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  1. Littlerjim

    Reduced Capacity (Part 1)

    Harris hated his roommate. It was a fact that often raised eyebrows of their few mutual friends when he had chosen to share his opinion - mostly he kept it hidden and bubbling under the surface, fooling few but at least allowing the pretence of civility to exist. For those friends, it was hard to imagine anyone hating Rhys. He was kind, considerate, generous with time and money, and an all round “nice guy” who never seemed to reciprocate any feelings of ill will. Mostly, they put it down to jealousy. In highschool, Harris was very much the big fish of his pond. At 6’3”, he wasn’t the tallest guy in school, but he certainly enjoyed the benefits of being tall, and he didn’t have that gangly look a lot of the tallest boys had. Neither was he the strongest - he had friends who out-lifted him consistently, but they were all red faces and beer-bellies. They looked chubby more than they looked muscular and, Harris reasoned, if you’re not going to look good whilst doing it, what’s the point? He was still one of the strongest guys around after all, and had a perfect V of a torso, pumped arms, tight quads and defined abs that made all the girls he knew swoon when they saw him - even those that pretended not to. It also meant he was quicker than those lumbering gorillas, which helped him excel at sports. He was, as far as he was concerned, perfect. And he would admit, meeting Rhys for the first time was… difficult. How could it not be, when it was the first time his perfection was challenged? It was his freshman year at university, and he was the first to arrive in their halls of residence. He’d just finished unloading his belongings into his new room when a voice came rumbling from behind him. “Hey, buddy - room for a little one?” An innocent joke, one designed to break the ice, but a misjudged one: it had knocked Harris out of joint from the very start. Although, there probably wasn’t much Rhys could have done to stop his new roommate going down that path. When Harris turned around, he froze with his jaw hanging slightly open. He was tall - very tall, having to duck just under the doorway to enter the shared bedroom. That made him, what, 6’7”? But the bastard didn’t have the good grace to be skinny streak of shit to go with that height, oh no. His broad shoulders filled the door frame - making him almost like a ship in a bottle, Harris unsure exactly how he entered the room so quietly - and crowned a thick, burly mass of muscle. He didn’t have a cut physique - despite being fully dressed, the items he was wearing were stretched to near transparency, so Harris was certain of that. But what he did have was mass, probably twice as much as Harris himself possessed, on what seemed to be the most natural looking mountain of musculature the poor teen had ever seen. “Rhys - pleased to meet you,” the giant said, a friendly smile on his face and his hand outstretched to Harris, trying to break the tension. Harris accepted and immediately regretted it, finding his own hand swimming in the giant’s paw. He wrinkled his nose - not just because of the indignity of the situation, but because he was pretty sure he could smell the guy. It wasn’t a foul odour, and definitely wasn’t sweat, but it wasn’t entirely removed from that. It was manly, and a little intimidating, and the only way a guy like Harris knew to respond to feeling threatened was anger. Quiet and seething, he finally spoke. “Harris. This bed’s mine.” But Harris wasn’t jealous. He was very adamant about that, despite the fact that - from that moment on - Rhys wasn't able to put a foot right in his eyes. So what if the guy was huge? Some people just happened to be genetic freaks, it’s not like anyone could do anything about it. If anything, Harris felt sorry for the big oaf, who would almost definitely go on to have health problems later in life. No, the thing that Harris despised, the biggest crime that Rhys had committed, was being lazy. Harris was not the kind of person to have everything handed to him on a plate, or so he liked to think. His view on the matter always seemed to gloss over who paid for his gym memberships or his specially catered diet, who had taken him to sports meets and bought equipment, who had helped him with school work to let him focus on his hobbies, or the numerous genetic advantages at his disposal. But it was true, at least, that Harris did work hard alongside all of these benefits. He was up at 6am most days, trained long hours down at the gym, stuck to his dietary regime with pious zeal and put in effort day after day. He felt he had earned the body he was blessed with, Rhys had not. The giant lump was snoring loudly whenever Harris left in the morning to train, and was often still in the same position when Harris returned. He played sports casually as if there was such a thing. He played pick-up sessions if they were going, always humiliating his diligent roommate in the process, but no matter how much any of the teams on campus begged him to even try out a practice session, he always firmly but politely refused. “I’m just not interested in sports,” would be his template response. His actual interests appeared to be just goofing off with his friends, playing games and watching shows. He always had a soda open or a packet of something filled with carbohydrates, and whenever he caught Harris giving him a venom-filled side-eye, he would have the absolute gall to offer him some. Harris would politely refuse, then send off an angry text to the effect of “YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HE DID NOW-” At first, this behaviour made Harris feel more than a little smug. If that’s the way Rhys decided to take care of the gifts he’d been given, then so be it. Maybe when the freshman fifteen hit, and all that mass turned to flab, and he found himself a useless, out-of-shape wreck the moron would learn a thing or two about actually taking care of himself. And when he came to Harris, begging for his help in getting back in shape, he might even consider helping the poor guy. But that never happened. Worse, as time went on, Harris became aware of something else: the fucker was still growing. His head seemed to get closer and closer to the ceiling of the dorm, cresting at around 6’8”. Whenever Harris left for his morning gym sessions, he found himself having to squeeze past a humongous sock-clad foot, sticking out from the end of Rhys’ bed; it was humiliating! Within days of term starting, a new selection of clothes had arrived for the colossal boy, but within two months even these were now beginning to look tight on him! Rhys’ body loomed bigger and bigger, both physically and in Harris’ mind. The injustice of it made him seethe with rage, and people found him more and more prone to snapping at them. How could anyone possibly experience so much change in such a small amount of time, especially when they had so much to begin with? It just wasn’t fair, and the more Harris thought about it, the more he realised - no. It wasn’t fair, was it? There was something very badly wrong here. One day, he waited until Rhys had left the room before springing into action, and it wasn’t long before he found exactly what he had suspected to be true. RESIZR Hormonal adjusting hypersteroidal compound. WARNING: Resizr causes extreme difference in body mass. Use must be prescribed by a medical professional. Misuse can cause fatal injury. Dose must be taken as prescribed. Missed dosage can cause immediate, catastrophic reversal of effects. Had he not seen the proof of it already, flaunted in front of his face every day, Harris would never have believed it. But here it was! A bottle of pills that might as well be a genie’s lamp, hardly even hidden in a fucking sock drawer. His first instinct is to unscrew the lid, and pour as many of those pills down his gullet as he could, and see just how big someone who worked for it, someone who deserved it could get on the stuff. But some small, still-rational part of his mind saved him. That label about fatal injury cowed him, and so he settled on another course of action. The bottle said that regular doses were needed, right? Then all he had to do was make sure that would never happen. He flushed the lot, and hid the bottle at the bottom of his closet, a wicked grin plastered on his face as he did so. It persisted all day until his lumbering roommate returned, squeezing in through the door with a cheery smile and a wave, feeling happy, for once, to have it returned. Then Harris watched him. Rhys put down his keys, took off his shoes, took a trip to the bathroom, put his phone on charge and then - finally - he did what Harris was waiting for. He walked over to his sock drawer. Paused. Rifled around, then went over to his bedside table which he checked, then back to the sock drawer. He looked up at Harris, urgency clear on his face. “Um - Harris, you haven’t seen a medicine bottle lying around have you? I’m due a dose.” He asked, plaintively. “A medicine bottle? Are you under the weather?” Harris asked, unable to wipe the smile off his face. “No, it’s… it’s an ongoing thing, just some medication I need to take is all. Have you seen it?” “Hmm, I’m not sure. Have you tried the bathroom?” Rhys held his gaze for a long moment. He wasn’t an idiot, he could tell Harris was acting strangely, but then he always did. With no better options he went to the bathroom and, as he expected, found nothing. He came back into the room saying so. “Oh, dang. You sure it’s not in the drawer?” Harris asked. “Yes, I’m sure.” “Really? Because sometimes, I can just stare at something and-” “Harris, I’ve checked twice, it’s not there.” Rhys says, and uncharacteristic impatience in his voice. “I’m sorry, I just really need to take this medicine, like right now. Please, if you know anything just say so.” “Sorry, friend, I - no wait, I think I did see something!” he said, faking enthusiasm. “I saw it when I was tidying earlier, I just thought it was a prank gift or something. Is this what you’re looking for?” He hopped up, went over to the closet, and pulled out the bottle before handing it over. “Yes! Oh, thanks buddy, you’re amazing. You really don’t know-” And then he stopped. He’d unscrewed the bottle, peered inside, and found it empty. Then he looked up. Harris was watching his every move with a shit-eating grin on his face. “What’s up, pal? I think you better hurry up and take your medicine.” Rhys was still frozen. He had tried, really he had, from the moment he had met Harris. He knew that his size made people behave in funny ways sometimes, and usually all it took was a few careful words, a friendly hand extended across the aisle, and they’d come around to him. Not Harris. He fought him every step of the way, every attempt at friendship and civility dashed, thwarted and sent back to him smeared in crap. And now this. Going through his things, stealing medicine from him, hiding the evidence, lying. No. Rhys was through trying with this prick. Just then he felt a pain in his stomach. With a wince and a stifled “Ah-!” he doubled over, his huge form bending down before Harris and his nasty, sadistic smile. Rhys would be sure to wipe that off his face. “You clueless, jealous, tiny piece of shit…” he said through gritted teeth, still clutching at his stomach. “You have no fucking idea what you’ve done.”
  2. This is a spin-off story featuring Adam from my series, Being Bigger, set during the events of Chapter 7. While I don't spoil any of the major events of Being Bigger, I think the story works better if you're already familiar with the characters involved. This story does not contain growth, and instead explores the already-grown Adam adapting to his new stature, and expands on some ideas that were only alluded to in the original series. --- "...and our last question today comes from user Anton481, who asks: Adam, I got my shot 3 weeks ago - not much growth so far, but it's early days and I'm optimistic. One of the things I'm looking to improve is my diet, but I-" "Oh god, the food question!" "Yeeeeah, the food question, haha. You get this one a lot?" "Almost as much as "how's the weather up there?" or "do you play basketball?"" "And what's your answer to those, just so our listeners don't repeat them?" "Usually "the same as it is down there, just two seconds earlier" and "no, but my fiancée does"." This seemed to tickle Hayley, the interviewer, who let out a hearty laugh. Adam hugged and stroked his own arm nervously; he was still pretty new to this, and being alone, in a different city, in someone else's studio was more than enough to unsettle him. He hadn't even meant it as a joke, he was just trying to be genuine; trying to be himself. Fortunately, that was his biggest selling point. Well, maybe not his biggest. Hayley was an early adopter of B-852 herself and, standing at 6'6", was hardly a petite woman. She'd played soccer at a national level before turning to a career in media, and this podcast, for which her minor celebrity and success with the wonder-drug suited her well. Next to the man opposite her, she was miniscule. Her team had been in contact with Adam when arranging the interview, and did their best to to equip themselves for Adam's size. The flight over had been comfortable enough - they'd worked with a promoter at Boeing, who had happily hooked Adam up with their new Plus package - a premium option for flyers with extraordinary space requirements - in exchange for some copy being read on the show and a couple of posts from Adam blogging the adventure. The whole thing was mostly just a publicity stunt. The number of customers who actually needed the extra space was relatively small compared to the attention the company got for getting involved with 852. Everyone was doing it, from established companies to new ventures like the Heightgeist podcast, trying to ride out the fad while everyone was still obsessed with it. Adam was one of the lucky few for whom the drug worked extremely well; it was estimated that just 1/500 people would experience dramatic growth of more than a few inches of height, and even amongst those, he was one of the biggest. He was super-humanly tall; at 8'4", he was already one of the tallest humans to have ever lived - at least, before the existence of 852 - and he was reportedly still growing. But, like everyone who had similarly expanded, he experienced none of the usual side effects of gigantism. His heart was healthy, bones showed no signs of deterioration, and as for muscular atrophy... well, that was just laughable to even contemplate. Hayley had watched most of Adam's videos as a fan, and re-watched them all as an act of purely professional courtesy to prepare for the interview. She knew that his frame was wider than most doorways. She'd seen the way his head was almost nestled by his massive broad shoulders, the way his thick arms hung down almost a little too far, ending in hands so big that the entirety of hers could fit inside just his palm - and she could palm a basketball. She'd definitely noticed how clothing was almost a performative gesture for the giant; it's not like it did anything to hide the shape of his pecs, his abs, his quads or... other areas. Hayley had to remind herself more than once during the interview, that he was engaged and she was a professional, and she really should stop looking. But despite all this, nothing could have prepared her for what it was like in person. To be face to face with such a titan was awe-inspiring, in the biblical sense. The man just filled space. The sofa he was sitting on bowed and protested under his weight, and even sat down a few feet away from her, it's like he was looming over her. She could feel his body heat from here! "It's okay though - I don't mind answering the question again," Adam says, sensing an awkward pause as Hayley seems to lose her train of thought. "Yes, sorry - got a little side-tracked there - Anton asks "I'm looking to improve my diet, but I don't know where to start. I've looked up opinions online but I feel there's a hundred of them and they all say different things, and when I try to read the science behind it my head starts to spin. Can you offer any useful tips?" "Aha, your head and mine buddy... So, the reason I hate answering this is because I feel like I don't have the right answer for it, y'know, but from what people I trust tell me, kind of nobody does?" "Hmm, we actually covered this topic a couple of weeks back. Recent studies out of Harvard has proven that 852 has profound effects on metabolism, but partly due to the differing levels of efficacy of the drug in individuals, mapping how it does so is still a long way off." "I'll take your word for it, haha." "Well then, what about you, Adam? Why not keep things simple? What does your food regimine look like?" "Honestly? Whatever I want and as much as I want of it. I've got this Thai-style pork recipe I keep coming back to, pretty sure I made a vid for that one, and I probably eat more burgers than I should..." "You realize you're going to make a lot of people very upset," says Hayley, though she's smiling as she says it. "Biggest guy on the planet says "eh, just eat what you want"" "I'm not officially the biggest," Adam responds with a smirk on his face, picking up on the humor, "But yeah, sure, why not? Like, okay, if you have a goal in mind, like you're a sprinter, or a powerlifter or whatever, and you want to try something, then sure, go for it. But this thing sets us all on our own journey. Your body is gonna react in its own way, and I think the only thing you can do is LISTEN to it, right? At least until the science catches up or whatever." "But what if Anton is leaving size on the table? You've been extremely privileged, but not everyone gets the level of growth you have. Can you honestly encourage everyone else to be so laid back, when it could cost them down the line?" Adam sighed. "I don't know, honestly. And yeah, I'm extremely lucky, I get that, but the things I'm luckiest to have didn't come from a needle. It's my family, my friends, my soon-to-be wife. And I've seen all kinds of crazy shit that people have tried, from starving yourself or, like, gorging way too much on the opposite end of the scale, and then there's all these knock-off drugs springing up, and none of it is proven to work. If you really want to get bigger, you gotta work hard, eat well and try to just enjoy it. Because I know this for a fact: if you make yourself miserable for the sake of being a little bigger, the best result you're gonna get? You're going to be big and miserable. And you deserve to be happy, regardless of what size you are." "I like that... Adam, thank you so much for joining us on Sizegeist, I know you're busy planning for the big day so we're thrilled you could make it -" Hayley went through the business of wrapping up the pod while Adam leant back. He'd gone a little heavier than he'd expected to, there; most of his own content was instructionals, some Q&A's and some band-wagon, meme-type stuff. It was nothing like this, and the speed in which they'd wrapped had him worried - he was relieved when, after taking off her headphones, Hayley came up to him and gave him a hug. Or at least she tried to - though he was still sitting down, he nevertheless towered over her, and arms barely made it past his front. "Thank-you - seriously that was fantastic, I think we're going to get some good numbers on this one," she says, breaking the warm gesture, "Did you enjoy it?" "I think so - it's just outside of my comfort zone, y'know? I hope I didn't mess anything up for you." Hayley bats the thought away as if swatting a fly, "Absolutely not. I mean, we're all friends here, and we'll be kind to you in the edit, but I don't think we'll have to do much. You're a natural." "Seriously?" "Absolutely. Actually, I was gearing up to ask you something, so I may as well come out with it - had you considered doing some longer form content?" Adam looked blank - he hadn't, it was plain to see. "Like... what exactly?" "Well, we're not sure ourselves yet, we're just testing the waters. It'll probably be a spin-off show, moving away from interviews, we're considering video. Point is, a high-profile regular guest could draw in numbers, and you've got a good product. You're huge but you're also just a guy; sort of relatable and aspirational, if that makes sense? That's a profitable combination." "Right, yeah, I guess it is." He was aware of it already, to a point. But again, this wasn't his wheelhouse - he was alone, expected to be professional, whilst being the absolute centre of attention. It just didn't sit right. "We'll do what we can by Zoom - no reason to fly out here once a week or anything, and we of course respect you've got a busy few months ahead. There's no rush. But how about we put together a proposal and send it your way? Absolutely no obligation." "Sure - sure, that sounds good to me. It's worth a look, right?" --- "Hey babe - interview went well, I'll tell you all about it tomorrow. Kick some ass!!!" His message to Brie was short; he knew she wouldn't read it until later, it was game day, and she’d be getting in the zone. He'd catch the stream, if he could, but for now he simply padded down the sidewalk towards his airbnb, and more populated parts of the city. Adam walked a lot - so did most people who had such dramatic reactions to the 852 shot. Vehicles, unless properly prepared for their densely muscled and towering frames, became uncomfortable at best and dangerous at worst. It helped that his much longer limbs naturally propelled him at a jogger's pace, and that his seemingly limitless pool of stamina made this effortless. If anything, it helped to nurse that constant urge to move which came with 852; the "itch" as Trent mockingly put it. The weather was fine, if a little breezy, and Adam was in good spirits, taking in the sights of a strange city. Although he was heading towards the more visitor-focused parts of town, he was enjoying having the opportunity to see the real-er parts of it. Old warehouses converted to lofts, remnants of an old packing district, little corner stores selling cheap coffee; all of which he passed, while the scant pedestrian traffic parted in front of him. And then he heard the shout. Adam was a simple man. He might struggle with public appearances and professional networking but when he hears someone shouting with that kind of inflection - anger, but mostly fear - his brain reacts within nanoseconds and his legs even sooner. Before he knew it he was bearing down upon three men who had another, smaller man, pinned up against a wall in a nearby alley. The trio were not small, each having willingly embraced their own 852 shots some months back, but neither had any of them enjoyed the success Adam had. The biggest of them, at 6’5, had his fist against the throat of his intended victim, while his friend smirked next to him. The shortest - 6’1”, but stockier than the other two - was hanging slightly back, and it was he who first saw the deceptively quick monster lumbering towards them. “Um, guys? GUYS.” he said with more urgency. The others turned to look. As Adam approached he slowed down, assessing the situation. It didn’t look good - a mugging, probably, or at least that’s what it looked like to him. The assailants didn’t pose much of a threat to him and their wide-eyed glances they shared showed they knew it too. But Adam was more worried about the guy at the back - slim, shaggy haired, with a short mess of stubbled stained with blood, he’d clearly been hurt already. While he was certain he could handle the three of them in a fight, he was less sure he could keep all of them occupied at once. “You want to stay the fuck out of this,” said the tallest mugger. “Yeah, I don’t think I do. How about you head home and leave the kid alone?” Adam said, trying to be firm, but not to provoke any rash actions. “How about YOU fuck off. I don’t take orders from the Hulk’s bitch cousin.” “You take orders from the guy who could turn your fucking bones into paste,” Adam said through gritted teeth, “So leave, and there won’t be any trouble.” “Oh there’ll BE trouble!” The mugger said. He took two steps towards Adam and, knowing he wouldn’t win any kind of fair contest with the giant, he reached into his pocket and brought out a knife. It was, in retrospect, the stupidest decision he could have made. Just as his movement was deceptively fast as he ran into the alley, so his reflexes allowed him to act with immediacy and significant force now. He saw the knife and he acted, his body moving before a complete thought could be processed, kicking forward with his leg. His leg, that was so thickly covered with dense, bulging muscle its size was more comparable to the smaller man’s chest than any other part of his body. Adam’s foot connected with the mugger's chest - and most of his abdomen, such was its size – before continuing to thrust forward, not slowing an iota. The mugger's eyes bulged nearly from their sockets, all air leaving his lungs with a bone crushing squeeze, before his entire body was lifted from the floor and propelled backwards. This transpired in the space of about half a second. One moment the mugger is bearing down on Adam, knife brandished;, the next he’s disarmed, sprawled, dazed and winded, 15ft from where he’d started There was a moment’s silence, broken when the knife clattered to the floor. The man’s friends didn’t need any further demonstration of what Adam was capable of. They ran to him and all but dragged him from the alley, while Adam looked on, a crooked smile on his face. He was quite proud with how that had all gone, and he turned to the small man the others had been assaulting. “Hey! Sorry if that got a little hairy there, I was improvising mostly. Are you alright? Name’s Adam.” He proffers his huge paw of a hand to the little guy. The small man stares at it, and then up at Adam’s face. Adam was never good at reading expressions, but something about this one made him uneasy. He’d often caught people staring at him, usually with a sense of awe or disbelief that anyone could get so huge. He’d learned to roll with it, and to just shrug it off if it got too much. It felt good, but knew it was best to stay grounded - he didn’t want to end up like Seb. The look he was getting now was similar, but tinged with - disgust? Recognition? The small man did not take his hand, or say anything at all as he averted his gaze and brushed past Adam. Adam, again acting mostly on instinct, stuck out his arm to stop him. He gently reached down and placed his big hand on the skinny man’s shoulder, only for the tiny man to immediately spin around and glower at him. “Get your fucking hands off me! Nobody asked for you to be here, so just fuck off where you came from..” And with that, the small man marched away. Adam watched him leave - now it was his turn to be puzzled. He hadn’t recognized the man before and he still didn’t, but his voice… It sounded familiar.
