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“For now,” Brad said.

“So you admit my dad is right. It was Jake that influenced you.” Oof. ‘Jake’, not ‘Uncle Jake’. “You said it yourself, you considered yourself hetero, until Jake influenced you to take it up the arse.”

“Scott. Come on. That’s not what I said. Besides, no one can turn you gay, or straight, or bi, or asexual, or whatever. You are what you are. Your uncle encouraged me to give up my celibacy, yes, and he invited me into his threesome with a girl and guy, so I'd be in a group with one girl and two other guys. But it was my choice to allow a guy to give me a handy, to blow me, it was my choice to allow arse play from a girl, and it was my choice to progress beyond that.”

“So I’m bisexual?” It was interesting that he was not yet comfortable overtly acknowledging anything that Brad had said about him, yet in that one question, he’d tacitly admitted it all.

“It’s more complicated than that. I don’t consider myself ‘bisexual’, but I don’t think there’s really a label for what I am. And why does there need to be? Sexuality is a continuous spectrum, not compartmentalised boxes - from the straightest arrows, to the campest homos - and everything in between, and beyond, like pansexuals and asexuals.”

Scott seemed to be listening.

“I hate to say anything bad against your father, but I think his own confusion, denial and prejudice has warped your own preconceptions and attitudes towards sex. And I think he really did a disservice to you and your uncle, when he prevented your uncle from talking about his sexuality, and sexuality in general. You could do a lot worse than model yourself after your uncle - in almost every respect, but especially regarding attitudes towards sex - he has a very healthy attitude towards sex and sexuality.”

“So I should have sex with guys and girls? That’s your advice.”

“No, Scott, listen. You should have whatever sex you want to, with whomever you feel comfortable. You should not have hangups about labels and what’s right and wrong. You need to make those decisions for yourself. You’re complaining about your uncle influencing me, but you’re allowing your father’s prejudices and hangups to influence you too.”

“He’s my dad, of course he’s influenced me.”

“Right. And, from what I’ve seen, there’s been no one closer to you than your uncle your entire life. Not your father, not your mother, nobody. So it’s only natural for him to influence you too. Who got you into fitness, and is starting you on your bodybuilding journey? That’s his influence. It’s certainly not your father’s.”

Scott nodded, he couldn’t argue with that.

“But you influence him too. Scott, he’d move mountains for you. You know that, I know you do.”

“I do.”

“Jake, do you have anything to add?”

“I agree with everything Brad has said. I do influence him, just as he influences me. Everyone that is close with someone exerts some level of influence. And there’s usually nothing wrong with that. It’s only when the influence becomes controlling, against the other person’s will, that it becomes an issue. Like your mother.”

“What about mum?”

“She was crying, sobbing, at the door, about not being ‘allowed’ to let you in.”

“Yeah, it was the same when I went home earlier. She said dad wouldn’t 'let her' let me in.”

“To my mind, that’s not okay. Forget that he’s abandoning his only son, and all the issues that go along with that - but for him to be controlling your mother like that. It’s not right.”

“I agree, it’s not. And, I’m surprised. She wouldn’t normally go along with something like that.”

“Wouldn’t she? The other day, your father said it was his idea that I couldn’t talk about sex and sexuality with you, that I couldn’t reveal my own to you. And your mother disagreed, but went along with your father’s wishes. Did she agree, or did he make her agree?”

“I’m not sure. And I’m not sure why she goes along with him. I don’t think he’s ever hit her or threatened to hit her or anything like that.”

“There are other ways to control someone, it’s not always physical aggression and violence. Your mum doesn’t work - so he probably controls her financially and psychologically.”

Scott had never sat back to consider any of these issues.

“They do fight about money a lot. And dad does pretty much always get his way.”

“Scott, I know things have been tense between us recently. And I get it, I do. I totally lost it the other week, so I get that you’re wary, and maybe even scared that it might happen again. I can’t take back what happened, but I can promise that it will never happen again. I’ve dialled back the crazy hormones outside of workouts and sex, and am ramping the changes gradually. I’ve already apologised, but I can’t apologise enough. I’m so very sorry.”

“I’m sorry too. I was pissed off at dad for calling you all those horrible things, and I did the same. And, Brad, I’m sorry I brought your wife into it, and I’m sorry that I pried into your private sex life. It really is none of my business.”

“It’s okay, apology accepted. And it’s not really my private sex life when I’m doing it in an open area,” he laughed. Brad stood and offered his hand to Scott to shake. Scott could not help but notice Brad’s arm, and the incredible density of muscle. He shook, warily, but Brad’s shake was just the right firmness, controlling his grip perfectly.

“And I accept your apology, too. Come here.” Jake stood and opened his arms for a hug. Scott closed the distance between them and they hugged it out. As they hugged, he thought his uncle has definitely put on some size - his lats felt wider, his pecs more pronounced.

“Come on, I’ll take you back home to mine, let Brad rest up. We’ll go to the gym again tomorrow and he can show off some of his crazy strength. You should see it! It’s totally HO– uh, incredible.”

Scott laughed. “I bet it is hot. And incredible.”

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Brad stood under the rings. Scott watched from the sidelines. Jake was standing directly behind Brad, about to lift him up to the rings. Of course, Brad was 100kg heavier now than he was previously, so Jake had his work cut out for him.

“Ready?” Jake asked. Brad nodded.

Jake squatted down, bear hugging Brad around his waist, and he hoisted him up to the rings. Once he was sure Brad had his grip, he let go and moved over to where Scott was watching.

Brad was no gymnast. He had no gymnastics training, but his strength allowed him to perform any gymnastics move, and many that no gymnast could hope to emulate, his overpowering strength overcoming any deficiencies in technique.

