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  1. Buenas, para los que no le conocen, ya llevo un rato en esta comunidad, trate de publicar antes pero no podía seguir con esa historia, pero quería contar más, dejaré aparte la primera historia que hice, quizás después de la retome, quizás no . Otra cosa que aclarar es que, está historia va a tomar en cuenta que quieren que pase en el siguiente capítulo, elegirán alguna de lss ideas que propongan y también pueden comentar algunas que les gustaría ver. Está historia está totalmente en español, si alguien quiere traducirla puede hacerlo. Capítulo 1 tesoros del ayer. Mi nombre es Michel, tengo 19 años, soy un estudiante universitario de intercambio del otro lado del país, vivo en un departamento con mi roomy Carl, ambos vamos a la misma universidad pero diferentes carreras, el va a medicina y yo voy a nutricionista, amo los deportes y el cuidado del cuerpo, aunque no es que haya logrado destacar del todo en alguno, más bien era de la gestión de tiempos y estrategias, así que quería llegar a ser entrenador, ¿Cuál deporte? Uno de boxeo, mi abuelo era antes un luchador, y en casa siempre había recortes de periódico y algunos trofeos de su carrera como luchador, una parte de mi quería llegar a ser como él, yo estando en el ring pero mi madre nunca me lo perdonaría, aunque eso nunca me impidió intentarlo alguna que otra vez a escondidas. Cuándo me da tiempo la universidad, voy al gimnasio de mi localidad, uno de los más viejos y reconocidos de la ciudad, Empire of steel (el imperio de acero). Muchas leyendas se forjaron ahí dentro, o eso dice su folleto de entrada, la verdad es que el lugar se siente viejo, atrapado en la década de los años 90 pero está en buenas condiciones. No llevo tanto en el gym, apenas voy para mí segundo mes aquí, así que no es que tenga la mejor condición, soy peso ligero aún, pero al menos puedo presumir que tengo el estómago marcado. Mis estadísticas hijo: Altura: 1,75 m (5,7 pies) Peso: 70 kg (154 libras) Masa corporal grasa: 10% Tez: delgada No era nada sorprendente, mi metabolismo es muy rápido así que me cuesta subir peso, aunque estoy aprendiendo a como subirlo con mis clases, quiero estar totalmente seguro en lo que estoy haciendo antes de meterme a una dieta y arruinar mi progreso sin querer. E tratado de hacer que Carl se una al gym, no para que se vea espectacular sino que se cuide, él es un genio pero con malos hábitos y lo sabe, es un poco más alto que yo y aunque no come mucha comida chatarra es muy sedentario así que tiene grasa acumulada. Pero aún así si tengo a alguien que me acompañe en el gym, es mi guía aquí desde que me uní, David, o como es conocido, el joven Hércules, un tipo bastante guapo, de buena mandíbula con barba corta, unos hermosos ojos verdes y su cabello castaño en punta, tiene mi misma edad pero es mucho más grande que yo, no solo con su altura de 1.85 m (6.1 ft) sino también de peso, él ya es semi pesado y cerca de llegar al pesado, con unos buenos 85 kilos (187 libras) de músculo, también quizás algo de grasa,no tiene los abdominales tan marcados pero no puedes discutir con sus brazos que parece que tiene una pelota debajo de su piel, venas gruesas que registran todo su brazo hasta los dedos de las manos, un gran pecho amplio el cual se nota que se depila seguido para que se aprecie las fibras musculares cuando levante la barra de 118 kilos (260 libras) su era lo más increíble que tiene, podría cargarme con facilidad si él lo quisiera, y hacer peso muerto conmigo; él también trabaja las piernas, siempre usando shorts cortos para mostrar sus piernas gruesas tan anchas y bastante bien marcadas que me recordaba a un tronco de un árbol mediano, fuerte y que solo crecerá para ser más grande e imponente, eso era lo que se esperaba de David, que llegó a ser un culturista de renombre pero él no está tan interesado,más bien lo atribuye más a algo genético para estar así que realmente esforzarse. Lo envidio y admiro en secreto. Pero basta de él, debo concentrarme en mi rutina la cuál era el pecho el día de hoy, estaba levantando unos 59 kg (130 lb) no era mucho pero era un progreso bastante bueno, antes y ni podía levantar la barra, si que estoy feliz por ello. Mientras iba terminando con algo de cardio en la máquina de correr, siempre me preguntaba, qué personas habrán recorrido estos pasillos, correr sobre estás máquinas, levantar los pesos más pesados, y llevar en alto el nombre del gimnasio que los llevaron hasta su máximo potencial ; claro que estaban colgadas las fotos de esas leyendas en el mural de la fama al entrar al gimnasio, pero a lo que me refiero es a sus historias, que tanto trabajo les tomó llegar hasta la cima. De cualquier modo estaba internet para ello y ya también era hora de irme,eran las 9 de la noche y tenía que dormir temprano para los exámenes de mañana, fui a las regaderas y estuve ahí un poco más de lo normal, tenía asuntos pendientes ahí abajo después de ver cuerpos tan trabajados casi toda la tarde, cuerpos esculpidos en mármol por Miguel Ángel, un arte viviente creciente y con lo mejor de todo, que se pueda tocar y llevar a casa. Una vez liberado de ese deseo, salí y me vestí con el cambio de mi casillero número 22, podría decir que ésto era de lo más antiguo del local, los casilleros, estaban ya bastante desgastados, les faltaban algo de pintura y algunas partes estaban oxidadas , varios clientes se quejaron y quisieron cambiarlos pero el antiguo dueño siempre tenía excusas para no mover ni un dedo por ello.tenía asuntos ahí abajo después de ver cuerpos tan trabajados casi toda la tarde cuerpos, esculpidos en mármol por Miguel Ángel, un arte viviente creciente y con lo mejor de todo, que se puede tocar y llevar a casa. Una vez liberado de ese deseo, salí y me vestí con el cambio de mi casillero número 22, podría decir que ésto era de lo más antiguo del local, los casilleros, estaban ya bastante desgastados, les faltaban algo de pintura y algunas partes estaban oxidadas , varios clientes se quejaron y quisieron cambiarlos pero el antiguo dueño siempre tenía excusas para no mover ni un dedo por ello. tenía asuntos ahí abajo después de ver cuerpos tan trabajados casi toda la tarde cuerpos, esculpidos en mármol por Miguel Ángel, un arte viviente creciente y con lo mejor de todo, que se puede tocar y llevar a casa.Una vez liberado de ese deseo, salí y me vestí con el cambio de mi casillero número 22, podría decir que ésto era de lo más antiguo del local, los casilleros, estaban ya bastante desgastados, les faltaban algo de pintura y algunas partes estaban oxidadas , varios clientes se quejaron y quisieron cambiarlos pero el antiguo dueño siempre tenía excusas para no mover ni un dedo por ello. — ¡Oye, Michel! ¿Qué haces aquí tan tarde todavía? — Dijo David semi desnudo, apenas con una toalla en la cintura y acercándose a mí, había olvidado que su casillero está cerca del mío, el número 47. — Oh… hola, David, yo sólo… quería esforzarme más este día, ya sabes, poder conocer mis límites y expandirlos, como tú siempre dices. — le contesté con algo de vergüenza en el tono aunque seguía teniendome como si no me importara. — Pero bueno, mira que tenemos aquí, ¡un futuro luchador que quiere llegar lejos! Eso campeón, da tu mejor esfuerzo. — me toma del cuello con su brazo para poder despeinar mi cabello aún mojado. Él siempre es así, bastante amigable, activo y que no conoce el espacio personal, aunque no me importaba mucho estar tan cerca de él. — ¡Oye, basta! Ya me había peinado. —me quejé aunque riendo un poco, disfrutó realmente de su compañía, como el hermano mayor que nunca tuve. — Solo me alegra que estés dando lo mejor de ti mismo. Recuerdo que cuando llegaste eras un insecto palo andante, ahora ya se puede ver carne debajo de esa piel. — Me suelta y prosigue con lo suyo, abriendo su casillero y comenzando con su desodorante de menta y romero, típico de él, casi que ya son olores característicos de David. Mientras tanto voy dando unos tacos de ojo de vez en cuando, para ver cómo es que luchar para ponerse su playera blanca intencionalmente de una talla más pequeña de la que debería de llevar. — Oye, ¿quieres que te ayude? Parece que ahora sí vas a tener que cambiar tu armario por unas tallas más grandes. — Naaa, yo puedo, quiero llegar al punto dónde se desgarre con solo hacer flexiones, quizás una semana más y no tendré cambio para salir del gimnasio decentemente. Me sonrojé con el pensamiento de solo imaginar esa escena de verlo aún más grande y notar como su ropa se va desgarrando frente a mí. Por suerte él parecía tener prisa, se vistió rápido y se despidió de mí a su manera, un choque de puños y un abrazo fuerte para presumir fuerza, aunque… solo conmigo hace eso. Ya casi terminaba con mis cosas, solo faltaba luchar con el casillero para que cerrase, de que no te iban a poder robar nada podía casi confirmar eso, algunass estaban ya oxidadas o algunas llaves perdidas, ese era el caso incluso del casillero de al lado , el casillero 23. Ese casillero no se a abierto en años, según las leyendas y rumores del gym, le pertenecía a un culturista de principios de los 2000, Amari Stone, un culturista que estuvo a punto de ganar el Mr Olympia dos veces , y en las dos quedando en segundo lugar, era un hombre con casi el doble de ancho de una persona, pesando el triple y aunque no era tan alto, definitivamente tampoco era bajo, medía 1,82 m (6 ft). Su carrera parecía que iba por gran camino, pero a sus 37 años tuvo problemas cardíacos por un soplo en el corazón no diagnosticado.Y murio a sus 38, Iba saliendo del local, pasando por el muro de la fama, de los que llegaron a llevar en grande el nombre del gym, y ahí estaba la foto del legendario Amari Stone, compitiendo en el Mr Olympia del 2002. Me acerqué para verlo mejor en la foto, aunque no sabía bien sus estadísticas, diría que fácilmente pesaba 130 kg (287 lb) estaba claramente definida, sus músculos eran grandes si, pero en buena proporción, aunque a él siempre le gustaba resaltar pecho y brazos, además de sus piernas . Muy parecido a David… en ese sentido, quizás si él se interesará llegaría tan lejos como Amari. Toque un poco la foto, recordando los dedos por el cuerpo de Amari, imaginando cómo se sentiría un cuerpo así de trabajado. Y cuando ya iba a irme, que escucho que algo se cae y se rompe, temía lo peor, me giré y ahí en el suelo estaba el marco de fotos roto. Trate de rápido recoger los fragmentos de vidrio y la foto antes de que viniera el hijo del dueño, aunque no era severo como su padre, tampoco es que me llevara muy bien con él, era un idiota que abusaba de esteroides y acosaba algunas chicas, por suerte ahora mismo quizás y está en privado con una en el baño.Así que solo iba a poner la foto en el escritorio y tirar el marco, pero entre los trozos de vidrio y la foto, estaba un pedazo de metal que no correspondía con el marco de fotos, lo tome con cuidado y al levantarlo ví que era una llave con el número 23 en ella, no lo pensé mucho, ------------------------------------- ¿Qué les gustaría que haya en el casillero número 23? -Esteroides especiales. -Algo para pedir deseos. -Algo para robar músculos. -Ropa usada. Los leo quiero que sea una historia larga y con la participación de la gente.
  2. BetweenTheLines

    Late Night Workout

    --- This is my first story, so comments are appreciated, but please be kind --- --- I'm also planning on posting some captions over on my Tumblr ---- It was after midnight and the gym was dead, but that was the way Marcus liked it. Marcus was a beast of a man, handsome, tall, and incredibly muscular. After finishing college, he had honed his naturally athletic physique into one that of an amateur bodybuilder. But that wasn’t enough for Marcus, he wanted to be truly huge, so he turned to a cocktail of chemicals to push his physique beyond his natural genetic limit. Marcus roared as he threw around huge amounts of weight, relishing in the pump that filled his muscles with blood. He couldn’t get away with such a raw display of power when the gym was full during the day, so he worked out at night when he could truly unleash. After several hours of pumping iron, Marcus faced one of the gym mirrors and admired his incredible physique. His meaty pecs heaved with each breath and his huge shoulders glistened with sweat under the gym lights. Marcus brought his swollen biceps up into a double bicep pose and watched as his peaks swelled with strength. There was another reason why Marcus liked working out alone. As he posed, his pants began to tent as he admired his own godly physique. He reached into his sweatpants and rearranged his huge cock and hefty balls. Unlike most users, he had found the perfect mix of chemicals that managed to not only boost his already naturally high testosterone production but also keep his sizable package intact. Marcus squeezed his lemon-sized nuts, sending a mixture of pleasure and pain throughout his body as clenched his powerful core. “I’m a fucking beast” he panted to the empty gym. But little did Marcus know, he wasn’t alone. Watching from the shadows was Seth, a freshman from the local college. Several weeks ago, Seth was making his way home after staying late in the computer lab. While walking past the local gym, Seth caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of his eye. He turned to see a colossus of a man pumping iron with perfect form and animalistic power, his grey track pants doing little to hide the obscene bulge in his pants. Instantly, Seth was filled with a mixture of lust and loathing as he watched the raw display of power in front of him. He could practically smell the sweat that poured out of the man’s pores through the glass. Marcus was everything Seth wanted to be. Tall, muscular, handsome, the walking epitome of male masculinity. From that moment, Seth knew that he needed to take it for himself. And now, after weeks of work, tonight would be the night. As Marcus flexed, he began to feel the room get warmer. “The manager must have turned off the AC again,” said Marcus rubbing the sweat from his brow. He detected a slight smell of mint in the air but thought nothing of it. He threw a most muscular pose and watched as his huge muscles swelled in his black singlet. His singlet was drenched in so much sweat that it stuck to his body like a second skin. “Fuck, it really is hot,” Marcus cursed as he began to feel light-headed, the smell of mint growing stronger. Suddenly a wave of weakness washed over him. He found himself stumbling forwards toward the mirror before he managed to use his huge calloused hands to stop himself. He shook his head in an attempt to regain his senses as he tried to push his hulking form away from the mirror. The smell of mint flooded his senses, choking his lungs and causing his eyes to water, further clouding his mind. Suddenly he felt something slide into his pants, before feeling a small hand grip his cock. He heard a gasp as the cool hand explored the sheer size of his cock, a realisation that even in his current semi-hard state, the hand couldn’t even make it halfway around his girth. After a few moments, the hand began to run its way up and down his cocks already considerable length. Despite plenty of luck with the ladies, this had to be the most sensual thing that Marcus had ever felt. More blood pulsed through the thick veins of his cock until he was at full mast and rock hard. The hand gently pulled back his foreskin, exposing his huge mushroom head to the sweat-soaked fabric of his workout shorts and releasing a pungent smell of musk and hormones. The hand then massaged Marcus' sensitive tip, sending jolts of pleasure shooting throughout his body. “Ohhh fuck,” Marcus moaned. His muscles tensed and his back arched as he approached a toe-curling orgasm. His massive balls pulled upwards towards his body as they prepared for climax. But suddenly the feeling stopped. “Please. I’m. So. Fucking. Close,” Marcus panted as he was denied release. “What’s in it for me?” a voice Marcus didn’t recognise whispered softly. The smell of mint got stronger. “Anything. You. Want. Just. Let. Me. Cum!” Marcus moaned between waves of pleasure and pain, the veins of his cock bulging as pressure continued to build in his nuts. Seth smiled. Marcus’ consent was the final thing he needed. As he lifted the back of Marcus’ sweat-soaked singlet, the smell of salty sweat and musk filled the air. The smell of raw masculinity. He began to trace a series of runes on Marcus’ bare skin, marveling at the width of the muscle man’s back. Due to the massive difference between their heights, Seth had to get in his tiptoes to reach the giant's vast upper back to draw final runes. Marcus shuddered to Seth's touch, his back muscles twitching and flexing under the smaller man's fingers. “Soon,” Seth said to himself. Seth grabbed the waistband of Marcus’ gym shorts and with some difficulty pulled them down past his bubble butt and raging hardon. Marcus moaned as the fabric touched his sensitive cock and his mushroom head began oozing precum. Seth shucked his own pants revealing a thin, but average-length dick. With both hands, he parted Marcus’ granite-like ass cheeks. Seth pressed his dick against Marcus’ hole but was met with some resistance. He calmly reached up and pulled Marcus’ mammoth arms down to his side, before placing his palms on the back of Marcus’ significantly bigger hands. Then, as if they were his own, he guided them down to Marcus’ raging cock and began to stroke back and forth, faster and faster, Marcus’ precum and sweat lubing the length of his shaft. Even with Marcus’ saucer-like hands gripping his shaft, his swollen cock still had plenty of length to spare. The smell of mint was stronger than ever. Euphoria coursed through Marcus’ body and his cock shot out a volley of cum over the mirror in front of him. Seth felt Marcus’ defences relax. “This is it,” he whispered in Marcus’ ear, “now I ascend!”. Seth forced his cock inside Marcus’ waiting hole. Marcus fired another volley of cum as Seth pushed inch after inch into his asshole. Seth reached the point where he would have been balls deep in Marcus, but he pushed further, his groin sinking into Marcus’ muscular butt. Oblivious to what was happening, Marcus continued to ride his wave of climax, moaning as he released another spray of cum. Seth pushed further into Marcus, pushing his slender legs into Marcus’ tree trunks. His smaller size 8 feet were engulfed by Marcus’ size 14s. His torso made contact with the ridges of Marcus’ muscular back before sinking into his warm flesh. Seth pushed his small sticks into Marcus' colossal arms and his slender hands into Marcus’ larger calloused ones. He felt as if his consciousness was expanding to fill the stud's body, a rush of strength and testosterone flooding through his being. He began to feel what Marcus felt, flashes of sensation of his powerful hands on his massive cock, and the cooler breeze of the gym air on his hot, sweaty skin. Finally, as Marcus sprayed another impressive volley of cum on the gym mirror, Seth pushed his head into the middle of Marcus’ back. Everything went dark as both men closed their eyes. Seth let his consciousness envelope Marcus’, stripping it of its confidence, dominance, and animalistic drive, before pushing the pathetic remains out into the darkness. The strong smell of mint was joined by the heavy smell of musk, a cocktail of hormones hanging thick in the air alongside the smell of sweat and cum. Seth’s eyes shot open and he sprayed the last of Marcus’ essence over the gym mirror. He looked down at his pumped chest and watched it rise and fall as his heart pumped oxygen throughout his colossal form. He brought his huge hands up and flexed them into fists, marveling at the way his huge pencil-thick veins pulsed as they fed blood to his muscles. Seth felt heavy, he felt strong, he felt powerful. The sound of a door closing snapped him back to reality and he spun around and saw the janitor getting ready to clean the gym. Seth pulled up his gym shorts, turned his cap backward, and began to swagger across the gym, his cock still dripping cum into the deep grooves of his quads. As he approached the janitor with his new longer stride, he smirked, realising how much he now towered over normal men. “I left a bit of a mess, but I doubt you mind,” Seth said, noticing the raging hard-on in the janitor’s pants. “When you have as much testosterone as I do, you need to release the beast once and awhile,” Seth bragged, flexing one of his huge veiny biceps for the janitor to admire. The janitor moaned softly as a wet spot appeared on the front of his trousers. Seth snickered and turned away from the lesser man. The janitor stammered a response to the giant, but Seth didn’t care. Seth easily pushed open the heavy gym door, feeling the cool breeze on his hot sweaty skin. He took a deep breath, inhaling his new manly scent before he disappeared into the night to begin his new life as a true alpha male.
