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  1. dangerdanger

    Grow S.R.L [ESPAÑOL]

    Estimados, sepan disculpar mi ausencia. Hace tiempo que no subo nada y extrañaba hacerlo. Pero bueno, acá estoy de vuelta y espero poder darle mayor continuidad a esta nueva historia. Mi idea es que sea algo bien largo y que disfruten leer capítulos extensos. Es un poco ambicioso, pero espero poder sentarme de forma regular para avanzar con esta idea que me excita bastante. Ojalá les guste. Espero sus comentarios, ideas y sugerencias. Grow S.R.L. 1. La idea de Grow no era nada revolucionaria; tan solo una aplicación online para la administración de todos los procesos de HR de una empresa. El objetivo era vender el servicio de la app, soporte, mejoras y desarrollo custom para cada uno de los clientes. Eso fue lo que me contó Juan la tarde en que me invitó a tomar un café. Llegué quince minutos antes de la hora pautada y me senté junto a la ventana a esperarlo. Hacía poco que yo había cumplido 40 años y me encontraba en un momento de mi carrera laboral en la que me estaba replanteando cosas. Hacía varios años que trabajaba en la misma empresa y de repente la idea de cambiar de trabajo me había interesado. Por eso había aceptado la invitación de Juan. —¡Nano! —me llamó Juan sonriendo ni bien entró en el café. Ese había sido mi sobrenombre durante la época en la que habíamos trabajado juntos, Nano. No es muy difícil imaginar de dónde venía y más considerando mi metro sesenta de estatura. No es que Juan fuese demasiado alto, pero con su metro setenta ya quedaba afuera de esa categoría. Juan y yo nos habíamos conocido hacía algunos años en una empresa de software en la que trabajamos juntos durante un tiempo hasta que él decidió encarar un proyecto personal. Juan era un chico extrovertido, que le gustaba hablar y hacerse amigos. Era pelado y usaba anteojos. Nunca había entendido qué me gustaba de él, quizás su actitud un poco goofy sin serlo del todo. Nunca lo tuve en claro, porque no se parecía en nada a los hombres que yo solía mirar. Tampoco es que Juan me gustara, pero había algo de él que me calentaba. También es verdad que siempre me habían calentado los hombres heterosexuales. Nos dimos un abrazo y para mi sorpresa me dio un beso en el cachete. Sentir su cuerpo más grande que él mío me hizo sentir cosquillas en la entrepierna. Eso es otra cosa que siempre me calentó: la diferencia de tamaño. Encontrarme cerca de alguien más grande siempre me producía un estremecimiento. Juan no era ni gordo ni flaco, tampoco tenía lo que se dice un buen cuerpo. No hacía deporte y yo solo había logrado que me acompañara al gimnasio durante menos de un mes hacía varios años. Tener más músculos no era algo que le interesara. De todos modos sentir su cuerpo junto al mío me provocó esa inconfundible sensación de querer tocarlo un poco más. —¡Que lindo verte! —me dijo y sonriendo me preguntó— ¿Te achicaste? —Callate, pelotudo —le dije empujándolo suavemente. Nos sentamos y nos pusimos a hablar. Volví a sentirme un poco hipnotizado como hacía años y me volví a preguntar qué era lo que me gustaba de él. Igual sabía que no era solo que algo me gustaba de él, había algo mío en juego también, como cierta competencia entre hombres. Eso era algo que me calentaba y me producía rechazo a la vez. Quizás por esa competencia implícita entre nosotros que yo sentía, nunca me había permitido fantasear demasiado con él. Me contó de la empresa que había fundado cuando renunció al proyecto en que trabajábamos juntos y qué después la había vendido y que ahora estaba arrancando un nuevo proyecto. Automáticamente me pregunté cuánto debía haber hecho con esa venta. ¿Se había forrado en guita? No sé porque me importaba tanto eso, pero era algo que también me producía una inquietud: ¿cuánta guita tenía Juan? —Me encantaría que trabajaras con nosotros —me dijo—. Creo que el proyecto te puede gustar, además vos sabés bastante de todos los procesos de recursos humanos y creo que podrías aportar un montón de valor. —¿Nosotros? —Somos dos socios, Javi y yo. Javi está orientado a ventas y yo a desarrollo. Necesitamos alguien que sepa más de los procesos y por eso pensé en vos. En un principio no vamos a contratar a nadie más así que vamos a ser solo vos y yo desarrollando y Javi encargándose de las ventas. Javi es un amigo mío de la infancia. Es un león en los negocios, te puede vender lo que sea y tiene algunos contactos con empresas a las que les interesaría un sistema como el nuestro. Tengo algo desarrollado, pero todavía le falta un empujón a algunas de las ideas. —Suena interesante, pero la pregunta que tengo es… —¿Condiciones? —Te imaginarás que no estoy para ser desarrollador raso… —Mirá podemos ofrecerte un buen salario y darte un bono atado a ventas. Si mal no recuerdo los números de cuando laburábamos juntos creo que podemos mejorar tu salario mensual y quizás duplicar el bono anual. —¿Vacaciones? —Cuando quieras irte de vacaciones te vas y listo y si me copa el lugar nos vamos juntos. Sonreí y no pude evitar sonrojarme un poco ante la idea de irnos de vacaciones los dos. También era verdad que la idea de que Juan fuese mi jefe, que me pagara mi salario me producía algo entre el erotismo y la humillación. —¿Horario? —pregunté. —No esperes que yo entre antes de las diez. Y a las seis ya no me vas a ver. Así que no espero que nadie que trabaje en la empresa haga otra cosa. Quiero que sea un ambiente relajado. Después me contó un poco sobre las tecnologías y sobre el proyecto en sí. Al final me dijo: —La verdad que me dan muchas ganas de volver a trabajar juntos, extrañaba codear con vos. La pasábamos bien. En un segundo volví a imaginar ese mismo encuentro, pero con Juan unos diez centímetros más alto, con su camisa a cuadros intentando contener un pecho enorme y musculoso y un jean apretado para semejantes piernas y una pija más grande que mi antebrazo. Lo imaginé acercándose mientras yo me daba cuenta de la diferencia de tamaño que ahora había entre nosotros. Me lo imaginé sonriendo desde arriba de sus musculosos pectorales antes de flexionar sus increibles brazos y decir: “¿Te gusta lo grande que me puse, enano?”. Supongo que ese pensamiento fue el que me hizo tener ganas de aceptar su oferta y ver qué pasaba. —Lo voy a pensar… —le dije. A los pocos día Juan me mandó el link al perfil de Javier de Linkedin y me metí para ver su foto. Era un pibe fachero y un poco canchero, pelo cortito y barba al ras. Tenía diez años menos que yo y claramente había hecho su carrera laboral mucho más rápido. Copié su nombre y lo busqué en Instagram. Descubrí que su perfil no era privado. Siempre me había llamado la atención las personas que ponían su perfil de Instagram público para que cualquiera pudiera verlo. Ni bien vi las primera fotos entendí por qué lo tenía público: a Javier le gustaba mostrarse. En casi todas las fotos estaba en la playa, sin remera con un cuerpo bastante trabajado y siempre acompañado con alguna chica diferente. Por las fotos supuse que debía ser un poco más alto que Juan. Se notaba que hacía deporte y se cuidaba. No es que fuese Mr. Musculo, pero se veía una pequeña sombra de sus abdominales y de sus pectorales. Pensé que definitivamente Javier se vería bastante mejor con unos músculos más grandes. Lo necesario para que su pecho sobresaliese un poco bajo su camisa y para que sus brazos estiraran las mangas de la remera. Algo que le diera un empujón a ese aspecto viril que ya tenía. Un cuerpo musculoso y grande para alardear en redes sociales. No voy a negarlo: me pasé el fin de semana viendo los perfiles de Instagram de ambos. Y me pajeé imaginando como sería trabajar con ellos y hacer “de las mías”. El lunes por la mañana le mandé un mensaje a Juan y a modo de chiste le dije: —Buen día, jefecito, ¿cuándo arrancamos? Me mandó un y me dijo que me llamaba más tarde. El día que conocí la oficina me pareció un lugar demasiado grande para una empresa de tres personas. Tenía cuatro mesas para con ocho sillas cada una, dos oficinas, una sala de conferencias para diez personas y un baño con dos duchas. Cuando le pregunté a Juan porqué habían alquilado un espacio tan grande, me guiñó un ojo y dijo: —Tenemos muchas ganas