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  1. The Unexpected Opportunity Today started like any other day. Blue sky, bright sun, mid 70s to low 80s just perfect. I took my pre-workout and protein shake and began to head to the gym for a nice and long workout. Today was going to be chest, shoulders, and traps. I’ve been going to my gym for a couple of years to workout for the health benefits but recently started talking to more and more people there and started to really look at my physique. It wasn’t really the way I wanted to look so I decided to really focus on my workout and diet after listening to the advice of some of the IFBB pros that attend the gym too. But there was 1 guy there that didn’t really say much to anybody and honestly, his build was like something I’ve never seen before. Toned legs but nothing to write home about, a roid looking gut but it couldn’t be because the rest of him didn’t match someone taking gear. Huge arms, shoulders, and traps that are halfway up his neck but his back wasn’t that wide and his chest wasn’t much larger than my own. In short, he looked like an action figure with mixed matched body parts but the parts that were big were very defined and prominent. I would purposefully look for him when it was my day to work any of those particular muscle group. I’d always look to see if he was in the gym as sort of a motivational factor to get that extra rep or one more set. Some of the regulars started noticing changes in my physique of course I couldn’t see it. Probably because I see myself every day but even through the baggy sweats and big t-shirt they were able to notice. That’s a little bit of a motivational factor to keep on pushing. Today, while sitting on the bench getting ready to workout, I was talking to one of the regulars. He was trying to talk me into cutting with him so I could see what my body could really look like when it’s lean and tight. I told him let me think about it because I honestly I like the size but I just want to have a flat stomach not abs just flat. No sooner did I say that, HE walked by in mid-conversation to the water filling station and my buddy saw my eyes move towards him as he walked by. When the guy walked back by and started his workout, I was told his name was Jason. Apparently, he is one that doesn’t know the proper way to build a body according to the professionals. But I countered to say that he is big as shit and it looks like he is trying to bring up the weaker areas. After a few more minutes of conversation, we wrapped up our conversation and I began my workout. Since it was pretty warm in the gym which is basically a refurbished warehouse that became a gym quite a few people started to workout shirtless. I wasn’t that confident in my own appearance to workout shirtless, but it did provide for more motivation and opportunities to see what it would potentially look like if I were to start cutting with the rest of them. I could see what they were talking about with being able to see what you could look like leaned out. My guy well Jason, now that I know his name, essentially read the room and began working out shirtless soon and seeing him changed my perspective. Yeah his shape was a bit off but he was working arms like some of the pros and while you could see the perfect separation of the bicep as they were flexing in the mirror. Jason’s bicep and peak was just huge. Not fat but kind of like an offseason type of look which wasn’t bad looking. If could workout like that and make sure I don’t slack in other areas I’d be a bad man. After I finished my set, I made up my mind. I told the guys I’m not trying to compete or anything so I don’t see an issue with just focusing on getting huge. I said that within earshot of Jason who heard me, smirked, but didn’t break his current set or stride. The guys understood and we kept working out today as planned but after that there wasn’t much conversation with them anymore. You would have thought I talked about their mother or something. But either way I just kept focusing on my goal of just getting bigger. I’ve started to notice some changes in how clothes fit but nothing too drastic. Over the next several days, I was working out on my own with no interaction from my old friends and Jason was nowhere to be seen. However, a few days later Jason showed back up but he looked different, I don’t know how and really don’t care but his chest and back had grown very large to match his arms and traps. I again, don’t know how it happened but one day I will work up the nerve to talk to Jason but for now I will get on with my routine now that my walking motivation is back I will push a little harder today. [To be continued...]
  2. Hi everybody, this story is translate with an AI, because of my laziness Critics and suggestions to improve text quality are welcome! A TRIP IN OMAN (pt. 1 & 2) It's not that I could say I didn't like my life - because on the other hand I had a bit of everything - but if I'm being completely honest, there was something deep inside that I didn't like. I felt I had to give up some things: not because I lacked the ambition to achieve what I wanted, but because I knew I could not have what I wanted in the first place. I had always thought of myself as an extremely average person: average family, average class, average school, average sports results. An average love and sex life: I wasn't particularly good-looking, tall or muscular. I had studied computer engineering and got a job in Italy in a multinational company that makes software for banks. I was 35 years old and had a quiet career. Davide and I had been together for a while: we met by chance on Grindr. At first, we kept in touch just for fun and a few group outings with some mutual friends we had made. Then we finally got together. In reality, things were not going well. David, underneath it all, I always thought he was a bit jealous of what I was doing. And then lately he'd got into fitness and said that I was too sedentary, that I wasn't healthy. In short, he'd told me one day, during the umpteenth argument about never seeing each other: he wasn't happy being with me and, he'd said, my body no longer excited him. I'd taken the blow, but I couldn't say I'd got the hang of it. It was the last straw and so, after the umpteenth outburst, I left his house without speaking to him again. At work I had had a pretty serious breakdown, both in my ability to concentrate and in the quality of my work. I had also tried to reason with a friend who had sent me to a psychologist, a very good one, she said: in fact, apart from the fee, I don't remember much of what he told me, apart from the fact that he thought I was depressed. I actually had quite a lot of vacation time left over, and I should have used it sooner or later. It was the right time for me to decide to pack up and move on. But where to? One day I got a call from my colleague in Human Resources: basically, our bank was going to take part in an international merger for an investment fund whose shares it wanted to acquire; it was a done deal, but there were some problems with the feasibility of the operation. The merger partners wanted to know more about us. Basically, it was a matter of making various information available and making our accounting standards readable in their databases. A technical solution had to be found. One of the parties to the deal was a wealthy sovereign wealth fund from Oman. The owners graciously offered to host a conference to decide what to do. They would pay for all the technicians to be sent. They asked me if I was interested. I was totally against it at first. I mean, I had been to Lebanon and Egypt, but Oman was a petro-monarchy, a very conservative, absolutist state... I didn't like all that. My colleague, with whom I was quite close, explained to me very patiently that the congress would take place in five days, that it was an international event and that I should not worry. If I could get a flight from Oman to another country, I could pay for part of my holiday that way. His comment was just silly. So I decided to take the job: not least because there was a lot of pressure from above to do so. Basically, it had been planned that way. After a bit of back and forth, I had planned to leave Milan on the first Saturday in June. We would have made a stopover in Dubai and then taken a local flight to Mascate. A thirteen-hour flight with a stopover was not a few hours. But then I would arrive at a luxury hotel provided by the company. The meeting would last from Sunday, with a presentation dinner, until the following Thursday. Friday, however, was free: I planned to stay in another hotel in the area, a little cheaper, from Saturday to the following Wednesday, and then return to Italy. If nothing else, this would have guaranteed a certain punctuality in the meetings and we would have had the chance to visit these places a little. I was still curious about this place, so far from our imagination, so exotic... In short, I had decided to go. *** Despite what I had been told, the country was not that conservative. It was not true that you had to wear traditional clothes. The hotel was very nice, if a bit kitschy. The first day had gone quite well, after a very tiring flight. Mostly colleagues more or less my age, some older: several Asians, a few locals, mostly Germans, a few French. I had appreciated the precision of the timetable: all in all, even the meetings were more bearable, the topics well sketched out and the agendas organised. My only regret was that, despite my good intentions, I had seen virtually nothing of Oman. It was Tuesday evening when, at the end of the afternoon working session, I decided to join a table of local colleagues for dinner. There were four men, two in their 50s, one bald and quite tall, one a little fatter and shorter, and two more or less my age. I asked if I could join them, and they were happy to oblige: I had already broken the ice with one of the two contemporaries, a young man with glasses, a bit of stubble, who looked athletic, as I noticed under his shirt and jacket two nice broad shoulders and a rather slim waist. Yussef, that was his name, suggested that I follow him and his colleagues after dinner to try a very nice traditional place to smoke hookah. Eventually I agreed, and in his boss's luxury car, I forget whether it was a Porsche or a Jaguar, we drove into the old city. It was a very warm evening, but there was a pleasant breeze that made the night pleasant on the large terrace of this typically oriental building. We were sitting on some cushions, enjoying a water pipe, when Yussef introduced me to a man in his forties, I think, dressed in the traditional way: a long cassock and a top hat on his head. He also spoke English, but not fluently, so Yussef helped him translate a little. This very distinguished gentleman, who immediately caught the attention of those present, Yussef told me, was considered a real authority: his name was Muhammad, like the prophet, he explained, and he was some kind of soothsayer or something like that. They held him in high esteem because they said all his predictions were always right to the millimetre. Muhammad gave a few card readings to those present while I enjoyed a smoke, then explained the horoscope a little while I looked at him between scepticism and amusement. "But you - he stared at me at one point - you don't believe it? "Honestly - I tried to be a bit distracted - not much, that's not how we do it." I was a big asshole to bring up cultural differences, but it was the easiest thing to do. Muhammad, however, did not believe me - and he was right - that we do not use horoscopes and so on: he explained to me, however, that there are other 'arts'. In what sense? I had just tried to ask, and he gave me a very long lecture about, I don't remember, what kind of 'magic' or something like that existed in the Islamic mystery culture, or something like that, based on looking... Then at a certain point, while I was lost in the conversation, Yussef came in to speak for me and the discussion seemed to be getting lively, but as long as they were speaking Arabic I didn't understand a thing. At one point Muhammad squared a piece of paper and wrote some things on it: I was minding my own business and making small talk with the English-speaking colleagues around me, I didn't want to hear their arguments. In the end, Muhammad and Yussef reconciled and seemed to make peace. He left much calmer. That evening, on the way back to the hotel, Yussef explained to me that he had made a bet with our 'fortune teller': 'There is this practice we call Ilm as-Simiya, a form of magic based on the powers attributed to texts or scriptures that invoke God. I don't really believe in it, but some people get these pieces of paper made by Mohammad and pay good money to get promotions at work, get married and things like that. "Well, cool," I replied falsely. "Not too much, some people spent a lot of money on it and got ruined. Anyway, Mohammad and I made a bet. 40 rials: if it's true that the magic will work tonight. I'm already waiting to collect it." "Ahahah, I think so too... By the way, what kind of magic is it?" "If I can make some of my wishes come true!" he replied enigmatically. I didn't understand much of what he was saying, but never mind, I said goodbye and went to bed, for I was very tired. I retired to my room and as I undressed for bed I thought to myself that Yussef was not so bad, a cool guy too. Yes, I didn't mind his Arabic features, I found them masculine and I don't know, they had something mysterious, something oriental about them. Maybe I didn't mind the guys here, who knows. "Come on, old man, think about it," I said to myself in the mirror, "who do you think you want with this gut?" and I squeezed my navel a little. No way, I wasn't that fat, but my laziness had certainly put me out of shape. So I had laughed about it, not thinking about David's words, which had hurt me and left a bad mark. With this last, sudden, angry perception of myself and my body, I fell asleep, somewhat irritated. The night was very strange. I slept like a rock but had confused and nonsensical dreams, I just remember dreaming of drifting along the sea or something. The next morning I was a bit groggy. Maybe all that smoking hadn't done me any good, who knows. I washed up with lots of ice water before getting ready to go downstairs for breakfast. Almost mechanically, I buttoned my shirt and then tightened the belt on my trousers. Only then did I notice that it was a bit loose around my waist and that the buckle loops must have been tightened a turn... What had happened? I looked in the mirror. Suddenly I realised something, but it took me a while to realise it. My whole body, including my navel, was perfectly flat and slim. Not an ounce of fat: under the skin I could see a slight hint of abdominal muscles. What the hell was going on?