  3. Seinki

    The Possessed Lioness

    Warning: this story contains furries, female possession, killing and gore Maia is an average lioness, she is 25, she has an average height, and she is a little chubby. She lives in a large city in an apartment like many other anthros. She eats, goes to work from 8 to 4 and goes home. She spends her weekends with her friends. She finished her shift at one of the many offices in the city and she is going home. The city is full of life. Cars are moving up and down the city to their respective destinations. Maia is walking home on the sidewalk as she doesn’t own or need a car or a bike after all she lives only 5 blocks away from her job. She reaches her building, goes inside, up the stairs and into her apartment. She locks the door behind her and says to herself: “Another shift and another day closer to the weekend.” She changes into sweatpants and a loose shirt, grabs some potato chips and munches away on the couch while watching her favorite series, The City Cunts. After a few hours and a few bags of chips later, Maia gets up and goes to her closet. Looking for something to wear on the weekend with girls. After a half an hour she narrowed it down to 3. She puts each of them on with some shoes and accessories and walks infront of her mirror. She spins and looks at herself in every angle she can twist her head in. She takes the 3rd off and places it next to the rest on the bed behind her and looks at them while only wearing a pink bra and knickers. “Maybe tomorrow I should go shopping for something new.” She thinks to herself. She turns around to look at her half naked body in the full body mirror. She shrieks as She didn’t see her golden furred reflection, but that of a large black wolf. He is wearing black kilt and neck collar with gold and red lining, large gold jeweled bracelets and a cloak which shows a picture of the galaxy, but picture of the galaxy stayed in place as he moved. Golden face paint surrounds his glowing red eyes. He is showing his pearly white teeth as he grins at Maia. His huge muscular arms are crossed infront of his chest. “Hello, Maia.” He said with a deep, growling voice. She steps back in fear and confusion. She can only utter a few sounds, but not a single word. The wolf moves forward and out of the mirror that can barely contain his image. His golden sandaled foot goes through the mirror like it was just a door frame, he lowers his head and walks out of the mirror and towers over the lioness’ 170cm tall frame. Her ears don’t even reach the height of his muscular neck. Maia is in shock, but she found courage to ask a question. “W-w-what d-do you w-w-w-want… f-fr-fr-from me?” The wolf holds her chin, gently brushing his thumb on it, and stares into her green eyes. “I want to get inside you.” And with that he turns into pitch black energy and flies into her eyes turning it red. With a toothy grin she chuckles and walks infront of the mirror to admire herself. One hand rubs and slaps he chubby ass, making it bounce, and the other gropes her breasts. “He heh. Lookin good.” Maia can see her reflection and feel her hands touching and groping herself, but she cannot control her actions. Her hand moves from her ass down her panties, rubbing her pussy. “What the hell is going on?!” she asked herself, only her lips didn’t move and no sound left her throat. “You mean fuck, sweety.” the lioness said. “Huh?!” “Fuck, not hell.” She said, as she noticed the teddy bear on the bed and moves towards it, “Okay, what the fuck is going on?!” “I’m in control now, but don’t worry you can enjoy the ride as well. I took over your body, but you should still see, hear and feel everything.” She said as she picked up the teddy bear and examined it in her hand. “Who are you?! And why are you doing this?!” “I’m Sein and I’m a bored god.” She said as she places the plushie inside her panties. “At least leave Mr.Bear out of this!” “Oh, don’t be like that. We are going to have fun tonight! There’s going to be so much sex and murder, nobody will forget about this night!” “Murder?! Oh god! Somebody! Please help me! Anyone!” “You do realize I’m the only one who can hear you, right? I am the one who is speaking outloud.” Said the lioness as she humped the corner of the bed, pushing the bear into her crotch. “You-you are disgusting!” “Believe it or not, I’ve never been a woman before. I feel so different.” She said. “Yeah, you and me both.” Some music can be heard coming from above. Through the music, knocking and slight moaning can be heard. The lioness looks up and asks “What’s that?” “That’s my neighbor, Tom. He has a woman he picks up at the bar with him every other night.” “Seems like he got someone early today. It’s like 7.” “Yeah…” Maia thought with slight disappointment. “We should join in on the fun!” Sein said through the lioness’ body. “What?! NO!” “Oh come on, I can sense your attracted to him. It will be fun!” “No! Even if I would agree, I can’t let him see me like this!” She walks up to the mirror and look in the reflection. The mirror shows the lioness in her pink bra and panties with the teddy bear in it. The brown bear is creating a pink bulge. Its legs are sticking out the top and its arms are sticking out next to the thigh on each side. “You are right.” The lioness proclaimed. She raises a hand and snaps her fingers. Her body began to change. She grew 20cm and the bodyfat on her body almost disappeared. Her breasts and ass became larger and firmer. Her belly is flat with the form of lesser abs, the fat on her arms disappeared without a trace. Her breasts and ass bulges around the fabric of her undergarments, struggling to contain her assets. She became fitness model with a plushie in her pussy. She grins, satisfied with the new form. “Not what I had in mind.” Maia told Sein. She chuckles as she walks over to the fridge. “Sounds like you don’t know what men want.” She said as she opens the fridge and opens a pack of hotdogs. “Sounds like you’re a perv!” Maia struck back. “Correction, we are pervs. I doubt that you won’t enjoy what’s about to come.” With a hotdog in hand the lioness walks up the stairs to the door of the neighbor and knocks loudly. Tom is bull who spends most of his freetime in the gym working out. His short brown fur leaves little to the imagination. Fibers of muscle are visible all over his large arms, legs and chest. Veins are visible all over his biceps, pecs, abs, quads and dick. His beefy ass moves up and down as he pumps his cock into the horse he picked up at gym. She is pretty fit as well, all the major muscle groups are clearly muscular. She has barely any bodyfat, but she barely has any breasts and ass. The two of them have been going at it for like five minutes, kissing and licking each other’s body, when someone loudly knocks on the door. They pretend they didn’t hear it and keep going. Another, louder knocking can be heard from the door. The bull gets up, groaning. His horns are almost reaching the ceiling as he stands. “Who the fuck wants to die so badly?!” He stomps his way to the door, shaking the apartment. He doesn’t bother covering his body as he opens it, and before he could say anything, he looks surprised at his lower neighbor. The lioness was looking up, at the muscle bull, with her innocent bulging red eyes. She licks the hotdog sticking out of her huge tender tits. Her tongue reaches down, and pulls the hotdog into her mouth, and swallows it whole. “Heyyyy” she said with the cutest voice the god could force out of this body. The lioness rubs the bull’s abs and stands closer, pushing the tip of the bull’s hard cock into her belly. “Hi… Maddy, right?” guessed the bull. “Maia” she corrected him. “I was taking a nap downstairs and heard you were having a sleepover. Can I join?” She asked staring innocently into his eyes. She then steps back making a sad face. The bull just then notices and stares down at the teddy bear in her knickers. “Or should I leave?” “N-no. No! Come in and join us!” Said the bull. He steps aside and lets the feline in, feeling like he won the lottery. “Hee hee, okay!” She said as she walked past him. He looks at her perfect ass as she walks straight to the bedroom. “She walks like a man but she’s hot as fuck!” he thought to himself. “Well aren’t just a good little bitch?” poked fun Maia at him. “You must be really popular with the other gods.” He tried to keep the face on her unfazed of his anger. She pinched her arm. “Ow! Bitch!” barked Maia. Tom stayed behind to close the door, he can’t believe some as hot as her just joined in on a threesome out nowhere. He walked back into the bedroom to see the horse and the lioness kissing each other’s body. Their hands ran over their shoulders, the sides of their breasts and down groping each other’s ass, all without separating their lips. Tom’s raging hard on was leaking pre just from the sight of them making out. The mare slowly pulls back, she takes out the teddy bear out of the big cat’s panties. She smells the bear and then starts licking it, all the while Tom is staring at her with widened eyes. She licks and sucks on the bear until it’s soaking wet. She throws it aside and stares into the red eyes of the feline like she is hypnotized. The lioness just gives her grin showing off all her sharp teeth, and with that the mare starts kissing and sucking her neck. “Whoa, girls give me some action too!” interjected Tom. “Then be a big boy and conquer us!” teased the lioness. Challenged by a woman, the bull snorts loudly and stomps towards them. He pulls them apart then pushes them on their backs, they land into soft, sex smelly mattress. The feline looks up to him with an anticipating smile, the equid was breathing hard from the sucking however her face was somewhat unfazed. With his strong hands Tom snaps the knickers and bra, and rips them off of her. He gropes her large tits and pushes his face between them. While Tom was busy motorboating, the lioness gave a quick glance over to his gym partner. The fit mare sprung to life and began rubbing the bulls veiny, muscular arm and back, licking and kissing his shoulder and neck. Tom moves up from her chest and starts kissing her on the lips as he moves his 30cm cock into her pussy. She wraps her legs around his waist, as he thrusts. The sound of moaning and his sack slapping the feline’s ass fills the room. He grunts with every thrust, she can feel the veins pumping blood into his dick inside of her, making her feel like she is by fucked and tickled at the same time. The cuckolding mare is just worshipping them as they fuck, licking, kissing, rubbing up to them as they fuck. “I never had a dick like this before!” said Maia as she feels that she is getting close. Her vagina moves as she orgasms, it massages his cock making him cum as well. “YEAH!” yelled the lioness as she feels hot cum filling her. With a last few thrusts, cum spills out making a mess in the felines crotch. Tom finishes the round with a kiss and pulls out. “Oh-okay, I have to admit, this wasn’t such a bad idea after all.” exclaimed Maia, feeling looser from the orgasm. “*pants* That was… it was great! *pants*“ Tom pants. “Now, how about I play with you?” He asks as he holds the horse by her cheeks. She just stares into the void with a blank look on her face and little drool running down the side of her mouth. “The fucks with her?” asked Tom. “Who cares!” exclaimed the lioness as puts her hand on the horse’s face. “Let’s do it again!” she yelled as she shoves the other girl aside. She used a little to much force with her push, the equid flew across the room, the wall cracked and blood spattered as she impacted. The crash broke the back of her head open. Gravity pulled her down off the wall. She fell forward exposing her brain matter to the eyes of the other two. “WHAT THE HECK?!”screamed Maia. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” exclaimed the bull. His eyes are wide with shock. The lioness glanced at the dead girl and looked back at him like she is used to the sight. “She is dead, whatever. Now come and dick me!” She demanded. “What’s wrong with you?! You kill someone and then demand me to fuck you?! What the actual fuck?!” “What? A tank like you never killed someone before?” “What?! NO!” “Well, that’s very disappointing.” “Disa- ? What kind of monster are you?!” “Oh, I’m just some dude who possessed your neighbor. It’s pretty obvious, no? I mean my unnatural red eyes are a dead give away.” “OH MY FUCKING GOD!” “Ha ha! Yeah, that’s me!” “Wait, so you’re a guy?!” “Inside a woman, yes,” “So does that make me gay for having sex with you?” “I’m glad that you’re focusing on the most important thing here. Yes, yes it does.” The bull glances over to the corpse and starts backing out of the room. “It was fun but, I have to go home now.” He says. He then spun around and tries to book it for the door. Before he could even start running, the busty lioness was standing right infront of him. She put her hand on his chest and pushed him back into the bedroom. “I think you should stop, now!” said Maia. She was like an unstoppable force, he couldn’t put up any resistance to her as she casually pushed him back. With a significantly weaker shove, the muscle bull fell back on his bed, it creaked loudly as the heavy beast landed on it. The feline, like a true predator, crawled onto the bed with her eyes locked onto his. She growled as she crawled on top of him. Reaching his waist, she sat on his lap as she spread her legs. She opened to a perfect 180°s, showing some impressive flexibility. “Woah! Okay, I didn’t know my body could do that!” exclaimed Maia. Her feet dangled down each side of the bed. She slid his now slightly flaccid cock into her and began to ride him. She is jumping on his lap making his cock fully hard again. Her ass and tits bounces as rides the muscle bound bull like she owns him. She moans, he grunts and the bed creaks as her ass repeatedly slaps down on his lap. They both arrive to their climax. Tom lets out a Moo as he cums a hot load into her again. The lioness lets out a loud roar as the tingly sensation of feeling each other’s orgasm is better than before. It was so good, she began to squeeze her legs closed. The crunch of the bed braking echoed in Tom’s head as he felt his waist getting tighter and tighter. He looked at her shocked, seeing her intent in her eyes, as she gave him a sadistic toothy smile. “Aaaaargh!!” “STOP!” demanded Maia. “Don’t hurt him!” “You have no say in this. You’re only along for the ride.” said Sein. The bull wails in pain as his waist is slowly crushed by the smaller female. His pelvis audibly cracks, then floorboards are crunching together as her feet moves, closing in on each other, like two fingers crumbling a piece of paper. “LET HIM GO!” Maia yelled. Like he didn’t even hear her crying, Sein kept using Maia’s body like scissor, as her legs pulverized his pelvis. Blood and cum mixed on her crotch, crocodile tears flowed from the bull’s eyes as he yelled. Her legs opened, the broken bull and the debris of his bed fell to the ground. Without all the blood, his body looked like someone played around in photoshop, with his comically thin waist. All Maia could do is cry and say no, as she is unable to control her own body and stop the madness. “Please…” begged the broken bull quietly. “All you and Maia can do is complain.” Said Sein through the lioness. “We are having the time of your lives and all you two say is “Please don’t hurt me!” and “Let the love of my life live!”. I mean, just look at this!” The bloody bimbo reaches down and puts the horse’s head in her ass and flexes. The dead girl’s head flattened with a sickening crunch. Her body fell to the ground, blood puddled from her headless neck. Bloody mush dripped from Maia’s ass. “Oh yeah! That feels good!” said Sein. “Oh God!” Maia exclaimed. The bull could only groan as he watched the lioness desecrate his gym partner’s corpse. “I thought a big guy like you would find it fun to crush lesser people, but when I saw how you went from fun fuckboy to scared bitch when I threw this cunt, I realized just how pathetic the mortals in this realm are. Oh well, more fun for me!” With that the lioness grabbed him by throat and lifted him to her eye level. She gave him one last kiss and said: “All this made me hungry, I could eat a hamburger!” She threw him back and picked him up by his feet. “Don’t! Please let him go!” Maia begged. With a short chuckle, she pushed the bull’s feet into her fanged mouth, and slowly started to suck him down her throat like an oversized spaghetti noodle. The size of her mouth and throat didn’t change so the bull had to slide down a 6cm diameter tube which was her esophagus. His feet were merged together as they entered her mouth, her fangs cut into his claves and quads as he was being eaten alive. Inside her neck the bull’s body became a poor excuse for salami, as his flesh slid into the acid pool which was her stomach. His waist wasn’t much to talk about since it was already tenderized. The bull wails as his bones are being pulverized, his muscles are turned into mush, and as his already screaming nerve endings are burned up in the acid. Sein is enjoying every moment of this, he even grabbed for his cock, only to remember his in a girl’s body right now. Maia was screaming for him to stop, not realizing the wolf even enjoyed making the incapable girl cry. The bulls rock hard veiny 8 pack are crushed down to like it was made of sponge. The crunching intensified when it was time for the chest. His ribs shattered one by one, piercing his collapsing lungs. His racing heart was strangled by the bones and muscles being forced down by the superior lioness’ mouth. The bull is long dead, since the pressure created by the feline’s jaw made all the blood vessels in his brain burst. His skull made the loudest crunch compared to the rest of his body. As his head went down the hole all that remained was his stretched-out arms, with the big mouthwatering biceps. The bull became one with the bloody lioness. All that remained in the apartment was a headless corpse, and a sadistic wolf god and a city girl in one body. Maia didn’t speak to Sein after he made her body eat her crush. Sein proud that he made two people suffer with a little snack made the lioness grin. He made her stand infront of the mirror. The bloody bimbo did a double bicep pose, there is barely anything that bulged up as she flexed, but suddenly she began to grow. Her muscles grew exponentially, her arms went from spaghetti to tree trunk in a second, her gravity defying breasts grew larger than her head and were pushed further by a pair of insanely thick pecs. Her flat belly grew forming a perfectly carved 8 pack, which was pushed almost into a roidgut shape. Her ass and legs had so much muscle she could have jumped up to the rooftop of a building or landed from any height with them. Her neck was almost gone from all the muscle. She became as big the bull was, only she had larger bumpers. The smell of testosterone is being emitted from her armpits and crotch in the form of steaming musk. She posed a most muscular, her muscle fibers were almost visible through her fur, but the vast network of veins were 100% visible. As flexed harder her eyes and veins began to glow red, only fading as she released. She loosened down, relaxing all her muscles. With pride, the wolf observed his latest work through the eyes of his creation. The lioness groped and fondled herself infront of the mirror, enjoying her hard muscles and her large tender tits. Forming a fist, she bashed her belly, even when relaxed the muscles were very dense, giving the bash a solid thud. Maia was completely silent, traumatized by what happened and forced witness everything what’s about to come, she only wishes that her essence was killed so she wouldn’t have to suffer more. The hulking predator made her way to the bathroom, with very audible but gentle steps. She walks through the door like it wasn’t there, exploding it into fragments. She looks into the bull’s bathroom mirror only to see the bloodied lower part of her muscled torso. She bends forward and puts her hand on the sink, crushing it down. She looked at her reflection again, seeing her evil toothy smile and her breasts covering the rest of her muscled body. She turns around and moves towards the shower, along the way she “accidentally” broke the toilet by crashing her foot through it. She stepped in the shower and began to wash off all the blood and gore from the playtime. Bone fragments were washed from her ass, those that weren’t crushed small enough began to pile up on the drains filter, making the bloody water go down more slowly. With her ass and most of her crotch was completely clean, she moved the showerhead towards her vagina. The water sprinkling it, gives a tickling sensation. She puts the showerhead into her vagina, it crunches it and eats