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  1. So, this story popped up in my head as lore for the VRChat avatar that I use. This one IS ACTUALLY COMPLETE with the exception of some additional adventures I plan to add later. Greek Mythology is simply that myths. Maybe there's a touch of reality involved but no one really knows what inspired those of ancient times to record such tales. I had a little fun with it. Let me know what you guys think. The Adventures of Xanthias the Muscle Wolf A muscular white wolf looking approximately 9 feet tall with a hulking furry body is floating in space falling towards a planet with the fur on his massively wide back beginning to singe upon entry. The wolf seems resigned to his fate instead of afraid as the individual hairs on his fur begin to light up like embers. The wolf begins to twist a bit as he falls feeling the pain but not seeming concerned about it. The scene freezes and the wolf breaks the fourth wall. XANTHIAS NARRATION: "Okay, let's stop everything here for a second. You are probably wondering how I got myself into this situation. You are also probably asking how I am able to survive in outer space plummeting into a planet's atmosphere. You may also be wondering if I will die soon. But there are those out there who have only one question in their heads. Those same heads are looking me up and down as I fall to what may be my doom and ask themselves 'HOW FUCKING HUGE IS THIS WOLF??" Xanthias pauses to look at the scene. XANTHIAS: "Well to tell you how this happened, we have to go back in time... way back. Greek Mythology back. Yeah, that far." --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- XANTHIAS NARRATION: "In that time, I was what many would call a player. I had the body of a Greek god and I definitely took advantage of it. Despite not being superhuman, I was very strong. Some back then even thought I might have been a demi-god in hiding. I never drew unnecessary attention to myself unless I needed to. I had the body and the looks to get into almost anyone's bed, be that woman or man. I was not too picky, I kept it reasonable. I'd impress them with some feats of strength to which they would compare me to the demi-god Hercules. But that only happened when I wasn't looking for work. My trade was labor. Have muscles will travel. I usually found work with farmers who needed a helping hand especially with moving heavy objects. I would get food and housing and all I would usually do is lift heavy things all day. Not a bad gig when you're much stronger than the average human. These jobs would last for a little while then my dick would get me in trouble. Although it's all consentual, no farmer's wife ... or farmer themselves would be caught dead with a laborer. It was after the last farmer, who I made my bitch in front of his wife to her utmost orgasmic satisfaction had to let me go for fear of his social status being tarnished. I knew it would happen eventually. I never unpack my things anywhere. They paid me a good sum of money to disappear and I did. It kept me going until I had to find my next gig. It was the next gig that changed the direction of my fate for good." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I was running low on money. Before I completely run out I began to look for work again. It was in my search that I found this weak looking twink looking at what looked like a cart full of stage props. We had entertainment back then, it wasn't very clean either. The man flopped his hands in frustration before he suddenly discovered me grinning at him and his situation. "Need a hand?" I asked. The twinky looking guy looked like he was going to faint as I approached. I was easily over a foot and a half taller than him. Yeah, I was a BIG guy. I could tell he was perving over me too. He'd definitely pay well. "Hello there." I said with my winning grin. The twinky guy seemed to melt in my presence. I reached down and grabbed the cart of props and looked at him with a nod. "Where are you heading?" I asked. "Thermopylae." The twink said in exasperation. "Need a hand?" I asked again. Despite the twink being tired from pulling the cart he jumped up with glee. "OH! Would you?" He said excitedly. I jumped back a little at the sudden explosion of happiness but I grinned and agreed to help him. With that I grabbed the cart and lifted it up by the handles and began to pull away. The twinky guy almost had to run and catch up. "My, you're a big strong guy!" The twink said looking me up and down. I couldn't help but let my muscles flex a little more just to show off. "Thanks. I'm a laborer because I'm built for it." I replied kindly. "You are employed at the moment?" The twink asked. "No, not now. I'm free for hire." I said shamelessly letting him know I'm available to work for him. "What was your previous job?" The twink asked curiously. "Farm labor. Moved boulders and tended to the heavier livestock." I replied. "And you voluntarily left?" The twink asked a little bit intrusively. "Yeah." I lied as I stopped and turned to him. My look must have given me away. I could see his face break out into a sly grin. "You can't hide anything from me." The twinky guy said with an increasingly unnerving grin. "What?" I asked. The guy was really creeping me out. "Your name is Xanthias. I know that the last time you got kicked out of your job you fucked both the farmer and his wife to both of their great pleasures. Kicking you out was necessary in their case, but if they could, they'd keep you forever." The twink replied still with that creepy grin. I stood there motionless. "How do you know this?" I asked with caution. The twink's grin turned less creepy. "I must say I'm jealous that you provided them more pleasure than I could." The twink said. "You should already know me as Dionysus." "As in the demi-god." I asked incredulously. "No, AS the demi-god." Dionysus replied with emphasis. "I don't believe you." I fired back. The guy was proving himself crazy to me. That was until I saw him pull out a clear and empty flask. In a second the flask began to fill with a dark liquid. "My specialty is pleasure and wine." Dionysus said as the flask continued to fill with what had to be red wine. When the flask was full he handed it to me. "Here. Have some, it's really good stuff." Dionysus replied with a sly grin. Not really caring I took the flask and swirled it around. Everything looked good so I took a swig. I couldn't have imagined how good it was. It was perfect, for a second. Then the fire took hold as it went down my throat. I yelped a bit and my whole sense of balance went off for a brief moment before snapping back into place. "Whoa!" I groaned as I quickly recovered. "Wow!" Dionysus gasped. "You really are a strong guy. That shit would have knocked anyone on their ass. You barely tottered." "What was that stuff?" I asked holding my head as I continued to recover. "The best wine ever made by a demi-god." Dionysus replied with his ever present grin. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Ancient Greece - The farm was expansive and lined up against a rocky hill. I gazed up the hill as I rested after having tended to the many sheep the farmer had. I had done a lot that day. Most of the day was occupied with moving huge planks of wood from one place to another. Something the farmer made me do often. Mostly in front of others that would visit, probably to show me off. I could only think about how much I had better get paid for this gig. I had heard this guy had paid well and he definitely liked how strong I seemed to be. I wasn't sure but I could feel the farmer's eyes burn into my skin as he looked at me. He ultimately turned out to be a creepy guy. Average height and somewhat pudgy he looked like someone who let everyone else do the work he was supposed to do himself. He did take advantage of my strength and continued to challenge it more and more. Lately he seemed to gain a demeanor of distrust toward me. I'm not exactly sure why. I did talk to his lovely wife every so often. While she was very interested in me, she told me she wanted to remain loyal. I didn't argue. I was into pleasure not pain. She was very nice to me and seemed to buffer a lot of his abuse toward me. That abuse seemed to grow with each time she and I held a conversation whether it be about the health of the sheep to things she wanted to have done to the land to make it more fertile for crops. She really valued my opnion despite how uneducated I was. She got ideas from me. Maybe that was another thing that set him off. "Xanthias! Stop laying about and get to work!" The farmer shouted with disgust. "I am working!" I shouted back indignantly. The farmer was beginning to annoy me. The sooner my time was over with him the better. Maybe I'd find Dionysus again and get back into showbiz. I grinned at the last thought. "XANTHIAS!" Shouted the farmer again. "I'm coming!" I replied with a sigh. When I approached the seemingly tiny farmer. He pointed to a nearby hill with a boulder on it. "My wife says you think that boulder should be moved to bring in the water more easily. I want you to move it for me." The farmer grinned as he said it. The boulder in question was massive and was wedged between to rocky outcrops. There was a river behind it and although it would make attempting to divert the water easier I could only wonder about how heavy it was. "Do you think I could use some of the tools to break down the boulder?" I asked the farmer. "Oh please Xanthias!" The farmer replied giving my big arm a playful slap. "You're a big strong guy! Let's see you put those muscles to work for once." I fumed. My dislike for this asshole was beginning to bubble over. I wanted to show him who he was dealing with. "Fine!" I said. "I'll do it!" I swaggered my way up the hill and to the boulder. It was a lot bigger up close. I stared at it a bit and pondered it's size and weight. I had nothing to compare it to. I looked back at the farmer. His face displayed a disgusting smirk. His wife had come out of the house with a look of concern. As much as the boulder truly intimidated me I was determined to wipe that smirk off the farmer's face. I gripped as much of the boulder as I could. It was loose. This would be easy. All I had to do was make it look more dramatic than it needed to be. I just needed to lift it for only a moment and roll it to the side. I let go of the boulder and tried to steady my feet by digging them into the ground a bit. I steadied myself and gripped the boulder again and with one over-dramatic yank the boulder lifted out of its placement. The one thing I didn't account for was what was behind the boulder. Dozens of small rocks were dislodged from their resting place behind the boulder and began cascading down the hill around my feet. I was in such a surprise that I lifted a foot off the ground. I soon realized that for one brief moment I was lifting a very heavy boulder over my head with one foot on the ground. It was a major acheivement. It was a personal best. It was the first and last time I'd ever do it. I put my foot back down and the tiny rolling rocks were under it causing me to slip and fall face first into the ground. Intense pressure on my back then... nothing. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Not Ancient Greece - I woke up with bright lights in my vision. I heard muffled voices that gradually got louder and clearer as my vision cleared. I lifted my head and noticed I was in a grey room with bright lights coming from the ceiling. Granted I was a man from ancient Greece. What did I know about modern times then? But the strange grey room didn't affect me as much as when I noticed myself. It was hard not to when you have gigantic muscles blocking part of it. Not only that, but those huge muscles were covered in white fur. "Aaaaah! He's awake." The voice I heard I immediately recognized. "Dionysus?" I asked. "Oh! He remembers! Good I got him just in time!" Dionysus cheered. I saw him enter my vision albeit barely since my furry muscles were in the way. I saw him turn around for a moment. "Thanks Daddy!" Dionysus said cutely. I heard a deep sigh and a grunt. I knew that "daddy" was Zeus. I lifted my hands to my face. My fingers had black pads on them much like a dog's. "Did you turn me into a dog?" I turned my head to Dionysus. His reaction was meek and slightly fearful. "I've always wanted one. In order to get one in this realm, someone had to die." Dionysus admitted. "You KILLED ME?" I started but was cut off." "NO! No no! You were at the end of your life. That wretched farmer set you up to die with that huge boulder. He knew you couldn't lift it but you tried." Dionysus informed. "Damn! Those big muscles!" Dionysus was now staring at my huge biceps covered in white fur. I couldn't help but flex them. "Oh Xanthias! Please!" Dionysus said bashfully. Somehow I felt good. I wasn't sure where I was or exactly what I was but I know for some reason I felt calm, so I got a little playful. I could feel something close to my ass moving. I could only assume if I was a dog, I had to have a tail. I had a wagging tail. "So I'm a dog now?" I said rubbing my fur covered pecs not feeling any reason to freak out about it. "Not exactly. You are a mixture of the biggest of dire wolf, and an epicyon. But you are also a human hybrid so you're an anthropomorph. I do say you are my finest work." Dionysus admitted. "You must have a thing for muscle." I stated. "Oh I always did. I think you knew that from the start." Dionysus admitted. "I bet I could lift that boulder with ease now." I said flexing my bicep that bulged well over 4 times it's size. The peak rocketing past my fist with sinew and tendons twitching and rumbling with immense power. "You could lift a lot of things with ease." Dionysus said. "As a matter of fact you could probably lift a thousand of those boulders now." I suddenly felt a stirring in my groin area. Something very heavy was stirring down there. Dionysus reached over and patted the heavy thing down there. I felt a sudden rush of ecstasy throughout my body. "As I said, you are my finest work. Again you are a dire wolf mixed with some epicyon. Although I didn't like the hyena-ish look of the epicyon so I used the wolf look and the epicyon plus dire wolf size. Then I added more muscle and size. And when you were killed I had daddy grab your spirit from your body and bring it here so I could put it in the wolf. Your muscle and size added in and then I added more muscle and size... then a little more." Dionysus explained. "Daddy says I overdid it." "Well, I don't mind. I always liked being bigger and stronger than most humans." I said as I sat up on whatever table or bed they had me on. I could hear it squeal as I moved. I looked at the table. "I have a feeling I am bigger than every human alive." "And my you're a big wuffy." Dionysus almost squealed. I turned to look at him and noticed that sitting I was head and shoulders taller than him. That and my legs were slightly bent with the table I was on. I was still close to the floor or so I thought. My hands felt my legs. They were humongous. I could only imagine the power I was feeling at that moment. I stood up. At full height I felt a brief sense of vertigo. I was that high. "WOW!" Dionysus gasped. He was now even with my crotch. I pawed at it. I felt a giant cock hanging there, my massive paw like hand just barely able to encircle it's thickness. "Come see yourself in the mirror!" Dionysus squealed happily tottering to the mirrors. I sauntered behind him. When I got to the mirror I gasped. I was GIGANTIC! I was THICK! I was POWERFUL! Fuck I was hot! I scanned my huge furry hulking body up and down. I looked at my canine head and grinned. My smile was soft even though it was lined with a row of sharp canine teeth. I flexed my bicep and watched as the muscle expanded to a dizzying height. I could feel it's strength. It felt so powerful. The peak again rising well above my fist. I flexed all of my muscles at once and heard a gasp. Looking down at Dionysus in the mirror he had his hands covering his crotch suddenly. I knew he just had cum. "I like this." I said simply as I turned and knelt down looking at him. Dionysus quickly recovered making the wet spot disappear. "Good, then I think you'll enjoy the added knowledge of being immune and impenetrable to most if not all things. Nothing can harm you. You are pretty much a demi-god. You have some powers you can keep such as invincibility, You can also control your weight. You can be many tons or be near zero. Whatever helps you do your job. "My job?" I asked in surprise. But then again I should have known there was a catch. "Daddy and I get to play with you. You will go on adventures and entertain us with your endeavors." Dionysus said gleefully. I frowned. "So you made me this way so I could be an actor in your contrived play?" "Well, I wouldn't say that. A good portion of stuff won't be our doing. Most of that will be from society's own blunders and setups. We will just watch and maybe add in a few things to make it interesting." Dionysus said. I growled at him. "Ah, ah, ah... if you want to keep it you have to play." Dionysus said threatening. "You can't have all this power for free you know. Besides, you might get to play some heroic roles. I wouldn't dare have my character be a baddie especially someone who was as good to me as you were when we were together on Earth." I sighed. I knew what my choice would be. "I know what you'll choose. I know you well. Better than you know yourself. I am a god you know." Dionysus replied coolly. "A god? I thought you were just..." I interrupted. "A demi-god... well, that bitch Hera finally loosened up enough to recognize me as a son. She even provided my real mother a place in our realm. She's seemed to warm up to my mother but she still treats me like a bastard." Dionysus spat. "Anyway don't worry, it won't be all bad. I am STILL the god of pleasure and wine of course." A glass of wine appeared and Dionysus's hand just to prove the point. Dionysus grinned. "Also, if you need me all you have to do is think of me and we can talk. I'll answer any questions you may have. Now go and get used to your new body, masturbate and fuck all you want if you have to. Have fun with it!" Dionysus waved his hand and all of a sudden I found myself falling from the sky from very high up in the stratosphere. I briefly amazed myself again at how I knew that but the query turned to terror as I looked down. My stomach knotted up and shifted as I suddenly hit crosswinds. The ground still far away. The crosswinds lifted my huge heavy cock in my face. "Was it really that huge?" I asked myself as the tip repeatedly smacked my nose as it buffeted in the wind. "XAN!" Dionysus shouted in his head. "WHAT?!" I replied in increasing panic as if maximum panic wasn't enough. "You can change your weight and mass!" Dionysus appeared beside me floating down as I fell. "Oh! OH YEAH! I can do that! Uh... how?" I yelled over the rushing air. "Think light thoughts!" Dionysus replied and with a poof he was gone. "WAIT A SECOND! Think light thoughts?! IS THAT ALL YOU GOT?!" I screamed in frustration then a blast of air hit my muzzle causing my lungs to inflate fully. I couldn't exhale. The air was flowing to hard into my lungs. I turned my head to get myself to exhale again with a gulp. "Think light thoughts." I struggled to get my brain out of panic mode so I could do what I was told. I imagined myself as light as a cloud... water vapor... It took a few minutes but I felt a tingling sensation all over my body. Then, in an instant, I was whooshed off into the wind current flipping and tumbling end over end, barrell rolls, loop the loops, dizzying updrafts and sickening downdrafts. I was too light. I was being blown around like a leaf in the wind. I had to put priorities in perspective. I needed to make myself heavier to stabilize my plummet. So I did just that. I could only guess that as I made myself heavier I was not as likely to be blown all over the sky. As my path downward settled to a straight fall. I noticed I was still high in the sky. I had time to think... not much time, but time. I looked down and was briefly mesmerized by the slowly increasing size of the green, blue and brown configurations that awaited me below. At this point I was oddly no longer panicking. I thought of Dionysus again hoping that he would reappear but after a few tries and a few cursing of his name I realized he was not going to help me this time. Now I was pissed. The green and brown configurations were getting bigger. I knew I was going to hit land soon as I was beginning to see details in those shapes. I was beginning to pick out little specs which I knew were trees. It was then that I remembered. "I'm damage resistant. But how much?" I asked myself out loud. I flexed a bicep and felt it as the peak grew past my fist. It felt hard and dense. Briefly distracted now, I began to flex my other bicep and admired how it seemed to completely block my vision and practically rumble as it grew. I traced the bulging veins with my eyes and pondered how much power I had contained in those huge guns. "Guns?" I asked myself out loud as the knowledge of a previously unknown subject distracted me from my self adoration. I noticed clouds go by me and came back to the realization that I was still falling. The ground was very close now. I could visually gauge that I was falling very rapidly. A brief flash of fear hit me before I thought again about the fact that I may actually survive the fall. Before I knew it everything had very high detail. I was probably just hundreds of feet away from impacting the ground. I closed my eyes and braced myself for my landing. I held my breath then I saw a bright flash of white followed by extreme pain on my nose spreading to my face then my upper body. There was a loud boom. Then silence. "OOOOOOWWWWW!!!" My roar in pain was muffled as my muzzle was firmly planted in the ground. I stiffly began to extricate my nose out. My whole body felt like it was going through one big painful cramp. I quickly sat up and was completely surprised by the walls of dirt that surrounded me for a brief second before the pain in my body brought me back to the result of my hard landing. I began to rub any body part that hurt noticing that it was much bigger. My body was pumped up and swollen with angry throbbing veins pulsing all over. After a few minutes of rubbing out all of the sore spots I could, I began to move. A great deal of struggling with the stiffness as the result of my epic fall hindered my ascension as I stood up fully. I found I could see over the wall of dirt that surrounded me once I achieved my full height. I began to climb out of the hole with some difficulty as my hands would grab hold of a dirt outcrop and the dirt would suddenly dislodge into my hand before crumbling apart. When I walked in any direction I heard a somewhat quiet but distinct boom with every footfall. My brain finally registered what was happening. I was way to heavy. The dirt wall around me was actually an impact crater I created when I landed causing me to end up huffing dirt at what had to be 9 feet down into the ground. "Oh." I said out loud as I assessed my situation. I made myself lighter by thinking light thoughts still not believing it was actually working, but it did. When I felt I was light enough I bounced a bit on the balls of my feet which gave me an idea. With as much effort as I could I leapt out of the hole. To my surprise I didn't just leap, I launched myself out of the hole. I was above the trees before I began my decent. For me, jumping out of the hole was a good idea, until my huge cock whacked me in the face on my decent. I landed again with another shuddering boom though not as loud. I looked around and noticed that I had stuck the landing with my feet only a couple of feet sunken into the ground. I took a couple of steps out of the foot holes and then looked around contemplating my situation. I was in a forest clearing near a river that audibly rushed by a few yards away. I looked down at myself noticing all the soil covering my massive fur covered muscularity then looked back up at the river ahead. "Huh... how convenient." I mused as I trodden my way towards the river noting how the grit covering me ground and pulled at my fur. I tried to dust the dirt off of me as I approached the river but gave up as my motion was limited by my aching body and my massive muscles. I got to the river and opted not to jump in lest I break my nose. I stiffly climbed down into the rushing water and plopped myself down. I yipped a bit as the cold water rolled over my back and chest running down all the crevices of my muscular body and pooling around my cock and balls. My fur began to stand on end as the cold water slowly turned warm making my body tingle pleasantly. The water continued to run by my cock and balls and the warmth suddenly made their pulsing more noticeable. The pulsing turned into a throbbing which soon had the veins standing out on my now further growing shaft. I had no idea how big I was fully erect but if my cock can nearly knock me senseless then it would definitely be massive. The warmth spread even further through my body and the throbbing spread from my cock and balls to my entire body. I could feel my muscles seem to absorb all of the energy each throb provided and they began to expand with my cock. I moaned a little as the tingling and throbbing intensified seeming to reach up to the base of my neck then caress the back of my head and scalp. All of my fur seemed to be standing on end as the pleasure continued to grow. I grabbed my massive cock and began to stroke it. I could feel its heaviness and it felt powerful. More mass, more growth, more power my brain was relishing these thoughts and expanding them. Grow bigger than the trees, bigger than the planet I was on, bigger than its sun, bigger, bigger, bigger... My thoughts were lost in the tidal wave of my own selfish megalomania of muscle growth and the power it held. I opened my eyes and suddenly realized my cock was now as wide as the river I was in and my head peaked past the trees, I could see a few miles ahead of me. I was massive, I was enormous... I was fucking horny! That's when everything turned white. All of the energy seemed to pass from all over my body down into my cock and with an explosion of pleasure cum rushed out of my mighty cock. I could hear it spray mighty bursts of sex probably landing miles away. For what seemed like hours my cock launched huge jets of my cum over and over and over until the tingling began to fade. As it did so, I slowly began to lose consciousness. Soon my body felt spent and everything went dark. A loud splat sounded from nearby. I opened my eyes rubbing them as it woke me. I felt chilly water running down my lower spine and ass. I felt my cock laying against cold rocks as water rushed by. I looked around noticing the trees were covered in a heavy white goo. Some of the trees on both sides of me had crashed to the sides. I looked ahead of my and saw the sea of white trees going for miles along a freshly cut path through them. Huge globs of my thick cum dripped heavily from the trees. I looked down and noticed my body felt back to normal. But the evidence of my growth was plainly seen by the massive crater my ass made as I grew. The water diverted into pools where I sat then continuing down the river. I got up and when I was at full height I felt something was off. I felt bigger. My chest jutted out just a little more, blocking my sight of the ground just a little further. It was confirmation that I seemed to have retained a little of the intense growth spurt I had just experienced or that the fact that the spurt even happened. I grinned as I flexed my arm which felt just a little bit bigger... a little more powerful. As I put my arm back down I looked at my surroundings. It was time for me to figure out where I was and who was around me. I also guessed that I might as well see what kind of calamity my orgasm caused. I began to make my way through the freshly carved cum path of decimated trees as I began the first of many adventures to come. END.
  2. nolecub