  3. Littlerjim

    Ego Boost (FINAL part added July 11th)

    This place isn’t a club; it’s a hunting ground. At least, that’s the chief thought that runs through Sean’s head as he slinks into the bar with cat-like grace. He has a crooked smile on his face as he thanks the bouncer that lets him in - there’s no waiting in line for him any more, he’s practically part of the furniture here - then scans the crowd for new faces. One place he differs from his feline counterparts, however, is his choice of prey. He’s not looking for something tiny to pester and toy with. He’s in the market for something bigger. Much bigger. At 5’5”, and with a slim though toned frame, you’d hardly think he’d have the swagger to own the place. Yet he struts across the dancefloor like it all the same, receiving smiles - some warm, some false, several nervous - from those that recognize him. Today he’s decided on a more understated look - a simple tank top that cuts off at his midriff, exposing his flat but not ripped stomach, a pair of jeans and some comfortable shoes. Very few people are taken in by it though, his reputation well and truly proceeding him, and for good reason. This man is dangerous. His little tour around the club, taking stock of his kingdom, takes him inevitably upstairs and to the bar. It was always a packed affair, and he usually had people to go and queue for him - but today was different. Because standing at the bar, he had found his quarry. Sean was a man who felt he had seen it all and done it all and, due to his particular circumstances, he’d certainly done a lot more than most others. But as his eyes fall upon the individual waiting patiently for his turn at the bar, they can’t help but widen in surprise. He just hoped they weren’t bigger than his belly. The man is gigantic, and not just in a way that feels that way to the diminutive Sean. He’s gigantic in a way that stands head and shoulders above everybody around him. In a way that makes him broader than anyone close - huge burly muscles clearly visible through the near-transparent white shirt that fails valiantly at covering his tapering torso. His thick arms, bared to the bar, look thicker than Sean’s legs. The man’s jeans stretch to almost paper-thin across impossible quads, his long legs bulk outward to support his impressive frame. He was easily the biggest person Sean had ever encountered; and given his disposition, Sean had encountered several large people. His mind boggles at the possibilities. And yet, for all that size and power, which the attention of the club around him like a black hole, there's a softness to the man. He's by no means fat - every muscle on his frame is displayed with prominence in spite of any painted-on clothing. But they looked pliable, like freshly risen dough, and it took Sean a considerable amount of self-control to resist walking straight up and sinking his fingers in. But soft, too, is the expression on his face. Under a small curtain of dark brown hair, his eyes survey the bar around him with curiosity, and a patient smile plays across his lips. Sean catches himself, closing his mouth and instinctively checking that nobody had clocked him. They hadn't. All eyes in this part of the bar are fixed on the seemingly oblivious giant. The anonymity it grants him is almost refreshing; almost. But he steels the bitter sting of jealousy with one thought; they've seen nothing yet. He approaches. The size of the man was halting from a distance, but from this close, Sean's brain is put into eddying circles. He barely reaches the man's armpits, and he cranes his neck upward; that same, steady smile is fixed there, not noticing the smaller man. Well this was embarrassing. Sean considers clearing his throat, but there's no guarantee the sound would even carry the distance up to the man's ears given the volume of the music in here. Instead he stands close and, spotting the man's hands resting patiently on the bar, reaches forward. Their forearms rest against each other as Sean weedles his slender fingers between the man's much larger digits, the difference in their respective sizes immediately telling. "Excuse me, sir? Sorry, but it seems you've mistakenly put your hand on mine." Sean had been staring into the middle distance, playing coy and pretending not to notice the titan next to him. The man's voice is surprising, less bass-y than he expected but with enough power to carry his otherwise soft tone over the noisy bar. When Sean does turn to once again invoke vertigo by looking up at the man, he finds the patient smile is still present, though this time it's marred by a slightly cocked eyebrow, as genuine concern seeps from every pore. "Did I? How clumsy of me," Sean responds, without hint of an apology, nor moving his hand. "Have you been waiting long?" "Just ten minutes or so. But it's fine, there's a lot of thirsty people here," The man said, shooting another confused look at their hands, but not saying anything. "10 minutes? Sounds like you need the VIP treatment. You strike me as a beer guy, am I right?" Sean asks. "Yes - well, sometimes. I normally don't drink alcohol at all, but it's a nice change from time to time," the man responds awkwardly. "Well, they've got something better than beer here..." Sean says, before leaning over and gesturing to a barmaid that catches his eye. "What's that?" "Free beer." The drinks arrive within seconds, and the barmaid leaves without another word. Sean hands the man a glass, near overflowing with the cold, amber liquid. "Oh no, I couldn't possibly! Here." He takes his hand away from the bar, and reaches into his jeans pocket. Sean isn't quite sure how he found space to actually store anything - perhaps they're bigger on the inside? - but he somehow manages to withdraw a wallet, from which he tries to push a crumpled note into the smaller man's hands. Sean moves his palms into the air like a gun is being pointed at him. "Keep your money!" He laughs, refusing to accept it, "You can always get the next one." "The next one?" That confused look is back on his face - it's kind of cute, Sean admits. "After you drink these with me," he says, sucking a small amount of his own drink through its straw, "Part of the VIP treatment is getting to spend time with other VIPs, don't you know. Name's Sean." "Peter," the large man acting on instinct and offering his hand. Sean doesn't miss his opportunity and takes it, his own quickly enveloped by the soft warm flesh. "Are you here alone? I am..." He says softly, still revelling at the feeling of this huge paw. "No, I'm here with my brother - “ He looks around him and gestures vaguely towards a balcony overlooking this floor below, but his arm quickly falls by his side. David had been there just a moment ago, talking to a young woman the two of them had run into, but now that he looks there’s no trace of him. “-or at least I was.” “You’d think he’d be easy to spot,” Sean says, still staring at their hands. “Why?” This breaks his gaze once more, but again there’s nothing but innocence and confusion on the big man’s face. “Because if there’s any family resemblance at all, he’ll be sticking out head and shoulders above everyone else in the room?” Sean hazards, not quite trusting his apparent sincerity. -zip- Peter pulls his hand away from Sean’s instinctively. He feels… something. He wasn’t sure what - it was almost like a static shock, but not painful. Just a small crack of something in his hand, followed by a warm feeling that spreads through his nervous system. He freezes for a moment, then shakes his head, as if regaining his bearings. “Oh, um, no - he’s not as tall as me. Not since I was, like, 12? I’m sure he’s around somewhere though.” “Well, why don’t you keep me company until he comes back? A little guy like me could certainly use someone like you to keep an eye on him…” Sean says, appealing to his ego. “Aha, well, I’m not sure what to say…” Peter says, an embarrassed smile spreading over his face, a pair of deep dimples sinking into his cheeks. He lifts his arm up and scratches the back of his head nervously, causing Sean to almost drool as he stares at the peak that forms there. It looks bigger than his head, surely that poor sleeve can’t take much more. SHHHHHHRRRRPPPPP As if by magic, a tear forms slowly at first, then rapidly stretches up the length of the sleeve almost to the armpit. Peter drops his arm in alarm - this isn’t the first time he’d destroyed an item of clothing, but this shirt was new-on tonight. It had been tight - everything was tight on him - but surely it wasn’t that precarious? “I’m s-so sorry!” He stammers, seemingly mortified at this display of his absolute size, “I promise I wasn’t trying to show off, or anything! Really, I should be more careful-” “Hey, hey, hey - there’s nothing to apologise for! It’s got to be tough being built like you,” Sean says soothingly, reaching forward to stroke Peter on the arm, his eyes lingering on the shredded shirt for just a moment, “If you’re worried about causing a scene though, why don’t you come with me? We can find a quiet little booth out of the way, but still keep our eyes on the bar for your brother. Sound good?” Peter nods, and lets the smaller man lead him away. Sean is glad to be facing away from him - he can only hold the excitement in for so long, a hungry look haunting his face as he drops his guard for just a moment. It was starting already!
  4. This is the first part of my new story I've been working on for a few weeks, in parallel with another posted recently. I won't spoil anything about the story but... There will have logically at least 3 parts but I do not exclude to continue it further. Although being the first part, I tried to make it sufficiently hot to satisfy you. I hope you'll enjoy and as usual, don't hesitate to give me a feedback (what you liked, what you would like, even what you did not like: anything that can improve your pleasure is welcome, so really, don't hesitate to contact me) Prepare the handkerchiefs and enjoy! ______________________________________________________________________________________ “Oh fuck…!” There was Leo, mouth open in front of the TV. I did not expect this reaction, but maybe it was my opportunity. This boy, no, sorry… this beautiful angel was Leo, the most gorgeous man I have seen in my life. And when I say beautiful, I mean he’s really fucking beautiful. Piercing blue eyes, magnificent nose, full lips, astonishing jawline, whiter-than-white teeth, naturally tanned skin, a dreamy, slightly muscular build like a top model. By the way, he’s a top model. He was perfection incarnate. Never could I imagine someone so handsome. And I imagined even less that he would become my boyfriend. I was the happiest of men, but… there was one thing I didn’t tell Leo: the main reason why I was looking for someone like him. I work in a lab, and we were working on a top-secret project. The main goal, which seemed absurd and unreal the first time I heard about it, was to create an improved version of a super soldier serum. To transform a normal human being into an incredibly powerful titan with the usual superpowers: superhuman strength, superhuman stamina, increased longevity, etc. Yeah, I found this ridiculous and unbelievable at first, but I’ve always loved comics, and they made me think maybe it was possible. It had convinced me to try. But obviously, it was a failure. Our experiments were, at best, great dopants, but nothing that transformed a normal human into an 8-foot titan. What did I expect? That we would really create this super serum? Ridiculous. Well, that was true until that fateful day, the day that changed my life. One day, when I thought the project was going to be abandoned, my supervisor, Doctor Krakovski, came in with a strange substance. It was a kind of blue goop. He didn’t want to tell me what it was, but it was expensive, very expensive, and he had never seen anything like it. Doctor Krakovski was not a bad man, but he was the archetypal crazy scientist. Put a scientific discovery in his hands and he will almost laugh out loud. Of course, he asked that we incorporate it into the formula. Honestly, I was skeptical. Guys, this isn’t a movie, this is reality. But Krakovski insisted. So obviously, as with any new substance, we tested it on a lab rat. I will always remember this moment. I was ready for anything, but not that, not… At first, he contorted himself while crying out in pain. I sighed thinking that it was still a failure, but suddenly I was stunned, totally stunned: the rat seemed to be… growing. I blinked several times, not believing what I was seeing but a few seconds later, it was very clear. Yeah, he was definitely growing! And when I say growing, I mean it was becoming more muscular and taller! He widened at the shoulders, then his shoulders rounded out, his traps emerged, his front paws lengthened, and what would be his biceps were growing. His back legs also lengthened and were growing, his round belly was shrinking, and it looked like pecs were popping out, and his midsection was shrinking to six blocks! Not only did he become more muscular, but his size was also increasing. His screams were becoming deeper and louder and… if at first he seemed panicked, after a few minutes it was like… he loved it! Suddenly he shouted louder and… boom, he exploded with size and muscles. Holy crap! Was this a rat? It was a fucking rat? Because now he looked more a fucking gigantic furry bodybuilder! His neck had disappeared in the enormous traps that surrounded it. His shoulders were two cannonballs, huge and striated. Holy shit! His “arms” were bigger than his head, with big veins. His pecs were two mountains, which blocked his view of his midsection. Speaking of his midsection… eight… his abs were eight fucking “boulders”! And his legs looked like tree trunks! I was speechless in front of this display. I expected anything except that. But the result of the experiment was clear: it worked! Our formula was an absolute success! I couldn’t believe my eyes! Krakovski was jumping around the lab. Then the rat was on its four legs but realized that it was easier for him to stand. He looked at his arms with astonishment. Then he started to flex his body and seemed to love that because he let out a scream (which sounded more like a little roar by the way). By the way, we almost lost our specimen. When he realized he was a lot stronger, he grabbed the bars of his cage and… he stretched them, like in cartoons. We had to put him to sleep with a dart, a fucking elephant dart. I was totally stunned by what I had seen. It was so unreal, but… yeah, it was real, really real! I asked my colleague what this stuff? We were working on this project for months with no success, nothing comparable to what I had just seen. My colleague seemed very annoyed. It was a very sensitive subject with many risks, but from what he heard, they were spying on a guy for a while who was illegally working on this blue goop. He got fired and his experiments were stored somewhere in barrels. That’s when they took the opportunity to steal one of barrels. And this was the stuff we’d just used. I understood why it was sensitive: it was not authorized and probably not legal either. Honestly, if I hadn’t seen it, I would have thought it was a science fiction movie scenario… but it was not science fiction. It was working, it was fucking working! This blue goop was really a kind of muscle growth serum, and very efficient! We subdued the Hulk rat, (well, we had to shoot him with an elephant dart), and analyses of his body showed several very interesting things: he had quadrupled in volume, his muscle mass was much denser, he weighed more than a dozen pounds which was absolutely gigantic for a rat, his strength was incredibly enhanced, and he was also smarter. In brief, it was as if this rat had become the Hulk (a rat version) but kept his intelligence. It was a total success, beyond all expectations. Maybe too successful by the way. We had to put the rat in a reinforced steel cage to prevent it from escaping. It didn’t stop him from trying, but it seemed to hold (or not) … Krakovski was happy, very happy. Finally, we had results! So, we passed quickly to phase 2: experiments on a monkey that was closer to a human. We attached a monkey to an operating table. At first, we wanted to experiment on a gorilla, even closer to a human, but the results with the rat made it clear this was not a good idea. It would have been very difficult to control him. And the dose would be reduced as well. We overdosed the rat because we didn’t expect such results, but if a simple rat became so strong, what would it be like with a much larger animal? We didn’t want to take any risks. Speaking of the rat, we were surprised to discover the reinforced metal cage with the bars spread out and, obviously, no rat inside. He fooled us. I’m not kidding! On the surveillance cameras we saw he was perfectly capable of bending his reinforced cage. He just had to struggle a little more, but it was relatively easy. Fuck! I think I wouldn’t be able to bend them! Defeated by a rat… what a disgrace! And that was not all. We found what appeared to be a tunnel in the wall that was dug with its bare feet! Great! Now we had a fucking Hulk rat in the wild. I pity the cat that crosses his path: he might have a hard time. Despite this escape, the first test was a total success. Which meant that we would continue testing. So we did it with a monkey and the experiment was a success again. Now we had a super monkey that could lift 10 times his weight. We reintroduced him to the gorilla enclosure and I was told he knocked out the chief with a single punch. He now spent his time lifting tree trunks much bigger than him and… *hem hem* doing you know what with the females. After this second success, Doctor Krakovski wanted to continue to phase 3: human experiments. He wanted the most perfect specimen possible to see how far he could push the limits. We chose fashion models because those guys were genetically lucky and, statistically, we had a better chance of finding the perfect test subject. It was easy to get a spy into the fashion world because I sometimes did their photography. And I had also been lucky: piercing brown eyes, a nice jawline, a fit muscular body. This nice body allowed me to round out my experience with modeling. Since I knew that world, they sent me there to find our test subject. And that’s how I found myself walking the runway one day, when suddenly, on my way back to the stage, I saw someone beautiful. The most beautiful man I ever saw in my life! Usually, we’re supposed to remain impassive, but it was impossible to resist. I had to watch him. And he did the same. Honestly, I believe our hearts began to beat as one from that moment. After the show I couldn’t get his face out of my head. Then a hand rested on my shoulder followed by a “Hey.” It was the sexiest voice I’d ever heard, a very manly voice. I turned around and instantly melted: it was him. “I met you on the stage, very nice show,” he said smiling. Oh fuck… oh fucking fuck, this smile… is it possible to make a more beautiful smile than this? Perfect white teeth, perfect lips. Craaaap! I swallowed, trying to regain my composure, but I couldn’t stand up to this angel. “Th…thanks. But I was nothing compared to you.” He laughed. Holy shit! Even his laugh was perfect. At one point I thought I was dreaming; it couldn’t be possible. We went to my dressing room. I was getting hotter and hotter, and I think he was too. We talked for several minutes, pretending nothing was happening, but we could not take our eyes off each other. We felt it, both of us, but neither dared to take the first step. Then he fell silent, and I did the same. We were looking at each other, hear only the sound of our own breathing. Finally, he stood up and slowly walked towards me. I did the same. We found ourselves face to face, we looked at each other in silence, then he put his mouth forward and I did same. The wait seemed interminable, and yet it lasted a second and when our lips touched each other there was a flood of emotion. I ran my hand through his hair while he was caressing my body. I started to cry. I never felt anything like that. It was… indescribable. Then he broke the kiss, looked me into eyes, wiped my tears, smiled, and said: “I didn’t introduce myself… I’m Leo.” “Ryan,” I replied. And we resumed our kissing. I will never forget that night. I knew Leo was the perfect test subject. But what would he say? He would probably reject me if I told him the truth and then I didn’t know if he would like it. And above all, now I didn’t want to lose him. A few days passed, Krakovski became impatient, and apparently the higher-ups were getting impatient. Results were needed, and fast. I was more and more torn. I was the happiest man with Leo and never wanted it to end, but at the same time I couldn’t help but imagine him shouting while bulking up, muscle mass popping up everywhere. Fuuuuuck, the idea was so hot! But I was resigned that it would never happen; it would simply remain my ultimate fantasy. That’s what I thought until this evening. We were watching the first Captain America movie, and we were at the scene where Steve becomes Captain America. While he was shouting during his growth, I could hear Leo panting. He said, “Oh fuck, if only it could work like that in real life, it would be great, so fucking great! I would love to be in his shoes!” I raised my head, stunned by his statement. “What?” I asked. “Yeah, just imagine, you’re all frail and suddenly boom, you grow and grow and grow and become one of the most powerful men. It would be so fucking enjoyable!” I was totally stunned by what I was hearing. He loved that idea? Really? Maybe it was time to tell him. “Hey, don’t take me seriously. It’s just a movie. A muscle growth serum that transforms you into a super soldier? It doesn’t exist, unfortunately,” he sighed. Really? Oh Leo, you would be surprised! “And… if it wasn’t a movie, would you like to test it?” I asked. “What? Why are you asking this question, Ryan?” He looked a bit confused. “I know, it’s a weird question—but if it wasn’t a movie, would you like to participate in that kind of experiment?” “Ryan… it’s just a movie,” he said, not understanding why I asked. “Please, my love, answer,” I said. “Y…Yeah, of course I would. Who wouldn’t want to try that?” “You know… sometimes reality exceeds fiction,” I said. “What? What do you mean, Ryan?” “You know I work for a laboratory. Well, we’re working on a project, a top-secret project, and in fact we… created a super soldier serum.” “W-w-what? Are you kidding me?” asked Leo, not knowing if I was joking or not. “No, Leo, I’m serious. And, no offence, but the super soldier serum in this movie is crap compared to ours. The effects are much more significant with ours” “A-Are… are you really serious?” “Yeah, I know it hard to believe, but it’s the truth. Come here, I want to show you a video.” I showed Leo the recording of our first little test subject, the lab rat. Leo’s eyes almost popped out of their sockets when he saw the rat grow. “WTF?? But… but…” he said, totally stunned. “Haha, I told you ours was much better,” I replied. “What? Did you see these arms? Holy shit! They were bigger than his head, and his pecs, daaaaamn! And his abs, look at those abs! He... he had an eight-pack! Holy shit!!” “So, it seems a little more credible to you now?” I said, smiling a bit. “Honestly, I can’t believe it, but holy shit!!” I felt it was time to tell him the truth, perhaps it was a mistake, but I wanted to be honest with him. “Leo… to be honest, I was present at the fashion show mainly to… to… to find our test subject…” “Your… test subject?” “Well… we successfully experimented with this serum on animals, but now we need to experiment on… a human. And…” “You’re suggesting that I be this test subject, aren’t you?” I swallowed. Shit, I was dreading his answer. “Well, not exactly. My supervisor sent me to find the most perfect test subject. That’s why we focused on the fashion world. Yeah, you would be the perfect test subject but…” “But?” he interrogated. “But I really fell in love with you. I didn’t lie about that. I love you. I love you so much. That’s more important than anything. I don’t want you to think that I was manipulating you, or risk that this offer would scare you away, but I feel guilty about lying to you.” My eyes were wet, I was worried. Leo was looking at me with no expression. Shit, he’ll leave me, that’s for sure. Shit! Why does it have to be like this? Why does it have to be… “Well… where do I sign?” said Leo. “Huh?” I said, stunned. “Where do I sign?” he repeated, smiling. “B-but… you’re not angry?” “Angry? Are you kidding me? It’s a fucking fantasy come true! Obviously, I accept!” he replied, overjoyed. “B-but… Leo, do you understand the changes? I mean, it wouldn’t be just few extra pounds! You would be a fucking titan, the most powerful, tallest, most muscular man in the world! So yes, it’s fucking exciting but… what about fashion shows? You would probably not be a model again. Never again! Your life will change forever. Are you sure you want to do this?” “Fuck all that, Ryan! You’re offering me a chance to realize a dream I thought was unattainable. As for fashion shows, it was just a way to earn money. I don’t care if I can’t do it anymore. And…” “Yeah?” I asked. “My life already changed forever the day I met you,” replied Leo. “Leo…” I couldn’t stop myself from shedding a tear. Yeah, he was right: our life had definitely changed that day. He smiled and wiped my tears and started to kiss me. I placed my hand on his back and slowly removed his shirt. Two minutes later we were lying in bed, naked, caressing each other’s bodies. And a few minutes after that I was moving back and forth while Leo was moaning. I loved him so much. After we had sex, I called my supervisor. He was happy, relieved, and could not wait. The experiment would be scheduled for tomorrow. When I told Leo, he exploded with joy. “Wow! I can’t wait until tomorrow!” Leo was like a kid before Christmas. I had a little trouble sleeping, partly because we spent the evening “expressing our feelings,” but personally I had another feeling. I looked at Leo, the Leo I fell in love with. Tomorrow evening, this Leo would no longer exist. The next day when we arrived at the lab, Leo couldn’t believe his eyes. “Whoa! It’s like in the movies! A super ultra-secret lab!” To be honest, yeah, it looked like in the movies. “Well, well, who is this? The lucky one?” I recognized his accent: Doctor Krakovski. “Doctor, this is Leo. Leo, this is Doctor Krakovski.” “Nice to meet you, Doctor!” said Leo. “I am the one who is delighted,” replied the Doctor. Honestly, I had the impression that he was seeing Leo more as his “test subject” than as a human. “So, when do we start?” asked Leo, all excited. “Settle down, hahaha, we are preparing, but you will have to undergo some tests first,” replied Krakovski. “Some tests?” I asked, a bit worried. “Don’t worry, Ryan, we just need to measure his performance before the experiment and make sure he doesn’t have any health problems. As you know, it won’t be pleasant.” Yeah, I remembered very well the rat and the monkey yelling while they were growing. Imagining my Leo in that situation in few hours was disturbing. But I didn’t force him, I respected his choice. And I won’t deny that imagining him with 300 pounds of extra muscle was… fucking hot! They put him through a series of tests of strength, stamina, resistance, etc. Finally, we were ready for the next phase. “Damn! I can’t believe that this will happen!” said Leo, clearly excited. “You’re not afraid?” I said, a bit worried about something going wrong. “Man, I’m like Steve Rogers, and very soon I will be Captain America. No, I’m not scared. On the contrary, I’m impatient!” “Ready Leo?” asked Doctor Krakovski. “Oh, fuck yeah, I’m ready!” replied Leo. “Follow me,” said the Doctor. We walked to a part of the complex I had never been to, probably because I didn’t have the required level of clearance. In the room there was a glass tank probably 12 feet high. Leo was led inside wearing only his black boxer briefs. There were several types of cable and scientists were attaching them to his arms and legs. “Very nice test subject. You have chosen well, Ryan,” said Krakovski. “Hem… thanks Doctor.” I was a bit disturbed that he was talking about Leo like a test subject, not like a human, but I knew that Doctor Krakovski was a man you could trust. “Tell me, it seems that you are close. Am I wrong?” asked the Doctor. Arf, he noticed… “Hem, well… yes… in a way,” I replied, a bit embarrassed. “Don’t worry, Ryan, everything will be fine,” he replied. “Yeah, don’t worry, you’ll get your wife back, hahahaha!” said a mocking voice. I recognized the voice, but unlike Krakovski who was a respectable man, I had no respect for this bastard, Kenny. He had been there for a few months, but we didn’t really know how he got there. Even the doctor seemed annoyed by his presence, and it didn’t take long to realize that he was a big bastard. “Shut up, Kenny!” I said, a bit angry. “Please keep it to yourself, Thompson,” replied Krakovski. Kenny grumbled before shutting up. “Doctor Krakovski, we are ready,” said one of scientists who was attaching cables to Leo. “Very well… Leo, are you ready? You can talk with us through the mask, you will be heard, even after the tank is filled.” “Yes!” replied Leo, excited. “Very well, close the tank and fill it,” said the Doctor. The glass front rose slowly to the top of the tank. Leo was totally locked in his glass prison. “Glass? Isn’t it a bit fragile?” I asked. “It’s a special glass, ultra-reinforced. You could shoot it with a shotgun several times and it wouldn’t break. And it’s glass because it allows us to better analyze the experience.” Suddenly water began to flow from below to fill the tank. The water quickly reached Leo’s knees, then his waist, then his chest, and finally he was totally immersed. He was floating in the center of the tank, held by the cables attached to his legs and arms. “Are you okay, Leo? Can you breathe? Are you feeling well?” “Very well! But… I don’t feel any changes,” he said a bit disappointed. “Hahaa, don’t be so impatient, Leo, it is only water for the moment. The experiment hasn’t started yet, but we have to make sure everything is okay,” replied Krakovski. To the control center he said, “Confirm that his vital signs are okay?” “Yes, Doctor,” said one of scientists. “Perfect! So, we are entering the second phase. Set the power to 20%.” As soon as the control center activated, a whirring sound was heard, and we saw the blue serum mixing with the water. “Ooooh oooOoOoOOOOoooh.. it… it feels… weird,” said Leo. “Aaaaaah! it… it tingles… nnnnngggghhhh… everywhere, all over my body!” The water took on a bluish hue as more and more serum was injected into the tank. “Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhh! Oh god!! It’s nnnnnnggghhhhhhhh burning so much!” Leo had his eyes wide open. His body was pumped and… yes, I could see it, I could see his body was slowly growing! “Oh fuck!! I can feel it!! It’s starting! Oh my god it’s really starting!! It’s…” Suddenly, the growth accelerated. “Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!” Leo started to shout. In a mere ten seconds his body already looked like he spent his life in a gym: his shoulders were rounding, his biceps were becoming small muscle balls, his pecs emerged from his chest to become muscle hills, his abs were digging in, changing from small bumps to boulders, his back was widening, clearly making a V-shape, his legs were growing, his quads divided into muscle valleys. I didn’t mention his crotch, but his package had clearly grown too! Wow! Now he looked like a bodybuilder! Damn—in a few seconds Leo showed results that would have taken 2-3 years to build in the gym. I was fucking hard. I tried to hold back, but it was fucking impossible! He was beyond perfection now; I couldn’t look away! Leo was not only more muscular, but he was also becoming taller! He was probably more than 6’3” now! “Aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh aaah aaah…?? Oh shit, it’s going up again!! Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh!!” This time he was inflating like a balloon! His shoulders were becoming cannonballs. His traps emerged and were surrounding his neck. His pecs… well, they looked more like basketballs. Each brick of his ultra-ripped six-pack exploded and became as big as my fist. There was no doubt that I would break my knuckles on abs like that! His lats were widening so much he was now twice the width of his waist at the shoulders! His legs were becoming fucking tree trunks, with a network of veins. And holy shit! He was gigantic! Probably near 7 feet!! The skinny Leo I knew had already disappeared. He was a fucking muscular giant! And it was just the beginning. I knew he would be more, much more. “Doctor Krakovski, we reached 20%.” “Very well.” He took the intercom. “So, Leo, how do you feel?” “Oh fuck! It’s… it’s… awesome!!” His voice had already changed a lot, it was deeper, louder. “Excellent. Do you feel able to continue?” “What? Did you need to ask? Of course, continue! Send the sauce, Doctor!” Even his behavior had changed. He seemed arrogant, narcissistic even, but frankly, who wouldn’t be in this situation? “Very well!” Krakovski turned off the intercom and said to the scientist: “Increase it to 50%.” “Yes Sir!” The roar of the tank increased, the water became even bluer, and above it all we heard a voice, or rather a scream, a deep scream. “Oh, fuck yes! It’s starting again!! Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh !!” It was totally insane, the growth got completely carried away. Leo was growing and growing and growing!! “Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggghhhhhhh hahahahahaha aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh oooooh fuuuuuuuuuuuccckkkkkkk!! Bigger!! Hahahaha yes bigger!!” Holy shit!! Leo was literally exploding with muscle! His traps engulfed his neck. His shoulders were becoming planetoids. His arms were much bigger than my head, his forearms were almost bigger than my legs. Leo roared while his pecs exploded, blocking his view of his incredibly hard six-pack and… wait, wait! “Nnnnnnnngggghhhhhh!!” The first row was swelling and… Holy shit! “Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!” Leo roared like hell as the row exploded out of his stomach, almost doubling in size and… crap! “Nnnnnnnngggghhhhhh!! Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!” The second did the same and… “Nnnnnnnngggghhhhhh!! Aaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh!!” And the third! Holy fucking shit! His abs were bigger than my two fists together and… wait… wait! “Nnnnnnnnnnnnggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhhhhh!!” Holy shit! A fourth popped up from nowhere, a fourth row! He had an eight-pack!! He had a fucking eight-pack!! And what an eight-pack!! It would not surprise me if it could stop a car!! His back, holy fuck his back!! It was more than double the width of his height. Holy crap!! It would become as wide as a double bed! “Oooooooohhhhh fuuuuuuuuck!! My legs!! Hhahahahaha yes more!! Moooooooaaaarrrrr !!” His legs were now bigger than tree trunks! He would be unable to see his feet because his quads were too fucking big!! Ah yeah, obviously… his boxers did not hold. They were totally torn apart by the monster inside. And fucking hell, what monster!! The thing was bigger than my arm!! I swallowed hard as I imagined this gigantic thing penetrating me. I think I’m going to need more than one jar of Vaseline now… I was shaking and… cumming, and maybe drooling, because to tell the truth my mind was elsewhere. I didn’t even try to resist any more, it was just impossible. I knew he was going to be impressive, but not that impressive. Leo was just monstrous: monstrously large, monstrously big, monstrously muscular, monstrously tall. Leo was… 9 fucking feet tall!! His strength must be insane!! “We reached 50%,” said one of scientists. I don’t know what amazed me more, the fact that this fucking titan was my “skinny” boyfriend of yesterday, or that this fucking titan was only at 50%?? Krakovski took again the intercom. “Well, Leo, how do you feel now?” “How do I feel doctor?? Hahaha are you kidding me?? Look at me doc, look at me!! I’m a fucking muscle god!! And fuck! I love that, I love that so much!!” Krakovski seemed to be thinking. “I must admit that I didn’t expect you to react so well to the serum. You’re really an ideal test subject. Too good for me to pass up this opportunity. Logically, we should stop now, but you’re only at 50% of the maximum potential of the current serum. If you agree, I would like to push it to the maximum.” “Do it!” replied Leo. “But I have to warn you, we have never pushed so far and y—” “Do it!!” replied Leo, louder. I knew what the Doctor meant to say: it could be dangerous for him if we pushed too far. So, I intervened. “Leo, it can be really dangerous and yo—” “Do it!!” shouted Leo, angry. I was shocked, he never got angry, never. I was no longer dealing with the Leo I knew. “Leo, calm down. It’s just that if you push it too far, it can be dangerous. I just don’t want to lose you!” I heard him about to get angry, but he answered me more calmly. “Don’t worry Ryan, it’s just… you can’t imagine how good it is, it’s… it’s insane!!” “I know, I can’t believe it, you… you’re so… so…” “Don’t worry Ryan, it will be fine. So do it.” replied Leo, calmly this time. “Vital signs?” asked Doctor Krakovski. “Perfect, really nothing to report.” “Well, I don’t think we will often have the opportunity to push the experiment this far. Leo, are you sure that you want to do it? I mean, really sure?” “Fuck Doc, of course I’m sure. Go ahead doc, send it all!” “Okay.” To the control center he gave the order: “Maximum power!” The roar of the tank became even louder, the color of the water quickly turned neon blue. And of course, Leo’s reaction was immediate. “Oh fuck!! Oh my god!! Aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! Ins-gggnnnnnhhhhh-ane!! Oh shit!! Hahahahahahaha!! Look at me guys, look at me!! Aaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh I… I will explode, I will explooooaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrggghhhhh!!” Shit! Oh, my fucking god!! His whole body began to shake violently, and I could see his muscles growing at a crazy pace, much more than previously. “Aaaaahhhhhhhhh hahahahahahaha aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhh mooooooooaaaaarrrrrr !!” His thundering voice echoed throughout the lab. It was difficult to describe his growth because it was beyond comprehension. He was already gigantic but now he was titanic! Suddenly his dick exploded. His cannon shot huge white load after huge white load. The transparent blue water quickly became a milky blue. He was shooting again and again and again and again. Quickly the entire water tank was mixed with his cum, so much so that he was no longer visible. Even the cameras inside were drowned in the milky liquid. Though we couldn’t see him, we could hear him… and even without seeing it, the sound was enough to imagine what was happening inside the tank. “Aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggggggghhhhhhhhh aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh oh fuck aaaaaaaaaaahhhhh hahahahahaha yes yeeeeeessss!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh !! Gggnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhhh oh shit my… my traps!! They are so fucking huge…aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!! Shit, my shoulders are exploding hahahahahah!! Ooooooooh fuck!! My-aaaaaaaaaahhhhh… My arms!! They were growing, they were… Aaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrgggghhhhhhhhhhh!! Gnnnnnnnhhhhh!! Oh fuck, my… My pecs, they’re-aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!! Gnnnnnnhhhhhhhh!! Oh fuck! My abs are on fire!! They’re going to explode, I can feel it, I-aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh-aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh-aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh-aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh…aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhh!! Nnnnnnngggggggggggaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! My…my legs, they’re becoming gnnnnnhhhhhhhh wider than sequoias!! God, I can feel them rubbing against each other!! Oooooooooooooooooohhhhhhh!! My… my back, I-I…I’m getting wider… hahahaha yes!! Oh, fuck yes!!” I must mention that his voice became deeper and deeper as he cried out. It was too much for me and I completely flooded my pants, shooting load after load after load. “Scan the tank with the infrared ray!” shouted Krakovski. “I want to see what the situation is!” But suddenly, over Leo’s heavy grunts and moans we heard another sound. *criiiiiiiiic criiiiiiiiiiiiic* What the…?? It was like a cracking sound. I looked carefully at the glass tank and I saw small cracks. “What the hell? Doctor… didn’t you say it was ultra-reinforced glass?” “Yes, but even his screams shouldn’t cause that, I-I don’t understand!” “Doc.. Doctor Krakovski, you… you should see this!” said one of scientists, clearly panicked. Krakovski approached the screen, and when he saw it, his face turned white and he shouted, “Holy shit!” He had never sworn like that, I had to see what caused this reaction. When I saw the screen, my jaw dropped and my eyes popped out of their sockets: on the screen I saw Leo’s form, but he was curled up because he was taller than the tank! And what was causing the cracks were not his screams but… his shoulders were pushing against the glass. Leo was simply becoming too big for the tank!! I could only make some guttural sounds of surprise. We knew he would get huge, but not that much! “Hahahahahahahaha yes bigger!! Bigger!! Biiiiigggggggeeeeeeeerrrrrrr!!” shouted Leo. The glass cracked more and more; jets of water appeared. The cracking continued for several more seconds, covering the entire surface with cracks until suddenly… *crrrrrrrrraaaaaaaaaaacccccccckkkkkkkkk!* With a loud sound of breaking glass, water invaded the lab. But what held my attention was the titanic shape in the tank: 12 feet tall, probably more than 7 feet wide, and weighing several tons. It was Leo. My Leo, the one who, until a few hours ago, would have posed for a model magazine. Now, I didn’t think he would fit through any door, in height or width. Yes, he could obviously get through a door, but only by destroying the entire wall in the process. It was indescribable: traps like mountains surrounding his neck, shoulders several times bigger than my head, fucking gigantic arms - one of those monsters would be heavier than me! - enormous forearms with a lot of veins, gigantic hands, planetoid pecs, hiding his view of his… two… four… six… eight… t-t-ten? Ten fucking bricks of abs!! Each one was almost as big as my head. His V-line was so cut that it had to be carved with an axe, with a network of enormous veins leading to his crotch! Legs… no, sorry, I mean fucking sequoias! They were so huge I could hide behind one of them! Not to mention his cock! My arm looked pathetic compared to his dick! My body was shaking, I couldn’t believe it! He left the tank and took a few steps. I swear I felt the ground shake! He smiled a little and then… Fffuuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkkkkkkk yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh!! Oh my god, hahahahaha!!” His screams resonated through the whole lab. The walls shook! “Awesome!” he said in a very deep voice while flexing his gigantic biceps. Holy shit! Those mountains had to be 2 or 3 times bigger than my head!! And the main vein was thicker than two of my fingers! He would have more strength in his little finger than in my whole body! “Too bad it’s already over. I wouldn’t have minded a few more feet!” A few more feet? Leo, holy shit dude, you’re already fucking gigantic! I approached him, amazed, excited but at the same time a bit terrified by so much power. “L-L-Leo?” I said with a shaking voice. “Fuck, Ryan, it was even better than all my fantasies!” he said while flexing his enormous muscles. “Hahaha, you’re so small now!” Indeed, I barely reached the bottom of his abs, abs that were almost as big as my head, by the way. “Leo, I must say that I didn’t expect such a result!” said Doctor Krakovski. “Me neither!” replied Leo, smiling, and flexing his incredible ten-pack. “Would you agree to retake some tests, Leo?” asked Krakovski. “And if I refuse, what are you going to do?” Leo laughed. “Hem… eh….” Krakovski seemed a bit embarrassed, knowing he was powerless. “I’m kidding, Doctor, hahahaha! I’m also keen to test my new abilities. But—” “But?” asked the Doctor, a bit worried. “It will take something heavier than 200 pounds. Hahahaha!” “Hem, yeah, clearly…” replied Krakovski. As he was leaving the lab, Leo accidentally enlarged the entrance. “Oops!” said Leo before adding, “You will have to adapt your doors, Doc, they’re a bit narrow, hahahaha!” Nobody said anything. We moved to the test room, or rather to a hangar. I was wondering why, but when we are arrived, I understood why. In the middle of the hangar there was… a fucking Panzer VII tank! Holy shit! “Eh, Doc, are you serious?” I asked. “A Panzer VII tank? Don’t you think that’s a bit much?” “Probably, but the objective is not to lift it, but to see if he can put it out of action.” “Ah, finally, a challenge!” replied Leo, cracking his knuckles. “Leo, I want you to put this tank out of action, understood?” said Krakovski. “Understood, Doc!” replied Leo. He approached the cannon, grabbed it, and with loud creaking sounds he bent the cannon all the way back to the hatch. Holy shit!! I was stunned by the titanic strength he had now! “Very well, now we can pass to the next—” “I haven’t finished,” said Leo. “Er… I think it’s done in, isn’t it?” said Krakovski, a bit surprised. “No, no, I haven’t finished,” said Leo one more tim. Then he placed his hands below the tank. Wait… wait! He-he’s not going to try to do what I think? “Gnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhaaaaarrrrrrrrggggggahhhhhhhhhh!!” His face turned red and… …!! God-fucking-damn- it!! He lifted the front of the tank… he lifted the front of the tank!! “D-Doc-Doctor Krakovski?” I asked, stuttering. “Y-yes?” said the Doctor, also stunned. “H-how much does that thing w-weigh?” “9-9-99 short tons…” My face froze. Did he just say… 99 fucking short tons?? I swallowed hard. I expected Leo would get stronger… but not that much stronger!! “Leo, we can pass to the next—” said Krakovski. “I said I’m not finished!” shouted Leo, a bit angry. “But—” “Gggnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh!!” Leo strained and suddenly… I almost fainted - little by little he raised the tank… above his head!! And it was not the only surprise he had in store for us… “Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!” He squeezed the tank and after few seconds the metal began to bend!! I couldn’t believe my eyes: Leo was lifting and bending a fucking tank!! The doctor was as stunned as I was. “Fuck, yeah! Hahahahahahahahahahahaha!!” shouted Leo. On his face there was a strange smile, an expression of pure lust: he clearly loved this. When he was finished the tank was a heap of crumpled metal. “There, I’m finished!” he said while flexing his monumental biceps. “So, Doc, am I strong enough for you?” The Doctor and I were speechless. This was much more than we had imagined. “Let’s move on to the resistance test.” A soldier appeared with a gun. His eyes widened as he passed the tank’s carcass. “Wait, Doc, are you going shoot him?” I asked, a bit worried. “Don’t worry, Ryan, it has rubber bullets.” The soldier shot and, no surprise, it had no effect on Leo. “Well, are we doing this test or not?” asked Leo, impatient. “But… that was the test,” replied Krakovski. “That? Are you kidding me, Doc?” Leo looked at the soldier. “Hey you! You have an M16, right? Shoot me for real!” Wh—? He was serious? Leo, fuck, it’s a fucking M16! I took the intercom. “L-Leo… I don’t think that’s a very good id—” “Shoot me!” shouted Leo, angry. The soldier seemed a bit panicked. “Doc-Doctor… wh-what should I do?” “Do what he said.” What the hell? “Whenever you’re ready,” said Leo, smiling while flexing his abs. Shaking, the soldier took his M16 and aimed at Leo. A few seconds passed. “Do it,” said Leo in a very low voice. But nothing happened. “Do it!” he said, a bit louder. Still nothing. “Do it!” he shouted. I don’t know if it was from surprise or fear, but the soldier fired a burst. I froze, expecting to see him fall to the ground, injured but… he smiled. The soldier looked down and picked up one of the spent bullets. “Do-Doc… it-it’s completely… crushed!” “Hehehe!” smiled Leo. “Now empty your clip.” “Do what he said,” replied the Doc. During the next minute hundreds of bullets were shot at Leo who just smiled. Finally, the clip was empty. “Okay, I must admit it tickles a little bit, hahahaha!” Again, we were totally speechless. All the bullets were crushed, all of them! Not one had been effective. They were all crushed. “You see, dude, that is why you have to work your abs, hahahaha!” Leo rubbed his ten-pack. The soldier swallowed hard, petrified. The doctor looked slightly pale. “Okay, let’s go to speed test…” We went out onto a long track where a circuit had been made, and there was a race car. “Okay Leo, the goal will be to overtake this car while it is at full speed.” “No problem! Nobody can beat me in a race!” The car started and ran at full speed. “Ready, Leo? … Go!” Leo started to run, quickly, very quickly, but not enough for to overtake the car. “How fast does the car go?” I asked. “Up to 200 mph, maybe more,” replied the Doc. Holy shit! I knew he was now superhuman, but still… 200 mph for a human, that’s… insane. And indeed, Leo was not able to overtake the car. Well, that’s what we thought… “It’s a shame, I was hoping he would be able to-” said the Doc “Well, the warm-up is over!” said Leo when he passed in front of us. “What? The… warm-up?” we replied at same time. Suddenly, Leo accelerated… I mean he really accelerated and… holy fucking shit! He was catching the car! He was catching the car!! And the kicker was, he didn’t stop there—no, he continued to run until he caught up to it a second time! Holy shit! I couldn’t believe it… this was insane. He was closer to the Hulk’s specs rather than Captain America! They performed several more tests with Leo, who passed all of them with flying colors. Doctor Krakovski was ecstatic. “It is a total success; a complete success, hahahahahaha!! Finally, they will respect my experiments after this!” I think he didn’t expect this. “That will be all for today, we have arranged a room for you, Leo, adapted to your size,” said the Doc. “Perfect! … Ryan?” said Leo. “Yeah?” “Can you wait for me in the other room for a few minutes, I have to talk with the Doc.” “Talk with the Doc? But why?” I asked, intrigued. “Please,” replied Leo. “Okay, I’ll wait for you.” “Thanks,” replied Leo. I wondered what he had to ask him, but it didn’t matter. I went to the room and… holy crap! Yeah, it was adapted to Leo’s size: the door was more than two times taller and wider, and the bed was bigger than a king size bed. I felt like an ant in the room of a giant. Ten minutes later I heard Leo coming, or rather I felt it: I could feel the vibrations caused by his footsteps. Then he entered in the room while reflexively bending down a little. “Hahahaha! No, you’ll not destroy this one! They have planned for everything now,” I joked. “So much better! Even though I love destroying walls, hahaha,” he replied. My eyes were magnetized to the incredible man standing in front of me. I had never seen anything so beautiful. I was still struggling to realize that yeah, this fucking insanely muscular titan was Leo, the guy I was fucking this morning, the one who had a fit body. And now, in front of me, was a fucking titan 12 feet tall, at least 7 feet wide, weighing several tons of pure muscle, who could overtake a car, had the strength to lift and crush a tank, and abs that could stop bullets. His naturally tanned skin made him look incredibly hotter. I was almost sweating just from looking at him. Yeah, this monstrous force of nature was… my boyfriend! “Oh fuuuuuuukkk! I will never get used to this sight!” I said, noticing that precum was already oozing from my dick that was totally hard. “And I don’t think I’ll ever get used to this body,” said Leo, smiling while flexing his gigantic biceps. Oh fuck! That was already too much for me, and I shot load after load. “You can’t imagine how I felt in the tank… it was so… so indescribable! I felt myself getting bigger and stronger and bigger and stronger, each second was more intense than the previous one. Even the best orgasm is nothing compared to that sensation! It was insane! Thank you, Ryan, thank you for giving me this opportunity. You will be rewarded very soon, I assure you!” Oh, I was already rewarded, Leo! And speaking of orgasms, I was having one repeatedly. Drool was pouring out of my mouth. Leo turned and saw me. “You like this, don’t you?” He flexed his monumental biceps. “Oh, fuck yes, I like it!” I replied while drooling more. “You want to feel them, don’t you?” “Yes!” “And lick them?” “Yes!” “Okay, do you want me to join you in bed?” I couldn’t say a word, I was just panting as I shot load after load. Leo walked towards the bed. I moved to avoid being crushed by the behemoth. I felt the ground shake with each of his footsteps. Leo laid down on the bed and… *crrrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaccccckkkkk* The bed was in pieces… “Grrrr—adapted to me, my ass! Adapted to my size perhaps, but adapted to my weight, absolutely not!” Leo looked over at me. “So, Ryan, what are you waiting for, hahahah? This body is yours, all yours!” I think I broke the world record for undressing. I almost tore my clothes off! I approached Leo, shaking with lust, drooling like hell, and obviously cumming. This was so perfect I was sure I would wake up next to “skinny” Leo. This was too good to be true, really, way too good! My hand was approaching his chest. His skin radiated an extraordinary warmth. Finally, I touched him! Holy shit! My dick went into automatic fire mode, I was panting like never before, worse than a dog, and I had a stream of drool dripping from my lip. His skin was hot and hard, fucking hard, insanely hard! I felt like I was touching rock. I started to climb the monster, clinging to his abs. I had to go up a little farther to pass his enormous pecs until I finally reached his head. I was barely half his size! I started to kiss him while clinging to his traps. There was plenty to hold on to! It was a bit weird. His lips were too big compared to mine. It was like kissing a giant. In fact, I was kissing a giant! Instantly I felt tears on my cheek. My hands caressed his body everywhere, again and again and again. After several minutes of pure frenzy, I broke the kiss, looked at Leo and said, “Fuck me! Leo, I want you to fuck me!” I knew he was a lot bigger than me, but I wanted him to fuck me. It was an irresistible desire! I wanted to be dominated, to be fucked by this titan! Leo stroked my hair and smiled. He said “Honestly, I would like it so much but… if we try anything now, I will crush you like an egg. We will find a solution quickly, don’t worry!” “I don’t know if I can hold out any longer,” I said, so impatient. “But even if I can’t fuck you now… well… worshipping me is strongly recommended!” he said with a malicious smile. Oh fuck! That was all it took to put me in a trance. Don’t worry, it will be a pleasure to worship you, Leo! My hands were everywhere, feeling his huge traps, his titanic striated shoulders, his gigantic pecs. Then I noticed Leo was almost twice as tall as me and I was lying on him so that my crotch was on his ten-pack. I could feel my dick rubbing against the enormous muscle bricks. Perfect! Without hesitation I wedged my cock in the deep central crevice. Awwwwww, it was so tight! I could feel his enormous boulder abs compressing my dick! Then I started moving it back and forth… Oh fuck! Shit! Oh crap! Oh my god! Insane! It was so… insanely good!! I cried with joy. Never had sex felt so fucking good! Leo was grunting with pleasure and sometimes stroked my hair with his huge hands. He could grab my entire head with only one hand. And I could feel him, I could feel his titanic strength. Slightly too much pressure would break all my bones. I felt a little sorry for him because he had to hold back while I was having the best sex. While I was licking his enormous pecs my mouth reached his nipple and I instinctively began to suck it. The effect was immediate. “Ggggggggrrrrooooooooooooooaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!” roared Leo with pleasure. “Don’t… d-don’t d-do…it-it’s so-so sen-sensitive—” he said, stuttering. So sensitive? Hehehe, here is a gift, honey! I sucked stronger. “Oh shit!! Aaaaaaaaaahhhhh!! It’s so good! Don’t…” Then suddenly he stopped. “No…no, continue… I’m tired of trying to hold back! Let’s go Ryan, suck me! Suck me stronger! Let’s go Ryan! Do it, hahahahaha!!” No need to tell me twice, Leo! I started to suck and lick like never before! Oh god, it was a dream, it was a fucking living dream! I was in pure ecstasy, crying with joy, cumming non-stop, and sucking/licking my boyfriend. “Oooooooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh fffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccccccckkkkkkkkkkk!!” roared Leo. Okay, I wasn’t the only one who was in ecstasy. Leo was shouting and grabbing things that he reduced to dust with his superhuman strength. “Gggggnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! Soooo gooooooood!! Aaaaaahh… Oh fuck, oh fucking fuck I-I…I’m going to…t-to explode!” I was so absorbed I didn’t notice that Leo’s dick was as hard as ever and ready to shoot! I stopped, raised my eyes, and looked at Leo. “Oh man! That was awesome! Fortunately, you stopped because I was going to expl—” I didn’t let him finish. I dived again on his nipple and redoubled my efforts. “Ooooooooooh shiiiiiiiiiiittttt!! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh t-too m-much aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!” Leo began to thrash in all directions, hitting the floor with his feet, crushing anything he could reach with his hands. Hehe, yeah, the pleasure was intense! “Aaaaahhhhh!! I’m going to explode! I’m going to explode! Ohmygod I’m goinnnnnnnngggggggggggnnnnnnnhhhhhh!!” The explosion was imminent. Fortunately, Leo had good reflexes. He grabbed his dick and pointed it towards the ceiling. Finally, the floodgates opened… “Aaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh!!” I had almost forgotten that my boyfriend was now a 12-foot titan, and his orgasms were no longer the same. His big loads hit the ceiling like cannonballs, and I’m not just speaking figuratively; they really looked like cannonballs being fired. If one had hit me, I don’t know what state I would be in! With each shot, pieces of plaster were falling! I swear I felt the walls shake due to his roar. Fuck, it was awesome! I was also cumming and shouting, but my shouts were drowned out by Leo’s. I came, and I came, and I came, like Leo, except that I shot a few pints while he shot enough to fill a swimming pool. I filled the central crevice of Leo’s abs with my cum. After many minutes of orgasm, calm returned. It was a deluge, there was cum everywhere! “Ha… ha… ha… ha… oh my god! You know how to worship perfectly!” said Leo in his deep voice. “Ha… ha… ha… It’s not hard when you have a boyfriend like you!” I replied. After a few minutes we started again, and again, and again. It was the hottest night of my life: constant sex until exhaustion. I started to count our orgasms but after the sixth one I stopped. Who wouldn’t be that turned on by worshipping a 12-foot ultra-muscular boyfriend? I don’t know when I fell asleep, but when I woke up my head was resting on something hard, very hard. I looked around to see a huge pec. Oh my! It wasn’t a dream. Leo was really a 12-foot titan! He was still sleeping, snoring very loudly, and I felt my whole body move up and down with his breathing. Suddenly, someone knocked at the door. “Leo? Ryan? Doctor Krakovski would like to see you—” He entered the room and… “Holy shit!” he shouted in surprise after seeing the condition of the room. There was cum everywhere, even on the ceiling, a big hole in the ceiling, the bed and furniture were crushed, there cracks in the walls… it was carnage! “Hem… w-we are awake…” I said, a bit embarrassed. Leo moaned loudly as he opened his eyes. “Good morning, my big lover! The Doc is waiting for us.” “Good morning, my little honey! I had a great night, did you?” asked Leo. “Oh yeah, it was a great night! A fucking great night!” I said happily. “Don’t worry, we’ll do it again tonight, hehehe!” he said with a strange tone, as if he was hiding something from me. “Well, I would love to do it again, but the Doc is waiting for us,” I said. I hurried to wash what I could (I stank of sex…) and to dress. Leo didn’t have anything he could fit into. We went to see Doctor Krakovski. “Good morning, Doc,” I said. “Good morning, Ryan. Sleep well?” “Hem… the night started out a bit rough…” I stuttered. “I see that…” replied the Doc. I blushed like never before. It was so embarrassing… “So… you wanted to see us?” I asked. “Yeah, follow me!” he said. We went through corridors that I had never been in before. We passed a good number of security guards. What the hell, where are we going? Finally, we arrived in another, larger lab. And what I saw made my jaw drop: in this lab there was… another fucking tank! And this one was bigger! “W-w-w-what the hell??” I shouted. “The one we used yesterday was for the first experiments. This one is more advanced, bigger, sturdier,” said Krakovski. Another tank? Bigger? Wait, does that mean he will…? “You mean, you’re going to make Leo grow again??” I was totally stunned, imagining Leo even bigger, stronger, wider. Holy crrrraaaaaaaaap! “No,” replied Krakovski. Huh? Did I hear that right? He just said… no? “No?” I asked, surprised by his answer. Leo exploded in laughter. “Hahahahahahahahaha!! Ryan… do you still not understand?” “Understand? Understand what?” “Ryan… you’re the next test subject!”