Brad started with a neutral grip, his torso hanging straight down, lats flared. He rotated his wrists, and slowly raised his body with his back facing up, his body totally rigid the entire time, through a Maltese cross, where he held the position, and up into a vertical hand stand. Scott’s mouth gaped. The strength needed to do what he’d just seen would be phenomenal for an 80kg athlete, for the behemoth that was Brad well more than double that weight, it was mind-blowing.

He lowered himself into an inverted cross, his traps and shoulders bulging and flexing, forearms writhing with vascularity, biceps and triceps pumped. His core was flexed, holding his massive body perfectly vertical.

Scott thought he’d seen an impressive sight, but then Brad stepped it up. He let go of one of the rings, his body still in an inverted cross, his one hand and delt holding his entire body rigidly still in an impossible position. No Olympic gymnast could hope to match this feat.

Brad then slowly pivoted his body, rotating towards the ground with his front side, the one arm holding the ring never wavering from perfectly horizontal, moving from an inverted cross, through a Maltese, where he again held the position, and down into an iron cross.

The entire time, his body was perfectly, rigidly straight, he did not bend at the hips, or use his legs or any sort of momentum, just a perfectly smooth rotation from head down legs up, through to horizontal, head facing the ground, and down to head up, legs down.

Jake was insanely envious of Brad’s strength and abilities. Watching him use nothing but his brute strength, his power, to put to shame any professional gymnast's routine was fucking awesome. His bulge swelled as he chubbed up.

Scott was awestruck, two handed was insanely impressive, one handed was… impossible. If he wasn’t watching it, he wouldn’t have believed it.

As Brad held the iron cross, his lats flared further out, his pecs swelled, his arms and delts pumped and engorged with massive veins.

Brad grabbed hold of the loose ring again, his body still in the iron cross position. He slowly rotated his body, pivoting around the rings, tilting his legs forward, his head back, until his body was perfectly horizontal in a Victorian cross position. He then released the hand that had not let go of the rings, and his body did not move an inch. He held the position, then he spread his arms out wide, forming a true cross position with his body facing up horizontally.

Scott gaped.

Brad then pivoted his body, lowering his legs towards the floor, and lowered his body so his arm was stretched above his head. He then used his one arm to move to a vertical handstand position. He then lowered himself into an inverted cross with one arm. Muscles writhing, veins popping, as he continued his impossible feats of strength and stamina. He held that position for what seemed like forever, then lowered his feet towards the floor, and jumped down from the apparatus, the thud as he landed reverberating around the gym space.

As Brad walked over to them, Scott realised his entire upper body was super pumped. Brad was even more massive than he normally was, every muscle in his upper body swollen and covered in massive hose-like veins. Brad grinned at Scott’s dumbfounded expression and Jake’s tumescence, ready to test his strength in other ways.

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Brad closed the handcuff onto his wrist, ratcheting it tight. He’d asked Assad for a pair of legit, regulation cuffs, which he would destroy.

He asked Scott to confirm the cuffs were ratcheted closed, which they were.

Brad then held his arms up in front of him, at shoulder height, parallel to the ground, palms facing one another, initially touching.

He began to spread his arms. At first, of course, there was no resistance, the chain joining the cuffs slack. As he continued, the chain became taught, and Brad’s pecs, delts and triceps all leapt up as he flexed, exerting his power. Initially, it seemed nothing was happening, except Brad’s effort increased. Suddenly, the chain gave away with a loud crack, the broken link flinging off across the room.

“Whoops, probably should have anticipated that,” he grinned.

Scott was amazed, Jake expected that he’d break out of them with ease. But Brad wasn’t finished.

He brought his hands back together, his arms still parallel to the ground at shoulder height. One wrist was pronated, the other supinated, giving his fingers access to the metal surrounding his wrists. The cuffs were tight, so he couldn’t fit his fingers between his wrist and the cuff, he’d have to pinch the metal and break them off that way.

As he pinched the metal, his forearms exploded in size, the individual muscles flexing, hose-sized veins rising up in relief. As he continued pinching at the metal, the cuffs began deforming under his fingers. He increased his flex, muscles pumping even larger, the metal of the cuffs standing no chance.

He broke through the cuff, but still could not remove his massive, thick wrists through the small hole he’d opened up. But this hole gave his fingers leverage. He hooked his fingers under one end, and lifted, the metal bending back as his fingers applied more and more force, releasing first one, and then the other cuff from his wrists.

He grinned.

He gathered the deformed and broken cuffs in his massive mitt, and squeezed. As his fingers closed up tighter, the metal of the cuffs was creaking and groaning, but it was no match for Brad’s grip. He opened his hand, a small, misshapen ball-bearing in place of what once were handcuffs. He handed the ‘ball-bearing’ to Scott.

Next, he picked up two kettlebells, each weighing 220lbs (100kg), and began juggling them, like a juggler would juggle tennis balls. As he caught and flung up each kettlebell, his massive arms would flex and relax, his huge hands deftly catching the mammoth weights. He needed to practice his juggling, otherwise he could easily add more weights. He tossed them higher and higher each time, the kettlebells flying up in a huge arc, and easily caught by Brad’s ridiculous arms.

But all of these feats were mere distractions to Brad. He wanted to squat, deadlift, curl, row, press. He needed his custom weights to arrive.


Inspired by Brad’s displays of strength, Jake smashed records of his own, beating his personal bests on all movements. He tweaked his baseline hormone profile, amping up the changes from where he’d previously set them, gradually changing his profile, as he’d promised Brad.

Scott was sore from yesterday’s workout, using today as a rest day.


