat dick back into Riley’s hole, hitting his prostate and causing Riley’s pecs to swell once again. This went on rep after rep. Each of Riley’s reps timed perfectly with the rhythm of Derek’s fucking. The weight became much lighter as Riley’s pecs swelled to massive proportions. Riley’s vision became filled with nothing but rippling engorged pec meat. As the weight became lighter Riley kept cranking out reps faster, causing Derek to fuck him faster. Riley re-racked the weight after about 100 reps, only to find that his pecs had stopped growing long ago. Derek continued to fuck Riley’s tight ass as he reached both hands up and felt his bulbous pecs. Derek pinched each of Riley’s perky nips to find them leaking with the milk of his desire. Derek leaned forward, stopping the fucking and left his dick buried to the hilt in Riley’s ass. Derek latched onto Riley’s left nipple with his teeth and began to suck hard, tasting the sweet delicious nectar flowing into his mouth. Riley began moaning and writhing on the bench as Derek continued to suck from his left nipple. Riley watched in ecstasy as his left pec quickly deflated to half its size. Derek noticed the milk was slowing down to a dribble so he moved over to the right nip, clamping down with his teeth, eliciting a sound of pleasure from Riley through his gritted teeth. Derek began to feel full as he could feel his gut beginning to swell against Riley as he sucked the last drops of milk form Riley’s right nip. Once finished, Derek squeezed each nipple to make sure he hadn’t gotten every last drop of Riley’s sweet nectar. Satisfied that there was nothing left, Derek leaned back up to his full height again. This time Riley could see what looked like a roid gut, solid yet so full of fluid that it pushed Derek’s abs out making him look as if he were pregnant. Derek rubbed his hands up and down his gut relishing in the thoughts of growth that were soon to ensue. Riley began moaning as Derek began moving his dick in and out of Riley’s ass. Riley watched in amazement as Derek became coated in sweat, causing his freshly grown chest hair to matte to his skin. Riley saw the veins on Derek’s arms getting thicker as he pistoned in and out of his ass. His shoulders and pecs swelling larger as well. Derek reached around Riley’s legs that were still positioned on his growing shoulders and grabbed onto his own nipples making himself give off a deep guttural moan. “FUUUUUCCCCKKKKK I’M GONNA CUM!” The first thing Riley noticed was an increased pressure in his ass as the torrent of cum began to flood his insides. Then he felt even more pressure as Derek pushed further and further into him. That’s when Riley was shocked to see that Derek was no longer moving. So that meant that his dick was growing inside of him. Riley looked down to see his lower abs on his right side being pushed up higher and higher as the mammoth cock inside him grew even larger. As if it was a renewal to the ecstasy Derek was feeling he began to cum even harder. “HOLY FUCK I’M CUMMING AGAIN” Derek yelled out in pleasure as he began ramming his dick back into Riley. Riley’s stomach began expanding at an alarming rate as he was filled with gallons of Derek’s cum. Just when Riley thought he couldn’t take anymore, Derek pulled out of Riley’s ass, making a loud sloshing sound as cum poured out of his ass. Derek was still shooting cum onto Riley’s ass as he stroked his newly enlarged 13 inch dick. Riley looked on in awe, not at the massive appendage between Derek’s legs, but his quads which had easily doubled in size since he started to fuck Riley. Derek was ripped to shreds showcasing veins that snaked all over his muscles fueling his body with the supply of nutrients it needed. Derek threw his arms up into a double bicep pose as each peak rose higher and higher, his lats fight for space with his massive triceps. Riley couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Derek had to weigh at least 250 pounds. “You must be bigger than Chris by now!” Riley said in amazement. “I’m not done yet little runt. I plan on getting much, much bigger!” Derek said as an evil smirk stretched across his face from ear to ear. Luke led Eric back into his home gym in the basement. “I can’t wait for you to see me get even bigger!” Luke reached into the pocket of the sweats and pulled out the pills he had grabbed from his duffel. He fished out two plain blue pills and threw them into his mouth and quickly swallowed. Luke turned to Eric with a look of excitement on his face, “Ready to see me grow?” To be continued...
  10. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 5

    Here is Blue Pill Part 4 In case you haven't had a chance to read it Blue Pill Part 5 As I came too it was absolutely quiet. I felt relieved that I didn’t hear Chris anywhere near. As I opened my eyes, I was reminded of why I had passed out in the first place. In front of me was a huge ball belly. It really did look like I was pregnant. I began to run my hands over my stomach. I was expecting it to feel soft, but it was rock hard, completely filled with Chris’s cum. My god, there had to be gallons of cum inside me. I figured I should get up and cleaned off before I got out of there. As I stood up I slipped and fell back into the pool of cum that was on the floor. There had to be just as much cum on the floor as was inside me. It was everywhere, all over the benches, lockers and the walls too. I then remembered Chris growing again just before I passed out. This was apparent from the shredded remains of his football pants still on the floor, covered in sweat and cum. I attempted to get back up off the floor, this time bracing myself on the nearby bench. As I steadied myself and got back on my feet, I could really feel the weight of my new distended belly. Quickly I grabbed the tape measure that was still on the floor by my bag and began wrapping it around my waist. I almost fell back to the ground when I read 46”. “There’s no way I’m going to be able to get rid of all of this.” As I tried to figure out how I was going to be able to get passed my mom with this big of a gut. “I have to get home and work out.” As I turned to grab my stuff off the floor, I noticed a locker still open across from mine. Holy shit! Chris had left his locker wide open. I quickly stumbled across the benches to get to his open locker and examine the things inside. I saw a bunch of sweaty old gym clothes, some deodorant, a worn fitness magazine and a bag at the back of his locker. I grabbed the bag from the back and unzipped it. Two bottles fell from the bag, both with blue caps. I was absolutely sure these were the bottles that Chris was getting his pills from. One bottle had a white stipe on the top of it and the other was just blue. So I twisted the top off of the one with the white stripe and inside there were blue pills with white stripes around the middle. I poured out half the bottle into my hand and twisted the cap back on the bottle. I proceeded to open the plain blue top bottle to find plain blue pills. I poured out half of the battle into my hand and closed the bottle. I put everything back neatly into Chris’s locker, hoping he wouldn’t notice I had been in there, at least not until I was bigger. I was just about to grab my stuff and leave when a familiar sheet of paper caught my eye underneath Chris’s magazine. I pulled the sheet out from underneath realizing it was our stat sheets from gym class. Chris’s first entry read as such: Height: 5’10” Weight: 170 lbs. BF%: 16% Arms: 14.5” Neck: 12” Chest: 40” Waist: 30” Thigh: 26” Calves: 14” I couldn’t believe what my eyes were seeing. At the start of the school year, Chris wasn’t much bigger than me. So I quickly flipped through the pages to find the last entry. The last entry was a week ago. I dropped the papers when I saw his new stats because I couldn’t believe what I was reading. Height: 5’10” Weight: 220 lbs. Arms: 19.5” Neck: 17.5” Chest: 55” Waist: 28” Thigh: 30” Calves: 19” He gained over 50 pounds in less than 2 months! All from these blue pills. I couldn’t wait to start on them. So I grabbed a white striped and one of the plain blue and popped them in my mouth and swallowed. “Guess I’m gonna have to work out before I go home.” I stood in front of the mirror, flexing my arms and legs, imagining them growing as big as Chris’s and then even bigger. I started getting hard just imagining it. So I grabbed my bag and headed back down the stairs towards the weight room. The lights were already on inside the weight room. I had sworn they were off when I had gone up to the locker room. I walked in and the room smelled of sweat and bleach. I looked at the clock on the wall, already 9:30. Perfect time to get big, and that’s exactly what I did. I started off with squats, three 45’s on each side. I did a perfect set of 10 with almost no difficulty, so I upped the weight with two more 45’s on each side. As I squatted down for my first rep, I could feel the muscle fibers pulling and stretching in my legs. As I began to press up I could feel the struggle in my legs with the weight. As I pushed harder I saw veins begin popping out all over my thighs and they began the bulge bigger right before my very eyes, slowly pushing my shorts higher up my legs. I bent down for the second rep only to hear my shorts rip right down the middle. With each rep my thighs bulged bigger and bigger. After about twenty reps I felt that my thighs had enough attention and that it was time to move onto another body part. As I re-racked the bar I grabbed hold of my shorts, or what was left of them, and ripped them from my legs. This revealed massive cut quads, with the teardrop muscle just above the knee; veins snaked all over my quads. My boxer briefs were straining to contain my legs. I went to each side of the bar and took of the added 45’s that I had put on for squats. I got back under the bar and began to slowly rise up onto my tip toes. I felt the stretch in my calves as I began to reach as high as my feet would let me go. I watched my calves as they bunched up on the back of my leg. I slowly let the weight back down and watched as their size and shape, as if I was still flexing them. This went on for twenty reps; I re-racked the weights and headed over towards the mirrors to get a good look at my new legs. What I saw before me was simply amazing. My legs looked like they belonged to an amateur bodybuilder. My quads bulged out in every direction with veins snaking all the way from my hips to my feet. My calves were rock hard diamonds now, even when relaxed, they hung of the back of my legs looking like two massive striated balloons. My boxer briefs had pulled so tight from my growth that you could see right into them. I turned to the side to get another view of my legs and noticed why my underwear was so tight. My ass had grown along with my legs. It jutted out from my back and was rock hard. It almost looked like you could rest a glass on the top of it. Although it was much smaller than before, my stomach almost matched my butt in how it bulged out in front of me. This time I could see clearly defined abs underneath the gut, like a bodybuilder who had done too many steroids. I took a quick look around to see if anyone was around. I didn’t see anyone so I started to slide my underwear off when I realized they wouldn’t go down past my huge quads. I put my thumb under both sides of my briefs and I ripped them right off my waist. My cock must have been rock hard from watching my legs grow bigger, because it smacked itself against my lower abs. Now that I was no longer constricted, I gave my dick a few tugs as pre began to leak from the engorged head, and headed back over to the bar I was working out with. I didn’t change the weight, instead I got underneath the bar and rested it on my upper pecs and began pressing upward. I performed a perfect military press, and as I did I could feel my shoulders and traps swelling with muscle. I did twenty reps and re-racked the bar. From there I headed over to the T-bar row machine. I put 360 pounds on it and got into position. As I pulled up I could feel my back swelling to lift the weight. This swelling happened every time I lifted and then lowered the T-bar. I could feel my lats beginning to push against my arms, and I realized I still hadn’t worked my arms. I stepped over the wall of dumbbells and I picked up the 50 pounders. I began doing standing dumbbell curls. As I raised each fist up, I watched as my bicep bunched up. I lowered the weight and my bicep stayed bunched up. Veins began spreading all over my arms as they swelled bigger with more muscle. I stepped over to the pulley machine and began doing cab le pull downs. I watched rep after rep as my triceps turned into horseshoes packed muscle. It was so tight and hard I couldn’t even finish my set. As I let go of the rope, my dick brushed against the machine, leaving a sticky trail of pre-cum all over the support bar. I looked down towards my dick as it spit out more pre-cum. Looking past my dick and onto the floor, I saw a puddle of what I assumed was my pre-cum. I grabbed the head of my dick and began massaging the pre all over my dick. As I began jacking myself right there at the pulley machine, my pumped bicep rubbed against my nipple and I felt my eyes roll back into my head. I almost passed out from the rush I got from the sensitivity in my nipple. I let go of my dick and cupped each of my pecs in my hands and realized I had forgotten to work my pecs. I headed over to the bench press, tweaking my nipples along the way. As I leaned back onto the bench I saw that my nipples were wet, and I realized my hands were also wet. I tossed it away in my mind as being pre-cum left over from tugging at my dick. I looked to each side realizing I had forgotten to put any weights on the bar. There was already 540 pounds loaded on the bar, which was almost triple what I had ever lifted for bench press. I however was feeling daring and extremely aroused, so I grabbed onto the bar and hefted the weight up. Bringing the bar down to my chest was the easy part. I struggled trying to push the bar back up, but as I did I once again could feel the muscles in my pecs stretching and growing. I looked down to watch after each rep as my field of vision became obscured by the pecs that kept pushing their way up closer to the bar. The weight came falling down fast, but I quickly regained my composure and re-racked the weight. It wasn’t that the weight had gotten too heavy; something had caught my attention while I was watching my pecs grow. It was a bead of milky white liquid that had formed at the tip of my nipple. I reached my hand down and wiped the liquid onto my finger. I brought it closer to my face so I could examine it better. “This definitely isn’t pre-cum!” “No, it’s milk.” I turned to see Chris stepping out of the shadows of the hallway. “I’ve been watching you in here. Lifting and pumping up your puny muscles. I’m guessing you got into my things. You stole from me none the less.” Chris continued walking closer to me. With each step his grin got bigger and bigger. “Now it’s time for you to pay for what you’ve taken of mine.” Chris was clearly bigger than what I last remembered of him. His arms and traps bulged out of the tank he was wearing. His sweatpants didn’t hide a single detail of the musculature of his legs. They looked like they were saran wrapped. You could see very cut, every bulging vein through his sweats. I was still lying on the bench, a mix of shock and fear written across my face. I didn’t know if I should try and run or take the beating I was about to receive. Who am I kidding? There is no way I would be able to out run this behemoth. Chris stopped at the end of the bench and grabbed my ankles. He slid me across the bench until my new bubble but rested right at the edge. I watched in horror as a bulge began snaking its way down his right leg, slowly plumping up, thicker and longer with every beat of his heart. Chris leaned in, almost as if to kiss me, but he stopped short. His head hovered right above my pecs. Then I watched as he ran his tongue across my nipple, collecting the fluid that had built up. The feeling of his tongue was like sandpaper. It didn’t hurt; in fact it felt absolutely amazing. I didn’t want him to stop. I was in for a surprise, because he sucked my nipple into his mouth and began flicking it with his tongue. I began writhing on the bench underneath him. He reached his arms down on both sides of the bench to steady me as he sucked on my nipple. It felt as if I was pissing out of my nipple. It’s the only way I can describe the feeling at that moment. As Chris sucked on the nipple, he was also swallowing, what I assumed to be my milk I was producing. Before I knew it, my right nipple had stopped giving milk. I looked down and watched as Chris moved to the other nipple, doing the same to it. I was absolutely horrified to see that my right pec was now half the size of my left one. Granted it was still pretty big, but I can’t go around with one pec bigger than the other. As I had begun freaking out, those thoughts slowly began to diminish as euphoria washed over me from the feeling of my left pec being drained of milk. I saw my left pec slowly deflating in size as Chris continued to suck, until both pecs were once again the same size. Chris came up for air and his eyes had a look of hunger mixed with lust. Chris stood back up to his full height only to reveal that the entire right leg of his sweat pants was completely soaked from pre-cum. I could see Chris’s dick throbbing, begging for release. Chris reached his hand down his sweats and grabbed onto his dick. He slowly hefted out the monster that I remembered all too well. Except this time it was bigger. Chris reached into his sweat pants pocket and pulled out 2 blue pills. He popped them in his mouth and swallowed. “Hope you’re ready to give that ass of yours a workout, cause I sure am.” Chris held a hand out in front of his dick while the other squeezed it from base to tip, giving him a handful of pre-cum. He began lathering it all over his dick, and still had some left over, so he shoved a finger up my hole. Then he shoved another finger up my whole as a moan escaped my mouth. “Gonna have to stretch ya for this one. The biggest I’ve ever been, measured myself with the tape measure you left out before coming back down. I’m now up to the 11 inch mark, 6.5 wide.” Chris said with a chuckle as he pulled his fingers out. Chris grabbed onto my ankles once again and positioned the head of his dick right at the entrance of my hole. He slowly pushed forward and I felt his cock head stretch my hole wider with every passing second. I began to wince from the pain, but Chris kept pushing, no longer caring if he hurt me. I could see the lust in his eyes had fully taken over. I let out a deep moan as I felt the ridge of his head finally slip passed my ring. I had thought at this point Chris would have just hit it home, but he continued his slow assault. As I watched Chris slowly enter me, I was amazed to see that my field of vision was once again becoming obstructed by my pecs. They seemed very large and pumped. In fact they seemed larger than when Chris had finished sucking from them. I finally felt Chris’s balls touch against my ass. He then pulled back a little quicker and slid back in and continued in that tempo. As he did this, I noticed my pecs swell a little larger with each thrust of his dick. “Yeah, watch those babies grow.” Chris said as he began fucking me even faster. I reached my hands down and cupped both of my pecs and felt them slowly getting heavier in my hands. My hands brushed against my nipples and my cock shot out a jet of pre-cum. I latched onto my nipples with my fingers as I felt milk spilling out of them. My cock was throbbing every time I pinched on of my nipples. I didn’t know how much more of this I could take. My pecs had gotten so swollen that I almost couldn’t see Chris anymore, and that’s saying something considering how massive Chris is. Upon seeing my pecs at their new bulbous size, playing with my ultra-sensitive nipples, and Chris pistoning in and out of me like a jack rabbit, I had finally lost it. I let out a loud moan as I began bucking my hips. My cock lurched and began spilling my seed all over my abs. I shot and shot and shot. I covered my pecs, face, the bench and Chris's torso. As I was cumming I felt my lats spread wider across the bench. I watched as my pecs completely blocked my view of Chris. My arms bulged thicker with muscle and I could feel the weight of my legs now having to rest on Chris’s shoulder. Just as my cock had begun to slow down and I thought I was done, it swelled up even more. It grew thicker and longer and began shooting all over again. My ass clamped down tight on Chris’s cock. This must have been too much for him. “FUCK IM GONNA BE FUCKING HUGE!!!!” I thought Chris had cum a lot before, but this was insane. Before I knew it, I could see something over my pecs and it was my ballooning belly from all of Chris’s cum. I reached down and felt my stomach. It felt like a water balloon as it fills up. I could feel it filling me up. To my amazement, Chris picked me up and began driving his dick into me even faster. As he did this I watched his body explode with muscle. I heard a loud rip as his tank and sweats both ripped from his body. It looked like he had almost doubled in size as veins exploded all over his skin, trying to feed his muscles all of the blood they required. I watched as muscle fibers twitched and expanded right before my eyes. Chris began moaning even louder as I felt a tight feeling in my stomach. I looked down to see the outline of Chris’s cock as it slowly expanded in all directions inside of me. I looked in the mirror on the wall as his balls caught my attention. They expanded and hung lower. I could feel the torrent of cum increase inside of me and I didn’t know how much more I could take. With that, Chris pulled out and shot that last of his load all over me and the weight bench. Coating everything and leaving a massive puddle underneath us. I watched as Chris walked out of the weight room, panting heavily. I had never seen someone so massive in my entire life. I laid there for a few minutes wondering what to do next, and then I remembered that I needed to tell Eric what I had learned about Chris and the pills. I went to get up, but realized I couldn’t move due to my massive stomach. “Great, now how am I gonna get out of here.” Continued in Blue Pill Part 6
  11. Jaypat

    Troy's Maggot - 2

    Link to Part 1 TROY “Wake up Maggot! I said wake the fuck up! How did I get in here? Haha. You’re parents let me in. I know its 5 AM. Yeah, your parents are up already, Maggot, and so should you be! I told them I was your volunteer personal trainer from school, here to help you pass your fitness evaluation. Your mom thought it was a great idea and showed me right up. I caught her checking me out, too. Haha. So, get up Maggot! Why are you still in bed? Haha, look at your eyes bugging out of your head. That’s right, Maggot, I’m lifting you right out of your fucking bed with just one of my huge fucking arms. I wore this tank top just so you could get a good look at what a Man’s arms should be like. Just look at my bicep bulging up big and hard like a cannon ball as I rip you out of your fucking bed. Check out the pulsing veins in my massive forearms as I effortlessly hold you up. That’s right Maggot, you’re so puny it’s effortless! It’s not even a good workout for me. I’m going to put you on the floor now, so you better stand on those puny stick like legs of yours. Good. Oh, isn’t that cute; you sleep in your tighty whities. And you’ve got some serious morning wood going. Too bad, no time for that. Here put these on. What are they? There a pair of light blue gym shorts and a t-shirt. Go on, put ‘em on! Cover up a little of that milk-white, flabby pathetic body. Yeah, I know they’re big on you… for now. But they won’t be for long. Why are you asking me what it says on the front of the shirt? Can’t you read? Do you need glasses or something? It says, “Troy’s Maggot,” that’s what it says, because that’s what you are and you’re going to wear this t-shirt every day until you earn the right not to. Hell yeah, you’re going to wear it to school! That’s the whole point of the thing. Don’t worry; I got you two pairs. So, while you’re wearing one, the other one can be in the wash. See, I thought of everything! Now, put ‘em on! Look, Maggot, I’m dragging you downstairs in 30 seconds and if you’re not wearing your uniform, I’m going to drag you down there just like you are now, dressed in only your tightie whities. You think there’s anything you could do to stop me? Haha. That’s fucking right, Maggot. One look at my massive, bulging, sculpted torso, and you know you’re fucked. Haha! Accept your place on the food chain! Good, you got them on. Yeah, you look like crap, but again, that’s the point! Come on, Maggot, down the stairs you go. I’ll push you if I want to fucking push you! Yeah, your parents already left for the gym. I can’t believe your parents workout and you’re such a slug! Ok, this is what we call a protein shake. This is going to be your breakfast from now on. Yup, forget about your fucking frosted cookie-o’s cereal. I threw that shit out. You not only look like a 12-year-old boy, you eat like one, too. I gave your mother a whole new diet plan for you, full of lots of heathy meat and vegetables, and you’re going eat every bite of it or I’m going to come down here and shove it down your pencil necked throat! And you can start by finishing that protein shake. No, Maggot, you left half of it in the fucking glass. Drink it all! Ok, you asked for it. That’s right Maggot, I only need one of my giant, meaty hands to fit almost all the way around your puny stick-neck. That way I can use the other one to shove the glass into your mouth and tip it up. You better open up and swallow otherwise this shits going to run all down your front, and that’s how you’ll be going into school today, with spilled dried protein shake all down the front of your fucking shirt! That’s it. Now swallow! Swallow or you’ll choke on it! Good! I hope we won’t have to go through this every morning, but on the other hand, that was kind of fun! Now, we’re going to go for our morning jog! That’s right Maggot, a jog! Now out the door! Pick those feet up! Faster, Maggot faster! Do I know Rich Perkins? Yeah, I know who he is, why? Do I think he could put on some size? Yeah, probably—wait a minute! I know what you’re doing and I’ve got news for you. Hunter Jack and I went over every single looser in our school, every one of them! And out of the whole bunch, I chose you, you lucky son of a bitch, and that’s the end of it. So, keep jogging! How far? Until I fucking tell you to stop, that’s how far! Keep going! Pick it up, Maggot! Oh you better not throw up! Oh fuck! Maggot, that was good protein shake. I should make you lick that up off the ground. Never mind, you’ll just have to have 2 more when we get back! Now pick it up! Let’s go! Brian’s Journal Day 2. I am sooooo fucked! Ok, first Troy lifts me out of my bed with just one of his gargantuan arms. Holy fuck! His swole, vein wrapped, sculpted gargantu-muscle limb, just bulging out all over, is holding me suspended in midair like I’m a pillow or something. I mean, fuck! I boned right up, right there, dandling from his thick muscle fingers. Then he makes me wear this butt-ugly bright blue shirt that says Troy’s Maggot in giant letters across the front and then makes me run til I throw up. So then I have to drink another 2 of those gag-worthy protein shakes. It was all I could do to keep from throwing up again on the spot. Then he tells me I have to meet him after school at the gym. Fuck, man, I have a life, friends, homework and I just got Rage of the Dead 3 for my PS4! I don’t have time for this fucking workout shit! Then I get to school and everyone is staring at me in my bright blue Troy’s Maggot shirt. And fucking Edgar Suarez, who’s almost as big a douche as Troy, starts laughing at me every time he passes me in the hall. I feel like a total idiot. At lunch time I met up with Ralphie. We usually eat lunch together, along with our buddy, Ross. That was the first sight I got of Ralphie in his bright red Hunter’s Maggot shirt. Ralphie had apparently had a morning very similar to mine. It actually made me feel better that I wasn’t the only one going through this shit. When Ross showed up, we told him the whole story. He said he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. Well, I knew what I wanted to do. When I opened my lunch bag, I found my mom had packed me a humongous lunch, two chicken breasts, broccoli, sweet potatoes – fuck! Who could eat all that? Ralphie also had a huge lunch. I ate half of one of the chicken breasts – that’s all I could handle, but then Troy came over to my table and stood over me until I ate the rest. Fuck! I though my stomach was going to explode. Ralphie managed to eat all his without Hunter coming by, but I could see the big jock watching him from across the room. Geeze, are we really going to have to do this until graduation? Link to Part 3
  12. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 4