it. Her cunt pulls on the shower hose all by itself, tearing it out of the wall and swallowing it and crunching it down to nothing. Grinning with satisfaction she steps out of the shower, not caring about water spraying from the wall. She gets a towel from the closet and dries herself as she heads back to the bedroom to Tom’s wardrobe. She looked through his clothes and puts on something that’s seems the most comfortable. She is now wearing large steel toed boots, a pair of jeans which are so tight around her legs, the reveal the form of the muscles of her ass, quads and calves. She is also wearing the dead bull’s yellow t-shirt that has “BULL-DOZER” written on it with big black bold letters. The shirt fitted Tom just fine but on her it was tight because of her massive tits which were almost wider than her shoulder. The shirt’s inscription was stretched so much it was as if when it was typed space was pressed after each character. Her nipples were clearly visible through the fabric. The stretched shirt’s bottom was somewhat loose below her breasts, but it still couldn’t cover her abs. The sleeves seemed like they would burst from a flex. She is standing infront of the mirror grinning at her appearance. “What are you planning?” asked Maia, already fearing his answer. “I heard there is hot new club in town. We should party a little!” said Sein. “Oh no.” The lioness kicked down the apartment’s door and thumped her way to the roof. The steel roof access door was pulled out of the hinges and stayed in her hand as she walked on the roof. She looked at the door. She threw the door like a supersonic frisbee. It flew through the building infront of her like a hot knife through butter. Rebar enforced concrete, bricks and windows broke as the door flew through a dozen buildings in its path, even killing some people. Some were hurt by the debris but mainly people were cut in half by it. Satisfied by the act of destruction, she turns to the direction of the night club. Lights can be seen shining the sky and music can be heard from the club that is few kilometers away. She jumps up and flew over the city. The sight of the city is overwhelmingly beautiful, but Sein is concentrating on landing somewhere more secluded, not wanting to skip to early to the best part of the night. A car drove into a dark alleyway. David, a rich cougar driving his expensive car, parked in the middle of the alleyway. Next to him is Jennifer, his fox girlfriend. David turned off the engine as Jennifer unbuttoned and unzipped his pants and pulling out his hardening cock, which weirdly smelled like aftershave. She then reached up into her red dress, pulled down her lingerie and climbed into his lap. The couple gave each other a smile, signaling to each other that they’re ready. The fox road David, her moans were only interrupted by the cougar kissing her. Unnoticed by them an old homeless mouse was watching. He began to stroke his pathetic little cock as he watched the couple making love. She sped up as she was getting near and… Two feet landed on the roof of the car, pushing it down to the bottom of the seats, brutally killing the couple. The sudden thud and exploding glass made the old mouse fall on his back. He looked up to see a hulking lioness in what appears to her childhood clothes. The car underneath her was completely crushed, it’s belly broke into the asphalt of the alley. She was looking straight him with her red predator eyes, smiling at him with her fangs. She started walking towards him, her first step on the hood of the car, the metal squealed as it bent to shape of her footprint. His instincts kicked in. He got up and tried to run. Hearing the thuds of her pursuing him. Being pathetic as he was, he tripped and fell after only few steps. He looked back up and all he could muster was “Please!” The steel-toed boot landed on his head but there was no weight on it. The boot that was bigger than his head was just gently pushing down on his nose. His eyes were watering as he stared at the sole. “Heheheh. How polite.” Chuckled the lioness. She then brought her weight down and flattened it with a load crunch. She walked out of the alleyway, a few meters into the light her footsteps stopped stamping the ground with her bloody soles as she strolled into the city. She walked a few blocks, finally reaching the night club. The neon sign on the front said: “Club Fang” She stopped on the other side of the street. Sein thought for a second on how he wanted to do this. There is a long line infront of the entrance. A few bouncers are guarding the door. He could make her brute force her way in but that would cause a panic and force the following fun to be a simple rampage and not allowing to bait some pathetic mortals into a more intimate fun time. Backdoor it is then. She walked into another dark alley. The backdoor was under the single light shining in the alley, and unsurprisingly there was a bouncer next to it. A bored-out-of-his-mind muscle-bound bull with a black shirt that said SECURITY. He is nothing near to the level that Tom was though. He was looking at his phone when he heard thumping getting closer to him. A huge, clawed arm grabbed him by the neck and pulled him into the darkness. With her fingers tight around his throat, he wasn’t able to make sound loud enough to get help. He gasps constantly as he pulls and hits the arm unable to free, his feet kicking in the air. He is held face to face with the lioness, he looked at her with shock as she licked her lips. She put out her tongue and moved it all over his face, covering him with her hot saliva. She then forces her tongue into his mouth and pushes body against her breasts. She pulls out, her hand still on his throat and breathes on his face. “Let’s practice killing without blood.” She breathily whispered. “Please! Just no more killing!” pleaded Maia. “Play with me as much as you want! Have as much sex through me as you want! Just please! Don’t hurt more people!” All Sein heard from the pathetic begging was “Hurt more people!”. With a grin, he continued. She brought her other hand onto his shoulder and pinched it, and with a crunch his shoulder was completely pulverized. His arm fell limp, dangling by his skin. He would scream but her hold on his neck prevents him from lamenting his pain. She lowers her arm down to his thigh. With her thumb in the front and two fingers in the back she broke his femur in half, but with care not to break the skin. She then held him by the torso and with her other hand she pushed his neck to side with crack she broke his spinal cord. His body fell completely limp as she tossed him to the depths of the dark alley. She grabbed the door by the handle and broke the lock as she pulled it open. As she entered, she broke the doorframe with her shoulders and head, bringing some broken bricks inside with her. She walked through the corridor, past the storeroom, the door in the end. She opened this door a bit more gently. It dark and crowded in there, lasers and strobe lights flashed around the dj. There were tables off to the walls where people are mingling with each other and a bar next to the she entered in. There is a VIP Section upstairs with soundproof glass, her new destination. She wasn’t too conspicuous, she wasn’t even the biggest in the room, there were few giraffes in there and some rhinos, elephants and hippos, most of the look like they spent some time in the local gym. She walked into the crowd, a lot of people didn’t notice her, it’s the middle of the floor. They are too busy jumping to the music or rubbing against each other, until she got close. Some noticed her and gave her some space as she walked by, some got walked into and fell over, but nobody tried to pick a fight with her. She makes her way to the staircase that led up to the VIP area. As she finally got through the crowd, she was stopped by rhino with a security shirt. He was taller and wider than her by at least 40cm and looks like he lives at the gym. “Name?” He snorted. “Maia.” “You’re not on the list.” “I am on the list.” She said as she waved her hand infront of him. “You ARE on the list.” He corrected himself like he was brainwashed. “Enjoy the party.” She stomped up the stairs. Sein thought to himself on how much fun he’ll have with the rhino later as she made her way to the VIP lounge. There are some couches against the wall opposite of the soundproof glass, each sectioned off from each other with fancy walls and curtains to make it more private. In the middle of the wall there is a door guarded by two wolves between two seatings, most likely the boss’ room. A more exclusive bar on the other side of the room from the stairs and a sunken couch panned across in front of the window offer a better view of the party downstairs. The VIP section is packed, some are slightly more prestigious local dealers, few are some people who know people, most are some rich kids showing off to each other, and some more expensive escorts. She looked around to find something fun. As she surveyed, Maia the spectator, saw some familiar ladies sitting in one of the private seatings. Another female lion, a cougar and a leopard. “Are those my girlfriends? How come they’re here in a VIP section? Why didn’t they tell me?” Asked herself Maia, forgetting someone can hear her think. “Let’s find out!” said Sein. “Oh no. No nonononononono!” She moves towards them. The girls can be heard talking from far away with ear’s enhanced by a god. “… she is so bland and boring!” Said Haley, the cougar. “Yeah, she would make this night awkward with if she was here.” Added Rhianna, the lioness. “But she is still our friend. She helps us so much at work. It feels wrong.” Said Nicole, the leopard. “That’s why give her company on every Saturday afternoon!” Said Rhianna. “She gets what she is owed, and we can have some real fun by ourselves!” “Yeah! Do you want her to keep some of the best guys aw…” Nicole cuts off as she stares at the hulking figure infront of the three of them. “Oh, hey girls! Didn’t expect to see you here!” Said Sein acting as if he was actually Maia. “MAIA?!” they asked in unison. “Yeah?” “Y-you… you…” Stuttered Nicole. “You look… different!” finished Rhianna. “Yeah, I guess you can say I’ve been working things out! Heh!” Said Sein through Maia. “You know that bodybuilder bull neighbor of mine? We had some fun together. Anyway, I’m gonna go play with the big-man of this place and we’ll have some fun later. Okay?” Said the hulking lioness as started moving towards the guarded door. “WHAT THE FUCK?!” they asked in unison as they stared at her until she got out of their sight. “I can’t believe that they think so badly of me.” Maia exclaimed. The wolves were stunned by the lioness that approached. She quickly picked them and held them both against her body with one arm, entered the room and quickly closed the door behind her. The room was lavish, expensive carved wooden desk on the other side with an empty seat staring at the door. To the right some filing cabinets and a personal bathroom, to the left a personal bar and a hot tub. Sitting in the hot tub is owner of the club, a short rabbit known as Mr. Cad, he is quite slim with short brown fur with five rings in his left ear. He is accompanied by 2 busty female rabbits. All three of them are naked. “What the flying fuck?!” says Mr. Cad in shock. All three are staring at the big cat with two wolves in her arm. She changes her hold on the wolves. She is now holding one in each hand by the neck, and with a flick of her thumb she breaks their neck and tosses them aside like ragdolls. The two ladies scream as they climb out of the tub in an attempt to flee to the door. The feline jumps at them and with her feet, knocks them back as she flies in the air. She lands with a foot on each of them, One on one’s face and the other on the other’s chest, both of them crushed to death underneath the lioness. Mr. Cad, is frightened but he tries to hide it, and attempts to intimidate the cat. “Who the fuck do you think you are?! Do you have any idea...” “No and I don’t care!” she interrupted. “Now, shut up and prepare your dick for my pussy!” That last sentence is what killed his remaining courage. The thought of having sex with the murderous beast both scares him and excites him. She flexes her arms, detonating the sleeves on the ridiculous yellow shirt. With a quick bounce of her pecs, the front explodes revealing her huge tender tits slapped onto the rock-hard muscle. What remained of the shirt was a lower ring and the back. It fell down to her waist and now served as belt like accessory. She walks towards the rabbit, with every step she flexes her legs shredding her pants. When she was standing infront of him all that remained was a jean panty. The rabbit was still sitting in the tub, but with more of a frightened and contracted posture. She extends her foot. The bloody boot stopped few cm’s away from his face. The little rabbit is breathing hard as he thought he would lose his head there. She can hear his heart beating at a record rate. “Take it off.” She ordered. He gave her a scared glance and immediately unties the boot and tosses it aside. She puts the other boot in his face, without a word he takes that one off too. She grins menacingly. She places her thumb in what remains of her jeans and with her claw she cuts it off. She steps into the tub and sits down into the water, most of it floods out at the edges as she crawls on top of him. “Now where’s your cock?” she says as she looks down into the water. She shrugs and pushes her muzzle into the hot water and drinks it up. In mere seconds the water level went down to his ball. The water essentially disappeared as it didn’t appear in her form. His now revealed little bunny dick throbs in fear on what’s about to come. She puts the tip between her fangs and closes her lips on it and sucks. Her lungs suck him with such power his ass is lifted from the tub floor as his dick is pulled as deep into her mouth as it could go. The pressure made him cum in 10 seconds, his little load impacting on her throat. “Aaaaahh!” He exclaimed. She dropped him out of her mouth, sat back with the tub making a load crack as it broke under her. She put her feet up on each side of the hot tub with the bunny between them. He stares down at her pussy. “Now, do your thang.” She said. He nervously went down and approached her with his mouth. “Oh! I lost my showerhead earlier today. I would appreciate if you could find it for me.” She said with a sarcastic grin. Mr. Cad just stared up at her with increased fear in his eyes. He brought his lip to pussy and started gently kissing it. He licked the surface around it then massaged the clit. He then moved his tongue into her and started licking and slurping. It was a nice tingly sensation, but not exactly what Sein wanted. “What’s the saying? Fucking like rabbits? C’mon, show me what your made of!” She encouraged. He moved up so his dick could reach her vagina. His head was completely imbedded in between her tits. His hip moved slowly thrusting into her. “Don’t you dare go gently on me! Start pumping me like you mean it or I’ll get over you and do things myself, and I fuck like TRUCK!” she barked. He immediately started humping like his life depended on it, his head still hidden between her breasts. He kept it up for a solid two minutes, until he had to release. Another funny little load exited his dick this time, in her cunt. He dropped himself down onto her muscled abdomen. He heaves very hard as tries to catch his breath. The lioness rolls her eye, she puts her legs down and gets up with him in her hands. With a hand on his ass, she moved the rabbit’s dick to her vagina and pushed him into her. Mr. Cad tries to resist but he is both too tired and way too weak. He was groaning, begging for her to stop. She thrusted him into her again and again. The rabbit is very stimulated, his cock is hurting as he is forced to pleasure the brute’s inside. Tear’s roll on down from his eyes, he begs her to stop, she doesn’t care, in fact she is getting more and more turned on by the laments of the puny rabbit. After a few minutes she stopped, not because she came or that Sein felt I tiny bit of mercy. Maia’s other hand moved up stopped at his head, on his cheek. She pushed her oversized thumb into his mouth and started playing around with his tongue. She looks him straight in the eye with a sense of superiority on her face. The boss of the establishment just looked up at her like an innocent little baby, his face is wet from the tears. “Suck.” She commanded. Like the pathetic child he is, he sucked her thumb like it was a binkie. He suddenly bit on it as she started pushing his cock into her again, but this time harder. The sound of slapping was loud as their bodies collided. After more than 30 thrusts, Mr. Cad’s pelvis begun to audible crack. Her overpowered hand on his ass is starting to break his body. His pelvis cracks more with each collision into her muscled vagina. After a dozen or so pushes into her and *SNAP!* his pelvis is in to pieces, shatters into more as the lioness show any sign of stopping. He can only flail as his arms, let out muffled screams and bite against her thumb, which barely even felt like nibbling to her. She slaps him into her more and more, what’s between her cunt and hand slowly becoming pulverized. The sound of bodies slapping against each other are slowly changing into a sound of meat mushing. His cock is the last thing that’s still hard on that part of his body, and even that is starting wear thin, literally. His cock is bleeding as its being grinded down by her muscle pussy. She pushes him slowly as she orgasms. A last few thrusts, and she lets his crushed ass go of her bloody hand, but he doesn’t fall to the ground. Her pussy is holding onto his cock tight. She is still cumming. The muscle of her vagina are moving from the orgasm. The muscles pull him as her pussy quickly opens and closes with more of him in her. Her vagina feeds on him like a dog eats kibble from a bowl. Crunching and mushing him heightens and prolongs her orgasm. His tears are now dry on his face since he ran out tears long ago, her thumb still in his mouth. Her claw pierce’s the roof of his mouth and as she feels better and better she growls more and more loudly. She pulls his head off as his body folds in half. What was his pelvis is now in completely in her. His legs are against his back and his neck flooding blood under her. She raises his dead head to her eye level. With increasing growling and purring she moves her tongue into his mouth and makes out with the head as she eats his corpse with her pussy. His body hops deeper into her, his femur is crushed into dust and mixes with the mush that was his intestines. The corpse moves higher up, his ribs are crushed one by one. Soon his torso is gone. The hulking feline only stops kissing the severed head to moan and roar. The sight of the big muscle cat is somewhat comical, as she is standing, kissing, and between her beastly thighs a pair of arms and legs dangle. The dead limbs are slurped up. Her chiseled body doesn’t even bulge slightly, from the bloody feast. As the body is gone her orgasm ended. She gave the head gently kiss on the nose and lowers it down. With a sickening series of crunching her vagina consumes the head, this time as if she was eating a hamburger with her mouth. Taking bites out of it. She doesn’t have any teeth in there, but with the power within those vaginal muscles, she might’ve had them. The pussy is dripping with blood as literally consumed someone. She slaps her harder than stone abs. “Why does these terrible acts feel so good?” Maia asked as she feels an ecstasy mixed guilt. “Heh! It can get even better!” answered Sein. END OF PART 1 Part 2 The group of felines were sitting in silence with shock written all over their face. After minutes of silence Rihanna, the lioness spoke up. “Ok! So was our little chubby Maia cosplaying as a hulk just now or was I daydreaming?” She asked her friends. “I think she got hungry and ate a few bodybuilders on the way here.” Said Haley. “Now’s the time you stop being rude with her, even behind her back!” Exclaimed the leopard. “With people like that, the only thing that gets smaller with them is their tolerance. Just imagine what she would do to us now if she felt we were using her.” “For the last time, she doesn’t feel used by us! We fairly compensate her for her efforts with a little weekend mingle.” Said the cougar. “Yeah, but do you think she feels that way after catching us in the most exclusive club in town and didn’t tell her we’d be here? Or if she catches whiff that we make fun of her behind her back? She would KILL us! And now that she is stronger than the bouncer, she might literally do that!” said Nicole worryingly. Rihanna started feeling worried as well, but Haley was starting to feel more at ease. She