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  1. This is an old story that I haven't quite yet finished. It's a different style to my usual stuff and is a bit clinical intentionally to help build a scene. What do you think should I carry on with it...? It's a slow burner so be patient Enjoy TC 28 DAYS BEFORE part 1 and 2 by Tattcub THE DAYS BEFORE THE 28 DAYS AFTER I never know where to start when people ask for my story. To be honest there are some days when I don't know what a keyboard is let alone type on one. There are some days when IT'S ALL ABOUT THE MUSCLE. That's it. Plain and simple. Here's my story, learn something from it while you still can and while I am still with you. We all know about the virus. It took the world by storm, turning everyone who became infected by it into slavering beasts of muscle. They were satisfied only by sex and seemed to become stronger and stronger the more they got. It is now know where the virus came from, well it wasn't a secret. It was me. I did it. I was it's inventor and the father of this brave new world HA.HA. I didn't realise what I was about to unleash would change everything. Please note the D designations are over a period of six months. They are just 28 moments I remember that brought all of this crashing down around our ears. D-28 My name is Damien Clements and I am a biochemist specialising in the field of sports medicine and nutrition. I have always been fascinated by the human body and its ability to overcome stress and adversity. I have studied every type of body dysmorphia there is and am something of and expert in the field. I have several colleagues whose skills and knowledge range from basic nutrition to psychophysiology. We are all involved in a secret government think tank known as the Proteus Group. Our job within the think tank is to come up with new ways man can adapt to the harsh environmental conditions on the planet in places that are still left to explore. The Arctic, deep deserts and the sea etc. As a group some of our experiments range from cross breeding crops to deal with tough conditions to gene splicing and manipulation. Okay before you start judging bear in mind I said we were secret not ethical. We are or rather we were a group of scientists given a carte blanche for our research and a blank cheque to go with it. If you were in my position you would have done the same given that sort of opportunity. We had been together for three years and were beginning to show some results on a particularly difficult problem. The main problem with spreading genetic information is how to transmit that information from and outside source into a host body. You can't just inject it as the hosts own immune system would recognise it as alien and destroy it. We had some disasters with that method I can tell you. Although now looking back at the notes and videos of the tests one or two are strangely arousing. All that growth... D-27 Damien Clements reporting on test no #112 We'd already decided to forget testing on lower forms I.E bacteria to molluscs and suchlike. Over the last 6 months we had made massive strides in our testing and had determined that a viral delivery system was the best way to transmit the genetic data we had isolated on the Alexander test. (please note that is under separate filing in data section 277 beta) Viral delivery was clean and fast and could be injected directly into a host subject. Our initial problem was which virus could contain that much genetic information without a) destroying itself destroying the information and c) Infecting the host with it's actual malady. To be honest it was the last point that the group had had problems with the most. Trying to toughen a cats skin to make it burn resistant isn't nice to see when the specimen breaks out in bloody sores all over your notes. It's also a wasteful use of the specimen. I have lost count over the number we've had to destroy in the last 6 months alone. We at least have an unlimited line of credit in getting more. Trying the various de-activated viral agents was time consuming until one of the others, David Simmons came up the idea of actually using a bacteria and a virus together. We infected the virus with the gene data and the bacteria with the virus. It was a particularly aggressive strain of Ebola (De-activated) Very contagious and spread by body fluids so we already had a good method of introduction into a hosts system. The body would fight and destroy the bacteria but would be too late to kill the virus as it would have had time to proliferate while the host destroyed the bacterial carrier. Sort of a message in a bottle in a bottle. The next test with a cat was a success. The skin toughened to such a degree that it was hard to scratch with surgical needles. Not impervious but a great start. The cat also exhibited slight increase in aggressive tendencies and put on about half a kilo. It was also very hard to get back into it's the one time it escaped. D-26 Clements report no: #223 We've now done several days testing with the delivery system and it works. Everyone is elated here. We're still collating the data but if things pan out as we have predicted we're going to start manipulation of the gene structures for more complicated changes to the test subjects physiology. We've decided to change from cats to something less aggressive. A few of our techs have been scratched or bitten by their charges so we've opted for guinea pigs. Clichéd I know but they really don't bite so much. The one thing we can't explain on the skin tests are the slight changes to muscle size and density. Nothing major but small increases on almost every subject. Reminds me of Alexander. We're not ready to start on muscle work yet. There are a lot of other considerations first, skeleton and other organs first I think. We decided to go slow and steady and not allow our success to cloud our judgement. David Simmons is ecstatic as the delivery system was his idea. I tried to suggest we continue to strengthen the system but Simmons insists on more testing first just in case there's any degradation or mutation in the genetic structures. D-25 Clements report no: # 245 It's been a week since we upgraded the delivery system and made the bacteria far more aggressive a delivery system. Simmons complained as usual but the stronger package means we can put more complex genetic instructions into the viral messenger. We've even Christened the project we're calling the viral system Project Nuncio. It's derived from a Latin term that means envoy. Nuncios were messengers from the Pope who had the powers to cross most boarders on Papal missions. Quite apt really. I have decided that we are ready to take the next steps and begin the inner physical augmentation sequences within the next week. We've seen some great progress with the skin and epidermal experiments. Next it's muscle and bones. The only downside so far that has been noted is the over stimulation of various of the guinea pigs hormone production glands more so in the males than in the females. D-24 Clements report no: #257 Okay now we're cooking with gas, to coin a phrase. We've had near enough a 100% success rate with the new Nuncio delivery system. It's performed better than any of us dared hope. The type of genetic information transmitted this way seems to be unrestricted in size or complexity. We've managed to augment the skeletal structures on numerous guinea pigs. They're structure and strength have improved by about 500 % in some cases. A prime example is when one of the specimens was being removed from a test gantry and was dropped about 20 ft into a ventilation duct that was opened for a maintenance inspection. The creature barely even noticed and started grooming itself. We are also noticing heightened sexual activity in some of the offspring of the test subjects. Even though these animals are naturally highly sexed. Onwards and upwards. I have scheduled the musculature enhancement series to start from tomorrow. D-23 Simmons report no #221 I am adding this to the record as my protest to the enhancement test being accelerated. Clements' judgement is clouded by our recent amazing success. I know that my delivery system made this happen faster but it doesn't make me any less uneasy about the speed with which we're progressing or the corners that some of my colleagues are cutting. We're scientists and we know full well the penalty for going against the natural order without due care. I will be making an official complaint after the first tests tomorrow morning. D-23 Clements report no #259 We had the first successful delivery of the musculature genome sequences this morning. We used one of the guinea pigs that had already had the bone restructuring sequence. So far no side effects or adverse reactions from the animal. I can't say the same for Simmons, somehow the restraining tape used on the animal broke after the test and Simmons went to recover the animal. It turned aggressive and managed to bite him on the palm of his right hand. Simmons received medical treatment for the small cut and as the animals are screened of any other infections he was cleared for duty even though he was given a broad spectrum anti-biotic just to be sure. I'll file all of the relevant data on the animal once the gene sequences have had a chance to work. D-21 Simmons report #225 We started the muscle augmentation tests yesterday. We'd injected the agent into the guinea pig and all was well. It was about half an hour into the test that the creature somehow managed to free itself from it's restraint and get out. I managed to corner and retrieve it but not before it bit me. I received treatment for the small bite and a shot of "just in case." That was yesterday. Anyway it was a small bite and doesn't even hurt any more. It healed very quickly. I also want to add that I made my complaint to the higher ups yesterday. We shall see what happens next. D-20 Clements report #262 Simmons has really stirred up the hornets nest. Apparently he reported myself and several colleagues for cutting corners and unscientific practices. Doesn't he realise we're on the cusp of something truly amazing. If things work as we have planned for so long we've got the keys to cure so many of the worlds ills. He's being a fool. I must try and reason with him. I can't at the moment as he called in this morning sick. He'd been checked after his bite but there was no bacteria infection from the guinea pig bite he had last week. D-19 Simmons personal. 17. I was contacted today. Top brass is concerned about my recent report and want me to take a deeper look into my colleagues activities. Thing is I know what they've been doing I just want them to slow it down. My bite from the other day has healed fully which is a little odd considering how deep the wound seemed to be. Ah well. I guess I was lucky. I am feeling slightly fluey though. Feverish and antsy even. Maybe even a little horny. I can't seem to settle. I feel as if my skin is moving. Must be the anti-biotics, D-18 Simmons Personal. 18. Has been a few days since I last made an entry and I am happy to report that I think I got over the little bug I had and to be honest I feel great! The anti-biotics worked a treat. I even think they sorted out the little bit of acne I had. I must admit I am feeling quite horny too. As if some-thing's been switched on somewhere. After the last couple of days feeling under the weather it seems as if all my senses have gone into overdrive. Everything appears a little sharper and in focus. Everything feels great, even sensual and I walked past Clements this morning and even though he's an egotistical prick he smelled great. I still feel a little sore though. I also think I've put on a few pounds over the last few days mainly because I've been eating like a horse. Whatever bug I had did nothing to suppress my appetite. I am back to work tomorrow. I am going to take up the investigation into Clements activities then. D-17 Clements report #271 After several days off sick Dr Simmons will be returning to duty tomorrow morning. It is good to have him back at this important stage. We are ramping up the test series because of the amazing results we've had so far. I am going to set up a full bone and muscle augmentation series on some of our smaller primates. I know Dr Simmons will have something to say about this but this is my operation and this will go ahead. The results have been too encouraging to stop now. D17-Clements personal. (file number unknown) So Simmons is back. Sanctimonious little shit. I cannot believe he would jeopardise the entire project by going behind my back and whining to the top brass. We have worked to hard to get to this point. Guinea pigs were to much for him. If he thought that wait till he sees the monkey. That will blow his mind and maybe he will see sense. If not then I may have to continue to distract the nosy bastard a little longer. D-16 Simmons personal 19 Was met at reception by the great man himself as I came back to work. Doctor Clements smiled and shook my hand and told me how happy he was that I was feeling better. He even commented how good I looked considering I had been ill. I smiled and nodded and even thanked him. He informed me that he'd taken the project to the next level and had started the series that morning on the primates. Several different species including a chimpanzee called Byron that I had brought in as a control. He was never meant to be tested. Clements continues to cut corners and rules the roost here as if he's a little tin pot god. His arrogance is breathtaking. If he wasn't so god-damned hot... Don't know where that last comment came from but he is a good looking man. Just because he's a prick doesn't mean I don't notice. I need to go to supply to get a new coat. This one seems to have shrunk in the wash. D-15 Simmons Personal 20 I can't seem to concentrate. I have been back at work for two days and even though Clements has started on the next phase of trials against my advice I can't seem to get motivated to do anything about it. Even though I was declared fit for duty I still feel strange. I feel fluey and sore all over but on top of it I feel stimulated, sexually almost all of the time. My clothes feel tight and I have found myself looking in the mirror a lot. Do I look different ? I don't know, can't seem to focus. I need to speak to Clements. He will want to hear these symptoms. I saw Byron this morning and I will admit the results were impressive. His mass has increased by about 15% making him bigger and stronger and more dominant than any of the other Chimpanzees. The thing is rather than become aggressive his dominance is different when he sees me. He just comes to me and wants cuddles or at least that's what he signs to me. We make it a habit of teaching our Chimps a version of ASL to help communication within the lab environs. Damn I think I just ripped my trousers... D-14 Clements report #281 The new range of tests have been an outstanding success. Even Doctor Simmons seems to have taken on a new enthusiasm for the series with the experiments on his favourite Chimpanzee adding another 15% of muscle mass. It does make the animal rather difficult to control and Simmons seems to have a connection with the beast so I let him deal with it. On a side note Doctor Simmons himself is putting on weight. He has requested several new items of clothing from stores in the last week. I will have to ask him to report to the gym more often. D-13 Clements report #292 We had to destroy the Chimpanzee. For some reason along with it's musculature and physiology it's libido was also heightened. Dramatically. Unfortunately to a point where the beast was unmanageable and was trying to copulate with almost anyone who came into the lab. It is very difficult trying to stop and incredibly strong and heavy primate in a sexual frenzy. It got so bad that none of the techs would go into the lab and nobody could approach. The creature seemed to be in a state of perpetual masturbation. The only member of the team who seemed able to approach with "interference" was Doctor Simmons. Interesting. I ordered him to enter the lab and destroy the beast so we could autopsy it and find out the cause of it's aberrant behaviour. He was not pleased and I thought he would get emotional as he does, but he seemed to see sense and went ahead and followed my orders on the condition that he did the autopsy. I agreed. I'll be interested in those results myself. If we have inadvertently triggered a gene that heightened sexual drives or stimulation that could be worth a considerable sum.
  2. Blaine is quite popular at his gym. He always comes in from his morning grind all worked up before he warms up to get into his routine. He has a tendency to socialize a fair amount, but it isn't overly distracting to the other athletes around him. Notably, he has tremendous camaraderie with the bigger guys because he understands their needs to get as freaky as possible. He always works out extremely hard pumping iron, benching his own body weight pretty consistently, trading deadlifts with some of the bigger guys, and even spots them occasionally. One of them has even invited him over to their place to just hang out if he ever wants to. This guy in particular is actually quite fond of Blaine in fact but doesn't want to intrude in his personal life. This big guy, Luke, is quite muscular and has relatively low body fat. He doesn't shave his body hardly ever at all and stays naturally hairy during most of the seasons. His pecs have that nice round balloon shape and his nipples are always peeking out from both sides of the tanks he wears. His abs have hair that snake through every separation that a good chunk of the hairy bodybuilding community apparently want as well. He has tremendous quads that he has been working on for quite some time so they can catch up to his immense upper body. Blaine has grown quite fond of Luke lately and has seen him naked numerous times in the showers after they have completed some unreal workouts. He tries not to make it obvious but has caught glimpses of him at times when he cleans up. Surprisingly, the huge bodybuilder never notices him looking. They both have locked on each other’s eyes before when Blaine spots for him. He usually just stands there without moving for a few seconds and won’t say anything. Most of the time, he gets a smile from the big brute and they continue the routine. They both have a noticeable chemistry judging from what other guys have been talking about but they both realize that they are not physically equal in any way. On one day in particular, Blaine goes in to take his shower like he always does after a grueling workout and notices that there is no one else in the locker room with him except some hulking figure that seems to have come out of nowhere. It startles him at first but amazingly he is not afraid of it. It hands him a small bottle that looks like one of those energy shots and just turns around to walk around the corner leading into the shower area. He goes to look for it, but once he turns the corner to where he saw it go to, it is gone from his sight. The bottle he is holding doesn't have anything written on it. He looks at briefly and doesn’t hesitate to drink it down. After waiting a few seconds, it tingles inside his stomach for a couple of moments and is done. He finishes putting his clothes on in the locker room, leaves the gym, and goes about the rest of his day at back at work before going home to sleep like he usually does. He returns the next day to start his routine like he always does and feels incredibly good. He arrives at the gym just before the other big lifters do and feels more rested than he ever has in his life. Once he gets situated and begins pumping iron, he notices that his workouts have gotten much easier for some reason. He starts benching the weight he was doing the day before and realizes that it feels light as a feather. ‘Whew damn, this could be quite the day for me. I feel so jacked and I have hardly done anything yet.’ When some of the other brutes make it in and start lifting themselves, he tells one of them to put more plates on the bar for him. When he goes to lift the bar up, he hears a popping sound coming from chest area and realizes that when he does a rep, it rises a little. He does another rep and it starts to rise a little further. He laughs as he goes through the entire routine and makes his muscles grow each time he completes several reps in several sets. The guys that are around him stop lifting to look over in awe. ‘Fuck yeah! I love how my body is responding to this workout. *feels it still growing* Damn, it shouldn’t feel this fucking good, but damn I want it to keep growing.’ His growth is so jaw-dropping that the outfit he is wearing is practically painted on top of his expanding frame. Luke just so happens to be standing nearby and can't stop watching his workout buddy from growing into a muscle monster. His eyes lock on to Blaine’s chest as it continues to expand as his pecs hang heavily over top of the emerging ten pack that is straining to rip through the wet fabric over top of them. His forearms are swelling violently as his veins triple in size and swell all the way up his incredibly huge bulbous biceps and shoulders. They are getting dangerously close to busting through the fabric as his legs explode in size as well. He is attracting a huge crowd now, but gets up to avoid giving them all an even bigger show. At this point, he has gained a decent amount of muscle and is now beginning to split the fabric in his favorite Under Armour shirt. He walks past Luke on purpose and feels the big guy’s body hair brush against his own monstrous cannons and moans in satisfaction. The hairy brute stares intently at the mammoth bubble butt forming inside the growing stud’s pants and moans as well. Luke grunts a few times to get his attention and motions for him to come back over to where he is standing so he can feel his body. ‘Hey Blaine, I want to know your secret. Maybe you can let me explore a few options.’ Blaine smiles as he turns around to look at him, but shakes his head that he won’t come back. Instead, he turns back around and walks into the locker room. Luke walks behind him slowly which makes Blaine a little bit nervous. The other men in the locker room can sense that something is about to happen and stop to watch the proceedings. He grabs Blaine from behind and attempts to lift all 240 pounds of him. The smaller muscleman yells and tries to get out of the arms of the hairy brute, but is unsuccessful. ‘What is your problem man? I can’t understand why you are so interested in me all of a sudden. You are still bigger and stronger than me, so why even bother?’ Blaine reaches down and presses on Luke’s huge, vascular forearms and feels something happening again to his own. His nicely formed arms are stretching and popping once again as they form even larger bowling balls. The feeling is spreading all over his body as his chest pushes out even further and completely rips through his shirt. The sound of stretching can be heard coming from all over his frame as the pants he is wearing shred exposing the enormous tree trunks that were hiding from within. His bloated 9 inch cock flops back and forth as it drops a stream of precum on the ground. His muscles are now expanding on top of each other. ‘OH SHIT! I CAN’T STOP IT! (voice deepens) FUCK….*stretch* *pop* YEAH! I WANT MORE!’ Luke can’t hold him any longer and lets go as they both fall on to the ground. The weight of the two muscle monsters shatters all the glass in the locker room as all the porcelain tiles in the shower area crack under the pressure. The men hanging out around them start to realize that this may not be the best place to be at as they all start shuffling out the locker room doors. Blaine can't believe what is happening to him as he tries to get back up and goes over to get on one of the weight scales. ‘OHH FUCKING YEAH! DAMN LUKE, I AM SO FUCKING MASSIVE NOW!’ His giant new feet explode from his shoes and break the scale instantly like it is made of cardboard. He turns around and goes back over to Luke to pick him up with his new 25" right arm and dares him to try and get out of his grasp. The hairy bodybuilder flails about as he can’t even budge. ‘Let go of me man, I just wanted to worship you a little, not to antagonize you. You are starting to hurt me now.’ Blaine tears the rest of his pants off and starts petting Luke’s crotch with his left arm. The now smaller hairy brute lets his aggression dissipate as he lets the giant bodybuilder know that he can do whatever he wants to do now. In fact, he is in complete ecstasy. ‘Ahhh man…..you win. I can’t fight you off anymore. Your insane power drives me crazy. Please don’t kill me okay?’ ‘I won’t kill you Luke, I just need to satisfy my hunger.’ He puts the hairy stud down to start licking Luke’s hard cock through the speedo he is wearing. He moans in delight as Blaine sucks on the head of his cock. He takes his left thumb, grabs the fabric, and pulls on the speedo shredding it with ease as he starts sucking on huge 10 inch hairy member hitting him in his face. Luke is putty in his arms now as he feels Blaine’s throat gulping it all the way down to the base of his cock. The giant muscle monster can feel Luke’s cum building up inside his balls as they bounce against his massive neck. ‘UHHH GAWD MAN, I CAN’T HOLD IT BACK ANY LONGER, FUCK ME I HAVE TO CUM…..’ ‘Give me your hot flood Luke and I promise you I will return the favor!’ Luke lets his cum fly down inside Blaine’s eager throat as he pulls the hairy brute into him. They both growl loudly as they feel each other’s thick bodies against each other. *gulps several times* ‘MMMM FUCK. It is so delicious Luke! I want you to feed me more stud!’ *sucks harder* Blaine sucks harder and faster on him to make the hairy big man rear back. He yells at the ceiling as he feels another load building up inside his balls. The giant muscleman massages both of them with his big hands and mouth for several more minutes. ‘Gawd Blaine, why do you want my cum so badly?’ *feels himself getting lightheaded now* ‘You will find out later Luke and I promise you that you won’t regret it.’ Luke unloads another thick creamy load down inside Blaine’s throat as the two exhausted men finally fall down on to the floor. The locker room appears to be heavily damaged now from the carnage, but they are completely oblivious to this. As they lie there, Luke wonders what Blaine meant when he kept making promises to him. The new muscle monster lying there beside him may have a few tricks up his sleeve that may shock the hairy brute once he can muster enough energy again.
  3. Guest

    Steroids? Please...

    I paced impatiently outside my local gym, bag in hand, checking my phone every couple of minutes. I was waiting for my workout partner, Brian, to turn up and he was really late. I’d been waiting over an hour, dropping him the odd text to ask him where he was but he hadn’t replied. It was really starting to annoy me now. He had been missing for the last two weeks and when he had finally gotten in touch with me, he agreed to come to the gym with me today. I decided that I would give him another ten minutes and then I would start my workout without him. I’d met Brian a little over a year ago at this very gym. We had both joined at the same time and taken the same induction class. He was in his early thirties and I in my early twenties, both trying to get fitter and we had bonded over our lack of experience in the gym and quickly began to work out together. Brian wanted to build muscle, a dream of his since he was a kid, whereas I just wanted to be healthier and trimmer, get more guys to notice me. We bonded outside the gym, wing manning for each other at bars and hanging out at weekends; we became really good, close friends. But two weeks ago, as I had just gotten in from a business trip and raring to go the gym, he texted me that he wasn’t feeling well. After nagging and nagging him by text (he wouldn’t answer my calls at all) to see if he was better, he finally agreed to meet me at the gym. His ten minutes were up and I huffed my way inside to change. I was pissed off that he couldn’t have even said he couldn’t make it and made a note to go to his apartment after my workout. As I was putting my gym bag in a locker, I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around and there was this huge bodybuilder staring down at me. I was by no means short at 5’11 but this guy was huge. At least 7’ tall and body so packed with muscle that I was surprised he could even move, his skin so tight over his humongous muscles that every vein on his body was pressing out like a den of snakes. I hated that look, personally. I couldn’t see the appeal; I liked guys with a little muscle but skinny. “Uh… can I help you?” I asked, shutting my locker. “Hey Si, it’s me,” he said in an incredibly deep voice. “Do I know you?” I asked, confused. “Yeah you do; it’s me, Brian.” I had to do a double take. I looked at the face and I could just about see Brian’s features there. Though they were different. Bolder, angular, rich with masculinity; I couldn’t believe this giant was Brian. Brian was only 5’9” and his voice had never been deep like that. “This is a joke, right?” I asked, nervously. “He’s playing a game or something.” He lifted up his tank top, exposing his powerful washboard abs to reveal a tattoo across his stomach, distorted by his bulging muscles. “Kerry”, it said, just under his navel. I knew that tattoo well, Brian had told me he’d gotten in in memory of a girlfriend who had died in a car crash when he was in college. The same lettering, same coloured ink; there was no mistaking it. I gasp, putting my hand over my mouth. “Brian!?” I gaped. “W-what happened to you?” “Don’t know what you mean, Si,” said Brian, dropping his tank. “Just been working out, you know how it is.” “B-but you… you’re… How?” I spluttered, unable to pull on of the thousands of questions running through my head cohesively to my mouth. “Look, Si, I came here to let you know I won’t be working out with you anymore,” said Brian, putting two huge hands on my tiny in comparison shoulders. “I think we’re on different levels and… Fuck, I hate saying this… but you’ll only hold me back man. I gotta really put my all into it and I can’t just sit around while you do your cardio shit. To be honest, I don’t think we can see each other either. I’m spending all my time either working or lifting, I just don’t have time.” I blinked back tears. “I don’t understand… You’re different! What did you do?” “I know it’s a hard thing to swallow,” he said, ignoring my question. “But I’m sure you’ll find someone else to workout with.” The locker room door opened and a head popped in, locking eyes at me and Brian. I recognised them instantly, it was Andrej Wozniak, the biggest meathead in the gym. He was 7’, blond haired, blue eyed, with a thick German accent who loved showing off and strutting around like he owned the place. “Hey, Bri!” Andrej called. “The guys are waitin’. Leave the loser and get your ass out here.” “Bri?” I asked, indignantly. “You hate being called Bri. How do you know him?” “He my friend, Si,” said Brian. “He’s really helped me with my gains. Sorry dude, I catch you later.” Brian turned and left the locker room, having to turn slightly to get through the door because of his wide shoulders. My mind was awash with confusion and anger. Brian hadn’t even been a fraction of the size a couple of weeks ago, and he’d somehow grown taller as well. Brian was hiding something and Andrej was involved, I knew it. Andrej had a posse of similarly sized meathead, all tall and built like a fortress and Brian had joined their ranks. As I did my workout, I kept staring and them, glaring deeply. They were laughing and lifting heavy amounts of weight, dropping the barbells down with an almighty thud that would make everyone jump. Brian was even acting differently around them, no longer shy and quiet. He was bold, rude and loud, a total transformation. When I was done I went up to the Rick in the manager’s office. Rick owned the gym and was a fair man, very patient with new guys and knew everyone by name. He was once a bodybuilder though he never made it to pro level, but he kept in great shape still. “Hey, Simon, how can I help you?” asked Rick, leaning back in his chair. “Not cancelling your membership I hope?” “No, I actually wanted to ask you something,” I said. “What do you know about Andrej?” “Ah, Andrej…” sighed Rick. “Listen, Simon; it’s best not to get involved with him. I know he’s an ass but he pays well in membership and as long as he doesn’t cause trouble, I don’t bother him.” “I think he’s doing roids or something…” I said. “I mean, look at him! And his little group. There must be something going on there.” “If he is, it’s not under this roof I can assure you,” said Rick, sternly. “Believe me, I’ve had cops rooting in here, warrants and all, searching his stuff but they never found anything. I know a guy down at the precinct and he said Andrej has had his apartment searched, his car, everything and nothing turned up. He’s even had every drug test under the sun done on him and he’s clean. Whatever he’s doing, ain’t no one who knows what it is.” “But he’s got Brian on whatever it is,” I protested. “You have to be able to do something.” “That new guy with him is Brian?” asked Rick in amazement, leaning his head to look out the door. “Look, Simon, just forget it. Whatever he’s doing, I don’t care. As long as they pay their fees and stay out of trouble, there ain’t nothing I can do to kick him out unless I want a lawsuit. And I hate lawyers so just let it be.” I sighed and nodded, crestfallen. I went home and I tried to get it out of my mind, Brian and Andrej, but I couldn’t stop thinking about them. I flipped open my laptop and Googled Andrej. It brought up a bunch of websites about an artist with a slightly different name so I tried refining my search. I couldn’t find any pictures, records or even mentions of this guy anywhere; it was like he didn’t exist. And knowing the internet, if I couldn’t find someone like Andrej wasn’t anywhere online then it was because he didn’t want to be found. The next night I sat in my car outside the gym, waiting. I’d decided to confront Andrej, demand to know how he’d changed Brian. I could only think it was unwillingly as Brian had never shown any kind of fondness for the man. It got later and later until it was almost midnight when the gym was closing when he finally came out, covered in sweat. I got out my car and walked towards him as Andrej headed to his big red Hummer. “Excuse me,” I said as I got near him. “I wanna talk to you!” “Well, if it isn’t little Simon,” chuckled Andrej. “What do you want?” “What the hell did you do to Brian?” I demanded, staring him right in the eyes. I had to crane my neck up as Andrej stood at 6’11, a foot taller than me. “What drugs did you put him on?” “Drugs!?” Andrej guffawed. “I don’t do drugs, dude. What makes you think I had anything to do with Brian getting big anyway?” “Well he sure as hell wouldn’t have approached you,” I snapped. “There is no way Brian would have done anything willing like that.” “Aww, this is adorable,” laughed Andrej, crossing his huge arms across his thick chest. “Brain said you had a crush on him. Are you jealous he doesn’t want to be your friend anymore?” “What?” I exclaimed. “I’ve never had a crush on Brian. I’ve known he’s straight since we first met. And anyway, stop changing the subject! What have you given him? I know the police are after you from selling roids so what did you give him?” “You really don’t get it do you,” Andrej sneered. “I didn’t give him any drugs. In fact, Brian came to me asking for some help and I helped him. He’s living his dream and he is happy. And he is happy without you slowing him down and getting in the way. Now piss off.” “No!” I shouted. “I will find out what you did to him if it’s the last thing I do!” Andrej suddenly grabbed me by the shirt and effortless pulled me up off my feet and powerfully slammed me down onto the hood of his Hummer. I cried out in pain and he leant right up in my face. “Now you listen here, little man,” Andrej snarled. “If you come near me again, I will beat your puny little body into dust. If you even speak to me again I will break your fucking legs AND if I find out you’ve been following me, asking questions about me or if you even look at me the wrong way, I will make your life fucking hell. Is that clear?” Before I could respond he pulled me off his Hummer and I landed on a heap on the ground. He spat on me before getting in and driving away. I grunted in pain as I got up, hobbling to my car. The next morning, my body ached like I had been put through a trash compactor. I took a couple of days off work to recover, faking that I had gotten the flu, while my bruises healed. Andrej had really done one on me but I didn’t spend my time in bed licking my wounds. So what if Andrej had threatened me, I had to know the truth about what was going on. I called on my old college roommate who was adept at hacking his way into most things. I told him I was looking for information on Andrej and to be very discreet. Within a day, the only records he found was a mailing address, drivers license, car registration and a bank account. I looked through the bank details thoroughly. Money was regularly coming in at amounts that wouldn’t cause suspicion to the casual eye but then massive amounts would be withdrawn in person. Andrej had quite a lot on savings but the records only went back a couple of years so I couldn’t get really deep. I asked my friend to search for police records and he said he hadn’t been able to find any. I found that strange as Rick had said Andrej was being investigated, so there had to have been some kind of record. My friend tried again, trying everywhere he could think of but he still couldn’t bring anything up. I scowled in frustration; Andrej was definitely good at hiding. I assumed he must be paying off someone at the police department to remove any digital records at least, probably paper ones too. A week had gone by since I’d confronted Andrej and I only had a mailing address to go on. I drove to the address but it lead me to an abandoned warehouse in the old docks and the gate was locked with a chain, barbed wire lining the top so there was no way I was getting in. I was determined to find something so that night, I dressed in all black and parked down the street from the gym. I waited until Andrej came out and got into his Hummer, waiting until he had driven down the street before I began tailing him. I knew I was acting crazy but I just had to know what had happened to Brian, what Andrej had gotten him involved in. I had to stop him. Andrej drove through the city, stopping at a drugstore briefly before he hit the road again. He wasn’t driving anywhere near to the warehouse in his name and instead came up to an apartment building. He got out and pushed the door buzzer. A woman poked her head out of one of the windows and grinned when she saw Andrej. She was a total bimbo; fake blonde hair, clearly fake breasts and a terribly bright orange tan. When she came downstairs, she was wearing nothing but dental floss that passed for a bra and panties and Andrej pulled her in his arms, forcefully kissing her. They went upstairs and I waited for him to come back down, but when it hit 2am I knew to call it a night and headed home. I spent another week trying to find something, anything about Andrej but all my leads went cold. Even my hacker friend told me to just give up and forget about it. I couldn’t, I wouldn’t let it go. I decided to take a little break to clear my head, rethink everything. I bought a bottle of wine and cooked myself a good meal to just chill. It was a Friday so I thought I may as well enjoy myself for one night. I was surprised by a knock on the door at almost 10pm. My apartment building had been hit with a series of break-ins over the past year so I always kept the chain on and had a peephole installed. Through the peephole I could see Brian waiting outside. I opened the door on the chain. “Yes?” I asked. “What do you want?” “Look, Simon, I came over to apologise,” said Brian. “Can I come in?” I unlocked the door and Brian walked in, turning his body so his shoulders would fit. I put the chain back on and walked over to the kitchen. “Look, I’m really sorry for the way I’ve been acting lately,” said Brian apologetically. “I’ve been a total ass to you and it wasn’t fair. You know that’s not me and I just hope we can still be friends?” I sighed, folding my arms. “Will you tell me everything that’s happened to you if I say yes?” I asked. “I promise, just please tell me you accept my apology,” begged Brian. He walked towards me, putting his hands on my shoulders, gently squeezing. “I’ll do anything, I mean it. I don’t wanna lose you. You’re my best friend.” He looked so incredibly sincere, it was cute. Big muscles or not, he was putting on the puppy dog eyes and I couldn’t help but shake my head. “Of course I forgive you,” I said. “I’m glad you came to me, I really missed hanging out with you. But you have tell me everything you know about Andrej. I think he’s running some kind of illegal steroid ring and he somehow managed to get you hooked. What did he do to you?” “It’s kinda fuzzy, but I’ll tell you what I remember,” he said, clearing his throat. “Hey, you don’t have any bottled water do you? I left mine in my car and I’m still a little parched. Cardio day.” I nodded in understanding and turned round to open the fridge. As I was reaching for a bottled water, I felt Brian’s thick arm wrap around my chest tightly to hold me down and a rag get pressed against my mouth. I tried to fight but Brian was so strong and my arms were pressed to my sides. I tried to scream but they were muffled by the rag. I could smell something strong, chemically, on the rag and my head was starting to grow light. My breathing slowed, eyes drooping, body growing limp and the world around me faded to black. I wasn’t sure how long I was out for but a sudden wave of cold snapped me awake, gasping as ice cold water dripped down my body. My eyes opened and Andrej was standing in front of me, dropping a bucket to the floor. He smirked, folding his arms over his chest, his pecs pulling at the straps of his tank top. My wrists and ankles were tied to the arms of a wide, steel chair that seemed to engulf me due to its size. I was wearing the clothes I’d had on back at my apartment but they were now soaked. “Rise and shine, little man,” sneered Andrej. I struggled against my restraints but they wouldn’t budge, shivering from the cold water. I had no clue where I was, the only light source was above me and the rest of the room was in darkness. It had to be big room as our voices echoed slightly like in a hall. Or a warehouse. “There’s no use, you’re too weak to break free,” said Andrej. “I told you I would make your life hell if you didn’t stop coming after me, little man.” “You can’t just kidnap someone!” I shouted. “Let me go!” “Oh yes, I’ll let you go so you can run to the authorities?” retorted Andrej. “Do I look stupid to you?” “Yeah,” I growled. I doubled over as Andrej punched my gut with the force of a jackhammer. I screamed in pain, seeing stars, the wind knocked out of me. Andrej spat on my face and grinned down at me. “You think because a man has big muscles, it mean’s he’s stupid, eh?” asked Andrej. “You think men like me are just mindless hulks huh? If that is the case, then you’re the stupid one. Did you not think I knew you were following me? Trying to find out information on me? Tammy saw you sat in your car watching me when I went over to fuck her the other night. I watched you out her window, waiting for me. So I check CCTV for my warehouse and there you were, poking your nose in where it didn’t belong. I had friends hack your computer and I found out about your little hacker friend. I had him taken care of, he shouldn’t be walking anytime soon.” “What did you do to him!?” I screeched, stomach throbbing. “Oh nothing really, just broke all his things and then my guys broke him,” chuckled Andrej. “So, I had Bri bring you here tonight because you needed to be dealt with.” I gulped, fear finally setting in. “D-deal with me?” I stuttered. “Yes, little man,” said Andrej. “I do not like people snooping. Snoopers only lead to problems. I would know, when I was growing up there were a lot of them. “You see, my family came from the Soviet Union but I was born in East Germany during the Cold War. My father was a chemical engineer and he used to develop the steroids they gave to children at sports academies to build supermenschen; the biggest, strongest athletes. The steroids they had been using caused many ill-effects so my father was tasked with creating the ultimate steroid. He never got to complete his work however as the Berlin Wall fell and the Eastern regime crumbled. I was ten years old when some of his former subjects came and executed him, but before he died he managed to hide his research. “When I grew up, I managed to find his research encoded in some of his old medical journals purely by chance. I finished his formulas and created the compound. I must say, the results were profound.” Andrej flexed his huge bicep, thick veins throbbing over his mountainous peak. “So… you are dealing steroids,” I said. “That’s what you gave Brian, wasn’t it?” Andrej laughed and ripped off his tank top, exposing his muscular upper body; his wide shoulders, wing-like lats, jutting pecs, perfect 8-pack abs and tight waist without an ounce of fat anywhere, just vascular perfection. “Steroids?” retorted Andrej. “Please… What my father and I developed is no steroid. It’s not even remotely similar. What we created is the nectar of gods. Increased mass, strength, speed, durability, hormone production; undetectable and permanent. The perfect combination of chemical compounds, vitamins, minerals, nutrients, super concentrated proteins, testosterone, collagen and various other hormones. Only a few have ever been able to taste what that feels like. Like Bri.” “So you forced him to take it?” I asked. “Oh no, he asked for it,” said Andrej. “You were gone and he was in the gym, lifting. He comes up to me and asks how I got so big, telling me that no matter what he did he couldn’t gain mass, that it was his dream to be huge like me and he envied me. I told him I could help for a fee and he paid up, now he is perfect.” “I wouldn’t call that perfection,” I sneered. “You all look like freaks.” Andrej smiled and it freaked me out. He walked into the darkness and the lights came on, a machine whirring loudly nearby. I could see what looked like a water pump which had five clear plastic pipes that went into five sealed 55-gallon oil drums. There was another longer pipe attached to the pump that was hanging on the wall with a black rubber fitting on the end with elastic straps. Andrej grabbed this and walked back over to me, still smiling. “It’s funny that you call me a freak now,” said Andrej. “But just you wait little man. Now, open wide.” Andrej forced my mouth open with one hand. He was too strong for me to stop him, no matter how much I tried to bite down. He inserted the black rubber end of the pipe into my throat and I felt it go deep down my throat, forcing me to breath through my nose, a thick flap preventing me from swallowing it further. Andrej placed the straps over my head and slapped my cheek lightly, before walking over to the pump. “We’ll see who is the freak now, eh?” he smirked. Andrej flipped a switch on the pump and a beige-coloured liquid started to get drawn from the barrels. I desperately fought against my restraints, panic rising as the liquid travelled further up the clear pipe. I screamed as it was nearing me, futilely trying anything to make this stop. I felt the liquid start to pour from the hose into my stomach. It was warm and runny like milk though I couldn’t taste it. My stomach started to feel bloated and very full quickly. I looked down and I could see my belly starting to look swollen as it was filling to capacity. I hoped Andrej would shut the pump off but he didn’t and I watched in horror as my stomach started growing bigger and bigger. I could hear it churn and gurgle loudly as it couldn’t process the liquid quick enough, completely overloaded. My clothes were growing tighter on my body as I expanded and I could feel my belt start to dig in painfully. The leather grew tighter and tighter until it snapped clean off, the button flying off my jeans. With my stomach so full, I could feel the liquid start to compact throughout my body. My arms and legs grew flabby and fuller, chest sagging, face getting heavy. I looked like I was growing fat but it was just the liquid trying to find space in my body. I felt soft but so heavy and pain shot across my skin as stretch marks began to form. My clothes were being torn off by my growing size until I was naked and my body began to sweat profusely. The pumping just wouldn’t stop and nor was my body. 275 gallons of this liquid would be pumped inside me. I would either keep going until it was all inside me or I would die. My bones ached at the pressure of the immense weight on my frame. Soon the last drops of the beige liquid were forced into me and Andrej pulled the hose from my mouth. I let out a series of loud burps which made Andrej laugh. I felt so heavy, there was so much soft mass on my face I couldn’t close my mouth or move my head, neck engulfed in pudginess. My body looked so big I probably could have won the world record for fattest man alive. I was breathing so laboriously, my throat choked and lungs having to draw more air in to keep my heart beating. “What… have you… done… to me?” I huffed. Andrej undid my hands and my arms fell to my sides, making my body jiggle. I tried to raise them but I just couldn’t. They were so heavy and full of liquid that my bones and muscles were no match. “I’ve given you a choice,” said Andrej, grabbing one of my man tits and squeezing it like it was silly putty. “Either you swear not to tell anyone about me and to pay me all your money for the rest of your life to get the enzyme that breaks down the compound inside you; or you refuse and eventually you’ll die. I’ve never pumped so much into someone but by the looks of you, either your liver or kidneys will give out if your heart doesn’t first. I don’t expect you’ll be still living in the next hour, unless a miracle happens and you manage to metabolise all of it.” I gulped, my heavy breathing getting faster. Andrej had turned me into a time bomb ready to blow and I couldn’t think. I tried to stand but there was no strength in my legs to force me up, I was immobile. I had no way out except to submit to Andrej or die. “So, what will it be?” asked Andrej. I hung my head and sighed in defeat. “You win…” I said. “I won’t tell anyone about you. You can have my money, whatever you want. Please… I don’t want to die.” Andrej sneered, triumphant. “You’re mine now,” he said. “You’ll do what I tell you, when I tell you. Everything you own is now mine.” He pulled a clipboard from a nearby table and put a pen in my swollen hand. It was a contract. I only got the briefest glance but it was an agreement that he would control all my assets or else I would have to submit to a penalty. I dreaded to think what that could be but I managed to move my hand enough to sign my name on the dotted line. Andrej reached into his pocket and pulled out a small vial with a green liquid inside. He forced my head back and poured it down my throat. I hungrily drank every drop, my only chance of living. Within an instant the mass began to shrink, like my skin was squeezing it all down to a vacuum. I moaned as the liquid began to bubble heavy beneath my skin, making it jiggle and shake. I let out a loud belch and my body began deflating back to its old size, thankfully with no excess, saggy skin. I noticed my body still felt very heavy like my body was no longer flesh but stone. My crotch started to throb and my cock started getting hard. I looked down and with every throb that emanated from deep in my balls and up my shaft, it grew to its full state. And then kept going. I was used to seeing my cock at its normal six-inch state but it started getting longer and thicker. Seven, eight, nine, ten inches and still growing, still getting thicker, thick droplets of precum leaking down the length. It felt so good, I had never felt so aroused in my entire life and it was infectious, warmth spreading through my body. My cock finally stopped growing and it was a monster. Fifteen and a half inches long, ten inches in circumference, thick veins along the shaft to the throbbing, glistening head. I went to touch it but another strong wave of arousal hit me as my balls began to churn and swell, forcing my legs wide. When they stopped swelling, my balls were the size of oranges hanging low and proud between my legs, their weight and size pulling my sac tight. I could barely speak, let alone breathe. My mind was lost in the powerful sensations emanating through me. My arousal was so strong, it overwhelmed the pain wracking my body at that moment as I started to grow taller. The bones in my legs broke and reformed loudly as they grew longer, spine elongating, shoulders widening to accommodate my lengthening arms. My hands and feet became bigger to match, big bony paws and elongated feet to support my new height. My ribcage expanded as my internal organs were scaled up to match my size. I finally topped off at seven foot three with size eighteen feet, muscles so small on my frame that I looked anorexic, bones and veins visible under my smooth skin. I felt my face begin to contort as my skull changed shape. Cheekbones getting higher, fuller, stronger; my jaw squaring out with a prominent, strong chin. The skin smoothed out, all wrinkles and blemishes fading away, no longer greasy or dry but a perfect balance. My hair went floof as my curls became wavy and then perfectly straight, the light brown growing darker until it was blacker than night, eyebrows perfectly shaped and thick. My throat bulged and my Adams apple grew bigger, my moans growing deeper, bassier, huskier; I could feel my larynx vibrate harder in my throat. “Oh man,” I said, voice much, much deeper. “Feels so good…” “The best is yet to come,” said Andrej. I felt a swelling all over my, bringing more heat to my arousal, as my muscles began their work, popping out huge from my stick-like body. Calves exploding out into huge cannonballs, quads and hams quickly engulfing the room between my legs until they became powerful buttresses of muscle, forcing my leg spread wider and my balls upward. I pulled at the metal restrains on my thin ankles and pulled them clean off, allowing me to comfortably spread my powerful legs out. Each leg was thicker than my waist at forty two inches a piece. My glutes were next, exploding into two powerful globes of solid muscle, jutting so far that if I stood, you could rest a pint on each one without them falling off. My waist grew a little bigger but only to support my body, growing from twenty eight to thirty six inches. But compared to my bony shoulders, it still looked tiny. My obliques swelled up from my crotch serving to highlight my cock more. My abs popped into ten powerful bulges with deep separations. It was no roid guy either, it was a solid diamond wall of muscle. My serratus muscles grew over my rib cage, thick cords of muscle only helping to highlight my abs. My lats spread outward as they grew into broad, powerful wings; the beginnings of the bodybuilder’s cobra head and forming a wide v-taper for my expanding body. They forced my arms out, even with my broad shoulders, demanding so much room. My back expanded to support my growing upper body forming a deep curve of my spine. No longer flat lands, my back was a bulging range of mountainous muscle, helping to make me even wider. My pecs exploded from my chest as they went from flat to thick and juicy slaps of muscle. Their size was phenomenal, a gap so deep that my old hand could have fit in their deep canyon. My pecs had such a weight to them as if two halves of a rock had been inserted under my skin, raw power bulging profusely. My nipples were well below their horizon, obscuring my view below, but I grabbed them in my fingers. They were bigger, pointed down and outward with juicy nubs that felt good to play with. My forearms swelled into big clubs of meat, every thick cord of twitching muscle visible with snake-like veins wrapped over them from my huge hands. My biceps blew up like two cannonballs, huge veins hugging along the ridges of their high, split peaks. So big that, even when resting, the huge balls of solid muscle looked flexed. My triceps blew outwards like giant horseshoes any stallions would be envious of. My arms were two cannons of pure muscle and strength; I could feel their power from the tips of my fingers right up to my shoulders, every flex and bulge from the tiniest movement just showed their raw power off. My deltoids expanded like two basketballs, finishing off my insane width. The huge heads of my delts bulged profusely, each one demanding room on my shoulder. My traps began to rise up my thickening neck, consuming it, reaching almost up to my ears. My traps were now two bulging, throbbing masses that just completed my new muscular size. And finally, my skin began to tighten even more over my huge muscles. Every fibre, every cut and separation, every thick veins became even more pronounced over my body. Not a single hair remained on my body, I was now completely smooth and vascular; my body fat had to be 1%, almost none. My skin darkened into a perfect tan, which only highlighted my muscles better, perfectly complimenting my darker hair. I felt my growth began to level out and I stretched my new body out, feeling the new muscles bulge for the first time. I felt them, cock throbbing and completely slicked up with precum, moaning at how hard and powerful they felt. “Feels good, right?” asked Andrej. “I feel so… strong,” I said. “You are man now, real man,” chuckled Andrej. “You stink like one too. Sweat, musk, cum. That is how a real man smells.” “Fuck yeah!” I shout. I stand up to my full 7’3” and flex, taking in my stink. “So fucking big,” I muttered. “So fucking strong.” I look over at Andrej and smirk. He’s smaller than me, both in height and muscle, and I know he is beneath me. I grab the chair I was restrained in, made from pure steel and ripped it from the ground, throwing it across the warehouse. Andrej didn’t flinch for a second, he just laughed. “I think we need to renegotiate my contract,” I said. “I think you should be serving me, little man.” Andrej shook his head and pulled his phone out from his sweatpants pocket. He tapped the screen and I doubled over as pain exploded from all over my body. It only lasted one second but I was on all fours at his feet, shaking heavily and my stomach felt like it was about to heave. Andrej crouched down in front of me and slapped me hard on the back. “You are stupider than you look, Si,” said Andrej. “You don’t think I planned for this? You don’t think I anticipated your arrogance? In the enzyme that activated the nectar contained a number of nanobots that are clustered in your nervous system. I can make you yield from anywhere in the world and unless you want to tear your body apart, there’s nothing you can do to remove them. Plus, without me, the nectar will eventually wear off. Unless you drink my renewal protein mix everyday, you’ll waste away into nothing.” “S-so that’s why you guys were always drinking protein shakes,” I hissed, the aftereffects of the pain dissipating. “You are mine, Si,” reiterated Andrej. “Just accept it and you’ll be happy.” “What are you going to do with me now then?” I asked. “I’ve signed your fucking contract, you changed me permanently, I’ll die without you; what’s your endgame?” “Now you go about your normal life,” said Andrej. “But you can’t go back to your old job, it’ll be too suspicious. I have a job all lined up for you, you will interview and get it. I’ve done my research on you, it’ll well within your abilities and soon you’ll be fast-tracking promotions, making me more money. Your body is pumping out pheromones like no tomorrow, people will find you attractive; they’ll want to do anything for you. Aside from that, you and my men will compete globally for bodybuilding titles. That will bring you fame, sponsorships, more money and I’ll will manage this work until the world is begging for your secret. Then I can make more supermenschen, men desperate to be big, strong and powerful. Every single one under my control.” “So that’s all this is about, money?” I scowled. “Why don’t you just rob a bank?” “And be a criminal!?” retorted Andrej. “No, no, no. Even the best criminals eventually get brought to justice. No, it must be done legitimately. Then no one can stop me.” I sighed, getting up off the floor. My cock was still rock hard and leaking, desperate for release. I grabbed it in my hand and jerked. Andre chuckled at the sight. “You’ll notice you’ll feel horny almost all the time,” said Andrej. “You’ll learn to control it, to channel it. Your appetite will increase too but eat as much as you want, your metabolism is so powerful that it will digest everything completely, leaving very little waste and fuel it back into your body without getting fat. Your body is now the ultimate machine, pure power.” I flexed my muscles, watching them bulge and swell, completely under my control. Rock-fucking-solid. I could feel the strength emanating from deep inside, throbbing and pulsing within every sinew. “Big man now, huh Si?” said a familiar voice. I looked up and saw Brian was standing next to Andrej and he was looking bigger than ever, his workout gear covered in sweat. Fuck he looked so hot, my cock ached just looking at him. “You have the power, take what you want,” said Andrej. I smirked. I took one heavy step after another towards Brian, my cock bobbing with each step and slapping against my abs. I grabbed Brian’s tank and ripped it off like paper, exposing his powerful chest. He was big, but I was bigger. Brian just stood there speechless as I tore off his sweats and jockstrap. His cock was soft but big. But I was bigger. “I’m gonna fuck you,” I said, pressing my chest against Brian, staring down at him. “I don’t give a shit if you’re not gay. Your ass is mine.” “Yes, Si,” said Brian. Within seconds I had Brian facedown on the floor, balls deep in his ass, slamming fifteen huge inches deep in his ass. Brian was growling and moaning under me, wriggling and struggling hard but I was stronger. He was no damn match for me and I had to show him who was the strongest. I slammed in so hard that the concrete floor cracked beneath us. “That’s it,” said Andrej approvingly. “My big boys. Make me proud.” I never felt so invigorated in my life. For hours I fucked Bri’s tight muscle ass, unloading my seed one after the other, huge cupful’s of cum with each orgasm. Bri’s cock more than kept up, shooting a heavy load with mine. We were lying in a pool of our cum that had leaked out his ass and shot from his cock, our muscles covered in our sticky juices. I pulled out and Bri slumped, exhausted; but I was still hard, throbbing, craving. I walked up to Andrej who had watch us fuck, a big smile on his face. “More?” he asked. “More!” I growled. Andrej sent a message on his phone and through the door came his whole posse. I grinned, my cock squirting precum up my chest as the band of muscled men walked towards me. “That’s more like it.” -- Hope you enjoyed Comments appreciated as always!
  4. bazorba

