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  1. msclvrtoo

    Just Dave And Me - Part I

    Here's Part I of four parts Just Dave and Me”: Part I By [email protected] [This story contains consensual sex between adult males. There is no intent to assess the sexual “preferences or activities of any individual with names similar to those in this fictional story. Read and enjoy.] Important Set-Up I wondered if this was just a dumb idea. I hoped not. I wasn’t sure. I knew that I’d thought about this for a long time. So, in that sense, it was important to me. Yet, how the hell do you know what to expect? Really? These questions were zooming around in my head when the main door to the clinic opened. “Mr. Scott Reynolds? Dr. Russell will see you now,” announced a young lady who acted too old for her age. I had a brief mental picture of what a smiling hugely muscled young body-builder stud might look like if he were sitting there instead of her. As I walked down the hall, the last few months flashed through my mind in just seconds. I had inherited a pretty sizeable chunk of money from my now deceased grandfather. As a single gay man, pushing 50, I was already in good financial condition. My business was successful. I was able to take vacations when I wanted. The only thing that was missing was a partner – a partner in mind, body and spirit. Sure, I’d had some “relationships” and have some good friendships, but no “partner partner.” I’d decided to take part of the inheritance and do something I’d fantasized about for years. This is about what I’ve thought about for years, especially every time I was in the cock-hardening company of one of those fabulously massive masculine muscular (I call them my “3Ms”) bodybuilder escorts. After weeks of intensive Internet research, I found the Institute for Human Potential. I went to their website and received some literature in the mail. While they had a lot of traditional therapy and new-age programs, I focused on their “experiential fantasy” program. It wasn’t therapy. I didn’t need any more of that. The idea of “fantasy,” though sounding a little hokey, made sense given what I was looking for. I had a lot of background participating in and delivering experiential education for adults. So I was already on board with “experiential.” Short of a long-term partner, what I was looking for was an experience with one very special man. This man would be my powerful, loving, totally and massively built loving father figure. This would be completely different from my abusing deceased real father (he died when I was ten) and my stepfather. I would be his son, a son who he would love unconditionally and allow me to explore whatever I needed to explore and didn’t as a kid. My idea was that we would be together, very intimately, for maybe a week or so at some great vacation spot. As a result of our time together, I would regain a sense of my masculine power that I threw away in my early teens and am now, pushing 50, just beginning to relish. My hope was that in that week, I would be with him and he with me… in ways that would literally push my own transformation as a powerful masculine male into high gear. I can imagine and see it now. God, he is one very muscular huge guy and ruggedly handsome, too! His smile is intoxicating me. As I lay on top of him, my cock is as hard as a rock and feels like it is going to explode. It’s in between his gigantic thighs. He keeps flexing those steel-corded monsters and crushing my cock like a human grinding machine. I jam it in hard each time he flexes and tries to stop me. We’re both into a nice power trip here. He’s turned on that I’m so turned on, and that is fabulous. I get off my elbows and let myself sink deep down into his cast-iron pecs and hairy chest. I rest my head in his crevice and gently lick the hair and the side of his right pec. It’s like I’m resting on two hard rocks being warmed by the sun. He flexes those mountains and my head rises an inch as he thrusts his chest out. My eyes remain about a half-inch (in an extraordinary side view) from some incredible striations that are even more sexy because they’re covered with light brown hair. As I slide my head up a bit, my heart leaps as I gaze at his square chin and the top of his neck, covered in a sexy light stubble. God, how sexy can a guy get? His high neck muscles and cords tighten as he moves his head from side to side showing off what he’s got. The dark stubble (only a short inch from my mouth) sits on top of these beautiful muscles provokes something damn deep in me. Very primitive and very powerful. He has an intoxicating musky man-scent. My lust starts me sweating again. My heart is racing. My tongue starts licking the underside of his stubbled chin. He tastes so delicious, so manly. My tongue feels like its licking soft warm steel, only now it’s covered with sandpaper -- slowing my tongue’s explorations to a deliciously slow pace. In addition to loving armpits, and the back of a concrete and corded neck, I quickly add this part of a man’s anatomy – a massive thick and corded neck -- to my turn on list. The power in his neck just blows me away. It is amazing how beautiful big bulges of muscle strips can be as they move gracefully down into his naturally explosive traps and shoulders. He knows it and he’s still getting off watching me go just a little nuts. And then he tightens his already concrete-like thighs against my cock, again, and again, and again. I flex my cock right back each time. It doesn’t get much better than this. That’s what I see is possible, for starters. Back To Reality I was quite direct and blunt with Dr. Russell about what I was looking for and why. He explained that what I was looking for was often called “surrogate services.” There seemed to be a good match between my expectations, what they offered, despite the “no guarantees” ground-rule. He talked about the different reasons for “surrogate services” and the roles surrogates can play. I’d written down what I was looking for and read him this list, making no apologies for what I wanted. I’m so grateful I didn’t let my embarrassment stop me. This guy would be a mature man, probably in his late 30’s or 40’s. He should be at least 6 feet tall and built like a competitive bodybuilder. He need not be cut for competition, but should have a lot of thick, bulging muscle. It makes no difference if he’s hairy or shaved. He doesn’t have to look like a handsome movie star. Dark or blond features made no difference. I told him I wasn’t interested in any S&M, dangerous stuff, or physical or emotional abuse. He seemed to understand. I continued to explain that I wanted a guy who was willing to play something like a father or big brother role and do it with a lot of respect and love towards me. He’d be willing to completely give himself physically and emotionally to me --- providing some of the experiences of being with a man that I’d wanted for years. He’d be the kind of guy that would love getting turned on himself and revel in sharing his body and totally masculine self with me. I indicated I didn’t expect a relationship out of this beyond the week. I did expect a guy who was a big heart and was 100% willing to give that to me, especially in body and passionate muscle worship, sexual passion, and tender caring. I’d been with enough escorts to know that what I had in mind was a very temporary experience. Yes, it is self-centered and narcissistic. Yet, I just saw myself as coming out of the week with a newfound sense of my own masculine power, having been coached and loved into that by a great big muscleman with a great big heart. Maybe it would help me in my own growth as a man and as a potential partner. Maybe it wouldn’t. I was willing to take the chance and spend the money. If nothing else, it would be a nice vacation with the potential for some great muscle sex with a massive, masculine, muscular (“3M”) god. Dr. Russell told me that the Institute had been approached by a number of gay men over the years with some similar, though not the same requests. He reviewed the process used to recruit and contract with surrogates. He asked me to be patient, given the specificity of my requirements. It would take time to find the right guy and train him in the basics, if he wasn’t already “trained.” We agreed that once the guy was selected it would be wise for him and I to meet informally, discuss the week, and check for chemistry. I gave him a retainer and a picture of me. Fortunately, I was a reasonably good-looking guy, although a tad heavy. At the end of our session, he made sure I understood the “no guarantees” aspects of this little project. At the same time, I felt excited by his confidence that his network would turn-up the right guy, either locally or nationally. Three weeks went by. My fantasies were going nuts. I was going nuts. I was masturbating like there was no tomorrow. As someone on the muscle-sex internet network said, “I hope masturbation is healthy, because if it isn’t, I’m gonna die soon.” My all time favorite, Pete K., kept popping into my dreams and daydreams. I loved to think about how cool it would be if it turned out to be Pete, Carl, Nassar, Ron, Gunter, Mike M. or any of the others – all legends that had been imprinted on my mind for years. I also had lots of moments of doubt. None of my friends or family knew my plan, yet. And, maybe I’d just keep it too myself and my special friend and coach, Rob. The Power of Fantasy and the Mind’s Creativity For the last couple of days, I keep seeing Nassar, Mike M. and Gunter in the same room with me. I’m on my massage table and these truly huge gods are getting very turned on as they turn each other on and take turns turning me on. It’s just after a recent Mr. Olympia contest and these three monsters are cut into ribbons on top of bulging mountains of steel hard muscle. They’re tanned, flawlessly oiled, and their sweat makes their bodies glisten in the light as they move from pose to pose. My favorite sexy monster, Nassar, is “calling cadence” and they all move at the same time from the same pose to the same pose. “Double biceps guys.” Their eyes are fixed on me, watching each of my reactions. “Give him your most muscular, now!” he orders. Smiles cross their faces when my cock does another leap. “Turn and flair those big backs, now!” When they’re not looking at me, they’re fixated on each other, driven to turn each other on which, by the look of their beautiful baskets, they are being very successful at. “Side chest, now!” Mike’s huge basket is wrapped in a tissue-like red fabric that is getting nearly transparent as the sweat drips down the crevices of his torso. It’s right next to my left shoulder and getting bigger and bigger. I’m overwhelmed trying to keep track of a set of huge arms that are covered with veins and his growing basket. “Abs, now!” Gunter, my blond and perfectly tanned Gunter, is in a sheer white strap that is barely holding his balls and cock in place. I see his piss slit through the fabric as his cock starts moving up to the edge of his left hip strap, about ready to push itself out in full glory. His smile is devastating. “Thighs, now!” barks Nassar. It disgusts me that he kept coming in number two in Mr. Olympia. “Traps and upper body, now!” If these judges would only weight symmetry, he’d have been on top for at least two years. For our session, he’s chosen to wear his signature black posing strap. It’s not a trunk. It’s not a brief. This extraordinary mountain of man wears a tiny strap that leaves nothing to the imagination. “Front lat spread, now!” His bulging basket is in between my toes at the foot of the table. He thrusts it in and I playfully hook my big toes on each strap and pull him forward and each strap pulls away from his incredibly sexy waist. A sly, knowing smile crosses his face and he plays right along with me. Then he turns and looks at his right bicep – both top muscles and his tricep (like a spare tire) jump as he pumps and pumps for everyone’s benefit. “Resting pose, now!” Completely out of my conscious control, my cock explodes in volleys of warm, thick cum. All these gorgeous men let loose with cheers as they watch their extraordinary collective impact on me. Shit, I had no idea I could pump so much cum…no idea…at least up until now. Progress One Friday morning, the phone rang. It was Dr. Russell. “Mr. Reynolds, do you have a few moments?” My heart leaped into my throat. “Sure,” I said with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. “I know it’s taken a while, but I think we’ve found a terrific guy for you. He’s on the west coast so you’d have to pay for his travel to meet you the first time or you could go meet him. That would be in addition to the travel to the resort if you decide to hire him. We just couldn’t find the right guy locally.” “Why do you think he’s such a good match? “ I asked, feeling very proud of not getting too excited too quickly. “He’s 45, gay, a competitive bodybuilder competing in masters tournaments. His name is Dave and he’s 6’3” and 285 pounds. He’s actually been an escort from time to time over the years but “moved up” to doing this kind of surrogate work a couple of years ago. A couple of my colleagues in L.A. recommended him. They also gave him some basic training in doing surrogate work. Dave is a rehabilitation therapist, in-between partners, and has a flexible work schedule. I wanted to call you first before I spoke with him directly. Are you interested?” “Absolutely,” I said. Dr. Russell said he’d do a telephone interview with Dave and cover all the things I was interested in and see if he was interested in the engagement. He also said he has a good “sixth sense” for people, even on the phone and would put that to work. I told him to not take it further with Dave if he didn’t think it was a good match. I thanked him, hung the phone up, and started sweating from a combination of anxiety and a rush of adrenaline. My mind flipped into a fast forward fantasy We had only moments ago entered a luxurious guest room. While still in our street clothes (his pants and shirt were very small and very tight and he looked absolutely incredibly powerful and gorgeous) he invited me over to the big over-stuffed chair. Neither of us wanted to waste any time given the weeks of planning. He sat his huge body down and motioned me to come over and sit on his lap. I knew I’d be sitting on his hard cock – I could see it through his tight jeans – poking up towards his right hip. He was so relaxed, so friendly, so focused on me. I was melting. After mentally flipping through at least five “lap positions” in a few nano-seconds, I decided to sit with my back into his chest so he could wrap his muscular hairy arms and hands around me and squeeze like there was no tomorrow. He knew exactly what to do. He asked me if it was okay if he held me in his arms. I just nodded. How wonderful that he really appeared to want to do what I wanted. I put my hands and forearms on top of his and squeezed his huge wrists while he gently squeezed my arms into my torso and my back into his flexed pecs. I just let myself go, sink into him, and savor this amazing moment. I’ve always been hooked on the total arm, with hair. It was like resting on top of warm steel. Then he started to rotate and pump his cock and abdominals into my ass. The power in his body just overwhelmed me. I was feeling so many muscles flex and move at the same time that I couldn’t believe it was real. It was real, and I could tell he just wanted to enjoy it all. He told me how much he liked feeling his own body against mine and how sexy it was to watch and feel me damn near lose all control. Another Call from Dr. Russell A week later Dr. Russell called again and announced that he was very impressed with Dave and thought that it would be worth my time and money to meet him. Again, I asked him “What impresses you?” “He’s a great combination of sensitivity and inner strength. We talked about his experiences as a surrogate, though mostly with women. He had worked with a few gay guys and felt more at home and more able to understand and respond to what men really wanted. The fee was satisfactory for him. His schedule is flexible with enough notice to his boss. If you give me your email, I’ll forward his photo. You’ll be delighted at how close he matches what you were looking for physically. Both physically and otherwise, he’s quite an impressive guy. Do you want to meet him?” “Yes,” I said with a clearly excited edge. We agreed that Dr. Russell’s staff would handle the arrangements. I’d fly out to L.A. and spend a night downtown, with Dave and me meeting for a meal or coffee. After two weeks of non-stop muscle fantasies I landed in L.A. and went to the Biltmore. I stopped masturbating two days before. As hard as that was, I wanted to have all my engines ready in case something great might happen. Dave had left a message and a day telephone number. Before I even unpacked, I called him up. I was amazed at how relaxed I was. “This is Dave.” “Hi Dave, this is Scott Reynolds.” “Great, I’ve been waiting for you to call.” “Thanks for your message and my schedule is open. What does yours look like?” “ I kept dinner and this evening open, as well as tomorrow around lunch. Unless the air travel bushed you, would you like to have dinner together?” “Sounds good to me.” “Let’s make it easy and plan to eat in the main dining room of your hotel. Would that be ok?” “Sure. What time?” “How about 6pm?” “Fine and I’m laughing because I certainly don’t need to ask you what you look like. I got your picture from Dr. Russell.” “I got yours too. Should be no problem.” “See you at 6pm Dave.” “I’m looking forward to meeting you.” “Thanks. Same goes for me.” Oh my God. I was damn near hyperventilating with another combination of anxiety and excitement. His picture. His picture was astounding. He was in a pair of very small posers that could not hide an extremely big package. I’d never seen a package that big before…only in morphs. I’d been looking at the thing everyday for the last two weeks. He’s a blond version of Pete K. A great combination of muscle mass, cuts, and a flurry of hair across his square pecs and down his six pack of abs. His hair is cut short and he has an easy look about him. I love his confident, mature and very masculine look. I hope his insides match his outsides. If they don’t, I’ll walk away from this and tell Dr. Russell to start another search. But, still, I had a good feeling about him. I loved the soft yet strong sound of his voice. He seemed truly interested in meeting and was well organized. I liked that. More Fantasy My mind flashed back on what it might be like in the guest room. God, as we lay down in our clothes on the big bed, I couldn’t wait to explore his bulging basket, straining his tightly wrapped and faded jeans. I had a hunch from the definition of his cock and its expansion (that was now up to his narrow waist) that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. I ground myself into his hulking body and moved myself down his torso, over his cinder block abs. I locked my arms on either side of his narrow waist and spreading lats. It felt unnatural – my arms weren’t parallel – they were twice as wide at my hands as I pulled my elbows in to lock onto his tiny waist. Then, as I put my nose and closed mouth on top of his huge hard steel tube, it was clear he was very very hard. It had to be at least eight inches. Its thickness was challenging the stretch of his jeans up and down its length. The fabric tension between the top ridge of his cock “downhill” on either side of his jeans was amazing. God, I truly love the mystery of a huge basket, cock, and balls being covered. I tried to push it with my mouth and rubbed it with my nose. There was no give --. None. I looked up at him with a big smile. He moved his arms back behind his head with a very self-satisfied grin on his face and said “I’m all yours, Scott. Go for it, buddy.” Just to make his point even clearer, he arched his back and thrust his hips up to within two inches of my slightly raised face. Okay, Scott, get back to reality here. After a two-hour nap, I put on some good-looking casual clothes and fussed with myself enough to get me to the point of feeling “well put together” – especially important for our first meeting. In the restaurant I found a table somewhat off in the corner and left instructions with the hostess that I was waiting to be joined by another “gentleman.” I liked using that word, “gentleman.” I was sipping at my water and watching the glass doors. When a particular guy walked in, I knew it was him. I felt instantly weak (It’s easy for me to feel truly weak with muscle guys. But, of course, we already know that! ). God, what a huge guy, even from forty feet away. He was dressed in dress slacks, a faux turtleneck, and a light brown tailored sports jacket. Damn. He was literally bulging out of his jacket. My mind went nuts for a moment imagining his bare, cut, and hairy arms, and his massive thick neck. Despite the close haircut, he had a full head of hair, a mixture of blond and some brown. Sexy is an understatement. I’d clearly hit pay dirt in the mammoth physique department. I’d dreamed of this meeting for so many years. It really was happening. I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude, excitement, and lust, lots of lust. As he walked so gracefully and easily over to the table, I stood up, came around in front of the table (I was trying to hide my nervousness), looked directly into his eyes, and put my hand out, confidently. We both said “hello and good to meet ya’” at the same time. We both chuckled. My knees still felt a little jittery. I was already perspiring again. We said down across from each other. I really was nervous now. He seemed incredibly relaxed. He said it was a little too hot and he got up and took his jacket off. Now, that was an experience to watch that will forever be burned into my memory. It amazes me that already huge and massive muscles can look even more so when covered in a tight full-body top. Fuck, he just exuded sexual energy and hyper-masculinity in extreme proportions. I knew he was watching my eyes dart all over him as I tried to comprehend the massive musclegod that was now right next to me. He smile seemed to say “Yeah, I understand…get this all the time.” My very stiff cock was aching in a way it hadn’t in years. End of Part I Part II to follow. Copyright©[email protected] Feedback welcomed. No flames, please.
  2. ‘What is going on here? Seriously what is going…….*sees Avi’s arms twitch* on? Huh? *stretch*’ Avi starts noticing that his body is changing as Alden smiles at him. The Lebanese kicker begins to feel tingling sensations moving up and down his arms. He looks down and gasps as he begins to feel them swelling up losing their hair as the muscles and veins grow. His olive skin starts to shine as the biceps blow up into huge softballs. He looks down at his swelling pecs as they retain their hairy nature pushing their way towards the top of his v neck. The tension begins to make the fabric start to fray at the center as they press against his huge new bull neck. His back starts to bust seams along the sides as his lats push their way free. Chad has a huge erection in his shorts that Alden can see clearly. The big jock seems dumbfounded as to how this could be happening. Avi’s growing quads make the fabric on his shorts squeal loudly as his cock makes quick work of his underwear underneath. It snakes its way out the top and sits on the growing slabs expanding on his stomach. The shirt quickly rips down the front as his chest gleans with sweat under the lights. His thick black fur and huge round pecs make Alden swoon loudly. His nipples have turned downward towards the ground. Without another second passing, Avi’s shorts explode revealing the rest of his huge Arabian muscles. His huge firm ass and large cock now fully visible as it swings slightly laying on his chest. It seems that Avi is remaining unchanged mentally from this crazy transformation too. He stands up and turns to slap his rod on Chad’s face. The shocked kicker takes a few moments and grabs the large hulk’s obliques to look up into his hazel eyes. Avi peers down at him and grins as he puts on a tough façade. ‘You know how to fix this don’t you Chad? Why don’t you give my cock a nice massage with your throat while you are pondering your thoughts?’ ‘Uhhh…..huh…..how did you do this? I…..gawd you look incredible Avi….i don’t normally do this but…..fuck I want to worship your body so bad.’ Chad feels the mountain of fur sitting on top of Avi’s chest muscles, but the big Arabian pushes his hands away and waves his fingers. ‘No Chad, cock only. Make me cum and maybe we will move on to other things.’ Chad looks a bit concerned as Avi reaches down and pushes his head into his cock parting his lips and sliding his huge cock inside. Chad chokes and even tries to resist as he struggles with the big Arabian but eventually gives in to his underlying desire to worship the stud. He works Avi’s cock over with his mouth long and hard as the huge hulk summons Alden over by him with his free hand. He looks into the black teammate’s eyes and plunges his tongue down Alden’s throat as he embraces him with his immense right arm. Alden moans loudly as Avi manages to pull his shirt off nearly ripping it. He lets go of Chad’s head to run his huge powerful hands on Alden as he pulls the smitten buddy’s shorts down to grab his cock. He strokes him until he is hard and pulls his cock out of Chad’s mouth. ‘I want you to service Alden too Chad. This is your payment to me for all of those times you were a complete tool.’ Chad seems understanding by this and turns to swallow Alden’s cock. After a few minutes of powerful sucking, the two friends begin smacking Chad in the face with their cocks. He sighs as he sits with his mouth open and his eyes closed. They take turns fucking his mouth before their moans get much louder. ‘Why don’t you cum all over him Alden, I’m sure he would love to be humiliated like he thinks I would be with him.’ Alden strokes quickly as he unloads all over Chad’s face and shirt before the kicker surprisingly turns to give a few licks to his cockhead as he tastes the cum hitting his tongue. He lightly moans as he shoves the black man’s whole cock into his mouth swallowing the cum that remains. Avi grabs him by his head and lifts him up to plunge his head into his chest demanding that he worship it. Chad tries to breathe as Avi smothers him with his enormous hairy pecs as Alden pulls the kicker’s pants down to slide his cock into his hole and starts working him over. Chad begins rubbing his hands all over Avi’s powerful muscles as the huge Lebanese hulk positions himself to join Alden’s cock inside Chad. They both manage to make room inside to fuck him synchronized. Chad runs his tongue up and down the Arabian stud nursing his huge pecs and nipples and yelling in ecstasy. Avi and Alden both moan deeply feeling their loads building as their cocks rub against each other vein against vein. Chad himself can feel a load starting to build as Avi reaches down and tears his shirt off to slap the kicker’s beefy back as Alden slaps his ass. ‘Oh fuck guys I had no idea I would love this so much, damn you two really know how to set me straight or rather…..gay.’ They both laugh at his comment as they fuck him harder making him shutter as he feels their cocks swelling inside him. They look at each other knowing it won’t be long before they lose their loads and pull out. Chad turns around and lies on the couch and starts wanking himself. Avi shoves his cock inside his mouth as Alden moves down to swallow Chad’s cock and begins to work him into a frenzy. The kicker moans as he feels himself getting ready to cum. The same can be said for Avi who starts to contract his muscles as Chad rubs them and stares into their beauty. ‘Ohh yeah Chad you do great at servicing me. Make me cum jerk……here it comes…..mmmmm feels so good…..’ Chad moans as he begins to taste Avi’s cum going down his throat and realizes that Alden is about to make him cum. The black sucker makes Chad hump his mouth as he feels his cum traveling into his cock. Alden pulls it out as a huge volcano goes flying onto the huge lebanese’s back as Chad moans letting a river of cum seep out of his mouth on to his body. His lustful eyes stay transfixed on Avi as he slowly rubs the huge man’s chest and arms. ‘Ahh that felt incredible Chad. I think that is enough for now. Did you learn your lesson?’ He pulls his cock out of the kicker’s mouth as Chad slowly nods in agreement. Alden kisses Chad’s cock and rubs the kicker’s huge muscly legs as he sits up to slap his own cock on them. Avi sits up to sit by Chad and begins to start shrinking. Chad looks in disbelief at the Arabian’s regression. By the time his revert is complete, Alden is ready to blow another load this time all over the kicker’s massive quads. ‘DAMN Alden, you fucking love my huge legs don’t you. Yeah man, fucking jizz all over them. I want to feel it.’ Alden moans deeply as he lets his cum fly all over Chad’s legs. He leans down to lap up the cum and lick Chad’s huge quads and calves. The kicker moans as he looks down and sees this happening. Instead of being irritated anymore, Chad’s demeanor has changed as he smiles at Alden. The black teammate goes to join both of them on the couch as Chad puts his arm around both men. He turns to give them both kisses on their lips and lays his head on them. ‘Guys, you both have made me feel better in this one night than I have felt in years. I secretly have been struggling with my sexuality since I could remember. I think I have feelings for both of you, but Avi…..i am sorry for making you feel insignificant. You as a hulk is…..insanely hot though. You have to do that again for me because I just lose myself.’ Chad turns to kiss Avi again and even nuzzles his head on his neck. Alden smiles at him as Avi looks very surprised. ‘I think I need to go home now guys.’ Alden says to them. ‘You don’t have to leave yet Alden. I think we could have some more fun.’ Chad says to him. ‘Nah I think you and Avi are compatible. I am just in the way of you two I think.’ Alden gets up to put his clothes back on and goes out the main doors as Chad and Avi say goodbye. End of Part IV and Story?
  3. NeverTooBig69

    First Story- Mac's Muscle Mecca Pt 1

    “Trust me, you'll never feel the same way about size again.” That’s what the big guy said before leaving. Now Ronny was standing outside what looked like a small convenience store with the sign 'Mac's Muscle Mecca'. “You've got to be kidding!” Ronny walked toward the door fuming that some huge jackass had sent him on a wild goose chase. He was just putting his hand on the knob when a jolt ran through him. His entire body seized, his muscles bulging and locking up as if sensing a threat. He could smell the distinct odor of sweat and steel pouring through any crack it could in the door. It was a smell he knew well from being a gym-rat for almost 10 years. Building his body to this 6'4 280lb temple of brawn was a journey he remembered fondly. Just the smell of alpha brawn through the door sent shivers down his spine and straight to his cock. “Maybe there IS something to this...” Ronny muttered as he turned the knob and opened the door. He was greeted by the sight of what looked like a replica of the Colosseum in Rome, except this one was at least 10 times bigger. The air was thick with the smell of muscle and iron as he walked up to the entrance. “It never fails, the new guys always have the same shocked face.” Ronny glanced over and saw a bearded beast standing behind a desk near the front gate. This man was muscled beyond belief and at least two feet taller than Ronny. He could win any contest of size and strength and chop down trees while doing it. “How are you doing little guy? Name's Mac.” He bearded bear put out his paw to Ronny, who was picking his jaw up off the floor. Mac grinned and pulled Ronny in for a bear hug. Ronny was a big guy himself, but the power and size of Mac made the hug feel like he was being crushed by a car compactor, and yet he never felt safer. “So I see you came here to really grow.” Mac said after releasing Ronny from the bear hug of loving doom. “Where am I? And how is it that this place even exists? And you almost crushed my ribs big guy!” Ronny groaned as he stretched himself back into a somewhat human shape. Mac guffawed and clapped Ronny on the back, “Son, if a little rough-housing puts you off then you're not gonna be happy when you meet the other guys. Plus, we gotta get some size on ya, my grandpa could mow you down right now.” The big gear grinned as he lead Ronny inside the building. “You see I was given this place by a good friend many years ago. I can tie it to any location in reality as long as there is an opening.” Mac directed Ronny to a chair as he made a cup of coffee and continued. “It's a limitless space that conforms to my wishes. I wished for a haven for men to build themselves bigger and stronger than anyone can imagine. And here we are.” Ronny sat in awe as he heard about Mac bringing men here from all over the world, only ones that thirsted for size and power beyond what reality could provide, and brought them to his Eden of eternal size. “There is more, but first things first, there are some things you need to know before joining.” Mac gazed into Ronny's eyes and told him that if he wanted to stay, he would have to accept that he would never be able to leave. “Your mind would be wiped of everything that you experienced here, and your body would revert to the form you had upon entering. This is a one time chance. You could achieve a size and power beyond your imaginings. The choice is yours little guy. No pressure.” “WHERE DO I SIGN?!” Ronny blurted without missing a beat. Mac grinned broadly as he handed Ronny a form. Welcome Home Ronny
  4. MuscleMan166

    Camp Myosin Part 4

    We're at the halfway point and by the views my first story is going great. Thanks for the views Camp Myosin Part 4 Day 36 This week has been great; I was the first to do something that no one else has done. I started the day by going around without my shirt. It felt a bit tight anyway and why should I hide my new muscles. I got a bunch of stares and left some hard-ons in the mess hall after I had my breakfast. I even got a compliment from that hard-ass Jorge as we went through the morning workout saying that I was looking bigger. It wasn’t until later in the day that I saw a bunch of other campers took off the shirts, obviously my cabin mates joined me in the shirtlessness. Fred’s stomach looks like a roid gut now, and it showed some signs of abs appearing. Robert was still the smallest of us, but he was filling out nicely looking like an amateur bodybuilder. Bill caught up to our height, but he still looked cocky enough that he was wider than me muscle wise, but I was heavier than he is. Sam and Ben looked about the same size as, but Sam had bigger quads and Ben had bigger arms. Seeing all this muscle was giving me a hard-on, but I can see that I was doing the same to them. It was also during this week that I notice some campers disappearing for a while, and then coming back looking satisfied. It was worse at night in the cabins; during sleep I could hear the noise of some moans from the other campers, like they were having sex. Funny thing is, that I was also affected, because I awoke to find that I jizzed my pants. I grabbed some clean underwear, shorts, and my towel, and quickly ran to the showers to clean myself. While taking a shower, I noticed my muscles and as I was soaping them up, it felt really good to touch them, especially my cock. It was weird, not bad weird, but good weird. As I finished my shower and put on my new clothes, I walked out to see Big Dan walking on the campgrounds. Without a shirt on! He saw me and was walking towards me. I didn’t notice before, but he does look better without his shirt, I don’t know why, though. He told me that I started a trend and now some of the employees are going without a shirt, himself included. Then he placed his hand on my shoulder and told me that I was getting bigger and looking really good. To hear such a compliment from a big guy like him, I couldn’t help but blush and I heard him say to keep growing as he left with a wink. When I saw him leave, I was staring at his muscular ass and realize that I got a hard-on. What got me wondering though was why I didn’t feel embarrassed about it. It’s probably nothing to worry about. Later Journal Day 43 Journal, I would not ever forget this week. It started with seeing the employees now going shirtless, the only exception was Gustav, but that’s because he had to wear an apron. And Matt is the only one who would wear speedos, and he did give us some to wear for when we want to go swimming, since all of our old bathing suits can’t fit us now, due to our muscular lower body. I started to notice something from the employees, whenever they look at us; I see some kind of semblance that they were getting boners. Maybe we were looking better than we thought if we were giving those guys a hard-on. I also notice that our cabin had the biggest guys out of the whole camp. The guys in the Delta Cabin looked like lightweight bodybuilders, those in Gamma Cabin looked like they were middleweight bodybuilders, and then those in Beta Cabin looked like light heavyweight bodybuilders. Finally, we of Alpha Cabin looked like super heavyweight bodybuilders, bordering on the size of the professional bodybuilders. It was great and weird at the same time. All this huge muscle felt really good, especially in the gym and when the campers saw my boner in the gym, I made a comment saying that it meant I had a great workout. I thought it was time to talk to Dan about what was going on. I haven’t been here since that incident that night 2 weeks ago. I never forgot that scene, and sometimes when I need to masturbate, I remember that scene to help me explode. Back then it worried me, but now it felt hot to remember. What was happening to me to make me feel so open about that? I knocked on Dan’s door and asked if I could come in and he said it was okay. I walked in and saw big Dan looking somewhat sexy, wearing just his shorts. I couldn’t keep my eyes off him and Dan snapped me back to reality by asking me what was wrong. I told about how were growing big at an rapid pace and how we were feeling more open about our bodies and I told him about the time that I heard him in the building that one night. Dan just sighed and said that we shouldn’t feel ashamed about our bodies. He walked closer to me and stated that we had big bodies, that guys would work years for to get close to. He also reminded me that we were being prepared for when we are going to be counselors ourselves in other camp areas so we had to look the part. I completely forgot about that reason for the camp, but it didn’t explain the sexual feelings that were building up in all of us. He walked in closer and complemented my growing physique, before I could ask. He went on to say that my muscles were looking mighty big and before I knew he was up in my face. He first touched my shoulders and said that it looked like cannonballs. I wanted to stop him from touching me, but I didn’t say anything. He then went on to say that my pecs were looking big and meaty and asked if I could bounce them. I bounced them and moaned softly when he groped my muscle. He went on to say that I was a sensitive little thing, while he kept rubbing my muscles. I couldn’t help but moan when he squeezed my huge arms, rubbed my abs, and groped my lats. I even felt him getting so close that our bulges were grinding against each other. Part of me wanted to stop and run away, but a bigger part of me wants to keep this going, and it was getting harder. Then he surprised with something that made me cum in my shorts: he kissed me on the lips. The kiss felt so right that I wanted to keep it going forever. I raised my hands and started to roam around Dan’s muscles, squeezing and rubbing as much as I can. Dan stopped the kiss and said to keep feeling his huge muscles that I would soon be his size. I went on to lick his huge muscles that I didn’t notice that he pulled down my shorts and jockstrap and was nude before him. He then said to pull his shorts down and it was a struggle to get them down over his big thighs. I got them down and saw that his cock flopped up to his abs. He looked awesome, being nude like that, with his cock going to the top of his abs. Then he picked me up and placed me on my back on his desk. Then he raised my legs up to his shoulders and aimed his huge dick at my asshole. I knew at that point that I wanted it and I said “Go for it”. He slammed his dick into me and I moaned loudly at the pain and pleasure of it. He leaned forward and kissed me again to keep me from yelling and his hips were moving rapidly like he was really hoping for this to happen. He then said that was going to cum and I was prepared for it. Or so I thought. When he exploded into me, there was some overflow and some seeped out of my ass. It was so great that I cummed again and some of it got onto Dan’s abs. With one finger, he took some of my cum and licked and that action got me hard again. He said that I was a horny little fella and that it was alright to feel that way. We helped each other get dressed after we cleaned ourselves up, quite easy to dress again, when all we wore were underwear and shorts. Dan told me that if needed to talk to him about anything ever again to just come by. He gave me a wink and slapped my ass as I went out. I never forgot that day and from that point on, I saw the employees in a new light. They suddenly look sexy and I wanted to have sex with. Matt looked sexier in that small speedo, I wanted to lick some of that fine chest hair on Jorge, and I wanted to grab Aiden and worship him in the communal bathroom. It gotten to the point that when I got a boner I found a spot where I could be alone and masturbated. Sometimes I get a hard-on on purpose, just so I can feel my muscles while feeling my dick. I think it was also cause of the sex with Dan that I ate more and exercised even harder. I did double what Jorge asked of us in the push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups and I even ran up and down the hill twice with 300 pounds on the weighted vest. I ate like a beast so much that for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, that I went for fourths. In the outdoor gym, I lifted so much heavier just to get my muscles bigger like Dan. I could swear that my shorts were feeling tight on me now, but I knew I looked big, buff, and sexy. Excuse me Journal, I have to end it for now, because I have a boner that needs to be taken care of, maybe Dan is still awake. G’Night Journal
  5. As Alden finishes returning to normal size, a lot of the other players turn to go back into the locker area to dress and get their thoughts together. Miguel comes rushing into the showers and sees Alden standing there toweling off. He mentions how he heard some of the guys from his squad mentioning a man dominating Doug and shaming him. He knew who they were talking about and just wanted to come and see if Alden was still in his ‘hulking’ phase. Miguel turns and sees Doug still standing by himself under the shower head muttering to his self. Alden tells him to stay away from him because he thinks that they have an understanding now. They proceed to go to the locker area so Alden can change into his normal clothes. One of the members of the practice squad hands Alden his jersey and pants, or rather what is left of them. ‘Hehe thanks Randy, just what I needed rags and torn fabric.’ Randy smiles and turns around to leave. Miguel stares at the remains dumbfounded. ‘Oh my gawd papi, you managed to destroy your football jersey and pants? Fuck I want to do that sometime myself.’ ‘Let’s not get into a rush there man. Anyways, how was your practice?’ ‘Now papi, I want to know how you felt when you changed. I will tell you about my practice after you give me some insight into your experience.’ Alden laughs a bit and then tells Miguel about how his mind raced at first as his body began to grow. Then when it all finished, he felt confident and even a bit domineering judging by the way he went after Doug. ‘Whoa, that is awesome Alden. I seriously want to use all of my pills at once.’ ‘NO MIGUEL, knock it off man. Now tell me about your practice.’ ‘All right, well it actually went really good other than witnessing my friend Avi getting a railing from Chad.’ ‘Oh I wondered if Avi was still around. Yeah I know how much of a prick Chad is. The guy thinks he is the best kicker in the league. I mean sure he is quite accurate, but Avi isn’t bad either.’ Miguel continues to mention Avi to Alden trying to get him to go talk to him about possibly hanging out sometime just to get what he means. ‘I see what you are trying to do man. You are thinking about giving Avi a pill to make him grow so he will go and kick the lights out of those footballs.’ Miguel smiles and then gets a look in his eyes like he is thinking. ‘Come on papi, let’s go see him now before he leaves for the day.’ Miguel grabs Alden’s arm and drags him out of the locker room and into the practice facility. Miguel points to Avi, who is sitting over at a table eating a subway. The Lebanese-american kicker points back and smiles at Miguel. Clearly the man has worked his legs because his quads and calves are quite developed. His black beard is well-kempt as well as his noticeable body hair which peeks from his shirt. Alden turns to look at Miguel who obviously has a thing for him. ‘You sneaky devil, you just want me to meet him because you want to hulk him out. Am I right?’ ‘No that isn’t it at all Alden. I really think he needs a little boost from all of the crap he gets from Chad.’ Speaking of Chad, he is sitting two tables back from Avi looking quite buff, at least for a kicker. His large arms and thick chest look out of place for someone that is known for just kicking and punting. The man notices Alden staring at him and grimaces. Alden smiles at him and gives a thumbs up. Chad looks really stumped and goes back to eating again. ‘What are you doing papi? He is the enemy. Are you just fucking with him?’ ‘Of course Miguel, he doesn’t seem that threatening at least to me.’ They walk over and sit with Avi as they start talking. Alden mostly just listens to him and Miguel speaking and waits until he is fully let in on the whole story. Avi starts talking about how Chad used to always race bash him but that ended only to lead to just bullying. He knows that the lead kicker uses growth hormone because he has openly said that he does and actually grew almost thirty pounds in a span of two months. Alden isn’t that surprised by his statements and can now see why Miguel thinks he needs some kind of boost, but he doesn’t want to rush through this. Miguel looks really pissed and doesn’t really want to abide by Alden’s rules. He pulls out his bottle of three pills and tells Avi to stick his hand out. The middle eastern kicker looks confused but does it anyway. Miguel drops a pill in his hand and says he should use it right then and there so he can go teach Chad a lesson. Alden swipes the bottle and the pill away from both men and says that is crazy and this is not the place to do this. What he did in the locker area was justified, but this is not. He then turns to Miguel and says that he should have been there to see it but he wasn’t so he can’t be hasty. Miguel jumps up and leaves the table making guys from other tables take notice. They stare at Avi and Alden and wonder what the hell is going on. Chad for one seems intrigued. The big kicker gets up and walks over to their table to stick his meaty forearms on each side. He looks at both of them and grins. Avi looks away as Alden looks up at him. ‘Yeah, is there something you need Chad?’ ‘What is going on over here? I thought you and the Mexican were friends? You seem to be making quite an impression today Alden. I heard about your hulkout earlier. Are you going to do that again here?’ ‘Do you want me to hulkout here Chad? I got quite a few guys aroused in the locker room, perhaps you would too.’ Chad stops smiling and turns to look at Avi. ‘Hello there wannabe, are you spreading lies about me now. Telling other guys about our arguments is not wise. It could get you into a lot of trouble.’ Chad tenses his arms as the veins pop out. Avi is not impressed and neither is Alden. They start talking to each other as Chad takes his arms off the table and folds them. They smirk at each other knowing that he is in fact interested in what they were talking about before. Chad proceeds to sit down by Alden who pushes him away. ‘Come on Avi time to leave I think. This jerk is trying to hit on me I think.’ They both get up as Chad puts his arms out like he is trying to be decent. They walk into the main lobby where Alden finally hands Avi that pill he had earlier. The kicker studies it and wonders how a pill could be so small. ‘I suggest not taking it right now. Don’t tell Miguel I gave it to you, he will be so angry with me because I have his pills.’ ‘So…..it has some power? Is this what made you get huge? I am not an aggressive person by heart, but I fear once I consume this, I will become some crazed freak. Can this be controlled somehow?’ ‘Yes, but I haven’t quite figured it out entirely yet. You might have more restraint than me, but who knows. I actually think that Chad likes you. He is being fairly passive I think.’ Avi nods his head and admits that he has gotten that impression himself of Chad. They sit down in a lounging area as members of the two practice squads begin to leave. There is no sign of Miguel which Alden thinks has probably already left. Guess who hasn’t left though, Chad. The lead kicker comes walking towards them and sits across in a chair glaring at both men. ‘You don’t give up do you Chad? What do you want?’ ‘What is your secret Alden? Do you have some genetic condition that makes your grow when you stress? I have to know.’ ‘Uhh no, it was just a one time deal. It won’t happen again trust me.’ Chad seems disappointed but gets up to get between the two men. He puts his arms around their backs and squeezes. They both seem puzzled as to what he is trying to accomplish. ‘Is this a game to you weirdo?’ ‘Nope no game Alden, I just think you are lying. I really do think it is caused by stress or maybe anger. The other guys said you hulked out so I think you are like that Bruce Banner guy.’ Alden rolls his eyes and pulls Chad’s arm off him. Chad looks miffed and puts it back where he had it. Avi begins to get annoyed by his tactics and looks at the pill in his palm. He quickly downs it before Chad turns to look at him. Alden sees this and gets a crazy look on his face which gets the big kicker’s attention. He seems a tad mystified as to what is transpiring. End of Part III
  6. flesh4fantasy