de crecer. En ese momento escuché el inodoro y del baño salió Javier. En persona era mucho más atractivo que en las fotos, solo su forma de caminar emanaba una presencia masculina y dominante. Recordé que Juan me había dicho que era un león en los negocios y de pronto entendí exactamente a lo que se refería. Había algo en la forma de moverse de Javier, una confianza y una forma de mirar que lo volvían eso: un león. —Javi, te presento a Nano. —Bienvenido —dijo mientras me daba un fuerte apretón de manos—. Juancito me habló muy bien de vos. Espero que te cope lo que vamos a estar haciendo. —Lo mismo digo —dije yo un poco incomodo y excitado a la vez. De cerca parecía todavía más alto que en las fotos, supuse que debía medir alrededor del metro setenta y cinco. Sus manos eran grandes y sus antebrazos hacían parecer a los míos como dos fideos. Con solo verlo me di cuenta que iba al gimnasio de forma regular. Quizás no se mataba en hacer crecer sus músculos, pero de seguro quería cuidar su figura. ¡Y qué figura! Por un segundo me lo imaginé sacándose la remera y tuve que pestañear varias veces para disimular que estaba mirando su hermoso cuerpo. “¿Cómo se vería con 5 kilos más de músculo?” El primer día solo charlamos. Me mostraron la aplicación y me contaron sobre el estado actual del sitio, las funcionalidades que le faltaban y todo lo que tenían pensado agregarle. Después me contaron el estado de la negociación con algunos potenciales clientes. Javier tenía las cosas muy claras, sabía dónde estaba y a donde quería ir. Cuando te miraba a los ojos sentías esa determinación a convertirse en algo mucho más grande de lo que era. En algún momento, mientras hablaba pensé “definitivamente necesita 5 kilos más de músculo”. Después fuimos a un restaurante a comer. Cuando nos sentamos a la mesa, Javier nos contó sobre una mina que había conocido hacía unos días. —Tiene unas tetas así de grandes —dijo mostrándonos con las dos manos sobre sus pectorales—. Está para comérsela toda. Lástima que la muy turra solo sale con chabones con mucha guita o jugadores de rugby. El último chabón que se garchó de seguro pesaba el doble que yo, el muy hijo de puta tenía unos tubos más grande que mis piernas. Mientras hablaba Javier se desabrochó el primer botón de su camisa y se empezó a acariciar el pecho cubierto de una fina capa de pelos. No tardé en darme cuenta de que era uno de esos pibes hiper sexuales a los que les gusta tocarse y tocar a las personas. Hablar de los cuerpos y resaltar sus atributos físicos. Después le preguntó a Juan si se seguía viendo con una chica con la que había estado saliendo y él sonrió y le respondió que sí. —Ah, vas para el celibato —dijo Javier. —No sé —dijo Juan con su hermosa sonrisa—, estamos bien. Le gusta que le cocine. —Boludo —dijo dándome un codazo—, este es igual a mi vieja —y mirando a Juan agregó—. ¿Le cocinás? —Sí, ya sabés, me gusta pasar tiempo con ella. No recordaba que Juan hubiera estado en pareja. Probablemente le habría conocido después de cambiar de trabajo. —¿Y vos, nanito? —me preguntó Javier de repente con un brillo en la mirada—. ¿Te estás garchando a alguien? —Ahora estoy soltero —dijo sonriendo y echándole un vistazo a Juan. Juan sabía que yo era gay, pero no tenía idea si él le había contado a Javier. —Podés estar soltero y garchándote a alguien sin problema —me dijo con una sonrisa. —Nop, en este momento, estoy solari. Me miró a los ojos y sonrió. —¿Y cómo te gustan? —preguntó. —¿Qué cosa? Javier sonrió y se estiró hacia atrás. —A mí me gustan las minas con las tetas y el culo bien grandes y cuanto más putas mejor. A este —dijo dándole un golpe a Juan—, a este le gusta cocinarles. ¿Y a vos, qué chabones te gustan? Ah bueno… eso resolvía el misterio de si Juan le había contado. —Eeeehhhhhh… —Sos un pelotudo, Javi —dijo Juan riéndose—. No le hagas caso, Nano. De lo único que sabe hablar este es de sexo. —¿Qué tiene de malo? —le dijo a Juan y agarrándome el hombro me preguntó— ¿Te molesta? —No, no, no, está todo bien. Es solo que no suelo hablar de eso con chabones heterosexuales. Javier se pasó una mano por el pelo y dijo: —Esa boludez de heterosexuales. Acá el único 100% heterosexual es doña Juancita la cocinera y mirá las boludeces que te cuenta. Yo me acosté con algunos chabones, fue hace tiempo, pero esas cosas van y vuelven. Su confesión me sorprendió. La verdad que no lo hubiera esperado de alguien como él que emanaba una virilidad sin rajaduras. —A vos te gustan grandotes, ¿no? —dijo de repente. —¡¿Lo qué?! —pregunté más sorprendido y desconcertado. De pronto sí me sentía incómodo. —A los chiquitos como vos siempre le gustan los hombres grandotes bien musculosos, esos que tienen unos tubos todos trabados y las tetas que les estiran la remera. De pronto el calor se me subió a la cabeza y su voz resonó en mis orejas mucho más grave de lo que era. —Dale, boludo, cortala —le dijo Juan—. No quiere hablar de eso. —Bueno, chabón, era solo algo para charlar. Si yo no saco tema ustedes se quedan callados —dijo y me guiñó un ojo—. Además no me parece nada raro, para mí un chabón musculoso es lo mismo que una mina con tetas grandes. Si hubiera sido gay me habrían gustado los chabones todos trabados esos con el pecho bien pero bien grande y que no pueden bajar los brazos de lo inflados que están. El calor se me expandió al resto del cuerpo y un segundo después sentí la espalda fría. La única razón por la que me quedé sentado en mi lugar sin moverme era porque no quería que pensaran que Javier me había intimidado con sus preguntas. Intimidado era poco. Me había calentado como loco. Esa forma tan dominante y despreocupada, así tan directo y sin vueltas de pronto me había arrasado. Cuando se fue al baño levanté la mirada de mi plato y lo vi alejarse mientras pensaba “definitivamente necesita 10 kilos más de músculo”. Esa tarde ni bien llegué a casa abrí el Instagram de Javier y me masturbé imaginándolo apretándome contra la pared mientras su cuerpo se inflaba y me decía “¿Te calientan mis músculos, enano? Mirá el tamaño de mis tetas…” La verdad es que no sé qué tengo con los chabones musculosos, pero me calientan. En parte seguro es por los músculos. No hay nada que me caliente más que unos pectorales bien trabajados, grandes y duros. Me encanta cuando tienen esos brazos que parecen árboles gruesos llenos de nudos. Pero en parte también me calienta pensar qué clase de perversos son que quieren que todos vean su cuerpo super desarrollado. Me encanta que quieran andar sin remera o con ropa bien suelta para que todos vean lo trabados que están, lo enormes que son sus brazos y lo ancho de su espalda. Es algo que me vuelve loco, esa cosa exhibicionista y medio de prostituto que tienen los chabones musculosos. Me encanta como se mueven así como robots, para resaltar lo duros que están. Y me copa la ropa que usan toda apretada. También me excita pensar lo fuertes que son y siempre me la paso preguntando cuánto levantarán de banco plano… Y supongo que algo de esa obsesión debe tener que ver con mi condición… Perdón… Me estoy adelantando… Ya aprendí hace tiempo que no tiene sentido que intente explicarlo, es algo que simplemente no tiene explicación, al menos no una que yo conozca. Estas cosas siempre es mejor mostrarlas. La cuestión es que el miércoles antes de llegar a la oficina les mandé un mensaje al grupo de wasap que teníamos con Juan y Javi. —Muchachos, estoy en Starbucks, ¿alguno quiere algo? —Traeme un late —dijo Javi. —Lo mismo —dijo Juan. Mi corazón saltó de alegría. Pedí tres late: —Uno para Nano, otro para Javi y otro para Juan. Cuando me los dieron me metí en el baño, puse la traba y le saqué la tapa al café que decía Javi. Lo apoyé sobre el inodoro, me bajé el cierre del jean y me empecé a masturbar. Cerré los ojos y me imaginé a Javi recostado sobre la silla frente a mí con la camisa entreabierta dejando a la vista unos pectorales enormes y peludos. Lo imaginé pasándose la mano por uno de ellos disfrutando lo grande, duro y redondo que era mientras decía “me calienta tener las tetas tan grandes”. Acabé en un segundo y vi el semen hundirse en el café. Lo mezclé con el dedo para que no quedaran grumos y me limpié en el lavamanos. Cuando llegué a la