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  1. carmabreaker

    David's gift (illustrated using AI)

    My first long story, so please let me know what you guys think. https://www.tumblr.com/dannisakrolite/764419702588080128/davids-gift?source=share
  2. Daladon was on his way home from one of the worst days he’s ever had when he stumbled upon a cart vendor with potions, clothes, and other goods. Daladon is in for a surprise when he meets the owner of the shop and see’s what some of these goods are capable of. From Small Beginnings The bell rang through the halls of the Marian Smith factory as Daladon Pentorn breathed a sigh of relief that the day had finally ended. “Freedom at last,” exhaled the exhausted human. Standing up from his desk, he grabbed his worker’s jacket and headed to the door, “I thought today would never end.” He pushed his way past many factory workers that out sized him, but he ducked and squeezed through the big muscular men in the crowd making his way outside. Walking towards the town square as the sunset painted the sky around him, Daladon rubbed his eyes as the lanterns in town began to light up. “Dal! Wait up!” called a large half-orc stumbling out of the factory. Daladon turned his head and saw his friend Brucelog Gondar running towards him. The 6’3 half-orc had plenty of muscle packed onto his frame, and a sizable midsection poking out from below his white undershirt. “Go away Bruce. I’m not in the mood tonig-HEY!” Daladon was caught off guard as Bruce grabbed his torso and hoisted Daladon up onto his shoulders. “Bruce, put me down! Today sucked and I just want to go home.” “I’m just your giant transport service. We’re going out. We need some drinks after today,” said Bruce as he sauntered off into town with his smaller friend on his shoulders. “And I already heard what happened. My dad let me in on everything. He told me that you might’ve misread a measurement on a giant’s breast plate and now we have to waste a lot of metal remaking it,” said Bruce as he turned right towards the local tavern, Triple B’s. “One, you’re not a giant so stop carrying me around. Two, I’m not in the mood to go out tonight. And three, that 8 looked like a 9,” said Daladon as he steadied himself on his new elevated position. “While I agree with you Dal that it did look like a nine, 80 feet long and 90 feet long makes a BIG difference in what we’re building.” Daladon grimaced a bit and sat back on his friend's broad shoulders as they rounded the corner. “At least take me home and let me change. I don’t want to go out in my work clothes,” said Daladon as he pulled his friend’s black hair. “Ouch, fine. I’ll put you down. But you’d better come back out. No “Oh I’m tired and wanna be alone” crap. Come be with your friends. Kimlen even said he’d come out tonight. Plus Jaren and Siv told me that there’s a private party in the back room that they can get us into.” Bruce grabbed Daladon’s hips and put him down at the entrance to the tavern. “I’d better be seeing you soon,” stated Bruce as the tall half-orc walked through the wide double doors. Daladon looked into the tavern at the candle lights inside, lighting up with energy and the sound of coins clinking against wood faded away as he turned towards a shortcut home. Daladon sat with his thoughts as he walked back behind a few houses with their lights off. Making his way to a dirt path back to his house. Most people were already home in bed at this hour, but his boss made him stay until the final bell of the workday rang due to his performance today. He gazed out onto the mountains on the edge of town and he saw a few torch lights moving up the steep ridges. Despite being many miles away, Daladon could see every subtle move the giant climbing the mountain side made. It helped when the torch the giant was carrying was a tree he plucked from the Earth. As he locked eyes with the flame quickly disappearing over the peak of the mountain in the distance, Daladon’s cheek was met with sharp pain as he ran into the back of a cart. With a loud thud, Daladon hit the ground and rubbed his head. “Damn, where’d this come from?” He sat up and looked at a wooden cart blocking his path home. Daladon stumbled up to his feet and walked to the other side of the cart to where a sales window sat. “Hey buddy, you’re not allowed to park carts on these paths,” said Daladon as he looked inside the window. But much to his surprise, it was completely abandoned. Only a few crates scattered here and there on the floor with dust collecting. “Sorry about that!” called a voice from back where Daladon came. “I’m right here. Sorry, I just put my cart there for a second so I could find where I needed to set up shop. ” Daladon sighed then started walking out to the side of the cart where the voice was coming from. “It’s okay, I just wasn’t paying attention to wher-” Daladon stopped immediately in his tracks and stared at a massive man bounding towards him. Not only was he probably 20 feet tall, he looked as big as a whale with how much fat was on him. His tight blue shirt exaggerated every jiggle and jostle his belly made as he screeched to a stop in front of Daladon. “Yeah, but still, I am parked illegally. I’m a bit turned around. I just got here a few minutes ago and I am already lost,” said the giant as he casually picked up the cart and hoisted it onto his shoulders like it was nothing. “Hi, I’m Sam, the Sizemologist,” said the giant with a smile as he threw his cart like a hammer throw towards Triple B’s. With a light bounce off the ground, the cart landed perfectly next to the tavern. “Bullseye.” “You’re a- a- a-” stuttered Daladon as he looked up and up at Sam as his belly eclipsed most of his view. “Oh yeah, sorry. Forgot this far away from the city, you don’t see many people like me.” The big man waved his hand a bit and suddenly his size started to diminish away. His belly receded into his clothes as his bright blue shirt stayed taut against him. Sam’s face came more into Daladon’s view as he shrunk down in height as well. His elven features became more and more apparent as the fat drained away. His platinum blonde hair stuck out of his hat and curled around his pointy ears as he stopped shrinking himself. Landing at about 6 feet tall with a nice beer gut on him. “And before you say it, no I’m not a giant or a gainer.” Sam walked past Daladon whose face was still frozen with excitement, lust, and fear all at once. “But you were just like 50 feet tall or something. And had a belly bigger than my whole body,” said Daladon as he turned to see Sam walk back towards his cart. “I don’t get my size like most people around here do,” said Sam as he gestured Daladon to his side. “But I am sorry that you hit my cart. I didn’t think I had parked it anywhere that might get hit by someone. But I guess this is a chance for you to see my stock. Here, why don’t you come in and I can show you what I got. Maybe even get you a drink on me,” said Sam as he disappeared and walked behind the cart. “Thanks uh Sam was it? But I really do need to get going. I promised my friends I’d meet them out at Triple B’s after I went home and changed. And I really need to feed my chinchillape. He’s been home all day,” said Daladon as he resumed walking along the path towards his house. “No no no, come in. I insist. Besides, I’m working Triple B’s tonight. I can give you something to wear so you won’t be late. It’s just like you took a bit of a detour. And now your chinchillape will be fed and thinks you’re there with him now,” said Sam with a snap as he quickly walked back to Daladon and put his arm around his shoulder, ushering him behind the cart. “And I might just have something in my shop that you’ll absolutely love.” Even at his shrunken size, Sam easily pushed the 5’5 skinny Daladon into the cart. When Daladon stepped up into the cart, he was apprehensive about going in since the cart didn’t even look big enough to fit Sam’s belly alone inside. But to his surprise, he walked into a room almost bigger than his own tiny home. “Woah, this place is massive.” The ceilings were 20 feet high above his head and there were shelves full of boxes all around them. “Sorry about the mess. I packed up my shop in a bit of a rush earlier so I haven’t had much time to make things look nice,” said Sam as he shut the door behind Daladon. A snap rang through the room and suddenly, the boxes vanished and were replaced with bright shiny jars with various colorful liquids sloshing around inside. Daladon’s eyes lit up with amazement as the room went from an empty warehouse to a lively storefront. Lights began to string along the shelves connecting them as signs fell down from the ceiling reading Eat Me and Does This Make Me Look Big?. “So, are you some kind of magician or something?” asked Daladon as he walked forward and browsed the shelves. “A sorcerer actually. And a pretty good one at that,” said Sam as his smaller, but still substantially sized belly pushed into Daladon’s back as he walked by. “But that’s only a side hustle to my true love. Alchemy.” Sam grabbed a couple of glass bottles off the top of a shelf and an empty glass jar. Daladon looked at the big man now walking behind a bar and watched intrigued as he poured orange and green liquids into the jar. “Aren’t all the sorcerers supposed to be in Sizeopolis? I didn’t know y’all were allowed to leave.” Daladon wandered around the big room as the brown mixture changed colors to a dark purple in Sam’s hand. “Most of us train there, but we aren’t required to stay,” said Sam as he sprinkled little green flecks down onto the drink. “After we complete our apprenticeship, we’re free to travel the world spreading size and magic to everyone. Or at least that’s what the administration says we should do. But many do stay in Sizeopolis after they graduate for all the jobs they offer magic users there.” Sam stirred the mixture as the specs of green dissolved and the mixture turned white. Daladon continued to look around the shop in amazement at all of the different items that must be magical. A jewelry section lined with necklaces and earrings with beautiful crystals sprouting from them. Plenty of rings on display varying in size from a normal sized ring to a hula hoop sized one. “Do you get a lot of giants buying wedding rings in your shop?” asked Daladon. “Uh…sure,” said Sam as he garnished the drink with a pink flower. Sliding it towards the edge of the bar, he grabbed a bottle with a blue liquid out from behind the bar with his other hand. “I have one funergy drink for…sorry, I just realized I never got your name.” “My name is Daladon. Daladon Pentorn,” said Daladon as he walked away from a purple silk nightgown shimmering in the lights. “Nice to meet you Daladon. Consider this one on the house as an “I'm sorry for parking my cart somewhere I wasn’t supposed to” apology drink.” Daladon grabbed the glass from the bar and took a sip. “Mmm, this is delicious!” Daladon put the glass to his lips and started to drink up the white liquid until the glass was empty. “What was that stuff?” “A funergy drink. It doesn’t take magic for me to tell that you’re beating yourself up about something,” said Sam as he waddled around the back of the bar. “Sit a spell. Tell Big Sammy about your troubles URP!” Sam let out a belch before taking another swig of his drink and keeping the bottle in his mouth so he could grab a few crates out from under the bar. “It’s just work. I work at the Marian Smith factory in Grimford and I hate my damn job. I don’t like it, I’m not good at it, nobody there thinks I'm right for the position, it’s just a terrible set of circumstances,” said Daladon as he sat down at the bar. Running his hands through his short dirty blonde hair. “From what I’ve heard, Marian Smith factories change drastically depending on what managers you have. Maybe you could go to a different location,” said Sam as he downed the last bit of his bottle. “I would, but I don’t like the work. I don’t want to be a factory foreman for the rest of my life.” “Then quit. Sounds like you’ll be a lot happier for it. And you won’t need a funergy drink to get you to go out with your friends.” Sam started unboxing the crates to reveal large jugs labeled Big Dick Energy with a cartoonish twink holding a bottle up against his impressive bulge packed tightly into a cyan colored speedo. “I can’t. The job pays too well for me to leave. Especially in this economy,” said Daladon as he massaged the back of his sore neck. “Besides, businesses are shutting down left and right around here. It’s not like there’s a good option to go to if I do quit.” “You could always be a traveling salesman. I’ve found it’s not a boring job in the slightest.” Sam grabbed another crate and unloaded some more jugs. This time labeled Big Ass Energy with a similar twink now turned to the side the bottle perched on his huge ass in a speedo. “Yeah, but I’m not a powerful wizard from the big city who can conjure size from nothing,” said Daladon. He picked up one of the jugs and started to read the small print on the back. “I’m a Sorcerer. There is a difference. Wizards are very cliquey and kind of snotty.” Sam grabbed a final crate and unloaded another set of jugs labeled Big Bara Energy with the same twink on the bottle now looking like a twunk with his big bicep balancing a bottle on it. “And I can’t conjure size from nothing. Like I said before, I’m not a giant or a gainer. I use magic to change my size.” “What’s the difference? All I know is you were like 10 times my size and shrank right in front of me to a normal size. I assume you can grow to that size again if you wanted to. So if it looks like a giant, it is the size of a giant, I’m gonna say you’re a giant Sam.” Sam rolled his eyes a little as he set all of the jugs down on the edge of the bar. “I mean yes, I was the size of a giant, but I don’t belong to the giants. I can’t just grow or shrink my height because I want to. I have to focus on a spell to shrink me down.” “But you didn’t say anything before. You just shrank.” “That’s just because that small of size manipulation can be done with a simple flick of the wrist.” “That’s a small spell? But you were so big.” “I wasn’t THAT big. At least not compared to the giants I’ve seen in Hitclo or Sizeopolis.” “It’s clear you don’t get out around these parts often. We don’t have any giants in Grimford. Or at least any that stay in town for long. Most shrink down to get their deliveries and are off back to Hitclo or wherever they’re going. The tallest guy that stays in town is my friend Jaren and he’s 7’6,” said Daladon as he started to twist the top off of the bottle of Big Ass Energy before getting swatted by Sam. “No drinking these. These are for a private party,” said Sam as he placed a final jug on the bar. “You probably want to set that down by the way. And maybe stand back.” Daladon frantically put the jug next to the others and got up from his bar stool as Sam began to circle his arms over the jugs. “Animatré grandonta meriandé! Animatré grandonta meriandé!” Sam started to chant and Daladon saw yellow sparks forming on Sam’s finger tips before cinders fell down onto the jugs below. Daladon braced himself and rushed behind a display of cakes, cookies, and muffins that read Eat Me in icing on them. When Sam stopped chanting, Daladon watched and waited for something to happen. “You didn’t have to step back like that. Nothing’s gonna explode. Not yet at least,” chuckled Sam. Daladon emerged from his hiding spot looking intently at the jugs. Walking back, Daladon could tell something was different about them, he just couldn’t put his finger on it. “A big light show for better booze for the guests?” “Give it a second. Just watch.” Sam smiled and turned one of the jugs to face Daladon. Looking closer, Daladon saw the twink on the jug now waving at him. “Awe, that’s cute,” said Daladon as he waved back to the tiny label twink. The twink then grabbed the sides of the label and pulled himself out of it. Daladon’s eyes nearly gouged out of his head as he saw more little men jumping out of all the big jugs and onto the floor. “Well would you look at that. Finally, someone who’s shorter than me,” said Daladon with a satisfied smirk on his face, staring down at the little men that were maybe 8 inches tall. “Wanna bet?” chuckled Sam again as he peered over the counter at the 12 little men standing on the ground. “Come on guys. Up and at ‘em.” The twinks all looked at each other and smiled as each one began to grow. Looking down at the twinks, Daladon stared in shock as the twinks that couldn't even reach his knees were now growing up to his waistline. “They get bigger too?” asked Daladon as the twinks swelled up higher and higher. Now level with Daladon’s nipples. “Indeed they do. And you haven’t even seen the best part,” said Sam as the twinks continued to grow. Each one fighting for space near the bar as their bodies expanded up to Daladon’s neckline. Daladon stepped back as they reached his height and didn't stop getting taller. The room was getting more and more cramped by the second as 12 large men started to crowd around the bar. Growing up and up and up until settling at 6’8 towering over Daladon. “Well, I guess I’m the shortest again. That didn’t last long,” sighed Daladon as he admired the big men in their very tight speedos. “And we’re gonna be specific tonight boys so get your best assets ready.” All of the men let out some moans as their bodies started to change again. Daladon looked at all the men surrounding him and realized what Sam meant by assets. Each man started growing differently depending on which bottle they came from. The Big Dick Energy twinks’ speedos started to stretch as their cocks