  5. Chapter One "Bonjour, my dear lieutenant, and who do we have joining us today?" As Captain de Ceredigion strode into Musketeer HQ in the year 1636, he found his trusted deputy, Lieutenant D'Artangan nearly buried in paper work, and had to supress a chuckle when a hand emerged holding a sheet of paper which was handed to the Captain with a muffled "Just the one, sir, a strange lad, about the same age as me, says he comes from Brittany, but, well, he doesn't seem to know much about the place!" As the Captain read the sheet of paper, he frowned and sighed "Oh, not another one" and said "That's because, he's English. I mean at least the Duke of Buckingham put some effort into my name. Henry becomes Henri, Cardigan becomes de Ceredigion, I mean, what sort of disguise is Greffier de Cantium anyway? They might as well just called him "A Clerk from the county of Kent". Oh well, I'd better go and see him!" and with that bade his lieutenant goodbye who offered a word of advice. "Be careful with him, he's rather clumsy!" *** "Atten-shun!" As the Captain left the headquarters into the bright spring sunshine, all his worst fears were realised, there before was a man, about the same size as Aramis and, if indeed such a thing was possible, even thinner than Aramis. As the cadet stood to attention, his baldric fell down around his feet and with a panicked "Sorry, sir" he replaced the baldric, only for it to fall down again. "Cadet" said the Captain, "would I be right in assuming that you are new in Paris?" The cadet nodded and as he did the captain sighed "That baldric is a good two sizes too large for you, you're nothing like the size of Athos and certainly no Porthos. Still, let's go through some basic drill" and as the Captain commanded "Cadet, march" and drilled the cadet through his paces, he and his alter ego, the Ultimate Musketeer, mused on the new recruit. "Gad, if I had not had seen it with your own eyes, I would never believe it in a million years. All we need is a good breeze and he'd blow away all that back to England!" "True, although why on earth, we need another English Musketeer I cannot say. One's enough, surely!" "Aye, perhaps Charles is worried that you've become too French!" "If that was the case, kindly explain why he has a French wife? Surely me becoming French is a good thing?" "To the point of marrying a French woman, having two French children, becoming captain of the French Royal Guard and being a hero to boot!" "Point taken" smiled Henri as he called the recruit to a halt and was amazed to see the young lad, puffing and panting. "But that wasn't even half a league!" he said to which the recuit panted "Sorry, sir, I am not used to all this marching!" Just as Henri was about to declare this new recruit unfit for service, Athos came haring around the corner, came to a screeching halt, saluted and panted "Captain, find the Ultimate Musketeer, and quickly, the Armoury had caught fire!" As Henri nodded his understand, he dismissed the recruit and calmly walked inside headquarters, once there he ducked into the tunnel that led outside the garrison, dived behind a bush and a moment later the Ultimate Musketeer could be seen runing along the banks of the Seine, faster than a horse to the now well ablaze Armoury where Aramis and Porthos were keeping the gathered crowds safe. As the Musketeer arrived, Porthos moaned with desire, saluted and moaned "There's twenty barrels of gunpowder in there, if it should blow" and then whispered "like my manhood at your sight!" to which the Musketeer declared "Fear not, I am here to help" and was about to dive into the Seine when, as if by magic, the river suddenly froze for a good five hundred pied in both directions. As the Musketeer and Porthos looked at each other, Porthos whispered "Since when could you freeze rivers just by looking at it?", the Musketeer whispered "I can't" as suddenly the river seemed to rise up into the air in front of them. It then hovered over the armoury and then fell, throwing Porthos and Aramis to the ground, the solid river suddenly exploded and rain poured down, putting out the fire, saving Paris and leaving the Musketeer at a complete and utter loss as to what had happened. "Glad to be of assistance" declared a voice above them and as Porthos, Aramis and the Musketeer looked upwards, the Musketeer gasped, Aramis crossed himself and Porthos moaned as he spilled his seed, for there, standing upright with nothing to support him was a man, dressed in an almost blue outfit with a fleur de lys on his chest in bright yellow who nodded and then flew off, like an eagle, away from the scene. "Who, in the name of His Majesty was that?" asked the Musketeer and Aramis in unison, following the flight of the man "I don't know" whispered Porthos, "but if I suck him and spill my seed into you, would you be upset?"
  6. Guest

    Brotherly Love

    Patrick was in a very good mood. Like, abnormally good. He had no reason to be; he just was. He walked into his bedroom and dropped his backpack, stretching his impressive body. Pat was a very good-looking guy, twenty years old and tall, probably six foot or so. He had deliciously tan skin, blond hair, decent muscles, with built arms, solid pecs, an ever-so-slight muscle gut, and a fantastic butt with beautiful legs. His best feature, though, was definitely his package. Easily eleven inches hard, Pat’s dick was visible in most all of his pants and drew some lovely stares. There was a trick to it, though, one Pat was not too proud of. He had a certain power, one that would make everyone disgustingly jealous of him. He didn’t need that. He plopped down on his bed and relaxed. His mind drifted to his school day, how annoying his damn teachers were, how much work he had…and Parker, of course. Every fucking time without fail. His train of thought always ended in some intense fantasy about his good friend who, while not physically amazing, was very attractive and brilliant in ways Pat could only dream about. He wasn’t sure if Parker was gay, but god, he hoped. Aaaaannnnnd, there he went. His cock began to tent his pants and he sighed. So much lust. But! He had been good the past couple of days; he could reward himself now. Making absolutely sure no one was around, he pulled down his pants and let his swelling meat tube raise to his hand. Mm, it was fine. Bloated, thick with veins, and perfectly long, it was a marvel. Letting his imaginative mind go, Pat began to stroke his twitching dick. Images of Parker and other assorted boys filled his mind, each in different forms of his overactive brain. Bigger muscles, bigger cocks, swelling, growing, all just becoming perfect. Oh, Parker getting massive with height and muscle, oh yes! As his pleasure grew, he felt a familiar tingle in his shaft. He trained himself to crush the feeling, lest it create an unfortunate reaction. He lost himself again to his fantasies and felt the pressure in his cock building higher and higher. Ugh, he had dreadful stamina. It was shameful! Grabbing the paper towels he had prepped (Pat was quite clean; he hated messes like those cum made when not checked), Pat shot his load. The tingle burst through his shaft and, just like always, he made sure to stop the feeling before it reached his cock head. This time, though, something was wrong. His self-control wasn’t working. The tingle was slowed, but it was still creeping up his cock. That was wrong! It should be going down, not up! Pat bit his lip, his orgasm forgotten as he tried to squash the mounting feeling in his dick. Trembling, Pat bucked his hips as another orgasm rocked his body, the head spewing cum for a second time. The fuck!? The orgasm threw his game off, his mind slipping into pleasure. The tingle shot up his cock, reached his head, and vanished. Pat moaned. Oh god no…not again. He hadn’t had an incident in nearly a year! He’d controlled this shit! His cock twitched and trembled and Pat cursed. May as well just enjoy the show. He watched as his cock began to swell outward slowly, his girth increasing with his length. Another gorgeous vein came into sight as his dick grew to a massive twelve inches. The head bloated out as his cock finished swelling. Pat sighed in annoyance. He liked having a big cock, for sure, but too big was too big. He’d stopped growing it at eleven because that was massive but manageable. He couldn’t have a cock that wouldn’t fit in his underwear! He’d been six inches when he’d first discovered his power at sixteen, and that had been a wild ride at first. He’d grown it three inches in one day before realizing that too big was indeed too big. He’d stopped it at ten beautiful inches, and had hit eleven after a particularly intense session in which he’d lost himself accidentally. Now this. He didn’t get it. The trick should have worked, but that second orgasm had come out of nowhere. People just didn’t have two orgasms in a row! And now he was a full foot-long horse. Crap. The sound of his door creaking snapped him out of his anger. He caught the sight of blond hair vanishing past the doorframe. His anger turned to fear and shock. Oh god, no. “Owen? Get your ass in here!” Sheepishly, his brother walked into the room. Owen was, embarrassingly, quite attractive. Pat was jealous most about his brother’s height. He was only one year younger but two inches taller, at a whopping six foot two. His muscles were not as pumped as Pat’s, but his body was just so sexily graceful, with arched shoulder blades, a beautifully tight butt, and a slight concave stomach that made his pecs and gut seem bigger. “What the actual fuck?” “Sorry, Pat. I just…I…I didn’t know you could do it too.” “Yeah, well, this is freaking…wait, did you say too?” Owen blushed and nodded. “But…you don’t have…do you?” Owen shook his head. “Not there. I can make myself taller.” Pat’s eyes widened. “So that’s why you’re so damn tall.” He nodded. “Damn, Owen, that’s something else. But why the fuck were you watching me?” Owen lowered his head. “I…um…I dunno. I heard you mutter something, I thought you were talking to me…I opened the door slightly and realized what you were doing…” Pat closed his eyes. “God. Shit.” Owen blushed even deeper. “You…you’re gay?” Mother fucker had heard him? Could this get any worse?! “I mean, I am too…” *sigh* “Can you do it again?” “Can I do what?” “Can you do it again…? Grow, I mean?” Um…weird! “I could. But I’m not going to.” “Why not?” “Because I think a twelve-inch dick is a little too big, don’t you?” “Holy…twelve?” God damnit, Owen! “If it were me, I’d never stop growing it.” “Well, that’s messed up.” “Maybe…but I don’t think there’s such a thing as too big.” “So why aren’t you, like, seven foot nine right now?” “Because of society. I can’t be enormous because of other people, which I hate. I want to be gigantic, but I have to limit myself.” Whoa. Owen had hit Pat’s feelings right on the money. Stupid outside world! “You said you increased in height?” “Yeah.” “Show me that…then maybe I’ll do it again.” “Really?” “Yeah.” No. But he had to see this. Owen smiled and closed his eyes eagerly. He bit his lip as a slight creaking filled the room. Pat’s eyes widened as Owen stretched another inch upward, his shirt pulling off of his cute waist. He shook his hair out of his eyes and grinned. “Cool, huh?” Hoo. He was really tall. Pat found himself getting very turned on. No, stop that! This is your brother, for God’s sake! And yet, his cock twitched as Owen’s tan skin poked out from beneath his shirt. “Your turn.” “Why are you so adamant on seeing my cock?” Owen turned away and Pat’s eyes widened. “Whoa…no way.” Owen bit his lip. “You’re so hot, Pat. I can’t help it.” What the…? No. No! That was wrong! And yet…and yet…why was his chest fluttering? Something about his own brother was making him very horny and he was actually tempted to give in to it. Pat sighed and shook his head in mock disappointment. “Incest is frowned upon, Owen.” “I thought you liked Game of Thrones.” Pat smiled forcedly. His patience was being tried. He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped as his cock began to tingle again. What the…?! He only grew when he jerked off! He contained the tingle, and found it worming its way down his shaft. He sighed in relief, but knit his eyebrows as he realized it was traveling past the point it usually stopped. Owen was watching with fascination, clearly thinking Pat was going to make the huge bulge in his shorts swell further. Pat was struggling, and decided to loosen up, lest it make things worse. Bad choice. As soon as Pat let up, the tingle shot straight to his balls and vanished. Pat began to tremble and Owen lifted an eyebrow. “You okay?” Pat felt his balls begin to grow. Already ping-pong ball sized, Pat’s nuts began to bloat and swell, the sack stretching to accommodate the new girth. That created another beautiful bulge underneath his first bulge, and Owen’s mouth dropped. Pat grunted in shock as another tingle quickly spiked through his cock. No way! What was happening?! His balls expanded again, growing bigger and fatter in their swelling case. Pat’s body began to sweat with the effort as yet another tingle coursed into his balls. He threw his head back involuntarily as the bulge in his shorts erupted outward, his nuts swelling to the size of plums. A tingle far stronger than the others hit Pat’s balls and he moaned as his sack stretched to the size of an apple. Owen watched in pure fascination as Pat pulled out his gigantic nuts, exposing his bloated, perfect cock in the process. On seeing the vessel of his dreams, Owen’s own cock began to stiffen in his pants. Oblivious to his brother for the moment, Pat hefted his giant balls. As he dropped them, a light sloshing sound caught his ears. No…fucking…way. Then the horniness hit. Pat’s face grew red and his cock began to bone solid without any stimulation as his new material pumped hormones through his body. Exhaling with effort, Pat turned to look at Owen and his eyes widened. His cock began to harden as Pat took in every inch of his brother’s body. Owen noticed the hardening meat tube and smiled. “Interested now, Pat?” “Want to take off your shirt for me?” Owen grinned and stripped down, exposing his nice pecs, made all the more sexy by his sunken abdomen. Pat purred and dropped his pants, letting his cock bone all the way. Owen whistled. “You are massive.” Pat slowly rose, his cock rising like a tower toward Owen. He pushed his cock into Owen’s stomach as his fingers lightly played with Owen’s nips. “Jesus, they’re so perky.” He watched his brother’s nipples begin to harden slightly as he rubbed his cock on Owen’s gut. Owen was so taken aback by his brother’s sudden change he found himself nearly paralyzed. But the feeling of his brother’s horse cock rubbing on his stomach was enough to force his dick into overdrive, hardening past anything he’d felt before. His stomach tingled in its familiar manner when he was turned on and he let it spread through his body. He wasn’t very shy about his ability. His body began to stretch upward as Pat slipped his lips over Owen’s nipple. Pat watched Owen’s pec slide slowly upward and remembered his promise to his brother. He pumped his cock twice and was rewarded by the tingle arch through his cock. He let it burst through his shaft and felt his dick grow outward, sliding across Owen’s stomach. The tingle arched through his balls and he felt them explode outward, growing to the size of an orange. He began to lose all of his previous morales, his mind clouding with lust. His brother began to look less like a brother and more like a tall, blond, fuck toy. And as Pat reached around to cup his brother’s muscular ass, he realized maybe he should make things exciting for his eager lover-to-be. He let his cock enter Owen’s belly button and began to pump lightly, allowing the tingle to begin anew. He let his cock expand, the head quickly popping out of Owen’s belly button and burgeoning outward. His shaft lengthened and widened, veins and muscle supporting the massive weight of his growing dick. It pushed upward, swelling to fourteen gigantic inches. Owen felt it growing and moaned, his ecstasy causing his body to grow even taller, his muscle streamlining further. Pat felt Owen growing taller and that caused his cock to grow even further. Owen felt Pat’s cock growing and that made him grow taller. Both stopped only when Owen grew tall enough that his nipple naturally popped out of Pat’s mouth. Pat stood up and grunted. He had new weight in his nether region; a lot of weight. His dick was enormous, sixteen inches and bloated with muscle. Owen, in turn, was easily six foot six, Pat’s eyes meeting Owen’s powerful neck. Pat looked up, Owen looked down, both smiled, and then they kissed. Owen has nice lips, thought Pat, as he molded them with his own powerful ones. His hand lightly massaged Owen’s slightly bulging stomach as his other hand crept around to slide through his brother’s hair. Owen’s tongue slid into Pat’s mouth and the tingle ripped though Pat’s cock, causing it to swell another inch while his balls grew even bigger, sending more hormones blasting through Pat’s body. Pat slid his tongue across Owen’s until Owen pulled off and slid down Pat’s body. Pat pulled off his shirt and Owen kissed Pat’s meaty pecs, bulging muscle gut, and then his enormous shaft. Pat grunted in pleasure as his shaft grew another meaty inch, pushing into Owen’s face. Owen grinned and shoved it into his mouth. It didn’t fit, to say the least. Regardless, Owen tried to gag down as much as he could while Pat tried to fit it all in. The result was not pretty. Owen choked heavily, which turned both of them on. Owen let himself grow in a desperate attempt to fit more of his brother’s dick in his mouth. He barely felt his shoes rip open as his giant feet burst past his normally-size 14. His pants were beginning to constrict around his ass and junk, but he was too focused on the massive tube in his mouth to pay much attention to it. Pat’s newly swollen balls churned out hormones so quickly that Pat found himself reaching a climax in a little under a minute. That was disgustingly unfortunate, but there was nothing he could do about it. “Owen. Owen…Owen!” The first orgasm sent a rope of cum into Owen’s throat, which he swallowed greedily. The second spewed cum into Owen’s mouth, causing him to choke slightly. The third shot so much cum that Owen gagged and pulled off, cum erupting from his mouth in fountains. Pat’s dick oozed cum in rivets, sliding down his shaft in copious amounts. The feeling caused Pat to lose any control he may have had, and his balls inflated massively while his dick began to plump outward, another vein outlining heavily. Owen coughed and spit a glob out. “Whoa. That was a lot of cum.” “I’ve never had three orgasms before. What is going on?” “I don’t know, but that was hot.” Pat’s cock throbbed again, not decreasing in size at all. Pat’s testosterone level spiked as he caught a whiff of Owen’s pheromones drifting from his brother’s armpits. “Drop your shorts, hot stuff.” Owen grinned and complied, his tight shorts dropping to the ground. Pat lifted an eyebrow. Owen was stacked! Easily eight or nine inches! But…Pat was currently seventeen, so… “Want to bend over for me?” Owen’s eyes widened and he blushed. “Don’t be a pussy. Bend.” Owen bit his lip, but did as he was told. Pat let out a breath upon seeing his brother’s perfect ass, each cheek swollen with muscle and the hole perfectly tight. Owen whimpered slightly. “Be gentle. You could seriously hurt me.” Pat chuckled. “No way would I hurt my blond boy. Relax.” Pat positioned his enormous cock at Owen’s entrance and pushed slightly, the head popping into Owen’s hole. Owen gasped and grunted, and Pat took it as a full-blown invitation. He began to slide his shaft into Owen’s ass and Owen nearly screamed. That felt amazing, but it hurt! Seventeen inches did not fit naturally into a teen’s ass! Pat groaned and Owen whimpered loudly as Pat continued to shove his huge cock into Owen. Pat hit Owen’s prostate and Owen couldn’t help but scream in pain and pleasure. Holy god!! Pat knew he shouldn’t go any further, even though he had another nine plus inches left to go, so he settled for pumping lightly into Owen. Owen gasped and grunted, his body stretching taller in an effort to take Pat’s cock. It helped…in the fact that Pat was able to slip another inch into Owen’s butt. Once again, Pat’s new nuts made it extremely hard to hold in his load, but in his defense, he lasted three minutes longer than with his blowjob. But, inevitably, Pat exploded into Owen. Owen whimpered at the first climax…grunted twice at the second…moaned at the third…and screamed at Pat’s volcanic fourth orgasm. Pat groaned himself as his balls expanded further, becoming almost comically large. Owen pulled himself away and grunted. “Oh god…so good.” He turned and Pat’s eyes bugged out. Owen’s gut had bloated outward with all the cum in it. It looked so much bigger, the skin pulled tight like a balloon around the burgeoning organ. Owen looked down and smiled. “Oh yes.” Pat went to feel it, but stopped as he felt his balls churn more cum into his swollen cock. Owen noticed and grinned. “Never satisfied…I love it.” Pat opened his mouth, but stopped as Owen’s closed on his dick. Owen went at it with so much gusto that Pat didn’t last thirty seconds. This time, Owen swallowed the first three sprays of cum. The fourth caused him to gag heavily, and the fifth titanic load leaked out of his nose and mouth there was so much. Owen groaned heavily and sat back, his gut straining. It had grown to a huge blimp of a belly, tight and fantastically giant. Pat sat back as well, his cock finally softening. Owen moaned and rubbed his cum-inflated belly. “So…big…” Pat grinned. “Props for taking three rounds.” “You have so much cum!” Pat smirked and patted Owen’s giant gut. “I love this new look.” He had to look up quite a ways to find Owen’s soft lips. Owen was probably six foot eight at this point, and Pat was eye level with Owen’s perky nips. He loved it. Owen struggled to rise, his balance offset by his bloated belly. “I need to relax. I feel really weird right now…” Pat smiled. “Take your time, hon. It’s not like I don’t know where you live.” Owen grinned and ducked under the door frame. “See you later, Pat.” “Later, Owen.” About ten minutes later, a lovely phone call occurred. The boys’ parents were both working late tonight, so the two boys were left to their own devices. Which worked out perfectly. No telling how they would take one son being six eight and the other with a cock the size of an arm. Either way, Owen and Pat were very happy. Owen, though, needed a shower quite badly. He felt gross. Pat stayed in his room, fully content to fantasize about the experience. He stroked his flaccid eight inches, wondering if he should make it any bigger. Logical Pat