    New Story: Unlock and See

    Ok, so I haven't written a story in a LONG time and I don't know how good this will be. I think you'll have to use your imagination on this one, but it'll be worth it. -------------------------------------------- “So tired, but I have to do some studying!” Jason had just come back from work at his office job. He was working on a Masters in Classical Studies and needed to study some material about Greek Mythology. He got out a book that he found in some dark corner of the library and sat down at his desk to read in peace. After about ten minutes, he heard keys rattling in the door. His roommate Justin had come home. He was a nice enough guy, a film major at the university, and had moved in about two weeks ago. He would probably give you the shirt off his back, although truth be told, it probably wouldn’t take much coaxing for that. Justin was 6’ and 230 lbs, with little apparent bodyfat. His muscles stood out in bold relief and you generally could tell when he had just worked out because whatever was the focus would be hugely pumped up. It was no surprise that he was bisexual because with a body like that, who could resist? The two of them started working out together as soon as Justin had gotten settled in. Jason wasn’t in bad shape, he was about 5’7” and had a swimmer’s build. He’d been trying to put on a bit more mass but it was hard to do between working and going to classes. Justin was a good workout partner, pushing when he needed it and offering the support necessary when Jason was feeling a bit down about his size. “Yo Jay, you comin’ to work out today?” “Nah, got too much to work on tonight. I’ll try to make it tomorrow night. You go ahead” “Ok man, see you later” Jason sighed as he went back to his reading. He was already tired to begin with and combined with some very dry material, his head started to droop. As he turned the page to a new chapter, he was unable to keep it up any longer and his head hit the book as he drifted off to sleep. As chance would have it, his head rested on the start of a chapter on Heracles and the tome that he was reading started to reach into his mind and work its magic. He found himself in the gym, with one other person. It wasn’t Justin, but a man with gigantic muscles that was sitting on a bench with his head down. As he felt Jason’s presence, he lifted his head up slowly to reveal an extremely handsome face with chiseled features to match the pure granite of his muscles. The massive man got up and Jason could see that he was wearing a string tank with very short shorts that left nothing to the imagination with regards to the treasure that bulged from within. The man hit a double bicep flex, showing biceps that surged upward to his ears, covered in veins and a definite split between the two heads. A most-muscular pose followed, presenting his enormous pecs, shoulders that were beyond boulders and traps that made him look like he had no neck. Jason stood there astounded. He was frozen with a feeling that he wasn’t quite sure what it was. He didn’t consider himself to be gay or even attracted to men but this man made him question everything. He was in lust with this enormous man and would do anything for him. As the man approached him, he reached out and felt the rock-hard muscles on the man who appeared to be nothing less of a god. The muscleman bent over and gave Jason a passionate kiss. “Do you like what you see?” rumbled the man in a deep, sexy voice. All Jason could do was nod sheepishly. He wasn’t sure how this would play out but he didn’t feel scared, just uncertain. “You will have your fill later on, after we work out. Just relax, everything will be made clear” The two of them started to work out every muscle group. Every exercise was very heavy and intense. Jason could see the huge muscleman get even bigger as blood was forced into those huge muscles. Sweat began to drip from the god’s chest, rendering his tank so sopping wet that he eventually disposed of it completely, giving Jason full view of every ab muscle chiseled on his powerful midsection. Although Jason was focused on the changes in the physique of the man before him, he was oblivious to the changes happening in his own body. Every rep he performed forced his muscles bigger and bigger. Soon, his arms were bigger than his thighs used to be, his thighs were tree trunks, his chest was huge and his lats were so thick and wide that he couldn’t hold his arms straight down his sides. His shoulders were like boulders and his traps were starting to swallow his neck. All over his body, thick veins swirled across his body and deep muscle striations were clearly visible even from a couple of feet away. His strength had reached levels that Jason could have only dreamed of before. When they were finished, the muscular god gave Jason another passionate kiss, cleared his throat and started to speak… “You have been a worthy workout partner and had a great time during that session. There is still something that is troubling you though” “I….don’t know what you mean” “It’s not clear to you right now, but there is something in your heart that your mind has not reconciled, so you do not know in your mind what the problem is, but the heart knows all. For now, come worship me as you wish” Jason lept towards the huge man, feeling every single inch of his body. His massive pecs, his barndoor wide and impossibly thick lats, calves that were like a bowling ball shoved underneath his skin. Everything was just so impossibly huge. Eventually, Jason got to the huge package that was trapped behind the short shorts. He grabbed it and started to suckle on it like a baby would suck on a pacifier. The god started to moan and groan with the attention that his cock was receiving. The more the moans, the more effort Jason put into pleasuring the handsome muscleman. “Oh god, don’t stop…yes, you are definitely worthy of this gift. This will make everything clear and give you everything that you desire” Jason performed some final tricks that sent the god into orgasm, causing a huge roar to be emitted and a huge load blasted down Jason’s throat. Jason made sure to catch every last drop of the precious load. The god finally stopped and started to relax. Jason was so exhausted that he laid down to rest. The god walked over to Jason, bent over and pecked him on the cheek as he whispered in his ear before walking away: “You will not know your true potential until you find what you desire” Jason awoke with a start, looking around and not quite sure what was going on. His cock was rock hard though. He went over to his bed, laid down and started to masturbate. Every stroke of his cock was amazing and made it seem to Jason like it was growing longer and thicker. More and more Jason beat himself into a frenzy, when he could not deny that his cock was bigger and thicker, more than he thought possible. When he finally orgasmed, it was a huge load of thick cream that fountained from his bloated cock. He slowly got up and cleaned things up, unaware of the process that he had set in motion. As he sat down at his desk again, he felt very warm, almost hot. He felt a breeze on his ankles and calves and looked down to see that his pants were starting to ride up his legs. As he was looking at lower legs, he could see his calves growing and swelling, filling up the bottom of his pants. He then felt his quads and hamstrings grow, getting stronger and harder, his legs almost bursting out, every muscle clearly defined. His torso was next to make an appearance. His chest ballooned out, forming mighty pecs that strained the front of his short sleeve dress shirt. Abs, hidden from view, formed into cobblestone abs that were strong enough to take a boulder. His back and shoulders grew wide and thick, almost tearing the shirt apart and his arms started to grow in earnest to fill up his shirt sleeves. When everything was finished, Jason walked over to the full-length mirror and looked at himself. “Holy shit! Oh fuck!” He tried to flex but when he heard the tearing noise of the fabric, realized that he didn’t want to ruin the shirt. Just then, he heard keys in the door and Justin came in the door “Man Jason, you missed an awesome workout!” “Oh really?” Justin came running into Jason’s room to talk about it but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Jason. In front of him was a gorgeous, muscular version of Jason that made Justin weak in the knees. Seeing Jason nearly exploding out of the shirt made Justin so hard that he was having trouble controlling it. “You ok man?” Jason asked “Oh fuck man, you are so damn hot. What happened to you?!” “I’m not sure, but I think I like it” Justin ran over to Jason and started feeling his muscles like Jason had done to the god, even though Justin was still more muscular than Jason was. Had Jason done a comparison, he would have seen that he was an inch taller than Justin was at this point. After several minutes, Justin finally pulled out Jason’s much improved cock. Having a lot of experience, Justin was able to make Jason moan and groan within a minute. Jason was getting his cock blown in a very masterful way and it didn’t take long before he let out a loud roar and blasted cum down Justin’s throat. When Jason came, it fulfilled the promise made by the mysterious god in the dream. It unlocked everything and things set into motion a change that would provide everything promised and then some. His body started to grow taller and taller, reaching 7 foot by the time he stopped. Due to his size, he looked like a taller version of what he had before, but then there was a rumbling that was audible to both him and Justin. His muscles started to grow bigger and stronger, much more than what they had previously. In a short time, his clothes started ripping from his body, buttons flying across the room as his chest exploded in size, back blowing out as his lats grew bigger and thicker, sleeves busting open as the arms grew more and more mountainous. Chest, arms, back, shoulders, legs…everything was growing more and more muscular and powerful. Soon he started to look like the god before in his dream. Even his cock grew even longer and thicker. When it all finished, he looked equal to or better than his dream. Jason dragged Justin into his bed and they had sex for several hours after that. During the post-coital bliss, Jason told Justin about the dream and Justin asked who the man was… “I don’t know, but he must have been a god or something….”
  5. alexrif


    Hi all, First, thank you for all the stories available on this forum ! I decided to write my first story. I am not fluent, Scriptboy helped me, but I am sorry for my poor English. I am a fan of superhero story, man becoming huge in spandex uniform. Unfortunately there are not so many stories like that which do not imply bareback and other on the net. So here is the story called Massive. Thanks to Mindsweeper, he made three great pictures to illustrate the story, these can be found here : http://mindsweeperart.tumblr.com/post/123077746726/massive-and-massive-jr-did-these-for-an-author Hope you like, and do not hesitate to continue it. Best, Alex MASSIVE (Written by Alexrif, Edited by scriptboy) PART 1 Adam, who was a 20-year-old young man, decided to look for a costume for the next cosplay event. He spent its summer holiday with his stepfather just like every year since the death of his mother (he was the stepfather since he has never known his real, biological father), and one of his hobbies was going to the comics and manga convention and for that he chose carefully what would be the most suitable costume to wear. “This website looks new” he thought while surfing through the website he had just discovered: zentaisecondhand.com. Adam was medium size, fit with brown hair. On the website, various costumes may be purchased: cop, vampire, super-hero. For some of them, it was indicated if the costume was new or second-hand and whether the size of each costume was adjustable to fit all morphologies. “It looks so strange... but with this price, why not buy one?” Adam clicked on the Superhero Section. Even if his body was not really the best for that type of costume, Adam thought it would be a good occasion to seriously begin to work-out this autumn. A lot of superhero costumes could be bought which had names that were unknown to him: one of which had caught his attention; it was called Massive. It was one blue spandex bodysuit; the upper part was sleeveless and it had a V-neck. It also consisted of gold-colored boots, briefs, a belt and a gold-colored mask. The superhero character was a muscular man with just the letter M on the belt. With only two clicks, the costume was bought. “A zentai spandex can have an effect” he thought without really trying to be convincing. Two weeks later, the package arrived at the house of his stepfather. It was Friday and Adam came to visit his father that day. James found the package in by the front door without any inscription other than just the family name on it. “I don’t remember ordering anything; Adam did not say anything about it…” James thought. He laid down its bag and its jacket. James was smaller than Adam with black hair and a Mediterranean type. He worked in a police station but more in the administrative part. He went to the kitchen, with the package and opened it. The costume was neatly folded; James touched it then caressed it. “The fabric is very soft and… Nice and warm! And oh it smells... So masculine…” he said quietly. He looked at the costume as if he was hypnotized and he kept on rubbing his hand over it and smelled it over and over inside the box. Suddenly, the phone rang. It was one of his colleague police officers. Whereas he spoke, he kept his eyes on the package. Once the conversation ended, he grabbed the package, lifted the costume up and unfolded it. The light of the room seemed to be slightly changed, as the costume reflected a shadow light. A slight electric shock passes through his body and the costume smelled of the musk odor. “A costume for Halloween... My body will never match Adam’s body…” he moaned. “What kind of superhero it is... ‘M’ like Megaman?”, said he when he looked carefully at the letter ‘M’ on the belt. He hesitated for a moment, and then he looked at the clock on the wall. “Well, maybe I’m no longer young enough to wear it, but… If Adam sees me, he will not stop bothering me with this!” He quickly went to the bedroom with the costume, the belt, the boots and the mask. At the same time, Adam opened the door. He went into the kitchen and once he was there he saw the open package on the table. He saw a note inside it: “Be careful for the effects are permanent and random...” “Ah, the costume! Where is it? Did Dad take it...?” His heart was beating quickly. He laid down his bag and coat and reached discreetly the first floor, thinking if his father would dare to even put it on. The door was slightly opened; enough to see his father taking off his shirt. Adam could see his dad’s torso a little bit with coated fat around his belt, nice legs (due to his regular running) but with chicken arms. He felt uncomfortable while spying on his stepfather. Of course, he was gay and he loved looking at men but he was his stepfather, that’s all. He recognized the costume, the belt and the briefs which were on the bed. He saw his stepfather hesitating to take off his briefs, touching in the same time the costume spread on the bed. He finally chose to take them off and Adam did not avoid looking at the private parts of James. James begins to slip on the costume. First one leg and then the other. The blue light from the costume reflected in the mirror. It was quite weird for Adam to watch this scene: his stepfather pulling on the costume which was definitely too large for him. He finished by pulling up the zipper in the back. Then he gently caressing the costume, like messaging it. He turned back and took the mask to put on his head, pulling up the brief and the belt and the boot. Suddenly, he laughed loudly and Adam smiled: the picture of his stepfather was pretty comic: he looked more like a disco man than a superhero. The sleeveless V-neck shirt highlighted his hairless torso and the absence of his biceps. A few second later, James hung on the mirror sharply. Adam could see his stepfather gritting his teeth like he was suffering while the other hand was on the crotch. The part of his body exposed to the air, was covered by sweat. A sharp light seemed to appear in this region and Adam could see the fabric stretched. Not only in the groin region but as well on the leg until the fabric highlighted the presence of the two big legs. Adam was close to enter in the room to help James when the latter stretched his arm up, crying “OHHH YESSS, that’s so goodddd”. Adams believed he was hallucinating when the pictures of his stepfather faltering, like he was metamorphosing. He could see now giant abs, the chest growth and his biceps inflating while the neck of James had doubled. “Oh hell, YESS!” then a lighting emerged for the body, lighting up briefly the entire room. When Adams opened his yes, a powerful man was standing in the middle of the room, looking at the mirror. It was a super-improved version of his stepfather, covered by hard muscle from the bottom to the top. The costume with the V-neck shirt highlighted a massive hairy chest. The biceps were like two large balloons. The legs were huge and the veins of the quadriceps could be seen clearly. When the huge man walked over the mirror, Adams was amazed by the definition of the back, the V-deltoid was indescribable, the ass were replaced by two nice balloons and even the yellow brief couldn’t hide the furrow formed by the muscle which went down until his feet. This impression of extra virility was reinforced by the strong musk of man which can be smelled so strong that Adams felt a bit sick and hid with difficulty his excitement. His stepfather kept on admiring himself in the mirror, while massaging his crotch trough the brief. It was time for Adams to go down in the kitchen, too choked to think, maybe he was going to wake up. In the kitchen, he could hear a deep moan coming from the room of his stepfather. “Time to enjoy”, thought Adams, feeling a little jealous. A few minutes later, James came into the kitchen. He wears a large sweat and jogging pants, not enough to cover his new morphology and again, the odor of strong man filled entirely the room. “Hey dad, how are you? Come back from sport? It seems you take huge amount of mass, don’t you? “Probably,” answered James blushing. “With this colleague we’ll try a new program in the gym…” His father was so closed, the pictures of his dad transformed of a hyper man too intense that Adam goes directly to the room. “Adams, wait…” The night, both tried to act like usual. His dad seemed to improve difficulty to contain his strength, breaking dishes and glasses. “Dad, are you all right?? “Yes, yes, I should go to the bed early today…” This night, Adam did not manage to sleep. He tried to forget when he saw today but he kept on masturbating, the felling was too strong. He decided to go to pee when he passed in front of the door of the room of his stepfather. He heard the slow breath of the latter. Too curious, he opened carefully the door. The light of full moon enabled to distinguish partially the form in the room. His father was laying down on the bed, his huge morphology was clearly visible. “Maybe, I could take back the costume.” He noticed that his father still wore it, the shadow light reflecting on the body suit expanded by all the muscle. Adam’s penis was erected and stretched the spandex so hard, that at any moment it could crack the costume. However, the belt and the brief were put on the chair. Adams came near to the latter. As soon as he touched the brief, a sensation like electrocution traversed its body. He felt at this moment like he was splitting into two or the presence of something inside him. He decided to go out quick of the room before awakening his dad. Part 2 It has been two month now that James morphed into a huge muscle man. All the newspaper, and TV how didn’t not stop to talk about the presence of a superhero in the city, called “Massive”. Adam was impressed how quick his father used his new abilities, not too strange knowing his character and the fact he worked at the police station. When Adam came back in his stepdad’s house, on Friday, he had decided to talk to him about the fact he found a parcel with a costume and he knew what happened to his dad. He found the latter sitting on the couch, gazing into the infinity. He wore his costume officer. Adam compared its image to a muscle man in a cop suit as the bear guys in some porn movies. He tried to get this image out of his head. “Hey dad, how are you?” “Ah, Adam good and you? How was the university?” “Nice, by the way, I would like to talk to you about something.” Adams sat close to him, sniffing the musk odor emitting from the tight shirt of James and with the pecs pushing the buttons. “Dad, as I told you earlier, I had ordered a costume for the next cosplay convention. You have already said me you did not receive, but it was wrong. I know it. I know that you are Massive!!” By saying these last words, Adam grabbed the black shirt of James and opened it, which expulsed the buttons. His dad had not time to react, lowered his eyes and looked the hand of his son put on his chest covered by the blue spandex. He took it gentle. “Sorry Adams, I lied to you but understand these last month was difficult” Then, he began to cry. Adams did not know what to reply. “Sorry. Yes, I took it, Yes I changed a lot.” He began to tell his son how he lived these two past months. He told him about his new work as a superhero and how he handled it in the office. “Do you remember Dave? The Chief of the patrol division. I always had a good relation with him. He was the first whose behavior changed when he noticed my body’s changes. He was like ensorcelled when he was close to me. He proposed several time to go out and he was not the only. Most of the woman and men I know changed the way they talk to me. I am always horny, try to contain myself.” “Sometimes, it was like I struggled against the power I obtained, I do not know how to do…” “Dad, you are amazing, every people are grateful for you did. I will not hide you I am a bit jealous but I am Ok now. Stop struggling and accept that you’re Massive.” Adam said. Then Adam took the hand of James and brought him in front of the mirror” “Look at you Dad, what are you seeing?” “A man, a bit lost, afraid of what he could begin.” · “I am seeing me a muscle man, with a gold heart, powerful and so confident.” When his father looked in the mirror it was like he was not there, his eyes looking at the infinity. · “Repeat Dad, I am a huge muscle man, I fight the crime, I am confident and free to act like I want!” · “I am a huge muscle man, I fight the crime, I am confident and free to act like I want!” Adam took the shirt off, then the pants, exposing the body suit of James. The gold brief and the belt seemed sparkling. His dad did not react, kept on repeating the phrases like he was hypnotize by what he was looking at. Then, Adam caressed Massive’s back, feeling the warm generating by the body. The texture of the spandex was really smooth and warm. He put his hand on the abs then the pecs, worshiping the body. He rubbed the stone-like biceps then go down until brief. Once touched the latter, he felt again the electricity, put his nose on it. He got suddenly an intuition. He grabbed the brief and tried to slip it on the legs, asked his father to raise one leg and another. He kept the brief and the belt in his hand and stepped back. His father was now posing in the mirror like enjoying being what he was. Adams could see clearly a growth of the body of his father like the transformation was being completed. Without hesitating, and before his father went out of this second state, Adams took off his shirt and short, then its white brief. He pulled on the gold brief with the belt. The effect was immediate; a huge burst of electricity passed through its groin, making him shouted. His father then turned back and was a bit petrified. Thousand lightening encircled his son, and the epicenter was located on the crotch. All the muscles of Adams were contracted. Adam, felt again the presence of his head, he was now paralyzed. He remembered what he said to his father and repeated the same phrase “I am a huge muscle man, I fight the crime, I am confident and free to act like I want!” He decided to let go; to accept this massive burst of power crossed its body. He felt a warm sensation wrapped his leg then on his upper part, the hormone acted like a firework. A few second later, he opened the eyes, the lightening were decreasing and what he saw in the mirror overwhelmed: a gold costume similar to the costume of his father covered his body. What an amazing body! It was the body of bodybuilder-lumberjack, huge V deltoid, massive pecs and legs and 6 perfect pack abs. Massive walked toward him, still a little bit massive and tall that the new power man. “I should call you Massive Jr.” then he took the head of his son between his hands. Both looked in each other’s eyes. Like the costume, they become complementary; they felt inside their mutual power, their urge to keep on transcending their self. It was just the beginning…
  6. dhalden


    Hey, guys. It's been a long while, but I'm finally making good on my promise and rebooting my story from the previous site, "Charlie". Things have slowed down in my life, I've got a new creative fire, and I'm ready to jump back into this story. You might notice some differences from the original and you'd be right; I'm re-editing as I go. Changing some things around plot-wise, etc. Boring writer stuff. Just enjoy! * * * Friday night and my only company was the cold beer sweating beside my open laptop and a stack of my students’ essays, ripe for grading. Such was the life of the English major who had decided to return to his hometown to teach high school instead of moving on to bigger and better things. If you think that reading the half-assed efforts of students trying to argue that Holden Caulfield was anything more than an egocentric little shit was my preferred way of entering the weekend, you’re wrong. Yes, even I, Andrew Donovan, Senior English teacher of West Cape High, wished his life different. I would never have guessed that that little wish would begin to be fulfilled in the form of an email, but as I slashed across yet another essay with my trusty red marker, I heard the gentle ping on my laptop signaling that a new message had just dropped into my inbox. Sighing, I capped the marker and tossed it aside. Another late assignment, I thought. Number three of the night. Can you say ten points off? Which wasn’t exactly fair, considering I’d promised to return them two days before, but that was one of the small joys of being a teacher: minor omnipotence. It was the subject heading that caught my attention first: “Long Time, No See!” When I’d begun teaching, I had gone into it envisioning that I would be one of those few educational greats who ends up getting a Lifetime movie made about them. As part of that image, I had taken to giving out my personal email address to my students because it made me “seem more relatable”. In the end that proved fruitless because they used it only to turn in late assignments or ask for the reading they had been too lazy to copy down. I clicked open the email and, well…have you ever had your stomach plummet and your heart skip a beat at the same time? It’s not a pleasant feeling, let me tell you, but such was the sensation that gripped me as I read the first sentence of that fateful email. So I must have started this email about thirty times in thirty different ways and I can’t think of what to say, so I’ll just say—hey, its Charlie Greene! I’m in town for business. Are you free for lunch tomorrow? I’d love to catch up. Let me know! I stared flabbergasted at the screen. When I finally realized that my mouth was literally hanging open, I reached for my beer and downed the rest of it. And then I went for a second. When I finally began to feel the alcohol permeate, I flexed my fingers and let them drop to the keyboard. I must have tried a dozen variations of the same reply before I settled on the briefest. Before I could stop myself I hit the return key, irrevocably sending my reply out into the digital abyss. I sighed and sat back in my chair…and realized I was rock hard. All eight inches of my cock throbbed in my boxers, begging for attention. I swiftly reached for my pulsing shaft and gasped at the sensation. It was incredibly sensitive to the touch and twitched eagerly as I wrapped my around it. I haven’t been this hard in years, I thought. Slowly, I eased my hand down my rigid dick and instantly felt my balls tighten and draw close to my body. It’s like I’m teenager again or something. This isn’t going to last long. And it didn’t. As the first shot of cum splattered across my chest, I lost my breath and jerked in my chair, my toes curling into the carpet as the second, third, and fourth spurts followed. “Holy shit,” I panted when I’d finally finished. “Holy shit…” I couldn’t remember that last time I had had such a fulfilling jerkoff session. At thirty-five, I usually only gave my cock a quick jerk and tug, rolled over, and fell asleep. But as I sat there panting, I stared down at my cock: it was still half-hard and it instantly responded to a second round of my coaxing, lengthening to its full potential. Every rigid vein pulsated as I jerked my cock and I could feel my balls swelling for a second load. A minute later three three long ropes of cum splattering onto my already covered chest. “Oh, fuck…” I groaned, collapsing backwards in my chair. Dazed, I plucked some Kleenex from the box beside my printer and started cleaning cum off my chest. I haven’t shot back-to-back like this since I can’t remember when. I wonder if I could go for a third time? “I don’t think so,” I answered to no one in particular. As fantastic as the orgasms had been, the usual exhaustion that followed them was already settling in. I had just wiped off the last of jizz from my right nipple when my laptop pinged again. I hurriedly tossed the cum-soaked tissue into the garbage and opened my inbox. His simple reply read: Awesome. See you Saturday! * * * For you to understand the whole wonderful chaos of what would end up happening, you have to understand the complicated history that Charlie and I shared. The obligatory backstory, if you will. The short version sounds something like: we were nineteen when we met in the latter half of our freshmen year at college. I was an English major from California, he was a business/communications double-major from Indiana. We met when we were assigned as partners in a shared Bio lab and such was the not-so-glamorous joining of our two lives. By sophomore year we were roommates. That’s the short, clean, “boy meets boy” part of the story. The “boy loses boy” part comes later. The morning I was supposed to meet Charlie—the man who would become a veritable legend and forever change my life along the way—I went up to my attic and rifled through some boxes. “Here it is,” I grumbled as I heaved a marked COLLEGE SHIT from a dusty corner. Carrying it into the middle of the floor, I began pulling out its contents: old essays and portfolios, a foam finger from some long-forgotten sporting event, my diploma, and an assortment of other once-valued memorabilia that I could just as easily do without. Beneath it all, however, was a stack of photographs held together by a rubber band. From the top photograph, Charlie’s beaming face stared back at me. The same disarming grin that had sent butterflies frantically buzzing through my stomach nearly sixteen years ago had not lost its effect. If anything, it was more potent and infectious. I felt a grin of my own spread across my lips as I plucked the photograph from the pile and examined it closer: his clear green eyes, and short, sun-kissed blond hair...and that beautiful fucking smile. It was a politician’s smile, fake as all hell, but undeniably handsome. It would throw you on your metaphorical ass if you weren’t prepared for it and I hardly ever was. I flicked through the rest of the photographs. Charlie and I (looking pathetically sub-par beside him in my oversized leather jacket that I had once inexplicably thought made me look suave) standing in front of our dorm. Charlie in his soccer uniform, sweaty and grass-stained. Charlie with his arm around me at one of the countless house parties he had dragged me to some weekend. Nearly every photograph was either of Charlie or Charlie and myself somewhere on campus. Surely there are photos of other things? Other people, right? As I reached for the box again, I glanced out the dusty window. The sun was already high in the sky, easily nearing noon. Nearing lunchtime. “Shit!” I hissed. Only an hour until I was supposed to meet Charlie and I still needed to shower. Mentally kicking myself, I scrambled downstairs and hurried into the bathroom for a shower. Suds still not entirely rinsed from my hair, I reached for a towel and began drying off when I caught a glimpse of my reflection in the mirror. Where in the hell did that guy come from? Sure, I hadn’t actively worked out in a few months (okay, at least a year), but the slight paunch of fat around my middle seemed a little unfair. And my chest, when had that happened? I’d never sported an enormous chest, but it had at least been defined. But now…now my pecs were just downright sad. Starting to droop even. “Real impressive, Andrew,” I said flatly. Despite the fact that it was easily eighty degrees outside, I donned a jacket in hopes of hiding my softening torso and tried to at least find comfort in the fact that I was not yet balding. In my reply, I had suggested Applebees, an old favorite of mine, but as I stepped through the door that fateful day, I began to regret it. In a town like West Cape, there aren’t many places to socialize and Applebees was one of the most common amongst my students. I fretted at the thought of seeing them there and did a quick scan. With no familiar faces in sight, I followed the hostess to a table and quickly dropped into a seat. The table wouldn’t hide much in the way of my inescapably middle-aged body, but it would tuck my enormous erection out of sight. The anticipation of seeing Charlie again after so long had made me hard again. I desperately wanted to duck into the bathroom and jerk off until I couldn’t move, but that didn’t exactly seem a feasible option. “I’ll have a Coke,” I told the hostess nervously. “And the second party? Do you know what they’d like?” she asked. “Water, I guess,” I said, perhaps a little too pathetically. The hostess’ grin faltered as she slipped away to fetch out drinks. I trained my eyes on the door. I wonder what he looks like now. Why the hell don’t I have a Facebook? I could have just looked him up. Idiot. He’s probably even more handsome. Better with age. Like a fine wine. God, I should’ve ordered something stronger… Every time the door opened, I straightened in my seat, but each time it was an elderly couple, some housewife and her friend, or a pair of students that I vaguely recognized. It isn’t like wasn’t common knowledge throughout West Cape that I was gay (news like that travels fast in a small town), but it was nonetheless awkward to see them out and about when I was on a date. This isn’t a date though, Romeo. It’s a lunch. Keep that line of thinking at bay. It got you into major trouble last time, remember? Last time. How could I forget? The door opened again, but I was hardly paying attention. I had slipped lost into one of the most mortifying memories of my life. A cool spring night my senior year of college, standing in front of a frat house, some 90’s indie rock song blasting from a stereo through an open window, empty beer cans and Solo cups littering the front lawn… “Andy?” “Hmm?” I said, expecting the waitress. I turned...and my mouth fell open. To say my heart skipped a beat would be an understatement. Leaped would be a more accurate description. Jumped. Dove. Take your pick. They’re all relatively inadequate. I believe my heart may have altogether stopped, if only for the briefest second, which technically means I died for a second. “Charlie,” I breathed. The first thing I noticed was that grin. That impossibly fucking brilliant grin. Dazzlingly white and wide, his smile was perfectly blinding. It was spread across the face that time had ostensibly forgotten. Whereas the first of middle age’s wrinkles had already begun to form at the corner of my eyes, there wasn’t the slightest hint of one on that flawless face. Not that anyone would have cared if there were. The rest of him absolutely demanded further examination. Although I wouldn’t have thought it possible, my eyes were torn from that grin and drawn to the rest of him…starting with his shoulders. Where had the slim, wiry soccer star that I known gone? The shoulders of the man standing before me were wider than I had ever seen them. They weren’t massive, but they were large and sculpted enough to force his red polo shirt to fit him snugly as a glove. They firmly capped a pair of arms that were easily doubly thick around as my calves and which strained the sleeves of his shirt in a way that made my already hard cock impossibly harder. I could not help but note the veins that snaked their way around his forearms, feint though they might have been. “It is you,” he said, dropping into his chair. “I thought so. I couldn’t tell at first. You look different!” “You…you too,” I said breathlessly. “H-How you been?” He grinned. “I’m great! Sorry I’m late. I got a little lost. Did you already order?” I must have answered, but I don’t remember. I watched in a daze as he scanned the menu, his thick arms swelling larger and straining his sleeves further as he bent them to pick up the menu. They had to have been at least eighteen inches, probably larger. I wouldn’t know; I had only ever dreamt of arms that large. I kept envisioning how they’d feel beneath my fingers. “I think I’ll get the steak. What’re you getting?” he wondered aloud. “I, uh, steak, yeah,” I stammered. “Great!” he said, folding up the menu, and flashing that grin again. My cock grew painfully stiffer. I was visibly stunned by him and kept glancing out the window so as not to appear too obviously awed, but our waitress was less coy. I heard a soft gasp escape her lips at the sight of Charlie as she approached. “So that’ll be two steaks, medium?” she said after he had ordered, never taking her eyes off him. “Sounds right to me,” he said and winked at her. Girl, I feel sorry for your ovaries. They must be on fire, I thought instantly. I know I am. I reached for my water and began sipping it ferociously. “So you’re probably wondering what’s up with me, right?” he said, placing his hands on the table. They were so much thicker than the last time I had seen them, the hands of a man who had labored long hours in the gym. Cords of muscle stood out in his forearms. Not at all the hands a soccer player. I wondered what sort of strength such hands possessed and wanted to know, good or bad, for myself. “Yes,” I said. Drop the monosyllabics, you sound like a cave man. “Yes, I am wondering what you are up to, yes.” “Well,” he started to say, and paused dramatically. It was nice to see that not quite everything had changed about him, though the obvious transformations certainly weren’t unwelcome. “I’m moving to West Cape! Well, West Cape-adjacent. I got a transferred last month and now I have to relocate, man. Can you believe that?” I reminded myself not to give a one word answer. “I can’t, no. W-What do you do?” I couldn’t have cared less what he did, honestly. I just wanted to hear him speak. In addition to the underwear model’s physique he had developed since we had graduated, his voice had dropped half an octave. It probably wasn’t obvious to everyone, but I could still vividly remember the long nights we had stayed up talking about everything under the sun and, to me, it was definitely deeper. Did that come with the territory of packing on forty or fifty pounds of muscle? Did the weight of those clearly ample pecs beneath his shirt weigh on his ribcage? Even as I watched, one of them twitched, sending a tiny ripple of movement across his shirt. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat. “Client relations, mostly. I won’t bother you with the gory details. So you’re an English teacher now?” I wondered fleetingly for a moment how he knew. I didn’t realize it then, but that necessarily meant that he had done some digital digging for my contact information. My being listed on West Cape High’s faculty page wasn’t the sort of thing that popped up on the first page of Google results, if you catch my drift. Nevertheless, I blathered on for a while about my teaching duties, before asking, “So where’re you living? The east side of town?” The smile dropped from his face and the light behind those green eyes dimmed. He turned and stared out the window, biting his lip. It would have been sexy as hell (okay, it was sexy as hell) if anxiety didn’t look so unnatural on his face. He turned back to me. “I actually don’t have a place yet,” he said. “I’m still looking, you know?” And before I could stop myself, before I could fully formulate the thought in my mind and factor in the countless possibilities and repercussions that could and ultimately would result from such a simple, stupid and unguarded statement, I said, “You could stay with me.”
  7. You might want to read Part 1 first: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/2649-the-geek-squad-the-virgin-awakens-muscle-genie/(First story) The frightened thin black man tries to reason with his horny possessed white coworker who continues to move towards him. Van makes a few jabbing motions with the knife to make him back off but Owen just smiles and acts like he is going to walk right into the blade. The scared man figures out that his method of action isn’t working so he throws the object across the room and tries to get away past the area of where the other behemoths are located. He feels someone grabbing his foot and trying to get him to trip. He manages to somehow get free from them and races towards one of the windows in the department boss’s office. He grabs a chair from in front of the window and launches it through the glass shattering it. He turns around just long enough to notice that Owen, Casey, and Merrill are on his tail. Without hesitation, he climbs out on to the windowsill and starts moving slowly along the ledge to the right side of the building. He turns the corner and stops to catch his breath before peeking around. Merrill immediately jumps out the window and yells in delight as he lands feet first onto the street below. He starts looking around the area for Van while laughing loudly. Casey follows next but doesn’t jump out like Merrill did. Instead he tries to climb out but quickly realizes that his thick calves and quads are preventing him from getting some kind of balance on the much smaller windowsill. He slips and starts to fall off before grabbing a hold of the ledge. He yells for Owen. ‘Ohh gawd…..Owen please help me man. I have no way of holding on to this ledge. My muscles are too wide and I can’t hold on…..’ The possessed smaller man reaches out and tries to grab the wet hulking brute, but can’t get a grip on him because of his immensity. He screams as he falls to the ground. Surprisingly, he is not killed when he lands on the concrete. Instead he creates a huge crater underneath him and passes out from the force he causes. Merrill is heard laughing hysterically nearby as he sees this happening. Van turns back around and puts his head in his hands trying to compose himself somehow. Owen peeks out the window and looks around before he starts speaking. ‘Vance…..come on man…..let’s just finish this. You are the last one in the department that hasn’t given in to me. Your will is just too strong for some reason. Every time I try to make you give in to my mind, you are able to resist me somehow. You know I care greatly about you don’t you and just want to give you what the others have accepted.’ Owen slowly climbs out on the ledge and moves to his left thinking that Van might have went in that direction. The scared black man looks around again and sees that he is going the wrong direction. After seeing this, he starts moving slowly himself over to a ladder that leads up to the roof. He climbs up to the top and lands on the rooftop floor before letting out a few sighs. Merrill spots him and yells for Owen to turn back around. Van can also hear the huge behemoth on the ground trying to get Casey to wake up from his slumber. He peers over the edge of the rooftop and can see Owen starting to move around the corner towards the ladder. He gets up and starts running towards the other side of the roof. He spots another ladder and looks over the side to see where it goes. He notices that halfway down it leads to another building. Before he can get on it though, Owen is on the roof and racing towards him. The door nearby leading into the building from the roof goes flying into the air as the two bloated Germans from the office come bursting through. They grab Van by the arms and restrain him. Owen walks five feet in front of him and looks at him a bit perplexed. ‘Vance please, just let me finish what I started. You are frustrating me so much…..*perspiration begins to pour down his head*…..damnit…..I can’t concentrate anymore. What the…..*feels his own body heating up*…..you fucking assholes…..*stretch* *pop*……uhhh gawd……’ The two German monsters grin as they watch Owen struggle to keep himself from changing. He groans as he feels his arms stretching his sleeves before they split the seams. The growth moves into his chest as his pecs and lats quickly rip his shirt to shreds. His back doubles up on itself as he grows taller and wider with each breath. His legs make quick work of his pants as they emerge bloated and monstrous. He moans feeling his ass and cock destroy his briefs as he sprays the entire area around him with thick white jizz. The man that thought he was in control of the situation is now shocked to find out that he has been overpowered by two of his victims. Both Karl and Ivan have turned the tables on him by teaming up and putting their superior minds to better use. They continue to focus their energy on him as the rest of his clothing falls to the ground. He is no longer the same man he was just a few minutes before. Van attempts to get free from the Germans, but they grip even tighter. Van begins to panic as he feels his mind getting dizzy and tries to reason with them. ‘Karl…..Ivan….please let me go. You obviously got the Owen you wanted, now let me go please.’ They look at each other and smile before they respond to him in German. ‘Ohh wir haben einen plan in ordnung Van. Es geht um sie und Owen.’ Hearing them both use his name and Owen’s scares him immensely as he sees the new monstrous Owen in front of him waddle up and start to rip his shirt off. Van yells in fright knowing that this might be the end of him in his current state if he doesn’t get free. He kicks the two Germans legs several times before they drop him on the floor below. He jumps on to the ladder behind him and goes racing down it. He lands on the railing halfway down and gets up quickly to move away from them. He looks up briefly and notices that all three behemoths are looking down at him but they don’t follow. He manages to run over to the area he saw before and stops to catch his breath. He can’t figure out how Karl and Ivan were able to overpower Owen’s mind and make him grow massive just like they are. He then realizes that Merrill might be in pursuit since he is on the ground floor somewhere so he looks around the area closely below him. Knowing that they likely won’t be able to get to him where he is at because of their immense size, he collapses on the walkway. He has direct sight of where the three men are standing. They just continuously stare at him relentlessly. Van’s breathing intensifies as the sweat slowly starts to pour off his head and down his exposed chest. He yells out loud realizing that they are ganging up on him. He can see Merrill now in the corner of his eye around the corner in a nearby alley with Casey directly beside him. They are also looking at him intensely from where they are standing. The resistance at this point seems futile as he feels the pain intensifying in his chest and mind. He doesn’t know how much longer he can hold them off since there are now five minds trying to make him just like them.
  8. MightyMike81

