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  1. Hey, y'all! It's been a while since I've written a story on this site. I miss writing, so, here is the thing: Gimme a picture of a nice, buff guy, or a morphed up guy, or something, and I'll write a story for the picture! It'll be a short story, but I'll do it! Cause I feel like it would be fun! So, don't hesitate to share!
  2. MuscleAndBulge

    The Life Changing Discovery

    This is my first attempt at a story. I wrote and posted it on MetaBods a couple of years ago and then didn't return to it until recently. I hope you enjoy, and look forward to new chapters in the future. This is the story Stew, a short and scrawny teenager. But after he discovers a magical artifact, his life becomes bigger and better. ~~~~~ Stew was a typical teenage guy. He had just started college, but he was off for the summer. He studied at a local school, so he lived with his parents. Stew had only made a few friends in high school, but he was trying to get out of his shell more now that he was in college. He had made a few friends in his program, and he had even gone on a few dates with some guys he’d met online. Stew was trying to be more outgoing, since he had been more introverted in high school and wanted to push the limits of his comfort zone. The sun was setting on a Saturday evening at the beach. Stew’s family liked to drive there and spend the day whenever they could. It was a bit of a family tradition. Stew didn’t want to go swimming after they had finished eating, so he unpacked his metal detector and set out looking for random things around the beach. After spending over an hour searching with nothing more than some broken jewelry and some pocket change to show for his effort, he decided to expand his search. He headed over some rocks away from the main part of the public beach. He figured he’d try some place that hadn’t been picked over by dozens of other metal detector enthusiasts. He got to another stretch of shore, but this one was much rockier and filled with seaweed. This must be why no one bothered with this stretch of beach. He started his sweeping pattern and set to work. After a few minutes, he got another hit. Pulling out his trusty spade, he set to work digging it up. He heard the telltale “ting” of metal on metal, letting him know he had found his target. He carefully excavated it and found what appeared to be some sort of metal lamp with ornate design covering the sides. He stashed it away in his backpack to take a closer look at it later. The sun had almost set now, and he was sure the rest of his family was getting ready to leave. He packed up his gear and made his way back to the parking lot. ***** Later that night, after they got home and unpacked everything from the car, Stew brought his stuff to the basement. Stew was the youngest of his brothers, and the only one that still lived with his parents. So, he had most of the basement to himself, and he set it up like a rec room. There was a couch, a TV, some chairs, and a desk to do homework in the corner. When he set down his backpack, he heard the clank of the things he had found at the beach and it reminded him of the strange lamp he found. He took it out of his backpack and sat at his desk to take a better look. It had some corrosion from being in the wet sand for who knows how long. Stew took out a rag and started to scrub some of the dirt away and get a better look at the designs on the side. Starting on one side, he worked his way around until he was back where he started. He squinted to take a better look and brought it closer to his face, when suddenly, it began to vibrate. Startled by this, he let go of it and it clattered onto the desk. It started to glow and rattle more violently. A plume of smoke started to come out of the opening, and the rattling seemed to slow down. The smoke started to become denser and take shape. A muscled torso of a man started to form before him, and stew noticed how buff and toned he was. It reminded of the men’s fitness magazines he had hidden away when he was too young to have his own computer. The man finally came into view, with teal skin and pointed ears pierced with several earrings. Stew and scooted back several feet during the events and was now staring at the strange new guest in his basement hideout with his mouth agape. “Hello” said the floating figure. “My name is Awah’Toh. I am the genie who lives in this lamp. I am here to grant you three wishes” “Holy shit” was all Stew could manage to come up with. The genie tilted his head curiously and said, “why would you bless feces?” This snapped Stew out of his awestruck lack of words. “Genies are real?” He said. The genie looked down and himself, then to the lamp, and then back to Stew and said “Clearly.” It appears a genie can be sarcastic. “So… you