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Two perspective job candidates go head-to-head when presenting their experiments that could help solve world hunger. Max had graduated from college with a masters in biochemistry. He had been looking for a job for months and finally had made it far in the hiring process for a job at a stem cell laboratory that was leading the charge on fighting world hunger. For the last step in the hiring process, two candidates were meant to demonstrate to the board of directors their competency within biochemistry and how they will further the research of the laboratory. “Geez. I’m really nervous for this man. I can’t believe it’s come down to just the two of us,” said Max as he paced back and forth waiting for them to be called in. “Hey don’t worry man. I’m not surprised it ended up coming down to the two of us. We were both leagues ahead of our other classmates when we were in school,” said Ethan as he patted Max on the shoulder. Ethan and Max had gone to the same university for grad school and they were the brainiacs of the class. They had always gotten a kick out of the friendly competition they had between each other, but it was always in good fun for the furtherance of science. They became good friends and were happy that the respective other had made it so far in the interview process. “Ethan, Max, they’re ready for you,” said the receptionist as she poked her head out of the door. The two walked into a large room. There were two tables set up on opposite ends of the room and a table at the front where five people in lab coats were sitting and waiting for the two men to walk in. “Hello gentlemen. Congratulations on making it this far in the hiring process. We have looked at your accomplishments within academia, we’ve interviewed both of you and found that both of you are passionate about this field, now we would like to assess what you two have to offer this research group. We’ve set up your experiments as instructed by the two of you and have read your procedures. Mr. Burk you will be conducting your experiment first. Good luck and take it away when you’re ready,” said the scientist as she sat back down in her chair. Max walked up to the table and saw his experiment materials: five lab rats, a syringe, a beaker of a green liquid, a scale, a wire, and two double A batteries. “Hello distinguished members of the board. My name is Max Burk and today I will present you with my solution on curing world hunger. As you have read from my thesis, I have discovered a way to harness electrical energy and turn it into calories.” Max took out three lab rats from the cage. “This is Charlie, Delta, and Echo. Genetically identical lab rats. I administered my formula to Charlie and Delta one week ago today while Echo has not received the treatment. As you can see, Charlie and Delta are significantly larger than Echo. Charlie is 43% larger and Delta is 87% larger. The discrepancy in sizes are due to the diets we had them on. Echo is currently on a strict dry food diet. I fed him once daily and he has not increased in size at all in the past week. I placed Charlie on a strictly electric diet. I gave him access to 1.5 volts of electricity a day and as you can see, he has gained significant size. Delta’s diet was both an electric and caloric one. I fed him the same amount as Echo and gave him the same volts as Charlie. I’ve discovered through administering both treatments, the specimen will grow twice as much than when it was just the electric access.” “And just to prove that these results are true, allow me to give you a demonstration.” Max set the three lab rats back down in the cage and picked up a new one. “This is Foxtrot. He has not been exposed to the formula and is also genetically identical to the others. He currently weighs 403 grams and after I administer a dose of the formula and expose him to this simple double A battery, he should increase to approximately 420 grams.” Max grabbed the syringe on the table, extracted 10mL of formula from the beaker, and injected it into Foxtrot. The rat spasmed as the formula worked its way into his bloodstream. “To give you a description of what is happening, enzymes are being added to his digestion system that are able to accept electricity as a resource to be converted to energy. He is feeling a small bit of pain at the moment, but the process is brief.” As fast as it started, Foxtrot’s reaction stopped. Max picked up one of the batteries and connected the wire to it. He placed it in front of the lab rat and Foxtrot immediately went to observe it. He began to suck on the exposed part of the wire. Slowly but surely, the scientists in the room watched as the rat steadily increased in size as he continued to suck on the wire. Once Foxtrot had consumed all of the voltage stored in the battery, Max grabbed him and put him on the scale. “422 grams. In just one short session, the rat has gained 5% of its original size.” “This is clearly a phenomenal discovery that you’ve made Mr. Burk, but this is only a small dosage and it has gained a significant amount of size, what will happen when a user has gained enough size and can’t stop gaining size?” asked one of the scientists. “Excellent question Dr. Washington.” Max turned around and retrieved another lab rat from the cage. This rat was larger than both Delta and Echo. “This is Beta. I administered the formula to him 40 days ago. Watch what happens when he is exposed to the same amount of voltage as Foxtrot just was.” Max replaced the battery that Foxtrot had drained with a fresh one. He placed Beta in the cage with the exposed wire and he did the exact same thing as Foxtrot did. But he didn’t gain size like the previous rat. “The formula has now worn off within Beta so therefore he no longer converts the electricity into energy.” “Excellent job Mr. Burk. I do have a question as well. You’ve clearly used the NATO phonetic alphabet to name your rats. So I must ask, what happened to Alpha?” “He was the first rat to be administered the formula. Unlike the other lab rats, he had a larger dose of 50ccs. He grew much larger than the other rats much faster and he had to be terminated. But with your funding, I hope to be able to begin moving to human testing. Thank you.” The room clapped for him as he sat down in the chair next to Ethan. “You were really good. I don’t know how I’m ever going to top that,” said Ethan as Max sat back down. “I’m sure you’ll find some way to top me. Good luck.” “Mr. Rogers. If you’ll present us with your findings?” “Yes ma’am.” Ethan scurried his way to the table to find his own beaker with a red liquid inside, 5 lab rats, a miniature treadmill, a syringe, and a scale. “Ladies and gentlemen of the board, I’d like to present you with my growth hormone.” Ethan turned around and picked up a very large lab rat. It looked to be almost the size of a housecat. “This is specimen 6. I administered my growth formula to him 50 days ago and as you can see, he has grown approximately 600% bigger than his original size. This was not done with any other special food. He received the same food that this rat was fed.” Ethan pulled out a second lab rat that was normal sized. “This is specimen 7. He was given the same amount of food that specimen 6 was. However, specimen 6 did receive 25ccs of my growth hormone as well as an increased amount of exercise.” Ethan set specimen 6 back in the cage and grabbed a rat that was smaller than specimen 6, but bigger than specimen 7. “This is specimen 8. He was given the same amount of food and formula as specimen 6, but he did not receive an increase in exercise like specimen 6. I believe I have found a way for the muscle tissue to break down and rebuild itself sooner than the average specimen.” “Pardon me Mr. Rogers, but FDA will not approve of most steroids that are injected with an animal for purposes of growth. And it is not the best thing for PR at livestock farms.” “That is true Dr. Khan. However, my growth hormone meets the criteria of the FDA. It is nontoxic and does not affect the meat of the animal. And just like Mr. Burk, I’d like to demonstrate this formula so all of you can witness it firsthand.” Ethan picked up a new untouched lab rat. “This is specimen 9. He weighs 396 grams. Once I inject him with the hormone and put him on this treadmill, he will begin to show signs of muscle growth.” Ethan did just that. He took 25ccs of the hormone into the syringe, shot it into specimen 9, and placed him on the treadmill. The rat began scampering across the treadmill. The room anxiously anticipated the rat to grow with minimal results. After 10 minutes of the rat running on the treadmill, there was no visual growth that happened within the rat. Ethan took the rat off the treadmill and placed him on the scale. “Now you probably can’t see it like you could with Mr. Burk’s example, but there was muscle growth within specimen 9. He is currently 409 grams. My hormone is meant to be administered over a longer period of time. I hope to sell this product to the meat manufacturing industry in order to revolutionize how meat is sold and hopefully increase the meat supply.” “That is quite wonderful Mr. Rogers. If you both could leave the room while we make a final decision, but good work, both of you. Even if we do not hire you, each of you have a fulfilling career in the field of biochemistry,” said the head scientist. The two men quickly left the room as the scientists began discussing. “You were great man. That hormone will definitely be a game changer in the meat industry,” said Max as he patted Ethan on the back. “It will, but I messed up my presentation. I was hoping for my demonstration to yield more results like yours did. Your product even cancels the need for food all together. It’s truly incredible,” said Ethan to the smaller man. “Thanks. Hopefully, the research team agrees.” The two of them waited for what felt like an eternity until the receptionist came out again to get them. The pair walked in and stood in front of their respective experiments. “Gentlemen. Both of these experiments are amazing feats of science. But we only have the funding for one new study. So the individual who will be receiving funding is-” A man abruptly cut off the scientist as he barged into the room “Everyone, we must evacuate now! The substance in lab number 6 has become unstabl-” But the man didn’t get the chance to finish. There was an explosion that came from the room next to them. Everything in the room was blasted to the opposite room. Max hit the wall and heard glass break above his head. Liquid poured down his body as a support beam landed on him and knocked him unconscious.