elongated in them. The dick print became more and more prominent until the sides were bowing forward to accommodate the growing python and two orange sized balls under it. Looking at some of the others, one of them was getting pumped full of muscle as his toned swimmer’s body blew up to bodybuilder levels of big. His pecs inflated out towards Daladon’s face. His biceps were getting pushed away from his torso because of their massive size. His legs got separated as his quads swelled into each other. A row of abs appearing right above the defined 6-pack that already was there. He was turning into a mass monster. “Excellent guys. You all look fantastic. Now head in there and you’ll meet, oh what was his name, hold on.” Sam ruffled through a few stacks of paper behind the bar as Daladon gawked at the sexy men around him. “Ah ha! Found it. Go find a guy named Siv Drucian. He’ll help you guys get set up.” The boys all nodded at Sam and then started walking past Daladon going to other parts of the shop to get various bottles and cases of potions. Their big bulging bodies bumped into him as they walked past. Especially the ones whose hips had widened. Daladon turned his neck to watch an ass with cheeks the size of basketballs walk by and he was practically drooling over him. Their speedos looked more like thongs with how much strain they were putting on them. “Wow, they’re gonna be serving us at that private party at Triple B’s? I think I’m now much more willing to go out tonight,” said Daladon as he stared at the big men sauntering out of the shop. “No, that's just the funergy kicking in,” said Sam. “Oh and Ricardo, see me before the event starts for the specialty drinks tonight.” One of the hunks on his way out waved at Sam and ducked out the door. “So will those guys be selling your potions tonight?” asked Daladon, retaking his seat at the bar with a noticeable bulge at attention in his pants. “Indeed they will. They’ll be your cock and tail waiters tonight ready to give out some specialty potions requested by our employer. And if you think that they’re great now, you should see them when we’re hired as performers,” said Sam as the last one squeezed his wide hips out the door and shut it behind him. “Damn. Now I wanna tell my friend not to perform tonight so I can watch them.” “Your friend is working this party?” asked Sam as he looked up from collecting more bottles of potions. “A couple of them actually. Siv, the guy your boys are meeting, he’s one of my friends. Love that guy.” “He’s the one performing?” “No, he’s just the bartender. My friend Jaren is the one performing.” “Oh yes, the giant boy. Well knowing who we’re serving tonight, I’m sure they’ll love a guy that big,” said Sam as he walked out from the bar. “And if your bartender friend needs any help with the drinks, I can make just about anything. And what I can’t make, I can conjure. Now I do believe I also told you I’d get you something to wear for tonight.” Sam wiggled his fingers and the sign that read Does This Make Me Look Big? lit up. “I don’t know Sam. I don’t really have the size to call anything about me big,” said Daladon, looking down at his fairly average body. “Nonsense. Anything can be big. You might feel small right now, but I’ve met men that live life at a fraction of your size. As well as men who live life bigger than entire planets.” Sam pat Daladon on the back and led him through the shop. “But maybe I could give you a little bit of an upgrade if that funergy drink didn’t get you one hundred percent ready for tonight.” Reams of fabric started flying off the walls into Sam’s hands as he occasionally muttered something to himself. “Now what size do you want?” “Well I wear a small shirt and have about a-“ “I didn’t ask what size do you wear, I asked what size do you want?” Daladon stopped in his tracks once Sam sat down at a sewing station. “You could make me bigger?” “That’s what I do. It’s what I LIVE for. Now tell me, what kind of body do you want to have tonight?” Sam started cutting bright blue fabric and mumbling things under his breath again. “Um, I don’t know. I definitely could be taller. Maybe a bit of muscle, but not like aggressive muscles. A bit of fat is fine. Ooo actually a belly would be nice. Maybe not one as big as yours though.” Daladon paced behind Sam and continued to ramble off parameters for what he wanted his body to be. “I’ve got limited fabric here so I can’t do all of that, but I think I’ve got a good snapshot of what you want.” Bright blue fabric started to unfurl around them and sewing needles flew through the air. Sam’s muttering began to get louder and louder into a full blown chant. “Exeto incantrabe god petsha yunn marcotauph!” Sam shouted aggressively and raised his arms into the air again. Scissors started slicing through fabric followed by needles threading in and out, connecting everything together. Daladon watched in disbelief as reams of fabric spun around them creating a vortex. But Daladon’s smile began to fade when a blue singlet formed before his very eyes with a weird patch of yellow fabric on the left pec. “A singlet? Really? Sure, you’ve got your cock and tail waiters that look like they’re models in Sizeopolis, but I don’t think that’s my style Sam.” Daladon walked to put his hand on Sam’s back on the chair while the singlet floated down. “The magic you have to say with words takes a second. Here, go try it on and then tell me if you got anything like it at home.” Sam sat up and handed Daladon the singlet. “It does look like you got the measurements right,” said Daladon as he held it up to his body. “Trust me. I always get the measurements right.” Daladon turned to go to the dressing room where he slid the curtain shut and started undressing from his work clothes. Daladon held the singlet up to him once he was just wearing his underwear. After taking a deep breath, Daladon brought the singlet down to put his legs in. Pulling the singlet up and pushing his arms through the holes, Daladon looked at himself in the mirror. “Maybe a little tight,” said Daladon as he tugged the straps up to be perched on his traps. “Give it a second!” shouted Sam as the yellow patch on Daladon’s left pec began to shine. Daladon let out a small moan as a shiver ran through his body. He felt his cock immediately start twitching as a warmth flooded his system. Daladon’s body began to expand with size. It was very small and unnoticeable at first, but Daladon could feel the sides of the singlet digging into him a bit. Looking down at himself, he saw his pecs blowing up under the blue fabric. Daladon couldn’t help but grope his chest and feel the muscle that was forming on his chest. The straps dug into his shoulders as his traps and neck thickened. He looked to his side and saw the strap of the singlet extending out into a sleeve around his growing arms. As the sleeves formed, he could feel his biceps pushing back against the fabric as they swelled with size. Daladon was pulled away by a new sensation. The fabric around his crotch was getting tighter and tighter. He could feel his dick fighting for space in the singlet as the underwear inside snapped. Unable to hang on due to his widening hips. Daladon moaned again, his cock now free to surge up in size. He looked down at his remarkable bulge he sported now. Pulsing with life, the beast swelled bigger and bigger with every heartbeat. Extending out to 10 inches long with balls as big as eggs and still growing. He also saw the fabric around his legs receding into the singlet. Cutting itself off to look like booty shorts, strangling his massive quads inside them. The last of his underwear sliding down the pant leg in tatters on the floor. Turning to the side and looking in the mirror in front of him, Daladon got a great view of his dump truck ass. Grabbing the big cheek, it felt heavy as he shook it. He couldn’t help but feel himself get hard over how huge he was getting. He smacked his ass and practically moaned when he saw the ripples cascading along the fabric. He stopped admiring himself as the singlet’s fabric started to recede again. This time it moved upwards from his waist, exposing his belly button that started to swell out in front of him. His once flat stomach rounding out as he heard a gurgle emit from his belly. He reached down to pat his swelling orb of a belly and ran his hands along it. Feeling how expansive it was. The fabric stopped just under his textbook sized pecs as the yellow patch of fabric started to fold and morph into an S symbol. And it wasn’t just an ordinary S on the outfit, it sported a curled bicep on the top right tail, a couple of moobs followed by a heavy belly as the curve on the left side, a perfectly round belly on the right curve, and a massive cock as the bottom tail of the S. “Woah,” said Daladon. He couldn’t believe the sight before him. He stood there looking like he was out of his own wet dream. Not only had the singlet made him bigger, it also had heightened his other features. He now sported a nice square jaw line as well as bright blonde styled hair. The singlet itself had morphed into a top that covered Daladon’s chest with long sleeves on his arms that had holes over where the peak of his bowling ball sized biceps were. He could barely see the booty shorts he was wearing below his pecs and belly, but looking in the mirror, they left nothing to the imagination. The blue fabric accentuated his cock and balls perfectly. Making them look absolutely stuffed in the shorts. And after seeing how much size he got in his ass, he guessed the entire outfit was fighting for dear life to contain his size. “Well don’t leave me in suspense! Come out!” called a giddy Sam. Daladon turned and walked out of the dressing room to see Sam smiling up at him. “Damn I’m good,” mused Sam as he let out a whistle looking Daladon up and down. Daladon’s already big smile grew even bigger as he realized he’d grown taller too. Before, he was eye level with Sam’s pecs, but now Sam was eye level with Daladon’s. “This is incredible! Thank you, thank you, thank you Sam!” shouted Daladon. Running up to Sam and crouching down to give the big man a hug only to hoist him up into the air with glee. “You’re welcome, big guy. Now, go have fun with your friends. Enjoy your night,” said Sam as Daladon released him from his tight grip. “I’ll be sure to tell my friends to tip your boys well tonight,” said Daladon as his heavy footfalls shook the whole shop. “Don’t worry about it. We’re already getting paid handsomely by whoever’s throwing this party. But I’ll see you in there.” Sam winked at Daladon and Daladon threw the door to the shop open and ducked out of the shop, but not before squeezing his hips out. Smiling to himself, Sam turned and waddled back to the bar and began making drinks for tonight.
  3. Sizemologist

    Merry ChristMASS

    Posting one of my old stories on my new account for Christmas. Happy holidays and I hope you enjoy :^) Chapter 1: The New Santa It started on Christmas Eve. They were all sleeping soundly in their beds when a mysterious figure arrived to deliver each of them a letter. As each man opened the letter and read it, they were blinded by a light that illuminated from the letter. Each of the men regained their sight in a large room with a cookie sitting in front of them. Looking from side to side, they each saw each other and a man clad in red from head to toe. “Hello gentlemen and welcome to the North Pole,” said the man. “What happened? A second ago I was reading a letter about some new job,” asked one of the men. “¿Qué?” said another. “Oops! I thought I forgot something.” He snapped his fingers. “That’s better. My name is David, and I will be your host for the duration of your stay here,” said David. “The North Pole? How did we get here?” exclaimed one of the men. “Well you see, each of you received a letter from myself asking about a job,” said David. “Yeah. It said something about becoming the next Santa Claus. I thought it was one of my kids playing games with me,” said one of the men as he bit into the cookie in front of him. “Not at all sir. I can assure you that this is all real. Each of you have been hand selected by me to be a candidate for the title of the new Santa Claus,” said David “Wait seriously? Santa Claus is real? I had always just kept up the charade for the children at the shelter, but I could never have imagined actually being asked to be the new Santa Claus,” said one of the men with glee. “Why did you select us specifically?” asked another. “Well let’s go down the line,” said David. He snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared in his hands. “First, there is Rafael from Brazil.” The latino man perked at the hearing of his name. “Born into poverty at a very early age, he struggled growing up to support himself and his siblings. With no parents to take care of them, he built a community of others that had been abandoned like them. He helped them. Fed them. Made sure their needs were met before taking care of his own. He established a shelter for anyone who was in need regardless of who they were.” “Then we have Peter.” The white man stood up when his name was said. “An all-American boy from the states. He was your typical kindhearted gentleman. What set him apart from the rest of America was his selflessness. Despite being born into a fortune, he dedicated his life to giving it all up to those who had nothing. Donating his money to charity and living the life of someone in poverty so that others would prosper.” “Next we have Bruno. When his country of Iraq was invaded, he was merely a boy and did not know what to do. Unlike many who fled, he saw the scourge of the war and wanted to help and make a difference. He studied to become a combat medic. Helping those who had fallen in battle regardless of who their allegiance was with.” “Lastly, we have Vincent. A man with a fairly normal upbringing in Japan, Vincent dedicated himself to volunteer work when he became an adult. Working for numerous non-profit organizations that deal with feeding those who are hungry and providing shelter for those in need. Rejecting what his parents expected of him as an adult and going into working for his community.” David snapped his fingers again and the scroll vanished. “You each have displayed the true meaning of Christmas throughout your lives. That it is better to give than it is to receive. Through your selfless actions, each of you have impacted many lives drastically and you are all true Saints.” The four of them looked at each other with surprised looks on all of their faces. “I understand that this is a lot to take in all at once, but do not worry, we have all of the time in the world. Literally. Father Time stops time for everyone else outside of the North Pole.” “What will becoming Santa Claus entail for us? Will we move here? What will our job be?” asked Peter. “You will be working here almost full time. Helping with toy manufacturing, the infamous naughty and nice list selections, and, of course, delivering all of the presents on Christmas. But don’t worry, you will be trained to do all of these things, but we just need to make sure to have an aptitude for it first,” said David. “How will we ever learn how to do all that?” asked Vincent. “Magic good sir! That’s how anything can get done around here. Everything we do in the North Pole is powered by magic that you will be taught how to use by one of the best magic users in existence. Myself.” “Way to be humble boss,” said a man as he walked in through two big red doors. “Joseph! You made it! Everyone, this is Joseph. He is the head of toy production here at the North Pole. You will be working very closely with him.” “Hello everyone. David can I talk to you for a second?” asked Joseph. “Sure. Here everyone,” David snapped his fingers, “have some cookies.” And the two of them left the room. “David, what are you doing? Where’s Nick?” asked Joseph. “Oh he’s been removed from service with us,” replied David as he tried to walk back in. “What? Drop the tour guide act. Who are these guys and where is Nick?” “Alright, fine. He dumped me last night. I sent him to coal duty. These are his replacements.” “Get Nick out of there! We need him tonight!” “No! He can rot in the coal mines for all I care. One of them will be the new Santa.” “These are your rebound guys. Not the next Santa.” “We’d eventually need a replacement. And they are all suited for the job.” “What even are their qualifications?” “They are all charitable. Nice guys.” “David! “Okay! They’re all hot gay men who are selfless. It was a pretty quick magical search.” “I can’t believe you brought mortals here! What were you thinking?” “I was thinking that my husband of almost 2 centuries just dumped me and you weren’t picking up your phone when I was needing a hookup.” “So you just pop these random guys in here so that you can have a one night stand?” “Not exactly. We would need a replacement eventually. I can’t run this factory and deliver the presents every Christmas. One is fine, but more than that, I‘ll work myself to death. I need a partner.” “Alright fine. I’ll play this little game of yours.” “Hey you can get something out of this too.” “What could I possibly get out of this?” “I know that Henry dumped you last decade and you’ve been lonely ever since. You get first runner up.” “Ugh you’re impossible.” Joseph started walking away. “You won’t be saying that after they go through the cookie test.” Joseph stopped in his tracks. “You’re doing that test.” David nodded his head. “Okay. I’ll go along with it as long as you play fair this time with that test.” “Deal.” The two shook hands and walked back towards the contestants. All unaware of what they had gotten themselves into.
