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  1. Azerreza

    Titanification: Legacy

    After (too) many months of writing and rereading, my last story to date has been fully posted on metabods. So I'm taking the liberty of migrating this final version here. For those who haven't read it, it's once again a sequel to one of Jaypat's stories, Titanification. There are references to the original story, (which you can read here: https://www.metabods.com/mbxy/site/story.php?id=titanification ) of the characters but overall it could be read independently. I'll warn you in advance: it's quite long (87k words, it's my longest story to date) so it should keep you on the edge of your seat for a few hours, and I hope you'll enjoy it just as much. To make it easier to find your way around, I'm going to divide it into 9 parts, with links to each part below. As usual, don't hesitate to send me your feedback. I've really tried to make this one above the others, to make it a story with stakes and a scenario, in short to bring back the emotions that Jaypat's story gave you. I hope it lives up to your expectations. On that note, happy reading. _________________________________ Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9
  2. Giantgrow

    Una amistad creciente 1

    Capítulo 1 Los mejores amigos Gerald y moisés estaban sentados en su sala de estar uno al lado de otro ambos tenían 19 años siendo Gerald el deportista mas grande de su escuela con una altura de 1,98 Gerald con sus musculaturas densas por todas partes hombros como rocas y pectorales hinchados que sobresalían de su torso casi tanto como su barriga de potencia y luego estaba yo con mis pobres 1,70 viendo a Gerald que Tenía las manos entrelazadas detrás de la cabeza lo que hacía que sus grandes bíceps sobresalieran y su camisa apenas podía contenerlo siendo xxl mientras hablábamos de técnicas del gimnasio y como Gerald quería siempre buscar nuevas alternativas para seguir creciendo y luego de comer en el sofá me levante y fui al baño. "¿Qué hay para almorzar?", me preguntó Gerald. "Abre el refrigerador", respondió sonriendo. Y así lo hizo Gerald y sus ojos se iluminaron al ver el vasto mar de sándwiches prefabricados. Agarró todos y cada uno de los sándwiches y otro galón de leche. Los llevaron todos a la mesa y los dejaron. Me senté frente a Gerald nuevamente. El ya tenía mucha hambre otra vez Gerald inmediatamente comenzó a comer los sándwiches uno por uno a una velocidad impactante Tomé uno de la pila y me comí aproximadamente la mitad y lo volví a poner en la pila sabiendo muy bien que Gerald lo comería de todos modos. luego el se bebió lentamente toda la leche. A medida que los sándwiches disminuyeron, Gerald comió más lentamente a medida que se sentía satisfecho. Finalmente, cuando se habían comido todos los sándwiches, Gerald se reclinó en su silla y eructó explosivamente. Su apetito estaba satisfecho una vez más. "No sé cómo viene toda esa comida, Gerald", dije. Debo decirte que me dio muchísima hambre después del gimnasio probé una proteína nueva y fue tan bueno que compren todas las unidades disponibles dijo dándose palmaditas en el abdomen además debo comer bastante para mantener estos músculos y seguir creciendo “¿En serio? Quiero decir, ya mide más de 1,95 m, eso ya es más alto que la mayoría de la gente. Si aumentas otros 20 cm, ya estás entrando en territorio de monstruos”. sabes que siempre he soñado con ser más grande pero no hay nada como demasiado grande moisés ¿Qué tal si vemos esos músculos en acción? dije "¡Mira esto!", dijo Gerald acercándose a una barra y levantándola sobre su cabeza y sosteniéndola allí durante unos segundos antes de dejarla en el suelo. ¿Cuántas libras crees que tiene?", me preguntó Gerald. La barra estaba llena de pesas "¿300 libras?", supongo. "Sube", dijo Gerald "¿450?" "Sigue"." ¿500?" "¡Sí!", exclamó Gerald levantándome y abrazándome. wow eso es mucho felicitaciones grandullón te estas volviendo muy fuerte dije luego me fui a dormir y deje a Gerald entrenando solo ya que era bastante tarde ya la media noche desperté sobresaltado con un fuerte CRASH!!! "¡Mierda! ¡Ay, mar maldita!" abrí los ojos a la luz de la mañana y vi a Gerald de pie junto a la puerta del dormitorio, con la mano en la frente. "¿Qué pasa?" Gerald se volvió hacia él: “¡Me golpeé la cabeza con el estúpido marco de la puerta!” Yo me senté en la cama. “Oh, mierda. ¿Sabes lo que significa eso?” ¿Qué? Estás más alto que cuando me fui a la cama. — me ajuste la entrepierna. “¿Acabas de…esto te excita?” bueno si siempre me gusto lo alto que eras y que te estés volviendo mucho más grande ¿Cuándo no me ha excitado eso? La polla de Gerald se endurecía visiblemente en su ropa interior. Sonrio. "Sí, vale, está caliente". pero como sucedió? talvez esa nueva proteína que tomaste tuvo ese efecto dije ¿Qué te parece si lo ponemos a prueba pequeña? nos dirigimos a la mesa del comedor y llevamos toda la comida que pude junto con 1 tarro de proteína y Gerald arraso con toda la comida y luego siguió con 2 galones de leche y se tomo toda la proteína. Y ahora voy a crecer más, lo que significa que vas a trabajar más duro para satisfacerme. Te lo agradezco, de verdad que sí pues claro y con notoria emoción le dije que si era su sueño estaba dispuesto a hacerlo también el mio y me interrumpió un ruido proveniente de la silla de Gerald. Gerald cambió de posición y su silla volvió a crujir. Luego, con un fuerte sonido de astillas, se derrumbó, aplastada bajo su peso mientras gritaba de sorpresa. quede mirándolo boquiabierto por un momento antes de hablar. "¡Joder, Dé repente Gerald comenzó a gemir y retorcerse sentado en el suelo. ¿Qué pasa, Gerald? gemía en voz alta mientras su cuerpo se hinchaba y se estiraba y sus calzoncillos se apretaban Gerald se quitó los calzoncillos y comenzó a frotar su erección "Estoy creciendo..." dijo. mis manos estaban sobre el pecho hinchado de Gerald la presionado, asombrado al sentir que se expandía bajo su toque. Luego el crecimiento se detuvo y ambos nos miramos y luego Gerald se puso de pie. Su cabeza rozaba el techo. —Mierda —dijo "Mierda... soy muy alto... ¿Qué tan altos son los techos aquí?" Nueve pies.....dije aun asimilando al gigante que tenia delante Me siento tan grande y...poderoso" pues no solo te hiciste mas alto mira tus músculos y esa barriga vamos a pesarte!!! dije mientras subía a la bascula En el momento en que puso el segundo pie, la lectura marcó FULL y la escala de vidrio se partió en dos. Las pollas de ambos se crisparon. Gerald estaba todo sonrisas, mientras que yo estaba boquiabierto. ¡La rompí! Se supone que esa báscula soporta doscientos cincuenta kilos. bueno tomando en cuenta tu altura obviamente pasaste esa cifra JODER “Oh hombre… ¿qué vamos a hacer?” Será mejor que hagas lo que quieras mientras aún puedas —dijo gerald, extendiendo su cuerpo para que yo pudiera hacer con él lo que quisiera. El cuerpo de gerald solo iba a hacerse más grande y más difícil de manejar. Tomé sus enormes pectorales y los ahuequé en mis manos, lamiendo los pezones enormes Jason echó la cabeza hacia atrás en éxtasis y gimió suavemente, su polla se endureció lentamente. y antes de que pudiera seguir le dije "¿Qué somos?" "Somos reales y ahora eres mi pequeño novio" dijo Gerald Ambos estábamos erectos. Entonces el estómago de gerald se volvió gruñir. —¿Ya tienes hambre otra vez? —pregunte —Sí, supongo que sí. Pero joder, me acabo de comer toda la comida. bueno han quedado muchos tarros de proteína grandullón pero que pasara si vuelves a crecer? ya no podrás tener una vida normal “A la MIERDA con ser normal Es increíble. Cuando crezco, me siento bien por todas partes. Y todo sabe increíble... Y todo esto me pone muy cachondo”. tome la cara de Gerald subiéndome en su barriga y le di un beso en los labios y nos abrazamos Gerald miró a su alrededor. en busca de la proteína.......... Continuar ___________________________ Hola aquí les dejo una nueva historia la mejor en mi opinión díganme si quieren que siga
  3. Hello guys, it's been a long time since I posted a story, I was very busy latest months and hard to hold on to writing (imagining a story is easy, writing it is more difficult) but the desire to post a new hot story was stronger. So this story was a commission that someone asked me few months ago. But the story will probably more longer than I previewed so for to avoid to make you wait again for several months or me to loose motivation, I decided to split it in several parts. I hope you will still enjoy this first chapter. As usual, all reviews are welcome, even negatives. This story is based on the character of Harvey Kinkle of the old cartoon "Sabrina The Animated Series". In one of episodes (called Harvzilla because at the end, he tranforms himself in a dragon like Godzilla), he uses a magical spray and becomes more and more muscular. Fun fact, I saw this series when I was younger and weirdly, I remembered perfectly of this episode in particular, I wonder me why..... mmmmmh maybe because of that ). Oh yes and of course, this story takes times several years after the official series (so yes, Harvey is over 18y old !) I also warn than when it's a commission, so I try to respect the desire of the one who asked me this commission (so here, he wanted a gay relationship even if in the serie Harvey was in love of Sabrina, so don't be surprised if it diverges from the serie) Again, don't hesitate to give me your opinions, it will allow me to make the following parts even better. Enjoy ! ========================= Part 1: The promise ========================= I was preparing myself for my wrestling match. I practice this sport for a few years now. However, I don't have the body of a wrestler. I was skinny, average tall, 5'10", and weak. Fun fact: my nickname was Harvzilla but I didn't have anything of "Godzilla", on the contrary, I should have been called "Weakzilla". But I don't know, I love this sport. Even if I lose often. And for not to change... I will probably lose again today: I heard my opponent was new in this college, but he was already famous. I really ask me why. Ok, this is time. I put my white shirt and my green tank top and I went to the field. When I arrived on the field, the hall was crowded. What the fuck ? Usually, there weren't as many people... and I don't think there were here for me. I was starting to warm up when I heard the public shouting. What the fuck ? I looked the entrance. I don't know describe what I felt at this moment... I was immediately hypnotized by those blue eyes, this perfect nose, this amazing jawline, with a perfect mouth, his blond hair seemed divine. And his skin... Gooosh, he had a natural tan. Never I had seen a so beautiful face like this. And it was just the beginning... because there was not only his face which was incredibly beautiful. His body... HO-LY FUCK...HOLY MOTHER FUCKING FUCK ! We were almost same tall mmmmh although not, he was taller but what was sure, that was we didn't have the same weight and for cause: below this angelic face, there is a fucking muscular neck, which was almost wider than his head and this neck was surrounded by two mountains that came out of his back, his shoulders were canonballs, his sleeves were very tight cause his two big ripped guns, probably 18 inches, nice veins were browsing them, his forearms were so fucking muscular and venous, and fuuuuuuuuuuuck: bigger than my arms, his pecs were two enormous balloons, which pushed clearly against his shirt and tank top, his nipples were clearly visible and were obviously pointing down. Despite his singlet, I could see clearly six bumps (and they were not flexed !), perfectly symmetricals. Gooosh ! I'm going to avoid kicking this brick wall muscle. I could also see his adonis betl, cut to the axe. Below, his bulges suggested the size of his "package" and obviously, it was an XXL package. Next then came his legs, hem sorry, his tree trunks. I could see the bumps of his quads trought his short. And his calves were like two boulders implanted under his skin. Goooooooosh ! It was not possible, I must have been in the wrong sports hall. Was I to a wrestling match or a bodybuilding contest ? Because this god could clearly participate and win the first place very easily. The referee started the match. I caught his hands and I tried to push him but fuuuuuck he didn't move, even not only one inch. Personally, I used my whole strength but him, he seemed to not provide the slightest effort. Goooosh, I was totally surpassed by his strength. Then, very easily he started to push me backward. I tried to resist but nothing to do. He seemed amused by the situation because he fixed me, in smiling abut not badly, rather interested. He stopped, did one or two steps back; waited few seconds, then he smiled and restarted to push me. But now, he forced really. I couldn't do nothing, I was absolutely overwhelmed... and the next second I was out of circle. Shit, one point for him... The second round started, I tried to put him on the ground, so I surrounded him. And shiiiit, his muscles were so fucking hard, so warm. I couldn't help to feel his amazing abs. I'm sure he noticed because he has had a little laugh. Of course, he didn't move, not even a bit. And suddenly... I was on the ground. I didn't understand what happened. He lifted me as I weighted absolutely nothing and the second after, I was on the ground. Then he belted me. I tried to escape me but nothing do. I could feel his enormous weight on me, I was a fucking stick compared to him. And my shoulders touched the ground. The match was over... Of course, I already lost but never like this. I was absolutely powerless against him. He could have crush me if he wanted. I had lost but weirdly, I had loved this match. Really loved. I had loved to feel his body, this amazing and powerful body and I don't know but I think he noticed it and... I think he loved too. He walked towards me and shooked my hand, welll, more exactly, he broke my hand. Shit, his strength was so incredible. "Nice match !" he said in smiling. Oh fucking god, even his voice was amazing. Strong and deep, like his godlike body. "Eeehh... thanks..." Nice match ? I have been pulverized. He has literally played with me like a cat with a mouse. "Don't worry hahaha. You will win maybe one day" he said in laughing. "What ?" "You reaction. I know what you think: I have been pulverized isn't ?" "Wha...But how do you..." "I'm used to it. And don't worry, it will not be our last match. You can still enjoy hahaha !" Oh shit, he has noticed. I turned all red. Then he added. "And sooner than you think..." with a strange look. "What ?" "Don't worry, you will see... very soon" And he went with his coach. "Well Harvey... you are sorely lacking in training, as usual" said my coach, disappointed. "Yeah......" "Well, go shower, we talk about this ... carnage... later" Ten minutes later, I was in the showers. Weirdly, I should be disappointed by this match, one more defeat, however I don't know why but I was only able to think about one thing: Pedro. I remembered the moment where I saw him, his godlike body, his godlike muscles, his angelic face. Goooosh. My heart was beating quickly, I felt hot. But why ? Why did I feel this for this guy ? The only time I felt the same thing, it was when I saw Sabrina for the first time. And then I understood: was I just... in love ? In love of Pedro ? But... I mean, Pedro is a boy and... No, it's not possible, I can't... but I couldn't finish my phase when I heard: "Hello !" Th...this voice ?! I was so in my thoughts that I didn't hear him coming. Pedro ? Pedro was here, next to me ? I turned my head and...... HOLY MOTHER FUCKING SHIT OF FUCKING GOD OF FUCKING SHIT OF FUCKING GOD. Yes, Pedro was next to me, under the shower and obviously... naked. And yes, I was not wrong, really not: this guy was a FUCKING GOD ! Blue eyes His head was surrounding by huge traps, his shoulders were canonballs, his arms were so huge, 18 inches at least, with a big vein, and in talking of veins, his forearms were covered with it. His pecs were two balloons and below, there was six fucking boulders which exploded out of his stomach, perfectly symetrical. His adonis belt seemed to be cut with an ax, with an incredible set of veins. My eyes widened when I saw his "monster". Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck ! Look this dick ! Look this FUCKING DICK ! It...it wasn't humanly possible... Holy crap ! His legs looked like trees, ripped, venous, covered of muscular bumps and his calves were two fucking boulders. Even his feet was inhuman. "This too, I'm used to it hahaha" he said in laughing. "What ?" "You've been looking at me from head to toe for 2 minutes" he said in smiling. Oh crap ! I turned all red again. "But yeah, I understand you, it's amazing isn't ?" "What ?" "This one, it's amazing isn't ?" he said in flexing his 18" gun. Holy shit, I could feel my heart beat very quickly and above all, I was totally horny... but how can you not be horny by this perfection ? And what he says didn't help me. "Do you want to feel ?" Oh crap, oh fucking crap. I was hard instantly ! Shit Harvey, calm down, calm down, he must not notice it. "Y...Y...Yeah". I swallow and approached to him. My hand landed on his amazing mountain. Oh crap, I was right: hard as steel. "So, do you like ?" he said in smiling. Shit ! Shit shit shit ! I was going to cum ! But no Harvey, out of the question, you must no cum, you must no cum you MUST NO c... Unfortunately, I saw three milky jets come to smash against his brick wall abs. At this moment, I think i turned redder than a tomato. Oh crap, oh fucking crap, oh fucking shit of fucking crap ! "........................." he looked me in saying nothing. Crap, I'm dead. I'm fucking dead. Then he approached to me. You are dead Harvey, you are fucking dead. From red I went to blue. But what happened next, I would never have imagined it. He placed hi hands behind my head, he looked me, right in the eyes and... he kissed me. I remained stoic during few seconds. He was kissing me ? HE was kissing ME ? Pedro WAS KISSING ME ??? My whole body was shaking, but not of fear, no it was joy and hapiness. Fuuuuuuck, the most improbable scene I had imagined was happening !!!! He broke the kiss. "I told you that you would see soon haha" Oh crap, never I would imagine this. "Well, do you want to continue ?" he said me. I looked him for few seconds... and I threw myself on him. Honestly, I wasn't myself at this moment. My hand was everywhere, I felt his traps, I went down to his incredible shoulders, feeling each striations, I followed the pipe which roamed his humongous guns then his incredible forearms. I put my hands on his two muscular balloons and he made them bounce ! Oh crap ! I devoured his nipples then my tongue went down, going through every crevice of his amazing sixpack. I followed the incredible markdown of his adonis belt. And finally, I arrived to the boss. I had never sucked a boy. I didn't think I would ever do it. But here, I was in automatic mode. I swallowed mythe head in my mouth and I began to suck. Pedro started to moan. "Oh shit it's so GOOD !" he yelled. I sucked, and sucked, and sucked. Pedro moaned then roared, louder and louder. "OH SHIT OH FUCK AAAAAAH AAAAAH AAAAAH OOOOOOH NNNNNNNGGGGGGHHH OOOOOOOH OOOOOH OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!" And Pedro came, and came, dand came. I felt a sticky warm liquid flow down in my throat. Gosh, even his cum was so delicious. He shot about 15 charges before stopping. "Oh fuuuuck.. ha...ha...ha...ha..ha...shit....it...it...was.... absolutely...ha ...ha...ha...ha....amazing" said Pedro in panting. I was going to answer him when suddenly he lifted me, stuck me against the wall and kissed me again. I had still cum in my mouth but he didn't care. Our tongue intertwined. Gosh, evenThen, he turned me to face the wall. "What the fnnnnnnnnnnnnnGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA". I didn't have time to understand when his huge python entered into me. OH FUCK, OH FUCKING FUCK! OH FUCK FUCK FUCK ! It was the first time that I was getting fucked. And gosh, it felt so FUCKING GOOD ! My eyes rolled back, my mouth was open and I was moaning and drooling. The feeling was just unbelievable. Oh fuck, oh shit, oh fucking fuck ! Quickly Pedro accelerated the pace and started to groan, slowy at the beginning then more louder and quickly. I don't know how long it lasted, or how many times I felt his monster enter and leave my ass but each penetration sent me a wave of pure pleasure. It was the most intense feeling I felt of my life and it could continue like that for the eternity. But the pleasure was very too much, fortunately when I was about to pass out, Pedro came. "nnnngggaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" I felt again a warm liquid fill my rectum. I was just able to do glutural moans, lost in an extreme pleasure, my eyes were rolling back. It was so INCREDIBLE ! Yes, I would never have imagined that I would live this today. for a moment I thought I was even in a dream but no, it was the reality. Pedro, the most amazing muscle god I have seen of my life, had just fucked me. And then it was over. Pedro was panting. "ha....ha....ha...ha...you see ? I told you you will see soon ! And gosh, you know very well suck dude hahaha !" "Honestly... I didn't know it myself..." Pedro laughed. "But I don't understand, you love me ? Really ? But why ?" "Honestly, I don't know how to explain it either. But when I saw you, instantly, I knew it; I knew it that I wanted to fuck you, but I didn't think it would happen so quickly... and I have to admit that I did not expect the blowjob. It was a true surprise and shit Harvey but you are really fucking good for that" "Haha maybe. So next time could swap places no ?" "Ah ? You want to fuck me ? Interesting" said Pedro with a little smile. "Ok ! But at one condition... "One condition ?" "You will have to earn your place ! You want my ass ? Okay, no problem: we will determine that by a wrestling match, the winner will have the right to claim his trophy ? Ok for these rules ?" "A wrestling match ? But... Pedro, I could never win against you. I mean, you have literally pulverized me today, never I could win against you..." "To be honest, without training, no, you will not to be able to win. Never" he said in flexing his huge 18". Fuck, if I wasn't empty, I'm sure I would have ejaculated again. "But... if you train hard, maybe you will have a chance. So now Harvey, you know what you have to do. Beat me and this ass will be yours... but if you lose I will claim my trophy. Okay ?" "............ Pedro ?" "Yes Harvey ?" "I will fuck you... I will fuck you like you've never been" "Hahaha, I don't want to scare you but nobody ever succeeded. I am always the one who fuck" "Not for longer. I will succeed, I promise you !" "Well, I can't wait to see this hahaha" said Pedro in smiling maliciously. From this moment, I had only one desire: fuck him. Pedro, I promise you that I will claim my trophy, by any way !