  3. Daladon was on his way home from one of the worst days he’s ever had when he stumbled upon a cart vendor with potions, clothes, and other goods. Daladon is in for a surprise when he meets the owner of the shop and see’s what some of these goods are capable of. From Small Beginnings The bell rang through the halls of the Marian Smith factory as Daladon Pentorn breathed a sigh of relief that the day had finally ended. “Freedom at last,” exhaled the exhausted human. Standing up from his desk, he grabbed his worker’s jacket and headed to the door, “I thought today would never end.” He pushed his way past many factory workers that out sized him, but he ducked and squeezed through the big muscular men in the crowd making his way outside. Walking towards the town square as the sunset painted the sky around him, Daladon rubbed his eyes as the lanterns in town began to light up. “Dal! Wait up!” called a large half-orc stumbling out of the factory. Daladon turned his head and saw his friend Brucelog Gondar running towards him. The 6’3 half-orc had plenty of muscle packed onto his frame, and a sizable midsection poking out from below his white undershirt. “Go away Bruce. I’m not in the mood tonig-HEY!” Daladon was caught off guard as Bruce grabbed his torso and hoisted Daladon up onto his shoulders. “Bruce, put me down! Today sucked and I just want to go home.” “I’m just your giant transport service. We’re going out. We need some drinks after today,” said Bruce as he sauntered off into town with his smaller friend on his shoulders. “And I already heard what happened. My dad let me in on everything. He told me that you might’ve misread a measurement on a giant’s breast plate and now we have to waste a lot of metal remaking it,” said Bruce as he turned right towards the local tavern, Triple B’s. “One, you’re not a giant so stop carrying me around. Two, I’m not in the mood to go out tonight. And three, that 8 looked like a 9,” said Daladon as he steadied himself on his new elevated position. “While I agree with you Dal that it did look like a nine, 80 feet long and 90 feet long makes a BIG difference in what we’re building.” Daladon grimaced a bit and sat back on his friend's broad shoulders as they rounded the corner. “At least take me home and let me change. I don’t want to go out in my work clothes,” said Daladon as he pulled his friend’s black hair. “Ouch, fine. I’ll put you down. But you’d better come back out. No “Oh I’m tired and wanna be alone” crap. Come be with your friends. Kimlen even said he’d come out tonight. Plus Jaren and Siv told me that there’s a private party in the back room that they can get us into.” Bruce grabbed Daladon’s hips and put him down at the entrance to the tavern. “I’d better be seeing you soon,” stated Bruce as the tall half-orc walked through the wide double doors. Daladon looked into the tavern at the candle lights inside, lighting up with energy and the sound of coins clinking against wood faded away as he turned towards a shortcut home. Daladon sat with his thoughts as he walked back behind a few houses with their lights off. Making his way to a dirt path back to his house. Most people were already home in bed at this hour, but his boss made him stay until the final bell of the workday rang due to his performance today. He gazed out onto the mountains on the edge of town and he saw a few torch lights moving up the steep ridges. Despite being many miles away, Daladon could see every subtle move the giant climbing the mountain side made. It helped when the torch the giant was carrying was a tree he plucked from the Earth. As he locked eyes with the flame quickly disappearing over the peak of the mountain in the distance, Daladon’s cheek was met with sharp pain as he ran into the back of a cart. With a loud thud, Daladon hit the ground and rubbed his head. “Damn, where’d this come from?” He sat up and looked at a wooden cart blocking his path home. Daladon stumbled up to his feet and walked to the other side of the cart to where a sales window sat. “Hey buddy, you’re not allowed to park carts on these paths,” said Daladon as he looked inside the window. But much to his surprise, it was completely abandoned. Only a few crates scattered here and there on the floor with dust collecting. “Sorry about that!” called a voice from back where Daladon came. “I’m right here. Sorry, I just put my cart there for a second so I could find where I needed to set up shop. ” Daladon sighed then started walking out to the side of the cart where the voice was coming from. “It’s okay, I just wasn’t paying attention to wher-” Daladon stopped immediately in his tracks and stared at a massive man bounding towards him. Not only was he probably 20 feet tall, he looked as big as a whale with how much fat was on him. His tight blue shirt exaggerated every jiggle and jostle his belly made as he screeched to a stop in front of Daladon. “Yeah, but still, I am parked illegally. I’m a bit turned around. I just got here a few minutes ago and I am already lost,” said the giant as he casually picked up the cart and hoisted it onto his shoulders like it was nothing. “Hi, I’m Sam, the Sizemologist,” said the giant with a smile as he threw his cart like a hammer throw towards Triple B’s. With a light bounce off the ground, the cart landed perfectly next to the tavern. “Bullseye.” “You’re a- a- a-” stuttered Daladon as he looked up and up at Sam as his belly eclipsed most of his view. “Oh yeah, sorry. Forgot this far away from the city, you don’t see many people like me.” The big man waved his hand a bit and suddenly his size started to diminish away. His belly receded into his clothes as his bright blue shirt stayed taut against him. Sam’s face came more into Daladon’s view as he shrunk down in height as well. His elven features became more and more apparent as the fat drained away. His platinum blonde hair stuck out of his hat and curled around his pointy ears as he stopped shrinking himself. Landing at about 6 feet tall with a nice beer gut on him. “And before you say it, no I’m not a giant or a gainer.” Sam walked past Daladon whose face was still frozen with excitement, lust, and fear all at once. “But you were just like 50 feet tall or something. And had a belly bigger than my whole body,” said Daladon as he turned to see Sam walk back towards his cart. “I don’t get my size like most people around here do,” said Sam as he gestured Daladon to his side. “But I am sorry that you hit my cart. I didn’t think I had parked it anywhere that might get hit by someone. But I guess this is a chance for you to see my stock. Here, why don’t you come in and I can show you what I got. Maybe even get you a drink on me,” said Sam as he disappeared and walked behind the cart. “Thanks uh Sam was it? But I really do need to get going. I promised my friends I’d meet them out at Triple B’s after I went home and changed. And I really need to feed my chinchillape. He’s been home all day,” said Daladon as he resumed walking along the path towards his house. “No no no, come in. I insist. Besides, I’m working Triple B’s tonight. I can give you something to wear so you won’t be late. It’s just like you took a bit of a detour. And now your chinchillape will be fed and thinks you’re there with him now,” said Sam with a snap as he quickly walked back to Daladon and put his arm around his shoulder, ushering him behind the cart. “And I might just have something in my shop that you’ll absolutely love.” Even at his shrunken size, Sam easily pushed the 5’5 skinny Daladon into the cart. When Daladon stepped up into the cart, he was apprehensive about going in since the cart didn’t even look big enough to fit Sam’s belly alone inside. But to his surprise, he walked into a room almost bigger than his own tiny home. “Woah, this place is massive.” The ceilings were 20 feet high above his head and there were shelves full of boxes all around them. “Sorry about the mess. I packed up my shop in a bit of a rush earlier so I haven’t had much time to make things look nice,” said Sam as he shut the door behind Daladon. A snap rang through the room and suddenly, the boxes vanished and were replaced with bright shiny jars with various colorful liquids sloshing around inside. Daladon’s eyes lit up with amazement as the room went from an empty warehouse to a lively storefront. Lights began to string along the shelves connecting them as signs fell down from the ceiling reading Eat Me and Does This Make Me Look Big?. “So, are you some kind of magician or something?” asked Daladon as he walked forward and browsed the shelves. “A sorcerer actually. And a pretty good one at that,” said Sam as his smaller, but still substantially sized belly pushed into Daladon’s back as he walked by. “But that’s only a side hustle to my true love. Alchemy.” Sam grabbed a couple of glass bottles off the top of a shelf and an empty glass jar. Daladon looked at the big man now walking behind a bar and watched intrigued as he poured orange and green liquids into the jar. “Aren’t all the sorcerers supposed to be in Sizeopolis? I didn’t know y’all were allowed to leave.” Daladon wandered around the big room as the brown mixture changed colors to a dark purple in Sam’s hand. “Most of us train there, but we aren’t required to stay,” said Sam as he sprinkled little green flecks down onto the drink. “After we complete our apprenticeship, we’re free to travel the world spreading size and magic to everyone. Or at least that’s what the administration says we should do. But many do stay in Sizeopolis after they graduate for all the jobs they offer magic users there.” Sam stirred the mixture as the specs of green dissolved and the mixture turned white. Daladon continued to look around the shop in amazement at all of the different items that must be magical. A jewelry section lined with necklaces and earrings with beautiful crystals sprouting from them. Plenty of rings on display varying in size from a normal sized ring to a hula hoop sized one. “Do you get a lot of giants buying wedding rings in your shop?” asked Daladon. “Uh…sure,” said Sam as he garnished the drink with a pink flower. Sliding it towards the edge of the bar, he grabbed a bottle with a blue liquid out from behind the bar with his other hand. “I have one funergy drink for…sorry, I just realized I never got your name.” “My name is Daladon. Daladon Pentorn,” said Daladon as he walked away from a purple silk nightgown shimmering in the lights. “Nice to meet you Daladon. Consider this one on the house as an “I'm sorry for parking my cart somewhere I wasn’t supposed to” apology drink.” Daladon grabbed the glass from the bar and took a sip. “Mmm, this is delicious!” Daladon put the glass to his lips and started to drink up the white liquid until the glass was empty. “What was that stuff?” “A funergy drink. It doesn’t take magic for me to tell that you’re beating yourself up about something,” said Sam as he waddled around the back of the bar. “Sit a spell. Tell Big Sammy about your troubles URP!” Sam let out a belch before taking another swig of his drink and keeping the bottle in his mouth so he could grab a few crates out from under the bar. “It’s just work. I work at the Marian Smith factory in Grimford and I hate my damn job. I don’t like it, I’m not good at it, nobody there thinks I'm right for the position, it’s just a terrible set of circumstances,” said Daladon as he sat down at the bar. Running his hands through his short dirty blonde hair. “From what I’ve heard, Marian Smith factories change drastically depending on what managers you have. Maybe you could go to a different location,” said Sam as he downed the last bit of his bottle. “I would, but I don’t like the work. I don’t want to be a factory foreman for the rest of my life.” “Then quit. Sounds like you’ll be a lot happier for it. And you won’t need a funergy drink to get you to go out with your friends.” Sam started unboxing the crates to reveal large jugs labeled Big Dick Energy with a cartoonish twink holding a bottle up against his impressive bulge packed tightly into a cyan colored speedo. “I can’t. The job pays too well for me to leave. Especially in this economy,” said Daladon as he massaged the back of his sore neck. “Besides, businesses are shutting down left and right around here. It’s not like there’s a good option to go to if I do quit.” “You could always be a traveling salesman. I’ve found it’s not a boring job in the slightest.” Sam grabbed another crate and unloaded some more jugs. This time labeled Big Ass Energy with a similar twink now turned to the side the bottle perched on his huge ass in a speedo. “Yeah, but I’m not a powerful wizard from the big city who can conjure size from nothing,” said Daladon. He picked up one of the jugs and started to read the small print on the back. “I’m a Sorcerer. There is a difference. Wizards are very cliquey and kind of snotty.” Sam grabbed a final crate and unloaded another set of jugs labeled Big Bara Energy with the same twink on the bottle now looking like a twunk with his big bicep balancing a bottle on it. “And I can’t conjure size from nothing. Like I said before, I’m not a giant or a gainer. I use magic to change my size.” “What’s the difference? All I know is you were like 10 times my size and shrank right in front of me to a normal size. I assume you can grow to that size again if you wanted to. So if it looks like a giant, it is the size of a giant, I’m gonna say you’re a giant Sam.” Sam rolled his eyes a little as he set all of the jugs down on the edge of the bar. “I mean yes, I was the size of a giant, but I don’t belong to the giants. I can’t just grow or shrink my height because I want to. I have to focus on a spell to shrink me down.” “But you didn’t say anything before. You just shrank.” “That’s just because that small of size manipulation can be done with a simple flick of the wrist.” “That’s a small spell? But you were so big.” “I wasn’t THAT big. At least not compared to the giants I’ve seen in Hitclo or Sizeopolis.” “It’s clear you don’t get out around these parts often. We don’t have any giants in Grimford. Or at least any that stay in town for long. Most shrink down to get their deliveries and are off back to Hitclo or wherever they’re going. The tallest guy that stays in town is my friend Jaren and he’s 7’6,” said Daladon as he started to twist the top off of the bottle of Big Ass Energy before getting swatted by Sam. “No drinking these. These are for a private party,” said Sam as he placed a final jug on the bar. “You probably want to set that down by the way. And maybe stand back.” Daladon frantically put the jug next to the others and got up from his bar stool as Sam began to circle his arms over the jugs. “Animatré grandonta meriandé! Animatré grandonta meriandé!” Sam started to chant and Daladon saw yellow sparks forming on Sam’s finger tips before cinders fell down onto the jugs below. Daladon braced himself and rushed behind a display of cakes, cookies, and muffins that read Eat Me in icing on them. When Sam stopped chanting, Daladon watched and waited for something to happen. “You didn’t have to step back like that. Nothing’s gonna explode. Not yet at least,” chuckled Sam. Daladon emerged from his hiding spot looking intently at the jugs. Walking back, Daladon could tell something was different about them, he just couldn’t put his finger on it. “A big light show for better booze for the guests?” “Give it a second. Just watch.” Sam smiled and turned one of the jugs to face Daladon. Looking closer, Daladon saw the twink on the jug now waving at him. “Awe, that’s cute,” said Daladon as he waved back to the tiny label twink. The twink then grabbed the sides of the label and pulled himself out of it. Daladon’s eyes nearly gouged out of his head as he saw more little men jumping out of all the big jugs and onto the floor. “Well would you look at that. Finally, someone who’s shorter than me,” said Daladon with a satisfied smirk on his face, staring down at the little men that were maybe 8 inches tall. “Wanna bet?” chuckled Sam again as he peered over the counter at the 12 little men standing on the ground. “Come on guys. Up and at ‘em.” The twinks all looked at each other and smiled as each one began to grow. Looking down at the twinks, Daladon stared in shock as the twinks that couldn't even reach his knees were now growing up to his waistline. “They get bigger too?” asked Daladon as the twinks swelled up higher and higher. Now level with Daladon’s nipples. “Indeed they do. And you haven’t even seen the best part,” said Sam as the twinks continued to grow. Each one fighting for space near the bar as their bodies expanded up to Daladon’s neckline. Daladon stepped back as they reached his height and didn't stop getting taller. The room was getting more and more cramped by the second as 12 large men started to crowd around the bar. Growing up and up and up until settling at 6’8 towering over Daladon. “Well, I guess I’m the shortest again. That didn’t last long,” sighed Daladon as he admired the big men in their very tight speedos. “And we’re gonna be specific tonight boys so get your best assets ready.” All of the men let out some moans as their bodies started to change again. Daladon looked at all the men surrounding him and realized what Sam meant by assets. Each man started growing differently depending on which bottle they came from. The Big Dick Energy twinks’ speedos started to stretch as their cocks elongated in them. The dick print became more and more prominent until the sides were bowing forward to accommodate the growing python and two orange sized balls under it. Looking at some of the others, one of them was getting pumped full of muscle as his toned swimmer’s body blew up to bodybuilder levels of big. His pecs inflated out towards Daladon’s face. His biceps were getting pushed away from his torso because of their massive size. His legs got separated as his quads swelled into each other. A row of abs appearing right above the defined 6-pack that already was there. He was turning into a mass monster. “Excellent guys. You all look fantastic. Now head in there and you’ll meet, oh what was his name, hold on.” Sam ruffled through a few stacks of paper behind the bar as Daladon gawked at the sexy men around him. “Ah ha! Found it. Go find a guy named Siv Drucian. He’ll help you guys get set up.” The boys all nodded at Sam and then started walking past Daladon going to other parts of the shop to get various bottles and cases of potions. Their big bulging bodies bumped into him as they walked past. Especially the ones whose hips had widened. Daladon turned his neck to watch an ass with cheeks the size of basketballs walk by and he was practically drooling over him. Their speedos looked more like thongs with how much strain they were putting on them. “Wow, they’re gonna be serving us at that private party at Triple B’s? I think I’m now much more willing to go out tonight,” said Daladon as he stared at the big men sauntering out of the shop. “No, that's just the funergy kicking in,” said Sam. “Oh and Ricardo, see me before the event starts for the specialty drinks tonight.” One of the hunks on his way out waved at Sam and ducked out the door. “So will those guys be selling your potions tonight?” asked Daladon, retaking his seat at the bar with a noticeable bulge at attention in his pants. “Indeed they will. They’ll be your cock and tail waiters tonight ready to give out some specialty potions requested by our employer. And if you think that they’re great now, you should see them when we’re hired as performers,” said Sam as the last one squeezed his wide hips out the door and shut it behind him. “Damn. Now I wanna tell my friend not to perform tonight so I can watch them.” “Your friend is working this party?” asked Sam as he looked up from collecting more bottles of potions. “A couple of them actually. Siv, the guy your boys are meeting, he’s one of my friends. Love that guy.” “He’s the one performing?” “No, he’s just the bartender. My friend Jaren is the one performing.” “Oh yes, the giant boy. Well knowing who we’re serving tonight, I’m sure they’ll love a guy that big,” said Sam as he walked out from the bar. “And if your bartender friend needs any help with the drinks, I can make just about anything. And what I can’t make, I can conjure. Now I do believe I also told you I’d get you something to wear for tonight.” Sam wiggled his fingers and the sign that read Does This Make Me Look Big? lit up. “I don’t know Sam. I don’t really have the size to call anything about me big,” said Daladon, looking down at his fairly average body. “Nonsense. Anything can be big. You might feel small right now, but I’ve met men that live life at a fraction of your size. As well as men who live life bigger than entire planets.” Sam pat Daladon on the back and led him through the shop. “But maybe I could give you a little bit of an upgrade if that funergy drink didn’t get you one hundred percent ready for tonight.” Reams of fabric started flying off the walls into Sam’s hands as he occasionally muttered something to himself. “Now what size do you want?” “Well I wear a small shirt and have about a-“ “I didn’t ask what size do you wear, I asked what size do you want?” Daladon stopped in his tracks once Sam sat down at a sewing station. “You could make me bigger?” “That’s what I do. It’s what I LIVE for. Now tell me, what kind of body do you want to have tonight?” Sam started cutting bright blue fabric and mumbling things under his breath again. “Um, I don’t know. I definitely could be taller. Maybe a bit of muscle, but not like aggressive muscles. A bit of fat is fine. Ooo actually a belly would be nice. Maybe not one as big as yours though.” Daladon paced behind Sam and continued to ramble off parameters for what he wanted his body to be. “I’ve got limited fabric here so I can’t do all of that, but I think I’ve got a good snapshot of what you want.” Bright blue fabric started to unfurl around them and sewing needles flew through the air. Sam’s muttering began to get louder and louder into a full blown chant. “Exeto incantrabe god petsha yunn marcotauph!” Sam shouted aggressively and raised his arms into the air again. Scissors started slicing through fabric followed by needles threading in and out, connecting everything together. Daladon watched in disbelief as reams of fabric spun around them creating a vortex. But Daladon’s smile began to fade when a blue singlet formed before his very eyes with a weird patch of yellow fabric on the left pec. “A singlet? Really? Sure, you’ve got your cock and tail waiters that look like they’re models in Sizeopolis, but I don’t think that’s my style Sam.” Daladon walked to put his hand on Sam’s back on the chair while the singlet floated down. “The magic you have to say with words takes a second. Here, go try it on and then tell me if you got anything like it at home.” Sam sat up and handed Daladon the singlet. “It does look like you got the measurements right,” said Daladon as he held it up to his body. “Trust me. I always get the measurements right.” Daladon turned to go to the dressing room where he slid the curtain shut and started undressing from his work clothes. Daladon held the singlet up to him once he was just wearing his underwear. After taking a deep breath, Daladon brought the singlet down to put his legs in. Pulling the singlet up and pushing his arms through the holes, Daladon looked at himself in the mirror. “Maybe a little tight,” said Daladon as he tugged the straps up to be perched on his traps. “Give it a second!” shouted Sam as the yellow patch on Daladon’s left pec began to shine. Daladon let out a small moan as a shiver ran through his body. He felt his cock immediately start twitching as a warmth flooded his system. Daladon’s body began to expand with size. It was very small and unnoticeable at first, but Daladon could feel the sides of the singlet digging into him a bit. Looking down at himself, he saw his pecs blowing up under the blue fabric. Daladon couldn’t help but grope his chest and feel the muscle that was forming on his chest. The straps dug into his shoulders as his traps and neck thickened. He looked to his side and saw the strap of the singlet extending out into a sleeve around his growing arms. As the sleeves formed, he could feel his biceps pushing back against the fabric as they swelled with size. Daladon was pulled away by a new sensation. The fabric around his crotch was getting tighter and tighter. He could feel his dick fighting for space in the singlet as the underwear inside snapped. Unable to hang on due to his widening hips. Daladon moaned again, his cock now free to surge up in size. He looked down at his remarkable bulge he sported now. Pulsing with life, the beast swelled bigger and bigger with every heartbeat. Extending out to 10 inches long with balls as big as eggs and still growing. He also saw the fabric around his legs receding into the singlet. Cutting itself off to look like booty shorts, strangling his massive quads inside them. The last of his underwear sliding down the pant leg in tatters on the floor. Turning to the side and looking in the mirror in front of him, Daladon got a great view of his dump truck ass. Grabbing the big cheek, it felt heavy as he shook it. He couldn’t help but feel himself get hard over how huge he was getting. He smacked his ass and practically moaned when he saw the ripples cascading along the fabric. He stopped admiring himself as the singlet’s fabric started to recede again. This time it moved upwards from his waist, exposing his belly button that started to swell out in front of him. His once flat stomach rounding out as he heard a gurgle emit from his belly. He reached down to pat his swelling orb of a belly and ran his hands along it. Feeling how expansive it was. The fabric stopped just under his textbook sized pecs as the yellow patch of fabric started to fold and morph into an S symbol. And it wasn’t just an ordinary S on the outfit, it sported a curled bicep on the top right tail, a couple of moobs followed by a heavy belly as the curve on the left side, a perfectly round belly on the right curve, and a massive cock as the bottom tail of the S. “Woah,” said Daladon. He couldn’t believe the sight before him. He stood there looking like he was out of his own wet dream. Not only had the singlet made him bigger, it also had heightened his other features. He now sported a nice square jaw line as well as bright blonde styled hair. The singlet itself had morphed into a top that covered Daladon’s chest with long sleeves on his arms that had holes over where the peak of his bowling ball sized biceps were. He could barely see the booty shorts he was wearing below his pecs and belly, but looking in the mirror, they left nothing to the imagination. The blue fabric accentuated his cock and balls perfectly. Making them look absolutely stuffed in the shorts. And after seeing how much size he got in his ass, he guessed the entire outfit was fighting for dear life to contain his size. “Well don’t leave me in suspense! Come out!” called a giddy Sam. Daladon turned and walked out of the dressing room to see Sam smiling up at him. “Damn I’m good,” mused Sam as he let out a whistle looking Daladon up and down. Daladon’s already big smile grew even bigger as he realized he’d grown taller too. Before, he was eye level with Sam’s pecs, but now Sam was eye level with Daladon’s. “This is incredible! Thank you, thank you, thank you Sam!” shouted Daladon. Running up to Sam and crouching down to give the big man a hug only to hoist him up into the air with glee. “You’re welcome, big guy. Now, go have fun with your friends. Enjoy your night,” said Sam as Daladon released him from his tight grip. “I’ll be sure to tell my friends to tip your boys well tonight,” said Daladon as his heavy footfalls shook the whole shop. “Don’t worry about it. We’re already getting paid handsomely by whoever’s throwing this party. But I’ll see you in there.” Sam winked at Daladon and Daladon threw the door to the shop open and ducked out of the shop, but not before squeezing his hips out. Smiling to himself, Sam turned and waddled back to the bar and began making drinks for tonight.