wasn’t completely gone, and a leg-sized cock would make problems. Owen stripped down completely and stepped into the shower, wincing as his hugely bloated belly cramped and stiffened with his movements. So sore. That would take forever to get rid of…still, it was pretty hot. As he went to turn on the water, he felt a churning in his stomach. He grunted and pushed a hand against it. For a horrifying second he thought Pat had somehow impregnated him, but pushed that aside instantly. That was impossible. He groaned as a sliding feeling pushed through his swollen gut into his dick. He watched his soft five inches begin to slide outward. The skin slid off of his cock head, exposing the glistening purplish head. Owen gasped as the feeling intensified. Owen watched as his belly began to deflate…and his cock began to grow. With every inch that shrank from Owen’s stomach, three inches were added to his shaft. In but a few seconds, Owen’s cock had grown to match his brother’s luscious length…but with a great deal longer to go. Owen’s face flushed as his cock head touched the floor, its tremendous length continuing to grow with no signs of stopping. His belly was still quite large, and his dick kept swelling as his belly deflated. Owen was forced to support himself against the wall as the feeling swept through his body. He noticed his balls were also swelling, a great deal slower but still growing. He closed his eyes and put his hand on his belly, feeling it shrink. It finally reached its regular size and Owen took a hesitant step forward off the wall. He stepped on his own cock and nearly slipped off. He whimpered in shock and pain and looked down quickly. His cock lay inside the shower in coils, his shaft as long as he was tall. He lifted its length, wondering why it was still so thin. It wasn’t thick at all, nor was the head as large as Pat’s had been. But it was so much longer, and Owen stroked his length, hoping to find out its full length. He envisioned his brother getting even bigger, stepping into the shower with him to fondle and rub his new cock. He felt his new balls churn hormones through him, and he let himself grow another inch. But as horny as he was, his cock didn’t budge. Owen shrugged in annoyance and went to turn on the shower. However, he found his hand sliding to grab the head of his enormous dick. Instincts moved his hand upward, stretching his giant shaft above his head. Images of Pat filled his mind and he groaned as the same tingle that filled his chest recently shot through his cock. He expected his dick to keep growing, but instead felt a warm pulsing fill his shaft. His head began to leak pre, but something was very wrong. One, it didn’t so much ooze pre-cum as it did continuously pour. The liquid spilled out of Owen’s cock like a hose. Two, the liquid in question looked and felt more like oil than a sex fluid. On contact with Owen’s body, it shone and glistened and dripped like an oil. Owen closed his eyes as some leaked onto his face. A continuous flow pulsed up and out of his hose-like cock, soaking his body in a little over a minute and drenching every tan inch of him. He felt the oil coat him and grunted in pleasure. It seemed to sink into his skin, making him feel lithe and flexible. A sudden change in the pressure made Owen gasp. His balls were throbbing with effort, and Owen watched a huge bulge travel up his shaft. His eyes widened and he licked his lips hungrily. The bulge reached his head, and cum glopped out onto Owen’s long, blond hair. Owen’s other hand went to wipe the cum off…but he found himself rubbing the stuff in. It wasn’t sticky or gross like regular cum, but seemed to froth as he continued to rub it in. Another huge glob dropped onto his hair and he massaged his blond locks eagerly. After one final surge, Owen collapsed against the shower wall, tired but very satisfied. He felt a slight tightening all around, and attributed it to his sore muscles. God, his ass was especially rough after that pounding Pat had given him. He got out of the shower and reached for a towel, but found his body miraculously dry. Shrugging, he turned, caught his reflection in the mirror, and froze. Holy…shit. He was beautiful. His face had hardened slightly, his jawline firming. His eyes had lightened to a sea blue, flecked with specks of green. His eyelashes were long and his teeth were absurdly white. All in all, he had gotten so attractive he almost looked feminine, but it looked divine on him. His muscles had swelled slightly, but had tightened so intensely that they looked enormous against his skin. His pecs had bloated outward slightly, but had maintained their sideways perkiness, resembling…boobs, of sorts. They were firm as always, but the position of his nipples and the overall plushness of them just made them look slightly like breasts. Owen didn’t mind in the slightest. They looked fantastic. His stomach had hardened, his six-pack fully visible, even through his slight muscle gut. A beautiful Apollo’s belt outlined his toned abdomen. His arms were tighter than the rest, allowing veins and muscle to pop to the surface. They looked hugely muscular, but yet still lean and massively defined. His legs were solid, thighs and calves protruding from his legs without the slightest ounce of fat to cover anything. His ass was the only thing that had really grown, and it had grown. Not a comical amount, but enough to form a definite curve from his back. And his ass cheeks were so muscular Owen wondered how Pat was ever going to fit his monster in them again. His tubular shaft lay at his feet, but as Owen watched, it shrank back to its regular size and hardened like normal, its new tightness making it look bulky and strong. Owen’s skin, though, had tanned to a color that made Owen swoon. Too dark to be tan but too light to be Mexican or Asian, the color was like bronze, but lacking the metallic tinge. It was a fantastic color, and Owen bit his lip as he realized not a single inch of skin wasn’t that color. He was tan all over. His skin also looked shiny, like it was covered in a light layer of oil. It made all his muscles and his skin look slick and magnificent. The best part, though, was Owen’s hair. It was longer, and when he flicked his head down, it fell into his eyes. It was so silky it seemed almost translucent, and its blondness was stunning. It was so soft it almost didn’t seem like hair; more like the perfect blanket in a dirty-blond color formed to look like hair. Owen stared at himself for at least five minutes, examining and feeling his new, perfect body. Grinning like a loon with his amazing teeth, he turned to leave. Pat was going to love this. Pat, at the same time Owen had discovered how big his cock could get, was imagining his brother’s body. Just picturing his brother’s enormous height and nice muscles was enough to make him horny again. The disappointing ache crept into his giant cock and he grunted. Damn it…how long before he could manage again? He had pumped out three rounds of up to five orgasms in less than five minutes; how long before his cum would regenerate? He let himself get hard, wincing as his sore dick sent pain up his shaft. Pat forced himself to stop thinking about Owen, lest the comfort level sink even further. He felt a tingle spark through his cock. Smiling, he let it sink into his balls. Instantly the pain went away as his nuts swelled, beginning to force his legs apart with their huge girth. He found himself horny again. Good thing; there was something he needed to try. He let his cock bone fully, its fat length reaching his meaty pec. Bending down, he was easily able to slip his mouth over his bulbous head and down his shaft a few inches. Grunting in pleasure, Pat slid even further, his body super flexible from doing ten years of swimming. He went so far he choked on his own dick, and then began to pump back and forth. His muscular neck shoved his lips down his shaft with incredible speed, his mouth slipping over his sensitive head with gusto. The mere thought of sucking himself off was nice, but the actual action was another thing entirely. For one, he found he could actually enjoy himself instead of trying not to cum in two minutes. Flipping onto his back, he threw his legs over his head and rammed his dick into his waiting mouth and began to pump both head and hips. Pat could only get halfway down his giant shaft, but that was okay. The feeling was still indescribable. Such as it was, Pat lasted seven whole minutes before he shot his gigantic load into his own mouth. Relishing the slightly salty taste of his own cum, Pat managed to swallow his first three orgasms. The fourth and fifth caused him to choke slightly, and the sixth was a lost cause. He coughed violently, cum still gushing from his head as he pulled it out. He felt his heavy gut, its weight increased and its size bulked from the massive load(s). Mmm, that felt so good. He rubbed his swollen belly, but stopped as a pleasant warmth spread outward from it. His confusion only magnified when he felt the warmth travel through his body. Grunting in shock, he felt his pecs begin to grow. His arms quickly followed suit, followed by his legs, ass, and back. As the cum in his belly was converted into pure muscle, Pat felt his cock throb heavily. He quickly shoved his cock back into his mouth, cum blasting into his mouth even as his muscles expanded. He swallowed everything with an instinctual greed, his throat contracting rapidly to accommodate his own giant shots. His pecs ballooned outward as the seed passed them, his arms rapidly bulked and grew while his legs thickened tremendously and his neck packed on muscle. His back bloated outward, his ass spread hugely as muscle packed into it, and his gut began to push out, despite the lack of cum in it. In the end, Pat sat back, panting heavily for air. He turned to his mirror and couldn’t help but laugh. His face had muscled up, his chin and jaw hard. His neck was bull-sized, thick and muscular. Those led to hugely bloated traps, which in turn led to broad shoulders. His biceps were the size of dodgeballs, and his forearms were massively thick. Veins were prominent in his arms, and made the biceps look truly monstrous. His pecs were bloated and massive, resembling tan watermelons with fat nipples and huge areola. His muscle gut was huge yet firm, its top rubbing the bottom of his huge man tits. His legs were massively thick, like twin trees filled with corded muscle. His calves were equally juicy, bulky and fat in his legs. His back was inflated outward, his delts spread outward and his waist thick. His ass was enormous, swollen with the mass of his body and thighs along with its own impressive bulge. His cock had muscled up too, its girth much thicker and veins bloated and prominent. Pat shook his head in wonder. Owen was going to love this, and he was going to love showing it to him. In every way. Grinning, Pat strutted out of his room, his new muscles flexing and bouncing with every step. Both boys had changed tremendously, and both couldn’t wait to show the other. Little did they realize that their most bizarre…and most wonderful change was still to come. Both boys ran into each other in the hallway. Each froze, their eyes taking in every inch of the other. Silence ensued for an easy two minutes, and then Pat opened his mouth slowly. “You…you’re beautiful.” “You’re huge.” Pat’s giant forearm moved upward to touch Owen’s plump pec gently. “Your skin…this isn’t oil?” “It’s natural.” “Holy…” Owen bent to feel Pat’s enormous neck. “You’re so big.” “You’re so hot.” He popped a pec into his mouth and sucked hard. Owen moaned and used his tremendously long arms to squeeze Pat’s giant ass before slipping a long finger inside Pat’s hole. Pat groaned sharply as Owen probed Pat’s crack with his enormous digit. Pat’s ass was so muscular Owen couldn’t manage for long, but he still made his brother groan with pleasure for a good minute. Pat’s cock throbbed to its full length and Owen massaged it while his other hand slipped another finger into Pat’s ass to support his struggling index. Pat groaned louder as Owen slid in and out, his pencil-sized fingers brushing Pat’s prostate with every thrust. Owen slid down, his tongue sliding down Pat’s bloated stomach before tracing his incredible shaft. He slipped his mouth over Pat’s huge head while adding another finger to his hole plunger. It was getting harder to continue, as Pat’s globulous ass seemed to clench tighter with every second. Pat, in the prime position, began to push himself forward and back, his giant shaft sliding down Owen’s throat while his behemoth butt slid down Owen’s triple-digit probe. Pat quickly climaxed, spewing another fountain of cum down Owen’s throat. Owen swallowed as much as he could, but there was simply too much. He choked and pulled off, gasping for air. Pat took the opportunity to ram his mouth over his own cock to swallow the rest of his orgasms. Satisfied, Pat pulled off, smiling. Owen caught his breath and shook his head. “You didn’t even have to flex.” “It’s pretty massive, huh?” Both boys felt a bubbling in their stomachs and smiled. They knew what was coming, but the other didn’t. Owen felt it all channel into his cock while Pat felt his already-huge muscles begin to swell again. Owen watched in glee as his brother’s muscles expanded rapidly, his pecs taking the heaviest hit this time. Pat, in turn, watched in mute fascination as Owen’s cock seemed to unravel like a hose, it’s length dramatically growing until it hit the floor and began to coil up slightly. “Holy…” Owen looked down. “Yeah. I showered with it earlier.” “Showered with…?” Then it dawned on him. “Oh. Oh.” “Yeah. Jesus, your melons are huge!” Pat bounced slightly, causing his bulbous pecs to slap against his muscle gut. Owen swooned, his cock unreeling another half foot. Pat picked Owen’s cock up lightly, not having to bend much at all. Owen was enormously tall. He massaged it, his hands taking forever to slide down its tubular girth. Owen shook his head. “Naw, it won’t get hard. I’ve tried. It has to go back to normal first.” “Mm, I do really like this length, though. It’s easily twice as long as mine!” “But yours is three times as thick!” “That’s true.” As if on impulse, Pat compared their two cocks. Owen’s was indeed far longer, but Pat’s was definitely the more attractive one. He took his finger and slid it over Owen’s head, causing Owen to bite his lip in pleasure. Owen wished he could show Pat how he had showered, but it must have been a one-time deal. No tingling pressure was stored in his dick. Pat continued to massage Owen’s enormous dick, matching up heads. He took his own foreskin and began to pull it over Owen’s head. Owen giggled. “That’s so weird. Feels good, though.” Pat slid as much as he could onto Owen’s dick before sliding it off. Owen pushed his cock further into Pat’s as he did it again. An odd pulsing feeling surged through his dick and Owen’s cock pushed even further into Pat’s foreskin. Pat felt another surge as Owen’s dick seemed to vanish into Pat’s skin. Confused, Pat pulled his foreskin off only to find the most bizarre sight. Pat’s cock hole had widened enormously and was swallowing Owen’s hose-like dick. Another surge as Owen’s dick slid further into Pat’s waiting horse cock. Pat looked at Owen in shock, but Owen seemed oblivious, his eyes closed tight in pleasure. Pat watched Owen get pulled toward Pat as his dick went taught. There was still a huge amount left, but Pat was slowly absorbing Owen’s dick. As soon as Owen’s pelvis reached Pat’s, it stuck. Pat tried hard to pull away, but it was no good. The skin seemed fused. Owen pitched forward, still oblivious to what was happening. His plump breast-pecs stuck to Pat’s shoulders and began to sink in while his concave cavity matched up perfectly with Pat’s bloated muscle gut. Owen sank into Pat, his arms curving around to wrap around Pat’s shoulders and back before sinking in as well. His head lay down on top of Pat’s and melded with the rest of him. In but a minute, Owen had disappeared into his brother. Pat gasped in shock and horror. That had been psycho! What the fuck?! Then he felt a searing warmth blast through his body. He clutched his stomach and stumbled into the bathroom, feeling like he might vomit at any second. He clutched the sink, his head reeling. The sink seemed to be shrinking…no, it was shrinking. He was growing taller! He looked at the mirror to watch his six foot frame stretch upward until the top of his blond hair hit the top of the mirror. He must be at least six foot six! Incredible! His muscles grew again, but streamlined outward, making any bulk look like pure, enormous muscle. His veins popped outward while his bulges hardened, and his curves finalized beautifully. His pecs plumped outward and sideways slightly, his nipples swelling out and beefing heavily while his tit flesh softened considerably, making his huge pecs jiggle precariously with the slightest movement. His ass exploded outward, each cheek bulking considerably, making his butt look like something out of an anime porno. He watched his face jerk and shift, his features becoming unmistakably feminine like Owen’s had been. Long eyelashes, beautiful green eyes, and the cutest lips. His hair lost all its bounce, falling into his eyes and growing down to his nose. It became so silky and plush he could see through it, even with it covering his eyes completely. His skin darkened to that gorgeous tan Owen had been, and his body began to shine as his pores began to leak oil. He went to rub it in, but found it was a permanent part of his skin. Not that he minded at all. He grunted as the warmth churned into his dick. He watched his monster spurt pre as it surged outward, his head bulging wider and his shaft shooting out like a rocket. Pat groaned as its massive length slammed into the sink. He backed away quickly and watched it curl downward, looking more and more like a horse’s dick with every second. He kept expecting it to grow a sheath or turn black, but thankfully his mammoth cock remained human, even as it stopped growing at nearly two and a half feet. Its massive head slapped against Pat’s collarbone and he let his tongue probe the opening slightly. He grunted as the feeling inflated his balls until they nearly touched the ground. They sloshed and wobbled with all the cum in it, and Pat wondered how his legs could hold up their weight with a preposterously large cock and a swollen muscled body to boot. Speaking of boot, Pat’s butt was arching even further. Not so much growing as curving his back to make itself look truly gigantic. Pat loved it. Suddenly, Pat felt something inside him. He didn’t know how he knew, but he felt Owen in him. Not so much in him as inhabiting him, though. And Owen was growing. Pat felt himself stretch taller, more muscular, more hung. Owen was going hard at it, and Pat was not going to be beaten by his little brother. He stroked his enormous shaft and was rewarded by the tingle burst through him again. His cock burst outward, his balls dropped, and he felt himself bulk up. Owen was streamlining his body, but Pat was adding the extra pounds to streamline. His muscle gut was taking the hardest hit, almost softening due to all the weight being pumped into it. But Owen was a competitive boy. Pat’s gut hardened again, and Pat even saw six blocks of muscle push their way to the surface of his taught belly. The two competed for dominance, Pat’s body swelling all the way. Four things happened simultaneously. Pat’s ass pushed against the wall, his cock slapped onto the floor under the sink, its top pushing the cold porcelain, his head bumped the ceiling, and Owen’s conscience came into full emergence. Pat could feel Owen’s thoughts and memories in his own, and he liked what he saw. Hey babe. Like the new bod? I love it. We’re absolutely huge. We must be six foot ten at least! And we’re probably topping four or five hundred pounds. Jesus. Our cock is definitely three and a half feet. Our balls are the same size as watermelons. I think we can make it bigger. Both boys massaged Pat’s gargantuan dick, forcing his tingle into his balls. They swelled and expanded until they hit the floor. Pat moaned and Owen grunted in pleasure. There it is. That’s nice. We’re so horny. Let’s change that, huh? Pat let his cock up from its confines under the sink and let the head slap his chin. We’re hung like a fucking horse. Pat felt Owen pump his dick fuller, bigger, heavier. He watched it grow until it reached his plump lips, the hole oozing pre centimeters from his waiting mouth. Now we’re hung like a fucking horse. Let’s go, sexy. Pat slipped his mouth over the giant head, his lips barely squeezing around the bloated mushroom. Owen forced his head down until the top popped under Pat’s lips. Both boys moaned as the sensitive head slid across their tongue. Pat began to choke on the enormous shaft. Owen pumped muscle into Pat’s neck, allowing him to deep throat a disgustingly sexy amount of shaft. Owen grabbed a massive amount of tit-pec, the flesh spilling over their fingers. He massaged the heavy nipple, sending bolts of pleasure through his body. Pat came dangerously close to climaxing with the feeling, but forced himself to hold on a little longer. A little longer turned out to be about five seconds, though, as Owen squished the sensitive flesh of their near pumpkin-sized pec-boobs. Cum exploded in such a torrent Owen was forced to open Pat’s neck as wide as it could in an effort to swallow the first monstrous orgasm. Such as it was, neither boy could manage the second orgasm, let alone the eight that followed. Cum erupted everywhere, soaking Pat, the sink, the toilet, the shower, everything. Pat sat back on his couch of an ass, gasping for air. No growth accompanied his self-suck this time, but he still felt heavy and bloated. Owen hummed. That tasted great. You’re so sweet. I thought I was salty. Naw. Definitely sweet, Pat. Oh man, that was phenomenal. No kidding… This will be hard to explain to Mom and Dad. We’ll manage, babe. Hey, we need a new name. One we both like. How about Prowen? Pat chuckled. I love it. I love you, too. Owen felt his tongue slide over Pat’s lips. Pat felt Owen’s tongue slide over his lips. It was glorious for both of them. Pat pulled his blanket of hair out of his eyes, pushing it over his head. Owen smirked, the long silky mane creeping down their neck until it rested handsomely over their shoulders! The same oil on their skin sunk into their new hair, solidifying its position. Oily yet majestic, their new do crept a little longer, bouncing beautifully and fully just above the boy’s nipples. I love you. I love us. I do, too. We’re going to have a very different relationship from now on for sure. Oh, for sure. But that’s okay. I like what we have now. Pat slid a giant finger into Owen’s giant ass. Me too.