  4. czechhunter69

    Tony the Titan

    Trying my pen at something other than "hulk" stories. Let's see how it goes. Feedback is appreciated. ===================== "I'll see y'all later," Tony slurred, his words barely intelligible as he stumbled out of the bar. The crisp night air hit him like a brick wall, his alcohol-fogged brain struggling to process the sudden shift in temperature. The street was deserted, except for the occasional car speeding by, their headlights blinding him momentarily. Tony knew he shouldn't have had that last shot, but he couldn't resist the sweet burn of the alcohol as it washed over him. As he stumbled down the sidewalk, he felt the weight of the night bearing down on him. His head spun, and his stomach churned with the impending hangover. He tried to hold back the bile rising in his throat, but it was a losing battle. He stumbled and swayed, barely able to keep his feet under him. Despite the deserted streets, Tony was all too aware of his surroundings. The darkness seemed to close in on him, and he could feel the eyes of unseen watchers following his every move. He quickened his pace, but his legs felt heavy and uncooperative. Finally, Tony saw the familiar outline of his apartment building looming in the distance. It was only a few blocks away, but in his drunken stupor, it felt like miles. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep moving, one unsteady step at a time. With two more blocks to go, Tony's stomach finally gave out, and he stumbled over to the side of the road, barely managing to avoid face planting. As he leaned over a child's bike parked on the sidewalk, he retched, his entire body convulsing as he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the ground. As Tony leaned over, vomiting uncontrollably, his bleary eyes caught sight of a small black ring box lying on the ground nearby. He stumbled over to it, the chunks of his half-eaten burger falling from his mouth as he picked it up. Opening the box, he saw a men's ring glinting in the pale moonlight. It was a simple design, with a silver band and a small black stone in the center. Tony's foggy mind couldn't make sense of why it was there, but he instinctively closed the box and put it in his pocket, feeling a mix of disgust and curiosity. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his senses overwhelmed by the stench of his own vomit. The late hour, the deserted streets, and his drunken state made him feel like he was in a nightmare. He stumbled forward, his mind racing with questions about the mysterious ring and how it came to be there. The long night ahead of him and the even longer hangover to come felt like a punishment for his reckless behavior. Tony stumbled into his apartment building and fumbled with the keys in his pocket, struggling to get them into the lock. Finally, he managed to unlock the door and stumbled inside, kicking off his shoes and stripping off his shirt before collapsing onto the couch. He tried to get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower, but his legs gave out beneath him. He crawled on all fours to the bathroom, hoping a shower would help clear his mind and soothe his pounding head. But once inside the bathroom, Tony couldn't resist the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl. He leaned over it, retching again and again until there was nothing left to come up. His head hung limp over the bowl as he drifted into a drunken sleep, the sounds of the night fading away into oblivion. The ringing in his ears drowned out the sound of his own breathing, and the world around him blurred into an indistinguishable mess of colors and shapes. ===== Tony woke up to a pounding headache and a queasy stomach, struggling to piece together the hazy memories of the previous night. He called off work, knowing he wouldn't be able to function properly in his current state. In the kitchen, he rummaged through the fridge, hoping to find something to ease his nausea, settling on eggs and a hair of the dog to numb the pain in his head. Sitting at the table, Tony's eyes fell on the little black box he had found the night before. Though he couldn't remember where he had picked it up, it was worth investigating. He opened the box and saw a ring, examining it closely and feeling the weight settle on his finger. The silver band was smooth and cool, and the square-cut onyx head glinted in the sunlight. The design of a snake eating itself seemed familiar, but he couldn't place it. The ring felt strange on his finger, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it didn't belong to him. Tony pushed the box aside, hoping to forget about it. As he closed his eyes, alcohol and sleep deprivation caught up with him, and the world spun around him. He stumbled to the bathroom, feeling the bile rise in his throat. Leaning over the toilet, he cursed himself for his bad decisions. He heaved and retched, his body convulsing with each violent expulsion, spewing vomit all over himself and the floor. In his drunken stupor, he couldn't aim properly, missing the toilet bowl almost completely. Tony felt a sense of shame and disgust, realizing that this was an all-time low for him. Though he had always been a heavy drinker, he had never let it get this out of hand before. After losing his husband a few months ago, everything seemed to spiral out of control for Tony. Bills accumulated, and he struggled to keep up with the payments alone. Eventually, he lost their house, which was the last straw. It was as though the universe had conspired against him, leaving him helpless. Feeling defeated and isolated, Tony stumbled into the bathroom and shed his clothes. As he glimpsed himself in the mirror, he felt even worse. His skin was pale and splotchy, with dark circles beneath his eyes indicating restless nights and unceasing worry. He gazed at his reflection, feeling like he didn't even recognize the person staring back at him. This was a far cry from the assured and content person he used to be. Tony glanced down at his hand, noticing the ring he had put on the night before. He attempted to remove it, but it refused to budge. He tugged and twisted, but it remained stuck. Panic began to set in as he realized he couldn't remove the ring. He tried everything, from soap to oil, but it wouldn't come off. As he wrestled with the ring, Tony's thoughts wandered back to the previous night's events. The drinking, the vomiting, and now this. It was like a never-ending nightmare. He considered going to the hospital, but the thought of explaining his predicament to a doctor was too humiliating. He attempted to distract himself with other things, but the ring was a constant reminder of his mistake. Tony decided to take a shower, hoping that the water would assist in loosening the ring. As he stood beneath the stream of hot water, he scrutinized the ring again. It was a lovely piece of jewelry, but now it felt like a shackle, a symbol of his imprudence. ======= As Tony scrubbed the vomit off his skin, an odd sensation emanating from the ring on his finger caught his attention. It felt as if the ring was vibrating, sending out pulsating waves of energy that distorted the air around it. Uncertain of what to make of it, Tony frowned. Was it merely a trick of the light, or was something more going on? He held his hand up to the light, closely examining the ring. The silver band glinted in the sunlight, and the square cut onyx head absorbed the light around it. The snake eating its own tail seemed to coil around his finger, almost as if it were alive. Tony shook his head, attempting to dispel the foggy feeling in his head. It was probably just the hangover, he told himself. There was no way that a simple ring could possess any magical properties. After finishing cleaning himself off, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. As he stumbled to his room, his head pounded with each step. Collapsing onto his bed, the weight of his exhaustion pulled him under. The welcomed relief of the darkness in the room didn't bring peace, and he buried his face in the pillows, hoping to find solace in the silence. Despite his attempts, he found it hard to drift off into a peaceful sleep, his mind still haunted by the events of the previous night. The ring on his finger felt heavy, a constant reminder of the strange and unfamiliar experiences that had transpired. In the darkness of his room, Tony twisted and turned the ring on his finger, feeling the smooth silver band and the sharp edges of the onyx head. It was strange how it seemed to bring him some comfort, however small. As he traced the pattern of the snake eating its tail, a faint tingling sensation passed through his fingertips. It felt as if a subtle electric current was flowing through the metal and into his skin, but he couldn't be sure if it was just his imagination or the remnants of the hangover. Tony closed his eyes and tried to sleep off the remaining headache, his hand resting on his chest with the ring still on his finger. Despite the discomfort, he found himself feeling an odd sense of security with the ring in place, almost as though it were a protective talisman keeping the darkness at bay. But as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else about the ring, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. ==== Tony was jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing. Still groggy, he fumbled for it on the nightstand and squinted at the bright screen. He saw several missed calls and messages from his boss. He answered with a hoarse voice, trying to sound alert and professional. "Sorry I'm late," he mumbled, hoping to save face. "Tony, where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here two hours ago!" his boss Steve barked. Tony winced at the sharp tone. He tried to come up with an excuse, but his foggy mind drew a blank. "Uh, I must have overslept, I'm so sorry. I'll be there as soon as possible." “Don’t bother. You don’t need to worry about coming in anymore.” Steve said as he hung up the phone. Tony's heart sank as he realized what had just happened. He had lost his job, and he didn't know how he was going to pay the rent in his current state. He slumped back onto his pillow, feeling defeated and hopeless. As Tony lay there, he could feel the weight of the ring on his finger, causing his heart to race with panic. He struggled to remove it, tugging and twisting with all his might, but the ring seemed to be tightening around his finger. The feeling of being trapped overwhelmed him, as if the ring had become a part of his body. He longed for peace, to feel lighter and not so burdened by… all this weight. Everything in his life felt so heavy, and he didn’t feel strong enough anymore. Suddenly, he felt the familiar sensation of nausea in his gut, and he rushed to the restroom. But before he could vomit, the feeling passed, leaving him confused and bewildered. As he gazed at his reflection again, he noticed that something else had changed too. His eyes widened in disbelief as he realized he had lost a significant amount of weight. He lifted his shirt, revealing his flat stomach that was once hidden beneath a couple layers of fat. Tony marveled at the changes. He felt relaxed, refreshed, and lighter than ever before. He couldn't believe that he had unconsciously wished for this, but the results were undeniable. His clothes felt loose, and he moved with a newfound ease that he hadn't experienced in years. The ring had granted his wish for inner peace and transformed his body in ways he never thought possible. Tony couldn't believe his luck - the ring had actually granted his wish! He couldn't wait to show off his new physique to his friends and maybe even get some attention from potential partners. Then he had a thought, what if he wished to be a little bit muscular? A little couldn’t hurt. His muscles began to ache and he could feel the strain in his joints. He wondered if he had pushed himself too hard, if he had overestimated his own limits with the wish. He decided to take it easy, and rest. After a long night at the bars, this was a lot to process. He collapsed onto his couch and fell asleep, feeling more tired than he had in days. When he woke up, he was surprised to find that his body was a little more muscular. He no longer ached, and he felt more energized than ever. He couldn't wait to see what else the ring was capable of. Tony's heart was pounding in his chest as he lay there, his body consumed by the pulsating energy emanating from the ring. He couldn't believe the change that had just taken place. His once thin and lackluster physique was now defined and toned, muscles bulging in all the right places. He flexed his arms and felt the satisfying burn of newly acquired strength. The power surging through him was intoxicating, and he couldn't resist the urge to explore his new body. With a grin, he traced his fingers over his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin. His nipples were already hard, and he couldn't help but give them a playful pinch. His hands continued to travel down his torso, tracing the faint outline of his abs, before finally coming to rest on the small lump in his boxers. As Tony's hand ran along the length of his shaft, he closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure coursing through his body. The sensation was incredible, and he couldn't believe how quickly his wish had been granted. His penis grew larger and thicker in his hand, reaching an impressive 7 inches. It felt amazing to finally have a sizable enough dick that he could hold it in his hands and feel its weight. He dragged his fist up and down his shaft, enjoying the growth and throbbing pleasure he got with each heartbeat. He felt his entire body start to tingle with arousal, and he couldn't help but let out little sighs of pleasure. His moans grew louder and more guttural as he felt his body tense with pleasure. Tony's eyes rolled back in his head, and he threw his head back, basking in the intense sensations flooding his body. He felt a surge of ecstasy as the pleasure peaked, sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe how incredible it felt to have a larger, more impressive penis. The newfound confidence he felt was overwhelming, and he couldn't wait to show off his new endowment. Tony's body trembled with excitement as he continued to stroke himself, the ring on his finger amplifying his pleasure with each passing second. The electric pulses of energy that coursed through his veins made his muscles twitch and quiver, filling him with a sense of power and invincibility. He couldn't believe how intense the sensations were, every touch of his skin sending waves of pure ecstasy rippling through him. As his cock throbbed in his hand, Tony knew that he was close to reaching the pinnacle of pleasure. The heat within him was building, his balls tightening in anticipation of release. With each stroke, he felt the pressure within him intensify, and he knew that he couldn't hold back any longer. Tony's body convulsed with pleasure as he let out a primal scream that echoed through the room. The hot, sticky cum exploded from his cock, splattering all over his chest and stomach, entangling in his chest hair. The sensation was like nothing he had ever experienced before, and as he lay there, panting and covered in sweat, he couldn't help but want more. He craved the feeling of his cream filling up a muscle twunk, and the thought made his cock stir once again. As he caught his breath, Tony realized that the ring on his finger had unlocked a whole new level of sexual power and desire within him. He was hooked, and he knew that he would stop at nothing to explore every inch of this newfound power. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his next wish, his mind racing with the possibilities of what he could become. He envisioned himself towering over buildings, crushing cars underfoot, and feeling invincible. But as Tony paused, he knew he couldn't make that wish just yet. He wanted to indulge in his newfound power and explore every aspect of it before he became a muscular titan. Then, another thought hit him. He could finally teach Steve a lesson, but he needed to hold off on the growth for a little longer. A devilish grin spread across Tony's face
  5. GigaGiantsFan

    Outgrowing Everything In Existence

    This is a story I want tell since a long moment, it contain dark moments, the backstory of the protagonist is very impactful and sad. I hope you will enjoy it. English is not my native language, you can expect some mistakes. A father, a man, Mark is trying to rebuilt himself after a terrible incident but a recent event will cause him to accept himself with his fails as he outgrow everythings. Maybe it's what he wished for to feel better in the end after all? It's a beautiful sunny day, perfect blue sky without clouds around to be seen in North Carolina state. The hills and forests so calm, just with sounds of birds and the wind blowing in the trees with the city of Charlotte in the distance when suddenly a sound come trouble the peace of nature ! Piercing through the wall to set a shelf, Mark sigh, all sweaty and tired from the whole day and even years of hard work builting and fixing it, he is finally able to enjoy his new woodhouse he got for cheap to fews miles away from the city, the house is situated on a hill with an neightbor forest with a great view on the city in the distance. Of course, the house was in ruin when he got the offer. But as he got nothing else, he took the opportunity in the moment. There was so much to do ; holes in the roof, the wood a bit everywhere has been eaten by termites, there was a flood in the basement and with rains, every rooms got flooded and the furnitures was destroyed. After several months of restoring, Mark could finally enjoy his new home. Bare chested and barefeet, wearing just a old grey sweatpants with traces of sweat right between his buttcheeks and on the crotch part. He sit down on the armchair grabbing his cigarette half consumed aside of many others used cigarettes in the ashtray, smoking deeply before to relax and blow all the smoke out looking around him. Admiring all he have done since months, when his eyes examine the room and suddenly stop on photos set on the shelf above the fireplace, some are partially burned as a remind of the terrible past and trials he had to face. His expression change from relaxed to sadness and his eyes start watering in a matter of seconds thinking of his past. His wife, his son and daughter with big smiles hugging him having a even bigger smile. Mark think of everythings who've changed since, the man so happy with a great physique not knowing what the life would reserve to him. « Yeah... It's been a while since I've lost everythings. » He muttered to himself holding back his tears. After a decade of depression and hard work to rebuilt himself. He reach the end of it finally. Finishing his cigarette he get up and reach for a beer in the fridge. Grabbing the bottle cap he pop it with his huge callous hand. But despite his determination to built this house, Mark surrendered on many things of life. The man don't enjoy things such getting out to drink or enjoying sport as he used to. And he don't get a shower since months, he barely wash himself since his depression started. He just don't care anymore. As he do much physical stuff, Mark is very stinking the musky alpha male ! He wear same clothes since months ! Already because with his size he can't find clothes and shoes easily, so he keep what he have for a very long time. Indeed, Mark is a truly huge man. Standing at 7ft8 and work in construction since he is 16yo, he got a very strong body, now at 55yo he's still very impressive, despite his physic changed a bit since the incident who've cost him everythings. Grabbing a box with somes mementos, he see a old photo of himself making him smile a bit. « Jeez ! I was so nice looking then... This pic is thirteen years old... When we got the house in Florida...» Talking alone, his voice trembling on the end of the sentence. Going back to the living room, he sit down and put his huge dirty, sweaty and stinky feet size 30US EEEE on the table. Letting a bit dirt fall from his soles on the table' surface, not caring at all. Pushing the photo aside, he search more and try to not concentrate on somes jewelries and his wife's ring. But he can't ignore it as he look carefully to it and read the words in the interior of the ring « Mark forever in my heart » as he look to his own ring he still wear, not ready to remove it yet. Checking more in the box and seeing toys, a yoyo and a doll half melted and burned. Somes tears flow on his cheeks as he try to hold it back. He drink his beer, drinking the whole bottle as he breath loudly and holding back crying. He sniffs loudly as he push the box aside and close it. Getting up to grab the controller and turning on the TV, switching to music channel, letting the musics making him forgot the pain. He's lying down on the sofa and closing his crying eyes listening to the music and falling asleep with tears still flowing on his cheeks. Suddenly he wake up to cracking sounds and hear screams and cries, jumping from the bed ! Smoke and flames are everywhere ! « Lucas ! Mary ! I'm coming ! » He screams to his childs ! Running at the door, feeling dizzy from the smoke as he try concentrate. He run in the corridor at his daughter's chamber. Trying to open the door but it's blocked by a girder who fell. « Honey get in the back of the room ! » He screams as he decide to stave in, the door is smashed as he get inside, his daughter crying and panicked. « Dad ! The fire ! I'm scared ! » « Shhhhhh it's ok honey ! I must find your brother and we get out ! » He pauses as he heard more of the roof cracking ! He run outside with his daughter in his arms, back in the corridor, the roof falling apart completely crashing in the room they just was a moment ago. « Was a tight timing ! »He say looking back hearing his daughter's cries as she see her chamber destroyed. More smoke and flames appears, seeing something as breathing become harder. Then a familiar voice resonate « Dad ! Here ! » He hear the voice of his son from the stairs. Running at him he screams « Lucas get out of the house hurry up ! » But the roof fall on the boy before he could move. The stairs crumbles and fall. « Lucas !!! » Mark screams in terror as he look down seeing his son, hurt but not so serious. Then he decide to jump over the half destroyed stairs wanting to reach his son from below but more of the roof fall, blocking the way to his son, the front door and the paths to the others rooms. Completely trapped, he decide to put down his daughter and reach to the stairs and grab his boy. By chance he can give an hand for Mark to pull him up. His son got a big wooden piece planted in his leg, screaming and crying in pain. Putting him down, he push a girder to get access to the garage, he wear his boy with one arm and grab his daughter's hand and they run. The garage door is blocked by more of roof and the upper floor who fell down. He put his boy down and leaving his daughter with him in a corner. The boiler is already touched by flames ! But Mark don't noticed it as he try survive and save his family. He see the window and decide to break it. Grabbing a tools box and throw it through the window. Seeing his childs looking at him panicked but confidents as their father is here to protect them. He run toward them but suddenly a terrible sound deafening him causing his ears to whistles and he get projected through the window he just broke. A huge explosion blow every windows still untouched by flames in the house. The roof above the garage fall and the screams of his childs are muffled by the horrible sounds of the fire and cracking sounds of the house falling apart. Crawling in the grass he try moving and screaming. « Noooooooo my childs... » His words are extinguished as he faint and in same time he heard the sound fainting too with the last sight of the shining beacons from fire trucks as firefighters run and shouting toward him. He wake up screaming, all sweaty and frightened looking around in the darkness of his living room. Shaking a bit as he breath loudly trying to calm himself, putting his feet on the floor and holding his head. « This nightmare again... » Then he fall in tears, his cries resonate in the house... The next morning, Mark is on the construction site doing his work, a 10 hours long day. It was difficult for him between work and built the house. Feeling like he should take vacations and rest he heard about a job very well paid. About cleaning a nuclear centrale. He already proven he's the best at work, Mark have a very kind heart, always trying to help others and his boss decide to give him this new job as a reward for being such a great employee. Starting the next week and it's a contract for 6 months. Mark think to make this job and take long vacations after it, feeling tired with hard work he have done in the last decade and the trials he had to face, he just want rest and rebuilt himself. On the week end Mark was on a session with his psychologist, talking about the incident of his past. « Again the same nightmare sir, always the same... I see their faces and can't save them... then I wake up shaking, frightened. » He say calmly, lying on the couch looking at the ceiling. The psy is looking at him and say « I know it's hard Mark , you have faced a very dramatic situation. But you must work on yourself to go forward and live with this past. It's not a easy task, but you are alive and must continue to live. Maybe you should meet someone. And try with start something new... » Mark think and reply « No ! I don't think I'm able to meet someone else, I still have Maria in mind...» The psy looking at Mark with a bit of a desperate face say« Mark you know she have done her life with someone else. You should do same. It was far ago now . You know, think constantly of ghosts from the past will not let you go forward. Everyones must live with their pasts. You cannot forget yes but you must turn the page and start something new. » Mark think as the words of the psy resonate in his mind, reminding the terrible days following this incident. - Many years in past - Waking up in the hospital, lying unable to move properly, first sound he hear is the cardioscope. He look at the doctors in the room along with his wife next to the bed in tears. He wake up from a coma of several days. Then he hear one doctor talking to him. « Hello Mark, you gonna be alright soon, don't worry. Your back got partially burned but you recover very well. » Mark don't talk, he don't have the force to. He see his torso covered in bandages, thinking of what happened and cry. Fews days later when Mark recovered and is able to walk, he's enjoying fresh air in the hospital's garden when his wife join him, She bring the report of the fire incident. A malfunction with the electrical system caused the fire. This news destroy Mark as he was the only one working on it ! He was so tired with overtime at work than he failed with electricity for his own new house and even if it was an accident, he is the responsible and he will never forgive to himself. They talk for a long moment before she give him back her wedding ring. She leave crying and he don't do anything, he just look at her going away, the ring in his hand, tears flowing on his cheeks and fall to his knees and cry. - Back in present days - Shaking his head, chasing away his memories looking up to the ceiling hearing the psychologist saying « You must try Mark. We will meet next week. Think about it. » During the new week, Mark is doing this new job of deconstruction in a abandonned nuclear centrale. « Okay guys ! We must clean this hellhole ! Careful where your put your feet and hands ! There are old junks all around than previous owners left behind ! » The chief say to the team. Mark is smoking his cigarette and throw it down before to squish it under his huge dirty, muddy and stinky workboot. Wearing a white yet dirty T-shirt with yellow stains of sweat by his armpits, between his pecs and his lower back as he wear that same T-shirt since years without washing it. Having a tight sweatpants older than his T-shirt and all sweaty and dirty too. He don't have underwears as he never found any able to contain his huge genitals and his huge round, firm butt. After being sure the cigarette is completely extinguished cause he don't want cause a fire in the centrale if there is fuel or flammable stuff around he decide to join others. Others guys already started and are wearing heavy stuff to charge in truck, many hours later, they discover a big room with a disgusting dark purple and brownish goo on the ground all over.« WOW ! Look at this place, it's huge ! And fucking disgusting ! » A bit deeper in the room is a hole in the ground with more of this disgusting goo in there. They get closer to look down but it's very dark even with light it's difficult to see anything below. « Ok guys don't slip in, we couldn't get you out of this shit ! » say one guy. They nods yes before to continue the work. Mark look around and see a bigger furniture than he assume the others couldn't lift easily so he decide to do it himself. Trying to lift this big metal cupboard, he's unable to unstuck it from the ground, it's bathing in that weird goo on the ground. « Guys ! Can you help me here ?! » Mark call them, they run at him and try moving the cupboard without success. « Impossible to move it ! We have no choice but leave it here, we will use the crane to unstuck it when we finish with other stuffs » They walk away, Mark want move but he's stuck unable to lift one foot. « What the ?! I'm stuck here ! » The others grab his hands and arms trying to pull him but it's so hard ! They try harder and succeed to make one foot get out of the goo, then Mark make a kick move with his leg to unstuck it and is able to do but this cause him to slide on the weird goo. The others try to grab him but he fall down ! « Ohhhhh shiiiiit !! » The others shout as they try to see him, but it seems Mark drowned inside the goo. « Fuck ! We need to get him out fast! Go say to the chief and bring the truck ! We need the crane to lift him ! » Many of them run, when others try to find Mark. Inside the goo it's like Mark is drowning in a very condensed pudding. He think his last hour finally came, dying such a shitty way, maybe he deserve it for his past failures. Eyes closed he welcome death and give up trying to live until he feel weird, almost pleasant sensation impregnate his veins. The condensed mass around him feel less strong. Fast he touch the ground below, he open his eyes as he feel the goo totally vanished, completely absorbed inside his body. Above, the light don't reach the bottom it's far too deep, but the guys are able to see the goo level reduce until it's darkness but Mark on his side is able to see their lights far above searching for him. « I'm alright guys ! Don't worry, it's... That weird goo vanished ! » But fews moments later Mark feel weird ! It's like if his body is swelling bigger. He can't see anything he's in total darkness but he swear he could feel his clothes get tighter ! « Guys can you hear me ?! I feel weird ! » The others searching with light in that dark place unable to see anything but they can hear him . « Yes we hear you Mark ! It's great you are ok ! Don't move we gonna pull you up ! » But Mark noticed something already, his coworkers was closer to him, he feel his clothes get so tight and tears apart, hearing a long « riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip » of his clothes tearing as he grow bigger ! Feeling his wedding ring getting tighter, its explode in pieces from the expanding fingers ! Already his huge workboots size 30 US EEEE feel so tight and starts tears, his feet begin to burst out, his socks already ripping apparts inside the shoes are now just shreds! Then the growth accelerate and Mark feels his clothes and workboots explode in pieces ! Already the stinky unwashed footscent of Mark taking over, he can already whiff it from here, causing him to be aroused by his manly scent but he think how big he's gonna grow ! And than he should advert the others about the situation. « Hummm guys ! I am... somehow growing bigger ! I'm becoming giant ! » He shout. « What are you saying Mark ?! We do not understood ! » But the discussion is stopped as the truck is coming with the full team. « Finally its here ! Mark the truck is here we will get you out of this shit hold on ! » The truck is parked in front of the hole and the guys starts moving the crane Now Mark see perfectly the hole but there is a problem, he couldn't make his face come out and he don't seem to stop growing feeling his soles slide on the floor below by his expansion ! « My god ! Guys don't stay here, step back I'm coming ! » Then his back hit the borders of the hole as he bend over pushing the ceiling as he keep growing bigger ! The floor for the coworkers above start cracking and crumbling. « Everyone get outta here hurry ! » The chief screams as they all run out of the place, the more Mark press on the ceiling, the more its cracking. The truck fall down and just after Mark emerge from the hole ! Groaning as he burst out of the basement, his huge muscular arms up and flexed as he keep growing, the hole around his chest become so tight, it's been enlarged by the expanding body ! All the worker team is outside looking at the centrale seeing the main building collapsing with a thick dark grey smoke engulfing the area. « My god ! Mark ! » Many coworkers calls for him as they think he's still blocked below. After several minutes the thick smoke is blown away by the wind, the gigantic shape of Mark can be seen ! Sat where the ruined building was standing, his body partially covered in dirt he try looking around and blow away the smoke with his hand as he cough. « WHAT THE FUCK JUST HAPPENED ?! » He say as he notice his voice echoes in air. « HMMMM ?MY VOICE SEEMS DEEPER AND STRONGER... » He decide to stand up, brushing in same time all the dirtiness stuck to his hairy buttcheeks and next brushing his hairy arms, chest and belly. Revealing in same time his truly big cock 9 inches flaccid and16 inches long for 7 inches girth when fully hard ! And fitting such a monster cock he got really big testicles each ones big as ostrich egg. Really BIG even for his regular size but now it's beyond HUGE. And of course he got very hairy balls and his pubes is a very thick bush. Looking around he see the whole site from his new point of view. « JESUS CHRIST ! I'M SO BIG ! » He exclaim in astonishment. Then he notice the group of workers at the entrance of the site. He try doing a step but almost slip because he's not used to his new size. But able to hold on a long chimney, he try again and do a step causing a loud tremor on the whole area ! Even him feel the ground shake under his foot and he do a second step, the group of workers look at him in awe and stepping back slowly as they look at him getting closer. « GUYS ! DON'T WORRY, I WILL NOT HURT YOU ! » He say with smile but seeing the expressions on the faces of the group of 15 workers staarring in awe at lower level of his body, he look at his own naked body « OH SHIT ! » He say hiding his big cock and balls but actually it's a bit useless cause even with two hands he can't hide totally his genitals parts, his hairy balls and huge mushroom dickhead can be seen. Blushing he continue « I... I GREW SO BIG ! THAT DISGUSTING GOO INSIDE THE CENTRALE GOT ABSORBED INTO ME AND CAUSED THIS. » saying, his voice is so deep and strong ! « We must call the police... hell ! We must call the army ! » One of them say « Calm down, we can't ! We gonna have some problems, we don't got authorizations to come here yet. We would be still waiting for it right now but fearing others companies take the contract, we decided to take it without permissions. » Say the chief. « What ?! » « Are you serious ?! » « I don't want problem with justice, I gonna call the police. It's your fault if we came here. And if Mark is in this situation ! You gonna pay , not us ! » One of the workers say to the chief. The chief don't know what to reply when the huge voice of Mark rumble. « OK SO WE NOT SUPPOSED TO BE HERE BUT DON'T YOU THINK THERE IS A... A BIGGER PROBLEM ?! » He say by showing himself with his hand. « I DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND I'M NAKED. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA ON WHAT TO DO........ » Then Mark stop talking when he feel this sensation inside him again, grimacing a bit he say « OH FUCK ! I THINK I'M GONNA GET BIGGER AGAIN ! » Just in time to finish his sentence, his body suddenly expand bigger causing him to lose his balance, he slip on the muddy ground and fall on his side straight on the group of workers. They screams « Careful ! » « Move ! » « Run ! » « He's gonna crush us ! » The group of 15 men are totally smashed under his left hip and under the side of his hairy belly too. « NO NO NO ! » He say as he get on his knees in the second after he fell, trying to see if they are ok but he just can see red smears mixed with mud, he look on his hip and see red stains there too and try to brush it away disgusted and in fear. « MY GOD ! I KILLED ALL THOSES PEOPLES ! IT WAS NOT MY FAULT ! I...I DON'T INTENDED TO... I... I AM JUST TOO BIG ! » He say panicked getting up and try to flee away in the forest nearby but the trees can't hide him as they reach no higher than his thighs ! Not knowing what to do, he decide to search for the only person which able to listen him in this situation. Afternoon is almost over and evening is gonna start, the sky started to become orange as the sun is slowly setting.