    The Monster Maker

    Monster Maker Part 1 I should have stopped but the kid responded so well to the juice, did whatever I told him, and was so damn cute. But no, I just had to see what I could do to him if I bumped up the injections and the gym candy, bumped them up to the next level, and then the next level, and then... all that crazy experimental shit. When it became real noticeable, how he was growing, every muscle-addicted fuck in the gym came to me and wanted me to coach them. When he "came out of nowhere" and won his very first contest and scored a pro card at the same time, every pro level meathead began contacting me, harassing me. All those freaks, with their attitudes and their raisin-sized balls, would do anything to win the Olympia, anything to win the Arnold. They wanted to get the magazine covers, get the supplement company sponsorships, get it all. The dudes without any money were willing to double mortgage their homes. Hell, they'd even sell their first-born if it was legal. There were rich guys who offered to fly me to Dubai and other "exotic" places, "just to talk." There were the straight guys, totally straight guys I swear, willing to suck my cock and some would offer to let me butt fuck them, not just once, but butt fuck them on a regular basis. There were the two guys, already huge motherfuckers, who notoriously hated each other, who said they'd let me watch the two of them fuck each other and then have a three way with me. Shit, there was a guy who pulled a gun on me. But I told all of them: "No." See, I was going to make Bobby the freak to end all freaks, the contest decimator, the "Holy fuck!" of bodybuilding. I was going to be "the monster maker." That was the dream. Yeah, that was the goddamn fucking dream. **** I don't remember when they started photoshopping the big guys in the magazines, morphing them up just enough to be a little more monstrous than they are in real life. When they did that it really pushed the aspiration bar high. It upped the game for everyone: the little boys getting excited thumbing through the rags at the magazine stands; the guys pumping iron in their basements; the dudes walking into their first hardcore gym; the hungry amateur competitors; the newly minted professionals; and, especially, the seasoned, seen-it-all, pros. Yeah, all the losers and all the winners. Messing with the pics is unnecessary, ridiculous, and damn hot. Hell, the guys who have their bodies spread across the glossy pages of the thickest of the thick muscle magazine do double takes of themselves. The body on the page is always more pumped up than what they see in the mirror. They must get hard-ons looking at their beefier, better selves. It's like how they start get stiff when flexing on stage and then it's "boing!" full-on erection. Yeah, I bet in private they take their stage oil and jerk off to their altered pics, shoot loads of cum all over their own two-dimensional faces. And it makes them want, want it even more, want themselves encased in it, encased in even more muscle. What did I want? I wanted Bobby. And not just Bobby as he was, but as he could be, as the way I would make him: a living testament to those monthly bibles of muscle. I wanted him to actually look like the images in them, then go beyond them. I wanted him to be the ultimate mountain of bulging, nuggetty, veiny muscle. A beautiful walking, talking hard-on. And god was Bobby beautiful. The day he first walked into the gym, I couldn't stop looking at him, he had the face of one of those models from the old Abercrombie & Fitch catalogs. The perfect face. He wanted "abs," he said. "Sure," I said. "I can help you with that. I can help you with a lot of things." **** Part 2 in July
  7. First Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1131-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-one/ Previous Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1532-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-six/ CHAPTER SEVEN It turned out that Carlos was bringing himself to me. His thick accent was unmistakable as he pounded down the stairs from the cardio area on the second floor. “What the fuck’s goin’ on down here?” He said as he was about halfway down. The suspended staircase shook until he reached the ground floor. Then he turned and saw me. “Aw, fuck,” the massive, heavily tattooed Puerto Rican said. Carlos was wearing what he always wore when working upper body – baggy jeans that hung too low and a white undershirt. Because of his six foot eight inches of height, 375 pounds of muscle and matching attitude, Hank and I had privately referred to him as the alpha male of New York for the past five years. He was dark and naturally smooth with a perpetual five o’clock shadow. His gigantic arms, bigger even than Hank’s, sported elaborate sleeve tattoos. To my surprise, he swaggered right up to me without hesitation. The hand on the scale swung up to over 780 as he joined me on the platform. “Look at you, bro,” he said as his hands freely roamed my body. “Even thicker than me, man.” He did have to look down at me, but it was also clear that he was in complete awe. He put his huge hands on each of my mammoth deltoids. “Damn, you the widest man alive, man.” He roughly felt my arms and pecs and tried unsuccessfully to move and squeeze them. Unable to even dent part of my body, he worked his way down to my cock, which had begun throbbing and spewing pre-cum again. Already, I was imagining driving my giant rod into his virgin hole. “Whatta fuckin’ stud,” he said as he took in my huge cock. The giant alpha male held the underside of it in his left hand and reverently stroked the top as if he were caressing a python. “Fuck this,” he said as he abruptly stepped back. He removed his shoes and jeans then tore off his shirt and boxers. His big cock flopped out and he tossed the torn pieces of fabric aside. I watched his pendulous organ swing back and forth between his long, heavily muscled legs as it filled with blood. “Just fuck me now, stud,” he said as he resumed stroking my meat. “I gotta feel that stud cock stretch me out, bro. Show me who’s boss now.” “It’s gonna hurt,” I said as I took his enormous organ in my hand. None of the guys had ever seen Carlos’ dick hard. It was something of an urban legend. But as I gently tugged on his tool, it was obvious that the rumors were accurate. Our fuck poles were both huge, but very different. Mine must have been nearly four inches thick at the base, tapering to about two and a half inches thick at the head. It also curved upward so that when fully erect, which was most of the time now, it appeared to be standing at attention. Carlos’ tool was clearly shorter, perhaps a foot long, with maybe a two and a half inch base that flared out in the middle to around three inches before tapering back down to a head about two inches wide. It hung slightly downward. I had always preferred asses to cocks, I just wanted my bottoms to have a cock, so I was surprised to find his extremely hot. “Fuck yeah, it’ll hurt,” he said as he got down on his knees and examined my cock more closely. “It’s supposed ta hurt. That’s how my bitches know they getting’ it from a real stud.” He put his hands around the immense base of my tool, devouring it with his eyes. Pre-cum was again spurting from my oversized piss slit. “Fuck, this thing is off the hook,” he said excitedly. “You the alpha of all alpha males, bro.” “Yeah, I am,” I agreed. Carlos opened wide and shoved the head of my cock into his mouth, which was pretty much all that would fit. At the same time, he released my cock and grabbed hold of his own, stroking the full length of it slowly as he nursed on the business end of my tool. Then he pulled his head back and leaned forward until he was facing down at the floor right at my feet. My pre-cum began to pool on the back of his shaved head and neck. “I thought I had a huge cock,” he said in a strange, diminished tone. His normally powerful voice was breaking. “I thought I was a big stud, man. But you smokin’ on a whole other level.” Incredibly, he began to sob even as he continued to work his cock. I looked down as he groveled at my feet and speculated on the psychology behind his reaction. Was it the loss of his alpha male status? Discovering someone mightier than he? Was it joy of some kind? Who could better understand and appreciate my absolute dominance than another alpha male? Still on his knees, he straightened and looked up at me. Tears streamed down his face. “You the god of all men. You the god of all things masculine,” he said as he stared up at me, somehow appearing vulnerable and small. “I gotta worship you, bro ... ah, FUCK!” I stepped back and watched as he blew his wad. Thick ropes of his cum landed on my feet – cum, which once he recovered, he promptly licked up. He remained kneeling with his forehead resting on my right foot. He looked so impossibly massive and thick in that position that I couldn’t imagine that someone could be bigger still. Yet, I was. “Stand,” I finally said. He obeyed immediately, silent for the first time since coming downstairs. The giant bodybuilder’s eyes were riveted to my cock. “Look at me.” I locked eyes with him – alpha male to alpha male. My cock, which continued to throb powerfully and spill pre-cum onto the scale’s platform, began to pound yet more rapidly, swelling even larger and harder, vibrating in excitement as I placed my hands on his hips and effortlessly lifted him off the floor. Still controlling his eyes with my own, I stepped off the scale and rotated his hips. Pre-cum gushed from my spasming fuck rod and I brought his massive legs around so that they straddled my abdomen and pressed the head of my cock against his sphincter. His cock surged to full mast in seconds. “FUUUUUUUCK,” he said. “FUCK, what a STUD!” Carlos threw his head back and seized his great tool in both hands as he moaned. “The head ain’t in jet and you already pumpin’ your jizz into me.” He was right, so I pulled him down slightly, gasping as his sphincter stretched around the head of my cock until the crown was almost completely inside him. Just a bit more. I closed my eyes and sighed in bliss as I felt it snap down on my shaft. His hole was warm and soft and I drew on every bit of self-control I possessed to keep from ramming myself in to the hilt. I opened my eyes and met his again. Already, sweat was pouring down his face. “Just do it, bro,” he said. “Split me wide open. I know you wanna.” I shook my head subtly. “I’d like to keep you around awhile.” He smiled broadly, his teeth white against his tan skin. It was the first time I’d ever seen a smile on his face. “You own me.” “I know,” I said as I yanked him down another few inches. His face became pale and sweat dripped from every part of his body. My pre-cum continued surging into his ass. His sphincter was so tight around my massive shaft that I knew it was sealed in, filling his gut. Still staring into his eyes, I pulled him down a bit more. He gritted his teeth but smiled. “So fuckin’ huge,” he gasped between breaths. “Biggest fuckin’ cock in the world.” “It is the biggest cock in the world,” I said. I didn’t speak arrogantly, for it was a fact. One I somehow knew with complete certainty. “And it gets bigger every day,” I added. I broke eye contact with him and looked down at my cock. The thickest part of the mighty shaft had yet to stretch him out and I wondered if I should continue. Already, I could feel a thin trail of his blood from his hole to the underside of my great tool and I had only impaled him on about half of it. I bucked my hips slightly, thrusting in short arcs, relishing the heat of his ass, the caress of his powerful sphincter. Despite my concern, I could wait to feel him stretched around the fat base of my cock. “Hurts like a son-of-a-bitch but I love havin’ you in my ass,” he said as he ran his hands over my immense pectorals. “Biggest fuckin’ muscle. Biggest fuckin’ cock. How much more, bro?” “About halfway in. Seven or eight inches.” He then met my eyes with an expression of complete astonishment and awe. “You a god, man, and I gotta worship you right.” Carlos reached down with both hands and locked on to my thick wrists. Taking a deep breath, he pulled up with all his strength, driving the full length of my hard as steel, throbbing fuck rod into his ass. The world around me faded and for a few minutes I was awash in pleasure as my cum cannon unloaded into Carlos’ torn ass. His spunk sprayed across my massive pecs as I balanced his now unconscious mass on my erupting cock and threw my great arms up to my sides, flexing and feeling them explode into the massive, striated boulders that they were, again roaring until the remaining windows shattered and light bulbs began to burst and rain down across the floor. I pulled Carlos to me, relishing the sensation of his massively muscled body against mine, drunk with the knowledge that I was by far the most muscular and powerful man to ever walk the face of the earth – and that I would only become more so. My Rican’s belly was greatly distended and I slowly extracted my tool from his ass, aware that his pelvis had broken, if not more. At least a gallon of cum and blood poured onto the floor and I carried him over to one of the stretching tables. I checked his pulse and breathing – both were steady. “That’s my big stud,” I said to his still form. Even unconscious he was strong. My back throbbed. The pain was deep, but muted. I wondered if I had been unconscious. I felt the woman’s hand in mine and squeezed it. She squeezed back. I smiled to myself, relieved that she was still alive. I couldn’t remember her name, but we might be rescued after all. She could tell me then. “He’s awake,” I heard a male voice say. “You’re going to be fine.” It was quiet. The only sound I could hear was a series of beeps. The sirens were gone. My body ached. I could feel something in my mouth and nose. I tried to open my eyes but they wouldn’t cooperate. I tried to move my arms but couldn’t. Someone was talking again – a woman – but it didn’t make any sense. I wondered why nothing was working and felt for her hand again... I looked around the gym floor as if for the first time. Hank and the desk clerk were on their knees near the front desk, spent cocks in hand, staring into the distance as if in a trance – just as were many other men. Matt was on the floor in a fetal position, eyes open but glazed over. The rest of the gym members, men and women alike, were either unconscious on the floor or on their knees, bowing down to me. I saw Matt blink and stir. I walked over to him. “Matt, I need you to call 9-1-1 for Carlos. Do you hear me?” He blinked again but didn’t move. “Matt!” After a few seconds he nodded and moved. “Yeah, call 9-1-1,” he said. I approached Hank. “Hank, are you with me?” He looked up at me with the expression of a little boy. “You really are a god,” he said wistfully. I rolled my eyes and held my hand out to him. “Yeah, yeah, I know,” I said as I pulled him up. “Matt is calling 9-1-1 for Carlos. You’re in charge of making sure everyone is okay and cleaning up this mess. Recruit everyone you need. I’ll be back to help.” I looked back and saw that Matt was already on his iPhone. I started for the stairs. “I want everyone to help Hank clean this up,” I announced as I bounded up to the second floor. “Where you goin’?” Hank called out. “To take a shower!” Water was spraying on my shoulders. It was warm, wonderful. It tickled my skin and prodded me to alertness. I opened my eyes and tried to focus on a dark figure that was in front of me – a woman in a red one-piece swimsuit. The woman and her swimsuit contrasted strongly against white tile. After a few minutes, I realized I was sitting in a chair in a shower stall. She was washing my hair. Was this Karen? Why was her swimsuit familiar? “Jamal?” She said. “Are you awake?” The voice was velvet smooth but excited. She wasn’t Karen, but I knew her. She was my sister, Noor. I wondered where I was, why she was washing my hair. Did she wash Karen’s hair too? I tried to ask but my mouth wouldn’t work. I knew it was open but nothing came out... * * * It was midnight by the time we finished cleaning up the gym. The windows and other glass fixtures would have to be replaced, but otherwise it was ready for business. An ambulance picked up Carlos while I was in the shower – alone because I had locked the door. The desk clerk had told the paramedics that several gang members had knocked Carlos out and sodomized him with an Olympic barbell before breaking all the windows and leaving. The gym staff and manager on duty agreed without comment. No, they didn’t want to call the police. As ridiculous as it sounded, it was a more believable explanation than the truth. I had experimented some to test my strength before helping the others clean up, but there was nothing in the gym that was heavy enough to create meaningful resistance. The Olympic barbell that I loaded with twelve 100-pound plates was so light it may as well have been paper maché. The ten-pound plate I bent and snapped over the middle finger of my right hand put up no more of a fight than Styrofoam. I had to balance the weight, but I was impossibly strong. For some reason this did not surprise me. The three of us walked back to my apartment in silence. The streets and sidewalks were nearly empty, for which I was grateful, as my cock now seemed to be perpetually erect. It had no interest in hiding so I held a large mat around my waist to keep any gawking to a minimum. I wondered what Hank and Matt were thinking. The past few days had been completely surreal. Whatever trajectory I was on seemed to be rushing me toward being worshipped by all mankind – whether I wanted that or not. I had become godlike in three days. Even as I walked, the very thought made me dizzy, both with its inexplicability and consequences. We were about a block from my building when Hank broke the silence. “Not that I can make any sense of any of this, and I’m not complainin’, but what I want to know is where the hell all that cum is comin’ from.” I had been wondering the same thing, but it was just one of my many exceptionally wonderful but mysterious changes. “The same place as my muscles and everything else, I guess,” I said after a few seconds. “Sunlight and electricity seem to make me grow. Maybe it’s like photosynthesis or something.” “I don’t think so,” Matt said. “I’ve been thinking about this all day. Photosynthesis is a chemical process. Matter isn’t being created, just converted. Like from carbon dioxide and water into organic compounds like carbohydrates.” I stopped in my tracks. I realized again that I had no idea what Matt did for a living. Perhaps he was a scientist of some kind – but that could wait. “You are saying that I’m creating muscle and cum from nothing?” “Not from nothing – and it’s just a theory. I suppose you could be sucking a hundred pounds of carbon dioxide, nitrogen and water out of the air every day, but I don’t think so ... wait. Have you been drinking any water?” I had to think about it. Everything had been so strange lately. “Yeah,” I said. “Not a lot, but yeah, and you know, I haven’t taken a leak or anything.” “Okay, but it still doesn’t explain where the other elements are coming from. Calcium and sulfur, for example.” “So from where then?” I asked. “It’s complicated,” he said. “And I’m not a physicist, let alone a quantum physicist, so I probably can’t even explain it correctly.” “Try us,” Hank said impatiently. But I started walking again. “Later,” I said. “Right now I just want to hit the sack.” Not to mention that I wasn’t going to stand naked on a Manhattan sidewalk at midnight, even for a physics lesson from Matt – [email protected]. “You’re a veterinarian,” I said to Matt as we walked up the stairs. It was a guess, but also a logical explanation for his knowledge of organic chemistry. He looked at me and smiled. “Took you long enough,” he said. “Most people figure it out more quickly.” “I’m sorry,” I said sarcastically. “I haven’t been myself the past few days.” “Yeah, well, if you’re going to be a god, you’re going to have to do better,” he said and immediately sprinted up the remaining two flights of stairs. “Woo hoo!” He called out upon reaching the top. Hank looked at me, his expression dripping with mock impatience. “When does he fly back home?” “This weekend.” “It can’t come soon enough,” he said, but I knew he was kidding. He was as taken with Matt as I was. I looked up the stairs and then back at Hank. “You know, I don’t want him to leave.” * * * I reclined in the new, improved bed with my hands over my head. Hank and Matt had finished devouring a very late meal and assumed their positions on either side of me, their curious hands exploring my fantastic body. I couldn’t blame them; I would be doing the same thing. Hell, I did do the same thing. I watched my mammoth cock throb. Pre-cum continued to ooze from the piss slit, generated by some unexplained cum factory within my body. I had so little control over it. I couldn’t make it go flaccid. I couldn’t make it stop leaking. It really seemed to have a mind of its own. “It’s almost useless,” I said. “I love how big it is. I love how it looks and feels, but I can’t even fuck anymore.” “You fucked Carlos,” Hank said. “And could have killed him,” I said. “He must be one of the largest men in the world. If I’m too big for him, I’m too big for everyone else. And that doesn’t really help because it keeps getting bigger along with the rest of me.” “I love it,” Hank said. “I love you gettin’ bigger. I hope you get nine feet tall with a three foot cock.” Nine feet tall with a yard-long cock? I turned at looked at him. “That’s freaky, man. I had a dream this morning that I was that big.” Matt was quiet. He really did know how to be tactful. “And you liked it, too,” Hank said. “In the dream.” I did like it. I felt like a god testing his limits and not finding one. But I changed the subject. “Where did they take Carlos, anyway?” “Bellevue,” Matt said. “Where ever that is.” “Bellevue?” Hank sighed. “Oy.” Everything was black. I wondered if it was night already. Had I been asleep? I remembered someone talking to me – my sister. I must have been dreaming though, she lived in California. “I think he’s out of it,” a woman said. I took a deep breath. The air was clean, fresh, and slightly antiseptic. Were we in a hospital? Someone was shining a light in my eyes, which hurt. I tried to squeeze them shut. “He’s definitely out of it,” the voice said again. “Go ahead and call her.” Karen? She had asked about me? I opened my eyes and blinked. It was difficult to focus, but I was in a hospital room. A middle-aged woman was standing over me. She looked tired, but very attractive. “Welcome back,” the now-familiar voice said. “Can you tell me your name?” Of course I could. My name was Jamal. But there seemed to be a wall between my brain and my mouth. “Noor,” I said. I knew that wasn’t right, but that is what came out. I frowned. She nodded. “That’s okay. Your sister is on the way. She’s been staying at your apartment.” She smiled. “Try again.” It required much effort on my part and much patience from her, but I was finally able to say it. “Jamal,” I said. “My name is Jamal Al-Bakri.” “Good,” she said. “I’m Doctor McAllister. You’ve been in a coma for a few weeks, but you’re doing fine. Do you understand me?” I liked her. She seemed very nice. A coma? I wondered if the building I had carried Karen into had fallen and injured my head. But I did understand her so I nodded. She told me that I had been found unconscious in the Borough of Manhattan Community College parking garage after the collapse of the World Trade Center and brought here to Bellevue. The Twin Towers had been destroyed by terrorists. She didn’t tell me anything else. The parking garage made sense. The entrance was on West Broadway. I told the doctor there had been a woman with me. A woman named Karen. She claimed that she didn’t have any information about her. Next Chapter: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1974-transformation-part-i-mutation-chapter-eight/
  8. As they prepare for the practice that evening, Miguel admits to Alden that he is a bit apprehensive having those pills with him. He says it is too tempting to use not just one, but all of them at one time. Alden says not to worry about it that much since Gibson at least trusts them with having them in safe keeping. As it turns out during practice, both Alden and Miguel are on separate squads as the biggest jerk of them all, Doug the first string quarterback, will be on the team with Alden. ‘Hey dipshit, way to use those fucking hands.’ He says to Alden after a play. Several of the other guys on the squad start laughing and giving high-fives to each other. Alden turns and rolls his eyes so Doug can’t see him doing it. As the team gathers together to give instructions, Doug once again harasses Alden telling him how much he wants to knock him out. ‘I’m giving you one more shot dumbass, catch the fucking ball.’ After the snap, Doug tosses the ball to Alden as he fumbles it and two linebackers knock him down. Alden winces in pain as the guys get off him. Doug walks over and glares at him. ‘That’s it fucker. We are going to have a chat in the locker room.’ He grabs Alden’s arm and lifts him up only to crack him in the back with his fist. Alden doubles over in pain for a few moments as the squad moves into the locker room from the field. He follows behind slowly. As he scurries inside, Doug pushes him up against a wall and starts to taunt him over and over. ‘So moron, I think you have just worn out your welcome on the team. Every guy here can probably vouch for me as to why you should probably be fired.’ ‘Hey I am sorry Doug. It’s just…..your passes are not exactly perfect.’ Doug begins to turn beet red at this answer. ‘WHAT THE FUCK? NOT PERFECT? ARE YOU SHITTING ME? You have been playing this stupid game for months Alden. Perhaps you just suck ass. I am so tired of this bullshit. I am done with you.’ Alden remembers the bottle in his jersey pocket and pops it open. He plops one of the pills in his hand and quickly knocks it down his throat. Doug smirks a little as he does this. ‘Well well, the poor little man must be in some pain if he is popping pain pills. I’ll give you REAL pain!’ Doug rams his fist over and over into Alden’s chest as he cries out in pain as the squad looks on. Remarkably though the pain subsides quickly as it turns to euphoria. Alden can feel the pill reacting almost immediately after it hits his stomach. Doug is completely oblivious to what is happening as several players turn to rush into the shower. Alden smiles as he feels his dark skin stretching filling up the open space in his jersey. Doug turns around and begins to notice the changes as his eyes get huge. Alden’s lower body begins to stretch the spandex to its limits as the seams begin to pop slowly. His skinny forearms have grown huge veins to accommodate his thick chocolate guns. Doug becomes mesmerized by these changes as Alden laughs hysterically feeling his chest start to burst out the front of his jersey revealing mammoth boulders of solid muscle. His abs tear through the bottle as his once nonexistent stomach muscles blow up into an astonishing 10-pack. His back and lats are now making quick work of the rest of his top as it falls to the ground. Even Alden’s face has changed as he grows a thick black beard and develops dimples in his chin and cheeks. He can see that Doug is getting turned on quite a bit. *deep voice* ‘UH HUH, who is the big man now star quarterback? Keep watching……ahh fuck look at these fucking guns.’ Alden flexes his monstrous arms as veins pop out everywhere to match his shiny brown skin. He feels his pants give way as the seams finally explode unleashing a mountain of brown muscle where his tiny legs used to be. Doug sees the silhouette of Alden’s growing love muscle as it snakes its way down his left quad. Alden makes a gesture with his eyebrows as he feels his cock beginning to rip its way free. ‘Ohh fuck yeah Doug I want you to punch me now. Give me all you have, I know you won’t have to the same impact as before.’ Doug goes to punch him in the chest and ends up hurting himself badly bruising fingers and yelling in agony. Alden’s cock finally breaks free from its captivity as the material shreds all the way down to his ankles and peels off revealing a hulking veiny black cock with a wet pink head bouncing up and down. The quarterback can’t take his eyes off of it but starts to back off. Alden walks toward him and grab his arms before he can take off. ‘Going somewhere Doug? I don’t think so, now it is time for you to feel a few punches.’ Alden lightly punches him in the gut and then along his sides making the quarterback wince every time. The huge black stud shreds Doug’s jersey and pulls him into his grasp. He starts to squeeze him tightly making the frightened white man try to get away again. Alden laughs at him trying to push his legs free. The big black hulk lifts him up and starts doing lunges with him before tossing him around and smack his backside a few times. Doug gets a tad angry at this but knows he can’t do a thing about it. Alden tears his pants open to start massaging the quarterback’s hot butt. Doug yells for help but the guys in the shower are gathering around to see what happens next without any intervention. Some of them even give the thumbs up to Alden as he slowly starts to push one of his hands into Doug’s tight hole. The immobile victim tries to tighten his hole but Alden’s incredible power only makes it hurt worse. He tries to scream but Alden takes his free hand and covers his mouth preventing any sound from getting out. Some of the guys watching begin stroking their cocks as they notice Alden’s engorged cock pooling pre all over the floor. He moans as he successfully starts to stretch the quarterback’s hole wider and wider to get his beefy black hand inside. ‘That’s a good boy Doug, let go of that tension inside you. I can make you feel oh so good.’ He pushes his hand in and out a few times as a few of the players start to move in closer to him. One of them gets down on the floor to gulp down on Alden’s huge cock making him shutter. He begins to realize that he is the center of attention as guys begin shoving their cocks in his face. Hands begin massaging him as he lets go of Doug. The scared quarterback goes running into the shower to sulk. Alden begins sucking multiple cocks as he himself gets serviced. Before long there are five cocks spewing thick frothy cum all over Alden’s massive muscles as his shiny brown coat begins to look all white. He laughs and gives winks to all of the guys as they go back into the shower to clean up. The one servicing his cock continues to work him over. Alden tells him to stop so he can go harass Doug who is still in the shower area. Alden waddles in as guys start gesturing to where Doug is at. Alden tries to move slowly so he doesn’t make much noise. Doug appears to be in shock as he cowers in one of the bathroom stalls. Alden opens the door quickly and tries to maneuver his way in so he can get to Doug. He stops smiling at him and looks as if he feels a bit sorry for Doug. ‘Look man, I get you are an asshole, but I know how to help you relax. Maybe we can salvage some kind of agreement out of this. You leave me and my friend Miguel alone and I won’t hurt you. You have already screwed up your chances of being the first quarterback now Doug. Give me that fine ass of yours.’ ‘I am not queer freak. You come near me and I will press charges.’ Alden grabs him before he can move and turns him around so his ass touches the black hulk’s cock. Doug begins violently squirming causing Alden to restrain him so he doesn’t injury himself further. ‘Come on now Doug just relax, I think you just need a good anal massage to clear out those nasty thoughts in your head. It will be good for you.’ ‘Fuck you faggot, you won’t get away with this.’ ‘Too late genius, I think the entire first-string practice squad has jizzed all over me so they gave their approval.’ Doug can feel Alden’s huge rod starting to move inside him as he moans in agony. Alden starts to push his weight on top of the frightened quarterback as his enormous chest rubs on the white man’s back. The black hulk starts to grind him slowly as he moans deeply into Doug’s ear. ‘Ahhh good boy Doug…..i can feel you relaxing already. Let me do all the work and you just enjoy the ride.’ Alden increases his speed and starts to yell as he feels his balls growing and filling with tons of cum. Doug moans himself as he feels his cock getting hard. Alden sees this and reaches around to stroke it. The quarterback starts to rub Alden’s massive tree trunk quads and appears to be going with the flow. ‘See it feels good doesn’t it? Now do we have an understanding about me and Miguel?’ ‘Uhh what the…..oh mmmmm…..fuck your cock is so……yeah we have an understanding Alden. Shit man I am blown away by your size and power…..how did you do this?’ ‘Hehe it is my secret. Mmmmm oh fuck it is going to be a big load Doug, where do you want it?’ ‘What? I don’t want your cum on me that is fucking sick. I mean…..oh fuck you won’t take no as an answer will you?’ Alden laughs and says it depends. Doug quickly agrees that he won’t harass him or Miguel again. Alden pulls out and slaps his cock on Doug’s neck. He flips him around and slaps his face and lips with it. ‘Open up for me Doug…..i think you might enjoy what I have to offer.’ Doug slowly opens his mouth as Alden shoves it inside and starts fucking him rapidly. Doug moans deeply as Alden begins to gasp feeling his load pushing its way up into his thick rod. He pulls his cock out of Doug’s mouth and wanks it wildly. ‘OHHHH YEAHH MAN IT IS COMING FAST……OH FUCK……STICK YOUR TONGUE OUT DOUG…..’ Doug sticks his tongue out as Alden’s piss slit gapes open and shoots thick ropes down his throat. Doug gags immediately as Alden pumps jet after jet down his gullet. The quarterback drools huge amounts of cum down his chest as Alden yells in ecstasy. Several players start shooting their loads all over the shower and bathroom hearing and seeing the whole sequence. The black hulk finishes cumming and leans down to scoop his jizz up and swallows it. He leaves the stall and walks over to one of the showers to clean up. Doug stumbles to his feet and goes to the other side of the shower area to clean up. Most of the practice squad gather around Alden as he begins to shrink. They mutter to themselves wondering how he could be shrinking. Doug stands in utter silence under a shower head as he stares into space. It is unclear what he will do next after this crazy experience. End of Part II
  9. MonsterMash62

    The Soldier's Genie (Nsfw)

    Originally posted on my Tumblr blog. Image was posted on Banging the Boy's Tumblr archive. "So you're going to give us three wishes?" I asked. My buddy Jamie and I were on leave for a week and since we were both single, traveled together into Cairo for the weekend. We're currently stationed just outside of Cairo and had two days of leave. We'd already found a hostel for the night and were out on the prowl, hoping to score with some hot Egyptian babes. With our toned, tight soldier bodies, I didn't think it'd be too difficult. The girls here love white soldier boys. Jamie's got a handsome face with black hair but his nose is kinda crooked from a fight he got in last year, which tends to either put girls off or to bring them to him panting. It makes his pretty boy face look rough, and let's everyone know that he's a bit of a badass. I'm pretty sexy myself, in that boy next door way. I've got blond hair and blue eyes, and girls tell me all the time how much they love my smile. Usually just before they slide my dick between their lips. We were looking for this bar we'd heard had a crowd that was friendly to soldiers. We definitely weren't wanted everywhere, and tonight wasn't the night to start shit. Much as I know Jamie would've loved to kick some Egyptian ass, my preference was to fuck one that night. It'd been a few weeks since I'd gotten laid, and man were my nuts backed up. "Three wishes?" the genie said, as if he didn't understand. We'd gotten lost and turned down a slim alleyway to get out of the sun for a second and get our bearings. Jamie had noticed something sparkling on the ground. Picking up a slightly rusty golden lamp, he rubbed it a few times on his shirt, laughing and saying it looked like the lamp from Aladdin. He quickly dropped it and we both jumped back when smoke started pouring out of it. When the smoke became a large muscular Egyptian man, I think we both believed that his joke about Aladdin hadn't been too far off. "Yeah, three wishes, man," Jamie said. "We freed you from your stupid lamp, now you give us three wishes." The Genie threw his head back and laughed. Something about our suggestion had apparently been amusing. I backed up a bit, wondering if I should be worried. If maybe he wasn't a genie. He was a good foot taller than either of us and quite a bit wider as well. He wore a turban with a gem in it, making him look regal. His face was covered with a thick black beard. He stood shirtless, his huge, hairless chest heaving with every breath. Gold chains were attached to his nipples, leading my eyes down his firm abdominal wall and into his pants, which seemed more like a parachute that had been wrapped around his legs than anything else. For shoes he wore golden metal sandals, and on his wrists he wore mismatched golden bracelets. Eventually, he finished laughing. "Oh, my friends, I don't know who told you that." Lifting one of his meaty fingers up to his face, he wiped a tear from his eyes. He'd found my question that funny. "That's not how this works. I've been stuck in that tiny little lamp for months now, and besides being ready to get out, I'm horny as fuck." His thick left eyebrow lowered at us and the edges of his lips curled up into an even bigger smile, his white teeth gleaming. He suddenly looked very shark-like. I glanced at Jamie and we both silently agreed it was time to leave. We both started backing up slowly, keeping our eyes on the genie as we did. We moved a few feet before the genie snapped his fingers and we heard a thud sound as our backs came in contact with something solid and firm. Looking behind me, I saw only empty alleyway. It was like we'd hit an invisible wall, trapping us there. "Oh shit," I said out of the side of my mouth to Jamie. "Maybe rubbing that lamp wasn't such a great idea," he said. "Now, now boys. The party's just getting started." The genie snapped his fingers again and a bright light flashed, blinding me. When my vision finally cleared, I saw that we were in what looked like a rather large, rather swanky hotel room. The genie sat directly in front of us on an ottoman type thing, his pants long gone and his humongous penis flopped down on his thick, striated left thigh. He still wore his turban, the chains clamped to his nipples, his golden armbands, and his sandals, but was otherwise naked. The chains hung down low, wrapped around his cock and balls. Jumping back in shock, I realized that Jamie and I were both completely naked except for our dog tags, our soldier's bodies on display. Both of our dicks were completely flaccid. I swear the sight of the genie's cock, massive, thick and uncut, made my dick shrink, if that was even possible. "That's better. Now we can all be a little more comfortable." He grabbed a glass from a nearby table and took a sip of whatever was in it while we stood there. I started to panic. Without thinking it through, I jumped at him. He'd stopped us from leaving once by snapping his fingers, so I figured knocking him out was the only way we were getting out of whatever this was. His eyes widened slightly, but before my body even landed, he snapped his fingers and I found myself floating in the air above him. I couldn't move a muscle. I just hovered there, completely still. Then he snapped his fingers again, and I blinked and found myself standing up straight next to Jamie once more. One second I was defying the laws of gravity, the next I stood mostly still, next to my best friend. I could move my head now, and look around, but my hands and feet just would not budge. "There will be no more of that," the Genie said, wagging a finger at me. He snapped his fingers again, saying, "Time to make you boys even more presentable." Suddenly my body seemed to just... Well, explode is the only way to describe it. I felt everything get larger. I looked down as my chest swelled, my round pectorals and pointy nipples moving further and further away from my body. I could feel my thighs and feet and calves growing as well, but my now much more muscular chest shelf blocked my view, and I couldn't bend my body to see. I glanced over at Jamie, and saw a panicked look in his eyes as the same thing happened to him. His chest was massive now, along with his legs and everything else. His biceps seemed to just inflate with muscle, getting bigger and fuller. His shoulders grew rounder, his chest broadening as they did. And to say that his cock grew was an understatement. Seeing his limp dick lengthen and thicken down in front of his body, until it was a third of the way to his knee, had me wondering what my own looked like. If either of our dicks got bigger or thicker when we got hard, we'd have a really rough time fitting into any woman comfortably. When the growth stopped, we both had the body type of compact, muscular, shredded gymnasts. Gymnasts with huge swinging cocks and big, full, round balls. I wanted to scream out at the Genie. To tell him that he had no right to turn me or my buddy into walking gay wet dreams. That I didn't belong to him. That this isn't how this was supposed to work. But I couldn't do that. I couldn't do anything but just stand there, waiting for whatever new and disgusting thing he felt like inflicting on us to happen. "Now that's what I spent my time dreaming about while trapped inside that tiny little lamp," the Genie said. He got up and walked towards us, a wicked grin on his face. "Now how about some sexy smiles to go with those sexy new bodies?" he said as he got closer to me. My face suddenly lit up. I could feel my cheeks moving and the corners of my mouth moving. I didn't want to, but I couldn't stop myself. I knew, without seeing it, that I was giving him the same smile I gave hot girls when trying to get their interest. A quick glance at Jamie and I saw he was doing the same thing. Only one side of his mouth turned up, making his smile crooked, his perfectly straight pearly whites gleaming at me. I knew that's why that smile always worked for him: it was a little off, just like his crooked tough guy nose, just like him. But his eyes. The smile didn't reach them. They were still wide, and I knew he felt just as powerless and scared as I did. "Ah yes, there they are," the Genie said, his own grin getting a little bit wider, a little bit more satisfied. "Time to admire my new toys." The Genie walked around us both, like he was inspecting cattle. Our heads tracked his every move, our forced smiles beaming at him. The chains tied to his nipples jangled as he moved, and with a shudder of revulsion, I noticed his uncut monster of a cock growing, pulling the chains tight as it did. When he got behind Jamie, he ran a finger down his spine from the middle of his back down to the top of the valley between his butt cheeks. "Hmmm," the Genie murmured, and as I watched, Jamie's cheeks grew bigger and rounder. "That will do nicely," the Genie said, not looking at either our faces. He examined my backside, but didn't touch me and I didn't feel anything grow. I probably should've been relieved, but then, what difference did it make? He'd already made me into something I'd never wanted to be. Here I was, big and strong and powerful now, and still trapped at the mercy of some sick magic thing I never would've believed in before today. As he came around to my front, he grabbed my right arm with both of his hands, slowly squeezing it. He was gentle and it didn't hurt, but it did get hot, and I realized that he was making it grow. Still smiling, I looked over at my left arm and saw that it too had grown. Well, I thought, crazily trying to joke with myself, at least I'm not an uneven freak. He slowly walked back to his seat and sat down. His eyes raked over our naked bodies again, and his dick grew even more. It stood straight up, pointing up to the ceiling. He grabbed his drink once again, and his face grew serious. "Only one thing still missing…" He snapped his fingers one last time. My mind went blank, and my cock filled with blood. All worry and doubt left me. The only thing that mattered now was pleasing the handsome and sexy man sitting in front of me. He was my master, and my sole purpose for being was to serve him and worship him. Suddenly my smile wasn't forced. How could it be with my master here, naked, waiting for me to please him? My dick immediately went from flaccid to hard, and my balls started to ache. How had I been scared of any of this before? I felt myself regain control of my muscles, and immediately rushed over to him. I leaned over the couch he sat on and rested my hands on both sides of his muscular thigh. My long, hard cock brushed against it, and I shivered at the feel of contact with any part of his wonderful skin. But, I knew, this wasn't about me. I quickly got to work worshipping his mighty cock. I licked the giant, round head. Jamie, who had knelt down on the floor to the other side of our perfect Master, ran his tongue along the Master's glorious shaft. We pleased him together with our mouths for a long time. Then he took turns fucking both of us many times, and I came like I've never come before. Nothing could compare to how it felt to please our wonderful lord. But eventually, exhausted to the point that we couldn't go on, Jamie and I fell asleep, nestled into our Master on either side. When we woke the next morning, the Master was gone. We quickly called out to him, but he and his lamp were nowhere to be found. He'd left our clothes there, magically altered to fit our bigger, better bodies, and we both got dressed. The clothes definitely fit our much more muscular frames, but were rather tight and very revealing. And we couldn't wear underwear anymore; our cocks were much too large for that to be comfortable. The place Master had taken us to was a very expensive hotel, and no one asked us any questions as we left. We had been to that part of town before, so didn't have any problems finding our way back to base. Neither of us said it, but we were both sad that our Master had left us. We didn't need to talk about what had happened. We both knew how we felt, now that Master had changed us. Back at base, we expected everyone would be shocked at how different we were, but no one even noticed. When we asked, everyone looked at us as if we were idiots and told us that we'd always been the biggest guys on base. A few hours after we got there, we were both approached while in the toilet to give a couple of the guys head. Apparently that was another gift from the Master: we were now the unofficial "Base Cocksuckers". Not that I minded. Master had given me a taste and talent for cock and I found myself more than happy to serve other men as I'd served him. Alongside my best friend Jamie, of course. If you enjoyed this story, please let me know!
  10. londonboy

    Daddy - Part Two

    The last word actually made his cock twitch hard. I could feel it next to mine. His entire body seemed to vibrate, as well, as if in unison with his stiff meat. I could have sworn the guy whispered the word ‘finally’ but it could have just been my own hopeful imagination. I could feel his ass clamping tightly together, as well. I didn’t know exactly what was causing his reaction, but I knew I liked it. Again, it took almost all of my strength not to squeeze the dude so hard that something broke. It was like I wanted his body to melt into mine. I had a need to be so close to him that a mere hug wouldn’t and couldn’t be enough to satisfy. Instead, my big paws squeezed his hard ass tightly causing the dude to wince a little, but he also gurgled something about me being ‘so big and strong.’ I knew it was best to distract myself from my intense desires of the moment, so I went back to asking questions. “What’s you name, kid,” I said, smiling at his face. “Bradley,” he replied. It wasn’t Biff, but it was close. He definitely looked like a Bradley and I bet he was a ‘the second’ or better yet ‘the third.’ That would make things even more complete. Hearing his name made me want to flex my guns, so I tensed my arms as I held his body at my waist. His eyes shot exactly where I hoped they would when my biceps swelled thicker. He mouthed some words but it wasn’t hard to see they were ‘fuck yeah.’ This high-powered businessman, this preppy ‘I come from old money’ dude clearly got off on things more powerful than him. I bet he owned a fast car. I bet he employed a trainer that looked like a trainer should – huge, hot, and virile. I bet he loved to skydive. The guy probably loved being near things that reminded him of his own mortality – his limits. I was pretty sure he loved anything that could subdue him. That’s why my arms easily caught and kept all of his attention. He could feel the power of my guns, since they were easily holding him in the air, but looking at their power – taking in their hugeness and beauty along with knowing what they could do – that’s what turned him on even more. It was like he was some kind of tactile learner, who needed to see and experience things to believe them. But he definitely loved it when things looked powerful. I could again feel his cock twitching for joy as he gazed at my tensed arms. There’s something special that happens to a mature muscle man when he figures out some young thing is attracted to his daddy strength and size. It’s hard to explain, but there’s a switch that goes on inside the big man’s head and he instantly intuits what will make the other guy happy. I’m pretty sure it comes with age and not just from being big. I’ve seen some big men in my life that had no idea how to please little fellas. But give a muscleman some years and a whole lot of experience and the wisdom flows as easily as a posing routine. My dick registered the little pup’s reaction to my tensed arms way before my brain did. It’s like the synapses from what my hands were feeling and all that my eyes were witnessing decided to go south first, alerting my cock to potential pleasure before it did the same for my brain. The pup’s expression as he gaped upon my massive biceps signified another hurdle had been leapt over in this little muscle tango he and I were doing. I was passing some test, moving to the next round, and being moved to the front of the class in this guy’s opinion – and that was just as important as him getting to new levels in my estimation. In order for a young small buck to want to be controlled, subdued, or dominated he needs to trust his master completely. He’s got to want his master completely. I learned a long time ago there are guys out there that say they love big men, but I quickly realized they knew nothing about true muscle worship. Let me give all my big muscled brothers a little word of advice – if you come across small dudes who think that worshipping your big bod is only about them touching or you flexing please turn around and run. For one thing, the verbal ascent to worship needs to be intense and should almost equal the final explosion. A true worshipper is not afraid to talk about your huge muscles or their thirst for said mounds of beef. A sure sign of a lousy worshipper is a silent worshipper. Another way of weeding out unsuccessful worshippers is listening close to their terminology. If a small dude can only say ‘I love your fucking huge arms’ and ‘Wow, what a giant chest,’ it’s more than likely you have only a muscle whore on your hands. Don’t get me wrong – there’s a place for muscle whores in every big man’s life, but they aren’t meant to be long term. They’re good when you want to just get a superficial boost to your ego. These guys are what I call the lightweights. They usually shoot their loads before you even get fully charged – mainly because they just love bulges – and not what has gone into making those bulges. These shallow dudes will squirt all over the place as soon as you flex a little or let them touch your body. Rarely are they concerned about you getting off and the thought of you being a little rough makes them go nelly screaming out of your apartment. Like I said before, there’s a place for such guys in the world – but I’ve grown wise in my old age and I’ve learned to look for something much more substantial – something a lot deeper. A true muscle daddy worshipper appreciates your wisdom as much as he appreciates your size. He’s into your bulges – I guarantee that – but he’s just as excited about seeing how those muscles influence your daddy psyche, as well. The guys that turn out to be keepers need their big man to be three-dimensional. The little pup’s said, “He, of course, needs to have the body from hell, but he better have the attitude from hell, too.” I’m not talking about being some ax murderer or psychopath – I mean the muscled dude has to have a cockiness that enables him to squeeze his pup’s neck hard for a greeting or can make flirts back away from his pup with just a low growl or an intense stare. If a young stud is a real worshipper he’ll be looking for the daddies that have the third aspect of a complete package – the big man has to have experience. This is why most young men can’t reach true muscle daddy-om. They don’t have the years that make them fantastic kissers, charming beyond your wildest dreams, pro sexual athletes, and – most importantly – men with a sixth sense about exactly what will make their pup happy. It’s, of course, rare that such specific and powerfully-charge individuals can find each other, but it does happen. I knew many couples that were living in daddy-pup bliss and had been for years. Unfortunately, that special prize had eluded me for all of my life. I had been with some fantastic guys – but most of them had merely turned out to be muscle whores. They were into my hard beef, but could not have cared less about my thoughts, my wisdom, or my need to truly dominate a guy. Let’s stop and get one thing straight – the word dominate has gotten a bad rap in recent years. Everyone views it as something negative or demeaning. I think the great work in the area of spousal abuse had really brought the wrong kind of attention to the type of domination I’m referring to. In the muscle daddy world – to dominate means there first had to be an invitation. It’s like the big man is standing on the side of the ballroom and he only enters the dance if some young pup walks up to him and asks. That’s why most of my evenings with so-called muscle worshippers merely ended in them getting off on my massiveness. That’s all they wanted. But it can be so much more – it can be so much more empowering to be dominated. It’s when that special someone trusts you so completely and needs you so completely that they actually request you to become something special for them – something more powerful. That’s when the true magic happens. That’s when lives change. And what’s crazy – what you might not fully understand – is that the dominator is subdued, as well. He becomes a slave to his pup. There’s no way for you to fully understand until it happens to you, but let’s just say that you give up all rational thought when you become somebody’s full fledge muscle daddy. You become their protector, their trainer, their disciplinarian, and so much more – but you also become tied to them in a way that all the fucking strength in your body could not undo no matter how hard you try. You become theirs as much as they become yours. So, you can see how thrilling it could be to pass certain hurdles in this dance the young pup and I were doing. I could feel my own heart swelling with hope – with anticipation over what the next few hours could bring. I had been on the precipice many times before – only to be a solo jumper, the would-be pup preferring the safety of the ledge instead of joyously falling into the abyss of true muscle worship. My fantasies of what might be had taken me to some other place and the pup had finally torn his eyes away from my bulging arms to notice (another sign of a true worshipper – caring about what was happening with the daddy). He wanted to bring me back into the glorious here and now. “And what’s your name, sir?” he asked, clearly knowing full well what the word at the end of his sentence would do to me. To a muscle daddy – a good one – hearing the word ‘sir’ sends a jolt to his balls that equals the electricity it takes to light up a small town. My mother always made me use the words ‘please’ and ‘thank you’ to show that I was raised right and I think it is a very similar situation when pup’s say ‘sir.’ This dude was sending me a message with a simple three-letter word. He wanted me to know that he was raised right when it came to respect and adoration of elders. He also wanted me to know that he had some basic knowledge in the world of submission. Since gay men were now allowed to live such open lives the new ‘in the closet’ was when it came to fetishes. Gay men today had learned to talk in code to make clear what they were into – or what they weren’t into. The word ‘sir’ was definitely part of the muscle daddy worshipping scene – and it was used frequently to help others know if they could proceed with their flirting or not. The pup was clearly inviting me to move to the next level of our ever-evolving understanding of each other. We were peeling back the layers of the onion until we got to the core – the place where we both would be free to assume the roles we both desperately wanted. Each of us, however, knew to take it slowly. One false step could ruin the entire dance and we were definitely far too engaged in the glorious ball to let that foolishly happen. “People call me Butch,” I replied. “Of course they do,” he said seriously. “I’m glad to know your name, but I think I’ll just call you ‘sir’ if that’s okay with you.” There was that word again. My cock thumped against his hard-on. He felt it – I could tell by the smile that sprang to his face. My body had betrayed me. It gave away in a clear and precise way what that word did to me. I could see that he was overjoyed to recognize that fact. I got the feeling my little pup was checking off some list in his head as he got to know me better in the same way I was doing it for him. This seemed to solidify our connection even more. He, of course wasn’t going to be a total gentleman and let my body’s involuntary jolt of pleasure go without being alluded to. “You deserve the respect, sir,” he said, emphasizing the last word on purpose – and smiling even more when my cock again throbbed noticeably. “I know I do,” I shot back – my cock was uncontrollably reacting to this guy’s tone of respect, but that didn’t mean he was in charge. Cockiness was one of the three supports of being a muscle daddy and I could call on that reservoir of confidence whenever I wanted. I truly knew how incredible I was – and not only did it make me sure of myself, it also helped me to shower that same feeling on others. “I get the feeling you can be the perfect respectful pup.” I had anticipated his lust for that certain word correctly. His entire body shook with revealing pleasure – a response similar to mine. We both realized another hurdle had been easily sailed over. I loved the fact that he had to close his eyes – until the joyous jolt of worshipper euphoria passed. I wondered briefly if he was also saying a silent prayer to the muscle gods in hopes the beefy older dude holding him might be the real deal. I added my own plea to Mount Olympus or wherever for the same thing. I was beginning to worry that I was moving beyond a point of return. I was so hopeful about this pup I was beginning to worry that I might be projecting a lot of his reactions. I tried to be reasonable and realistic, but it was hard when all the signs pointed to your desired end.
  11. FREaky