HE awoke with a painfully hard erection tenting the covers. HE adjusted HIMSELF as HE got out of bed, heading to the bathroom. As HE pissed, HE looked at HIMSELF in the mirror. Was it HIS imagination? HIS body looked different. HE looked bigger.

HIS arms hung down with a little shape, as opposed to the straight sticks HE had before. HIS shoulders looked a little rounder, HIS pecs had some shape, HIS abs were more prominent. HE nearly pissed everywhere in HIS excitement.

HE stepped on the scales. HE had gained 4kgs (8.8lbs)! HE smiled, and tweaked HIS hormones a little more. Amber had told HIM about how she had discovered the ability to stick the changes, and HE’d used that to great advantage already.

Speaking of Amber, they had worked together all day yesterday, it was difficult to know whether they’d made progress.


Amber was frustrated. Sexually, but also academically. They had worked all day yesterday, trying to determine the mechanisms behind the interactions of the different variants, with no breakthroughs yet. And they knew what they were looking for.

Not for the first time, she had second thoughts about their plan. Was it too far? Was it too harsh? And then she recalled why they were pursuing the plan, and her resolve renewed.

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Jake wanted to go out and blow off some steam. The last few weeks were fucked, he wanted to get everyone together and have a good night out, forgetting about family dramas, fights, arrests and what not.

He’d just finished his workout, Scott had swum some laps in the gym’s Olympic pool while he waited.

“Scotty, what do you say we go out and get drunk? Clear some cobwebs and blast away the BS from the last few weeks? I’ll invite HIM and Amber. Brad too, of course.”

Scott, who had just turned 18, and now officially of legal drinking age, had not yet been out drinking. Not officially. He’d had a fake ID, but was too scared to ever use it. He did try once, when he was 16, and got into the club, but he was like a deer in headlights the entire time and didn’t order a single drink. So he was looking forward to his first proper club experience. And that he’d get to see Amber again was a plus, his cock chubbing up at the thought and memories of Amber.

“Sure, that sounds great.”

“I’d also like to invite Ralph. Will that be okay?”

“The stupidly handsome blond one from yesterday? The one that everyone can’t stop staring at?”

Jake chuckled, “That’s him. He was one of my nurses.” Jake laughed again at Scott’s look of incredulity. “I know, right, like it was some porno. Mega hot patient meets mega hot nurse…” He shrugged.

“Sure, I guess, the more the merrier.”

Jake fired off a series of texts. He decided they’d go to Luma10, which was THE place to be, apparently, the latest high-end cocktail bar.

He received some replies. Amber was in. HE was in. Nothing yet from Brad or Ralph. He headed off to find Brad.

He was in his office. “Hey mate, did you get my text?”

“Sorry, haven’t checked it, I was just responding to John’s email, ordering the weights and bars.” They both chubbed up at the thought of Brad moving literal tonnes of weight.

“Did he provide a turnaround?”

“Surprisingly quick, actually. A day or two from receipt of the order and deposit. So, hopefully, Tuesday.”

“Fuck.” Jake groaned, “I can’t wait to see that massive rig of yours pump up and haul stupidly heavy weights like they’re nothing.” He adjusted his swelling bulge. “Let’s go to Luma10 tonight. Amber, Scott and HE are already in. I’ve invited Ralph, but haven’t heard back.”

“Sounds like a great idea, count me in. Nothing like a good night out to forget a shitty few weeks.”

“Exactly my thinking.”

Jake got another text. It was from Amber “Can I invite a couple of girl friends?”

Can she ever? Fuck if they’re even half as hot as her... “Absolutely,” he texted back. Good to even out the sausage fest a bit, too. Not that Jake had anything against sausage fests. But Brad, especially, would appreciate some feminine eye candy.

“Amber’s bringing a couple of friends.”

Brad grinned. It was shaping up to be a good night from the sounds of things.


The line was ridiculous. It stretched for three blocks, and then around a corner. There was no hope they’d get in before having to wait hours.

Jake followed a hunch, “Follow me.” He lead them all, including Ralph who had responded, and two of Amber’s friends, to the front of the line. His hunch paid off.

Most of the area’s bouncers worked out at their gym. Luckily, Mike was on the door. Mike was almost as big as Brad, an imposing wall of a man, perfectly suited for work as a bouncer.

As Jake approached, Mike smiled at him - he’d been glaring at everyone else - “Jake, how’s it going mate?”

“Mikey,” they clasped hands, Mike’s grip crushing, Jake matching it and placing his other hand on Mike’s shoulder, “good thanks. You?”

“Eh, can’t complain. It’s a busy night, so keeps things interesting.”

“I bet. If you need a hand cleaning up any riff-raff...”

Mike laughed, flexing his biceps into a double bicep pose, "I think I can handle it, but thanks."

"Never a doubt, Mike," Jake laughed.

Mike didn’t even wait for Jake to ask, he unclipped the velvet rope and waved them in.

“You’re a legend. Thanks, mate.”

“Any time.” As the group walked in, Mike spoke into his headset, organising free entry and VIP bottle service.

“Hey! How come they get to bypass the line? That’s bullshit! We waited hours in line to get to the front.” The guy wasn’t happy. His friends also looked pissed off.

Mike was on it, “Cool it, mate, or you’re not getting in, period. I decide who I let in, how, and when, so shut your trap.” He quietened down, but he continued to scowl and look daggers.

They were met by one of the bottle service attendants and lead over to the primary VIP area. “Good evening guys, my name is Natasha, I'll be your attendant tonight. If there’s anything you need, just let me know. Mike’s organised a few bottles on the house for you to start. What would you like?”