  6. Important note : this story is based on the adult version of Link (19 years old). Link was looking items in shopkeeper. 10 bombs for 10 Rupees...a wood shield for 20 Rupees... 3 hearts for 10 Rupees... a bow arrow for... 980 Rupees ??? Shit !! It was very cheap ! And... a kind of black purple potion for....... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT ???????????? ....... 999,999,999 RUPEES ?????!!!!!! HOLY SHIT ! Why ? Why this potion was so CHEAP ??? It had to be VERY important for this price !!! Ok.... So.... Link looked to right then to left. Ok, never he could pay this but .. there was another way, thought Link with a little malicious smile. He took the potion, do a turn around of shopkeeper who try to follow him from regard and go out when the shopkeeper didn't look him. "Guess what ? You got it for free. Are you proud of yourself ?" said the shopkeeper, very angry. Link was very impatient to try it. It had to be very very very important seen the price. It looked like a black purple liquid. He opened the vial and drank it in one gulp. BEEUUUUUUUUUURRRKKKKK, the taste was very horrible. Link didn't see it but he shone of a purple aura for a few moments. And now ? What was it supposed to do ? Link waited few minutes but... nothing. All for this ? 999999999 Rupees for this ? It was a joke ? Link was very disappointed, this shopkeeper was really a scammer... Well, it was the time to go on adventure ! Today, he had to retrieve a crystal in a dungeon near of the vilage. After some jumps above holes and some moblins, Link arrived in front of the entrance of the dungeon which was blocked by rocks; Link approached and tried to lift it. He became all red : it was so heavy and shit, of course it was heavy, he forgot to wear his power bracelet, which allow him to lift heavy things, like thse rocks. Link put his bracelet and lifted rocks without any efforts. He entered in the dungeon. Inside, he noticed quickly one thing : Malice. It was a black purple substance which was appeared recently and it wasn't any better to touch it because it hurt like hell. After some rooms, Link entered in a room with a chest and 3 Moblins. Few sword blows later, Link opened the chest and found a map. Mmmmhh, apparently in the previous room, there is a breakable wall. Effectively, Link saw a wall with several cracks. He posed a bomb and stepped back. BOOOOOOM. Now there was a big hole in the wall. In the new room, Link found a special chest, probably with the key of the boss room but before there was a little ravine. Link tried to pass it but unfortunately, he had jumped too short. Link yelled while he fell. There was a good and a bad news. The good news : the ravine was not deep. The bad news : Link fell directly... in a puddle of Malice ! Shit ! Shit shit shit shit shit ! No no no no no no no !!!! Link closed his eyes, it was going to hurt. SPLAAAAAAAAASSSHHHH ! He fell right in. Link expected to be in pain but... nothing. Even, he felt like a small sensation of heat or like if he was charged. He heard also like a suction noise. Link opened his eyes and saw the puddle shrink, again and again, until it disappears. What ? What happened ? Usually, it hurts so bad when he touched the Malice but here it felt... good ? And why the puddle shrunk ? It was like he was... absorbing the Malice ? Link was worried, it's was normal. But after all maybe this Malice was defective. Yes, that must have been it. Link went up and jumped above the ravine. He opened the chest : YES, it was the key of the boss room. Link saw there was mini boss room on the way. He entered in room : it was a smasher mini-boss. It was a monster who launched a ball. Link had to lift this ball and launch it on him for defeat him. Link put his power bracelet but the Smasher reached the ball, lifted it and launched it on Link, who dodged. Link ran towards the ball, lifted it and threw it on the Smasher. He repeated this operation until the Smasher was defeated. Link headed towars the boss room. In the room before the boss, Link found another puddle of Malice. He wanted to ignore it but he was really curious after the last time. He hesitated a moment and finally took the decision to test again. After all, he could heal him if he needed. He approached his shaking hands of the puddle. Was he sure ? Really ? ...And then fuck, curiosity was too much. Link touched the puddle with his hands and began to feel again this sensation of heat, of energy. And another thing surprised him : it was like if his hands... absorbed the Malice, like a sponge. He plunged his hands in the puddle an started to moan. Fuck, it didn't hurt, no, in contrary, it felt... good. Ten of seconds later, Link had absorbed all the puddle. Shit, he didn't know why he did this but fuck, this feeling... it was too fucking good. And he didn't why but he felt him like energized. Well, it was time to face the boss. It was Moldorm, a simple boss, he just had to avoid it. Link hit him and Moldorm accelerated. Link was able to avoid it and again he hit him. Again, Moldorm accelerated. But Link got stuck in a corner of the platform when Moldorm charged on him. He didn't know why but Link jumped on the side and he seemed him he jumped more high. Some hits later, Moldorm was defeated. Link entered in the next room and recoved the cristal. He came back at the village after this good day of work. Link loved this village, it was a quiet place. On the way of his house, he crossed Max. It was one of his neighbours. He was the same age. He had light-brown hair and brown hair and seemed very happy when he saw Link. And Link also was happy when he saw Max. "Hello Link, what do you do today ?" asked Max. And Link told him his day. The only thing he didn't tell was his weird experience with Malice. "Whoa ! You has beaten a Moldorm ?" exclaimed Max. He loved listen Link tell his daily adventures and Link loved to tell at Max. He doesn't know why but he had always liked Max, he had something of... special. Tired of his journey, Link undressed for to go sleep. He passed in front of the mirror and he stopped. There is something of weird, he had always been skinny but here he seemed more... ripped ? It was very slight but yes, he seemed as he had a good workout session. It was weird but maybe he had just not noticed. Link went to bed. The next mornning, Link felt him in a great shape and it was and so much the better : he had a new cristal to recover. Inside the dungeon, Link defeated ennemies of the first room and found the map in the chest. Ok, there is a key in this room but before he had to pass a ravine. Link defeated ennemies and was on the edge of the ravine. He jumped but instantly he remembered he needed boots of pegasus for to pass it. Shit shit shit he was going to fall but... weirdly, he arrived to pass the ravine WITHOUT the boots. Weird, very weird, he was sure than he wasn't able to do this but however, he did it. Link took the key and came back towards the entrance of the dungeon. Again, he passed the ravine. Definitely, it was weird, like if he could jump further. But he had done nothing special... or not ! Suddenly, Link remember his experience with the Malice. Is it possible that it could be the cause ? Perhaps... there was only one way for to know it : he will absorb the next pool of Malice ! Link continued and arrived at the mini boss room but the way was blocked by two boulders. It was too heavy for to be lift without his power bracelets; He put it, lifted one of boulders and threw it further then he entered in mini boss room. This time, it was a well know ennemy : Blaino. It was a boxer and his punch did really hurt. The fight started, Link give few sword strokes but released his attention and it was the moment where Blaino used his mega punch. He hit Link in his midsection and sent him at the entrance of dungeon. Shit, it hurts so bad. Link returned in the mini boss room and this time he defeated Blaino. He never liked this ennemy. He continued and noticed a breakable wall in the next room. He took a bomb and explosed the wall. And YES ! In this room, there was a chest on a platform and around a pool of Malice. Under normal circumstances, it would be a trap but not today. Link looked the Malice : was he sure ? Did he want that ? Oh fuck yeah he wanted it ! Link plunged in the Malice's pool. Instantly, Link felt the familiar feeling, more intense than previously. He began to gasp loduly and watched his hands... and he saw something : his hands seemed ... to grow ? He wasn't sure but.... yes, yes, his hands was growing !! Oh fuck, the feeling was so good. And it wasn't just his hands, his whole body seemed to grow. Fuuuuuuuck !! Link weared a blue suit with a stealth armor. Quickly, he could feel that his clothes seemed tight. He watched his biceps and yes, he could see the muscle pushed against the fabric. His biceps bulged, and bulged, and bulged until suddenly... *riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip* Tears started to appear. Link looked with amazement his new biceps and flexed it several times. But it was not all : Link could feel a huge pressure in his chest, especially in his abs and pecs. Again, Link could feel his clothes became more tight; But suddenly he heard also an other thing : stretch metal noises. Link looked down and what he saw left him speechless : usually, this armor was flat and adapted perfectly to his body, but here, Link could see bumps appear, six for to be exact and two bigger above. It was very slight at the beginning but soon, bumps became clearly visible. Growth continued during few minutes then it stopped. Link couldn't stop himself to flex his biceps. It wasn't the skinny arms he always had but a good muscular gun. He was also curious by this chest, he removed his armor and looked under his shirt and HOLY FUCK ! He had abs ! A nice set of six boulders. He passed his hands on them and gosh, it felt hard. Yes now, it was sure : it was the Malice. And he was taller too, 6.6 feet. Link put again his armor. He jumped on the platform and shit ! He jumped on several feet. He opened the chest and took the boss key. He came back in the previous room and he stopped in front of the boulders. An idea trough him : was he able to lift this boulder without his power bracelets ? Link placed his hands under the boulder and tried to lift it. No surprise, it was heavy and Link clenched his teeths but... he lifted, inch by inch this boulder. Yes, he was able to lift it without his power bracelets. Fuuuuuuuck this exploit made him very horny. He continued and was in front of a big ravine, more longer than the previous. Logically he should have to use his grapnel but here, he stepped back, ran then jumped. He was surprised himself by his jump ! He reached without problem the other side. Fuuuuuuuuuck ! In the next room, he found another breakable wall. He wanted to take a bomb but.... SHIT ! His bag was empty ! Shit ! Then an idea trough his mind. He looked his fist, opened it, closed it, opened it, closed it. He felt him strong, no... he WAS strong. He could lift big boulders without his power bracelets ! So maybe he could... Link looked the wall, clenched his fist and hit it. "BAAAAAAMM !" The wall was hard but he could do it ! "BAAAAAAMM !" And again... "BAAAAAAMM !" This time, Link could see cracks become wider. Fuck yeah ! A few more hits and... "BAAAAAAMM !" Again, cracks became wider. "BAAAAAAMM !" Few pieces fell of the wall. Again a little effort and... "BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAM !" The wall crumbled into dozens of pieces ! Link had destroyed a wall with bare hands ! Fuuuuuuuuuck ! He was so powerful ! Finally, Link arrived at the boss room. It was a kind of reptile with a mask; Usually, Link had to be use bomb or hammer but Link hadn't no bombs and hammer, well... he had to bypass this room (after all he had bypass a good part of the dungeon). But..; he didn't matter : if he could destroyed a wall with his fist why not... a mask ? Link approached of the reptile, who spat out a fire ball. Link dodged, one time, two times, three times and then he arrived in front of the Helmasaur. Here he clenched his fist and punched the reptile in his face with all his might. Cracks appeared on the mask. The Helmasaur was very surprised : it wasn't not the usual battle...Link punched him a second time. Cracks became really big : third time would be the last. Link punched him a last time and the mask literally exploded in hundred of pieces. The Helmasaur looked him badly, with a swollen cheek but Link didn't give her time to react : he jumped and punched it in the green crital in the forehead of the reptile. Again cracks appeared and this time it was sufficient for to defeat the monster. Gosh ! Link didn't believe in what he had just done : he defeat a boss only bare hands. He recovered the cristal and came back on the village. In the village, he crossed some people, who looked him weirdly but said anything. Usually, Link didn't like to workout but in the dungeon, use this amazing strength was so orgasmic... so he went out the village and looked after two similar big boulders and finally found what he was looking for. Nggggggnnnnhh ! It was heavy but he could lift it. Link brought them back in the village. Again, he crossed some people who were speechless in seeing what he wore. He brought back the second boulder and tried to find a big iron bar then he made dumbbels. Ok, let's go ! Link started to lift his dumbbell; Fuck it was heavy but he could do it ! At each rep he groaned and was horny to think what he lifted. Yesterday, he won't be able to move one of them and now he was lifting two in same time ! Today it was a sunny day and Link had very warm, so he removed his armor and clothes... all clothes. Fuuuuuuuuck, he didn't notice the size of his dick, even his member had grown ! After several ten of minutes Link tried another exercice. He started to do push up... but after one hundred, it was really too easy. So he hardened the exercice in adding a boulder on his back. It was harder but after 50 repetitions, it was not enough harder ! So Link added the other boulder. This time, it was hard ! Link groaned at each rep. He began also to sweat. Then Link did squats in weraing a boulder, he did 200 repetitions. Then he did sit ups but after 500 reeptitions, he bored so he retrieved his dumbbell. Max had just returned home. He asked himself where was Link, he didn't see of the day. Max went at the home of Link, he was about to enter when he heard moans... no, it was more groans. What the... ? It wasn't normal ! Link had maybe problems ! He entered and said "Link ? What are...". Max froze and widened his eyes. What... the...fuck ? In front of him there was a people, with the face of Link yes but... his body ?! Link was skinny but this person was... so fucking muscular ! It was really Link ? What the fuck happened to him ? "Link......what....what the fuck....happened....to you ????". Link looked Max, afraid during one second but quickly smiled. He dropped his dumbbell which fell heavily on the ground. Link was here, smiling, gasping, covered by sweat and his muscles flexed to the rhythm of his breathing. Max was instantly horny, even in his wildest dreams he hadn't even imagined that; Gosh, he loved already Link bu here, he was the most sexiest thing he had seen of his life. Max approached and watched Link chest, completely in trance. Mechanically he put down his hand on his sixpack and began to caress (and cumming in same time, a wet patch could be seen on his short) before to realize of what he did. "Shit so...so...so...sorry...I...I didn't want..." said Max in removing his hand and closing his eyes, scared than Link took that badly. But suddenly he felt a strong hand take his hand and... slowy posed his hand on hard bumps. Max opened his eyes, looked up and saw Link who smiled and nodded of his head. Max hesitated few moments then... he threw him on Link. His hands were everywhere : he felt ridge and valleys of Link's abs, he felt his pecs, his nipples, his shoulders, his biceps/triceps. He felt each bulges, each veins. Then he began to kiss the amazing muscular chest of Link and lick him. Gosh, his sweat tasted so fucking good ! Then he felt strong hands of Link take him by his waist and Link lifted him for to bring him in front of his face. And the moment that Max waited since forever happened : Link kissed him. He couldn't describe what he felt at this moment, it was like thousands explosions of pleasure. They started a dance of tongue then slowy Link walked towards his bed. He posed delicately Max, sit down on his knees and started to tear his clothes. In few seconds Max was fully naked. Link laid down on Max. Shit through Max, fortunately that Link had mattress, he wasn't sure he could support his amazing weight. And they retrieved their session of kiss and carres, Link passed his hands in Max's hairs, felt his neck, his shoulders and arms. On the side of Max, he passed his hands in amazing blond hairs of Link, felt his muscular neck, his traps, his rounded shoulders, he carresed his magnificient biceps and ran his vein, his caressed his pecs, played with his nipples, felt the hardness of his sixpack. They continued like that during some minutes then Link broke the kiss, took Max and returned him on his belly. Usually Max loved dominate but here he was totally overwhelmed, Link was a god, a muscle god. Max sunk into the mattress when Link laid down on him; He felt his enormous dick at the entrance of his ass, but Link waited before to enter, he licked and kissed the back of Max, who enjoyed each second of this magical moment. Then at given time, Max felt an enormous feeling through him : Link began to enter into him. "OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!" he yelled. Shit, oh shit, oh shit shit shit ! It was more than all he could expected, but it was so FUCKING GOOD ! "NNNNNNGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he moaned while Link was sinking deeper. Max started to gasp quickly. "Oh fuck.......fuck........FUCK......you can't........know.....how........FUCKING GOOD.........it is !!... OOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" he yelled because Link, again, was sinking deeper. Between "pushes", Max could feel Link feeling his back. Shit, SHIT ! Sex and tenderness, the perfect combination ! "NNNNNNNNNGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!" he yelled again. Max was gasping very quickly. Gosh, it was so fucking amazing ! "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" he yelled when Link pushed the rest of his member in his ass : Link was now totally into Max. He kissed his back few times then Max could feel Link's cock removed then he felt he pushed again. "NNNGGGGGGGGGGAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And again, Link removed then pushed. After some hits, it started to slide easily; Link began to pump. "OH SHIT ! FUCK ! SHIT SHIT ! AAAAAAAHH OOOOOOOHHHHH" Max gasped again more quickly. And Link pumped, pumped, pumped. Little by little he increased the pace until to have a very speed, like a rowhammer. Max was moaning but his moan was interrupted by pumps of Link. "AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA-AAA" Link continued to pump Max during few ten of minutes until Max could hear Link groaned. He knew the climax was very near. Link contained him as long as he could but after one minute he roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" Max yelled too, he felt like if we released a fire hose inside him. He felt gallons and gallons of warmth liquid filled him. He could feel also the walls of the house shaking because of the yell of Link. The deluge lasted several minutes before to stop. At this moment, Max hadn't seen but Link well : a purple aura surrounded Max. And Link could bet that he was more muscular, it was very slightly but yeah, he seemed more ripped. Link could see a bit of his cum aside them and he saw that the cum had a slighty purple color. Is it possible that... ? "Holy fuck ! ... Link..... it was.... the most.....intense....feeling....I had feel.......of my life !!" gasped Max. Two lovers continued their session of tenderness before to fall asleep, each in arms of other. Link was the first to wake up. Max was still sleeping. Link wanted to try something : he had the impression which he had transmitted his superpower of "Malice absorption" to Max by his cum. Link had a little vial of Malice in his desk. He just hoped that he wouldn't hurt Max, especially after his amazing evening where both confessed their love for other. Link opened the vial and very slowy, he poured some on Max's back. Link was afraid during few seconds then... he saw with joy than the Malice was absorbed by Max, who moaned slowly and said in his sleep "Fuuuuck yeah Link ! Again my love, take me !". Oh fuck yeah ! He had contaminated him ! Max could grow with Malice ! Link was very happy. It was time to grow more ! But his lovers was still sleeping, and he needed to rest him. But when he will wake up, he will have a BIG surprise ! Link was going to give him a gift : he saw another pool of Malice in the dungeon of yesterday, he didn't see it because this room was hidden. Max would wake up with a titanic Link and after, they will have another amazing love session and shit, have sex was so FUCKING GOOD, especially with Max ! Link was already horny and hard just in thinking at this hot scene ! Link went out discreetly and hurried him to go in the dungeon. Usually, he took him one hour but now he went here in only 10 minutes. Link jumped above ravine, cliffs and other obstacles that he would normally circumvent. So in 10 minutes he was in front of the entrance of the dungeon. Ok, so he had to go straight ahead, then right, then left, then straight ahead and finally at left. 5 minutes later, Link was in front of the wall but this wall hadn't cracks. Link punched into one time, two times, three times. Cracks appeared but it will be harder than the last time. But Link was in hurry. He gripped the little hole he had made in the wall and tore a small piece of wall, then again, and again, and again, and again. Quickly, Link began literally to dig in the wall and after 15 minutes, he had made a big hole in the wall. Shit, he could dig in a wall to bare hands. Link watched the pool of Malice, smiled and plunged into. He forgot to remove his clothes and his armor but it doesn't matter, he was sure that he gonna become too big for them. Link moaned loudly when he felt his body begin to grow. Quickly he could hear strecthing sounds of fabric which yelled at the death, cannot contain his enormous muscle mass; Few seconds later, tearing sounds could be heard then it was the turn of his armor to confront his new muscle gorwth spurt, in a fight where the armor was sure to loose. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Bumps of his pecs became more apparent, his abs became more ripped, his shoulders inflated as balloons, his traps rose up, started to really surround his neck, his biceps/triceps became huge peaks of muscle. Then his armor abandoned the game. : it started to tear in some place and bigger Link was, more tore was the armor until finally it was completely shredded, leaving Link totally naked. Link continued to moan and to inflate slowy when suddenly his shoulders exploded without warning, gaining a lot of in size and surprising Link, who roared, then it was the turn of his traps to pass from hills to mountains, again Link roared. It was like an orgasmic explosion. Then he clenched his fists while his biceps/triceps and forearms became gigantic peaks of pure muscle. Then his pecs exploded, going from the size of a football ball to a beach ball. Then each row of his sixpack exploded out of his stomach, almost doubling in size and Link roared a fourth time when the fourth row popped, giving him now a fucking amazing eight-pack. His dick gained also in size and became more wide, it touched the bottom of his pecs and it was wider than a can. And his legs became so wide, wider than a tree trunks, and so fucking ripped, so veiny. The growth spurt lasted again few seconds and finally stopped it. Link was here, gasping, enjoying of this incredible feeling of pure power. He felt him strong before but now, he felt just surhuman, able to lift a big boulder with only one hand. He passed his hand on his amazing body, feeling and boucing his pecs, feeling his eight-pack, flexing his biceps. He felt so invincible, like a god. He didn't want but it was too much, he felt a huge pressure in his ball and then... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" He shot like a cannon, reaching without effort the ceiling. Gosh, the feeling was so... divine ! The deluge lasted at least 20 minutes; Link didn't know ho much he had shot but fuuuuuck, a good part of the ceiling and the wall was covered by cum. Link smiled, it was time to show his new body to Max ! And after they will have.... When he arrived near of the wall, he wanted try something. He walked further, here where the wall was intact. Then he clenched his fist and hit the wall. Behind the wall, few monsters walked, quietly whhen suddenly, the wall exploded; All monsters looked and their eyes widened when they had seen a 8 feet muscular titan appeared. All of them immediately moved aside, totally afraid. Link had not difficult to get out of the dungeon. He rushed towards the village and so quickly ! In only 4 minutes he had reached the village !! But something was wrong... Suddenly a inhabitant ran towards Link. "LINK... LINK !! IT'S TERRIBLE ! IT WAS.......Link ???! But.. what the.... ????!!!" He seemed very surprised by the new body of Link, especially because he didn't saw his previous size so go from the skinny Link to the 8 feet muscular Link, it was... confusing ! "...... ok, no time for questions ! It was Ganondorf, he kidnapped Max and brought him at his tower and..." When the inhabitant pronounced the name of Max, the look of Link became very very dark. And in one second he ran in direction of the Ganon's tower. This day, Link beaten every records of speed. He rushed trough the forest. A tree on his way ? He exploded it ? A big boulder blocked the way ? He lifted it and sent it in the sky. Then he passed through the cave, and when I say "through", I say trough : no time for detours, Link rushed in straight line and exploded walls with only one punch. Then it was the mountain : climbing ladders ? It takes too much time, Link jumped from cliffs to cliffs. In two minutes he was at the top of the moutain, in front of the Ganondorf's tower. He entered in the tower. Well, no time, for chest, keys and all these bullshit, he had to find Max and quickly ! Link walked straight ahead and exploded the wall with his fist. In this room, he found a Smasher. The Smasher lifted his ball and threw it on Link. But Link caught the ball with one hand and he launched it with all his might on the Smasher, who trough two walls. Link continued; At a given moment, he was on a bridge. He looked on the ceiling and saw a big platform. No time for detours, he crouches down and jumped of several ten of miles in height. He reached the platform and fell in front of Moldorm.But the battle was very short : Link caught the tail of Moldorm and started swirling it around then he threw him against the wall. He continued his way, jumped above a big ravine, destroyed few walls, lifted with one hand a big boulder which blocked the way and arrived in other mini boss room. Again ? He had other things to do, really. This time it was Blaino. He gave a few blows in the void for impressionate Link, who didn't move then Blaino prepared his mega punch. Again, Link didn't move. He hit Link in his midsection. The time seemed to be stopped during one second then...Blaino exploded ! Link's abs were really too hard for the weak fist of Blaino. Link continued his way. He passed on a very high bridge and saw below there was a gigantic room filled with Malice. He hesitated for a moment but no, he was enough powerful. But he was going to reserve a small bath for Max ! Finally, Link saw big stairs which should which were to lead to the final room. Finally ! He hoped that Max was fine. Link entered in the room and found Ganondorf and behind him, Max, who was imprisoned. "Hahahaha, finally ! Today is your last day Link !" said Ganondorf, who seemed not impressionated by the body of Link. Ganondorf generated a fire ball and launched it on Link. Usually, Link returned it in using his mastersword but now, he was powerful, very poweful. He wanted humiliate Ganondorf, made him understand he wasn't the skinny Link but a huge powerful 8 feet muscle giant and he was the stronger. ! The fire ball rushed towards him and Link returned it in using.... his dick! Yes, you have read correctly : Link not used his masterword but his dick !! Ganondorf shot several fire balls but Link returned all with his dick. Ganondorf tried to attack him with his sword but Link caught the sword with one hand and began to grip. Soon, cracks noises could be heard and few seconds later, Link broke Ganondorf's sword with only his powerful grip. Ganondorf tried to punch him. Link didn't move but smiled when the Ganondorf's fist met his eight-pack. He didn't feel anything, but for Ganondorf, it was another story. It hurt, very hurt. He tried to punch him again but Link stopped him with one hand, smiling because he surpassed him. Link punched him and even his armor, Ganondorf was in great pain. Shit ! He didn't think that it would happen like this. Beaten by this fucking Hyrulian ! But he hadn't said his last word. He had a joker, a fucking powerful joker. This fucking hyrulian would soon suffer. Oh fuck yes he would ! "Hahaha, you think you has won ? You think that's my end ? Oh no no no, you're wrong Link ! Look what I have !!!". A light shrone strongly and in front of the gerudo is appeared... the Trifoce! Shit thought Link, if he gets a hold of it, it can be bad. And unfortunately for him, he gets a hold of it. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Ganondorf when he felt this incredible power trough him. "YES YES OH FUUUUUUCK YES HAHAHAHAHA THE POWER, THE ULTIMATE POWER FINALLY HAHAHAHHAHAHAHA !!!!!!!!!!!!" And his appearence started to change. His eyes became entirely red, his brown skin started to became more lighter before to take a blue tint, his hairs started to fall, his nose was starting to get longer, such as a snout. "HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH SO MUCH POWER HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!!" and Ganondord, who seemed transforming into Ganon, seemed became taller and also more... muscular ? Effectively, Link could see Ganon's arms, which were well muscular, became bigger. "YES YES I COULD FEEL IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" And soon stretching metal noises could be heard and Link could see Ganon's armor deform for to take the shape of his muscles. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" His armor was starting to tear. Link could see huge pecs under and could see what semmed to be the first row of his abs. *criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii* Ganon continued to grow, bigger and taller. Suddenly, his armor, which couldn't take more, tore on the front, letting appear two huge pecs and a set of 8 fucking muscular bricks. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!" And suddenly, his whole body started to swell in humongous proportions : his traps surrounded his neck, his shoulders were two fucking huge balls, his biceps/triceps were bigger than Link's head, his pecs were gigantic, his eight-pack was a fucking titanium brick wall, his legs were wider than a redwood trunk. "HAHAHAHAHAHA SO POWERFUL !!! YOU WILL NEVER BE ABLE TO DEFEAT ME !" Ganon was already a threat but now, all hope of defeating him seemed lost. Now, he was a very muscular 11 feet blue boar-like humanoid. He seemed invincible but Link must try to beat him ! He took his mastersword and attacked Ganon. Link yelled when he drew his sword on Ganon but the latter stopped it with only one hand. "HAHAHAHAHA SERIOUSLY ? You seriously think that I'm still scared by this cheap sword. So look ! LOOK MY POWER !" and Ganon gripped the mastersword. Soon, Link could see with horror than the mastersword cracked in some places. No, no he thought ! It couldn't be possible ! And unfortunately, his whole hopes were shattered when Ganon broke the sword, in smiling sadly. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It was too easy ! Like I said you, now, you can't defeat me ! I'm the most powerful thing and I gonna take the control of this world ! But firstly, I'm gonna kill you Link !" In an act of despair, Link tried to hit Ganon, he clenched his fist and hit the monster in his midsection. But it was as if he had knocked in a brick wall. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! It's all ? You are not able to do better ? Really ? Beause I don't feel anything HAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" Link tried to hit Ganon again, and again, and again but the result was the same : the "muscle armor" of Ganon was impenetrable. He was overwhelmed. He couldn't defeat him; But no, fuck no, it couldn't be possible, there had to be a way ! "Well, this is time to show you what's the power ! It's the end Link HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !" and Ganon knocked Link, and despite his good developed eight-pack, Link spat blood and fell on his knees. Ganon kicked him and Link was projected on the edge of the platform. Before he could get up, Ganon jumped very high and landed in hitting the ground and. Instantly, cracks appeared; Ganon looked Link with a very sadly smile and suddenly the corner of the platform broke and Link yelled while he was falling. "LIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!" yelled Max when he saw Link fall towards his death. And Ganon laughed, very loudly. Link did a big fall and fell in liquid. Instantly he felt an amazing burning so he thought that was lava but... after few seconds, it felt like... good ? Very very good even ! And he understood : holy shit, it wasn't lava, it was... A FUCKING POOL OF MALICE ! Yes, oh fuck yes, he could feel his body absorb it, he could feel his muscles grow. Oh yes, oh fuck yes ! Ganon was going to regret it ! Link started to laugh but swallowed only Malice. Fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck fuck fuck, oh fucking fuck, it feel so... GOOOOOOOOOOD ! He could feel his traps rose up more. Shit, it felt so amazing ! His shoulders became absolutely gigantic. Oh shit, oh fuck ! His biceps and triceps exploded in mass. Holy shit, this strength, this sensation, it was so fucking good, shit ! His forearms widened more and more. Crap, Link couldn't stop to open and close his fists and fuck, it felt so good ! He could feel his pecs exploded with a huge amount of muscle. FUUUUUUUCK ! His abs started to popped out, row after row, while Link yelled with every row, and finally Link roared a fifth time : he had now an incredibly strong ten-pack; He passed his hands on them and holyyyy fuuuuuuuuuck, it was so hard, so ripped ! His legs became humongously wide and ripped. Link flexed his legs and moaned of pleasure. And above all : his cock became absolutely titanic. He wanted to came but no, not now, his powerful orgasm will be reserved for the boy he loved more anything : Max. Link grew, and grew, and grew; Shit, it felt so FUCKING AMAZING. Ganon was the most powerful ? Hahahaha the good joke ! Now, he was sure he could crush him with his little finger. Max was in tears, he had saw Link fall. Nobody couldn't survive on this fall, even Link. Ganon had won, Link was probably dead... "Link... No...no.....NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Max, in tear. "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !! It's over, your fucking friend is dead ! I have won and now my darkness reign is about to begin ! HAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" But suddenly... "GRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!!!!!" An enormous roar resonated, making walls shake. It was a bestial roar, from something to huge, incredibly huge. Even Ganon was very surprised, no, no, it couldn't be this... Suddenly the other corner of the platform exploded literally, really like an explosion. Ganon and Max couldn't see because there was a lot of smoke. But something fell back, by shaking the ground. It seemed big, very big, no... not big, absolutely GIGANTIC, absolutely HUMONGOUS ! They could see only an enormous shadow in the smoke. "Shit !" thought Max. It couldn't be Link, this thing was too huge, really too huge ! Finally the shadow got up, more and more and more... Fuck, this thing was taller than Ganon, 14 feet maybe ! And finally, Max saw the head and was totally in shock : it was the Link's head. HOLY FUCK !!!!!!!!! Max couldn't see more than his head but FUCK, he could see his gigantic traps then, little by little the smoke dissipated, revealing the amazing muscular body of Link. Yes, his traps were now big mountains, surrounding entirely his neck, his shoulders... it was so fucking HUGE ! Enormous and striated ! Max was speechless when he saw his biceps/triceps : HOLY MOTHER FUCKING GOD ! It had to be wider than him, never he could imagine that an arms could be so BIG ! It was so astonishing ! His pecs... HOLY FUCK ! Two incredible balls of pure striated muscle ! Max guessed that only one of these amazing pecs had to weight more than him ! Then Max could see first row of amazing Link's abs ans fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck, there were so fucking enormous, bigger than his head ! Max could see, two...four...six...eight......ten.....TEN ? HOLY FUCK ! He never imagined it was possible (but after all, with a fucking 14 feet muscle titan, all was possible !). And shit, his obliques was so fucking ripped ! God ! And his adonis belt, fuuuuuuck ! And... HOLY FUCKING MOTHER GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSHHHHHH ! thought Max when he saw the humongous cock of his boyfriend. It was big, no, it was FUCKING HUGE ! Wider than his two arms glued together ! And holy fuuuuuck ! Look these legs ! Quads were absolutely humongous, so muscular and so ripped, and so veinous and fuuuuck look these calves, he could guess they were bigger than his head. Max was drooling in front of this incredible muscular god, and this god was his boyfriend ! This perfect view on the most sexiest thing he had seen in his life made him cum instantly. He was so absorbed by this amazing scene that he forgot all about the current situation. Ganon seemed irritated ; how this fucking bastard have survived ? And how this fucking bastard had grown so much ? "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!! I don't know how you has survived or how you grew like that but if you think you can defeat me, you are WRONG ! I have the triforce of power ! I'm the king king of darkness ! And you gonna DIE !!!". Ganon used his powers for to take his trident and threw it with all his might towards Link. "LOOK OUT LINK !" yelled Max. His boyfriend was perhaps now a 14 feet muscular titan, but it was Ganondorf, well, no, it was Ganon and fuck, but this trident could pierce several walls ! But Link didn't move. He was just walking with a determined look. And fuck but each of his steps made the ground shake. Then the trident hit him in his abs. To the surprise of Max and Ganon, it didn't pierce Link, at contrary, the spikes bent when they met Link's ten-pack. The trident fell on the ground while Link continued slowy his walk, like an unstoppable tank and still with his determined look. Ganon seemed more irritated, if he thought it wouldn't be sufficient for to defeat Link, he really believed it would hurt him. Fucking shit, after all, he had the triforce of power ! "GRRRRRRRRRRR TAKE THAT HYRULIAN BASTARD !!!" Ganon launched a big fire ball. Shit thought Max, it was enough for to disintegrate someone ! But, one more time, Link didn't nothing, he was only walking, made the ground shake with each steps. He took the fire ball and an gigantic explosion occured. Ganon yelled of joy, it was simply impossible he is not killed or at least, injured. Max had a frightening moment but suddenly, an enormous legs went out of smoke and hit the ground with an unbelievable power. Then the of the Link's body followed, without a single stratch. "NOOOOOOOO !!!!!" yelled Ganon. We could hear the angry but also the frustration and the despair. But fuck, he had the triforce of power, he had to be stronger than this fucking bastard ! It couldn't be otherwise !!! "YOU THINK YOU SCARE ME ?! YOU THINK YOU ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN ME ?! YOU GONNA SEE !!" and Ganon jumped for to hit him. Again, Link didn't try to dodge. Even, just before Ganon hit him, Max could see a small smile. Ganon hit him on the side of his head. Shit thought Max, the power of this hit was phenomenal, enough for to kill anyone in one shot ! But... Link had just moved his head of an inch and smiled more, as if he hadn't feel anything. When Ganon touched the ground, he clenched his fist and hit Link in his midsection. Again, the power of this punch was sufficient for to pierce a people but in the case of Link, only a crack could be heard. Max didn't know if Ganon had broken bones or if it was his bones. But few seconds later, Max could see Ganon took his hand away and wince. Holy shit ! He had just broken his fist on fucking incredibly hard abs of Link !! Max could see Ganon was mad of rage : all muscles were flexed, veins pulsed on the surface. Then, in a black anger, Ganon threw a flood of punches on Link, who took tens, no, hundreds of blows. But Link still didn't move. Even, in the middle of the deluge, he yawned strongly. This time it was clear, Ganon was totally surpassed. Ganon, in rage, stepped back and lifted one of enormous gold statues. He threw it on Link. Shit, one of these statues had to weigh several tons. Link clenched his fist, hit the statue and exploded it into hundreds of pieces; Ganon threw other statues but Link explosed each of them. Totally in rage, Ganon turned, saw Max and threw a fire ball on him. Max narrowly avoided the fire ball. At this moment, the look of Link was no longer determined, no, he was angry, no, furious, really really furious. Nobody touches Max, NOBODY !!! He clenched his fist and rushed on Ganon, who turned and just had the time the fist on Link go into his stomach. But if Ganon had broken his fist on Link's abs, Link had no difficulty for pulverize the eight-pack of monster. Ganon felt the biggest pain of his life. During few seconds, time seemed to be stopped, Max could see the amazing punch of Link shattered Ganon's abs and the monster, very surprised by the power of his hit, spit out even a little blood. And then Max saw Ganon projected at an unimaginable speed, go trought the wall, which was, however, very thick and disappear in sky. Holy shit ! Link had to project him on several hundred of miles. And it was over : Link had defeat Ganon, no, he had pulverized him !! "LINK !!!" yelled Max, in joy to join his boyfriend. He wrapped his arms around of Link's legs and began to cry. "I thought I'd never see you again !". Link stopped down and posed his hand on Max's head. "But... how... how are you became so big ?" said Max in posing one of his hands on Link's abs. Shit he thought, one of his fucking enormous brick was bigger than his hand. And the hardness... GOSH !! Not surprising that Ganon broke his hand ! Max became very very very horny while he caressed his ten-pack. Quickly Link could hear Max moaning and see him shoot several loads. But few moments later Max seemed a little sad. "Link, you are the most fucking amazing sexiest thing I have seen of my life... but... now, you are too big for me, really too big. We won't be able to do anything more; I mean, if we tried, I'm sure you crushed me instantly. I'm an ant compared to you". And then, Link got up and he signalled to Max to follow him. Max didn't understand why but he followed him. Fuck, the ground shaked with every step. Link was really a fucking titan. Finally, they arrived in a room, but not any room : THE room ! In front of them, there was... a fucking pool of Malice, no, a fucking SEA of Malice. It was enough for to grow Max at the same height of Link, maybe more. "But, why did you bring me here ? It's just a giant room with a lot of Malice. And you know like me that this substance is very very dangerous !" Link approached from the edge and would dip his hand in Malice. "LINK !! ARE YOU CRAZY ???" yelled Max. But Link looked him, smiled and did a sign to look. He plunged his hand and removed it for to show it to Max, who could see the substance slowy disappear, like if it was... absorbed ? Max heard Link moaned "LINK, ARE YOU OKAY ?" he said, verry worried. But Link looked him with a big smile. Then he pointed Max then the Malice. "WHAT ?? YOU MEAN YOU WOULD LIKE THAT I..." and Link nodded. "But...but...why...how...but..." Max didn't understand, usually Malice did hurt to Link but here, it was as if Link... absorbed the Malice and as if he... enjoyed that ? But, it hadn't no sense ! Max was in his thought when he felt one big hand catch him... "Link ? What are you doiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG ???????????" he yelled when Link threw him in middle of the room, into the Malice !! SPLASH ! Quickly, he rose to the surface and yelled : "LINK !!!! ARE YOU CRAZY ??? WHY DID YOU DO THAT ??? I...I....I...I...feel good ?!! But...but..." And Max watched his hands, and like Link, he saw the Malice to be absored by his hand. "Wh...wh...what the...?!" and Max focused on the feeling : "I didn't hurt, no, it felt... good... really good, like if he was loaded with energy... and what was a pleasant feeling of warmth intensified quickly and became more a burning. Max watched his hands and could see veins appear and... yeah.... of fuck yeah... his hands became slowy bigger and... his forearms too. Oh fuck ! In fact it was his whole body which grew ! Max began to gasp and sweat. He looked Link who was watching him with a big smile. "So...oooooohh....it was...nnngggghhhh....true...it was....aaaaaaahhh Malice which....OH FUCK !" Max felt an enormous pressure in his whole body, he could feel his whole body grow. And he didn't just feel it, he could hear it : stretch sounds could be heard. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Max, who reached quickly the appearance of a gymnast. His forearms were ripped, his arms became muscular but not yet big, his shoulders became round, we could see slighty traps, his pecs started to appear and below a good sixpack started to show it but not yet really bulged. "OH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKK AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH NGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" Max laughed, enjoying every second because each second his body became more muscular, more powerful and he could feel it. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!" Ten secons later, he reached the stage of the teen bodybuilder : his forearms were really developed, his biceps and triceps had a good peak of muscle, his shoulders were canonballs, his traps rose, his pecs were muscular, his sixpack was six boulders implanted under his skin and his chest had a good shape of V. Max gasped louder when his eyed widened... "FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!" he yelled. Link could hear Max's voice became really deep, almost inhuman. He could see Max yelled while his body grew to reach another stage. His clothes were in agony and started to tear. Shit, Max was now bigger than a pro bodybuilder, he was so muscular. Big arms, huge shoulders, traps which surrounded his neck, huge pecs, abs really bulged and ripped. And he was taller, probably 7 feet. Suddenly Max grimaced strongly and roared like he never roared. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!" His whole body seemed have "muscle explosions", his big biceps became enormous, his traps rose up more to the point that Max had almost no neck, his pecs exploded, gaining a lot of size, Link could see Max's abs stretching and suddenly, Max roared when the first row exploded out of his stomach, doubling in size, then the second, and the third and Max roared a last time while a fourth row popped out from nothing, giving him a incredibly ripped and strong eight-pack. And now, Link could see his quads, which were so fucking ripped, so wide. And obviously, his fucking incredible cock, which was widder than a can. Max was now almost 9 feet tall. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ! OH FUCK LINK, IT'S SO AMAZAING, NO, IT'S SO HOLY MOTHER FUCKING AMAZING !!! IT'S FEEL SO FUCKING GOOD YOU HAVE NO IDEA !!!" And Link knew it was not over, Max was soon to overtake him. He will join him at that moment. Link could hear Max moaning very louder and see that Max absorbed a huge quantity of Malice. The next growth spurt will be titanic ! On the side of Max, he had only just recovered from his latest grow spurt that he could feel his body absorbed more and more Malice. He felt like a balloon that was inflated again and again. Then, at some point, nothing more but Max knew it was the calm before the storm. And the storm came ! "OOOOOOOOHH .... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!!" Max roared like he never roared. He roared so loudly than pieces of ceiling fell. Followed a series of "muscle growth spurts" and Max quickly gained in bulk and size. His whole body became absolutely titanic, like Link ; his biceps became mountains of muscle, just like his traps, his shoulders were planetoid, his pecs were just titanic, his eight-pack exploded into a fucking muscular and ripped ten-pack, his legs became wider than a redwood trunks and so fucking ripped. And his cock was simply monstrous ! And he gained wickly in tall : 10 feet... 11 feet...12 feet...13 feet ! And finally, Max reached an amazing 14 feet, like Link. Max was totally in a trance, never he imagined he could have a power like that ! He felt as he could lift mountains, literally. His body felt like it was a continous orgasm. Suddenly, he heard a big "SPLASH" ; Link had joined him. In walking, Link moaned while his body absorbed Malice. Finally he reached Max, two smiled at each other and kissed, in feeling each bulges of their unbelievable muscular body. Gosh thought Max, this feeling to growing in kissing Link was so divine. At a given time, the feeling was too much and two have broken the kiss and moaned loudly. There was no words enough strong for to describe their muscle growth, it was titanic. Seconds after seconds, Link and Max gained several hundred pounds of pure muscle, from titan they became gods ! They gained in size : 15 feet... 16.....17....18. Finally, they absorbed what was left of Malice and felt an unbelievable pressure. Two widened their eyes, there is a second of pure silence and then the tower was shaken by the two biggest roars. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Link and Max became absolutely titanic : arms were bigger than their old body, their shoulder were so fucking incredibly huge, their traps could compared at mount Everest, their pecs were of gargantuan size, their unbelievable ten-pack grew more, row exploded one by one and like previously, a new row popped under, giving now an astonishing enormous, ripped, strong, deep twelve-pack, and their legs were wider than their previous body. Max and Link were not titan, they were gods ! They didn't feel just powerful, they had a infinite power. Even the power of Ganon, who was the most powerful thing in the world after them, seemed so ridiculous now. Link had more power in his little finger than in whole body of Ganon. And fuck, they were so tall : probably 20 feet ! Link and Max gasped during few minutes, it was the most powerful feelings they had felt of their life. Then Max watched Link and smiled : the moment he had been waiting for had come. Max threw him on Link, kissed him, feeling every bulges of his incredibly muscular body. After few ten of seconds, Max broken the kiss and Link smiled then he turned back, giving his fabulous muscular ass to his boyfriend. Max began to kiss the amazing muscular back of Link, feeling his traps, his delts, feeling his pecs and crevices and mountains of his abs. And finally he entered into him. Link roared like a beast, so loud than walls shaken. In continuing to kiss him, Max pushed more and more of dick in Link's ass. With this incredible feeling, Link put his hands in wall. Finally Max withdrew before pushing again. Link roared. Max pushed again. The cock of Link hit the wall, making a small hole. Max pushed again and again, the cock of Link hit the wall, digging it a little deeper. Link had an idea. He took his dick with one hand and positioned it in front of the hole. Every time Max pumped Link, Link pumped the wall, digging the wall. Max fucked Link while Link fucked the wall ! During next minutes, Max pumped Link, slowy at first then more quickly. Finally, Link's dick had dug a tunnel. Max continued to pump Link for several ten of minutes, increased the pace such as a rowhammer, when finally he felt a incredible pressure in his balls. "Fuuuuuuckkk... I'm......coming......soon Link ! ....... Are you...........ready ?" gasped Max. Link pushed a moan as a positive answer. Max continued as long he could, closed his eyes and clenched his teeths when finally, he couldn't hold himself back any longer. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Deluge is a word which was not enough strong for to describe the sequence. Max released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in Link's ass. And Link released gallons of gallons of gallons of cum in the wall. Quickly, cracks started to appear on the wall and widened with each shot of Link. Several pieces of the ceiling fell, walls were shaking and what was a sea of Malice became little by little a sea of cum. The storm lasted more than 45 minutes, the whole wall was cracked and the old pool of Malice was now a pool of cum. When Link shot his last load, the whole wall collapsed. Holy shit ! Link had just destroyed a fucking thick wall... JUST BY CUMMING !! Max and Link was here, gasping for to recover of their most powerful sex session they had of their life. They finished this session by kiss and stroke. Max broke the kiss, watched Link and said "It was the most powerful sex I had of my life ! Fuck Link, it so FUCKING amazing, I feel me so powerful, so invincible and I'm really curious to see what we able to do. Would you like to test it ?". And Link smiled and nodded. During next hours, Ganon's tower became their playground, well, rather their land of destruction. Link started by try to walk trought walls, if previously he punched the wall, here he just walked straight ahead as if there was nothing there. Max tried the same thing and fuck, it was so funny. Max also tried to pierce the wall with his finger : it went in like butter ! In the tower, there was big gold statues of Ganondorf, one of them must weight several tons. Link lifted one with only ony hand and threw it on Max, who exploded it with a punch. Link threw another and this time, Max tried something else. He turned and hit the statue with.... his dick ! Max didn't play at baseball, he played at... dickball ! On the ground floor of the tower, Max said "The first at the top of the tower win !". Link smiled, crouches and jumped. He trought literally all floor, shattering the ceiling as if it were a sheet of paper. "..... ok you have won" said Max in laughing, then he jumped also for to join Link on the roof. "Ok now the first on the ground floor" said Max. He jumped of several feet, trought the ceiling and each floor before to reach the ground floor in making a crater. Little by little, the tower became a field of ruins. The few remaining monsters fled in front of these muscular gods. Even Ganondorf in angry wasn't so powerful. Max and Link crossed Blaino, who came back for to take his revenge but when he was in front of them, he widened his eyes, left his boxing gloves and ran away. They crossed also a Smasher, who threw his ball on Max. But Max caught the ball with his hand then crushed it in dust. Seeing that, the Smasher ran away too for save his life. In the ground floor, there was these big pillars, Max rolled his arms around and squeezed. Instantly, cracks appeared and the pillar was crushed. Fuuuuuck through Max, yesterday he wasn't able to lift his own wieght and now he crushed enormous pillar with his arms ! Holy shiiiiiiit ! Soon all objects in the tower suffers the same fate : crushed, destroyed, trample, shattered, annihilated, reduced to dust. Link and Max ended up having fun by destroying the walls of the first floor with their bare hands and obviously, the tower collapsed. But even after the destruction of the tower, they were playing with the debris. Link threw on Max pieces of several tons and Max pulverized them with a punch. Then Link jumped on Max and two started to make a friendly fight for to know which one could claim his due. They rolled over each other in crushing the debris of the tower under their humongous weight. Boulder s, statues, all was crushed in dust by the weight of these gods. Finally Max won and roared, like a cry of victory. Link turned him on his belly, giving his ass at Max. Max claimed his due : he entered in Link, who pushed a enormous roar. Shit, feelings were so FUCKING AMAZING ! Max had his eyes revolted, like Link. There was no word for to describe what they feel, it was just... divine ! Like an orgasm but multiplied by a billion ! Max pumped, and pumped, and pumped and pumped, increasing the rhythm little by little. Link was moaning of pleasure and caught some debris of the tower but he cruhed them in dust with his godly strength. Max continued for several hours. It was the best, the most powerful and the longer sex session they had of their life !! It seemed to have no end ! And Max had reached an amazing pace, he pumped more quickly than a rowhammer; Then, after an eternity, he felt a gigantic pressure in his ball, and when I said gigantic, it was gigantic. The climax was very near and what climax !! He closed his eyes, clenched his teeths and pumped as long he could and finally... "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!" Their yell could be heard on several tens of miles, hundreds perhaps. Even the inhabitants of the village, which was at several tens of miles of this place, heard them. And they cum so much !!! White substance flowed from the mountain, so much that some monsters through it was an volcanic eruption (because the yell and the white substance which flowed from the top of the mountain). But no, the liquid was not lava : it was white, hot but not burning and... sticky. And it smelled also strong ! When Link and Max came back at the village, all inhabitants were speechless. Two fucking muscular 20 feet gods, it doesn't unnoticed ! It is even said that the princess flooded her panties when she saw Link. Oviously, Link and Max were too big for their old house but the villagers worshipped them as gods. So they moved in the mountain near of village (literally in the mountain ! But digging didn't take them long). Since that day they have never been attacked again, not by Ganon not by other ennemies. You had to be crazy to attack them ! They helped the inhabitants for several things : heavy boulders to move ? Crushed in one second ! Gorons dug a tunnel ? Max digged it in 2 minutes when it would have taken months. A wall to destroy ? No problem ! One day, Link passed by the shop of the shopkeeper, the one where he had stolen the potion. He got down on all fours and stuck his head out, destroying the facade a little. The shopkeeper recognized him and said "I wasn't kidding when I said pay ! Now you'll pay the ultimate price !!" and he shot a ray on Link. He felt an amazing burning but not in the wrong way, no, it felt good, it felt really really good !! Link started to moan, slighty at the beginning then louder when he felt the burning increased. And this time he was sure : he could feel his body was growing and very quickly. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!" yelled Link. Stretch sounds could be heard but also crackling sounds : his shoulders grew bigger and bigger and bigger and Link became so fucking wide, too wide for the facade which was little by little destroyed as he expanded. And he was taller also : 21 feet....23....26....30 feet and it continued. The shopkeeper seemed confused : usually, this ray should kill but here, he was growing and growing and growing. Why ? In addition he had modified it to incorporate Malice. Maybe it wasn't enough powerful ! The shopkeeper increased the power of the ray to the maximum. Link yelled more, the sensation was so unbelievable, it was like if the simple burning was became a nuclear bomb. And obviously, his yell exploded all windows of village. His body grew even faster, very faster ; his traps reached his ears, his shoulders were titanic, his biceps/triceps reached divine proportions, his pecs were so fucking gigantic, like previous growth, he could feel each row of his amazing twelve-pack exploded and like previous growth, a new row popped out : Link had now an impossible, incredibly fourteen-pack and his crevices became canyons, his legs was so fucking godly muscular. Then he felt that his shoulders touched each side of the shop : Link was as wide as the shop. But little problem : he didn't finish to grow !!! The walls started to make crackling sounds and for short moments, trying to resisting but few seconds later, there were sounds of tearing everywhere : the shop was literally torn apart from the inside by a unbelieavable titanic muscle mass. And Link didn't stop that, he continued to grow and grow and grow. His moans was so loud, enoughfor to shake walls of other houses. Everyone had come out and watched this titanic thing grow, in fear. Then it stopped. There was absolutely nothing left of the shopkeeper's shop, only few debris from the the roof which were still on the muscular back of Link. The inhabitants could hear a very very very loud gasp. Then this thing rise up and the last remnants of the roof were falling from his titanic back. A gigantic shadow covered the village. When Link stood, holy shit, all was so small. He was a fucking giant, I mean REALLY REALLY giant : 50 feet at least !!! The shopkeeper looked him with wide eyes, totally afraid, and said "..... ok... I didn't say anything.... Take what you want !!!!!!" in shaking. But Link was too concerned by his new humongous body. He flexed his biceps, and holy shit, look the size of this gun. And the power... Previously he already felt like a god but now... He was god of god of god. It was just so inimaginable. There was this expression "move mountains" but here, he felt like he could LITERALLY move mountains ! Link really wanted to roar but he was sure he could destroy the village only in roaring. He became just too much powerful ! Just walking made the ground shake. Suddenly, he felt, at several times, something of warm and sticky, hit him against his fucking incredible fourteen-pack and then flowed between canyons of his abs. He looked down and he saw Max, who was drooling and cumming in watching his boyfriend. Haha it was so funny, he looked like a child in front of a giant bodybuilder (yeah, a child of 20 feet and severals thousand pounds of pure muscle). Now, it was necessary to rebalance the balance so... it was the time to find another sea of Malice for Max and why not, after, have a "little" sex marathon ? (but not in the village he didn't want to drown people under a cum tsunami)
  7. It's my first story and I want propose something of little special. I have always loved Jaypat's stories and everytime I finished one, I wanted the next because it finished often on open endings, so, often, I imagined the next. Unfortunately, Jaypat hasn't posted anything since longer... ). I began to write this story completely independent of his universe but I had finally some similar elements (and I loved his style of write !) and then, I have this idea, the idea to "connect" my story to one of him but not like a direct sequel (even if I would like), but more like a "spin off" (and who know, maybe a "crossover" between of two but for that, I will to have his agree before and as he didn't give any signs of life since one year...). But I prevent, I have not the pretention to write as well as he does, but really, I loved his stories. However, it's not my intention to infringe his author rights, only to propose a side story that I would have liked to read in a universe I really loved and which is directly linked to one (this story taking place in another city not far from that of the protagonists of "The swimming hole"). If it's a problem, don't hesitate to report me and I will delete this story. Link of original story, by Jaypat : https://www.metabods.com/stories/the-swimming-hole PS : my english is really bad, so please excuse me if sometimes I do big mistakes. An other motivation for write english stories is that also a good method for me to improve my level. _____________________ Chapter 1 Hello, I'm Nicholas, nicknamed Nick and I'm gay. I'm 18 years old and I recently moved in a new city. At my new school, there is this guy, Christian, nicknamed Chris. I fell in love at first sight, I have never seen a most beautiful guy. He was 19yo and he was the perfection. Perfect face, perfect eyes, perfect lips, perfect hair, perfect smile, slighty muscular, perfect skin. But unfortunately, if I thought he was also gay, I dont't think that I please him. I'm a nerd and like all nerds I'm very skinny. But I got a plan. I was very good in chemistry and I heard this story of these guys who are became muscular giants thanks to a substance, in a near city. I thought this information was a fake, and after all it seemed to be, a hulk potion, seriously, who believed this story ? But I did my researches, I learned that one of these guys destroyed his house. But who know ? Maybe I found more information over there? So I went, there had really a destroyed house, and after many hours I found what I searched : a sample, in the debris, but only a few drops, too little for to get good results. It was a kind of blue goop, really too blue for to be "natural". So I take risk to test and suddenly I felt a electrical sensation through me and like if I was growing but very very very slighty. Damn, it was like a wet dream which became a reality ! But I needed more, so I took decision to recreate it and use it on me for seduce Chris (and maybe grow him also !). But even if I get there, I have to do this slowy, pass from skinny guy to muscular giant, it will be too suspicious, and maybe I will fear Chris. And this, I woulnd't ! So I have to use little doses until to reach my goal. After some weeks, I had an experimental prototype and I needed to test it on a subject. But who or rather what ? I didn't try yet on an human. I could hear a little shrill noise behind me. Raaah shit, what this damn rat still want ? He is hungry I bet but... ... wait ... a rat ? ...But.... Fuuuuck, why I didn't think earlier ? Test on who ? Obviously : on my rat ! And it's perfect time : he's hungry. I have just to add a dose in his meal. I only hope that it wont't kill him. I put a good dose for a rat because I need to really view changes, but not too much, I wouldn't have a giant rat in my bedroom... Ok, this dose will be perfect. I put his dish in his cage. And now, I have just to wait. "Enjoy your meal Carl." Carl sniffed his meal, waited few seconds then finally eat. Nothing happened during next seconds then suddenly, Carl froze and started to tense up. He cried a lot, like if it hurt him. And then I saw it : I could see slowy his back move and his paws. have swollen. Bumps were starting to appear on his back, back which was widening at front legs, giving him quickly an aspect of V. Carl lay on his side then on his back. I didn't believe what I saw : on his belly, we could see several bumps appear. 2 bigger on top, and several smaller below. Holy shit : Carl had pecs and abs ! I had a fucking rat with pecs and abs ! And he was bigger also. Then it finally stopped. I stayed speechless : my formula was working ! My formula was REALLY working ! Holy shit ! It was like a dream became a reality. So it was the time, time to take my first dose and to launch my plan for seduce Chris ! For better see results, I undressed and took a big mirror. I calculated what dose I need for to give impression that I started to workout. I didn't hide I really envy to swallow and to become Hulk but I had to remember why I wanted go slowing : Chris. Few instants later, my first dose was ready. I fixed it few seconds then I drank the vial. At beginning, I didn't felt anything and then a little tingling. But quickly this tingling has spread all in my body and became more like a burning. And I felt it, I felt all my muscles slowy swollen. I could see my shoulders became more rounder, my pecs slowy emerge from my chest, a central line appeared on my flat stomach but I could felt my abs slowy pushed out and soon I saw the very slight of a sixpack. My arms also swollen and became less skeletal, more athletic, same with my legs. Then it stopped. I was a little disappointed, I hoped there would be more changes. However, I know why I have to take my time. As I excepted, changes were no visible when I was dressed. I noticed that I was taller, I passed from 5.6 feet on 5.8. But it doesn't matter, soon more changes will come, a lot of changes ! But for now, so as not to arouse too much suspicion, I will take one dose per every three or four week, enough for to give the illusion that the results are due to my workout. Tomorrow we have a gym classes and Chris will be. Perfect moment for to see if my changes will be noticed. *The next day* The alarm rings, the classes was finished and we have now our gym class. This was time ! In the locker room, I purposely took off my shirt for everyone could see and then and pretended to answer at a message. During one minute, nobody says anything and I thought that it was fuck up for this time but... "Well well, it looks like someone has finally decided to start workout". It was Jake, a sportive guy. I had no problem with him but it was cool that he noticed. Some guys looked me quickly, let out a little breath, then continued. And finally Chris looked me, he looked few seconds my chest, then he fixed me also few seconds and go out. I hoped more but it was normal, changes were yet insufficient. But he looked me, that was the most important. Next weeks were a torture, every day I wanted take an another dose. But no, I had to simulate a real progression. Then after a good month, it was time ! Same the first time, I undressed me and I was holding on front of mirror, almost naked with my precious vial. I drank it in one sip. Immediately I felt this burning, more intense than previously. "Oh fucuuuuuck" I moaned. I began to sweat then it started : I saw my neck thicken and my previously inexistant traps emerge. My shoulders get really round. "Oh goooosssh" said I. During all grow spurt, I was moaning and panting. My biceps/triceps bulged out, my forearms thickened. My back widened, giving me a really good V shape. I saw my pecs grow, like if I had been implanted 2 balloons. Below my slighty sixpack became more ripped, really becoming visible. "Ooooo fuuuucck, oooooh fucking fuck !". My quads swollen more, became really big, my calves exploded out of my legs. THen it stopped. "HOLY FUCK !" I almost yelled, if previously I looked like a guy who started to have good results, now I was lookng like a muscular teen. And like last time, I was also taller : almost 6 feet now ! Thick and ripped muscles everywhere. I was excited by my reflection so I took my python.. Holy shit ! I didn't notice but it was growing too ! I began to rubbing. Waves of pure pleasure crossed me. It was not only bigger but also more sensible, more intense. I increased the rythm and began to moaning. "Oh gooossshh oh fuck ooooooooooh... this feel........ soooooo gooooooooooddd oooooooooh aaaaaaaahhh ooooooooohhhh" and I felt the climax come. "oooooOOOOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK !!". I came and I came and I came and I came. Finally after one minute of pure pleasure, the torrent decreased then stopped. Shiiiiit, the mirror was fully covered. I have to shoot one or two liters, oh fucking god ! I had also bought a compression shirt, before never I thought buy this kind of cothes but now, it was the best way for to show my progress without to have to undress me. And fuuuuck I looked very good into : I could see separation of my shoulders, my pecs were really visible, we can see even my nipples which pointed down. Previously my abs were invisible with clothing but with this compression shirt, we can see bumps. Not huge bumps of the world but we can easily guess that I had a sixpack. And my legs were thights, my quads filled completely my pants. And my arms looked so good, there was no longer any doubt that I was workout, well, that I was supposed to workout. The next day, I arrived with a coat so as not to let see the results directly. But in class I could hear whispers and even some people saying to their neighbor "Did you see Nick ? I never noticed that he was so big !". At the break, I even had people to whom I never spoke who came to see me to congratulate me and ask for advice. Then the noon time arrived. The waitress even gave me a double ration because "It takes a lot for a big boy like me". Then I sat down at my usual table. And it's at this time than I heard a familiar voice. "Can I sit down next to you ?". It was Chris. Internally I jumped of joy, but outwardly, I said just "Of course you can !". "So, I can see that you started working recently. And fuck, yours results are really amazing". "Thanks !" I said. "What's your program ?" he asked me. Fuck ! I didn't think about it. I couldn't say that I did just some push ups. So I quickly invented a program with basics exercices that everyone knew. "And you have this results with just this program ? Weird. You must have a very good genetic". We talked during all break when the ring rang. Next days and weeks, Chris was getting more closer of me. I saw that he liked my body but I didn't know if he was in love or not. It didn't matter : I was going to give him a boost ! I let pass almost a month and half before to take my dose. I was really excited, logically after this, Chris will be completely crazy of me. But I had to be careful, I didn't want to be Hulk, well, not yet. Ok, a few more drops and I will have good but credible results. I swallow the vial. "OOOOO FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK" I yelled ! It was yet more intense that last time. I felt my neck thicken yet, my traps rose. "OOOOOOOOOOOOHH NNNNNGGGHHHHAAAAAHHHHH !". My shoulders became canonballs, my amrs became huge guns, 17 or almost 18 inches I think and with a big vein which ran trough them. My back widened and could feel a lot of bulges popped out "HOOOOOOLLLY SHIIIIIIIITTT" ; my pecs became football balloon, fully round. My sixpack developed more, I passed my hand on them and fuuuuuuuccckk, now it was really boulders under my skin. My quads became so big, with a lot of bumps. My calves exploded more out of my legs, my feet grew more. Then, one more time, it stopped. When I saw my reflection, I came instantly : I was huge ! Not just well muscular but like a teen bodybuilder. All muscles was huge, ripped. I tried my compression shirt and holy shit, it was so tight. If the grow spurt had during more time, it would be too small. And shit, if we could guess my muscle with previously grow, now my compression shirt was like a second skin. All was so ripped, so big. I was excited to be tomorrow. And the next day, when I entered in the yard, there is a silence as I never heard. All fixed me, were wondering if it was really me and how I had do for to have big results like this in small time. Weirdly, almost no one came to talk me, like if they feared me. But one people came, the one that I had hope. "Shit man, I don't know how you do, but fuck yeah, you look so good ! Tomorrow, the gym will be closed so, I told me that you could come to my house for workout ?". "YES" I yelled insidely. "YES YES YES YES YES OH FUCK YEAH YES". But outisdely, I just said "Of course I can !"" with a smile. "Perfect" asked me Chris. "So we'll see us tomorrow". This night, I couldn't sleep. I knew probably how it finished and why he wanted that I will go in his house. Yes we will do a workout, but no only... Next day, when the final ring rang, my heart beat really quickly. In few minutes, I will be in Chris bedroom. And in few hours maybe in his bed. I left school and went to Chris. For to go more speed, I decided to run. Fuuuuuuck, I didn't notice but it was so easy to run, I'm sure that I could run a marathon. Finally I arrived to Chris's home. I shaked before to ring. When Chris open me, I think that I was almost going to pass out. "Hi! Nice to see you." he said. "Nice to see you too" I asked. "Ready for our... workout ?" he says me with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm ready" We went in his bedroom, there was some workout equipment. After a little warm-up we started to train. Fuuuuuck, I didn't notice but even workout was fucking easy. Before, I never had more than 5 or 6 push up and I couldn't do any pull up. But now, I could do this all day if I wanted. After 20 minutes, Chris says me he needs a break. Then he fixed my chest and arms. "Shiiiiit, you look very very very good". "And you don't seen all" I asked in flexing my arms. I could see Chris's eye widening. "You want feel it ?" I asked. "Of course" he said. And he passed his hands on my biceps "Fuuuuuck, it felt like steel". While he was rubbing my biceps, I fixed him in eyes. Then, always with his hand on my biceps, he fixed me. He smiled. I smiled. He smiled. I smiled. Fuuuuuck, look his eyes, this nose, this mouth, this lips, shit, he was really perfect ! And, finally, he closed his eyes, open his mouth and approached to me. I did the same. This moment felt me like an eternity but finally, this inesperate instant happened : our lips touched and we started a dance of tongue. I didn't believe it, I was going to kiss Chris, I fucking was going to kiss Chris ! I got hard intanstly. We continued some moments then he stopped and open his eyes. I feared that he would get angry... but he had a big smile, a very big smile. And we start again. I don't know how long we did it, 5 minutes, 10, 20, 30 maybe but for me it wanted that he will be for eternity. Finally, we fell on his bed and I felt that he took my shirt. He had a little trouble to remove it, it was so fucking tight and then it did same. He kissed and licked every part of my body, he started by traps, then my shoulders, my arms, forearms and hand then he licked my pecs, then abs, where he licked every grooves and kissed every bricks. And he took my dick. "HOLY SHIT ! What's this thing ?". "You want see it ?" I said. He said "Yes" of head. I undressed me and removed my underwear. "HOLY FUCKING GOD !" he said when he saw my dick. "FUCKING SHIT ! IT'S HUGE !". Then he looked me and said quietly "Nick ?". "Yes ?" I asked. "I wanted to go slowy but... fuck me". "What ?" I couldn't believe what I heard, I knew that it will arrive but not too early. "I want you fuck me, here and now" I didn't what say but finally I said "I hoped you asked me this" with a smile. But it will be... my first time" "Haha don't worry, you will see, it's easy... especially when you are in love" he said in smiling. Shit, it was the sentence I hoped hear more than all. "However, I think I need to be lubricated for to welcome this monster otherwise my black hole will remember it haha". I took the bottle and started to apply it. Nick did small moans. "Haha you see, you are more good what you thought !" "Ok, and now ?" "Now I let you the next. My ass is to your. Little advice, go slow, it give better feelings" I lay down on Chris and naturally, I started to kiss his neck and rub his hair, neck and shoulders. And he was right, very naturally, my train pulled up in front of the tunnel entrance and, wagon after wagon, enter into. "OOOOOOOHH SHIIIIIITTT" he yelled. Instantly, I stopped "Are you okay ? If it does hurt we can stop and..." "No no no !" he said "It's just more intense what I was thinking but don't worry, continue". I restarted to kiss and rub him and push some wagons in him. Chris was moaning and panting. "Oh shit, oh fuck, aaaaaaaaahhh...Haha you see ? For a first time you are really good". I continue to push until finally, all of my cock was into him. Then I went go back then forward. "OOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUCK" yelled Chris. "Are you okay ?". "Yeah yeah don't worry, it's just too fucking good". I continued like during next minutes : back, forward, back, forward. And litle by little I increased the rythm. Soon Chris don't stop to moaning "OOOO SHIIIIT OOOOOOOOH AAAAAAAAHH FUUUUUUCCCKKKK OOOOOOOOOOHHHH". I continued like this for several minutes when I felt the climax was very near. "I think than I was going to came Chris". "Try to... aaaaahh...contain.. ooooohh... you, you... oooooooh... will see, it's.. nnnnggghhhh... will be really... aaaaaaahh better". I tried to contain me too long, I closed my eys and clenched my teeths, And I pumped, again and agan and again until what after three minutes, I can't contain more. I have just time to prevent Chris : "I'm commmiiiaaaaaaaaAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !". I couldn't see it but shit, I felt like I fired cannon. Chris yelled like he never yelled. I came, and I came, and I came. It seems unstoppable. At a moment, I could felt that it overflowed but I couldn't stop it. Finally after three or four fully minutes of the most powerful orgasm I have been, the torrent finally ended. We were here, on his bed, in moaning, panting, covered by sweat and maybe cum. "Fuck yeah Nick, it was most amazing thing I have felt in my entire life" he said me while he was panting. "Me too" I asked while I was still in Chris. Finally, I retired me and laid me down next of him. "It maybe indiscreet but... how did you do ?" "How did you do what ?" "For to be honest... I don't think you have this amazing body by workout. It's too much results and especially in a so small time. I understand if you don't want ask me but I'm very curious to know how" During one time, I want to lie him but finally, after what we had live, I decided to tell him the truth. "I'm going to tell you, but I think that you didn't believe me" "Try, you will see" And I told him all about the blue goop. "Effectively, it seems really crazy but I'm going to trust you. For to be honest, I thought to steroids but even steroids are not too quick for to have results like you. And it's was the maximum you could have ?" "No, apparently, you could be a fucking giant of 30 feet if you want. More you drink, more you grow" "Holy