    Pleasure Growth Part 9

    Enjoying getting super freaky with this story, which is what I always wanted to do with it. Hope you all are enjoying it. Cheers. - Frank Pleasure Growth 9 by F_R_Eaky Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1116-pleasure-growth/ Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1117-pleasure-growth-part-2/ Part 3: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1118-pleasure-growth-part-3/ Part 4: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1256-pleasure-growth-part-4/ Part 5: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1257-pleasure-growth-part-5/ Part 6: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1389-pleasure-growth-6/ Part 7: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1489-pleasure-growth-part-7/ Part 8: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/1551-pleasure-growth-part-8/ KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Zeke rolled his 6' 4" frame over in his bed. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK! Grabbing a pillow lightly in his sleep he mummbled, "Damn, honey, you're makin' the head board knock the wall. We're gonna wake the neighbors, Aaron." POUND POUND POUND POUND! Zeke awoke with a start. The room he was in didn't look familiar at all. Where the hell was he. Then it came flashing back to him in his mind. Him and Sanjay had left the college to head out and find Aaron. They had to pull over to get some sleep in a town just inside the Arizona boarder. POUND POUND POUND POUND! "Zeke! GET UP MAN! WE NEED TO TALK!" Shaking his head, Zeke go up and pulled on some sweatpants and fumbled his way to the door. He undid the chains and locks and opened it up. "Zeke... we need to talk, I got two reports we need to look a..... GOOD LORD! Zeke! Did you take the same thing as Aaron? Has Aaron's...uhm well, cum infected you with the same testosterone treatment he's on?" "What?! What do you mean? What are you talking about? Why are you looking at me like...I'm some kind of freak?" "You mean that is normal for you?" "What?" "That!" and Sanjay pointed down to a large bulge bouncing in Zeke's left sweat pants leg. "Oh!.... Sorry... you just woke me up and I was.... well...having a dream. I sleep nude and had to throw something on." "Ok...but again... is this from a..." "No! I'm naturally hung. 11 inches fully erect. Let me go take a piss. That'll deflate it, and then I can put on some underpants too, to stuff it in, ok?" "Sure.. sorry... just kind of surprised me there. Huge rod...nearly poking through your pants... No wonder Aaron likes you." "About Aaron..." Zeke called through the bathroom as he drained his python. "You said you had two things to tell me about him?" "Yeah. The first is, the concoction is worse than we feared. It seams, Wylie had even given it timing properties." "Meaning?" "Meaning, that when he gets approximately half way through his growth spurt, it'll kick in harder. In his case it means, he can suddenly become arosed again, almost immediately, and have another growth spurt right on top of one. He could keep having the spurt until he finishes." "Oh my God... we might not be able to get to him in time before..." "Before he's actually the size of a mountain." Zeke came out of the bathroom, cock making a large bulge in his underwear and sweatpants as he sat down on the bed. There was a bit of a pause before he looked up to Sanjay and asked, "Do we know how big he is currently?" "I'm not sure.... the reports from the circus had said around twenty-five feet tall when he left, but there are some reports around town located, here..." and Sanjay pulled out a map. "they reported rumors of a man...a god...around seventy-five feet tall, but that was at a cavern, and now.... my friends at the geological society have forwarded me pictures of one set of rock formations... they're all collapsed, crumbled, but the pattern the show is almost as if they came up and out of the earth, not breaking apart and rolling down. The worst part though is there was some data recorded on the richter scale, but that didn't happen until after the cavern had collapsed. The tremers were recorded here and down into Mexio." "If that's Aaron that's making those tremers..." "He'd have to be over one hundred feet tall now." "Do we know where the area is?" "Yes, not that far from here. An hour or two." "Alright, let's get packed up an moving...." ***************************************************************************** Meanwhile at that location an hour or so away, Aaron was waking up from his nap beside the river bed. The river bed didn't really hold him, and he had caused the river to rise up several feet from its normal bank perameters, but it was enough to help him get cleaned up from the cavern yesterday. Having been able to move and wash, feel his new olympian sized muscles in action, felt really good and comforting, Aaron felt sleepy. But now it was morning, and he was starting to stir, particularly because he began to here very strange whooshing noises. ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh CRRRRRRCK "Angel One to base, we have reached target and flying over head. Over." CRRRRRRCK "Roger, Angel One. You and Angel Two scan area and see if you can locate the cause for what is being called, Lumberjack, for now." "Roger that base, we'll do a fly by and..." "HOLY SHIT! Mercury! On your fly back, three o'clock. We have him!" "Uhm... one moment base, Angel two apparently has a confirmational visual of Lumberjack. Have turned around for a fly back and will veriffffffffffSON OF BITCH THAT MOTHER FUCKER IS HUGE!" "Uhm. Can not copy Angel One. Are you referring to the Lumberjack as being huge?" "Major, I am verifying. Lumberjack is a man, the size of the Lumberjack we're referencing and he's jacked up worse than Hercules heading for a Mr. Olympia competition with all the precursor steroids to bulk him up!" "Angel One, how big exactly is big? Are we talking like Marvel's 'Angry Man' big?" "Bigger, Major. I mean to tell you he's so tall, his weapon of mass destruction is not only bigger than the weapon Angel Two and I carry, it might be bigger than our plane. Over." "Does the subject seem to be moving?" "He's apparently just waking up at the sound of our planes. Over." "Alright you and Angel Two proceed with caution. We want you to fight the special equipped concusive missles right at Lumberjacks head. Do you copy?" "Roger that, Base." "Once he is out, fly by until ground forces can get in and secure him." "Roger. Angel Two and I commencing firing pass on target. Stand by." ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh Flying from the east the two airplane came fast and furious upon Aaron. Aaron still seated, was having to look up directly into the sun to try and see what they were doing. It was to late to move his hand to block the first round of missles from Angel One by the time he saw them. Direct hit to his forhead, right above the nose bridge, on the brow between the eyes. Aaron made some kind of soft moan and winced his eyes as the missles exploded. Thinking he could simply shake it off, he let his guard down, and the missles from Angel Two flew in and made their mark exactly as well. "OOooh!" Aaron's voice rumbled as his eyes rolled into the back of his head, his supporting arm gave way, and his torso collapsed to the ground with an ominous, resounding, THUD Thud thud thud... "Angel One to base. The Lumberjack is down and out. Repeat: Lumberjack is down and out. Over." "Copy that Angel One. You and Angel Two stay on fly by in location until ground forces can come in and secure Lumberjack. Copy." "Affirmative, Base. Stay on fly by at location until ground forces secure Lumberjack. Angel One out." The plays continued to fly by for several minutes overhead, appearing at the motionless body of Aaron. But Aaron was a young man, in his late teens, going, or growing, through a tremoundous horomonal change and one that had been jacked up quite a bit. It was the morning time. He was just waking up, and now he was put back to sleep. Most everyone knows what happens to a young man early in the morning just before he wakes up, and they all know what he's thinking of to make him that way. Aaron was no different, but the blows from the concussion missles had jostled his memory. Zeke was flooding back into his dreams, his longings, his desires. He began to dream of his boyfriend once again. Of the man being taller than him once again, like he used to be, caressing his body, kissing him deeply, carrying him to a bed or a couch, hoisting his ass into the air..... and plunging his nearly foot long cock deep within Aaron's hole..... "Mercury, I think we have a problem. There's movement down below." "Whadddya mean, there's movement down below, Wingnut?" "His body is moving..." "Hold on let me do another pass..." ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOOSH OOOOSH! Ooooosh ooooosh "It's nothing, Wignut. I just saw his eyes. He's so far gone in deep stages of R.E.M. He might move a little titch or twich here, but he's out cold." "No, man. I tell you some how he's moving. There's something....DID YOU SEE THAT! His foot just pushed in part of the river bank wall!" "Copy that, Wingnut. But I didn't see his leg nor his foot move." "Oh...shit.... Mercury, his feet are closer to the river bank, almost in the river now, but his head is getting further away. I think Lumberjack is growing." "I think you're right man. He already looked like a Mr. Olympia contender, but he's looking more like the fuckin' Hulk now. Good gawd, how swole he's getting. I don't there's a part of his body lying actually fully flat on the ground, his muscles are so thick. "Angel One to Base. Base we may have a slight problem. Lumberjack is out, but he might be growing." "What do you mean, 'he might be growing?'" "His muscles are getting even fuller, broader, and thicker, since we knocked him out. Angel Two thinks he's getting taller. And sweet gawd almighty, he missle is certain getting an upgrade." "Angel One, this is Angel Two, doing a fly by over Lumberjack to confirm increase in size..." "Roger that, Angel Two. Make sure you get the computer scan on...what the? Oh my gawd! His missle head just serious got larger and redder. He's going to.... ANGEL TWO VERE HARD THREE O'CLOCK NOW! YOU'RE FLYING INTO TRAJECTED FIRING PATH OF HIS CUM CANNON! WINGNUT! WINGNUT MOVE!" But Angel Two couldn't change his flight path as quickly as Aaron climaxed. Aaron's cock become a gyser that spooed forth a torent of cum which hit Wingnut's plane from behind, splattering it with copius gallons and gallons of cum. "I'M HIT! LUMBERJACK'S CUM HAS GUMMED UP THE JETS! THEY'RE BURNING OUT!" "EJECT OUTTA THERE NOW, WINGNUT! DO YOU HEAR ME? ANGELTWO, EJECT NOW!" Angel Two just barely managed to eject from the cock pit in time. Meanwhile Aaron was waking up and seeing the crash of Angel Two and the sound of Angel One flying overhead.... "Oh...yeah! I feel so much better....bigger....stronger....hornier! I need Zeke.... Oh...Zzzzzeke...." Aaron began to try and stroke his cock, but it wasn't doing much for him. He stood up, staggering a couple of steps getting used to his new weight and the new girth of his thighs, not to mention the side of his arms, delts, pecs, calves..... Kneeling down for a moment, Aaron looked around the landscape. Finally something caught his eye as he mindlessly fondled and stroked his burgeoning manhood. It was an entrance to an old abondoned mine shaft. "Ooooh yeah...." Getting up again, Aaron made his way to the river and scooping up hundreds of gallons of water with his hand, began to splash his cock and balls making sure they were soaked and coated with water. Then strutting over to the entrance, because his frame no longer allowed him to walk, Aaron hefted his huge schlong up and placed the tip into the mine shaft. He then began to grip a hold of the mesa any which way he could as he began to pound his member into and out of the shaft at a glorious pace. "Ooooh....Z...zz....zeeeeke..... my love..... oooh where are....OOOH YEAH! THAT'S GOOOOOOD! Where are you!" Aaron's body began to pulse and swell, stretch and broader, thicken and harder, further....further...more and more and more as his cock lengthen and gathered girth inside the mine shaft and he fucked the ancient mine hard pretending it was his lover, Zeke. But he was already so full of muscle. His body had to compensate. He could hear and feel some bones cracking, snapping, reshaping, to accomodate the extra weight, heft, and girth of his mounding muscles. First his feet lengthened and widened, then his shoulders broke and widened, spreading out farther and farther apart. His bones were lengthening and thicking in density and girth to become like iron, steal, titanium in order to hold the increasing mass of muscle being placed up on him. Traps pushing into neck, delts pushing into traps, biceps & tricpes pushing into delts, forearms pushing into biceps & triceps, while the back and lats were pushing into the traps, delts, biceps & triceps. The abs bunched more and more thickening, hardening, becoming more defined as Aaron grew up and up and up, becomign an eight back of solid stone, more the size of castle bricks than cobblestone ones. His ankles thicken a bit and so to did the areas around his shins, pushing into the mounding, pulsating, throbbing globes of muscle that were his calves, which in turn were fighting and pressing into hamstrings, which pushed into the biceps femoris and the semitendinosis, which then grew and pushed into the adductir longus, the rectus femoris, and the vastus lateralis, the three gigantic and ever increasing tear drop shapes on Aaron's thighs. That whole mess, pushed up and hard in the back on the gluteus maximus causing it round firmer and bubble harder, while it front it pushed up and out on the scrotum and cock both of which were increasing in size as Aaron plugged away at the mine entrance. Finally Aaron halted a bit in his ramming, then continued the motion jerkily and slowly... "UUUUUUAAAAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUGH!" Cum shot down the corridors of the ancient mine traveling for miles a super speed, finally spurts of cum were shooting out other minor entraces and air passages connected to the mine itself. Aaron pulled his cock out with a most difficult and ominous pop, and the mine shaft then began to collapse in on itself, ancient timbers and roofs caving in everywhere. ZZZZZZZZZZZOOOO-SMACK! Aaron turned around, by accident, his hand smacking the side of Angel One and swatting it like it was a fly. Mercury managed to somehow gain control, but just barely. A wing and engine damaged, he had to bring the plane down on the mesa top. "OOOOOOHHHH YEAH! You sought to knock me out. To keep me down. To subdue me, and now I'm even bigger than before! FUCK! Everything is too small for me now. Including.....Zeke.... I need to find Zeke. But I'm not sure where I am.... Shit! Pick a direction. Won't take me long to walk to a city now! I'll find out which way to go once I get there. Find Zeke... my love.... he'll know what to do." "Angel One to Base. Lumberjack is awake and on the move. He accidentally took out Angel Two. Pilot successfully ejected. Will need emergency pick up. Accidentally took out Angel One too, but I managed to bring her down safely. Sending my coordinates." "Roger, Angel One. Emergency crews on the way." "Also, data from last pass still intact. Computer estimates...Major...we have a bigger problem now. It estimates Lumberjack to be around five hundred twenty feet tall."
  12. After increased interest, here are Parts 1: and Part 2: After being shown where he will be staying, Jessie decides to go ahead and get a little more comfortable with his surroundings by taking a nice long nap. After about twenty minutes, he gets a knock on his door. When he opens it, it is Victor again who comes rushing in and goes to sit on Jessie’s bed. Victor looks like he just came back from a very intense workout since his tank is completely drenched with sweat as he slowly drips perspiration off of his face and head. He takes his tank off to prevent more of a mess from occurring. “Sorry about this Jessie, I didn’t mean to get all of my junk on your comforter man.” He realizes what he just said and laughs. Then he motions for Jessie to come sit by him for a couple minutes while he talks to him. The sleepy man does so and wonders why Victor can’t just talk to him while he is standing. He basically just stares at Victor’s body whenever he is around anyway so it doesn’t really matter all that much. Victor’s muscles bounce every time he talks as the sweat continues to bead up and roll down his neck and chest. “Damnit, I can’t seem to stop sweating. Can you give me a few minutes Jessie while I go hop into your shower?” He gets up and rushes into the bathroom. He pulls his shorts off before he even gets into the room as Jessie sees his coach’s gorgeous Italian bum for the first time. There is a nice treasure trail of hair that is leading into his asshole. Jessie softly moans as he gets up to peer around the corner of the bathroom. He sees the gorgeous stud lathering his hot body up with the body wash he just put in there as his cock hangs sideways and is semi-erect. Jessie starts talking to his program coach from the corner of the doorway. “So……ummm you can tell me from the shower what you were going to say to me?” “Ohh well I was just going to discuss the next part of your program with you. You will be training with me of course, but that will be the easy part.” Jessie walks into the doorway and sees Victor with his back to him as he bends over revealing his hairy hole as he cleans it with his hands. The smaller man moans a little louder now as he quietly takes off his clothes to go sneak up on his coach. Jessie’s cock bounces frantically as it attempts to find its way into Victor’s enticing hole. Victor continues to speak to his client without him even knowing that he is right behind him in the shower. “I suppose that you will want to know what is going to happen next with you. Well….” Jessie starts rubbing his coach’s hot bubble butt and slaps his cock up against it. Victor jumps at first but grunts as he turns around to grab Jessie and slams him up against the shower wall. They both moan deeply as they kiss each other longingly and smack their cocks together. Victor starts stroking them both as he presses his muscular body up against his smaller partner. The horny man runs his tongue along Victor’s pec shelf as the muscly Italian puffs it up for him. “Mmmmm worship me Jessie, I really do need someone to appreciate what I have accomplished. It doesn’t happen all too often.” “I thought you said you had a lot of guys that were into you?” “Heh nah, I’m too old for them I think. You seem to like what I have though. You want to fuck me don’t you? Mmmm sounds good to me.” Victor stops stroking him and turns to bend his ass over so his hole touches Jessie’s cock. Jessie stares as his cock throbs wildly and starts to slowly part Victor’s hole. Victor moans loudly as he begins to move himself on top of his smaller top’s hungry cock. Jessie yells feeling his coach’s ass swallow his bloated prick. Victor then pushes Jessie down onto the shower floor as he starts to ride him. Their slick bodies rub together as they both grunt and groan. Jessie rubs his coach’s huge back muscles as they contract in his hands and is even able to reach around to feel his coach’s abs working overtime. “Mmmm Victor this feels amazing despite the fact that you’re doing all the work. I feel like I should be contributing somehow.” Victor slowly turns his body around to face Jessie and leans in to talk to him. “Jessie pretty soon you will probably be pounding guys into oblivion. Besides what you are doing with me right now is a sign that you have a dominant trait that is just begging to be cut loose. It takes a lot of guts to pursue the guy that is going to coach you and turn you into the man you deserve to be. And my gawd I can’t wait to make you fucking blow up into a superman.” Victor bounces is now picking up speed on Jessie as he feels him starting to draw closer to cumming. Jessie leans in to plant another kiss on his coach as they embrace each other. Jessie exerts his authority on Victor now as he pounds him harder making the coach grunt louder and even laugh. “OH FUCK YEAH JESSIE, you are going to be an insatiable beast, now cum for me you crazy man.” Jessie pulls out of Victor to starts slapping his cock on top of Victors heaving pecs. The sensation is getting him even closer. Victor takes it in his hands and continues slapping it onto the underside of them. They both growl as the coach rubs Jessie’s cock on his nipples. This is making Victor’s cock to start dripping all over Jessie’s legs. “MMMMM Jessie if you can spray your load onto my huge pecs that would make me cum harder than I have in weeks. I am beyond ready for you to coat me.” He slaps it harder on his pecs as Jessie tenses up. Victor strokes him harder once he can feel the cum racing into his partner’s cock. Jessie yells as he splashes his cum all over Victor’s bouncing pecs. The coach yells himself as he feels his cock preparing to burst itself. Jessie quickly leans down to start nursing on his coach’s nips which immediately puts Victor into a lustful trance. “AHH FUCK JESSIE, THAT’S IT! I CAN’T HOLD IT BACK ANY LONGER!” Jessie feels Victor spray several thick white ropes onto his lean chest before the coach pushes him up against the wall again and sits up to slap Jessie in the face with his leaky cock. “Mmm fuck yeah Jessie. You really know how to make an Italian guy like me feel good. I think you have just convinced me that you need to be transformed into a giant musclebeast.” “I just hope I don’t disappoint you Victor. You are so hot yourself. I would be happy to be at least half as hot as you are.” Victor smiles and pulls Jessie into him again as they cuddle with each other for a few minutes. After that, they decide to dry off as Jessie hugs him a little more making Victor purr deep down inside. He turns to kiss Jessie longingly again as he holds him close one more time. At this point it has been over an hour since Jessie saw Arliss. He wonders if he is moving too fast with all of these men since he has already had sex with both of them. Victor tells Jessie that he needs to go now, but he will be back soon to escort him over to the training facility. The Italian coach manages to find an outfit he can wear in Jessie’s wardrobe before he departs. Jessie puts on a fresh outfit as well before sitting down in a chair to check out some of the channels on his television. After a few minutes go by, he gets a knock on the side door adjacent to his room and realizes that he will have a roommate. Instead of getting up he tells them to go ahead and come in. They open it and come over to sit down beside of Jessie on his bed. It is Bronson who seems really upbeat after being down earlier in the day. Jessie smiles and asks him if his meeting went well with Arliss. “Did Arliss help you get settled in here?” Bronson curls his lip a bit and makes a strange face. “Well dude, he wants me to lose weight before I enter the program. I’m not sure that I can do that because he also said that I only have a few days to do it. Do you think that is even possible?” “Hmm I’m not sure man. Maybe your coach Lorenzo can help you figure out how to slim down.” “He said that to me, but I haven’t seen Lorenzo since I got here. He has been a real jerk and I don’t think he really cares about what happens to me. Has your coach been available dude?” Jessie smiles at him and nods. “Ohh yes, Victor is an incredible man. Very personable and really cares about what happens to me. He is supposed to come back here to take me to the training facility soon I think. I am a bit anxious though.” “You are really lucky Jessie. Maybe I should go find Lorenzo then. I will talk to you later.” Bronson gets up and walks back through the side door and closes it behind him. Jessie gets up and opens his door to walk out into the main hallway. He sees some activity going on a couple doors down and notices a thickly muscled stud standing in the doorway to someone else’s room. When he gets there he realizes that it is Thomas’s coach. The two men have been arguing quite a bit and Thomas looks extremely upset. Jessie’s curiosity gets the better of him as he walks down there to find out what is going on. He knows that he shouldn’t really be involved though. “I shouldn’t bother you two since it seems like you are in the middle of something.” The huge man grabs Jessie by the arm and turns him around. The brute is quite tanned with tattoos down his arms and has a thick beard on a very nicely developed face. His sparkling green eyes peer into Jessie’s as he smirks. Thomas sighs and walks back into the room he was in. “Oh no, you aren’t interrupting anything man. I am just trying to get Thomas motivated for his upcoming routine. He isn’t used to being pushed obviously. I’m Cliff Byutov by the way. You must be Jessie because most of the coaches and trainers have been talking about you.” “Good things I hope because I don’t want to be the black sheep here.” Cliff leans in again and gives him a big smile. His huge beefy arms wrap around him as he pulls him into Thomas’s room. He lets Jessie go and has him go sit in one of the chairs by the window as he walks into the bathroom to retrieve Thomas who appears to be hiding. “Get out there runt. I think one of the other guys here can be a great influence on you since you don’t seem to want to deal with me all that much.” “I don’t really want to do this. I don’t understand why it had to be me that ended up in this program. My friend Owen is the one that wanted to be transformed, not me.” “Well Owen isn’t here and I am not giving up on you Thomas. Get out there and sit with your other roommate.” Cliff pushes him out of the bathroom as Thomas staggers to go sit on his bed. Cliff comes marching out and stands between them. His huge beefy chest is covered in thick brown fur as Jessie scans it over with his eyes. Cliff winks at him and crosses his arms as he turns to stare down Thomas. “Alright Thomas, you have been chosen to go to training first. You will be required to go through some testing as well to prepare your body for what it will be exposed to. Now with Jessie here, I can inform him too that he will go through the same type of testing. I’m not sure if you are going after Thomas or not though. I think the other guy in this program has some prerequisites before he can even proceed so you might be after him.” “Well I know that Victor is supposed to come back to talk to me soon. Maybe I should go back to my room and wait for him?” Cliff puts his arm out and gestures to stay put. Thomas looks a bit miffed as Cliff walks over and picks him up. He rubs the small man’s back and hugs him. Thomas looks a bit more relaxed now after Cliff puts him back down on the bed. “You worry too much Thomas. I won’t make you do something that will make you regret coming here. Your mind is going to change a bit through the program anyway. I want you to feel comfortable in your own skin. I really do think that Jessie being here could be helpful to you in the long run. You should both get a bit more acquainted with each other to ease your concerns.” Thomas seems to agree with this as Cliff walks out of the room. Jessie goes to sit by Thomas and gives him a light hug. Thomas lays his head on Jessie’s shoulder and takes his glasses off. He sighs a bit before looking up at Jessie. “Cliff makes me feel so insignificant. He is such a huge man and I can’t understand why he would want to even train me. I mean I know he was assigned to me, but could they not find a guy a bit smaller eh?” Jessie laughs at what he just said. “Have you seen what my coach looks like? Victor isn’t exactly small either. I guess it depends on how we handle certain types of stress. If you want me to help you through this, then I will; besides your coach is quite hot.” Thomas smiles a little and agrees. He says that Cliff does like to hug him a lot and thinks that maybe he enjoys spending time with him. Jessie tells him that some guys like to exert their dominance and thinks Cliff might be into that. “The truth is I think Cliff probably wants to see you blow up into someone that he can have some fun with. You should get to know him a little better because you both might be able to build some kind of long-term relationship with each other.” “Ehh you might be right…..I guess I should start to listen to him more. I do agree that he is quite hot, I sense a nurturing side to him as well which is quite sexy…..okay…..I feel a lot better now, thanks Jessie.” “Sure Thomas, I need to go back to my room now because I figure that Victor is waiting on me. Talk soon man.” Jessie gets up and walks back out into the hall again where Cliff is hanging out. He smiles at Jessie and walks up to him. He puts his hand out and gestures for Jessie to put his out. He does and they shake hands. Cliff lifts him up and squeezes him tightly. Jessie groans a bit before Cliff puts him back down. He then walks back into Thomas’s room and shuts the door behind him. Jessie slowly walks back down to his room and opens the door. Victor stands by the window shirtless and turns to see Jessie in the doorway. They smile at each other as Victor gestures for him to close the door behind him so that he can spend some more time with him again in private. End of Part 3 Mocking the Hosts: Moving the Needle: Managing the Transition:
  13. They get to the facility fairly quickly since it is located right next to the airport. When they get inside, Victor manages to get all of Jessie’s documents signed so he can become a member of the company without any delays. They are whisked away into a waiting area where four other men are also standing. Two of them are quite heavily muscular while the other two are small like Jessie. He walks over to one of them and taps on his shoulder. The man turns around and is wearing wiry glasses. He smiles and puts his hand out to shake Jessie’s. “Ehh hi there, I’m Thomas. Where are you from?” “Iowa actually, my name is Jessie. Are you from another part of the country?” “Yeppers, I’m from Maine. I have been mistaken for being Canadian quite a bit though because of my accent. I try to cover up the bad parts as much as I can.’ Jessie admits to himself that the guy is pretty cute. He is very slender and there is hardly any muscle anywhere on his body. Jessie looks at his own arms and smiles. Victor sees this and smiles as well. He leans in to Jessie and whispers, “I know what you are thinking. Wow…..this guy needs more help than me, but every man is different. Genetics can be unlocked and you will find this out later on.” The other man standing with them doesn’t seem too interested in talking to anyone so Jessie asks Thomas about him. “So who is the other guy with us? Is he not friendly or something?” “Oh that is Bronson. I think he is just really scared because he hasn’t traveled anywhere before. He talked to me earlier and told me he was from the outskirts of Laredo Texas I think. I’m sure he will talk to you if he gets the impression that you are in the same situation he is in.” “Okay I’ll try to start up a conversation with him then.” Jessie walks over to him to get his attention, but instead makes him jump up in the air and says ‘Sweet Jesus!’ about ten times before he finally calms down. “Holy lord dude you about made me fill my britches. Sorry this whole experience is just so……crazy for me. I don’t think I look too bad, but my agent Lorenzo keeps telling me that I need to lose the fat. Am I really that fat?” Bronson lifts his shirt and shows off his ball belly which is covered in brown hair. Jessie makes a gesture with his face then smiles. “Well Bronson, Thomas over there told me your name and I think you look pretty sexy. Obviously the company has something else in mind for you though. Ohh…..and my name is Jessie by the way.” He shakes Bronson’s hand and puts his left arm around him. Bronson calms down a bit and pulls his shirt back down. “Thanks dude for being cool. Maybe this won’t be as hard on me as I thought it would be.” Thomas walks over to them as Jessie puts his other arm around his back. Jessie realizes that he getting great vibes from both of these men now. Victor and the other agents disappear as another large man walks in front of them and directs them into a side room. They follow as he has them sit in three empty seats located ten feet from his desk. He sits down and takes his jacket off revealing his under armor shirt which is hiding nothing from them. His immense muscles look as if they are about to break free as Jessie moans under his breath as he unknowingly stares at the man’s insanely veiny arms. The man looks directly at him and grins. “I see someone has a muscle fetish. That is great since you were likely picked partly for that reason. Each one of you was selected because Maximum Nutrition received letters from your respectable gyms about making a huge change in your lives. All three of you will have your own surrogates whom you have already met back in your respectable hometowns. As for myself, I will be overseeing your progress while you are here. My name is Arliss Mancari, and I would like to say that I also went through the program that you are about to enter. I was one of the first winners they ever had in the lottery.” He stands up and moves around the front of his desk to sit his giant bubble butt on the edge while he crosses his arms. Jessie continues to stare at him like he is in some kind of trance. Arliss smirks as he looks at the other two men. “You are Jessie right? *he points at him* Bronson is on the left correct? Which means that Thomas must be on the right? You all have different body types which should be interesting because this doesn’t happen that often. I want to individually speak with each one of you just so I can get an idea of what you are expecting to get out of all of this.” He stands back up and tells Bronson and Thomas to leave the room. Jessie turns red as he sits in his chair looking quite embarrassed. Arliss walks around his desk again to pull his desk chair in front of Jessie before sitting down in it not even two feet away. His testosterone is permeating the small man’s nose which is making him sigh just a bit. He looks into Arliss’s eyes making the huge stud grunt a few times. “So Jessie, I believe your surrogate is Victor Dumas right?” “Yeah he seems really cool. Very personable and friendly, I like him.” “He is quite friendly. He was in the lottery just a couple of years ago and he is one of its huge success stories. He was quite skinny, but a real cutie too. I have noticed that you study people’s physical attributes constantly. You haven’t taken your eyes off mine since you came in here. I admire that a lot. I am not going to lie to you, I get hunches about our clients each year and normally I am right about how well they respond to the program.” “So you think I will do well here?” “I think you will be a HUGE success story. *he winks* I’m not just saying that Jessie, you will literally explode in size because you are open to it. I can sense it in you. You want to study my body a little more?” He stands up and tries to take his shirt off but motions for help. Jessie gets up as well to help him slide it off his upper body as his muscles spill out. He grabs Jessie’s hands and puts them onto his pecs and arms. Jessie squeezes them. “Don’t be afraid of me Jessie, I want you to feel them all since you can have this kind of power as well. Our bodies deep down have this kind of potential to grow.” Jessie continues to rub his massive arms and runs his hands on the giant veins running up from his forearms into his shoulders. He moans as he stares into Arliss’s eyes. “Feels nice huh? There is more of course.” Arliss pulls his pants down as he flexes his enormous calves and quads. His jock is barely able to hold his cock and balls in as his giant bubble butt gleans with sweat. The smell of testosterone nearly makes Jessie pass out. “Oh my gawd, I didn’t think it was possible to get this big?” He rubs Arliss’s veiny legs and squeezes his bubble butt. Arliss begins to moan deeply as he looks down at Jessie and smiles. “That feels great Jessie. You have a tremendous way of massaging muscles. I don’t normally do this with new clients, but I sense a strong thirst for muscle in you. I am feeling really horny now and won’t be able to keep my jock on much longer, think you can help me out with that?” Jessie stops touching him and backs off a bit. Arliss realizes he may have gone too far with him and backs off himself. “Oh sorry about that Jessie, I should know better than that but…..your touch is so nice that I don’t want you stop.” “Uhhh…..don’t you have a boyfriend or husband? I would think you could have any man you want.” “Yes I do have a husband and we have an open relationship. We both have no problem seeing other men as long as we trust each other. He is the founder of this company by the way, Maxwell Hardy. He has his own boy toy and I am still searching for one actually. Perhaps I should end this consult and move on to the other two?” Jessie sits back down and tries to calm himself a bit before getting up and walking back over to Arliss again to rub his massive back and glutes as he leans up against him. The big stud moans deeply as he reaches his enormous arms around to rub on Jessie a bit. “See I knew you had a desire inside you. Do you want to try and help me out of that jock again?” Jessie gets down on his knees and smells the sweaty jock before running his tongue along it as he reaches up to squeeze Arliss’s swollen pecs and abs. The big man pulls Jessie’s shirt off slowly trying not to rip it as well as his shorts. He sees that Jessie doesn’t wear underwear which makes him growl as the smaller man’s thick bull cock hangs freely. “Oh wow Jessie, I can foresee a body that will match that beautiful piece you have there. I need mine to be released from captivity as well.” Jessie pulls the man’s jock down as his thick uncut cock hits the smaller admirer in the face making him sigh before he slides his tongue down the foreskin. Arliss moans louder as he reaches down to rub Jessie’s head and shoulders. “Oh yes sir that feels awesome. You really know how to make a man feel really good.” Jessie slowly swallows his huge member down as he squeezes Arliss’s giant arms and gets a steady rhythm going on it. The big stud immediately starts to drain precum down his throat which is making Jessie work even harder. “OH FUCK YOU HAVE A HUNGER JESSIE! I LOVE IT! MMMM KEEP GOING MAN. MAKE ME CUM HARD!’ Jessie moves his hands over to Arliss’s huge pecs teasing his swollen nipples and slapping them hard making the big man yell in excitement. The huge man starts to massage Jessie’s firm ass, even fingering his hole. “OH JESSIE, IT IS COMING MAN! GET READY FOR IT!” Jessie can feel the bigger man’s huge balls contracting as the cum flows into his cock as Jessie looks up into his top’s eyes and moans deeply. Arliss explodes down his admirer’s throat shooting rope after thick rope of his white river feeling Jessie’s eager mouth swallow every single drop. “LET ME SEE IT JESSIE! *Jessie opens his mouth* OH GAWD YEAH, YOU HAVE THE LUST FOR MUSCLE! The company is going to have a field day with you. Now get up here hot stuff so you can sit on my desk and I can return the favor.” Jessie gets up and sits on the desk as Arliss walks over and shoves his heaving pecs in his face which promptly makes Jessie nurse them as he sucks on both of his nips hard. Arliss moans deeply as his partner munches and licks them over and over again. “Awesome Jessie, that feels incredible! A little more massaging on my tits and you will get a mighty tasty reward for your effort.” Jessie takes this to heart as he works both nips over several more times. Arliss laughs as he massages his small admirer’s cock slowly. “OH YEAH JESSIE LIKE THAT…..JUST LIKE THAT…..OH GAWD THAT FEELS SO GOOD…..MMMMMM” Jessie can feel Arliss’s pecs contracting as he shoots several streams of milk down his partner’s throat with each pec. Jessie moans loudly as he feels a load starting to build up in his own ballsac. “I can feel it man, let me take care of that for you.” Arliss slides down to swallow Jessie’s cock and slowly sucks on it feeling the cum building up quickly. He sighs deeply as Jessie moans louder feeling it move towards his cockhead. Arliss opens his mouth to watch it squirt as several ropes launch into his mouth and cover parts of his face. He grunts as he slides Jessie’s cock back inside his mouth to gulp down what is remaining. He smacks his admirer’s back lightly and smiles. He pulls it back out after Jessie stops cumming. “Jessie wow we need to do this again soon because this was fucking great. I think you are destined to not only be big like me, but to be with someone like me.” He stands up and puts Jessie’s hands back on his chest. Jessie leans in to start kissing his abs as Arliss flexes his massive guns. His engorged member bounces making Jessie reach down to grab it and start rubbing in quick, firm strokes. Arliss nearly yells feeling another giant load building up in his balls again. “Oh yeah Jessie I have another one waiting for you. Mmmmm…..fuck you really know how to turn me on.” Jessie moans as Arliss shoots several more jets of cum this time all over his upper body. The smaller man leans down to lick the spurting cock with his tongue catching a few strings as they go flying down his throat. Arliss laughs again as he gently rubs Jessie on the head. He finishes cumming and the two men sit together on the desk. “Whew Jessie, you are one sexy fucker. You have made a friend here today for sure. I will do everything I possibly can to make this experience work for you. I will have to wait and see the other two men another time now it seems.” He laughs and rubs Jessie’s chest a few times before stopping. “This was an awesome experience for me as well Arliss. I didn’t know this was inside me. I was so scared to come here without my ex, but now I feel alright.” “Heh, you may have several exes once you get out of here Jessie. I just hope that I have a chance with you once your program is completed.” The two sweaty men try to pull themselves together before they put their clothes back on. Arliss contacts his assistant and tells him to reschedule his consults with Bronson and Thomas until later in the day. As Jessie prepares to leave the room, Arliss stops him and lifts him up to give him a kiss on the lips. The small man moans as they feel a connection forming between them. When they finish, they smile at each other as Arliss puts him back down. Jessie leaves to find his room as Victor waits for him down the hall. Arliss realizes that he is developing a crush on the smaller man which surprises him greatly. End of Part 2
  14. theseventhwave

    The Symbiote War

    Hello everyone! Chapters 1 through 4 were originally posted on the old site. I'll start this thread by posting them again. The new chapters are posted after chapter 4. This story is really just a tribute to the truly amazing writing of Xyggurat - hoping to get him back into writing (some of his writing can be found at O'Melissokomos's site). If you haven't read Xyggurat's The Roommate series, then you really should. The ideas in The Symbiote War are derived from the ideas created by Xyggurat. Chapter 1: New School, New Roommate. “As I must do something or go mad, I write this diary.” Will someone ever read this? If so, will they ever believe my story? I don’t believe what’s been happening – why would I expect anyone else to believe this? But I have to write this out, even if it’s just to preserve my own sanity. I was really looking forward to university. Sure, San Cristobal had a reputation for being a bit...weird, but still, it was going to be the start of something new and exciting. I was a fool. The last weekend of Summer was move-in day for the dorms. I had just finished hauling my stuff up the stairs and was lying on my bed, hoping that my crap would just unpack itself. No luck. That’s when my new roommate walked in. In a moment of silence we quickly sized each other up. He was kind of cute; short-cropped and messy ginger-blond hair and blue eyes. He was quite short, and rather lean, but I could tell that he at least made a bit of an attempt at the gym. I stood up to introduce myself and was surprised – he was probably 5’4 or maybe 5’5. In my moment of hesitation, he stuck out his hand – “Shawn” he said with a shy smile. Yes, he was cute. “Corrigan” I replied. Turns out we were quite similar, and this caused us to hit it off a bit too quickly. He was here for a business degree; I’m here for statistics. He’s a ginger-blonde; I’m a dirty blonde. We both had blue eyes. And while I’m not all that tall at 5’7, I was certainly a bit better off than Shawn’s 5’4. We both worked out fairly regularly, but not too seriously. We’re both on the lean side, and although we both wanted a bit more muscle, we were hard-gainers, and neither one of us was really willing to put in the kind of time it would take to seriously bulk up. But I didn’t just have a height advantage over Shawn, I also had a bit more musculature. We were both into muscular guys. Oh, did I mention we’re both gay? This was immediately obvious – and disastrous. We didn’t even wait a day. That first night, we fucked and sucked our brains out. He was definitely impressed by my nine-inch tool. Ok, it was nine on a good day, but certainly above eight and a half. His five incher was not as impressive, but still looked good on his smaller frame. But after that first night it got awkward. Neither one of us was really what the other was looking for, and it was a bit weird to be rooming with a one-night-stand. Oh we were still fast friends. But there was that underlying tension – each expecting that we might do it again, but not really being all that into the idea. Don’t get me wrong. He was cute. But I was looking for a guy with muscles that filled out his shirt. So was Shawn. In the first few weeks of university, my schedule sorted itself out into routine: classes, surfing for porn, studying, porn, making new friends, porn, hanging out, porn, and hitting the gym. Did I mention I was always horny? I liked the university atmosphere as well as all the hot guys on campus, and I liked the university’s gym facilities (which included a buffet of hot guys). So I found myself establishing quite a regular gym routine, and I could already see results – I was clearly a bit buffer for my few weeks of solid effort. Ok, it was barely noticeable. But at least I could tell that I was putting on a bit of muscle, and I managed to raise my max for many of my lifts. Shawn was also hitting the gym – and if anything, he was a bit more ferocious than I was – I could see some improvement on his body as well. Don’t get me wrong, he was still lean, but his subtle musculature was ever-so-slightly more pronounced. After having broken the ice so vigorously, we really weren’t shy about our bodies around each other, so we often lounged in our dorm room in just our underwear. I preferred sexier briefs for going out, but just regular boxers for lounging around the room. Shawn always wore tighty-whities – but not loose cheap ones, they were the good ones that really hugged his package and accentuated his tight ass. I could see that his few weeks of pounding away at the gym were starting to fill out his form nicely. And from the bulge at the front, he seemed to be sporting a perpetual chubby. We were getting along well, and I was beginning to feel that the residual tension from our earlier one-night stand would eventually fade away completely. We were both horny buggers, but we had established a good routine of letting the other have some private time in the room at least a couple of times every day. Shawn was quite the horn dog – his tight balls could pump out a lot of cum – and it was a rare day that he wouldn’t jack off at least twice. But like I said, we had our routine, and things were sailing along smoothly. But in one night, all that ended. Chapter 2: The night it began. We had been having quite the hot spell – hot for late September. It wasn’t just hot; it was unusually humid as well. The dorm air conditioners were struggling to keep up, but due to their failure Shawn and I had taken to sleeping on top of the sheets. The goof had even tried sleeping with a zip lock bag of ice, which inevitably broke and soaked his bed. This particular night came after another hot, humid day. The evening was particularly still – no wind, and it felt as if everything living had left the campus for some cooler climate. Shawn and I spent the evening in our dorm room, studying in nothing but our underwear. Shawn called it quits first and crawled into bed, or rather on top of bed. Our dorm room was decent sized; two beds with room at the foot of each for a fair sized desk, and a generous cabinet and closet lining each side of the hall heading toward the door of our room. However, the layout did make it uncomfortable for one person to try and sleep while the other studied. Thus, I headed to bed shortly after Shawn. I was having trouble sleeping with the heat, and so I lay on top of the sheets for a while thinking about...well, everything. Shawn had managed to drift off, and in his tossing and turning he had turned over flat on his back. In the dim campus light streaming through the blind I could see that he was sporting wood. His hard cock must have been at full mast because it was creating quite an impressive tent in his tighty whities, almost pulling the waistband away from his abs. As my gaze swept over his body, I was again reminded of the gains he had been making in the gym these past few weeks. I could see a bit of swelling in his pecs, and I could almost see some abdominal ridges. That must have gotten my mind off school and I quickly drifted off to sleep. I don’t recall waking up. I don’t recall hearing a sound. But all of a sudden I was awake and aware that something was in the room. I cracked my eyes open and let out a gasp. Shawn must have also awakened, because he sat bolt upright in bed. We were both stunned into silence. The thing in our room was gargantuan. I thought that some monstrous animal must have escaped from the San Diego Zoo, or perhaps some experiment from Camp Pendleton had stumbled into our dorm room. The thing was huge; and it was a man. A gigantic, bulging, muscular beast of a man. His pale skin was offset by his short black hair and black eyes. His neck was thick, supported by a pair of mountainous traps. He was wearing some sort of cape or cloak; a bit weird, but in hindsight I imagine it would have been tough to find clothes to fit that gigantic bulk. He was breathing. Normally that wouldn’t be remarkable, but on him it was incredible. His bulging muscles, writhing with veins, appeared to expand and swell with every breath. It was mesmerizing. His cloak rose and fell with the movement of his massive pecs; and through the split in the front, it was clear that in spite of their size, they were packed with lean, striated muscle. His hands clenched, and I could see the veins writhing under the skin of his bulging forearms – impossibly thick with muscle. Given that he had invaded our room, Shawn or I should probably have said something. But we were too stunned...or awestruck, to speak. But then he spoke, and the deep rumble of his voice sent reverberations through my chest: “A war is raging; a war that we should have won some time ago. The old ones are trying to exterminate us, but we have a right to exist. We will be dominant in this struggle. Our tribe will rule.” Ummm...cryptic much? Still too stunned to speak. “We have a plan that will win the war, but it will take time. They have been taking out our new forces before they mature. But our plan is to build our vessels first, in secret. And when they are ready, when they show that they are worthy, we will bestow upon them our divinity, and welcome them into our ranks. Tonight, one of you will become the chosen. You will be given a chance to demonstrate that you are worthy of our gift. And if you build yourself into a worthy vessel, you will be granted a power that is beyond imagining, and you will take your place among us as rulers of all the rest. The other will become the source, and will be granted the gift of watching as the chosen grows into godhood.” I would have thought this was some joke, but this man was just too big to be possible. Shawn spoke first “What do you mean? Who will be chosen? What is this source?” “There will be combat. The one who dominates will be chosen. He will receive the opportunity and the means of joining our ranks.” And as if to accentuate his point, he shifted his cloak and revealed a bit more of his body – it was stunning, muscles on top of muscles, wrapped in a web of veins, and they looked hard as rocks. This was too much for me. “What do you mean, ‘the one who dominates’? Why are you in our room?” But I almost didn’t get that last question out. It was as if something in Shawn had snapped. I knew he wanted muscles, so did I. But what was happening here was not possible, this behemoth couldn’t be taken seriously. We should have been phoning campus security. But without warning Shawn was flying across the room and landed on top of me, knocking the wind out of me with a knee to my chest. Even in the dim light, I could see the intensity on his face and the hunger burning like fire in his blue eyes. It took me a while to figure out what was going on. How could Shawn be taking this seriously? And why was he beating the crap out of me? By the time I came around to realizing the seriousness of the situation, Shawn had already battered me about the head and upper body fairly well. He must have been fully into a berserker rage, because these hits were really hurting. Crap, his efforts at the gym were really paying off – but I just wish it wasn’t at my expense. I was really having a tough time getting my wits about me. I tried defending myself, but I was still pinned to my bed by his weight, and he was effectively preventing me from mounting any counter. I finally managed to roll us both off the bed, and fortunately I managed to land on top of Shawn, which at least slowed him down temporarily. I tried pinning his arms to the floor, trying to use my larger bulk to subdue him. But he managed to bring a knee up and gave me a solid hit to the groin. I momentarily saw stars, and by the time I re-focused, I had lost my advantage. Shawn was out from underneath and to make matters worse, he was climbing on top of me with my chest pinned to the floor – making it quite impossible for me to block any of his blows. I tried pushing both of us up off the floor in hopes of getting us flipped over, I was making some headway before Shawn gave me a solid blow to the kidney – and that took all the fight out of me. It was clear that he had dominated me, and I gave up. I could hear his growl of approval in my ear, and now that we were settled, I could feel the hardness of his erection along my back. We were both sweating and panting. Shawn slowly crawled off me, and I slowly crawled my way up to a sitting position. “Excellent. Your hunger will make you a suitable candidate” he said to Shawn. Shawn was glowing with excitement. I was holding my breath. “You will need to build your body into a worthy vessel. We will give you the means to do so. When we return, if you have demonstrated that you are ready, then you will be elevated to our ranks.” I could hear Shawn’s breathless “Yes.” The behemoth turned to me “You will obey my command. You will not run and hide. You will become the source. And from your seed, our army will be built.” He reached inside his cloak and pulled out a vial, it looked tiny in his hands. “Come here and kneel before me” he said. I don’t know why, but my body moved over and knelt in front of him – it didn’t feel like my own body – it felt as if I was a marionette being moved by someone else’s hands. As I knelt, I looked up at his giant frame towering over me. He cracked open the vial and poured a drop onto my forehead. The liquid inside felt cool, and it quickly evaporated, or soaked into my skin. If I knew what was going on, I would have been screaming. My whole body felt a shudder – ripples running up and down my spine, and it felt as if my skin was crawling. I felt as if I swooned a little, and the room around me seemed to waver and sway. And it looked as if the behemoth in front of me was swelling even larger. “Now you are prepared. Stand up. Bring yourself to orgasm, and catch the seed in your hand.” I wasn’t embarrassed, I was mortified. I’m supposed to masturbate in front of this guy and Shawn? But even as one part of my mind was rebelling, another part of my mind and my body were already doing as I was told. My boxers were under my balls, and my hands were already at work bringing myself to full erection. Shawn was silent; staring intently. I closed my eyes as one hand worked the shaft while the other caressed my balls. And in spite of the fact that my erection didn’t feel up to its full self, I still managed to cum fairly quickly. I cupped my hand to catch every drop as it spewed forth. I stood there in a moment of uncertainty. “Come Chosen One, to receive your gift.” Shawn moved over to stand in front of me. I looked down at his naked body – had he lost his briefs in the fight, or had he dropped them in anticipation? His lean muscles were glistening with a bit of sweat, and his smooth chest was slowly rising and falling with his breathing. His erection was standing straight out from his body, it was clearly at full attention, and was looking impressively thick and full. “Apply your seed to the Chosen One.” Gross. But I watched as my hand reached out and swiped my cum across Shawn’s chest; some of it cascaded down his abs, and the final drops landed at the base of his cock. The cum sparkled in the light, but quickly disappeared, absorbing into his skin at an abnormal rate. Shawn let out a grunt, and then a moan that sounded almost like pleasure. His hips flexed, causing his cock to bob, and if anything it appeared to be getting harder, rising above horizontal and beginning to angle toward his abs. His abdominal muscles were tensing. Or were they? They appeared to harden under his skin, the faint ridges pushing out slightly more than before. But they didn’t un-flex – the faint ridges remained. I blinked. But my eyes weren’t deceiving me – a barely-visible four-pack of abdominals had just appeared. Shawn gave out a soft noise somewhere between a grunt and a moan. My eyes wandered up to his face, which seemed to be a bit closer than before. Was he standing taller? It couldn’t be possible, but it appeared that he was taller. He was still short, but he didn’t seem to be his usual 5’4. His eyes seemed to be moving closer, as if he was standing on the balls of his feet. If he wasn’t a full inch taller, then he was at least 5’4 and a half, and still growing. I glanced down to the rest of his body, noticing that the growth wasn’t limited to height. His pecs, which were thin and barely noticeable, were pushing out from his body with small, but noticeable striations of muscle. His traps were adding the slightest of curves to the connection between his shoulder and neck, and were accentuated by the slightly expanding deltoids which were rounding out his shoulders. His arms were still thin, but as I watched, they appeared to swell, the biceps mounding out of the arms, looking as if he had suddenly developed a good pump after a hard work out. I glanced down to his legs to see that they were also thickening with some new muscles, giving Shawn the look of someone who did a bit of running. But this also brought my attention to his hard cock bobbing between us – it was still bobbing, but it looked swollen, as if he were about to cum. It was clearly a bit thicker, as well as longer. The beginning of a vein had appeared along the length, and the head, wet with a big drop of pre-cum, was forming a slightly larger mushroom. His balls also looked swollen, as if he hadn’t cum in a few days, and they were drawn up tight into a ball that was maybe the size of a plum. Another moan of pleasure, and his swollen cock expanded a bit more, and then yet again – it was impressive. But then quite suddenly, his balls clenched up, his hips bucked, and his cock shot out a geyser of hot cum that splattered across my abs and chest. Even thinking back on it, I can’t decide if I was grossed out or turned on. However, the erection that I’m sporting as I write this leads me to believe that it was hot. Shawn was changed. The changes were slight, but because I’d had plenty of opportunity to see him naked over the past weeks, I could certainly see the difference. He was slightly taller, maybe not quite 5’5, but close. His muscles bulged out a bit more, drawing his skin a bit tighter around the newly formed striations. And his cock was certainly larger – I couldn’t tell for certain, but it might have been a full, meaty, six inches. With an exhale, Shawn quietly breathed “Oh fuck.” When it was over, the behemoth spoke “You are being given an opportunity, do not waste it. You must use the source to build your body into a vessel that is suitable for ruling at our side. When we return, if you have demonstrated your worthiness, you will be given great power, and we will be dominant.” I should have been speaking, I should have been asking questions, or yelling for help. But I was too stunned. “Sleep” was the behemoth’s final word to the two of us, and I don’t even recall collapsing into bed. Chapter 3: The next morning: Measuring up. I woke instantly. It was clearly mid-morning, as the full sun was shining in through the open blinds, making the room too bright for my newly woken eyes. I couldn’t see, but I could hear a forced breathing, coming fast. I forced myself to squint, and saw that Shawn was already up. He was doing push-ups in the gap between the beds, and the fast breathing was coming from him. I must have let out a bit of a groan, because he stopped and got up. “Rise and shine! I just woke up a few minutes ago. Welcome to our new life.” He sounded cheerful. “So it wasn’t a dream?” I asked. “Not unless we had the same dream.” He replied. That got me thinking – if it wasn’t a dream, then something very unnatural had occurred last night. I forced myself to take a good look at Shawn. He looked great. His body had a slight sheen from the push-ups, and his chest looked red and swollen with an amazing pump. “I’ve never been able to do more than fifteen at a time. But I’ve just done three sets of thirty.” He said as he flexed his pecs. Flexed his pecs? Shawn was scrawny, but now he had pecs. Granted, they were still small, but there was enough muscle there to show off his pump. I slowly crawled out of bed and stood up. Was he taller? It sort of seemed as if there was a slight change in our relative heights; as if I was slouching a bit and he was standing up a bit straighter. Or, as if I was barefoot and he was wearing a thin-heeled shoe – only we were both barefoot. My suspicions from last night were right; he had to be closer to 5’5 than his previous 5’4. I glanced down. Shawn was semi-hard in his briefs, and his tumescent cock was aimed toward his hip, looking quite plump and full considering that he wasn’t fully hard. “Do you think what happened last night was real?” He asked. “Are you really some sort of ‘source’? Did your cum really have an effect on me?” “I’m not sure. You might be a bit taller. It’s tough to tell.” I lied, I was pretty sure I could tell that he was a bit taller. “I think we should put it to the test.” “I don’t think so.” “Come on Corrigan. Admit it – you’re just as curious as I am. We can test to see if your cum works on you first – but if it does, then I get the second dose.” I couldn’t believe we were having this conversation. But I have to admit, I was curious. Fascinated, really. In hindsight, this was my “Elmer Fudd staring into the barrel of his own shotgun” moment. Maybe I didn’t believe it could be true. Maybe I was turned on by the idea that my cum could turn Shawn into a muscle monster. Maybe I was hoping that my cum would do that to me. Or maybe I was just convinced by Shawn’s cute boyish smile and his deep blue eyes staring up at me. But I found myself agreeing to the idea. My cock was already starting to tent my boxers. I sat back on my bed, pulled my boxers off and lay down. I was clearly eager – my erection was already at full mast. I cupped my balls, they felt big and full, and I stroked my hard cock. It felt fully hard, but it didn’t quite fill up my hand the way I was used to, and I don’t think it was close to nine inches anymore. Had I shrunk? That got me worried. I was still over eight and a half, but still, if you can hit nine on a ruler – who would want to lose that? I asked Shawn for a ruler. He rummaged around in his desk and managed to find one of those ones that comes along with a three-ring binder. I held it up to my cock, gave a few more strokes, and a bit of a squeeze. I was still over eight and a half, but I was not going to hit nine inches. What did that behemoth do to me? Was this going to be permanent? Could I reverse this? While my brain was running, Shawn took the ruler back. He was standing beside the bed, his briefs hiked below his balls – his cock was at full mast – it looked thick and full, and his balls were clenched up tight like a swollen plum. He pressed the ruler up to his erection – it didn’t hit the six inch mark, but it was certainly close. He gave it several strokes, his cock had a thick vein running up the side and a drop of pre-cum glistened at the tip. He massaged his pecs while stroking his cock. He was even cuter with the hint of added muscle. He had a mischievous gleam in his eyes, and was absently-mindedly biting his lower lip as he felt himself up. Was I falling for my scrawny roommate? Or, was I falling for the possibility of what he might become if all this turned out to be true? My swollen balls clenched up further and my hard cock swelled with the anticipation of orgasm. My mixed feelings prevented me from cumming too hard – instead, it just pooled on my abs and filled my bellybutton. Shawn stopped his stroking, and we both silently watched what happened. Nothing. Nothing happened. A pool of cum on my abs – not going anywhere – not absorbing into my skin in the same rapid fashion that it did for Shawn last night. Shawn reached out tentatively with a finger toward the pool of cum. I held my breath. He stuck his finger into the pool, near the head of my still hard cock. He let out a quiet gasp and removed his finger – it was dry. My balls tightened up a bit, and a drop of cum oozed out the tip of my boner. I couldn’t see any difference in his body, but maybe it wasn’t enough to make a noticeable change. But I did notice that his cock bobbed once in anticipation. With a hungry look on his face, Shawn eagerly bent over, leaned in, and took a good slurp of cum from my abs. He let out a moan of pleasure. I could already see the small thin muscles in his shoulder flexing and rippling as they expanded with growth. Shawn’s tongue went to work cleaning my abs of cum; and when he stuck his tongue in my bellybutton to clean it out, it sent a ripple of pleasure across my body, and caused me to shoot one more load right into the side of his face. He leaned over and popped the head of my cock in his mouth. He gave a good suck as his tongue caressed the head, and another few drops leaked out and were eagerly sucked away. He stopped and stood up. I could see that the side of his face was already dry; the cum had been absorbed quickly. My eyes roamed over his changing body. He was clearly growing larger – he had to be over 5’5 and looked as if he was coming close to 5’6. His already pumped pecs were filling out even further, beginning to stand out from his abs and showing some fair striations of muscle. His abs clenched and tightened as he breathed; with each breath revealing slightly more definition in his abdominal muscles. His shoulders were broadening and filling out to the point where I could see the line where the shoulder meets the traps and also the separation between shoulder and bicep. Shawn flexed his arms; they were lean, and that helped highlight the bulges of his biceps and triceps. I could see a bit of a horseshoe shape in his expanding triceps, and I thought I could almost see a split between the two heads of his bulging, and no longer quite-so-small biceps. Shawn turned his attention to his cock, it was clearly bigger. The growth of his cock was impressive, it looked to be close to seven inches, and it was getting thick. The vein running along the top was standing out hard, engorged with blood, and a couple more veins were wrapping themselves around the base. The head was full of blood, shiny and red – a good solid mushroom on top of his growing shaft. He gave his cock a few strokes, his balls clenched – they were clearly larger and looked like a large plum. With one hand stroking his cock, he raised the other arm to flex his solid bicep. A grunt of pleasure was the only warning I had – and all of a sudden he was cumming all over the place. His initial volleys rocketed across my bed to splatter against the wall beside me. And the next several shots covered me and my bed with jizz. “Fucking awesome!” He exclaimed. “Eww... you’ve covered me in cum” was my reply. “This is so amazing. I... I...feel stronger, and I can tell that I’m taller.” He reached down, picked up the ruler and pressed it up to his cock. Even post-orgasm, his dick easily touched seven inches. “This is beyond just getting a good pump at the gym. I’ve never felt like this. It’s so hot.” He was flexing and feeling up his body. The gleam in his eyes and his grin were quite adorable – combined with his newly grown muscles, he was turning into quite the hottie. “I’ve got to see how strong I am now. I’m heading to the gym. You should come along.” I couldn’t refuse, I have to admit I was beyond curious; I was intrigued and turned on. We cleaned up and headed over to the campus gym. Chapter 4: Hitting the gym. I had gotten smaller. It was barely noticeable, and if it weren’t for all the other stuff going on – the behemoth visitor and Shawn’s growth – I don’t know if I would have noticed. But because of all that, I was very sensitive to the slightest change. My hand on my cock could tell me that my erection was just a bit less full – still impressive at slightly more than eight and a half inches, but I would not be reaching nine inches again. And I think I was a bit shorter too – things like the top of my desk and the height of a light switch just felt a bit...“off.” Heading to the gym also confirmed that I had lost a bit of muscle as well. In the past few weeks at school, I had been hitting the gym regularly and had been making some noticeable improvements. But today Shawn and I hit the gym and I was struggling to reach my max on pretty much every lift. Shawn, on the other hand, was having a great day. “Yeah! Another new max! I could only do military presses with 25’s before, and I just did two sets with 35’s. This is so hot!” The smile on his face and his boyish happiness helped me to feel a bit less bitter about the underlying reason for his growth. His body looked good too, he would normally be swimming in his clothes, but now his new musculature was actually slightly visible beneath his shirt. He was also filling out his shorts nicely too. Thanks to his new muscle, he was developing a bit of a bubble butt, and in addition the new mass added to his cock and balls were creating an impressive bulge in the front. However, some of that could be attributed to his perpetual erection. I don’t think it’s gone down since this morning. He’s been strutting around the gym all morning with a boner clearly outlined in his gym shorts. Eventually, we both ended up in front of the racks of dumbbells doing bicep curls. We were both facing the mirrored wall. I was trying to focus on controlling my lifts, but I was struggling. Just this past week, I had finally managed to do a set of bicep curls with 45’s, but today I was maxing out at 40’s. I kept glancing over at Shawn, to see how much he had gained. I know that previously he had been proud of being able to do clean curls with 25’s, but today he was trying a pair of 35’s. I gained some satisfaction that even with his new growth, he was overwhelmed by 35’s while I was still doing fine at 40’s. I’d be back to 45’s in no time. However, Shawn had another idea. He dropped his 35’s, took off his shirt and did several flexes in the mirror so that I could see. He was still short and lean, but I would no longer call him “scrawny.” He was slightly sweaty, and his muscles had a truly amazing pump from his morning of tirelessly bouncing around from weight machine to weight machine. His leanness helped to highlight the new muscle striations in his delts and pecs, and his biceps were flushed with his recent struggles with those 35’s – and I could see the beginning of a vein running down each bicep. With a big grin on his face, he gave a most muscular pose in the mirror which highlighted his tight abdominal muscles and showcased all of his new musculature. It looked quite hot on his small, lean frame. He was clearly fully hard, because there was no hiding his cock – it was pointing toward his hip and the head was pushing against his gym shorts. My own erection was visible in my shorts, fighting for release from my briefs. I was clearly distracted and barely paying attention to my bicep curls. But Shawn knew what he wanted, and right there in the middle of the gym, while I was struggling with my 40’s, Shawn stuck his hand into my briefs, gave my cock a good squeeze, and swiped his hand across the head, wiping up a few drops of pre-cum. I was dumbstruck, and was lucky that I didn’t drop the weights on my foot. Shawn bent over, picked up the 35’s and started curling – clearly no longer struggling. Roiling with inner turmoil, I left the gym. It was more than a few hours later when Shawn returned to our dorm room. He still had an unbelievably amazing pump – each muscle looked engorged with blood. And I could clearly see that he was still sporting wood in his shorts. “Were you working out all this time?” “Nah. I was there for a couple of hours after you left – best workout of my life.” He started taking off his sweaty clothes as he said this, revealing more of his tight body and not-so-small bulging muscles. “But I caught this cute-muscle-y freshman checking me out in the showers – how could he not? I was sporting a massive hardon.” As he said this, he pulled his shorts down to reveal his briefs – which were failing to contain his erection. As he turned, I also caught a view of his tight ass; he had clearly worked out his glutes – his bubble butt was definitely filling out. “He couldn’t resist, and so we went back to his room and I fucked him until he couldn’t take it anymore. Apparently, my sex drive is through the roof. I fucked him until I shot my first load in his ass, and didn’t stop fucking until I came again. I had just started the third round of riding his ass, but he was totally worn out and begged me to stop. Can’t blame him for that. I’m hitting the showers.” Chapter 5: Confused. The past couple of weeks have flown by in a blur. I have been trying to keep up with my classes and homework, while also making time to hit the gym as much as I can. I want to try and keep ahead of Shawn and his new muscles, and thanks to this motivation I have been making great progress at the gym. I have managed to regain all of my previous maxes and am pushing my way toward a new round of personal bests. I have also been trying to avoid Shawn, but that has been almost impossible in the gym – he seems to be living in there. And it is showing; he is definitely bulking up. It seems as if each day he is filling out his shirts just a tiny bit more. He seems to definitely be enjoying his new body. Pretty much any time I catch him in the room, he is naked and jacking himself in the mirror while feeling up his muscles. And sometimes even when I am in the room, he can’t keep his hands off himself. I have to admit, he is starting to look hot. His clothes aren’t hanging quite as loosely on him, and his perpetual chubby and beginnings of a bubble butt are competing to fill out his jeans. His new growth has also affected his self confidence, he seems more outgoing and forward, but also slightly more aggressive, and it manifests as bit of a swagger when he walks – which only accentuates his cute butt. I can’t stop checking him out – I sometimes sneak peeks at his glistening and swollen muscles when we run into each other in the gym. And around our dorm room, it has been impossible not to notice the new bulging, pumped muscles each time he returns from the gym, nor his perpetual erection, which because of his increased sex drive he seems to be perpetually groping. He is also constantly pestering me for another dose of cum. But I am reluctant to do it again. I feel that I am being used. And Shawn’s growth could soon be out of control, if he gets any bigger, he might no longer be so polite as to ask for a dose of my cum. Confused. That is the only way to describe how I feel. My roommate is growing into a muscle stud with a raging hard-on. This “should” be the hottest thing to ever happen, to anyone, ever. But I’m worried about what this growth is doing to him, and what it might mean for me. Outside of this, school is going great. I’m actually keeping up with my schoolwork (all those hours of trying to avoid Shawn has meant a lot of time studying in the library), and I’m making great progress at the gym (thanks to my new motivation – trying to keep ahead of Shawn). And the new muscle that I’ve been adding has been getting me some glances from some of the cute boys in the gym. The only problem is that I’m not sure what will happen if my cum gets on another guy. Am I secretly hoping that I can grow an army of muscle boys? Or does that freak me out? And why can’t I answer that question? Maybe I need to try an experiment. First I need to find a subject. But there are so many hotties at the gym to choose from! I am committed to trying out a test. But I’ll have to keep tabs on some of the studs at the gym, and try to find a way to administer a dose of cum. All this writing about the gym has made me want to go push some weight around... Chapter 6: Growth. I don’t know what happened. How did he get so huge? Did he find another guy like me on campus? I was wrapping up at the gym, feeling tired but with a great pump. I had just finished showering and was toweling off. I heard heavy footsteps approaching – one of the football players perhaps? But as it came around the corner, I realized it was Shawn. Or rather, it was monster Shawn. He was gigantic. Easily over six feet tall, and almost as wide. His body was swollen with muscle, and wrapped in veins. His shoulders were boulders of muscle that bulged out in all directions – and coming down from his shoulders, his arms hardly had the opportunity to narrow before the biceps and triceps exploded with vein wrapped muscle. I think his arms were bigger than my head, oh god, they were huge. His gigantic pecs were ribbed with lean, striated muscle fiber, and hung like a shelf over his brick-like abdominals. He was wearing a pair of gym shorts that looked tiny on his huge frame, and were clearly near the breaking point. The shorts did nothing to hide the massive muscles of his legs, and were failing to contain what had to be over 12 inches of massive, thick, vein-wrapped cock. I couldn’t even let out a gasp. I froze. Like a helpless bunny. Apparently I’m beyond useless in a crisis. “More.” His voice was deep, and sounded more like an earth tremor. A gigantic meaty hand lifted me in the air and pinned me to the lockers. “More.” He rumbled as his other hand tore off my towel. He held me suspended in the air, naked, pinned to the locker with one arm, while the other gigantic hand engulfed my cock and balls. In spite of his incredible strength, he was being relatively gentle handling my cock – but relatively gentle in this case meant some fairly rough tugging and stroking. The heat coming off the corded muscles of his forearm pinned to my chest, the sight of all the muscles in Shawn’s body fighting for space under his skin, the gleam in his eye, and the rough tugging on my cock, all worked together to get me hard very quickly. His forearm released me a bit – was he about to let me go? But then I realized that he wasn’t letting me go, he was keeping me pinned to the lockers, but lowering me down so that I was sitting on top of his gigantic member. I could feel the heat as it pushed its way up between my legs. Hell! He was going to split me open with that thing! He redoubled his efforts on my boner, while his massive erection started to work its way into my butt. And before I even had a chance to curl my toes, I was cumming like a fountain. I shot all over Shawn – spraying across his chest and abs. He stroked the last dribbles out of my cock, they covered his hand and arm. Almost immediately, I could feel him expanding. The arm across my chest felt as if it was moving, but it was lengthening while the cords of muscle readjusted to fit the new growth. I could see Shawn’s eyes rising as he grew taller, they still held that cute boyish gleam, but there was an intensity that spoke of his hunger for muscle. His shoulders and traps bulged larger and wider, the striations in his chest rippled as they expanded. He let go of my cock and brought the arm up to flex his bicep – I thought I could hear the skin stretching to accommodate the massive, rock-hard bicep – both heads clearly visible underneath the web of veins. I was still sitting on his enormous member, and I could feel it pushing upwards, the massive head expanding and pushing against my ass. Fuck. I came again. And just like all the rest of my spunk, this also disappeared into his skin with startling speed. “More.” He rumbled. And the intensity in his eyes told me that this time he was going to be rough. And that’s when I sat bolt upright in bed. Covered in sweat. Gasping for air. What a nightmare. And...a wet dream? Seriously? I haven’t had one of those since I was a kid. Fuck! My boxers and sheets were covered. I glanced over at Shawn asleep in bed. Thankfully, he was his normal size – if you can call his current size normal – but at least he wasn’t a monster. I dragged my ass out of bed and quietly stumbled off to the bathroom to try and clean up. Splashing some warm water on my face, and cleaning up my mess helped me to clear the cobwebs from my head. It was only a dream. It doesn’t have to get that way. I could leave school. I could talk to someone, try to get some help. Feeling a bit better, I stumbled back to the room. I opened the door to our room, and immediately saw that Shawn was out of bed. In fact, he was lying in my bed. What the hell? “Hey buddy!” He greeted my return. I could see that he was naked in my bed. “What...?” Again with the lack of words. I’m loquacious. (Where the hell was that vocabulary when I needed it!?) “Saw that you had made a bit of a mess. Thought I’d help you out by cleaning things up a bit.” Shit. He hadn’t been asleep. He used the opportunity to soak up every last bit of cum from my sheets. I could see his muscles glistening in the dim light coming through the blinds. How big was he now? Shawn got up from my bed, I could see that he was sporting a massive hardon – it was standing straight up, looking full and meaty, and easily touching his belly button. Was that thing eight inches now? We both looked down at his body, his abs were clenching and tightening, the small, tight bricks becoming slightly more pronounced. He flexed his chest, and I could see them swell a bit fuller with just a hint of an extra layer of lean, striated muscle. He brought his arms up to give a double biceps pose, and I could see the V formed by his back muscles was just a bit broader. His lean arms showed the mounds of his biceps well, they appeared to be swelling as he flexed. Shawn looked up from his body, and our eyes met. Shit – he was almost my height now. I was looking almost straight across at his eyes. He was smiling with that cute, mischievous grin. “Bring the ruler.” I grabbed the ruler from his desk and handed it over. He placed it firmly against the base of his cock with the tip stretching past the seven and a half inch mark. He tensed and flexed, and the head of his cock climbed a bit closer to the eight inch mark on the ruler. “Get me off.” He whispered. We both looked down at his hardon. I think I was salivating. I crossed the room and got down on my knees in front of Shawn. Up close, his boner looked massive. It was full and thick, and wrapped in veins. The head was a solid mushroom on top of a long, meaty stalk. I looked up, past Shawn’s cobblestone abs and his lean, striated pecs, into his gleaming blue eyes. That was all it took. In my lust, I grabbed his cock and engulfed it. Or, as much as I could get in my mouth. It felt like hot steel in my mouth. I wrapped one hand around the base, and cupped his balls with the other hand – they felt huge and full, larger than mine. I slicked up his tool and sucked and stroked his cock – revelling in the stud that I had created. Shawn grabbed my head and fucked my mouth. Very soon, I could feel his balls tightening, and his cock swelling in my mouth. And then he grunted and I could feel his hot jizz shooting down my throat. I gulped it all down. Shawn pulled his swollen member out of my mouth. And it was as if a cloud had lifted, and all the confusion returned in a rush. Had I really just done that? He climbed into his bed, and I climbed into mine (at least it was dry). “Night buddy. And thanks.” He said as we each drifted off to sleep. Chapter 7: An experiment. It has been a few days since my last experience with Shawn. Our routines have settled back in place – I’m avoiding Shawn, and he is spending all his time in the gym. I’m still confused. I don’t know what came over me that night. Shawn is certainly adorably cute, and his new muscular body is getting to be really quite hot. I’m into bigger, muscular guys, and Shawn is certainly on his way there. And... I am having a tough time admitting this... But this ability to grow a guy is really a turn on. However, for some reason I am anxious about what’s going on. Maybe I wanted this for myself. Maybe I’m worried about what this will mean for my future. Maybe I just need a friend I can confide in – someone more responsive than this journal. With a few days to get over my shock, my mind has returned to the idea of trying an experiment. I think I want to see if this is limited to just Shawn, or if I need to be worried about anyone taking a dose of growth from me. I need a plan where my subject won’t know what’s going on – I can’t have another person hounding me for growth. I’ve settled on a plan, and I’ve found a subject. There’s this hot stud at the gym. I think his name is Greg. He’s about 5’10 and built like a swimmer who has been lifting too much weight. He has dark brown eyes, and his dark brown hair is buzzed close to his head, he has a somewhat hairy body, but he keeps it very neatly trimmed. He is lean and narrow at the waist, with tight abs, but then his body expands with solid muscles on top. He’s got a nice V-shape to his back, hard pecs, solid bulging shoulders, and impressive arms. I’ve checked him in the showers, and he’s got a large cock and balls – there would be absolutely no way he could hide any additional growth to that equipment. But most importantly, I’ve noticed that he usually buys a bottle of flavoured water from the machine at the gym. And this will make it quite easy to switch with another bottle. I think I know Greg’s workout schedule, I’m off to the gym. I arrived at the gym and took a quick look around – Greg wasn’t there yet. No sense wasting a trip to the gym, so I got to work. Soon enough, Greg arrived. I noted the flavour of the water he had, and quickly headed off to get my own bottle. I ducked into the washroom and locked myself in a stall. I had the foresight to drink a bit out of the bottle first – didn’t want it to overflow. The excitement and anticipation had me hard before I even got into the stall, and it really didn’t take long before I was cumming. I managed to direct it all into the bottle – it was an impressive load, and even with having taken some out ahead of time, I still came close to overflowing the bottle. I replaced the cap and headed back into the gym. I found Greg working out at a pec deck, and I sauntered up to the adjacent machine. It was too easy. He wasn’t really paying attention, and so when I plopped my stuff down next to my own machine, I quickly switched the two bottles. I started working out at my own machine – again, no sense wasting a trip to the gym. Greg seemed to be doing some form of circuit training – he wasn’t really focusing on any particular body part. This meant that he was moving around the gym quite a bit – and this was making it difficult to follow him surreptitiously. But after several minutes, I saw him take a sip from his bottle. The anticipation had me on edge, and my boner was rock hard in my shorts. Greg was wearing a muscle shirt that was a bit loose, and a pair of rather tight fitting gym shorts. I was eagerly checking him out to see if I could notice any changes from that first sip, but even knowing what to expect, I was having a tough time determining if anything was happening. Was he a bit taller? Were those arms bulging a bit more? Or maybe my cum only worked on Shawn? If so, would that be a good thing or a disappointment? I think it should be a good thing, because then I would not need to worry about every sexual partner I have growing out of control. But why can’t I get the feeling of disappointment out of my head? A few minutes later, I had my answer. Greg finished a set of pull ups and took a big swig of his water. And almost immediately, I could see his frame stretching a bit taller. It looked as if he just stood up a bit straighter, but I could tell that this was growth. His shoulders also stretched out a bit wider – looking as if they had a good pump. And as he turned around, I could easily tell that he was sporting a chubby in those tight gym shorts – it was clearly starting to push out a bit of a tent. From this point on, it only got better. Greg was clearly having the workout of his life. His eyes were gleaming, he was grunting louder, and he was bounding with energy as he almost flew from machine to machine. Each exercise gave a new body part an amazing pump as he worked his way through his circuit – over and over. As he worked out, he continued to take sips from his bottle. The growth from my cum was just expanding on the pump that he was getting from his workout. His height was increasing, he had to be at least six feet by now, and his muscle shirt was no longer loose, it was starting to tightly hug his growing body. His arms were pumped and bulging, and it was easy to see a few rock hard veins running over his biceps. His shoulders were starting to look impressive, widening out and adding size in all dimensions. His pecs were straining the straps of his muscle shirt, and lifting the front so that there was now a bit of exposed skin above his gym shorts. Below the waist was just as impressive. His tight shorts were being pushed out by a fantastic bubble butt – two hard globes of muscle that projected out of his lower back. And he was clearly fully hard now. There was no way to conceal what looked like a third leg running down the length of his right thigh. If it wasn’t being held up by his gigantic balls, it might have popped out the leg already. Fuck, he had become a total stud. What I wouldn’t give to have a workout like that. I had exhausted myself working out (quite a good workout, with a couple of new personal bests), and was walking on the treadmill as an excuse to continue watching Greg’s progress. Greg’s workout came to a sudden end. He was doing dumbbell bicep curls in front of the mirrored wall. I had a great side view of him from the treadmill area. His biceps were looking huge and swollen with rock-hard muscle, and he was clearly having a blast – he kept going back and grabbing heavier sets of dumbbells. He had just taken the final chug of his drink and grabbed a heavier set of weights, when his massive cock finally outgrew his tight gym shorts. The head popped out the bottom, looking huge and swollen, and almost immediately a big drop of pre-cum leaked out and dropped with a splat on the floor. It was so fucking hot I almost came right there. Greg looked around to see if anyone had noticed. He caught me checking him out – I really couldn’t hide that I had seen it happen. Looking embarrassed, he grabbed his stuff and headed to the locker room. I absolutely could not stop myself from following him. I caught up to Greg in the showers, his body was amazing – pumped, swollen muscles bulging everywhere and wrapped in a nice web of veins. And his cock... How can I describe it? He was still fully hard – it was sticking straight out from his body. Sitting on top of a huge set of balls, the base appeared to be thicker than my forearm. His shaft was at least as thick as my wrist, and there was a very prominent vein running along the top. He had to be over ten inches. As I walked into the shower, I could not hide my lust for his body – it was obvious. Greg, clearly in need of relief, looked me right in the eye and gave his massive tool a few strokes, while the other hand felt up the swollen muscles of his abs and chest. It was a clear invitation, and I jumped at the opportunity. Neither one of us cared whether someone might walk into the showers and catch us in the act. I almost jumped on his dick. I kneeled in front of him right there in the showers and rammed his cock down my throat. It was massive. His boner felt gigantic in my hands – and I was easily able to get both hands on the shaft and still had enough to max out what I could shove down my throat. I slurped and sucked and squeezed (as much as I could squeeze an iron rod), revelling in servicing a huge muscle stud. Greg let out a deep moan, and I could feel his gigantic balls tighten and his shaft swelling. His first shots were so powerful they almost knocked me off his cock. And fuck! I was cumming too. Load after load shot down my throat. And my own orgasm was splattering my cum on everything in the shower – including Greg. Thankfully, I don’t think too much got on him. But at least some did – I could feel him getting taller – with his cock in my mouth, it was easy to notice that I had to rise up a bit on my knees. I could also feel my jaw being stretched a bit wider by his shaft, and the head pushing a bit farther down my throat. This new growth caused Greg to cum again, another several shots down my throat. Eventually, his orgasm subsided, and he pulled his massive cock out. My jaw was sore from being stretched. I looked up. He was bigger than before, he had to be over six feet. His muscles looked like someone who competed in physique competitions; they were rock hard, bulging everywhere, and were wrapped in veins. But he now clearly had a future in the porn industry; his cock looked like it had been photoshopped. We cleaned up and went our separate ways. I headed back to the dorm. Shawn was in the room when I arrived. I had found it odd that he wasn’t in the gym – but immediately could see why he wasn’t in the gym. Shawn was standing in the middle of the room, checking himself out in the mirror. He was wearing a wrestling singlet. The singlet hugged his tight body and really showed off his lean musculature, including those amazing glutes. As I entered the room, he turned toward me. I could see that he was fully hard, even without the slightly darker spot from his pre-cum, the singlet did nothing to hide his erection. “Hey Buddy! Look what I did. I joined the wrestling team!” He was clearly excited about this new adventure. With his cute blue eyes and his adorable smile, it was tough not to also feel excited along with him. “Why did you do that?” “I used to wrestle back when I was a kid. Before everyone else hit puberty and outgrew me. I quit wrestling when I ran out of people my age who were in my weight category, and I was getting beat by kids who were two to three years younger than me. But now I’m moving up into a better weight category, and my strength is increasing all the time. As you well know.” He gave me an impish grin. “I convinced the coach to give me a shot. He was willing to let me train with the team, and if I show promise, he might let me compete. Grappling with sweaty college boys will be hot. And with your help, I think I’ll do very well.” He shot me another grin, and there was no mistaking the lust in his eyes. He even gave his hardon a squeeze through the singlet. He was clearly turned on. “I have to head to class.” I lied. I headed off to the library to find some quiet time and clear my head.
  15. Jessie Aberdeen’s name has been selected by a muscle supplement company in a contest through his local gym. The company gives away three tickets a year to three lucky recipients to come visit their headquarters and to mingle with some of their models and sponsors. Jessie has won one of these tickets which have made some of his gym buddies incredibly jealous of his luck since only a handful of men have ever been given the chance to even obtain a ticket. The thing is Jessie isn’t really all that interested in even going to the headquarters unless he is allowed to take his ex-boyfriend Riley Cera with him since they are still very close friends. Riley is all for it, but they have to convince the company, Maximum Nutrition, of letting him tag along first. One of their agents, Victor Dumas, has made a special trip to come and meet with Jessie about him being selected for the contest. The man catches up with him as he is going through one of his workouts. He walks over and takes a seat beside Jessie on a vacant machine and gives him some much needed encouragement as he pumps his pecs up. After finishing a set or two, Victor puts his hand out to shake the winner’s hand. Jessie’s eyes immediately wander over to the agent’s powerful arms as they glisten and show off their incredible vascularity. The man is a stunner with huge muscles all over his entire frame. His shirt and pants are leaving nothing to the imagination. He asks Jessie where they can talk in private so they can have a conversation about what will transpire next. The gym manager happens to be nearby so he directs them to the back of the gym where they have a meeting room. Both Jessie and Victor go inside and sit down across from each other. He goes through a checklist asking Jessie asking whether or not if he has any health issues and does know that he has a stipulation about Riley. “May I ask Mr. Aberdeen why you want to bring your friend Riley along?” “He makes me feel very relaxed in unfamiliar surroundings. We also have a history as well.” “Ohh I get it. Well I hate to tell you this but the company is not thrilled that someone else is being added to the list, but they have said that they will allow him to come. He just won’t be allowed to participate in the program though.” “There is a program? I just thought there was some kind of reward involved.” “Ohh there are definitely rewards, trust me, but you do need to realize that Riley will complicate things if he is a part of your program.” “So where will he be then? Should I just give my ticket to someone else?” “OH NO! You can’t forfeit the ticket. It was awarded to you because you fit the criteria for the contest. Riley however, does not fit the criteria. We can invite him to visit you later on, but for now he doesn’t constitute an invite.” Jessie stares at him in a confused manner and wonders what the problem really is with this situation. “I just don’t understand this. This makes me want to forget about the whole trip altogether.” Victor stands up and lifts his shirt up to show Jessie what he can look forward to. “Here let me show you what can happen to you when you come to the complex.” He then pulls his shirt off and pulls his pants down to do a most muscular pose. Jessie looks on in awe at this man’s perfection. “Uhh okay, so you are saying that I will look something like that?” “Well not exactly like me, but I was at one time on the other side of the table like you are. I was smallish and pretty average, nothing special really. They have methods there that can change your body forever. Every man has different DNA, but this is an opportunity that is only afforded to the lucky few that are chosen. You were selected because they foresee success with you Jessie.” “Hmm okay I guess I am sold on this. I just want you to promise me that Riley will get to come see me eventually.” Victor sits back down and pulls out a stylus from his briefcase to hand it to Jessie so he can use it for his tablet so he can sign off on several digital documents. They talk a bit more about the trip and Victor assures him that he will make sure Riley gets an invite when things are ready to go. “So…..I read that there are two other men in this, right? Are they just random guys like me?” Victor laughs and nods his head up and down. “Yeah just like you and yes they are from this country. You will meet up with them at the company orientation when you get there for meet and greets. They are also smallish like you.” “Okay I want to trust you Victor. I feel like we could have been friends when you were younger.” “And we can’t now? Come on man, are you telling me that you wouldn’t want to feel these all the time?” Points to his giant biceps and squeezes them as they rise. He motions for Jessie to come over and feel them which he does. He smiles as Jessie lets out a slight moan and reacts. “It feels great to wake up every day and feel like you are the center of someone’s fantasy. Before my growth cycle, I didn’t have anyone to be with. Since I joined the company though, that changed quickly and I have all kinds of friends. I hope we can be friends as well Jessie.” He stands in front of Jessie and has him rub his chest feeling his rock hard abs and thick pecs. Jessie moans again and leans in to feel them against his face. Victor pulls him back a bit and laughs. “Not now little man, if you get too close to me you will get me in a lot of trouble. Now when we get to the company, then maybe we can get a little more acquainted.” “Are we traveling together?” “Absolutely we are. The company sent me because they think that we can get along pretty well and I beginning to think that they are correct.” Victor puts his clothes back on and wraps his right arm around Jessie as they leave the meeting room. He tells Jessie to go home and come back to the gym when he is packed because they only have a brief amount of time before the next flight comes in. Jessie would like to contact Riley first, but knows that his ex would rush there to try and go with him as well. “What are you going to do here Victor while you are waiting on me?” “Call me Vic if you want Jessie. *winks* Hmm well…..I guess I could get a quick workout in as well. *pulls shirt back off* I could get a few sets in while I wait I suppose. We have about three hours before we need to leave so make it hasty little man.” “Okay I will be back soon, see you then Vic.” The lucky winner jumps into his car and races home to get his luggage out of his closet. He gets a knock on the front door and stops to go answer it. When he opens it Riley steps inside and smiles at him. “So……did you manage to get me in on this as well?” “Uhh yeah about that Riley, the man they sent said that you can’t travel with me right now. They said they will contact you when the time is right to come see me.” Riley’s smile disappears as it turns to disgust. He goes to sit down in one of the chairs in the hallway and puts his hands on his head. “WHAT!, damn so this really is just for you only. Are you going to be alright going there by yourself?” “Yeah I won’t be alone there. He said there are two other winners that will be meeting up with me at the facility. I actually trust this guy for some reason.” “Hmmm, I know how you are Jess. I hope that you understand that you will be alone when you get there. I won’t be there to protect you in case something bad happens. I want to meet this guy before you leave though just to get an idea of who you are dealing with.” “Okay, I don’t think that will be a problem. I just have to finish packing and we can go back to the gym together.” The beefy Riley follows Jessie into his bedroom and helps him finish filling his luggage. As he closes his suitcase, Riley hugs him from behind and squeezes tightly. He kisses Jessie on the neck and leans against him. “Wha…..why are you doing that Riley?” “I still love you so much Jess and I don’t want anything to happen to you that might be against your will.” “I’ll be okay buddy. I still love you too but you already have someone special in your life.” Jessie turns around and rubs his hands on Riley’s beefy chest to calm him down. Riley looks into his eyes and leans in to kiss him gently and rub his back. “I will find a way to get there to see you Jess. They won’t have to contact me because I want to be there.” They finish packing and rush out the door and into Riley’s truck. They continue talking as they drive back to the gym. “I thought this was a good idea, but maybe you were right in the beginning. Maybe this is a trap of some sort Jess.” “Please just meet Victor first and maybe you will change your mind about this whole contest.” “Wow, you even talk about this guy like he is a friend. You never do that unless you have some sense of the person.” Riley rubs Jessie’s left leg as he drives which makes him uncomfortable. “Stop doing that Riley. We are not together anymore remember? Why isn’t Steve with you anyway?” “Actually he is at the gym too. I just wanted to see if you were home first before I came here.” “Alright well just try to control yourself okay?” They arrive back at the gym as Victor stands near the entrance doors talking with the owner. Jessie and Riley walk in as Victor turns to look at them and smiles. He gives Jessie a big hug and holds him for a few seconds which makes Riley mutter to himself. “There you are. I see you have a friend. OH……this must be Riley.” He reaches out his powerful hand to shake Riley’s beefy one. Riley extends slowly as Victor squeezes tightly. “WOW, you have a tremendous handshake man,’ Riley says loudly. “Oh well yeah I guess I do. Sorry about that.” He turns to Jessie and makes a gesture at the door. Jessie gets it. “Where is Steve, Riley? I don’t see him.” “Hmmm I don’t either. I would go to look for him but I can see that your ‘friend’ wants to leave now.” Riley turns to Victor to say a few things. “Listen man, I care for this guy here more than you could ever know. I want to make sure that you are going to be there to help him since he thinks you are legit. Are we cool?” “Sure Riley, we are cool. I think he will be able to take care of himself soon anyway so don’t be a buzzkill.” *winks* Riley looks at him puzzled at this gesture and reaches over to bear hug Jessie one last time. “Jess I love you man. I don’t want anything to happen to you and I promise I will be there as soon as possible.” He leans in to kiss Jessie longingly and squeezes him tightly against his body. Jessie moans softly and rubs his back. He releases though when Victor pulls him away. “I love you too Riley and we will talk soon.” Riley waves goodbye as Victor whisks Jessie into his limo after putting his luggage in the trunk. They take off for the airport soon after. The muscly Italian sits fairly close to Jessie as they ride in the back. “I think your friend Riley still loves you quite a bit. I fear he will get himself in trouble if he continues to act out like this.” Jessie looks at him in a strange way. “You mean if he decided to come see me? I do fear that he will think irrationally. He has always been so protective of me.” “I will try to keep you safe Jessie, but eventually you won’t need my help any longer. That is the whole point to the lottery, you are the beneficiary.” “Oh I think I understand that. It just seems so daunting at the moment though. I guess I will be a lot calmer when I meet the other guys there.” “Oh sure, they are in the same position you are. They have their own agents as well. I am always going to be your agent so you don’t have to worry about me handing you off to someone else.” “Ahh okay, I kind of figured you were going to be my agent through this whole process.” They arrive at the airport and get onto the plane. Victor tells Jessie to go ahead and get some sleep because he will be having a big day tomorrow. The flight takes a few hours before they land on the west coast. Victor shakes him and tells him to wake up. They get off the plane and Jessie immediately feels the heat hitting him in the face as he leaves. Victor laughs and says that soon he will no longer have to worry about wearing any shirts at all in this hot weather. End of Part 1
  16. fillups