    Here is Blue Pill Part 3 If you haven't had a chance to read it Blue Pill Part 4 How, was the question indeed. I needed to find a way to get Chris alone and have him pump me full of his sperm again. The only problem was it was the weekend and I knew he wouldn’t like it If I showed up to his house unannounced. While thinking about how I was going to get Chris to fuck me again, I continued working out in basement garage. I would go from bench press to dumbbell flyes. Then I would head over and do some very heavy and deep squats. Hmmmmm, I still can’t make sense of why Chris’s cum affected me the way it did. He’s been dating Stacy for about 6 months now and I haven’t seen her blow up with muscles. Maybe it only affects guys! Still doesn’t explain how it’s happening though. Is Chris an alien from outer space, no, that’s not it. Maybe he was bit by a radioactive spider. I’ve been reading way too many comics. Then the thought popped into my head, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it before. The blue pills Chris has been taking. I bet anything that those pills have something to do with the growth. I bet if I got my hands on some… Just then I could hear my mom’s car pulling into the drive. I scrambled up the steps only to find her waiting at the top of the stairs for me. “Honey, how many times have I told you? I don’t want you in that basement when I’m not home ok.” “Ok mom. I was just erm, looking for something, but I think I found it.” “Alright sweetie. Hey, is everything alright? You seem a little winded.” “Yeah, everything is fine.” I headed towards the door grabbing my sweater and book bag. “Where are you going this time of night young man?” Said my mother as she gave me that deep stare with both her hands on her hips. “Ummm, I forgot my biology book in my locker at the school and we have a big test on Monday that I really need to study for.” Wow, that lie surprised even me. Mostly cause it worked on my mom. “Alright sweetie, but I want you to go straight there and then come straight home. I can actually give you a ride if you like. I really don’t like the thought of you walking home after dark.” “Mom, I’m 18. I think I can handle myself. Plus it’s going to be light out for another hour or so, I’ll be fine.” I walked out the door before she had the chance to come up with a reason for me not to go. I almost forgot how it was outside, but it chills off pretty quick in the evenings. So I stuffed my sweater in my book bag for the time being. As I walked towards the school, I began to wonder if Eric would ever talk to me again. I felt really bad about how he left upset, but I really had no way to prove it to him. That was going to change. I was a block away from the school when I noticed that the football stadium lights were still on. Hmmm, must be an after game event going on, cause I could hear voices on the other side of the wall blocking me from seeing the stadium. Sweet! That means the doors are still unlocked. I headed towards the front of the school knowing that the best way of avoiding people would be to go through the empty hallways. As I got up closer to the doors, I noticed the lights were still on. I looked inside, but I didn’t see anyone. So I grabbed hold of the door and opened it. I headed down the dimly lit halls towards the gymnasium. The smell of bleach and ammonia permeated the air. You could smell the pool from a mile away. I had always wanted to try out for the swim team, but could never get the courage to talk to the team captain Riley. He was way too popular and I was just a nobody. Now that I have a better body, maybe I have a chance at making the swim team. Plus I might actually have the confidence to finally talk to Riley. Just before the gymnasium is the school weight room. Nobody was in there. In fact it looked eerie because all of the lights were off. I picked up my pace, because this was the last place in the school I wanted to be caught alone by someone. I headed up the stairs between the gymnasium and the weight room to the locker rooms. Before I headed over to the football teams locker room, I decided to make a quick pit stop at my gym locker. My gym teacher makes us keep a stat sheet every week for progress on weight loss or muscle gain. So I put my combination into my lock and opened it up to find the sheet lying on top of all my stuff with the dull pencil I had left in there. I looked at my last stats before filling out the next portion of the sheet to see how much I had grown. Height: 5’6” Weight: 156 lbs. BF%: 13% Arms: 13 in. Neck: 10 in. Chest: 34 in. Waist: 28 in. Thigh: 22 in. Calves: 12 in. It made me sad looking at my stats. It also made me realize how small I really was. I knew that it was soon going to change, so that made a smirk spread across my face. So I took my shirt off and stripped out of my pants. I grabbed a fabric tape measure from the supply closet and went to sharpen my pencil. In front of the pencil sharpener is a mirror, and I couldn’t help but watch as my pecs twitched up and down as I sharpened the pencil. My biceps tensed and relaxed from the effort. I couldn’t believe all the veins that I saw snaking across my skin. I actually started getting hard looking at my own body in the mirror. So I walked over to the scale, paper in hand and erection in the other. I swear that my dick is growing too. I don’t have any numbers to compare it to, so I guess I better start keeping a log just to see if I’m imagining it. So I started with my height and worked through all of my stats. Height: 5’6” Weight: 166 lbs. BF%: 10% Arms: 14.5 in. Neck: 11 in. Chest: 37 in. Waist: 28 in. Thigh: 24 in. Calves: 13.5 in. On the back of the sheet I started a new section called PG (Penis Growth). That way nobody would directly know what I meant by PG. I was still hard from measuring my entire body in fact I had noticed a wet spot beginning to form in the front of my boxer briefs. Which I found odd because I had never really been able to produce pre-cum before. I slipped my dick through the hole in my boxer briefs and got out the tape measure. From balls to tip I was 6.5” which felt small after seeing Chris’s monster. I then decided to measure the girth as well. I wrapped the tape around my throbbing dick as the tape met back up on the top of my dick at 4.25”. I’ve always had a pretty thick dick. “Looks like someone was preparing for my return.” I turned to see who had just walked into the locker room, but I knew by the deep baritone voice that it was Chris. “How on earth did you get out of that closet? Oh well, doesn’t matter. It’s not like you got away.” I was speechless as he began stripping out of his football gear. His pads sticking to his sweat covered body. “Why ummm are you here so late?” “The guys like to talk football after the game and go over the replays from the game. Besides you didn’t think I’d forget about my cum rag. I’m super horned up. Winning always makes me rock hard.” I could see what he meant by the way his pant leg seemed too thick on the right side. Before I could say another word Chris had untied his pants and began peeling his pants down his massive quads. I watched as I saw veins explode all over his arms and legs from the effort of trying to get his too tight pants off. I was mesmerized by this display of muscular beauty that it caught me off guard when his dick sprang up out of his pants and smacked his stomach. “Fuck! I can’t seem to get these off. Guess I’ll just have to break out of them. Chris turned around and opened his locker. I couldn’t see anything because his massive V-shaped back was in my view. His lats jutted out from his back like a pair of wings, pushing his arms further out and up. I heard a rattling sound and I saw Chris throw his head back and take a swig from his water bottle he kept in his locker. “There, that should do it.” Chris said as I slowly turned to face me again. His massive pecs came back into view all sweaty with his nipples rock hard and pointing straight towards the ground. I watched as Chris’s dick began twitching and he reached his hand up and began tweaking one of his nipples. He let out a deep baritone moan and his eyes rolled back in his head. I saw the river of pre-cum begin flowing from the tip of his dick thinking that this was my chance. I got up and walked toward the moaning behemoth as he took his other hand of his dick and began tugging on both nipples. I knew that there was no way I was going to be able to fit his whole dick inside my mouth, but I had to do my best to prove myself to Eric. I grabbed hold of Chris’s dick at the base and licked up some of the pre-cum along the shaft, making my way ever so slowly towards the massive mushroom head of his dick. I opened my mouth wide and began sucking on the head. The moans that escaped Chris were frightening to say the least, but I could tell that I was doing something right because the flow of pre-cum had increased. Next thing I knew I had a huge hand on the back of my head pressing me farther onto Chris’s dick. I looked up to see an evil smirk on Chris’s face as he leaned over his pecs to watch me suck his dick. I could feel the head of his dick hit the back of my throat, but it didn’t stop there. I began gagging from the thickness of his dick as it began cutting off my oxygen supply. Deeper and deeper his dick went till finally I felt a large pair of testicles under my chin. I breathed in deep as the head of Chris’s dicked pulled out of my airway, but it was short lived as Chris plunged his dick right back into my throat. He began skull fucking me as he would pull his dick head just to the edge of my lips and then thrust balls deep. While all of this was going on, I had noticed a strange sensation, like I was full or something. I looked down to see my stomach was bulging out once again. This realization came too late as Chris pulled his dick form my mouth and picked me up from under my arms. “Now that I’m nice and lubed up, let’s say we fuck that tight hole of yours.” I really didn’t know whether to be excited for the fucking I was about to receive or be scared for the fact that I was already full of his pre cum. I didn’t have much of a choice because before I could say anything I felt his dick slip into my ass. I was expecting pain, but somehow I only felt pleasure this time. I was amazed at Chris’s strength as he stood up, one hand behind my back and the other holding my ass. He began slamming me hard onto his dick as I kept hearing slopping noises from the pre-cum gushing back out of my already full hole with every thrust. I watched as more and more veins snaked their way across Chris’s neck and traps. They seemed to be bulging bigger with every thrust. I myself was to the bursting point. Not so much like I was going to cum, but more like I was about to explode from how full I felt. I thought my eyes were going to bulge out of my head as I saw how big my stomach had gotten. Chris must have seen the look on my face. “Hopefully you got room for more, because there’s a lot coming.” “Oh my god, Ohhhhhhhhhh FUCKKKK, I’M CUMMING!!!!” Chris said as he let out one of the deepest moans I had ever heard. Several things happened at once. There was a loud ripping sound as Chris’s massive quads blew up to shred the pants he was stuck in. I watched in awe as Chris’s pecs bulged even further out from his frame slowly pushing me further away from him. His biceps bulged bigger crushing my sides. What scared me the most was my stomach looked like I had swallowed a beach ball and it was still getting bigger. I could feel Chris unleashing his torrent inside of me. I heard a splashing sound and I looked in the mirror beside us to see come spraying out of my ass, like when you put your finger over the end of an open hose and build up pressure. What was the most surprising was the fact that I could feel Chris’s dick stretching my insides even more, and he wasn’t moving. My brain couldn’t seem to take all of this at once and I blacked out. The last thing I remember was Chris’s massive dick pulling out of my ass and the thought of how much I was going to grow. Continued in Blue Pill Part 5
  13. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 1

    Senior year couldn’t have come any faster. I was so excited about graduation. Although I wasn’t really the popular one that everyone loved in school, I was more of an anti-jock but I still liked to admire the school jocks from afar. I have one really close friend in high school, Eric, and he has been my best bud since second grade when I first moved to Fletcher Valley. Since then I really haven’t made any other friends, just enemies. The fact that I have never dated any girls doesn’t help me out either. It’s not that I don’t find the girls attractive but I find the guys in our school more attractive. Every chance I get I try catching a peek at one of the hot muscle jocks naked, flaunting around their goods in the locker room. Just a quick glance and that would be masturbation material inside my head for at least a week. Every time I did look at those hot sweaty muscles coming in off of the football field I would become envious of those rippling biceps and huge juicy pecs, wishing that they were mine. Now don’t get me wrong I’m no flimsy geek, I workout on a day to day basis but it just doesn’t seem to do me any good. At 5’5 140 pounds I’m not very much to look at. As I look at those huge high school muscle gods I pray that they would just acknowledge my existence. Well it happened sooner than I was expecting and not in a good way either. “Luke what the FUCK do you think you're staring at!?!” Oh shit, it was Chris the football team captain, he looks pissed. I try to turn around as fast as I can so I could get a running start. Next thing I know I am being wheeled around by a big strong hand on my shoulder, I caught a quick glimpse of the huge bunched up ball of muscle on his bicep with veins popping out all over the place and his forearm engorged after a hard practice. Next thing I know it was lights out for me!!!!!!!……….. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - When I came to, the locker room was empty and silent except for the hum of the air conditioner running. I slowly got up on my elbows, and as I looked down at my light blue shirt I noticed blood stains were quickly forming on my shirt. I tilted my head back and squeezed my nose shut. I had a terrible headache. I knew I had some pain killers back in my bag in my locker. As I stood up I grabbed onto the lockers for support. I took my time slowly making my way to the senior hallway. I happened to glance at the clock in sophomore hall, it was 7:30 the football game had already started. “Shit I was supposed to meet Eric before the game for pizza. Oh well I am sure he will understand when I tell him I got socked by the football captain.” Although its going to be kind of hard to explain to Eric why he knocked me out. I finally reached my locker and took my hand off of my nose to put in the combination to my locker and I realized my nose had stopped its gushing. A click and my locker was open. I rummaged through my bag, it was pitch black in the hall except for some light that was streaming in at the end of the hall. So I really couldn’t see what I was grabbing in my bag. Ahhhh there it is, I pulled the bottle out and popped the cap off and swallowed two pills. I didn’t need any water because I don’t have much of a gag reflex. My mouth also produces a lot of saliva so I guess that helps in the process of dry swallowing the pills. It must have been half time cause I could hear the football players coming in from the field. I heard the gym doors open and the sound of voices and cleats hitting the floor die out. Although there was a few voices left I heard someone say that they forgot their spare jock in their locker. Oh fuck it was Chris’s voice, he must be the one that’s coming to get his jock. Fuck I have to hide, and fast. I quickly ran behind a stack of chairs at the opposite end of the hall and I ducked down. Just in time too, cause Chris rounded the corner just at that moment. I was trying to remember where his locker was when the next thing I know he is right in front of me and the stack of chairs is the only thing between me staying safe and getting pounded again. I tried to be still as possible while he put in his combination, “12-34-22”, Chris said aloud to himself. Click!! My heart was racing as he opened his locker, hoping he wouldn’t notice me behind the stack of chairs. Even though I was cared for my life at that moment I couldn’t keep concentrated because my mind was on something else at the moment. Since the windows were giving off some light from behind me, I could see through the chairs that Chris had the biggest hard on I have ever seen, I can’t believe he is not wearing a cup. His dick had to be at least 10 inches long and 4 inches wide and his balls were the size of tennis balls. They were huge! I was starting to get a huge boner myself just looking at Chris’s monster in his pants. I couldn’t resist any longer, I had to relieve the pressure building in my pants. I slowly undid my belt trying to make as little noise as possible and then I unbuttoned my pants and slid them down my legs. I had just grabbed a hold of my rock hard cock ready to jack off a load, when my belt buckle flopped off of my pants and made a loud clanking noise on the tile floor. “Who the fucks there?!?” Chris asked angrily. Oh shit I am dead I thought to myself. I quickly looked back through the chairs to see if Chris had figured out where the sound had come from, but there was no one there. As I turned to my left all I could see was a huge piece of throbbing jock cock in my face. As I began my upward assent of vision, I noticed that Chris had his shirt slightly up revealing his deep ridges of abs and a nice dark treasure trail running along his abs and into his pants. “See something you like?” I was still trying to figure out why I was still alive. “Tackling all those other guys out there on the field gets me pumped and horny as hell and I don’t think I can wait for the game to end to relieve this.” He grabbed onto his big piece of meat fondling his balls. “So I have ten minutes, I guess you will have to do.” He reached into his locker and pulled out a bottle of pills. He dropped one of the blue pills into his and, popped the pill in his mouth and threw his head back. Then he said in his deep baritone voice, “Prepare yourself cause this is going to be an experience you will never forget.”
  14. Before I go to the train, I post a short story. Muscle Growth in Plato’s Republic I see that you are awake. Hush. There is no reason to yell. You will only damage your ability to listen, if you yell that loudly inside your chamber, considering its lack of furniture, its lack of cloth and the fact that the walls consist of metal. Who I am, is not your business, but I am permitted to reassure you, that I speak on behalf of The Leadership. I speak to you through these loud-speakers. That mirror is actually a window. I watch you through it. Hello to you. There is no reason rant like that. What would you prefer? The old systems were apalling. One of them categorised persons after their pigmentation, and put some persons in ovens. Another one robbed persons working in agricultural production of their homes and working tools, boasted over alleged equality, while their leadership lived in an opulence that the productive classes were denied. A third one was ruled by the rich one percent. A fourth was ruled by skillful demagogues. Almost all of the old systems put too much executive power in only one person’s hand – a system waiting for to be abused. Seriously, do you really want to have any of these systems back? Ah. You are returning to more immediate questions? The reason for not remembering, is that you were anaesthetized during sleep. Your whereabouts… Let me return to that shortly. You can’t accuse The Leadership of that. Come now. Really? You ought to be well aware, that The Leadership lives in considerably more ascetic conditions than the Productive Classes. Moderation is a virtue. The Productive Classes are given the sort of housing they desire, the food they desire, credits to buy clothes of their own choice from the 156 different licenced brands, and unlimited access to all TV and film. They are given exactly what they want. How many of their forebears actually used their so-called suffrage before The Great Reform? Freezing? Yes, of course you are freezing. You are stark naked and strapped to a metal bench with a plastic cushion. Anyone would freeze under those conditions. Don’t interrupt me. Your new buzzcut suits you, by the way. But, as I said before, The Leadership lives in considerably more ascetic conditions than the Productive Classes. Equity! Prudence! Bravery! Moderation! The Productive Classes are allowed to have appetites. The Leadership are not. Or like that eastern writer, of whom our Founding Parents were so fond, put it: The Leadership shall show benevolence to the subjects, and put public duty before self-interest, while The Defenders and The Productive Classes shall show due respect to The Leadership. Is it too much to ask? We who belong to The Leadership do not own any private property, are not allowed to chose which clothes to wear, and our food is carefully calculated to be healthy, but not exactly tasty. I know the difference. As so many else of us, I grew up in The Productive Classes, just like you, but my achievements at the diagnostic tests in school brought me to the attention of The Supervisor, and I was transferred to a B-class for evaluation, and, when the evaluation turned out Code Green, to an A-class for further education. Do you know, that we have to study mathematics until age 30? We are not allowed to watch TV or films, since entertainment is distracting from duty. There are benefits and drawbacks with every position in society, but it is constructed in order to make all of us happy, regardless if you belong to The Leadership, The Defenders or The Productive Classes. Different personality types find happiness in different sorts of lifestyles. Nowadays I like the serene, uncluttered surroundings in The Leadership quarters, and find the over-decorated homes of The Productive Classes slightly tacky. My parents regard the lifestyle I have to lead is too stern and joyless, but the thing is: We find happiness in different sorts of things. Why is it important to wear a shirt with a particular embrodiery on one side of the chest and not another one? You are right. I talk too much about myself. I haven’t got rid of some Plebby traits enough. I have to consult my shrink tomorrow. Let’s talk about you instead: Transferred from C-class to B-class at a very early age, but was returned to C-class at age 14 when puberty distracted you. Performed well in social studies before age 14, but began to behave in rebellious fashion from that age on. Good results in PE. Produce less than average at your office employment. Your registered attendance at institutions for physical exercise is higher than average. Shows ability to sacrifice time and unhealthy food, for the higher goal of fitness. Your social life is mapped and evaluated to have a high exchange of known dissidents. Warmer now? Good. I thought it was just a matter of time, before you would feel better in your metallic surroundings. Of course we have to make use of surveillance of everyone’s life! Otherwise the terrorists will win. And we will have The Defenders patrol the streets, in order to ensure public safety and security. Personally, I admire the Defenders: These tall, powerful men in uniform, who serve to protect all of us. I definitely lack what it takes to become one of them. Wrong personality type. Not understand why anyone would join The Defenders? As I said before, our pursuit is to assure that everyone in society will be happy. The Productive Classes wish to consume commodities, even if that mean that they will not enjoy suffrage. The Leadership enjoy unlimited information, the opportunity to use of our minds, and responsibilities in government, even if that mean we have to refuse property and close relations. The Defenders… Have you noticed… Oh. Sorry. Do you feel well? That spasm looked uncomfortable. No? You are fine? Good. You must have noticed how badly performing children are demoted to The Productive Classes if they are evaluated Code Red in school. And you must have noticed how children from The Productive Classes are transferred to A-classes if they are evaluated Code Green in school. Our Founding Parents was adamant, that we were not supposed to become a caste society. Meritocracy and mechanisms, to ensure movement from one state of life to another, were the foundations on which this Republic was built. But have you ever noticed anyone to be recruited to The Defenders in school? Or have you ever met a child of Defender parents? My questions are rhetorical of course, this fine art, which Cicero was an expert of. The problem with the police and the armed forces in the old systems in the bygone world, was that they sometimes attracted the wrong sort of people. Someone, who would be prone to abuse his power, would be unsuitable as a Defender, but in the old systems the position as a Defender attracted that sort of people. There existed dutiful and idealistic persons too, of course, but, despite that some of them sincerely wished to serve and protect, there was a risk with the old system. I don’t know if you remember the ancient state called Turkey, for instance. Several times its army toppled the democratically elected government. Similar things happened in a state called Burma, but I don’t know if you read about that in C-class history lessons. Even in C-class you must have read about the atrocities committed by Gestapo and Stasi? Oh my! That looks uncomfortable. Is there anything I can do? No? Good? Feels so good? That sounds fine and dandy. Nothing to worry about, then? What is happening to you? Actually, I was just on my way to explain that. That muscle tone suits you, by the way. Oh, yes! The Defenders, then. The conundrum for every state, is to be sure that persons guarding the state and the general public against enemies without and within, don’t abuse their power. A state like ours, for instance, could risk to be toppled by The Defenders, and turned into a military dictatorship, and we can’t have that, can we? The solution our Founding Parents choose, was to ensure that The Defenders don’t have offspring, and actually is the least free of our inhabitants. That doesn’t mean that Defenders are not happy. As I said before: There are benefits and drawbacks with every position in society, but it is constructed in order to make all of us happy, regardless if you belong to The Leadership, The Defenders or The Productive Classes. Different personality types find happiness in different sorts of lifestyles. And I now come to the question: How would you find happiness? Your outspoken views about The Leadership are misguided, and easily corrected by the mind-control program that is running in your brain just now. Your wariness of power-abuse, on the other hand, is a useful virtue in a society like ours. It ought to be encouraged, especially in a Defender. Not a Defender? Oh come now. At this stage you must understand what’s going on. Defenders are not born. They are made. I read your psychological profile. You like to be re-programmed. Thinking of it: I don’t any longer have to read your psychological profile to see that you like the re-programming. Some gymboys work out in order to compensate for something, but I notice that that reason don’t apply to you. Shouting abuse despite this high frequency of brainwave re-programming? That means that you have a strong will. Good. That’s another virtue of a Defender. The warm feeling, which drives the cool temperature away in your chamber, is caused by the injection you received while asleep. Based on your height, weight, age, and the time which has lapsed since the injection was administered, I would make an educated guess, that it is still intensifying in effect. If you enjoy this feeling, I can bring you pleasure by informing you, that the enhancement of your body tissues and physique has just began. When this process has reached its goal you have become a Defender. That’s the spirit! It seems like some inhibitions are removed? Yes, you are right. These biceps are indeed ’fucking big’. And yes, these abdominal muscles are very hard, but don’t you think that overuse of the word ’fucking’ is emptying it of its rhetoric impact? Yes! Give in to it! You know that you like re-programming! Ooops. Not all of the recruits shout that much. So. So. Just breathe. It breaks you in order to rebuild you into a stronger being. Yes, just like that. That sounds confident. Yes, I agree, these vein-covered quads and thighs are, as you put it, ’awesome’. I’m literally full in awe over the muscle mass you are achieving, and it seems like you are, too. I know, by experience, that it is best to inform you, that the process will now enter the next phase. Yes, that’s right. This is just the beginning. No, there will be more. No, I’m not kidding. Yes, you don’t have to ask for it. I will ’bring it on’. You can trust me in that regard. You start and wrench unusually much. Are you okey? Never felt better? Good. I hoped that you would accept the process at last. Proud to be a Defender? Good. Yes, I hear that you think it’s good, too. Too good to be true? But it is true. Wait for phase three. Yes, there are further phases. Can’t take any more? I’m sorry, but the procedure must go on, when it has started. Safety protocol demand that we finish this. Oh, look at those lats! And your traps and shoulders! You respond unusually well to the treatment. Yes, you are unusually big, already. I can’t imagine how you will look when this is finished. I don’t need any encouragement. I’m already looking at you. And what a sight you are! That’s my cocky lad! If that is a good expression at your age. Damn. I am beginning to sound unusually emotional. I must see my shrink tomorrow. If I can’t compose myself, I might be demoted to the Productive Classes. If I'm willing to pay that price for watching your humungousness? I… I… I don’t know. Oh, aren’t you a miracle? Those hard pillows of a chest… Becoming like basket balls now. Yes, I would moan too, if that happened to me. Initiating Phase three. I thought, that you just said, that you can’t take any more? Give you all? Yes. Everything in due time. More? Yes, you will have more. I adjust the controls here manually, to quicken the process somewhat. We can’t hurry too much outside the ordinary parameters. No one knows what would happen to your organism then. ’Beef?’ That’s a word for it. ’Powerhouse’. Yes, that’s another one. Oh, my! You broke your restraints. They were for your own safety, you know. A lot of subjects shake so violently, that they risk to harm themselves. Yes, I’m looking at you. Oh. Yes. Definitively as volleyballs. And these football shoulders! You are not supposed to do that. Hot? Well, ehrm… We in The Leadership are not supposed to think about such things. Initiating Phase Four. No. I can’t. Oh. I’m not supposed to… I’m here to guide you through the process, not watch you in another capacity… Oh! Oh, uh! No! I can’t… Don’t tease me like that. Goddammit, I’m a doctor, not a … And those veins! Covering your legs and your chest… I don’t believe my eyes! A behemoth of raw untamed power! And the monumental calves of yours, protruding, bulgingly, still pulsating… The hypertrophic powerfield surrounding you… stimulating you… No! No! I said, don’t tease me! I don’t… You insanely ultra-masculine brute, you don’t understand, I can’t… Oh! Uh! Join you? No, I can’t… No, I can’t, oh… So this is how the sluice works? What am I doing here? I’m not supposed to… I return out of this sluice. It’s too dangerous. I’m not evaluated… I’m not scheduled… I don’t fit the personality test… Uhn. Enter. YES! TOGETHER WITH YOU! BECOMING A DEFENDER! THE POWER! THE ALL-CONSUMING POWER! TOO MUCH… I… OH! YES! UHN! UHN! COMPUTER: INTENSIFY PROCESS Process intensified, and increasing
  15. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 7