fuck ! That seems amazing, too amazing for to be real" "However it's it ! Look that !" I showed him pics of Carl. "Fuck ?! What's this thing ?" "My rat. It's on him I tested the formula" "Holy shit ! But he almost doubled. And he is so muscular" "Yeah, as I told you, you can be a fucking giant" "But... Why are you not bigger ?" "What ?" "I mean you could be a fucking muscular giant. Not you are not muscular but your body is a "normal" body for a teen bodybuilder. And you are not grow so big directly also." SHIT ! He noticed... But fuck, I didn't do nothing bad. I have to tell him the truth. "For to be honest... I wanted to seduce you" Chris smiled. "Haha really ? I'm very honoured... but you know, it was not necessary for to seduce me because... you did it since the beginning !" "What ?" "You believe that I fell in love since you grew ? Nick, I'm in love of you since the first time I saw you !" "What ? But I'm not..." "A beautiful guy ? But of course you are beautiful, more beautiful than you think. I had just too fear than it wasn't reciprocal" "Shit ! So I did all that for nothing ?" "Obviously not, I'm in love of you, with muscle or not but I have to admit that you look so so good with. I fucking love that. And for to be honest, I really envy you. I would be a muscular god too ! But... maybe not a 30 feet giant, it was too much". "We can arrange that! And for to be honest also, I wanted grow again, but not without you. So I'm very happy that you ask me. Let me only go in my bedroom, I will prepare doses and join me in one and half hour in the woods, outside the city" "In the woods ? Why ?" "More discrete. Even my little doses, I was moaning, so all ine one dose, you will roar. And also...I hope a second round" I said in smiling. "Oh don't worry for this, you will have your second round" "Ok, so in one hour" "In one hour, my love" I quickly go at my home. Ok, Chris didn't want to be a 30 feet giant but however more than any simple human, 8 feet will be good. I prepare his dose and mine and some little if he wants some "supplements". And I went in the woods. My heart beat very quick : in few hours, we will be two fucking muscle god. I was like a dream which became a reality. When Chris saw me, he had a very big smile. I think he was also excited than me. "One more time, are you sure to do this ? There is no back after" "Nick, you have transformed a fucking dream in a reality, who whouldn't that ?" "Yeah, I though the same thing" Nick started to undress him "Like this, you will enjoy the show !"t When I gave him the vial, I coul have sworn I could hear his heart beat. "Cheers Nick !" and he drank it. Instantly, I saw he widened his eyes and he began to moaning loud. "oooOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK !!!" He started to sweat a lot of and I noticed his veins appeared all on his body. Quickly, I could see his pecs swollen, his abs pushed out of his stomach. His biceps bulges, started to have a nice shape. His back widened, his traps started to raise up. His quads bulged. And he grews more, and more and more. Shit in less of one minute, he looked already like a bodybuilder. Chris flexed his chest. "Fuuuuucck" he said, rubbing his hand on his huge pecs. "They feel like steel !". His hand slid down and he was rubbing his bulged abs. "And them, they feel like a fucking brick wall, oh gooooossshhh !". And it wasn't finish, Chris could feel they were growing. His shoulders was pushing, enlarging, becoming bowling balls. He could feel his back was getting wider and broader, some bumps popped out. His traps began to really erupting from his back and surround his neck, giving him a bull neck. And Chris felt that his lower body was growing too. "OOOOHHH SHIIITTT OOOOOHH FUUUUUCCK MY... MY LEGS !". Chris could felt his quads bulking up, swel, like a balloon. But it was not filled with air but muscle. Soon he could feel that his boxer was tight and didn't resist not longer. I was here, just staring my boyfriend became Hulk, in drooling, gasping and moaning because I was orgasming. It was the most fucking sexiest thing I have never seen. "You like it Nick ? Because me I fucking love it hahaha ! NGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH... and it is not finished, I can feel it !". Effectively, Chris could feel that the pressure was increasing, very increasing. And all of his body started to explode with muscle. Firstly, his shoulders grew in huge huge balls of rock hard flesh. His arms bulged bigger and bigger, becoming immense bulbous masses, even his forearms were so fucking huge. And his hand, shit look their hands, they were so big ! His pecs were growing into two gigantic globes of pure muscle. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK !" roared Chris. I could see his abs swollen and became bigger then suddenly, he yelled when the first row litteraly exploded out. o-ly fu-cking SHIT ! They were humoungous !! he yelled again when the second row did same and some later, he yelled for the third time. He was panting and moaning loudly, thinking that it was finish for his abs but suddenly he roared one more time : a fucking fourth row exploded out from nothing, giving him a incredible strong, huge, powerful and very ripped eight-pack. No doubt that I broke my fists if I tried to hit them. And his legs were becoming monstrous muscle pillars. Humoungous massive quads, where every striation was clearly visible, huge calves. His boxer didn't resist and litteraly have been completely disintregated, releasing a FUCKING monster. And it wasn't not finished, Chris still had some muscle spams, each adding tens and tens of pounds of pure muscle. "OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !! BIGGER !!! BIGGER !!!!! BIGGER !!!!" and effectively, he was bigger every time he said this word. And every time this voice was also deeper. And finally, he roared like he never roared in a last big muscle spasm, who must have added not far from a hundred pounds. And it was over. My boyfriend was now a fucking amazing 8 feet Hulk. He must have more strength only in his little finger than I had in all my body. It was a true power monster and the most fucking sexiest thing that I have seen. "OOOO GOOOOOD !". Shit ! His voice was so deep, so sexy. "It was the most amazing feel that I felt in my entire life ! And even now, the slightiest movement was so fucking good, even only breath was orgasmic !! OH FUCK, I'M A FUCKING GOD I'M SOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH !!!". And he came. Holy fucking mother shit !! It was like a giant geyser, and it was so powerful : the blow went to hit a rock and made a hole into. Holy shit ! If it was me, I would be instantly impaled. The deluge during almost ten minutes before it stops. "HOLY SHIT CHRIS ! You was already so sexy but now... you are the fucking sexiest thing I have seen of my life !" I said while I was gasping because I came into my pants "Thanks my love, I have to admit that was fucking amazing. And all this thanks to you ! You are a fucking genius ! Now it's your turn, and we will do this second round !". Yeah, because for now, it was clear that I couldn't "welcome" this "monster". I took my dose, look my boyfriend and says : "Cheers my big love !" "Cheers my little love !" Chris asked me. And I drank. Instantly, it was like an eruption. All my body was lava. I started to shaking and sweating and I noticed that I forgot to remove my clothes. I felt my traps started to rise out while my neck was thickening. My shoulders were stretching out and grew into huge balls of rock hard muscle. I felt my upper arms become gigantic peaked masses while my forearms expanded inti great wedges of muscle. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !" I felt my pecs was swelling and suddenly exploded into twin canonballs, ripping top of my shirt. The pressure go down in my midsection and, under my shirt, I felt my ripped sixpack grew. "GAAAAAAAHHHHH... AAAAAAA... AAAAAAHHHHHH ... ... MY... MY ABS !! OH FUUUUUUUCK" and then, like Chris, the first row popped out of my stomach. Fuck, the sensation was so fucking good ! I roared two more times and, like Chris I pushed a last big roar when my fourth line exploded out. I passed my hand on them and fuuuuuccck, even with my shirt we could clearly see eight huge bricks which were practically blowing out of my stomach. I felt my shirt was in agony. I filled it completely. And when my back started to grow, I could hear a lot of tearing sounds before to be completely destroyed. I could feel my back was widening and my lats explode with bulk, getting huge and thick. And I didn't notice but I was taller, 7 feet. I could feel my legs swell quickly, my quads filled my pants and soon we can see even separation. My pants will resist again few instants and then tears appeared everywhere. A last jolt tore him completely, leaving in my boxer, which was more elastic. Then it stopped, I mean, that's what I thought. A spasm ran through me and I felt all of my muscle growth. Then another, then another, another, another. I instinctively started laughing. "OOOOOHHHH YEEEEESS ! Bigger ! Bigger ! BIGGER !!!". And I could feel my boxers tightening, tightening, tightening. Th final spasm, which was more intense than other, destroyed it and released my fucking huge cock that was as hard as he could And it was over, I was also a fucking 8 feet tall muscle giant. Then I looked Chris with a big smile and above all a very big desire. He was also very hard. "Ready for next round ?" I asked. "Oh fuck yeah I'm ready !" he said me. And instantly I jumped on him. We rolled each other (and crush everything on our paths), we were exploring every bumps (and there was a lot of !). "Can I ?" asked Chris. "Oh fuck yeah you can !" I said. I turned me and Chris laid on me. Weirdly, he didn't feel heavier than last time, but however he must do almost more one thousand pounds. As usual, he started to rubbing my hair, kissed my neck and rubbing my gigantic traps and shoulders, then my bumpy back. Shit, he may be a fucking 8 feet giant, he knew be tender and I loved those moments, it was the calm before the storm. And the storm arrived when I felt he was entering in me. "HOOOOLLLYYYY FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK" I roared. I thought I had the best feeling but this sensation was more better. I moaning loudly when little by little, he pushed entirely his monster in me. And he started to pump. And he pumped, pumped, pumped. Soon, I was moaning continually. I gripped two tree trunks for to keep stability. Chris kept bangt me for several minutes in increaseing the speed. I heard his grunts were more loud and deep and soon I could hear a long moan. : this was the storm. "I can't hold it anymooOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!". It was not a human cry, more a bestial cry, almost like a T-Rex. And he shooted a true torrent. The sensation was so intense that I roared and completely closed my fists. I heard a big crack : I had completely crushed the two trunks, only with my hands. Holy shit, I was so fucking strong. During almost 15 minutes, Chris came, and came, and came, in roaring. Then the flood stopped. When I looked around... HO-LY FU-CKING SHIT ! When we make love for the first time, I was already impress byt the quantity that I had ejaculated but here... he shooted more than a pool. Holy shiiiit ! "So, what do you say it, my love ?" "Shiiiiiit Chris it was so amazing !" "Yeah I have to admit that was so unbelievable. I saw you broke two tree trunks with your hands. I asked me : Would you like to test our new body ? I mean, we don't know how much strong we are, I want test it. But we need a true challenge and I think that I have what we have need. Do you remember we have a tank at the entrance at the city ?" "Wait, you are not serious ? Chris, you know like me how much it weighs ? It's the heaviest tank of the world ! So yes, I know we are now fucking muscle god but, even, this tank...You believe really we can to lift 415000 lbs ?" "Yeah I know, this tank weighs 415000 fucking pounds ! But I want see what we are able to lift" Few hours ago, I would find it difficult to lift my previous weight so now a 415000 lbs tank ? But I have to say I was curious also. "Ok let's go !" And on the way we had fun : we could run as fast a car, jump of several tens of meters, in length and height and finally we arrive quickly in front of this monster. "You start ?" asked me Chris. "Ok" I placed my hands underneath and started try to lift. But as I expected, it was heavy, very heavy. I forced with all my might, I became all red but I was amazed to be able to lift of few inches but I couldn't do more. "My turn" says Chris. Like me, he used all his might. I could see all bumps in his back flexed, shit it was a beautiful show. And like me, he was just able to lift of only few inches, what was already fucking amazing. For reminder, this monstrous thing weighed 415000 lbs ! "I'm little disappointed..." said Chris. "What ? Are you kidding me ? Disappointed to be able to lift a fucking 415000 lbs tank ?" "Yeah but I thought we were able to lift completely...but maybe with more..." Then Chris fixed me, with a small smile and I understood what he was thinking... "You want grow again, isn't ?" "Yeah, but just a few, no need to be 20 feet more. Just 1 or 2 would be sufficient." I have to say that I was also disappointed by that, and we were already 8 feet giant. So a little more, why not. "Ok. I have what we need." I took 2 doses and gave one at Chris. "We do together this time ?" he asked me. "Ok ! Cheers Chris !" "Cheers Nick !" And we drank. Instantly, we felt this familiar sensation, like if a lightning hit us. "OOOOOOOHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT" roared Chris. I looked my already huge hands and saw they became more bigger. My forearms quickly grew, shit it was fucking thick ! My upper arms exploded into gigantic peaked masses. My shoulders became fucking humoungous ! My traps rose to my ears. I could feel them flexing when I turned my head. My pecs became really mountainous, blocking completely my view on my chest. I felt a enormous hard pressure in my midsection. I passed my hand on my abs and I could feel them swell; I suspected what was going to happen and it was quickly confirmed. I swear I even heard the "POP" noise when my first row exploded out of my stomach, giving a fucking amazing sensation. Then I heard quickly 3 others "POP". But I felt the hard pressure go down one more time. Oh crap, I was thinking, I was going to have a te... but I didn't have time to finish my thought because I yelled in same time I heard the fifth "POP". Holy shit, I had a fucking ten-pack ! A holy fucking ten-pack. God I thought it was impossible (but well, I didn't think to become a fucking 8 feet muscle god was possible too few days ago). I heard Chris yelled, same thing happened for him, and it was a nice show. I could see his already big and sexy abs popped out more, row after row, and Chris yelled at every "POP". And finally, like me a fifth row appeared from nothing in same time of the huge roar of Chris. It was funny, we looked like Freeza while he was tranforming in his 2nd form : our upper body was disproportionate to the bottom because our legs didn't grow yet. But it's not last long when I felt my huge quads exploded with a lot of muscle mass en became fucking gigantic, same thing with my calves and my feet. We were taller, 9 feet tall I think. Oh and obviously, our huge amazing cocks grew too. And the muscle climax arrived. A last wave surprised us : forearms, arms, shoulders, traps, back, pecs, abs, quads, calves. All our bodies exploded in one time with more muscle mass. It was so intense we roared so loudlyn enough for to explode every window on several miles. And finally it was over. "OOOOOHHHH FUUUUUCKKKK" roared Chris, flexing every muscle. "It feels so good ! So fucking good !". And fuck yeah, he was right : it felt so so so so so good !! I couldn't believe it : we were now 10 feet muscle god giant and 7 feet wide. Every move was orgasmic, I bet that I could come instantly only I flexed. It was like our bodies were nuclear reactors and every move or flex was a nuclear explosion. "Ready to retry ? I let you the honor" I asked. "Chris took him in position, placed his hands underneat and lift and, this time rather, he lifted the tank with absolutely no difficulty. It was like he lifted a toy." "Shiiiiit, it's so light" He tried to lift with one hand and same, he lifted it very easily. "You want try ? Haha it's not even funny" Same as Chris, I placed my hand underneat and I lifted. And yes, fuck yeah, it was so easy, even too easy. I don't imagine what strength we had because, fucking shit, I was going to lift a fucking tank which weighed 415000 lbs like it was nothing. And then I have been a idea. "Hey Chris, do you like soccer ?" "Mmmhh ? Yeah but why ?" "For this !". I put my hands on tank's side and started to compress. Quickly, the sound of metal twisting was heard. Shiiiit, I became instantly hard when I though what I was doing : I was crushing a fucking 415000 lbs tank... to bare hands. Never I could imagine that. Some minutes later, it was just a ball of steel, also big as me before. We began to make passes. Suddenly I shooted the ball in sky and Chris did a high jump for to intercept. Shiiit ! He jumped so high, maybe 80 feet. When he fell and hit the ground, I could feel this latter shaking. Chris cleared the ball and, holy shit, it went so far, somewhere in the woods. "Ha sorry, too far. Let's go ?" asked me Chris. And we ran towards woods. Crap ! We ran quickly, very quickly, even a speed car couldn' outrun us, then Chris tried to jump and fuuuuuuuuuckk, he literally flew trough the sky like Hulk in movie. Shit, we were unstoppable ! I rejoined him. "So I think we lost it" while he looked all around. "I just hope no one's got it in their head" I joked. I enjoyed of this moment for to admirer my boyfriend and his new amazing body. I remembered him when he looked like a model. Now he was a fucking god, even god of Hulk (by the way, it was funny to think we were bigger than him). I looked his fucking legs, gigantic muscular quads, below there was ten huge boulders, harder than diamond, and two unbelievable gigantic pecs, his shoulders were so fucking huge, and his biceps/triceps fuuuuuuuuuckk look these monsters, and his neck with his fucking amazing huge traps which surrounding completely his neck. And then there is only thing which didn't change : his face. Yeah it was very bigger but it was same beautiful eyes, sexy nose, lips. And his voice was so deeper. Chris looked me, noticed that I was drooling on him, smiled and said "It looks like someone whants a third round... but you will have to catch me haha !" and he started to ran in the woods so I started to purchase him. We ran trought woods. I saw him sink in the trees and boulders and shatter them like it was nothing. We were unstoppable. Finally, I caught him on a slope and we rolled, while we were kissing, until to arrive in front of a swimming hole. "You want us to bathe ?" said Chris. "Why not !" I asked, and we went into swimming hole. "Since you caught me, you deserve your trophy" and he turned him. I laid down on him and like our previous sessions, I started to rub and kiss him. Really, I loved those moments of tender. But this time, I didn't know why, I felt like a electrical sensation, like a strong swarm. I was rubbing his fucking huge delts, shoulders and traps, but it felt weird, it felt like it was... moving or... swelling ? I stopped all movement for to better feel and... yes, fuck yeah, he was growing, but slowy. "Chris ? I don't know why but it seemed you are ... growing ? Do you take another bottle of goop ?" Chris, between moans, said "No... but since we are in this swimming hole, I felt a weird sensation, like if I was very energized." "You too ? It's weird, it feels like our grow spurts but less intense...". Then I looked around and when I saw it, I understood instantly : barrels with a chemical dangerous logo, but it was what was inside which shocked me : blue goop, blue goop like my sample. "HOLY SHIT ! I think I found where does this substance come from !! There is a barrel of this goop further. I think that it's diluated in water. That's why we are growing ! We are taking litteraly a muscle growth bath. Maybe we have to stop and go out no ?" "Stop this ? You are crazy ? it feels so fucking good ! And Nick, we are already 10 feet fucking muscle god, and it's very less intense than yours vial so one feet or more, why not ?" Yeah he was right! And we had spent too much time for the aperitif, it was time to move on to the main course : again, I began to enter him. He roared like a beast. I have to admit that to make love and growing in same time was so fucking hot and so good. While I was pumping him, in the same time, I could feel my back slowy widening, my pecs slowy grow, my abs slowy swell, my arms became bigger. And same thing happened to Chris, who was doubly moaning, because I was fucking him and he was growing in same time. I could feel his ass become more tight but my fucking giant monster grews also inside him. After 20 minutes of non stop pump like a jackhammer, I felt that climax was near. Chris understood instantly with my groans. I continued during few minutes, clenching my teeth and closing my eyes on the end, holding me back as long as possible, then there is one moment of pure silence and next, 2 most powerful roars I heard. We roared like we never roared. Even a T-Rex roared less. I think our roars could be heard on several miles. It was the most powerful feeling I had felt in my life (I think that it wasn't the first time I said this, but every time it was more powerful, more intense that previously), even our previous growth or orgasm didn't feel so good, so intense, it was a god-like level. For a comparison, if my previous orgasm felt like a nuclear explosion, this one felt like a supernova. And it was a deluge which lasted at least 20 minutes. During 20 minutes, we roared, came and grew, roared, came, grew, roared, came, grew. And after an eternity, it was finally over. When we got up, no doubt, we were more bigger and taller, at least 12 feet. I looked around and holy fucking shit : the swimming hole was now the white swimming hole. It was litteraly a sea of cum. It'll take weeks to get back to normal. Then I looked Chris and shiiiiiiiit he looked so fucking good. Everything was gigantic but so beautiful and sexy in same time. I didn't believe that it was the same Chris as this morning. This morning, it was a 6 feet Chris, a build like a teen model, and now, only some hours later, he was a fucking 12 feet giant muscular god, more than 2500 lbs and a strength which could probably now move mountains (literally !). And this god was my boyfriend ! Never I could imagine this situation could be real, but it was and I fucking loved this. And it was not finished but for today, we decided it was sufficient, it was already too much (but so fucking good). When we got home, we obviously had a lot of questions: pass from skinny nerd guy to a muscle god of 12 feet, it didn't keep unnoticed. Me who wanted keep low profile, it was a failure. But some biceps flex and groans later, nobody pissed us off. I ask me why haha. We could crush them just with our little finger. So they were forced to set up a warehouse for us because we were too bigger for to back in our house (and I'm not sure that my bed would bear my weight, in my opinion, if I tried, I crushed it and the other floors for to end with a nice crater in the basement. If we tried this, we destroyed simply all. And it remembers me this destroyed house, where all started, maybe same thing happened to their guys. I asked me how big they were and the question : how did they find this strange goop ? Maybe I will go in near city for to see if I don't see no other muscle giant. I would like meet them, it could be very cool. And I know Chris, he couldn't resist to take an another bath or vial, but if he did it, such as today, soon, this warehouse will not be sufficient...But to become a 30 feet muscle giant, finally, why not ?
  8. TonnyGiant

    Muscle Daddy

    Muscles Daddy – Part 1 "Oh shit!" I screamed when hot sparks came out of the rusty gears I had attached to the rifle. It was a lifetime's work and I was almost done when one of the little pieces burned. I took a deep breath, both hands squeezing the machine, frustrated. I hit and hit the metal cable of the machine. It was like a big rifle with visible wires and gears. At the end was a disk with a small led in the center that fired a red beam of light. The gun was attached to a large steel rod and pointed at a green apple that I placed in the center of the desk. This whole structure was set up in my room. And everything was a mess. After all I am a science nerd and I was fulfilling the biggest dream of my life: building a ray of growth. I didn't have time to clean my room ... but, I needed to hurry up and clean up the mess. My dad was coming home from work. I respected my dad. He as a hero to me. A retired bodybuilder, with a muscular body, with a belly that resembled the shell of a turtle covered with a fine dark-haired gut. His 26-inch arms were bigger than my head. His thick thighs the size of tree trunks with meandering veins were strong and supported his 7'3” frame and over 380lb. His chest could serve as a good pillow, they were large muscular plates covered with hair. His 15-inch calves connected with 15 feet. Huge feet that when they came into contact with the wooden floor caused a slight thooom and announced that the owner of the house was there. His work boots were so big that once, as a child, my head was buried inside. The smell of leather mixed with sweat was pungent, strong and intoxicating. And he would be home soon. I started tidying up my room by throwing some dirt under the rug. I turned the rifle, which looked like a robot's arm, towards the door. I hadn't yet pulled the power cord. It was an unforgivable distraction. I continued to sweep the floor when I heard my dad's heavy footsteps coming up the bedroom stairs. He opens the door suddenly and in a jump I drop the broom and hit the gun connecting everything. The lights go up, the loud humming gets louder and then a red beam hits my dad right in the middle of his chest. "Holy shit!" Dad screamed and stood in the middle of the door. The beam of red light enveloped his body, from head to toe. His clothes did not tear, his Lakers cap did not move, and even the brooch of the construction company he worked for did not move. Dad was paralyzed, there, at my bedroom door while being struck by a strange lightning that I still didn't know the effects of. And just as it started, seconds later ... it stopped. I quickly pulled the plug out of the socket and turned the gun on, aiming away from my muscular daddy. Panting, my dad's big guy groped his body trying to find any bruises or burns, but nothing. No injuries, no torn clothes. Nothing unusual. With wide eyes, I slowly approached him. Dad was a tall man and his head was almost above the doorframe, he ducked a little and went inside at once. I went over and touched his forearm which was the size of a ham. "D-d-dad ... is everything okay? Oh damn ... I was distracted,” I said in exasperation. Dad relaxed a little, took a deep breath, his chest expanding and relaxing. He clenched his fists, closed his eyes, raised his head and took a deep breath before looking at me. “It looks like I had a crazy pump after a heavy workout in the gym. I feel energized ”he smiled smugly and hit a double bicep pose. "Geez ..." I drooled as I watched my dad hover over me. He was incredible, but ... did my invention work or not?