  4. Sizemologist

    Doubling Device Pt. 2 Added 10/05/23

    A Sample Luke had been going to this new coffee shop, BJ’s Coffee, for about two months now and still couldn’t get over how cute the barista Max was. He had such a cute face framed perfectly by a beard. Big brown eyes that Luke could get lost in. The only problem was he was pint sized compared to Luke. Luke was a hulking 280 pounds at 6’6. He had hated his size ever since he had started discovering how much he loved to be smaller than his partner. And Max was 5 feet tall and 100 pounds soaking wet. But he had such a handsome face for a little guy, Luke had only wished it was on an even bigger body. But today was different. Luke had found the perfect thing to fix his “little” problem. He had bought a device from this sizemologist that had the ability to double anything. Originally, it had the potential for growing food to twice its original size, but the sizemologist had found other uses for the device. Today was the day Luke took the plunge and tried out this doubling device. The sizemologist was very specific with the instructions. He had to get a DNA sample of whatever or whomever he wanted to grow. It might be hard, but Luke had a plan that was a full proof way to get a bit of Max’s DNA. Luke walked into the coffee shop and he saw Max at the register. The little guy was wearing a t-shirt with a big BJ’s Coffee logo on the front and a standard pair of khaki pants. Luke himself was wearing a tight shirt and hoodie as well as skinny jeans. His whole outfit hugged his big body and accentuated every curve of his muscles. “Hi Max. Can I get my regular?” asked Luke as he approached the barista counter. “Sure Luke. Coming right up,” said the smaller man with a smile. Max walked back behind the counter and started making Luke’s drink. Luke had made sure to get to the coffee shop bright and early before the work crowd came so he could get Max while the shop was fairly empty. “So Max, have you been seeing anybody lately?” said Luke as he peered his head over the counter. Max continued to focus on making Luke’s drink. Not paying too much attention to the giant standing in front of him. “No, not really. Why do you ask?” “Oh I was just wondering because I kinda have this problem that I was wondering if you could help me out with. And if you were seeing someone, I wouldn’t want to make things awkward between you and them,” said Luke with a devilish grin on his face. “What? Luke what are you talki-” Max’s words were cut short when he looked up at the hulking behemoth and how he was posing. Being as tall as Luke was, his legs easily cleared the counter that Max was working on. Using this advantage, he had pushed his huge bulge outward with his hips so that it was laying on the counter. His rock hard cock in his pants left almost nothing to the imagination as Luke’s hand grazed it. “Think you could help me out?” The big bulge on the counter seemed to move with his words. Max stared at the outline of Luke’s cock in front of him almost drooling over its size. He was brought back to reality when a ding from the coffee machine rang in his ears. “Um, uh, yeah. Uh, give me a second.” He grabbed Luke’s drink and poured it into the cup. “Here you go Luke. That’ll be $4.99.” Luke pulled out his card and paid. As the receipt printed out, Max grabbed a pen and started scribbling something down on it. “Have a good day Luke,” said Max before running to the back of the store. Luke took the drink and read what Max had written on the receipt. I’m on break in 5 minutes. Meet me out back behind the coffee show and I’ll help you with your problem. Luke smiled knowing his plan was working perfectly. He grabbed his drink and walked to one of the empty tables. He sat down and fished the device out of his pocket. Despite its purpose to make things huge, the device itself was very small. No bigger than a playing card and maybe a centimeter thick. It had a single blue button on it and four red directional arrows. Luke pressed the blue button and the tiny screen blinked to life. The display read No Sample. Luke tried pressing the other buttons, but the machine just continued to read No Sample. Luke turned the device on its side and saw a little divot at the top. He pressed it and out popped a little box. “Guess that’s where this sample goes,” said Luke to himself. After sipping his coffee, Luke got up and threw it away as he headed out the front door. He looked to his right and saw the alleyway in between the buildings. He walked into it and turned the corner to see Max out of his barista apron. “Eager are we?” asked Luke as walked over to the smaller man. “Look Luke. I gotta say, I’ve never done anything like this before,” said Max as he looked up at the blonde man. “What? Been with a guy?” asked Luke as he knelt down to eye level with Max. “Or been with a guy this big?” Luke bounced his pecs in his tight shirt. Max’s eyes were caught between looking at Luke’s handsome face or his thick pecs. “No, not that. I mean, I haven’t been with a guy as big as you. And that list is a very short one. But I mean, done anything with a guy at my work.” said Max as Luke flexed one of his biceps in his face. “Really? Then what makes me the exception?” Luke stood up to his full height and pushed his bulge forward into Max’s stomach. “Because you’re the biggest man I’ve ever seen and drop dead gorgeous.” Max grabbed onto Luke’s bulge and started caressing it. Marveling at its huge size and feeling his heartbeat through his pants. Luke leaned down and kissed the tiny man and began unbuttoning his tight jeans. Pulling them down and letting his underwear flop out. “Fuck Luke! You’re huge!” “Thanks little guy.” As much Luke liked the service he was being given by his smaller lover, this was not his goal. He had to get a sample of DNA from him so that instead of being worshiped for his size, he could start worshiping his own giant lover. He looked down at Max as he pulled his underwear down and out sprung his 10 inch cock. “Hope you don’t get scared and run because it's so big,” said Luke as Max continued to grope his big body. “Are you kidding? It’s incredible. One of the biggest cocks on the planet.” Max started to go down on Luke’s member. Despite his small size, he was able to suck on Luke’s horse cock with relative ease. That sent shivers up Luke’s spine and he felt a bit of pre leak out into Max’s mouth from his big lemon sized balls. Luke looked down at his tiny lover and saw a tiny tent in his pants. Luke had his sights set on the prize. “I’m not the only one who’s gonna be having all the fun,” said Luke as he wrapped his arms around Max. Picking him up with ease and sitting him down on the dumpster behind him. “I know you’re loving this as much as I am.” Luke grabbed at Max’s pants and almost ripped them off to reveal a small bulge in his underwear. “Sorry, not nearly as impressive as yours,” said Max as Luke pulled down his underwear to reveal his 3 inch cock. “No worries little guy. We all can’t have a body as big as mine,” said Luke as he grabbed onto the little cock and started jerking it off. “But I wish I did. So badly. You have no idea.” Luke furrowed his eyebrow at Max’s comment, but kept jerking him off. “Really? A body this big isn’t as great as people might think it is. Why would you want it?” “I just wish I was bigger. So much bigger. I have always been the smallest and I hate it. I wish I could grow and grow and grow and never stop.” The words alone were making it hard for Luke to hold his load in. “Well you can have my size if you really want it so bad. Would you like that?” asked Luke as he squeezed Max’s cock head. “Yes. I would love that,” said Max out of breath. “Then picture it. You and me here. I’m the small one and you’re the giant. Huge. Bigger than any man has ever been. Taller than me. More muscular than me. More hung than me. Bigger in every way. Unable to find clothes that fit. Can’t walk through doors without turning to the side or ducking through.” Luke looked at Max and he was moaning like crazy and it looked like his body was shaking from the pleasure. He was near the breaking point. He just needed a little push. “I would gladly worship your godly body as you grew even bigger.” That did it and Max started shooting out cum. Luke had also made himself cum after voicing his own personal fantasy to his crush and getting such a good reaction from it. After three quick shots that landed on Luke’s hand, Max laid back on the dumpster in exhaustion. “Fuck that was hot,” said Max out of breath. “Yes it was,” said Luke as he grabbed the device out of his pocket with his other hand. “Here, let me help you clean up. I brought a towel out here in preparation for a mess.” Max reached back behind him and grabbed a white rag towel. “No!” shouted Luke as Max tried to reach for his hand and wipe off his cum. “I mean, no need. I can clean myself. But I would maybe clean off your shoes before you go inside,” said Luke as he pointed at Max’s shoes. They were covered in cum. While Luke jerked him off, his feet were dangling on the edge of the dumpster and when Luke shot his load, they were in the splash zone. “Shit!” said Max as he started wiping off his shoes. “God I hope no one notices.” Max frantically started scrubbing his shoes. “Sorry about that. I promise I’ll make it up to you later,” said Luke as he closed the sample compartment of the device and put it back in his pocket. Luke pulled up his jeans and buttoned them as he looked at Max’s shoes. “I don’t think anyone will notice. You stand behind the counter all day so people will hardly ever see your feet.” “That is true. I’ll just hope and pray that my coworkers just don’t look down,” said Max as he hopped off the dumpster and also pulled up his pants. The two of them stood there staring into each other’s eyes for a moment. Just taking in the other person. “Well, I should really get back in there. This was fun…I guess,” said Max as he started to walk towards the door going back into the coffee shop. “Yeah, it was. Thanks for helping me out,” said Luke as he winked at Max. “I’ll see you around Luke.” “See you around Max.” Luke waved goodbye as the short man walked back to the door to the shop. “Max,” Max turned around to see the big man, “I hope we can do this again. And maybe not in this particular way.” “I’d like that Luke.” Max smiled and waved back to Luke as he went back to work. Luke started to walk back to the front with a bit of spring in his step, but he heard a ding coming from his pocket. He grabbed the device and the screen was different this time. It read: Sample has been added to database. You may now begin doubling. Luke could only grin as he walked back to the front.