can actually grant me three wishes?” “Yes. However, there are limits on my magic. I cannot bring back the dead. I cannot control other people. And I cannot grant immortality. Besides this, I can give you anything you desire.” “So kinda like in Aladdin?” “Who?” Said the genie, puzzled. “Never mind.” Stew said, as his mind started to race with possibilities of what he could ask for. His mind went over the events of the days and started thinking of the beach. He thought about why he didn’t want to join his family when they went swimming. Stew was a rather small for his age. He hadn’t gotten a huge growth spurt in high school like a lot of his classmates had and seemed to have peaked at 5’6”. And he had little to show in the muscle department. His cock was nothing impressive, maxing out at 4” hard. He hated taking his shirt off because it would show off how thin and small he was. That’s why it had been a few years since he had gone swimming at the beach. Being in the water with nothing but his swim trunks showed off everything he didn’t like about his figure. As though a light bulb went off in his head, he made eye contact with the genie and asked “this isn’t one of those monkey paw situations where these wishes turn out to be curses or something, right?” “I’m not familiar with this, but I can assure you, I wish you no ill will” “Alright then. I wish I could make my body bigger” He said decisively. “Very well” the genie nodded slowly, then pointed his fingers at Stew. There was no light and no sparks. Nothing but some fingers pointed. “Did it work?” asked Stew skeptically. “Why not give it a try? Think of the changes you want and see what happens” After finished his hand motion, the genie crossed his arms over his chest. As he did so, his muscles flexed and showed off their size. This gave Stew all the inspiration he needed. He concentrated on these muscles and thought of how he wanted the same thing. His body felt strange. It wasn’t unpleasant, perhaps even good. As thought a thousand tiny hands were massaging his skin at once. He looked down at himself and saw the changes unfold. His chest started to expand under his loose-fitting shirt. His arms were getting thicker too, making his sleeves tight. His shirt was now too tight for him. Moving his arms made the shirt bunch and stretch in ways Stew was not familiar with. His jeans were also becoming snug around his legs as he filled them out more and more. The changes slowed to a stop. Stew started to touch his arms and chest to make sure they were real, and sure enough they were very real. He looked at the genie and smiled. “This is amazing!” “I’m glad you enjoy my handiwork” he said with another slow nod. Stew’s mind was going wild now as thoughts started jumping around inside his head. “How big can I get?” He asked with an excited tone. “You never wished for a maximum size, so there isn’t one” Awah’Toh said matter-of-factly. This brought on another wave of excitement for Stew. He looked over at his computer and remembered the pictures of morphed muscle men he had seen online. He thought about one of his favourite photos and held the image in his head. But before he did anything else, he ran over to the old full-length mirror that had been stored in the corner of the room after some renovations. Stew was now ready and thought about how he wanted to look like that morphed man with the exaggerated features. He watched in the mirror as his muscles once again started to expand. His shirt got tighter and tighter until the seams started to rip, and his new flesh started to spill out of the tears. He got caught up in the moment and flexed to see how it looked in the mirror. Just then, his shirt reached its limit and fell off in tatters, revealing Stew’s now bulging and growing torso. His muscles continued to expand, his shoulders getting wider and his pecs growing outwards until Stew’s chin bumped into them as he tried to look down. His abs formed a tight eight-pack of fist sized bulbs that each cast their own shadow. His biceps were the size of bowling balls and his triceps looked twice as big as a normal bodybuilder’s would be. After scoping out the changes that happened above his waist, Stew realized that his jeans looked like leggings and the seams were held together by threads. Shortly after he realized how strained they were, he bent over to examine the damage. This caused his muscles to flex. Almost like rip-off pants, they fell away from his legs, leaving him standing there in nothing but his underwear. “Wow” Was all Stew could say. He turned around, inspecting his new proportions in the mirror. He would flex and turn and flex and turn, amazed by the results. He loved how he looked now. The feeling of his new strength felt amazing. But after a few minutes of looking at himself in the mirror for