started to normalize the thought that her little friend suddenly became Ms. Universe barely changed anything, and she honestly believed that Maia would be grateful for them to spend some time with her. “I think Nicky is right. We should be more careful with her, for now at least.” Said the lioness. “Oh c’mon! She might be a truck now, but she should still be grateful to have some of the popular girls’ attention!” said the cougar smugly. “This isn’t right! Murder shouldn’t feel this good!” Exclaimed Maia. “Murder is fun to the alphas and sucks for the omegas!” replied Sein. “Tell me bitch, are you a weak little omega or are you a true alpha?” “… weak or strong doesn’t matter, murder is still wrong! Right?!” “You should give in to the awesome sensation of power! You only fear murder because of the cuck mentality! Your scared of pissing off some nonexistent authority when you could become the one true alpha! You could do what you want and make the cucks bend to your will! IF you are an alpha, of course. Now tell me are you an alpha?” “I dunno, I still think it’s wrong.” “Well good thing I’m in charge and not you! Now, let’s have revenge on your friends!” “No! NO!!! Leave them alone!” “Bitch please! Even now, they still think your lesser than them! Listen!” “Let them be!” “Shuttup and listen!” “She’s still the same pushover Maia but with a new body!” Said the cougar “People don’t change, I mean mentally. She might be a truck now, but she is still the same pathetic bitch who does all my assignments since high school. I’m willing to bet I can make her pay for all our drinks tonight! Haha!” “We should play it safe for now Haley!” said the leopard. “Bitch please! She can’t handle a confrontation. She burfed when she tried to explain to her parents when she tried to stand up against her brother. She will never be more than pushover virgin, trust me!” Maia felt as her world fell apart. She listened to her so called friends through the wall as they made fun of her. All the extra homework, then the heaps of paperwork she took on for her friends. Every time they did something together, she paid all the bills. They never saw her more than a cash cow, a bitch. Immense sadness and anger started to fill her mind. She was seeing red, her anger was getting more and more uncontrollable. Sein sensed this, so he quickly gave the control back to Maia. Maia closed her hands in to fists. The sharps claws were pushing into her unpierceable skin. Her veins got more visible through her fur, forming a roadmap-like pattern all over her body. The definitions of muscle became more prominent as she clenched her entire body, trying to hold back her rage. Even her breasts flexed with what seem to be muscle fibers and pulsing veins all pointing at her nipples. Sweat started to drop from her armpits and other pubic areas. Her hot body turned the majority of sweat into a musky steam, that filled the room almost visibly. People that were on the dance floor were moving their bodies to the rhythm of the DJ’s beat . The music was loud, but not loud enough to cover what sounded like a roar. “RAAAAUUURRRRGH!” People started to turn their attention to the VIP section upstairs, as more monstrous roars and some things breaking could be heard. Maia was standing in the gaping hole in the wall that took down a part of the ceiling with it. Her thick scent filled the noses of everyone there. The muscle monster was making sounds, that could only be described as mini-roars, as she took heavy, angry breaths. Her eyes, almost emanated her fury, locked onto her soon to be dead friends. The leopard turned to the cougar with smugness written all over her face. “Told ya.” Maia let the out a powerful roar that sent debris flying. She began to charge the group of felines, picking up more momentum fast. Her footfalls shook the room, making more of the ceiling fall down. Her feet almost shattered the floor beneath them. She pounced, in midair she grabbed Haley. Each hand is big enough to wrap more than halfway around her. Maia’s powerful grip crushed the cougar’s torso and arms down to a thin rod, then quickly she ripped her apart and tossed her halves aside, all before she landed on the ground. Like a crashing locomotive, she flew through everything in her path. Tables, chairs and guests were all crushed in her path. She was finally stopped by the thick wall at the end of the room, which almost broke down trying to stop the beast. People started screaming, some from the pain of their pulverized body parts, most from the panic of the sight of someone getting ravaged infront of them. Maia like a predator, got on 3. Her feet and her right arm, her left arm clenched in a fist beside her. “RRAAUGHTS WHRAUGHT YOU DESEUURGH!!!!” she said roaringly. With fire in her eyes, they locked back on the remaining two. Her claws cut into the ground as she leaped up at them, with an attempt to hammer them down with each fist at once. The leopard had the reflexes to jump away just in time, but the lesser lioness didn’t even have enough time to gasp. Like a beer can under a hydraulic press, she was crushed, her head went straight down to her feet. All what remained of her was a bloody, gooey puddle in a fist shaped crater. Nicole didn’t look back as she ran for her life. She was making a B-line for the exit. The predator turned for the leopard. As her eyes locked onto the final target she began to move after her. The exit door swung open, the muscle-bound rhino bouncer stepped in. He immediately spotted the bloodied beast and knew, that’s what needs to bounce. Maia, focused on Nicole, was head-butted in the side and pushed off course, letting the leopard escape. She crashed to the side but unphased by the strike. She got back up. Her baser instincts told her to deal with the rhino first then se can play with the prey. The bouncer kicked the ground back and snorted like a bull getting ready to charge, he began stampeding towards the feline. She started running on all four, her hands grasped the ground as she pulled herself towards the rhino, her legs kicked some of the concrete up as she leaped at him. The predator landed on the bouncer’s head, hands on his horn and the back of his head, and her legs imbedding her claws into his stomach. Maia had the momentum advantage, making the rhino fall on top of her as they slide, his mouth between her breasts, he unintentionally motorboated her as they slid across the room on her back. She put an arm under in his armpit, made sure her feet were deep in him, and with both legs kicked his lower half clean off. The lower half of his spinal column and some entrails dangled from the defeated foe as she got up. Her hand still on his horn she lifted him to eye level, the rhino taking his last breaths just barely, looks at her with shock and tears in his eyes, tried to say his last words but only coughed up blood. Her rage began to fade. She dropped the man, tears formed in her eyes, as guilt started to seep in. She felt confused, with sorrow and anger. She wipes her tears, smearing blood all over her face. “… Nicole.” She spoke under her breath. “I gotta find her!” The bloody feline looked out the window, down to the party, she quickly spotted the leopard making a break for the side exit that led to the alley. People on the dance floor were all standing still and looking at the entrance of the VIP section with curiosity. VIPs were running and screaming in a panic as they were fleeing. The section’s windows were all one-way mirrors, so they could only make guesses to had what happened. When the bloody, sweaty hulking beast came into view everybody dropped their curiosity and began to panic as well. Some college football star elephant didn’t, he thought he was tough enough to take down the beast and be the hero of the night. He quickly charged the lioness. Maia was having none of it. Without even looking at the jock, she right hooked the elephant in the face. The fist’s impact sent shockwaves across his face. Skin teared from the waves traveling across him. His trunk, tusks, jaw and fragments of his head all flew in different directions. Some of his upper vertebrae decided to escape as well. Screams intensified as the body fell. She ran towards the exist to the alley. Not wanting to be caught by her in the tight corridor, everyone tried to run and get around her to get to a better exit. Some even jumped out the windows. THUMP! THUMP! THUMP! She thundered her way to the exit, tearing into the walls with her thick triceps. Nicole just got out into the alley. She can hear more screaming when suddenly, the big girl appeared in the already busted doorframe. The massive beast ignored the width of the frame, breaking through the tight hole, taking some bricks with her on her shoulder. The leopard fell over fell over from the jump-scare and before she even had the chance to get up, the lioness’ bloody hand was throat lifting her, her feet flailed a meter over the ground. The cold nightly air further emphasized the sweaty steam she is emanating and gave her a visible aura. Steam is also seeped through between her teeth, her lungs puffing it in the leopard’s face. With anger and tears in her eyes and blood around it, she stared into Nicole’s wide, crying eyes. “WHY?!” Maia boomed “HOW COULD YOU TREAT ME LIKE THIS?!” She shook the smaller feline. “I FUCKING BENT OVER BACKWARDS FOR YOU! AND YOU HAVE THE AUDACITY TO TREAT ME LIKE THIS?!” “I… I… sorry…” said Nicole while trying to get to as much oxygen from the musky air as she can. Sein was sitting back this whole-time letting Maia do her thing. He was proud of himself for getting her to rampage. But he is sensing that Maia has pity growing for her friend, she might even forgive her. Sein wasn’t about to let his work pushing Maia into violence go to waste. He began planting thoughts into her mind. Thoughts that Nicole was using her more than the rest, but she hid it better, everything is her fault, in the corner of her eyes she saw her laughing at her, and so on. Maia’s heart was racing faster with each new memory. “YOU AURGH THE WOURGHST!!!!” she roared. She grabbed the leopards head with the other hand and crushed it with all her strength. Her thumb was on her nose when she started crushing her skull. The entire muzzle collapsed under the insane pressure. Skin, blood and bones flew in all directions. The top of skull flew up like the cork of a champagne bottle, spraying brains 20 meters high. Both her eyes flew out their sockets, bounced on the lioness’ tits, and went down her cleavage. The skin of her neck stretched and ripped being too weak to hold on to the body. It fell to the ground pooling blood from it mangled neck. Maia held her massive arm out for a solid minute, trying to crush the remaining flesh between her fingers out of existence. She broke down sobbing, bawling her eyes out. After five minutes of crying and not noticing the sound of sirens getting closer, she asked “Why?.... W-why did you do this?” “My sweet bitch, I had nothing to do with this. This was all YOU! YOU were in control, not me. YOU killed them. And I can sense that you would do it all over again if, you could. I know you enjoyed it.” Sein taunted. As much as Maia hated to admit it, he is right. She did enjoyed it and wants to do it again. Conflict grew in her. Should she try to be a good girl again or should she embrace what she discovered and just enjoy herself. Her thoughts were interrupted by four antelope police officers, who skipped every decency to talk and just opened fire on her. To their chagrin the bullets were ineffective, unable to pierce her anywhere on her body or head, even failing to make her beach ball breasts jiggle. But instead of retaliating, she remained in place and contemplated on what to do. “Come on Maia!” egged Sein “To be a true alpha, you have to teach the pests their place, or they’ll just treat you like a bitch!” The final word he had used was the straw that broke the camel’s back. The ground shattered beneath her feet as she roared. The anger she lost not long ago ignited once again. She began stomping towards the police, menacingly growling as she closed the distance, like a predator approaching a cornered prey. Their guns fired the last bullet. They were now completely powerless to stop her. One officer attempted to flee, the second he turned his back, Maia like the predator she is, took this as her que to attack. Like a bowling ball, she was targeting the middle of the group and plan on dealing with the stragglers later. She was leaving a vapor trail of steam behind her, as her body generate increasingly more heat. A little earlier: A many of the people who exited through the front entrance decided that they were just going to simply gather out there, trying to make sense of what they saw and making social media posts of it. A bunch of police cars and SUV’s pull up, they stopped in the middle of the road, and quickly jumped out of their vehicles, guns in hand. Most of them went in, the rest began surrounding the place. Many bystanders started recording cops with their phones. A small herd of four antelope cops went to check the alley way. They stopped in their tracks, drew their pistols and fired down the alley. All cameras were focused on them. The sound of growling, then ground shaking thumps came from the alley with increasing frequency. The bystanders were all observing as the lioness came out of her den, to go for the kill on the four little antelopes. She kicked the one who tried to flee. On contact her shin was parallel to the cop’s torso and so powerful, his ribcage caved in and almost cuts him in half. He was sent flying, crashing into brick building across the street. His muzzle and most of the bones in his body were completely crushed from the impact. Like in old cartoons, his body peeled back, since it had no structure to prevent it from bending like that. He fell headfirst into the pavement, breaking what remained of his skull and crushing his brain as he impacted the hard ground. Like a bullet, what remained of his spine slid through the bottom of his skull through the grey-matter and imbedded itself in the pavement. She grabbed the middle-left officer, he screamed at the top of his lungs as Maia quickly pulls him closer. She put his head in her mouth, her sharp teeth easily pierced not only his flesh, but his skull to. She pulled and ripped his head and part of his spine out of his body. She crushes the limp body in her hand and tosses it aside as she turns her head left and aim up her muzzle with another antelope. She filled her lungs with air through her nose and quickly empties it. The burst of air coming out of her throat, fragmented the skull down to little pieces and sends them flying like some hyper shotgun. Bloody mist came from her mouth, blocking visibility and as it sets, everything in a 20-meter range is now covered in blood and small shredded chunks of flesh. Maia’s tail wagged in frustration, blowing wind behind her. She turned her head right, and over her massive boulder of a shoulder looked down at the remaining antelope. The officer was on his back, clearly fell back from devastation he witnessed his colleagues endure. He was shocked not only beyond moving but thinking, staring at the muscle beast who earlier that evening ate bodybuilder bull with her vagina. “My turn now!” Interjected Sein. Maia’s face changed from an angry disgust to a wide, evil smile, indicating the change in management upstairs. She raised her arm as if she was showing of her right lat, she jumped up, holding the pose. All he had time for was to start raising his arms to block his face, but she lands on him as his arms are halfway at their destination. Blood splattered all over her. The brief sound of the pavement and bones cracking was heard. She got up to look at what she had created. The pavement like wet sand took the shape of the massive muscles of her arm, lat, legs and even her massive side boob, with a cobweb of cracks surrounding it. What remains of the officer is the flat print of his skin, cloths and blood stains on the pavement and on her. She then noticed the group of bystanders staring at her. “ YOU BUGS THINK I GOT WHAT IT TAKES TO GO PRO?!” boomed the influenced feline with the same sadistic grin. Most are too frightened to move, but a handful of them enjoyed it, and gave her an encouraging answer of: “Yes!” and “Hell yeah!” “Glad you shits agree.” she said under her breath, as she walked over to the nearest lamppost. She grabbed the post, her fingers dented into the metal. The possessed lioness ripped it out of the ground and with supersonic speed, threw it at them like boomerang. Its speed created a deafening boom, but that was not the upmost concern for them, as their upper torsos were falling to the ground since they were no longer attached to their legs. The lucky few who were tall enough, are screaming as the rest don’t have intact lungs to make some bloody gurgles. Behind them, half of a building collapsed from the impact of the lamp post. Sein is a bit disappointed but understands that it’s more of miracle that the soft metal did that much damage past the bugs. The ruckus attracted the attention of the officers who were elsewhere looking for a big monster. A total of ten cops were swarming through the alley and front doors. They weren’t hesitating a second, as the moment they spot her they started firing. Most had regular pistols, and lucky few had pump action shotguns and armalite rifles. Bullets were stopped and ricocheted off from all over of her. Most were bouncing off her abs and tits, some were aiming for less muscled areas like her kneecaps and face, some well-aimed shots were bouncing off her eyeballs. All the effort for no effect. “HAHA! Look what I got you!” He laughed to Maia. “Have fun!” Maia’s facial expression went from the evil grin to that of blind fury as she regained control. “RRAAAUGHRRR!!! FUURGHK YOU!!!” she roared, as she hooked a punch into the wall to her left sending rubble at the seven cops infront of her. The debris did little damage to them, but it blinded them for a second as they had to cover their face. One second of blindness was enough for her to close the distance as she got within arm’s reach of them as they opened their eyes again. The cops in the alley were sprinting to keep up with her, to keep her in their sights. Maia used her arms to sweep them aside. Her powerful forearms cut five of them in half. A tougher one, a hippo, was remained in one piece, only receiving a collapsed lung, a broken ribcage, spine, and a massive forearm shaped dent in his chest. He made a hole in the wall as she sent him flying. He was one of the luckier ones because the shock from the impact Maia’s massive arm killed him instantly. The rest of the half-men had few more seconds of painful existence before the lights went out. One officer was left standing infront of Maia. She put her hand behind his head, and slapped him into her abs, splattering his head out of existence staining her his blood and painting a bloody stripe pointing down at her vagina, as the body fell down to the ground. “HAHAHA! My, my! My whiny little bitch, I must say! You make me proud! How about a treat, my pet?” Sein said in a condescending tone. Maia moaned of ecstasy as she started growing to double the size she just was. Her network of veins glowed up red all over body and head as she grew. Her sweating intensified, as her entire body became soaking wet. Her armpits are generating as much musky steam like they were pressure release valve. Saliva almost foamed from her mouth. She stopped at five meters tall (~16 feet) and almost as wide with muscle. The enhanced feline was too big for any door or any means of public transport, not to mention anything that wasn’t strong enough to support the weight of the tank would collapse under her. Her mouthwatering tits got so big, a full-grown man could easily fit in each of them. The three officers got around the corner just in time to witness her growth. They were staggered at the sight of the massive beast. The raccoon with the shotgun however quickly snapped out of it, and courageously sneaked up to her while she wasn’t paying attention. He quickly pushed the shotgun up her ass and fired. The pellets had no effect on the god-enhanced anus. Maia was paying attention now. With a lighting fast swoop, she decapitated him with her tail. More sirens can be heard approaching, as Maia started walking towards one of the police SUV in the middle of the road. The lights everywhere around her flickered as she repeatedly printed her feet into the pavement. Her mouth is stuck in an evil, snarly expression with drool dripping from her predatory mouth, since she succumbed to her more basic instincts and the power of testosterone. The two cops decided to book it and were running off as far and as fast as they could. Two black armored SWAT trucks appeared around