  9. Here is a new one shot story by me. Though I have not watched any of Mark/iplier's videos, I always found him hot. So what better way than to write a story where he grows into a hyper muscled god! You might have to read my other stories at "Morphs and Short Stories" to understand some of the plotlines here. Everyone knows how each youtube update makes the site get worse. From changing the UI to something less readable, to messing up Youtuber’s monetization, to even recommending random videos to people to have no interest in them. A lot of outrage has been said about Youtube for the past few years. But when there is no competitor video sharing platform, Youtube had no care in the world. Until a rising star emerges, videos will always be undated onto Youtube. Here’s where our story begins. Mark had just uploaded a video to his youtube account. He had been alone in his house for a few days and was getting kinda bored due to lack of human interaction. The only thing left on his list for today was planning his next few videos. He decided to laze around for a bit to browse some social media when an interesting email had been sent to his inbox. With an unknown email address and the subject labeled “new video website recommendation”, this peaked the Youtuber’s interests. He began to read the following… “Dear Mark As you may know, Youtube is seriously not in a good place right now, but I have found another website that sounds like a potential ‘Youtube 2’ if you will, except not as atrocious! It’s called ‘Castpha’ and here’s the link to get you started. It’s only in beta version but the UI and rules and regulations seems to be great. Hope you like your recommendation!” ‘A new website?’, thought Mark. Was there really a brand new beta site with potential? There had been many video websites through the years, but they don’t really capture the same vibe and Youtube. Either due to lack of community or bad UI. But after clicking the link, he was astounded! Castpha actually looks like a darn good website. The website was nicely design, with many videos to a dedicated topic. The UI was a pleasant sight to see. Mark wanted to try out this new fancy website. But he wanted to do a small test run. He wanted to see how many views he would get without announcing his new account to Castpha. He clicked on the Sign Up button and got started. It had all the standard stuff like Username, Real Name, password and everything. But the interesting thing to note was a selection. “Are you an uploader, watcher or both on this account?” Never before has an option like this been shown. Of course he clicked ‘uploader’ first, to test things out. Suddenly an onslaught of rules and regulations appeared. It had all the standard stuff. But there was a page dedicated to the ‘Uploaders Rights’, whatever that means. It listed things like monetization was guaranteed for all Castpha videos. NSFW videos would be under the protection of Castpha. Only non-minors would be able to access NSFW videos and will be able to be monetized by companies who allow ads on NSFW videos. Each video would be checked by a human employee to see if any rules were broken. And copyright abuse would not be tolerated at all. Mark was impressed. Things actually look amazing at Castpha. After accepting the rules and regulations, there was one more page. The recommended page. “Who recommended you to click on this website? List either the email address or username.” Mark thought for a bit, guessing this is how people can get paid to spread the news of Castpha. So looking back into his email, he quickly swiped the sender’s email and typed it down. But a strange thing happened. A new slew of questions emerged as well as a small description. “Congratulations, you were recommended by one of our top tier employees. Because of this, you are able to access special services not given to any other content creator. Please answer the questions below to see what perks would you like to obtain!” ‘Wow’ he thought. Special services for himself! How cool is that. So he began to read the questions. “Would you like to participate in our Growth Service. This service is to boost your Castpha account to more people than in general.” Yes, he clicked “Depending on the rank of who recommended you, you may have a few choices or all choices for the next few questions.” “Next question, for how long would you like this service?” 1 month 6 months 1 year 2 years 5 years Forever “I guess forever it is.” Mark said. It must have been a really high leveled employee for Mark to receive the 6th option “Next question, how potent would you like this service to be?” Show to 5% more people than usual Show to 10% more people than usual Show to 20% more people than usual Show to 30% more people than usual Show to 50% more people than usual Show to 100% more people than usual Mark clicked on the sixth option again. “Next question, are you planning to show your face to people?” Mark clicked yes. What an odd question but he guessed there would be no harm. Now his choice led to one last question. “Where would you like your service to be applied? You can pick as many as you want, depending on the rank of the employee who recommended to you.” Due to Mark knowing he would receive all perks, he decided to click all on finally create his Castpha channel! With that, he wanted to test out something. Apparently there was a livestream feature. Without telling any of his current fans, he wanted to test the livestream feature out first as he had no material to work with currently for a video. As he started to stream, 2 questions appeared. “Is this a NSFW stream?” and “Would you like to use the Growth Service?” Mark wanted as little attention as possible to prevent a fan from his Youtube account to see this. And wanting to try out his special service, he clicked Yes on both options. Now it was time to load up the stream. He saw a button on the bottom right corner with in built streaming features from Castpha themselves. He jokingly typed ‘Can we get 5000 likes’ and placed the text on the top middle section of the livestream. Soon a small crowd had formed. 10 people had joined in since he posted the text. Mark remembered that he didn’t want to be noticed. Knowing some people might recognize him, he begged his Castpha viewers to not spread the word. Surprisingly, they obliged with no questions. As the live stream continued, Mark continued to ramble on and on. What he hadn’t noticed was that he was at 100 views and 20 likes. He only realised that when a commenter pointed it out. Mark was surprised. Another surprised he found out was that other people can know that he is using the Growth Service too. A lot of commenters pointed out how excited they were about the Growth Service. Mark was confused, but he didn’t bother to ask. He was just feeling a little tight is all. No really, his shirt felt a bit tighter than usual. He began to stretch his body. He certainly couldn’t understand what was happening, but his viewers seem to know as they keep sending eye looking and blushing and wet emojis. They knew what was going on. It would be long until Mark would noticed, but the Growth Service he applied had a specific box he didn’t body to read. “Grow your body in accordance to likes received.” Mark was growing, literally! Each time he got 1 like in his stream, he would receive an additional pound of muscle, or inch of height to his body for every 10 likes Suddenly, 20 more likes were obtained. Mark was groaning in more pain. He felt his skin burn. His shirt and jeans were getting tighter around his body. He was getting a small headache and his vision blurred. He messaged his head, trying to focus on his computer screen. He felt hot and sweaty. He thought he was falling sick. He tried to tell his viewers he was ending the stream, but they all denied him too. Perplexed, he continued to stream a little while longer. After a minute of sitting, he noticed his likes jumped from 20 to 100. His viewer count had increased to 1000 as well. Very odd. But now, the pain was even worse. But somehow, he suddenly felt stronger. And stronger he was. He shot up to 6 feet tall and reached 250lbs of pure muscle. He felt his clothes tighten even further. He wanted to rip it off. His muscles were growing in size. His biceps tearing the seams of his sleeves. His growing pecs and abs causing his shirt to ride upwards. The tent in his jeans growing larger and larger. He was getting really pent up. He was burning up, he tried to find a comfortable position on his chair. Meanwhile, every watcher was cheering on, watching intently as the hunk of a Youtuber growing bigger for them, without even realising it. His like counter gained 100 likes. His body reacting almost instantly to it, began to beef up even more. He felt a surge of pain building up in his body. He wanted to scream so bad. He wanted to end the stream so bad. But he couldn’t move. He had never felt so tight before. Mark had finally realised he was growing. His body began to explode in size. He wasn’t growing any taller, but his body began to bulk up further and further. His biceps swelled into the size of softballs. His pecs ballooned in size. His wings stretched outwards. His neck and shoulders thickened. He grunted and moaned. His eyes were shut and he gritted his teeth. More and more tears were appearing from his clothes. His thighs and calves grew bigger and thicker. The man had grown from a normal build to a full on bodybuilder. He now weighs about 350lbs of pure muscle. He was much bigger than most bodybuilders. With him still at 6’0 tall, Mark was looking super hefty. But it was clear that his growth showed no signs of stopping. With 300 likes in total, the Youtuber was growing even faster than before. More and more bulk began to pack into Mark’s body. He was starting to look like the muscle morphs you see online. His muscles grew so huge, it tore his shirt in an instant, revealing to the masses of the large hulk before them. Mark screamed in agony. His jeans were beginning to give way too. The lower region of his jeans had fully torn off from this legs, now looking like torn up shorts. Mark’s expanding muscles were beginning to lose space to grow. His pectorals swelled so much, it began to touch his arms. His back grew so wide, it was squeezing against the arm handles of his gaming chair. He could hear the creaking sounds of his chair about to collapse under his swelling body. He was unable to move as he was stuck in his chair, growing bigger and bigger. His body started to climb higher too, now he reached about 6’3 inches tall. The tent in his shorts, now growing so thicks and long, begin to press and beg to be released. Mark’s pain and anguish became lust. He reached for his cock with his right hand and began stroking it. It was hard to pull off. His giant bicep pressing against his giant pecs. He could barely move his arm. In fact, he couldn’t see past his mammoth pecs as well. His cock felt massive. It was probably about 8 inches, and it was barely chubbing. He felt his pre leaking out to his jeans. The discomfort began to settle in once again as his cock began to grow so huge, his jean shorts could not hold any longer. With one giant huff, the buttons holding against his pants flew off, hitting his computer screen causing a small crack. Soon the flyer of his short went immediately down and his whole shorts tore off, revealing a bright red and stretched underwear. Mark was utterly embarrassed. Everyone began to comment about Mark’s new body. 420 lbs of muscle packed onto Mark’s body. Everyone knew this was going to get better. 500 likes now displayed on the screen and the reaction was getting more potent. Mark’s muscles exploded in size. His chair was creaking more and more. Soon enough, the strength of Mark’s growth had snapped of the base and handles of the chair. He fell to the floor. A loud thud swept across the room. Mark’s cock rose higher and higher. As his pecs blocked his vision below, he couldn’t tell how big his cock was. But the stretching and snapping sound of his underwear revealed that it was growing faster than expected. He felt his legs getting heavier. He tried to feel his way through his legs, only to realise his balls were swelling and resting on his legs. His cock was rising higher as his balls swelled and spilled out of his legs. He was really pent up. He could feel his pre flowing from the slit of his head. He felt many drops of pre landing on his balls and legs. He could not take it anymore. He began to stroke his massive cock with his hands. He could barely wrap it around. He stroked as hard and as fast as he could. He panted and groaned. He begged for more growth. It felt so good. What once was pain in his growth was not pleasure. He begged his viewers to like the stream more. He wanted to reach his goal of 5000 likes. No, he wanted more. He begged everyone to try to get this live stream to as many people as possible. He wanted more likes, he needed more! Faster and faster he stroked. His body swelled more and more. Each muscle was pressing against one another. He looked like a massive muscle monster. His muscles were so disproportionately big, it even puts the Hulk to shame. His biceps rose above his head. His pecs were so fat they sagged nearly to his waist. His legs were so thick, redwood trees could barely be as thick. His back was almost as wide as his room. He was becoming a hyper monster. His cock was getting too big. It rose higher and higher, leaking more and more pre. Soon the whole floor was covered in pre. His massive muscle tits were leaking with milk. Soon enough, body hair began to grow too. In almost an instant, his body was covered in a thick layer of hair. His beard, now reach the mid point of his pecs. His pubic hair grew so long, it covered all the way to his knees. His pit hairs grew all the way down to his waist. His cock now swelled even more. His thick member now thicker than each of his legs. It rose to meet Mark’s own head. Mark was now 6’7” and growing. His cock had to be at least 4 feet. With both heads meeting each other, Mark pushed his cock into the cleavage of his pecs and began to suck on it. He could barely encapsulate his cock with his own arms. 1000 likes had been reached and now is where things start to get good. His growth was now growing exponentially. His massive and hairy body exploding bigger and bigger. His cock grew so much that it was as long as he was tall. His balls swelled big to meet with his pecs. As he grew taller and bigger, the room felt smaller. He was starting to outgrow his room. He reached 8’5” of height, but he weighed 1480 lbs of muscle. His stomach began to rumble, a familiar growing pain was felt there. His stomach swelled bigger and bigger. A muscular roid gut was forming. The gut swelled so much it started pushing his pecs higher and his cock away from his body. His whole massive body began to crush and move his furniture away. Everyone in the comments were in awe. The table holding the computer had been crushed by Mark’s massive cock. But his computer was still fine. Now most of the view was just his swelling, veiny cock. Mark now had barely any space in his room. His body was starting to crack the wall behind him. His cock rose to meet the ceiling, cracking it as well. His balls were pushing the walls in front of him. More hair was growing from his body. Everything felt tight again as the Youtuber grew bigger. His pre and milk mixture were now filling his room with 2 feet of liquid. Mark still wanted to grow. The amount of pleasure building up in his body was unbearable. He wanted to cum so badly. His cock was now taller than he was, and thicker than his own waist. He couldn’t stroke his cock anymore for his swelling muscle gut pushed his cock too far. Only one thing was left. Mark began to buck himself. He tried to get off by rubbing his cock against the walls of his room. He started to buck harder and harder. He could tell it was working. More and more pre was spilling from his head. You could barely see the head anymore. Mark groaned louder and louder. He could feel it coming soon. He clenched his fists and legs. He gritted his teeth. His eyes clenched. And with one last buck, the most powerful scream blasted through the house and then some. A huge torrent of cum came blasting from his cock. The first wave of cum broke the walls in front of him down, spilling backwards, hitting Mark’s whole body. 2000 likes and counting. Mark’s growth is accelerating faster. The amount of cum blasting out of his cock is insane. Mark’s swelling had begun to break down his house. His giant body outgrew his house, breaking and smashing every item there. Except for his computer. His massive cock still hasn’t stopped cumming as the streets, and nearby houses began to be drenched in the massive hyper man’s seed. As he stood up, he realised he was 12’10 inches tall, weighing at 2012lbs. The huge brute of a man still growing bigger and bigger. His muscles began to fill up the nearby houses. Everything fall apart against the mighty body. Layers and layers began to stack up and pile onto the hyper body. His cock rapidly swelling bigger and bigger. His balls swelling faster and faster. His body now sits on top of his balls. His roid gut swelling faster and faster, making it impossible for him to even reach the front of his gut. His pecs swelling and spilling over his gut. His nipples growing even longer and thicker. His palms couldn’t even encapsulate his nipples anymore. His face turning even more brutish and squarish. His ass swelling to form massive minivans. His back, stretching and spreading so far it took up 2 house plots. More and more did the massive youtuber cum. Each spurt getting longer and more intense. So much cum began to fill the streets. And it didn’t look to be slowing down. Cars, lamp posts, mailboxes and the like began to get swept away from the mighty white river that flows. It didn’t help that Mark’s swelling tits began to explode milk. He had never felt so much intensity and relieved at the same time. All of that cum and milk pouring like geysers from their individual holes. The constant churning of balls and tits, producing and releasing their liquids at enormous and unbelievably rates. It was a sight to behold. 5000 likes and increasing. More viewers began to pile up and the like counter surging his growth even further. It looks like people really wanted to see this happening. With the current rate of increasing likes, he would dominate the world in less than 10 minutes. His swelling now towering multiple buildings. Everyone nearby began to walk outside their houses to witness the giant man hulking beyond their believe. Multiple people began to try to get away. But the sheer amount of cum send people trapped and swept away. Everybody was defenceless against Mark’s sheer power. Mark felt absolutely bad for the poor citizens near him. He wished he would be able to save them all. But through the power of Castpha’s growth service. A wish came true. Every 5000 likes received, a new power shall be granted to the creator. And through that wish, he was given the power of teleportation. He noticed his brand new power in an instant. He was surprised. There were so many new things happening all at once. But no time to lose, he had to save everyone. Using his teleportation skills, he transported everyone to a safe location. And to prevent such a catastrophe from happening again, he tried to teleport himself to a location where he couldn’t do any harm. Unfortunately, his powers were still new, and thus, he teleported to the middle of a dense city, for all to see. But another problem had occurred. An intense pain in his groin region. A pain so intense, it faded away all previous lustful feelings he had before. Though he tried to ease the pain by holding it, his belly had made it impossible to reach for it. The pain grew more intense. Mark began to yell as loud as possible. The entire city began to shake from the boomburst that had came. Everyone began to scream and run. The glass on all buildings had shattered. Mark began to teleport everyone away from him. But the pain is getting worse. He could feel something was wrong. His cock began to start shifting around. The skin around the base of his cock warping and moving. It felt as though his cock was moving towards his right leg from the base. As it moved, he could no longer feel his cock touch his left leg but felt it entirely on his right leg. The pain to the left of his cock began to worsen. It wasn’t like anything he felt before. It felt like burning and tearing at the same time. Soon the skin of the painful area began to morph, to what looked to be a second cock forming. It began to protrude further and further from his body. Soon enough, his new cock grew as long as his first. Mark scream and was absolutely confused of the outcome. But things didn’t settle for now his balls felt a burning sensation. A lumps form within his scrotum as the lumps grew to two new testicles for the new cock. But things are getting weirder. 10,000 likes and Mark is as tall as a skyscraper. He began to feel lustful again. His muscles began to explode in size again. Nearby skyscrapers were destroyed in an instant. The city was in absolute ruins. His gut was swelling bigger and bigger. Unable to control his new size, he begins to destroy even more buildings. His gigantic muscles begin to prevent him from being able to move properly. As Mark grew even more horny, he needed to release his waterfalls again. The only things nearby were other skyscrapers. Unable to hold onto his pent up horniness, he began to pound the buildings nearby. Though he was barely able to move, the buildings were able to satisfy his needs a little. As he got more pent up, his building-fucking began to get more rapid. He pumps and pumps harder. He begins to scream as his two cock thrust and burst through the buildings. New amounts of pre and milk began to leak from their holes. He began to fuck harder and harder, as a new pain appears in his groin area. Another cock and 2 more balls begin to protrude to form a new cock. As the third cock increase the intensity of his pleasure, he pumped harder and harder, destroying more buildings. As he reached his second climax, he screamed and blasted river worths of cum and milk all over the city. As this happens, his body explodes in size, bigger and bigger... 100,000 likes and Mark towers even the tallest of mountains. It appeared that someone has created a new bot to increase the likes of the video. As people realise a bot has been increasing the likes, they too begin to join and try to download the bot to increase the intensity of the likes. As thousands of people being to get more bots, the like number increased way too quickly. As more likes were given, even more powers to Mark, making him a powerful god. But even after sending river torrents of cum and milk, he was getting horny again. His body swelled to the size of mountains, and he began to fuck the nearby mountains. With more fucking that happened, another cock and pair of balls begin to appear from his body. 1,000,000 likes and even planets dwarved around Mark. Mark had been fucking and growing for far too much. Soon he began to dwarf the countries, then the moon, then the earth and soon enough the Solar System was way smaller than Mark himself. Another cock and pair of balls had appear, giving Mark a total of 5 cocks and 10 balls. But more of his body grew. His muscles were now swelling so fast, his height couldn’t keep up. His muscles and body grew exponentially bigger than his height, causing Mark to be even more immobile. But due to his muscles constantly growing, the pressure from the growth constantly rubs his cock, causing him to constantly be in a lustful state and cumming a lot. Not only were his current muscles growing, but now more muscles were appearing in random areas of his body causing him to look bigger. His hair was now growing even faster, causing his body to be engulfed in his hair. His gut was now almost as big as his body. His cock and balls were now 5 times as big as his own body. His nipples now dropped all the wait to midway his belly. His ass swelled as big as each testicle... 1,000,000,000,000,000 likes and galaxies surround Mark. He was absolutely enormous. More muscles packed onto his body. His cock and balls swelled even faster. His gut causing him to look even more bloated than ever. He was getting even hairier. All of the galaxies nearby were being ripped apart from the sheer density of Mark. Mark’s body was getting denser than ever. All his atoms crushed each other forming a particle denser than infinity. Soon his whole body was no longer made of atoms, but a nuclear pasta so dense that no space was unoccupied by any particles. Though his body was one giant nuclear pasta, the properties of his body remained the same to still make him human. As he cums around the universe, he creates more galaxies from his body. Soon afterwards, a 6th cock and 2 more balls soon appeared from his body. Infinite likes. It looks like the universe is beyond his comprehension. He begins to crush the universe and then some. Mark was growing past multiple universes. Soon enough, he begins to burst past multiple Multiverses too. With so much dominating power, he was filled with a lot of godly power. He was now truly a god. A God with immeasurable power. But as he grew bigger and more powerful, his body begins to morph even more. A 7th cock and 2 more balls appeared from his body. But not only that, his upper torso begins to lurch and have sudden sharp pains. Mark soon realised that his pecs were moving away from his gut. What surprised him was that now 2 more pectorals has appeared right below the first pair. And quickly after, new elongated nipples had grown to immediately spill milk all over the universe. With a new set of pecs, new arms begin to protrude out of the side of his pectorals. He now has 4 arms. He was now even more powerful than ever. Infinite and Beyond. The numbers keep increasing, and so does he. In fact, a few familiar faces would soon come to pass. The Hyper Gods have witnessed a new god awaken from the emptiness. However, the body built of this new god proves to be unknowable to the Gods. The new Deity proved to be too big. And bigger he grew. As the new God swelled bigger and taller before their very eyes, they could feel the vast power that such a God held. The New God had powers and size they couldn’t even imagine. The new god swelled, expelling such great amounts of dominance and male musk that it triggered to inner lust of each previous Hyper god. The amount of size and power was to die for. In an instant, as the New God grew past each Hyper God, an instant orgasm began to spill all over the New God from the previous Hyper Gods. With the scent of the New God wafting across the Hyper Gods, they too felt a new sensation of power. A new growth awaits them. Though their growths were much smaller than the New God, it was no laughing matter as the omniverse grew smaller around the men. However their growths stopped quite rapidly. But the New God seemed to be accelerating in size. In fact, it appeared that another cock had rapidly sprung out from his body, along with another pair of balls to join them too. Pavel could see Mark growing past him. The Ultimate God was now grazed with the New God. Pavel was utterly amazed. Only one person had grown bigger than Pavel, but this was much different. The amount of bulk on the New God was too much to handle, and the rate of growth was too fast to track. In a split moment, Pavel had been outclassed by the New God. The New God heaved even more as his muscles bulking even faster into the heavens. He could feel the space around him grow colder and yet warmer still. Mark was about to meet the biggest guy he had ever seen. Will he outgrow him? Of course! There was just too much Mark to not stop growing. As he reached higher into the cosmos, he felt a hand hold his lower body. He must be close. When Mark was finally the same size as the Biggest One, they both stared at each other, and knew in an instant that Mark was to outgrow him. With another cock and pair of balls exploding from nowhere, he began to feel new power to dethrone the Biggest One... J likes? What does J mean? It could be assumed that it’s a universal constant. But what surprised Mark was another human on the J scale. But Mark seemed to still be growing. Due to Mark’s ever increasing body, he would barely acknowledge the man he passed by. All he understood from the man was that he was named Jeremy. Must be that the J stand for. It looked that Jeremy was the absolute biggest entity until Mark came around. But even if Mark was as tall as Jeremy, Mark would still outcompete Jeremy. Due to Mark’s absolute hyper body with billions of muscles stacked upon each other, Jeremy would look like an ant right beside a god. Coupled with the amount of hair on Mark’s body, the size of each billion muscles being ten thousand times larger than 1 of Jeremy’s 650 muscles, his nipples reaching towards his knees, the sheer size of his gut compared to his body, his additional pair of pectoral muscles and arms, as well as his 9 cocks and 18 balls. But it didn’t stop there as another pair of balls and a cock began to sprout from his body. A loud scream echoed from the chambers of nothingness as the last pair of cock and balls emerge from the incomprehensible hyper brutish body of Mark. As the numbers keep on increasing from the bots, so does Mark. With that, Mark had to sad farewell to the biggest man Jeremy to replace his throne. Expanding larger and larger, Mark is almost at his end. 10(infinity)J(J^(InfinityJ) + 1000J) + 11(infinity)^(infinity x e) x infinityJ(J^(InfinityJ + 1000J)) was what was displayed on the video. It appeared that he the number could not increase anymore. Even though the 11 was meant to be a 10. Mark’s growth had finally stopped. J was a Omniversal and Beyond constant that meant the biggest. The largest number in a single unit of J. No one knows where J came from But there might be a man as big as the constant J inches tall. But Mark was way bigger than that. He truly was the biggest man alive. He could barely move around the space he occupied. The Ultimate God now sat in an area he could barely move in. Mark knew this was the ultimatum, the biggest and most powerful anyone could get. His body was truly the definition of Hyper. His head could not be seen for ages. His muscles were so utterly massive, you could not tell which muscle was if you pointed at it. Piles and piles of muscles stacked on the massive body. No matter how many images of hyper muscle dudes or artwork on any website you can look, no matter how imaginative your brain may seem, his muscles were too incomprehensibly big, too incomprehensibly hyper. His muscle gut was about 5 times as big as the rest of his body. His 10 cocks and 20 balls were about 100 times his own body size, each! His 4 pecs were squishing against each other, pressing and constantly squeezing his milk out. His 4 giant arms were constantly in a flexing position as the rest of his muscles could not give them any space. His entire body was so incredibly brutish, there was no way to tell which muscle was what. Not to mention his hairs. So densely packed and grew so much, no one could find the origin of each hair strain. He now knows all that the Onmiverse and Beyond had to offer. Though the vessel may look utterly uncomfortable, Mark was in absolute peace. His intelligence is now as at its absolute highest. He was after all the most muscular, powerful, biggest, smartest and strongest man alive...