a few minutes, something started to bother stew. He looked at his junk. It was covered by his briefs. He had worn a special spandex pair for his trip to the beach, just in case he decided to go swimming. His cock had felt small before, but with his new swollen muscles grown to huge proportions, it looked comically small under the blue stretchy fabric. “Is something wrong? Are you not satisfied with your wish?” Piped up the genie. Stew felt sheepish all of a sudden. “Does… Does it work on uhh…” his voice trailed off, embarrassed by what he wanted to ask. It was comical how this gargantuan wall of muscle was fidgeting with the waistband on the only piece of clothing he wore. “Can it work on my cock?” he finally blurted out. “You wished to make your body bigger. Your cock, as you call it, is part of your body, is it not?” Stew’s heart began to race with the new ideas coming to mind. This time Stew simply thought about how he wanted a bigger dick. He didn’t think of anything for inspiration. Just simply: bigger. Then, on command just like his previous changes, his underwear began to fill. The change was slow at first. His dick started to show through the fabric, outlining the growing member. It slowly grew to fill the pouch, then it began to push beyond the boundaries of what was normal. It stuck out further and further in front of him, growing to the size of a cantaloupe. Stew could finally see the bulge over his pecs. This was substantial, because of how huge his pecs were now. Looking in the mirror again, Stew surveyed his new addition. He touched the bulge with his whole hand. His bulge jiggled somewhat, then a shock of pleasure coursed threw his cock. This surprised Stew. It was as though the sensitivity of his cock had grown along with the size. He rubbed the front of the pouch, feeling it stretch as he pushed it from side to side, enjoying the sensations that went along with the motions. Stew was beyond excited now. He couldn’t believe that this person he saw in the reflection was actually him. He loved every crevice and curve his body now had.
  3. Ziel

    BEASTer Egg Hunt

    I'm a little late for Macro March but just in time for Easter! Life comes at you fast, but sometimes Easter comes at you faster. A seemingly normal Easter Egg hunt leads to some truly massive things. ---------------------------------------------- Mark did a double take when he saw the brightly colored, plastic egg lying in the grass nearby. This had to be some kind of April Fool’s joke, right? It was the beginning of April. It was waaayyyy too early to be doing Easter stuff. Easter was in like three weeks, right? Just to be sure, Mark whipped out his phone and opened up his calendar. To his surprise, Easter was in fact three days away! April 4th? That’s way too early! Personal opinions on when Easter should actually be celebrated aside, brightly colored eggs in the grass could only mean one thing: Free Candy! Mark was not about to turn his nose up at some free chocolate regardless of the holiday. He looked both ways to make sure there was nobody watching him and trotted over to the grass and scooped up the egg. A quick shake of the plastic capsule made it obvious that there was in fact something inside the egg. That was all the incentive that Mark needed to pop the capsule open and empty the contents onto his palm. The candies in question were fairly unremarkable. They appeared to be roughly the same size as M&Ms but without the obvious branding. Despite the lack of a small m on the candies, it looked like a chocolate, it sounded like a chocolate, and it acted like a chocolate, so it was probably a duck. Mark threw caution to the wind and tossed the whole handful into his mouth. Mark chewed, swallowed, and – satisfied with his sugar infusion – headed back towards the path to make his way towards class. He had barely set foot back on the pavement when he saw yet another brightly colored capsule. The first handful of sugar had not been nearly enough to whet his appetite, so Mark wasted no time in making a bee line towards the next egg, but as mark squatted down to pick up the capsule, he felt something very odd. His pants felt tight! It wasn’t just the waist that felt a little snug though. When he squatted down, his quads strained against the denim of his jeans, his calves pushed against the backs of his pants legs, his ass seemed to fill out the entire backside of his formerly loose-fitting jeans! Once the capsule was safely in hand, Mark stood back up and took a moment to look himself over. Sure enough, his jeans were looking pretty snug, but there was quite a bit more to it than that! Mark had pecs! They weren’t massive, but his formerly flat chest now had two discernible mounds of muscle which pressed against the front of his t-shirt. Even his formerly twiggy arms seemed