oficina Javier estaba hablando por teléfono y Juan estaba en el baño. Le dejé su café a Javier y él me agradeció con un beso al aire. Cuando Juan salió le dije que le había dejado el café en su escritorio y me senté frente a la compu a ver las noticias. Javi cortó el teléfono y le gritó al aparato: —¡Viejo puto soltá la guita! Juan se sentó sobre la mesa y le pegó en el hombro. —La concha de la lora, boludo, ¿no se puede putear tranquilo? Después se fue al baño y cuando volvió se paró frente a su escritorio y dijo: —¿Y mi café? Yo levanté la vista como si hubieran disparado un tiro en algún lado. —Ah, perdón —dijo Juan después de darle un sorbo al café y ver que en su escritorio había otro. Lo agarró y se lo pasó—. Me tomé el tuyo —dijo sonriendo mientras señalaba el café que decía Javi y le daba un largo trago. El jueves me levanté mareado. Había tenido una pesadilla de la que solo recordaba partes. Recordaba estar sentado en una silla demasiado grande y escuchar pasos detrás de una puerta, pasos que hacían retumbar las paredes. Recordaba sentirme demasiado pequeño, una persona inservible y muy humillado. ¿Qué clase de hombre no llega con sus pies al piso sentado en una silla? Un hombre demasiado pequeño… El incidente del día anterior todavía me daba vueltas en la cabeza. La idea de lo que podría llegarme a encontrar en la oficina me asustaba y excitaba a la vez. De pronto entendí algo que no me había dado cuenta antes: yo no había querido darle mi semen a Juan por algo y ese algo era por la rivalidad que había entre nosotros, al menos la rivalidad que había de mi parte. Ya me resultaba humillante que él fue mi jefe… Pero… Entonces, ¿por qué mierda había aceptado trabajar para él? ¿Cómo me había equivocado tanto? De pronto sentía que había hecho todo mal. No tendría que haber renunciado a mi trabajo. Una cosa era dejar flotar mi imaginación y otra cosa era que esas cosas ocurrieran de verdad. De pronto recordé todo lo que había pasado con mi ex novio German y tuve miedo. Por primera vez agradecí que “mi condición” no funcionara con heterosexuales. Ya había probado con más de un chabón hasta que entendí que si no le gustaban los hombres entonces lo que fuera que tuviera mi semen no tenía el más mínimo efecto. En ese momento me dio pena, pero ahora viéndolo desde esta perspectiva quizás fuera para mejor. Decidí volver a intentarlo con Javier, esta vez iba a ser más cuidadoso. Me vestí y pasé por Starbucks. —¿Café alguien? —mandé al grupo. Para mi alegría Javier respondió que sí. Fui al baño con su café y le agregué un extra shot de mi leche. Eran las diez cuando empujé la puerta de la oficina. —Buenas —saludé. —¿Qué hacés, Nanito? —respondió Javi. Me acerqué a él y le pregunté por Juan. —En el baño —dijo Javi. Le di su café y con un poco de alegría malévola lo vi tomar un trago largo viendo como bajaba y subía la nuez en su hermoso cuello. En ese momento escuché la cadena y vi la puerta del baño abrirse lentamente. Juan salió del baño, aunque ya no era el mismo Juan. Incluso desde lejos, el cambio se veía bastante claro. Las mangas de su remera se habían vuelto más cortas y la tela ahora se estiraba alrededor de sus bíceps y su pecho. Supuse que había ganado uno o dos kilo de puro músculo. Incluso su forma de caminar era diferente. ¿Estaba más alto? —Boludo, ¿empezaste a ir al gimnasio? —le preguntó Javi. —¿Eh? —respondió Juan—. ¿Por? ¿Te parece que estoy más grandote? Hoy a la mañana tuve la misma sensación. Quizás estoy reteniendo agua o algo por el estilo… Pero me siento bien… En verdad me siento muy bien, como energizado… Quien sabe… Quizás es algo que comí… Incluso la forma de encogerse de hombros resaltó su nueva forma de triángulo invertido que había ganado. Sus hombros se habían vuelto más grandes y se habían separado el uno del otro. No había perdido nada de grasa, pero esa grasa ahora cubría una considerable nueva cantidad de músculo. —Sí, boludo. Estás groso —dijo Javier acercándose a él—. ¿Qué decís, Nanito? Míralo al musculoso de Juan. —dijo mientras le tocaba los brazos y le pellizcaba el pezón que empezaba a asomar de sus nuevos pectorales. Juan no se intimidó en lo más mínimo y flexionó un brazo para que Javi se lo apretase. —¿Por qué no me avisaste que estabas yendo al gimnasio? —le preguntó. —No estoy yendo al gimnasio, boludo. Pero quizás debería ir, ¿no? —Dale, forro. ¿Me estás diciendo que te pusiste así groso de la noche a la mañana? —le apretó el brazo y le tocó el pecho con ambas manos acariciando sus pectorales y dijo—. ¡Boludo, mirá las tetas que tenés! Estás todo duro —y mirándome a mí me dijo—. Ey, Nano, vení a tocarle las tetas a Juancito. Mirá los músculos que pegó este hijo de puta. La idea que yo fuera a tocarle los pectorales hizo que Juancito sonriera y un brillo le apareció en los ojos. De todos modos algo en mí prefirió quedarse sentado frente a la computadora. Además había algo que me hacía ruido. ¿Qué significaba lo que había pasado con Juan? ¿Le calentaban los hombres? Jamás lo hubiera creído. Javier terminó el café de un largo trago y lo tiró al tacho. Seguía mirando a Juan y sus nuevos músculos sin poder creer lo grande que se había puesto. —Boludo, dale, venite conmigo al gimnasio —le dijo—, a ver cuánto levantás con este lomo que tenés. —Te apuesto que levanto más que vos. —Ya quisieras, gil. No solo se trata de tener músculos grandes, también hay que saber usarlos. —Nano, ¿querés venir con nosotros? —preguntó Juan y otra vez un brillo cruzó su mirada. —¿Eh? —Eso, Nanito —dijo Javi y pude ver la misma ilusión en sus ojos—, venite con nosotros al gimnasio, ¿qué decis? Yo voy martes y jueves al mediodía. Nos vamos los tres y después comemos afuera. Invita la empresa, ¿qué decis? —Dale, arranquemos la semana que viene —insistió Juan mientras se sentaba frente a mí. Se reclinó para atrás sobre el respaldo de la silla y sonriendo dijo—. Venite así ves lo groso que me puse —y para enfatizar flexionó sus dos enormes brazos. No pude evitar sonreír al escuchar en boca de cada uno esa forma de llamarme: Nanito. —Ok —dije. Pobres, en pocos días ambos iban a tener que comprarse ropa nueva. El viernes me desperté con la pija dura como una roca levantando la sábana como una tienda. Hacía mucho tiempo que no me despertaba con ese nivel de energía. Me senté en la cama dejando atrás el sueño y recordé la noche en que entendí “mi condición”, como me gustaba llamarlo. Quizás es hora de que explique algo de “mi condición” o al menos lo poco que entiendo que sucede con mi semen. Para decirlo en pocas palabras, hace algunos años descubrí que mi leche tiene un efecto anabolizante. Suena genial, ¿no? Pero no se apuren, porque no es tan así… Ojalá fuera así de sencillo… No lo tengo super claro, pero el asunto que pasa con mi semen parece seguir ciertos patrones. Uno, es que lamentablemente no funciona conmigo. Lo probé más de una vez, pero nunca dio resultado. Sé lo que están pensando: ¿tomarse tu propia leche? Lo que quieran, pero de haber estado en mi lugar de seguro cualquiera hubiera hecho lo mismo. Un cafecito, una buena pajota y a volverse un macho musculoso. Y todo sin siquiera ir al gimnasio y casi sin side effects… Digo casi porque de alguna manera las personas que prueban mi semen (solo tres, debo admitirlo) desarrollan una especie de atención extraña hacia mí. Digo extraña porque no tengo del todo claro qué les pasa en la cabeza conmigo, sobre todo después de lo que le pasó a mi ex novio German. Lo que puedo decir es que al principio mi semen les genera alguna especie de interés por mi persona, quizás incluso algo parecido a un enamoramiento. En pocas palabras me quieren y tienen ganas de estar conmigo, lo cual resulta increíble cuando esa persona que quiere estar con vos se está volviendo un hombre con músculos cada vez más grandes y duros. Supongo que dirán que todo eso suena demasiado bien. Pero en la vida no todo lo que brilla es oro, porque por lo que pude comprobar hasta ahora existe un problema. Esto es algo que solo puedo intuir dado que no hay forma de que esté seguro si funciona así, es algo que ocurrió con mi ex novio German y que yo intuí que era producto de mi leche. El asunto pareciera suceder cuando toman demasiado de mi semen. El problema es