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  1. Home of the Gods Part Seven by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13486-home-of-the-gods-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13487-home-of-the-gods-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13490-home-of-the-gods-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13502-home-of-the-gods-part-four-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13527-home-of-the-gods-part-five-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14012-home-of-the-gods-part-six-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Eight: "... This morning finds one of the suburb areas of greater New York in an awe of wonder or maybe fear. A small handful of folks thought they may have seen big foot, or perhaps the yeti in the very early hours of the morning. They described a creature as being around nine feet tall, maybe taller, extremely lanky, and white, lumbering through the streets and alley ways of their city. Most people believe it to be some kind of new internet horror hoax, but it seems there is proof. "Foot prints in the snow of some folks' yards have a very deep and long impression, measuring at least twenty-one inches long and 8 inches wide, which would turn out to be a US Men's shoe size 41 with an E width. Local chapter heads of Big Foot Societies and local scientists are battling off over the appearance. The scientists saying it's impossible for a humanoid creature to grow to such height and that the sighting contradicts the Big Foot Believer's own testaments as Yetis have only been supposedly spotted around the Himalayas, with the brown furred cousin, Big Foot residing across North America. They also believe that some art or prop department could have easily made a set of giant prop feet and made the marks in the snow. "However, the Big Foot Believers have countered with the variations in depth of the foot prints indicating that it could only have been made by something with multiple joints and bone structure, as well as photo graphs of wet foot prints made of surrounding sidewalks which show a definite skin print pattern. Things that either could not be created or been exceptionally expensive or time and material consuming to create for some kind of hoax. We will report later as more information is gathered on this strange case." Fabian jumped when he heard the far door to the warehouse open. There were a few steps taken and then finally there was a call out. "It's me, Fabe." In strode Reid looking drained and utterly knackered. "Reid, you look horrible..." "A full shift delivering packages with hardly any night's sleep the evening before will do that to one. I need you to hide in the side room for a bit. I've got some stuff for you in the delivery van, but I need to open the truck door and back it in to unpack it. Any reporters, investigators, or police show up?" "No. I think the foot prints on the sidewalk all evaporated or were covered by more wet rain or snow." After that night of growth, they decided to move Fabian into the small warehouse Reid used to house some of his extra stuff. Having reaching a staggering 9' 9" tall, Fabian was too tall for the apartment.... too big all around even. Despite not having a huge amount of musculature, his height had him bending at the waist with bent knees and his broad shoulders, he had to turn and twist sideways to get through a normal sized doorway. He had to walk stooped and bent kneed in order to move through the house as although he was still just over two feet shorter than the ceiling, the ceiling fixtures like fans and chandeliers were quite another story, smacking his head and shoulders. The archways where like the doorways - nearly three feet too short, and the bed was neither tall enough and almost not wide enough - especially if both of them were going to sleep in it, and even though a slim build, at that height his weight was too much for the dining room chairs and stools. All of them crumpled like they were supposed to be collapsible. Fabian went and hid in the make shift bathroom while Reid opened up the garage door part of the warehouse, backed the truck up, and emptied it. When he was done there were several stack pallets pieced together along with several pieces of extra long and thick foam padding, stacked in two, to form a ten foot long by nine and a half feet wide bed. Other pallets were used to form a small - but tall standing table, a stand for their big screen t.v., a make shift counter so Fabian could prepare meals, and one last set to build a chair large enough for Fabian to sit in. As Reid was constructing all of that, Fabian had started doing some work in the bathroom. Having torn down a wall between the bathroom and the office it was attached to, Fabian and Reid had hoped to make the whole area a bathroom for Fabian to use until such time as they found a house big enough to rent or attempt to buy that Fabian could fit into. Fabian was currently busy changing a pipe on the shower stall so he could raise the shower head up several feet so he could actually stand under it. Shortly after Reid shut the garage door and Fabian was on his hands and knees having attached a new longer pipe from the floor level, there was a soft moan from Reid followed by a goodly sized thud. "Oh Faaaaaaabiaaaaaaaaan! Come out, come out, wherever you are?" Through the regular people doorway, before Reid could notice, Gan Otkai, Arjun, and Fernando - the hair man, the hung man, and the bodybuilder respectively, had entered the warehouse and Fernando had picked up a loose board off of a pallet and struck Reid out cold with it. "We're so sorry to have come en mass unannounced, but we heard you've somehow managed to take care of three of our brothers single handedly." Spoke Arjun. "So we decided to come together and have a little party. Don't worry though. We brought our own booze since you seem to be sequestered away and living so... sparsely. And don't trouble yourself for any entertainment; you're going to be providing that in spades. At least you better. Reid wasn't that much fun at all." Fabian's mind boiled over. He was seeing red. What had they done to Reid. Crawling on his hands and feet, he attempted to peer around the doorway of the bathroom to see where they are. He wasn't successful in doing this unnoticed for the trio had managed to see his head poking around the doorway, at his current hand and knee height around four feet our so. "There he is." snickered Fernando. "Arjun.... go get him." On the command Fabian pulled his head back into the bathroom and just sat there waiting. Arjun ran to the doorway and turned to face what he thought would be his captive. However, there stood a giant of a man who was shaking his pelvis at him with a natural firehorse that some firemen might balk at. Swinging his cock around, Fabian smiled at Arjun and said, "Hello, dickless. I've got fourteen inches soft now. That's what three inches more than you erect?" Arjun didn't know what to say or do. He stood there stunned looking back and forth between the height of the man before him and the size of the man's junk. Within a flash Fabian grabbed Arjun by the throat with a yell, one handed, and easily pulled the 6' 4" man into the room, past himself, and throwing Arjun against the back wall. Arjun collapsed to floor very much dazed. Fabian then walked out standing tall and naked, there in all his current glory in the middle of the warehouse. Fernando and Gan Otkai gasped and took a single step backward in shock. They exchanged glances and Gan Otkai motioned for Fernando to do the honors. With a nod back, the near professional sized bodybuilder began running towards Fabian, screaming at the top of his lungs. Fabian stood tall and reared back his right fist, ready to make a connection, however once close by Fernando dropped his shoulders low and instead of a punch to Fabian's face or stomach, he thrust his shoulders into Fabian's pelvic region and hoisted him up while running. "Ok, you're a giant, but you're a slim one at that, and I can still lift and hoist you and slam you into this wall!" The lift and hoist happened but the slamming never did. Fabian reached out and latched one of his hands onto a passing doorway while allowing himself to slid down so his feet hit the floor. Once done it was an all out stop. Even with Fernando's momentum, Fabian wasn't going too far. This sudden stop with the momentum caused Fabian to turn sideways while Fernando wound up spinning off of Fabian's side and tripping into the wall he imagined as the target Fabian would hit. Fabian then took off running toward the other side of the warehouse where Gan Otkai was making a mad dash for the door. At 6' 8" he wasn't a small man, and had a decent build, but he knew better than to attempt to combat a person single handedly that stood just over three feet taller than him. He made it to the door and just got it opened before this enormous paw of a human hand smacked the door shut and held it here. Gan Otkai turned around to see exactly who or what was attacking him, but then he saw stars. Fabian had leisurely balled his hand up in a loose fist and then bopped Gan Otkai on top of the head. It was a small little gesture to Fabain, without a lot of strength or effort, but it was enough to Gan Otkai that it crossed his eyes, made his sinuses sting and his nose tingle, and made his whole body swim. Fabian dragged his body by the collar towards his newly made chair. With the dropping of Gan Otkai's body, Fabian suddenly had a sharp pain as Fernando had returned, once more picking up and using the board, smacking Fabian's side. Fabian ran round the warehouse picking up momentum to out distance Fernando, but being inside a building, even as large as this was, Fernando was bound to catch up again to him at some point. They ran past the bathroom door way again, through which Arjun was attempting to exit. Fabian put his hand on Arjun's chest, which covered it, and shoved Arjun backwards back into the opposite wall of the bathroom. Eventually Fernando made contact, but this time it was to Fabian's blocking left arm. Fabian screamed aloud in pain, his skin was bruised and a little scraped, but surprisingly, the board itself became somewhat bowed and splintered. A dash again around the warehouse, brought the pair back near the pallet stack. Fernando picked up a couple and attempted to swing them at Fabian. Although he could handle the weight easily, the bulk proved to be a problem and his swing went a little wild and off mark. Dodging the swing, Fabian twisted and turned around to the pile and managed to pick up three pallets, hoisted them over his head, and before Fernando could recover from his weight shift stumble from his swing, brought all three pallets right down on top of Fernando's head from about an eleven to twelve foot drop. Gan Otkai had watched the whole thing in horror after having woken up in a slight daze and again was making a scurried sprint to the door as fast as his 6' 8" body would allow. Unfortunately he was jerked back by Fabian who had grabbed a tail of tresses of Gan Otkai's long flowing hair and, nearly ripping Gan's scalp off in the process, flung-dragged Gan to where Fernando lay, ordering him to get down and stay down. The fall resulted in Gan and Fernando's heads clunking, knocking Gan Otkai out cold. "YES! That's what I'm talking about!" screamed Fabian, not exactly himself. "Who's the alpha? WHO'S THE ALPHA AND WHO'S THE BITCHES? BI-ATCHES! AUUUUUUURGH!" Fabian danced around looming over them, feeling so happy he had won. Feeling almost pumped. Feeling excited....powerful.....horny..... As he danced his huge soft anaconda of a dick began to grow and stretch, thicken and lengthen, rising up more and more until it reached full rigidity jutting out nearly two feet from his crotch. Arjun had finally cleared his head and was coming out of the bathroom. Turning to see the sight of his friends collapsed on the floor and the 9' 9" tall Fabian hop-dancing around them and Fabian's giant member, he let out a small, but still quite audible, "Eeep!" Upon hearing it, Fabian turned and faced the direction Arjun was in. In was seemed like just two strides he stood in front of Arjun, face to face, or rather face to abs. That is abs blocked by enormous cock. Arjun just stood there, shaking and transfixed at the size of the man before him. His own package felt like it was receding inside of him at the site of a man more hung than he would ever be. Fabian looked down at the man and just stood there, slightly smirking. After quiet some time he looked down at Arjun said, "Goodnight." and with that took his hand and pulled his cock towards the side by its large, helmet like head, then let it go to smack Arjun up side of his head. Arjun turned on his heels, it was a forceful enough of a smack. He saw stars and felt utterly humiliated. He was going down due to being struck by a penis? Then Fabian's hand came down and finished him off with another of his light taps on the noggin. It was almost instant. The moment that Arjun hit the ground - the drums started. Pounding and pounding. Louder and louder. The noise building up in intensity and frenzy. Names carried in on the breeze began to echo all around the warehouse. Ke'atutelmusele... Ke'atuaule.... Ke'atutelho'i.... Ke'atutel'lauoho.... Ke'atutelmusele... Ke'atuaule.... Ke'atutelho'i.... Ke'atutel'lauoho.... Ke'atutelmusele... Ke'atuaule.... Ke'atutelho'i.... Ke'atutel'lauoho.... The pipes began to sing and hum louder and louder with the drums. The hiss of steam began to escape out of some of the joint joins as the pressure inside the pipes built up. The area that a making shift kitchen was being made had its sink explode water out of the spigot, fill the basin, and then the cascading water fell, streamed, and pooled around Fabian's feet. Once that was done the new pipe Fabian had laid for his shower exploded and hot water shot up like a geyser to fall down on top of Fabian. Using the water as lubricant, Fabian began to rub his massive hands up and down every inch of his torso, one hand eventually moving down to a thigh. He moaned in sweet satisfaction as his left hand began to fondle and play with his left nipple as his right hand began to cup and caress his balls and the stroke the base of his cock. "Oooooh yeah...... OOOOOOH YEAH!......... SWEET FUCK YES! YES! YES!" A slight spray of water had started striking Reid's face and he began to wake up. Feeling fuzzy headed his turn and say Fabian standing in the middle of the warehouse feeling himself up. Eventually Fabian stood with feet shoulder width apart, legs slightly bent, his shoulders tilted back, his arms outstretched and hands balled up in a fist. Repeatedly over and over again he screamed out "yes" like he was being sexually pleasured and done so quite well. At first Reid didn't notice it, but then he started to realize the veins on Fabian's prick were plumping up further, thicker. It started near the head and worked its way up the shaft before disappearing into the light hairs of Fabian's crotch. After that they began to rise and swell all over Fabian's abs then spreading up across his obliques, lats, chest, traps, shoulders, biceps and forearms, while also traveling lower across his thighs, calves and feet. His feet began to grow a little thicker, a little wider. As though he already had big feet, which he did, but they were being made wider by becoming more muscular, supporting more and more bodyweight, or being used to support a body that was hefting an extreme amount of weight. They swell meatier and heavier, followed by the ankles that became incredibly thick as though Fabian wasn't just an extremely tall man, but one who was thick boned, thick built. A body whose thickness would scream, "yeah... if I worked out I'd already start out two to three inches thicker than you and can build more mass on me than you ever would." This was followed by his calves thumping and swelling to the pumping of his blood. Each contraction it grew larger, thicker, harder that little ball of muscle that moved up and down when you walked or were on the balls of your feet. This turned into a much larger ball that all would know kicks soccer balls. Then the upside down heart formed pumping in time with its shape's namesake and getting larger by the minute. Soon a rock hard diamond stood on the back of each of Fabian's shins and that grew and expanded from that triangular look to more of a rectangular emerald cut with slightly rounded corners. Reid, still on the floor, felt himself tenting up, getting turned on as he realized Fabian was growing and swelling well beyond an olympic sized bodybuilder and combine with his height, Fabian's calves had grown to surpass the measurements of his upper arm. Fabian moaned and began to perform some slight knee bends as his thighs began to engorge and inflate with size and power. It at first looked like his thighs were simply getting fatter and fatter, but then one by one, each tear drop shape of his thigh began to grow and grow looking like balloons being inflated with gallons of water, but appearing hard, cut, and striated. Eventually his thigh biceps began to expand and harden and widen out the shape and size of his thigh from the back. Reid was positive when done, each of Fabian's thighs were bigger round than his waist... .... possible his chest! As he looked back over, Reid saw Fabian now twisting and crunching, stretching out his midsection and his abdominals and obliques began to grow in size, shape, and definition. Like those special effects in movies and t.v. shows where the infection or vampire blood spreads through the victim, the lines of Fabian's abs and obliques formed. Crunch, the lower rows of abs were outlined. Twist, the middle rows and lower obliques came to definition. Stretch! All of the lines spread out and criss-crossed his torso defining dozens of obliques and something like and eight-pack of abs. The bubbles of abdominals continued to swell and grow like two columns of miniature bread rising in the oven. When that was done, it looked as if Fabian received a case of hiccups. His back and head would go back a little and then his arms would bounce a bit. But with each bounce his arms were hanging differently at his body's sides. First they hung straight down and close, touching the body. HIC...not so close....HIC....he was like an athlete, the arms slightly out, forearms and hands bent towards the waist. HIC....upper arms are near ten degrees from the shoulder, hands are now freely hanging away from the body, only slightly hitting the thighs when walking. HIC....twenty degree angle. The upper arms sticking out, the lower arms bending back inward. HIC.... HIC..... forty degree angle, the arms almost look as though Fabian is beginning to imitate a plane. The lower arms hang with room to spare between them and the sides and even the abs of Fabian. His lats have been developing and they have grown thicker, wider. When his traps develop as much and as full as the lats have, the effect will look similar to the hood of a cobra on Fabian's body. "Oooooooh" Fabian was moaning and now placing his hands on his pecs and rubbing them...caressing them... cupping them....fondling them...out right groping them. With each squeeze, he'd bounce them, and with each bounce they grew and Grew and GREW. First the thin but tight outline showed, followed by two shallow crescent moons, which grew into small plates, then huge platters, then two semi circular globs, and now barreling out into two huge globes, and then still increasing in thickness and width their front shape squared up somewhat like an upside down trapezoid, but from the side looked like two giant oak casks were lodged into place just under Fabian's collar bones. During this time his nips had grown harder and harder, a little longer and thicker and along with their respective areolas, which had grown slightly oval and larger, had moved from sticking straight out to moving down...down...down... the pectorals until they were on the edge of lower front and underside. So firm, so long, so thick one might now consider calling them teats. Reid, still trying to fight his way to full consciousness, could only continue to watch, from the floor, in silence as he felt his ragging hard on become like steal and throb so hard it was causing physical pain. His pre cum was soaking the inside of his underwear and beginning to make a spot appear on his pants. But the show wasn't done by far as Fabian began to roll his shoulders and shrug. First the traps began to rise: hills....plateaus....mountains rising higher and higher up toward Fabian's head. But this mountain range was soon to be broken apart right in the middle by Fabian's neck that elongated slightly and then became thicker and thicker until his own head look like it rested upon a column of granite. The growth spread down and across his back now making his back, lats, and shoulders ever wider than before. When flexed correctly he didn't have a lil' Christmas tree shape. He had a giant arrowhead. And as the growth hit his shoulders they inflated into beautiful, hard balls - the size of bowling balls, beech balls, giant globes onto of ancient plinths that Altas himself could not shrug. And now the power flowed into the upper arm, first working on the triceps. A small ball was there shrinking and swelling as Fabian moved his arm. Then it grew into kind of a tear drop shape swelling with new power. Again it grew into something resembling the size of a football plastered on the underside of Fabian's arms. Still again it grew in mounds until there was this horse shoe shaped item so thick and bulging from the back of Fabian's arm. It would have looked odd, maybe like some kind of gross growth, but the biceps was soon to join in. The vein swelled and ran straight across the top of Fabian's bicep and it firmed up into that youthful toned look. Then a small ball formed and rolled back and forth whenever Fabian flexed. It grew to become the size of a baseball.... a grapefruit....it then began to morph a bit and when flexed showed two heads and a peak at the top of the ball. Higher and higher it rose looking as though someone had affixed a model of Mount Fuji from a diorama onto Fabian's arm. Together with the triceps Fabian's upper arms, both, separately were larger round than his own head. The arms finished up their growth the forearms, which if they had started would make Fabian look like the cartoon character of Popeye the Sailor Man. The whole effect of Fabian's body was akin to a slightly more realistic hulk. Having stumbled a bit after the water had struck him, he experienced much of the growth in another area of the warehouse on top of an old scale. It still worked and as Reid focused he had noticed the numbers go up and up and up... 852 pounds .....900 .....950 .......1000 .....1100 ......1200 .....1300 .....1400 .....1500 .....1550 ....1600 .....1601 ...1602 .....1603 ....1604 ....1605 ....1606 ....1607 ...1608 ....1609 .....1610. Fabian began to caress himself again. To glide his massive hands over all the rises and ridges into the crevices and valleys that were his massive muscles, but as he did so he appeared to get slightly darker? Reid squinted and watched as Fabians skin looked somehow darker and yet seemed to sparkle or shimmer. It was then that Reid realized it was hair. Fabian was getting hairer. Thicker and longer it grew on his body, feathering over his hands and forearms, half way up his upper arm, spreading from an ever thickening bush around his cock straight up his abs, all of them in their entirety, on to cover his chest, sprouting in a bush under each arm, followed by starting again half way down his upper arm, engulfing his fore arm and stopping on the backs of his hands. On top his face developed a five o'clock, midnight, one day, two - three day growth across his jaw line and upper lip, while on his head, his hair began to flop in front of his eyes and hang between his ears and shoulders. Given its deepening honey golden appearance, if he had a hammer, everyone would've sworn he was the god, Thor. Once the hair was done, Fabian began to buck his hips, but was moaning and crying as if he was having abdominal pain. A few jerks here and another few there, Reid watched as Fabian's balls grew a little larger, a lot fuller, hung slightly lower. Reid's mouth salivated as he watch the sight. Fabian had grown into a tree, and here were the nuts...the cherries...the apples...the lemons .... the grapefruit that hung from that tree and Reid desired to taste it so much. But then a new growth began to happen and Reid's eyes widened his awe, in desire, in lust, in fear.... For Fabian, who was already quite hung due to his cock being enlarged to accept more gods by the God, Ke'atuka'ine, was now taking on and over the trait of the other man he defeated, Arjun, who was nearly as hung as hung to could be. It grew out while flaccid, just a little, but what is just a little measurement on everything else, can be an extreme amount on something physical like a cock. Two inches, that's all it was, well a little more. As Fabian's cock grew from 14 inches soft to sixteen and one-fourths inches flaccid, Reid cried just a little and shifted his ass. Then the show really began. Despite the pleasurable moaning and stroking Fabian had down while his schlong oozed out more from his body in flaccid state, the veins had reappeared and were now snaking their way back across the super shaft and making it grow, thicken, and harden to a full erection. Seventeen inches....eighteen.... nineteen.....twenty.....twenty-one....twenty-two......twenty-three.......twenty-four. Once fully erect Fabian stood there with his two foot long billy-club and began to stroked it hard, fast, and continuously. Screaming out things like "Oh yeah! Big man! and Who's hung?" Fabian worked his personal pole better than any dancer could do at a club. His fore and upper arms swelling more from a pump created by the exercise. His mighty chest heaving harder and faster, his abs contracting. His might granite like legs shaking, his feet beginning to tumble while his toes began to curl. His breath becoming ragged. "Oooooh OOOOOH OH OH OH OH OH OH YEAH! OH YEAH! OH YEP! OH YES.... YES...YESSSSSSS..... AUGH..AH...HA...AHA...AH....AEIII...AEI....AH.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" And with that Fabian's goodly sized balls contracted up, followed by a torrent stream of spoo shooting out of his wacker like some water cannon. Reid so in awe in what he was seeing, so in fear of what he had heard, he hadn't paid attention at the direction Fabian was facing. The blast was aimed right at him and it hit him in the face and then chest, sending Reid tumbling backwards where he passed out unconscious again, but this time with a slight smile on his lips, his brain having finally unfuzzed moments before the sperm impact. Fabian let out a roar of satisfaction that shook the warehouse walls and then collapsed to his knees, slightly chipping the concrete floor. The energy spent in jacking and off and releasing combined with the growth of muscle, hair, balls, and cock, had spent his energies and he collapsed unconscious to the floor.
  2. Shahrazad2

    A Couple of Hunks

    (Note, like a lot of my stories, the people in this are based on real people, at least in the beginning. I adjusting names and certain details to make the story more interesting, but I need to give credit where it is due. Let me know what you all think) Stewart and Henry were a married couple. Fortunately for me, their relationship was open, and they enjoyed inviting other guys to play with them. I was only an Italian-American college grad 20 something, kinda lanky, curly-haired and gangly, but 6'2" tall. While I'd been fascinated by twinks in high school and athletes in college, something about the settled, strong, somewhat chubby bodies and easy demeanor of Stewart and Henry drew me. Stewart was Irish-Scottish-American, and worked in some sort of number crunching company. He had bright, twinkling hazel eyes and buzzed hair and a round baby face with a boyish grin and stubble on his lips and chin. He was only about 5'7" tall, but he had a 7 inch long, thin dick that loved attention. His body was also nicely hairy all over, but his fair skin was marred by eczema, and though he said it was about the best it had ever been, he really loved it when I massaged him with the lotion to sooth his discomfort. I admit I was initially surprised, but once he explained the condition and I saw how much he loved being touched I thought of him as a lovable teddy bear, and several times I drove over to their townhouse just to massage him while he watched TV. Stewart's hairy body was fun to touch and play with, and he was very sensual. After a lifetime of being unable to touch anyone for fear of being seen as too gay, I loved caressing him. Stewart was also the more openly horny and the one who was more talkative, and it was he who initially invited me over when we were chatting on Adam4Adam. He liked trashy tv shows and dramas, and he also liked me. Henry was Cambodian-American, and worked as a manager for a mental health company. He had taken his husband's last name, and I was a bit in awe of him. He stood a bit taller than his husband at 5'11" and his body, though soft and smooth, was somewhat stronger from helping the orderlies care for patients. His dark brown eyes seemed to look deep, and he didn't talk much, but he would chat with me on facebook when his busy schedule allowed, and he was always polite and gentle. His skin was a rich bronze, and mostly smooth, except around his loins. His hair was longer than his husband, but only enough to flop neatly on his head, though he sometimes buzzed the sides and back. His dick was thicker than Stewart's, and its shape was sexier, too. Where Stewart got off quickly, Henry liked to take his time with me, both of us cuddling and caressing each other, stroking and sucking and and holding each other as we came, and then cuddling and making out afterwards. Sometimes, while Stewart would get off early and go clean up, Henry and I would spend longer and longer periods in bed, making out and exploring each other's bodies. I admit, if I found Stewart cute and playful and fun to take care of, I yearned for time spent with Henry. He was usually busy, though, and so I became more a friend to Stewart than a friend with benefits to both of them. One evening, though, Henry was working on something while Stewart and I reclined on the couch with his lotion, and while burly Cambodian was usually silent when he had a project, tonight he seemed especially focused on his laptop and some odd device, which looked like a combination of a tablet and a stereo and a whisk. "What's going on," I asked in a whisper to Stewart, who shrugged, and murmured back, "Some sort of mental health psychosomatic reinforcement subliminal message projector thing... there've been a few rowdy patients at Henry's job lately, and he's been trying to invent something to help them make breakthroughs, lower addiction symptoms, etc... doesn't seem to be working too well, if his temper is any indication. Poor guy has been beating himself up over trying to make it work, but I think his coworkers have written it off as a lost cause already. But the good news is he's made some progress on other stuff. He found a new experimental skin cream for me... it's supposed to work wonders... want to try it out?" I smiled. Stewart is cute when he wants something, though his condition can't be comfortable. "Sure thing... but let me wash my hands first... maybe make your husband take a break and start you on it," I reply as I get up, go to the restroom, and, out of habit, close and lock the door. It's not that I'd mind if either of them barged in on me if I was doing things far more private than washing hands, but it's just one of my quirks. Through the door, I heard the following: "Henry, hon, could you at least get me started before Mikey gets back?" "Ugh... I'll need to wash my hands afterwards if I'm going to be working on this piece of junk, but yeah, I could use a break, babe. I swear it is picking up kinky porn channels or something instead of projecting anything. If I could just find the right medium, I'm sure it'd work. Even now it is just loading." "You'll get it right eventually, hon." "Thanks babe. Oof... this jar is sealed tight." "C'mon, big guy, you're really strong... you can open it." "Grrr... I'll show you strong, sexy... finally!" I heard Stewart's mild, teasing applause, then, a moment later, "Ooo... thanks... that feels good, hon." "Yeah, it is nice and smooth... kinda tingly, though, mayb-" Henry was interrupted by a sudden electronic hum, which continued for several minutes. I was a little unnerved by their sudden silence, turned the sink off, and called out, "Guys, you ok?" In unison, both Stewart and Henry nearly moaned, "We ok," their voices sounding strangely flat over the continuing mechanical buzz. I finished drying my hands, opened the door and stood there in shock. Stewart and Henry were frozen in place, the new skin cream smeared over Henry's hands and Stewart's belly. But the skin cream was glowing with a strange golden light, and both men's expressions were blank. It was like they were awaiting something. At the same time, the device Henry had been working on was vibrating, the whisk-part shaking as electric arcs danced between the metal frame. I went over to examine the screen and saw the following message: Medium for personality and physiology alteration found. Connection made... suggestion waves interfacing with subject(s) physiology. Subject 2 has dermal errors... Medium can make repairs with heightened stimulation. Authorize? Y/N? I thought for a moment. Should I do this? Would it really help Stewart's skin? What if it made things worse? How long would this effect last? I took a deep breath, and typed "Y" The device flashed, and the gel flowed over Stewart, coating him entirely. I rushed over to try and pull it off his face, but in a moment, it seemed to have sunk into his skin, save for a few globs in the jar and on Henry's hands. But Stewart started to moan and lean back out of his husband's touch, running his hands over his body and writhing in what looked like pleasure on the couch. "Yeah... oh baby, yeah, yeah, I've never felt this good... fuck yeah!" he cried out. He opened his eyes and locked them with mine. "Mikey, fuck me, please fuck me, I need to get fucked! Fffffuck!" he growled out and yanked off his shirt, exposing his shoulders. I thought for a brief moment that he had snapped out of his earlier trance, but his eyes, though heavy lidded and sex-driven, were still unfocused. I noticed, though, that his skin seemed slightly more clear than before. I made up my mind. "Ok Stewart, I'll fuck you... pants off," I command, pulling off my clothes as I spoke. Something about Stewart seemed stronger, more alluring. No more the cute, sympathetic pup, now, physically tearing his pants and briefs off his legs and revealing a surprising bulge, long and slim and hardening. His neck and arms and chest all seemed thicker, more fire plug powerful, but he also seemed an inch taller. "Fuck yeah, Mikey! Only it's Stu, fuck, not Stewart. Stewart's a dweeb's name, and I'm... fuck... I'm all man." He really was changing before my eyes. His neck was thicker, and his biceps were flexing as he growled and cursed. I was surprised to see a tribal tattoo forming on his arms and shoulders, and his hair seemed to be reshaping into a military high and tight. His facial stubble was thickening. As I positioned myself, I noticed that Henry was still frozen in place, his eyes locked on the empty air where Stewart... Stu... had been when they first froze. But his pants are noticeably bulging, as if he can sense what is going on and can't help but be aroused. I took a deep breath, and slid into... Stu's hole. He felt tight, and he was flexing, his bulky body showing hard muscle underneath a daddylike meat. His cock flopped onto his gut, which was starting to show roid-abs, and he moaned loud and long, his voice deeper as his chest and neck muscles started to swell. His sweat smelled muskier, deeper somehow. I was finding myself lost in his body, seeing how responsive he was to each thrust of my dick. Then I noticed that he was actually getting a bit taller with each thrust. Where Stewart's rash had been, Stu only had flushed skin from the lust he was experiencing. His eyes were rolling back in his head, and nothing but profanity spilled from his now bearded lips as a newborn daddy hunk who lay on the couch beneath me. Eventually, I heard the device beep, and it seemed to trigger Stu's responses. He roared out, "Oh fuck... oh goddamn fucking FUCCCCKKKKKK!" Cum splattered from his dick and across his bulky, hairy chest muscles, and he seemed to pass out in a sexually satisfied stupor. I pulled out, but he didn't seem to notice, just began to snore. I noticed that his cum was soaking into his skin just like the lotion had, though. I went over to the device to see what it had to say about the situation, and saw the following message displayed: Medium for Personality and Physical Alteration suitable. Subject 2 responded extremely well. Save (rename) - Subject 2: __________ I began to type "Stu" into the blank, but autocorrect finished for me and saved him as "Stud." Searching databases... "Stud" qualities applied. Details downloaded from 34,768 pornographic films (see list). Increasing sex drive. Lowering inhibitions. Seeking open relationships or opportunities to spread genetic material. Intelligence shifting from academic to physical and socially and sexually driven. Subject 2 saved as "Stud." "Oh geez... I hope that doesn't make things worse." I mumble to myself, before the device beeped again. I looked to the screen and saw a new message. Medium for personality and physical alteration insufficient. Please apply greater quantities of the medium to Subject 1's epidermis. Failure to do so promptly could result in brain damage from extended halted mental operations. I looked at Henry, and saw that drool was starting to spill from his lips. "Oh geez oh geez oh geez," I yelped as I grabbed some dishwashing gloves from the sink to avoid getting any of the stuff on me, and yanked open Henry's button down shirt to expose as much of his golden skin as possible. I took the jar from his hand and began slathering the lotion onto his body, watching as it glowed brilliantly under the stimulation of the device's signals. When I'd practically emptied the container, I dropped, it, pulled off the gloves so they landed on Henry's bare feet, and returned to the device, where I was relieved to see a new message waiting for me. Medium for personality and physical alteration found. Connection made... suggestion waves interfacing with subject(s) physiology. Subject 1 experienced mild brain damage. Repairs must be made to allow continued functioning. Authorize? Y/N? Without hesitation I pressed Y. I wanted Henry safe and whole. The device flashed again, and the gel coated all of Henry's body, remaining for longer than it had on Stewart before sinking into the bronzed Cambodian skin. Henry showed signs of life, animating and moaning low and loud. Unlike his husband, he didn't say any words... in fact, it seemed like he was acting far more primal and animalistic than Stewart had. He began to growl, deep in his throat and belly, and flex his muscles... which were beginning to pump and swell, making his remaining clothes look that much tighter. Veins seemed to swell in his neck and torso, as if pumping with the gel. His gut seemed to be pushing towards me, but "roid gut" abs were forming on its expanse as well. Henry's shoulders seemed to be getting broader, and his breathing was louder as the changes swept through his body (and presumably his mind). His neck was getting thicker, more bull-like, and I heard his spine crack as he began to get taller. Soon, he was approaching my height! Henry's clothes seemed smaller and smaller, but he took a step towards me, reaching out with hands that spasmed as a response to his arm muscles starting to grow. I felt those twitching, throbbing hands grab me... and push me aside! Instead of doing anything with me, like Stewart... or Stu, or Stud, I suppose... had, Henry went straight for his husband's passed out form on the couch. He bent his knees and flexed with a grunt, and began to flex more seriously. Shockingly, his muscles seemed to bulge and pump and swell even more! In a moment, his shirt had torn off his broad, veiny shoulders, revealing a body that had grown into the muscle, massive gut bulging under pillow-sized pecs capped with erect nipples. As his body continued to flex and expand, soon his pants too started to tear off... and perhaps in preparation for my visit, he hadn't been wearing underwear underneath. His cock, now a solid, massive monster, thick and vein-covered, flew up and smacked his belly as the tattered remnants of his old life fell to the floor. Even his socks ripped off his now bigger bare feet. The newly naked beast of a man wasted no time, leaning forward to bury his face and tongue between the cheeks of his husband's new hairy, unblemished muscle butt. I could hear loud slurping sounds as Henry... or the man who'd been Henry... began to rim Stu's stud ass with long strokes of his tongue. Stu began to moan and wake up. With a string of dialogue that I was starting to recognize from certain porn movies, Stu left no doubt about that. "Oh fuck, hon, you're so big! Look at those muscles... yeah, eat out that tight ass. Our little friend didn't fill me near enough. I need your big meat. Give it to me, hon... give me that. Huge. Fucking. Dick!" Henry complied. It was really hot to watch his body move, his head rising from his partner's hole, his hard dick, now almost as thick and long as my forearm, dripping precum as he lined it up, then placed his big hands on his husband's hairy shoulders and thrust inside the smaller man. The couch, a well-weighted thing that had withstood a lot, actually moved with the force, and Stu's language turned, if possible, even more profane. There was no effort to make sense, just variations on the theme of fucking in between gasps of breath with each thrust Henry made. Until Stu did something that changed things... he renamed Henry: "C'mon, Hank, stop holding back and pound me! FUCK!" Henry... or, I suppose, Hank, now... froze, despite Stu's extremely vocal complaints. "H-hank..." he moaned, his voice rough. "I-I'm H-Hank..." "Yeah, you are, HUNK, now fucking fucking FUCK ME!" yelled Stu. He probably shouldn't have said that. Henry's face seemed conflicted. "Hank... Hunk... Hank... Hunk... Hank... Hunk." As Stu continued to scream profanities, I moved forward, stood on tiptoe (for Henry had inched taller over the last minute or so), and murmured in his ear. "Some people call you Henry or Hank... or even Hunk." Henry's huge, muscular body stilled at my words. "I call you beautiful and powerful and genius and brilliant and sexy and the greatest man I know." Henry's body was shaking as his mind tried to accomodate all the changes it was undergoing at the words I spoke. "You're... Stu's... husband. A hard worker. Really gentle and strong and understanding at the same time. I wish I could call you mine." The world seemed to stop. Was I really going to do this? If I said the right thing, I could claim this mountain of a man for myself, maybe more deeply than anyone else ever would. But... if he didn't choose me, then his only interest in me would be flat and mechanical, right? It wouldn't be real. Henry deserved better than that. Hank deserved better than that. I deserved better than that. I thought for a minute to choose my words carefully, my mind made up, as I blocked out Stu's grumbles, I took a deep breath. "... but you're your own man." He seemed to shudder and sigh, and a smile moved across his lips as he nodded, seeming more at peace. Then, he abruptly returned to fucking his husband like it was the only thing that mattered. Henry... Hank... picked up Stu and started fucking him in mid-air, smooth lips against bearded ones. The harder and faster Hank thrust into his love, the more weight seemed to melt off him. Hank went from bulky to more powerfully built, with greater and greater definition. Cut muscles were revealed across his back and torso, and his ass showed incredible striation as his hips sped up. Sweat gleamed over his body as his huge biceps and powerful legs flexed, and, still sucking face, both men came. I could hear Stu cussing against his husband's kiss, though the words were muffled, and Hank's whole body just shuddered as they coated each other in their seed... which also seemed to melt into their flesh almost immediately. Both men then sank to the ground, wrapped in each other's embrace and drifted off to sleep again. I went over to the device, and found that it had overheated and died, its internal circuits fried sometime during the events of the evening, leaving it as a useless molten piece of junk. The lotion container that Stewart had needed was likewise entirely empty. I tried to clean up, but the guys wouldn't be moved from their spot on the carpet, so I settled in on the couch to be there for them when they woke up. Everything's different now. Stu and Hank (or Stud and Hunk, as they sometimes refer to themselves) have a voracious sexual appetite now, especially for each other. They're the only ones they can really cut loose with, since they are so much stronger and more durable than other men. That hasn't stopped them from pursuing careers as rising stars in the porn world. The public loves Stu's rough and tumble Daddy Bear style, and he's taken to the leather world as well. Meanwhile, at 7'3," Hank is one of the tallest, most powerfully built men out there, and he's seen as the strong, stoic type. Their old minds and memories are hazy at best, and Hank especially seems to be a completely new man. Their sex drives are through the roof, though, and they seem ready to try new things, so they've moved across the country to settle in to new lives where they won't have to encounter their old friends and family. I get a Christmas card each year from them, usually with palm trees and naked guys on it. And, of course, I have ordered every film they've starred in. Nobody knows what went wrong with the weird device and the gel. No one was ever able to replicate the same results with either product. The doctors gave each man a clean bill of health, but their psychiatrists said it might be years before they mentally and emotionally recover from the changes... if ever. They said that Henry and Stewart's nerves must've been hijacked by the malfunctioning device's signal through the medium of the gel, and through those nerves, the rest of their physiology was similarly affected. But doctors and shrinks became compromised after I found one worshipping both partners. It seemed that people just couldn't keep their hands off Hank and Stu... including Hank and Stu. When they left, they were both too into exploring their new muscles and minds that they spent an increasing amount of time having sex and exploring their changes. They didn't even say goodbye. As for me? I'm just living my life, just a normal guy who had a brush with greatness. I'm hoping someday, someone or someones will love me that much.
  3. growbee