to have a bit of muscle tone to them. Mark’s mind was racing. He was a slacker through and through. The closest he came to lifting was calling a ride-share. When did he get so lithe? It didn’t take long for a thought to pop into his head. He hadn’t noticed the muscles until after he had popped a handful of the unmarked candies. Could the sweets have made him bulk up? Was such a thing possible? One thing was for sure, though. Mark had the potential to pop open another egg and test his theory firsthand which is exactly what his did. Mark didn’t even empty the capsule onto his palm this time. He opened the egg and poured the contents directly into his mouth. Once the sugary pellets were down his throat, Mark stood there and watched his body intently. Mark waited anxiously for a moment. He wasn’t sure how long he was waiting, but time seemed to freeze as he waited with bated breath. Nothing seemed to be happening. He had almost given up hope when he felt it. Mark could actually feel his shirt getting tighter against his swelling pecs. He could feel his jeans straining against his swelling quads. Mark grinned from ear to ear as he looked down at his swelling body. The growth felt so good, but as amazing as it felt, it looked even better! Mark’s pecs strained against his t-shirt. His shirt stretched so taut against his dense muscles that he could actually see the outline of each and every individual abdominal muscle. Mark was so fixated on his muscles that he was oblivious to other changes that were happening to him as well. Had he taken a moment to take stock of the other changes he might have noticed that the bottom hem of his shirt, which formerly hung down so low that they covered his hip pockets, now only reached down to his belly button, and the cuff of his jeans stopped halfway down his calves. He also may have noticed the thick bulge in the front of his jeans. To say Mark was excited by his new muscles would be an understatement. He couldn’t get over how powerful he felt or how hot he looked. He wanted more. He craved more. He needed more! His eyes quickly scanned the lawn around him. Now that his was actively looking, he quickly spotted more and more colorful eggs strewn around the grass and in the nearby bushes. Mark dashed from one egg to the next. He would reach down, scoop up an egg, pop it open, pour the contents into his mouth, and before he could even swallow, he was on his way to his next target. Mark bounced from one target to the next like an old-school DVD screensaver on one helluva sugar rush. He would grab an egg, empty the contents, and find his next target all while steadily creeping up in size and stature. Mark barely even registered it as the tightly woven fabric of his denim pants popped and frayed and stretched and stained. By the fourth egg, his formerly loose t-shirt was looking like a skin-tight crop top. His bulging biceps and triceps were so massive that his sleeves didn’t even make an effort to try and cover them. His sleeves were now balled up around his shoulders, but even that wouldn’t save them for long. His swelling traps and lats were already causing the stitching on the sides of his shirt to pop and fray. Mark was getting so massive that even the canvas of his Converse sneakers was beginning the tear. As Mark emptied the contents of his sixth egg into his mouth, his jeans finally gave up the ghost. A loud rending sound split through the air as the sides of his jeans burst open exposing his legs to the elements. His massive, meaty quads and his thick calves spilled into view. What little bit of his jeans that still remained on his body looked more like a loincloth than pants. Tattered denim clung to his waistband and struggled in vain to block sight of the massive bulge which strained against his formerly baggy boxers. Mark swallowed the sixth egg which caused yet another growth spurt to course through him. This time it was his shirt’s turn to call it quits. His bulging pecs parted his shirt like the Red Sea. His shoes, too, tore clean open as they inevitably failed to stem the rising tide of his swelling feet. The feeling of the cool, spring air upon his nearly nude bod was enough to distract Mark from his egg hunt even if for only a moment. He took a moment to run his fingers across his new and improved muscles. The feeling of his dense, sculpted pecs in the palms of his hands was amazing. Both the feeling of his thick muscles in his hands and the feeling of his hands against his amazing muscles was intoxicating. He knew he needed more. Mark hastily tore away what few tatters of his shirt and jeans remained leaving him clad in only an ill-fitting pair of boxers. His massive, meaty ass was now far too large for his boxers to cover. Instead, the fabric of the backside of his boxers had been swallowed by his enormous, muscular