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  1. Preamble: A big thank you to @rolling24, who besides commissioning the following multi-part series and inspiring me with idea's, also made ton of spelling corrections and other improvements. Cheers! Index. (Click on the parts to be taken to them) Part 1 & 2: Below. Part 3 Part 4 Dad, The Homewrecker. PART 1: Despite our best efforts, some places on our globe remain shrouded in mystery, tempting us from afar with intrigue. Like, for example, the bedroom of a failing marriage. ----------- “Dad….” Luke called out meekly, intense pleasure shooting through every fiber of his body. Fuck. It was hard to focus while Macy was giving you a blowjob. Images of the bedroom formed a whirlwind in his mind. But his dad remained the one point of clarity, visible through the mist. While Macy was giving her husband a blowjob, Luke’s father was stretching open her pussy with great expertise. She was thankful her husband’s penis didn’t take up as much space as the equipment his dad packed, making it a lot easier to let out moans of pleasure. “Dad.” Luke tried again, his voice now rising above the involuntary crescendo of moans from Macy and the brutish grunts from his dad. His dad still didn’t seem to have heard him. Maybe the ecstasy clearly etched on his face while he fucked his latest conquest completely dominated his mind. Luke focused on his dad’s body again. The effect was unmistakable this time. He had to tell him. Through the smoke of bodily odors and sex he tried making eye contact with his father. He could see his brown eyes shining as their gazes met, on opposite sides of the same woman, his wife. His dad just pulled a smirk, cockily raising his right arm into a bicep flex. Of course, Luke didn’t need to tell him. He had probably figured it at himself at this point. Luke was mesmerized by the bicep flex, you could see it most clearly there. With the sound of his dad’s heavy balls slapping against Macy’s body as background noise, both men watched the already flexed peak slowly rise higher and higher, inches of brawn magically flowing into the muscle by the minute. The effect slowed as Luke’s Dad’s dominant humping tapered off. Son and father made eye contact again. “I’m fucking growing.” His dad said in between heavy breaths with a confident grin. Luke came. ----------- 48 HOURS EARLIER. “I’m a bad little cop. I can’t help but ogle all the hot secretaries, and I like toying with the bad girls I arrest.” A small uncomfortable silence lingered before the reply. “No, this is not it.” There was a little rummaging in the box of props. “Your scores are terrible, you only look at my bulge in class, but if show me your tits I might give you a passing grade…” This time the answer came much more quickly. “Nope, doesn’t do it either.” More rummaging in the box of props. “Girls like you shouldn’t mess with guys like me. We both know we won’t be able to cage our... Desires.” The replier hesitated for a moment, gently avoiding a hurtful comment. “I’m sorry Luke, I don’t think this is gonna work for me.” Luke seemed disappointed by the response, and he shoved his set of role-play props in the closet. Macy stood up from the bed and put her bra and underwear back on, dissatisfaction with the night’s results evident on her face. “Did I at least spark something in you?” He asked, while the couple was on opposite sides of the room, getting ready for another sexless night. Macy asked herself if the image of her chubby husband hanging over her, playing various roles, saying the corniest lines with the worst acting had ignited any arousal. “No,” she replied. Luke’s cheeks went scarlet. He had been so sure role-play would be the answer. He jumped into the bed and quickly covered himself up with the blanket, his belly jiggling wildly in the process. Luke stared at his wife while she prepared for bed. He knew most men would kill to have a wife as good-looking. She was voluptuous and beautiful, with an hourglass figure few women could emulate. A few years back they had been the resident power couple on their college campus, both of them sexy and virile. Him strong, muscular and wide, her curvy and enchanting. Now one of them was slacking, and it wasn’t the woman who looked like she hadn’t aged a day since college. It was the man who couldn’t resist a donut each morning, who ate through an entire tub of ice cream while waiting for his wife to get back from her modeling gig, who hadn’t set a foot into a gym since his days on the football team. “We can just try regular sex.” Luke proposed with an eager tone, desperate to please his wife. Macy gently smiled while she looked at her soft husband in bed. He tried his best, there was no denying that. “We already did so last night. I know about your stamina.” Macy quickly kissed him on the forehead. “Honestly, it isn’t that big of a deal, most women go without an orgasm for years.” “We’ll give it another whirl soon then, yeah?” He saw the unused strap on his wife had bought still protruding from the box of earlier discarded role-play props. The sight made him slightly uneasy. “What other option do we have?” she asked, while stepping into bed. And then the doorbell rang. -------------------------------- Luke opened the front door, ready to tell the idiot who thought it was a good idea to ring doorbells after midnight to go to hell. But the big shadow in the cold night air wasn’t just your regular old idiot. “Dad?” Luke called out in disbelief. He almost couldn’t believe the man standing in front of his porch was his old man, he hadn’t heard from him in months. “Lukey! Kiddo. Sorry to drop in on you like this at… 8pm? But...” “It’s 1:30AM.” “Right! 1:30. Just got back from a business trip from Hawaii. This gorgeous gay couple I was counseling was having difficulty finding the male G-spot so I---” “Look, my evening hasn’t been great. I’d appreciate it if you could just get to the point.” Luke said, with a face that confirmed he was pretty tired of his dad’s endless tales of the sex therapy he provided. “Riiiight... So, you know the girl I was dating?” Luke nodded, unsure what his father’s love life had to do with his sudden reappearance. “Welllll. She kicked me out. Turns out I hadn’t told her we were in a polyamorous relationship. Crazy how that happens. Anyways, I just need a spot to rest my head for a few days until I get an apartment.” Luke just raised an eyebrow in reply, hoping his dad wasn’t asking what he thought he was asking. “... I was hoping that spot could be here? I’ll sleep on the couch. Or on the floor. All the nearby motels are full, I’m kinda out of options.” Luke sighed in exasperation. He turned his head and stared at the starry night sky for a moment. Luke couldn’t look his dad in the eyes while he thought. He had to make a rational decision. Luke rather wouldn’t have dealt with his dad for another moment if he had any option, but he was family…. “Sure. Fine. Whatever. Come on in.” Luke said with a shrug, like the decision had been entirely out of his hands. There probably was some truth to that. Men like Luke don’t say no to men like his dad. As his dad stepped out of the night black and into the warm lighting of the house, part of the reason Luke preferred not to talk with his dad became obvious. Because where Luke was all soft and flabby with a thick layer of fat, any vestige of his college football body long past, his dad continued to have a body that radiated masculine energy to some extent. He hadn’t given in to his every whim as Luke had and it clearly showed. Matt looked good for a man his age. He had maintained his quarterback build from thirty years ago with a strict gym regimen. Even though he had a good layer of chunk covering him it was clear he still muscular and handsome. His dad couldn’t be faulted the unfortunate difference between them, but Luke always blamed him a bit for having to reside in his more muscular shadow. At least the few inches of height Luke had on his pops gave him a few coat hangers to hang his masculine pride on to. He couldn’t help but long for the college days when he dwarfed his dad with his own muscularity, but those days were now long gone. “Matt! It’s been too long!” Macy squealed while she ran down the stairs. Luke tried to not to blame his dad for his obvious ‘excitement’ upon seeing Macy. The way her rack bounced up and down as she rushed down the stairs was unintentional, but Luke could see how a red-blooded man like his father was aroused. The pair exchanged quick hugs, and Luke thought his dad’s eyes rested on Macy’s body just a second too long. “Did I just hear correctly you’ll be staying with us for the next couple of days?” She innocently asked. She had a certain shine and glimmer to her most people didn’t have at 2am, and her beauty contrasted sharply with her husband’s sunken and pudgy face. Matt let out a short uncomfortable laugh while scratching his mostly bald head. Luke was reminded with a grin how much his dad disliked being in anyone’s debt. “Yeah, Lukey was kind enough to let me have the couch for the next few days. I hope you don’t mind.” Macy quickly waved her hands in giddy excitement. “Of course not! We haven’t chatted in forever, it’s about time I got all caught up with my father-in-law. There are some blankets in the cupboard Matt, I imagine you’ll probably want to hit the hay.” Luke was glad his dad nodded and head towards the couch. He’d feel a lot better about having his dad strutting around his house if his wife wasn’t wearing her revealing nightgown. “We’ll catch up tomorrow dad. Good night.” “Good night kiddo.” ----------- When the couple was again tucked in, the events of the evening replayed in Luke’s head. Some part of him felt like he had made a terrible mistake. He’d put his foot down this time, and not let his father walk all over him. “This time will be different” Luke softly mumbled while sleep slowly caught up with him. He stretched out his arms and gently spooned Macy. His big body may fill him with self loathing, but at least it was good cuddle material for his wife. While he brought her in for a hug he noticed how tense her body still was. She was wide awake. “Everything okay hun?” Luke asked as he drifted further and further away. “Luke. Babe. We need to talk.” Immediately Luke was brought back to reality. He felt a bit anxious. “Alright,” was all he could mutter. “I’ve been thinking about my little… predicament. I know we’ve been trying really hard, but it feels like we aren’t getting anywhere, so II did some googling today….” Please don’t suggest strap on. Please don’t suggest strap on. Please don’t suggest strap on. “... And I think we should bring someone else into the bedroom.” Luke shot up in surprise. He definitely hadn’t been expecting that. He could get behind it though. Another sexy woman crawling over him, that’d be sure to finally be able to push his wife over the edge. “Who do you have in mind?” Luke asked with as much innocence as he could muster. He had his mind on their sexy, young neighbor girl. Her husband had been deployed for the past few months, and she looked horny enough to even fuck Luke, fat rolls and all. It helped she was always watching whenever Macy was sunbathing in her bikini. The thought of the two women making out was already flashing through his mind. Luke’s last attempt at eating out Macy had gone rather horribly but the neighbor looked like a girl who knew her way around those parts. “I was thinking Matt.” Luke’s blood turned ice-cold right away. “My dad?” he practically screeched in disbelief. “Calm down. Yes, it’s a little weird. But honestly, anything besides a guy isn’t gonna do much for me.” “Okay. Fair enough. But still, my dad?” Macy shrugged. “Do you know any other guy as sexually liberated as him? He has a fling every other night. One woman could not be enough for him. I want this to be a one time thing, and your dad is the only one I know who sees sex as just sex. Do you wanna get in some internet weirdo?” Luke had to admit she had a point. He couldn’t count his dad’s ‘girlfriends’ in the last month on one hand. Slowly, Luke felt his wife’s gentle and tender hands interlock with his. “Only say yes if you’re okay with it hun.” Macy softly said. But in her eyes Luke could see a certain kind of desperation. Their sex had been dull for months. He hadn’t heard her orgasm for nearly a year, and he was sure she had been faking it for a while before that. They used to go at it daily, even when Luke had turned into a blob, but Luke’s sex drive was slowly drying up while hers was still very much active. Luke couldn’t imagine the amount of hormones raging through her body, a woman like her needed to be pleased. “Okay babe.” Luke said with a gentle smile. The idea of his dad in the same bedroom as him, fucking the same woman, was still really weird to him. But Luke also knew it’d be good for her. He had heard the female orgasm was kind of like an engine, after a kick start it could be relatively easy to reactivate. And as unfortunate as it was, his dad was the best man for the job. And hey, maybe his dad wouldn’t even succeed in getting her off, wouldn’t that be a blow to his ego as self certified sex guru. The couple looked at each other and smiled. After one awkward encounter maybe their troubles could be behind them. Finally, after a long, eventful evening, Luke dozed off. “And whenever had a little awkwardness killed anyone?” He softly mumbled while the world faded to black. ---------------------- The events of the night before suddenly jumped back into Luke’s mind when he found his dad jerking off on his living room couch. First Luke calmed down somewhat while remembering that he had voluntarily provided lodgings to his dad. Then he was severely freaked out because his dad was lying completely nude and jerking off in his living room. He wanted to scream out but hesitated for a moment, the sight intriguing him. He could see why his dad was such a lady killer, he had the body to pull it off. Perhaps he’d was best categorized as a having the build of a coach, with thick juicy pecs and the faint outline of abs. All of it covered in a slight layer of grey fur. And of course, there was the thick cock he was jerking off in a slow rhythmic motion. Luke found himself a bit jealous of his dad’s member, because he looked to be packing an inch or two more than Luke. In fact, seeing his dad lay there say comfortable in his own skin flared up quite a few of Luke’s own insecurities. Luke stopped his pondering and brought himself back to reality. “Dad? What the fuck!” Matt didn’t seem the slightest bit dazed by the interruption of his son. “Hey Lukey! Morning.” He said, while not looking up from his jerking. Luke had prayed his dad had grown some inhibitions since they last slept under the same roof but that clearly wasn’t the case. He knew that sexual self-confidence was probably just as attractive to the younger women Matt slept with as his masculine body. It was annoying to deal with if he was your dad though. “There’s a bathroom upstairs. If you gotta take care of your morning wood, do it there. There you aren’t in the view of the neighbors.” Luke calmly explained, trying not to look while his dad let out a few more grunts of pleasure. “Alright. Alright. I’ll go do this out of view…” Matt smacked his hard member in his hands, the sound plastering a grin on his face. “Wanna join me? Often during therapy sessions I recommend guys jerk off with their friends, helps the bonding experience as well as activate…” “Normal dad’s don’t jerk off with their sons. Don’t be weird.” Matt let that hang in the air for a moment, considering if he should go with his reply. “Most dads don’t fuck their son’s wives either.” He said in an amused tone. Luke felt his blood turn cold. “How did---.” “Macy. She asked me if I’d be willing to fuck her as she left for work. I’m glad she did, it’s gonna be a reallll fun evening.” Matt said while slapping his son on the back with the hand he had just seconds earlier being using to jerk off with. There was a smirk on his face but it didn’t seem cruel, rather one of genuine excitement. Luke cringed and winced, but he was thankful he himself didn’t have to be the one asking his dad if he’d be up for the threesome. “Alright, I’m gonna take care of this.” Matt said pointing as his cock before bounding up the stairs with a confident whistle. As Luke heard the slapping of his dad’s balls between his trained thighs Luke reminded himself to kick him out as soon as possible. Probably the worst part of the jealousy that raged through Luke while he heard more grunts of pleasure emerge from the bathroom upstairs, was knowing his dad didn’t mean to make Luke feel bad. Matt had always been completely relaxed with nudity, his many, many sexual partners and countless hours of discussing intercourse in lecture halls had dissolved any restraint about sex and being naked. He didn’t mean to make his son feel bad about his fat and sexless body, but feeling bad was all that Luke could do while he compared himself to his more virile dad. Luke sighed, and hoped the eight hours of office work that were ahead of him would take his mind off things. PART 2: They decidedly did not. “Threesome?” He heard the snack lady ask while she strolled past his desk. Luke felt his blood turn hot. “What? No.... I wouldn’t do that kind of thing. Happily married. Who told you? My wife---” He stuttered and stumbled. How could she know? Did the whole office know? Did everyone know? Was his life over? Should he moved to Texas? India? The snack lady looked unfazed. “Tea, want some?” She asked again, shaking the kettle she had on her cart. Ah. He had just misheard. Shit. Luke mumbled something along the lines of ‘No thanks’ and she moved the cart along. He knew that mishearing ordinary conversation probably wasn’t an indication of confidence, yet still he didn’t feel like pulling out of the night’s upcoming plans. Part of that was desperation, part of it knowing there weren’t that many alternatives that didn’t tap into his wife’s fetish for fucking men with dildo’s, and part of it a certain….morbid curiosity. Luke’s phone buzzed with a text. It rarely did that. “Hon, grab some dinner near work and only walk into the bedroom at 8pm sharp. I want both my studs walking through the door at the same time. -Mace” Luke smiled a little, his wife could be one kinky fucker. And being called a stud made him feel a little better while chomping down a donut. --------------------- Luke quietly looked at his dad again under the dim light of the lamp. Matt’s handsome square jaw and stubbled face looked intensely into nothingness. Luke was reminded again of how much better his dad looked in his fifties than he himself looked now in his thirties. He tried not to let that bother him, especially as they were so close to the big moment. Both men were standing in nothing but their briefs, so Luke had ample time to scan up and down his dad’s body. He didn’t even look that great, but he carried that body with such confidence he didn’t need to be ripped like a model. “At least I’m not 5’9.” Was all Luke could think while he looked at his own belly with discontent. “Come on in boys.” Macy’s songbird like voice sang from the other side of the door. The two men quickly glanced at each other. Father and son. An unusual couple, but Matt had enough gentle warmth radiating about him that Luke felt somewhat put at ease. His dad was just treating this as fun. Luke reminded himself he should do so too. With a last nod of consent both men entered at the same time. Macy laid there, temptingly and tantalizingly nude with just a then sheet covering her exquisite body. She was a goddess. Luke suddenly felt bad that he’d never shared her before. Her figure was beautiful. They had been each other's first the initial semester of college a dozen years back an neither had been with anyone else. Luke placed himself in front of Macy’s ‘entrance’ and softly pushed his bulge covered in sagging tighty-whities against her. He had hoped the display would be a tease, but it looked more like he was just pushing his belly into her. “Lukey, baby, I want you up here.” Macy said with a wink and a gentle tap next to her head. Luke took his new position with a little unease. His wife stripped him of his unflattering garment, his cock jumping into the warm air of the room with eager excitement. Macy’s eyes were completely focused on Luke’s hard cock and Luke’s cock alone. Macy stretched out her hand and slowly jerked it, her small her hands making the average piece of equipment look bigger. Luke tried focusing on the way his wife’s eyes beautifully sparkled while she stared at the piece of meat in her hands. But he found his gaze alternating between his wife’s curvy form and his masculine dad, who was standing at the end of the bed. Matt’s gaze was firmly planted on Macy’s hot body, his big chest heaving while he rubbed his bulge through the fabric of his stylish and tight underwear. Luke thought he’d be a whole lot more weirded out by his dad standing there if he hadn’t seen him naked and in a state of arousal so many times. Seeing him slowly getting himself hard felt strangely… Normal. With a gruff his dad stepped out of his underwear into complete nakedness. Macy didn’t even look, her eyes were still plastered firmly on her husband. It was something Luke was thankful for, he knew how much of a thing she had for muscular guys, and his dad somewhat fit into that category. Luke wanted nothing more than for his eyes to roll back and to be lost in a wave of pleasure, but he couldn’t pull away from the sight of his dad preparing to enter his wife. Matt pulled out a condom, and rolled it onto his completely hard dick with a single casual hand and the expertise of someone who did it often. Luke felt jealousy burn in him again. Why did his shit genes not endow him with a thick seven and a half inch tool like his dad had swinging between his legs instead of saddling him with an average five and half? Slowly and gently his dad entered, without pause. Macy took it like a pro, her vagina was made for cock. Without even a glance at Matt, she directed Luke onto the bed and pulled his cock into her mouth, licking up the small drop of pre at the tip, savoring the taste. Luke felt like he was on top of the world, his model like wife giving him a blowjob with an expression of pure pleasure plastered on her face, undoubtedly because she had the honor of servicing his great cock…. Then Luke remembered there was another man inside of her, and he was much more likely to be the source of the pleasure. His feeling of greatness was shattered by the large silhouette of his father standing on the edge of the bed. Luke pursed his lips in dissatisfaction while he looked at the guy standing on the other end of Macy, a man with a trained physique and superior endowment, who Luke knew was much more virile than he currently was. Luke once again found himself not looking at his beautiful wife, but at his dad. Part of him hoped he could spot some secret technique that he could replicate to give his wife the pleasure Matt was currently providing. That would mean her new moans of pleasure weren’t just a consequence of a bigger, better cock. Then Luke spotted something awfully strange while looking at his dad’s silhouette. He knew people said sex is the best work-out, but he had never thought to take it seriously. His dad looked a little leaner than just a few minutes ago. Like he had burned a half dozen pounds. Clearly all of it had been fat, because the abs that were now on display looked great. His pecs looked a little deeper and square too. Luke was just about to comment on it when he felt himself going over the edge. It had come suddenly, but then it almost always did with him. He didn’t even get to shout that he was cumming before shooting his small dribble into his wife’s mouth. A wave of tiredness washed over Luke following the encounter. He always felt drained after sex. He threw himself back onto the bed. At first he closed his eyes as sleep always came seconds after he came. But the sound of Macy’s soft moans and his dad’s grunts were too overwhelming to ignore. “Now it’s just you that needs to come.” Matt said smiling while lifting Macy up in his arms. It was the first time that Macy really looked at her father-in-law while getting fucked by him and her faced showed she clearly liked what she saw. Matt increased his pace and depth, making Macy’s eyes roll back in their sockets. Matt closed his eyes as he drilled her, savoring the feeling of stretching yet another woman open. Luke was the only one aware of the remarkable scene unfolding while Matt’s cock continued to firmly push into Macy. Because it almost appeared as with every thrust his dad made, he seemed a little bigger than before. It’s effect was nearly unnoticeable, but due to Matt’s rapid pace he slowly seemed to inflate with the tiniest part of a pound. And it wasn’t fat, mind you, it was the most masculine of compounds. Muscle Luke could see that after ten minutes of continuously fucking his wife, his dad seemed a bit beefier. Proportionally more muscled. Luke didn’t think about how that was odd and against every law of nature he knew till the screams of pleasure from his wife suddenly dragged him back to reality. “Oh fuck. Oh fuck? Oh fuck!” Macy yelled out while experiencing an orgasm for the first time in forever. Her stiffened body loosened as she rode her wave of bliss into cloud nine. Matt gently laid her on the bed and pulled his thick cock out of her. He didn’t seem to have noticed yet that his arms looked just a tad beefier and more muscular than before. Luke bit his tongue. Whatever he saw, he assured himself, it probably wasn’t real. A trick of the light, or whatever. People don’t just grow, right? Matt looked at his rock hard dick. He still hadn’t cum, but he felt like he was just a few tugs away from exploding. He looked Macy directly in the eyes and then gave his baby maker a firm squeeze. “Fuck yeah.” He growled with a grin, while he shot his load into condom. Luke thought his dad’s dick looked just a hair longer than a few minutes ago, had he not been fully hard when he entered? Matt carefully peeled the tight condom off his rod, and looked at it cluelessly for a second. “You got a bin?” He asked. Luke stared out into the distance, the entire last minute feeling more and more like a dream and haze. He only registered the question had been aimed at him after a few seconds. “Oh! No. Just put it on somewhere on the desk.” Luke said with a slight, dismissive wave of his hand. He just wanted to catch some rest before he started seeing weirder stuff than growing dads. Matt shifted his naked weight from one leg to another in front of the desk, not certain where to put the stretched-out cum-filled rubber. He ended up hanging it over a picture so it wouldn’t drip out over the table. Luke wasn’t sure if he intentionally chose to hang it over a honeymoon photo, covering Macy’s face with the worn out condom. “Thanks for the fun and a great lay” Matt said as he winked at Macy with a chuckle. A girlish giggle from Luke’s wife was the only reply. “We’ll see you tomorrow dad.” Luke said, while firmly looking at the door. “Oh. Before I forget, Lukey. Mind grabbing me a tub of protein from the store tomorrow? I’m gonna be apartment hunting and super busy, but I’ll need some after my heavy lifting session tomorrow. Don’t want this body getting soft!” “Get your own protein. Dad.” Luke said with snark and sleep invading his voice. Matt’s eyes flared for a moment and Luke thought he had made a terrible mistake. He was fully prepared for a speech about what happened if you ignored requests from the better men in the world. The more muscular men. The more hung men. The men that fucked your wife. But such a speech did not come. “Good night, Lukey.” His dad said with a shrug. Luke looked at the variety of bodily fluids slathered over his wife’s puss. He did not feel like saying “Good night” back. -------------------------- Quietly Luke shut the door on his car. It was 6am and he had tried to be as quiet as possible while he had sneaked around the house. He had originally just wanted to sit in the living room and watch some TV till it was time to leave for work, but he had forgotten his dad had taken over the couch. So instead he sat in the car. The scenery was better too, because it was a place that didn’t involve seeing memories of his dad in every bit of furniture. Memories of his dad growing and swelling with muscl---. “No.” Luke mumbled to himself. He wouldn’t give in to spectral images just yet. People don’t just grow. He had to take his mind off things. He slowly kicked the car into gear, driving to the nearest 24H grocery store. Yet still images of his dad were all that filled Luke’s mind. His heavy breathing. His muscles slowly inflating with each and every thrust... Luke turned on the only piece of distraction he had readily available in his car, the radio. “...To close of the midnight show, here is Lizzo, with her hit new single ‘Juice!’." Luke wasn’t familiar with the tune but considering it was designed to be an earworm, it didn’t take long for him to sing along unapologetically loudly. “Ain’t my fault I’m out here getting loose.” Luke sang, while tapping on the steering wheel with his fingers. “Gotta blame it on the goose, gotta blame it on my juice baby.” The rhythm was infectious, and Luke almost forgot about the pickle he was in. Almost. Because while he waited for the traffic light to turn green, his mind conjured up strange daydreams and images. Daydreams that were more akin to remnant’s of nightmares. Instead of being in the car he suddenly found himself outside his bedroom door, peeking timidly into the room he had spent countless nights. The colours were hazy, washed out and vague, but what he saw inside burned into his eyes nonetheless. His wife was being held suspended in the air by one man’s beefy arms. Another big man was standing in front of her delicate body, stretching her passage wide open with his superior manhood. Luke couldn’t see their faces, but he didn’t need to, he knew who these men were. They were his worst fears personified. The fear that sooner or later his hot wife would get powerful men worthy of her delicious body. Luke felt sick. When he had first lost his football honed body to rolls of fat, this was a common nightmare for him. But he hadn’t seen it for a year or two. Had the threesome reawakened his anxiety? But he had consented to his dad’s participation, so why did he still feel so… Defiled? Luke felt his mouth go dry. Besides the deep horror, some of the vision inspired awe, he had to admit it. It’s in our human nature to love seeing the best our species has to offer during their most intimate moments, straight porn of guys with big dicks is popular for a reason after all. And jeez were these men and his wife perfect together. The man railing her was much bigger than Luke had been in his prime, with muscle cascading over muscle to form a thick and solid build that would be the envy of any man. His wives mewling sounds coupled with the juices cascading over her thighs, convinced Luke this modern hercules was big everywhere. Luke’s goggling was interrupted by a sudden sharp scream of pleasure coming from his wife. Luke knew it was all a daydream but it certainly sounded very real. He made eye contact with this dream version of the woman he was married to. Her mouth formed into a cruel grin, and she opened it to speak. But the sound that left her throat wasn’t the voice of Macy. It was the voice of Lizzo, singing her new hit single. “Ain’t my fault I’m out here getting loose. Gotta blame it on my juice. Gotta blame it on my juice. Gotta blame it on my juice. Gotta blame it on my juice. Gotta blame it on my--- HONK Luke jumped awake again with a startle. The traffic light was green again, and clearly the people behind him wanted to get on with their day. He quickly pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store, rubbing the temple of his head trying to figure out where those strange dreams kept coming from. ------------- Even when he pushed his shopping cart through the isles there wasn’t much else Luke could think about. He threw in some croissants, breakfast was his favourite. He passed by the tub of protein his Dad had requested. He halted for a moment in front of it. He could be the rebellious little devil and disobey his dad’s request, but there was no harm in helping him out, just this once, right? He threw the tub of protein in his shopping cart. While he did so he felt a strangle electric shock travel through his body. Luke clicked his tongue and pulled his face into a frown while an uncomfortable thought lingered in his mind. He suddenly thought hadn’t been daydreaming or experiencing left over nightmares at all. It was something more powerful. More primal. Not just a simple conjuring of the mind, instead it was a warning. A word of caution. An exhortation. Luke felt a chill travel through his spine while he sought the exact word to describe the alien feeling. A premonition. ------------------------------------- Continue to part III
  2. Mrmusclewriter