que no podría decir cuánto es demasiado dado que no tuve y no creo que nunca tenga forma de medirlo. De cualquiera modo, por lo poco que sé, con esto tengo que ir con mucho cuidado si no quiero volver a sufrir lo que sufrí con mi ex novio German. Me vestí rápido y salí de casa. Poco antes de subir al subte Juan mandó un mensaje al grupo. —Muchachos, no van a poder creerlo… —¿Estás reteniendo más agua? —le mandé para tirarle de la lengua. —Boludo, no. No sé qué es, pero me levanté más musculoso que ayer. Posta, es una locura, pero tengo los músculos más grandes. Casi ninguna de las remeras que tengo me entran. —Te dije que dejaras los postres —le seguí diciendo a modo de chiste. —Boludo, te digo en serio. Ya vas a ver cuando me veas, no lo vas a poder creer, estoy hecho una bestia. Incluso creo que tengo menos panza. Me pesé y descubrí que gané como cinco kilos. Y eso no es todo. —Quizás pegaste un estirón tardío… —Bueno, hoy me medí también porque mis pantalones me quedan cortos. Mido un metro setenta y tres. —Eso es por las zapatillas ridículas que usas con plataforma. —No boludo, te juro que estoy más alto. Antes estaba clavado en el metro setenta. —Si seguís creciendo lo vas a pasar a Javi —mandé para que el otro picara. Su nombre apareció debajo del chat, estaba escribiendo. —Vamos a ver quién se pone más grande… —dijo haciéndose el enigmático. Fui el primero en llegar a la oficina. Me senté en la compu y me puse a ver las noticias para distraerme un rato. Estaba excitado, pero también estaba tranquilo. Sentía que tenía la situación en mis manos. Algo en mí se preparaba para disfrutar de los cuerpos de dos hombres cada vez más musculosos que iban a querer mi atención. Cuando se abrió la puerta giré sobre la silla y lo vi entrar a Javier. Su transformación era inocultable. A diferencia de Juan, Javier siempre había sido más flaco. Pero ahora con el nuevo tamaño de sus músculos parecía haber perdido un poco más de grasa. La definición de sus músculos lo hacía parecer más fuerte y más musculoso. Pero no era solo eso, también estaba más alto y algo me decía que había crecido más que Juan. —¿Y? ¿Qué me decís? —preguntó dejando caer la mochila y extendiendo los brazos antes de flexionarlos para que admirara sus nuevos e increíbles músculos. —Boludo, ¿estás más alto? —pregunté haciéndome el tonto y poniéndome de pie. —Vení, acércate —dijo con media sonrisa. Caminé hacia él y me detuve a dos pasos de distancia. De cerca pude notar que en el escote de su camisa asomaba el principio de sus definidos y enormes pectorales y una capa de pelo más espesa. —Vení más cerca… —dijo él y dio un paso adelante hasta quedar a centímetros mío. Mis ojos estaban a la altura de su grueso cuello. Estaba claramente más alto. Me miró desde arriba de su nuevo cuerpo musculoso estirándose para parecer más alto. —¿Cuánto decís que mido? —Ni idea, un metro setenta y seis. —¡Ya quisieras! —dijo y levantó ambos brazos flexionando sus bíceps que estiraron la tela de la camisa—. Mido un metro setenta y ocho. —¿Puedo tocar? —pregunté con mi tono más inocente. —Obvio, papá, mirá lo duro que estoy. Es una locura. Nunca tuve los músculos tan grandes. Apoyé mi mano sobre su bícep y pude sentir como se alzaba duro y redondo debajo de la camisa. —Wow, tenés el brazo re duro. —¿Viste? Es una locura, mirá, tócame el otro. Me siento re fuerte, es como si me hubiera tomado un shot de café con speed y viagra. En ese momento se abrió la puerta y vimos aparecer a Juan. De ayer a hoy su crecimiento se había acelerado. Estaba más alto aunque no tanto como Javier, lo que sí había pasado es que sus músculos se habían vuelto mucho más grandes. Llevaba la remera más holgada que tenía y sin embargo estaba más estirada que la del día anterior. Su espalda se había ensanchado para darle ese aspecto de tener alas en lugar de músculos dorsales y sus hombros habían adquirido un tamaño increíble, lo mismo sus bíceps y tríceps que ahora le daban ese aspecto de tener árboles en lugar de brazos. Su pecho sobresalía como dos pequeñas montañas. El jean que se había puesto resaltaba el tamaño de sus muslos haciendo parecer que llevaba calzas. Juan dejó su mochila en la entrada tal cual había hecho Javier y se acercó a nosotros con una sonrisa confianzuda. Javier se dio vuelta para quedar frente a él y Juan se detuvo a su lado. Los pectorales de ambos quedaron a un centímetro de tocarse. Juan era más ancho y tenía los músculos más grandes, pero Javier era más alto y al tener menos grasa su definición lo hacía parecer un poco más grande de lo que verdaderamente era. —¿Qué hacés, flacucho? —dijo Juan. —¿Qué hacés, enano? —dijo Javier. —¿Todavía tenés dudas de quien es más musculoso? —dijo Juan flexionando un bícep enorme en su cara. —Dame dos días y vas a ver —le respondió Javi. Me acerqué a ambos tan solo para sentir lo grandes que eran. Ambos se miraban a una altura de la que yo quedaba totalmente excluido. A esa distancia ambos tenían que bajar la mirada para verme sobre sus increíbles hombros. —¿Cuánto medís, Juancito? —le pregunté tocando su brazo como quien solo busca llamar la atención. Sin embargo al instante sentí como Juan tensionaba el brazo para que sintiera el tamaño y la dureza de sus nuevos músculos. Me sonrió y se miró el brazo que yo estaba tocando. —Estoy en un metro setenta y tres. —Eso no es nada —dijo Javier—, yo estoy en un metro setenta y ocho. —¿Quién decís que tiene los músculos más grandes, Nanito? —preguntó Juan. —Dale, mirá esto —dijo Javier—, agarrame el brazo a mí también. Un segundo después tenía mis dos manos sintiendo el enorme tamaño de sus bíceps y lo fuertes que estaban. Ambos estaban haciendo esfuerzos por impresionarme. Juan fue el primero en cambiar de postura y con su mano llevó la mía hacia su otro bícep mientras lo flexionaba. —Mirá los tubos que tengo. Javier hizo lo mismo. —Mirá la definición que tengo yo. En cada uno de mis manos tenía dos enormes brazos de dos hombros cada vez más musculoso que de pronto tenían unas ganas irrefrenables de que yo los tocara. Tuve que disimular mi deseo de manosear sus dos cuerpos y sentir lo duros que estaban. En ese momento sonó el teléfono de Javier. —Es el viejo puto del cliente —dijo y se fue a hablar con él a la sala de conferencias. Juan se quedó parado frente a mí sonriéndome como si yo fuera su persona favorita en el mundo. —¿Qué me decís? —dijo todo contento y flexionó ambos brazos. —Estás enorme —dije apoyando sin querer mis manos en su cintura. Pude sentir lo duro que estaban sus abdominales debajo de una capa de grasa que lo hacía parecer más ancho de lo que era. Juan admiraba sus propios brazos sonriendo mientras yo lo sostenía con mis dos manos de la cintura. Estaba a centímetros de su increíble pecho musculoso y no pude evitar imaginar lo que sería enterrar mi nariz entre sus pectorales. De todos modos algo me decía que todavía no estábamos en esa instancia de afecto. Juan parecía querer tenerme cerca y que tocara su musculoso cuerpo, pero eso era todo. No había todavía signos de nada sexual, al menos no en el sentido estricto de la palabra. En su entrepierna no había signos de que se le estuviera parando la pija y dado que la tela apenas podía contener el tamaño de sus muslos le hubiera sido imposible ocultar una erección. —Vas a tener que comprarte ropa nueva —le dije viendo como las mangas de la remera se retiraban descubriendo sus enormes bíceps. Recién entonces noté su cuello mucho más grueso. Sus hombros ahora no solo eran mucho más anchos sino que bajaban a ambos lados como una poderosa lomada. —¡Ah, sí! —dijo Juan bajando los brazos—. Te quería decir eso. ¿Te copás acompañándome a comprar ropa? —Tengo que ver si puedo. ¿Cuándo tenías ganas? —Pensaba ir mañana sábado, ¿qué decís? —Mmmmm mañana se me complica —dije haciéndome el ocupado. —¿Domingo? —preguntó casi con miedo. —Puede ser, ¿a qué hora? —dije y pude ver como se le iluminaban los ojos. —¿Tipo once? Te busco yo y después te invito a comer, ¿qué decís? —Bueno, dale —dije logrando una tranquilidad que me resultó incluso sorprendente. Juan sonrió y me dio una palmada en el hombro que casi me tira al piso. —Uh, perdón —dijo agarrándome con ambas manos para sostenerme—. Todavía no me acostumbro a