cheeks making it look more like he was wearing a thong than a pair of boxers, and the front was somehow even more indecent. Mark’s cock had grown as well, and it wasn’t just in proportion with the rest of his body. Mark’s dick had previously been fairly modest. He was a grower, not a shower, so when soft, his bait and tackle looked more like an acorn atop a pair of grapes, but now his semi-boned wang was as long and thick as his swole forearm. His nuts were closer to the size of his fists. His package was so massive that there was no way his boxers could hold it all in. The front of his shorts was packed to the brim with balls and then some! Large swaths of sack could be seen poking out of the leg holes. His massive cock was so huge that only the head of it was actually inside the shorts. The rest was left exposed for all to see, and by this point there were quite a few people around to see it! It didn’t take long for word to spread about the massive, nearly nude dude in the center of campus. A crowd of onlookers had begun to form, but Mark was too enthralled by his growth and the hunt for more eggs to notice or care. Had he taken the time to take stock of his surroundings for reasons other than to find his next capsule of candies, he may have noticed that even the tallest onlooker barely reached up to his thighs. Mark only really began to realize how large he had become when the capsules started to become so small in his hands that he was having trouble opening them. They felt more like Tylenol capsules than toy capsules. Still, he was not about to be deterred. Even if they were too small to open properly, if you squeeze them hard enough, they open one way or the other. Mark squeezed a couple of capsules together and then picked out the plastic bits before pouring the candy contents of multiple eggs into his mouth. Mark swallowed his latest bounty and took a moment to bask in the sensations as yet another growth spurt wracked his body. Once again, his muscles surged outward as did other parts of his body. Finally, his boxers had had enough. The waistband snapped causing the tattered fabric to float to the ground in defeat. His massive cock and balls spilled out for all to see. His cock and balls were now so massive that the head of his semi-boned schlong dangled down between his shins, and that was after draping over his colossal nuts which not hung down to his knees. Either enormous orb was larger than even Mark’s head by a good margin! Mark gazed down at his body as he flexed his pecs and biceps. The sheer size and scope of his amazingly muscular body blew even him away! But despite how enthralling his enormous body had become, it didn’t stop him from spotting a large, colorful object in a nearby tree. Mark strode over towards the tree. As he did so the crowd of onlookers scattered to get out of the way. Mark’s heavy footfalls caused the ground around him to tremble causing some scrambling onlookers to stagger and fall. Once Mark reached the tree, he marveled for a moment that the tops of the bough only reached to his hips. His fat cock was as thick as the tree trunk. His massive, meaty quads completely dwarfed the tree trunk for sheer girth, but as fun as it was to completely outclass an old oak tree, that was not the reason he had come all this way. Mark reached out and grabbed a large, colorful, plastic egg that had been placed in the bough of the tree. It was much like the eggs that had been placed in the branches of the nearby bushes, but much larger in scale. This plastic capsule was so large that Mark actually needed both hands to open it. The egg was like the size of a beach ball in Mark’s massive hands! Mark didn’t have time to wonder how it had gotten there or even why it was so large. In his current growth, addicted state it made perfect sense. This egg had been placed there for him. He was the only one large enough to claim it. Mark wasted little time in popped the egg open. Once he did so he was not at all surprised to see that the capsule was chock full of tiny candies. At Mark’s current size the candies were like grains of sand inside the massive capsule. Mark tossed the top of the capsule aside and lifted the candy-laden lower half to his lips as if drinking from an oversized goblet. He didn’t even bother chewing. He poured the tiny candies down his throat as if chugging a keg. As he swallowed gulp after gulp of candies he could feel himself swelling in size. This growth spurt was nothing like the others. This growth spurt was so intense that Mark was dizzied by the sheer speed of it. He could hear the crowd gasp as he surged upwards and outwards in size. He could feel his ears pop as he got taller and taller. He could feel the gigantic goblet of an eggshell dwindle in his hands until it was little more than a teacup. Mark