    The Witness - The Human Wringer

    " You know kid, I will fucking squeeze the shit outta this big body of yours, I will snap your back in half and I will smash your inner organs" Ryan said squeezing the young big bodybuilder. A noise of bones breaking was humming in the air like something that slowly but inexorably was blowing to pieces. Cody could not move, his arms were powerless, his head bowing back for the pain and the back was arching for the strong and tight squeeze of my friend Ryan. I was again stupefied to such power, my friend was unstoppable, violent and deadly. I repeat that I have never seen this dark side of my friend but I must be honest, I like it more than when he overvalues his built body and he shows off his muscle as they must be shown. Ryan was grunting, while squeezing and I could hear proud and fury in his voice while Cody screaming like a crazy person and his tone of voice pitched up like it was a sound effect. I set down on the couch to watch the show, I was enjoying. I will burn in hell for not stopping my friend and let the kid be destroyed or maybe killed. Cody wanted the fight, he desired that fight, he got what he wanted. I suddenly changed my mind, I stoop up, I went close to the massacre, I put myself beside the titans so that I could admire show even better. Ryan looked at me, smirking. "I will kill him in few minutes but I want to snap him in half before stopping" Ryan said. "I guess you will do my friend" I replied. Cody started crying, tears ran off his face, he invoked his mother's name as if he was in the kindergarten, he begged for mercy, Ryan did not pay attention on purpose but I did. "You can call whoever you want, all the gods you know, no one is going to help you. You wanted this match, you knew the different outcomes. Well this is one of the many. You are very lucky that I decided not to intervene of your body will be ending up like a Rubik Cube, with all the colours messed up. Now shut the fuck up and suffer in silence" I said. Ryan released the hold, opened his arms and Cody fell off onto the floor. My friend stepped back but he did want to continue his torture, he approached Cody like a giant while laying on the floor semi conscious, he bent over his prey. Violently lifting Cody up like he had no weight, Ryan spread his leg and wrapped his massive quads around Kevin's waist. Held two feet off the floor, like he was suspended by wires Cody was held and crushing in The Crushing muscled pythonic legs. The crushing pressure was horrible making Cody gasp for air squirming without a plan on escape. That was just the preparation. The actual squeeze suddenly began as Ryan started squeezing Cody's waist. “This is my favourite hold," Ryan said, as if he thought it might be something of interest to Cody. "I call it the human wringer.” my friend said. Cody's feet were moving in the air convulsing in spasms of pain. He screamed with all the air he had left . The internal damage from the crush was mounting as Ryan increased the pressure. Kevin's waist was reduced and compressed to a narrow space, his ribs cracking and the internal organ bursting. He started crying and begging, “Please... stop it you're ...killing me! I beg you!” His cried and begging hissed and spurted around floods of gore. “You embarrass yourself by begging. You are already dead,” said Ryan. "I will finish the job now." Ryan took Cody's right hand and pulled it across his chest to go the left side of the neck, creating a slow but deadly moment that Cody's body started twisting. Cody body was twisting wringing through the horrible internal damage he had already endured from Ryan's crushing legs. His muscles were ripping apart, his organs were torn and destroyed and his hips were locked in place and his torso twisted in a way no man could survive. The last thing that Cody saw, once the twist 180 degrees of movement, was Ryan's face and head framed by the lights on the ceiling. With a pulse of his legs and one more inch of turn, Cody's spine snapped in several places. Cody's body was completely twisted from the waist up. Somehow he was still alive, crying and in pain. Ryan grabbed his head and snapped his neck with a violent wrench to the right! Then again to left! A loud crack echoed through the house.
  3. Emil

    Nadia, Alpha Teen Female

    It was a sunny warm late afternoon in August. James Ramsbottom found himself standing in the parking lot belonging to Westwood Fitness in San Delgado, California. He wore clothing fit for a gym; a bright teal T-shirt, blue shorts, tube socks and bright white Nike sneakers. Looking at himself in a reflection was always a bit like love at first sight. Catching himself reflected upon a window of a Ford Bronco he ran a hand through his wavy blonde locks making certain it was perfect. 'A-prime beefcake,' he thought to himself. James was on the prowl. Today could've spent the afternoon lounging at his favorite sport club named Killearny but he was in search of someone he had heard so much about from friends. What he had heard not only peaked his curiosity but his other head down below as well. This someone was a girl, only 18 as it turned out, and was quite a sight to behold. One friend had mentioned that she was a real freak. Whether she was in the sheets or not he forgot to ask. This girl was presumably working out inside this very gym. James actual reasons for his visit had to do with adding this supposed dynamo to his stable of young women who had already fallen for his charm, good looks, libido, and prodigious sexual organ that swung under his sweatpants. Do it before Chad, Chuck, Brandon, or any other member of his circle tagged her. 'In and out bag and tag,' he thought to himself. He mused that getting women into bed was becoming easier nearly to a point of it ceasing to be a challenge. The girl in the gym would be no different after all she was only 18. If she wanted to see a freak he'd show his power wand between his legs. Mr. Ramsbottom's circle of fellow alpha male friends nicknamed themselves the Aqua Velvas a bit tongue in cheek to be sure. They dressed and walked to impress the fairer sex. They all had the swagger, the euro sports cars, the Aspen Winter condos that screamed wealth even if it came from Mommy and Daddy. It worked. Women fell for their charm. You could spot an Aqua Velva on the streets or in a club by what and who they wore. A virtual litany of Italian fashion lined the closets of it's members. Not only Italian clothing but Polo, Izod, Jordache, Guess, Ralph Lauren, and Burberry to name a few. Her name was Nadia Niculescu. Nadia lived in a fine neighborhood ten-minute drive from Westwood. She had happily married parents who were both doctors at Stanford University Hospital, and she had a younger brother named Alex. Both Alex and she were less than a week from becoming a freshman and senior respectively at San Delgado High School. According to James’ friends Nadia also had a huge breasted raven haired BFF named Sonia Savich. He looked to add Sonia to his list of conquests too. James did a quick visual sweep of the parking lot to see if he could spot either one of Nadia’s two means of daily transportation. Depending on the weather and whether or not she had to drive her little brother to school she often drove a car or rode a motorcycle. In this case she drove her car, and there it was. A black '69 Big Boss Mustang. James chuckled as he walked up to it shaking his head. A girl who drives a car like this must be 100% bad ass and a freak between the sheets. As for the car her Mustang was an extension of Nadia herself. Loud, big, brash, powerful, and full of business. He shook his head as he peered through the glass window and saw that the interior needed a cleaning. ‘Messy girl’, James thought to himself. He hated messy women. He loved discipline in his girlfriends. Neat, orderly, on time, and willing to take his orders on command. He caught his image reflected off of the glass. James let out a sigh and thought to himself, ‘No wonder the chicks go wild.’ Mighty fine indeed after all he was built and incredibly strong there was no argument there. The T-shirt he wore was stretched out, his shoulders, arms, and forearms were well developed. From top to bottom he was the perfect image of physical fitness. He checked to see that his perfectly coiffed dark hair was in place. He smiled at his male model looks and winked. James was certain that Nadia would instantly find him scorching hot. How could she not? He opened the doors to Westwood and took in the interior space which was quite spacious. The entire building broken into three large sections. The largest of which were the free weight and adjoining Nautilus rooms. There was a slightly smaller space reserved for hard impact step aerobics classes, one of which was in session. The walls were painted light gray, with neon lights accents spread about to break up the monotony of gray. The interior design allowed for a multitude of floor to ceiling mirrors. The carpeting was a slightly darker tone of warm gray. There were steel framed posters of male and female hard bodies hanging along the front lobby and rear hallway leading all the way to the locker rooms at the back of the gym. Near the locker rooms were several saunas, whirlpools and one Olympic sized indoor swimming pool. James approached the front desk in the lobby as “One Night in Bangkok” by Murray Head Music began to play through the overhead speakers. A buff guy behind the front counter wearing a name tag that read Chase looked up at James and asked, “Hi there, need any help?” “Ah, do you have a membership form?” James asked. “Yep, sure do. Here you go,” he handed James a clipboard before adding, “We can give you a day pass in the meantime. What’s your name?” “The name’s James,” he said. Chase wrote up a day pass and gave it to him. “Chase you mind if I take this form with me and fill it out later?”, James asked after all he wasn‘t here to join but to bang one of its female members. “Hey, no sweat just fill it out when you have time,” he replied as the desk phone rang. “Where did you used to work out?” Chase asked after he finished helping the caller. “Oh, ah Gold’s. You know down in Venice,” James lied. “Awesome. Yeah, I love Venice Beach, pretty rad place,” Chase said. “Say, uh is Nadia here?” he inquired. “Bennings or Nicu….Nicul…”, Chase said appearing to have some difficulty pronouncing her last name. “Uh, Niculescu.” “I can never say her last name. Yeah, she’s in the weight room. You want me to point her out or go get her?” “Nah, I’ll go and find her it’s no problem man,” James smiled heading off knowing from the descriptions given to him by his friends would suffice. As he did so James passed several full length mirrors. This time he didn't stop to admire himself as he was on the prowl for his new prey. There would be time for self-indulgence later. James crossed the threshold into the weight room. It was crowded and even from his vantage point there was a bit of difficulty picking Nadia out. The song “Shout” by Tears for Fears came on. James really hated that tune. For an instant he thought he spotted her near the other side of the huge room. Was that her? There were so many other patrons it was hard to tell. James was told she had chestnut reddish brown hair cut in a short pixie style with one side slightly longer than the other. His target had brown eyes, and was at least 5’11”. His friend's words 'She's a freak, built like a tank' sounded off in his head. He maneuvered around others as he descended into the maze of equipment racks, dumb bells, barbells, weights, sweat and grunts. He expertly maneuvered avoiding two ‘roid kings. James then looked to his right. His jaw dropped. There she was! He simply couldn’t believe my eyes. She looked stunning and incredibly powerful. 'Fuck me she is a tank' James literally had to catch his breath. It’s one thing to imagine someone from a description but to actually see them up close is entirely different. She exuded a scorching sexuality that was different than anything he'd encountered before. Nadia was performing squats with several muscle-heads hanging around her like a pack of vultures. She was doing a hell of a lot of weight from the looks of it, well over 675 lbs. Despite the incredible weight she did them with a sense of ease her motions incredibly fluid. She wore black spandex shorts and a red OP T-shirt cut off at the midriff with sleeves and collar removed. She had a red bandana wrapped around her head acting as a sweatband and wore a pair of red Reebok sneakers to top off the ensemble. From James’ vantage point Nadia had an insanely over-developed V-shaped back that tapered to a small waist. Her traps and deltoids were just massive. Shoulders that made up of segmented muscle striated in bands that reminded James of a cluster of bananas. Her legs and ass looked as if they were straining to burst out of that spandex. Nadia’s huge quads looked like they could crush coconuts and those big diamond shaped calves would make male bodybuilders green with envy. ‘Jesus I can’t believe this a chick, and a teen at that!’ James wasn't expecting Nadia to look like this. She was far beyond anything he'd ever imagined. He had seen from magazines, articles that featured a few women who had achieved some impressive muscle size and physical strength. There was the famous Mary Logan a Scottish immigrant living in Chicago who amazed audiences in the 1890s with near super human strength. With her stunning beauty and physique Mary lifted wagons, pulled teams of oxen and boxcars with a disturbing sense of ease. Then there was Madamoiselle Emelie Guingand who in 1913 was photographed hoisting a French Army 75 mm artillery piece over her. James' mind recounted the feats of Yulia Kachaturova a Soviet blonde beauty who bested the French woman by lifting a tractor over her head in 1940. Yulia's cute smile not showing a hint of strain. These women were legends and as such a legend is something that existed in the past. James never expected to some face to face with a modern day legend. Not here in San Delgado California. Yet there she was. She was just finishing a set when James looked to her reflection in the mirror as he approached her workout station. Muscle-head #1, her official spotter apparently said something to Nadia that made her smile. In fact all the other guys hanging around her were making fools of themselves trying to get her attention, lauding over her. It turned his stomach to see guys act like that. As he came closer James’ eyes and hers made contact in the mirror. The gaze lasted less than a fraction of a second yet it caused James to stop in his tracks. Those dark smoky eyes of hers appeared to bore right through him. As he walked behind her the spotter gave James a sideways look that wasn’t too friendly. James wasn’t moved by his gaze. ‘Know your place limp dick.’ He felt a bit dumb retracing his steps to perform a second pass. As James did so he caught her looking at him in the reflection as she was about to start her last reps. His dick twitched. James figured Nadia would be finishing up soon. He looked around the remaining parts of the weight room before leaving to check out the rest of Westwood. While he waited he caught glimpse of a woman who reminded him of one Cameron Feagin. Cameron was a young woman in her early 20s who was passed around various members of the Aqua Velvas like some VCR tape. An aspiring actress she was fooled into sleeping with James and his friends who did their own style of acting by making her think they had contacts with various Hollywood agents. Cameron was stunning, desperate, and fortunately for James quite naive. Then one day in Tijuana he spiked her drink like many of his friends often did with girls. She had a severe reaction, foamed at the mouth and died. James panicked and rang a friend who in turn knew of someone in the Mexican underworld. For five thousand dollars this Mexican placed Cameron's body in the trunk of his car and drove off with promises to bury the body somewhere. James' only reaction after a while was the bitterness towards Cameron for dying and to his drug dealer friend who told him the spike was “the shit”. Yeah the spike 'Was shit' he thought. Suddenly there was movement out of the corner of his eye. Nadia approached. His heart rate increased as she walked near James to get a drink of water from a fountain. ‘I can’t wait to get this one into the sack. She'll be in my black book in a category all by herself’. When she got within a few feet of him, those eyes of hers suddenly locked onto his. James could’ve sworn there was a super charged bolt of lust that flashed between the two. He licked his lips. “Hi,” she said. “Hey there,” James answered straightening himself out to appear taller. She wasn’t wearing a bra. James sized up her breasts to be a bit more than a handful. His cock twitched. Her nipples were quite pronounced as if she was already turned on. He slobbered over her exposed midriff that revealed a set of abs that resembled silver ingots. ‘Shit she’s something else,’ he thought. “You must be new. I’ve never seen you here before,” Nadia remarked as she removed the red bandana from her head. “Yeah, I just moved up from L.A. I wanted to find a gym and chose this one.” “Well I’m sure you’ll like it here,” Nadia replied. 'Love her eyes,' “I know I will,” he smiled. “Work hard, play hard that’s my motto. All the gym members here are totally serious about gettin’ their bods in shape. You should fit in really well.” “Well looking at you I’d say you definitely work hard, very hard. You’re unbelievable,” said James. “I play hard too.” “That I have no doubt. You need a play partner?” he asked with a sly grin. “Kinda depends on a few things,” Nadia replied her eyes checking him over. “Oh, like what?”, he asked. “Whether you’re the type that really gets me off. You know the kind of guy that lives in my fantasies.” “Was I in your last fantasy?” James grinned. A slight smile broke across her face and she said, “Hmmm, the stud in my fantasy had a great big cock and a pair of balls the size of lemons that he kept bragging about,” Nadia said putting her hands on her hips and looking straight into my eyes. ‘Damn look at those delts and biceps!’ “Is that right? Well look no further I’m your man.” “You think you’re my fantasy dude?” she smirked. “I might be,” he replied. “Really?” she chuckled in a manner that revealed she thought otherwise. Before James could say anything she stepped forward and put a hand down the front of his sweatpants, her gaze never broke from his. A devilish smile soon appeared across her face. He got an instant hard-on. “Oh, hey jeez wait uh, let‘s go somewhere private,” he said. Her hand stroked his organ and balls, massaging them before pulling her hand out from his sweatpants. She smelled her fingers, a flash of lust appeared in her eyes. She grunted softly, “Yeah, you might be right stud. I think we did have a session the other day.” Overcome with lust he blurted out seemingly out of control, “I gotta pound you deep with my big dick.” “Mmmm, that’s more like it. Well then Mr. Big Dick let’s see what you’ve got. Haul it out and pound it for me”, she cooed. “Uh, right here right now?” he asked incredulously. “I love to see a guy pound his own meat. Are you game? I so want to see those balls bounce while you jack off,” she cooed. James looked around and despite both being in a hidden nook well away from the public eye, doing something like this was something he tried to avoid. She didn’t seem to care one bit. “Maybe you’re not the stud from my fantasy. Sounds like you’re a fuckin’ wuss,” she smirked. “Yea? Well maybe it’s too big and you’re simply afraid,” James blurted out. She laughed, “Haul it out pal.” “Nah, you better do it,” he shot back. She still had that smirk on her face as she slowly got on her knees and pulled his sweatpants down to his knees. She grunted as she saw James’ turgid cum cannon spring up. The thing was getting fatter by the second. Veins stood out like roads on a map along the entire thick shaft. The energy James felt as it pointed skyward never failed to send a wave of power through him. James had always thought he could ram his cock through armor plate. He looked down on Nadia and upon seeing her kneeling down before him his slight case of anxiety he had earlier left him. “Fuckin’ suck it now,” he hissed. She looked up at him as if she was about to say something subservient as most women did to him but instead her dark eyes glowered back, “I don’t think you get how this works stud, you’re my toy.” She grabbed his cock and rammed it into her mouth and down her throat in a mere three seconds. Her deepthroating skills were beyond anything he’d ever experienced with the vast majority of the thousands he‘d fucked in his twisted sex crazed life. Up and down, up and down, up and down she went glazing his shaft with spittle. The blow job was heaven and he wished it would last longer but James already felt the urge to splurge. She sensed it and each time he was about to blow Nadia pulled on his ball sack preventing relief. In a matter of two minutes he went from dominant to dominated. She yanked on the ball sack and squeezed gently, “Who’s in charge fuckwit?” Pain and pleasure hit his nerves at once making James groan. She did it again this time harder, “Answer you fuck.” “You,” he grunted. “What was that?” she squeezed. “Ow, shit,” James winced. “That’s not an answer,” she shot back. Her offensive against his cock and balls continued unabated. Pressed up against a wall he was now receiving more pain than pleasure as his lower abdominals were cramping from the need to release the tsunami of seed. “You are, y-you’re in charge,” he stammered wishing he could cum. “Mmmm? Want me to stop?” she asked. “P-please,” he asked nearly begging. She grunted, “Fuck that boy-toy.” By now his balls were turning a shade of cobalt blue and the cock head a tint of violet. He was literally squirming to get away at which point she stood up. One hand stretching and massaging his ball sack to prevent the impending explosion. She used a forearm to push James back against the wall, her face only inches from his. “Don’t squirm wuss, you’ll only make it more painful,” Nadia said pressing harder into his chest. “Ah, shit please I gotta blow,” he spluttered. “You wanna blow your big wad huh stud,” she whispered. “Y-yes, p-please,” he grimaced as her arm press was starting to affect his breathing making him wonder just how strong this girl truly was. “Want me to make it all better, make the pain go away?” she said quietly. The pain and general discomfort he was undergoing was in fact getting a bit more extreme. She was enjoying every minute. She was clearly in charge and she made him know that. James had no doubt she must've made other guys feel the same. His anxiety came back this time full force. His legs felt weak. He wondered if Nadia even had a steady boyfriend. She most likely went through guys like a hot knife through butter. Hell, she probably collected them, made them do whatever she wanted. Being faced with her incredibly muscled physique, strength, height, and beauty Nadia was intimidating. She knew it of course and therefore used that to get what she desired. James suddenly realized he was being bested by his counterpart of a sorts. “You’re gonna eat your own cum dumbfuck,” she sneered. “What?” Before he even had time to fully register what she had demanded she grabbed the back of his head and forced James to double over while holding his balls and cock in the other. His neck and back muscles protested by causing the Alpha male to yell out briefly. Before he knew it his own cock was rammed into his very own mouth. She held James in a semi balled up position and growled, “Eat it slave,” as she helped to release the torrent of jizz held back for so long. It shot into his mouth and throat, rope after rope of hot seed blasted forth. The stuff was coming out of the corners of his mouth and nose. She laughed. James felt as if his own jaw was about to break from the size of his bloated cock. He was beginning to gag and tried to pull his head back but her forceful hand kept his head locked onto his own meat. James’ back muscles began to burn from the pain. “Yeah, that’s it stud eat it. Oh, yeah like that,” she smiled. She held him folded over as James was forced to eat his own seed. He'd finally stopped cumming but she held him in that position for a short while berating him in a hushed tone of how inferior he was compared to her. Finally, Nadia gripped his hair and yanked his mouth from the softening cock. James made a gasping sound trying to inhale as much air as possible. His face was a red mess, tears ran down his ruddy cheeks cum plastered over his square jaw and dimpled chin. “You look like shit faggot. You should get yourself cleaned up,” she snickered. His head was spinning and his muscled limbs felt heavy as if they were made of concrete. His growing anxiety forced him to blurt out, “You bitch, you’re really fucking crazy.” Her sly smile disappeared, and her dark sultry eyes began to glower in anger. She grabbed his aching crotch squeezed hard making him yelp in pain. She single-handedly hoisted 225lb James off the ground, “Yeah, you do need a wash.” James knew he was in for it and tried to reach for her throat. She sneered and struck him in the solar plexus with a punch that made him see all the stars in the Milky Way. All of the air within him left his lungs like some airplane cabin suffering a decompression at 35,000 feet. She threw him over one of her broad shoulders walked down the hall and kick in the door to the hot tub. With one foot she kicked the machine on making the water effervesce in a cavalcade of bubbles. Like a sack of garbage, she threw the now demoted Beta male in the water. He gasped for air as thrashed about attempting to recover from the aching sensation in his gut. He wiped the hair and water away from his “dreamy” blue eyes and there she stood. Her hands upon her hips looking down at him as if he truly was subservient. Even now he was in awe how her gym outfit conformed to her outrageous body. “I own your ass. You’re gonna learn like everyone else that I run the roost. Capiche? Soon you’ll worship the very ground I walk on,” she said in a tone that yielded an overwhelming sense of self-assuredness. “Do your parents know what you’re like? Do they know what you do, how you act?” he demanded. She smiled and replied, “I’m an A student, a loving helpful dutiful daughter to my parents and supportive protective sibling to my younger brother. Do they know how I treat scum like yourself? No, of course not.” “Well maybe I ought to tell them,” James replied back to her. “Hmmm, that would be a poor choice bucko. I’d bury your ass if you did, and I do mean bury,” she smiled her eyes boring holes through him. “Okay missy,” he’d had enough of her attitude and scraped what little pride he had left. “Missy? What decade are you in?”, she laughed. James scrambled out of the hot tub, his self-esteem nearly shot. The idea of being challenged by a girl was more than he could bear. If news got out of this episode no woman would ever want to be seen with him ever again. The “Superstud” James Ramsbottom would forever live in shame. He had to do something. “You look pissed,” she said as he fumbled his way over to her. “You’re damn right I am,” he barked. “Shhhhh, calm down little man. Don’t spaz out. I see you still haven’t learned. Therefore, I’ll have to be much firmer with you,” Nadia said in a calm voice that only served to agitate him more. The light and shadow played games across her incredible musculature. Nadia's back looked like some geographical relief map of valleys and rolling hills of raw muscle. He couldn’t help feeling a tiny resurgence of lust down below. ‘I’ll rape this mouthy bitch raw,’ he thought to himself. “I’ll be the one who’s firm. Just assume the position and take it like the whore you are,” he demanded. “A whore? How about an introduction first. Why don’t you say hello to my Enforcers,” Nadia answered. “Your what?” “My Enforcers,” she reiterated doing a double bicep pose. ‘Fuck me’, James was astonished even a little frightened by her physique. Her arms were truly huge and those lats of hers, by God! He guessed the size of her guns to be around 23 inches (at least) in diameter with biceps that actually sported a double peak. The vasculature wrapped around steely forearms and bicep muscle like cables. He gulped. She wobbled a huge glute before tensing the muscle that revealed segmented musculature, “And these are my glorious Pythons.” Nadia was a complete package with attitude to boot. “I think you need to lay off the juice honey.” Nadia laughed, “You think I take that stuff? No way Jose. What you see is all me pal. Just me, myself, and my killer genes.” “Yeah, sure whatever you say. Your genetics alone are responsible for all that muscle and your feminine charm,” he snorted. “I'm a great person once you get to know me, I mean as long as you stay on my good side that is, “ Nadia replied. “Oh, I bet you're all sugar and spice bitch.” “Isn't that what you like in a girl? For her to be innocent, sweet, and submissive or do you like them to be dominant like me? Maybe you don't have a preference. You just see what flips your griddle and go for it,” Nadia said fawning an air of innocence. “Take a fucking guess,” James said grabbing a towel to dry off. “Did you get all your own cum off?” she snickered. “We aren't done here,” he muttered. “You know I bet you're a sub. You act like Mr. Dominant but secretly you love to be the receiver. Am I right? Now what would be your hottest fantasy? Lemme think for a sec.” “I can guess your story honey. A guy you really liked once said you were the lamest lay he'd ever had. That dashed your dreamy dream of skipping off into the sunset hand in hand with him. So you swore to yourself you'd punish every guy you'd meet especially those like myself who are confident in who we are. Guys like me are a reminder of that one that got away.” Nadia laughed clapping her hands together, “Wow! Is that what you think? Do yourself a favor and never become a psychologist, you truly suck.” James’ mouth was dry and he wiped water from his face. He’d have to seriously take her on if he was to recover any sense of self-worth. He’d never live this down if he lost. Whatever happened next he’d make up one hell of a story later for his friends. “Okay b-bitch whatever, your t-times up. I’m g-gonna kick your ass and f-fuck you r-raw,” he said. She snickered in response which caused her cobble stone abs to tighten and her breasts to jiggle. Nadia imitated his speech, “Oh r-really y-you’re gonna k-kick my ass? For sure. It's time you got on all fours and kissed my feet worm.” Nadia gave him an open handed slap to his face. The sound reverberated throughout the room and gym. Her hand struck his face and made a sound similar to a bullwhip cracking. The impact caused the male stud to lean hard over. Something brilliant white flew from his mouth and skittered across the tiled floor. James thought he was about to lose his balance and fall over. The entire left side of his face burned something fierce but that wasn't the only sensation that that made warning bells go off in his head. For some reason the vision from his left eye was suddenly blurred. No, correct that he had no vision from that eye period. “What the fuck!? Shit I-I can't see out of my fucking left eye. Shit!”, he exclaimed. “I think you lost something else bozo. Better look in the mirror,” Nadia chuckled. He staggered over to one nearby and was shocked by what he saw. Half of his face was beet red and one of his famed pearly white teeth had a problem. A guaranteed public image problem, “You fuckin' bitch! You knocked the cap off of one my front teeth. Fuck!” He saw her in the mirror's reflection standing behind him hands on her hips with a big grin across her face. “I think it went over there somewhere, “Nadia nodded. “Fuck, fuck, fuck!” James got on his hands and knees to look for his prized cap on the floor and blubbered, “Where is it?” “Jeez stop spazzing out. I didn't even hit you that hard,” she said. “I-I think you detached my retina too. Shit!” “Gotta admit there are times I don't know my own strength,“ Nadia shrugged. “There it is!”, he cried out as he spotted the lone tooth cap hiding in a corner. James tried to examine it and went back to the mirror. What would his fellow Aqua Velvas think of him looking like this? A tear welled up in his eye and he sniffled. James stomped his foot in frustration like a petulant child, “No, no, no! I look like crap dammit!” “Are you crying? Holy shit you are! Oh my god you're such a fucking fag! What a freakin' pussy. I was about to say that I'm not done with you here but now I'd actually feel bad beating you to a pulp. I give you permission to leave. Really just get the fuck out of my sight you freak.” He turned to her and for split second thought about rushing her before making the wise decision to cut and run. His face all red he replied, “This isn't over bitch and you know it!” She could only giggle at the Beta male with the fucked up tooth trying to make threats, “Hey bud, you better hope I don't see you again because if I do I guarantee I'll turn you into my very own meat puppet.” A member of Nadia's fan club was nearly bowled over by James who staggered out from the whirlpool room muttering to himself about how he was going to 'kill the bitch'. He was followed by Nadia herself who slowly sauntered back to the weight-room. The fan club groupie just shook his head and said to her, “Nadia you're such a heart breaker, or should I say neck breaker.” She smiled back and replied, “You know it.”
  4. Mrmusclewriter