    Here is Blue Pill Part 6 in case you haven't had a chance to read it yet Blue Pill Part 7 I couldn’t believe how massive I had gotten as I walked back from the school to my house. My massive thighs made me waddle as they fought for space as I walked. As I got closer to my house I noticed that my mother was sitting out on the front porch, I thought it would be better if she didn’t see me in this state. I quickly turned down the alley next to the house which was hidden by a low row of bushes. I ducked down as best as I could, hoping that my hulking frame would stay out of view above the bushes. As I made my way around to the back door, I bent over to grab the spare key from under the matt and I heard the seam in the ass of the sweat pants rip. The neighbor’s dog began barking and in fear of getting caught by my mother, I quickly redoubled my efforts in finding the key in the dark. I grabbed onto the key just as I heard someone coming around the house on the porch. I quickly put the key in the lock and turned. I fell into the kitchen right as the back light came on. “Phew, close call. Now to make it upstairs before my mom comes inside.” I ran for the stairs and flew up them three at a time, surprised at the amount of power in my legs as it propelled me up the stairs. I reached the landing and dove into my room as I heard the kitchen door opening. I landed with a loud thud on my bedroom floor. “Jake sweetie, is that you upstairs.” my mom called up the stairs. I could tell she was standing right at the bottom of the stairs and she would come up if I didn’t answer. “Yeah…hack…hack…yeah” My voice was much lower than I had remembered it being before. “Honey are you feeling ok? It sounds like you’re coming down with something.” “Yeah mom, I’m fine. Just a little tired is all.” I could hear my mom heading back down the stairs, “ok sweetheart, if you need anything I will be out on the porch. Dinner is in the fridge. I made meatloaf.” “Thanks mom.” I heard the front door close again as my mom had gone back outside. I quickly flew to the phone in the hall and dialed my friend Eric. Now that I have the growth hormones, I can show Eric how I grew… __________________________________________________ ________ Meanwhile back at the high school, Derek began coming to on the bench by the pool… “HOLY SHIT”, Derek yelled as he saw his massive gut distending over his dick and balls. He slowly stood up off the bench and gained his balance as he felt the true weight of his over-extended stomach. Derek began feeling his new solid gut with his hands as he thought of how he was going to explain his new gut to coach. “I’ve gotta figure out a way to get rid of this gut before tomorrow’s big swim meet or coach will kill me.” As Derek began to turn towards the locker room, his toe hit something next to the bench. He looked down and noticed a small blue and white stripe pill rolling along the tile floor. He quickly bent over and picked it up, having a flashback remembering that it was the pill that Luke had made him take. “I’m going to get that mother fucker for turning me into this.” Just then Derek noticed a small piece of paper on top of the duffel bag at his feet. In scribbled handwriting it said that you would benefit from a workout. What a great piece of advice, Derek thought sarcastically. Derek crumpled up the piece of paper and headed into the locker room, he needed to find something in his duffel bag to wear so he could go down the school gym and workout. “Dammit!” Derek had found that someone had been in his duffel bag and his clothes were gone. He couldn’t use the clothes in the other duffel bag by the bench because they were ripped to shreds and covered in Luke’s cum. Instead Derek grabbed the last piece of clothing that he had in the bag and put it on. He looked ridiculous in his speedo with his distended gut hanging over the pouch. With the pill still in his hand he tucked it into the speedo thinking that maybe he would run into some unsuspecting victim and get some muscle like Luke did. Derek waddled his way into the weight room, relieved that there was nobody to see him in his current state of physicality. He headed over to the stair master to begin his workout. “What better than to start with a little cardio to work off this massive gut.” Derek stepped up onto the machine and started it at its lowest setting. After a couple of minutes he noticed it was beginning to get easier, so he increased the speed. This went on for about 15 minutes, Derek constantly increased the speed due to the level of ease he was feeling. Before he knew it the machine was beeping at him because he was at the max setting. “Impossible, I’ve never made it to the max setting even in my best swimmers shape. Derek finally looked down to see that his gut had slimmed down to about half of its previous size. He stepped off of the machine and noticed his legs were pumped, but not just pumped, engorged with new vein throbbing mass. He couldn’t believe his eyes. His legs had become massive and vein covered. “No way.” Derek quickly headed over to the wall of mirrors with the dumbbells in front of them to check out his new physique. “Oh my god”, Derek said in amazement as he checked out the striations and size of his new legs. He began shaking them out and flexing them as he had seen bodybuilders do before on YouTube. “What should I grow next?” Derek said out loud as he began getting excited over his new growth. “I’ve always wanted a bigger back.” So Derek headed over to the T-bar row and loaded it up with four 45 pound plates (his previous max). Derek stood over the bar and lifted it, feeling the strain in his back muscles as he pulled the bar to his chest. He lowered the weight back down and pulled the bar back up noticing how much easier it was to bring to his chest this time. Derek sat the bar down and grabbed two more 45 pound plates and loaded them on the bar. He stood over the bar and lifted it again, this time noticing a pump beginning to form in his arms as veins snaked their way over his biceps each time he brought the weight up. The veins got thicker and thicker with each rep until he finally lowered the weight back to the ground after about 30 reps with that weight. As Derek stood up he could instantly feel the difference in his muscles as his arms were now pushed out from his sides by his lat muscles. He turned and looked in the mirror. What looked back at him seemed like a fantasy from a fitness magazine. His lats flared out like a cobra head, so packed full of muscle that it pushed his arms out to a 45 degree angle. He turned and flexed his back, watching in the mirror as muscle exploded along his spine creating a set of wings that continued to spread wider the harder he flexed. Derek couldn’t believe the amount of muscle he had packed on in the short amount of time he was in the gym. Derek also noticed that he could once again see the faint outline of his eight pack abs. “Just a little bit of a gut left, what to use it on?” Just then a gasp was heard from behind. Derek quickly turned around to find Riley, the swim team’s co-captain, standing in the gym doorway. His jaw was on the floor along with his gym bag. “Like what you see?” Derek said with a devilish grin on his face. Riley was speechless as Derek stepped towards the awe struck jock. As Derek walked towards Riley he began popping his pecs in an arrogant display of muscle. Derek noticed a bulge starting to form in Riley’s shorts. Derek brought up his beefy right arm flexing it hard. He turned his head and began to lick it right in front of Riley. This sent a shudder through Riley as he spontaneously came in his shorts from the muscular display in front of him. The wet spot forming in Riley’s shorts brought Derek’s attention to his own bulge which had begun growing in his speedo. “You like my muscle Riley?” Derek asked as one hand slid down and began to man handle his own bulge through the speedo. Riley just shook his head still not knowing what to say. “How did…but you…” Riley stumbled for words as Derek put a finger up to his lips to silence his attempt at speaking. “How would you like to help me get even bigger Riley?” This question sent another shutter through Riley as his dick shot out another load in his shorts. “That’s what I thought.” Derek said with an evil grin forming on his face. __________________________________________________ ________ Eric finally answered his phone. “What?” “Eric you have to come over to my house. I can finally prove to you how I grew” Luke said in a rushed voice. “How am I sure this isn’t going to be a repeat of earlier in your basement? You don’t have Chris chained to a squat rack in your gym do you?” Remembering what I had said earlier about getting more of Chris’s cum I realized how crazy that must have sounded. “I promise you Eric, I’m being serious this time. If I can’t prove it to you this time, then you never have to speak to me again.” “Well we both know that will never happen” I could hear the smile in Eric’s voice. “I’ll be right over.” “Alright, see you soon.” As I got off the phone with Eric, I headed over to my full body mirror in the corner of my bedroom. I began admiring my muscles. Flexing my massive biceps and feeling the striations and the peaks in each one. I then moved onto my slabs of pec meat that now hung over my abs. I tensed the muscles, watching my pecs jump in the mirror. I reached over to my left pec and tweaked the nipple, sending a swift shudder of pleasure through my body. I grabbed onto my right nipple as well and tweaked it as my dick began to stiffen in the sweats I was wearing. TAP, TAP, TAP… I turned and looked towards the window as I saw Eric staring in wide eyed and slack jawed. I hurried over to the window and threw it open, slamming it a little harder than I expected. Eric quickly jumped into my room, not taking his eyes off my newly massive frame. “DUDE, WHAT THE FU….” I quickly stopped Eric in mid exclamation as I stood in front of him with a hand covering his mouth. He quickly grabbed my hand trying to pull it away, but unsuccessfully moving my hand even in the slightest bit. I then put a finger to my mouth signaling to be quiet. He got the hint and I took my hand off of his mouth. “Sweetie is everything alright? I heard a loud thud from the porch.” My mom had begun her ascent up the stairs towards my bedroom door. I quickly stepped over to my bedroom door and locked it. The knob turned as she tried opening the door. “Sweetheart is everything ok?” “Everything is fine mom, I just slipped when getting out of the shower is all.” “Alright well, be more careful next time. You definitely get your clumsiness form me.” My mom began snickering at the thought of me being just as clumsy as her. I then heard the stairs creak as she headed back down into the kitchen. The whole time I was talking to my mom through my bedroom door, I felt a small pair of hands groping my back and arms. I turned just to have my pecs groped by those same hands. “What do you think your do...” my eyes rolled back in my head as Eric pinched my nipples. I let out a slight moan as a huge grin came across his face. I went to move Eric’s hands away, but he insisted on keeping them there, tugging harder on my nipples. My dick began to respond from the sensation in my nips as it surged down the leg of the sweat pants, leaving a wet streak of pre-cum the entire way down. “You keep that up and we will have a mess on our hands.” Just then Eric pulled his hands back realizing the effect his groping had on me. He looked down and he then realized what I was talking about. “That thing is massive. How did that grow as well? I’ve seen you in the showers after gym class and you’ve never been that big, explain yourself.” Eric said all of this in a hushed voice. So I told Eric everything as we sat on my bedroom floor. Eric not once taking his eyes of my massive from. He would stare at the veins on my arms and trace their outlines with his fingers, and then he would move onto my pecs hefting each one in his hand and feeling their weight as they fell back into place. I told Eric about the blue pill and how it makes whoever takes it bigger through sexual stimulation. Then I explained that whoever takes the white stripe begins producing a muscle building milk that when drank makes the drinker grow. I also told him that the cum of the person who takes the blue pill makes you bigger as well, but only through physical exertion. By the time I was finished Eric was sitting in my lap and playing with my massive quads, watching as I flexed them in his hands. “I still don’t believe you. I would probably believe it if I could see it in action.” Just as he said that a smile spread across my face. “I can show you Eric” with that he turned and looked right up into my eyes. “How would you like to grow little buddy?” Continued in Blue Pill Part 8
  16. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 6

    Here is Blue Pill Part 5 in case you haven't read it yet Blue Pill Part 6 I had begun to wonder how I was going to get up from this bench. My stomach bulged so big that it was hard to move. I was finally able to roll onto my side on the bench and swing my legs over the edge, lifting myself off the bench and onto my feet. As soon as I stood up I could see my reflection in the mirror. My eyes bugged out of my head as I saw how massive my body had gotten. I looked like one of those amateur bodybuilders, except I had the roidgut of a professional bodybuilder. My stomach bulged out past my pecs, blocking the view of my lower body. As I looked at my reflection in the mirror, I realized that I was still covered in Chris’s cum. I needed to clean up so I could get home, but there was no way I was going to make it up the stairs to the locker room showers. So I grabbed my duffel bag and the tattered remains of my clothes and headed towards the Olympic sized swimming pool. I figured I could work off some of my sperm gut while cleaning up a bit. I got to the pool and there was nobody in there, thank god. I was afraid that I might have run into Derek. Derek is the captain of the swim team, 5 foot 10 inches ripped physique with beautiful blue eyes. He practically lived in the water. So to come down to the pool and not see him practicing was a sight. I headed towards the shallow end of the pool. I dropped my duffel bag off on a bench next to the bathroom entrance and then waded into the warm water of the pool. I watched as chunks of dried sperm came off my body and into the pool water making it cloudy in my wake. Once I was in far enough to float, it became easier to move and I began scrubbing my body off, getting it as clean as I possibly could. Once my skin was mostly clear of the sperm, I began to make long strokes in the water, trying to minimize my gut. I had done about 20 laps in the pool when I realized about half of my gut was gone. I also realized that because of the increased cardio, my veins were exploding all over my body. I looked absolutely shredded minus the slight gut I had left, but even that looked solid because of the abs that protruded through my gut. I headed back towards the shallow end of the pool and began my ascent out from the water. As I reached the each of the pool I heard I whistle come from the direction of the bench where I had set my duffel bag down. I turned my head to see Derek sitting on the bench with a huge hard on in his speedo. He couldn’t take his eyes off my body as I walked over towards him and my duffel bag, trying to cover up my dick with my hand. Derek looked down at what I was trying to cover up, “there’s no point in trying to cover it up because I’ve been watching you for the last fifteen minutes. You have nothing to be embarrassed about!” He began sizing me up and down as he stood up off the bench, grabbing a pec in one hand and a bicep in the other squeezing to feel their hardness. I couldn’t help but flex in response to this sudden worship session. Derek leaned his head in and licked my bicep, making his way to my armpit and licking it as well. “My god you’ve gotten so fucking huge!” Derek said as he reached down and grabbed onto my crotch. He looked me in the eyes and I asked him “wanna help me get even bigger?” I had never seen a smirk so big on Derek’s face before, but his dick did the answering as it throbbed in between my thighs as he leaned in and began licking my nipples. I reached around Derek for my duffel bag, finding my torn shorts. I reached into the pocket and grabbed a blue pill with a white stripe. “Here, take this and will help both of us grow.” Derek didn’t need to be asked twice. He snatched the pill out of my hand and grabbed a water bottle from my bag and took the pill in a flash. I then reached back into my bag and grabbed a plain blue pill. I grabbed the water bottle out of Derek’s hand and swallowed my ration of growth formula. “You ready for the ride of your life?” I asked Derek as I pushed him back towards the edge of the pool. “Depends? Are you ready to grow?” Derek asked with that same smirk. I grabbed onto Derek’s waist and he jumped latching his legs around my waist. I then waded into the arm pool water as Derek and I slowly embraced in a passionate kiss. Making things in the pool even hotter. Derek’s wiggled his ass on my dick once he felt it slowly growing across his ass. Derek let go of me and grabbed the sides of his speedo and peeled them off his strong sinewy legs revealing a rock hard 7 inch cock, throbbing against his abs, snaking with veins all the way up to a bulging red mushroom head. My dick finally reached its full glory at 8 inches, as I reached out to feel Derek’s amazing pecs and biceps. He began flexing for me and popping his pecs up and down. Derek reached down and grabbed a hold of my dick, slowly stroking it making me moan out loud. He began to increase the pressure he was applying to my raging hard on while he simultaneously increased his momentum, bringing me closer to climax. I had to grab his waist again in order to get this process started. I didn’t want to waste any of the growth formula before I got some of his man milk inside me. I knew of only one way to make Derek begin producing milk and that was to give him the fucking of a lifetime. I reached behind Derek and grabbed onto his ass cheeks, spreading them apart and slowly inserting my thick forefinger into his moistened, smooth hole. This elicited a moan to escape from Derek’s mouth as he began rocking his hips back and forth on my finger, so I decided to slip another finger in. Derek grabbed onto my shoulders, preparing himself for the two finger penetration and he bit onto the nape of my neck. This pushed me over the edge as I pulled out my fingers and repositioned his ready hole over the head of my thick shaft. I slowly lowered him onto my throbbing dick and watched him writhe in my arms in anticipation. Derek groaned as the cock head slowly pushed past his sphincter. Once my dick head was in the rest glided right in behind it thanks to the water as a lubricant. “Fuck me! Grow for me you little muscle bitch!” Derek yelled out in lust. I meant to keep my promise, so I began pounding his tight hole. Derek bounced off my torso, his ass slapping against the water every time he came back down my pole. As I began increasing the intensity of my fucking, I noticed Derek was starting to get heavier. I looked down to see that the pill was finally starting to take effect. His pecs had begun pushing further our making a shelf for his chin to rest on. Veins started popping all over his pecs as they engorged bigger with more muscle, his nipples slowly pointing towards the water. I reached up with one hand while still supporting Derek’s ass with the other, to tweak his nipple. Derek’s eyes rolled back into his head as he moaned deep and long and I watched as white fluid began trickling down my finger and then my hand. I brought my hand towards my mouth and inserted my milk covered fingers. “Mmmmmmm you taste delicious Derek. Time to watch me grow!” As I continued pumping my dick in and out of Derrick’s ass, I leaned my mouth in towards Derek’s nipple, having to lean him back in order to gain access to his nipple which was now at the bottom of his pec. I latched onto his left nipple and began to suck. I felt my mouth fill with a warm deliciously sweet liquid. My senses were on fire as I swallowed. It felt like an out of body experience as my entire body felt extremely energized. I began to suck harder, wanting more and more of this sensation. Derek lay floating on top of the water as I continued impaling him on my dick. Holding his waist and pulling his body into mine and then pushing him away, all while I continued to suck on his sweet nectar. I watched as I slowly deflated his left pec, leaving the right one looking ridiculously massive. The right pec looked so full, like it was going to burst with all the milk inside of it at any second. As the flow from the left pec slowed down to a trickle, I let go of his left pec and began the same process on Derek’s right pec. The sensation was clearly too much for Derek as I felt his dick throb against my gut and his seed shot all over the water, making it cloudier than it already was. All the precum that was leaking out of Derek’s ass had turned the pool into a hazy fluid. I watched Derek’s eyes as they fluttered back into their head. I sucked even harder making Derek moan in ecstasy. I felt his right pec flow slow down and I unlatched my mouth to look down at a normal Derek. Although his pecs seemed to retain some extra mass from the initial inflation. I could feel myself getting closer to climax as I slowly pulled my dick out of Derek’s ass and then plunged back in to the hilt. I rested Derek’s back against the buoys in the pool as he continued to float on the water with a dazed look in his eye. Now I was able to let go of him as he was supported by the buoy, I reached my hand up and grasped onto my nipples watching my dick go in and out of Derek’s ass. As I stood there twisting my nipples, I felt myself go over the edge. I felt my cock throb even larger inside of Derek’s ass as I began unleashing my torrent of jizz into his insides. As I began to shoot into Derek, I felt a strange sensation come over my whole body. Like a good stretch in each and every one of my muscles. My dick felt like it was getting even harder and I looked down to see the outline of my dick under Derek’s abs as it bulged thicker and longer. I also noticed that my gut was gone, and in its place was 4 rows of rock solid abs accentuated by throbbing veins. I slowly lost view of my abs as my pecs bulge thicker and wider, my nipples slowly being pulled down further across my chest. I felt a tingling sensation in my arms and shoulders, so I brought my arms up into a double bicep flex and watched as the peaks began to rise higher and my arms got thicker around as my triceps hung further down on my arms. I watched as more and more veins snaked their way across my arms, bulging thicker, feeding all of my new mass. My forearms inflated to match my newly amassed biceps, slowly turning into bulging throbbing bowling pin shaped muscles. I put my arms down to my sides, only to find them being pushed out by my inflating lats. I began to grow wings underneath my triceps as I could feel my back stretching wider like a cobra hood. I could then feel my ass bulge out further and get even harder than it was before. “Chris will have a hard time getting into this ass!” I said out loud as I reached my hand back flexing my ass as I squeezed it between my fingers. My legs grew stronger by the second as my thighs were being pushed apart by the bulging muscle. I began flexing my calves, feeling them bunch up into hard diamonds of muscle. I let out a guttural moan as I felt my dick throbbing inside Derek’s ass one last time. I unleashed a huge torrent of jizz into his already overfilled insides as I watched his stomach bulging further out than mine was after Chris fucked me. I began walking towards the edge of the pool again, holding Derek against my body with my enlarged dick still inside his ass. He no longer could hold anymore cum inside him and the entire walk back to the edge of the pool gallons of cum had been pumping out of his ass and into the water. I stepped out of the water, carrying Derek’s unconscious body over to the bench by the bathrooms. Still shooting jizz into his overstuffed ass all that cum shooting back out of his ass and onto the tiled floor, making a loud squirting noise each time. I laid Derek on the bench and pulled my still rock hard dick out, shooting cum all over Derek and the bench. I grabbed hold of my dick and began jerking it wildly, increasing the amount of cum I was shooting out. By the time I was done, Derek was completely covered in jizz and the tile was hidden underneath a pool of jizz. Not to mention the entire Olympic sized pool was now a solid cloud of white. I laughed a little as I realized I had also covered my duffel bag in jizz. So I went into the bathroom to find Derek’s bag on the floor, safe from the pool of jizz. I opened it to find an oversized pair of sweats and a varsity swim team tank top. I struggled to squeeze the sweat pants over my thighs and my ass barely fit in the material, stretching the fabric to an almost see through effect. I then rolled the tank over my head and popped my arms though the holes and slowly peeled the shirt over my torso. The shirt was taught and straining at the seams around my pecs, but was loose around my midsection. I headed back out into the swimming pool and took one more look at Derek. I figured he would have a lot of questions once he woke up, so I fished through my soggy duffel bag to find an untouched piece of parchment paper and a pen. I also grabbed the last off the pills from my tattered clothes and slipped them into the sweats pockets. I jotted a quick note onto the piece of paper explaining that Derek would really benefit from getting a good workout in. I headed out of the swimming pool leaving Derek in a pool of cum in his extreme state of bliss. “It’s time to find Eric and show him how I grew.” Continued in Blue Pill Part 7
  17. hotmuscle101