Here we follow the transformation of Subject 0, from an average guy to a sublime soldier. I am not the best illustrator and I’m aware of that, but I want to use the best of my abilities to, step by step, portray this transformation, one that is repeated throughout my stories. I will start here and continue on the comments. 1-Infection: On this stage the transformation sets in, the pain is excruciating, the muscles grow slow, most of the action is held on the blood, where the formula spreads and reproduces itself, indeed infecting the whole body;
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I’d like to thank my friend for developing this story with me. Love you bro. ——————— It is important to look for a safe place when lost. Those two guys knew that. That day, they went hiking in the woods for too long, and got lost, and the night was coming. Fortune was kind to them, there was a cave nearby, and they went there with hopes of resting, so they could return home the next day. The cave was wet and hot, it smelled like thick sweat, and there was a weird miasma on the place. All was too quiet, they decided to look the place around, to be sure it was safe. After walking just some steps, it happened. Fortune deceived them. A huge stream of a weird, gooey substance fell over them, and it kept on falling until they were soaked, filthy. It had a strong smell. They were coated all over with the goo. They tried to get rid of it, but was impossible, the substance was sticky, it covered their whole bodies, and even if they could take some off, the goo was still heavily dripping over them. They try to help each other out, and end up stuck together, a gooey, fetid mess. It gets worse. The goo starts to solidify around them, quickly trapping them together, and to bring it to the next level, a shell was quickly formed, they got trapped together. In panic, they hold each other up, trying to calm themselves down. The hug works, and they rest. They don’t know yet, but the goo is far from a passive substance. It enter their bodies, slowly changing them. As their skin burns, the bros hug tighter, trying to survive the pain. They try to stay strong, and start to realize they are changing, even if they can’t understand fully what is happening. Their clothes start to be corroded by the goo, and they oddly start to feel stronger than before, the fabric that resists starts growing tighter. Their arms start to grow thicker. They still hug, but as their bodies expand, it pushes them apart. One of them extend his arms and with a flex, its sleeves get reduced to shreds. Their shirts grow uncomfortably tighter, and their expanding pecs and ever more defined abs are shown. Both covered in veins, their muscles expand deeply. They increasingly grow strong and well defined, in size and in muscle mass. Shoulders getting ever so strong and thick, as also are their necks. Their faces change, being both sculpted, ever more strong and masculine, raw. As they grow, they hold each other tighter and in a deeper way, as they were discovering how one means to the other. Comforting each other, another growing spurt hits them, and their clothes are no more, nothing separating the goo from their growing naked bodies. They realize they are in this together. No more fear, they allow the goo to cover them, and rejoice in feeling the substance enveloping them. As they hold each other, their skin burns deeper, something ever more strange is happening with their bodies, something big, but that they can’t identify. As it happens, one of the men decide to do something he never thought on doing before. As they became aroused during the change, their cocks are fully awake, and growing, even. “We are in this together” he thinks, realizing even more how he cares about his mate. “Those muscles, my bro, are to protect you”. With that in mind, he caress the cock of the other, and also explores the defined body of him. His friend follows, and they both explore their new changed bodies. First, putting their hands on each other timidly, but then, more vigorously. Feeling an indescribable wave of deep pleasure from being touched. They are too busy discovering new sensations to notice their hair is retrieving, something is coming out of their skins, and there are weird protuberances oddly timidly going out of their skulls. They keep on exploring each other, feeling like they are one. Their cocks drip pre, that mixes itself with the goo. The transformation intensifies, they grow ever more muscular, taller, their skins replaced by scales, their eyes being covered in layers of new lenses, improving their vision, they become even more sensitive to the touch. Their bodies explode in deep orgasm, and they aren’t over yet. One put his cock on the ass of the other, the apex is reached. As the other man enjoys a huge wave of pleasure, they both roar and bellow, deeply bonding with each other. Finally, after a long fuck, the goo get absorbed by their transformed bodies and becomes part of their scales. It is done. But they barely notice, locked in the pleasure. After a while, they finally let go of each other, and admire their profound changes “Fuck” they say together, both are with deep voices, like a growl. “What this cave have done to us, brother” “It made us into beasts, that we are primed to be” “Fuck, bro, I never felt better.. look, look at my arms, look at those fuckin guns” “You look good... and fuck good too” “You don’t look bad yourself.. fuck so good...” They start to stroke each other’s pecs. “This goo, this cocoon changed us” “Hmmm it looks for the better” “Fuck, I love you, bro” They again masturbate each other, one playing with the helmet of the cock of the other. “Even your cock is different, bro” “It is bigger and thicker like yours” The cocks ejaculate a modified cum, yellow and thick, with a very strong smell. They roar in ecstasy. Playing with each other’s cocks more strongly now. They laid down for a while, one holdin the cock of the other. “We are one, bro. My life, I devote to protect you.” They kiss passionately. And one of the men decides it needs to mark this moment, seeing a sharp stone on the floor, he grabs it and draws a spiral on his left chest, letting out roars of pain. Modified blood is spilled, but it was a necessary move. “This is our mark now”. The other does the same. Then they both hold each other’s chest and kiss, cuddling on the floor, holding each other tight, like they were doing in the cocoon. Bonded together, enjoying their new powerful forms.
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The first part of the story can be found here The final Part of the Story can be found Here -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Days after the big transformation, Jason and Nik couldn’t see each other much, but each time they could hang out together, they would spend every minute possible chatting and enjoying each other’s presence, getting to know one another. “They test me more and more each day, but I can take it, with all this muscle that I was blessed with” “You said you still feel the old you mixed with this new will of yours, this assertive personality you’ve been developing further. I wonder if the doubts and fears you used to have still bother you, Nik” “They do. But each day less and less. And, I have you to count with” “Well! I would say, soon it will be you helping me with my doubts and fears” “There is no thing I’d like more than that. you gave me strength, I will give you some strength, too” Jason liked Nik, he had a lot of care for him before the transformation, and now he would feel a mix of awe and urge to protect that man, that till a certain point was his creation. Nik liked Jason, he was grateful for the friendly shoulder he provided him, he was growing more fond each day of that sticky figure, that used to dream with glory, muscles and war, like so many men would do, like so many would never reach. Jason tried his best to hide his growing feeling of inadequacy, sadness, awkwardness facing his behemoth of a friend. Jason didn’t know that Nik could see right through his good humor and friendly smirks. Jason was crushed, defeated. They kept seeing each other when they could, kept having increasingly better and more deep conversations together. They sort of complimented each other, the faith and hope of Jason, the dutiful and determined nature of Nik. Jason was the spirit, Nik was action. And with his new body, the fears weren’t match to it. Nik could see his dear friend through all that, he could see that guy, scared, lost, inadequate. “I wish we could talk more, we only have those moments on small breaks, it is nice, but I feel we have more to discuss...” “We could chat more often, but it’s a stretch.... I perform tests on the lab every Wednesday, it’s also a time when I’m available to chat, you should see me then, friend. I make sure everything is up and running, but still, it would be nice to see a friendly face!” “I wonder if that would break any rule or anything” “Don’t worry about it... you know, my fellow scientists admire my zeal towards this project and the lab progress, we all are pretty buried in work, though... it’s nice to see a friendly face” Jason, always the dedicated nerd, working his frustrations away. He had every reason to be happy, though, that kept a smile on his face, in spite of the frustrations. That Wednesday, like usual, he was alone in the lab, his workmates were having lunch or distracted with something else. He missed his big pal, and the thought of Nik could make him shiver in many ways, but still, it was his big pal, and he always had him in mind. “Jason! Working Wednesdays, I can see!” “Always, friend, always, the way I like it! Just me and all this!” Nik was there, making Jason company, even if he would feel inadequate, the vision of his friend made him smile. “Hey, so nice to see you once more! I wonder though, don’t you have anything better to do, other than seeing a twinky scientist on his craft? I mean, look at you, what cant you do!” ”There is plenty I can’t do, don’t try to steal my modesty away!” said Nik with his deep thick voice. “I just wanted to see you, like usual! Hopefully we can have that good chat before someone drags me away.” ”Well, my pleasure, as always!”