  4. Sizemologist

    Prize Pig Husband

    Commission for @bigmanfan2 on twitter: After buying a new home, John and Carl find some interesting things that the previous owners left behind. John parked the moving van and looked at the large house. He walked along the dirt road taking in the countryside and seeing the big red barn leading to a little pond behind it. “Ah, this is perfect,” said John as he took a deep breath of fresh air. “It really is,” came a voice from behind John. John was met with a warm sensation when he felt two big arms wrap around him and lift him up off the ground in a giant bear hug. Followed by some kisses on the cheek. “The perfect place for us to start our new life babe.” John smiled and was set down. He turned and saw his husband, Carl. 8 inches taller than John at 6 '4 and weighing about 300 pounds in a plaid button down shirt and big overalls. John was an average 5' 8 and 150 pounds soaking wet in a t-shirt and jeans. “Think we can start a farm out here?” asked John as he got on his tiptoes and kissed his husband’s lips. “Definitely. The old owners used to have tons of livestock on this land. You start taking boxes into the house and I’ll go check out the barn. Be back in a jiff hun.” Carl leaned down and gave John a nice squeeze and then headed towards the barn. John turned back to the truck and began unloading various boxes to take inside. Carl got to the big barn doors and used all his strength to swing them open. He looked up at the ceiling and marveled at the size of the barn. The ceiling must’ve been 30 feet high, and it had plenty of open space. Looking around, Carl found some old tubs that seemed to still have things in them. “Hmm, guess the old owners left us some things.” Carl grabbed off the lids and rummaged through the bins. Some of it was just old farm tools, some barbed wire, and some bags of feed. “Wow, I can’t believe they left all of this,” said Carl to himself. He grabbed the feed bags and started moving them. Looking at where he could put them, he saw a bunch more feed bags up on the second floor. “That’ll have to do for now for storage.” Carl loaded a couple of bags on his shoulder and made his way to the ladder. He grabbed the first step and started climbing up. Everything was going smoothly until he stepped up the ladder and felt a snap under his foot. The old ladder gave out and Carl went falling backwards. Luckily, he wasn’t that high off the ground so he wasn’t hurt, but he landed on the two sacks of feed, breaking them open and shooting dust everywhere. Carl coughed as feed particles blew through the stale air. “Argh! That was a bad idea.” Carl continued to cough as he stood up from the ground. Brushing off the dust on his shirt and overalls, he inhaled again and was met with the sweetest scent ever. “Mmm what is that?” Carl’s mind went into a haze as he sniffed the air and like a dog, he pinpointed the source. “What? I’ve never worked with feed that smelled this good.” Carl leaned down and grabbed at the bag. Picking up a handful, Carl sniffed the feed. It smelled delectable. “This is bizarre.” Carl kept sniffing it, then paused for a moment before sticking his tongue out and licking it. Carl’s eyes went wide when he tasted the feed. He immediately threw the handful in his mouth. “Mmmmmmmm so good.” Carl crunched the feed and savored every bite. Carl swallowed the feed and rubbed his big gut. “Wow, who knew feed could taste so good.” Carl smiled and looked down at the two open bags of feed. “Well I can’t let these go to waste. And I haven’t eaten since we left our old town. What’s the harm in a little snack?” Carl picked up another handful of feed and threw it back in his mouth. Letting out purrs as he ate. Quickly, he swallowed that handful and went in for another, then another, then another. He was shoveling feed into his mouth like he hadn’t eaten in days. Carl wasn’t paying attention to how much he was eating. He only knew he was hungry. He didn’t care that his shirt was getting tighter and tighter from every bite. His overalls digging into his shoulders more and more. One by one, his buttons shooting off like bullets as the big man ate and ate. Loud tears echoing in the barn when his overalls began to rip. His big belly spilling out into his lap as he pigged out. John was busy unloading their moving van. Putting dishes away and trying to unload as much as he could without Carl. He was walking back to the truck when he heard a loud roar erupt from the barn. John’s eyes got wide and he started running towards the barn. He got to the barn and threw open the doors. What John saw next made him stop in his tracks. “UUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRPPPPPPP!!!! Oh hi honey,” said Carl as he sat on the ground with two feed bags in his hands. John looked at his husband and he was not the same one he’d left a few minutes ago. Sitting down, Carl must’ve been 8 feet tall. And on that giant body was loads of fat. Carl had gone from stocky to obese. His belly spilled out onto his lap. Covering up a lot of his upper legs. His moobs looked more comparable to king sized pillows. “Carl, what the hell happened to you?” asked John. “What? Oh sorry. I was a bit hungry, and this feed is actually really good. You want some?” Carl offered one of the big bags of feed to John as he ate the other. “No, I’m good, big guy. But I meant how did you get so big?” Carl gave John a puzzled look as he ripped off the top of the bag of feed and threw the entire bag’s contents into his mouth like it was a little bag of chips. “What do you mean?” asked Carl between bites. “UUUUUURRRRRRPPPPPPPP!” Carl let out another belch that shook the whole barn, but then John saw it. Carl’s entire body started to swell. His head began to rise closer to the ceiling. His belly began to spill out further into his lap. His legs and arms began to inflate. Gaining fat and length. “I mean that Carl! You just grew like two feet taller and gained like 200 pounds!” John looked up at his giant husband and walked closer to him. “Huh?” Carl looked down at himself and saw how big he was since entering the barn. “Where did my clothes go?” Carl saw a little pile of fabric on his belly from what used to be his button down. “What the hell?” Carl stood up and up and up. He looked down at John in horror. He was 25 feet tall standing up and his belly hung out so far that he could barely see John under it. “I’m a giant!” John looked up and saw that Carl’s belly wasn’t the only thing that had grown. The man’s cock had been pretty big before his growth spurt, but now it was huge. “Yes, you are.” John put his hand on his husband’s cock, and it sent shivers up Carl’s spine. The beast twitched in approval as Carl laid back down on the ground. “John, this isn’t good. I’m huge! What are we gonna do?” asked Carl as he rubbed his big belly. “I have a few ideas.” John climbed up onto his giant husband's belly and looked down at his face. He planted a kiss on the giant’s lips and Carl reached up to pull his husband into a giant sized bear hug. Below them, Carl’s cock was beginning to swell, but not from the feed. As the two kissed, John looked back and saw the great white whale. Carl’s cock was almost as tall as John and thicker than his torso. “Holy shit babe.” “I know. It’s crazy,” mused Carl. John stood up and started walking back towards the big cock. Feeling his husband’s stomach shift as he walked on it. John looked at the cock and wrapped his arms around it. The cock was so thick, he couldn’t close his arms. He could hear Carl moaning as he played with his dick. “Honey, keep doing that. It feels incredible!” John started to move up and down his husband's monster cock and get the giant off. Carl was in heaven as he got jerked off by his miniature husband. But something in the back of his mind was still nagging him. Then both of them heard a loud growl from Carl’s massive belly. He was still very hungry. “Sounds like my big piggy needs to eat,” said John. “Yes please. Preferably soon.” Carl tried to sit up, but he was a bit stuck on the ground. “Babe, I need foooooooood!” groaned Carl. John stopped jerking off his dick and climbed over the titanic belly. “What food would you like my dear?” asked John looking at his big husband's face. His neck being swallowed by mounds upon mounds of fat. “We got anymore of that feed?” John smiled and looked around the barn. Carl had eaten the few bags that were in the tubs, but there were still some on the top floor. “Babe, can you get me up there?” John pointed at the top floor. “Probably.” Carl wrapped his hand around his small husband and reached his arm up to put him comfortably on the top floor. John finally got to survey how big Carl had actually gotten. He was a blob of a man. Every inch of him was covered in fat. His belly looked like a sea of flesh and with moobs that looked bigger than beanbag chairs. “Fuck, I can’t wait to feed you these,” said John as he found dozens of bags of feed. He started grabbing them and throwing them down to Carl. Carl didn’t waste any time ripping open the bags and pouring them into his mouth. A satisfying belch shaking the barn after each one. John had lost track of how many bags he had thrown down until he threw the last one and admired his giant man. As Carl finished off the last bag, his belly let out a lot of gurgles and was bubbling. The big man rubbed his belly and felt the feed being processed. “Oooooo, little guy, you might wanna get out of here,” said Carl as he felt one final burp coming on. John got worried for a moment as he counted how many bags of feed Carl had just consumed. He looked at the destroyed ladder and back at Carl. “I hope you’re soft, big guy.” John climbed the railing and jumped down onto Carl's belly like it was a giant mattress, but that hit was the straw that broke the camel’s back. “UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!!!!” Carl let out a deafening belch as his transformation began. His entire body swelled before their very eyes. His legs and arms growing out at an alarming weight. His belly inflated with hundreds of pounds per second. John saw his giant husband’s head growing up towards the roof of the barn. And at his seated position had to make him close to 100 feet tall. John started to become aware of how close he was getting to the ceiling on Carl’s belly. He slid down it like a giant slide and bolted towards the door. He made it out just in time to get clear of Carl starting to push against the walls. John ran until he was far enough away to know he was out of the line of fire. He turned around and saw the barn bowing out. The walls of the barn were moving and shifting as Carl’s fat became too much for it. He would occasionally see pieces of wood fall off the barn and expose Carl’s fat. Finally, with a loud crash, Carl’s body burst out of the barn. His fat spilling out all over the ground. John saw his husband’s big head rise up and up and up as he stood up as debris of the old barn fell to the ground. “Hey big guy!” yelled John. Carl looked down and saw his little husband next to their new house and smiled. He leaned down and offered his hand for John to hop onto. John happily did and Carl brought him up to his face. “You really pigged out, big guy.” John smiled and hugged his husband’s massive quadruple chin. “What can I say? I was hungry,” said Carl. His low voice echoing for miles around them. He laughed and patted his massive belly. His hand sending ripples like massive ocean waves over his gut. John could only smile and kiss him. “What are we gonna do now that you’re so big?” asked John as he started playing with Carl’s fat rolls. “Hmm, maybe you could enter me in the town fair. I’m definitely the biggest pig.” Carl shook his stomach and there was a low growl that emitted from it. “Actually, the first thing we need to do is get more of that feed.” John laughed and then cuddled up against his giant man. “Sure thing my big fat piggy husband.”
  5. ThornedRose

    Triple Threat Chapter 2 Available 8/30

    Here is the first chapter of a new story commissioned by my lovely commissioner @XbikXBd I promise Simulated Universe is not over! If you have any inquires about commissions, feel free to contact me via DMs! I hope you all enjoy the start to the adventures of a growing polyamorous couple! Chapter 1: In a quaint little town of Valbrook lives a very nice and small community. Population was never one of the driving forces to grow the community, nor was there a strong sense of tourism needed to help out with the city's budgets. Rather, everyone that lived in quaint old Valbrook got along with one another and often had quiet days. Business owners of different shops never expected much of an absurd amount of business, but they each received patronage to get by. Most of the community in Valbrook tended to be men, who often looked to start a quiet life whether by themselves or starting a life with a family. One of these businesses that held position on one of the town's corners like any other business, such as the barbershop, local tailor, and of course, the town's only gym which was headed by quite the specimen. Our shop that we will be focusing on today in this town of Valbrook is called the Sound of Music, a music and records shop. Gifted to him by an uncle who had passed, Razzo had inherited the shop and his new life in the town of Valbrook. Life had not been easy for Razzo, even if he was quite the looker. Having had two failed marriages, Razzo was left with custody of his only son who had recently departed his nest and had been taken to college. As much as he loved his only child, he knew that he would leave Razzo at some point to discover his own path. Even though things got quite lonely over the years, Razzo who was now 37 years old, had managed to find some companionship within the town of Valbrook. Rather, he had found a couple of employees that he had taken quite the fancy to. Personality-wise, Razzo could be a tad bit rigid, which had contributed to his failed marriages. Preferring to be more straight-laced and analytical, it took a certain type of person to be able to get Razzo to break through his tough and solid exterior. Fortunately enough, Razzo had not only found one, but two people to help break through his exterior. It first started with Jack. Jack had recently moved to Valbrook the year prior when he was 18, looking for a new start after coming out to his family. He had been the champion football star of his town and had a lot of pressure on proposing to his girlfriend, but secretly, he knew that would never make him happy. One night, Jack packed up a bag and booked a bus ticket to get far away from his old town and found himself settled in Valbrook. Looking for a job and surviving off the local homeless shelter, Jack managed to impress Razzo enough to work at his shop. At first, Jack was more reserved, but as he began to grow more comfortable around Razzo, he began to open up to the older man. Eventually, Jack had begun to see Razzo as a father figure for himself as his real father was never the type of man to really care about his current achievements. His father was obsessive over what could be rather than what had already been obtained. Having had most of his life handed to him on a silver platter, Razzo pitied the young caucasian boy as he did not have a very strong work ethic. Razzo, on the other hand, learned from his mother the importance of working for the things you want. Razzo’s mother was from Mexico, specifically Guadalajara, and his father from Greece. Razzo’s father met his mother while on vacation and the rest is history, eventually leading to Razzo’s birth in the United States. Taking the time to teach the young man was definitely something Razzo had enjoyed doing, and even missed as he thought of how much of a son Jack was sort of like. Was Jack filling that void for Razzo? Perhaps, but both were very satisfied with what was developing between them. One night as they were closing the store, Jack had opened up to Razzo, and had come out to the older man. Razzo sighed and gave Jack a big bearish embrace telling him he had nothing to worry about, as he wanted to tell him a secret of his own. Razzo was actually bisexual, in which he kept hidden in the dark from his wives and even his own son for the time being. Upon that night's end, the relationship between the two men began to blossom and unfold over the next coming months. Everyday Jack would go to the gym, maintaining and working out his body as he had learned to do when practicing football. After each gym session, he would stop by and pester Razzo before his shift, or even on his days off. When Razzo discovered that Jack was living in the homeless shelter, he had gotten upset that the young boy didn’t tell him his situation. Jack would apologize saying he was “Sorry Dad”, which made Razzo’s large bulky chest puff up. In no time at all, Razzo would take no for an answer, picking up Jack and his things and setting him up in one of his spare bedrooms. Jack would continue to call Razzo father, dad, and pops, which began to stir something inside Razzo, he was starting to like that. Jack’s personality began to come to the forefront once he and Razzo developed a closer bond. Sometimes Jack’s entitlement from his wealthy life would pour into his mannerisms and actions, in which Razzo would scold him and “threaten” him with spanking to be disciplined. Little did Razzo know at the time, Jack liked that idea. When Jack starts becoming attracted to someone, he tends to fall rather hard. Although the two men had developed an interesting relationship with each other, Jack sometimes left little hints here and there to Razzo that he liked him more than just a father figure and good friend. Razzo, who is naturally more keen, picked up the hints but did not act on them…until a year later. Upon his nineteenth birthday, Jack and Razzo had a quiet celebration together in which Razzo offered Jack anything he wanted. Taking that notion in stride, Jack had removed his flimsy party hat that Razzo bought from the local drugstore and sat in the big burly man’s lap. Feeling up Razzo’s big arms and bulky chest, Jack pushed his washboard abs into the older man’s beer gut. After that night, the two had become more than just friends. Jack, having taken the lead, bred the larger man all night long, enjoying the older daddy begging for his young big cock. In the morning, the two had a discussion and came to the conclusion, they would like to start seeing each other, but wanted to keep it a secret from the town. Little time did it take before the two men ended up having a new big variable enter the mix. Alonzo had arrived in town at first to join the city council; there had been a big issue with budgeting that he was supposed to fix. On one of his days off, he decided to visit the town square, tired of having to keep his eyes on a glowing screen and skimming through files. Entering the Sound of Music, the stocky tall african-american man had come into contact with Razzo and Jack. It was love at first sight seeing Alonzo. Both Jack and Razzo had instantly felt an attraction to the man, and couldn’t hide it from one another. That night, they discussed the hot new customer that had visited the shop. Eventually, conversation steered toward the two men being open to having a third join them. Razzo never thought he would ever be open to an open relationship, let alone the potential to a throuple, but plans are never set in stone. Continuing his duties with the city council, Alonzo was able to clean up all debt and even procure some extra funding through different untapped claims that had been underutilized for some time. In his own spare time, the big man decided to take every opportunity he could to get to know the two men that called the record shop home. Wearing a tank-shirt and some shorts, Alonzo strutted in everyday sandals first. Jack and