    ***The Strength of a Bull*** (Part 1)

    Oh Paco, oh Paco, oh Paco, it sounded like a song or perhaps like a joke but it was the way the guys used to sing every time Paco “El Toro” Bautista used to step into the gym ready to train to death as he used to call his pro bodybuilding training. A Spanish bodybuilder, one of the few who went so far in the pro bodybuilder, a life worshipping the iron to build and develop a body that only in few could have around the world. Forget the King of Shred, Andres Munzer that was out of his league, Paco was from another planet. He was huge, massive, and dense, built like a tank. That body seemed to be carved in rock and stones, every muscular group looked like it was made from concrete bricks, every fibre was visible as his skin was made of the thinner fabric with the lowest fat percentage if not the total absence. El Toro was walking towards the weights, listening to that music of his worshippers’, drawing a proud smile on his face. He was walking with all his cockiness, nothing could pass through those huge and sculpted legs, and they were so big, massive and defined that could produce sparks when they touched each other. No t-shirt was big to stretch enough to keep that mole. The sleeves seemed to ask for forgiveness as they were rolled up, those biceps were huge, striated and full of vein, the pectorals ready to tear the t-shirt apart and the shorts tight enough to adhere very tightly to his big quads. The floor lightly shook. At first you had to pay attention. It was like someone was dropping heavy weights after a dead lift. A shadow passed over Oscar as he finished the last reps on his bench press. The man was wide and thick, more massive than any lifter here. Oscar was tired of this worship of this human steer... He walked up behind Paco and tapped his massive shoulder. Oscar noticed his hand looked small next to Paco's shoulder. The handsome Spanish turned brown eyes like shining dark pools fixed on his. Oscar spat in his face! Without warning he took advantage of the moment of blindness Paco had and grabbed his head hooking his arm over the back. He dropped his ass to the gym floor pulling Paco down with him. Paco’s head slammed into the cement floor sounding like a breaking coconut! Oscar hadn't prepared to be buried under Paco's massive body. The thickness of his chest and lats smothered over him. With all his power he kicked Paco's unconscious body off him and stood finally. He kicked the Spanish in the face. Everybody stopped, looked at the two bodybuilders, no one intervened, they kept watching, the worshippers were smiling as they knew Oscar won’t last longer in this life. Oscar kneeled and set over Paco’s massive chest, he punched his face several times, with rage and anger pictured on his face, it was pure violence, Paco could not have the time to cover his face, the attacks was fast and mean for a guy half of Paco’s size. El Toro’s face bounced in every direction of the punches, until Paco blocked the attack locking his hands over Oscar’s wrist. “My turn Oscar” Paco said with an irritate tone of voice. Paco bounced Oscar from his chest, releasing a grip but holding the other wrist and as the Hulk did to Loki, he started throwing Oscar’s body all over the floor and the benches like a ragdoll. The impacts were insane and deadly. Oscar body was hitting everywhere. Paco stopped for a second grabbing back the other wrist and with inhuman power he threw Oscar’s body over the concrete pile just before the entrance of the locker room. Marino screamed, Paco released the hold and his body fell off onto the floor. Paco was furious and angry, rage was loading every moment, Oscar was lying on the floor trying to revive him. “I am sorry Paco, forgive me” Oscar said when Paco approached him. The Spanish didn’t say a word and grabbed Oscar by his silver hair and dragged him into the huge locker room, like in those paint when the Neanderthal does the same to the poor wife. Oscar was slammed onto the locker that produced a loud and metallic sound. “You challenged me and I will take your life” stated Paco. “Please Paco, forgive me, please” Oscar cried. “I will fucking squeeze your stupid and pathetic life out of you, you will be bleeding to Death” Paco replied. Oscar tried to stand up and run away but Paco stomped his back, putting him down on the floor, applying pressure with the right foot. “Stay there Oscar” Paco said and Oscar moaned in pain while Paco was moving his foot over Oscar’s vertebrae as he was putting off a cigarette. The friction was so high that the bones started cracking under Paco’s pressure. Another stomp delivered by Paco and Oscar’s back bent; a loud scream went out from his mouth. Paco kneeled sliding his left leg under Oscar’s abdomen and the other leg over his spine. It felt like the entire Berlin Wall was falling on his back when Paco placed his legs over Oscar’s spine. Paco was not squeezing yet but the pain was already there. Paco’s quads were as hard as rock, dense and powerful. Still in pain for the savage attack Oscar was trying to push the big quads away before it was too late and indeed it was too late, Paco locked his ankles and squeezed. Pain appeared in Oscar’s face that was watching the floor and with a violent movement went up, he tried to scream but no sound got out. His mouth was already bleeding and Paco was only at the 5% of his power, reaching the full power would have meant the death of Oscar’s. “You are already bleeding, what a pussy!” Paco said with an evil smile. Oscar tried to speak but the words were unpredictable, too much pain, already. Paco increased the pressure more; his quads were full of vein and steel hard, his ankle perfectly locked as they were glued together while Oscar’s core was losing volume, becoming thinner and thinner. Due to the savage strength of the Spanish beast, Oscar’s body began bending upwards like a twig under a foot pressure. “It looks like your body is bending” Paco said. “Mmmhhh, please, let me go!” Oscar moaned in pain. “I am not going to break you now, I want to play with your body, take it to the extreme of its resistance and then I will fucking destroy, you know I can kill you” Paco stated with an evil tone of voice. The pressure grew, the vertebrae kept cracking and Paco released the hold. Oscar’s body got back to the original position with a cracking noise, like a part of engine without any lubricant. Paco stood up, bent over his victim, pulled by his air and lifted up. Suddenly Oscar found himself up in the air in a gorilla press, Paco’s right arm was holding his crotch and the left his chest, and he walked over and over the locker room, proud but at the same time crazy as the devil. The door of the locker room opened and two worshippers entered “the arena”. Paco was standing tall and massive, pressing his prey over the air like a gorilla. “Wow, I want to see this” the blonde guy said. “So do I, my friend, there will be blood” the other guy replied. “There will be many broken bones and Oscar dead” Paco replied. The blonde guy felt his cock becoming hard after Paco’s response. Both of the guys set down on a bench and watched the show like in a theatre, they probably needed some popcorn to enjoy the show. “Ready to land Oscar” Paco asked with a laugh. “Please don’t do it, I beg you” Paco slammed Oscar followed by his heavy body pressing him over the floor, like Bill Goldberg was used to do to his victims. A sound of two heavy body echoed inside the room, dust was spread over the air and the floor lightly cracked under the weight. Oscar screamed and split some blood, Paco laughed. “I guess, you have always desired my body over yours, haven’t you Oscar?” Oscar could not speak a work, Paco’s heavy weight did not allow him to properly breathe. Paco stood up and grabbed Oscar by the testicles that squirted for the iron grip, he was violently brought up. Paco performed an over the knee backbreaker, followed by another and another and yet another. Each time Oscar’s back hit Paco’s knee with a violent slam a scream of pain and blood got out from his mouth, his body bouncing semi lifeless like a weak twig over the giant’s knee. With the last backbreaker Paco screamed: “Get the fuck off my knee, you fucking useless bodybuilder”. Paco threw Oscar over the floor like a bag of potatoes that rolled for some feet like a heavy whiskey barrel. The worshipper were sitting on the bench watching to such power destroying that silver bodybuilder that acted so cocky and that was now paying the fees, entirely. They were excited; their bulges were growing as Paco kept destroying Oscar. Paco easily placed Oscar in a torture rack and began bending the silver daddy’s body. His body was bending easily under Paco’s strength as it was empty of its spinal backbone. Lex Luger was nothing compared to Paco applying that hold. Paco applied a long bending session and at the same time squeezed his right leg that became hard as rock and with all the muscles visible as built with pure har cement with an amount of veins that was incommensurable. Oscar yelled the longest and most painful scream in his entire life. “Now, if you still want to keep on worship me and you do not want to finish like this piece of shit over here, I want to play a game with you guy” Paco said to the two guys. The guys stood up, excited and ready. “What do you want us to do Sir Bautista” they both asked Paco. “I want one of you to grab this prick’s wrists, the other the ankles and to pull his body as hard as you can” Paco said. The two guys ran over Paco, they grabbed the designated part of the body and started pull down the victim while Paco was still torturing Oscar. Oscar’s body bent more almost reaching 180 degrees, he was screaming, spitting blood and saliva and his vertebrae cracked loudly. He lost consciousness.
  5. Guest


    ***DISCLAIMER***. If it gets complaints, I will move it to the Member+ Section. This series involves a 16 year old. There is sex, but there is also Age Progression and the 16 year old becomes a man in the beginning of this over all story, so it is essentially a regular story. Just a Warning and a Precaution I wanted to take. ***DISCLAIMER*** Part 2 The MIND – Part I Johnathan’s face was a strange mix of fear, amazement, and a bit of excitement. This man, this hero, his hero, that he admired and the whole world wanted to be like has shrunk down to a size even smaller than himself. “H-How?! I-Is this how you looked before you got your powers?” He lifted his hand out, needing a touch just to see if this was actually real or not. He placed his hands on the teen’s chest in front of him. It was flat, flatter than his own. Sliding his hands around this “HERO” he thought he new and adored, and wrapping them around his sides to support himself as he leans over him, to get his face closer to this new discoveries own face. “Wow… after seeing how amazingly manly you were, you’re actually pretty fucking cute like this too…” He smiled down at the now regressed “Hero” to teen. He realizes a large sphere, blue in color, rolled over from their weight on the bed and bumped the outside of his hand. He remembers it popped out of his “Hero” a few moments ago. He manipulates his hand away from the teen under him, and plucks the ball from the sheets; holding it up to the light, examining its slick shine before returning his gaze “What is this?” he asks, drying it off a bit on his shirt, his hand still wet with particles of the sphere from picking it up. “I-“ the teen with his back on the bed had to stop himself. His voice was so much higher then what he was as The Alpha. “I’m going to need that back, stud. He reached up toward the ball, but Johnathan pulls away a bit. Johnathan moves his other hand to push the smaller guy’s legs apart, spreading them so he could get even closer and in control. “That’s not to be messed with!” the former “Hero” swallowed hard as he tried to plead with the slightly larger teen. “That’s the Mind… The Mind of a Hero!” He gazed at the sphere with wonderment being held above him out of reach. He needed that back. “Come on Johnathan… Sport… Stud… Look at us! We’re close to the same size now! We can still have fun, then I can go back to how I was. Just, be gentle with that. You don’t know how to use it or what you are doing…” Johnathan pulls his band back farther up, making it even harder for the teen to touch the sphere, and uses his other hand to grab the teen’s wrist that was reaching up, pushing it back down and holding it firmly to his sunken chest. He gazes back at the ball, then back at the fallen, raising an eyebrow, a sly cocky grin sweeps on his face. “Mind of a hero…” he relishes on how easy it is to now hold his “Hero” down, a sharp contrast from the moments before. He goes back to the shrunken man’s old plea. Fun… “Oh we can still have fun alright… But how would something like this give you power?” he asks, getting turned on slightly, he grinds his stiffening cock into the smaller mans covered cheeks, noticing the lump in the “Hero’s” tights was now even smaller than his own. “This to me look’s like just a Jawbreaker.” He noticed a bit of the sugar sludge on his hand. He swaps the ball into his other hand, bringing the sweet sludge to his lips. He has to be sure it is what it looks like as he pushes his tongue to his hand and licks the sweetness clean, making his “Hero” watch in utter horror. That one lick changed everything. A *SPARK* ignited inside of Johnathan’s brain… a *SPARK* that he could already tell was going to change his life, and the Universe FOREVER. Whispers, very faint began to push out inside of him. “Hello?! Who else is here?!” he began to look around the room, questioning as they began to grow, get louder, clearer… Lick the ball, our New Master… we will help… The old hero looked up at Johnathan. He knew how the chain of events started. He heard the voices. He knows the steps and how this was going to turn out if he didn’t stop it soon, he knew that the teen above him would soon be a VERY big man. “Stop, Johnathan,” he pleaded, practically begged as he placed his hand on his holder’s wrist holding him. “You’re a virgin, right kid? I was too before I became a hero. I’ll help you, I’ll be with you, I promise. The birds and the bees, positions, everything you need to know, just give it back and you will learn from me.” Johnathan’s eyes went wide with a thousand yard stare as the initial HIT of the MIND hit him, the voices filling his head. He notices a bit of sludge on his other finger tips from when he tried to wipe this “MIND” off with its wetness earlier. Yanking his hand up, dragging his so called “Hero” up with him. He brings his finger to his lips, licking them clean. More gates open up inside his MIND, filling him with new thoughts, insidious thoughts of power and lust. He heard the fallen “Hero’s” words faintly, bringing him back to reality. “Everything I need to know…” He looks down at him letting his hand drop slowly and lowering the body attached to him back onto the bed. “I think this thing right here will do that just fine…” He starts to grin, but it turns into a cocky smirk. I thought comes into his head, possibly an Ultimatum for this “Hero” that the world made everyone worship. “Hmm… Unless…” His grin got wider. “Unless you can get me to cum faster than I can work through this Jawbreaker!!” The former “Hero” watched as Johnathan raised the Jawbreaker, The Mind, above both of them. He tilted his head back, and watched in horror as the sphere was pushed into his mouth, closing shut. Johnathan leaned back over the hero. “Start teaching, sir…” he teased, grinding his crotch up against the “Hero” as he interlocked both sets of their hands and pushed him against the bed. The “Hero”, with the last bit of strength he had left, managed to roll them both over so he was on top of Johnathan, kicking the last remnants of his loose fitting uniform off, his leg tights. His body now exposed completely as he pushed his hands into the waist band of Johnathan’s short tugging down. Johnathan laughed, watching this “Hero” literally try as best as he can to get to his cock so he could get himself to cum. He humored him, lifting his ass up off the bed slightly, to let the puny “Hero” slide his shorts off. He slurps on the sweetness, rolling the MIND around on his tongue, as the voices slowly begin to return to him. He sees the “Hero” now checking out his 4 inch dick between them, and the MIND can also see what Johnathan can as well. Now that’s a NIIIICE COCK… Not like the three inches our last Master had… The Jawbreaker, slowly melting down, creeping more and more into Johnathan’s very being. A small warmth begins to spread throughout him. The MIND beginning to become one with Johnathan. The old “Hero” grabs Johnathan’s 4 inch dick, it slowly begins to inflate in his hand, as he starts pumping it, twisting it, with different motions and movements to get this teen to shoot his load. This is a real ALPHA… The voices continue as a Shock to the brain causes Johnathan’s head to smack into the bed, it was like a punch to the face. LANGUAGE… in a matter of seconds he is fluent in all of them, even alien ones not yet known to man on this world. Don’t ever use this word new Master… Johnathan saw the word the “Hero” said. That gave him this opportunity of a lifetime… On second thought… Let’s just Erase it from Master’s vocabulary… This Master doesn’t deserve to EVER be small… “OHHHHH FUUUCK!” Johnathan moans in approval. His cock getting more rigid and harder from what they are telling him. “Fuck… that word… the one you said…” he finally sees a plaque on the wall near them. Andy… the “Hero’s” Name. He grins. “Yeah that word, Andy… The one that made you this weak piece of shit? This MIND Jawbreaker just gave me all the words in existence. My Vocabulary is better than any fucking Dictionary in the entire Universe, but they made sure to not give me THAT word… If I get all your “POWERS” they are mine forever.” Andy looks on, scared. He doubles down intensifying his hand job skills as the stroking and the voices just amp up the coming orgasm even more for Johnathan. “I’ll make you fucking cum Johnathan!!!” Johnathan begins to chuckle. “You better make me cum, Andy… and fast! This thing is melting faster than I expected, it wants me as its new Master.” He reaches forward, stopping Andy’s cock jerking momentum, and places his hand on the head, rubbing his hair, before sliding it to the back, gripping his skull, and pulling him closer to his cock. Small amounts of sexual prowess start seeping in, soon a big wave will flourish inside him. Johnathan pulls Andy’s head to the shaft, as he guides Andy’s hand that is still holding on to his meat and angles it upwards to Andy’s lips. “Part your lips, Andy. I think I want to see what getting head feels like.” He smirks as he pulls Andy’s head closer. Andy moved his mouth over Johnathan’s cock just as fast as he was being pulled towards it. He needed to get this guy to cum and he needed to cum before any more power went to him. His efforts caused Johnathan to shudder. It’s the first time he’s ever had a warm, moist mouth and tongue glide over the surface of his penis, and it was electrifying. “Oh… OH FUCK!” His cock went rigid. He felt his testicles churn and shake in anticipation of the cumming lurch. “I CAN’T… PLEASE… MIND!!!!” Oh you ain’t fucking cumming Alpha… His moans softened a bit, his dick still rock hard, Andy had to look up for a minute. Those voices in Johnathan’s head, music to his ears… him… ALPHA… that was what everyone used to call the teen in front of him on the floor who had his swollen, hard cock down his throat now. He looked up, and said out aloud to the voices… “Soon…” Andy was afraid of what the MIND was telling Johnathan, but Johnathan could literally hear the MIND moan inside of him, his saliva glands secreting more just to wet the Jawbreaker enough to give him another dose of knowledge. Johnathan’s head smacked hard against the bed again, but so did his body… it felt like he was hit by a semi-truck. SCIENCES… PHYSICS OF THE BODY… MOVEMENTS FOR WORK OUTS… The continued working of Johnathan’s cock…. All these new things he has gained in his knowledge. Everything was bringing him again back to the brink. Knowing how his body can move. Knowing how to eat right with the sciences to grow even BIGGER. Knowing the proper motions in his workouts to really help his fit teen body grow… His balls start to pull up… he feels his first load about to push its way into the passageways leading into his shaft. “Oh God… Fuck… NOOO… I’M GONNA CU-“ Yes… Let’s give him THAT as a TRAIT… HOW TO CONTROL AN ORGASM… Andy was excited. He finally succeeded, as he sucked a bit harder he noticed the cock in his mouth stopped its pulsing. It was as if it was on a massive edge. And Johnathan, the teen who’s cock was in his mouth began to laugh. “Mph… HAHAHAHAHA! Oh yes…” his balls resting in his sack as they pull to their normal hanging spot. “You are DONE Andy.” Andy stopped sucking, looking up at Johnathan confused. “But you haven’t came yet. What do you mean?” “You see, the MIND truly loves me, Andy. They gave me a gift. Now I won’t cum unless I choose to.” As he spoke more waves entered through him, he moaned, but his cock stayed true. CONFIDENCE… SWAGGER… Johnathan pushes himself up on the bed, placing both feet on the ground firmly, and opens his legs wide, pushing Andy onto the floor between them. He grabs a hold of his cock, stroking it, as he arches his back and true Alpha mind status floods in. Johnathan’s spine cracks, shifts, as it becomes perfectly aligned as he reaches what should have been his maximum growth at this stage in life, 5 FEET, 4 INCHES. His lower torso rearranges as he finally is able to have a 4-pack all the time without flexing in his stomach muscles. And his chest pushes out slightly more. He grins wide, hand flicking his cock back towards Andy, so it swings out and drips pre all over the floor and partially splattering the teen’s face in front of him. “This power, Andy… it is… intoxicating… I’m learning so much…. Much more in seconds than most men do their entire lives.” Johnathan pats the spot next to him on the bed, now HIS bed, letting Andy know to come back up. Andy slowly got up, Johnathan extending his hand to help him sit down on the bed. “You still haven’t made me cum, Andy. I honestly doubt you will be able to now either…” Andy looks down, Johnathan puts his hand under his chin and lifts it so they are looking directly at each other. “Not with just your mouth at least.” He winks, grinning, and motions for Andy to turn around. Andy slowly slides up the bed. Scared, but also a little turned on. His own 3 inches hard as he gets into doggy position. Take your place, Our Alpha… The voices egging Johnathan on, his cock practically drooling more and he lubricates it completely with a couple quick hand strokes. He sucks down on the MIND. His back arches as he moves closer to his conquest as a new set of knowledge becomes clear to him. PLEASURE… SEXUAL POSITIONS… DOMINATION… HOW TO REALLY FUCK… His mind fills with endless possible ways to take that spread ass right in front of him. To truly make it his own personal Fuck hole. It excites him just looking at Andy, down on all fours, his head turned looking back at his soon to be “HERO” Johnathan dips a bit, right behind Andy. He reaches down and grips the ass in front of him, his hands knowing exactly where to go as he holds him steady and pulls Andy’s cheeks apart, exposing his hole. “Oh fuck… its beautiful Andy.” His hips sliding forward, his abs crunching slightly, as he presses his hard cock between the ass cheeks and begins a slow grind, spreading his pre all over the opening of the hole. Andy’s hole flutters in anticipation. He feels the engorged, dripping tip rub around his hole, waiting for Johnathan to push himself in. Let’s give him more gifts…. The head is not Alpha worthy… Johnathan chuckles a bit. “You guys are fucking right! It ain’t fucking Alpha worthy!” Andy doesn’t know what Johnathan is talking about now, but as he said that, Johnathan looked down at his dick, ready to be plunged into Andy as he watched it flare up, and expanding into a fat bulbous mushroom tip. “Mmmm fuck, this is going to feel soooo good! Not just for me, Andy, but for you now too…” Now it’s fitting of an ALPHA… Johnathan grins at what was just given to him and pushes forward. Pressure begins at the opening of Andy’s hole when he realizes what Johnathan was just given. Andy moans, Johnathan moans as Andy’s hole is forced open for him and it literally pops into place in the virgin cavern. Johnathan tugs back slightly to see if his cock would be coming out easy, and it’s as if his cock is now vacuum sealed inside of Andy. Only way it will be coming out is if he literally forces his cock free. “Oh Fuuuuuuck!!!!!” he moans as he sinks his cock in deeper. Give him thoughts of power… of battle… it will truly not just make him a beast on the battleground, but a titan in the bedroom… More Knowledge starts to flow… ATHLETICS... STRENGTH OF THE BODY AND MIND... EVERY TYPE OF FIGHTING KNOWN TO MAN... STANCES... POSITIONS... WAYS TO CONQUER EVERY BATTLE... Johnathan grunts… his teeth grinding into the Jawbreaker inside of his mouth. He feels it begin to slightly dent inward… OOOOOHHHHHHH IT’s COMING!!!!! ONCE IT BREAKS WE ARE TRULY HIS!!!!! Johnathan shifts his body into a better position, to truly slay the ass that he was inside. His hands sliding along Andy’s sides as he slowly shoves himself deeper. “Fuck… you feel like a virgin too, Andy… I bet you fucking were before you got your god body.” Andy blushes as Johnathan smirks and moans out as his cock still tingles from the subtle growth it just went through, supporting the already intense feeling of his cock getting wrapped up in this hot and tight ass. As all that knowledge fills his head, he starts changing how he fucks every dozen or so thrusts; humping harder here, gripping Andy’s body in different positions and speeds in other instances. Eventually he pulls Andy’s arms backwards and starts bouncing Andy’s ass off of his hips, sending him forwards, before yanking him back down to the hilt of his dick as he pounded relentlessly into the hole he was in. Andy begins to learn from his movements, as he arches his back to give him and Johnathan even more support in this passionate, yet dominate fuck session. Never has he been on this end before, always was he the one doing the fucking. Each time he’s pushed forward and pulled back in a little more of Johnathan’s shaft slide’s in until there is almost the sound of thunder as skin hits skin as. “FUCK, JOHNATHAN!!!” Andy moans, he grins. It hurts as, but Andy really wants it to feel good for himself cause he already knows his time is over. Things he was experiencing he had knowledge of, but never thought of doing them to his partner. They were wrong… Sex is about love and passion… There was still passion here, but it was something else other then love… Johnathon pulled Andy all the way in when the voices spoke again… How would you like more, Master? They weren’t just egging him on, they were feeding his ego. Making him what he could only dream of. A Hero, but with possibly a body of some of the biggest villains in the comic books. They were giving him the rise he not just needed, but wanted. Help him slightly… He can truly be the WORLD BREAKER… Every muscle and fiber inside of Johnathan flared out to sickening proportions, then returned down to the size they were. “OH Fuck…” He felt it inside him… his organs…. His skin… his teeth… That should be enough till you get The Power… Strength is now 3 TIMES that of a normal man… Break Us, ALPHA, and we will give you what power we have left. Johnathan groans out lewdly from the increase in strength, yanking Andy even harder towards him as he slams his cock all the way deep inside the ass in front of him. His grip around Andy’s waist becoming even more tight and restrictive. Andy turns around to see a slight increase in Johnathan’s muscle definition to signify his new, incredible strength. “Oh Fuck… Oh Fuck… OH FUCK YEAH!” he roared, the voices driving his desire to dominate Andy even further. He looks down to Andy’s face who is already looking his direction. Grinning evilly, “Time to fucking break you…” speaking both about Andy and the MIND Jawbreaker. He uses his new strength coursing through his body… CHOMPS down, splitting the remains of the ball in half. Andy is fearful, it seems like the sound is heard across the Universe of that sphere BREAKING in this new Young Alpha’s mouth. Johnathan feels a sudden rush of knowledge and power, everything coming into him at once, and he can’t help but to draw Andy in close and tight in a crushing hug as he ROARS from what he now knew… “GIVE ME ALL OF YOUR FUCKING POWER…” Again, talking to both Andy and the MIND… To Be Continued…
  6. Chilis

    Raised Boy

  7. Gman

    Wee Jock

    This is my first go at writing a story. If anyone has any feedback (good or bad), please feel free to comment. This chapter is more scene setting than sex. But I promise, there will be plenty of it. I've got a few ideas stored up. CHAPTER 1 I was nervous when I first went to his door. I was nervous every time I went to his door. I had met internet hookups before, but this was different. This guy seemed to have something more than a simple fuck in mind. Something I said had sparked his interested. His one pic was hot. Really hot. It didn’t even have his face, it was just his left pec, shoulder and arm reaching across his body. The way the muscles were flexed and defined emphasised their size. I wouldn’t normally message a guy with only one picture available, but that picture had me hard as soon as I saw it. When I messaged him he didn’t ask to meet for a fuck straight away (unlike 95% of the other guys on that site). We’ve been messaging for weeks now and it’s finally happening. I got a taxi to the address he sent me. It dropped me off outside a large, victorian, terraced house in Glasgow’s Westend. I didn’t even know houses like this existed here. I was use to the ageing student flats close by. These were much better cared for. He had given me instructions. I was to arrived at 10pm. I was a little early, so I waited outside. The storm door was unlocked, so I let myself in to the small porch, closing the door behind me. To the left of the main front door, was a narrow door flush with the wood paneling. As instructed, I opened it to find a small cupboard. I assumed most houses would keep their wellies, and umbrellas in here. But this cupboard was empty, save for a shoebox on the floor with the word “Open” written on top of it. Inside the box was a white jockstrap, size small, a key and a note saying: “Take off your clothes and shoes. Put on your jock strap. Come stand in the hall and don’t speak until instructed.” My heart was beating so hard I could hear my pulse. I felt my stomach constricting and was pleased I hadn’t eaten anything since lunch. I took a few deep breaths and took off my shirt. I was doing this. I could best be described as skinny. I thought I might have filled out a bit more when I entered my twenties, but it never happened. I had a visible six pack due to my low body fat, you couldn’t see my upper ribs, but there wasn’t much muscle there. I guess that’s one of the reason I find muscle so attractive. I removed my shoes, socks, jeans and briefs, placing them all in the cupboard and retrieving the plain white jockstrap. I’d never worn one before, and I was so nervous I put my leg in the wrong bit first time round. But once on, and the straps adjusted, I looked at myself as I ran my hands down from my chest to my balls, and then round to my exposed arse cheeks. It felt good and despite the lack of a mirror, I was pretty sure I looked good too. I used the key to unlock the front door and let myself in. It was strange letting myself in to someone else’s house, let alone doing it near naked. The hall was almost square, with tall ceilings and four rooms coming off of it: two doors on the right, two on the left. There was a large mahogany sideboard up against the back wall holding a vase of flowers, and above it hung a large, grand mirror. I could here muffled music coming from the ajar doorway at the far right corner of the hall. I daren’t venture in so I took up position in the centre of the room. I adopted a military ‘at ease’ pose, with my legs spread, and hands clasped behind my back, my heart still thumping against my chest. The room was pleasantly warm, so the slight tremble I had was through nerves rather than cold. After only a few minutes the music shut off, and I heard movement in the next room. The door opened and out stepped a god. A large white towel was wrapped around his waist, covering his legs down to his thick calves. His torso was the most erotic thing I have ever seen in real life. His skin was tanned and still glistening with moisture from the shower. The grooves between each abdominal mound - deep enough for me to get my fingers in and grab hold of each one - channeled little water droplets as they formed, running down past his navel to be absorbed by the towel. His powerful chest overhung this perfect abdomen. And it was flanked on either side by a pair of thick lats, impressive even though they were stretched as he dried his hair with a second towel. I could feel my cock thickening and pushing against the material of the jock. I must have taken a loud breath, or said something, because the god stopped in the doorway, dropped one arm and shifted the towel away from his face. He caught my eye and smirked. He walked in to the hall and leant against the sideboard, his right hand continuing to rub his dark hair. “On time and following instructions. We might get along.” His voice was deep, and although his accent wasn’t Glaswegian, it was certainly Scottish. I didn’t know if this counted as an invite to speak. I stayed silent, partly out of fear of upsetting him and having the encounter cut short; partly from not trusting my mouth to form words correctly. He continued to look at me straight in the eyes, as if sizing me up. A dozen, rapid, thumping, heartbeats passed and he stood up, leaving the secondary towel on the sideboard. He took a few steps towards me and stopped so that he was just out of arms reach, brought his hands together at hip level and flexed his chest. He could have crushed an apple in between those massive pecs. His shoulders ballooned out and the light catching on the still damp skin highlighted every groove of his deltoids. I had never experienced someone flex for me before... no one with anything decent to flex anyway. Not only did he have the size, but he knew what hew as doing as well. This was obviously not the first time he had shown off like this. I knew I wanted to step forward and start touching him, but I was hypnotised into motionlessness; only my eyes roving over his hard, gargantuan body. He brought both arms up into a double bicep pose. My gaze traveling from one peak to the other. His frame looked enormous as he held that pose, his lats spreading like a cobra’s neck, tapering down to his tight waist. All angles directing me to the bulge underneath the towel. I looked back to his face. His ice blue eyes were staring directly at my own. His grin revealed that he was enjoying how much I was enthralled by his display. He took another couple of steps forward, and that’s when I realised just how tall he was. I am a mere 5’5”, below average by any standard. My eyes were in line with this man’s chest. He must have been about 6’4”! He continued to make his slow advance until my nose was between those two mounds of powerful muscle. “Do you like what you see so far?” I looked up at him, towering over me. His face looking down at me, his left eyebrow raised, waiting for my answer. “I...I...” I stammered, “YES!” In my panic to say something my answer came out far too loudly. The god’s smile grew and he gave a single “ha,” as his chest heaved, almost touching me. I exhaled loudly, causing goosebumps on his sternum. “I hadn’t realised you’d be quite so short.” I couldn’t think what to say. I hadn’t realised how big this guy was going to be, or how dominant. Despite being mocked about my height all my life, and having witty retorts for almost any insult, I couldn’t think of anything for this situation. After all it had only been a statement. I started trying to form a response but just mumbled as my cheeks flushed red. The Goliath thrust both hands into my armpits and picked me up as if I were a doll. My hands at that point were still clasped behind my back. I immediately brought them round and grabbed hold of his arms to steady myself before I could register what was happening. “I shouldn’t have to pick you up to hear you. A lad so short should be use to making himself heard.” He held me in the air, almost a foot off the ground: his elbows at the same height as his shoulders, his arms bent at ninety degrees. His massive deltoids were flexed, but not struggling. His biceps... holy fuck my hands were on his biceps. I looked at my right hand, then back to those blue eyes. He winked. My breath shuddered as I took in this moment and squeezed my hands around his thick, bulging upper arms. My fingers gripped on to one of the tricep heads, whilst my thumbs tried to make an impression on his biceps. I couldn’t. I grew confident of his hold on me and started to run my hands slowly over his arms and shoulders, exploring them with my fingertips and palms. This was it. This was the reason I had come here tonight. He had promised I would get to feel power and strength like never before, and here it was. My heart rate increased, and I could feel the jock strap straining against my erection. “Fucking hell, this is unreal.” The first clear sentence I had made since entering his home. “My skin is drying out. How would you like to help rub in some oil?” He asked whilst placing me back on the ground. “I’d like that very much... Sir.” He cocked his head slightly to one side, giving my an approving look. He reached down, and pulled at one leg strap on my jock. “You’re a natural at this, Wee Jock.” He let the elastic go, slapping against my arse. “I like my guests to call me Sir.” With that he turn and walked back in to the room he had come from. I stood still, marvelling at the breadth and taper of his back as he walked away. “Follow me, Wee Jock.” “Yes, Sir!”
  8. Thedemon1906