  5. ChurchOfHarvey

    Magic Throat [Part One]

    There’s a loud thud as I pin him against the wall. A fit, little twink in my grasp. My tongue teases his neck. My strong work-calloused thumb grazes against his Adam's apple. For tonight, he was all mine. “Fuck, boy…” I growl as I grab his chin. “I’m gonna wear this throat out.” • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I was loving my new apartment. High ceilings. Huge windows. A gorgeous view of downtown Dallas. It’s a ways away from Jersey, but I would be crazy to turn down this new management position. Dallas is a good change of pace at the very least. Southern hospitality is a real thing. I got my share of soaps, candles, and whiskey from my new neighbors. Now I just needed a good southern twink to break in the new bed. I left a lot of speed-dial holes back home in Jersey. I needed to build up my Rolodex of hungry bottoms for whenever I needed to dump my load. Just hope my balcony neighbors will enjoy the view through to my California king. I stood at my window rubbing myself while scrolling through the local Grindr pool. It was work to scrub through the rows of metrosexuals half-dressed in plaid who thought they were tops. Oh, please. Like you could dominate anybody with those skinny arms. I would call them vers at best. If they’re lucky. These twinks are just overconfident. I swear, if I get one more twig-dicked hipster to ask if “daddy” needs some cock, I’m going to invite that boy over and show him what a real top looks like. Broad-chested and hairy. A deep, commanding voice. Rough hands that can make a hole quiver. I’ll show them what a real man dick looks like and fuck them like the brat they are. Maybe then they’ll know their place beneath this Alpha daddy. Luckily as I was laying in bed, losing my hard-on, I found Perry. Right at the top of my refreshed home page. Beautiful boy. Got a thin build that’s perfect for tossing around. He was already on his knees in his cute little jock strap. Good start. I love a boy who knows where he belongs. On his knees. He had my interest. I sent the first text, but he drooled over my post-gym selfies. He begged to worship my muscles. He also bragged about his little “Magic Throat.” He was confident he could take all my inches. I find that hard to believe, but he was hungry for my cock. I loved the eagerness. We’ll just have to see how proficient he is with that throat of his. I’m going to push this boy to his limits. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I grab the scruff of his neck with a smirk. “Get to fucking work, boy,” I order. He drops to his knees and looks up at me with his deceivingly innocent eyes. He is loving every second of it. Perry. Such a good boy. We are gonna have some fun. He places his hand on the outline of my dick in my office slacks. He waited so patiently for me to get home from work. I picked him up from his room a few floors down. He looked so hungry dressed in his little shorts and gym shirt. He couldn’t keep his hand off my bicep the whole ride up the elevator. Now, his fingers lightly trace my semi-hard shaft. Slowly, he massages my bulge. I feel my cock hardening, extending down my pant leg. His gentle touch just makes me want to grow. I want to use him. “Pull it out,” I bark as I pull my leather belt off. He slowly undoes my pants button while keeping a hand on my thick bulge. I’m still not done growing. With his thumb and palm, he squeezes my thickening shaft down, trying to find where my cock ends. I always make sure to warn my bottoms that I’m hung before we meet up. I don’t need them running out scared of my size. I’ve been blessed with eight inches of man dick since I was 15. I’ve only gotten thicker since high school. I wouldn’t mind another couple of inches, but I think I hit my last growth spurt a long time ago. I don’t think my usual bottoms would be able to handle much more of me anyways. Except for Perry. I could tell he wanted every inch of me. I just hope he can take it how I like to give it. I watch as his eyes widen slightly when he finds the tip of my dick. Eight inches hangs lower than you would think, but I can tell he was excited. He tucks his fingers under my waistband and begins to pull down my slacks. I don’t wear underwear for this exact reaction. I love watching my bottom get excited revealing all my inches. I watch as Perry pulls my pants down. Slowly, inch by inch, revealing more and more dick. Until he finally got to the head. There’s a second of resistance as my pants get caught on the tip, but then it gives way. My semi-hard cock jumps forward with its full weight, swaying side to side. My fat, manly cock hung in front of his cute face. That move never fails to turn me on. Perry kisses the base of my shaft. He got a big whiff of my musk with his nose in my short pubes. I like to keep my cock hairy, but not unkempt. I’m an alpha, not an animal. Perry cups my dick in his palm to appreciate the weight. His petite fingers slowly stroke my shaft. He struggles to touch his thumb to his pointer finger around my shaft. “Fuck… I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this,” Perry fought a chuckle. He looks like he’s enjoying himself. Almost a little too much. Although, who could blame him? He is getting a four-course meal of a man tonight. I only let out a deep grunt in response. My button-up shirt feels tight against my chest as I heave. I let out a growl as I grab my button-up shirt and tear it open. A few of the buttons pop their stitches and fly across the room. Nothing a little trip to the tailors couldn’t fix. My tailor was used to me coming in with popped buttons and torn sleeves. He got his fair share of tips. I look down at my boy with a smirk. I wrap my hand around his skinny forearm and pull his hand onto my stomach. He continues kissing the base of my shaft while he feels my abs. The tips of his fingers follow the definition of my six-pack, slowly making their way up to my pecs. He looks up, keeping his tongue on my shaft. “What? See something else you want, boy?” I bark. I give him a smirk and flex my biceps above him. His eyes follow my muscles lustfully as my arms ripple and harden. Perry wraps his hand around my oblique and grabs onto my back to pull himself up. His hungry breath brushes against my stomach. He wants more. I let out a short grunt, ready to provide. His soft lips kiss my skin. The warm sensation of his tongue following up on my abs makes me groan reflexively. He knows how to press my buttons. His tongue climbs up to my heavy pecs, flicking against my hardening nipples. Fuck, that’s good. His hands move across my body while he teases my man tits. He gropes my thick arms. His fingers wrap around the head of my bicep. I feel them start to burn as I flex them harder. “Fuuck, boy…” I growl in pleasure. “Worship your daddy!” His hands struggle to grab and feel all of my alpha mass. His tongue tastes and teases my sweaty, sensitive nipples. “Oh, yeah! Just like that…” my voice deepens. All eight inches of my girthy dick throbs. My swollen cock head leaks precum all over itself. It’s so pent-up. I feel it demanding to be serviced. I need to fuck Perry’s tight, little ass. With a growl, I stick my hand down the back of my boy’s pants. My calloused man hands grope his soft ass. I let a finger tease the rim of his hairless asshole. He’s so fucking tight. I’m gonna tear his hole wide open. I know he wants me to rip him open. Slowly, his hole swallows my thick index finger. “Ahh…” he moans. “Fuck, Daddy.” His little outburst interrupts him worshiping my pecs with his tongue. I don’t remember telling him to stop. “Keep licking my pecs, boy,” I grunt out. He’s so obedient. He leads his tongue across my hairy chest. He gets lost in the cleavage of my post-pump pecs. God damn, that feels so good. I feel my muscle tits flex and harden instinctively. My chest felt hot. Literally hot. Similar to how I feel after chest day. I love the burn, but it feels odd right now. Despite that, I keep a firm grip on his ass. With my free hand, I grab the waistband of his pants and tear them to the floor. Damn, he really does have a great ass. His adorable, submissive cock pokes against my quads. I feel his twink dick twitch while he worships my pecs. Precum leaks out of his swelling dick and drools all over my leg. Beneath his tongue, he moans and whines in pleasure. My hands left red outlines of my grip on his pale cheeks. His ass was signed by my hands. I spread his ass and kept teasing his hungry hole. My fingers are thick, but they’re nothing compared to how my thick man cock is going to feel deep inside of him. I slide another finger in to loosen him up. He’s gonna need some training if he’s gonna take all my inches. Perry whines and presses his forehead into my chest in pleasure. I only have two fingers in him. Fuck, my cock is going to make this boy squirm. I keep my fingers in his hole and lift him up off the ground. I press my lips to his neck softly. He wraps his arms around the nape of my neck to keep his balance. I pull him up onto my lap as I sit back on my bed. “Oh, fuck…” Perry moans. “Please, Daddy.” My tongue caresses the underside of his chin. His perfect ass is in my lap. I reach behind him to grab my cock and slap it between his ass cheeks. Fuck, my dick felt heavy. I could usually wrap my fingers around the whole shaft, but right now, my thumb couldn’t quite touch my middle finger. Damn, this boy has got me hard as fuck I guess. I continue kissing his sensitive little body. I could deadlift twice his weight effortlessly. He was so light in my grasp. I lay back on my bed, letting my cock grind against his ass. With one hand, I grab the back of his neck and pull him down on top of me. My tongue enters between his lips. His hands wander all over my body. I grab the base of my cock and slap it against his ass. The fat head of my dick teases his weak hole. God damn, his ass was going to feel so good. Then, Perry places his hands on my chest, both dwarfed by the sheer mass of my pecs. He lifts himself up slightly to look into my eyes. “Wait, sir! I want to suck your dick first,” he begs. I snicker under my breath. He looks so cute thinking he could make demands. “Fuck, boy… I love your eagerness.” I grab the side of his head, playing with his hair. Such a good bottom. “Ask daddy again…” I tease. “I want you to beg for it.” “Please, Daddy… Please let me suck your dick.” “Again…” I demand. Perry reaches behind him and wraps his fingers around my shaft. Well, as best he could. My cock felt so huge in his grasp. I love it. “Please, Daddy…” he whines. “I need your massive… thick… monster of a man cock… so fucking deep down my throat. I want to feel you grow, Daddy.” Oh fuck, he’s so good. “Damn, boy… I think you already got my fat dick rock hard,” I moan under my breath. Perry just gives me this cute little mischievous grin. I don’t know what he’s planning, but I need it right now. I sit up and lower my boy to the ground. His gentle hands massage my thighs while his lips press against my penis. That gentle sensation was enough to make my cock throb. Slowly, he kisses up the underside of my shaft, gently tugging on my low-hanging balls. He pinches my foreskin between his lips and tugs it back. Then he wraps his lips around the head of my cock. Oh, fuck. My head fell back in ecstasy. The warm sensation of his tongue on my dick sent a shiver up my spine. I feel that heat spread over my entire body, like every sensitive part of me is getting stimulated. A bead of sweat rolled down my pecs. I feel my muscles contract and flex. “God damn, boy…” I groan. “You sure know how to worship Daddy’s cock.” I can’t help but moan as he takes more of my cock down his throat. He swallows every inch of me like it was no problem. All eight inches of my man cock deep, deep inside of him. I stand up and grab the back of his head. I hold him in place, balls deep down his throat. His lips wrap tight around the base of my cock and his tongue continues to tease and massage my shaft. “Oh, fuck yeah, boy!” I bark in a deep voice. Deeper than usual. I let out a deep growl as his throat grows tighter around my cock. Another wave of that hot ecstasy washes up my body again. All my muscles tense up against my will. My pecs flex as that heat burns in my chest. It feels like I was being cooked in a sauna. More beads of sweat roll down my neck and stomach. “F-fuck…” I pant like a dog. “God damn, boy…” My grip on the back of his hair loosens. He looks up at me with hunger in his eyes. My cock still stuffing his throat. He flashes me this devilish look as he slowly pulls his mouth off of my dick. He grabs my cock and slaps it on his face. Shit, my cock looks huge! It weighs down over half his face, my fat shaft extending over the top of his head. God, did my cock always look that big? “Fuck… What are you doing to me, boy?” I struggle to catch my breath. My entire body grows sore. My skin wraps tight around my muscles like I could flex and outgrow my body. It’s that post-lifting pump-type burning. That feeling when you know you’ve put on some mass. That feeling I chase every time I hit the gym. Only now, I feel it all over me. I feel it in my hands. It’s in my jaw. And I feel it engulf my cock. Fuck. I wrap my fingers around my thick shaft, only now my girth won’t let my fingers touch around it. Thick veins pulse under my palm. My foreskin stretches tight and pulls under the ridge of my swollen cock head as thick, creamy precum leaks out from my dickhole. God damn, my cock had to have gotten bigger! This wasn’t just a man dick, it was a grade-A Alpha cock. Fuck, all this growth was turning me on so much. My dick is fucking massive! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Ever since middle school, I’ve wanted a bigger cock. Puberty itself was my biggest sexual awakening growing up as the scrawny kid. With every new hair I grew on my chest and every inch I got taller, my libido grew. I kept a record of my cock growth. I waited patiently as my cock grew bigger than the American average. Fuck, when I grew two inches over the span of three months just before starting high school, I was jerking off every chance I could get just so I could admire it. In the football locker room, I felt my teammates always staring at my bulge. They thought I never noticed, but I loved feeling their eyes on me. I could feel their confidence drain when they got undressed next to me. Even though I was skinny, I made them feel small. Nobody else came even close to my eight inches. I was a man standing among boys. My dick stopped getting longer when I was 15, but with every football season, my cock just got thicker. I still had the biggest dick on the team. I knew it and my team knew it. Each season, my bulge just got heavier and heavier. Eventually, my team got more comfortable around me and would start to poke fun. They had accepted their role and got used to it. But by the time I turned 19, the growth had stopped. Not that anybody else could tell, but I still wanted more. I went to college wishing I could feel my dick keep growing. I wanted to feel my body swell with more size, but my dick was done. So naturally, I turned to bodybuilding to get that high that my growing cock used to give me. It was a good substitute. But look at me now! My cock has swollen to new records. Fuck, what was it? Nine? Ten inches? Bigger than that? God damn, this is the dick I was born to have! A dick belonging to a true Alpha! • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Holy shit… That’s more like it!” My voice rumbles in my chest. Perry just looks up at me. A sense of euphoric satisfaction stretches across my face. He looks so proud of himself. He struggles to grab the base of my new cock and then slaps its freshly grown size on his tongue. With each slap, another hot, erotic sensation shoots up my chest. “You like how I make you grow, Daddy?” Perry moans softly. “Fuck yeah, boy! You got me so fucking big and hard,” I growl. Perry licks the tip of my cock. I watch it throb and swell even bigger. “You want more, big daddy?” he teases. I still don’t understand how he was doing this, but I don’t care. Whatever it is, it was making me grow and that’s all I need right now. More size… “Make me grow, boy…” Perry wraps his lips around my fat dick. Slowly, inch by inch, he swallows my Alpha cock. His warm, tight throat barely struggles as he accepts every inch. His neck swells as my cock stretches him open. Fuck, that’s so hot. Eventually, his nose finds its way onto my stomach. His tongue flicks and teases the underside of my shaft and pushes on my heavy bull balls. He makes it look so easy. That hot sensation spreads over my entire body again. My cock swells in his throat. My pecs and biceps throb. My stomach tightens and my abs become more defined. I throw my head back in ecstasy. Fuck, that’s it. I grab the back of his head and force him to bob up and down on my shaft. Oh, fuck yeah! I could feel my entire body tighten and stretch as he sucks me clean. “Bigger, boy…” I grunt. “Bigger!” With my eyes closed, I enjoy every sensation. I feel every individual muscle in my body flex like a full-body orgasm. I start to twitch and swell as he keeps sucking me dry. Fuck, I never want this to end. I finally open my eyes and look back down at my boy on his knees. I watch as my quads ripple and flex, and then they swell and grow. My body goes numb. I watch as the top of my boy’s head feels more distant. I fight to catch my breath. I look down at my muscular body. My pecs bounce as they grow further off my chest. I gaze at my thick arms. Stretch marks pull across the sides of my biceps. I lift my arms and flex. My shoulders and lats spread like wings unfolding. My biceps erupt with size. Each flex causes them to swell until they’re the size of my head. Thick veins throb across my arm. Holy shit! I grab my pecs and feel their weight. Fuck, my muscle tits are heavy with mass. I flex to force them to grow even bigger. And bigger. The top of Perry’s head felt even further now. Fuck, it wasn’t just my dick. My entire body was growing! I’m swelling up with pure orgasmic muscle. This has always been my fantasy. I wish I would’ve left my shirt on so I could’ve shredded it with my hulking pecs. Bet my tailor would love to give me a fitting right now. I’m becoming a beast and I fucking love it. “Oh, fuck… This is how a man should feel!” I roar out. I bend down from my still-growing height and grab the back of my boy’s head. I force my monster cock balls deep down his throat. My nuts have swollen to the size of eggs that hung against his chin. I feel my load is building up and sloshing inside of them. Perry is unfazed as my beastly cock stuffs his perfect throat full. This dick could kill someone with its size, but Perry just keeps worshiping me. I need to be worshiped. I hold his head against my stomach for another moment. “Fuck…” I moan. “Just a few more inches, boy!” Then I let him pull out. Slowly. I want to appreciate my new size. A few thick veins pulse around the base of my cock. More inches. My shaft has a heavy downward curve under its new weight. More inches. I wrap my two huge hands around my shaft. There’s still room for more. More inches. My foreskin has been stretched so tight by my growth that it looks like I’ve been circumcised. More inches. More inches. At least a foot and a half of raging monster cock throbs under its mass. Finally, I feel Perry’s lips wrap around my big, sensitive dick head. A wave of precum falls from the edge of his mouth. He looks up at me like a succubus. My monster cock falls from his lips with a loud whiff. The sound of air displacing fills the room as my massive endowment swings down like a baseball bat between my knees and flops over the edge of my bed. God damn, I’m fucking massive! “Holy shit…” my voice rumbles. “Look at how fucking big I am!” I stand up as I talk dirty. Perry gets further and further away as I stand at full height. The back of my head bumps against the ceiling and forces me to hunch down slightly. Damn, I’m fucking huge! I must be over ten feet tall now if I was reaching the ceiling. I look over my hulking body with lust. Fuck, I was turning myself on so hard. I look down and reach across my barrel chest to start groping my right arm. I squeeze my hulking triceps and dig my thumb into the ridges between my muscles. All mass. I feel them expand as I reach my arm up. My hand follows down my chiseled lats into the hairy jungle under my arm. Oh, fuck yeah. I bend down and get my nose as close as I can to my armpit and take a big whiff. Oh, fuck! That’s fucking good. I smell like I spent three days straight at the gym. Fucking ripe. My pits are drenched in that intoxicating Alpha musk. These pheromones could turn any wannabe alpha into nothing but my little bitch. Fuck, it made even my monster cock throb. I push past Perry and approach my full-body mirror. Although now the top of it barely reached up to the bottom of my chest. I bend down and face myself in the mirror. A field of thick black hair covers my face. I just shaved this morning, but now I have a full short beard that perfectly chisels my jawline. “Hello there, sexy,” I purr at my reflection. I run my hand up my thick neck. I turn my head and check myself out. God, I would fuck myself so hard right now. I drop to my knees in front of the mirror so I can stop hunching over to stare at myself. My beastly cock hangs off my waist and slumps to the hardwood floor between my engorged thighs. The cold floor feels good on my sensitive cock head. I reach down and grab the very base of my dick. I squeeze my hand three-quarters around my veiny shaft and pull down like I’m milking a bull. I bet most bull studs would even struggle to measure up to this cock. I let out a moo-ish groan as I stroked my hand down maybe a third of my shaft’s length. A puddle of thick, creamy precum oozes out of my swollen cock head. “You look fucking massive, Daddy,” I growl to myself. I raise my arms above my head and flex. My biceps and triceps swell with a mountain range of muscle. My pecs squeeze and balloon out. My laterals spread out past the edges of my reflection. “Holy fuck… You are so fucking huge,” I chuckle. “You are a muscle god!” I reach