    Zeus' Folly, Hulk's Pain

    Chrismac29can graciously allowed me to expand his story King Leonidas eats Hulk for breakfast, found at https://groups.yahoo.com/neo/groups/HulkSmashed/conversations/topics/85 Zeus' Folly, Hulk's Pain by fillups and chrismac29can King Leonidas of Sparta sat among his men as they feasted furiously. Beast-like, he tore a piece of burning flesh and devoured it Was it the cattle or the meat of some other beast? Leonidas found he cared not. He sought only to fill the ravenous hunger of his body. Though Leonidas was king he sat among his men not above them because of the incredible changes that had been wrought, his view was above the rest. He watched his men savagely tear into the carcasses of the various beasts on the battlefield, reveling in their victory over the Persian army. The multitudes of the Persian army had been brutally slain to a man and yet not a single one of the 300 who had defended Sparta had fallen. It seemed like an eternity ago but on the previous day, Leonidas and the mighty 300 had been on the brink of annihilation by the Persian army. Inspired by the bravery of the Spartans, the futility of their last stand and especially by King Leonidas, the God-King Zeus had intervened just before the Persian army had overrun the brave Spartans. Zeus had intended to endow each of the 300 soldiers with the powers close to that of the gods. It was not within his power or his intention to bestow god-like powers on mere mortals but the bravery of the Spartans was such that he was bestirred to grant something to even the odds of this awesome and fatal act of bravery. To each man he sought to grant the strength of fifty men, near a hundredth of the enormous strength and power of his offspring Herakles. Also the speed of fifty gazelles or rather near a tenth of the speed of the god Hermes., and finally a portion of the battle savagery and skill of Ares. For Leonidas, Zeus intended to receive double of each of these gifts such was his affection for this potent king. However the workings of the universe are even beyond that of the great god, for the men's intense loyalty and bravery charged the atmosphere around them. Even as they faced certain death the men were suddenly surrounded by the white hot glow the god king's power. Such was the intensity that the Persian army was momentarily blinded. Even Zeus himself could not perceive what was happening to the 300 within the glow. When the glow faded, Zeus was taken aback. For instead of granting the men a portion of the gods' powers, each man was fully endowed with the powers of the gods. Nay far beyond the gods' power. For instead of a mere hundredth of Herakles glorious strength the men were imbued with twice Herakles might. The same for their speed, savagery and battle skill. All double what the gods themselves possessed. And Leonidas, such was the strength of the adoration of each and every one of his men he himself was filled with the power of all 299 of the godlike super powered Spartans that followed him. The bare muscular torsos of the men around him were expanding, growing huge with muscle. The muscles rippled and glowed in the fading of the supernatural light. Each of the men were larger and more muscular than the massive Herakles himself. Leonidas himself stood half a foot again taller than the men around him, almost 7 feet tall. His beard and hair grew ever more wiry. His chest and legs sprouted a dark coating of hair. His monstrous shoulders rounded wide out to his sides pushing the men away from him. Veins ran like lighting bolts coursing across the wirelike striations of his muscles. HIs pecs bulged outwards like an enormous shelf over his powerfully muscled abdomen, thick, thick with muscle His arms dwarfed the trunks of the oldest woods in the gods own forest. His forearms twice as thick as the hulking legs of his own soldiers. Terrible and awesome his arms hung far off to Leonidas' sides pushed away by their own incredible mass and the width of his mammoth lats. The teardrop shaped muscle on his thighs bulged ever thicker even as the muscle was cleaved by striation after striation. The incredibly muscled men around Leonidas looked like small boys in comparison with the colossal muscle size of their beloved king. The mountain of striated muscle that was Leonidas moved forward in a graceful and quick motion. In a voice that cleaved the air and rattled the heavens with the power of a multitude of thunderclaps Leonidas roared, "CHARGE!" The Persians were deafened by the noise and had only seconds to react as the 300 megaliths of muscle moved into battle. The Persian army was spread out for miles with an almost limitless number of skilled warriors. To a man these warriors were to meet a gory end before the hour was through. Hundreds of men died almost instantly pierced by javelins hurled with such force they traveled for miles through the ranks of the Persians, as if their thick armor and bodies exerted no resistance at all to the weapons. The Spartans moved with such speed even Zeus with his divine vision could only glimpse a blur of motion and the flash of a sword as the soldiers raced through the suddenly terrified ranks of the vast opposing hordes, easily hacking Persian bodies to pieces. In a panic, the Persians loosed the wild beasts---the rhinoceroses, the elephants to dash in and lay waste to whatever living creature they encountered. The animals lumbered forward trampling hapless soldiers on their way to the battle maelstrom. As the beasts rammed into the Greeks the beast roars gave way to squeals of pain as they were bodily flung by the soldiers. Leonidas hurled fourteen of the animals almost as once. The animals smashed into phalanxes of Persian soldiers reducing them to mixtures of human and animal gore where nothing living remained. From atop the giant golden dais that served as his throne, Xerxes stared at the field in rage and disbelief as his vast force was being consumed by a bronzed cloud of death. They had been about to destroy the obstinate Spartans!!!!! He saw thousands of his minions fall to the fast moving cloud that was the Spartan army. In the cloud's wake, nothing moved. All was death and devastation. Within moments of spotting the Spartans the cloud was suddenly upon his golden throne. His troops were brutally smashed almost before he realized what had happened. Suddenly the ferocious sounds of battle stilled and Xerxes gazed upon the prodigious men that were the army of 300. They stood ranged around his throne staring up at him. Dwarfing the rest was King Leonidas his pale skin covered in the dripping blood of thousands. His green eyes cold as he beheld Xerxes. In an act of bravery and foolishness the nine foot Persian king leapt from the dais to attack Leonidas with his royal sword and the sharpened claws on his hands. The giant king crashed into Leonidas steely frame like a wave crashing against the Spartan rocky coast The Spartan King budged not an inch while Xerxes bruised and broken body crumpled to his feet. Xerves forearm had fractured as it has come down on the muscle of Leonidas's unforgiving shoulder. His sharpened claws had shattered trying to penetrate his hard, sinewy neck. Xerxes moaned in pain as Leonidas walked forward, his bare feet crushing the bones that littered the battleground. Xerxes gasped and looked backward to see the King grip underneath the front end his war-dais. He whimpered and pissed himself as the biceps of that arm peaked into a mountain of hard muscle much larger than the size of the king's own head. Leonidas single arm raised the massive platform into the air easily as if Leonidas were picking up a light spear. The dais was now balanced vertically in his god-like grip. Unintentionally Xerxes felt his cock submissively spew his seed as Leonidas stood over him with the dais held cradled easily in his grip. Leonidas wielded the dais like a club and squashed Xerxes flat. The titanic king tossed the dais aside. It's great weight smashed a deep crater into the earth where it landed. Leonidas sniffed in disdain at the remains of the once mighty army around him. He felt no need to honor the brave dead, only disdain at their weakness. He then stuffed the shattered remains of the former Persian King into a wooden barrel, and then hurled the barrel over the horizon. With the new power he was imbued with, he knew the his throw would send the barrel down in the middle of Ecbatana, the Persian empire's capital city as a grisly sign to any successor of the dangers of confronting his might. Leonidas savored the memory of the savage joy he had felt at that moment of triumph in his mind as he ripped another piece of meet from the bone he was eating from. He knew he had been deeply altered not only the enormous physical change but within as well. Where once all he could dream of was coupling with his beautiful wife, now the thought gave him no pleasure. He still felt affection for her and appreciation for her beauty but no desire for her filled his loins. Instead he looked at his men with newfound pleasure and love. Oily juices from the massive slab of meat coated the rippling muscles of his powerful forearm, as his teeth ripped flesh from the bone. Finishing off the hind leg like it was a chicken wing, he marveled at the hunger that consumed them. This hunger extended not only to food but also other carnal desires. He watched his men fuck each other with wild abandon and he found the coupling of his men to be the most beautiful sight to ever greet his eyes. He stroked his dark beard in appreciation that gave way to a sadness. His own enhanced power was so great he would now cripple or kill any man he sought to ravish, even men as strong as his soldiers. Nevertheless he pulled out his mighty organ fully thicker than a stout tree branch. He gripped it's hot veiny width with his big hands and stroked himself at the sight of his men's copulation. His phallus had not only increased in size but in the pleasure it gave him. He moaned out loud shaking the very mountains with his cries of ecstasy. A fountain of hot cum showered from the skies on to the men bathing them in Leonidas' seed. Zeus looked down at the speed, the ease and the completeness of the Persian army's defeat with no pleasure. Such power was beyond him and all the gods of Olympus. What had been created here? He felt himself shaking with something he did not recognize. Fear. Fear especially of Leonidas. With all his abilities, Zeus could not see the limits to the Spartan king's powers. Powers, he was well aware, that Leonidas had not even discovered yet. These were no longer men and as such they were a threat he needed to deal with before they realized the extent of their power. Zeus used his powers to search the universe for a force to challenge them. Suddenly far in the future he came across a creature mightier than all else around him. A creature that destroyed everything it came into contact with, without even meaning to a creature that could increase his size as he became angrier. He saw far away a weakness in the tissue of time. A wizard was dueling with the creature, opening up a dimensional gate. Zeus, using his powers to their utmost, manipulated the gate. Stelios, had just finished pleasuring Captain Artemis. He had never experienced such ecstasy in his young life. While he shared the magnificent strength of his fellows, as the youngest he was also slightly weaker than the other men. After the first nine orgasms he found himself tiring slightly, unable to muster the fortitude to equal his Captain's. While Artemis was busying himself with two other soldiers, Stelios bounded away to find some water. His powerful legs carried him many leagues in a few moments. He found a small valley nestled among the nearby mountains which hid a pleasant lake and a cooling spring. Shedding the remnants of his much abused armor and cape, Stelios washed the remains of battle and his carnal rutting from his skin. It pleasured Stelios to feel the contours of his new body. The amazing hardness of his chest, shoulders and arms. He ran his hand across the rutted surface of the muscle savoring the new feelings and how impossible it was to completely reach across his new mass. He pushed his hand down deep into the furrow of his own chest. He had a large hand and it could completely vanish into that muscled valley. His manhood started to enlarge despite the hours of fucking and the cool water that now rushed across it. He suddenly ejaculated thick ropy streams of his issue, staining the pool further. Suddenly, above the valley, the sky itself was rent apart in a reddish gash. Winds suddenly appeared whipping the foliage around Stelios into a frenzy. He found himself strangely unmoved by the supernatural spectacle that would have previously sent him to his knees. A new confidence bloomed in him. A massive green form leapt from the torn fabric of space and time and landed at the edge of the valley. The ground rumbled with the impact. The tear then suddenly disappeared from the sky as quickly as it had formed. The naked youth strode from the lake, the clear water misting off from the heat of his magnificent body. Although the green creature had dropped a mile away, Stelios was there in less than a second. The green behemoth raised his head groggily: "Uhhh.. Puny magician has sent Hulk away again. No fair to Hulk." Stelios did not know what to make of this creature. It was emerald green and had the appearance of an incredibly muscular man. Bestial it seemed to Stelios,. Perhaps one last travesty of nature from the Persians he thought. Their magicians trafficked much in the black arts and the creature did mention something that sounded like sorcery Stelios was thinking so intensely he did not notice he was gripping the trunk of a small tree next to him snapping it in two. The Hulk stood up at the sound and turned to face him. Stelios was suddenly aware that the creature was considerable taller than him, about the same height as Leonidas with muscles that would have overawed him a day ago. Now even though this creature towered over him by almost a foot....Stelios was not sure that it was any more muscular than his own incredible body. "From where have you come?" he shouted bravely up at the great creature. "Hulk chase puny magician up mountain. Hulk not know where that was. Hulk not know where here is either" The creature did not appear to be ready for combat and it seemed disoriented. Stelios decided to take the creature in for Leonidas' pleasure. "You are a prisoner of the Spartan army, creature. Come with me." The creature's eyes cleared of befuddlement, giving way to fury. "Hulk is no one's prisoner Muscle boy is not as strong as Hulk!" The creature suddenly sprang at Stelios. Stelios moved quicker than the Hulk's eye could follow, sidestepped and using the Hulk's momentum gripped his forearm and smashed him into the side of the hill. There was crash as the granite cracked with the impact of the Hulk's skull. Chunks of rock pounded down on top of the briefly prone creature. There was a roaring sound the creature burst forth suddenly scattering boulders everywhere. The green creature looked subtly larger to Stelios. "Hulk smash tricky muscle boy!!" the creature rumbled quickly sending a massive uppercut to the youth's head. Stelios was caught by the suddenness of the explosion and knocked up high into the air. He landed on his feet, his prodigious legs easily cushioning the impact, directly in front of the angry creature who was waiting for the youths landing. Stelios felt his ears wringing from the prodigious blow, but he was still conscious surviving a blow that would have destroyed tanks in the Hulk's time. The Hulk was surprised the young man was still standing and he noticed the bronzed youth's massive muscles. They were at least as big as his own even inflated by his growing rage. "No one bigger than, Hulk!" he roared, breaking into an obscenely huge most muscular, his muscles bulged obscenely. The muscular challenge uncoiled Stelios' pride and he matched the creature's pose, nay he exceeded it; his more symmetrical bronzed body bulged thicker and overcame the incredible size of the Hulk's frenzied pose. Hulk roared in a rage, vainly trying to grow bigger than this massive youth. The young man crouched in front of the Hulk. The Hulk approach the youth and gripped the young man's arms in an attempt to hold them down. The golden muscle was not dented by his enormous pressure and the arms felt disturbingly powerful in his hands. Stelios's arms were gripped with a force that could pulverize mountains. Stelios' muscles ached as he resisted the downward force with an equal force of his own. Massive arms pushed against more massive arms. Even with the advantage of leverage and gravity, The Hulk could not budge the Spartan's arms downward and anger and fury began to fuel his strength increase. With minute slowness and with every bit of enhanced strength the Hulk could muster, he began to move this young man's arms downwards. While the Hulk was concentrating every molecule of his being into subduing Stelios, Stelios was able to divert a small portion of his attention to concentrating on how to get away from this stubborn gargantua. With Stelios' attention momentarily diverted the creature had begun to muscle his arms downwards. He could see the spark of triumph in the Hulk's eyes when suddenly Stelios simply kicked out somehow catching the Hulk in the back of the knee. The creature staggered which was enough for Stelios to quickly pull from the Hulk's grip and race back towards the army. Stelios was fast but the Hulk saw the direction and came roaring after him. Stelios arrived at the camp in moments. "A creature from the heavens chases me. It's strength and fortitude are more than a match for me and it comes directly behind!!" Leonidas' sensing this might be the beginning of a second wave of attackers commanded, "SPARTANS! FORM ON ME!" In less than a minute, all 300 men had assembled in a wedge formation, with King Leonidas the massive tip of the wedge. The green creature skidded to a halt at the edge of the camp near Stelios' position away from Leonidas. "HO, GREEN CREATURE!" Leonidas bellowed as the Hulk created two huge ruts in the road throwing up a thick cloud of dust from stopping so quickly. "IF YOU MEAN SPARTA HARM, WE WILL SEND YOU TO YOUR GRAVE!" Irritable to no end due to his struggle with Stelios, still intent on catching the youth and surrounded by the dust he had kicked up, Hulk did not notice the power of the voice confronting him and could not see the army. He pulled his arms forward inflating his massive emerald green chest and screamed, "Hulk smash muscle boy!!!!!!!" Then the air cleared and Hulk was confronted with the 300 bronzed muscle gods arrayed in front of him. His eyes quickly found Stelios among the group and deep in his mind he felt something like fear as he noticed that Stelios was the smallest of this musclebound group. A deep rumbling which turned out to be King Leonidas' laugh alerted the Hulk to his overwhelming presence. The Hulk, seeing the gargantuan man gulped inwardly. "STELIOS! YOU SAY THIS CREATURE WHO LOOKS LIKE A MAN CAME FROM THE HEAVENS? PERHAPS HE IS A GIFT FROM ZEUS TO RELIEVE MY LONELINESS. BUT ZEUS COULDN'T YOU HAVE MADE HIM COMELIER??" Leonidas laughed bitterly at the sky. "Hulk have bigger muscles!" Hulk said uncertainly flexing his cannonball arms. King Leonidas strode over to the creature. They were the same 7 foot height and yet the Spartan's muscles looked to be infinitely bigger, ripped with veins and radiated megatons more power than the subdued Hulk. The massive bronze shelf of Leonidas' chest pushed the Hulk backwards several feet as Leonidas stood directly in front of him. In all the battles and all the super beings the Hulk had faced, he had never been so awestruck by the power of another as he was by Leonidas. Leonidas curled one arm in front of the Hulk. The biceps crested so high and so densely layered with muscle the Hulk was ashamed at his own pitiful arm. This bicep was an indomitable, omnipotent mountain of tanned flesh and made the Hulk's usually more than substantial arm look almost tiny, like an anthill next to Mount Olympus itself. Hulk felt just the near presence Leonidas all conquering bulk crushing him. A remainder of his fury came to the surface and he struck out at Leonidas' massive chest with a blow that was several times more powerful than the blow which had staggered Stelios. His fist came rushing at Leonidas with the power and speed of several exploding bombs. The 300 could feel power of it compacting the air before it struck. The fist collided with behemoth mountains of muscle. The Hulk felt his super thick bones shatter like crystal on the immovable hardness of the Spartan's chest. The Spartan was completely unmoved; he did not even flinch or step back from the force of the tremendous blow. "I SEE YOU NEED TO BE TAUGHT A LESSON!" thundered the king who in a blink of an eye swung his mighty fist up into the Hulk's abdomen easily crushing the creature's abdominal muscles and launching the Hulk up thousands of feet into the air. Leonidas was just getting started. He leapt up faster and higher than the Hulk and smashed another mighty blow reversing the upwards thrust of the Hulk and propelling the creature fatally fast down to earth. The Hulk slammed into the hard rock of the plain, creating a deep abyss. Even the 300 stepped back from the force of the impact. The creature was covered in blood and tried to stand on his hopelessly broken legs to face Leonidas who landed with a deafening crash further decimating the rock of the plain Even as his hyper healing abilities kicked into gear knitting up the wreckage Leonidas had made of his body, the Hulk felt deep fear at what this awesomely muscled creature would do to him. "STELIOS, YOU SAY THIS CREATURE CAME FROM HEAVEN. I KNOW NOT A PERSIAN SPELL THAT WORKS THUS. METHINKS THIS CREATURE IS PERHAPS OF THE GODS," Leonidas said looking at the Hulk thoughtfully. The Hulk felt his abilities returning almost fully. He waited until his terrible foe's attention was diverted back towards his men and then moved to take a mighty leap that would carry him miles away The Hulk leapt but the King moved even faster catching the Hulk by a thick ankle stopping the Hulk's forward motion with ungodly ease. "PITIFUL CREATURE. YOU CANNOT RETURN FROM WHENCE YOU CAME!" Suddenly he began to arc the helpless superhero back and forth over his head and slammed him down into the ground over and over again. 1000 times in a less than 30 seconds, Leonidas was a bronze blur of heat and motion. In that time every bone and organ in the Hulk's body was destroyed, pulped by the unstoppable might of Leonidas. The king smiled without pity as he stared at his broken foe laying in a pool of his own green blood and splayed flesh, still breathing raggedly. "IF THIS IS THE BEST THAT HEAVEN CAN SEND THEN HEAVEN ITSELF IS NO LONGER WORTH DEFENDING!! WE FORMERLY OF SPARTA NO LONGER OWE ALLEGIANCE TO A COUNTRY THAT FORSAKE US. WE NO LONGER OWE ALLEGIANCE TO A HEAVEN THAT SENDS SUCH TO US. WE OWE ALLEGIANCE ONLY TO EACH OTHER AND WITH EACH OTHER WE MARCH ON THE GODS THEMSELVES!!!!!!!!!" With that the king raised his foot above the green creature's barely moving chest intending to smash the barely beating heart and finish the beast. He paused staring at the pathetic misshapen form and whispered, "You are as much a pawn as I in these infernal games. Recover if you can, you are my first spared." The musclegod king,turned away from the fallen creature to his men and pointed a huge arm to the far away peak of Mount Olympus, "WE MARCH TO WAR!"
  17. brawnyjock