    Desire: Chapter One

    Chapter One: Happy Anniversary I closed the trunk of the cab and stepped into the street to cross toward the old victorian house I’d be residing in for the next few days. It was a shabby looking abode; gate out front with a long path in the ally to the doorway hidden between the house and the building next door. I entered the code I’d memorized long ago on the padlock which spit out a key. I used it to enter, replacing the key after I’d gotten the door open. It was quite inside -- and quite dark. I walked down the inner corridor, past multiple bedroom doors, through the shared living area, into the kitchen, opened the door on the right and went inside. The room was small, neat but densely packed with a few dressers and an uncomfortable looking double bed. I dropped my shit near the window that looked into the alley. I opened the door to the bathroom, went in, and took a long piss. I signed deeply and looked down at my cock; a modest, circumsized 5 inches. I sighed again. I zipped up my pants and made my way to the sink to wash my hands. I looked up and into my reflection. The lighting in there was pretty flattering. My eyes were the first thing that stuck out. They were a light cerulean with a dark ring around the iris and flakes of green. The were complemented by a rather fair complexion, with a light smattering of freckles across my cheeks. I ran my hand through my hair. It was a fiery strawberry-blonde; tightly buzzed on the sides with some length on the top and a cowlick in the front that made it look like I perpetually spiked my hair. I had a cute button nose and a average jaw with a full, trimmed ginger beard which was much more red than the hair on my head. I glanced down at my shirt which I filled out pretty well. I was 5’10 and about 175lbs. I had a decent build from about 3 years of hard work at the gym. I took my shirt off to hop in the shower after a long day of travel. I looked again in the mirror, a little disappointed. I had some definition in my chest and shoulders, but my midsection only had the faintest impression of abs. I turned around and twisted my head to look at my back. My back and shoulders actually looked pretty good; my lats flared and the definition in my upper back & traps was on point. My eyes veered towards my ass; it was big, full, and round -- probably my best feature. I smirked and thought to myself, “...at least I look good on my stomach….”. I hopped in the shower for a quick scrub & quickly douched in prep for tonight's activities. I turned off the water and toweled off and made my way back into the bedroom. I laid down on the bed and quickly dozed off. “CHASE!!!” someone screamed, waking me from my sleep in a panic. I jolted up in a fright and my head hit a hard surface and a sudden burst of pain filled my skull. “Ahh… what the fuck Zach...” I moaned placing my hands on my head, rubbing it slowly. He sat on the foot of the bed doing the same. He replied, “Owwww… shit sorry, babe. I just wanted to startle you -- didn’t realize you’d jump up like that.” “What the fuck did you think was going to happen?” I retorted. “You can’t just go scaring the shit out of people while they’re asleep!” I glanced over at him. He had a soft smirk on his face, his hazel eyes lit up with excitement. I stared into his expression. He was half-Nigerian, half-Russian/jew -- he always said the combination made him look Moroccan. He had a squarish face with big lips and a strong nose. His skin was a light brown, complemented by his pitch black curly hair which he kept buzzed on the side wish some length on top that gave it a slight “I just rolled out of bed” look. He looked so handsome today. I could feel my expression soften. I leaned over and gave him a quick peck on the lips which he eagerly closed his eyes and accepted. “I missed you.” I said. “I missed you too”. He pushed himself up and grabbed me in a bear hug putting his weight onto me and we rolled backwards onto the bed. He weighed about the same as me, but was only 5’7” and mostly muscle. He squeezed me tightly and said again, “I love you. I missed you so much.” holding me for a second. “You know who else missed you?” he said slyly as he moved my hand down to a rock hard 8” pole tucked away in his pants. I grabbed it for a second and he flexed it. I felt it throb in my hand. I looked into his eyes -- he was ready to fuck. “Har har…” I fake laughed as I pushed him up. “Well I’m ready when you are beefcake” I winked back at him. He quickly hopped off the bed and started to unbutton his shirt. “How was your day?” I asked. “It was alright” he said. “About to get a whole lot better though -- which reminds me, I have something for you.” He’d finished unbuttoning his shirt and I got a good look at him. He stood 5’7”, 170lbs. He had a thick, muscular build with good definition. His 6-pack was faint without him flexing. His chest and arms were big and looked strong. He turned around and I started in awe his back. His back looked thick and muscled -- it was wide and came down to his waist in a nice v-taper. Fuck. He bent down and started going through his pack looking for something. “Babe -- I forgot how hot you were” I said, still lying on the bed watching him. He turned his head, still bent over and made eye contact with me. “You’re welcome.” he said matter-of-factly. I rolled my eyes. “Pfffttt -- Nevermind…” I replied. “Found it!” he shouted standing back up right. “What is it?” I said. “It’s your anniversary gift!” he said turning back around. “I was coming back from the gym with Erik and there was this little pop-up shop thing. It would best be described as one of those witch-wicka stores crossed with a sex shop I guess?” he said looking to me to see if I could picture it. I shrugged. “Anyway...“ he continued, “there was a little old lady there. I told here I was looking something to spice up our one year and she suggest this.” He held up a little vial with a strangely luminescent purple-metallic liquid inside. “She said it would bring out your desires…” he said looking at me seductively. “Heh… alright. Sounds neat. What do we do with it?” I said a little reluctantly. He knew I was into witchy shit -- chakras and voodoo and all that. I have a sleeve on my right arm comprised on images of various magical artifacts and runes mixed in with elements of music. I was a musician in a past life. “You drink it.” he said with a grin. “Wait -- what? why me?” I replied quickly. “Well, ” he paused for a moment seemly carefully choosing his words, “I feel like sometimes hold back a little in bed…” he said looking away. “I thought maybe this might help you loosen up a little.” I paused for a moment. It was true -- we’d been together for a year now but I hadn’t ever really disclosed my fetish for muscle growth. I had a sneaking suspicion Zach already knew something of the sort. He definitely knew I was into muscles -- we’d been to multiple sex parties together; he knew my interests. “Alright, why not” I said. “What’s the worst that could happen?” I suddenly thought to myself ‘death’. ‘Death’ is the worst thing that could happen -- you don’t have any idea what’s in the vial. “I’ve had worse, I’m sure” I thought to myself as I reached for the vial from Zach. I held the vial up to the light and looked at it. It seemed to swirl of its own volition. “Weird” I thought. Zach continued eagerly undressing. I continued laying on the bed, still naked, looking at the purple-liquid in the vial. “CHASE!” Zach shouted. I snapped to attention, looking at my now naked boyfriend. “Drink it already so you can take care of this” he said pointing with both hands toward his cock; rock hard projecting 8” straight out from his crotch. He was beautiful. I got a good look at his legs which were thickly muscled -- he had large quads from multiple years of squats at the gym. “Alright…. Well get over here then” I said with a slight chuckle. I popped the top of the vial and sniffed. “Smells sweet…” I thought. “Bottoms up!” I said as I tilted my head back with the vial to my lips and swallowed the liquid. It tasted slightly bitter. I spat and couched. Zach erupted in laughter. “Ughhh.. gross.” I said. “Sorry, babe.” he said as he continued to laugh. I felt the substance settle in my stomach and started to feel a little flushed. “I feel warm… like I just took a shot of whiskey or something.” He crawled onto the bed on all fours and over top of me and said softly, “Good.” he kissed my stomach, “means it’s working” he continued kissing my working his way up to my neck. He started kissing a little harder when he reached my neck. I was feeling pretty horny now. I felt my back arch a little as my hands found there way to his body and started feeling him up and down. I could feel the muscles in his back undulating as he worked my body. My cock was rock hard. He came up for air and looked my in the eye, “I love you -- so much” he said. “I love you too” I said as I lifted myself up a little to kiss him. He pushed me back down kissing me deeply. We continued making out as I explored him and he explored me. He pulled back up leaving me longing for more of his lips. I was so horny; feeling extremely flushed and I was breathing heavy. “Fuck me.” I said. The look in his eyes had changed -- he looked feral. He pulled up my legs and started to position himself. “Yessir” he said. He teased my hole and I moaned loudly. “Damn babe” he said with a slight chuckle. “You really want it, huh? Sure you don’t want me to loosen you up a little?” I normally require a fair bit of work up, but whatever was in that vial had me more primed than a bottle of Jungle Juice. “Do it.” I said. He pressed the head of his cock against my hole. He pressed in. I felt the pressure build to a sudden pop and his dick slid in. “Fuck….” I said, my eyes rolling back in my head as I continued breathing heavily. My dick was rock hard. My left hand immediately latched onto it and started to stroke. It was so sensitive. It felt huge in my hand. Zach slowly continued, “Fuck you’re tight babe. I love it….” he said as his dick continued the slow and steady march towards my prostate. He was still holding my legs up as he started to ease out then back in. He fucked me slowly, building pace as he pushed further and further in. I continued stroking myself off. I’d never been so hard. I started taking long and longer strokes on my dick. Something felt different. I looked down at my cock. It was red and looked huge. There was no mistaking. My cock was bigger. It must have been at least 7 inches. “Oh fuck…” I moaned. The idea of my cock growing was making me even hornier. My cock was slightly painful it was so hard. I kept stroking. Zach looked down and slowed a little, “Oh shit babe -- your cock! Are you ok??” he said. You could hear the battle between his worry for whatever was going on to me and the desperation to keep fucking me. “I’m fine” I said panting and stroking my cock. It was now at least 8.5 inches and seemed to slow down in it’s growth. “Keep.. hahh... going” I managed to say. My right hand joined my left. I was stroking my cock with both hands. It felt massive. My hands didn’t even fully enclose around it anymore. Zach picked up the pace on his fucking again -- he didn’t need to be told twice. My cock started growing again. I could feel it surging with size in my hands. “Ohh fuck.. OHH FUCCCCKKKK” I shouted as I started to orgasm. I felt my cock grow further in my hands as my balls seized and released their pent up load. I came. And I came. And I came for what felt like hours. I felt my hot warm jizz plaster my chest. Zach shouted as well as he released his load in my ass. I could feel the warms of his load fill my insides as he collapsed on top of me moaning. He kissed my neck as he continued to fuck me a little before he pulled out. “What...hah… the fucked just happened” I said as I looked down at my slowly softening cock. It was huge. It had to be at least 10 inches. “Fuck… my cock is massive” I thought. I grabbed it and held it up, flopping it around a little. It felt massive. Playing with it caused it to start to harden up again. “Fuck babe.” Zach said. “Are you ok? You cock…” “I know” I said cutting him off. “It’s huge. It feels amazing” “Uhh… I’m sorry I didn’t kno--” Zach started. “Babe” I said cutting him off again. “What are you sorry for? This is amazing. My cock. Is. Huge.” I said. “It feels so heavy. I wonder how big it is….” Zach regained some of his faculties and said, “Here, hold on. Don’t move.” He got up and grabbed a towel wiping himself off. I was still wiggling my new huge cock around. He took the towel and started to wipe the cum off my chest. I giggled. “Thanks babe” I said. He worked his way down and started to wipe the residual cum off my cock. The sensation of the towel on my cock head sent ripples of pleasure through my body. I quickly clutched his bicep stopping him panting again, “Fuck… It’s so sensitive.” “I bet” he laughed. “Now you know what this thing feels like” motioning towards his cock and winking. “I think you’ve got me beat now though…” he trailed off a little dejectedly. “Do you have a tape measure?” I said quickly sitting up. “Uhh… yeah hold on.” he turned and started to rummage through a drawer quickly pulling out and old tape measurer. I pulled on my cock a little returning it to a turgid state. I looked up at him with a grin holding out my cock, ready for it to be measured. He gently grabbed it giving it a stroke placing the start of the tape at the base of my cock in my fiery red pubes. He release the latch on the tape and started to pull it back slowly holding the start of the tape at the base of my cock. He counted out loud as my heart started to race, “6… 7… 8… 9… 10...11… 11.25! BABE! Your cock is 11 and a fourth inches! You’re 3.25” bigger than I am now!” “Fuck.” was all I said. Zach took the tape and wrapped it around my dick taking another measurement. “And 7.5 inches around” he said whistling. “Damn babe. That’s fucking hot.” I just stared at my now massive phallus. My heart still beating fast, pumping blood into it making it rock hard. “...And looks like you’re ready for round two!” he said laughing. “I could go another round” I said slyly finally looking up from my cock. He looked at me lovingly, leaned over and kissed me. “I love you” I said. “I love you too. Happy anniversary Babe.” he said. He must have fucked me at least another three times that night. There was no more growth, but my new cock was pumping out plenty of cum. After we’d exhausted ourselves, we passed out cuddling with me as big spoon as usual. However, this time, my huge cock was nuzzled warmly between his legs as we slept.
  4. Twenty Something Inches (the Remix) Forum Note: I've always loved this story, and ploder4 on our site mentioned wanting to continue it (his continuation here: Twenty Something Inches - continued). I decided to start posting my remix of the original. Please keep in mind that this version, my version, is also relatively unedited, but I wanted to start posting what I have to get some feedback and buzz going. So, its A Work in Progress! I'll be posting updates as the creative juices flow. ** A heavily edited and modified redo of the original "Twenty Something Inches" - credit for the story concept and original content goes to the original author, theEd. ** Where should i start? boys? men? muscle gods? well, in order to talk about these gods-among-men, I guess I need to start with the .. uh ... well, with the blast of gamma radiation ... yeah. its gonna be one of those kinda stories... cept this is real. Let me talk about my life first. Male. 20 years old. I recently moved out of my parents house. No big deal, it was way overdue and I loved the freedom. It was a whole new adventure for me, out on my own, even if it meant living with roommates that were nothing like me. There was Bill, the guy who decided it was safer to park his motorcycle in our living room. There was Chris, a quiet emo kid who raised tarantulas and snakes in his bedroom. And, there was Nick, a very bad guitar player who had a grower connection and sold dope on campus. We were all about the same age, the youngest being Chris, at seventeen. It was a shitty living environment by any standards: bugs everywhere, the shower muddy and barely a trickle, food, clothes, papers everywhere. The roommates had these unexpected parties which only further trashed the house and made the whole place reek of pot smoke. I never partook and really didn't like the smell, so, of course, the thick haze somehow, without fail, would always manage to settle right in my bedroom every time. We were lucky that this house was buried in the woods, or we would've gotten to know our local cops quite well. Another good part was that no one ever knew who the true owner of the house was. We never met, or even had a phone conversation with, anyone who claimed ownership. We all found the house on craigslist and sent our rent checks to some corporate management firm. No one ever bothered us, even if one or more of us had missed payment last month. We enjoyed our freedom in this arrangement, so we tried to pay rent as often as possible. I was the one who almost regularly missed rent payments. I was there because I had no money and the rent was super cheap. Even then, it was rough for me. But, I still had my notebook, so I could write; I was going to be a famous writer someday, and repay all these debts. Writing was my gift, my passion. I approached the world with an open mind and an open heart, pen and paper at the ready, but I never quite expected that I would write about Bill, Chris and Nick. That's all the background you need about them: Bill was always an okay kind of guy, Chris was kind of creepy, really, and Nick… well, we never got along very well. Nick’s all-night-long parties got popular mainly because of the non-stop supply of beer and weed, but he also had live, local bands blasting throughout the night and eventually, the parties became known for the overall "higher" quality of guys and girls that would fill the house. Popular kids from the schools, jocks, athletes, dealers, actresses, up-and-comers, all started flocking to Nick's parties. The house always seemed near collapse, though somehow it would hold together til the next day. In the beginning it was fun; I even scored with some girls and guys. (I’m bi, by the way.) But, then it started to get on my nerves. I couldn’t sleep normal hours anymore, the kitchen was always a total mess, and the bathrooms were beyond disgusting. We had to start pooling money to pay a clean lady to come in two times a week, but after four or five months, even she gave up on our mess. One random Tuesday night, Bill and Nick decided to barbecue at 3am. They fired up the grill on our outdoor roof/deck/rickety-death-trap/patio area and proceeded to laugh and yell and stomp around until the whole house was awake. Drunk and stoned outta their minds, even more than usual, the guys were interrupted by a bright falling star streaking across the clear night sky. Bill laughed, pointing, “Hey man, look at that! Make a wish!" The star suddenly froze in place and started to swell with a white so bright the boys had look away. “Wow, dude, what the fuck is that? It's so fucking bright!" Nick said after a few moments of awed silence. "Where's our wannabe astronomer? Hey Einstein, get out here! You're missing the most awesome thing!” Nick yelled down in my general direction. They called me Einstein, very original, aren’t they? I looked out a nearby window and saw the blinding ball of light, now the size of the moon. “Shit, what the hell," I muttered to myself before reason kicked in. "Guys! Come inside, quick!” I yelled. “Fuck! Who we should call? NASA?” Bill asked, completely ignoring my warning. "Someone get a camera! Grab my phone!" Nick yelled into the house, never taking his eyes off the light. "Come inside! Quick! That thing could be dangerous!" I repeated from inside the safety of our house. Chris rushed passed my open bedroom door with his phone in hand. I followed after him, hoping to at least get him to stay inside. No dice. He quickly tucked his thin frame through the open window and climbed out onto the roof. “Look at that,” he said, watching the light show through the screen of his phone's video app. I peeked out at the scene from the edge of the window frame. The star exploded with a blinding light that turned the entire sky white. I stepped back as the guys outside covered their eyes. Whatever it was, I had to protect myself. Those guys were crazy to stay out there! I slammed the old, leaded window closed just as a burst of purple and green flashes filled the horizon. I crouched down into a ball as I felt the whole house start to shake. I was scared shitless! The rumbling got louder and louder, making everything rattle and vibrate with a deadly intensity. "We're all gonna die!" I cried in a meek whisper, mentally complimenting myself on a wonderful choice of last words. At the peak of noise and shaking, there was a huge BANG! and then it all just... stopped. I was trembling; too afraid to open the window to see if they got toasted by whatever THAT was. I made myself stand and was about to peek through the window when I suddenly heard Nick and Bill yelling "oooh"s and "aaaah"s, like they were watching a 4th of July firework show. Seconds later, they calmed down and that was it. That was the moment that changed our lives. That brief moment... and no one had a single clue. **** Two months later, I started to notice odd things happening to my roommates. Specifically, to their bodies-- They began to ... "swell," i guess is the word ... with muscle. That Bill would grow muscles easily, was expected. But Chris and Nick? Both were sticks. Two totally flat, tall guys. I had always been attracted to athletic bodies, male and female, and Chris and Nick flew under my radar. Nick always dressed tight, emo/punk shirts. I started noticing those old shirts were straining against his now-curvy body. His arms had visible muscles swelling now, and when he played his guitar, veins would start to web across them. I also started to notice, to my quiet anger and jealousy, that he was scoring a lot more often, and off a wider variety of girls. Chris would never leave his room and he when he did, he would always wear baggy clothes, so I had quite a shock when he finally started coming out of his cave. The first time he came up to "chill" nearly killed me! My initial surprise was that he was being overly social all of a sudden, but what really dropped my jaw was that he wearing very little, allowing me my first real glimpse of him shirtless. He had pecs, big pecs, and abs, and biceps-- the whole package! He was still border-line "slim," but he was already becoming muscular, showing off more size and thickness than I could claim on my own twinky body. I knew that this guy had never set foot in a gym, and the last, and only, time I saw his chest, there was not a single, pale muscle to speak of. My brow furrowed in confusion, asking myself, “What the hell is going on…?" I tried to ignore all three of them, chalking up their changes in normal male growth spurts, but each week it became more and more difficult to ignore. I had some abstract suspicions by the forth week, and by the fifth and sixth, my otherwise wacky suspicions were becoming fact. On afternoon, I realized I was now about an inch shorter than everyone. Bill, already tall, became much taller. So did Chris and Nick. I began to wonder how much longer they were going to pretend nothing was going on. How could they continue to pretend not to notice when they were obviously starting to tower over me? My main theory was, of course, something related to that night. I began my quest for answers and searched everywhere i could imagine. I Googled, Binged, Yahoo!'d, and newsgroup'd long into the night, digging deep for a single, tiny shred of information that could connect an odd, unexplainable celestial event to multiple counts of spontaneous, unnatural muscle growth. I found some great muscle growth-related sites, but I found nothing of scientific merit. (I bookmarked the fiction and morph sites) **** One night, Bill knocked on my bedroom door and started shouting through the wood about needing more condoms. Of course, I had plenty. I grabbed a couple from my sad, unused stash and opened my door. My jaw dropped. There was Bill, one hand holding onto a loosely tied towel, stretched taut across the bulging muscle of his thighs. His pecs were huge and thick, his abs deep and defined, his bis swollen and round-- My eyes didn't know where to start! I was drawn back down to his waist, where my eyes froze in place, locked onto his crotch. Pushing against the towel, and outlined in glorious detail, was a full, huge, hard dick. It was big-- abnormally big-- mouthwateringly big. I was speechless. For way too long. Who was this muscle beast?! I already knew (from his loud bragging) that he had 18’ 1/2 biceps, but that stat was from a while ago, and now... now, the rest of his body seemed unreal. “Hey man? Something wrong?” his pecs bounced as he adjusted the towel. “It’s… I... uh... here. I… hope they fit...” “Me too, I already blew three of these fuckin things tonight. They just don’t make rubbers like they used to!" he laughed to himself. "I mean, man, it sucks, you know," he said, leaning in, lowering his masculine baritone a bit, "I have two babes worshiping me down there and these fucking rubbers don’t last a fucking second. Fuck! Can I take more?” I started at his enormous body... Too long, apparently. He raised his eyebrows and loudly cleared his throat. "Sure," I stammered out. “Thanks pal, you’re the best,” he said, bouncing his pecs again as he took the second handful of condoms. I couldn't help but watch him saunter away. For the next hour, I heard Bill absolutely trashing his dates. I decided those girls had to be waaaaaaay too drunk to scream like that. I soon found out, though, they weren't drunk at all. All the screaming and begging for more and "Oh God"'ing was because of, what I would later call, Bill's "Factor." I wouldn't understand any of it until much later. **** One day later that month, I was coming back to the house from school and was surprised to find Nick, tanning on the death-trap-patio above the main entrance. He was completely nude except for a tiny, little pair of white bikini underwear. Now, normally, he was that kind of guy that avoided sun at all costs, but apparently, "New Nick" had other ideas. I was dumbfounded and had to make a snarky comment, “Hey Nick, sunbathing?? You?” This got his attention and he stood up, moving dangerously close to the edge of the roof. The sun was glaringly bright, but I could still see he wasn't big as Bill, but was certainly getting close! I made special note of big swell his legs were showing. "You got a problem with that, Einstein?” he said, looking down on me, like a god surveying his property. “Hey, woah. No problem, man!” I shot back, trying to recall the last time Nick had been a dick to me. I couldn't remember a time, but then again, we never really interacted much. Maybe it was a bad day? I continued on into the house and managed to overhear him taking a phone call. He certainly wasn’t a dick to the person on the other end of the call! I began to wonder, "did I do something to him?" I found Chris fixing himself something to eat in our huge, common kitchen. He never cooked! I quickly took in his impressive new body. His enhanced curves and swells pulled his otherwise shiny, black UnderArmor outfit to the point of being translucent in places. “Hey, Chris, hungry enough to finally cook?” I managed to get out, fighting my suddenly dry mouth. “Yeah. I get hungry a lot, lately.” “Oh. I see… do you…” he turned to me, and my God, his pecs were the size of Bills! Maybe bigger! “…are…” His body stopped my brain, dead. “Are... what?” he said, a hint of amusement in his voice. His biceps exploded as he lifted a huge jar of water to his lips. He gulped and gulped, but some water spilled from his mouth and soaked his shirt. “err… uh... nothing...” I was sweating. When I first met Chris, we were about the same height and build. Not anymore. He was now quite a bit taller than me. I actually had to look up at his eyes. What. the. fuck!? What is going on?! Is it just me? Am I the only one noticing these sudden changes to my roommates? Am I going insane?! **** I gulped, “Well…uh... I guess you are on the right track…" My eyes followed his hands as they moved around his body, feeling and testing his mass. He paused and I looked back up into his eyes. He caught me staring, again! I had to distract, "but aren’t you concerned about how or why this insane muscle growth is happening? I mean, this sudden gain in size isn't norm--" “Yes… a little…" he interrupted. "But, I have a feeling that whatever this is, it's good for me... and it'sh beyond any of our control… you undershtan, Matthew?” I suddenly realized that he was drunk. “I… guess…” “I shaw that you started lookin at me in a different way, too…” he smiled at me with this cocky grin, totally out of character. “I…. What you mean?” My eyes jumped down to his hands as they cupped at his delicious-looking pecs. “Everyone should look at me the way you do…” Chris let his hands fall to his sides and balanced his weight on one hip. He looked at me through tipsy, yet expectant eyes. “Ok... Chris, lemme put it this way… you… are not exactly my type. You know? Just not a match." He actually looked disappointed! Then, a bit angry. Then, defiant. "I saw you checking me out." “Waaait a minute… you are like… growing bigger, right in front of me! What do you expect?” “And, it doesn’t turn you on?” He flexed his arm under my nose. Whatever gorgeous visage was standing before me and making me drool, I had to remember the person that lie beneath. “Look Chris, sorry if I gave the wrong impression, but…” I could see he was not happy. He had opened up to me and I was treating him like he's crazy for thinking anyone would be into him. I mean, he was a kid! More than three years younger than me and, besides, he had pet snakes and spiders. He was kinda creepy like that... He loved watching his pet predators killing their prey, up close. Growing muscles aside, that kid had problems that I didn’t want anything to do with. “Let’s be friends, okay?” “I understand...” he said coldly and turned his wide back to me. He didn’t talk to me for weeks after that night. I think he always thought of himself as a freak and I just validated those core fears-- I might have even made him feel worse! **** During those following weeks, the musclehead trio bought some free-weights to use in the house. They started to spot one another, spend all their time together, eat tons and tons of food together, and even go to clubs together. I tried to stay out of their way as much as possible. I'd even listen for their heavy footsteps around the old house so I could move around without incident. It wasn't a precise science, but with Bill's extra muscly pounds, I could at least hear where he was; from there I could kinda guess where the other two were. And, throughout every single day, dawn to dusk, I could hear at least one of them lifting weights in the garage. With their all-over size gains, it was hard to guess who was spending more time in there. Then, by early evening, they'd be pounding away at some new herd of slutty "friends." All three of them were fucking as many holes as they could. They didn’t even need to throw parties anymore-- the parties came to them. To the party clique, I was totally invisible. My witty banter couldn't compete with the guys flexing an arm. People just wanted to be near them. Chris was still struggling, though. He was an oddball at heart, and didn't always fit in-- Well, that wasn’t my problem! But, most of the time, I could walk around the party-packed house without any rude encounter. I'd just throw out the obligatory ‘hi’ now and then to the random faces I saw, and scoot along my merry way. But, when I'd actually see one of my roommates, in the center of the throng, I had to fight so hard not to stop and stare at their increasing muscular size. But what would stop me in my tracks, without fail, was the fact that their dicks were getting bigger, too. I think. Each of the guys, with their own clothing styles, managed to wear pants that clearly outlined every lump, flare, and vein of their increasingly huge alpha cocks. The boys now looked porn-star hung and didn't care who saw. It was getting more and more difficult the bigger and bigger they got. For the first month, it was relatively easy for me, but with their bodies lookin the way they do now... **** One day I got really hungry and was too tired to go out and grab food myself. So, I went to the fridge and grabbed some meat to cook-- our fridge overflowed with labeled chunks of various beasts, wrapped in plastic or covered on plates. I was really hungry and ate a whole portion of honey-roasted chicken breast. I didn’t realize the danger I'd put myself in. I turned around to see Nick standing in the doorway, and, man, did he explode at me: “What the FUCK are you DOING?” He was shirtless and huge, and had two of his "groupies" behind him. Nick was bigger than I ever seen him before. And, the last time I had seen him shirtless, he had 19’ arms. He was starting to look like a competitive bodybuilder! I jumped at his sudden appearance and the pure anger in his booming voice. “Man, I was hungry. I'm gonna replace it later when I go to the store! I'm--” his speed surprised me even more, given his new size. He was right up against me and, grabbing my neck, he lifted me in the air, choking the air from me. “You fucking PRICK! Who gave you permission to take MY food?” “I’m… sorry…” my feet were dancing in the air, scrabbling for something to alleviate the pressure on my neck. My face felt like It was gonna burst. “…I--" “Answer me!” “I… am…(gasp) answering… you(gasp)” The two swooning groupies, a blond and a ginger, begged Nick to he put me down after a minute or two. I crashed to the floor, gasping to breath. I coughed and looked up at him to see, much to my relief, that the girls had managed to soothe the beast. As the girls continued to rub themselves against his solid form, I saw his cock starting to swell and push out hard against he jeans. He groaned as the girls rubbed their tits on his arms and back, whispering in his ears about how strong and huge he was. His torn jeans barely held his legs muscles-- every lump and mound clearly visible, with the tough fabric stretched to near-transparency over his waist-thick quads. I found myself staring again. “Listen to me, you fucking idiot. Get my food now, or I’ll fucking rip your fucking arms off!" “Ok," was all I could manage as I scrambled to my feet, stunned. What the fuck was that?!! Roid rage?!! Jesus! He turned and strolled out of the room, leaning in to kiss each of the girls as they grabbed at his hunky muscles. Fuckin steroids! I rubbed my throat, thinking, and it dawned on me. Now I get why he named his band "Roid Rage!" He's fuckin' explosive! And fuckin psycho! About as psycho as the dumbass producer that actually seems interested in signing him. Maybe Nick attacked him like he did me just now, and the dudes too scared to say 'no.' My brain worked to quickly block out what had just happened and I started to ponder Nick's career. He's gonna get signed?? No way! He’s not that good! Not at all... He’s a prick. An immense prick. And dangerous, apparently! But, then there's that body... I followed his movement out of the kitchen and into the chill zone, where two more girls joined the threesome. They all fell onto a couch and basically started a little orgy right there in front of me. Nick was getting too dangerous to be this close to. He could have killed me, the fuck! What the hell could I do, though? Call the cops? Leave? In the end, I went out and bought two big packages of fresh meat which more than replaced what I'd eaten. **** I realized I was feeling fucking submissive. Hearing Nick call my name, or any mocking variation thereof, would knock the wind outta my sails, and he knew it-- Fucking bastard. He never exactly "bullied" me, but there was psychological torture that he definitely enjoyed putting me through. And, his new favourite torture was to tease me with his big muscles. He totally got off on how I got mesmerized by his size. He would even go as far as to taunt me by jumping on my lap, grinning that cocky, hot, alpha grin, and trace his finger along each muscle, going from group to muscle group, pointing out just how much bigger he was than me. I was just an average guy, with an average life and a slim, albeit defined, average body, but Nick... Nick was becoming this arrogant, swole, bulky muscle god-- and I hated that I loved watching it happen. It was quickly becoming hell to deal with Nick. ***** Bill seemed easier to deal with, at first. Even bigger than Nick, he at least started off with a bit of respect for me. But, I saw their growth was starting to do funny things on their heads. Some weeks ago, Bill asked me to take down any random messages that came in for him on the landline. (We all used that number as a dumping ground for spam calls, but I guess he was giving it out more frequently now.) What started as a favor turned me into his personal fucking assistant. He hated electronic stuff, so every email, every call, I had to be there or Bill-- William, I had to call him, now, to sound more "professional"-- otherwise, William would get pissed. He probably be even more pissed if he knew i often called him "Billy" in my head. He opened up to me and finally started talking about how his newfound, massive muscle gains were absolutely changing his life. He proudly went on to tell me about his financial windfalls. He'd grown huge and now he was gettin paid! BANK! His body was generating some serious cash revenue... People all over were sending him money for various reasons. He got a new computer for cam chats, several new phones to help track his progress, brand new cutting edge gym equipment, clothes, shoes, supplements, giant new flatscreens-- even a fancy, 3D, curved behemoth for us to use in the chill room. He got money to buy a chopper and was even given a modded Subaru WRX-somethingerother. He was as surprised as I was! He had no idea that people would actually pay just to touch him. And, neither of us could've ever imagined exactly just how much his "fans" were actually willing to pay! Turned out, by doing absolutely nothing cept flexing on cam and maybe dancing a bit, he was making more per month than both my parents, combined!! I had to admit, tho, he'd gotten to the point where I could totally understand why. He was prime, huge, alpha stud. So Bill paid me to be his personal assistant, which barely put food on my table. I saw the money coming in and quickly decided I deserved a bigger cut. But, typical mousy me, I didn't have the balls to mention it. Granted, greed aside, he was being nice to me as it was... and I did really, really enjoy the primary perk of the job: getting up-close, VIP-level, nearly unlimited access, to behind-the-scenes views of that fuckin huge-ass body! Bill-- William-- was now proudly sporting guns that broke the twenty inch mark weeks ago. He had always been a jock, not necessarily intelligent, or "book smart," I guess you could call it, but he was certainly smart enough to manipulate the hell outta people. **** Once, in his newest gift, a badass truck, I was complaining about friggin Nick when Bill suddenly interrupted me. “Man, you remember that night you freaked out because we were growing…?” “Yeah...” I asked cautiously, quietly impressed that his muscular frame was taking up my entire view. I realized that even with our new working "relationship," we'd never actually discussed that night. “We were playing dumb… Of course we knew it was happening!" Finally! The validation made me smile, inwardly. "C’mon, do you really think that…” he flexed his monstrous bicep pretty much in my face “…that we wouldn't notice... this?” “oh, really...” I let the sarcasm roll off my tongue. “Those days, you couldn’t stop staring at us. It was so funny!" That snapped my mouth shut! I began to blush-- I wasn't expecting that hard truth! I wasn't ready to admit anything to anybody about my inner feelings; I certainly wasn't ready to openly discuss it with Bil-- William-- right here, right now! “What the hell you are talking about, William?” I tried to feign ignorance then anger. He stopped the car at a light and faced me, “Look at my body, bro. I know what you're thinking..." I gulped, my throat suddenly dry, “Oh? What am I thinking, William?” He grinned at me, that cocky alpha sneer, for an uncomfortably long time. He grabbed inside his collar with both hands and tore his shirt halfway down his torso, exposing his gorgeous chest to me. The ripping motion made his pecs bounce into view, swollen with an unnatural weight. I literally lost my breath. My jaw went slack. Bill was so huge that my brain couldn’t compute. I reacted like a girl seeing a penis for the first time. My eyes were everywhere, trying to take it all in. I actually felt an embarrassing rivulet of drool slide along my lower lip. The traffic light had long since turned green, but neither of us cared. He shifted in his seat and grabbed at his bulging crotch. My eyes couldn't help but follow. "Now, you're thinking about the size of my horse cock." He grinned after that matter-of-fact statement. I couldn’t even react because that was exactly what I was thinking. I could only make out lumps and curves, exaggerated by the glow of the truck's console. A car behind us beeped in annoyance and we started moving again, but William kept his hand pressed on his crotch. As we rolled along the street, the evenly-placed street lights began to animate a beautiful thickness, creeping down his thigh. The surreal flip-card show ended abruptly as we pulled into a parking lot and, Bam! There, in his tight pants, the fine details of this massive snake were illuminated-- the lump was just the base, and halfway down his huge thigh sat the most well-known shape in the history of modern man. The drool fell heavily off my lower lip. “It's over ten inches, dude." “…ten…” I dragged the back of my hand across my lips, absent-mindedly trying to wipe away any more tell-tale drool. The slurping sound was abnormally loud. “Each month, a new inch, Matt... Can you believe that?! Fuckin awesome!! An inch a month! Fuckin sex god, right here, bro!" My eyes followed his hand down to the plump cock head clearly outlined by, and straining against, the fabric of his shorts. I licked my lips. "What if we don’t stop growing, man? Can you imagine...?” He kinda trailed off, lost in his own fantasy. His cock flexed hard against his shorts, the mushroom tip starting to peek out from the stretched leg opening. “This is just the beginning, Mat... can you fuckin imagine?” I didn’t have to imagine! It was real. This tank's shoulders took up almost the entire width of the front seats. I was being pressed against my door just sitting next to him. His big-ass cock was now threatening to rip his pants if it grew any longer or harder. I forced my eyes shut and tried to imagine what it would be like to actually have sex with this guy. I would be squashed like those bugs on the windshield. I'd have to hold on to his massive frame for dear life, constantly pushing back against him just to get a breath! I could easily fit on his lap, my legs wrapped around his tiny waist, if I were lucky enough to be given the option to ride him. Then I could focus on surviving all 10+ inches pummeling my insides with animal abandon, it's arrow-straight thickness reinforced by the tree trunk enormity of his quads, flexed hard against the seat of the car. The painful hardness of my own cock suddenly ripped me from my fantasy. Shit!! OMG! I was ready to explode! My rod was clearly tenting out my shorts. I was oozing pre-cum. Dangerously close to "go time." I froze in fear, embarrassment, lust, everything... paralyzed. A sliver of clear liquid inched down my inner thigh. He could do whatever he wanted with me. We locked eyes. And, I would let him. Not that fighting against him would make any difference. And, I would love it. He kept looking over at me with that arrogant grin shining across his huge muscular frame. Bill knew I was trapped-- my senses, lust, fantasies, all locked me up, rendering me totally unable to think properly. I felt completely invaded by his gaze and control over me. “...are- are you going to rape me?” I've never been harder or more horny. I ached. My puppy-dog eyes belied my feigned surface fear, desperately pleading for him to take me. God, how I wanted him to push me down, hold me in place, and just destroy me-- to just fuck me hard. I heard myself whisper in the faintest of secret breaths, "Please--" I could feel the truck shaking. He was howling with laughter! "Hey, Mat, you are so fuckin funny!!" He patted me hard on the shoulder. "That’s exactly what every fuckin client of mine wants! But you might have actually had that pleasure!" Another rough pat on my shoulder shook me totally back to reality. "Fuckin crazy, man! People all around me, hoping I'd actually rape them. Isn’t that fucked up!?" I could only nod. "Grab me another shirt from those boxes in back.” I didn’t know what to think. Did he get his huge cock hard in front of me as some kinda joke? Was ripping his shirt off just a mind fuck? If so, these were games I would always lose. I recovered a bit more and asked, “Are you sure these people don't want normal sex, not… uh... to be raped…?" What a weird topic of conversation. And, damn, his cock was still as hard as before. I busied myself with finding a new matching shirt for him in the pile of boxed clothes, stuffed in the back of the truck's extended cab. “That’s the weird thing, before all this growth I had this girlfriend that I fucked on daily basis. Her mother fuckin hated me. It was worse with her dad. They totally despised me... But as soon as I realized every hot-ass chick in sight was startin to get all up on me, I dropped my girl faster than flaming shit." I pulled out a XXL polo and handed it to William. "So, last week she called me again. She said she missed me and all that bullshit. I went to her pad to bang her one more time; kinda a goodbye/sympathy fuck. But, when I walked into the living room and her hater family saw me, all brand new, with these swole-ass guns and big-ass pecs…” Bill pulled off the rest of his destroyed shirt. I could hardly pay attention to his story, every move was an explosion of huge tanned muscle. His old shirt was basically glued to his body and the new polo was no different. He pulled it down, covering his godly torso. It was like an angelic light had been suddenly shut off. I could think again! But, was immediately entranced by his cloth-covered, massive pecs, lit perfectly by the lot's security lights. And, his bis!! Good God! They were like footballs tucked under flesh! Everything pressed against his strained shirt, bouncing and bunching as he continued his story, talking loudly with his hands. “...and then, I had her fuckin mother, under the table, suckin on my cock while her fuckin daughter was taking a shower for our date! Unreal, bro!" My eyes fixated on his cock again. "I could fuck anyone in that family. Haha! I came on the old bitch’s face while her wimp-ass husband was sitting right in the other room! I made sure he knew what was goin on, but he kept pretending it wasn’t happening! Man, I totally dominated that fuckin family. Talk about change of respect.” Shit. God. When is William gonna do that to me? Bend me over, break me in, make me a slave to his every whim? Am I gonna have to act like a dog and beg? Get on the ground and look up at him, "Please fuck my face, sir?" What if he doesn't like it, tho? The possible punishments... Would he crush me? Never talk to me again? The truck's windows had completely fogged over and it was friggin sweltering inside. “So, uh, William, let’s go back home?” “Nah, let’s go inside." “Hooligan’s? Isn't this the place that Nick plays?” “Yah. Always a lotta chicks. Haha! Look at my fuckin cock! It's ready to go all night, bro! It ain't gonna rest til I sink it deep!” His arrogance shot right to my dick again. Hot. And, Hello? Billy! I'm right here, mouth open, totally fucking wanting to suck you dry! Right here, fucker! Don't even have to get outta the car. He swung his door open, “I’ll fuck the first set'a huge titties I see! Promise you!” He wasn't even really talking to me anymore, but I didn’t doubt it. Waking side by side towards the club, anyone could see who the real man was. Bill towered over me with his 6’6" or 6’7"-- I wasn’t sure anymore. There was a pretty long line to get in, but William pushed right through everyone, his 10 incher rock solid, bumping asses, and totally on display. The line of generic people hushed as he moved through them. Bill was hunting for a good-looking girl to fuck. Of the hundred or so people, he zoomed in on a decent-looking brunette. She knew she'd been chosen-- her pupils dilated and nipples got hard. She tried to look away as he approached, but went crazy with lust when she finally got a full view of him. He grabbed at his crotch while she feverishly groped his arms and pecs, then, without a word, they pushed out of the line, and tucked around a nearby corner. Bill started to fuck her, right there, in a nasty little alley, just three or four steps off the busy sidewalk where everyone was waiting. Flashes of flesh and clothing would briefly pop into view, writhing and whipping around, giving visual to the unmistakeable sounds of hungry sex audible just under the walla of the crowd. Watching the edge of the wall long enough it was easy to tell he was ramming her from behind, standing, pressing her up against the wall. To Billy, it was quite normal, I think. But to me and others keen to the show, it felt beyond surreal... A cheesy porno plot made real, right before a shocked audience's eyes. To the normal Joe, this would never even begin to take place, but with his model-boy, chiseled looks, his enormously pumped, muscular body, and his 10"-and-growing Magnum dick, all powered by his alpha cockiness and sex drive, this was an expected, regular event for Billy. A typical weeknight, really. After a solid 10 or so minutes, Billy was making his way back to the front door, still stuffing his deflating cock back in his pants. “Shit man, I fucking ruined her clothes.” I looked past Billy and saw her walking back to her friends, with her dress in rags, completely soaked with his cum and sweat. She could've been ashamed of herself, being so openly and quickly dominated and fucked, but instead, wore her fucked-up hair as a trophy. Her friends were asking all about it and him-- they envied her! Wow. What the fuck was going on? He was a total dick to this random bar chick and she still wanted more. Billy was ready to go inside and didn’t give a shit about the line. He pushed to the front and I noticed none of the doormen made moves to stop him. I was pulled inside right behind Bill, but I quickly moved off to the side for a second, so I could adjust to the loud, dark nightclub. My mind was still reeling from the previous 20 minutes, and I was still in shock over the stuff with Billy in the truck. Shake it off. **** While Bill was being showered with attention, I sat at the bar and ordered a beer. Sipping at it and getting lost in thought, someone patted me on the shoulder. Turning around I saw Nick looking down at me, over and between his pecs; his wifebeater left nothing to the imagination, helping to show off their size and symmetry. He squinted his eyes at me before shouting over the noise, “Hey girls! The music critic is finally gracing us with his presence!" In an instant whirlwind, I was thrust into the center of Nick’s ‘friends'-- people whose lives were spent in his shadow, agreeing with any stupid bullshit thing that came out of his mouth. The "yes" crowd. But, man, he certainly did have a lot of these ‘friends.' “I come in peace, Nick,” I yelled over the music, trying to sound cool. “You have to, bro. Joe, tell him what happened to the last… critic." Joe was the original bandleader, the alpha, the number one, the rising star, before Nick’s unexplainable growth. Now, he was a zombie like the others. “Haha! All I remember was him having his mouth too full to talk any shit, right Nick?” The laughed. “Yeah, dude, his face was fuckin hilarious!! But, he -was- begging for it, wasn’t he girls?” All the chicks swooned in agreement. “Tooootally,” said one punk girl as she patted and ran her fingers along Nick's cock bulge. It had to be a full moon! Two muscle-monster roommates of mine, basically threatening to rape me on the same day! Nick adjusted his cock to help it snake down his leg while the punk groupies rubbed him. It grew obscenely large, incredibly quickly. Two other girls were feeling him from behind, cupping at his pecs, squeezing his bis, but none of that stopped him from glaring down at me with a sneer. He flared his muscular back and the two babes gasped and moaned as they continued feeling him up. Hands were everywhere, dwarfed by his frame. It made me suddenly realize, as he flexed, that he'd grown so massive, he now rivaled most pro bodybuilders I'd seen pictures of! He was wearing some kind of purple dark unitard beneath the white wifebeater-- clothes only a Mexican luchador would choose-- clothes that managed to make every line of his growing cock and thick-ass legs stand out with a bright, glowing shine. He was looking like a glam-ish version of Conan, the Barbarian. He was just plain huge. Everyone looked like children next to his 6’5", thick, broad frame. “Show time! Means, time for you to go, critic!" He shoved me away, with a wink. "Later, you gotta tell me what you think of my show!" As could be expected for a band called "Roid Rage," their show was a bunch of guys torturing instruments and insulting their audience. It couldn't even be classified as thrash metal. It was just noise, a very loud noise, created just to deafen any ear. Of course, the primary focus of their stage show was Nick, lit by spots, destroying a guitar and yelling at a microphone. His guitar was a cheap piece of crap because it wouldn’t survive that night. By my side was an older guy, an odd figure amidst the clubgoers. He was entranced by the spectacle. and when Nick ripped off his sweaty wifebeater, this guys eyes practically burst into cartoony dollar signs. Apparently, he was a low-life unsuccessful music producer. Needless to say, he quickly became Nick's producer, but thankfully, and just as quickly, he faded into the background, becoming just another sex slave, worshiping at the altar of Nick's neverending growth. But, for the moment, he was just another guy who couldn’t tear his eyes away from Nick’s crotch. I realized that I had lost track of Bill, and he was nowhere to be seen. He was probably off fucking some girl(s). Some stupid lucky hoes. Some pretty, titty, trashy tramps that... weren't... me. Huh. Was I actually pissed that he was off long-dickin some gutter skanks when he should really be fucking me? Did I fall that hard for him, or, shit... them... that fast? Fuck!! My dick was sprung imagining Billy and Nick just destroying some faceless bar whores, but my heart was aching in an ugly jealousy that it wasn't me being banged unconscious by the two godly studs. Their lives were suddenly heavenly-- like twin white-hot suns, scorching to ash everything they looked upon. It made me think of Kafka’s Metamorphosis; it was about a twenty-something guy turning into a repulsive, very fragile giant cockroach. Enduring this transformation took everything he had. He survived, only to die in the end from hunger and loss, abandoned by all, even his family. It was a fucking sad story. Really. But here, it was the complete opposite-- it was Kafka antimatter! Each day, these boys were getting more and more appealing to everyone around them... Forcing a kind of pervasive mob-mentality onto the throngs of slack-jawed groupies, brain-washing them all into living for one thing, and one thing only, the worship of their bodies-- their muscles, their enormous biceps and pecs and quads-- their unchecked egos, their alpha male monster cocks, their insatiable appetites. Each day, their power and control grew, and their true prime alpha status became more and more obvious. And, stuck at ground zero? Little ol me. I've been forced to watch this whole... ascension... from the very beginning! I couldn’t hold in my own shameless desires for Nick and Billy any longer. Each day, I felt would finally be the day where I crumble and give in to my lust. My addiction was becoming harder and harder to feed. Sometimes, I'd find myself hiding in some cramped corner in the garage just to watch Bill work out. I couldn’t stop thinking about the fact that tomorrow they will actually be bigger. Bill's musings in the truck that day started to dominate my thoughts: when it will stop? Will it stop? What if they turn into giants, fucking and devouring everything in sight? They weren't anywhere near that point yet, but, my god, these boys were pushing all the right envelopes already. The sound of Nick obliterating his guitar ripped me out of my reverie. His massive frame filled my vision, abuptly interrupted by someone handing me a thick blunt. I glanced briefly at the generous club-goer, shrugged, and took a nice, long, suffocating hit. Nick was moving into a hard double-bi pose, his hips thrust forward, showing off that mouth-watering monster cock. It was just there, on full display under his sprayed-on skinny jeans. The crowd went wild with the sound of the guitar screaming as Nick jerked its dangling strings like some bitch's hair he was holding in place to slap with his dick. The high from the pot helped me finally realize that everyone in this nightclub was sharing the same nasty fantasies I was. We all wanted, minimum, to feel Nick’s iron muscles. Some were even shamelessly begging at Nick's feet, high up on the stage, while others were desperately fighting those insane urges. The latter few were the most amusing to watch; big dudes who thought of themselves as alpha males, realizing in shame that they all utterly paled in comparison to Nick. The deafening band was horrible, but Nick didn't need anything to command the respect of the club. In the center of the screeching noise, I could just make out a devouring kind of energy being evoked; it was chaotic like a hurricane and destructive like a tsunami. I had never heard anything like that. The interesting part of this metaphor was that Nick, essentially in the eye of the storm, was actually fueling the whole hurricane on stage. He spun and whipped, full of energy, full of muscle and veins, swollen and pumped like hell. And, suddenly, a pulse of light and thump of bass was the last… whatever this was. I found myself thinking the show was actually way too short. Everyone shouted and begged for more, but the band-- Nick-- didn’t give a shit. I was gasping for air like everyone in the club when I felt an unnatural, roaring heat behind me. I wavered a bit on my feet and bumped straight into something painfully hard and massive. I turned to figure out what the hell piece of furniture was suddenly behind me only to be shocked that the mass was fuckin Bill’s quad. I looked up at him, reeling, "Hey-hi, Bill! Uh... Where were you?” “Backstage. Fucking some twins." He said it so blasé. “Oh… uh..." I quickly understood why he was so hot-- I mean, his body temperature. You get the idea. Some other girls came to talk to Bill, but he just shoved them away, "Let’s go find Nick!” he said as he took my arm and pulled me backstage. We pushed through the decorations and people and I was stopped in my tracks. There, in the middle of everything and everyone, was Nick, sprawled on a ratty couch, getting his beautiful, giant cock worked over by an absolutely on point blonde hottie. He drained his beer and hurled it at the nearest wall. It exploded in glass, just adding to the nearly impassible layers of debris on the floor. Cans, glass, scraps of food and clothes, cigarette butts, baggies... all manner of shit made me scared to move for fear of falling on my face and catching hep-C. But, then Nick spotted me. “So, critic! I've been waiting all night! How many stars?” People went quiet when Nick spoke. Everyone looked at me. I had no words when Nick stood up, the blond still sucking his cock. He grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her off his tool. I could see in her eyes that she wanted to be treated like that. Every girl in this room wanted to be Nick’s whore. He casually tucked his huge hard cock inside the weird glam fatigued leotard he'd changed in to. “Answer me!" I jumped. “It... Uh... It was chaotic, like a hurricane. Destructive, like a tsunami." Everyone looked back at Nick, waiting for his reaction. Bill was the only one chuckling. “That’s a good one… I like it!" Nick said, thoughtfully. “Good review. You're safe, for tonight.” It hurt my pride, but I said, “thanks.” I was spared the public humiliation of being forced to deep throat Nick's amazing cock, but I had conflicting feelings about it. He fell back onto the couch and resumed his private sex show. I left before he changed his mind about publicly raping my throat. (to be continued ... )
  5. NYBear