    Blue Pill Part 3

    Here is Blue Pill Part 2 if you haven't had a chance to read it Blue Pill Part 3 “Looks like I have some explaining to do.” I really didn’t know where to begin, but before I could say anything we could hear the announcer’s voice over the P.A. system. I knew we had to get out of their and quick before Chris came back for round two. “Are you gonna tell me how the hell you went from zero to hero in the matter of just a few hours or do I have to start guessing?” Eric was hammering me with questions the whole way home. “I think it’s best if I just show you, otherwise you will just think I’m crazy.” So that’s exactly what I did, or at least I tried to do. ************************************************** ******** Alright, so a little back story about my life. My dad Titus used to be a bio-medical engineer for the government. He was secretly working on a new drug for feed efficiency in cattle. Not just any kind of drug though, this was a government test drug that wasn’t meant for human consumption. It produced amazing results in the bovine that it was tested on. It was intended to increase feed efficiency in cattle and also increase fertility at the same time all while minimizing body fat. The drug was a huge breakthrough for the ranching community. My mom had told me that the reason my dad went to federal prison was that he was bringing his work home and testing it himself, which is a big no-no if you are a lab scientist working on a top secret government project. The only reason he was caught was his co-worker James, and best friend, had sold him down river and went to corporate about him working on the test drug at home. Mom had said that before dad left, he had been taking the drug and it changed him. It had made him more aggressive more dominant. He would get into fights with random people all the time. He would spend all of his time in the gym he had created in our basement. So mom did what any concerned wife would have done, she went to her best friend for advice. Her best friend just so happened to be my dad’s coworker’s wife Sarah. So she in turn told her husband so he could maybe talk to my dad, try and figure out why he was bringing his work home. James had dropped by the house one day to check on my dad, because he hadn’t been to work for a few days. He knocked on the door a few times, but nobody answered. James took a quick look in the garage to see if my dad was home. “Well I’ll be damned,” James whispered to himself. “His car is here, that means he has to be somewhere around here.” So he slipped into the back yard and reached his hand above the stoop next to the sliding glass doors that came out to the hot tub on the deck. As his fingers fumbled for the key he knew had to be there, he heard a faint sound coming from in the house. He finally grabbed hold of the key and worked it into the lock. When he finally opened the door, the sound was much louder and much deeper than what he could make out from outside. “MMMMMMMM…..AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH…” If James weren’t mistaken he would say that it sounded like moaning, but where was it coming from? James rounded the corner from the kitchen into the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible on the tiled floor. As he made his way down the hall the sounds kept getting louder, and he had begun hearing a clanging sound, like metal hitting metal. The only door left at the end of the hall was the basement door. James crept up to it slowly, trying not to make any noise. He reached his hand out to turn the knob just as the clanging sound stopped. James also stopped because his heart was beating extremely fast. He listened very carefully for any sound. “OHHHHH FUUUUCCCKKKKK!” James didn’t know whether he should turn in fear or check to make sure Titus was ok. James couldn’t just leave his best friend, what if he was hurt. James flung the door open and ran down the stairs. What he saw was astonishing. It was a complete gym. Every kind of machine you could ever imagine was in that basement. As James began looking around the room at all the equipment his eyes finally fell upon something he thought he would never see in a million years. In the corner of the room was a massive bench press machine, and on it sat a naked overly pumped Titus. His muscles, that he didn’t have a few weeks ago, were bulging all over his body. Veins snaked their way across his biceps and forearms. His chest jutted extremely far out hanging over his cobblestone 8 pack abs. However his abs were hard to see because of the massive flesh pole that was in the way. James knew Titus was well endowed because of the stories his wife and Sarah talked about, but his dick had to be at least ten inches long and 6 inches around. It was throbbing to what I assumed was his pulse. Apparently Titus hadn’t seen me yet, because both his hands reached forward and began to jerk on his massive dick. I crouched down and watched, not quite sure what to do. His hands began making sounds on his dick, like when you rub your hands together under soap and water. I could finally see the reason why, his hands and massive tree trunk thighs were coated in a clear coating. I could only assume it was pre-cum. As I watched Titus squeeze the pre from his dick he released his dick and grabbed back onto the barbell. Only then did I notice how much weight was stacked on each side. He had a total of seven hundred pounds on that bar. I thought there was no way he was going to lift that. To my surprise, and with a really loud grunt, the barbell was lifted up and then brought right back down to his bulging pecs. As Titus cranked out rep after rep on the bench press, I noticed how the bar didn’t have to travel as far to reach his pecs. That’s because his pecs were bulging bigger after each rep. As I sat there crouched on the floor in his gym it had then dawned on me, how much of this drug had Titus taken. When I looked back up, I expected to see Titus making his pecs bulge up even more. Instead there was nothing there. My heart began to race as I looked around the gym to try and find him. I felt something warm and sticky touch my hand and a wall of heat behind me. As I turned around, all I could see was a massive cock in my face as it dripped pre-cum all over the floor. It had begun to turn into a puddle and my hand just so happened to be in the middle of it. As I looked up past the massive dick in my face, past the rock hard abs, past the bulbous pecs that jutted out freakishly far from his torso, I saw Titus staring at me. “Long time no see James.” He said with a crooked smile on his face. “How did you do all of this in a matter of a few weeks?” I said as I pointed towards his massive physique. “Well, you know that new drug we’ve been working on? I figured out how to re-sequence its chemical make up in order for it to be digested by humans. With amazing results as you can see.” Titus pulled his arms up into a double biceps pose and I watched as veins exploded all over his arms and his lats flared out like a cobra head. “James, you can’t just test the drug on yourself! There are trials that still have to be ran. We don’t know what kind of effects this could have on you in the long run!” “At this point I really don’t care what could possibly happen, as long as I keep getting bigger, that’s all that matters.” “What about your family? What about your wife Rachel? What about your son? For Christ sake Titus he’s only three. Do you really want Jake to grow up not knowing his father?” Titus moved even closer to me as I began to stand up. “What makes you think my son is going to grow up not knowing me?” “Titus, I turned you in to corporate. It was the right thing to do, for you and for your family.” “My best friend….I should have known better than to trust you. Well they aren’t gonna take me, I will run before they have the chance.” Titus began walking towards the corner of the room where a gym bag and water bottle sat. He opened the gym bag and pulled out some clothes. Clothes that were screaming to rip apart the minute Titus pulled them over his engorged muscles. He then grabbed a bottle out of his bag and popped it open. He shook out a handful of blue pills and put them in his mouth, grabbed his water bottle and swallowed all of them. “They’re not coming to take you Titus, I am.” I grabbed the tranquilizer gun from my side pocket and shot Titus right in the chest. “I’m so sorry Titus, I didn’t want things to turn out like this, but I knew you wouldn’t listen to me.” “You son of a…” Titus slowly fell to the ground as he slurred the last of his words. He dropped the bottle of pills and blue capsules littered the floor. James began looking for Titus’s lab. He noticed a door ajar towards the staircase. He opened the door to find a room full of computers and diagrams of muscle groups. So James grabbed all of the pertinent information for the research and left the stack of blue pills in the corner of the room. “The lab is going to need all of this as evidence; I’ll just copy the formula and see if I can’t recreate it later. This could prove to be a huge breakthrough for MD.” James took one last look at the hulking form on the floor. “Goodbye old friend, it’s been fun.” As he rounded the corner of the upstairs hall he flipped open his cell phone and dialed a number. “The subject is down; you can take him into custody now.” ************************************************** ******** “I still don’t understand how you look so amazing. I mean I saw you in 5th period biology class and you didn’t look anything like this!” Eric continued on trying to figure out how I had gotten so buff. “I’m telling you, it will be better if I just show you.” So I led the way into my dad’s old gym basement. Mom wanted to turn it into storage, but couldn’t bring herself to come down here. So instead it is now my new man cave. I spend all of my free time down here, obsessing over the same thing my father did. We got to the mirrored wall with the racks of dumbbells on them and I grabbed the thirty’s and began doing curls. The veins in my arm began to pop out, but my arms didn’t seem to grow any bigger. “I’m waiting!” Eric said impatiently as he sat down on one of the benches with his arms crossed. “I swear, all I did was worked out and I got bigger. I felt this amazing rush of energy and then felt the urge to dispose of that energy.” So I moved over to the bench press and put two 45 pound plates on each side. I began pushing out rep after rep of presses, but still no growth. I began getting frustrated. “Well it worked before I swear! Something must be different…” Then I remembered my bloated belly and how as I worked out it began to shrink down. “All I need to do is get Chris to fill me with sperm again and then I can show you.” “What?” There was a puzzled and slightly disgusted look on Eric’s face. “What the hell are you talking about Jake? You sound really crazy now. You know, if you didn’t want to meet me for pizza, all you had to do was say so. I’m going home.” Eric got up and began heading up the stairs. “When you decide to tell me the truth, I’ll be waiting.” Just like that he was gone. Great, now my best friend doesn’t believe me. I’ve got to find a way to prove it to him, but how? Continued in Blue Pill Part 4
  18. The first five parts are here:Christmas Surprise: https://muscle-growt...se-part-1-of-7/ New Beginnings: https://muscle-growt...gs-part-2-of-7/ Progression to Sex: https://muscle-growt...ex-part-3-of-7/ Danger and Passion: https://muscle-growt...on-part-4-of-7/ Changes Who We Are Forever: https://muscle-growt...er-part-5-of-7/ The Magical Suit: The scared man’s chest begins to rise slowly as it makes several popping sounds as it also carries over his arms as well. Gus can feel the muscle fibers in Isaac’s hands growing bigger as they push the big man’s hands away. The skinny guy’s formerly unmuscular forearms are getting wider, fuller, and far more vascular. Ed stares on as Isaac’s pecs fill in every inch of the space in his gown as they stretch the fabric to its limits. His skin has changed to an even darker hue which has the two big men completely perplexed. Gus feels the smaller man’s biceps and triceps with his hands as they expand against his fingers making his cock start dripping its salty concoction all over the inside of his pants. He moans slightly seeing this unbelievable transformation taking place. The youngster’s legs are thickening now as they go through the same metamorphosis as his arms. Gus decides to let go of Isaac’s left arm to move down to feel the heat emanating from the growing young man’s crotch. He lifts the man’s gown up to watch as his cock and balls start reacting to the growth as well. He grabs his cock and feels the muscle twitching wildly as it gets thicker and longer. The dark black bush he sported before now looks even more pronounced with his skin color changing. Gus wastes no time in sucking the growing shaft as he takes in its strong aroma and continues to feel Isaac’s body reacting. His balls nearly double their size as Ed notices the young man’s body being lifted off the bed by the massive muscles that are growing on his backside. His flaring lats are finding their way out the sides of the gown as Ed undoes it and finally pulls it off. He watches the growing stud’s shoulders blow up like boulders as his neck muscles begin expanding next. His cute face is changing dramatically into a thick and chiseled masculine look. His glasses cling helplessly to his new thick brownish colored bald head. His eyes were previously a nice bluish color but have now changed over to a deep hazel. His chin has developed a cleft in it as well. After a slow and methodical process, the two big studs that brought Isaac into the hospital the previous night have just witnessed a young skinny white man transform into what appears to be an amazingly attractive Hispanic bodybuilder. As he comes to his senses, Isaac feels his right knee straining against his cast as he yanks it down from the wire it has been hanging on. Ed restrains him so he doesn’t hurt himself as Gus continues to work over his big brown cock as the sexy stud moans in delight. It isn’t too long before he spills his huge load inside the big man’s throat which sends Gus into a frenzy as he quickly unzips his pants to dump his own load into the floor. Ed tries to restrain his own emotions since the whole sequence is almost too hot to bear. Isaac looks down at the man that ate his load and smiles as the southerner looks back at him. His crush on Gus is more than obvious now as their eyes meet. Ed sees their attraction to each other and tries to make the brown beauty calm down. Isaac is also hairless now as his muscles look quite defined and veiny like they were just put through the most insane workout ever. He tells them that he feels more alive than ever and really wants to get up now to move around. He wants his cast removed now and tells them that his leg can’t breathe. They agree that it is probably best to remove it now since his leg is considerably bigger than it was beforehand. As they do this, the fibers around his knee grow to accommodate his new size as it quickly repairs itself. He stands on it once it finishes transforming and is walking normally again. Ed and Gus stare at his nicely shaped bum as it glistens under the lights. They all agree that they need to get out of there before someone else notices that Isaac isn’t the same person he was before. Ed takes him into the bathroom to help him dress into some of the clothes that he has in his overnight bag. They both come out fully clothed and join Gus as he zips his pants back up as they try to find a way out of the hospital. They find a back exit and quickly sneak out to go into the parking garage that Gus put his car in the night before. After several minutes of searching, they finally find it and try to figure out who is sitting by whom. Isaac wants to sit by Gus but Ed is not allowing it so he tells him to go sit in the backseat. The young bodybuilder tries to muscle his way into the front but is still not strong enough to overpower Ed who is not thrilled with what is going on between his two buddies. Isaac is dropped off at his apartment after about a twenty minute drive and told that he needs to stay home. Ed and Gus get back to their house by the time the sun comes up and both hop into bed to go back to sleep. Kris enters the house a couple of hours later and checks to see if the box has been opened or not. He is surprised to see that the egg is gone, but the purple bottle is still untouched. He goes to sit next to Ed’s bed to try and wake him because he needs to talk to him. The startled man jumps up while Kris tries to restrain him. He is warned that the egg will be just the beginning with his young friend. He will have to decide what to do with the bottle the next day since he has already broken the original rule. Before he gets up from his chair, Ed grabs a hold of his huge arm and pulls him in to kiss him on the lips. Kris manages to wiggle his way out of Ed’s grip and jogs out of the room. Ed seems a bit distraught by this and wonders why Kris is getting so distant with him now. He is guessing that it has something to do with not only the egg but also with the Easter holiday. He hopes that whatever is supposed to happen with that purple bottle won’t be something bad. After that crazy Easter holiday last spring, Ed’s relationship with Kris has changed dramatically. The youthful looking senior left that night and never returned. The big stud has tried to reach him through several means of social networking but there has been no response for months. He hopes that things will get better as the month of October approaches. His lover Gus is also no longer around as his growing attraction to Isaac was too much for Ed to handle and they finally separated. While it feels like he is losing his closest friends, Ed feels as if he needs to decompress for a while and just want to be alone. He left his job at the company as well so he could avoid Gus and Isaac. He sold his house to go live with his friends up in Connecticut Les and Ralf. The two lovers invited Ed to come up and live with them after they heard he was just going to pick up stakes and disappear. The day he arrives at the airport, he is met up by a gorgeous black-haired, green-eyed German that he thinks is Ralf. He looks at him for a few seconds before the man smiles and asks if he remembers who he is. After the man puts his arms around Ed, Les comes running from behind and hugs him tightly. Ed is thankful that he still has buddies that care about his well-being since it has been a fairly chaotic summer. They grab his luggage and lead him out to their car as they get in and drive off to go to their estate. When they get there, Ed gasps at the absolute size of it since it is so lavish and the whole property is pristine. It turns out that Ralf is an extremely wealthy businessman that moved to the states after he met Les in Germany and they quickly fell in love. He moved his assets over and poured a large chunk of his money into the estate. They get out of the car and offer to give Edmond a tour of the estate if he wants which he politely declines. Once they enter the front doors of the mansion and stand in the lobby for several minutes talking, they show him where he will be staying for the duration of his time there. Basically Ed will have his own wing to himself since the mansion is spacious enough to have several people staying there. They let him know that they will be going out to eat later that day and that he is invited to go with them if he wants. He tells them that he just wants to relax for a bit first and that he will think about it. They agree that he should take his time and they leave him in his room to go off and do something else. Ed goes to lie down on the huge bed in the room and closes his eyes. He drifts off to sleep and dreams of him and Kris doing what they always do best. In the dream, Kringle grabs him and fucks his brains out. Ed moans deeply as he dreams about this and is unconsciously jerking himself off as he hands find themselves in his pants and as he strokes slowly. After a couple of minutes of working himself over, he feels a tap on his shoulder and opens his eyes. He is alarmed to see Kris standing beside him wearing some unusual looking black suit. He looks down at Ed and smiles as he tells him that he will forgive him if he wears something during Halloween. Ed looks over and sees a fairly large box sitting on a chair beside the closet. Kris leans down to kiss him deeply then waves goodbye as he opens the bedroom door and walks out. The curious muscle stud jumps to his feet and rushes over to open the door to look out. He is stunned when he sees Les standing there and not his elder lover. His ex-boyfriend laughs seeing Ed with a bewildered look on his face and walks in to sit down on one of the benches in the room. He notices that his old lover has his pants unzipped and points down at it. Ed turns red and quickly zips it back up before sitting beside Les on the bench. He is then told about an upcoming party they are attending and want Ed to come since it will help him cope with whatever issues he is having trouble dealing with. Despite a moment of apprehension, the big stud agrees that he will come since it is what Kris probably wants him to do. His ex gets up from the bench and leaves the room as Ed strips down to his skivvies. He walks over to the box Kris has left for him and opens it up. When he does opens it, he smiles down at the outfit inside and even chuckles to himself a little. Kris has apparently given him one of his old Christmas suits only it has different colored fabric. There is a note inside describing when they first met last Christmas and it talks about how his suit had white wool and the fabric was red. Somehow Kris took that suit and made it more in line with Ed’s tastes since they don’t exactly like the same color schemes. He also tells Ed in the letter that the suit has been enchanted with a power that he will surely enjoy as well. He has kept it hidden away all year long because he wanted to keep it for the man that he cares about very much. He does warn him though that the change will be swift and to not to be concerned. Ed shakes his head and knows the drill as he tucks the suit back into the box again. He climbs back into bed and turns out the lights. He wakes up several minutes later and sees his older lover in bed with him. Kris smiles as he uncovers Ed to pull his underwear off. He immediately starts to work his cock over with his mouth as he gets it fully erect. Kris gets completely naked and slides on top of his younger lover as he bounces his huge chest muscles when Ed gets into a steady rhythm. The big top smiles up at his hunky daddy and remarks how much he has missed him over the last several months. Kris smiles back and whispers that he knows this which is why he is giving him the suit because he feels the same way. He can sense Ed’s load starting to build and reaches around to squeeze his hefty balls making the eager top moan quite loudly. Kris waves his finger and then puts it to his lips telling Ed to try and be a bit quieter since he doesn’t want the other two in the mansion to hear them. Ed laughs a little and agrees as he tells Kris that he can’t hold out much longer since he is about to explode. The big bearded daddy growls softly feeling Ed’s cum flowing from his cock and into his bowels. He stops moving to lean down so he can kiss the younger stud as their sweaty muscles rub up against each other. He gets off Ed’s wet pole to move up to Edmond’s face to plows his cock into his lover’s mouth. Ed works it over really good as Kris’s hairy sweaty chest rubs up against his face. He moans deeply feeling the daddy’s load building as his balls expand filling with that thick luscious cum that he has always craved. Kris breathes heavily as he launches several jets of cum down Ed’s throat. The muscly sucker slaps Kris’s ass as he is being fed and slides each one of his fingers in and out the daddy’s cum filled hole. Kringle sighs as he finishes filling his lover’s stomach with his spunk and slides over to his side. Ed turns to kiss him a few times before he falls asleep again. When he wakes up a few hours later, Kris has already vanished. Ed is now getting a sense that his life could begin again with Kris and he knows that in order for it to happen he will have to wear the suit first. Both Les and Ralf walk in right after he wakes up and to tell him that he needs to put some clothes on. He remembers that he is nude and tells them that they will have to leave for a minute so he can find something to wear. Once the leave through the bedroom door, he jumps to his feet and grabs a robe before walking down the long corridor and into the dining room to have lunch with them. They mention to him that the party has actually been moved up from the date it was originally scheduled. He asks them when and they say tonight which shocks Ed. He says he is ready to comingle again since it has been quite some time since he has attended a social event. After eating a great meal later that afternoon, Ed goes back to his room to change into the suit that Kris left for him. He notices that on the back of the letter, Kris specifically says that he must be nude when he puts it on since it is all in one piece. This seems a bit strange to Ed, but he thinks that he understands and strips down to nothing. He takes the suit over to a mirror and slowly slides his feet and legs into the bottom half. Once he does this, he notices that the fabric is attaching itself to his body. He panics for a few seconds until he realizes that the suit is meant to become part of him. He slowly puts the rest of it on as it continues to adhere itself to his skin as his breathing changes. His heart stops beating for a few seconds as the suit continues to clamp down on him until it finally finishes its merge. His hard muscular body starts growing underneath the fabric as he feels his body getting even hairier. He looks in amazement in the mirror at the thickening beard growing out along his face as his neck thickens even more than before. He grins once he realizes what is happening to him as he feels his hard muscles becoming a bit beefier as his face starts showing a bit more age. The guy he sees in the mirror is none other than Kris, but he isn’t Kris is he? He wonders what the others will think when they see him since he technically isn’t the same man any longer. Before he even gets the chance to move away from the mirror, his bedroom door opens up and Les is staring him directly in the face. He jumps back in shock and starts to look around the room for Edmond. He immediately asks where he is which prompts the older-looking stud to say that he had to leave because of an emergency and that he wanted him to go to the party in his place. Les doesn’t believe this for a second and goes down the hall to get Ralf and calls the police. Ed freaks out and jumps through the bedroom window and lands onto the ground. When he hits the dirt, he feels no pain and can hear sirens in the background as he rushes into a nearby forest to avoid them. When they arrive, he can hear Les and Ralf talking to the police about a possible kidnapping. Ed lays flat on the ground to try and hide from them as he sees several flashlights moving towards him. As the law enforcement move further past him, he rushes out and is immediately seen by Les who yells for them to come back. The stunned Kris lookalike jumps into a nearby cruiser and takes off down the road. To his amazement, his feet go clear through the bottom part of the car as he accidentally rips the door clean off its hinges as well. He gets to maybe 1000 feet before he jumps out and takes off on foot again. He can see someone close to the edge of the property and runs toward them. They motion for him to follow them which he does. When he is finally face to face with them, he realizes that it is Kris who doesn’t utter a word and grabs him as they both jump into some invisible craft. Sirens can be heard buzzing behind them as the two Kringles squeeze their huge muscular bodies together inside the tiny space. Ed can feel the machine rising off the ground and quickly realizes that he is in the very vessel that Kris uses to travel around in. He turns to look at him as they both smiles at each other. He wonders if Kris has always fully intended on making him look like him as they continue their ascent into the skies above. Ed wakes up from a long slumber after an undisclosed amount of days after the events of that night in Connecticut. He looks around and scans his surroundings in what appears to be a woodsy type of cabin. The air is fresh but is also a tad bit cold as he gets up from the bed he is in. He walks over to look out the nearby window and notices nothing but snow for miles in the distance and realizes that he must be at the North Pole. He smiles a little and looks down to see that he is no longer in the suit that Kris gave him and is instead wearing a rich brown colored pajama outfit. It is nice and snug on his thickly muscled frame as he runs his hands along the contours of the fabric before sliding his hands underneath to touch the thick patches of body hair he inherited all over his body through that last transformation. He turns to find the bathroom and looks in the mirror at his reflection. His face has become his own again since he no longer has the suit on. He rubs his hands along the hair on his face now and smiles again. Before he can get comfortable being himself again, he hears someone walking into him room which has him a bit concerned. He walks into the bedroom again and sees a man that he hasn’t seen for what seems like ages. The finale will be up next week instead of Christmas Eve. Check out the fantastic three-parter, The Muscle Department: The Interviewer: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1060-the-muscle-department-the-interviewer-1-of-3/ The Tailor: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1134-the-muscle-department-the-tailor-2-of-3/ The Apprentice: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1251-the-muscle-department-the-apprentice-3-of-3/
  19. Jaypat

    Troy's Maggot

    TROY “There you are, you fucking wimp!! Hey! Don’t try to run… Ok, fine, you want it the hard way. There, see? I told you not to run. I caught you pretty fast, didn’t I? Looking at these monster quads of mine, you might think they’d make me slow and awkward, but hell, no! They’re like fucking steel springs; so fucking powerful, I fucking fly across the ground! Not like those fucking sticks you walk around on. Put any fucking strain on those things, looks like they’d snap. Haha. “Hey, hey, don’t fucking struggle, you goddamn stick-boy, I don’t want to hurt you. Yeah, that’s right, for once I don’t want to hurt you… Besides, no way you could break my grip. See those wide-ass rippling forearms with those thick veins running up them and straight over my fucking huge, 18-inch, chiseled biceps - that’s one inch for every year I’ve been alive, haha– they’re way too much for your puny, soft, weakling body to fight against… But then you know that. I’ve shown you often enough, throwing you around like a fucking rag doll, before mashing your face against my stone-like abs. So, stop struggling cause if I want to fuck with you, there ain’t nothing you can do about it. “There, that’s better. I’m going to let go of you now. Don’t try running cause I’d just catch you again. You run like a fucking girl, you know that? There, that’s good. Now you just sit there and listen to what I have to say. “Hunter, Jack and I were sitting around talking about genetics… yeah, you know Hunter and Jack, don’t you? I can tell you’re scared of them, too. Haha. Well, we were talking about how all three of us had great genetics ’cause we’re all pretty fucking jacked for 18-year-olds. Haha. I see your eyes bugging out every time I flex this fucking 18-inch bad boy bi o’mine. He’s fucking awesome, isn’t he? Anyway, we’ve all got pretty fucking big arms and huge-ass legs, and pecs like cannon balls, backs like walls and stomachs like cement… anyway, we got to talkin about how some dudes probably have great genetics but never do anything with them. “That’s when you came up. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a total stick-boy. Jeeze, it’s embarrassing how skinny you are. But if you worked at it, and I mean hard, I think you got the potential to be a fucking beast. “Hunter didn’t agree with me. He thought Ralphie Bennet had the most potential. Yeah, Ralphie’s a friend of yours, isn’t he? I mean any dude can put on some muscle, but looking at the way you’re put together vs him, I think you could out class him easy. “Don’t fucking blush, wuss, I’m not gay for you or anything. I just think you’ve got better genetics than Ralphie Bennet. Jack picked Simon Philips, if you can believe it. Philips? There has never been a more natural born wimp! “So we all got into a kind of argument over it, and that kind of turned into a bet. So now we each have until graduation to put muscles on our dudes. Then we see whose boy gets the biggest. “Don’t shake your head at me, loser, this is the best thing that ever happened to you. I’ll make a man out of you! You’ll be able to walk down the street with your head held high in a fucking man’s body, not a fucking stick figure. And you’ll do it because while you do, you’ll be under my protection and no one will fucking mess with you. I can see you like that. And if you don’t do it, I’ll make your life hell every single day for the rest of high school. Is that understood? “Good, good. Now that that’s out of the way, let’s see what we’ve got to work with. Take off your shirt. Take it off, damn it! Listen, maggot, you have to do what I tell you, whatever I tell you, whenever I tell you to do it if we’re going to pull this off, understand? From now until graduation, I own you! Your ass is mine! So, take your fucking shirt off! I’m not going to tell you again! “Ok, you asked for it! “Yeah, I ripped your fucking shirt off! What are you going to fucking do about it? That’s what I thought. Next time I tell you to do something, do it or I’ll rip your fucking head off! Got it, Maggot? “Good! Now let’s see what we’ve got… Jeeze, you’re fucking pathetic. Stick-thin flabby arms, no fucking chest at all, and you have a fucking paunch. You’re 18 years old; how do you have a fucking paunch? Don’t shrug you’re skinny-ass shoulders at me, Maggot. I’m going to take off my shirt. Check this out! “Look at my fucking bulging striated pecs! Look at my cobblestone abs! Feel them, Maggot. Stick out your skinny little fingers and feel them. Feel how hard they are? Like fucking steel! Check out the V taper of my thickly muscled back! You’ve already seen the guns, but I’m going to give you another look. Bam! There they are, Righty and Lefty. Righty’s a bit bigger, but Lefty’s struggling to catch up. “You’ve got these same muscles buried deep somewhere in your skinny little carcass, and I’m going to bring them out, each and every fucking one of them! How does that make you feel, Maggot? Does it excite you? It should. I remember the first time I saw a big dude on TV when I was about 8. I knew I wanted to be just like him when I grew up, wanted to feel all that huge, thick, powerful muscle all over me, and now I do! Didn’t you ever fucking want that, Maggot? I don’t know how anyone can stand to be like you. You’ve got a body like a twelve-year-old boy. How can you fucking stand to be like that? Never mind, it doesn’t matter. Soon you’ll be bigger, a lot fucking bigger. You’ll be a fucking muscle dork. You’ll be the biggest, strongest fucking muscle dork this school has ever seen. And if you’re not, I will fucking kill you. Brian’s Journal Day 1 Oh my god, what do I do now? Troy Watkins, the bane of my existence, wants to make me his… his monkey-boy. I guess that’s the best word for it. He wants to train me so he can win some stupid bet he made with his wrestling buddies. His trained monkey… I’d say fuck that, but I don’t really have any choice in the matter. Jesus, the arms on that dude. I’ve never seen anything like that; they’re like fucking grapefruits bulging out of his arms, vein covered, rock-hard grapefruits! I mean I always knew he had to be jacked, but shit… I didn’t know guys our age could get arms that big! And the rest of him… his muscles are monstrously huge! His body looks so fucking powerful… Jeeze, I’m starting to get hard. That’s weird… but his brick wall abs and his massive chest… He could squash me like a bug… damn… oh fuck… And that powerful stone wall of a stomach… heaving in and out as he breathed…I’m so fucking hard right now… brb… That’s better. Damn, guess my hormones are out of control or something. Anyway, Jack Colby is doing the same thing to Ralphie. I called him when I got home and sure enough, he got pretty much the same speech from Hunter that I got from Troy. We’re both kinda fucked. And I guess the same thing is happening to Simon Philips, although neither of us really knows him. We tried to think of a way to get out of it, but the only thing that either of us could think of, is to get these douches to choose someone else for their little contest. So we came up with a list of guys who aren’t jocks, but who look like they could be. And tomorrow, we’re going to drop a few of these names and see what happens. Wish me luck. I’m going to need it. Link to Part 2
  20. Guest