    Smokey's Gym

    This is my first ever paid commission, written from a client's prompt and guidance of specifics he hoped to see - but definitely in my writing style and voice. After reading it, he suggested I post it here, where I've been a long-time lurker. Also the longest single story I've ever written. Hope y'all like. If so, I'll look at bringing over some of my other stories, too. Looking forward to hearing what you think. Comment or check my profile on how to contact. Thanks! ----------------- WARNING: This story has a lot of references to tobacco and smoking. If that's not your thing, I totally understand. All of the images are also AI generated. ----------------- SMOKEY'S GYM It was a great party. Josh and his buddies hung out, drank beers and some partygoers enjoyed cigars. It was late into the night and things were winding down when one of Josh’s friends called him out. “Why do you look so bummed, dude?”, Hunter asked. “Hell, I don’t know,” Josh said, “I’ve just been out of it lately. Stuck in my head.” “There’s no reason, man,” Hunter said, “You’re a catch, bro. Good job, cute as hell, great personality.” “I hear you, but I don’t feel it, man,” Josh said, “I’m pissed at myself for comparing myself to you guys, but it’s hard. Some days I just don’t want to be ‘cute’. I’m tired of being a wing man.” “Look, man, you are as important to me as everyone in this group is,” Hunter said, “But if it’s important to you, I may have an idea.” He took a long pull on his cigar, exhaling the smoke toward the ceiling. Josh winced. Hunter knew Josh wasn’t into cigars like some of the others. Josh only tolerated them for the good of the group. “Are you willing to compromise a few things?”, Hunter asked, “How far are you willing to go for what you want?” Josh thought before answering, but the alcohol had gotten to him a bit. “I need something to change,” he said, “I’d do just about anything to have what you guys have.” Hunter pulled out his phone and texted someone. “Done, bud,” he said, “Hope you’re ready for an exciting ride.” Josh heard him, but in his inebriated state he didn’t really listen to what was said. He just smiled and said, “Thanks. I appreciate it.” Hunter smiled, opening his arms wide to signal Josh to come in for a big bear hug. Josh leaned into the hug and his friend’s big arms enveloped him. “It’s all good, bro,” Hunter said, “I got you.” The next morning, Josh shook off his hangover. It was a fun, if not retrospective evening. It’s not that he was unhappy with his life, but that he just wanted “more”. What that “more” was, he wasn’t exactly sure. But as he looked at his group of friends, he saw how confident they were. They worked hard, played hard, and fucked hard. That just wasn’t him. He wished it could be, though. As he worked through his morning routine, he knew one thing – it was time for Josh to head to the gym. It had been a few weeks, but he had a little more pep in his step today. He was actually excited to work off some of his stress. Hunter was right. Josh wasn’t a bad looking guy, at about 5’9”, and depending on his diet at the time, weighing between 185 to 200 pounds. He is what most men would say is cute or handsome, but not built or “hot”. Like most gay men in the world, he wished he could be more than he currently is. He hated that about himself, however. He had a great education, good job, decent life, but there’s always that x-factor he couldn’t define as missing. Whatever it was, Josh pushed it aside today as he got ready to head out for the gym. Hopefully he would be able to escape for a bit as he listened to some Kylie Minogue, Arianna Grande, or – don’t tell his friends – Spice Girls on his playlist. After parking, Josh started his lazy walk toward the gym’s entrance. However, he noticed something he’d never seen before. There was an extremely fit-looking man smoking a cigarette near the entrance. Josh couldn’t help but stare. This guy just stood there, proud as he could be, hauling on his smoke. As other patrons walked by, he knew they were talking about him – often scrunching their noses in disgust – but this dude just did not care. As he got closer to the man, Josh’s internal struggle became more pronounced. He wondered how someone so in-shape looking could be smoking out in public, where he knew he’d get stared at and chastised, but not look like he gave a single fuck. The guy was basically daring someone to say something to him about it. Josh could never. As Josh neared the entrance, the man looked over to him and nodded, as if to acknowledge his existence, while in mid-haul on his cigarette. After his exhale, the bro motioned toward Josh to get his attention. “You want to talk to me?”, Josh questioned. “Yeah, man, are you Josh?”, the dude asked. Josh said he was indeed the man he was looking for. “Perfect!”, the man said, “I’m Dylan. I’m waiting for you.” Not saying anything, Josh’s first thought was, “Of course this guy who looks like an older version of a frat-bro who never really left his undergrad days and probably works in Finance is named Dylan.” But he never said that out loud. The only thing Josh could blurt out was, “You’re waiting for me?” “Yeah, bud,” Dylan said, “I was told you’d be here. I am sort of a brand ambassador for an elite gym. We cater to dudes with special interests. I got a 911 text from a friend who said you might be interested.” Josh reflected for a moment, then blurted, “Oh shit! You’re the one Hunter texted last night.” “Guilty,” Dylan smiled as he took the last drag off his cigarette before depositing the extinguished butt in the nearby trashcan. “He said you could use a change,” Dylan continued, “And I can make sure that happens. Interested?” Josh took a moment to think, then threw caution to the wind saying, “Fuck it! I’m in! If Hunter trusts you, I trust you.” Dylan smiled as he pulled out his cell phone. “Give me your number,” he said, “I’ll send you a pin on where to meet me tonight.” “Tonight?”, Josh asked with concern in his voice. “Yeah, man, tonight!”, Dylan said, “Gotta pull the band-aid off. Come ready to workout. I promise we’ll get you on the right path.” With that, Josh pulled out his phone and texted his number to Dylan. Josh’s phone pinged with a location he wasn’t familiar with and a note to meet him at 9:00pm. “See you soon, stud,” Dylan said as he lit up another cigarette and walked away, leaving Josh to ponder what he agreed to. After doing some cardio, Josh texted Hunter, inquiring about Dylan. Hunter wouldn’t give more information, just encouraged Josh to have fun and told him it will be a life-changing experience – whatever that meant. Josh was distracted all day long, wondering what he’d gotten himself into. Once the time came to leave, he thought about bailing. However, a text came in from Dylan reminding him that he would see him soon. “Dammit,” Josh thought, “Why couldn’t he just ghost me like everyone else?” As Josh made his way to the location, it seemed that the GPS took him to a “less-reputable” area of the city. He would never come down here by himself on a normal day. However, after finding parking on the street, and taking a deep breath, he walked into the alley where Dylan told him to go. As he got closer, a bright neon sign illuminated the alley. It said “Smokey’s Gym”. As he stared at the inviting sign, he noticed several buff men outside – all smoking some kind of tobacco product. “This is so crazy,” he thought to himself, but none of them seemed concerned about anything or anyone else. A few seconds later, Dylan’s form came out of the shadows as he was hauling on a cigarette. “Hey, bro!”, he said cheerfully, “Glad you made it! Hope you didn’t have any trouble finding the place.” “Not at all,” Josh said, “I’m not familiar with this side of town, but your directions were perfect.” “Great,” Dylan responded, while offering out his hand for a typical slap and shoulder hug greeting. Josh was still confused, but followed this ritual on auto-pilot. “Let’s get inside,” Dylan said, “We’ve got to get you signed up and oriented. I know you’re going to love this place.” Josh followed Dylan like a lost puppy through the door, as Dylan stopped to make quick pleasantries with the other men outside enjoying their tobacco treats. Each man acknowledged Josh in some way, whether saying welcome or providing an acknowledging head nod as they exhaled smoked from their chosen method of obtaining it. Upon entering the door, Josh was taken aback. He was hit in the face with tobacco smoke that made him cough slightly, which Dylan noticed. “Sorry, bud,” Dylan said, “I may have forgotten to tell you that members here can smoke inside. I promise you’ll get used to it.” Josh squeamishly smiled at his new friend – maybe this was a bad idea. Josh remembered that most, if not all, of his friends smoke. He’d been at many a house party where his friends smoked their thick cigars, which he definitely found pleasant. However, if it became too much, he could always retreat outside. That wouldn’t be the case in this gym – there was no escaping it. And it was clear that he would be smelling like an ashtray after his workout. Josh didn’t have much time to think as a gruff and buff older man got his attention. “So, Dylan,” he said in a gravely, yet masculine voice, “What sort of project have you brought me today?” “Josh, this asshole is ‘the’ Smokey of Smokey’s Gym”, Dylan said in a jovial tone, “He’s actually a nice guy who really cares about the clients, despite his attitude deformed appearance.” “Fuck off, Dylan,” Smokey said as he took a drag off his cigar, exhaling the smoke as he said, “I’m not deformed, just substantially bigger than you. And don’t go telling the fresh meat that I’m nice. You’ll ruin my image. Now, kick rocks. The kid and I have some things to discuss.” “Aye, aye, Captain,” Josh said as he faked a salute with his lit cigarette in his mouth, “I’ll be over in my area working on getting a big as you, old timer. Will see you later, Josh.” With that, Dylan turned and headed to the gym floor. “So, Josh,” Smokey said, getting Josh’s attention back toward him, “How can I help you?” Josh said, “A friend of mine apparently knew Dylan and he hooked me up for the opportunity to see your gym.” “Ahh,” Smokey replied, “Do you know exactly what you’re getting into?” “I assumed I was here to try out the gym and decide if I’m joining,” Dylan replied. Smokey gave a slight look of concern as he took another pull on his cigar, exhaling the smoke toward the ceiling. “Either your buddy or Dylan were definitely not clear with you on what this place is,” he said, “but there’s one thing I can promise you – you’re no longer the person you walked in as.” Josh gave a quizzical look toward Smokey as he reflected on the ominous statement. “Alright, kid,” Smokey said, knocking Josh out of his stupor, “It’s time to go over the membership rules.” Smokey then whipped out a clipboard with several pages of paperwork and a pen. “First off,” Smokey said, “Members are encouraged to smoke here. That might be a bit different than what you’re used to at other gyms, but it’s actually important. Smokey’s is a gym for smokers. Most of the men in here can’t go long without their nicotine fix, so I created this place so they can smoke while they’re working out.” “Hold up,” Josh said, “The gym is only for smokers?” “Well, I should have been more specific,” Smokey replied, “Guys who use nicotine products. We also have a section for the guys who dip or chew, too. However, we don’t allow vaping in here because it’s lame. You can do whatever you like to do when you’re not in the gym – but none of that shit in here.” Josh could feel himself becoming more and more uncomfortable. “I just don’t understand,” he said, “I…I…I don’t smoke. I’ve never been a smoker before.” “Well, shit,” Smokey said, “I hate to tell you this, but you are now. Or at least you’re going to start having cravings by the time you leave. There’s no way to be in this place and not get addicted. That’s why my street team is supposed to only bring in smokers or people who are likely to become smokers. Wait…do most of your friends smoke?” Josh replied with a simple, “Yeah.” “OK, this is making a lot more sense,” Smokey said, “I bet one of your friends is either a client or knows some clients. They’re either trying to give you a make-over or thought you were a smoker.” Josh couldn’t wrap his mind around the situation and what he was being told. “Look, it’s clear you’ve got some thinking to do,” Smokey said, “But one thing is very true, the life you knew before coming here is going to be different. It’s not over or anything – far from it. There’s going to be a lot for you to learn, but I promise you’ll come to love it. Look at all of the men here – they’re more than satisfied.” Josh turned around and looked onto the gym floor. All he could see were men smoking something, whether a cigar, cigarette, or pipe. They didn’t look to be struggling. There was a confidence in their movements, some might even say a strut. And, fuck, they looked good. “Well, if my fate is already sealed, I may as well sign the dotted line,” Josh said, with trepidation in his voice. “That’s my boy,” Smokey said as he handed the pen to Josh. “You’ve made the right decision,” he continued, “I have a feeling you’re gonna be a cigar man eventually. Trust me, I can pick them.” Smokey smiled around the fat cigar shoved in his jaw. Josh felt like Smokey’s eyes were looking him up and down in a predatory fashion. All he could think is, “What have I gotten myself into?”, as he signed his name on the dotted line. “Alright, now that you’re officially a junior member of Smokey’s Gym,” Smokey said, “It’s time for your orientation period. Over the next several days you will have the chance to experience the options available in the gym.” Josh interrupted, saying, “Well, I’m looking to bulk up. So, I assume I’m going to want to use more of the free weights and powerlifting equipment.” Shaking his head, Smokey asserted, “That’s not what I’m talking about, boy. You’re going to have to decide what kind of man you want to be. Trust me, it will make more sense over the next several days. For now, I’ll take you over to Dylan and his crew since you already know him. Grab your shit and let’s go.” As they walked, Josh realized that the gym was actually huge inside. It kind of reminded him of the inside of that British police box spaceship from the show he used to watch. The outside just didn’t look like there would be so much space. The longer they walked, the less he coughed. He assumed he was just getting used to filtering the smoke through his lungs. He wasn’t particularly excited about that, but it was what it was. Approaching a corner of the space, there were several buff men checking themselves out in the mirror. All of them smoking cigarettes as they lifted free weights with their sculpted arms, chests, and visible abs. That’s when Dylan’s familiar face caught him. “Hey, buddy!”, he said, “Glad you’re here to join us.” “He hasn’t made up his mind yet, Dylan,” Smokey said while blowing a cloud of cigar smoke into the area – causing several of the men to shoot him dirty looks, “He didn’t even smoke before he came in here today, so he’s got some exploring to do.” “No shit?”, said Dylan, “I had no idea! I guess I just assumed. Well, you’re here now so let’s make the best of it!” Dylan put his arm around Josh and pulled him in to meet some of the other cigarette bros as Smokey stared momentarily before turning away to head back to his rightful place at the desk. “All of the guys in here look like runway or fitness models,” Josh said. “You’re pretty much correct. Most of the guys in ‘The Pack’ are,” Dylan said while making air quotes and chuckling slightly at the pun, “I guess most of us started smoking to keep from overeating and wanted to maintain our muscularity.” “I guess I’m just still stunned by all of this,” Josh said, “I still don’t quite understand everything that’s going on. Smokey just told me I’m going to have to choose eventually. I don’t really know what all of that means yet.” “It’s pretty much what he said,” Dylan said, “You have some time to decide if you’re a cigarette, cigar, pipe or dip man, for the most part. We all have different goals in our workouts and how we want the world to see us, so you have to ultimately discover your tribe. They’ll help you discover your full potential.” As Josh allowed Dylan’s world percolate for a moment, he kind of liked the sentiment. However, he was still uncomfortable with the whole smoking and tobacco use part. Oddly, though, the longer he was here and talking with Dylan, his anxiety seemed to settle. Dylan turned to Josh, saying, “Bro, let me introduce you to Marco. He’s the lead trainer of The Pack.” As Josh made eye contact with Marco, he could barely contain himself. He was an Adonis, a body carved directly out of marble, with a hot shoulder tat. His dark and brooding appearance made Josh’s loins twitch. “Hey, man,” Marco said, “So you’re interested in joining The Pack?” Dylan interrupted, “He is definitely going to join us. He just has to do the full orientation as a formality, isn’t that right, bro?” Josh wasn’t sure how to respond, but he timidly said, “I definitely want to see what I would have to look forward to.” “Well, no time like the present, dude,” Marco said while holding out a pack of non-descript cigarettes. “I will warn you that I’m going to kick your ass tonight. A lot of people tap out of my full-on workouts – but if you stick with me, you will get the best results. Even if you’re not sure, I promise I will give you a lot to think about afterward.” “Well, I suppose we should get started then,” Josh said, “What do I need to do?” “Just take a cigarette, bro,” Marco said. Josh took one from the pack and put it to his lips. Dylan pulled out a lighter and sparked a flame. “Glad I could be your first,” he chuckled, as Josh sucked in his first lungful of smoke. “This is awesome,” Josh said as he exhaled. “You’re just having a nicotine high, bud,” Marco said, “it’s going to be like that for a bit as your body gets used to it, but it’s going to make your transform much faster.” Transform? That was a new terminology to Josh. He thought he’d just be working out. In high nicotine high, Josh became very compliant to Marco. Marco kept the cigarettes flowing as he and Josh worked upper body for the rest of the evening. Shoulders, chest, biceps, triceps, abs – which he explained would be most of the workouts. The Pack focused on upper body. Not that they had chicken legs, but their bodies were meant for looks, lean to showy muscularity, and aesthetic athleticism, not power and strength. They were to be admired. Other men wished they were them. As the workout continued, Dylan stopped by to check on the progress. “Holy shit, bro,” he exclaimed, “Have you seen yourself?” Taking a draw on his cigarette, Josh stopped for a moment to look at himself in the closest mirror. He was absolutely ripped with broad shoulders and a tapered waist. Veined, shredded muscles as far as he could see. Definitely disproportionate on the bottom for now, but after only one workout, he was more than impressed with himself. “Damn,” Josh said, “I’m fine as hell!” He couldn’t stop looking at himself in the mirror. He put his cigarette in his mouth, allowing it to dangle from his lips. He gave his best model pose and flexed his arms. Both Marco and Dylan laughed until Dylan broke the silence as he quipped, “Someone’s feeling himself!” Josh turned to Dylan, then rushed toward him, planting a huge kiss on his lips. “This is fucking awesome, bro,” he said, “I can’t thank you enough. I can’t believe how I look and feel.” Marco interrupted, “And this is just after one workout. Just think what we can do over time. And – I think I deserve a little thanks, too.” Josh went over to Marco, planting a sloppy kiss on his lips, as Marco placed his hands on his tight, firm, ass. Smokey appeared out of nowhere to say, “No fucking on the gym floor, boys! Take it to the steam room or go get your rocks off somewhere else.” “He’s just jealous we got you first,” Marco said as he grabbed his new creatin by the wrist and led him toward the locker room. The next morning, Josh awoke with a splitting headache. He reflected on the night before and how great he felt. He immediately ran to the bathroom to see that the gains he’d made from the night before were gone. He looked as mediocre as he did prior to stepping inside Smokey’s Gym. He pulled out the contract and noticed in the orientation section that initial changes are only temporary until the client commits to his choice. He was sad about that, but he looked forward to his workout this evening. Now, what to do about his headache. He knew it wasn’t just being hungry or dehydrated. This was nicotine withdrawal. He also noticed a smell. It led him to his workout bag and the clothes he’d thrown haphazardly into the corner of his room. They smelled like cigarette smoke…sweet, sweet cigarette smoke. Fuck, he wished he had one right now. That’s when he saw them. Someone – probably Dylan or Marco – stuffed a fresh pack in his bag. As he pulled them out, there was a note saying “We know you’ll be needing these about now! Smoke up! -The Pack.” Those guys are awesome, he thought. After digging through his kitchen junk drawer, Josh found a lighter typically used for candles, grabbed the pack and headed out to his apartment’s patio. He pulled out and lit a cigarette, taking the smoke into his lungs. It satiated his need, at least for now. Josh opened his phone to see a missed text message from Hunter. It read simply, “So?” Josh took a long, exasperated drag, responding with, “Fine. FU Dick! TTYL”. A few minutes later, a single emoji of a purple horny devil appeared. Josh couldn’t help but chuckle a bit to himself as he headed back inside his apartment to get ready to leave. Going to work for the day was a challenge. Josh could only think about later tonight and what his next choice and transformation would be like. Throughout the day, he would spontaneously get hard thinking about it, especially after the experience he had with Marco. He just hoped no one would walk by his cubicle. Several times, he excused himself saying he needed to “clear his head”, but he was finding the perfect place to hide and smoke. Even though the smokers from his office all went to the same place, he couldn’t yet come out as a smoker. It just wasn’t something he was ready to do. Josh headed home for the evening, contemplating smoking a cigarette in his car, but he held out until he got home. After a quick pee, he headed to the patio where he sparked up in relief. Without the nicotine flowing in his system, his nerves would probably have been shot by now. His mind still fought against his growing addiction, but he couldn’t resist knowing what further experiences he would have. Josh walked back into Smokey’s Gym at his scheduled 9:00pm appointment time. He took a deep breath, inhaling the atmosphere that reminded him of last night’s escapade. Smokey gruffly greeted him, smelling the smoke on Josh’s clothes. “Welcome back, kid. Looks like you’re coming around,” he said with a bit of a smirk around the cigar nub shoved in his jaw, “Glad you had some fun with the boys last night, but tonight’s the night you meet the real men. I hope you’re ready.” Smokey came out from behind the desk and proudly walked Josh toward the next area. As they walked, Smokey described “The Cigar Lounge”, as he called it. Josh was excited to hear there were many more free weights and barbells than in The Pack’s area. He really did look forward to the chance to lift more. As they turned the corner, Josh’s eyes went wide. This was a familiar looking group of men. It seemed as though he was back at one of the many parties with his buddies, like Hunter. The men here were much beefier than the guys from The Pack. They had large muscles and exuded power and confidence. Many had beards, with tattoos covering their bodies. These guys were sexy to him. He was looking forward to this. “Like what you see, kid?”, Smokey joked as he jabbed Josh on the shoulder, “Cuz it surely looks like little Joshie does.” Josh realized he had a chub and was embarrassed that Smokey pointed it out. As he grew a bit red in the face, Smokey said, “Nothing to be shy about. Cigar men like us don’t care. It’s normal human nature.” A hirsute man approached the couple saying, “Jeez, Smokey. Are you trying to recruit him or make him run screaming back over to the butt heads?” Smokey let out a smile as he and the man shared a quick bro hug. “Kid, this is Omar. Omar, this is Josh,” Smokey said. “Why do you insist on calling every new client ‘kid’, Smokey?”, Omar chuckled. “Because you are all kids to me,” retorted Smokey, “At least until a client makes his choice and knows where he belongs.” “You’ll get nothing but respect over here in the Lounge, Josh,” Omar said, “So what do you say you and I have a little talk about your goals while the old pervert heads back to his hole?” Smokey flips Omar a bird as he turns, walking away in a huff. All the bodybuilders who saw the exchange chuckled around their cigars. “Don’t worry about him, Josh,” Omar said, “He means well. I think he sees something in you and hopes you belong with us. How about we get down to some business?” “Sounds good to me!”, Josh exclaims excitedly, “This area looks like it has everything I’m looking for. I really want to do some bodybuilding to see what I would look like.” “That’s good to hear,” Omar said, “But we’re not just about looking like a bodybuilder. To be a member of The Lounge, you need the right attitude. I won’t say that we’re better than everyone else, but I do think we’re a lot more balanced than the others. We’re not just big. We take up space. We’re confident. People can’t ignore us, even if they try.” Listening intently, Josh couldn’t agree more. The further Omar went into his pitch, Josh felt like he was at home. Omar extended his hand, “I promise to give you my best if you’ll give me your best.” Josh immediately shook Omar’s gigantic hand, saying, “I promise!” Omar guided Josh over to the walk-in humidor installed in their area of the gym. “I think we’ll go with the Asylum 13 Ogre,” Omar said, while passing the girthy, long cigar under his nose, “You’re going to love this. It may look a bit intimidating, but I’m sure you can handle it.” After a flirty wink, he continued, “I’ll walk you through how to prep it this time, but I’ll expect you’ll do your own from here on out.” Through both his fascination and fear, all Josh could muster in response was, “Yes, Sir!” “Nice, a boy with respect,” Omar coyly responded, “I think we’re going to be fast friends.” With that, Omar clipped and toasted the cigar perfectly, lightly pulling to ensure an even burn. With that, he handed it over to Josh. “Start slowly,” Omar said, “Small puffs until you get used to it. Don’t inhale yet. I don’t need to be cleaning up any vomit at the start of our workout.” As Josh chuffed on his stogie, he swore he could already feel its power coursing through him. He felt taller, broader, more confident in himself. He wondered if it was because of the sheer amount of nicotine flooding his system. “How are you feeling there, Josh?”, Omar asked. “I’m great,” Josh responded, “This is awesome. I never knew what I was missing when my friends were smoking these around me. I always liked how they smelled, but actually smoking one is amazing.” “Yeah,” Omar agreed, “They’re pretty powerful. Not every man is meant to be a cigar man. It takes a special man to not only smoke them, but to handle the looks you’re going to get while smoking them. Men wish they were us, to have our confidence and the ability to handle that big stick for possibly hours.” Josh continued listening to Omar, hearing every word as it sank into his very soul. Josh could relate to this experience much more than he could with smoking cigarettes. Last night seemed like a distant memory to him, a passing fad. However, he could live in this moment forever. “It’s time to get started, little one,” Omar said. Josh followed him immediately, like a big brother he’d never had. They began the evening with squats, helping Josh develop a strong foundation. By the end of the night, Omar put Josh through a full body workout – chest, delts, and core work. Josh hadn’t even cared to look at himself all night. Where The Pack was constantly checking themselves out in the mirror, The Lounge men prioritized the workout. They didn’t need to look in the mirror to constantly check their progress. They worked hard and Josh had a feeling from the looks he was getting as he walked the floor that they played even harder. When Josh finally caught a glimpse of himself, he couldn’t believe it. He was huge. His boyish looks were fully obscured by a super-masculine profile. His newly angular jaw was framed perfectly by a short beard. Josh hadn’t even realized he’d parked the cigar in his jaw, as if it was an extension of him now. He had substantial pecs – at least twice as large as he gained the previous night – and his shoulders were massive. His gigantic arms were covered with of sexy tattoos. His thighs, quads, and calves matched his upper body, allowing him to feel balanced rather than top heavy. He absolutely loved how he looked. He confidently smiled at himself now, something he had never done previously. Taking a satisfying pull on his cigar, Josh exhaled exclaiming, “Holy fuck, I’m hot!” “Yeah, you are,” said Omar, “I didn’t want to tell you, but it was very hard not to.” “Thank you, Sir!”, Josh said, “This is beyond my wildest dreams. I don’t know that I ever want to go back.” “Unfortunately, you will have to,” Omar said, “It doesn’t mean you can’t come back, of course, but you know that you still have other tribes to test out.” Josh was almost sad thinking about the truth. “There’s no reason we can’t give your new body a ride, just to see how it performs,” Omar said with a coy smile, “You’ve been calling me ‘Sir’ all night and it’s taken all of my energy not to jump your bones. Are you up for it?” “Hell yeah, Sir!”, Josh said taking a long draw on his cigar and exhaling it with confidence. “Steam room, boy, now!”, Omar said as Josh ran to make sure to be there to hold the door for his superior. The next morning, Josh woke up with less of a headache than the day prior. He immediately reached to his right, where he felt for his pack of smokes and a lighter. As he pulled a cigarette out of the pack and put it to his lips, he began raising the lighter to spark it. He suddenly realized what he was doing and stopped in his tracks. “What the hell am I doing?”, he blurted. He was upset that this action seemed so normal to him, as if on autopilot. After running to the bathroom and splashing some water on his face, Josh stared at himself in the mirror. He really missed the gains from last night. He’d never felt so powerful and in-charge. Now he was back to square one again – the same old Josh. As he headed toward the closet to pull out his work clothes for the day, he passed his clothes from the night before. It smelled so good to him. He loved the much more substantial smell that the cigar smoke left. He wanted to be bathed in it. It was then he knew that he did not want to be a cigarette smoker any longer. That ship had sailed, except in emergencies. Unfortunately, Josh was craving a smoke. His addiction was growing at a rapid pace. He hated the thought, but knew he had no choice but to feed the monster now. Eyeing his bag, he noticed a metallic glint, finding an aluminum tube. His heart began fluttering because he knew what it was. As he opened the cylinder, it was another Asylum 13 Ogre, with a note wrapped around it. “It’s clear where you belong. - Omar”, the note read. Josh blushed, but also exhaled realizing he wouldn’t need to smoke a dreaded cigarette. Josh knew he didn’t have time to enjoy the cigar at the pace it should be smoked, so he made a decision. After getting ready for work, he snipped the end with a scissor, grabbed his lighter, and took the cigar with him to his car. After rolling down his window, he lit the end as Omar taught him and was immediately taken back. “Oh yeah,” he thought, “This feels right.” Josh could see and feel the people staring at him with his thick cigar in his mouth or hanging out the window. But Josh didn’t care. All he focused on was how he felt and enjoying the experience – the experience of being a cigar man. By the time he reached work, he had only made it through about half of the cigar, so he extinguished it and put the rest back in its tube to enjoy later. Throughout the day, his co-workers commented that he was carrying himself differently. “Have you lost weight?” “Are you dressing differently?” “Are you using a new cologne?” “There’s just something different about you, I can’t put my finger on it.” Josh just smiled to himself thinking, “If they only knew!” Around mid-day, a new message from Hunter came through. “U mad?”, it said. Josh responded with, “Not today. Ask me tomorrow,” with a winky emoji. Hunter replied with a both flexed bicep and lit cigarette emojis, followed with “Any gainz, bro?” Josh thought to himself, “That bitch! He knew the whole time!” Pissed, he responded with “CUNT. We will talk later”, flipping his phone over. After enjoying most of the rest of his cigar on the way home that day, Josh was not as excited to go to the gym tonight. He certainly wanted to go, but realizing that he wasn’t going to have the same experience as last night drug him down. “It’s OK, only a few more days,” he said to himself. Josh saved a nub to smoke on his way to the gym that evening. As he walked in, Smokey gave a wide smile around his own cigar. “Well, well, well,” he said, “I smell that sweet smoke on you, kid. I can see by that walk that I was right again. It looks good on you.” Josh smiled coyly in Smokey’s direction. “Now, now, Smokey,” a voice said from behind Josh, “That’s not fair. You know the boy needs the opportunity to experience all of his options before making a decision.” Upon turning around, Josh was met with a stout, yet imposing figure. He was beefy like a cigar man, but possessed a thoughtful and intriguing face that drew Josh in. “Oh great, Santa Claus has come to town,” Smokey said as he rolled his eyes. The silver daddy rolled his eyes and retorted, “Jealously never looked good on you.” Josh, feeling the tension between the two men, immediately jumped up extending his hand for a shake, “Hi,” he began, “I’m Josh. Looking forward to my workout tonight.” The man pulled Josh in for a full-on hug, placing his head against his supple chest. “Sorry there, little man,” he said, “I don’t do handshakes. I believe in big old bear hugs.” Upon releasing him, Josh almost felt drunk. This man’s musky pheromones, combined with aromatics of tobacco and possibly sweet, woodsy, and perhaps even fruity smells, was overwhelming. Josh found this very appealing. Observing this exchange, Smokey became more and more visibly agitated. “Get out of here, Wesley,” Smokey asserted, “Go work the kid out so he can come back home after.” Wesley turned and glared at Smokey. Motioning to Josh to pick up his bag and follow him. Josh would normally never respond like that, but he was drawn to this man for some reason. As they walked, Josh broke the silence, “What was up with all of that?” “Oh, nothing,” Wesley said, “Let’s just say that Smokey and I have history. It was a long time ago, but some people can’t move on.” Josh chuckled to himself. “Now that we’re past all of that gay drama,” Wesley said, “Let me introduce you to what we pipe men call ‘The Rack’.” Josh’s eyes grew wide as he took in the environment. There we no young men in this part of the gym, however there was something about these men that he found very attractive. They were perhaps the most varied body types – some ripped, some portly – but this area felt the most comfortable of all. The men all seemed to be enjoying each other’s company. Taking time between their sets, hugging, and taking puffs on their large-bowl pipes. Each pipe was as unique as its user. “I assume you didn’t come equipped with your own,” Wesley said, handing Josh a pipe. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” he said. “No need to apologize, son,” Wesley said, rubbing Josh’s head while tussling his hair, “I’m sure you’ll graduate to something more ornate in the future, but for now this is what is called a bent pipe. It’s shaped to make lighting fairly easy as you hold the stem in your teeth. Go ahead, put it in your mouth.” Something about this man and the men around him made Josh feel very “at home”. They were gentle, welcoming, and taking the time to teach him things. As Josh placed the pipe in his mouth, it felt as though it was meant to be there. There was weight to it, but he quickly managed to balance it. “You are a quick study, my boy,” Wesley said, “It’s time for us to decide what kind of tobacco you like and get to your workout.” With that, Wesley placed his heavy arm around Josh’s shoulder and led him to the mahogany cabinet where the men of The Rack stored their loose tobacco. As they stopped for Wesley to open the cabinet, Josh almost missed the feeling of safety and comfort the bear’s arm provided - covering him like a warm blanket. As the doors opened, a variety of tins and pouches came into view. Wesley expertly opened several, wafting their scents to find the right combination until he settled on one. “You see, boy,” he said, “A pipe man has so many options. The pipe is your vessel, but the combinations are endless.” Wesley opened the tin he chose, placing it under Josh’s nose. Josh smelled a rich tobacco with sweet vanilla and cherry notes. His eyes opened wide. “That smells great,” he said. “Well, boy,” Wesley responded, “Let’s get your pipe packed and go to town.” After teaching Josh how to sprinkle the loose tobacco in the bowl of his new pipe, then compress it for the perfect burn, Wesley gave him suggestions for lighting. After taking his first lungful of the creamy, sweet smoke, Josh was in heaven. He was surprised at how easily he took to what he always thought was a complicated process. With that, the men went to work. This was honestly the least physically demanding workout so far, but Josh just enjoyed being the presence of the other men. It was a very communal experience. Each of them shared some stories, while talking about the various tobacco blends they enjoyed. The combination of smoke was fragrant, with everyone’s individual contribution making a difference to the whole. As time moved on, Josh found himself gazing longingly into Wesley’s experienced eyes. Wesley wished he could be this man. So confident, comfortable in his skin, powerful yet caring. He quickly developed an admiration for who he was and what he stood for. Wesley eventually approached Josh from behind, wrapping his arms around him. Josh barely flinched as he felt as though he was being wrapped in a comfy robe. Wesley removed his pipe and nibbled lightly on Josh’s earlobe. Josh turned toward him, now fully transformed into a slightly shorter, yet stockier version of himself. Upon seeing himself in a mirror, he imagined he was a younger version of Wesley – when he was in his prime. Thick arms, pecs, and mid-section with a dusting of hair. Less defined than the night before, but perfect for cuddling. He felt a maturity beyond his years as he pulled on his pipe. “So, what do you think, Papa Bear?”, Josh asked with a come-hither look on his face. “I could just eat you with a spoon, young man,” Wesley replied as he took a toke from his pipe and leaned in to exhale directly into Josh’s mouth. As Josh exhaled, he said, “I liked that very much!” “Swapping smoke is a ritual we pipe men share,” Wesley said, “It’s very erotic, don’t you think?” Josh immediately took a pull on his pipe and locked lips with a not-so-surprised Wesley. Wesley smiled as he exhaled the young bear’s smoke. “A little too sweet for me,” Wesley said, “But I think it’s time I introduced you to some other blends – in the steam room.” “I love trying new things,” Josh replied, “And it’s always better to share the experience.” From there, Wesley led Josh toward the steam room. When he woke the next morning, Josh groggily reached for his pipe. He remembered to put it in a location where he could find it. He stepped out onto his patio, lighting up. After a few puffs, he exhaled the thick, rich, creamy smoke. While enjoying the experience, and reflecting positively on his workout last night, it all seemed just too complicated. Gone were his concerns about tobacco in general. Honestly, Josh didn’t even think about his addiction this morning. He was centered on whether or not he liked the experience of using the pipe. That’s when he remembered he still had a cigar nub in his car from last night. Surprisingly, even to him, Josh walked out to his car in his pajama pants and slides to grab the nub. Without even thinking about it, he pulled the nub from its location in his console and lit it right away. “This still feels right,” he thought to himself. He moved the nub to his jaw as he walked back toward his apartment door, savoring every millimeter along the way. He was smoking in his apartment now – not even realizing it! As Josh got ready for work, the smoldering nub stuck out of his bearded face. He no longer cared, as his mind told him it was always meant to be there. The nub wouldn’t last long, however. Unfortunately, it was too early to go by a cigar shop on the way to work. He’ll have to make it at least until lunchtime. By lunchtime, Josh was having his first true nic-fit. His head was throbbing. This scared him a bit, but there was no way he was going to give up the feeling he had with a cigar in his maw. As he walked into the tobacconist that Google recommended, his confidence floundered. He was out of his element. As he wandered around looking for what he knew in his limited experience, Josh attempted to look as if he belonged. He observed the men, some in suits, others clearly working class, but each of them had an aura about them – very similar to what he experienced in the gym. He wanted to feel that again, yet here he was, reduced to feeling like a fish out of water. He lowered his head, as if to admit defeat. A moment later, there was a tap on his shoulder. As he turned around, an older man with a with a solid build was standing there, chuffing on a cigar. “Oh, I’m sorry, Sir,” Josh stated, “Am I in your way?” “Not at all,” the man said in a calm and direct manner, “I’m Sarge, I own the place. Just wanted to check to see if there’s anything I can help you with.” Josh’s knees suddenly became slightly weak. Sarge had eyes like gunmetal and a handsome face. He definitely gave off vibes of being either former military or law enforcement. Josh could feel an instant attraction to this man, which confused him. He was never previously into older men, but maybe his experience with PipeDaddy Wesley had changed that. That’s when it hit him! Sarge was a blend – to borrow a term from the men of The Rack – of Omar and Wesley. And what a fine blend he was. Josh could fall into his arms right now and be a very happy man. “Hey, kid!”, Sarge said, startling Josh back to reality. “I’m so sorry,” he responded, “I was off in dreamland. Been out late the last few nights at the gym. Just distracted.” “No problem,” Sarge said, “Looking for anything specific that I might be able to help you with?” If Josh knew for certain Sarge was gay, he would have jumped right in with some perfect innuendo, however this was not the time to test his luck. “Yes, Sir,” Josh said, “I’m looking for some Asylum 13s.” “I can help you with that,” a grinning Sarge said, “Any idea on length and girth?” Josh’s eyes immediately went wide open, as Sarge leaned in and whispered in his ear, “I know Smokey very well.” As the words sunk into Josh’s brain, the stress of the situation dropped immediately from his shoulders. “Sorry, I’m just new at this,” he said, “I’m still learning.” “It’s OK, we all started sometime,” Sarge said, “Now that you’re comfortable, let’s get you hooked up.” With that, Sarge led Josh into the walk-in humidor. A few minutes later, Josh was at the register with his haul. After paying, Sarge reached under the counter and pulled out a store-branded clipper and lighter. “On the house for the new customer,” Sarge said as he dropped them in the bag and smiled, “And hopefully a regular.” “Thank you, Sir,” Josh said, “I really appreciate your help today.” “A stranger is just a friend you haven’t met yet,” Sarge said, reaching out his hand for a shake. As Josh felt Sarge’s strong grip, he nodded a thank you. “Oh, by the way,” Sarge said, “I put my card in the bag, too. And one last thing, don’t call me ‘Sir’ – I work for a living – but you can call me all sorts of things later.” Josh turned beet red as he turned to leave, as Sarge let out a belly laugh. When Josh got to his car, he reached in to find the shop’s card. He flipped it over to find a handwritten phone number and the words, “I expect you to use this.” Josh smiled again as he pulled out a cigar to smoke for the remainder of his lunchtime. He certainly needed the time to calm down after the escapade in the shop. However, he did have a lingering thought. Hunter, now Sarge, both knew Smokey? Was he the only person that didn’t know about the gym and its secrets? At the end of the day, Josh pulled into his complex assigned parking space with about half a cigar in his jaw. Some of his neighbors walked by, noticing the smell and giving him a bit of a side-eye. Josh thought about saying something, but he couldn’t be bothered. He needed to relax a bit and get ready for tonight’s workout. Josh noticed he’d missed a text from Hunter at some point during the day. The message briefly inquired, “How goes?” Josh replied with an atypically passive aggressive response, “All is good. Last night of orientation. I’m sure you remember.” Almost instantaneously, three small dots pulsed at the bottom of his screen. Hunter stated, “I do. I hope you know I did this for you. Forgive me?” Josh responded with a red heart emoji, which Hunter liked. A few hours later, Josh emerged through his front door with a fresh cigar in his mouth. He stopped momentarily to rotate and light it, then threw his bag on his shoulder and headed to the car. He may not be a cigar man yet, but he was certainly enjoying whatever this was. As Josh walked into Smokey’s Gym for his last night of orientation, he was pretty certain which tribe he was going to join. His experiences over the last few nights – and today with Sarge – had more than galvanized who he believed he was meant to be. With a little extra pep in his step and a smile on his face, he approached Smokey to check in. “Wow, kid,” Smokey said, “You fall in love or something?” Josh snapped back to reality, “What?” “Nevermind,” Smokey said, “I was just messing with you. You know me!” “Unfortunately,” Josh quipped. “Whoa, spoken like a true smartass,” Smokey responded in a terrible Southern accent – unsuccessfully attempting to copy the famous line from Steel Magnolias – which completely flew over Josh’s head. “Do I smell cigar on you?”, Smokey beamed, “Is our boy becoming a man?” Josh feigned laughter. “Well, tonight’s your last night before you have to commit,” Smokey said. “Tonight’s the night you hang out with the real wierdos of the gym.” “You’re a real piece of shi-it, Smokey,” a pitbull of a man with huge delts and bowling ball sized shoulders said in a deep Southern accent, “First, you dishonor one of the best movies of all time and now you try and steal my recruit.” “Josh, this is Nash,” Smokey interrupted, “Just tell him to slow down when you don’t understand his Alabama gibberish.” “For the thousandth time, Smokey,” Nash retorted, “I ain’t from Alabama. I’m from Mississippi.” “Same difference,” Smokey said. “Don’t mind him none,” Nash said, “He clearly getting forgetful in his old age. Might be time for the home.” After dropping the nasty burn that left Smokey dumbfounded, Nash abruptly turned and darted toward the very back of the gym. Josh chuckled as he picked up his bag and ran to catch up with Nash. As they approached the area where the smokeless tobacco users hung out, Josh could see he was going to love it here. These guys were the powerlifters and strongmen of the gym. They all had thick bodies, made for moving weight and utilizing raw power. Nash could see Josh’s eyes lighting up. “Like what you see so far?”, he asked. “Definitely!”, Josh responded. It was also kind of nice that it wasn’t as smoky in their area. Sure, some of it drafted over, but it was clear these guys weren’t inhaling anything substantial. “The boys over here train heavy,” Nash said, “We’re not so worried about looking good, but making sure we get the job done.” He ended the statement with a sly smile. “But seriously, most of the guys in our crew work in blue collar jobs,” Nash continued, “Construction, police and corrections officers, etc. Roles where it helps to be strong and not really care too much about what other people think of you.” Josh thought this all sounded really good to him. He knew he wasn’t working out just to show off or look a certain way. He wanted to use whatever gains he made – whether in his day-to-day work or for play. “Trust me,” Nash said, “You’re not going to be able to lift the amount of weight most of us throw around in a day. But we can certainly give you the chance to experience it.” With that, Nash drew Josh’s attention to the cabinet just off the floor. “We probably have the biggest options of all the tribes,” Nash said, “We call ourselves Lippers, even though not everyone uses their tobacco that way. It just makes sense. Some of the assholes call our area ‘the spitoon’. I mean, it’s shitty, but not gonna lie that some of the boys miss their bottles now and then.” Nash chuckled, giving Josh a slight tap on the arm to emphasize the joke. Inside the cabinet was a wide variety of things Josh had never seen before. “In here, you’ve got a bunch of types of dip in the cans – natural, long cut, flavored, and pouches,” Nash said, “We also have some of that stuff that the rednecks and old school baseball guys like in the big pouches. They call it chew, but where I’m from we call it chaw.” Nash continued, “For you, being new, I think we should start you out on come Copenhagen Wintergreen, long-cut. The flavor is milder and the texture is easy to manage in your lip. I’m more of a Cope snuff man, but you’ll figure out what you like.” Nash held out a can of the Cope Wintergreen for Josh to take. He also handed him a water bottle. “I’m assuming by the way you’re looking that you’ve never dipped before,” Nash said, with Josh giving him an affirming nod. “You’re gonna need this bottle, too,” Nash continued, “Cuz you’re new, you’ll want to spit a lot. Some of these hosses gut their spit, but you won’t want to do that until you’re used to it. Some people never do.” With some trepidation, Josh took the can and bottle from Nash. This ritual seemed the most foreign to him, so he was definitely going to need some coaching. “Just take a healthy pinch and put it in your lip, like this,” Nash said just before demonstrating, “Use your finger or tongue to make sure it’s in a spot where you’re comfortable. That’s it.” Josh followed suit. It was a very odd feeling at first, especially having a bulging lip. Then the saliva started building up. “Just spit in your bottle,” Nash said, “Otherwise it’s gonna end up on your shirt.” Josh followed Nash’s instructions. “This is going to take some getting used to,” Josh said with a bit of a lisp, with his lip not allowing him to fully close his mouth yet. “You’ll be fine,” Nash said, “Just like those other guys get used to talking around a cigar or pipe in their mouth, same goes for dip.” Josh’s brain began to tingle as the nicotine hit his system. He actually felt a bit dizzy for a moment. “Sorry, I forgot to tell you that it can be a little intense for a bit,” Nash said. After a few minutes, Josh got his sea-legs back under him and Nash led him to the floor. They started with heavy squats, then deadlifts, then overhead presses. Josh was wrecked by the time they were done. Nash had definitely put Josh through a great full-body workout that would help him become a powerlifter like Nash. “Shee-it, kid,” Nash said, “You definitely fit in with the boys. I think you’re gonna like it.” With that, Nash took Josh over to a mirror. Josh could not believe how he looked. He did a double-take, looking at Nash for confirmation. “Are you kidding me?”, Josh asked in excitement, “This is incredible. I’m so big and strong looking.” “Glad you like it,” Nash said as his bulging lip formed a smile, “I could get used to seeing you around here. It looks good on you and you look very comfortable in it.” Josh took a moment to spit in his bottle, then said, “I could get used to it, too. And you!” Josh leaned in to give a tobacco-laden kiss. “Now, now, boy,” Nash responded, “As my momma used to day, don’t go using a check you can’t cash.” Nash grabbed Josh’s now ample, but firm ass. Josh took Nash by the hand, pulling him toward the steam room. Taking the hint, Nash said, “I ain’t even had the chance to tell you how you can creatively use dip spit as lube.” Josh responded with a smirk, saying, “I guess you’ll have to show me!” After the conclusion of both “workouts” for the night, Josh gathered his stuff to head out. As he walked by the desk, Sarge called him over. “Looking good there, kid,” Smokey said, “This is a pretty good look on you, I have to admit. Just remember, when you come tomorrow it will be time to make your decision.” Josh obviously knew this was coming, but Smokey pointing it out didn’t make things any easier. “Understood, Boss,” Josh responded in a deep, throaty tone. “Damn, boy,” Smokey responded, “That voice and body could get an old man aroused.” Josh opened his bottle and spit, adding to the dark liquid. “And that was a boner killer,” Smokey said with disdain in his voice, as he replaced his cigar in his maw. “If I’d known it was only that easy, I would have started earlier,” Josh said while smiling, then said, “I will be ready. See you tomorrow.” He then headed out the door. As Josh sat in his car, he looked at the unspent cigar in his console. He really wanted to light it up, but he was perfectly satiated with the Cope in his lip. This was the first time he’d truly been in conflict. He liked the experience with both cigars and smokeless tobacco. “I don’t need to decide right now,” he told himself, “I’ll need to sleep on it.” With that, he started his car and headed home. The next day, Josh woke up like the rest of the week, missing the changes he went through the evening before. However, he especially missed the muscularity and mass he had. He felt powerful after his session with Nash. Lifting all of that weight. Maybe it was just the fact he wasn’t inhaling smoke for a change. This was definitely confusing to him. One thing he did need to do was feed his addiction. Having finally given in to the growing need, he internally said “Fuck it” to himself and reached for the can of Cope in his workout bag. He thought about searching for another cigar nub, but he didn’t want to be bothered. At least with dip, he could stuff in a lipper and not have to worry about the ash when he was in his apartment. It was convenient and easy. While getting ready, Josh heard his phone ping. Upon reviewing the new message, it was Hunter with a simple, “Good luck tonight! Call me later!” Josh finally let a smile unleash across his face. Yes, he had been slightly upset that he was tricked – no, not told all of the facts – about the situation, but he did enjoy it. It was nice to escape hid normal life a bit and try out all of these different options. He responded with, “Thank you. I will, promise!” When he was about to leave, Josh almost dreaded having to remove the tobacco from his lip. He was really enjoying it. Sure, it was probably still the “new user high”, but it seemed so simple. But he wanted to make sure he brushed his teeth. He wasn’t ready to reveal this particular habit to everyone at work yet. He took a last stare at his options – the cigarette pack, his pipe, the can of Cope, and the couple of cigars he had left from his visit to Sarge’s shop. Shunning the pipe and cigarettes, he grabbed a cigar and his Cope can, throwing them in his work bag. Decision made, he left for work. While enjoying his cigar, he passed Sarge’s shop on his way to the office. He briefly reminisced about their meeting, wishing he had talked to him more. Sure, he could obviously talk to Hunter because he knew all about the process. But Sarge was a stranger. He didn’t have any history with him. He could be whomever he wanted with him. Not to mention, he was very sexy. By the time he pulled into the parking lot, Josh had to calm down. He was horny and could have rubbed one out right there. After a few deep breaths to calm down, he took the last draw on his cigar for now and extinguished the remainder for later. Josh did nothing more than go through the motions of his day. If you’d ask him to recall what he did or what was said to him by his supervisors or co-workers, he would not have remembered. All he could focus on was the fact he had to make a decision tonight – a decision that would impact his life permanently. While it should have been stressful, he had an eerie calm about himself. The hard part was done, he just wanted to go into this situation with a clear head. At the end of the day, Josh decided he’d put in a dip for the road. After throwing a pinch in his lip like a seasoned pro, he felt the nicotine rush. “That’s the stuff,” he thought to himself, “I needed that.” He continued home, passing the smoke shop once again, tempted to stop – but didn’t. Once he got home, Josh instinctually grabbed a cigar and went to his porch. Not that he was concerned about smoking in his apartment anymore, but he wanted to just relax, scroll on his phone, and hear the birds chirping outside. He stoked his cigar, taking several pulls, then realized he got extremely light-headed. Confused, he touched his face and realized he forgot to take out his lipper of Cope! “Holy shit!”, Josh exclaimed. He was freaking out, concerned that he may overdose on nicotine. After a few minutes and some deep breaths, his heart rate came back down and the wooziness subsided. That is when Josh came to a realization. He didn’t have to choose. He could do whatever he wanted. This was his life. He didn’t have to be exclusive to one vice. Not to mention, it was kind of hot that he could handle two at once. Now it was just a matter of preference. With this thought unlocked, he finished his cigar with his dip in and went to take a rest before leaving for the gym in the evening. As Josh arrived at Smokey’s that evening, he knew what his heart desired. Walking up to the desk, he was nursing a lipper and placed his spit filled bottle on the counter. “Disgusting,” Smokey said, glaring at the young man with a disappointed look. He lifted up his cigar to take a puff, then said, “So, am I to take this as a sign of your decision? If so, I’m disappointed you’d choose that shit over a real man’s stogie. Guess I pegged you wrong.” Josh took a beat, then pulled out his can of Cope, placing it on the counter. Then, in a surprise move, he pulled out a tube with his precious Asylum 13 Ogre, placing it next to the tin. “This is my decision, Smokey,” he said, “I choose both. Cigarettes and pipes just weren’t for me. But I won’t be without these options.” With a curious look, Smokey took an uncharacteristically long pause, then said, “Well, that is a bit of a surprise. I didn’t take you for a double-dipper, pun intended. Looks like you grew some balls during your time at the Gym.” Josh assertively retorted, but with a hint of apprehension in his voice concerned Smokey would get upset with him, “Will this be a problem?” “Absolutely not,” Smokey responded, “It is rare. Most guys here find their tribe and just stick with what they know. Every once in a while we get a divergent like you, someone who likes more than one and can live in both worlds equally. I don’t get it myself. I can’t live without my cigars. But if that’s the path you choose, all I honestly care is that you made the decision on your free will.” “Definitely,” Josh said, “I came to this realization myself. It’s what I want.” “As long as I get to see you smoking a fine cigar,” Smokey said, smiling around the stogie clamped in his jaw, “I pegged you as a cigar man from the start. At least I wasn’t completely wrong.” “So, what do I do now?”, Josh asked. “We just have a little pomp and circumstance for the newbies,” Smokey replied. He leaned over to the intercom mic to his side and tapped the button. “Attention everyone. Little Joshie here has ended his orientation. He is a full member, with all rights and privileges, effective immediately. If anyone has a problem with that, you’ll have to answer to me.” There was a thunderous applause from the members in the gym recognizing that Josh had become one of them. After the applause died, Smokey tapped the mic once again, “Nash and Omar, please report to the desk.” That announcement seemed foreign to the room. Josh could hear people mumbling, looking at him, and pointing. This is the first time he’d really felt “on display” in this environment. Nash and Omar arrived within seconds of each other. The were cordial, but had quizzical looks on their faces. Nash broke the silence with, “Does this mean he is a switch-hitter, Boss?” They all momentarily chuckle, but Smokey brought them back together with, “Yes, boys. The kid has decided he’s into both. So, you’ll have to share him. Do y’all have a problem with that?” Nash and Omar look at each other and shrug. “No issue with me, Boss,” Omar responded. Nash shook his head, while squeezing out spit into his bottle. “Then it’s settled, Josh,” Smokey said, “Welcome to the family. Boys, will you please take him back to the locker room to change for the last time?” Nash perked up, “Only if I get him in the steam room first after he changes!” Omar interrupted, “That’s not fair, bro! He was a cigar man first!” Smokey rolled his eyes, then asserted, “See, Josh. This is the issue. My horny staff never like to share. But they’ll get over it.” Josh turned a bright red from embarrassment – he’d never had guys fight over him before – but he liked it. “We’re just messing with ya,” Nash said, “Omar and I have, um, shared before.” Nash winked at Omar, who slyly looked away. Omar then said, “Yeah, it’s perfectly fine. Just consider us your daddies, now.” Josh responded, saying, “I’m proud to have you guys as my dads. So, how about we get to it?” With that, the 3 men headed to the locker room. On their way back, they stopped to get some gear. Omar grabbed some extra Asylums, while Nash grabbed a couple cans from his stash. “If you’re gonna use both at times, you probably don’t wanna dip a flavored tobacco cuz it might throw off the taste. I suggest you get used to something straight,” Nash said. He handed him 2 cans, one Cope Long Cut Straight and the other Cope Snuff. Josh thanked both of them, but couldn’t help but joke about Nash’s comment, “There’s nothing straight about me!” They all laughed as they arrived at the locker room entrance. Omar quipped, ”This is it. Head on in there, thrown in a lipper, then start hauling on a cigar, and let the magic happen. We’re not sure exactly what the combo will do to you – but we’ll be here for you on the other end. Are you ready?” “As I’ll ever be,” Josh responded. Before heading inside, Josh turned to the massive men, embracing them in a 3-way hug. “Thanks again,” he said, and walked inside. For the first time, Josh was nervous. There was no backing out now. He opened the can of Cope snuff, spilling a portion on the floor. After loading up his lip, he then worked on prepping the cigar – almost forgetting to clip off the end. Following this comedy of errors, he finally got the hang of it and chuffed away. There he was, allowing the combination take its effect on him in this magical place. Josh’s head was obviously swimming from the high level of nicotine in his system. Ironically though, he felt a sense of calm. A few minutes in, he could feel a dull pain all over body – in his bones. He watched as his feet lengthened and widened. His legs and arms extended, even his fingers. Even his skull felt as though it was shifting. Placing his new hands on his face, he could feel a more angular jaw. Josh kept chuffing his cigar and expunging saliva, allowing the process to continue. Once his frame finished developing, he ran to the mirror. He’d grown in height to at least 6’3”-6’4”. It was a completely different viewpoint from his former 5’9”, as well as the now size 14 feet looked like boats in comparison to his former 10s. He more or less looked like a skinny basketball player. He wasn’t upset, just hoped there was more coming – and that’s when the next phase kicked in! Still looking at himself in the mirror, with a bulging lip and pulling on his cigar, Josh’s entire musculature exploded around the new frame. Pecs ballooned as his shoulders, delts, and arms inflated. Quads expanded, calves bulged. He finally understood why his feet were so large now – his old ones would have never supported his new weight. Finally, he watched his mid-section shrink, leaving a cobblestone road of abs, as his formerly chunky hips and butt became firm. In the final stages, Josh lost even more body fat. This left him with vascular, defined muscle all over his body. He had the upper-body of a seasoned bodybuilder and the lower-body of a powerlifter. The mid-section was the biggest surprise. He assumed he would have some kind of bulging or undefined belly, but for whatever reason he was very athletic looking. As he took another pull on his cigar, Josh’s head began tingling. This was the only time he was scared in the process, because he couldn’t physically see what was happening. All he knew was that whatever it was made him feel surprisingly good. His previous self-consciousness melted away. A never previously known wave of confidence filled his mind. Then, as if going through a second puberty, Josh felt his entire body as his erogenous zones seemed to reset inside this newly formed body. Simply touching his nipples seemed to push him over the edge. But once he looked down to see his thick 10-inch dick standing at full mast, he really knew things would be different from here on out! It was then he heard a voice, “Hey, kid,” Nash yelled, “Are you OK in there?” Josh responded with, “Yeah, I’m good. I think it’s over,” with a deeper, almost rusty, tone to his voice that shocked him more than anything else. He had to talk again just to hear his voice, “Sorry, not used to hearing myself like this. I’ll be right out.” When Josh looked up at the clock to see how long he’d been there, what had seemed like at least 2 hours had only been about 30 minutes. With a new swagger and confidence, he placed his cigar in his jaw, grabbed his spit bottle, and walked toward the exit into his new, improved life. Omar and Nash waited at the exit when they heard a rumbling sound. Omar caught the first glimpse, as his jaw nearly opened causing him to drop his cigar to the ground. “Holy shit!”, exclaimed. As Josh re-entered the gym floor, the pudgy young man was gone. Now, he was an athletic, powerlifting, bodybuilder, who could have anything and anyone he wanted. He confidently pulled on his cigar, exhaling a cloud of smoke, then took a moment to extricate some tobacco spit into his container. “Well boys?”, Josh asked in his new, booming voice, “What do you think?” Both Omar and Nash walked up and gave Josh a big hug. Other gym members also walked up to give a typical bro-slap and half hug. Everyone told him how great he looked. After a few minutes, Josh heard an announcement over the intercom. “Josh, please come to the desk”, rang out in Smokey’s indistinguishable tone. As Josh headed toward the desk, a familiar face came into view over Smokey’s shoulder that made him smile. Smokey interrupted the moment saying, “Well damn, kid. You clean up nice!” Josh swore he could hear Smokey salivating. “You have a visitor,” Smokey continued, as Josh smiled in Sarge’s direction. “I wanted to surprise you,” Sarge said, presenting Josh with a box of his current favorite cigars, Asylum 13 Ogres. “How did you even know?”, Josh asked. “I told you I knew Smokey,” Sarge responded, “I had a feeling something was up when you didn’t call me. So, I called Smokey to see if he knew anything. Luckily, he did – so I thought I’d surprise you.” Josh said, “Yeah, I’ve been a bit distracted. Even though that seems a bit like stalker behavior, I’m really glad to see you.” Josh leaned over to give Sarge a big kiss on the lips. “Wow. My transformation wasn’t as dramatic,” Sarge said, “I mean, I was certainly glad to no longer be a skinny, depressed, recently discharged soldier. But, you are a masterpiece!” “Well, I have to give credit to Smokey and the other guys here at the gym,” Josh said, “Without them, I don’t know that I would have ever trusted or lasted through the process. But, I’m definitely glad I did. Not just because I got this rockin’ bod, but because I definitely learned a lot about myself.” Josh stopped momentarily to dig in his bag for his cell phone. “Oh shit! I almost forgot about Hunter. He’s the one that introduced me to Dylan. He started this whole thing. Do y’all mind if we take a quick selfie to send him?” Both Smokey and Sarge agreed. With that, Josh held out his phone and snapped a pic, sending it to Hunter. As the men in the gym were stopping by to congratulate Josh on his official membership, he heard a notification on his phone. “AWESOME!”, then, “CONGRATULATIONS!”, following with “Who’s the hot daddy?” with eggplant and droplet emojis. Josh responded with, “Tell you later. Just needed to say thank you.”, then “You’re buying the first round tomorrow night!”. Hunter’s final response was “You got it! Love you!” Josh smiled as he put his phone away. “So”, Josh said while turning to Sarge, “What do you say we head out?” Smokey interrupted, “But you haven’t even worked out tonight.” Momentarily flustered, but quickly standing, Sarge said, “Oh, I’m sure we can get you sweating a bit.” Josh took a draw on his cigar, picked up his gym bag, and grabbed Sarge by the wrist. All Smokey could do was smile around the cigar stuffed in his jaw, observing the men walk away. One of the gym patrons said, “And the Grinch’s small heart grew three sizes that day!” Snapping back, Smokey said, “Fuck off!” Arm in arm, Josh and Sarge headed out the door. Just outside, Josh noticed Dylan hauling on a cigarette while speaking to a lanky young man who appeared to be around 21 or so. Josh said, “I’ll see you at your place in a bit…Daddy,” smirked, planted a kiss on Sarge’s cheek, then followed-up with a quick smack on the ass. Sarge was momentarily surprised, responding with a sultry, “Woof! You better be!” As Josh walked away, heading toward Dylan, he said, “I’m going to introduce myself to the fresh meat.”
  3. Another old story of mine involving myth and ancient strongmen who battle Crime moments welcome especially if you want to see more of my work THE STRENGTH CHRONICLES