  7. It's my first story and I want propose something of little special. I have always loved Jaypat's stories and everytime I finished one, I wanted the next because it finished often on open endings, so, often, I imagined the next. Unfortunately, Jaypat hasn't posted anything since longer... ). I began to write this story completely independent of his universe but I had finally some similar elements (and I loved his style of write !) and then, I have this idea, the idea to "connect" my story to one of him but not like a direct sequel (even if I would like), but more like a "spin off" (and who know, maybe a "crossover" between of two but for that, I will to have his agree before and as he didn't give any signs of life since one year...). But I prevent, I have not the pretention to write as well as he does, but really, I loved his stories. However, it's not my intention to infringe his author rights, only to propose a side story that I would have liked to read in a universe I really loved and which is directly linked to one (this story taking place in another city not far from that of the protagonists of "The swimming hole"). If it's a problem, don't hesitate to report me and I will delete this story. Link of original story, by Jaypat : https://www.metabods.com/stories/the-swimming-hole PS : my english is really bad, so please excuse me if sometimes I do big mistakes. An other motivation for write english stories is that also a good method for me to improve my level. _____________________ Chapter 1 Hello, I'm Nicholas, nicknamed Nick and I'm gay. I'm 18 years old and I recently moved in a new city. At my new school, there is this guy, Christian, nicknamed Chris. I fell in love at first sight, I have never seen a most beautiful guy. He was 19yo and he was the perfection. Perfect face, perfect eyes, perfect lips, perfect hair, perfect smile, slighty muscular, perfect skin. But unfortunately, if I thought he was also gay, I dont't think that I please him. I'm a nerd and like all nerds I'm very skinny. But I got a plan. I was very good in chemistry and I heard this story of these guys who are became muscular giants thanks to a substance, in a near city. I thought this information was a fake, and after all it seemed to be, a hulk potion, seriously, who believed this story ? But I did my researches, I learned that one of these guys destroyed his house. But who know ? Maybe I found more information over there? So I went, there had really a destroyed house, and after many hours I found what I searched : a sample, in the debris, but only a few drops, too little for to get good results. It was a kind of blue goop, really too blue for to be "natural". So I take risk to test and suddenly I felt a electrical sensation through me and like if I was growing but very very very slighty. Damn, it was like a wet dream which became a reality ! But I needed more, so I took decision to recreate it and use it on me for seduce Chris (and maybe grow him also !). But even if I get there, I have to do this slowy, pass from skinny guy to muscular giant, it will be too suspicious, and maybe I will fear Chris. And this, I woulnd't ! So I have to use little doses until to reach my goal. After some weeks, I had an experimental prototype and I needed to test it on a subject. But who or rather what ? I didn't try yet on an human. I could hear a little shrill noise behind me. Raaah shit, what this damn rat still want ? He is hungry I bet but... ... wait ... a rat ? ...But.... Fuuuuck, why I didn't think earlier ? Test on who ? Obviously : on my rat ! And it's perfect time : he's hungry. I have just to add a dose in his meal. I only hope that it wont't kill him. I put a good dose for a rat because I need to really view changes, but not too much, I wouldn't have a giant rat in my bedroom... Ok, this dose will be perfect. I put his dish in his cage. And now, I have just to wait. "Enjoy your meal Carl." Carl sniffed his meal, waited few seconds then finally eat. Nothing happened during next seconds then suddenly, Carl froze and started to tense up. He cried a lot, like if it hurt him. And then I saw it : I could see slowy his back move and his paws. have swollen. Bumps were starting to appear on his back, back which was widening at front legs, giving him quickly an aspect of V. Carl lay on his side then on his back. I didn't believe what I saw : on his belly, we could see several bumps appear. 2 bigger on top, and several smaller below. Holy shit : Carl had pecs and abs ! I had a fucking rat with pecs and abs ! And he was bigger also. Then it finally stopped. I stayed speechless : my formula was working ! My formula was REALLY working ! Holy shit ! It was like a dream became a reality. So it was the time, time to take my first dose and to launch my plan for seduce Chris ! For better see results, I undressed and took a big mirror. I calculated what dose I need for to give impression that I started to workout. I didn't hide I really envy to swallow and to become Hulk but I had to remember why I wanted go slowing : Chris. Few instants later, my first dose was ready. I fixed it few seconds then I drank the vial. At beginning, I didn't felt anything and then a little tingling. But quickly this tingling has spread all in my body and became more like a burning. And I felt it, I felt all my muscles slowy swollen. I could see my shoulders became more rounder, my pecs slowy emerge from my chest, a central line appeared on my flat stomach but I could felt my abs slowy pushed out and soon I saw the very slight of a sixpack. My arms also swollen and became less skeletal, more athletic, same with my legs. Then it stopped. I was a little disappointed, I hoped there would be more changes. However, I know why I have to take my time. As I excepted, changes were no visible when I was dressed. I noticed that I was taller, I passed from 5.6 feet on 5.8. But it doesn't matter, soon more changes will come, a lot of changes ! But for now, so as not to arouse too much suspicion, I will take one dose per every three or four week, enough for to give the illusion that the results are due to my workout. Tomorrow we have a gym classes and Chris will be. Perfect moment for to see if my changes will be noticed. *The next day* The alarm rings, the classes was finished and we have now our gym class. This was time ! In the locker room, I purposely took off my shirt for everyone could see and then and pretended to answer at a message. During one minute, nobody says anything and I thought that it was fuck up for this time but... "Well well, it looks like someone has finally decided to start workout". It was Jake, a sportive guy. I had no problem with him but it was cool that he noticed. Some guys looked me quickly, let out a little breath, then continued. And finally Chris looked me, he looked few seconds my chest, then he fixed me also few seconds and go out. I hoped more but it was normal, changes were yet insufficient. But he looked me, that was the most important. Next weeks were a torture, every day I wanted take an another dose. But no, I had to simulate a real progression. Then after a good month, it was time ! Same the first time, I undressed me and I was holding on front of mirror, almost naked with my precious vial. I drank it in one sip. Immediately I felt this burning, more intense than previously. "Oh fucuuuuuck" I moaned. I began to sweat then it started : I saw my neck thicken and my previously inexistant traps emerge. My shoulders get really round. "Oh goooosssh" said I. During all grow spurt, I was moaning and panting. My biceps/triceps bulged out, my forearms thickened. My back widened, giving me a really good V shape. I saw my pecs grow, like if I had been implanted 2 balloons. Below my slighty sixpack became more ripped, really becoming visible. "Ooooo fuuuucck, oooooh fucking fuck !". My quads swollen more, became really big, my calves exploded out of my legs. THen it stopped. "HOLY FUCK !" I almost yelled, if previously I looked like a guy who started to have good results, now I was lookng like a muscular teen. And like last time, I was also taller : almost 6 feet now ! Thick and ripped muscles everywhere. I was excited by my reflection so I took my python.. Holy shit ! I didn't notice but it was growing too ! I began to rubbing. Waves of pure pleasure crossed me. It was not only bigger but also more sensible, more intense. I increased the rythm and began to moaning. "Oh gooossshh oh fuck ooooooooooh... this feel........ soooooo gooooooooooddd oooooooooh aaaaaaaahhh ooooooooohhhh" and I felt the climax come. "oooooOOOOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK !!". I came and I came and I came and I came. Finally after one minute of pure pleasure, the torrent decreased then stopped. Shiiiiit, the mirror was fully covered. I have to shoot one or two liters, oh fucking god ! I had also bought a compression shirt, before never I thought buy this kind of cothes but now, it was the best way for to show my progress without to have to undress me. And fuuuuck I looked very good into : I could see separation of my shoulders, my pecs were really visible, we can see even my nipples which pointed down. Previously my abs were invisible with clothing but with this compression shirt, we can see bumps. Not huge bumps of the world but we can easily guess that I had a sixpack. And my legs were thights, my quads filled completely my pants. And my arms looked so good, there was no longer any doubt that I was workout, well, that I was supposed to workout. The next day, I arrived with a coat so as not to let see the results directly. But in class I could hear whispers and even some people saying to their neighbor "Did you see Nick ? I never noticed that he was so big !". At the break, I even had people to whom I never spoke who came to see me to congratulate me and ask for advice. Then the noon time arrived. The waitress even gave me a double ration because "It takes a lot for a big boy like me". Then I sat down at my usual table. And it's at this time than I heard a familiar voice. "Can I sit down next to you ?". It was Chris. Internally I jumped of joy, but outwardly, I said just "Of course you can !". "So, I can see that you started working recently. And fuck, yours results are really amazing". "Thanks !" I said. "What's your program ?" he asked me. Fuck ! I didn't think about it. I couldn't say that I did just some push ups. So I quickly invented a program with basics exercices that everyone knew. "And you have this results with just this program ? Weird. You must have a very good genetic". We talked during all break when the ring rang. Next days and weeks, Chris was getting more closer of me. I saw that he liked my body but I didn't know if he was in love or not. It didn't matter : I was going to give him a boost ! I let pass almost a month and half before to take my dose. I was really excited, logically after this, Chris will be completely crazy of me. But I had to be careful, I didn't want to be Hulk, well, not yet. Ok, a few more drops and I will have good but credible results. I swallow the vial. "OOOOO FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK" I yelled ! It was yet more intense that last time. I felt my neck thicken yet, my traps rose. "OOOOOOOOOOOOHH NNNNNGGGHHHHAAAAAHHHHH !". My shoulders became canonballs, my amrs became huge guns, 17 or almost 18 inches I think and with a big vein which ran trough them. My back widened and could feel a lot of bulges popped out "HOOOOOOLLLY SHIIIIIIIITTT" ; my pecs became football balloon, fully round. My sixpack developed more, I passed my hand on them and fuuuuuuuccckk, now it was really boulders under my skin. My quads became so big, with a lot of bumps. My calves exploded more out of my legs, my feet grew more. Then, one more time, it stopped. When I saw my reflection, I came instantly : I was huge ! Not just well muscular but like a teen bodybuilder. All muscles was huge, ripped. I tried my compression shirt and holy shit, it was so tight. If the grow spurt had during more time, it would be too small. And shit, if we could guess my muscle with previously grow, now my compression shirt was like a second skin. All was so ripped, so big. I was excited to be tomorrow. And the next day, when I entered in the yard, there is a silence as I never heard. All fixed me, were wondering if it was really me and how I had do for to have big results like this in small time. Weirdly, almost no one came to talk me, like if they feared me. But one people came, the one that I had hope. "Shit man, I don't know how you do, but fuck yeah, you look so good ! Tomorrow, the gym will be closed so, I told me that you could come to my house for workout ?". "YES" I yelled insidely. "YES YES YES YES YES OH FUCK YEAH YES". But outisdely, I just said "Of course I can !"" with a smile. "Perfect" asked me Chris. "So we'll see us tomorrow". This night, I couldn't sleep. I knew probably how it finished and why he wanted that I will go in his house. Yes we will do a workout, but no only... Next day, when the final ring rang, my heart beat really quickly. In few minutes, I will be in Chris bedroom. And in few hours maybe in his bed. I left school and went to Chris. For to go more speed, I decided to run. Fuuuuuuck, I didn't notice but it was so easy to run, I'm sure that I could run a marathon. Finally I arrived to Chris's home. I shaked before to ring. When Chris open me, I think that I was almost going to pass out. "Hi! Nice to see you." he said. "Nice to see you too" I asked. "Ready for our... workout ?" he says me with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm ready" We went in his bedroom, there was some workout equipment. After a little warm-up we started to train. Fuuuuuck, I didn't notice but even workout was fucking easy. Before, I never had more than 5 or 6 push up and I couldn't do any pull up. But now, I could do this all day if I wanted. After 20 minutes, Chris says me he needs a break. Then he fixed my chest and arms. "Shiiiiit, you look very very very good". "And you don't seen all" I asked in flexing my arms. I could see Chris's eye widening. "You want feel it ?" I asked. "Of course" he said. And he passed his hands on my biceps "Fuuuuuck, it felt like steel". While he was rubbing my biceps, I fixed him in eyes. Then, always with his hand on my biceps, he fixed me. He smiled. I smiled. He smiled. I smiled. Fuuuuuck, look his eyes, this nose, this mouth, this lips, shit, he was really perfect ! And, finally, he closed his eyes, open his mouth and approached to me. I did the same. This moment felt me like an eternity but finally, this inesperate instant happened : our lips touched and we started a dance of tongue. I didn't believe it, I was going to kiss Chris, I fucking was going to kiss Chris ! I got hard intanstly. We continued some moments then he stopped and open his eyes. I feared that he would get angry... but he had a big smile, a very big smile. And we start again. I don't know how long we did it, 5 minutes, 10, 20, 30 maybe but for me it wanted that he will be for eternity. Finally, we fell on his bed and I felt that he took my shirt. He had a little trouble to remove it, it was so fucking tight and then it did same. He kissed and licked every part of my body, he started by traps, then my shoulders, my arms, forearms and hand then he licked my pecs, then abs, where he licked every grooves and kissed every bricks. And he took my dick. "HOLY SHIT ! What's this thing ?". "You want see it ?" I said. He said "Yes" of head. I undressed me and removed my underwear. "HOLY FUCKING GOD !" he said when he saw my dick. "FUCKING SHIT ! IT'S HUGE !". Then he looked me and said quietly "Nick ?". "Yes ?" I asked. "I wanted to go slowy but... fuck me". "What ?" I couldn't believe what I heard, I knew that it will arrive but not too early. "I want you fuck me, here and now" I didn't what say but finally I said "I hoped you asked me this" with a smile. But it will be... my first time" "Haha don't worry, you will see, it's easy... especially when you are in love" he said in smiling. Shit, it was the sentence I hoped hear more than all. "However, I think I need to be lubricated for to welcome this monster otherwise my black hole will remember it haha". I took the bottle and started to apply it. Nick did small moans. "Haha you see, you are more good what you thought !" "Ok, and now ?" "Now I let you the next. My ass is to your. Little advice, go slow, it give better feelings" I lay down on Chris and naturally, I started to kiss his neck and rub his hair, neck and shoulders. And he was right, very naturally, my train pulled up in front of the tunnel entrance and, wagon after wagon, enter into. "OOOOOOOHH SHIIIIIITTT" he yelled. Instantly, I stopped "Are you okay ? If it does hurt we can stop and..." "No no no !" he said "It's just more intense what I was thinking but don't worry, continue". I restarted to kiss and rub him and push some wagons in him. Chris was moaning and panting. "Oh shit, oh fuck, aaaaaaaaahhh...Haha you see ? For a first time you are really good". I continue to push until finally, all of my cock was into him. Then I went go back then forward. "OOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUCK" yelled Chris. "Are you okay ?". "Yeah yeah don't worry, it's just too fucking good". I continued like during next minutes : back, forward, back, forward. And litle by little I increased the rythm. Soon Chris don't stop to moaning "OOOO SHIIIIT OOOOOOOOH AAAAAAAAHH FUUUUUUCCCKKKK OOOOOOOOOOHHHH". I continued like this for several minutes when I felt the climax was very near. "I think than I was going to came Chris". "Try to... aaaaahh...contain.. ooooohh... you, you... oooooooh... will see, it's.. nnnnggghhhh... will be really... aaaaaaahh better". I tried to contain me too long, I closed my eys and clenched my teeths, And I pumped, again and agan and again until what after three minutes, I can't contain more. I have just time to prevent Chris : "I'm commmiiiaaaaaaaaAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !". I couldn't see it but shit, I felt like I fired cannon. Chris yelled like he never yelled. I came, and I came, and I came. It seems unstoppable. At a moment, I could felt that it overflowed but I couldn't stop it. Finally after three or four fully minutes of the most powerful orgasm I have been, the torrent finally ended. We were here, on his bed, in moaning, panting, covered by sweat and maybe cum. "Fuck yeah Nick, it was most amazing thing I have felt in my entire life" he said me while he was panting. "Me too" I asked while I was still in Chris. Finally, I retired me and laid me down next of him. "It maybe indiscreet but... how did you do ?" "How did you do what ?" "For to be honest... I don't think you have this amazing body by workout. It's too much results and especially in a so small time. I understand if you don't want ask me but I'm very curious to know how" During one time, I want to lie him but finally, after what we had live, I decided to tell him the truth. "I'm going to tell you, but I think that you didn't believe me" "Try, you will see" And I told him all about the blue goop. "Effectively, it seems really crazy but I'm going to trust you. For to be honest, I thought to steroids but even steroids are not too quick for to have results like you. And it's was the maximum you could have ?" "No, apparently, you could be a fucking giant of 30 feet if you want. More you drink, more you grow" "Holy fuck ! That seems amazing, too amazing for to be real" "However it's it ! Look that !" I showed him pics of Carl. "Fuck ?! What's this thing ?" "My rat. It's on him I tested the formula" "Holy shit ! But he almost doubled. And he is so muscular" "Yeah, as I told you, you can be a fucking giant" "But... Why are you not bigger ?" "What ?" "I mean you could be a fucking muscular giant. Not you are not muscular but your body is a "normal" body for a teen bodybuilder. And you are not grow so big directly also." SHIT ! He noticed... But fuck, I didn't do nothing bad. I have to tell him the truth. "For to be honest... I wanted to seduce you" Chris smiled. "Haha really ? I'm very honoured... but you know, it was not necessary for to seduce me because... you did it since the beginning !" "What ?" "You believe that I fell in love since you grew ? Nick, I'm in love of you since the first time I saw you !" "What ? But I'm not..." "A beautiful guy ? But of course you are beautiful, more beautiful than you think. I had just too fear than it wasn't reciprocal" "Shit ! So I did all that for nothing ?" "Obviously not, I'm in love of you, with muscle or not but I have to admit that you look so so good with. I fucking love that. And for to be honest, I really envy you. I would be a muscular god too ! But... maybe not a 30 feet giant, it was too much". "We can arrange that! And for to be honest also, I wanted grow again, but not without you. So I'm very happy that you ask me. Let me only go in my bedroom, I will prepare doses and join me in one and half hour in the woods, outside the city" "In the woods ? Why ?" "More discrete. Even my little doses, I was moaning, so all ine one dose, you will roar. And also...I hope a second round" I said in smiling. "Oh don't worry for this, you will have your second round" "Ok, so in one hour" "In one hour, my love" I quickly go at my home. Ok, Chris didn't want to be a 30 feet giant but however more than any simple human, 8 feet will be good. I prepare his dose and mine and some little if he wants some "supplements". And I went in the woods. My heart beat very quick : in few hours, we will be two fucking muscle god. I was like a dream which became a reality. When Chris saw me, he had a very big smile. I think he was also excited than me. "One more time, are you sure to do this ? There is no back after" "Nick, you have transformed a fucking dream in a reality, who whouldn't that ?" "Yeah, I though the same thing" Nick started to undress him "Like this, you will enjoy the show !"t When I gave him the vial, I coul have sworn I could hear his heart beat. "Cheers Nick !" and he drank it. Instantly, I saw he widened his eyes and he began to moaning loud. "oooOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK !!!" He started to sweat a lot of and I noticed his veins appeared all on his body. Quickly, I could see his pecs swollen, his abs pushed out of his stomach. His biceps bulges, started to have a nice shape. His back widened, his traps started to raise up. His quads bulged. And he grews more, and more and more. Shit in less of one minute, he looked already like a bodybuilder. Chris flexed his chest. "Fuuuuucck" he said, rubbing his hand on his huge pecs. "They feel like steel !". His hand slid down and he was rubbing his bulged abs. "And them, they feel like a fucking brick wall, oh gooooossshhh !". And it wasn't finish, Chris could feel they were growing. His shoulders was pushing, enlarging, becoming bowling balls. He could feel his back was getting wider and broader, some bumps popped out. His traps began to really erupting from his back and surround his neck, giving him a bull neck. And Chris felt that his lower body was growing too. "OOOOHHH SHIIITTT OOOOOHH FUUUUUCCK MY... MY LEGS !". Chris could felt his quads bulking up, swel, like a balloon. But it was not filled with air but muscle. Soon he could feel that his boxer was tight and didn't resist not longer. I was here, just staring my boyfriend became Hulk, in drooling, gasping and moaning because I was orgasming. It was the most fucking sexiest thing I have never seen. "You like it Nick ? Because me I fucking love it hahaha ! NGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH... and it is not finished, I can feel it !". Effectively, Chris could feel that the pressure was increasing, very increasing. And all of his body started to explode with muscle. Firstly, his shoulders grew in huge huge balls of rock hard flesh. His arms bulged bigger and bigger, becoming immense bulbous masses, even his forearms were so fucking huge. And his hand, shit look their hands, they were so big ! His pecs were growing into two gigantic globes of pure muscle. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK !" roared Chris. I could see his abs swollen and became bigger then suddenly, he yelled when the first row litteraly exploded out. o-ly fu-cking SHIT ! They were humoungous !! he yelled again when the second row did same and some later, he yelled for the third time. He was panting and moaning loudly, thinking that it was finish for his abs but suddenly he roared one more time : a fucking fourth row exploded out from nothing, giving him a incredible strong, huge, powerful and very ripped eight-pack. No doubt that I broke my fists if I tried to hit them. And his legs were becoming monstrous muscle pillars. Humoungous massive quads, where every striation was clearly visible, huge calves. His boxer didn't resist and litteraly have been completely disintregated, releasing a FUCKING monster. And it wasn't not finished, Chris still had some muscle spams, each adding tens and tens of pounds of pure muscle. "OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !! BIGGER !!! BIGGER !!!!! BIGGER !!!!" and effectively, he was bigger every time he said this word. And every time this voice was also deeper. And finally, he roared like he never roared in a last big muscle spasm, who must have added not far from a hundred pounds. And it was over. My boyfriend was now a fucking amazing 8 feet Hulk. He must have more strength only in his little finger than I had in all my body. It was a true power monster and the most fucking sexiest thing that I have seen. "OOOO GOOOOOD !". Shit ! His voice was so deep, so sexy. "It was the most amazing feel that I felt in my entire life ! And even now, the slightiest movement was so fucking good, even only breath was orgasmic !! OH FUCK, I'M A FUCKING GOD I'M SOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH !!!". And he came. Holy fucking mother shit !! It was like a giant geyser, and it was so powerful : the blow went to hit a rock and made a hole into. Holy shit ! If it was me, I would be instantly impaled. The deluge during almost ten minutes before it stops. "HOLY SHIT CHRIS ! You was already so sexy but now... you are the fucking sexiest thing I have seen of my life !" I said while I was gasping because I came into my pants "Thanks my love, I have to admit that was fucking amazing. And all this thanks to you ! You are a fucking genius ! Now it's your turn, and we will do this second round !". Yeah, because for now, it was clear that I couldn't "welcome" this "monster". I took my dose, look my boyfriend and says : "Cheers my big love !" "Cheers my little love !" Chris asked me. And I drank. Instantly, it was like an eruption. All my body was lava. I started to shaking and sweating and I noticed that I forgot to remove my clothes. I felt my traps started to rise out while my neck was thickening. My shoulders were stretching out and grew into huge balls of rock hard muscle. I felt my upper arms become gigantic peaked masses while my forearms expanded inti great wedges of muscle. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !" I felt my pecs was swelling and suddenly exploded into twin canonballs, ripping top of my shirt. The pressure go down in my midsection and, under my shirt, I felt my ripped sixpack grew. "GAAAAAAAHHHHH... AAAAAAA... AAAAAAHHHHHH ... ... MY... MY ABS !! OH FUUUUUUUCK" and then, like Chris, the first row popped out of my stomach. Fuck, the sensation was so fucking good ! I roared two more times and, like Chris I pushed a last big roar when my fourth line exploded out. I passed my hand on them and fuuuuuccck, even with my shirt we could clearly see eight huge bricks which were practically blowing out of my stomach. I felt my shirt was in agony. I filled it completely. And when my back started to grow, I could hear a lot of tearing sounds before to be completely destroyed. I could feel my back was widening and my lats explode with bulk, getting huge and thick. And I didn't notice but I was taller, 7 feet. I could feel my legs swell quickly, my quads filled my pants and soon we can see even separation. My pants will resist again few instants and then tears appeared everywhere. A last jolt tore him completely, leaving in my boxer, which was more elastic. Then it stopped, I mean, that's what I thought. A spasm ran through me and I felt all of my muscle growth. Then another, then another, another, another. I instinctively started laughing. "OOOOOHHHH YEEEEESS ! Bigger ! Bigger ! BIGGER !!!". And I could feel my boxers tightening, tightening, tightening. Th final spasm, which was more intense than other, destroyed it and released my fucking huge cock that was as hard as he could And it was over, I was also a fucking 8 feet tall muscle giant. Then I looked Chris with a big smile and above all a very big desire. He was also very hard. "Ready for next round ?" I asked. "Oh fuck yeah I'm ready !" he said me. And instantly I jumped on him. We rolled each other (and crush everything on our paths), we were exploring every bumps (and there was a lot of !). "Can I ?" asked Chris. "Oh fuck yeah you can !" I said. I turned me and Chris laid on me. Weirdly, he didn't feel heavier than last time, but however he must do almost more one thousand pounds. As usual, he started to rubbing my hair, kissed my neck and rubbing my gigantic traps and shoulders, then my bumpy back. Shit, he may be a fucking 8 feet giant, he knew be tender and I loved those moments, it was the calm before the storm. And the storm arrived when I felt he was entering in me. "HOOOOLLLYYYY FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK" I roared. I thought I had the best feeling but this sensation was more better. I moaning loudly when little by little, he pushed entirely his monster in me. And he started to pump. And he pumped, pumped, pumped. Soon, I was moaning continually. I gripped two tree trunks for to keep stability. Chris kept bangt me for several minutes in increaseing the speed. I heard his grunts were more loud and deep and soon I could hear a long moan. : this was the storm. "I can't hold it anymooOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!". It was not a human cry, more a bestial cry, almost like a T-Rex. And he shooted a true torrent. The sensation was so intense that I roared and completely closed my fists. I heard a big crack : I had completely crushed the two trunks, only with my hands. Holy shit, I was so fucking strong. During almost 15 minutes, Chris came, and came, and came, in roaring. Then the flood stopped. When I looked around... HO-LY FU-CKING SHIT ! When we make love for the first time, I was already impress byt the quantity that I had ejaculated but here... he shooted more than a pool. Holy shiiiit ! "So, what do you say it, my love ?" "Shiiiiiit Chris it was so amazing !" "Yeah I have to admit that was so unbelievable. I saw you broke two tree trunks with your hands. I asked me : Would you like to test our new body ? I mean, we don't know how much strong we are, I want test it. But we need a true challenge and I think that I have what we have need. Do you remember we have a tank at the entrance at the city ?" "Wait, you are not serious ? Chris, you know like me how much it weighs ? It's the heaviest tank of the world ! So yes, I know we are now fucking muscle god but, even, this tank...You believe really we can to lift 415000 lbs ?" "Yeah I know, this tank weighs 415000 fucking pounds ! But I want see what we are able to lift" Few hours ago, I would find it difficult to lift my previous weight so now a 415000 lbs tank ? But I have to say I was curious also. "Ok let's go !" And on the way we had fun : we could run as fast a car, jump of several tens of meters, in length and height and finally we arrive quickly in front of this monster. "You start ?" asked me Chris. "Ok" I placed my hands underneath and started try to lift. But as I expected, it was heavy, very heavy. I forced with all my might, I became all red but I was amazed to be able to lift of few inches but I couldn't do more. "My turn" says Chris. Like me, he used all his might. I could see all bumps in his back flexed, shit it was a beautiful show. And like me, he was just able to lift of only few inches, what was already fucking amazing. For reminder, this monstrous thing weighed 415000 lbs ! "I'm little disappointed..." said Chris. "What ? Are you kidding me ? Disappointed to be able to lift a fucking 415000 lbs tank ?" "Yeah but I thought we were able to lift completely...but maybe with more..." Then Chris fixed me, with a small smile and I understood what he was thinking... "You want grow again, isn't ?" "Yeah, but just a few, no need to be 20 feet more. Just 1 or 2 would be sufficient." I have to say that I was also disappointed by that, and we were already 8 feet giant. So a little more, why not. "Ok. I have what we need." I took 2 doses and gave one at Chris. "We do together this time ?" he asked me. "Ok ! Cheers Chris !" "Cheers Nick !" And we drank. Instantly, we felt this familiar sensation, like if a lightning hit us. "OOOOOOOHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT" roared Chris. I looked my already huge hands and saw they became more bigger. My forearms quickly grew, shit it was fucking thick ! My upper arms exploded into gigantic peaked masses. My shoulders became fucking humoungous ! My traps rose to my ears. I could feel them flexing when I turned my head. My pecs became really mountainous, blocking completely my view on my chest. I felt a enormous hard pressure in my midsection. I passed my hand on my abs and I could feel them swell; I suspected what was going to happen and it was quickly confirmed. I swear I even heard the "POP" noise when my first row exploded out of my stomach, giving a fucking amazing sensation. Then I heard quickly 3 others "POP". But I felt the hard pressure go down one more time. Oh crap, I was thinking, I was going to have a te... but I didn't have time to finish my thought because I yelled in same time I heard the fifth "POP". Holy shit, I had a fucking ten-pack ! A holy fucking ten-pack. God I thought it was impossible (but well, I didn't think to become a fucking 8 feet muscle god was possible too few days ago). I heard Chris yelled, same thing happened for him, and it was a nice show. I could see his already big and sexy abs popped out more, row after row, and Chris yelled at every "POP". And finally, like me a fifth row appeared from nothing in same time of the huge roar of Chris. It was funny, we looked like Freeza while he was tranforming in his 2nd form : our upper body was disproportionate to the bottom because our legs didn't grow yet. But it's not last long when I felt my huge quads exploded with a lot of muscle mass en became fucking gigantic, same thing with my calves and my feet. We were taller, 9 feet tall I think. Oh and obviously, our huge amazing cocks grew too. And the muscle climax arrived. A last wave surprised us : forearms, arms, shoulders, traps, back, pecs, abs, quads, calves. All our bodies exploded in one time with more muscle mass. It was so intense we roared so loudlyn enough for to explode every window on several miles. And finally it was over. "OOOOOHHHH FUUUUUCKKKK" roared Chris, flexing every muscle. "It feels so good ! So fucking good !". And fuck yeah, he was right : it felt so so so so so good !! I couldn't believe it : we were now 10 feet muscle god giant and 7 feet wide. Every move was orgasmic, I bet that I could come instantly only I flexed. It was like our bodies were nuclear reactors and every move or flex was a nuclear explosion. "Ready to retry ? I let you the honor" I asked. "Chris took him in position, placed his hands underneat and lift and, this time rather, he lifted the tank with absolutely no difficulty. It was like he lifted a toy." "Shiiiiit, it's so light" He tried to lift with one hand and same, he lifted it very easily. "You want try ? Haha it's not even funny" Same as Chris, I placed my hand underneat and I lifted. And yes, fuck yeah, it was so easy, even too easy. I don't imagine what strength we had because, fucking shit, I was going to lift a fucking tank which weighed 415000 lbs like it was nothing. And then I have been a idea. "Hey Chris, do you like soccer ?" "Mmmhh ? Yeah but why ?" "For this !". I put my hands on tank's side and started to compress. Quickly, the sound of metal twisting was heard. Shiiiit, I became instantly hard when I though what I was doing : I was crushing a fucking 415000 lbs tank... to bare hands. Never I could imagine that. Some minutes later, it was just a ball of steel, also big as me before. We began to make passes. Suddenly I shooted the ball in sky and Chris did a high jump for to intercept. Shiiit ! He jumped so high, maybe 80 feet. When he fell and hit the ground, I could feel this latter shaking. Chris cleared the ball and, holy shit, it went so far, somewhere in the woods. "Ha sorry, too far. Let's go ?" asked me Chris. And we ran towards woods. Crap ! We ran quickly, very quickly, even a speed car couldn' outrun us, then Chris tried to jump and fuuuuuuuuuckk, he literally flew trough the sky like Hulk in movie. Shit, we were unstoppable ! I rejoined him. "So I think we lost it" while he looked all around. "I just hope no one's got it in their head" I joked. I enjoyed of this moment for to admirer my boyfriend and his new amazing body. I remembered him when he looked like a model. Now he was a fucking god, even god of Hulk (by the way, it was funny to think we were bigger than him). I looked his fucking legs, gigantic muscular quads, below there was ten huge boulders, harder than diamond, and two unbelievable gigantic pecs, his shoulders were so fucking huge, and his biceps/triceps fuuuuuuuuuckk look these monsters, and his neck with his fucking amazing huge traps which surrounding completely his neck. And then there is only thing which didn't change : his face. Yeah it was very bigger but it was same beautiful eyes, sexy nose, lips. And his voice was so deeper. Chris looked me, noticed that I was drooling on him, smiled and said "It looks like someone whants a third round... but you will have to catch me haha !" and he started to ran in the woods so I started to purchase him. We ran trought woods. I saw him sink in the trees and boulders and shatter them like it was nothing. We were unstoppable. Finally, I caught him on a slope and we rolled, while we were kissing, until to arrive in front of a swimming hole. "You want us to bathe ?" said Chris. "Why not !" I asked, and we went into swimming hole. "Since you caught me, you deserve your trophy" and he turned him. I laid down on him and like our previous sessions, I started to rub and kiss him. Really, I loved those moments of tender. But this time, I didn't know why, I felt like a electrical sensation, like a strong swarm. I was rubbing his fucking huge delts, shoulders and traps, but it felt weird, it felt like it was... moving or... swelling ? I stopped all movement for to better feel and... yes, fuck yeah, he was growing, but slowy. "Chris ? I don't know why but it seemed you are ... growing ? Do you take another bottle of goop ?" Chris, between moans, said "No... but since we are in this swimming hole, I felt a weird sensation, like if I was very energized." "You too ? It's weird, it feels like our grow spurts but less intense...". Then I looked around and when I saw it, I understood instantly : barrels with a chemical dangerous logo, but it was what was inside which shocked me : blue goop, blue goop like my sample. "HOLY SHIT ! I think I found where does this substance come from !! There is a barrel of this goop further. I think that it's diluated in water. That's why we are growing ! We are taking litteraly a muscle growth bath. Maybe we have to stop and go out no ?" "Stop this ? You are crazy ? it feels so fucking good ! And Nick, we are already 10 feet fucking muscle god, and it's very less intense than yours vial so one feet or more, why not ?" Yeah he was right! And we had spent too much time for the aperitif, it was time to move on to the main course : again, I began to enter him. He roared like a beast. I have to admit that to make love and growing in same time was so fucking hot and so good. While I was pumping him, in the same time, I could feel my back slowy widening, my pecs slowy grow, my abs slowy swell, my arms became bigger. And same thing happened to Chris, who was doubly moaning, because I was fucking him and he was growing in same time. I could feel his ass become more tight but my fucking giant monster grews also inside him. After 20 minutes of non stop pump like a jackhammer, I felt that climax was near. Chris understood instantly with my groans. I continued during few minutes, clenching my teeth and closing my eyes on the end, holding me back as long as possible, then there is one moment of pure silence and next, 2 most powerful roars I heard. We roared like we never roared. Even a T-Rex roared less. I think our roars could be heard on several miles. It was the most powerful feeling I had felt in my life (I think that it wasn't the first time I said this, but every time it was more powerful, more intense that previously), even our previous growth or orgasm didn't feel so good, so intense, it was a god-like level. For a comparison, if my previous orgasm felt like a nuclear explosion, this one felt like a supernova. And it was a deluge which lasted at least 20 minutes. During 20 minutes, we roared, came and grew, roared, came, grew, roared, came, grew. And after an eternity, it was finally over. When we got up, no doubt, we were more bigger and taller, at least 12 feet. I looked around and holy fucking shit : the swimming hole was now the white swimming hole. It was litteraly a sea of cum. It'll take weeks to get back to normal. Then I looked Chris and shiiiiiiiit he looked so fucking good. Everything was gigantic but so beautiful and sexy in same time. I didn't believe that it was the same Chris as this morning. This morning, it was a 6 feet Chris, a build like a teen model, and now, only some hours later, he was a fucking 12 feet giant muscular god, more than 2500 lbs and a strength which could probably now move mountains (literally !). And this god was my boyfriend ! Never I could imagine this situation could be real, but it was and I fucking loved this. And it was not finished but for today, we decided it was sufficient, it was already too much (but so fucking good). When we got home, we obviously had a lot of questions: pass from skinny nerd guy to a muscle god of 12 feet, it didn't keep unnoticed. Me who wanted keep low profile, it was a failure. But some biceps flex and groans later, nobody pissed us off. I ask me why haha. We could crush them just with our little finger. So they were forced to set up a warehouse for us because we were too bigger for to back in our house (and I'm not sure that my bed would bear my weight, in my opinion, if I tried, I crushed it and the other floors for to end with a nice crater in the basement. If we tried this, we destroyed simply all. And it remembers me this destroyed house, where all started, maybe same thing happened to their guys. I asked me how big they were and the question : how did they find this strange goop ? Maybe I will go in near city for to see if I don't see no other muscle giant. I would like meet them, it could be very cool. And I know Chris, he couldn't resist to take an another bath or vial, but if he did it, such as today, soon, this warehouse will not be sufficient...But to become a 30 feet muscle giant, finally, why not ?
  8. dexdiablo

    Accident with the Lab Assistant

    “Professor Hutchens, something's wrong. I don’t think it's supposed to be bubbling like this,” says my assistant Josh, a heightened concern in his voice. "Ignore it and just follow the directions. I've been working on this particular formula for months and checked the calculations this morning. Don't forget, I've been doing this for over a decade," I say in a huff. I am too busy grading my students' papers to walk over to the other side of the lab and check on his work. I had been up all night perfecting this latest batch, and had done my due diligence in double-checking the formula this morning. So what if I got zero sleep last night. I had to make my deadline. Associate professor positions pay shit money and I have to pay the rent somehow. So here I am covertly using university time and lab equipment to perfect a serum for a private biomedical company who has contracted me for a secret project. It's a project I can't truly talk about — you wouldn't believe the number of NDAs I had to sign to get the contract — but at its essence, it's a formula that will boost human potential by unlocking the confines of human strength and capability. "Alright, professor. Whatever you say. I'm just saying. It looks funny," Josh replies. Ah, Josh. Ever the simpleton. But that's why I hired him. He can follow orders well enough and better yet, has no idea that what I'm doing is illegal. He just needs the money as bad as I do. He's handsome in a boy next door kind of way — square jaw, a smattering of freckles, and sweeping brown bangs that highlight his soft green eyes. Oh, and a body that's in pretty good shape for a 20-year-old who cares more about partying than pretty much anything else. An inch or two shorter than me at 5'10", I would guess he weighs around 180 lbs. Despite the unshapely lab coat, I can tell that his muscles are developed. Actually I know this for a fact since I creeped on his Instagram late one night and saw that shirtless pic of him at the frat party. He doesn't have washboard abs, but they're peaking under a thin layer of fat and good lord does he have a bubble butt to die for. Round and juicy. Geez, I'm getting distracted. At the end of the day, he gets me what I need: someone who will take orders and ask as few questions as possible. **glass shatters** "Professor, professor!" Josh yells. I look up and a crimson colored plume of smoke is quickly enveloping Josh's work station. I run over to survey the situation, stopping to grab a fire extinguisher in case of an open flame. Josh continues to shout as I arrive at his desk. To my surprise, there is no flame, just a broken beaker. The plume of smoke has dissipated. "Josh, are you alright?" I ask. Internally I'm freaking out. Where did the smoke go? How much of it did he inhale? If something serious happens to him as a result and the university finds out... My racing thoughts are cut off by a groan from Josh. "I don't feel so good," he exclaims. With another groan he reaches out and grabs the lab counter, slightly bent over. He looks queasy. "Maybe take a seat over..." I start to say before I am interrupted by an even louder moan. "Ohh... ughhhhh, ohhh..." he groans. And that's when I noticed that Josh was sweating through his clothes. This isn't good. "Fuck, it's hot. My skin is burning." Josh exclaims, clutching his stomach. "Water, I need water." I run over to the sink and fill a sterile beaker with water from the tap, but notice that Josh's breathing has slowed and that the moans have ceased. "Hey Josh, how are you feeling?" I say with concern in my voice. "Okay now. My skin is still a little warm but it's not so hot anymore. Just a little tingly." he says. "Okay, well let's drink this glass of water and maybe get you out of that soaked lab coat." I reply. "I'm feeling really tingly now, Professor Hutchens," he says, straightening up. I start to help him get out of his lab coat and that's when I notice that we're eye-to-eye. "How tall are you, Josh?" I ask. "Five foot ten, why do you ask?" he replies as he wipes the sweat from his brow. "No reason." I reply. If I'm just over six foot, there's no way... "Fuck," he exclaims. "I need to get out of this lab coat, it's feeling really tight." **rip** The back of Josh's jacket suddenly rips along his lats. I can see his sun-kissed skin poking through the stark white of the coat. "We need to get my pants off too, fuck they're tight." **rip** Josh blows out the back of his pants. Holy shit, I think. His ass is impossibly round and firm. What I would give to... Josh cuts me off. "Ugh. What the hell is happening to me, professor? Why are my clothes so goddamn tight?" Josh asks, anger rising in his voice. It's then that I notice Josh is clearly looking down on me. He notices it too. "Holy shit, I'm growing," he says in surprise. "Ugh, it must be a reaction with the compound you were working with, I'm sure there's no cause for worry." But I'm worried the fuck out. This was an untested batch of the formula. "I'm definitely getting bigger," he says surveying his growing body. Just then, Josh's shoes make a popping noise and start to rip at the toe. First his right foot, thick toes peek through as they lengthen. Then his left. Previously a sensible size 11, he was now clearly pushing size 15, maybe 16. Bigger and more powerful, each toe grows menacingly large. Josh takes a look at his hands, and they slowly lengthen and thicken before his eyes. It's then he notices that his lab coat is now straining helplessly across his broad chest. With one fell swoop, he grabs it and rips it to shreds. He groans. Tossing aside the sweaty, ripped remains, Josh's upper body is now on full display. Thick, dark, quarter sized nipples increasingly point downward as his pecs heave forward. Rounder and firmer they grow, hovering over his abs. Whereas only a faint outline could be seen before, the top two rows of abs jut out as fat melts away. Sex lines begin to appear above the waist of his now impossibly tight jeans. Fuck, fuck, fuck. I'm going to be in so much trouble. But then again, the formula clearly works. Better than I imagined it to. Also I'm hard as hell. Josh was quickly pushing 6'4" and there was no sign of the growth stopping. "FUCK, this is amazing. I'm going to be huge!!" Josh yells, his voice now deeper and filled with cocky confidence. He rubs his thick, meaty hands across his broad chest. Tweaking his nipples, a guttural moan escapes his lips. Grabbing the top of his jeans, he rips them open, buttons flying. Holy shit, he's strong. Pre-cum soaks through my pants. I take in Josh's bottom half and notice that round veiny calves anchor his now inhumanely thick legs. Meaty thighs quiver and thicken as Josh's white, sweat-soaked briefs strain against growing frame. It leaves nothing to the imagination — Josh is packing. Half-hard, his cock already appears to be ten inches and thick. I can't imagine how huge it is at full mast. Actually, I can and the stain of pre-cum on my pants grows larger. He grasps his dick through his underwear. Goddamn, that's so hot. Josh turns around to take a look at himself in the mirror and I get a glimpse of his back. Wider and wider his lats spread, as pound upon pound of muscle is added to his frame. His traps, growing thicker by the minute, give him an imposing air. Triceps flaring, I'm starting to get scared. Josh is quickly turning into a god among men, and a cocky one at that. "How fucking big am I going to get, doc?" he barks at me, cupping his growing pecs as he admires his own reflection. "I want to know. How fucking big?!" "I... I don't know. This formula has never been tested before. This is... more than I could have ever imagined." I stammer. "I hope it doesn't stop. I want to grow huge," he grunts as he gains another inch in height. He turns back around. Josh's underwear is hopelessly clinging on for dear life. Escaping the confines of the strained cotton briefs and snaking halfway down his thigh, a giant cockhead the size of a small apple stares at me. Fabric taut, his briefs are looking more and more like a thong by the minute, riding up an impossibly round and juicy bubble butt. **snap** Josh's underwear gives way under the pressure of his growing muscle ass. At this point, he's rock hard and stroking his cock with his meaty hands. I'm mesmerized. Never in my wildest dreams could I picture something so insanely thick and long, coursing with raw masculinity. Two large balls the size of lemons, quiver with young stud cum. The naked jock stares down at me, a hunger in his eyes I've never seen before. He had to be 6'8" by now. "Suck my cock," the giant demands. "What... do you... mea..." I studder. "I said suck my cock. I can see that my body is turning you on. And I'm horny as hell. Suck my fucking cock." he growls. I don't know what to do. On one hand, I've never been hornier in my life. On the other, Josh's cockhead alone is big enough to fill my mouth to capacity. I don't think it's even possible to take the whole... Josh grabs my head and shoves me to his crotch. Sweaty, I'm enveloped by his manly musk. "I said, fucking suck it!" he commands. I lick the head. His pre, salty and thick, is unlike anything I've ever tasted before. I open my mouth wide as Josh's places his baseball mitt sized hand on the back of my head and shoves me onto his growing member. I can only get my mouth around four or five inches of the shaft, it's much thicker than a soda can. "Yeah, you little bitch." Josh moans. "You turned me into a god, and now you'll worship me like one." I can't believe this is happening but I'm lost in the moment. He's right: my formula has turned him into a studly beast. Even though I can tell the growth is slowly, he must be pushing 7' tall at this point. And god, the muscles. They're unreal. Josh's cock surges in my mouth. Not done growing, I guess. I work his tool as best as I can. Tears stream down my cheek as I strain to take it in. I grab his round muscle butt for leverage and realize I can't hold on any longer. I blow my load in my pants. Josh's groans from the growth slow, and are replaced with increased moans as I service his cock. I lick and suck and spit, working the 16" rod with all my strength. "Ugh, I'm gonna shoot!" Josh roars unexpectedly. **pump** **pump** **pump** Rope after rope of thick, virile stud cum shoots down my throat. **pump** **pump** **pump** His dick quivers with each pump. Holy shit, this is a lot of cum. **pump** **pump** **pump** Josh continues to moan like an animal in heat. I struggle to take it all in and cum starts escaping from the corners of my mouth and drips onto my clothes. I shoot another load in my pants. **pump** **pump** The seemingly endless stream of cum slows. Josh's breathing, while labored, calms down a bit. Two more pumps and he's done. My mouth full, I swallow the last of his load. I've never sucked down so much cum in my life. "FUCK," he exclaims, pulling out his cock and leaning his huge frame on one of the tables. The growth has stopped. "I'm starving," he says as he grabs his torn lab coat and ties it around his waist, a futile attempt at modesty given his hulking frame. "I'm going to find some food." And with that, he walks away from me and heads to the lab's exit, ducking through the doorway. I'm at a loss for words, unable to make sense of what just happened. A dull, but noticeable tingle spreads across my body and I notice I'm soaking through my own lab coat. I'm covered in Josh's cum, yes, but also soaking with sweat. I should probably get out of these clothes, I'm feeling restricted because they feel... tight against my frame. God, it's hot in here. My skin's on fire. *RRIIPPP*