the corner a few blocks down, racing towards her with lights flashing and sirens screaming. The beast reached down with her massive arms to pick the SUV, her veiny bicep bulging up to the width of a tractor tire. She throws it at the incoming trucks. Her throw was powerful but sloppy, as only one truck had to course-correct to dodge it, and even then, just barely. “Ugh! You throw like a girl! Let me show you how it’s done!” Said Sein. Instead of taking control away from Maia, she was pulled forward, towards one of the trucks. She was traveling at a staggering 900m/s (~2013 MPH). This was made even more astonishing by the fact she was barely any aerodynamic, and her massive feet were cutting half a meter deep trenches as she went. So much air is pushed aside that the wind she blasted was shattering windows, ripping lampposts out of their place and flipping some lighter cars. This time the driver of the first truck had no chance to avoid the gigantic projectile. The truck exploded as it collided with the breasted bullet. The men inside all splattered from the change of the momentum. The large v8 motor block exploded from collision, sending fragments flying, like giant grenade. The rigid cast metal shards shredded the other armored vehicle, leaving massive holes in it, not to mention the frags took huge chunks out of the surrounding buildings around her. The frame of the vehicle started morphing around her. It completely took up the shape of the muscle woman and became a steel, skintight dress. The force pulling her ceased as she hit the target, but her momentum remained. She was rolling and bouncing as the laws of physics affected her again starting slowing her down. Cars, trucks and city buses were all devastated as she tumbles through them with great force. She came to a halt lots of kilometers away, right at the other edge of the business sector of the city. “Now that’s a throw! HAHAHAHA!” laughed Sein, as Maia got up with surprised still, monstrous look on her face with her new ‘dress’ still on fire. The massive metal on her screeched and screamed as it bent from her movement. She walked up to one of the glass buildings to look at her reflection. The black steel left little to the imagination due to how tight it was, trying cover the bottom of her cleavage and barely reaching down to cover half of her thighs. Not only her abs and other muscle are visible through it, but even most of her veins. The majority of the flames were burning where what once was the fuel tank, was now locate: at the bottom of her breasts, and they reached just high enough to cover her nipples. “Heh! Smokin!” exclaimed the god. It was definitely a sight to behold but, both of them were starting to grow annoyed of the constant screaming the metal made as Maia merely breathed, so the feline grabbed it, ripping it off of her body and casually casted it off behind her, whooshing into the night sky like a rocket. In a slummier district of the city, two drunk foxes were exiting a bar, when one of them get a ping on their phone. “Duuuude~, ther~there’s like this chick with the bi~urp! Biggest… tits in the wor~ uurp! The world!” He said while he tried to keep his balance. He turned his screen towards his friend who was also barely conscience. He leaned forward and squinted at the screen while his head moves in a circular motion. He started making a dumb, drunk smile and slowly opened his mouth as his brain tried to generate a comment. *SLAM!!!* A massive metal plate with the shape of massive breasts and abs landed on the grinning idiot, covering not just his pasted body but the splattered pool of blood as well. The fox with the phone fell back from the surprise. He sat up and stared at the sexy metal. “WHAT THE -!!!!” he yelled just as his mouth started to reject his nights drinks. Maia was grinning at her reflection. She began flexing and admiring her new body. She put her arms up into a double bicep pose, releasing two smaller clouds of steamed musk. Her massive veiny peaks pulsed with absolute power. She then lowered her arms and put them on her hips, as she flexed and bounced her pecs. The movement of her pecs by themselves were very impressive, but with the giant orbs attached to them, made the scene even more amazing. Since her flesh isn’t of normal soft flesh, they completely resisted changing their perfect ball shape. So far nothing was able to make them jiggle, not even as they hop with her pecs. They’re movement with the thick slabs of muscles was almost comical as they nearly hit her muzzle. Sein just laughed at how much she enjoyed her new form, and how he got her drunk of power from what lizard fart of strength he gave her. She spun around on her heels, pulverizing the pavement under her feet. She bent over, looking back at her steamy, muscular ass and legs, and what magnificence lays between her musky cheeks. She spotted the buildings security staring at her through her reflection in the glass. The 1.8 meter-tall grizzly bear had his jaw hanging in awe of the sight of the massive female. She straightened back up and turned around, all the while staring at him with a snarly, slobbery grin. She made earthshattering steps towards him. Her unbelievably hard nipples alone shattered the glass on contact. She thumped her way to the security guard who was still unable close his mouth, move or even notice the leaking in his pants. She bent forward to be closer to his eye level. She let out a growly chuckle as the bear is fixated on her mouthwatering cleavage. He started stretching out his arm to reach his newfound dream. Maia suddenly flexed her pecs. Her wrecking balls leaped forward not only breaking every bone his arm, but his muzzle and ribcage as they slam into him, sending him flying. He soared in the tall reception area and bounced off the ceiling which is roughly at four stories in height. He fell back with parts of the ceiling and landed on the edge of the large granite reception table, cracking it and snapping his spine into two. His colleague, a beagle, witnessed this without Maia noticing his presence. He was in cover, crouched behind the escalator, shivering with fear with his taser in hand. The city police have dispatched all six of their helicopters. They are following the trail of destruction and craters which start at the last known position of the SWAT team they deployed. Spotlights were shining on the mess as the choppers reach the financial distract. They received word that the silent alarm was tripped in a building at the other edge of the district. Making an educated guess, the police chief, an older boar, ordered all units to the location through the radio. Patrol officers and SWAT teams are deployed. Every officer on call is heading to the location, only knowing it’s very serious. The officers off call have already received a wake up and have been placed on standby. The sound of helicopters reached Maia’s ears. “Sounds like more funs coming our way!” Sein said gleefully. “Think you could swat some flies?” “HELL YEAH!!!” boomed Maia, shattering all windows with her deep, powerful voice. The hidden beagle nearly fainted from the shock. She stomped her way outside. The beagle urinated himself as the shaking ground made him constantly bounce up. The growing puddle beneath him started splashing back up on him, but to his fortune, the power predator failed to notice his increasingly wet presence. The second she put a foot outside three of the six helicopters locked their spotlights onto her. She covered her face as she was blinded by the lights. The other three unnoticed by her, dropped down ropes and were unloading a group of 6 SWAT officers each. Before she even began plotting the destruction of the blinding choppers, bullets started bouncing off her back. She glances back. A few cops are shooting her as the rest were climbing off the rope. She immediately thundered her way to the first rope. She stomped on the bug of the cop down to a large foot-shaped crater. She grabbed the rope and yanked the chopper down. Those in the open door and on the rope fell down to their death. It crashed and exploded right on top of her. She grabbed the bent wreck in her right arm and quickly stormed for the next rope. She kicked the unfortunate officer at the rope out of her way, turning him into a bloody mist and a couple of mangled limbs. Another yank and now she had two burning wreckages to play with. After witnessing two helicopters crash within mere seconds, the pilot of the third police helicopter decided to pull up the rope and increase the altitude. “YOU CARGHNT UGHSCRAPE!!!” she roared at the chopper. Maia spun in place and with massive momentum threw the wreck in her right hand. Her powerful throw dramatically missed the helicopter by more than 30° than the intended path. Her face changed from her snarly confidence to pure disbelief. “Oh, for fucking out loud! How can you suck so much?!” yelled Sein. “Step aside!” Maia’s face changed to a more annoyed expression. With a casual swing the wreck flew and hit the chopper square on. The rotor blades all broke as they contacted the second wreck. The thrown copter fell straight down on to a parking garage, almost going through the top floor, while the other one picked up its momentum flying into the side a of a tall hotel, giving a rude surprise to those who were watching the commotion through their windows. It broke into 3 rooms and due to how weak the floors are, the crashed chopper fell through more rooms, sliding out of the building, creating a tear-like hole. “See?! Simple!” “AARGH! Your just lucky!” replied Maia. “No, you just suck!” said Sein as he walked Maia to the nearest lamppost, it’s light flickered as her steps shook the ground. Maia’s muscular veiny arm reached for it, her fingers as thick as her arms were yesterday, caved into the metal. She ripped it out of the ground like it wasn’t even bolted down. With the double light branches acting as fins she tossed it like a supersonic spear at one of the choppers targeting its spotlight. Sein’s aim for the center of the light is spot on. The base end of the post blasted through the light like bullet, but due the fact that the chopper was sideways and the location of the light being under the hull, it only took the copilot’s foot with it. However, one of the branches made a huge incision in the cockpit, taking most of the controls, the bottom half of the pilot and the rest of the copilot. The bird was spinning out of control as it fell from the night sky. It crashef on the mostly abandoned street. The lucky, a few injured SWAT members began crawling from the wreckage. “Heh! Three out of three!” chuckled Sein. “THE FIRST ONE WASN’T EVEN A REAL THROW!!!” Screamed Maia. “Still counts!” The police chief, having followed the radio chatter and video feeds of the choppers, ordered the remaining birds to fall back as they are too useful to be lost this easily against the monster. He also orders what SWAT team is left in the city to follow it, report it’s position and to avoid contact with it at all cost. He also had the regular cops prepare to evacuate the city, then he picked up the phone to make some calls. “Huh, they’re retreating. Must have gotten scared of some pussy cat!” snickered Sein. “I guess we have to find our fun again.” “BUT I STILL WANTED TO PLAY WITH THE FUCKS!” whined Maia. “Shuttup bitch! There’s still an entire city to play with!” Maia, still under Sein’s control, thumped back into the glass tower. The poor wet beagle that was still in hiding and shivering, thought it’s his chance to run. Halfway across the room he was caught by the feline, backed turned. Sein liked the idea of witnesses, but this one just wasn’t to his liking. Maia ripped a piece of metal framing, that once held a window. The poor guy didn’t even notice that the she-hulk spotted him. He suddenly fell to the ground. He didn’t understand why he can’t feel his legs anymore. A pain started growing unbearably bad in the middle of his body. He looked down at his body, to see that there was a 5cm hole below his ribcage. The piece of metal went through him so fast he didn’t even see it. It went through his spine, then some intestines and exited through him, all in a blink of the eye. He just noticed that he has the monster’s attention. “Four out of four.” Said Sein, as he stomps Maia towards the injured dog. “He isn’t dead yet!” replied Maia gleefully. “Unlike you I hit what I was aiming at, so it still counts!” Answered Sein. The security guard tried to crawl away, but the closing stomps throwing him higher and higher made it increasingly difficult to escape. He left a short trail of tears as he pulled himself forward. The violent steps made him hit his head in the ground. Maia was standing over him, by now his broken nose was bleeding violently. “Turn over!” Commanded Maia. The welp complied. He painfully pushed himself with his arms, his limp legs made it more difficult. He finally he flopped over. He can see the lioness’ super muscular form from one of the best angles ever. Thick muscular thighs towering up, between them a slit containing her clitoris, a thick network of veins growing from it, down her legs and up her hard brick wall of abs. She stared at him between her massive wrecking ball cleavage. “FUCKING RIP HIM APART!” barked Maia. Sein lifted Maia’s foot up, hovering it over the dog. He was almost sobbing as put up his arms trying to defend his face. “Look up!” She commanded. Tears filled up his eyes, making it difficult to see. After a few hard blinks he could see the lioness foot over him properly. He reached up to feel it. It felt very hard and dirty from the all the craters it created. Having something so deadly hovering over him made him feel like he would empty his bladder again, if he could. “See this? This is where you belong!” and with that Maia’s foot casually went down on him. The welp put as much strength into holding the foot up as he could muster, but he couldn’t even press in on the skin not to mention even slowing it. His arms went down until his elbows reached the ground. His right arm started getting folded into an uncomfortable angle. His left arm however was stuck in perfectly vertical angle so his bones in his forearm were splitting at length, bending and breaking in half. The skin also split releasing flesh, bone shards and blood. His wrist was pulverized, his palm, only connected to loosened skin, fell beside him. As the foot reached his torso, his right arm from his elbow was completely gone. His skull popped. The sound of moist cracking filled the air. His skin and cloths ripped as his insides attempt to escape from tremendous weight. Like soft sand, the ground was imprinted with the shape of the immense foot. “Hah! Don’t even need any effort to kill your kind!” Laughed Sein. Maia started walking towards the center of the building, leaving a trail of bloody footprints, with the skinvelope of the guard was still stuck to her foot. The center of the building was just a large hole for the main elevator shaft, that is behind a half meter thick concrete wall. Of course, it’s no challenge for a real monster of woman like Maia to get through. She effortlessly walked through it. They were caught off guard however on where the hole began. Maia fell down the shaft, tumbling through some support beams. She had about a 50 meter fall from where she started. At the bottom was the massive chunk of thick, steel reinforced concrete foundation. As per Sein’s experience, to him concrete is like that is like a big sponge mattress for most. She landed ass first. The concrete foundation cracked and the entire building shook. Windows cracked and shattered, raining glass from above. Many offices were devastated, ceilings dropped down in curtain places but the building itself still stood. Maia pulled herself out from her crater. “Alright! Do something bitch!” commanded Sein, giving the reign back to her. She let out a massive roar, echoing up into the darkness, shaking the building again. She thumped to where the wall met the foundation. She pushed her open palms in there and attempted to pick up the building. Due to where she was attempting this, she was only lifting the section of the building which her hand was directly under. A pitbull officer, tasked with following the monster, went into the lobby trying to find it without ending up as the two security guards that decorated the place. The ground shook, cracks ran on the walls and ceilings around him. The officer got off the ground. looked around for what might have caused the shake and began contemplating if he should really in there. He heard a very loud roar, shaking the building again, this time parts of the ceiling fall down around him. The ground shook a third time, prompting him to just turn around to leave but froze in place from pure disbelief of what was happening infront of him. The wall with the elevator doors in them, started moving up. The wall went up another story when it began to crumble and fall down, taking some of the floors with it down the elevator shaft, filling it with rubble. “Nice going, idiot! The building’s still standing!” said Sein judgmentally. “FURGHK YOU!!!” Replied Maia. Maia, at the bottom of all the debris, was getting angry of being constantly belittled by the voice in her head. She roared again as she pushed her arms up high, sending all the rubble up like an explosion. The frag grenade like explosion damaged the building further, taking what little stability it had. It collapsed taking some of the surrounding building with it and sending dust kilometers high. The collapsed building covered Maia in rubble again. “HAHAHA!! YOU DUMB BI-HI-HITSSSSH HAHAHAHAHA!!!” laughed Sein almost uncontrollably. His laughter echoed in Maia’s head, further angering her. “RAAAURG!!!” She roared as she leaped out from under the rubble, high into the sky. At around the altitude of 350 meters is where she started to descend. In the distance many traffic jams can be seen forming. The mayor and the police chief have obviously followed through with the order to evacuate. Strings of red lights indicated the routes of the fleeing citizens leading out of the city. Maia and Sein were thinking about the same thing. Maia crashed through a few buildings in the district, all glass skyscrapers. She left massive gaping holes in them as she crashed down and landed in a coffee shop. The enhanced feline tried to make a superhero landing but failed. She tumbled through the shop taking half of the older brick building down with her. A large mound of mostly bricks among other materials of rubble was created. Through the mound, a massive, dirty, golden furred arm punched up. Sweat slowly washing the red brick dust out of the already soaking wet fur. Moonlight shines off of it, highlighting it’s veins and muscular form. The bicep bulged into a massive peak as the forearm moved down placing the palm of the hand down. The biceps loosened as the tension switched from it to the triceps as the arm pushed down on the rubble, breaking the significantly smaller bricks to dust. A massive, muscular back emerged, pushing aside the rubble. Maia’s head emerged as well, shaking some of the rubble off. Bringing her left leg forward, under her, her massive quads flexed as they move her up. She looked around, then at the buildings with the holes in them. “Well look at that! 3 buildings you crashed through, and they’re all still standing.” Said sein. “I BROUGHT THIS ONE DONE!!” yelled Maia. “You brought half of it down! And only because you stumbled” “AARRRGH!!! YOUGH DO BETTURGH!!!” she growled. Sein took over, accepting the challenge, and walked Maia out of the rubble. Debris cracked loudly, as she stomped on them and kicked them out of her way. As she reached the pavement she pulled her arm back, formed a fist and sent it up, hooking it back down, slamming it in the ground. A massive shockwave swept everything within a 500 meter away, only leaving a crater. Cracks spread from ground zero going straight back into the district. The ground shook, as it opened. The three holed buildings fall into the fresh chasm with many more following them. Canyons 100 meters in width and some as deep as 300meters form starting from the feline’s crater. The entire business district collapsed with half of the neighboring districts surrounding it. All caused by a possessed lioness slamming a fist into the ground. “Heh! See?! It’s very easy! Maybe if you weren’t a dumb bitch, you could finally take down a building first try!” Said Sein with a smug tone. “Now! Let’s play with the pops!” Maia herself was fuming for being constantly proven less powerful by someone controlling her body. She will prove to him that she can do what he can, she just needs to regain control. With Sein in control, Maia flexed her thighs and started running towards one of the jams they saw midair. Her footfalls not only shaking and cratering the