(c) 2023 All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced or posted without author's permission. 

Hero of Mordac
 Part I

 The oracle raised her eyes to the small glowing blue orb of clouds, which was suspended in the air above her whereupon she called out, "My Lord, your people in Gloth cry out for your deliverance from their evil Queen Lynya and her oppression. Will you not send Goliath to liberate them?"

 The orb began to rotate quickly and flashed brightly as it spoke to her slowly with a deep and commanding voice. "I, Mordac, have heard these pleas. Their liberation will come at a great sacrifice but the time is upon us. Summon Goliath here, for this task will fall to him and it will be his greatest challenge."

 "As you command, my Lord."

 Goliath upon receiving the message from the oracle quickly journeyed to her temple. It had been six years since the god Mordac, the First among the gods and Goliath's benefactor, had given him the gift of super strength to end injustice in the mortal world. He was before the gift a tall, solid framed but ordinary man. With the gift, he grew into a muscular figure; with a height of 6 foot one (186 cm), 220 lbs (102 kg) of muscle and power. His hairless chest was 51 inches (129 cm) and he had biceps of 19 inches (48 cm) and off his 30 inch (76 cm) waist were quads of 26 inches (66 cm). Mordac had chosen Goliath for his moral goodness and bravery and had made him his servant. Since the gift, Goliath had already performed many tasks for the supreme god, helping the armies of the weak overcome their oppressors and had traveled far. But he was weary from his last labour and had sought a rest. That rest was short lived.

 " Come Markus, come Estus, it is not much farther," Goliath shouted to his pupil and servant. Estus watched Goliath as he climbed the steep steps up to the oracle's temple. He was always in awe of him. Of his power. Of his strength. Of his physique. Of his masculine beauty. We watched his broad lats that grew widely out of his waist and as each foot of the giant hit the stone step, his gastroc and soleus flashed at him. But Estus knew all that beauty and power came at a price imposed by the god. He also knew his admiration and love of his mentor would never be returned.

As he reached the entryway, Goliath said "Estus come with me and you Markus wait here." Markus was a short and thin man, limited in mind and will, but always eager to help his two masters. He rarely complained about the carrying burdens placed on him in their long and dangerous journeys. However, he did not share in the full knowledge of Goliath's tasks and burdens nor his secrets. He wanted to join his friends inside the temple to see what they and learn what he learned of their new quest but he knew he had to obey. Yet he peered and tried to look inside from behind a bush at the entrance of the stone temple.

 Estus and Goliath entered the temple where the oracle was waiting for them. 
Without a greeting, she addressed them. "You face a most difficult challenge in Gloth against Queen Lynya and her henchmen," she said. "She is a sorceress and a follower of Lardac."

 Estus shuttered. Lardac, the most feared and hated god, was the female twin sister of Mordac who had overcome her to become the First among the Gods. Following that struggle, she had turned to doing great evil among the mortals to gain revenge on her brother and the world he protected. It was said that she was almost as powerful as her divine twin. While Estus and Goliath had faced many of the minor gods and their servants, not one was as powerful as Lardac.

 “You must go to Gloth and rally the rebels who oppose her for there is much fear in their hearts. But remember your oath, Goliath. And if you break your oath, your gift will pass." 

Goliath nodded as did Estus. He remembered the two promises he had to make to Mordac to receive the gift. "Fear not," he said to reassure the oracle, "I have kept my vow and have not fulfilled my lust for any woman that I desired.” "

Mordac knows of the strong lust that lies within your heart and he is pleased with you," said the Oracle. "You shall travel to Gloth for the Festival of Arkyll. During the festival, you will issue to the Queen the Gordarian Challenge. Go now to the home of Areleus outside of Gloth and prepare your plan!"

 Goliath bowed his head and he and Estus left the temple and joined Markus outside for their long journey to Gloth. "What is the Gordarian Challenge?" asked Estus. "During the festival, any man can challenge the rule of the Queen. Both sides pick a warrior to represent them in the arena for a fight. Whosever's warrior wins becomes the ruler of the kingdom. The custom was used in Gloth for centuries to avoid civil wars." Goliath explained. "It will save many lives if the Queen cooperates?."

 Queen Lynya and Yamin entered the Temple of Lardac to consult the High Priestess. The Queen was not a beautiful woman, shapely but plump yet with fair skin and long dark hair. Her servants worked hard to give her what beauty she had. She wore flowing robes of the finest silk and covered herself with jewelry bought from the spoils of her rule. Yamin, the Queen's personal bodyguard and commander of her security guards, accompanied her and was often acted in her stead. He was handsome with a physique that rivaled that of Goliath. She found him very attractive and often just gazed at his beauty with his curly dark hair and deep blue eyes with grapefruit-sized delts, his massive 50 inch (127 cm) chest with square pecs, and 18 inch (46 cm) biceps, down to his 29 inch (74 cm) waist, rock hard abs and huge quads, all rapped in his olive, hairless skin. He was known as the strongest man in her kingdom and he was cunning. It was said that he once pushed over a stone building to crush a rebellion in the marketplace against the Queen's rule.

 "I seek the help of Lord Lardac," said the Queen as she came upon the priestess.

 "Lord Lardac knows why you are here," said the priestess. "Your rule faces its greatest danger for Mordac has sent his servant Goliath to overthrow you."

The Queen knew what this danger meant and she beseeched the priestess. "I beg Lord Lardac to help me against this threat. What greater delight would Lord Lardac have than to see the servant of Mordac defeated? Will she not help me overcome him?"

 “Golaith is a powerful man and has the gift of strength from Mordac. And like all of Mordac's gifts to mortals, it comes with a vow for its use."

 “Tell me, what is this vow and how will this help me?" she begged.

 “Not even Lord Lardac knows, for Mordac shields this knowledge from her. However, that is what Lord Lardac says you must discover. You do not have much time for even now the rebels plan against you. You will face the Gordarian Challenge during the Festival of Arkyll."

 Realizing she would get no further with the priestess, the Queen returned to her chambers in the palace with Yamin. She pondered her next move. She spoke aloud, "If the knowledge is hidden from even Lardac, my sorcery will not reveal it from the Fates." Yasmin replied, "But Goliath must have this knowledge and perhaps one of his servants also knows and if we can get it from them, we will victorious," said Yamin. 

 Golaith and his men reached the home of Arellus and knocked on the door. His servant, Morus, let them in. "Welcome Goliath," said Arellus. "I heard that you were coming to help us, thank the Gods! With you at our side, I know now the people will rally and the Queen's rule will come to an end."

 “Let us hope so. Now we must plan," he replied.

 Golaith, Arellus and Estus made their plans to attack if the Queen did not surrender following Goliath's win in the Gordarian Challenge, while Morus served them food and drink. Later that night, Goliath said, "Ah our plans are now complete. I will go to the palace tomorrow to issue the challenge to the Queen."

 "You must be careful Goliath. Her warrior will be Yamin who is said to be the strongest man in Gloth. It will not be an easy fight," advised Arellus.

 ”Don't worry. No one has ever bested my strength. Golaith flexed his huge lean bicep to show its size to Arellus while the veins around it exploded. "You forget Mordac's power is within me."

 "I have no doubts my friend" as he padded Goliath on his ripped back. "Once your victory in the contest is complete, our forces will attack if the Queen does not go peacefully into exile. We will be hidden around the coliseum awaiting the result and will have a victory march to the palace upon your victory."

 As the men went to sleep, Morus slipped out of the house that night and headed toward the palace. At the Palace, Yamin listened to Morus and gave him 18 pieces of silver.