    Short stories

    1. Feeding time "What the fuck did you just say to me?" He looked sheepish. His big stupid face frozen a moment, eyes cast down. A drop of white fluid dripped from the corner of his mouth, over his big slack lower lip. I reached out with my hand and used my thumb to push it back onto his lip. He used his tongue slowly to take it back into his mouth. "What did you say?" I asked again, not as unkindly as before. He big eyes looked sad, and for a moment, I felt gentle. "Said I'm full." He looked up a little, so he was staring at my chest. Always avoided eye contact since the early days of our training. "Sir." I pushed against one shoulder, which was covered in tight white long sleeved Under Armour top I insisted he wore during feeding time. He complied easily and turned around. Amusing how such moving 350 lbs of muscle mass was achievable by just my finger. As he turned - slowly because of his physical bulk - to face the wall mirror, I enjoyed the sight of his huge ass, full and round, bound up in red compression tights, that were similarly part of his day wear. Each cheek would fill a basketball hoop. They pulled in the fabric tightly into the crack. I thought of the smooth hard cheeks underneath, eagerly awaiting attention on my command. Sadly though, this day was to be my last with him. "Now, what did we agree?", I asked turning my attention back to him. "You said to me that day in the locker room that you wanted to be as big as me. And I told you you'd have to eat how much?" He looked confused for a moment, trying to recall the memory. I remembered the day all too well. I had snared him as I snare all my beef. Pumped up huge in a downtown gym, baiting a college kid who wants to stand out. A guy who needs to get bigger. I feed that need. "Twenty... thousand?" he asked, as if unsure this was a number. "That's right. Well done." He smiled, responding to the positive feedback. I noticed he flexed his pex. Such good training. "And how many have you eaten today?" The look of puzzlement again. I confess as much as I love blowing these boys up to freaks, it is watching their brains dissolve into protein mush that's makes them stand out for me. Huge dumb muscle boys. And a lucrative business too. People pay a lot of money for muscle sex toys. "I dunno, Sir. I..." He stopped, the act of thinking how much he had eaten too much for him. He rubbed his big nipple absent-mindedly. That was training too. When he became overwhelmed with thought. It made them hard and very suckable. I had success in breeding a previous bull in milking those huge nips. That got me an extra 10% on price. Rich people have the weirdest fetishes. He'd eaten about 40000 calories today. I didn't bother counting. But he was getting picked up later by his new owner, and I wanted him real heavy. Nice full turtle shell gut. Big full muscles. Pumped and swollen to the maximum. "Not enough, boy. Never enough." Let's get the auto-feeder on you to keep it going. "No, Sir please.. no not..." I smacked his ass cheek. He silenced. I strapped on the mouth funnel, pulling it tight. "Now let's get another two injections in while this is on boy." Turning on the fueller, protein oozed it's way into his mouth. The sound of him slurping and gulping made me want to fuck him there and then. But I couldn't this time. I needed him pristine. The new owner was a first time client. Rich investment banker from Texas. Maybe he'd want a farm full of these muscle boys. Wanted to impress him with his first. I injected two doses of my formula into his butt as the fueller chugged. These would make him swell nicely. Make him nice and big. I'd heard the client had a sadistic streak. Liked super huge sweaty muscle bulls and didn't think about limits. This bull might have an interesting life in store. not that anyone would ever see him again in public. He slurped and grunted as more thousands of calories were fed to him. I rubbed his expanding arm and shoulder. "That's it boy. Eat it all up. You wanted to be big, didn't you?" The machine chugged, feeding him more and more.
  21. Check out the previous parts here: Christmas Surprise: https://muscle-growt...se-part-1-of-7/ New Beginnings: https://muscle-growt...gs-part-2-of-7/ Progression to Sex: https://muscle-growt...ex-part-3-of-7/ Danger and Passion: https://muscle-growt...on-part-4-of-7/ The amazing Valentine night between Ed and Gus is so memorable that the two men end up fucking each other again the next day as well. They feel so connected now that it is hard for them to even be away from each other. Since Kris isn’t around all the time anymore, Edmond thinks that his relationship with Gus is meant to be. It isn’t until that next night that Ed notices that there is a purple box sitting on the top of his dresser. He reads the note attached to it as it mentions he can open the box and look inside but that he can’t do anything with the contents in it until the Easter holiday since it won’t be activated until that point. Ed smiles and understands what Kris is talking about. He opens the box up and picks up the bottle of shimmery purple liquid and notices that there is a yellow egg located inside as well. He picks up the egg with his other hand and shakes it to hear the contents inside. It isn’t a baby chick of course but rather some kind of powdery substance he is guessing since it feels really light. He wonders why Kris would leave something like this in the house since he has never done this before. He puts both items back into the box and goes looking for his new lover who seems to in the house somewhere. He decides that he will let Gus know about the box immediately or he might get a bit too curious if he is not around. He hears the southern musclebear in the master bathroom talking to his self and goes to investigate. He jumps directly into the doorway and lands about three feet away from Gus as he shakes the room. The huge stud nearly falls over from shock as his massive 300 pound frame stumbles backwards into the shower. Ed laughs hysterically as he tries to catch him in his arms. When he wraps his guns around the big guy, he starts rubbing on Gus’s thick hairy pecs and kisses the side of his bull neck to make him relax. He turns his head around to kiss Ed’s head and leans in to kiss him. They get a bit cozier in the shower since they are already naked as the fitter man locates Gus’s huge rod and moves down to get closer to it. His thick brown body hair glides along the huge hulk’s red hair as they brush up against each other’s thick muscles. Ed’s big cock plants itself inside Gus’s waiting mouth and slowly slides down his throat. He moans feeling it stretch his bullneck wider trying to accommodate its thickness. He massages it with his throat muscles as the eager top groans in pleasure. Ed manages to get into just the right position to reach Gus’s huge rod and licks just inside his piss slit. The sensation makes the massively beefy stud tremble as Ed flicks the inside of it with his tongue and squeezes his huge balls with his big hairy fingers. After a few minutes of fluffing each other, Ed pulls his cock out of Gus’s mouth and flips him over to tease his hole with his pulsating rod. The hairy beast grunts in his deep husky tone as Ed pushes his way deep inside him to start grinding his hole. He lays his chest on top of Gus’s back so he can move in a much faster rhythm since he wants to erupt inside him. The big southern stud awaits his reward as Ed’s balls swells to nearly twice their size. He can feel his body getting an incredible pump as he tenses his muscles and slows his pace down. He feels the white river making its way up into his rod as Gus slides himself off the raging pole. He turns himself around just in time to feel the cum river coat his thick furry chest. The thick ropes of cum start rolling down both of his heaving pecs as the flood hits Ed’s huge veiny quads. He pushes Gus back a bit to move down to lap up the load as he licks in between each and every one of the hairy beast’s long roidy abs before moving his way up to his cum covered pec mounds and huge nipples. Ed licks and nibbles on both of them to make the hot hulk submit to him, but it only makes the muscle monster want to push back and resist the temptation. Gus maneuvers his huge frame up to Ed’s face as he strokes his massive rod. Ed reaches out to feel the behemoth’s balls as they stretch to accommodate the thick cum that is now filling them. Gus smiles and growls loudly as precum pours out of his cockhead and directly onto Ed’s lips. He laps up the sweet honey as it finds its way inside his hungry mouth. He demands for Gus to release the boys as he prepares himself to swallow the huge load in waiting. Feeling it twitching wildly in his throat, Ed moans loudly and gags as it showers his mouth before pouring out the sides of his face and running down his chin. Gus pulls out to start shooting several strands of goo onto his head as well. They both grunt in unison as Ed gets completely coated on his head. After finishing his climax, Ed pulls him in to feed him some of his load and then kisses him for several minutes as they share the cum with each other. They manage to keep their hands off each other to take showers separately so that they can concentrate on going back to work. Ed leaves first since Gus still has a few things that he needs to do before he is ready to go. He happens to walk by where the purple box is sitting on the dresser in the bedroom and figures out that this must be one of the items that Ed’s friend Kris left for him. Curiosity gets the better of him and he opens it after examining it for nearly a minute. He takes the yellow egg out and puts it in with his lunch so he can look at it later. He drives to work and immediately goes to the break room to put his lunch in the back of the refrigerator. His hope is that no one will touch it while he goes to work out on the floor. He gets to his seat just in time to start working as Ed walks past him to gives him a wink and a nod before closing his door to go sit at his desk. The day moves along without a hitch as things go back to normal. Miraculously, Gus keeps the egg situation in secret from Ed for quite some time. After several weeks of secrecy, Easter arrives as the big brute continues to check in on the egg in the refrigerator. He finally pulls it out of the container he put it in to see if anything has changed. He shakes it and notices that it feels and sounds entirely different than a normal egg would which intrigues him greatly. Never once during this entire timeframe has Ed looked inside the box at his house to see if it is still there or not. Recently, the company Edmond works for hired another assistant for him to take some of the stress off of Gus. During lunch the same day, he happened to have walked into the break room when the huge hulk pulled the egg out of the refrigerator. The young man, Isaac, is fresh out of high school and is super skinny. He always wears wire-rimmed glasses when he has to do any kind of work and is a bit awkward as well. His blue eyes combined with his teddy bear shaped face always remind Ed of one of his friends from his childhood. Gus has never really paid all that much attention to him before because his desk is located in a different area as his own. The big hulk’s expertise in finance is a major reason for the recent hire of Isaac because he doesn’t have time to work on the other things in the department. Gus’s position under Edmond is to gather information for him from his contacts for additional business as well as doing basic things like getting his lunch for when he is busy. From day one, Isaac has always had a problem staring at the big stud from across the office floor from his cubicle as if he is in another universe. In this instance, he finds himself staring at Gus’s gargantuan back watching as his jacket stretches to its limits seeing his huge traps continuously contracting. As he stands there, he then speaks abruptly making the beefy hulk jump as he yells in his deep bravado and launches the egg into the air. Isaac watches where it goes and reaches out to catch it before it hits the floor. He hits his right knee and manages to save the egg but not before Gus turns and notices that the small guy is in a bit of agony. He reaches down to pick him up in his huge arms and sits him on one of the tables in the break room. Isaac musters up enough energy to hand the hulk the egg and tells him that he will be alright. Gus notices blood starting to run down the small man's khakis and picks him up again to rush out of the office and into the elevator after he puts the egg in his jacket pocket. They rush out the elevator and the front lobby to immediately search for Gus’s car. As he puts Isaac inside, Ed rushes out behind them to get into the passenger seat as the injured small man is lain down in the back. Gus then gets in the car and drives him directly to the nearby hospital. The small guy worries that he will get blood on Gus’s car seats but he is told not to worry about that because this is an urgent matter. Gus parks at the emergency doors and picks him up again to race him inside. He finds a wheelchair and sits Isaac in it while he motions for a nurse to come over for help. The nurse notices his bleeding leg and takes him straight into the ER. Gus wants to follow them inside, but the nursing staff tells him to wait in the lobby until Isaac is stabilized. It doesn’t take much more than an hour before the concerned behemoth gets anxious and starts walking the halls beside the waiting room. A doctor comes out and motions for Gus and Edmond to follow him into one of the recovery rooms. There they see the young man in a hospital gown with a huge cast on his right leg as it is propped up on some wire hanging from the ceiling. Isaac seems a bit surprised that Gus is still there since they have barely talked to each other before. He watches the big southern bodybuilder take a seat beside him as he takes his jacket off. Before he puts it down, the big stud remembers that he has the egg in his pocket and pulls it out. It glows ever so lightly as he brings up to his face. Isaac’s eyes dilate as he stares directly into its shimmery gaze from the few feet he is from the huge man. Gus laughs a little as the young lad does this and tosses it over to him. Isaac shakes it and hears the contents start to fizz from the inside. He nearly drops it before it explodes directly into his face as he is coated in some kind of yellowish liquid. It evaporates not long afterwards making both of the huge guys look at each other in wonder. Gus looks up at Ed and softly questions him if the egg will have a similar effect on Isaac that it did over a month ago with him. His boss shrugs his shoulders and makes a strange face at him as he tells Gus to give the little man a hug so he can get some rest for the night. The huge hairy bodybuilder agrees and tells his injured coworker that he will come see him again in the morning before he goes in to work. Not long after Gus leaves, Isaac dozes off to sleep. It is at that point that Ed realizes that this is the same egg that is from the purple box that is sitting at his house. Instead of getting mad at Gus though, he thinks that the big man probably gave it to Isaac on purpose just to include him in their club so to say. He goes to sit down in the same chair that Gus sat in and starts to nudge his young associate. Isaac slowly wakes up and notices that his boss is sitting in the chair now. He chats for a bit with him and finds out that Isaac went into the break room to get something to eat. He mentions the egg to Ed and says that Gus tossed it in the air after he accidentally scared him. The buff stud doesn’t tell him where the egg came from since it is a secret between him and Kris. Something he does pick up on from the young man though is that he might be a bit smitten with Gus. To confirm this though, he wants to see them together again just to find out if his assumptions are correct. He reaches down to pick up the cracked egg from the side of the bed and examines it in from of Isaac. Ed keeps switching between looking at the residue from inside the egg and looking over the young man’s clean-shaven face. His glasses appear to have some of the residue on them since he is still wearing them. Ed now wonders if this whole incident was intentional since everything Kris sends him always has a purpose. He asks if Isaac has any family around which promptly gets a no because he just moved there at the start of the New Year. The hunky boss tells him that he will stay overnight, but that he will have to let Gus know first. While talking to his big partner, he lets him know that he will need some fresh clothes to stay. Gus tells him that he might as well stay as well since he is involved in this whole debacle as well. As he overhears the conversation and hears Ed say that Gus is coming back, he involuntarily sprouts a hard on. Ed notices this happen but doesn’t want to let the young man know that he knows. He finds out that Isaac is hungry as well and doesn’t want to eat the hospital’s food. Ed tells Gus to bring them dinner from their favorite restaurant. The big stud agrees and they hang up. While they wait, Isaac starts asking Ed questions about their workout routines because he can’t take his eyes off their bodies and is blown away by their size. The huge stud chuckles and says that it takes quite a lot of hard work to look the way he does as he freely flexes one of his biceps. The sleeve on his dress shirt stretches completely as the entire space fills up all the way to every single tiny millimeter. Isaac admits to him that he would love to be big and strong like him, but that it isn’t necessarily what he wants to devote his life to either. Ed smiles and moves in to have the young man feel how thick and powerful the muscle is. He tries to put both of his hands around it, but quickly finds out that he is unable to. His eyes dilate again in that instant as he feels the power racing through Ed’s entire arm. His boss grabs one of his hands and places it onto his chest and over his heart. The little man can feel Ed’s lungs filling up with air as he breathes out and pushes his heaving pecs outward. The young man is now having a lot of trouble concentrating as his cock slowing bounces in his gown. Ed uses his other hand to undue the top buttons of his dress shirt as his huge hairy pecs slowly fall out and drape downward. Isaac rubs the thick hair running across both of them and starts thinking nasty thoughts. His boss isn’t trying to seduce him by any means, but he is trying to light a fire in his crotch. He continues to undo his shirt as he reveals his thick hairy abs which promptly gets a moan out of the stunned skinny man. Ed runs his hand down them and runs the stunned man’s fingers in between each crease of his thick eight-pack. Isaac is now pleading for release as he feels it really starting to well up in his ballsac. Ed is now curious and wants to know if something will happen to him if he actually does cum so he gets up to close the door to his room and sheds his shirt to reveal his massive back. He flexes his delts and does a few double bicep poses to see if in fact Isaac does lose control. With sweat now pouring profusely down his face and on his body, the young man yells that he is going to cum and shoots several ropes of cum into his gown and down his leg. Ed rushes over to him to see if he is alright and realizes that it isn’t even Easter yet so if something were to happen, it wouldn’t occur until tomorrow. He manages to put his clothes back on and cleans up the jizz on his young employee’s leg just before a nurse comes in to give Isaac a wipe down. He leaves the room for a few minutes to go to find Gus. They wait until the nurse finishes up before they go back into the room to hand Isaac the food that he wanted. He scarfs it down and admits that he hasn’t eaten much in the last few days. The two big men kid him on his skinny frame and say that he will need all of this food to start bulking up. Isaac seems a bit out of sorts now as he tries to hide it from them. They have a few more random conversations with the young man so he can calm down a little before he goes back to sleep again. It is just before midnight on the day before Easter when he finally passes out from exhaustion. Ed and Gus manage to set up a sleeping area in the corner of the room and lay down together. They wish they could close the door since they are now feeling each other up, but it is a hospital after all. Gus explains the whole ordeal to Ed from earlier as they both wonder now what will happen next. The purple bottle is still in the box at the house and they wonder what they are supposed to do with it. Ed figures out that the egg is probably meant to break so it can prepare Isaac for whatever his next phase is supposed to be. Gus wonders if the bottle is supposed to be used on Easter since he remembers what happened when he took that one bottle on Valentine’s Day. Ed figures that Kris will probably show up for that transformation since he isn’t here for when the egg finally broke open. They both manage to pass out after a very lengthy conversation without ever fucking, which hasn’t happened in quite a long time. By three in the morning, Isaac is feeling restless in his hospital bed and wakes himself up. This makes the big guys wake up as well as they rush over to his side. The young man tells Gus about the tingling he is feeling in his chest and that he desperately wants to scratch it since it doesn’t seem to want to go away. The big man looks over at Ed and motions for him to close the hospital door very quickly. He braces Isaac down on the bed so he doesn’t hurt himself and anticipates the change to happen very soon. Ed tries to calm him down by talking to him about work, but it isn’t working very well. They notice that his skin is starting to turn a dark reddish color which makes Gus jump back briefly. He doesn’t ever remember this happening to him and turns to stare at Ed who seems to be quite mesmerized by this. Isaac groans loudly as his skin looks as if it has been sunburned or tanned. The pain is now escalating as the young man tries to scream, but Ed manages to put one of his huge hands over top of his mouth before he can get a sound out. Part six will be up in two weeks! Check out Evening the Playing Field: With Coach's Help: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1736-evening-the-playing-fieldwith-coachs-help-part-1/ Making a Stand: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1746-evening-the-playing-fieldand-making-a-stand-part-2/ Adding Another to the Mix: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1765-evening-the-playing-fieldwhile-adding-another-to-the-mix-part-3/ Seek a Resolution: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1787-evening-the-playing-fieldto-seek-a-resolution-part-4-finale/
  22. ambrosejakis