  9. dexdiablo

    Mysterious Mountain Berries

    "Fucking Rhett," Jake muttered under his breath. He didn't want to be on this camping trip. He wasn't what you would call "outdoorsy." This whole roughin' it thing wasn't for him. But Jake was really bad at saying no to Rhett. Standing 6’1” and built like a college football player, Rhett was the quintessential guy next door — neatly-cropped blonde hair, piercing blue eyes, a square jawline every guy envied. Jake wasn’t half bad looking himself, but he was no Rhett. Jake always considered himself average, but in doing so he downplayed the subtle charm of his boyish looks, tan skin and tousled brown hair. Shorter at 5’9”, you could tell he missed a few days at the gym. He was by no means fat or out-of-shape... in fact, compared to the general population he looked pretty dang good. Jake was just a little soft in the middle, lacking defined muscle tone. "Straight skinny, but gay fat" as the saying goes. This was evident whenever the two would go to gay clubs: it was very apparent who commanded attention on the dance floor. Jake’s relationship with Rhett was complex: they had been best friends since college, but Jake secretly harbored two somewhat contradictory feelings that complicated things: an unhealthy amount of jealousy over his buddy’s good looks—jealousy that was also underscored by a heavy and pervasive lust for his friend. For years, he had fantasized about undressing the studly Rhett, ripping off his tight shirt to reveal Rhett's perky pecs and hard-earned cobblestone abs. When they worked out together it was all he could do to not pop a boner. Just seeing his friend sweat, his muscles bulge with striations as he pumped iron on the bench press was enough to put him under a spell. A spell strong enough to convince him to say yes to a camping trip he *really* didn't want to go on. At Rhett’s insistence, the boys had set up camp near the entrance to a ravine at the base of the Snokeridge Mountains. It provided some shelter from the wind, but the creek had dried up for the season and the closest water source was a slow-flowing river a half of mile from the camp site. The boys had spent their first day hiking to the spot, setting up the tent and then fishing by the river. Even after fishing all day, Rhett had only caught a small little trout; barely enough for one person, let alone two young men who had been hiking all day. “Jake, why don’t you take the fish back to the site and get a fire going. It's not much, but we can eat it with the hot dog buns I brought," barked Rhett. Rhett was in charge of food, which was a mistake considering he's not great with details. Hot dog buns? Got it. Relish? In the cooler. Mustard? You bet. The actual hot dogs? Forget about it. "Sure thing," Jake snapped back, an attitude in his voice. As he went to pick up the fish from the shallow pond Rhett had dug to keep it fresh, Jake tripped and fell head first into the river. "Goddamit!" he yelled, soaking and shivering. He quickly snatched the tiny fish and did an about face toward the mountains, avoiding eye contact with Rhett. "Hey dude, it's not a big deal. The fire will warm you right up," replied a chuckling Rhett. Ticked off by the long haul back to camp and Rhett’s lack of planning, Jake began stomping his way back to camp. Sopping wet and getting colder by the minute, Jake heard his stomach growl. Starting the fire, cleaning the fish... it would be at least an hour before they were ready to eat. "For fuck's sake, I'm never doing this again." About two thirds of the way back to camp, Jake stumbled across a small clearing. In the dead center of the clearing sat a small berry bush standing peculiarly by itself. It stood perfectly straight as if the main branch grew at a 90 degree angle from the soil. Its striking foliage was an interwoven mix of bright green and maroon, and it made a perfectly cylindrical topiary — which was quite odd to come across in the wilderness. It reminded Jake a bit of the perfectly-coiffed rosebushes from the old Alice in Wonderland movie, only there were no flowers for the card soldiers to paint red for their queen. Though odd, it was enchanting. There was no other word for it. Jake approached it carefully, though he didn’t know why. No one was around for miles. Upon closer inspection, he discovered that the small bush only produced a few dozen berries, their iridescent purple sheen almost glowing on the branches. He had never seen such brightly colored berries in his life. *gurgle* His stomach growled again. “So hungry...” complained Jake out loud. But they could be poisonous, he thought. What was that old limerick we learned at nature camp? White and yellow, kill a fellow. Purple and blue, good for you. Red, something, something, dead? Jake looked at the berries again. I’ve never seen a more purple shade of purple, truly, he thought. With that, he quickly plucked a handful of berries from the bush, ignoring his normally-reticent instinct and surrendering to his increasing hunger. “Here goes nothing,” Jake said as he downed the handful in one fell swoop, the juice dripping down his fingers. The taste was sweet, but tinged with a heavy musk. It wasn’t bad, per se, just odd. Either way, it satiated his hunger (albeit briefly) and he decided to continue on this journey back to camp, puny little fish in tow. Jake could tell he was nearing the ravine because he entered a familiar thicket of trees. All of a sudden his stomach started making a different kind of noise. This time it was a low rumble instead of a gurgle, and was accompanied by a sense of warmth that he could only describe as prickly. It slowly started to spread across his body. "Oh shit," Jake exclaimed out loud, worried that he had in fact consumed poison. There must be some kind of antidote in our first aid kit, he thought. When I get back I’ll just take it preemptively and hopefully... "Ouch!" Jake's head had hit a branch, odd given that he had been careful to clear the branch just a minute before. He went to rub the goose egg quickly forming on his crown but he realized something felt off with his hands. The warm prickly feeling intensified. Bringing his hands into his line of sight, he noticed the berry-stained fingers on his right hand thickening and lengthening before his eyes. Not to be outdone, his left hand did the same, fingers puffing up into large, masculine digits, the palm of his hand increasingly resembling a large catcher's mitt. "What the fuck..." stammered Jake, thinking perhaps that hallucinations were confirmation that he had poisoned himself. Just then he noticed how tight his boots were. Like painfully tight. Sitting down to remove them, he tugged and tugged at the leather hopelessly trying to free his cramped feet from their prisons. With labored breathing and a surprising show of force and strength, Jake managed to extricate his left foot from the confined space. He was too late for his right foot. *rriiipppp* A large big toe poked through a rip in the leather, followed by two more toes as they lengthened before his eyes. Soggy, threadbare socks strained until the pressure was too much and they too gave way. He couldn't believe what was happening but he welcomed the relief felt by his now-free feet. The prickly feeling intensified, spreading inward from his feet and hands. It was then that Jake noticed his clothes felt tight. His pants appeared to be painted onto his skin and his crotch was... cramped. His nipples, erect from the cold and excitement, poked furiously through the fabric of his wet shirt. His usually modest chest felt rounder, thicker, sturdier than before, jutting out ever just so yet proudly over his torso. Running his hands across his torso revealed a surprise: no longer did he feel soft in the middle. While Jake couldn't feel abs, his stomach was firm and taut. Excited, Jake jumped up quickly to get a look at himself but his quick ascent from the forest floor resulted in his head smacking into another branch. It suddenly dawned on him that he was growing taller. "Holy shit, I’m getting bigger," he uttered in disbelief, rubbing the knot on his head. Jake's large, meaty hands felt foreign to him, as did the thick forearms they were attached to. Rubbing his hairy arms, he was surprised to feel firm biceps, the hardness surpassing any pump he had ever gotten at the gym. He could feel them grow larger, bulging outward and testing the elasticity of his shirt sleeves. Another branch graced Jake's hair. He had to move before he gouged out an eye. It must have been the berries, Jake thought and turned back toward the clearing he had just left. His line of vision, now higher by at least a foot, was dizzy and caused him to stumble clumsily out of the thicket. Away from the trees and in the bask of the evening sunlight, he surveyed himself. Though he could tell by the growth was slowing, he had to be nearing 6'10". The new vantage point startled him, but he wasn't complaining. He had always wanted to be taller. It dawned on him that he was now significantly taller than Rhett. Jake's body—despite being larger and more muscular than just minutes before—still paled in comparison to Rhett's finely-honed physique, but he was happy to have at least one advantage on his friend. As if on queue, Rhett stumbled into the clearing with two fish in hand. "Jake?! What the hell happened?" he stammered in disbelief, dropping the fish on the ground. "I, I don't know man," replied Jake, realizing that his voice had deepened in tone. "I was really hungry, like really hungry, and I know it's stupid to eat things in the wild you know nothing about, but I just couldn't wait for dinner tonight..." he rambled. "So I just ate a handful of these berries," pointing to the bush. "Jake, what a stupid thing to do. But why are you so tall? And big? I... I don't understand," babbled Rhett as he rapidly looked Jake up-and-down, a look of sheer confusion on his face. Truth be told, Jake was liking this new dynamic. For once, Rhett wasn't in control. "Dude, I think the berries did it. I've never seen berries like this before. After I ate them, a warm feeling spread across my body and I started growing. The berries, they like, shine on their own. Take a look," replied Jake. Rhett walked over to the bush, and eyed the berries suspiciously. Jake was right, these were unlike anything he had ever seen. He looked back at Jake and then at the berries once more. A devilish smile spread across his handsome face. Jake immediately regretted telling Rhett about the berries. Jake finally had something he had wanted for ages: an edge over Rhett. He was significantly taller than Rhett, and stronger than he'd ever been. He felt alpha towering over his friend and loved the feeling. If Rhett ate even just a few berries, he would quickly surpass Jake in height and his already studly body would grow and harden into god-like proportions. He couldn't allow that. Rhett reached out to pluck the last remaining handful of berries from the bush. But Jake was too fast. Owing to his now larger limbs and increased strength, it was just a matter of seconds before Jake had tackled Rhett to the ground. "What the fuck, man?!" shouted Rhett, taken aback. "You've... always been... the bigger one," huffed Jake as he struggled to pin down the shockingly strong jock. "I'm... not going to... let you have this on me again!" "You're already... a giant. I just... want... a berry or two," Rhett growled, fighting back. "I want to be... big too!!" The dynamic shifted again and he flipped giant Jake onto his back. However, Jake had a height advantage and used it swiftly. Maneuvering his long legs, he pinned Rhett's torso and flung him on his side. Firmly planting a meaty hand on Rhett's chest to hold him down, he reached his other arm toward the bush and ripped off the branch with the few remaining berries. "For years, it's been Rhett-this and... Rhett-that," hissed Jake. "For ONCE, I'm going to be the center of attention. I want... other guys to lust after ME." "Jake, you're being fucking unreasonab..." Rhett started to say, flailing his arms in vain. "I won't let you have this, you can't have this on me," Jake snarled, years of pent-up jealousy dripping from his lips, a black fury in his eyes. "Jake, don't, just let..." Rhett started to say, but Jake was too quick. He popped every last berry from the branch into his mouth, chewed once and swallowed them en masse. "FUCK YOU," screamed Rhett, as he summoned the strength to break from Jake's firm grasp. Rhett wound his arm back and *WHAM* punched Jake square in the chest. "What the FUCK is wrong with you?!" Rhett screamed as he lobbed another blow, hitting Jake in the abdomen. Jake wheezed and toppled back onto the ground, caught off guard by Rhett's swift motion. "You couldn't just let me have one, dude?!" Another blow to the stomach. Jake coughed and sputtered, but then suddenly lay still. "It's happening," Jake spat out between coughs, the warm prickly feeling spreading across his body. "It's happening." Rhett stepped back, not sure of what would come next. Spread out on the ground, Jake's body quivered. First came the feet. The right boot, tattered though still clinging onto his large foot, exploded from all angles as both of Jake's feet doubled in size. Hands grew slowly at first, and then quickly, doubling in size as well. Legs thickened as pound upon pound of muscle packed onto Jake's frame. His pants, fighting a losing battle, gave way to powerfully thick thighs. Arms lengthened sharply, the sinewy veins of his muscles becoming more apparent by the second. Wider and wider his back spread, lats reaching insane proportions and causing his shirt to tear in several places. Jake's tight lower back was lifted from the soft grass and it quickly became clear why: his ass was growing wide, thick, hard and firm. White underwear, dirty from the forest floor, clung on for dear life. Stretched out not only by his increasingly huge bubble butt, Jake's cock stirred to life. It too had grown to match his body and quickly stood at attention, jutting out like a tower, 90 degrees from the beast's growing frame. Thick, juicy abs formed as his torso lengthened and grew hard. His body was becoming nothing short of incredible — the impossibility of his increasingly-giant frame aside, Jake was filling out nicely. He looked like a hardened wrestler and was quickly on his way to becoming an amateur bodybuilder. Rhett couldn't believe what he was seeing. "I, I... don't... what is this?" he stammered, realizing that while scared of his rage-fueled friend, he was also a little turned on by the whole thing. "I'm getting fucking huge!" yelled Jake, sitting up and tearing away the remains of his shirt. "I can feel it, I'm going to be HUGE." Standing up, it was clear that Jake was well over 8' tall. Taller and taller he grew, inching up higher as the muscles of his body reverberated with growth. "Look at me!" he commanded Rhett as he rubbed his inflating pecs. "Look at what a fucking stud I'm becoming!" He laughed maniacally as he reached down with his large hand and with one swift motion ripped off what remained of his underwear. Fondling his balls (now the size of grapefruits) with one hand, he used the other hand to stroke his massive cock. Despite his incredible size of his hands, he could barely fit his mitt around the thick, red member which was spewing pre-cum. Rhett, now sporting a full hard-on, stood there in disbelief. He was now staring directly at his friend's naked body, eye level with his torso and unable to process that it was Jake who stood before him. Jake was lost in the overwhelming pleasure he was getting from stroking his insanely-large cock. He snapped out of the haze when he realized the prickly feeling had stopped and he was no longer expanding in size. With his hand clasped firmly around his cock, he stood massive in the clearing nearly 9' tall — a mountain of a man with bulging muscles everywhere you looked. An sly grin spread across his face. "Suck my cock, Rhett," Jake demanded. "Whaaa... Jake, I don't wa..." Rhett stammered in reply, stepping back. "I don't give a fuck what you want. And your puny little cock is giving you away. You want this," Jake bellowed, pointing a fat finger toward his cock. "Besides, do you really want to piss me off?" Jake took a step toward Rhett, placing his inhumanely large hands on Rhett's back and shoving him toward his pulsing member. Rhett, understanding the predicament he was in and admittedly more turned on than he'd ever been, opened his mouth wide in anticipation. Jake's cockhead, red and angry with a need to release, was the size of an apple and leaking with pre. There was no way his mouth would fit around the swollen glans. "Oh, come on, Rhett. You've been with plenty of guys. You should know how to suck cock properly," Jake taunted. "I cguamph fuiiut iith inh myei..." Rhett tried to spit out the words, his mouth full. "Use your hands, little guy," Jake continued, abruptly shoving Rhett's head another inch onto his massive member. Rhett reached out and started stroking the giant cock. It quivered with each stroke. Jake moaned — deep, guttural and animalistic. He didn't care if anyone heard the noise; he was a god now. "Fuck yeah, Rhett. You're... my little bitch now. How... ohh... does it feel... *grunt*... to be the little one?" Jake stammered between moans. It was clear he was getting close. Rhett was scared. If he could barely fit half of Jake's cock in his mouth, there was no way he was going to be able to swallow his load. He would choke. Rhett was sure it would be massive. He had to think quickly. He reached up and tweaked Jake's large nipple. It was clearly sensitive because Jake started bucking his large hips. Squeezing the cock another inch into his mouth and working it with his tongue, he bobbed up and down and used the other hand to fondle Jack's huge sack. This drove him over the edge. The cock quivered again and the balls tightened. Jake was about to shoot. Before he could unload, Rhett used both of his hands to give one final stroke and then pushed himself off and away from the quivering cock. Jake exploded. "AHhHhhhH!" he yelled in ecstasy as rope after rope of thick cum spewed from his cock. His balls pulsated quickly as he wildly unloaded volley after volley into the clearing, each spurt completely coating large patches of the soft grass. Rhett shielded his face with his arms but could still hear as pump after pump of the thick, creamy jizz landed in the grass around him with a soft and muted plop. With a look on his face that could only be described as somewhere between euphoria and bewilderment, Jake collapsed to the ground. Panting and still dribbling cum from his half-hard cock, he lay there unable to process the explosive orgasm he just had. A few minutes into the daze, he closed his eyes and dozed off to sleep. Uncovering his face, Rhett looked around and was immediately overwhelmed. He too passed out from the shock. The soft grass caught his fall and he was out like a light. As night fell, the two slumbered peacefully next to the bush in the clearing — Jake exhausted and spent from his growth, Rhett stupefied and unsure of what to make of the day's events. Puddles of cum surrounded them, slowly seeping into the ground. An owl hooted peacefully as the moon shone brightly above. ********** Morning light broke and Rhett jerked awake. Images of his friend Jake growing into a behemoth passed through his mind. Still in shock, he was sure that the events of the previous day had just been a weird nightmare. His jaw, however, still hurt from the night before. There's no way, he thought. Turning over, his worst fears were immediately confirmed: the giant form of his friend lay peacefully on the other side of the bush, a slight snore and the rhythmic rise and fall of his chest indicating that he was fast asleep. Rhett sat up and his eyes caught the berry bush. He wished it wasn't barren so he too could grow giant and give Jake a taste of his own medicine. Surveying the clearing, it appeared the puddles of cum that had pooled in patches across the grass had disappeared overnight. However, in the dim dawn light Rhett could just make out something peculiar in their place: little seedling shoots sprouted across the clearing, their fledgling stalks a striking mix of bright green and maroon...
  10. Guest

    The Hiker

    I am a pretty big guy under normal circumstances. At 6’1 230lbs most people would say I am above average. I don’t know why, but I have always wanted to be the smaller one in a relationship. I guess it because I want to be the one taken care of, not the one in charge. Don’t get me wrong, I like my size at times. I am not a feminine man, I just know that I a man that has needs that want to be met. My dream man would be 6’5 or taller and outweigh me by at least 50 lbs. He must be masculine, not overweight, but muscular and strong as an ox. I would love to be in a bar with my man and people turn and stare at him not just because of his size, but because they notice that I am his and his alone. This is all fantasy, this would never happen in real life. Who am I kidding? What muscle giant is going to want an average guy like me? But then I met Bryson and my fantasy became reality. I live in Colorado, so I love to go hiking in the mountains. Not an overnight hike, just an afternoon stroll looking at the beauty of nature. I am not a photographer, but I love taking pictures of the scenery. I don’t know what it is, but there is something about the solitude and the fresh air that gives me joy. So here I am strolling along a narrow trail. I pass a few other hikers along the way. I give them a short greeting and allow them to pass. I am not going to lie, I am always cruising the merchandise, still hoping for that chance to at least see my dream man, even if being with him isn’t reality. I see this guy walking towards me with a day pack on his back and is shirtless. I can see he is a bigger guy far away off, as he gets closer, I get to see how big he really is. I am trying not to stare, but it is hard not to. This guy has to be at least 6’8 and solid as a rock. I move over to let him pass, and he does the same to let me pass. He gives this smile that radiates with confidence. As I walk past him, I look up and our eyes meet. His eyes are an emerald green. They almost didn’t look like they could be his real color, but they were so masculine and beautiful. I tried to say thank you, but the words could not form in my mouth. My mouth was dry and it would not shut. He looks down at me, and says “have a good day, enjoy the view.” I wanted to say “I already am” but I just walked past not saying a word. As I walk away, I look back one more time just to get another look at him. I was not expecting him to be looking back at me, but he was. He gave me a great big smile and waved goodbye. I walked about 10 steps, not paying attention to where I was going and I slipped off the narrow trail and started sliding down the slope of the hill. He saw what happened and started running towards me. I was holding onto a rock so I didn’t slide down any farther. When he got to me, he reached down and told me to grab onto his hand. I was afraid to let go of the rock, but the confidence in his voice made me feel more at ease. “you can trust me, I will not let you fall”. I grabbed for his hand and he grabbed my wrist. And there was a connection that I have never felt before. Before I knew what had happened, I was hoisted up to safety. This giant man, lifted my body with one arm like I weighed nothing at all. After knew I was safe, then the emotions started flowing. I was shaking and scared. I started crying. I felt like such a baby. Here I am a grown man crying in front of this giant like a baby. I was expecting my emotions to make him feel uncomfortable, but his response was exact opposite. We were both still on the ground and he wrapped his arms around me and set me down on his lap. “it’s ok, you are safe now”. He let took that back of my head and lead me to his chest. It was so intimate. I felt like I have known this man my entire life, and I didn’t even know his name. I just cried in his arms for a few more minutes. Then I regained my composure. Then something else happened. After I calmed down, I felt a sharp pain in my leg. I don’t know if it was the adrenaline, but I did not even notice that my leg severely injured. My pants were soaked with blood. I must have hit that rock harder than I thought I did. I thought I could get up, but the pain was so intense that I went right back down into his lap. “My name is Bryson, what is your name son?” I was not expecting to be called “son”, but I kind of liked it. “name is Nathan” “Well Nathan, nice to meet you. Let me take care of this wound for you. I am a nurse and I have all the things we need at my place. My car is at the trailhead about a mile away. I will carry you there.” I didn’t know how to respond. “Bryson, I weigh 230lbs, I am not a small guy. Are you sure I won’t be too heavy for you?” He smiled at me and stood up with me in his arms. I can curl almost 300 lbs, I could carry you all day long”. His confidence made me instantly hard and it showed. “I can see that you like that idea don’t you?” Again, he left me speechless. Bryson didn’t waste any time and started walking down to trail with me cradled in his arms. “wrap your arms around my neck Nathan and enjoy the ride”. At times he would adjust me by throwing me up and catching me at a higher level. I don’t think he was getting tired, I think he was playing with me, literally! We got to his truck, a Ford F-150 with a lift so it was high off the ground. He went over to the passenger side and set me down for a minute, still supporting me with one arm so most of my weight was resting in his one arm. He opened the door and lifted me into the passenger seat. I thought he was going to fasten my seatbelt as well, but he just reach and handed it to me to snap into place. He closed the door and went around to the drivers side and got it. We went down the mountain and turned onto this winding dirt road until we came to this huge log cabin in the middle of nowhere. “Welcome to my home Nathan, I hope you feel welcome here”. He then got out of the truck and walked over to my side, opened the door and scooped me up into his arms again. This guy is amazing. He is not cocky at all. He is just compassionate and caring. He carries me into his house and sets me down on this really long couch. “let me go get my kit.” and he heads into the bathroom. I take this time to adjust my package. Bryson returns with what looked like a small red toolbox with he red cross on it. “let me take care of this for you.” Before I knew it, he started tearing off my pants starting from the waist and with one pull my pants were shredded in two. “You won’t be needing these later anyway.” He said with a grin that made his green eyes sparkle. To be continued…
  11. Anyone know of good places to find pix n vids? https://www.facebook.com/bigdonsboys/
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