Razzo tended to notice that the big man liked to wear as little as possible when he wasn’t working. Often showing off the ample curves of his stomach and pert rump, alongside larger broad shoulders, the stringed tank top did very little to conceal the mass of the man. Sprinkles of chest hair would poke out of the tank top, with little slips of sweat slinking down the large man. Amongst the three, Alonzo stood the tallest of the three at 6’1. Followed by the other dad-bod man, Razzo, who was 5 '10. Jack was the shortest at 5’8, but by far the cockiest as he began to grow more comfortable around Alonzo. Alonzo noticed the rigidity of Razzo when he interacted with other customers, but noticed how much he softened up when speaking with Jack in particular. Little did Razzo and Jack know, but Alonzo had caught a sneaky glance of the two kissing in the shop before he entered. So that was the dynamic between the two. It definitely piqued Alonzo’s curiosity, and definitely made him want to enact on his attraction he felt for both men. Having the ability to be quite confident in himself, Alonzo prided himself when it came to swooning different types of men, both younger and older, and of each body type. Testing his capabilities, he first began to flirt with the other large man. Complimenting Razzo’s beefy build led Razzo to become a bit dumbfounded. Razzo, although larger and beefier, did not really enjoy his dad-bod as much as Alonzo seemed to. It was no secret that Razzo despised coming to be near 40, the dreaded middle age. No longer being built like a bodybuilder like he was back in college, the pudge that grew on his frame taunted him everytime he saw himself in a mirror. Contrary to Alonzo’s tank tops and shorts, Razzo opted to wear clothing that concealed his budding frame, trying to wear button ups and pants that best hid his aging body. Where Razzo felt some distaste for his body, Jack definitely let him know how much he adored it. Jack would tell Razzo how sexy he was in bed and when alone, which did spark some confidence in Razzo. Albeit, seeing another man with a similar-ish build showing off his own frame did do some wonders of Razzo’s own confidence. He didn’t mind a beefy guy, but struggled with his own self-esteem. Alonzo being the ever so confident man was definitely going to do his best to rub off on the man. Time continued to pass by as Alonzo was coming closer to concluding his duties within the town. Feeling a tinge of sadness of having to leave his routine of seeing the two hot studs, Alonzo went to visit with the bad news. Jack, who was at the shop, was not one to let a guy slip away, especially not one that he and his boyfriend had both confessed they were equally attracted to. Grabbing the large man’s hand, Jack led Alonzo into the backroom, leading him to where Razzo was focusing on knocking out some of the facility's bills. Being the cocky little devil he was, Jack had begun to strip away the tank top that was clinging onto Alonzo’s frame. Gently placing kisses along his neck before becoming more ravenous. Kissing all the way down the man’s chest onto his big belly, Jack gave it a few smack’s before strutting behind him. Alonzo let out a heart chuckle as he let the young stud take full control. Not before long, Jack had pulled down Alonzo’s shorts, his ass and cock fully exposed. The man had been going commando the entire time. While worshiping Alonzo’s body, Alonzo had begun to rub himself, enjoying the young man going to work. Flabbergasted at the show Jack was putting on in front of him, Razzo quickly got up and locked the door, grabbing the boy before apologizing to Alonzo. Instead of being angry, Alonzo pulled Razzo to his lips and started to make out with him, his long thick tongue penetrating Razzo’s mouth. Razzo was in a whirlpool of emotions. Confused, shocked, and most importantly, aroused. This was the very start of something big about to come for the three men. As Alonzo’s duties had concluded, he found he quite liked the town of Valbrook and the companionship he had developed with both Jack and Razzo. It was a no-brainer that he decided to stay, finding some work nearby. Visiting the records shop everyday until his “departure” he opened up with the news that he was planning to remain in the town. Jack and Razzo were beyond elated to find out their new man was deciding to stay within the town. This was a cause to celebrate something new for the three men, something unique yet beautiful. Jack and Razzo had asked Alonzo if he would be open to a dinner date with the two at their house, Razzo offering to barbecue. Alonzo groped his large gut and agreed, saying he hoped Razzo cooked a lot of food. Jack was in love with the prospects of the two large men being around him. He loved how bubbly Alonzo’s ass was, wanting an opportunity to breed him like he did to Razzo each night. Fortunately, after a few drinks, that wish happened. Razzo sucked on Alonzo’s girthy cock while Alonzo was rubbing his large size fourteen feet on the sides of Razzo’s cock. Jack, meanwhile, had taken to Alonzo’s cake as a mighty fine dessert after their barbecue feast. Their celebration continued on for hours, going into the early hours of the morning, and even onto the next day and night. Razzo made sure Alonzo was comfortable enough to stay over in the house, in which Alonzo was more than glad to oblige. Jumping to a few months later, the three men had been living peacefully together under Razzo’s house. A newborn throuple had joined the midst of the world, taking every single moment to revel in each other’s presence. Alonzo had joined the record’s shop as Razzo’s new financial advisor, being able to spend time with his two new lovers. Although the town remained quiet for the moment, something had begun brewing in the world. Another variable ready to not only throw the world into a new era, but a new life for the three men. A new concoction had been mixed and experimented with. Promising the hopes of developing muscle mass and size growth, this drug was called Valorem. Only rumors had been spread around, even some online posts about it becoming an up and coming miracle drug. It tended to only affect the bodies of men, and the results that did work and that were deemed believable were unreal. Mostly sought after by gay and bisexual men, the Valorem serum was deemed a rarity. That was until, it was spotted in the local gym by Jack. Jack had grown pretty close with the owner, having spent everyday at the gym for the last year and a half. The two had a close friendship, and the owner, who was an older guy, was quite fond of Jack. Knowing the drive and hunger that Jack possessed when working out, he knew the young guy was aiming to be the biggest he could be. He enjoyed seeing the high spirits, even offering to personally train Jack for free. Whenever new shipments came to the gym’s shelves, the owner was always ready to offer a sample container for free when it came to Jack. It was no secret that the owner of the gym knew how cocky Jack was, especially when it came to size. He had seen the muscles grow on the once football built boy, now turning into an amateur bodybuilder. Every new youngin’ that came through was being dwarfed by the young college stud. Not to mention, the owner knew Jack had quite the sizeable bulge. Jack had also opened up to the owner about being gay which the owner only smirked and confessed he was also a part of the community. Jack, being the ever so loose lipped, had made it apparent he was dating not only one but two guys, and that they were quite big. Jack always talked about size at the gym, it was his favorite topic. Especially when it came to Valorem. Upon performing his usual inventory checks, the owner had a means of receiving the Valorem serum that Jack had so desperately been talking about. By the next arrival of his new shipment, the owner was ready to give the beauty of what was Valorem to the eager guy. He’d love to see the hulking young boy grow into something spectacular. That is, if the serum would work for him. Unfortunately, there was only a small percentage of men that the drug would actually work for. If, by a stroke of luck, the drug would work, it would affect each individual who injected the drug differently. Originally, Valorem was supposed to be only taken by an injection. However, due to experimenting with the drug, the owner had managed to get their contacts to mix it into a protein powder for a trial run. Creating the canister that contained the protein powder, the owner was very precise in making sure he put an exact number of a proper dosage involved for growing up to three men. Seeing how Jack lit up at the prospects of his huge lovers, he had a feeling Jack may try to get his lovers to try out the miracle serum. Upon finishing his preparations, the owner waited until Jack arrived, waiting to tell him the surprise. Without a hitch, Jack was beyond elated and absolutely overthrown with disbelief that his buddy was able to procure such a rarity. Jack, who was eager to try the stuff right away, decided to try to contain his excitement until he got home, wanting to share the news with his lovers. ===================================================================== “Oh dad’s, your lovely “son” is back home from his rigorous workout with big news. Emphasis on the big!”. Jack belted as he opened the door, quickly locking it with his special gift in a bag being held by his other hand. Alonzo and Razzo were both sipping their morning coffee, Razzo reading a newspaper while Alonzo was scrolling through his phone at the news outlets. Both were only wearing briefs, bellies out and pushing against the family room table, Alonzo’s more so than Razzo’s. Both older men looked up from their activities at their younger lover, gym shirt plastered with sweat from the deep ridges and grooves of his muscled body. Jack’s short gym shorts were hugging his inner thigh, any shorter and he could be warranted for indecent exposure possibly. “What’s with all the yelling so early Jack? I haven’t finished my first cup yet. Bad enough our boyfriend here woke me up with the blender this morning.”, Razzo rolled his eyes, giving a slight glare to Alonzo. Alonzo chuckled and just shook his head. “Well after this news, you’re going to be wide awake you hunk!”. Jack moved over to kiss Razzo on his cheek, feeling the fresh morning stubble that had grown onto the man overnight, Razzo huffed.. Moving over to Alonzo, Jack did the same but was met with an extra kiss on the lips from the extra affectionate man. “So what’s got you belting first thing in the morning? You being a morning lark is bad enough, you don’t have to share your enthusiasm with us two.”, Razzo grumbled. Alonzo got up to wash his mug, giving Razzo a slight punch in the arm playfully. “Leave our boy alone you old grump, he’s full of youth and vigor. He can’t help being excited all the time. I believe you’re the one that enjoys his excitement the most, especially last night.”, Alonzo chided. “Shut up you lumbering bear.”, Razzo punched Alonzo’s arm and rolled his eyes. “Anyways, more about what I’ve been waiting to tell you both, and more importantly, what I’ve been dying to try. I’m sure you two have heard about Valorem right?”, Jack asked eagerly, making eye contact with both men. “Ya never shut up about it, of course we’ve heard about it. What does this have to do with us though?”, Razzo asked, curiosity piqued. “Well, my buddy at the gym pulled a few strings and managed to get me my own little stash of it! All thanks to my good looks, charm, and hard work. You can both start praising me whenever you want. I’m waiting.”, Jack smugly grinned, waiting for the two men to be in awe. Razzo and Alonzo just gave each other a glance, almost as if they were speaking telepathically before Razzo spoke up first, “So you’re saying, that container there on our table, has that supposed mystery drug that’s been going around the internet? Why the hell would you want that?” “Uh because it has the chance to make you grow bigger? Why else? Don’t be such a fuddy duddy pops, it’s not a good look for you. Where’s that confident man with all that swagger I like?” Jack sat down next to Razzo, positioning his hand down toward the older man’s beefy butt. “Flattery ain’t gonna get you everything you want kid.”, Razzo scowled. “It sure can get me close though. What about you, my sexy second daddy? Are you in or are you in?” Jack turned his attention over toward Alonzo. Taking a moment to gather his words, Alonzo liked to prepare what he wanted to say in advance so as to not say the incorrect things, and so he could prepare his dad jokes whenever he could. Once he found out that Jack and Razzo had a father son dynamic going on, he offered to join in. After a pause of his thinking, the man spoke, “From what I and Razzo have seen and read, it’s still a pretty new drug that can have irreversible effects on a man's body. Plus, we don’t know if it has negative side effects besides that alleged growth. Those photos could be photoshopped son! How would you feel if you bloated up like a cow and ended up on the moo-spaper?” Jack and Razzo made brief eye contact with each other, unamused at that one. Alonzo had some jokes here and some good punchlines, but this was not one of those times. “I see I’ll need to workshop that one.” Alonzo pouted. “I’ve told you before, they weren’t photoshopped! I even gave you both a demonstration with photoshop itself to see if it was. Besides that point, the only negative side effect of the serum is that it might not work. But if we take the chance and it does, we could see some incredible gains!” Jack passionately explained, one palm on the table and the other clenched as if he was delivering an epic speech to a crowd of two unwilling volunteers. “Okay bud, number one, what do you mean we? Number two, what if Alonzo and I don’t want to grow? Number three, who said we are going to allow you to put that stuff into your young body. God you youngin’s are so impressionable.”, Razzo reached over, grabbing the container, reading the instructions that had been printed and labeled onto the packaging. “I thought it was only injections too. Why the hell do you have this as a powder form?’ Razzo continued to nag on. “This is the latest stuff my lovely over-analytical daddy. Now, to answer your questions, we are a throuple, we do everything together. Two, we both know Alonzo loves showing off his body, even if he is too lazy to wear anything different than his usual choices.” Jack pointed to the biggest man in the room. “He’s got a point there babe. Speaking of, the cereal is too far away…can you grab it for me Jack? Pretty please with a daddy on top?” Alonzo pleaded. He was too comfortable where he was at. How could Jack deny such a cutie? Obtaining the cereal, he returned it to Alonzo before continuing on with his little speech, “Thank you for that my LOVING boyfriend”, Jack side-eyed Razzo before continuing, “As I was saying, and for number three, I’m an adult and can do what I want. I know you both love acting like my dads and love when I call you that in bed and in private, but I get to make my own decisions.” Jack began to peel off his sweaty tank. “Again, he’s got another point babe. He is an adult, who are we to deny our lovely son the potential to grow up big and strong like his dad’s?” Alonzo had finished eating his cereal, putting it into the sink and walked over to Razzo. Putting his beefy arms over his boyfriend’s neck, rubbing his beard into Razzo’s shoulder’s. Razzo kept his eyes closed, pondering the proposition and points his boyfriend was using to combat his logic. Alonzo’s beard rub was also a nice touch too. Alonzo began to coo into his boyfriend's ear, “What’s the harm in letting our boy try it out? He’s been doing such a good job at the gym, he deserves a big reward doesn’t he babe?” “Aghh, fine, you know I can’t say no to you.”, Razzo spoke gruffly, rubbing his head into Alonzo’s beard. Alonzo moved the position of his hands to massage Razzo’s neck. “However, I didn’t say I would be partaking in this.” “Whatever pops. Thanks for getting our boyfriend to see my point, Alonzo. When this thing works for me, I’ll make sure to give you both a big reward.” Jack wiggled his eyebrows at the two men. He loved filling their big daddy bubble butts whenever he received the opportunity. According to the history of Valorem, the serum has enhanced the size of male genitalia. Already heavily gifted at an erect size of ten inches, Jack wondered how much larger he could get his cock to grow with the assistance of the serum. “Alright, you two. I gotta finish packing to go to that damn convention Alonzo got me roped into. You’re a wiz when it comes to numbers and I am grateful for what you’ve done for our shop, but damn you to hell for making branding deals. You know I hate flying.”, Razzo was unamused, already feeling displeased at the thought of flying in such a cramped aircraft. “Don’t blame me for getting you ahead of the game. With this deal, we’re gonna be set. That little shop of yours is gonna soar sky high stud.”, Alonzo grinned, pleased with his handy work. “I just don’t like being gone for too long. Two weeks is such a long time. Especially when away from my two guys, you know that.”, Razzo was not one to overly share his emotions, but he felt most vulnerable when away from his support system. “See Jack, your daddy has a soft spot for us!” Alonzo cooed. “Enough sentiments you old lug, go get packing. Your flight leaves tonight.” Jack, who had fully stripped into nothing but his jockstrap, was ready to take a shower. “We raised an exhibitionist didn’t we?”, Alonzo chided. “You did, not me.”, Razzo spoke, waving his hand as he left to go upstairs to finish packing the items he would need for his two week trip. Waiting for Razzo to stumble out of the room, still groggy from waking up, Alonzo moved over to the container of powder in which contained the Valorem. Reading the instructions, Alonzo’s face turned as if he had an idea. Jack watched with intent as he watched his boyfriend seemingly come up with a plan. “Let me guess, you’re on the same page about seeing if he can grow too?”, Jack inquired, smirking at Alonzo. Returning with a devilish smile, Alonzo replied, “Bingo.You know I love to play pranks on your other dad. Remember the time I kept messing with the power at the store during Halloween when he was working late that night?” “I remember the yelling and lecture you got from my room. Then the loud breeding until I had to go and shut you both up with my cock.”, Jack recalled. “So what’s the plan, big guy? How are we going to make sure our boyfriend sees things our way?” Jack picked up his gym clothes, slinging them over his arm. “Morally, I know it’s wrong to give someone something that they are not asking for, especially this serum, but I know our boyfriend will see things our way if he gets a taste of what this could potentially do for us. Plus he owes me for breaking my favorite watch.”, Alonzo explained while walking over to grab one of Jack’s blender bottles that the throuple shared. “Go on, I’m liking what I’m hearing so far…” Jack trailed off. “So, when our lovely boyfriend is about to take his supplements and vitamins in about I don’t know, ten minutes as he always forgets to take them after his coffee, we slip him some of this in his water when he downs them. What do you think?” Alonzo already prepped the water, pouring the appropriate amount of Valorem powder into the cup, stirring it with a spoon. Thankfully, the water’s consistency and color did not change. It looked damn near invisible. “This is why I love you big guy. Great minds think alike! Now, how about we get some of that powder into our system? I can’t wait any longer!” Jack went over to kiss his boyfriend, both stared at the water excitedly. ===================================================================== According