    Previous parts are here AFTER THAT NIGHT Part 5 “Why did you bring him along with us? There is barely enough space for you back there.” Corey asked as he noticed that the little guy sat on my lap, nearly engulfed by the enormity of my muscles. I could feel his little heart pounding inside his toned chest, but at the same time, he was feeling very safe hugging me. I must say it felt nice that my humongous new body was protective besides intimidating. “Don’t be rude like that, Corey. Tristan has just been through a very scary experience!” I smacked the back of his muscular bull neck, the loud sound and the redness of his skin taught him to be more respectful. Corey immediately regretted his latest comment “Sorry, Tristan, I just meant…” “It is okay…I can get a cab home if you stop the car.” He said timidly, but I squeezed him a bit tighter to reinsure that it was all right. “Do you really want to go now, Tristan?” I asked tenderly, although the tone of my voice was deep and very manly, I must admit. There was something changing inside me. I felt so calm, so confident. I thought I was confident and self-assured before, but it was just an illusion. I suddenly realized that size and the strength of my body served to a greater purpose, they made me feel stronger on the inside too. “Not really, I just feel so scared right now.” He hugged me tighter and although I could tell that he was being honest, despite the undeniable fact of his boner pressing against my abs. I just kissed his forehead and hugged him even more protectively. “Don’t worry, little guy, I’ll make sure you will never feel vulnerable again.” We would certainly be fucking in a matter of minutes, but it still felt really good to just be his hero in muscle armor. Corey gasped at surprise. “What are you talking about?” “I’m just making my part to a fairer world.” I grinned and flexed my humongous biceps, which soared so immensely that it pressed against the ceiling of Dwayne’s car. Tristan automatically hugged the base of such monstrosity with his both arm, but as I enjoyed this tender moment, I noticed something tickling the peak of my biceps. It was then I noticed that sometime during my flexing, my biceps peaked actually tore the metalwork and opened a freaking hole in the ceiling, making a loud noise which surprised all of us. “Holy crap…” Corey whispered as he noticed my latest achievement. “I just keep getting stronger…” I commented with a grin. Tristan just moaned and I knew he was about to cum, but I held his hard cock and squeezed it tight, to keep him from cumming. “Can you hold just a bit longer? We’re almost home…I need your juices to get even more powerful.” “Okay…I’ll try but h-how…can I even help you with that?” Tristan’s puzzled look was adorable. He had this boyish looks, his natural red short hair curly locks and those green eyes with the freckled face and shoulders, Tristan was the cross between Strawberry Shortcake and an action figure. He used to be on Lacrosse team in high school and all that running and outdoor exercising gave him a formidable 6-pack stomach and strong thighs, with skinny waist and a tight perfect shaped apple bottom. “Oh don’t worry, you will find out really soon.” I lifted him up to kiss his forehead and comforted him in my massive arms. “Thank you sir…” Tristan kissed my hairy cheekbones so sincerely that it made me blush. “I can’t believe it! You’ve turned into a fucking muscle bear!” Corey said as he devised our block at the end of the lane. “More like a really cute and super muscular Care Bear…my hero.” Tristan caressed the side of my face and rested his head on my chest, feeling the blond fur covering my chest. With all the events of the night, I forgot how much hairier I’ve gotten. “Maybe I should get used to all the fur…I mean wouldn’t it be a sin to get rid of all that manly coverage?” Tristan and Corey agreed vividly. That’s when I realized I had become the biggest, most handsome and muscular bear in the world. But I still wanted more, oh so much more! Meanwhile, back at the club, Kenny Chang loved the attention his augmented body gave him, and even though he wasn’t quite the dancer as Diego, his gymnastics background gave him great sense of rhythm to perform really well at the dancefloor. It did not take long until Kenny was making out with two hot guys who just used any excuse to grope the immense mounds of muscle on his incredible frame. Suddenly, he felt this huge hand gently squeezing the hardness of his massive shoulders. Kenny barely had time to turn over and felt someone kissing him very passionately, which he responded with the same enthusiasm, because he recognized that manly touch anywhere. “Hey you…” He said in a sensual tone, pretending to sound casual. “Damn, Kenny you’ve grown HUGE since I left!” Malcom Turner, the 6’3” 255 pounds former Tight End of our University’s team said as he admired the immensity of Chang’s new form. Malcom left the team at his senior year to play for one of the high ranked teams at NCAA, so he could get better chances to be drafted by NFL team. “Yeah, I guess I still had some growth left on me…” Chang said as he continued to dance around the taller athlete. Kenny had the biggest crush on Malcom, the epitome of hot African American muscular man. Broad shoulders, thick neck and powerful arms with uncanny strength, this dude would surely be drafted in the early rounds; he was made for breaking tackles! He had dreadlocks hanging just above his powerful shoulders dark chocolate skin tone, the most amazing white smile, and this natural swagger, an exuberant aura of confidence that got many guys and girls on their fours for this huge muscle stud. “What ever happened to you? This new look, the Mohawk, and I remember you were a lot shorter!” Malcom said still amazed by the transformation on the former gymnast. ““Yeah, I’ve been packing on the size, decided Gymnast is not for me...I’m a bigger, better and hotter man!” Kenny said as he flexed his humongous 24” guns to the shocked football player, which actually made him feel intimidated for a second. “Shit dude…you gotta try football then. With a body like yours, you will simply kill at defense!” Malcom said as placed his big paws on Kenny’s muscular butt and held the stone hard bottom with a loud groan. “Maybe I should join your team, so I don’t have to tackle you huh?” Kenny pulled him closer. After Malcom left, he felt miserable for a long time, but he finally understood that Turner only wanted booty-calls and nothing else. “Heh, you sure are one wall of muscle, dude!” Malcom said as he kissed Kenny, who simply lifted him from the ground and supported his weight and they to make out in another place. “Whoa…shit, I forgot how strong you are…Not used to be lifted like that…” Malcom said noticeably shocked and yet excited about these circumstances. “I only changed for the better. Don’t worry…” Kenny reassured him. “Funny thing that. I’ve got some friends who wanted to try a guy’s butt for the first time and you would be just perfect…wanna meet them?” Malcom still felt uneasy being lifted like that. “Just lead the way, buddy.” Kenny said as he placed Malcom on the ground and followed him to the bar, where he met his brawny hot friends. “Rob and Troy, this is my good friend Kenny Chang!” Malcom introduced the shorter but still massively muscular young man to the shocked football players. “Hey Kenny, I’m Rob!” The 6’2” 215 pounds brown haired hunky guy said nearly drooling over the Asian muscle wonder. “Nice to meet you Rob.” Instead of shaking Rob’s hand, Kenny just led it to his huge right biceps and flexed them hard, and the guy just groped it. “I’m Troy…and damn you’re fucking huge! How much do you weigh?” The Samoan behemoth said at the top of his 6’7” and 330 pounds of brawn. “Well, just a tad under 300, you’re still the heaviest guy here…” Kenny blinked at him. “Not with that quality, bro!” Malcom said as he tapped Troy’s hefty stomach to emphasize the defense liner still had lots of extra body fat on his bulk. They all laughed, but the footballers couldn’t take their eyes out of Kenny’s massive muscles. “So, you guys never fucked a man before huh? Well, I wanna change that right now!” Kenny said turning around to show his amazing muscular bubble butt, while Malcom just groped it with pride. “Oh yeah!” They said unison and headed to the back of the place while Turner produced one key to a privative elevator. “I am friends with the owner; he keeps this room for the VIP’s parties.” The hot guy said as they opened the door to a very well groomed room. There were comfortable couches and design furniture pieces. “You guys want something to drink?” Turner asked but when he saw Troy making out with Kenny while Rob already pressed his cock against Kenny’s butt he knew they did not need booze. So Malcom also ceased the opportunity to join the trio and the four of them were soon making out. “Shit….this guy is amazing!” Troy said as he managed to regain his breath. “I told ya…” Malcom chuckled as he resumed kissing Kenny. Kenny felt so powerful having all the taller guys feeling his strong huge muscles, despite the fact they were all taller and still very muscular themselves, these guys only had eyes for the immensity of Chang’s physique and he loved to flex and feel their strong hands groping him with such lust. Malcom took the lead and lowered Kenny’s pants, smacking the huge buttocks loudly and pushing the two humongous cheeks to expose the sweet man cherry to his friends. “This is the stuff, dudes…I’m telling ya!” The muscular footballer said as he inserted his own impressive 9 inches cock inside Kenny’s muscular butt with a great deal of effort, since it was so heavy and strong that it kept pushing the pecker out. However, the newcomers were actually more impressed with the size of the shorter guy’s cock. “Damn…he’s bigger than you Malcom…way bigger than you!” Rob said stroking his own dwarfed 7 inches cock while Troy gasped, reaching for his 8 and a half inches long, but almost as thick prick which made him look pretty impressive, or at least until seeing Kenny’s 13 inches cock growing fully hard at nearly 15 inches of manhood. “Don’t worry little dudes, I won’t be going after your holes… Rob get back there with Malcom and worship my butt and Troy, I wanna suck on your cock, buddy!” Kenny ordered and they simply felt the need to oblige him. For some reason, Kenny needed to taste Troy’s cum, and in a jolt of power, he simply lifted the guy from the floor and held him in his shoulders, stuffing his face into the cock while Troy’s head was lifted much closer to the ceiling. “Whoa… that guy is really strong!” Rob said feeling the hardness on Kenny’s butt. “What are you doing back there…fuck me the both of you, now!” Kenny ordered and the next thing Malcom and Rob realized, they were already penetrating the tight muscle butt, feeling each other’s cock rubbing down into the amazing sphincter. Kenny continued to suck on Troy’s cock and the bulky guy could barely speak, he never had anyone to handle his own weight like that, feeling so light and overpowered, all he could do was throwing his head back and surrender to the incredible pleasure. Malcom and Rob also felt that Kenny’s hole was the best thing they ever fucked, and they couldn’t hold for much longer, given the impressive pressure that muscular butt applied to their cocks. Troy, on the other hand felt like he was attached to an industrial milking machine. “Damn…it is too much…ohhh fuck!” Troy felt like his seed was being sucked out of his testicles rather than cumming down Kenny’s throat, but it still felt painfully amazing. Chang’s desire for cum augmented as he savored the samples from the huge Samoan guy. Malcom and Rob fucked the hole on the huge muscle guy with all their strength, it felt like trying to hump a hole into the mountain, so hard and so tight. Both of them screamed and moaned as their cocks reached the point of no return. Meanwhile, as Kenny’s body processed the powerful sample from Troy, his muscles grew denser, harder, thicker and stronger. At some point, both guys screamed, their cocks were stuck, they couldn’t pull out Kenny’s butt. Troy also screamed because he felt a second load leaving his testicles, and it was overwhelmingly pleasing. Kenny groaned as his hunger increased. His muscles bulged vivdly now, which scared his toppers, but the Chinese American monster only needed more. He continued to suck on Troy’s cock until it went completely dry again. “Fuck…look at him! He’s growing bigger!” Rob said as he tried to take his cock out of Kenny’s super strong butt grip, while Malcom punched the expanding back of Kenny in hopes of making him realize they were in pain right now. Kenny’s growth increased while he dropped Troy’s body, barely catching him at the last possible moment. The Samoan giant just moaned and laid limp on the floor. Then, while Kenny’s muscles grew even bigger than never, the mohawked muscle monster simply relaxed his anus and both guys slipped in a loud POP. “Shit…what’s the matter with you?” Rob asked totally freaked out, noticing the expanding proportions of the muscle freak. “There’s nothing wrong…I just need more muscle!” Kenny smiled and stepped closer to the guy, easily lifting him and the silent Malcom from the ground and holding them in a powerful hug. “You guys smell delicious, I wanna suck you both!” Kenny’s low tone was so manly and authoritarian. “Fuck yeah! Suck me…fuck I can’t hold any longer Kenny!” Malcom screamed at the top of his lungs while Rob just shook his head in despair. “Are you serious? This guy is gonna kill us!” He said trying to break free, but Kenny only laughed at that. “Come on, little dude…You really think I would hurt a cute skinny dude like you?” Kenny chuckled as he inserted the two cockheads into his mouth and sucked them both so intensely that both Malcom and Rob had no other choice but surrendering to the imperative needs of their immense muscle wonder. The combined loads of Malcom and Rob had an extraordinary effect over Kenny’s muscle growth, which just seemed to reach new levels of power. The bulging masses produced loud sounds of something stretching, the bones cracked and healed almost immediately to accommodate wider, larger masses of muscle, while the frame continued to expand. The footballers’ samples provided so much muscle information to Kenny’s DNA that his body changed into a completely new area. His anatomy no longer seemed human, it was just a handsome creation of some wicked sci-fi novel. Immensely thick, powerful and gargantuan new fibers of muscle developed and replaced their humbler predecessors, while Kenny’s muscles increased in girth and width. His body grew taller as well, but it was his muscular augmentation the most epic feature. The strength and width of his shoulders and the massive size of his thighs, biceps, calves, butt and overall inhumanly gargantuan muscles continued to grow as he savored the cum of his two worshippers. Kenny’s mind was lost in the powerful feeling of growth, but something inside him suddenly woke up. He knew suddenly knew the answers for the questions they have been afraid to answer in the last couple of days. Kenny looked down at the shocked guys gawking at him. He grew so much taller than the skinny dudes, but his muscles augmented not just proportionally, they actually increased in girth and volume, which made him look even more gargantuan. They drank on the size of his deltoids, shoulders and the massively huge neck of him made his head look smaller than it really was, but the monstrous chest, the uncanny 12 bulging muscle knots of his washboard abdomen, the glorious immensity of his veined biceps and the shocking size of his thighs increased by the powerful hugeness of his calves, added to the epic throbbing piece of manhood between them. Chang just smiled and hugged the three big men at once, lifting them from the ground and kissing each mouth feverishly. “Thank you so much for your help. Now I need you to go home and get along with your lives.” Chang said very slowly, feeling the instinct to be brutally honest with his donators. He placed them at the ground, waiting for some kind of question, but Rob Malcom and Troy just smiled back at him. “You are welcome.” They said in unison and started gathering their clothes to leave. “That was easy…” Kenny chuckled as he noticed his little friends leaving the room. The humongous naked muscle monster realized he had to maneuver the immensity of his physique to get out of the room without ripping the fucking wall. After ducking and turning aside, he made through the wide door without destroying it. “I gotta find the others!” The humongous Chang knew what to do, but he could not deny the fact that of his immensely huge and super wide shoulders now rubbed against the opposite walls in the hallways of that building. Although Diego left the house the previous evening feeling sure that he had the biggest, hottest and most desirable body among us, he could not help but feeling everyone at that stupid club seemed to be more shocked to the sheer immensity of Kenny’s bulking muscles, and just because he had 5 pounds on him! Truth to be told, Kenny turned into a spectacle to the eyes. People don’t get to see very often hugely muscular Asian men parading their powerful physiques with such fierce looks. Added to the fact that our friend had that uncanny offseason looks on him, at the same time he also looked incredibly conditioned as well, added to the red phony Mohawk, the styled new goatee and his skimpy clothes the overall impact was positively astounding, which certainly granted him lots of admirers at the club. Diego eventually felt he was just being a jerk, after all Kenny was one of his best friends, when he noticed Kenny eventually left with that hot Malcom guy he ceased the opportunity to put his own amazing attributes to good use, and simply dominated on the dancefloor. The powerful movements his huge muscles provided to his flawless technique just hypnotized many guys as well, like Erik, the hot German volleyball player 6’5” of great athletic looks and this killer smile. Diego loved to be topped by taller men, and he particularly enjoyed the fact his muscles now were much bigger and stronger than those on the hot statuesque young man were. Diego and Erik were making out at the parking lot, the taller man’s lustful hands groped everything they could on the shorter but much more muscular man’s amazing physique. At some point, the shaggy haired volleyball player managed to break the kiss and gasped for air. “I’m sorry…I can’t keep up with you…” He said between breaths, and both of them laughed at that. “Sorry, big guy, I am really pumped up…” Diego brought his hands behind his massive neck and jutted his immense chest plates at the rhythm of the music inside the dance club. Erik’s eyes were dragged along with the pec-dance and his hands groped the incredibly hard muscle shelves. “What? Are you kidding me? You’re the huge guy here…I can’t believe the size of your muscles! You must be a professional bodybuilder!” Erik didn’t get tired of complimenting Diego’s amazing physique. “Heh, nah…I am only the hottest salsa dancer here…” Diego blushed. “You make huge guys look skinny…” Erik said in a lower tone. “That I do, skinny…” The kissing resumed, but this time Diego just lifted Erik from the floor and the taller man ceased the opportunity to cross his legs around the Cuban’s slim waist. The powerful thighs of Diego easily took them back to his car and they were soon ripping each other’s clothes off. “Fuck…your cock…it is…huge!” Erik gasped but Diego just silenced him. “Yeah, don’t freak out…I want yours inside me for now!” The uncanny muscular dancer chuckled as he got off his skintight pants and revealed his marvelous muscular bubble butt to the amazed taller guy. Erik took advantage of his taller stance and tried to squeeze his hard cock inside Diego’s hole, but he failed the three first attempts. “Shit…you’re so tight and firm…I don’t think I can push it in! There’s too much muscle!” Erik was as hard as he could be, but his decently sized 8 inches cock could not break the immense strength on Diego’s tight sphincter. The dancer rolled his eyes and took a deep breath. “Lay down on the ground!” He ordered and Erik knew he should not argue with the bigger man. He just laid on the concrete with his cock pointing to the sky and gulped as he noticed Diego’s huge muscular butt going slowly down on him. Diego used the power of his massive legs to squat over the hard cock, pressing his anus against the shaft and moaning as he managed to cram that mushroom head inside his hole, squeezing it tighter and sliding down with slow, controlled, perfect motions that made Erik’s eyes roll inside their orbits. “It feels like I am fucking a warm bronze statue!” Erik hissed as his cock got deeper into the muscular anus, which felt incredibly amazing for both of them. Diego replied by flexing his huge biceps and going all the way to the base of Erik’s cock, without ever resting too much of his weight over the weaker taller man. Erik hissed and managed to use his long strong legs to pump his cock inside the Cuban muscle wonder in fast movements, but at that point, he realized he was not the one in charge. “Don’t worry babe. Let me teach you a thing or two about fucking…” The Cuban wonder chuckled and shook his butt in sensual fast movement that made Erik scream out of pleasure. Diego pretty much turned Erik into a live dildo, he played with him as it pleased him, squeezing and shaking his muscular butt around that cock with masterful skills while the volleyball player moaned and groaned, tortured in the most delicious and sensual ways. Diego gave that volleyball player the best fuck of his life, going all the way down with the shake of his amazing money-maker. Erik just rolled his eyes and managed to endure as Diego went down on his cock with eager, making loud noises as his hardest body bumped against Erik’s loins. “Oh God…I can’t…hold…” Erik’s body was all red and he just felt the uncontrollable urge to cum overtaking him. Diego knew that his topper would not last long; he felt this urge, so he immediately unplugged his butt from the cock and replaced it by his mouth, going down on the shaft exactly as Erik screamed and released his own torrent down the dancer’s throat. My Cuban muscular friend enjoyed the fresh taste of cum and sucked it with hunger, which made Erik groan even louder. “Oh…please!” Erik felt like that guy was sucking his very soul out of his body, he even punched the steel hard back of the Cuban muscle man, who continued to suck on every single drop, to the point Erik nearly passed out, his cock going completely dry. Following the same patterns of the previous events, Diego’s body fed on the DNA provided by the hookup. He just stroked Erik’s cock with his free hand. His muscles grew much denser within seconds, his body augmented as the beautiful skin tone of the Cuban dancer covered new layers of more muscle, and this time his body seemed to be growing taller than before, augmenting more mass into the already shocking physique. Erik realized something else was happening, which got his member go harder again, and the salsa instructor ceased this moment to get it back inside his incredible butt. Erik felt the very buttocks on Diego squeezing his cock even harder, and it sent him back into Cloud 9. “Damn…what is happening to you?” Erik asked much marveled to the sensation of having a man growing bigger around his cock. “I am growing muchacho…” Diego’s own moans increased as his chest expanded, his arms grew more muscular and his definition increased tremendously. His biceps grew even more veined and bulged bigger by the second, his thighs widened and thickened by the second. He squeezed his nipples and flexed his biceps while kissing their soaring peaks, moving along with his monstrous growing legs and thickening calves. “Oh, it feels so good, babe…” Erik closed his eyes, his cock growing harder again. He managed to continue to fuck Diego’s hole in slow combined motions. They were both enjoying this uncanny feeling passionately. The Cuban dancer instinctively knew he had to squeeze more cum out of this guy, and his butt shook even faster. “Shit…ohhhhh” It didn’t take long for Erik’s second load, which made Diego’s rate growth to increase, he packed more muscle within his expanding frame at each passing second. His growth accelerated and Diego was lost in the powerful aura of his augmentation, to the point that he ignored the guy underneath him and just let his expanding weight rest on poor Erik. “Fuck…Diego…oh shit you’re too fucking heavy! Please get off me, please!” He tried to get free but the expanding frame of the Cuban muscle monster was simply impossible to move! Erik kicked and screamed but Diego was totally lost in his intense growth to notice he was crushing the poor fellow underneath him. Erik thought this would be the end of him, he could no longer breathe with the huge body of Diego pressing his entire torso, something could break at any moment! Suddenly, the pressure was lifted from his chest and when he opened his eyes there was this IMMENSE muscular dude talking to him (although Erik couldn’t actually see his face, so much muscle on his chest). “Are you alright down there little guy?” The deep rumbling voice asked Erik, and the volleyball player stood up, noticing that even from the top of his 6’5” height, he could not reach the lower chest of the behemoth Asian that spoke to him. “Kenny? Is that YOU? But…you’re...fucking IMMENSE!” Erik replied recognizing the same faux Mohawk and the goatee on the head resting on top of the most amazing colossal muscle monster of all times. “It’s alright. Are you okay to get back home?” Kenny asked concerned with the fact his friend nearly crushed a guy while he was growing. “I am…better now…what happened to Diego?” Erik asked feeling his legs wobbly. “He’s alright, he just going through some growth trance…it happens to us now.” “How come you guys keep getting bigger?” Erik asked forgetting about the pain on his chest. “Don’t have time to explain now…Diego’s coming around…” Kenny pointed to the huge Cuban muscle monster, whose moaning seemed to subside now. The even more monstrous Asian dude just chuckled and placed the relatively smaller but still incredibly massive Cuban muscle monster back on the ground and the moaning muscle freak seemed to regain his consciousness. Erik noticed that Diego now should be at least two inches taller than him, but with so much muscle and strength cramped onto his new frame, his weight had to be astronomical, he was made of massively built muscle. Such amazing fact only made Erik wonder how much Kenny should be weighing now, since he looked tremendously bigger than Diego. “Kenny! Shit I was worried about you…the weirdest thing just happened to me…” Diego gulped as he saw the humongous body of his best friend and hugged him with renewed enthusiasm, barely noticing that he had also grown tremendously within the last minutes. “I know.” Kenny replied and Diego realized he knew exactly what he meant. “What is happening here? Why are you two so fucking ginormous?” The volleyball player asked in disbelief. Diego and Kenny exchanged looks for a few seconds, after which the Cuban dancer just approached and carefully placed his huge paw on Erik’s shoulder and instructed the shocked shaggy haired German young man. “Erik, I want you to go to your home and wait for me to call you.” “Okay , bye Diego. I’ll talk to you later. ” Erik replied at once and walked towards his car. Diego looked up at Kenny, proud of his latest deed. “It worked…” He whispered and the even bigger muscle monster nodded. “You should have told Erik to just keep on with his life. That’s what I did to my guys, they were pretty scared when I practically devoured them.” Kenny’s voice sounded grave. “I know, the growth was so intense…you think Benny and Corey went through the same thing?” Diego asked his mountainous friend. “Not yet, Corey is still scared as shit but Kenny is getting closer.” The phenomenal muscle freak replied. Diego nodded. “Should we go after them?” Kenny grinned. “Let’s run! I bet with these new muscles, we can beat them to the place!” The two-behemoth muscle beings just launched their glorious bodies, their heavy bodies created indentations at the asphalt as their immense physiques moved towards their destination. Corey parked the car just when two fast figures passed right at our side. “Who are them?” Tristan asked hugging me tighter. “Don’t worry they are our friends.” I said before placing Tristan back at the seat. Corey and I were shocked to see Kenny and Diego grinning at us, each one exulted in power and strength. I got out of Dwayne’s car and stood proud, realizing that despite the fact both were noticeably bigger than me, they were still my best friends. “It seems you guys had you fair share of growth too…” I chuckled looking up at Diego with Kenny towering over the both of us as a monster among monsters, and their hard throbbing massive cocks were just aching to release their juices, just as mine. “You guys look amazing too. Diego and I had real muscles to begin with, so our bodies are more used to grow.” Kenny explained as he looked at the shocked Corey. “You just need to let go of this fear man…we are the luckiest motherfuckers in the universe. It’s time for you to accept it and just be whatever you need to be. Look at Benny, the gym bunny turned into a freaking muscle bear!” Diego pointed out as he hugged me with enthusiasm. Corey considered the idea and nodded. “Fuck yeah…I am tired of being the shortest and skinniest around here!” “You two seem weird, though. Is something wrong?” I looked at their faces, noticing they had gone into some kind of breakthrough. “I think they figured it out…” Corey said as he hugged Diego and the guy lifted him up like a toddler, while Kenny approached me. “We need to grow. You have gathered powerful samples and your juices will share the wonders with the rest of us. The same is valid for every single one of us. When we exchange cum we’ll get much bigger and better than before.” Chang explained to me, although he knew I already could tell that part. “Yeah, I have some goodness on me…but you guys had a whole buffet of muscle and I want my share!” I chuckled. “Don’t worry, Benny, you will be amazing with all the muscle Kenny has gathered!” Diego slapped my butt. “What about the little guy over there?” Corey pointed at the shocked Tristan, who was trying really hard not to cum at the sight of the most powerful beings on Earth. I just turned around and lifted the red haired guy with pride. “I saved Tristan from a couple of disgusting little haters. He was scared as shit, but look at him so cute. Look at his tight lean body, I bet he has amazing gifts for us, and let’s not forget Dwayne. I phoned him and asked to bring food; we’ll need lots of food to keep growing.” I affirmed. “They are welcome, we’ll need more samples, a lot more.” Kenny said flexing his giant arm and when I placed my hand on top of his biceps, we both knew it felt so good. “I know. I want to get so much bigger, I just wanted to figure out why…” “Because they need us to get more powerful” Kenny spoke gently, but I still felt it was creepy. “Okay…somebody better get me this growth juice you two were having right now.” I said and followed the even bigger muscle freaks to my penthouse apartment. I wanted to grow much bigger, I felt inside me, and Kenny probably knew that as well. There was something inside me ready to awake, and I wanted to fully embrace it. End of part 5 To be continued
  23. Hey guys Sorry for the long delay, but sometimes you just need to wait for the right mood to strike, so I've been keeping this one for a while, but I hope you still remember this tale. If not, it's okay, you will find the previous parts here I really wanted to build this strong bond between Uncle Steve and Johnny, I hope you enjoy. THE AGE OF MUSCLEGODS Story by Muscl4life Part VII I followed Uncle Steve’s directions and soon got to our destination. Until a month ago, Sam’s Dinner was an abandoned hangar until owner Patrick Gardner decided to open a restaurant focused on a literally expanding market composed exclusively by elderly enormous and still growing muscleman with increasing hunger. “Good morning welcome to Sam’s Dinner, we have enough to feed a platoon of men, or just a few SMM’s” the host said very comfortable with the uncanny view of my humongous Uncle Steve. Only in a place like that, they would allow a guest dressed in nothing but skin tight tank top and a ridiculous tiny thong. In fact, instead of beautiful lass, this place had a 6’2” young handsomely buffed dark haired guy for host, wearing spandex black shorts and sleeveless white tank top. “Hey there, Evan, how are you doing today?” Uncle Steve replied, basking in the fact the hot guy still hasn’t recognized him. Steve approached Alex, which made me realize he was much taller as well. At 6’8” and weighing 1,650 pounds of hard massive manly muscle, the new and much improved Uncle Steve was not easily recognizable. The look on the host’s gorgeous face when he finally realized the identity of his “newest” SMM customer was priceless. “Steve? Oh my GOD! It finally happened to you! Holy Shit, you look HUGE!” The host exclaimed as he hugged my humongous Uncle, who still carried me in his arms. “Yeah, it finally did…All thanks to my Johnny. He made me grow like that in less than 24 hours” Uncle Steve said as he supported two grown men in his massive hug. “Oh….you look exactly like your huge Uncle” Evan said as he looked at me and chuckled. “I’ve heard a lot of good things about you…” “Thanks, and I am sorry for his attire, we are still adapting to his change…” I blushed; somewhat proud, since he noticed I was just the spitting, although much smaller and younger, image of my humongous Daddy/Uncle. “Don’t worry, we have seen much worse here. At least he is still wearing some kind of clothes; some of our guests wrapped themselves in bed sheets. It’s like every day is Toga Party day! Wow, you have grown all that in less than 24 hours. Fuck you’re gonna get REALLY impressive even for SMM standards” Alex commented, not bothered by the fact we were both adult men being carried like children. “Is everything okay here?” Patrick Garden asked, flashing an adorable white smile. That guy was also impressive, standing at 6’2” and 250 pounds of thick muscle in a buffed physique, porcelain skin and flaming red hair, but for some reason his face was no strange to me. “Pat…look, Uncle Steve joined the SMM boat!” Evan said pounding the humongous chest of my Uncle who just towered over the red haired guy. “How is it going, cub? I hope you guys have lots of food for a growing geezer like me!” Uncle Steve smiled down at Patrick, as the owner stepped back to admire the picture. “Damn Steve…it was about time! I have just the right thing for a newly growing man”. Patrick announced proudly. “Sounds legit!” Uncle Steve replied. “Great, so if you please…” Pat led the way to our table. “Uncle, you should at least put Evan back in the ground, the man needs to work…” I whispered. “Oh sorry, Alex, you’re just so fucking tight for all this muscle now…” Uncle Steve gently put the host back in the ground. “It’s fine with me, Steve. I love when huge papas carry me! Enjoy your meal” Alex said as he returned to his affairs. The large facility was perfect to accommodate such immense patrons. Instead of the regular booths and stools along the countertop, there were dozens of impressively long wooden tables and matching benches arranged in rolls. It actually made easier to sit regular sized and SMM guests. Actually, Uncle Steve was the first huge senior citizen at the dinner. We looked around and there were only a few other guys, which, judging by their shock at the size of my Uncle, were not aware that it was a SMM friendly restaurant. “Come on Steve, please sit in the big men’s place.” Pat pointed to a specially reinforced bench. “Thanks, son.” This was a special table designed in two levels, one for regular customers and another for the humongous men. I sat on my place and l noticed how much bigger and thicker my Uncle seemed, with his bulging muscles and enormous veins crossing the enormity of this of his physique. “So, do you suggest something for a starving newly-growing geezer?” Steve asked with utmost pride of his new condition. “Oh, we most certainly do. I have developed a new special with the help of our huge friends. It’s a delicious protein packed feast that will get your day going!” Pat showed us the menu and I nearly fainted. “That must be more than a superheavyweight bodybuilder eats in a whole day!” I whistled going through the many components of the order. “They should change that name…they’re not really superheavyweight…not when compared to real men right, Steve?” Pat joked and both of them laughed out loud. “Well, I’m starving…bring it on…” Uncle Steve returned the menu back to Pat. “I’ll just have the waffles with fruit salad…” “Oh no, you won’t. Bring him the trigger platter.” Steve picked the menu from my hands and gave it back to Pat. “Right away, Steve.” He said before getting back to the kitchen. “Are you sure you can eat that amount of food? I mean beef steaks, tuna steaks, grilled chicken breasts, 36 egg-white omelet, 4 pounds of hash brown, 5 protein shakes included.” “All before lunch time!” Uncle Steve laughed as we both heard his groaning stomach. “I am not really hungry now…I don’t know if I can eat this trigger platter you ordered for me.” “Nonsense, you are a growing boy…and I must make sure you have the right amount of nutrition to feed my growth. Look at Patrick, isn’t he hot? He and his brother Robert are hot little muscle triggers…” “Wait, isn’t this Robert guy the trigger for Colonel Durant?” It was then I realized that Patrick was the spitting image of Bobby, the red haired trigger of Colonel Durant, the SMM I met in the road incident. “Well, yeah, you must remember Kent and Roger were the SMM’s who cleared the road yesterday. Their triggers are all twin muscular youngsters. Bobby triggered Kent, and Patrick actually triggered Carlos, the chief of our volunteer firefighter squad. Evan is the twin brother of Skyler, and they both are triggers of Roger, that lucky bastard got two of them. Carlos was actually busy rescuing people from a fire at our hometown. It was an action packed day for SMM’s, and I can barely wait to be my turn to show off to the media like that!” Uncle Steve replied rubbing his hands together. “No wonder they opened this place, they sure understand their market demands” I casually commented, looking over the spacious ambiance the thoughtfully designed furniture to accommodate such massive elder men along with his much smaller partners. “They sure do, I am a regular customer here ever since they opened.” Uncle Steve commented as he flexed his immensely developed biceps, so hard and veined, swallowing nearly twice the size of my own head. “It certainly brings back bittersweet memories, doesn’t it daddy?” I reached for the immense muscle and massaged it with my hands, worshipping my muscle daddy was not my obligation; it became the reason for my life, so it was a natural reaction. “Yep, I used to come here just to see these guys growing, and soon I’ll get much bigger than those fuckers.” There was a glint in Uncle Steve’s eyes and I just knew his hunger for size was truly immense. “Daddy, I don’t mean to brag, but you already are much bigger than these guys.” I chuckled mischievously. “How can you be so sure, son?” Uncle Steve asked clearly excited. “Didn’t you notice the staff texting like crazy right after you arrived? The news about a new HUGE SMM in town is spreading fast. I can also tell by the lustful looks in their faces that they all attest you are indeed a bigger, thicker, broader, denser and manlier Senior Muscle Men.” “You think I’ve impressed these triggers? They are indeed used to prime beef muscle daddy.” “Well, yeah, but these guys have been growing for the past weeks and months, you only had your growth spurt in less than 24 hours. I have seen Colonel Durant and his associates yesterday. Back then I was flabbergasted with their size, thickness, muscular density and strength, but it was before…” I blushed deeply. “You mean before triggering me right?” Uncle Steve grabbed my hands and kissed them tenderly. It was a communal feeling that bonded us together and I loved the fact we were so deeply connected to the point we were finishing off each other’s sentences. “Yeah…I just got so deep into our own triggering that I’ve forgot all about the other SMM’s. But for some reason my mind can focus on them, comparing the mental images I have with your incredible stats…it’s just, something natural.” I tried to explain with words but suddenly I felt it was unnecessary. “I know exactly what you mean, Johnny-boy. I feel exactly the same way. I am surrounded by the hottest guys in the world, who