down and continue to grope my own muscle mass. I cup my huge tits with both hands and watch them bounce. Thick shockwaves ripple across my chest. I let go and make them dance. Each time I flex my pecs it’s like an earthquake of muscle. I can’t help but slide my fingers under and between my pecs just to feel them get swallowed up by my massive muscle tits. I bet any boy would kill just to get the chance to fuck these pecs. These slabs of meat could swallow an entire beta dick easily. So fucking big and tight. Hungry. Then my fingers find my nipples. Fuck, they’re so thick and sensitive. Just running my fingers over them makes my cock jump against my will. My thumbs rub across their tips and my nips just perk up. It takes my breath out of my chest. It’s intoxicating. I pinch my nipples and squeeze them tight between my thumb and pointer finger. Holy fuck. My cock flexes on its own. Then I twist and pull on my hard nips. My bull cock lifts with its full weight and lunges forward. There’s a loud, wet smack as it slaps against its reflection in the mirror. Thick droplets of white precum run down the mirror from the splat mark left from my cock. I close my eyes and keep twisting my nips harder. I don’t even feel the pain. I just feel euphoric. “FUCK…” I roar. And then I feel tiny hands groping the underside of my tricep. I open my eyes and Perry is beside me trying to lift up my arm and get closer to me. He’s so tiny. Even on my knees, he is only as tall as my shoulder. There’s not even enough room in the mirror for him next to me. He puts his hand on my chest and slides it under my hand. “Slow down, Daddy,” he giggles. “Don’t want you to cum just yet.” I let go of my nips and let him pet my chest. His hands look so puny against my barrel chest. I make everything look puny. He rubs my nipples with his palm slowly and I can’t stop myself from letting out a deep moo. “Watch who you’re talking to, son…” I groan. “Don’t forget who the Alpha is here.” “Yes, sir.” Such a good boy. Perry stands next to me and massages my muscles for the mirror. His little hands slip under my pecs and make them bounce. His hands feel and grope each of my abs. His hands just wander around my mountainous body while I flex in the mirror. Now this is true muscle worship. I am a size god and he was praying at the temple that is my body. Praying for my benevolence, for my protection, for my raw, savage fucking. “That’s right, son. Worship me!” He falls to his knees and kneels beside my cock. He struggles to wrap his tiny hands around my 3-liter bottle-thick shaft. He lifts it up slightly from between my knees. My cock is hard as steel and yet it still hangs down under its enormous weight. My beastly dick weighed across Perry’s hands as he held it in front of him. “Finally big enough to feed your appetite, son?” “For tonight, big daddy,” Perry smiles devilishly. He moves closer toward my pelvis. He struggles, but lifts my cock up and over his shoulder. He kisses my stomach and tugs on my enormous balls. In the mirror, I see my massive shaft hanging over his shoulder and down his back. My thick veins pulse and more precum drools out of my cock and onto Perry’s perfect little bubble butt. “You like your new size, Daddy?” Perry looks all the way up at me. “Like it?!” I growl. “I fucking love it!” I flex again for the mirror. For myself. It turned me on. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • If only my high-school buddies could see me now. A size demon with a pretty boy on his knees to worship me. That scrawny kid with the oversized cock they used to know was gone. I swallowed him whole. Now I finally have a body that matches my ego. Not just a kid with a big dick and a big head. I’m fucking huge! The sight of me would make any man tremble with inferiority. As they should. I am a god and they would be so fucking lucky as to worship me. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • “Look at me, son,” I commanded. Perry obeys. “You want daddy to fuck you?” “I need you to fuck me, big daddy…” Perry whines. “Fuck me with your massive cock, Daddy!” I grab the back of his neck. He felt so small in my big, meaty hands. He just whines and accepts it. I wrap my hands entirely around his waist and lift him off the ground. My heavy shaft slides off his shoulder and slaps against the floor. He is so tiny. His little hands press against my forearms to keep his balance as I carry him. Fuck, I’m gonna tear this boy open. I toss him onto my bed like a toy. “Now I’m gonna give you a taste of what you fucking created, son…” I tease. I kneel next to the bed while Perry lays on his back on my mattress. I lift my heavy cock and slap it on top of him. I pull his legs closer to me. The full weight of my shaft sits on top of his chest. He was gonna feel this monster cock all the way in his ribcage. Perry smiles as if to challenge me. “Give me every inch of you, big daddy…” His cute cock twitches in anticipation. I let out a deep chuckle as I backed up. My cock drags down his stomach. “I’m gonna fucking destroy your little hole, son…” I grunt. I place the tip of my cock against his tight ass. Even just teasing his hole, I felt so powerful. Slowly, I press my cock into him against the resistance. It takes a second, but then his warm hole accepts my cock and swallows my girth. I expected his hole to squeeze my new cock so tight that it hurt, but his hole feels absolutely fucking perfect. The warm sensation of his ass strokes my cock just how I like it. Slowly, I force myself another inch deeper against his tight walls, and then another. “Fuck…” I moan. “Your ass is fucking perfect, son…” I press deeper and deeper. His hole felt like warm silk wrapped tight around my sensitive cock head. I’ve got my dick only about halfway in and I can feel it throbbing, begging for more. I watch my boy as my cock twitches inside of him. A distinct bulge presses up against his skinny stomach as my hard cock flexes like the beast that it is. My dick pushed aside his organs to make room for the only one that matters. Perry throws his head back against the mattress as he moans out cries of pleasure. He opens his eyes and looks up at my giant-like frame as I kneel above him. “Fuck… Give… Give it all to me…” he whines between strained breaths. “Please, daddy…” He heaves like he was in pain, but his eyes glinted with that devilish look. His smirk was begging me to take him like prey. I huff like a bull as I pound my hands down onto the mattress on either side of my boy, pawing at the ground before I charge. My hulking frame overshadows Perry completely as my muscles flex above him. His tiny hands trace along their swollen definition. His fingers follow the trenches of my musculature. My pecs can swallow his hand whole. It is intoxicating. My massive size was a drug and I am addicted. Then I charge. I let out a roar as I thrust another few inches deeper inside of him. My massive cock makes room to dump its load. The bulge in Perry’s stomach reaches further up towards his chest. Perry cries out in that whining voice. His hands struggle to grip my biceps. I face little resistance as I force the last leg of my cock deep into his tight and hungry hole. My heavy balls hang against the side of my mattress. My monster cock filled his tight, little body so nicely. I place a hand across Perry’s stomach and feel my dick throb inside of him. I run my thumb up his smooth frame, tracing the bulging outline of my monster cock all the way up to his chest. My dick is currently taking up a majority of his torso. Perry heaves through a pained smile as the head of my cock is pressed against his lungs. “Fuck, daddy… You got… bigger than I expected…” he huffs. “ I… I want you… to fuck me… hard!” A shiver ran up my spine as he said that. His guts massaging my throbbing cock. My dick was begging to unload the sloshing reservoir of cum that was building up in my balls. I bare my teeth, “You’re reading my mind, son…” My fingers wrap easily around Perry’s neck. My other hand grips his waist as I slowly pull out. The thick bulge running up his stomach shifts. Fuck, I didn’t even know I had a fetish for this. “I’m gonna tear you up… Like a cheap fuck toy.” I already stretched his hole open, so now I was going to take what was mine. I slam my cock back deeper into him and force him to cry out. The sound of his whines awakens some kind of primal instinct inside of me. I pull back and feed him another thrust that makes him whine. Again and again, I fuck him harder and harder until his hole can’t resist against my cock any longer. I am an animal and he is just my toy. He cries out louder as I use him. My cock took him effortlessly. My balls swell and grow as my load just keeps building up. I’m so fucking pent up. This is the load I have been waiting my whole life for. Fuck, I feel so fucking powerful. I am a god playing with a mere mortal. With my huge hand still wrapped around his neck, I lifted Perry up. My cock still fills his body with man meat. As I pull him against my torso, he slides down deeper onto my godly endowment. He doesn’t even whine anymore. He just lifts his arms weakly to hold onto my thick traps to steady himself. Mouth agape, he looks up into my eyes. He pants like a pup. Such a good boy. “You want this fucking load, son?” I smile. I lean down and press my lips to his. Making out slowly and passionately. My tongue fills his mouth. My cock stuffs his ribcage. I lift him up and start using him like a fleshlight. Up and down he rides my monstrous dick. He feels so fucking good. His tongue dances with mine in his mouth. My perfect boy. Takes my cock so well. A rush of heat runs down my chest. I fuck him harder. Harder. His perfect ass slaps against the base of my shaft. My cock throbs and flexes. I feel my shaft swell even bigger. My cock head grows against his lungs. My endowment isn’t done growing yet. I’m going to cum. I need to unload these massive balls and dump my seed deep inside of my boy. I can’t hold back anymore. It’s now just a primal urge to breed. I was going to endow this boy with the blessing that is my hot cum. The sounds of whines and grunts and slapping skin fade until I hear nothing but ringing in my ears. My body becomes numb as I force myself balls deep inside of Perry. The little fucktoy on my cock and on my tongue disappears. My vision goes white. I feel nothing except pure orgasmic euphoria. My mountainous cock erupted with its semen and my mind ascended. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • I lose track of time. I just float in that heavenly orgasm. Until eventually my vision returns to me. I’m bent over on my knees with my head resting on my bed. My cheek was resting in a pool of cum. I sit up. My head still feels heavy. Perry lays on his back in my bed. His chest heaves heavily. A satisfied smile spread across his face. I look down and see waves of cum pouring out of his gaping hole. My load was splattered all over my bed and spilled over onto the floor of my apartment. I grunt and force myself to stand up. My vision is still blurry. My head felt like a sandbag. My feet step into a puddle of my own cum. “Fuck, you are perfect,” I sighed in my usual voice. My eyes shoot open. I look around my apartment, gradually growing around me. The ceiling seems so far away now. I look down at my arms and watch as my muscles shrink before my eyes. My biceps relax and slowly return to my tiny self. All my muscle mass was melting away. “What?! What the fuck! What’s happening?! Where—” I stammer. I grope my biceps. Begging for my size to return. I don’t want to go back. I turn and rush over to my mirror. I still look bigger than I was before, but I could only watch in horror as my muscles shrink. My pecs pull back tight against my chest. My arms thin out. My height fell. Even my cock shrivels up to its tiny 8 inches. It was as if my entire body was like a cock going soft after shooting its load. I panic. I grope myself trying to keep some of that size that made me feel like a god. But it was all gone. Stripped away from me. “Oh, fuck…” Perry huffs. “Don’t worry, big daddy.” He stands up from the bed. More cum sloshes out of his ass and drips down his leg and onto the floor. He comes up behind me and puts his hand on my bicep. My skinny arm. “It’s okay,” Perry tries to calm me down. “Your body is just settling back into its usual form. It’s normal.” I turn and grab the back of his neck. My hands can’t even wrap around his entire throat. I pin him back against the wall. He looks scared. I don’t even care. “What the fuck are you talking about?!” I bark. “I was fucking massive! I—… I was a damn god…” “Okay… Okay, relax…” He places his hand on my tiny chest. He massages the underside of my pec gently. “You are still huge, Daddy. You always were. That’s why I picked you.” “I was a fucking monster! And now I’m just… this,” I said with disgust. “It’s okay. My saliva made you grow uncontrollably. You weren’t restrained by the limits of human nature. You could just grow freely. I knew you would appreciate the power. But when you came and shot your load deep… deep inside of me… Your body released and began to return to your usual… absolutely jacked self,” he huffs in satisfaction. Perry continues to pet my chest, trying his best to soothe me. “You can’t be a muscle beast all of the time. You’ve got a normal life to live. And… being normal-sized most of the time will help appreciate the size and growth I can give you sometimes. I know that for a fact. I’ve tried it myself too.” A “normal” life is such bullshit. I have worked all my life to grow. My cock grew through puberty and that was my gateway drug. I worked to grow my muscles. Grow my height. Grow my dick. I worked to live comfortably so I can spend all my free time growing. But now I have the secret. This perfect little twink can make me grow just by slobbering on my cock. He could make me grow. Beyond what I even ever imagined. The orgasmic growth I have been chasing is here in front of me. I am never going to let that go. I will become a muscle god and people will come from miles to worship me. I will be a king and no one will be able to stop me. “I hope we can do this again soon, Daddy. You really were the best I’ve ever had. You grew a lot faster than anyone else I’ve ever gifted. We will seriously have to push the limits next time we get together. See you soon, Daddy!” Oh, I was going to grow again very, very soon…
  6. Mateo had heard of the odd, somewhat shady initiation rite of the Sigma Upsilon Sigma fraternity, but never in a million years would he have expected he’d be taking part in it! Not surrounded by the most praise-worthy, drool-inducing, alpha-monster GODS he had ever laid eyes on. Not a single boy in the frat was under six foot, and not one could have been under 200 pounds. Not with the incredible muscles bulging and swelling all over the place. And the boys knew how to rock it, too; tank tops, crop tops, and cut-off jeans let those shredded muscles bulge out every which way you looked! Mateo wondered how he fit in: barely five and a half feet tall, maybe 120 soaking wet, with a wisp of facial or body hair. His bronze Puerto Rican complexion added a touch of exotic appeal to his figure, but overall he had never thought of himself as a looker. And CERTAINLY not compared to these giant, gorgeous hunks. But if nothing else, he’d be glad of the eye candy. Especially on this monumental New Years Eve! Now, as a 120-pounds-soaking-wet beanpole, Mateo was a little hesitant of the seemingly endless supply of Bud Heavies lined up before him. And the handsome grins of the massive boys all around him did little to hide the feeling that those grins had a little bit of naughty motivation behind them. Mateo was fairly certain he’d be turning himself inside out before the night was over…but compared to the infamous “goldfish incident” of Tau Alpha Phi, he supposed he was lucky to just be throwing up by night’s end. He looked to the huge, musclebound studs around him and nodded, grabbing the first beer and cracking it. He had some experience drinking, but his limit was usually about two to three beers…and there were WAY more than that on the table. Just how many was announced as the beefcakes began to pound the table and floors, familiar tune sounding out from their heavy baritones. “Twenty-five bottles of beer on the wall, twenty-five bottles of beer! You take one down, you chug it down…” They paused, and one motioned to Mateo. Taking the hint, he gulped nervously and began to chug. As much as he had prepared himself, the fragrant taste of chilled horse piss still made his nose crinkle. And yet, the bubbly liquid went down smoother than expected! Perhaps it was because he had built up a tolerance to the alcohol since joining the frat. Perhaps it was because his twenty year old body was more resistant to carbonation and booze than he knew. But most likely it was because Mateo was starting to grow. It was slow, gradual, unlikely to be noticed if one wasn’t looking for it. But it was there: a millimeter with each gulp, a fraction of a pound with every swallow. Mateo was so caught up in the frenzy that he certainly didn’t notice the imperceptible tightening of his clothes around his expanding frame. But he also didn’t realize that a feat of this caliber was meant to be paced…drinking twenty-five beers was a marathon, not a sprint. But alas, he had already cracked the second beer and was chugging as the boys sounded out in unison: “Twenty-four bottles of beer on the wall! Twenty-four bottles of beer on the wall, twenty-four bottles of beer!” And so it went! Mateo quickly realized his error, altering his pace so that the sheer volume of carbonation didn’t cause him to upend his stomach. And with every gulp, he grew. The minuscule amounts of height and weight quickly began to compound and add up…and the extra size helped Mateo push one more beer further, and then one more. By twenty beers, he was just over 5’8 and perhaps 150 pounds. His muscles were starting to define, any extra pudge melting into sculpted, defined musculature. It wasn’t much, but it was certainly enough to hint at a good exercise routine. By fifteen beers, Mateo was starting to get lightheaded. The carbonated liquid was absorbing into his bloodstream quickly, and the fact that he had chugged ten beers in about fifteen minutes was a dangerous indicator of his mental capabilities. So it was no wonder that he barely registered the paper-thin quality of his shirt, or the painful digging of his slacks into his legs. Because Mateo was now six feet tall and just bordering on 185 pounds of solid, built, meaty muscle! The booze was beginning to give him the hint of a beer gut, but apart from that he was as carved and ripped as a mighty oak tree! With his rounded biceps, meaty pecs, broad shoulders, and pants-bulging quads, he would draw stares and give some shy smiles whenever he passed an interested party on campus. But such as it was, he was still tiny compared to the rest of the men…and so he kept drinking. “TEN bottles of beer on the wall, ten bottles of beer! You take it down, you chug it down…” Mateo was drinking quickly now, and the liquid was vanishing down his eager gullet without much problem. Any nausea had vanished as he had passed 200 pounds, and now he was as stellar a shotgunner as the most experienced boy in the frat! At 6’3, he was downright BEEFY. Like a powerlifter who’d spent a bit too long at the buffet, Mateo’s prominent musclegut was only offset by the handsome bronze muscles swollen all over his body. His clothes were tearing and ripping with every movement, and the holes in his fabric revealed hair follicles beginning to poke up all across his body! Even his face was beginning to develop some shadow, jaw hardening as stubble pushed up across his cheeks and chin. But there was no stopping now, not when he was that close! But he did start to slow down after the twentieth beer, with only five to go. Even at his massive 6’5, 235 pound enormity, he was flagging. But with Mateo’s new body came a new confidence, his old personality perfectly mixed and blended into a newfound sense of power and ego. Nothing arrogant or annoying, but rather self-sure and experienced. And this experience told him that he’d finish the initiation without puking…he just had to take it a bit slower. The other boys were more than happy to let him take his time; by the time he was finished, he’d be one of the biggest men in the room! Mateo stood, the last shreds of his tortured clothes falling away. But he didn’t mind his nudity; these were his boys, and he’d be naked with all of them before the year was over, that much was certain. What harm was giving them a sneak peek? Pursing his lips, he put a hand on his enormous booze belly, grunting hard as he PUSHED. With a resounding ‘boom,’ the gut slammed inward into a set of rock-hard abs, the extra meat sending his cock rocketing out into a 10-inch salami as his balls dropped to the size of oranges! “FOUR bottles of beer on the wall…” Mateo’s back nearly doubled in width as his pecs OOMPHED outward into massive balls of muscle, giant meaty sacks of flour packed full of manly goodness! “THREE bottles of beer on the wall…” His cock sagged to a full foot in length, balls drooping as they burgeoned to the size of small melons, pre already oozing from his soft python! “TWO bottles of beer on the wall…” Mateo moaned loudly as his Adam’s Apple bulged, voice dropping three octaves instantly! His face scrunched as a handsome goatee sprouted on his lips and chin, chest and abs growing furry and dense with erotic hair! “ONE bottle of beer on the wall…” The final drop slurped down, Mateo clenched his mighty fists and rumbled happily, his frame quivering as he BURST up to a whopping 6’8, his weight finally stabilizing at just under 260 pounds. Huffing for air, Mateo smiled warmly as his new frat brothers cheered in delight. Clapping him on the back, rubbing his dick good-naturedly, the hunks took turns congratulating him, a few older boys even giving him a long French kiss to welcome him in. Wrapping his enormous arms around two, Mateo chuckled deeply as he took in the scene, the campus bells just starting to chime out twelve. Oh yes…this would be a wonderful year indeed.