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The Prologue of the story, both on Jason and Nikolas background, can be found Here and Here Part Two is found here Part 3 is found Here —————————————————— He told him his name was Jason. Nikolas, Subject 001, arrived at the facility, having many second thoughts. He was barely material for such experiment, but there he was, the poor man, barely on his 20s, shaked in fear. Before he could be moved to his facilty for the next days, someone did notice his fear. "Hey, is anything wrong?" "Who are you?" "My name is Schwartz., Jason. I am a lab assistant around here" "Are we allowed to speak? Many rules were explained to me about what to do and what not to do." "Rules are the core of the military, it is what makes the world go round, after all. But I suppose there is no harm in ask: why so shaky? Is anything wrong, at all?" They weren't the ones at that gallery, that smelled like concrete, but the guards around, on their nightly shift, couldn't care less about them. Nik, decided that his situation couldn't go worse just by speaking to a stranger, so he explained some of his situation. "I don't know if I made the right decision, that's all. This classified project, feels more than I can chew" "You know, when I arrived here, some years ago, I felt the same way. It's too much, too big of a step for a chemistry major like I was at a time." Jason sat on the steps of a staircase nearby, and glanced over his past. "Mr. Schwartz, I don't know if our situation is similar." "Please, young man, call me Jason!" "You don't look so old to be calling me young man" "Well, how old are you, soldier?" "25" "I'm 3 years older than you!" Nik chuckled, even if he was still afraid, there was nice to have him being kind towards him on such a situation. Helped alleviate the seriousness of such place. "I was 22 when I got here" Said Jason, looking at the horizon, talking both to himself and to Nik "I applied for a position in a private lab, but ended up here. I heard my study on altering the human anatomy through DNA changes caught some eyes, word spread around somehow and, I was recruited by the government itself" he looked very proud of his achievement. Nik noticed that. "Before you go, what is your name?" "I'm recruit Johannes, Nikolas. I am subject 001". They went their both ways, but it wasn't the first time they'd see each other. Jason found himself meeting the young recruit again, as the scientists explained to him his future. "You are to become the Supersoldier, a man to grow beyond measure, a glorious statement, symbol of a nation." Those were one of the sentences said by the scientists, who weren't as fun to be around as Jason, he thought. He saw Jason at the bottom of the room, crossing his thin arms while listening carefully to the words of his colleagues. Nik smiled, though still feeling shaky, unsure of his choices still. Jason noticed that. After the whole presentation, having some time at hands, he went to speak to Nikolas. Putting his hand on his shoulder, he said. "My fellow scientists can be intimidating. I know. What they mean is: you will be alright, and your future is glorious, young man! At least that's what I believe" He sat next to Nikolas and kept talking "There is no need for fear, don't shake like that. Hey, it will be alright, your future is glorious." "Can you exactly translate what they said, Mr. Schwartz? I couldn't understand the scientist language too much" "But of course. Hey, no worries, I'm here to help, I'm an assistant, anyways. You will go on the chamber, we will administer some formulas into your body, and around you, through some injections. My fellow scientists will be monitoring the procedure through the control panel over there, making sure nothing goes wrong" "What if something goes wrong?" "We'll stop the procedure and you'll be taken out, discharged with honors and you won't have to worry about much further that." "And what are the chances of that?" "I'd say 25% of it going wrong, but we ran so many tests on VR before, I'd say I'd shrink it to about 5%. It will be alright." Jason held the shoulder of Nikolas again, in a calming way, he appreciated that. Jason felt good on helping the future of the army, the culmination of his efforts in the lab, being less afraid of his big choice. Nikolas felt he had a friend in Jason, and that was enough for this solitary fellow to keep on going on this "madness". Days passed and they didn't see each other much, but Nikolas thought about Jason, and cherished his words. The day of the big transformation came. Jason said one last time to the soldier, on a plaid shirt and khaki trousers, about to enter in the chamber, putting his hands on his shoulders one last time "you got this, don't worry". And then, it started. Jason knew great things were coming for Nikolas, and he saw in awe through the glass chamber a monster of muscle being born. Tearing his clothes apart, revealing his increasingly enhanced body with proud, roaring in pleasure, as he felt in need of sexual release, consequence of the drastic injection of testosterone in his system. After 20 long minutes of such spectacle, Nikolas stepped outside the machine as a newborn man, everything about him was glorious, like everyone told him. His smell, his shoulders, that previously Jason held to calm him, a pack of rocks that Jason wasn't able to reach anymore. Previously, he would need to be calmed, now he needed to hold back on his masculine proudness. His pecs, his abs, all of him, pure masculine power. Jason then aknowledged the exposed manhood of Nikolas, and he blushed on the size of it. "Wow I wish I had one of those" he thought, but he went beyond that, even if he felt awkward to admit it, experimenting what he haven't felt before until that moment. Once Nik stopped beating his chest with his huge veiny hands, with the applause of all his audience, he was cleaned and scorted back to his facility. Later that night, Jason sneaked into there, to see if everything was alright. "Hey there, our biggest achievement" Said him quietly, with proud and with gentlenenss on his eyes. "Mr. Shwartz, Jason, thank you" said the man with his newly enrinched voice, deep and masculine, like everything about him. "This is all thanks to your support. I'd... I'd have given up if it wasn't for it" "So, how does it feel like? Tell me about it, soldier" "Feels fucking insane. I feel a rush of power through my body, my muscles expanding, all of me, bigger, bigger than before, my abs, I never had exposed abs, let alone abs like that before, Jason, my friend. I feel like I can do anything, I feel I want glory, I want to crush the bones of those who dare to challenge us. I will protect you all with my bare hands! But still, this is the new me, I still feel the old me, it's there, too, occupying space with my newly reborn powerful will." "Wow... We have studied the impacts of one's enhancement. But never heard something like this, wasn't expecting it to feel, so... good." "It feels fucking great, I'm reborn". Nik noticed a bit of sadness on Jason's eyes. He decided to ask him. "So, why did you decide to become what you are?" "You know, I always had interest in the particle around us, that's why I chose chemistry as my major. Incredible how everything is made of small parts, that we can't even begin to understand. And how to apply that in our favor. Imagine, all our superheroes that we grew hearing about, coming to life, thanks to science! All the possibility of the human body, and those muscles..." "What about them?" "Huh? Oh, nothing, don't worry about it." "So, are you interested in superheroes?" "Yes, yes I do" "Do you have a favorite?" "I don't know, probably Captain America and his powerful transformation, I could say the Hulk has my interest as well, but he is too unstable. Well, it only will get better for us, my friend... that's for sure" He said that, but sadness was still strong inside him. "I envy you, you know, all this power... I have a brilliant future ahead in the science world, still a lot of researches to do, maybe one day I'll even get to work on my own, being a lab assistant no longer, say hello to head of Staff Schwartz! My own department! But still..." "Hey" Said Nik, putting his big hands on Jason's shoulders, was his time to be the solid guy on the scene now. "What's wrong?" "It's just this old stupid dream of mine... Back in the days, I was all about Gym, exercising, lifting, all those muscles I wanted in me, to grow myself, but as time went by, my focus shifted, I never got any significant gains anyway. But I wish I could have the time to just go to the gym again, so I could be as big as you" he sounded like a teenager, but Nik listened "Who knows? I still got the urge to grow! But, I'm afraid it's not my world, it is what it is..." "Jason, thank you for this conversation, thank you for checking on me..." "Sure thing, friend, my big friend! Come here" They hugged in a brotherly way, then Nik caressed Jason's shoulders again and said "Great things are coming your way, Jason. Don't worry, no need to shake like that." "Look at you, using my own words against me!" He chuckled, both were very happy to be around each other. Nik saw that brilliant young fellow, so proud of himself, and yet, crushed inside.. This wouldn’t be the last time they would see each other.