clearly want me to fuck them, but I only have eyes for you. It’s not that I am not horny enough, but it’s not just about fucking them, it is all about making you…” “Even more fascinated by you. I got that daddy. I want that too…I want you to grow bigger, harder, more massive, more muscular. I wish I could retrigger you just to make sure those guys wouldn’t ever hold a candle to your size…” I was so horny that I took hard bites at my daddy’s super hard muscle, licking the steel hard veins. That powerful wave which connected our minds and souls beyond my comprehension struck us both even harder that time. In one second, it felt like Uncle Steve overrode my own control. I just felt his desire for growing and changing overcoming my very needs and passions. At the same time, my love and lust towards his muscles and powerful being meant the only important thing in his life. I felt dizzy for a moment, such kind of deep immersion in your fantasy-come-true can be really demanding. At that point, I realized I was famished, but my own hunger seemed to be another command of my monster muscle daddy. “Geesh, Uncle Steve…you’re bulging everywhere… This must be really intense for you as well” I chuckled, trying to cool myself down before I busted a nut in the restaurant. “You have no idea boy. I can feel every single muscle getting ready to grow even bigger…” Uncle Steve chuckled; he easily picked me from the lower side and placed me right at his side, stretching his humongous muscular arm around me and lifting my own figure, rebuilt to look exactly like a younger miniature of his own monstrosity. “Here you are gentlemen!” Pat himself pushed a catering cart towards our table, and it was indeed a banquet for most men, but only breakfast for those gifted immensely muscular senior citizens. The host’s grin faded from his face once he realized the incredibly intimidating expression on Uncle Steve, but he still gathered enough courage to stand there for some reason. “Thank you so much, Pat!” I squeezed the mountainous bicep of my humongous muscle daddy in order to make him snap out of the hunger trance. My fingers were white of so much pressure, and I am sure he felt squat, but something finally made the glorious silver monster notice Pat was still standing right next to him “Smells wonderful Pat! I am fucking FAMISHED!” Uncle Steve said with renewed enthusiasm, so Pat decided to ask at once. “You’re more than welcome Steve, sir. Can I ask you to take a picture of you? I love registering new SMM’s as they appear. And you are the one we all have been waiting to change.” Pat blushed deeply and we both smiled back at him. “I thought you would never ask, pup! Go ahead; take my first picture as SMM! You’d better register it now because I will much, much bigger sooner than you think!” Uncle Steve stood up and proudly hit his favorite poses such as front double biceps, most muscular and side chest with flawless technique. Pat took dozens of pictures on his cell phone and I could see his cock was harder than steel inside his tight pants. It was then I felt something happening inside me. In the next moment I was able to feel the same lust, but it was a new perspective, that of Patrick’s. It was so amazing; I could see Uncle Steve’s glorious rugged physique from his eyes, the imagery flooding my own naughty mind with the freshness of this heightened experience. At that same time, I felt Uncle Steve was aware of my own discoveries. I felt him guiding me, giving me the confidence to probe deeper into Pat’s mind to feed on his own lust and increase my hunger to imbue more muscle and power inside my masterful muscle monster daddy. Uncle Steve posed for Pat, who remained clueless about the fact that the two of us probed deeper into his mind, improving the already impressive hunger for muscle in his trigger essence to feed our own bond even further. As my glorious silver behemoth posed for the unsuspicious viewer, we dwelled in the very mind of Patrick, experiencing his excitement to witness such masculine, powerful, invincible master daddy showing off the true essence of manliness. Uncle Steve commanded the whole thing with his masterful posing techniques. He managed to keep the cockish, casual yet very demanding attitude, posing in different angles and twisting his muscles to show Patrick the amazing truth about his SMM condition. In truth, my masterful daddy acted precisely as the embodiment of Patrick’s fantasies, digging for details on how he wanted his ideal daddy to act and pose. Meanwhile, I indulged Patrick’s mind to surrender into the display of masculinity. The entrepreneur forgot all his inhibitions and approached the immensity of Uncle Steve’s muscles. “That’s it, boy. Come closer to daddy. You want to feel small and weak next to a real man, don’t you little dude?” Uncle Steve asked, with such masculine sureness that Patrick just nodded, blushing deeply. “I bet not even your own daddy isn’t this massive and powerful huh? Go ahead; grope the bicep of a REAL SMM!” Uncle Steve grinned as the hand reached for the warm, hard, throbbing immensity of his glorious gigantic muscle. At that moment, I realized Uncle Steve’s real intent with all that teasing and felt my heat skipping a beat. At the same time, my own super charged submissive towards my monstrous super muscular daddy overcame my senses and the result of such powerful combination was that Pat blew a huge load inside his legs without even touching himself, and I also felt my hot cream spreading on my groin, but the furniture comfortably concealed my embarrassment. Only Uncle Steve continued there, flexing and teasing like a sadistic muscle monster. Patrick held his bicep with all his might, his eyes rolling inside sockets. I wasn’t in much better condition, but the immense arm of my daddy tightly closed around me kept my body from sliding in the seat. “So Pat, did you have enough? Can I eat now?” Uncle Steve asked, he never pretended that he did not notice the huge cum stain on Pat’s obvious bulge. “Yeah…fuck…so hot…I am sorry sir…I just…enjoy your meal.” Pat said as he turned back and literally rushed towards his office. Uncle Steve chuckled and made me seat right on his immense lap, I felt his glorious python of a cock pressing my butt as he kissed my cheeks. “You are such a naughty boy…” “What was that about?” I asked barely recovered from such extreme pleasing experience. “That’s the power we have, boy. You and I together can feed in the power of the triggers. When I connect with you, we can do anything. I just gave you a glimpse of what is about to come.” He chuckled as he finally started devouring the feast before us. It was not a pretty sight, Uncle Steve just attacked the food and forgot all about politeness, simply devouring piece after piece, barely chewing, just stuffing his face with more food. At each mouthful my glorious silver muscle daddy gulped down, I could actually notice the bulging on his immense bulking physique. It was as if his entire body was bubbling, getting ready to explode. Uncle Steve seemed to feel not just the delicious flavor of the food, but also the whole feeding process, he moaned as his body quickly absorbed the rich protein contents of the enormous meal. “Damn boy, wait till you feel this next surge. You’re gonna cream your pants in three seconds.” My immense daddy said with smirk as he blinked at me. At first, I just humored him, blushing as usual, but the next second I was simply taken aback by this unexpected surge of power, rushing from the amazing Senior Muscle Man at my side, and taking over my feelings, reason and soul. “Holy shit…Uncle Steve…” I said before that indescribable, yet very familiar feeling overpowered my very thoughts. Another growth spurt taking place right there at the restaurant, and this time I knew it in my guts that this one would take him much further than the previous growth spurts. “Oh yeah…I’m growing babe!” Uncle Steve said as he continued to stuff his face, barely registering that his makeshift clothing already ripped from his expanding proportions. Before I could think of something, his shirt turned into shreds and the thong just exploded. In a shocking glorious moment, his mighty cock abruptly regained its freedom, getting even longer and thicker along with the heavy huge ball sac, which fought with the increasing thickness of his trunk-sized thighs. “Damn…I feel so much better like this! I will never try to hide my ever growing size from this tiny world again!” Uncle Steve said with mouth still full of food. Although he promised never to get dressed again, I knew he adored the feeling of outgrowing the clothes with nothing but the size of his increasing physique. The glorious boulder-like shoulders increased their already incredible size, growing thicker, wider, and denser; the veins crossing its rugged surface engorged at plain sight. At the same time, the attached deltoids improved in girth, while the mountainous biceps ballooned even further, splitting and reshaping the manly fibers of the glorious peak, making it thicker, wider and more marvelous than ever. My immense master looked down at me with a grin in his hyper masculine face. “Oh yeah, son. I can tell in advance you’re gonna love what I’ve got for you!” His deepening voice, so masculine, so demanding, and yet so soothing, echoed inside the spacious diner. I was so lost in the moment, it actually took me a moment to realize what Uncle Steve meant, but then again, I was always two or three steps behind my immense SMM. “Fuck…” I gasped at once. All of a sudden, my own muscles felt tighter and harder than ever. I clenched my teeth as the wave of pleasure and power surged from Uncle Steve to my own body. “That’s it boy, you need to get ready for my new body. You are my son, and you will readjust according to my own immense image, but much smaller of course. You know I dig having you as a hot tight mini-me.” He chuckled, as another growth spasm erupted into his already inhumanly massive frame, expanding his boulder like shoulders even further. “Shit…How you can even endure this…” I gasped for air, feeling my own body reacting to the changes on my muscle daddy. My cock was aching hard and my heart pounded inside my chest. At each passing second, I could tell my body was changing further, adapting to the very wishes of my immense muscle master. “Heh, you didn’t even begin to feel the power of it, son. That’s okay; you will only have what I know you can take. Daddy’s always in charge.” He said, picking me in his arms and flexing a mountainous biceps that grew so immensely bigger that I had no other choice but hug the boulder of manly strength and hug it with my both arms, yet still not able to encompass the whole thing. “Yes, boy…feel it! See how much bigger your daddy will grow! Make me bigger my trigger!” He commanded me with such presence that I had no other choice but roaring out of pleasure as my body overfilled with the utmost love towards my massive master. The combination of my uncontrollable sexual ecstasy and the supernatural bond between Uncle Steve and myself was so intense that Uncle Steve himself stopped eating for a second to release a primal cry, which sounded so manly and so powerful that every man in the room just got an instant boner. “That’s it, Johnny, bring them to me!” Uncle Steve’s humongous frame expanded even further as he caressed my own growing physique, his enormous manly gnaw groping my muscles and easily crushing them in such a sensual way that it caused me even more pleasure than pain. “Shit, look at those guys! They’re BOTH growing!” Evan moaned as he noticed both of us growing right in front of their eyes. Until that special moment, no one had ever seen a trigger growing along with his daddy. I looked at the shocked audience and flexed for their amusement. “My daddy knows his boy needs to be big and strong to endure his demands!” I was surprised to the masculine tone of my voice. The other triggers in the restaurant approached us, amazed to the fact a young trigger was growing along with his immensely elder muscle god. Sure, to each pound my body managed to pack, Uncle Steve seemed to gain 20 hard pounds of hard muscle with such easiness that our growth was not comparable. Still, they could not deny the fact that I grew in synch with my daddy, each muscle bulging and growing at the same time, but not in the same pace, neither in the same intensity. Uncle Steve just looked down at me and chuckled. “Yeah, boy, you must grow bigger too. I want you to be able to keep up with my growth, at least in theory, because you know this kind of growth is deserved for a muscle god like your dad.” Patrick and Evan stood so close to us, but still keeping a respectful distance, and I knew deep down they were feeling terribly guilty for lusting so vividly after Uncle Steve. After all, they had their own sentimental bond with their respective SMM’s, and such emotional link was indeed remarkable. Uncle Steve then picked me and ripped my clothes with his teeth. He kissed me passionately, turned me upside down in a swift, yet powerful maneuver, only to insert his manly rough tongue down my anus, spreading my growing muscular legs and burying his masculine face between my butt cheeks. Meanwhile, I knew exactly what I had to do. Uncle Steve worked on my body to fill me with pleasure and it fueled my power to dig deeper inside the triggers’ minds. Evan and Patrick felt torn between the desire to worship Uncle Steve and their dedication towards their own respective alphas. Breaking that bond would be actually easier than I first anticipated. Those guys were so horny after Uncle Steve that I only had to push the right buttons, reassuring them that making Uncle Steve grow was not any kind of treason, quite the contrary, they would be helping the Senior Muscle Men to get even bigger, because Uncle Steve was the most developed, the future of their marvelous kind! Right before I accomplished my mission, I felt my own hesitation. I was not sure I should unleash their powers towards Uncle Steve. “Damn boy, you are getting better at this!” It was Uncle Steve’s masculine presence in my mind’s eye. His marvelous size, his phenomenal power spearing even further inside the limitless reality of that dreamlike world. “Uncle Steve…you are really here aren’t you? This is not any product of my subconscious…” The monstrous powerful being that had simply materialized in my own imagination world, seemed even bigger than I had seen him last. The glorious silver haired behemoth filled my view and all my other senses. “Stop analyzing everything, son. Yeah, I am here all right, I can do anything you can, and much more. We are now ready to go even further. I need you make them trigger me again.” “I know, but…what will it do to you? I mean to us…this bond we share right now…I don’t want to share it with anyone else. I mean I love to grow you, and the only one who can do it…” “You are still be the only one able to grow me, my boy. You just need more power and these guys can provide it. Think on them as extra energy to feed my muscles. I need to GROW and GROW much bigger than you can even imagine, tiny Johnny. Now serve your master at once!” At that moment, I snapped from the mental bond and found myself back at the diner, with my growing monstrously huge muscle master eating my boy cherry while the two triggers, whose cocks were harder than never. I looked at Evan and Patrick and opened a warm inviting smile to them. Their fears and the guilty disappeared; they were ready to use their trigger power to unleash even more muscle growth into Uncle Steve. “Come on, boys…I need you NOW!” Uncle Steve said, taking his masculine face from my butt and gently replacing it with his massive manly cock, which, albeit the augmented size and girth, went smoothly and sensually inside my clinched butthole, sending me such powerful waves of muscle growth pleasure that I felt like I’d pass out right then. At the same moment, the released triggers looked at Uncle Steve, who flexed a most muscular pose to let them know they now belonged to him. The intensity of that moment challenged descriptions. Patrick and Evan hugged the immensity of Uncle Steve’s frame, kissing his face and worshipping his glorious rugged giant sized muscles. The combined power of those triggers and my own psychic abilities, masterfully orchestrated by the amazing mind of my immensely powerful muscle daddy resulted in not just another growth spurt. In non-technical language, it was an evolutionary step. Uncle Steve’s body launched into new heights and standards, even among SMM’s. His muscles unfolded and expanded beyond anything anyone had seen, including the incredible muscle growth pace on the monstrously huge elder men. Uncle Steve’s body grew, but not just in height, density, size, girth, width or any other physical dimension. It expanded beyond imagination; it simply developed and evolved right in front of the shocked audience. Meanwhile, the glorious elder titan just kissed Evan and Patrick, showing them how a real muscle daddy treats his boys. Then, he lifted my body along with his mighty cock and held the newcomer in just one arm, as he flexed the gigantic free arm. “Welcome aboard, boys. You must learn three things. #1 I need to grow even bigger, so you little asses will have to work hard to accomplish that. #2 Johnny is your older and bigger brother, and you will do everything he says, whether you want it or now, because my favorite boy is my most special trigger and #3 well, you are gonna find out that your former little SMM’s will soon serve me too.” I moaned deep as Uncle Steve fucked my ass with a glorious roar, swiftly remodeling my own body as I served him with utmost dedication. At each single second, I felt like one with his glorious cock, so majestically huge inside me, so painfully present inside my butt, fucking it harder and manlier. When Uncle Steve came inside me, it felt like a warm flood of love that took over myself. His muscles expanded even faster around me as he filled my relatively tiny body with his fatherly juice, I could just experience my very being changed, reshaped to please my loving father. The flooding took over my soul and at some moment; I felt the emptiness of the absence of Uncle Steve’s cock. It was then I opened my eyes and gasped to the sight of my monumental Uncle flexing his mountainous biceps, having one boy sat at the top of each peak. I was speechless to notice how tiny and weak those muscular lads seemed when compared to the sight of my mega-muscle daddy’s standards. His biceps were so gloriously immense they comfortably sat at the top of the peaks, as they rose higher and harder. Their tiny cocks shooting volleys of cum at the expanding frame of our master. Reacting out of pure worshipping instinct, I jumped out of the table and climbed my expanding master’s muscles, grabbing his impossibly thick neck, using the monstrous knots of his 16 abdominal wall as a ladder. I realized my own muscular arms were longer and much bigger as well, still nothing compared to the hard monstrosity that I tried to embrace. Kissing Uncle Steve felt deliciously different time, especially because of the tremendous size difference between us. I never realized it would become such a ecstatic feeling! “I know, little one. I feel the same.” The glorious muscle god said as he continued to flex his biceps harder and huger, making the new trigger to feed even more muscle growth cum on top of his expanding frame. I smiled, looking around to see all the clients were either making out or simply passed out with huge hard cocks trapped inside their pants. “Fuck…you were too much for them, sire.” “Nothing new about that…” Uncle Steve chuckled as he stood up. Evan and Patrick already passed out, so the silver haired Titan gently nursed them in one massive arm, the same in which he carefully protected me. “Shit…you’re…” “12 feet tall, 9 and one half feet wide, I currently weigh 18,258 pounds of monstrously massive muscle with a 37 inches long cock. I could tell you my exact measurements, but you will have the pleasure to find wouldn’t you?” I love that playful manly tone on my daddy. “You’re twice taller than when you entered here, over 10 times heavier too! And you’re not done growing…” I whispered, kissing the cheeks of my sleeping trigger brothers. “I barely started, son. Now, we need to get back home. I can feel Larry Durham and Junior are on their way to our home. We need them. I think Durham will become a formidable trigger!” “Oh, yeah, Junior has great potential.” I casually commented as he managed to put down the frontal wall of the dinner before leaving the place. “Heh, they both have!” Uncle Steve said mischievously. “But…what do you mean sir?” I asked all of a sudden. “If a young trigger has all this power, what kind of growth do you think a SMM will unleash on me?” I gulped “A-are you sure it is possible to make a trigger out of a SMM?” “Well, I just made trigger grow to get the size of SMM, Johnny.” Uncle Steve said as he placed me at the ground and I could see my body for the first time. I was the exact size of Uncle Steve before he transformed into an even bigger SMM! I could not believe my eyes, because I not only looked exactly like his much younger clone, I actually moved and behaved precisely as a powerful young man of such impossible size would. “Shit…Uncle Steve, I’m you! I mean…” “I know exactly what you mean, son. You are right. I made you look not only exactly, as I would have looked if I were that size at your age; I rebuilt your every single cell to be my perfect son, just on the outside though. You are already my prefect lover on the inside, and that’s precisely the reason you can grow me.” He said with such proud that I felt the big tears rolling from those eyes. “So…if you changed a trigger into SMM’s standards…” “We will do the same to the Durham duo. You will release Junior, I will break Senior’s will, and they will both become my triggers.” He smiled with unbreakable confidence. “Shit, sire…this will make you sooooo much bigger!” “Yeah it will be a nice start. But I want even more!” Uncle Steve said with his powerful tone and I just nodded. He was right, he deserved so much more. I would do everything to make him bigger! End of PART VII
  24. Before you proceed, check out the first three parts: Christmas Surprise: https://muscle-growt...se-part-1-of-7/ New Beginnings: https://muscle-growt...gs-part-2-of-7/ Progression to Sex: https://muscle-growt...ex-part-3-of-7/ Danger and Passion (Part 4): After some introspection with the bottles, Edmond wonders if Dom has left the building for the day or not as he walks down the corridor to his work area. Feeling someone breathing down his neck, he attempts to turn around and sees that Dominic is staring at him and laughs when the startled hunk jumps and makes a few squealing sounds. He hands Ed his jacket back and is wearing a white tank now that he retrieved from his locker. Dom apparently is staying late to work at his other job on the ground floor. He spends a few hours daily doing this other job of cleaning and staging offices after everyone else has left for the day. Dom tells Ed to come sit with him in the break room so they can talk for a bit since they haven’t seen each other for quite a while. After a few minutes of catching up on what they have been doing in their lives, Ed hands Dom the bottle with the white fluid and tells him that it is one of those drink enhancers and that it might give him a much needed boost if he is tired for some reason. Dominic grins as he takes the bottle away from Ed. He dumps the contents into his thermos and swishes it around before gulping down some of it as they continue to talk. Ed sits there and wonders if this will take effect now or sometime later as he looks at the studly Italian’s body as it glistens with sweat. He manages to get some of his drink on his hairy chest as it dribbles down his front soaking parts of his tank. His hairy pecs hang out the sides as they show off their thickness from all of that hard work he has put in on them. Ed gets up from his chair to stand behind Dom in case something unusual happens. The sexy Italian gulps down the liquid in his thermos and leans back to relax as Ed massages his shoulders and moves his hands down to feel his powerful hairy pecs. Dom grabs a hold of Ed’s arms and feels how thick and powerful they are compared to the last time they saw each other. He moans deeply as he turns to his side to get a deeper massage in on Edmond’s arms before standing up to unbutton the stud’s shirt. He peels it open to rub on those big furry pecs of his and leans down to lick the crevice in between both causing Ed to grunt calmly. The bulge in Dom’s pants grows as Ed reaches down to feel the heat radiating from it. The stainless steel appliances in the room begin steaming up as Dom’s forehead starts to shed beads of perspiration as it trickles down his face and slides down his pec shelf. Ed stands back up to lightly kiss Dom’s face as he tastes the salty sweat that is now starting to pour out of his pores. As the bigger of the two musclemen, Ed lifts Dom up on to the nearby table and kisses him as they lock lips on each other as their tongues overlap as well. He can feel Dom’s body reacting under his touch which makes his cock bounce inside his pants. Dominic stops kissing Ed after a few seconds to reach down and grab his stomach because the pain is intensifying rather quickly. The concerned hairy beefcake hopes that he hasn’t signed a death wish for his gorgeous old friend, but deep down wants him to realize his true potential through a major growth cycle. Dom gets a bit irritated when he realizes that Ed may have done something to him with some substance he put into his drink as he pushes him away. When he tries to get up from the seat though, he drops to the ground because the pain is accelerating far too quickly. It has moved into his head now causing him to start growling since it is becoming too much to bear. Ed slowly walks over to the closest corner of the room towards the doorway in case he needs to get out of there. He hears sounds coming from Dominic’s body that sounds like Velcro is being pulled apart. He watches the stud’s upper body thicken as his abs grow wider on his chest forming huge grooves underneath his tank top. The veins in his arms and chest expand into thick hoses as his muscles double up on each other. His hairy pecs swell up to resemble beach balls as they stretch the fabric to its limits. His voice is much deeper now as his groans quickly turn to pleasurable moans as the tank finally shreds to pieces as he continues to grow wider with each breath. The chair crumbles beneath him as he falls to the floor as his pants split down the sides as two gigantic tree trunks of solid muscle blast their way free from their confines. His expanding feet explode out of his shoes leaving only the jock he is wearing. His already round bubble butt grows even more stretching the jock strap to its limits. Ed watches in amazement as Dom continues to grow wider as his back grows even more muscles on top of the ones he already has. His lats stretch outward even more as his delts and traps push his head higher on his head to accommodate the wider neck he is now sporting. He must be at least 7’ tall now and well over 400 pounds as the huge behemoth’s powerful voice echoes throughout the entire floor as he feels like he is being reborn. Ed can’t seem to move from his spot because he has never seen such a dramatic growth spurt happen in his life. Dominic turns around to look at him and rips his jock off to expose the giant tool he has just acquired from his growth cycle. The hair from Dom’s body has fallen completely off and onto the floor as the sweat from his body begins coating the floor. He puts one of his huge arms on to the table behind him and disintegrates it with the sheer power he now possesses. He motions for Edmond to come over to him, but the surprised man refuses. Dom gets quite angry and walks over to him. He grabs him and rips his pants off to start fingering his hole. Despite his extreme fear of the big hulk, Ed can’t help but to be turned on as well as the behemoth switching over to tonguing his hole getting it prepped for his immense member to have its fun with him. After a couple of minutes of this, he maneuvers his cockhead inside slowly stretching Ed to accommodate his size. The pain is quite intense, but once again he can’t help himself as Dominic starts to thrust. Ed tells him that he wants him to go further inside since he wants to be fucked even harder. He moans feeling Dom tense up as he feels his aggressive top getting ready to blow his load. The muscle giant yells as his thick jizz rushes into Ed’s abdomen making him lose consciousness for a few brief moments. Ed manages to pull Dominic off of him so he can move out of the way as the huge behemoth lands on the ground behind him causing the floor to crack and a shockwave to go travel through the building. The hulk comes to his senses a few seconds later and realizes that he no longer is the same man he was before. Ed goes to the nearby janitorial closet to retrieve a few towels to cover his massive friend up. Dominic wonders how he will leave the building looking like this, but Ed tells him that it won’t be that bad since there isn’t anyone around at that time of day. Without wasting another second, they head out the back exit of the building and go around to where Dominic is parked. He rips the seats out to fit into his car so he can get home quickly without anyone seeing him in his current condition. Ed reaches in to give him a nice big bear hug and says that he has to get going because he has an engagement with another friend. Dom says that he will talk to him later when he figures out what he is going to do with his new predicament. Ed watches as the huge hulk drives down the highway swerving and zigzagging trying to get accustomed to his new strength and size. Kris is quite correct when he said that the white liquid would have noticeable consequences, but he didn’t realize that it would also constitute being forced to have sex with Dom instead of the other way around. After that crazy encounter, Ed wonders what the other bottle will do to Gus when he presents it to him at dinner. He is supposed to meet him at seven which is an hour from now, but since he is without pants at the moment, he will have to drive home to get cleaned up first. When he gets home to take his shower, he notices that Kris is sitting in the kitchen shirtless reading something on his tablet. He looks up and smiles at Ed and wonders how Dominic’s transformation went. Ed tells him that it isn’t very funny because he was slightly victimized. Kris tells him that it wasn’t going to be as fun as he expected because that potion does have some very unpredictable side effects. Ed rushes in and out of the shower so he can find a new outfit to wear to his dinner date with Gus. Kris lets him know that the other transformation will be quite different and may have some very appealing and lasting effects on both men. The stressed younger stud is trying to figure out what his older counterpart is talking about but has very little time to really think it through as well. Kris waves at him and tells him to go have fun and that he will talk to him again soon. Ed jumps into his car and notices that he has only a few minutes left to get to the restaurant before Gus arrives. By the time he gets there, he is already a little bit late but is surprised to see that Gus hasn’t arrived either. Dripping with perspiration, he rushes into a nearby bathroom to clean himself up a little. He opens his dress shirt to let it air out for a minute or two and forgets to close it after he unbuttons the first three before leaving the bathroom. His nice dinner jacket is being cradled in his arms. He goes back to the front of the restaurant to wait for Gus, but the maître d tells him that the beefy stud has already arrived and is waiting for him. Once he is led over to where Gus is sitting, the sexy country man is quite stunned to see Ed with his shirt open as he stares involuntarily at the man’s huge cleavage all pumped up and wonderfully hairy. Ed notices this and quickly buttons the shirt back up. Gus makes a sad gesture at him and asks if he can unbutton them again. Ed grins and says that it probably isn’t appropriate for this type of restaurant. The two big men order their meals and start talking about the good times they had from years ago and how they enjoyed being free from all the stresses of everyday life. Ed sees Gus differently now than he did from before. He wonders if he even needs to give Gus the pink liquid at all as he slowly pulls it out from his pants pocket and hands it over to him. Gus looks at it and says that he will save it until after they eat before he drinks it because he thinks it might be for indigestion. Thirty minutes later into the meal, the two men finish up and decide to go to the lake close by. Instead of leaving into separate cars, Edmond has Gus get into his as they drive off which takes approximately a few minutes to get there. They get out and walk towards one of the benches situated in front of the water so they can take in the scenery. Ed motions for Gus to come sit on his lap so he can look at him and get more comfortable. Gus is wearing a nice khaki shirt with blue jeans and his favorite cowboy boots. Ed smiles at him and pulls the big bulky man in to kiss his lips. Ed is intoxicated by his scent and loves how wide his body is. His extremely hairy body turns Ed on tremendously as he wants to just rip Gus’s shirt off and bury his face into his chest, but he wants the beefy stud to drink the pink liquid before anything else happens. The country man admits that he has a little bit of discomfort from the food he ate earlier and guzzles the serum down. Ed rubs his huge back as he tells Gus that he wants to be intimate with him for the first time after all of these years. The southern brute seems like he is feeling a bit looser than before and begins to massage on Ed’s huge legs. The two return to kissing each other as Gus presses himself up against his boss’s chest. He can feel his friend’s engorged cock straining inside his pants as the beefy stud starts moaning in his southern drawl. His chest begins growing right in front of Ed’s face. He can hear and see the stretching of Gus’s khaki shirt as he reaches over to grab onto the big lug’s arms and feels the seams ripping as they expose his large hairy biceps and forearms as they get even beefier. The huge man revels in his growth as his beefy pecs bust through his shirt as buttons fly everywhere exposing his huge silver-dollar nipples. Ed immediately starts sucking on them as he continues to feel his huge friend expanding. His wide back finally explodes through the back of his shirt as it flaps aimlessly as the air hits it. Ed pulls the tattered shirt off and wraps his huge arms around the growing stud. His formerly flabby gut is getting more defined as wide indentations of his abs start forming. The horny boss rubs his fingers up and down on them as he moans with delight watching his good friend transform on top of his body. The belt Gus is wearing splits along his waistline as his jeans strain against the massive quads that are doing everything in their power to emerge. They finally give way as the seams split all the way down to his knees as his thick trunks finally bust their way out of the confines. Ed quickly tries to pull his pants down as Gus continues to change, but is unable to do so. The growing behemoth’s meaty cock breaks free as it hits Ed in the stomach and oozes a long stream of precum onto his shirt. Instead of trying to unbutton his shirt, Ed just grabs a hold of the neck and pulls on it making a loud ripping sound and pulling it completely off with just one attempt. The noticeably hotter southern bear is now only wearing a pair of boxers as his remarkably thick 10” cock stands up and out the top of them as it continues to leak. He finally reaches down to rip his boxers off and gets up to pull Ed’s pants off of him. The two men’s cocks press up against each other as they start to get more personal with each other. Kris is quite right about finding a steady boyfriend because Gus is exactly what Ed is looking for in a man. His personality hasn’t changed whatsoever even through all of the huge changes he has experienced so far. Ed tells him to just remain still for a few seconds so he can just take in the hotness of him. The thickly muscled and beefy stud is now gloriously hairy with reddish brown hair all over his body. He isn’t vascular by any means but the sheer size of his muscles is extraordinary. Even his cock is mouthwatering to Ed because he loves how it just stands up like it is waiting to be serviced by him. Gus laughs as he grabs his boss to pull him down to the ground as they wrestle around by the water’s edge. They are both well over 300 pounds and enjoy the tug of war between them. After working up quite a sweat, Ed finally positions himself on top of Gus to move down to suck on his cock as he sits his huge ass on his friend’s face so he can rim him. They moan as they get warmed up for the more intense action. Ed moves his cock up to start fucking Gus’s face for several minutes until he feels himself get extremely close to the edge. He then turns himself around to sit on top of Gus’s cock so he can run his hands all over his buddy’s hot manly body. The hulking bear slowly pumps in and out of him while Ed massages his distended abs and thick pecs with his hands while teasing his nipples with his mouth. Gus then holds his partner as he sits up to rub and lick his huge sweaty pecs with his tongue before moving over to do the same to his ridiculously pumped up biceps. It quickly turns into a complete lust fest as they lose themselves in each other’s bloated muscles. Gus moans as he continues to thrust inside his close friend moving even faster as he finally goes over the edge and dumps his incredible load inside of Ed over and over again. The eager bottom gets so turned on that he jumps off his partner’s raging cock to slide up and dump his load into Gus’s gaping mouth. The gorgeous southern bear feels the thick nectar coating his throat as Ed starts yelling in ecstasy. Gus pulls it out every few seconds to feel the cum spray his face and beard before gulping it down again. When it feels like he is almost finished, the hairy hulk pulls it back out again to lick off all of the cum on his beard and runs his tongue along Ed’s cockhead and kisses it a few times. They are both completely spent and lie beside each other on the ground. For the next couple of minutes, they lie there and chat about random things. Gus then rolls on top of Ed and tells him that he loves him more than he ever thought he would as his boss admits the same thing. They passionately kiss each other and take a short nap before realizing that it is getting close to midnight. They race back to the car and get in to go back to Edmond’s place. Even though he is a bit worried about leaving his car at the restaurant, Gus is sure that no one will dare try to steal it. He goes to take a shower and stops to look at himself in a nearby mirror. Ed can hear him yell as he stares at himself once he wipes away some of the steam. The concerned young stud rushes to see what is going on and is immediately pulled into the shower as he plants a huge wet kiss on his lips. They start lovingly worshipping each other as they flex their muscles in each other’s faces. It leads to more sex as the two men proceed to get each other off again going back and forth on their cocks and edging several times. After making their balls swell to the size of tennis balls, they swallow each other’s cum again and clean each other up afterwards. They go running through the house making it shake as their combined 600+ pounds of power finally end up in the bedroom. They fall into bed and nearly pass out from the excitement they endured from earlier. Gus grabs Ed’s left hand and squeezes it tightly as he pushes his massively huge hairy chest up against Ed’s thickly muscled back. They fall asleep peacefully together as they both decide to take the following day off from work. Kris quietly walks into the house hoping that they can’t hear him. He walks into Ed’s bedroom to get a glimpse at Gus and is quite impressed with his young partner’s choice of a mate. He will meet Gus soon enough, but as of now he must go back to the top of the world to make plans for his next appearance. Part five will be available later this month! Don't forget to check these out as well: The Geek Squad Part 1: https://muscle-growt...e-muscle-genie/ The Geek Squad Part 2: https://muscle-growt...2-muscle-genie/ The Burning Desire: http://muscle-growth...e-muscle-genie/ The Super Soldiers: https://muscle-growt...-genie-episode/ The Growth Accelerator: https://muscle-growt...ie-installment/ The Unquenchable Thirst: https://muscle-growt...t-muscle-genie/
  25. js44