Jake made a mental note to comp Mike some time on his membership. You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours was always a great way to go. The old saying about it’s not what you know, it’s who you know… it’s all true.

The consensus was vodka shots to start with. It was going to be a messy night.


Amber’s two friends, Daniella and Victoria, were just as hot as she was. They were sitting next to Amber, but stealing glances at Jake, Brad and, especially, Ralph. Well, they openly stared at Ralph. Then again, so did everyone else in the club.

Amber stood to go to the bathroom so, of course, Daniella and Victoria got up to go with her. Jake and his dick were VERY happy to see that they were all three wearing impossibly tall and thin stiletto heels, accentuating their calves and rounding up and out their perfect arses.

Victoria, a wavy-haired redhead, was the most modest of the three, her dress was looser and mid-thigh length. She was tall, her large, piercing grey eyes striking against her red hair.

Daniella, a brunette with long, straight hair down to her mid-back was the most daring, her form fitting dress leaving little to the imagination. She had a classic hourglass figure, with large tits, perfectly balanced by a voluptuous arse. Her plump lips, made for wrapping around a cock, were glossy and deep red; her brown eyes deep pools any man would drown in.

As the three of them stood, so too did the cocks of the men they were with, their eyes drinking in the alluring ideals of feminine beauty before them. Ralph, too handsome to be anything other than bisexual, being hit on by men and women his entire adult life, leaned in and yelled in Jake’s ear to be heard over the thumping music, “Fuck, mate, each one is hotter and more smoking than the last.”

Jake laughed, “I worked with Amber. Work. It’s complicated. I’ve never met the other two.”

“So what’s the deal, am I right to smash?”

“Well, I was hoping we’d share the love. I know Amber is probably up for it, but not sure about the other two. I’m sure you can use your ridiculously hot looks, and manly charms to convince them of what they’d be missing out on.” He grabbed his tenting bulge, smiling salaciously.

“Mate, you’d probably have more luck than me. If I had a rig and package like yours, my cock would be red raw from constant fucking. Your face ain’t too bad, either.” He winked and smiled, and if he was handsome before, he was scintillating now.

Jake leaned his face over, kissing Ralph passionately. Ralph's two-day stubble scratching pleasantly against Jake's ever thickening beard.

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“Ladies, you look a little lonely.” It was the same guy that was at the head of the line, giving Mike a hard time for letting them in, and his two buddies.

“We’re not interested, sorry.”

“Three genuine, bona fide V. I. P.’s, too snooty to speak to us commoners. Lah-di-dah.”

Amber said to her friends, “Just ignore them.”

“Aw, come on baby, ignore us? But we’ve got a bunch of VIPs right here,” the three of them grabbing their packages.

“Ew.” “Gross.” “No way.” Three different reactions, one meaning.

“Aw, come on, those faggots you are with aren’t going to be of any use to you. Yeah, that’s right, I saw them sucking face. The two pretty boy fags. You need real men to show you a good time. And it just so happens, we’re here to show you a good time.”

“Take a hint. We already said we’re not interested,” said Amber.

“Oh, but we are. Three hotties like you. We’re VERY interested.”

They each grabbed one of the women, holding her arms, forcing themselves onto them, kissing them against their will.

They were in a secluded corner of the club, away from any main thoroughfares, and other high traffic areas. From a distance, they looked like pairs of lovers taking advantage of the secluded space to get busy, the reason for the space to begin with, though they should have reckoned on the creepers.

They tried to yell, catch someone’s attention, but the loud, thumping music drowned out their cries for help. Suddenly, one of them pulled out a switchblade, and held it to Daniella’s throat. They all stopped resisting, stopped yelling, afraid for what might happen. The other two men also produced their own blades.

“That’s more like it. Now we’re all going to calmly walk out of here, just three studs with their hot babes on their arms. Any of you screams or tries to get away, we’ll shank those pretty bodies of yours. Got it?”

There was no response.

“I said. Got. It?” The three of them nodded, on the verge of tears.

“Smile. You’re all happy, you’re with your studs.” The fake smiles were painful.

They walked stiffly to the exit, the girls terrified, the men anxious at getting caught.

They waved away the reentry stamps. They’d already got what they came for and wouldn’t be back, tonight anyway.

As they walked out, that prick bouncer looked them up and down.


Mike looked at the three pairs leaving the club. Was that the mouthy prick and his mates that he’d just let in not more than an hour ago? He was almost sure of it.

He looked more carefully at the women. He could’ve sworn that they were the women with Jake and Brad. Those three women were hard to miss. Something raised Mike’s hackles. Something wasn’t right.

Just as he was about to stop them, a drunk patron-to-be chose that moment to vomit all over Mike and the entrance, distracting him. By the time he’d cleaned himself up, and changed his uniform, they were nowhere to be seen.


“The girls have been gone a while,” said Scott. He’d been eyeing off Amber with puppy dogs eyes all night, hoping for a repeat of his cherry popping experience.

“They have, haven’t they,” said Brad.

Jake waved over Natasha. “Have you seen the girls we were with - blonde, brunette and redhead?” Natasha shook her head. “Could you check the bathroom for us, please? They’ve been a while…”

She spoke into her headset then came back a minute or so later, “I’m sorry, Jake, they’re not in the bathroom, and they don’t appear to be anywhere in the club. Mike thinks he saw them leaving a few minutes ago with three men.”

“Fuck!” Jake exclaimed as he leapt up, racing for the exit.

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As Jake raced off, the others hurried to follow.

Mike saw Jake racing for the exit, and knew his instincts were correct.  He should never have let in mouthy jerk and his buddies.

“Sorry, Jake, I was going to stop them, but some drunken moron distracted me at just the wrong time. It was the mouthy cunt and his buddies.”