la fuerza que tengo. —Me doy cuenta, casi me matás —dije sintiendo sus poderosas manos que me sostenían. —Sí, es que posta me doy cuenta que tengo mucha más fuerza que antes —me soltó y flexionó su pecho—. Hoy a la mañana me puse hacer flexiones y me sorprendió lo fácil que me resultaba. —Se ve que hiciste mil porque tenés el pecho enorme. —¿El pecho? —dijo mirándose los pectorales—. Ahora no es nada, cuando hice las cien flexiones sin parar parecía ser el doble de grande. Lo tenía todo duro. Cuando vayamos al gimnasio te muestro lo grande que se me pone. —¿Me vas a hacer un show privado? —pregunté haciéndome el gracioso. —Sí, querés sí —dijo con una sonrisa. Un segundo después se puso colorado y dijo—. Digo, porque vos sabés… A vos te gustan los cuerpos de los hombres y bueno… Me imaginé que quizás te gustaría… No es que quiera algo, pero digo… Porque vos… Vos sabés cómo se ven los hombres así… Con músculos digo… Otros hombres digo… Pero si no querés no pasa nada… —Jaja, tranquilo, chabón —le dije y le di una piña a su increíble hombro—. Me podés decir lo que quieras, no me vas a asustar ni nada. —Ja, perdón, no sé qué me pasó, soy un boludo. En ese momento Javi salió de la oficina y se acercó a nosotros. Apoyó una mano sobre el hombro de Juan y dijo: —Tenemos una entrevista con el cliente. Parado a centímetros de sus cada vez más musculosos cuerpos me sentí más chiquito y débil que nunca. Ambos emanaban una virilidad potenciada por el nuevo tamaño de sus cuerpos. Y yo, junto a ellos, tan solo llegando a la altura de sus cuellos, viendo sus pechos inflados y duros me sentí nuevamente eso que era: un hombrecito flaco y debilucho.
  2. czechhunter69

    Tony the Titan

    Trying my pen at something other than "hulk" stories. Let's see how it goes. Feedback is appreciated. ===================== "I'll see y'all later," Tony slurred, his words barely intelligible as he stumbled out of the bar. The crisp night air hit him like a brick wall, his alcohol-fogged brain struggling to process the sudden shift in temperature. The street was deserted, except for the occasional car speeding by, their headlights blinding him momentarily. Tony knew he shouldn't have had that last shot, but he couldn't resist the sweet burn of the alcohol as it washed over him. As he stumbled down the sidewalk, he felt the weight of the night bearing down on him. His head spun, and his stomach churned with the impending hangover. He tried to hold back the bile rising in his throat, but it was a losing battle. He stumbled and swayed, barely able to keep his feet under him. Despite the deserted streets, Tony was all too aware of his surroundings. The darkness seemed to close in on him, and he could feel the eyes of unseen watchers following his every move. He quickened his pace, but his legs felt heavy and uncooperative. Finally, Tony saw the familiar outline of his apartment building looming in the distance. It was only a few blocks away, but in his drunken stupor, it felt like miles. He gritted his teeth and forced himself to keep moving, one unsteady step at a time. With two more blocks to go, Tony's stomach finally gave out, and he stumbled over to the side of the road, barely managing to avoid face planting. As he leaned over a child's bike parked on the sidewalk, he retched, his entire body convulsing as he emptied the contents of his stomach onto the ground. As Tony leaned over, vomiting uncontrollably, his bleary eyes caught sight of a small black ring box lying on the ground nearby. He stumbled over to it, the chunks of his half-eaten burger falling from his mouth as he picked it up. Opening the box, he saw a men's ring glinting in the pale moonlight. It was a simple design, with a silver band and a small black stone in the center. Tony's foggy mind couldn't make sense of why it was there, but he instinctively closed the box and put it in his pocket, feeling a mix of disgust and curiosity. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, his senses overwhelmed by the stench of his own vomit. The late hour, the deserted streets, and his drunken state made him feel like he was in a nightmare. He stumbled forward, his mind racing with questions about the mysterious ring and how it came to be there. The long night ahead of him and the even longer hangover to come felt like a punishment for his reckless behavior. Tony stumbled into his apartment building and fumbled with the keys in his pocket, struggling to get them into the lock. Finally, he managed to unlock the door and stumbled inside, kicking off his shoes and stripping off his shirt before collapsing onto the couch. He tried to get up and head to the bathroom to take a shower, but his legs gave out beneath him. He crawled on all fours to the bathroom, hoping a shower would help clear his mind and soothe his pounding head. But once inside the bathroom, Tony couldn't resist the cool porcelain of the toilet bowl. He leaned over it, retching again and again until there was nothing left to come up. His head hung limp over the bowl as he drifted into a drunken sleep, the sounds of the night fading away into oblivion. The ringing in his ears drowned out the sound of his own breathing, and the world around him blurred into an indistinguishable mess of colors and shapes. ===== Tony woke up to a pounding headache and a queasy stomach, struggling to piece together the hazy memories of the previous night. He called off work, knowing he wouldn't be able to function properly in his current state. In the kitchen, he rummaged through the fridge, hoping to find something to ease his nausea, settling on eggs and a hair of the dog to numb the pain in his head. Sitting at the table, Tony's eyes fell on the little black box he had found the night before. Though he couldn't remember where he had picked it up, it was worth investigating. He opened the box and saw a ring, examining it closely and feeling the weight settle on his finger. The silver band was smooth and cool, and the square-cut onyx head glinted in the sunlight. The design of a snake eating itself seemed familiar, but he couldn't place it. The ring felt strange on his finger, and he couldn't shake the feeling that it didn't belong to him. Tony pushed the box aside, hoping to forget about it. As he closed his eyes, alcohol and sleep deprivation caught up with him, and the world spun around him. He stumbled to the bathroom, feeling the bile rise in his throat. Leaning over the toilet, he cursed himself for his bad decisions. He heaved and retched, his body convulsing with each violent expulsion, spewing vomit all over himself and the floor. In his drunken stupor, he couldn't aim properly, missing the toilet bowl almost completely. Tony felt a sense of shame and disgust, realizing that this was an all-time low for him. Though he had always been a heavy drinker, he had never let it get this out of hand before. After losing his husband a few months ago, everything seemed to spiral out of control for Tony. Bills accumulated, and he struggled to keep up with the payments alone. Eventually, he lost their house, which was the last straw. It was as though the universe had conspired against him, leaving him helpless. Feeling defeated and isolated, Tony stumbled into the bathroom and shed his clothes. As he glimpsed himself in the mirror, he felt even worse. His skin was pale and splotchy, with dark circles beneath his eyes indicating restless nights and unceasing worry. He gazed at his reflection, feeling like he didn't even recognize the person staring back at him. This was a far cry from the assured and content person he used to be. Tony glanced down at his hand, noticing the ring he had put on the night before. He attempted to remove it, but it refused to budge. He tugged and twisted, but it remained stuck. Panic began to set in as he realized he couldn't remove the ring. He tried everything, from soap to oil, but it wouldn't come off. As he wrestled with the ring, Tony's thoughts wandered back to the previous night's events. The drinking, the vomiting, and now this. It was like a never-ending nightmare. He considered going to the hospital, but the thought of explaining his predicament to a doctor was too humiliating. He