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I walked towards the chamber, I had to trust my instincts to keep on going forward, as I walked I could hear my shoes tapping on the floor of steel. ... Suddenly, when I moved to a certain point on that dark room, the lights turned on, revealing a grey room filled with desks and gadgets, I was surprised I could move without bumping into them. I kept on moving, then suddenly I stopped, as an object caught my attention, a dogtag, soaked in some gooey liquid was above one of the desks, almost falling on the floor, it was silver and had an engraving in it saying: Ξαναγεννιέμαι στρατιώτης Είμαι μυς Ζω για να προστατέψω I could tell it was greek, though I couldn't say the meaning of those words. My curiosity got the best of me, I caught it by its small ball chain, and started studying it more closely, I kept on walking, but now slowly, as I analyzed what I had in my hands. The object was light and captivating, at least for me. In the end, I decided to keep it, passed the chains through my head and carefully put the dogtag inside my clothes. I started to feel a tingly feel, started in my hands, that had some of that gooey liquid present on the dogtag, and then it spread towards my chest. I kept on going, but I started to feel worse and worse. I ignored the burn in my body as I could, as I wanted to keep exploring that desert lab. Then I saw a chamber, in the corner. I walked towards the chamber, I had to trust my instincts to keep on going forward, as I walked I could hear my shoes tapping on the floor of steel. I saw it was large enough for a couple of men to be there one next to the other, but overall nothing than a weird elevator, so I thought, and as I started to move outside it, the doors closed. I was surprised, and then a gooey liquid started to rain above me, covering me into it, what a stinging substance, I started to panic and cried for help, but none was around, none came. My skin burned and the liquid started to flood the place, I was desperate, crying for help, and as I did, more and more of the substance poured above me, quickly inundating the chamber. Before I realized, I was floating in the middle of the chamber. My body was absorbing the liquid, and I screamed in pain as I tried to understand what was happening. Slowly, I realized I was growing taller, not only that, but I could feel my clothes tightening across my body. "How could this be?" I thought as I stopped screaming, even if the pain was still overwhelming. My body grew, my muscles expanded, slowly first, then faster and more aggressively. I felt my chest inflating, my pectoral becoming wide and robust. My screams started to thicken and becoming deeper, I could sense my abs growing inside me, carving its ways into the surface, aggressively and sharply. I could see the progress as my shirt finally started to gave in, revealing more and more of my strong pecs, with each nipple further and further away from each other, I was growing wide, my abs were expanding fast now, my scream was a roar now, and I felt pleasure in the pain, more and more. Not only my shirt, my pants also gave in, starting to reveal my strong legs, thicker and with every single muscle being sculpted into it, my trousers also gave in, revealing that my... my penis was growing too, it was thicker and bigger, and was hard. I could taste my pre-cum mixed within the substance. The smell was overwhelming, and more and more came from my body, I was transforming. And it didn't end there, as I was naked, exposed, with my arms standing beside me, my strong muscular arms, my shoulders, my heroic shoulders, wide and robust, that could sustain so much weight. As I was naked, exposed, I was rushed with a urge to fuck, I had to stroke, I was turning into a monster, and the thought of it invaded my mind, washing away every other thought I had before, I was a soldier, I was a big, thick, muscular, wide soldier, and I felt the urgent need to release my newfound power, I grabbed my cock with my strong veiny hands and violently masturbated, with a strong vigor, the pleasure was blinding, I was moaning and bellowing and roaring, my gutural noise was transforming me even further, I stroke furiously, as my abs grew wider, my nipples were wide apart from each other as my pecs were huge, and the dogtag was there, shining in my chest, feeling my strong heart beating, its sound mixing it with everything else. The dogtag was there beside my body, glued by the musk, the musk that mixed with the formula, that mixed with the pre-cum. I reached the peak of my existence and I came in so strong jets that the chamber started to break down, the cum started a different reaction within me, it was the missing link for my departure to the human race. I grew even thicker and wider, stronger and now my skin was mixing itself with the formula, with my own musk, with my cum. It was solidifying around me, becoming my shield, my new skin, I could feel every cell of my body boiling, and the formula washed away my blood, replacing it. My hair was no more, a strong cover of horns was in its place, I was roaring in octaves so low I wondered if anyone could actually hear me if they could. Not only roaring, but letting my pleasure escape through my words. "Fuck, I fuck, uhhhh, transform me, transform me more, me want more" My older being was lost. I was a creature beyond this world now, my pecs insanely wide and muscular, my thick abs, impenetrable. My strong cock was mutated beyong recognition, evolving beyond my control, not that I wanted to control it, I wanted to unleash my new power. I was transforming, stronger and stronger, and I want more. The liquid was no more, my body had absorbed it all, I opened my way out the chamber with my bare muscular hands, and as I did, again I jerked off, it was the only thing I could do, the only thing I wanted to do. I was reborn a soldier, a voracious one. I am reborn a soldier. I am muscle. I live to protect.
- 7 replies
- 23
- cum
- muscle-growth
- (and 10 more)
My scientist friend was working on a secret project, and it only came to light shortly after he died, in mysterious circumstances. It was revealed to me in a note he left me, where he begged me to be who he couldn’t. The note didn’t say much, besides his plead, and a single instruction: to put the dogtag attached to the note. So I did, and so it began. My body was covered in thick metal as I screamed until the heavy cocoon hid my body from the world. I knew something massive was happening to me, for the sake of my diseased brother I didn’t want to fight it, but Fought I did, until I couldn’t, Immobilized I was. Even covered from head to toe, I was awaken the whole process, and I could experience it, the transformation. The acid metal corroded my lab coat, my shirt, my pants and trousers, until I was fully exposed, only the dogtag that started it all still pended beside me. I started to grow, slowly and massively, my muscles were developing, much was necessary to transform me into a beast, and yet this was happening, my pecs expanded and I felt my bones breaking, reassembling, changing, thickening, just like my hard muscles. My flat abdomen was utterly changed, the muscles strengthened inside me, the skin fighting to keep up with my new form. My legs grew tight in the cocoon as they transformed into colossus of meat and power, my bones reassembled and changed as my mind was bathed with thoughts and feelings I never experienced before. This transformation was changing my core. My scientific knowledge, my culture, my previous passions, all gave away to strengthen, duty, glory, war. Be a good soldier, transform for the sake of your brother in arms. Flex your arms and punch with vigor! Roar the BattleCry, and so I did, and as I did, again and again, my cocoon changed, and started to fuse into my body officially. My skin was gone, my bare muscles were in contact with the metal that now was my new cover, my natural armory. My hair was gone, and through my skull the iron merged into my bones, changing them deeply, causing me to grow powerful horns, my new symbol of virility. My cock grew beyond any natural proportion and his power as the spreader of my seed, my blood, grew. When It finished, the previously rough metal was now smooth as part of my being. I weighted tons and felt the strength of the gods above. My chest was wide, muscular, raw, my nipples pending down, dripping my seed through them, showing how much I’ve changed. My abs were powerful and I felt my new anatomy with my wide, powerful hands. I had the shoulders of the gods now, capable of supporting great weight, ability I was eager to test, as I’d like to carry those petty men in my new powerful back now. To be their eternal servant. Their bull. I had the horns, had the strength, had the vigor. I was deeply and truly changed. A different kind of testosterone flew through my veins, and I had to explore my manhood. I played with my giant cock, so hard it was, so sensitive. It was dripping precum already, as I caressed gently the powerful instrument of pleasure. I slowly roared as my movements became less kind, until finally I was fucking myself and groaning with indescribable pleasure. And then I came, jets and jets of silver came from my body, product of my powers. Sealing the pact, finally making clear I was beyond a man now. I was Dr. Atomic.