“It’s okay, Mike. Which way did they go?” Mike indicated.

“Thanks, hit me up at the gym and I’ll fix up the tab,” he said as the others came running out.

“What’s happened?”

“I think someone’s grabbed them. The mouthy cunt from earlier.”

“Fuck!” Brad was incensed. How could this happen, right under their noses?

Jake headed for his car. Thank fuck he and Amber had shared each other’s location on their phones. He hoped it was still active, and whoever had them didn’t think to turn off their phones. He opened the app.

Thank fuck! A large circle appeared on the map, slowly becoming smaller, narrowing down her position. As he ran, the circle narrowed further.

He jumped in his car, the beast’s roar matching his mood. The circle had stopped moving. They weren’t far. “Brad, take this and direct.” The others all piled in the back.

“Head east for three blocks, then turn right.”

The circle narrowed further. Jake floored it.


“Let me guess, they just turned off her phone,” said Jake.

“Yes, fuck.”

“How close did you get?”

“One of three, I think.”

“We can work with that.”


They stood before three identical town houses, all three dark, all three gated off with a tall wrought iron fence.

“So, which do you think?” Asked Jake.

“Let’s go for the middle one,” Brad thought that’s where the circle was focussing before the signal was lost.

“How are we going to get in?” Asked Ralph.

Scott said, “We have Brad. Our universal opener.”

Ralph was confused. He watched Brad step up to the locked gate.

Brad grabbed the gate his knuckles turning white as his forearms flexed, his lats flaring as he pulled harder. The gate squealed, the bars bending around Brad’s mammoth hands.

Ralph and HE gaped. Scott smiled, Jake just wanted in.

The gate was bending further towards Brad as he continued pulling, the metal groaning and screeching as it tried to resist his power. Finally, with an almighty crack, the hinges snapped, the deformed gate left in Brad’s hands.

Jake didn’t wait. He raced inside, followed by the others.


Amber and her friends were sitting in the dark, terrified. They had been lead down into a windowless basement, and chained to mounts installed on the wall for that exact purpose. They were gagged, not that their screams would be heard by anyone, the entire basement was soundproofed. Amber and her friends were not the first to be abducted by Graham and his cronies.


“Fuck, these are the hottest ones yet.” He groaned, adjusting his swelling bulge. “I call dibs on the redhead. Oh, yeah.”

“Those stupid fags that they were with. They’re probably still sucking face, oblivious. Fucking pretty boys with muscles for show, think they’re hot shit jumping the queue.”

“At least now those hot chicks won’t go to waste as arm trophies for those fags.”

Graham wished they’d shut up. He wanted to enjoy his arousal. He always got hard after a successful run. The others tended to want to jump in and get their ends wet, he preferred to take things slower. The anticipation was almost as sweet as the act itself. And the fact that they’d be stewing in their terror the whole time just made everything all the sweeter.


Jake conducted reconnaissance, looking for signs they had the right place. It was impossible to tell. Whoever these guys were, they covered their tracks well.


Graham was ready. He headed down to the basement, unlocking the door, the others following behind. He’d picked the blonde for himself, her emerald green eyes doing it for him. It was a pity the light would be extinguished from those eyes soon. Maybe he would keep this one alive, enjoy those eyes for a while longer.


Compared to the gate, the front door was a cinch. Brad grabbed the handle, and simply crushed it, his forearms swelling with power as he broke through the door.

They could hear voices, now, faintly.

“At least now those hot chicks won’t go to waste as arm trophies for those fags.”

They had the right house.

Jake’s rage mounted. He tweaked his fight or flight response, preparing to fight. “You three keep an eye behind us, in case they double back.” Scott, Ralph and HIM stayed further back, following warily.

They heard footsteps, fading away. Jake and Brad moved forward, warily. They’d both trained in hand to hand combat, and could disarm an assailant, but they both would’ve preferred a weapon of some sort. Though Brad’s strength would allow him to easily overpower any opponent, if they got a shot off first, or surprised him with a knife, it could get ugly.

There was silence now, all previous noises silenced. They headed towards where they last heard the noise, a steep staircase leading to a deep basement. There was a large, solid-looking door at the bottom of the stairs.

Brad went first, in case he needed to break the door down. But, as it turns out, the abductors weren’t expecting company, leaving the door unlocked.


The door opened into a large, cavernous dungeon, filled with every imaginable BDSM instrument.

Amber was naked, bent over, her wrists and ankles tied to a rack. Daniella was hogtied and ball gagged, and Victoria was similarly gagged in a sling.

All three were whimpering, mascara running, hair dishevelled. Jake couldn’t tell if they were too late. His rage burst into a conflagration. With a roar he leapt at the nearest abductor, taking him down with a single kick, bending his knee back unnaturally, the bones breaking, his screams of agony music to Jake’s ears.

At Jake’s roar the other two assailants turned around, surprised to see the “pretty boys with muscles for show” had already taken down one of them. Graham, a coward at heart, grabbed his knife and cut Amber free, holding the knife to her throat.

“Don’t fucking come any closer.” He was naked, his arousal rapidly deflating, Amber terrified. The first assailant continued screaming. Brad silenced him with a strategic punch to the head, knocking him unconscious.

Jake spoke, “There’s no way out of here. You’re outnumbered, outgunned and, if you hurt her, I promise you I’m going to enjoy killing you, slowly, painfully.”

Graham laughed. “I’m the one with the knife, faggot. I saw you sucking face with the other pretty boy back there. You don’t deserve such a beauty." He licked Amber’s cheek from chin to temple, and kneaded her bare breast, tweaking her nipple, hard. She shuddered in disgust and whimpered.