    A Jock Complete

    A picked on nerd is gifted a special formula that he uses to possess the jock who bullied him. This is the first of a Jockstrap Power mini series I've been working on. Shoutout to writer alwaysmyway, inspired by his stories. Little Ricky had the same routine every day. He preferred routine, it gave him an understanding of order out of the chaos that normally ruled his life. By establishing this he was able to at least navigate his life with a certain level of expectation each and every day, even if the consequences of each day were harsh on him. He created routine out of necessity, out of a need to adapt to this chaos, this punishment that to him seemed to create a life and a role of one who made everyone else's lives better. And often at the sacrifice of Ricky himself. By the time his senior year of high school rolled around, Ricky thought he had his routine settled, mapped out to give him the most comfortable, least confrontational part of his day. Ever since his freshman year, he suffered the taunting and sometimes abuse from students who took easy advantage of his small frame, poor vision, and lack of social experience. Little Ricky, after all, was called such for obvious reasons, and his late physical development into adulthood and continued stunted development often kept him at the bottom of the social totem pole. But Ricky was smart and he was able to keep a low profile. As long as he stuck to his routine, he calculated, he could stick to around a 10% bully rate, and would often only have run ins with the bullies once every 2 weeks. This routine required careful planning over the years. The athletes were the guys who picked on him, and the usually picked on him when their sports weren't in season. He was careful to avoid the baseball fields during the winter, the swim lockers during the spring, and the football players during the fall and the spring. The footballers, full of testosterone and masculine domineering, were often the worst to Ricky. But they were also the guys Ricky admired the most. Senior year made life a little easier on him because he finally only had his own class to contend with, the older men having graduated. But as part of Ricky's routine he sometimes allowed himself an opportunity or two, on occasion, to run into the football jocks. They exhibited a level of masculinity that Ricky admired, that Ricky wished he had, and to just be around them, to smell their dominating presence, fulfilled a deep thought that Ricky harbored well within his mind, one he had to try hard not to show people: That he enjoyed being near them, that he enjoyed having them grab him and throw him around. He didn't like the pain of the abuse, of the underwear grabs, of the foot trips, but he liked that they held him, that the would get close to him, even if it was for an abusive purpose. Of course, they never hurt him seriously, it was all in good fun for them, but Ricky teased them just enough to feel their proximity. And it was just enough for the enjoyment to outlast any pain. Ricky still wasn't sure if he loved them or not, or if this lust was anything more than just a desire to be them. But he didn't care, he took advantage of it when he felt the time was right. Even though the varsity football team was underway with their fall season, Ricky knew the right time he could get in their way. It was a Monday, and the last bell rang for the day, Ricky took his usual post at his locker and lingered there an extra 3 minutes, just long enough for Josh, Tyler and Jon to make their turn from their lockers and find him fumbling around with his books. As expected, the three football jocks turned and saw their prey at his locker. Ricky preferred Tyler, the star quarterback, who's hairy arms and bulked physique exuded not just an athlete of power and endurance, but a leader and a motivator, one who was able to truly lead a group of men to victory both on and off the team. Thankfully Tyler, unlike his friends, was a relatively tame guy. He forced his jock bullying onto Ricky not because of his need to be mean, but a need to exert consistent dominance on other people. Just a confidence builder, Ricky reasoned. Josh was not so tame, though. The guy was a 6'2”, 220 lb mound of aggression and power. His short hair had to be kept that way because it grew so fast and like Jon, his body was completely untamed. His hair was dark and his skin tanned. He was just interesting enough looking to hold someones attention, and built and mean enough to quickly scare them off. Josh grabbed Ricky and threw him against the lockers. “What's up, ltitle Ricky?” Tyler said, walking over to him with a smile. “Sorry we can't spend more time together today, gotta hit up practice, we're doing a full-on scrimage with the JV team today, but you wouldn't know anything that wouldya?” Ricky looked deep in Josh's brown eyes, his irises wide as they were fixed on his little prey. “No I wouldn't,” Ricky said, blankly, back at his bully. “Drop him, Josh,” Tyler ordered, and his friend let him go. “I'm taking his books though,” Josh added, “See what it's like to fail a test for once...” Ricky stuck his foot out, causing the dumb oaf to trip over. “Hey little fucker!” Josh shouted, and he and Jon grabbed him again, lifting him by his skinny shoulders, Jon near his face. Ricky got a whiff of the jocks' masculine smell, and smiled a little as they dropped him again, moving on and forgetting about the little punching bag behind them. Ricky grabbed his backpack and moved onto the last part of his routine before heading back home. Making sure no one was around, he walked into the custodian office and carefully closed the door behind him. The custodian, Mr. Potter, had to be at least 70, probably closer to 80, and he walked around the school in a seemingly senile, robotic way. Though he seemed to always keep everything clean. He was rarely in his office after school hours, and for the last year, ever since Ricky added this stop to his routine, he never ran into Potter. Ricky sneaked past Potter's desk, past the mops and brooms and through the aisles stuffed with toilet paper and paper towels. Ricky ripped off a few squares for himself. He pushed aside some boxes and dropped his backpack by them, squeezing through a small crevice and into a little closet that seemed to be completely forgotten about at the school. It smelled a little damp, but there was a good reason for that. Ricky made it there just in time as he pushed two more boxes aside, revealing a small but fortunate hole that peered right into the men's locker room of the football team. Across the small aisle from the wall where Ricky peered was his favorite player's lockers, particularly Tyler's who was right in front of him. “I can't wait to suit up and get into scrimmage,” Jon said, leading the three into their row of lockers, “gotta get some of this exertion out!! We're gonna fuckin dominate the sophomores today.” The three guys lined up to their lockers and opened them, casually talking about their practice, girls, lifting weights, being athletic, homework, and other usual topics of the jock life. Whatever their topics were Ricky didn't care. He just watched. Jon was the first to pull his shirt, shoes and pants off. Ricky found of the three, Jon the three he was the one who enjoyed being in the buff the longest. He always walked buck naked both before and after practice to pee in the urinals. He walked everywhere in the room naked and was proud to show himself off. Tyler and Josh weren't ashamed of their bodies either, and they quickly followed his lead in getting undressed. Of the three Ricky enjoyed Tyler the most, but Jon wasn't a sight for poor eyes either. Jon dropped his shorts and stretched his body, examining his ass and flexing his quads before throwing his clothes into his locker. “Looking forward to lifting tomorrow, too,” he said, continuing to check himself out, “I can really notice growth in my quads and pecs ever since I upped the reps on the bench.” Jon shut his locker as Tyler and Josh dropped their own shorts and got nude. Ricky stared at the three of them in their complete nude comfort as they talked about masculine topics and showed the image of true sportsmen. Ricky wished he could be them, wished he could be like them. Josh and Tyler started fumbling for their uniforms as Jon passed them to take his ritual naked walk to the urinals. Tyler turned to the side and Ricky noticed his hard, locked in ass. The cheeks were rock solid cylinders pulled with well-defined muscles connecting his bulked back with his expanded quads. His brown hair spread ever so thinly over his lower back before thickening over his butt and down his legs. Tyler turned back to his locker and Ricky saw his long ass crack proportional to the tall body that stood at the locker. Tyler grabbed his jockstrap, a well-used white strap that had a thick sock covering for a large package. Josh continued chatting with Tyler as Jon came back to re-open his locker. Jon's body, while a little shorter and less hairy, was even more defined muscularly, with his pale skin showing nearly every contour, every thick twine of sinew over his body. Ricky figured his shorter stature motivated him not only to be bulky, but to show it off every chance he got, almost to make up for his height. Tyler turned right toward Ricky as he unfurled his strap. His package, whether before or after practice, was huge. His balls hung low and his cock was always plump and long, covered warmly by his thick pubic hair. The man held a level of masculinity and assurance that Ricky only wished he could understand. He stared as Tyler pulled the jockstrap up his legs, resting the garment neatly over his package. He turned back around to grab his uniform, ass still showing through the exposed chaps. As the guys put on their white football pants, sliding their pads into the gear, Ricky could continue to make out the jockstraps showing clearly underneath the pants. Even when clothed the guys wore their masculine monikers so as to remind everyone of their identity. The jocks put on the rest of their uniform and ran out through the locker room with their team, cleats snapping against the tile floor and the asphalt outside. Ricky sighed. He wished he could be like them. He looked around the custodian office to find it still empty. Leaving his backpack in the little compartment, Ricky squeezed through the crevice and worked his way around the athletic corridor, exiting through the custodian doorway and down the hall into the locker room titled, Varsity Football MEN Walking carefully to make sure no one else was around, he heared the varsity coaches yelling during the men's warm up. Confident he was truly alone, he spun Tyler's locker combo built into his door, having memorized the numbers from his last year of peeping through the secret room. He opened the door and examined Tyler's belongings. His backpack, street clothes, and old, unwashed uniform garments from last week's practice. The assistant manager hadn't been through to wash their old clothes. Ricky pulled out a pair of sliding shorts used during the men's indoor conditioning. It reeked of sweat, of balls, of masculine endurance. Ricky took a quick whiff, gagging and smiling at the same time. The thought of having that kind of smell at all infatuated Ricky. He wanted it. Deciding to let his inner most fantasy out, if only for a brief minute, Ricky quickly kicked off his shoes and pulled off his button down and t-shirt before examining the under armour shorts again. It still felt a little sweaty from its use last week. The temptation was too much, Ricky slid down his white briefs allowing his body to stand freely in the locker room. He closed his eyes and imagined being there with the jocks, being one of them, being just like Tyler, and slides on the shorts. They're tight. They fit snug, and the cold sweat from Tyler slowly warmed his body as he feels his own balls grow from the warmth and comfort. He checks out his skinny body and sees his tiny package accentuated by the athletic briefs. “Fuck, if only I was a little bigger...” he told himself, moving his hands across his body. “If even just for a moment...” Ricky reached down to the shorts and felt his small package under the clothing. He frowns. “If only...” he sighs. The guy's testosterone levels, normally low, started increasing under the fun he was having living the fantasy. He had only risked actually sneaking into Tyler's locker once before, and now he was wearing his shorts. He was completely out of his element in more ways than one, but the risk and the fantasy were starting to turn him on. Ricky could feel his dick rustling inside the shorts and a smile grew on his face. He started pacing back and forth in the corridor pretending to be Ricky, ass slapping friends and receiving high fives. Soon his erection was full even though it was barely noticeable in the shorts. But he didn't care. Ricky pushed his right hand under the shorts as he continued walking around, living the fantasy of being Tyler. Grabbing his rod, he started pumping, closing his eyes and leaning against the lockers for leverage. With every pump he dreamed of being Tyler, dreamed of having his body, of exuding and executing the masculine brilliance held within the man. Faster and faster Ricky continued pumping, Finally his dickhead poked out of the shorts, the pre-cum pushing into the cloth, “oh yes...” Ricky whispered. He pushed the shorts down to his knees and sat his ass against the locker, tilted his head back and opened mouth in a brief moment of ecstasy.... “What the hell?!” Ricky heard, his eyes snapped open, snapped back to reality. Even though he was only a few short pumps of cumming, the voice, an older voice, beckoned him back to the harsh realities of life. Ricky's mouth dropped. “Oh shit I've been caught!” he thought to himself, “how do I get out of this?!” he looked left and right and saw a brief glimpse of an old man with a mop off to the left. Mr. Potter. For two years the old man had never caught Rick in his own office but there he was, mop and bucket in hand, doing a mundane and standard task, walking into Rick's life. He didn't have time to think, he couldn't' make eye contact again, maybe if he held his face Potter wouldn't be able to identify him. He grabbed his clothes, picked up his shoes and ran. Where to he didn't know, but he had to get out of there. Who cares if Tyler's shorts were missing, Ricky ran. He exited the locker room and into an empty hallway, he had to get out of the school. His backpack! Ricky sprinted back into the custodian's closet, sure he wouldn't be there now, and into the office, He threw himself into the hidden room and quickly stripped, boner long died down now, Ricky grabbed his shorts, jeans and shirts and quickly dressed, looking through the hole to the locker room. No sign of Mr. Potter. He grabbed his backpack and sneakily exited the secret room, walking back across the office. “I know what you were doing,” the voice came again. This time much more softer, more controlled, less surprised. “You really needn't be ashamed of it.” Ricky slowly turned his head to see Mr. Potter looking over some papers on his desk, no eyes on Rick at all, but talking directly to him with a poise that seemed to be more than just talk. One of seriousness and understanding. The old man continued, “I've seen you bullied by those kids ever since you were a sophomore. I've seen you put up with it day in and day out. I've seen you handle yourself so well you don't even shed a tear when in pain or humiliation.” Another pause, and then: “You want to be them don't you.” Ricky stared but didn't answer. Didn't know how to answer. How do you talk to someone who already knows everything about you? On the one hand Ricky was almost relieved to know that someone harbored his secrets but wasn't disgusted by them. Potter continued. “But what happened today, that took my impression of you to a whole new level. If you want to be them, you're going to need help. You're going to need something I haven't shared with anyone in over 50 years. But my days are numbered now, I won't be around too much longer. Here, I have something to show you...” Ricky was now completely perplexed as the old man took out a key and unlocked a desk drawer, pulling out a small but heavy-looking tin lunchbox. “When I was your age, maybe younger, an old man gave me this case. It changed my life. For the better at first, but I was foolish and abused it. I hadn't even opened it since I was younger than you.” Potter's hands grace the old tin box, He pushes some dust off to the side, staring at the box, not looking up once, “there's instructions inside. I'll let you decide how you want to use it. I hope you'll be wiser than I.” Potter pushes the box to the side and steps away from his desk, still not looking at Ricky. “Maybe you'll be wiser than I...” he repeats, walking through the back door, leaving it open behind him. Ricky turns his attention back to the tin box. He walks to it and examines the cover. It's of a clown made out of colorful building blocks, a big smile with big eyes staring back at Ricky. “Maybe he takes me for a fool. I sure was acting like one...” Ricky says as he carefully sets the box in his backpack, on top of Tyler's running shorts. “Hmm, maybe I'll try returning them tomorrow,” and Ricky heads home at a slower pace, changing his daily habit for the first time in a year, not worried about breaking his schedule. – Ricky lived with his grandmother in the same home she owned since the 1960s. It was a drab, old, one story house, beige bricks and dead grass silhouetted by the setting sun. Ricky took his key and unlocked the door, climbing inside and shutting it behind him. “Grandma, I'm home,” he shouted. No response. Heading through the living room Ricky walked past his grandmother's bedroom and carefully opened the door. She was soundly sleeping as she usually was at this time. When his grandmother was awake, she had a good energy and a slow but sharp mind, but with her onset Alzheimer's he knew it wouldn't be long before she would start forgetting even him. Ricky sat at his desk in his small bedroom and looked at a picture of his family. Before his parents split, they seemed happy enough, at least on the surface. But Ricky often heard them fight bitterly every night, when they suspected he was asleep. After his father went to prison for embezzling money, his mom ran off with another guy, who was probably a criminal himself, and left Ricky when he was only 10 to live with her mom. Ricky didn't mind it. Ricky quickly turned his attention to the tin box in his backpack and he sat it on his desk, watching the smiling clown look up him, encouraging him to open it. He pulled the two tabs and opened it and inside he saw three, rusty little compartments with little tin doors over them. They were labeled: “Possess, Procreate, Power.” Simple, if mysterious words, he opened the cover on the left, the one labeled “Possess” and read the small description etched into the tin box. “Possess. This is the required potion. Procreate and Power will only work if Possess is already in use. Apply this to an article of clothing near the genitals of the human you wish you possess. Wear the garment. Become the garment. Host human must wear garment following your merging. You will control your new host. Heed this: you will become your new host. You will not be able to reclaim your former body.” “Become the garment?” Ricky asks himself. “Not be able to reclaim...” he read it over again to make sure he understood. He looked down at the container. Inside were what appeared to be some dried herbs, maybe a handful or so. It smelled strange, pungent, like the sweat of an athlete. “Hmm...” Ricky asked himself. “So if I apply this and wear Jon or Tyler's clothing, maybe I could...become them?” As the fantasy started swirling around in his head a small, mystified smile grew on his face. -- Ricky rushed through classes more carelessly than he ever had before. For the first time in his high school career he had a real goal to attempt. A bizarre and weird one, one that could potentially humiliate him for life, or cause him to be expelled, but he had to try it, he had to take a risk and make an attempt to become what he always wanted to be. When the last bell rang for the end of the day, Ricky quickly went to his locker, unpacked all of his books, and took his backpack which carefully held Tyler's sliding shorts and Ricky's newfound potions. He slipped past the football players quickly just as they were leaving their own classes, sneaked through the Janitor's closet, thankfully with Potter not there, and slipped into the Men's Football Locker room, with over 10 minutes before the first jocks would arrive for practice. Ricky spun the locker combo and opened Jon's locker, carefully resetting his sliding shorts. The guys were going to be suiting up again for scrimmage and both Tyler and Jon would be wearing their jockstraps again. He looked at the two lockers, hesitating briefly on who's shorts to try his little experiment. Having already had Tyler's door open, he opted to go for his jockstrap. Ricky left Tyler's door open and opened an unoccupied locker a few steps away. Figuring none of the jocks would check there, he unloaded his backpack and set it carefully in the locker, carefully hiding it from any light so as not to arouse suspicion. Ricky quickly threw off his shirt and kicked off his shoes and socks, stripping down to his white briefs. He examined his small, weak body again. Taking a deep breath, he wished to himself, and perhaps to Potter's potions too, that he wouldn't have to live a life as a measly little guy anymore. He slipped off his briefs and got completely naked, the last time, he hoped, it would be naked with this body, and stuffed his clothing into his backpack. He pulled out the potion bag and examined the herbs inside. Walking back over to Tyler's locker, Ricky pulled out a few herbs and sprinkled them onto the jockstrap, evenly covering the inside of the front pouch. They sit there for a moment, and quickly liquify, settling into the strap, diluting a light green cover onto the entire cloth and spreading into the waist strap above, before jock returns to its normal, sweat-stained color. “Wow, it might really work,” Ricky says. He carefully places the herb bag back in its case, in his backpack, and shuts the neighboring locker. He walks back over Tyler's, knowing there's not much time left, and quickly slips on his jock, letting the cloth slide up his legs before comfortably, if somewhat largely, fit over his small package and his waist, slapping the band onto his body. He looks down to himself. “What happens now?” He asks himself, but it didn't take long for him to notice. His dick pushes against the cloth and quickly disappears, becoming one with the cloth, almost as if it's taking him in, sucking his body into the cloth. “Oh shit!” Ricky whispers to himself, “I'm going into the cloth!” He can feel a tingling sensation run through his waist, around to his butt and down his legs, up through his torso. It's not painful, just numbing, numbing because his flesh disappearing into the cloth. He can feel his ass pull backwards, quickly losing all of its mass, his legs start shrinking as he feels his body pulled like a black hole into the cloth which quickly is taking in whatever it can. Ricky starts breathing quickly but notices that he's having more and more trouble, his lungs are falling into nothing. Ricky also starts shrinking down from his short 5'7” to a measly 5', then down into the 4s. He reaches his measly arms up into the locker and finds he can now fit his tiny body inside, quickly becoming smaller and smaller into nothing. “I don't have much time' He tells himself as he pulls his body, now less than 40 pounds, into the locker, using the last bit of strength that he had, he shuts the locker behind him, leaving him to melt in the darkness of the strap. After what seemed like only a few seconds, Ricky felt like he couldn't move at all, couldn't see, couldn't really feel. But he knew where he was and he knew where he had settled. It was the strangest feeling he had ever had. He was nothing and yet he existed. Soon he started to hear noises. “The jocks are coming!” he told himself. He couldn’t make out what people were saying but he knew the men were out there, talking, joking to each other. Soon light bled into the locker and an already shirtless Tyler bared himself into his locker. The jock was already getting naked, he must have been running late. He could make out, through the light, already naked Jocks behind him. Jon's butt was visible as he walked across with his own jockstrap in hand, getting dressed for practice. “But like I was saying, how are we going to be able to win the regionals with Mac off the team this year? His arm has the throwing power of a greek warrior,” Tyler said, turned toward his naked friend. “You gotta make up for it, Tyler, condition yourself, man,” Jon answered, “extra iron to pump between this week and next.” Ricky couldn't see him, but Josh chimed in next, “I'm just excited for the football party tonight, juniors hosting it, we just show up and raise some hell, gonna be great,” he said before cutting a loud fart. Tyler turned to him with a smirk on his face. “What?!” Josh said, laughing, “I'm a Man!” Ricky kept his attention on Tyler as he continued undressing. First his shorts and shoes went into the locker, followed by his socks. Finally his boxers flung into the small cabinet, filling the locker with his signature, masculine smell. Tyler unassumingly lifted the jockstrap, still listening to his friends' banter. Ricky could see him, feel him unfurling it. “Come on you stupid jock, put me on...” he kept thinking to himself as he felt himself slowly lowered. “No time for a pee today, gotta hurry,” Tyler said, lifting his naked left, then right leg into the strap. As he pulled upward, Ricky could start to feel the athlete around him, start to feel the control he would soon have over the jock. Tyler's hairy legs guiding Ricky up his otherwise smooth and hard body toward his masculine package. Tyler didn't realize he was sealing his own fate, the mere thought of possession exciting Ricky. Ricky felt immediately surrounded by the jock's cock and balls, pushed snugly against and completely around him. As the rear of the strap smacked against Tyler's ass, Ricky could feel the most amazing thing happen: he was literally being pulled into Tyler. In a matter of seconds Ricky's whole being began getting pulled into the athlete, up through his dick, and into his body. Tyler, meanwhile took a step back, shocked by the loss of feeling in his dick, then in his hips. “What the fuck?” Tyler told himself as he blinked. He could no longer move his waist. He felt his hands against his abs, still had feeling, before moving down to his ass where it was completely numb. “What's wrong with me?” Tyler frantically said, panicking. The loss of feeling spread down to his quads and soon up to his abs. Like a napkin getting stained Tyler was slowly losing his feeling throughout his body. “SHIT!” he shouted, his friends turning to him, “something's...happ...ening...” his breathing increased, losing feeling in his chest Tyler took a step back and realized he didn't control his step, his arm swung and he realized he didn't swing it! “Uhh, Tyler, are you ok?” Jon said, approaching him. “Do you need me to call the nurse?” “No!” Tyler answered involuntarily, “just need a second...” Tyler was losing vision, getting dizzy, he wasn't the one talking, he wasn't the one moving! “What's happening to me? WHAT'S HAPPENING?!” he said in a panic, his body seemed to calm down, seemed to be in control despite his own panicking. But something started to make sense, a voice. A voice laughing in surprising pleasure as it got louder and louder in Tyler's head. “Holy shit it's working!” it said. “What?! Who is this? What's happening to me?” Tyler asked. But the voice was controlled, simple, it knew exactly what was happening: “Oh, hello, Tyler...and goodbye.” Everything turned to darkness. Ricky turned his head before looking down. A new body. An athletic body. A masculine body. He smiled before moving his hands up to his face. His face was new, it was Tyler's. The potion worked! “I am fuckin Tyler!” he shouted, not realizing the entire team turned to him. Tyler coughed and turned back toward his team, “uhh, sorry guys, got dizzy there for a sec.” The guys shrugged and went back to changing, but internally Ricky smiled. He took the body. It was his! As Tyler, he discreetly flexed his abs and quads, seeing his sinew shake with the strength of Tyler's body. Stretching himself he felt around in Tyler's thoughts and realized he had his entire mind to explore. He truly became the master of the athlete. He knew Tyler's entire history, his personality, easily inheriting his entire personality. “Fuck this is gonna be fun...” Tyler, the new Tyler, told himself. Tyler walked toward the urinals and pulled his jockstrap down, admiring his obnoxiously large cock. He peed easily, no shyness as a jock. Reaching around to his ass, Tyler felt the muscular work this jock had put into his body, and lavishly enjoyed the new body he attained. Tyler walked back to his locker and quickly grabbed his shorts and pads. As he suited up the remaining football uniform, he looked back to his team, “don't worry about regionals, I got it,” and the team smiled back at him. “That's my man!” Josh shouted “let's fuckin win this!” Tyler got a slap on his ass as he smiled back at the team. “I think I'm going to enjoy this new life.” Running through the workouts and drills of practice, everything about Tyler's life felt so new, so unfamiliar, and yet Tyler was able to perform it with ease that he never knew before. The instincts in his new body to run, to watch, to react, to shout to teammates, to perform like an athlete. It wasn't easy, but for the first time in his life Tyler felt like he fully understood it. Tyler threw the ball hard out toward Mike, another senior and wide receiver, and aimed it carefully above him, making sure his energy would hit the receiver in just the right location. The ball perfectly spun from his hands before Evan tackled him from the right, Tyler landing on the soft grass with his defensive friend on top of him. “Nice one, Tyler, man you're doing well today!” Evan extended his hand and Tyler lifted himself up, feeling a sharp slap on his ass from his buddy. “Thanks Evan,” Tyler said, searching his head for the history of his buddy, “not too shabby yourself, thanks for not knocking my head out.” “More things in life than just the game, my man,” he said, giving him another slap before reforming the line of scrimmage. Tyler next decided to run the ball, quickly pushing through the line and squeezing around the players, taking his feet off toward the goal line. Approaching the line, he saw Jon signaling to him to take the ball, and tossed it to him before getting tackled himself. Jon ran to the line and threw the ball onto the ground. “Fuck Yeah!!” he shouted with masculine pride. We're gonna fuckin dominate next week!” The guys hollered for their friends, Tyler smiling with the new-found companionship he now had. He lifted his arms and cheered with them as they worked their way back to the locker room. “Shit yeah!” he shouted, enjoying the camaraderie. Tyler followed his buddies in removing his stinky clothing for practice. Charlie came rolling around with his cart to take the dirty clothes from practice. Though a student, Charlie was way more mature than most of the players and even got along with Ricky pretty well. But Tyler knew Jon wasn't going to be so nice to him today. Taking off the last of his clothing, Jon smiled to Tyler as he peeled his jockstrap down. “Yo Charlie!” Jon said, “Whatchu got over here? Nuthin that's what.” Charlie quietly kept pushing the cart as other men tossed in their pants, shirts and jockstraps, ignoring Jon but not defending Charlie either. “Hey turd, I'm talkin to you. You gonna take my jockstrap or not?” Jon stood there, his sweat-stained naked body still shorter than Charlie, but trying his best to exert whatever he could. Charlie looked up at Jon and carefully pulled the strap dangling off Jon's middle finger. But Jon wouldn't have it. “You don't have the right!” he shouted and tried tossing the strap onto Charlie's head. But Tyler wouldn't have it. “What it fucker!” Tyler shouted, grabbing the strap and flinging it into the cart. “What's wrong with you? This guy is on our Team!” Charlie looked over to Tyler with a small smile, before turning back to Jon. A sense of shame hit the senior. He looked down at his naked body. “Uhh, sorry, Charlie.” He said. “Just got the crazies from scrimmage, you know?” Charlie continued pushing the cart, not saying anything. Tyler quickly stepped out of his own jockstrap and tossed it into the cart. “Thanks Charlie,” Tyler said, surprised he was able to convince his friend so quickly to stop the bullying. Tyler grabbed his soap as Jon tapped him on the shoulder, “thanks man, I don't know what got over me there, but I feel better not being such a dick. I think.” Jon said with reason. “It's cool, man, you just gotta relieve the stress I think,” Tyler answered. Tyler walked back over to Ricky's locker and looked in to see if his things were still there. He could see the tin box peering through the slots in the locker and decided to look more closely at it. “What are you doing, Tyler?” Josh asked, “shower don't stay hot forever!” “Yeah,” Tyler answered, attention not really on his friend. He cracked open the Procreate tab and before he even had time to examine it, Mike gave him an ass slap knocking his hands toward the tab, causing a much finer and more sandy powder to shoot out of the can. “Oh shit,” Tyler said, Mike not hearing him as he walked toward the shower. The powder quickly flung into the air and Tyler gave it a short sniff, not realizing just how much he had inhaled. It smelled like a dry desert and the powder burned his nose. Tyler started coughing but seemed to like the feeling as his eyes got focused and a new energy surged into him. He took another whiff. “Cool!” he said. Tyler shut the tin box, not caring to read whatever note was printed on the Procreate label, and re-locked the locker, strutting himself down toward the showers, a renewed energy flowing through him. The guys filed into the long, open gang shower and Tyler took his usual place in the middle shower head. His buddies filling in around him. Tyler had never felt more comfortable then where he was now, actually surrounded by his athletic friends and being a true part of the team. For a moment, Tyler nearly forgot about his former self, both the jock who used to have this body, and the man he was before. He nodded and shook off his history, “this is who I am now” he told himself. “I'll figure out some way to make Ricky disappear later.” Being around his naked buddies, Tyler did feel at home, but he was starting to feel a little too comfortable even for himself. The energy from the powder was going to his dick, or so he thought, and it was starting to wake up. One the one hand, Tyler was surprised to have gone this long in his new body without thinking of his sex tool, but now he was in the middle of the showers and his dick was growing. “My man is coming up!” he shouted, a jock-like instinct in him to show it off. The other guys started chuckling and giving Tyler shit for the accidental boner, or so they thought, but it didn't take long for them to notice it was more than a boner that was growing on Tyler. It seemed his whole body was growing. Tyler's breathing accelerated. He was getting hot. He stepped out of the shower head and stretched his body. “oh shit, guys!” he shouted, “god I feel like I'm growing. Holy shit it feels GOOOD! YEAH!” he shouted again. Tyler's balls started dropping like boulders as his dick went beyond horizontal, stretching out and gaining girth as his testicles grew low and heavy. Stretching his abs and waist he noticed it start to expand as well, creating new layers of muscular girth as it locked in his quads and sharpened his adonis belt. “Mmmm....” Tyler couldn't help but revel in it, it all felt too good. By this time most of the team had stopped paying attention to the water running over them and stared at the growing beast before them. Tyler's ass pushed a hard bubble outward as his pubic hair started to grow with more veracity over his legs and ass and up his abs, the water matting it down like a fur. His abs locked deep grooves as his pecs flattened and nipples widened, hair growing over them. His shoulders started bulking up and outward as his back muscles reached up and around them, building into his biceps and triceps and thickening his neck, chin and head. “Fuck yeah! MOOOREEEE!” He shouted, grabbing his dick without any conscious thought. Tyler started pumping, he couldn't help it. “Join me, team!” he shouted, taking a minute to open his eyes as his team stared hypnotically at him. “I said join me!” The team, in a trance, started tugging at their dicks one after the other, staring at the growing beast before them. “I'm here to spread this power,” Tyler cryptically said, “to procreate it...” The team started scooting closer to Tyler, watching him pump his dick as they attempted to follow. “Fuck yeah...” they said as their own orgasms started to build. Tyler could feel his dick building, his balls churning, he was nearly ready, his semen ready to spread out to his friends, “Ohhh SHIIITTT!” he shouts as his balls fling into him and one, after another, after another, huge shot of dark yellow semen shoots from his body and onto the floor and onto his teammates. The naked team was shocked at first, having been sprayed by their friend they were afraid, but it didn't take them long to gain confidence. Jon was the first to speak up, “holy fuck!” he shouted I'm groowwwingg! HAHAHA!” The team started cackling together as the sprayed spooge integrated into their bodies, increasing their own strength and power, their muscles growing over themselves, creating cut and sharp, masculine bodies with dicks of steel. As their asses bulked out their own balls started to drop, their boners got bigger, and their new power-laden dicks were ready for their own orgasms. Tyler took a minute to notice Charlie standing outside the shower room perplexed, afraid of the transformations happening before him. “Charlie, my man!” Tyler shouted. “Team! Share some with our manager!” Mike, being the nearest to the corridor, pulled Charlie in, getting him wet from the steam and flow of the shower water. “Come on, Charlie!” he shouted, “Join us!” Unaware of Mike's own strength, he accidentally pushed Charlie too hard, sliding him through the shower floor, wet and hot, into the middle of the transforming team. “Come on, Charlie! You won't need those clothes in a minute!” Tyler said as his dick regrew to change his friend. The rest of the team was almost ready and had their own dicks aiming down at Charlie. “Fuck yes I can feel it!” Jon said. “Charlie! Hmm...mmmm...join....us!” More showers of semen fell onto the manager, who immediately went from perplexed fear to happy acceptance. “Oh god, guys!” he shouted, “I'm fucking grrrroooowwwwwing!” he restood, ripping his shirt in half as his own muscles started gaining strength, his abs deepening as he felt, for the first time, muscles of true athletes. Charlie ripped his jeans and yanked down his boxer briefs as the last of the semen integrated into him. “YEESSS!!” he shouted. Cackles filled the shower room corridor.
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