    The Ad Man

    My contribution to the forum however I never wrote it. It was something I found on my computer. Some FanTCMan/FanTCDude wrote it. Let's just say I never make it to the end of the story Hope you guys enjoy! Mr. Tucker Forrest had every reason to think that he was as powerful as his position. His company had remained small by ad industry standards, but by specializing in sports related accounts, and landing several of the largest, T. Forrest Inc. had become a significant player. His select staff were all sports devotees of one kind or another, and knew better than most just how to service their accounts. One area that Tucker had not yet locked up was sports nutrition and supplements, but he thought he was about to nail that one, too, with the help of one of his top account execs, Larry Littleman. Tucker had hired Larry based on the fact that he was a personal fitness trainer with serious qualifications in physical therapy, nutritional therapy and non-traditional supplements. Larry also had the outgoing personality and the looks to be successful as an AE. Tucker had, in fact, secured Larry's services not only as an AE, but also as his own personal trainer. Tucker was strikingly handsome and well built and he had every intention of maximizing those attributes professionally. After several months, Tucker discovered that Larry was not just into maintaining a fit, toned, cut physique. Larry was really more into bodybuilding. Eventually he told Tucker he didn't care at all about competing as a professional bodybuilder, but he did have a personal goal of building himself up to where he could. Tucker wasn't about to let himself be pushed in that direction, and he wasn't sure how that kind of body would be received on one of his AEs. When Tucker hired Larry, even before he saw him in workout clothes, he could tell he was built, but having a great looking staff of athletes was what he wanted. Larry was one of those guys who would drive women crazy. He had the face of a daytime soap opera star and a head of thick, dark blond hair to go with the face. Even in business clothes, he had the posture of a man proud of his body. His loose fitting slacks showed a great butt, and his dress shirts showed a pair of nicely developed pecs and arms that pretty much filled his sleeves. When, in their talks about workout goals, Forrest realized that Larry was serious about building himself up to the proportions of a bodybuilder, he felt he needed to say something. He thought that Larry's credibility as an AE might be compromised if people thought he was becoming some kind of freak. But Larry said, very respectfully, that he felt that how he developed himself was his business, and that it shouldn't get in the way of his effectiveness. In fact, he told Tucker, he was working on landing an account that could become huge. Tucker was intrigued. Larry told him that some new bodybuilding supplement had been developed, and the inventors were looking for test subjects and an agency to represent their product. T. Forrest was a natural, and they had sought out Larry to get to Tucker. Larry told Tucker that they needed to complete just a couple more tests, and they'd be ready to go to market. He also told him that he, himself, was to be a test subject. Tucker immediately thought about having his own in-house testimonial, if this supplement worked. Larry told him he was scheduled to meet with them that night and would report back the next day. These guys were anxious to get moving and get rich. The next day Larry called in to say he couldn't come in that morning. He told Tucker that he'd taken their stuff the night before, and it did work. In fact it worked so fast and so well, he had to get some new clothes to wear. He said that the prospective clients had asked to meet with him, Tucker, at lunch to discuss plans for a media launch of the product. Larry said he'd meet him there, and named one of the top restaurants in town. Larry thought about it all morning. Would he be able to see a difference on Larry? He knew, if it worked, the market for this kind of thing could be vast. When he walked into the restaurant, escorted to the table by the maitre d', his mouth dropped open. Facing him was Larry, flanked by two men he assumed to be the clients by their extraordinary physiques, obvious even in business suits. Larry was grinning with pride as he stood to greet Tucker, the source of his pride clearly manifested. Tucker openly stared at Larry. So did almost everyone else in the restaurant. He was not wearing a jacket; just dress slacks, shirt and tie. He was huge. His arms more than filled the sleeves and strained the material of the extra large shirt. His back was so wide Tucker could see from the front how his lats flared thickly, pulling the fabric tight, causing it to cling to the huge pectoral muscles that sat broad and massive on his chest. Larry apologized for not wearing a jacket, saying that when he tried to get into his this morning, he couldn't get his arms into the sleeves. But, he said to Tucker, who cares when it's obvious that the product works. He acted overjoyed, showing Tucker how dramatically it had worked on him since about five thirty the night before, flexing one of his huge arms so that the shirt looked about to split open from the strain. And, he told his boss, it's still working. It takes twenty four hours to do its complete job. And it feels absolutely wonderful. Tucker's emotions bounced around as he sat discussing ideas for a campaign, convinced by what he saw that the potential for the product was huge, but not convinced that a physique like Larry's, or even these clients', would go over with the average guy. In fact, he felt a little embarrassed by Larry's size and his uninhibited display. Larry, meanwhile, maintained an infectious level of enthusiasm about the results he was experiencing and how he felt. He said he could almost feel his clothes getting tighter. As Tucker listened, he couldn't help but imagine what that must feel like, to have such massive muscles that they could be too big to be contained by a shirt, even an extra large tent of a shirt like Larry was wearing. They all laughed about various scenarios of guys using the product and growing huge in different situations, like at the beach or during an airplane flight. Or sitting in a fancy restaurant at lunch. Imagine some guy in his business suit suddenly getting too big for his britches. Tucker laughed, but his imagination was working too effectively all of a sudden. He could imagine how strange that would feel, the trousers becoming tight on the legs, tight in the crotch. Or the jacket sleeves feeling too tight when bending the arms to lift a bite of food or a glass. His imagination was producing such vivid pictures that he could actually feel what that would be like. He could imagine his reactions, a combination of panic and exhilaration. Suddenly the restaurant felt stuffy and hot. Just thinking about that made him feel jittery. His skin was itching. Just a little, when he first noticed it, then growing stronger, like he had hives creeping up his arms and legs, then all over his groin, then spreading from his groin all up his stomach and chest. He couldn't let himself sit there and scratch or sweat in front of these new clients, and he felt embarrassed that his reaction to thinking about what this product could do was so strong. He excused himself and went to the bathroom. When Tucker got into the bathroom, the mirrors gave him evidence that those sensations of his clothes feeling tighter were not just his imagination. As soon as he was inside the door, he frantically scratched the raging itching of his chest and stomach, and he thought, strangely, that his pecs felt bigger to him. He looked at his reflection and saw that his jacket looked too small, too snug. Maybe he just hadn't noticed this morning. After all, he had been building up with Larry's training routine. The itching was feeling out of control. He scratched all down his arms to the back of his hands. He looked at them in shock. The backs of his hands were covered with short, dark hair, hair that hadn't been there before. He unbuttoned his cuff, pushed up his sleeve, and saw the same kind of dark hair growing on his forearm. This couldn't really be happening! He quickly unbuttoned the front of his shirt. All that itching was being caused by dark hair sprouting thickly all over his chest and stomach. He looked just like one of those hairy guys who shaves and lets it grow back It was short and lay flat on his skin, but already he could see the swirls and pattern it was making. It wasn't his imagination at all. And it wasn't his imagination that his clothes were getting tighter. His arm muscles were bigger, and so were his pecs. They must have slipped him some of their product. He pulled himself together, buttoned his shirt, which was now almost tight across his chest, and returned to the table. There, he asked them what was going on. Larry told him that they had all felt the best way for him to understand the product was to experience it himself. Tucker tried to hold back his panic. He asked how much they had given him, and one of the clients, Jake, told him they had given him a basic, full dose, like Larry had taken. Now Tucker stared at Larry with a new and different kind of interest. Panic subsided and curiosity set in. His mind could barely grasp the fact that he could soon be as massively built as Larry. He looked at the way Larry's arms, at rest, strained the material of his huge sleeves, filling them up tight and full, and bulging insanely when he lifted or bent his arms at all. Across his gigantic chest his pecs stood out like pillows filled with steel, straining the fabric, pulling the buttons. He noticed that, at his collar where he had loosened his tie, there was hair creeping up and out over the collar. Tucker knew that Larry had had a completely hairless torso. It looked good, he thought. What a strange thought to cross his mind, that hairon a guy's chest would look good. Or not. But it did look good to him, kind of darkly masculine and sexy. Tucker felt himself sweating as the conversation at the table continued as if nothing strange were happening. His itching had not abated, and he guessed that he was feeling hair continuing to grow. Strange, but suddenly he found the idea growing of body hair very hot. He wished he could look. He tried to act casual and continue to eat and talk and drink, but every time he lifted something to his mouth, he could feel his arm a little bigger inside his sleeve. Soon, even the arm at rest began to swell against the fabric of his shirt and jacket. His clothes were becoming uncomfortably tight. He felt his slacks becoming tighter and tighter. At first he just felt the tightness in his thighs, but soon he could feel his calves filling the fabric. At the same time, the material grew tighter around his hips, and he figured his glutes must be getting bigger, too. And he also realized, to his astonishment, that the crotch of his slacks had started to constrict him in his groin, crowding his genitals. With the hand in his lap, he felt himself, confirming his most outrageous suspicion. What was inside the crotch of his pants was also growing bigger, and with his thighs pulling his pants tight, his dick and balls had no place to fall, and suddenly, there was his meat making bulges in his slacks. His meat! How big was it getting? He could feel that there was more there, crowded, sensitive, even his balls making their own bulges with their swollen size. He began to feel extremely self conscious and, at the same time, extremely turned on by what he felt. He felt his dick starting to swell and grow hard in his pants. With his hand, he could feel the size of its head and it didn't feel real as it crawled, growing bigger and harder, along the side of his groin, over his thigh toward his hip bone. He couldn't stand up now without showing the whole restaurant the effects this transformation was having on him. He wanted to be angry. He couldn't believe they had done this without telling him first, and he told them so. Larry asked if he would have gone along with it. He said probably not, and Larry said that's why they hadn't asked. But his anger was being quickly swallowed up by his growing feeling of excitement. Strange, he thought, but even as he was sitting there, he knew that something was changing, not just in his body, but in his head, too. He had been on Larry's case about getting too big, with his bodybuilding, to keep his place as an acceptable ad man, and now, suddenly, he was looking at Larry's enormous size and finding it exciting, even desirable. In fact, he was sure he could see Larry getting even thicker and more massive as they sat there, his shirt tighter, more revealing, causing increasingly strong waves of erotic stimulation to radiate through him. His collar grew tight and he felt hot. He loosened his tie and unbuttoned the collar button, and when he did, he felt hair growing at the base of his throat out of his collar. The waiter cleared their plates and brought coffee while Larry and the other two discussed the incredible potential of their product, once its ability to transform was made public. The one called Ted joked that they seemed to be making it public right now. Larry sat up tall in his chair, grinning, swelling his chest, replying that they sure were. His huge muscles strained the fabric of his shirt. He was enormous and Tucker couldn't believe his eyes. But he knew that they didn't mean just Larry when they talked about going public. He could barely move his arms, the back of his jacket pulled so snugly against his back and shoulders. It felt as though he were wearing a child's jacket and slacks. The sleeves were so tight with his arms relaxed, that he couldn't bend them without the material straining like a leather restraint belt. The top several buttons on his shirt, over his chest, were pulling, straining, about to pop. Tucker was filled with a confusion of emotions. He wished he were any place but a public restaurant. He could no more hide what was happening to his body than Larry could. He knew he must be starting to look ridiculous in his clothes. People around the restaurant were looking at them, commenting in whispers to each other. But he also felt a certain envy at how Larry seemed to be inviting the stares, how he not only didn't seem to care, but looked proud to display his transformation, his increasingly massive size. Oddly, he realized, he sort of felt that way, too. He felt like some deeply hidden desire, some drive he had never acknowledged, was being forced into his reality, and he had no choice but to accept and embrace it. There was no sense fighting what was happening, since it was happening for all to see. A growing sense of enjoyment, an intense, profound, erotic satisfaction crept through his consciousness as he began to admit to himself how hot he felt, his muscles growing big and hard, becoming like those of a real bodybuilder. Tucker reached for his coffee, and felt the seam down the side of the jacket under his arm, where his lats were swelling beyond the jacket's capacity to hold them, start to rip open. When he bent his arm to lift the cup, the seam down the back of the sleeve also began to give way with a tearing of the threads. If he didn't get out of the jacket right now, he would be treating the other diners, who were already watching, to the sight of his clothes splitting open before their eyes. He asked one of the men to help him get out of the jacket. He struggled his arms out of their confines, and when he twisted to hang the jacket on the back of the chair, the second button of his shirt gave in to the strain of his mounding pecs and popped off. He had to loosen his tie more, and since it was obvious to him that the other buttons over his pecs would soon give way as well, he unbuttoned them down to below his chest, where his lats angled in to his hard, slender abdomen, and the buttons had room to hold. The shirt spread itself open over his pecs, the tie covering only part of his exposed chest. He saw the thickness of his pecs dive into a deep crease of cleavage, dark hair covering the skin. His dick reflexed against his groin with the sudden thrill of what he saw. He could no longer deny that he was extremely turned on by what was happening to him. He felt wave after wave of intense erotic stimulation flood his body and his brain. He had never felt so horny in his life, so hot, so sexy, with a totally new, powerful sensation of maleness. This was making him feel deeply, intensely masculine in a way so overpowering that he had never imagined possible. He was beginning to understand Larry's pride. How could he have thought that being massive and freaky would be weird and embarrassing. He wondered briefly what his girlfriend would think if she could see him now, but he realized he didn't really care. He wanted to feel another person touching his muscles, but it wasn't his girlfriend. He looked across the table at Larry. His account executive was saying to the two clients that it looked like both he and his boss were about to grow out of their clothes, and that they should probably be getting out of here and going to someplace more private while they completed their transformations. Tucker stared at Larry, and he realized that the sight of his friend's massive muscles almost exploding inside his shirt was making his cock throb. He had never felt the slightest sexual attraction for another man before, but now, when Larry said they should get to someplace more private, his mind flooded with images of Larry taking off his clothes, of seeing all of his incredible body, of touching it, feeling those massive muscles. What would the hair on his body look like? How big would his cock and his balls be? And what about his own? He couldn't wait to see what he looked like, too, to see himself packed with muscle, hairy, amazingly hung. The thought of them naked, together, made him so much hornier he thought he might come, uncontrollably, right there in the restaurant. His hand reached under the table again to feel his crotch, and he realized that his cock, jerking with his erotic thoughts, rock hard and straining the material of his slacks, now extended past his hip bone and felt thicker than a giant cucumber. It was growing bigger still. How could he get up and leave? The other two said that Larry was probably right. They would pick up the check and get in touch later. They said everyone would have a clearer picture of just what they would be marketing and how to use Larry and Tucker as spokesmen for the product. If respected advertising executives could transform themselves and enjoy their new look, why not the average Joe on the street. Go home, they said, enjoy the rest, and call tomorrow when it's all finished. Tucker held his jacket in front of himself as they left the restaurant. Walking was a revelation. He could feel the size of his ass in his slacks, the mass of his legs. His slacks were tight as skin. His thighs not only rubbed together, they forced his legs to move around each other with each step, the way he had seen bodybuilders walk. He could feel the material of his shirt stretched so tight across his back that his lats felt pressed and crowded. The sleeves clung tight to the mass of his arms. He knew that the people in the restaurant must be watching them as they left. He certainly didn't look like this when he came in. But he didn't care now; he found it kind of exciting. Wait, he thought, till they went public about what those people had just witnessed. They decided, waiting for their cars, to go to Larry's place. It was close. Larry drove ahead and Tucker followed in his Jag. On the way over, to his shock and growing excitement, Tucker felt the seam in the back of his slacks and on the legs start to split open. For one brief second, he thought about his suit being ruined, but he realized he would never be able to get into it again, and his uncontrollable arousal only increased with the idea that he was growing so big so fast as to rend the fabric of his old image. His shirt sleeves had become uncomfortably tight, and he bent first one arm, then the other, flexing his biceps until the sleeves burst, ripping open and exposing the massive peaks of his hard, swelling guns. Oh, yeah, he thought. This was too hot. He flexed his lats and felt the sides and back of his shirt rip open. It was as though he was being released, his muscles unbound. His lats felt so thick and wide under his arms, and his arms felt so dense and huge resting on the swelling, hard cushions of his lats. He looked down at his chest, pulled off his tie, felt his pecs with one hand. They were becoming absolutely huge now. The front of his unbuttoned shirt had pulled apart even more to expose a broad expanse of his bare chest. The plates of his pecs were becoming so thick that the crease of cleavage between them could swallow his fingers up to the second knuckles. And they were becoming truly hairy. Just the kind of hair, if he had grown up with body hair, that he would have wanted to have. It had become much denser since his trip to the bathroom, but it still was not too long, and it lay flat on his skin, silky and dark. He ran his hand under his shirt feeling how the hair grew all the way over to the broad sides of his pecs and down to the deeply overlapping cuts beneath them. His pecs were growing, not just massively thick, but broad and square, and they were almost totally covered with hair. His dick was throbbing inside what was left of his slacks, and a dark, wet spot of precum was growing by its enormous head. He let his hand continue to feel the hair that was growing down his abs. They were dense and hard as bricks, and their ridges and valleys were growing more extreme, harder, deeper, and the hair that converged down their center felt unbearably hot. With a reflex that never passed through his conscious mind, he grabbed his shirt, which had remained buttoned and intact where his waist was still tight and small, and he yanked it open, popping the buttons off, tearing it out of the waistbandof his slacks so he could see more of his hard, increasingly sexy hairy stomach. Between the awesome growth of his muscles and body hair, he felt an unexpected sensation, a deep, intense, overwhelming explosion of masculinity, a powerful building of raw erotic animal maleness. He was about to pull open his slacks, to grab his cock and bring himself to the relief that he felt himself relentlessly building toward. He was so hot he had to come. He had to come NOW. But just then Larry pulled into a driveway and into his garage. Tucker followed. Larry jumped out of his car and came around to Tucker. His own clothes, while still intact, were straining to the point of giving way. He was unbuttoning his shirt. He opened Tucker's door, saying he had to get out of his clothes, and he laughed when he saw how far out of his Tucker already was. Tucker followed Larry inside. By the time he had reached the living room, he was out of his shirt and had undone his pants. Tucker followed suit, getting out of his own shirt and undoing his belt and zipper. He didn't even care that his cock was hard and huge and obvious for Larry to see. So was Larry's, now, and he didn't seem to give a fuck. Larry had Tucker help him pull off his pants, the thighs were so tight. His bikini underwear came off with them. He jumped to his feet, spread his arms and legs, then flexed every muscle on his body as he moved slowly and deliberately into a double biceps, enjoying the freedom of his gigantic muscles being released from the restrictions of his clothes. His cock projected straight out from the dense big bush of his pubic hair, thicker than his wrist, and longer than his forearm. His balls hung almost halfway to his knees and looked the size of large oranges. His arms, his legs, his pecs, his abs, and his groin were covered with short, silky, dense hair that swirled and plunged in patterns that emphasized the size and shape of his body, his muscles, his exaggerated male equipment. Tucker looked in awe. Was this what would happen to him? Larry was bigger that any professional bodybuilder Tucker had ever seen. Noticeably bigger. Everything about him was insanely massive. Somewhere deep in his brain a faint thought of panic, or fear, or possible regret flitted by, but it was fast submerged in an tsunami of deep, intense, profoundly erotic arousal. He had never seen anything that turned him on so much as the sight of Larry and the thought that the same thing was happening to him. With a few violent rips and tugs, and some help from Larry, Tucker released himself from what was left of his clothes. in front of a full length mirror in Larry's bathroom, he saw the mind-blowing sight of his own reflection for the first time. He was magnificent. With Larry standing beside him, he could see how much farther he had to grow before he would be done. His mind reeled. He was big like the bodybuilders that he never let himself think about becoming. It wouldn't have been the right thing for a big ad exec. The thought made him laugh. And now he was that big, and he didn't give a fuck if people thought it was strange. Not only that big, but he had body hair that looked like a porno illustration. Where the line of hair had disappeared into his pants, now he saw it continue, spread thicker, and merge with his pubes which had spread on his groin, a major thick, dark tangle of luxuriant growth. It grew up his belly to where he knew that anything low cut that he wore would show groin hair. It spread out onto his upper thighs and joined uninterrupted with the hair that covered his massive legs. And from that sexy bush hung a pair of balls the size of lemons surmounted by his rod, a stiff, jerking, throbbing rod of veiny flesh at least a foot in length and so thick he could barely get his hand around it. He grabbed it hard with one hand while he stroked his unbelievably hot bod with the other, across his full, gorgeous, hairy tits, and down the furry peaks and valleys of his abs. Next to him, he saw Larry grab his own cock with both hands. He saw how Larry had to reach around his humongous pecs to get hold of his dick, how it made his pecs mound up with insanely thick mass. He noticed the beyond-human flare of Larry's back, the wide-spread stance of his tree trunk legs. He thought how much hotter Larry looked with his even more perfect, outrageous body hair, and the size of his equipment. He was out of control with the thrill of what he saw and what was happening. He couldn't wait to get like Larry. He couldn't wait. And suddenly, without a stroke, his groin exploded with the start of an orgasm that radiated through his body, contacting him into a total body spasm that traveled back into his groin, down the length of his wonderful cock and finally rocketed him into space, a space he never even imagined possible. He thought his joints would fly apart as he shot volley after volley of hot, thick cream, jerking with ecstasy as it hit the mirror so hard it splashed all over him and Larry. And it just kept coming, and coming, pumping up from some place so deep he didn't know it existed. It hit him in the face and all over his chest and stomach. He saw it hitting Larry, matting the hair on his gargantuan chest, plastering it down as it ran down his abs. Finally, after what must have been more than a minute of full ejaculation, it slowed and stopped. Larry was laughing, rubbing the cum into his hair, massaging his tits with its slippery lubrication. Tucker did the same, taking his lead from the hunk beside him. He felt so good, his body felt so good under his hands. His cock was still hard, still, to his amazement, throbbing, wanting more sex. Then Larry reached for him, pulled him over, and began to massage the sticky fluid into his pecs and all the way down his abs. As soon as Larry touched him, he knew he had waited his whole life for this. He sucked in his breath and Larry leaned forward and placed his mouth on Tucker's. The feel of a firm mouth surrounded by stiff, scratchy whiskers made him suck his breath in again, almost to the point of fainting with passion, and he felt Larry's tongue press in to explore. He let himself lean hard into Larry's body to hold himself up, felt his pecs press against the hard, enormous mass of Larry's. He felt Larry's huge cock find his abs and start to work up them as they moved closer together. Then his own cock touched Larry's pubic hair and the base of his dick. Larry pulled him closer until both their cocks were pressed between their rock hard bellies, rubbing against each other, stimulated by the hair on their bellies. Tucker felt almost weak, swept into a tide of erotic, male passion. Larry kissed him hard, moving from his mouth and pressing his lips and tongue into the soft flesh under Tucker's jaw line, his chin, sucking on the cleft in his chin, working it with his tongue, then down his throat to his chest, where he buried his face in Tucker chest hair, licking deep into his cleavage and cuts, sucking and nipping at his nipples. He grabbed Tucker's hard, round butt and pulled him closer still, pushing their groins hard together. Then, before Tucker knew what was happening, Larry had wet his fingers with Tucker's spunk and was working it between his buns and into his asshole. Tucker realized what Larry intended to do, and there was no way he could make himself want to stop him. He was so hot and so horny that he wanted more of everything, wanted to do, to know everything that could be done with and to the male body. He worked on Larry's pecs, massaged them hard, pressed the heels of his palms into their dense mass, lifting their incredible weight. He couldn't believe his own would soon be this massive, and he couldn't wait to feel it on himself. Larry turned him around, reached under his arms, around his lats, and grabbed his pecs to pull him close from behind. Tucker felt the head of Larry's cock against his butt, pushing between his buns, separating them with its fist-sized head. He was so hot he didn't care how much it hurt; he wanted to feel Larry deep inside him. Larry was telling him how hot he was getting , how big. He told Tucker to flex for him, and Tucker felt hot and powerful as he raised his arms in a double biceps. His arms were getting huge. He looked in disbelief at the size of his biceps, how they peaked. He heard Tucker saying what great fucking arms, what great fucking tits, as he massaged his pecs harder. And then, with a slow, deliberate thrust, Larrywas inside him. He slid the entire length of his cock in, slowly, filling him, deeper, deeper, until Tucker felt himself stop against the dense hair and hard flesh of Larry's groin. He closed his eyes and a groan escaped his lips. Larry held him there for a minute, not moving, just pressing himself hard into Tucker. Tucker felt the fullness of Larry in him. Then Larry slowly moved his hands down Tucker's torso, across his swelling, growing muscles, until he had taken Tucker's cock in his hands. As he slowly began to stroke the length of Tucker's cock, he withdrew himself and pressed himself back inside Tucker in the same rhythm. He gradually increased his tempo, withdrawing himself slightly more each time, until he was pulling out past the rim of his cockhead, feeling the flaring edge pop out and back in again, slamming Tucker's hard ass each time he rammed himself in to its full length. Tucker felt the heat increase until he felt white hot. His moans became open mouthed groans, increasing in volume and intensity with Larry's pounding rhythm. He felt Larry's breath, hot against his neck. He was nearing orgasm. He could feel it building in him until he felt himself rocked by another nuclear explosion, like before but stronger, squeezing him to the center of his cells, his body alive with pulsing, shocking, jolting sexual electricity. And as he watched thick streams of white cream jet out of his cockhead he felt Larry inside him jerking hard, convulsing with his own release, filling him with hot juice. He felt himself fill up until Larry's cum was leaking out and running down his butt and dripping off his balls. When their convulsions finally subsided, they both collapsed on the floor in the pools of their cum, laughing, rubbing handsful of it onto each other, plastering down their hair, slipping and sliding their hands over each other's incredible muscles. Larry suggested a swim in the pool, and they went out to his patio. Tucker felt magnificent. He could feel himself still steadily swelling bigger, harder, denser, his body hair filling in, his dick and balls growing more and more like Larry's. Then, suddenly, he felt his muscles start to cramp. Deep in his bowels, where he had taken Larry's load, he felt heat building and radiating. It felt kind of good, kind of sexy, but it also felt strange. He felt his muscles draw into themselves in a deep, but not a painful cramp, and then relax for a second or two, and then draw up again, almost like mild convulsions. He told Larry how he felt, and he went to the side of the pool where he could stand and lean against something for support. He laughed at himself for reacting, but the feeling of convulsing grew stronger, even though he was not outwardly convulsing. He looked at Larry watching him, and he saw amazement, maybe fear in his friend's eyes. And then he knew what was happening. Somehow, taking Larry's cum must have increased the activity of whatever was causing his transformation. The rate had increased. He was growing so fast he could see it, and so could Larry. He could feel it. Suddenly he was on a rocket. He could feel his arms getting thicker and heavier, even as his lats flared and pushed them out, up. His pecs were ballooning inside his skin, broader, thicker. They were growing so big so fast he thought his skin would split. He could hardly see over them. He could feel his butt, where he was leaning, growing bigger, thicker, harder, literally pushing away from the side of the pool. His thighs pushed away from each other as they grew bigger and bigger, until he had to bend his knees to stand. His cock throbbed, reaching a spontaneous orgasm again, spraying his cream into the pool. He heard himself saying Oh, God! Oh, God! Oh, God! over and over again. And his orgasm didn't stop; he just kept shooting spurt after spurt, and his cock kept growing, bigger than Larry's. He could feel the weight of his balls against his thighs, almost to his knees. He had to see. It was hard to get his arms around the mass of his torso to reach them, but he lifted them and they were bigger than Larry's, too. They were the size of softballs. He wished he could get to a mirror. He knew he was bigger than Larry all over, and he was still swelling, exploding with mass. Christ! This was incredible! Would he be able to walk? Did he care? Larry was voicing his amazement. As Tucker continued to grow, his mass swelling, adding to itself, his orgasm going on and on, Larry could see that Tucker was lost in the sensations of what was taking place. No wonder. He could tell that Tucker was in a place beyond ecstasy, that he was flying on an orgasmic rocket. His traps threatened to engulf his head and his delts surpassed the size of bowling balls. Larry wanted him, wanted his muscle, his unbelievable display of manhood. Tucker seemed not to be able to stop feeling his own muscle as it grew thicker and denser. Larry stepped up to him and began to join his monster friend in feeling, massaging the gigantic boulders of hairy muscle hanging on his incredibly broad and growing chest. He grabbed the throbbing, spraying cock. There was no way he could get his hand around it and it had to be over two feet long now. He heard Tucker breathlessly crying for him to take it, take it. He held the gigantic head to his face, then licked around the spouting slit. His lust and hunger overtook him, and he drank as much of Tucker's cum as he could, and when he was full and still crazy with desire, he turned and positioned himself asshole to cockhead and began to push back onto Tucker's rod. As soon as he made contact, he felt Tucker grab his waist and thrust hard. He was sure he screamed. It felt like he was being impaled on someone's leg, but his lust was so intense that the very size of the gigantic tool inside him was driving to the heart of his insatiable need for more. Tucker was still pouring cum out of his cock, and he held Larry tight against him as he flooded his gut. Even when Larry had been filled to the point that he could feel his belly distending and cum running out of him and down his legs, Tucker held him hard against him. The more Larry felt filling inside him, the more he wanted it. There was no way he could get enough. Until he began to feel the heat in his own belly and the convulsing in his muscles begin. Tucker could barely catch a breath from the relentless orgasm he was having. It didn't seem to matter how much he came. He just felt himself getting more and more turned on, hornier, constantly more erotically charged. Even as he pumped a steady stream of his juice into Larry he could feel himself growing bigger, thicker, heavier. He was so in love with the feeling of his muscles growing so much more massive so fast that there was no way now that he could have enough of the feeling, no way he could ever get big enough. It seemed like the juice he had taken from Larry was even more concentrated in its effect than the original dose he had been given. It was incredible. If only he could get more. And then, when he saw Larry, still impaled on his churning cock, begin so show the signs of convulsing, he knew that they were each producing a more concentrated version of the formula by its very action within them. No wonder it was such an intense sexual sensation and experience. The whole thing was sexual in its most basic nature. The muscles, the body hair, the amazing growth of their genitals, all of it was the expression by the body of an unleashing of the deepest essence of physical male sexuality. Even as those thoughts were crowding in on his consciousness, he saw them confirmed. Larry began contracting, his already huge glutes squeezing Tucker's cock so hard he thought he might burst, if it didn't feel so good. Tucker saw, immediately, that Larry's lats and delts were swelling again. From his position behind him, Tucker couldn't believe how Larry's back began to flare like a cobra's hood, how his bowling ball delts began to look more like basketballs. He put his hands on Larry's butt to slide himself out, and he could feel the iron pulsing of those glutes swelling into larger boulders. When he pulled his cock out, he was shocked at how much it had grown inside his friend. He turned him around. Larry was grinning, his eyes rolling up into his head with the extreme ecstasy he was feeling. He could only keep saying how incredible he felt, how unbelievable this was. He was massaging his own pecs, feeling their hard, swelling contours, pressing the heels of his hands hard into their sides, pushing against them as he felt them pushing out, broadening, thickening. They were beyond enormous. His arms were so huge it was difficult to bent them very far before his forearms were stopped by the ham-like biceps bursting on his upper arms. His lats had pushed them above forty-five degrees. His thighs forced his legs farther apart even though his quads firmly pressed against each other almost to his knees, to where his balls rested now, two very large grapefruits churning with his sex. His cock projected straight out from his increasingly hairy groin, more than two feet of thick, veiny manhood, and as his cries of ecstasy increased, he began to shoot, just like Tucker. Now both of them were standing in the pool, Tucker bigger than the biggest bodybuilder, and Larry bigger than him by half, both of them still swelling, and both of them shooting non-stop volleys of heavy cream. They laughed and they moaned with constant, growing erotic animal pleasure. They shot all over each other. They rubbed the slippery cum into the hair that was still growing thicker on each other's torsos, enjoying the feel of their mass, their deep cuts, the mounds and boulders of harder, denser, bigger muscles. After a few more minutes, when Tucker saw how enormous Larry was becoming, still swelling, veins popping all over his body, his skin thinner and thinner as the muscle beneath stretched it like tissue, He realized that Larry's growth was even more extreme than his after he had taken a belly full of Larry's juice. So the combination of the original dose plus Larry's cum had magnified the strength of the process in him, and what he gave to Larry had been that much stronger. That meant that what Larry was shooting out of his cock now would probably be stronger still by that much more concentration. He looked at Larry's cock, which was like the thick end of a baseball bat and nearly a yard long, he guessed. Could he take it? He wanted to. He wanted it bad. He playfully forced it down below the water, feeling how it was so stiff that it felt spring-loaded, and let it go. It sprang up, to their delight, with a thwack hitting Larry in the face. Tucker reached up, took its frighteningly huge head and brought it down as he turned around to his own huge, hard bubble butt. He pushed back onto it, felt it stretch him until he thought his flesh would tear. But something about this transformation also seemed to increase his capacity to open and accommodate such a tool, because he felt Larry's hands on his waist, then the pressure of his friend pulling his back as he thrust forward, and with a blinding flash of hot, erotic pain, he felt himself fill with Larry's hot flesh. He could feel the juice pumping into him. It was so hot that he tried to stand still and just experience the sensation. His own cock was still ejaculating. He had been ejaculating for at least an hour, and he couldn't believe he wasn't exhausted, but the intensity of the orgasm kept growing stronger and energizing him. He would let Larry fill him for as long as he could stand it. If he could, he would stay on this giant cock until he felt himself growing more, growing faster. The water in the pool was becoming cloudy with their cum. Tucker had no ideas how long he had stayed on Larry's cock. He remembered that when his arms were resting almost straight out to his sides and had grown bigger than a bodybuilder's legs, Larry had been forceful about having another turn himself. He vaguely remembered that they each took several more turns. He remembered that, no matter how big their cocks had grown, they seemed to be able to stretch to take them in, even when they were much too long to take more than half their lengths. He remembered, at one point, that they were going to get out of the pool and try to pose for each other, but they found that they were so heavy that it was almost impossible to balance themselves and stand up without the help of the buoyancy of the water. So they had stayed in the pool. Their cocks grew too long to reach the throbbing, insistent cockheads themselves, but that was not problem since they couldn't get enough of doing it for each other. They didn't give a fuck about the consequences when they realized their dicks extended over their heads; it was just too fucking hot having such gigantic cocks. They completely lost any sense of time as the night wore on and they took turns impregnating each other with stronger and stronger doses of the growth factor, and getting more and more lost in the intensity of the erotic sensations of their growing mass. They never even heard Larry's phone ring, late the next morning, when they hadn't shown up at the office. About ten o'clock, Sean Gallagher came to check. The new potential clients had shown up for a nine o'clock appointment. Sean had first checked at Tucker's house and found no one home. So he came to Larry's. He found them in the pool. Sean was in shock at what he saw. He had talked to Larry about the new product, and had known more than Tucker about what these guys were up to. He had even been kind of excited to see how it worked on Larry, because, deep, secret truth be known, he had always wanted to have a body like a bodybuilder without having to do all the work to get it. But in his wildest imaginings, he had never conceived of anything like what he saw that morning. The two of them were oblivious to him when he walked onto the patio. They were facing each other, leaning against the side of the pool for support. They stood there, the two most grotesquely, monstrously muscular men ever conceived in the brain of the most obsessed muscle freak, massaging, caressing, feeling each other's bodies, lost in the sensations. Projecting from the groin of each of them, resting on the shoulder of the other like a pair of crossed swords, lay their cocks, projecting above and beyond their heads, spurting thick, heavy cream like fountains into the water. Sean didn't know what to do. He was terrified. He called their names. When they finally took notice of him, they said he would have to help them out of the pool. They obviously wouldn't be getting dressed and coming into the office. Sean noticed they weren't at all upset about the freaks they had become. He didn't know what to do about getting them out of the pool, since he was wearing his suit. Tucker told him to just take his clothes off. He'd need to take a fast shower anyway, since the pool water was a swamp of milky juice, a layer almost coagulated on the surface. Sean was mildly disgusted by the prospect, but he couldn't leave them there, so he laid his clothes neatly on a chaise. He also felt a little, dark thrill at the sight of these two hairy muscle monsters with their monster dicks. As he tried to help them move out of the water, they got him laughing at the difficulty of maneuvering such mass. He was immediately slippery, too, with the juice surrounding him. They slid around, Sean having to grab their immense muscles as he tried to help them balance. It was impossible to stay out of the way of the fountains of spunk that were still spurting into the pool. He was soon so covered, in his flailing attempts, that he had to accept getting some in his mouth. He didn't swallow much, but the concentration level had increased so much that it didn't take very much before he felt a strange heat in his belly. To be continued....
  9. belabarbell