ground but creating ‘smaller’ shockwaves sending everything that’s too close flying. Lampposts, cars, rubble from buildings too close and even the occasional pedestrian, is sent raining down on the neighboring blocks. She was running at 340 km/h(~211 mph). Going through everything in her path. Cars were being kicked kilometers high, torn apart, as the powerful foot went into them. Sprinting through buildings. The shockwaves of her steps making it seem like she is detonating it as she speeds through. More and more cars were getting in her path of destruction, indicating that the jam is close. Maia put her feet forward and threw her right hand back pushing her fingers into the ground, like a rake in sand, as he tried to come to a halt. Her momentum backed by her immense weight making it difficult for her to achieve that. Plowing up cars and the pavement, she even went through some final buildings as she tried to stop. With a long trail of destruction and torn-up pavements she stopped in the middle of an eight-lane traffic jam leading out of the city. Thousands of cars, trucks and buses unable to move, with their passengers in them. Without a second of hesitation Sein begins his fun through the hulking lioness. She teared the roof of the sedan infront of her, revealing a family of german shepherds, a father, a mother and a daughter about the age 9 screaming up at her. The father behind the wheel tried to floor it out of there, but the beast was holding the car, all he was doing was burning rubber. With an evil grin she stared at the parents as she punches down on the little girl, her fist completely obliterating her and puncturing through the car, down in the pavement, violently shaking every car around them. The shock on their faces was quickly mixed with total despair, just as she sent her hard and heavy breasts down on them, crunching them down the same as their daughter. She stood tall, sweat washing the blood off her fist breasts. People all around her realizing they were in grave danger, they attempted to flee on foot. She walked after them, stepping on all the vehicles in her wake, going for anyone within arm’s reach. She slapped some of them aside, turning their bodies into bloody mist and sending whatever else was left of them flying. She also grabbed and crushed them in her hand, smothered to death against her hard body, or just throwed them at other people who were fleeing. She spotted a bus, her new toy. The possessed beast stomped over to it. Passengers tried to escape the bus screaming as they realized they have been targeted. A hyena stepped out of the bus while Maia loomed over. She bent down and bit the top of the hyena’s body off, loudly crunching his bones and skull as she chewed. She stared in the window as she chewed. People were crying, screaming and begging for mercy, all too scared to even get near the window the beast was looking through. She swallowed her treat, picked up the bus, and laid back on some cars. She held the bus with the doors pointing up, crushed the front end down to a smaller width and crashed it up her vagina. Metal screeched as the muscle pussy twisted and pulled the bus inside her. People screamed as the bus was sucked deeper, it’s frame swirling and spinning, tossing people inside over one another. Blood was seeping out of the window as the backend finally reached her. As it was completely crushed inside her, Maia got up, blood, gasoline and oil poured from between her legs as she reached to retrieve her newest creation. The public transporter turned to the size of a football, looked more like marble in her large hand. The she-hulk brought her arm back, all the muscles on it tensed up and like the world’s most powerful catapult, she pushed it forward. It left her hand at the speed of about 3500m/s (~7800mph). A push so strong, other cars infront of her were pushed ahead as well. The ball flew through hundreds of cars and people, ripping them apart without a loss in momentum, it brought a storm of shrapnel from what it already went through. For many kilometers, carnage is what was left infront of her. Burning wrecks and limbs litter the road, blood pooled in the torn-up sections of the pavement. The projectile itself went straight ahead, leaving the atmosphere as gravity failed to deviate its direction. The monster turned back around to the those who witnessed it all behind her. Like deer in the headlights, hundreds of people froze in place, staring at her, not knowing what to do. Sein’s sinister grin was broadcasted by the possessed lioness’ face as she thumped back towards the city. “LET ME FUCKING AT THEM!!!” demanded Maia. “I dunno. You suck at this game. These toys would only be a waste on you.” He replied. “I’LL FUCKING SHOW YOU!!! LET ME AT THEM!!!” “Hehehe! Alright! Show me!” “ROAURGH!!!” The deep roar woke everyone up from their paralysis, their screams fill the air as they climb over each other, tried to get as much distance between them and the monster, or at least tried to hide from her. Maia grabbed whatever objects she got her hands on and threw them. Cars, lampposts and concrete dividers flew seemingly at random. Her projectiles crushed other cars, and people but most of them crashed into buildings in the city. Holes and lamppost litter the walls of the surrounding buildings. Maia growled louder with each toss, knowing what will come. “Your technique is garbage! If I couldn’t read your thoughts, I would have guessed you weren’t even trying to target anything!” commented Sein on her throws. “SHUTTUP!!! SHUTTUP SHUTTUP SHUTTUP!!!” she boomed, as she stomped her foot down repeatedly, like a child who didn’t get the right colored lollipop she wanted. The powerful but childish stomps proved more effective, as everything around her repeatedly sprung up, into the air and crashed down onto each other. Some people fell on to cars, some cars fell onto people, even some buildings collapsed from her earthquakes. “Hey, whiney bitch! Heads up!” said Sein. “I’M NOT A BITCH!!! STOP CALLING ME THAT!!! YOU FUGH- ” Maia’s tantrum was cut short as her head was unexpectedly pulled up. “Yes, you are! And I said, heads up!” Military aircraft were flying overhead, leaving a trail of parachutes behind them. “More toys!” They said simultaneously, with notable differences in their tone and volume. The paratroopers landed over a kilometer from the monster, in a park. Due to their body armor, helmets and armored masks, it was difficult to make out what they are but, by the shape of their heads and bodies, all of them were canines, most likely wolves. Their uniform had an urban digital camo uniform with a Greek ‘sigma’ patch on their arms. Three of them a tube on their back that was slightly longer than their torso. They ditched their parachutes and harnesses, drew their weapons and surveyed the area. All of them moved their camo patterned assault rifle across the line of the horizon, scanning for hostiles with the flashlight under the barrel. The park was the size of a few blocks, it had a handful of trees scattered around, mostly close to the edge of it to block the sight of the buildings, to the north there was pond filled with a larger breed of goldfish in it. The ground where the soldiers landed was flat, covered in freshly cut bluegrass. “This is Sigma leader” said the platoon commander into his radio. “Squad Sigma successfully landed and is standing by! Repeat! Sigma squad is standing by!” “Copy, Sigma Leader!” answered a female voice. “The monster was last spotted at the eastern freeway, 1300 meters away at a bearing of 107 to your position!” “Copy, 1300 meters at 107!” He repeated “5 attack helicopters are dispatched to the AO! ETA 10 minutes!” she continued. “Your orders are to assist them with reconnaissance and to destroy or if possible, capture it, by any means!” “Copy! Recon, capture or destroy!” “Good luck Squad Sigma!” “Alright men! Move out!” he commanded. Maia was running roughly in the direction where the specs with parachutes flew. The sound of loud thumps and cracks acted as an early warning for those who knew by now what to avoid. Still, many ended up flat on her feet, covering her up to her sweaty calves in blood. “I’M GONNA GET THEM! I’M GONNA GET THEM! I’M GONNA FUGHKING GET THEM!” Maia chanted as she ran, trying her hardest to reach the speed Sein had achieved when he was in control. She even got down to all fours, her muscles steaming the sweat as she pulled and kicked herself forward, achieving 250 km/h (~155 mph), which was very impressive, but nowhere near what Sein did. The lioness bulled through everything in her path, she threw up cars into the air with her head alone, tearing through several buildings, now properly bringing them down on the first try, making it into the park. After she zoomed past something weird that caught her eye, the beast pushed her legs front and her back against the ground, as she slid, she pushed herself over, her immovable breasts anchoring into the ground, she began kicking and pulling again, trying to change the direction she was going. After sliding into a building at the other end of the park she finally stopped and got back onto two feet. With thundering footsteps, Ms. Mass Muscles stomped her way back into the park, following her trail of vandalism of public property, searching for what she only caught a glimpse of. She found 20 parachutes of what she can guess belonged to soldiers, she grabbed a bunch and lifted them to her face and gave them a good sniff. Not being a big smeller of others, Maia had no clue to what those scents belong to, unlike Sein, who can tell that the chutes belong to huskies and wolves but, he wasn’t going to give her that hint. The scent however did give her the lead to start looking for their owners. “Holy shit! The bitch’s massive!” said one of the troopers, as he looked through a pair of binoculars. “Pipe down.” Whispered the squad commander. “We don’t need that thing finding us early.” “Yes, captain.” Answered the trooper. “Quietly, what’s it doing?” “She found our parachutes and I think she’s smelling them.” “Why do you think it’s a female?” asked one of the other troops. “She got the biggest tits I’ve ever seen.” He answered, to which half the group’s reaction was to take out their binoculars as well. Many of them let out a ‘whoa’ to the magnificent sight, one of them had to stop himself from whistling. “Stop acting like children!” Said the captain. “That thing killed a lot of people. We need to keep moving, before she brings down this apartment building with us in it.” With that almost all of them grab their equipment. All except one, who was still drooling through his mask as he still stared through his optics. He just needed a slap on the head to start heading down the stairs from the fifth floor. With the scent stored in her nose Maia started moving south-east. Following the smell with her big head held lower to the ground, she accidently bumped her nose into a tree knocking it over. With no regard to her surroundings, she broke through the decorative metal fence of the park, and stomped across the street, where she stood up tall, with her nose held high, sniffing up the apartment building. “What’s that Fido? You found my missing ball?” Joked Sein. Ignoring the comment, Maia makes her signature snarly, drooly grin, as she realized that the soldiers are up in the building. Her plan was to climb up the like some gorilla with a princess. She walks up to the building and reaches up, smashing her big musky hand through the window, she tenses her muscle and pulls the wall of the building on top of her as she fell back. Sein bursts out laughing. “HAHAHAHAHA! You don’t learn, do yo-OOH HOO HAHAHAHAHA!” Humiliated again, Maia roars, flailed her arms and legs in absolute fury, throwing the rubble off of her. The ground shook with each slam of a fist or foot, making cracks in not only the pavement around her, but up the already weakened building infront of her. Unable to withstand too much of the vibration, the rest of the building fell on top of her as well. To Sein’s chagrin, he was unable to make any comment on the ridiculous scene, due to how uncontrollably it made him laugh, though the lioness was forced to listen to that. The she-hulk roared as she sat up, the sound of her frustration traveled across the city just like the bricks her body tossed off of her. When the monstrous bellow was over, Maia realized that soldiers weren’t amongst the rubble. She began sniffing again. The troopers are a block away, running in the abandoned street when the heard the sound of a building turning into a ruin. They were glad they moved out so quickly, looking back upon the cloud of dust behind some buildings, they knew they would have met their end if they stayed there. They don’t even want to imagine what the beast must have been doing with all the roaring and ground shaking. “Command!” yelled the captain into his comms. “The monster is on our tail! We don’t have much time! Where’s our goddam air support?!” “They should be arriving shortly! Hang in there, Squad Sigma!” answered the feminine voice on the radio. Knowing that it’s only a matter of time until the beast found them and that she can take them out more easily if they all take cover in the same place the commander made a hasty decision. He split up his squad into three teams, each of them had soldier with a tube on their back. First team was sent up to the roof of the building on the right, the second to the building on the left, and the third, led by the commander, took cover behind corners of alleys, dumpsters, cars and doorways. The ones who had tubes, opened them, each revealing a compact missile launcher. They quickly loaded a missile from one of the smaller tubes and held them on their shoulders at the ready. Thumps were heard, each one grew louder, as the ground shook increasingly violently. The soldiers, taking their designated positions, grew more anxious. Suddenly the wall of the building at the end of the street collapsed, revealing the sweaty, big breasted, muscle cat. Her head moved, trying to track the scent of her prey, as she stomps down the street, getting closer to her new toys. “Damn.” Said one of the troopers under his breath. He spoke into his comms: “Guys, I’m gonna go out and buy some time for the choppers. Maybe I can even reason with her.” “That’s terrible idea, private!” replied the commander. “Stay put! That’s an order! Private? Private?! Urgh!” he growled as he watched his soldier run out of the alley. “Hey! Big-gal! Let’s chat!” he yelled as he ran up to her in the middle of the street. The beast’s musk filling his nose. His eyes traced her form, taking in her glistening sweaty muscles, veins on top of veins, grasping her breasts, muscles and face. Maia had no plans of talking, she just gave him a devious, drooly, toothy smile as she lowered her head down, closing in on him. The soldier immediately regretted his decision to talk to the monster. The beast’s stance suddenly changed, standing tall, her head held back as her expression changed to a smug smile as she wiped the drool of her face with the back of her palm. “Heh! Sorry about that! The host of this body wasn’t really feeling like talking.” Said the big cat. “But don’t worry, I do!” The troops were all taken back at what they witnessed. The commander informed the HQ of what the private was doing, they immediately started following the soldiers video feed and fed him questions through his earpiece. “H-host?” he stuttered. “Yeah, this bitch I’m possessing!” Answered the beast. “Found some bitchy office cat and turned her into a proper plaything! Just look at these bumpers!” She said as she groped her breasts. “S-so, what a-are you?” “I a god, bitch! I left my mark on many worlds, many universes. Maybe your friends in your ear should check some archives for Sein! It’s possible I’ve been here before! Hehehe!” “What do want?” “Heh! Isn’t it obvious?! Entertainment! I’ve been switching places with the bitch, trying to teach her my hobby! She’s so terrible at it, though.” She said condescendingly. “What’s your hobby?” With a sinister smile, she answers: “Devastation!” To that answer the soldier’s eyes grew wide, slowly making steps back. “Now!” yelled the beast, as she clapped her hands together. “Maia! Ya wanna continue?!” Her beastly grin returned as she hunched back down. Before he could react the lioness headbutted him down into the ground. His blood sprayed allover her face, as his body broke down into a pulp. The soldiers wanted to retaliate for their fallen comrade, but they knew it wasn’t time just yet. Maia licked the blood off around her mouth, enjoying the metallic taste, and chuckled. The hulking beast stretched her arms out to her side, threw her head back, and taunted the soldier whom Maia didn’t know where they were hiding. “COME OUT TO PLAY, BUGS!!! I WANNA EAT YAH!!!” She roared as she spun in place. The second she showed her back, one of the troopers looked over the edge of the roof top and fired a missile, hitting the monstress in the back of the head. She turned back around unphased by the attack, now there was a visible line smoke, left by the missile, that pointed towards her attacker. Drool again started dripping through her toothy smile as she got ready to jump up to the trooper with missile launcher, when another missile hit her in the side of the head. All of a sudden, soldiers on roof tops and down the street, behind corners and cars, opened fire upon her. She started getting shot from behind. The 5 attack helicopters arrived and started circling her while unloading their chin mounted, tri-barrel autocannons on her. The colorful 20mm tracer rounds lit up the night sky as they flew into Maia’s muscular body leaving her unaffected, some of which bounced off her high into the sky, having many in the distance to mistake them for fireworks. Overwhelmed by the sudden surge of firepower and missiles hitting her from three different directions, Maia needed a second to realize what is happening. Targeting the troops who fired first on her, the she-hulk jumped up, planning to join them up there, severely underestimating her weight again. She crashed through the roof bringing the entire building and the six soldiers down on top of her. “You got a knack for getting buried in rubble” commented Sein. “GODDAMMIT!!!” roared Maia as she crawled out from her newest nest. As they spotted her again the rain of bullets continued. The beast stomped across the street, ignoring the lead being spat her and walked through the front wall of the building the other team was on top of, from her tits on up she cut into the second floor. The building exploded as she busted through the roof, grabbing with each sweaty hand as she flew up. In midair she pointed their heads at each other and bashed them together, their skulls broken the brains their brains mixed together, every part of their mortal bodies that were between the beastly fingers was obliterated, their blood and gore sprayed into her hard heavy cleavage. The enhanced feline began falling at the 50 meters in height, her impact devastated the buildings around her, with pride she stomped out of her crater into the middle of the road. The soldiers on the ground were down to seven. The helicopters were firing continuously, trying to at least get the monstress’s attention away from the paratroopers, but Maia was fixated on turning them into blood stains. Chuckling, she stomped towards the three peering around the alley corner to her right, firing relentlessly trying to find some weak spot. They quickly realized that they have been marked for death, so they turn to flee, triggering the predator to chase after them. Maia had become completely ignorant of the obstacles in her way, she bulldozed through the building the canines used for cover, as she followed them into the alley. The four soldiers taking cover were frozen in place, two behind a car, and two in the doorway of the building on the other side of the street. They were practically paralyzed as they felt the ground shaking, screams of their comrades was mixed with thumping and wet ripping filled their ears. A couple of mangled limbs and a bottom half of fly out into the open with more screams, cracking and crunching. The remaining boys aimed their rifles at the alley entrance, their hands are shaking as they wait for the monster to poke her head again. “It’s coming back out!” reported one of the pilots. Maia busted through the building covering the alley, sending debris flying towards the soldiers, her face, hands and breasts were all covered in blood. The three riflemen and the one with the bazooka continued firing as the monstress came back into sight. Chuckling, she ran up to the car and gave it an undercut, her steaming, bloody fist pierced it as she sent the cowering troops splattering into the building behind her. With the car stuck on her hand she pounced