Jake itched to leap into action, but the knife at her throat stopped him. He considered his options. No matter which option he chose, he didn’t think he’d make it to her in time. Even if he amped up his fight or flight response. Brad’s strength would not help, either, he was too far away to do anything. A movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention, though he was careful not to look in that direction or move his head. Scott was inching his way along the floor at the outer wall, hoping to double back and distract the guy with the knife long enough. It was risky, but it was their only chance.


The third assailant was frozen to the spot. Unlike Graham, he didn’t think he could reach his knife before they could get to him. They seemed to have forgotten about him as he crouched behind a different rack.

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Scott leapt and grabbed for the hand holding the knife to Amber’s throat. At the same instant, Jake pounced.

Graham saw a blur in his peripheral vision, turning to see one of them grabbing for the knife. It was just some lanky kid. He tried to elbow him in the face, but missed. The girl sensed her opportunity and bit him. He lashed out with the knife.


Jake smashed Graham to the ground, making sure he was down before turning to Scott, the knife embedded to the hilt in his abdomen. “SCOTT!”

Scott felt a hot pain in his abdomen, then all of a sudden he was on the ground, his uncle screaming his name above him.

Brad picked up the third assailant, and dispatched him with a single punch, crumpling him in a heap. He freed Daniella, and Victoria, who both fell into his arms, sobbing and grateful. Amber wanted nothing more than to hug Jake, but had to settle for Ralph, instead, grateful for a friendly embrace.

Jake was frantic. He didn’t know what to do.

“Jake, we have to cum on him.” HE said.


“We can redirect his body’s healing powers, make it more efficient, more focussed. It might be enough.”

How the fuck was he going to cum now?

Jake closed his eyes, tamping down his fight or flight response, and firing up his libido. He imagined Brad lifting his new barbell, maxed out with the custom weights, massive muscles pumped, vascularity engorged and sitting up on his skin. His cock started chubbing. He rubbed it, trying to get aroused. He imagined Alex, finished with his cut, dick skin showing striations and muscle separations, massive veins branching across his massive body. Pumping his body before the competition, muscles flexing, blood pumping, obliterating the competition.

A drop of pre formed on his tip. Quickly, he wiped it on Scott. He could hear some voices - his pre had some sperm - Pain. Bleeding out. Foreign body.

Jake started frantically sending instructions to his sperm, so he could try and save his nephew.

It was easier for HIM to get aroused, watching Jake, and ignoring Scott, HIS cock chubbed up, quickly. HE pumped furiously, quickly bringing HIMSELF to the edge. HE opened Scott’s mouth, and pumped HIS load into his mouth.


“It looks like damage to his veins, and a punctured liver,” HE said. Jake agreed.

“I’ll focus on stopping the bleeding from the veins, you focus on the liver. Grab me something to staunch the bleeding once I pull out the knife.”

Ralph took off his top, and handed it to Jake. Why hadn’t Jake thought of that?

Jake dulled Scott’s pain receptors, and pulled the knife out, quickly applying pressure to staunch the bleeding.

They both worked frantically trying to save Scott, though there was no outward sign, other than rivers of sweat pouring off both of them. For the first time any of them could remember in a long time, Jake was covered in sweat.

Scott was pale, his pulse and breathing weak.

“We’ve done everything we can.” HE said. “It’s touch and go, but I think we’ve done enough. If we’d waited for an ambulance, he would’ve died for sure.”

“Brad, YOU” said Jake, “can you help carry Scott and take the girls upstairs, and call an ambulance for him and the girls.”

“Of course, where are you going?”

“I’m going to make sure these cunts never hurt anyone again.”

“Jake…” Brad began.

“Go upstairs Brad. And don’t come down, no matter what.”

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HE and Ralph took the girls upstairs, Brad squatted down, preparing to carefully lift Scott.

“Did we get here in time?” Jake asked.

“I don’t know. I didn’t see any evidence of any cum, so I guess that’s a good sign. But they’ll probably be scarred for a while. They’ve been through an ordeal.”

Jake nodded.

“What are you going to do, Jake?”

“What I need to.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m going to make these limp-dicked fucks wish they were never born. And they will forever be limp-dicked once I’m done with them.”


“Brad. Stay out of it.”


“I’ve made up my mind. These fuckers deserve that, and more, and I’m going to enjoy every second of it.”

As Jake spoke, he calmly moved around the room, arranging the three assailants, tying them to various apparatus, checking and double checking the restraints.

“How many have they done this to, Brad? This was not a spur of the moment decision. I bet anything that the two townhouses on either side are empty, in case any sound leaks out of here.”

“Jake. What you’re talking about is vigilantism. That’s not you. Leave it to the justice system.”

Jake scoffed, “The justice system? Come on, Brad. They won’t get justice. But I can give out justice.”

“Jake, please, I know you’re angry. You nearly lost Amber, you nearly lost Scott. But, please, don’t do this. You’ll never be the same afterward.”

“I’m planning on it Brad.” He adjusted himself.

“When the ambos get here, don’t let them come down here. Please, Brad.”

Brad picked up Scott, gently, ensuring he did not put any tension on his wound, and carried him upstairs, closing the door behind him.


He woke, his jaw painful. Where was he? He tried to stand. What? He was tied up.

“You’re awake.”

Wh– the pretty boy! Fuck! He remembered, finally.

“What’s your name, scum?”


“I said, what’s your name? That’s a freebie, because you don’t know me, but you’re going to learn, very quickly, that I don’t like to repeat myself.”


He spasmed and writhed, screaming in pain, as electric bolts slammed into his taint.