    The Takeover

    1. The row of tanks stretched deeply into the cavernous recesses of the warehouse. In each tank, imposing bodies hung suspended in a transparent liquid, each one seemingly larger and more impressive than the last. The man in each tank appeared as yet another perfect specimen of athleticism, vascularity, and dominance. Indeed, this was as it should be, as Professional Solutions specialized in taking men at peak physical condition and improving them so much that the reputation of their three-month intensive program of suspended animation conditioning was known to most athletes in the world and many professional sports teams had sent their top players to the secretive, state of the art facility which no one really knew the exact location of unless they went into the program. Dr. Moravian knew that most of his "boys" returned to their home teams as H.A.M., huge alpha monsters. He had reported all his findings to his alien overlords. He was always rewarded for obeying their orders. They gave him what he desired, what he lusted after: power. If they wanted him to be their dog on a leash, he was happy to do it, so long as he exercised absolute control over his "boys". He had reported the increased vascularity, size, strength and power, but above all their increased performance on the field. Football players once top dog on their teams were now literally machines, utterly focused on their gains and their game. Wrestlers appeared in tune with their opponent and excelled in dominating them, mentally and physically. Their shockingly bulging muscles helped. And they certainly helped PS, whose fame spread around the world as quickly as you could say “this time, you’re gonna swallow.” The overlords approved and prepared their takeover. The plan consisted in releasing a substance containing tiny parasites with swarm consciousness into the bloodstreams of its thousands of grade A athletes and champions, turning them slowly into little else than docile, cum producing muscle bodies, whose cum contained tiny copies of the parasite, which quickly reproduced a clone of the host except more completely bound to the swarm. Moravian was also bound to the parasites, having been the first "victim" (as he liked to see it, the parasites "released" him from bondage). This meant the Overlords could reward him in more direct ways, as well. Moravian, it turned out, had one of the largest cocks on any man in the world, and it was attached to a body only emblematic of the ethos of PS. As he filed the latest updates, just such a "direct reward" was initiated. Moravian's gargantuan cock slithered from between his lab coat and, as if predestined, snaked its way into a receptacle under the terminal he was updating his "boys'" information on. The bulbous tip at the entrance gave way, and the grand cock continued don the warm, wet tube, whose spongy surface continually sucked him further in. A prick on his steely shaft told Moravian the procedure was underway. This prick ensured that his parasite levels were of an absolute high grade: his "boys" always needed him at the top of his game! His muscles bulged even wider, his cock grew larger and longer with the increased parasite load. At the same time, a familiar sensation -- a gentle nudging at the lip of his cockhead. Moravian spread his arms behind his neck as the tube entered his dick. It crawled slowly down into his scrotum, where, as soon as it reached its designated point, a remote program initiated Moravian's orgasm. His parasite laden spunk was taken up by the hose and drawn to the individual tanks, where it entered into the nutritional devices secured to each athlete. As they put this plan into motion and watched on their screens, the muscle flesh bodies occupying the tanks began slowly spasming and releasing blobs out of their dicks. These quickly grew into translucent balls and were picked up by small roving cranes, who moved them to an adjacent room to incubate. Here they quickly grew appendages, and became fully-fledged, yet pliant, musclebound beefcakes in fifteen minutes. These were put to various tasks depending on their particular host’s qualities. The lighter ones, swimmers, gymnasts, soccer players were put to work assisting in the reproduction facility (ie., the cum-draining facility) whereas the bulkier ones set about establishing the foundation upon which the total takeover of the planet would occur. Some went about constructing the facilities which would be used to create further reproduction centers. Others donned uniforms and prepared for a war against humanity. After 48 hours, an army of 10,000 existed. After a week, the army was larger than any in the world. The plan was ready to implement… 2 The Steelers’ state of the art gym was packed. The team’s starting wide receiver, Rodney Vasquez, was finishing up a set of lethal squats when he noticed a crowd gathering near his station. He removed his headphones, silencing the pumping in his ear. He walked over to the crowd, and saw a rather humongous figure at the center of it. Whoever this was, he was huge! As Rodney approached the crowd, he tried to squeeze his way forward to get a better look, which his overdeveloped legs easily allowed him. When he got to the front, he was presented with literally one of the largest and most impressive specimens of masculinity he’d ever seen. Suddenly, the huge figure locked eyes with Rodney, smiled and shouted his name. At this point, he recognized the bassa profundo as a deeper and indelibly richer toned version of his friend Stanley McMichaels, a linebacker who had some months ago been transferred to a training program none of the teammates knew much about, but which they’d all heard amazing things about. And here, in front of them, stood a testament to the wonders the program worked. Stanley was now by far the largest and most impressive player on the team, and his wide girth, huge legs and arms as if cut from granite in fact hid his slightly taller stature. Rodney suddenly felt a huge wave of elation at seeing his friend in such amazing condition. He went to hug Stanley, and as the two commenced sizing another up, Rodney noticed a strange dullness in Stanley’s eyes. He didn’t have long to consider it, though, as the sense of elation he’d initially felt transformed quickly to euphoria. Rodney felt incredibly horny, and his cock quickly expanded in his jock. As he started losing self consciousness, he noticed he was cumming. The cum, much more than normal, quickly dribbled down his legs and formed a puddle between his feet. The puddle morphed into a sphere, and the sphere began rolling towards the trainer’s office. As he looked around in horror, he saw the crowd around him at various points of arousal, many experiencing earth-shattering orgasms as extreme as his own. Stains and puddles were forming all around, and one of his last recollections before becoming a permanent cum dispensary for improved and more muscular versions of himself was that he was growing! The Steelers facility was soon complete, and built according to the blueprints of the alien overlords. The stadium was turned into a breeding ground, with tanks housing all the original players, their trainers, coaches and even some of the male cheerleaders producing a steady flow of mutant musclezombies to feed the growing army. The improved copy of Stanley McMichaels sent to convert the facility looked on in approval. As the huge muscular bodies in the tank churned out more and more cum, he flexed into the heavens. His huge back, traps and lats condensed into an intimidating display of power, and a remote signal sent from the overlords caused his stiff 11 inch member to visibly lengthen. As it did, it stretched upward between his rock hard abs, eventually sidling between his deep pec cleft. As it continued to grow upward, a bead appeared on the head of it. Stanley took his cock head in his mouth as he continued to flex for the heavens. Instantly, his enormous balls began filling his mouth with a delicious sauce that the clone swallowed down. He immediately began to grow, all of his musculature swelling obscenely, until he was nearly twelve feet tall and six feet wide. He continued suckling and growing, greedily receiving his reward from the alien overlords for a conversion complete. His muscles bulged outward,, impossibly dense. As his now 2 foot long cock plopped out of his big mouth, he let out an animalistic roar that could be heard for miles. The city would never know what hit it. 3 Greg Morrison was a competitive bodybuilder who took the “competitive” in his title very seriously. He had dedicated himself without abandon to his craft for over thirteen years, perfecting a technique that was without parallel. At least,until recently. A certain challenger by the name of Pedro Gonzales had appeared at Greg’s local gym, and had, within a few months, busted all of Greg’s old records on the benchpress, squats and anything else Pedro could get his hands, legs or other appendages around. The feeling of being scuttled from alpha dog to just beta enraged Greg, and so it was with a delicious air of inevitability that he latched onto the offer for a “three month intensive muscle conditioning program” that he’d seen an obscure flyer for in the changing room at the gym, at another one of his defeating sessions trying to keep up with Pedro. So Greg had signed up, and in a few weeks he packed his duffel bag full of creams, vitamins, supplements and a few hours’ worth of chicken breast and rice, as he made his way on the train to the location of this “muscle conditioning program”. The prices were outrageous, but he’d heard so many swooning about the supposed results that his envy of Pedro overcame any cost-benefit analysis in this case. His cock was hard the whole way and he rubbed it through his sweatpants, looking idly out the window at the landscape lolling past. He thought of himself being larger and more impressive than Pedro, and this thought pushed all other reservations away for the time being. Once or twice he got awe-inspired stares as other passengers passed by the seemingly dazed muscle man in permanent arousal, overlarge member straining the loose material. Eventually the train arrived, and he called a taxi to bring him to the address he’d been given. Once there, he looked for, and found an entrance, and rang the bell. Two of the most impressive specimens he’d ever seen, much bigger than either Pedro or himself, and yet cut to insane levels of perfection, greeted him. Their faces were chiselled, yet the magazine good looks did nothing to hide the dullness in their eyes. There wasn’t much going on up there, and it was obvious the two spent most of their focus on sculpting an insane physique, and he wouldn’t be surprised if the had trouble spelling “deltoid”. They both wore a “uniform” of what looked like a tight-fitting lycra shirt and compression pants, that did little to hide bulges worth writing home about. The two smiled stupidly at each other and at him, seemingly seeking approval that they were, in fact, “good boys” for having less fat on their bones than a low-calorie yogurt. Hi!” said the one. “You must be Greg!” Greg nodded and the stud was obviously pleased at his discovery, the cords in his neck bulged and his cock stirred a little in its dugout. “Come in, dude!” said the other one, who introduced himself as Doug. The first one’s name was Matt, and the two had been old workout buddies who had joined the program together to advance their gains. The two had gained roughly 100 lbs of muscle in 3 months, they claimed, and flexed for Greg. Greg was especially impressed by Doug’s traps, which literally went to his ears., a huge pyramid to the only god in Doug’s life: muscle. Greg, Matt and Doug joked around in the hallway for a few minutes until they heard a voice behind them: “Boys, do bring Mr. Morrison to my office and don’t hold up his… progress.” The enormous man in the white coat introduced himself as Dr. Moravian, and he generously shook Greg’s hand. Dr. Moravian’s hands were strangely cold, but Greg shrugged it off. Either way, it matched his personality, which was certainly more chilled than the warmth that exuded from Matt and Doug, who resembled two overbuff lapdogs. Dr. Moravian led Greg to a small door on the corner of the hallway, with the wall of muscle following behind. “As you can see from our boys here,” said Dr. Moravian, gesturing to the two muscleheads in the corner, “our results are dramatic and extraordinary. I’m sure these two have informed you of their gains while enrolled in the program?” Greg nodded and the rest of the conversation went by in a blur. Greg agreed to enroll in the program, signing paperwork and nodding occasionally when questions were raised, but never taking his eyes off the delectable duo across from him. Dr. Moravian gave him a glass of something to drink, which he hardly heard him describe the nature of: something-something-electrolytes-something. He downed it, and was just about to put the glass down, when he froze. He couldn’t move! As if on cue, Doug moved over to his feet and began removing his sweatpants, revealing his jockstrap-covered bulge. Matt meanwhile moved over to his torso and applied pressure to his jaw, forcing his mouth open. While he felt something soft, hot and strangely wet on his asscheeks, Matt whipped his horse dick out of his compression pants and began slapping Greg in the face with it. While Doug was rimming Greg’s ass, preparing it for entry, Matt stuck his meat in Greg’s mouth and began pounding it, slowly at first, and then picking up speed. Suddenly, his asshole was exposed, and in one motion, Greg felt himself being speared to the hilt. Strangely enough to him, it didn’t hurt so much as it filled a deep longing in him to have a cock there. Doug began rocking and Matt picked up his pace. The two high-fived each other as they fucked Greg from both ends. Greg felt strangely aroused from the whole experience of being fucked by two ridiculously muscled studs, and his arousal increased as the two neared orgasm. The two came in unison, filling him with a liquid that burned as it spread inside him. His cock stood on end suddenly, and his whole body buzzed. He felt like he had an incredible gym pump, and felt himself swelling a bit. At the same time, his cock erupted by itself, and a hot, translucent goop collected in his corrugated abs. He strangely kept coming, it was the most intense orgasm he’d ever experienced -- he didn’t want it to end -- and the goop began running down the table, collecting in a puddle on the floor. Unbeknownst to Greg, the puddle began forming into a blob, and the blob grew as he came more and more. Soon, a replica of Greg, identical in every way save for being much more densely muscled -- and taller --- and sporting a larger cock -- stood beside him. Greg could still not move, and at this point, his improved twin was chatting with Matt and Doug: “Hey, what’s up, dudes?” “Not much, brah. About to strap this sucker in and take him to the tanks. Wanna come?” “Hell yeah, brah. Count me in!” Matt went over to a cabinet and retrieved some folded clothes, which Greg’s bulkier clone put on: the same tight-fitting stretch shirt and compression pants the other two dimwitted musclestuds wore. As Greg II was dressing, Matt and Doug began strapping Greg I to the table, which converted to a gurney, which they pushed down the hallway towards to large doubledoors, from which could be heard a loud mechanical buzzing. They passed through the doors and Greg, still immobile, was presented with an enormous warehouse filled with huge tanks, in most of which huge, strapping musclemen hung suspended in a liquid resembling glass cleaner. Attached to each one were hoses to his face and mouth, and another to his cock, and a third snaked up their asses. All of the men were at peak physical condition and each seemed to spasm every few seconds. Greg was wheeled to one tank that was not yet occupied, where he was unstrapped. A crane was activated that gently lifted the big man like a toy, and he was slowly lowered into the tank. The liquid felt warm, and it seemed to adjust itself to his body temperature. His facial mask lowered and attached itself to his head, and shortly thereafter he began feeling a strange sense of abandon and arousal. Just then, a tube snaked up his ass, which had been loosened earlier by Doug’s big python. It immediately began stimulating his prostate and injecting a special nutritional paste into his ass. He saw another device directing itself toward his cock and balls, and suddenly felt intense pleasure as it locked into place and began sucking him of his vital juices. Just then the parasites entered his mind via the special nutritional paste being injected into his ass and mouth, and he prepared to produce the second (of many) soldier offspring for the alien invasion. Greg groaned in pleasure as he fed the tube what it wanted, bigger and more muscular than Pedro, finally!
  10. Varg

    An Alpha And His Beta

    Part 1 I'm a bodybuilder, and like all bodybuilders, I decided to have an abnormal life. I took my body to the furthest point, broke down any barriers, and pushed even further until there was no going back. I was 72 inches tall (6 feet tall), weighing in at 218 pounds of muscle when I was cutting and 245ish pounds when I was bulking. Right now it's summer, so of course I've got my trimmed look for the season. Except trimmed was too delicate of a way to put it. I was ripped, cut, chiseled, and overall amazing. My body fat must have been 6% at the most. My muscles just jumped off my smoothly waxed body, which would cause some hard problems for people who saw me. Vascularity wasn't for everyone, so I didn't expect everyone to fawn over my body. Most people did, though. I loved the attention. I was 22 and considered a bodybuilding prodigy. Some say I use steroids because people are jealous. Some say it's synthonol because all young people are lazy. Some say it's because of photo editing because I'm vain. Some say it's due to me being half black because racism is still a thing. It's none of that, just my genes. Thanks to my genes, I also have the perfect skin color to just make the muscles POP off my body without a ton of oil or exact lighting. Saying I'm blessed would be an understatement. Men were envious of me, my good looks, my body, my voice, my demeanor, my everything. Sure I was arrogant and tough; I came off as a brute to most. Though that's just me and what I am. I'm an alpha at heart. My boyfriend had an abnormal life too, minus the choice factor. He loved me with all his heart and he was my beta. I was here to protect him, love him, and take care of him if he ever needed anything. In return he just makes me happy; so very, very happy. We were together, so to speak, since he was 11 and I was 12. After he hit the end of puberty, something changed in him. Like a light went out in the room, but it was hard to tell since there were other lights on too. Each full moon it felt like the lights were growing dimmer and I didn't know what to do. I felt like I was failing him as his alpha. “Hey Pup, wake up.” I drew the curtains on both sides of the bedroom. “Noooo. . .” He groaned as he rolled under the sheets. I could see his short yet messy bunch of light strawberry blond hair stick out from under the sheets. “Don't make me come under there. You know what'll happen if I do.” I playfully teased as I leaned on his side of the bed. He pulled the covers entirely over his head. “Look, Rett, I know you hate it. . . But you have to get up. I'll make you breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I'll make you all the things you like, Puppy.” “Don't call me Puppy. How would you like it if I called you Chocolate Drop or M&M?” “As long as you let me melt in your mouth and not your hand, I wouldn't care my darling little Woof-Woof.” I got on top of him and put half of my weight on him, kissing the side of his face through the sheets. “Pffhah-Shut up, Roman!” I managed to make him laugh a little. Though I knew he didn't feel up for laughing since it sounded so strained. I usually called him some sort of dog-related cutesy name to test his mood. If he didn't complain then he was happy. After he did get up, he seemed lethargic and depressed the entire day. I prepared meals for the week, so he just sat around in the kitchen. When I was working out he was lying on the floor, staring at the ceiling instead of working out with me. And after dinner I read a book about different workout methods while he sat next to me without cuddling up to me. He was in nothing but his shorts, and the air conditioning had to be making him feel chilly. His pale skin seemed even paler than usual, even with the added color of his sparse reddish-blond hair over his body. It was like he was just there and didn't want to even touch me, even if it meant he wouldn't be cold. I wrapped my arm around him and he didn't even budge. “It's been 10 years since we've had to do this. I wish I could make it better for you.” I kissed him on the forehead. “Unless you can change me from being a-” An alarm went off and his saddened state quickly turned to panic. I looked at my phone and it was actually 8:12, meaning the clock was off by a lot. Things were dire, but I didn't want to tell Everett. “8pm. . . It's 8pm!” “OK, come on, we still have some time.” I examined his expression and realized we didn't have nearly enough time. His sharp teeth were getting sharper and his turquoise eyes flickered between being gentle and fierce. I picked him up in my arms and took him down to the basement. Then I placed him on the floor in the corner, away from the cellar windows. I reluctantly pulled the silver chains around him, tying him tightly to the house's cement foundation. “I. . . Everett, we don't have to do this.” “Yes we do, Roman. He might hurt you. I don't want. . . Alpha, I-” He tried speaking, but a gruff sound cut him off. “Just go now. Don't look at me. . ." “Beta, relax.” I gave him a peck on the lips. I hated doing this to him. I hated to hear him growl and struggle while I sat on the couch upstairs. Everett nodded, but his eyes switched. There was a different man or creature in the driver's seat. What little control Everett had, he used it to yell at me. Something he rarely did unless it was playful. “Go! Just get out of here!” Everett grunted as eerie black lines snaked their way from his chest to the rest of his body. He barked and growled as the lines grew in number, thickness, and length. His teeth were now entirely pointed, and his nails were growing longer and darker. I was always interested in his transformation from a toned 5'8” cutie to something hairy and hulking. His face pushed out as his skin went from sparsely hairy to shag-rug in a matter of seconds. He arched his back as his chest swelled outward, his growls becoming deeper and gruffer. His arms lengthened, as did his back and legs. Although they weren't normal human proportions, his arms being longer and his legs being shorter than a normal human of his size. Meanwhile his musculature was drastically changing. Even with the dense strawberry blond fur covering his body, I could tell where his muscles began and ended. Each muscle group beautifully redefining themselves on his strange frame. His shoulders swelled larger than any bodybuilder's I knew, with his chest broadening so much thanks to his larger lats and of course his heavier pecs. His arm grew so big that it seemed like it'd be impossible for them to move. His traps made his neck disappear, and a slight hunch was forming since he was so top heavy. His growls were now feral, his eyes now staring directly at me with pride and ferocity. His shorts managed to stay on, though only enough to cover his pelvic region. His tail was poking out from the top of his shorts, while the legs where entirely torn. Everett' quads made sure to tear away at his shorts' legs, ballooning so far outward that the beast had sit with his legs in a V shape. His feet were no longer dainty, and instead, were large, long, and hairy with sharp nails at the end. He snapped at me and growled even louder. I knelt down so I was eye level, just a few inches away from his range of motion. I've seen Everett's beast form when he was younger, when he looked more like a wolf pup than a beast. Though now I had the chance to see the matured version of his beastly side. It's where half of his personality came from. In other words, this was half of the man I loved. . . In a form that he'd describe as monstrous. He still had the same beautiful turquoise eyes, but they seemed so intense. I yelled to put him back in his place. “Shut the fuck up!” Sure enough he did and his ears fell down. He looked more like a harmless puppy. I touched my nose to his like when we were kids and his ears popped back up as his tail wagged uncontrollably. Everett didn't want me spending time with his feral side. He didn't want me even seeing it just so he can pretend it doesn't exist. The beastly side of Everett seemed lonely and sad, probably due to years of being locked away in a cellar the halfway through puberty. But now he was bigger and possibly more dangerous. Despite popular belief, werewolves can transform whenever. It's just that when they do, they give in to their feral nature for a set amount of time. They essentially fall asleep as their other half takes over. “Heh, you still see me as your Alpha, don't you?” I rubbed his head. “You're so much bigger than me too.” Everett looked at me with puppy-dog eyes and patted the space next to him. He just wanted company. Everett always told me to just walk away and leave him alone, but I never really asked why. I thought it was because his wolf form would be dangerous, but he didn't seem that way. He whimpered as his puppy-dog eyes intensified. I couldn't not say yes. I sighed and sat down next to him, he leaned over and placed most of his weight on me. Thankfully I was a bodybuilder, so at least he didn't crush me. “You love me as much as the other you does, don't you?” He rubbed his head against mine as a way to say yes. “I don't get why Everett hates you.” He shrugged his shoulders and turned away to look towards the cellar window. Staring at the beams of moonlight shining on to the basement floor. He whimpered more and turned my way. Again, with the big-eyed look. I reached for a flashlight and put it in my pocket. “Now I see why. He knew I couldn't say no to that face. OK. . . I'll let you out. BUT! Only if you let me accompany you. I don't want you getting into trouble, understand?” The beast eagerly nodded and I got rid of the chains. He crawled around on all fours, individually shaking his legs and. . . Arms, legs, leg-arms? After that he stood up. I felt like I was looking up at a tall skyscraper, even though he was only 6 inches taller than me, perhaps 10. It was hard to tell, but his head was almost touching the ceiling even though he was slightly hunched over. I looked down to see the shorts still intact, finding it funny that it looked like a dog was wearing underwear. Though his body looked human-shaped, even if his arms and legs were slightly different proportion wise. He just looked wolf-y from the neck up along with his furry hands and feet. So he was 75% extremely hairy human and 25% wolf-thing. I unlocked the cellar door and opened it, yet Everett didn't budge. “Come on.” I gently said, as I held my hand out to him. He approached me and looked out the cellar door and then down at my hand. He was actually afraid, maybe because he hasn't been outdoors for about a decade. The way the moonlight reflected off his fur looked amazing. He almost looked white with tones of red, orange, and pink. “I'll be right here with you. I'll keep you safe.” He placed his hand in mine, carefully wrapping his larger hand around mine so his nails wouldn't scratch me. Everett' hand felt softer than I thought it would. Even in this gigantic beast form, he was still my gentle beta. I walked up the stairs and lead him to the outside world. He stared at the back yard and the dense forest beyond it. Then he looked down at me. I whipped out the flashlight and lead him towards the forest until we were deep inside. He let go of my hand and ran around a few trees. He sniffed a tree and licked it, his face contorting into a grossed-out expression. That's what he gets for being curious. I laughed and approached him. I pet him behind his ears and I could see his tail wagging back and forth. He did the same to me, letting his furry hands run along my head. He let out a strange noise, like he was confused. “Oh yeah, last time you saw me was 10 years ago when you were just a small pup. . . I got rid of my pony tail since then. So it looks like you're the only one with a tail now.” I heard him laugh, or at least I thought he was laughing. Then he lunged at me, playfully of course. He pinned me down, but I fought back. He grunted a few times as he realized I was strong in my own right. Sure he was stronger, but I was actually able to fight him off a bit. I used his oddly portioned weight against him and flipped him on to his back. He yelped and went limp, allowing me to pin him down to the ground without any effort. This was the playful Everett I knew. I never understood why Everett hated this part of himself. My hands ran over the beast's body and his breathing became strained. His chest, stomach, and even his arms felt oddly human. Sure it was all covered in fur, but the proportions and hardness reminded me of my fellow bodybuilders. Just. . . Bigger. Everett let out a soft sigh, and looked at me. I didn't have the flashlight, but the intense moonlight was enough for me to see him clearly. It reminded me of the look Everett gave me the first time we had sex. Nervous, excited, scared, but most of all he was happy. I backed off a bit, because I don't think I was ready to have any intense relations with this form of Everett. He shouldn't even be having thoughts of having sex with a human, not in his beast form anyway. Then it clicked. An idea that might help both sides of Everett in the long run. “Everett.” His ears perked up when I said his name. “Or Werewolf Everett. Whatever. I can't babysit you. You have to go out and do what you want tonight without me, this is your only night you can be free to do whatever. Yes you're my beta, and yes I love you very much. . . But you're a beast right now. A wild and humongous beast with a different set of needs. You need to hunt. You need to be free without me tying you down.” Everett reached out and put his hand behind my back. He pulled me down towards him until I was snuggled up against his powerful chest. It was obvious he didn't want me to leave him. “It's OK, Beta. Just promise me you won't hurt anybody and that you'll be safe. I don't care if you eat a stupid cat or whatever. . . Er, just don't bring anything home.” He hugged me tighter and whimpered. “Come on Rett. . . Look at you. You're powerful and intimidating. Nothing can hurt you out here. You don't need me to stay safe.” He nuzzled me and whimpered some more. I took the hint that he wanted to be tied down by me, as if he didn't even realize it was a bad thing. “Don't worry, Beta. I'll be home when you get there.” I got off of him, allowing him to stand up. I picked up the flashlight and made my way back to the house. He called out to me, but I kept walking. The beta-nature in him couldn't refuse my order, but he didn't want to go without me. Everett had to go get everything out of his system and me being there wouldn't help him do that. If anything, it would just stifle half of his own personal growth. It actually hurt to hear him bark and whimper, and the fainter the sounds, the more it hurt. I was his Alpha. I had to do what was right for him even if it didn't feel right at the moment. Finally I was back at the cellar door and I couldn't hear him at all.
  11. I found this old one on my hard-drive, and thought you'd all enjoy it. ------------------------------------- Four Weeks Later by Magus The streets were dead quiet, but Cory knew that could be deceiving. He held his breath, peering out of the subway entrance, his eyes wide and searching for any sign of movement, knowing that he was wasting precious minutes by hesitating like this, but he couldn’t make himself move. Too many times he’d thought he was safe, only to lose friends to the Virus, to the Lust, almost losing himself. And now there was just him. “Okay. Okay. Just across the street, into the store, and then back here.” He said to himself quietly. He steeled himself, tensing the muscles in his slender legs, feeling the tension build between his narrow shoulders. He looked up the street, then down. The only movement came from a plastic bag as it was volleyed about by an errant wind. “Now!” He whispered through gritted teeth, and forced himself to move. As quietly as he could, as quickly as he could, he darted across the street, wincing at how his sneakered footfalls echoed back from the blank-faced sky scrapers around him. Seconds later, he was at the storefront, and he ducked inside, quickly getting his bearings, making sure one of Them wasn’t inside. It seemed safe. He didn’t feel he had more than a few seconds to make sure. If there was one in the back, he would just have to hope it was sleeping or…or doing the other thing they did. Quickly, he slid the backpack off his shoulder, ripping it open and going straight to the canned goods. The last twenty-eight days had left the shelves almost empty, but there were still a few treasures: canned beans and vegetables, a couple small bags of chips, a bottle of water that had fallen off a shelf and half-rolled underneath a shopping cart. This was how he’d been living for the last four weeks, scouting out small stores and robbing them of what they offered. If he was lucky, they’d hold enough food for more than one or two trips. The last store had had two boxes of protein bars, a cornucopia for his new existence. Eric had been with him then. Don’t think of him. He scolded himself as he piled a few small cans of corn into his backpack. It was getting easier to stop thinking about things. After that first chaotic week, when the virus was spreading from person to person so quickly that most hadn’t even realized what was happening, he’d had to learn a lot about survival. He was reaching for a can of powdered drink on a high shelf when he froze. A loud, heavy clunk had just come from the back room, like someone knocking over a heavy barrel. Shit. He cursed silently, not daring to move. His ears strained, attempting to hear past the suffocating silence around him. He heard a footstep, just beyond the staff doors that lead to the backroom. The infected could move fast, faster than Cory could. His only hope would be to get out of the store before he was discovered, to get back into the subway terminal, where he’d already secured a home base behind a security door. For some reason, the infected didn’t like going below ground anyway…once he made it that far, he’d be safe. If he made it that far. He left behind the can, pulling his arm back, not daring to even touch the shelf, not daring to spare more than a glance behind him. The door was still closed, but he could almost hear breathing behind it. Carefully, he turned, setting his feet down with utter care with every step he took. He heard meaty fingers scrape along the door, but it stayed closed as he passed the checkout counter, scarcely daring to breathe. He had no idea how acute their hearing was, but he didn’t want to take any chances. He was almost to the door. He peered outside, aware that he hadn’t much time left, and looked up and down the street, seeing no movement. Almost there. He thought with something close to relief. He turned partway, looked at the staff door across the store. Still closed. He just might make it. He took a step, felt an odd tugging at his back, but before he realized what it was, the candy display that had caught on his backpack was already falling over with a crash. His heart stopped. A rage-filled roar filled the store, and he heard the door behind him crash open, could hear frenzied, panting breath – a monster in heat – and that was all it took to break his sudden paralysis. Cory didn’t even spare a glance behind him; he knew what the Infected looked like. His legs pounded into the pavement, his eyes locked on the Subway entrance, his arms pumping beside him, all the while the lumbering scrabble of over-grown feet following him, getting louder. He was maybe ten feet from safety when his feet slid out from under him, sending him scraping against the pavement. He’d barely even let out a groan when he felt massive weight on top of him, the naked flesh burning against his cool skin. He also felt something large and hard against his ass. He tried to struggle free, but powerful arms held him in place. He could smell the infection in the creature’s sweat, smelling like old sex, a humid, cloying smell. The creature started thrusting against him, and with a shock Cory realized his struggles were only exciting the infected, that the creature, judging from his hurried grunts, was getting close to cumming. Cory struggled against the pavement, his fingers scrabbling for purchase, trying to get out from under the rutting beast that was once an ordinary guy like him, but it was no use. He was as good as dead. Suddenly, there was a crash of glass breaking and heat exploded from nearby, a flash of light and Cory looked to see flames sprouting up just a few feet away. The monster on top of him froze, its hard cock still throbbing against Cory’s backside, twitching, just moments away from orgasm. The creature let out a strange cry and leapt off of Cory’s back. Cory scrambled away, trying to put the flame between himself and the monster. But the creature – Cory could see it clearly now – had no more interest in him. It stood up, its huge muscles flexing. Cory had never been this close to one of them before, not for so long. He was amazed at the almost inhuman size of it, all of it. The creature was naked, its cock, still hard, stuck out from its groin nearly a foot long, thicker than a beer can (it wanted to stick that in me!), its massive chest heaving with breath, its shoulders, wide as mountains rising and falling. Only its face looked human, and that only barely, its eyes blank of all thought and reason, filled only with lust and, now, fear. Before Cory could blink, the creature turned on its mammoth legs, legs so large they forced its cock and balls forward, allowed only for the most rolling of movement, and then the creature was running, powerful legs propelling it to safety. “Did it cum?” A voice asked, and Cory turned to look, slowly getting to his feet. “Um…no. I don’t think so.” He answered, in shock. He turned to see a slender figure – someone even skinnier than he was – silhouetted against the flame. “Good. You should be safe. No need to thank me.” The stranger turned to walk away. “Wait!” Cory exclaimed. He hadn’t spoken with another human in days, he was almost desperate for more. The stranger turned, looking back. “If you’re still okay tomorrow, I’ll find you.” The stranger said, and then kept walking. “Better get someplace safe.” Cory watched the young man walk away, still trying to figure out what had just happened, but before he could follow, he heard a distant cry, another of the Infected, and Cory decided to go back to his home base. * * * It was when he got home that he realized he was horny. This was the worst part of living with the Virus. He was human, he still had human needs, and one of those was sex. Most times he barely even thought about it – getting off often takes a back seat to survival – but he’d found that after tense moments he was almost always horny. The first few times it had freaked him out – the first symptom of the Lust was, well, lust – and even while he told himself that getting a hard on every now and then was perfectly normal, it always gave him a sense of unease. “Home” was a small room, probably where the transit staff had kept the bus fare until the bank could collect it. The door was solid steel, there was only a small window near the ceiling, and there was a small bathroom that still had water in the form of a filled sink and an unflushed toilet. He hadn’t done much to personalize it, as he didn’t expect to be here longer than a few more days. There was just his sleeping bag, his large flashlight, and his backpack, which he now tossed aside. He sat down on the floor to maybe play some cards, but it looked like his dick was going to be insistent tonight. And why not? This had been the closest he’d been to getting infected by the Lust, he could still feel the adrenaline pumping through him. It wasn’t like he got turned on by near-death (or near-whatever happens to you when you catch the Virus), and he’d decided that it was just a physical reaction, maybe evolution’s way of turning a close call into a chance to send his genes into the next generation. Evolution would be disappointed today, he thought with a smile, unless evolution wanted to supply a woman, too. He’d learned that the best way to get rid of the jitters was to deal with it right away. He would cum and by the time he’d cleaned up he’d realize that once again, it wasn’t the Lust, it was just plain old lust. So, he sat against the cold wall, unzipping his pants and pulling them down around his knees. His cock instantly sprang up in front of him, hard and insistent. Without giving it much thought, he reached out and started stroking it. “…god…” he gasped with pleasure. It was rare that beating off brought this much sensation, but not unheard of. He stroked the cock, enjoying the feel, letting waves of pleasure wash over him, leaning his head back. He wasn’t infected, he rationalized. You had to get their cum in you. Contact with bodily fluids. Just enjoy it. He told himself, and he did. He felt pleasure crest in him, building to orgasm, reaching that point of delicious abandon, he was going to cum…. But he didn’t…the wave crested, crashed against his pleasure centers, started building again. He started stroking with more intensity, letting out a soft moan of pleasure. This was maybe the best jerking off session he’s had in a long time, he realized. He hoped it would last. He started to feel warm, his clothes restricting. With his free hand he reached up and lifted his shirt off of his body, letting out another groan of pleasure at the freedom. “Fuck, yeah…” He kicked off his pants, now naked and free to just look at his body, to enjoy the nakedness. His new lifestyle had clearly had an effect on his body, he realized. It looked bigger, tougher. As he jacked his cock, he saw muscles bulge in his forearm, his biceps. His chest was bigger, too, with a cleft between his pecs, a straight line fading as it approached his cock. His big cock. “Yeah…” he grunted again, looking at his big cock. It looked bigger, its head a bright red, his dick hot in his hand. He slowed his stroking a little, enjoying the sensation. Some precum dribbled at the tip, giving his hand some lubrication as he stroked. His legs were bigger, too. He could make out the different parts of his quads, could see how weeks of running had given his calves a solid, diamond shape. It looked good, it felt good. He was getting the same shape as the Infected. He stopped, his dick suddenly aching, demanding for attention, but for a brief second his arousal took second place to panic. He sat up, getting to his feet, his dick hard and heavy in front of him. He tried to look over his body, to see if it was different, but his brain felt cloudy. Was he infected? Did he have the virus? But…it wasn’t possible. The monster hadn’t cum, though he’d been close. His hand went to his cock again, almost of its own will, as he tried to remember everything, feeling the inhuman weight of the Infected on him, that strong, warm body, rubbing against him, that large cock, so thick, rubbing against his clothes… His clothes! He looked around, his hand still on his dick, getting more horny by the minute. A part of him just wanted to deal with his cock and worry about the rest later. Just close his eyes and go with the pleasure. A low moan at the possibility escaped his lips before he could stop it. His pants were nearby, and he picked them up, absently noticing how his arm flexed as he did so (Is my arm bigger…?). The back of the fabric was covered with a clear fluid; the smell of it was unmistakable. He had the same type of viscous substance dripping from his own cock, sliding along his flesh as he continued to jerk off. Pre-cum. The monster’d been dripping from that huge cock, covering his body with the stuff. He looked at his free hand with a start – there was a cut there, probably from when he tripped. If that cut had even touched a drop of the pre-cum… “Nooo….” He said, his voice sounding just a little deeper. He could be infected! He ran to the small bathroom, looking in the mirror. It was true. He was bigger. He ran his free hand against his chest, feeling the thick muscle that had grown there, probably in the last few minutes. The feeling gave him pleasure and he stroked his nipple even as his eyes widened in terror. He was no longer a slender man; he had the build of an athlete, a hockey player, verging on a football player. He was taller too, maybe by a couple of inches. And every inch of him seemed to vibrate with strength. He looked down at his cock, seeing it jut out from his groin proudly. His hand kept stroking it, kept sending wave after wave of pleasure. It was bigger too, looking larger and thicker, shining brightly with slick precum. He could feel the weight of it, the power. It felt good. “No!” he said, forcing his hand from his dick. “I… I sick….” He moaned. He couldn’t think straight. He had to get out of here, hand to run. He ran from the bathroom, struggled with the door. It was difficult to open, it was as if he couldn’t quite understand the doorknob. A few panic stricken moments later, he managed to force his way free, using his new strength to pound the door down. It was too dark down here, he needed to get up, into the fresh air. He ran across the abandoned subway station, running to where daylight streamed through the exit, his strong legs carrying him faster than he was used to. He felt his pecs bounce solidly, felt the curve of his arms against his widening back. He took the steps three at a time, his dick bouncing in front of him, the weight reminding him every second of its growth, of his growth. He reached the sunshine and stopped, grateful for the freedom, breathing the air, taking it into his wide chest. His wide, hot chest. He reached up and stroked it with his left hand, his right hand went to his cock. It felt so good, so very good. He felt his powerful muscles flex as he came, and he let out a violent, guttural roar. Pleasure washed his brain free of any thought as he shot his load, spattering the pavement with more cum than he might have ever thought possible. The creature that was Cory looked around. He was horny, so horny. He needed more sex. He took a sniff of the air, and followed the scent. There would be others like him.
  12. Hey guys, welcome to my first ever, somewhat longish, growth story! *woo, yay, balloons* Been on the forums since the old one and mainly lurked, though I know a few of you from roleplays and chatting. I've started god knows how many growth stories over the last few years but this is the first one I've actually finished so I think it should go here. It has one of my all time favourite superheroes starring. Spidey's always had a soft spot in my heart and is certainly responsible for several fetishes of mine, some of which are in the story. Feel free to leave critiques and comments, they are very much appreciated. If you feel there's anything I could have done better then please let me know, and I'll keep it in mind in the future. I hope to post more stories but whether they will ever turn up is anyone's guess. And as a fair warning, the story doesn't contain any sex (wish it did but it didn't fit in), but it does contain some non-graphic masturbation. Also as a warning, though this is spoilers so read the next part only if you don't mind a slight spoiler: Anyway, please enjoy... EXPERIMENTER: SPIDER-MAN ‘Mmpf… where am I?’ That was the first thought that came to Spider-Man’s, AKA Peter Parker’s, mind when he regained consciousness. The last thing he could remember was web swinging through the city when he went to investigate a burglar alarm at a jewellery store and then everything went black. Much like wherever he was now. Even with his eyes open, there was no light and everything was in darkness. He tried to move but nothing, like his body was frozen to the spot. “Hello? Anyone home?” he called out into the black. “Ma? Pa? Creepy Axe Murderers?” “Finally, you’re awake,” said an echoing voice. Light grew from no visible source, black becoming white. As Spider-Man’s eyes adjusted to the illumination, he noted that wherever he was had no discernible floors, walls or even ceilings. Pure white just seemed to go on forever in every direction. “I like what you’ve done with the place,” he quipped. “White, white and more white. Must be a nightmare when you drop a Kleenex in here.” A man in his late-twenties with a handsome face appeared in front of Spider-Man dressed in all black, his clothes tight over his muscles and leather boots shined to perfection. “Welcome Spider-Man, I am Experimenter,” said Experimenter. “And this is my evil crib…” said Spider-Man sarcastically. “Why can’t anyone ever buy a spider dinner BEFORE they kidnap me?” Experimenter chuckled in bemusement, shaking his head. “I admire your wit, Spider-Man,” said Experimenter. “You have been most amusing to watch.” “And that’s not creepy at all,” quipped Spider-Man. “Let me guess? You’ve kidnapped me to stop me from preventing you doing your evil doing? Monologue about how you’re the one to finally stop my do-gooding ways and how your plans will succeed? Let me tell you, I’ve done this scenario more times than I can count and it always ends the same way.” “Alright then, Spider-Man, if that were true then try and stop me,” chuckled Experimenter. “What are you waiting for?” Spider-Man tried to move his body but it was still completely frozen, like his muscles were being stubborn and not listening to his brain; only his head was able to move. “Just gimme a minute,” said Spider-Man. “Finding it difficult to move?” asked Experimenter. “Try not to strain yourself, I beg you.” Spider-Man tried and tried but his body just wouldn’t respond. “Alright, maybe you got me a little,” said Spider-Man. “Congratulations!” “I’ve more than ‘got’ you, Spider-Man,” chuckled Experimenter. “You’re in my domain now.” “And where exactly is your domain? Winnipeg, Manitoba?” “Not quite,” replied Experimenter, folding his arms over his chest. “My domain exists outside of space and time, outside of reality. A pocket dimension, if you will, completely under my control. What I say goes here, including you.” “Sorry Experimenter but this isn’t Fifty Shades of Grey, I have to sign the contract first and there’s no way in hell I’m doing that,” said Spider-Man. “As if you have a choice, Spider-Man,” said Experimenter. “Or should I say… Peter Parker?” With a wave of his hand, Experimenter made Peter’s mask disappear. “H-how did you know that?” gasped Peter. “I read your mind Peter,” said Experimenter. “I know every little thing about you.” “You’re an inter-dimensional telepath?” asked Peter. “Not quite; my powers are many but you could say that they are what I need them to be,” said Experimenter. “I can change and alter anything in this plane to what I see fit, in your world my power is somewhat limited so I set a trap and brought you here. You see, I am a very curious being and people like you – special people – you fascinate me.” “So what are you going to do with me?” asked Peter, scowling. Experimenter smiled ominously. “Whatever I want. And there’s nothing you can do to stop it.” “Terrific…” groaned Spider-Man. “First things first, that costume…” said Experimenter, summoning a chair from nowhere and sitting down with a leg crossed. “It goes.” With a wave of his hand, the iconic red and blue costume was gone and Peter was standing motionless and naked. Experimenter cocked an eyebrow at the sight whilst Peter couldn’t help but blush. “Nice,” purred Experimenter. He rubbed his crotch through his tight black clothes, which made Peter cringe. “Any other day, that might be a compliment…” said Peter. “So… what are you going to do with me?” “Well Peter, looking through your memories has given me quite a lot to consider,” Experimenter mused. “It’s fascinating how a science experiment on irradiating spiders gave you such… incredible abilities. Such a transformation… It was a definite improvement from before.” “So what, Clarissa,” said Peter. “Why don’t you explain it all, how has that got anything to do with this?” “Well you became so different with just one spider bite,” explained Experimenter. “So I’m curious to see what another one could do…” Experimenter held out his hand a familiar spider appeared and floated above the palm of his hand, scuttling its eight legs in mid air. “One spider transformed Peter Parker from skinny geek into Spider-Man, with the powers and proportionate strength of a spider,” said Experimenter. “So I wonder what another bite will do. How… proportionate will you become?” The spider began to float toward Peter and landed on his chest. Despite his immobility, he could feel it crawling over his body. Peter wanted desperately to do something, anything, to move and swipe the spider away. It crawled up his chest until it reached his neck. Peter grunted in pain as he felt it bite him, injecting its radioactive venom into his bloodstream and when it was done, the spider vanished as if it had never been there. Peter could feel his heart beating a mile a minute as the radioactive venom surged through his blood, sweat forming on his brow and dripping down his body. His chest heaved as it began to take effect, his body beginning to burn and shake. With each breath, his muscles began to swell and thicken. Pecs pushing out further and further, swelling out with thick hardening muscle. His shoulders widened, deltoids becoming bigger and rounder and his traps expanded, growing further up his neck. Veins began to push further out from under Peter’s skin, extending up his arms as his forearms began to thicken, up to his swelling biceps and triceps that jutted further and further outward. While his waist stayed trim, his lats pushed out wider and wider, forcing his arms out more as his back swelled into a thick mountainous range with a deep curvature to his lower back and giving him a v-taper bodybuilders would kill for, swollen obliques pointing down to his junk. Peter’s abs contracted and swelled, his six-pack becoming a perfect, symmetrical eight-pack. His abdominal mounds were like hills, deep cuts separating each abdominal while veins pushed out from under his tightening skin. Even in his immobile state, Peter’s thickening legs were forced out wider as his inner thighs demanded more room. His quads ballooned, each quad head visible under his taut skin with deep cuts separating each one, hamstrings swelling and glutes expanding into a huge, solid, muscular ass, jutting outward like a shelf. His calves grew out into thick, powerful diamonds of pure muscle jutting from each leg. Peter’s feet and hands grew thicker to stay in proportion, though it wasn’t the only thing. To finish off, Peter felt his genitals grow bigger. What was once fairly sizeable between his legs was now an obscenely sized soft cock and thick balls. Peter’s huge chest heaved as the growth stopped, sweat covering him head to toe; he was now truly feeling the weight of his bigger body. Experimenter stood, a huge hard cock pushing out from under his clothes, examining the fruits of his experiment. At 5’10”, Peter looked like more like Venom with the amount of muscle on his body. Experimenter ran a finder along the curve of Peter’s left pec, wiping sweat away and he sucked his finger. “Sublime,” he said, taking Peter’s pecs in his hands and squeezing them. “You were already the proportionate strength of spider. It seems it’s increased exponentially. How does it feel?” “Wrong,” spat Peter, catching his breath. Experimenter let out a loud laugh. “I’m sure you feel that way now. Perhaps if I let you explore these new… abilities, you’ll change your tune. I think you’ll find your body is not the only thing that’s changed.” Experimenter vanished and in his place, the streets of New York grew from the ground, albeit empty of people, cars and completely white. Peter felt control return to his body and he stretched himself out. His body felt different, stronger and more powerful than ever. Despite his bigger size, Peter was still incredibly flexible. His spider sense was much more powerful; Peter had much greater sensory perception of the world around him. Without even looking, Peter could feel the world around him with his spider sense. Peter jumped and was instantly surprised and the speed and height of his jump, he had nearly completely scaled over a building twenty-five storeys high. Despite having no web shooters, on instinct he touched his middle fingers to his palm and organic webbing shot out from his wrist and he began swinging through the seemingly endless streets. His speed and momentum were much greater than before Experimenter brought him here, covering a city block in half the time. Peter let go of a swing to land on a building but, not used to his faster momentum, slammed into the building and caused the wall to crack where his hands and feet pushed through. “Oops,” chuckled Peter. He raised a hand up to grip the wall and as he moved, he began pulling chunks of the wall out. “Gah, my wall-sticking ability is much stronger,” muttered Peter. “Gotta focus it down a little.” It was just like when he first got his powers, Peter had to learn and explore his body and powers once again because they had changed so much. No longer did he merely stick to walls, his adhesiveness was much greater in that he could effectively use it to destroy obstacles and be immovable when climbing. As Peter went through the city testing his new body, challenges would appear out of thin air for him. On one street an assortment of vehicles appeared and Peter took great pleasure in testing out his much greater strength. Where a car had once presented a small challenge to his previous strength, he found he could now pick these up with ease, lifting them overhead with one hand as if they weighed as much as a laptop computer. Lifting other vehicles like SUVs, buses and armoured vehicles were so easy that Peter would lift them overhead and squat a dozen reps before casting them aside, unworthy of his attention. There was even a big tank that was a little more challenging that the other vehicles, but Peter was still amazed at his strength as he lifted it above his head and dropped it to the floor, muscles flaring and veins pulsating. He even grabbed the cannon and swung the whole tank down like a hammer, smashing it into the white paving. He then swung it around and let go, sending it flying a mile down the block until it smashed into a building. The power was intoxicating. "Enjoying yourself?" asked Experimenter, who appeared before Peter. "Yeah, maybe," said Peter, grinning and inadvertently bouncing his pecs. "This power is incredible... I feel like the Hulk! But without, you know, the uncontrollable urge to SMASH!" Experimenter chuckled, folding his arms over his chest. "Perhaps another test?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow. Experimenter disappeared and in his place, several dozen men appeared, like white dolls all wielding a variety of weaponry from clubs, knives, guns and even rocket launchers. Within seconds Peter's Spider Sense went off. Where once it would warn him of danger within close proximity, it now gave him much greater perception of his environment. Everything was... slower, yet time moved normally. He could feel his opponents' every tiny movement in his mind, able to identify each individual threat, even if they weren't in his field of vision, and form a plan in his head. He shot a dozen webs from one hand, each attaching to the men with melee weapons and pulled them from their grasps whilst simultaneously flipping around and twisting his body at greater speed than before to dodge a hail of incoming bullets. Peter noticed that his equilibrium and balance were a little off as he wasn't used to bouncing around with such weight and momentum but quickly adjusted to prevent himself from slamming into the ground and leave himself open to attack. In less than a minute, Peter had disarmed and webbed up half of his opponents without taking so much as a single hit. He had a natural control over his ability to weave his new organic webbing and formed a thick dome of webs around his crouched body as his enemies shot at him, the bullets ricocheting off his shield. When their guns were empty, Peter sprung out from the web some like a cannon, taking several out by clothes-lining them and snipe-webbing a couple of others to tangle up their bodies with thick, explosive globules of web. Soon they were all defeated, webbed up and stuck to buildings and hung from streetlights. It had taken less than three minutes and Peter was in awe at his speed and agility in taking down such a large, multi-armed gang with such ease. Though his basking was short lived as his spider sense went off and he sensed that right behind him, barrelling down the street at 120 mph was a six car train merely seconds from hitting him. Peter spun on his heel, digging his feet in with all the strength of his spider-adhesiveness, putting his hands out in front of him. The train slammed into him at full speed, the ground crumbled and trenches formed as his feet went backwards, as Peter used all his strength to stop the train. His body was racked with pain but it only fuelled his will. He screamed as he pushed back, muscles flaring and bulging, the train beginning to slow as he demanded that it submit to his strength. The wheels of the train kept spinning, but they were losing the battle of wills, until finally Peter brought it to a halt. Then he started pushing back, forcing it to reverse until he was gaining momentum and running back down the street, the train feebly trying to push forwards. He dug his hands in, bending the white metal into his palms to get a good grip. He jumped, pulling the train up with him and then slammed it to the ground, watching the train crumple into a conjoined heap, lying helpless and immobile. He landed with a thud, chest heaving and muscles twitching, examining his handiwork. “So much power,” he muttered. “Look at what I’m capable of…” “Impressive, is it not?” asked Experimenter, appearing before Peter. “Yes, it is,” Peter replied. “But it is too much for one man to hold. With great power comes great responsibility and this... I feel out of control. Like, if I don't keep my body in check then the power will overwhelm me." The White City shrank away until the two men were standing in the room they began in. Experimenter cocked his head to the side and massaged Peter's deltoid soothingly. "Perhaps, then, you need a reminder of who you really are," said Experimenter. He stood to the side and waved his hand, a full length mirror appearing in front of them. Peter took in his unfamiliar naked reflection, how much different his body looked. He felt awkward, exposed and, despite his size, vulnerable. "I've seen into your memories, Peter," said Experimenter. "Even after you became Spider-Man, you have always seen yourself as the skinny geek you once were..." The reflection changed to Peter before the spider bite that transformed his life. The reflection stood wearing thick glasses, loose pants held up by a belt on his thin, awkward body with almost no muscle on his shirtless chest. Peter felt tears begin to well up in his eyes. "You don't feel strong unless you're Spider-Man, do you?" asked Experimenter. "The mask, the costume, you feel the strength and power from them but it also reminds you of the responsibility." Experimenter placed his hand on Peter's pec and the familiar red and blue costume expanded over Peter's body. Now reflected was an Olympia-sized Spider-Man, costume hugging every bulge and clinging to every separation on Peter's body. "It's more than a costume," said Peter quietly. "It's a symbol, a reminder that these powers are not for my own needs, but to help others." "Perhaps then your new strength is not such a bad thing, Peter," said Experimenter. "In your memories I have seen how you have overcome obstacles beyond your abilities by coming up with solutions to compensate for your shortcomings. But now your power is greater. You can do more to protect the people so long as you keep reminding yourself of your responsibility. You're stronger, faster, your limitations are now fewer. Isn't that better?" Peter slowly nodded, remembering the feats he had just accomplished with his greater powers. Experimenter smiled at the acknowledgement, seeing in his mind how Peter was beginning to sway. "Perhaps you need a new symbol, a new costume to reflect your greater power and responsibilities. A new reminder." Experimenter waved his hand and Peter's old costume disappeared. In its place, a new costume formed over his body. Tight black spandex covered him head to toe and like before, clung to every bulging muscle and hugged in every separation. The upper body was sleeveless, his thick deltoids protruding and showing off how powerful his body was, with a red spider emblazoned across his thick pecs and down his stomach. His arms had long black gloves where the upper hems hugged his bulging biceps, the fingertips and elbows covered in a red web design. Covering his lats and down his waist was a similar red web design that only pronounced how wide his upper body was, whilst highlighting his solid, deeply cut eight-pack. His lower half was similarly black. Along the outsides of his thighs was the red web design, which also covered over his calves. The soles of his feet were red which led up to red webs covering his toes and heels. The mask was black up to his cheeks and up to the back of his head, above there it was red with a black web design. The large lenses covering his eyes were red, shaped like the eyes on his previous costume. Peter was impressed at his new costume, turning around to see his back. There was another red spider, the upper legs stretched across his back and the lower four going down to just above his jutting glutes. "A new look for a new Spider-Man," said Experimenter, massaging his hard cock through his clothes. "A stronger, unstoppable Spider-Man." Peter grinned under his mask, flexing his muscles and watching how his body stretched the costume. He really did look powerful, he thought to himself. "Thank you," said Peter. "And I get to stay this way? No strings attached?" Experimenter grinned, but it was a darker smile. "Who said I was finished yet?" Peter found himself unable to move again. He growled, furious. "What more do you want from me!?" barked Peter. "Tsk, tsk," said Experimenter, tutting, running a finger over Peter as he walked around him in a circle. "That's no way to treat the person who so easily gave you your new powers, and could very easily take them away again. And more." Peter went silent but still scowled. He had no way of gaining any hand in this place so reluctantly remained docile. Not that he had much choice. "Now, if you promise to behave then I will let you have control over your body again,” said Experimenter. Peter said nothing but with a wave of Experimenter's hand he was on his knees. "Promise?" Experimenter asked again. Again, Peter was speechless. Experimenter sighed and with another wave of his hand, sent shockwaves of pain throughout Peter's body. Peter ground his teeth together to stop himself screaming. "Promise!" growled Experimenter. "I won't say it again." "I PROMISE!" screamed Peter and the pain stopped. "Good boy." Experimenter waved his hand and Peter was able to move. He was a little shaky but managed to get up on his feet. He was sweating profusely and ripped his mask off to get a little air. "So... there's a memory of yours I'm quite curious to revisit..." Experimenter mused, scratching his chin. "Oh yeah?" asked Peter, his voice shaking. "Which one?" Peter was feeling like hell and it was getting worse. The pain Experimenter had hit him with before must have been stronger than he thought, Peter mused. His head felt light and he like the room spinning. "What would be the fun in telling you and spoiling the surprise," said Experimenter with a sly grin. A pain greater than what Experimenter had hit Peter with shot up his sides. Peter fell to his knees, hunching over and wrapping his arms around himself, grunting loudly in pain. "M-my sides," Peter managed to choke out. "The... The pain..." Peter's body shook, the pain wouldn't stop. He gripped himself tighter, sweat pouring off his body. "What... What are you DOING TO ME!?" Experimenter just smiled, watching Peter try and fight what was happening. "Pain... The pain, it's excruciating," Peter snarled through his teeth. He suddenly felt something touch his arms through his costume and Peter's eyes bulged with fear. And then it pushed again, several things, fighting for room. He tried to stand but he was in so much pain he could barely move. Four distinct lumps under the tight spandex forced his arms away before shrinking away. Peter dared to look down at his body and he screamed at what he saw. There were four hands pushing out and going back down under his costume. "No!" he shouted. "No please! Not t-this! Must... Control... It... The pain... No... Feels like I'm being r-ripped apart. Can't... Let it... Happen. No! AHHHH!" Peter wrapped his arms back around himself but it was too late. The pain grew greater and greater, building to a head, until he couldn't stop what was coming. Four huge, muscular arms ripped through the sides of his costume, each one as big as his usual arms. Two were attached to his lats while the lower two came out from just below them above his obliques. Peter screamed in horror as he watched his extra limbs grab each other. He could feel their individual touches, feel the muscles in each new arm bulge and flex with every movement. He wanted to rip them off and they reacted to his thoughts, pulling at each other with all their strength but it just shot pain through his body. “W-why!?” gasped Peter. “Why did you do this to me?” Experimenter just shrugged. “This… this was one of the lowest points in my life,” snapped Peter. “I tried to cure myself of my powers, depressed and questioning my life, blaming them for my personal tragedies… But it only made me like this, made me more like a spider and I was lucky to be normal again. Please, I beg you, change me back!” “No,” said Experimenter. “What is more fitting? I have increased your powers exponentially, and now I have made you what you truly are. Spider-Man. A body to fit the power from whence they came. Glorious.” Experimenter waved his hand and Peter’s costume repaired itself, as well as long gloves appearing on his new limbs. “Six arms to web around the city with, four extra arms as strong as the other two, even more power to fight crime with, even more strength at your disposal.” “But I’m a freak!” growled Peter, trying to control and coordinate his extra limbs which seemed to have minds of their own. They were grabbing at his thick pecs and glutes and rubbing their hands over his body. He had to really fight to get them to stop, despite how good their touches felt. “You were already a freak, Peter,” smirked Experimenter. “You said it yourself over and over again in your memories.” Peter was having difficulty with his extra appendages, just getting them to rest at his sides was a difficult enough task. It was bad enough now that there were four more arms, their musculature left his with even less room. Peter shut his eyes, taking a deep breath to calm himself down, to clear his mind. The arms seemed to respond, falling naturally in place. When he felt calmer, he started to test their coordination. Each side would move collectively unless he gave them a command. He started with general movements, working out ways to move them individually without them getting tangled up whilst Experimenter watched gleefully. Soon Peter had enough control that he was satisfied, giving a sextuple bicep flex; six huge arms, their individual circumferences as big as Peter’s head, all bulging and stretching the hems of the tight gloves they were encased in. “You were more than prepared to live with six arms back then,” commented Experimenter, massaging his crotch. “How does it feel now?” Peter sighed, running his upper two hands through his hair as the lower four crossed themselves. “I guess… there’s no fighting it,” he admitted, defeatedly. “I guess you’ve seen in my memories that I’ll never be destined for a normal, happy life. No doubt you’ve seen my future too and made the same judgement.” “Of all my powers, Peter, foresight is not one of them,” said Experimenter. “I have empathic and some telepathic abilities. I can read your mind, read your feelings, but I cannot influence them or see beyond the present.” “Well that does kind of explain why you’ve put my mind through this much anguish from your experiments, and despite all you've done you haven’t forced me to accept these changes unwillingly,” said Peter. “Just… promise me you won’t change me from Spider-Man into some kind of Man-Spider.” “Oh goodness no,” said Experimenter. “I’ve seen that memory and I wasn’t keen myself.” Peter nodded and thought, ‘you and me both’. He raised his arms and shot six web lines, approving the result. ‘I could get used to this’. Experimenter smiled and waved his hand again, ready to begin his next experiment. Peter hadn’t noticed this, but he did notice the throaty, heavy breathing coming behind him. He turned around and once more, his eyes bulged in fear. A distorted black, liquid-like, form with holes where Its eyes and mouth should be began to stagger toward Peter. “The Symbiote!” he gasped. “You gotta be kidding me!” “There’s nowhere to run Peter,” said Experimenter, disappearing. Peter used all six arms to shoot webbing at the alien goo but It just absorbed it, growing in mass and size. He changed tactic, willing his webs to shoot explosive web balls to try and snare it, but the Symbiote once more absorbed them and grew even larger, beginning to tower over Peter. Peter turned and tried to swing away in a desperate attempt to escape but he just hit an invisible wall. He began to climb but he was met with another invisible wall. He felt several tendrils suddenly wrap themselves around him and start to pull. He used every ounce of power in his wall-sticking ability to keep from being pulled down, but the Symbiote was too strong and he was soon tumbling to the ground. More black tendrils latched onto him and Peter desperately tried to rip them off, but with each touch the Symbiote latched further onto him. It started tearing his costume off, pulling it away in chunks as the spandex material stretched until it could stretch no more under the powerful pull of the Symbiote. Peter tried to crawl away but he was being pulled back, the Symbiote tearing away the remnants of his costume and began to slither up his naked legs. ‘Got to fight it,’ he thought. ‘Got to reject it...’ It started to grip tight on his legs, overlapping tendrils consuming his legs, sending a cold wave rippling through his body. The Symbiote covered his crotch and dove into his ass crack, burying itself past his hole and deep inside him, tendrils reaching up to latch onto his arms and force them back. Peter grunted and struggled under the grasp of the encroaching Symbiote but he knew the battle was lost, yet he was still mentally rejecting the connection. It was crawling up his arms and back, consuming him. It travelled up his neck, covering his hair until it went into his mouth and covered his eyes, leaving him in darkness. Peter felt himself lose consciousness. “Wake up, Peter.” Peter awoke and realised he was now standing up. Experimenter was sat in front of him, still pawing at his crotch, watching him intently. “I don’t want this,” said Peter groggily. He felt exhausted but his energy levels were getting stronger. “The Symbiote?” asked Experimenter. “But you had such a good time with it once before.” “Yeah, until I realised it was slowly trying to kill me,” replied Peter. Once again Peter was unable to move except for his head. “I can feel it, trying to take over,” he said. “Trying to bond with me.” “Why don’t you let it?” asked Experimenter. “It will only make you stronger.” “At what cost?” retorted Peter. “My life? Should I just let it consume me like the Venom Symbiote tried to? Let it suck me dry until it kills me from exhaustion or when it’s using my body dangerously?” Experimenter stood and waved his hand, the full length mirror appearing again. In his reflection, Peter could see he was head-to-toe covered in the black Symbiote with a reddish hue where the light reflected off the shapes of his muscles, two red patches on his face where his eyes would be. It was like a smooth second skin; every muscle, every vein, every groove and separation on display like if Peter were just standing naked; except for his head which covered him like a mask and his crotch which pooled like a codpiece, giving him some dignity despite how much it bulged. He was disgusted at the sight; with his size he could almost look like Venom, his old Symbiote that then bonded with Eddie Brock. “I can feel it in my mind, banging on the door and trying to get in,” said Peter. “I won’t let it take over me. And you can’t make me.” “That I cannot,” admitted Experimenter. “Though it is a sentient being, perhaps if you were to ask it what it will do to you, you might change your mind.” “No!” Peter barked. His head was killing him, a powerful headache throbbing from the Symbiote’s attempts. ‘Let meee innn…’ he heard a throaty, breathy voice in his mind say. ‘NO!’ Peter screamed in his mind. Peter suddenly felt a movement around his stomach and a large glob began to extend from his abs, reaching up to his face and beginning to take form. Holes appeared to form eyes and a mouth. “If youuu will not ssspeak to usss in your mmmind, then weee will ssspeak to you outssside,” said the Symbiote. “Join with usss Peeeterrr.” “No, no, no, no, NO!” growled Peter. “Your kind has caused me nothing but pain, suffering and grief. I reject you! You are not welcome in my body!” “Weee know what our kinnn have done to youuu,” said the Symbiote, its eyehole moving to convey shame. “But weee are not like themmm. Weee only want to helllp youuu. Make youuu ssstronger.” “I’ve heard that story before,” said Peter, sharply. “Weee do not lie!” It screeched. “Youuu know the hissstory of my ssspecies, how we mussst bond with othersss to live. And while weee live on thhhrough othersss, we give them betterrr livesss. Make them ssstronger!” “The last symbiote I encountered nearly killed me when it was ‘living’ off of me,” growled Peter. “And then, when I rejected it, it latched onto another man like a parasite and fuelled his hatred, again trying to end my life.” “We cannot ssspeak for the actionsss of our speciesss asss a whole,” said the Symbiote. “But do nottt judge usss on their actionsss. We are not the sssame asss themmm.” “Why should I believe you?” A tendril extended from the glob before him and connected with his face. Suddenly Peter’s mind was filled with flashing images, memories of the Symbiote. The joys of a new host, the hosts’ bringing good to their worlds, their hosts’ corruption from being drunk on their own power, the Symbiote being used and forced to destroy, constant rejection from hundreds, thousands of species. Betrayal, isolation, pain, loneliness, drifting for hundreds of years alone in the cold of space, frozen in its prison-like rock form. Peter could feel himself crying. He was then shown some other hosts, ones that had used the Symbiote for good. Memories filled with joy and pleasure, great companionship and harmonious coexistence, some even sexual; but these memories were a handful, eventually parting with the host at the end of a long life bonded together before being used for evil by the next host. “Wee arrre not a tool for dessstructionnn,” said the Symbiote. “Many of our hossstsss usssed usss, defiled usss. Can you sssee how weee tried to ssstop them? They were ssstronger than usss, imprisssoned usss in their mindsss so they could ussse usss for their ssselfishhh vendettaaasss.” Peter nodded, speechless. “From the brrrief glanccce into your sssubconsciousss we can sssee you are nnnot evil at hhheart, Peeeterrr Parrrkerrr,” It said. “Yyyour will isss ssstrong, even now you arrre keeeping usss out. You would beee a powwwerfulll massster. Weee woullld not beee able to brrring youuu harm.” “I’m nobody's master,” said Peter. “And you are nobody’s slave. A symbiotic relationship is beings able to live equally, each one benefitting from the other.” “That isss all weee desire, Peeeterrr,” said the Symbiote. “Weee wish to live through yourrr bodyyy and innn returnnn, make youuu ssstronger! Weee would neverrr hhharm youuu, our life dependsss on youuu living. Making youuu ssstronger keeepsss you alive, keeepsss usss alive.” Peter sighed. “If I bond with you, if I let you in, it’ll be on a few conditions,” said Peter. “Nnname themmm.” “One, I will not refer to myself as ‘us’,” said Peter. “I am me and you are you. Two, I will host you but I will be in complete control of my own mind and body. You will not take over when I’m sleeping or make me angrier and lose control of my actions, or make me more violent. The only exception to this is if I am unconscious and I’m in danger, you can get me away somewhere that’s safe until I regain consciousness and that’s it. Three, I will not consume brains, human matter or suck out people’s life force in any way, shape or form. Four, if I change my mind about you and I want you gone, even if we are fully bonded, you will leave my body without question. Are we clear?” The Symbiote was silent for a few moments before it responded, considering Peter’s proposal. Slowly, the glob in front of Peter nodded. “Weee accepttt,” said the Symbiote. “Youuu will not have to worry about usss, weee will cooperate fullly. And weee do nottt feeed as you dessscribed. Weee only feeed off your hormonesss, adrendalinnne, tessstosssterone and endorrrphinesss.” “That’s… good to know,” said Peter. “Before we bond, can I ask what your name is?” “Name?” It asked. “Weee dooo not have a name though manyyy have referred to usss as beeeing living obeeediennnce.” “Obedience, huh?” said Peter, chuckling. “No wonder you called me your master and agreed to my conditions. Okay Obedience, I’ll let you bond with me.” Obedience withdrew back into Peter and he opened his mind. He felt power begin to surge through him like a sun rising deep inside him, spreading outward into every fibre of his being, his already incredible strength growing exponentially. The feeling of fully bonding, which he had never done with his old Symbiote, was incredible. His mind filled completely with the memories of Obedience and of his previous hosts. The histories and knowledge of thousands of individuals and species filling his mind and Peter was able to access them instantly, like Google now powered his brain. He willed the Symbiote to change into the costume Experimenter had given him, the black goo covering him morphing into his desired shape. The costume was even tighter than before, a perfect second skin that looked painted on. Peter didn’t even realise Experimenter had disappeared while he had been talking with Obedience and that the White City had grown around him. “Alright, let’s see how good I am now,” said Peter. “Six arms and a Symbiote, here we go.” He pushed off from the ground, ascending over one hundred feet in seconds from a single jump. “Whoa!” cried Peter, laughing, shooting a web. He swung so fast through the city that he was a moving blur as he travelled. His even further enhanced Spider-Sense enabled him to see for miles ahead, calculating exactly where his webs would hit for the perfect, fastest route through the city and with six web lines instead of two, he made short work of the distance. He was able to travel across the entirety of the replicated island of Manhattan within a minute. Peter swung back into the heart of the city and landed from one hundred and fifty feet in the air, down to a grouping of vehicles on the street, making them all shake from the impact. Not that Peter was fazed by such a forceful descent, his body was now so strong that the landing hadn’t hurt him in the slightest; he’d just absorbed the impact. For him, now, it was just like jumping down one step on the stairs instead of high in the air. Peter lifted every vehicle but there was no challenge, no matter the size of the vehicle. He could lift them with one hand, one finger even, and they weighed almost nothing. His already enhanced strength further enhanced by Obedience gave him so much strength that Peter didn’t know what to do with it. He even tried piling them on top of each other, webbing them up and pulling the web tight to crush them down. He could lift the pile of thirty vehicles, each of varying size and weight, with two hands though his muscles bulged only slightly when he held it up with one. ‘Perhapsss you neeed sssomethinggg more challengiiing,’ said Obedience in Peter’s head. ‘I know, but what?’ thought Peter. Peter looked around but nothing struck out to him. Not even Experimenter, his omniscient captor who could read his mind, changed his surroundings to give him a new challenge. Peter sighed; he had to find out what his new limits were, what his body was capable of. He looked up and down the street and spotted what he was looking for, his challenge. Peter walked up to a building on the street. It was standing singularly, no other buildings attached, at least twenty storeys high with masonry and statues along the top. Peter could only guess at its weight but he was pumped, he knew he had to lift that building, or at the very least try. Peter contained the building in a tight, intricate web to keep it together structurally. He piledrived his six fists into the ground around the building, digging a trench down to its foundations. Peter shot a few extra webs around the sides of the building to keep it balanced and prevent it from tipping over. He let out a long breath and flexed his huge muscles to warm them up, get them loose. He cracked his neck, psyching himself up. He knew he could do this. Peter crouched down and buried all six of his hands into the foundations, filling the holes with webbing to keep them from slipping. He let out another long breath slowly and deeply breathed back in. Peter pushed his legs to go up, grunting. They shook under the exertion, all the muscles in his body bulging insanely as he forced them to lift the building. The building groaned at being forced against the will of gravity, the foundations cracking as they were torn from the ground. Peter grunted and growled, putting all his strength into defeating his obstacle. It was taking a long time but he could feel the building slowly move upward, millimetre by millimetre. His legs bulged so much that even the Symbiote had trouble keeping together. It would suddenly split open in places and then quickly reform. ‘Got to… keep… going,’ Peter grunted in his mind. ‘Keeep goinggg Peeeterrr,’ Obedience cheered. Peter felt his strength surge through sheer force of will and he pushed up harder with his legs. They slowly began to straighten, the ground breaking beneath him making him sink a foot down but he didn’t care, he just kept going. “That’s it Peter,” said Experimenter who appeared behind him. “Show me how strong I’ve made you.” Peter growled like a wild animal, sweat pouring off his body, veins pulsing so hard they look set to burst under his paper-thin skin encased mostly in the Symbiote. Up and up and up the building went and then, with a scream of victory, Peter raised the building overhead. His chest heaved as he took fast, deep breaths, astonished at his feat. He pulled his arms out from the holes and began to shift the building over him until he was dead centre underneath it. “Are you fucking impressed?” Peter roared. Experimenter nodded. “More.” Peter didn’t need telling again, and began to squat the building. The first rep took some time but as the reps increased the faster they became. A whole building was on top of him, held up only by his six arms and huge muscular body, and it was only getting lighter as he repped deep squats. “Yes!” cried Experimenter, pawing fast at his crotch. “MORE!” Peter stopped squatting and threw the building up hundreds of feet into the sky. He shot more webs up at it to keep it together. He braced his arms up and caught it, the force pushing him five feet deep into the ground, causing a crater to form. Only his head and arms visible under the ten-inch gap. Peter forced his legs to move and he walked up and out of the crater, holding the building aloft and continued into the street. “Do you want more?” he barked at Experimenter, who nodded fervently. With the smallest of movements in his arms, Peter tore the building apart. Experimenter had finally had his release, moaning loudly as the rubble and debris fell around them, smashing into nearby buildings and causing them to crumple apart. Peter swaggered towards Experimenter as the last pieces of debris crashed into the ground, his muscles pumped to the extreme, shoulders and chest rising with raw power as he breathed. Even his cock was engorged, pumped and tenting underneath his symbiotic costume, jutting out profusely and swaying with each heavy step. “Is there anything else you were curious about, Experimenter?” Peter huffed. “Or are we done here?” Experimenter was shuddering, licking his lips. He managed to catch his breath and waved away the White City until the two of them stood in the familiar white room. “Oh Peter, you have no idea how satisfied you’ve made me,” said Experimenter. “But yes, I believe we are done. I suppose now I’ll just put you back to normal and send you home.” “Wait, what!?” exclaimed Peter. “Turn me back? After everything you put me through you’re just going to… send me back home, as if nothing happened?” “Well, yes,” said Experimenter, making his chair appear and taking a seat. “Did you really think this would be permanent?” “Well… yeah,” said Peter. “I thought that was the point. You played with me, did what you wanted to me and then… I don’t know...” ‘Pleeeassse, Peeeterrr,’ cried Obedience in his mind. ‘Don’t lettt him take usss awwway.’ “Even the Symbiote you gave me wants to stay,” pleaded Peter. “And you can’t exactly wipe our memories, you said so yourself that you cannot influence my mind.” “That is true,” said Experimenter, waving his hand again as a glass of red wine appeared. He sipped it, savouring the taste. “But then why should I let you keep these changes? What’s in it for me? It could be fun to observe you back on Earth, discontented with your existence as normal, boring Peter Parker and Spider-Man, always remembering what it was like to have more and yearn and long desperately to have it again.” “That would be just cruel,” said Peter, quietly. “And it’s not just me you would affect, but also Obedience. I’m sure you’ve seen his memories, seen what he’s been through. I’ve accepted and bonded with him now, I know I will be the perfect host for him and… and I know he’ll enhance my life greatly. If you are anything, Experimenter, it is not cruel. Curious, but you didn’t do all of this to me to be cruel.” “But what will you do now back on Earth?” asked Experimenter. “You’re bigger, more powerful and with some additional appendages; surely the world would notice? Surely the world would notice that on Peter Parker, let alone Spider-Man.” Peter was about to respond when the Symbiote covering him started to shift and move. Peter’s extra arms began to shrink down, his muscles decreasing until Peter stood in normal clothes, just as he would have looked before Experimenter took him. Experimenter looked in fascination at the change. Images quickly flashed in Peter’s head and he smiled. “Obedience tells me that Symbiotes are natural tesseracts,” Peter said, looking down at his normal look. “They can not only change the appearance of their host, but also their mass. Camouflage. While I am still big and multi-armed, what you see now is just an illusion created by the Symbiote. I guess it shouldn’t be a surprise if you read my memories. You should have seen that when I had my last symbiote, I was able to carry things like my camera inside the suit without adding any extra mass.” “Fascinating…” muttered Experimenter, his soaked crotch bulging again. “Please,” said Peter, walking over to Experimenter and getting on his knees. “Let me stay this way. I know it is selfish but I know that with the changes you’ve given me, I can be more than I ever was. And, if you let me stay this way when you send me back, I promise that you can bring me back to your place anytime and do whatever you want me to.” Peter changed back to his muscular, six armed state, naked except for a pair of black briefs that hugged him perfectly. Experimenter looked Peter up and down before smiling, draining his glass. “I suppose I will allow it,” he said, rubbing his hands along Peter’s swollen traps. Peter smiled and stood up, holding out three hands to shake. Experimenter chuckled and shook the middle hand. “Thank you,” said Peter. With a wave of Experimenter’s hand, Peter was plunged into darkness. When Peter opened his eyes, he found he was on top of a building back in regular New York City. He looked down and saw his body was just as it was; thickly muscled with six arms and wearing only the briefs. He grinned, willing his new costume to cover him. Peter’s ultra-enhanced Spider Sense picked up a radio signal from the police, a robbery was in progress and the thieves had gotten away in an armoured car, officers were in pursuit. ‘Arrre you rrready, Peeeterrr?” asked Obedience in his head. ‘Yes I am,’ he replied. ‘Let’s show the world the new, improved Spider-Man.’ -- x -- Experimenter sighed contently, another satisfactory experiment. He would soon be seeing Peter Parker again, that he was sure of. He waved his hand and before him, a dozen floating screens appeared, showing different people doing various superpowered activities. Experimenter observed each one, taking in what he was seeing. “Curious…” he muttered. “Curious…” THE END…? Thanks for reading!
  13. hero1000