let out a contented sigh as he downed the last of the candy and tossed the eggshell aside. He felt so amazingly powerful and sexy that he was practically giggling. He was so giddy that he couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear as he gazed down at the changes that had gone on in his already titanic body. Mark’s pecs jutted out so far in front of him that they would have eclipsed his view of the tree he had been standing over had his cock and balls not already done that. Mark’s enormous bait and tackle were now so proportionally huge that his nuts nearly scraped the ground at his feet and his cock now rested solidly on the ground in front of him, although given how hot and bothered he was becoming, his cock wouldn’t stay grounded for long. Mark managed to take his eyes off of his colossal cock and balls and his immaculate muscles to look out at the crowd that had gathered around him. Mark could barely comprehend how massive he had become. Everyone looked so tiny to him. They were like ants. Even the helicopters which had begun circling him seemed like flies. Mark noticed the colors on the sides of the helicopters. Even in his current, enthralled state, he recognized the colors of both local and national news outlets. He was no doubt being filmed for all to see. Soon his adoring audience wouldn’t be limited to the city. Soon the whole nation would know – and then the whole world. Mark’s smirk grew wider as he put on a gun show for the tiny film crews which floated around him like gnats. He felt so amazingly sexy and huge and powerful that he just couldn’t help himself. His colossal cock steadily stirred to life before him. Mark could actually hear the cries of shock and excitement from the crowd as his steadily boning rod lifted itself off the ground and begun to jut out in front of him. Mark turned to give his film crew a better view of all his angles. His massive muscles flexed for their tiny lenses. His colossal cock swung threw the air, nearly slapping one of the helicopters out of the sky. Mark flashed a sheepish, apologetic grin at the tiny film crew, but the grin soon gave way to a look of awe and understanding as his gaze fell upon downtown. There, seated on its perch in front of the convention center was one of the gaudiest pieces of modern art the city had ever known. The installation had a real name. Every knew it had a name, but no one used that name because the artist was the most self-absorbed douchebag that ever lived. Instead, everyone always just called it “The Egg” to spite him. But today The Egg looked different. The colossal structure had what could only be described as a crease in the center of it… almost as if it could be opened. Mark staggered towards the installation as if in a daze. The pavement cracked beneath his bulk. Car alarms blared as the reverberations of his footfalls triggered their security systems. Windows rattled from the shockwaves of his heavy steps. The news helicopters kept pace as Mark continued his trek. Did they have any idea where he was headed or why? Mark had no way of knowing. They were now so tiny to him that he could barely even hear the buzz of their propellers. Soon Mark stood in front of his goal. The Egg now lay before him in all its chrome glory. The Egg was massive by most standards, but to Mark it was little bigger than smart car. It was too big for Marc to lift, but there were other ways for him to get at his prize. Mark balled a tight fist and punched his hand clean through the outer shell of The Egg. To the shock of Mark’s audience but not to Mark, The Egg was filled to the brim with tiny candies – candies which were so tiny to the colossal titan that the mass of candy appeared to be almost liquid. Mark scooped handful after handful of the candies into his mouth. With each mouthful he surged in size and strength. Soon he was so massive that he could hoist The Egg above him as if chugging beer straight from the keg at a frat bash. By the time Mark had drained the last of the candies from The Egg, The Egg had gone from the size of a beer keg in Mark’s hands to the size of a beer can. Mark shrugged and effortlessly chucked the broken art piece into the bay. The Egg crashed down with enough force to cause waves large enough to send ships almost a quarter of a mile inland. Mark once more glanced out at the world around him. He was now even more massive and muscular than ever. Even the tallest skyscrapers in downtown barely reached up to his belly button. His colossal cock alone completely dwarfed even the largest structure around. His enormous nuts were now so massive that they rested solidly on the ground. Even just one colossal cojone could fill an entire football stadium and then some! Mark was so huge, so powerful, so sexy! He just couldn’t take it anymore! He reached forward