attempted to distract himself with other things, but the ring was a constant reminder of his mistake. Tony decided to take a shower, hoping that the water would assist in loosening the ring. As he stood beneath the stream of hot water, he scrutinized the ring again. It was a lovely piece of jewelry, but now it felt like a shackle, a symbol of his imprudence. ======= As Tony scrubbed the vomit off his skin, an odd sensation emanating from the ring on his finger caught his attention. It felt as if the ring was vibrating, sending out pulsating waves of energy that distorted the air around it. Uncertain of what to make of it, Tony frowned. Was it merely a trick of the light, or was something more going on? He held his hand up to the light, closely examining the ring. The silver band glinted in the sunlight, and the square cut onyx head absorbed the light around it. The snake eating its own tail seemed to coil around his finger, almost as if it were alive. Tony shook his head, attempting to dispel the foggy feeling in his head. It was probably just the hangover, he told himself. There was no way that a simple ring could possess any magical properties. After finishing cleaning himself off, he stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel to dry off. As he stumbled to his room, his head pounded with each step. Collapsing onto his bed, the weight of his exhaustion pulled him under. The welcomed relief of the darkness in the room didn't bring peace, and he buried his face in the pillows, hoping to find solace in the silence. Despite his attempts, he found it hard to drift off into a peaceful sleep, his mind still haunted by the events of the previous night. The ring on his finger felt heavy, a constant reminder of the strange and unfamiliar experiences that had transpired. In the darkness of his room, Tony twisted and turned the ring on his finger, feeling the smooth silver band and the sharp edges of the onyx head. It was strange how it seemed to bring him some comfort, however small. As he traced the pattern of the snake eating its tail, a faint tingling sensation passed through his fingertips. It felt as if a subtle electric current was flowing through the metal and into his skin, but he couldn't be sure if it was just his imagination or the remnants of the hangover. Tony closed his eyes and tried to sleep off the remaining headache, his hand resting on his chest with the ring still on his finger. Despite the discomfort, he found himself feeling an odd sense of security with the ring in place, almost as though it were a protective talisman keeping the darkness at bay. But as he drifted off to sleep, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something else about the ring, something he couldn't quite put his finger on. ==== Tony was jolted awake by the sound of his phone ringing. Still groggy, he fumbled for it on the nightstand and squinted at the bright screen. He saw several missed calls and messages from his boss. He answered with a hoarse voice, trying to sound alert and professional. "Sorry I'm late," he mumbled, hoping to save face. "Tony, where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here two hours ago!" his boss Steve barked. Tony winced at the sharp tone. He tried to come up with an excuse, but his foggy mind drew a blank. "Uh, I must have overslept, I'm so sorry. I'll be there as soon as possible." “Don’t bother. You don’t need to worry about coming in anymore.” Steve said as he hung up the phone. Tony's heart sank as he realized what had just happened. He had lost his job, and he didn't know how he was going to pay the rent in his current state. He slumped back onto his pillow, feeling defeated and hopeless. As Tony lay there, he could feel the weight of the ring on his finger, causing his heart to race with panic. He struggled to remove it, tugging and twisting with all his might, but the ring seemed to be tightening around his finger. The feeling of being trapped overwhelmed him, as if the ring had become a part of his body. He longed for peace, to feel lighter and not so burdened by… all this weight. Everything in his life felt so heavy, and he didn’t feel strong enough anymore. Suddenly, he felt the familiar sensation of nausea in his gut, and he rushed to the restroom. But before he could vomit, the feeling passed, leaving him confused and bewildered. As he gazed at his reflection again, he noticed that something else had changed too. His eyes widened in disbelief as he realized he had lost a significant amount of weight. He lifted his shirt, revealing his flat stomach that was once hidden beneath a couple layers of fat. Tony marveled at the changes. He felt relaxed, refreshed, and lighter than ever before. He couldn't believe that he had unconsciously wished for this, but the results were undeniable. His clothes felt loose, and he moved with a newfound ease that he hadn't experienced in years. The ring had granted his wish for inner peace and transformed his body in ways he never thought possible. Tony couldn't believe his luck - the ring had actually granted his wish! He couldn't wait to show off his new physique to his friends and maybe even get some attention from potential partners. Then he had a thought, what if he wished to be a little bit muscular? A little couldn’t hurt. His muscles began to ache and he could feel the strain in his joints. He wondered if he had pushed himself too hard, if he had overestimated his own limits with the wish. He decided to take it easy, and rest. After a long night at the bars, this was a lot to process. He collapsed onto his couch and fell asleep, feeling more tired than he had in days. When he woke up, he was surprised to find that his body was a little more muscular. He no longer ached, and he felt more energized than ever. He couldn't wait to see what else the ring was capable of. Tony's heart was pounding in his chest as he lay there, his body consumed by the pulsating energy emanating from the ring. He couldn't believe the change that had just taken place. His once thin and lackluster physique was now defined and toned, muscles bulging in all the right places. He flexed his arms and felt the satisfying burn of newly acquired strength. The power surging through him was intoxicating, and he couldn't resist the urge to explore his new body. With a grin, he traced his fingers over his chest, feeling the hard muscles beneath his skin. His nipples were already hard, and he couldn't help but give them a playful pinch. His hands continued to travel down his torso, tracing the faint outline of his abs, before finally coming to rest on the small lump in his boxers. As Tony's hand ran along the length of his shaft, he closed his eyes and focused on the pleasure coursing through his body. The sensation was incredible, and he couldn't believe how quickly his wish had been granted. His penis grew larger and thicker in his hand, reaching an impressive 7 inches. It felt amazing to finally have a sizable enough dick that he could hold it in his hands and feel its weight. He dragged his fist up and down his shaft, enjoying the growth and throbbing pleasure he got with each heartbeat. He felt his entire body start to tingle with arousal, and he couldn't help but let out little sighs of pleasure. His moans grew louder and more guttural as he felt his body tense with pleasure. Tony's eyes rolled back in his head, and he threw his head back, basking in the intense sensations flooding his body. He felt a surge of ecstasy as the pleasure peaked, sending shivers down his spine. He couldn't believe how incredible it felt to have a larger, more impressive penis. The newfound confidence he felt was overwhelming, and he couldn't wait to show off his new endowment. Tony's body trembled with excitement as he continued to stroke himself, the ring on his finger amplifying his pleasure with each passing second. The electric pulses of energy that coursed through his veins made his muscles twitch and quiver, filling him with a sense of power and invincibility. He couldn't believe how intense the sensations were, every touch of his skin sending waves of pure ecstasy rippling through him. As his cock throbbed in his hand, Tony