    I Begin... This has been coming for over 3 months now. Every time he is there, I can't take my eyes off of him. I know he sees me, but I don't care and oddly enough, it seems, neither does he. He is the largest and most incredible looking man I have ever seen. He is so thick with muscle that you'd think that he could barely move, but he is incredibly agile. He is limber and he stretches better than most. It's as if he has the accelerated body of a gymnast, with huge balloon-like muscles, but he's cut and inhuman looking like a Superhero. He literally looks like one of those morphed guys that you see online on the Muscle Growth sites, but he's made of real flesh and blood. All of the woman and some men fawn over him like bees to honey, but when I'm there, it seems his attention is on me, just as much as my attention is on him. It's uncanny, but I feel he is there just for me. He is an Asian man, but I'm not sure what ethnicity, nor do I care. He is simply marvelous: Dark wavy hair, hairless skin like bronzed butter with intense features and a square jawline. Piercing ocean blue eyes and deep red, plump, delicious looking lips. His upper arms are at least 30 inches around and his forearms alone must be 20 inches thick. His chest is like a pair of life preservers made of steel, with nipples that are brownish and as big as a baby's pacifier, that hang down due to the weight of his massive pec muscles. He never wears a shirt, mainly and honestly, because I don't know of one that would fit him. He even comes outside shirtless, even in the winter and it's as if the weather doesn't even phase him. He's always in skintight shorts, of various colors, so he must change them. Normally shorts of that size, I'm guessing at least a 5XL, would hang loosely on anyone else, but on him they literally look painted on, and that's not just an expression. You can see every muscle move under those shorts...EVERY muscle! His ass is as large as small suitcase with two huge basketball rocks for buttocks. His shorts are pulled so tight across them that there is an open gap where his ass-crack begins, that would easily fit a hand down in it loosely, letting you see the beginning of paradise. The front of his shorts is obscene even beyond porn standards, with his package protruding at least 8 inches out from his body and hanging about the same 8 inches down between his legs. The mound is filled with a cock that stretches the fabric around it leaving nothing to the imagination and the visibly lined head actually rests below the largest balls of immense glory I have ever witnessed. His thighs are, each, larger than a Great Dane's torso in which with each step or movement of them shows the muscle cords through his bronze translucent skin. But his legs are, other than a small tuft of black hair under his arms, the most prominent area of his body that has a thin layer of hair running over it. In fact, actually there only a trace, though It's not noticeable until the light hits it just right, of a smooth field of golden fur covering his body, so even though he looks smooth as silk, he is covered in micro hair. I have come to realize he does not shave. Yes, I have noticed him and studied him that closely, but from afar. You would think that he would be gawked at or even made fun of, but everyone just treats him normal, albeit if normal was acting like schoolgirls meeting the high school quarterback. No one challenges him and no one gets too close to him, but everyone knows about him, and most are drawn to him. Me? Well....there is no doubt that I'm drawn to him, but here's the thing, I should mention that I'm not gay, or I don't think I am, but I honestly, since I can't get him out of my head, I just don't know anymore. I've looked at other guys, big muscular guys, just to see if I'm attracted to them, but...well...I don't think so. Sure, I appreciate them and, I'm sure due to him, I would love to feel their power, but it's more of an idol/worship thing than it is sexual in nature. With him? I'm guessing all bets are off, because from the very moment I see him, my cock is so hard it hurts. When he is around, my workout feels amazing. The pump I get is more than any other time I workout when he's not near me. Is it because I want to impress him or is it something else? When I'm near him, I have gained more muscle and strength, faster than ever. I literally have gone from a middle-aged plump man to a well-toned muscled, contest ready bodybuilder...and it's all happening within the last 3 months, since I've seen him. As well, I think even my cock had grown an inch or two as it was thicker in my hand and to pump it, I could now use 2 hands. Also, every time he is there, like I said about getting so rock hard, I have no choice but to beat off in the showers. It's uncontrollable. I literally don't care about anything else, just getting that feeling. It's a feeling that is beyond a regular orgasm. It's as if, when I cum, I go to another plane of existence. The moment the water hits me, I get hard as ever as I feel a power course through me that drives me mad with ecstasy. My orgasms are doubled in intensity and the amount of cum in me has tripled, as I paint the shower walls and then still in a type of sexual frenzy, I lick them and myself clean of my cum. The taste of my cum only makes me hornier in a vicious cycle that I can't escape. Sometimes, even one orgasm isn't enough, as I shoot 2 or 3 times until I empty my newly larger ample nuts. I can't explain the feeling inside me when he is around me. I'm totally energized, horned up beyond belief, stronger than normal and I feel I could fuck a hole through a wall. It's as if his mere presence changes me. Last week, he talked to me and told me how proud he was of my growth in size and strength just in the past few months. He touched my shoulder and an electric feeling of power and strength that ran through me almost made me pass out. Visions soared inside me and I looked up at him as I sat on the weight bench and that is when I knew I was his. He knew it was well as he passed to me, in that moment of touch, everything to get me ready for what was too come. All he said to me was, "Soon". I had no idea what he meant, but at the touch of his hand and his word, I got harder than I had ever been almost immediately. In fact, I shot a small load inside my shorts without even trying. I worked out for 4 hours that night, with a hard on that would not ebb, until the gym was almost empty. What the fuck kind of power does this man have over me, I thought, but at the same time, I didn't care. I wanted more. I went to get a drink of water and got up the courage to go and talk to him, but he was gone. I continued to workout for about another hour and then I went to take a shower. Since my hard on would not go down, I... well, let's just say I got a few strange looks, but a couple of the looks were of a definite interest which only made me hornier. What the fuck? I was getting sexually aroused by the other guys. One of the guys actually said to me that I was totally fuckable as he grabbed my rock-hard ass after I had stripped down in the locker room. I quickly put on my towel, but at the same time I wanted him to continue to touch me. In fact, I could feel the precum leaking out of my cock under my towel as hand continued to fondle me. I excused myself by saying , "Soon" (Hmm, that was odd) and I walked to the showers. As, I passed another guy, in his shower stall, drying off, I stopped when I heard him gasp and mutter under his breath, "Fuuuckkkk me, daddy". I noticed how thick and muscled he was (which I barely ever would have done before) and I smirked at him as I took off my towel, playfully revealing my hard muscled body and rock-hard dripping cock. He responded by licking his lips at me and looking around as if to see if anyone was watching. "Wanna wack off?" was all he said and honestly, a few months ago, I would have been appalled and disgusted, but now, I'm sure because of my Asian God, I welcomed the man's advances and I desired to stick my cock down his throat or up his ass. As we both began the ritual, I looked down the shower stall hallway to see the ass groper and another hot well hung black man, watching me as I stepped into the stall, I turned on the water and didn't close the curtain. Both men were hard as rock and seemingly not the bit worried about anyone else that might have seen us. In fact, all 4 of us felt like the world was only us at the moment and no one else mattered. The second the water touched my body, I shot a large wad of precum out into the shower stall hallway, and I heard the black man say, "Fuck, did you see that?" to the ass groper. I looked over at my other admirer and he was jacking his cock like a fucking rabid animal. His body was hairy and thick with muscle and his cock was very thick with full ripe balls that yearned to explode their cum. There was no doubt that I yearned for him, but I felt he yearned for me even more and that was even more of a turn on. I wanted to fuck him and fill him with my cum. I wanted him to eat my ass and suck my cock. I wanted to own him. In fact, I wanted all 3 of them. I needed them to worship me. I felt a new power inside of me. It was a power of dominance and control. I was the Alpha and these...these things...were mine to use and control. My level of excitement rose in tornado of desire as I began to jack my cock as well. Using both my hands which didn't entirely cover my shaft, I pumped at him like I was going to fire my cannon across the hallway to put him through the back wall. He was definitely impressed by my body and the look on his face was the most incredible look of yearning for someone that I had ever seen. He began to moan loudly as we fist fucked ourselves. The other two men couldn't care less about being discreet as they came over, standing outside of my admirer's stall and fist pumped their own cocks. The sounds of masturbation rang through the stalls and locker room. The wet slapping of skin and the intense crazed moans of a fire that was unrelenting coursed through us. My main focus was on my shower admirer, but I could also hear the satisfied and yearning moans of the other two men as they joined in harmony. The feeling of one of my new super orgasms was quickly rising and I yelled to them that I was close, pointing with my free hand for the three of them to kneel in front of me. Without hesitation, he bolted out of his stall and the other two joined him, reaching me with a fervor I had never seen before as they knelt, with a bang on the tile floor, in front of me. Their mouths opened and I plunged my cock deep in my admirer, just in time for my first huge eruption ever into a man. At that very moment, I knew I was gay. I had always known it, but never accepted it. Now I relished it. He tried, but he could not take the amount of cum that was jettisoning out of me into his mouth. He swallowed as fast as he could, moaning like a cow as my pearl white jizz ran out of the side of his mouth and down onto his furry chest rug. Both the other men began lapping up the excess cum from his chin and mouth. Then in response, he began to buck his hips as volley after volley of cum shot out of his cock coating my legs and feet. As I continued to cum in my loyal subject, I opened my eyes as I welcomed the site of both Ass groper and the black man standing in front of our stall as they too were cumming aIl over each other. After we all had expelled our cum for that round, I motioned for the other two men to join me in my stall and for the next 2 hours more cum was ingested and impregnated into my loyal subjects than I thought I was able to produce. I must have cum at least 8 times, each time with only a slight less of an amount. By the eighth orgasm I was cumming like that of a normal man. All 3 of these normally macho, viral muscle studs were completely under my spell, like my own little piglets. Oddly, a spell that I never knew I had the power of, but now I had an abundance. I was now a changed man, no, I wasn't a man any longer. I was a God and I could have most any man I wanted. I knew it. I felt it. My Asian God had given me a gift that was the most amazing gift a man could possess. That night, I went to a gay bar for the first time, and I must have fucked, either orally or anally, about 15 men. My cum production never stopped, either. The next day, I didn't see my Asian God, but I could literally, feel him everywhere I went: At the restaurant, at the bank, at work, and then especially at the gym. I had sex 14 times that day, once with the busboy, 3 cooks and 3 waiters at the restaurant I went to for lunch, twice with my boss at work and once again with the bank manager. I was their Alpha and they were my subjects. As well with each one, my power inside grew as I did as well on the outside. By the end of the day, my clothes were so tight that I decided to talk (or rather fuck the gym manager) into letting me work out in the gym after it had closed. Without any disturbance from subjects or without the confines of clothing, I worked out nude, cumming all over in the gym as I lifted. Then it happened. I felt myself changing again...but not just physically. As I was taking my shower for the night, I felt him. He was inside me now, but not literally. He was in the shower stall next to me and I practically blacked out when I first felt him. It was when I came the first time. He never said anything out loud, but inside me, as I continued to masturbate, without having control of myself, I felt him. My screams of euphoria filled the building. I think I must have had an orgasm 5 times in that shower in about 15 minutes. Finally, I felt his orgasmic hold on me leave my body and I turned off the water and collapsed on the floor. When I regained some my strength a few moments later, I opened the curtain and left my stall. Instinctively, I opened his shower curtain 2 showers down and there he was. He was even bigger than I had seen him a few days prior. He had been bent over to hide himself from my sight before, but now he stood up. He was well over 8 feet tall, and I would have guessed around 600lbs of pure muscle. His cock was beyond immense, being at least 16" long and 10 inches thick, and he was not hard. I thought to myself of a few days ago, as I gazed at him in servitude, "You touched me and..." He interrupted my thought and said out loud, "Your Welcome" and smiled. His voice literally shook the building. Then he motioned for me to come closer to him. He kissed the top of my head and even though I was an Alpha to anyone else that would have crossed my path, I was the loyal subject when it came to him. I was his servant. I was his little piglet. He held my head and softly raised it up to look deep into the eyes. No... into my soul. Then, this colossal, 600lb, 8-foot giant then picked up my, now, 290lb body, by my head, as if I were a feather, to meet his gaze directly across from him. As I looked into his blue horizon, a warmth came over me and I shivered with joy as I knew I was finally meeting...my maker. He didn't even have to squeeze my head, to hold me up, as it was a light touch with no pain at all inside me, just an incredible warmth. I knew my feet had left the floor, but I wasn't afraid for falling back down. Instead, it felt euphoric. I felt as if he were to let me go, I would simply float in front of him. The most amazing part though was that I felt his power coursing through me. I felt his inhuman strength and his calmness of purity and truth. I felt like I was in a constant state of orgasm, but it something that was sustainable. A controlled euphoria. I still felt human, but more than that. I knew my body was now superhuman and that of a God, but now, with his touch, inside my mind and my soul, I felt myself progressing to all knowing and omnipotent. Man was no longer and would never again be a threat to me. Like him, I knew that I would never die. I would never get sick. I would never again feel pain. As he changed me, he not only improved me, but he cleansed me. He didn't say a word. He didn't have to tell me what I was becoming. I knew...and also, I knew my place. I knew he had chosen me and only me. I knew I was to learn from him. Yes, the gym was empty, and it was only he and I, but honestly, we could have been in Times Square, and wouldn't have mattered. It was only us. We at that moment were the only true beings in the world. If you would have been there and seen us, our light would have blinded you, but not harmed you. This world, our world was gone for that time. I was in another realm, his realm. He let go of my head and I literally floated down onto my feet. He told me with his eyes to obey his every thought as my journey was far from over. I knelt in front of him at the precise moment that he thought for me to kneel in my mind. I did as I was told. I don't know how, but I knew where this is going, and I welcomed it. I yearned for it. He is a God and, even though I would now be considered a God in the eyes of most, I was still insignificant. He was all that matters. Soon, I will learn. Soon I will join him as an equal. Soon...I will become.
  6. This is the first story I ever posted to the forum, enjoy! Raijin: First Comes the Lightning Raijin "The God of Thunder Thighs" they call me that and for good reason too! While I may not be Japanese, I am a professional bodybuilder who is VERY well known for his insane leg development. Well...that and my name is Raymond which I have to say isn't the best basis for a nick name but whatever; it seems you aren't a well-respected pro unless you have a nickname right? Well, all that aside, while I do love having legs as freaky and developed as I do, I just want to get my fucking upper half to match them... Imagine my excitement when my work out partner, another professional bodybuilder, John told me he had gotten his hands on some really powerful drugs that cause growth near instantly! Well John, god bless him, has been trying anything and everything he can get a hold of to get to my level. Now don't get me wrong the man is a beast nay a god amongst normal men but then again the company he keeps, such as myself, are not your average men. Neither of us is Mr. Olympia though we do aspire for that title but John's legs are a little lacking, at least compared to mine heh. I assume this is why he workouts with me instead of solo or with another pro, I mean I make sure that bastard pushes himself on leg day and he does the same for me the rest of the time. So I headed to the gym which I was not surprised to find empty aside from John and I, it was late Thursday night after all. Now call me cocky, arrogant, or whatever the fuck you want but when it comes to gym time for me I always have my posers on underneath a pair of shorts that are a size...or three...small for my massiveness. To quote the all wise Mel Brooks "If ya got it, flaunt it!” Well that and I love to give John a hard time showing off my legs plus it seems to push him to do better during his workouts. I look around a bit and find John in the yoga aka posing room with his duffel bag and the biggest shit eating grin I've even seen on the man which is saying a lot. "It's about fucking time you showed up Rai!" "...it's damned near midnight, 'miracle serum' or not I need my beauty sleep." John grinned ever larger putting the Cheshire Cat to shame. "And with your face you really do, careful you don't bust the mirrors in here." ...yes we have that type of "friendship". Call it rivalry or the fact both of us are assholes but we both know we can trust the other for anything. "John you asshole just show me the shit would ya." "Ya, ya keep your man panties on." John goes to his duffel and brings back two shots filled with a substance I can only describe as a mixture between tar and coffee grounds. He describes to me his sponsor had gotten his hands on a few vials of this mystery shit that was supposed to be in beta testing but actually does all the shit the ads in the muscle magazines "promise" they do. Now since we are such best buds and his sponsor is hoping I will jump ship from the company I play poster boy for to theirs (fat chance but if this works...) they made sure to give enough to John for the both of us to use as good will gift. John is adamant that I go first which I find strange but eh, fuck it I don't have much to lose and a lot of mass to gain! As he puts a syringe back into the duffel I peel my shorts and posers down far enough for John to put the needle into my ample cheeks. As he performs the injection I exclaim. "Holy shit man is this Icy Hot or something? This crap feels like its burning my ass from the inside while I'm sitting on a friggin' block of ice!" John chuckles like the ass he is and calls me a bitch, again like the asshole he is. "...I'll show you who the bitch is..." I mutter. He laughs and gives me a hearty slap on the ass to tell me he's finished. I turn around and ask him when does the growth start, why didn't he take the first shot, and if he wanted me to give him his now but all he does is point to the wall mirrors and tells me to look. Putting it out of my mind I turn around and stare at the mirrors in anticipation. While waiting I take stock of John and myself. As I’ve said, I'm bottom heavy as all fuck almost like I spent my life trying to defy the chicken leg stereotype though I can thank good ol' genetics, tenacity, and steroids to getting physique to its current level. John, while not having anything unique like my legs or the giant arms or barn door wide shoulders some others pros have, is stuck with only a "merely average" (as he puts it, the self-deprecating git) physique. Which in this case, is near perfect symmetry and proportions with enough mass to put most body builders to shame. I may have calves with such a large muscle connection that I may as well have cankles, calves wide enough to doom me to wearing either shorts or clown pants exclusively, thighs so wide and with such a sweep to make jeans and non-personally tailored pants a nightmare, an ass big enough to nearly require a federally mandated "wide load" sign; but I would kill for John's "merely average" proportions. (And if you tell him, god help you, you and I will have some nice short words "punchtuated" for emphasis.) What the hell do you expect from thighs measuring a little over forty inches each, cold & in competition shape, and calves that would challenge any major league quarter back to handle correctly? Aside from my near cartoonish legs I'm not too shabby with the rest but it just doesn't compare to my redwoods. Shit I'd be Mr. Olympia if both halves were even. As I am lost in thought I decide it would be in my best interest to strip down to my posers as I see no reason to possibly shred my clothes and so I can see all of my coming glory without anything in the way; but I only make it to taking off my shoes before I feel the first kick. I gasp as I feel what I can only describe as a full body pump taken to almost euphoric levels. John chuckles as I stand up and can't help let loose a small moan. I stare in the mirror in amazement and watch my chest puff up like I'm inhaling ever more air. My shoulders slowly widen, causing John to take a few steps to the side and make some room. I can feel my back push both backwards and outwards as it rises my arms slowly forward. My arms! My god my arms! I can see and feel the cables of sinew lengthening, expanding, and thickening in my forearms. My forearms have never had that proper Popeye look but now would put the spinach swilling fool to shame. My biceps were getting ever fuller and rounder by the second looking now like a full moon dominating the horizon. Now my triceps have swollen to the point my mind cannot comprehend how that much mass is able to hang onto my body and yet have the density of steel or better. My shirt is straining to restrict my bulk, so with a chuckle I do a most muscular and watch it burst into a pile of rags. John, whose attention I had this whole time, laughs and applauds for this display of might. I was about to start a side chest pose to give my burgeoning magnificence the display and attention it oh so, so, deserves when I finally pay attention to the changes happening to my legs. I'm dumbfounded that I hadn't heard the threads snapping out of my shorts sooner but they are made of a stretchier fabric than my shirt. Despite the ill-fitting nature of them initially they just now have busted enough to let my legs breath. Heh, with the remnants being what can only be called a kilt I decide that this won’t do, grab the waist band, and rip them off in one motion. Which is immediately followed by clapping from the peanut gallery standing next to me. Now that I can see my legs on full display I’m rendered speechless. "GOD DAMN IT!" I yell "FUCK!" I exclaim. For all the growth the rest of my body did my legs still VASTLY outmatch the rest of me! My calves have grown so fucking monstrous that my socks have been pushed down to my ankles. I've had to adjust my stance to such a degree I can't believe I didn't consciously notice till now due to my quads thickened to the point my knees are damned well near swallowed by their mass. I mean Christ, aside from my chest being too big to do so in the first place, I still wouldn’t be able to see my feet from how fucking thick my quads are I look down now! And yet somehow my calves are still rubbing all over each other despite my severely widened stance. "Ha ha ha." I look into the side mirror and see my hamstrings are so thick that I doubt I can really sit down again and with my legs this fucking thick I practically have a built in seat now anyways. Speaking of a seat, my ass has grown to an astronomic if not cosmically thick level. My lats are so now so thick I can't lower my arms even if forced but not even it was thick enough to rival my immense ass. My legs are so thick now it looks I have my chest underneath pelvis twice over. "Hahahha." Frankly it looks like my poser has been swallowed into the abyss that is my pelvis but at least my junk grew more too....a lot more....just how big is it now and how the hell are my posers on still anyways? I mean between what looks like two pumpkins on one side and a very large and very irate squirrel stuffed into the other side. And.... "Hahahahahahaha!" "AND WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU LAUGHING AT Y-....!" I try to turn around to yell at John, the bodybuilding hyena, but that's just it "I tried". As I turned my quads, my calves, and well, my everything, just got into the way of well...it self and I landed flat onto my excessively ample ass. Shit I'm used to a waddle or swagger but this is fucking ridiculous. "Hahaha well I'm laughing at you Rai. Who would have guessed gaining what looks like another hundred plus pounds of muscle would get a guy famous for his big ass legs to get them even bigger. Surprise, surprise!" ".....JOHN YOU ASSHOLE HELP ME THE FUCK UP WOULD YOU!?!?" I yell at the top of my lungs fuming and thrashing the whole time to try to get back up onto my feet, but I just can't not get my legs to interfere with themselves. John, while still laughing, reached for both of my hands to help me get into a squat position so I could try to stand up. Right then I heard a very loud snap and a crack, at first I was fearful it was my bones but I notice a breeze from the AC on my ass. I look over and see that my posers have snapped off with such force it cracked one of the mirrors. "Mother FUCKER!" I yell as I try to stand up quickly but in my haste I just end up back on the ground like a roided out turtle stuck on his back. "'....hahaha, Rai seriously man you need to take this seriously and stop making this so fucking funny!" I give John a death glare which doesn't silence his laughter but it at least gets him to help. "Haha ok, ok, here Rai all you need to do is stretch your legs a bit and get used to them I bet. Here I'll even help, seeing I'm such a nice guy and all!" "John. You, a “nice guy”? You got me into this in the first place!" John stops laughing and looks at me straight in the eye. "You came here, you asked for the shot, and you wanted the results. You got more than expected but I am not fully to blame and you damn well know it." He smiles again and says "Ok now stop your bitching and let's start stretching!" With that he gets onto the ground and picks up my legs from the ankles and pushes my knees into my chest. He puts all his weight onto my feet pressing my knees firmly into my chest. I can barely see anything aside his head with my legs dominating my entire field of vision. "Look man I don't think this is going to work...and this feels weird to me what with my being NUDE and you most likely going to try and cop a feel." John puts my feet on his shoulders and looks at me. "Ya and what do propose we do huh? Neither of us have anything you can wear." He slaps my calves and thighs to prove his point. "Be a man about it and stop being an insecure twat." "...fine." As he keeps putting his weight onto my legs trying to limber them up I can't help but stare at them. I hadn't gotten this close of a look till now. The lines in my quads are so deep and thick it reminds me of the Grand friggin' Canyon. My quad's tear had to come from Goliath to be that size...but now that I outsize even him the description sorta falls flat. Christ, the fact I can't see anything but my quads, calves, and John's head didn't hit me till just now how immense they've gotten. I can't help but be impressed and admittedly a little aroused from my growth though I bet the extra testosterone from my even larger balls isn’t helping. "Haha looks like you're getting excited! Heh, you're even blushing about it. You know for such a stud and now god amonstg men you really are a cute softie aren't ya?" "Wait, what?" With that I heard a rustling noise from what I assume is John's bag.....fuck he can't be.... "Hm? I'm just thinking out loud Rai nothing else." With that I feel a pressure and heat on my ass. I start to move and try to get away from what I can only assume to be John's dick. (Christ I didn't know he was that large...wait why the fuck am I thinking this?) "Ah,ah, ah, big man hold up right there!" He raises his hand into my severely limited field of vision and I see he has another syringe with that black goop that started this mess. "Now Rai what did you think was going to happen eh? Friends we are but you swaggering your giant luscious ass all this time to mess with me, and now that your ass is the fucking Holy Grail of muscle holes do you think I'm going to not take advantage? You're going to cooperate or I'm going to make it so you will NEVER be able to walk again. You'll get so big all you can do is be a circus freak, now let’s have some fun big man." With that said John slaps my ass and smiles. I feel something very large and warm press hard on my ass. I hear a loud and wet sounding pop and I gasped...
  7. Austinevenson42