 To be continued THE STRENGTH CHRONICLES Hero of Mordac Part II The next day, Goliath, Estus and Markus entered the city. The city was crowded with visitors who came to celebrate the Festival of Arkyll. The men approached the palace gate. The gatekeeper recognized Goliath from just looking at the size of his build and let them in and said, "Our Queen is awaiting you Goliath. I shall take you to her." The men entered the throne room. The Queen sat on her throne at the end of the room with Yamin standing at her right side akimbo at her side with two bulging hairless tan pecs above them. He dropped his arms as Goliath approached. Estus gaped and could not believe the size of Yamin. He had never seen any man come close to Goliath in size or shape. His 17-inch (43 cm) gastrocs poked out from behind his lower legs, his quads were large, lean and hung down like he had a second knee cap. His six pack abs were large and cut. His forearms showed all his vascularity and his triceps and lats hung wide. He had 25-inch (63 cm) shoulders with bulging delts and an 18 inch (46 cm) thick neck. His eyes traveled up to Yamin's deep blue eyes. Yamin's cold eyes caught Estus's staring at him. Estus's heart leaped and his eyes jumped away from Yamin's piercing glare. Yamin smirked and understood. "Goliath" said the Queen. "We heard of your pending visit and we welcome you to Gloth for the Festival of Arkyll." "Then you know I am here not to celebrate, your Majesty, but to present the Gordorian Challenge to you. Your rule has been cruel and it must come to an end." "Hubris does not become you, Goliath. If this were not the Festival of Arkyll, I would have my guards cut you down as you stand before me. But I am bound by the rules of the Gods and I accept your challenge. Who is your sponsor Goliath or do you plan to rule my kingdom yourself if you win?" "My sponsor is Arellus, former head of the Senate. Name your challenger." "Yes, Arellus. I should have known. Remind me to have him killed when this is over. Well, my challenger shall be Yamin who stands here at my side. You will find him a formidable opponent." Goliath eyed Yamin who tightened his muscles and flared his lats to show off his size. Goliath was unfazed. "As is the custom, you and your friends shall stay here tonight. As you know no harm will come to you and your Sponsor for we respect the rules of the challenge. You will attend a dinner in your honor tonight but without your man-servants." "So be it," said Goliath and the guards showed Goliath and his two companions their separate palace rooms. After Goliath left his room for evening banquet, guards came to the room of Estus. Estus let them in expecting supper. There at the door was instead stood the husky muscled Captain of the Guard, Axus, and his men. "Come with me, Estus." "Come where?" asked Estus. "You will see?" replied the captain as he turned around to leave. "I am not going anywhere with you," snapped Estus. The captain swung around and landed his fist across Estus's jaw knocking him out. Estus was a well developed man of about 5 foot 10 inches (178 cm) in height and 180 lbs (82 kg). He was broad shouldered and lean and muscular like an athlete. But the punch surprised him and the guards carried him to the dungeon where his limbs were hung from chains. The captain threw water in Estus's face to awaken him. Estus stared at his captor. "Let me go," he said. "This is a violation of the rules!" "Well, not quite," said the captain. You see the rules only protect the warrior and the sponsor, not any of their friends." Estus's eyes narrowed in anger. "Now Estus, we know that there is a vow Goliath gave to Mordac and we need to tell it to us." Estus's eyes widened with surprise, then he realized he needed to control his expressions. "What are you talking about”! I know of no such vow. Just wait till your Yamin meets Goliath in the arena tomorrow. He will be crushed." "Ha!" laughed the captain. "If you don't cooperate with us, that man over there is going to make you cooperate." In the corner of the cell was a large, fat, hairy bear-chested man carrying a hot glowing steel rod. "I will never tell you anything because there is nothing to tell," said Estus. In his mind he knew he would not betray the man he loved. His torturer approached. At the banquet, the food platters were immense and numerous. Wine flowed freely to the guests. Goliath was hungry but regretted that he did not insist that Estus and Markus be able to attend. Yamin did not eat with the guests. He stood by watching Goliath's every move and pondering. He scanned Goliath's physique to compare it to his own. He admired how Goliath's biceps moved so smoothly and visibly under his thin skin as he drank his wine. Yamin thought he looked slightly smaller than Goliath. Would he be able to overpower Goliath in the contest? Clearly Goliath had a physique that rivaled his own. But he knew larger does not always mean stronger, for he had taken down giants many times larger than he was with his own strength. And what was this super strength that Mordac had given him? How powerful was it? Why was it given to him? The Queen had been giving Yamin a brew from the creatine plant over the past week which she said would increase his strength. Would it be enough? If Goliath were to lose the gift, would he still be strong or would he be a weakling? These and other thoughts ran through his head. As Yamin was pondering, Axus came up to him from behind and whispered in his ear. Yamin grinned widely. The Hero of Mordac Part III As Yamin was pondering, Axus came up to him from behind and whispered in his ear. Yamin grinned widely. He went over to the Queen and whispered in her ear. “Excuse me,” the Queen said to Goliath. “There is something I must handle. I will be back shortly.” Goliath and the Queen went to her chambers. “This is amazing,” said the Queen. “It is too easy.” “Well, don’t be so sure,” cautioned Yamin. “He must have very strong will power and we cannot be sure the information is totally correct. It seems too incredible.” The queen fumbled around the draws of her bureau as if looking for something while Yamin watched. “Here it is!” and she pulled out a black, shiny girdle and she held it up in the light and it glistened. Yamin laughed. “You are looking for underwear at a time like this?” “Yes but a potent one. This is the Venusian girdle. No man who is the least attracted to me can resist my overtures while I wear it! Goliath himself will fall to my seduction!” Yamin looked skeptical. Reaching for a vial filled with red fluid from the shelf, the Queen told Yamin, “Put this special portion in Goliath’s wine tonight. Be sure you deliver it at the end of the meal in the final toast. The wine will help weaken his will power and this potion will make him sleepy and when he sleeps it will cause him to forget everything that happened after he drank it.” Yamin nodded. They returned to the banquet room which has grown boisterous with music and dance. Goliath ate and drank heavily that night, and toward the end of the banquet, Yamin signaled to the head waiter to deliver the wine glass with the Queen’s special potion in it to Goliath. Following the closing toast, the Queen quickly returned to her quarters while Axus showed Goliath to his room. In her chambers, the Queen undressed and slipped into the black girdle. She gazed at herself in the mirror and her plumb figure. Suddenly the girdle seemed to warm up. Then as she watched, her skin seemed to be absorbing it. Soon the girdle had disappeared into her hips. She looked at herself nude in front of the mirror. She became warm all over and her skin began to glow. It started in her hips. They smoothed out and her excess fat melted away leaving her butt smooth, round and toned. Then the changes traveled down her legs and up into her chest. Her waist shrunk and became tight and small. Again her body fat melted leaving her belly flat, firm and smooth. Her nipples rose and her breasts became firm, rounded and erect, hanging like two plump grapefruits from her chest with cleavage between them. Meanwhile, her legs grew shapely. Her arms thinned and toned while her shoulders grew slightly wider. She gazed at her new body and moved her hands along her new curves. She was amazed at the beauty. She quickly put on her silk nightgown and called to Axus who was outside her door to bring Goliath to her. Axus knocked on Goliath’s door while he was getting ready for sleep. “Goliath, the Queen requests you to meet her now.” “What for, at this hour?” asked Goliath for he was feeling sleepy. “She wants to discuss a way to avoid this fight in the arena tomorrow,” said Axus. “Well, may be now she has come to her senses,” said Goliath. “Lead on.” Axus left Goliath in the Queen’s chambers. From behind him, the Queen called him and said, “Goliath, we have important matters to discuss.” Goliath turned around and there he saw the Queen leaning against the wall in a semi-transparent nightgown. Othertimes she had been wearing her heavy, stately robes. He stared at her. Her shape was smooth, her breasts full and succulent. He had never examined her shape this way before but now the girdle was working its magic. His heart began beating faster. She approached him and touched his arms gently, running her fingers up to his massive triceps. “You know,” she said, “when I saw your handsome face before me, I thought there must be another way to resolve our quarrel and I must find it.” Goliath just stared at her admiring her beauty, her words almost sounding musical to him. “I never wanted this challenge for you or for me. Maybe there is way I can change and we can avoid all this. You know, Goliath, running a kingdom is hard. Decisions are not easy to make, especially alone, and sometimes we make the wrong ones,” she said as she massaged his shoulders. “Yes, if you change, we could avoid all this,” he answered meekly as her kneading relaxed his muscles and thought and his eyes began to close. She took him by the hand and led him to a silk covered ottoman and they sat down. She leaned back on the pillows and held her chest up and Goliath gazed at her full and round breasts. He had become aroused now and then he remembered his vow and looked away from her and cleared his voice, and said firmly. “If you give up your throne and restore the Senate, this would all end. Arellus would agree to this. All you have to do is announce it to the people.” She reached out gracefully with her finger and touched his square jaw to turn his head toward her face. He resisted but she said, “Look at me, Goliath, I need to see the sincerity in your eyes when we speak about such important things.” So Goliath turned his face toward her and he caught his gaze in the beauty and firmness of her large, erect nipples. “I could agree to this but I am frightened,” she whispered. “I know many people hate me. If I give up my guards, my throne, how do I know I won’t be killed? Who will protect me?” she cooed. She sat up and drew her face close to his as he raised his eyes to hers. He was now fully erect and she could see the bulge in his loincloth. His voice said to himself, “I am only looking at her. I have kept my vow. Nothing will happen. I will walk away soon once we have made a deal. I need to be here now to settle this.” She gently stroked his cheek with her smooth palm. “While…I….” he stammered, “will make sure no one hurts you if you make this bargain. You have the word of Goliath,” he whispered. “I must thank you,” she said and pressed her lips against his. He pulled his head back but she placed her hand behind his head and forced their lips together again. The sensation exploded in his brain. It had been six years since he felt this way. His reason seemed suspended in air as the voice of his will began to fade inside his head. He embraced her. After their kiss, she whispered “Oh to touch you this way!” and kissed him again and began stroking him between his legs while he placed his hand on her breast. Her breast swelled with his touch and she stood up bringing his face into her bosom. Fragrant, clear drops of an aphrodisiac formed on her nipples. He smelled their sweetness and brought his lips to suck on them. “Come to me for I am yours tonight,” she said. The drops worked quickly and all remaining reason left him and his inner voice was silenced. He mounted her on the bed and they made love. With each thrust, his man juice flowed and flowed eventually overwhelming her. It leaked out of her over the bed and onto the floor. He kept pumping her and their ecstasy grew. She never felt such power from a lover and he seemed unable to stop, like a dam bursting with an endless supply of raging water. After an hour though, he finally weakened and collapsed on top of her exhausted. As Goliath lay deep asleep, the Queen signaled Yamin who was waiting. His cum was everywhere. “Take him to his room now. The potion will keep him asleep and he will remember nothing of this night.” Yamin hoisted the slumbering giant onto his shoulders and carried him to the guest quarters. He placed the naked muscleman down onto his bed and left his clothes nearby. He saw the cum on Goliath’s legs and scooped it up into his hand. He looked at it and wondered if it contained Goliath’s super strength. Gathering as much of it as he could and rubbed it into his own pecs and biceps hoping it would bring him the strength that Goliath was said to have. He then left the giant to his dreams knowing he would remember nothing of that night. The Gordian Challenge---Next! Hero of Mordac Part IV The Gordian Challenge With Goliath taken away, the Queen removed the girdle for she knew its dangers if it were worn too long. She placed it back in her drawer and went to bed to rest from the exhausting night. Estus's body hung from the chains in the dungeon. Half alive, half dead. He could barely see with his left eye and his right was swelled shut from the beatings. Tears of blood from his head left dried tracks on the side of his face. His body was battered, bruised and bleeding from the whippings, kicks, burnings and punches. His chin rested on his dirty and bloodied chest as he barely had any strength to hold it up. The room was partially lit from the torches that hung in the walls. The iron door to his cell was closed but the barred window at its top let more light in from the flaming urn in the hallway. Suddenly the door swung open but Estus made no effort to look up for he did not wish to see the next round of torture he felt was coming. Axus walked in, smiling at the tortured man before him. "Estus, wake up!" he shouted. "I bring you good news. Your torture is over for we have learned what we needed to know about Goliath!" Estus weakly raised his head to look at him with his left eye. "I have told you nothing, you pig" Estus hissed with defiance. "Yes, yes. But unfortunately for Goliath, someone else did," answered Axus who snapped his fingers at Estus's cell door. In came three guards, two of whom were carrying the broken and wounded body of Markus. Estus opened his left eye as wide as he could to see who it was. Markus slowly lifted his bloodied, swollen face and looked up at his friend and barely able to speak whispered, "I'm sorry, Master Estus. They promised to stop if I told them. I overheard Goliath at the temple speaking of his vow." Estus said in fright, "No you didn't Markus. You didn't hear anything. No!" "I had to tell. Forgive me. The pain… " and Markus's head went limp and he expired. As the guards began to take the body away, Estus shouted, "No, it's lies! Markus doesn't know anything. It's all lies!" and he began to cry. As the dawn arrived, Yamin awoke. He got up and looked in his mirror. He could see the caked cum on his arms and chest. He stared at himself. Were his biceps and pecs bigger? He flexed his right bicep. It rose high, round and large. Could the cum have changed him? Could he have Goliath's power now added to his own? He wasn't sure. No matter, he thought. Goliath could not have that god-like strength anymore and he was confident he could overpower him. He undressed and bathed in the hot springs tub next to his sleeping quarters. As he rose from the tub, his tan muscles glistened in the morning sunlight. He looked again at himself and rubbed his hands across his inflated pec wondering what it would be like to have a god's strength. An hour after the sun rose, a palace guard knocked on Goliath's door and entered his room. "Awake, Goliath! It is time for you to prepare for the Gordian Challenge!" The muscle titan slowly opened his eyes. He grabbed his head with his hands as it pounded with a headache. "Awake!" shouted the guard again. "I heard you!" shouted back Goliath, "Now leave me before I crush you!" The guard quickly retreated. The giant slowly stood up and staggered over to a basin of fresh water where placing his arms on the side of the table to told himself upright, his inverted v-shaped triceps jutting out. He bent his arms and dipped his face in the cool water. He shook the water from his head and raised it looking in the mirror in front of him. As the water dripped down his face back into the bowl, he saw that he looked tired. He noticed his arms looked smooth and not as defined as usual but they were still large though not as pumped. As he stood up, he noticed his pecs were not as full. "Too much wine," he thought to himself. He quickly bathed and got dressed and ate the bread and berries that were in his room. He remembered nothing of the night in the Queen's sleeping quarters as the elixir Yamin had put in his wine was still working its magic. Axus then arrived and escorted him to the arena floor where Yamin was waiting for him. The Queen had filled the arena seats with her supporters, many of whom were to be paid for their attendance and cheering. She sat in front wearing her regalia. On her right as is the custom for the Gordian Challenge was Arellus who was the challenger. "So glad you are here, Arellus," she said, "so you can see the death of your friend at the hands of my Yamin who is, no doubt you have heard, the strongest man there is." "I am glad to be here today, your Highness, so I can see Goliath bring an end to your rule," Arellus replied unemotionally. Axus raised his hands before the crowd and it grew silent. "Today is the day of the Gordian Challenge," he shouted. "Senator Arellus, through his challenger Goliath, challenges Queen Lyvna, who is defended by Yamin. Each challenger may pick a weapon which if lost may not be used again. What do you pick, Goliath?" "I pick the whip." "And you Yamin?" "The sword." "So be it" answered Axus and each man was handed their weapon of choice and they were placed twenty feet apart. Axus clapped his hands and shouted, "The Gordian Challenge has begun!" Each man slowly began to move toward the other. As Yamin and Goliath grew within range of Goliath's whip, Goliath snapped it and Yamin jumped back. Goliath charged and using his whip, snapped the sword from Yamin's hand which then fell to the ground. Stopping, Goliath snapped the whip again and it wrapped itself around Yamin's mighty forearm. It stung but Yamin grabbed the whip with both hands and yanked it hard. Goliath was pulled forward and landed face down on the ground with the whip pulled from his hands. As Yamin quickly removed the whip from his arm, he ran toward Goliath raising his left fist but Goliath was too quick and recovered to his feet where he grabbed the left arm of the charging Yamin and with his leg kicked him in the abs. As Yamin bent forward, Goliath slammed his clasped fisted hands into Yamin's wide lats sending him to the ground. As Yamin came up, Goliath wrapped his mighty right arm around Yamin's neck and began to choke the Queen's defender from behind. "Surrender now, Yamin or you will meet your end," he said. Yamin groaned and grabbed Goliath's right wrist and tried to pull the arm away from his throat. At first Goliath's arm did not move but slowly Yamin began to pull it back. Goliath pulled harder making his bicep even larger and once again his arm was squeezing Yamin's neck. Yamin brought up his right foot to the ground so he was now only kneeing on his left knee. Yamin's triceps began to tighten and swell more and again slowly Yamin began to move Goliath's arm away from him. Goliath could not understand this. He called upon more of his strength. He saw his bicep's muscle fibres dance under his skin but his arm did not respond with greater power as it had in the past. "How can this be?" he thought and he tried harder but Yamin slowly pulled Goliath's arm away. Goliath began to wince in pain as his bicep fibres began to tear. Yamin slowly rose up while jabbing his left elbow into Goliath's abs sending the former super powerful muscle god back hunched over in pain. Now Goliath was having doubts. Where was his strength and unlimited power? Could Yamin be stronger than he was? Why did his muscles not respond when he called upon them? How could Mordac have allowed this? Maybe he was still just tired from last night. His thinking and doubts distracted him and helped Goliath. Both giants rose and faced each other but Yamin turned around too quickly for the distracted Goliath and with his right leg Yamin gave Goliath a swift kick across his jaw turning it left. Then like lightening Yamin with his other leg's kick, hurled Goliath's jaw to the right, stunning him. Using his great tan quads, the Queen's muscular champion jumped off the ground and slammed both feet into Goliath's muscular chest sending his body against the stone wall of the arena. With the now stunned Goliath up against the wall, Yamin pounded his fists into the titan's six pack abs. Goliath instinctively tightened them when the first fist struck, making them rock hard as his mind attempted to clear. However, the fists continued to pound his strong abdominal muscles. With each pounding, one right then one left, Goliath's abs began to weaken. Once again Goliath tightened them making them harder than before and once again they began to weaken. He tried harder but his abs tightened each time less than before. The pounding continued and the muscle fibres began to give way to the continued strong onslaught of Yamin's relentless fists of power. Soon, no six pack was visible any more as the fibers became soft. As his mind began to clear, Goliath used his arms to shove Yamin away and out of the reach of the defender's fists. Goliath hunched over in agony fell onto one knee in pain wrapping his arms over his abs. The crowd cheered. While the push was powerful enough to move the 220-pound Yamin back, it did not send him far or to the ground as Goliath had expected. Goliath knew now that something was seriously wrong, his power was failing him and he did not understand why. "Lord Mordac, do not abandon me in this time of need," he whispered. Having heard his whisper and looking down at the kneeing giant, Yamin taunted him. "What is the matter mighty Goliath? Where is your great strength? Your broke your vow and don't even know it! You are a weakling compared to me now! You should worship me!" Goliath was shocked. How could Yamin know of his vow? Then Yamin said, "Maybe this will help you remember," and the towering muscleman repeated the magic words that the Queen had taught him that would break the spell of the elixir that had suppressed Goliath's memory. "Marrock boc sheeji." Goliath grabbed his head as his mind exploded with a visualization of all the events that happened last night in the Queen's bedroom. A look of horror and then anger filled his face. "Lord Mordac, please forgive me and help me one more time," he prayed. Yamin looked up at the cheering crowd. Meanwhile Goliath summoned all his power and strength into his left arm, back and leg muscles and quickly swung up from his kneeling position like a discus thrower and as Yamin turned toward him, Goliath pounded his mighty fist into the other giant's jaw turning it and sending the man stumbling to the right. Goliath thought Yamin seemed to be woozy from the blow. Yamin turned his face back to look at Goliath and smiled with all his beautiful white teeth. "Is that all the power you have left, weakling?" he said. Goliath swung his left again at him but Yamin put up his thick striated right arm and blocked the swing. Then using his left fist, Yamin swung it into Goliath's jaw and then hit him again with his right. The once mighty Goliath just stood there not able to move or regain consciousness fast enough to counter or escape. Yamin's fists pounded Goliath's head. Then the Queen's champion raised his fists overhead and pounded Goliath on his broad shoulders sending the stunned giant down onto his knees. As Goliath began to teeter, Yamin went around Goliath's wide back and grabbed the semi-unconscious victim's head and with a sharp powerful jerk, twisted it around to the back snapping his neck. The lifeless body of Goliath then fell forward into the dirt. Yamin stood up and flexed his huge arms in a double bicep pose as the crowd cheered at his victory. Axus shouted, "The contest is over and the Yamin has won. The Queen wins the Gordian Challenge!" Arellus had the look of shock and fright on his face. The Queen turned to him and said mockingly. "I am so sorry but it looks like you have lost. Now guards please take Arellus to the dungeon where he can join Goliath's other friends. Oh, did I forget to mention? As we speak, your rebel friends are being rounded up this very moment outside the arena in case you were thinking they might rescue you." Hero of Mordac Part V Enter Mordac Hanging from his chains in his dungeon cell, Estus could hear the roars of the Queen's spectators. He knew the more they roared, that Goliath was in trouble. "Would Goliath still be strong enough to defeat Yamin?" he worried. "How could he help him?" He closed his eyes and prayed to Lord Mordac. While he was praying, a small, glowing blue orb of clouds appeared in front of him. "Estus," said the orb, "I, Lord Mordac, have heard you." Estus raised his head and opened his eyes as best he could. "Goliath has broken his vow and has been defeated by Yamin in the arena. The Queen has won the Gordian Challenge," said the deep and strong voice from the orb. Estus's head and heart sank but the news was not unexpected to him. Just then the door to his cell unlocked and Axus entered closing the door behind him. He looked up and saw Estus looking at the orb. Axus drew his sword and raised it to slice the orb but what looked like a wave of clear power emanated from the orb and hit Axus in the chest, throwing him against the door, closing it and stunning him. He slid down the door onto his ass. "But all hope is not lost for the people of Gloth, Estus," the orb continued, "Will you take up Goliath's fight and with it, the risk of your death?" Estus was surprised. He was no hero. He loved Goliath, worshipped him and served him tirelessly knowing his love would never be returned. But become a hero? How could he? Meanwhile, Axus began to regain consciousness. "How could I, Lord Mordac? I am not even a solider and look at me. I can barely see or stand." Axus stared at the two in awe and fright. "Do not doubt my power!" said the god sternly. "For I will heal your wounds and pass the power of Goliath onto you if you will take the vow freely and so long as you abide by it." Confused, tired and in pain, Estus tried to think. A thousand thoughts and feelings raced through his mind. That strength! That physique! That sacrifice. Maybe for a short while. Just to avenge Goliath and to help here. But what of Yamin? "You will need to use all your willpower to succeed in this