towards the final two soldiers. Some of the chopper pilots witnessed as the beast with a car on her right hand flew towards the building with soldiers in the door, bashing into it and kicked up a lot of dust as she took down the building with them. Through the dust cloud the car flew up hitting one of the choppers exploding it as they collided and fell out of the sky. “Look at that! You can final hit helicopters!” said Sein, condescendingly. Maia jumped out of the cloud as well, going for the second bird but the pilot’s quick reaction prevented the muscle girl from reaching it. She crashed into a house a few blocks down, crashing into its basement. “The asshole got warlock 3!” said on of the pilots on the radio. “This place is empty, right?” followed up another pilot. “Let’s send that ugly bitch some rockets!” The blood and sweat soaked she-hulk recovered quickly, crawling out of a relatively small hole, realizing that helicopter have already surrounded her again. Instead of gunfire, large cylinders at the sides of the choppers sent barrages of rockets at her, hitting her all over with only a few that were able to miss her massive frame entirely. The suddenness of the attack left Maia confused as the dust from the explosives blinded her, but after a couple of the rockets hit her in the eye, she realized what they were doing. Even these explosives weren’t enough not only to give her a scratch, but to make her boobs bounce even a little. The cloud of smoke that covered Maia also blocked the pilots’ sight on her, the flash of the explosives was the only thing that should them that the monster was still standing and standing still, revealing them her massive muscular silhouette. Dawn was just cracking, when the final rocket out of hundreds, left its tube. The cloud of smoke settled, and the feline hulk was visible again. She was holding one of the rockets in her right hand. Her body was covered in black spots of grime left by the barrage. She lifted a foot off the ground stomped it aside, spreading her legs. With dramatic movement, she stuck the rocket up her pussy, its bottom half was sticking out of her. With a little flex inside her receiver, the rocket exploded, followed by her deep laughter, that sent a chill down the backs of the pilots. “What the hell is that thing made of?!” yelled one the pilots. “I dunno, but there has to be something that can hurt!” answered another one. As the enhanced feline finished laughing, she jumped up towards the one infront of her, catching the pilot off guard . Her breast smashed through the glass crushing the pilot, the burning helicopter’s wreck took in some of her form and got stuck to her chest. She landed back in the street she caught the troopers, the wreck didn’t let go as she cratered down. She ripped the helicopter off of her tossing it aside through several more apartment buildings. “Fuck! The bitch got Warlock 1!” Yelled one of the remaining pilots. “How about the ATGMs?” Asked another. “It’s made for tanks! Should be enough against this monster!” Maia turned back around to see three trails of smoke flying towards her. They came in one after the other, first one going into her abs, the second one detonated on her face followed by the third. “YOU FLIES CAN’T EVEN GIVE ME A MASSAGE!!!” she boomed with laughter, as she began running towards the birds. As she ran the lioness jumped a little, brought both her thick stompers down at once and jumped forward with the speed of a rocket, leaving a block wide crater behind her. The choppers dodge her as they weren’t letting their guards anymore. They sent some cannon rounds after her as she flew past them. Maia flew for 3 kilometers when she began to descend. She landed in the ruinous canyons of the business district. Her impact created 750 meter deep hole. She was getting more used to landing, indicated by the fact that after a crash like that she managed to stay on her feet. “I’m getting a feeling you won’t be able to get the final three choppers.” Said Sein. Hearing his condescending comments again is making Maia increasingly angry, as he emphasizes her failures in merely smashing things. She is growing more desperate to prove herself better than the ‘so called god’. “RAUURGH!!! ILL SHOW!!! *HUFF* YOU!!!!” She roared, huffing as she ran out of the crater. “HQ! This is Warlock 1! We are out of ideas to throw at the monster!” he reported. “We can see that, Warlock 1!” Replied the feminine voice. “We’re sending in the cavalry! Your orders are to keep the monster busy until it arrives!” “Copy HQ! What kind of cavalry are you sending?” The feminine voice didn’t respond. “HQ! HQ! Come in HQ!” repeated Warlock 1. “I have a bad feeling about this!” commented Warlock 2. “Regardless! We have to keep the monster occupied!” jumped in Warlock 3. “Who knows maybe we can take the bitch out before the ‘cavalry’ arrives!” Maia was racing back towards the helicopters on all fours, letting out a snarly huff as she pulled kicked, her eyes fixated with fury on her targets. The beastess closed in at about 50 meters when she decided to jump. She was very fast but as she kicked herself up her target had already swayed to the left. “FUUUURRGHHKK!!!!!” she roared as she flew past it. Sein just snickered to her lamentation. She twisted her body, turning around in mid-air. She was falling backwards not caring where she is going to land. Her eyes locked back on her target and taking heavy snarly breaths. She crashed in a more intact part of the city. She crawled out and began throwing what ever she could get her musky hands on. Cars, signs, lampposts, chunks of buildings and the ground flew towards the three helicopters, all missing their targets. The feline snarled and rough with increasing frustration, her aim getting sloppier with each miss, prompting the god in her head to laugh more and more. “FURGHK YOU!!! FURGHK YOU!!! FURGHK YOU!!! FURGHK YOU!!! FUUUURRRGHHHK!!!!!” She roared repeatedly. “HAHAHA! You still can’t throw! HAHAHA!” laughed Sein. “Heh! There are better ways of killing them, you know! HAHAHA! Of course you don’t! You’re too stupid to know! HAHA! Watch this!” “She stopped throwing!” said Warlock 2. “Did she give up?” “Knowing her, no.” Answered Warlock 1. With a smug smile, Maia jumped straight up. Out of reflex the pilots swayed to the side but were left confused when they realized she wasn’t flying towards them. She stopped ascending at roughly same altitude as choppers. As the heaviest woman on the planet began falling down, she opened her mouth and took a short but powerful breath, the vacuum she created pulled in everything infront of her, then she put her hands behind her head as she falls down enjoying the show above her. The helicopters caught fire as they all got pulled in, the morning clouds trail down and the half of the city she was facing got pulled up into one point in the sky, colliding together and shattering apart as their momentum pulls them further. Enjoying the show, Sein laughed through Maia as her body collided with the ground, still holding the relaxing pose as she creates another crater. “Hehe! And that, my bitch, is how its done!” Laughed Sein, still relaxing in the soft crater. “FUCK YOU!!! I COULD HAVE DONE THAT!!!” Raged Maia. “No, you’re to stupid to come up with something like that! HEHE!” “FUCK YOU!!! GET THE FUCK OUT OF SO I CAN BEAT THE FUCKING SHIT OUT YOU!!!!” The felines face changed from a smug smile, to something more serious. “Oh?” asked Sein. Black mist was emanated by Maia’s body flying five meters away and formed a silhouette of a wolf the same size she was. The mist disappeared revealing the black wolf still in his black kilt and gold accessories, his soft black fur covered muscles the same size lioness he was playing with, and his glowing red eyes were irradiating annoyance at her. “Well, here I am!” He announced as he crossed his massive arms. “FINALLY!!!” Maia boomed. “IM FINALLY FREE OF YOU!!!” She roared as she jumped up, channeling her fury into the biggest punch she could muster. It connected with his face, creating a shockwave that visibly pushed the air away for a kilometer, shattering the ground around them. The god didn’t even blink. The fist pushed at his nose for two solid seconds. With the same annoyed, unamused face, he grabbed her wrist and effortlessly pulled it down. Maia’s sense vulnerability returned as she was left shocked that she can’t pull her hand out of his wrist. His other hand sprung up gripping her throat tightly. Suddenly, a trail of fire was soared across the sky, rumbling louder as it began descending on them. The ‘cavalry’. Both muscle beast stared up at it, not moving or saying anything as it crashed next to them. A flash brighter than the sun, that could blind any mortal, consumed everything. As the bright light reseeded, a dark cloud of fire raised in the shape of a massive mushroom. The god was floating above an even bigger crater, with the feline in still in his hand. Both were unharmed by the strike of Armageddon that only had one success. Maia’s massive, hard tits were swinging left and right. “Hmph! Guess I did visit this world before!” joked Sein. Maia, after snapping out of the shock, began banging her hulking hands against the god’s. Having had enough of the lioness’s attitude, he moved his left hand up, and slapped the she-hulk’s face with the back of his palm. The collision of the two was so powerful it created a wave of energy in the shape of a ring. It expanded, cutting through the entire planet itself, traveling millions of kilometers devastating everything in it’s path. The casual slap left a sharp stinging pain on Maia’s cheek. Tears form in her eyes as the realization that she is in fact still very mortal, feeling the same fear of the beast infront of her when he first took over. Sein let go of the girl’s throat. Immediately a golden color conjured around her neck, with similar golden leash that wrapped around the black furred arm that was just suspending her. She fell a little bit, the leash preventing her falling further. She grabbed at the leash she was dangling from, not wanting to fall down to the Tartarus that was forming bellow her. She stared into the cruel red eyes of the wolf as he pulled her closer and with a sinister smile, he said to her: “Now it’s time for you to learn your place, my pet!” END
  4. NewGuy71

    His Now

    Hey guys, I've been a long time lurker on this site, but this is my first time posting something. Hope you all enjoy! His Now "Broooo... are you sure you have to go?" Kyle Harding whined at his older brother in front of the Departures gate. Thankfully, his classes had ended early today and he'd been able to make it just in time to see his brother off at the airport. Brad just chuckled amusedly. "Dude, I've been working super hard this year just so I could place at competition, you know that." The younger Harding pouted up the brown-haired man and sighed. "Yeah, yeah, I know... It's just... I'm gonna miss ya, bro." The older man's eyes softened. He patted Kyle's head, gently running his fingers through the younger's golden locks. "It'll just be a few weeks. I'll be back before you know it!" Brad reassured him. Kyle nodded and gave his brother more cheerful grin. "Yeah! I'm sure you'll kick ass too!" he crowed. Brad grinned widely and flexed with a front double bicep pose. His favorite grey muscle tee barely held itself together as it stretched tight around Brad's impressive arms. "Fuck yeah, man! You know it!" he responded cockily. The 24-year-old bodybuilder had put on 20 pounds of muscle in the last year, bringing him from a solid 226 to a whopping 246 pounds of muscle since last year's competition. Brad swooped in and pulled his younger brother into a tight hug. "But I am gonna miss ya..." he whispered in the smaller boy's ear. Kyle hugged him back as tight as he could, allowing himself a moment to just bask in his older brother's comforting scent. Ever since their mom had passed away a few years ago, the men of the Harding family had bonded more closely than ever. Maybe a bit too close if you believed some the rumors of the Harding brothers, but few would ever say so in earshot of either. The younger Harding groaned inwardly, feeling a twitch in his groin, and quickly pulled back with a red face. "Brad, you should go! You still have to get through carry on inspections!" he reminded the bigger man. The older brother just laughed as he turned toward the gate to get in line. "Yeah, yeah, I'm going." he said with a grin, "Take care of dad for me, okay?" Kyle just nodded, though he wondered why their dad hadn't come along to say goodbye himself. He had just dropped out at the last minute, saying something had come up and he wouldn't be able to make it. The blond Harding wiped the frown off his face and enthusiastically waved to his brother as the line started moving. "See ya, Brad! Good luck at the competition! Take care!" he shouted. Brad waved back just before turning a corner and heading around a wall, quickly moving out of sight. Kyle's waving hand slowed to a stop, and he watched for a moment as more and more people arrived at the Departures gate: a young lovely-dovey couple excited for their honeymoon trip, an older couple reminding their increasingly irritated son about all the things that needed caring for in the house, a pair of twin girls saying goodbye to their father... Kyle shook his head in aggravation. What exactly was so important that his dad couldn't come and say goodbye to Brad before he left for his competition? He sighed to himself as he turned and made his way back to the parking lot. Kyle narrowed his eyes as he spotted his dad's car parked in the driveway. His father was clearly home right now, so why hadn't he come to the airport to send off his oldest child? The young man parked his car on an open sidewalk and walked to the house. He went to use his key, only to find the front door unlocked. He stared as the door slowly swung open. "What the..." he murmured, a spike of dread shooting down his spine. Kyle stepped inside and locked the door behind himself. "Dad! You in here?" he called out in a loud voice. Not hearing a response, Kyle moved deeper into the house until he heard a loud thump from upstairs. His lips drew into a thin line as he quietly reached out to grab a poker from the fireplace. "D-dad? Was that you?" he called out again from the bottom of the stairs. Once again, there was no response. Steeling himself, the youngest Harding slowly crept up the stairs and into the empty hallway. Looking around, he didn't see anything out of place. There hadn't been any signs of a struggle or robbery downstairs either. Suddenly, he heard a soft, pained moan from down the hallway. It seemed to be coming from his father's room. Thinking the worst, Kyle dashed down the hallway and through the door wide open. "Dad! Are you alrig-" he stopped as his jaw hit the floor. There, on the bed, was his 40-year-old father on all fours being railed from behind by a guy clearly half his age. Kyle face bloomed scarlet as he took in the scene, his father moaning not in pain, but clearly in pleasure. "Ohh... fuck... harder...!" the Harding patriarch moaned as the other man obliged him. "Fuck you're hot, Mr. Harding! Unf... and you're so fucking tight!" the younger man moaned from behind. Kyle gasped, his eyes lighting up with recognition at the voice. It was Mike Hayes from his English Lit class! He and Mike shared some classes at Gold State University, but they weren't really friends. Mike wasn't a big guy, he and Kyle were pretty much the same size, but with his bright green eyes and handsome, pretty-boy face, he was quite popular. Kyle didn't like him very much, especially his rather arrogant my-way-or-the-highway attitude. But that still didn't explain what Mike was doing here or why he was having sex with Kyle's father. "D-dad! What the fuck?!" the blond screeched. Jake Harding's eyes shot to the doorway, as if noticing his son for the first time. "Kyle! W-what are you-ugh... d-doing here?" he grunted through his own moans. Mike just gave Kyle his usual smirk, undeterred by an audience. "Give us a moment, kid." he said as he pounded the older man, "You can have him back once I'm done." Kyle stumbled backwards before turning and fleeing out the door. He ran to his room, shutting it behind him as he slumped to the floor. "What the fuck..." he groaned. Did his dad really skip out on saying goodbye to Brad just so he could fuck with a younger man? In his haste to escape, Kyle had forgotten to close the door to his dad's room. The sounds of sex echoed down the hallway. Kyle grabbed his headphones from his desk and jammed them on his head. Scrolling through one of his playlists, he clicked a random song and let the music drown out the sounds of moaning and slapping flesh. Hopefully, they would finish up soon. An hour later, Kyle stepped out into a silent hallway. He turned toward his father's room with a frown and strode over to find it empty. He headed down the stairs into the kitchen where he found Mike finishing up a meal at the table. He gave his dad an odd look while the older man hovered strangely nearby, like some sort of servant. "Dad?" Kyle questioned in confusion, "What are you doing?" Jake jolted at his son's question. "Err... serving Mike his dinner...?" he replied uncertainly. Kyle boggled at his dad. "What...? Why?" Mike rolled his eyes and interrupted before Mr. Harding has a chance to respond. "So... you've got a pretty awesome place here, Kyle." he began, "It's close to campus... your dad's a fucking DILF with a really tight ass..." He gave the blushing man a filthy look before continuing, "I think I'm gonna move in." The disgust Kyle was feeling was instantly replaced with shock and disbelief. "But... you can't just..." he started in protest. Mike just turned to Mr. Harding and said, "It's fine, right? It's fine that I move in." It sounded more like a statement than a question. Jake Harding's eyes glazed over for a moment, before clearing as he replied, "Y-yes. That should be fine." Kyle's jaw dropped for the second time today. "What?! Dad! You can't be serious!" Mike pushed his chair back and stood with his classic smirk. "Great! I'm gonna go and choose a room, then!" He left the kitchen and headed upstairs followed by a quiet Mr. Harding and a protesting Kyle. Kyle paled when Mike stopped in front of Brad's room. Ignoring the other man's sputtering, Mike opened the door, and stepped inside. Brad's room was the second biggest room in the house, next to the main bedroom. The walls were covered in pictures of bodybuilders and motivational posters. Trophies from old competitions lined the walls and workout equipment was scattered throughout the room. A huge king-sized bed, Brad's most recent purchase, sat in the middle against one of the walls. Mike gave the room a cursory glance before nodding. "Hmm... this room looks pretty good! I'll take it!" He chuckled as Kyle glared at him. "You can't! This is Brad's room!" Kyle turned to his dad expectantly. "Dad! What are you doing? You have to stop this!" However, to his horror, his father simply nodded along with Mike. "Sure. You can have Brad's room. Make yourself at home." Jake Harding ignored his son's horrified shrieks and continued, "If you need, I can give you a ride to your old place and help move stuff too." Mike stepped up to Mr. Harding and gave him sly grin. "I'm sure you could. You've obviously kept yourself in pretty good shape for your age." he said as he cupped the older man's firm chest. "Mmm... very nice indeed." Kyle couldn't take it anymore. He fled back to his room. Grabbing his phone off the desk, the blond was halfway through composing a text to his brother before realizing there was probably nothing Brad could do in his current situation. He was probably mid-flight already and texting the older Harding now would only worry him and probably screw with his performance at competition. Kyle was so deep in his thoughts he didn't hear the door to his room swing open. "Hey, roomie. Whatcha up to?" a voice inquired from behind. The young man spun around to find Mike leaning against his door frame, a smirk on his face, green eyes alight with amusement. Kyle glared at him. "I'm not gonna let you do this, Mike... I'll..." he started as the other boy's smirk only grew wider. "You'll... what?" he asked with a laugh, cruel and uncaring. "Geez, Kyle. You haven't realized it yet?" He shrugged as he continued. "It doesn't matter what you want, because everyone will just do as I say." Kyle squawked as the other man swept into his room and sat on the bed uninvited. "Everyone except you, of course." Mike said with a raised eyebrow, "But I suppose it doesn't matter in the long run, because as long as everyone obeys me, nothing you say or do will matter." Mike stood and made to leave the room. "But you can keep trying, I suppose. It won't