    Cambio de planes (cap2)

    Hola! Decidi contintinuar esta historia como un reto personal pero aun asi se los agradecería si me pudiesen dejar ideas en los comentarios y si le diecen un votopara arriba. En la parte de abajo voy a poner la foto en con la que me inspire para el papa. Atte, Thedemon1906 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Me desperté bien temprano en la mañana recordando lo que me había dicho la vieja mujer. “La poción de amor es peligrosa, usa solo una gota o el efecto cambiará. Pon un pelo tuyo dentro de la solucion y haz que tu víctima la ingiera” Después de cumplir con su encomienda me diriji al baño. Mirándome en el espejo saque la posición de activo. Sacudí el líquido rojo dentro del frasco y sentí el poder que emanaba de él. Para mi suerte el frasco venía con un gotero en su cuello que me permitía medir exactamente lo que iba a echar. Coloque la solución sobre mi boca y deje caer una gota. Al notar ningún efecto aparente me metí en la ducha desilucionado. Sentí el agua correr por mi rostro y caer sobre mi flácido pecho. Note mis brazos , gruesos como alfileres salir de mi cuerpo y una tristeza inmensa me lleno. Cerré el agua después de enjabonarme el pelo y baje a la cocina. Ahí me esperaba mi papá preparando el desayuno. Muchos no nos creian cuando les decíamos que estábamos relacionados. El era un gigante a comparacion mia. Media dos metros y su cuerpo era musculoso aunque no tallado por la grasa que lo cubría a causa de la edad. Tenía un rostro muy masculino siempre cubierto por una negra barba. Sus hombros y espalda eran inmensos al igual que su cuello que parecía capaz de levantar el mundo. Sus biceps cubrían toda mi cara y solía andar con unos boxers que resaltaba su enorme bulto. Delante suyo caminaba con miedo porque cualquier cosa que hiciese podría desatar su ira la cual llevaba a sus famosos golpes. Esto me dio una idea. Saque de mi mochila el frasco de pasivo y me acerque a donde estaba su café. Sabía que el otro no había funcionado pero quise probar de todas formas, solo por soñar. Coloque una gota de la sustancia y despues pense en todo lo que me habia hecho y deje escapar otra, total igual no le afectarian y para terminar agregue dos de la de amor, tal vez eso compensa su odio hacia mi. Guarde todo de nuevo en la mochila y me fui a sentar en mi lugar. “Al fin te despertaste” grunio “No fue gracias a vos…” conteste “Podes levantarte vos solo” dijo mientras tomaba de un solo tirón su cafe y se sentaba al frente mio. Comimos el desayuno callados unos minutos lo que me dio tiempo de apreciar el lento movimiento de sus pectorales al respirar. De repente el flexiono y me miró con una sonrisa que después se cambió por una cara de anonadado por lo que había pasado. Justo llegaba el transporte escolar asi que agarre mis cosas y partí dejando a mi extrañado padre dentro de la casa. -------------------------------------------------------------Transcurría normalmente la hora de matemáticas. En el fondo se podían escuchar la risa de Javier que tenía estiradas sus largas piernas sobre su banco. Me di vuelta y me estaba mirando, murmurando algo y riendo. La sangre se me subió a la cabeza y empecé a sentir mucho calor. El ruido de la campana me salvo. Todos se retiraron de la clase incluso Javier, no sin antes darme un pequeño golpe a mano abierta en la parte posterior de la cabeza, seguido por una risa. “Nos vemos en la hora de gym” Una vez se había ido recobre la compostura. Me levanté de mi silla y me acerque a su banco. Inspeccione su mochila y pertenencias y casi grito de alegría con lo que encontré. La botella que siempre llevaba a clase de gimnasia llena de sus proteínas. Abrí la tapa y vertí dos gotas del la pócima pasiva en la bebida. El ruido de la campana me sobresalto y se me escaparon tres gotas más. Mire aterrorizado la solución, pero debía apurarme porque su dueño podía llegar en cualquier momento. Puse la tapa en su lugar y guarde la botella en su mochila y prosegui a sentarme en mi silla como si nada hubiera pasado. La clase continuó normalmente pero el calor no dejaba mi cuerpo, sentí mi pene endurecerse debajo de mi pantalón y supe que no podia mas. “Profesor, ¿puedo ir al baño?” “ Señor González sabe muy bien que no puedo dejar que salga de clases” “Es que… emm profesor no entiende NECESITO ir al baño” después de decir esto resonaron unas cuantas risitas en el curso. “Bueno… supongo que no me deja otra opción. Pero si va tendrá que quedarse a la tarde a limpiar los vestuarios” “Si…si profesor gracias” exclame y me dirigí rápidamente al baño. Al ser mi pene de dos centímetros no me incomodaba en los pantalones así que pude correr tranquilamente. Entre al baño y trabe la puerta. Abrí mi pantalón y deje mi pene caer. Sentia mi cuerpo en llamas. Me calme un poco y fui hasta el espejo. Desagradado por la vista que tenía saque la poción de mi bolsillo. Su contenido rojo que me había inspirado confianza en ese momento me decepcionaba. Como último intento de fe tire cuatro gotas más en mi boca y lo volvi a guardar. Pasaron las horas normales hasta la salida del colegio. El calor había ido incrementando a lo largo del día y ahora parecía sobrenatural. Deberían ser como 70° pero extrañamente en vez de estar muriendo, no me sentía mal. Me dirigí con un balde y unos trapos que me había dado el profesor al vestuario. Por dentro era un cuarto chiquito. Una banca gruesa se encontraba en el medio y en las paredes unos lockers de metal pertenecientes a los alumnos estaban pintados. Una puerta en la derecha que llevaba a las duchas se abrió. De ella salió con su torso desnudo y solo una toalla Javier. Su rubio pelo y celestes ojos eran solo la parte de arriba de el cuerpo de un adonis. Sus seis abdominales marcados brillaban por el agua y las gotas llevaban a una pelvis esculpida con un camino de pelo que se dirigía al no discreto bulto que levantaba la blanca toalla. Sus duros pectorales eran solo el principio para unos largos y musculosos brazos que hacían gran parte de su cuerpo de 1,90. “¿Que haces aca? No tengo tiempo para vos.” Dijo en una voz que denotaba enojo “¿Porque seguis aca?” “Tuvimos un partido de mierda. Hice calentamiento pero lo unico que logre es enfriarme. Acabo de darme una ducha con agua casi hirviendo y no subo de temperatura. Me puse el termómetro y me da dos grados. Osea que estoy muerto. Pero esto igual a vos no te incumbe.” Hizo una pausa mientras se miraba a sus manos que ahora que notaban estaban prácticamente blancas “¿Y vos que haces aca?” Dijo acercandose a mi. Tartamudee intentando de explicarme y en unos segundo estaba en el aire. Me había levantado del cuello de mi remera hasta que nuestros ojos se encontraban y de pronto sentí el calor en mi de forma inaguantable, como si me estuviese quemando. Juraría que en ese punto mi cuerpo llegó a los 90°. Vi su cara cambiando también, como sufriendo. El dolor se hizo muy grande y lo tomé con fuerza del brazo. En ese instante sentí mi calor aliviarse. Javier me soltó asustado y nos alejamos uno del otro. Mi cuerpo seguía muy caliente, tal vez 60°, pero ahora era soportable. Nos miramos los dos a los ojos y había algo diferente en cada uno de nosotros pero no nos dimos cuenta en ese momento. “Se que va a sonar raro pero cuando me tocaste…” “Tu temperatura se aclimato” conteste yo completando su frase. “Sí…” dijo pensativo “crees que podríamos, nose, para volver a la normalidad. Asentí con mi cabeza y nos acercamos el uno al otro lentamente. Sentia mis pasos un como mas pesados y también un poco más alto. Con un metro de distancia entre nosotros note que le llegaba un poco más arriba a Javier, justo a su barbilla. Incómodamente abrimos los brazos y nos abrazamos. Sentí su cuerpo mojado contra el mio y tambien mi temperatura bajando. Pero rápidamente las cosas cambiaron. Sentí ambos de nuestros cuerpos siendo propulsados en direcciones opuestas. Pronto estabamos mirandonos a los ojos y poco tiempo después yo le estaba mirando la parte de arriba de su cabeza. Vi su cara de horror al darse cuenta de lo que pasaba y como intentaba zafarse de mis brazos. Su fuerza era más que la mía entonces empeze a ceder. Sentí un nuevo impulso de energía y lo agarre contra mi cuerpo. Mis pectorales crecieron rápidamente y los siguieron mis brazos. Mis bíceps se inflaron como globos hasta quedar del tamaño de pelotas de tenis. Donde antes se encontraba una pequeña pancita se hundió la grasa que fue rápidamente reemplazada por 6 abdominale marcados y unos dos más apareciendo. Mis piernas pronto se vieron afectadas desgarrando mi viejo pantalón. Musculos salían de ellas y las hacían ver mas poderosas. Mis boxer ya tensionados por la presión de mis glúteos se partieron cuando mi pene creció de manera agigantada hasta terminar en los 24 centímetros. Tomo mi cuerpo se lleno de pelos negros y desgarro lo que quedaba de mi remera para dejar espacio al crecimiento. Una risa grave y poderosa salió de mi garganta de la cual destacaba mi nuez de adán. Mire hacia abajo y en el piso vi a Javier o al menos lo que quedaba de él. Su cuerpo se había visto disminuido a una altura de 1,50 que no se comparaba con mis recién ganados dos metros. La toalla que cubría su cuerpo se había caído y dejaba ver su pequeño pene de apenas medio centímetro. Sus facciones masculinas habían casi desaparecido pero aún se dejaba ver que era hombre. Sus brazos y piernas eran ridículamente chico a comparacion de los míos y su cara de terror me miraba fijamente. Lo único que no se había achicado de su cuerpo era su culo que ahora yacía enorme en el piso. Sin esperar ni un segundo más el pequeño Javier se levantó del piso e intentó escapar por la puerta. Con mis largas piernas no me fue difícil alcanzarlo y con el peso de mi cuerpo lo aplaste contra los lockers. Podía ver lágrimas salir desde si cara mientras presionaba su espalda con mi cuerpo desnudo. “Porfavor… no” Acerque mi boca a su oreja y le pase mi lengua haciéndole sentir su impotencia. Luego tomé mi enorme pene y penetré rápidamente su culo. Javito liberó un pequeño gemido de dolor y placer. Rápidamente me ajuste y con lapsos de un segundo metí y saque mi pene de su interior. Presione su cuerpo con mi brazo mientras que con mi mano agarraba su cadera roja por los golpes. Cada impulso de mi pelvis iba con fuerza y hacía que su cuerpo choque contra los lockers. Sus frágiles piernas se habían agarrado a las mías y su voz a hora aguda no paraba de gemir. No paso mucho cuando litros de cemen indundaron su culo y se chocaron con mis abdominales. Apenas acabe lo solté y cayó al piso. Cansado por todo me acosté en la banca ahora cubriendo casi toda. Con las pocas fuerzas que le quedaban levantó sus brazos y se arrastró hacia mí. Puso una mano sobre la banca y levantó un poco de su cuerpo. “Yo...yo...yo no, no soy gay” dijo mientras limpiaba con su lengua el semen de mis abdominales y pene. Toque una vez mas mi duro cuerpo y sonreí al imaginarme lo que me encontraría al volver a casa. “Buena suerte papi” --------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. Thedemon1906

    Cambio de planes (cap1)

    Primera historia que posteo en español espero que la disfruten. Si quieren que la siga por favor muestren su apoyo Hace mucho tiempo que estoy enamorado de mi compañero de clase heterosexual, pero no fue hasta hace unos días que decidí tomar cartas en el asunto. Joaquín es de los deportistas del colegio, juega un juego famoso aca llamado Rugby. Muchos lo deben conocer por sus jugadores fornidos y masculinos y él no era la excepción. Aunque no tan grande como los de la televisión, Joaquin a sus dieciséis años ya medía un metro noventa y sus músculos empezaban a notarse. Tenía unos ojos negros impresionantes que combinaban con su pelo y el tono oscuro de su piel latina. Joaquín y yo nunca fuimos amigos cercanos, aunque algunas raras veces vino a mi casa. Pertenecemos a mundos diferentes, él era deportista y yo todo lo contrario. Aunque solo tenía quince mi cuerpo estaba fuera del promedio. Conocía que eran los bíceps y abdominales solo por verlos en otros hombres pero por mi parte nunca los tuve. Media un metro ochenta ,y aunque no era bajo, me mantenía en el promedio. Mi pelo era marrón y mis ojos verdes, pero lo que más destacaba de mi era mi casi inexistente pene de dos cm y mi culo mas que prominente, monstruoso. Fue hace unos días buscando por internet porno, una pagina de publicidad se me abrio. “Pócimas para el amor y la vida Avenida libertador 386” Fue en ese momento cuando decidí en ir a investigar. Un dia despues de clases me desvie un poco de mi ruta normal para ir a mi casa. Mientras caminaba recordé el incidente que había tenido devuelta hoy en el vestuario. Las risas de mis compañeros al ver mi paquete desnudo se había hecho costumbre, junto con los golpes y empujones que siempre lo acompañaban. Javier era el q mas me molestaba. De casi un metro noventa y ocho y un cuerpo bien tallado yo siempre era su presa. Todo se calmaba cuando llegaba Joaquín a separarnos. Cuando me conecte otra vez con la realidad me dí cuenta de que había llegado. El negocio en cuestión consiste en una puerta muy chiquita y cero ventanas. Empuje la puerta para encontrarme en una habitación circular con aspecto muy lúgubre. Estantes de lo que parecían ser líquidos de colores se encontraban a lo largo de las paredes. En el centro una mesa redonda se erguía y en la cima una bola de cristal con una campanita de hotel al lado. Toque la campana y me senté a esperar en uno de los cojines de la mesa. “Ya lo atiendo” gritó una señora que a juzgar por su voz cargaba muchos años de vida. Una puerta q se encontraba detrás mío se abrió y de ella salió una mujer de por lo menos ochenta años vestida con una túnica negra hasta el piso y unos collares con gemas que parecían antiquísimos. -¿Qué es lo q desea?- -Necesito una poción para volver gay a mi amigo heterosexual- -JAJAJAJAJAJAJA- Rió la vieja mujer - eso es lo que todos los homosexuales de tu edad quieren. Ven, toma, pon tu mano encima de ls esfera primero veamos tu destino- Hice lo q la mujer pidió incrédulo y por dentro de la espera un humo empezó a salir. Ahí es cuando lo vi todo. Yo era alto y estaba jugando al rugby con Joaquín. Mis músculos se notaban a través de mi uniforme transpirado. Era heterosexual y tenía una novia. Pero de repente pusieron la decisión de ser capitán del equipo entre Joaquín y yo. Joaquín sabia que yo ganaría entonces vino a la misma bruja que yo y le compró dos pócimas. Una para que yo y el resto de personas no se den cuenta de mi cambio y otra para volverme lo que soy un estúpido, débil y sumiso pasivo quien nadie recuerda quien era antes. Cerré mis ojos y los volvi a abrir, no creyéndome los flashes de memoria que recien habia experimentado. -¡El me lo robo todo solo por ser capitán!- grité mientras mi percepción de mi compañero cambiaba. Me sentía frustrado y dolido, especialmente defraudado. - Es verdad, pero estas en suerte querido porque con la poca plata que poseía tu Ex amigo no llegó a comprar el seguro. Por un módico precio te puedo vender la poción para convertirte en un viril activo y la pocion para convertirlo a el en un pasivo y si quieres tambien te regalo una para enamorarlo. La única que te saldría cara seria la que utilizarias para que nadie se de cuenta de los cambios.- Me quedé unos segundos absorbiendo toda la información y contesté. -Me llevo todas menos la del olvido, no la voy a necesitar- Una sonrisa se marcó en los labios de la mujer al entregarme las pocimas y la sonrisa suya se me contagió a mi. “Cambio de planes”
  10. altramax