    Cockring 7 - Men In The Attic

    Cockring Chapter 7 – Men in the Attic Jack couldn't help but to play with Brian's still turgid cock. "Something is going on with you man." "You think so?" Brian retorted while trying to adjust to what had just happened to his body. Chad continued to analyze the data from Brian. He was totally puzzled by what he'd seen and wanted to observe more but Brian was no longer in range of the camera. He waited as he went over possible causes and continued to listen to the audio from the attic camera. "You're body is pumped up incredibly like you've been on steroids or something." Jack added as he began stroking Brian's cock. "I feel pumped up too, just like the last time this happened." Brian's mind was trying to figure out any similarities between the two events. "This happened before? So you didn't gain the muscle from your workout." "Some of it was from my exercise. After the last occurrence I managed to add a couple of pounds of muscle, but not like this." "Just how much have you gained since last time?" Brian stretched out his arms and shoulder as he looked side to side admiring the changes to date, "I've gained ten pounds of solid muscle since the last attic party." "Yeah, I figured about that much, and it looks to me like you just packed on about ten more in the last few minutes." Jack put his second hand end to end around Brian's cock confirming his suspicions about Brian's cock growth as well. "No wonder my skin feels so tight." Brian ran his hands over his muscular frame, feeling the changes. "Looks like my veins are going to bust through my skin too." "Was that when your cock got larger too?" Jack questioned as he began double fisting Brian's massive cock end to end. "I guess so, I actually hadn't noticed until you pointed it out earlier tonight." "I got a news flash for you Brian. Your cock is easily ten inches now." Jack paused his stroking long enough for Brian to see his new size as measured by how much his cockhead extended past Jack's hands. "Shit! That's so fuckin wild. Not only is it longer, but I've never felt so powerfully horned and ready to fuck like this before." He takes a deep breath which expands his enlarged chest. Looking down as his powerful pecs and then to Jack. "My muscles have never had such a totally pumped feeling like this from any of my workouts either." Jack intensified his efforts double fisting Brian as others gathered around to watch the big man getting milked. Brian's muscles tensed as his body reacted to the intense orgasm building. The men surrounding him urged him on as they ran their hands over his hard muscled body. It seemed like there were hands everywhere, touching caressing, pinching his nips, squeezing his balls. "Fuck man, I'm going to cum again!" Brian yelled as he shot volley after volley of his thick cream all over Jack and the others around him. "You're a dam cum factory tonight Bri, that's your third load already." Shouted one of the leather buddies standing nearby, "I got to have some of that." Jack and the others rubbed the creamy substance all over Brian’s abs, chest and arms. "You look fuckin ready to take on another hot ass." "Dam right I am. I'm still so fuckin hard and pumped up." Brian looked at the others to see if anyone was ready to take his load. "Looks like it's going to be a fucking good night, so who wants it man?" Inside Brian really knew more than he let on. This was the second time he'd experienced this kind of muscular growth, since the cockring became part of his life. If only he could figure out all the variables that triggered the growth. Chad was even more confused after analyzing the data from the hot sling action and listening in to the jack off session that followed. He reviewed the video and was amazed to see just how much Brian had grown physically. Twenty pounds of new muscle, if he had heard correctly what had been stated. It was more than the cockring was supposed to be capable of doing. He'd really have to do some research to find out just what was going on. Meanwhile, he wished ever more so that he was at that party. Before the leather buddies or anyone else could step in, Michael showed up. He was the owner of the house and rarely participated in the attic parties so his presence meant something was going on. Jack moved off as Michael sat down by Brian and began to caress Brian's muscled body. He licked his lips as he slowly ran his hands over the broad powerful shoulders and down Brian's muscled arms. Brian flexed as Michael paused briefly to admire the deep sinuous muscles of each arm. Slowly he reached over and place one hand on each of Brian's mounds of taunt pectoral muscle. Brian inhaled deeply so Michael could feel them expand and contract as his chest heaved forth. Michael took note then quickly took Brian's nips between his thumbs and fingers and pinched them hard with a twisting motion. Brian moaned and his cock throbbed in reaction. "Fuck, how'd you know I loved my nips worked over?" "I've been watching. I know you like to be watched and appreciated, to have your body worshiped as only a man can." Michael continued as his hand made its way down the ridges of Brian's abs following the love trail to his huge erection. "Now you're going to really see what a talented man can do for you." Michael bent low and began to suck Brian's cock. Inch by inch it slowly disappeared inside Michael's mouth. "Oh, fuck!" Brian screamed as he realized Michael was swallowing hard, trying to take the cock head into his throat. "Fuck it’s squeezing so tight, you're not going to be able to breathe." As Chad listened to the action he noticed there was activity starting at the empty sling. Several guys seemed to be adjusting it so the head was much higher than normal and the bottom end was lowered. It was hardly the normal position for a guy to get fucked easily. "Let me worry about that." Michael was an expert it seemed. He could manage breathing in perfect timing with his ingestion of Brian's cock. Michael kept swallowing deeper and deeper. An intensely rhythmic action that allowed him to take Brian in deeper each time and then release enough to allow Michael to get a breath of air. "Oh, Shit!" Brian exclaimed, "No one has ever taken my cock that deeply before!" "I'm going to have all of it in me before you cum." Michael increased his sucking action as he took Brian’s cock in and out, over and over." Now, with only a couple inches to go, he reached up, grabbed Brian's hands and placed them on his throat as he took another deep breath of air. "Feel how your cock is stretching out my neck as I take it deeper and deeper." "Feels like you're throat is going to squeeze the cum out any time now." Brian replied as his breathing deepened. Another quick breath and Michael adds, "Just like a python swallowing its prey down whole." "No fuckin way?” Brian's balls contracted up and the cum shot out as he felt his cock head swell up inside Michael's throat. "Fu-c-c-c-k-k-k-k-k!" Michael had no choice but to ingest every drop as there was no means for it to go anywhere else. But then, he wanted it that way. His own cock spasmed and shot in rhythm to Brian's, as he devoured the pulsing monster cock shooting load after load deep in his throat. Chad was going crazy. The system had just registered two more huge climaxes from Brian and yet he couldn't see what was going on. He wanted to be there himself to see his alpha stud in action and maybe get some more of himself. Michael extricated himself from Brian's cock with a big gasping breath. "Didn't know if I'd be able to hold my breath much longer stud." Duane told Jack to get Brian something to drink. He figured now was their chance to play out a special group scene they'd planned for tonight. Jack went downstairs as Michael leaned in and spoke softly in Brian's ear. "Next time I want you to fuck me in my bedroom." "Cool, I'd like that too." Brian wondered why Michael never got fucked in the attic, but only in his bedroom. In fact he rarely participated in the parties and no one who was ever invited would talk about it after. His thought was lost as Jack stumbled, according to plan, spilling the drink all over Brian's chest. "Dam, sorry about that Brian." Jack said apologetically as the leather couple grabbed Brian by his arms and pulled him to his feet. "We'll clean it up for you Jack." They proceeded to lap up the liquid from Brian's body as they paid special attention to his erect nips. Sucking and nipping at them with their teeth as Brian became increasingly aroused again. They knew what they wanted and just how to get Brian's next load. Dan was the smaller of the two but carried a solid build with very little fat anywhere on his frame except around his waist. Duane was taller, with dark hair and a football players' build. He was proud of his hairy face and body which really made him look like the biker he was. The two had developed their own private set of nonverbal signals and used them to get the most out of any sexual encounter. They could be screaming 'Stop', and the other would know if it was for real or if it really meant 'fuck me harder'. In this way they kept the element of surprise from the third guy. Brian wouldn't have a clue what they had in store for him until it was too late. Dan worked his was down Brian's torso inch by inch, feeling every muscle and sineau along the way. His hands traced the ridges in Brian's six pack as he opened his mouth to envelope Brian's massive cock head. He savored the salty sweet cum still dripping from Brian's last explosive release. Meanwhile, Duane was busy probing Brian's mouth deeply with his tongue as he worked on those super sensitive, overly stimulated, nips protruding from Brian's huge, hard pecs. Brian was getting more aroused by the minute. He knew these two from past parties and loved what they were capable of doing. They seemed to read each others minds as they double teamed their efforts to seduce whoever they had in their control. Brian was pushed this way and that as Duane twisted and turn about Brian's body. He squeezed Brian's pecs, massaged his shoulders, rubbed up and down the washboard abs, as his tongue continued it's erotically invasive maneuvers ever deeper into Brian's throat. "Dan, you can take Brian's cock just as deeply as Michael did." Duane encouraged his partner. "I know you've practice and prepared for it, although it was quite this big before tonight. Just follow the plan." He winks to Dan, the signal that now is the night to play out their plan. "Fuck!” Chad yelled at the screen. The video stream from the party only showed the oddly positioned empty sling, yet he now knew that someone else was going to try to choke down Brian. A shadow appeared on the screen. Something was happening; he could see the man doing something to the sling frame. "I'll need you to get Brian ready, Duane." Dan signaled back to Duane. "Like this?” Duane replied as he pulled Brian backward quickly. "Get him!" "What the hell?" Brian's arms flew up and back, thinking he was falling backward to the floor, but instead he landed in the sling. "Wow, I thought...” Was all Brian could get out before he became aware that Duane, Dan and two others had bound his wrists up high and wide over his head, his legs were bound just above the knee and spread wide fully exposing his raging cock. The sling had been adjusted to form an almost upright leather chair. He struggled and pulled against the leather straps binding him to the sling frame , only to realize that he wasn't going to break free. "Fuck, I don't know what you got in mind, but you better get me off soon. You two always drive me wild." "We know; that's why we planned this little scene just for you." Dan replied. "You'll have to wait and see." "Yeah, we've been planning this one since the last attic party." Duane added. Dan slowly eyed the straining muscles on Brian's body head to toe. "Only we didn't have a clue you'd get this bulked up in the mean time." "Yeah, you muscled up so much we had to get Wes and Jack to help us out." Duane patted each of them on the back. "You guys did great." Chad's eyes were glued to the display. He couldn't believe how much more muscled Brian had become since he acquired him those few weeks ago. He had a hot body then, but now, fuck'n stud. "I got to find out whats causing the muscle growth to build up his body like that." He continued to watch as at least four guys started working on Brian. Duane moved around above Brian's head. "We want more of you Brian." He said as he resumed kissing and probing Brian with his long tongue. Wes and Jack each began nibbling on Brian's nips. As Dan resumed his efforts to devour Brian's raging cock. The play continued with Duane making great progress, as Brian became increasingly aroused. He strained against his bindings and his cock throbbed as his climax approached. "Get ready guys." Dan warned as his hand holding Brian's balls could feel them tightening up. "Now!" Brian knew he was ready to shoot another load. Duane pulled back momentarily and took a long, deep hit on a bottle of poppers. Brian began to inhale deeply so he could vocalize his building need to explode. But instead of air he got Duane exhalation, heavily laden with the vapors deep into his lungs. Brian felt Duane holding his nostrils shut as he refused to let him release the potent air. He winched with pain as Wes and Jack bit down on his nips. Then Dan forced his mouth down deeply over Brian's spasming cock while he squeezed the huge balls forcing another massive load of cum deep to burst forth. Dan held out as long as he could swallowing as much of the thick cream as possible. "Ack, Ack, Ack" Dan coughed as he gagged out the excess cum and fell back onto the floor. Wes and Jack bent over taking turns sucking down as much of erupting cum while they finished milking their own dicks. The four were amazed at the volume of cum spewing everywhere as they enjoyed the performance that Brian was putting on. His body spasmed and bounced in the sling as wave after wave of cum shot forth. Several times it looked like he was flexing a pose for a body building contest or something, with every muscle in his body gorged with blood, veins popping as he strained against the bonds. "That was incredible, guys." Duane exclaimed with his raspy voice. "Dan you're next?" Duane walked around and stood before Dan, still on his knees, only now with his back to Brian in the sling. "Yeah, unlike the rest of you, I'm still ready to unload just like Brian did." He gloated as Dan began to swallow his dick. Wes and Jack reached across Brian and continued to work on each others dick. Duane grabbed the sling frame as he bucked his dick in and out of Dan's throat. Looking down he noticed Brian's still erect cock, still dripping wet with saliva and his own cum. He pulled Dan to his feet and forced him back. Wes reached over and guided Brian's cock to the center of Dan's moist love hole. Dan's eyes went wide as his talented ass was quickly invaded by the pre-lubed monster behind him. "How's that, Dan?" Duane snickered, "now finish me off." Dan bent forward and took Duane's dick back into his mouth, sucking him hard. He was used to taking his man, but with the addition of Brian's massive hard cock splitting his ass open, it was more than he ever imagined he could handle. Duane grabbed Dan just below his arm pits and see-sawed him forward onto his cock and then back onto Brian's cock, deeper and deeper, faster and faster. Dan was frantically struggling to hold on. He wanted to get Duane off, but wasn't sure how much more his ass could take. His own dick stiffened as his load shot out onto the floor and all over Duane's legs. Feeling this, Duane released his cum as Dan struggled to swallow the sweet nectar. Dan fell back as Jack pushed Brian forward. Dan totally impaled himself on Brian's huge thick cock. He screamed in pain just as it exploded yet another load of thick cream into his firm ass. Dan slowly extracted himself from Brian's shaft as the cum poured out of his ass. Finally free he stood up and gave Duane a big hug. He slowly turned and looked down on Brian, still bound in the sling. Incredibly, he was still fully erect. He looked to Wes and then to Jack. Wes and Jack also noticed that Brian was still hard as steel and his monster cock looked powerful and ready for even more action. A sly smile came upon their faces as they gave a partial nod to Dan. This was their signal indicating it was time for the three of them to turn things around on Duane. Together they had decided to seize the next opportunity to give Duane a taste of what it’s like to be a bottom. Dan pushed Duane back toward Brian in the swing, but he swiftly turns to prevent running into Brian. Just then Dan grabs him around the chest in a tight bear hug from behind, as Wes and Jack each take a leg and heave them over either side of Brian's torso. Duane is now straddling Brian's abs. He reaches up and grabs the overhead frame supporting the sling. He pulls himself up and off of Brian's abs trying to get away. "I don't bottom, guys!" Duane boldly states while adjusting his grip on the frame only to realize his grip now slipping. "What the fuck?" "We lubed that part of the frame in case you grabbed it." Dan retorts as Duane falls back directly onto Brian's cock, perfectly guided in position by Jack. "AAAARRRRRRGGGG" Duane yells as the thick cock head plunges through and his ass slowly begins sinking down several inches onto Brian's huge bull cock. Duane tries to resist the invading monster, but the more he moves the deeper the penetration. Inch by inch it slowly plows up inside his virgin ass. Chad watches intently on the monitor. He can't believe the stamina of Brian. Knowing he's already unloaded six times and likely going to make it seven. He begins to feel more than a little jealous that so many others are enjoying Brian and not paying for their pleasure. Chad realizes that maybe Brian could be the ultimate alpha stud of all his acquisitions. Brian flexes his muscles beneath Duane's weight, driving his cock up even deeper into the tight virgin ass. He's always wanted to see what Duane's bubble but would feel like, but he respected the top too much to force him to bottom. This was different. It wasn't his doing, but planned and executed by Dan and Brian wasn't going to ignore the opportunity. Wes and Jack love the total erotic action of it all. They could see that Duane was coming around and enjoying getting fucked. Wes bends over and begins to nibble on one of Brian's nips while jacking his own dick with his other hand. Jack takes the hint and follows suit working on Brian's other nip. Dan reaches around Duane and starts jacking off his partner’s dick. The five of them seem to get their rhythms synchronized as everyone is building toward another climax. Meanwhile Duane indeed has been awakened to the pleasures of getting fucked. His ass is more than simply enjoying the masculine intrusion of this muscle studs cock. "Yeah, give it to me Brian." He doesn't want it to end. "Fuck, I never knew it could feel so incredible. Fill me up with that monstrous bull fuck muscle, man." He runs his hands over Brian's shoulder and down his lats as the intruding cock plunges ever deeper inside his body. He can feel it protruding deep up inside. "More!, I want more of it." Chad's erection gets out of control as he watches the incredibly hot erotic action. He wants to be there, taking part in the draining of Brian and getting fucked and sucked by the group. He can't help but pump his own dick as his heart speeds up. "Give it to him Brian!" Chad yells at the screen. Realizing that he can participate and contribute to the scene, he triggers the ring to force a fail safe event. The immediate surge causes Brian to buck up even deeper into Duane. Brian's whole body is shaking as he strains against his binds. His cock swells up thickening as it grows longer and he plunges even deeper inside of Duane. "F-u-c-k!" Chad screams as he unloads all over his desk. As his arousal settles down he realizes that Brian's body didn't grow this time. "Shit man, feels like you're tearing me up inside!" Duane screams, but with a look of pure euphoric pleasure on his face. His cock starts erupting his load all over Brian, Wes and Jack. "Shit!" Duane screams in torment as the pleasurable pain takes him over the top. Wes steps back, "oh yeah, got mine for you too." As he adds his load to the mix and so does Jack. Cum is flowing all over Brian’s chest and running down onto the ridges of his six pack abs. "Here you go Brian." Jack scoops up a handful of cum from Brian’s abs and slathers it in Brian's mouth. "Lap it up man." Brian swallows the bitter sweet mix and that is all it takes as his body stiffens head to toe briefly and then violently bucks up and down like a bull in a rodeo. His cock hammering Duane's ass even more, as he unleashes yet another load of man juice into him. Duane, still enjoying the action yells out, "Yee Haw! Can I ride a bull or what?" He reaches down and slaps both his hands down hard on Brian's ass. "Fuck me anytime, stud." He reaches up and releases Brian's hand as Dan unbuckles his thighs. Chad watches the screen intently. He doesn't want to miss his chance to observe Brian's cock size once Duane pulls free. Duane wraps his hands around Brian's powerful shoulders and pulls himself up, sliding slowly up his cum slick abs, as he dismounts Brian's cock. Pulling out carefully inch by inch as he suddenly is very much aware of the massive sized tool that he took inside. "Dam, feels like a fucking baseball bat getting pulled out of me." Brian smiles proudly at the baseball bat comment to his size. He wonders if the growth will be gone in the morning or if it'll last. Also, just how long it'll take him before he learns how to use the cockring to make himself grow even larger and more muscular when he chooses. "Come on now, just a little more. Keep pulling. Fuck look at all the cum running down it." Chad is going crazy with the suspense. Duane stops suddenly, wincing in pain. "Only the head of your big bull cock to go. Feels like the suction is going to pull my ass inside out." Chad adjusts the screen for a better view. "Fuck'n huge! Over four hours and his cock still looks hard as steel!" "Let me help." Wes offers as he wraps an arm around Duane and pulls him to the side. A popping sound lets everyone around know Duane's been freed. "Shit, maybe I'll have to think about that fuck me anytime offer." Duane jokes. Dan can't help but laugh. "Doubt any cowboy could get thrown off once mounted on that bull cock. Bet you're going to walk bull legged for quite awhile too." Chad quickly saves a screen capture for future reference. "This kind of growth isn't supposed to happen. I've got to figure out what’s gone wrong." He watches as Brian gets up out of the sling, stretching the muscles in his arms and legs which have been bound up a bit too long. Brian reaches down to massage his quads where they were bound to the sling. He works out a knot just above the right knee and then traces the cut between the vastus medialis and lateralis and rectus femorous. He examines the same definition in his left leg before running his hands up past his erection to his abs. Chad licks his lips as he watches Brian collects some of the cum off his body and lick it off his fingers. He reaches down to get more of the thick fluid as the muscular stairway guy who grabbed his towel off earlier that evening steps closer. "I'd like some of that if you don't mind." he flatly states. "Help yourself," Brian replies. "I'm Brian, didn't catch your name before." "Eric, I'm visiting from New York and got to say you've put on one hell of a show tonight." He scoops up two handfuls of the creamy substance from Brian's chest. Puts one hand in his mouth sucking it clean like a popsicle and the other hand goes into Brian's mouth. "Thanks", Brian replies. "Looks like you've put in some time at the gym too." Brian runs his hand over Eric's shoulder as Eric stoops down and begins licking the remaining cum off Brian's abs. "Fuck, your tongue is driving me wild." "I'm glad you're enjoying it. A man who obviously spends as much time in the gym as you do, needs to be devoured!" He straightens up as his tongue licks past Brian's nips, to his neck. They embrace chest to chest and kiss each other deeply with Brian's cock standing upright between the two men. Eric frees himself and reaches down to grab Brian's cock. "You going to be willing to let me enjoy a workout session on this muscle too?" "You know it!" Brian points over toward the corner of the room. "Over on the examination table?" "No, no, no, I can't see over there." Chad pleads to the computer screen. "Wait? The camera is following them. Someone else must want to watch them." Eric hops up on the examination table and puts his feet into the stirrups as he lays back, pulling Brian on top of him. "Fill me up big bull man." Brian reaches down and deftly guides his huge love muscle toward Eric's lubed ass opening. He pushes gently at first to stretch Eric out a little and to let him feel the pressure building. Then forcing his cock head harder and deeper until his it opens Eric up enough to and slips inside. "SHIT!" Eric slams his hands against Brian's pecs and pushes back against him. "Hold it there a minute Brian. I need to get accustomed to your girth. You know you're not just incredibly long but extra thick too!" Eric's expression begins to show he is relaxing and adjusting to Brian's size. "I can't stand just sitting here watching all this." Chad remarks as he continues to monitor Brian on the system as the hot sex scene plays out. "He just unload totally on that last guy. How can he have anymore?" Brian can't wait any longer and begins the slow penetration of Eric inch by inch, ever so slowly, working in and out, deeper and deeper, enjoying every moment. The tightness of Eric's ass is incredible the way it hugs his cock shaft like a two fisted grip. Eric really has enormous control of his glutes, making them squeeze and pull as Brian works deeper inside. His arousal heightens as he steadily bores deeper and faster into Eric. "Fuck this shit." Chad shouts to the screen, suddenly noticing that the system timer indicates the failsafe activation he initiated is still active and has plenty of time left. Another activation before the expiration would register as a double event. "This could be real fun and I can test my theory on the cockring malfunction. I doubt even Brian can handle another double event this soon." "Fuck Bri, I'm not sure how much more I can take. How deep inside me are you now?" Brian looks Eric in the eyes, stops his penetration as he bends forward and works on Eric's nips. "I'm well over half way into you so far. You feel so tight, it's incredible." He plants his tongue deeply into Eric's hot mouth, working it slowly deep into his throat. Brian was always one who loved deep kissing. He always wished he could get his tongue deep enough into a guys throat to feel past his tonsils. It ranks right behind nip play as erotic arousal turn-on. After several minutes of kissing with Brian's tongue probing ever deeper into his throat, Eric breaks his mouth away briefly. "Ok, I'm ready to take more." "Finally," Chad remarks, "I was afraid to run out of time before Brian was in the guy totally." "You sure?" Brian questions, not waiting for the answer before resuming his assault. Only this time he begins a faster non-rhythmic pumping action. "Yes, and this time don't stop. No matter what I say or do." As if Brian had any intention of stopping before he got off. "You got it man." With each stroke he can sense the torment in Eric's ass. It tightens around Brian's cock shaft making it feel like Eric is trying to milk his load out, stroke after stroke. "Come on Brian," As Chad notes the timer has only 2 minutes left, "Stop wasting time and fuck the shit out of him." "Dam, I want it all!" The deep penetrating pain mixes with the heightened sense of eroticism from the overwhelming masculine onslaught. Eric's thrown into uncontrolled sexual frenzy each time the ridge of Brian's huge cock head passes over his prostrate. Then struggling to fight off the stretching surge of pain as the massive cock head opens up new depths inside of him. He struggles with each stoke to take more of Brian. "Give it to me, man!" By now others were standing around cheering them on while watching the action, as they jacked themselves or each other. Making comments about Eric being a man enough to take Brian or to Brian about knowing how to really enjoy exercising his muscles or his monster cock. "Oh, fuck yeah!" Brian shouts as he pumps ever deeper. "You've got it all now Eric." "That's what I've been waiting for." Chad pushes the button, sending the fail safe activation signal to Brian's cockring. "Arrgghh!" Brian screams as his whole body rocks with the surge caused by the cockring. His chest heaves up as his arms flail out. The muscles in his back and shoulders expand increasing the wide V shape to his torso. "Son of a bitch!" one of the guys exclaims. "What the hell's going on!" Another adds. Still others are wondering if Brian is on steroids or some other body building drug. "No one can increase muscle mass like that." Chad is glued to his computer as this time he watches Brian's body grow almost instantly before his eyes. Brian feels his glutes seize as his hamstrings and quads increase in size. His already monstrous cock surges larger as it plunges and expands even deeper in Eric. "Stop! Stop, Brian!" Eric screams as his dick own dick releases a massive load and tears well up in his eyes. Brian can hardly stop, let alone get a sentence out of his mouth. "c..aa..nn't" His skin feels like its tearing open as his muscles grow even larger. He can feel the additional tightness around his cock increasing to painful levels as his cock grows and embeds itself even deeper within poor Eric. "This is incredible! It's the double fail safe events that cause the growth. I've got to find out just why this is happening and if something is wrong with the cockring or if Brian is different somehow. The pain eases and Brian begins to take stock of this latest event just as he passes out and slumps on top of Eric. Chad watches as several naked men move in and begin to work out how to remove Brian. Chad starts estimating measurements from what he can see on the monitor. He was 165 pounds when I got him but he's got to be nearly 200 pounds of solid muscle now. The several men struggled to pull Brian up off Eric. Once they got him up enough, they worked to slowly extract his monstrous cock from Eric. He screamed in pain as Brian's huge cock worked like a piston causing a massive suction inside Eric. It seems to take forever, but once out they laid Brian back on the sling as the camera panned following his movement. Chad watched, wondering who was controlling the camera, as he continued to take more estimates of Brian's body. The measurements weren't making sense, so he had to retake them. On the second round he confirmed they were accurate. He sat back in his chair pondering the events and what could possibly be the cause of Brian's growth. "What the hell? Just when I thought I had the perfect alpha stud, something goes wrong." Michael, the host, pans the camera to another hot scene with the two leather men as a frustrated Chad turns to his computer system to try and find some answers.
  18. fillups

    Freddy's Story

    Freddy's Story This story contains some profanity, if this offends you should probably skip to the next demigod!! For some people, life is golden. They have looks, they have money, they're healthy. And then some of us, life fucks hard. My mom started in on contractions on only the seventh month of pregnancy. She died on the operating table with all the hospital scrambling around pumping shit into her to try and bring her back to life. They pulled me out of her corpse, a misformed scrawny rat of a malformed fetus. Somehow this little thing hung on to life. A boy, what dad had always wanted but something was wrong with my legs so I had to limp around and mostly live in a fucking chair my whole life. When I was four, my dad drove his car off a cliff. I always thought it was because he didn't have the nerve to keep dealing with his malformed son. I went to live in a bunch of homes. This world doesn't like a free loader and that's the way everyone looks at me. I can see it in their eyes when I come wheeling in with my useless stick legs. You useless crippled piece of crap that helped kill two perfectly good people. It's expensive to keep me alive and yet the fuckers do it and make me think I should be grateful. So I'm 18, making some money selling papers on the corner. Yeah fucking newspapers with the internet giving everyone a hard on but I have a lot of 'em and people still buy some. I actually am not bad looking and that sometimes helps. I remember one time a woman looked at me with my wavy almost black hair and my dark blue eyes dropped $100 on my stand and said,"what an angel isn't it a shame." I wanted to shove the cash up her fucking twat, but instead I smiled like the angel I am not and took it and used it to start a bank account. Anyway, after a day of that I go into the library to hide from my life. Usually I read stuff but sometimes I surf the net. I'm looking at some muscle sites and the guys, as usual, make me want to beat off. I don't because I don't want to get kicked out. But suddenly I come across this GOD of muscle. I mean that's what he calls himself. He is unreal. I mean he's not only everything I'm not, he's everything Mr. Olympia is fucking not. He's taller than Shaq and his muscles. Oh Fuck.....my pole is stiff and pushing hard against my jeans. There is a picture where he is standing next to Gunther Schlierkamp, a guy who himself dwarfs normal men with his height and his muscle and Gunther looks like a fucking little boy. This guy's arms totally overwhelm Gunther's fucking thick torso. And he is so perfectly put together. The guy is four years older than me, 22. He is over seven feet tall and weighs 2,500 pounds. Think of it. Ronnie Coleman, Jay Cutler or Gunther. What are they??? Maybe sometimes they get to over 300 pounds. That's pretty amazing. But this guy is over 8 TIMES as BIG as them and ripped, my god he is so covered in muscle. I'm 5'5" if I can stand up straight enough to be measured and I tip the Toledo at a pathetic 92 pounds. This guy's forearm probably weighs more than my whole fucking body. I suddenly cum at the thought of the guy. I feel the damp spread on my jeans but I don't fucking care because the best thing about this guy is that he is for fucking sale. His ad says $500 and he is in a nearby city. I think of my bank account. I have enough saved up to meet this guy, to spend time with him. I know he'll think I'm fucking pathetic but guess what, I'm fucking paying him. He is going to work for me. I hit the connect link and fill out the info and hook to my pay pal. He must be online because the reply comes back almost instantly confirming my request and since I'll be coming in out of town, he throws in a visit to his place for the encounter. I email my assent and its done. The next thing I know I'm on his doorstep staring at the this Muscle monster. If I rolled too close I wouldn't see his handsome face because of the humongous shelf of muscle he calls a chest is bulging out stretching his black t-shirt to the breaking point just standing there. His eyes take me in. I'm wearing a preppy sweater and khakis to hide my thinness. He looks me over twice, taking in my chair, "This'll be real interestin'" his beautiful mouth curls in a grin of....anticipation???? I can't believe it. What kind of sick fuck gets off on the idea of fooling around with me. Maybe he's just really good at this seduction business. Needless to say, I'm hard like steel and ready to erupt from my first glance. As he turns to lead me into the darkness of his home, I'm transfixed by the muscular landscape of his amazing back so wide and tapering down hard to his waist. His ass, so perfect pushing against the khakis he's wearing and his calves I can see them stressing the material with their size. I feel my cock start to leak pre-cum and I take a ragged breath and push my chair in after him. The door closes somehow behind me. He leads me into a medium sized room with a large empty desk and two chairs. There's a wall sized mirror behind the desk. I can't seem to see any details other than this extraordinary man in front of me. Pictures I've seen of the Hulk kind of do him justice, he looks like he could crush a tank like a tin can, but he is bigger even than that superhero and beautiful....I can't believe how much so. "We can now begin the interview," he says smiling. Interview (?) I think but it's a blur. I want to see and remember every detail but all I can look at are all those deep caverns of muscle. He is naked and more and more spectacular. His arms open like a giant vault of muscle allowing me access to his amazing torso. I'm like an ant next to him. Deep, deep ruts of muscle and sinew. At first he guides my hands so I know I can touch this God of a being in front of me. And my hands are moving everywhere. There is no softness to him. He's hard and warm. My hands skitter across his skin and suddenly there is his huge cock. I open my mouth wide to take this firehose into me feeling the length of it push back into my throat. I can fuckin' take this thing. My eyes are filling with tears from the pain but the pleasure I'm feeling is worth it. I'm sucking and licking working my way down his huge shaft working the head. I hear him moan. All of the sudden he cums. My mouth fills with the warmth of his cum, the pressure burns into me and I can't contain the liquid it washes up and into my nose. I greedily start sucking it down. As much as I can, I knead his grapefruit like balls desperately milking them, gulping the salty stuff into my body. My body is burning and I feel.......my legs. I hear a crash somehow my wheelchair just got pushed back, hard ramming into the wall I hear the sound of something breaking. My legs....I'm standing....standing looking at the mounds of his gigantic chest in front of my eyes. I'm tall enough to stare into his chest!! I feel pleasure and happiness and... I crane my neck back away from his pectoral splendor and I notice his face he is not surprised but he is studying me. I want to jump on top of him but my body convulses with shudders of sensation. Pins and needles pulse all over me. My sweater is getting hot and tight. I clutch at it with my hands and pull my sweater to shreds. I gasp looking down at my chest, it used to be like a flat, white canvas with the sticks of my ribs looking like they were going to break through the skin. I see my chest swelling the flatness expanding to two hard globes of muscular flesh. All of the sudden I want to flex. Bigger. I can feel my body expanding. I am barely aware of how tight my pants were when they suddenly rip away from my thighs revealing.... Oh man my legs are thick and STRONG. I bounce a bit on the soles of my feet in a fit of joy, exultation. My thighs ripple with erupting striations as they respond to my thoughts. I can see all these long thick cables of muscle. I put my hand on a big muscle on my thigh. It is hard to fit my hand on it. My thighs are looking like something a guy who did squats with cars would get. I jiggle the muscled expanse of my leg and watch the wave of muscle cross my monstrous thigh. All those crags and I am moving my legs. My legs. I want to scream. I feel my breathing like my lungs were powering some insanely powerful machine. I looked at my arm. My forearm furrowed with deep bands of muscle. Beefier at it gets close to my elbow and rounding up to a now insanely huge upper arm. I flex and watch a Himalayan mound of muscle spring up, high, peaked and wide. I grab my arm to cop a feel and my jaw almost hits the floor. The thing feels like rock, immovable. Hard and powerful, not like my arm at all. Even my hands are thick with muscle and veins. And I'm growing taller. I gasp and sink to my knees as a wave of heat passes through my body. I don't know. I must have lost consciousness for a minute for I suddenly find myself staring at two massive, perfect calves. Like someone stuffed half a melon under perfectly tan skin. A gentle voice, with a deep throated urgency, "Get up," A hand that feels small on the massive expanse of my arm. A gentle tug. My legs still support me as I easily stand from where I was lying and I am eyeball to eyeball with him. We are the same height. He leads me to a full length mirror. "This has never happened before with any man I've been with," he says, a kind of awe in his voice. There we stand in the reflection of the full wall sized mirror running the length of the room. Side by side. I'm exactly his height. I again almost gasp at his monstrous, Incredible Hulk dwarfing size. His perfectly formed body. Then I look over at my reflection. My face is still my face. The face of an eighteen year old with dark blue black hair and blue eyes. But my body. It's the same height as him but thicker insanely thicker than the tank busting brute next to me. Thicker and an even more riotously muscular, covered in veins and striations, I am grotesquely huge and yet....I lift my gargantuan arms and watch the beefy monsters move up revealing the incredible width and thickness of my back and the deep, incredibly deep cave of my arm pits tapering down to the striated perfection of my midsection....and yet it all fits together in a harmony of super, sized muscle. I reach up with my catcher mitt sized hand and touch the huge pillar of my neck framed by the gargantuan, swelling watermelon sized expanse of my traps. I can feel my pulse, like the engine of a mack truck, a stampede of horsepower coursing through my veins. Playfully the man next to me flexes into a double biceps pose. His cannons erupt with size dwarfing his head with piles of herculean slabs of muscle. The wide expanse of his back push against the immovable mass of me and he stands to the side to allow space to display the full majesty of his muscle. I feel myself being pushed back from the mirror. My fucking cock has grown, oh fuck to almost a foot and a half and my erection is pushing me away from the mirror. The rod protrudes from my body like the thick gnarled limb of an oak tree. I take a step back to accommodate my third leg and raise my arms straight overhead pushing my traps slightly inward. Looking at the reflection I can see even as I hold this pose which pulls my muscles inward my traps are already expanded more than his full flex. As I bring my arms down into a planet crushing double biceps. The peaks mound up over 4 times the size of his mountains. Their size towers over either side of my head. My lats expand to almost the length of the room crushing my fellow muscle monster to the side. "Fuuuuuccccckkkkk!!!" I barbarically yawlp. The girder of my towering cock starts gushing cum all over the mirror, all over the smaller muscle giant next to me. He opens his mouth letting the thick white ropes of cum in. As the gusher subsides, a sudden thought hits me. "What did you mean, this has never happened before but you didn't seem so surprised something did happen." He is licking semen off his own monolithically huge forearm, he looks at me. His beautiful face unreadable. "When I am with a man I am attracted to and I cum on him. He grows but never as massive as me. You, you...." He is suddenly speechless as he takes in my rippling immensity. I stare at this unbelievably hulkingly beautiful man that I now dwarf in front of me. I want to go out and see what this muscle can do in the world. I feel fucking invulnerable. Do I have powers like him? I want to know. Without a word I turn to go. He makes a noise, a protest? The sound is swallowed as he stops himself. I step outside his front door. My incredible, powerful miraculous legs tense. I jump. I am flying.
  19. TheWeremuscleForest

    Behind the Badge Part 3: From The Inside

    Wyatt: ‘Uhh….why….no….stop’ *tosses and turns in his bunk* ‘I don’t want it….take it away….’ Roberto: ‘WAKE UP PRISONER!’ Wyatt: *jumps to his feet and nearly falls over* ‘Wha? Shit it happened again. Ahh crap I have already forgotten it.’ Roberto: ‘Time for you to shower.’ *throws a towel at Wyatt* Wyatt: ‘Are you going with me?’ Roberto: ‘Of course, I have to it is my job.’ Wyatt: ‘I assume you are going to watch me take a shower?’ Roberto: ‘Just get out of your cell and follow me.’ *directs Wyatt to the showers* Wyatt: ‘You are so cranky all the time.’ *silence* Wyatt: ‘FINE! I don’t need to talk to you anyway.’ *takes his stripes off and showers* *Roberto takes a glimpse and smiles behind him* *Wyatt turns and Roberto wipes the smile off his face* Wyatt: ‘You are watching me. Do you like what you see?’ *silence* Wyatt: ‘Come on, admit you like my ass. Even though I am small, I know my ass is nice.’ *turns to look at Roberto to get a reaction as his cock stands up* *Roberto doesn’t make a move at all* Roberto: ‘Do you mind putting your towel on please man?’ Wyatt: ‘Do I make you nervous? Come over and touch it, I want you to.’ *waits for Roberto to walk over, but he doesn’t budge* *Roberto points to the towel close to Wyatt and makes a motion to put it around his waist* Wyatt: ‘Damn, you are tough.’ *puts towel on still with hard-on* ‘I need to relieve this somehow.’ *starts stroking, but Roberto waves his finger no* Roberto: ‘NO! You won’t do that here, maybe in your cell, but not here. King would kill me if I let you do that here.’ Wyatt: ‘Wow, he has a lot of power here doesn’t he? Would something happen to you if you had sex with me, not that I would ask you to?’ *silence* Wyatt: ‘You aren’t even going to answer? DAMN!’ Roberto: ‘Yeah I’ll answer that question and the answer is NO! King gave me instructions to make sure that you behave yourself until he gets back again and that means the sexual innuendo or anything okay?’ Wyatt: ‘Alright I get it, but this hard-on has to be relieved.’ Roberto: ‘Back to your cell then man. You can do it there, but you will clean up the mess, understand?’ Wyatt: ‘Yeah I understand.’ *they walk back to the jail area and Wyatt goes back into the cell* *Roberto closes the door and moves back to his original position with his arms crossed* *Wyatt pulls his towel off and remembers that he left his stripes in the shower area* Wyatt: ‘Shit I forget my clothes, can you get me some clean ones Roberto?’ Roberto: ‘Fine, I will be back shortly with some new ones then. Remember clean up the mess you make.’ *Roberto leaves as Wyatt starts stroking his cock* *he moans as it feels so good* *after a few strokes he feels a bit strange and doesn’t notice that his body shakes a little* *he stops stroking to get up and wipe some sweat from his brow* *he goes to lean on the cell door to catch his breath as he gets a slight pain in his back* Wyatt: ‘OH GAWD, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG…..* *he feels his back stretching a bit as his spine grows and he adds height* *his chest begins to heave as it begins to grow larger and fuller* *his grip on the cell bars begins to make them creak a little as his hands and forearms swell* *he sees the veins in both arms thickening and looking like ropes as they get denser* *he feels his legs moving further away from each other as his cock lengthens and points towards the floor* Wyatt: ‘OHH YEAH *deeper voice* WHOA, IS THIS MY VOICE?’ *grabs throat* *rubs his chest and notices huge mounds of flesh and a thick stomach before flexing his massive guns covered in huge veins* *he laughs a bit as he finds his huge ass and rubs it* *his horniness is quite apparent as his cock pools precum on the ground* *he strokes it rapidly and roars with pleasure as he feels a big load building already* Wyatt: ‘MMMMM FEELS SO AMAZING….* *he shoots an enormous rope out of his cell as it hits the window in front of it* *he coats it with thick spunk and feels himself getting slightly weaker* Wyatt: ‘AHH DAMN *voice diminishes* fuck no!’ *shrinks with each rope as he regresses back to his normal size after completely cumming* *he wonders how this happened in the first place* Wyatt: ‘Is this what those dreams were about? Hmmm….now I’m curious.’ *sits and ponders as he sits naked and waits for Roberto to return with his new stripes* At the Precinct: King: ‘Jamie how did it go with Monroe?’ *sits at a table with Jamison in the lunch room* Jamison: ‘He obviously took the bait boss. The judge approved the contract without a second thought. It almost seemed too good to be true.’ *smiles from both men* King: ‘Excellent job Jamie, I will talk to you later when I get to the bar.’ *gives Jamison a firm handshake and leaves the lunch room* *cell phone rings, King answers* King: ‘King here. What are you talking about? *pauses* I did exactly what I intended to do. *seems flustered* I don’t think you need to talk to me like that. *gets more angry* Well why don’t you come down here and run the department then, jeezus crimony.’ *hangs up* *stomps into his office and sits down to vent to himself* *wonders if things down in the jail are going well and contacts Roberto on his cell* King: ‘Roberto? Where are you?’ Roberto: ‘Sir, I needed to go get the prisoner a new set of stripes, he showered and forgot to get a fresh set afterwards.’ King: ‘Oh alright, but don’t leave him unattended very long, it is hard to tell what he may do next.’ Roberto: ‘I know sir, I am on my way back now.’ King: ‘Good, we need him to trust us here because otherwise I may get myself into some trouble.’ *hangs up on Roberto and gets up to shed his dress shirt* *closes the blinds to his office and locks his door* *he stares into a mirror in the corner of his office and bounces his huge pecs* King: ‘Mmmmm damn Marquez, you are looking fine my man. If I stand here too long I just might get off on myself.’ *starts to rub his thick chest and growls a little* King: ‘Phew, I just can’t help myself.’ *undoes his belt and unzips his dress pants and pulls them off* *flexes his huge quads and marvels at their thickness and power* *growls again as he pulls his underwear off and does a full body flex* King: ‘Ahh yeah I am looking so hot.’ *pinches his nipples and growls a little louder* *watches his huge cock get erect and bounce up and down before dripping a little precum* King: ‘COME ON MARQUEZ I KNOW YOU CAN SHOOT THAT LOAD.’ *wills his cock to cum without touching it as it squirts more precum this time on to the mirror* King: ‘YEAH RAWR, COME ON BIG MAN I KNOW YOU CAN DO IT. COME ON!’ *his cock begins to swell a little bigger as if it is about to grow* *he roars as he feels it building and drawing closer to the edge* King: ‘FUCK YEAH, OH YEAH, SHOOT THAT HUGE LOAD MARQUEZ. AWWW FUCK!’ *solid white ropes coat the entire mirror as he laughs at the sheer force it commands* *he moves the mirror into the nearby bathroom as he hears a knock on the door* *he races to put his outfit back on before he opens the door* King: ‘Just a minute, I need to get something done before I can help you.’ Ashe: ‘YOU BETTER OPEN THIS DAMN DOOR RIGHT NOW OR I AM CALLING THE MAYOR!’ *realizes it is Ashe, the current city council chairman and former lover and gets up to open the door before he buttons up his dress shirt* King: ‘Eddie, what a pleasant surprise I…..’ *Ashe interrupts* Ashe: ‘Jerking off again Marc? Yep, I see the fucking puddle over here, when will you grow up? I feel sorry for your coworkers here. What a sty this is.’ King: ‘Well hello to you too. What brings you here today?’ *sits down in his chair while Ashe stands by the door* *Ashe looks irritated* Ashe: ‘Really? You do know I keep tabs on everything you do here. We do fund this department after all.’ King: ‘So…..is there a problem?’ *Ashe stares at him with that same irritated look* *King smiles and bounces his pecs* Ashe: ‘The money Marc. Where is the money going that we are giving you?’ *King bounces his pecs faster* *Ashe gets pissed* ‘STOP DOING THAT!’ King: ‘You used to always like it when I did that.’ *Ashe goes over to an empty chair and hesitates* *Decides to remain standing* Ashe: ‘I want answers right now damnit! What are you doing with….’ *King interrupts* King: ‘Research. We are using it on research……for the department.’ *Ashe looks puzzled* Ashe: ‘What? Are you kidding me? I want more specifics. What is this research that you are going on about?’ King: ‘Guys are getting hurt out in the field quite a bit so we started up a new program to look into a way to boost their performance and help prevent injuries.’ Ashe: *seems confused* ‘I don’t know what to think about that. You don’t normally lie to me so I guess I could buy that. Send me a copy of this ‘research program’ and I will talk to the council about sending you more funds.’ *stares at King’s chest and smirks* Ashe: ‘I admit, you do look amazing Marc. Are you on this program?’ King: *smiles and even laughs a little* ‘Maybe. Do you think it is working?’ *flexes his bicep and watches as it stretches his sleeve to its limits* ‘Keep watching…..’ *he squeezes his bicep until the sleeve splits* Ashe: *rolls eyes* ‘You haven’t changed at all dumbass. I will talk to you later.’ *leaves the office and closes the door* King: *talks to himself* ‘Hmmmm…..I didn’t think I would have feelings for Wyatt already. He is such a prime candidate for this program. I just wonder when he will start to show any type of transformation.’ *sits back in his chair and sighs* *he wonders if he will have to make a choice in the future of whether or not to let go of Wyatt or become his partner* At an Unknown Lab Institution: Chemist: *looks under microscope* ‘Hmmm….doesn’t seem right….Wincott where did this sample come from?’ Wincott: ‘Doctor I think it was sent here from the SVU department. Do you need me to call them and find out who it belongs to?’ Chemist: ‘Hold on a minute, I think I am getting some reaction here.’ *reaches for dropper filled with fortified sperm* *squeezes a little onto the slide* Chemist: ‘WHOA, Wincott get over here.’ Wincott: ‘Okay, what do you have there doctor?’ Chemist: ‘A delayed reaction is what we have here, take a look.’ *moves to allow his assistant to take a peek* Wincott: ‘Wow, this prisoner’s cells reacted violently when the sperm came in contact with them. Whose sperm is this anyway?’ Chemist: ‘Hmmm looks like Marquez King. How long has he been in the program?’ *checks logbook for verification* Wincott: ‘Quite a long time I imagine doctor.’ Chemist: *confirms date of entry* ‘Indeed Wincott. Sixteen years precedes the program by a mile. Wait? Sixteen years?’ *eyes get huge* ‘How is this possible?’ Wincott: ‘He would have had to of been a test subject to be from 1997, quite young in fact.’ Chemist: ‘We really need to talk to him because this is unreal.’ Wincott: ‘Wait doctor.’ *looks concerned* ‘It may not be wise to interfere in ‘his’ matters.’ Chemist: *seems confused* ‘Exactly who are you talking about Wincott?’ Wincott: *looks worried* ‘The headmaster doctor. He is the one responsible for starting this whole program. He has a small clan of men recruiting petty criminals so they can be experimented on. Obviously Marquez King is one of those men.’ Chemist: ‘Well, we have his sperm here Wincott and it is extraordinarily powerful. I still think we should talk to him. Get me an appointment to see him tomorrow.’ Wincott: *grabs cell phone* ‘Fine, but I won’t be involved in this. You are going to get yourself into a mountain of trouble doctor.’ *dials SVU* ‘I would like to speak to Officer King please.’ *transfer into King’s office* *King answers* King: *picks up office phone* ‘Who is this?’ Wincott: ‘Officer King, I am Devin Wincott from Sierra Labs. The head scientist of my research department would like to speak to you about your ‘sample’ you had sent to us for study. He wants to see you in person though.’ King: *smiles and makes a funny noise* ‘I almost forgot I sent that, sure I will speak to him. When does he want to come here?’ Wincott: ‘Tomorrow sir. Is this possible?’ King: ‘Sure, but I will have to go to a few meetings first. He can contact me in the late afternoon, I can’t give you a specific time because these meetings can sometimes last longer than they should.’ Wincott: ‘I will let him know officer, have a great day then.’ *clicks cell off as King hangs up* Chemist: ‘I heard what you said. Thank you Wincott for your assistance, your shift is over now I will talk to you tomorrow.’ *Wincott leaves the lab area and goes into the scrubs section* *someone follows him inside* *he turns and sees them staring at him* *he looks surprised, but not frightened* Wincott: ‘How did you get in here? I thought they took your credentials away from you?’ *the person sits down on a bench located across from the scrubs rack* *they start to speak* Person: ‘Don’t worry about me getting in here, I just need to know what Dr. Chizik is working on right now.’ Wincott: ‘He is using a sample from the SVU department and it contains some really powerful sperm too.’ Person: ‘Whose is it? Come on, you can tell me Devin we have a history you know.’ Wincott: ‘His name is Marquez King. He runs SVU and has some strong connections.’ Person: *keeps a straight face* ‘Thank you Devin I appreciate your cooperation.’ *hugs Wincott as he stands and even kisses him on the lips* ‘You know I really miss the good old days of us together in medical school.’ Wincott: ‘I miss them too Corbin. Is that all you needed was to know what Dr. Chizik was working on?’ Corbin: ‘Yes and I may be paying him a visit soon too.’ *turns to leave* *Wincott changes out of his scrubs and into civilian clothes* *Corbin walks out of lab facility and into his tinted car* *he dials a number on his cell and Bluetooth picks up call* Corbin: *speaks into Bluetooth* ‘Get me the headmaster. I need to speak to him.’ Computer: *HEADMASTER WALLACE FOUND* Corbin: ‘Sir are you there? This is Corbin Abrams.’ Headmaster: ‘It is about time you called me Abrams, what do you have for me?’ Corbin: ‘I got into Sierra Labs again. My ex, Devin Wincott is working with a chemist that has obtained a sample of an officer by the name of Marquez King, do you know him?’ Headmaster: ‘Hmmm Marquez King, I think I do Abrams. I want you to find out exactly what that chemist is doing with that sample and find out why that officer sent it to him in the first place.’ Corbin: ‘I will do that for you sir. Oh, I want to know when I will be privileged enough to enter the program.’ Headmaster: *pauses and laughs* ‘Don’t worry Abrams, your time will come. Just get to the bottom of this for me and we will go from there.’ Corbin: ‘Alright, it is an honor to serve you headmaster.’ Headmaster: ‘I am fortunate to have someone loyal like you too Abrams. I need you to hang up before someone tracks this call unless you are in the ‘car’.’ Corbin: ‘I am sir, but I will hang up anyway.’ Headmaster: ‘Good, get going then.’ Computer: *PHONE CALL ENDED* *Corbin drives off* *Headmaster Wallace stands in his study in his lakeside mansion* Wallace: *hears a knock on his door* ‘Come in and it better be good.’ Wife: ‘Edward, do you even care that our son is incarcerated for hitting that man?’ Wallace: ‘He has always fumbled through life Colette. It is time for him to figure out how to deal with something of this magnitude. Besides I’m not that worried about him.’ *Colette slams the door* *Wallace goes to look out onto his huge balcony and stares out into the lake* *he talks to himself* Wallace: ‘That boy doesn’t realize how special he is. I just hope that King doesn’t fuck this up or I will have to get rid of him permanently.’ *rolls his right hand over his face and silver beard* Wallace: ‘I sometimes wonder if all of this was really worth it. I mean I haven’t used the stuff for years.’ *realizes he is just talking to himself and smiles* ‘What am I doing? If that woman hears me saying this shit, she will fuck it up for good.’ *turns to go back inside the study and shuts the doors and closes the blinds*
  20. fillups