    The King of the Nerds

    The King of the Nerds Have you ever felt just like everyone else, if not worse? Like there wasn’t anything inherently special about you? Yeah, that perfectly described me… My name is Kyle and I was you average nerdy college senior just trying to get through life. I only felt truly at home with my friends in the comic book and gaming club at the school, especially Jenny and Tom. The other aspects of college, like partying, drinking, or sex, were so foreign to me. Yes, you heard me right, I was still a virgin at 21. Embarrassing, I know, but don’t worry, I know why you’re here, and my life was about to completely change for the better. So, sit back, relax, do what you need to do, and learn about the day that I was transformed from your average little nerd, into the king of the nerds. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- “Hey Kyle, so what are your plans for this Spring Break?” asked Jenny. “I’ve actually been meaning to catch up on Super Mario Odyssey, but not much else other than that,” I replied. “I feel that, I need to catch up on Horizon Zero Dawn,” Tom said as he smiled at me. Oh Tom, I had such a major crush on him. Ever since freshmen year I wanted to tell him how I felt, but either he had no interest in men, or, like me, he was in the closet. Sometimes I even thought he might have been interested in Jenny, but he was definitely too much of a wuss to even make a move on her even if he was straight. I was never even sure what Jenny might have thought of us, whether she was waiting for either of us to make some sort of move on her, or if she had absolutely no interest in us. She claimed to have “had boyfriend in high school,” but I was pretty sure that we were all virgins. Sad, right? Three nerds, probably interested in each other, but too chicken or scared to do anything about it. “Well guys, that’s my mom, I’ll see you this Saturday for the gaming convention!” I said with a lot of enthusiasm. Since the start of the semester I had been looking forward to this convention. Even though we all lived far away from each other when we weren’t at school, this would be a chance for all of us to hang out outside of school. I was really scared to be sharing a hotel room with Tom, but it was okay, everything was going to work out for the best, I was sure of that. Jenny added, “We are just going to meet at the hotel, right?” “That’s the plan, but don’t be late like usual Kyle!” replied Tom. As I got in the car I responded with some laughter. A part of me felt like he was flirting with me, so I needed to get out of that situation before I started blushing. My mom and I both waved and she drove off. I felt so embarrassed, here I was, wishing I was with Tom so badly, and I could do nothing about it. My excuse was that I didn’t want to risk messing up our friendship by asking him out, but that was a lie. Even if we weren’t friends, I just couldn’t make a move. But, this wasn’t the time to think about this, I was going to enjoy my spring break. Like I planned I got to play a lot of video games during the break, but what happened later was nothing I could have ever predicted. I couldn’t shake my feelings for Tom on any day of the week. Every now and then they would come up again, reminding me that I didn’t have the guts to even find out if he was gay. What made matters worse was that on Friday I just had this horrible head ache. It seemed that the more I thought about him, the worse it got, as crazy as that sounds. I decided to actually go to bed early that night, as my head ache seemed to have transitioned into really annoying body aches. I was actually getting a little scared that I might be too sick tomorrow to even go the convention… Yet, when I woke up, I felt better than ever. My body felt a little heavy, and I initially seemed a little disoriented, but I honestly felt great. Normally I go to bed late, so I think the extra hours might have really done me some good. Oh, how wrong I was! Before I got out of bed I removed the sheets off of me, revealing the body of a chiseled Greek sculpture. I was so amazed at the sight of my body, my mouth was locked wide open, in pure awe. I was a scrawny little guy, but somehow my body transformed to that of a sexy fitness model. I couldn’t believe it! I jumped out of bed and ran to the mirror across my room. Before even getting a better look at my muscles I noticed that I was even taller. I had been 5’8", an inch taller than Tom was, but I had to be about 6’0" now. Then, I started flexing my incredible physique. First, I played with my new massive pecs, which I could bounce and make even bigger. I felt them up for a little while as my nipples began to harden. Next, I noticed my abs, wow. I had rock hard six pack abs. It was so hot to touch each one, they were just like pure muscle. Then, I noticed my ripped biceps. It honestly looked like I had baseballs under my skin as I flexed them in every pose I could imagine. I used to have twigs for arms, and now that they had to be at least 16 or 17 inches. That’s when I noticed it, my erection, bigger than ever. There it was poking through my boxer briefs and in between my new tree trunk sized legs. I went to pull down my underwear to get a better look, but almost comically struggled to get them past my giant thighs. When I managed to get them off, I was greeted with a giant penis. It was significantly thicker than it was last night, and at least three or four inches longer than my old little 4-inch penis. I was so turned on, just looking at my reflection in the mirror, I knew that I had become a god. But, after a little more flexing, I wanted to try out how real these muscles were. I looked around my room for something heavy and then remembered how much my dad and uncle had struggled to bring in my mattress and big bed frame. I knelt down next to the bed, expecting to use ever muscle in my body to move this bed. Then, almost with pathetic ease, I raised the entire bed a few feet off the ground. Fuck, I was a monster. That was when my dick and I had had enough. I dropped the bed back where it was and decided to jerk off before I exploded. I sat on the floor in front of the mirror with my gigantic, sculpted back against my bed. I went to town on my cock, expecting to cum in a minute like I usually did, but this was a real man’s dick. Somehow, even though I was hornier and more turned on than I had ever been in my life, I stroked my cock for almost 20 minutes, with every second bringing me more and more pleasure. Seeing myself in the mirror, my muscles flexing as I stroked harder and harder, worked wonders to bring me to the edge. Then, cum exploded all over my abs, pecs, and face. It almost seemed like my dick wasn’t going to stop after almost a whole straight minute of pure ecstasy. I finally felt like I was no longer a boy, I was a man’s man, I was a sex god. I had the body that men only dreamt to have, one that would be able to get me anything I wanted. But, although my body was that of a man now, my mind had not changed. After a minute of heavy breathing my composure returned and I saw my cum covered reflection in the mirror. Despite looking like a hunk, I felt so embarrassed and disgusted with myself that I had just done that. Only someone so narcissistic would masturbate to their own reflection. I also imagined how horrified my parents and friends would be to see me like this. You don’t just become this ripped overnight, something had to be wrong with me. Yet, I didn’t have the time to deal with this if I was going to make it in time to the hotel. I couldn’t do anything about my change in height, and more mature looking face, but I could cover up the muscles. I threw on some massive sweats that just made it look like I was getting fat, grabbed the luggage I packed the night before, and ran to catch the nearby bus. Even with the sweats though, I could swear that I caught people staring at me. I was so embarrassed. I wasn’t used to any attention at all. The height was especially something I had to get used to, a lesson I quickly learned after hitting my head as I entered the bus. Luckily, the bus ride was somehow faster than I expected, and although I was 15 minutes late, it could have been worse. Plus, Jenny and Tom were right there waiting for me, albeit a little annoyed that I was so late. “Wow, who called it Jenny, who called it…” said Tom with a smirk. Jenny responded, as I approached them, “Wait a minute, Kyle, no way, did you somehow get taller in the past week?” With Tom also seemingly shocked, I panicked to think of any sort of response. Then, I blurred out, “I must have gone through some second puberty, apparently it isn’t totally uncommon.” Although I looked super awkward, and couldn’t even look them straight in the eyes, that was something I actually remember reading a while back. Either way they seemed to shrug it off even though they definitely thought that was a weird response and had no idea why I was wearing such large sweats. But, as we were getting the keys to the room Jenny would be staying in, and the one that Tom and I would be staying in, I started to notice that maybe the sweats weren’t as big as I thought. Although they were hiding most of my upper and lower body, they were actually pretty tight around my arms. If I even slightly flexed there was a chance they could rip, and that is exactly what happened. As we were all hanging out and laughing in my room before we were going out to the main floor of the hotel, my right bicep tore the sweatshirt. The room went silent as the seams ripped, revealing my chiseled arm. Jenny and Tom could not believe what they were looking at, as I quickly turned red, embarrassed that my secret was about to be revealed. No one knew what to say, and I had no idea what thoughts could be going through their minds. “Kyle…what happened to your arm…” Tom said, almost appearing worried. “Okay guys, if I am being honest with you, it wasn’t just my height that changed over the break,” I replied, feeling ashamed that I would have to reveal my secret to them. I took off the shirt to reveal my new hunky physique, with Jenny and Tom just staring in awe. “How is this possible Kyle? You went from having a normal body to looking like a bodybuilder or something” stated Jenny, who was unable to take her eyes off of all the various muscles. I felt so embarrassed just hearing that word, “bodybuilder,” to describe my body, along with the stares and attention from Jenny and Tom, it was all too much. I quickly ran to my luggage to get a shirt, but soon realized that they were all far too small for me. The biggest one I could find was a sleeveless tank top, showing off my massive chest. When I turned back around, it was obvious that both of them were staring at my pecs and arms, which just felt mortifying. With that said, I felt that I should also change my sweatpants, as I was actually beginning to sweat in them. But before I went to the bathroom, I probably needed to address what was going on. “Hey guys, can you stop staring at me, it’s kind of weird,” I said looking at both Jenny and Tom. Both of them then yelled out, “Sorry!” and went on their phones, almost as if they were being awoken from some kind of trance. I ran to the bathroom to change, but again had trouble taking off my sweaty boxer briefs. When I finally managed to, I threw on my new underwear and shorts, which didn’t do much to hide my bulge. I will say though that when I got a look at my body in the mirror, I couldn’t help but think that I looked very hot and sexy in this outfit. Tom and Jenny must have agreed that I looked good as when I walked out of the bathroom their jaws practically fell to the ground. After they managed to compose themselves we finally made it out of the room and on to the floor with all the sellers and gaming stations. As we walked around I couldn’t help but notice that a lot of people were staring at me. If we are being honest video game nerds and geeks tend to be skinny, fat, or borderline unhealthy. Both Jenny and Tom were a little more attractive than your average nerds facially, but their bodies were skinny in the way you’d expect a nerd to be—prior to today I was much the same. But, now with my new amazing muscular body, I might as well have been an alien. Some guys seem intimidated by me, while other people just seemed interested in looking me up and down. A part of me was kind of starting to like the attention, but at the same time I just wasn’t used to people looking at me like this. Either way, the three of us had a fun time walking around and getting dinner later, but I couldn’t help but think that the both of them were continually flirting with me, if not fighting for my undivided attention. At the end of the day we each headed back to our rooms, with Jenny giving us an extra key so that we could come over later if we got bored. I actually decided to grab a shower first, feeling a little sweaty from all this tight clothing I was wearing. As I hopped into the shower I thought I could hear some heavy breathing coming from outside the bathroom, but I just decided to ignore that. While I was in the shower though, I couldn’t help but get turned on from scrubbing each of my muscles with soap. In no time, I found myself playing with my cock as I rubbed my muscles, which eventually caused me to explode endless streams of cum over the shower wall. When I was done I quickly panicked to clean off all the cum, get out of the shower to towel off, and spray some air freshener so that the smell of cum wasn’t so obvious. That was when it hit me, I forgot to bring a pair of clothes into the bathroom. To make matters worse, the heavy breathing I had heard earlier seemed to have gotten louder. I was particularly afraid of Tom seeing me in just a towel, as I usually just changed in the bathroom anyways. Nonetheless, I barely managed to wrap the towel around my hips and left the bathroom. When I walked into the bedroom area, what I saw horrified me. Tom, who I guess didn’t hear me come out of the bathroom, was sitting on his bed with his pants and underwear down at his calves. With his right hand, he was he was rapidly stroking his cock, and with his left hand he was holding up my sweaty underwear and sweatpants from earlier up to his face. I didn’t know what to do, but when he finally heard me he put down the sweaty clothes to see me standing there. Then, before I could even say anything, the sight of my god like physique in just a towel all wet seemed to be enough to push him over the edge and make him cum. As Tom’s head fell back, his mouth opened wider, and his eyes rolled back, he whispered, “God Kyle, you look like a fucking sex machine now.” I didn’t know what to do, there was my best friend, who I had wanted for so long, practically worshipping me like I was some sort of god. Just my sight was enough to push him over the edge, his cum falling onto the floor. He went from seeing me as his best bud, to a piece of meat from which he could derive sexual pleasure from. As much as I was turned on, I was disgusted with myself, Tom, and the whole situation. I quickly threw on some clothes that barely fit and ran from the room. This wasn’t me, I wasn’t a hunk, I was a nerd. A week ago, nothing like this was even possible, I wasn’t ready, even if my body was. I ran to Jenny’s room, hoping that at least she had some sort of sanity. I opened the door and walked in, breathing heavily, still unable to fully take in what was going on. Then, I noticed I had a raging boner through my shorts, which I quickly tried to hide in case Jenny could see the door. Luckily, she was in shower, so that gave me at least some time to relax. But, I swore I could hear someone talking so I walked towards the bathroom and opened the door a crack, and that’s when I heard it. As Jenny moaned from the shower she was saying, “Oh Kyle, fuck me Kyle…Your muscles are so hot, I need them…God, destroy my pussy." I couldn’t believe this, even Jenny, the logical voice of reason in our group, was unable to stop herself from masturbating to the thought of my body. But, something in me clicked. As my boner rose to full mast, it seemed my body was starting to take over. The attraction I’ve been having to my own body, the attention I’ve been getting all day, and the immense pleasure that Tom and Jenny have been having because of me finally released my inner hunk. Why would I continue to be a scared little nerd, when I was in fact the sex machine that Tom said I was. This was my opportunity to lose my virginity and really see what my body could do. I walked into the bathroom, which was enough noise for Jenny to stop masturbating. Then, I ripped my shirt off like tissue paper and opened up the curtain, to Jenny’s initial dismay. With Jenny staring at my muscles and doing nothing to cover herself up she barely whispered, “Oh my god Kyle.” Finally growing into the personality you’d expect with a body like mine, I cockily responded, “Why would you stop, Jenny.” Before she could say anything, I took off my shorts and underwear and stepped into the shower with her. I was pretty sure that I was gay, but in this moment, all I wanted to do was fuck the living shit out of Jenny. As I got closer to her I saw that she had just recently orgasmed just from thinking about me, so now it was time to give her the real deal. She began by rubbing her hands over my chiseled pecs and abs while I quickly moved to making out with her, while grabbing her tight, perky ass. She continued to move her hands around my muscular body, worshipping every inch of it. Jenny seemed to be especially fond of rubbing her boobs against my pecs and abs, while running her hands over my shredded back muscles—something that just drove my cock crazy for some reason. I was more turned on than I had ever been in my life, and from the hunger Jenny had for my body, I could probably say the same for her. Jenny said, managing to get a few words in between making out with me, and sucking on my muscles, “Fuck Kyle, you look like a Greek god…I need you…I need your monster cock inside of me…destroy me with your massive muscles.” Stopping to let out a loud, erotic moan, “I’ve been waiting for so long for one of you two to have the guts to ask me out and have sex with me…I’m on birth control…for the love of god Kyle fuck me like there is no tomorrow…” Before I could even respond, my giant muscular body seemed to know exactly what to do to please Jenny. Just with the strength of one arm I lifted her off the ground, holding her up against the shower wall. With the water only hitting me now, and my body glistening, I can’t imagine the sight that Jenny must have witnessed. Even before I did anything she began to shake in my arm, moaning louder, and orgasming. Her petite little body, before I had even started truly pleasing her, began to squirt, in an incredibly intense orgasmic experience. We both knew she wanted more though, so I began to play with her clit using my other hand. To give her even more pleasure I also began to suck on her sexy large breasts, something that definitely drove her crazy. Somehow, I did these so expertly that in just a matter of moments I brought her to her third orgasm, this one more earth shattering than the last. Jenny was so attracted to my muscles, that she felt continually on the brink of orgasming—a power I loved having, and one I was prepared to continually abuse again and again. She was unable to stop herself from orgasming whenever I touched her, whenever I was near. Causing so much pleasure for her, and seeing her worship every single one of my massive, ripped muscles, continually even brought me to the edge. But, unlike Jenny, it seemed that my body knew instinctively how to hold it. Already, I had felt the intense pleasure right before cumming multiple times, but my body, my sex machine, god-level physique, it just knew exactly what to do to prevent that. It’s almost like my body was made to provide me with the most pleasure possible. When I was a skinny little nerd I could barely masturbate for just a few minutes, and now, after just one day of being a real hunk, I had somehow become a master of holding back…god this level of pleasure was amazing. Once she calmed down again, it was time for me to have some real fucking fun. Now using both hands, I grabbed her off the wall and placed her on top of my thick, practically 8-inch dick. Initially shocked at how easily I could do it, I began to lightly fuck her while holding her up just with my arms. A few days ago, I was so weak I could probably barely have sex with someone without getting exhausted immediately, and now I was holding up Jenny without any support. As her moans grew louder, and my dick started to go faster and deeper, I noticed how small she truly was. Jenny was not much shorter than me a few days ago, and we were about the same weight, but now look at us. At 6 feet, 190 pounds of pure, solid muscle, I was a giant monster compared to her small 5’5”, 118-pound frame. She practically felt like nothing in my arms, eclipsed by the size of my gigantic frame. Then, as I felt Jenny’s fourth orgasm consume my penis, I knew it was time to go to full speed. With my cock, all the way in her pussy I started to fuck her. Harder and harder, faster and faster, I began to groan and moan, like a wild animal consuming his pray. Although Jenny had just orgasmed, she began to scream my name and moan louder than ever before. God, I really was a sex machine, the power I had over Jenny, the pleasure I was experiencing, it was all incomparable to anything. “Fuck, fuck, FUCK Kyle, don’t stop…harder…harder…FASTER…faster…I’ve never felt...such…such pleasure. You’re a fucking animal, GOD,” Jenny said while still screaming and moaning. “God Jenny, I’m so close…” I managed to let out in between my grunting and moaning. “Kyle, cum inside of me, god YES please fuck do it…” Jenny responded almost begging me to. I grabbed Jenny as tight as I could, fucking her as hard as I could for another few more minutes. I wanted to draw out the pleasure, to experience as much as I could of it, and my body knew all the tricks. Then, as I was about to explode, Jenny had her fifth orgasm, the strongest of them yet. As I used most of my strength to prevent her intensely flailing body from getting out of my hands, I began to gush cum inside of her. My cum, which I had been holding in for so long, shot out like streams of bullets, filling her up. When I noticed she couldn’t take any more of it, I gently placed her exhausted body onto the shower floor as I continued to cum all over her face, breasts, and stomach. I was amazed, Jenny was sitting on the floor, exhausted beyond belief, breathing heavily, and incredibly sore from the positions I had her in, but I felt nothing. I was barely out of breath, felt like I had only experienced a light workout at most, and knew my cock was already ready to go a few more rounds. Jenny looked like she couldn’t handle any more pounding though so I let the water clean her off, turned it off, and stepped out of the shower. “Don’t leave Kyle…” Jenny managed to say from the shower. “I lied to you and Tom, I’ve never had a boyfriend, you were my first…” Laughing, as I dried myself off, “Come on Jenny, not to hurt your feelings but we could kind of tell you were lying. But, hey, we got to be each other’s firsts.” Jenny replied, “I want more though, my vagina feels so empty without your meaty cock inside of it. Plus, I know that wasn’t your best, a part of you was afraid of hurting me.” She was right. Not only was I using a lot of my strength to actually hold her up in the first place, but I was also scared what my full strength could have done to her virgin pussy. Giving her a sexy smile I responded, “Are you ready for round two then?” Without saying anything, Jenny got up from the shower floor, jumped into my arms, and started making out with me. Although we were still wet, we didn’t really care. Rubbing our bodies and lips together, I picked her up again and took her to the hotel bed. I laid on the bed with her on top of me, giving her free roam of my ripped muscles. I love how Jenny took charge in order to pleasure herself. While making out with me she rubbed her breasts against my giant pecs, and clit up against my rock-hard abs. Although she was exhausted from our shower sex, Jenny was eager to continue, running on pure pleasure and ecstasy. “Be rough with me Kyle, I want to see what those muscles are made of,” said Jenny in a sexual and thirsty tone. The thought of fulfilling her request, and finding out for myself the limits of these muscles was such a turn on. I started by smacking her on the ass at around a ¼ of my strength, which made her scream in pleasure. As I continued up to 50% of my strength I saw her ass turning red, barely able to take any more, but she loved every single fucking second of it. Then I turned her on to the bed, holding her down from the sheer strength of my body. With just a third of my strength she was powerless, unable to stop me from doing anything I wanted, and she didn’t want it any other way. I was just amazed at how horny she was for my body, just a few minutes of me holding her down, being rough with her, and rubbing all of my muscles against her pushed her to a sixth orgasm that left her completely out of breath. “You’re such a bad dirty girl Jenny,” I laughed, “And now it’s time for me to show you how much of a man I have really become.” I got up, showing my amazing physique to her, fuck I really must have looked like a god among men. My newly acquired sexual drive needed to be quenched, and fucking Jenny again and again would definitely help—not that she wasn’t beyond eager to please me and herself. This was not only her first time with a man, but a man that no future fuck could ever match. Jenny knew that she had to get the best of it for as long as she could, until she had to settle for some other skinny nerd who would just never be the same. Shortly after getting up from the bed and stretching my drop dead gorgeous muscles, I grabbed her, put each of her feet over my shoulders, and positioned her to rip apart that pussy with my monster cock. This time, I started off a lot harder, sticking my dick all the way inside of her. Deeper and deeper, faster and faster. Then, I turned her over, grabbed her hips tightly, and went to town on her. Unlike before, I was using close to all of my strength. She was screaming and moaning louder than ever, to the point that I thought I was actually destroying her vagina with my muscles. The bed was shaking back and forth so much that when I heard a crack I wasn’t sure if it was the wall or the bed. I bet you the nerds next door were getting horny listening to some real hardcore sex going on here. Either way, my animal instincts kicked in, and I found myself lost in a new level of pleasure. I honestly lost track of how many times I felt Jenny orgasm, and when I started to cum inside of her I could feel the exhaustion finally getting to her. Again, I decided to cum all over her, at this point seeing it as a way to truly show my dominance over her. By the time I was done, I still felt that I could go a couple more rounds, but Jenny was practically out of it. A part of me, felt kind of bad when I got out of bed and look down upon her completely destroyed body. Yet, I was also amazed, I did that, I gave her so much pleasure that she couldn’t handle it anymore. But, one thing was for sure, my body wasn’t done yet, it needed more pleasure. I was a god meant to be worshipped and I knew exactly who was next on my list. I went back to the bathroom to grab my clothes, realizing then that I had ripped my shirt to shreds, and that my shorts were just completely soaking wet. My underwear was fine, and it actually took me sometime to realize that I could just walk out in them alone. I finally wasn’t ashamed of my body, I had the muscles that everyone could only dream to have, touch, and fuck. I never wanted anyone to see me without my clothes, I was scared to go the pool for fear of my body being judged, and I never tried to get with anyone because I just saw myself as a pitiful little weakling. But now, I was the man, the god, people wished they were, yet could never actually become. I could have anyone that I wanted, and even get anything that I wanted. I was now part of an elite group of individuals who could be considered sex beasts, who could get you horny just by looking at your or taking their shirt off. I loved that idea that when I walked into the room, literally any room, I would be the hottest guy, the one that people would either hate for being so hot, or just want to be around just to get a glimpse of his body. Once I was done ogling over myself in the mirror in the bathroom, I decided to head out. Jenny was still passed out, but I imagined that she would come to later or tomorrow and still want more. I'd be curious to know how her soreness would be though, something that this body didn't seem to really understand. All I knew now was that I was in for some fun walking through the hallways of the hotel over to my room in just my sexy green boxer briefs. Honestly, you should have seen the stares that I got from people when I walked from Jenny’s room to my room. First, there were these two nerdy girls, who definitely just orgasmed when they saw me—I could practically see them dripping through their pants. Next, I saw a guy and a girl, who I assumed were dating. The girl couldn’t keep her eyes off of my body, and her boyfriend was definitely pissed. It’s funny though, I could have had her then and there if I wanted to, and her pussy of a boyfriend wouldn’t have been able to do shit about it. But I was a man on a mission, so I just left her with a sexy wink that might have almost made her fall over. Lastly, right when I was going to get to the room, I saw two little nerds who were practically getting erections from just watching me walk down the hallway. That was me not too long ago, and I definitely felt some pity for them. But, I decided to make their night, as I walked up to them I grabbed each of their cocks and balls and squeezed them. I could feel their cocks rapidly growing from my touch and presence, something that only increased when I signaled them to touch my pecs. This was nothing that these cuties had experienced before, and I would have loved to teach these guys some of what I learned with Jenny, but I had to run. I gave them a wink, blew them each a cocky kiss, and left them in the hallway with their fully erect boners. I imagine that they could go and help each other finish the job. As I walked into the room and closed the door I saw Tom, who seemed like he might have been crying earlier, sitting on his bed sulking. I felt so bad to see him like this, just like I had been many times thinking about Tom in the past. I found out that the guy I had liked for years now adored me, and I shunned him when I realized that. I knew I had to make it up to him, but my inner hunk was going to have some fun with him. Just like Jenny, he wanted to worship my god-like physique, but, in this case, I have a little more experience up my belt, and there was a lot more that I wanted to try with him. Once Tom noticed I had come in he ran up to me and said, “Oh my god Kyle, I am so sorry I didn’t mean for you to see that. It was wrong of me to do that to you…wait, where have you been for the past hour, and where are your clothes…not that I am necessarily minding right now?” Chuckling a little I responded, “Do you really want to find out the answers to those questions, or do you just want to pull my boxer briefs down and give me the best blow job you can?” “What…I thought you weren’t interested?” replied Tom, who was definitely getting horny again. “Eh I was definitely a little startled at first to find you masturbating to my sweaty underwear, but I’ve honestly been into you for a while now,” I stated, actually blushing a little. Tom, smiling and blushing too, responded, “No way, I’ve had a thing for you for the longest time, the muscles are just what took me over the edge. I actually think that Jenny has a thing for you to now that I think about it…” Laughing, and thinking about what had just happened, I replied, “Wow so you are telling me we could have done this forever ago, that’s a shame…but, hey, let’s make up for lost time.” “Yes, sir, you don’t have to tell me twice,” Tom stated as he licked his lips. I actually felt hornier than ever in expectation of playing around with Tom. Not only had I been waiting for this for years, but, if I was bisexual, I definitely still preferred men over women. I wasn’t sure where Tom stood, but I knew he was dying for this moment even more than I was. He initially put his hands on my massive pecs, sliding them down to my washboard abs and obliques. Then, Tom began to suck on my left and right nipples as I flexed my back for him to feel up and down into all the different ridges. Next, he seemed interested in playing with my biceps which I gladfully flexed for him. I wanted to show him how strong I was so as he held onto my right bicep I lifted him off the ground, something that seemed to really turn him on. Tom seemed to be more in love with my muscles than Jenny. When I put him back down, he wanted to lick every single rock-hard part of my body, starting with my giant pecs and then moving to my sculpted abs. It seemed like he licked each and every single ab muscle, moaning as he moved lower and lower. The little nerd was worshiping me like a Greek god—he was obsessed with my body. Then, he moved back to lick my biceps, which he did as he rubbed my hardening nipples. God, his worshipping of my body just made me want to rip his ass apart more and more. Speaking of ass, Tom seemed particularly interested in mine, as he began to rub my steel-like ass while licking and sucking my abs and pecs like a hungry mad man. “Okay, no fucking way Kyle, you’re so hard all over, but that ass is as tight as marble,” Tom said in amazement. I couldn’t help but laugh at that comment, but before I could say anything Tom started making out with me. Wow, I had waited for this moment for so long, and it was finally happening. I was in heaven, and we were just getting started. But, I knew that it would be even hotter, if I started to take back charge of the situation. “Get on your knees,” I commanded in a stern and sexy tone. Tom didn’t question what I said one bit, he seemed extremely turned on for a real man like me to be telling him to pleasure me. He went down on his knees, putting him at the perfect height to suck off my cock. He started taking off my underwear and was just amazed to find my rock hard 8-inch monster cock ready for him to cater to. Tom was definitely at a loss for words, also feeling my incredibly massive muscular thighs and calves as he forced my underwear past them. Then, before he could even comment on my dick’s size, I shoved half of my cock into Tom’s pretty little mouth. At first, he had a little trouble, but then he started sucking and licking like a champ, while playing with my large balls in one hand, and rubbings my chiseled abs with the other. The little wimp was in complete ecstasy, with his 5-inch or so cock rising to full mast. Wanting to help the poor guy out, I used my sexy right foot to lightly stroke his cock, something that sent erotic shivers throughout all of Tom’s body. But, as Tom started to get use to sucking half of my cock, I decided to take things up a notch. I planted both of my feet firmly on the ground, grabbed the back of his head, and I started to skull fuck him. In and out, in and out, all 8-inches of my cock penetrating his little mouth and throat. Tom was definitely unable to handle it, as he gagged every time my dick went all the way in, and started to tear up. Using only a fraction of the power my muscles gave him, I fucked the shit out of his face. It was so hot, I was getting so close… I pulled out of his mouth, with Tom in complete awe of what just happened. I then cleaned up the drool from his face and dragged him by his shirt to my bed. When I sat down and positioned my cock in front of Tom, I realized that I had actually ripped his shirt in the process. He didn’t seem to care at all about it, so I finished ripping it off and threw it across the room. Wow, he was just a skinny as I was, if not skinnier, and now he was just putty in my big strong hands. “Wake up wimp,” I commanded, “this cock isn’t going to take care of itself. Tom quickly returned to my cock like a magnet, this time eagerly trying to take all 8-inches of my thick beast. I let him have some fun on his own, but when he took a break and began to drool, I quickly wiped it and rammed my dick back into his mouth. Then, I started intensely fucking his mouth, to the point that I was honestly getting scared that I would break his jaw—something I didn’t want to do, but honestly turned me on thinking that I had the strength to even consider that as a possibility. “That’s enough,” I demanded, “Now, just lick my cock and balls Tom.” He did so eagerly, happy to keep pleasing me but to also breathe. Tom licked and sucked on my balls especially, which just felt so good I began to moan louder. Then, when I had had enough pleasure, I picked him up and sat him on my lap. He was so small compared to my massive ripped body, he was almost like a doll practically. Tom seemed to be enjoying it, as he began to grind on my dick, rubbing his back against my sculpted pecs and abs. Fuck, a few days we would have been equals, and now, I could literally do anything I wanted with his frail little body. “God Kyle…you’re amazing…this body, it’s incredible…I want you to fuck me, but…but…I’m a virgin,” Tom said looking completely embarrassed. As I stuck a finger in his ass, massaging it, I also started to stroke his dick. “Don’t worry Tom, we can work it out,” I said with a cocky smirk. “FUCK Kyle…how are you doing that….my GOD that feels amazing,” Tom replied as he moaned louder and louder. I honestly hadn’t realized how big my hands had gotten until I grabbed Tom’s dick. I was able to hold the whole thing at once, something that weirdly turned me on. I began to stroke his dick faster and faster, as I added a second finger to Tom’s ass. I could tell that he was trying to hold back cumming with every fiber of his being. But, soon enough, his toes began to curl, his moans practically became screams, and he began to shoot cum over the floor and my hand. Tom had been holding it for so long that he was shaking from the intensity of the orgasm for a whole minute. Tom was completely out of breath, but it was finally time for me to try out that pretty ass of his. Without notice, I picked up his skinny little body and placed it on my massive cock. At first, he screamed out in pain, but as my dick stretched him out, he seemed to be enjoying it more. I loved how easily I could just lift him up and down with my bare hands, still having plenty of strength to also fuck him myself. Sitting on my cock, Tom was like a rag doll I could easily move around, bringing us both immense pleasure. He even started to get into it himself, pushing and pulling on me to go even faster and deeper. But, I wanted more, I wanted to fuck him for days. I pulled Tom off of my massive cock, smacked his ass so hard he screamed and bent over, and then I grabbed him by the hips. Without a moment’s notice, I started to fuck the shit out of him. Being able to hold him tight, I was able to fuck him even harder than before. Faster and faster, deeper and deeper, Tom could barely handle it. I was literally fucking his ass into nothingness, using nearly all of my strength. He was screaming my name, moaning louder and louder, he was in utter ecstasy. But, I wanted to really show off my strength, so I picked him up off the ground and continued to destroy his ass like nothing else in the world mattered. “Oh god Kyle, oh GOD…how are you THIS strong…I could never imagine that you could do this, FUCK…you really are a SEX god,” Tom screamed, already on the brink of cumming yet again. Tom only made me want to fuck him harder and harder, especially when he came for a second time, all over himself and the floor. I really was a god among men, someone people would beg to have sex with, if not just touch. My body was a well-oiled machine made to experience sexual pleasure, and give people the fuck of their lives. Plus, the strength, god the power I had, I haven’t even fully tapped it. Jenny passed out and I could already see Tom was tiring out, but I was still barely feeling anything. Fuck, I really had become a monster, and I loved every minute of it. In between moaning and screaming Tom managed to whisper, “Kyle…can I ride you…the thought of it…fuck…sounds like heaven.” God, he was so fucking right, that did sound amazing. I laid down on the bed with Tom, allowing him to jump up and down on my cock. Wow, he loved it, intensely using his legs to bounce up and down on my massive meat. But, I was getting close, and I wanted in on the fun. In this position, I was able to rapidly fuck the living shit out of him. I really was in heaven, with Tom’s ass perfectly massaging my cock, and Tom having the greatest pleasure he has ever felt in his life. This was his first time having sex, but before we knew he was cumming for the third time, now all over the bed. The sight of him in ecstasy was enough to push me over the edge, with my cock exploding cum inside of his ass. When Tom fell over from exhaustion, the cum started to spurt all over me, even hitting my face, the backboard of the bed, and even the wall. As I laid there just taking it all in, Tom came to and saw all of the cum over me. Like a rabid animal he jumped on top of me and started licking all of the cum off of me. He started with my abs, then moved to my pecs, and finally we continued making out. “Wow, your body, your lips, even your cum…it all just tastes so delicious,” Tom said as he laid down next to my giant sculpted body, practically passed out from the intense fucking. After I chilled in bed for a while, relaxing, Tom finally came to. He seemed pretty dazed and out of it, but he seemed hungry for more sex. “Look who’s finally awake,” I said looking at him sexily. “God Kyle, that was honestly a million times better than I could have ever imagined. I loved every minute of it, and I need more, I need you” Tom said practically begging for more. “Actually, there is something I’ve always wanted to try. Throw on some clothes, I’ll put on some new boxer briefs, and we will head downstairs,” I replied as I flexed my muscles. Without questioning anything, Tom threw on some clothes, practically at light speed. He had no idea what we were doing, but he knew I was going to fuck him again, and that’s all he cared about. As we left the room, all the nerds that were still up and about couldn’t help staring and ogling at my body. I even heard one guy whisper under his breath, “that lucky bitch, why can I have a man like that.” Wow, I really had become the king of the nerds. I was still into video games, comics, and all the other stereotypical geek stuff, but I also had the body of a god, and the ability to endlessly fuck people until they couldn’t take it anymore. Then, we arrived at the pool, where I had always dreamt of having sex with someone. I imagine it wouldn’t be much different, but the setting just made it more of a thrill. Yet, it seemed like some random old guy was busy closing up the pool for the night. “Hey man, can we still get into the pool,” I said in a strong, stern voice. Still trying to lock up, the man stated, “Sorry bud, close at 10, no ifs, ands, or buts.” That was when I turned him around, got a good look at him, and said, “I don’t think so, we are getting into the pool, and you’re going to bed old timer.” The old man couldn’t believe what he was looking at. The hotel was swarming with average looking skinny nerds and geeks, but there I was, a ripped, muscular hunk. He honestly didn’t know what to say, and, in the end, didn’t stop me and Tom from getting into the pool. I was actually getting turned on realizing that there were some nerds staring at us from the door. If they were looking for a show they were about to get one. Tom, probably would have been self-conscious if he knew, but his attention was solely focused on my muscles. He especially lost it as I stripped my underwear off. God, I must have looked so hot naked, with all of my muscles pumped from all the sex I had been having. “So, are you coming into the pool or are you just going to stand there and stare the whole time?” I stated have joking, but practically commanding him to join me. “Oh…um…yeah, of course,” responded Tom as he took off his clothes at a faster speed than when he initially took it off. When he initially jumped in we actually just splashed around, almost having fun, but then we quickly started making out. I could already feel Tom’s full erect boner as I held him close. Through the water he enjoyed feeling up my muscles, he was practically obsessed with them. He couldn’t get enough of me, and I loved the fact that I was finally fucking my crush. I thought I would never get a chance with him, and now Tom was literally begging for me to fuck the shit out of him. “Fuck Kyle, you make me so horny it’s insane…I don’t get it, you’re just so gorgeous,” Tom said as he began to suck on my neck and squeeze my bicep muscles. “Well Tom, I’m here to please,” I said as I carried him over to the pool ladder. There, I sat him on the highest rung, lifted his ass and legs up, and stuck my massive cock into his ass. Using the ladder’s rails for support, I was able to fuck him with all of my power. It actually got to the point that I could feel the rails loosening, and ultimately breaking. Soon enough Tom had his most intense orgasm yet, but he begged me to get out of the pool so that he could get all my cum in his mouth. He decided to suck me off again, so I gave him a good ole skull fucking. He was probably even more turned on by my glistening muscles. My pecs, abs, and biceps must have looked especially fine. After a few minutes of that, I came in his mouth. He tried to take it all in, but eventually he just couldn’t take it anymore and I sprayed the rest over his body. Then, I picked up his exhausted little body and we sat together in the shallow side of the pool. For once, I was honestly actually starting to feel some level of exhaustion. “Wow, guys, that was so fucking hot,” said Jenny from the door. “Woah, looks who's awake,” I said excited to see her. Biting her lips, Jenny responded, “So how about we make this a party.” I looked around and saw the two nerdy guys from earlier, who looked pretty shy and awkward, but they obviously wouldn’t be here if they weren’t eager to join. I honestly had not thought about the idea of a threesome, or an orgy, but it definitely excited me. So many people wanted this body, these beautiful ripped muscles, why not share it? “Come join us in the pool then,” I replied with a sexy smirk. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well that’s my story guys, hope you enjoyed it. Somehow, I went from a scared nerdy little kid, to the hunky king of the nerds. Literally everyone at that convention the next day was talking about me, and many of them wanted a piece of me in some shape or form. I truly am a god among men now, and I regularly fuck Jenny and Tom, among other people. I’ve been asked why I don’t just get a boyfriend or girlfriend, but, come on, look at me, I can have infinitely more fun single. You wouldn’t believe some of the adventures I’ve been on with my godlike looks, but those are definitely stories for another day. If you are interested in them let me know, I swear some of them are fucking juicy. Don’t worry though, as cocky as I have become, and oh have I become a cocky bastard, I’m still a nerd at heart. Like I still read books or play video games, I just do that shirtless, and often time after pounding the shit out of someone. Oh, and if you’re wondering about the orgy at the end, come on guys, I think I gave you enough. Hope you had fun! I'm going to get back to my game, I have some fun scheduled for later.
  8. THE STORY SO FAR - Stephan is a police officer with a very well-endowed boyfriend, Tom. But Stephan's sex addiction to sex leads to him losing his job - and breaking up with from Tom. While staying with his parents in a quiet corner of London, Stephan observes something exciting: an alpha muscle Beast (Nico) humiliating a fluffy, gentle, weak young beta called Olly. Nico starts helping Olly grow - and it happens at an impossible rate: muscle, height, cock, hair, character. Soon he's eclipsed Nico himself. Stephan becomes fixated on Olly, but he's also concerned - why is Uranus Gyms (run by Nico's Dad, Mr Chesterton) experimenting on Olly like this? He steals Olly's protein drink, made by the mysterious Doctor O, and tests it on Tom: it not only makes Tom's muscle and cock swell, but allows the two of them to share minds. What is the plan for the new, alpha Olly? Nico's Dad invites Olly over and they worship one another - and fuck. But there is one final twist in the drama to come... Chapter 12 is here 13 Stephan Tuesday October 9th As soon as he came in the door, I knew something was wrong. He was wearing new clothes. They looked smart, businesslike, adult. And however much his expression may have been hang-dog, you couldn’t mistake him for a young man any more. He looked like someone's husband who's just been caught out fucking the au pair. He slunk into my parents' hallway and practically filled it. The new clothes creaked and strained around his physique: I would swear he was at the biggest I've ever seen him, and all in proportion — he was towering over me, and nobody's done that in about fifteen years. His blonde mane and beard swept down to the curls of golden hair escaping from the top of his shirt. His blue eyes were beseeching. 'Something's happened,' he said. 'I need your help.' 'Well, yes, of course, anything,' I said, trying to catch my breath. I didn't know whether I'd been expecting this or fantasising about it, but somehow I recognised the scenario. Dimly I remembered going to see my friend Andy when I was at University: I just realised something about myself, who I was, what I wanted, who I wanted... What had Olly realised – and who had helped him? 'Come into the kitchen,’ I told him. ‘Mum and Dad are out. If they come back in, you're — oh god, let's just tell them you're a friend of mine and I've known you for years. You don't look like what you are any more.' 'I'm really sorry. I looked up your address on the library computer. I didn't know who else to talk to about this.' I began to boil the kettle. 'Is it something to do with Nico...?' 'No. Yes, I suppose it is. Oh, it's such a mess!' 'Just relax. I'll take care of you.' 'I knew you would,' Olly said, tried to smile. 'You've always looked out for me, haven't you? Always given me good advice.' I let out a sigh. 'Yes, I suppose so. You ignored me, mostly.' Olly sat down on a chair that looked child-size under his monstrous frame. It seemed the whole room could barely contain him now. 'You work for the police, don't you?' I did a double take. 'Uh, not any more. I thought I said...' 'Well, you used to, anyway.' 'Yes,' I said, my heart beating even faster. 'I had to leave. I was addicted to –' 'It doesn't matter about that,' said Olly. 'There's a man. He's called Mark Lord Chesterton. The father of my friend, Nico. His address is...' He gave me the address. 'He's a beast. He needs to be captured – you know, arrested.' I filled a mug of tea, poured in milk, handed it over. 'Drink this,' I said. 'It's a herbal remedy. It'll relax you. And you really need to relax the fuck down, Olly.' 'I went to his house. He's Nico's Dad. Well, his adoptive father.' 'When was this?' 'Just earlier this afternoon.' 'How come you went to his house?' 'He was going to give me some of Nico's clothes. Well...' He smiled. 'Not Nico's. I'm bigger than Nico's ever been now. Bigger than he'll ever get. Check it out, bro.' He flexed his arms wide. There was a ripping noise. He looked down at the torn shirt sleeves in surprise. 'Holy fuck. I must have grown since I left his house even...!' 'If what you say is true, that's impossible.' My mouth was dry. 'I'm bursting out of Nico’s Dad’s suit, Stephan.' He grinned a stupid grin. 'This thing is out of control now. I don't think it's going to –' There was a loud creak, a clatter, and there he was on the floor, the wooden chair in pieces underneath him. He sprawled on the floor, huge bulge twitching in his trousers. I helped him to his knees. 'Drink your tea,' I said. 'Tell me.' 'He got me to take my clothes off. He took advantage of me.' 'This is a huge accusation, Olly,' I said. 'Be calm and tell me the truth. Did you encourage him at all?' 'Stephan...' 'Did you enjoy it, Olly?' 'I know you wish I was gay like you,' Olly said, pulling off the restrictive suit jacket. The shirt hung in colourful shreds around his super-human physique. 'I like girls.' He looked down at my evident hard-on in my corduroy trousers. 'Believe me.' 'Of course I believe you, Olly,' I said. 'I'll call the guys down at the station. We'll get Mr Chesterton arrested and charged.' 'And locked away?' Olly looked at me with such a young expression on such an extreme physique. I put my hand on my heart. 'I'll do whatever it takes, Olly. I love you, bro. And not in a gay way, if you can understand that. Even if I am, you must know, extremely gay.' 'Thanks Stephan.' He downed his tea at a gulp. 'I understand.' I got my phone out of my pocket and scrolled through my contacts. Yes, there were still a couple of gay officers back t the force who trusted me – maybe even owed me a favour. It had been a while since I had really felt like a police officer, restoring justice, sending a dangerous man (a real beast?) to the cells. But for Olly, my dear Olly, I would do it. I would make it clear that bastard wouldn’t be getting out of jail any time soon. I stepped out into the hallway to make the call. When I came back, he was stripped to the waist, trying to take a shot of himself with his phone that could take in as much as possible of his new impossible bulk. 'I don't understand any of this,' he said, looking at me. 'It's crazy,' I said. 'Crazy hot, though?' he said. I felt my hard-on through my trousers again. 'Oh yeah. But I understand the score. Strictly wank bank material for the likes of me, yeah?' He grinned at me. 'Well, if I can ever thank you for what you've done today...' I froze. ‘Really?’ ‘Not just today. Ever since I met you.’ He looked fluffy again. ‘Bro, come on.’ 'Actually…' I said, 'I was just about to suggest we go upstairs and – find you something you can wear. Like, even a dressing gown or something.' ‘Upstairs?’ said the young behemoth. 'Up to your room?' 'That was my idea,' I replied, slowly. Olly brushed blonde hair out of his eyes. 'I can't think of anything I'd like more, right now.' The stairs creaked beneath him as he followed me. I thought of the skinny lad with the smooth chin and friendship bracelet that I had met in the height of summer. He blossomed. He had grown. He had changed. When he put a hand on my shoulder, I bit my lip with pleasure. Just how much had he changed? Like any good police officer, I would investigate. When we were in my room, I locked the door carefully, just in case. Someone might arrive home unexpectedly. I finished my tea, put my laptop on silent, and took off my tie. 'I never expected anything like this would ever happen,' I said, running my hands over his broad shoulders, down his oak-tree triceps and biceps to his thick forearms and huge paws. 'You were such a sweet, straight boy when we first met.' 'Remind me.' I laughed. 'You didn't have any of this fur, for starters.' 'Oh yeah. I was so proud of my little tufts of hair in my pits.' He grabbed my wrists and ran my hands through the golden rug on his belly, his chest, his jaw. 'Now I'm all pelty.' 'You smell like a man now. You have a dark, animal smell.' 'I'm big, I'm hairy and I stink. Any improvements?' 'I don't think you could carry a stack of heavy books across a room. Now you could lift me up and throw me in the air if you wanted to.' 'Without breaking a sweat.' 'Really? Then I'll have to push you harder.' He gave me a knowing look. 'What else, bro?' 'Your attitude. Remember how Nico pushed you around that day?' 'Now I'm the boss.' 'Anything you say,' I said, gasping in his musk. 'I don't know what I'm saying,' he said. He ran his tongue across his dry lips. 'I guess that's something else that's changed, in this last couple of months.' I rolled my thumbs back and forth across his huge, mulberry-coloured nipples. They lengthened, thickened with excitement in my hands. I looked up at his handsome face. 'What's that?' 'Not knowing,' he said, closing his eyes in pleasure. He looked like a heavenly angel’s big, bad brother. 'Not knowing who I want…' 'Not Estelle,' I said. 'Not Nico's Dad. Not even Nico...?' I tweaked both nipples at once, and he moaned low in response at the back of his throat. Like a beast. 'I want,' he said, 'someone who knows what they want.' I undid my belt. He snapped his apart. I dropped my trousers. He tugged his own off his huge sinewed legs, ripping them to bits rather than stepping out of them. I got my dick out and began to slowly wank it. 'Someone who wants to worship you,' I said, burying my face in his chest hair. 'Be your disciple.' He put his hand around my hand around my dick. 'You're so cute and little,' he said, squeezing my fist tight around my hard cock and sliding it almost painfully up and down the shaft. 'I haven't switched size,' I said breathlessly. 'It's all you.' 'Same difference,' he said. 'It's a matter of perspective,' I said. 'And it ain't what you got, it's what you do with it.' 'Except,' he said, taking my other hand and putting it on his enormous, underwear-straining member, 'when you're built like Captain America, squared, what you got is what you do. You're completely in my power, aren't you?' 'Oh yes,' I said. 'But then, you need me. If I don't worship you, you're not powerful.' 'And how will you worship me?' I pulled my hand from his grip and slipped it inside his pants, and up under his mega-balls, and up further, till I reached inside his sweaty crack. I reached deep. His powerful glutes clamped down on my hand, but I kept reaching. 'Let me show you.' 'I don't get fucked,' he said. 'That's not part of the deal.' 'I'm going to touch a pleasure centre in you that you don't even know about,' I said. 'I'm going to broaden your mind to places you didn't realise existed. And you're going to cum for me. You're going to cum harder than you ever did before. You're going to fly.' He bit his lip. 'Sounds alright.' 'Get that underwear off,' I said. He smirked, stepped away from me, and, balling up his hands into fists, flexed every muscle he could. Knots and cords stood out thick and thin in his legs and arse; abdominals stood proud like a xylophone; lats flared, his pecs bulged giant and red beneath his chest hair, his biceps were mountain peaks, his shoulders reached up to his beard. His dick seemed to flare and flex inside his underwear, stretching the material thin and then tearing it open as if it were only wet tissue. His balls seemed to swell with spunk and fur, and the underpants twanged apart altogether, and he was nude. A Greek statue, but bigger, and flushed with colour and radiating heat, and looking down at me with satisfaction. ‘At last,’ he said, his deep as a man’s, ‘I’m finally starting to get big.’ 'Only the man who is truly masculine knows how to be fucked. Lie down on the bed, Olly. You’ve come a long way, but I’ll teach you the ultimate lesson.' 'Will it hurt?' he said, clambering up onto my duvet. The scent from his horse cock was bittersweet and powerful enough to make me salivate. 'It'll gym-hurt,' I told him. 'And it'll gym-pleasure.' I climbed up onto his chest. He lay beneath me, acres of furry muscle like rolling hills below an aeroplane. Slowly, steadily, I wanked my dick. I ran my dick over his lips. He smiled. I slid it in his bearded face, tilting his head toward my achingly hard man-prong. He licked and nibbled it like a pro. Aha, I thought. The first real giveaway. 'That's so good,' I said. 'You're so good. I'm going to worship you. I'm going to make a god of you, and a church with a great big steeple, and an ecstatic dream of the universe. You'll be my everything.' 'Oh, yeah,' he said, drooling. 'I'm your master.' 'You're so fucking, fucking hot, Olly,' I gasped. 'Or should I say — Mr Chesterton.' The look of surprise on his face was sublime. Sudden vulnerability. Real vulnerability. I'd undone him in a moment. 'What?' he said, and as he opened his mouth, his innocence spoke to me, and my hard dick was lying across his face gleaming with his spit, and I was totally overwhelmed. I moaned, long and low, and gushed torrent after torrent of white hot creamy spunk over his young-old, handsome, hairy face. The spunk ran in rivers through his beard, tracks across his shocked expression. And then he smiled. 'Yeah,' he said. 'Okay. What's the point of pretending? I am Chesterton. King of Uranus Gyms. Owner of Muscle Worshippers dot com. Older than you, although in his prime. Nobody will believe you in a million years.' After cumming, as usual, my mind was completely clear. 'You've taken over Olly's body.' 'Jealous?' 'A bit,' I said. 'How's it done?' 'Oh, this is amazing. Discovery. Interrogation. I really want – need – to fuck you now.' The words coming from Olly's innocent lips were so strange. There was nothing innocent about him now. 'Simple mind transfer drug. It works like a dream.' 'Almost literally?' I said. 'The human mind, like the human body, can be taken further than most people have ever imagined,' he said, scooping up my hot jizz from under his chin and oiling it into his absurdly muscular pectorals. 'I gave it a pretty good shot myself. You should see the real me, Stephan. My original body is Muscle Daddy Heaven.' 'But you wanted Olly's body,' I said. 'Not specifically Olly,' he replied, reaching between my thighs for his giant semi-tumescent cock. 'But yes, something younger was required. A body ready to be taken even further. Further in size.' He gave his grossly long, thick knob an almost convulsive shake so that the head smacked my arse heavily. 'Further in power.' And another shake. 'Further in pleasure.' And another. I could feel myself becoming aroused once more. Here was Olly as I'd always wanted him. Huge. Flat on his back. Gay. Wicked as sin. I had to keep my composure. 'You corrupted him,' I said. He batted at my arsehole with Olly's dick, testing my resistance. ‘Oh, it wasn’t hard to do. A slow seduction. Every young man wants to be bigger, stronger, better hung. You can get a lad drunk on that. I had already corrupted Nico — you've met him, my son – in the same way.' 'Another musclehead.' 'Grown in a laboratory. Bred to be the perfect receptacle for my soul,' he said. 'A clone of me, in fact. He'll probably turn out pretty amazing.' He licked a huge forefinger and slid it up my arse. I tried not to show how much I wanted it. 'But Nico got into muscle too soon. I needed someone whose mind had already developed, before they got hooked on bodybuilding; just like Olly's had. Then I could get his super-brain drunk on the pleasures of packing on the muscle.' His fingers were up inside me now. Opening me up for him. Taking me. 'The whole of Uranus Gym was put together,' I groaned, 'just to make him into a vessel for you.' 'To create a young, hung, alpha male muscle beast,' he said, 'with a taste for cock.' 'And then make him want you.' 'Everybody wants me,' he said, sliding his monster bazonger up inside my arse. Inside me. Filling me totally till we felt welded together. A beast with two backs. He held me steady, as though I were a sex-doll he was positioning on his outsized prick. 'Not to make you even more jealous, Stephan, but before I got inside Olly’s head, I got inside his arse, just like I’m inside yours now. It was necessary.' I gasped with pleasure and pain. He smiled a cruel smile with Olly’s mouth. 'You are good, Stephan. Not many people could take a member this size.' 'I had a lot of practice with my ex,' I said, wiping tears from my eyes. 'And one or two police constables. And a pub landlord. A university librarian. A poet. God knows how many construction workers, city gents, skinheads, dancers, footballers, popstars, ex-popstars, and a grocer with a marrow that made my eyes water.' 'I think we're going to have a lot of fun together.' 'And what about Olly? In your old body?' 'You've just sent him to prison, more or less,' he said, thrusting with excitement at the thought. 'Safe out of my way. And he'll get plenty of action in there too, if he plays his cards right.' 'Oh,' I said, wanking my dick again. It was harder than ever in my life, and I was surging with excitement as if electricity were flowing from his groin through me into my mind. 'This is too good.' 'I know,' he said. 'Because,' I said, 'I've done nothing of the sort.' He was still smiling. High on sex. 'Eh?' 'I haven't called my old mates in the police force about Olly. But I did put them onto your right-hand man — oh, what was his name? Dr O?' He fucked me harder, anxious thrusts. I gasped. 'You're making that up.' 'No,' I said. 'I knew as soon as you came in the door. My boyfriend and I already tried out your weird mind drugs. I pieced everything together. And Dr O fancied me, so he gave me his card. Miscalculation.' He was bucking now, hard and deep. His face was calm but his body was bucking as if he wanted to throw me up in the air, or fuck me into a pulp. It felt astounding. His abdominals were dancing like kids at a rave. 'I still have power. I have power over you.' 'No,' I said. 'I gave us both some mind control drug in our tea. Oh, it feels so good, Chesterton. Do you realise you're still growing – ah! - bigger with every – ah! - thrust. Bigger – ah! and bigger. And I – ah! – oh, I feel stronger than ever. I feel fit and strong and sexy as fuck. Strong enough not to be taken in, not to be betrayed by my own desire. Strong enough to get inside you.' 'No!' he gasped. 'Inside your mind,' I said. 'No!' His huge balls smacked against my arse. 'To bring Olly back,' I said. His huge hands grabbed me round the throat. I couldn’t draw breath. Blood pounded in my cheeks. I saw stars. Constellations. Faces. I looked into the eyes of those faces, as he drilled me like the beast he was, so strong and huge he made the bed snap its legs, one by one, and crash to the floor. He was golden-furry now from jaw to belly to the backs of his hands. But so sweet and fluffy all the time. His hands weren’t throttling me how, but clinging to me, cleaving to me, rocked back and forth with me, almost like a lover. Almost like he wanted me to feel good. A final spark of anger surged in his eyes, as Chesterton regained control: 'No!' 'And the best part,' I said, 'is it's all been broadcast on Muscle Worshippers dot com.' He looked up at the webcam in a panic. 'Fuck! No!' 'Yes!' I gasped, cumming again. ‘Yes, oh, yes, oh, yes!’ 'Yes!' said Olly, triumphantly, and lay back on my pillow gasping for breath. I leaned forward and kissed him, and it was him, Olly, and he was inside me, gasping with pleasure. 'Oh my God, Steve!' he said. 'I'm fucking you! I’m – I’mmmm – mmmmmmmngh…' He looked down at us both. His dick was pumping jism into my arse, I was overloaded with it, it was running down my thighs. His soft, sweet, puppyish look was back in his wide eyes. A deeper realisation was dawning, like he was waking from a dream. 'Oh, Steve – thank you!' I ran a hand affectionately over his sweaty chest. 'It was a pleasure,' I sighed. Like all good sex, it had been a pleasure and it had been a pain. And now it was over. To be concluded...
  9. THE STORY SO FAR - Stephan is a police officer with a very well-endowed boyfriend, Tom. But Stephan's sex addiction to sex leads to him losing his job - and breaking up with from Tom. While staying with his parents in a quiet corner of London, Stephan observes something exciting: an alpha muscle Beast (Nico) humiliating a fluffy, gentle, weak young beta called Olly. Nico starts helping Olly grow - and it happens at an impossible rate: muscle, height, cock, hair, character. Soon he's eclipsed Nico himself. Olly seems increasingly alpha. Nico is a star of muscle worship websites and private clubs. Where will it end? Stephan suspects that the men at Nico's gym - Uranus Gyms - are experimenting on Olly; he steals a flask of their protein supplement and tries it out on Tom: it not only makes Tom's muscle and cock swell, but allows the two of them to share minds. What is the plan for the new, alpha Olly? Will Nico's Dad - owner of Uranus gyms - be able to help him? Chapter 11 is here. 12 Nico Tuesday October 9th I came home from working out at the gym with Olly and I was, like, I need to get naked — now. It used to be so easy before Olly came along. I used to finish a workout, hard as fuck in every sense of the word, and then just hang out in the communal showers with the other muscle lads. Just soaking my aching muscles, soaping them up, waiting to see who was interested. And believe me, most of the lads were interested. It was first come first served when I had my cock out. I could take my pick. I used to wank myself off for their delectation. We would stand around in a half-circle in the showers, water blasting down on our hard, sweaty bodies, and jacking off, our gaze shifting from prick to prick. Little smiles. But I was the centre of attention, because my knob easily dwarfed even the biggest of theirs. And I was serious about showing it off to its best, making them all want a taste. They would wait till I came before they could spend their load. Then I realised how many of the guys in the gym were into this sort of thing, and we moved out of the showers. We went into the changing rooms. We could take our time there, and I would put on a different sort of show — a fuck show, with whichever of the gym lads was flavour of my month. But it was always a show, always a performance. I could always tell myself I didn't really like guys. I only liked guys who liked me. Fuck me, if I didn't have the best time before Olly came along. Then suddenly I had to keep it in my trousers. Playing straight. I only had eyes for Estelle — a new kind of performance. Any action involving other blokes had to be behind closed doors. Of course, Dad had helped me set up the Muscle Worshippers site years before that. It was when I was leaving college and I told him I wanted more incentive to bulk up. I was bigger than any of the lads in my class, bigger than some of the guys in the gym, but I really needed to compare with some of the guys out in the wider world. So it's a long time that I've been working out and showing off on that website. I always feel at home there. And when I got out of the gym today, I knew I had to go straight on there. It was Olly's fault actually. He had said to me, 'Bro, your chest's exploded since you last came. It's nearly as big across as mine.' He's taller than me these days, so even with our shirts off and our tits pressed hard against one another, I couldn't be sure if he was just being kind. Jesus, but he's come on a long way since the summer. The only guy who's ever outclassed me in the chest department is Dad. When I first met Olly, he was flatter than pavement, and totally hairless. So I get in, lock the door, turn on my laptop, log onto the site, see who's on there. Immediately people start coming into the chatroom when they see it's me, but I'm looking out for my favourite of the bunch — TomOfFinsburyPark. There he is. 'Hey Nico,' he messages me. 'I'm browsing secretly at work. So bored. Just want to see you do your thing.' 'Wanna Private?' I ask him. 'Can't participate,' he says. 'On my iPad in board meeting.' 'Even so,' I tell him, 'I want this to be just between us two.' 'Okay,' he says. 'And I'll repay you tonight.' So I go into a 1-2-1 with Tom and get into position for my cam. I'm wearing my trackie bottoms, gym singlet and hoodie. I'm flushed, I'm sweaty, I'm buzzing. I down some of Doctor O's protein shake that he specially mixes for me. I love the thought of Tom sitting there in his suit and tie, going note by note through his meeting, and his entire will is fixed on me and my body. 'You're so beautiful,' he tells me. I begin a slow dance, and then I peel off the hoody and stretch my arms wide. I run my hands down my sweat-sodden singlet, paying special attention to my new, huge chest. My dick's hard in my trackies, and I'm running my hands down further, outlining the hard-on in the soft grey cotton, when I hear the doorbell go. 'BRB,' I tell Tom. 'Sure. So hard here. Your pecs are looking outstanding,' he says. I pause the cam, go to my bedroom door and open it just a crack. Downstairs I can hear my Dad's heavy tread as he goes into the hall and answers the bell. 'Ah,' he purrs, with what sounds like pleasure and surprise. 'It's you.' 'Well,' says another voice, deep but much younger than Dad's, 'you invited me and — I thought about it and — it seemed like a good idea.' 'Oliver, isn't it?' says Dad. 'Olly.' My heart starts racing. Does Dad know I'm in? I don't think so. But what if Olly asks to see me? Can I get this hard-on down in time? The way I'm boned now, it feels like it'll never go away. 'That's right,' says Olly, shyly. 'Is your son here, sir?' 'No, sorry,' says Dad, 'Just us two. Can I get you a drink?' 'I shouldn't really. Nico and I just had a session. At the gym, I mean. Training.' Why does he sound so nervous? 'I've got some of the Doctor's protein shake,' Dad says. 'Wouldn't hurt you to have a double dose, would it?' And he laughs softly. 'Come on, I could do with conversation. Been working on my research and it's very lonely and very dull today.' The door closes, and the pair of them go into the kitchen. I go out onto the landing so that I can still follow their conversation. Why didn't Olly tell me he wanted to come round? Why isn't he at the library? 'Don't you normally work on weekdays?' my Dad asks, as if reading my mind. 'I took the day off,' my friend replies. 'My boss does whatever I ask of him these, and I just thought, I shouldn't put off coming round. And he'll be happy if I'm not wearing gym-wear around the workplace any more.' 'We'll go up to Nico's room in a while. There's loads of things he's outgrown now, practically bust them open in his last round of bulking,' Dad says. 'He told me himself you were welcome. You've been such a friend to him, I'd be glad to see you wearing them.' 'Thanks,' Olly says. 'No, I really mean that. I kind of think of you as one of the family.' I hear Dad filling two glasses with protein shake. 'Thanks,' says Olly again, this time for the drink. 'Tastes nasty but it works like magic,' Dad says. 'Do you take it?' asks Olly. 'Oh,' says Dad, 'I don't work out any more.' 'But you look — I mean, you have such big –' Dad laughs. 'Why, thank you! You're not so bad yourself. Especially for someone who was a stripling a few months back.' 'It's just hard work,' says Olly. 'And help from your son.' 'And dedication,' Dad says. 'The drive to be — would it be too strong to say, a beast?' Olly laughs. 'King of the jungle! Yeah, that's what I want.' 'I see it in your eyes.' 'I kind of think I see it in yours too.' My laptop 'PLINK-PLONKS' softly. I go and look at it. 'Everything okay?' asks Tom. 'Meeting's over. I'm going to the toilet. Need to wank my big dick before it rips a hole in my suit trousers.' I tell him to go ahead. I want to join him. But I can't leave the landing. I need to hear what's going to happen. Any minute they could come up the stairs and surprise me. When I creep back, they're discussing astrophysics, politics, eugenics, crazy stuff that I don't even understand. I've never heard Dad talk so comfortably with another guy before, and it's weird to think his talking to someone young enough to be his son. 'That's really interesting,' Olly's saying. 'Has anyone researched that area before?' 'Not at all,' says Dad. 'The field is yours.' 'That would be amazing,' says my friend. 'To just devote yourself to developing your body and your mind. To not have to care about anything else.' 'What about your girlfriend?' Dad says. 'What about Nico's girlfriend, for that matter?' 'They don't understand,' Olly says. 'I think only another man could understand. I mean, look at us.' 'Yes,' I hear my Dad say, 'look at us,' and then there's a long pause, and it goes on and on. 'So — shall we go upstairs?' says Olly. 'Good idea,' says Dad. I hear his footstep on the stair. 'Except...' 'Yes?' says Olly. I head back into my bedroom and leave the door ajar. I'm pulling my clothes back on. 'PLINK-PLONK', says the laptop, and I head over. 'Show's over?' says Tom. ' :-( ' I hesitate to turn the site off. I want to please him so much. I need a wank so badly. In that moment of hesitation, I hear Dad pause outside my door. 'Come into my room instead.' I hear Olly take a long breath to steady himself. 'You're sure?' 'Looking at you now,' Dad says slowly, 'I think, you're too big for Nico's clothes. If you're going to wear anybody's cast-offs, the only things that will fit would be mine.' 'I like the idea of that, sir,' says Olly, still sounding so nervous. 'Don't tell my son.' 'No,' says Olly. 'I won't.' I hear Dad unlock the door of the room opposite mine, and him and Olly go inside. They don't close the door, but even so, I breathe a sigh of relief. I sit down on my bedroom chair opposite the webcam, in that position I know the light is falling on my body and making it glisten. I begin to feel my dick through my pants. 'Oh yes!' says Tom. ' :-) ' 'Take your shirt off,' Dad says. 'I want to see if you've grown as big as my son says.' 'Like this?' I could picture Olly taking his shirt off well enough. I see it every day at the gym. Every day I hold my breath, waiting to see what he's packing after his latest growth spurt. He's not like he was that first day, a gawky little guy whose head — and all that fluffy blonde hair — was almost outsized on his body, when he wore that shirt of his big brother's that practically drowned him, and he was looking at me — oh yes, I knew it — with utter envy at my muscle. He was ashamed then of how small he was next to me. He couldn't feel that today — this morning, for example, he looked almost twice my size again. He looms over me. I look up at pecs that are like great mountain ranges of furry flesh, his big nipples sticking out a dark salmon pink, begging to be tasted. He's like an inverted triangle, and his arms are tremendous great pieces of machinery, strong enough to snap a guy in two. But still he's shy. He'll be shyer still with Dad. He glances away, unpeels his t-shirt slowly, carefully off his massive frame. Then, once it's off, he glances down at it, still somewhat amazed each time at this Hollywood action hero body that belongs to the skinny little middle-class librarian. His pecs twitch unconsciously. He can't resist a little smile at that. And then he blushes. 'You shouldn't blush,' Dad says. 'Don't be embarrassed. You ought to be proud of what you are.' 'I am, sir,' I hear Olly say, but he sounds uncertain. 'I sometimes find it hard to believe this body belongs to me. But I love it.' 'You should.' My Dad sounds impressed. 'Your size. Your definition. You're the leader of the pack. You're the biggest, strongest guy in town.' I slip my dick out of my underwear and begin to jack off. 'Come on, then,' I hear Ollie say. My hand freezes on my cock. Is he really going to say it? 'You too.' 'Sure?' my Dad says. 'I want to compare, sir,' says my best friend. As the silence deepens, I wank myself slower, picturing Ollie's face. 'Wow,' I hear him say. The word just escapes like a sigh. 'Come on, really?' 'You're flawless, sir. I've never seen anything like it, not in real life.' 'Not bad for an old guy...' 'Mid-forties is not old,' Ollie says. 'And really, I've never seen anything so...' 'You said you wanted to compare,' says Dad. 'Come over here.' I'm holding my breath. Listening. My dick is hot and hard in my hand. I tweak a nipple, almost without thinking. Oh god, I murmur to myself. 'Show me how you make a bicep,' Dad says. Then, 'Goodness. Okay, hold it there. Let's see.' 'Oh, yeah,' says Ollie. 'Bigger?' Dad says. 'Come on, I'm obviously smaller,' says Ollie. 'Very slightly,' Dad says. 'Show me your tricep.' 'Like this?' 'You're good at that,' Dad says. 'Now, mine...' 'Bigger than me,' says Ollie. 'Not by much,' says Dad. 'Come on, bring your chest alongside mine.' 'Like this?' 'They don't need to touch.' 'Sorry.' 'That's okay.' 'It's hard to tell because you're so fucking hairy, son.' 'I know, sir!' Ollie laughs, still shy. 'It's something else that just grew and grew when I took Doctor O's magic potion. But it's all about testosterone, right? I've read about it.' 'Oh yes,' Dad says. 'It's about a boy becoming a man. That can happen at twenty-one or forty-one. But once it happens, you know about it.' He sighs. 'Okay, I can't tell whose pectorals are bigger but yours is definitely one of the broadest chests I've seen. And your nipples are very, very hard, aren't they?' 'Just from when we nearly touched,' Ollie says. 'I mean, don't take any of this the wrong way, I'm not gay, sir.' 'Oh, I didn't mean anything like that,' Dad says. 'Now, come on, take off your trousers so I can check out your thighs and glutes.' 'Yeah, cool — if you will, sir.' I could hear them unbuttoning their jeans. Undoing zips. I heard the fabric hit the floor. I almost wished I could put my head around the door and sneak a look, but I didn't need to — I could see everything. I could feel the tension between them. I could just imagine my Dad's cologne and the smell of Lynx deodorant on my gym buddy. I could see the looks they gave one another, the way they flexed and posed for one another. 'That's one impressive bulge, son.' 'I guess I just got a bit excited, sir.' 'Yeah, funny isn't it!' And they both laugh. 'Why don't we compare in that too, sir? There must be one muscle I've got that's bigger than yours?' Oh Jesus Christ, I thought. Pre-cum was oozing out of the top of my hard dick and over my knuckles. Please. Please. 'I don't know about that, son.' Please, guys. 'Go on, sir. Or are you scared?' Dad barked a laugh. 'Okay. You asked for it! On the count of three?' 'One...' 'Two...' Three, I said to myself, and bit my lip. There was silence from the room across the hall. A big silence. I could almost hear them breathing, forcing themselves to breathe, as they gazed fascinated at one another. Pride etched on their faces. No, on one face only. 'Holy shit.' 'Well, son, I did warn you.' 'But I didn't expect... I mean, I've never seen one as big as mine.' 'It's a beauty, don't you think?' A pause. I thought, Ollie's debating with himself what he can and can't say. And he knows he has to say it now. There's no going back. 'Can I touch it, sir?' Dad sounds completely fine about the whole thing, like he's talking about a favourite watch or vintage car. 'Go ahead, son.' I lick my lips with a dry tongue. My cockhead is painfully swollen with excitement. I remember when my penis was the Eighth Wonder of the World as far as that skinny little librarian Olly was concerned. I remember when I would see him stealing glances at it. I love feeling undersized, for once. I almost wish I'd found out how hung my Dad was before this. 'It feels so solid. I can't get my hand around it.' 'Try both.' A pause. 'Still no.' 'I almost hate to say this...' Dad doesn't sound apologetic. He sounds like he's having the time of his life. 'It does swell up a little bigger still. Just before I cum.' 'I'd love to see that,' Olly says, in a rush. 'Maybe you can help me out, then?' 'Like this?' 'Yeah, that's a start.' 'I feel like I'm doing it wrong.' 'No, no, keep going.' I hear Dad sigh. 'You ever wanked another guy before, son?' 'No, sir.' 'Thought not,' Dad said. 'It's not just that,' Olly said. 'You're just so huge, I don't know how I can...' 'Why not use your hands on the shaft,' Dad says, 'and your tongue on the head? I'm sensitive there.' 'Can I?' 'Of course,' Dad says. 'Do whatever comes naturally.' There's no talking for a minute, and I'm spitting on my palm so I can wank myself slower at the thought of this. Olly on his knees. Dad on his feet, erect in all senses. I hear Olly gag, splutter, gasp for breath. 'How am I doing?' 'Really good,' Dad says. 'Keep going.' 'Are you getting close?' 'I need to go a little further. Put it back in your mouth, son.' 'Right, sir.' Oh god, oh god. I can't believe I'm listening to this. Oh god, don't stop. 'Stop. Like I said, we need to take this further.' 'What do I do?' 'Bend over.' I can hear Olly processing the idea. 'Really? I've never...' 'You've never had a tongue in your arse before, right?' 'That's right. Sophie never suggested anything like –' 'Just give it a try. That's all I'm saying,' says Dad. 'Spread your cheeks. They're just begging for this to happen, son. So strong and pert. All part of being a real man.' 'Fair enough.' And then, I hear it. I hear Olly gasp with pleasure. Then groan. Then call out and groan at the same time. 'You like that, don't you!' 'Don't stop, sir!' 'Oh, you taste good...' Olly makes more noises of pleasure. 'Ah! Yes! Ah!' Then the sound of both of them, breathless. 'I .. didn't realise ... it would be ... so good...' Dad laughs. 'Thanks. You know, there's one way guys can take this to the next level. Olly? You understand?' 'Do it, sir.' 'But you do know what I'm talking about?' 'Should I bend over again, or lie down on the bed?' 'Olly, you understand — what we're going to do — it's just about being buddies. I'm not gay. You're not gay. Okay?' 'I don't know what it is. I don't care any more. I want you inside me. I think I — sir, I think I love you.' 'Olly — ' 'And I want you to fuck me like — well, just don't — don't hold back.' 'Okay. Let me put a condom on first. Just in case.' He laughed, then. 'I mean, there's no chance of any trouble, obviously, but I had them specially made for me so I might as well use one.' I heard a sound like someone pulling a tarpaulin on over a motorbike. 'And here,' said Dad, 'drink a little more of Dr O's potion. It'll help you relax. Okay?' 'Okay. God, but I want you so much.' 'You're going to have me. You're going to have all of me. Inside you.' 'Oh yeah.' 'I'm going to lie down the bed, and you're going to sit on me, okay?' 'Like this?' 'Slowly. Carefully. You need to be in control.' 'Oh, I can feel you — I can feel you in me — oh, god, oh Jesus...' And then I just listen to them fuck. It's wordless. Deep. Growling. Pleasure and pain together. My Dad. My Gym Buddy. Joined together. On the bed, in the room across the hall, fucking hard. Gasping. Grunting. Then demanding. 'Faster!' 'Squeeze my balls.' 'Grab my beard, sir.' 'Take it.' 'Go deep.' 'Wank that dick, son. Wank that big, fat dick of yours.' And I do. I wank my dick, and Tom is watching me and telling me he wants to see me lose control. Wants to see me cum. But I'm holding out. I'm waiting. I'm waiting to hear them do it, cross the line, go deep, lose themselves. When I hear it, it's like their voices are joined in one. They speak together. The very same words. They're like one person in two bodies, two huge muscled bodies dripping with sweat and dark with fur. 'Yes,' they say. 'That's it. I'm there. I'm there. Yes. That's it. Go!' And as I picture them spunking and gasping and losing control, so creamy white cum is oozing in rivers and torrents out of my dick. I'm covered. My hands are filthy. And I'm biting my lip not to moan and cry out in pleasure. I don't even think about the fact I don't hear them talking any more. I don't think of the sounds, until afterwards. I don't think of the way the door to Dad's room has closed. That I can hear Olly outside my door, pulling his clothes on in a mad hurry, rushing down the stairs, grabbing his bag, running out the door, slamming it behind him. But what happens next is really weird.
  10. LJackson