knew that he was close to reaching the pinnacle of pleasure. The heat within him was building, his balls tightening in anticipation of release. With each stroke, he felt the pressure within him intensify, and he knew that he couldn't hold back any longer. Tony's body convulsed with pleasure as he let out a primal scream that echoed through the room. The hot, sticky cum exploded from his cock, splattering all over his chest and stomach, entangling in his chest hair. The sensation was like nothing he had ever experienced before, and as he lay there, panting and covered in sweat, he couldn't help but want more. He craved the feeling of his cream filling up a muscle twunk, and the thought made his cock stir once again. As he caught his breath, Tony realized that the ring on his finger had unlocked a whole new level of sexual power and desire within him. He was hooked, and he knew that he would stop at nothing to explore every inch of this newfound power. He closed his eyes and concentrated on his next wish, his mind racing with the possibilities of what he could become. He envisioned himself towering over buildings, crushing cars underfoot, and feeling invincible. But as Tony paused, he knew he couldn't make that wish just yet. He wanted to indulge in his newfound power and explore every aspect of it before he became a muscular titan. Then, another thought hit him. He could finally teach Steve a lesson, but he needed to hold off on the growth for a little longer. A devilish grin spread across Tony's face
  3. Vasilij

    A girl to match the man

    Owen was watching himself in the mirror, veins popping and sweat dripping, while he curled a couple of 50 kg dumbbells. This wasn’t a very big weight for him, but he was curling for about a hundred reps already. His red pumped biceps have swelled to the size of basketballs, causing surprised and admiring in the gym. Even those who already knew this young athlete couldn’t get enough of his power and aesthetics. That appreciation encouraged him to work out harder each time. He knew that free training somebody - girl or guy, will suck him off in the locker room while obsessingly worshipping his body. That happened every day ever since he has shown that gym bully his place and demonstrated his own power to everyone. Bis arms burned and veins seemed ready to pop, but Owen, closing his eyes and growling through gritted teeth, concentrated. He wasn’t going to stop, not yet. Another curl, another one… - 200! - he roared in the mix of pain and pride, letting the dumbbells crush on the floor. - Wow, I’ve never seen anyone curl this much! - sounded a friendly girly voice - Well, I’ve not seen a boy do it. Owen turned and, for the first time in years, became impressed by another human’s body. A woman - or, actually, a girl about his age judging by the smooth young face, came into the gym. She was new to it, but certainly not new to the sports. Black workout shorts and sleeveless shirt didn’t leave much to imagination. Arms were far thicker and much stronger than an average man’s legs. Smooth legs were like tree trunks. Firm melon-like boobs with pointy nipples jutted out over the bloated eight-pack abs. Head sat atop the mighty neck. The girl’s muscles were just as big and ripped as Owens, and yet she still possessed a feminine beauty and elegance, like a wild beast which is both fast and strong. - Damn, girl! I’d remember you if we met before. Are you new here? - Yes, my family just moved from another town. I wanted to see if there are good gyms here, otherwise I would get bored. - Well, do you like it? - If a stud like you works in here, it must be good. - she chuckled and moved closer, her boobs almost touching Owen’s pumped pecs. - It’s fun when there is someone to compete with. - Compete? You sure you can handle this?! - Owen cockily flexed his right bicep, making it swell over 30 inches. - I’m eager to see if I can! Name’s Sophia, by the way. - Owen. Glad to meet you. Now let’s get started. Other people in the gym were already interested in the new member and now many of them were eager to watch what was about to happen. Two young, but monstrous athletes of unyielding power finally found the only one to challenge them - each other. After Owen rested a bit to even the odds, they started the leg press machine. There was only one, so Owen and Sophia took turns. They were pushing ten 25 kg plates into the air for about a twenty reps each time. After that came sit-ups with weights on chest, then bench press, pull ups, running a track. Two young beasts were breathing heavily, completely wet with sweat, but still ready for more. Several machines were in need of repare, some bars have needed under too much plates. - You are one big boy! The first one to match me in strength, stamina, speed and skill. - Sophia said with appreciation and suddenly slapped her rival on the crotch - I hope this is not compensating for something. - You won’t be disappointed! - Owen knew very well where this was going - But first let’s do the last test. - What’s that? - How tough you are? Before getting to business you should see if you can handle this. - Owen flexed his manhood, the fleshy sword rising and stretching the shorts - I used to bruise some people with it. So we need to see how much pain can we take. Among the audience were two twin brothers, 30-year old men with somewhat slim, yet hard and strong bodies. Usually they spent their time with punching bag instead of weights and everyone knew the skill and sped they possessed. Owen called out to them: - Would you boys help us? - Of course, but how? - said one of them. - Hit us in the abs as many times as you can. Don’t hold back. It might actually hurt you a bit, but you are not soft yourselves, eh? - Sure! - said another one, willing to prove his prowess to the teen giant. It went on for twenty minutes. Owen and Sophia stood as giant rock statues, flexing with their hands behind their heads. The glove-clad fists used to punching hard material were landing on the pumped eight-pack abs and inhumanely swelled obliques. Sometimes Sophie or Owen moaned slightly, but this pain didn’t mean much to them. Boxers on the other hand soon became tired and their fists burned. - Sorry man, but it hurts too much. Can we end now. - Well… half an hour is enough. You can go. Sorry, if I flexed too hard. I can reward you for your help later. - Owen flexed hid dong again, this time slightly tearing his shorts. The boxers understood, nodded and stopped their assault. - Well, Sophie, ho was that? - Nice warmup. - she said, while massaging her reddened abs - Now onto the main workout! With the slight movement of her hand, muscle girl tore off her shorts, revealing gravity-defying tits, tight shaved cunt and seductive ass. This sight was enough to make Owen’s already hard cock to swell even more, rising and tearing the shorts clear off his body. Sophia saw her rival’s balls and commented: - These bad boys must have more cum than all the guys in my class put together. - Care to check? - laughed Owen, moving closer and grabbing his new girlfriend by the mighty shoulders. Two beasts embraced in a mix of love and rivalry. They french-kissed wrestling with their lusty tongues, hugged each others warm muscles in a vice-like embrace. Eventually Owen’s cock found its way inside Sophia. She has broken vibrators and made men whimper with the strength of her muscular pussy, but Owen enjoyed pushing his rock hard weapon through it. Cum and pussyjuice alike started flowing out of Sophia’s cunt, dripping down Owen’s legs and making a mess on the floor. Two incredible teenagers were fucking while surrounded by the crowd of people, which couldn’t handle so much power and sexuality. The men jerked off and the women fingered themselves, consumed in a lust for a muscle god and goddess. After an hour everyone else layed exhausted and passed out because of the sheer pleasure of what they have witnessed. Walls and floor were covered with craters from intense fucking. Owen and Sophie layer in the puddle of their own voluminous juices, while still kissing caressing each other. - I hope you came to this town to stay. - When there is a man like you, I‘m not leaving.