- 2 replies
- 10
- transformation
- sci fi
- (and 4 more)
I wake up. I stand there tied to a block of steel. My arms are stung by wires. It hurts, I scream in pain. I barely remember the events that lead to this moment, I can only remember being tied to this block, siringes being injected in my arms, the pain making me unconscious. Now I wake up, I feel pain, and in the mist of it, warmth spreading all over me. I can feel my blood being infected with what they're injecting in me through the wires, it hurts so bad, I scream in pain. As I scream, my whole body flex, as if I'm trying to embrace myself, bracing for something beyond my comprehension. I flex, once more, harder, and I beg them to stop, byt they don't, instead, more pain. I struggle to remember how did I end up here, how did I tied to this block. "UNGH" "AHH" It hurts, deeply, I feel it infecting my organs and brain... Something is about to happen, something big. As the pain surges once again, I feel my clothes tighter, I feel, as I flex, my arms tougher, my chest wider. Something is happening with me, something big. I scream, I do my best to release myself, I can't, and the more I try, the more I feel the infection spreading. I am growing bigger, wider, and my clothes start to feel uncomfortable, I scream in pain, I don't know what is happening still, but I don't want this, I don't want this pain, this liquid, this infection. I desperately try to remember. I am growing bigger, wider, my clothes start ripping apart, my body is now washed in sweat, the ripping fabric is glued to my blody by the thick layer of foul sweat that covers me now. I scream, I want ti to stop. As my clothes rip itself apart, glued to my body even further, I feel the chain of my dogtag stretching across my back, neck and chest, as they grow thicker, wider, stronger. It happens, I feel the energy of a thousand suns within me. My screams transform into deep roars, slowly but surely, my voice is bellowing octaves, I don't know how. It happens, I feel my legs thickening, stretching, ripping my trousers. Ripping my boxers. I feel my penis hard with the pressure. My shirt is slowly reduced to shambles as my pecs widen, my abs grow within me, hard and powerful, capable of many feats. My shoulders, oh, my shoulders get stronger by the minute. I try to remember why this is happening to me, but I feel my brain changing, too, I feel the pain slowly turn to pleasure, I feel my suffering facial expression turning into a grin, my eyes are frowning and my eyes are filled with power and anger. I am losing my innocence, I am transforming, transforming into a beast, and I want more. Slowly but surely, this desire consumes me. "Yes, please, more!" "Oh yea! Oh my cock! My fucking cock! Bigger!" "More, I want more!" "MORE, I WANT MORE" "GAHHHHHH" My voice turn into loud and angry grunts, the transformation capture me fully, and is determined to change me completely, from a regular man into a fighting beast. A powerful muscular monster. I feel my whole body changes as I'm getting naked, My cock is standing like a pilar in my front, trembling with blood and the formula that is now part of my being, part of my genes. My pecs expand larger and larger, I like how my skin stretches, desperate to catch up with my delicious and tremendous transformation. The modified testosterone of my body fills the air, this is the aroma of my thick sweat, this is who I am, a beast, more than a man, the figure of pure raw masculine power. And I want more, I demand for more. I am able to release myself from the block, some of the wires fall in the floor, but I'm still transforming, I feel immense pleasure as I release myself, my feat of strenght, causing me to cum, jets and jets of my thick seed mix with my sweat, the strong smell of it fills the air, and it hits me, finally. How I ended up turning to a beast of pure raw deep power. My previous self, so curious, got caught in a secret project from a powerful organization, and this is my punishment, to lose my humanity, to become the first test subject of their ambitions. I don't mind, and then my mind blanks as I keep spurting my seed. I roar a deep roar of satisfaction, I am who I want to be, I embrace my change, I am what they want me to become. They asked, they received. I feel more power within me by the second. And it hits me, this power, needs to be shared. I know what my next move is.
So I have come off my hiatus (mainly due to me completing my Master's thesis) to write this for the storyversary. I had a pandemic one planned for this year... before we had a pandemic. Much like my past storyversary entries, this one is based around current events, personal experience (both online and IRL), and literature I've read. I would love to hear your thoughts, as well as see if you can pick up the references I've made in this piece. ----- “Good morning Altimore. I’m Mike Armistand.” Lucas smiled as the screen on his tablet showed the extraordinarily handsome face of news anchor, Mike Armistand. His cleft chin covered in dark stubble. His dark brown hair perfectly gelled into place. A smoldering gaze coming from his deep green eyes. He looked perfect. “And I’m Farrah Enseher.” Lucas wasn’t as enthralled by her, but he knew most straight men were. Blonde, tanned, curvy, and stacked, just what any straight man would want. Even though Lucas was gay, he had to look at her, she is a woman. She deserves his attention. “And welcome to NewsSpeak, where the news speaks to you. In today’s top story, more protests surrounding the annual Dependence Day collections. Be careful out there today. The Montag Corporation Security Force will be out there today to ensure everything stays peaceful.” Lucas leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes. He could listen to Armistand talk about anything all day long. Even if it was about a bunch of those Nazis holding signs about bodily integrity and misanthropy, and other classist language. The Christian movement should have died out years ago. “You would have thought people would have learned from the election 64 years ago,” Lucas thought to himself, smiling. It was a good thought. Shifting his thought back to the deep and melodic voice of Mike, he couldn’t help but imagine the anchorman’s thick Adam's apple bobbing up and down his thick neck as he spoke the news. Even though the man was on the screen right in front of it, Lucas preferred to imagine it. With it being Dependence Day, he decided to imagine the airing of Mike Armistand’s Dependence Acceptance from years ago. The anchor, then reporter, wanted to broadcast the Dependence Acceptance process to show it was safe and that he could handle it. He even wore a suit into the Acceptance chamber. It was a change of utter magnificence. The whole world watched as the buttons on Mike’s suit buckled, then burst off, pinging against the walls of the chamber. Sleeves shredded over his now bountiful biceps and triceps. Lucas remembered just how enthralled he was watching Mike’s hand swallow more and more of the microphone he was holding. Just watching the sinews in his hand as it expanded was so exciting to him. The changes to his upper body were so pronounced that by the time the cameraman realized he needed to pan down, Mike’s tremendous thighs had already obliterated the black dress fabric. The remaining fabric clung to his crotch and around his calves. The changes obviously made him a bit unsteady. One step and flex of the calves tore the remainder of his pants off. Another step and his shoes burst open due to his much larger feet, needed to support his much larger body. Veins running over the top of them with thick meaty toes… Lucas shook his head. He knew he shouldn’t think of the feet. That’s not one of the things he was mandated to be allowed to be attracted to. No one could know he thought of big feet as attractive. Going outside your mandated range could get you labelled as a deplorable. He willed his mind’s eye back up the powerful legs of the transforming Mike to his crotch. The once well-fitted fabric was now bulging as his balls swelled with size and increased their testosterone production. The camera cut away to Mike’s chest before his cock flopped out from the broken zipper. Rumor has it that another camera caught it on video and now it is floating around on the deep old web. The current camera focused on the hair growing out over the newsman’s chest and now exposed abs. While it made him look quite hirsute, it was well known Mike kept it shaved pretty well to ‘keep his masculinity in check.’ The thing to change was his face. Once above average, his features grew bolder. His jaw widened to match his equally thick neck. His chin gained his now signature cleft. Thick stubble covered both of them. Meanwhile his cheekbones shifted higher and his brow lowered just slightly, giving him an intense, brooding look as his eyes changed from gray to a magnificent green. His hair didn’t change too much. It grew out some and darkened a bit, but just that little change seemed to change his whole demeanor. Once the changes seemed to stop, the nation held its breath, seeing if the selection process was true and that he could handle such masculinity. Mike reached down towards his crotch before smiling and bringing his bicep up into a flex, “You see folks,” his newly deepened voice said through sexual pants, “With the right person, masculinity can be wrangled into… submission.” And then the cameras cut out and Lucas’s imagination was over. “This stop is Markist Street,” the automated bus driver announced. Just in time, Lucas stood up to get off at his stop. The news was still playing in his Luco Vido airpods, or more commonly known as “SeaShells” given their shape. The name has changed many times, but the current nickname has been deemed appropriate by the Ministry of Culture. Though it had been a little over a year since the new nickname caught on, so someone was bound to find something bad about it soon, and a new, cooler nickname would be announced. He wasn’t listening to the news as actively as he was with Mike as Farrah droned on how several Midwest states had threatened to secede if they did not get proper representation soon in the electorate system. Lucas snapped to attention, realizing he hadn’t been listening to Farrah seriously, so he began to intently look at her words. “Why would anyone want to live in the Midwest anyway?” Farrah mocked and Lucas nodded, “Yeah why would anyone live there. There’s like nothing. And if they choose to live there, they shouldn’t complain. Plus we do so much for them, we know how things run there.” Lucas mused as he worked his way through the crowd, his tablet guiding him to avoid collisions with others. Finally he arrived at his destination, the O.R. Well’s building at the Ministry of Justice. He looked around and saw the protesters with their signs saying things like “Let Men be MEN,” “Not all masculinity is toxic,” and “Science says XY not X-.” Lucas couldn’t help but chuckle, “What would they know about science. They are Christian, they hate science.” He thought to himself, remembering how he was taught in biology class that testosterone was a natural driver of aggression and that it was a miracle humanity made it to where it is today without wrangling in the unruly testosterone driven males. Thanks to the invention of the Dependence and Acceptance processes, we have been able to keep men from becoming testosterone crazed, while still being able to reproduce. He could remember his father telling him of his 2-day Acceptance period where he became a 6’5” hulk of a man with a 13 inch penis filled to the brim with energy and sexual desire. He ravaged his mother until she was pregnant before having to be sedated and donating all his borrowed masculinity. Lucas shuddered at the thought, but a small part of him wanted to experience that. He shook that thought off, risking being seen thinking of such a thing, especially at the Ministry of Justice was dangerous. Lucas lost a little bit of focus as Mike Armistand’s voice came back through his head phones, “And remember to have a great Dependence Day, the future of our society depends on you. We will be back this evening with the news.” Distracted by the anchor’s tenor, Lucas walked head first into a pair of meaty pecs. Lucas looked up to see a tall, silver bearded man scowling down at him. “I’m sorry…” He squinty at the man’s nametag, “Officer Sal... Mander…?” It was one of the Montag Corporation’s security force. Their logo was clearly visible on the badge clinging to the man’s left pec. Plus Lucas could see Mander’s suppression aid holstered in his belt next to his submission aid hanging off his hip. Though, his eyes quickly wandered back up to the officer’s chest. The top few buttons were undone and he could see the silvery hair poking through the open flaps. “Watch where you are going, kid.” He grunted and moved past the smaller man, shoving him to the side a bit. Lucas wondered why those on the security force were allowed to hold masculinity. The traditional security force in Altimore, formerly known as the police, were disbanded years ago and company security forces were ushered in. They probably rehired the same policemen and had them put through intensive training or something. After the barbaric mob of the former police force was gone, Lucas wondered why even the security force was put in place. The danger of the police was gone. Lucas turned to watch Sal pepper spray some of the protesters as he walked into the building. “At least they are doing their job,” he mumbled to himself. Inside the building was relatively quiet. Lucas got in line behind a man who had clearly missed a few Dependence Days and looked rightfully nervous. His pecs and biceps twitched under his tight shirt and he kept looking around. Finally, they made it to the front of the line. Curious, Lucas took out one of his Seashells to listen in on the conversation. He had never seen someone this big at a Dependence Day donation before. “Name?” The modelesque receptionist asked, beaming an unnaturally white smile. “Uh… Steven Sands,” the bigger man said quietly. “Date of birth?” “July 9th, 2066” “Oh my, you just missed getting in on your first donation last year. Most line up so fast when they turn 18. You must have been so disappointed not to participate last year. Well I’m sure you are so excited to get rid of all those extra androgens.” Steven just shook his head nervously. “Well, we are a little backed up today. Some non-compliance. But I think we can get you bumped to the front as a lil birthday present. Don’t tell anyone though.” Steven was handed a ticket and escorted down a hall. It was Lucas’s turn now. “Name?” The receptionist repeated. “Lucas Atwood.” “Date of birth?” “June 8th, 2059.” “Okay, so we are a little backed up today. Some non-compliance is all. Oh shoot, I forgot to mention it to the other guy. The average testosterone level had risen by 19.84% so the donation process will take slightly longer to accommodate for the additional androgen collection.” “That’s alright. This was my plan for the day,” Lucas responded plainly. “Alright then, the parlor is just down that hall. An attendant will call you when a donation chamber becomes available.” Lucas took the ticket and headed towards the parlor. The room had wall-to-wall TV screens. All playing various news and entertainment channels. Finding a seat, he settled on the NewsSpeak channel, a different anchor now doing the midday news, Tony Burgess. He wasn’t as favored as Armistand, but still controlled his masculinity well. Lucas started imagining the broadcast of Tony going from meek weather intern to hunky red-headed Thor weatherman, flexing out of his shirt, contorting his body as if he were wrestling the physical manifestation of masculinity in the chamber. His personal-inner show was cut short as the female presenter began talking about the upcoming election. He hated hearing about it. The other side would never win. Both sides would put up a masculinized candidate, and his side would always win, even if they were going to put up a senile muscle grandfather, ti was better than whatever the other side was going to put up. He wondered how the other side even got their candidates masculinized. Lucas knew politicians were some of the best people to control such a wild force, but really, was the other side even worthy of it? Before the internal monologue of his political rant could continue, he could feel his bladder tighten. He needed to use the restroom soon. Looking to the room attendants, most looked busy, bored, or frankly, intimidating to the small Lucas. He excused himself down a hall, thinking he could find the room himself. However after a few minutes of wandering, he had quickly gotten himself lost in the labyrinth of the building, and he couldn’t find anyone to help him out. To make matters worse, his tablet had no signal, which was weird since he normally had signal everywhere he went. He continued to wander until he came up a long hallway with rooms. He found one labeled, “D. Chamber 21 Observation Room B” and heard some noise coming from it. He hoped he wouldn’t get in trouble if he said he was lost. He pushed the door open slowly, but found the room empty. The room has several chairs facing a large glass pane. Looking through it was what Lucas thought to be the donation chambers. Filled with wires, light and gauges, Lucas could look on in awe. He normally was sedated for the Dependence donation so he had never seen the inside of one. Inside of this one was the big man that was in front of him in line, Steven Sands. Unlike Lucas, Steven didn’t seem sedated. “The sedative has worn off on him already,” a speaker crackled to live in the room, making Lucas’s heart jump into his throat. Calming down, he realized he would be seeing a donation live, and the thought excited him. He bet Steven must be elated. In the chamber, Steven struggled against his restraints. “He certainly is a strong one. Let’s get this show on the road before we have another non-compliance issue. We got a big fish next,” Another voice over the speaker came in. “Turn on his microphone, I want to hear this one,” Lucas was slightly perturbed by that voice as suddenly Steven’s cries echoed from the speaker. “Please! Please stop! I don’t want to do this!” Steven begged, “I just want to be myself. Please let me go!” “How selfish,” Lucas thought as the machine whirred to life. His attention was on Steven’s body as the donation process began. Steven’s bulk seemed to simply dissipate from his body as a gauge on the machine rose. Bulky arms dwindled into beanpole-like appendages. His chest lost so much width, and his nipples seemed to shrink too. His abs faded to a flat plain. All