to plan, ten minutes later Razzo did his usual spiel about forgetting to take his supplements and vitamins, downing the Valorem-enhanced water. Jack was in the shower, while Alonzo minded his own business seeing if Razzo had any reaction. Just as intended, the man seemed to notice nothing. Alonzo and Jack had already ingested their own helping of Valorem-enhanced water. According to discussions about the serum, one dose should be taken every six weeks. Within the first two weeks, anyone who had received Valorem in their system would either see changes or if they did not, it just didn’t mesh with their biology. Acting as if he would never see them both again, Razzo gave both of his boyfriends repeated physical affection all day until he had to take a taxi to the airport for his flight. Razzo would be gone for the next two weeks, so the house was going to be all just for Alonzo and Jack! Both men were so excited to see if the serum would affect their bodies that they decided to promise one another that if they noticed any changes, they would say something right away. Too excited to sleep, Jack was the most boned he had been since he could remember. Sneaking into Razzo and Alonzo’s room, he found Alonzo sleeping naked on the bed. Jack’s rock hard ten inch cock stood at full rigid attention. Approaching the bed, Jack crept up quietly, hearing the light snores of the large man. Preparing his sneak attack, Jack lunged onto the bed, landing on the big guy's belly perfectly. Alonzo, who was startled awake, noticed the young boy straddling his belly. Feeling that familiarly large cock poking into his belly, Alonzo grinned knowing exactly what Jack wanted. Alonzo was always happy to oblige. As the days passed, Alonzo and Jack spent the days with their normal routine. While Razzo was away on his work meeting, he had left Alonzo in charge of the records shop in which Jack kept pouting. Razzo specifically stated the biggest man got to be in charge and even though Jack was the biggest when it came to muscles, he had nothing on Alonzo’s height and overall weight. Whenever the day ended however, the two men would hump like rabbits. Jack was a complete top, so he was always filling that round smooth ebony bubble butt. Alonzo, who was verse, was more than happy to take his young lover’s powerful cock. Every thrust sent Alonzo’s legs into a quiver. Five days had passed since the two men had been house sitting when Jack was the first to notice a change. Unfortunately, that change was not on himself. Every morning and night Jack would sneak measurements of himself to see if something had changed, but he was always met with disappointment. That would stop him from persevering through, he was determined to see himself grow from the dosage he had received. No, the change he noticed was with his boyfriend, Alonzo. While getting ready for a movie night, Alonzo emerged with a bowl of popcorn. Upon entering the room, Jack noticed that his boyfriend’s head was closer to the doorframe than it used to be. Alonzo’s favorite loungey shirt he was wearing also seemed to be riding up his stomach as well. Alonzo typically ate a fair amount, but in the last couple days, Jack had not noticed his boyfriend eating more than he did on an ordinary day. Alonzo’s belly definitely looked a lot fuller as of late. Not wanting to relay the information to his boyfriend, Jack was feeling quite mischievous. Planting his head onto the bulging belly, he could hear his boyfriend’s tummy gurgling, almost as if there were little bubbles inside popping constantly. Even as he sat on the couch, Jack noticed Alonzo’s head was higher than normal. It looks like the Valorem mixed well with Alonzo’s biology! Jack was happy for his boyfriend, but also feeling a tad bit discouraged. If the Valorem had luckily worked for Alonzo and had already begun to take effect on day five, then what about himself? Bursting his pondering, Jack couldn’t help but notice a treasure trail leading from his boyfriend’s belly button down to his crotch had appeared. When did that happen? Alonzo typically only kept a beard and some slight chest hair. Having explored Alonzo’s body many times, Jack was quite fond of seeing some hair growth on his daddy. Another three days had passed when Jack noticed another change. Arriving home from the gym, Jack was feeling horned up. Today was push day, and Jack pushed himself hard. The gym’s owner who had gifted Jack the Valorem had asked if he had tried it yet. Jack said he hadn’t seen any gains quite yet, but noticed some in his boyfriend. The owner whistled when Jack told him, telling him it will be kicking in for him soon no doubt. However, after his training session he took his measurements with the gym owner. Although Jack hadn’t seen any increase in height or in his dick, one victory was that he had gained 5 pounds in muscle! Guess that’s what his buddy meant when he said it’d be kicking in soon! Jogging back home, Jack was ecstatic and finding out his gains. Opening the door, Jack was ready to tell his boyfriend about his size increase when he found him huffing in the foyer, trying to slide his feet into his sandals. It was no secret Alonzo had large feet, naturally he was an astounding size fourteen in that department. It made shoe shopping a hassle which is why the daddy opted to wear sandals as they were the easiest shoe to find in his size. What used to be an easy shoe to slide into that is. The foot being shoved into that sandal was no longer a size fourteen. Alonzo’s heel was sticking out quite a bit while his toes hung over the tops like a cliff. “I swear my favorite pair of sandals shrunk!” Alonzo grunted, frustrated. “Are you finally going to acknowledge that you are bigger? Or have you just not noticed yet, stud?” Jack winked. Realizing the situation, Alonzo looked dumbfounded that he didn’t even consider the fact his foot could have grown. Hell, he even forgot he took the Valorem with Jack. Jack on the other hand, was the more studious one of the two when it came to observing not only his own body, but also Alonzo’s. “Hate to be the one to ruin the surprise dad, but you’ve grown.” Jack grinned in a feral manor, lust in his eyes, Witnessing his big daddy boyfriend get even bigger? That was a fantasy come true. “I guess I have been feeling a bit heftier, but I thought it was just my imagination.” Alonzo chuckled, bending down to reach for his now too small sandals when both the men became distracted with a loud ripping sound. Turning his neck, Alonzo could see that his favorite shorts had ripped down the seams of his crack. His meaty bubble butt looked much fatter than usual. “I guess not just my feet had grown huh boy?” A giant tent pitched Jack’s gym shorts. No words were spoken, just a loud thump as Jack threw himself onto the big daddy. Right in the foyer, Jack had jumped the larger man. Using his strength he worked on everyday at the gym, Jack turned Alonzo over. Alonzo’s bulging belly rested on the cold tile floor, making him shudder. Reaching for the already ripped seams, Jack flexed his biceps, ripping open the seams further until the entirety of Alonzo’s shorts had been decimated completely. Exposed to the morning air was that beautifully smooth ebony ass that Jack loved so much. “Come here big daddy, I used to be up a little bit above your chest. Now, I’m barely near your nipples!” Jack waved his hand in front of the man, comparing their sizes. “As for that ass, you used to be smuggling a pound cake back there, now you are developing a full on wedding cake! Your shorts were snug before, but the tops of your briefs are literally jutting out over the top! How were you going to go out like this?” Alonzo purred as Jack continued to show off his big daddy like a prize winning bull at a county fair. “Not to mention, these big feet of yours.” Jack had come close to Alonzo, putting his feet onto the much larger man’s. Jack’s entire foot rested on Alonzo’s and still had spare room to move on it both in length and in width. Alonzo wiggled his toes, feeling the light weight of Jack’s average sized foot onto his gargantuan one. Alonzo had added more junk to his trunk than both men had anticipated. Alonzo craning his neck to look down at his feral boyfriend, admiring their newly developed height difference had Jack’s eyes bulging out, watching just how massive he was growing compared to his young lover. Alonzo broke eye contact to crane his neck back at his feet then at his large assets resting on the back of his body. It was now larger than Razzo’s big beefy butt! Razzo’s big butt had always been the biggest amongst the three men, and had caused Razzo to carry a complex with him all his life, but that ass is what drove both Jack and Alonzo wild. Jack wasted no time ogling the larger daddy any longer, he dashed behind Alonzo, spreading the massive cheeks and began darting his talented tongue on the pulsing hole. Alonzo groaned and moaned, feeling that his hole felt extra sensitive today. Jack’s strong hands gripped each cheek so hard that they began to turn red where his palms spread them. Alonzo could feel himself growing erect, his eyes rolling into the back of his head as he was being eaten out. Too caught up in the pleasure coming from his hole, Alonzo didn’t even notice his erection was a tad bit larger than normal. Needing to grip onto the wall for support, Alonzo reached forward, causing his big hand to thud as it crashed into the wall upon contact. As an ass eating champion, Jack was not going to let his prey get away from him so easily. Even after he felt a pool of cum spurt from where Alonzo’s cock had been pointing, little drips sliding down from the wall where the cock was pointed, Jack still continued to eat out the man. Thank god the records shop was closed today, since both men were by no means leaving the house at all! Fuck the grovery shopping they were supposed to be doing! All day long, Jack showed his dominance over the large daddy. He ate him out on the kitchen island, on the couch, on the staircase, in the shower, and of course, on the bed. After countless orgasms from being eaten out, Alonzo didn’t know how he could still be so hard. Jack, on the other hand, kept edging himself the entire time. Every room that the two men encountered, Jack would make comments at Alonzo’s size. Comparing Alonzo’s beefed rump to the size of the kitchen island, which was actually becoming a bit dwarfed by the man. The staircase creaking under Alonzo’s increased weight. Both men struggled to fit into the shower stall at first, Jack having to leave the shower door open a bit just so Alonzo’s ass had room to move when he turned around. After all the foreplay, Jack was ready to take his prize. “Ready for round two big guys? Now it’s time for me to fill up that juicy ass of yours.”, Jack licked his lips. Alonzo grunted as he felt the familiarly large tip of Jack’s cock finally push its way into his tight ring. ===================================================================== Musk was the only aroma that filled the entire house. Even after trying to light a couple candles, the scent of cum and sex seemed to be pressed deep into the house walls. Alonzo and Jack had their libido’s put into overdrive. Together with Razzo, the three were always horny. Without the big man of the house, the two felt like they couldn’t fully get off without their third lover. That plus with the growth of Alonzo, there was very little rest and downtime going on. Even on the days that Jack and Alonzo had to oversee the records shop, they needed to make time to have sex breaks in the back. Alonzo hoped Razzo would not get pissed that he and Jack were fucking and sucking in every position in the back room. He prayed that Razzo wouldn’t look at the security feeds while on vacation either. The last thing he needed was an angry scolding from their lover. Alonzo was also adjusting to his growing size. He absolutely loved showing off his growth to Jack, and loved that Jack had now put on ten pounds of muscle! It may not sound like much, but it definitely made a difference on that boy's physique. A couple customers had to take a couple looks to see if what they saw was actually real. Alonzo had by now grown to an incredibly tall 6 '5, which was comparably noticeable when he used to be an already above average 6' 1. In order to not cause any room for gossip, Jack and Alonzo agreed if Alonzo were to work the front, he would need to be sitting down so people wouldn’t suspect anything suspicious. Besides his height, Alonzo’s new pair of sandals were definitely something to behold. His once size fourteen feet had grown to a massive pair of size seventeens! No shoe store at the local outlet had shoes in his size until the two men took a trip to the local Men’s Big and Tall store. It was only one of two pairs in that size, and Alonzo was relieved that out of the two styles of shoes in that size, one was in the style of sandals. Opting to still dress in his usual attire, whenever it got slow during the day Alonzo would open up his button up shirt, exposing his slightly bigger chest to the cool fans set up around the shop. His big belly was often pushing up against the counter, half of it sitting above the counter now. Hearing the bell chime, Alonzo scrambled to try buttoning up his shirt, doing his best to suck in his gut, attempting to button at lightning speed. Footsteps followed toward the counter, Alonzo grew panicked and hurried, trying not to look indecent for business. “It’s your favorite guy! I brought ice cream.” Jack cheered. Alonzo looked up excited at his young lover, he could feel his tummy gurgling at the thought of being nourished with the sweet delectable cream of an ice cream bar. Growing alongside the size of his belly was the size of his appetite. Every single food item these days had begun to look tasty to Alonzo, making his tummy gurgle and shudder as if it was parched, it needed something to feed its growth. “Of course, I only brought ice cream for myself. Sorry big guy.”, Jack laughed, watching his trick to curb Alonzo’s enthusiasm had worked. Alonzo just rolled his eyes, he should have known better coming from that little stinker. Alonzo was relieved, it was just his boyfriend though. Not realizing he was holding in his breath to hold back his gut, he let out a long exhale. Audible thwacks and pops could be heard as the buttons that attempted to hold back the growing monster gut burst off the man’s shirt. Alonzo’s large gut bulged and smacked into the counter, belly button pushing hard. The treasure trail had grown up a bit further on the gut. “I’m glad it’s just you. I thought it was a customer. I was trying to look decent.”, Alonzo chuckled, looking at the remains of his shirt. Guess he needed to go shopping again for a new wardrobe. “As you can tell, this new diet I am on is currently working wonders on my slim figure. I look like I am near a size two, don't you think Jack?” Alonzo spoke in a mocking serious tone, cradling his belly as if he was in a maternity photoshoot. Jack continued to taunt his daddy lover with the ice cream bar he had bought on his way back from one of the other shops. Lifting his large arm, Jack put down a bag that he was carrying with his other hand onto the counter, beside Alonzo’s belly. It had become customary over the last two weeks that whenever Jack saw Alonzo, he would give him a few belly rubs. Mindlessly rubbing Alonzo’s belly, Jack would often get lost at admiring the heft one of his daddies had developed. He sure was enjoying his daddy’s growth. Jack was curious to see if his other daddy lover would also enjoy the enhancements that were brought about to Alonzo. Speaking of his other daddy, he remembered what he wanted to say, “So, I bought this little gift for our boyfriend since he is coming home tomorrow morning. I’m using it for leverage in the scenarios of “Oh my gosh we missed you so much! We missed you the entire time”,” Jack mimicked in a high pitch voice, then proceeded to go back to his normal pitch, “Or in the scenario the Valorem worked on him and he is pissed that we gave him the serum without him asking.” “Good call. I’m glad you thought of a consolation gift in case he’s pissed. You know how your daddy can get when he gets angry. I’ve been wanting to call him but I know what he is like when he’s super focused. So I’ve just been texting him throughout his trip.”, Alonzo poked at the bag, investigating the contents inside. Low and behold, that little stinker did get him something. A pre-packed chocolate cake. One of Alonzo’s guilty pleasures, or rather, an all the time pleasure he only felt guilty about if he couldn’t finish consuming it all in one sitting. “Has my other big daddy been in a good or foul mood then?” Jack asked, continuing to lick his fruit flavored bar. Watching the bearish older man unpack his dessert, Jack watched as the tattered shirt began to drape itself off of Alonzo’s body. A loud rumbling noise could be heard from the man’s gut, and a slight lurch of the stomach caused Jack to take a second glance. It looked as if the gut was sentient, ready to pounce on the dessert in front of him. No wonder Alonzo could barely keep that sexy ball-gut locked up. “From what he has told me, he’s been super busy having to be social, which you know he is not the fondest of. The flight went well, obviously since he has a pulse, we can assume he’s fine. Razzo also mentioned that he’s going to punish you for being a stinker. He wasn’t very specific on that, but he knows you’ve probably been up to no good. I may have told him you’d been telling me that I am the daddy you love more.”, Razzo laughed, watching Jack’s face contort and turn sour at the thought of their boyfriend calling him out, but it was true, he was being a stinker the last few days. Alonzo wasn’t completely wrong either, he had been receiving more of Jack’s love of late considering his other daddy decided to leave the two boys all to their lonesome, forcing them to fend for themselves in this cold dark horny world. “Whatever, we both were stinkers by sneaking him the Valorem. I’m curious to know if it worked on him. What do you think?” Jack reached for his head, feeling a light brainfreeze coming on. “You know I love playing tricks as much as the next guy, I’m hoping it did and then some. I also slipped your daddy some viagra with a little note, and scribbles of our beautiful faces saying to not miss us too much.”, Alonzo let out a hearty chuckle. “It sounds like you are asking for trouble, big daddy. Anyways, hurry up and get to eating that cake. I don’t want it to go bad after all the effort I went through to be nice.”, Jack smugly stated. Picking up the boxed cake, Jack placed it on Alonzo’s gut, watching the gut balance the prize it so desperately desired. “Looks like we’ll find out tomorrow morning. Now hurry up and clock in, I can’t work out here with my shirt busted. Your daddy has been hard at work and wants his reward!” Alonzo stood up to his new height, belly swaying as he headed to the back, letting Jack take his position at the front counter. Alonzo managed to keep the boxed cake balanced on his stomach for a little bit, which was impressive. Not wanting to risk his reward falling and causing the world’s most diabolical devastation known to man, Alonzo gripped the contents with his larger hands. In the back, Alonzo happily unboxed the cake and dove into it like a feral animal. Chocolate frosting covering his beautifully thick lips, large tongue lapping away at the spongy cake texture. Alonzo’s belly quivered in delight at finally receiving some satiation. His stomach had gone hungry for at least two hours. Upon finally finishing the cake, Alonzo sat back in the office chair satisfied, letting out a few burps and moans as he felt how hard his big belly had become after feasting. Razzo was in for a big treat tomorrow morning.