task and you must focus on the Queen and her death. Your strength will be greater than Yamin's!" assured the orb. Estus said, "Yes, I accept and take the vow." Part VI The Test and the Choice The orb began to spin faster and a green beam shot out of it hitting Estus in the chest. The beam then spread over the skin of his entire body making him glow. Feelings of solitude and serenity filled his mind as he still hung from the chains. He felt as if he were floating. His heart beat slowed; he was relaxed and calm. His wounds began to heal. The swelling of his face deflated. His bleeding cuts scabbed and then cleared. His whip burns melted away. His body was restored to its youthful, athletic, and healthy appearance. Then the color of the beam changed to red. Estus began to feel warm, then hot like he had a fever. He began to sweat. Suddenly he felt sharp pains in his bones all over his body. He screamed loudly but no sound left the red glow that surrounded him. His bones began to expand. His modest frame size grew. His wrists, which used to be 8 inches (20.3 cm) around, grew to 9.5 inches (24 cm). His legs and shoulders too. His entire frame was being enlarged and his skin and muscles began to stretch to fill it. He was now 6 ft 1 tall (183 cm). When his bones stopped growing, his muscles began to thicken. His pecs grew full and deep, so heavy that his quarter-sized nipples pointed down to the floor as they hung from his now huge chest. His quads grew to 25 inches (65 cm), his biceps to 19.5 inches (49.5 cm). His forearms, delts, neck, back muscles, and calves followed suit. Axus now fearing for his life upon seeing the growing muscle god before him, rose from the floor and ran out of the cell, locking the cell door behind him and knocking over a flaming urn in the hallway in his haste. Smoke from the now fallen urn began to fill the hallways of the dungeon and the remaining guards, fearing a fire had erupted, fled as they saw Axus in panic. Axus, who was always fiercely loyal to only Yamin, ran to warn him. Panting and out of breath, Axus came upon Yamin and the Queen in her sitting room and told them all he had seen. The Queen said to Yamin, "Mordac must be a fool. I will just seduce Estus as I did Goliath." "It may not be that easy," answered Yamin who was becoming lost in thought. "Estus may have more willpower than Goliath," Axus said to them. "Yamin, you must trick Estus into coming to my chambers and I will handle it from there," said the Queen as she reached for the Venusian girdle in her drawer. Almost not hearing her, Yamin said "Yes, I have a plan." Estus breathed heavily from the pain and the stress causing his six pack abs to contract and expand quickly. His skin again stretched further accommodating his new mass for he was now 215 lbs (97.7 kg) of muscle with 7% bodyfat. The pain began to subside as did the heat. The red glow began to recede back into the orb. The flickering flames from the torches on the wall of his cell danced on Estus's new sweaty musculature. He felt relaxed now that the pain had ended and surprisingly energetic given his ordeal. "It is done now," said Mordac. "Now go Estus and heed my advice." The orb then faded away. Estus, still hanging from the chains, looked down at his new massive physique. He went to put his right hand on his chest and, without realizing it, yanked the ceiling chain. It broke off at his wrist. Realizing what had happened, he then pulled down his left hand, easily snapping the other chain and leaving him with two black iron collars around each of his large wrists. He brought his hands to his hard pecs, feeling his sternum cleavage. Then he brought them down to his rock six pack abs feeling each one as they rose and fell in his torso. He flexed his now 19.5 inch (49.5 cm) biceps admiring their size, vascularity and leanness. He extended his leg and pointed his foot, tightening his quads and watched his large intermedius and medialis dance before him. What beauty, he thought, what manly perfection, what power. He wanted to test it. He walked over to the door of his cell and grabbing the bars, with a hard pull, the door came off its iron hinges. Holding it, he stared at it almost not believing what his new strength had done. Now, he thought, he was ready to find the Queen as Lord Mordac had commanded him. He stepped into the smoky hallway. As he looked down the hall toward a hazy light, he could see someone walking down stone stairs towards him. As the figure came closer, he saw its large muscular frame. Given the person's size, he first thought it was Goliath as it strode with that bodybuilder's gait. But he noticed the waist was smaller than Goliath's and the height slightly shorter. He realized it could only be Yamin. He stared again at the physique. Yamin looked even more handsome than he remembered him in the Queen's throne room. That small waist, those broad shoulders, bubbled delts, powerful pecs and biceps and olive skin. Estus's heart began to pound. As the muscular being came in sight through the smoky haze, Estus slowly walked backwards into his cell, planning to confront the queen's champion there. As Yamin walked down the hall toward Estus, he first spotted the outline of a very powerful man. At first Yamin could still not believe it was Estus but it could be no one else based on Axus's description. This above average athletic man was suddenly as muscular and large as Goliath had been. Yamin marveled at the power Mordac must have. "But was that strength really greater than his own?" he wondered. He wanted to test it and find out yet he was afraid. He wondered if that power could be drained from Estus, why could he not make it flow into him instead? Yamin stepped into Estus's cell. Estus raised his forearms like a wrestler. Consciously keeping his hands at his sides, Yamin spoke. "Estus, listen to me. I come here not to fight you ...." "Better for you!" snapped Estus interrupting Yamin. "For the power of Mordac is in me and I will defeat you and your Queen." Estus reached down to the floor and picked up one of iron pokers that was used to torture him. With his two hands, he bent it into a U and threw it at Yamin's feet. Yamin stared at Estus thinking of the display of strength he just saw. Estus stared back into Yamin's blue eyes. He became distracted and scanned Yamin's body noticing every muscle, its size and shape. He blinked back into focus. "I have come here to ask for you help. Together we can defeat the Queen and her soldiers if we join forces. I will help you kill her," said Yamin. "Ha!" laughed Estus. "Do you think me a fool?" Looking down, Yamin answered, "No Estus. You are no fool. I never wanted to fight Goliath but I had no choice. I have seen the Queen's cruelty for many years now and I have had enough. Now is my chance to make amends. Our chance to do it together." He lifted his head and looked at Estus sincerely. "You are different. I noticed you when you first walked into the throne room before I even noticed Goliath. I saw the love in your eyes when you looked at him. A love we all now know could never be answered due to Mordac. I admired it and was jealous of it." Estus could not believe what he was hearing. He could smell Yamin's testosterone. There was a powerfulness to him that attracted him. He felt it in the throne room and he felt it now, much stronger. Yamin was beautiful. Estus's heart beat even faster and he became aroused. He wanted to touch Yamin, to feel his rock-hard muscles. He felt a pull toward him. Estus cleared his mind of these thoughts and shouted "Enough lies!" as he swung his fist at Yamin knocking the muscle god to the ground. On the ground Yamin shook his head and quickly came back into consciousness. Never had he felt a punch like that before. He realized he had met more than his match. Estus was surprised at what he had done. He looked at his fist almost not believing its power as he let Yamin rise to his feet. Yamin faced the young muscle god and like two wrestlers they circled each other. "I won't fight you, Estus," Yamin said. "I can't?.." Estus began to doubt his convictions. He began to think that perhaps Yamin has changed He began to want to believe him. He was so handsome. Yet Estus leapt forward toward the titan. Yamin was surprised but with a quick move he raised his hands to meet Estus's and their fingers were laced in a test of strength. Estus pressed hard. His arm muscles ballooned. Yamin met the force with an equal amount. Estus pressed harder and Yamin again matched him. Yamin's veins popped up wildly across his arms and chest. Again Estus pressed pulling up his reserves of power and strength. Their faces were close and each gritted his teeth. Slowly Yamin's hands began to bend backward as Estus's strength began to show its superior power. Yamin did not know what to do. His strength for the first time in his life was being overpowered by another. He was no longer the greatest power. Their eyes met as they struggled. Estus again could not help but notice Yamin's powerful deep blue eyes. He also found his overpowering of the muscular champion strangely erotic. Now he was the muscle god he thought worthy of another's attention just as he had worshipped Goliath. Estus became even more aroused. Yamin brought his face closer to Estus and place his lips on Estus's. Estus could not believe the feeling inside him. How he longed for the touch and feel of Goliath. Now here he was with a muscle god as handsome if not more so. Could this be true? Could his dreams finally be answered? But what of his vow? Estus was now fully erect. Yamin had said he would help him end the Queen's rule. Estus slowly released the pressure on Yamin's hands and each titan wrapped their arms around the other and continued their embrace. Yamin released one arm and brought it down between them and began to stroke Estus in his groin. Slowly the giants lowered themselves to the floor and Yamin removed Estus belt and loincloth and continued his stroking. Estus placed his hands on Yamin's pecs and felt their hardness. Yamin said, "You are so beautiful, Estus" and before Estus could stop him, Yamin moved his mouth down to Estus’s member for he wanted Estus to break his vow and for Mordac's power to flow out of Estus. With that touch, Estus lost all his resistance and his mind exploded in sexual sensation. And flow it did and Estus succumbed to his never fulfilled dreams of love with a muscle god. With each thrust, Yamin swallowed more and more, hoping he could absorb the greater strength that had bested him. When it was over, the two muscle gods embraced again and kissed. Yamin stood up and helped Estus up and whispered to the young man. "One more, my love before we end the Queen's rule." Estus placed his lips on Yamin's wrapping his arms around his dream. Yamin brought his ripped arms around Estus's lower back. They hugged. Yamin however continued to squeeze. Estus cried in pain. Yamin squeezed the once powerful giant once more even harder. Estus began to pound his fists into Yamin's chest and front delts. But the blows simply bounced off the champion's large muscles for the power of Mordac had left Estus and his strength was no longer any match for Yamin's. Then Estus fainted and grew limp as Yamin's powerful arms crushed Estus's back. Yamin placed the unconscious former muscle god down on the floor of the cell. His plan had worked and taking his fingers to his hips, he pulled down and the once invisible Venusian girdle reappeared and Yamin took it off and threw it next to the now paralyzed body of Estus. As he starred pathetically at Estus, suddenly Yamin noticed a red glow around his hands. The glow grew along his arms and soon covered his whole body. He began to feel warm and as he looked at himself his large muscles began to grow even larger. He became larger than any pump he had ever had and larger than even Goliath. He reached up to the ceiling with his arms admiring their beauty. "Yes!" he thought. He had found the secret and it had worked. He had swallowed Mordac's power and his muscles were now incorporating it into his own! He flexed his bicep and it grew to 22 inches (56 cm), hard, lean and peaked. He needed to test his strength to be sure and in the corner of the cell was an iron torture rack that weighed over 1000 lbs. (450 kg ). He tried to lift it. At first he struggled but then he raised it two inches, then six, then a foot off the ground! Yes, power was now his! He felt exhilarated. Then the blue orb of clouds materialized before him. "Yamin," said the orb. "You have proven yourself to be a remarkable opponent." Yamin starred in awe of Lord Mordac. "Your superior mind, cunning and perception allowed you to overcome my two stronger champions but now it is time for you to choose." "I need nothing from you, Mordac," shouted Yamin. "I have taken your power from Estus and now it is mine to do as I wish," pounding his fist on his chest in defiance. "Foolish mortal" said Mordac calmly. "You thought your act with Estus gave you his power? No, my Yamin. I willed it so. I wanted you to feel the strength and size that you have craved for so long. The effects are only temporary. Even as we speak the gift is leaving you. Look at your arm." Yamin looked at his right arm and flexed it so that his giant biceps reappeared again. He noticed just as Mordac had spoken it was slightly smaller that just a few minutes ago. "But now you must choose Yamin whether to become my servant or not. To keep the gift that I have given you, you must take the vow and do my bidding for the rest of your life. And your first task will be to kill the Queen and bring Arellus to power." Yamin climbed the stairs out of the dungeon and the soldiers cheered him. He was tired. He conferred with Axus outside the Queen's chambers. Axus patted him on his shoulder as Yamin entered the Queen's private room. The Queen, having already heard the news of his defeat of Estus, approached him with a loving embrace and they kissed. While they embraced Yamin brought his large boned hands up and placed them around the Queen's neck. She tried to pull away and scream but the muscle god quickly tightened his grip and crushed the Queen's neck. He laid the dead Queen down on the floor. He turned to Axus whom he had briefed before he entered the room. "Go Axus, release Arellus from the dungeon for he, as the former head of the Senate, is now the new King of Gloth. The people of Gloth will now be free. Then pack your things for we have other tasks to perform for Lord Mordac." End
  4. Notes: Exam week just ended, which means I can finally continue working on the next chapter of "The Beast’s Curse". In the meantime, here's an old story that I wrote a year ago. Enjoy! The Jockstrap: Old man Muscle Growth “That’s one hot mouth you got there, gramps. Consider this as a small tip for returning my watch back there.”, The man said just as he was slipping his cock out of the old man’s mouth with a pop. The old janitor stayed kneeling, basking in his afterglow. Tasting and swallowing the leftover cum in his mouth. After the man tucked his dick inside his slacks, he left the changing room. Albert Davis is a 59-year-old janitor of a gym inside of a popular gay cruising spot. The place is always booming with customers for its good reputation. Among the other cruising spots in the city, this establishment is wildly exclusive to hot and attractive men. Customers from different social backgrounds tend to cruise here for a hot session with another hot stud. Social classes do not matter either as long as you have a fairly hot bod and some cash. As Albert scrubbed and cleaned away the dirt, sweat, and cum stains left behind by the countless bodies that traversed through the massive space, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of longing for something more. In a place filled with diverse types of beautiful men, Albert often found himself admiring the guys whose bodies were more toned and rippling with muscles. His own body, functional at his age, lacked the sheer beauty and power that seemed to radiate from those he admired the most. And yet, despite these feelings of inadequacy, he continued to work in the gymnasium, day after day, his job of cleaning the fairly spacious gym was the only source of temporal happiness in his life. Sometimes, with a slight stroke of good luck, a generous customer would offer their muscular bodies for Albert to worship. On luckier occasions, they would offer Albert a taste of their cocks. Because of these small and short moments of lust in his job, performing his duties just to bask in the glorious bodies he could no longer achieve, was worthwhile. One day, as Albert was diligently mopping the floor, when he came across an abandoned jockstrap lying on one of the benches. “Jesus, whoever forgot their underwear must still be in cloud9…” He couldn't resist picking it up and examining it closer. The fabric was soft and had a distinct smell. Albert immediately recognized the jockstrap from its brand and sheer size. “My goodness, this must be The Mountain's!”, Albert exclaimed. The only person who wore this was none other than the biggest bodybuilder in the cruising spot. The man himself is a regular customer who only comes by at the last open hour. Albert gave the stud the nickname, “The Mountain”, purely based on his first encounter with him. It was 2 years ago when his old self accidentally tripped from one of the unracked equipment, when the giant of a man caught his fall. Even when Albert was standing up to his 5’11 height, the giant towered over him with his 6’10 muscular, hairy body. Since that first encounter, he wanted to at least feel and explore the man’s musculature. “Just the size of his thing is just… incredible.” Intrigued, he decided to put it on. “It wouldn’t hurt to see what I look like in them.” He wanted to be just a bit closer to The Mountain. Even if he can never reach him, he can at least be close to him in some way. Albert disrobed himself from his usual janitorial uniform, leaving him naked. As Albert slid the jockstrap up his legs, feeling the smooth material against his skin, he couldn't help but feel a sudden surge of confidence. “The fabric feels so good against my skin, it must be hella expensive.” He caught his reflection in the mirror and began imitating bodybuilding poses, imagining himself as a senior bodybuilder. He tried to mimic the posing routine of The Mountain from the times Albert caught him posing in the gym mirror. “Yeah… Big strong bodybuilder, massive muscles…” After a while Albert felt a growing pulsing sensation all over his body. “Ah fuck, what’s with this strange sensation?” Looking down at his body, Albert couldn't believe what he was witnessing, right in front of his very own eyes, his body began to change. Before the old janitor could even react, the first changes took place. “ARRRRGH! My face feels so hot it hurts!” His face was the first to undergo a transformation. Although his facial features remained largely the same, they were now accentuated by a sprinkling of white stubble along his jawline and a well-groomed mustache appeared, which lent him a more rugged, masculine air. The remaining strands of hair that once clung to his scalp fell away, revealing a more robust visage adorned with prominent veins running across his forehead. “Bigger… I’m growing bigger!” As the seconds ticked by, muscle after muscle emerged on his previously frail frame, enveloping his limbs and torso like a senior version of the Hulk. His arms grew stronger, his shoulders broadened, his chest expanded, and his back became increasingly defined. “HAHAHA! My arms are so fucking huge!”, Albert flexed his arms as his biceps bulged with prominent veins. Albert's quads, calves, and ass grew bigger along with his torso and arms. The pair of legs that once belonged to a skinny and frail janitor gained large amounts of mass and power as they throbbed. White hair began covering the growing body of the old man. Albert's unimpressive penis grew into a beast itself as the limp and sleeping monster cock throbbed and pulsated inside the jockstrap. “OHHHHHHH Fuuuuuuuuuck… even my cock is getting bigger too.” The growing beast's cock surged with power as it grew longer and meatier with every motion as its owner began to move his broadened hips. Albert began dry-humping the air as he thrust his hips up and down, savoring every second of his still flaccid and growing monster cock. “Dammit, why am I not hard yet? Is it because my growth is still incomplete?” With every new development, Albert has fully realized that his dream has come true. He stood there, awestruck at the incredible changes unfolding before him, knowing full well that he would never go back to his previous self. “I’M GROWING INTO A MASSIVE ALPHA BEAST. HECK EVEN MY VOICE GOT DEEPER!” The jockstrap, now a part of him, enhanced his newfound masculinity, making him feel stronger and more assertive than ever before. His mind raced with thoughts of what he could do with this newfound power. He imagined himself seducing the very athletes who once made him feel inferior, taking them to heights of pleasure they had never experienced before. “FUCK, I WANNA SEE MY BODY GROW” With his newfound confidence, he headed toward the large mirror of the gym. Besides from his old body experiencing the ongoing muscle growth which made it a challenge to walk, he noticed something different. As Albert strode into the large mirror, he realized how his usual walk turned into a sexy swagger as he felt his bulging muscles sway with confidence. Once he reached the mirror he was shocked to see the once old and humble janitor turn into a muscle god covered in a light dusting of white hair. Eyeballing his measurements, he deduced that his new massive body must have weighed approximately 500 lbs. He also grew taller by 2 more inches, reaching a height of 7’11. With slight hesitation, he explored the expanse of his chest, feeling the dense muscles and fur, and pinching the erect and hard nipples on both mountains. Feeling his 6-pack abs, he could feel them throbbing and changing as a silhouette of another pair began to slowly emerge. Turning his back to look at the changes at his rear, he marveled at the hairy muscle bubble ass that bulged snuggly against the jockstrap., “MY GOD, IS THIS REALLY ME..? WHAT AM I EVEN SAYING?! THERE IS NO DOUBT THAT THE ABSOLUTE BEAST IS ME!!!”, The massive janitor flexed his body into an intense, most muscular pose. His body language had also changed drastically as his posture became more dominant and confident. Unshackled by any lingering doubts or fears, Albert fully embraced these transformations. He allowed himself to completely immerse himself in the process, relishing each new development that took place within him. “GRRRRRRRRR…”Albert flexed and tensed every muscle of his growing body with loud and beastly grunts. As he did so, his physical appearance underwent more drastic alterations. The beast's physique continued to transform into something far more imposing and powerful. Every time he would move a single muscle, the sheer force and strength behind it was evident. Veins coursed through his body like an intricate network, their presence indicative of the immense growth taking place beneath his skin. These veins were not just confined to his limbs; they extended all the way up, to his trap muscles. “COME ON! GROW FUCKING BIGGER!!!” As he continued to flex and push his muscles to their limits, the traps expanded exponentially, reaching ever closer to his ears. Broadened shoulders and deltoids continued to change, swelling with incredible bulk and power. With the tensed-up beastly arms and tree trunk legs, they are becoming denser and stronger than before. The hairy and mountainous chest area underwent remarkable changes, displaying the sheer power of the pectoral and abdominal regions. The continued growth was accentuated by the emergence of well-defined six-pack abs on his stomach, which bulged outwards due to the increased mass beneath them. Throughout this entire transformation, Albert reveled in every aspect of it, fully accepting and embracing the beastly nature that was gradually coming to life within him. Albert, now transformed into an immense muscular creature, began to relax his tensed body as he allowed the process to unfold further. His eyes were fixated upon his own reflection in the mirror, absorbing every detail of his transformation. The changes that had previously been gradual now seemed to occur rapidly, almost instantaneously. His once flaccid and dormant manhood began to stir, awakening from its slumber. “HEHE NOW YOU WANT TO JOIN IN THE FUN HUH, BIG GUY?”, The old muscle beast chuckled It started out small, gradually gaining momentum until it reached a point where it stood tall and proud. The sight of this transformation aroused Albert immensely, causing his libido to reach unprecedented heights. Witnessing his own transformation from a mere mortal to a colossal muscle beast fueled his desires, making him feel more alive than ever before. Feeling the imminent surge of his pent-up desires, he instinctively reached downward, seeking to please his growing cock within the tight embrace of his jockstrap. His fingers found themselves wrapped around the smooth pouch, as he gripped onto it with lust. The sensation of his confined manhood beneath the fabric seemed to heighten his urgency even further. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, echoing the rhythm of his rapid breaths. As if driven by an uncontrollable force, he continued to stroke himself through the fabric barrier, attempting to find relief from the overwhelming pressure building up within him. However, despite his efforts, the discomfort only intensified, causing his frustration to mount. With Albert's meaty and muscular hands, he grabbed the fabric of the underwear and tore it off his body. “FUCK! I’M CUMMING! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAR!” With an almighty roar, the unleashed beast's massive penis erupted just as he tore off the jockstrap, spewing forth copious amounts of its powerful, steaming semen across the entire expanse of the gymnasium. The thick, viscous fluid cascaded down from every corner, drenching the walls, the ceiling, the large mirror, and even the very being that had released it. The sheer volume of the potent muscle-infused ejaculate was enough to cover everything in sight, leaving no surface untouched by its forceful outpouring. As the waves of the torrent subsided, the once bustling gym now lay submerged underneath a sea of milky white liquid, a testament to the raw power and ferocity of the creature that stood amidst it all. "So much spunk... I- I can't..." Albert tried to regain his composure, but the exhaustion immediately made him fall on his back. The old beast janitor rested on the warm floor flooded with his cum. Before his exhaustion takes over him, he hears the front door of the gym open. The large, towering shadow of another muscle beast loomed over the newly transformed janitor. “What a great show you put on there gramps. I knew I made the right decision to turn you into one of us the moment we met.” The Mountain said while taking in the grown muscles of the man below him. “Tsk, such a shame that it took one hyper orgasm to knock you out. But don’t worry, I’ll help you get used to it…” As the beast slept, his hairy balls quickly replenished his cum and his massive cock rose up again with more life than before. Albert unconsciously began beating his massive meat with his hands as he lay there in his own cum. THE END(?) (Feel free to continue this story if you like)
  5. czechhunter69