“I have to congratulate you. You have a very well stocked torture chamber, you sick fuck.”

Another electric jolt. He spasmed, and broke out in a sweat.

“An anti-riot stun baton. Such an effective device.” He pressed it into his hole, and activated it.

He screamed in agony as electric arcs shot across his balloon knot, pain radiating to his entire body.

“I’m not going to ask you aga–“


“See, that wasn’t so hard, now was it? I’m going to ask you some questions, and you’re going to give me truthful answers, one way or another. You see, in a few minutes, I’ll be able to read your mind, control your subconscious, so you’ll give me answers whether you want to or not.”

“What? You’re a fucking psycho.”

“Maybe I am, which is unfortunate for you and the filth you call friends.” Jake was rock hard, enjoying toying with the turd, anticipating the pleasure to come.

“How many?” Jake asked.

“I’ve never done this before, I SWEAR.”

Jake zapped the stick on his nipple, pressing it in, electric arcs dancing across the nipple, burning, sizzling, arousing.

Graham screamed.

“You still haven’t learnt. I don’t like repeating myself, and I like bullshit less than I like repeating myself.” He zapped Graham’s glans, more screams. Jake almost felt sorry for him. Almost.

“One last time. How many?”

“Fuck you!”

Jake punched him in the stomach, hard. Sometimes, it was more fun without tools. He grabbed his testicles and squeezed, hard, his blood curdling screams not leaking beyond the door, their soundproofing really was top notch.

“Soon, you won’t be fucking any body ever again, and neither will your decrepit friends.”

“Thirty-one.” It was a whisper. “Thirty-two, if you count tonight. Just for me, plus one each for Rob and Peter.”

Ninety-three women. These fuckers raped, tortured and likely killed ninety-three women. Jake had no doubt in his mind that what he was about to do was completely justified.

“Thirty-one. Well, now it’s your turn to feel some of what you’ve inflicted.”

“What are you talking about?”

Jake pulled down his pants, his massive cock pulling at his boxer briefs, desperate for release, to enact the coming punishment.

Graham’s eyes bulged - what the fuck was he going to do with THAT? Was that even real?

Jake smiled. “That’s right. I’m going to fuck you and your friends. Literally and figuratively. When I’m done, you’ll never be able to get hard again, and you’ll have a strange compulsion to confess your filthy crimes. ALL of them.”

“What the fuck are you talking about?”

“You’ll find out soon enough. You might want to close your eyes and think of England.”

Jake slammed into Graham’s hole. Savagely tearing it open. Graham screamed in pain, his pain arousing Jake even more, engorging his cock, increasing the pain. Jake smiled at the irony of his punishment, their final experience of sex being the punishing non-consensual sex they’d inflicted on so many innocent women.

Graham was becoming aroused, which was unfortunate but, soon, once Jake came inside him, that would end. The thought brought him close to the edge, and he slammed his cock in to the hilt, pumping a massive load of cum into Graham.

He instructed his sperm to go to work. As he waited for his sperm to reach Graham’s brain, he lined up with - Rob’s or Peter’s? Who cares? - hole.

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Jake smacked his arse, hard, but there was no response.

“Come on, fucker. It’s nowhere near as much fun if you’re not awake to feel it.”

He moved around to his head. Jake inserted his diamond hard cock into the filth’s mouth, pushing his glans up against his cheek. “Wake up.” He slapped the bulging cheek, hard, several times. His cock leaking pre from the stimulation.

“Which one are you? Rob or Peter?”

He was coming to, gradually. Groaning in pain, realising he had a cock in his mouth.


Jake withdrew his cock, wary of the fucker’s teeth.

Jake pinched his nipple, hard, and used his torso as a punching bag, landing half a dozen powerful blows. He groaned in pain. He zapped him with the stick, pressing it into his perineum.

He screamed and writhed in pain. “Dude, what- what the fuck?”

“There we go. Your buddy may never walk normally again, his knee is pretty busted up. What am I going to do to you? Hmm?”

“Hey man, it was all Pete and Graham, I didn’t do nothing.” Smart, this one, trying to pin it all on his buddies.

“No, thanks to us. This time. What about the other 31 times?”

“What? How do you–”

“You better hope you’re a fast learner, like your friend Graham. He learned quickly.”

Jake wheeled him over to Graham’s wrecked arse.

“Your friend looks like he could use some help cleaning up back there. You’re going to help him.”

“What the fuck? Gross. I’m no fag. What the fuck did you do to him? Why is his arse all busted up like that?”

Jake groaned, the tool that busted up his arse swelling and growing again.

“You’re going to suck up all my cum and lick his arsehole clean.”

“Fuck you faggot. That’s disgusting.”

“For you, maybe. For me,” he groaned, deep, gutteral and low, as he grabbed his bulge. “Get to it.” He wheeled his face into his Graham’s arse.

He struggled against his restraints, Jake punched him in the solar plexus, he wheezed, winded by the blow. “Suck.”

“F- fuuu- fuk you.”

“No, but I’ll be fucking you soon. Suck.”

“Fuck no.”

Jake grabbed a pinkie, “Suck.”


He ripped the pinkie back on itself, snapping the bones. He screamed. Jake’s cock swelled even harder, pre leaking from the tip.


“N- NO!”

Jake moved to the next finger. “I’m not going to tell you again.”

Rob moved his head towards Graham’s ravaged hole, a look of disgust on his face. Jake rubbed his bulge, his domination of this filth, the pain, arousing him like never before.

Jake grabbed the back of his head and smashed it into Graham’s hole. “You better start sucking like a vacuum if you know what’s good for you.”