  6. Musclesaber

    Merry ChristMass

    Merry Christmas everybody! I've a story fresh off the presses that's Christmas themed. I tried to throw in a bit of growth for everyone. Plenty of weight gain, muscle growth, and even some macro in there with a bit of romantic fluff. I hope you all have a safe and happy holiday season and never stop growing. PS- The last chapter is loosely based off of a comic that the great artists Greggrth did called "Just Take One". Merry ChristMASS Chapter 1: The New Santa It started on Christmas Eve. They were all sleeping soundly in their beds when a mysterious figure arrived to deliver each of them a letter. As each man opened the letter and read it, they were blinded by a light that illuminated from the letter. Each of the men regained their sight in a large room with a cookie sitting in front of them. Looking from side to side, they each saw each other, and man clad in red from head to toe. “Hello gentlemen and welcome to the North Pole,” said the man. “What happened? A second ago I was reading a letter about some new job,” asked one of the men. “¿Qué?” said another. “Oops! I thought I forgot something.” He snapped his fingers. “That’s better. My name is David, and I will be your host for the duration of your stay here,” said David. “The North Pole? How did we get here?” exclaimed one of the men. “Well you see, each of you received a letter from myself asking about a job,” said David. “Yeah. It said something about becoming the next Santa Claus. I thought it was one of my friends playing a prank on me,” said one of the men as he bit into the cookie in front of him. “Not at all sir. I can assure you that this is all real. Each of you have been hand selected by me to be a candidate for the title of the new Santa Claus,” said David “Wait seriously? Santa Claus is real? I had always just kept up the charade for the children at the shelter, but I could never have imagined actually being asked to be the new Santa Claus,” said one of the men with glee. “Why did you select us specifically?” asked another. “Well let’s go down the line,” said David. He snapped his fingers and a scroll appeared in his hands. “First, there is Rafael from Brazil.” The Latino man perked at the hearing of his name. He was wearing a white button up night shirt and some pajama pants. At 5’8, he had a somewhat muscular build with a bit of a beer belly. “Born into poverty at a very early age, he struggled growing up to support himself and his siblings. With no parents to take care of them, he built a community of others that had been abandoned like them. He helped them. Fed them. Made sure their needs were met before taking care of his own. He established a shelter for anyone who were in need regardless of who they were.” “Then we have Peter.” The white man stood up when his name was said. He was about 6 feet tall and wore a pair of matching pajama pants and a shirt. He had a relatively slim build to him with very little muscle to be seen. “An all-American boy from the states. He was your typical kindhearted gentleman. What set him apart from the rest of America was his selflessness. Despite being born into a fortune, he dedicated his life to giving it all up to those who had nothing. Donating his money to charity and living the life of someone in poverty so that others would prosper.” “Next we have Bruno.” The middle eastern man rose to attention. He was wearing nothing but an old t-shirt and some boxers. At about 5’10, he had a muscular build to him. He looked like he could even compete in some body building contests. “When his country of Iraq was invaded, he was merely a boy and did not know what to do. Unlike many who fled, he saw the scourge of the war and wanted to help and make a difference. He studied to become a combat medic. Helping those who had fallen in battle regardless of who their allegiance was with.” “Lastly, we have Vincent.” The Asian man gave a small wave to the other three. At 5’5, he was definitely the shortest of the contestants. Wearing a Christmas themed onesie, he had an athletic build to him. Similar to one you’d see on a swimmer or a gymnast. “A man with a fairly normal upbringing in Japan, Vincent dedicated himself to volunteer work when he became an adult. Working for numerous non-profit organizations that deal with feeding those who are hungry and providing shelter for those in need. Rejecting what his parents expected of him as an adult and going into working for his community.” David snapped his fingers again and the scroll vanished. “You each have displayed the true meaning of Christmas throughout your lives. That it is better to give than it is to receive. Through your selfless actions, each of you have impacted many lives drastically and you are all true Saints.” The four of them looked at each other with surprised looks on all of their faces. “I understand that this is a lot to take in all at once, but do not worry, we have all of the time in the world. Literally. Father Time stops time for everyone else outside of the North Pole.” “What will becoming Santa Claus entail for us? Will we move here? What will our job be?” asked Peter. “You will be working here almost full time. Helping with toy manufacturing, the infamous naughty and nice list selections, and, of course, delivering all of the presents on Christmas. But don’t worry, you will be trained to do all of these things, but we just need to make sure to have an aptitude for it first,” said David. “How will we ever learn how to do all that?” asked Vincent. “Magic good sir! That’s how anything can get done around here. Everything we do in the North Pole is powered by magic that you will be taught how to use by one of the best magic users in existence. Myself.” “Way to be humble boss,” said a man as he walked in through two big red doors. “Joseph! You made it! Everyone, this is Joseph. He is the head of toy production here at the North Pole. You will be working very closely with him.” “Hello everyone. David can I talk to you for a second?” asked Joseph. “Sure. Here everyone,” David snapped his fingers, “have some cookies.” And the two of them left the room. “David, what are you doing? Where’s Nick?” asked Joseph. “Oh he’s been removed from service with us,” replied David as he tried to walk back in. “What? Drop the tour guide act. Who are these guys and where is Nick?” “Alright fine. He dumped me last night. I sent him to coal duty. These are his replacements.” “Get Nick out of there! We need him tonight!” “No! He can rot in the coal mines for all I care. One of them will be the new Santa.” “These are your rebound guys. Not the next Santa.” “We’d eventually need a replacement. And they are all suited for the job.” “What even are their qualifications?” “They are all charitable. Nice guys.” “David! “Okay! They’re all hot gay men who are selfless. It was a pretty quick magical search.” “I can’t believe you brought mortals here! What were you thinking?” “I was thinking that my husband of almost 2 centuries just dumped me and you weren’t picking up your phone when I was needing a hookup.” “So you just pop these random guys in here so that you can have a one night stand?” “Not exactly. We would need a replacement eventually. I can’t run this factory and deliver the presents every Christmas. One is fine, but more than that, I‘ll work myself to death. I need a partner.” “Alright fine. I’ll play this little game of yours.” “Hey, you can get something out of this too.” “What could I possibly get out of this?” “I know that Henry dumped you last decade and you’ve been lonely ever since. You get first runner up.” “Ugh you’re impossible.” Joseph started walking away. “You won’t be saying that after they go through the cookie test.” Joseph stopped in his tracks. “You’re doing that test.” David nodded his head. “Okay. I’ll go along with it as long as you play fair this time with that test.” “Deal.” The two shook hands and walked back towards the contestants. All unaware of what they had gotten themselves into. Chapter 2: Santa’s Workshop Back in the room, the four are getting settled in. Eating cookies and talking about each other’s lives. Their hobbies, their families, what they do to be so charitable. Their conversations were interrupted as their hosts walked back into the room. “Okay. If you all will follow us, we’ll get you to the workshop for one of our first tasks,” said David as he motioned them to follow him. They left the building that they were currently in and through the snow. “So we’re really in the North Pole sir?” asked Bruno. “Who’s this sir? I told you to call me David. Saint David if you want to get technical, but David is fine. And yes, you are. I transported you all from your respective homes through magic,” said David. “Is that how you deliver presents every Christmas Eve?” asked Peter. “In a way. Remember when I mentioned Father Time? Every Christmas Eve, he has agreed to stop time for us in order for all of the presents to be delivered. Old Saint Nick did use the reindeer from time to time, but ever since we made our deal with Father Time and I learned a little teleportation magic, it’s been easier this way.” “Couldn’t you just teleport all of the presents at once?” asked Vincent. “We tried that once. It was a disaster. Wrong presents were scattered across the globe,” said David “Yeah, that was a bad year. Everyone was generally mean that following year and it plunged the world into World War 1. And then there was Nick. He nearly blew up,” added Joseph. “Blew up? Santa Claus nearly blew up?” asked Rafael with concern. “He was fine. Nothing I couldn’t handle. But ever since then, we’ve just tasked Santa with being teleported to each home in order to ensure that each gift gets delivered properly,” said David. They finally made their way to a set of two large wooden doors. “Gentlemen, welcome to Santa’s Workshop.” David opened the doors, and they were met with a bright light as they entered the room. The men rushed to a railing in front of them and saw blinking lights, lifts, and conveyor belts moving toys all over the large room. Men in tight uniforms tinkering with toys below them. “Where are the elves?” asked Vincent. “Oh we got new elves a few decades ago. Far different from what you’ve seen in the media. As Christmas gained more popularity, the demand for bigger, better, and generally more presents became too much for the poor elves. We created a new type of elf in order to take their place. These new elves have the original strand of elf DNA with some dwarf thrown in for strength along with some human DNA for some height to them.” The men looked at the many muscular men that were clad in tight pants and tank tops. “And they’re pretty easy on the eyes.” “Getting back on track, this is where all of the toys are created,” said Joseph. “All of the elves are assigned a specific toy they need to make. They have supervisors that know everything about a group of toys and then each level of the chain of command is broader until you reach Santa and I. We each should be knowledgeable on all toys or any gift that someone might ask for from a teddy bear, to a PS5, to a dildo.” “I should get one of those for my husband,” said Peter. “Oh you have a husband Peter?” asked David. “Yeah. Michael and I have been together for 3 years now.” “Oh, how sweet. Want another cookie?” David snapped his fingers and a bigger cookie appeared. “Sure. These are delicious.” Peter grabbed the cookie and started eating. “Not a problem. Now to test you all a little bit.” David snapped his fingers and four doors appeared in front of them. “You will need to build a toy. Nothing too extravagant. Just a basic child’s toy,” said David. “Excuse me sir. I have no knowledge on how to build toys,” said Rafael. “This is a very basic toy that even some monkeys have been able to build. Joseph, take it away,” said David “Sure. You all will be creating a toy train. You will have 10 minutes to complete this and all of the tools you need are right in your room,” said Joseph. “Enter your rooms and we will begin,” said David. The men walked into their respective rooms. Each room was about 10x10 feet with an 8-foot-tall ceiling. In it, there was a table with various tools sitting on it. Each man took their seat behind the table and a screen appeared where the door just was. “3, 2, 1, Go!” flashed the screen. The men started to work on the trains. Bruno breezed through this task as performing surgery multiple times on people has prepared him to work with his hands on this task. Vincent also picked up on the train and the mechanics of it all. Rafael took his time on figuring out how each piece fit together but was making good progress. Peter however was having an increasingly more difficult time with putting the toy together. Hearing soft sounds from below him as he continued to put everything together. So focused in on the task in front of him, he did not notice his ball gut growing below him. He was only brought back to reality when his pajamas he had been wearing started to ride up on him. He looked down and clutched his gurgling gut as the sounds got louder and louder. He felt it pulse outward with each release. His shirt riding up on his torso as his belly fought for more space. “Excuse me David, I think I have a problem he-“ *GLOOOOOOOOORRPPPP* Peter clutched his belly as it ran into the table with that burst. The only response that was given to Peter was a blinking number on the screen saying, “7 minutes”, seemingly unaware of Peter’s grievance. Peter looked back down at his train and tried to continue as his gut only grew bigger. “What did you do to him?” asked Joseph, seeing the display going on in Peter’s room through the one-sided screen they put on the wall. “Oh nothing. Just wanted a little show before he leaves. I also realized I should have put another stipulation in the magical search. Hot, gay, selfless, and SINGLE. I’m no homewrecker. Once he loses this challenge, he’ll go back to his husband,” said David “Okay, but why’d you have to do this to him?” asked Joseph as he motioned to the ever-expanding gut on Peter that has swelled to the size of a beach ball. “Oh that’s for him and his husband. I saw that the two of them are into the inflation fetish so it’s an “I’m sorry for almost stealing your husband” gift,” said David. Snapping his fingers again, a new phrase appeared in front of the contestants, “5 Minutes”. Peter saw the screen’s warning and was getting worried. His belly had only been growing since the first warning. Letting out more gurgles as his gut started to push the table away from him. He could feel his fingers begin to chub up as he tried to work. Becoming too sausage like to work with the tiny parts. His shirt and pants began to rip as he gained more and more weight. “What is happening to me?” *BBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTT* came his stomach as it surged forward knocking over the table. “I know I had a few of those cookies,” *GLOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRPPPPPPP* His stomach hit the floor with that one. “But Rafael had way more!” *SWEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL* His stomach reaching the other end of the room and forcing Peter to fall out of his chair. David snapped his fingers to reveal a new message that read “2 Minutes”. Peter no longer cared about the competition. He was consumed by his growth. His body had reached immense proportions. His clothes had become just pieces of fabric thanks to his ever-growing form. Now standing up, Peter’s stomach rested flat on the floor and was getting closer and closer to the ceiling. “Fuck it!” *SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLL* “If I’m gonna be big,” *BBBBBBBBBBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTT* “I’m gonna be fucking big!” *GLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPP* Peter had fully embraced his belly as he filled the small room. His gut pressing into the ceiling and beginning to press into the walls. With his back presses up against the wall behind him, he could feel the pressure of each wall pushing against his belly. “It’s getting a little cramped in here!” *SWWWWWWWWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLL* “Please stop!” *BBBRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT* “I’m gonna burst!” *GLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP* He braced himself when the pressure became too immense when suddenly he heard a bell. “Times up!” David snapped his fingers and doors appeared again on the rooms. The other three men walked out of their room with their finished products. David and Joseph walked by each contestant judging their work. “Excellent job Bruno, love your attention to detail,” said David. “Good work Vincent. A solid train,” said Joseph. “Rafael, your train