    Roommate Hulk

    This is the second in the short Hulk series. Hope you like Roommate Hulk Ethan banged through the door of the house. "Chris! Chris! I got some stuff in the truck I need help with?" No response, "Chris?" Ethan went back outside. Yep, Chris' car was in the driveway. He had just broken up with his girl friend, so maybe he was in his room sulking. Ethan grabbed two bags out of the truck and headed inside. He heard a noise from Chris' room and put the bags down to go check on him. As he approached the closed door it was jerked open from inside and there stood Chris. 5'10 lean and athletic, but he had an odd smile on his face. Ethan laughed, "Man you startled me. Come help me. I found some great workout stuff we can use." Chris folded his arms, "Don't need it." Ethan was kind of shocked, "What? We both want to get big! I thought this would help you with...." "I said, I don't need it." All 5'5 of Ethan Thomas flared up. "What are you talking about? Why is your room all dark?" "You ask too many questions, little man. I fixed everything." Ethan started to get a little pissed off, "I just spent $200 on stuff that we can use for working out. You say you don't need it, fine! I'll just finish unloading and put it in my room." He turned to go and suddenly Chris shoved him from behind. Ethen slipped an banged his head against the wall. "Ow! What was that for? Why are you being an asshole?" "Wanna fight me?" "No. I want to unload the...." Chris shoved him again before he could finish and Ethan went down hard this time. "Fuck! Go away" Chris smirked, "Hit me. I can take it." "I don't want to hit you" Ethan turned and ran out the door to the truck. What the hell was going on? This was supposed to be his best friend and it's like he had been replaced by a creature from "Invasion of the Assholes" Ethan got the last couple of bags and started back to the house. He was going to just put them in his room and he got to the door, but Chris was just standing there blocking the door with that same smug look. "Hit me" he said again. Ethan snarled, "It is very tempting, but I just want to go to my room, then go to the gym" Chris snatched the bags from his hands and grabbed Ethan by the hair and dragged him inside then flung him on the floor. Ethan fell face down and lay panting trying to control the rage he felt right now. Chris shouted, "I want you to fight me. Get up you worthless little...." He was cut off as Ethan rolled over to face him. His eyes had turned white and the little 5'5 frame had started to swell. Chris said, "About damn time. I knew this would work." Ethan only felt rage and had not noticed that something was different. He snarled, "Get the fuck away from me!" And heard his own voice drop in pitch. He gasped. Chris finally smiled, "Yeah, bro. It's happening" Ethan felt the rage wash away and an intense feeling like his whole body was having an erection. He turned to face the full length hall mirror and stared. Chris was grinning behind him, but that was getting more difficult to see as he was inching higher and higher. Ethan's shoulders were widening and stretching his shirt, which pulled free of his jeans. The exposed abs were thickening like cobblestones and getting covered in a treasure trail of black hair. His arms felt tight in their sleeves as biceps and triceps ballooned until the short sleeves erupted. A thick network of veins snaked across his body. His lats flared out and with a loud rip the back of the shirt gave way. Ethan gasped loudly, and Chris laughed, "Fucking A dude. This is awesome!" Ethan turned to face him and the front of his shirt exploded as two massive pecs spilled out and pushed his nipples towards his feet. Lower ripping sounds occurred as his thighs broke through the seams on his jeans forcing him to widen his stance. Ethan suddenly made a face like he was in pain and Chris looked concerned for the first time. Worried maybe about the strain on his friend's heart. He reached for Ethan and said, "You ok?" Ethan grimaced and growled, "We...we....wedgie...ahhhhh" and with a loud rip his hugely muscled butt burst through the back of the jeans and split his boxers apart. Chris snorted in laughter. but then gasped. He had to look up now and saw that Ethan was beginning to turn green. There was a pop as the front of the jeans split open and a large 12" snake rose up to full attention. Chris backed against the wall. "Dude...this....this part wasn't supposed to happen....just....." Ethan opened his mouth but only a loud roar came out. The last of Ethan's clothing gave up and fell to the floor. What had once been a slender 5'5 handsomely nerdy youth was now a 6'5 700 pound green behemoth. The creature picked Chris up by the shoulders and threw him on the floor. Then roared. Chris rolled over and tried to scramble away but the creature was faster rumbling forward causing plaster to fall from the ceiling and walls. Then it glared at Chris with an odd smile and suddenly rolled it's eyes. Chris saw the precum leaking out of the dick and knew what was coming and tried to cover himself. With a loud roar the creature suddenly shot volley after volley across the living room hitting the ceiling and walls and covering Chris. Then it sank to the floor and whimpered. Chris made a face, "ew" he was covered in sticky greenish cum that smelled musk. He looked at the creature which appeared to be smaller and had lost the green color. Chris sat up and shook some of the worst off, then made his way over to where the creature sat. It looked up and growled at him. Chris put his hands up in a soothing gesture. "It's all right, bro. I'm not gonna hurt you." He sat down next to the creature and put his arms across its shoulders. He could only reach to the middle of Ethan's back but gradually could feel more and more. Soon Ethan was only around 5'8 but still around 300 pounds. He looked a little embarrassed and tried to cover his crotch. Chris laughed, "That's a little late" "Dude...I.....dude...." Chris smiled, "It's ok man" The pecs were slowly pulling back up to Ethan's chest. The arms grew smaller.The traps pulled down away from Ethan's neck. Finally with a last gasp, Ethan's eyes turned back to their normal blue color. "Dude...what just happened?" Chris smiled, "Did you like it?" Ethan shook his head in confusion, "What?" "This" he gestured to the ripped clothes and the general mess. "Look I found this site on line that called itself wishingdjinn.com. I figured, 'What the Hell?' I knew you always wanted to be big so I wished for it. " "If you wanted to see me naked, why didn't you just get in the shower with me? It would have saved some damage" "Yeah, well I didn't know about the green part. I figured you would just, ya know turn into a bodybuilder or something." "Well can you un-wish it?" "Sure I guess. Let's go back to my room and.....dude, you ok?" "I still feel kind of weird. I don't think I'm back to normal" "Let's go to my room and check on the computer" They went into Chris' room which was lit only by 2 candles and the PC screen. A picture of a smiling Djinn head was on the monitor. The screen had the label "Thank you for your wish. It is granted. Only one try per user" Chris went to the screen, "What do they mean one try? I need to refresh the page. I want to be big too." He hit the refresh button. The browser loaded, then came up with "404 Site not Found" "WHAT?!?! I need to un-wish my friend. I didn't want him to be the Hulk or anything...." refresh....404....refresh....404...."Damn it I want some muscle too" refresh....404....refresh....404...... "Dude" he heard Ethan call from behind him. "What?" he turned around. Ethan was standing on the scale with his back to Chris. "This says I'm 175. I was only 136 a couple of hours ago. I'm still not normal." Chris was staring at Ethan's muscular butt. He felt kind of odd. "You look pretty hot" then covered his mouth. Ethan turned around to look at him, "What did you just say?" Chris was bright red. "I...I....I've never felt this way before but...." Ethan smiled, "I like you too" Chris saw Ethan's dick start to harden up again, although this time it was a more normal size. He felt his own crotch stir at the site. Ethan walked over to him and Chris let him hug him. Then slowly hugged Ethan back. Chris kissed Ethan on the cheek. "I .....I love you....screw Nicole" Ethan smiled over Chris' shoulder. Then he closed his eyes and kissed Chris back on the cheek. He lifted his head to look at Chris and opened his eyes, which had turned white.....
  14. hero1000

    Police Hulk

    This is the first of a series of short subjects. I love the Hulk and thought, what if different individuals in different situations were the Hulk. This is the first. Cop Hulk Davis ran down the side alley as fast as he could . He heard the footsteps behind him. "Damn, how could those cops have shown up so fast?" He had been in the convenience store for only 5 minutes. He paused to look back and saw one dude chasing him still. Good the other guy had given up. He could easily outrun this out of shape, pathetic cop. Suddenly he was slammed from the right. The younger cop had circled around and pinned him to the ground. Davis struggled as the cop tried to flip him and cuff him. "Stop moving! You're under arrest!" The older cop caught up finally, panting and gasping, "Franco...(pant),...You good here?" The younger cop looked up, slightly out of breath himself, "Yeah, Jonesy, You can head back. I'll bring him in my car" Davis struggled some more and Franco barked at him, "Stay still. You got my blood pressure up as it is and that ain't healthy for either of us." Jonesy smiled, "Want me to read him his rights or you got it?" Franco stood and pulled a card out of his wallet, "I got this, you should head back. This punk may need a lesson." Davis panicked thinking of some kind of rogue cop was going to beat the shit out of him without any witnesses. "No, man, stay. I didn't do nuthin wrong. Don't leave us alone." Jonesy laughed, "Chill, ain't nothing gonna happen to you." Franco laughed with his friend, then read Davis his rights and hauled him to his feet. Davis squirmed and struggled some more. Franco grimaced then snarled, "Stop wiggling around." He led Davis to his car as Jonesy headed back the way he had come. "How come you by youself? Ain't you supposed to go in pairs?" Franco said nothing. He pushed Davis into the back seat and shut the door then climbed into the front. Davis watched him radio in the arrest and report that he was heading to booking with a suspect. Davis saw him put the radio mic back then he grunted oddly but just started the car. "Dude, just let me go. I didn't do nothing." Franco didn't turn around, but just talked to the mirror, "You wasted my afternoon chasing you. It ain't good when my pulse starts going." He grunted again and made a face in the mirror. "Dude, what is wrong with you? Why you keep making that noise and that face?" "I told you...(grimace)...You got my pulse going. Now I have to get you to booking before I really lose it." "Lose what? I didn't do nothing! I promise man. It was a mistake, I didn't know the dude would have a gun." Franco just grunted again and the car suddenly slowed and turned off the main road into a dark alley. "What the FUCK! Where you taking me?" The car slowed to a stop as Franco brought his hands up to his face then made fists and slammed them into the seat. He turned in his seat to face Davis, and snarled through his teeth "It's too late. I warned...can't fight....." he opened his mouth and let out a huge gasp and his eyes turned startlingly white. Davis panicked and backed up against the seat as far as he could get with his hands cuffed behind his back. Franco turned back forward grunting and snarling with an occasional "No...no.....can't" Davis kicked against the door, "Dude, let me out of here! What the hell is happening to you?" A loud groaning sounded from the front and Davis felt the car begin to sink down. He looked and saw the cop's head start inching toward the roof of the car. He heard a couple of pings and saw buttons ricochet off the windshield accompanied by a growl. The back of the shirt appeared to rise up towards Franco's head then split open as massive traps swelled up but the skin was turning a deep green color. There were more ripping sounds as the cop continued to transform right in front of him. Davis tried to lay on his side and kick at the windows, flailing in panic. He couldn't get the right angle to hit but with his head on the seat he was witness to an immense right arm raise itself up to the head and saw a bicep larger than the steering wheel of most cars and as thick as two Christmas hams burst free of the sleeve of the shirt. Davis let out a shriek as the other fist rose and the thing in the front seat punched through the roof of the car peeling it back like an aluminum soda can. The creature stood up through the opening forcing it wider, then turned to face Davis through the hole it had made. Davis opened his mouth but couldn't speak. In front of him was an 8 foot green creature with so much muscle it was amazing it could move, but move it could. The remains of the cop clothes fell away and only a tattered waistband remained holding a ragged set of underwear. The back had been blown out by a swollen muscled butt and the snake that protruded from the front was dumbfounding. The creature reached down for him and pulled him up to its face. Davis felt a warm sensation in his pants and realized he had just pissed himself. "Ple...please...don't kill me....I promise..I swear I won't...I won't hurt or rob or do anything...I...Just let me......I won't say...." The creature pushed him against the wall. Davis nearly passed out. Then the thing sat down, with his hand still wrapped around Davis waist. It started to nod like it was going to sleep. Davis watched dumbfounded as the creature grew smaller again. Muscles began to recede. The creature's head slowly lowered back down. Even the creature's dick began to shrink back down. Davis tried to get to his feet. The creature suddenly grew more alert. It jerked its head towards Davis and growled. It started to swell up again. "No...no...I'm...good...I'm staying....I'm..." But the green color had begun to fade and now he was being held by a massive bodybuilder cop. Even that began to fade. Soon a young athletic man was sitting there with white eyes. The cop gave a loud snort and gasp and blinked then his normal green colored eyes returned. Suddenly a shadow loomed over the end of the driveway. Then a voice called, "Franco! You about done down there?" Franco looked up and smiled, breathing heavily like he had just run a race, "Yeah, Jonesy. He aint gonna hurt anyone ever again." Jonesy walked over and tossed a bundle of clothes to his partner, then unlocked Davis' handcuffs, "Son, don't you ever give us reason to chase you again." Franco leaned over and whispered, loudly, in Davis ear, almost like a kiss, "And don't you breathe a word of this. We want it to be a surprise for all of your friends out there. Next time it won't go so well for you." Davis turned pale, "No...no sir....I wouldn't...." then he turned and ran. Jonesy smiled, "Guess we need to get this thing towed out of here" he gestured towards the car as Franco started to get dressed. Franco smiled, "We go through those don't we." He tried to button the shirt but realized it was too small,"Jonesy, we need to find some clothes that fit" "Yeah well you picked these out. I don't think you de-hulked all the way this time." Franco winked at him and smiled, "Maybe I didn't" Jonesy laughed, "Damn, I love being your partner" "We work well together" They fist bumped. The two partners made their way to the end of the alley to start rehabilitating another delinquent. Jonesy sighed, "But I wish I could be the Hulk one time" "Shut it!" They laughed and walked away.
  15. BRUTUS1