the while Steven continued to struggle, the restraints becoming looser on him. Given how much weight he had lost, he was able to slip free of the restraints, but he couldn’t get far. The moment he stood up, his briefs fell down. Lucas hadn’t seen a cock that big since high school when a late bloomer in his gym class has a growth spurt. “Oh yeah, I love this part,” the voice from before echoing in the room. Lucas watched as the massive first began to thin, then slowly recede backwards into Steven’s hairy crotch, though it would not have that hair for much longer as it began to fall out. His ballsac looked so out of place with such a tiny cock sitting on top of it. Like a water balloon leaking, the sac slowly deflated as his balls shrunk, his testosterone production shrinking with it. Lastly, Steven’s whole body seemed to shrink on itself. His arms and legs pulling closer to his torso. His spine shortening. Until finally a few cosmetic changes to the face, making it rounder and dulling the hair and eye color, he could look like a sibling of Lucas, granted many men already did. The chambered door hissed open and a statuesque man in a lab coat stepped inside, “You feel better now don’t you?” The now muscle smaller Steven nodded his head numbly. “Attaboy. Now follow your attendant out and he will get you situated with some new clothes and get your ID fixed.” Lucas swore he could see Steven sob as they pulled him out of the room. Lucas wondered why the guy would be so against the donation. It was good for himself and society. Did he not pay attention in history or biology class? “Alright, the chamber is ready. Bring in the man for the demelanation process,” the voice came over the speaker. “Demelanation?” Lucas repeated in a whisper. He had heard rumors of such a thing, but the news reassured everyone that such a process didn’t exist. Since fake news had been outlawed for years, there is no way they could lie about it. Curious, Lucas stayed in the room to watch to see if it really happened. The chamber began to modify itself slightly. A divider coming down the middle and a black man being shoved into one side. “Keep the mic on, I want to hear this one too,” the voice said, Lucas beginning to hear hints of lust in the scientist’s voice. “Fuck you. Fuck all of you. I want to live my life as I want. Fuck you,” the black man’s voice shouted from the speakers. “Now now, you threw away your blackness when you decided to join those Catholic protesters outside. We could have at least rehabilitated you if you chose a Protestant group.” The scientist chided, condescendingly. “You don’t meet the black criteria, you don’t get to be black. That’s the rules.” “Fuck all y’all. I’m going to expose your asses. You’ll see. Everyone will see how corrupt this system is.” Lucas could hear the scientist laugh. Once he was done laughing, he seemed to whisper to someone else in the room, “Where is the Acceptor? Melanin expires very quickly and we do not need to lose another point on our diversity quota. Mayor Lemon will kill us, especially if we lose another black number.” “He’s here.” “Perfect, get him in the chamber. I see he wants to wear clothes. Eh most do. Prepare his uniform for him. And where is Armistand? I told him he could watch his new sex slave being made.” Lucas’s eyes widened. Mike Armistand, his crush and idol, knew about the demelanation process and had sex slaves? Not only did he lie about the process not existing, but the man he so idolized actually couldn’t contain his masculinity. Rampant sex was a symptom of that. “Alright, begin the process.” The machine whirred to life once again. Just like Steven, the black man began to lose any sort of bulk and muscle on his body. Biceps reduced to twigs. Thighs so thin it's a wonder he could stand. A paper thin torso and of course the loss of height. Then, the strangest thing started to happen. His skin started to lighten rapidly, but as it lightened, Lucas noticed more changes. First, the bone structure of the man seemed to change. His fingers looked far more slender, his posture looked more sullen. Even the bones in his face changed. His jaw and nose narrowed. His lips became slim and much more pink. His curly black hair fell out and light blonde hair grew in its place. Lastly, his eyes lost their dark brown color until they turned a baby blue and a calmness settled over him. “Now that's more like it,” the scientist’s voice shook Lucas from his rapt attention to the transformation. “Now Jamal, or rather Jamie, your new master will be here shortly. A shame he missed your change” “Arrrrrgggghhhh,” came from the other side of the chamber. The small man who had stepped into the other side of the chamber was already in the throws of his transformation. This shirt and pants were shirt tight and too short for him. With a primal roar, the man ripped open his shirt, massive pecs capped with huge nipples now free from their cloth confines. The tear continued down to reveal his thick, eight-pack abs. Hooking his thumbs into the waistband of his straining pants, he pulled the pants off like a stripper. His quads had already developed the teardrop shape and it was only getting bigger and more defined by the minute. His calves bunched up behind his shin and grew, giving the lower half of his legs that diamond shape from the front, and upside-down heart from the back. Lucas bit his lip as the part he secretly desired came. The man’s shoes ripping open to expose his growing meaty feet. Lucas had no idea even feet could have muscles like this. Thick, sinewy toes pushed out the front of his shoes and socks. The scraps of fabric, leather, and plastic scattered around the feet that now looked twice the size from before. He knows he shouldn’t be lusting after this, but all that has been going on, and his lack of donation, reawakened his libido. The man continued to shout and moan in lust. Then the second strangest thing Lucas saw that day happened. The man’s fingers began to grow thicker, the palm widening. The skin of his hands grew darker. The change in skin tone then traveled up his arms, a network of veins following their path. Lucas watched, mesmerized as the man’s fair skin was replaced by the dark chocolate tone of a black man. Only as it went up the man’s arm did Lucas realize how big it had gotten, and the veins made it look bigger. As it reached his chest, dark hair swirled over his pectoral and his nipples darkened. His hairless pit now filled with pitch black hair. The melanin traveled down his back, giving him a more confident posture. Going up his neck, the man’s Adam’s apple seemed to jump out further than it had already grown. Then it reached his face. Much like with Mike’s transformation, his jaw broadened, cheekbones gained prominence, and brow lowered, but the new process brought new changes. The man’s lips parted and revealed a row of stunningly white teeth that contrasted against the dark skin of his face. The lips growing more plump and darkening too. His nose grew wider as he flared his nostrils and let out a gush of air. His dirty blonde hair fell out and was replaced by dark, curly hair sitting in a free-form afro. Just as the man seemed to finish, he let out a deep grunt, “Thanks, doc.” “No problem Tyler, or should I say Tyrell? Now why don’t you finish up in there. It’s easier to clean. Then we can get you your security uniform and get you ID changed.” To Lucas’s shock, the now-black man wrapped a hand around his massive cock. “What’s he doing? He can’t control his masculinity! He’s dangerous,” thoughts rushed around in a jumbled mess in Lucas’s head. None of this seemed right. The demelanization. Calling a white man black now. Revoking ‘blackness.’ None of it seemed real. He had to get out and let the authorities know. He turned to get out the door and ran smack into a pair of thick pecs. “Well well well. They said if I hurried, I could catch the end of the transference, but it looks like I was too late and caught something else instead.” Lucas slowly looked up past the pair of pecs pressed into a tailored shirt and into the eyes of someone very familiar. “Mike Armistand,” Lucas said softly. “Yes I am and boy are you in trouble.” Lucas tried to let out any words, but fear gripped his throat. Mike looked over the scared boy and saw his hand try to hide his erection, “Like what you saw huh? Or is it you like what you see?” Lucas just gulped. “Doesn’t matter, we can’t have you going on about what you saw, but I think I have an offer you can’t refuse. You see,” but before Mike could finish, Lucas used his small body to squeeze through the gap between Mike and the door. Lucas ran as fast as his little legs and weak heart could take him. He could hear Mike’s laughs from down the hall. Even though his lungs burned for oxygen as he never ran before, he kept going only to be cut short by another pair of massive pecs. “See I told you the B.B. system caught a non-registered tablet in here,” a deep voice said as he felt a pair of strong arms wrap around him. “Hey Sal, get him sedated.” Lucas felt the needle go in even as he struggled, punched, and kicked against the steel-like muscles of his captors. “Ah gentlemen, I see you’ve caught the little fan of mine. Bring him to Dr. Brite’s lab.” Armistand’s voice said from behind him. “Yes sir,” the guards answered and Lucas could only count three heavy footsteps until he faded