leaves a bit to be desired. But with some practice, I’m sure you’ll be a master in no time,” said David. “Hey, where’s Peter?” asked Bruno. The five men turned to look at the unopened door. David walked up to the door and turned the knob. The door immediately swung open to reveal a wall of flesh pouring out of the doorway. “Peter, how are you doing in there?” asked David. Peter felt a bit of the pressure be relieved from his stomach when the door opened, and some of him got out. “Uh well, I’ve been better,” came a muffled voice from behind the fat. “Do you think you can get out of there?” asked David. “I don’t think so. It’s a pretty tight fit in here,” again came the voice from the doorway. “Alright then. I’m gonna get you unstuck then. You all should probably stand back,” said David as the four men took some steps back. David snapped his fingers and there was a loud *GGGGGGGGGGGGGGLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP*. The wall tore down like it was paper by the belly that surged out of the tiny room. The gut even broke down the walls of the other rooms as it fought for more space. “Couldn’t you have just broken the wall down yourself?” asked Joseph. “Of course I could’ve, but this way was more fun. James! Francis! Would you come get Peter out?” Two 6’6, well-muscled elves appeared on each side of Peter. They grabbed at the fat and pulled. With loud pop, Peter flopped out of the room. “Wait, that’s Peter? All of that is Peter?” said a perplexed Rafael. The once slim man had morphed into a large orb of lard that was well over 15 feet tall. The two men rolled the ball of a man over so that the others could see the rest of his body. “I’m sorry to say, but Peter, for not completing your train, you have been eliminated from the competition. Any parting words?” asked David “Not at all! This is incredible! It’s an honor just to be nominated!” yelled out Peter. “I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Now Francis and James will escort you out.” The two men got on one side of Peter and started to roll the overinflated man out. The other contestants started with a mixture of shock and lust as Peter left them. “Now gentlemen, shall we continue on with our tour?” Chapter 3: Naughty & Nice David and Joseph led the men out of the workshop as Peter was rolled out the way they came. Knocking down doors like he’s a bowling ball with him being far too large to fit in. The three looked back at the trail of destruction left in the orb’s path until David snapped his fingers and everything was back to normal. “What happened to him?” asked Rafael. “He simply did not have the right stuff to become the next Santa Claus,” replied David. “So you were gonna make him explode?!?” exclaimed Vincent. “Oh not at all. That was a little parting gift from me. Most people have fantasies they’d love to live out, but the confines of reality are harsh for some and they can’t. That all changes when you have magic,” said David as he led the group to a new room. “So you can make it so that we can live out our wildest dreams?” asked Bruno. “Indeed I can. The only difference with Peter is that this will be one fantasy, if you are to be Santa Claus, then this will be a regular occurrence if you’d like and all of your fantasies can come true,” said David. “Coming from someone who has been on the other side of David’s magic, I can confirm that the fantasies he can weave are spectacular. And everything can be reversed if you’d like. Peter will deflate after a while, but he’ll be able to grow himself at will to that size when he wishes,” said Joseph “Yes. I have done favors for my friends around the North Pole and I’ve had great reviews from all. You’d be surprised with the fantasies that are bouncing around in a person’s mind,” said David. The three men stood stunned. All thinking about what they’d all do if they were given the opportunity. “We’re here,” said David as he opened up two large wooden doors to reveal an office like space. “This is where you will be assigning everyone a ranking of naughty or nice.” “Oh so this is real? I always thought that everyone got what they wanted?” asked Vincent. “That is somewhat true. Unlike what is assumed of the nice and naughty list, and about most things, this is a spectrum. Not everyone is 100% nice or 100% naughty. We go off of how good or bad someone is in total and rank them on a scale from 0, the naughtiest, to 100, the nicest. Most people fall into the range of 40-60 from year to year with some people’s rank being changed from year to year.” “Who are the people that are on the very bottom of the list? The 0 rankings?” asked Bruno. “Those would be the worst of all people. The rapists, the pedophiles, those who commit genocide. Some notable names on the bottom would be Hitler, Christopher Columbus, and Donald Trump,” said Joseph as David pulled out a long list. “And the good end?” asked Vincent. “A much better list in my opinion. Those are the people who are notoriously good and selfless. Those who help the needy and save those in need. You three and Peter are all notable people on the lists along with Oprah Winfrey, Abraham Lincoln, and many Saints,” said David as he put the list away. He snapped his fingers and three doors appeared leading into separate rooms again. “Your task will be assigning people a rank based on the information we show you. This will not impact how they’ve actually been ranked, but a test to see how each of you morally see people.” “Will we each get the same person to rank?” asked Rafael. “Not at all. This is actually my favorite part. You will each be getting people that are significant to you. It could be your parents, a sibling, a best friend, that is for the machine to decide. Now each of you head into your rooms and we will begin the test.” The three men turned to face their doors and walked in. They each were greeted by a circular object on the floor. Each of them approached the object when it suddenly lit up a hologram. Rafael was met with his brother Fernando. Vincent was met with his mother Diane. And Bruno saw his best friend Assad. “What are you gonna do now? Some of them might have significant others,” said Joseph. “Well, first things first, I’m looking up these guys again. Rafael and Vincent are both single so that’s good. Bruno’s situation is…unique,” said David. “Unique how?” “Let’s just say this is one fantasy that needs to be granted.” David snapped his fingers and appeared in the room Bruno was in. He walked up behind Bruno admiring the stunning hologram of his best friend. The man was dressed in military gear from his head to toe. You could tell that beneath his clothes, there was a significant amount of muscle. “He seems like a great guy. Tell me about him,” said David as he paused the video recording and enhanced the image onto Assad. “He’s the best. Courageous and strong while also sweet and caring. He’s my best friend in the entire world. He always tries to protect anyone that he can in combat. Even if that means that I’ll have to stitch him up later. But I can always fix him up like brand new.” Bruno reminisced their time together as David continued to work on the hologram machine. “Yes, but I know you’d like to be more than just friends,” said David with a snap. Suddenly the hologram of Assad was a real person. He was still stuck in position, but he was in the room with them. “What? No. That’s absurd. I’m not gay. That’s an act punishable by death,” snapped back Bruno. “Bruno, magic doesn’t lie. I did some research on you before I brought you here. It revealed that you’ve had unrequited love for him since basic training but chose to shove it down out of fear.” Bruno sank into himself with the words that left David’s mouth. Everything he was saying was true. “But luckily for you, I did some research on Assad as well. He had the same story with you. You are each madly in love with each other but will not admit it to one another.” “I know.” This response surprised David. “I’ve always known. We’ve had an unspoken connection for as long as we’ve been friends. But what can I do about it? It’s illegal in Iraq.” “Well I had an idea about that.” David took the hologram’s hand and brought him over to Bruno. “You said he was a protector, right? Well now he will protect you against anyone who might try to separate the two of you. He cannot attack anyone, but he will be your shield from anyone who might hurt you. He will be your shield.” Bruno turned to face his friend. He only saw a small change at first. His already snug clothes were clinging to his muscles. His gaze began to look up more as the eyes grew towards the ceiling. Slowly, but surely, his head rose above the other two men in the room. Passing 7-feet tall quickly and looking to pass 8 feet shortly. The already well-muscled man was gaining pounds of muscle by the second. His pecs poking bulging out of the shirt. And with a “POP”, Bruno heard the buttons on the uniform begin to lose their battle with the growing chest. One by one, button after button started to rip off. Exposing more of Assad’s torso. His shoulders had broadened immensely and brought a lot of growth to his chest. Each one looked as if they were the size of dictionaries and just as thick. Bruno and David’s attention was brought away from his pec’s by a loud “RRRRRRRIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPP”. Right along the long sleeves, his bicep had just ripped through the sleeve. The man’s arm had grown to the size of a cantaloupe and continued to pack on size, soon reaching the size of a basketball. “He’s incredible,” said Bruno as he walked up to the growing man. Another loud “RRRRRRRIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPP” was heard. This time from behind the Adonis. Walking around him, Bruno got a view of his incredible backside that had begun to break out of the painted on pants. The ass had been growing out of sight and David had taken extra care with preparing the bubble butt. Not only was the booty muscular, it had enough fat in it so that it rounded out to give him a perfect round ass. Which only seemed to be pumping bigger. His hips had widened for his backside to grow more. Each cheek was easily the size of a pumpkins and still pumping up bigger. Assad’s pants finally lost their battle and fell to the floor when out sprung a foot-long cock from his underwear with grapefruit sized balls to match. Bruno walked back to the front to see the python his friend had. Reaching out to touch it, Bruno felt the still soft cock stir as he made contact with it. It quickly was both growing and hardening. Quickly filling Bruno’s hand, the cock continued to lengthen. Feeling the dick throb as it thickened so much that Bruno could no longer wrap his whole hand around it. By the time the cock was fully hard, it was easily 2 feet long, if not longer. As the growth seemed to come to a halt, Bruno stepped back from Assad. His height leveling out at about 9 feet tall, he dwarfed both Bruno and David. His once tight uniform was now reduced to shreds of fabric on the ground. “David, I can’t thank you enough for this,” said Bruno as he examined the overgrown man. “Don’t thank me quite yet,” said David as he snapped his fingers. Immediately, Assad’s pecs jumped out at them. His torso exploded with more size. Broadening even more, his pecs went from dictionary big to king sized pillow big and twice as thick. Each nipple now the size of a silver dollar and pointing straight down. But as Bruno examined the nipples, he saw a little droplet forming on it. “Milk?” said Bruno as he walked up to the newly developed pec shelf. He put a finger up to the nipple and let little white drops fall onto him. He puts the finger in his mouth and his eyes light up. “Oh my God! This is the most delicious thing I’ve ever drank,” said Bruno as he cupped his hands under the tit and began slurping up more and more. Bruno’s own body began to grow as he continued to drink. No longer using his hand, he put his mouth to the nipple and the clear liquid flowed into his mouth. His own body being pumped up like a water balloon. Starting with a small gut in front of him and spreading all over his body. Seemingly unaware of the changes to his body, Bruno continued to drink from Assad’s pecs. Bruno was only brought back to reality when he heard a loud “RRRIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPP”. This time from his own clothes. His own transformation had happened much faster than Assad’s. He was 7 feet tall already with muscles to match. He had ripped out of his shirt and boxers quickly and he continued to inflate with size. His muscles reaching the same proportions as Assad’s but with one major difference. Unlike Assad’s rock hard 12-pack, Bruno had a bulging milk gut. He poked it and could feel all of the milk inside him. He moved his mouth to the other pec as the other one seemed to have deflated from all of his sucking. By the time Bruno had finished his drink from the other pec, he was just a few inches shorter than Assad. He looked down at David. “What can I do to ever repay you?” “Nothing. It’s what I do. Remember what happened to Peter, how I granted him his fantasy? Well this one is yours. Some fantasies are purely sexual, and others are ones of romance,” David snapped his fingers one last time. Bruno heard a snapping sound and looked to see Assad’s cock sprang forward. It must’ve been 4 feet long now. He also looked to Assad’s glutes now to see they had grown bigger than tires. “With just a hint of sexual.” At that moment, Assad started to move from his statue like trance. He looked all around him. He was no longer in his bedroom. “Woah! What’s happening? Where am I?” said the confused giant. “Assad! Everything’s alright!” yelled back Bruno. “Bruno? What are you doing here? Why do my nipples feel so sore?” “Don’t worry about that, but the only thing I want to tell you now is that I love you, you big lug!” Bruno latched onto his big friend with a big bear hug. “Bruno.” Assad returned Bruno’s embrace, “I love you too, but we can’t be together. You know that.” “But we can now. David, tell him,” shouted Bruno. “I’ll fill him in,” said David as he snapped his fingers. Instantly, Assad’s eyes filled with joy. He immediately kissed Bruno. “I’m so happy. I’ll finally be able to show how much I really care about you Bruno.” The giant’s eye started to tear up. “Come on you two. You’ll have plenty of time to do that, but for now I have to get you back,” said David. Assad and Bruno walked out of the room holding hands. Both giants took a note from Peter’s book and broke down the door. Joseph, Vincent, and Rafael were waiting outside for them. They were all perplexed when two 9-foot-tall naked men came out of the room. “What happened in there?” asked Joseph. “I’ll explain everything later. Francis! James! Will you escort these two gentlemen somewhere where they can speak in private?” The same two men walked in from before. They led Bruno and Assad away. “Oh and when they’re done, send them home. And then there were two. So shall we continue on to our final test?” Chapter 4: The Gift That Keeps on Giving David led the remaining men down a long hallway. All of the others were utterly confused about what they just saw in front of them. Each of them wondering what possible fantasy Bruno must’ve had in order for him to emerge a giant with another unknown giant on his arm. They all approached a large metallic door. “Excuse me David. You never mentioned what our final task would be,” said Vincent. David opened the doors to the outside where they began walking in the snow again. “Your final task will determine how well you can perform the real duty of Santa Claus. It might come as a bit of a surprise to you. What most people don’t understand is the amount of cookies you’ll need to eat as Santa. This will test how much of this sugary sweet treat you can stomach.” “Bring it. I’ve loved all the cookies you’ve served so far,” said Rafael. “Yes, but that has only been a few cookies. Santa must consume millions of cookies in one night. We’ve managed to solve most of the problems with magic, however this has not been one of them,” said David. “Can’t you just throw the cookies away?” asked Vincent. “We’ve tried. It’s never gone well. The first year we tried it, the following year was World War II. Then we tried it again to test if it was a fluke or not and then the Vietnam War happened. It’s just bad luck not to,” said Joseph. “What if you were to get rid of them with magic. with magic?” asked Rafael. “My magic is very good at creating things, hence why I am one of the biggest givers of all time. It is not engineered to destroy,” said David. “And this is why they all must be eaten. Remember the story I told you about a while ago? How Santa nearly blew up? That’s what happens when