  10. Guest

    Growth Beyond The Skye

    Here is another story for all of you. A short one. This will be a short 5 to 6 or 7 chapter story as a distraction from my main story. Will finish this before posting the next chapter of my main story. Also another note. Please, I would really appreciate if none of you were to reply on my stories for anything at all, if you could try. Thank you! Chapter 1 Lonely in School It was a new day of a new year of college. The week was fine. The lessons were fine. All the current topics were fine. Kind of an underwhelming first week if I was being honest. Had a few normal chats with my close friends. A bit of laughs and gossips. But nothing too interesting. I just needed something exciting to happen soon. At around Thursday, I had just finished school. School that day ended at 12pm which was lunch period. Last year I did have similar school days. Usually I would just go straight home and eat lunch that my mom made before working. But certain circumstances led to me having to eat lunch today. So I went to one of the canteen rooms. It had been a while since I had eaten Subway, so I queued up in the line. The line was quite long, so I just scrolled through my phone. But from the corner of my eye I saw someone. He seemed familiar, but I paid no mind. But then he looked at me. I looked back at him. He seemed to wave at me. I waved back naturally and he walked off. And then it hit me. Was that Skye? Back in secondary school, I was in the same school as Skye. He was never in the same class as me. We don’t even know each other that well. But he had friends in my class class and would sometimes come into the classroom when the periods changed. The fact that he recognized me at all was interesting. I had short hair back then as guys could never have long hair, and now I do. And I didn’t even look too interesting at all. I was just an average guy. I thought I was no different than any other short skinny guy. I only knew of his existence because of how he looked. Skye looks the same between the years we were apart. A slight difference was that now he has slightly unkempt hair, slightly taller and bigger. Skye was a big guy. He never worked out, so he was a chubby guy to say the least. He now stood at 5’10”, probably weighed at about 200lbs. He had fair skin, brownish eyes and black hair. He also had a chubby face. He was never muscular to begin with, just slightly fat. But he was capable of carrying people for quite a long while. To say the least, he was one of my secondary school crushes. I was just really into huge guys. There is no limit to that. The bigger the guy, the better. Any way they grew bigger I don’t mind. I thought that today would be great to finally socialize with him. But after grabbing my order, I didn’t see him at all. He probably took away the food to eat at home. A bit disappointing. But at least I could probably see him again next Thursday. All I had to do was wait. Next Thursday, I finally managed to strike up a conversation with him. I ordered the same food stall as he did. We managed to break the ice and talked about secondary school things to catch up. It was a wild ride. I asked him if we could eat together but he promised his mom that he would come home as soon as possible. But he did promise to eat with me next week. Great, I thought, I’m finally talking to one of my crushes. Another week passed by. We finally sat together and ate the same food. We had another great chat about being in secondary school. After a while, we talked about life in college and our interests as well. But realising our food was getting cold, we had to eat our food fast. A was a nice and pleasant lunch. No loud gossip of a group of 10 friends. And no fell silence of being alone. Just the two of us. And watching my crush eat in front of me. Oh what a wonderful experience it was. Then I saw him eat. The way he ate his food. Him rubbing his large soft belly after swallowing. Ooo I just wanted to hug and kiss him. Oh how I wish the more he ate, the bigger he gets. In the end, I never know how my wish ended up as a premonition... Chapter 2 Meal time It had been a few weeks since we ate together every Thursday. We began to go out a lot as well. We became good friends since that day. And since then, my crush hasn’t gone away either. In fact, my crush for him only grew more and more. But another thing I noticed was that he was growing bigger too. He was also eating more lately. His hunger seemed to be increasing lately too. I thought he may be stress eating. I was getting a bit worried about his eating habits. It got worse and worse. When we went out during the whole day, he would have 5 whole meals from 10am to 8pm. Each meal he would have servings that maybe 3 people would eat. And about an hour after eating, he would complain about being hungry. I had no idea what came of him. Did he suffer some sort of illness or something? But the weirdest part was how this all affected him. You would think that eating so much food would cause him to be the fattest person alive. However the effects were, unexpected and unpredictable to say the least. While he was getting fatter, he was also getting bigger and muscular. Over the past 2 months, he reached 6’3” and weighs about 375lbs. His body was certainly built like a powerlifter. Huge broad shoulders. A large back. Biceps the size of soft balls. Huge heaving pecs protruded from his body. Thick legs to support his giant body. And my goodness, he had hair growing at rapid speeds. But the biggest thing of all was his giant gut. I swear it looked like a beachball. While his whole body was all giant muscles, his stomach boasted muscle and fats. That belly protruded a whole foot and a half away from his body. It was like from all the food he had, all the nutrients and proteins went all over his body, but all the excess fats went straight to the stomach. I do not know how he wasn’t fat all over, let alone have any muscle at all. He still has never worked out in his life! I wanted to know what was happening to his body. It was hot as heck to look at not gonna lie. But such a rapid growing appetite is proven worrisome. We needed to talk about this. I had always been nervous to talk about this. Thinking it would be rude to call him fat for having such a massive belly. But I cannot hold on longer anymore. I needed a perfect occasion to ask him. A lunch with him. I thought. The usual Thursday lunch would be the perfect time to ask him. It was another Thursday. I spent the whole day thinking on how I would phrase my question. I was always the nervous type. I must think of every possibility and phrase the least offensive sentence ever. After all, I could be beaten up by his hulking body. But worse of all, we would probably not be friends after all. So we went over the usual food stall. I ordered a simple meatball spaghetti bolognaise. While Skye ordered 5 whole burgers, a bucket of fried chicken, 5 boxes of fries, 3 slices of cake, 3 apples, 2 oranges, 10 salads and 15 large bottles of pure water. The fact that he didn’t spill any food or water while heading to our table was so surprising. But the look of people’s faces made me so embarrassed. We sat down. We didn’t talk. I looked down the whole time. I ate as softly as possible, contemplating on what to say. Skye on the other hand. He ate as quickly as possible. I sometimes saw people looking towards our table. Skye was eating like a pig. I had told him before to eat slowly. And I think he did remember it when he saw me and started to eat slower. But I keep hearing stomach grumbles, which led him to eat faster. He really tried to slow down. But the louder the grumbles, the faster he ate. He looked like he was in pain to not eat quickly. I finished my food, still looking down. I tried to muster a word. To my surprise, Skye was the one who spoke first. “Friend… You seemed sad… I know, you told me to slow down, but I’m just so hungry.” “I’m worried Skye. What is happening to your body!” I said, without trying to attract attention. “What do you mean?” he said, trying to avert the question. He seemed fearful and sad himself. “You know what I mean. Your appetite. Your growth. Your giant belly.” He sighed and nodded. “I know you are rich and can afford the food. But don’t you think eating this much is healthy both bodily and monetarily” I said. I think I offended him slightly because he looked angry. Not sure at me or himself. But I kept quiet the rest of the meal. Right as we were about to leave, he held my shoulder. With such sorrow in his eyes, he spoke, “Friend… I’m just scared… I wanted to go to the doctor for a long time to get this checked out, but I’m scared of this condition. And I didn’t want to scare my family either. To scare you would be even more devastating.” I blushed. Did he really say that? He seemed to pretend that he didn’t say the last part and I paid no mind to him. “But since you worry so much of me… I’ll go to the doctors. But could you come with me?” “sure…”
  11. Guest

    Lost In The Camp

    Hello everyone. This is my first post here in this site. And its also my first ever proper story written so please don't get your hopes up too high. This is part 1 or a 8 part story, maybe more is I have more planned. I also planned to write other growth stories that may link with this one. Currently only Muscle Growth will be in this chapter. But in the next few chapters, expect Hyper Muscle and Hyper Cock, Giant Belly, and maybe a bit of Multiversal Destruction from growing too big... Enjoy! Day 1 Campsite of Paradise Forest A frantic morning pumped adrenaline into my body. I woke up an hour late at 7am. I swore and immediately took a shower. I was late for a camp. I was supposed to arrive in school at 8am. Luckily it only took 30 minutes to reach school. But having some things left unpacked from the previous night made the morning a little stressful. But I managed to get it all worked out, albeit made me super tired. This was supposed to be an outdoor camp to help train students to become leaders for the new freshmen coming to school the next year. It was called Camp Paradise, located in the Paradise Forest. Paradise forest is about 3 hours away from school. It’s roughly 50 thousand square miles, mostly untouched due to preservation reasons. Not much is known about this forest, and yet, many legends surrounds this forest. A lot of sightings of mysterious creatures and giants can be heard. Yet not a single human seems to live there. No whatsoever society or village is found there. The only type of man-made creation is the campsite there. I was always interested in the legends surrounding this forest, but all the information i gathered were all super vague. So you bet your ass I was super eager to go on this camping trip. I arrived in school, excited. I saw a few of my friends who were also attending this same camp. We had a lovely chat and talked about which group we were in. I was the only person in my friend circle in group 7 while my other friends were in group 6. A bit disappointing to say the least. I thought I would have fun with my friends. But we had no choice in this. As more and more people began crowding the school hall, I came to the conclusion that this was a big camp. There were about 200 students here. A lot of them were recognisable as we all went to a different school camp a few months ago for the same purpose of training us to be leaders to our freshmen. 18 year old me was delighted to see all these people again. And excited to have another adventure with all of them in the new camp. The busses had finally arrived to pick all of us up. Luckily, group 6, 7 and 8 were on the same bus, my friends and I were able to chit chat a little bit more. As we journey to the camp, we did a little bit of research on the campsite. The site was something to behold. It’s extremely huge with many, very high quality furnished dorms, high quality amenities and lots of activities to behold. But due to the sheer size, different groups would be situated in different corners of the camp. So unfortunately, I was to be situated my with own group at one site of the camp. We were devastated. We thought the whole squad was going together but nope. Even worse, the guys and girls would be split up. So that would mean the adventure was going to be very lonely. This changed my perspective on the trip in an instant. But still with such a marvelous looking campsite with a forest full of legend, I guess being in a camp with about 10 guys couldn’t be all that bad. As we arrived at the camp, we got off the bus as experienced the scenery. And man was it a sight to behold. A luxurious campsite situated far from the towns. With beautiful forestry as far as the eye can see. A huge waterfall can be seen from afar. Mountains stretched across the landscape. Many camp buildings were scattered throughout the forest. From afar I saw some rock climbing walls, a river for kayaking or canoeing and a zipline that stretches far. I was also sure that there are more activities we could do here. All 200 campers gathered for a huge briefing in the mess hall and afterwards we were dismissed. I said my goodbyes to my friends and we all went off doing our activities. It was going to be a long camp for sure. An 8 day 7 night camp is going to be exhausting for sure. But at least there was something that could keep me company for a while. There was a group 7 camper there who also went to the previous camp. However we weren’t grouped together back then, so I barely noticed him at all. But during this camp, I managed to be able to analyse his figure. Man was I eyeing on him for a long while. His name was Jon. He is from a different course from me but our courses intermingle when it comes to our modules. So I sometimes see him. He is the same age as me at 18 years old and is a year 2 student like me. He was tall about 6'2”, which compared to my height of 5'8”, he was tall. Now I live in a country where tall and buff guys are not common at all. And while I would LOVE one, I grew to be more open to different types of men. So even tho Jon wasn't the buffest guy around, he was huge. He had an adorable tummy that looked hard yet soft to the touch. He has a wide back that was almost twice the length of my own back. He had huge arms that covered the entire sleeve hole. He had huge and hairy legs that looked strong. Now that description may not sound impressive at all and it really isn’t. He was just a big and tall guy with a soft meaty body, but a bit of training would make him a bodybuilder to behold. I bet y'all would have wanted massive bodies that triumph bodybuilders. But where I am from, he was considered huge and i'll take what I can get! Jon had slightly curly and messy black hair. It was slightly long. He had a roundish yet rectangular face. He was Chinese which meant small brown eyes. He was paler in the spectrum of chinese skin colour. He was quite the handsome individual but im getting sidetrack. So onward with the story. I was in Group 7 with Jon along with some other guys. Including us there were about 10 guys in total. Now the groups were scattered very far from each other to allow each group to have a 'unique experience’. While that sounds interesting, it feels very lonely to be with only 10 people. Now the entire camp spreaded far! So the other campers were about a kilometer away from each other. A camp instructor was given to each group to lead the activities. Our instructor was very nice. He told us that he wanted us to treat him like a friend rather than a teacher to make the camp a little more fun. He also told us that we got the best campsite among the rest. In his words, “It's the biggest site with the most amount of available activities.” That sounded interesting. Now our instructor was also very handsome. He had short black spiky hair, his face was rectangular and sharp. He was dark skinned, a brownish colour. He had a small moustache that connected to his slightly thick beard. He had beautiful hazel eyes that sparkled and had a very warm smile. He stood at an impressive 7’2” inches tall. He had a build of a bodybuilder. Strong impressive arms that pulled the seams of his sleeves. Huge pecs that sagged downwards each bigger than my head. He had a wide back that stretched his shirt to no end. His lats were huge too. He had a roided gut that heaved. It was huge and round, like a boulder. Despite the gut, he boasted a huge V-shape body. He had huge shoulders and traps that only accentuate his V-shape stature. He had huge powerful legs as thick as small tree trunks. His whole body was full of thick luscious black hair. He had a huge ass that stretched his jeans. He also had a very noticeable bulge that always caught my guard. It looked to be 8” soft. He was extraordinarily massive. His muscles were so huge it looked bigger than the biggest muscles on any bodybuilder. It was a sight to behold. And a massive one at that. It seemed that he wore XXXL clothing which could barely contain his massive body. While we were walking, the instructor was at the front, talking to Jon. Now while I thought Jon was huge, seeing the instructor right beside him was such a shock. But seeing the two of them together had me hard. Two of the biggest people i know right beside each other. The other 8 guys were behind me, but very far behind me. They were all in their own cliques and were distracted to even notice me or the instructor and Jon. This was my chance, I had to talk to them. So with every ounce of courage I had in me, I braved forward. “H-hi”, i say meekly, like the idiot I was. But even with my soft voice, I managed to catch the attention of the instructor. And with the deepest most sexiest voice I've ever heard, he responded with a “hey”. My entire body shivered and my face turned red. I hope the guys hadn’t noticed. But I had to continue the conversation. I introduced myself and said basic information about myself. He then introduced himself as well. “Well my name is Fajar. Nice to meet ya. So an art student I see. Well you would think from my body that I would be a huge jerkish dude. But I'm actually a nice guy, so don't worry about me biting your head off, “he said in a calm tone. I smiled, embarrassed. “Sorry I'm just a normally anxious person, so I'm a very socially awkward person,'' I replied. “That's okay,'' he said in a warm voice. As he said that he patted my back. “I'll make sure your experience is great here.” His hand felt huge against my back. It literally consumed it. He felt very warm and I was at ease. I then asked why he chose to be a camp instructor. “I always thought that nature is beautiful, and I wanted others to see it too. And what better way to do so than to be a camp instructor. Ever since I was 11 which was about 8 years ag-” “HUH??!” I yelled, “you're 19??!!” He chuckled with one hand on his back. His face turned red. “Yeah I get a lot of reactions from that. But yeah im 19 years old. A lot of people thought I was 30 due to my hulking size which is understandable. But what about ur friend over there” he points towards Jon. “Just look at this hulking beast.” Jon immediately turned red and rebutted “hey i'm not that big at all, i'm just fat and tall, I don't even work out. I mean I wanted to be bigger but school just got in the way is all. I only got tall cause I play basketball is all”. Me and Fajar chuckled at his reaction. “Hey I could give you some pointers. During this whole week I can help you get started. And you don't really need a lot of help, just look at yourself! Hey friend help me convince your dude over here that he can be a huge bodybuilder in no time.” He then proceeded to poke Jon's arm. “Your arms are quite big.” He then proceeded to squeeze his left pec. Your pecs are already quite developed. And your stomach could look like mine with a few techniques of mine.” Fajar said as he poked Jon's stomach. Jon was embarrassed, but he felt proud to be huge. It seemed weird how he’d let Fajar just touch him like that, he didn’t even stop him. God I wish i could touch the both of them, if only- “Come on friend, feel Jon’ body it's great.” We were both in shock. Was he asking me to do something that I have always wanted to do and yet couldn’t. “Aww come on Jon just let him, he needs to know how big you are. You both can feel my muscles too if you want.” I was so shocked. Am i dreaming. Jon sigh and let me at them. I felt his body for a moment. He felt really big and warm. I was in heaven just feeling his body. Fajar's words made Jon motivated about his body. With that, Jon began to flex his flabby muscles all around like the huge jock that he was. I began touching more and more. I noticed that his bulge began to grow slightly, but I must be imagining things. “Yeah! That's more like it Jon. Show the world who is a big guy. Thanks friend for helping me convince him too. I smiled back at him. Jon looked at me with an embarrassed smile. We began to bond with each other for the rest of the walk to the campsite. I knew this camp was going to be great from then on. As we head to the campsite, everyone gasped in awe. It was the most mesmerising thing I've ever seen. To the front was the river which curved away from us with a waterfall to the left of us. Right beside the waterfall was a huge field of flowers. To the northeast of us was a dense forest with mountains are the far back. Surrounding us were the dorms and loads of activities around us. Right in front of us was the camp fire with benches surrounding it. Fajar told us to each pick a dorm as a pair and to meet back at the benches. As he said that he placed his hands onto mine and Jon's shoulders. We immediately knew we were going to be together in the same dorm. I was excited. Now the dorms were placed quite far from each other and far from the campfire. As we headed out to search for a dorm, Fajar pulled us, “Wanna see the best dorm from here?” He said as we moved towards it. It was the farthest from the central part, but it was a nice looking dorm, situated far from the waterfall. It was a quiet looking building. Surrounding it was the forest and some fields of flowers. There was a mountain wall close to our dorm to the left. Fajar told us his dorm was to the right of our dorm. So if we needed his help we should let him know. As we entered our dorm we were in awe. It was bigger on the inside than the outside. It was a nice white house with brick patterns inside. It had a nice wooden flooring. To the left was the kitchen with large cabinets with marble surfaces. To the right was the living room. 2 large red sofas were placed evenly with nicely decorated pillows that said “welcome”. Many paintings were hung around the walls. Large windows showcased the beautiful natured outside. The windows were accompanied with large red curtains. Facing the sofas was a fireplace with a large television hanging above it. Directly in front of us was another door. We entered it to find the master bedroom. It had a huge king size bed to the left. A large closet was right beside it. A huge window with curtains was opposite the door. There was a balcony outside which had nice chairs and stairs that led to a jacuzzi? And a playground? With barbeque pits and really fancy gym equipment? The scenery of the waterfall and mountains were breathtaking. This felt more like a holiday rather than a camp. To the right of the room was a massive toilet. We were in awe and began to unpack our things and headed back to the main campfire. As we assembled, Fajar told us of our plans and set up some ground rules. It was about 10am. There was kayaking across the river till 12pm. Afterwards we would shower till 1pm and have our lunch. Afterwards was a minigame mania till 3pm. Then an amazing race challenge till 6pm. Then dinner till 7pm and the rest of the night we were free to pick random activities to do solo or as a group till whenever. Fajar even said we don't have to sleep if we don't want to. So after the briefing, we headed straight towards the river for the first activity. The first activity was kayaking. As the arrived, we saw a bunch 2 large wooden boats with 5 seats inside. Basically for this activity, it was a kayaking race across the river. The river route was simple. Row across the river. About 5 minutes after rowing, there is a turning point with 2 cross sections, keep turning to the right as it loops back to the direction towards the camp, just keep rowing until we reach the starting point. First kayak to come back wins. I teamed up with Jon immediately with 3 other guys we sat on the kayak. With a blow of a whistle from Fajar, we set off and began racing. Everyone began yelling at the top of their lungs, screaming to row fast and strong. The sound of the waters crashing against the kayak also added to the noise pollution. But other than that the kayaking was such a refreshing experience. The cooling waters splashing on our faces. The chilling breeze. Everything felt nice. I was very motivated to win. Along with Jon’s huge body right behind me, I just felt at ease. This was the best experience of my life. As we arrived at the intersection, many water drops appeared. Slightly jagged rocks appeared as well. We were all afraid, but ready to push on. The breeze also began to pick up. Right in front of us was the huge mountains. Me and Jon saw our dorm to our left. Apparently we saw a cave entrance nearby it. We were intrigued. Moreover, we saw a huge purplish light escaping from the entrance of the cave. Now we were curious. No one else saw because they were still focused. But now we wanted to ask Fajar about this. We finally reached the end of the race and we won! Our team screamed with glee. And afterwards we went to wash up. After that, we had our lunch. There was a lunchroom situated near the central area of our camp. We were in awe with the interior design. It looked like a fancy restaurant setting rather than a beaten up camp lunchroom. Albeit it still looked like a regular lunchroom. It just looked very cleaned and well decorated. Everyone sat on one long table lined with plates and utensils neatly arranged. The kitchen was loud with sounds of pots and pans banging and sounds of sizzling foods. The aroma of gourmet food wafted across the lunchroom. I sat next to Jon and the entire group began to start chatting with one another. All the while waiting for out food to arrive. As we waited, Fajar came by. He stood between me and Jon, one hand on each of our shoulders. He began to whisper into our ears. He said something about meeting him at our dorm later after our activities are over for Jon to start his first workout with him. Now I would like to talk about all the activities we did, but that would take too long. I just can’t wait to talk about the interesting stuff. So it was around 6pm. Fajar announced that we will be having a special dinner today. A campfire dinner! Everyone was stocked. We all sat around the campfire. There were plates of sausages, beef, mutton, all ready to be cook. There were even marshmallows too! We could even make some smores. It was a wonderful meal. We all had great laughs, told a bunch of scary stories and just had a wonderful time there. Right after dinner, Fajar told everyone that we can all go on to do our own activities. But me and Jon stayed with Fajar cause Jon had the bodybuilding training with Fajar. As everyone left, Fajar put out most of the fire and just sat on a bench beside us. I was in the middle of the two guys, enjoying the small fire. But it was really quiet. I asked Fajar why we were sitting here. He had a story to share with us about Paradise Forest. Finally my reason for coming here was being fulfilled. I was all ears. “This place has a very interesting backstory. A past unlike any other. Only known by a few people, and its history was recorded through inscriptions throughout the area. This area was once called the Growing Paradise to those who lived here.. Legend has it its natives were not known by the outside world. The mere name change to Paradise Forest was only a coincidence. They managed to hide themselves very well. We only knew about them through their inscriptions. The inscriptions, only found many centuries later. These inscriptions told us of a tribe of natives of only men. These men were so called the peak of humanity, as they apparently were extremely intelligent, even more so than us, yet only use simplistic tools for reasons unknown to us. The native tribe consisted of about 30,000 men. Their ways of reproduction are unknown. What's really fascinating was how they appeared. They were giants. As the inscriptions says. They are men who grew up till 15 feet tall! It's also said that their bodies were enormous. If you think i'm huge, hear this. Their muscles were so enormous that their pecs were the size of boulders. Their biceps, 3 times the size of their heads. Their stomachs, so roided that they could not even hug their own bellies. Their legs the size of redwood trees. And their cock, so long that the tip reached all the way to their own heads. That's all the description says. All we know is that they are giants with disproportionately gigantic muscle sizes. It was unknown how they disappeared. But those living near the Paradise Forest are said to be the descendents of the forest. But that much I can’t say.” I found it very interesting to say the least. Me and Jon were so intrigued about all of these. What didn’t surprised me was that Fajar here is a local and a descendent of these giants too. He mentioned that he had multiple books that have records of the past by these original beasts. And he has also written new books about the current state of these giants. Fajar began to mentioned how only about a few thousand descendents remained. And most of them don’t even realise that they are the descendents. That was one of Fajar’s quests, to research and find out more of his dying history and to hopefully find anymore descendents. That’s why he was so invested in Jon. Jon appeared to be another descendent. But he needed more proof. He said there is one way, without using genetics, to prove that one was a descendent. Sort of like a magical aura that can be detected if one to be a descendent. Honestly I found it interesting, but Jon seemed scared. What would this all mean for him. Jon asked for more information. Fajar mentions that the only way to determined is that Jon works out. A secret aura must be released from Jon in order to determine that he is a descendent too. Since it was so simple, we decided to try it out too. As we arrived at our cabin, Jon began to drink a special formula Fajar prepared for his workout. He said it was made with native berries grown from here. It was somewhat like a protein shake, but it absolutely does wonders for muscle growth. Jon prepared to do some bicep curls. He was also following Fajar’s method of bodybuilding too. As he did some curls, I noticed Fajar’s face turn from happy to confused. As Jon moved on to different workouts, more of that confused expression came out of him. As Jon stood up, I noticed that something was off with him. He seemed bigger. He began to flex. There was actual muscle definition. He went from a large chubby guy to a chubby guy with at least a month of working out. His arms looked slightly bigger with some muscle definition. So were his legs. His back seemed to widened quite a big too. A V-shaped body was almost visible. He pecs seemed to have jutted more. And his legs widened too. His shirt and pants seemed tighter too and he was much taller as well. While no fats were lost somehow, he appeared more dominating with his added size. But what was off was that his stomach was noticeably bigger, despite him not doing any abdominal workouts. Fajar began to talk, “Jon… You do not exert the aura that the descendents do. However, your muscle growth should have not even began at all.” We were all confused. “Jon, it appears that you have a much different body type than I imagined. You even exert a different aura. It appears that Jon is capable of growing far more than what I thought. Jon, your body is capable of growing to sizes we cannot even imagine. I’m not even sure that there is even a limit to your growth with workouts. It would be even more disastrous if you find the Infini- Oops, don’t mind that-t. Anyways-s I will go first see ya later bye!” And just like that, he dashed off. We didn’t even get to question anything. And what was the infi-something that he mentioned anyways? And what of Jon? What sizes is he capable of. Despite that, Jon began to work out some more. He wanted to see how big he could get. I was getting sleepy at that point so I went off to bed...
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