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  1. Hey, y'all! It's been a while since I've written a story on this site. I miss writing, so, here is the thing: Gimme a picture of a nice, buff guy, or a morphed up guy, or something, and I'll write a story for the picture! It'll be a short story, but I'll do it! Cause I feel like it would be fun! So, don't hesitate to share!
  2. adoniss

    Gabriel the Sculptor - Intro

    Hey Folks! I'm here to let you guys know that i'm planning on doing some stories about transformation and muscle gain (in a magic + effort way). So to contextualize, i created this dialogue between the main character and his friend, just for an initial immersion and to give an insight on how things will run. Also i have to mention that i will be using the work from @rstle an awesom A.I creator, who inspired me trought whis images to give them stories to complete the artwork. I hope you guys like it!! -Introduction- - So to be as clear as i can, you need to know how i do what i do and who i trully am. - Stop messing with me Gabriel and explain it already. - OK Chill Carlos, you found my diary logs, and i know seems confuse, but i promisse you everything in there is true. - You say in there, that you somehow has an affect in peoples body, how and why? - Come on let me talk, i can't explaind if you interrupt me all the time, i know is a lot to take but in the end makes sense. - Dude i... i... Wtf man, you did it to mee too? - LISTEN TO ME! Please calm down. ( After Carlos finally is able to focus) - Carlos you remember i went on a site visit on to the old excavation site? - Yeah i do, you even invited me but i thought it was to boring for me. - Exactly, in there i was following the group, and i heard someone calling me behind my back, and i was the last one in line, so i was creeped out, and you know i'm not a fan of ghost stories. - You know they don't exist right? - I thought it too, until i saw myself alone, far from the group, i decide to follow the path in front of me, nothing and no one in sight, so i heard it again, as i turn to the voice i see a face carved on the wall, it looked like an mayan or some other coulture had sculpt it, i decide to get closer.... the face starts to shine its eye wide open, looking straight to me and the voice comes from it saying, "thou who walks upon the rest of your ancestor, shall recieve the blessing of sculpt, shape your warriors as they deserve". - Bullshit - The face shines brighter almost like an flashbang, and when i notice, i'm back to the track, and people are screaming my name, i was so confused that i didn't told anyone, so they don't think i was delusional. - Sounds like a bad trip to me, did you smoke something or inhale a gas? -Carlos sarcastic as always. - Ha Ha so funny, anyway later that night i dreamed with the face again, but this time it was telling me the rules about the "blessing", he refered to me as an sculptor, as you saw on the logs i wrote, i can change a person physic traits, but i cant do it only by my will, requires the person want the changes to happen, and if the person discover or has any sort of suspect i'm the cause of the changes, the "blessing" will stop workin on him. And now that you know it, will stop working on you too. - If what you're saying somehow is true, what did you change in me? cause i don't notice nothing diferent. - Actualy i didn't change much, cause i know you since forever and you're my friend so i just gave you what you wanted. - Oh really? wath did i wanted smart ass? - Before i answer that let me explain a important part of being an sculptor, the gift alows me to shape other persons sort as a combination of what they want and how far i will make it possible. To start the process i need to be alone with the person and all i need is to they answer an simple question, if is a true and sincere answer the process begins, and lasts until i decide they had enough or they get happy with the changes. - And what is the question? - Oh is nothing fancy, they just need to answer: If i could, would you let me mold you? - I KNEW IT! cought you red handed, i don't remember you asking me this. - Page 5. - What the actual fuck? - Page 5 on the diary, read it for me. - No way you set up this shit so hard. - You asked for the truth and i'm giving it. - Ok, so page 5.... it says "it's funny they don't seem to remember the key question to activate the process, i will try asking more direct next time"... how convenient to you huh? - Actualy it really is cause at the person point of view seams an all natural process, you remember the guys on the gym asking you if you was on roids? - i... i do, but they ware just complementing me no? - Sort of, but how do you explain in only four months, you evolved like a god? - Genetics? - haha you do got good ones dont get me wrong, but at this speed, is almost inhuman, i would say it is magic your evolution. - But if so, why you don't chage yourself? we started the same day on the gym, and you ware bragin that youre was gona get huge. - Yeah, i was braggin cause at that time i didn't knew the blessing limts yet, it has an wekened effect on me, i did got more fit as you see, but no near close to what you got. - Dude, are you saying it wasn't my effort that payed? - No no, i said that to the changes happen the target needs to want the change, you said to me that you wanted to be stronger, and i suggested we entered the gym, and in that day that i made you the question, of course i helped a lot, but it was all your work. - So the changes aren't instant? - No, they are accelerated by the persons will and her actions, for exemple i sculped a girl who wanted to be a runner, so i gave her more stamina to endure and some ajusts to make her an axcelent runner. - Wait, Ana from the grocery store? - The one and only. - You gota be kiding me. - Nope, go and ask her..... btw don't she will think youre an wierdo for sure. - Yeah this hole story seams wierd. - You didin't bought it didn't? - You had me on the frist half. - Oh so you want a proof that i can make this stuf? - I was going to ask you for that right now. - We are best friends right? and knowing you since forever let me refresh your mind, once you had a prety embarasing moment, with that girl from highschol. - Don't you dare to brin- (interupting him i proceed) - So you know what i'm talkin about right? Do i need to say that she was no impressed with that 5 ich? - We were teenagers, it was a normal measure for the time. - Come on, you were 20 years old, puberty has long past. - She would be impressed now if i got to her. - Of course now that i got you an help, and oh boy what a help. - You what? - Do you really think you got a late grouth sprout? - But.... - And so if you had one, how would i know that he grow to the exacts 9.5 inch? - WTF..... How? - I just explained to you, you gave me no option, i had to drop this bomb. - Dude if it was really you.... - What? - Can you do more? - Duh, Smart ass, as i told you when the person discovers the trouth, i can no longer help with anything, now you're on your own. - So you made me a prodige in the gym and a horse in bed? - Exactly as you wished my guy. - Thank you. - Why are you mumbling? i can't hear you. - Thank you. - Oh, You're welcome, but don't give me all credit, if you didn't made your part, it would all be a waste. - If you say so. - is that enough proof? - Yeah man i belive you, but now that i know your secret.... - oh, i guess that makes you my personal criter, you can see my work now. - alright, at least i will see the Gabriel the Sculptor in action. - And talking about my work, let's see your before and after, i saw you remade that photo i took from you in the park... - Go ahead. - Here, look at you, i guess we did a great work toghether. And you? Will let me mold, you if i could?
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