    The Fighter

    1. The Fight Vientiene, Laos, Southeast Asia In the heat of the early evening the crowd is filtering in to the functional and simple building. Once used as an official military post for storage, there are many unfilled rooms with stark light bulbs and sawdust or dirt, sometimes blood on the floors. Coming in from the twilight, meandering towards the largest room of the complex, are a mix of business men from downtown, gambling degenerates, a few power drinking Western waywards, mobbed up badasses and some wannabe fighters. Tickets stamped, three security checkpoints, room after room, following the humming of noise from the main fighting area, passing one official after another and then moving in to a seating section arranged by class or distinction. The higher rollers at the top on cushioned seats, most of the mass on planks of splintery wood and the poor folks standing within a roped off area on level with the fighters. Kapono is a wiry and but well-dressed figure for whom the fighters work for. He earns money for the bosses through gambling bets placed on fights. The fights come in several forms including evenly matched same gender, unevenly matched same gender, and intergender. There are three general rules that each fighter is to obey; no police, no help and no rules. A winner is determined when an opponent is unconscious or worse. There is a "master", who serves as something of an official and he begins the match and calls an end. However he is mostly there to incite the crowd and cause excitement. Seu is of American descent. His parents were military and were estranged since his birth. Seu has been under the authority of Laotian kingpins since the age of 12, the last time he saw his dad. To his knowledge his father is back in Arizona, USA and living on a Reservation, as he was part Apache Indian. Raw willpower, ingenuity, unbreakable spirit and size and strength were some of the inheritants from his father. Both of his parents were never pinned down, they were always into the wind, unbound by rules or even loyalty to friends or family. Seu sits in a tiny room where there are weights in the form of 4 dumbbells of various sizes. There is a pull-up bar in the doorless frame of the room entranceway. On a small counter sits barely passable food and water. There are hangers for clothes still there from the military days and a bench to sit on along one wall. By now Seu has been in this room 10 minutes. He arrives for these fights later than the others. He feels no need to prepare. He loves to fight. It’s IN him. There is no mental preparation. He fights anywhere, anytime. It’s second nature, the way a shark is always hunting. Seu doesn’t know his opponent and doesn’t care about his opponent. Typically he is involved in what they call a squash match. Bets are taken in many forms. Under these circumstances the wagers may be regarding the duration of the match more so than the decided winner. Even the nature of the condition of the loser is wagered upon. Anything the customer wants. Kapono appears in the doorway, Seu doesn’t look at him. “Three fights. You stay out and come back after the third fight. Do good,” he says from over his shoulder as he shuffles away. Into the room comes a small girl, as is the ritual. These girls are typically early 20’s or younger, sometimes much younger. Seu doesn’t really know where these girls come from and in his three years of these fights he has never seen the same girl twice. This is part of the protocol. Each fighter has a visit from a girl about 10 minutes before a fight. The girls are instructed to do as the fighter commands. Seu looks her up and down. These girls always were naked underneath a neck to knees robe to cover themselves. He never varies from his pre-fight ritual. He motions to her and says, “come behind me.” She obediently moves behind the boy. Even at 18 years old, Seu has been a man physically and mentally for a long time. From the sitting position, the small girl’s chin is just above the top of Seu’s head. “Put your hand on my chin,” Seu demanded. She did. “Put your other hand on my head, here,” Seu motioned with his hand. The girl placed her free hand on Seu’s head. “I want you to snap my neck, like THIS,” and Seu jerked his head hard to one side. The girl backed away slightly and Seu said sternly, “NOW.” She re-gripped Seu’s head and as instructed forced his head to one side. “Harder,” he said, annoyed. Maintaining her grip, the girl pulled harder. “Harder, harder, harder, harder.” The girl clenched his head and in the same direction, twisted his head hard enough that she thought it might come off. She heard a crack that startled her. “Now the other way.” The girl snapped Seu’s head in the opposite direction with the same force. Seu wasn’t pleased though, and made her repeat this three times until his neck cracked again. The girl was tired and fell back a step. Seu deliberately stood up. The girl’s jaw fell open as her eyes followed him into his standing position. When Seu was 14 he 183cm tall (6'0"). At 18 he is 195.5 (6’5).” The girl thought his back looked bigger than a table. She became aroused, although didn’t visually react. Seu turned to face the girl and he kicked aside the stool that he had been sitting on. The girl noted only just now, that he was Western and was intrigued by his white, yet brownish tanned skin. This is partly from Seu’s Native American descent. Seu had on worn-down black sweatpants and issued boots. Footwear was for whatever reason required and actually the one and only clothing requirement. Nudity is not even against the rules in this spectacle. The boots were similar to military style above the ankle, but not as rigid or heavy and relatively comfortable. He wears a size 15. The girl had a fleeting thought of the men she has fucked and how Seu’s size compared. Unknowingly, she had her hand on her crotch. Not rubbing, but just there. Seu stepped close to the Loatian girl who, experienced with these encounters, stood her ground waiting for instruction. The young girl’s eyes were just above his navel. She was very aroused. The girl had never seen muscle like this. Aside from his strong jaw and boyish looks, his shoulders were so wide. They were strait, leveled off and muscle capped on the sides. She looked up at his shapely lats and powerful pecs. Seu’s pecs stood out over 10cm (4") from his chest. She had never been with a man who had as well-defined abs without even flexing, as he. His narrow waist exploded into an outline of powerful thighs that she imagined, under his shabby sweatpants. His biceps had a slight vein down the middle, cold and unpumped. “I want you to pull my cock,” Seu ordered, looking at her directly. His black hair was 7.5cm (3") long and spiked strait up on top, making him appear even taller. The girl cupped her hands to spit in to them but Seu objected, “No, raw.” Seu gripped the sides of his sweatpants and briskly pulled them down to just above his knee, revealing full nudity. The girl gasped and put both hands over her mouth. Seu’s cock was semi hard and over 20cm (8") in that state. She had never seen such a thing. She slightly crouched over and grabbed her crotch hard from arousal. The girl crossed her legs, looking as though she needed to pee and was holding it in. Seu didn’t break from his glare. The girl opened her robe by undoing the loosely tied sash, but did not slip it off. She approached Seu and confidently gripped his cock with her hand. Realizing her fingers did not touch around it's size, she put her second hand on it and began to stroke from base of shaft to the tip. Seu looked down at her without emotion, although his cock immediately twitched in her hands and expanded upon her touch. "More force," he said robotically. The small girl tried to strengthen her double grip and intensify her stroking, while containing her own arousal. "Give me more force," Seu said. With her shoulders rocking back and forth and her head bobbing, the girl was putting her whole body now into working his cock, which was somehow matching her pressure with equal resistance. The cock became so hard, slanted upwards, that it almost didn't move despite her efforts. This had an effect on her of heightening her arousal but also a feeling as though she was not doing fulfilling her expectation. She thought Seu wanted to climax, but in fact his control over his own orgasm was infallable. The girl could do this endlessly and he could maintain a pulsating erection and not come close to orgasm, if he was so inclined. Seu's intention here was to take off the edge. He constantly felt the urge to become hard and then soft and then hard again. It consummed him. At this time Seu stepped forward pushing the girl backwards with a stumble. He backed the girl, still cock in hands, against the wall. She felt overwhelmed. Seu grabbed a handful of her hair and aimed her glare up towards his. He held this position momentarily and then released the girl and stepped away. Seu pulled his pants back up from around his knees and put the waistband around the end of his cock to hold his big member in place. From a hook on the wall he grabbed a long-sleeve white compression shirt and wrestled it over his ripped torso. Seu exited the room and turned down a dimly lit corridor and up a set of stairs. The girl dropped down to her knees once left alone and began to pleasure herself. After some familiar twists and turns, Seu began to hear the hum of the crowd from the fight room. Kapono emerged from the shadows. "You feeling good?" "I'm always fucking good bitch." "Three fights. Hurt them if you can," Kapono reached up and placed his hand on Seu's shoulder. Seu is rebellious and can be contrary, but Kapono has had a hand in raising him since he became a teen. He might be the only person Seu respects. "How bad should I hurt them?" "Ahh, give them a show," Kapono answered. "One's a Russian. I don't like any of these guys." Seu grunted in response as they approached a tattered curtain where on the other side contained the large fighting room. The edge of his cock was still peaking up from this sweatpants waistband but covered by his compression shirt, notwithstanding the bulge. Dimlee, The Master, raised his hands while positioned in the middle of the fighting area to bring the crowd to a hush. "I will now announce the next fight" he spoke in very good English. "There is sure to be BLOOD!" Dimlee spun around in circles as he addressed the crowd. "Remember there will be no interference and remain away from the fighting area." "For our next match of the evening we have one of our most dangerous fighters!" Seu waited behind the curtain with contained anticipation. He was thirsty to hurt some one. Kapono had left Seu to summon the other fighter. "Born in America but raised right here in the streets of Vientiene, at the age of 18 years, standing 190.5 cm (6'5") and with a weight of 99.8 kg (220lbs), UNDEFEATED, unbeatable, with a heart of stone... The Laotian Tiger, SEU!!!" Seu brushed aside the curtain and with his head narrowly clearing the door frame, he stepped out into the hot light rigs that were set up around the fight circle. The crowd was full of energy and there were so many cat-calls of one sort or another that they molded into one inaudible buzzing of sound. Seu stood tall in the fight circle, with no expression on his face. He folded his arms tightly across his chest. Even from the crowd you could see the biceps exploding from his sleeves. "His opponent makes his first fight in the country of Laos. From Vietnam, where he is a champion fighter in his region... he is so lightning quick that he will catch a deadly snake with his bare hands...162.5cm (5'4") and 55kg (122lbs)... here is Duong!!!" Across from Seu the curtain flew open and the diminutive Vietnamese fighter appeared. Duong wore tights cut off at the top of the thigh. He had no shirt on with a toned but thin body. The fighter leapt out into the fighting area and pointed directly in Seu's vicinity. Then he made a motion to drag his thumb across his throat left to right to indicate impending doom for his opponent. Seu was motionless and expressionless, arms remaining folded. Master Dimlee now stood between the two fighters. Duong was jumping up and down in place. The official put his fist high into the air then quickly down to his side and with every fiber of his being screamed "FIGHT!!!" Duong sprang towards his motionless opponent. As the fighter approached the giant boy, the difference in size was shocking. Seu dropped his arms. Duong, his eyes level with Seu's pecs, delivered a blow to Seu's stomach. Seu didn't move an inch, absorbing the punch, unflexed. Duong grabbed his throbbing wrist. In one motion, Seu cupped both hands on the sides of Duong's head and drove the Asian boy's face into his chest, instantly breaking his nose. Seu pulled the small boy's head away from his chest revealing several blood spots shading his white compression shirt. Then he slammed the boy's face into his pecs again. Seu's muscles seemed to want to burst out from every centimeter of his shirt. Seu slammed Duong's face into his rock hard pecs a third time and the boy appeared to lose consciousness. With an expression completely void of fear, mercy and strain, Seu repeatedly smashed the helpless Vietnamese boy's bloodied face into his pecs. After several more blows, Seu's shirt was heavily bloodied and the Asian had become dead weight in Seu's hands. Holding Duong's weight, Seu continued to break the boy's face against his chest. Finally he stopped and simply held the dead weight of the Asian in his hands. The boy's body was limp, arms dangling at his sides, heels up off the floor being held on his toes by Seu's strength. Seu released his grip and Duong dropped to the floor like a rock and lay there face down, bleeding from his nose and mouth. Seu looked up at the crowd who were waving their programs and betting tickets in the air and cheering or hissing. His opponent lay there motionless at his feet. Seu stepped over Duong with one foot on either side of the prone boy, standing over him, to show his dominance. The crowd responded by chanting his name. Master Dimlee approached the fighter and raised Seu's arm up in the air. Seu moved away from his opponent. Duong was briskly carried away by two men, vanishing into the corridors. Seu reset to his starting position, standing tall and folding his arms. Dimlee raised his arms to attempt to silence the stirring of the crowd. "The Laotian Tiger's next opponent, is a man from right here in Laos. He is a jungle man who is as tough as a nail in a coffin! He is called "The Cage!" Many in the crowd remember this name. "This man began fighting as a small boy inside bamboo cages and is known far and wide. Standing 178cm (5'10") and weighing 70kg (155lbs)... here comes... THE CAGE!" Seu's Asian opponent appeared from the shadows with little expression and moved robotically. The Cage was tall for a Laotian and carried himself confidently but with little muscle. As a teen he was well known in Vientiene fighting circles, but now at the age of 31 was not fighting regularly anymore. He wore boxing shorts, no shirt and was heavily tatooed. Upon entering his place in the fighting circle, The Cage displayed a double bicep flex that showed no difference between flexed and unflexed biceps. He rotated around to acknowledge the crowd who mostly showed indifference. Dimlee stood between the two fighters and raised a fist in the air to signal the fighters to be at their ready. "FIGHT," he spat out at the top of his voice. The Cage moved towards Seu but was stopped in his tracks at the first sign of movement from his opponent. Seu lowered his arms and grabbed his balls and gave them two quick pulls. His nostrils flared. He punched his chest hard which made an audible thud heard even up in the highest seats. Seu raised both hands and waved his fingers motioning to The Cage to approach him. The Cage then apprehensively raised his fists and moved in on Seu. He reached up and swung at Seu's head which he easily dodged. Seu grabbed the Asian man's neck prompting The Cage to put both hands over top of Seu's. With his other hand, Seu took hold of the top of The Cage's leg and with no effort at all he pressed that Asian man over his head. Seu held the man 274cm (9") high in the air. The Cage began to kick his legs while still trying in vein to loosen Seu's grip around his neck. Seu walked in a complete circle around the fighting area wanting to show off his power. He had no expression on his face. Centering himself in the fighting area, Seu lowered and then threw the man so far that his feet landed outside of the designated fighting area. The Cage landed with such force that it kicked up a cloud of dust as he lay in agony on the floor. Immediately a group of men were standing over The Cage, screaming instructions and motioning for him to get up. One middle aged man shouted in Laotian, "fucking get up! Pussy girl! Get the fuck up!" Seu stood in place waiting for his opponent to stagger to his feet. The Cage, with one hand on his back was moving towards the center of the ring. Seu took a large step forward and drove his fist directly into the center of the Asian man's chest. This caused a sucking sound as air escaped from his lungs and knocked him back off his feet and onto the ground again. The Cage lay there, without even enough air in his body to clutch his chest. Dimlee moved in and knelt beside the broken body laying on the ground. He placed his hand near the sternum of the Asian. Dimlee stood up after diagnosing the situation. He pumped both his fists in front of him and with spit and excitement he screamed, "he is broken! He... Is... Broken!" Dimlee pointed in Seu's direction, "WINNER!" Seu slammed his fist into his hand causing muscle to ripple from head to toe. He bellowed, "bring me a fucking challenge!" He turned to the frenzied crowd behind him and repeated, "I said bring me a fucking challenge!" Three teen boys came into the circle to unforgivingly lift The Cage by his feet and torso and carry him back into the medical area. Dimlee, looking to build excitement amongst the gawkers, took a que from Seu. "Ladies and gentlemen, our Laotian Tiger wants a challenge," he paused to allow time for cat-calls from the crowd. "Russia... Russia... has answered the challenge! Just 22 years old. Standing 178cm (6'0") and with a strong 88kg (195lbs)... making his first fight in Asia..." At that time a teen boy who is a worker in the fight club came tumbling thru the curtain as though he had been pushed. Bounding out behind him was Morosov, Seu's next opponent. Morosov walked defiantly into the fight circle interrupting Dimlee's announcement. The Russian badass approached Dimlee and said with broken English, "get the fuck out of my way." Dimlee knew it was on. He raised his fist and screamed "FIGHT," while blood vessels throbbed in this neck and temples. The Russian was filled with courage and couldn't wait to embarrass his younger opponent. He confidently approached the taller wunderkind and put his finger directly in front of Seu's nose. "I am going to crush you." Then he beamed into a wide smile and ran his fingers through his shoulder length, platinum blonde hair. "Then I will fuck your ass in front of all your little Asian girls, ha ha ha." The Russian was muscular but not as big in any area as his counterpart. Yet, his confidence was unwavering. Morosov moved a step closer to Seu. They are now touching eachother at the chest and unflinchingly meeting eachother's stare. The Russian opened his mouth, "This night I will make you..." and Seu commenced the fight. The giant boy put one arm around the back of Morosov's head and the other beneath his legs and effortlessly lifted the Russian into a cradle carry. With the Russian in his arms, Seu began to flex his biceps and chest and tightened his grip. Morosov tried to power out of the hold by straining every muscle in any direction. Seu increased intensity, as the 18 year old began to overpower this Russian man. Morosov's head was being pushed into his knees. His air flow was being cut off by the pressure around his head and neck. He began to not be able to keep his eyes open. Feeding from the strength being drained from the body of his opponent, Seu flexed even harder while the Russian wimpered in his arms. With a last effort, Morosov attempted to gather his strength and power out one more time. Seu matched and then overpowered this effort and flexed harder. He was crushing this Russian. Dimlee sensed that Morosov may be helpless and approached the fighters. From his short stature he could barely see over Seu's forearm and read the face of the Russian. It appeared the Russian was barely breathing and his eyes were closed. Seu had little expression on his face. He showed no mercy, while pulling all the strength out of his Russian opponent and devouring it. The feeling made Seu's cock twitch. Dimlee was pulling at Seu's forearm. Seu barely noticed. The Russian was in dire condition. The Master then motioned towards a portion of the crowd where emerged a young Asian boy under the employ of the fight club. He wore a backpack which he unstrapped and shuffled through the contents of. Seu had not lessened this grip at all and the Russian had faded, no longer even fighting for freedom. From the backpack, the Asian furnished a hand taser. He met Dimlee's eyes and The Master said, "hit him... HIT HIM!" The boy approached Seu and put the taster in the small of Seu's back and the electric current was transfered. Seu didn't budge. The boy repeated this, now holding the taser against Seu's skin for 5 seconds. Seu was impervious to it. "Again," Dimlee screamed with panic. The boy put both hands around the taser and drove it as though he was stabbing with a knife, into Seu's bicep. Seu's muscle strain only intensified, not weakened by the taser's effect. The boy looked up at Seu who met his glare and stuck his tongue far out of his mouth. Dimlee stood back nervously as he was in fear they would lose the Russian and send back a corpse. The taser boy pulled the weapon from Seu's bicep and attempted to place it on Seu's tongue. However, he missed his aim as The Tiger was so much taller and ended up tasering Seu's neck. At first Seu withstood the electric current of the taser. The boy held the taser in place 5 seconds. Now 10 seconds. The taser was getting hot in the boy's hand. After 15 seconds Seu dropped the Russian to the floor, still stuck in the fetal position he had been held in. The taser boy dropped the taser and began to hold his hand which felt like it was on fire. Without even placing a hand on his taser-burned neck, Seu turned to the taser boy and picked him up on one shoulder. Seu's bicep popped as he held the boy with one arm. He then took three steps and slammed the poor boy down into the floor boards. The taser boy was immediately unconscious. Already workers had come and carried the twitching Russian away to the medical room. Seu rose and stepped towards Dimlee. Keeping the show rolling, Dimlee grabbed Seu's arm and threw it up in victory. "The Laotian Tiger boy... the unbeatable... Seu!!!" Dimlee called some workers over to tend to the taser boy. Seu bathed in the favorable cheering and emotion from the crowd. As he strutted around the fighting circle he continuously bounced his pecs without moving his arms even slightly. Seu had dominated three men tonight thoroughly. They weren't just beaten physically, but they were humiliated. Seu felt some satisfaction from draining the manhood from his opponents. But his sexual appetite was now on his mind. It felt as though it was growing beyond his control.
  11. When I first started hanging around gyms I knew I'd be popular with the men there. The place was filled with thick necked, beefy muscle studs who spent most of every day lifting free weights, discussing their gains together and checking out pussy. As soon as I stepped out of the changing room in my short, clinging running shorts that beautifully showed off my tight round ass as well as highlighting my above average sized package I noticed that heads turned. After my first hour long workout on the elliptical machine there were already men coming over to greet me, as was my plan. I'd been obsessed with muscle for a few years and as I had finally become of age where instead of just jacking off at school over the sight of our well built PE teacher or the rugby lads getting changed, I could join the rough gym at the end of our street and be surrounded by the huge horny testosterone machines that I had watched for so long. My first was called Alan. He was in his mid thirties and was strongly reminiscent of Dorian Yates during his peak, the main differences being that he was unshaven and unsurprisingly much less well defined than the ex-Mr Olympia. He offered me a ride home after working out, and I was happy to find that he meant to his home. It was a basic and unkempt bachelor pad, the perfect home for a rude and unrefined musclehead like Alan. He sat down on the couch and I instantly threw myself at him, jumping onto his lap like a schoolgirl. His hand predictably moved up my shorts and within seconds he was massaging my butthole, slipping as many of his thick manly fingers in as would go. I started to pant with excitement. As well as kissing him I began to run my hands all over his body. I begged him to take his sweatpants off so that I could worship his giant quads. Just like Dorian, just below the crotch on his right thigh was a massive thick vein that pulsated in a way that almost made me cry. I was all of a sudden in a situation that I had fantasised over for thousands of hours and I couldn't believe my luck. His quads were not just warm, they were hot from the day's workout and the map of veins streaked across those thighs could be seen even through the layer of coarse hair above. He picked me up as though I weighed nothing and dumped me onto his unmade bed that reeked of body odour covered thinly with antiperspirant spray. I didn't even notice him rip off my shirt and underpants, all I knew was that I was lying naked suddenly, watching his cock grow rapidly harder. It was not the largest I had ever seen, in fact most of the time mine was bigger (apart from the fact that while being fucked I generally was only semi-hard) but it was beautiful. It became thicker in the middle and tapered at both ends and the shaft had two random patches of hair that had sprouted out of place. He had the thick and heavy foreskin that I associated in my head with being a real man and with only seconds to ready myself I held my breath and looked up to the sky, hoping that I would not experience too much pain. He lubed up his cock and jammed it in thoughtlessly. The first thrust took him about three inches in, and the second powerful motion rammed the entire seven inches all the way up my waiting ass. I screamed as that happened and against my expectation I immediately and uncontrollably came the largest load of my life. The first shoot hit the wall behind my head and the second covered my face. I was blindsided, but Alan didn't appear off put. "Is it the first time you've had anything up your arse mate? I've seen that before, first timers who've never had their prostate kicked, then boom- jizz everywhere. Nice load though son." I was still reeling in agony and ecstasy and his voice washed over me. It turned me on beyond words when he called me son and when he described "kicking" my prostate. I moaned and after a few seconds regained the ability to talk. "Yeah, wow, that was incredible, this is my first time being fucked, I had no idea it would feel so good and make me shoot so fast!" I sat up to kiss him, but he drew his head away and pushed me back down with his hand. "Well, I've got to finish mate, so get back down and enjoy the ride." I didn't really want him to carry on, and he knew that, but the aggressive look on his face told me to keep my mouth shut and lie there. He started to flex his muscles for me as he fucked my ass, his well oiled cock sliding in and out of my inexperienced anus as he thrusted his giant hard biceps in my face. "Come on lad, feel it! Yes you know you fucking love it, I can see you starting to get back into this. Lick it, I want you to feel that thick vein in your mouth." He then stuck his whole biceps in my mouth, filling my jaw so I couldn't speak. I remember not knowing how to feel, I was so turned on by the hardness of the muscle that could even withstand my teeth being dug into it but scared and vulnerable because I had in the past five minutes become aware that the man I had trusted to deflower me had an aggressive and almost violent side to him. The fucking lasted a long time, and he flipped me over making me kneel doggy style for a period. He stroked my back and clearly loved feeling as though I was his obedient servant or faithful animal. As he became more and more aroused and approached orgasm he lifted me up and threw me back down on the bed, propping himself against me with one foot on the bed next to my stomach so that he could thrust every last bit of his dick up me. The thrusting became slower and accompanied by louder and more urgent groans until finally he pulled out and I saw his throbbing member ejaculate for a second before he jammed it back in, ensuring that I felt the warmth of his seed filling my no longer innocent bottom. Still unsure whether I was delighted or terrified I lay there waiting to see what Alan did next. He knelt down and looked right into my anus, rubbing his index finger around the side. "Look at that, beautiful. Sealed back up even after a fuck like that, you're a trouper lad! Now let me see some of my boys, loosen that hot little hole for a min." I obeyed, still finding this to fulfil my deepest fantasies and he howled with satisfaction watching his thick white wad dribble out of my exhausted hole, "Shit, wow, that is just glorious. I love the idea of you having my swimmers in you for hours, floating around your ass and leaking into your shorts on the ride home." I stood up and he smacked my butt naughtily before handing me my clothes. I got dressed in silence, feeling slightly ashamed but overwhelmingly falling for the stud next to me who was still wiping the mix of lube and semen off his cock with a towel. He embraced me tightly with his big arms and meaty shoulders and we made out tenderly for what felt like months. This was the beginning of our relationship. There were glorious times when I felt as though I had transcended heaven, but there were just as many days when I loathed, in equal measure, myself and the man who was degrading and humiliating me.
  12. There is a part 1, although it isn't strictly a necessary read. Jack heaves bolt-upright in bed in the middle of the night, drenched in sweat and breathing hard. Driving rain against the window is overpowered by the sound of his heartbeat. His pulse is strong and quick; he feels every drop of his blood course through his tense muscles. He sports an impressive semi-erection in his underwear, and his hard nipples slide up and down underneath the tight white nightshirt. His masculine jawline clenched tight, he pulls the sheets away from his soaked torso and swings his feet out of bed. His muscular frame rises to full height as the bed groans, as if sighing in relief. He knows what he has to do. His heavy footsteps catch his attention momentarily, and he ponders if he should be bothered to put on pants, but his urges are far too strong to be overridden by rational thought. Jack catches a glimpse of his primal eyes in the mirror as he reaches for his car keys, wrenches open the front door and steps out into the heavy summer rain. His driving erratic, he swerves from left to right as he climbs the dimly-lit road into the mountains. All he can think about is getting to his destination. His steely 9-inch cock is fully excited now. It moistens his lower cobblestone abs with copious amounts of pre-cum; the thick shaft perfectly outlined by the fabric. His breathing rapid, he caresses himself through his shirt and lets out a guttural moan. He plants his foot, speeding faster up the ascent through the rain and darkness. His powerful muscles are primed for the task which awaits. *** Deep within a nearby mountain, a handsome, brown-haired man with glasses sits patiently at a large computer terminal. His stomach is in knots as he turns a black business card over and over and over between his fingers. The card's smoothness soothes him somewhat, but his eyes remain wide and fixated on the screen in front of him. The large, open computer lab is lit intermittently by the monitor, which at this moment is receiving the feeds from all the facility's security cameras as they peer into the night. The motion is crystal clear but black and white, and silent on the screen; a tree branch whips in and out of view against the blustery rain. "A vehicle is approaching," warns a computerised voice. The handsome, brown-haired man jumps at the break of silence. He, like Jack, is rather excited, as evidenced by a heavy bulge in his khakis. "Thank you," the man replies eagerly to the artificial intelligence. "Complete lock-down procedure. Please ensure Jack is fully visible at all times." With a bleep-boop of acknowledgement, the screen flicks over to show CAM001, just as the headlights of a pickup truck swing into view. The man stands, and briskly strides over to a steel-barred cage which is built into the cavern wall. The thick bars encompass only a tiny area--just enough for one person to stand trapped against the wall. "This is it." He bites his lip excitedly and pushes his shoes off, a heel at a time. He starts fumbling to undo the buttons on his shirt, but decides to leave it on instead. He quickly steps into the cage, and commands the door to be locked behind him. The artificial voice confirms his instructions, and the heavy steel slides into place. "Lock-down complete," the computer announces. "Good," says the man, who has already removed his pants to reveal his eagerness, trapped within his underwear. He rubs the tip of his engorged cock through the fabric. "Give me a good show, Jack," he smirks. "Show me what your powerful alpha-muscles are capable of." *** Outside, Jack's pickup comes to a halt. As the car door swings open, trunk-like legs meet the road. He stands, and takes a few steps out into the open rain. The truck's headlights illuminate the hunk of a man as he turns slowly to face the security camera and tilt his head to return its gaze. His solid body casts shadows of his tight underwear and raging manhood within, powerful torso, chest and arms. Clinging to his body, his wet top leaves nothing to the imagination; outlines of his bulging pecs and abs heave with his aroused breath. Jack knows he's being watched. He winks and bounces his pecs for the camera before he steps out of view, leaving his truck behind. His strong legs march him into a dimly lit cave and along a narrow path until finally, Jack comes face to face with his first challenge: a large, vault-like door set into the rock face. Standing an inch from the door, his head lowered but eyes forward, his breathing is still as deep and primal as it was at the house. He leans forward and presses the outline of his cock and upper body against the door to feel its coolness. His heart thuds faster and his cock jumps to full attention again. Nostrils flared, he steps back to analyse the door. A keypad blinks on the right-hand side of the large circular door, barred with two beams of steel passing through a giant rotor wheel. He smirks -- he knows this to be no match for his powerful physique. His low voice teases, "I hope you're watching Evan, because I'm not one for knocking." *** Evan is still self-restrained in the reinforced cage several rooms away from Jack, deeper into the mountain. Having yanked his underwear off, he stands with nothing but a collared shirt, slowly masturbating to the sight, and now voice, of Jack's surly presence at the entrance. He's keen to see just how much of a fight the door will put up. "Computer: Announce all intrusion attempts, countermeasures, malfunctions, and system destructions as they occur." Evan licks his lips and begins beating his rod a bit faster in anticipation. He wants to see and hear the pure domination of Jack's muscle over his machinery. He becomes a bit light-headed as there is movement of Jack's big frame on the screen, and the computer announces, "Alert: Intrusion attempt underway. Main entry keypad has been destroyed." *** Having driven it into the wall over an inch, Jack pulls his solid right shoulder away from what used to be the blinking keypad, as it crackles and buzzes. "I hope you don't mind," he smirks, "if I let myself in." His hands, guided by eager twitches of his powerful arms and chest, reach for the large circular locking mechanism in the centre of the door. Grabbing either side, his arms lengthen slightly and biceps begin to bulge. The sleeves can barely contain the stud's arms as they grow and strengthen. His pecs, tight and steely, join in on the onslaught against the steel. He grunts a loud guttural enjoyment as he pulls and flexes. The vault's large bolts and locks begin to grind and squeal for mercy against the immense power of Jack's arms and chest. The heavy steel inside the locking mechanism takes the full force of Jack's mighty muscle-powered assault; it starts to turn white and buckle. Jack smirks and grunts again, louder this time, his cock bouncing with pleasure; the feeling of raw strength coursing through his body, bending and twisting with all his might. The protective beams and locking wheel, made to withstand explosives and immense pressure, are now being mangled and bent by Jack's powerful arms and pumped chest. The moaning steel is crunched and deformed under his grip, and cracks begin to appear in the wall adjacent. *** "Alert: Main entry compromised. Activating defences." The display of raw strength during Jack's destruction of the main entry door proved too much for Evan, as he shakes and squirts a healthy load of cum through the bars of the cage. "Fuck yes, Jack. Show me what kind of man you are." *** The bank-grade lock, having failed against the man's might, now hangs feebly from the door's innards. A sharp pull sideways, and a powerful kick sends the heavy door falling inward. Almost laughing, he pulls down the underwear over his pumped legs as he strolls into the next room over the mangled heap of the door, his steely pecs and arms still heaving with his breath. He raises both arms and perfectly round biceps flex in granite. The pumped guns burst open his sleeves as Jack grunts in an alpha pose. "I know you're an arms man, Evan. These puppies ain't just for show." He winks again to the camera he knows is looking on, and slowly reaching down, rips the taught white fabric off his torso, before letting it fall to the floor. Sweat and moisture drip down his stunning beast of a chest and cobblestone abs. Jack's rock-hard 9-incher can't be contained by his underwear, which has crept up and out from his waistband and presses against his taught stomach. His thick cock is leaking reels of slippery lube, getting ready to squirt into its lucky recipient. Suddenly, a large compartment opens, containing a 6'5" android. The solid, high-tech legs carry its bulk nimbly; its head blinks with lights and chirps. The whirring of the mechanisms is nearly deafening. "And what is this?" Jack yells over the top of the mechanised sounds coming from the robot as it quickly moves from its chamber and towards its target. He stands only 3 inches shorter than the mechanised fiend. "You don't actually think--" Jack raises his eyebrow, but is too slow to move out of the way of the giant's mechanical grip. It folds its shiny, plastic-covered arms around the muscular frame of the human and begins to tighten its grip. For a moment, Jack looks to struggle against the powerful pistons and motors contained within the robot. But Jack, knowing his own power, confidently smirks. Clearly, he is capable of destroying these feeble machines with a swift punch. But he knows Evan, his client, is paying good money for this show. And he expects to see some muscle-inspired destruction. Expanding his thick chest and engaging his rippling back muscles, Jack slows the constricting arms of the robot to a crawl, and then to a halt. There is a high-pitched hum as the robot's internal diagnostics begin to analyse the malfunction. "I think you'll find..." labours Jack, as he wrenches his arm free of the grip, "that you are about to be destroyed by these." He flexes his magnificent bicep again. He reaches down, and with the help of his other hand, begins to pry the android's arm backwards and out of its socket. There is loud cracking of plastic, followed by the whirrrrrrr of motors failing to maintain their integrity. Finally, a small explosion signals that the powerful pistons contained within the machine's arm were no match for Jack's python-like arms. The robot moves backwards, seemingly panicked to only be left with one functioning gripper. Its head lights up in a new pattern. Jack is grinning as he steps from the machine's grip. "All of this showing off has made me very horny." His green eyes twinkle in the light. He reaches down and with a single swift rrrrip, he liberates his beautiful dick and balls. The gorgeous thickness of his manhood stands proud, dripping with excitement, as he takes it in his left hand and begins to stroke. "Prepare to be short-circuited by the best sex you've ever had." Jack strides up to the andriod, and with one forceful shove, the machine falls backwards, smashing onto the floor. It attempts to upright itself, but with only one arm, has trouble. On its third attempt, it is making progress until Jack marches over, naked and throbbing, to force it back to the ground. Climbing on top of the mechanised plastic and steel, Jack raises his taut bubble butt into the air, priming the trajectory of his cock. He looks down at his artificially intelligent victim. "How much were you to construct, I wonder?" His powerful hips and ass drive his thickness into the belly of the machine. "Mmmmm," he moans, before exhaling loudly. "I bet you're the most expensive sex toy ever made!" Grunting and moaning, his hips thrust back and forth into the innards of the robot, while it makes some last attempts to escape. Jack's thick cock buries itself deep within the mechanics of its appendages. The casing of the robot begins to dent and cave inward. Oil begins leaking out and the smell of overheated motors fill the air. The robot, its only remaining signs of life the blinking on its face, makes petrified noises as it is slowly destroyed by each of Jack's thrusts. He's getting close to the edge of climax, and he knows he better make a good show of it. The sight of him fucking is enough to drive anybody wild; his thick legs supporting his weight as his powerful ass rams his manhood further into the machinery. His powerful arms ripple with horseshoe triceps and his back flexes and bulges. His domination of the powerful machinery is a sight to behold. He smirks, looking his prey in the face as he flexes his guns once more. The android continues to blink and beep weakly, and his fucking continues, as he reaches up and places a massive hand on either side of the robot's solid head. "Goodnight." The symphony of his flexing ass muscles and rock hard thrusting dick is joined by the bulging of his thick arms and pecs as Jack applies pressure to the robot's head. Moments pass, and Jack watches as his tremendous force begins to dent, and then crush the mechanical beast's skull. There are buzzes, sparks, and the smell of burning electronics as the blinking face disappears into itself. Jack's eyes roll into the back of his head and his beautiful physique tenses as wave after wave of sperm shoot into the robot's corpse, shorting the remaining circuitry. *** In the cage, now leaning against the wall, Evan is weak in the knees, having cum for the forth time watching the brilliant display of strength and manliness on the monitor. "Alert: Android destroyed." Jack's bulk is seen to pull out of the robot's remains, and step out of camera view. "Any moment now..." Evan is ready to shoot another load in excitement of seeing Jack in person. There is a loud explosion and the door, flimsy in comparison to the one (that used to be) at the main entrance, comes crashing to the floor. Jack is standing there broadly, pumped and shimmering, cock still engorged with lust. Several computer alarms sound. "Warning: Intrusion into main lab." Evan resumes masturbating furiously at the sight of Jack's amazing physique. Jack slowly approaches the cage, his chest heaving. He stops an inch from the bars. "Flex for me," Evan pleads. Jack smiles. His full pecs, glistening with sweat, bounce rhythmically. He poses for Evan, showing off his body from top to toe, ending in a trademark double bicep. Evan heaves for breath and moans. He's about to cum again. "Break me out, Jack. Show me what those arms can do up close." With another smirk, Jack positions himself and grips the reinforced steel. Almost immediately, there is a clang as the metal readjusts itself to the force being applied to it. "Warning: Intrusion attempt underway." Jacks arms bulge and flex once more, and again the steel begins a feint high-pitched vibration. An alarm sounds. "Warning: Safety cage losing structural integrity due to pressure exceeding tolerances." Jarring thuds and pangs spring from the bars as they begin to deform. Jack's rock-hard upper body is pumped and displaying incredible power. He lets out some grunts, and leaks more clear pre-cum from his excited stiffness. Another alarm sounds. "Warning: Destruction of safety cage imminent due to overwhelming pressure." The bars bend gently at first and then begin to warp to an obscene angle, and Evan squirms. Jack lets out a snarl. The reinforced bars fail and explode away from their moorings in the rock, causing a cloud of dust. "Danger: Safety cage has been destroyed. All countermeasures have been compromised by overwhelming force." A sexy grin on his face, Jack throws the remains of the cage behind him, hitting the opposite wall, causing more damage and noise. He steps into the cage with Evan, their bodies now pressed together, and Evan can't take it anymore. The overwhelming pleasure of their bodies touching, followed by Jack's caress which is now turning into a kiss, causes Evan to unload more than he ever has in his life directly onto Jack's glistening torso, and pass out. *** Evan wakes up in the semi-destroyed cage some hours later with an erection he guesses won't be going away anytime soon. In his shirt pocket is a fresh black business card, with "Jack" embossed into it. Jesus. Evan is going to have to try harder next time.
  13. himrbicep