    Bruce and Elaine

    I completed this commission for hulkfan87#0372 on Discord and have posted it here with their permission. It is based on the old hulk series, specifically the pilot episode, as per their request—and it turned out to be quite a good one. If you're interested in having a story created for you or simply want to show your appreciation to the artist, please don't hesitate to reach out. You can message me on Discord at czechhunter69#0839. For everyone else, sit back and enjoy! Bruce and Elaine Bruce grunted in frustration as he forcefully slammed the trunk shut, relieved that he had managed to find the coolant amongst her lab kit and suitcases. He wiped the sweat off his brow and made his way to the front of the car, hoisting the heavy hood open with a determined effort. As the hood creaked upwards, a torrent of steam and scorching waves of heat engulfed Bruce's face, making him wince and squint his eyes. Waiting for the engine to cool, was going to be a lengthy task on its own. As the sun dipped lower on the horizon, casting a warm glow, the hood provided a welcome shade inside the vintage car. Despite the idyllic rolling hill scenery, the temperature soared to a sweltering 78 degrees under the cloudless, vibrant blue sky. Elaine, a stunning sandy brunette beauty with cascading waves of hair, sat in the passenger seat, her features accentuated by the fading daylight. She fanned herself and with a sigh of relief, gracefully removing her jean jacket. With the car parked, she knew she wouldn't need it until they started driving again. "What happened?" Elaine shouted from inside the car, her voice laced with concern, as she delicately fanned herself in an attempt to find relief from the oppressive heat. Bruce sighed, his frustration evident in his voice. “Uhhhh….. Same thing as last time," he replied, his tone tinged with annoyance. "It just needs more coolant and proper mechanic. St. Louis really did a number on it.” As Bruce waited for the engine to cool, he couldn't help but ponder what that had led them to this predicament. The rage filled muscle mass he could become in an instant, sent shivers down his spine. He walked over to Elaine's window, leaning against the car's ledge, his arms crossed as he rested his head on them. She talked with him about how they could cure it, but they needed a serum sample from him as the hulk - a nearly impossible feat. These simple moments were when his flirtatious side emerged the most, an attempt to bring a touch of lightheartedness to their current predicament. Here, on the side of the road, it was just the two of them, accompanied only by the soft rustling of cornstalks crackling as they grew in the nearby field. The pursuing police had long given up, yet against his better judgment, he continued navigating the winding backroads in an attempt to make it harder for them to be found. Throughout the ordeal, he repeatedly assured Elaine that he knew where he was going, despite the scorching heat that seemed to amplify his troubles. He didn’t but there was going to be a town eventually. Elaine's unwavering charm remained unaffected by the circumstances, serving as the best way to calm him as she held his forearm. They had become a couple as Bruce adjusted to life on the run. He loved the way the sunlight played upon her hair, causing it to shimmer and captivate Bruce's attention. It usually drew him to her smile. Half the time, he had to suppress his own excitement and maintain a certain distance, carefully averting his gaze from her, fearing that any surge of emotions might trigger his uncontrollable transformation into the Hulk. "I wish they would just leave you be," Elaine murmured softly, her concern etched upon her face. “They’ve seen what you do when you’re triggered and don’t mean to turn,” She laughed. “Could you imagine what it would be like if you were trying?” Bruce longed for a cure, to rid himself of the monstrous burden he carried, yet a part of him secretly relished the incredible power that came with his transformation if he could just control it. And sometimes, deep down, he couldn't help but wonder if Elaine, too, found a strange allure in his inner monster. "I think that's why they want me,” Bruce said, his voice tinged with a mix of weariness and determination. “They don't want me cured," Bruce continued, his gaze fixed on the horizon as he spoke. "They want to replicate what I am. To make others just like me." His words carried a weight, reflecting the gravity of the situation they found themselves in. She knew it. “Well, I want you too. All of you, green skin and all.” Elaine looked at him, her eyes filled with a mixture of concern and determination. She reached out and gently touched his arm, offering a reassuring presence amidst the uncertainty. "We'll find a way, Bruce," she said, her voice filled with unwavering support. "No matter what they want, we're in this together.” Bruce's tired face softened into a faint smile as he looked into Elaine's eyes. “On the bright side, we could always…” Her voice trailed off as she looked at him, trying to reawaken the man who used to please her just on his own. She traced a finger down his arm. “You’ve gotten much better at those other things.” She said longingly. “With that mouth, and those fingers… without turning.” Bruce laughed. “Yeah…” drawing closer for a kiss. Their intimate moments were a delicate dance, teetering on the edge of pleasure and danger. Bruce's insatiable desires and the ever-present threat of his transformation created an undeniable tension that Elaine could keenly sense. When he got excited, he risked losing control - but it was another way she could collect a sample from him as the hulk. It was a constant battle between his scientific intellect and the raw power surging through his veins. Bruce had mastered the art of restraint, walking a precarious tightrope, suppressing the surges of excitement that threatened to unleash the untamed beast lurking within. Paradoxically, Elaine found herself drawn to this inner struggle, enticed by the smoldering intensity simmering just beneath the surface and the scientific intrigue it carried. Each advance she made, every suggestion of indulgence, held the potential to push Bruce to the brink, to unlock the depths of his own desires. In truth, he yearned for that release, and they both knew it. It had been months. In those moments when intellect and instinct intertwined, Bruce found solace in repeatedly going down on Elaine - claiming her excitement was enough to satisfy him. It was a calming act for her, and it stirred an unparalleled excitement within him. Over the past few months, this intimate ritual had become their own version of dining out, a unique way to connect with each other, even though it presented its fair share of challenges. Despite the risks, Bruce managed to maintain control, never succumbing to the transformation. They often resorted to sleeping in separate beds or even in the car, navigating their unconventional circumstances as best they could, to keep him calmer to her dismay. However, she was getting better at convincing him to do things with her. A sign that he might actually cave in if she can convince him she’ll be safe. "I can't do that right now, Elaine," Bruce interjected, pulling away, his voice tinged with both anticipation and frustration. He was acutely aware of the risk of getting too excited by her presence. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, and the headache building within him. "We need to get up and going before it gets dark," he continued, consciously changing the subject. Although his excitement was evident, Bruce understood the urgency of their situation. They had to find a place to stay for the night, and he needed a cold shower more than anything. Despite his inner turmoil, he remained focused on trying to get them up and running again. Bruce hurriedly scurried to the front of the car, seeking refuge behind the raised hood to hide from the woman he loved. His excitement being around her was overwhelming, distracting his focus. He didn’t want to turn around her, but also knew it would happen one day if they kept this up. Aware of the potential danger, he swiftly stripped off his shirt and securely wrapped it around his hand, fashioning a makeshift oven-mit. With a trembling arm, he extended it towards the coolant cap beneath the hood, his preparations tinged with frustration that clouded his judgment. It was too early, and it was going to hurt. In a clumsy manner, Bruce fumbled with the cap, his actions driven by impatience and eagerness. With an ill-advised twist, the cap unexpectedly yielded, unleashing a sudden eruption of scalding steam and boiling liquid. The release was so forceful that it mimicked the grandeur of the explosive geysers of Old Faithful. The air became a brief maelstrom of billowing steam, engulfing Bruce's shirt and transforming it into a hazy veil of hot fog. Bruce yelled in pain. Elaine swiftly leaped out of the car, a mix of concern and urgency propelling her towards him. Backpedaling as fast as he could, Bruce found himself momentarily disoriented by the onslaught of steam. The scene became a chaotic blur, the swirling vapor weighing heavily on the air, as he struggled to regain his balance and assess the repercussions of his ill-fated attempt to add coolant to the ailing vehicle. Grimacing from both physical discomfort and the weight of his own folly, Bruce couldn't ignore the drenched state of his shirt, mirroring the dampness that had seeped through the crotch of his jeans. The scorching pain extinguishing any flicker of excitement that had welled within him. He understood the imperative of reining in his desires, especially when they endangered Elaine's well-being. The magnetic pull of her presence was undeniable, but the potential harm it could cause served as an insurmountable barrier. Deep down, he knew that without a cure, he might have to make the agonizing choice of leaving her behind, all in the name of keeping her safe. She was trying to teach him to control it, but he wouldn’t didn’t want to let it out. With a heavy sigh that seemed to echo his internal struggle, Bruce summoned every ounce of self-control within him, purposefully stepping back and putting a distance between himself and the tantalizing dame already coming to his aid. The deliberate pain, both physical and emotional, acted as an unyielding deterrent, grounding him in the harsh reality of their circumstances. He couldn't afford to let his desires endanger well-being of the woman he held dear. Elaine, her heart aching with understanding, approached Bruce with a tender empathy - she knew he did it on purpose. She gently rested her hand on his shoulder, offering a comforting touch amidst the turmoil. "Please, just leave me alone," he pleaded softly, his voice filled with a mixture of longing and resignation. He knew that giving in to his desires could have disastrous consequences, and he didn't want to subject Elaine to such risks. Bruce carefully removed the shirt that had shielded his hand and proceeded with utmost caution, pouring the coolant into the car at a glacial pace. His hand throbbed but would be fine after a little bit - and was already starting to feel better. Each deliberate action was an attempt to regain a semblance of normalcy, to momentarily escape the weight of their extraordinary circumstances. "I'm sorry, but I... I want to feel some sort of normal again," he confessed, his voice laced with weariness and longing for a life unaffected by the incredible burden he carried. As the final drops of coolant trickled into the car, the twilight descended, robbing the world of its vibrant hues and reducing it to a grayscale canvas. The fading light mirrored the muted shades that now tainted their once-vibrant sex life, an unfortunate consequence of The Hulk. As Bruce turned the key in the ignition, the car sputtered to life, emitting a throaty chug as if awakening from a slumber - it wasn’t good enough for a long drive, but it would do. The soft, warm glow of the headlights timidly illuminated the asphalt ahead, guiding their journey towards the next small town. Their destination was the first motel they saw coasting in. Its name, Motel Lee, would have been proudly displayed on a sign, but the lamps remained unlit, a reflection of its worn-down appearance. Yet, this dilapidation worked in their favor, ensuring affordable rent and sparing them from prying eyes. Elaine assumed her usual role of acquiring the motel keys, a task that fell to her given Bruce's criminal notoriety, often gracing the screens of the nightly news. She had grown accustomed to the peculiar dynamics of their situation, where discretion and anonymity were paramount. With a practiced ease, she stepped out of the car, prepared to negotiate their stay without attracting undue attention. Returning to the car, Elaine held the room keys in one hand, her other hand grasping something intriguing. Despite her nerves stemming from the use of fake names and bad checks, her focus remained tied to him. Bruce's curiosity surged as he noticed not one, but two pairs of handcuffs dangling from her fingers. His eyebrow instinctively raised, wondering how she managed to acquire them. Yet, a glimmer of lust in her eyes urged him to embrace her plan. "They were just sitting on the counter, and when Stan left to get the keys, I thought we could have some fun with them.” "You...stole them? Who leaves handcuffs lying around on a counter?” Elaine laughed playfully. "I wanted to add a little excitement tonight, not enough to trigger your transformation, but enough for you to relax.” Bruce voiced his concern, "If I do transform, those handcuffs won't be able to stop me.” In countless instances, it was Elaine who possessed the power to soothe Bruce during his transformations. Ironically, she was also exceptionally skilled at igniting his desires, often leading to his metamorphosis. She had become his anchor, the one who could rein him back. And tonight, she made it clear that it was his turn to be cared for, whether he stood as Bruce Banner or as the hulking, green beast. "I took these for you, not the hulk,” Elaine said, her voice laced with a mix of anticipation and tenderness. "I want tonight to be about you, Bruce, about us. Trust me, I've thought this through. You will be able to control yourself.” Elaine's intriguing proposition had Bruce's gaze shifting from the handcuffs to her, his face a mixture of curiosity and apprehension. Deep down, he trusted her to stop before he hulked out and was genuinely intrigued by what she meant. It had been an incredibly long time since he had experienced any form of intimacy with a woman. Understanding the underlying message, Bruce recognized that this was Elaine's way of demonstrating her ability to embrace both sides of him—an idea she had been trying to convey for quite some time. The offer she presented was undeniably tempting, a tantalizing opportunity to feel desired and truly understood in ways he had never before experienced. With a mixture of nervousness and excitement, Bruce reached out, his fingers lightly grazing the cool metal of the handcuffs. Uncertainty danced in his eyes. Could he trust himself to maintain control, or would the hulk be too strong? Taking a deep breath, he looked into Elaine's eyes, a flicker of vulnerability mingling with a flicker of longing. "Alright," he finally whispered, a hint of a smile tugging at his lips. In truth, he was hornier than a toad. It clawed at him, demanding to be sated, overriding any semblance of reason or restraint as if the scientist and rational was fighting the hulk and losing already. The mere thought of ravishing her, of surrendering to the depths of his own desires, sent a surge through his veins. His body burned with a fierce intensity, yearning to unleash its power and passion upon her. He needed to fuck her with an intensity that would teach her just how bad of an idea it was to do this. Too destroy the motel so badly she’d cure him. The longing in his eyes matched the fire that raged within, a tempest of desire that threatened to consume them both. ——————————————————————————————————————— The dimly lit motel room seemed to exude an air of mystery as Bruce found himself handcuffed to the bed. His brows furrowed with uncertainty, his mind swirling with a mix of anticipation and nervousness. Tensing up was normal with sex, and the restraints didn’t make it easier not to - but he was scared about the hulk coming out, he was scared about the hulk cumming in general. He couldn’t hide how excited he was as his underwear tented higher than usual, soaking wet already. Elaine, stood before him, teasing him as she removed her clothes. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, a mischievous smile playing on her lips. "Relax, Bruce," she purred, her voice tinged with a tantalizing confidence. "Everything will be fine. Just remember, your only goal is to not break these handcuffs, and if you do, you’re only job is to keep me safe.” Bruce agreed, repeating the promise over and over in his head as he talked himself up - he could do it. She kept reminding him to reenforce it as a goal. Bruce's eyes darted between the handcuffs and Elaine, his heart racing with a cocktail of emotions. It had been months since he last experienced anything remotely close to this kind of excitement. Never before had he ventured into the realm of restraints, and the unfamiliarity sent both shivers of apprehension and thrill down his spine. He took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. "I... I don't know how long these will hold me if I transform," Bruce admitted, his voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and uncertainty. Elaine leaned in, her fingers gently tracing the contours of his chest. "That's the thrill, isn't it? The unknown," she whispered seductively, her breath warm against his ear. “Think about it, if you don’t break them - you keep me safe.” “No, I don’t want to turn.” “Then be that strong man I know you are” As she climbed up on him, her lips brushed against his, he couldn't help but feel a surge of desire. Elaine had a way of awakening desires deep within him that he didn't even know existed. Her touch was electric, her words igniting a fire within his core, she could tell him to do anything. She leaned over him, her hands expertly massaging his chest while peppering his skin with soft, tantalizing kisses. Her whispered words, filled with explicit fantasies, were intended to stoke the fire of passion deep within him. As Elaine's skilled touch heightened his arousal, a primal growl nearly slipped past Bruce's lips, accompanied by a sudden jerk of his body. It was the first telltale sign that the Hulk's emergence was imminent. It was like lightning clearing his mind of everything except how much he wanted to cum right now. In that moment, fear and desire mingled within him, torn between his own apprehension and the desire not to disappoint Elaine - the one person who probably could cure him. Yet, Elaine's soothing voice cut through his anxiety, assuring him that she had faith in her safety. She was right too - he wouldn’t let anything happen to her. It was a delicate balance, fueled by a mixture of fear and determination, as he navigated the line between gratifying his own desires and protecting the woman he loved. Elaine's objective was clear: to push the boundaries of Bruce's self-control and delve into the depths of his dual personas get several serum samples from him after he turned. Yet, beneath her scientific curiosity, a fiery longing blazed within her. The memories of their time in the lab, the blend of fear and desire, ignited an intense craving. She didn’t know who was more wet, her or bruce. She yearned to feel the sheer strength of his muscles, to surrender to the potent allure that both thrilled and unsettled her. The image of steel pipes torn from the ceiling and steel doors shattered effortlessly stirred a fervent passion deep within. She hungered for the presence of that powerful, unstoppable man, fully aware that to awaken him, she needed to entice him into surrendering control. Elaine's tongue traced a tantalizing path along Bruce's sensitive nipples, her movements alternating between teasing nibbles and tender caresses. Each flicker of her touch sent waves of pleasure coursing through his body, eliciting moans and involuntary jerks that betrayed his growing arousal. All of his muscles were so tense, and as she looked up to his. The desires that swirled within him waged a fierce battle against his need for restraint. Bruce's love for Elaine burned deeply, fueling his desire to surrender to the transformation that awaited him. He longed to show her the extent of his strength, to prove how big and powerful he could become with her by his side. Yet, he knew unleashing his alter ego, the Hulk was deadly. The fear of causing harm to the woman he cherished waged a relentless war with his own intense yearning, as he pulled and jerked against the cuffs, the bones in his wrists pressing uncomfortably against the metal, where it didn’t mere moments ago. He was growing - however slowly. As the intensity of the moment heightened, Bruce found himself teetering on the edge of surrender, enjoying the idea of pulling the posters right off the bed frame. The clash between his dwindling reservations and the primal desire awakened by Elaine's touch set the stage for a battle of wills, where the line between control and abandon blurred. With each passing second, the stakes grew higher. In that charged atmosphere, their intimate encounter became a crucible, a testing ground that pushed the boundaries of their desires. Bruce found himself caught in a tumultuous struggle, torn between the irresistible longing to surrender to his primal urges and the weighty responsibility of safeguarding Elaine from the unbridled power that dwelled within him. It was a delicate dance on a tightrope, teetering between the realms of ecstasy and restraint, with an uncertain outcome hanging in the balance. With one misstep, Bruce plummeted from the tightrope, plunging into the unyielding embrace of the Hulk. With each passing second, Bruce's body underwent an awe-inspiring growth, a captivating spectacle that held Elaine in a trance as she continued to kiss and lick his expanding body, now slurping pre-cum dripping cock. His sinewy form contorted and twisted. The air crackled with grunts and groans as his muscles swelled and expanded, fueled by an unstoppable force that surged through his veins. Bruce, lost in the sea of pleasure and transformation, could feel the primal growl rumbling within his chest. The bed beneath him groaned and protested, struggling to bear the weight of his growth spurt. The once cozy queen-sized mattress strained against the sheer magnitude of his presence, unable to hold the extraordinary growth that now consumed him. His feet extending beyond the edge of the be, as his knees bent and toes grazed the floor. What was once a chubby slim physique had now given way to an astonishing display of power and green magnificence. Pounds upon pounds of rippling sinew packed onto his frame, each muscle fiber defined and accentuated with precision. It was as if his entire being had been sculpted by the hands of Lou Ferrigno, an embodiment of strength and art. His arms, slim and unremarkable, now resembled colossal mossy tree trunks, thick and bulging with raw power. Veins snaked across their surface like ancient rivers, pulsating with the life force that coursed through him. As his muscles expanded, they seemed to dance beneath the surface. Shoulders broadened and extended, reaching from side to side of the mattress. The handcuffs that had once restrained him were reduced to twisted metal, shattered remnants of their former existence. Try as he might, the shear size of his arms prevented them from being held in place above his head. They were no match for the immense power that surged through his veins, a power that demanded freedom and release. Elaine was going to witness to his overwhelming might and succumbed to his desires. Each breath he took was infused with a sense of exhilaration and liberation. He could feel the rush of blood through his veins, the pulsating heartbeat that coursed through his now massive dick already excited to get what it’s wanted for a while, as she watched unsure just what to do - Bruce or The Hulk was larger than normal. Undeterred by the awe-inspiring spectacle unfolding before her, Elaine's desire burned brightly, urging her to explore every inch of Bruce's immense form. Her fingers, delicate yet filled with a fervent longing, traced the contours of his burgeoning muscles, caressing the hardened sinew with a reverence reserved for a work of art. She marveled at the sheer scale of his physicality, her touch a graceful dance upon the landscape of his sculpted physique. The musk of sweat that emanated from Bruce's skin only served to heighten Elaine's desire. It mingled with the air, creating an intoxicating scent that fueled her. She surrendered to the raw, masculine aura that enveloped him. Her lips, soft and eager, descended upon his colossal chest, planting kisses upon the chiseled landscape with a fervent passion. Her delicate hands gripping his traps as if they were where she would come up for air. Each touch send pleasureful sensations within him, coursing through his veins. As the hulk grew in strength, its raw power evident in every fiber of Bruce's being, a profound sense of awe mingled with a primal fear. He was still keenly aware of the delicate balance between pleasure and the potential for destruction - and he already wanted to destroy the room. His instincts urged him to unleash his might, to revel in the dominance that now resided within him. But he remained resolute, his desire to protect Elaine outweighing his own primal urges. In the midst of this extraordinary spectacle, the room was transformed into an arena of passion and power. The scent of musk and the symphony of moans filled the air, a testament to the union of human desire and the monstrous strength that coursed through Bruce's veins. In this fusion of muscle and desire, Bruce and Elaine found themselves caught in a dance of supremacy and vulnerability, their love transcending the boundaries of the ordinary. As the hulk's presence loomed large under her, she couldn’t help but enjoy being on top of such a massive man, unable to even dent the rock hard skin. Suddenly, the hulk seized control, his colossal hands firmly gripping Elaine's head, pulling her close to his monstrous visage. Elaine prayed she wouldn’t be crushed and that somewhere inside Bruce was there. The Hulk craved more than just gratification. It wanted to taste every inch of her, it wanted to fuck her. With a single purpose in mind, The Hulk clumsily devoured Elaine's lips in a passionate and ravenous kiss, his massive hand wrapped around her head, holding it in place. Bruces insatiable sexual hunger merged with hulks immense strength, intertwining raw power with intimacy. The taste of his own pre, mingled with the sweetness of her lips, and drove him wild. As the hulk's dominance asserted itself, he effortlessly rolled over, carefully positioning Elaine beneath him on the bed. The stark contrast in size between them heightened the intensity of their encounter, emphasizing his towering, muscular form over her petite frame as he flexed - she couldn’t help but reach up and feel his muscles move under his skin. Noticing the hunger in eyes, she couldn’t help but try to sit up and move her mouth towards his throbbing cock. He needed this, she thought. His brutish face, accentuated by a 5 o’clock shadow on his chin, adding to the intensity of the moment. She had forgotten to breathe. Before Elaine could react, the Hulk's enormous hand gently cradled her face, his touch a contradiction of tenderness and overpowering strength. It was their first intimate encounter with him in his Hulk form, leaving her uncertain about the level of gentleness he could exert with his immense size and power. With one more lingering kiss on her lips, he embarked on a journey southward, his hunger and delicate precision blending as he suckled her breasts, as his finger began to play with her vagina. Driven by a deliberate yet urgent determination, the Hulk set out to pleasure Elaine, to surpass any satisfaction she had ever experienced with Bruce - he had to show that little man what a real man could do. His tongue skillfully danced and teased, rendering her body a helpless vessel for waves of ecstatic pleasure as he focused on her vagina, unleashing a ferocity driven by his passionate instincts, plunges into the depths of her most sensitive area, his tongue becoming an instrument of ecstasy. Firmly but sensitively, he held her in place, fully embracing his insatiable desire to please her and relish her most intimate essence—a desire that harmoniously melded with his formidable strength. Each flick of his tongue, each caress of his lips, surging through her, each movement executed with a primal finesse unique to the Hulk's immense physique. Elaine, gripping the mattress tightly, surrendered to his growls as the Hulk's head delved deeper between her legs, emitting animalistic growls of his own. The Hulk was an animal As he delved further into his voracious feast, Elaine's moans intermingled with the rumbling growls emanating from the Hulk's monstrous form, his hand moving to stroke his own massive green cock. The room filled with an intoxicating symphony of shared ecstasy, as the room shook. Despite reveling in his insatiable desires, the Hulk's primary concern remained Elaine's satisfaction and safety. The duality of his nature—the untamed strength and the tenderness within—manifested in an unwavering determination to elicit cries of pleasure from her, over and over again. In this fusion of the beast and the beloved, pleasure and power entwined, culminating in an intense moment that Elaine resisted but ultimately succumbed to as she reached climax. Hulk came up for air, still stroking himself with a look that had one message - he wasn’t anywhere near done. ——————————————————————————————————————— The Hulk rose to his full, imposing stature, his massive form radiating both anger and pride, casting a shadow over the exhausted woman who had ignited this fiery passion within him. This was her fault, she wanted this and he wasn’t done yet, not even close. With a determination burning in his eyes, it was now his turn to unleash his insatiable desires upon her. Glaring down at her, his bulging muscles rippling with each breath, he repositioned himself over her, his cock pressing against her stomach as he positioned himself on top of her, a reminder of his sheer dominance, careful not to crush her. As he ascended onto her, the Hulk's forceful kiss claimed her lips, his mouth a cavernous expanse, engulfing her with a hunger that knew no bounds. The intensity of his kiss reminding her she couldn’t stop him now, the vibrant green hue of his lips serving as a vivid warning of the untamed power that coursed through his veins. With a commanding presence, the Hulk's throbbing cock pressed against her wet spit covered slit. The sheer size and girth of his member stretching the limits of her anticipation as he push in, each forceful thrust generating a symphony of pleasure that reverberated through her being. The pulsating veins that snaked across his massive length throbbed with every movement. Banging the bed against the wall with such for the drywall was cracking - and he was just getting started. As the Hulk's relentless thrusts continued, their bodies became locked in a primal dance of passion, propelling her towards multiple climaxes. His abs flexed with every motion, a sculpted landscape of power and desire. His glutes clenched with each powerful thrust, driving him deeper into her, intensifying the pleasure they shared. The room filled with her moans and his beastly grunts, a cacophony escaping his lips as his climax approached. The overwhelming force with which the Hulk plunged into her sent shockwaves of pleasure coursing through her every nerve ending, shattering any lingering remnants of restraint and unleashing a torrent of pleasure that cascaded through her core as she gripped the sheet stronger than he ever could. His mighty body quaked above her, the weight of his power evident in every ripple of muscle and every grunt that escaped his lips. With one final, earth-shattering thrust, the Hulk unleashed a guttural roar that echoed through the room, a primal declaration of his release. Like a powerful tidal wave crashing upon the shore, his climax surged through him, overpowering his senses with its intensity. He couldn’t resist taking both his fists and smashing them into the mattress on both sides of her head. The sheer magnitude of his liquid release was awe-inspiring - and would be for Bruce. As he emptied himself into her, the room quaked beneath the weight of his passion. A torrent of his cum surged forth, a deluge that overflowed Elaines slit as he pulled out. It cascaded with unyielding power, filling the depths of their connection and leaving no doubt as to the sheer potency of his desire. Each pulse of his release coated her entire stomach as he trembled over her trying not to collapse. The room was filled with the heady scent of their union, a potent mixture of desire and fulfillment that hung in the air. In the aftermath of their union, their bodies entwined, a profound sense of satisfaction and connection enveloped them. The Hulk, still towering over Elaine, was a vision of raw power and dominance. He had unleashed the full extent of his physical prowess upon her, leaving no doubt as to the overwhelming strength that coursed through his veins. As the intense surge of passion and pleasure began to subside, the hulk's massive frame yearned to collapse on the bed. Gradually he heaved himself over her, stumbling to the floor, the hulk's monumental form beginning to diminish in size, a metamorphosis that unfolded before Elaine's eyes. The raw power that had pulsed through his muscles now waned, as his physique shrunk. The bulging muscles deflating as if releasing the tension they had held. The once formidable biceps and triceps diminished in size, gradually revealing a more compact and toned physique. As the transformation continued, his chest, once a robust and solid wall of muscle, gradually receded, becoming less defined and sculpted. The hulk's legs, once pillars of strength, slimed up. His colossal feet, which had seemingly dwarfed everything in their path, now appeared more proportionate as they slowly shrank to a more manageable size. With each passing moment, the hulk's remarkable transformation to become Bruce continued, his monumental stature gradually giving way to a more human-sized frame, and his color became more white, and the fat proudly adorned his body returning. Elaine, exhausted from the overwhelmingly passionate encounter, remained safely nestled on the bed, her body both sated and spent. The intense connection she had shared with the hulk now lingering as a creamy glaze now pooling around her waist - still warm. “Holy shit,” She sighed with a gentle smile on her face, embracing the stillness of the moment, basking in the euphoria of their shared experience. As the Bruce settled on the floor, his reduced form now entirely human proportions, he exhaled a sigh of relief. "I'm sorry," Bruce muttered, his voice laced with remorse, as he lay naked on the floor, catching his breath. The transformation had subsided, leaving him in a state of vulnerability and self-reflection. Elaine, still catching her breath from their intense encounter, reassured him with a breathless response. "You were… amazing. I mean, holy shit, you were incredible," she gasped, her voice filled with awe and lingering pleasure. "I've never experienced anything like that before, so many times… I came so many time… ” Bruce looked under the bed trying to catch his breath, where remnants of crushed wood lay scattered. The bed frame was no more. Examining the splintered fragments, Bruce couldn't help but contemplate the sheer weight he had carried, estimating it to be in the range of 4 or 500 pounds during his transformation. The knowledge that he had exerted such force, even inadvertently, weighed heavily on his conscience. Silence hung in the air as Bruce grappled with the conflicting emotions coursing through him. "Bruce, don't be so hard on yourself," she whispered softly, her eyes filled with understanding. "Yes, your the hulk, but it's a part of you. We'll learn together how to navigate this part of us, how to channel it in ways that bring us joy without causing harm.” Her words resonated deeply within him, offering a glimmer of solace amidst his self-doubt. The assurance that he was not alone in this journey provided a sense of comfort and relief. Bruce nodded, his expression softened by her compassion and unwavering support, as he pulled himself off the floor. Bruce gingerly picked up the tattered remains of his underwear, his eyes scanning the room for any other rewards of their passionate encounter - he didn’t remember taking them off. The broken bed frame. The shattered handcuffs. He cleared his throat, his voice slightly hoarse as he spoke, "We should probably get cleaned up.” Elaine, her gaze fixated on her own naked form glistening with his essence, nodded in agreement. "I'd like that," she replied, her voice carrying a mix of satisfaction and longing. With a gentle hand, Bruce helped Elaine rise from the warm pool of cum she had been lying in, his touch tender and caring. They moved together towards the shower. Bruce turned the faucet, setting the water to its hottest setting, filling the bathroom with a cloud of steam. As the steam began to swirl around them, Elaine couldn't help but notice the careful way Bruce looked at her, as if searching for any signs of discomfort or marks left behind. Her voice softened as she broke the silence, her words carrying a mix of reassurance and admiration. "You didn't hurt me, you know," she said, her eyes meeting his, filled with trust and affection. Bruce was momentarily taken aback, his mind racing to find the right words to express his thoughts. The steam continued to rise, creating a veil of intimacy between them. He finally found his voice, his words laced with vulnerability. "I... I'm glad," he managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper, as he turned the heat down to something they could enjoy as they climbed in. Elaine stepped closer, her hand reaching out to caress his cheek, her touch comforting and gentle. "You were better than any of our previous times," she murmured, her eyes locked with his, "and it's about time you were able to let go a little bit.” Bruce's eyes softened, the weight of his past struggles momentarily lightening as he absorbed Elaine's words. The steam swirling around them created a cocoon of intimacy, shielding them from the outside world as they stood together beneath the cascading water. In that vulnerable moment, he leaned in, his forehead gently resting against hers, their breaths intermingling amidst the rising steam. "I... I love you, Elaine," Bruce confessed, his voice brimming with sincerity and raw emotion. His words hung in the air, heavy with the weight of his inner turmoil. "But I don't want to be this hulk. I don't. And I don't want you to expect that level of... performance…from me. The hulk isn't me.” Elaine's eyes shimmered with unshed tears, a mix of understanding and unwavering love shining in her gaze, it was part of both of them and changing the words didn’t matter. A radiant smile curved her lips as she tightened her embrace around him, their bodies coming together in the warm embrace of the shower. "I love 'you', Bruce," she whispered, her voice laced with tenderness and unwavering devotion. In that moment, under the soothing rush of water and the sheltering steam, Bruce felt a profound sense of acceptance and understanding. Elaine's love wrapped around him like a lifeline, grounding him amidst the turbulent currents of his own identity. And in her embrace, he found solace, knowing that their love transcended the challenges they faced, and that together, they could navigate the complexities of their relationship with unwavering support and unconditional devotion. ——————————————————————————————————————— Their blissful shower abruptly shattered as the tranquility of the moment was torn apart by a violent intrusion. In the dead of night, the piercing sound of a man's voice shouting "police" reverberated through the room, sending shockwaves of fear and confusion coursing through Elaine and Bruce's veins. Bruce knew they had finally been caught - it didn’t matter how far they would run. Their hearts pounded in their chests as the bathroom door swung open, revealing two figures dressed in police uniforms, their weapons brandished with a menacing authority. "Get down on the ground, now!" one of the officers barked, his voice filled with a vulgar aggression that cut through the air like a knife. One threw bruce to the ground, dragging him into the main room. Bruce's muscles tensed, a mix of fear and adrenaline flooding his system. He complied, dropping to his knees with a sense of helplessness and vulnerability, as one officer threw him to the floor. The cold tile floor pressed against his bare skin, a stark contrast to the warmth and safety he had just experienced in the embrace of the steamy shower. Elaine's scream pierced the air, a cry of terror and disbelief as the officers invaded their sacred moment. Her nakedness, once a symbol of their intimate connection, now became a vulnerability that was callously exploited by men who thought they were the ones in control of the situation. With a reckless force, they handled her, their grip unyielding and violent, treating her with a brutality that ignited a furious rage within Bruce. As Elaine was thrown to the floor, her body colliding with the unforgiving surface, Bruce's protective instincts surged to the forefront. The hulk, dormant within him, stirred with a ferocious intensity, the desire to defend and shield his love overpowering his thoughts. Every fiber of his being screamed for action, for retribution against the injustice inflicted upon them. As the cold, metal cuffs were secured around Bruce's wrists for a second time that night, a sinister smile tugged at the corners of his lips. With a surge of raw power, the transformation began, an incredible metamorphosis that unleashed an unstoppable force upon the unsuspecting police officers, his officer quickly fired into his shoulder. Bruce's body convulsed, his muscles bulging and expanding with incredible speed quickly healing from the gunshot. The cuffs strained against the sheer magnitude of his growing mass, threatening to snap under the immense pressure. Inch by inch, he towered over the officers, surpassing their height as if defying the laws of physics. The once meek and submissive figure of Bruce had given way to a colossal entity, a towering symbol of untamed strength. The hulk, now standing before them, radiated an aura of aggression and dominance, briefly flexing, his pecs trembling as he grew. His green skin pulsed with veins that seemed to carry the essence of his sheer power. The officers, who had previously felt a sense of authority and control, now found themselves dwarfed by this monstrous embodiment of fury. With a bone-rattling roar that shook the very foundations of the room, the hulk lunged forward, his massive green fists crashing into the officers with unfathomable strength. The impact was cataclysmic, the sound of bones shattering and flesh yielding filling the air. Driven by an insatiable hunger for dominance, the hulk unleashed a torrent of devastating blows upon the officers The first officer, caught off guard by the hulk's lightning-fast attack, was sent hurtling through the air, his body slamming into a wall with a sickening thud. The second officer, paralyzed with fear, watched in horror as his partner flew through the wall. Before he could even think of a course of action, the hulk closed the distance between them in a blur of emerald fury. Grasping the second officer by the collar, the hulk effortlessly hoisted him into the air, the officer's legs dangling helplessly. The officer's eyes widened in terror as he stared into the hulk's rage-filled eyes, the green veins pulsating with power. The officer was speechless. With an animalistic roar, the hulk swung one officer like a ragdoll, his body becoming a projectile of destruction. The officer crashed through the their room like a human missile, obliterating everything in his path, collapsing on the bed of the room next door. Both men, very lucky to be alive as the hulk realized how much he craved the destruction, as he fought anything in his grasps. Each strike was a display of raw strength, sending shockwaves through the room and leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The air crackled with the energy of his relentless assault, the force of his blows creating mini-explosions of debris. His veins bulged with pulsating energy, each surge of adrenaline fueling his insatiable desire for dominance. He flexed his colossal muscles, veins snaking across his green-skinned physique like radiation filled streams. The building seemed to tremble in awe of the hulk's sheer presence, the very walls struggling to contain the force that emanated from his monstrous form. Amidst the chaos, the hulk's grunts and growls filled the room, a symphony of primal aggression. His roar reverberated through the wreckage, a primal declaration of his unbridled power. It was a dance of destruction, a display of dominance that sent shockwaves through the hulk's being, reminding him of the limitless strength that surged within him. He loved it, and as he looked down he could help but smile at his massive tool, craving more than what Elaine could offer. The hulk paused amidst the wreckage, a towering figure radiating both triumph and an insatiable hunger for more. The officers, broken and bloodied, lay scattered like discarded playthings. The hulk's exhilaration remained palpable, an unstoppable force of nature basking in the aftermath of his unleashed power. With a deafening bellow that reverberated through the air, the hulk surged forward, a mountain of raw strength and power. His sinewy muscles bulged and rippled with every movement, their sheer mass demonstrating his formidable might. From his broad chest, down his colossal arms, and all the way to his tree trunk-like legs, his naked body demanding attention as he plowed his way out of the room and into the parking lot. In a display of unfathomable strength, the hulk's massive hands closed around the police car parked outside, his fingers effortlessly gripping the solid metal chassis. The creaking and groaning metal filled the air as the vehicle strained against the hulk's grip, unable to withstand the colossal power that coiled within his veins. With a mighty heave, the hulk propelled the car forward, unleashing it like a projectile hurtling through the air. The metallic beast soared with uncanny accuracy, its trajectory guided by the hulk’s towards the other rooms. The impact upon landing would be cataclysmic, as the car became a weapon in the hulk's hands, demolishing anything unfortunate enough to stand in its path. The car crashed through the wall of the adjacent rooms, unleashing a violent explosion of splintered wood, shattered glass, fire, and crumbling brick. Debris rained down like a torrential storm, as the neighboring rooms were instantly transformed into a scene of utter chaos. The force of impact reverberated through the entire building, sending tremors of destruction cascading through its very foundation. Inside the motel rooms, the hulk's rampage continued from one room to the next. Walls crumbled under the relentless onslaught, furniture was reduced to splinters, and personal belongings were pulverized into oblivion. The air became thick with a haze of dust and debris, obscuring the hulk's monstrous figure amidst the wreckage. He was simply having fun at this point. Through it all, the hulk's focus remained resolute. He avoided the area where Elaine was, his only concern ensuring her safety after breaking the cuffs a second time tonight amidst the onslaught of his unbridled fury. It was as if a sliver of his humanity still lingered, a thread of consciousness that shielded her from his wrath, it protected nothing else. With every destructive second fueled by the sheer pleasure of obliterating anything in his path. He tore through everything, his mighty fists reducing them to rubble. Glass shattered like fragile crystal at his touch, and the sound of splintering wood echoed like an ominous warning. Amidst the chaos, the hulk's roars reverberated through the building, a primal symphony of dominance that shook the very core of anyone who heard it. His monstrous form stood amidst the wreckage. His muscles bulged and veins pulsed with an otherworldly energy. As the hulk surveyed the wreckage, his eyes caught sight of Elaine standing across the parking lot, wrapped in a towel and clearly disheveled. In that moment, a pang of remorse pierced through his powerful exterior. The woman he loved had been caught in the crossfire of his uncontrollable rage, realizing that was enough to calm him down. Water from burst pipes were spraying into the air, pattering his muscles and cleaning him at the same time. The hulk couldn't help but feel a mix of exhilaration and guilt, knowing the destruction he had caused was witnessed by the woman he loved yet again. He had torn through walls, shattered objects, and reduced the police car to a mere heap of twisted metal. His unstoppable ire had left a lasting mark on everything in his path, and it needed to be cured. Deep down, he longed for control, for the ability to protect those he cared about rather than subject them to more danger. The woman he loved deserved more than the collateral damage he had caused and would continue. Elaine, however, stood amidst the wreckage, her gaze locked onto the dark green puddle of blood that had spilled onto the ground—an elusive sample that appeared almost impossible to obtain without a transformation. Safely stored in her purse were several vials, the closest means of preserving the cum and blood she had managed to collect. It was a precious miracle, offering a fleeting glimpse into the genetic makeup of the hulk—a treasure she knew would be nearly impossible to acquire again. Unbeknownst to Bruce, Elaine had a whole different plan up her sleeve. She had pulled the wool over the police's eyes, making them believe she was an unwilling accomplice ready to betray him, and she had duped Bruce into thinking she would use the serum samples to cure him. But in reality, her true intentions were far better. Deep down, she craved the power of the hulk for herself, and she guarded that secret closely, her heart throbbing with anticipation. As the vial of dark green blood sparkled in her grasp, Elaine's gaze darted between the precious liquid and Bruce, who stood clueless, unaware of the betrayal that loomed over him. A pang of guilt tugged at her conscience, yet her longing for power eclipsed any remorse. The allure of becoming a hulk, of tasting the untamed might and the freedom it promised, was simply too enticing to resist. Besides, she figured if the military wanted blood - her tampons would do. A mix of excitement and nerves coursed through Elaine as she prepared herself for the transformative journey that lay ahead. Thoughts raced through her mind, considering the nearest lab and the logistics involved. She knew that her decision would shatter Bruce's hopes and undermine the trust he had placed in her, but it also meant he could finally embrace his true self without the weight of a cure holding him back. With meticulous care, Elaine sealed the vials, fully aware of the gravity of her choices. She was about to take on the hulk, severing the chains that bound her to victimhood and the burden of finding a cure. Her actions were fueled by self-serving ambition, a hunger for power that threatened to consume her from within.
  6. JakeLandry