    Muscle Wroshippers Chapter 11 of 14

    THE STORY SO FAR - Stephan is a police officer with a very well-endowed boyfriend, Tom. But Stephan's sex addiction to sex leads to him losing his job - and breaking up with from Tom. While staying with his parents in a quiet corner of London, Stephan observes something exciting: an alpha muscle Beast humiliating a fluffy, gentle, weak young beta called Olly. Now, the Beast is helping Olly grow - and it's happening at an impossible rate: muscle, height, cock, hair, character. Soon he begins to eclipse the Beast himself. Where will it end? Hakan's new boss/lover wants to see how far Olly pushes Stephan and vice versa. Stephan suspects that the men at Nico's gym - Uranus Gyms - are experimenting on Olly; he steals a flask of their protein supplement. The only man Olly sees as an ally is Nico's musclebound Dad, the owner of Uranus Gyms. Who will get to Olly first - and why? Chapter 10 is here. 11 Tom of FinsburyPark Monday October 8th I had the text from Stephan during my lunch-break yesterday, while I caught up on some patient admin: Are you busy tonight? Think I've got something you could take care of S x It turned out to be a busy day. I'd been up till midnight the night before doing website stuff, then up again at 07.00 and speeding into the surgery before I knew what I was doing. Mainly colds and flu jabs, which is about right for this time of year. At the moment, it sometimes feels like a computer game while I'm at the surgery, people come in and I assess their symptoms and zap them, automatically. It's not my real life any more, and that's okay. I try not to think about my evening job while I'm in my daytime world, or my mind starts drifting, suddenly I'm away on some flight of fantasy — and there's some pensioner with inflamed sinuses sitting there, waiting for my reply. The text really did break my cool for a minute. The last time I was in touch with Stephan was kind of odd, one of those middle of the night things — I was up late working on the site. Mostly going through pictures taken by Dean. There were some pictures where he got right under my ball sack, catching the afternoon sunlight bouncing off my cock shaft, making the whole thing look like a third leg, and not just that, but a third leg that had a great fat thigh. I was thinking: 'This must be how Stephan remembers me. Just a big juicy cock with my face bobbing some way above it.' The idea got me hard. I texted Stephan. We had a sexting session. Then I had to go into work. I hadn't really pinned very much on it. Just letting off some steam. Now he wanted to come over? And see me in the flesh? Not only that, but on a night when I'd be working — not that he could have known about that, and my second job. Or did he? Did he know what I'd been up to? The afternoon was more difficult for having to concentrate on all that. I felt like I had to give it some thought. Consider if another time would be more suitable. Ask him exactly what he meant by something I could take care of, as if I didn't know (although, as it turns out, I didn't at all). But it was too late. I'd already said, Sure. Half seven? Pasta? T x He came round dead on at half seven. I opened the door and he was leaning in the doorframe, looking slightly nervous. I'd forgotten just how tall he was, or how hot those glasses looked on his long, square-jawed face. He looked me up and down. 'Wow,' he stumbled, taking me in. 'Peak beard. Lumbersexual. Very on trend.' 'Well,' I said, suddenly self-conscious, and looking down at myself. 'You know how it is. I have my character to live up to.' 'Character?' He looked at me blankly. So he didn't know. 'Come in,' I said, 'before I overdo my fettuccine.' He shut the door behind him and came into the kitchen with me. With a 'donk', he put a bottle of Merlot on the kitchen table. 'Brought a bottle,' he said. 'Well, in fact, I brought a couple.' 'You know what I like,' I said, turning away to give the pasta a warning stir. He smacked my arse playfully. 'Don't I?' he said, mischievously. 'How's things? You're looking well.' I turned toward him, and before I knew it we were in an affectionate embrace, my face was upturned, we were exchanging chaste little kisses on the lips. Just a tad more than friendly — but then, isn't that where we'd been, the day we had our trial split? Was that a good thing? A promising thing? Or a sign of how far we'd get and no further? 'And you,' I said. 'The lumberjack look really does suit you,' he said. 'I mean, really really.' He looked down at my jeans. 'Have you distressed those on purpose to show off your cock, or...' 'Yes,' I said. 'I have.' 'Ah. You've come out of your shell,' he said. I realised I was holding my breath, and let it out. 'I hope so.' 'It's been useful, this break,' he said. 'I feel that way, anyway.' 'Have you been seeing anyone else?' I asked him, busying myself with the wine bottle so I didn't have to look him in the eye. 'Well,' he said, 'I, umm, wouldn't say that exactly. Nothing serious. I've been going out to my way to avoid it. Thanks.' He clinked his glass to mine. 'And you?' From somewhere in the corner of the kitchen, where my laptop sits, I heard a loud, 'PLINK-PLONK'. 'Excuse me,' I said, and went to check it. It was from Lumberjackoff83. 'Mmm, he looks fucking hot. Go 4 it.' Quickly, I gave one of my less engaged replies. 'Thx m8. Stay posted.' I turned back to Stephan. He was tasting my pasta sauce. 'This looks great,' he said. 'Got any courgette? Sorry, but I've been working in a cafe, and I just know it would go perfectly.' I was thrown by this conversation. It was slightly more innocent than I'd been girding myself up for. 'Of course,' I said, forcing a grin. I opened the fridge door and passed him his required vegetable. 'PLINK-PLONK!' said the laptop, and then 'PLINK-PLONK!' 'PLINK-PLONK!' 'PLINK-PLONK!' Stephan gave the machine an odd look. 'I'm not interrupting something?' 'Not at all,' I said. 'Quite the reverse.' I went over to the laptop, where fans of mine were sending through suggestions on what we should do with the courgette, none of them even remotely culinary. I decided to throw them a sop. 'I hope he puts it in my mouth,' I told them all. 'But the night is young.' Stephan was still working on the sauce, so I decided to work on my glass of wine. He looked up at me and smiled. 'So come on, answer the question, sunshine, or do you want a nice little ride down to the station?' 'PLINK-PLONK!' said the laptop, but I ignored it. 'Well,' I said, 'Dean's been coming over a bit. You met him, remember?' 'Yeah,' he said, turning back to his sauce. 'And then there have been — one or two others.' I finished the glass of wine. 'Actually... I run an internet porn site out of my flat.' Stephan dropped the spoon into the pan. He had to hunt through my cutlery drawer for sugar tongs before he could extract it, scrape sauce back into the pan, wash his hands, pick up his wine, give me his full attention and say: 'What?' 'Dean got me into it by taking those photos,' I told him. 'He told me my cock could go a long way.' 'It does go a long way!' smiled Stephan. 'So your character...' 'Yes,' I said. 'Tom of FinsburyPark.' He considered. Then looked at the laptop. 'You're — we're not — being watched online now?' I nodded. 'Do you want another glass of wine?' 'Yes please.' He shook his head. 'But you used to be so shy...' 'I know,' I said, and then laughed. 'And this is much more fun.' 'I don't doubt it,' he said. 'Videos?' 'And photoshoots, and live streams. Like tonight. I was due online anyway, I couldn't switch off. People pay their subscriptions, after all.' I sipped the wine again. 'What do you want to do now?' The laptop 'PLINK-PLONKED' with suggestions. Stephan looked down at my semi-hard cock, beautifully outlined in my jeans, then switched off the heat under the pasta with a sharp click. 'I think we should eat,' he said. We ate. We talked. It was an experiment, and we both knew it, but we were both giving it a good shot, and each of us responded well to that good vibe from the other. I told him about the little that's been going on at the surgery, about how I'm still reading Proust, which is of course not strictly true, but I am still trying to read Proust, and that's good enough for me, so it should be enough for him. I told him my Mum and Dad were okay. He told me his were fine. He told me more about his job at the cafe, and his boss, and how they're not seeing one another, not really, but every now and again, one thing leads to another. And he told me about the job itself, and about how happy he felt to be putting great big delicious meals down in front of people. Encouraging them to relax and indulge themselves, instead of policing them, literally. I put my hand on his. 'That's great,' I said, 'but, come on. You didn't come round to tell me about how you can bake lasagne.' He took a deep breath. 'No,' he said. 'I didn't.' He poured himself a big glass of wine and took a long gulp. Then he said: 'What do you know about hypertrophy?' I shrugged. 'It's when muscles grow. Perfectly natural process.' 'Can it be done unnaturally?' 'That's the gym industry,' I said. 'It's an important stage. You manage it carefully, building up to it, supporting it, even stimulating it.' I rolled up the sleeves of my plaid shirt and flexed for him. 'Here's the results of my gym club membership and bulking powder!' He smiled politely. 'Looking good.' 'Hmm, I want to get bigger,' I said. 'Not much but, you know — for the audience's sake...' The smile vanished. 'You look great as you are. What's the obsession with size? I mean, okay, I like fit guys. I even like the occasional muscle guy, but...' 'Get to the point, love.' 'This is the point. Except, I suppose, it's not. You see,' he said. 'There's this lad called Olly.' So this is when he tells me about a young guy called Olly who works at his local library. Not seeing him, either, it seems — straight as the proverbial die, apparently. When Stephan first met him, he was just an ordinary, slightly geeky, fluffy young bloke, perhaps even a little undersized. Now, as Stephan sketches it, he's hit the gym. Hard. And it's paying off — perhaps a bit too much. 'I can't overemphasise the change,' Stephan said. 'He's like a different guy. A cave man. Alpha male. Pure muscle. Plus, if I'm any judge of these things, he's started to grow — down there... I mean, is that even possible?!' 'I wish...' 'You!' he said. 'Of all people!' 'Everyone would like a few more inches,' I said. 'I love it when guys come over to the flat whose cocks are even longer and fatter than mine. And they love it too. Size is power, power is sex. But with your boyfriend...' Stephan made an exasperated sound. 'Alright,' I said. 'But you do sound concerned about him, for somebody you're not fucking...!' 'Yes,' he said. 'This is new! And I want to make sure this stuff he's been taking is safe! And I knew you would know.' That's when he got the flask out of his bag and put it on the table. 'You want me to run tests on a protein shake?' I said. 'For your new boyfriend...?' 'He's just someone I care about,' Stephan said. 'He's not interested in guys. He's not interested in much apart from astrophysics and how to put on "slabs of muscle".' 'Okay,' I said. 'I'll do it tomorrow. Now, let's talk about nicer things.' 'Such as?' I could see he was still het up, the poor thing. 'Such as dessert,' I said, going over to the fridge and fetching out my secret weapon — banana split sundae. 'PLINK-PLONK', went the laptop, rather predictably at this juncture. I watched him spoon ice cream between his lips, making little grunts of pleasure as it went down. A few gulps and my dick was fully hard and straining at my jeans — I'd worn my tightest pair, just for the occasion. 'This is good,' he said. 'I know,' I said. 'Are we still on cam?' he asked. 'You bet,' I said. He took this as his cue to pick up the banana and lick the gooey sweet cream off it. Lick, lick, lap, lap, swallow. A smile, with the goo still coating his lips. 'You're not out of practice then,' I said, 'even if your boyfriend is straight.' 'I try and keep in training,' he replied. 'Just in case the situation should arise?' He looked at me over his glasses. 'Don't worry. It has risen.' 'That was quick.' 'Maybe that magic drink has aphrodisiacal qualities too,' he said. I gasped. 'You didn't...' 'In the sauce, when I was adding the courgette,' he said. 'You don't mind? It hasn't done Ollie any harm, after all. And you said you wouldn't mind an inch or two more.' I was flabbergasted. At the same time, I was boiling up with the need for sex. And the thought that he had expected it, too. After all, you can't do an experiment if you don't make careful observations. 'Shall we see if it's done anything yet?' I asked, standing up. He leant across the table and unbuttoned my jeans. My dick sprung free — I've taken to going commando — and stood proud, solid and purple, a few inches above my ice-cream bowl. It was too tempting not to — I angled my hips downward and stuck my throbbing knob into those big blobs of sweet icy goo. It was colder than I'd expected- the sensation was amazing, as it ran down my shaft and dripped onto my shaven balls. Frosty and smooth. Stephan let out a long sigh. 'Delicious,' he said. 'Any bigger than you remembered?' I asked him. 'I'd forgotten that girth...' he said. Then he shoved his chair back, grabbed either side of the table to steady himself, and leant across for a lick. Hot tongue, cold cream, solid muscle through slippery goo, sliding up pulsing, sensitive, throbbing man meat. God, I'd missed him. Every time I'd fucked with someone new. Good as it was, it wasn't somebody who knew what I liked. I felt a pang of emotion go through me. 'We're not getting serious, are we?' I asked, breathless. 'I'm always serious about things I put in my mouth,' he said, and I could see the sex drunkenness coming over him. He leant in and sucked on my big prick with a sudden rush of sex hunger. I grabbed the back of his head and slid my dick home to the back of his throat. Nobody else has ever been able to take it. Even when I did it this time, he had to gasp for breath afterwards. 'It's all coming back to me now,' he said. I slid my hands down into his shirt, remembering too: remembering how he loved my hands on his nipples, tugging and teasing them. He gave a soft grunt, and leant in to swallow my dick down to the base again. 'Wow,' he said. 'It's amazing how you're shaven. I can cram it in even further.' He went down for another go, as if to demonstrate. 'I've learnt a thing or two,' I said, 'having joined the porn industry.' 'You already knew all you needed to know,' he said, after another long gulp on my dick. He sat back in his seat and looked up at me. I folded my arms. 'Maybe not.' 'It's good to know you're never satisfied.' 'Maybe you just couldn't satisfy me,' I said. He pulled his t-shirt off over his head. His long curly hair was dusting his shoulders. Behind the kitchen smells, I could smell the bittersweet tang of perspiration and cologne. I could smell it because I had my hands on the chair-back and I was leaning in, kissing him, my hands on the chair. 'PLINK-PLONK!' said the laptop. He rolled toward me, still more drunkenly, rolling his body towards my touch. I concentrated on exploring his mouth with my tongue, fighting his with mine, licking the residue of ice cream and banana from his teeth. He was writhing now, eager for me to lay hands on him, so I drew back, and kissed him delicately on the lips. Now he swivelled on his seat and arrogantly pulled down his jeans and boxers so that his hard dick sprang up, smelling sweet and inviting as that particular kind of coffee bean he had bought once, the one that tasted of Jaffa oranges growing on mountainsides somewhere where the sun was burning, the coffee that was still in the cupboard, waiting for him to come back. I inhaled that sweet scent of a cock begging to be taken in the mouth and — just kissed him, lightly at the side of his mouth this time, then on his soft, smooth throat. He was in a fury of need now, and he put both hands on the back of my head and forced me down toward his cock. I wanted to swallow it up, I wanted to take it down to the back of my throat, but I knew what I was doing. I stuck out my tongue and let it slide down that angrily hard prick as if it were an ice-cream to be slowly savoured. 'Fucker,' he said, and moved his hands down to caress my neck, then kneading my shoulders, entreating me to answer his lust. I ran my tongue even slower back up his shaft, towards the head. I lingered just below the head, and then in one very slow, very deliberate, very firm movement, I licked his glans with the flat of my tongue. 'Christ,' he said, and I watched a fat blob of precum well up out of his piss slit and tremble like a dew drop. 'PLINK-PLONK!' 'PLINK-PLONK!' I bent in and stuck my tongue deep in, hard against the root of his cock, lapping hard at the area between his balls. I could smell that precum now. I licked back up and in one, two swirls I cleaned that precum away, and then I was back down at the root again. He reached for his cock but I grabbed his arm and pulled it away. He leant back proffering his arsehole now, and this I decided was a good idea, and set to work in there. More smells, and that amazing smoky taste in there. I felt his heels come to rest on my shoulders. 'That's more like it,' he said, sleepily. There was lube in my rear pocket, and I squelched it all over my fat, throbbing dick till it was slick as buggery. I was achingly hard in my hand, almost numb with pleasure. I settled back on my heels, my dick standing up and out of my jeans trousers like a Robert Mapplethorpe picture, except this dick was in colour, and it was warm and it was quivering. I saw Stephan's hand go for his cock again but I growled, 'No touching.' 'Please,' he said. 'I need it.' 'You want my big hard dick?' 'No,' he said, 'I don't want it. I need it. I need it now.' I ran my cockhead around the perimeter of his arsehole. 'You need this?' 'Fill me up,' he said. 'You sure?' 'PLINK-PLONK!' 'PLINK-PLONK!' 'PLINK-PLONK!' He laughed. 'That's you told.' I fucked him slowly, just how he liked, in the kitchen chair. He scrabbled at my shirt tweaking my tits through the plaid material. Grabbing at my balls as they slabbed against his arsecheeks. He scratched his beard and sat back, looking relaxed, like a whore on his day off. 'Come on, Tommy, you can go deeper than that,' he teased. I smacked his arse smartly with my right hand and set to a faster rhythm. Big-hard-dick, big-hard-dick, sat-is-fy me, sat-is-fy me. Satis-fy me. Satis-fy me. Satisfy, satisfy, satisfy, satisfy, Big. Biggg. Dick. Dick. Dick. 'Oh yeah,' he said. 'You're doing it now.' I lifted his thighs higher to improve my angle (tall guys need extra work) and he was nearly upside down, hanging on to my shirt like a mountaineer. Button by button it began to tear. His cute little round tummy, the sort that only someone in their thirties who has begun to relax about life can have, wobbled deliciously as I banged him, I banged him, I nearly broke my kitchen chair. Dicking him, dicking, big — hard — dicking him. 'Satisfy me, Stephan,' I said, snarling, the voice I'd begun to take on after a couple of nights' hard scrutiny of porn films. His eyes suddenly widened. 'Tom!' he gasped. 'I think it's working! Holy fucking mother of fuck, I can feel your dick getting even bigger -- inside my arse!' The surprise took the snarl out of me, and then suddenly, yes, I could feel it. I've always been pretty proud of my big dick. Now I felt like I had a log sticking out of my fly. 'Yeah,' I said. 'Yeah! Just like your boyfriend!' 'You're my boyfriend, idiot!' he said. 'Oh god, though, I don't know if I can — I don't know if I can take you, this size!' His eyes were watering. 'Take it, Stephan,' I said, slamming it home slowly, steadily but mercilessly. 'Take that extra huge hard cock!' 'PLINK-PLONK!' And then I realised I was big enough suddenly that I could fuck him and, quite casually, lean across and suck on his cock. At last I allowed myself the taste of that policeman cock, and the precum that kept brimming up and spilling down his cock, and I reached across and pinched his left tit, and suddenly — Suddenly I could feel a giant fuckstick deep in my arsehole, while my dick was getting serviced, and I wanted my tits to be felt up, and I realised I was seeing things through Steve's eyes. Some sort of magic had occurred. And Jesus Christ, but it was true about my dick. It was enormous. Not only that, but my chest had broadened and my lumberjack shirt was filled out with more muscle than before. Where he'd torn it open, I could see the deeper crease between my pecs, a fresh sprouting of dark hair. He wouldn't have seen the difference, but having been to the gym that afternoon I knew — I knew that I'd grown, just a little, in every muscle, since I started fucking him. Since I drank that potion. I could feel Stephan's concern for Olly now. He knew it was the potion. The stuff Doctor O was producing. He'd seen and tasted and felt the effects of it, first hand (and first arse). And even though I got an image of Olly in my Stephan's mind's eye, and even though he looked fucking hot, like Colby Keller on steroids but English and straight, still I realised he'd want to fuck him. He wanted to protect him. Protect him in a way that he never thought to do when it was me and him. With me and him, he wanted risk, danger, illicit pleasure. That ruled everything. He wanted to be dominated by a massive cock and covered in spunk. And Tom could never give him that. Tom was a sweet, mild-mannered GP. He was gentle. He was nice. He didn't want to play games or get dirty or dangerous or wrong. Till tonight. I looked up at the new Tom and he looked back at me, teeth grit in his beard (so much smaller and neater than Olly's), his arm muscles locked (they were so sweet compared to Olly's, they were the first flush of muscle gain), his nipples stuck out proud from his ripped shirt, and sweat was soaking his chest hair, and his giant dong, half the size of Olly's, but then, what could you do with a dick that big, his giant dong sliding in and out of me, and his hand pumping on my dick. We were both feeling that we'd arrived at a new place together. A place where we could lose control. And I could feel all the minds of the viewers at home. I could feel them wanking their dicks or finger-fucking their pussies, hundreds of them. I could feel each one as they approached their vinegar strokes, watching us go at it hammer and tongs. I could see you, dear reader. I could feel your heart beat. I could feel you nearing the edge, losing yourself in the fuck, the wank, the emotion. And then of course we were cumming — them and you and him and I, and for a minute there, we didn't know who was who, we were both howling with pleasure, and the bitterness was all over my tongue and lips, and I was spunking so hard, and he was licking his lips and we were absolutely drenched, drenched in our spunk. 'PLINK-PLONK!' applauded the viewers through Tom's laptop. And I'm writing this upstairs at Mum and Dad's. I'm Stephan. I remember now. I'm Stephan, and Tom was my boyfriend. I didn't realise he felt that way about me. I didn't realise there was anything to go back to there. And now he knows how I feel about Olly. And downstairs, the doorbell has just rung.
  11. THE STORY SO FAR - Stephan is a police officer with a very well-endowed boyfriend, Tom. But Stephan's sex addiction to sex leads to him losing his job - and breaking up with from Tom. While staying with his parents in a quiet corner of London, Stephan observes something exciting: an alpha muscle Beast humiliating a fluffy, gentle, weak young beta called Olly. Now, the Beast is helping Olly grow - and it's happening at an impossible rate: muscle, height, cock, hair, character. Where will it end? Hakan's new boss/lover wants to see how far Olly pushes Stephan and vice versa. Tom is still sexting Stephan at night. And when Olly tries to get Stephan started at his gym, it seems a very mysterious set-up, perhaps run exclusively by gay men: but why? Chapter 9 is here. 10 Olly Friday October 5th 'You've changed...' Everybody's saying it suddenly. But is it true? Here I am in the same room in the same house that I wrote this diary in, in January and in July. These are the same hands that wrote it, though less delicate somewhat (in a spot of anger the other day, I snapped my biro), and although I had to cut off my charity bands and friendship bracelet (the one Sophie gave me, that night in midsummer) it was out of necessity, not bad feeling or trying to forget. I'd still support those charities, I still want that friendship. I still listen to Green Day, even if I split their band t-shirt open in a sweaty tangle the other, while I was hyper-pumped from shoulder presses and barbell curls. I still read New Scientist's updates religiously every morning. I still think, hey, I could get a job at one of the big observatories. In fact, I can't think of a more perfect life than just working out, eating big, staring at the stars and learning more about them. The essentials. I can see myself there in thirty years time, thinking just the same things. Fuck, how big will I be by that time...? 'You've changed.' Sophie said it in a text. It was her last word on the subject. She wants us to have a trial separation, or get some air, or something prim and proper that's just masking the fact she doesn't want me in her life any more. She can't come out with it, she can't get down to the essentials the way I can. She's so nice about it, so sweet and gentle, and it drives me mad. If that's the way I used to be, back when I was little and fluffy and thought crunches were something you ate with a dip, well, I'm glad that I've changed. She just wanted to talk, not cuddle. Then she was persuaded that cuddling was 'nice'. Then she got curious about feeling how big my arms had got: could she fit both hands around one (duh, no), and she wanted to see how massive my abs are now. She wanted to see how I can make my pecs dance to any song she could think of (she chose an Ed Sheeran song, naturally). She was asking what it is that makes a guy get hairy. She knew she was getting me hot. I knew she was getting wet. Then she wants to fuck. Of course, she wants to fuck. She does a double-take when I release the Anaconda, but then she gets a smile on her face. She's so excited about my size, in every possible way. Suddenly, something in sweet, little Miss Perfect is set free. I know all the family are downstairs getting dinner ready, I know they can all hear me and it's not what nice middle class twenty-one year olds do, but I've got the red mist and she's on heat. The pair of us are going at it like a couple of animals. She's practically falling off the bed, she's got her fists bunched in my beard to hold herself in position, I'm basically tearing her nice, tasteful blouse apart to get at her, I'm getting my tongue everywhere, I'm ripping up her panties and lifting her up so that her lady garden is there on my slobbery, blonde bushy chin, up to my lips, and I'm working my fingers inside her arse. She deserves everything I can give her. If my brother did come to the door, the way I imagined him doing, he must have thought it was a scene out of 10,000,000 BC. I was devoting myself to her like she was a goddess and I was a goatherd living in the wilderness. Or a donkey boy, I guess. That's what she called me, as she came the second time (of five). She was like this new girl, begging me to do her like one animal does another -- but apparently that's my fault. Apparently I made that happen, just because I work out now. Just because I show her what life's really all about. After we both came a few times, I had to head straight out to the gym for my evening routine. Maybe that's what she didn't like. Where does she think her he-man got his stuff...? I've changed, apparently. And she can't take me. 'You've changed!' When the Beast says it, it's a good thing. That doesn't make it any less significant. He said it this morning. He gave a slow whistle, and he laughed. We were coming straight out of the gym, after a hard round of work. God, but my whole body was exhausted, every muscle aching, pulsing, throbbing: sweat was streaming down our backs, pecs, thighs. My arms were feeling especially jacked — I couldn't bend one enough to scratch an itch on my own shoulder — and he was checking out his own massive boulder shoulders. 'I have to capture this moment, bro,' he said, getting out his phone. 'Come on, shoulder to shoulder. Dude, you finally caught me up.' And he snapped us in the mirror, like a pair of giants, one fair, one dark. One of them who is now just slightly, even more ripped, even wider, even taller, than the other. But out of politeness I didn't like to point this out. 'Shit just got real,' he said, showing me the picture. 'You gonna put that on the site?' I said, resisting the urge to point out my slight advantage. Maybe the strangers who comment on there would point it out for him. 'Muscle Worshippers?' I laughed. 'You're not obsessed with any other website.' That's when he gave me that look. 'You've changed, bro,' he said, and laughed. 'You can say that again,' I said, running my hands over my taut physique. 'I'm twice the boy I used to be. I'm five times!' 'Yeah, that's the obvious stuff,' he said. 'You got the goods. Anyone can see that. But something more. You like to show it off now, don't you?' 'Hey,' I said. 'It's not vanity. I worked hard for this.' 'Like a shire horse,' he said. 'But admit it. You get a kick out of it.' 'Not like you,' I said, turning away to mask my hard-on. 'Maybe,' he grinned. 'Dude, I love to see those poofters pop a boner in the group showers, just because I've come in. I'm like a god to them. I love it. Did I tell you I got paid to appear at this special club the other day?' 'No way. What for?' 'Nothing really,' he said. 'It was at this pub over in East London. I haven't told anybody else this.' 'Go on,' I said, chugging down my protein shake. He sat down beside me on the bench and lowered his voice. 'They contacted me via the website. Well, you can send private messages. Normally it's stuff about how inferior they are, how they want me to come and piss on them, or just let them wank off while I watch. Oh, and then there's at least one every couple of days from a guy who wants me to fuck his girlfriend.' My eyes went saucer-wide. 'What? Why?' 'Duh, man. Because they get off on it!' I laughed. 'The world's gone mad.' 'Yeah, I know. I've thought about it, but I think — well, it would interfere with my regime. And Estelle might take it the wrong way. Anyway, this special club meets in this pub, The Black Swan. They have blinds over all the windows, and lights like some nightclub, and there's a stage. And that's where they have me.' 'What,' I said, 'like, making a speech?' 'You are green, aren't you?' He began peeling off his shorts. 'They get me up there in a posing pouch. I show off what I've got.' He balled up his jockey shorts, sodden with sweat, and threw them in his kit bag. My mouth was dry, picturing him doing it. 'Like a stripper?' 'Well, more tasteful than that, of course,' he said. 'Plus, all I take off is my posing pouch. Hardly a routine.' He licked his lips. 'The thing they're really interested in is my strength, my power, my size. I let them have a bit of a feel. Of my guns, that is.' 'You don't get your cock out, then?' I joked, but I must have said it too loud because he looked round wildly, then laughed at himself. 'Well,' he said, 'when they're so enthusiastic, it's a shame to disappoint. And my wang's never disappointed anyone. Look at it. Like a rolled up newspaper!' He leapt up and waggled it in my face, his fist full of pink sweaty meat. 'Urgh! Fuck off!' I yelled, laughing. He stopped waggling, and just stood there with his hands on his hips, waiting for me to undress too. 'And now you're thinking of Muscle Worshippers too.' 'Shall we get in those showers?' I said. 'But,' he said, 'you're thinking of it?' 'Not me,' I said. Now that I think of it, the gay police guy who's always eyeing me up, Stephan, he said the same thing again. Like he ever had any idea what I'm like. The only time he ever spoke to me was that day I first met Nico, and he was so nice and kind and reassuring. All he wanted was my skinny arse. He liked it when he was a couple of feet taller than me, when he was the stronger guy, the hairier guy, the bigger man. And yeah, maybe he liked it at first when I started to change. He would always stop for a chat, always compliment me on my gains. I used to look forward to it. Even when I realised he fancied me, I was cool with that. I even took him to the gym. Hooked him up with Doctor O. I was looking forward to training with him. I knew he'd appreciate the amount of hard work I was putting in. I knew he'd want me even worse, if he saw me like I am in the gym, my veins standing out, my muscle pumped up and hard. And I guess he'd train with me, he'd get bigger. I was looking forward to seeing what he made of himself. Yeah, I suppose I really thought a lot of Stephan. In he came this lunchtime, and pretended to borrow some books. I know he doesn't care what he's taking out. I can see in his eyes, all he wants is some time looking me over, checking out how much mass I've gained since I last saw him. 'Whoa,' he said, adjusting his glasses. 'Hey dude,' I said, going through the motions with his books. 'Your boss really lets you dress like that?' he said. 'At work?' I looked down at myself. Another gym singlet. Once upon a time it would have been loose on me, but now it's stretched tight, and my chest stands pretty much proud of it. It's like a cotton breastplate or something. I laughed. 'He understands. I've gone through my whole wardrobe now. Nothing fits any more.' 'Perhaps I should lend you something.' 'No, don't worry,' I said, quickly. 'I mean, look at me.' He could hardly stop. 'Yes,' he said, 'I suppose it's true. You'd never fit in anything I've got now. Even my actual wardrobe would probably strain.' I smiled at his joke, but I was feeling slightly embarrassed. He used to be the ultimate alpha male, tall and strong and ex-police, and now look at him — dwarfed by a guy who's barely out of his teens. He didn't deserve to be made to feel small. I handed him back his books, wondering what to say. He suddenly cleared his throat, sort of decisively. 'Olly,' he said, 'What about that arm wrestle you promised me?' I didn't know what to say, and we both burst out laughing. 'Are you serious?' I said. I mean, he's in okay shape, but he's not packing even half the horse power up my sleeves. It was like he was asking for a smack-down. 'Maybe,' he said, 'Maybe not. But how do you feel about meeting up after work? I'll buy you a drink to celebrate your latest — growth spurt.' I lowered my gaze shyly. 'That's kind of you, man, but I don't drink alcohol. It's bad for my regime.' 'Well, an orange juice, then,' he said. 'You can't refuse that. At the Crown and Greyhound, six o'clock.' I guess I liked the idea of it. Especially after I saw a couple of the lads last week and things didn't go the way I planned. Fucking jealous little pricks. They wouldn't say anything outright but I saw it in their eyes. Couldn't believe I was the same person. Just because I've got something real and serious in my life now — just because I'm working hard at something. Just because each them wishes their forearm was even the size of my dick. Well, if the old crowd are going to be that way, it's good to have a friend, and it's especially good to have a friend like him — a real man. He may be a poof, but he's got balls. At least, that's how I felt this afternoon. Anyway, I could tell he had something to talk to me about. 'Olly,' he said, getting straight to the point. 'What's all this for?' I nearly spat out my OJ. 'The fuck, dude?' I said. 'Okay, okay,' he said, holding his hands up in a gesture of surrender. 'It was just a question. This has happened so fast, son. One minute you're a cute — okay, a sweet, normal-looking guy. Daniel Radcliffe lookalike. You wouldn't be able to carry a weights set home from Argos, let alone lift them. An average lad. Fast forward a few months... You're one of the biggest, strongest, most physically powerful guys I've ever seen in the flesh. You're hairier than I'll ever be. And as for your confidence -' I suppressed a smile at his words. He went on. 'Months ago you had these skinny arms, more baby fat than muscle. Now, each of your biceps is bigger than my head. Your chest is just fucking ridiculous. You've gone from being a kitten to a big, fucking jungle cat, Olly — the way you move, the way you look at people, the weight of you...' 'It's who I really am,' I told him, lifting my singlet to show him the thick corrugated ridges of my abs. I saw his eyes start out of his head. Luckily, we were sitting in the beer garden, and nobody was around to think it gay. 'I was always this big guy on the inside.' 'But where does it stop?' I brushed my fringe out of my eyes. 'It doesn't have to stop. I just keep getting bigger and I keep getting stronger. I get broader, thicker, heavier, more cut, more vascular. My appetite for muscle grows every day.' 'Doesn't that scare you?' 'No,' I said, downing the rest of my orange juice and slamming it onto the pub table. 'Well...' I didn't know what to say. I looked at my gorilla sized hand around the glass. 'Maybe a bit. But it's hard to tell if it's fear or just excitement. I'm becoming something amazing. It's the biggest turn on, man.' He took that in, then did a deep breath through his nostrils. 'What do your friends say?' 'You mean the weak little pussies I used to hang out with or the guys at the gym?' He considered. 'Whoever your friends are, I suppose.' 'My real friends support me. They tell me how great I'm looking, but they also see how much further I have to go.' 'I want to know that you're healthy. You've grown so fast. I'd like a friend of mine to take a look at you,' he said. I squeezed my cock, secretly, below the table. 'Really.' 'Not — like that,' he said hastily. 'He's a doctor.' 'I work with a Doctor,' I said, impatiently, as if this whole thing was too much effort — which it was. I wasn't expecting to be interrogated. I just thought he'd be getting off on my size, like normal. 'Yes,' he said. 'Doctor O. I've, ahem, encountered him.' 'Then you should understand,' I said. 'It's hypertrophy, Steve. It's natural. Scientific.' I put my hands behind my head as if I was just relaxing, as if I didn't realise how it showed me off. Behind his glasses I could see his eyes following the lines of my triceps, my biceps, my lats, flicking back to my eyes constantly, hoping I wouldn't notice. 'Lift heavy, rest hard, eat big...' 'Does the Doctor give you supplements?' 'Just his protein shake,' I said. 'I'll show you. No steroids. No drugs. I wouldn't be so fucking proud of myself if that's all it took.' I put the flask on the pub table. Stephan wrinkled his nose. 'But why is he doing this with you?' 'The same reason you want me to,' I said. 'And what's that?' 'To see my full potential,' I said. Slowly I took the cotton of the singlet between my fingers and thumbs and I ripped it down the middle, unveiling the might of me, the sweaty dark hair of me, the meat of me, the stink of me. Stephan was watching, lower lip trembling. 'To see all the stuff a young lad hides while he stays small. To feel just a little inferior. Unless you want to come and train with me, take me on...?' 'Chance would be a fine thing,' he said, seemingly entranced by my body. 'I got in touch with Doctor O. I wanted to know he has your best interests at heart. And you know what? He warned me off.' I licked my fingertips and began glossing up my nipples. 'That's bullshit.' He was breathing deep now, trying to keep his composure. 'He doesn't want me to come near you any more, Stephan. He's experimenting on you. He's trying to create some sort of a — muscle beast.' 'Mission accomplished.' I flicked a finger against my squeezed bicep to show him how solid it was. 'Why won't you listen to me?' he snarled. He raised his hand: it would have been threatening if he hadn't been so much smaller than me. 'Stop acting like some muscle worshipping size queen. I saw you before you got into all....this.' He gestured at my abs, my thighs, my packet, my shoulders. 'Come on, Olly. You're bigger than this!' 'That's not how it works,' I told him, leaning across the table. 'Look at us now. This is a battle. And I've got all the power.' 'You really have changed,' he said. Bang, there it was. 'If that's true,' I said, 'it's for the best.' He stretched out with his hand, and I almost flinched, thinking he was going to try and land a punch on me, but instead he cupped his hand around my left pectoral. He squeezed it. I tensed it so he could see just how granite solid it was. I suddenly realised there was sweat on his brow. I could feel the moisture on his fingertips: he ran one softly over my left nipple. My tree-trunk dick throbbed in my jeans, longing to be set free. 'Dude,' I breathed, 'I like girls. You know that.' He released me. 'I just had to know what it felt like.' I took his hand in mine and pressed it to the table. With the other hand I reached under the table and rubbed my cock, longing for it to calm down. I love to feel the head of my semi, outlined through my jeans like the big round top of a freshly baked muffin. 'I get looks off guys all the time now. In the changing rooms, the library, the street, all the time. But this isn't about sex. This is about power.' 'That reminds me,' he said. 'How about this arm wrestle?' I burst out laughing. All the tension was gone. 'You really wanna be punished, don't you?' 'Hey,' he said, 'Never heard of David and Goliath?' I took one of his hands in my enormous mitt. I could feel the weight of him at the other end, could feel him take the strain. I decided to go easy on him. I screwed up my face and pushed, ever so gently. I felt him wrestling back against me with all his might. It was comical. The veins were popping out on his neck, and every fibre of muscle in his police sergeant forearm was pushing against me, and I was barely even trying. I loved this. If being praised for my gains was foreplay, this was like sex! A low guttural moan of pleasure came unexpectedly from the back of my throat. This seemed to prompt him into making more noise. 'Oh yeah,' he said, his teeth gritted, his hand wet with perspiration. 'Oh yeah, oh yeah.' I shook my head. 'You really want it, don't you?' I said. He looked into my eyes. 'Give me everything,' he said. I whirled him out of his seat. Effortlessly. A big guy but I flipped him like a pancake. He landed on the floor with a grunt. I got up and went over and stood over him. 'What's up, little man?' I said. 'Still want to complain about what a giant I am?' He leapt up and put both arms around my neck, tugging me to the ground. I hadn't expected that, and a big smile was on my face. We wrestled, or rather, I wrestled to pin him down, and he wrestled to get free. My dick was oozing precum at this. I was his master. He would obey me. At last, I pinned him to the floor with one hand on his chest. He looked angry, but I could also see his jeans tenting. I laughed. 'I wish I could oblige, man,' I said, 'but my Anaconda only goes one way.' 'Your dick's grown too?' He said, getting to his feet and steadying himself on the table. 'The holy grail. So what's your secret?' 'I'm young,' I said. He looked hurt at that. 'Fine. I guess you'll be off up Uranus again soon.' I looked at my watch, letting my forearm, pumped with exertion, fill his vision. 'Guess I am, little guy. It's been fun, though.' It was only after the evening work-out that I realised what had happened. 'That little prick,' I said, turning my bag inside. Nico — I can't call him the Beast any more, now that out of the two of us, I'm the bigger and hairier — was towelling off his glutes. 'Who?' 'The police guy. Stephan.' I was full of rage. 'He's taken it.' 'Taken what?' 'My shake,' I said. 'He must have slipped it into his bag while I was gloating in the beer garden this afternoon. What am I going to do now? Buy something from a shop that's loaded with corn starch? Fuck myself up?' I punched a locker with fury. I was slightly taken aback to see the metal crumple under my blow. I tried to calm myself. I could do some real damage now. If Stephan had actually been there... 'Whoa! Dude!' Nico put a hot hand on my ginormous shoulder. 'Come home with me. I've got boxes of the stuff in the cellar.' 'You have?' Nico grinned. 'You know how close Doctor O is to my Dad, don't you? And Dad would love to meet you.' I swallowed, suddenly nervous. I was actually being invited back to Nico's place. I was going to meet his Dad, see his place — and finally be reunited with Estelle. Estelle! How many nights had I dreamt of this moment. No, not dreamt — fantasised over, pumping my hard cock in the privacy of my bedroom, imagining the moment I finally undid the humiliation of that summer's day in the library, that day that feels so far away. When I was just a boy, smooth-cheeked, fluffy-haired, little-dicked, puny little Olly. When Nico stood over me, showing off his stuff, and she was there, leaking pussy juice at the very sight of it. Estelle! At last I would show her what a real man looks like. My heart was pounding like I'd just done a hard cardio session. I pulled my hoody over my gym vest and followed Nico through the village, almost hoping she wouldn't be there. But sure enough, she was there at the door to meet us. She did a double take when she saw me. 'You've changed!' she giggled. 'Fuck me!' 'If you say so,' I said, blushing through my beard. She licked her lips and looked me up and down. 'Nico said you were hitting the gym with him. I'd never have expected such a transformation. Well done you!' 'Do you approve?' I asked her. We were standing in the hallway. Nico was kicking off his shoes. He stopped to hear her reaction. She looked me up and down, then looked at him, then back at me. 'Were you born in a barn?' called a man's voice from the kitchen. ' What are the pair of you doing out there?' It was deep and resonant and cultured. Nico's Dad. I'd forgotten he'd be here. 'I brought Olly back,' called Nico. 'Is there some reason he can't come into the house?' Nico looked at me, and we both laughed. I followed him into the house while Estelle closed the door behind us. I gave her a backward glance, and caught her looking at me strangely, like she was still considering about my question. My beating heart gave my dick gave a little pump of excitement. The game was on. Oh, I didn't say anything about Nico's house. It's amazing. Got to be Victorian, but it felt so beautifully warm and stylish. The bare boards gleaming, huge modern art canvases on the walls, and the kitchen was one of those big ones with an island in the middle. Nico's Dad was preparing dinner, a handsome man somewhere in his fifties, an impressive figure with a mane of hair just beginning to go salt and pepper and a beard that was bigger than mine — but carefully combed and coiffed. Everything about him was a little bigger than mine, in fact — he was like a small giant, in charcoal grey jogging bottoms and a Uranus gyms t-shirt. Taller even than Stephan, who thinks he's all that. He was adding spices to a big pan of chilli. 'Hey Olly,' he said breezily, 'Good to meet you at last. How's things?' I'm never good with meeting other people's parents, although Nico's Dad put me at my ease more than is usual. I told him things were pretty good — leaving out the stuff about Sophie and Stephan. Nico told him about the drink — leaving out the fact it was stolen by an ex-copper after a wrestling match in the local pub's beer garden. 'Oh, I thought you were staying to dinner,' said Nico's Dad, looking disappointed. 'I've got plenty.' 'Go on,' said Estelle and Nico at once, then both giggled shyly. They were like a pair of conspirators all through the evening. I kept trying to catch Estelle's eye, and I pulled off most of my usual tricks — folding my hands behind my head, which spread me open at my widest and most massive — cracking nutshells in one hand — lifting my shirt to scratch my monstrous, hairy abs. I even took off my hoodie, telling the table the spicy food was getting me overheated. And as I sat there in my gym vest, looming over Nico, dwarfing the furniture, my bulging musculature glinting with a little perspiration in the candlelight (yes, the food was spicy) I could feel the other diners stealing glances at me, all of them, wondering at me, what I had been and what I had become. But Estelle and Nico carried on with their conversation. Nico's Dad leant across and brushed my hand with his huge paw. 'Won't you get cold like that?' he said, parentally. 'Not really,' I said. 'I'm always a little, you know, overheated.' 'Your metabolism must be utterly raging,' he said. 'Nico told me himself, he's amazed at your rate of hypertrophy. I can see what he means.' I smiled shyly. 'Nico's been a great coach,' I said. 'And a little friendly rivalry goes a long way,' Nico's Dad replied, with a smile. 'Particularly when there's a pretty young woman in the frame.' I looked back across at Estelle. 'I can't lie,' I said. 'But now — oh, I don't know.' 'Now you've realised that's not what's driving you,' he said. 'It's a personal thing, not a vendetta. It's one of the good things in your life.' I smiled at him. 'Thanks. It's nice to hear someone talk about it positively for a change. My friends...' 'They'll stay your friends. They'll realise this is part of who you are. And the more you like you being who you are — sorry, I'm preaching,' he said. 'But you know, personal development has been a big part of my life. Uranus is mine, after all.' 'Really?' I breathed. 'You own the whole gym?' 'You didn't know?' He patted my shoulder. 'Yes, it's my baby.' 'It's an amazing place,' I said. 'I think I love it.' 'You go well together,' he said. 'You're like me. You have good genes. Bricks that are just waiting to be built into a fortress. It's not the same for everyone.' He thought for a moment. 'I delivered a paper on this, only last year.' Suddenly we were talking science. We were talking about things I never discuss with anybody. Biology. Geology. Quantum mechanics. Most of the time this sort of conversation goes over people's heads, and I hide that side of myself — but just like with the skimpy little vest, I was showing off another side of myself tonight. I had never felt such kinship with another man. Now we began to go deeper. We talked about that feeling of reaching for something only you can — about the depths of masculinity we were plumbing — about sex and power and size, size, size... 'I feel a bit rude sitting here in my gym clothes,' I confessed. 'But I outgrew everything I have in my wardrobe.' 'Those things belong to a different person,' he said. 'And you're being born into a new life. It's only right that you should be bursting out of your clothes, revealing your body to the world. We should be able to look at one another that way.' I looked at the curve of his musculature in that Uranus gyms shirt and thought about seeing one another 'that way'. I looked across at Nico and Estelle and imagined all four of us stripping off and rolling around on the floor. I almost didn't notice when dessert was served — baked figs and mascarpone. At the end of the night, I shook hands with Estelle graciously. If there was a trace of lust in her eyes, I tried to ignore it. Nico's Dad used my proffered hand to draw me into a great big bear hug. His beard meshed with mine and I could smell his cologne. I could feel the solidity of his body, I knew which individual body parts were which. I could feel the huge bulge of his cock in his jogging bottoms. It rubbed against mine and, for a moment, I felt both of them swell a little in excitement. Quickly we broke apart. Nico patted my back. 'I'm so glad you guys got along,' he said, ginning. Then suddenly his eyes went wide. 'Your drink!' he said, and ran off to the cellar. 'You should come over on Sunday,' Nico's Dad said, impulsively. 'You can't go around wearing vest tops and nothing else. And what happens when you bust out of those? I'll ask Nico to dig out a few old things of his.' 'Okay,' I said. It was all I could do to get my lips to move, the breath to move in my throat. Stupid, I guess. I mean, come on, it's just hero worship. No big deal. It doesn't mean I've changed particularly. It doesn't mean anything. Nothing at all.
  12. AlphaMonster

    Alfazent's College for Young Men Part 2

    Hey guys! Sorry about the wait and the short chapters. I have an overarching story planned, but the execution has proved challenging. I hope you like the new Keith, who seems surprisingly close to the statue... Last chapter: The stone doors closed behind him, a monstrous maw closing him in, but he barely noticed. He was transfixed by the sight before him. From the cobbled wall opposite him, two half pipes curved towards the center of the cavern. There, a grand structure of cracked marble stood, proud despite the test of time. The pipes lay on the edge of a round pool, and in the middle posed a statue of leviathan proportions. A man situated himself in the now dry fountain, supported by gargantuan legs. Wear had done nothing to hide the large, firm feet layered with sinew and muscle; nor the veins coursing up the cords of power that formed his calves and quads. Their shape was perfect, every shard of diamond flesh touched by the divine. A monstrous beauty sprung from where the legs met the waist, a thick and heavy rod of virility. A single vein ran its path around the beer can shank, crowning the head. The foreskin a royal cloak to its regal liege, it pointed towards Keith. The balls hung low and large, an engine to an incredible machine. The waist impossibly slim compared to the statue's quads, and yet the sense of imbalance did not present itself. A godly set of eight gemstones rose up to meet the pecs, massive jewels cut with sharp grooves. They were laid in golden shell of rock-hard obliques. The pecs square perfection, bulging mounds of strength with large round nipples. A thick muscle neck and hulking traps supported the head. The knife sharp jawline and handsome chin left Keith yearning to discover what possible face could complete the masterpiece. But the features above the jaw had faded, a jumble of indents and rough hewn edges. A tingling ran itself over Keith's skin, like it was going haywire. He walked slowly towards the fountain, taking in the withered vines that had taken root in the stone. A step away from the masculine masterpiece, his eyes were drawn to the statue's bulging outstretched arm. Atop the large palm, a shrunken bud began to shake. A flood of sudden green light exploded from the shoot. Pulses of energy shook the shrine, as it rejuvenated, expanding and growing. The leaves fell away to reveal a lotus like flower, thick rows of petals around a center. Blood red, it glowed with mysterious energy. The stigmas rose up, releasing a heavy scent that filled the room. 'leather and sweat,' Keith registered. A golden nectar flowed into the flower, the petals forming a natural cup. The heady musk enveloped his mind, blanketing Keith in a state of half consciousness. Gripping the hard forearm of the statue, he pulled himself towards the flower. His lips touched the flower and he drank. The liquid gold flowed into his mouth, bursting on his tongue. Oak and sweat dominated his taste buds, as if heaven had condensed inside. The salty drink cascaded down Keith's throat, seeping into his body.He started to glow bright white, and a searing heat enclosed his body. The flower shriveled as the last of it's yield entered Keith's mouth, and the burning sensation peaked. Pain forced him conscious, vaguely aware of his actions. He felt as if his body was being burnt away into nothingness, and yet he could not scream. His clothes disintegrated, revealing the his near emaciated form. A puny 3 inch boy dick hung out, hard as steel. Keith didn't know when the pain stopped and the pleasure began, but he was too overloaded to care. His balls began to change, expanding rapidly to the size of chicken eggs. His scrotum expanded to encompass them, hanging low. His cock was next, lurching forward as his foreskin regrew. A vein forced its way up the shaft, before hitting the large cock head. His balls visibly clenched as a steady flow of precum trickled down the newly christened foot long. Keith became acutely aware of the changes, how the euphoric sexual energy blasting through his body unstopped was changing him. Muscle fibers broke through his thin pale skin, wriggling for space. They grew greedily, wrapping his weak form with pure muscle. Quads formed, muscle cords snaking downwards. Pecs ballooned outward, expanding then condensing multiple times before forming hyper dense plates of power. His arms seized up as rigid bands of steel cord encased him. Abs that could crush mountains formed on his stomach, carving deeper and tensing harder. Shoulders bulged outward, struggling to maintain a connection between rapidly growing pecs, traps and biceps. The pleasure of his body expanding was too much, and Keith found a new voice within his corded neck and new Adam's apple. A resounding "FUCK!" echoed through the shrine, deep, commanding and intensely masculine. His head snapped back as his shoulders widened, accommodating the pulsing segments of his incredibly defined back. Keith's skull expanded to match the hulking proportions of his body, the jaw growing more square and cut than his new abs. The chin sculpted itself into , and masculine cheekbones poked through his new fact free face. The nose became straight and proud, the bridge perfectly thick. The acne scarring melted away, leaving smooth skin and a luscious tan. His brow became thick and prominent, and a manly layer of stubble coated Keith's jaw. He opened his eyes, revealing a deep piercing blue, shifting waves of green and aqua playing in the light. His hair thickened, voluminous and sexy. A Sandy blonde shade infused within the strands, growing them longer. It fell back in a mouthwatering combed over look, completing the immensely handsome face. A golden skin formed over Keith's new muscle, smooth and eye catching. Veins appeared under it, thick and powerful, in all the sexiest areas. Hair grew around the navel, thickening around the base of his cock, and a light dusting over Keith's pecs led inward to the crevice, where the hair traveled to connect to the navel. The armpits filled with a healthy bush of hair, crushed by his muscular arms and torso. The energy dissipated, releasing Keith from immobility, but left him sexually unsatisfied. Desire churned out from his balls, straight to his mind. He looked towards to door, where beyond lay a cranky old man who was suddenly looking very worthwhile.
  13. LJackson

    Muscle Worshippers: Chapter 8 of 14

    Chapter 7 is here. And this is really where it gets interesting... 8 Olly Friday, September 26th Late for work again today. I know it's wrong. A month ago I would haven't dreamt of it. A month ago I was early, eager to please — god, such a good little boy. But was that bad? I love the library — I don't want to piss off Mr Bartholomew — but equally, I can't bring myself to give a fuck. Am I a bad boy now? I'm definitely not so little these days. No, I'm not a bad boy. God knows, I'm working harder than ever. I get up at five to get to the gym early enough for my morning session. Just me, the Beast, and a few other hardcore lads. We devotees of the iron, sweat and lift. Most of those other guys in the early morning, city types with nice pecs, are still only doing half the work that me and the Beast are putting in. We're there to do a cardio session and a few light weights. We spar a little in the changing rooms. That's just session one. We still have our weights session scheduled for the evening. No, that's all good. Mum and Dad and Anthony are pleased to see me taking some exercise. My parents are glad to see me becoming a man. Anthony nods encouragingly, but I can see there's something behind his eyes. Perhaps he's not sure which of us is the big brother nowadays. Especially after his nice pale blue interview shirt got ripped up the back. He found it on my bedroom floor. 'Jesus Christ,' he said, 'What happened to this?' I wasn't in the mood to talk nicely about it. It was a Saturday morning and I was getting ready to go for a swim. 'I guess I happened to it, bro. I'll replace it.' 'You get in a fight?' 'What are you, deaf, blind or an idiot? I told you that I happened to it. In case you haven't noticed, I've put on some weight since you first leant it to me.' 'You mean you outgrew my shirt?' He was turning it over in his hands. 'The sleeves are all burst too.' 'Are they? Look, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't realise you cared about it so much.' 'You don't seem to remember it happening.' 'Sometimes when I've had a good session, and I'm really pumped, I guess I forget myself a bit,' I tried to explain, still packing my swim bag: towel, trunks, shake... 'I just can't believe you've put on any muscle so fast.' 'It happens when you first start at the gym. The Beast's an expert, and I've been reading up. A guy my age has the right chemical balance. He's ready to...' 'Explode?' 'If you want.' 'Show me,' he said. I really hadn't wanted this, but he'd asked for it. I went and stood before him and pulled off my sweat top. I like it because it keeps my new physique something of a secret. It's outsize. You can't tell, at first glance, how very outsize I am. 'Oh, fuck.' He covered his mouth with his hand. 'Olly, you look like a — like a gorilla or something.' 'Do you see how I bust your shirt open now?' I balled my hands into fist, demonstrating the iron bars my forearms have become. I banged on my chest with one first. The smack and the little bounce always made me want to smile, especially thinking how little I used to look when I first struck these poses in the bathroom mirror. 'Do you see what I'm packing? Your shirt was for a normal sized guy, Anthony, and I've started to go way beyond normal.' 'I suppose you're just...' His mouth was dry, staring at the thick sinew of my arms, my hulking shoulders, my rugged six pack. 'You're growing up faster than I thought. I didn't realise you even had chest hair.' I ran my fingertips through it. 'That's testosterone. When you're working out at my capacity, the body starts producing more of it. I'm flooded with testosterone now, and it — well...' I clapped my hands together for emphasis, and couldn't resist pulling a momentary 'most muscular' pose, so he could see the whole story. 'It makes things grow.' He shook his head in disbelief. 'I hope you know what you're doing.' 'Don't worry, little guy,' I patted his shoulder patronisingly. 'I'm right on course.' He looked repelled, and for some reason I loved it. I tried not to show what a turn-on it was, just pulled my sweat top back on and went out the door for that swim. Mr Bartholomew is less than happy. Last Friday he complained that I wasn't taking the job seriously. That was at the start of the day, and I swallowed that down pretty well, but he kept on at me all day. I told him how I was carrying three times the number of books about now, and could reach the higher shelves without standing on a step ladder. He said that was all very well, but that it was attitude that was the thing, and I had a bad one. That afternoon the ex-policeman came in for a chat. Well, I've written about him in here before. It's the highlight of my week. At first I thought it was just because he's a tough like me, and in some ways more so than the Beast. He doesn't lift or anything, but he's army-fit, and fucking tall. He towers over the Beast and has to stoop a little just to come in at the door. He's been in some hard situations, he told me. He said he chased down drug dealers and smacked their heads together. He's been in situations where he's carried a gun, and others where he's had to wrestle a bloke to the floor and pin him. That takes strength, sure, but it takes something more: self-belief. Yeah, he's a tough guy, a real man, the sort of guy my brother would be shy of talking to. Not sure why he quit the force. Reading between the lines, I think it was something to do with addiction. The first time we talked, he wanted to know about gym stuff. I got a real buzz when I realised he'd noticed the little changes in my body, the output of all my input. It's nice to be admired. Of course, I like it from girls most of all. I like to see that look in their eyes that their pussy is melting, that they want me inside it, that they're dreaming of my cock. But when I get it from guys it's worth three times as much, because I know they're saying they put themselves beneath me. I am the dominant one, the alpha male, for once. And then when he was asking again last week, the penny dropped. He's gay. A little — or rather, six foot something — poof. And I realised, as I was talking, that his eyes kept going down to my arms, my chest, my packet. He couldn't stop staring, and then I could see a look come over his face. The look that meant he wanted me to come over his face. I folded my arms before him, and he had to actually take a step back. His eyes boggled. 'So, where do you work out?' he asked me. 'Uranus,' I told him. 'It's just down that way.' I pointed past his shoulder so that my massive arm was right in his face. He stared at it like a hungry man looking at steak. 'Maybe you should come along.' 'I'd like to,' he said. 'You'd like to what?' I said, leaning in conspiratorially. 'I'd like to come,' he said. 'With me?' I said. 'If you're interested,' he said. I gave a big laugh then, put out a big hand and pushed him away playfully. He almost stumbled. 'You've changed since I first came in here, if you don't mind me saying so,' he said, and I've been puzzling over what he meant exactly. But later that day, when the last customer had gone and we were locking up, Mr B. cornered me by the photocopier and said I needed to spend less time chatting and more time doing what I was paid for, or perhaps they'd decide my presence was not required. After a whole day of being baited, that's when the red mist finally came down. I turned and shoved the guy, less playfully then I did the ex-police officer. He went down right away. 'Please don't hurt me,' he whimpered. 'Please don't hurt me,' I parroted. 'I didn't mean to be rude,' he said, 'but -' 'But you're used to being a bully,' I said. 'I'm not. But I could get a taste for this.' I went and stood over him. He looked up at me in horror but also in desire. He didn't know what he wanted, but I did. I slowly undid the top button on my chinos. 'I thought you were a different sort of boy when I employed you,' he said. 'The sort you could push around,' I said, slowly unzipping my fly. 'You were so polite, so sweet-natured.' 'I was littler then,' I said, reaching into my trousers and pulling out my junk, still wrapped in my clean white briefs. I cradled it in my hand, letting him take it in. 'I've grown up a bit.' 'That's a nice size,' he said greedily, getting up onto his knees. 'It's certainly more than I'm used to,' I laughed. 'Do you want — do you want me to suck you?' he asked. More worldly wise than I'd have thought. 'Open wide,' I said, and pulled out my dick. He looked up, uncomprehending, then turned back to my big soft cock, hanging like a piece of ripe fruit from a big, solid tree. He opened his mouth. I caught the back of his throat with a stream of golden piss. He gasped, but I grabbed his curly, grey-white-black hair, and after a second or two he relaxed, and took it like a man. 'Say thank you,' I said. 'Thank you, sir,' he said. 'No more complaints from you, I hope.' 'I only want what's best for the library,' he said, wiping his mouth. 'And all of us,' he added quickly. No, I don't think I'll have any more trouble from him. And I don't think my work out regime is affecting going to the library. I'm always finished in plenty of time to reach the door for opening time, especially now I can run faster than ever before, and it's only a couple of streets away. None of that is so wrong. But when I've finished my morning session, then comes the shower. The Beast and I still shower in adjacent cubicles, just like that first day when could barely lift 10kg. Back when I was a shrimp next to him. I'm nowhere hear his weight and size yet, of course, or his definition — he's still bigger than me, and has five years' advantage on me. I'm still nowhere near the point where I can live my dream. Take his place. Have Estelle tell him how much more she likes my dick. Have him grovel in front of me and call me his master. I'm still too weak for that. And crazy enough that my dick is growing with my muscle, I'm not even half as hung as he is. And we're still pals. We go into our showers together, and I take my bar of Coal Tar soap, and I turn on the water. Jets of red hot water hit my shoulder blades and run down the crevice of my arse, into my arse hole, and down my newly engorged thighs. I take the soap and rub it in circles on my shoulders, around the burning ridges of my trapezius muscles, inside my stinking, furry armpits, over the hard ridges of my stomach, round my dick and balls, up and down my thighs, and up inside my chocolate starfish. And this is where I start to go wrong. This is where I am able to take stock of how my biceps have swelled and my triceps have swelled, as I raise my arms to scrub away beneath them; I can appreciate, in this silence of the water hissing, how much harder and wider my lats are than last week. I soap up my pecs and I take note of how much broader they have grown, and how much further they stand from shoulders and my thick, vascular neck. This is when my dick becomes solid, and I can practically feel my heart beating in it. It seems to stand a little longer and flare a little wider every time I get it hard, and then I soak away at it, marvelling at how it's grown, adoring it with the caress of my bar of Coal Tar. Now I am able to flex and pose and feel how much the muscle has sprouted on and within me. I love feeling the extra mass that I've grown, sometimes overnight. I have to feel the new thickness and solidity of my thick cock, as I pump my big fist on it. I go into a reverie where all I am conscious of is the size of my muscle and how it has grown. I think about the stares I've got from girls and from guys. I think about how I bust Anthony's shirt and how he looked at me with such envy. I think of the jeans I was wearing last week that ripped at the seams because my thighs are so big now. I think of how I accidentally snapped a door handle off the door at the library. I reach down and feel my balls, now big juicy orbs full of spunk. I reach around and feel the tightness and roundness of my glutes. I twist and look down at my tree trunk thighs, grown from hairless saplings. I look at how my body hair has grown wild across the chest and arms and stomach that were completely smooth a week ago. I think of the tiny physique that stood in this cubicle stall once before, half the size of me at least. Fuck, what's happening to me? I feel I'm becoming obsessed. I've got the physique of a true bodybuilder now, but it's not enough — it's really not enough. I've got it in my sights now. Another couple of years and there'll be a beast in that shower stall. Okay, I'm going to have to sneak into the bathroom and have another wank now. I need to do more than get my boss to drink my piss in the library after hours. I need to get some sex soon. I reckon the police officer would go down on me, given half the chance. That's what we were really talking about, last Friday. I made sure of it. 'Come with me?' I said. 'I'm flattered, big guy, but I'm afraid I don't fuck guys. This big mister -' I grabbed my bulge and squeezed it to show him how it crammed my y-fronts ' — is strictly girls allowed.' God, he looked humiliated, though he tried to smile. Fucking queer, after my body. That reminds me. Sophie replied to my text. She's coming tomorrow. I'd better save that wank tonight. I'm going to give her everything I've got.
  14. jman250