    A Sinister Change

    Hi All Don't know why but I thought I'd repost my old story that I wrote for the old forums back when I wasn't himrbicep. I feel like I haven't contributed to this forum since its rebirth. Its a kinky story, and quite dark in places, but I have a feeling some people on here will enjoy it in its fullness haha. I apologise, where I wrote it in parts some is first person and some is third person, hopefully it's not too jarring. Enjoy! And feedback or opinions please let me know I've always been a fan of longer stories myself, so it's a big one! x I guess I ought to start this story with a look at the past, because that’s where it truly began. At the age of 7 my mum and I had just moved into a completely new neighbourhood. Looking back now it was perfectly delightful, but being a young strong minded individual I was still sulking about leaving the estate I’d grown up on. It was a beautiful day, and the house was truly a beauty. White picket fences, a little balcony on the front, nicely trimmed hedges and all that jazz. Truth is my dad had died, I hardly ever saw him while he was living and so I guess the fact he’d gone and left a fair bit of money behind was only a good thing as far as I was concerned. I jumped out of the truck, now I was actually here I was a little less stroppy, but I still couldn’t help be extremely nervous. My name is Charlie by the way, at the age of 7 I was a pretty cute little kid I guess. Light brown hair that stuck up wherever it wanted to, and little blue eyes that were forever sparkling, I used to play outside a lot, and so while at such a young age I was by no means athletic looking, I was definitely fit. I went bounding up the front path and into the house, the massive staircase twisted up and around onto a long slightly darker landing, I remembered where my room was and went running to see… nothing. It was still empty, the only thing in it was my bed, but that was boring, I didn’t want to sleep. I trotted gently to the window to check on my mum, and could see her looking through a couple of boxes in the back of the car whilst waiting for the lorry with the rest of our stuff. It was then I saw someone else out of the corner of my eye. Another kid, who looked to be about my age was playing in his front garden next door. I went running downstairs and out the front door and stuck my head up over the fence, but suddenly found myself with nothing to say. I stared at him, and he stared blankly back at me. “Hello?” he said after a horrendously long silence. I sort of smiled and made a ‘heh’ noise. For some reason I had gone shy. He looked at me like the strangest thing he’d ever seen and I suppose I can understand why. After another couple of seconds he dropped his football and moved closer towards the fence. “I’m Chris” he said plainly, and this time smiled, and I don’t know why but that smile made me so happy I found myself able to talk. “I’m Charlie” I replied simply “I think we’re neighbours now” I added, and the two of us smiled together. Over the next month Chris and I became the best of friends, we were never apart, when we were at school we sat together, and talked behind our books when we were supposed to be reading, and when we were home he was at my house or I at his, and we would make cushion forts, kick a football or something along those lines. My favourite game however, I decided was wrestling, and while we were never technically any good, and we just had fun doing it, there was something really enjoyable about the closeness. Chris had the brightest blond hair you’d seen and sparkly blue eyes and pouty lips and was ever so slightly bigger than me, this almost indefinitely meant I never won, but for some reason that I could not at that age fathom – I didn’t care. I was almost pleased about it, as though letting Chris win was the right thing to do, and me being on the floor underneath him was where I should always end up. There was not a thing about our playing that was sexual at that age, it was just boys being boys, but we were incredibly close, and promised to be best friends forever. Our promise was kept, and we got through four years of junior school, never leaving each other’s side, we still would play outside after school, or sometimes on video games now, and we loved each others company. I had grown a fair bit, and I loved being one of the taller people in class, in fact the only person that made me feel small was Chris, because he had grown even more. The teacher would often mention his size, he wasn’t a freak by any means, but if we all stood together his head poked out above ours, and he was slightly thicker too, most of the kids my age looked like stick insect human beings, apart from Jim the ‘fatty fat fat’ of the class. Why Chris grew faster I didn’t know, I didn’t even consider it, we lived pretty much the same lifestyle, but I guess he just had different genetics to me. I wondered sometimes when we wrestled, and I ended up on the floor underneath his ever heavier weight, just how big he was going to get. By the time we left school he was really starting to grow fast, and I could notice little muscles bulging on his body, you wouldn’t know I had muscles looking at me! But I didn’t care that Chris was bigger, we were best friends, and he could always win wresting matches whenever he wanted, he didn’t have to try very hard at all either, and I still got that strange bubbly feeling inside when he won and was on top of me. The summer holiday that year was a horrible one. My nerves about finally joining the big school were taking over my life. I had gotten used to being the oldest and one of the biggest and now I was going to be the smallest. Chris didn’t care so much, he never really worried about anything much. It was nice to know I would have him beside me. Or so I thought. I remember that day more than any other in my entire life. The day Chris told me he was moving away. I cried inconsolably, I didn’t understand why he had to leave, how he could let his mother drag us apart. It wasn’t fair, and I knew I would never have another friend like Chris. I remember the day I waved goodbye to him and his mother sat in the front of the delivery truck. Tears were streaming down my face and I couldn’t stop them, Chris just looked rather glum, ever the tough one in the friendship…. __________________________________________ But that was over five years ago now, and I look back on it with a sort of appreciation that I had a friend as good as Chris. I had gone to secondary school, and it hadn’t killed me, and I had done pretty well through it, I made some close friends- Clare and Liam the closest, and life was going fine. Today in fact is my first day of sixth form, when I can begin to study towards my A-level examinations. I turned up to school feeling rather pleased with myself, sixth formers had to look smart, and I had a great suit on that I thought I looked quite nice in. I was about six foot now, still slim built, with a hint of athleticism I suppose, so I guess I turned out ok, and was hoping to attract some attention now I didn’t have to wear the old grey school shorts and socks! I went down one of the halls to my new registration group and sat down, everyone was buzzing excitedly and catching up on their summer holidays past. The register was taken and I started to head down the halls for my first biology lesson, I was aware at that point of someone coming down the corridor, and it wasn’t until I did a double take that I noticed the size of him! He was about six foot four I would say, and extremely broad, he wore a suit also and filled it out almost to bursting, he must be a new student, I would have remembered a tank like him. I remember briefly thinking that I wish I could be a little bigger in shape as I went to pass him but the next thing I knew I was shoulder barged so incredibly hard I slammed into the locker and fell to the floor. The corridor thank god was pretty empty so I don’t think anyone saw. I stood up rubbing my head and drew my gaze up the enormous form in front of me; the handsome face was sneering at me with some sort of proud amusement. It was then I recognized the face in front of me, my mouth dropped open and my heart beat faster in my chest. “You always were the small one Char” he said in an incredibly deep voice, and without further ado strut off down the corridor chuckling. I stood frozen for a minute, gob smacked by what had just happened. That was Chris, there was no denying it.. but how much bigger had he gotten, and why had he just shoulder barged his old best friend with the force of a train? Biology passed by without much special occurring, that said if something special had happened I wouldn’t have noticed it, to say my head was somewhere else would be an understatement. Chris was huge; I could hardly believe the change in him. If I looked in the mirror now I could still see the young boy I had grown up from in my features, but Chris was so far from how I remembered him it was hard to believe he was the same person. I kept wondering why he had barged me so hard, I was 99% sure it wasn’t an accident. Maybe he was just being old jokey Chris, heck, if I were as big as him I would probably want to show it off a little, especially to get a reaction from someone who hadn’t witnessed the change in progress. Something deep inside of me however felt like something had changed, that our relationship wouldn’t be able to simply carry on as magically as it used to, if you’ve seen the film Fox and the Hound.. I kinda felt like the fox right now. Still, we had always played rough when we were little, maybe he just didn’t realize his strength these days and was just playing around like we used to in the front yard. I hoped so, and I definitely wanted to speak with him soon. My next class was English, and I looked around the almost full classroom for my now gargantuan friend, but he wasn’t there. I noticed Liam towards the back and went to sit with him instead and told him about what had happened, he told me to be careful and stay away but I laughed it off and thought nothing of it. Lesson after dull lesson occurred and I still didn’t see a sign of Chris, which is tricky with him being the size he was. I arrived at gym class slightly earlier than the rest of the class and had changed into my loose polo top and shorts and was sat on a bench in the gym awaiting the rest of the class. The students were filing in one by one and I was suddenly aware that I didn’t really want to see Chris in this class, he was too big, and as if by some cruel fate no longer had the thought finished passing through my mind when the coach walked in… followed closely by Chris. If he had looked big this morning in his suit he looked positively insane in his PE top. The fabric was stretched so tightly across his body that you could tell exactly what his body would look like if he had been naked. His arms were what first caught my attention, great basketball sized biceps hung from the short sleeves, criss-crossed with veins the thickness of my little finger almost. His forearms were thick and strong, and so veined they looked almost like a road map of some point. I glanced back up to look at his huge shoulders and thick bulging neck and my eyes bulged slightly as I took in the largest chest I’d ever seen, his shirt was stretched ridiculously tight over it, and you could tell there was a deep crevasse in between the two pecs, his nipples had so much muscle packed behind them that they were pointing down almost to the floor and made two large bumps in the material. The t shirt wasn’t tight across his abs like it was the rest of his body purely because the jutting of his pecs pulled the material forwards almost like an awning. His thighs erupted out of his obscenely small shorts like tree trunks of pure power and mighty bulging carves bulged out of his lower leg, his shorts I noticed with an afterthought looked pretty tight too. I swallowed hard as he walked down the gym to sit on one of the further benches; he didn’t so much as glimpse at me. I watched him go past, his expansive back almost resembling the sails on a passing ship as he went, tight muscular round buttocks rolling against each other as he walked under the tight pale blue cotton. I wrenched my gaze back to the coach, mouth slightly open, and was distantly aware of the creaking of the bench at the end of the gym. “Welcome to your first term of Physical Education in the sixth form” he started, the coach was a big man by any standards but after watching Chris enter the room none us were in the slightest bit impressed. “We’re starting this half term with wresting” he announced, and a small part of my soul died at that exact moment. “As it’s the first week we’ll just have some practise bouts and I’ll come around and check how much you remember from last year. I’ll let you choose your own partners, and we’ll have four matches going on at any one time in each corner of the gym. GO” he finished, blowing his whistle, and I stood immediately looking for Liam with an almost terrifying urgency but before I had even made a move a large strong hand had a grip on my shoulders. I turned feeling ready to faint, as I was met with the same smug cocky grin I had seen in the corridor earlier “For old times sake?” he asked, feigning an innocent expression, before steering me onto a mat. After a few moments more everyone else had found their partners, and the first four partners were ready to begin. I stood facing my opponent, trying my absolute hardest not to vomit. Another whistle blew and before I knew what was happening something that I could only compare to a rhino launched itself in my direction, I was thrown to the matt with such force that my head bounced with a sickening thud and then I was shoved onto my front and my arm was pulled behind me so forcefully I was slightly surprised it didn’t dislocate. I felt his ton weight resting on the small of my back, it didn’t hurt but the sheer weight of him was almost making taking breath difficult. “Bring back memories does it?” I heard a snicker in my ear. Several of the other students had laughed at the quickness of the fight, and a couple more had gathered round to watch the next, I wasn’t looking forward to it. Chris climbed off of me and I slowly got up trying to catch my breath and trying not to look too defeated or embarrassed. We got back into the starting positions, and I could see he was looking pumped, his muscles slightly red, almost as if anticipating more. Another whistle blew and this time I managed to take a step forward, I’m not sure what I had planned, but it didn’t matter anyway. Two large hands grabbed onto my waist so tight I thought I might burst, the next thing I knew my body was rising up in the air as if I weighed nothing at all and I was being turned upside down. I felt his head in between my thighs, and was powerless to do anything as he jumped forwards ready to slam me into the ground. I hit the floor hard, and the weight of the man landing on top of me forced every particle of air in my body to come whooshing out loudly. The class burst out laughing and just to add to my embarrassment Chris’ crotch was directly over my face. Winded as I was I was powerless to do anything and wriggled my head in vein slightly only to feel the biggest cock imaginable flop down my cheek. Through the thin material of Chris’ shorts I could feel the heat of it, and it felt to be about 7 inches long, completely soft!! I wriggled frantically now, completely freaked out by what used to be my best friend in the whole world and the class was roaring with laughter now as I tried useless to push up against Chris’ monstrous thighs, it was like trying to life a steel car off of my body. Chris purposefully got up as slowly as possible, and managed to rub his enormous crotch right across my face once more. He finally got up and I went running off into the changing rooms embarrassed out of my mind. As the locker room door closed behind me the laughter was drowned out, and I sat in the cold silence for a second, feeling my face glowing with blush. I look down totally dismayed, I had a raging erection. What had happened to Chris, why was he being so nasty to me? What was happening to me, getting turned on by a beating from another man? I didn’t have time to think as I head the door swing open once again, I did my best to hide under some nearby clothes. I sat trembling under the coats and was all too aware of the heavy footfalls coming in my directions. I thought for one fleeting moment they were going to continue and go straight past but silence fell over the room as the person stopped walking. I knew who it was without having to look; the person on the other side of those coats was almost radiating hugeness. I was starting to feel a little sick. I could hear a deep chuckling building up on the other side of the material and could feel myself going red in the face. “Pathetic” the voice said simply, and then a vice like hand grabbed my through the clothes haphazardly piled atop me and pulled me up into the air again with no effort at all. I was dropped onto the floor directly in front of him, but didn’t manage to land properly and slipped clumsily down onto my ass. I looked up nervously at Chris and… he seemed bigger. I couldn’t tell if it was the angle I was at or not, but from my position on the floor he looked to be at least 6 foot 7, and the pump he had gotten in the gymnasium was still evident, and then a bit more muscle seemed to have appeared on top of that. I stared, shutting my mouth quickly as I realized it was hanging open. Being so close to his feet part of his face was obscured by the jutting chest that hung off his frame. I felt no need to continue staring up at him like this, I didn’t want to fuel the man’s ego, and so I began to rise slowly, though the shaking in my knees made my hope of looking graceful impossible. I stood to my full height, and there was no denying now the change in him, I had to look up to see his strikingly handsome face, and I felt myself shiver at the thought of what Chris could do to me here on my own. “Why’d you run away?” he growled and I decided not to answer him, I thought it was fairly obvious. “I wasn’t finished with you” he added, and that thought scared the life out of me, I would have ended the lesson resembling pate if we had continued any further. He took a step forward so that his almighty chest thumped into me, though at his new height his chest was hitting me more at chin level, and I stumbled back. He grinned evilly. “What’s happened to you?” I asked, trying to sound brave, but my voice quivered betraying me. Again he laughed, and his vast chest shook and his abs contorted and twisted under his top. He looked down at me once again, taking another step forward and forcing me to stumble a pace backwards. “Nothings changed at all, I was always better than you and I still am” he said grinning. “But we were best friends” I said, I heard myself and realized I sounded as though I were begging. At this he took a large step and his chest thumped into me so hard that I was caught of balance and went stumbling backwards until I hit back hard against the wall, smacking my head hard enough against the brick to make me temporarily see stars. Through the fog in my brain I could see him advancing and he didn’t stop until his mammoth body had me pinned against the wall. “Lets get one thing straight little man; I don’t need friends like you anymore,” he paused as he raised his hands into the air “I’ve got these babies now” he said and flexed triumphantly. I couldn’t help but gasp as the biggest bicep muscles I had ever seen in my life burst into life in front of my eyes. The huge peaks of muscle split, rising higher and higher bursting with veins and emitting such evident power I knew then and there he could kill me with them. Despite the intense fear his muscle display was causing me, his show of power and the inexplicably manly smell that was wafting from his deep manly pits was causing a reaction in me I couldn’t even begin to explain, and one I hoped to high heaven Chris wouldn’t notice. He flexed his chest now, and through the top I could veins and striations formed in ways I didn’t know possible, the muscles in his chest, which if I’m honest felt more like rocks, were forcing their way into my chest as though it were made of butter and I could feel myself being crushed against the wall behind me. “You were nothing then… and you’re less than that now” he said, and clearly the friendship we had shared as children meant not a thing to him now. My arousal and fear left no room for sadness at his remark, and my erection was almost painful now. He relaxed his chest and I was able to take a breath in at long last. He shook his head slowly, as though I truly disgusting him, and I felt myself averting his gaze in shame. “I’ll be needing your lunch mo…” he began, but stopped suddenly, and I looked up to see what had stopped him, hoping against hope that he had spotted more worthy of his interest than me. I almost died when I saw him looking at the all too obvious, though not exactly impressive, tent in my shorts. I began jabbering, trying to explain that I wasn’t gay, that he wasn’t turning me on, tried to say anything that would stop the unavoidable beating that was heading my way. He made his way towards me far quicker than he had before and I felt a huge hand wrap firmly around my throat, and my feet left the floor as I was slid effortlessly up the wall. He held me up maybe three feet off the floor, and I began choking something fierce. The force of his grip was so strong my choking was practically useless; there was no way consciousness was staying with me today. I tried to kick my legs but his mammoth chest had them pinned almost painfully against the wall, my fingers worked frantically in vain to try and get him off me, but I soon realized that my two hands working together were powerless to even remove one of his fingers. Despite the seriousness of the situation I found my eyes becoming fixed on the almighty biceps and triceps that kept me up here as though I were a feather, and I was aware that my erection was still throbbing in my shorts, which was probably angering him further. The veins in his forearms popped up in relief as the hand tightened itself tighter around my pathetically fragile neck. I could feel my wind pipe getting close to collapsing, and my vision began fading as I knew I was about to pass out when “Chris?” called a voice from the other end of the changing room, it was the coach. I felt the hand release me and again I fell badly, though this time I managed to land on my feet. I let out a huge gasp and then a cough, but Chris obviously wanting to hide my presence slapped a hand over my mouth with such a force that my face stung from the force of the slap. My body was still trying to get more air into my lungs and I choked still, the sound muffled in the large hand over my mouth. I was in pain, and gasping for breath to stay conscious, and yet somehow I found myself wanting him to put one of those big manly fingers into my mouth for me to suck on. “I’m here coach; I think that little guy took off. I’ll be right out” he called down the changing room, and I prayed to God to bless the man that had saved my life. “I’m not surprised” replied the coach “he looked like a 5 year old girl next to you” the coach continued clearly unaware I was present. A whole new shade of red made itself apparent across my face and Chris looked at me with a smug grin. “This isn’t over” he said simply, venom in his voice. He removed his hand, and strutted round the corner towards the exit of the room. I slid down the wall and burst into tears, my hopes of a friendly reconciliation shattered. My first day of school had gone from an exciting new chapter in my life, to a brand new nightmare thanks to a changed face from the past. _____________________________________________ Charlie sat in his room that night feeling sick to depths of his stomach, his homework, which would usually take half an hour or so had been delaying him for at least an hour now. He couldn’t get the images of today’s meeting out of his head, he couldn’t ignore the soreness around his neck from where the strong hand had crushed into the skin, and by far worse of all, he couldn’t do anything about the random insatiable erections that kept popping up in his boxers. He slept uneasily that night and awoke in the morning mortified to find he’d had a wet dream, he couldn’t remember at all what he’d been dreaming about, but Charlie was fairly sure he knew. Charlie began to pack his things ready for another day of school and for the first time in as long as he could remember he found himself not wanting to go, wanting to pretend to be ill and stay at home, where he knew he wouldn’t bump into a certain someone. But no, there was nothing to be achieved by doing that, and so with as much false confidence as he could muster he made his way to another day of school. The first lesson was fairly normal in its long boring lecture like style, and indeed second period passed without a single mishap, but the one thing that Charlie really did notice, was that wherever he was, he could here someone whispering about the huge new kid, and Charlie couldn’t help but get down a little every time he heard it. Indeed out on the school field during their morning break much talking behind hands was going on, and Charlie headed with much anticipation to where he and Clare and Liam usually hung out, behind a secluded patch of trees where they could have a laugh in their own space, as he paced down the sloping grass he felt his phone vibrate and smiled when he saw Clare ringing him, he didn’t answer as he knew she’d be hurrying him on like she always did and he began to run down to where the trees were. As soon as he was round the corner a foot tripped him and Charlie went skidding across the ground. With his heart immediately in his throat Charlie span round onto his back to look up into the one face he wanted to see less than any other, before he could begin to get up a huge triumphant foot had slammed Charlie back on the ground with a woomph, and struggle though he might, there was nothing he could do. Charlie met the cold gaze of his recent tormentor, and then found he couldn’t look at them anymore and averted his gaze. ‘Little fag can’t stay away’ Chris said slowly, twisting his foot on my chest softly almost as though contemplating whether to crush it or not. ‘Guess you wanted another beating to go home and whack that puny little cock to huh?’ he said in a mocking tone and the blush that seemed to be a permanent feature on Charlie’s face recently made its way across his nose and ears. ‘Chris I’m not gay’ he replied, stunning himself that he even managed to speak a word let alone a sentence. ‘Not gay…’ Chris laughed, bending down to pick Charlie up with one hand on either side of his head, lifting him until his face was crushed against the mammoth left pec of Chris’s enormous chest, hard nipple pressing just below Charlie’s bottom lip through the thin sleeveless vest. Immediately the naturally manly smell of the body in front of him made Charlie feel light headed, ‘then do you mind explaining the pathetic boners you keep springing every time you get near my muscles?’ Charlie shook his head slightly, the rock hard nipple rubbing against his chin. Chris let go and Charlie dropped the two inches or so to the ground, gasping quietly as he realized that the bottom of Chris’ pecs were now level with his forehead, though he didn’t understand it, nor want to believe it, Chris had grown massively again over night and was probably now just over seven foot, how was that even possible!? After a second or so of silence Charlie sighed quietly, ‘I don’t know what to say… I’ve never seen anyone as big as you before’ at this Chris snorted as though it were obvious that no one could be bigger than him ‘and I just’ Charlie paused trying to think of the words ‘I just see how big and powerful and strong you are and it makes me feel so small… like you are so much better than me.’ Charlie didn’t get the chance to say another word as Chris had burst out laughing, ‘I am so much better than you,’ he said with a cocky smirk ‘you are a pathetic little nothing that should be thrilled I even know who you are, and you better think of a fucking good reason why I shouldn’t snap you in half and leave you here for the worms.’ He said, his voice getting quieter as he continued. Charlie visibly shook where he stood, not a clue in the world what to say, ‘for old times sake?’ he said hopefully, but Chris shook his head ‘not good enough.’ Charlie looked back down at the floor again, trying to stop the tears in the corners of his eyes as he realized he was about to sell his soul to the devil. ‘I’ll do anything you say for the rest of my life’ Charlie said quietly, almost hoping that no one would hear him say it. ‘Anything?’ came the deep voice of the man stood above him, and Charlie nodded silently, looking up to the most sinister smug grin he had ever seen in his life. ‘So if I should need some last minute homework doing for me?’ Chris asked and again Charlie nodded in silence, ‘or if I should need some money for food’ he continued and Charlie once again nodded. ‘What about…’ Chris went on, his grin spreading further across his face, ‘what about if my sweaty manly pits need a good clean after a heavy workout?’ Charlie gawped open mouthed, stunned by what the man in front of him had just said, he stood stunned, trying to process what he’d just heard, when he noticed Chris lifting his left arm up above his head, and vest he was wearing allowing for a view of the manly crevasse that Charlie’s new tormentor had mentioned, a large hand cupped the back of his small head and Charlie found himself forced forwards until he could see nothing at all, and all he knew was the feel of the hot skin against his face and the incredibly strong smell now filling his nostrils like a drug. As he shifted his head slightly, Charlie could feel the tendons of Chris’ biceps towards the top of his head, and other ligaments and muscles he didn’t know the name of beneath his nose and chin, the wideness of Chris’ seemingly ever growing lats meant that Charlie was surrounded on all sides by thick muscle, and Charlie suddenly found himself losing control of himself. Charlie stuck his tongue out frantically, moaning slightly as he felt the hard bulging muscle under Chris’ skin, moaning slightly as he tasted the manly sweat that didn’t disgust him in the way he quietly knew is should, the light masculine hair tickled his face as Charlie wanted to more and more to be able to have his face over every part of Chris at the same time, he slid his head up, his tongue sliding from the pit to the underside of Chris’s gargantuan arm, that seemed now to easily be as wide as his own head. Charlie couldn’t explain it, but Chris’ skin, whilst being so silky in texture still allowed for the feeling of the steel like chords beneath it, and every inch of him tasted incredible, Charlie moaned to himself again as his tongue lost itself exploring crevices and ridges of rock solid muscle. Charlie almost creamed in his pants when he heard Chris whisper ‘fuuck’ under his breath, clearly enjoying the seeing to that Charlie was giving him, Charlie didn’t know who was more surprised by this turn of events, but he didn’t dare argue. Charlie’s cock was now rock hard against the hugely wide thigh he straddled comfortably, and he was about to begin thrusting when a heavy shove knocked him to the floor roughly. Chris laughed to himself, looking down still with a certain look of disgust. ‘Guess I may be able to find a reason to keep you around’ he smirked, before walked away, looking bigger than ever, and leaving Charlie with a face full of sweat and an erection he was sure would last forever. _______________________________________________ I awoke the next day feeling extremely tired after what could only be called a restless night’s sleep. I found myself once again dreading the day ahead and what it would bring but felt such a hypocrite having spent most of the night furiously masturbating, thinking of how Chris’ muscles had felt against my face, how powerful he was, whilst I smelled his sweat that had dried on my face. As it happened I had a relatively uneventful day at school, I mean sure I had passed Chris in the corridor and my insides had pretty much turned themselves inside out with fear, but he had simply smirked at me and walked on by. He was easily six foot eight now I looked properly, and while he hadn’t grown height wise much more his muscle had clearly not stopped expanding. He looked like a younger blonder bigger Zeb Atlas strolling down the corridors. The next day again I found myself feeling on edge pretty much all day but again made it through the day without any cause for concern. It was the Friday of that week I went into school feeling a tiny bit better, my body didn’t ache anymore in the areas Chris had gotten rough with and I was starting to think I might just have to suffer evil glances and occasional extra pieces of homework on Chris’ behalf. It was lunchtime and I didn’t have too long until classes started back up again so I ran to get my bag that I’d thrown in the P.E changing rooms before I ate. I retrieved my bag and went to have a quick piss, I had drunk far too much today. I was about to put my cock back in my pants when a large hand grabbed me by the face. It was so quick I didn’t even realise it was a hand at first, I couldn’t see a thing and in less than two seconds I felt myself pushed against a wall. I heard one of the toilet cubicle doors locking and began to tremble slightly; all too aware of what was beginning. ‘Didn’t want you getting too confident around here’ he said, his now familiar sneer planted firmly across his face. Whether it was me getting more attracted to him without realising or something else he seemed to be more handsome every time I saw him. ‘Why me?’ I asked simply, a tone of resignation in my voice, his smile grew even more as he let me go and laughed gently. ‘Don’t tell me you aren’t enjoying it Char’ he said with an almost playful hint in his voice that took me back to us wrestling as kids. ‘You may have noticed I’ve grown a lot since we were kids’ he continued, and I bit my tongue rather than risking my life by giving him attitude. ‘Since I’ve hit puberty I’ve noticed I enjoy exerting my power over people,’ he paused slightly as if recalling memories of such events and then spoke again ‘but more recently I’ve noticed that not only do I enjoy it immensely, but... it seems to make me grow.’ My mouth opened and I squinted slightly ‘that’s crazy Chris... it’s not possible.’ He laughed cruelly ‘the effects have been very very small for the last few years and I figured that just wasn’t going to do anymore, and then I remember you and me as kids.. what a pussy you always were and how you always seemed to be your happiest when I was kicking your ass’ I blushed furiously and shook my head ‘that’s not true!’ I lied quickly, so quickly in fact it gave me away instantly. ‘I figured that if making a small guy submit to me makes me grow, what would happen if I managed to find someone that actually enjoyed it, who felt in his guts like being a bitch was all he was born for..' I shook my head again more forcefully this time as if trying to fool myself more than him ‘it’s not true, you’ve gone mad’ I almost begged. He stared at me silently for a second or two, my heart seemed to beat loudly in slow motion as his hand reached for the collar of his sweat drenched gym polo and yanked. His forearm bulged and with a loud rip that almost sounded like a bang his shirt was in tatters on the floor. His magnificent tanned pecs quivered no more than a foot away from my face and my eyes glazed over, my chin drooping as I stared in amazement at the body of the young god in front of me. His chest was indescribable, striations spread from the crevice in the middle of his chest outward, his enormous nipples lured my eyes to them and I wanted nothing more than to suck them onto my tongue. His huge powerful shoulders supported basketball size biceps both sporting a fat blue vein that pulsed across them and his abs, which I had never seen uncovered, stood fast like 8 solid bricks. ‘Gone mad have I?’ he mused quietly, ‘we both know I didn’t look like this when I barged past you in the corridor on Monday. Even then I felt a tingle in my core when you gazed up at me from the floor.’ I was stood now in silence, no matter how insane it sounded, or how much trouble I was now undeniably in he was definitely bigger, and if he was right and I was the key to that growth then there was a whole load more trouble coming my way. ‘Im afraid I’m starting to like being one of the biggest people on the planet’ he growled, his eyes now piercing into mine with such an intensity I felt like crying ‘so you’re gonna be my bitch from now on whether you like it or not.’ With that he moved towards me and bent his knees, he pushed his pec into my chin and my head was forced sideward against the wall, he straightened his legs still pushing into me and I felt his now erect nipple slide up the side of my face like a marble. I turned to face him, my nose resting in between his pecs and slowly slid my tongue upwards. He had obviously just finished a work out as I managed to catch a large amount of sweat on the end of my tongue, he tasted so good, so manly ‘like my man sweat bitch?’ He grinned a huge grin before flexing his colossal bicep with a grunt ‘get your mouth on this slut’ he growled and before I knew it I was whining like a bitch in heat, sliding my tongue and my lips over the hardest thing I have ever felt in my life, I wanted to kiss, lick, rub and smell it all at once it was so overwhelming. In the corner of my eye I could see Chris watching me and I moaned loudly as my wandering right hand made contact with his freaky quad. I rubbed and squeezed with my puny little fingers, sliding them along the separations in his muscle until the both of us froze when the back of my hand made contact with his cock. I looked him in the eye and without looking down gave his mighty cock a squeeze; I could just about get my fingertips to touch around its thickness. I almost wanted to take my hand away it was so hot, but Chris’ meaty hands pushing down on my shoulders made it clear he had other plans for me. I knelt there in front of him for what seemed like forever, his thighs so thick that they filled my whole field of vision and acted as the perfect backdrop to the biggest dick I’d ever seen. It looked somewhere between the 10 and 11 inch mark, thick as anything and bursting with the sexiest veins I had ever seen. I had never sucked a cock before... or even thought about it, but staring at this giant piece of meat I can’t deny I wanted it. Clearly Chris had become bored with me staring as he suddenly shook his hips side to side as quick as he could and his massive dong slapped my face with such a force that the first hit made me yelp. The second and third still stunned me but I was more embarrassed than anything to think that a guy my age had a cock that was probably stronger than my entire body. I took the hint though and once again gripped his firm meat in my now tiny looking hand. I slowly lent forwards and kissed the head, spongy but hard, I kissed again, pleasantly surprised by the taste. Slowly my tongue slid along the bottom of his bulging head and he hissed, eyes closed, head rearing back. I squeaked loudly as he suddenly grabbed a fistful of my hair and shoved, I thought his dick was going to push my tongue down my throat and I felt my lips stretch to their slutty limits. My mouth was forced wide open as his huge meat rubbed over my tongue and I spluttered as it hit the back of my throat, he pulled out and shoved back in several times with me gagging for air and trying to push his thighs away but of course any such attempt was a waste of time. After a couple of minutes he grunted and shoved all the way in, I’d never felt anything like it, I could feel inch after inch of his cock moving down inside my throat as his head stretched open my gullet on its way down. I felt my neck physically bulged and my eyes streamed with water as Chris looked down and moaned loudly ‘fuck yes, take it’ I could hardly breathe but still found my tongue lapping the underside of his dick as he raped my mouth with such an intensity I wondered how long it could continue. At several points I honestly thought I would pass out, his cock was so huge I simply couldn’t breathe and if it wasn’t for the occasional moment where he withdrew his cock slightly further than usual I would have been a goner. I found myself squeezing his massive thighs, looking up as his huge muscle tits bouncing with his thrusts, seeing the pure pleasure on Chris’ face did something to me I can’t explain, part of me did want to be here serving him. ‘I should warn you’ he said suddenly, and the sound of this deep panting voice both surprised and aroused me ‘the bigger I’ve gotten the more I’ve cum, you might wanna get out the way.’ For some reason I moaned at the thought of his hot spunk, maybe I hoped it would make me grow in the same way he did, but I decided to stick around. He thrusts became even harder and more sporadic and his grunts got deeper and louder, I could see his chest and biceps twitching and he withdrew so that just his cockhead was in my mouth. ‘You asked for it fucker’ he grunted through gritted teeth. What happened next I could never have expected in a million years. His first shot of cum was so huge it completely filled my mouth to overflowing, the excess pouring out in thick slimy clots over my bottom lip onto my school shirt. The sheer force of the thick creamy spunk hitting the back of my mouth forced my head backwards and off his cockhead, and while I was still leant back reeling at what had just happen his second shot was now out in the open and free to hit me square on the bridge of my nose. Again the force of it was so extreme I went to shout but my mouth was still so full that I just gargled more spunk down my front. I winced as it slammed into my nose and flowed with speed up along my forehead and out across my cheeks, I sat there in disbelief drinking every drop I could while shot after shot after huge big thick hot slammed into my face. After what must have been twenty or so helpings he stopped, legs trembling slightly, and sneered down at me completely covered in his load, my chin dripping pathetically. I peeled my eyes open, gasping when I looked up to see he had easily grown another ten pounds in the time he had been fucking my mouth. Even more muscle bulged on his frame, he looked simply incredible. ‘I knew it had to be you’ he said in between pants ‘I fucking told you didn’t I you little bitch?’ he laughed. ‘Good luck cleaning that off before next lesson’ was all he said before he opened the cubicle door and walked away. I waited until I heard the changing room doors close, I don’t know how long it was after that I stood up, it wasn’t until that moment I felt my jaw, and my throat, and realised everything ached in the extreme. I looked down at my school uniform and was speechless, I looked like a blue whale had just used me as a fleshlight, my clothes were completely drenched in his thick load and there was a puddle on the floor where I had been kneeling. I walked over to the sinks and started to cry when I saw myself in the mirror. There wasn’t a spot on my face that wasn’t covered, my hair was thick with it like shampoo and my hair stuck up on top of my head where he had grabbed me. I looked a complete and utter state. I used the back entrance and ran for all I was worth until I got home, uselessly trying to cover my face, my hair, my clothes. When I got home I sat on my bed and stared at myself in the mirror, stunned by what had happened, stunned by what the two of us were becoming, and hating myself for scooping the cum off my face and into my mouth. I awoke on Saturday morning flooded with relief that I didn’t have to go to school, to face the questions of why I had suddenly left the day before, to face Chris. I spent the rest of the day lazing around the house, resting my aching limbs, rubbing moisturiser on my stretched out lips and stalking the muscle monster’s Facebook in the dirty hope of finding a picture I could stroke it to. As Sunday rolled by it was already three in the afternoon and I had to go to pick up a few things in the local store. I kept my tracksuit bottoms on and slipped on a loose fitting pair of sneakers, heading in through the front gates of the church ready to take the short cut through the graveyard. Since I’d left my house I couldn’t escape the feeling I was being followed, and halfway through the trees and graves, the afternoon sun causing everything to be tinted gold, I shivered. Looking to my left there was nothing but a few bugs humming lazily in the air and above me blue skies stretched forever uninterrupted. Gazing over to my right my heart missed a beat as I saw in the distance, stood amongst the gravestones farthest away, Chris. I waited only long enough to see him move a fraction of an inch before turning, filled with complete fear, and running off the path and onto the grass to the left. Hopping over vines and growth and dodging between graves I was too scared to shout or look behind me, my only comfort was that I had been quite a way in front of Chris and the head start might be enough to get me home safe. In a happier moment I would have been proud of myself for running faster than I ever would have thought I could, but instead my thoughts were interrupted by the undeniable sound of bare feet thumping along the ground behind me and getting louder very quickly. In desperation I tried to change direction in the hope that the bigger man would be unable to follow but before I knew anything else two gigantic arms had completely engulfed me and the force of a now 6 foot ten Chris running at full speed hit me like a train. We went flying through the air, me straining for air against the tree trunk arms that had wrapped around me like snakes, and then landed hard on the ground. Chris’ full weight came down on top of me and I tried to scream in agony but as his huge muscular bulk landed on top of me I was completely winded and could only scream silently like a tortured fish. ‘That was fun, you should run every time’ growled Chris, his mouth somewhere above my ear as he held me still, I tried kicking my legs but every inch of me was pinned down by his massively powerful body. I lay there in the moment’s silence completely hating myself. Every time I saw this man I was filled with fear and dread, today more so than ever; and yet as soon as I heard his voice or felt his body I was so turned on I couldn’t think of anything else in the world than doing as he said. Since Friday’s meetings I also had to admit that as I lay underneath him I also craved the feeling of his giant man cock and his thick load in my mouth. ‘Unfortunately for you I’m starting to like growing more and more,’ he continued the smirk on his face audible in his voice. ‘All those sluts at school that follow me around don’t worship me half as well as you do.’ His huge forearm was under my chin and his weight on top of me pushed it hard into my neck and I could feel my head was starting to swim. He pushed himself up with his arms just long enough for me to take in a large gulp of air, grabbed me with one of his huge hands and flipped me effortlessly onto my back so I was now staring up into his achingly handsome face. I noticed now his shirt was gone and I flushed with embarrassment knowing that not only had I had a head start on him, but he had also managed to remove his shirt whilst running and still caught me with absolutely no effort. ‘Don’t pretend like you haven’t missed this Char’ he purred, before stretching his arms out above my head, linking his hands and lowering his colossal chest over my face. His pecs were so huge by this point that my nose could just about touch his breastbone in the gap between his pecs while the rest of his thick heavy chest muscle squeezed down and covered my whole face. He didn’t even need to say anything before I started to lick the sweaty rock hard sinews of his muscle tits. With his hands outstretched in front of him his armpits were fully open to air and even squashed underneath him I could smell his musky smell and found my head buzzing with the excitement of it. I realised that my hands were free and rushed to slide them from his ribs, around his impossibly wide lats and began stroking the thick mounds of his back muscles which bunched and rippled as he moved slightly. At a minute or so of this I slid my little hands back round underneath him and stroked up and down on his solid stomach, moaning slightly into his chest as my dainty fingers found each bump of his abs. Up and down I lovingly caressed when after a short while my eyes opened as my hand bumped into his gigantic cock, which had become hard at all this attention. I grabbed it with my fist and squeezed as hard as I could, he growled like a feral animal above me and I felt his body vibrate slightly as he did so, ‘that’s it, make me feel good, I think I can feel myself growing already’ he said and this turned me on beyond belief as I started sliding my hand up and down the thick meat. He pulled himself up and sat on my chest, I could hardly breathe under him but didn’t dare say so for fear he would stop what he was doing, once again I was truly under his spell. As I stared at the God like man in front of me my mouth hung open, my eyes glazed over with lust, and I moaned quietly as he tore his shorts off with one strong hand. The cock that pulsed in front of me now was even bigger than it had been the last time I saw it only a few days before. It looked now to be around 12 inches, from down on the floor I could feel the heat radiating from it, smell that pure sexual alpha male smell. The veins that rippled all over it stood out in bold relief almost full to bursting, I had never been so turned on in my life. I stuck my tongue out eagerly as he used three fingers to push against the base of it, bringing it down with a thump across my face. It half obscured my vision and I trembled with both excitement and fear as I realised it was now longer than my face. I licked the underside, feeling content in a way I still couldn’t quite understand, I could do this all day if he asked me, though I didn’t want him to know that. He raised himself off me slightly and roughly rubbed the giant head of it all over my face, smearing me with gobs of thick juice as it leaked over my face, he spent a long time just rubbing it side to side over my lips. Looking up into his face he had a look of wonder and pride on his face and clearly found it arousing to see how much power he had over me, and how physically superior he was. I licked my tongue around the head as I had done the day before and he growled, an evil smile flashing down at me. He used his thick cock to slap my face and shoved in roughly into my mouth a few times clearly enjoyed himself. In a move so quick I hadn’t seen it coming he put both his hands under my armpits and lifted me up, we stood facing each other for a moment silently, his huge cock pressed directly into mine as if to show me how pathetically small mine was. He didn’t move or show any expression on his face and it dawned on me he wanted me to make the first move, to admit to both myself and him that I really did want this. I looked at the floor slightly ashamed, also not wanting to blow a load in my pants looking at him, and quietly said ‘I’m ready to suck you again.’ He laughed looking triumphant, fisted his cock a couple of times. ‘I know you are’ he said confidently, ‘but you forgot this isn’t about what you want, and I don’t think my cocks gonna fit down that tiny throat of yours anymore.’ I stared at him for a half a second in confusion before gasping as I realised what it was he had meant. I wasn’t ready for it. I had never taken a cock in my ass in my life and one as big as his would hurt worse than murder, I began to tremble and shake my head ‘I can’t,’ I squeaked terrified ‘I can’t take it!’ He smiled another sick smile ‘Oh but you will.’ I turned in a desperate attempt to run, even though he had caught me before and I made it no more than two paces when his large powerful hands clamped both my hips in a vice like grip, I wailed as he began pushing down and though I tried to resist it his arms proved more powerful than my legs and they gave way. One hand left my right hip and reappeared on my neck pushing my face into the grass and turning my butt up into the air, he ripped my shorts off effortlessly and paused for a second watching me shake underneath him ‘not a bad ass Char.’ I heard him spit a few times and could hear him rubbing his cock head with spit, then again a few more times and this time I felt spots of warm wetness hit my hole with surprising speed. Two fingers came from nowhere and shoved themselves inside me and I groaned as they felt themselves around my tight virgin chute. After a minute or so they were gone and I knew what was about to happen. I felt the head of his cock against my hole, it felt even bigger now that I couldn’t see it, like a powerful sweaty tennis ball at my innocent backside. I started to cry a little, pleading to the universe more than anything else ‘no no no no no’, there was a seconds silence and then I heard him hiss ‘yes!’ Both hands went back to my hips with their iron hold and he push forwards with such force had he let go I would have slid forward across the grass. The pain was indescribable. I screamed into the floor as I felt inch by inch of his mighty cock force its way into a hole that was simply not big enough for it. I could cry at this point, but instead gaped and shuddered as inch after further inch carried on up inside me so far I could feel it rising up inside my stomach area. He leant back to a kneeling position and the pure strength of his erection lifted me from the ground, stretching my hole to near breaking point, bringing another scream from me as my back thumped into his incredible chest. My own weight went against me now as I slid down the last two inches of his cock and felt my burning cheeks land on his rock hard veiny thighs. His right hand clapped over my mouth and pushed my head back against his shoulder and the other pushed down on my left thigh to stop me from trying to remove his cock. He stayed there motionless, as his thrilled cock vibrated and jerked, each time stirring my lower organs and causing more pain inside me. He was clearly relishing the feeling, I could feel his heavy breathing through the pecs and nipples that pushed into my back, hear him swearing under his breath and feel him continue to flex his thick cock inside me. As we stayed in that position, my weak body spread across his larger one like butter over toast the unbearable mind numbing pain lessened a little, not much mind you, but enough that after a while the tears that had been running down my face onto Chris’ hand stopped. Precum was oozing out of his cock now so much this it was already running out my hole down his cock and dripping from his orange sized balls, I wandered momentarily whether it was that that was soothing my insides. So lost in the feeling was Chris that when it finally dawned on him he could start fucking me he jumped slightly with the excitement, again the movement caused his cock to move my insides around once more and I squeaked through his thick hand. ‘Get ready for the ride of your life bitch!’ He started bucking his hips slightly, and as he did a couple of inches of his cock started leaving and entering my ass, being so tight my inner walls gripped him to such an extent that the friction of his movements caused me to shudder, my eyes rolling back in my head as he moaned appreciatively. He slowly but surely began upping the power and his thrusts were becoming so powerful that his hips against my ass cheeks were literally starting to throw me in the air a little. As he pushed up his cock would push deeper than it had gone before, his balls and thighs on my ass and then as he stopped I would rise up in the air, like one does at the top of a rollercoaster, almost floating on his mighty tool. Then he would lower his hips back to their starting position, sliding his cock out of me a little before gravity began to force me back down his cock with a slurpy squelch that ended with me thumping down on his cock and forcing the head of it deeper inside me still, each of these weightless moments were proving to feel truly good and I would whine in pleasure, before falling back down onto the wide base of his cock and grunting as the pain came rushing back. I was starting to look like one of those children’s toys, with Chris being the small wooden bat that would hit the little red ball (me) which bounce around anchored to the bat by elastic (his cock.) He gave a loud shout of effort that made me jump before thrusting into me so hard I slid all the way up his cock until only the head was left inside me stretching my sphincter beyond belief, he had removed his hand from my mouth at this point and I let out a shout as he grabbed both my ankles and spun me 180 degrees so that when I slid back down his monster I was facing the now even larger muscle god. My hands immediately went to squeezing his huge rock hard muscles tits, so large now that my hands really didn’t cover very much of them, but as I played with his thick meaty nipples he groaned and cooed appreciatively and gave me a grin that said nothing other than ‘I own you.’ My fingers danced on the bulges of his sweaty abs as my nose drifted near his shoulder so I could smell the musk of his pits and despite the pain of the situation I knew in my heart I would do it again, as many times as he wanted over and over. His grunting began to get more sporadic, panting and moaning with rhythm as his thrusts became harder and faster. His huge hand grabbed my throat and with a huge squeeze that almost crushed my windpipe he began to push me back. I was now in a very awkward position that probably would have been painful if his one hand on my neck hadn’t been strong enough to support my weight. I was bent backwards now like one of the crab positions you see gymnasts do, my head now at the same height as my well filled ass with my torso forming a high bridge between the two. I moaned and made all sorts of embarrassingly effeminate noises as his cock touched parts of my innards now that I didn’t know could feel so good. As he started thrusting all the way into me again I couldn’t help but briefly wonder where it was all going, how it all fit in. My thought process was interrupted when I heard him give an animalistic growl of lust. ‘O fuck yeah’ he shouted ‘that’s the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, my monster cock’s destroying your insides little bitch’ he moaned and as I craned my neck up I could just about see over my ribs and couldn’t help but gasp in shock. The flat tight smooth skin of my stomach was now bulging outwards with every thrust from his mighty tool, like a baby kicking in a woman’s tummy I watched as my skin stretched tight around the thick head of his cock. We took it in turns to place our hand over the bump as it rose and give it a quick squeeze before he withdrew and this pleasured him more than anything that had gone before. He swung me back up with a scream so that we were once again face to face and spat in my face ‘gonna cum.’ He kept his one hand around my neck again and then squeezed my ribcage with his other. ‘get ready bitch’ he grunted before using his hands to slide my whole body up and down on his cock like a giant human fleshlight. I squealed as I flew up down so fast it blurred my vision and made my head hurt. With a final large shout he pushed my right to the base, his pubes tickling my tender cheeks, muscular thighs against mine. ‘Fuuuuuuuuuuuuu’ he shouted and I screamed with renewed pain as his first huge load shot inside me so fast I thought it may have ruptured something. He continued to swear and call me all manner of names as shot after huge thick shot flew inside me, I could feel myself filling up and was now crying from the sensation whilst still being thoroughly turned on. I could feel cum squirted out my hole and down his cock now and I knew I was full and could take no more, I screamed and threw my fists against his chest which were now bulging with hundreds of veins but his eyes were now rolling back in his head such was his ecstasy. Still he shot inside me and I looked down and noticed my whole lower stomach bloating like a pregnant belly from the sheer volume of his spunk. Without warning he craned his head down and forced his large tounge into my screaming mouth. His tounge, now a good 7 or so inches long was so thick and powerful my tounge could hardly move against it, in fact as it slid down into my throat I couldn’t help but struggle to breathe around it. A minute or so later he finally stopped and leant back relaxing, I was panting and moaning and he laughed at me as he came down from his ecstatic high.. ‘O i needed that..’ he chuckled before looking at my little hard cock ‘and so did you if you’re man enough to admit it.’ He gave his body a quick once over, clearly pleased with how he looked. He laughed again triumphantly upon seeing my bloated cum belly, now sticking out a good six inches from where it would usually be. ‘Damn I seeded you good huh’ he said giving it a stroke, he then pushed hard with a finger into my gut and I cried out as I felt a large spurt of cum dribble down his still hard cock. ‘We’re gonna have to do that again soon’ he said with a last cocky grin. He pulled his mighty man dick from inside me and I whimpered as he threw me into the grass, cum flowed from my hole in streams and as my vision began to fade I turned to watch his amazingly muscled glutes walking away. I fainted in the grass, leaking.
  14. elysiumfields