from consciousness. ------ When he woke up, he felt the cold metal floor on the side of his face and his stomach. He groggily opened his eyes and realized he still couldn’t move. “Ah you’re awake. I’m Dr. Burton Brite,” Lucas recognized the voice as the scientist from earlier. “Well someone is certainly feeling lucky this Dependence Day. Mr. Armistand here has offered to change your life instead of having you rehabilitated. All you have to do is say yes.” “Wha…?” Was all Lucas could get out. Dr. Brite shrugged, “Good enough. Keep his mic on. I want to hear this too. Mike, you want some lube?” “Nah,” Lucas couldn’t see Mike and he could barely hear him as the doors shut. “I’ll just have my new plaything suck me off for this. Give him a good meal.” All Lucas heard before the doors closed was the men in the room laughing. Then the machine whirred to life, drowning out all noise from outside. Fear gripped his pounding heart. He almost wanted to cry, he had no idea what they were going to do to him. Suddenly, his arm began to move. He wasn’t in control of it as it flailed to his side. The same started happening to his legs until it settled down, arms laying out to either side and his legs spread apart. He slowly gained clarity in his vision, but then he began to see what had happened. While his arms and legs were flopping about, they were lengthening, and even as they lay still now, were growing longer right in front of his eyes. Lucas’s eyes widened, “Oh my god, they are going to make me lose my mind by pumping me full of masculinity!” His heart rate shot up and that only seemed to push the transformation along. It felt as if someone was slowly massaging his spine. Feeling his chest and stomach rub against the floor, he could tell he was still growing taller. He tried to mentally resist it, but it was useless. Then, the feeling stopped. Lucas breathed a sigh of relief. It was over and he still had his sanity. A faint smile began to creep across his face before it stopped. Every muscle in his body began to spasm before returning to their original position. He knew what was coming next. Still on his stomach, his head facing to his side, he could only watch in horror as his arm began to grow thick with sinew. He could even see the rise in the ridge of his triceps; they were growing so big. Even relaxed his arms would strain sleeves. He watched the growth travel down his forearm, forcing it to be meatier. Then his hands stretched along the floor. Lucas thought with hands that size he could palm a basketball. The paralysis still holding him in place, he couldn't see what was happening to his body aside from his shoulder becoming the size of a cannonball. All he had to go on was sensation. He could feel his pecs press into the floor, pushing his torso away from the cold metal. He could feel the pants they left on his grow tighter until they looked like they were painted on. He could feel his shoes begin to buckle against the growing mass of his feet. How he wished he could see that. Then, he felt something wet. It was in his crotch. The sensation was alien. He didn’t know what was happening. Did he pee himself? Was he bleeding? Just as those thoughts entered his mind, his hips began to move. Suddenly the wet sensation wasn't worrying to him, it was pleasurable. He continued to buck his hips against the floor. Had he not been overrun by the rush of hormones, he would have realized his cock had pushed the zipper down and was rubbing it against the floor like a horny beast. Lucas had no idea he had doused his underwear and the floor with his precum. Nor did he care. All he cared about was the euphoria he was feeling from his cock. His deeper moans were garbled as his face began to rearrange. Straighter teeth, a more handsome face, brighter hair. Everything that made a man who Accepted the burden of masculine so attractive. Once his pants and shoes had grown tight enough, they burst off of him. And with a final, powerful thrust, Lucas let out a deep, lustful moan, splattering the floor and his chest with years-worth of sexually repressed cum. He laid on the floor panting as the doors hissed open and Mike Armistand stepped in with a wicked grin, “Okay so now that your head is a bit more clear, how about we make a deal. You keep quiet about what you saw and heard today and I move you into a position I think you’ll like. Remember, this process is reversible.” Lucas gulped. ------ “Another Dependence gone well. All protesters were dispersed by the Montag Corporation Security Force, so remember to pay your security fees. The increase in the average testosterone was culled today and your nation thanks you for it,” Mike’s handsome face filled the screens of anyone watching NewsSpeak that evening and his voice filled their ears. “And that’s the top story of the day. Now let’s head over to the weather board to see what the weather in Altimore will be like this week.” Mike kept that handsome smile on his face, “We have a new weatherman here at NewsSpeak. Please give a warm welcome to Luke Atwood!” The platinum blonde stud standing in front of the weather forecast smiled and gave a friendly wave as the rest of the crew clapped for exactly tens seconds. “Luke, how was your day?” Mike asked. “Well it is Dependence Day and I…” He threw his right arm into a bicep flex, the bulbous muscle straining the sleeve of his stretch polo. And out of frame of the camera, he grope the hard cock angled towards his hip. “...had a great one.” “Good to hear Luke and thank you for joining our team. Now how about the weather?” “Ah yes,” Lucas went on to describe what to expect that week. He was received well by the audience. His perfectly styled platinum blonde hair and killer smiled became widely recognized by the end of the week. His warm voice and demeanor made everyone feel like he was just one of them. And of course no one could take their eyes off his wide back as he turned to point at the map and the occasional shot of his pert ass barely held back by his slacks made it into some of the ‘tabloids.’ Meanwhile back at their desks, Mike and Farrah were pleasuring themselves, looking at Luke in his tailored clothes. Luke would return the gesture when his segment was over. Once the whole show was coming to a close, the hot cast of NewsSpeak came together for a nightly send off. “Thank you for watching NewsSpeak,” Farrah said. “Where the news speaks to you,” Mike continued. “And a good finish to your Dependence Day. Remember…” The whole cast then joined in, “OUR future depends on YOU.”
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Before we begin with the new story, Id like to thank Hialmar for all his contribution to it and for all the great conversations. You are great! ... "Test Subject 1505 waited inside the Chamber. He couldn't remember ... couldn't remember his own name. Who he was ... before he was recruited to the experiment ..." I suddenly don’t feel so good, barely can stay erect. The pain spreads all over my body, the pain, why God. I get on my knees and extend my arms shaking, begging for mercy. I cry for help. My muscles are contorting, I feel taller now, why are my clothes getting so tighter? I am... growing! Ow! What is happening with my arms? My chest, is it getting bigger? It appear it is! My legs grow inside my trousers, I feel that. My dogtag trembles in my expanding pecs, my expanding pecs! How is that possible! O Lord! I am growing... Muscular.. Stronger.. My expanding pecs My heart beat intensifies, I feel my penis awakening thinking about my growing body. How is it possible that I’m enjoying this? My body is, changing, transforming. My shirt starts to tear itself apart, revealing my body covered in a thick musky sweat. My pecs are growing faster now, but I can still see bellow them, and I see my abdomen transforming, I see my abs being sculpted, surging bellow my skin, hard as steel. Hard as steel. My... cock, ugh fuck, my cock is so hard now I can see it too, it’s breaking free from my trousers, hard as steel, trembling with blood. I roar, my voice is deeper now, thicker. I roar louder, Fuck, it feels good. I want more. I am transforming, being blessed with the body of a warrior. My arms, so big, so... strong, yes... bigger! Bigger! My shoulders, it’s getting hard to move my head. Ugah, my jaw is being reformed, feels better now, stronger. Yes, Stronger. Why am I still dressed? I tore my clothes apart and get on my feet once more. My trousers are the next to go: I stay naked, my cock throbbing precum on my body. I need to release it, my hands, I can barely touch my own fucking cock, but I do it, and I jerk off, and while I do, wow, what is happening now? Yes! Bigger! War... defend! Serve! I am a soldier now, I live to fight, to glory. Fuck, my voice, so deep now, feels good, more, I jerk off faster now, and I release jets of cum. They cover my body and solidify, changing my skin. The heat of pleasure changes me further, fuck! More! I demand more! Transforming so good! Fuck so good! So strong. Bigger, yes, Bigger! I'm turning into a God, power surges through me. A War God! I live to fight, to glory! Fuck, I demand more! So strong now, I can barely look bellow my huge pecs. Fuck! I touch my abs, covered in sweat and solidified cum, I feel the body of the warrior. This is the new beginning This is the rebirth.
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