    The Culling Parts 9 - Conclusion

    The Culling Part 9 In the mansion balanced on fountains of water, there was an enormous whale watching the guests at the party. The whale was in a tank that was hundreds of times bigger than the whole ballroom that the party was being held in. Two whole walls of the ballroom made of a crystal clear substance that were also part of the walls of the tank. The tank was large enough for the whale to swim comfortably in but it frequently swam to the bottom to peer at the small humans having the party. The dance floor of the ballroom was also clear and we could look down at the sparkling, dancing waters of the fountain that supported the huge mansion. The fountains were constantly changing patterns but the mansion resting on the tops of them was rock solid never betraying it's shifting foundations. The setting of the summer sun made the whole ballroom shine orange through the gauzy curtains that lined the enormous windows. Scott, one of the hosts of the party, was talking to me. He had light brown, thinning hair, lovely brown eyes with long lashes. He had a cool smile that rarely went to his eyes unless he was looking at his partner Seamus. Scott's big arms, strained the sleeves of his tight, black button down shirt that was tight enough I could see the fabric stretch every time he took a breath. "It was kind of like a pet that kept following Seamus home," he said looking up at the whale as it's enormous bulk moved past the wall. "Seamus would walk along the beach and find this whale beached there. Of course, the first time he tossed it out to sea a few miles, the way anyone would. But when it happened two more times he started to get attached." Seamus stood up on a platform directly behind Scott, openly ogling me. He was wearing no shirt just a leather vest, a leather kilt and heavy boots. His hair was bright orange and his skin very pale and hairless. His exposed arms looked to be about 40 incredibly rugged unflexed inches, impossibly enormous for a normal man but Seamus was one of the younger, smaller men at this party for the brotherhood. He was doing a kind if stomping dance to the thumping rhythm of the music in the room. He ran one of his veined, meaty hands across the muscular brickwork of his stomach and licked his lips looking at me. I felt a tremor of...something...all my boyhood I had known that desiring men meant death for me and here I was looking at this spectacular man openly lusting after me. It felt good. Scott turned briefly glancing at Seamus' display and smiled affectionately, "I can't deny Seamus anything so when I was designing the house I incorporated the tank for his friend." "It's pretty amazing," I said looking up at the vast tank although I was both complimenting the tank and commenting on Seamus' crude behavior. I took in the spectacle of the ballroom. Michael was right about getting out to events, I felt more of a connection with my fellow brothers, our similar desires, our miraculous abilities. But I was still troubled by things. I looked up at Seamus who was joined by Scott on the platform. Seamus was grinding into Scott and seemed lost in his partner's massiveness. Seamus was famous for not controlling his urges. The previous year he had gotten in minor trouble for masturbating across the train tracks. The crime was not the masturbation itself, but the fact that as he was moving his gigantic cock back and forth across the tracks it had struck an oncoming train, crushing the engine and killing several of the non-brotherhood passengers. Almost none of the brotherhood were on the train (most of us prefer running which is much faster than any train can move) and of course we are, for all practical purposes, indestructible anyway. Since the 25 deaths were all breeders, Seamus had to do some community service. He was lucky no pre-ascension brothers were on that train which I believe was the main source of concern about the accident among the brotherhood. Most of the brotherhood ranged in height from the shortest 6'7" to about 7'9" which was the height of the tallest elder. Our huge muscularity actually made us look shorter until one of us stood next to a non-ascended person and then our immensity was grotesquely apparent. In the ballroom, I would say the average unflexed arm was about sixty inches in girth. Even among these impossibly massive men, Michael and I were intimidatingly immense. Michael's arms were almost eighty inches and mine the largest in the room by far, were eighty five inches of striated brawn, which was why we were invited and why everyone stared at us together. It was good our backs flared so wide as the width held the impossible size of our arms out away from our torsos. We were the biggest non-elder men anyone had ever seen. The smaller men moved aside in deference to our ponderous bulk. Being big, being monstrously, inconceivably powerful, being one of the Brotherhood, it changed my perspective. When a sneeze or a stray gesture can kill a small army of regular people, it changes something inside. Just walking and feeling the massive, hard mounds of muscle of my legs push against the thick swinging girth of my cock and the pendulous bulk of my testicles, I was not who I had been. These men around me were the only people who could stand up to my strength, the only people who could trade blows with me and maybe wound me. They understood the world in a way that only men like us can. Michael's seven feet of brutally huge mass suddenly filled the entirety of my vision. He gave me a quick hug. The roughness of his dark beard sent shivers through me. He stood next to me looking at the small waiters weaving through the crowded room, "They are called bodybuilders. They take weird substances and constantly lift things over and over again to make their muscles bigger. Scott thought they would be a great conversation piece at the party." His hand lightly massaged the top of my trapezius muscle and touched my lower back as I stiffened looking at the small men, shirtless and childlike next to the hulking mountains of muscularity of the Brotherhood. They navigated between the canyons of moving muscle with theIr trays. Their faces were rigid with concentration as if each step was a death defying act. Perspiration ran down their bodies despite the coolness of the room. Michael whispered in my ear, "They are being well paid for this work." "Some things are not worth any money," I grumbled, but held my peace. Jedrek burst through the crowd bigger than most of the other guests. He walked up to me and clasped me in a hearty hug, "Many good wishes, Gregor and Michael! I wish you joy." he stepped back staring at me in the eye and then he touched the center of my chest, "You have learned the sacredness of the Brotherhood. Of Love." Some part of me wanted to respond cynically but Michael was a continual joy in my life despite my other misgivings. I smiled and clasped his large shoulder with one hand, "Jedrek, I have not always been grateful to you. But today and now I am filled with thankfulness." He beamed at us both and shook Michael's hand, smiling broadly. "Gregor and Michael, I have new reason to be thankful myself. I have taken a husband as well. I would like to introduce you to Ryota, the man who finally captured my heart." A broad black haired man stepped up to me. The cast of his features reminded me of the men that Jedrek had killed in the forest. He was slightly shorter than Jedrek but just as hugely, thick. His clothes were a different style. An almost iridescent ivory material was worn loose and belted around his muscular waist. The material crossed across his wide upper torso exposing almost half his chest. I could see the rippling power of his hairless, pectoral muscles clearly as he moved his hand to clasp mine. He spoke with a deep, melodious voice, "Gregor and Michael, it is truly a pleasure. Jedrek speaks well of you. I come from Nihan just off the southern coast of your country." Ryota's smile vanished in a moment and he looked seriously at me. "Jedrek, has told me about your misgivings about this country. I need to tell you about my own shame." Jedrek nodded curtly as Ryota lead me away out the large glass doors to the balcony. The doors completely sealed the loudness of the party away from us, I could not even hear a distant thump of the music. Outside there was only the slightest of breezes and the soft sound of the fountain. The sun was setting and the air was charged with color. Ryota smiled a brief smile, his teeth flashing white against his tan skin and black goatee. "This is a hard story for me but I think it will help you to understand the value of the men of Taiga. The value of what they do here," he gestured with a forearm writhing with muscle towards the ballroom. He sighed deeply and continued, "My people practice the culling, I think we do it better than yours. The wise women were militant about stamping out the male threat. They keep track and search down every male child for the culling. "My brother and I were born on the same day. We both knew at an early age that we would be killed when we went to the culling. There were a network of caves in the mountains and places where only a young person could squeeze into. We found a place with a spring of water deep in those caves. No one knew of it. For months, we secreted supplies to that place. We laid false trails and sealed parts of paths off. We hid in those caves for a long time. We only had each other and one terrible night we gave into temptation and," he paused a pained expression on his face, "we ascended." I suddenly understood his shame, not only two men but brothers. "We thought we were cursed, that the grotesque size was our brand of shame. We blamed, hated each other. We tore the mountains apart, fighting. It was useless we were both too strong to be killed." "We ran away and both of us soon became powerful leaders and divided the country between us in a civil war. I was miserably lonely and occasionally took men as lovers. Thanks to the culling none of them desired me, they loved me only as their powerful leader. My desires killed them." He looked sad, "I became aware of a trader, bigger than a bear, who could easily fight off any who opposed him. My first thought was fear and I sent many men to their deaths trying to kill him. "Then I met this man, Jedrek. He wished to trade I wished to fight. We fought. We were matched in every way, not since my brother had a man moved as fast as me and struck blows that could stagger me. I felt myself drawn to his body, his red hair and beard and soon I was in his arms and making love with my equal and telling my story. "Gregor, this place is our best hope to live together in peace. It is a refuge from the evil that twists us from our birth. Jedrek tells me you hate it, accept it and your birthright, it is not evil. The evil is out there." Ryota's massive frame was lit by the lights of the ballroom. The air was blue and dark with shadows. Ryota's dark eyes bore into me, "It is a refuge from the blood that the brotherhood pays every day. That the rest of the world asks of us to pay for our power." That night in the safe warmth of my bed with Michael, I dreamed of my village of my childhood. It was the day of the culling and I was standing in the row of boys shivering in terror and guilt. Agnieska, the wise woman released the flower pollen in a fragrant cloud over the stinking crowd of us boys. Gratitude came on me as the pollen fell on me, hiding my shame from the world. I became aware of a clear space in the pollen cloud as if an invisible force was pushing it away. Guilt and terror made my heart hammer in my thin chest. I saw Ulric's stricken face as the pollen drifted on to the other boys away from him. The witch's knife flashing through the air. The ground shook and twisted and writhed and pierced poor Ulric's body as it deformed itself. The very earth shrieked with pain as it roiled around me and all was lifeless. I woke sweating. I knew what I needed to do. The Culling Part 10 I stood alone on the edge of the twisted plain of Eoghan and Fearghus' folly, known by the breeders as Durness' Folly. The breeders. I cursed the epithet, I was thinking with the same smugness I detested in the rest of the Brotherhood. I needed that arrogance though, so I allowed the smugness to creep over me at the various inadequacies, the fragility, the puniness of...breeders. The green mountains of Taiga lay at my back. Ahead, the vast and lifeless silences of the twisted landscape were broken only by my own footsteps. I pulled off the only clothing I was wearing, a breechcloth, the tearing of the cloth echoing from the giant misshapen rock formations in front of me, The sun stood high above me in the sky as I began to concentrate my power. I spat once into each of my hands. I glanced downwards as my big hands began to stroke the length of my manhood. The sunlight threw shadows on the deep, hairy striations of the enormous, jutting shelf of my chest which completely obstructed the view of my hands. I felt the hot, aliveness of my penis, so much a part of me and yet alien in its thick, vein covered enormity. I purposefully concentrated on my strength. How I dominated every man I came in contact with. I was bigger and stronger than any man I had physically encountered. If I glared people moved away. Mountains, continents were nothing to my massive body. One of my hands moved up stroking the powerful, stonelike cords of my obliques. I felt my testicles swell as hard as the fantastic peaks of my muscles. The shaft of my manhood grew rigid, harder than any metal I had forged. The expanding girth of my penis became difficult to grasp even with my big hands. Out past the roiling muscular vastness of my chest, the thickly veined protuberance of my cockhead became visible. The wide, swollen head of my phallus was red with built up pressure and glistening with precum dripping from the slit, it looked like a monstrous, savage weapon. I stroked harder feeling the pressure continue to build all while willing myself not to complete the orgasm. My cock seemed to swell even bigger. I could feel the need to release boiling throughout its massive length. Then I came. The explosion of ejaculate shot out of me and I roared shaking the massive formations in front of me. The liquid struck the hard rock shattering it into pieces of earth. I turned spraying all the formations in front of me. The thunderous report of stone being obliterated filled my ears. I strode forward on the now flattened land, my inexhaustible manhood blasting the formations as I swept it back and forth across the lifeless plain in front of me instantly pulverizing the twisted stone and churning the hard earth up. I do not know the length of time it took me to cross the plain but I only stopped when the last of the formations was exploded into nothingness by the force of my cum. I made my way naked back across the expanse of the plain. My legs sometimes sinking deep into the dark and muddy earth. Everywhere there was the smell of my seed mixed with the earth. The sun had just risen on what morning it was and how many days I had spent at my labor, I did not know. My shadow was the only shadow cast across the landscape. Reaching the middle of the plain I turned a full circle and saw nothing but dark muddy, flat earth where once there had been only twisted rock. I turned finally in the direction of my home. I tensed the gigantic muscles of my legs and sprang free from the clinging earth in a mighty leap that sent me flying into the sky, across the miles of the plain, higher than the soaring peaks of the Taiga Mountains. I called on my other powers to steer and slow my descent so I landed gently outside the home Michael and I shared. I was exhausted and staggered into Michael's arms as he lead me to a hot shower. I then fell into our bed and slept and slept. It was morning again and I awoke blinking in the light falling through our window. I nuzzled into the deep cavern under Michael's arm, enjoying his hairiness, the hardness of his muscle even as he slept and the musky clean scent of him. I made growling noises like a rutting animal and woke Michael who took my revived manhood easily. "You're stronger than mountains," I whispered as I came in him. "I know," he growled, tensing as he shot ropes of cum on the far wall of our bedroom. We spent a week doing the ordinary things in life, not speaking of what we had to do. I savored this time with Michael for we both knew this time in Taiga was to come to an end. On the seventh day after my return having finished our clean up of the evening meal, Michael came to me with two bundles of blue fabric. He shook out two cloaks of soft blue leather. Stitched across them in gold was a design of two magnificent trees, their trunks separate but their branches intertwined, grown together. "While you were completing your task, I made these for our next labor. If you pull them completely around and over yourself, they will let in no rain or weather and the colors and designs will fade into the landscape and you will not be seen. They will also make the rockiest ground comfortable to lie upon." "They are perfect," I smiled in gratitude. We packed supplies and shut the door of our home. We both wore our cloaks and light short tunics of muslin with loose leather breeches. Except for our richly appointed cloaks, we could be two very large peasants. The sun was high in the sky and in its light I could see the brilliance of the goldwork in Michael's cloak as it bunched and moved over the enormous muscular crags of his back. I felt my manhood stir at this display and I needed to focus on other matters. "Time to begin the invasion of our homeland, Mediolanum." Michael said with a bright smile and shot into the air. He was instantly a blue glittering dot on the horizon. I took one last look at this place that I had fought with and been changed by. I thought of Ryota's words, a refuge for men like us and I could feel some of the awesome beauty of it leak into my heart. "Goodbye," I whispered and leapt up into the air. Once again I was speeding over Durness' Folly, but I could traces of green like a mist running over the dark, fertile land. The curse was gone, the healing had begun. When Jedrek made his runs across Mediolanum he had purposefully avoided the soldiers because he wanted to avoid creating a situation. Michael and I were creating a situation and so we began with the border guard on the Eastern border of the land. Using some of my magics, I gentled my landing and barely disturbing the trunks of the trees in the copse I landed beside. I pulled my cloak around me, blending into the landscape and hunching down and looked at the scene playing out just a few feet away. Michael was surrounded by soldiers, his 7 feet easily overtopping the tallest man in the group. Michael's thick upper arms were easily wider than the shoulders of these armored men standing around him. His monstrous chest swelled menacingly forcing the men away from his body, a small bounce of that hulking superstructure and the crowd of men would be pounded into oblivion, armor and all. Michael was obviously moving very carefully to keep from hurting these men standing uneasily near him. "I wish to speak to your commanding officer," Michael was keeping his powerful, baritone voice gentle. "W-w-w-we are s-s-supposed t-to b-b-b-bind the prisoners up." One of the men barely stuttered out. Michael chuckled, the unexpected movement of his vast body caused two of the closest soldiers to break ranks and dash away in panic. "That is easily solved, for I am not your prisoner, I am your liberator. Walk with me as friends walk with friends." Something in the good natured warmth of Michael's voice caused the soldiers fear to melt away. They lowered their useless weapons, although the squad leader kept doggedly on, "We are loyal servants to the great King Whately and the high Wizards Garoth and Reb'kah. We gladly serve at his majesty's pleasure. We require no liberation." Michael smiled at the man, his beautiful blue eyes gentle, his dark hair lightly tossled by his flight. I felt so in love with this humble, strong but gentle man. "Then lead me as an emissary of a friendly nation, for at this moment that is what I am." I wanted to watch him win them over, but I had another part to play. After the men had walked away, I sang to the shadows and to the darkness so that magical eyes would not be able to spy on the proceedings. I conjured a blanket of shadow to cover the country obscuring our uprising from the high wizards and from any other magical sight not of the Brotherhood (this was for two reasons: we did not need to hide from the Brotherhood and the magic needed is infinitely more powerful). Reluctantly, I turned and leapt north towards the icy tower of Reb'kah, the Enchantress also known as the Deadly Terror to her enemies. Since she had sworn allegiance to the king the country had successfully captured much territory from her neighbors. She was deeply feared and hated. I landed half a mile from the tower, cracking the ground with my impact. The tower was made from a gray silver metal. It looked like something alien perched on a blasted plain. A green mist rose from the ground and I was immediately confronted by a thousand strong army of dead warriors. The smell of their rotting flesh filled the air. Their number stood between me and my goal. They unslung their weapons and marched towards me. Some of the weapons glowed with power and I recognized at least one of the blades from my studies. These were the men who had fallen against Reb'kah, whose souls and bodies were enslaved by her power. I put my hands on my hips and simply drew a deep breathe. All of the green mist was sucked into the almost limitless capacity of my lungs. I could see my chest expanding more in my lower vision. The warriors stumbled against the force of my intake. I put a small amount of effort into blowing out the air. It was like unleashing armageddon. A great tornado of wind poured from me smashing into the army with enough force to shred armor and disintegrate bones. The wind whipped bodies into nothingness and as the turbulence spread across the army of the dead, nothing but fragments of armor and weapons remained clanking across the hard ground. The tower was buffeted by the raging winds, it shook and bent in the maelstrom of my breathe, the whole structure teetered but held true as I stopped my exhale. It was suddenly silent and I was alone on the plain. "I'm not here to kill," I said into the absence of sound, "I need to be more careful." By the time, I finished speaking I was at the heavy metal doors at the base of the tower. The doors yawned at least 30 feet above me. I pushed my fingers into the thick metal and then simply pulled backwards, the doors popped off of the building, the torn metal shrieking. I tossed the doors behind me and heard the far off rumble as they embedded themselves into the distant mountains. I was inside. It was cold, far colder than the icy temperatures outside. There were stairs running up in a spiral up the sides of the tower. A high, piercing, wailing echoed from all sides as giant blades of ice fell from above. I sang out the opening note of the spell of sealing, simultaneously shattering the blades with the power of my voice and magically preventing the flight of my adversary. As I sang the last note, I leapt upwards effortlessly shattering stone and steel as I hurtled to the pinnacle, the room of power. I burst through the final floor of reinforced steel and wood with an explosion of debris. My invulnerable cloak was dusty but intact, my tunic shredded exposing most of my torso. The room was long. The floor was littered with the pots and tubes of alchemy. Runes were drawn with a sweeping hand on the floors and ceilings, they glowed a bright and angry red, meaning my magic had successfully been cast over the structure. Hanging in rows along the walls were the heads of men. Their mouths hanging open in a rictus of pain. At the far end of the room stood Reb'kah. Her hair was long and white almost silver and it spilled down almost to her sandaled feet. She was wearing a long white robe, which almost matched her delicately veined skin in paleness. Her face was a mask of hatred as she launched a knife of ice at me. The blade broke harmlessly on the hairy rampart of my chest. Instantly I was encased in an enormous block of ice. I felt a momentary panic, which instantly subsided as I took a breathe. The expansion of my chest shattered the block. I could move as if there was no impediment and the crumbled at the force of my limbs as I strode forward. Reb'kah hissed, "You are the absence of my power. You are the blanket of darkness that hides the rats of men from my gaze! You are.... What are you?" "I am of the men of Taiga, the brotherhood." "The stories are true then. Giant apes with the heavy, hideous features of men. You bring my end a rich irony, creature of Taiga." Her rage was pulsing through the room. Several of the heads on the wall burst like overripe fruit, but I was immune. "My life has been dedicated to the destruction of men. My first trophy was the head of the one who called himself my father. I only serve the king," her mouth twisted with even more bitterness, "to serve my own ends. Were it not for the wizard's tricks, I would rightfully be ruler of a land rid of free men." I tried to think of how Michael would diffuse such hatred but I only had the goal of my mission. "I am not here to end you, I am here to form an alliance---" I faltered, the idiotic futility of my words dying on my lips as I spoke into her hatred, "or neutralize you." She screeched and lightning whipped impotently around my body. All of the heads burst into flames and it seemed to me that I heard a low moan of pain or maybe release. There was no choice for me. I stared at her icy blue eyes and sang the song of closing. Lines of black power arced out of her body and a rancid smell filled the room. "You will lose all power and memory," I spoke softly as she slumped to the floor. She looked up with clouded, confused eyes. I touched her arm, as fragile as new ice in my large hand, and carefully helped her to stand, "I am sending you to a village of good people. They will shelter you until you are well." I whispered the final spell and she shimmered away to the villageas in. The tower was built for dark purposes and stank of evil. I did not wish such a thing to stand. I tore open a hole in the wall and leaped down the side of the structure. I looked up at the massive, metallic building looming hundreds of feet above me. I bent my knees spread my arms wide and gripped the building and stood up lifting it entirely out of the ground. The structure squealed as its weight redistributed in ways it was never built for. I was now holding the doomed tower with both hands spread wide. Then I gave the tower a hug. I pulled and squeezed the tower to my chest. I could feel my biceps harden to something harder than metal or any substance known. My arms worked with a steady, incredible pressure. I easily brought my hands compressing the materials of the tower to my chest which I could feel expanding with a powerful pump. The metal cried in agony as it was stressed in ways that nature couldn’t accomplish. I kept reaching out and gathering a huge mass of steel and compress it to my now heaving pecs. Then I reached and stretched my fingers, which would sink in and deform beams and bring them to me. I began gathering tons of steel faster and faster and driving the cold steel to my deep cleavage. My chest was swelling and bulging and compressing the very matter of the tower tighter and tighter. The metal was turning into hot liquid and then vaporizing in the terrible heat of my powerful muscles. I inhaled the steel steam and instead of tiring, I felt my power increase. My arms moved so fast, they were a blur. My chest muscles pumped like gigantic sledge hammers as they compressed the solid matter against my blurred hands. Within moments there was nothing. I rubbed my bare, extremely hard* and hairy chest steaming from the heat of tearing a structure into nothingness. Nothing of the structure remained, no stick or stray bolt. Only a hole that had been the resting place of the building. I turned away, my cloak blowing back behind me and leaped away. I camped that night alone in a forest between the wizards' towers, leaving Michael to his work. I pulled the cloak around me and I was sheltered from the cold of night and listened to the night sounds. I knew I need not fear any creature or even the raw forces of nature but still I felt comforted by the cloak. I shut my mind from the raw fury of Reb'kah. I hoped that our opposition would not be so dedicated. The next morning I leapt towards the fortress of Garoth. The fortress rested in a high rocky valley. The fortress was huge, literally miles across. It was made of a strange marbled blue and white stone. The center of the building rose in a peak that towered over even the mountains. A cloud blew across that high tower even as I watched. I walked towards the gigantic iron doors, they rose almost as high as Reb'kah's entire tower. The valley was lightly wooded with the wiry trees of the mountains. The doors were suddenly flung open by a gust of wind which pulled several trees out by the roots. I marched into the hurricane and saw emerging out of the doors the enormous golden head of a dragon. It roared and shook the ground with its fury. It clamped jaws bigger than whole houses. Acid dripped smoking from the gaping maw of its mouth. It snorted flame that bounced harmlessly off the clearly dragonfire proof bricks of the fortress. Monstrous chains bound its rear legs. The creature pulled fruitlessly on those chains. It turned its vast eyes and regarded my approach. Its mouth opened and a torrent of hellfire ran towards me. Without slowing my forward stride I opened my mouth and simply inhaled the flame, creating a gigantic torrent of suction that pulled all the flame into my mouth. I felt the gentle warmth of the fire that ran hotter than the rivers of lava in the earth, hotter than any fire known to normal creation in my vast chest. I felt an internal friction which caused it to grow, by my gut feeling, slightly warmer. I expelled the flame on to the wall next to the dragon. It was white hot, its brilliance blotting out all other sight fading the colors of the day to nothingness. It struck the side of the building, melting the dragon proof bricks to steaming liquid then to vapor in seconds. A huge hole had been opened up in the side of the fortress exposing that side of the dragon's chamber and several other rooms. The beast made a feeble mewling sound and retreated leaking a foul yellow liquid and brown substance as it pissed and shit itself in fear of me. I strode forward finding the vast thing covering itself with its wings quivering. Its scales rattling with the force of a seizure. Its huge claws were easily larger than me but I did not hesitate to lay my hand gently on one and begin stroking the creature. "Oh Great One, my quarrel is not with you. I do not wish to do battle only to pass and to parley with he who built this fortress." The creature shook slightly less and I could feel it coming out of the shock of our first encounter. I moved past its enclosing wings to where its legs were bound. I grabbed hold of the metal chains which shattered like glass in my grip. "Go free and fly to others of your kind and be not so lonely," I intoned. In a great flurry and buffeting of wind the dragon was gone. The dragon room only had a small door made out of the same brickwork. I was deciding my next move when I felt a transformation spell starting to work on me. I waved it away and watched the bright lines of power dissipate. Moments passed and I was thinking of following the power lines to their source. Before I did though I heard a musical trilling as the rear wall of the chamber simply reformed itself into a stairway of blue stone leading up to the top of the tower. It is nice to be invited, I thought and marched boldly to the tower and my host were waiting. The doors of the tower were worked with white gold and I recognized some powerful protective runes worked within the ornate designs. The doors opened and from the inner chamber a pleasant voice, "Welcome and enter!" The room was dark and suffused with a reddish glow. There were a series of dark curtains that I pushed through until I was in a large round drawing chamber with long couches arranged around in a rough circle. On one lay an attractive black haired man with his eyes closed and no shirt. Kneeling before him, clearly pleasuring him was a winged creature with a female body, a succubus. He groaned, clearly climaxing in the creature's mouth. The creature dutifully swallowed and retreated to the shadows. The man spoke, “She wants to destroy me, but my power makes her give me the most exquisite of pleasures.” The man opened his eyes and stared at me his eyes widening a bit as he scanned my full size, "I must apologize," he said rising with his hand extended, "you have caught me celebrating, the end of my most powerful enemy. I am Garoth, the wizard." I took his hand gently but I could see him wince at the force of my grip. "That would explain the dragon at the door rather than a smiling greeter, Garoth. I am Gregor." I gave the sentence a twist. The man's confidence looked shaken for a moment. A look of fear or something I could not read. “Yes, that was a costly mistake. I will miss Mnementh, he was a great pet and guardian. It was only with great sacrifice that I was able to hold him here. I should have made sure you had a proper greeting.” “Gregor,” he continued, “I assume you are also what ended the career of Reb’kah? I felt that only one such as you (I am assuming you are of the properly legendary brotherhood of Taiga) could end her power signature so completely. I also assume you are responsible for the darkness that clouds my vision of the king’s lands. Seeing these signs, I did put out certain protections. Which I should have guessed would prove useless.” “You have guessed a’right, Garoth. I am responsible for both situations and I am of Taiga.” He prodded me further, “I had always thought the legends were true. I actually made quite a study of the history of Eoghan and know of his partner Fearghus. At a foolish time in my life I even pursued the company of men who did not pass the culling to elevate as your people do. “To what purpose, do you do these things? I won’t say I’m not grateful of being rid of the scheming witch, the release of my dragon and the obscuring of my magic, are impressive but terrifying to me.” I found myself turning his words in my head. He had tried to elevate himself through the company of men, but he was not attracted, did not truly love them. The change had not happened but this might make him more open to treating with me, perhaps. “You hardly seemed terrified, Garoth. I am here to take over my home country of Mediolanum and rule it.” I said carefully. “And you are removing the pillars that support the king. First Reb’kah and now...I see. Why this sidelong approach, Gregor? Your people have been known to take on bigger forces directly. You certainly are more than capable of destroying my great power and Reb’kah’s in tandem and take on the army without much effort. I will freely admit that I not only admire your great power but it makes me jealous.” “I have spent the fullness of my life pursuing power such as yours. It is an honor to be near one who has achieved more than my greatest imaginings.” I felt an impatience growing in me. “My reason are my own, and since you are meeting with me you must understand, I wish to treat.” “Of course, I submit. I do not wish to be destroyed or lose my power. I see fighting as hopeless. You may dictate the terms. It helps of course if we mingle our blood. It binds us.” Garoth was doing exactly as I hoped. It is old magic that a contract drawn with the blood of both parties does completely bind both parties to the terms of the contract. He summoned a quill which he allowed to stab his arm. I willed the quill and used my power to strengthen it slightly pierce my impenetrable skin to take some of my blood. It suddenly leached on to my arm and pulled deeply from me. Garoth was chortling and I felt light headed for a moment and realized that the quill had injected something into me. I could feel my body destroying whatever it was but I was still light headed. Garoth himself was changing growing in size and strength. His muscles were swollen and covered in blue veins. His once slender limbs were now heavy with muscle. Nowhere near even the smallest of the Brotherhood but larger than any mortal man I had seen. A golden glow seemed to be coming from him and the sorceries embedded in the building came alive and wrapped around me and tried to slow my recovery. I opened my mouth to sing and thick black ropes of pure power ran into my mouth, stifling my voice. I could feel Garoth attempting to use my blood to pull my power into him. “At last, at long last. my pursuit of power is complete. This is my dream! The power it courses through me!!” he screamed triumphantly. The ornate and careful runes and sorceries were as nothing to me. I let a fraction of my power down the lines. The effect was immediate. The dark ropes of power burned white and then exploded, writhing like snakes upon the ground. The sorceries that were in careful balance burst all over the room. The succubi, suddenly freed from their sorcerous bonds, attacked Garoth with ferocity. Vainly he fought their claws and teeth. His strength and speed inadequate to the fury of the attacking creatures. They began flaying his skin from his bones. His triumphant grin suddenly became screams of terror as the she demons pulled him down devouring his flesh. They did not attack his vital organs. They wanted him living. A dark hole to another place opened and the succubi pulled Garoth’s still screaming carcass into it. The hole grew pulling pieces of the tower into it. I leapt away, easily escaping the pull of the darkness which was now pulling the whole of the fortress into itself. I watched the hole grow larger destroying all of Garoth’s foul work. Then I sang the song of closings, my voice shook the mountains and the trees and the forces obeyed me. The hole sealed itself and the doorway to that dark place was closed. I felt exhausted and slept that night in Garoth’s valley now cleansed of his evil. Nothing disturbed my rest and I awoke to prepare the final pieces of my plan and rejoin with Michael. To be continued.... The Culling - Conclusion A sitting room. Red all around, a diffused glow. In the middle of the room, a pinprick, a dot of darkness floated suspended in the air. The darkness started growing tearing open bigger and bigger. I opened my mouth to sing a spell and my voice was stopped I couldn't make a sound. Fearfully, I backed away from the growing darkness. A hysterical, gibbering sobbing scream filled the room and I saw Garoth trying and failing to grab the sides of the void with bleeding hands. He saw me and lunged forward his mouth filled with fangs... My eyes opened to see the blue of my cloak stretched above me in the morning light. I could hear a light tapping of rain on the outside. I slowed my breathing as I looked around my small makeshift tent. Absently I traced the muscles of the hard bulwark of my chest with one hand. I felt calmer. It had been only a dream. I was camped in a stand of trees by the King's highway several miles from the castle. I was waiting for Michael to rejoin me. As the tapping of rain subsided I crawled out into the drear of the early morning. I peered through the grey mist at the highway. It was completely deserted. Then I heard it. Maybe it always been there as a low thudding but it was getting louder. The heavy beat of drums the sound of thousands marching forward. The sound obscured all others and the ground was shaking with the force of it. I quickly gathered up my cloak, feeling it reform from a tent as I pulled it over my shoulders. A massive shape was coming towards me in the mist. It was huge, large enough to make one of the giant grizzly bears of the forest look minuscule by comparison. I knew instantly it was, "Michael!" I felt his huge arms around me before I even saw his face. He kissed me and all of me felt for a moment like it was just us, we were the only two in existence, the whole world was the two of us kissing. We paused and I looked into his blue eyes. "Gregor, my life. It has been many days. The world is not lovely when you are not beside me." His voice rippled through me. All I could do was breathe his name once but he heard everything in that. We walked to the highway where the army was marching forward. As they passed, they saluted us and continued their march forward. "I bring you a gift Gregor! All the king's men! We have the full army without a drop of blood spilt." "Michael, this was our dream. You are repairing the wound of Durness and Eoghan, here and now. And you have done far better than me these past few days." I said thinking of my encounters with the wizards. "Gregor, I believe you repaired the folly by yourself, with your own magnificent rod several weeks ago," Michael said with a salacious wink, "But what of the wizards? We have seen no sign and the men have ceased worrying about their retribution." I told him briefly about my dealings, finishing with, "So one is in some kind of eternal torment damnation and the other has had her identity and powers destroyed. Clearly, I am not so persuasive as you." "Gregor, it is the nature of the world that those with the most power never give it up easily. Their ambition and hatred destroyed their ability to work with us long before you ever came to call." "Then what of the king, Michael? Will he also be destroyed?" "I think not Gregor, for he has realized by now that his power has fled, he has no power to lose," Michael smiled confidently. We led the army until we were within hailing distance of the squat gray fortress of the king. It looked hunkered down, smaller and less grand than either of the wizard towers, this building was designed for defense. An inhuman bellow issued from the open gateway of the fortress and an enormous troll thundered out. It was dressed in filthy, rotted rags which exposed most of its body including its fetid, bulbous sexual organ. The smell of rancid piss and shit accompanied its appearance. The creature was dragging a club made from the entirety of a felled redwood, spikes thicker than an ordinary man's neck studded the free end of the massive weapon. "Even though you are the stronger, allow me some fun," Michael breathed in my ear, simultaneously staying me with a gesture and sweeping off his cloak. He was still wearing the simple tunic and breeches of a peasant, his hard and huge muscles only slightly obscured by the loose clothing. He strode up to the giant beast. The creature snickered, leered and scratched its big organ at seeing a lone figure moving toward it. I saw the creature's eyes focus and then widen with fear as it took in Michael's monstrous size. Its own hulking bulk was no match for the overwhelming thickness of Michael's colossal muscularity. As Michael sauntered nearer, his overpowering size became even more apparent. The creature's great legs would humble most tree trunks however Michael's forearms massively gnarled and distended with muscle were easily twice the girth of the troll's gigantic limbs. The creature should have run or been paralyzed with fear. Even if it didn't understand how infinitely more powerful, Michael's strength was, some animal survival instinct should have sent it running like a fragile fawn from a crushing avalanche of granite. The creature had no awareness of how disproportionate the fight was. It grunted with effort as its two great arms levered up the great redwood club. Ponderously, it swung the bulk of the club, twisting to torque up the greatest force into the movement. Michael could have easily evaded the blow but instead kept walking right into it. A great, cracking roar of sound erupted as the irresistible force of the giant swing met the titanic, immovable object of Michael. The club shattered against Michael's impenetrable mass, shredding his outer clothing. We watched as the heavy metal spikes, literally splattered by the force of the blow against the hairy alabaster of Michael's skin, bounced away flattened, unrecognizable. Michael's manhood was fully exposed and his flaccid magnificence was fully five times the size of the troll's now puny looking genitalia. The creature gaped at the impotence of its blow and the useless remnant of its weapon. Michael paused and moved one of his behemoth arms up, explosions of muscularity rippled across his exposed torso with the motion, and theatrically yawned covering his mouth with his hand. The soldiers cheered for the bravado of their humongously massive leader. The troll bellowed in a rage and began to charge Michael. It would have been so easy for Michael to destroy the foul, creature utterly with a single blow but Michael suddenly moved in a blur away from the creature. Before the troll could even take a single step Michael had crossed several hundred feet to the castle. With a single easy motion he yanked out the heavy portcullis. The shattered steel chains were still in the air while he blurred back towards the charging troll with the massive gate, ripping it into pieces as he moved. His hands moved fast warping and reshaping the hard metal into giant sized manacles. Then he was behind the creature almost gently manhandling its great limbs and manacling them with the transformed pieces of the gate. He finished by chaining the creature with a thick metal stake driven deep into hard rock. This all happened in almost a blink, I was startled by the sound of portcullis chains crashing down. I wondered if the soldiers thought it was magic, so quick were Michael's movements. The troll struggled helplessly against the weight of the metal that Michael had effortlessly forged with his grip. It's sluggish brain not comprehending what had occurred. It let out a mewling, beaten sound at Michael's retreating figure. I summoned clothing to cover Michael. We were overwhelming enough without Michael's nakedness awing everyone into stupefaction. After Michael's little show of force, the king's instant surrender was anticlimactic. The day moved forward in a blur of military displays and speeches and by the evening Michael and I were both crowned as kings while the former king was escorted to his home village. We acted quickly with multiple decrees. The first was that the culling ceremony would result in the chosen boys to be sent to training at the castle. It was our idea that the Brotherhood in our fair land would become all variety of public servants, that the strength of our kind would serve the weaker making all the land a stronger place. We also treated with the men of Taiga to open the former lands of the Folly for cultivation. The once sterile lands were now the most fertile in our corner of the world. Years past and the work of transforming a broken country to a land of prosperity and happiness, seemed unending. Having the power to single handedly annihilate any hostile neighbors around us made coming to agreements an easier task than that faced by our predecessors. This part of my life was filled with much happiness, but the darkness of the culling, while scrubbed from my own country, remained in the world. One night, I left my body and floated free in the nether world of the spirit. The world still was mostly covered in darkness however now the lights of Taiga were joined by the lights of my own Mediolanum. I felt pride at that. I turned towards the blinding white brilliance of the valley of the Elders. I now approached with ease no longer buffeted by the power that they emanated. They became aware of me. Many of the men I had known had passed beyond the bounds of the world since my visits so many years ago. A few of the brightest burning lights still remembered me. "Ah, Gregor who changes the world, we see our prophecies fulfilled," spoke a familiar burning form in the voice of gales. My own burning light did not waver from the force of his voice and when I spoke the shock waves of my power buffeted many of the elders' flames. "I am honored to be remembered by the elders and wish to discuss the possibility of changing the deep magic." A swirling in the matter of the elders and all was silent and then, "Gregor, for one such as yourself there exist many possibilities. The deep magic is all that makes up the movement of the universes. It is the substance of creation. To change it is to threaten the very fabric of what is. Even for you it may be impossible to make a change without being destroyed utterly and the danger of destroying everything that is, is very great. "We tell you this because among all we know, you are like our beloved son and we trust what drives you forward." There was a long, considered pause. Finally, the great voice spoke again, "If you must attempt this, go to the forest of green silences where the heartbeat of creation is most easily heard." "Great fathers, you are what has bound me to the Brotherhood even in my darkest days of bitterness. I am always your grateful son." I became briefly one with them, part of their tremendous energy. I could feel a change in my place among them. I felt I was at least as powerful as the mightiest among them and I drew them to my greater light. Despite this we all understood I was not ready to join their number, I still had my own life to live and promises to keep. My beacon like light separated from the elders and then I departed to my earthly form. I opened my eyes. Michael lay sprawled beside me softly snoring, the moon's light in our room turning his magnificence to silver. The dark hair of his chest breaking the sheen. Some part of me wanted to curl up in his safe warmth and never leave, I leaned over and kissed his forehead and breathed in his scent. My dearest forgive me. I left our room and crossed the castle to a room shielded from the rest of building for magic lessons. I sat on the cold flagstone and thought of the forest of green silences and began the spell of passage. The room melted away and I was sitting in a meadow outside near a dense thickness of trees. The trees were enormous, larger than even the great buildings of Taiga. The woods were so densely grown on all sides that no passage was possible for even a small child much less a being as large as I. I called out, "To she who walks between branches and he who guards with fang and hoof Lady and Lord of Green Silences one who has need begs entrance." Her voice was melodious and almost evaded the edge of my hearing, "Gregor, we know of what you would do and grant you leave to enter." I heard not a sound but the shadows around the trees seemed to deepen and I found myself peering at a path into the wood. I entered the stillness of the forest, the ground was soft with moss. I could feel a sense of the center of the place and my path led me to it. The morning light was lifting the gloom and for a second I thought I saw the green skin of the lady and the antlered head of the lord watching me. But when I looked more closely there was nothing but the forest. In the heart of the wood, I stripped my clothing and lay face first in the moss and sang a spell of joining. I felt myself falling into a vastness of life of power. I felt my being pushed into the big pulsing rhythms of the world. Was it breathing or a beating? It was through me and I was of it. I could feel the earth leaning and spinning to this huge movement. I began to be aware of parts, fit together, it was a massive machine exquisitely balanced and fit together each part depending on the other. Did it have awareness; this great engine of everything that was? I could not tell, I only felt my heart beating in time to its workings. For the first time in many a year, I felt small and insignificant. I pulled energy from within and sent a questing. Something in these intricacies answered me and with effort I moved through the colossus of the framework, feeling the deep magic pulling me back towards the world I belonged in. After what seemed days or hours, time has no meaning here, I saw it and recognized it as my goal. It sat dark and precious turning in the light, linking and continuing. I studied its place in this great machine. I then pulled all of my power into me, feeling my strength, my great potency even in this place. I flung my force at the darkness pulling it by force from its place. It came away, unmoored from its place in the magic. It burst into red and vanished. There was a sudden wrenching a tearing and I was pulled apart. I could feel my limbs being pulled, popping from their sockets, my essence was being pulled into microscopic thinness. I pulled with all my power but the force was relentless. I could only slow its unyielding tearing of my being. I felt a blackness descending and some part of me wondered what I had wrought. Dark and pain and coldness was the tendril of my consciousness as I held on. Light and warmth bathed me and I pulled new power into me. The force began to slowly yield. Small, infinitesimally small movements drew me back into my form and so slowly the pieces fit back and the great beating continued. I was myself and I let the current of the deep magic sweep me back to my place in the world. Darkness again but warmth. I slept. Light flickered and my eyelids flickered open to the green and gold of the forest. I heard a familiar soft snoring and felt Michael's massive arms wrapped around me. I turned in his arms to face him and kissed the dark stubble on his face, "You saved me." His eyes rimmed with exhaustion blinked open, "Gregor, you are awake. I feared you would never again awaken. I felt you slipping away." Michael's eyes sheened over with tears. "I am here my dearest and thanks to your strength, I believe I am well." I beamed my smile, my love into him. Michael smiled,"If this is a dream, may I never waken and if this is real, then I am truly the most fortunate of all men who walk this earth." "Oh my tired savior. I put you through this and you are thankful. I ..." I stopped too full of feeling and kissed him pulling the bulk of his body into mine. I could feel his pulse, the physicalness of him. I squeezed him. We made love in that sacred place and I felt blessed and completely restored. Michael was kissing the vastness of my chest as I held him. He suddenly stopped. He gently pulled out of my embrace, blinking wetness from his eyes, "But Gregor what did you do here? What evil came upon you that was so great?" "The world is now a changed place, Michael. The culling is no more. No longer will the pollen refuse to fall on one of the brotherhood. No longer will the wise women use that tool to kill us when we are young." Michael sat up looking startled, "There will be many of us Gregor, maybe too many for the world." "I know the culling is the greater evil and the world will find a balance. It will and we will shape it in a better way." We pulled on our clothes and walked out of the forest in our own thoughtful silence. Michael's smile broke through like sunlight, "How we will recruit our civil servants?" I returned his grin, "Maybe we can just ask them. There is no longer a reason to hide." The end of The Culling but ideas will be continued in a brave new world.
  21. fillups