While Rob was rimming his friend, Jake massaged Rob’s cock, which was quickly swelling from Jake’s attention. “See, you’re enjoying rimming your friend. You just needed someone to open your mind. And your arsehole, soon.”

Rob tried to reply, but his face was buried in Graham’s arse. Graham, who had passed out from the pain, stirred, groaning.

“Ah, Graham, perfect timing to help your friend get his rocks off.”

Jake spun Rob around, lining up his now hard cock with Graham’s mouth.  He grabbed Graham’s head and impaled it on Rob’s cock, choking him, and causing Rob to groan. “Feels good to be a faggot, doesn’t it?” Rob moaned. Graham was still choking, Jake let him up for air before he passed out. Jake lined himself up with Rob’s hole, and rammed his cock in to the pubic bone. Rob screamed.

They were lined up in such a way that as Jake thrust forward, Rob’s cock was rammed into Graham’s mouth. The harder Jake thrust, the harder Rob’s cock deep-throated his friend. Pathetically, Jake could feel Rob was already about to cum. He had a way to fix that.

He withdrew from Rob’s arse and moved around to Graham’s head. Ensuring Rob’s cock was balls deep, Jake punched the top of Graham’s head causing his jaw to close on Rob’s cock. Graham was stunned by the punch, seeing stars, Rob screamed in agony as Graham’s teeth closed around his shaft. Jake smiled, returning to his arsehole.

Jake thrust harder, faster, his savage destruction of Rob’s arse total. Even through all the pain, Rob was rock hard. Jake’s stimulation had Rob’s cock pumping cum into Graham’s mouth in no time. Graham coughed and spluttered, spraying Rob’s cum over the two of them. Jake orgasmed, filling Rob’s hole with his cum, wasting no time in sending instructions for his sperm to get to work.

“You see, boys, gay sex is hot, I bet you haven’t blown like that, ever. It’s almost a pity its the last sexual experience you’ll ever have.”

They both whimpered and protested, their veneer of bravado completely disintegrated, like their dignity.

But Jake wasn’t done.

Jake move to the final arsehole, preparing the oral spreader. He fitted it, grateful that he was still unconscious, making it easier to fit. He moved him over to his friends.

Jake manhandled them all into position, Rob penetrating Graham, and Graham penetrating Peter. Their cocks were deflating, but a few tweaks on their nipples, and to their destroyed holes had them hard again, and Jake’s plan would keep them hard, and have them cumming again in no time.

Jake zapped Peter with the stick, “Wake up, fucker.” Peter moaned. Jake gut punched him a few times, the pain waking him.

“What the fuck? What’s going on?”

Jake smiled, “What’s going on, is you’re getting fucked by your friend Graham. And me.”

Jake rammed his rock hard cock down Peter's throat, the oral spreader ensuring no teeth would be involved. Peter gagged, his entire body convulsing. The convulsions stimulating Graham’s cock. Graham groaned. His stimulation passing through to Rob. Who also groaned.

Jake smiled, happy with his inventiveness. Time to up the ante. He withdrew his cock, allowing Peter to breath for a short respite, but then rammed his cock deeper still. Jake flexed his cock, engorging it and cutting off Peter’s air completely. He panicked, thrashing and writhing trying to get air from around Jake’s mammoth dick. The more he thrashed, the more he writhed, the greater the stimulation for Graham and Rob.

He withdrew his cock slightly, allowing Peter to breath. “How’s it going back there boys? Feeling the faggot vibes, yet?” Jake laughed, cruelly. “If not, don’t worry, I’m not done yet.”

He rammed his cock back down Peter’s throat, cutting off his air supply completely. He brought the anti-riot stick up to Peter’s throat, pressing it against his Adam’s apple. He activated it, and nearly came from the stimulation.

For Jake, his cock felt a monumentally pleasurable tingle from the electric arcs zapping so close to his glans, Peter’s throat shielding Jake’s cock from the worst. He groaned, allowing himself to orgasm, his pleasure magnified by the torture he was inflicting.

For Peter, it was agony. Unable to breath from Jake’s cock, Graham’s cock stuffing his arse, and painful electrical arcs attacking his throat and spreading throughout his body, causing it to convulse and shudder.

Peter felt Graham cum inside him, his convulsions and writhing stimulating his cock physically, and Jake’s dominance and power, his cruel disregard stimulating him mentally.

Jake activated the stick again, longer this time. Rob came, now, filling Graham with his cum. Peter passed out again, whether due to lack of air or from the pain, Jake didn’t know and didn’t care. He continued zapping his cock through Peter’s throat, bringing himself to ejaculatory orgasm, the triumvirate of his control over each assailant complete.


Jake felt each of their subconscious in his mind, and felt dirty, filthy. Quickly, he set the changes, setting them to stick permanently. Each of them would never get hard again, their libidos back to that of an infant, which is to say, non existent.

Jake ensured that the hormones required to trigger erections and arousal were not only not produced by their bodies, but their receptors were deactivated. That way, even if they sought medical intervention, and exogenous sources were introduced via hormone replacement therapy, they still wouldn’t get hard. He’d effectively castrated them, permanently, beyond any medical intervention.

He left the basement, leaving the filth behind to stew in their own emissions. He was grateful as their presence in his mind faded, his sperm being killed off by their immune systems, the feeling of dirt and filth fading as their presence did.


Outside, Ralph waited for him. HE and Brad had gone with the girls and Scott to the hospital in the ambulances.

Ralph spoke first, “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. Better than fine.” The final filthy presence faded from his mind. “How is my nephew?”

“Critical, but stable. Come on, let me drive, you’re in no state to drive.”

For the second time in as many weeks, Jake handed over the keys to the Beast, off to visit his nephew in hospital.

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