someone eats millions of cookies in an instant.” The men walked up to a cottage and entered. There they found a plate of fresh cookies waiting for them. “This will be a test of stamina, not speed. But I wanted to make things a bit more interesting. Once the plate in front of you has been eaten, many more plates of cookies will spawn all over the North Pole. But there will be a plate with special properties to it once you start eating,” said David. “What kind of properties?” asked Rafael. “You will have to figure that out for yourself,” said David. “How will a winner be crowned?” asked Vincent. “David and I will be keeping track of how many cookies are eaten by the two of you. The contest will be over when neither of you can stomach another cookie. After that, David and I will crown a winner based on the number of cookies you each ate.” said Joseph. “You may begin eating when ready,” said David and with a snap, him and Joseph were gone. The two men sat down at the table in front of them facing each other. Rafael was the first one to reach for a cookie. “Well cheers I guess,” said Rafael. “Cheers,” responded Vincent as he also grabbed a cookie. The two bit into the cookies and let out an “Mmm” in unison. “These are so good!” said Rafael. He shoved the rest of the cookie into his mouth and grabbed at the pile again for more. “Are you sure you don’t want more?” asked Rafael in between bites. “David said this contest was about stamina, not speed,” said Vincent. “Suit yourself URP” Rafael burped as he rubbed his belly. As Vincent finished his first cookie, his eyes were brought to Rafael when he heard a low rumble coming from the man’s stomach. Suddenly, Vincent saw Rafael’s body began to inflate. The sleeves around his arms seemed to tighten, the buttons on his shirt tightened from his large pecs, his shirt riding up and revealing a large gut that pressed into the table. “What the hell?!?” yelled Vincent as he saw the man gain about 50 pounds in a few seconds. “Huh?” Rafael looked down at his body. He saw nothing but his bloated tits when he looked down. “Woah,” said Rafael in awe. He lifted his arm up and flexed it. He watched the strains of fabric be pushed to their limit as the ball of muscle grew. “Dude…what did you do? You got-” “Big.” Rafael continued to admire his body. Putting his hand under his newly grown pecs and feeling the weight of them. “I’m huge!” Rafael stopped groping himself and locked eyes with the table. “But how? Is David doing some kind of magic on you?” Rafael reached his hand out to the table and grabbed a handful of cookies and shoved them into his mouth. “Bigger,” was all that left his lips when another loud groan was heard from the man’s stomach. Rafael grew much quicker this time. His head slowly rose up as he smiled feeling the growth spread. His gut grew out onto the table. Inflating quickly like a yoga ball. A loud “POP” rang through the air as his top button flew across the room. One by one, each button revealed more and more the man’s glorious chest. Each pec reaching the size of suitcases and continued to gain pounds. Another loud sound was heard by the men as Rafael’s fat ass ripped apart his pajamas. His ass and thunder thighs shredding the fabric like a piece of paper. With his pants gone, Rafael’s cock was freed, and it flopped down onto the floor under the man’s rounded belly. The beast lengthening under the table toward Vincent as it was now well over 6 feet long and thicker than . Seeing that the giant was growing closer to him, Vincent stood up from his seat and backed away from him. “Rafael! You need to stop growing!” As his transformation continued, Vincent heard a loud crash as the giant’s ass hit the ground. The chair that had been supporting him had snapped like a twig under his growing weight. “So big,” said Rafael as his transformation came to a halt. He was sitting on the ground and was a head taller than Vincent. His own head just inches away from the ceiling of the cottage they were in. “I need more!” said Rafael as he reached for the tray of cookies. “More?! Rafael you can’t be serious? You can’t even fit through the door!” screamed Vincent as he tried to grab the cookies before Rafael could, but it was too late. “Vincent, I’ve always wanted to be bigger.” Rafael grabbed the cookies and threw them all back into his open mouth. “Besides, David can fix whatever we do with magic.” With a gulp, the cookies hit the behemoths belly. “Yes! More!” Rafael began to grow again. Every inch of him packing on 50 pounds per second. His stomach charging forward toward Vincent like a locomotive as his head hit the ceiling. Under his impressive stomach, Rafael’s cock also lurched forward. Pressing Vincent into the wall behind him. “Rafael! Please stop and let me get out!” Vincent felt the now 9-foot-long cock continue to pulse with growth as the weight pushed against him. “Too late little guy,” said Rafael as his head started cracking the ceiling. Vincent looked up for a moment as the cock pinned him to the wall only to see a ballooning belly be pushed into his face. From the outside of the house, the walls seemed to bulge out in every direction. The first sight of Rafael’s body was his head poking out of the ceiling of the cottage. Next his massive belly and cock took their toll on the wall and they spilled out onto the snow outside. Then there was Rafael’s ass that had been steadily growing behind him. It pushed through the walls both behind it and on its side. Lastly to burst free were his arms. On each side of the cottage, his arms broke down the walls and brought themselves into a double bicep flex. Finally the entire cottage was brought down as his pecs broke the remaining parts of the roof that hadn’t been destroyed by his head and shoulders bursting through. Holding tightly to the head of Rafael’s cock, Vincent fell out onto the snow as the growing dick grew. He shimmied his way out from under the behemoth and stood up to see Rafael. He was a true giant. Sitting down, he was easily two stories tall, if not three, and looked like he weighed two tons. A lot of that weight was in his fat gut. The orb of a belly was far taller than Vincent was. It was like he had swallowed a car. “Haha, now we’re talking,” laughed Rafael as he groped his newly grown body. “I’m so massive. But I want to be bigger.” Vincent heard the giant’s deep voice and remembered the other cookies that David had put out across the North Pole. In an instant, Rafael’s big body got up from the ground and began sprinting and looking down for more plates of cookies. “I need MORE!” “I’ve gotta find another plate of cookies before he gets any bigger.” Vincent started running toward the Naughty and Nice building he was just in. Rushing in and looking around for a platter of cookies. Seeing nothing, he ran out another door and sitting just outside the door on a pedestal was an even bigger plate of cookies. “Yes! I beat him here!” said Vincent as he began shoveling cookie after cookie into his mouth. “Hey Vincent!” came a shout from the distant. Vincent turned his head as he continued chewing on cookies. “Oh no! He found me!” Vincent grabbed the plate of cookies and ran back into the building. Thunderous steps shook everything around Vincent as Rafael descended his huge body onto the building. Vincent saw his massive arm reach in through the door, but he was too far away for him to reach. Vincent still felt worried that Rafael could do what he did to that cottage and tear down this building to get to the cookies. “Come on now Vincent. Christmas is about giving. So give me some of those cookies!” yelled Rafael as he looked inside the building. “Why aren’t they working?” cried Vincent as he polished the last cookie off the plate. Right after the words left his mouth, he heard his stomach let out a low growl. “Oh.” Vincent’s belly quickly inflated inside his Christmas onesie. Rips forming all over his body as pounds were added on every second. “This,” Vincent’s pecs ripped through the neck hole. “Feels,” His ass burst apart the seat of his pants. “So,” His cock ripping out the front of his pants with a nice pair of balls to match. “Incredible!” His head skyrocketing toward the ceiling. “Vincent, what’s going on in there?” asked Rafael from outside the door. He couldn’t see clearly into the room, but suddenly his nose was met with a wall of flesh. “Bigger.” Rafael backed away from the door and saw cracks forming in the walls. “Bigger!” Vincent’s cock lurched out the doorway and hit Rafael. Landing him on his ass. “BIGGER!” Vincent’s entire body broke out from the building, leaving it in ruins. Rafael looked up at the new giant that Vincent had become. From the bottom up, Vincent’s cock was bigger than a house with balls bigger than cars. His hairless gut resembled the size of blimp and above it sat two massive slabs of meat known as pecs. Each one was bigger than 18-wheelers and twice as thick. Vincent’s head was now higher than any building around them in the North Pole. “He’s massive!” Rafael got up out of the snow and reveled in Vincent’s size. “Haha. I see why you were so eager to get your hands on more of those cookies. The feeling you get when you grow is indescribable,” said Vincent as he brought one of his biceps up and flexed. The ball of muscle growing bigger than Vincent’s own head. “I’ve gotta find more,” said Rafael under his breath. He looked around and saw the workshop they had just been in for the train exercise. Scrambling to get there, he ripped off the roof to see another tray of cookies, this time on a golden plate. “Hey! You get back here!” yelled Vincent as he ran towards Rafael. Rafael looked back and saw Vincent lunging toward him. He turned his back to Vincent and swallowed all of the cookies in one gulp. He threw the plate into the snow as he felt a new transformation coming on. “Gotcha!” said Vincent as he grabbed onto Rafael’s smaller shoulders. “Not for long,” said Rafael. He straightened his back as his body sored into the sky. Rafael’s ass was the only thing that Vincent could see growing. The already fat ass quickly bulged back into Vincent’s cock. Vincent instantly felt his cock harden as Rafael’s ass plumped up bigger and bigger. He couldn’t resist and shoved his cock head into Rafael’s ass. “Fuck” yelled Rafael as Vincent penetrated him. His own cock getting hard as he felt his ass grow further back into the cock. “I’m sorry man. I’ve been eying your ass ever since we got here and the way it was growing, I had to fuck it,” said Vincent as he started to thrust more of his cock into Rafael’s welcoming hole. “You’re good. I have to admit that I did think you were cute when we appeared in the North Pole.” “And now?” “Now? You’re fucking hot!” Rafael’s transformation seemed to subside as the two of them got started full on fucking. Rafael had stopped at just a bit bigger than Vincent, but he didn’t mind. Vincent’s 20-foot-long cock was big enough to satisfy the 60-foot-tall man. Vincent picked up the pace as he thrusted harder and harder into Rafael. The indent of his cock being seen bulging out of Rafael’s stomach. In the midst of their hot sex session, Vincent looked down and saw the plate of cookies that Rafael had tossed to the side from his previous growth spurt. It was now full! Vincent smirked as he leaned over, grabbed the plate of cookies, poured them into his free hand, and fed them to Rafael as he moaned. “Gobble these up for me.” Rafael didn’t need to be told twice. He swallowed the cookies with ease and smiled as he heard a familiar gurgle from his stomach. Rafael again shot up in height. “Bigger!” shouted Rafael. His body bulged out in all directions. His gut plowed forward destroying the toy factory below as his ass bubbled out behind him. Vincent was met with Rafael’s ass growing tighter and tighter on his cock. Vincent’s thrusting became animalistic as he grabbed Rafael’s fat ass cheeks in his hands. Massaging and squeezing them, Vincent couldn’t hold the flood gates back any longer. “Fuuuuuuuuuck!” cried Vincent as his balls seized up and cum filled Rafael’s already enormous belly. Vincent’s torrent of jizz seemed endless as Rafael continued to grow both from the cookies and the slow filling of his guts. Rafael felt Vincent’s jets start to lighten up as his growth tapered off. “That’s all you got pretty boy?” challenged Rafael. Vincent himself felt his balls beginning to empty as the cum shots began to slow down. He looked down at his hand and saw the plate. It was full of cookies again. “It refills itself!” A devilish grin sprouted on Vincent’s face. He threw his hand back into his mouth, swallowing the plate and all. “Be ready for the fucking of a century big guy!” Vincent heard a gurgle from his stomach and resumed ramming his cock into Rafael. Rafael felt Vincent’s cock begin thrusting into him again, with more passion than ever. Each thrust felt like Vincent was going deeper and deeper every time. “Now you’re talking!” He felt Vincent’s cum shots regain their previous strength. Rafael’s belly now growing much faster as cum flooded his system. Everything took a turn when Rafael saw the imprint of Vincent’s dick in his already massive stomach. Each thrust pushing out further and further as he continued to be filled up like a cum balloon. “What are you gonna do now? Vincent just ate the magic plate and he’s growing out of control,” said Joseph. David and Joseph were watching the entire display go down from a couch. Each of them naked and jerking each other’s cocks “Oh don’t you worry about that. In a little bit, Vincent’s cum should be meeting the cookies that Rafael ate,” said David “Why does that matter?” asked Rafael. “It’s milk. There will always be the combo of milk and cookies, not just cookies. When Vincent’s “milk” soaks the cookies, they reactivate themselves. So as long as Vincent keeps cumming, Rafael will grow with him,” replied David as he jerked his cock. “Now watch. I think things are about to get good.” Vincent had begun growing and hadn't stopped. Merely muttering “More” and “Bigger” as his body expands across the North Pole. The pair feel the ice cracking below them as their weight becomes too much even for the ice to handle them. Rafael meanwhile is becoming more and more ball like while Vincent’s jizz seems unending. “Vincent! You’ve gotta pull out! I feel like I’m gonna explode!” yelled Rafael as his limbs disappeared into his growing belly. Vincent in such a faze of lust could barely register that Rafael was talking. It was only when the ice below them broke when Vincent came back to reality. “Huh? Oh yeah. Sorry little guy.” Vincent pulled his growing cock out from Rafael’s ass and spun the orbs around so that he could see his face. “I got a little carried away. Guess that can happen when you’re the biggest being in existence” Vincent’s cock seemed to stop shooting jets as the cold water below him cooled him off. His body continued to grow away from the Rafael ball. His body crushing mountains all over the North Pole without him even knowing. Vincent picked up Rafael as he shrank below him. Becoming lighter and lighter in his hands. “How do you feel?” asked Vincent as he put Rafael in one of his palms. “Like I could explode. I don’t feel so- UUUUUUUUUUUUUUURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP” Rafael let out the biggest burp anyone had ever heard. It could be felt at all corners of the globe, but then it started. He was growing and he was growing fast. He quickly outgrew the giant’s hand and he landed in the Northern Atlantic Ocean. Sending tidal waves out from his body. Rafael’s body regaining its shape as his limbs reappear and quickly approaching Vincent’s size. “Who were you calling little guy, little guy?” said Rafael as his size surpassed Vincent’s. Each of their bodies effortlessly crushing the Northern Hemisphere. Unaware of their own size, the two resumed their fucking. Both growing in spurts as they outgrew the whole Earth. “Ouch!” cried Vincent as something struck the back of his head. He looked back and saw that he had bonked his head on the moon. Grabbing the satellite in his hand and watching it shrink in his hands as the two men watched the Earth fade away. One by one, every planet passed by the two planet sized men. “How much bigger are we gonna get?” asked Rafael as Vincent continued to cum inside him. “I don’t know, but I don’t care! Keep it going! I want to be bigger than the whole galaxy!” yelled Vincent as another spurt came over him. Rafael simply smiled as he accepted his new reality of being pumped full of cum just for his body to break it down and make him grow bigger. It’s gonna be a happy life. For more updates, story ideas, or general MG stuff, Follow my twitter: https://twitter.com/Musclesaber
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