    The Culling Parts 6-8

    The Culling Part 6 There was a tremendous, thunderous CRAAAAAASH! which echoed in the distance of the tunnel. I could see a small patch of sunlight which looked miles away in the otherwise complete darkness of the cave. There was a stillness in the air and I could hear my own ragged breathing echoing from the hard stone. The light from the staff I held played over the crags and valleys of Jedrek's immense muscles. He was taking up most of the width of the large tunnel he had created, my mind could not comprehend the power it had taken to break and shove the thousands of feet of the hard stone from the mountain's heart all the way through and out the other side. It would have taken an army of men years with heavy equipment to create such a tunnel and Jedrek had accomplished it in moments and with a sense of playfulness. I fought to hold on to my own consciousness in the face of such a casual display of power. Jedrek was studying my reaction taking in the dampness of my breeches near my manhood with a brief smile and then said softly, "Gregor, we have only a little ways to go." I nodded mutely. Jedrek was still too large to fit back into any of his clothing so he turned and proceeded into the darkness of the tunnel he had created just by flexing, pulling and shoving. We walked for hours over the craggy floor of the tunnel. Little bits of stray rubble remained from the enormous rock Jedrek had forced out. Eventually the tunnel opened up and we came out into, devastation. The countryside was twisted and deformed all around the other side of the mountain and nothing lived here. There was not even the smallest plant or sound of wildlife all was broken earth and odd deformed relics of life, broken and petrified. "The great plain of the folly of Fearghus and Eoghan," Jedrek said softly into the dead air. "Fearghus?" I asked softly, looking at the vista. The miles long piece of rock from the tunnel had shot out of the mountain and come to rest a full league away churning up rock and earth afresh as it had sped away. Large chunks had broken free and lay towering alongside the path matching the ancient violence with a new upheaval. "Of course the breeders never mention Fearghus when they tell the story, it makes the whole thing too disgusting, I suppose." Jedrek's voice broke the eerie silence of the place. "Fearghus was Eoghan's partner. The two of them knew when they were boys, that they desired men and Eoghan managed somehow to keep Fearghus from the culling and eventually get Fearghus into his personal guard. When they grew into manhood they eventually made love and they elevated to manhood. So it was the two of them that eventually destroyed the army of Durness." Jedrek turned to face the gaping maw in the face of the mountain that he had created. He lifted up his massively muscled pillar of a leg as if he were going to take a large step and slammed his foot on the ground. His foot easily broke the earth as I might break the crust on bread. BRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAMMMMM! The force of his stamp cracked the earth in front of him and a fissure ran down the path we had come into the cave. The mountain groaned, shifted changing the shape of its craggy height as it collapsed into itself sealing the newly created cave. Great chunks of earth spilled forward and a huge cloud of dust erupted from the mountain. After the rumbling of the earth subsided, Jedrek said darkly, "Any who follow us no longer can do so." He turned from the mountain he had half destroyed and faced the strange, twisted landscape. "We are very near our destination Gregor. You will soon be in Taiga, land of the brotherhood." Jedrek pulled on his clothes which ripped slightly as they could no longer accommodate his larger body. The path was hard traveling with unexpected drops and gaping holes that required much detouring. We moved slowly across it. I asked Jedrek, "Why take such a slow journey? A man with your power could surely jump or fly home." "Gregor, it is very rare when I bring one of the brotherhood, who has been raised by breeders, to Taiga. I have learned that making the journey slow helps prepare them for the shock of their new life." We continued on and I learned more of the story of the culling. It was an ancient practice, began when the world was very young by the wise women who, according to Jedrek, were jealous of the brotherhood's dominance of female and male magics. The men of the brotherhood were not only infinitely physically stronger than men who desired women but they could call on an endless amount of magical power and they were not limited to the male magics but could direct the forces of the earth with more force than even the most powerful of wise women. A deal was struck where the brotherhood were given the vast lands of Taiga without challenge and the tradition of the culling began in the rest of the world. King Durness had broken that deal and Eoghan and Fearghus exacted the horrible payment for that transgression: The destruction of the great empire of Erin, which left my own small country of Mediolanum a broken place full of misery and poverty. Even in Taiga there were never many of the brotherhood. "We make up about two percent of all the people in Taiga." Jedrek said. Seeing my confusion, he continued, "That is a very small portion, Gregor. You have so much to learn about this world." After five days travel across that ancient scar, we came to the path where Fearghus and Eoghan had met Durness' scouts so long ago. The land was again normal and I could hear birdsong. The thaw had truly come as there was green pressing through the gray of the melting ice and snow. We were now on a well marked path and made good time. Despite some of my dark thoughts about Jedrek's violence, I found myself looking forward to life in Taiga. We traveled through a rocky terrain once again and into a canyon which ended at two gigantic metal doors. There were runes inscribed on the doors. Jedrek sang a short song in his deep powerful voice and the runes on the doors rippled with a blue light and an audible metal clanking could be heard. The doors opened for us, slamming behind as we entered. The landscape was immediately changed. Cultivated lands crossed by paved roads bordered with sculptured trees. In the distance I could see a mighty city, giant with large buildings. Large metal vehicles streamed in from the side of the city and out. "The great city of Virilius. My heart beats proud every time I return," Jedrek said. Before we reached the city I could hear it. A vast clamor of productive noise, from the metallic clanking of the metal vehicles, distant chords of music, to the hum of human conversation could be heard even as the city was some distance from us. The city was beautiful, exotic marbles and threads of precious metals were worked into the construction of the mammoth buildings so their surfaces swirled with color and light. There were beautiful parks and I could see ornamental lakes tucked into small, inviting nooks in the landscape. All spoke to the taming of nature. The buildings were built large because there were so many huge men in this city. The muscular behemoths strode with carefree ease paying little heed to the small, frail (who I would have referred to as normal) people who scattered out of their way. The normal sized people clung to the margins of the paths and were obviously trying to avoid crossing in front of one of these giants of men. Jedrek matched and surpassed many of these men for size. But I was shocked to see that the men who looked to be older than Jedrek actually were bigger even than him. Their midsections were thicker with muscle as was every part of their bodies. Many of the men wore no covering on their upper bodies, so their huge chests which cantilevered over their overmuscled midsections could plainly be seen. I was surprised to see how different many of these men were from each other. While most were fair skinned like Jedrek, many of them had hair ranging from dark brown through Jedrek's red to yellow hair like gold. Some of the men even had very different skin color. There were a few men with deep brown skin and one or two with deep black skin color. More striking to me even than their size and skin color was the open affection some of these titans of muscle showed for each other. Some of the men held hands and I glimpsed at least two male couples kissing in the park. I had never thought I would see such open affection between men in my life. I could feel my eyes wet with tears as a yearning for this sight, that I had never known I had, suddenly felt fulfilled. It was if an unknown hollowness had been filled and it was a piece of my soul that was returned to me. I felt a wholeness and a naturalness I had not known before. Jedrek, looked back at me, his own eyes filled with pride and kindness, "It has been hard on you, Gregor, these many years." The "normal" people who skirted around these monolithic men were more numerous but much less diverse. They were generally a pale, light haired people who must have been the original people of these lands before the Brotherhood came. We came to one of the odd buildings massive but with many smaller lighter fixtures that marked it as a building of shared usage. Jedrek delicately opened the human sized door and led me into a spacious entryway. The room was lit not with torches but round globes of light affixed to the walls. Jedrek gestured me to sit down on a sturdy bench, saying, "Gregor, this is the school, where you will learn your skills, history, heritage. And this is where I take my leave of you," he paused and his eyes softened in the light, "it has been fair traveling. Change boils around you. If you accept your gifts, you will be one of our greatest." His large hand engulfed my shoulder as he gave it a very gentle squeeze and he looked into my eyes. Then he turned and left the room before I could thank him. And so Jedrek left me there in the Great School. Thus began my time learning. I at first sat with the smallest of boys painfully tracing letters but soon moved up through the classes to more advanced studies. Our teachers were all massive men, who gently guided us though our lessons. Besides my letters one of the first things I was taught was movement. How to control my body precisely. This lesson was forcefully taught to even the smallest boys. I thought at first it was to help them become better warriors but I soon reasoned it was also so the boys could control their incredibly powerful bodies when they were elevated to manhood. When a boy was found to be of the Brotherhood, usually as early as one or two years old, he was taken from his family to the Great School of Virilius. Many of the boys had come from outside the city but I was the only boy from outside Taiga who had been raised by "breeders" and so often the center of curiosity. There was an arrogance in them that disquieted me. They expected the crowds to part before them. While it was never stated, there was a sense that "breeders" and especially women who desired other women were less than human. Despite the beauty of many of the young men around me and despite their frequent kindness to me, this arrogance kept me distant from my fellow students. In my room there was a mirror. The first time I ever saw my own face was in that glass. I had rough light brown hair that never lay straight, skin that was lightly tanned, darker generally than my fellow students but not nearly as dark as some of the men I had seen. I had dark brown eyes and when I smiled my cheeks dimpled. My reflection at first was a stranger to me but I did think myself handsome. Others thought so too and I was often flattered by the other boys around me who wished my company. At fifteen and sixteen it was expected that some of us would elevate and sometimes I would hear the moaning in the night and see the next day, the fresh faced boys with the bodies of gods. They would usually be moved to other quarters shortly after to train among the other giants. However I stuck to my vow. One boy, a year younger than me was particularly persistent in my second year. His name was Sean and his hair was the color of sunlight and his eyes were deep blue. His skin had an even golden tan. He had many admirers that followed him but he was enamored of me. He often asked me to sit with him and occasionally would slip a flower into my hand. I tried to be friendly, but distant so he would not pursue me further, There was a preparation for a dance for the 16 and 17 year olds, I had, through hard study, recently joined my own age group in classes. I had few friends as I always was studying to catch up. One evening as I walked from the library to my room I saw Sean waiting impatiently pacing in front of my door. Some of his admirers were there watching me with jealous eyes. "Gregor," he smiled and spoke loudly for the others to hear, "you study excessively. You must put aside your books and come to the dance with me." I knew many of the boys planned to elevate that night. I suspected that the dance was scheduled to encourage us to elevate. No one had asked me to the previous year's dance but this year a few had asked me. I had refused all the invitations. I saw the desire in Sean's eyes, but I did not wish to elevate with him or anyone else. I stammered, "Th-thank you but I d-don't want to go with you." My voice dropped into the sound of several of his followers hissing in disbelief. Sean slammed his fist into my door, "You reject me! I thought you were saving yourself for me, Gregor. I thought you cared." His eyes were red and he was blinking away tears. I realized how blunt I had been, I tried to put a hand on his shoulder he shook it off, "I move like an oxen when I try to dance. I did not want to embarrass you." "That doesn't matter to me," Sean was crying openly, his followers had moved away giving us a space, "Ever since you came to school. You were different, I tried to help you fit in. I did it because I liked you. How could you humiliate me, Gregor?" I spoke softly, "Sean, this is the truth from my heart. This isn't about you. I do not wish to be with anyone or to elevate. I did not mean to hurt you, I don't mean to hurt anyone." He looked at me, intensely, "You aloof bastard!" and he ran down the hallway. My insides were swirling and I felt emotionally battered. I went in to my room and locked the door behind me. I collapsed on to my mattress and fell asleep. I was in the smith again and it was stifling hot. The air was filled with the sound of gigantic bellows blowing the fire hotter and hotter. I woke from the dream, my room was pitch black and hot. I was covered in sweat. I could see nothing, but I could feel an immense presence, I realized the sound of the monstrous bellows in my dreams was the breathing of something huge. The lights of my room suddenly came on and I saw a hulking chest swelling in time to the immense sound of breathing. The chest was perfectly golden tan. I looked up beyond the vast expanse of muscle. I took in my ruined door with the lock wrenched out of it. And then I saw Sean's handsome face contorted by rage. The Culling Part 7 I was staring at a furious golden behemoth of rippling muscle. Sean was that behemoth. His wide shoulders almost brushing both sides of my small chamber. I could barely see my ruined door past the vast expanse of his torso. Though his thick back was near the doorway of the room the vastness of his chest overhung my bed by several inches. I seemed to see nothing but those massive striated, mountains of muscle. The heat from Sean's body made the close room almost unbearably hot, I could not get a full breath. "Ah puny Gregor awakes," Sean sneered and moved closer, turning sideways to stand on one side of my bed, his chest hung over three quarters of my mattress, I moved away, where the other side of my bed rested next to the opposite wall. I noticed that Sean's clothes still were in tatters around his massive frame, the craggy masses of muscle had destroyed most of his clothes so only bits of rags clung to his newly grown body. "Congratulations, on your elevation, Sean," I croaked out the traditional words hoping to still his anger towards me. "You see I didn't need your pathetic little prick," one of Sean's muscled hands shot out, ripping my sleeping clothes from my body in one blinding motion, "touching me to become a man." Despite the heat, I was shivering pushing my shoulders into the wall behind me. "Gaze upon a real man, Gregor the insignificant!" He tore the remains of his breeches from his rippling midsection revealing his truly massive manhood. Even though he was not erect, his cock had almost the same girth of one of my skinny forearms and hung down swinging almost half the length of his tree trunk legs. His testicles also hung low and heavy, as fat peaches in full ripeness. I could smell the scent of him, his sweat, his musk, the recent bout of sex all clung to him. Even though his cock was soft, it dwarfed my own manhood significantly. I curled my legs up against my torso easily hiding my pathetic member. "Truly magnificent." he smiled fondling himself and bounced his chest, SSSLLAAAMMM! SSSLLAAAMMM! His pec muscles crashed down. The force of his muscle bounce slammed me back without even touching me. My head cracked the plaster behind me. "You are a meaningless insect I will barely notice crushing," I opened my mouth to scream for help. In a blur of motion one of Sean's monstrous hands engulfed the lower of part of my face completely smothering my cry. My jaw was completely immobile in his vise like grip. As if I weighed nothing, Sean lifted my body in the air. "First the insect must worship the god and beg for his life. I will honor you by allowing you to touch my magnificence, insect." Pain ran through my body as I dangled in his grip and I began shrieking in my mind for help. I pictured mighty Jedrek. "Why do you hesitate insect?" He gave my body a small shake a bare twitching of his wrist and I heard an audible crack from my back and pain like I had never known sheared across my senses. I almost blacked out. "Does it break so easily then?" I could not see Sean as he spoke because of the waves of pain that bled red into my vision. Suddenly the pressure on my face was gone and I was resting on my bed. I blinked up and saw the shaved head of Master Lorcan, one of our teachers. He clenched Sean's large forearm with his huge paw of a hand effortlessly crushing the hard muscles of the massive teenager's arm forcing him to drop me. His light brown goatee framed the grimace of his mouth. Sean for all his incredible muscle looked like a child next to the monstrous shirtless teacher. Master Lorcan's lightly furred and insanely thick chest plowed into Sean's comparatively puny pectorals forcing them to flatten backwards and submit to the teacher's superior strength and overwhelming size. "Ouch," Sean's deep voice whined as he struggled ineffectively against Master Lorcan's incredible power. Sean instinctively put his other hand up to block Master Lorcan where it looked childlike and vulnerable next to the vast, crushing muscularity of the teacher. Sean reminded me briefly of a house cat in the paws of a tiger. In a voice several times deeper than Sean's, Master Lorcan said, "You never attack a non-elevated brother." The teacher tossed Sean up to my ceiling with a twitch of his thick forearm. As Sean's body slammed into my ceiling the teacher sang a short line and red lines of power twined around Sean's body pinning him helplessly to my ceiling. Master Thornton turned to me, all anger vanished; his light brown eyes soft with concern. He crooned a sweet song and a healing warmth washed over me, my pain vanished. I sighed and suddenly felt very tired. I could feel the rock hard ripples of muscle in his arm as he carefully picked me up. "Sleep now, Gregor," he said softly, "All will be mended soon." I succumbed to the tiredness and fell into blackness. A golden light pressed through my eyelids. I blinked them open and saw Jedrek's face smiling above me. There was a golden sheen over everything. "Blessed awakening, Gregor. The light is a healing spell cast by the good Master Lorcan. You are out of danger but you must sleep some more." Wordlessly I fell once again into darkness. I felt the warmth of natural sunlight on my face and blinked my eyes open. Gingerly, I tried to sit up. My back felt stiff but I was able to sit up right with no pain. "Good morrow Gregor". It was Jedrek. We were in a room with a long line of beds and windows overlooking the green common of the school. I found my voice, "It is good to be awake and it is good to see you, Jedrek. I thought I would never speak or see again." "Sean has been taken from the school. His shame is great." "is that the justice for attempted murder in your great city, Jedrek? I think little enough of your civilization." I was startled by the bitterness of the words I was directing at this man who was perhaps my only friend in this place and who was bigger even than Master Lorcan. Jedrek ignored my statement, "It was awful, Gregor but you accomplished something incredible. Sean had cast some simple dampening spells so no noise you could make would be heard by the school, but even though you have not come into power, you managed to call me while I was leagues away on the other side of the country. You overcame both the distance and Sean's magic with no formal spell. That is remarkable." "You heard me when I screamed in my head?" "Loud and clear. As if I was as close to you as I am now. I quickly alerted the staff and Master Lorcan intervened. I arrived soon after." Jedrek brought up one of his huge forearms to stroke his beard, "Gregor, we're going to put you into some of the advanced magic classes. It is practically unheard of for one before elevation." "I am honored," I twisted the words out as sarcastically as I could manage, "but I do not know if I wish to continue these studies or elevate myself, Jedrek. Most of what I've seen justifies the barbarism of the culling. I do not wish to be a part of that same violence." Jedrek seemed to hear my anger for the first time, "It is fully your choice, Gregor. No one can force the elevation on you. But accept the training of your gifts. They are yours regardless of your feelings and you should understand the use of them. If I may suggest," he continued looking sternly at me, "it is unwise to close your heart Gregor. Not necessarily because of the power but because I fear the bitterness you have growing in you. Living a life alone is not something I would wish on anyone." "I'll think about it," I shot back, of course intending to do the opposite. I did compromise ultimately. I enrolled in the advanced magic courses but did not allow myself to get any closer to my fellow students. I was the only non-elevated member of the class and I could not sustain the power of the other class members and even though my efforts were comparatively small, they left me exhausted. I was gifted though, particularly in astral travel. For some reason, leaving my body behind offered little trouble. One night, well into my third year, I lay in my room and began the ritual. I was floating up above my body looking down. No one was observing, I could roam as far as I pleased. I spun up and up kicking through clouds high to where the air thins and runs out, up and up until there was nothing between me and the stars and I was staring down not at the flat map of the world I had pictured since I was young but at the spinning ball that the Brotherhood claimed the world to be. There were clusters of lights scattered across the globe. Most of it was dark though. One region sparkled with light almost too brilliant to see. I flew closer and recognized the lands of the Taiga. I skimmed near to the lights but none seemed aware I passed. In the northernmost tip the cluster of lights became too brilliant to see. I flew closer and the waves of brilliance buffeted me, tearing at my astral form. I pulled from deep within and brought my form in together against the waves of and flew into the great energy within this massive light cluster. It was aware of me and one brilliant piece of light detached itself and hovered near me. In a voice that threatened to shatter me it asked, "Why do you disturb us little one?" "I mean no harm," the creature chuckled when I said this but let me continue, "I only wished to understand what you are. None of the other dimmer lights even acknowledge me." "The lights you see are the power of the Brotherhood. If you look very closely you will see very dim glows for the other wizards and the wise women. The glows represent the power that we have in this plane of existence. We are the old ones of the Brotherhood. As we age, we grow ever stronger until we have grown too large and strong, we threaten the earth herself with our movements. We wait in this valley to detach from the physical altogether. Those of us who remain, still care of earthly things and we know of you, Gregor, who brings change to the world." Despite the claim of earth destroying power, the creature did not share the same arrogance as the Brotherhood I had met. "You are correct, Gregor. We who have seen the warp and the woof in the world, we know our place and the place of others. It is humbling and we see the great pride of the Brotherhood as a flaw in our own pattern. You are one who reshapes patterns." it paused and I could see light sparkling between the creatures, "It is decided by those of us who remain to begin your instruction in the deep magics that come with age. We begin tonight." And so the elders of the Brotherhood taught me skills no one knows until they are ready to depart this earthly coil. During the days I was cold and aloof and in the night I enjoyed the warmth of their fellowship. I worried that most of what they taught me, I had not the power to accomplish, "Gregor, that is of no moment to us, rather we see this as correct according to all the paths, you could follow, if you never ascend to power, this knowledge still matters." Even though I never spoke about my personal situation, the elders knew it well. Years passed and I remained steadfast in my vow, remembering Sean's rage and Jedrek's bloodshed. At 22, I became a teacher at the Great School. I taught the beginning magic courses. I was the only one of the faculty who had not been elevated. Occasionally Jedrek would visit the school to bring a student from outside and he would look at me with disappointment. At 25, I seemed older than my years and more closed. I did not like to spend time among my fellow teachers, their great size and power unnerved me. And I felt they looked on me with pity or as an oddity. The normal people generally seemed coarse but they reminded me more of the people from my old home. None of the men would be interested in me. Perhaps, in moments when I saw myself clearly, I could see a bitterness emerging in me, but I ignored it and continued on. I did feel happiness and warmth among the elders on the nights I left my body behind, but that was the only fellowship I allowed myself. Sometime during that year, I remember bending over my students' exams and hearing a deep voice clearing, I looked up into the deepest blue eyes I had ever seen. The man in front of me looked to be in his late thirties, he was not elevated but he had the power aura of one of the Brotherhood. He had thick black hair and the shadow of a beard on his face. I could see lines of pain around his eyes, he had suffered before coming to his life with the Brotherhood. His skin tone was similar to mine and his features reminded me of home. "Master Gregor? I have been moved into your class, my name is Michael." I found myself beaming at him as I stood up and extended my hand. He was slightly taller than me and even though I tried to keep my eyes on his handsome face, I glimpsed some of his dark hair peaking from his shirt collar above his broad chest. "Well met, Michael. Welcome to my class," I greeted him more warmly than I intended. "We are in the middle of the year of instruction, so there is much to catch up. There are books in the library and I do have office hours I'm available to help." It was my standard speech to mid year transfers and yet it felt as if I was offering him something more. His smile dimpled his face, "I look forward to learning all that I can from you." He gave my hand an extra squeeze and went to an empty desk to sit down. He towered over the majority of my class, which ranged from 11 to 14 in years. As I presented the day's lesson, I found my eyes frequently wandering over to Michael. The other students predictably treated this non-elevated grown man in their midst with derision. I often dealt with the same derision at the beginning of each school year with a new class. He ignored them utterly and frowned in concentration at the lesson. I could see him earnestly trying to catch all the information with his awkward scrawl in his notebook. I was aware of the dusting of his black hair on the back of his hand. At the end of the session, I approached him with a smile, "How did you find the class, Michael?" "This one is very different for me. Where I come from, only women can do magic. There are stories of men that do. It is like a different language for my brain." He shrugged his meaty shoulders and gave me a crooked smile, "I never thought I would be expected to do such things. I thank you, Master," and he bobbed his head down in my direction and hurried from the class with a long stride. That evening I was in my gigantic office pacing around the huge desk trying to come up with a better introduction to the Song of Openings when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I said in an annoyed tone. There was a deep grunt as Michael pushed my heavy office door open. I could smell flowers on him although he carried only a stack of books. "Master Gregor, I apologize for the lateness of the hour. I need help with this Song of Beginnings. Even though I know my music some of these symbols don't make sense." "Michael," I heard my voice become warm and good humored, "please come in." I explained the symbols and the stances of power. Michael was even able to summon a feeble blue glow in the room. It was late and the exertion left him looking drawn as it does for those who are not elevated. "I don't understand, Master, how it is that those who are not elevated and not of the Brotherhood can cast great magics, are we weaker than them before we elevate?" he asked as he sat down after the spell. "Power grows somewhat as we use it and it takes less from us. But for the great magics, the wizards rely on the great towers which funnel huge energies into their beings. The wise women rely on time and repetition to cast their great magics so they are not expending such huge energies all at once. The Brotherhood are the only people that can call on the great magics instantly and without special equipment. But that ability comes after elevation." I continued, "I know it is not completely orthodox, but would you care to dine with me this evening, Michael? There is a small establishment near the school that serves..." "Yes!" Michael interrupted me grinning broadly. Even though the food is better at the restaurants ran by the Brotherhood, I usually went to the non-Brotherhood establishments. The furniture was less awkward and the noise from the families kept me out of myself. As we sat down, a lusty wench flirted openly with Michael as she served us our ale. "It has been a time since I beheld a man as comely as you in this heap, sir," she said pushing her ample breasts forward. Michael blushed, barely glancing at her display, "Many thanks, goodlady. But I am taken this evening," he said beaming a smile at me. She instantly stood straight and one of her hands flew up to cover her breasts, "But you're so old...Many pardons for my insolence sirs, I will pay for your meal." Michael let out a deep laugh, "We will gladly pay for our meal goodlady and we welcome your high spirits. If I were with someone less handsome, your beauty would be turning my head." She looked confused by Michael's answer but gave a small smile, bobbed a curtsy, "Many thanks, sir" and sped away without saying another word. "They all act like scared rabbits around us. At least they don't come with knives or stones for throwing, eh Gregor?" he winked good naturedly but I could see he was pushing away something dark in his mind. Our server returned with a young man who had obviously been working in the kitchen, his apron was grease stained. He looked nervously at us both as he attempted a smile. "This is Liam," the waitress said, "if he pleases you, he can be your server tonight." "Woman!" Michael growled, "Allow this comely lad to return to the serious business of preparing meals, as you return to the business of bringing ours! Only your slowness in this displeases us, in all other ways you are quite pleasing." They sped away and she returned with fragrantly steaming plates heaped high with roasted beef, boiled potatoes and carrots. She bobbed again and Michael winked at her. I felt dumbfounded at Michael's easy manner with everyone, "That was impressive. I usually just smile and try to ignore the flirting." Michael was eating heartily, "I did not want to mislead or hurt her feelings. I have spent much of my life pretending." I started to eat. The food was salty and especially good with the cold ale to wash it down. I looked at Michael and I found myself responding to a man's handsomeness for the first time since Sean. The feeling did not scare me and I could feel myself once again smiling openly at him. "Michael, how is it a man as handsome and likable as you has not come into the power? I would think you would have to fight off potential suitors." "I could ask you the same thing Gregor." Michael smiled with genuine warmth, took a deep drink of the ale and continued, "It is a bit of a tale. Like you, I come from Mediolanum a poor place that is faithful to the tradition of the culling. I knew very young that I was drawn to men in the wrong ways and I lived in terrible fear of the culling. I was not brave enough to take my fate, I wanted to live even if I became a monster." "I ran away, just before the thaw. I had planned a long time and had hollowed a tree and secreted what supplies I might through the previous year. It was a hard time but I was good at setting traps and there was plentiful wildlife. I moved as far as I could in the wilderness for those years. I survived without touching other human lives. I was now a man and while I had grown taller and stronger, I had not turned into a monster. I did train a hunting bird which became my entrance back to village life." "I came at last to a village far from my own. The people marveled at my hunting skills and the bird of prey at my command. I quickly earned a place within the village, but I was frightened that they would see I felt no desire for women. So I befriended then married a woman. Mara was my wife's name.I found ways of pleasing her and dreamed of men as I did. She was a good woman and we had a happy life. Soon, we were blessed with a son. We named him Caleb for Mara's grandfather." Michael took another drink of his ale, his eyes were dark with memory, "Ten years we lived happily until it was time for Caleb's first culling. I wanted to move away from the village and keep Caleb from the culling. Mara turned on me then, she called me weak. We did appear at the culling with the other families and while Caleb passed the wise woman pointed at me. The villagers picked up stones and tried to kill me as I once again fled into the forest. I lived there for a time before Jedrek found me and brought me here. That is the sum of it." He finished and spread his hands out and smiled a crooked smile. I told him my story and he listened intently, his blue eyes soft with concern, "Such anger in your heart Gregor," we were walking towards my quarters at the school. We were outside but the moon was so bright I could see Michael clearly. "The Brotherhood has saved our lives, there is much that is good here." I felt an emotion rising in me and I heard myself say, "When I close my eyes I see Jedrek killing those men without a thought, I see my students' arrogance. All I see closes my heart. I cannot feel love for what I am," the words ripped my heart. Michael, did not answer he stopped walking turned and faced me. He put an arm on my shoulder. I did not resist him. He drew me close and my body was pressing into his. I could feel his warmth pushing away the cool of the night. He spoke softly into my ear, "You are a good man, Gregor. Love yourself a little." Gently he took my chin in his hand, and I could see his face framed by the night sky. All the stars were shining bright... and then he kissed me. The Culling Part 8 The kiss was warm and sweet. His lips met mine and I felt completed, my body responded. Heat and such longing swept over me. I closed my eyes and broke the contact, "We must not do this, Michael." I said, my breath ragged with strangled desire. His voice was soft, "We do not have to travel this road alone. Wherever it leads, I will be there holding your hand, Gregor." I was overcome and rushed forward in a clumsy attempt at a kiss, my tongue inexpertly pushing into his mouth, I pushed him hard against the door squeezing him into me, the closeness, the sense of him driving away the dark thoughts and bringing on such pleasure. I could feel the hardness of his manhood through the fabric of his breeches and I felt my own member stiffen even more. I heard a low moaning noise and I realized it was coming from me, from deep inside my chest. My door swung open and I felt Michael's warm, calloused hand in mine as I led him through the darkness of my rooms to my sleeping chamber. I switched on the lamps as we entered. I turned to Michael who looked serious and directly into my eyes, he gently cupped my head in his hand and pulled me closer. I opened my mouth slightly as we kissed even deeper. My hands started to roam over his body, feeling him. I tucked one hand under his shirt feeling the warm, hairiness of his chest. I was twisting awkwardly and he confidently stripped off his shirt and then removed mine. His strong hands began caressing my chest and I heard his voice low and husky, "Gregor, such beauty." He tenderly bent low and his tongue played with my nipples. A small moan escaped me and instinctually my hands travelled to his waist and started fumbling with his breeches. Roughly, I pulled them down exposing his manhood. A dark patch of hair crowned his hard cock. Michael held very still as I stroked his penis, feeling the silky skin over the hard veins. I could feel the throb of his heartbeat through my hand and the sense of connection was palpable. I looked into his beautiful eyes and then lowered myself and gently took him into my mouth. He lay his hands on my shoulders kneading them gently as his body responded to me. Michael and I took turns pleasuring each other first slow and gentle and then with increasing urgency and hardness. Soon, I found my self forcibly pushing my cock into him again and again, sweat pouring off my body. My mind was full of nothing but the moment, the pleasure. My body knew its movements, like the sun rising, I felt at one with the course of nature. I was full of everything and nothing. A tingling that had built to the breaking point released as I came inside him. Michael began to roar simultaneously shootIng ropes of ejaculate onto my floor. His body convulsed with the orgasm and I could see his skin turn red, flushed with effort. I gripped his shoulders still in the throes of my own pleasure and I could feel the muscle of his shoulders, hardening growing. Michael bent his arms forward, fists clenched flexing his torso as his fists met each other in front of his abdomen. He bellowed and my hand was forced up and open by the ridges of hard muscle pushing up around his thickening neck. An enormous sense of well being and vitality filled my body. I felt alive, alert to everything around me. I began to feel a pressure growing inside me, a swelling. There was a roaring in my ears louder than Michael's outcries. An eruption of heat from my chest ran outwards filling my whole body. The veins in my hands and arms were rigid. My arms were pushed up by the pressure away from Michael's body. They were forced out stretched away from my sides. My biceps violently contracted bending my arms at the elbows. I flexed, hard, my arms felt tight and then I felt something hard pushing up against the knuckles of my fist and my forearm. I turned my head and stared at my left arm. My vision was filled with the new, vast expanse of my arm. I could not take it all in with one glance. My eyes swept lower to take in the lowest part of my flexed arm which curved with a heavy cable of thick muscle laying a massive foundation for the burgeoning peak of muscle far above it. My eyes traveled up the dense muscle, taking in the striations and the thick veins feeding the muscle running under the skin. The big bulging roundness of the lower biceps threaded with hard sinewy muscle. Finally my eyes reached the top of the mountainous muscle which crested above my eye level. It's gigantic size was pushing up under my fist and forearm like a craggy piece of cannon shot. My arms were bigger by an order of magnitude than Jedrek's mighty limbs. I turned and my other arm perfectly matched the other in size. I bellowed and powered out of my flex and then flexed the titanic peaks again....harder feeling the skin stretch tighter as the muscles strained and pumped even bigger. A sense of power and strength filled me overwhelming everything else. I noticed movement just below my line of sight. It was my chest. I looked down at the two massive slabs of muscle heaving out from my body. I once again pushed down my pumped up arms watching my muscular chest bulge even larger as my heavy arms came down. The pecs distended and rounded out in a rippling action. It was difficult to get my big arms to touch my waist, not only because of the pump, but because my back and chest had widened so far that when my arms hung straight they were nowhere near my waist. I once again turned right, surveying the expanse of my shoulders, they curved up thick and round, massive cables crawled over the caps of muscle as I moved my arms. Something moist was poking into the bottom of my chest, slicking the muscled gutter between my protuberant pectorals. Stiffly I moved my big hand under my chest shelf to investigate. My hand bumped into a thick, banded steel like rod, running up my midsection; my cock. I lightly massaged the gnarled log like appendage, enjoying the tingling wave of pleasure from my light touch. The swollen head pushed more urgently and deeply into my chest as my member responded with tumescence. I moved my hand to my midsection and my fingers found big squares of muscle, my thick fingers actually caught in the space between the flexing muscle. I tentatively pushed the unyielding surface of my crosshatched stomach. I ran my hand lower stroking the long muscles of my thigh, feeling the deeply striated muscles as I ran my hand across my leg which now had a girth greater than an oak barrel. I pushed my foot forward and was shocked at the monstrous appearance of my immense lower leg, then I noticed appreciatively how beautifully the muscles tucked tightly into the knee and then flared out again into titanically huge calves. I flexed my legs watching the throbbing musculature move in waves across this new musclescape of my body. At the same time of this enormous physical power, I also felt all the constraints to my magic dropping away. It was as if I had been in a closed dark room and then a door opened and then the wall and then I was on a limitless plain able to see all and there were stars and all of the cosmos and universes within universes. I could feel it all spreading out around me. My consciousness seemed everywhere. I dropped back into the room as I became aware of harsh sounds. I heard myself or Michael or both of us growling, making low guttural noises like animals. I forced my attention away from my own vastitude to Michael. He stood taller than me and was slightly but obviously bigger than Jedrek even when Jedrek was fully pumped. His body was slick with sweat and the ejaculate he had earlier spewed. His musculature undulated and shined as he moved. His dark hair and pale skin, flushed from the transformation, accentuated his throbbing physique. He looked lost in wonder at his transformation and then looked at me in the with those gorgeous eyes of his and smiled with such a sweet look of affection. I found myself grinning back in wonder at the openness of his smile. Then his eyes travelled downwards to the rest of me and he dropped to his knees before me, "Gregor, the great," he said reverently and then gently began to stroke my bloated manhood. "You are magnificent." I gripped his colossal shoulders and effortlessly powered his massive bulk up so he was standing in front of me. I looked up at him feeling comforted by his familiar smile. I felt an ache in my heart and the words came from me as I looked straight into his eyes, "Michael, this is all you, you fulfill me, you humble me, you make me whole. The world as it was before you is unthinkable to me." Michael did not reply, but his eyes became shiny with emotion and he tenderly kissed me. We lay on the bed. My chambers had been built for one of the teachers at the Great School and I had always felt lost in their massiveness. Now our gigantic bodies fit the bed's dimensions perfectly. I pulled myself close to Michael, laying my head on the hardness of his chest, feeling the fine soft hair spread across it. I felt the rising and falling of his breathing and allowed contentment to fill me as Michael stroked my hair. I looked down at the riot of muscle displayed in our intertwined bodies and an unease crept through me, I whispered, "What have we done? What have we become?" Michael, clearly unruffled by my question or our transformation, began to stroke my manhood as he answered, "We are who we always have been." He paused as my cock stiffened at his touch and an evil grin played across his face, "we just have so much more to play with now." and he pulled hard on my erection and let go. My appendage struck across my midsection like a large piece of wood making a THWAAAACK sound. I felt an evil chuckle rising in me and bounced the muscles of my monstrous chest. The titanic slabs slammed down shaking the room with their force. Michael's mighty body easily absorbed the impact and his grin widened, "Ah my lover likes to play rough? I believe I can accommodate." he blew the words tenderly in my ear and then we explored our massive bodies and ravaged them anew with our passion. Once again at the peak of orgasm, I felt totally at one with the universe; in bliss. After a time, Michael moved from our bed, towards the looking glass, while I savored the amazing sight of the rippling of muscle from his movement. Michael, the magnificent. His proportions filled the wide glass, as he surveyed himself. "Gregor, come stand with me," he said. I came and stood in front of him. I looked at our reflections. I was half a head shorter and the insane broadness of my brawn overwhelmed the size of the mirror and mostly obscured Michael's magnificence. The glass was not wide enough for me to see both of my shoulders at once. He rested his head on my shoulder next to mine staring at us, "We were poor farmers' sons who thought we would be killed and now we have a strength and a power that an emperor would envy. I will not let either of us regret that, Gregor" "But with such power comes a heavy responsibility, Michael." "Gregor, I am convinced we have the strength for that. But you are my intended and there is a time for all couples when they are allowed to play. I wish to celebrate!" Michael's deep pleasing voice began to hum a song and he moved his body to the rhythm of it, first swayIng both our hips in time as he pushed into me. He then gripped my hands and crossed our arms in front of my chest and he began to sing in my ear, "I want to take you away. Let's escape into someplace where we both can play." The words were simple and he did not follow form, but he was summoning powers and with a force to be answered. The walls of my room dissolved around us in a haze of blue mist. The mist began to seep away and we were standing naked in a clearing surrounded by lush, tropical vegetation. I could feel the sudden heat and humidity. The sky was clear blue dotted by clouds. A gentle and warm wind blew over our bodies. There was a constant rumbling sound in the distance. I heard large animal sounds in the foliage around us. Some part of me thought of our nakedness as vulnerability, then the thought of what we had become occurred to me and I didn't worry that my tree branch of a cock was swinging exposed. I felt no fear. There was no wild creature capable of hurting us. I knew there was nowhere on earth that we could encounter a force capable of doing us harm. "Michael, where have you taken us naked in the middle of the day?" He planted a kiss on my head, "I did not think I could actually do this. Do not worry my sweet, if this place is as I understand, there will be no one to spy your ample charms." He strode forward towards the rumbling sound and once again, despite my current apprehensions, I enjoyed the view of my lover's backside. The earth was soft under my feet but as we moved forward it became rocky, and I felt no discomfort from the change. My feet were much tougher now than they had been. Michael broke through one last swath of jungle and, "Here we are, Gregor! Feast your eyes." Ahead the complete horizon was filled with a roaring waterfall several hundred feet high. The thing was miles wide with white water crashing over the rocks in a tremendous rush water filling a lake that was miles wide and fed several large rivers. The base of the gigantic falls were shrouded in mist from the tremendous force of the gallons of churning water. Surrounding the lake were sands and lush vegetation. "It is beautiful. How did you know of this?" I asked. "When I was a boy there was a teacher who came for a time and tried to school us rough children from the village. Only me and a few of the girls came, probably because we found him handsome rather than from a desire to learn. He had books, it was the first time I had seen such things, and in one there were paintings of this place and the teacher said that many of the Emperor Durness' men had died trying to get to this region. It is surrounded by treacherous land and fed by a wild and lethally unnavigable river. Only a few survived to write and draw pictures of this place I always wanted to see it." I lay down on the sand and felt the deep warmth penetrate my body. "Gregor, it is not time to rest, it is time to play!" Michael shouted as his mighty, tree trunk dwarfing legs launched him into the air. He sped up in a blur so high he disappeared into the clouds above. Several minutes passed as I scanned the sky for his return. Michael broke the cloud cover again slowly falling his body spread eagled, his tremendous back flexed, stretching away from his body. He seemed to be slowing his downward fall. He stayed suspended for a time and then curled his body up into a big ball of muscle and plummeted downwards. I knew he couldn't be hurt but still found myself wincing when he impacted the water. Millions of gallons of water erupted from around the boulder of muscle. The splash spewed water into the air higher than the height of the falls, briefly obscuring the sun with a cloud of droplets and raining down on the landscape around the lake drenching me with refreshing water. Michael's head bobbed up from the water and then, even though the lake was deep he somehow managed to "stand" up in the water leveraging his leviathan's body largely out of the water upright while somehow treading water underneath the surface. He looked like he was standing in a pool up to his knees. His drenched body glistened in the sunlight. He planted his fists on his waist and slowly spread his back wider. His muscles tensed and heaved as he flexed and expanded his upper body. His stomach muscles hardened into a rippling grid. His legs bulged outwards as his body looked like it hardened into living stone. I responded to his muscle challenge by diving into the cool water. The heaviness of my body dragged me to the bottom, and the vast current pushed me backwards. My body effortlessly swam against those forces. I might as well have been in a still pool. I swam along the deep rocky bottom of the lake. I noticed no sign of fish or plant life in the clear water. There was no need for me to breathe as I stayed under for several minutes. I noticed a great churning several feet above me in the water. Michael. I kicked up, effortlessly speeding through the liquid space towards his kicking legs. I blasted out of the water, maybe twenty feet in the air spraying Michael. Michael had started flexing his great arms into an intimidatingly huge double biceps pose. His mountainous biceps each rounded up bigger than his head with hard muscle. I landed near him and "stood" in the water matching his pose. Matched and exceeded it, my arms eclipsed even Michael's inhumanly large arms. I put one of my gigantic arms next to his and flexed it watching its himalayan peak dwarf his own monstrous muscle.q Michael moved towards me and kissed the top of my arm and the whispered in my ear, "Race you to the top of the falls!" he instantly submerged and in seconds I saw his pale body cleaving the blue water streaking towards the distant falls. I let my body sink into the cool underwater and then kicked against the current. My body was unstoppable and this current that a legion of rowers could not have battled was nothing. Whatever I needed to battle the water my body gave me easily. I looked up to see the amazing sight or Michael's wide, muscled back easily splitting through the falls as he sped swimming up them. I put some effort and like lightning I shot up the falling water at blinding speed passing Michael and then managed to "stand" in the savagely surging waters with my hands on my hips looking impatient as he topped the falls a second later. The crashing waters thundered around us throwing up rainbows around our impervious bodies and Michael laughed louder than the great waters. "It is good, is it not?" he bellowed against the huge noise. I nodded. Michael leapt into the air spinning and dove once again in the lake below quickly appearing on the distant shore and laying in the sun. I leapt high in the air from treading the churning water, and thumped down on my feet next to him, my immense weight shaking the ground. Michael reached out an arm and affectionately gripped my hard calf muscles. He stood again looking at the landscape surrounding us, "Gregor, watch this." Michael opened his mouth wide and inhaled. All of the mist in the area disappeared down his throat. Then closing his lips together he started to blow. The force of several hurricanes exploded from his lungs and blew out from between his lips. Using his cheek muscles to control the direction of the air, Michael blasted the falls with super-cold air. Well, not really air, more of a cloud of compressed cold that contained absolutely no heat energy. The giant clouds of heat absorbing matter engulfed the miles of waterfall. There was an eerie cracking, crackling sound, and then all was quiet. No rushing of air from Michael, no roaring of millions of gallons of water cascading down the cliffs. Everything was silent. Even the animal sounds were stilled. One part of me felt a horror at how easily Michael, literally, blew away the laws of the natural world. Another part felt excited at the potential in my own body. With the absence of any life to be harmed, I felt free to try my own, "trick". I bent down and extended my arm and gently knocked on the ice. It felt solid, frozen harder than a rock clear through. I rammed both my fists deep inside the super solid structure securing my grip. I felt my muscles expand even greater as they delivered the strength for what I wished. I could see my forearms bulge as the cables of muscles thickened and writhed as I started to pull. I began to stand up. All around us for miles there was a cracking noise and the ground started to rumble and shake, as I lifted the entirety of the frozen lake and waterfall into the air. Hundreds feet thick of super-frozen water, several miles across in every direction, encasing rocks and detritus moved cleanly out of the lake bed in one piece. The river rushed in underneath and filled the lake basin with water that crashed on the shores and down the riverbeds as it roared in. I held the frozen mass of thousands tons of water easily aloft. My body seemed to have an endless supply of strength and this did not tax it at all. The frozen mass looked like a strange, massive crystal sculpture. Michael gaped as I gingerly removed one hand and held it all with just one arm. My arm easily supported the colossal bulk. With my free arm, I drew Michael near me and nibbled on his ear, "Watch this, Michael" I whispered against the sound of the restored falls. I opened my mouth wide and drew in a massive amount of air, the vegetation around us shaking and bending towards us. I held it deep with in my massive chest, concentrating and compressing it, heating it and then I directed the superheated mass upwards at the harder than granite ice sculpture I held. Upon impact of the super hot air, the ice exploded into steam forming a cloud over the lake. Boulders and debris that had been suspended in ice moments before rained back down into the lake. Warm precipitation from the cloud fell down over the lake as I blew it higher, using normal breath now. A huge rainbow stretched over the valley. We stared at the beauty shoulder to shoulder, with our heads craned in and touching. "Let us promise to try and do no harm," I said staring at the rainbow and stroking Michael's lower back. "Michael grasped my hand in his, "I promise to never do harm, unless it is to protect from greater harm," he kissed me on the cheek. "I promise as well," I said solemnly. Michael smiled crookedly at me, "We are monsters now, Gregor."
  22. fillups

    The Culling Parts 1-5

    The Culling Part1 The thaw began early that year. All the boys between the ages of ten and 16 in our village were standing in line, in front of Agnieska, the wise woman, as she performed the ritual. The ground was muddy, wet and cold but I could feel beads of sweat run down the back of my neck as she stared at each one of us in turn. Her gray eyes seemed to linger longer over me. She sang some sort of song in a strange language. I could feel a vibration in the air as she summoned. She plucked several of the bright orange flowers from the slushy earth. She shook them hard releasing a cloud of pollen which held a vague blob like shape near her. She then violently pulled out the thick stamens of the flower and then pulled them apart. The pollen glittered at the sacrifice and then began to move and fan out over the boys. It fell in an even sheen over all of us. All of us except a dark haired 13 year old boy named Ulric. There was a clear space around him, not even a particle landed on him. A hiss of breath came from the villagers watching us. Ulric's mother stifled a cry as the wise woman moved toward him with a knife. He stood silent in his clear space. The villagers stood silent around us boys as she silently cut his throat and he fell to the ground. After the body was taken away, the rest of us stripped and ran to the river and into the icy water, washing the clingy pollen away. I forced myself to laugh with the other boys pushing down the deep guilt I felt in not being taken along with Ulric. It was my last year, I had passed and yet I knew I should have been killed as well. *********************************** "It is a hard thing, but he died human, Mertha," John the Elder, said to Ulric's mother. It was night and the villagers clustered around the fire in the great room to hear the story after the culling. John the Elder turned from the bowed woman to address the rest of us with the story. Durness, the mighty was the greatest ruler this world had ever seen. His army stretched from horizon to horizon with several score more waiting beyond. Some of the greatest of all knights, fought alongside each other. Men who had slain dragons and fought trolls and whose songs the bards of our kings still sing. He employed over 20 of the most powerful wizards and witches, whose spells protected the land and made the people prosperous. His people were pious and good and performed the ritual every spring just as we do. Some years they escaped sacrifice altogether and the villages remained pure and unsullied. But Durness was proud and felt beyond the laws of natural men. He did not subject his own sons to the test. He felt his bloodline could not produce a perversion. His first son grew up tall and strong and good and Durness was glad he had never been forced to stand in line with the common boys. His second son, Eoghan was even more promising. His eyes were clear blue and his hair as dazzling as sunlight, his wit keen edged and his prowess on the battle field was twice his older brother's. When he was fifteen, the change began. His shoulders grew wider. Wide enough that Eoghan had trouble walking through a door. His arms grew larger than a man's leg, larger around even then a sturdy man's full torso. In short he became an abomination to the sight of good people. Durness tried to hide him away in the dungeon, but one night the creature burst through the thick stone walls and escaped. Durness used his resources to track the creature. Hoping to destroy it before it harmed his people. To no avail. Several years later the great seeress, Lythum was able to divine that the creature had joined with more of his kind and that in the center of the great range of mountains that marked one of the great country's boundaries, there was a lair where his son was now living. Durness in his great wrath and pride, set his full army to march against the lair of these creatures. He wanted to destroy all of them. He felt that if their kind was stamped out, the perversion would no longer infect the men of any family. As the advance scouts approached the mouth of the pass through the mountains they saw a small encampment by the side of the road. Standing by the fire was a creature several times larger than Eoghan had been when he was imprisoned. They trembled as they approached, recognizing in the still blindingly handsome features the face of their former prince. He wore only a cape, heavy boots and a breechcloth held up by a leather belt. His body no long looked human. There were massive mounds of hard flesh stretching out from his chest area like mountains. His arms were bigger round than a body of a horse and covered with craggy lines of muscle and veins. His legs were even more massive and he had to stand with his legs slightly apart accommodate their enormity. He carried no weapons that they could see. The creature frowned at them and then spoke with a voice that shook the ground with its power, "Turn back your army or you will all perish by my hand. You shall not march against my brethren." The scouts dashed back to the generals who surrounded by the leagues of men, fighting animals, heavy equipment, laughed at the message. They sent out a hundred men at dawn with instructions to bring back the head of the second son of Durness. The noon sun drew to the center of the sky and dark cloud swarmed over the general's tent. A hundred heads of the men who had been sent rained down upon them. The generals sent a dispatch to Durness that the battle might need magical support and the wizard's climbed to the top of the their towers to summon their most potent magics against the creature once known as Eoghan. The army then marched forward reigning death upon the single man. They attempted to surround and destroy him. The creature's bronze skin glistened in the sunlight as he moved quicker than the eye could follow obliterating the soldiers and their weapons in fleshy explosions of motion. The bronze blur would come upon a heavily armored group of men and equipment and there would be an eruption of chaos as man, beast and objects were destroyed. Spears were pulled from the grips of strong warriors and then flung with such force that they pierced the armor and bodies of a score of warriors often bursting thick trees before they finally cleaved to a wall or burrowed long trenches into the ground. Then the Wizards sent down bolts of power to stop Eoghan. He grew even larger swelling three times his already gargantuan size as the power burned down upon him. The energy destroyed anything near Eoghan but he laughed as the blue power crackled around him and flung powerful bolts from his hands that were several times more powerful, reducing the wizards and their impregnable towers to dust mites with single strikes. One wizard set a tornado twisting across the land to destroy the creature and Eoghan drew an enormous breathe and sucked the entirety of the storm within his body and then breathed out a storm hundreds of times more powerful that boiled the very earth and drenched the earth in the blood of thousands of men. The storm traveled to the city fortress of the wizard and destroyed all, whipping him with lightning and agony and then leaving his body impaled on the city's highest tower. in the course of a single day, the mightiest army known to our history and the empire that linked over a hundred countries in peace had been destroyed. The battleground was a place of desolation and when Eoghan, massive as a mountain himself covered in the gore of the men and creatures he had destroyed, stood before one young soldier who was the last of all the mighty armies, "Tell them what you have seen so that no others will ever be foolish enough to march on the Taiga lands. You are marked with my sign so that all who see you will know you speak the truth." He traced a sign with his hand which burned into the forehead of the terrified soldier, who forgot for moments his loathing of what Eoghan had become and kneeled before him as to a god. In a flash Eoghan was gone leaving the soldier alone in the center of the devastation. It took the soldier several days to cross the vast plain where the great army had been destroyed. There was nothing living in that place. No grass or wildlife, nothing stirred in the charred remains of the land. The land was twisted into weird fantastic unnatural shapes and the journey was slow and difficult. When he came at last to the great capital, now with its ancient towers sheared to the ground, he saw a body hanging from battlements. It was Durness, dead by his own hand. Of course the great empire was destroyed and we now live in hovels ruled by petty tyrants and squabble with each other, all because of the perversion. For those men who desire other men will become creatures of death and destroy all around them for their perversity is unholy and should be destroyed before it blooms. Everyone nodded silently their faces hardened and there was no grief for Ulric. But I, Gregor, the eldest son of a widowed mother, also desired other men. Parts of the story describing Eoghan's power and size actually made my manhood become hard and I worked to conceal my aberration. I knew some men gave themselves up for death to save the village but I could not bring myself to do that and I could not run into the forest and leave my family to fend for itself. so year after year I pass the culling somehow and pray that my passing means that soon I will look not look upon men with a longing that burns through me and haunts my dreams. The Culling Part 2 The thaw was in retreat as storms off the north re-froze the land and destroyed the early flowers. I pulled my body into a ball trying to conserve my body heat against the cold. I could hear the timbers shift around me in the fierce winds and thought of Eoghan who had swallowed a greater storm into his body. I could not imagine the power. I slept then with the wind and cold and the golden presence of Eoghan in my dreams. The wind moaned and the room was still dark as my mother groaned out of her bed. I rose as well and threw some small sticks of wood on the coals and then carefully built the morning cook fire. My mother trudged in and pulled a pot with congealed fat over the flames, "You waste too much wood," she grumbled as she warmed her hands over the flames. "Don't be a layabout! Fetch your brothers!" I grunted and pulled on what warm clothing I had. It smelled of sweat and animal grease. Warm smells. I punched the sleeping mounds still on the mat we all shared as a sleeping place. Niklas and Ralf gave twin yawns and started shuddering with the cold. I hefted the frozen water basin near the flames and went out into the wind to see to our poor few animals. When I returned, I could smell the thin gruel of the morning meal and saw Agnieska's girlservant, Betha, a wiry, suspicious eyed creature, huddled next to our hearth. "She needs to see ya this mornin'." Betha said in a flat inflectionless voice. "You need to hurry with no eatin." She slyly smiled at my frown and the sound my belly made at her announcement. My mother looked disgusted, but said, "Leave soon so you can work soon. Go see the wise woman." The snow blinded me as I walked into the wind, watching for the marks for the path in the snow to Agnieska's hovel. My clothes were patched together pieces of fur and too small, i kept pulling pieces and trying to make myself smaller as I trudged as quickly as I could. "You're late boy," Agnieska stared at me with something like hatred and something else. She had called me in like this every few months since I was a child. She had a large fire in her hovel and the place stank of drying plants. She muttered chants as she stirred a pot on the fire. "Sit down laggard. You know by now what to do.". I pulled off my clothes and sat naked before her fire. The scented steam wove around me and I felt far away. The room seemed to fade away from me and I was in a gray mist and could only hear the harshness of the wise woman's chants. A cup was pressed to my lips and I drank the hot, foul liquid down. There was a long silence and then the mist glittered green around me. Then a triumphant whisper, "You're mine now." I don't remember going home, just suddenly becoming conscious and finding myself doing my usual work at our house. My empty stomach rumbled as I tried to stay patient with my two younger brothers' games as we tried to patch holes during the lull in the storm. The noon hour was drawing near, "Be careful not to waste and put everything back, I need to get me to the blacksmith's.". They grunted and Niklas tried to kick Ralf's legs out from under him. "Hurry," I hissed at them, "before the storm comes." John the elder was the strongest man in town and the only blacksmith for miles. Fate had given him many children but all of them girls. He employed two of the village boys to pump the great bellows for food and iron working skills. The heat of the shop smacked me in the face, John stood before the anvil an unfinished hook shaped piece grasped in the tongs. His brawny forearms bare and bristling with hair, I tried to sneak a look at the working of the muscles as he swung the heavy hammer down. "Quit your gaping boy, Maugh needs spellin'. I quickly ran over to replace the exhausted boy and pulled hard on the bellows, creating an intense flame. And so it went for several hours. I occasionally felt dizzy but shook off the feeling. I was in the back room finishing the clean up when I heard the door open and close. John began, "i'm sor..." he stopped. There was silence and then a deep voice rattled the tools on the wall, "I"m looking for Gregor." John had always been the biggest man I had ever seen so I was shocked when I came out and saw the huge man in front of John. He made John look puny and childlike. He wore a cotton tunic and leather jerkin and breeches with a hooded cloak thrown back to expose his dark, reddish hair. While he was properly covered, his musculature was so extreme and overly developed that his clothing bulged outwards all over the place. His chest pushed out in front of him and I could clearly see the fantastically huge mass of the muscle deforming the leather. I could see the indentation where the deep canyon ran between those fantastic shieldplates of brawn. The cotton of the tunic was stretched like a second skin over the magnificent craggy roundness of his upper arms. His incredible hands, big and thick were easily several times the size of John's own large hands. John seemed to shrink away intimidated by this immense man. "He, he's in the..." John gaped speechless. I stepped forward held mute by this man's power. He smiled, briefly, dazzlingly. I felt my knees buckle. He sternly faced John and said authoritatively, "We are going." Outside, he carelessly picked up a huge leather pack one handed and slung it over one of his monstrous shoulders. I marveled at his thickness and the graceful, confident ease of his movements. His thick heavy legs easily broke a path in the snow. He looked more beast than man, but even the great bears seemed smaller. "But my mother, my brothers,". I found the strength to ask. "I bought you from your mother," he looked at me almost gently for a moment, "We need to move Gregor. The soldiers will be coming soon and I don't want to be near this or any other village when they do." I stopped for a moment and he turned impatiently again towards me. "Sir, what should I call you?" The brief dazzling smile shone out and he laughed, "Gregor, you may call me Jedrek." The Culling Part 3 My head was bursting with questions as I followed Jedrek away from the village where I had spent my entire life. Who was he? Why had he bought me? It was not so unusual to buy indentured servants, but he had never seen me before. What was to become of me? When I looked at his impossibly wide back which made his cloak flare out at an improbable angle and his incredibly thick powerful legs, I wondered WHAT he was. He had money that was clear, the huge leather pack that he easily carried was made with fine leather, the leather quality of his large boots and overstretched breeches were the finest I had ever seen. Why would such a man want me as his servant? He had acted kindly to me so far and I focused on that as we climbed the hills away from everything I had ever known. After several hours, he stopped suddenly. The sun was just coming down and the air was charged with orange light all around us. "You need food." he said striding back towards me. He set his pack down, and pulled out a round loaf and then rummaged around and pulled out a small jar. He broke the loaf apart and slathered each piece with the dark purple substance from the jar. I smelled berries. "Here, sit down on my pack. Rest a moment." "All of this? For me?" This was more food than I sometimes had in a full day. He smiled again and nodded and then sat down on the ground without any food and studied me while I devoured the first food I had eaten all day. It was bread with blackberry jam. The best bread I had ever eaten. A hard crust but soft inside. The sweet jam was bliss. The tart berries made me feel like it was summer. And as I ate, all the tiredness I had felt was gone. It was as if it was a new day and I had just woken from a restful sleep.. "We have to go on through the night, Gregor. We won't set up camp until we've had at least another day's march. That should help keep you going." Jedrek walked up to a tree and pulled a thick branch off of it. It broke like a twig in his grasp. He quickly ran his hands along it breaking off twigs smoothing the wood with the pressure of his hands and again breaking the ends and in moments had a perfectly polished staff. I blinked my eyes in disbelief at the sight. Jedrek looked back the way we had come and then turned to me, "We must continue." We walked on. When darkness came Jedrek somehow fixed a flame of some sort to the top of his staff and kept the darkness lit. No animals came across our path as we marched through the night. After eating and feeling restored, I somehow had the strength to keep walking. In the morning, Jedrek gave me more bread and we continued on. Midday we broke from the main road and veered into the forest. Jedrek did not move stealthily but broke a large path through the snow. Easy to follow. We stopped where the trees were a little less full and Jedrek sat down on a fallen log near two giant oak trees and gestured for me to sit next to him. I felt worn and somehow like I was as thin as paper and could be blown away by the wind. As I sat down near him and looked up at his handsome face, I was struck yet again on how truly massive he was. I could see mounds of muscle pushing up against fabric on either side of his thick, thick neck. "The bread and berries can only sustain for so long. We will have a proper rest tonight and I need to talk to you a bit now that we have some time." Jedrek said looking at me with some concern. He continued, "I come from the lands your people call the Taiga." I gasped, "Like Eoghan." His eyebrows raised, "Your people still talk of Eoghan? Good." So many feelings rose through me. It was like a wave. I had only half believed the story. "Is it true? Can you do that? Are you a...." He laughed again. "I had heard you were silent, Gregor. Of course everyone in your village falls silent around me." "We will talk more of Eoghan. As for what I can do. Let me demonstrate." He stood up, and pulled off his cloak and then gradually pulled off his tunic. I watched intently, feeling my manhood stirring as the material lifted revealing his pale skin dusted with reddish brown hair. First his stomach which was small but covered with bricks of muscle. HIs sides were covered with creases of muscle, like the smith folding and refolding metal until he achieved a perfect edge in the tempered iron. His midsection looked hard like the metal and the heat from his body steamed the cold air around him. Then my eyes traveled up and out the enormous sweep of his back visible no matter which direction he faced. His back was rutted like a rocky slope with deep trenches and high hillocks of muscle and small tributaries of veins. He turned and I could see the hairy mounds of his chest projecting impossibly far out from his midsection. HIs big nipples pointing downwards by the heavy mass of muscle that carried them. He saw where my eyes were wandering and somehow flexed his huge chest so the muscle lifted and slammed back down. SLAM! SLAM! The sound knocked me off the log and I scrambled quickly back up to keep watching. His shoulders stretched far out to either side of his neck and rounded up larger than me and my brothers heads put together. As I stared at him I could feel a dampness in my trousers spewing from my manhood. Jedrek looked like he appreciated the attention but he wasn't done. "We need a little more space and firewood for a proper camp," he said striding up to the two giant trees in the center of the clearing. Jedrek stood between them and I realized his body was much thicker than either of the huge old trees. He tensed his muscles a bit and his body exploded with rippling, defined, huge muscles over his monstrous chest, shoulders and arms. The light fur of his body glittered in the cold sunlight. Without bending his knees he placed his hands on each trunk as low as he could. I saw his forearms bulge a bit and watched his fingers dig in tree trunks with loud crunching and tearing sounds. His fingers completely disappeared in the trunk of the trees. Then he looked at me and smiled. The ground beneath us began to groan. The snow began to shake and the drifts to break up with the motion. I looked at Jedrek and he was barely working. The thick ropes of muscles in his shoulders seemed bigger and there were more of them, but he seemed relaxed and calm. His smiled broadened and he simply raised his arms. The sound was deafening. Ice and snow and then roots and rock and dirt and were screaming with distress as his two obscenely powerful arms and shoulders simply tore the two giant boles from the earth with a ton or so of soil and rocks clinging to the roots. The air rattled with the sound and ice and snow fell from the neighboring trees with the force of it. With no leg or back power he lifted the huge trees from the ground where they had been attached for probably hundreds of years. He stood there with muscles bulging a bit as he held the lumber aloft more securely than if they had still been in the ground. He then proceeded to easily walk as if unencumbered to the edge of the clearing and then he gently placed them on the ground upright where they stayed balanced. I was breathing hard, panting at what I saw but Jedrek was breathing normally as if he had not exerted himself at all. "Stand a way a bit, Gregor." I climbed away from the gaping twin pits of frozen soil and the two upright giant trees. "Now the firewood. This tree is good hard wood." He walked to the base of the good tree and picked it up with one hand near the bottom and began to shake it like a child would shake a stick. The enormous tree creaked with the force of it. Dirt and twigs and smaller branches and leaves went flying off the tree with a flick of Jedrek's wrist. After only a few moments he stopped and the tree was clean of dirt, leaves and any small branches. Only the core of the tree remained, the wood good for the campfire. It was ready to be cut to lengths. He turned the tree horizontal by simply twisting his monstrous forearms. Easily aiming the length of the tree down the path we took to get here. He settled the monstrous tree down, the root mass overtopped his head by several spans. "Do you have an axe to cut it?" I asked stupidly. "I don't need tools," he said clenching his enormous hard fists, causing the muscles in his forearms to bunch up and writhe like the large water snakes from the river. He strode to the far end of the tree. The enormous heat from his body leaving a steaming trail behind. I heard a distant violent cracking and shearing sound and saw him quickly cleaving pieces of wood down the path with his hard knuckles. Somehow he was able to cleave the wood cleanly with a single punch of his fist. His body was a pale blur and suddenly I was staring at a neat row of wood sections. Even the enormous root span had been divided. "Now I'm going to show off a little bit," Jedrek's impossibly deep voice sounded almost boyish. He was enjoying stunning and frankly exciting me. He pursed his lips together and started blowing bursts of air. He had so much power and precision that the air bursts lifted mainly only the root pieces and scattered them out of the clearing. Then he turned to the sections of logs down the path and then made a sucking noise. Suddenly the first log pulled free of the earth by his suction and hurled itself at his face. He caught it easily in his huge hand before it smashed into his face. Again and again he did this neatly stacking all the wood in this manner. He turned to the other tree. "This tree is starting to rot. I could feel a slight softness of the wood. I will let it rot naturally but not just standing here where it could fall and kill something" He spread his hands and approached the tree. I could feel my own weakness and my knees wanted to buckle. The power I was seeing was too much to imagine. Jedrek grasped the the trunk and his fingers disappeared through the tough bark. He stood there for a second. I noticed his hands were placed on the tree at head height. He looked like he was going to push it over with his legs. Tree-trunk oak against trunk-tree legs. Then he spread his already huge back even more. His mountainous back expanded wider and wider. He was at least three times as wide as the tree trunk. Then he flexed again. His back creaked and shifted and grew even more insanely thick with power. I’m not sure what happened next. A huge roaring sound filled the forest. It seemed not to come from Jedrek but from everywhere and deep in the ground. There was a huge explosion. Dirt and stone and soil flew up from the ground around Jedrek. I ducked behind the log. A plume of dirt rose smokelike skyward and billowed in the air. The dirt cloud hung there although pieces were falling all around us. I heard a rush of air and saw the enormous cloud being blown away with a puff from Jedrek's lungs. He stood there with a smirk on his face, his muscles pumped and throbbing, empty-handed. PIeces of dirt and twigs standing out against his pale skin. Where was the tree? Then my slow mind started to stumble on the truth as I stared at the ground between his legs. I could see a small tip of the tree coming up from the distorted ground between them. He had somehow pushed the tree the fullness of its height into the frozen forest earth. Jedrek strode away from the spot the sunlight glinting off his titan's body. He looked at the wood neatly stacked on one side and clapped his hands together with an enormous CRAAAAAAACK! as if to get rid of sawdust. The enormous sound crashed through the forest, knocking me off my unsteady feet. It was all too much, the exhaustion and Jedrek. I passed out on the forest floor. The Culling Part IV I woke up in the dark. It was soft and I had never been so comfortable in my life. I snuggled down into warmth savoring the comfort. Then I smelled the delicious smell of roasting meat. I sat up. I was in a small dark tent. Some kind of springy mat was under me and Jedrek's cloak had been thrown over me. I crawled out of the tent into the daylight. Jedrek was outside, unfortunately fully dressed, but the incredible bulging of his muscles still happily apparent under his clothing. Even after all I had seen, the shock of seeing a man so thick and massive almost stunned me again as I saw him walking around the fire. The ground was all filled in as if two trees had never stood in the middle of the clearing. Our clearing was bare of snow but that was the only sign of how the ground had been disturbed. I noticed a circle and several signs had been drawn in the ground around the tent. Near the circle was a small silver bowl with a few inches of water in it. Jedrek stood before the fire turning a spit with several large pieces of meat on it. It smelled heavenly. Jedrek looked at me and smiled, "Good day, sir! I'm glad you're up. That trip was rougher on you than I thought." I blinked in the light and gaped at the meat. "What's that?" I asked like the ill mannered peasant I was. "A bear fooled out of hibernation by the false thaw. He found me while I was working on the camp and decided to attack." He paused and I looked at sinews bunching and unbunching under the skin of his massive hands, hands that were capable of killing a bear with no weapons. "There is a lot of meat. I salted a bunch of it and hung it up some distance away. If we stay here long enough we'll have some decent provisions." I was overcome again by his strength but also wondered why I was here. He looked up seriously at me, "Gregor, we have serious work to do." He glanced into the distance, "The soldiers are almost here but we still have a little time. In your village, there is a witch. I felt her webs spun all over the place." "You mean Agnieska, the wise woman?" I asked, my mind struggling to keep up with his rapid shift of subjects. He rubbed his hands together with something like anticipation, "Ahhhh Agnieska, good. I have one her names. I would lay a wager that she frequently employs young girls and looks at you as if you were bear droppings she stepped in." "Betha works for her now and before there was a girl we called Twig, who ran away with Matthias several years ago. "Agnieska always looked at me as if I was something vile. But I think she liked me better than it seemed, because she took me in for special treatment and I was spared at the culling." Jedrek seemed to hate her and she had saved my life. He seemed to read my mind, "There is much you don't know, Gregor, about the nature of this Agnieska and many "wise women". That witch's magic is all over you and that magic did keep the pollen away during the culling. But she has no love for you Gregor. Rather she sees in you a path to power that her kind is usually denied." "I....I have no gift no power." I stammered. Jedrek walked over to me and looked me directly in the eyes. I noticed his eyes were green with flecks of gray in them. "Gregor, I am like you. I do not lust for the company of women. I am drawn to men. Some call it an obscenity, a perversion, an inversion. However this perversion is my strength, my power. Men like us are gifted. That is part of why other people fear us. You have a lot of potential. I know that witch saw that and wanted to use it." "LIke with Eoghan." I whispered the name. I had secretly dreamed that I would get that power, "But I'm not strong like you or him. In my village, I was one of the strongest boys but not strong like you." "Aaaaaargh! They teach you nothing," he spat and moved quickly and pulled the meat from the fire. He blew gently on the roasted meat and then slid the slightly cool hunk into my hands. I was ravenous and devoured the delicious roast in minutes. "We don't have much time, Gregor. However let me explain, men and women draw power in very different ways. Women work through the slow passive power of the earth. They often can redirect natural energies healing and withering that sort of thing. Their magic depends on a sexual purity for its greatest strength. A woman taken by a man loses much of her magical power. That's why so many witches hate men." "Men's power often comes from active energies like lightning and fire. Sexual activity only enhances their power. With men like us, Gregor, sexual activity wakens our power and intensifies it. There is much more... " Jedrek spun around quickly alerted to something, "The soldiers are approaching." 'What soldiers would dare chase you?" I asked disbelievingly. "That is a tale unto itself, Gregor. They are an elite force sent from a neighboring country and they have been tracking me for some time. I need to teach them and their masters a lesson." Jedrek began to pull off his tunic revealing his colossal physique, "I must be at my most defenseless when facing them." "You look scarier without your shirt," I mumbled in awe. "I think that was a compliment. My thanks, Gregor," Jedrek smiled and flexed his arm. The muscle jumped up and expanded to almost four times its already gigantic size with his casual flex. It was at least the size of five large morningstars. Jedrek carefully peeled off his leather breeches, revealing the massive long muscles of his monstrous legs. I felt awestruck at the canyons of muscle running along the front of those mammoth thighs lightly furred with his dark red hair. Each one was bigger than the girth of a large barrel and connected harmoniously with the rippling muscularity of his hamstrings. His calves stood out from his legs as if someone had halved the great summer melons and pushed them under his skin. He was standing in front of me clad only in his breechcloth; a study in intimidating size and strength. Once again the air steamed off his incredible body creating a halo in the sunshine. "I want you to stay in the tent Gregor." Jedrek's deep voice was gentle. "If something happens, you will be safe in there. I have drawn protections around it. If you want to watch though, " he paused and I nodded enthusiastically, "here is a bit of magic." He picked up the silver bowl and handed it to me. "When you want to watch, you need to hold this bowl in both your hands and think of me and you will see what I am doing." "I will return soon and answer more questions," he turned and walked away and I savored the sight of his massive body marching away from me. I scrambled into the tent and pulled the flap down after me. Nervously I stared into the bowl, thinking of Jedrek. The water clouded for a moment and then cleared, showing a section of the forest from overhead. I could also hear the sounds from the area. A bird was singing and I could hear Jedrek's familiar heavy tread approaching. 10 figures dressed in white moved silently disappearing at times into the snowy background. Jedrek entered the area and several of the figures sprang up in a blur of motion and threw star shaped metal disks at him. Before they could return to their hiding places, Jedrek's hands moved even more quickly, catching the objects and throwing them back. The stars sheared through the men's skulls with loud CRACKS! and kept moving without losing speed. One cleaved through three of the men and all three sank silently to the ground, staining the snow red from the gaping wounds in their heads. The first ten men were dead within seconds. More men moved around Jedrek in a silent circle. Two men cast dark wire at the giant pale red haired man while three others threw small swords at him. The wire was metallic and looped around Jedrek's chest and arms. The men started to run around attempting to fasten Jedrek's arms to his sides. But despite the pressure from the wire, Jedrek's arms moved as if nothing was tightening around them. He caught two of the swords and flung them back at the men, ripping through their chest cavities and causing them to fall. The third sword rammed into his side, but left not a mark on his muscular torso. The weapon fell to the ground bent by the impact to Jedrek's invulnerable muscle. Jedrek sucked in some air expanding his chest and snapping the layers of metallic wire. He exhaled and a small hurricane of air furiously whipped the two wire spinners into the air smashing their lifeless corpses against two of the mighty oaks which swayed dangerously in the instant storm. A net of heavy rope dropped down from above and several men instantly approached thrusting swords at Jedrek's net covered form and winding the net tighter and tighter to imprison him before he could respond. Seconds later, the net exploded into small pieces leaving Jedrek standing in an awesome full body flex. Every muscle standing ridged under his pale skin, his back jutting out from side to side, his amazing legs corded with slabs of muscle Just flexing was enough to completely destroy the heavy cables of the net into particles. The remaining thirty or so men all wearing light or heavy armor rushed in from all sides around Jedrek with all manner of weapons drawn. Bladed weapons ricocheted uselessly against his impervious muscularity blunted and bent. One warrior did manage to cut the breechcloth which fell to the ground exposing Jedrek's massive manhood which though soft was long enough to hang to his knees. In one smooth motion, Jedrek grabbed three men in each of his gigantic arms. They all resisted but for all their frantic and sometimes skilled motion it made as much difference as tadpole changing the course of a torrent in the rapids of a river. His motion was unchanged by their thrashing as he began to simply contract his huge arms and shoulders. There was a loud cracking noise and every bone in those men's torsos was shattered the men's bodies were visibly crushed. While he was quickly crushing the six men Jedrek gracefully pivoted on one foot and kicked out with his massively muscular leg, through 3 men's chests and decapitating one man with the arc of a single kick. Jedrek dropped the men, turned to the next soldier, grabbed each of his arms and tore them off his body. The man screamed blood shooting out of the sockets in a torrent and then fell instantly dead. Jedrek rammed the bones of the arms through several men killing them instantly and tossed the lifeless bodies aside with a flick of his wrist. The remaining soldiers were raining desperate blows with everything they had but with no effect on Jedrek at all. Jedrek ignored their fierce blows and brought his fists together in front of his mighty midsection and flexed his chest, its already humongous size violently expanded by, what looked like several feet of dense, rippling, impregnable muscle, decapitating eight men as it rammed into their heads with his unstoppable power. Their heads snapped clean from the bodies and burst like overripe berries as they smashed into the forest trees. Finally, the last two warriors he caught in his blood covered arms. Each man's head held between his forearm and biceps. Their hair was black and I could see the terror in their dark eyes. Jedrek began to whisper in a strange sibilant tongue to the men. They looked like they understood what he was saying for their eyes widened as he spoke. I wished I could also understand and suddenly his voice made sense to me. "With the smallest contraction of my arms my biceps will swell and obliterate your skulls and you will be dead," Jedrek hissed, "It is only through my self control that your heads remain intact. I am strong enough to crush you by accident. Feel the strength you never will have. Remember it and share it with your people. This is what all those who attack the men from Taiga will face. Your weapons are destroyed and your skills are useless. But I have given you life by not flexing my arm." Then he dropped the men. Like Eoghan before him, he made a sign in the air. Each of the men gasped as a shining gold sign drew itself on their foreheads. "This is my mark and all who see it will know you have met someone of power." Jedrek walked away from the men not looking back. I took in the view of the carnage. Over forty bodies of the soldiers lay in the bloody snow. The trees and plants all covered with bits of bone, pieces of hair and blood everywhere. The two soldiers looked around weeping for their comrades and started back to camp. The view in the bowl changed following Jedrek as he walked to the bed of a frozen river. He breathed in once again expanding his enormous chest, held the breathe for a moment and then let loose a blast of air that melted that section of the river. Within moments the solid river came back to roaring life. He walked into it, the water sizzling as the heat of his body met river, and let the water wash the blood off of his body. He walked out gleaming as the water to steamed off leaving his body clean and dry. I could hear the water pop and crackle as it disappeared. He turned toward the camp and I put the bowl down shaking from what I had witnessed. The Culling Part 5 I was staggering from the sight of the carnage. I felt my body reject the meat I had eaten earlier and I wretched the entire meal into a snow bank. I stood shivering in the snow feeling sick, not wanting to return to his shelter. "Are you alright, Gregor?" the deep voice sounded kind, gentle. I shivered when I remembered what that voice had said, how it had sounded. A large, heavy hand engulfed my shoulder. I started shuddering violently and uselessly tried to escape his grip. "What's wrong, Gregor?" he asked again, softer. I turned to face him, briefly noticing he was fully clothed, there was no outward sign of the slaughter, "Why did you kill all those soldiers? They were fighting for their lives and you were just having fun showing off." "Gregor, they weren't coming up here just to shake my hand, they were here to kill. Any one of them would have been fully satisfied to have my head on a pike." "But they could have spent all day swinging swords at you and no harm would have come to you. You just defeated a small army with no injuries. You could have spared them with no harm for yourself. We arrived here a day ago and it seems you have done nothing but kill." Some distant animal part of my brain was warning me that this was a mistake. Jedrek had saved me from a horrible fate with no bloodshed (I hoped) and this was rank ingratitude. But as much as I had loved the Eoghan story, actually seeing the carnage had fouled me. Jedrek did not look angry. "Gregor, you are seeing things with the eyes of a man who has not come to power. You will see differently when you are elevated." "If my mind changes that much, than I do not wish your elevation, Jedrek." I stared him squarely in the eye. Almost like I was daring him to close his fingers and destroy me. Instead he took his hand from my shoulder and faced me squarely, "I hope this helps you to understand. These men were sent by a man like us Gregor. He is part of the brotherhood as am I, as are you through our attraction to men. He needed to know he had sent a killing quest against one of the brotherhood in no uncertain terms. He will now lower the barriers to trade he had erected in his ignorance. The world is a harsh and brutal place and we need to keep our place in it." Some part of me wanted still to scream at him and wash the horrible sights from my memory. But as he had been talking I was thinking of all of Jedrek's kindnesses to me and, selfishly, my fate without him. Also, there was perhaps more that I did not understand, that made such a bloodshed necessary. I attempted a wan smile, "For all you have done for me, I owe you my trust," I said out loud but vowed to myself never to "elevate" if it meant slaughtering others. Jedrek's smile broke over his seriousness like the sun dawning, "For one so young, you are a good man. We have one last chore before leaving this place and we best finish it before the sun leaves the sky." "What do 'we' need to do today?" I asked fearfully. "Snap the tether, Agnieska has on you." he said, savoring the syllables of her name. "What tether?" I asked running my hand around my neck. "Your witch woman has done something she has thought of as very clever. She has developed a way to siphon off your power into her own and she's using your own life force to do it. In other words, I remove the spell and you die." "What do I do?" I asked going cold inside. Jedrek's softened a bit and he once again laid a heavy hand on my shoulder. "There are ways to break this that will leave you unharmed. Agnieska does not understand completely the nature of the bond that holds you both and she will pay." "You won't kill her, will you? I stand here thanks to her mercy." Jedrek spat into the snow, "You stand here thanks to her ambition and pride. However she did do something right, unintentionally. But she will still pay, I will try to keep the worst of her payment from her. Better than she wished on you Gregor. Now take off your clothes and bathe in the river. Return and sit here on the mat in the middle of this circle.". He pointed to a circle on the ground with a silver material lying in the center of the circle. I marched to the river. The current was swift and icy but I was able to stand it and the water cleansed me. Nothing in the forest seemed to move as I made my way back to the circle. Jedrek had his eyes closed and was singing softly under his breathe. I knelt onto the silver fabric and.... pain shot through every part of my body searing me like my innards were being held over the smith's fire. I tried to open my mouth to scream but could not move. I was seized in a perfect vise that would not let me make the smallest movement. I could no longer see the forest or Jedrek just a kind of boiling blackness that entered my being. Then all was whiteness and I longed to shut my eyes against the glare but could not and black tendrils were being pulled from my body. I could feel them pulling scablike from my skin. Ripping and tearing and then I heard a scream. Agnieska was running but the blackness shot at her ripping into her soft, elderly body flaying her. I heard a thundering then realized it formed words; it was Jedrek. "You sought a power that was not yours and now you must pay." The black tendrils from my body were now latched onto Agnieska, connecting us. She stared at me with naked hatred and loathing. Then as the tendrils thickened her face went white with pain. Tongues of blue flame burst on the tendrils and they writhed shaking both Agnieska and me. There was a roar and all was blackness. I was aware of the cold, the blessed cold of the snow as it fell on my body. I started shaking feeling raw and exposed. My eyes were shut but I could feel myself being picked up gently and I was put in a soft warm place. I slept. I woke up in the tent, my body was curled against Jedrek's back. It felt like warm marble but still it was solid and made me feel safe after what I had gone through. His breathing was soft and even. His back swelling slightly and pushing my body with each intake and then returning. I could hear the sound of the wind outside but the coldness could not get in to me. I snuggled in deeper and fell back to sleep. The next day we began hiking. Jedrek admitted to not being that familiar with this region but knew the correct general direction. We were traveling through the wilds and even though this land is rumored to be filled with the most dangerous animals, we saw only signs of their existence, none crossed our path. They know an even more dangerous animal has come to their territory, I thought looking at Jedrek's massive form. "Is Agnieska still alive?" I blurted out. "She lives and I was able to spare some of her power as a favor to you, Gregor. Although that small favor cost me something. I am recovered. She will experience a much longer penance." Jedrek's voice sounded regretful. "Thank you Jedrek once again. I hope I will be able to repay you." "We are in the brotherhood, Gregor. You will soon see what that means." I started to think of some of the things Jedrek had told me. Although some boys my age had been with the girls already, I was obviously not one of them. Jedrek had told me that sex was the path to the elevation. I had worried that Jedrek would take me just to awaken my powers and then I could be a better assistance. Something on the second day of walking must have alerted him to my thoughts for in the middle of a talk about tracking he broke off and stared me in the eye, "Gregor, while you are a comely young man, I do not deflower virgins. Also the power does not come through rape. It must be combined with desire, although I think that is not lacking in you." he winked and I was almost overcome by his rugged handsomeness, but kept in my mind about my vow to resist the elevation. Shortly after this conversation, we entered a canyon and hiked through it for another two days. The storms of the past days gave way to gentle sunshine and the day seemed warmer. As we approached the other side sheer unclimbable walls of hard stone rose in front of us. "I guess we need to travel back out of the canyon and find a way around this," I said my words echoing off the stone around us. "I have a faster way," Jedrek said with a mischievous grin. He stripped off his shirt and breeches revealing once again his amazing muscularity. This saved his clothes when his muscles expanded with exertion. He walked purposefully over to the looming face of the cliff. He seemed to peer intensely at the rock, like he was looking deep within the structure of the hard stone.I looked at the hardness of the stone and then the even harder and more rugged terrain of Jedrek's back feeling my organ respond by doing its own expanding and pushing against the rough material of my breeches. “Let’s break some off and look at it,” he suggested. He held his hand up to the rock and cocked his middle finger behind the tip of his thumb. This caused a large knot of muscle to writhe on his forearm. Then he flicked his finger at the face of the cliff. It sounded like a gigantic hammer slamming into stone, only much louder. A large patch of rock around the point of contact, was instantly obliterated and flew out as a cloud of dust, leaving a bowl of depression about 2 feet across. Leading out from the depression on the top and bottom was a jagged crack that extended down to the bottom of the face of the cliff and up about 15 feet over his head. Jedrek had seen a fault line in the stone and flicked his finger at the precise spot to cause the cliff to crack like glass. I audibly gasped into the stillness after the explosive sound in my disbelief at the power he had in one finger. Jedrek smiled at my reaction, his eyes wandering low enough to show me he was aware of my arousal. I felt myself blushing furiously. He turned back to the depression he had created with his finger and pushed his huge beefy arm into the hole filling the two foot wide hole. He extended his arm and could see the big striated horseshoe shaped muscle on the back of his arm start to flex bigger against the stone around it. The ground started to shake. Pebbles fell from above as part of the mountain began to break away. Jedrek was flexing his muscles…. Slowly. He was contracting the muscle and expanding it harder and expanding it some more, exerting millions if not billions of tons of pressure on one side of the crack with his flexed arm muscle. The crack got wider and wider, ever so slowly. Jedrek was giving Mother Earth a chance to adjust to his demands. To his stronger muscles. To his will. There was a thunderous BOOOM! The crack suddenly moved farther apart and the base of the cliff shifted abruptly also. Then he flexed his arm harder and the muscle expanded quickly and huge. A crack formed moving horizontally from the top of the crack above Jedrek's head traveled several feet and started downwards again some ten feet away from where he stood. The crack formed a large oval shape in the cliff fifteen feet high and and ten feet across at the bottom making up about a third of the entire cliff face. The entire one-third of the cliff face moved 2 feet. He had separated a huge block of stone from the rest of the mountain face. Jedrek relaxed his arm, that had just forced apart a chunk of a mountain. He walked to the corner of the slab, though ‘slab’ doesn’t really describe the mass of mineral he had broken from the cliff, and grabbed onto the huge chunk of mountain. His back and arms and legs exploded with muscle sinew and veins. With little effort, it seemed, he lifted and carried the half mountain out in the open where we both could see the enormous mass of stone fully. He kept pulling until the piece came out fully over a hundred feet from deep in the mountain. It must have weighed hundreds of tons and Jedrek just carried it out in the open. BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM! He dropped the monolith of stone by the side of the canyon where it flattened the ground underneath it. Jedrek again did not look like he was winded but his magnificent muscles were even bigger, he looked like he was maybe fully three times his normal size."You're not going to be able to put your shirt back on." I said in awe. "This is just a little pump I get when I use my muscles a little. It will go down eventually. But you will get a bit of a show before we get through this mountain. He gestured and his staff flew to his hand with a light blazing upon it. "Hold this," he said thrusting the staff into my hands, and he pulled on his large pack and started into the tunnel he had created. The back of the tunnel was jagged with rock from where Jedrek had wrenched the stone apart with his muscle flex. He shoved his thick fingers into the edges of the rock in front of us. CRRRRAAAAACK! CRRRRAAAAACK! The rock around the edges made thunderous noises and then Jedrek placed both his hands on the jagged rock at the end of the tunnel. I could see the muscle tension in his back, arms and legs as thick ropes of muscle stood out taught creating ravines muscle across his body. Jedrek shoved and there was a vast groan from the mountain around us as the earth gave way to Jedrek's superior power. Then there was a vast roaring sound as the whole of the rear wall suddenly shot away into the darkness. Jedrek's back had grown even more massive. In the half light from the staff he seemed to take up almost the full width of the cave and the rest of him was even more muscular. Vast mounds of muscle pushed up around his neck and his chest thrust out almost three feet in front of him. And his arms were bulked up bigger than several barrels and furrowed with veins. His legs so wide they pushed his feet out. He was a monolith of a man. I found myself once again spewing seed into my clothing but I was so awed by his power I was not even embarrassed. "We should be able to continue our journey now." said Jedrek.
  23. londonboy