    Even Exchange: The Mile High Club

    Hello all. It's been a while since I've posted a story. This is a short one that came together in about a day but still took forever for me to post. I was inspired by a story from a while back and, given a recent airplane encounter, felt the experiences meshed well. It's a slightly different take on muscle theft and I'm thinking of expanding it into a series of stand-alone stories. Let me know if you think that'd be worthwhile. Special thanks to @JadeDragon for his work proofing, and his diligent pruning of poorly placed adverbs! ==== Even Exchange: The Mile High Club ==== I sat down across from him. It’s rare to see such a specimen of manhood in real-life and I wanted a closer look. He definitely exuded something special, and his smoking-hot body helped draw my attention from the airport bustle. He seemed engrossed in his phone, crisp blue eyes never leaving the screen. Good thing too, because my admiration showed clear as day. He’d occasionally reach up to scratch the dusting of dirty blond hair on his chin, flexing slightly. The beard accentuated his square facial features but my eyes drew away to study the curve of his bicep. I was annoyed that I couldn’t determine his height; the dark waiting chairs slanted at odd angles so I’d have to wait until boarding. I marveled at the heavy pecs pushing against the white fabric of his palm tree patterned button-up shirt. A sudden voice jarred me to my senses, rudely pulling me back to reality. I jumped, the weight of my (currently) swimmer's build squeaking the canvas seats. The overhead speakers buzzed for an announcement. “Please check any extra bags as this is a completely full flight. We’re about to begin boarding. Line up according to the number printed on your boarding pass.” He looked up and I averted my eyes, as I was afraid of him catching my obvious stare. His biceps rounded, bringing a boarding pass into view. He sighed heavily, causing his shirt to bunch around his torso. With reluctance, I stood and got into my boarding position. Gods, I prayed, please let him sit next to me! I did my best not to touch anyone's bare skin during the crowded boarding process. Not because I'm a germaphobe, it’s just inconvenient having a jumble of other people’s useless feelings and sensations crowding my own. I boarded, found the first empty overhead space halfway down the cabin, and excused myself after asking the aisle occupant to move aside. I took the window seat and watched the forward door. Then I waited for the magnificent stranger to board the plane. It took a while. I absently played with the colorful pendant hanging around my neck. The forward cabin crowded, overhead bins closing as they filled one by one. And then I spotted him, red backpack in hand leading the way. I held my breath as he approached. He opened one, then two, then three overhead bins. All full. He passed me, my neck craning to watch him walk away. Curses. Then he opened the bin behind my row and pushed his backpack inside. “Can I get in here?” He spoke to the aisle occupant. I couldn’t believe my luck! These things don’t actually happen in real-life. My heart beat faster, my grip tightened on the armrests. The aisle occupant moved aside and the man of my admiration sat down in the unoccupied center, directly next to me. He was next to me! Thank the gods for small favors. We all shifted as he settled into his seat. I took stock of the thick legs occupying the limited space next to mine. His shoulders filled the seat and forced his arm to take the entire armrest. I didn’t mind. I slipped my elbow behind his own, nervously trying not to draw attention. I struggled not to glance sideways too often. We took off without issue, leaving our uninteresting valley behind. We ordered drinks and he closed his eyes in the dark cabin. Eventually, our drink orders came. The attendant handed him a half club soda and half tomato juice. In a kind gesture, he reached for my water. I did too and our fingers touched. In that moment a flash of information flooded into my brain! I felt the cold plastic in his fingers, the strain of his shirt against pumped biceps, the bulk of his legs pressed uncomfortably together. Wow, I thought. I always loved the rush. My cock jumped and my heart thudded but he felt nothing. Smiling, he apologized for his helpfulness and finished handing me the glass. I smiled back but for different reasons. He finished his drink and drifted off to sleep. I’d never been this lucky before! These things normally required coercing. Nevertheless, I always keep my cock extra-large for chance encounters like this. It has its uses in more ways than the obvious. I focused on him, his own dick wasn’t bad -- average length but not particularly thick. It felt comfortable in its confined space regardless of the cramped airline seat and his muscled thighs. I looked him up and down, his mouth slightly ajar in his sleep. I smiled at his handsome face. His features really were stunning. I moved my fingers to gently touch his. It’s always slightly odd, feeling two different sensations simultaneously. His cock thickened and lengthened ever so slightly as my own receded, and then it thickened and lengthened again. And again. And again. I reveled in the feeling of his cock getting tight in his underwear. The sensation caused my own member to harden into my now roomier briefs. His cut cock started feeling uncomfortably cramped. I grew it larger one more time, smiling knowingly. That should be enough. I peered around and fished a card from my carry-on bag. It drifted softly from my practiced fingers into his shirt pocket. He’d be sure to find it there later. The flight continued normally. The attendants moved to the front for another round of drinks. We hit turbulence and he elbowed me in the side, waking with a start. I turned my head and smiled at him and he smiled back, mouthing a small apology before shifting in his seat. But he couldn’t get comfortable. I could feel his cramped cock pressed against his thighs. It felt unusually heavy. After a few minutes, he tapped the aisle occupier’s shoulder and asked to be let past. “While you’re up,” I said while rising, addressing the aisle occupant. I flashed a polite smile as I also slid past. My neighbor walked oddly towards the plane’s rear. He appeared to be two or three inches taller than me, maybe around five foot 11. It was obvious to me that he walked with a waddle, unconsciously trying to make more space between his legs. His ass looked amazing. It was tight, round and filled the seat his jeans to perfection. A quick pull and the lavatory door swung outward as he slipped inside. The stall directly across showed a green “vacant” so I took it for myself. What luck! Time to make a move. I didn’t expect much in return -- people didn’t often connect the dots on their own, usually so confused they passed me by. But maybe I’d be able to sneak a feel of those hard arms. I concentrated on him. I felt his agile fingers pull against metal, then metal again with a slow downward slide. Then cotton being moved and … relief! Then a pause, and I grinned. I could feel skin against skin and a warmth on his now much heavier cock. “Yep, it’s real,” I thought to myself. Nothing much happened for a minute or two. It’s difficult the first time, having something familiar unexpectedly change. I know from personal experience. His crotch felt compressed again -- I had to act fast! I slowly and softly unlatched my door. It swung outward noiselessly to an empty corridor. His own door opened and wide eyes met my face. That look in his bright blue eyes made me bold, and I knew I had to go all in. I tapped my chest and his sky-blue eyes followed the motion. His chin dipped, his gaze instinctively darting to his pocket. He reached up and retrieved the card, flipping it over a few times before reading the back. I touched a finger to my lips advising silence. He hesitated, looking bemused. Time slowed contrary to the rapid beating of my heart. This had better work or it’d become a very uncomfortable flight. Then he cautiously took three steps past me and I closed the door. “Hi there,” I whispered. He looked puzzled, likely wondering why he found himself in a cramped space with a complete stranger. A stranger who was a man, no less. Our bodies pressed together. His muscle mass greatly exceeded my own toned body, a good 30 to 35 pounds of pure muscle above my own 165 pounds. I leaned forward to embrace the close proximity. I could feel his heat. He leaned back. “What happened? Who are you?” he said in an unsteady, hushed voice. The blank look on his face spoke volumes -- he barely understood the situation. “Hi,” I said again. “I n-noticed you earlier and you have a great b-body and I want to help.” My original plan didn’t include stumbling over words but, pressed up against this bigger man, I felt less sure. A moment passed. “You did this?” he asked, eyes darting downward. I nodded and smiled, my plan seeming less surefire with every passing second. “How …?” his words trailed off. “Like this,” I said, taking his warm hand in mine. He looked down, unsure of how to react, then his dick started growing. He took a sharp breath and this time, he felt it happen. Blue eyes darted to my face, then down to his jeans. His hand pulled from mine after only a moment and his growth stopped when he broke contact. A hard bicep maneuvered between us, pressing against my pecs in the confined space. I felt his fingers unintentionally brush past my crotch as he felt his own. The feeling of new weight echoed in my mind. His dick had to be well above average by now. I eyed an arm and started to lift my hand. I wanted to touch the bunching triceps between us. But before my hand got too far, he unbuttoned and tugged down his jeans; I stopped in surprise. Most men were never this bold! Boxer briefs came into view and I unconsciously licked my lips at the strained fabric. He pulled down the band and a long, thick, porn-star sized dick swung free. I must have misjudged his initial size because a good six inches of soft, thick cock pushed up against me. Wow, it looked beautiful, I thought. It was a pleasant sight. I felt myself lean forward, putting pressure on his cock between our thighs. Seeing his dick confirmed what he felt happen -- his dick had grown. He saw it just moments ago in the other bathroom and now it was definitely bigger. His cock started to harden, I felt his blood rushing in. Our eyes met again but this time, small lines pushed up around his eyes. A sly grin crossed his face. "Can you do it again?" he asked. I was filled with excitement and surprise. I felt a wash of his craving rush through me. He leaned into me more, grinding his hardening member against me. It felt amazing on my thigh. I could feel him feeling it too, and it felt amazing! I nodded, sheepish, not knowing what to say. He pushed against me and his neck lowered enough to let his lips brush my neck. His arms wrapped around my body, biceps flexing against my arms. He breathed warm air against my skin and whispered, "do it again!" I trembled. My thoughts returned to the big biceps I’d watched flex back in the terminal. His cock fully hardened against our legs, reaching what felt to be ten full, thick inches of meat. It felt powerful against my jeans. My fingers crept slowly until they wrapped around the thick shaft. I felt him shudder in pleasure, a shudder that echoed through me. His arms tightened around me, biceps flexed against my smaller frame. He tensed in expectation. “Ok,” I said, nervously. But those beautiful arms filled my thoughts and before I realized, I started to fill them with size instead. His triceps too. The pressure of his arms against me felt intoxicating as they grew. My own arms shrank in tandem with his growth. It took him a moment to notice the increased strain against his shirt but his head shot up instantly when he did. “You can do that too??” he asked in surprise and I nodded back. Lust filled his sharp blue eyes. They bored into mine with hunger, and maybe something else. I leaned away but his still growing arms kept me steady. “Oh my gods, do it! Make me bigger!” he said, blue eyes ablaze. He was fully embracing the changes. I moaned when I felt his pecs swell bigger. They took up more and more space, filling with more firm, solid muscle. His square, thick pecs pushed hard against me in the cramped lavatory. I felt their new weight increasing moment-by-moment. He didn’t seem to notice my own round pecs dwindle in size. The buttons on his palm tree shirt strained against his growth. “Yes,” he said softly, enraptured, lolling back his head. I looked down and pushed my free hand between us. I groped his stomach, feeling a small layer of fat and started shifting it away onto my perfectly toned body. My sculpted six-pack disappeared as his own solidified. The tips of my fingers pressed through his shirt, I could feel each mound of muscle. One, two, three rows of recently revealed abs. And then the ridges between each mound deepened. His abs suddenly contracting with increased size and strength, bending him forward into me. “Fuck!” he whispered, his hot breath invading my ear. “Keep going!” And I did. My fingertips pushed through a gap between shirt buttons and brushed against the bottom of an expanding pec. I felt the overhang increase above my finger, the heavy weight of more and more muscle increasing every moment. I greeted a nipple with my fingers and I gave it a light pinch. He let out a soft moan in response. I felt the shock run through him and echo through me. But he needed more. I sucked more of his fat onto my own frame and felt a final row of abs reveal themselves below his burgeoning pecs. My finger snuck between them and his pec. I loved the new weight sandwiching my finger between his pec and abs. They felt so heavy, so big! His shirt strained ridiculously tight, creating larger gaps between buttons. I could now peek at rows of brick-like, chiseled abs that were now exposed. By now, my own cock was painfully hard. It screamed at me to be let free. In a frenzy, I let go and his growth stopped. He opened his eyes to watch me unbutton my own fly. I tried pulling down my pants. But my own strong legs and the close quarters made it impossible. He tried to help but between his bulk, my bulk, and his ten-inch dick pressing hard against my thigh, we couldn’t do it. So I grabbed his hand and felt my quads slowly shrink. He made an “umph” sound when his already large legs started expanding inside his jeans. I tried to push the sensations he felt from my mind, a mixture of pain and pleasure. And then his already perfect, round ass started protruding more too. It pushed hard against the sturdy plastic sink behind him and still, the twin globes of his muscled ass continued to grow. They fought for space in the enclosed cabin, but the cabin resisted, pushing painfully against the granite-like mounds. He shoved his cock forward, its hardness grinding against me, and stretched his back towards the mirror to give his ass more room to grow. A small yelp escaped my lips when my feet banged against the opposite wall. His thick, beautiful, growing arms held me tight and he had to lift me -- effortlessly -- to provide himself with more room. “Hold on,” I whispered, again letting go of his hand, stopping his growth. I pushed my jeans and they slid down easily. This surprised my partner, it seemed to be the first time he noticed that I shrank whenever and wherever he grew. His eyes gave me a questioning look but I reassured him. “It’s OK, let’s focus on you,” I said and pulled down my briefs. Out came my cock. There looked to be about eight inches left. He gawked and then smirked, likely remembering where that cock would end up. I thought longingly about how big it was before, but I knew I’d grow it again later. My cock pushed against his in the enclosed space. It felt amazing, electric! His 18 (or maybe 19) inch arms flexed around me. His shirt strained impossibly tight against him but continued to hold. He lifted me more and I started bulking back muscles to help with the job. Friction excited our members, they moved opposite to each other. He lifted my whole body in the cramped space, rubbing our cocks together. I rose by his powerful arms, then he lowered me, rubbing in the other direction. I felt it from us both, from my own dick and the echo of his sensation flooding into me. It felt so good, our magnificent, warm cocks sliding slickly in tandem. I pressed my hands against the ceiling for support and he repeated the up-and-down motion over and over and over. I could feel my balls starting to rise. They were so big and filled me with hormones, intensifying the experience. “I’m close! Not yet,” I muttered, squeezing my eyes shut. I spoke mostly to myself, he didn’t make any sign of hearing me. I felt the pressure building! I knew I couldn’t hold it for long, and I wasn’t ready for it to end. Our dicks slid past in constant contact. Feeling in double was more amazing than my mind could handle! I knew what would postpone the inevitable, so my balls started to shrink as his, still confined by boxer briefs, started to grow. My up-and-down motion increased in ferocity as his growing balls inflamed his lust. Both balls pushed down the band of his underwear, growing too big to fit between the elastic and his massive thighs. He started thrusting his hips in time with his lifts. The skin-to-skin contact of our dicks allowed me to continue the growth, so I pushed more size into his globular ass and his thrusting doubled in intensity. I heard fabric tear, and I watched in the mirror as rips began to form along seams in his shirt. The valleys of his back stretched his shirt while hard mountains of muscle jutted outward nearby. His rock hard, ten-inch dick ground into my much smaller thigh. Our dicks moved in concert, pressed down between us and close together. A soft thwacking came from between his legs as his big balls dropped lower and thumped against hard, muscular thighs. Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! “Fuck!” was all he could say. “Shh!” I cautioned him. I poured my muscle into him like gushing water freed from a restricting dam! Pound after pound transferred from me to him. My body weight dropped in his arms and that seemed to only increase his frantic grinding. His increasing size fought for more and more of the limited space. I took up less and less, my toned, swimmers body becoming that of a skinny teenager. He started to groan, but I released a hand and shoved it into his mouth! Shirt threads strained. Jeans stretched to the max. Sleeves began to explode. The top buttons of his shirt popped and his deep pec cleavage became exposed. I gazed down at those perfect, round pecs bouncing in time with his thrusts. Then his dick again crept down his thigh. It thickened more, now pressing painfully into my weakened leg. It felt like a hard, hot iron rod forced against me! But still it grew, rock-solid, inching slowly closer to his knee. My up-and-down movements were accelerating. My hair brushed the top of the cabin. His powerful back worked harder so more of his growing dick rubbed against less of mine. I felt my cock shrinking to seven, then six, then five inches. His manhood must have doubled since we met, both in thickness and in length. Then finally he bit down hard on my fingers! The thwacking increased in frequency. I felt his big balls rising! He shuddered in pleasure as he climaxed. Wave after wave of wet cum shot from his hose of a cock and soaked my jeans. I felt orgasm wash over him and echo through me! My fingers ached, but our combined pleasure drowned out the pain. His beautiful, sparkling blue eyes looked into mine, his cock still unloading load after load onto my leg. His eyes glazed over as he put me down, panting. His huge chest heaved up and down with each breath. He looked incredible! His shirt had ripped in multiple places and so had his jeans. Moving very slowly, very carefully, and deliberately, I knelt down. He took up so much space that moving was no easy task. However, my much smaller body made it easier to navigate in the tight space. I placed my mouth next to his cock. It looked glorious and huge. I used one hand to place the softening head into my mouth. The other I used to grab my own still hard five inches of cock and jerked. I licked him clean and let his dick grow a bit more. The head took up slightly more space in my mouth. I engulfed as much of him as could fit and still let it grow. My five inches became four, and I came. The four or five shots from me paled in comparison. My jeans were soaked. Doing his best to move, he reached behind and grabbed a paper towel. I took it and cleaned the floor beneath me. Then I leaned back against the wall, kneeling there for some time just gazing into his eyes. Those magical, blue eyes atop a bodybuilder I had created. He tried and failed to stuff his massive soft appendage back into too tight jeans. He couldn’t button them so he simply shrugged and left his pants undone. His boxers covered just enough to get by. He left the bathroom first. The door swung outward and I stood. He stepped forward but stopped. His gorgeous, globular ass pushed against my spent crotch when he bent down to pick up a small white card. I hadn’t noticed he’d dropped it. He stood up and headed back towards his seat. I closed the door and fell back against the toilet. Wow. The whole encounter probably lasted ten minutes. I’d given him much more than expected, but the look in his beautiful blue eyes made it all worthwhile. I washed my hands and did my best to clean off my jeans. I swam in my clothes. Before long, I followed him out into the aisle, glancing around nervously, worried that somebody might smell his cum. I received a few glances but most were focused on him. We took our seats. Our aisle companion seemed confused to find significantly less armrest space than before. 15B turned and grinned at me. “I’m John,” he said smiling. “We’ve got to do this again sometime -- soon,” he said and pushed his muscular leg against my now shrunken one. I placed my hand on his thigh, quickly finding his soft megacock. “I’ve got your card. I’ll call you,” he said in a whisper, winking. The intercom interrupted my response. “Please prepare for landing.” He turned away but let my hand linger. We didn’t exchange another word for the remainder of the flight.
  15. LJackson

    Muscle Worshippers: Chapter 6 of 14

    Chapter 5 is here 6 Olly Thursday, August 28th Eat. Lift. Sleep. Repeat. I've got that written up above my bed now. I hear it in the pulsing of blood in my ears. And with that insistent beat, I feel like I can feel something else stirring, pulsing like a heartbeat. Yesterday, the Beast put a huge paw on my shoulder. I was just out of the shower, with my towel wrapped around my midriff. I was getting ready to step back into my undies and pull my jeans on and head back home to bed. Muscle is torn apart in the gym, fed in the kitchen and built in bed. 'Wait a minute, bro,' he said. 'Look in the mirror.' I turned and looked, and saw it for the first time. I saw mass. I could see it in my arms, my neck, my chest, my belly, my shoulders, my legs, the sharp ridge of my hips. You might not know it if you didn't know me, but it was like a roll of thunder in the still of the night. I could see it in my eyes, too; in my stance, in the fat veins of my arms. I could feel it with every breath I took in, I could feel a greater weight on the balls of my feet. I could feel it in that slow burning ache that never quite fades. My body is putting on muscle. Of course, next to the Beast I still looked almost girlish. It's the body of an athlete. It's powerful, it's stronger than your average guy, it's the kind of thing a popstar has, or a magazine model: it's not nearly enough. But it's a hard body. It indicates that something has begun. I'm strong enough now to start lifting real weights. And it feels like it's come out of nowhere. I'm working hard, so hard. I'm working out nearly every day, lifting free weights and kettlebells till my arms and my thighs and my core are all screaming furiously — but still this is so sudden. I see other guys in the gym working hard, guys with personal trainers, guys who were working out before I started, and they don't have what I've got. And maybe it's in the stance, the look, the fire in the belly. But it's also a fact that I am bigger than them. I've stripped my body of fat now, the little that I had. I see abs, tiny but boulder hard, when I pull on my shirt in the morning. I feel power in my delts and biceps, even when I lift my Astrophysics textbooks out of my suitcase, when I chug down that fucking disgusting protein shake. I wake up and I feel my heart pumping; at night, I feel my body reinvigorated. I want to fuck, twenty-four seven. My brother brought home his girlfriend last night. She's totally sweet and lovely, got a beautiful smile that comes straight out of her eyes. Really friendly. I was in the kitchen with Anthony, asking about her, and he's just so sweet about her. 'We're going out to loads of archaeological sites,' he told me. 'I make a packed lunch, she drives, and it's just so — comfortable. Nourishing.' 'That's great, man,' I said, watching him cook. 'You probably think we're like an old couple,' he said. 'But life's different when you're twenty-one, man. You'll see.' 'I hope not!' I said, with a big fake laugh, glancing back toward the sitting room. All I could think of was, what's she going to do for a dick inside her? Where's she going to get that from? Her boyfriend, who makes the packed lunch and chooses what motorway to use for their day out? That'll hardly touch the sides. In more than one sense. I see girls in the street and I want to go up to them and put my face in between their thighs. I want to taste them, I want to stick my tongue in deep, to drink them down. I want to listen to them lose control with pleasure. I want them to fill my senses with their sex. I want satisfaction. I was hard throughout the dinner my brother cooked. And I could see the way she was glancing at my arms when I filled her wine-glass, at my pecs when she hugged me goodbye (fuck, but they're so sensitive) that she felt the same thing. I'd never do anything against my big brother, but I could have taken her off him, like that: the filthy bitch. I've never been a big one for masturbation. I always thought it was dirty and somewhat shameful. I only ever used my laptop for my studies in the past. But last night, I shut the door carefully, and I pulled the curtains. I turned on my laptop and I searched for sex. In my underpants, the laptop resting on my crotch, pressing on my ever hardening penis. And I'm looking down at my muscle in the light of the screen. Crazy, veiny, raw stuff. I have a strange urge, more than ever, to tweak my nipples. They seem to have grown more sensitive in the last few weeks. I use both hands, thumb and forefinger. But then I feel I need another hand to take care of my dick. I'm watching a muscle guy fucking. Pornography. I never saw the appeal this stuff has. It's there to reach the bits of fantasy at the back of your mind that nobody else can get at. And there he is, older than the Beast but just about as built. And the girl is being pinned down, she's yodelling with pleasure. I reach into my pants for my dick. Here comes the surprise. The thing inside is twice as fat as it used to be. It used to be, quite frankly, a pencil, and now it's a magic marker. It feels heavy in my hand. Where my fist used to close the whole thing in, I can wrap my hand around it now and the cockhead pokes out, plus an inch or two to spare. Not just the normal kind of muscle. Somehow, the other kind of muscle is growing too. I'm enlarging all over, to scale. When my face is reflected in my laptop screen, it looks no less young, and the expression on it — so innocent. My own body is outpacing me. I stroked my new, bigger dick for a while, staring at it almost as much as I was staring at the porn. Then I decided: I'm a scientist. I need to know more. First I Googled: NATURAL COCK ENLARGEMENT and found oceans of scammy sites trying to sell me machines and yoga exercises. Then I tried MAGICAL COCK ENLARGEMENT and found all the same sites, plus a lot of stuff about magic beans and yogic chanting. I tried searching for, BIGGER MUSCLES OVERNIGHT and got diet plans and exercise videos. I tried SUDDENLY BIG MUSCLE, I HAVE A BIG COCK NOW, UNEXPECTED BIG COCK and NEW BIG COCK AND BIG MUSCLE IN THE NIGHT and got back to the porn, most of it gay, which I'm not into. I tried to focus. I was beginning to feel downhearted and dispirited, and even a little scared. Then, like a light in the dark woods, I came across a message board about muscle growth: Muscle Worshippers. I felt I needed to find out if this had happened to someone before. It's not exactly something I want to share with the Beast. I left a message, explaining my situation, took a deep breath, clicked 'send' and went to bed. I dreamed I had emailed that message to the tall guy in the library, and that I was waiting for him to reply. And then it was morning. Before I did anything, I sat down again at my laptop. There were several responses already to my query. BIG DICK LOVER: Hi DulwichBoy, it doesn't sound like you help, it sounds like you need a willing arse. Good news, I have one hear — bad news, I don't live in London. Are you ever in San Francisco? MUSCLE PUP: Your story got me so hot. I jacked off to it twice before I went to bed. I'm London, maybe we should hook up? ASTROMAN: This Beast is obviously one of the great old ones who walk amongst us and bestow bountiful gifts. You must respect his gift and consider what he is trying to show you. Only then will true enlightenment fall upon you. Also, do you have any pictures? GRANT: Whoa, I love the sound of your hot muscles. I wonder where it will stop? I like to think it won't, and by the time you're 25 (nearer my age) you'll already be a hot muscle daddy. Can you come to NY soon? The Big Apple has room for you however big you get. LUVVABOI: I'm in Manchester. I'm working out trying to get as big as I can. Would love to come and share your magic. Pictures, pls. You sound bodacious. MIKEY9+: My dick has never stopped growing. Also, Musclepup, I jacked off when I read that you jacked off. Any pics of you jacking off to DulwichBoy's story? Reading these responses to his story, I felt my dick swell and lengthen in my pyjamas. There was a tingle at the root, a throb in the cockhead. When I pulled it out, I found that it was at least another inch or two longer and fatter than the night before. The cockhead bulged a little more, like a plum ripening in the dew. I could feel the different kind of grip my thumb and fingers made around it. I had to take some action — so I picked up my phone and took a few pictures with a deodorant can for reference. My body was tingling with excitement. It was nearly time to head off to the gym, after all. Quickly I uploaded the pictures to the message board. DULWICHBOY: Since you asked, this is me. Thanks for all the comments. I'm not gay but I appreciate your positivity. About a minute after uploading, I got a response: MUSCLE PUP: Fuck man, that is a nice dick and bod too. You don't need to get any bigger. So hard right now. Heart racing, I typed my response: DULWICHBOY: Like I said, I'm not gay. I like women. But thanks. So, you lift, bro? I wanked my dick, drawn into the atmosphere of sex. It was amazing to feel the new thickness in my palm, and to see muscles bulging in my arm as my fist pumped that I had never been seen before. Ping! Muscle Pup had uploaded a picture. MUSCLE PUP: Been working out a couple of years now. What do you think? Wow. MusclePup was about my age and height, and he'd been working out about twenty times longer than me. And I was bigger than him. I could take him. I knew I could. I pictured myself wrestling him to the ground. Ping! Another message. 6'5LIBRARYUSER: Hey, DulwichBoy. Do I know you? You're rocking some impressive gains. My heart began to beat in my chest. Quickly I exited Muscle Worshippers and retreated to my email inbox. There was a cute email from Sophie, and I read it peacefully, letting my dick soften. I had to get going, after all. It was time to hit the gym. But I've been running it over in my head ever since. I haven't replied to that message board. I don't belong on there. Nevertheless, I log on secretly and read the comments. For at least a week, the comments kept on coming. Guys from all over the world who were hot for my meat. I never even thought that a gay guy might fancy me before this. (Why would I?) But this is crazy. And I absolutely love it. Yeah, you guys. You want this? You want to feel the power in this arm that used to be so powerless? You jizzing in your pants to see a pair of pecs bulging in my t-shirt? And it's more than that, isn't it? I don't just turn you on, little guys. I have power over you. Any of you. I control you. Bring you to me. Dismiss you. I shame you in your most private moments. Worthless, little-dick, weakling cocksuckers: and the gay guys, too! I'm the boss of you all. And I think that's always been in me, even when I was little. I was always a boss waiting to realise it. Alpha at the core, hard at the centre. Now I'm starting to wield that power — just like the Beast. And my teacher — my rival, only he doesn't know it yet — is proud of his work. 'I'm doing it,' he said today, gripping my enlarged shoulder, prodding my hard abs, making me curl and make a bicep and measuring it against his monster. 'I'm bring it out in you. I'm making you bigger, day by day. How do you like that, little librarian?' I met his eye in the mirror. 'Love it, big guy,' I said. 'Love it.'
  16. north


    A Thanksgiving story with a little bit of everything from the fetish smorgasbord "Thad, you've really gone all out this year," I said as he carefully placed the giant turkey on the table. It was time for our annual tradition of Friendsgiving. "Thank you Blaine," Thad said, taking his seat at the head of the table. Thad, Jack, and I made sure to celebrate together each year before we went home to our families in other states. Our three-bedroom house was filled with the scents of homemade sides and the enormous turkey Thad had just brought into the dining room. He was by far the most domestic roommate, and hadn't let either Jack or me help with dinner besides buying ingredients, setting the table, and staying out of his way. Thad was beaming. Ever since we'd all bonded in our freshman year of college, Jack and I had learned to let our muscletwink friend be in charge of cooking, and to lavish him with praise. Across from me sat Jack, the iconic all-American stud of our group. Jack had been training me for the past few months at the gym, pushing me to keep my diet healthy and sleep properly in addition to our regular workout sessions. Today was our cheat day. Jack looked handsome as always in flannel and jeans, the seams straining from the muscle he'd put on recently. I inspired him, Jack said, to push himself. I caught him eyeing me approvingly over the feast between us. I knew one reason Jack was so enthusiastic about helping me get into shape was his longstanding crush on me. Being the sweet soul that he was, Jack had confessed his feelings for me years ago, but let me know he valued our friendship over anything. I felt the same, not that that stopped us from hooking up occasionally between boyfriends. I'd opted for a black tee shirt with GOBBLE GOBBLE written on it in a hideous font made of multicolored feathers and various food items that I knew made the gains in my toned shoulders and pecs really stand out. I turned back to Thad. He was carefully dressed as always, in a light blue sweater that was tight enough to see his abs through and tailored slacks that showed how much more developed his huge legs and ass were than his ripped upper body. I'd lusted for him since I first saw him, but refrained from making advances. I wasn't his type at all, and I'd accepted that years ago. I loved Thad as a friend. His whirlwind romances with men Jack's size and up ended every few weeks when he got bored or distracted by a new hobby or they couldn't satisfy his truly insatiable love of big muscles and huge cocks. Thad's pretty boy good looks and almost cartoonishly muscular power-bottom ass got him new men whenever he wanted. Thad had fallen deeply in lust with Jack when we'd first met, but Jack had insisted they not become romantically involved. The three of use were quite the trio, mutually but not reciprocably besotten. I loved Thad for his enthusiasm, always diving into new hobbies with the same passion as he'd dive onto a dick. Lately Thad was into magic, and he'd placed a big runestone on the table as a centerpiece. Thad slapped Jack's hand away as he reached for the cranberry sauce. "Jack, please wait until after the blessing." Jack, ever patient with our much smaller friend, folded his hands in his lap. "Of course, Thad. You're the boss. Which gods will we be invoking today?" "There's no need for sarcasm at the table young man. We'll be invoking Enki, the Sumerian fertility god, to thank him for the bountiful harvest and ask for his blessings." I nodded. "That's a good one, very solid choice. A classic for a reason." Thad glared at me. "Thank you. Now everyone shut up for two minutes." Thad raised his hands over the runestone and began chanting. I couldn't catch any of the words in the dead language he'd somehow learned, but the way he spoke them was like pure sex. His thick lips wrapped around arcane syllables while his tongue caressed hard phonemes into being. My pants were considerably tighter by the time Thad stopped. He sort of shook himself out of a trance and smiled at us. "Okay boys, dig in." Jack scooped a heaping helping of casserole onto his plate next to some rolls and cranberry sauce. I went for the turkey first, grabbing a few carefully carved slices, and opting for stuffing as my first side. Thad, the carb loving queen, grabbed stuffing, rolls, and a slice of pie to start. We usually settled in for Friendsgiving dinner for a few hours and chatted while picking at food and trying a bit of everything eventually without getting stuffed. "Wow Thad, this turkey is perfect," I complimented. "Yeah, the green bean casserole is really good too," said Jack. "Thank you," said Thad, smiling around a mouthful of stuffing. "Hey Blaine you're looking pretty swole today buddy. Those workouts are really starting to show." I blushed as always from the attention. My shirt did feel tighter than I remembered, and my arms were looking pretty good. I hadn't noticed the vascularity coming in, or how the sleeves were forced out a bit by my deltoids. I noticed Jack's shirt was looking a bit small too. The long sleeves were riding up his wrists as he blissed out on casserole. Jack shifted a bit in his chair as if his pants were similarly shrunk. I dug in, devouring the succulent meat and perfectly moist stuffing Thad had lovingly prepared. My erection from earlier had subsided slightly, but my crotch still felt unusually tight. "Oh dear, I forgot napkins!" said Thad. He stood to go get them and Jack and I got an eyeful of his absolutely stuffed crotch before he darted into the kitchen. I turned to Jack as I felt the seams on my shirt and pants straining with muscles I was pretty sure I didn't have just a few minutes earlier. "I think Enki liked his prayer." "I'll say!" Jack was wide-eyed as he surveyed my expanding physique. His clothes were at least a size too small now and he had to look further down to look at me than normal. His muscles seemed about the same mass stretched over a larger frame. Jack reached down to adjust his crotch. He must have had the same issues I was having down there. I felt my shaft expanding toward my hip in my tightening jeans. Thad came back with napkins and adjusted himself before getting seated. It looked like he'd stuffed a summer sausage down there. I brought my eyes up to his face and noticed the small scar over his left eyebrow was gone. His clear, tanned skin practically glowed. Thad was more beautiful than he was when we first sat down. Another thing occured to me. "Thad, did you just put on some cologne? You smell amazing." Thad looked confused. "No, just my usual deodorant." He took a bite of pie and the rich scent of manly musk filled the room even stronger. Thad smelled like the fresh clean sweat of a healthy athlete, like sex, and like the gentle scent I'd come to recognize as his own over the years, all magnified. Curious, I served myself some cranberry sauce and took a large bite. I felt my crotch tighten again, this time as my balls fought for room. Jack smiled at me knowingly and polished off the last of his cranberry sauce before biting into a roll. I watched as the already scarce blemishes disappeared from Jack's face. I ate another bite of turkey and felt my clothes start to tear as my muscles grew yet again. I was in lightweight bodybuilder territory now. My sleeves strained against my deltoids and upper arms. I followed Jack's lead with the green bean casserole, scooping a portion onto my plate and tasting the richness of it as I suddenly wasn't 5'10" anymore. Thad was watching all this while absent-mindedly scooping stuffing into his mouth. "You've gotta try the cranberry sauce, Thad," I insisted. I put some on his plate and one bite later his eyes grew wide with understanding. Thad grabbed more cranberry sauce and stuffing. Thad had always been a hung bottom, why not go for broke. His face contorted as his dick and balls expanded in his tight pants to the point of discomfort. Oops. "Sorry guys," Thad said. "I have to lose the pants." With that he unceremonious shucked his trousers and revealed to Jack and me the absurd bulge in his designer briefs. Thad's thick shaft snaked up past his left hip and his apple-sized balls were pushed up and forward by his huge shaved quads. "Well," I said. "I might as well too." I crammed turkey into my mouth and felt my clothes finally give in. Tears apeared all along the seams of my pants and down my back and chest. I ripped off my clothes and tossed them aside as Jack and Thad looked at me impressed. I was pumped nearly to Jack's size now, probably 210 pounds with completely ripped muscles all over my now 6' body. My boxer briefs survived but just barely held my large package and expanded ass. I ran my hands over my hirsute torso, admiring the new size and hardness. Jack always loved my body hair, running his fingers through it when he fucked me. I felt Jack's and Thad's eyes on me as I kneaded my new pecs and flexed my abs. Jack stood up. He must have been 6'5" now and looked silly in his sizes-too-small clothes. "Let's make it a party then." He grabbed a slice of turkey wrapped it around some stuffing, scarfing it down in a couple bites. He flexed his chest and the buttons on his flannel popped off. He repeated this process more turkey in a roll to make a tiny sandwich. He grew more handsome and muscular simultaneously as his clothes surrendered in segments, falling to the floor in scraps at his feet. Jack was about 275 now, his sparse chest hair highlighting the contours of his thick pecs and his treasure trail leading down to the waistband of boxers straining from his thick thighs, big shaft, and absolutely huge balls. We were all boned up by now. The possibilities were mind blowing. I went back to gorging myself on turkey, but I went ahead and tried a few of the rolls. Each bite of the savory, buttery bread was intoxicating. I felt all the oil vanish from my skin. I reached up with an expanding arm and took off my glasses. I didn't need them anymore. My skin felt radiant. Even my forearms looked more symmetrical and sculpted. Maybe three rolls was a bit much. Thad was looking at me the way Jack usually did as my lats started competing with my arms for space. Thad munched on stuffing and cranberry sauce while watching my thick arms take food up past my growing pecs and widening neck to my mouth. I guessed I was around 300 pounds by the time I came up for air. Jack had sat down and eaten a slice of pie during my turkey frenzy and the scent of him wafted towards me and Thad. He radiated a soothing aroma of masculinity. My underwear strained under the double dose of manly odor. Thad's underwear finally exploded. At least of foot of meat swelled toward full hardness above canteloupe-sized balls. Thad hadn't grown anywhere else, and the huge cock bouncing against his abs on his thin-framed, ripped 5'8" body was absolutely amazing. Thad's fat balls lay heavily on his smooth, heavily muscled thighs. Blood rushed to his towering erection and a dollop of precum oozed out, drizzling slowly down the 15" rock hard shaft. Thad hunched over slightly and twisted back and forth to drag his slit across the bottom of his pecs, smearing precum from nipple to nipple as he inhaled the heady scent of Jack's pheremones. Jack went for more casserole and turkey, filling his plate with massive servings. His head inched up as he ate. Each alternate mouthful expanded his frame a bit more, then his muscles to catch up. He finished his helping and sat tall, stretching his long arms. He had slightly bigger proportions than he'd had when we started the meal, but now Jack was a 7'7" super handsome stud. He reached under the table and ripped off his underwear, tossing the fabric onto the pile. Thad's monster pulsed appreciatively. "Looking good, Jack," he said. Thad ate another bite of stuffing and his cock swelled another half-inch. His eyes darted back and forth between my super-heavyweight bodybuilder physique and Jack's giant jock body. I heaped stuffing onto my plate and joined in on the nudism as my cock grew to a foot long and finally destroyed my overtaxed boxer briefs. I sighed and reached down to toss the scraps away, my pecs bunching up further into my field of vision as my arms writhed with vascular muscle. Maybe this was good enough. Jack reached across the table and heaped green bean casserole onto my plate at the same time Thad piled slices of turkey. They looked at each other, then me. "Eat up," they said simultaneously. Their powerful pheremones overwhelmed me and I reciprocated by serving both of them more cranberry sauce before going to town on the plate before me. My chair groaned and finally buckled under my bulk as my enormous muscular body expanded in three dimensions. As I stood up I felt small, strong hands on my hulking lats. "Bend over." I obeyed Thad, leaning over my half-finished plate. I felt his slick pulsing head at my backdoor and relaxed as best as I could. It hurt. It was ecstasy. I grunted and pushed back as the 16" cock worked its way deep into my guts. I squatted down a bit, my huge thighs flexing and rippling to get my asshole down to the root of Thad's thick cock. It felt like I was sitting on a baseball bat. I looked up and saw Jack was wanking his own 10" erection, his huge balls jiggling against his long legs. Once Thad was fully in, he pumped in and out a few inches. "Finish your plate." I started scooping the food into my mouth with my huge hands, each mouthful growing me. My muscular ass squeezed against Thad's cock and I felt a spurt of precum travel the length of his urethra and erupt deep inside my torso. I felt his hands roaming my yard-wide back and flexed my lats for him, spreading the meaty wings even wider. I swallowed a huge mouthful of turkey, then gripped the table and flexed hard. My lats expanded, harder and wider, until the outer edges bulged past my basketball-sized deltoids. I was 6'11" now and proportionately larger than even the largest normal-sized bodybuilder. My footlong cock was achingly hard as Thad worshiped my muscles and fucked my ass. His giant balls slapped loudly againd my giant hard hamstrings. Jack grabbed a giant handful of stuffing and a roll and walked around behind me. I heard moaning and ungraceful chewing as the meat inside me pulsed bigger and harder. Even my inhuman body was having trouble with the invading pounds of hard flesh. I felt the head creep further into me with each stroke. I panted as over a foot of fat cock plunged in and out of me in half-strokes, interspersed with nearly full withdrawal as the giant cockhead tugged at my ring before Thad plummeted back into my depths. I squeezed Thad's mighty organ with my overdeveloped monster body, causing him to gasp and stutter a moment before regaining his rhythm. I repeated the full-body cock grip as he fucked me harder and harder. I released the table squeezed my nipples. They were bigger and more sensitive than ever. I roughly pawed at my foot-thick chest, the incredible muscles swaying ever so slightly with the rocking motion of the fuck. I felt my grapefruit-size balls ascend against gravity, the incredible weight of them bouncing against my stony thighs. Waves of pleasure ripped through me, starting in my heavy groin and spreading like wildfire through my titanic body. My cock seized up and shot a thick wad of cum onto the floor. Then another and another, each a thick rope bigger than a normal man's entire load. Five blasts into my orgasm and the tremors running through his meaty fucktoy set Thad off. He painted my guts with his cum. I felt pulse after pulse race up his 24" shaft from base to tip and erupt into me. Five more blast in and I felt hot splashes on my back as Jack blew his load. His huge balls emptied what felt like pints onto me and it dripped down in sticky rivulets, tributaries of his cum collecting in the deep crevasses of my back to form a mighty river that poured down and over the huge shaft still fucking me. I came so hard I pulled Thad in, my contractions sucking his huge cock in and relaxing enough for him to start slipping out, only to pull him in again. His huge balls and muscular thighs slammed against me as my ass fucked his dick. His muscletwink strength was nothing compared to the force my godly fuckchute could exert. We fountained cum for what seemed like forever. Finally, after an interminable time of bliss, our orgasms receded. Thad pulled out of me with a sucking noise and my hole tightened to cut off the flood of cum pouring down my thighs. The heady scents of the Thanksgiving feast and my friends' magic pheremones were now mixed with a pervasive twang of cum and sweat. I turned ponderously to face my roommates while their eyes roamed my enormous body. Jack was still much taller than I was, and his handsome face and buffed-up jock body were works of art. Thad's body was nearly the same as it was this morning, with the exception of the beautifying effect of the rolls. Thad's heartbreaker smile was more dazzling, his tight body somehow more symmetrical. His thick thighs were gleaming with smeared cum and his normally perfect hair was mussed up from the ride he'd just taken. Thad's cock was still hard and the glans poked past his collarbone. His testes looked like bowling balls. No wonder it felt like I had a gallon of cum in my ass. "Holy shit, that thing was inside me?" I asked. It was bigger around than Thad's wrists, easily 10" in circumference. Jack smiled. "I knew you could take it buddy. You've never been a quitter." His own 10" cock looked practically small on his huge body. A glob of precum burbled out of Jack's slit and dripped onto the floor as he surveyed my body. The two sex gods before me drew closer. Their hands roamed my massive body as they provided color commentary. "Shit dude, your arms must be three feet around!" Jack massaged my biceps and triceps with his huge hands. I lifted the arm from its lat pillow and flexed, my thick forearm colliding with the balled peak at ninety degrees and my fist barely clearing the top. Thad knelt before me and I had to spread my legs wide for him to wrap his arms around one thigh. The bloated quads flexed from the effort and nearly kept him from touching his fingertips behind my hamstrings. He ground his cock against the hairy muscle and kissed his cockhead, moaning. "You're so fucking huge Blaine!" Jack moved on to my pecs. I could feel them under constant tension as they defied gravity to jut out more than a foot. Jack flicked my nippled and the muscle roiled in bands of flexing pleasure, deep striations appearing and vanishing in waves. "This is unreal," Jack said. He placed a hand on either side of my chest and pushed the muscle together. The hairy masses squeezed into a deep canyon as he leaned across them and kissed me. "I love your fucking tits!" "I'm more than happy to share," I said, moving my hands to his hard ass and flexing my biceps. The moving masses of muscle trapped his fingers between my arms and pecs as I groped his flexing glutes. Thad wiggled out from between us two giants and moved behind me, running his hands over my huge ass. He slipped a hand in my crack and went more than wrist deep before his fingers found the hole. I clenched my glutes, gently so as not to hurt him, and ensnared my second victim. Thad wriggled his fingers in my hole and began biting, kissing, and licking my ass. "I want to feel every part of you," he managed between kisses. "You're so big, so hard. Fuck dude. Your ass is obscene." I released Thad from the ass-grip and spread my arms to let Jack free. "It feels so good guys. I can't handle it by myself. There's so much muscle on my body I need you to help me enjoy it." flared my lats again and each worshiper took a side. Each lat curved out beyond anatomical reason, an inches thick mass of beef extending nearly two feet on either side of my ribcage and forming a deep valley down my back. Jack placed one huge hand on the front and one in back and massaged the lat, caressing the network of veins and whispering obscenities. Thad climbed my thigh and wrapped his legs around my abs. His massive balls smashed against my shelf-like adonis belf. Thad buried his face and cock in the deep pit my lat and pec formed, licking and caressing the muscle cave with his soft lips and rutting precum onto me. I heard slurping noises as he alternated intense muscle worship with sucking his own cock. I lowered my arm and completely enclosed Thad in muscle, taking care not to crush him. I inserted a thick middle finger into Thad's asshole and groped his bubble butt with my wide, muscular palm. He flexed against me, moaning desperately in his muscle cocoon. Thad writhed and bucked and slurped and licked. He was in muscleslut heaven. Thad erupted again, cum splashing my sides and dripping down between our bodies. He came for minutes ensconced in my massive muscle while I wrapped Jack in my other arm and kissed him. Jack smelled so good it was intoxicating. When Thad was finally done cumming, I lowered him to his unsteady feet. I reached over and grabbed some turkey, gently feeding him. His muscles inflated beautifully on his tiny frame into more of a gymnast's body. He'd need the strength if he was going to have a constantly hard 2-foot-long cock and a thirty pound scrotum tugging at his groin constantly. Thad smiled at me in a daze, cum dripping from his entire upper body. His pupils were dilated from a post-coital bliss like nobody had ever felt. "Thank you for that," he said with a slight slur, and got to work licking his cock clean. I turned to Jack. "You want a turn big boy?" His dick got even harder if that was possible. I lay down next to the table on my cum-covered back. My body was almost as thick as the table was tall. My lower back had no chance of touching the floor between my inhuman lats and ridiculous bubble butt. My head rolled back my traps flared up to support it, bunching up into striations I could feel with my earlobes. I placed my hands behind my head as best as I could, massive biceps and deltoids fighting for space and threatening to crush my skull. My pecs reached up to embrace my jawline. Jack got on his knees, hooked his arms under my knees, and hoisted my lower body up. His massive body visibly straining with my weight. He worked his way forward and I felt the fat tip of his cock make contact with my abused hole. Jack thrust in, sliding deeper into my already cum-filled ass until his fat balls bumped against the masses of my thick glutes. In my peripheral vision I saw a long arm reach for something on the table, and moments later the cock in my ass lengthened and thickened. Over the years Jack and I had worked out a rhythm to our fucking. He took great care to please his bottoms, especially me, and I knew just how to get him off. His long torso began gyrating as he nudged his giant cockhead into my prostate just how I liked. The scales were vastly different than the last time we'd fucked, but the same intimate knowledge applied. Jack continued growing inside me until he passed the 18" mark. He was even thicker than Thad, his fat cock stretching my hole like nothing ever had. He stroked slowly, using his giant limbs for leverage to pull nearly all the way out and slide back in over the course of long seconds. I began the long task of kissing every square inch of my biceps. Jack had the grin on his face he always had when he fucked me, a big toothy dopey smile like a dog hanging its head out a car window. Jack didn't "get horny", he "wanted to have fun", and my ass was his amusement park. Jack's colossal body moved in beautiful waves as he pumped in and out, gleaming muscles rippling as he varied speed and angle just enough to keep me on the edge. I felt a weight on my lat and looked over to see Thad. He was taller now, maybe 6'1", and seriously more muscular. If Jack and I hadn't been our present enhanced sizes he would have outmuscled us easily. Thad had kept his proportions and his beefy upper body was supported by truly insane legs considerably thicker than his ripped 30" waist. "You look amazing Thad," I said. "Yeah dude," said Jack. "I'm glad you're back. Want to join the party?" Thad popped a quick double biceps, his biceps exploding into symmetrical split peaks and his triceps hanging down thick and hard. "Thanks," he said. "I'd love to." Thad's vascular quads twitched and flexed at the slightest movement, and his gait was a wide, rolling waddle as he clambered onto me. Thad's bubble butt was visible from the front, thicker and juicier than ever. His 24" cock was still upright and drooling precum. Thad maneuvered around the musclescape of my torso to seat himself on my cock. He winced a bit as the giant cockhead penetrated, but kept going, bracing himself on my pecs and taking inch after inch of me. His legs exploded in shredded glory as he squatted on my meat, Thad lowering himself to the hilt and sliding up only to impale himself again. Meaty slapping filled the room as they built up a rhythm.. Jack towered over Thad from behind, his body pouring pheremone-laden sweat as he and Thad as they began working me into a frenzy. Their eyes raked my body as my I writhed in joy on the floor, my face nuzzling as much muscle as I could reach. I was being deep dicked by a loving giant and fucking the hottest ass in the world as my hulking body flexed for all of our enjoyment. Thad's took a moment to lodge his gigantic dick between my pecs. I abandoned my self-worship to embrace the beast. My pecs were too big for my colossal arms to reach the middle of them, so I settled for groping myself and enjoying the feeling of dozens of pounds of muscle heaving into fields of striations. My new muscles came with remarkable control. I bounced and flexed my giant pecs around the biggest cock in the world, bands of muscles squeezing Thad's cockhead and inches of his shaft with precise pressure. Thad fucked himself on my cock harder, each upstroke ramming his cock through the flexing hairy canyon of my pecs. He reached over to the table and brought more meat to my mouth, shoving it into my face in his frenzy for muscle. I eagerly accepted, feeling my muscles grow even more. I wondered briefly how I could walk, if my hands could reach my face. I didn't care anymore. Pounds of beef filled my frame as Jack redoubled his fucking, scooting me across the cum-slick floor with his almost viscious pounding as the men beneath him engaged in an inhuman pecfucking display. I flexed my insides around his invader, grabbing his cock and pulling it into me harder and harder. Their musk was driving me wild. I flexed for them, mountains of beef growing even larger. Thad gripped an ab in each hand, his fingers sinking inches between the bricks that were so wide even his cock didn't get in the way. He pounded himself on my cock and fucked the bloated masses of my pecs in a muscle trance, our pleasure building to a degree that I thought might drive me insane. This time it was Jack who busted first. His face was the only thing I could see above my pecs now. When Jack cums, he does this cute thing he looks you straight in the eyes and his dopey smile gets even bigger, and then you feel his cock swell, and he shoots load after load of hot cum into your ass while he just looks at you smiling. His 18" monster was so thick it felt like it might rip apart even my hypermuscular ass as it swelled with anticipation right before launching a pint of cum in his first blast. This set me off. I started shooting into Thad's tight hole as my eyes rolled back in my head. I was practically floating. Every muscle in my body contracted, flexing into obscene shapes as my orgasm went on and on. The inhuman muscle monster fucking his ass and writhing in pectacular ecstasy around his cock triggered Thad's orgasm. I felt his hole contracting around me as a fountain of cum shot from between my pecs and covered my face, showering me in his delicious load. It went on for minutes. My brain was short-circuited from pleasure when my orgasm ended. I was completely soaked in cum, completely filled with cum, and finally sated. Jack's softening dick loudly slurped out of my ass and I felt Thad slide off me and carefully extricate his beast from my pecs. I laid back on my traps, my head unable to hang, and felt Thad lie down on one side of me, using my lat as a giant pillow. Jack crawled up on my other side, so huge he could lie down on my bloated arm without discomfort, and we settled in for a well-deserve holiday nap.
  17. north