    luve this dumbass story

    New Derek Williams story on NCMC -- I love this, it really did it for me. http://ncmc.webfactional.com/ncmc/author/derek-williams
  16. Rodd Kepler is a reputable soldier in the US Army and has been enlisted for several years. He has been decorated numerous times for his courage in battle during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. During these deployments, he has been assigned several units to help train and promote to higher positions. He was promoted himself to sergeant not long ago because of his excellent leadership skills. Despite his dominant presence, deep down he has a very warm heart and cares tremendously for the majority of his recruits. A few of them are still around, but are not under his leadership anymore. As part of his new rank, he turns rookies into fearless fighters and makes them stronger men as well as more responsible human beings. The current crop though is leaving much to be desired. As he screams in their faces, they just look at him as if they could care less if they are there or not. He always makes them push harder as a result. Some will fail but there are always a few strong ones that don’t. Those who make it through basic training form incredible bonds with him and each other as a result. He secretly admits to himself that he enjoys making these men work their asses off because he knows that they will get stronger both mentally and physically. He loves seeing their heads down in the mud as they push their bodies to the limit as well as making their legs swell up as they go up and down the tall hills located in behind the barracks. There are four soldiers in particular that are passing the tests he places on them. They seem to enjoy the pain and anguish involved in this type of environment. Kepler is starting to treat these four young men differently from the other recruits because he can see that they can be pushed harder and even bullied without any type of ramification. He decides to introduce them to the weight room that is normally reserved for the upper classes like him. He wants them to try and push their bodies to crazy levels through advanced training methods normally used by the bigger men in the army. Some days as he watches, he imagines their muscles pumping up to twice their size as they grunt and groan with each rep. He has made eye contact with two of them in particular on more than one occasion when they are lifting which has lead him to think that they might be a tad fond of him. He has been able to hide his affections for these soldiers so far, but it is becoming increasingly tougher as they get bigger and stronger. One night as Rodd reads a book on his bunk in his personal quarters, he notices a shadow moving across the wall beside him. Before he is able to get up, a massive hand reaches in from the corner of the side wall and cuts him with a blade directly onto his arm. He winces in pain as the blood gushes out and lands on the ground. As he jumps up from the bed to run and get something to stop the bleeding, he looks down and notices that the wound is already healed. The large figure’s shadow he saw on the wall has already disappeared as well. He stops in his tracks and begins to wonder if he just imagined the whole ordeal completely as he feels a bit lightheaded. It is at this point that he sits back down and feels a huge amount of pressure coming from the middle of his body as he looks down to stare at his chest. To his amazement, Rodd’s sculpted body is beginning to grow at a fast rate. The fatigues he is wearing are now being strained to the max as his muscles fill every single inch of space in them. The intensity in the growth is starting to increase exponentially as his pecs shred the front of his undershirt as they push themselves upward into his neck area. He can feel his back muscles splitting the seams along the sides as his lats burst out making his shirt blow freely in the wind. He feels his legs ripping through his pants as his exposed massive veiny quads are immediately enveloped in a forest of thick brown fur. From hearing the sergeant in the next area over making loud moaning sounds, Kepler’s first officer Hendricks rushes into the room and jumps back in shock as he barely recognizes his superior officer. Instead of saying anything at all however, the first officer walks over to the growing behemoth and slowly starts massaging his mountainous back. The thick round curves are slightly shielded by a layer of fur as Hendricks feels every hair. The ripping sounds continue as the top and bottom part of Rodd’s shirt rip open exposing the top part of the two engorged muscle balloons that are now the sergeant’s glutes. His hands make their way down to them as he slides a couple of fingers into the top part of the crack. The sensation makes the huge man moan deeply as he turns around to face Hendricks. Apparently, the young soldier is one of the two men that Kepler is aware of being into him. Seeing that the huge musclebound sergeant’s shirt is failing to stay together, Hendricks tugs on it as the green fabric rips away from the sergeant’s expanding bullneck before tossing it to the side. He leans in to nurse on Rodd’s newly formed silver dollar nipples that are pointing towards the floor now. His swollen hairy pecs are extremely sore from the unbelievable growth cycle but Hendricks’s tongue lashing on both nips makes the big man growl in delight as he wraps his arms around his young officer’s back and pulls him into his immense chest. His abs are emerging wider and thicker than before as a thick forest of black hair grows in between each individual cavern. Hendricks moans deeply into his superior’s soaked muscles as he feels the power growing from within the sergeant’s torso. He manages to peel his head away from Kepler’s body to turn his head so he can watch as he hears both of his master’s arms swelling as each vein pops before they expand just beneath the skin. Hendricks reaches over to grab the huge baseball sized bicep mounds as they become softballs before growing even further into huge grotesquely molded melons. Hendricks’s cock is aching wildly in his own fatigues as he reaches down quickly to adjust it. The sound of the sergeant in agony is making the young soldier struggle to keep from exploding cum all over the floor. Rodd’s muscles are growing faster than his skin can handle. Hendricks can see the sergeant’s triceps reacting next as he puts his hands on each one feeling the horseshoes stretch wider as they pop against his fingers. Sergeant Kepler squeezes his expanding forearms up against the young soldier’s back as the round baseballs explode into engorged veiny softballs. The sweat from the hairy behemoth is completely soaking Hendricks’s undershirt as his nicely developed upper body becomes more visible to the superior officer. When he looks up a few seconds later, he watches as the sergeant’s head swells slightly to accommodate his new hulking frame. His shoulders and delts double up on each other as his neck muscles push further outward till they nearly meet the edge of his face. His former clean shaven skin is now sporting a thick brown forest perfectly across his face as the hair on his head disappears. His gorgeous brown eyes peer directly into Hendricks’s green eyes as they moan at the same time. He lifts the smaller man up to his mouth to lock lips and start worshipping each other. With the bottom half of his fatigues falling apart, Rodd reaches down and tears the rest of them off to free up his giant hairy calves and quads as they continue to grow. His huge veiny cock swells bigger and more powerful than ever before as it stands up searching for somewhere to go. Sensing this, Rodd starts to move the young soldier down towards his massive member. Hendricks nearly yells knowing that he is about to be penetrated by something that could split him in two. The sergeant stops moving and holds the concerned officer with one of his arms while arching his head up to look at him with his other arm. Without uttering a word, he reassures Hendricks that he won’t purposefully hurt him. He then softly tells him that he must do this to assure the young soldier that this will be worth it in the long run. Hendricks is still wearing his fatigues but has underwear on underneath them. Before he can prepare himself to be entered, Kepler’s meaty rod busts through his fatigues and underwear and starts stretching the young soldier’s hole. He wraps Hendricks’s legs around his waist so he can maneuver his cock slowly in inch by inch. The small man groans feeling it moving deeper into his bowels as it massages his prostate. His own bloated balls feel as if they are about to explode as his cock spills a river of precum inside his wet underwear. Kepler is trying to be as careful as he can with the young soldier since he wants Hendricks to feel more pleasure than pain. The sensation inside the young man’s hole is making the huge sergeant leak gobs of precum along the walls of his anus making him go even deeper. Hendricks is pounding on Rodd’s back now as the superior officer begins fucking him harder. The thrusts are causing the soldier to cry out in ecstasy which is beginning to wake up the rest of the men in the barracks. The sounds the two men are making are getting the attention of Hendricks’s bunkmate Reese as he enters the room and notices what is going on between them. Kepler notices he is standing there with a shocked look on his face and smiles as he motions for the soldier to come over and join them. Reese seems quite apprehensive even though he is rubbing his crotch quite vigorously trying to keep himself from getting too excited. Reese is the other soldier that has made eye contact with the sergeant on more than one occasion. He isn’t as social as Hendricks is, but has been known to talk to Kepler about some things that have bugged him in his life. The physical transformation he has overtaken since he joined the army is beyond dramatic since he was quite heavy when he started basic training. Now however he has developed quite the beefy frame. Rodd has grown quite fond of him physically over time and now wants to act on his urges especially with his new immense appetite for more muscle. He continues to motion to the young soldier to come over and even wants him to take the lower half of his fatigues off. Reese finally gives in after a little coaxing and slowly drops them to the ground as he makes his way over to the huge muscleman, who is now carrying Hendricks as they get down on the ground to get more comfortable. His thick cock now stands just inches from the sergeant’s face as Kepler sticks his tongue out to lick the head lightly to catch the pool of precum that is dripping slowly out the throbbing slit. The sweetness of it makes him growl as he grabs Reese around his back with his arms and pulls him in to gulp down the swollen tool. The feeling of the sergeant’s throat against his cock makes the young soldier moan loudly since it is a feeling he hasn’t felt in quite some time. Kepler sucks furiously trying to get him into a steady rhythm while he continues to fuck Hendricks. Both of the men having sex are massaging Reese’s beautiful chest which looks extremely pumped from all the training he did earlier in the day. His huge bubble butt is being worked over by Kepler’s hands as he slaps each glute before sticking his thick fingers inside the young stud’s winking hole. The hormones are flowing freely from within Reese’s mind as he moves over to sit on top of Rodd’s huge pecs to fuck his mouth as he gets closer to shooting his huge load. Kepler picks up the pace on his cock and senses the flood approaching as he stops to open his mouth to catch the white explosion. The young man yells as his seed flows down the sergeant’s throat making Kepler’s whole body shutter as he relishes the thick goo. The huge superior officer can feel himself getting closer to bursting as he stares down Hendricks and wonders if he will pull his pole out before he unleashes his boys. To his amazement, the eager bottom doesn’t budge and awaits the huge beast’s cum rush. To push the sergeant over the edge, Reese punches on his giant pecs to make him feel surges of pleasure throughout his body. Every time he does this, it forces Kepler to shoot a ribbon of goo up inside Hendricks’s hole. The young officer, who himself is trying to hold back, manages to pull his own six inch prick out of his underwear to spill his load onto the hairy behemoth’s bloated chest. After a few minutes of this prodding by Reese, Rodd has probably shot at least twelve times inside his eager bottom. As Kepler laps up the cum still flowing from Reese’s big cock, Hendricks can hear the sergeant grunting as the beast’s legs begin growing even wider around his own body. He reaches over to massage them as he feels the muscles in both quads stretching and pulling their way further outward. Reese turns his head and notices this happening as well. He runs his hands up and down the muscle monster’s chest massaging both bloated mountains as he feels both nipples swell up and drape down even further like teardrops. He continues to run his hands down the sergeant’s growing chest to feel his abs thicken and tighten up like rocks made of solid granite. Kepler’s arms are making loud stretching and ripping sounds as he wraps them around both young men so he can take turns kissing them and making them want him even more. As he tightens his grip around Hendricks, he can feel the smaller man starting to grow in his left arm. He growls loudly feeling the bottom wince as a giant rip starts down the back of his fatigues as his muscles explode in size. It doesn't take much longer before Hendricks’s expanding body forces Kepler to ease his grip on him as he feels it being forced away. Reese gets in on the action as well as he feels Kepler pushing him down to his cock which is being forced out of the growing bottom’s ass. He plunges his throbbing rod into the soldier’s mouth and thrusts in and out rapidly knowing that his seed will feed the beefy man’s body with the lust it so deserves. He greedily sucks harder waiting to feel Kepler’s balls react as he awaits the river to eventually flood his insides. Rodd’s grunts grow louder as Hendricks leans over to lick the huge veins running down both of the hairy beast’s arms. Reese’s work on Kepler finally pays off after a bit of work as the sergeant unloads his thick cum into his gullet. Every monstrous jet causes major changes in the beefy man’s body as the first few conjure his lower body to explode in size. Kepler can hear the loud popping sounds radiating from Reese’s feet, calves, quads, and hams as a giant forest of hair emerges from them to coincide with his new massive muscularity. The next few jets are causing the growth to quickly move into his chest and upper body where he can see Reese’s body hair getting much thicker to coincide with the amazing set of heaving pecs he is now sporting. His stomach is forming into a superbly shaped muscle gut that makes both Kepler and Hendricks swoon in delight as they feel its roidy elegance. Reese’s growing traps are now literally forcing his head to realign itself especially with the newly emerging striated muscles that are forming in his neck and face. His massive hairy chest is even pushing his body away from Kepler’s own as he wastes no time continuing the worship of his superior beastly officer. Rodd goes back to worshipping Hendricks again once he sees that Reese is finishing his growth cycle. He pushes both of the young behemoths away for a few seconds so he can flip himself over to give them a chance at his hungry meaty ass. He reaches around and grabs Hendricks to pull him into his waiting hole. The power bottom begins humping him relentlessly moving between slow thrusts and extremely fast ones. All while smacking the sergeant’s immense hairy back and rubbing his bunkmate Reese’s huge hairy bulging chest. They grin at each other for a moment before they both decide to take turns ramming Kepler with their cocks. When one of them is busy fucking Kepler, the other one is shoving his rod deep down inside the sergeant’s throat. Amazingly, all three behemoths reload almost instantaneously once they finish unloading. Every time they do this to each other, more growth results. The room itself will not last much longer if this persists. They are beginning to push their weight against the walls which is causing them to shift. The cracks on the other side are starting to get the attention of the rest of the soldiers as they begin to file into the room. It is now anyone’s guess as to how this will end.
  17. Todd recently started his new job at the Bridgestone Fire House and is quite excited to show off the body which he has worked on for quite some time. During his first day on the job, he was constantly flexing his huge guns and bouncing his pecs to try and show up the other guys he was with. This was getting some of his station mates slightly irritated and as a result they all decided to haze him appropriately. They ended up waking him up several days in a row and to spank his ass with a paddle while laughing and taunting him constantly. He was extremely mad about it at first but after a while he admitted to himself that he liked getting the attention they gave him. After being humiliated through this time period, he eventually started to fit in with a few of them. Two of them in particular interested Todd quite a bit. One is a full blooded Italian named Stefano and the other is a Brazilian-American named Paulo. Both of them turned out to be the ringleaders of the hazing that he experienced every night. It wasn't uncommon for Stefano and Paulo to goof around with Todd in the showers each time they returned from putting out a fire. This always got the Station Manager Kinsey riled up as he scolded all three of them for wasting so much time fooling around. One particular night, Todd was lying in bed after taking a shower and was thinking about Stefano in a very inappropriate manner since he was in the bunk right above him. In fact, he was thinking about the Italian in a sexual way quite often. It wasn't too much of a surprise to see the hairy muscled stud’s cock sitting out of his boxers because he really liked how the open air felt up against it. He always saw it dangle over the side of Stefano’s bed on some nights while the Italian slept. There were even times when he could hear the Italian grunting as his cock bounced against the side of the bed. During one of these nights, Todd finally decided to play with it and give his station mate a nice little massage with his mouth. He first stroked it with his hands slowly and gently feeling its thickness and power against his fingers. The hairy Italian would lightly groan each time his cock would bounce. After a couple of minutes of toying with it, Todd arched his head underneath it and slowly gulped it down his throat slurping on it as he massages the huge hairy tool. He could hear Stefano moaning as he started to pick up speed on him. Before he could get into a steady rhythm though, the alarm in the firehouse ended up going off and he had to stop to get into his uniform and report to duty. Stefano jumped down from the top bunk and stopped to look down at his cock seeing how wet it was and looked over at Todd. He grinned realizing that the guy he was bunking with was actually quite fond of him. They rushed out to the truck and got on it to go to their next destination. Todd and the rest of the crew arrive at the site where the fire is located and everyone gets into their positions to prepare to put it out. The studly white firefighter manages to move his way inside to try and rescue someone that is trapped on the second floor but first he is met by a hulking figure which grabs him around the waist and slams him down to the ground. He starts to panic as flames begin falling from above his head as the figure makes him lie there and wait for nearly a minute before he can move any part of his body again. He closes his eyes and starts to wonder if he will ever get out of that structure alive. It is at that very moment that he feels himself being let go by the shadow as it disappears once he opens his eyes. The fire spreads throughout the house and it appears that Todd is now trapped inside. Just as he thinks he is going to burn up and lose consciousness, Todd is grabbed by someone with a very strong grip and pulled out from one of the openings that was just created by the crew. They managed to knock down a wall located right beside him to get him out. He looks up and realizes that it is his Italian housemate Stefano as he is hoisted over the man’s broad left shoulder. When Todd is carried down to the bottom of the ladder, he climbs off his friend and hugs him tightly before telling him how much he appreciates his help. Their Brazilian friend Paulo meets up with them soon after and hugs Todd from behind holding him firmly against his body. The two strong firefighters pick him up and get him back on the truck before returning to the scene to put out the rest of the fire and to get the rest of the people to safety. Todd tries to catch his breath as he sits close to the edge to watch them. After about thirty minutes, they get back onto the truck and join Todd by sitting on both sides of him. He looks over and notices that Stefano is not wearing any type of protective clothing underneath his fire suit. He tells the Italian how reckless that is after he went up to the second floor of that house and saved him from that fire. The Italian tells him that he doesn’t like wearing that gear because it cuts off the circulation to his muscles and restricts his breathing. He reaches over and puts his strong hands on Todd and tells him that he wasn't going to let him burn up in that fire because he cares about him more than he might realize. He turns to look into Stefano’s beautiful gray eyes before his own find their way towards the big pec shelf that hugs the top half of the big man’s suit. As the truck starts moving, he reaches over to pull down Stefano’s zipper to open it as his heaving hairy pecs peer out. He leans over and starts kissing on the Italian’s chest chewing on both round areolas slowly and methodically. Stefano moans deeply feeling his body tingle from the sensations as his breathing starts to get heavier. Todd unzips his housemate’s suit a little more exposing his wet washboard abs as he runs his hands up and down them feeling the slick muscles twitching as they struggle to maintain their shape. The strong stench emanating from him is driving Todd crazy as his tongue moves its way down to Stefano’s hairy crotch as he rubs his face against the Italian’s massive member as he unzips his suit all the way pulling the wet rod out before he starts sucking on it. Paulo sees this happening and moves over to start kissing Stefano on the lips. Todd’s persistent mouth worship on Stefano’s cock is making the hot Italian start to swell from within his suit as his muscles begin growing. The transformation sequence has also moved over to the Brazilian as a loud rip can be heard coming from inside Paulo’s suit. He can see that the Portuguese stud has unzipped his suit halfway down as the undershirt he is wearing rips open exposing his beautiful olive skin. Todd looks up at his Brazilian housemate and sees his chest protruding from the massive rip. His arms are stretching the sleeves as they make a loud suctioning sound from both sides of his suit. Todd turns his attention back around to watch Stefano as he allows himself to give in to his growing body. His exposed cock is lengthening and oozing thick precum down Todd’s throat as he gulps down every single drop. He can hear Paulo’s breathing getting quite compromised as he starts speaking Portuguese in a very sexual tone. His suit is getting incredibly tight as well against his tight skin as his pecs shred his shirt completely. He can see Paulo’s olive cock ripping through his jock and is now hanging freely from directly inside. Todd reaches in and tugs on it as he unzips the rest of the Brazilian’s suit. He stops sucking on Stefano to place the two huge cocks on his face. The eager firefighter strokes them together for a few minutes before docking them as he rolls the dark colored foreskins together. He leans in to lick both of the sweaty cocks while they are joined and moans as he pulls them apart and sees them both dripping thick rivers of precum. He takes turns tasting their sweet juices sucking them over and over again as it begins to give him a major rush of adrenaline. He can hear Stefano’s moans getting louder as the hot Italian’s growing muscles get so large that they stretch the fabric to its limits. The Brazilian appears to be having the same exact problem as well. Todd’s consumption of their juices is intoxicating the white man to the point that he is losing his composure. He starts sucking on Paulo's cock vigorously to make the hot Portuguese man give in to his growing need for more muscle. His legs are emerging from their confines as he pushes his cock further down Todd’s throat and unloads a giant river of spunk down the horny stud’s gullet. His ass finally breaks free from the backside of his suit as it exposes his mammoth bubble butt. Stefano can see this happening and starts rubbing and squeezing it in his huge manly hands. He feels his own arms ready to bust through the sleeves of his suit as Todd looks over and sees the Italian's 25" cannons explode through the fabric. He roars with excitement as his back muscles do the same exact thing. His chest heaves wildly as his gargantuan upper body continues to massacre the upper part of his suit. Todd rubs Stefano’s bloated chest muscles while he finishes swallowing Paulo’s load. The Italian’s growth continues as his entire lower half shreds his suit completely into two long strips. He is completely naked now as he lifts Todd up and onto his massive cock. The white stud grunts loudly as the Italian spreads his anus wide open as it pushes deeper inside him. He starts fucking him harder as Todd quickly pulls the Brazilian’s rod out of his mouth to take a breather. Todd focuses his energy on Paulo to try and will him to grow completely out of his suit. It doesn’t take long before he gets his wish as the hot muscleman roars with ecstasy when his enormous back finally splits the fabric of his suit completely open as it shreds all the way down. He tears the top half of his suit off leaving his ripped pants on. Todd manages to get his head up to nuzzle Paulo’s huge chest as he is being humped by the Italian. He reaches out to signal to Paulo to rip his pants off since they are already in tatters. At this point, the two ethnic men are well over 350 pounds while Todd is still able to retain his current size. He kisses Paulo’s gorgeous veiny forearms and tells him to flex them so he can feel them against his face. His 18" softball-sized bulbs squeeze Todd enough to make him shoot a huge load in his own suit feeling Paulo’s incredible strength and letting Stefano have complete control over his ass. The Brazilian leans down to kiss Todd on the lips and lifts him up in the air so Stefano can pull out and reposition himself to get under him to penetrate him from another angle. With the two huge men now in complete control over their white housemate, their goal now is to make Todd explode into a muscle monster like them. Stefano looks over and winks at Paulo as he positions his thick cock so the smaller man can move down on it. He quickly pumps his cock a few times inside Todd before he starts grinding the smaller man harder. Todd can feel the Italian’s balls tensing up as they swell to nearly twice their size filling up with tons of luscious cum. His incredibly deep Italian voice echoes across the top of the truck as he thrusts several times inside Todd filling the small man’s insides full of his thick seed. The feeling is so intense that Todd briefly loses consciousness before waking up again a few seconds later. His transformation seems to be inevitable as his body absorbs both behemoths massive muscle-building loads.
  18. Don't forget to check out Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2598-the-miracle-serum/ Sloan looks up at Brandon and seems a bit scared as to what might happen to him. Brandon grabs a hold of the tech’s shaking hands and squeezes them. He can feel Sloan’s body reacting to the injection as the tech leans into the huge hairy muscleman’s chest. Brandon holds him tightly and rubs his back reassuring him that he will be okay and that Dr. Goldmann will pay for his actions. The hairy beast pulls the syringe in his neck out and tosses it down the stairwell to join with the other one. Sloan’s mind wanders as he feels himself falling asleep. Brandon picks him up and takes him back up into the hallway towards the office and props him up against the wall next to the door to the stairs. When he goes back into the stairwell though, Dr. Goldmann is gone. The anger builds from within the big man as he grabs a hold of one of the guardrails and pulls on it, nearly tearing it completely away from the concrete floor beneath it. After venting for a few moments, he composes himself before walking through the opening in the wall he created. After entering, he hears some rustling from behind the wall close to where he is standing. It sounds like there are two men arguing back and forth with each other about what they should do with the man lying on the floor. It doesn’t take long for Brandon to realize that they are talking about Sloan. He bursts through the side wall and turns to stare at the two men as one of them, a dark-skinned and fairly muscled one holds Sloan in his arms. He quickly runs the other way as the other one stands his ground. This other man is a much smaller light-skinned lean fellow who doesn’t seem all that concerned about the huge naked man standing in front of him. Brandon storms up to him and tries to wiz by to go after the man that has Sloan. The white man manages to knock him down and stomp on the huge man’s back to make him yell in pain. He starts talking to him in a very condescending tone. ‘So…..you must be Dr. Goldmann’s new pet project. It appears that your first dose has worked out pretty well.’ He stands on top of Brandon for a few seconds before getting off his back and moving his boot down to his crotch to rub it on the huge man’s ballsac. The muscle man groans as the man continues to torture his testicles before rolling his thick cock back and forth. Brandon tries to get up, but the man warns him that he will crush his cock if he attempts to do anything stupid. The man can see that his other associate has made it off the floor with Sloan so he takes his boot off Brandon and starts to move towards the same path. The naked muscleman manages to grab the white man around the ankles and drags him to the ground. The man tries to kick him in the face but barely gets a reaction out of Brandon. The hairy man crawls over to restrain the smaller individual. ‘Who the fuck are you people, what is this place, and where are you taking Sloan?’ The man smiles and seems completely calm with the whole scenario he has been put in. ‘Ohh well you will discover that some of the people you thought you knew may not be who you thought they were.’ Brandon can feel the man’s body starting to vibrate a bit as the restrained man starts laughing hysterically. The man’s polo starts rising on his chest as his muscles swell underneath it. The nude behemoth is taken aback by this and is trying to figure out how this could be happening. The man’s pants stretch to their limits as his growing leg muscles begin pulling the seams apart. He flips Brandon off his chest and into the air as he gets on all fours as his pants continue to shred against his expanding quads. Brandon lands about ten feet away as he cracks the floor tiles with his huge frame. The man looks down at him as his head starts swelling slightly. The man yells ‘FUCK YEAH!’ as his shirt splits down the back as his delts and lower back pull the fabric further away from his body. It also appears that this man is starting to glow a bit as his skin begins changing to a gold color. Brandon can see what is transpiring from where he is and starts to scoot behind him. The man grunts as his entire outfit falls off onto the ground. His small frame is completely swallowed up as his body continues to stretch as his muscles flex and tense bigger than before. His biceps now resemble watermelons as he sits up and throws his mammoth arms up into the air. He gets up and moves toward Brandon which freaks the hairy man out. The bloated white behemoth grabs a hold of him and throws him down on the ground once again as the floor begins crumbling beneath them. The man continues to swell as his sheer size eventually has them falling through numerous floors beneath them. His gold colored paws find themselves around the big man’s thick neck as he tries to strangle the muscleman unconscious. Brandon attempts to kick the massive brute in the balls, but the growing behemoth’s monster crotch hardly feels a thing as they finally hit the bottom level of the facility. The force behind the landing causes the man to lose his grip on Brandon and he rolls to his side. Brandon picks himself up from the rubble and starts to scurry across the room towards a nearby door out of what looks like a security area. He can hear the gold-skinned man groaning under his breath as he proceeds to open the door. He turns to look at him one last time and notices that the man’s cock is stretching even bigger than before. It quickly glides its way past the man’s 12-pack before climbing up between his engorged muscle mammaries. He starts moaning as his grapefruit sized balls twitch several times as they start pumping cum into his two foot python. Brandon can’t believe what he is seeing in front of him as the giant pole pushes its way down the man’s throat. He can hear loud gulping sounds followed by really deep sighs as the man massages the huge rod lovingly with his huge paws. The growth accelerates as he does this which makes Brandon rush out the door and down the entrance hall towards the exits out the medical complex. He can hear walls collapsing behind him as he gets within a few feet from the way out. Earth shattering roars from inside the security area makes the building shake violently as he manages to get through the front doors. He looks up and sees a helicopter 1000 feet above his head hovering as the circulating air causes him to fall over onto a nearby grassy area. Floors are now heard collapsing from inside as the man’s two story sized arms come bursting through the sides of the building. His head follows through the top floor as the whole building is lifted completely from its foundation. The helicopter’s side door opens as the dark-skinned man that Brandon saw earlier peers out from an angle and launches a rocket at the muscle monster’s head. It nails him right between his eyes and knocks him backwards. The building disintegrates before the man lands on the property directly behind him. The aftershock from the destruction sends Brandon into the air as he goes flying into a building across the street from the complex. He loses consciousness for a few seconds before coming to again. He is unable to move at all as book shelves go cascading down on top of him. He can hear the helicopter getting closer to him as he looks over from the corner of his left eye and sees someone jumping into the opening. He can feel the shelves being pushed off him which makes him panic just a bit. As he turns his head to look up, he gets punched in the face several times before he is unconscious again. Brandon wakes up several hours later in a dark room hooked up to what looks like a metal gurney. His arms and legs are bound in three sets of restraints which complete limit his movements. He hears someone whispering not far from him which gets his attention on his left side. The man’s voice seems really weak to him. ‘Brandon……I thought you were dead. The serum you injected into me seems to have worked. They have been trying to make me transform for hours now……but they don’t quite understand…..’ A voice comes over the intercom system in the room. It is calm and collected. ‘Is this true Mr. Blackmon? Wait, what is your name again…..*looks at his list*……ahh yes, Sloan is it? You were supposed to be a good little man weren’t you? Heinrich handpicked you out of dozens of our other new recruits to come work with him on this project. I should have known that you would get cold feet and decide to take matters into your own hands. Now I must try and figure out how to harness that power swimming through your blood now.’ Two doors open from both sides of the room as two large men walk over to where Sloan is and start wheeling him out of the room. He yells at Brandon and tells him that he must find a way out or he will become another victim like the man that ended up growing into a giant. The voice on the intercom starts talking again in the same calm tone as before. ‘So…..Mr. Brandon Fielding is it? It appears that the first stage of your transformation has gone without a hitch, don’t you think? Your body responded as I expected…..ohh and don’t worry, Dr. Goldmann will be back to his regular self again soon enough.’ Brandon grunts several times as his skin gets redder once his anger accelerates. The voice sighs a few times before they start speaking again. ‘Mr. Fielding…..there is no need for you to get all riled up now is there? If you need a little bit of relief, I can come in and help you calm down.’ Brandon stops making noise before he yells something at the voice. ‘Who the fuck are you and what the fuck are you going to do to Sloan?’ A door from directly in front of Brandon opens as someone walks through it. He turns to look forward as the figure draws closer to him. With the lights starting to turn on, he can see that it is a man in a lab coat wearing black pants and boots with a headset on. The man stands in front of his gurney and smiles in a very confident way. ‘Who the fuck am I? Why would you talk to me in that manner Mr. Fielding? You are not in a position to really make any kind of demands don’t you think? As for Sloan, he has actually done me a favor or rather you both have done me a favor by mixing normal DNA with the reversion serum I have created. Probably saved me months of research in the process…..hmmm…..I should thank you both.’ Brandon’s anger rises again as he feels his skin turning beet red once more. The man puts his hands on the restrained muscleman’s legs and feels the rage emanating from him. He takes them back off and walks over to Brandon’s right side. ‘You could possibly be going into stage two now Mr. Fielding. That man that you encountered outside Goldmann’s office was Terry Lohman. He was another client of Heinrich’s that was progressing quite well. Unfortunately though, he thought that using several vials of the muscle serum at the same time would help him become the top soldier in my organization. I had to put a stop to that, you know?’ Brandon’s anger subsides once again as his skin returns back to its original coloring. ‘Hmm…..very interesting Mr. Fielding. I wonder how you would react if I stimulated your cock just a bit.’ The man reaches over and pets Brandon’s appendage slowly as it immediately starts to rise. It rubs up against the man’s hands as he continues to massage it. Brandon moans lightly feeling the tingling from inside his body increasing. The man smiles as he continues to speak to him. ‘Ohh my gosh, I forgot to introduce myself didn’t I? My name is Dr. Ross Bloodstone and I am going to be your doctor today. What exactly are you feeling at this moment Mr. Fielding?’ Other entries in the Muscle Doctor series here: The Facility: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2496-the-facility/ The Facility Part II: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4896-the-facility-ii-the-return-to-where-you-started-living/ Muscle Doctor Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3533-introducing-the-muscle-doctor-part-1-of-2/ Muscle Doctor Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/3600-introducing-the-muscle-doctor-part-2-of-2/
  19. Trontastic

    Transform Gaiden: Part 2

    Okay, here is the next part. If anyone has any suggestions or whatever about my writing, or anything else, please don't hesitate to drop me a line! ==================================== Mick launched into the large meal placed in front of him like it was the only meal he had that week. His eyes were still watering, but the food seemed to be helping his mood. Nate was sitting opposite him, watching him intently with his piercing blue eyes. Nate wanted to make sure Mick wasn’t just going to go back to the train tracks. He was genuinely concerned about Mick’s mental state, though he hadn’t any experience talking down the suicidal. So, he figured he’d just strike up a conversation, and try to take Mick’s mind away from it. “Jeez, you keep eating like that, and I’ll run out of cash by the end of the night!” Mick finished his mouthful, and reached for the soft drink beside him.“ Sorry, I’m just so hungry. Did you want some? You’ve barely had any.” “Nah, mate, don’t worry. I was just having a laugh.” Nate had, indeed, not eaten anything, save a couple of chips fallen loose on the table. “So how are you feeling now?” “Hungry. Maybe it’s that tainted stuff Paul gave me. I’ve felt like shit ever since I took it.” Nate could still smell the potent odour of the weed on Mick. It almost smothered his natural, nice scent. “Oh really? What did he give you?” “Some of his weed stash. He said it helped him mellow out and have a good time. But everything just felt so… wrong after I smoked it.” “Ah. So that’s why you…?” “I just felt like everything was hopeless. Living felt like pain. I just couldn’t take anything anymore. I guess I sound like a complete fuckhead, don’t I?” “Not at all. Sounds like you just had a bad reaction to some weed. I’ve heard it doesn’t work the same way for everyone.” With this, Mick just nodded. He continued to eat in silence for a few minutes more. He had a deep yawn, and finished cleaning his tray just as the manager came up to them. “We’re closing in about ten minutes, guys. Just giving you a heads up.” Nate replied without looking away from Mick. “Sweet, thanks for that.” As the manager turned and walked away, Mick stifled another yawn. “So,” Nate said “Are you feeling better?” Mick nodded. “Yeah, I guess I am. I’m not sure how to say this, but thank you. For everything.” Perhaps as a gesture of thanks, Mick grasped Nate’s right hand with his own, and let his face show the smallest of smiles. At this point, Nate became aware of his own feelings. The feeling of sexual pressure that had been building in him all the way home. He had put it out of his mind out of worry for Mick, but now it was back and stronger than ever. He needed to back home, right now, or he would explode right there and then. “I, uh… yeah. Anytime. Say, we should probably head out now. Are you alright getting home?” With the mention of home, Mick suddenly froze up, and his look started to darken again. “I don’t want to go home. I can’t. Please.” Nate was surprised. “Why not?” “I just can’t. Can I stay with you for the night? Just to make sure the weed is out of my system?” Nate was torn. He had seen what this guy was about to do to himself. He knew he could be dangerous to himself. But he also needed some release desperately. And he didn’t want to risk doing anything in front of Mick, in case he… “Well, can I?” Mick ventured again. Nate let out a sigh of desperation. “Okay, okay. Fine. My place is just up the street there. I need to get back quick, so try to keep up.” True to his word, Nate sped off in a barely controlled brisk pace. Mick had to jog quite fast just to keep up. He was still thinking on the fly, but he hoped to unload in his own bathroom before something… awkward happened. They got to Nate’s building, where Nate hastily opened the door, walked across the entrance to the lift, and jabbed the button for his floor. On the slow ride up the cramped elevator, Mick could tell something was going on with Nate. Nate was starting to sweat badly, and his massive chest rose in and out as he took deep, calming breaths. In fact, Mick swore he could see Nate’s chest grow outward slightly with each exhale. “Dude, are you okay? You’re not having a panic attack or anything, are you?” “Huh? Uh, I, I’m fine. Just need the toilet quite badly.” *Ding* Nate was out of the doors before they finished opening. A feat, considering his muscular figure and tall profile. As he slammed open the door and raced to his bathroom, Mick was left a little stunned in the doorway. The first thing he noticed was the puff of plaster knocked out of the wall by the flying door. The second was the massive king sized mattress lying right in the middle of the lounge room, where the lounge should rightly have been. Then, Mick heard a noise coming from the other side of the far wall. It sounded like almost nothing he had heard before. Almost like a massive animal was next door, and it was giving birth. Mich walked over, tentatively, and thumped on the wall a few times. “Nate, is that you? Are you okay in there?!” “Un… unhhh… yeah, I’m f-fine. It’s all good. Really” It almost didn’t sound like Nate. It was if Nate had suddenly dropped another octave, and was speaking in a booming drawl. More so than before. Mick was starting to get worried. “Are you sure? Maybe I should come in…” “No! Don’t! Everything is peachy keen in hereeaaAAARGGHHH!” With that, what felt like a small car thumped the wall from Nate’s side. The wall held, but there was still cracks everywhere along the side and on the ceiling from where the whole thing had shifted outwards. Then, there was a sound as though something… thick was spilling out. Like someone had upended a vat of thickened cream somewhere. That was surprisingly close to the reality of the situation. Mick was paralysed with shock. What had he just heard? What was going on here? He could have simply ran for it, but some part of him wanted to know just what the hell he had witnessed. Mick sat on the edge of the mattress, trying to guess what could have caused such damage. Was Nate responsible? Where was he, anyway? At that though, a rank stench entered his nostrils. If Mick had to describe it, it would be jizz, by about a factor of twenty. It was pungent and pervading and… sort of nice. He couldn’y explain why it was nice, it just was. As he sat there drinking deep of the scent. A door opened in the hallway. Out of it came a behemoth that looked like it had Nate’s face on it, only it was prettier. At least, the bits Mick could see through the beard. The huge figure was still wearing the cotton shirt Nate had when they first met, but it was damp, and it had torn pretty much everywhere. Mick could see the incredible muscular cleavage of his chest, and the unreal abs underneath a huge gap right in the front. “Oh hey, you’re still here.” Boomed the golem-with-Nate’s-face. “I hope I didn’t freak you out too much.” Mick just stood there, gobsmacked. A raging stiffie fought hard with his pants, almost ready to explode itself. Just who the hell was this guy?
  20. hero1000

    Sweet Tea

    Guys this is a short but *ahem* sweet one: The two guys pulled up in their truck, the trailer loaded with landscaping gear. The tall, blond one got out first while the shorter Mexican finished up a drink of water and then went to the trailer to check everything out. Billy, the blond one, went to the door and knocked and it was answered by an older woman who smiled out at him. "Hi, I'm Bill and that's Pablo" Pablo turned and waved when he heard his name. "Greenscapes Landscaping sent us, here's my card. Do you mind showing us what you need?" "Oh, yes dears" the lady replied. "Well bless your hearts you are both so young! Do they let such young people do this kind of work?" Billy smiled, "Well actually I'm 20 and Pablo is 19 and we are both licensed to work. Greenscapes does full background checks on all employees so you don't need to worry about anything." She smiled politely, "Oh I wasn't worried." She paused, "Let me get my slippers on and I will come out and show you what I need done" She closed the door as Pablo walked up to join Billy. Pablo looked at his friend, "Maybe she is afraid of the Mexican" he made creepy eyes and Billy elbowed him. "Knock it off. She seems like a nice lady and she just went to get her slippers. " Even as he finished she came out with black lace slippers on which seemed to match her black day dress. "Well, my name is Mrs. Stewart" She shook both of their hands "What I would like you to do is to trim and cut my grass, and it needs edging something terrible. And, well, bless your hearts, if you don't mind I have some landscape stones I would like placed around the trees and have the trees pruned in the yard. " Pablo interrupted, "I don't see any trees" "Oh, they are around back, dear. Come, I'll show you. She went to the large fence and led them into the back yard. It was a high privacy fence made of oak, that was painted black like her dress and shoes. There were two oak trees and a magnolia tree back there. "Those trees are magnificent" Billy said. "Yes, dear, they have been here for a long time and I would like them to last longer. They are...Well let's just say they have a special place in my heart. You can see the stones over there to put around each one." She pointed to an immense and heavy looking pile of stones. "Yes ma'am" Pablo answered, "Why don't we mow and edge first then do the stones?" Mrs. Stewart smiled, "You are so polite. Whatever you think works best. I trust you. I will be inside working if you need anything, please knock and ask" Billy and Pablo went back to the trailer and got their gear out and spent the next 2 hours mowing, trimming and edging. The summer heat did a toll on the two men, but they enjoyed the feeling of productive work. Their clothes were drenched with sweat and they were plastered with cutting debris when they went to the back to begin working on the stones. Just as they were about to start working, Mrs. Stewart came out the back door with a silver tray laden with glasses and a pitcher of tea. "Hello, dears! I fixed you some sweet tea. A special recipe of mine." She smiled again "Please take a break and cool off before you start on those heavy old stones. I don't want you hurting yourselves and this will do the trick I think." She winked at them. They came over to where she was standing next to a patio table and chairs and said their thanks to her. Each taking a glass. The coolness of the liquid felt wonderful going down. They could taste that the tea had been made with real sugar and the sweetness took the edge off. Mrs. Stewart nodded and gestured to the chairs and said, "Please drink as much as you like and take a rest I will head back inside. Let me know when you would like me to inspect" She headed back inside, but stopped to take one last look before closing the door. She saw they were resting in the chairs and smiled again, this time with a more knowing look. "Yes, both of you will do just nicely" and she closed the door with a click. After a few seconds, Pablo opened his eyes and reached over to refill his glass. The tea was really good. "Hey, man, you want me to get you some more of this?" Pablo heard a grunt from Billy and figured that meant "Yes" in a "this heat is kicking my ass" kind of way. He turned around to get Billy's glass, "All right man hand me your....holy shit!" Billy was sitting with his eyes open. But instead of their usual green they were ice blue. Billy made another grunting sound and this time his chest swelled into his t-shirt like he had taken a deep breath. Pablo could see the outline of his pectorals, thick and full stretching the shirt so that the company logo looked like a distorted photo. The rest of his frame had filled out as well. Biceps threatened to break the lining of the sleeves and his legs looked ready to burst free of their denim confinement. Billy was breathing hard and trying to talk. Pablo went over to him, "Damn, man! What just happened to you?" Billy reached up to pull his friend in and grasped his arm hard. "Ow! Ow! Man! Let go you are hurting me!" "S...S...Sorry....I .....can...can't....help it." Still holding on to Pablo, Billy suddenly stood up. He had lengthened out from his normal 5'10" to a little over 6' now and the result was that he hefted his shorter Mexican friend off the ground. Pablo began to panic, "Put me down! Put me down, mon Dios! Put me down!" Billy's chest swelled even further and he inched up even higher, and was lost in the powerful energy coursing through his body. Pablo heard a pop and saw a rip appear between the words on the front of the t-shirt as mammoth sized pectorals pushed their way to freedom. A shadow seemed to loom over Pablo as Billy's back and shoulders widened out, growing impossibly thick with muscle. With a loud rip the shoulder seams on either side. Billy grunted again, but this time a strange smile found its way to his lips, "Ughh,....fuck....awesome!' The hand holding Pablo thickened and the grip grew tighter, making Pablo cry out in pain. The arm holding him up in a flexed position burst out of the sleeve. Suddenly Billy growled loudly and dropped Pablo to the ground, Then raised both arms up in a massive stretch flexing them to their fullest. The shirt exploded into tiny streamers over the monstrous form. Pablo whimpered and looked up from the ground at the nearly 7 foot giant towering over him. His gaze just caught the thick quads and calves of Billy's legs rupturing through the denim leaving only dangling threads around his waist. Billy had even out grown his boxers and for all practical purposes stood over his friend completely naked. Pablo could only stare at the 9 inch soft penis hanging over his head. "Oh" he whimpered again, "Why does this only happen to the white man? Why am I still the small one?" Billy smirked seeming to recover his senses, "Dude, this is freaking awesome" His voice rumbled. He leaned down to Pablo who flinched. He placed a big hand on his friend's chest to hold him in place then reached for the pitcher of tea. "Oh...mi amigo...no, please I beg you...." But Billy just smirked again and poured the pitcher down his friends throat who spluttered and gagged on the amount of tea he was trying to swallow. "Your turn, my friend" As Billy stood back up, Pablo saw over his shoulder a curtain flutter and he was sure he had seen a hand holding it but it was gone now. Pablo tried to roll over and stand up, saying the whole time, "No...see? It doesn't work on me...only...ughhh.only...oh shit" Pablo, still on his hands and knees could only grunt. Billy watched his friend begin to grow and said, "I think that old lady liked you more than me" He saw Pablo's back widen out on his little 5'4 frame. Pablo had to shift his arms supporting him to adjust for it, but they too had thickened up considerably. Massive horseshoe shaped triceps swelled up. Pablo started breathing fast and heavy and dropped his head giving Billy a full view of his neck bowing out and traps bulging upwards to overtake his shoulders. The short black hair, grew long and thick like a mane down his back as his butt swelled out into his jeans. Billy smiled, "Damn, Pablo, this is really kind of hot. I never felt like this about you before, but I think I like it" Billy's 9 inch dick began to swell out and lift up with the excitement. Pablo could only grunt in reply and tried to stand up again, but this resulted in his back splitting his shirt down the middle, leaving him moaning and gasping like he was having a massive orgasm. He finally staggered to his feet. And turned to face Billy who was sporting a full 15" hard on in front of his friend. Pablo hadn't grown much taller, but looked like he had put on about 200 pounds of muscle in those few short moments. His shirt had already ruptured in the front and his legs had split the jeans apart as he stood up leaving him exposed like Billy. His own manhood had grown to about 10" and was battling for attention with Billy's erection. Billy looked down and said, "Dude, I think I'm going to kiss you." and without warning he leaned over and pushed his lips against Pablo's lips who opened up to receive him. Their tongues met briefly, then Pablo gasped and grew up to about 5'8 and another 100 pounds of muscle, breaking free any remaining cloth. "Yes, that usually seals the deal" Came Mrs. Stewart's voice unexpectedly from behind them. "You two turned out beautifully and you must have really loved each other already, because my tea can't make that happen." The two men grew red in the face at her catching them naked in her yard, although they knew they couldn't help it. "It's ok, dears. Just finish up and when you are ready, I think you should find those stones no problem now." She went back inside the house with a giggle like a little school girl, the door clicking shut behind her. Billy turned back to Pablo, who was still looking embarrassed, and reached for his friend's dick. "She said finish up." he smiled Pablo gasped but then pushed up against Billy. The two of them began rubbing against each other, kissing deeply and passionately. Suddenly Pablo moaned and arched his head back as he spewed a volcano of cum into the air striking both of them in the face. He laughed for a second then realized Billy was thrusting harder against him, moaning and within seconds shot another load all over the two of them. They sat together for a little bit, then Pablo said, "I guess Mrs. Stewart deserves to have her stones moved for this." Billy smiled and added, "Damn straight" They set to work and it was nearly dark when they finished. They moved the last stones and were wondering how they were going to get back when Billy sat down and said, "I'm really beat. I just need to sit for a minute" Pablo said, "I know what you mean" And staggered over to sit near his new love. They held hands and Pablo cradled his head on Billy's chest. They both fell asleep like that and when they woke an hour later, they started to stand up. "Dude" they said at the same time, looking at each other. Billy was back to his 5'10 lanky self and Pablo was back to his 5'4 stocky frame. Pablo said, "You still look good like that" "You do too," They kissed again. "I wouldn't mind having some more of that tea, though" "What was that dears?".... THE END.
  21. BRUTUS1