  7. Sseugierus

    Mysterious Artifacts: The Lab

    His wheezing and footsteps could be heard throughout the halls of the lab building as he sprinted past the different doors, almost slipping on the shreds of fabric on the floor, frantically searching for somewhere to hide. Finally, he picked a room and ducked in, cramming himself into a standing cabinet next to some testing equipment and shoving all the cords to one side. It was a very tight fit, but he was able to close the door. Seconds felt like hours as he went over in his head what happened to his colleagues, trying to make sense of a seemingly impossible situation. ~~~~~~~ They had been tasked with carbon dating some ancient artifacts that local archaeologists had recently found. It was oddly suspicious from the very moment that they had received the request. The so-called "archaeologists" said they had found the artifacts under a tree in the local woods, but the woods had been planted when the town was built less than 100 years ago. On top of that, the items had been dropped off when no one was present at the lab with nothing but a note and a receipt for a massive donation, which turned out to be real, and some address for a building in the nearby woods. ~~~~~~~ There was a loud bang coming from down the hall that caused his heart to leap, breaking him out of his thoughts. He tried to quiet his terrified breathing and pleaded that his old co-workers wouldn't find him. His time was running out to attempt to figure out a solution before they found him. Wracking his brain for details and desperately trying to ignore the sounds coming from the adjacent lab, he thought back again to when they were evaluating the dreaded book and necklace. ~~~~~~~ There were 4 of them working on the seemingly easy project, 2 on each artifact. It shouldn't have taken more than a day but so many things weren't adding up. For one, the place where the note had said the artifacts were found was only a short distance from a heavily trafficked area, and the book showed no evidence of being buried in any way. In fact, the book looked brand new, but the carbon dating indicated that the pages were close to 600 years old, and the necklace was the same. The book had an imprint for the necklace, but nothing happened (or so they thought) when the two were combined. Additionally, just being around the 2 things gave everyone a feeling of confusion and uneasiness, and it didn't take long to realize why. Although the book was empty, everyone in the team seemed to be able to hear someone chanting when they got close to it, but it wasn't a language that any of them recognized. At the time, they didn't realize it, but even then, they were already changing. Clothes were tighter, hair was thicker; they were slowly growing into something more. They had been so focused to trying to understand what was happening that they chalked the discomfort up to stress, but were rocketed back to reality when his button broke. Looking back, that may have been the only reason that he was still himself now, as he excused himself to the bathroom to address the malfunction. Distant from the items, he was able to see what had happened to him. His hands were much larger and thicker than they were before. His arms were full with dense muscle that was stressing his shirt and lab coat. His legs and feet were uncomfortably stuffed into his pants and shoes. He looked to his chest, and saw a thick shelf of muscle, the cause of the broken button. His whole body was much hairier than it had previously been, his stubble resembling more than a 5 o'clock shadow on his newly defined jaw. Even his face and head looked thicker and stronger with his hair being fuller and slightly longer. It all confused and terrified him, and also excited him. He felt himself growing more and more aroused as he felt his cock snake down his tight pant leg to where he was used to, then continuing a few inches longer. He rubbed his thick member with his hand and moaned with his deeper voice, feeling himself fill with more power, getting lost in it; the feeling, the strength, the SIZE... only realizing that he was masturbating through his clothes when he heard glass shatter back in the lab. His concern for his co-workers and the artifacts bringing him back to reality. He ran back to the lab, his footsteps sounding more powerful and turning him on again. He threw open the door and saw his colleagues going through some very familiar changes. The two who were working on the necklace were all over each other, looking massive, their clothes torn in multiple places looking like hairy giant bodybuilders in heat, a stark difference from the lanky lab technicians they had been hours ago. His partner wasn't as far along in his transformation, seemingly resisting it, pouring sweat, and grunting as he tried to remove the necklace from the book without and success. The smell in the room was intoxicating, and it was visibly dissolving his partners last pieces of resistance as they made eye contact with each other and with a final pleading look, before being overwhelmed with lust and ripping their pants open at the crotch, giving in to the power. Grunting and moaning as he flexed and grew out of the rest of his clothes. The back of his shirt practically exploding as his giant hairy lats shredded the fabric. His biceps and forearms ripping down the seam in one fluid tear as he flexed. His chest puffing out as hair spread up over his cobblestone abs and up over the vast pecs. Finally roaring as his growing cock came buckets as it grew through the torn up pants and underwear. His partner looked up and they made eye contact again but this time, there was no innocence, there was only lust. ~~~~~~~ Shaking himself out of the memory before getting more aroused and moving his hand away from his raging hard-on, he decided that his only hope was to try to remove the necklace from the book and hope that it would do something so all of them could regain their clarity of mind. Opening the cabinet to get a better listening perspective; The sounds from the other room had stopped a few minutes ago, and panic began to set in. Had the muscle monsters been able to open the exit doors that he couldn't seem to find anymore? Had they just broken down the wall? With that thought he flexed his larger arm, ripping the fabric of his lab coat slightly, thinking of how powerful and amazing the others had looked before he ran away. But he felt more resolved to fix everything now after seeing the look that his partner had given him. That was not the same person that he had been working with for years after he transformed, there was a look of primal hunger with not even a sliver of the person he had previously been. He crept down the hallway, listening the whole way, almost anticipating turning a corner and being face to face with the beasts, but it never happened. Where were they? He made it back to their lab and smelled that sweet aroma from before. He closed his eyes and moaned quietly as he felt his legs slowly grow through the fabric of his pants, leaving him in his threadbare, pre soaked boxers, stretched tight across his quads with the head of his dick poking out through the left leg. He opened his eyes and made his way towards the book as his back widened and thickened, ripping his shirt and coat together down the middle, exposing his extraordinary hairy back. He subconsciously bounced his pecs and grunted as more buttons popped off, showing off his mountainous, hairy chest and powerful core as his body stretched upwards to make room more more muscle. Arriving at the book he grabbed it, not seeing the 3 other figures squeezing into the room, inhumanly large and muscular, and watching him from behind. As he lifted the book up to himself to get a closer look, his larger arms decimated his sleeves, leaving him in just his quickly tightening underwear. With one fluid motion, he easily pulled the necklace from the book, placing the book back on the table and holding the necklace in his hands, waiting for something to change, his mind being overwhelmed with the feeling of raw power pouring into his body. He looked at the necklace once more as his mind slipped away, and placed it around his neck as his body surged in size. Roaring out loud as he turned to face his subjects as his dick ripped out and let loose a torrent of aromatic cum as he reveled in growing bigger and stronger, BIGGER and STRONGER, becoming the largest of the group as the other 3 started to chant in the language they had heard before, all of them continuing to grow until they were larger than the room and walked into the nearby forest, very strong smelling cum leaking out of the largest's massive cock, leaving a trail for those unfortunate (or fortunate) enough to come across it to follow. Shortly after, 2 other behemoths arrive at the building and take the book out of the rubble of the destroyed room, placing it carefully outside of the destruction with a new necklace and a note for the police to find. I hope that read okay. I just felt like writing a new story and this is how it came out. I hope it's interesting enough and has enough growth, I really wanted to try and write a story with no character names and still establish an engaging story. Anyway, thank you for reading, and have a good day
  8. Dwarf Muscle By BBMikeNJ I had lived in my new house for only a few days when the next door neighbor came over to introduce himself. He was a real nice guy named John, and told me if I had any questions about the area, or if I needed anything just to let him know. Then, when he found out I did freelance work out of the house and was home most days, he asked me if I would mind signing for his UPS deliveries. He said he was starting up a side business and got a lot of stuff sent to him that he then shipped out to customers. At first, I was a little wary, but he assured me it was all on the up and up, and that I didn't even have to move the stuff, just sign for it and leave it on my porch, he'd pick it up when he got home, so I agreed. The next day, I was in the back room of the house, when I heard several loud thumps coming from the front porch. I went up and opened the front door. There were two large boxes, about two feet wide and three feet tall, sitting side by side on the porch. A UPS truck was parked at the curb, but there was no sign of a driver. I tried to move the boxes over, but they were so heavy, they didn't budge. I stepped around the box, and jumped when I saw a short squat guy in an UPS outfit, filling out package info on one of the ups clipboards. He looked up at me and said, "You want to sign for these for your neighbor?" His voice was about six octaves deeper than I was expecting. He had very prominent dwarf features... thick, bony forehead, deep-set eyes, square heavy jaw bone. The arm that he was holding the clipboard out to me with was short but extremely thick. I realized that I was staring when he rolled his eyes and said, "Dude, you signing for this or not." "Oh... yeah... sorry," I stammered, embarrassed, taking the board and signing. "It's just that... well... How did you get these boxes up here?" I asked, trying to save face, and truly curious, as there was no dolly in sight. "With these," he said, raising his arms and flexing them. The short sleeves of his brown ups shirt were pushed back out of the way by a rising set of super-thick, gnarly biceps. They balled up high and then hardened into two steel balls as he squeezed them out tight. Even though short and stubby, he was the most massive little fucking guy I'd ever seen. "Jesus," I said. He just sort of snorted and took the clipboard back with his stubby muscle hand. As he turned to step off the porch, I thought I should say something to break the ice, figuring I'd be seeing this guy on a fairly regular basis. "You know," I said, "seeing as how Christmas is coming, you should dress up as an elf when you're delivering packages." Even as the words came out of my mouth, I knew it was the wrong thing to say. I saw the muscles of his broad, miniaturized powerlifter back tense up as he came to a dead stop. He turned back toward me, and I noticed the size of his huge dwarf glutes, which would have been tremendously out of proportion if the rest of him wasn't so stocky and thick. "You did not just say that, did you?" he said, his voice sounding even deeper than before. He cocked his head as he looked me up and down, and I realized that his neck was probably four or five inches bigger than my own. I had the feeling that I'd just pissed off a very powerfully-built Rottweiler. He dropped the clipboard onto the porch and came at me. He grabbed me around the leg and lifted me up like I was a scarecrow. He flipped me down onto the porch and wrenched my leg into a very bad angle. I tried to maneuver away, put my head pressed up against a porch post. He twisted my leg harder, and pressed my ankle up into my ear. "Fuckkk," I groaned. I tried to push him off me, but it was like pushing a wall. His glutes were hard as granite, and I don't think he even knew I was pushing on them. "You think this is pain?" he said. "You think this is pain?" he repeated, as he applied even more torque to my leg. "Fucking stop, man, jesssus," I cried out. He let go of my leg and got off me, tossing my leg back into place. "You think that was bad," he said, smirking over me. "You ever use the word 'elf' around me again, I will put you in a whole world of pain. This freaky dwarf muscle will pound you to a pulp," he said, as he rolled his wrists and checked out his own writhing forearm muscle, all twisted and grisly. "You like all this muscle, don't ya, boy?" he said, nodding at my crotch, which had admittedly swollen up some. "Yeah, I like it too," he said, still flexing, and sprouting a pup tent of his own in his stocky brown pants. "And it's just gonna get bigger and better, boy. Doc has got me on some serious growth hormones, and I'm getting thicker and stronger every day." With that, he hit a lat spread, and as his back widened out, both sides of his shirt ripped open. "Oh yeahhh," he said. "I might just have to come back here more often to toss you around." "Well, when you do," I said, sitting up, "bring a red, cone-shaped hat. I wanna see what my front yard would look like with a garden gnome in it." His face darkened and he stepped toward me. I don't know what was wrong with me, but I just couldn't let the massive little tank abuse me like he had without getting him back some. Something stopped him from tearing into me though. Instead, he put his stubby thick fingers around a 4x4 porch post and ripped it out. He took one end in each hand, held it out at arms-length and snapped it in two. He tossed the two pieces at my feet, picked up his clipboard and waddled back to his truck. More to cum…
  9. The Centre - Part One Ben wasn’t quite sure how he found the video on YouTube. He had gotten home from the pub feeling slightly pissed and lonely, and had just collapsed on his sofa. Bored, he began first scrolling through Instagram but the incredible lives of the muscular and tanned influencers that he followed just made him even more depressed, so he closed that app and proceeded to open YouTube. Scrolling through the videos that were in his feed, he was surprised to see one suggested titled: Explicit Penis Growth. Lord, he thought, people will do anything for attention nowadays! Curious and forever reminded of his own unremarkable four inch penis, Ben clicked PLAY. The video started with what sounded like an original composition of some extremely dramatic music played on an old electric keyboard. Over the music was the text: Walter Bowen of The Centre Presents Explicit Messaging For Male Penis Enhancement Copyright: 2021 MALE penis enhancement, thought Ben. Who else would it be for?? As the music faded the face of an older man, probably in his late forties, early fifties appeared on the screen. Professionally dressed in a dark blue suit and paisley tie, the man was sitting at a paper-strewn desk and staring intently into the camera. When he did eventually speak, it was slow, calm, and direct. WB: Good Morning , Good Afternoon, or Good Evening. My name is Walter Bowen of The Centre, and you are currently viewing my video: Explicit Messaging for Male Penis Enhancement. Please note that viewing this video WILL cause irreversible and permanent changes to your male anatomy. If you do not wish to experience these changes to your person, I recommend you stop this video immediately. I will now give you several seconds to do so if you wish. The man paused speaking, but continued to look directly into the camera. Damn, he’s intense, noted Ben, and a brilliant actor. You’d think he really believes his own pitch! Twenty seconds later, Walter Bowen began speaking again. WB: Your decision to continue viewing this video waves the creator of any responsibility that occurs due to the material. If you are being forced to watch this video, you will need to take your complaint up with the proper authorities. Now that we have all of that out of the way, let’s begin. Throughout the course of this video… a video that will no doubt change your life, you WILL listen and follow my instructions. Only through the following will you be able to become one with The Centre and achieve the results you are seeking. Now, quickly remove your trousers and undergarments, fold them properly, and place them aside. Ben hesitated for a few seconds, but then decided to follow Walter’s instructions. What else did he have to loose, and when you’re alone on a Saturday night, anything different is better than nothing at all. Removing his jeans, he quickly wadded them into a ball and tossed them onto a chair. He then proceeded to do the same with his boxer briefs. WB: Good. Very good. Being able to follow instructions will be paramount to your success. Now, close your eyes and listen carefully to my voice and only my voice. Closing his eyes, Ben leaned his head onto the back of the sofa. WB: Excellent. Remember, you must listen to the sound of my voice and only the sound of my voice. Wonderful. I already feel that we make a great team. We will go far together on this adventure. Now, I would like you to breath in and out… in and out. Take a deep breath… hold it for 5 counts… and breathe out. Again… breathe in… hold for 5… and breathe out. One more time, breathe in… hold for 5 counts… and breathe out. Very well done. Now, begin to focus on your penis. Picture it in your head. Mentally draw a picture of it with your mind. Is it soft or hard? Fat or thin? Cut or uncut? Picture your penis and hold it in your mind's eye. The penis, the one you are seeing with your Minds Eye, is the most powerful organ of your entire body. This is where you must draw your strength from… your courage. Your penis is your umbilical cord into The Centre… the centre of this and to every universe in existence. Acknowledging such a powerful connection is paramount, as is treating your penis as the deity it is. Perhaps though, when you look at your own penis, you only see it through a societal gaze. You see it as not big enough… not hard enough… not girthy enough… not powerful enough… not MANLY enough. This is the curse society has placed on us. How can you compete with the phalluses of porn stars… actors… politicians… or the lucky few whose genes enabled them to grow organs of a suitable size for society. I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Your penis IS powerful… your penis IS a deity. Your penis IS the centre of the Universe. Repeat after me. My penis is powerful. Ben remained quiet, but, as if the voice knew of his silence, it spoke again. WB: You heard me and you WILL repeat after me! My penis is powerful. This time Ben spoke up. “My penis is powerful.” WB: Good. My penis is a deity. “My penis is a deity. WB: Excellent!! My penis is The Centre! “My penis is the centre!!!!” Ben couldn’t believe how orgasmic it felt to say that out loud, but as soon as he did, he could feel his penis start to stiffen. WB: Good work. The sense of pride you must have felt as you said those words out loud for the first time can be overwhelming. Pouring out your soul so honestly deserves a reward. Touch your penis. Go on. Take your hand and wrap it around the hard shaft. Ben did as he was told and felt a shiver run through him as his palm met the soft skin of his own penis. WB: what you feel as you slowly touch yourself, that is the feeling of power and energy running through your penis from The Centre. Do you feel it? “Yes.” WB: turn it up a notch. Feel it running up and down the shaft, into the glans, and back down into your testicles. This pattern is repeated over and over again, slowly becoming more intense. It feels as if a current is connected from your penis to what you were always meant to be. Yes, Ben thought, as a drop of pre fell from the slit in his head and down the shaft. I can really feel it… it almost… almost burns…. His cock felt so hard and so sensitive at the moment that he wanted to open his eyes and witness something he had never seen it felt before, but he didn’t since Walter hadn’t said that he could. WB: Your penis is now the centre of every Universe, and you are feeling the power that is at your command. Feel it tearing through your testicles, up and around the shaft, and explode into the thickness of your gland. Welcome more and more power into your penis… More pre began to flow from Ben’s cock as he welcomed the power… willed it to enter him. WB: Yes. Let it fill you. Let it over power you! Let it take you over! Every molecule… every atom of your penis is at your command! Command it to grow! Grow!! WB: Command it to swell!! Swell!! WB: command it to become the penis it was always meant to be!! My cock deserves to be massive!! I deserve to be massive!! WB: Yes!! Embrace your destiny!! Can you feel it? Can you feel each atom… each molecule… every cell in the shaft of your penis are beginning to replicate. Over and over and over you feel this as your shaft slowly begins to swell. Ben’s whole body began to sweat as he felt the exact sensation in his penis the voice was describing. He could feel each cell in the shaft of his penis replicating until he felt it push at his palm, forcing his hand to open slightly. A huge grin formed on Ben’s face as he let out a moan of pleasure. WB: you must be wondering, is this real? How can this possibly be happening? Is this only my imagination playing a trick on me? The answer is a definitive, No! What you feel is your own penis filling more and more with blood, forcing it to become thicker and more substantial. Each beat of your heart forces your organ to become more and more engorged… more and more the centre of your very being. Speak to me. Tell me how you feel. “This feels so damn amazing! There aren’t words to describe it. I don’t ever want it to stop! WB: Your own voice, your own will causes your cock to thicken further. Feel it pulse in your hand as it becomes more and more immense. More and more the organ of one of the chosen few. Your hand. You can feel your thumb and forefinger separating further and further and further away from each other. You feel as if your cock is a balloon and an invisible aly is filling it more and more with water. Now as you slowly stroke your cock, it no longer feels familiar. It now feels like a new and powerful entity ready to take control! The skin is so tight… the shaft is so substantial… this is a penis that will stretch every condom that you put on... stretch every vagina… stretch every hole. Fuck me… feels so fat now… so solid! WB: As each inch continues to swell, you begin to feel another sensation taking over your penis. At the base, you feel a tug… a pull… a yanking that starts to give you the impression that an invisible force is trying to tear your penis from your body. Not so! This force is acting as a catalyst to your legacy of those who have been chosen for an immense future. Ben grit his teeth as he felt the pull on his penis get more intense by the minute. He longed to open his eyes and witness his cock’s metamorphosis, to feast his eyes on the epic piece of flesh that was being reborn on his body. He refused though to succumb to the temptation. What if opening his eyes reversed whatever was happening to his cock! What if opening his eyes cut the connection between his cock and this cosmic power source? Worst of all, what if opening his eyes proved that this entire experience was all in his head? A forceful tug at his cock elicited a guttural groan and reassured him to keep his eyes closed. WB: Feel your penis pulse, pull, and throb as it takes on new proportions. Soon… very soon… what you once possessed will be a distant memory and you will have obtained an organ to shout from the mountain tops over. Feel the weight as it pulls down in your crotch. Did you ever imagine that your own penis could be this heavy? You took for granted that your sec organs felt like they weighed nothing… but not anymore. Without support it will always pull down, reminding you of the power you possess. Feel as it thickens further in your hand. How does it feel? How would you describe it? Like a fuckin Coke can!! My cock feels as thick as a Coke can!!! WB: Do you feel the veins growing larger and erupting to the surface to better feed your new centre of gravity? Yes!! Yes I do! Veins feel more like tubing than ever before. WB: Experience the tug and tension and contraction as your penis forces itself longer. At first it’s only a hair longer… not noticeable at all… but from a hair… a millimetre longer… and longer… and LONGER… until, as you stroke, you feel yourself covering more surface area than ever before. It does feel longer!! My cock’s growing longer!! I can’t believe it!! WB: An intense erotic sensation fills your entire being as your shaft grows an extra inch longer. Your body shivers and quakes as a new emotion grips you. Your heart starts to race… your skin becomes more sensitive to a touch… your nerve endings explode with fire! What can be causing these new responses? Let us explore. Turn your mind's eye away from your burgeoning penal monument to the true centre of your power… your testicles. Experience the throbbing as they too begin to swell larger. Feel your testosterone levels rise as they emit wave after wave of transformative energy. Ben began to pant faster as his heart sped up. He could feel his balls actually swelling larger, feel them taking up more and more space between his legs. Moving his hands from his shaft to his balls, he discovered that what had once been olive sized were now roughly the diameter of chicken eggs… and still they pulsated with life… WB: As your testicles proceed to swell, you can feel a mechanism deep inside of you begin to spark and come to life. Do you feel it? Do you feel your testicles starting to produce more and more life giving essence? Soon your testicles are so full… so heavy… it actually begins to hurt. Ben groaned as he felt his testicles swell larger, each one filled with what felt like gallons of cum. Suddenly, he held his breath as he felt movement coming from his balls, up the shaft, and out of the slit. More precum than he had ever produced before came pouring out in what seemed like an endless deluge. WB: The energy flowing from The Centre, into your penis, and out into the world must feel to you, a mind altering experience. You will do anything to relive this event over and over again: feeling your penis swell with might… the shaft stretching to mighty proportions… even the glans… the tip of your penis flaring larger and meatier; rivaling the shaft in terms of thickness and becoming the most sensitive area of your being! Each second brings you closer to the brink as your penis rises with life. Soon you can’t help yourself, and you begin to stroke your penis. Ben couldn't and wouldn’t deny himself this pleasure, and when he touched his enlarged shaft again, he moaned louder than he ever had before. His cock… his entire cock was burning with heat, pulsating thicker, stretching so much longer, and becoming more sensitive than it had ever been in his entire life. Ben laughed out loud as he began, at first, slowly moving his hand up and down the shaft, but with time, began to jerk it with more and more intensity. He simply couldn't stop… mustn’t stop! He finally felt connected to his true power source. WB: All energy comes from The Centre, into your body, and deposits itself into your crotch. Repeat!! All energy comes from The Centre, into your body, and deposits itself into your crotch. Repeat!! All energy comes from The Centre, into your body, and deposits itself into my crotch!! As Ben’s voice merged with the other, their fervor became paramount. Over and over again the litany was chanted, until both voices spoke as one. Grabbing and jerking his cock with such intensity, Ben could feel the entire thing growing all at once. His mania grew until he was bucking his hips up into the air and fucking his own hand. From his balls he felt a mounting pressure beginning to build. Harder and harder he jerked his cock while focusing on the words he was saying until suddenly he was one with The Centre. It was as if time simply stopped as a massive surge of energy shot through him causing his body to spasm. Letting go of his own cock, Ben felt his entire body fill with more and more power until it finally burst from him. Ben cried out as cum began to be fired from his cock over and over. He could feel the heat as it landed on his chest, his face, and beyond. Grabbing onto his cock, he was surprised how strong and hard it felt, and how extremely powerful each spurt was. Eventually, after ten or eleven ropes of cum being fired from his cock, it began to subside. Catching his breath, Ben caugh the closing words of the sponsor. WB: Congratulations on successfully tapping into The Centre. All power begins at The Centre and ends in you, transforming yourself into your ideal. We shall meet again soon. Until then… Another bolt of energy shot through Ben and he suddenly ejaculated one last time. As he did, his eyes flew open and he was able to see his cock for the first time. Staring unbelievably at the size of the beast he now possessed, Ben nearly burst into tears. It was truly a work of art. Thicker than a beer can with an even larger mushroom tip, the entire thing had to be larger than eight inches. Jumping up from the couch, he ran to grab a tape measure, cum dripping from his body onto the floor. When he stood, his initial centre of gravity was thrown off. His cock and balls pulled at him as their weight weighed him down. I never thought of balls being heavy… but now mine certainly are!! He loved the weight, the mass, the pull of his cock and balls toward the floor. It was simply an erotic feeling only a select few got to feel… and now he was one of them. Measuring the length, Ben gasped. 8.5 inches! His cock had grown to be 8.5 inches. That means he grew over four and a half inches while simply listening to a YouTube video. Moving his exhausted body back to the couch, Ben thought about The Centre. If he could truly tap into what felt like an endless source of power, he could indeed transform himself into his ideal, exactly as the voice said. Grabbing his severely cum coated phone, he turned it on and opened the YouTube app. There, frozen, was the face of the man who had given him the greatest gift he had ever received. Pressing the screen, the video started over. Quickly, Ben pressed pause. Should he listen to it again? Would it work again? If so… how far would he go. How massive did he want to be? Pressing Play, Ben grinned as the music began. He will do it once more tonight… as an experiment. Then he would stop until tomorrow; until he had time to think his actions through. One thing he did know, he needed to learn how to control The Centre by himself. He needed to find the man behind the voice.
  10. Chapter 1 Cal was searching frantically in the supply room. “Let’s go, boys! On the field in five!” Shit shit shit.” His first practice and he didn’t have a uniform. He counted himself lucky to be on the football team as a freshman, but being late to his first practice wouldn’t bode well for his future. His parents had helped him buy his own set of pads, pants, and cleats, but he was supposed to get a jersey from the school. If it wasn’t for his ass of a math teacher he would’ve been early to get a jersey, but now he was shit out of luck. Pushing aside old bags of deflated balls and pads that still reeked of B.O., his hopes dashed by a jersey only to find a huge tear in it. He could feel his heartbeat faster as he counted down the seconds. “Fuckin finally!” Pulling a jersey out of the corner, he inspected it quickly. Still sporting the school colors but in an almost retro design. No holes, rips, and it didn’t smell that bad, it was, however, nearly 4 sizes too large. Standing at a proud 6’0 and 183 lbs, Cal was a size large, an xl accounting for his pads. Checking the tag, it was a size 5xl. Putting it on, cursing his luck. Checking in the mirror, the collar and sleeves were disproportionately huge, the waist billowing halfway down his thighs. Still, it was manageable and would probably last until he could get a fresh jersey. Running out to the field, his oversized jersey billowing around him. The other players were already on the field doing warmups, Coach Stevens off to the side talking to the quarterback and a couple of other seniors. Joining everyone else for what seemed like a couple of laps around the field, Cal took the opportunity to check out his fellow teammates. It was hard to tell under everyone’s gear, but it looked like Cal was the biggest freshman there. He was still clearly outmatched by some of the more seasoned athletes. Still, he was proud of how far he’d come. He spent his junior high years playing soccer and only recently started lifting weights in his free time. By the time Summer started, the repeated soccer practices and games started to lose their excitement. It had started out fun, the competition, the training, the wins. But after a few weeks, it didn’t seem as exhilarating. Soon lured by the intensity of football, Cal found himself admiring the lifestyle. The games, the intensive training, the social life. Starting in June, he began working out, increasing his calorie intake, and even started taking supplements. He remembered fondly the thrill of first seeing the fruits of his labor. After two weeks of his regiment, he felt his shirtsleeves starting to bunch up over his biceps. Soon he could feel his pecs start to press out against the fabric. He practiced flexing in the mirror, seeing his muscle tone increase week by week. By the time Fall came around, he proudly marked his progress over the summer in his head: 1 inch taller and 23 lbs of bulk added to his powerful frame. Cal could feel his pulse beginning to rise as he quickened his pace. The excitement of actually being on the field, Cal tried to take it all in. The smell of sweat and fresh grass filling his lungs, his cleats digging into the field as he jogged ahead. Completing their laps, the players gathered round for a quick introduction and an overview of their games for the season. Remorsefully, Cal accepted that he wouldn’t be able to play most of the season’s games. Going out on the field in groups, Cal paired himself up with two other freshman newbies for some beginner tackles. Trusting his size and abilities, Cal prepped himself to rush the faux quarterback and the poor guy protecting him. The ball was thrown and Cal launched himself at the receiver, taking him down in a tumble. Cal could feel his muscles vibrating with energy as he jumped back up, ready to go again. That whole afternoon, it seemed like nothing could tire him. They kept going until sunset. By then everyone was ready to collapse, but Cal felt like he could keep going for hours. Getting home and tossing off his sweaty clothes, he got into the shower. Feeling the heat from his pumped muscles escape into the frigid water, Cal relaxed his energized body. As the water crept up in temperature, he paid close attention to his groin. Proud of what he had for his age, Cal soaped up his schlong and balls. Swinging to its full 6.5 inches, he gently stroked it. Getting out of the shower, his hard on bouncing up and down, Cal started to towel off his muscular torso. Looking down, he could feel something off about his point of view. His normally small but hard pecs looked bigger, protruding further out. Checking himself in the mirror, he could tell his frame was much thicker than it was that morning. Jumping on the scale, it read 195. “195? What the fuck?!” Out of nowhere, a deep voice behind him chuckled, “Awesome right?”
  11. HandsomeLitleBoy

    Family trouble...

    PART ONE - Meet the family Firstly, this is my first attempt to write a story, so be kind, my mother-tongue isn’t English. Let’s meet my family. I am Max and the last two years were dramatic for my whole family. But let’s start 2 years ago. We are a big family living in a Greek suburb. My dad and mum had 6 kids. One daughter and 5 sons. The oldest of my siblings is my sister, Mary. Mary is a 34yo energetic married woman with a kid. She married and had her only-child when she was only 18yo. Her husband, Thomas at 35yo looked like a hulk. He was an Olympic athlete at water polo when he was younger, he had a passion on building his body and that showed. His tall, hairy, thick muscled frame at 1,98cm (6’5) was extraordinary. My nephew, Jay was at the time 16yo just as my younger brother. He was really tall. The tallest 16 year-old that I have ever met. He was already surpassing his dad by a few centimeters after a massive growth spurt that hit him last year. He was a polo athlete too, and was coached by his father. Although he had no body hair, he was looking way older than he was. Now meet my older brother, Brad. Brad was a 26yo jet black haired tall guy. He was nearly over 1,85m (6 feet) not really built but he went to the gym once or twice a month for a “quick muscle recovery” as he used to say. He had a really stylish thick beard and a sharp jawline that made him really handsome and confident. He had a girlfriend but he really fucked a different girl every month or so. Next, we have Harry, 24yo guy studying Sociology at a University 5 hours drive from our home. He was the shortest in the family standing at 1,70m (5’6). With an indifferent face wearing glasses and a fluffy, quite fat body with a few random chest hair. He wasn’t the sexy guy around. Then you have me(Max) and Linus. We are two 20yo identical twins. We look exactly the same. We may have really different personalities but we look identical. We used to wear the same t-shirts and everything and we ended up confusing our own parents. We are quite tall at 1,90m (6’2) brown hair, nicely grown beards and a masculine look. We hit regularly the gym the last 3 years as our sister’s husband coaches us with our little-monster nephew. Last we have the younger member of our family, Zac. Zac is very shy, he is not talking much, he has almost no friends and never had a girlfriend. He does really good at school. He was really the same height with our brother Harry but he was surpassing him already. He had a lanky, unnoticeable body, no body or facial hair. Nothing special. Till now….