make any difference." And with that, the other man was gone. Kyle quickly locked the door and fell to his knees, frustrated tears sliding down his face. In his heart, he knew that what Mike had said was true. The other boy always got his way, no matter who he talked to. His voice had a strange power that Kyle could never hope to oppose, no matter how he tried to resist. Kyle's only hope was that Brad would be able to fix things once he returned. He had to. The next few weeks were filled with nothing but disgust, anger, and frustration for Kyle as Mike proceeded to fuck Kyle's dad on practically every surface of the house. Eventually, the youngest Harding resorted to hiding out at his friends' places to avoid constantly seeing his father in compromising positions. A few weeks after, Brad finally returned from competition. Surprisingly, Mike had allowed Mr. Harding to join Kyle in picking up his eldest son. The two waited together at the arrivals gate in the airport. Kyle was practically vibrating out of his skin in anticipation. Surely, Brad would be able to fix things, and everything would go back to normal, right? The young Harding held on to his hopes, his spirits rising when he spotted a familiar face in the crowd leaving the gate. "Brad!" he shouted in glee as he rushed towards his older brother, wrapping the bigger man in a desperate embrace. "I'm so glad you're back!" The older man leaned back in surprise as he held his brother close. "Whoa! Geez, kiddo. Where's the fire?" His eyes widened when his younger brother started to sob uncontrollably. The pro bodybuilder looked to his dad who just shrugged in greeting. Between sobs, Kyle managed to get out, "Bro... you gotta do something! Mike! He just, moved in and... he took your room, and dad just let him..." Brad's eyes grew wider and wider with each work spilling forth from Kyle's mouth. He turned to his father. "Dad... what the hell is going on...?" he demanded. Jake Harding just gave his son a plain look. "Well, Mike said he wanted to move in, so he moved in. Your room was the only unused room in the house, so he took it." Brad gave his father an incredulous look. "What the fuck, dad? Really? You just let this guy move in and do whatever he wants?" He gaped as his dad gave him a helpless look. Turning back to the brother crying against his chest, he ran a soothing hand through the younger man's hair. "Shh... don't worry, Kyle. Big bro will take care of everything." he murmured as he gave his dad a disapproving frown. Eventually, the three of them made their way to their dad's car and headed home. The closer they got to their house, the more Kyle's dread grew. Something bad was gonna happen, he just knew it. The frown hadn't left Brad's face during the entire ride. "So..." Brad began, "tell me about this Mike person." In a shuddering voice, Kyle told him about Mike, about the way everyone just does as he says and how Mike always gets his way. Kyle watched his older brother's face as his eyebrows rose higher and higher. He knew from Brad's expression that the older Harding didn't truly believe him, and that would probably be his downfall. The blond slumped back into his seat for the rest of the ride. A part of him held onto his hopes, but the more practical side of him argued that he was leading his beloved older brother to a slaughter. The rest of the car ride continued in awkward silence. When they finally arrived home, Kyle steeled himself and followed his dad and older brother into the house. He followed Brad as the older man marched right into the house with his bags and headed straight to his room where they found Mike lounging in his bed. "What the fuck?!" Brad roared upon seeing the younger man making himself at home in his room. Mike grinned widely upon seeing them, and it was then that Kyle realized he had made a mistake. He had effectively delivered Brad to the gallows, and his brother was going to pay the price. "Wow!" Mike said as he got up from the bed to greet them. "Damn, you're hot. You look even better up close!" Brad jerked an arm back when the younger man tried to grope his bicep. "What the fuck, man? Who the hell do you think you are?" Mike just ignored the bigger man's question and looked him straight in the eye. "Strip." he commanded. Kyle watched as his big brother's eyes suddenly glazed over and he started to strip the clothes off his impressive body. He pretended to be shocked, but a darker part of him whispered that he knew this would happen... and he let it happen. Mike's face brightened as the older Harding stripped off his white V-neck shirt, revealing his thick pecs and incredible eight-pack abs, soon followed by his jeans and black boxer-briefs. "Holy shit..." the younger man murmured as he took in the buffet of muscle before him, "You're fucking ripped, dude!" Brad just nodded. "I've been working on this body since I was 13 years old." he admitted. "Fuck..." Mike moaned as he stepped closer to inspect Brad's hard worked body. He gripped the bigger man by the sides, stroking his thumbs across the bodybuilder's rippling abs. "Do you shave?" he asked the older man with a raised eyebrow. "I always shave before a competition." Brad replied. "I'm pretty hairy, otherwise." Mike's grin only grew wider. "Excellent." he murmured as he moved his hands up to the bigger man's pecs. He pinched Brad's nipples, smiling when the older man moaned in response. "Ooh, sensitive!" Kyle could only watch as Mike continued to explore his beloved brother's body. A part of him wanted to intervene, but another part couldn't help but think how hot it was to watch his big bro get felt up right in front of his eyes. Eventually, Mike ended his inspection and instead went to open a drawer next to the bed, pulling out a large bottle of lube. He commanded the bigger man to bend over the bed as he stripped off his shorts and carefully spread lube over his 7-inch cock. "Mmm... I'm gonna really, really enjoy this." Mike groaned, all the while looking Kyle straight in the eyes as he lubed himself up. Once he was ready, the young man moved behind Brad and pressed his cock against the bodybuilder's tight hole. "Relax." Mike commanded as he pressed in. Kyle couldn't believe himself. He stood in the doorway, shocked and turned on as Mike thrust inch after inch of dick into Brad's ass, forcing the bigger man to take his cock. He proceeded to watch for the next hour as the other boy used Brad in a variety of positions, enjoying his size, strength, and submission. "Unf... big body... and big cock to boot..." Mike moaned as he kept pounding the bodybuilder's tight hole. He gripped the other man's impressive cock in one hand. "What is this, 10 inches? Maybe 11? Hella thick too... you're the whole package, ain'tcha?" After one particularly vigorous fuck, Brad found himself splayed out face down on the bed. Mike turned to Kyle with a smirk. "Mmm... your brother's got a great body AND great ass, Kyle." he sighed in satisfaction. "But, let me guess... you thought your big bro would save you from... all this." Mike gestured lazily around himself before continuing. "Sorry to disappoint, but the truth is... Brad was always my real target from the start." The other man placed his hands on Brad's wide back, rubbing circles into the thick muscles. "I remember the first time I saw him..." Mike began, his green eyes taking on a nostalgic look. "He came to pick you up one time while I was withdrawing money from the ATM near the parking lot." He turned his gaze down to the thoroughly fucked bodybuilder. "I knew from the moment I saw him, I just had to have that body for myself..." Kyle face shifted to a confused expression. What the hell was he talking about? He soon discovered just what Mike meant when the other man's arms suddenly sank into Brad's back up to his elbows. Mike looked over his shoulder with a pleased grin and said, "I always get what I want, Kyle. And now, I'm gonna claim what's mine!" Kyle watched with growing horror as more and more of Mike slid into his older brother's bigger form, merging with him. Eventually, it was just Mike's head sticking out awkwardly behind Brad's. Slowly, Brad's huge body pushed itself off the bed into a standing position. His head hung limply in front of Mike's, eyes blank and empty. The youngest Harding watched as one of his older brother's big hands came up and pressed down on his own head. Slowly, Brad's face sank beneath the surface of his skin until it disappeared completely, leaving behind nothing but smooth, empty space. Kyle fell to his knees in despair. "Brad! Noooo!" he cried mournfully as his big brother seemed to disappear forever. Mike's head slid forward to fill the void, slotting itself onto its rightful place on the pro bodybuilder's muscular body. "Oh, fuck...!" Mike moaned as he completely assimilated the older man, Brad's memories, knowledge, and skills flooding into his mind, "Fuck... fuck... fuck!" "Noooo! This can't be happening!!" Kyle sobbed. "Yessss!" Mike cried out in pleasure. Brad's body shook as it orgasmed. "Fuck!" Mike grunted as his new body convulsed, spilling rope after rope of thick, bodybuilder cum all over the bed in front of him. After a few moments, he turned to Kyle, his huge cock still standing tall and proud. "Damn! Look at this body!" Mike roared as he examined the massive form he had stolen and claimed as his own. His eyes drifted downwards, to where the Brad's cock- no, his cock was sticking straight up against his belly. It was so much bigger than his old one. "Holy fuck, it's huge!" he declared, stroking his big, hard erection. "It's perfect. So damn thick!" He grabbed a ruler from the nearby desk and measured it. "Mmm... fuck! 10 and a half inches! I knew it!" he crowed in delight. "And these balls..." Mike groaned as he cupped the low hanging orbs, "So fucking big..." He tossed the ruler back onto the desk and went to stand in front of the full-length mirror. He had to take a few steps back to get his reflection to fit in the frame. "Goddamn, these muscles! Look at these biceps!" he grunted, flexing them in a double bicep pose. "They're massive!" Mike ran his big hands over the rest of the body, enjoying the feel of the ripped muscles under his fingers. "And fuck! These pecs!" he growled as he groped the thick mounds of muscle. The brunet pinched one of his nipples roughly with a soft moan. "Mmf... feels so fucking good..." The brunet brought a hand down to his eight-pack abs and stroked the hard, toned muscle, slipping his fingers between the deep grooves and valleys. "These abs are incredible..." he murmured, flexing and unflexing his cobbled torso. "Unf... and his scent... my scent..." Mike lifted an arm and pressed his nose into his own armpit, taking a deep whiff of his new musk. "So fucking manly!" Mike turned his gaze back to Kyle, still kneeling on the floor. "Poor, poor Kyle..." he teased, "Big brother's gone! I'm all that's left of him..." He smirked as he continued to flex. "But… don’t worry. I'll take care of this body he so generously gifted me. His big, strong body... belongs to me now." His gaze dropped to Kyle's pants where an obvious tent was forming. "Oh? What's this?" Mike's smirk turned predatory. "Don't tell me... you're actually turned on by all this?" He brought a hand down to his hard, 10.5-inch cock. "Is this what you want, Kyle? Big bro's fucking huge cock?" he asked in mock innocence. The younger man paused, but couldn't help himself and Kyle shamefully hung his head. Mike smiled wickedly at his answer and grabbed the boy's chin, forcing him to look up. "Well then..." Mike whispered, "Brad's gone... and this is my body now, so why don't you go ahead and suck on this fat cock?" He sat himself on the bed and spread his muscular legs, his huge member hard and leaking. Kyle hesitated for a moment before he slowly took a step... and then another... Moments later, he sat kneeling on the floor between Mike's legs, staring straight up at him with a fierce blush on his face. Mike raised an eyebrow at him. "Well...?" he said as he gestured expectantly at his shaft. Kyle's gaze kept switching between Mike's face and the big dick in front of him. A part of him wanted it... but he had to resist! He couldn't do this! The other man just rolled his eyes and sighed. "Okay, fine... I know what you really want." Mike tensed his body and started to grunt while Kyle just watched in confusion. The youngest Harding's eyes widened in shock when a tuft of brown hair began pushing its way out of Mike's chest. Slowly, Brad's head resurfaced until it hung limply just below Mike's. He locked eyes with Kyle and gave him a mirthful grin. Mike gripped Brad's head between his hands and lifted it up, pressing his face into the back of the other man's head. Kyle watched in horrified fascination as Mike drew the older Harding's face up around his, wearing him like a mask. Moments later, Brad's head was back on his shoulders, his eyes closed with a peaceful expression on his face. Kyle stared. "B-Brad?" he whispered, afraid to break the illusion. The older man jolted awake before turning to the youngest Harding. He smiled gently. It was Brad's smile. But Kyle's faint spark of hope was quickly snuffed out when Brad's kind smile quickly morphed into Mike's cruel smirk. "Is this what you wanted?" he taunted, using Brad’s voice. He stroked his stubbled chin appreciatively. "I'm back, little bro." Kyle gasped as a surge of heat made its way through his body. It was Brad's face, his voice, his body, his expressions... but Mike was completely in control. Kyle felt his resolve start to crumble. 'Brad' spread his arms wide. "C'mere, bro. Give your big brother a hug!" he invited. Almost robotically, Kyle stood and fell into his older brother's welcoming arms. 'Brad' wrapped his muscular arms around Kyle, pulling him into a familiar embrace. Kyle took a moment to relish it, returning the hug and allowing the imposter to fool him for just a bit. The moment was soon shattered by familiar hands roving his body in distinctly unfamiliar and un-familial ways. "Mmm..." Kyle shuddered as a deep voice whispered into his ear. "You know what big bro needs?" Strong hands forced Kyle back to his knees and gripped the back of his head, bringing his face to 'Brad' hard cock. He stared at colossal member, its thick, heady musk filling his senses. "Big bro needs a blowjob from his favorite little brother..." 'Brad' cooed, "C'mon, taste it. You know you want it..." Slowly, Kyle felt his mouth open wide and engulfed 'Brad's' throbbing shaft. "Mmm... fuck!" the bigger man moaned as Kyle swallowed inch after inch of his dick. Inwardly, Mike marveled at how much more sensitive Brad's cock was compared to his original one. 'Brad' leaned back on the bed as he watched Kyle bob up and down on his cock, taking it surprisingly deeper and deeper into his throat. "Hmm..." he moaned, gently rubbing the back of Kyle's head, "Someone's been keeping secrets from big bro, huh?" 'Brad' laughed when Kyle stared up at him with wide eyes and a mouthful of hard dick. "Oh yeah!" he grunted, "Suck the cock of the big brother you love so much!" He pressed Kyle's head down, forcing more of his cock into that tight throat. "Yeah! Deep throat this huge cock!" 'Brad' growled. "Take it all in!" "Nnngh..." Kyle groaned as he sucked harder, his lips stretched around his brother's big cock. 'Brad' felt his balls start to churn, the sensation of his new body edging closer and closer was incredible. "Fuck! This body feels so good!" 'Brad' exclaimed, "I'm gonna come!" With a deep growl, he erupted in Kyle's mouth. 'Brad' shot his load deep in the smaller man's throat, bucking his hips up as he forced Kyle down his shaft to the root. The other boy choked as he found his face buried in thick pubes. The intoxicating smell made him quickly cum in his pants as shot after shot of 'Brad's' creamy seed made its way down his throat. "Ahhh! Fuuuck!" 'Brad' grunted as Kyle swallowed the last few drops of cum. Eventually, the cock in his throat softened and Kyle was able to slide off, the huge member leaving his mouth with a loud pop. 'Brad' sighed and relaxed back onto the bed before pinning Kyle with a glare. "Now get out! I want some time to myself, so I can explore this awesome body your big brother so generously donated to me." Mike commanded with a smirk, dropping all pretenses of role play. Kyle's eyes widened as he scrambled backwards, red-faced. "Uh... okay..." he said, wiping a smear of cum from the side of his mouth. Mike watched with amusement as the smaller boy left, closing the door behind him. That 'big brother' role play thing was actually pretty hot, he'd have to try that again sometime in the future. He stood and stretched lazily, before striding over to the mirror to take a closer look at his new body. Peering closely into the mirror, Mike rubbed a hand over the stubble on his strong, square jaw and poked at his large nose. "Hmm... pretty good, I guess." he said after a moment of consideration. Brad's face was really masculine, and his dark blue eyes weren't bad to look at. Bringing his hands to the side of his face, Mike pulled forward until tufts of black hair sprouted from the back of his head. Slowly, Mike pulled his head free until once again Brad's face hung beneath him like an empty shell. Quickly tucking Brad's head back into his chest, Mike re-examined himself in the mirror and grinned. "Much better!" he chuckled as he took in his familiar bright green eyes, high cheekbones, and five o' clock shadow. Mike had always been quite proud of his looks, but now that his pretty-boy face was atop Brad's incredible body... "Fuck..." he moaned, "I'm perfect..." Taking a step back, Mike ran a hand over his massive chest, feeling up towards his wide shoulders and around his thick traps. His other hand traced down his lats to his thin waist, before moving inward to rest at his core. "Unf! Look how ripped this body is!" he marveled. He slammed a fist into his abdomen, testing the solid rack of muscle. Drawing upon Brad's memories, he tried a few poses, admiring the view of his muscles from all angles. Mike turned to the side to check out his assets. He gave the impressive mounds of muscle a smack, chuckling in satisfaction. "Damn... bro got booty!" Mike mused, "Nice." He smirked cockily into the mirror. "Thanks for the great body, Brad. I'll make sure to put it to good use." The next morning, Kyle and his dad were having breakfast at the dining table when Mike finally made an appearance downstairs. Both father and son froze as they took in the young man's new appearance. Kyle swallowed hard. Mike was dressed in a familiar grey muscle tee, the same one Brad had worn the day he left for competition. It looked great on Mike's new body, stretching tight around his arms and chest, accentuating his muscular torso. The young blond cursed the traitorous dick hardening in his pants. "Hey, boys" Mike greeted casually as he walked into the kitchen and took a seat at the table. He grabbed a plate and piled on some bacon and eggs. "Good morning." Mr. Harding gaped at Mike. "W-what the...? What happened to you?" he asked bewilderedly. Mike just shrugged. "I just took Brad's body for myself, that's all." Jake's eyes narrowed as he studied the younger man. "What do you mean, 'took his body'? What are you saying?" "I mean that your son sacrificed himself so I could have this amazing body of his. You don't mind, right?" Mike responded with a smirk. The older Harding wavered as Mike's voice washed over him. "O-of course not." he mumbled. "You deserve that body more than Brad did..." Mike nodded and smiled smugly. "Well, good, because it's mine now." he declared. "And... I'm gonna fuck you with this huge cock tonight, so be prepared." Mike purred, his voice dark with promise. He spread his muscled legs and patted the straining bulge in his shorts. Jake gulped nervously, but couldn't deny the other man's words. "Uh... sure..." he said weakly. Mike turned to Kyle, who gulped at the sudden scrutiny. "And, as for you, Kyle..." he began while pouring himself some orange juice, "If you're good, I might be willing to let 'big bro' take care of you, every now and then." Mike flexed an arm for effect. Kyle shuddered, but couldn't help but nod as a blush spread across his face. "Ugh... f-fine..." he stammered, looking away. Mike grinned as he dug into his breakfast with new vigor. It was gonna take a lot to fuel this new body of his. As everyone settled down to eat their breakfast, Mike couldn’t help the self-satisfied smirk the found its way onto his face. He could hardly believe it. He managed to get Brad's hot bod AND a sexy DILF to fuck. Even better, he finally found a way to control the one guy who was seemingly immune to the power of his voice! Life was great for Mike Hayes, and it was only going to get better from here on out.
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