with both hands and grabbed onto his massive cock. Mark’s colossal cock was so enormous that even the titanic stud couldn’t get his hands around it. It was like trying to grapple a Clydesdale. The best Mark could do was lean forward so that he was all but resting atop his own nuts and wrap his arms around the beast as if trying to suplex it. Even then, Mark’s cock was so enormous that he couldn’t even come close to wrapping his arms all the way around it, but it was enough for what he had in mind. Using every muscle in his titanic, yoked bod, Mark ran his hands along the length of his enormous rod. Every muscle in his body flexed and rippled as he grappled with the behemoth. The ground shuddered with the intensity of his thrusts. As Mark stroked his skyscraper-sized schlong, images of people he once knew crept into his mind. What would they think of him now that he was a literal god to them? He was so massive compared to even the biggest jock on campus. Would he even be able to see them anymore or were they little more than specs of dust to him? Mark tried to fathom just how massive he had become. He was so huge that his entire Bio class could hold their lab on just the tip of one of his nipples. Mark’s mind drifted to the news helicopters that were no doubt still floating around him. They were so tiny that he couldn’t even hear them. They were smaller than gnats to him. Mark had to wonder how much of his rippling, muscular bod could they even get in the frame. He was so massive that they’d have to get miles away to get a clean shot of his whole body. He couldn’t help but wonder, just what part of his massive body would they try to film? Would they try to get his face? His massive, meaty ass? His flexing, muscular backside? Would they get a shot of his colossal, pre-drooling slit? Even just the slit of his monolithic cock was so huge that even the Ever Green couldn’t get stuck in it. Mark grinned as he thought about the people watching the news at home. Even the biggest screen wouldn’t do the video justice. Even an IMAX would look like a postage stamp compared to the sheer size and scope of his colossal body. He was just so ridiculously mind and load-blowingly huge that he had to be seen to be believed, and even the people who saw him couldn’t believe it. Mark’s thoughts continued to run wild as he fantasized about how huge he had become while stroking his colossal cock. His breaths became loud, low, breathy moans that reverberated for miles around. Pre fell on the streets below as massive, viscous meteors. Even just his pre had begun to flood the streets. When he finally blew it would be a deluge for the ages. Mark didn’t last much longer. He was so horny from his growth that even had he not been actively stroking his cock, he would have popped like a champaign bottle before long. His full-body rub down of his dick just sped up the process. He let out a loud moan that was almost a roar. The sheer force of his cry shattered windows for miles around. His colossal cock gave a hard lurch and then another and then the shooting started. Thick, heavy ropes of warm spunk erupted from his volcano of a cock. Much of the heavy muck landed with a crash in the bay, but quite a bit of it rained down upon the streets below. Cars and trucks vanished in an instant under a thick layer of white spooge. Most of the audience had had the common sense to seek higher ground, but some of Mark’s more ardent admirers soon found themselves swimming in a lake of hot, thick titan cum. The muck was so thick that it was almost like swimming through rubber cement. The tiny people felt more like they were crawling out of it as opposed to swimming through it. Mark came and came again. His colossal stadium-filling nuts pumped out gallon upon gallon upon gallon of spooge. Either enormous nut had enough spunk crammed in it to fill a water tower a hundred times over! It wasn’t long before it became impossible to tell where downtown ended and the bay begun. Everything was just an ocean of cum with a few tall buildings sticking out of it. Eventually, the titan’s loads began to taper off until his cock managed a few weak, watery spurts before stopping altogether. His colossal cock, which would dwarf even the biggest building in Dubai, softened until it landed with a reverberating splat in the muck that surrounded the city and bay. Mark was so addled by the mind-blowing climax and the overwhelming afterglow that his thoughts were scattered and fragmented. All he could do was lie there atop his own massive cock and balls with a grin plastered across his face and cum plastered across his muscles, but even through the haze, he could manage to piece together one coherent thought. This was the beginning of a new life for Mark – a life as a god.
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