    Catalog Man No 9

    This is a story - the only one ever - I posted on another site a very, very long time ago. I've tidied it up, made a few edits but otherwise no significant changes. I thought it was not bad all that time ago, but I'm not sure what i think about it now. Would definitely be looking to write something less inhibited these days. (Grin...) So what do yu think, guys? Catalog Man No 9 Jackson Fredericks had a mission. He had a project: helping to spread hotness, as he thought of it. Having struggled and succeeded against the odds, which were stacked against him from an impoverished childhood, he had been educated to the very highest standard in both biochemistry and psychology. Big, lucrative jobs came his way in rapid sequence. By age 36, he had amassed a tidy fortune through careful but inspired investments. He owned his own big house, freelanced when he felt like it, did as he pleased. Not bad for a boy who started with nothing, he thought - not for the first time - as he lowered his big frame in a chair in front of his computer. Settling, he stretched his arms wide and then cupped his hands behind his head. Nobody knew yet quite how remarkable his research and experimentation into human physiology had been. Nobel territory? Could be. No point rushing, though. Got to keep a good work/life balance, right? And there was the project. Watching the on-screen images while his computer powered on, he wondered again if his new project was going to be worth the effort. There were certainly big risks. The complex formulae and unpredictable psychological aspects could always go wrong. He knew precisely how to get the exact results he wanted on himself, but moving on to others would be, well, challenging. Jackson loped into the kitchen to fix a drink, catching sight of himself in the floor to ceiling mirror in the corridor. Always a pleasure to see in my natural state, he commented inwardly, grinning slightly at his own narcissism. He was dressed in the singlet and baggies he had worn to the gym earlier. His skin, where it showed, still glistened with sweat from his workout. Despite the arsenal at his disposal, he believed, it was better to keep the natural body right up to scratch through plain hard work, not to mention the endorphin high which strenuous exercise invariably produced in him. And it kept paying off. At 6' and 185 pounds, Jackson's lean body was covered in toned muscle. The damp material of his gym shirt clung to his broad shoulders and his nipples stood out visibly on his chest. His kept his hair cut to a close fade, his large green eyes were framed by naturally arched eyebrows and high cheekbones. A trimmed mustache and goatee surrounded his full lips. Yes, he thought, the basic body is always very gratifying. Jackson returned to the computer in time to hear the voice telling his he had mail. In a minute, he muttered. He wanted to check first that the site was up and running properly. He had argued endlessly with the site designers about getting it just right. If it had gone live overnight as he had been promised, he should be getting some traffic very soon. He clicked on his favorites list, selected his own site and waited. After a moment, the screen flooded with an graphic image of a naked bodybuilder, superimposed with the words "Transformations". Jackson scanned the front page banner he had composed: "Welcome to Transformations, where you will get the chance to meet the most outstanding men presently available in town. Check out our escort catalog. There is a very wide range of sexy men here to suit many desires. We aim to offer an experience which will change your life, no less. Competitive rates. In calls only." Under the banner message was a cartoon graphic of a pulsing, outsize dick with an 'enter' arrow beside it. Hmm, Jackson thought, maybe that was a rather coarse touch. But he would probably get more hits that way. Inside, the catalog page displayed an assortment of men all very different from each other: none of them was entirely naked, all wore provocative clothing. Site instructions urged potential customers to e-mail the webmaster with their choice of man, a brief explanation for their choice and basic personal physical details. Further exchanges would then follow about time, place, terms and conditions. Could be any one of a hundred escort sites peddling sex, Jackson thought, but he hoped that a certain type of man would be intrigued by the suggestion of transformation. He just had to weed out the exact type of fantasies which would suit his purposes. He leaned back in his chair and clicked on his mail box. --------------------------------------------------------- Derrick James finished his last rep of bench press and stood up. He looked hard at his reflection in the mirror of the gym's free weight area, then turned away in evident disgust. Shit, what would it take?, he wondered. Just turned 28, he was becoming resigned to never getting the breakthrough he wanted at the gym. Although 5'11", not at all bad looking and obviously toned from regular workouts over several years, his body just wasn't going anywhere. It seemed to satisfy his sex partners when he occasionally scored, but it didn't satisfy him. All he had to do was look at some of the really big lifters at the gym to feel almost sick with envy. Especially the bigger bodybuilders. And ditto that the black dudes, He could swear that some of them got visibly bigger every time he saw them. Images of their big bodies flooded his mind now whenever he jerked off, and even during sex with other ‘regular’ men he found his thoughts turning to how incredibly sexually potent they were. But the sad fact was that they looked right through him as if he wasn't there. Just as well, maybe. If any of them had stopped to notice him they might have objected to the look of mingled envy and lust on his face as he watched them swagger through their workout routines, his dick never less than half hard. He thought that even if he ever got that big he would be too embarrassed to wear such revealing gear as they did in the gym. Some of that lycra shit looked like it was painted on to their muscle bodies. When Derrick got home, he went straight to his computer and once on line, starting surfing some of his favorite bodybuilder sites. Looking through the new links section of one site, his eye was caught by a listing for an escort service called Transformations. The site description promised an illustrated catalog. Hmmm, that could be interesting, he thought, feeling his cock twitch in anticipation. Barely two hours later, he stood in front of the computer, trembling slightly and trying to catch his breath. He sure as hell couldn't afford to hire an escort, wasn't sure he should even be exploring such an option. He had looked through the Transformations photo gallery with growing interest - there certainly were a wide variety of types there, not the usual assortment of porn magazine clones. Then he had been stopped in his tracks by a page devoted to a massively muscled black bodybuilder. The man had obviously trained to serious competition standard. He stood legs wide apart, powerful arms crossed over his glistening pecs, thick knotted muscle straining in his bull-like neck. His expression was challenging, even intimidating. He wore only a yellow pose pouch which hung low under the weight of his prominent package. Apart from a pair of thick eyebrows which emphasised his low forehead, he appeared to be shaved completely hairless. Derrick had been unable to believe quite how powerfully horny he found the man's image and knew at once that he would have to take the leap and arrange an appointment. He had fired off an e-mail to the webmaster without any expectation of a quick reply. In it, he explained that he was very interested (I'll say, he thought to himself as he typed) in meeting the model listed as Number 9 in the agency's catalog. He went on to describe himself and said that he had always wanted to be with a black bodybuilder just like this one. (Funny, he noticed when he checked the message for spelling before sending it off, he had written "always wanted to be a black bodybuilder... " the first time around. He hastily inserted the missing 'with'.) To his surprise, an answer pinged into his online mail box barely an hour later. The reply confirmed that Transformations had been able to secure him an appointment with the escort the following Friday evening in his own town. He was given an address and a time. He should bring a credit card with him and dress "however you like". Derrick was a bit breathless by the end of these exchanges, not quite sure what he had done. But he reasoned that he had waited too long already for this. He guessed he could wait until Friday. --------------------------------------------------------- Jackson Fredericks spent much of the following two days preparing for the first appointment on Friday evening. He was pleased that things were working out so easily. He had done all the necessary research about Mr Derrick James. The first subject's choice of escort was a fairly straightforward temporary transformation for Jackson to accommodate. Just a question really of putting the appropriate mass in all the right places on himself to approximate the model from the catalog. Hardly any cosmetic fiddling around. Good. He had mixed a cocktail of dilute transform compounds to achieve the required result. Washing it down with his breakfast, Jackson calculated that the timed release should be completed by late afternoon. He changed into a pair of baggy shorts and an extra large T shirt - room to grow, he observed, grinning to himself - and set about preparing the materials for the more fundamental changes he hoped to offer his customer. He felt occasionally the not unpleasant sensation of progressive alterations to his body as the day passed, but he knew he would wait until he had completed the process before looking in the mirror. It was always more fun that way. -------------------------------------------------------- Derrick walked quickly when he got off the bus on Friday evening in a neighbourhood he did not know at all. It was a chillier evening than he had bargained on and he wore only a tight, white t-shirt and some cargo pants against the cold. When he arrived at the street address he had been given, he wondered if he had made a mistake with the house number. The big house was in complete darkness. Taking a deep breath, Derrick pushed the doorbell, his hand shaking slightly in anticipation. After a minute, the door swung open on a darkened hallway. A figure standing partially behind the door intoned in a rumbling bass: "Come on in, man", a deep voice said. Derrick slipped inside and was immediately struck not by what he saw - or couldn't quite yet see - but by the strong musky smell of fresh sweat. His eyes finally adjusting to the half light, he now took in the man standing just feet away from him. Mark was stunned by the presence of the massive black bodybuilder who towered at 6'3" over him. Powerful muscles seemed to surge and ripple all over his body when he moved even slightly. Hairless but for his thick eyebrows, he wore only a yellow pose pouch which strained to cover his crotch. His thick full lips seemed to fill his lower face completely. He stepped a bit closer to Derrick and looked him up and down. "Why dontcha come on in here?, he said, motioning Derrick through another door. "I just been getting a quick pump on the home gym." Derrick tried to squeeze past him as they both headed for the door but the big lifter was too big to avoid brushing up against him on the way through. Derrick felt electrified by the brief contact. As he entered the room, the black muscle giant planted his feet at shoulder width and folded his arms across his chest. "You like what you see, man?" He opened his arms in an expansive gesture, pulled one arm up into a flex, turning his face close, letting his long pink tongue lick slowly across the pumped bicep, while cupping his crotch with his free hand, regarding Derrick from under hooded eyes. Derrick stared fixedly at the erotic vision in front of him, felt his cock hardening in his pants. He noticed how the big man's brown nipples, centred on wide discs against his pecs, were bullet hard and pointing nearly face down towards his bulging, defined abs. "Well, do you?”, he prompted. "Oh yeah, man, I really do", Derrick whispered huskily, his mouth dry. "Good, I knew you would. Have a seat on the couch, man. I'm gonna grab a protein drink outta the fridge. I'll get one for you, too. Then we can get busy." It wasn't a question or an invitation, more of a statement. Derrick watched the man's massive back as he left the room - flaring lats, bulking deltoids which merged into his bull neck, a high hard butt of chiseled ass muscle. A sigh of urgent lust escaped raggedly from Derrick's mouth. The muscleman returned after a minute and flopped down beside Derrick, the weight of his body hitting the couch making it shake while its springs complained. Derrick took the tumbler from him and started to sip absently from it while he tried to get used to the waves of heat and the heady smell coming off the man sitting so close to him. Working one big hand over his chest while he spoke, the man starting saying in his low voice how much Derrick must admire his body to be willing to pay for his company. He said how much he got off on that kind of admiration in this job. The words began to tumble out of Derrick with this prompt, about how much he loved big bodybuilders, how he would love to be as big as them. "Just like you", he ended a little breathlessly. The big man grinned sexily and nodded as if privately satisfying himself of something. He leaned over Derrick, clasping one big hand around the base of his neck, pulling him close. "You like my big black body, fella?", he murmured teasingly. Derrick leaned into the man's chest and found one hard nipple with his tongue. He licked and chewed for a long time, pausing only to finish his drink to wet his dry mouth. He returned to attack the other nipple, his hands meanwhile searching the man's hard muscles. He was glad to hear the man begin to groan with pleasure at this treatment, occasionally grunting "Yeh, man, that's right, that's how to do it." Derrick noticed that the yellow pose pouch which had barely covered the big guy's crotch before was now stretched to obscene proportions. Derrick started to peel back the brief to release the swelling dark dick which was aching to spring up. He lowered his mouth hungrily to within an inch or two of the big man's thick member when he felt the beginnings of dizziness and a sense of great tiredness. His last surprised thought as he lost consciousness was that he was being carried in the man's huge arms as if he were weightless. --------------------------------------------------------- Jackson Fredericks stood over the single bed in an upstairs room of the house the following afternoon, looking intently at Derrick's body. Although he was absolutely still And sound asleep, Jackson had clamped his wrists and ankles to the sides of the bed as a precaution. He was pleased and rather excited by the results of Derrick's transformation so far. Last night's cocktail of carefully calculated and blended compounds had certainly worked impressively. The hulking 6' 3" figure on the bed, whose shoulders spanned its whole width easily, bore little resemblance to the young man who had entered the house 18 hours earlier. His thick corded neck and muscle-knotted shoulders, 50" pecs, awesome flaring lats pushing his 20" biceps away from his body, rock hard bulging abs, huge thighs with prominent veins running into his crotch all proclaimed him the very image of a powerful bodybuilder. His heavy low hanging balls over which flopped a thick uncut dick - unhard at least five inches long - suggested that he would be a powerful player in bed as well. He was perfectly hairless all over but for his eyebrows and a shock of blond hair on his head. The rags of a white t-shirt and a pair of cargo pants which had been ripped by their seams hung from his body. Very, very nice, Jackson told himself. Nice, but not quite finished yet. Now came the delicate part. He moved near to the bed, laying a hand on Derrick's cool forehead. A slight exertion of pressure with his fingers and the sleeping man began to struggle up to consciousness. Derrick's eyes opened slowly, blinking in the light. He gradually took in the man standing patiently over him. Instinctively he tried to sit up, only he could to move his arms. He felt panic starting as he tried to work out what the hell was going on. "What the fuck!?", he shouted, glaring at the man. "How are you feeling today, big man?", Jackson asked. Derrick was struck by how soothing the man's voice sounded and thought better of starting to shout again. But who is this guy?, he wondered. What had happened last night? He remembered just getting started with the amazing black guy from the escort agency, then barely ten minutes later - nothing else. "Umm.... Who are you?", he asked, trying to focus on the nicely built handsome man standing over him. "Well, I guess you could say that I am your benefactor", the man replied. "I'm certainly your host for the time being". "What the hell happened to me last night? Where did my date go?", Derrick muttered, more to himself than in expectation of an answer. "He'll be along before too long, I suspect", said the man, a faint smile passing over his lips. "But right now, I want to show you something I think you will like." Oh shit, thought Derrick, I hope this isn't some kind of come on. This is all weird enough already. The man fingered a remote control he had extracted from his pocket. A panel in the ceiling slid noiselessly back to reveal a mirror. "Look up now, Derrick," the man suggested. Derrick's eyes flickered upwards towards the ceiling. He stared hard for a full minute at the image he saw reflected there, his jaw dropped in stunned amazement. "Fuck, man, what's happened to me? This can't be real!" Even as he spoke the words, he realised that he was already longing to touch the body he saw. "Oh yes, it is very real, I assure you. Are you not pleased? This is what you always wanted isn't it? Or at least, part of what you wanted." Derrick didn't know what that last part was supposed to mean. He was now completely transfixed by the image of himself as a massive bodybuilder. And it clearly turned him on. He watched as his new improved dick - shit, it couldn't be that big - hardened until it lay, ten fat inches, against the inside of his thigh, oozing precum. Derrick muttered, entranced: "But how?" Jackson laughed. "That is sort of a secret, my friend. Let's just say that the protein drink you were given last night was more than just a fitness supplement." Derrick shook his head slowly from side to side. "But, it will, like, wear off soon, right?" "Not at the concentrations of compounds you have absorbed. These changes are permanent. Your fundamental biochemistry has been altered now at a genetic level." "Fuck, man." Derrick didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He went quiet for a minute. "Man, I really wanna touch myself", he whispered. "Let me loose so I can touch myself, please!" The man circled the bed, looking appraisingly at Derrick. "The thing is, Derrick, we are not quite finished yet. Transformations offers a total service and I wouldn't want you to go home half - umm - done, shall we say." Derrick shuddered. "Look man, I think this is just completely amazing, but it's enough. I look great like this, just what I always wanted. Any more and I would be some sort of freak." As he spoke, Jackson moved closer again. "No, Derrick. Not a freak at all, just complete. But this next part is a bit tricky and I will need you to be awake and willing. I can help you relax to make it easier." Jackson picked up a small metal disc from the table nearby and started to pass it back and forth in front of Derrick's eyes. Derrick watched as it caught the light regularly, listening to the man urging him to relax. --------------------------------------------------------- "Now, Derrick. You understand that you are hypnotised, don't you?". Derrick nodded. "I want you to listen carefully to what I tell you and I need to know that you want all this to happen. That you really want it. And when we are finished, I promise you will be very happy. Deal? " Derrick nodded with some hesitation. "OK, man," he said at last. Jackson paused a moment. He finally asked: "Can you remember, Derrick, what you said to your escort last night just before you passed out?" "Sure, I said I would like to be just like him. God, he was so fantastic. That body." "That's right, you said you would like to be just like him. And you meant that?" "Hell, yeh. And now I am", he replied. "No, not quite", Jackson answered patiently, as he unwrapped three loaded hypodermic syringes from the bedside table. "You seemed to be trying to say that you would like to be a black man who is also a big bodybuilder. A totally hot, black muscle giant. Isn't that true?" Silence for a minute. Derrick muttered a reply which was neither a yes or no. "Well, Derrick, is that what you meant or not?", Jackson persisted. Images flooded through Derrick's mind half-conscious mind of all the black bodybuilders he had lusted after at the gym, acknowledging just how much he wanted to be like them. And how the incredible presence of the escort last night had settled him finally in that wish. "Yes," he groaned at last, "God yes, that is what I want." Jackson gently inserted the first hypo into one of the many prominent veins on the inside of Derrick's forearm and steadily emptied the contents into his bloodstream. Derrick made a face but remained still. "This first shot is to deal with some basic issues for you, Derrick. Skin and hair, mostly. It won't hurt at all. Shall I tell you about it is it happens?" Derrick nodded slowly. "Yes, it is a very arresting sight. Your skin is getting darker all over as I watch. In a minute or two it will have become a dark chocolate brown all over, except for the palms of your hands and the soles of your feet. Very ... fetching. And that big dick of yours is several shades darker, almost coal black. Your blond hair has fallen out. Your skull and jaw will gradually grow out in black hair, if you want to let it grow. Personally I like the bald-headed look on a man like you. You have already developed a pair of thick black eyebrows. Short silky hair has formed in your pits and a small patch of wiry black pubes has cropped on your crotch. There is a silky coating on your balls too. You may want to keep them shaved later on - I know lots of bodybuilders like to do that. Good. That is about it for this stage. You now have black skin Derrick. Congratulations." Jackson ran a hand over the silky dark skin on Derrick's new chest. "All right now Derrick. This next shot will go deeper. It will address your basic physiognomy. You may feel a little discomfort for a while. Bear with me, though. It will pass." Jackson found another vein and emptied the second syringe into the man's arm. Derrick convulsed slight after a moment and began to thrash against his restraints as his body began to change further. Jackson noticed a perceptible lift to his hips as his glutes swelled and altered to produce a perfect high round bubble butt of two melon shaped halves, which jutted almost shelf-like away from the base of his back. His fingers lengthened on suddenly bigger hands. But the really significant changes were happening to his face and head. Jackson watched in fascinated approval as Derrick's skull rounded at the back and dipped sharply where it met his neck. Derrick's previously rather high forehead seemed to shrink visibly and his brow thickened. His cheekbones became more prominent, his nose flatter and broader with flaring nostrils, his big almond eyes hooded with deeply folded lids. Finally, his lips thickened to a sensual new fullness, dominating his whole lower face. Jackson's voice shook very slightly when he next spoke. "Derrick, that has worked very, very well. You are without doubt a very beautiful black man now." "OK, Derrick breathed and at once flinched in surprise at the sound of his own new gutturally deep voice. Jackson stood admiring the work so far. The white boy who had walked through his door the day before was now transformed into a 275 lb black bodybuilder. He leaned close to the bed, noticing the heat and deep musky smell which now rolled off the big man's body. "Just one more shot, Derrick. OK?" An assenting grunt. "This shot is really just to make sure you have, umm, fun. It will fix your sex drive at a much higher level and also make you more sexually versatile. It will loosen your self-consciousness." (And wipe selective parts of your memory of how all this has happened, he observed silently to himself.) The contents of the third needle emptied into Derrick's arm, Jackson sat down on a chair for exactly five minutes before rising to approach the recumbent muscle man. "Derrick, I am going to end this hypnosis now. When you open your eyes, I will release your restraints, but I want you to be still for a minute or two before you get up. You may feel a little surprised at first. Derrick nodded slowly. Jackson leaned forward, a smile of triumph spreading over his face as he murmured in Derrick's ear: "Now, wake up, my man." He loosened the big man's restraints and sat back to watch. Derrick opened his eyes and looked up to the mirror on the ceiling. Totally freaky, he thought. He grinned with a look of complete satisfaction and wonder at his powerful black body before turning to the attractive man sitting near him. "Sup Doc?", he asked, speaking the words in a slight drawl as he tried to adjust to his newly full lips. He started to touch his muscles all over, as if to persuade himself that it was all really true. He whistled slowly, commenting almost to himself, "Would you look at me, man? A real muscle bro now." All this activity produced an immediate response from his steadily thickening dick. "Fuck man, shouldn't I be covered up ...?", he ended lamely, looking up at Jackson for assistance. Jackson fished a very skimpy yellow pose pouch from his pocket and offered it to Derrick. "You might just about get into this if you're quick", he offered. Derrick struggled into the brief, managing to look more undressed with it on than when he had been naked, his pubes sticking out of the brief where it sagged under the weight of his cock and balls. "Guess I'm gonna need some new clothes," he said absently. "Yes," Jackson agreed. "I hope you don't mind, I did some shopping on your credit card this morning. You can try on some of this stuff next door now, if you want. There's a full length mirror in there. I think it will fit you and I think you'll like it. "Cool, thanks," Derrick said. He stood and walked experimentally around the room, finding his new centre of gravity and getting used to the slightly rolling gait which his big thighs created when he walked. "Guess I best had get on home now", he said finally. His face clouded. "Yo, man? You don't happen to know where I live now, do you? I seem to have forgot." "Same place as before, Derrick. The landlord understands you are subletting from the owner. And with your new job managing your old gym- you're due to start first thing Monday, by the way - you should be able to afford to move somewhere nicer soon enough. All the paperwork is in the bag with the clothes." Derrick still seemed troubled. "What about my friends, family ...?" he trailed off. Jackson shrugged. "Just go with the flow, Derrick, as I expect you would put it. And have a good time." Derrick seemed content enough with this and he grinned a toothy smile. He threw the bag of clothes over one shoulder and turned to leave the room. Jackson watched his broad back and butt appreciatively. He halted just as he reached the doorway. Turning, he said "I guess I'll go try on some of this stuff before I check outta here, man." He winked. "You wanna help"? Jackson padded after him a couple of minutes later. He reached the doorway to find Derrick struggling into a white lycra muscle T which looked painted onto his torso. He was about to button the flies on his pants when he caught sight of Jackson. Stepping close to him, he hefted his hardening dick and balls in one hand suggestively, then raised a flexed bicep to his face, licking it slowly with a long pink tongue. "What do you think, man? You like what you see?" Jackson stepped into the erotically charged arms of the muscleman, finding his lips for a passionate kiss as he began to fondle Derrick's thick ebony cock with one hand and stroke his muscles with the other. Oh yes, he thought, Catalog man No 9 has been a big success. A very good start to the project.
  22. Hey all. It's my first story... ever, really. This is set in AKA's Transform Universe, and is kind of a side story to his. The powers and rules are the same, it's just set on the other side of the planet. If anyone has any criticism or suggestions, please let me know. Even if it's a private message. I hope to improve as I go along with this. ----------------------------------- Sydney, 1st of March, the Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras Parade “Well,” Nate thought, “This this isn’t what I had in mind.” Nate, aged 22, had decided to make the trip into the big city, to go and see what was apparently the biggest event of its’ kind in the southern hemisphere. And it was certainly big. All around was a massive throng of human mass. For someone unused to even normal Sydney crowds, this made Nate more on edge and feeling more exposed than happy. Everywhere he looked, there were group selfies, young parents hoisting their infant children in the air so they could plough through the crowds to snacks or whatever. Nate had a strong suspicion this is what it’s like to travel to Mecca for the Hajj. Though he doubted there was this much glitter and jockstraps at Mecca. And yet, despite seeing the massive crowds at the parade, he still felt disappointed. Not to do with his gayness. Nate was comfortable knowing he liked guys, and no one gave him shit over it. But Nate did have his demons. Aside from the crippling shyness that made being at the parade nearly unbearable, ha was also having trouble at university. The Dean had said if Nate didn’t pick up his performance soon, he would have to be placed on probation. And he just couldn’t bear having that on his conscience. The depression was taking his mind further and further down a dark path. He wasn’t suicidal, but he was worried that may be where he ended up if nothing changed. So, in an effort to bring himself out of his shell, and make some form of human contact, Nate decided to make the trip to see what all the fuss was about. Evidently, so had the rest of Australia. Nate tried to see over the tops of everyone’s heads to see the parade proper. Normally, for the 6’3 lanky youth, this would be easy. Unfortunately, nearly everyone at the front had brought plastic stools, or were standing on the railing, completely obstructing the view of the floats as they went by. Dejected, he decided to go see if the line wrapping around the ice cream truck had shortened any. Maybe he could get something to eat within the next hour. Nate turned to the left, took a step, and landed face first into what felt like a giant rock wrapped in cotton. Startled, Nate looked up to see what he’d bumped into. What greeted his gaze was one of the largest and most overdeveloped chests he had ever seen. Nate was gobsmacked. He couldn’t stop looking at the heaving mass of muscle that was in front of him. “Whoa! Sorry for that, man!” came a booming voice from above the colossal chest. Nate looked up at a face about a head higher than his own was. And it was gorgeous! The man looked to be in his mid-20’s. He had short, spiky black hair, and a stubbly bit of beard brushed his face. He had beautiful, warm brown eyes, and his skin was slightly tanned and absolutely free of any imperfections. He honestly looked like some had photoshopped a fashion model’s face onto an insanely huge bodybuilder. The effect was mesmerizing. Nate must have looked dumbstruck for a while, as the giant man smirked, and held out his meaty paw, almost shoving it into his own bony chest. “Name’s Brian!” He said, somehow drowning out all the white noise of the crowd around the two of them. Nate detected an accent, but it was kind of hard to place. Definitely North America, though. “N-Nate” He replied and gripped the monster appendage in front of him. God, even his hand felt so hot and so hard! Yet, strangely, it didn’t feel like it was calloused or rough, as you would expect from a guy in his physical condition. It weirdly felt almost baby smooth. But whatever was underneath was the real deal. “So, how’re you enjoying things? See anything worthwhile?” “Actually, I can’t see much of anything” said Nate, gesturing to the mound of spectators overshadowing the parade route. “Oh yeah. That sucks, man” Brian shrugged, shifting the beachball sized muscles under his flimsy shirt. Then, he lit up. “Maybe I can help with that!” “What do you mean? Hey hey he- WHOA!” And with that, he bent down and swept Nate up into his powerful arms with barely any effort at all. Then, he was deftly manoeuvred and ended up sitting on Brian’s powerful traps and shoulders, like an oversized child on an equally oversized man. “So, how’s the view? See any better?” Nate had to admit, it was nice being able to see over the throngs of humanity down below. He could see all the colourful floats and marchers as they streamed by. He truly started to feel like he was a kid at a carnival again. He wasn’t pressed in by everyone around him. Instead, he could feel the party atmosphere, and could sense the gaiety of everyone there, in both senses of the word. Yet, despite the wonder of the evening, all his mind could come back to was the inhuman specimen he was sitting on. He shifted his ass, trying to get better balanced, while also getting a real feel of the stony flesh beneath him. It honestly did feel like he was sitting on a stony statue, only it was warm and moving. Then something else became noticeable. It was s smell. It seemed to be coming off of Brian. It was… indescribable. Seriously. He couldn’t think of anything to compare it to. It was rank and spicy and sexy and… it seemed to really awaken some primal, lizard part of his brain. Suddenly all he could think of was sex. Despite the cool-ish evening air, Nate felt hot, and started to feel smothered again. But this time, it felt good. Like he wasn’t being pushed aside, but rather some… thing was holding him close, and it felt really, really good. “Hey, I can feel you’re enjoying yourself up there! What’s got you going?” And that’s when Nate noticed his modest dick was raging hard, and pressed up against the back of Brian’s monster neck. “Oh shit, man I am so sorry about-” “Don’t worry about it, man! Frankly, if there’s any time and place for feeling a little freaky, it’s here! Besides…” Brian continued as he gently lowered Nate to the ground, “I take it as a compliment.” “Oh…Okay then.” “By the way, I’m going to head to the train station. Gotta catch my ride to the hotel. What’re you going to do?” Nate thought about it for a moment. He really really liked this guy. The logical part of his brain kept insisting he had only known this guy for all of ten minutes. But for some reason, that didn’t seem important right there and then. “Actually, I was going to do the same. I’ve got a long trip ahead of me, and I think I can say I’ve at least tried being out here.” So, the mismatched couple moved away from the moshpit on the main street, and headed for the train station a couple of blocks away. And on the way, the two formally introduced themselves. “I’m from the States. Not sure how obvious that is, but there you go. I got here yesterday. I’m pretty much only here for a few days. I’m supposed to be visiting my Aunt and Uncle, but I took a little detour to see how Sydney was.” “Does it meet your expectations?” “Oh yeah! Much nicer than my home town!” Brian scratched his head, allowing his monstrous arms to bunch up and nearly tear his poor shirt at the sleeves. “It’s a shame I have to back and finish school soon.” “Wait, you’re still in school?” Nate was surprised. “How old are you?” Brian puffed up his chest a little more, as if that were possible! “Just turned 18 last month! I graduate in the middle of the year.” “Seriously? Fucking hell! Give me a complex, why don’t you?” “Ah, sorry man. Keep forgetting my story is a bit… unusual.” Nate brushed it off, but kept walking. He could still smell Brian, and feel… whatever the hell that was back at the parade. He picked up his pace slightly, to keep up with Brian and his monstrous strides. “So anyway, tell me about yourself, Nate. I imagine a guy like you has an interesting story to tell.” Nate gave a little chortle. He really didn’t think he was particularly interesting himself. “Alright then,” Nate started “My last name is Blainey. I’m 22, I live and study in Newcastle, and I am pretty much the nerdiest nerd who ever nerded. I guarantee, whatever exciting thing you can think of, I’ve decided to sit at home and play Skyrim instead of doing that.” This got a chuckle out of Brian. “Man, I seriously doubt you mean that! You’re looking pretty awesome in my book!” “Oh please, coming from the Incredible Hunk, that sounds a bit patronising” “No, man, seriously! Don’t let all this fool you, I think guys of any size are amazing! Honestly doesn’t make a difference to me!” He said, gesturing to his near impossible physique. “You’ll forgive me if I don’t take that at face value. I’ve always been under the impression that the ‘Skeleton’ look has been out of date for a while.” “Oh well, suit yourself. But I seriously mean it, you are fucking hot as is.” There was a small silence then, as Nate worked up the courage to tackle the 150kg elephant in the room. “So… how did you get that big anyway? It can’t just be good breeding, can it?” Brian, for the second time that night, gave a small smirk, like he had been expecting Nate to ask all night. “Back home, I’m from a group called Muscle Club. It’s quite new, actually. But, as you can see, membership really does have its perks” With this, he flexed his left arm, which happened to be right in front of Nate’s face. This time, the steely muscle actually made the shirt rip a bit at the sleeves. Nate couldn’t help but stare at the mound of flesh in front of him. It took nearly all his self-control to stop himself grabbing it and just licking it all over. He had never felt this way before. About anyone. “What… what do you do in Muscle Club that’s so special?” Brian just flashed a brilliant, toothy smile. “Well, if you want, we can go to my place and I can show you in more detail. I read the train map, and it looks like you wouldn’t get back to Newcastle until at least 2 a.m. You can crash at mine, if you want.” Nate should have had a proper think about what was being proposed here. He was a grown man, but the ‘Don’t go home with strangers’ rule existed for a reason. But still, there was that amazing feeling he had when around Brian. And spending the night didn’t seem so bad, especially considering how late it was. “Yeah, I think we can do that. But, if you don’t mind, can you go a little easy on me. It’s my… first time.” Brian let out a hearty chuckle, and draped one massive arm around Nate’s bony frame. “Trust me, I guarantee you’ll enjoy every minute of it.”
  23. Start from the beginning here: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2276-protein-does-a-body-good/?hl=%2Bprotein+%2Bdoes+%2Bbody+%2Bgood Then check out the first two parts of the sequel trilogy here: Part 1: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4658-prelude-to-more-satisfied-customers-protein-does-more-than-one-body-good-1-of-3/?hl=%2Bprotein+%2Bdoes+%2Bbody+%2Bgood Part 2: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4743-from-boys-to-men-protein-does-more-than-one-body-good-2-of-3/?hl=%2Bprotein+%2Bdoes+%2Bbody+%2Bgood He opens the door and August immediately walks inside. He stops in the hallway and notices the two huge studs flailing about on the floor before turning to look at Nash. He smiles for a few seconds and picks him up to take him into the tv room. He sits him down on the couch and joins him. ‘I told you I would make it back didn’t I? *leans in to lightly kiss him* Those two jokers in there think that they are maximizing their potential, but in reality they are only using probably half of it. *looks Nash in his eyes* As for you…..well you won’t have a problem reaching yours.’ August gets up to go to get the remaining amount of food in the kitchen. A minute later, he comes back with the turkey container and sits it on the table in front of both of them. He then cozies back on the couch with Nash and leans in to hold him against his huge hairy chest. Nash moans lightly as he reaches over to pet the shirtless stud and speaks. ‘I’m so glad you came back August. I managed to wait as long as I could to continue the process. A part of me is craving this more than anything, but the other part is scared as hell.’ ‘That is normal man. The brain hardly ever agrees with what your heart wants. What I do know is the wait is definitely over. Those guys in the other room won’t have anything on us when this is over with. Let’s get this started why don’t we.’ The gorgeous hairy stud smiles before grabbing Nash’s fork on his plate and stabbing some of the turkey he placed there. He brings it up to the small man’s mouth and tells him to open up so he can shove it inside. Nash slowly chews the food and immediately feels chills cascading through his head. As he swallows it down, the sensation moves down into his throat. It quickly heads toward his stomach next. August quickly pierces another slice of turkey onto the fork and puts it in his buddy’s mouth. ‘Chew it man and continue to swallow it slowly. Let the meat marinate inside you for a few seconds so you can savor its effects. You should be able to feel something happening about any…..’ As Nash swallows the second serving, he moans as he feels his cock and balls reacting to the protein entering his body and navigating through his bloodstream. August places his free hand on top of his buddy’s crotch and feels his long pole writhing. ‘This is going to be fun Nash. I know this is going to be rough at first, but as it progresses you will be surprised at how incredible it feels to let it work. Your cock and balls are always the first to grow, although it feels like you have already started in that area.’ He leans in to kiss Nash after taking the fork away from his mouth. August smiles feeling Nash’s cock stretching beneath his hand. His boxers are now trying to deal the expanding ballsac that is filling the space inside them. ‘OH GAWD! OH GAWD! I feel so much pressure down there August. I’m so scared…..but it does feel so amazing!’ His cock starts moving down his leg and thickens outward at the same time as it begins to resemble a big log just beneath the fabric in his track pants. August pets it gently and feels a huge wet spot forming just in front of the thick cockhead. Nash moans feeling his balls fill up with his self-induced protein. The hairy stud beside him senses this and takes his hand away to prevent him from unloading anytime soon. ‘WOW! You are certainly amped up aren’t you? I think we are going to enjoy this equally man.’ There is still a small amount of potatoes and beans remaining from the other containers that August took from the kitchen so he puts them on another plate. He takes it and places it up on the top of the couch before taking Nash’s fork and loading it up with both side dishes. He hands the fork to his small friend who shoves the food into his mouth. After he swallows that giant bite, Nash turns to his side to grab the plate and loads as much on it as he can before downing most of the food. August laughs a little. ‘Don’t move so fast man. The potatoes and beans won’t cause a major growth cycle anyway they just mostly make you feel a bit more…..laid back and…..uhhh horny.’ Nash lets out a sigh as he experiences exactly what August is talking about. His cock is now trying to stand up in his pants now as well. He turns to look over at his studly friend and leans in to kiss him deeply making August moan loudly. He slaps Nash’s cock a few times making it swing back and forth as Nash grunts feeling it throb against the fabric as it gushes precum and stains his pants. They stop kissing after a few seconds. ‘MMMMM I am really starting to feel it now August. My cock feels like it is going to explode any second though.’ Realizing that it is starting to move along a little faster now, August reaches down to the table in front of them and grabs the container full of turkey before placing it beside Nash on the couch. He takes the empty plate out of the horny man’s hands and puts it on the table. He smiles at him and grabs his fork before plunging it into another slice of turkey. He grins a little as he looks Nash directly into his eyes. The graduate student stares at the food in the container for several seconds before taking the fork out of August’s hands and grabbing the container as he shovels the turkey into his mouth and down his throat. The rush builds quickly from the protein-rich food as it sends Nash into a wave of ecstasy that completely clouds his judgment. His cock is now trying desperately to get free from his pants. He moans feeling his lower body starting to transform. August looks down at his legs and hears multiple stretching sounds coming from the area of the man’s calves, ankles, and feet. The tennis shoes that Nash is wearing are straining badly trying to contain the growing toes that inhabit them. *feeling his senses being stimulated* ‘UHHHH YEAH August, I can feel it moving up from my feet. I want this so badly now, my fantasies are driving me crazy. I want it to feed my body more.’ Nash’s socks are now ripping apart against his new emerging ankles and calves as the lower part of his pants are being stretched by the huge heart-shaped muscles growing inside them. He grunts louder feeling his boxers being destroyed by his heaving cock and balls as his expanding quads, hamstrings, and glutes start stretching his track pants to its limits. August’s eyes widen as he sees Nash’s two new tree trunks forming in what seems like out of nowhere. The growing graduate student then jumps to his feet and laughs at the growing mass of muscle that is expanding on his lower body. He feels his pants reaching their breaking point and closes his eyes as he feels the soaked fabric tight against his insanely massive legs. ‘MMMMMM…..OH FUCK YEAH! This is awesome……AHHHH BABY……my cock feels like it weighs 20 pounds now. *feels the seams in his pants slowing ripping* FUCK YEAH BABY, I have never felt such power in my life.’ He turns to his side to look at his ass inflating as both glutes bloat themselves up with solid muscle. The sheer force from it easily bursts through the back of his pants as they sit firmly against his massive hams that continue to grow. Nash’s pants finally give up as multiple rips radiate from them and echo through the room. His cock flops back and forth several times as it finally breaks free from his massively veiny leg. It drips a pool of thick precum on the ground which gets the attention of August who springs to his feet to go over and stand beside his growing partner. ‘WOW Nash, you have an incredibly gorgeous cock man. Do you happen to need any help with it by chance?’ *grins and even winks a few times* ‘You better fucking believe I do August. *feels the growth starting to move up into his upper body* AHH YESS! *his hands begin growing* OHH SHIT! MMMMMM……*his forearms tighten up as the veins begin growing next as the tension makes him agonize* SO…..MUCH……PRESSURE….’ Really loud creaky and stretching sounds begin moving up into both of Nash’s arms. He looks at both of them and sees the veins in his biceps tracing up against the fabric beneath his track jacket. He gasps feeling the muscles pulsing in his forearms, biceps, and triceps as the round bulbs and horseshoes double in size. The intoxicating feeling makes his cock strain as his balls turn a bluish color. August senses he is about to launch one of his big loads and gets down on his knees. He quickly pulls the tattered remains of Nash’s pants off and lightly rubs the student’s mammoth pole in his hand. At this point, Nash is completely lost in the whole transformation and could care less what August does. The hairy stud slowly works Nash’s cock over in his mouth and pushes it further down his throat inch by inch feeling it twitching and contracting along the walls of his windpipe. He looks up every few seconds to see if the growing man will let his entire mind give in to the beast that was lurking within. Nash has stopped talking altogether and is grunting loudly as his back begins to crack and pop. The surge of power forcing the graduate student’s arms to blow up to superhuman size is also sending messages to his crotch to shoot a jet of cum. August knows this and feels the man’s cock flexing as the cum goes flying down the hairy stud’s throat and into his stomach. He pulls Nash’s cock out of his mouth after he feels it shrinking and laughs knowing that it will set off a growth cycle within himself. ‘MMMM that was so tasty Nash…..*feels his body reacting*……OH YEAH…..OHHH YEAH…..’ The 275 pound stud laughs as his whole body grows slightly bigger. His breathing intensifies as he flexes his biceps which grew an additional inch. The overalls he is wearing are now a bit snug against his wet skin. His cock is leaking precum all over his outfit which draws laughs from him. He looks at Nash again and sees that the man’s back is emerging from his jacket. His shoulders swell as his biceps and triceps completely shred his sleeves. August starts stroking Nash’s rod rapidly to make him cum again. ‘Come on big man feed me more of that godly protein. You are getting so close to letting yourself go and I want to keep up with you.’ Nash feels himself getting taller now as tons of crazy sounds radiate from his upper body. His chest explodes in size as his small pecs and thin abs completely disappear inside the mammoth mountains and floor size tiles that are emerging from within his powerful frame. He is starting to look like a different guy entirely now as his face and head start changing their appearance. His neck muscles, traps, and delts double up on each other as he continues to grow bigger and wider. August can feel the incredible amount of cum starting to rush through the new behemoth’s cock as he aims the gaping slit at his face. ‘YEAH MAN, FUCKING FEED ME THAT GAWD PROTEIN! I WANT IT SO MUCH!’ Completely unaware of what August is doing, the giant humps August’s hands as he launches several powerful jets of cum into the hairy stud’s face. He gulps down the thick protein and finds it is hard to breathe as it immediately fills his body to the max. He falls back onto the ground and nearly suffocates as the muscle monster above him continues to coat him with his giant flood. Nash’s growth cycle continues as his jacket and undershirt completely rip off his body and tumble to the ground. He has now eclipsed 8 feet tall and reached 500 pounds and doesn’t appear to be stopping. After a few minutes of absolute fear wondering if he is dying or not, August can feel himself starting to grow again. ‘YES! YES! *his entire body begins stretching and cracking* FUCKING MAKE ME A GAWD! *his overalls completely rip off* MMMMMM YEAH! *his voice completely changes* HERE I COME NASH!’ August begins transforming rapidly as his back cracks and pops continuously as he gains a foot in height in seconds. His upper body doubles up on itself as he quickly approaches Nash’s size. He laughs hysterically staring at the monstrous balloons swelling in front of his face as well as the gargantuan guns and veins expanding on his obscene arms. The quads, calves, and glutes on the hairy giant are now matching up with his counterpart as he bumps Nash with his monster chest. The giant is pushed backwards and hits the wall behind him destroying it with ease. Whatever high Nash was on before seems to be ending now as his growth finally ends. He looks at August from the wreckage who is standing probably ten feet from him. He is trying to figure out what just happened and if it is real or not. ‘HUH?......uhhh man…..*finally looks down at his body and realizes he doesn’t look the same anymore* OH MY GAWD! *realizes his voice is VERY different* OHHH MMMMMMM…….I feel so damn horny.’ August marches over shaking the whole apartment to the point that the walls begin cracking. He pushes Nash to the ground and starts punching on the behemoth’s mammoth abs. He grunts each time he does it before he slides his huge bubble butt down to sit on his buddy’s footlong. He slowly slides it inside him and roars in delight. Nash starts fucking him without a second thought. The hairy giant then leans in to say something to the thick monster. ‘You and I both know we can go further, well at least I know we can. Fill me up again man and I will fucking grow through this ceiling. OHH FUCK…..*feels the cum flowing through his own balls*……well…..*his cock bounces a few times before it rises to take aim at Nash’s face*…..perhaps we can do it at the same time……GAWD YEAH!.....*the cum starts moving into his own cock*……let’s do this together Nash and make those other two weaklings in the other room wish they were us!’ Nash’s anticipation of August’s cum makes his own balls start contracting as his protein begins its rapid ascent to his cock. What follows next could change a lot more than just their lives. For other entries in the Body Good series: Hypnosis: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2230-hypnosis-does-a-body-good/?hl=%2Bhypnosis+%2Bdoes+%2Bbody+%2Bgood Sex: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2258-sex-does-a-body-good-2-parts/ Achilles: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/2250-achilles-does-a-body-good/?hl=%2Bprotein+%2Bdoes+%2Bbody+%2Bgood