    It took most of my strength not to grab the guy and squeeze him so hard I’d probably break something. I just had this intense desire to hug him – to show him how I felt about him. He was pinching my hard nipples through the heavy shirt I was wearing and mumbling to himself quietly. I caught snippets of what he was saying – so huge, hard as hell, gonna piss on myself - and stuff like that. I could tell he was in some sort of muscle worship fantasy world and he did not want to be disturbed. That was fine with me; because not only were my nips getting pleasured roughly, I was also getting to take a closer look at the guy. It was very dark in the back room of “The Pit,” my favorite bar, but I could still see him fine. I liked to come here because I fit in – the place was full of older huge men looking for young pups to look after. I was the definition of a muscle daddy. I loved smaller guys that were into worshipping. I also loved a young buck that needed a wisdom figure to take care of him. I didn’t care if people judged me or not, but it was good to be in a place where other guys got off on the same things I did. I had become good friends with many of the other huge older men that frequented the place. We even shared our pups, sometimes – or warned each other about dudes that weren’t worth the fuss. The guy chatting with himself in front of me was probably twenty-five – half my age. He was about two hundred pounds lighter and possibly eight to ten inches shorter, too. I was in daddy heaven. He fit the bill physically and I was hoping he’d have the internal affinities to make him a proper pup. He was a little more built than I liked ‘em, but that was fine. He had a wiry body that looked beautifully knotted in all the right places. It was a gymnast’s build and that made me hope he was very flexible. He kept his hair short and neatly trimmed – something that I insisted my pups do, so he was already doing well and we hadn’t even left the gate. He dressed the part, too – a Ralph Lauren button down, some khakis, and loafers with no socks. I was such a sucker for little prep boys. In college I had plowed my way through the Sigma Epsilon frat house and I still had a thing for ‘gators.’ That was a nickname I created because of my dick-hardening lust for all things Izod. If a dude wore bright red pants and a pink shirt I could cum on the spot. I was just into little prepsters and I didn’t apologize for it. Every now and then the little guy would squeeze my huge nubs just right and an intense thrill would shoot through my entire body. This is what made me want to crush the dude in my arms – not out of meanness, but because I wanted him so much. My big chest was like an avalanche of muscle spread out thickly wide before the guy. He’d stop his nipple play every now and then to cup his hand under one of my enormous pecs jutting behind the material of the shirt and he’d try to push up but the thing was too heavy and too stubbornly hard to move. This would make the guy squeal a little and then his mumbling would intensify. I had a feeling the kid could have played with my shelf all night long, but I had other plans. I reached down, grabbed him by his ass, and lifted his body upward. His legs wrapped around my waist instantly – a move I figured he had dreamed about all of his life. I knew I was showing off and that people in the bar were probably thinking I was acting crude, but I didn’t care. I was a big muscle daddy and making some pup almost cream in his pants because I could pick him up so easily was what I was supposed to do. I distinctly heard the dude let out an “oh god yes” as I moved him toward a stool at the bar. People parted as we moved through the crowd – some clearly jealous of my little friend. They wanted to be carried, too. I put the prepster down on the stool and then leaned his back against the bar behind him. He kept his legs locked around my waist – his feet hooked together just above my bulbous butt. His hands were still latched onto my man plugs and he was twisting even harder. I pressed my growing hardness into his balls and ass – kind of gently shoving his back against the wood of the bar. I wasn’t being abusive – it was just a natural reaction to his teasing grip on my nipples. While I had carried him the short distance I had marveled at how huge my hands felt holding his body. He was a decent sized guy, but compared to me he’d be considered pretty small. Or maybe I’d just be thought freakishly big. Either way, I was wild about how my thick long fingers could hold his tight ass even in one hand if I had wanted to. A thought shot through my mind – I wondered if I would have been able to palm the dude’s butt and hold him upside down. That would have been impressive. The fella twisted my nips perfectly and this caused me to slam my giant meat into his ass, which – in turn – slammed his body against the bar. I could tell he loved it, but it did cause him some pain. “Sorry man, but if you don’t let go of my nipples soon I’m not going to be responsible for any of the damage I cause to your body or this bar,” I threatened. He instantly lessened his grip on my protruding nubs – mainly from fear – but he also smiled broadly, clearly proud of the fact that he could bring me to a point of no control. He quickly spread his palms out on my chest and started massaging the mounds of muscle – mesmerized at how huge my upper body was. While he tried to see how many of his hands it could take to cover my entire pec shelf I, again, got a chance to look at the little guy. I swear if he told me his name was Biff later on I was going to gush out such a big load that he might need a life jacket. He was such the little preppy-meister. Dark wavy hair that looked like it was trimmed every week, green eyes the color of lagoons I’d swam in while visiting Hawaii, and an air about him that made it clear he was even more my type than previously thought. Even though I was a bona fide, card-carrying, little-pup-dominating muscle daddy that didn’t mean I was a babysitter. If a dude needed me to be his everything – his source of income, his self-esteem booster, and even his ass-wiper – then he was usually only good for some throw-down time in bed for one night. Being somebody’s daddy does not mean I think for them – it only means I try to influence what they think. It’s actually more stimulating for the older, wiser alpha if his pup is someone that questions things, argues sometimes, and, yes, even challenges his elders. I did not need a wimpy dude that sat on the sofa all day eating Bonbons. No, I needed someone that was successful and confident, himself. That made being a daddy so much more interesting – more fun – and exactly what I wanted. If a well-educated, well-motivated guy submitted himself to a daddy it was the ultimate compliment. A guy that is energetic and ‘in charge’ in other parts of his life, but wants to come home and let someone else be the lead is so much more appealing than someone who doesn’t care. I did not want to get my hopes up, but signs pointed to the probability that this guy was a muscle daddy’s dream come true. He was drinking scotch that cost four times the amount of what I usually ordered and he was wearing a Movado watch – at what people would call a biker bar, no less. I decided it was time to find out a little more about this potential pup. “What do you do?” I asked, loudly – to draw him out of his lustful trance of my chest. “Big mature men,” he replied, looking me in the eyes. I saw confidence in those pools of green and it made me thrust my crotch into his ass hard. He moaned a little – again loving the fact that he could make me react that way. I made a face – trying really hard to show my disapproval even though his answer had thrilled me. Well, the tone of his answer had thrilled me the most. “Oh, you mean for work,” he said – clearly getting the fact that I was teasingly not pleased. He took an apologetic tone and added, “I own an internet company.” He then went on to name the company and it was one I recognized. I also knew the company had recently gone public. I further knew it was reported that the owner had become a billionaire. He recognized in my eyes the fact that I knew all of this. He also quickly gathered that it satisfied me in some way. He was like a sprinter that had just made it over the first hurdle. I watched a specific shift in the man’s attitude at that moment and realized it matched the new paradigm I was moving into, as well. I was moving, for him, beyond that ‘this is just a big hot older man I’ll let fuck me for one night’ starting point. We were beginning a little muscle minuet that was certainly going to last for a while. He needed to test the waters, too. “What do you do?” he asked. “Little preppy men with tight asses,” I replied. He tried to make a disapproving face at my answer, but it was kind of hard to hide how much what I said thrilled him. This time, he actually shoved his butt into my still-hardening cock and we both let out soft moans. He smiled at me, but made it clear he was going to wait until I gave an honest answer. “I own a construction company and have multiple properties around town,” I answered and loved how this answer thrilled him. It was clear that he, like me, had always hoped to find a muscle daddy that didn’t need supporting. I went on to blow his mind by telling him the name of the company and a few of the places I owned. I didn’t mention all of them because I didn’t want him to be intimidated. “So, the big dude has some brains, too, I see,” he said – and I could immediately sense it was a huge compliment. “And I see the little pup doesn’t need someone to take care of him,” I said, choosing my words carefully because I needed him to answer in a specific way. “That, my big friend, depends on what you mean by ‘take care of.’ Do I need someone to put food on my table? No. Do I need someone to take me to the opera? No. I do, however, need someone to put me in my proper place and keep me there,” he answered – and the seriousness behind what he was saying was quite clear. My cock was now fully hard – mainly because I was suddenly realizing that this creature in front of me, this small man I could easily toss around physically, was teetering near my ideal mate. I knew there were still hurdles to jump over – probably for me, as well – but I was beginning to sense that we understood each other on a plane that was imperceptible to other people. I pulled my big arms forward – causing the dude to come off the stool. He was, again, held in my big hands – crotch against crotch and his face a half a foot below mine. I looked down into his eyes and felt an electric charge that seemed both familiar and totally new at the same time. I could see in his expression that he felt the same way, too. “I don’t need a kid, if that’s what you mean. Let someone else change your diapers. I do however need a . . .” I paused to collect my thoughts and then continued, “I do however need a guy that I can tame, mentor, spar with, and dominate.”
  24. Shade

    The Alpha Male 7

    Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6 The Bear I felt the stone crack as my fist drove deeply into it. I hurled one fist after another, my flesh burying itself over and over again with each punch into the hard layers of rock set down millions of years before. Rocks now laid bare and broken by each powerful arm as I jackhammered a new tunnel through the mine. Inside me I felt the now familiar feeling. Like a dragon howling through my brain. Testosterone and adrenalin and something else coursing through my veins. Something darker. Evil. But undeniably powerful. I felt its grip crushing me, driving me, building me, controlling me. Even as it burned through me. A slave to the pump. Bone and blood and muscle, but mostly muscle. Engorged. Swelling. Oh fuck yeah. This was it. I felt unstoppable. An irresistible force laying waste to all in my path. The weight of the rock pressed into me as the tunnel I was making through the mountain, unsupported, caved in behind and around me. The momentary sense of claustrophobia tugged at my brain as I felt the tons of mountain pushing against my shoulders, heavy and dragging down on the thick quad muscle of each leg, my weighty calves were swelling as each leg pressed forward, and I was reminded over and over that I was more powerful than the very forces of nature that had raised this mountain from the Earth and pressed sand and minerals into rigid, immutable rock. And even down there I felt engorged, swollen, thick as it followed after each fist and carved a path like a jackhammer, leaking. Cumming over and over as it penetrated stone tighter than any hole I’d ever had. I was lost deeply in the fog of desire and dust, as with a final push I felt the very mountain side shatter, blowing outwards. The sun striking my eyes, blinding me for only a moment as I adjusted my vision and looked out onto the valley of Iron Mine. The town below, with only a few stragglers left from the earlier competition. The dragon roared again, breathing fire now. I almost couldn’t think as I leapt from the mountain side. I felt the air against my skin. Muscle covered in dust and dirt. Each of my mighty thighs propelling me upwards, into the air, into the clouds, I felt the cool on my hot skin, the moisture of the higher elevation condensing on me, cooling as it mixed with sweat to smear the rock dust that coated my bronzed skin and made me look like a grey monster made of muscle and rock. As I reached the zenith of my parabola thousands of feet above the Earth, I felt myself start to descend, the forested valley of the mountains rising up to me and I could feel the grin that plastered my face as I landed, impacting like a meteorite slamming into the forest floor. The debris of the impact crater cleared from the air, and I took in my surroundings. The great trees of the ancient forest rising up above my head and I rose to my full height as well. I felt the boulders in my shoulders relax as I pulled them back, the air against my naked flesh, cock still fully engorged and achingly hard. My frame rigid and I held myself like a statue, hard as iron. No, no. Much harder. Just as quickly I squatted and jumped again, but this time heading northwards and west. Deeper into the wilderness. Over mountains and trees into the remote spine of the Rockies and even further. Leap after leap. Slamming into the ground like an earthquake. Until I was lost far into the wilderness. Finally I landed near a great lake. Its cold water icy and dark. The air felt cold and so good on my burning warm skin. My lungs heaved, unused to the level of exertion that I’d been demanding of them. And I felt my pecs rise and fall rapidly as I took great breaths of air. My muscles were sore. But inside I felt the dragon relax and uncoil, finally calming. I took a step expecting the very Earth under my feet to tremble, but it didn’t. And I started to remember from the fog of my mind. Pain and pleasure. Mostly pain. In the cold dark water I could see a reflection. I watched it stretch out across the water. It was a man. His face youthful, but with a hard square jaw. Enough scruff on his face to be the makings of a beard, darker hair, with hints of blonde and ginger shining in it. He raised a massive hand to feel the stubble on his cheeks even as I did. And I watched the thick swell of muscle from his arm rise high, higher, ever higher until even he couldn’t bend his arm any further, prevented from doing so by the thick bulging fibres of bicep, deltoid and forearm. It looked thick and hard and so enormous. He kneeled as did I. Looking closer at me as I looked at him. And he grinned. And I grinned back. He was handsome. A cocky warm smile. His teeth showing white, which made his eyes light up as bright as his smile. He was a mountain of muscle. As he leaned even closer to where I was leaning, his pecs mounded, abs crunching, quads nearly bursting through tight skin. He reached for me and I reached back and the water felt cool as I broke the reflection and he disappeared, distorted by the ripples in the water as I scooped the cool liquid out and brought it to my lips to drink. So that was me. I remembered seeing big men. A shadow in my memory loomed large, very large indeed. But I was big too. I would not be taken. And the dragon whispered that I would be the biggest of them all. "What are you doing on my mountain pup?" The voice was deep like the valleys over which I had soared just a few moments before. I turned to see him standing there. He was calm, but I saw the subtle guard of his posture. The firm stance of his legs ready for trouble. He too was naked, but unlike me he was hairy. His thick muscles were obscured by a tangle of dark black hair almost as thick as the forest nearby. A word came to the back of my mind: bear. From the distance I wasn’t sure how big he would be compared next to me. But I saw a thick log hanging between his legs from beneath a dark bush of hair, and his balls hung down behind that. He wasn’t as finely carved as I was, and his thick arms were covered in a layer of what looked like off season fat. His abs obscured by a tight, thick gut. But he was all man. As was I. I felt the resting dragon start to stir. "You’re a biggun ain’t ya?” He said. I could see a part of him stirring too. He spit on the stone. He was dark, dark in his colouring like a grizzly. With the blackest of hair. Skin tanned and weathered. I licked my lips, suddenly hungry. “Filthy too. Been rolling in dirt like a pig boy?” “I’m not your boy.” I said, surprising myself with the deep, rich timbre of my own voice. “The pup speaks.” I narrowed my eyes as I kept them locked on his. This man was dangerous. Every impulse told me that this was a contest I would have to win, or I would need to submit to him. We couldn’t both be the alpha. I felt my hackles rise and the dragon hissed inside me, steam filling me. Hardening me. Cock thickening. Soon I knew, it would be breathing fire. He swaggered toward me and I strode to meet him. We came to a stop, standing close, taking the measure of each other. He was big indeed. But so was I. And I had room to grow. Did he? His thick cock slammed into mine, like an electric shock. The pure pleasure of the connection overwhelmed my mind for a minute, distracted the dragon, and I felt a gush of clear liquid shoot from my cock onto his meaty python. The bear sensed it and wasted no advantage. My momentary distraction was all he needed to pounce upon me and wrap me in his thick arms. A crushing bear hug. I was far too thick even for him, but he was still able to wrap around my guns and he poured on pressure at once, using every trick to immobilize me. And my very torso, my thick precious muscle, was in danger of being overwhelmed in the grip of this hairy creature. That was when the dragon bellowed inside, all survival instincts kicking in. It let loose a mighty roar as it sprayed fire within my muscle. Each fibre ablaze with strength and power and I felt myself holler as I forced my big arms away from my even thicker lats. The bear struggled against me, grunting and grinding his teeth as he tried to contain me. Surprise was in his eyes, but I would not stop and finally his hold broke as I pushed him back, forcing him to take a couple steps and flexing pecs and lats. Violently he backhanded me hard across the jaw in an effort to subdue me. It snapped my head to the side and I felt the power of it ringing through my head. I grinned as I turned my head back to him, not willing to show a moment of pain, grabbing his arms, and squeezing. My immense hands wrapped around the flesh of his muscle. Although he looked like an offseason lifter, I felt the iron thick cords of muscle spring to life as he resisted me. "Fuck you’re strong pup,” he told me as I felt his arms start to raise. I fought him, but the pull of muscle was very strong. “But this old man has been juicing since before you were born. Ain’t nobody beaten me yet.” “Just remember,” I said with effort. “There’s always someone out there bigger and stronger than you are.” Something in my memory was jogged just then. And I saw recognition in his eyes too. By now he’d fought to bring his guns up and they had swollen so big I lost my crushing grip. I reached instead for his hands and we grappled with each other. Our cocks were now fully engorged and I felt mine swell as big as it ever had. I was being beaten. No, not ever again. I knew deep inside that was a promise I had made to myself. And I wasn't going to let him stop me. I squeezed his hands so hard that even he groaned. “No…no…no….” “Yeeeessssssss….” I hissed back. I could feel my lats swelling. The power surging. No, never again. I pulled with all my might, demanding more rock crushing power. No mountain would resist me. Neither would any bear. I pulled him down and I felt him breaking under my strain. I felt the strength within me building. It still wasn’t there. It was boiling like a volcano about to explore. My pecs, biceps and quads were bulging. Sweat on my brow. He hissed and I growled. But his arms came down. And the dragon flew upwards then on mighty wings, its fiery breath laying waste to my weakness and self-doubt. My glutes crushed together as I pulled him against me, gaining leverage. He realised then and I now knew beyond any doubt that he wasn’t going to win this match. So I threw him. Hurling his body in the air and watched it fly back past the water and into an exposed rock face, cracking the stone. The bear sprang up. We two beasts glared, staring at each other. Then snorting, nostrils flaring, he leapt at me. And I sprung up too, charging back at him. Our bodies slammed together. We locked, grappling and shoving as we rolled once, then twice, breaking apart for any instant before leaping up against each other like two battering rams. Our feet dug into the dirt and rock beneath us and we pushed with all our might against each other. I left the ground beneath me crack and give, and as my footing fell away he was able to shove me, tackling, and then with a mighty twist he hurled me around and let go flying into the air. I felt my dense body slam into not one, but three trees, tearing into the massive trunks and causing them to fall around me. Getting to my feet, I lifted up one of the trunks, massive like a sequoia, and pushed it up like a shoulder press, pumping up the muscle. My delts and traps bunched, expanding as I hefted those tons of substantial, durable wood. As the big bear watched I finally brought the trunk down onto my knee and broke it into pieces, tearing the fibres and bark until it was in two halves, which I tossed against the other standing forest giants. I strode out. Intent now and ready. He took a step back and grabbed a small outcrop of rock, heaving it in his hands and pulling it until the now boulder was lose from the mountain. He flung it at me, desperate now. I caught it in my hands as easy as a baseball, feeling the ton weight as I tossed it and felt my rigid dick leaking again and hungry now. While he stood I pulled it onto my cock and thrust upwards and into the stone as he watched. "Your ass is next old man!” I warned him. The stone was drilled by my cock, but couldn’t withstand the pressure of my hands and cock both. Its silicate structure began to break apart as my hands pulverised it. And I ground the rock into the hard impenetrable flesh. Mixed with the copious precum, the ever finer rock dust made a gritty, dirty lubricant. The bear turned then as if to flee. I could see him about to leap and I sprang at him, grabbing his lats and forcing him to the ground. My cock reached for his hole. "Now, you’re gonna get fucked you old bear." The bear felt my arm pinning him to the ground, and I pushed as I felt him heave against me. He clamped that big meaty ass tight. Oh fuck it was hairy and his balls were hanging down. So warm and inviting. With my finger I pried apart those resisting cheeks and forced my digit inside until he was howling. "Shut up you fucker,” I warned him. "You’re beaten and I’m taking what I’m owed. Besides you just might like it." His groan turned into a moan as I fingered that tight hole. Oh he was untouched and it was gonna be so sweet, I felt myself swelling ever more. I had to exert my strength to keep him there and at my mercy, but with a cock fit to burst and aching there was no way he wasn't gonna feel all my power. I next pressed my much bigger cock where my finger had just been. He tried desperately to stop me, but he couldn’t. It just made it feel even better as I inserted myself so deeply that I felt my balls swing low and bang against his. The bear resisted less and less until he was pressing back and enjoying the pounding. "Oh fuck that’s sweet!” I grunted. He squeezed so hard on my thrusting cock with his glutes that I thought I might go crazy. I wrapped my hands under his own arms and put him in a full nelson hold, pulling him upward against my heaving pecs, forcing his lats to be crushed against my pecs, and until I felt my balls start to heave. Then I pushed him back down, face first, and ploughed him across the ground with each thrust. It was epic until we both roared cumming, him against the mountain and me deep inside him. The explosion of testosterone was incredible and I finally rolled off him, panting, exhausted but thoroughly satisfied. We laid there together and, defeated, he laid his head against my pecs as I wrapped my arms around him. My bull sweat was dried by his beard. After a while, he sat up leaning as he said, “Time for some food pup.” This time he meant it as a joke, and I pulled him back against me and kissed him. Our beards met. He tried to get up to go, but immediately he realised that he could not get up until I released him, as my strength had far outstripped his. Finally I relented and we got up, taking a back in the lake to wash away the sex and grime of our earlier fight. "Show me the way" * * * The bear took us through the woods in silence. At a good pace we arrived at a cabin in about a half-hour. It was built into the side of the mountain and sheltered by the trees, and I assume that bear had built it. There was no way you’d find it if you weren’t looking for it. I followed him in, slapping his ass inviting, as We walked though it and deep inside into a cave accessible through the back. It was cold in there like an icebox, although neither of us felt the chill, and inside he had hung deer from the ceiling. He took two down and fixed supper as I watched. We ate in silence. I matched his appetite consuming the tender venison, washing it down with water he’d drawn from further within the cave. He had also brought out two large wooden barrels, which after dinner I discovered contained a homemade brew that he’d prepared himself over the years. He tipped his back and drank greedily, as I did with mine following his example. The draught was rich and creamy, like a mead that had been mixed with milk, but the taste was unbelievable. I couldn’t stop. Each of us drank, and even as my already full stomach distended I could feel my muscles soaking up this nectar. He tossed his barrel aside. The liquid ran through his bread and his eyes glistened in the dim light. He had lit a fire, but his flesh was burning as warm as mine was. I knew he only needed the glow of the fire for its light and not its warmth. Empty even of the last drops I set my barrel down more carefully and rubbed my full stomach. I’d drained the barrel and felt contented as I leaned back, my legs spread wide, and a grin plastered on my face. We’d not spoken since the lake and there was no need to do so now. I had proven myself the dominant male, and it excited him even as it caused him apprehension. I lounged further, and felt my cock grow as he watched it and me. He came to me then, kneeling, and rested his big hands on my quads. I flexed my legs involuntarily, but the motion made him run his palms over the muscle. He moaned appreciatively, worshipping the muscle and massaging it with his fingers. I was harder than ever, even at rest. And his fingers traced the muscles, each vein and each ridge and furrow, before cupping the thick, full swell of the muscle itself. The intoxicating effect of the liquid was feeding me and I knew that drink was more than just an alcoholic beverage. It had pacified the dragon, but awoken something else in turn. Something more primitive. His hairy beard tickled my balls and his nose brushed my cock, sniffing and taking in my scent. It was strong and I reacted to him also. I felt him, powerful. He tried in vain to crush my muscle even as he worshipped, but he couldn’t. Not anymore. The more he pressed, the less he could dent, until even unflexed I defeated him. His tongue lapped back against my cock and balls and muscle. Thirstily he licked every drop of sweat from my body. And when he paused for too long my growl would remind him that worship was not optional. When he reached my traps, I finally moved to pull him up all the way. Felt myself find his hole again as he sunk down on it of his own accord, his cock wedging thickly into the valley of my abs. Each block of abdominal muscle caressing and squeezing his shaft so that he fucked my abs while he rocked on my cock. I grabbed his throat, holding him and squeezing it as the pressure built inside my balls. I applied enough strength to feel my fingers press into his flesh. But also I felt him resist. Felt his glutes begin to almost crush my cock with their power. Fuck he was growing stronger, much stronger as his nectar kicked in. He squeezed and pressed me into the wall. I felt myself unable to resist him as I was pushed against the wood and as it split against me. This time I squeezed his neck again and I began to apply all the force I could. My arm pressed against his where he held me and I fought back. Fought against his quads as they crushed my waist and thighs. Fought his arm holding mine down. Fought against his glutes crushing my tool. Deep from his chest came a growl, low and pulsing but growing louder as he fought back. The two of us in a struggle. I felt the power of that nectar feeding us both. Growing us. But deep within, from its slumber, I felt the dragon rise. That unstoppable force that had so fully possessed me earlier in the mountain and afterwards. It flooded my veins as the bear’s nectar fed my muscle. Each source of strength complementing my own natural power. I felt it like a supernova and I broke his hold. Now I grabbed him. His quads no longer crushed me but instead his squeezing of my muscle was forcing it to grow. I now controlled him and I pulled and pushed him on my cock until he became a sort of fucktoy. Using him until he came panting against my slippery abs and his head fell back spent. I knew then that he had wasted all that he had in that last struggle for dominance. But it was too little, too late. And I came inside then. Claiming his ass for my cock once and for all. As he lay there exhausted I got up, cock still hard, and explored the caves. They ran deep into the mountain and opened into massive chambers. Each dark and grand. When I returned from deep within the mountain I stopped and grabbed some of the barrels, drinking the sweet juice until I was choking on it. It just aroused me even further and I fucked him and fucked him. Although he wanted more, I claimed all the barrels for my own and took ownership of his ass for days. Forcing him to service me as I grew. On the last night, as he lay exhausted and I lay stroking my still hard cock, I finally drifted off to sleep. Strange dreams, disturbing, pulling at me and trying to rouse me. With a roar, I awoke suddenly and found bear looking at me. He’d once seemed so big, but now he felt smaller than ever in my arms. "What’s wrong pup?" His voice was tinged with concern. I pulled him tightly to my chest, realising it was for the last time. For now at any rate. "I remember." * * * I wasn’t sure how long I had been with bear. The days had sort of merged together. But down in the valley I could still see a couple vehicles and tents. I knew it was Mack. Around my waist I’d wrapped a large rug to form a sort of kilt. Where I’d been with bear we’d had no need of clothes, but now that I was back in the real world – or at least what passed for it to me – I knew I needed to pull it together and civilize myself again. Mack had seen me coming and he came out to greet me. Jack was with him. Mack’s face was a mask of worry, but he didn’t need to say anything. One look told me everything he wanted to ask. "I’m okay Mack." I said, seeking to reassure him. But my response didn't look like it reassured him. Jack on the other hand was looking as big as he’d ever done. There was no fear in his eyes. He whistled at me. "Fuck," he said appreciatively, drinking in my body. "You’re abso-fucking-lutely ginormous!" That’s when I realised that I was indeed looking down at Jack. I dwarfed him in every way. Mack too. I guess I’d gotten so used to outgrowing bear that way that I’d forgotten I didn’t always used to be this big. "It’s a long story." “Well laddie, you best get to telling it. You’ve been gone for three weeks and I was just about to give up hope. You went wild after Myles gave you that shot and we tried to track your movement, but we lost you when you came up out of the mine. Everyone else has gone, but Myles is still tracking Fong and his associates. They’ve gone to Eastern Europe. We’re not sure where Bill is. We’re worried about what further experiments they may be doing.” “All right then,” I breathed. “Maybe it’s time for a second shot?” Read the Next Part
  25. elysiumfields

    Mardi Gras Muscle Pt2M

    Pt2..Enjoy... ignore the M..! Mardi Gras Muscle: Part 2 I sat on the the toilet staring up at the freaky huge cock poking earnestly towards my mouth,..hungry to be sucked. I shot a worried glance up at Ben as he glared with an air on menace down at me,but then a rueful smile appeared across his handsome face. "Don't worry Dale,it'll fit.." he said,seemingly reading my thoughts again. My own cock had risen to its full 7 inches of erection,belying my attraction to Ben. I so wanted this sexual intimacy with Ben,and i had plenty of fantasies of sex with him to fuel some decent wanking sessions in private. And now that the situation presented itself in plain sight,..and in such a public place a this..that i was having a hard time figuring out whether to give him a blow job was the right thing to do,especially as he had stated his heterosexuality with so much aggression and blatant flirting with girls in trying to satiate his lust. Witnessing an unchallenged lust for homosexual sex within Ben even so,unsettled me. But reason was beginning to become clouded as my want for Ben seemed to flare up within me as he beckoned me to suck him off. I closed my eyes and gaped open my mouth expecting to feel him force open my mouth so un-naturally wide that he'd bust apart my jaw. I felt his hands clasp behind my head and then guide my mouth onto his cock,feeling the huge crab-apple sized cockhead push into my mouth. I gagged and muffled in protest as more of his impossibly fat girth slid into my mouth,and i responded my gaping my jaw wider. There was a hint of stiff pain that run through my jaw,but somehow in some freaky way,i was able to take in his cock and relaxed myself. Ben noted this and began to thrust rythmically in a out of my mouth. "Yeah,..fuck this man,i kinda felt that you gay guys were probably good at sucking cock." I allowed myself to open my eyes,peering awkwardly up at Ben as i blew him like i was sucking on a thick stick of Rock [candy] at a seaside resort back home. Ben had grown into a powerfully muscular hunk barely fitting into the cubicle,..though that he already was a hunk in the first place.! His bare smooth pecs were massive shapely mounds of solid heavy muscles that were so thick and protruding that the cleft in between was more like a crevasse,and each of his pecs were capped with thick juicy nipples that pointed southward such was the oversize of his pecs. My cock leaked pre-cum at the sheer sight of his manly chest as i gagged and sucked hungrily on the huge cock pistoning in and out of my surprisingly accomodating mouth His shoulders had spread so wide that his strong bulging delts were just barely pressing a hairs breadth away from each side of the cubicle. I could see the mass in his biceps,thick and full and rippling with prominent rope like vascular veins,..as big as bowling balls. The celtic tatoo snaking over the sheer increased size of his left upper arm. Ben suddenly let out a shudder and bucked a little harder into me,pushing me harder onto his cock and causing me to gag defensively, yet i still managed somehow to breath despite the intrusion. With a deep gutteral moan,he let loose a flood of cum into me. I was initially unprepared for his sudden and overly voluminous orgasm,and i struggled and fought to swallow as much of Bens mighty cum as possible,feeling some of his sweet tasting nectar squirt out of the corners of my mouth,and i felt some even go up my nose,as if i had drunk a fizzy drink too fast.. Ben kept coming for what seemed like ages ,..and i swallowed with increasing thirst,just about managing to keep up with his god-like orgasm. Finally,i felt Ben relax and come to the end of his climax. He slopped his massive dick out of me,its amazingly still erect shaft glistening with his cum and my saliva. I slumped back gainst the flushbox of the shitter,knackered and full, but Ben showed little signs of tire. He looked down at me,so massively muscular,it seemed like Goliath was looking down at David. "Sweet fuck Dale,that was fuckin' wicked..maybe i might bang your tight ringhole with my fat schlong later .." I looked up worriedly at Ben.He grinned broadly. "Don't worry Dale, i'll go easy.." With that,he backed out of the tiolet cubicle and left the toilets,leaving me to recover from my incredible ordeal.....and without even shoving away his huge fat cock, if it could fit into his trackies!! I remained for a moment trying to absorb what had just happened and pinching myself to see if one of my fantasies had just been that. Yet no, i was awake and fully aware. I got up and summoned up the courage to re-enter the noisy club from the empty toilet. What i saw,stunned me ever more. The two gay guys that i had passed while heading to the pisser,were still in a deep and passionate embrace,yet now they could'nt be more shocking in size differance. One guy was huge,..like Ben. His muscles were massive and stretching the blue tee shirt to within inches of its life.Even with his back almost to me,his muscularity was unmistakeable. Thick powerfully wide and sinewy lats looked at least 3 feet wide and tapered down to his impossibly narrow waspish waist,around which were wrapped the bared hairy legs of his partner,whom he held up with a single rippling bulging arm, with biceps that flexed like boulders and triceps that were fat with size and power. His jeans had been pulled down as far only as his tree trunk thick,bulging thighs, and allowing me a wonderous view of an unbelievably beautiful smooth globular and solid muscle butt that emphasized the term 'bubble butt' with shocking reality. His partner was held,pinned was a better word,..against the wall and hidden mostly by the massive size of his huge lover..and i soon realised by the almost hypnotic flexing of the massive muscle hunks tight arse,that he was fucking his partner.! And from what i could see,his partner was of normal stature and physique much like me..and i kind of felt sympathy for him in whether the huge hunks cock was just as big as Bens was,and whether or not it was hurting him. But i could hear no groans of pain,..just those of pleasure. I tore my gaze away from the unevenly matched lovers and tried to locate Josh and the other guys in my group. 'How in the hell was all this going to affect them,..and how were they going to react.?' I need not have worried..All around me i could see guys that were suddenly massive and freakishly muscled, like Ben and like the gay lover. Some wore tight tees and shirts that barely held in their impressive and enormous pecs and biceps.Some were shirtless to reveal their huge solid muscled physiques in all their glory. And what caught my breath was the fact that these huge guys were walking around without the slightest bother that their huge fat cocks were hanging out of their zippers limp but at least as long as my forearm.! Indispersed amonst them,there were a few unchanged guys but i could not see a single girl about..? Somehow things had shifted sharply towards an incredible reality that i could even begin to reason on whow it came about. Only those shooting stars had something to do with it,..i'm sure. I thought i saw a glimpse of Scotts head poke up behind a low partition that had a rainbow couloured flag draped from it,emblazoned in black stitching with the word Decadence. I turned to the low steps that led towards the flagged partition and the bar area beyond..and literally walked into massive bulging pec mounds that strained a claret varsity jersey to near bursting point. My eyes tore from the thick mounds and headed up to gaze into the beautiful features of a blue eyed hunk i had met earlier before. "Yo dude,glad i bumped into you again..I'm horny and you're just the dude to help me out.." TO BE CONTINUED...
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