    Coach's New Recruit

    Sorry it's a bit late. It got a lot bigger than I thought it would. I cut a lot out so I hope it still makes sense... --------------------- Travis took a breath before he knocked on the door. “Coach Selnars?” he peered his head in the coach’s office. Travis would have preferred to just call him Cody, but the other teacher seemed to have a bit of a complex about it. It didn’t matter how old or young they were, Coach Slenars expected to be called coach. “Ahhh, Mr. Harris,” Coach Selnars said. He was a big man. Truly a coach worth aspiring to be. His large muscular frame was always packed tightly in the school’s bright red XXL polo, and his legs filled his khaki pants. Yet being so tall he was still able to walk with a confidence reserved only for a man of his size. “What can I do for you today?” Travis took another breath. “I came here to talk about Brandon. His grade has been slipping a bit, so I tried to pair him up with Ken to do better. But, instead, he seems to just be copying everything on Ken’s homework.” His heart was racing. The flare of the other man’s nostrils made it obvious just how mad the coach was. Travis pulled out the proof. “This is what he turned in, and then what Ken turned in.” “Hmmm…” the coach’s frown didn’t leave his face. He was clearly trying to calm himself down as he ran one of his hands through his thick beard. “Is that so?” he muttered. “I tried--” “DATOLI! Get your ass in here!” Coach Selnars shouted. Travis flinched. It felt loud enough to shake the walls of his office. Yet, the coach wasn’t fazed in the slightest. If anything, he looked even angrier. It calmed down to a seething one as Brandon rushed inside. “C-coach?” Brandon peered inside. “Inside,” the coach ordered. Brandon followed without question, closing the door behind him. “Sit.” His attention turned back to Travis. “You too.” Travis almost felt his body compelled to do so. The confidence in the coach’s voice seemed to have some kind of control over him and his body just listened. “Now,” Coach’s hands clasped together, hiding his obvious frown. The glare in his eyes told enough. “Tell me the truth. You’ve been cheating?” It was the first time Travis had ever seen the jock nervous. He seemed to be trying to say something but the words just wouldn’t come out. Normally there’d be some kind of quick remark or defense, but nothing. “Y-yes,” Brandon’s hands gripped the chair tightly. “And you’ve been cheating off… Ken?” “Y-yes.” “And was he okay with that?” “N-n-no.” “Then why did he do it?” Coach Selnars’ glare intensified. It was like he was looking all the way down deep inside the students soul. Most college athletes understood how bad it was to be caught cheating. That was a loss of scholarship almost instantly. Travis figured that must be why Brandon was so nervous. “Because…” the word came out slowly. As though he didn’t want to say it. “Because I told him he could see me naked if I could.” Travis looked over completely confused. The big tough jock didn’t look like a guy who’d do something like that. He’d never made snide remarks directly to someone, but it was pretty obvious what his feelings were on the situation. “And did you keep your end of the bargain?” It looked like it was taking everything Brandon had not to answer the question. His face grimaced and fought it off. But slowly the word, “no,” forced their way through his lips. “But--” “Enough,” Coach Slenars said. His voice made it final. “I don’t want to hear any excuses. We’ll talk about your punishment later. Now, I have to discuss a few things with Mr. Harris. You’re dismissed.” Brandon stood up and took his leave. “Woah…” Travis couldn’t contain just how impressed he was by the coach. Brandon would never listen to him like that. Especially without at least a hint of sass. But the handsome jock acted like he couldn’t disagree. Coach Selnars smiled at the shock on the other teacher’s face. “You like football?” “Foot-ball?” Travis repeated back. A bit of a snicker followed. “Can’t say that I do. Never really built for it.” In high school he’d always had a thin wiry frame. And then going to college he started to bulk up. Not in a way that was helpful for sports though. His thin stomach was the first to go, pushing at the bottom of his shirts and then all his pants and shorts. By the time he’d graduated, he’d bought an entirely new wardrobe. Twice. “What if you were?” Travis tried to hide his laugh, but it only made his fat bounce up and down. “I guess I would be then. But… What are you getting at?” “I can make you a football player.” Now Travis couldn’t even give the other teacher the courtesy. He belt out in laughter, his body leaning forward as it overtook him. “Train me?” Travis tried to calm himself down. Coach Selnars looked serious. “I know you’ve been really good with the team, but I think that’s a bit too far gone.” “What if I could?” “Are… Are you serious?” Travis asked. This was well past the point of any joke. And then with Coach Selnars nodding, it no longer seemed like a joke. “I mean… It’d be nice and all. But I don’t know if I could.” “Listen,” the coach leaned forward, interlocking his fingers. His strong stern face looked directly into Travis’ eyes. “All you have to do is agree to do what I tell you for… Let’s say... The next week. If you don’t like the results. Or think it’s not what you want? We stop. No questions asked. Okay?” “I mean--” Travis cut himself off. Unsure why the coach was suddenly so serious about something like this. But the strong look in the other man’s eyes seemed to tell Travis that he wasn’t joking. “Just a week?” “We’ll start with a week. And like I said, if you like the results we can continue from there,” a smile cocked onto the coach’s face. “I mean… Sure? Why not,” Travis agreed. “Glad to hear it,” Coach Selnars put one of his massive hands forward to shake. Travis reached for it. Yet something happened. The coach’s eyes flashed a golden color. Then a surge of pain rocketed through his head. Only for it to instantly disappear. He looked around, slightly confused. The headache was gone as quickly as it had come. If anything he almost felt better. As though some kind of responsibility had been lifted from him and he didn’t have to worry about as much anymore. “It’s alright, Harris. You don’t need to worry about what just happened. Just go home and get a little work out done. It’ll feel great. Like you’ve been doing it for years. But you’ll look a couple younger,” Coach Selnars said. He gave Travis a strong pat on the back. “Don’t worry about any of it.” Confusion seemed to wash over the teacher again. His mind started circling around, but all it could think about was going home and working out. “Yes sir.” “Good man,” Coach brought him in for a hug. “Meet back here tomorrow and we’ll really get started.” Travis nodded in agreement and headed home. He still just kept thinking about working out. Never in his life had this been a thing for him, yet he couldn’t stop. Even as he tried to read, or watch TV, he just kept going back to thinking about working out. He finally gave in. Not sure what to do, he just started with some simple push ups. But once he got down onto the ground, his mind went completely blank. It was like everything went black and there wasn’t anything to focus on other than completing the movements. His body followed through. More than it ever should have. With Travis’ overweight and long out of shape body, he should have only been able to do a couple of push ups. Yet, his body just wouldn’t stop. Pushing through any sort of limit that would have been placed on him. And once he was done with the push ups, his body went to the next exercise. Performing it exactly the same way. Sweat dripped down his back and body, soaking his clothes. But Travis didn’t stop. He had to do what coach said. ------------- “Oh man…” Travis complained as he heard his alarm going off. “Is it that time already?” His body rolled out of bed and tried to concentrate. It was hard as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. The sun was always so bright, but he had to get out of bed. “School…” he reminded himself. Just because he was a teacher didn’t mean it was any easier for him than any of the students. And with that work out last night, he sure as hell was beat. There was a dull soreness running through his body. Every muscle ached. Yet, it didn’t feel bad. If anything he almost enjoyed it. As he walked into the bathroom and stripped down to nothing, he couldn’t help but give himself a bit of a flex. He watched as his arm rose up ever so slightly, showing off the beginning of a muscle. “Coach says you’re going to built like a football player,” Travis laughed at the notion. It was an amusing thought to think about during his shower, but nothing that could really happen. He was too old. Too weak. No way could he go back. But still, something about Coach Selnars’ eyes made him want to try. “Still gotta go to gym after class…” Travis stepped out of the shower and then pulled his shirt over his head. Then his pants up to his waist. He buckled the belt, but paused. There was a clear indication where his belt had been used for the last two years or so. The metal had caused the area around the hole to warp ever so slightly. However, when he looped it into his belt, it was one hole past that. “Wait a second… What!?” Travis looked down, double checking his eyes. There was still the clear indentation from where his belt had been and where it was now. He turned to the side, making sure his eyes weren’t playing tricks on him. But when he did so, the good sized belly that seemed to spill out over his belt didn’t look so full. He ran his hands up and down it. It was smaller. ----------------- All the way to the college, Travis tried to get himself to figure out why he would have already changed so much. He’d been on plenty of diets, plenty of work out plans, plenty of supplements for a day or two. None of them had an effect like this. It was impossible. He weighed about 15 pounds less than he normally did, yet nothing in his mind was telling him it was wrong. If anything, a voice kept telling him not to worry about it. And once he stepped into his classroom, he didn’t anymore. His mind shifted back to work. Mostly because he saw Ken come into the classroom. “Ken,” he said. The student seemed to shake at the sound of his name. Though, Travis didn’t realize how much power he’d put into it, until he heard his voice bouncing off the walls. “Yes?” Ken asked. His head was down and shoulders slouched. “It’s come to my attention that you’ve been allowing Brandon to cheat off you.” “Y-yes,” Ken muttered. “And you know it’s wrong?” “Y-yes.” Travis let out a sigh. The guy wasn’t bad. Just horny. “Okay. Well, we can’t have that anymore. Got it?” Ken nodded in agreement. “This is going to just stay between us, but at the same time I’m going to have to monitor you two instead. Okay?” “O-okay,” he finally confirmed. Ken’s eyes seemed to not be able to stay on one part of Travis’ body. They darted around, all over the place as though they were taking in an unbelievable amount of information. “Something wrong?” Ken’s face flushed red and his entire body stiffened. “No sir,” he chanted. “I’m just going to go sit down.” As he walked back to a desk, there was a clear change in his gait. He sat down but then turned his attention to the door, as a bit of noise was happening outside. “Are you still mad,” Brandon and his girlfriend walked into the classroom. “I said I was sorry.” Courtney’s arms were crossed as she sat down. Her blond hair flipped over her shoulder. “Mm-hmmm,” she nodded. An unimpressed look on her face. “I’m not cheating on you. Promise!” Brandon exclaimed. “So mister big shot always horny, just suddenly can’t get it up? Okay. Yeah. Sure,” Courtney shoots back. “Never once has this happened. So who is she?” “I’m not--” “Eh-hm,” Travis cleared his throat and Brandon instantly went silent. For a second his eyes stopped on the athlete. Somehow, he was looking bigger than he had been. Even since yesterday, it almost looked like he’d put on a bit more muscle. His shirt seemed to cling to his chest and shoulder. Arms filled the sleeves completely. And it almost looked like it was rising up a little bit, showing off a bit of his midriff. “Now, let’s begin class.” Travis went through his lesson plan, but the entire time he couldn’t help but feel a bit uncomfortable. It was like the shirt he was wearing just didn’t fit him the way he thought it was supposed to. And then it felt like his khaki pants kept threatening to fall down his waist. He shifted around and tried to relieve the discomfort, but the longer he taught, the worse it felt. Luckily it was a short class. However, once the class was over, there was a different nagging feeling running through him. He kept thinking about going to the gym. After the work out from last night, he was raring to go again. His body just seemed to be a bit stiff. The soreness had worn off. Instead, there was an almost joy to working out. “Might as well…” Travis eventually said to himself. He got up from his desk and then headed down to the gym. After all, he did promise to listen to Coach Selnars. ------------------- Travis thought he’d feel more awkward as he stepped into the locker room. He could see all the jocks undressing and changing into more comfortable clothing. Coach Selnars had done an excellent job getting them into shape. Nearly every one of them fit their positions perfectly. By the end of his first year, he’d been sending several of them off to play with the professionals. Almost all of them could have made it there, yet they chose to do something else. However, that didn’t mean that the guys here weren’t any worse. They were all brimming with muscle, and proud to show it off in the locker room. They walked around with their shirts and shorts off with as much confidence as though they were fully clothed. Their hard muscles glistened with sweat from a good workout or looked like they were getting ready for one. More interesting were the heavy bulges that some of them had. They didn’t seem to brag, yet manly of the other guys seemed to naturally stay out of their way. Travis took off his shirt. “Yo Harris!” one of the guys called. “Lookin good man. You going for a work out?” “Uhh, yeah,” Travis said. Though the word seemed to hang awkwardly as he said it. Almost like there was something else he was supposed to add onto it. “Good man,” the guy gave him a pat on the back. “Coach has been pretty pissed about Datoli. Don’t know what we’re going to do with him. If he’s really showing himself off all over the internet, don’t know how we’d save face.” “Datoli’s showing himself off?” Travis asked. “Bro! You didn’t know? Yeah man! He’s got one of them OnlyforFans accounts where guys and gals get all naked and do like porn and shit.” “Yo… Really?” Travis leaned in. “He’s really doing it?” “Yeah man! He’s really fucking doing it!” “No way…” Travis said. But the jock pulled out his phone and went to the website. He pulled it up and then there was Brandon. The jock was sitting in front of his computer waiting a bit awkwardly as people started to shuffle in. Chats started to be sent in asking him to do different things and he’d do them. It started with him taking off his shirt. Then flexing his big muscles for the camera. The well-built man clearly had an audience. They seemed to love his pecs, asking him to feel them up again and again. Though, Brandon didn’t seem to mind. He’d backed away a few paces and the clear semi-chubbed dick between his legs made it obvious that was a very sensitive part of his body. His rough hands ran over his abs and down to his underwear. They pulled the strap hard before stripping them down his legs. That’s when a whole new list of chats were coming in. Asking him to start stroking it. He complied, almost joyously as his fingers playfully teased his hardening dick. It was almost surprising just how small it looked in his hands. Just a little less than average, yet he could barely use more than his finger and thumb without completely obscuring it. But what seemed to excite him even more was the other hand going around to his back door. People had sent in the request, yet he’d started doing it before he’d even been asked. His mouth dropped open into an excited ‘O’ shape and eyes squeezed tight. Brandon’s body flexed and thrust several times as his dick unloaded on the camera. “Shit man… Didn’t realize he was doing that,” Travis said. “Yeah! Coach is fucking pissed! Just don’t bring it up. Okay?” Travis nodded. “You think I’m a fucking idiot?” “Dude, just saying.” He gave Travis a high five then left the locker room. Travis went the opposite way into the gym. Looking around, he didn’t know why he hadn’t been there before. If anything, it almost felt a bit like home. The distinct smell of metal and sweat swirling together as the guys lifted the weights seemed to draw him in. “Ahh… Harris,” Coach Selnars came by. His strong arm wrapped around the other man. “How you feeling today?” “Good. Surprisingly good coach,” Travis said. The coach’s meaty chest bounced as he laughed. “You should. Have you looked in a mirror lately?” “Huh?” Travis muttered. His eyes slowly trailed from the gym, to the mirrors that lined the walls. “Woah…” Is all he could utter as he slowly walked closer to them. There was no way that was him. But as he pulled his hand up against his cut jaw, it had to be. The strong masculine face with just a bit of facial hair from not shaving that morning lined his squarer jaw. His eyes looked piercing, strong but stoic. However, his eyes lowered. Just like his face, there wasn’t nearly any fat on it. Strong muscles lined his arms and chest. But what was strange is that he hadn’t even realized that he’d changed into athletic gear. The bright blue sleeveless shirt clung to a chest that pushed far out in front of him, yet there wasn’t a belly underneath it anymore. His hand slowly raised the fabric. To his greater surprise, six blocks lined what had been one solid lump. “No way…” his surprised face turned into a smile as he could feel his hand running across his abs. “Bro! Are you serious?” Travis continued to be astounded what he looked like. He didn’t even look like he was approaching 40 anymore. It was just like he was just a few years past graduating college. But now he was hot. He looked like one of the athletes. One of the guys who would get all the girls. “Uh-huh,” Coach Selnars nodded. “This is now you. You like?” “Hell yeah Coach! This is sweet!” Travis exclaimed. He started flexing, watching the muscle in his arm bulge with power. Confidence swelled inside him as he watched the hard body shift. “How’d you do it Coach?” “Just my little secret,” Coach Selnars smiled. “But like I said, if you want to keep it, you have to agree to do whatever I say.” “Hell yeah Coach! If this is what I get; absolutely!” Coach’s big hand reached around the other man. “I’m glad to hear it. Don’t worry about your teaching job. Though you will still have to help out Brandon. Ok?” “Of course. Whatever he needs,” Travis said. “Good man. I knew you’d come through.” The Coach started back for his office at the other end of the gym. “Just make sure you finish your work out properly. I think Brandon is meeting Ken in the library.” Travis nodded and started lifting the weights. His body naturally went over to the 50 pound ones. The surprise seemed to have worn off, though in the back of his mind he knew there was no way these should feel as light as they did. With each rep, he’d watched his muscle flex and strain, yet he didn’t feel as though that was anywhere near his maximum. And with that on his mind, he almost wanted to challenge himself even more. Never in Travis’ life had he felt the need for such competition. Yet, right now, he was solely competing with himself. Being mad that he wouldn’t lift more, despite knowing full well he could. That only drove him to keep going. Going through each different exercise and watching the different parts of his body do the work. Feeling those tiny fibers rip and tear, but then knowing that it would grow back stronger, pushed him to his limits. And it felt good. ------------ After his workout Travis felt oddly refreshed. Looking in the mirror, he couldn’t help but feel like he looked just like any of the other guys in the college. He loved this feeling. Even more confidence surged through him as he stood tall. Taller than most of the people there. As he walked across campus, he could see people doing double takes. The khaki pants and button up shirt fit snuggly across his chest. He may have looked a bit like he was going to church or something, but that didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest. People could joke about him looking too nice for something as stupid as school, but he didn’t care. It just meant people still were talking about him. Thinking about him. “He-hey!” Travis heard someone call out to him. He recognized the female voice, but wasn’t sure from where. When he turned around he saw Courtney running towards. “Hey,” she said again. One of her hands went to fix her long curly hair. She took a deep breath then forced a cute smile. “How’s it going?” “Good?” Travis said. He wasn’t sure what was going on. “That’s good. You going to Cole’s party on Saturday?” “I was thinking about it,” Travis answered. He didn’t know Cole, yet a picture of a tall handsome blond guy from the football team entered his mind. He could remember hearing about it but this question seemed to have sparked his memory, despite him not actually being there. “Well,” Courtney’s smile started to show some teeth, “I’m going to be there, so I was hoping you would.” “Well,” Travis smiled back, feeling the true reason why she was asking. “When you put it like that I don’t see why I shouldn’t. But what about Brandon?” “What about Brandon?” a bit of a sneer came over her face. “It’s just that I don’t want to make him jealous,” Travis tried to fix his mistake. Courtney played along. “I’d prefer it if you did.” One of her thin fingers traced down Travis’ firm chest as she walked past him. She looked over her shoulder with a bit of a wave. “See you Friday.” “See you Friday,” he repeated back. Joy filled his system as he walked towards the library. He couldn’t believe a hot girl actually approached him. Even when he’d approach them, they’d usually turn him down. Now he didn’t even have to worry about that. Hell, he could almost remember having sex with dozens of women. All who approached him, joyously asking him to join them in another room. “This is crazy…” he muttered to himself as he walked up to the study rooms in the library. It took him a bit to find the right room, as they were spread over two floors and across the building. However, he paused before opening the door. Looking in he could see both Ken and Brandon in there. But Brandon didn’t have his shirt on. Travis took his hand off the door handle. Neither man in there seemed to be thinking about someone walking in. Because Brandon was full on taking his shorts off. Ken watched in awe as he received the strip tease. His hands gripped the chair underneath him with as much strength as his thin arms could muster. However, that didn’t mean he wasn’t squirming. Every bit of his tiny body was rubbing against itself. Ken was having so much trouble just sitting there. Then Brandon smiled, getting up close to his ear for a whisper. “You can touch,” he said coolly. His arm flexed in front of Ken’s face. The thick bicep bulged with power. Somehow it looked like it was almost growing. Forming to whatever the smaller man had always fantasized about. Brandon was a pretty athletic guy, yet this was well past what any football player would have. Thick corded muscles grew larger and larger, rounding out and pushing to what looked like 20 inches round. Ken’s little hands hesitantly moved towards the muscle. His eyes went wide, still unsure if this was reality. But his body craved the experience. It was something he’d been wanting forever. Ken squeezed with all his might. The muscle didn’t budge. Not even a little bit. He let out a giggle. “Keep going,” Brandon encouraged. “This is what I promised.” Ken’s smile broadened as his attention turned away from the thick arm and to his chest. As those tiny hands moved from the arm to the chest, those lean athletic pecs, bulged outwards. Heavy and bloated with immense amounts of muscle. Ken’s hands gripped them. Squeezing them. Then moving in his face to give the nipple a lick. Brandon’s body let out a moan, only encouraging Ken even more. “So big…” Ken uttered. “Uh-huh,” Brandon said. “And right now, it’s all for you.” “Are—Are you sure?” Ken was getting cold feet. It was obviously his first time. But then to make it a man of his dreams at the same time, was more than he could handle. His mind already seemed to have trouble fully comprehending the situation. Then there was Brandon ding more than he could have even thought. “Uh-huh,” Brandon nodded. He was up against the nape of Ken’s neck, gently kissing it. Though his giant hands were working down Ken’s shorts. The little guy started squirming again. His body unsure what to do as so many positive sensations were going off at the same time. Yet, when Brandon got down to his underwear, a thick meaty cock sprang to life. “You’re bigger than I expected.” “You’re just saying that…” “Doesn’t make it any less true,” Brandon whispered. He was running his body up and down Ken’s. Grinding up and down him. With each movement, his body seemed to grow just a bit more. His legs bulking up into perfectly shaped quads. Each of the four muscles perfectly shaped and bulging. His calved did the same as they turned into perfectly shaped diamonds pointing down towards his massive feet. The only thing that didn’t seem to grow was what was stuck in his jock strap. Though, that didn’t seem to bother Ken any as Brandon had spun around. The thick booty ran jiggled a bit before Brandon finally took his seat onto Ken’s rod. “Holy!” Ken bucked. His arms wrapped around Brandon as though he was a life saver. “Don’t finish too soon,” Brandon taunted. His hips started thrusting up and down, using Ken as his own personal dildo. The warm rod fit him perfectly. Each thrust, he too had to try to contain his moans and groans of pleasure. Ken’s nails dug into the other man’s flesh. He had to do everything in his power to keep himself sane. Yet, he was losing that battle. Nature was taking over and any logic he would have supplied to the situation would be gone. It was a losing battle. No matter how hard he tried, he knew eventually he’d finish. But all he wanted was to be able to hold on just a little bit longer. “Oh gawd!” he cried out. His body bucking as finished inside of Brandon. “Oh gawd. Oh gawd Oh Gawd,” he repeated over and over again. He squeezed Brandon tightly. Making sure to feel his strong presence. “Sorry…” “Sorry?” Brandon waited a moment before Ken had softened a bit before he turned around. “Nothing to be sorry about. I had plenty of fun. Hell, maybe we can do it again sometime.” “Re-really!?” Ken’s face lit up. “Really,” Brandon answered. “Aw-Awesome!” Ken said. “But… Uhh… I need to go to the bathroom. And then we can start studying. Okay?” “Sounds like a play,” Brandon said. Ken pulled up his shorts and then rushed out of the study room. Travis had ducked to the side, hiding to make sure the little guy hadn’t seen. He watched Ken rush past him, then walked in behind. “Studying hard?” Travis ribbed. Brandon rolled his eyes. “You’re a fucking idiot if you just watched all that and think Coach is only going to do you good.” “Wait… What?” Travis paused. “You can tell a difference?” “Course I can moron. Everyone technically can. You just have to look for it. Don’t know how Coach is able to change reality, but if you think he’s only going to change it for good, you’re dumber than you look,” Brandon said. A stain had formed around his baby blue jock strap. “He can make you young, hot and super sexually active. But he can also change in other ways too. You think I wanna be this big?” Travis looked up and down Brandon. He had been a pretty fit jock, but now he was looking closer to a bodybuilder. Massive bloated muscles filled every part of his body. His veins were bulging out of his skin even as he stood there trying to relax. “Right…” Travis nodded. “I guess not…” Brandon shook his head. He started to pull up his shorts. “You already agreed, didn’t you?” “Yeah…” Travis muttered. “Oh well,” Brandon shook his head. He grabbed his shirt and then tried to pull it over his head. His muscles were so big that they were making it rather hard for him without a bit of shimmying or shaking, but eventually he got it down. “Just don’t piss him off.” “Uhh… Right,” Travis nodded. Ken walked back in with a bit of a glow to him. But when he saw Travis, he jumped back. “Oh hey!” he stammered. “When did you get here.” “Just a moment ago. I saw you going to the bathroom and figured Brandon was in here,” Travis lied. “Oh good,” Ken breathed. ---------- Travis watched Ken and Brandon study together. The two took it incredibly seriously as they went over notes. Ken made sure not to tell Brandon the answers too directly. He was good at teaching him, rather than just telling him. And the way Brandon actually sat and listened, trying his best to get all the answers he could. However, whenever the two would get close, Brandon would end up getting a bit too close, or leaning in a bit more sensually than would have been a normal study partnership. Ken would breathe out, trying his best not to let on how much he liked the added attention. However, his hands would gently caress Brandon’s strong arms. It was at least something to keep Travis’ mind occupied as the two went over the basics. They eventually finished and started to head out. Ken was the first to leave. Travis was about to say his farewell as well, yet Brandon started laughing. “Where do you think you’re going?” “Home?” Travis said. It only made Brandon laugh even harder. “Nice one. You’re part of the team now. You’ve got to go see coach. Just like everyone else.” “Wait… Really?” “Uh-huh,” Brandon nodded. He chuckled again. “C’mon.” Travis followed Brandon to the gym. The commons area was usually closed by 9. People would still use it occasionally to get ice or as a way to get around campus a little bit faster. But the doors were supposed to be locked. Students weren’t supposed to do that as the maintenance workers were supposed to do it. However, the emergency lights remained on. Even though no one was supposed to be there, the school didn’t want to be held liable for someone sneaking in and then getting hurt. “This way,” Brandon said. His massive body walked with a bit of a waddle as his thick legs rubbed up against each other. The two were headed for the gym. It was well lit, spilling light through the glass on the doors. Travis blinked a few times before stepping inside. “Woah…” Travis muttered as he looked around. All the jocks under Coach Slenars’ authority were there. They were waiting patiently as Travis and Brandon were the last two to enter. “Oh, you made it,” Coach Selnars said. He leaned against the weights. His thick hairy body looked so relaxed as the two entered. “Sorry we’re late coach,” Brandon said. “We had to finish the study lesson with Ken.” “And did you keep you’re end of the bargain?” “I did,” Brandon said. “Good man!” Coach Selnars started laughing. “I’m so glad you enjoyed it.” He pulled out a phone and started typing away. “Just look how excited you still are.” Brandon’s dick hardened again. His hand started rubbing against it. “Yes sir,” he said. “Wait a second,” Travis said. He could feel the memories of Brandon really really enjoying it and talking about how much he liked Ken as the two walked to see coach. But at the same time, he felt like it was wrong. “What’s going on?” Coach Selnars rolled his eyes. “It’s always so annoying to have to explain. I’ve been doing this for 60 something years and not a single person gets it. Even though I always tell them. You gave me control over your life.” “Six-sixty years?!” Ken sputtered. “You barely look 30.” “Just think… Just think for one second. Don’t you think that I would allow myself to control my own life?” Coach Selnars grunted. A flash of arrogance flashed through his face. “You really think I wanna look like some old man? And after I can make all these handsome jocks do whatever I want?” He went to his device and typed something in. All the guys in the area let out a loud moan. Travis watched as the jocks seemed to lose their balance as their hands touched their cocks. Each one turned to the closest guy next to them and then started kissing him. Their hands explored every inch of their partner’s body. All the while making all sorts of noise. However, only Brandon didn’t have a partner. His face seemed to twist in pain as he wasn’t able to find a partner. His hand desperately tried to help his erection, yet it didn’t do anything to help. Despite his massive body, he didn’t have the strength help himself. “What’s going on?” Travis asked as he watched the scene unfold. “I’m just having some fun. And I think it’s your turn to join them,” Coach Selnars said. He typed something into his device. “Now come show your coach some appreciation.” He dropped his pants around his ankles. Travis’ eyes went wide as he saw the bulge between the other man’s legs. The imprint looked like it was thick as a beer can and ran halfway down his leg. “But… But I’m straight? I’m going to be dating Courtney soon,” Travis tried to swat away the feelings he was having. But the intrusive thoughts just coming. He couldn’t think about anything other than that thick cock being inside him. Coach Selnars’ laugh came from his belly. “You think I give a shit about what you do on your own time. But when you’re on my time you do what I say.” “Y-yes sir!” “Good boi. Now get down on your knees,” Coach Selnars commanded. Travis instantly fell down onto all fours. “Crawl over to me.” Travis put on hand in front of the other as he slowly crawled over to the other man. He crawled passed the guys still making out with each other. His attention was focused squarely on the coach’s cock. “Good boi.” One of Coach’s strong hands gripped him under the chin. “Now suck it.” Travis’ mouth opened wide. Wider than it had ever been. And he instantly started suckling on that massive piece of meat. It barely fit in his mouth, yet he seemed to know exactly how to please the other man. “Good boi,” Coach’s hand ran through Travis’ short brown hair. He squeezed tightly whenever Travis was doing an extra good job. Each moan and grunt only seemed to encourage Travis even more. Even though he’d never done it before, Travis knew all the ins and outs. He could push it all the way to the back of his throat but use his tongue in such a way that made the Coach’s knees go weak. Coach’s cock throbbed with joy each time he went a little deeper. Travis could tell he was getting close. He knew the way coach would grip the back of his head, tightly but fingers still slipped over his skull. Then there was the loud staggered grunt as he tried to hold off. But then he’d end up finishing. Torrents of cum shot down Travis’ throat and he greedily swallowed them all. “I knew you’d be a good addition to the team.”
  7. BrandedX2

    Big Barney's Bouncer Blues

    [If you like this story please pop over to brandedx2.tumblr.com to see more stories like this and more. Want a commission done? Hit me up!] Big Barney's Bouncer Blues It was only 8 o'clock and Barney already had a potential brawl in the bar that he’s got to diffuse. As he rushed inside, wedging his barrel-shaped body through the clusters of drunk college kids, it dawned on him that was only 8 o'clock and Barney already had a potential brawl in the bar that he’s got to diffuse. As he rushed inside, wedging his barrel-shaped body through the clusters of drunk college kids, it dawned on him that this scuffle might be his own fault. Barney was the head bouncer at the Draft, where entitled kids with heir dads’ credit cards drank $1 well drinks until they couldn’t even stand. He worked the front door, maintained the line outside, and ID’d the little shitheads as they came in. “I take shits bigger than these fuckers,” Barney often thought as he compared his bulky powerlifting frame to the bony kids in skinny jeans walking in and stumbling out. That night Barney saw Craig Oxfelter, the star left tackle of the university team, approach the front door with his hot little blond girlfriend. Of all these little runts, Ox, as Barney called him, was the only one he can respect. He was 325 lbs of shaven-headed athletic steel, and at 6’ 6" tall, towered over his peers. Even Barney felt a little tinge of intimidation when he shook Ox’s big bearpaws. On top of being an absolute beast, Ox was polite and respectful, even though he could fold most of these kids (and, to be honest, Barney himself too) in half with little effort. So Barney waved Ox and his sweet little girl over and let them cut the line. “Thanks Bar,” Ox said with a massive fist bump. Of course, this little blonde-haired fratkid, acting like he had big arms in a size S tank top, had something to say. “What the fuck is this? Big fucking caveman gets to cut the line but we gotta wait?” Barney knew the kid’s name: Clifford York the third. He’d tossed him and his two little lackeys Ben and Paul, who were at that moment rallying to their buddy’s side in their equally unimpressive tank tops, out of the bar a handful of times before. “Easy little guy,” Barney said to Clifford as Ox and his girl strode into the bar. “When you’re the big man you can call the shots, got it?” The three frat boys roiled a little to themselves but seemed to get over it. Until later, when the bouncer Barney called Hawkeye (because nothing ever escaped him) saw the three frat boys confronting Ox near the dance floor. Ox and Clifford were chest to chest (or rather, chest to stomach, since Ox towered over his opponent) when Barney got there so he immediately put his brawny body between them. It was a rare sight, Ox moving toward violence off the field. Normally he was a peaceful giant everybody loved, or at least knew better than to screw with. “I’m getting real sick of having to toss you guys out of here,” Barney said to Clifford and his sidekicks. “That’s bullshit. You automatically side with the big mongoloid?” chirped Clifford. Guys like him, who did crunches and curls and called it a day, loved to mouth off to bigger dudes. If the big dude walks away he’s a pussy. If he swings he’s a bully. Barney was tired of little fucks like him, but since he was on the clock, he decided to be diplomatic. Turning to Ox (and a little worried, because Ox was barely putting any force in and Barney still had trouble holding him back), “You don’t want this, Ox. You’ve got too much going for you. And they don’t want this either, big man,” Barney said, thumbing at the three underfed guys behind him and eyeing up the big bald lineman, who was big and solid as a brick wall. “They know you’d squash these fuckers with one hand!” “I’d like to see him try!” Cliff shouted. He reminded Barney of a little yippy dog. “Me and my boys would cream that dumb ape.” Barney tried to surpress a smirk. “C'mon, Bar, they’ve been heckling me since we came in, harassing my girl,” Ox rumbled in his deep voice. “You’re better than these little pipsqueaks,” Barney said. “Just head to the bar and grab a drink for yourself and your lady, on me, and ignore these Mosquitos.” Ox shook his head, grabbed his girl’s hand and headed to the bar. Then Barney turned to the frat trio. “You guys start any more trouble in my bar and I’m banning you for good.” Clifford leaned forward to retort, but his buddy Ben grabbed him and whispered something in his ear. Then all three of them got these shit-eating grins that made Barney want to knock them all out right there. But then they bowed their heads and dispersed back into the crowd. “No more troubles in the bar,” Clifford said in his weaselly voice. Back at the front door, Hawkeye spotted some kids drinking smuggled beers in the line about twenty people back. Hawkeye was a sturdy kid, but Barney decided to handle it. He was roughly the size of a refrigerator with the kind of size only a lifetime of heavy deadlifting can build. He easily yanked the beers away from the punks and one-handed them each into the street. As he returned to his post, Hawkeye looked panicked. “I just saw Ox follow those three punks out the side door to the alley!” he blurted out. Barney darted around the building to the alley, hoping he got there in time to stop Ox from turning those guys into three messy stains on the wall. The alley was foggy for some reason (fucking kids and their vapeing), and dark (because Mel, the owner, was too cheap to buy a lightbulb for back there) but as the fog cleared, Barney saw the three frat guys, completely unharmed. Ox was nowhere to be found. “You punks come out here to fight?” Barney said, looking around for the massive lineman. “Just to talk,” Clifford said with a smarmy look on his face. “And the big meathead decided he was headed home.” The story didn’t add up, but nothing about this scene did. “All right, back inside. I’m seriously on my last nerve with you guys.” He let them back in through the back door. Before he left the alley Barney heard something weird–a high-pitched moaning from behind the alley dumpster. Sure enough, leaned up against the wall back there was a tiny little bald kid, completely wasted. With a deep sigh, Barney hoisted the kid to his feet. He was light as a feather, couldn’t weigh more than 90 lbs, 5 feet tall if he was lucky. Barney chuckled when the kid’s sleeve fell back to reveal a tribal tattoo that looked ridiculous on his bony arm. “Kids think they can just buy their badassness. Too lazy to lift up a damned weight.” When he got a good look at the shrimp, stumbling on unsteady legs, he worried that they’d served a minor, but it was just a really small, underdeveloped guy. Barney didn’t remember seeing the kid come through the front door, but then again he was so small he might have just slipped by. The shrimp was completely obliterated, no doubt because a guy that size would be wasted on only a couple of beers. “Can’t drink like the big fellas, can ya little guy?” Barney chided. He really was tired of picking up after little punks who didn’t know their limits. The shrimp tried to focus his eyes. “Baaaarrrrrr…” he moaned, his voice so high Barney doubted he kid’s testicles had dropped yet. “No more Bar for you little guy,” Barney said, hoisting the shrimp over his shoulder and walking him out to the front. Sure enough, the night remained interesting: Hawkeye had seen the frat trio again harassing Ox’s girlfriend, but Ox was nowhere in sight. “I’ll deal with them,” Barney said. “You take this little guy and get him in a cab and out of my sight.” He handed the shrimp over to Hawkeye like he was nothing. When Barney saw Clifford getting grabby with Ox’s girl, he took great pleasure in grabbing Clifford by his pencil neck and hoisting him into the air, marching him out the front door. He swung wildly but his Barney barely registered the struggle, or the protests of Clifford’s little lackeys. Barney tossed Clifford on the sidewalk. “As long as you see me at this front door I don’t ever want you coming back!” Barney declared. A small crowd gathered around to see. Clifford hopped to his feet and Barney hoped he would throw a punch. He couldn’t wait to waste the kid. But Clifford’s two buddies grabbed him, again whispering in his ear, and the fight left Clifford’s body. He dusted himself off and confidently walked away. As they passed Hawkeye, Clifford stopped to point at the shrimp, who was propped up against the building and barely coherent. The shrimp lunged at the three but Hawkeye easily caught him and pulled him back–a mercy move; even if he’d been stone sober, the frat guys would have easily wasted the little pipsqueak. Barney was thrilled to see the three disappear around the corner. “I’ve got a cab coming,” Hawkeye said, steadying the shrimp with one hand. “Thing is, the address this kid’s giving me is the football house. No way does he live there.” “Doesn’t matter,” Barney said. “I’m tired of looking at him.” Ox’s girlfriend stopped to thank Barney on her way out the door. “Where’s your boyfriend?” Barney asked. “He left like an idiot to fight those punks and never came back,” she said. “I’m kind of pissed at him.” Suddenly, for some reason, the shrimp whimpered and reached out for her. Poor guy was struggled to get even a single word out but was too wasted to do even that. “You know this kid?” Barney asked. She backed away with a look of disgust on her face. “Never seen him before in my life.” As she walked away, Hawkeye threw the shrimp in a cab. He held one skinny arm out the window as it pulled away like he was reaching for her. “What a creep,” Barney said, happy to finally have all of this college kid nonsense resolved with his night almost over. “I’d hate to be him when he wakes up tomorrow.” The rest of the night passed uneventfully, and Barney was thrilled to finally punch out and head home. Tomorrow was a big squat day, and he had to be up early. Still, the night kind of felt unresolved. In the parking lot Barney spotted the trio again and his adrenaline surged. Clifford was leaning against his car! Now that he was off the clock, with no witnesses, he couldn’t wait to put these punks away. “I’m giving you one warning to step away from my car, and I’m really hoping you choose to ignore it.” Barney walked slowly now, swinging his huge arms to emphasize his bulk. He couldn’t wait to cream these fuckers. “I tell ya what,” Clifford said without moving a muscle. “You move me from this spot and we’ll all take off, and you’ll never have to see any of us again.” Barney snorted. He grabbed a handful of Clifford’s shirt, noticing that the two sidekicks had moved in to flank him. But before he could do anything further, all three started to chant in some weird language–like Latin played backwards or something. Just the sound of the words made Barney’s head hurt and shocked him breathless. Suddenly a thick fog rolled in around him, so dense Barney couldn’t see anything. As it slowly dissipated, Barney was shocked to see Clifford, whose shirt he still held in his hand, had gotten huge somehow! Barney was staring up at him–and, he realized in a panic, the two others behind him! He let go of Clifford and stumbled back, disoriented. Then he noticed it wasn’t just the frat guys: his car, all the other cars, the whole parking lot had gotten bigger somehow. Then he looked down and saw an unfamiliar body. Since he was a teen his bulk had impeded his view of the ground, but now his body was narrow and spindly. His clothes had shrunk to accommodate his new body, now the size of a ten year old. “What? How?” Barney squeaked in his new body’s voice, a pit in his stomach that grew with Clifford’s widening smile. “A little fraternity magic. A trick we use to get rid of our enemies. So come on, big man. The deal still stands. Move me and we’ll leave.” Clifford’s flunkies each grabbed one of Barney’s scrawny arms, holding him easily. Little Barney audibly pissed his pants and the three fratboys keeled over with laughter.
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