  12. Before I start, I wanted to say that I’ve never written a story like this before. Having been inspired by Maxxxmuscle’s comic Harvzilla. It is honestly like the hottest thing I think I have ever seen, and it’s getting better every time he releases a page. So without further ado, here we go! Chapter 1: Coming out It started like it would with any love story. Josh was in love with his life long best friend, but had no clue how to express his affections. It was painfully obvious for all but Parker who was oblivious to his best friend’s feelings. Parker had his own secret though... One which he had never shared with Josh. The two were madly in love with one another! Josh was actually quite a strapping young man. At 6’8 and 245lbs of pure muscle. He was what many teenage boys wished they could be. On top of that, Josh was every bit of a grower. Hidden behind his jeans, and boxer briefs lied a foot long by the likes nobody had ever seen. He often caught people ball gazing, but thought very little of it. Hell, he hardly cared if people drooled over him. Paired with the young Adonis’ killer body, Josh’s well known size was the source of rumor for many at Westwood University. Despite this fact, He had turned down everybody who made the attempt to try and date him. Josh had his eyes on one person, and he was mere minutes away from confessing to that person. Sitting at his Desk, Parker was in the middle of daydreaming again. He had just gotten through a painful Calculus lecture, and was eager to spend time with Josh later that night. The two had planned to see a movie at the local theater. But, what the two didn’t know, was the others plan to confess feelings. While not as physically gifted as Josh. Parker was by no means a slacker. Standing at a smaller but still impressive 6’4 and weighing 215lbs. Parker packed a smaller, but still impressive anaconda of 10 inches. Like Josh, Parker was popular among the girls and the guys, but would reject everyone who bothered to ask. Like Josh, Parker was still a virgin, and it was a surprising fact. Few people expected someone of such an impressive size to still be one. “Hey, I’m on my way my dorm room. Wanna come hang out for a bit before the movie?” Josh texted Parker. Parker looked down at his phone and grinned, he loved hanging out with Josh. It wasn’t even a question of if he wanted to or not. The answer was always yes, and Josh knew it. ”Of course, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Parker responded. Josh received the text as he unlocked the door to his room but not before an unknown package he failed to notice fell over. Upon inspecting the package he noticed it to be some kind of experimental protein powder. Wondering what it was, he closed the door to his dorm room and opened it up, Finding a red warning written in bold letters, he began to read the side effects of overdose. “Overuse of the experimental Hyperbulk powder can result in several side effects that include but aren’t limited to, Extreme muscle growth, increased height, penis growth, an increased sex drive, and infectious cum” “Infectious cum”? Josh thought to himself. What do they mean by infectious? Before Josh had time to contemplate the message, he was overcome by a sense of hunger. “Well, I already have it. Why not try out some of this stuff while I wait on Parker?” Josh had been opening the bottle and gathering the other ingredients for a shake. The substance didn’t include a scoop and he had never been one to use one. So he decided that half the smaller tin would be an appropriate amount. It was about the same amount he usually used when he made protein shakes anyway. Blending it to perfection, Josh was excited as he poured the shake into a cup for his consumption. He had made protein shakes a daily part of his routine, and sculpted his body over the years to near perfection. (Or so he thought) By the time he finished gulping the shake down, he heard a knock at his door. Parker was thirsty, as he had just ran 4 miles to get to Josh’s dorm. It occurred to him that he hadn’t really eaten anything either. He was always the book nerd compared to his best friend. Indeed, Josh often playfully teased Parker for being a math major while he was at college on a basketball scholarship. Despite the two being different in almost every single way, they had been friends since they were just four years old! Parker didn’t really recall a time without his best bud. “Yo dude! Woah- you’re drenched in sweat and panting,” Josh noticed as he opened the door and greeted Parker. “Yeah, well I hate to keep you waiting. Besides I need the exercise,” Parker replied Josh led Parker to his couch, and went to go make another shake. Using the remaining half of the tin without paying any particular attention to the serving size amounts. Josh blended the shake to perfection, and handed this one to Parker. “Try this stuff out,” Josh said as he handed the drink to Parker Parker didn’t have to be told twice, especially being as thirsty as he was now. He gulped the contents of the shake down, leaving no trace of it in the cup. “Thank you, that hit the spot,” Parker let out a small burp of approval. Josh smiled and giggled a little bit. “No problem man, I actually just got that stuff delivered today. It was a sample of some new protein powder they’re developing,” Josh went on, as he began to felt a strange heat in his gut. “Well thanks man, but I wanted to tell you something.. Before we go out tonight. It’s been weighing on my mind now for months,” Parker began, as he too felt a weird warmth emanating from his gut. Josh sat on the couch next to Parker, and listened to what his friend had to say. Josh always listened to Parker, and cared a lot about what his friend had to say. “Well you see...” Parker began, “I like you a lot.. I have for some time. Everybody always drools over you and your body, and while I admit that’s a bonus. I’ve always liked you for more than that Josh. You’re my best friend, and know me better than anyone else. I’m more comfortable around you than I am anyone else.” Parker had intended to continue, but not before being interrupted by a pair of firm yet soft lips on his own. “I’ve loved you ever since our Freshman year of Highschool. I feared telling you because I didn’t want to lose our friendship. But are you sure I’m really what you want?” Josh blushed, as he exposed his more insecure side. “Of course you are...,” Parker responded The two leaned in to kiss, both battling the others tongue in a display of hot fiery passion unlike anyone had ever seen. Their intense make out session would move to Josh’s bed where the two gradually stripped clothing and continued making out. The two would begin to lose track of time as their bodies continued to rub against each other. However, the warmth in their guts began to spread throughout their bodies. Changes were beginning, that the two had yet to realize. Even Bigger changes were about to happen. Perhaps bigger than the two of them could begin to comprehend. End of chapter 1 Thanks to all those who have taken the time to read my first post. Hopefully you all enjoy this as I continue to develop it. I’ll continue to work on improving my writing as the chapters go on. But please, let me know what you thought!
  13. TonnyGiant

    The reunion

    (This is one of my stories that I intend to one day continue. I think I discovered my new home to house my macro stories. Appreciate!) ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Four years after the end of college, five friends were reunited at a special moment that they themselves still did not know. They did not know that their lives would change from that "big" day. The meeting place was the private laboratory of Dr. Josh Adams. Josh had been a nerd in science since high school. With his lean, short body, Josh was the mascot of the school football team. The little boy was 5'2" and weighed no more than 87lbs. In compensation his brain was a rare jewel. Josh has developed some experiments to reduce energy consumption in school, and things to help the environment. It all gave little Josh maximum score to enter college. He was accepted with honors by the science program of a major university. Today, at 30 years old, Josh has his own laboratory. He was still small and thin, but now his pockets were full of dollars. His laboratory was a private spot where he developed his strange experiments. He makes a fortune when he discovers something sensational and sells it to companies and even to the government. But Josh was developing something that was not approved by any oversight body of the scientific community. Josh developed a growth serum that he would sell to the army in the near future. Our little scientist urgently needed to get tested on humans. In rats and plants many tests had been done and successfully. The plants grew at an impressive rate. Tripling in size. In the mice the serum reaction was different. Rats grew at a slower rate. At first they doubled in size and then doubled the size again within 20 minutes after the first shot of the serum. And over time the growth rate was 2 inches every 15 days. For Josh, this was something he could manage. After all, a human growing 2 inches a month was acceptable to his proposals. On Josh's shelf there was the school yearbook and Josh could review some of the guys who were in his class. Among Josh's classmates there were four great boys. They were the most intimidating and popular boys at school. They were from the football team, the weightlifting team and the wrestling team. They were prodigious athletes. At the time of high school the smaller of them had a height of 6'9" and the greater one was 7'4". Josh did not think twice and contacted the school to find out where the four high school muscular friends walked through life. It was hours of searching, analyzing old photos, old videos of football matches, of the fights in the seasons. Until he was able to talk to the boys and make an appointment... or rather, a reunion. ************************************************************************** Spinning around his room, Josh was about to make a hole in the floor. He was nervous to find his old classmates. Deep in his soul, he was very scared because these guys were not so friendly with Josh in high school. Several times stuck in the closet, or with his head tucked into the toilet in the men's room, or being placed upside down by his feet and being shaken like a garbage bag by the biggest face of the group. That was Josh's life in high school. But there was something obscure about Josh's feelings. He liked the arrogant and brutal way his fellow athletes treated him. Josh liked the masculine power and masculinity that these big boys exuded from their pious muscles. "They came soon enough" Josh said looking at his wrist. It was almost eight o'clock when Josh rang the doorbell of Josh's two-story house. He dismissed the servants demanding to be alone with his guests. He approached the door. With trembling hands, nervous, he turned the knob and when he opened the door he faced a massive painting of a man. Josh's eyes were finding this man's abdomen. Their quads were large and ample. Josh swallowed and looked up and up to find a pair of massive pecs that were tightened in a blue flannel shirt. He looked over the mountain pecs and found a friendly, sexy smile. He was one of his schoolmates, the football team. "You're there, little guy! It's been a long time, huh?" The giant man boucing his pecs to greet. "W-W-Will... is that you? William Levy" Josh narrowed his eyes to recognize the blond giant in front of him. The man bent down, putting his hands on his knees and facing Josh more closely, as if talking to a child. His deep, sexy voice resounded again, making the bones of little Josh's body shudder. "You have not forgotten me so easy, little fella? You go on a little shit like in school days" Giant William tore the hair from Josh's head with his huge hand that swallowed the small scientist's head. "Oh God! You're still the same arrogant playboy as ever, "Josh grunted as he took William's hand away. "HAHAHAHA ... and you're still the same cheeky spout." Will folded his arms in his broad chest. "So, little Josh, what do you want to talk to me about?" "Please, Will... come in" Josh indicated the entrance. Will's broad shoulders were tightened so that his massive frame could walk through the doorway of Josh's house. The broad man stretched out his arms after going through the door and walked over to a sofa. He sat down making the mobile moan with his weight. Will smiled at Josh who admired him with wide eyes. "Impressed with what you see, little Josh?" Will flex the right biceps forcing his shirt "There are 600 pounds of pure muscle distributed in a frame of 7'8" " "Wooow! I realize you've worked out for a long time since we left school " Josh spoke really impressed. To intimidate him further, Will put his size 18 feet on the center table in the living room. His lumberjack boots were muddy, but the massive man did not care. He was still arrogant. "I have a demolition and wood company. It's a family business that I now own. They call me Levy Bunyan... hahahaha... I like that nickname" Will put his hands behind his head and relaxed on the couch. "Do you have beer?" "Well ... it's just ... I'm still waiting for the others to arrive. Sorry ... I do not drink, "Josh said without taking his eyes off Will's massive boots. "Who did you invite? Wait ... is this a party?" Will scratched his chin "Why did not you tell me before? I could be more presentable... " "Ohhh no no, Will... you look great... make sure of that" The two exchanged malicious glances. From high school, Will liked Josh to give him a blowjob. He liked how his cock made Josh choke on throat. "How will this meeting be, little Josh?" Will spoke in a deep, sexy voice. "Oh God!" Josh scratched his head. "It's nothing you're thinking about, Will. It's something more serious" At that moment the doorbell rang again and deep voices and smiles were heard by Josh as he approached to open the door. The little scientist had the same reaction he had with Will when he opened the door a second time. And now he came face to face with two abdomens. Josh looked up and up to find two manly faces with beard trimmed. One had brown eyes and the other had blue eyes. "Well, if it's not our little Joshie" one of the giants said, messing up Josh's hair. "He continues a thin, pale squirt. How's it going, little shit? Still toying with frog experiments?" The other giant spoke and bouncing the massive pecs by making a button of his shirt fly toward Josh's nose. "Ooops! They do not make good shirts to accommodate my massive chest well... hahaha" "H-H-Henry and J-J-Jay... are you guys?" Josh stepped back and the two giants entered. Henry was the one who had the hardest time to get through the picture of the door. His shoulders were like basketballs. Jay had the same difficulty. His broad, muscular trunk zipped through the door of Josh's office. As the two giants passed the door, they saw Will sitting on the couch relaxing. The three massive men embraced. Roaring in deep laughter that echoed throughout the room. His pecs touched hugs and another button on the giant's shirt flew around the room. "You did not tell me you had invited my teammates... hahahaha... little Josh, you're a kid full of surprises" Will leaned in and gave Josh a bear hug that narrowly broke the skinny little ribs scientist. "Woow! Will... hehehe... all right" Josh said ashamed when he was put on the floor. "So... what's the point of meeting here, little shit? I need to get back to the downtown office" Henry looked at his watch. "You were lucky I had a vacant time. So be quick" Josh was silent as he looked at Henry. "The Beast" Henry Cavill as he was called at school had a heyday of 7'6" and weighed over 650 pounds of torn muscles and hairy body. "Just a minute... Craig is still missing..." "What? Did you call the monster Craig Golias?" The three men said in unison as a loud knock was heard at the door. "It must be him" Josh walked away and ran to the door. When Josh opened the door, his heart quickened and almost came out of his mouth with the shock he had taken. The little scientist stood at the crotch of the man in front of him. Josh could smell the musky masculine scent of the giant's crotch. "Hello, little shit Josh! You're going to invite me in, or I need to tear down the wall to get in" There came a deep voice from the top of the biggest pecs Josh had ever seen in his life. Silently he indicated the entrance. But this man was even harder to get through the picture of the door. He was a taller head than every picture in the door. They were now complete. The test subjects were assembled to begin the experiment. "I... I'm going to need to get your statistics" "As you wish, little shit," Jay Cutler said, coming back out of the kitchen with a packet of chips. "Just make sure nothing's going to hurt us" "This is going to hurt you, man. Oh fuck! These snacks smell like fart" Will said, taking the package from Jay's hands and pinching his nose. The giants were teasing and smiling. "What does that really mean, Joshie? I need to get back to work. I'm a very busy lawyer" Henry Cavill spoke as he rolled up the sleeves of his social linen arm and showed off his furry mammoth forearms. "Bluntly... see that" Josh spoke and pressed a button on his remote. Then a compartment in the center of the room was opened and a cage appeared containing the largest mouse the world has ever seen. The mouse was now the size of a pig. "Oh fuck! What kind of thing do you grow here, little shit?" Craig said, startled by the size of the animal. "I'm doing some kind of growth serum for regenerating human organs. Initially it would be sold to the army, but I was prevented by the supervisory bodies from doing tests on humans. That's why I called you. The greatest men I've ever known in life and who would never give up the chance to get even bigger... my god! Look at you... Craig... how tall and heavy are you?" "8'6" and 750 pounds. "Craig did a double bicep pose. "And you, Henry? You've become one of the biggest and most successful lawyers in town ... how tall and heavy are you? " "Well... I... I have 7'6" and 650 pounds" He smiled and scratched the trunk. "And you Jay Cutler and Will? You are muscular beasts... " "I have 7'4" and over 650 pounds" Jay did a double biceps pose imitating Craig. "And I know your dream of getting bigger. Have you ever thought about doubling in size? I can guarantee this with only one shot. Is to take or leave" Josh showed the injections inside a suitcase. And the eyes of the giant men gleamed as they saw the possibility of getting even bigger and stronger. "I'll get it" Craig was the first to say. "I'm with the Goliath monster" Will said giving a high-five to the older friend. "I can not stay out of it. I also get" Jay spoke and bouncing the pecs. "If I die, or something bad happens... I'll blow your head like a grape, Joshie. I'll take it, too" Henry announced. Josh smiled. He was excited to start his tests. "So... let's get started, guys"
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