    Ophiucus Meets Alabaster

    Author's note: Hello everyone. First story on here. I was reading about the 13th zodiac symbol, Ophiucus "the serpent-bearer", and thinking about what a perfect overwrought-fantasy smut name it is. A couple hours later I had written this, and figured I might as well share. Enjoy I was sitting on the front porch of my cabin when he entered the clearing. Fuck me, he was a sight. I hadn't hiked into town in a few weeks and this beautiful specimen was just what I needed. A pale, shirtless giant of a man. He was tall, probably 6'7", broad-shouldered and narrow-waisted. The kind of big-boned guy where his abs seem to suck in under his huge ribcage. His white-blond hair was cropped short, and ice blue eyes regarded me with a familiar hunger as he approached me. He wasn't hugely muscled, but had perfect proportions and was completely shredded. I admired the way he rippled as he walked, his muscles bunching and flexing under his skin as his set his pack down on the porch. His dark shorts hung loosely on his hips and no doubt would have trouble staying up if not for a lifter's ass that I knew would accompany his strong legs. I stood to greet him and extended a hand. He smiled dazzlingly to shake, offering a cheesy "Mr. Ophiucus, I presume?" His grip was politely firm, and I could feel the telltale callouses of a man who wasn't afraid of the gym. Striations appeared on his delts and pecs as he pumped my hand. Up close I could see his bare torso was hairless and glistening with the slightest sweat. I had a feeling he knew why I was out here, why I valued my privacy, but he was pressing all my buttons. Fuck, why not let myself have a bit of fun. "I'm afraid you have me at a disadvantage. I don't get much company out here. What brings you to my humble abode?" "Alabaster. Nice to meet you. Call me Al. I've spent the last few months looking for you, Ophiucus, and well, I assume you know why any man would want to track you down. I must say you're much better looking than I'd hoped." It's true, when I first started using my abilities, there had been no shortage of takers. I couldn't help but flex my 19" arms a bit as his gaze travelled over my torso. I was shorter than Al at 6' even, but I'd worked hard to build this body, and even though my abilities didn't work on myself like they did for other men, I hadn't aged since my mid-twenties and my hard-earned physique never deteriorated from the peak condition of my bodybuilding years. His eyes meandered from my scruffy, handsome face over my thick, lightly furred pecs, down the central groove of eight abs on a 30" waist, down my adonis belt to hover over the obvious bulge in the sweatpants that were my morning attire. I imagined his pale skin against my sun-kissed natural olive and the beast stirred a bit. Al involuntarily licked his lips before snapping up to meet my gaze again, blushing and bringing out his razor-sharp cheekbones even more. Fuck he was a pretty one. "Al, please, come inside. We should talk a bit." We headed into the cabin and settled onto the sturdy sofa. "Well Al, what do you know?" His eyes brightened as he told my tale. "Thirty years ago, you just appeared. You're like a sex god or a superhero something, and nobody knows where you came from. You were given the name Ophiucus and fucked your way through the gay world. Your bodily fluids enhance men, making them bigger, stronger, and more virile. You were on top of the world. Until, they say, it became too much. Men were getting demanding, acting entitled to your gifts, so you left. You disappeared overnight on the anniversary of your appearance." He grew bolder, leaning forward. "The town nearby has an unusual number of very physically endowed men, and nobody there will say how they got that way. I had to seduce the grocer's son to get him to tell me about your visits to town, paying for supplies with your gifts and swearing everyone to secrecy." I frowned. "Don't blame him," said Al. "I was very persuasive." He began rubbing my thigh. "I grew up hearing about you, obsessing over the famous Ophiucus, hoping to meet you. You were just the first, you know, of the people with gifts. Although none have been as dramatic as yours." I had heard of others, men and women with inhuman, seemingly magical abilities. Mostly they went about their lives not making a big deal out of it. To be fair, most gifts weren't as fun as mine. Al continued: "After I realized I was like you, I spent months tracking you down. I would like to ask for your blessings, but just meeting you has been an honor. You inspired me to build myself up, to use my gifts for others, and I wanted to thank you in person. Being rock-hard to the point of near-invincibility has allowed me to help so many people, getting strong has helped even more." His giant hand was running up and down my thigh, stroking near my growing bulge, squeezing the thick muscle of my quads. As I felt my hard muscles dent under his grip I began to truly appreciate his moniker. "You're a legend out there, and the pictures don't do you justice." "FIrst, I accept your thanks and I will help you. Hell, I'll have fun doing it too. You're beautiful like you are now, and I want you to know that." He blushed again and smiled, but only nodded, clearly excited about what was to come. He was rock hard in his shorts now and looked to have a healthy endowment. "Second, the changes are permanent. There's no going back. Do you understand?" He nodded. "Third, I don't control the limit. Everyone has a maximum, and I can help you get to yours, but you need to accept that it might not be what you imagined. Can you live with that?" Al looked at me with hunger. He grabbed my arm with one hand and placed the other behind my neck, staring deeply into my dark brown eyes. His voice was completely serious. "It's a hope and a dream, but I'm an adult and I know fantasies don't alway come true. That one at least. But if the process of trying is as much fun as I think it's going to be, I won't be dissapointed." Then he pulled me in for a kiss. His lips were warm and smooth and firm. Fuck, it had been awhile. I leaned in, then lifted up and straddled his big torso, enjoying the hard body underneath me. I wondered how far the gift would take him. I ran my hands over his gorgeous chest as he felt up my hard arms and snaked his tongue into my mouth. I felt a surge of power as the gift began its work, sucking his tongue in and caressing it with my own. He moaned into my mouth as his body reacted, growing harder, the fire racing into his core and all his muscles gaining an instant pump. I squeezed his thin waist with my thick thighs and felt the muscles twist and strain as he embraced me, picking me up as he leaned forward and stood. He broke our kiss as he turned and set me on the couch, kissing his way down my torso, tonguing my abs and working down to my waist. His lips brushed my adonis belt as he grabbed my sweatpants and shimmied them down over my thick quads, admiring the strong calves and even kissing my feet a bit as he undressed me. My thick cock, already half hard and past the 10" mark, swelled across my right quad with the attention he was giving my body. This guy loved muscle, and I had plenty to give him. Al quickly shucked his own clothes and towered before me, pale and ripped and gleaming. His own considerable cock was 9" and dripping precum as his eyes wandered my sun-kissed body. I placed my hands behind my head and leaned back, letting my biceps bulge into gorgeous split peaks and shifting my eyes from my arms to Al and back. He got the message and dove in, kneeling over my legs and bending his long torso down, gently licking and kissing my bulging left lat, up through my armpit and working up past the triceps and over to my bulging bicep. Our lips met on my arm as we indulged in a three-way kiss: Al, me, and my straining 19" bicep. My short scruff and his smooth lips clashed on my peaks. My tongue darted out to meet his, reactivating the magic and sending waves of power into his body. Al sighed longingly as his body hardened and bulged yet again. His 16" arms were looking more like 17" now. His abs had taken on a deeper groove. His now 25" thighs gripped me tightly. Al reared up and flexed in ecstasy at his latest improvements. He sat his hard ass on my lap and I felt developed squatter's glutes dig into my thighs as he crunched a most muscular in my face. We were in mutual muscle heaven. I began gently licking his big square pecs, each brush bringing new muscle blossoming into being. The cleavage between them deepened as his pale pink nipples turned downward. When I was done with him he'd never see them again without a mirror. Al grunted and tightened the pose as the growth spread from the point of contact, every muscle bulging a little more as his pecs bulged under my administrations. A narrow groove separated the upper and lower pectorals as they took on a heavy, squared off shape, bulging from collarbone to the sharp swoop back to his ribs. I worked my way up to his shoulders feeling up his rock hard, expanding legs as I switched back and forth between striated deltoids. Al started groping my pecs and biceps and grinding his fat cock against my abs as his shoulders broadened and hardened, each head distinctly bulging now even when relaxed. I felt up his legs on either side of my own and enjoyed the growing muscular feast in front me. He completely coated my abs in precum as his fantasies about my famous body came true. Each of Al's shoulders jutted from his skeleton by inches, getting truly massive to match his fat pecs. My cock was now a fully hard 12" under his expanding ass, snaking past his tailbone and receiving the benefits of his thrusting against my abs. His athlete's body was becoming a true bodybuilder. Al threw his head back and placed an arm on either side of my head, enveloping me in his growing body. His neck widened and his thickening traps bulged as he panted and thrusted against me. His left arm grabbed my head and thrust me toward his right bicep, where I happily obliged, kissing and licking, biting gently as the muscle erupted under my lips. The triceps hung lower as the split peak of his bicep grew from graceful bulge to hard ball reaching longingly toward his clenched fist. Al rotated his forearm to flex the muscle under my mouth, pressing me into it harder with his other hand. After a few minutes and a few inches the left arm had a turn and the 20" right arm was the one gripping my neck, massaging my traps as I worshipped this pale god's growing body. Al met me there and we recreated the three-way muscle kiss. Our tongues touching sent another wave of full-body growth and he spurted a sticky glob of precum onto my stomach. His forearms hadn't lagged behind and the veined, rippling meat undulated as he clenched and unclenched his fist, pumping his arms up as the growth poured into him. The balled-up biceps looked like they were ready to burst his straining skin as we panted in mutual admiration. Once his enormous arms attained a beautiful 22" symmetry, we instictively changed positions. Al stood up and pushed my legs apart, then got on his knees on the rug in front of me with his back turned. I leaned forward and wrapped my arms around him, feeling up his newly enlarged pecs. I tweaked his nipples and began nuzzling his hair, breathing heavily into his ears. His enourmous melon-sized shoulders rippled with every movement. I began kissing the back of his neck as he shuddered. His traps responded beautifully, mounding up a little more each time he flexed them for me. Each unflexing left the traps as large as they were before the flex, the traps mounding up toward his ears in freakish hills, bowing out from strong neck to freakish shoulders into convex muscular monstrosities. The ridge between his traps deepened down his back until it was a valley of cleavage deep enough to lose a finger in. Nobody had ever responded this well to my gift, and I was going to enjoy seeing how far Al was willing to go, to grow into one of the biggest men alive. I leaned back to admire my work and he obliged me with graceful flex, rolling his huge shoulders and making the traps erupt with power. I moved to massage his traps and neck, running my hands across our creation. His neck was wider than his head now. He reached for my hands and brought them to his throat, where a few twists of his head brought his thick sternocleidomastoids into sharp relief under my fingertips. "Shit" I muttered. He responded by bringing my left hand to his mouth and sucking on the forefinger gently, guiding my other right hand down over his massive pecs and pressing his back into my own thick chest. He practically purred as my chest hair scratched against his broad lats. The secondary growth had spread to the parts I hadn't directly affected, and the thickened muscles flexed against me as I scooted forward off the couch and straddled his knees on the floor with my own. I humped my fat cock along the deepening ridge of his back. My precum smeared on his body and his back responded accordingly. The teres rippled with growth and his lats began creeping out. His thick arms were being pushed out by the v-shape turning convex. Al writhed and flexed. His hand released mine. I brought my hands back from over his shoulders and began to massage Al's growing lats. He got the hint and stood up, towering over me once again as his pale back filled my vision. I worshipped his back lovingly, exploring the spinal erectors and lats as his back exploded in a new wave of growth from my attentions. His 23" arms would have a hard time going below 30 degrees now. I lowered down to my hands and knees and got to work on his calves. The split head bulged from his leg sharply, jutting inches up and out. Each lick and kiss brought more and more muscle into being. Al pointed his feet and flexed them for me, alternating legs until his calves exceeded even his monstrous upper arms as my magic worked them into 25" freakish mushrooms of meat. Even at his height they were monstrous, bigger around than they were long. Al's calves were as big as a big man's thighs, over two feet around of rock hard striated flesh. Satisfied for the moment with the freakish calves, I lavished his hamstrings next. I could hear Al panting, his huge arms lifting with each breath as his bulging lats forced them further and further out. His hamstrings grew and flexed and grew some more under my attentions, pressing into my face as my scruff scratched gently over his straining legs. His thick squatter's thighs had to be in the mid-30's by now, and growing steadily. I reached around and felt the teardrop quads overflowing his knees. I grabbed globs of the precum burbling out of my dick slit in a steady stream and smeared it onto his quads. They responded by fucking erupting. His legs abruptly shifted apart as his stance was permanently changed for the wider. I felt carefully from behind, groping around his huge thighs a I continued to bury my face in his grotesque hamstrings. I got a good streak of precum on his sartorius and felt the sash of muscle across his quads thicken into a bulging rope of muscle Al reached back and gripped his thick ass, his arms having trouble as his expanding lats forced them apart. "Please," he whispered, guiding me to his ass. "Please." He was in muscle euphoria, barely able to speak. I dove into his ass, licking and kissing across the giant, striated cheeks, tonguing his hole deep, nibbling on the expanding hard flesh and tight, muscular sphincter. His ass was everything a muscle enthusiast could want, the pale cheeks involuntarily flexing against my face as I drove him wild. He collapsed onto his hands and knees, ass in the air. He was huge, closer to 400 than 300 pounds by now. From between his wide-spread 37" thighs I could see inches thick pecs pressing into the floor. His dick was over 11" now and drooling precum on the floor. I scooted over to him and slicked my dick up with my ample precum. Time for the main event. His muscular ass had to relax before I could penetrate. Al psyched himself up for the huge intruder, grinding his big glutes along my shaft a bit before lining up and pushing back against me. My fat cockhead pushed in, ever-so-slowly sliding though the muscular tunnel and spurting precum the whole way, until with a pop I was past his sphincter. I was leaking precum continuously, lubing him up to take my monster and growing his freakish muscles. He pressed his arms against the floor and lowered his chest, pushing his huge torso back to fuck himself on my fat cock. Fuck, his arms looked like 26" now. The triceps never looked relaxed, huge horseshoes straining as his biceps bulged against the sickeningly thick forearms. His huge back was an obscene ocean of pale flesh. His traps were so thick they bulged out from the bottom of his hairline to his upper back with an inches-thick furrow between them. After a few minutes of careful pushing, I felt his thick glutes finally press against my hips. His sphincter squeezed the base of my shaft reassuringly as he scooted back and forth an inch or so to get used to the monster inside him. I reached out and gripped the edges his lats. Even bulging so far from his torso, they were inhumanly thick. I held on tight and began to slowly thrust. In and out, faster and faster. He wimpered as the growth worked its way out from his core, distributed evenly and pumping his insane body up even more. "Fuck," he said between grunts. "Fuck yes. Fuck me. Fuck. Fuck!" And I did. I plowed him harder, pulling back until just the fat head of my footlong cock pulled against his sphincher, then thrusting in again. Harder. Faster. I battered his prostate and stretched his tight, muscular hole as his body grew beneath me. My orgasm was building as my gigantic partner strained and pushed against me, his huge ass and hard thighs meeting my thrusts. I was just about to blow when he abruptly stopped. "Everything ok?" I asked. "Better than ok," he said. "But I need a change of scenery." He pulled himself off my cock, tenderly lifting his hole up the shaft until finally the fat, dripping head plopped free. Al stood up and turned around. I gasped. I hadn't seen his front in several minutes. His chest was beatiful, with a hand-deep valley running from top to bottom. His abs had hardened up into a brutal 10-pack, leading down to an almost sickening adonis belt. The bands bulged and writhed as his now foot-long cock bounced in front of him. It was as long as mine now, and even thicker. Al moved forward and manhandled me, laying me on my back with my arms over my head. One of his strong hands was enough to hold both of mine down as he positioned himself squatting over me. Then he reached down and guided my cock back to his hole as his knees stretched wide enough to keep his huge thighs from crushing me outright. His bicep and pec clashed as he lined up my cock and began fucking himself on me once again. Fuck me. His waist was still relatively narrow, but the bulging lats and bowling ball shoulders made it look tiny. His thighs were each coming to rival my thick chest. The pale behemoth began posing over me and massaging my body with his strong hands. He brought his 28" bicep up and kissed it, massaging my pecs with his other hand. He was in muscle heaven as he rode my thick cock and felt my hard body and his own gargantuan growing physique. As he groped me his pecs his biceps and pecs fought for room. He placed his bunched fists on his hips for a lat spread and his grotesque back muscles reached almost out to his elbows. He transitioned into a most muscular that redefined the words. His pecs bulged up and bumped into his chin while his freakish traps actually pushed his earlobes up. All the while his huge thighs pumped away, fucking my dick with his ass. "You're so fucking hot. Ah fuck your cock feels like it's splitting me open and I just want more. More!" He planted his left hand on the floor next to my head and groped my thick pecs with the right. I flexed for him and he groaned appreciatively, squeezing and pawing hungrily. I groped his thick arms, his biceps and triceps exploding from forearm to shoulder. His forearms were bigger than my 19" upper arms now, and covered with rippling fibers and veins. He rode me hard and I thrusted up to meet him, our sweat-slicked bodies making a meaty cacophony as we slammed together. I couldn't take it anymore. I erupted inside him, shooting rope after rope of hot cum into his hungry hole and sending him higher into ecstasy. His growth increased even more and his own orgasm came like a volcano. His cock blasted shot after shot, each one an even larger load than the last. Thick splattering noises filled the room for over a minute as his 14" cock blasted the huge overhang of his pecs with cum and it rained down onto my body beneath. I basked in the afterglow as his bulk collapsed onto me. Al's chest heaved as he caught his breath, rubbing the sweaty meat of his pecs on my face. His growth seemed to finally subside as the last of my cum worked its magic. I was still rock hard as we collected ourselves and he stood, sliding off my cock and coming to his full height. He was slightly shorter than his full 6'7" now as his legs had to be spread so wide. His 30" arms were resting at a 45 degree angle from vertical. His 84" chest flowed down to a ripped 32" waist. His body flared out again as his huge ass and 45" quads asserted themselves. His thick-jointed knees looked delicately small between those overhanging teardrops and the 31" calves that exploded outward in a bloated diamond. His alread single-digit bodyfat was now stretched over at least 200 pounds more muscle. His 14" monster cock was also still erect and thick as my wrist. Huge bull balls hung in his scrotum, pushed forward by his thighs. Al rubbed his hands indredulously over his awesome bulk, his muscles colliding as he bent and flexed. His pecs blocked his abs from his view and as he felt his ripped stomach his biceps and pecs fought for space and his lats prevented his elbows from coming too low. I stood in front of him and joined in the admiration. I ran my hands over the hard bulges of his serratus muscles and down his trim waist. His core was constantly tensing and flexing to keep his ponderous upper half upright. "Shit," I said. "Nobody's ever taken to it like this. You're amazing! Fuck!" "This is everything I ever dreamed of and more," Al said. He grabbed me by the hips and lifted me up to his level. I leaned forward over his pec shelf to kiss him deeply. We remained like that for a few minutes, two lovers enjoying the euphoric afterglow of a truly glorious fuck. His enormous arms showed no sign of tiring by the time he put me down. "How can I possibly thank you enough for all this?" He emphasized what 'this' was by bringing his arms up in an impossible double biceps pose. The huge peaks fought for space with his forearms and he absent-mindedly opened his fists and began stroking the cephalic veins with his fingers. I wrapped both hands around his cock and stroked the still-slick shaft. "I'm sure can think of a way."
  18. Time on hands and inspiration really going. Here is chapter two. Home of the Gods Part Two by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13486-home-of-the-gods-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13487-home-of-the-gods-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13490-home-of-the-gods-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13502-home-of-the-gods-part-four-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13527-home-of-the-gods-part-five-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14012-home-of-the-gods-part-six-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Seven: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14350-home-of-the-gods-part-seven-by-f-r_eaky/ Part Eight: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14407-home-of-the-gods-part-eight-finale-by-f-r_eaky/ Fabian began to hear many voices after feeling a kind of thud that shook him awake. He was still exceptionally groggy and not at all aware of his surroundings. He was thinking he was in his tent on Ulpoo Island until he suddenly heard a loud ding followed by a friendly voice. "Welcome to New York, New York where is it a pleasant seventy-six degrees. The captain has asked us to remind you to remain seated until the plane comes to a complete stop from its runway taxing into our terminal and the seat belt sign is turned off. We'd like to thank you for flying Holo Airways and hope you have enjoyed this flight. Please make sure all your trays are in their upright position, and that you have all your carry-ons from beneath your seats or the overhead compartments before disembarking. Thank you again and have a wonderful day." Fabian bolted upright from his seat breathing heavily. How did he get here? What time was it? He was back in New York? Suddenly he felt a fairly large hand upon his shoulder and a low, but pleasant voice whispered in his ear. "Hey, bud. It's alright." Letting out a small yelp and turning around to his right, he saw the familiar face of Reid, whose six foot seven inch body was stretched out in the space in front of an exit door. "What? Reid? How?" "Take it easy. Wow... they really must have doped you up with some wild drink or smoke. Shame on you. Good lil' missionaries aren't supposed to do that." Reid chuckled and gave Fabian's hair a good tussle like he was a small child. "I... I've been out since the party?" "Yeah. You had me worried there for a bit. I figured they might have given you some kind of strong drink you didn't know about and so let you sleep it off. Told them at the airport when we got on the flight you were medicated for an accident on the island and that I was your care taker. Since I could easily lift you, had your passport, boarding pass, luggage, and could give them all your ID information, they figured I was your nurse or something. Not waking up in the morning was no biggie, not waking up as we boarded with me carrying you had me beginning to fret. Not waking up at all on the flight I thought I'd have to take you to a hospital when we landed, but you're awake now." The cab ride home from the air port to their apartment, Fabian told most of what happened to him during the ceremony to Reid, leaving out some of the more sexual content. Reid commented as he unlocked their apartment door and let them in. "Whoa! Sounds like they hopped you up on some serious stuff. Lucky it didn't shut down an organ or your brain permanently." "Tell me about it. Although not sure about the brain. Still groggy." "Still groggy? Dude you slept through the night, the boat ride to a main land, hop flight to a major airport and then the fourteen hour flight home. You have been eff-ed up majorly. And what did you get for this? A wonderfully woven, dick shaped basket." "What? How did you know?" "They dragged you back to our tent in the morning. Let me know you had been made part of the tribe, and told me to take care of your basket until you could find a proper place for it." "What?!?" "Yeah. They gave me a cool looking staff. Here in my suitcase. It actually comes in two different parts, they don't usually have any guys as tall as I am there. They told me I was to serve as your protector and that if I ever wanted to become part of the tribe, or more correctly start our branch of the tribe here, you'd know what to do when the time comes. What'd they do? Brain wash some secret instructions into you?" "No....I don't know.... I certainly do remember that part?" "Do you remember your name at least, Kali'iti'nui?" "No...except now that you mention it, I do remember them giving me that name." **************************************************************************** A couple of weeks passed. Fabian and Reid settled back into their regular schedules; Reid working for a delivery service, Fabian for a courier service. Things were going as per usual as autumnal days began to pass and turn into colder ones for the coming winter and holiday season. Fabian had just finished his last delivery and his dispatch had told him to go ahead and head home, no more deliveries for the day. He paused for a moment to think in his mind what part of New York he was in and what his fastest route home would be. Figuring that out he repositioned his bicycle into the appropriate direction and took off. He hadn't gone but one block when suddenly something large hit his throat and knocked him backwards off his bike, and knocked him off hard. Hitting the ground, his helmet was all that saved him from having a concussion or at the very least a mild headache. His butt and tail bone however might be another story. Looking up from the side of the road, Fabian saw a tall form, with fairly broad shoulders filling and stretching out a muscle shirt, a short leaved hoodie, black jeans, black work boots, and half fingered gloves. The figure took his hood down to reveal a decent looking man with ebony hair and dark, muted green eyes. It was Gabriel. The trouble making missionary from back on the island. "Yeah, you felt that didn't you? Closed lined by a real man, you fuckin' dwarf! Where's your buddy? You got it.... now where around to save your ass now, is he?" Picking up Fabian's bicycle he tossed it with ease into the alleyway and then picked up the still dazed and breathless Fabian up by his shirt collar. Standing him up against a brick wall Gabriel turned and faced him. "I told you, you were goin' ta pay for givin' me the shiner in this eye, you midget! You pipsqueak of a man don't get to take on or lay one on a real man like me. No, you pay for that. THIS! IS! FOR! BLACKING! MY! EYE! YOU! GNOMISH! MOTHER! FUCKER!" With each word of his last sentence Gabriel gut punched Fabian, moving his fist on up to punch in the rib, chest, mouth, and finally eye area. Being a main of decent size and muscle, his blows didn't cause and light marked bruising, but several large deep tissue black and purple marks, possible rib bruising or breaking, and lip busted in two places, bleeding nose, and a left eye so swollen, the right nearly joined in. Spitting on Fabian, Gabriel cursed him and then questioned him. "I hear they made you part of the tribe? What makes you so special? How come you get to be their man? Are you actually man? You size says you're more like a woman? You one of those guys whose crossbred from a gerbil and a horse? One of those....whadda your kind call them? Twinks? Let's see what you got?" With that Gabriel yanked Fabians bike shorts down, then practically ripped his underwear off of him. "Heh.... Look at that. What is that thing? A tiny water spigot? Can you even go to the bathroom standing up? I bet you need to use women's products just to use the can! Look at that thing....I..... could jack that thing off just using my thumb and fore finger....the tips..... a pair of tweezers!" Allowing Fabian to drop to the ground again, Gabriel unzipped his fly, fumbled around and pulled out his cock. "Looky here....." and he began to stroke himself off a bit until he had achieved full erection. "There is a man's dick for you." Pulling up Fabian in a sitting up position, he squatted down a bit and began to smack Fabian's face and poke Fabian's blackened eye with his schlong. "Eight and half inches..... yeah that's what a real man has. You're just a pussy.... a woman with a man's name. Well let me tell you something. It ain't over yet. As a pussy, you're gonna get fucked up real good. I'm originally from New York. I know where you work. I know where you live. My friends and I are gonna make you pay for not treating a real man with respect. And they're all as big as I am....in various shapes and sizes, but still, they all can easily dominate you. And we'll strike whenever your pal....what's his name? Red? Rod? Rad? whatever the fuck his name is. Hell we may collectively get together and take you out and then take him on sometime. He's a big man, but he can't take eight of us on at once. ... .... .... Anyway. I gotta go. You.... you have a nice day, shithead." And laughing Gabriel just walked out of the alley way leaving Fabian alone in the cold autumn air. ... ... ... It may have been a few minutes, it may have been a couple of hours that Fabian lie there in and out of consciousness. Eventually he got up, got on his bike and made his way home. Limping up the stairs and pulling his bike up them took twice maybe three times as long as usual before he finally unlocked the apartment door. "Finally.... it's about time. You're like an hour and half late. Dinner is cold. I was getting worried. You didn't call. Did you take on another after hours delivery again?" Reid walked into the hallway, just in time to see the bike fall over and Fabian collapse into a pile. "Reid..." "Oh my gawd! Fabe!" Picking up the phone Reid dialed 9 1 1 and told the paramedics he'd meet the ambulance outside of the apartment building. Grabbing a blanket he wrapped Fabian up in it and carried him all the way down the six floors of steps, not wanting to wait for the elevator in case a lot of folks were still arriving home. *********************************************************************** Beep......beep.....beep......beep......beeep......beep.......beep...... The sound of heart monitor going off was what Fabian woke up to. It took some time for his right eye to focus, his left held shut by a pad and bandage. Turning his head he looked to his right to see the torso of Reid over flowing the visitor's chair next to him, the light spreading of auburn hair glistening over his granite carved abs and chest. Reid's legs, one draped over the chair arm, bent at the knee his foot still touching the ground, while the other leg was extended out part of the shin and his foot well under the hospital bed. Suddenly Reid moved, pulling his jacket shut, smiling and blushing, "Sorry.... you came in and collapsed, I just grabbed you by instinct and got you to a hospital. I didn't think to grab myself a shirt, just the jacket." "No worries." "You just lie still. Let the pain killers work and keep you asleep. You've got several bruised ribs, one broken, busted lip, broken nose, broken eye socket, and one nasty concussion. They're keeping you overnight and looking into seeing if any surgery is needed. I called you work to let them know you might be out a couple of days still after this weekend and why. I also called your parents. They'll be here in the morning." ************************************************************************* Fabian's company gave him until his eye was better to be off, and then got what information they could on Gabriel to help Fabian press charges, as well as charges from them for damage to their bicycle. Fabian's parents came and stayed for about a week helping out with Fabian's care after he was released from the hospital, tidying up the apartment, making some good home cooked meals for the "boys" to have. Fabian and Reid talked about the hospital stay, Reid commenting that he thought Fabian must have changed religion as he kept chanting a name in his sleep. The name turned out to be Ke'atuka'ine, chief of the Gods of Ulpoo Island. Fabian laughed it off saying it must have been something the islanders chanted during his ceremony as he didn't remember the name, the pair only knowing who it was after they looked at the missionary information pamphlet on the Island people and their faith. The morning after Fabian's parents left, Fabian woke up and glanced out his window at the morning. With an icy chill suddenly running down his spin, he backed up with fear in his wide eyes. "Fabe, what's wrong, bro? You look like you've seen a ghost." "He's down there in the street." "What?" And Reid went to the window to look just in time to catch the site of Gabriel leaving a spot across the street from their apartment building. "It's ok... don't worry. Even if he can get in the building and up here, he can't come through the door, and if he does, I'll be waiting for him." Reid sat Fabian down on the bed, then sat next to him. Giving Fabian a brotherly hug, he heard Fabian gasp slightly and kind of pull away. Releasing Fabian, Reid looked at him and queried, "What?" Only to see in a few second a tiny little bump in his pajama bottoms. "I'm sorry." uttered Fabian and he ran to the bathroom and shut the door. "Hey...Fabian.... it's okay. Don't worry about it. I know. I understand you like big, built guys. It's an involuntary reaction. I'm not worried or insulted about it. Just.... just ignore it.... I'll fix some breakfast, we can sit at the table and watch something. No problem....If you really wanna know... that is.... I.... uhm.....you know.....I kind of.....well.... Fabe?....I'll be out here if you need anything." Turning to walk into his bedroom, Reid instantly froze upon hearing the cry of pain coming from Fabian. He had a terrible stomach ache now or mega proportions. As though he had been kicked in the stomach. Or he had a huge bowel blockage. Or he hadn't eaten in like three days or more. He was wincing and cramping in pain. There must have been something still wrong, unhealed with him. Staggering towards the toilet, he collapsed and fell into the bathtub, tearing down the shower curtain in the process. "FABE!" Hearing only guttural groans from Fabian, Reid applied his shoulder harshly to the locked door, busting through to see Fabian crumpled at the side of the bath. "It hurts, Reid.... it's like something is in my stomach.... like I've been punched by a demi-god....like I haven't cum in days..... ugh....months..... auuuugh...... YEARS! OOOOOOOOOOOH!" "Hold on.... I call the paramedics..." But Reid never got the chance. Suddenly the bathroom was full of the sound of drum beats.... first steady thuds keeping time and beat, then being overlapped by others pounding out various rhythms. Fabian began to sit up and sit cross-legged beside the bath and began to chant. " Ke'atuka'ine........ Ke'atuka'ine....... Ke'atuka'ine...... Ke'atuka'ine........ Ke'atuka'ine......." "Fabian? Fabian, what's wrong? Why are you chanting? What are you chanting that god's name?" Reid went to go kneel by his friends side but suddenly the shower turned on. Moving forward to reach for the spigot knobs a force repelled Reid easily and forcefully backward out of the bathroom, despite his large size. "FABE!" Within mere moments the bath was filled with steam such that Reid couldn't see through it and see how Fabian was doing. The next second Fabian wasn't sitting down and chanting, but standing, nude, under the shower, the water streaming down him from head to toe. Reid tried and tried to break through the invisible barrier that had formed in the bathroom door way, but it held firm against the extra large man. The drum pounding kept getting louder and louder, the name of Ke'atuka'ine was being chanted now by unseen singers. Fabian now placed his small hands around his groin, thumbs just above his cock, finger tips around his ball sack. He began to shout as if in pain, small staggering pant like utterances that became longer and longer until they were turning in huge elongated screams.... "Ah! .... Ah!.... AH!..... AH!...... AHHH..... AHHH..... OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOH AAAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGH!" Looking down at himself, Fabian and Reid watched in surprise as Fabian's prick came to life and with each shout and moan, oozed out larger....longer.....thicker....than before. "Aaaaah" 3 inches.... "Aaaaah!" 4 inches.... "AAAAAAH!" 5 inches..... "OOOOOH!" 6 inches... "UUUUUUGH!" 7 inches..... "WUAAAAAAH!" 8 inches..... "NOOOOOOO!" 9 inches...... "HUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!" 10 inches..... "HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!" 11 inches..... "HOOOOOOOOOOO!" Now Fabian had rocked backwards, standing in a corner of the tub, his cock fully engorged, covered in thick veins, looking like a Pringles can with melted wax lines down the side, spewing rope and rope, ribbon upon ribbon, string after string of spoo out of a large purple head, until his tiny feet looked like glazed éclairs and tub sides had glue spread all over them. Then Fabian stood straight and tall and spoke aloud, "I, Ke'atuka'ine have found the actions of this man worthy to call him my home, and have made him fitting and deserving for several other deities as well. Kali'iti'nui is thus honored and one day will change his name." And with that Fabian calmly laid down in the bathtub, the stopper plugged the drain, warm water filled to just around Fabian's face, steam filled the bathroom again, and tropical flowers grew in vines around the tub.
  19. gobiology

    Magic isn't real (part 3)

    Of course I was waiting for you. Sorry – I can’t stick around too long tonight. I have to work some magic with some others – well, yeah, I know it’s not magic, but whatever. You know what I’m trying to say. Yeah it’s been fucking hot. The AC broke in this place last night and the bartender is trying to get it fixed. But I see the heat has prompted the move to basketball shorts? Ah, I see – look at you swagging and going commando. I see your treatments have been producing some results you like? I bet you still get hard every time you bump into anything or think about someone noticing your thickening manhood, huh? Let’s look at you, big boy. God – fucking – damn, look at you. Your monster is really coming along, isn’t it? You look at least five or six inches soft by now. Are you tender? That’s a lot of growth in these two weeks. Let me outline the head…aaaaand, there you go. Man, you get thick, don’t you? Pulling your shorts legs…man, look at those balls. You got them big, too, didn’t you? They’re probably also pretty damn tender. You can’t wear jeans because your cock and balls would be pushing out the front zipper, huh? Hmm, you orgasm already? Your dick is pulsing…oh, that’s just your pre? Shit. Your dripping on the floor and onto my sandals. Mmm…you smell good, too. You like what I’m giving off? More cock growth juice. The fact that it’s hot in here makes it even better – I’ve been pooling it on my skin and it’s looked like I’m sweating, but I’m not sweating that much. I can wipe it off with a towel and ring it into a shot glass for you? Oh, or you can do that. Jesus H. Christ, your tongue on my neck…fucking fuck. Ugh…not the nipples. Fuck. FUCK. You…tr…lick…all of…god… Feel you…fuck…even bigger…need release…. Please. Please. Let’s try the bathroom. Muscle boy Christian isn’t coming tonight. He said he’d come by tomorrow for a drink. Let’s visit the bathroom. I know it was just cleaned. -- Close the door and lock it. So, last time I told you I know ways to make changes happen really fast. Calm down. Let me explain first. You absorb best through mucus membranes. Your nose, your mouth. Your stomach. But a place that I have found does the best and fastest job is up your ass. The rectum is insanely vascular, which is why hemorrhoids is a real thing. And I get a direct shot at your prostate. Will it take me time? To what? Put the proper hormones into my cum? Please. I’ve been loading it up and abstaining from cumming for two weeks, ever since I started my project with you. Damn, boy, you look like you been practicing. Let’s just see if you’re ready for me… God fucking shit, you’re tight. Uhh…uh…uhh….mmm…your…mmmmmm…asshole…fuuuuuuuuuuuu…so tight…mmmmm… -- You…uhhhhhhhhhhh…ready? God, just…UUHHHHHHHH. FUCKING CHRIST FUCKING GOD FUCK. *breathes heavy* God your ass was so good. No, keep down that way. Let me admire my work. Plus you need to absorb it all, and fuck did I give you a load. I might have produced a monster with that one! My body? I’ll tell you about my body later. Yeah I think you might be fine. You’ll leak a bit but not that much anymore. You want it all to stick around. Like I said, I can’t stick around much tonight. Oh, you are still looking happy. Well, I guess if I gave you a present – fuck, I can’t grab your cock, it’s so goddamn thick – you owe me a milk shake, no? Heehee.
  20. gobiology

    Magic isn't real (part 2)