    Sleeping Beauty - The Complete Chapters

    Hi guys.I don't often write MG stories,but... This was my first ever story on MGS. And it seemed fitting that it should be my first on here... Please understand the submissive/domination is my fetish,that some won't agree to,but enjoy nonetheless.? SLEEPING BEAUTY PART I I lay on my couch in my darkened flat staring up at the ceiling illuminated in parts by the shafts of bright moonlight shining through the open balcony window.I could see the moon in its full glory high in the starlit night sky and the quietness of my flat should of helped me drift off to sleep. But i was kept awake by increasingly homoerotic fantasies about the guy who slept on my bed in my bedroom,soundly sleeping off the effects of his inebriated state following our night of clubbing and drinking. Craig had been a work-mate at a place i used to work.I bumped into him one day and he had offered for me to accompany him with a group of mutual friends for a night out clubbing. Inevitably,he had gotten totally pissed out of his head and almost ineptly unsuccessful in his attempt to pull a girl for a quick shag, and i had opted to allow him to sleep it off at my flat since i lived alone and he was too drunk to get home himself. But as he lay on my bed heavily into slumber, i couldn't but think about Craig and my intense sexual attraction towards the cute 19 year old, ten years my junior... I began to get an erection as images of his lean muscular body completely naked,filled my mind. I tried to shake off the fantasies feeling a sense of insecurity about it. Craig had known i was gay and i could clearly tell from his body language that he felt uncomfortable with my homosexuality,though he said it did'nt bother him.. Craig was a very assertive and often short tempered guy,and i knew that if he had found out about my sexual attraction to him, that he'd go apeshit and beat me up. I was afraid to admit to myself that i was kinda sexually aroused by the thought of Craig dominating me and making me his bitch-boy.That i was perhaps a little masochistic.But i would never dare to push it with Craig... Though i tried my best to shift these fantasies, i was beginning to enjoy them, and i could feel myself reaching orgasm. I whipped my 6 inch cock from my boxers and began to wank as quietly as i could, although Craig was probably too deep asleep to hear my muffled groans as i brought myself closer to the edge. With a grunt,i came over my hand and onto my boxers in short sharp spurts,feeling the weakness of post orgasm briefly overcome me. Recovering, i got up tentatively from the couch and tiptoed my way to the bathroom,washed myself and changed into a fresh pair of boxers. On my way back, i decided to take a peek at my sleeping guest. Craig was laying on his back,breathing softly,still dressed in his blue shirt and jeans. I had thought about unbuttoning his shirt hoping to get a surreptitious glance at his firm chest beneath,when i had assisted him into the bedroom,but only managed to get his shoes,socks and ever present baseball cap off. I watched his firm chest rising and lowering as he slept,imagining that his lightly muscled pecs would suddenly expand and burst open his shirt. I shook my head and felt my cock once again begin to stiffen. Just as i was about to retire to the couch,Craig let out a groan,and then what sounded like material stitches stretching. I stood stock still,watching him as he slept. His shirt looked tight on his chest for a moment,but i put it down to just my fantasies.But as his chest rose as he slept, a button suddenly broke off and shot across the room. I shook my head hoping that this was just my dream, but as i watched, i could see the outline of two shapely pecs forming beneath Craigs thin club shirt, and then the definite protrusion of his nipples poking under the shirt.A gap was pulling open between two buttons as his pecs thickened and rippled slightly,and i could see his chest hair poking through. Shit, i was getting painfully erect at the sight of Craigs pecs perceptively swelling before my eyes like a scene from an 80's movie called HUNK where some nerd was transformed in his sleep into a buff young hunk by some weird witch waving her hand over him.But Craig was always a stud in my eyes. The sound of Craigs shirt ripping its seams brought me round to the scene before me. Another button popped off his shirt and then it suddenly burst open to unveil his swelling pecs rising into thick slabs of muscle covered in dark swirls of hair sweeping across his growing mounds. I wanted to caress and kiss those thickening pecs but dared not to,even though my lust wanted me to. And they were becoming huge and heavy,bigger than a bodybuilders. Craig groaned again and his massive pecs flexed and the swelling stopped just as they were pushing up against his chin,nearly hiding his face from my view. But the growth spread elsewhere..To his lean tight stomach where the sexy thin trail of hair lead up from his pubes to the deep crevasse of his beefy pecs. His stomach tensed and then very gradually,in the shafts of bright moonlight,i could see it ripple and his abs take form,rising like dough in an oven into a six pack that flexed and crunched together.And then his abs grew into a ten pack of hard rippling cobblestone muscles .crushing against each other as Craig seemed to respond by subtly moving his hips.Then his trail of hair grew denser between his fat bricks of abs undulating like sand-dunes,but did not spread out across them, Craig groaned again, almost as if he was dreaming and enjoying this in his sleep. I was painfully hard and wanted to whip out my cock there and then to give it relief,but i was afraid and rooted to the spot as Craig grew before me. He shifted in his sleep and threw his arms up behind his head,which made me think he was waking up,but he was'nt!. I could see the growth spreading into his arms and shoulders.His neck thickened and his shoulders strained at his shirt as his delts pumped up thickly,gradually ripping the seams of his shirt. His biceps,already the size of baseballs,bulged beneath his sleeves into round firm mounds expanding to the size of grapefruits,but still they grew,putting pressure on his sleeves.And as i watched,near orgasm,his sleeves finally succumbed and ripped apart to reveal his bloating biceps and heaving traps. Biceps grew into huge bowling balls at least 25 plus inches but still they grew,thick cord like veins pulsing across the rising fat mounds as they bloated inhumanly towards 30 inches nearly crushing against his head till they stopped.His upper arms were freaky huge now and with rippling sinewy forearms now the size of my own calves, Craig looked as if he could uproot an Oak tree.! My eyes glided down his huge torso as his lats billowed out with a growth now more urgent, into huge bulging slabs.. I was so captivated by the morphing of his torso i had missed the growth in his legs, but the sound of his jeans shredding apart caught my attention as i looked on in awe as his thick thighs bulged and thickened into tree trunks of sheer power,blowing out his jeans and they flexed and grew even bigger than my waist! His calves pumping up as if air was being inflated in them till they were bigger than my biceps..Craig was now a behemoth of huge muscle,nearly outgrowing my bed which creaked under his increased weight. But something else was growing too.Craig,still apparently asleep,reached down and ripped open the crotch of his jeans and then his briefs as if they were flimsy tissue paper,and with nocturnal lust,pulled out his cock in his meaty hand. It too began to grow. Still flaccid,it began to engorge,expanding in his grasp and pushing apart his fingers.Veins rippled along the fattening shaft as it swelled into the girth of a beer can,then added more length to it,pushing out down along his huge thigh towards his knee, and still his cock was soft and covered by foreskin which also seemed to grow more over his flaring cockhead at least two more inches to a now near 15 inch length. With his other hand,Craig cupped his balls as they bloated like filling airbags and spilling out of his grasp as big as oranges,bigger, as big as grapefruit,heaving and churning with what looked like gallons of cum.. I stood against the doorframe shaking and flustered with burgeoning arousal,nearing orgasm. "What are you standing there for,faggot.?" I was suddenly broken out of my state of reverie, to see Craig lying on my bed peering up at me through sleepy eyes,with apparently no ill effects of his earlier drunken state. "Come here and worship my huge fucking body, Bitchboy!". ============================== PART II Craig stretched out his massively muscular torso on my bed,causing it to creak under his huge weight. A slither of moonlight shone across the thick heaving mounds of his pecs and cast a menacing glow upon his handsome face."What you waiting for bitch-boy...come and worship my big buffed body".I felt rooted to the spot as i felt my nerves rattle me,feeling a sense of inferiority towards the musclegod laying before me."Move it faggot!"..Craig said with more assertion.I forced myself to move towards him, my heart beating at a thousand times a minute and my cock throbbing even harder with my submissive lust.Tentatively,i reached down and touched his heavy hairy pecs and the initial sensation made me shudder like i was about to have an orgasm.Craig slapped his hand over mine and made me rub and knead his thick pecs,flexing them beneath my hand. There was a snide grin on his face as he looked up at me.."You fancy me,don't you Joey ,my bitch-boy?".I nodded silently, feeling embarrassed that i must have made my attraction to him too obvious."I thought so bitch-boy. I've seen the way you've looked at me and i can read your body language whenever you're around me."I swallowed hard as i felt my mouth go suddenly dry."I'm so sorry Craig. I didn't mean to..."Craig cut me off. "Call me Master Craig" he bellowed menacingly.When he saw me flinch he laughed.."Sorry..Master Craig"My hands massaged his pecs now, free from his rough grasp.The cleft between his huge fucking pec mounds was like a valley which i almost lost my fingers in...which made him respond by flexing and crunching the massive mounds together and nearly crushing my fragile fingers. Craig lifted his left arm up and flexed his enormous boulder like bicep,making it bulge obscenely and ripple with thick chord like vascular veins."You did this" he said flexing his huge fat bi."H..how did i do this Master Craig ?" i replied nervously."It seems you have the ability to fulfill your erotic fantasies..and tonight you are very susceptible to them".I was bewildered and puzzled."Come on bitch-boy. You dreamt about me becoming a fucking huge sexy musclegod...........and now i am !".I started to piece the recent events together.'Could it have been me ?' I glanced down at the hunk in front of me as i tweaked and played with his thick juicy nipples.Craig threw both his arms up behind his head and so big were his biceps that with one flex and he could crush his own head !He looked up at me with a sly grin as if gaging that i was figuring it all out in my mind. I let myself give in to my lust and stripped what little i had on till i was naked, my erection poking out at a meager 6 inches to his 15 plus.... and i climbed onto his huge torso,straddling him and continuing to massage his beefy pecs.Craig clamped his hands on my hips and lifted me easily up above him.Then i felt his huge fat log of a cock push against my butt cheeks and i immediately started to panic at the fear of my huge hunky mate ripping me apart with his gigantic cock."Use your power,Joey.You can make me fit into you".I felt Craigs big bulbous cockhead push my buttcheeks apart and then press against my anus."Fuck it. I ain't gonna wait..I'm too horny"With that Craig thrust his huge cock into me and i screamed out in pain as he buried his fat dick into my fuck chute."Please don't hurt me.." i screamed in tears trying to wish away the pain.Then suddenly i felt my anus stretch wider and the pain very quickly subside as he thrust all 15 inches deep inside of me.I took every inch into me. Incredulously, i began to realise my powers.I made Craig grow.I made myself able to take his gigantic cock..As Craig bucked and fucked me i began to think what else i could do, but it was hard trying to concentrate as Craig was driving me wild with lust. Through bleary eyes i glanced down at his huge pecs...Perhaps a little bigger...? Craig let out a guttural roar as his pecs suddenly grew even bigger, swelling and expanding as if they were being inflated by some invisible air-pump.Growing,rising,bloating...into huge slabs of pumped muscle pushing up towards his chin and capped by enlarging egg cup sized nipples.Craig pulled me towards him and pressed my face against his heavy pendulous overgrown pecs into the hairy crevasse between.Finally, i willed the growth to stop and began to lavishly suck and kiss his huge chest and then like a baby,suckle at his big nips."Oh fuck yeah....i told you that you had the power" Craig groaned. As Craig fucked me i could not hold back my orgasm..and i spurted cum over his rigid block like abs and the lower shelf of his pecs, letting out my own rather meek shout of lust. Images of young men and teenage boys growing huge muscles filled my mind as Craig fucked me. If i had this kind of power what else could i do...? ============================== PART III ' I lay straddled on Craigs massively over muscled torso,tired and worn out from the rough hard fuck my huge muscle Master had given me. Even now,though i was drained and weak and sleek with exertive sweat,Craigs huge 15 inch cock was still impaled deep within my stretched bowels, and he was humping me up and down on it,still intensely turned on by the overdose in testosterone and sexual urges.He could see that i was too drained to keep up with his phenomenal homosexual stamina and brute strength and,for a few moments i saw a mean sneer on his face at the fact that i was no match for him."Whats up bitch-boy, can't you keep up with your fuckin' creation.." Still a little irritated,Craig knew he couldn't 'enjoy' himself if i was in no fit state to keep up with his relentless homoerotic lust..so he stopped fucking me on his monster cock and pulled me down into a firm hug,pressing my worn face against his beefy pec mounds and almost suffocating me in the deep hairy crevasse between, and holding me tight in his muscular arms,the huge 30 inch plus biceps grinding and flexing against me. I tried to struggle off his immense cock still impaled deep up my arse-hole, but i had not the strength and just slumped against his hot heaving muscles feeling sleep and dreams encroach..."Have fun with your dreams.." Craig said softly as i sunk into slumber... .................................................. .................................................. .21 year old Matt Chambers lay on his bed in his darkened bedroom..He could not sleep.Up until a few moments ago the sounds of what obviously sounded like two people having sex drifted through the thin walls of the flat next door..His 19 year old girlfriend Tiffany was fast asleep beside him and oblivious to the moaning and groaning that had been going on next door a few minutes earlier.. But the thought of who the person was that was having sex had totally sickened Matt.. He had met his neighbour Joey several times before, and had learned that he was a queer through a most unusual and for Joey,an embarrassing way....Some weeks before Matt had collided with Joey out in the apartment block corridor and knocking the guy to the ground and sending the contents of a carrier bag that Joey was carrying all over the floor. Rather embarrassing for Joey,one of the contents was a Gay Porn magazine. Afterwards Joey rushed back to his flat rather red-faced.. and a little while later when confronted by Matt,he plucked up the courage and confessed to being gay.. Now, Matt sat up on the edge of his bed trying to shake out the sick image of that queer Joey having sex with another man..He left Tiffany sleeping soundly on his bed and decided to go out onto the balcony for a cigarette.. He lit one and took long drags on it as he stared up into the starlit night sky.But then his mind wandered back to Joey and an image of the gay guy sucking his dick...but then he shook his head as if to get the repulsive image out of his mind ''Fuck-what the hell was that'' he said shocked at the sudden thought. He tried to think of his girlfriend laying naked on his bed, but another image of Joey kneeling naked at his feet and begging for his fat cock entered his mind, and this time his cock stirred and filled slowly into a gradual erection. Matt tried to shake the more and more intrusive image from out of his mind but was becoming more and more turned on by them. It seemed like his arrogant heterosexuality was draining away, only to be replaced by an increasing homosexuality,every bit as arrogant...and dominant. Matt shook his head as if to fight of these arousing lustful desires but was losing.. All of a sudden,just like a switch had been flicked. Any resistance disappeared and was replaced by an intense feeling of homosexual desire and dominance and power. In fact,from that moment on,Matts whole reality altered.Tiffany vanished from his bed,and all knowledge of knowing her had gone from Matts mind. He was no longer a straight guy turned on by girls with big tits but an aggressively dominant gay guy turned on by desires of controlling and fucking weaker men-like Joey!.Matts cock responded by tenting up his boxers and poking out close towards the slit at the front.Matt felt horny and humped his crotch forward and pushing out his stiffly erect 9 inch cock from the slit, and began to beat himself off with wild abandon, not noticing at first that his cock was getting even thicker in girth and pushing apart at his groping fingers. When he did notice, instead of alarm,he hollered out in horned up bliss and wanked himself off with both his hands as he watched with glazed eyes as his growing cock pushed out in length beyond its original 9 inches reaching upwards and outwards to a foot long and still growing..Matts balls bloated and churned and expanded like balloons into two huge grapefruit sized cum sacks and pushed their way free of his boxers. His cock poked out close to what looked like 14 or 15 inches now, and brushed against the balcony railing sending Matt into orgasmic bliss, and he fired off huge globs of cum over the balcony and into the night,falling like gooey rain down to the ground below. Matt came and came for at least ten minutes before the orgasm subsided..but he was still almost frenzied with lust...Then there was something else....Matt reached up and tweaked his left nipple and swayed sexually and uninhibited out on his balcony..He had a lean lightly muscled smooth chest but when he reached up to tease his nips he found himself groping firm,shapely pecs that he had never properly had before..and his pecs were expanding and pushing out beneath his hand. Now he began to grope both his pecs as they filled out into bulging mounds...... It seemed Matt was growing bigger muscles as well......but he was in too much of a sexual stupor to wonder why......and about Joey who was dreaming about him next door......................................................... .................................................. ============================== PART IV I lay in the massively muscled arms of Craig,now freed from his huge still-erect dick, deep in slumber, immersed in a richly erotic dream about Matt, my handsome young next door neighbour,fulfilling my hidden fantasy of him growing and swelling into a massively muscled hunk,like Craig had become.Though i knew him to be fiercely straight,even to the point of homophobic arrogance..i was kinda attracted to his mean streak and he was a very sexy guy to look at..Hard good looks, sculpted athletic muscles..even the black tats simulating barbed wire wrapped around his left forearm added to his sexiness..Oh how i loved escaping into my own private fantasies of him. Images formed from the blackness of sleep of Matt laying naked on his bed, his lean athletic body bathed in shafts of moonlight and slick with a sheen of sweat, his muscles growing and swelling as he groaned and writhed in increasingly animalistic lust...growing into my ideal of a fantasy man.. Little was i aware that my nocturnal fantasies of Matt were merging into reality...Matt was growing..but he wasn't exactly growing,sprawled seductively whilst in his bed. .................................................. .................................................. .... Matt leaned back against the wall as his stood out on his balcony,groaning and gently swaying with a feeling of intense lust and overwhelming sexual power.. His obscenely huge cock risen up in a raging erection like a howitzer cannon ready to fire its salvo...He had already 'fired' his own salvo of thick cum up and out into the night air, and now pearly beads of 'after-cum' oozed down his hard throbbing shaft from a glistening cockhead,and over his hefty grapefruit sized balls.. Matt felt strong and virile..and pumped like he had just come from a work-out at a gym.Leaning against the wall, he caressed his torso, feeling his pecs firm up and pump up beneath his exploring hands..becoming shapely mounds full and thick enough to grope and rub more intently now... and they seemed to grow even more as he felt himself up. Matt was filled with a wanting desire to grow huge and freakily muscular and his cock responded by pumping out slick dribbles of cum.. His pecs bulged and expanded,overfilling his groping hands and pushing out thicker and beefier into big swollen hills of muscles and forcing his enlarging nipples to point downwards...and when his huge 15 inch cock brushed against his growing pecs, Matt let forth an almighty volley of cum into the twilight,the sensation of his cock meeting his beefy pecs sending him into blinding orgasm and steadying himself against the wall.. The muscle growth spread through his tensed and now sweat slickan body.He traps thickened and rippled and pushed up close to his ears and giving him a thick bull neck like a big pro American football player or a wrestler.His delts pumped up and thickened till his meaty shoulders looked to be several feet across and powerful enough to hold up a full grown elephant on them.Matt absently raised his arm up to take a drag from his cigarette and then caught sight of his biceps expanding from a small baseball bump into a grapefruit sized mound,and then a well defined and pumped bulge the size of a cantaloupe melon,rippling and pulsing with prominent veins.He could'nt resist throwing both his arms up into a double bi and watching the biceps split and swell even bigger, the vascular veins now rippling and chord-like seemingly pumping more size into his triceps as well as his bi's.Matt was barely able to withstand another orgasm as his biceps bloated obscenely as big as bowling balls and his triceps pumped and engorged into savage horseshoes looking like heaving overfilled sacks..Now with an upper arm size surpassing 30 inches, Matt had great difficulty keeping his double bi pose..Whats more, his forearms had thickened and pumped up and rippled ferociously with veins thicker than an ordinary mans upper arm..and it made the barb wire tat all up his left forearm really show.Hell- he could rip out oak trees with his strong arms!.Pretty soon his lats joined in the growth..Where he had once had only a slight definition,his lats were swelling out as if being inflated into huge meaty slabs of muscle and that would force his arms out further when he would be in a relaxed stance. He soon had the most shocking and sharply sculpted v shape taper to his torso every bodybuilder would envy,especially now that his waist lost a few inches. All this tensing and flexing of his torso had hardened his lean abs and he did have a slight 6 pack that he was proud of, but even that was bulging and rippling into thick blocks of cobblestone and then reforming into an 8 pack,then a 10 pack. But his pendulously swollen pecs hid them from Matts view only for the sake of a mirror. "Fuckin' awesome" Matt said as he felt strong and powerful....and dominant He could feel himself rising to orgasm as his pert butt expanded into two hot hard muscular spheres, and the fantasy of shoving his meaty ass into the face of any weak little faggot slave he wanted.."Suffocation by my ass" he smirked..as the thought crossed his mind.. Eventually,the muscle growth reached his legs,exploding his quads into thick powerful muscles looking like tree trunks, flexing like the flanks of a racehorse.And his calves bulging out into huge tear drops,swollen as big as an Olympic gymnasts biceps... Shit.. Matt felt so unbelievably sexy and strong.He took a long hard drag from his cigarette, loving the feeling of his massive bicep crunch against his sinewy forearm as he reached up and took the cigarette between his now stronger hands,took a last deep drag and flicked the butt out over the balcony.. He turned back into his bedroom,the floor thudding beneath his huge muscular body,and his perception briefly thrown off by an added 3 inches on top of his 5 ft 9 height and of his sheer size.. The bed creaked under his weight as he lay down and began to masturbate his huge fat dick to increasingly libidinous fantasies..oblivious to the fact that barely 15 minutes before, he had been snuggled up beside a pretty young girl,once a slim athletic straight guy..A past life. .................................................. .................................................. ...... It was 3 AM .Hours before sunrise..and on i slept and dreamed of muscle growth,of huge cocks, of dominant young men... ======================================= PART V II was finding my dreams so powerfully vivid and so damned erotic that i felt like i had a constant hard-on. These were less like 'wet dreams' and more like 'soaking wet dreams'.. I had already had several nocturnal orgasms that had left my bedsheet with large damp blotches and my sleeping Master Craigs sexy muscled torso peppered with tiny drops of cum, which comparable to his own mighty orgasm,would seem pathetic. But i could'nt help it...I was so turned on by the images of hot hunky young men growing huge freaky massive muscles and oversized cocks.. Image after image, dream after dream swirled about in my mind. Matt,my next door neighbour,growing and morphing into a fucking god!. Master Craig,flexing and getting off over his huge bloated muscles.The two handsome decorators doing up the empty flat down the corridor,their bulging biceps straining their sleeves to bursting,and huge pecs pushing apart their paint spattered overalls.The gang of troublesome teenaged boys who hung around the local Youth centre,growing insanely huge and oversized in their hooded tops,t-shirts and trackies, their bad-boy attitudes even spinning me off into a wicked fantasy about the rapper Eminem growing into a massively muscled bad boy hunk.. All these wild fantasies were suddenly overwhelming me and just as i felt i was about to reach the point that i could take no more orgasms, i awoke abruptly,covered in sweat and my heart beating furiously like a drum. Morning sunlight shone softly in through gaps in the curtains and i lay there watching the dust-motes dancing around in shafts of sunlights..Allowing myself to re-adjust to being awake and my eyes clearing of sleepy blurriness..i suddenly became aware of my dreams of Craig and Matt and other men growing and morphing into my ultimate fantasies, but finding myself alone and naked in bed sporting a raging 'morning woody' and lying on cum moistened sheets,i thought it all to be just a dream,but a very vivid one at that!. I sat up in my bed and stretched my limbs,smiling to myself of how good my dreams were..and the fact that i'd need to put my sheets through the wash too!.I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and glanced at the digital clock on the nearby end table. It was a little before 8.am. Something made me glance up at the poster of Eminem that i had stuck up on the wall across from me....and i nearly fell out of bed at the sight of him.!I was'nt a big fan of rap but i considered Eminem a real hot stud,and i really did'nt care about all this contraversy around him..he was just so sexy.But now fixated by the poster..it show him as much more than that.Originally the poster showed him from the waist up only, wearing an unzipped grey hooded jersey with the hood up over a white bandana over his head, and the jersey wide open to reveal his lean smooth muscled torso..But now,..now he was fucking huge.Wearing the same get-up and in the same pose,his jersey,albeit now sleeveless, was open to reveal obscenely huge slabs of pecs with big juicy nipples pointing groundward.His abs were an eight pack of thick striated blocks crunched and tensed together and with a thick love trail of hair running up between them from a teasing low waistband just in shot, to his naval.. And then his arms..Holy fuck.! Boulder like delts bulging out of the torn seams where his sleeves must of once attached.Massive swollen biceps as big as bowling balls and streaked with sinewy veins.Heavy thick traps,just hinting a glimpse at their huge size behind his bi's...And powerful rippling forearms the size of an ordinary mans calf muscles.. I got up from my bed and took a closer look at the poster..This all was'nt a dream..It could'nt have been real..Could it..?Then i remembered Craig..Oh fuck..!Feeling my heart begin to race again, i nervously crept out of my bedroom,looking around and expecting to see Craig.Then i caught sight of him in the bathroom..as big as i had dreamed.Shit.! This was real.. Craig was standing in my bathroom in front of the full length mirror flexing and posing his enormous naked muscled body and getting off on himself judging by the freaky huge foot long plus erection he was sporting. I stood just out of view as i watched him show off to himself.."Fuck yeah..look at me, i'm a motherfuckin' hunk.Yeah look at my huge bloated guns.." He flexed a double bicep pumping them up into huge bloatedcannonballs, which very nearly made me come again."Oh fuck yeah" Craig groaned, unable to resist taking his huge jumbo cock in his hands and start beating off over the sight of himself.I turned away and took stock of myself..I had done this to Craig.Though it defied normal reality, i began to feel positive about it..Could i bend reality to siut my fantasies..? Suddenly, i was broken out of my chain of thought by a loud crash coming from my bedroom, and raced back to it...to find a large rough looking handpulling back at a hole made in the thin sheetrock wall barely feet to the left of my bed. A hole that had been made by someone literally punching out the wall from the other side.The hole was ripped larger by the hand and plaster and dust fell away. Then,with an almighty crash, much of the wall fell way,enough to step through with just a duck of the head. I'd have expected Craig to come running at the deafening noise but he showed no urgency in yet appearing. When the dust settled,and the fragments of plaster fell away,through the gaping rent stepped a man of inhuman musculature,heaving and flexing his huge naked body and showing off a fucking oversized cock and balls beyond the normal human proportions...I instantly recognised Matt. Another result of my wayward imagination..! "Hiya faggot..i want your fuckin' tight ass",he glared evilly at me. I backed away a little intimidated by his sheer size.Like Craig...or should i say,Master Craig,..Matt had grown into a massive hunk with overdeveloped muscles packed onto a body that,like Master Craig,had gained muscle size rather than height,making them look impossibly huge.I liked my fantasy guys to definately be taller than me, say 7 foot, but i'm more of a muscle size fetishist..the bigger and freakier his muscles,the better! Matt charged at me like a bull, leaving me little chance to get out of his way.He hit me full force,knocking the wind out of me and nearly crushing the life out of me against the opposite wall with his huge torso. "Gonna fuck you with my big fat dick,faggot..I know you want that"I could'nt do much pinned against the wall basically by his huge bloated pec mounds..Then he lifted me up and i felt his thick cockhead press against my ass,and then with an animalistic grunt Matt thrust his cock into my anus,sending searing pain through me.."Take it like the faggot you are,Joey" Matt snarled evilly.I tried to focus my powers on allowing me to take yet another huge musclecock,as i cried out in pain.Almost immediately,the burning agony subsided and was replaced by intense pleasure as Matt began to mercilessly pound his 14 inch plus cock in and out of me, swearing and grunting with every thrust.I could feel the heat radiate from his sweaty torso and could not resist burying my head in the deep crevasse between his gigantic pecs,nearly suffocating myself in the process!."Yeah,you stupid little pussy,worship my huge manly muscles.."Matt fucked me harder and faster with wild abandon, as if he was aiming to drive his cock right through me."Fucking bitch,fucking bitch,fucking bitch.."Matt continued to pound me for what seemed like ages,leaving ragged and worn like a rag doll,but with unlimited energy in him. Then through all the frenzied fucking..i heard Master Craigs voice in a tone of what sounded like anger. "What the fucks going on here.....?" ======================================== What Dreams May Come..: Sleeping Beauty PART VI .................................................. ............ Master Craig was standing at the door to my bedroom,his massive muscles filling the door-frame. He looked mighty pissed at the sight of the equally muscular Matt buggering the hell out of his faggot bitch and almost crushing the weak little fucker against the wall with each hard relentless thrust of his gigantic cock."What the fuck you doin' with my bitch.." Craig roared angrily at the muscleman intruding on his fuck tool..Matt glared back across at Craig,never even slowing in his butt pounding of poor little Joey, and just grinned ignorantly at him."He ain't your fuckin' bitch..so piss off dickhead.!" Thats it. That sent off Craig into a rage and he flew across the room and attempted to drag Matt off of Joey, but with Joey still impaled on his huge ramrod, Joey was dragged back with him.Joey felt Master Craigs rough meaty hands grip his left arm in a painful hold, and he was literally yanked off of Matts cock and thrown to the floor as Craig turned his anger against Matt."You wanna fuckin' challenge me do ya..you stupid cunt" Matts temper began to boil up and the two muscle men glared angrily at each other barely inches apart."Yeah..i'll show you who's fuckin' tougher."Matt tried to shove Craig back but Craig managed to knock away his hands and pushed Matt with some considerable force clear across the room.Matts massive wide back slapped against the wall with such force that he created a deep cracked dent in it just barely inches from the gaping hole he had made just a while before."You fuckin' wanker" he shouted back at Craig,his face contorted in rage and spitting drivel as he shouted. Joey cowered in the corner of the room,shocked and stunned by the two huge muscle-hunks challenging each other for 'ownership' of him..and he felt felt a mixture of fear and of sexual arousal spurred on by his masochistic desires that he had felt for so long a little embarrassed and uncomfortable dealing with. Matt charged like a bull across the room and rugby tackled Craig,lifting him with all his strength up off the ground and knocking him out of the room, with every muscle in his torso pumped and writhing with the effort. A huge crash roused Joey from his corner and still a little weak from Matts powerfuck, he followed the two struggling behemoths into the hallway.Craigs rippling and bulging muscular torso had cracked the door frame of the bathroom as he was thrown against it."Give it up arsehole,you're weaker than me.." Matt sneered furiously at Craig,gripping him by the throat and attempting and failing to lift him off his feet in an effort to dominate him. Joey,standing out of the way, could see the thick veins streaking across Matts huge cannonball bicep ripple and engorge, and his bicep pump up almost as if it was about to explode. Both guys muscles were beginning to glisten with a sheen of sweat as their fight ensued.Craig clenched Matts wrist and pulled his hand away from his throat and then threw a hard right hook into Matts reddened face. "Get the fuck off me.."Matt barely reacted to the punch,which had Craig thrown against an ordinarily built man,would have nearly killed him..!Craig threw a hard gut punch into Matts rock solid eight pack abs but with only the slightest flinch from his opponent.Books and and a framed picture went crashing to the floor as the muscle mencarried on fighting. Matt was thrown back and crashed right through a wall connecting the hallway to the lounge,sending dust and plaster falling everywhere. Matt crashed down onto a low cabinet full of Joeys music CDS,crushing and splintering the wooden unit beneath his massive body.Joey had to do something..Throughout all their swearing and screaming and brutal fighting for dominance, Matt and Craig were wreaking Joeys flat!. "For gods sake..stop fighting please...you're damaging my flat." Joey screamed.Neither heard him..Matt was throwing punches at Craig and Craig was either successfully blocking them or they were failing to make an impact on his body,now pumped and bulging and reddened by his exertion with Matt.Matt too,was red raw with the effort,every muscles now engorged and bloated,every vein rippling and pronounced."Stop fighting please.."Joey screamed vainly..even though his little dick was painfully erect at the sight of the two hunks wrestling against each other in full nudity..Despite all this violence and aggression,both Craig and Matt had constant,raging erections throughout, their massive cocks frequently rubbing against each other,slick with pre-cum and sweat..and now among all their rage,intense sexual arousal was filling up inside them. Yet another deep cracked dent was made in the lounge wall as both guys slung themslves against it in their struggle.Joey gave up protesting as the fight carried on into the centre of the lounge.Matt threw a punch which Craig caught in his hand and twisted Matts fist away,and thinking the same..the muscle hunks tried to headbutt each at the same time,their foreheads meeting together with a sickening crunch that would have split an ordinary mans skull but left them barely noticing the savage blows. Craig tired to judo throw Matt over his shoulder but ended up with sending them both crashing onto a low coffee table and splintering it like it was made out of bulsa wood and not stong mahogany.Joey looked to be in tears at the state of his flat..but he noticed that Craig and Matt had finally stopped fighting..Instead,their sexuallust had finally gotten the best of them. Craig was lying atop of Matt,both musclemen glistening with sweat and breathing heavily, although it would take very little time to recover. Craig glared down into Matts green eyes and found his rage diminishing as he felt turned by having this magnificently sexy musclebeast beneath him."Guess we're strong as each other..stud"Matt calmed down and even let a little smile."Damn right,you hunk.." he said,giving Craig a petting kiss on his lips that then led into a full and rough deep throat. Joey looked on in dismay,watching his Masters pull themselves into a passionate embrace and kissing each other with such intense ferocity.First they were fighting and hating each other..and now they were making out with each other. Joey just stood there like a lost sheep in his wrecked apartment,when all of a sudden there was a knock at the front door. Shaken out of his daze,Joey panicked a little about someone seeing these two muscle hunks writhing around in gay passion on his lounge floor, but then a second knock at the door and some guy shouting through.."Is everything alright in there?", and Joey quickly threw on a pair of shorts and a tee shirt before nervously answering the door. Opening it just a fraction, he peaked out to find a cute young guy,barely out of his teens,standing out in the corridor.It was one of the decorators from the empty flat down the corridor,evident by the white paint and dust specked grey overall pulled down and tied around his slim waist and the dust smeared sky and navy blue Nicholson tee he wore on his athletic physique. "Is everything alright mister..i heard what sounded like shouting and crashing coming from your flat?". Joey shook his head,trying to think up some reason.."Um..um..oh,..i was trying to move a cabinet and it tipped over..""Do ya wanna hand mate..?" the cute guy offered."Um..no thanks..but thank you for offering." Joey smiled weakly.'Damn this guys cute' Joey suddenly found himself thinking,yet stunned that he thought that, a little bewildered by the recent goings on.But he was..Mean but cute looking,short cropped black hair gelled into spikes,ice blue eyes,full lips,gold ring in his left ear and a studded gold bar piercing his right brow that had notches shaved into it too, and smelling faintly of a mixture of cigarettes and cologne...This guy screamed urban youth/bad boy. "Well,see ya then.." Joey said weakly,trying to hide his growing boner..Just as he was about to close the door.."Damn,you are so fuckin' sexy,Matt"echoed Craigs voice... Joey could not hide his flush of embarrassment as the decorator gave him a clearly suspicious look and a smirk before walking away.Joey couldn't shut the door quick enough..though glancing around at his flat..it seemed it needed re-decorating too.!! The decorator smiled inwardly to himself as he walked down the corridor to the empty flat..'Definately gay' he thought to himself..Normally the thought of anything gay repulsed him..but he couldn't help but find himself getting a hard-on. He got to the front door of the flat and shrugged his shoulders,for some reason finding his t-shirt was suddenly tight on him. 'Funny,..it wasn't tight on me this morning'..he thought..,raising up to tug at the front of it..then glancing down at his lean bicep as it made a slight tear against a now full stretched sleeve....Then he heard his workmates voice call out to him. "Hey Luke, come here quick..." .............THE END ========================================= This add-on ,done a long while later,was just a rushed hash.. Sleeping Beauty:5 Years Later It had been 5 years since Joey Carmichael had discovered he had suddenly and unexpectedly out of the blue developed some strange but exceptionally hot supernatural powers.. He could alter a mans physical features,and seeing as Joey was now right out of the closet with his homosexuality,emboldened with by his powers,he could shape them to his wild erotic fantasies,...and perhaps even better still,he could warp immediate reality around his ''creations'' so they fit in like everything was normal.. What was meant by immediate reality,although he could change worldwide views and perceptions on physical and sexual ideals so that a muscular man with a big cock was seen as a truely healthy man and that homosexuality was not a ''burn all faggots at the stake sin'' or shameful taboo but gay sex should be accepted as openly as straight sex in a ''whatever takes your fancy,or straight guy saying "It would'nt hurt me to try it out every once in a while'' view,..even in the much maligned muslim countries views where this aspect of his powers had been most notable,producing a small but noticable rise in democratic values...[No more beheading gay men in front of a baying crowd in Tehran.!],he could not change the wider world physically out of his own geographical boundaries unless he was connected to some source of media like a television or the internet...or dreaming about some-one,one of the mainstays of his powers.. He could not go out and regrow the Amazonian rainforest much as he'd love to.He had no powers to bring back the dead,although a man he transforms would be cured of any sexual illnesses or other sicknesses or injuries. He tried wishing for money straight away,but not because of his powers and more out of an extra-ordinary incredible stroke of luck,he had won £5.5 million on the National Lottery two years ago which has now left him much better off than five years ago. There was a downside to his powers..He could not alter himself physically.Call it a curse maybe,but Joey did not mind if he could act out his sexual fantasies on other men.. And as ever,like 5 years ago,he still had that masochistic attraction to dominant young men. Where are the other guys now,one might ask..? Well... Craig Scripter and Matt Chambers,Joeys first two 'creations', or fantasies more like, ''got bored of him'' three years ago,and moved on to set up a Bodybuilding Gym together in Croydon...which most of the time doubles as a gay sex club.given the raging hard-ons that all that pumping muscles gives the two huge owners and some of their choice clients. They thought about getting married but were too much in love with themselves,and even often engaging in hot and often violent fuck sessions they would more often toy about with rough and tough sex with muscle fetish admirers that drooled all over them. The Gym holds a large membership of mostly young men in their late teens to early thirties.. Thanks to Joey bequeathing a bit of his powers to the two hunks,they could 'speed up' the muscular developement of some of their more sexier clients, while making the the less attractive ones more sumbmissive to the bigger guys..which is why Craig had purchased an empty building next door and converted it as a place to act out gay muscle fantasies..ie the gay sex club. Because of his lottory win,Joey brought a large penthouse in a new queyside developement on the River Thames, a stones throw from the council estate he had lived in 5 years ago. Put it down to the fact that despite living there for 11 years after moving out from his parents,the local suburbs were his roots,where he was brought up..and he knew every nook and cranny like the back of his hand. Now with a spacious Penthouse apartment overlooking the river and sprawling parklands,Joey now living at times on his own,could invite anyone he wanted and indulge in his own little perverted fantasies from time to time.One of them being that he was drawn to the culture of Chavs.Hard cocky street rough teenaged boys, [more often white,but race is not an issue here] who have a liking for sports of casual designer brand clothes and urban music and a dislike for authority. With Joeys powers he could unleash this derision for authority in sexual role play to create the ultimate bad boy thug,and usually transforming a clean cut twinkish public schoolboy or twinky camp gay teen into a hardened muscle-bound hunk..[*] That gang of youths he fantasised about becoming HUGE muscle hunks. Well,for a week he toyed around with his powers,often at night they would in particular pop up into his dreams,growing slowly rather than Craig or Matt or Luke or Daz,the 2 hot decorators that eventually moved into the flat they were renovating,thanks to Joeys powers..and ended up doing up Joeys flat after 'doing' him up the arse..The gang of chavs had changed perceptively each time Joey had seen them over the course of that week coinciding with his dreams...Going from slender and lithe in their loose Fred Perry or Lacoste tee's or England football shirts and tight nylon or cotton trackies, to athletically muscular, to gymnast muscular [by that time filling out their clothes rather sexily.!], to powerfully muscular and ripped like an amateur bodybuilder [by that time straining anything they wore,and usually with their minds altering to more gay and muscle exhibitionist desires,intentionally wearing tight clothes to show their bulging muscles and cocks.] to eventually growing into massive freaky yet perfectly sculpted muscle hulks who either went around shirtless or wearing skin-tight tees that accentuated their every bulge and contour,including their crotches..!By the last day,driven by lust they were drawn to Joeys flat,and foolishly for Joey's stamina, they gang banged him. One of them,Damien Thorn whom Joey had nicknamed Omen for obviously like-named reasons [but with nothing to do with that bloke down in the fiery depths.],has become his on-off boyfreind.. Stopping by whenever the whim for rough sex or muscle worship suited him, but in reality a spark of genuine love maybe emerging between the two. Joey has already taken Damien to Cairns in tropical Northern Australia, to the Greek island of Crete,to the party isles of Ibiza and Magaluf... Over the intervening years,Joey became more in control of his powers,trying them out in certain fantasy scenarios. One that he favoured was Although at first getting used to them was awkward,and he often had mishaps of unintentional muscle growth.. [*] ...like the three teenaged Pakinstani lads entering a mosque for prayer.Just the smallest fantasy of muscle growth,more of a humourous thought,saw them coming out half an hour later,huge muscle hulks.. ..The young man selling the Big Issue outside the local Underground station,really being the BIG ISSUE by the end of it.! ..The builders that constructed the Queyside developement Joey now resided in. ..Watching the crowds of England fans in Stuttgart town square in Germany during the 2006 Football World Cup.. But eventually,Joey polished his powers of muscle growth...coming the realisation that he had one peculiar fetish,Somnophilia, sexual attraction to sleeping or passed out guys,most certainly as a result of how his powers first originated.. He often dreamt that he was a guy with superpowers calling himself The SandMan going around turning sleeping men into gigantic hunks.Then the realisation that he could actual try out some kinda way to grow sleeping men,he would often watch gay or straight porn featuring sleeping,unconscious or passed out drunk men [akin to Craig] and musclemorph them as he watched,..or he would on ocassions encounter a stud dozing on the tube train or bus and make him grow right there and then..! Nowadays as for Joey himself.With his money worries not an issue,he could travel the world and explore new destinations and immerse himself in foreign cultures,which usually meant that he had a chance to indulge in his sexual fantasies and shape the 'immediate reality' abroad....sometimes with Damien Omen,...sometimes with acquaintances,sometimes alone.. You'd expect him to be like Quentin Crisp the way i've portrayed him as living alone in a big apartment visited by ''clientele' so to speak.. Joeys grown to be a more refined person, living alone but enjoying plenty of company,and not just muscle guys but ordinary folk,..living the high life now that his money allows.. ..... Living Happily Ever After THE END..? It was rushed so i apologise if its turned out below par.......?" PLEASE NOTE, Apologies for the derogatory usage of terms in my story,its just a story,..
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