  24. You can find Part 1 here: http://muscle-growth.org/topic/4658-prelude-to-more-satisfied-customers-protein-does-more-than-one-body-good-1-of-3/ ‘Don’t eat without me yet guys. I am thinking that I do want to be a part of whatever this party is. I honestly can’t believe that I am saying this either.’ *looks very confused* Issac looks extremely happy to see that Nash is so open to it now. Brent looks as if he is a bit impatient about waiting much longer to eat but admits that he also wants Nash to join them. They wait as Nash loads up his plate in the kitchen and takes it into the tv room to sit in one of the chairs located across from where they are sitting. Brent looks as if he is ready to gobble down his entire plate, but Issac stares him down like he knows exactly what he is thinking. ‘Don’t even try it bud, we all do this at the same time, okay?’ They both then look at Nash before stabbing the chicken on their plates. The small man follows suit and acts like he is about to take a bite. They get antsy and actually do it without a second thought. After chewing it for a few seconds, Brent lets out a loud ‘MMMMMM’ and follows it up with another huge bite. Issac tries to keep up with him as Nash just sits there looking amazed at their determination. The two men seem uninterested now in even wondering if their small frat brother is eating or not because the chicken is starting to flood their senses. ‘HOLY SHIT! It feels absolutely incredible going down Ike. I have to get more man. *gulps down the rest of the chicken on his plate* AHHHH! Sooo fucking good!’ Issac agrees as he tries out the potatoes and beans also. ‘It is all so damn good bud. You should try the other stuff too my body feels so relaxed after it hits my stomach.’ Brent wolfs down the potatoes and beans before putting the plate down in front of him. He laughs as he looks over at Issac. He runs his hand along his buddy’s veiny right arm which immediately draws the ire of his frat brother. Nash watches both of them in anticipation of something possibly happening. The two guys finally turn back to look at their small friend and can see that he hasn’t even touched his food yet. Issac says something. ‘Nash? Eat up man, you’ll feel so good once you start because it creates such a sense of calm inside.’ The curious man takes his fork and pierces the chicken before shoving it into his mouth. The taste is unlike anything he has ever experienced before. The feeling spreads quickly throughout his body before it finally stops inside his testicles. He swears he could feel them starting to produce more cum which starts to bother him. He puts his fork down and sits the plate beside him. The other two seem quite surprised by his reaction. ‘You don’t like it Nash? I am shocked that you don’t, but buddy if you don’t mind, we both want to eat the rest of the chicken.’ Both Brent and Issac scoop the turkey from their plates and slap it on Nash’s because they really got it for him anyway. They both get up and to go back into the kitchen again. The strange sensation that Nash feels in his ballsac both surprises him and excites him. He sits there and stares longingly at the food before finally smirking just a bit. He knows that he probably has more restraint than they do and wants to savor the effects that it produces. He decides to plunge his fork into the turkey and shoves it into his mouth. The feeling as it goes down makes him shutter as it is a much stronger sensation than what the chicken caused. In fact he thinks that his cock may have just grown a couple of centimeters as a result. He can feel it drool a tiny bead of precum down inside his boxers. After ingesting the turkey, he is now convinced that the rumors are indeed true about the restaurant. What he can’t figure out though is why the food has immediate results in him and not the other two. They both return with equally large portions like they had before only now there is no turkey. Both men have been wearing the same tank tops and gym shorts for the last couple of days probably because they think they will be destroyed so why bother cleaning them. Issac suggested to Brent apparently that they only needed a small amount of clothing so they could see the changes in each other. Nash himself is wearing a blue polo with matching pants and blue loafers. They both seem once again to be preoccupied only with the food again as they quickly down the second helping. Nash smiles at them this time hoping that they somehow experience a growth spurt. After swallowing the very last bite on his plate, Brent burps a few times which makes Issac punch him each time in the stomach. The racially mixed stud returns the favor as they put their plates down for a few seconds. Nash thinks he can see something starting to happen to Brent as he stares at the frat brother’s legs and arms. They appear to be swelling just slightly and are starting to make very faint grinding noises. The caramel skinned stud moans a few times which surprisingly goes completely unnoticed by his counterpart sitting just beside him. The same thing is also happening to Issac as his forearms, biceps, calves, and quads are growing slightly as well. Their minds appear to have wandered now as they completely ignore Nash and get up to go back to the kitchen to put the last helping of chicken, potatoes, and beans on their plates. He watches them as they walk by sighing as he notices both men’s backs slowly stretching wider and fuller. The muscles strain as beads of sweat stain the back part of their tank tops. After daydreaming for what amounts to be a couple of minutes, Nash decides to get up to go see if they are coming back into the room or not. Halfway to the kitchen, he happens to see them lying on the floor and finishing up what is left of their food. They toss their plates to the side and turn to stare at each other as their breathing gets much heavier. It is obvious now that their bodies are surging with power now because it appears that the transformation is beginning. ‘OHH FUCK YEAH MAN! *Brent can feel his pecs starting to stretch up towards his face* MMMMMM……GAWD I WANT THIS MORE THAN LIFE ITSELF! *can feel his arms stretching and pulling as his veins beginning growing to twice their size* SO MUCH POWER……RAWR!.....*flexes his cannons hard*…..FUCKING YEAH!’ His expanding calves and quads tear through his shorts as the seams rip completely open. He also feels his engorged cock and swelling balls destroying his briefs as the fabric starts cascading down his monstrous legs. He looks over at Issac who is growing at nearly at the same rate only his muscles are getting rounder rather than harder. Both men reach over and tear each other’s shorts off as their cocks rise up into the air as their balls continue getting bigger. Issac’s eyes immediately get transfixed on his friend’s bloated cock as he decides to move down to run his tongue along the leaky thick pole as it oozes a huge honey gel. Brent grunts feeling his frat brother worshipping him as his body continues to reshape itself. He can feel himself getting very close to bursting now as his cock pulses and his balls tense. ‘OHHH FUCK YEAH IKE…..I’ve got dessert and it is ready to be eaten. *his balls begin flexing* FUCKKKKKK! HERE IT COMES BIG BOY, GROW FOR ME IKE!’ Issac locks his lips on the huge rod and gulps down the massive volcano. Each jet that goes down the eager sucker’s throat draws deep growls out of Brent as he runs his huge hands up and down his friend’s huge back. He moans loudly as he feels his white partner’s delts, shoulders, and traps grow larger each time he swallows more cum. Issac’s muscles make creaking sounds as his chest swells even bigger pushing his tank top up above his immense gut and bloated pecs. His bulbous muscles are now pressing tightly against Brent’s body as his cock stretches again. The huge footlong slithers its way up his partner’s huge abdominal slabs before it finally rests underneath both behemoth’s enormous racks. He grips his hands on Brent’s sides to brace himself as his lower body stretches and pulls itself wider as well. He turns to look down and realizes that he can now lick his own cockhead as he arches his back to get it into his mouth. Brent watches intently and grunts as he views his partner getting himself off. Issac works his cock slowly and methodically pushing more of it into his mouth tasting the sweet juices he is spilling. The sensation causes him to moan quite loudly. It isn’t long before he can feel himself getting very close to exploding as his balls begin cramping. He stops working his cock over to move himself up to plunge it down his friend’s throat. The immediate surge as Brent maneuver’s it down his throat sets the white behemoth off as Brent works it over quite vigorously. He downs Issac’s protein eagerly as he feels it flowing inside his body. His breathing deepens as he feels himself swelling again. His chest rises once again and destroys his tank top as it finally hits his face and spreads further outward from his body. He feels every muscle fiber swelling and giving birth to new muscles that he never knew he had before. His defined muscles look as if they are ready to tear through the skin as his quads and calves create new muscles. Issac moans loudly watching Brent blowing up again and feeling himself rising further away from the floor. After a couple more minutes of additional growth, both giants finally lie on their backs and attempt to get their breathing under control after they finish growing into 350 pound monsters. Issac’s tank barely clings to his chest as the fabric very nearly snaps away from his engorged traps. He decides to suck some air in to make both of the straps holding the tank on his body snap as they glue themselves to his incredibly soaked bloated pecs. He reaches down and pulls the tank off before he turns to throw it at Brent’s face. They both look at each other and laugh before they finally notice that Nash has stood over them the whole time. He is dwarf compared to them now. Issac slowly sits up with the help of Brent’s hands to say something to their small frat brother. *in a really deep voice* ‘WHOA BUD, you are downright tiny now. Didn’t you eat any of the food we got tonight? I MEAN COME ON DUDE! Part of this evening was supposed to be about you, you know?’ As Issac talks to him, Brent keeps trying to wrestle the white muscleman back down to the ground to rile him up. Rather than get irritated though, the huge man eventually gives in and starts horsing around with his mixed partner breaking everything in their path. The big men once again lose interest in Nash and end up having sex once again, only this time they shove their massive cocks inside each other. The small observer can feel his cock jumping wildly inside his pants as he watches both of them take turns fucking each other. He knows that his time is coming soon as he envisions himself outgrowing them by leaps and bounds. This in turn leads to his decision to go back and retrieve his plate from the tv room. Before he can find his way back to the kitchen, there is a knock on the front door. It doesn’t take him long to realize that it is man he met earlier and that he is coming back to finish what they started.
  25. Hey Men. This is my first story posted to this site (or any site). I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I loved writing it. I have the other two parts outlined and will be working on those too. There will be plenty of turns and twists. My goal for part 1 is to introduce the characters and set up the background for what will be coming next. Shane: Confessions of an Underdog (pt. 1) The summer heat hung thick in the air. It was a few days before classes started at the University of Washington. Seattle isn’t known for its heat, but when it does get warm, it gets humid. So much water around. So many trees. August can be unpleasant. Cliff was carrying boxes to his new room for the year. He was a senior and finally going to graduate with his degree in psychology in May. He was the kind of guy that everyone liked. He wasn’t what the magazines and media would call “hot” but he was handsome, kind of like a movie star from the golden age of Hollywood. Many people said that if Cary Grant and Rock Hudson had a baby, he would look like Cliff. With dark wavy hair that he kept well trimmed, warm brown skin from his tan, and his large hazel eyes, he could see what they meant, but he never considered himself necessarily good-looking. He was built like a rugby player. Almost 6 feet tall, he carried a good bit of muscle under his clothes. His wide shoulders looked like they could put up some serious weight and his thick legs and round high ass made him appear shorter than he actually was. People were always surprised at how tall he was when he stood next to them. He wasn’t tight and ripped like many of his friends. He always seemed to carry around a little extra weight, especially around his waist, to his great chagrin. Even so, he had a beautiful masculine body that could do real work. And his smile. His smile was his moneymaker. He could melt just about anyone with his smile. Unpacking his car had been quite a chore today. As a senior, he was able to apply for a Resident Assistant at one of the dorms on campus. He had lived in the dorms his first year, but had moved out afterward for a couple of years and had experienced freedom from the tiny rooms and a roommate in the same cramped space. As an RA, he would have his own room in the corner of the floor complete with a kitchenette and en-suite bathroom. His friend, Rich, had talked him into applying and they had been assigned to the same building with Rich working on the floor just underneath Cliff. The two friends had been close since the first week of classes when they were freshmen. But they couldn’t be more different. Where Cliff was classically handsome and warm with a beefy body, Rich had an angular model-like face with sandy blonde short hair and piercing blue eyes. He was ripped. His broad shoulders supported athletic pecs and well-defined arms. His waist was tiny and he often found it hard to find clothes that would fit right. His glutes were tight and his legs were long but muscular. His skin was golden brown and he looked much more like a surfer-turned-fitness model than anyone in Seattle that Cliff had ever seen. He was beautiful and devastating. He knew it too. Cliff got along with everyone whereas Rich could be a real asshole. Mean and acidic comments often came out of his mouth and he was as catty as any of the Real Housewives, but Cliff (as is his personality) just shrugged and thought, “That’s just the way he is.” Cliff marched up the stairs with the last box. It was only four floors up, but with the heat and all of the other boxes he had already packed around, he was feeling it in his thighs and healthy backside. He opened the door, set the box down and started to unpack. It was going to be so nice to be in a room by himself this year. A knock at the door interrupted him. “Come in!” “Hey Cliff.” Standing in the doorway was Jesse. Jesse looked like a stereotypical science nerd. Thick black-rimmed glasses, thin almost skinny body, and a big beak-like nose screamed “chemistry or physics” as his major. He was also the head RA for the building and therefore, Cliff’s boss. They had also been friends since their first year. Jesse had been in Cliff’s English 100 course- and they both hated it. They sat next to each other passing notes and giggling like schoolgirls for most of the quarter. Jesse liked Cliff and had a lot of respect for Cliff’s social capital, something that Jesse didn’t have. Cliff liked Jesse of course. He was just that kind of guy. Cliff didn’t have enemies. Most people wondered if he had a mean bone in his body. Jesse, with his beak-nose, looked straight into Cliff’s eyes and shook his head a little. “Dude. I’m so sorry.” Cliff looked up from the box he was unpacking. “Why are you sorry? Did you fill the rooms on my floor with crazy problem freshmen?” Jesse just shook his head and looked down at the single sheet of paper in his hand. “Worse, man.” “Come on, Jesse. What? You look like you just licked a lemon. “ “Cliff, sorry buddy, but you are going to have to have a roommate for at least the first quarter of the year. We assigned this transfer kid to the building and we overbooked by one spot. You have one of the only single rooms and I can’t stick him with Rich. He’d probably make the kid cry every day just for making his life a little more inconvenient. I don’t know much about him except he is a junior and did his first two years somewhere in Montana.” “Oh man! You’re not serious! That’s messed up, Jesse! I even just moved the two beds together so I could have a king-size.” Cliff shook his head, annoyed. “One more thing, Cliff. He’s here. Now. Downstairs.” “Man, you are killing me. People aren’t supposed to start moving in for a couple of days still. I was going to get all set up and have some peace and quiet. Maybe jerk off a bit more than normal.” Cliff flashed Jesse that big smile and winked. He had always thought Jesse was gay or maybe bi if anything. He caught him looking at his meaty ass more than once. He didn’t mind though. Jesse was harmless. “Ya. Well, he emailed us at the end of last year when we made the assignments and asked if he could move in early. Some sort of sob story about not having a place to live right before school, or some shit like that. We responded that he could if he paid for the extra time. Sorry man. I know this sucks.” Cliff shook his head and went into the small bedroom and moved the beds apart again. He took a big long piss in the bathroom and started moving some things around so the new guy would have equal space. No reason punishing the new guy for the mix up. Cliff just thought that way about things. He was easy going as well. Nothing ruffled his feathers too much. “It was a nice dream while it lasted.” A few minutes later, he heard some shuffling in the hallway and a light knock at the door. “Come in!” he said maybe a little bit louder than he needed too. As easygoing as he was, he was still just a little annoyed at the situation. He had been really looking forward to some alone time with his cock. Being home for the summer hadn’t allowed him very much privacy and he was horny. The door slowly opened and it looked like whoever was going to come it was having trouble with their bag. He heard a little grunt and the door pushed open slightly. His new roommate walked in hesitantly. His eyes darted around the room and the first thing Cliff thought was that he looked like a scared animal. “Hi there. I guess we are going to be roommates this quarter.” Cliff stuck out his hand to greet his new roommate and walked quickly over to him. He flashed his smile and the annoyance was gone. He couldn’t hold a grudge against this guy. It wasn’t his fault. “My name’s Cliff. Sorry there are so many boxes and shit all over. I didn’t know I was going to have a roommate…so soon.” He added that last bit so the new guy wouldn’t feel so bad. He was sure that Jesse had told him downstairs about the situation. “I’m Shane.” Shane didn’t look Cliff in the eyes and barely stuck his hand out to shake Cliff’s big meaty mitt. The kid looked scared. Cliff looked more closely at him. He was looked of average height Cliff thought. Maybe 5 foot 8 or 9. He was thin though not skinny. He wasn’t an ugly kid, but he wasn’t anything special. He looked a bit pale and like he was exhausted. Maybe he hadn’t eaten in a while. His cheeks did look a little sunken in and his face a bit gaunt, but that could just be the paleness. Something made Cliff think the guy was very nervous. He still didn’t look Cliff in the eye. “Here, let me grab that for you.” Cliff stretched his arm out to grab the duffle bag that Shane had let drop to the floor. Shane held on to the duffle and pulled away a little bit and his cheeks flushed a little. Cliff looked out in the hallway for anything else. That’s all that he had with him. “Do you need help bringing anything else up from downstairs?” “No, I just have this and one box I left in the office with Jesse. I’ll run down and get it now.” Shane set his duffle bag on the floor next to the wall, well out of the way of Cliff’s full boxes. He turned around and walked into the hallway without saying anything else. “That was a little awkward,” Cliff said to himself when he knew he was alone. Why had Shane seemed so nervous? He went back to work moving his items to one side of the room, moving food to one half of the cupboard and organizing the refrigerator in a way that would give Shane half of the space. A few minutes later, he heard the footsteps return and Shane walked in with his box. He set the box carefully on the kitchen table and looked over at Cliff who had his backside sticking out of the fridge, still moving things around. Shane stared at Cliff’s athletic bubbled ass and his thick legs and looked away just as Cliff wheeled around with that warm smile again. “Shane, give me just a minute to move some things around in here and then you can start putting anything you want in your space. And, if you don’t mind, I’d like the bed next to the window in the other room. Is that ok?” He walked across the kitchen and entered the bedroom where he had put one bed against the window and the other against the opposite wall. There was only about 4 feet between the beds, but it was a dorm after all. Shane just nodded. “Hey Shane. I’m going to leave here in a few minutes to go meet up with some friends I haven’t seen since the beginning of summer. You are more than welcome to come if you want,” Cliff said warmly, looking at Shane. Finally Shane looked at him and quietly said, “No, I’m ok. Thanks for inviting me though.” “Ya, no problem. Anytime. I’m going to shower and get ready but make yourself at home.” Cliff turned on his heels and walked into the bedroom where he began to undress. As he was walking into the room, he pulled his shirt off and Shane stared at his back. Cliff was so at ease with himself. He didn’t have a perfect body, but he looked like he was well worked out. His back was broad and thick; his shoulders round with pendulous triceps. He was shirtless with only his form fitting brown dungarees on. He could see a strip of bright red briefs wrapping around Cliff’s waist just peeking out above his pants. And that ass. It didn’t look like it was made of stone, but it was thick and muscular. It looked like the rest of Cliff, comfortable and powerful. Cliff peeled his pants off so that he was just wearing his red briefs and still had his back to Shane. Shane blushed and felt himself getting turned on. Just then, Cliff turned around and grabbed his towel that was hanging off the door and walked into the bathroom. He just barely caught Shane staring at him and noticed the bulge in his pants. He shot him that warm smile and walked into the bathroom. As he shut the door behind him he chuckled to himself, “Looks like Shane is gay.” Shane stood there, mortified. He knew Cliff saw him staring. And he knew that his shorts couldn’t cover up his boner. He shook his head, disgusted with himself, and opened up his duffle and box to unpack his few belongings. “You doing alright in there?” Cliff called out from the bedroom as he was changing. “If you need anything, just use mine. We’re roommates now, so what’s mine is yours.” “Thanks,” Shane said quietly from the kitchen, “but I’m ok.” “Do you have something to eat for dinner? You don’t look like you brought much.” Shane was in the kitchen still. He hadn’t sat down or taken anything into the bedroom. Cliff walked out of the room just as Shane was pulling out a 36 pack of Top Ramen opening up one package and placing it into a small pan of water. “That stuff will kill you!” Cliff barked and started to laugh. “I can’t eat that shit. It makes me sick.” He said it in good fun and what Cliff didn’t know is that Shane knew this. He could tell what people were feeling. It was more than observation, it was empathic. Still, the comment somehow hurt him and he felt that he had to respond. “Ya, I know but I don’t have any money until next week when my financial aid comes in, so this will do for now.” He looked mortified and crestfallen. He was obviously embarrassed, but he already knew that Cliff wouldn’t mock him. “No fucking way, Shane. Ok, well eat that, but hold on.” Cliff walked over to the fridge and took out a rotisserie chicken he had bought earlier that day, some veggies, and herbs. In a total of two minutes, he had put some cubed chicken and the veggies in the pot with the ramen noodles. “It might taste like shit, but it will be better for you with some protein and fresh things.” Shane looked at Cliff straight in the eye for only the second time. He started to tear up a little bit and bit down on his lip. “Thank you, Cliff. I won’t forget how kind you were to me today.” Cliff looked at him puzzled, but Shane seemed sweet and innocent so he just let it go. What did he mean by that? Just then a loud bang on the door startled them both. “Get out here you big fuck,” bellowed another voice. It was Rich. “We have to get going. I’m hungry as fuck. Are you ready you big queer?” Cliff opened the door and Rich barged in. “Too bad you have some idiot loser as a roommate,” Rich spouted looking at his friend. “I heard about it. Jesse told me he looks like some homeless piece of shit.” Rich looked at Cliff who just shook his head quickly and glanced over at Shane who was staring straight at Rich. Cliff knew that Rich was an ass. He could get away with it usually. He was a stud with a perfect body. Vascular arms with well built and rounded muscles that oozed confidence, a tight waist with abs visible through the tight shirts he wore for the ladies, and long muscular thighs atop athletic lower leg muscles. He new he was hot and he didn’t give a damn what anyone else thought. “Rich! Shut the fuck up.” Cliff looked visibly pissed off. He looked at Shane sitting at the table getting ready to take his first bite of dinner and he could see his eyes getting glassy. “God, you are such an ass sometimes,” Cliff barked at his friend. “Shane, this is my idiot friend, Rich. Rich, this is my new roommate Shane.” Rich smirked and walked over and stuck out his hand to shake Shane’s. Shane felt something very mean about Rich. He could feel it like a white hot iron. Rich was cruel and arrogant. He was not to be trusted. Shane didn’t look him in the eye, but stretched his hand out to shake the other’s hand. He just stared at his dinner bowl. “Fuck man. Lets get out of here,” Rich said as he headed for the door. Cliff put his hands up as if to say, “Hang on a sec.” “Shane,” he could sense the emotions building up on Shane’s face; he looked like he was trapped. But when Cliff said his name, he seemed to relax a bit. “Shane, look at me bro. “ Cliff crouched down next to Shane at the table so that his eyes were slightly lower. “Don’t listen to anything that Rich says. He can be a real piece of work. He just opens his mouth without thinking and it hurts sometimes. He’s made me fighting mad so many times, but he’s my friend and he’s a good guy… usually.” Shane looked at Cliff again. Cliff felt as if Shane was reading deeply into his eyes. Like he was sizing Cliff up on some subconscious level. “Please eat and unpack and I wont be long. I want to get back to I can get to know you a bit more, ok?” The quiet one nodded his head and again looking into Cliff’s eyes and whispered, ‘Thanks Cliff. Thank you for being so nice to me.” With that, Cliff got up and turned around to join Rich in the hallway. He shut the door and Shane heard Rich start laughing, “Your roommate is a freak man. Holy shit. You are screwed.” “Fuck off, Rich.” And he heard a thud. Cliff punched Rich hard in the shoulder. Shane could sense that Cliff meant it when he punched Rich and he smiled and started to eat. A couple of hours later, Cliff returned from his dinner with friends. He walked in and closed the front door slowly. Shane was sitting on the couch. His box and duffle were in the corner, empty. There was nothing new on the shelves in the kitchen and he could see that there was a blanket spread out on Shane’s bed in the next room. Shane looked over at Cliff as he put the leftovers from dinner in the fridge. Shane hadn’t put anything into the fridge either. “I guess he is going to try to live on Top Ramen,” Cliff thought to himself. “Did you get all settled in?” he asked. “Ya. I don’t have much. I wanted to say thanks for sticking up for me with your friend, Rich. You didn’t have to do that.” “Rich gets what he deserves. Well, not usually, but he deserved to get a good punch for what he said about you. You are my roommate now and I’ve got your back. I don’t like talking shit about people like Rich does. I’m an optimist.” Cliff walked over to Shane and sat down next to him on the couch. “So let’s get acquainted.” He sat cross-legged on the couch facing his new roommate. Shane opened himself up in that way that only he could, probing the emotions and sentiments of the people he is around. He could sense that Cliff really did want to know about him; to understand him. He could tell he was good. He felt certain valiance about Cliff. He was emotionally strong, stable, and substantive-much like his physical body. Shane could feel the concern and worry that Cliff had for him, although they had just met. Cliff wasn’t wary. He wasn’t afraid. He wanted to know why his roommate wouldn’t look him in they eye, why he flinched when Cliff tried to grab his bag to help him, and why he didn’t own anything. He could feel that Cliff had questions as he looked into his roommate’s eyes. There was something else there as well, but he couldn’t identify it. “Well? Shane, you can tell me anything. I have heard a lot from my friends about their lives. Nothing that you say will bother me.” Somehow, Cliff felt that Shane was much more of a risk to himself than to anyone else. He also had an intuition about people that he had learned to trust. He didn’t realize that Shane had a much more developed sense, but Cliff was good at reading people. The young man that was only a year younger than him had cowered all day like a puppy that had peed on the carpet. It was concerning but not scary. He knew from the look in Shane’s eyes earlier at the dinner table that Rich’s comments had really gotten to him. Sometimes he just wanted to punch Rich’s teeth in for being such a fucking jerk. He didn’t notice, but when he thought this, Shane lifted the corners of his mouth in a subtle smile. “Ya Cliff. I wish you would have punched him in the face and knocked that smug look right off of it!” Shane thought to himself. But back to the moment… “Cliff, I don’t really like to talk about myself much. Could you tell me something about you? Something about your family or…?” “Oh, sure! I love my family. We are so close. I am the oldest of four – two boys and two girls. Boy, girl, boy, girl. My parents live about 3 hours from here in a little farm town. I grew up there. My parents are my best friends and my siblings are all married and have kids. Seriously, its like a fucking Disney movie. “ He laughed and smiled that devastating smile as he related to Shane more about his background. Shane could feel his good mood and energy and was eagerly lapping it up. He had never felt this sort of positive energy. Cliff stopped his story. He could tell Shane was lost in it. Shane’s eyes were glazed over and he was smiling a little. “Shane, how about you?” Shane’s expression changed dramatically. The smile went away. The warmth on his face was gone. Shane teared up again. He knew he could be honest. He knew, instinctually, that Cliff wouldn’t laugh at him or his wreck of a life. “I have a very different story. I don’t know who my parents are. I don’t know where I come from. I know that I am alone.” He was visibly shaken. His voice was trembling and Cliff wanted to just reach out and hug him and make him feel better – that was his way. But he hesitated and felt that it would violate some boundary. Shane was delicate right now and was exposing himself in a way that Cliff felt very careful of. “I have lived in over fifty foster homes in my life. Until I fell out of the system when I was 18, I had never lived in the same place for more than a year. It was easier when I was younger, but when I hit puberty, things were different. I wouldn’t spend more than a couple of months in a house at a time” Cliff nodded at him, urging him to go on. “I have never really had friends. My foster families would always think I was too socially awkward or ashamed of me to let me get to know anyone very well. In every single place I was placed, I would scare them I guess. No one has ever treated me like you have been treated every day of your life. I have no stories of birthdays or happy holidays or friends to go to dinner with.” He sounded more and more upset and angry as he continued. “No one has ever treated me with any respect or any compassion. I have always been on my own…alone. Some people chose that road, but not me. It was forced on me. I don’t want my past to ruin the rest of my life, but I don’t know what to do about it. I think I am a monster. Every one of my foster parents said as much eventually…before they asked for me to be relocated.” A knot rose up in Cliff’s throat. This guy was just laying it all out there – he thought so anyway. “Cliff, what you did tonight – offering me your food and hospitality and kindness – no one has every been that kind to me. Especially when they get to know me better…know things about me. I don’t want you to be like them and I can tell that you are not.” He looked Cliff right in the eyes and Cliff just wanted to hold him and wrap his big beefy arms around this little guy. “I don’t really want to say anything else right now but I want you to know that I haven’t met anyone like you before. You make me feel safe.” He cut the last word off as he said it. Almost as if he knew that it had gone too far, for him anyway. He didn’t want to scare Cliff away or make things uncomfortable-or come out of the closet. Shane could feel Cliff’s emotions welling up within him. He could exquisitely sense his big roommate’s desire to comfort him. Cliff went to reach out to put his arm around him and Shane pulled away. “Thank you again, Cliff. I think I need to go to bed soon and I’d like to be alone here for a minute.” “Shane, you can tell me anything. Whenever you are ready to talk, you can tell me anything. I can take it. I’m not going anywhere.” Cliff was the emotional one now. His roommate had never felt love in his life. He didn’t know what it was to really hug someone; to hug his mom or dad or brother or sisters. He didn’t know what it was to have friends. He stood up and walked to the bedroom leaving Shane on the couch. Shane watched as Cliff’s big beefy back and legs walked away. He let out a little whimper. He wanted so bad to just reach out and touch Cliff, but that could get dangerous for Cliff. He had learned that the hard way. Cliff whipped around and caught Shane looking at his ass. He just smiled. “Shane, you’ll be safe here. Now, shower and go to bed. Let’s hang out tomorrow, ok?” Shane nodded. He knew that he would do whatever Cliff asked. He surrendered to his roommate’s will and desires because for the first time, he knew that someone would protect him. Cliff was the one truly decent human being that he had ever met in person and the only one he wanted to make happy. He smiled a genuine smile for the first time in a long while and got into the shower just as Cliff had asked him to. He washed himself off and towel dried. He knew that this body was just a shell of the man that he could be, but he was still ashamed. Twenty-two years of hiding who he was would not go away in the span of one brief evening. Somehow, he knew that Cliff wouldn’t care if he were different. He also knew that he would do whatever Cliff asked – he was strong where Shane was not. Shane smiled as he realized that the opposite was also true. After showering, Shane quietly went into the bedroom. The corners of his mouth turned up to smile as he heard Cliff breathing heavily and snoring lightly—more like a purr than a snore. He climbed into bed and relived the last few hours of his life. Something had changed. Maybe it was hope. Whatever it was, he was horny and he couldn’t help but touch himself. Cautiously, he looked over at his big strong handsome kind roommate and started to rub the head of his cock. It was too warm in the room to go under his covers and have more privacy so he decided to stay on top of them. He spit into his hand and rubbed the swelling knob with his palm. Working his way down slowly toward the base, he felt the veins along the shaft start coming to the surface. He could feel them individually. Shane knew that he had extra senses and when he was sexually aroused, his senses were even more acute. He could feel the throbbing of his cock begin in earnest. He could not take his eyes off of Cliff’s body laying just a few feet away. Cliff slept on his side and he was looking at the most beautiful man he had ever seen sleeping soundly just at a little over an arm’s length. He pumped his cock more and more. It steadily grew until it reached a limit with the body he had forced upon himself. He thought that a thick 10” cock would be a perfect maximum for his 5’ 9” edition. Shane eyed Cliff up and down. Cliff had not crawled under the covers either. It was too warm. Seattle is not known for its need for air-conditioning. Instead, he had stripped to his boxers. His chest was thick and hard without effort. It lacked the striations and veins that Shane knew existed under his own body, but Cliff was undeniably one of the most masculine men that Shane had met. He exuded strength. He also knew that Cliff wanted to be ripped and huge like his fucking goon-friend Rich. The thought of Rich made Shane’s blood boil. But never mind that now. Shane kept pumping his cock. His hand was getting warm. Spit is not the best lubricant. His forearm was getting tired with the action that it had gotten tonight. But this was the body that he had forced upon himself. He would have to deal with the weaknesses for the time being. Just then, Cliff’s eyes shot open. Shane yelped and tried to flip around to avoid Cliff’s stare. “Shane, are you awake?” Silence. “Shane, I know you are awake. I have been for the past few minutes. It’s ok.” Shane was terrified. He could tell that Cliff was being honest – he could ALWAYS tell if someone was being honest. “Shane. It’s ok. I’m gay too. It’s ok, Shane.” Shane froze. He didn’t move a single muscle. He willed his heart to stop beating and it did. He willed every fiber in his body to stop moving. No electrical impulses were being fired outside of his central nervous system. He was a dead ship in the water, utterly still. “Shane, please. It’s ok. Please, talk to me.” Cliff knew that his new friend was delicate and the most timid person he had met. He needed to handle this delicately. On the other side of the room, Shane heard one thing that Cliff said and it resonated with him. He had, after all, told himself that he had surrendered to Cliff, entirely and completely. The only thing he cared about in the moment was Cliff’s request, “Please, talk to me.” “Cliff, I’m afraid.” “Why? Shane, it’s ok. Whatever you say, I can handle.” “Cliff, I’m gay. I’m gay! I’ve never said that before or out loud to anyone. Please don’t kick me out of your room. I don’t know what I’d do.” There was a certain desperate quality in his voice. “Hey man. I’m gay too, remember? I think I said that a few seconds ago.” Shane was so caught up in the emotion of the moment and the fact that he had willed his body to stop its normal functions; he had barely heard Cliff say that. “Shane, come over here. I’m not going to hurt you.” Shane allowed his heart to start beating and the rest of his body to start working again. He got out of his bed, naked, and stood up next to Cliff who was still lying on top of his bed on his side. “You don’t have to worry about me.” Cliff reached his big arm out and touched Shane’s left thigh. He just left his hand there. Shane could feel something amazing happening but he didn’t know what it was. He had never felt what he felt now. One thing he knew – Cliff was communicating with him on a different level. Cliff was starting to get hard too. “Shane, please move your bed next to mine. I think tonight we should cuddle.” Shane heard the directive and pushed the bed closer to his Master’s bed. The frames bumped up against each other. Shane crawled on top of his bed and lay in the middle, not knowing what to do. His heart was racing and his mind was on fire. Nothing like this had ever happened to him in his 22 years. He felt Cliff’s emotions rolling off of his body. He felt love and lust and compassion and caring. He felt that Cliff wanted him. He had NEVER felt wanted. His body and mind told him that he was irrevocably tied to this man. Anything, ANYTHING Cliff asked for would be granted to him. Shane almost (almost) felt normal, like any other guy. “Shane, get on top of your bed and then move towards my body…please.” “Cliff, don’t say the word ‘please’ to me. I will do you whatever you ask without question and without thought to consequence. You are different from anyone that I have ever met. I trust you… and I have never trusted anyone before.” Shane crawled slowly on top of the king sized bed that Cliff had commanded to be made. Cliff reached out his arm toward Shane and grabbed his shoulder, drawing him in. Shane’s tenuous resolve almost broke. He was trying to maintain control. Cliff pulled Shane closer. “I know this is scary for you. If you would like to, just back up into me and we can spoon. I’ll be the big spoon and you can be the little spoon.” “I don’t know what you mean. Spoon?” ‘Yes. I will cup your body into mine. It feels good.” “Cliff, don’t say things like ‘if you would like to.’ Anything you ask me to do, I will do. Anything.” Shane felt a pulse of energy coming from Cliff. Cliff desired him. He really truly desired him. Shane nestled into the larger man’s embrace. Shane was hard. All ten inches. Cliff wasn’t too far behind with a solid nine, and thick. Cliff put his arm around his new friend and just held him close. Cliff put a top-sheet over them both and thought how lucky he was to be able to care for his new roommate. There was something about Shane that drew him in. He hadn’t felt this kind of love in a long time. Shane, on the other hand, was attempting to control every muscle in his body. “FUCK!” he kept repeating inside of his head. “I have to slow down. I have to calm myself. I can’t lose the one person in my existence that really cares about me. I don’t want him to think that I am a monster.” Cliff brought Shane in closer. Shane could feel Cliff’s ample cock against his back. He noticed things about Cliff in this moment that he had not noticed before. He noticed how his chest had a light dusting of fur. He noticed his happy trail that erupted next to his navel and marched down to his crotch. He noticed that Cliff’s pecs were much harder than they looked from a casual glance. His nipples were beautiful and perfect quarter sized – well, maybe a bit bigger. He noticed Cliff’s breath on his own neck. It was warm and soft and eager. Shane could sense everything. Shane was losing control of himself…of the monster that was inside of him. And then it happened. He felt himself start to cum. He didn’t know that it could happen like this. His cock grew and lengthened. But something else happened too. His entire body shook. The barriers that he had made with other people in his life vanished in a moment. Shane embraced Cliff…embraced him in a way that made them one person. He could see Cliff in a way that Cliff couldn’t see himself. Shane surrendered. Shane knew he could get bigger and more powerful, but he didn’t know what that would mean for Cliff, so he tempered the effect and decided to re-set up barriers until he knew how Cliff would respond. Cliff—on the other hand—felt Shane change. He was emitting an energy that Cliff had never felt and somehow, it felt right and good – and extension of himself. Cliff gasped. He was feeling Shane’s body one second, warm and giving. The next second, Shane’s body was hard as steel. He couldn’t see with his eyes what was happening since it was dark in the room, but it felt powerful and like nothing he had experienced in his short 23-year life. Cliff didn’t know what was happening, but he did know one thing—Shane had opened himself up and Cliff wanted to give Shane the love and tenderness that he deserved and something that he had never felt. He continued to rub Shane’s shoulders and back and the petrification of Shane’s body commenced in earnest. Slowly and deliberately, Shane allowed himself to adapt into the being that he had feared. He grew harder. Everything on his body grew harder. Cliff said aloud, “Shane, I don’t know what’s happening, but I want to see it. I know there is something…something that you aren’t telling me, but that I can feel. I need, want, and must see it.” Shane simply responded, “Yes, Master. I know that you need to see this.” Shane lifted his index finder the smallest of degrees, coaxing the light switch to turn on from a dozen feet away. The room lit up with a warm incandescent light. Shane crawled off the bed and Cliff was lying supine staring at his new roommate. “What would you like to see, Cliff?” Cliff looked at the previous weakling that he had been talking with just a short while before and saw a GOD of muscle and strength. “Shane, please tell me what is happening. I can feel it, but my mind doesn’t know how this is possible.” “Cliff, Master. Should I call you Cliff or Master?” “Cliff. ‘Master sounds so weird.” “Cliff, this is the reason that I have never been loved. When growing up in foster care, I would start changing when I felt my foster family began to like me. I felt that their emotions were powering my body. I know that is foolish now.” Cliff began to understand what Shane had gone through. “I felt strong and invincible. But when my body began to change going through puberty, I couldn’t control it as much. I didn’t know I needed to. No one gave me guidance. No one loved me. “ “Shane, I am so sorry.” The waves of compassion that Cliff felt rippled through Shane and he began to grow again. It was more intense. Shane was responding to Cliff’s warmth. It was something so natural to them both. With the lights on now, Cliff could see what was happening. “Master Cliff?” Cliff winced. He didn’t like being called Master. “Yes Shane.” Shane’s body trembled as Cliff said his name. He was becoming hypersensitive to what Cliff wanted, needed, desired, or demanded. “Yes, Shane?” He repeated. Shane’s cock began expanding again at the sound of his name on the lips of the only man in his life that meant shit to him. Just the sound of Cliff saying his name made him raging hard. “Master Cliff…hmmmm… I mean Cliff… Sorry. I know you aren’t ready to be called Master quite yet. I am nervous about something. I am not as good as you are. I am not kind and pure and gentle. I don’t have positive regard for everyone like you do. If I am honest, I would like to kick Rich’s ass for making me feel embarrassed in front of you, Cliff. I want all of those foster parents to know how they made me feel. I want the guys that beat the shit out of me growing up to know that they fucked with the wrong kid. If I had developed to my potential then, I would have destroyed them all and I probably would have laughed about it. There is darkness in me that I am afraid of. I need you to help me Cliff. It scares me. I wish I was more like you.” Cliff watched Shane flex his slowly expanding muscles involuntarily, like he was just feeling them out, wanting to know that they were there. Cliff put his lips close to Shane’s ear and whispered. “Shane.” Shane let out a deep-throated moan at the utterance of his name by his owner. He looked almost crazed. The only thing he wanted was to please Cliff. It was arousing him and feeding him power that he had only begun to feel. Cliff’s mouth curled in a smile at the effect he was having on Shane. He wanted to fuck him but he wasn’t sure Shane was ready for that yet. “I will always be here for you, Shane. It is ok. Just like you jerking off watching me sleep, this is ok too. I don’t judge you for your past. I don’t blame you for wanting to mess up Rich and his pretty face, or the other people that have let you down. But I will never let you down. I care about you already and I know you know that.” Cliff leaned in and kissed Shane on his forehead. The veins in Shane’s body rose to the surface. Snaking around invisible boundaries and shields, thousands of vessels sprung up all over Shane’s body. On his shoulders, on his arms, on his abs, and face. Around his skull and down his traps where they nestled in his pecs. Angry finger-width vessels hugged his arms like a newborn to its mother. His legs were a veritable 3D puzzle of hard-as-stone muscle and sausage-width veins demanded attention. They were feeding something that was on the verge of being born. They were anxious and angry and pleased when Cliff commanded, “Show me what you are!” In the matter of a second, Cliff’s pulsing cock exploded a bounty of cum onto Shane’s chest. Shane looked like a rabid animal, snarling and gnashing his teeth in the air. “Yes! I will show you what I am!!!!” Shane howled with his head thrust back and pressing his chest toward the sky. The snakes that slithered all over Shane’s body pulsed with his heartbeat. They grew more thick and menacing. Cliff reached out to touch one and as he got close, the vein seemed to reach out for his touch. It seemed to respond to him. He pushed down and the snake that slithered across Shane’s upper pec bowed down to him and disappeared under the marble surface. Shane growled and emitted a sound somewhere between an orgasmic moan and the collapse of a mountain or eruption of a volcano. He looked at Shane’s face then down to his body. He touched the muscles that had been fed by the still-present snakes of vasculature. The muscle felt like stone, but instead of cold harshness, it felt warm and inviting. He knew that Shane was inviting him to enjoy this feeling and the compliance of his body to Cliff’s will. The solid chord of chest muscle leaping out of Shane’s pecs were delineated by a deep chasm – deeper than the individual bundles of muscle that rippled across Shane’s chest. Shane’s delts looked as if they were about to be over taken by a fleet of encroaching threads, but the threads were not threatening… they were muscle fibers willed into existence by Cliff’s request. Distinct. Hot. Pulsing. “Bigger!” Cliff thought and without saying anything aloud, Shanes delts exploded in every direction, every thread, sinew, and bundle fighting for real estate. He reached out to touch the newly formed monolith and as he touched the skin, he could feel electricity arcing out toward his fingers. Little sparks were being generated between himself and the muscle he commanded to grow in Shane’s shoulders. Cliff saw Shane’s neck and almost blacked out. The entire surface was covered with wriggling serpents under the skin. He looked at Shane’s chest. Giant slithering blood vessels moved freely just under the surface. He looked at Shane’s abs. Angry pythons engorged themselves upon Shane’s stomach with smaller tributaries branching off of the larger vessels. He looked at Shane’s arms. The monstrous veins were feeding something that lied beneath. He didn’t know how, but he knew that the veins weren’t the parasites; the veins were nourishing whatever was growing. Somehow, in the depths of his being, Cliff knew that this monstrous beast was being fed by the vasculature that he had just witnessed and he, Cliff, was in control of it. He was its Master. Finally he felt himself overcome by what he saw and felt. “Shane! Shane!” He reached out and grabbed Shane’s arm. The touch of his fingers against Shane’s skin caused the formerly quiet and cautious Shane to howl and begin convulsing. He shook and trembled. Cliff looked down into Shane’s eyes. They were open now but entirely black. Black as India Ink or the darkest of nights. Even without the pupils of normal eyes, Cliff knew that Shane was looking directly at him. Shane smiled wickedly and said, “Master, I will not make further requests of you, but I would ask for you to test the boundaries of my power. I do not know what I am capable of. Cliff, you make me feel safe and protected.” Cliff couldn’t believe that the thing that Shane was slowly becoming would need safety and protection from a mere mortal, but somehow, he understood that it was true. Shane needed love and caring. He needed to feel protected and safe. That is what he desired above all else. Then it became clear to Cliff. The muscle beast Shane was on the verge of becoming, the monster his arteries were now feeding, was only concerned with those basic needs. It didn’t matter how powerful Shane became. He would first need to feel the acceptance and unconditional positive regard that Cliff could give him. Cliff was that kind of guy. He could feel Shane’s power and strength growing without even touching him. “Are you afraid, Shane?” Shane once again convulsed at the mention of his name. It echoed in his mind. Cliff’s loving voice was ricocheting inside of his head and it made him need more. He composed himself for a moment. “I am afraid that you will cast me aside if I become something that you detest or find grotesque.” “Don’t you worry about that. I love muscle. “ Cliff grabbed a hold of Shane’s developing quads, picked out one of the muscles wrestling on the surface and applied pressure. It was hard, but it gave way to Cliff’s touch. “See that there? “ motioning to Shane’s growing quads. “We need more of that.” Cliff’s smiled and put his hand on the side of Shane’s cheek. “You want to test your boundaries? Let’s take you out for a spin.” Shane, with his marble hard body and expanding vasculature, looked into Cliff’s eyes and felt more love than has been known to man. The last thing that Cliff heard before his passed out was a loud crack and the sound of a mountain growing, moaning, and rumbling.
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