    Hey, I remember you...Jake, right? You came back, huh? Clearly you didn’t think I was full of shit last week. Yeah, I frequent this place a bit. Bad habit, but it lets me work some of my stuff. Make some people happy. So, clearly something made you believe me. What was it that I said I’d do? It’s been a week. Oh yes. I see it clearly now. Your cock. I’m still being too loud? No one in here is paying attention to what we’re saying. People come here to get drunk, not to eave’s drop. Calm down – I see you pants aren’t. So, let me guess. You left here after I did, wondering what type of bullshit I was selling. About…an hour or two after I left?...you started to feel a weird sensation. It was like you were in puberty again. That dull ache that seemed to be everywhere that you didn’t like then, and you don’t like now. Except you felt it in your balls. You started to have that feeling that your balls might be bigger, or something is going on in there. A day or two later, you probably were noticing that everything that bumped into you made your dick immediately hard, right? It was like being a teenager all over again. It was so horrible – but so awesome – you kinda wanted people to know that this was happening, but not in public. Let me also guess that you’ve been walking around all week, aware of your cock, but also thinking that your pants feel a bit tighter in the front. The wiggle room that you once had isn’t there any more. It’s not much, but it’s noticeable, amirite? Found yourself playing with your junk, pushing it around when you had those two or three moments of being soft, wondering to yourself if it’s all an illusion? Does it actually feel a bit thicker? Does it feel a bit longer? You don’t seem the type to measure yourself, but god damn you wish you started, huh? Am I making you hard, recalling the week? Let me keep going. Tell me where I’m wrong and how I was full of it. I’d bet that last night you went to bed and woke up to a bunch of spasming in your – well, how do you sleep? Boxers? Ok, felt some spasms in your boxers. Cum all over the place, no? Reminded you of entering puberty and having that first wet dream all over again, huh? Did you feel like the pulses were longer, harder, and thicker than normal? Did you find yourself cleaning yourself even more than usual? Yeah, I thought so. Let’s feel. Oh, damn, daddy: you starting to pack. Are you liking this stroking? You twitch every time I get near your thick head. Yeah, daddy, you like this. I’m curious what you’ll look like in an additional week? Can you imagine if this keeps going? Yeah, I’m still pouring those hormones out around you. You can smell them, can’t you? That desire to keep around me? You want me to grow you more. Ooo, your aggression is up, too. Yes, daddy, show me how much more of a man you are. Mmm. Oh, you wanted to see what I did to the other guy? He was here on Monday. I asked his number. Let me see…ah, he’s on his way. Would you like me to keep pushing yourself to see if I can get you to shoot your juice all over the place, right here, right now? No? Damn. Let’s give it another week. I have a feeling you’ll be impressed by my first experiment…to your knowledge… Ah, speak of the devil and he shall appear. The muscle man comes in. I’m happy with how he’s dressed. Look at that tank top on him – do you notice those traps? They’re far more defined than they were last week, huh? See them actually pushing up towards his ears? And those delts on him – the V is far more defined on him, huh? Can you see the thickness separating the three heads of the deltoid? Damn. His thighs are filling out those shorts a bit more – I see his quads separating a bit. Nice bulge in the front too. What, I could have packed him as well. And…ah, I feel you’re getting hard again. *sniff* Hmm, I think you might be liking what you see? I smell you leaking “fuck me papi.” Am I right? Yeah, you feel like I’m right. Do you notice those biceps on him? Yeah, they look more defined than they did a week ago, huh? Notice how his tank is clinging more to this pecs. They’re rounder, aren’t they? They push a bit more out, don’t they? Doesn’t his chest look a bit wider? Maybe his waist is a bit tighter, or maybe its his chest slightly larger? Yeah, you don’t get that in lifting in a week. You get that if you lift for a week, like a mother fucker, and you have some superior genetics going for you. I think I need to give him some more, don’t you think? Oh, you want to join me in talking to him? Sure. Jake, meet my young muscled friend, Christian. Christian, Jake. How are you doing? You look like you’re hitting the weights a lot more. May I feel your guns? I’m kind of a muscle queen. I gotta feel power. Damn. What are these up to? 14”? You look like you’ve been packing onto your arms a lot in the past few weeks. And those veins! Sorry – it tickles – but tracing your veins is just amazing. Shit, you feel solid. Damn, I must be nervous – muscle does that – cuz I’m getting sweaty around you. Sorry, I sometimes smell a bit…yeah, TMI, no? I don’t wanna eat up too much of your time. Just wanted to say hi and introduce you to Jake. I’ll probably see you around. Clearly the beer here does the body good. So, what did you think of Christian? Yeah, I was having a hard time not wanting to touch that chest. You saw those nipples pointing through the tank, huh? Made you want to run your hands on them, under them, squeeze them? Oh, look: he’s turning around. He’s clearly been also working his ass. It’s starting to form that nice bubble, don’t you think? Yeah, he swings your way. I’d imagine that that butt would be a hard thing to split open. Yes, I see your thicker sausage stretching again. Does this talk get to you? You seem to be leaking – yeah, I see your pants, right near your hip…damn. Could you imagine bending Christian over, feeling that broadening back leading to that slender waist, shoving that thick cock of yours into him? Do you think you push harder than his ass could resist you? I’m wondering. You’d like to try? The bartender here keeps the bathrooms clean. He’s pretty good, and as long as you don’t make a mess, he’s fine with you trying out the bathroom with Christian. Haha, you will? I’ll just be here. I’ll wait. … Damn, that was, how long? Shit, that smile on your face. I see Christian hasn’t come back yet…oh, he’s going to have trouble walking? Well, no shit Sherlock, you were in there for half an hour. Was his ass as glorious as we could guess it to be? It was? Fuck. How many ways you fuck him? Six? Shit. I see you’re still hard at the thought of him – feeling hornier than usual, eh? Yeah, I’ve been loading you with more hormones. It’s gonna make you harder, thicker, longer, hornier, and full of so much more cum…yeah, you’re leaking again. Well, go get him. I’m sure he hasn’t moved too far from where you bred him. Shall I see you again in a week? I’m sure you’ll have plenty to show off. Ok. I’ll see if I can make your little muscle boy even bigger for you. I have my ways.
  21. My Weekend JOB part two by F_R_Eaky Dedicated to so many artists, writers, etc. that inspire. PART ONE: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/6983-my-weekend-job-part-one/ Joshua went to take a shower in the hotel room, but became lost in thought looking at himself in the mirror. His crotch was just up over the counter top now. He looked down at his feet to see their new size and comparison to the floor tiles. He stood and marveled in the shower to see where the shower head now came to on him and how he could look over the shower curtain rod with just a slight tilt of his head or a raise onto his toes. "I'm six foot four....six foot four!" He said to himself over and over again. He rubbed his hands up and down his body to wash it and felt how he had not only grown, but lost all his unhealthy weight. Like his friend, Brent, he too had grown taller and achieved the build of a swimmer. As his hand went further down though he suddenly had a very shocking revelation. "OH MY GAWD!" "You alright, Josh?" Cried Brent from the other side of the bathroom door. "Ye....ye...yeah." stammered Joshua. "You just discovered your third leg, didn't you?" "WHAT?" Said Joshua, realizing the implication Brent was making. He turned off the shower, threw open the curtain, grabbed a towel and stepped outside to see Brent sitting on the bed, laptop open, watching a growth video, and his cock was enormous. Joshua was so taken back that he dropped his towel. Brent looked up and over to him and then smiled. "You look about the same soft as I did - nine inches" Joshua looked up to Brent's face, who just took a ruler from his side and tossed it to Josh. "It's fully erect now and is twelve inches exactly. Can you believe that? Twelve inches. We're some of the largest hung men on Earth." Joshua felt his cock rise up and bob, the new length and girth of his cock fought against its rising and made a compromise by simply sticking straight out. Sitting down on the bed, Joshua began to watch the videos Brent had pulled up and suddenly Brent began to stroke Joshua's cock. The sudden jolt of pleasure was so powerful, it made Joshua convulse a little and his toes and fingers curl. "OH GAWD!" "I know.... they're soooo sensitive now. and I think our balls have increased in size too." Joshua reached his hand out and made contact with Brent's magnificent member and began to stroke it. This in turn made Brent begin to contort and curl his digits inward as well. The two watched more videos and stroked until they couldn't stroke anymore and blew two very large loads into towels. After a second shower, Brent presented Joshua with some of his clothes and a pair of size sixteen sneakers. Joshua was nearly ready and raring to go again, an erection trying to happen once more as the idea of wearing Brent's clothes and them fitting turned him on very much. "I kind of figured yours weren't going to fit too well anymore and you needed something to drive home in." Joshua thanked Brent for the clothes, and the two packed their things and said goodbye to one another. Joshua almost didn't make it home without blowing a load. He had to get used to the fact that he was tall. In some hallways and some older gas stations and convenient stores on the way home, he had to duck signs or watch the door frames as they were much lower than the modern standard average. Getting used to walking with longer strides and his large size sixteen feet and their shoes was also a challenge, not to mention he now had to put his driver's seat much farther back than it used to be. ***************************************************************************** * It had been about a month since Joshua had spent a weekend with Brent, as per usual. Normally between his schedule or Brent's schedule, plus the fact of how far apart the two of them lived from each other, the two could only meet about every three or four months or so. But oh, what an exhausting month it had been. Although Joshua enjoyed his new height, his larger feet, his slimmer build, and his larger cock, and enjoyed them immensely, they created a few problems. The first was Joshua's friend, Lawrence, Larry. How on earth would he, could he explain a seven inch growth spurt plus a several pound weight loss or change over the course of a weekend? He had to dodge Larry over and over again, for him not to see Joshua, until Joshua could come up with an explanation. Not only that, but none of Joshua's clothes fit him, so he couldn't make an appearance at work or even in the mall or parks, not until he could buy some clothes. And that didn't come easy. Although only being six foot four inches tall, there were still many things on the normal rack that didn't fit well on Joshua's body. That didn't even take into account that Joshua had to start learning to "wear" his soft cock down one pants leg or the other as it all wrapped or balled up upon his larger testicles simply created too large of a bulge. At any rate, there were some clothes, especially the shoes, he would have to buy either custom made or at much higher prices due to there being a much more limited supply of them. He called in sick for two days, feigning the flu, and went on a shopping spree the best his savings could allow. Then he came in early and left late every day so as not to have coworkers see him too much standing so much taller than he used to. When it did come time for him to have to walk to a meeting with a group of people he would hunch so his new height wasn't quite as noticeable. He also had to think cold shower thoughts whenever he did have to go walking around the office because he noticed how many more people he stood taller than or that most of the people he thought were really tall in the office, were at best just as tall as he is now. But Joshua also decided to help his financial situation out a little bit. Thinking about how expensive it was to have to buy a whole new wardrobe, not to mention that the mattress on the bed seemed a little short as well, he wondered how on earth he was going to earn all the extra money he needed. The answer came to him as he passed by an old costume shop window in the heart of his city's "old towne." They had as one of the displays an old eighties style wrestling outfit, but had combined it with a Mexican style wrestling mask. He went in a bought a couple of wrestling masks and then went to sports store to buy some wrestling trunks. Once he was back at home, he created an account on CAM4 under the name, Clyde S'dale, and listed himself as a behind the scenes wrestler lithe but toned build, 76" x 8-13" plus 12". At first things were a little slow, but once everyone got a glance at the size of the bulge in his trunks and the unveiling of his cock, the rise of his cock to erection, men and women began to flock to his page like moths to a flame. And of course many wanted to see him jack off or self suck his cock, and Joshua was all too turned on and willing to do just that, but made those acts private so as to have folks pay for the privilege to see that. He moved on to or added other muscle or cock cam sites and it didn't take him long to earn a decent amount of money. But the buying of new clothes, some new pieces of furniture, and nearly nightly jack off sessions, sometimes multiple, was making Joshua exhausted. Then one night Joshua received a phone call from Brent. "Hey Josh, how you doin'?" "Hey Brent, doin' well. You?" "Doin' okay. Whatchu doin' now?" "Not much." "Really... not been growing? Not been getting big?" "Oh yeah! Constantly, man. You know me. Hardly a day goes by I don't dream of getting huge, muscular, and hung." "Still? Even now, when you're six foot four and hung like a bull?" "Oh maaaaaaan. Even more so now. I can't believe we both grew. To have our fantasy kind of come true like that. It's such a turn on. Hmmmmm fuck...." "Getting hard now, just thinking about it?" "Yeah....aaaw gotta get these jeans off and set my cock free..." "I understand. I still can't believe how big our cocks got. How meaty and hefty they feel." "And still so rock hard and throbbing." "Yeah.... and we just want them to get bigger." "Ooooh yes.... bigger.....biiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiii iiiiiiiii gerrrrrrrrr..." "No... we can't get into it.... not right now." Joshua stopped speaking or moaning rather, but silently kept playing with huge, engorged cock as he listened. "I need to meet up with you again, and I think you need to meet up with me again. We need to hang together because we rock, we understand each other, and now understand what a well endowed man needs." "Awwww man... I agree...." And Brent told him a hotel he had booked, the city it was located in, and arranged for him to meet the following weekend. After hanging up, Joshua imagine how much fun the weekend would be, what happened the last time they met up, and about growing hulk sized. It didn't take him long before he was spraying a supreme sized load from his natural hose. ***************************************************************************** After knocking on room 1709's door and greeting Brent after he opened it, Joshua walked into two surprises for the weekend. The first was that this room wasn't a room. It was a couple of rooms that contained a living area, a dining nook, the bedroom area, and a bathroom. Brent explained that both of them being tall men now, he decided to use up his hotel points to get some accommodations that were just under the presidential suite level. He also did this because of the second surprise. "Whoa! You're right, Brent, he did grow." Joshua turned the corner to find two other net buddies he made: Darien and Andrixos. Darien was a 6' 1", balding blond man, blue eyed, with a slightly stocky and hairy body. Andrixos was 6' 4", average build that was pretty smooth, green eyes and thick mop of sun-kissed brunette hair. These two were also fond of the same fetish Brent and Joshua liked, again some slight variations in hose they fantasized about things, but still the general outcome was the same: bigger, taller, stronger, more hung men. "Sorry to surprise you like this, Joshua, but I had to tell someone what happened. I was visiting with Darien a couple of weekends ago and he at first didn't really believe my story until he noticed my new shoes and that they were definitely bigger than size twelves." "Not to mention the fact that once you took them off, I could tell your feet filled those shoes and filled them well." Said Darien. "Anyway, I told them about our little growth and of course explained the greatest changes happened to you. They went to looking at your Facebook page and saw your pics of you standing next to your tall friends, one whom I remember you telling me was six foot three inches tall. They decided to have a major weekend and see for themselves what you looked like now." The trio stood there looking at Joshua as he looked back at them and thought for a minute. Finally, Joshua relaxed his stance and placing his laptop case on the dining table announced... "Cool... .... I've had to hide the changes from all my coworkers and my friends. I mean, how does one describe a seven inch growth spurt, not to mention a five and half inch one down there, over the course of just a weekend? It's nice to be able to tell someone and talk about it." With that the four of them changed into more casual and comfortable clothes, pulled out laptops, and began to watch and talk all about the growth that happened and the growth they'd love to see. Towards the end of the night, or very early in the morning, they decided to wind down the first night of their growth fest and retire of the evening. "So really, you guys were just jacking off to some videos, you released, and the next morning you woke up changed?" asked Andrixos. "Yeah," said Joshua. "Just like we had hundreds of times before with those particular videos we showed you earlier this evening." "Well, we don't feel any different? Do you two feel different or like changes are going on?" "No" said Brent, "But there was one thing we had done differently, by accident that we normally didn't." "What was that?" "We came on each other." Joshua blushed as he spoke, "actually we accidentally blew into each other's mouths." "You sure it was accidental?" said Andrixos as he gave Josh and Brent a smile. "It was." said Brent. "He helped me climax and I herky-jerked and wound up pointing my cock his direction upon my release. To be polite, I helped him get off and aimed it at myself, so he didn't feel like I was just shooting at him for fun." Brent then got up off the bed he and Joshua were lying on top of and went to go use the bathroom, at which point Andrixos got up off the other bed he and Darien were on and took Brent's spot. "Whatchu watching over here?" Andrixos asked Joshua as he reclined across the bed. "Oh, it a series of morph videos. The artist takes these video clips of bodybuilders and after a certain point he has them blow up in size and then everyone takes photos of them. Sometimes they blow up twice from two different normal poses, or he blows them up twice, bodybuilder to super human to inhumane." "Oh yeah, I like those videos." Said Brent as he came back, and reaching for his laptop, grabbed it and sat on the other bed next to Darien. He threw a chord end over to Joshua. "Here, let's sync up so we can easily see what you're playing over there, over here." Joshua plugged the chord into his lap top, clicked on some things, and soon whatever he was playing on his laptop, Brent was viewing on his. [...(crowd grasps, the sound of slightly heavy footfalls as a bodybuilder takes the stage....) ] "Oh I like this, that's Alexey Lusekov. He is so fuckin' thick!" said Brent. [... (Alexey makes his way center of the stage, raises his arms to do a frontal lat and chest spread.) pow pa-pow pa-pow pow pow pa-pow.... errrrrrRRRRRRRRRRRRT! (Alexey blows up to twice his size... the crowd ooo's and ahhh's even louder and more and more photos are taken) .... pow pa-pow pow pow pow pa-pow pa-pow pow pow pow...] Darien leans over to see Brent's screen better. "You like Alexey cause he's all thick and swole, you like him now that he's even.....bigger!?" "Hmmmmmmmm oooh yeah....." Andrixos leans over and queries Joshua. "How 'bout you, Josh? You like Alexey?" "Ooooh yeah... I like Alexey. He's so fuckin' thick and dense, full and hard, yet defined...." "And now that he's even bigger?" "Uhhhhmmmm yeah.... love that...such power..." [....(Alexey turns and does a side chest shot. The crowd ooh's and awes when he suddenly breaks it and then goes back into it and then swells even bigger.) ... errrrrrRRRRRRRT HURRR! POW PA-POW PA-POW PA-POW POW POW POW....] "You like it when they swell, don'cha, Joshua? " "huh huh....oooh yeah....muscle's poppin' getting fuller..." "How 'bout you, Brent?" "Yes.... Those big full muscles just getting... huh...huh.... larger and thicker... Oh look... huh... Joshua, it's Lee Priest. You love Lee Priest. ..." "Oh yeah.... huh huh...loved him for ages..." [ (Lee steps up in front of machines in the weight room. His arms are hanging so far out to his sides because his lats and upper arms are so thick. He stands there and straightens his posture.) eeerrrrrRRRRRT! (suddenly his shoulders and back broaden even incredibly wider, his arms become a little fuller and so does his waist line, even though it looks tight under his white tank top. He flexes his arms a little bit. The scene repeats only this time it's slower...) HURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!] "You like that don't you, Brent. Getting bigger... Stronger...." "Yeah... more muscular... harder....denser..." "Come on, big boy.... don't let Lee outgrow you..." "Yeah...huh huh...huh....huh.....getting so pumped up." "You like it too, right, Joshua?" Said Andrixos as he placed his hands on Joshua's shoulders. "huh ... huh....yeah.... growing bigger...denser... stronger... fuller....huh huh huh..." "And Lee's not goin' to outgrow you. Why you're a full foot taller than him, maybe more. You can't outgrow him... you're doing it now aren't you...ERRRRRRT!" "OOOH FUCK! YES! Growing...." [(Scene changes to Lee now doing shoulder shrugs... in the middle of which he suddenly grows) eeerrRRRRRRT! (the scene again repeats itself in a slower fashion as the hunky Lee Priest begins, slower this time to work out those shoulders and then grow...) HUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRT!] "You're swelling right there with him, aren'tchu, Brent big boy?" "UUUH... yes...growing...huh huh...swelling....huh....ballooning...." "Come on, big man....grow... GROW! You a wussy? I SAID GROW!" "HUhh BIGGER! huh huh huh....stronger....denser....harder...thicker! huh hhu hhuh...." "You're not gonna let Brent and Lee out grow you are you?" "NO! NO! Getting bigger! huh huh huh more swole! Fuller! STRONGER!" "Must be hard for you to stroke that cock... it's so much longer and thicker than it was before." "HUH HUH huh huh huh huh huh yeah....oooh soooo... huh huh big....the sensations! Ooooh." "Look here comes Phil Heath to the stage. He's gonna swell and outgrow you." [ "He said he wanted the word massive to be used amongst the other words that I commonly used to describe..." (Phil Heath does a double bi and then....) HUUH! (Instantly he doubles in massive size and the crowd gasps and cheers).....] "No... NO.... huh huh huh huh our growing him!" "And your cock is growing even longer and thicker too..." "OOOOOoooooohh OH! YEAH! huh huh huh huh huh .....gettting soooo bi-HIG! huh huh huh..." "You're growin' too, aren'tcha big boy. Gonna become a real man?" "Yes....huh huh..." "Yeah?" "Yes...bigger...huh...STRONGER!..... DENSER!.... huh huh huh huh..." "Why don't you show me how you can grow...." At that moment, Andrixos and Darien each grabbed either Joshua's or Brent's cock. One hand grabbing the head and squeezing it hard while rubbing the thumb up over the head and the slit, while the other hand pulled long, firm, and slow down the shaft. "AUUUUUUUUUUGH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" "AAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!" The sensation of this blow was so strong, both Joshua and Brent convulsed, shook, spasmed, as they blew their load and then passed out. Andrixos and Darien both took the shots into them and then proceeded to jack off to the rest of the videos, falling asleep after they came. ***************************************************************************** The next morning, three of the buddies awoke to the sound of one of them screaming. "HOLY SHIT!" The three sat up in the beds they were laying on and looked towards the bathroom door. Andrixos, slowly peeked around the corner towards his three friends and saw them all breathlessly sitting up, awake, on the beds. "Sorry, guys....didn't mean to wake you..." "Well, what surprised or scared you?" Asked Brent. "oooh..." stated Darien.... "I think....oooooh..... I know....." Everyone looked at Darien.... the sheets over his lap began to shift and move, rise, and a pillar like formation began to rise up and cause the fabric to tent. It began to sway and bobble a little, then suddenly there was a snap, like the sound of an elastic band pulling taught against skin after being pulled and stretched too far. Joshua shot a glace over to Andrixos. "I take it you're now a member of the foot long club, too?" Andrixos, shrugged and stepped out of the bathroom, revealing that his member was tenting his underwear to maximum capacity. "You seemed to have slimmed down just a titch and toned up as well." "Alright, Darien," said Brent, "Stand up..." "What?" "Get out of bed and stand up." "But uhmmmm...." "We're jack off buddies, we've seen each other before, and the two of us have been walking around with a ruler in our pants now for a month. You're not going to surprise or scare us." Slowly Darien stood up, and then walked over to Andrixos, whom he was now just as tall as. "Ok to make it official," said Joshua, "Go attempt to put your shoes on and see if they fit." The shoes didn't fit of course, both of them now wearing size sixteens. After the initial shock wore off the four men began to talk and discuss how great it was all of them being tall, slim and trim, and hung. Brent and Joshua pulled out some extra pairs of shoes and gave them to Andrixos and Darien, while Andrixos loaned some clothes to Darien to wear and then the four of them all went out to grab some breakfast. The four of them had a hard time keeping their cocks deflated, and smiles from spreading across their lips, because all of them being slim and six foot four inches tall, had folks asking obvious questions such as "Was there a basketball tournament in town?" or "Is there a meeting of International Tall People Clubs nearby." They had fun knowing they were making quite a sizeable impression on most folks, even though they did run into other men who were slightly to quite a bit taller, and many who were larger built. Still it surprised them that at "only" a "mere" six foot four how many men they were taller than. They spent the late morning doing some clothes and shoe shopping for Andrixos and Darien, taking a couple of pictures in garages showing how they stood as tall or almost as tall as the height restriction for occupancy. They returned to the hotel room around noon and got things unpacked and sorted, placed things they bought for lunch and dinner on the table, and slowly began to just be seated in various spots of the suit. Finally Andrixos spoke up. "Ok... I have to know, is anyone else's horniness factor up like a thousand points? I mean, I don't know about you. It was already hard getting used to having to snake my cock down my pants leg, but the rubbing that was going on, the people asking if we were parts of sports team, talking about how big and huge we were, made me want to nearly blow several times." "Yeah..." laughed Joshua. "...It does take some getting used to, but you don't really get over it. I mean, that cock is just....THERE! There's no other way to say it, and it's going to get moved and rubbed regardless." "So, how did you two...get used to it? Control it?" "How else?" said Brent as he flipped open his lap top. "We jack off." The guys proceeded to have another waking session... and then another....and another.... before actually stopping and having lunch properly. They talked about the changes in their lives between the height difference experienced by Joshua, to the new shoes needed by everyone, they moved on to some politics, favorite movies and t.v. shows, guys they thought were hot, and other things. After dinner though, they began to stroke their individual mighty meat and think about bodybuilders, strength, growing, and being hung. A few hours and several bathroom towels later, it was late into the evening again. They were set for one last load to blow and feeling of euphoria. Andrixos had called up a 3D animation, still , video on his computer.... [ (sound of hard rock playing, while a man in an olive pull over complains....) "My head! What is happening?" (He suddenly holds his stomach) "My stomach. I'm gonna.... Whaaaa!" (Suddenly the man collapses to his butt on the ground....) "Pain gone. So...horny..." (his cock suddenly inflates, but then his body becomes just as rigid...) "uh....grrr.... I can't move! ... ... ... My voice! That's not me! It's too deep..."] "Ooooh yeah.... " cried Joshua. "Get a real man's voice... deep...low....make a chest rumble when you speak..." "hmmmmm" "oooooh" "oh, yeah...." Called out his three friends. [ "What is going on? Why is this happening to me? .... .... ... What the fuck?" (Suddenly the man's chest begins to inflate, thickening, widening, barreling out with muscle.) "Grow....Grroowww Bigger. Make me bigger!"] "Yeah... grow bigger, boy... get massive like us!" called out Darien. "Bigger....'' "Stronger..." "Denser...." [ (The man stands up and then begins to arch his back.... his muscles begin to inflate filling his clothes up to their maximum capacity.) ] "Getting bigger!" called out Brent "Stronger..." "Fuller..." "Swole...." "Harder...." "Denser...." "Thicker...." "Bulging...." [(suddenly the man begins to get taller too. His pants hem riding up his shins. His shirt hem riding up his abs. His sleeves travelling up his arms. All while his muscles continue to grow and pull and stretch on his clothes....] "More massive.... huh huh ....." cried out Andrixos. "Peaks, cuts, definition....huh huh huh ...." "Bigger muscle bellies...huh huh ...denser....huh huh...muscle fibers....." "Fuller...talller...stronger....bigger....massive...huh huh huh huh ...." [ (suddenly the man's balls inflate, his dick grows longer and thicker, bursting his fly wide open. The camera backs up for all to see the man has torn his shirt wide open down the front with just his burgeoning chest, while the sleeves have been shredded by his arms...) "FUCKIN' HUGE GROWIN' FUCKIN' HUGE!!"] "Cock getting huh huh huh larger..." "Balls getting bigger....huh huh huh huh" "More cum huh huh huh swirling round and round huh huh huh inside..." "Nads producing more huh huh hormones..." "Making us grow even bigger...huh huh huh " "fuller...huh huh......LARGER!...." "Which causes them huh huh huh to gro-OW bi-HIGGER! HUH HUH HUH" [(the man now stands nude, almost in a crab or most muscular pose, the whole world to see his giant and immense height, muscular, and cock size...) "PUMP ME, MOTHER FUCKER" (His cock rises even larger to the occasion...) "OH YEAH, I'M GONNA BLOW!"] "BLOW HUH HUH OOOH AND HUH HUH GROW!" "BIGGER! HUHU HUH HUH" "STRONGER! HUH HUH HUH HOOOOO-OH!" "BROA HUH HUH HUH BROA HUH HUH BROA-DER! ER!" "TALLER! HUH HUH MUCH MORE HUH HUH TALLER!" "MORE HUNG! HUH HUH HUH HORSE HUNG!" "EVERYONE HUH HUH HUH IS GETTING SO SMALL COMPAIRED HUH HUH TO US HUHU HUH...." "NO MAN IS OUR MATCH! HUH HUH HUH HUH" "WE ARE MUS HUH HUH HU HUH HUH MUSCLE HUH GAWDS!" [ (The man begins to spew his load of hot seamen everywhere his body, cock, and balls still inflating and growing as his blowing.) "C'MON FUCKER KEEP GROWING!... .... ...GAWD! OH MY FUCKIN' GAWD! (He continues to swell and blow....)] "YES! BIGGER! STRONGER! HUH HU H HUH AIIII OOH! GAWD! I...IIIIII" Joshua bucks and humps the air as he goes into orgasmic spasms. His hand jerking towards his right. "OOOOOOOH DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!" Brent sees Joshua's involuntary motion, but goes into orgasm as he tries to roll to his right to avoid the cum shot. Instead he rolls to the right, but his head jerks back to the left, his mouth receiving the first full blast from Joshua's skin cannon. "FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK AUH AAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH!" Darien goes into orgasm, leaning forward and screaming not aware of the trajectory Brent has just sent his load into. It makes its mark right into Darien's open scream, who then jerks back on its taste sending his spunk to the right. "YESSSS YESSSSS! GROWING BIGGER AND BIGGER! HUH HUH HUH WHOO! WHOOO'S A MUSCLE HUH HUH GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAWD!" Andrixos scoots down the bed, his head collapsing into the pillow that would've received Darien's volley, but now it makes contact with Andrixos' mouth. His body convulses and twists to the left, and he has an orgasmic release that at first is all release of tension and then suddenly tightens so fast and hard, it cause his body to convulse to the left and thrust his pelvis up high. Creating an arc of spoo that goes soaring over Darien, Brent, and into panting lips of Joshua who's attempting to recover from a most powerful release. Swallowing, coughing, the four gasp and spit and swallow, trying to regain their composure and senses. Attempting to get feeling back into their feet and hands, allowing their fingers and toes to uncurl. Shivering, shaking, they pass out into a horny oblivion. ***************************************************************************** * During the night, the four men have hot and fevered dreams. Each one in their own fashion sees his self continuing to grow, to pack on muscle, to become more hung, their bodies becoming ultimate paragons of towering strength, power, and virility. All other men a small compared to them and they are shrinking by the minute. These men are becoming gods....TITANS! The same one who woke everyone yesterday will wake everyone again. He has dreamed that he has grown so big and so powerful, his pinky tow alone covers a metropolis of millions of people and their sky scrapers. A blimp too small for his eyes attempts to show him pictures of the people crowding around, rubbing, and jacking off on his feet, worshipping him madly. His cock springs into action soaring up and Up and UP! Such a massive meat monster it is it dwarfs the Empire State building by two, three, four times its size! He strokes as he pops his other arm's bicep and bounces his pecs, laughing lightly at how like fleas humankind has become to him. Suddenly he releases a load that cascades down in a deadly torrent. The first shot alone floods the city. The second takes the support or foundations out of building causing them to collapse. The third volley causes his sperm to spread out and empty into the sea or travel across plains.... Suddenly he is awake. His cock is still spewing. He tries to clear his head, knowing that the sensation is wrong due to the dream. Yet, he knows... he knows he's spewing more spoo than he did just the night before. Now... he must pee. Wincing in pain as he pulls back the sheet. He can feel the dried cum that became glue from last night, binding his skin and the sheet as one. He can still feel his cock giving up more spunk as it pools on the mattress a bit. He stumbles and fumbles his way to the bathroom, stooping a little because of how tired he is. He points his cock at the toilet and urinates, then flushes. He thinks to himself, "I should go ahead and shower, get this dried spunk off of me." It is mere moments after the shower is turned on that he yelps out in horror. His three buddies again sit up in bed and turn their attention to the bathroom. Andrixos comes to run out the door when suddenly... WHAM! His head meets the door frame. Crumpling to the floor, Andrixos nearly loses consciousness, and remains in a haphazard seated position. "Did... did... I just see that right. Standing all the way, straight up.... did....did Andrixos just bang his head on the door frame?" "Yes, Joshua, you did." Said Darien and he flung the sheets off to stand and go check on his friend." "Good lord! " cried out Brent. "Darien! Look at yourself... you're.... you're... kind of built!" "So are you!" "So are we all." said Joshua. "We're all that mildly athletic to soccer player kind of build. You know just before you begin to look like a personal trainer." Darien gave a hand out to Andrixos. "Easy does it... tilt your head forward before you come through...." "Good....night... look how his leg muscles bunch and pop as he stands....oh my gawd....." "Look at how you, Joshua, rise a tent pole in the middle of the bed!" Sure enough from seeing how built and tall they were now, Joshua had begun to develop a chub. This was eventually done, willingly or no, by Brent and Darien as well. As Brent reached over and pulled the sheet off of Joshua... he let out a yelp of fear and then began to hold and strangle his penis as though he had a monster. "My gawd! This thing is like a foot and a half long now!" "And judging by the door frame," said Brent. "We're all now six foot - ten inches tall." The four sat or stood there in silence, in the room, staring at one another.
  22. Happy Father's Day by F_R_Eaky Chapter Three: A Keg & A Six Pack for Father's Day. Chapter one: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/12542-happy-fathers-day-by-f_r_eaky/ Chapter two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/12560-happy-fathers-day-chapter-2-by-f_r_eaky/ The phone rings. Oisin reaches out to pick it up and instead sends it flying off the end of the table. Cursing, he picks the phone up off the floor staring at his arms and hands in disbelief; he's been fumbling and tripping and knocking things over all day yesterday, and this morning is only mildly better. He has this thought, sensation that he's taller, bigger, stronger, but not by much. Something around four inches taller or so, although his feet and hands have gotten much larger and his build has become a bit beefier. Seeing his reflection in the glass of his cupboards, he's distracted from the act of answering the phone, absentmindedly setting back down on the table. He's in just pajama bottoms although they are riding slightly high on his legs, still comfortably snug. He is shirtless as the pajama top felt a bit off...tight?...confining? He turns sideways and looks at his reflection. He does his best attempt at a side chest pose. Then he faces straight on and attempts to put his arms straight down, but they're being held up by his back or is that lats? He has lats? "Have I gotten more muscular?" he thought to himself. "I don't recall being this built before?" Running his left hand over his pec, he inhales a quick breath as his fingers glance over his nipple, and then they continue down...down...down... his waist. No six-pack, but still slim, taut, and solid. His toes are being tickled and he realizes his feet are extended past the tiled area onto the carpeted. He wonders at this and backs his heel to beginning of a tile and sees his foot is the exact same length as the floor tile. Suddenly a rush is felt through his body. His groin is feeling very hot and his cock and balls are beginning to feel more and more cramped inside his briefs and his pajama bottoms. In a matter of moments he is looking down and staring wide-eyed at the decent sized tent his pajama pants are producing. The ringing of his phone again wakes him up to real life and he bends down to retrieve it and answer. "Uhm....Hello?" "Uhmmm Hi. This Lorcan Kiley. I'm trying to reach Oisin Shanahan...." "Oi... hi, Lorcan. This is him. How are you? Still planning to come over today?" "Yes, but I have a question for you." "I may have an answer. What is it?" "Well.... I don't want to seem presumptuous or cheeky, but.... I met this guy yesterday, not that I'm wanting to cancel, and he's not boyfriend material or anything... He's about your age, all alone in the world too, and well... ... .... He had a guy set him up for a supposed romantic date yesterday only to leave a note saying he was an ancient leprechaun and not worth dating." "No, he did not." Oisin gasped. "Aye. Not only that, but he and a bunch of his friends had hung back to watch when he read the note, then laughed at him and sped off in their car." "So you were thinking he might need a bit of a pick me up." "Aye. I told him I was coming over to your place today, but I didn't say he could come along, but I wondered... Two sonless guys and a fatherless young man, all single, no family...might be better with three to make the time go by ignoring all the father's day celebrations." "I appreciate the call, and I don't mind. Invite him over. Wasn't making anything fancy. Shepherd's Pie to be exact. I can just break out a larger cooking dish after I pop round the corner to get some more meat and veg." "Deadly. I'll call him and let him know." "Alright. See you two around one. Slán." " Slán." ************************************************************************** The phones rings. Cian opens his eyes and immediately shuts them, pretty sure that someone has instantly jammed needles into them. Groaning he opens his eyes a second time and watches as the room spins and rocks back and forth a bit; his vertigo is not acting correctly. He feels the ring of the phone pierce his ears more than he hears it. He stands up and tries to walk but he wobbles a bit. "My legs feel like rubber.... why are my thighs rubbing together so much? I can't walk straight." Cian thinks to himself. Stepping over huge piles of clothes he fumbles his way to the living room where his phone is, but upon walking he hears a deep resounding thud... thud... thud... coming from somewhere as if a man of goodly size was walking extremely heavy, very heel-toe like. He wished whomever it was would stop as it was making his head pound even worse. He stopped his walk to sense if it was coming from his neighbor upstairs. ... ... ... They stopped. He started to walk again, the heavy footfalls began once more. Cian looked up at his ceiling and called out, only slightly, "Oi! Ya bastard! Trying walking through ya flat instead of traipsing around like yer stompin' out bugs!" The phone rang again and he grabbed it from off the table somewhat angrily. "Oi, it's Cian." "Hi, Cian. This is Lorcan. They friendly guy from the beach yesterday." "Oh... yeah.... I remember." "Well, I spoke with my friend and he's fine with you coming over, if you'd still like to." "Sure... I still have to return your towel. Surprised you called me, given my abrupt departure." "It's ok. You didn't look to well. Might have been the heat." "Aye... the heat." "Well, since it's my first time heading to this guy's place, I'd like to pick you up around eleven if that's ok with you." "Sure, yeah, fine..." "Alright, see you then." "Aye..." Turning to head back into the bedroom, Cian clipped his foot on the table leg and staggered into his bedroom doorway only to tumble forward after slipping upon two empty bottles of Bushmills Irish whiskey. "OOF!! OW!! FUCKIN' TABLE! ... .... .... .... How the hell? ....I was fairly far away from...." Cian grabbed his foot, but still lying eye level with the floor looked across it to see almost his entire wardrobe laying, scattered on the floor. He stared at it in wonder and slowly his hand reached out to pick up one of his shirts. It was split in so many places. All of his shirts were split in so many places. Down the chest, down the back, busted sleeves, ripped out arm pits.... Nothing was whole. He then picked up some pants and some shorts. Many of them had their waist buttons missing. Most of them had tears in the crotch, at the butt, down the outer seems near the thigh, some even had split cuffs or hems. After picking up one pair of pants, he noticed a piece of paper on the floor, a couple of pieces taped together in fact, and there was writing, calculations, and the outline of a foot. Calculated the foot would be 30.5 cm long (12 inches) and need a UK size 13 (US 14) shoe. Shakily Cian sat up and swung his foot around and placed it on the paper... .... ... it was a perfect fit. Scampering in a backwards crawl from the paper as if it was some horrific thing, he slammed into one bedroom wall and sat there shaking and breathing heavy. It took a bit of time before he realized his stubbed foot was hurting and bleeding slightly. Walking weavingly into his bathroom, he broke out some medicine and bandages to clean and dress his foot. When he when he stood up however, he became motionless. Looking deeply into the mirror, he turned his head around to see if someone else was there. He stepped forward slightly and tapped on the glass and wave his hand in front of it to see if it was t.v. image or if someone else was standing on the other side of clear glass. His hands went up to his cheeks to smack them, then they progressed down over his chest as his breathing became rapid and his pecs heaved up and down. They then glided over his arms, down his waist line, across his thighs. This wasn't him...was it? Memories began to flood his brain of him coming home, after he made sure the coast was clear and once here, sitting down and belting a few back before looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. He then tore through his closet like a raging animal, trying this shirt on, with those pants and yet he couldn't successfully get them up or down to where they were supposed to be. Everything popped or snapped or ripped or tore. And shoes!... ... ...His feet covered his shoes now. His toes extended about one maybe two inches beyond the shoe. There was no way of ever getting them to fit in his size 5s again. Cian felt his heart rise up in his throat as he looked at his body in the mirror, then through the doorway to a couple of posters of particular rugby players, then back to the mirror, then back to the posters, back and forth, back and forth.... Suddenly he felt a good hard smack against his abdomen wall and looked into the mirror, then straight down. "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" ` Splashing some water on his face, Cian went back into the living room, still fumbling his way, grabbed the phone and hit "dial last number." "Hello, Lorcan. It's Cian. Uhm.... odd request. I..... er..... I....that is uhm..... I... I had a break through... IN! .... I had a break in last night. No... I'm fine... just the gobshites went through and uhm....took knives or scissors or something to all my clothes. ... .... .... No, I'm fine. I wouldn't of noticed ... I kind of got really fluthered last night. Anyway... I kind of need to have some friends pick me up some clothes otherwise I..... I'm.... I'm going to be in the nip all day and I don't think they allow that usually outside of a man's house. Could we make my pick up closer to half past eleven or quarter till noon? ... .... ... Alright. Thanks." ************************************************************************** Lorcan and Cian arrived about a quarter till one at Oisin's home. It wasn't any bother them arriving early, he let them in and they sat in the living room. They had the tele tuned in to a rugby match, but they weren't paying a lot of attention to it. They were giving out a little background info, making lots of small talk, as folks do when they're newly acquainted and making friends with one another. They discovered a fondness of several card games and so Oisin broke out a deck and they continued to chat and play while the shepherd's pie continued to cook. When it was done, Oisin went into the kitchen to get it out of the oven, along with some bread and another side dish, as well as a pitcher of an ice cold drink to have with dinner. Cian went in to assist Oisin and Lorcan asked where the plates and things were to set the table. The three sat having a good time and a good dinner, joking and even playing some cards at the table with occasional screams at the t.v. to some rugby player or a referee. Eventually though they decided it was time to retire back towards the living room and they got up to clear the table. "Oi, Oisin. Gotta say that was an excellent shepherd's pie." "Thanks, Cian. It was my mother's recipe, or her mum's, or her mum's mum's mum's mum." "hahaha. Old family recipe." "Something like that." "Only thing we need now is a good Guiness or something like it to sip down while watchin' the rest of the game..." "Or playing cards." said Loran. "I still need to earn money back from you two or I'm not going to have enough to last me through the semester." Everyone had a good laugh at that and then Lorcan said he'd go grab the beers for Oisin and Cian, when suddenly both of them blurted out a very loud and firm no. Everyone stood there looking at one another for a moment or two before Oisin said with a smile, "That is you set the table, it's our turn to get things." "Okay, but it is supposed to be father's day, so you two grab your beers, and I'll clear the table and do the dishes. How about that. At least I can kind of feel like I honored the day." Cian and Oisin laughed lightly and agreed, grabbed their beers and sat down to relax in the living room while Lorcan went to wash dishes in the kitchen. They sat kind of silent for a moment before Oisin looked over at Cian and calmly asked, "So...what did you look like before?" "What?" "What did you look like before Lorcan poured you a drink through his magical cup?" "Whaddya mean?" "Well, you're a pretty big guy." "Yeah? So are you?" "True but I wasn't until about two days ago." "So?" "So.... you don't look like a guy who would have a rude note left for him calling him an ancient and tiny leprechaun not worth dating." "Oh..." and Cian looked away and down at the floor. "You also said 'no' a little to emphatically like I did, so I assumed he must have poured you a drink and you changed. He did the same to me." "You mean you weren't always kind of rugby looking?" "No... I was only 172.72cm tall and 9.14 stone." "So... what? Guys gonna find me interesting now because I'm kind of tall and built?" "I would've found you interesting even if you weren't tall and built?" "Yeah, right." "No, seriously. I have a thing for red headed guys. I just think they look great." Cian blushed so his cheeks matched the color of his hair. Still looking down he softly said, "160 centimeters tall...just under 8 stone.... but I was cut as hell...." Oisin smiled, "Like an anatomy chart? You could see all the individual muscles?" "Yeah....they just weren't huge and bulgy." "I still would've traced the hell out of them with my finger tip." Cian blushed again. "And now? Thirteen and half stones now at 188.88 centimeters." and Cian did a double bicep pose in the chair. "We're a matched pair then." "What?" "I'm the same.... 188.88 centimeters or six feet tall and thirteen and half stones or one-hundred and ninety pounds. And....I'd definitely jump you in a heartbeat. You really act all tough and macho, but you've got a great soft side, too." Cian blushed a third time, but blushed so hard his entire body turned red. "So uhm.... can I ask a personal question?" "I don't know we know each other that well, but why the hell not? Go ahead." "Did your... you know.... down there..." and then Cian hoarsely whispered, "your shillelagh?" "Oh.... that... yeah.... it did....Yours?" "Yeah...." "Ah...." "Ah...." "You measure?" "No. In total disbelief. Afraid to..." "So it's...." "Kind of out there, yeah." "Mine too." "Really?" "Yeah." "Ah." "Ah..." They sat there in silence for a number of minutes. "You know..." said Cian after a long pause, "I could go for you too. I like you dark guys. Thick dark hair, deep dark eyes, really tan skin, nearly looking more Spanish, kind of exotic." It was now Oisin's turn to blush. Cian continued. "Did he...Lorcan that is.... ask you what kind of guys turned you on?" "Yeah.... he did?" "Is uh.... that.... when the....changes started happening?" "Yeah..." "Yeah... .... ... me too." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Ah." "Ah...." The silence hung heavily in the air once again before Cian finally broke it. "So you like big guys too?" Oisin sat up on the edge of his seat. "Oh yeah." "Like football or rugby players?" "Bigger." "Bigger?" "Yeah like bodybuilders." "Bodybuilders?!" "Yeah and not just amateurs, like pros. Seasoned pros. The ones at the top that are winning the Mr. Olympia." "Ooooh yes.... like like someone who is a superhero or specifically about ready to blow into the Hulk." "Oh gawd, yes." The two men began to shift in their seats. They could feel their new clothes beginning to close in on them like they were wearing apparel made from shrink wrap. "Do you feel.... warm?" "I feel hot!" "You look hot. Even hotter than just a minute ago." "So do you." And together they looked at each other and stated. "Lorcan." "The iced drinks..." "When he was setting the table...." "Poured the drink...." "Through his goblet." They sat there for a moment, being very fidgety, feeling their growth slow down as their clothes became just a little bit tighter. "Cian." "Aye?" "Your clothes are beginning to fit like under-armor exercise clothing." Cian swallowed hard. "So are yours..." "You want to continue?" "Fuck yeah! You?" "Come on... let's not reward him with a show. Let him be surprised." Oisin motioned for Cian to follow him and took him to his bedroom. Once he shut the door, Cian practically ran into him, kissing him fully, deeply on this lips. "Fuck this is so hot, you growing, me growing...." "You wanna grow for me big boy?" Cian growled. "Come on, tell me how big you like your men." "Awww fuckin' huge man...." "Hmmmmnnnn yeah....with arms as big as cannon balls?" "Oooooh uhuh....yes fucking bigger than your own head!" "Oh shit! uh damn that hurts, but feels so good..." "So powerful...." "So manly...." "FUCKING ALPHA!" The two started groping and feeling their bodies and individual muscles. It didn't take too long before their sleeves were ripping up to their deltoids, their chests were splitting their collars down to their navels, their lats and back were flaring out ripping the armpits wide open, and the backs began to be pulled apart screaming in tears and rips. Also too their butts were bubbling out causing the back of their jeans to explode. Their thighs started busting side seams. Their calves started making the bottom of their jeans round out and remain up, clinging to the large bulbous, diamond hard shape. "How tall....huh huh huh huh huh.....Oisin do you like your men?" "Very tall...." "Like American footballers?" "Taller" "Like wrestlers?" "Taller!" "Basketball players?" "The tallest of basketballers!" "OOOOH shite!" "Hmmmmmnggg fuuuuuck!" The rest of their shirts begin to rip and shred away along with their pants, which lost all hold on top as their bodies inched their way up and swelled out broader and thicker with the new height. Their waist buttons popping and smacking the other's new crunching and bunching abs and obliques, bouncing clear across the room. Their feet swelled and lengthened as well as thickened into huge manly feet made for extremely tall men and tall men that lifted huge amounts of weight. The sides of their shoes just grew out and rolled down to lie flat on the floor before suddenly ripping open straight across both sides of the shoe as their toes stretched and lengthened ripping out and pushing forward the front of their shoes until the fronts rested underneath the balls of their feet. Oisin let out a small hurt noise as his head hit the bottom of the door frame and continued to grow past it. Cian growing at the same rate, still lip locking Oisin as their conversation and grope fest continued. "How do the muscles grow, Oisin? Does the weight spread out over the new height?" "No... it grows with it.... " "Uggggghhhhnnnnn" "Oooooh daaamn..... they keep the size proportionately become hugely built giants." "Like the hulk?" "Like the hulk..." "Definition?" "Total.... one can identify each and every muscle, very cut, extremely defined." "HMMMMMMMM AUUUUCH! And.... and..... how well can you see the density?" "OOOOOOOH.... GAWD..... full..... FU-HULL! aaaahhhh huh huh huh huh full of striations, so many lines..." "Awwww maaaaaannnnn...." "How... how....huh....how about veins?" "Fuuuuuuck yesssss. I love to see veins.... how they highlight the shape of an upper arm riding across the peak from valley to valley..." "ShhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiIITE!" "How they move into the chest looking like tubes filling the pectoral muscles with something causing them to swell out thicker, fuller, broader, heavier." "Oooooh...." "Hmmmmmmm." "What kind of man do you really love, Oisin?" "OOoohhh oh...oh...oh.... a.... a.... RED.....huh huh huh....a red head.... extremely tall.....extremely built......like totally white... not pasty white like an albino, but that natural white that make his red hair just stand out.... ..... extremely cut, tight waisted, totally smooth, except maybe..... maybe a little bit of hair around his nipples, a good bush under the arm, and around his cock. .... augh and long haired.... like down to his shoulders so his bangs can playful....uh-HUH! .... huh huh huh....playfully hide his eyes with what almost looks like a theater curtain but more natural color." "Oooooh" Cian began to moan and groan as his body began to morph and change just slightly and his freckles began to fade away on his upper arms and face, but his red hair began to become more vivid, but slightly darker into something like wine color, nearly burgundy, and then the hair under his arms and near his underwear's waist band began to grow in thicker and thicker and small sprigs of hair grew out in the center of his chest and the spread out and feathers ever so lightly but more dense from that center to around his nipples. Oisin backed his head away and looked Cian for a moment then erotically whispered in ecstasy, "Fuck..... like an alabaster statue of some new Greco-roman god, only much more developed... like three times the size of Heracles...." The groping and growing continued as they rolled around across the wall, their arms, shoulders, elbows breaking holes into the plaster, knocking pictures off, and breaking off sconces. "And you? Cian? What is the love of your life like?" "Some.....huh....huh.....someone.... someone who is just as tall as I am....just as big and strong as I am....extremely tall.....extremely built.....but that off season build.... or with what they call a roid gut..... a..... big.....huge.....bulbous.... medicine ball..... of a stomach....that still has the lines of his abs creasing in there........even though he's got that extra twenty....thirty pounds of weight.....his jet dark hair hanging long in the front but no longer than his ears in back, a style that flutters and flies up in the breeze but masks and makes his deep dark, smoky eyes play peak-a-boo..... ...... the same dark hair that creates a five o'clock shadow by noon and he usually just winds up keeping it as a three-day scruff looking beard.... .... along....along with..... body hair that grows in thick....but not so thick as to hide his muscles and definition....but still enough to know.... you're dealing with a man.... a bear!..... it grows and feathers out sparsely across his upper arms and thighs but then grows in thicker as it goes down his fore arms and shins....and of course up the center of his abs and chest up from his groin and feathers out across the great expanse of his chest, and across the obliques. He looks like a cross between a hairy power lifter and an off season Olympian." It was now Oisin's turn to moan and groan and buck as he grew and grew and his muscles grew slightly larger and a little smoother than Cian's, followed by his stomach distending more and more outwards as Cian looked down, moaning "oh fuck yeah!" over and over again as he places his hands over the growing gut, stroking, caressing, and cupping it. Oisin looked up at Cian and smiled broadly. They locked lips again until Oisin broke it off to ask Cian seriously, "And you man's shillelagh?" "I bet.... hmmmm mmmm nnnnrffff..... I bet just.....huh huh huh....just like yours..." "Like a bat?" "Oh yessssss.... I want my man to squeal ever so slightly... to know I'm filling him to the maximum...." "Like soft it's hanging down almost a two thirds down our thigh...." "And it's not just a shower...." "It's a grower...." "Like another three to four inches longer...." "And growing so thick...." "And hard...." "And veiny...." "Like our muscles....oooooohOOOOOOH!" "AAAH AH AH AHHHHHHH! yes... Yes....YES LIKE OUR MUSCLES!" "And our balls?" "Big and pendulous.... but still pulled up slightly tight to us...." "Hanging enough to be see and peaking on either side of our mammoth soft rod...." "And full of so much come....we need to jack off daily..." "OH! Twice daily!" "With enough spoo each time...." "We cause average men to nearly choke on the amount..." "They're stomachs actually full!" "AAAAUUUUGH!" "oh! Oh! OH! OOOOOOOOOOH!" And the pair groaned and writhed again this time as their cocks grew out like snakes coming out from a hole, the head followed by more and more of the body, slithering out longer and longer. But this time, the snake is wrapping around inside a pillow case as their cock became caught up in their now already too tight of underwear. It then became a bit painful as their balls began to swell and inflate, pushing out more and more forcing their cocks to push back at them and their underwear leg straps to cut into them until finally snaps and rips and tears were heard and the two men stood there with extreme cocks swaying and swinging against their undulating thighs. Cian backed away from Oisin and grabbed a hold of his underwear's waist band and grunted, once only, and jerked to snap what was left of his underwear clean off. Oisin growled at Cian and did the same. The pair then began to stand up and down on their tip toes and their pants hems that were just barely clinging to the top part of their calves just blew apart in one clean rip and the pair was now totally naked. The two stood there staring each other down, smirking, smiling, at each other with lust and devilish grins. "Cian?" "Aye?" "Are you a top.... or a bottom?" "I'm verse...." Oisin moaned loudly at the answer and moved in to embrace Cian hard. Pushing Cian towards the bed, he suddenly flipped them around as he whispered in Cian's ear, "As it was wrong for you to be dumped, be the alpha tonight. Take me....TAKE ME HARD!" The duet of mighty, mountainous men fell backwards onto Oisin's full sized bed. The frame groaned and snapped instantly. Cian and Oisin stopped and looked around, then busted out in huge fits of laughter and shrugged. Oisin flipped himself around to lay the length of the bed, his feet and legs sticking out and over from about the knees down. They were both about as broad as the bed or mattress and their combined muscular weight definitely made it so flat it looked like it was only a few inches thick. The sight of how small the bed was made the pair moan and laugh and very quickly, almost too quickly and very painfully achieve full erections, upon which Cian smiled at Oisin, who raised his hips and buttocks in the air and nodded in the affirmative. It was said that the grasp and groan of pleasure as Cian entered into the exceedingly tight hole of Oisin was so loud it was heard up to three houses away, despite closed windows and doors from all houses. Cian began his motion driving his rod in and out, just a small amount as first, but more and more as he worked up steam and speed. The pair looked like they were one of those old fashioned individual oil rigs that dot some areas of America drilling for oil. The hammer rising up causing a piston to pull out and then shoves it in as it comes back down. There would have been bed springs squeaking and making noise, but as they flattened them, instead it was the sound of large thumps slamming against the hard wood floor. Lorcan, looked up at the ceiling from the kitchen sink every now and then, but then went back to work washing the dishes for the fifth or tenth time. Eventually the two men were screaming in ecstasy, Cian filling Oisin until his spoo spurted out in great spurts from Oisin's hole, until he pulled his pecker out. Oisin spewing his goo all over Cian's thighs, abs, chest, neck, face, hair, until he looked like a bucket of white paint had been dropped on him. Once down, the two laughed and laughed in deep bass voices that shook the windows and echoed through all rooms of Oisin's house. They wiped each other off with the sheets, that nearly were like beach towels to them, and then continued to grope each other and pinch their nipples, lightly stroke their cocks, until the motions got slower and slower, and soon the mega men were fast asleep.
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