  4. So, I thought I was done, but then I failed NNN, so now the rest of you have to fail it too Ch 1 - Hedlan’s Birthday Hedlan awoke once again to the sensational vibrations his pectorals were programmed to. He loved that smooth hum as he awoke from another blissful twelve hour recharge. It rippled across his toned body as his most evolved muscle, his brain, began to check the status of his beloved anatomy in nanoseconds. Before he could will his eyes to open, Hedlan’s mind had processed over twelve terabytes of data obtained from his recharge process. 79% regularity. 12% functionality innovation updates fully installed. 0.001% anatomical failure, corrected, error time - 23 nanoseconds. This was a meager blip, but Hedlan knew reporting this minor issue would reward him with another four thousand credits of nanowear innovations. The report continued: Experimental compatibility with temporary host unit: 83%. A 30% increase over the previous stand-in. Second interaction imperative for credit authorization. “Ah yes” Hedlan thought to himself privately. “Cindra… She *was* 83% compatible… Great, but still nothing compared to Toth, damn… When is Toth going to recover? What day is it…” Nanoseconds later, the report finished with one final note for the day: “The Time is Seven O Clock, November 93rd in the year 99,220,220. And in addition, it is your 2016th birthday.” “Hmm…. Is it?” Purred the blonde bombshell resting upon Hedlan’s massive chest. Hedlan chuckled. “I suppose it is. My my how time flies.” Cindra’s eye glowed slightly as she received her own update. “Damn… Structural integrity only recovered 49%...” “Oof. I am off my game. A slender… What? Type 15 build, even with augments shouldn’t have recovered 55%.” Hedlan replied. Cindra rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Try type 26 Essex class.” “Essex class? No fucking way. Guess I’m still kicking.” “Fuck yeah. Haven’t been pushed like that sense I was walking around in this bimbotic type 21:” Cindra teased as she telepathically transmitted an old picture of herself. “Mmm. Don’t make em like they used too huh.” Hedlan teased. “While the fuckbags were even better than you can imagine, the structural integrity couldn’t keep up with newer models like YOUR experimentally sexy ass… Sometimes you gotta sacrifice beauty so you don’t wake up four weeks after having your cybernetic mind fucked out your own ass.“ “I know, why do you think the Hive paired your. *Licks lips* Structurally stable body with me?” “Mmm… I don’t know. Terrible decision.” “Firmware says we got one last interaction to authorize the transaction.” “Did it now? Hmm… Well what a shame… I really was looking forward to the three moons festival this friday…. But fuck it, there’s always next decade.” Ch 2 - Extremely Optimized Cindra was a somewhat out of date model, roughly two years without a proper upgrade. Still her luxury essex class selection allowed her to be paired with Hedlan as the best substitute candidate for him to workout with. Hedlan, is a top-of-the-line body builder. He updates himself nightly to optimize his body in every way he, or rather, the Bioware corporation, can. To make it in the Bioware industry in these times, you need massive augmentations daily just to compete. Each day, Hedlan compresses his body down overnight to install and re-charge every last cell in his body. When he awakes he is roughly 7’3” tall, the shortest he’ll be all day. His skeleton is constantly secreting a variety of chemicals to encourage muscular growth, and expands at a rate of roughly 2.5 inches each hour. Each muscle group is continuously charged and exercised on their own. This was at first thought to be the main limitation to muscular acceleration. That is, until the innovation of Sexual Interaction Boosting. More effective than steroids, a chemical called “Lib-300” was generated in a host body. On its own it has numerous, well perhaps not negative but certainly undesired traits when it came to body building. It would encourage massive fat deposits until the compound matured. Afterwhich, if ingested fresh, it would supercharge a secondary host’s muscular system, causing their muscular ability to balloon at insane rates while not compromising the cardiovascular, neural, or cybernetic enhancements. The practical upshot of this was Sexual Interaction Boosting, in which a typically female candidate would produce Lib-300 in excess, specifically at key anatomical areas of their body: The glutes, the thighs, and each breast. From there, sexual interaction would act as a sort of super-juiced workout for the typically male partner, who would receive the chemical through special receptors on the tongue for the upper half of the body, the genitals for the lower half, and in addition, the skin as well, which while not as effective, would end up absorbing roughly 32% of excess Lib-300 excreted by the partner. The Lib-300 lasts for mere moments, but when it interacts with the body in large quantities, it can promote muscular growth for hours, so as to continuously supply the host with the euphoric feeling of becoming stronger, which is simply more errotic and desirable than perhaps any other sensation Hedlan experienced in his two thousand plus years of existence. Each partner is continuously being updated and evaluated on ways to improve the interaction process. For instance, Cindra is equipped with magnetic gravity enhancement in her ass and cervix. This allows her body to begin the process by filling air pockets with charged helium, making her lighter than a feather, and after a short while forcing her into a state of buoyancy that should rocket her out of the atmosphere. Only by Hedlan gripping her with an extreme force of over 9 tons per-square-milimeter, can Cindra prevent herself from slamming against the ceiling. In addition, Cindra can fluctuate randomly, forcing Hedlan to adapt between needing to exert extreme force downwards, or upwards. However, this is little challenge for Hedlan’s body, which after a mere forty minutes of immaculate exercise for his torso, triceps, abdominals, and tongue is ready for stage two. In order to accelerate the growth process, a newer feature of Hedlan’s workout is the process of using a special chemical, stored in the left orange-sized testicle, as a catalyst inside of Cindra’s esophagus. By coaxing the chemical out of Hedlan, Cindra can absorb charge from the chemical. This in turn drives every nerve cluster in Cindra’s body into overdrive and improves Lib-300 production by 300% (while simultaneously driving Cindra into a heightened state of madness in which every form of pleasure becomes more blissful by the moment. Even the air molecules moving through her toes can be felt if she is able to absorb a full stomach full. However, this is an increasingly difficult challenge as while the process is ongoing, Hedlan’s magnificent cock has expanded considerably. During phase one, the cock maintained almost no growth due to restraining himself to oral interaction. However, once stage two begins, Hedlan’s member begins to make up for lost time, expanding from his initial size of nine inches at a rate of 0.5 inches every minute, until the optimal size of 3 feet is reached. In the mean time, Cindra can’t allow herself to eject the cock, even to take a breath. This is why her lungs are equipped with methods of absorbing oxygen effectively without the use of her throat, and her throat is lined with titanium stabilizers to prevent… most damage. For the next hour and seven minutes, Cindra’s throat is brutally fucked by Hedlan’s monster cock. All the while, Hedlan has grown considerably. Before stage two, Hedlan was somewhat lopsided, with a massive upper body build of over 300lbs of compressed muscle in each arm, in addition to 470lbs in the chest, abdominals, and other areas above his stomach. While his legs and cock were still massive, but nowhere near as egregiously oversized as the rest of his build. However now, the adonis has leveled out, with Hedlan’s cybernetic brain now frantically shifting the flow of Lib-300 to his ass to round his glutes out with extra layers of muscular perfection. At which point, poor Cindra suffered a catastrophic failure of her esophageal support, forcing her to rip the now two foot nine inches cock from her gut as it filled with Hedlan’s emergency release of the chemical. This annoyed Hedlan somewhat, as while he knew Cindra would heal in a few days, the rate of Lib-300 production would be severely compromised at only 200% increase, if he was lucky. Never the less, he couldn’t let the past two hours go to waste, and spun Cindra around for phase three. In phase three, Cindra will be excreting massive amounts of Lib-300 from her breasts and vaginal walls, causing swelling. Meanwhile, every last drop of the delicious secretion is fueling Hedlan with a roided sense of power and immense growth rate as the beast would continue to swell greedily with power and determination as he squeezed and fucked every drop of the compound he could from what was left of Cindra as she entered a blissful coma of pleasure that would last for days. Inside, Hedlan felt like a machine, pumping and sucking in every way he could to trigger the maximum amount of reaction from Cindra. It wasn’t just lust, it was calculated. His mind burned at the number of calculations being done to control his tongue, while waiting ever so patiently to engage his cock again, which when flexed would stimulate a magnetic field absorbing and stimulating every micrometer of Cindra’s nether regions. Outside, Hedlan was pulsing larger and larger as he quickly grew past eight feet tall. His pectorals, while only a mere meter in width each, were now jetting a solid foot out from his body and weighed easily 400lbs apiece. Each commanded an arm the size of a refrigerator, with the muscular complexity of a super-computer. Thousands upon thousands of micro-layers of muscle worked together to give Hedlan the power to crush mountains with a squeeze. His legs rose to the size of tree trunks, and his abdominals began production of a new matrix of blood vessels just to provide the space to add another row of rock hard chest stones. Despite the limitations of Cindra’s throat, her ass and vagina were more than capable of handling Hedlan’s rapidly expanding four foot monster cock as it evolved and matured to allow new methods of pleasure to reach Hedlan’s brain. After a mere thirty minutes however, poor Cindra had reached a critical state and could produce no more. As his growth slowed, Hedlan sighed. “Damn, used up and I’m only as good as a mark 90… Whatever.” He thought to himself. “I’m out of time. HIVE,” he stated addressing the globally shared hivemind system, “Ensure Cindra gets home in one peace, and in the mean time, I’ll need an emergency boost of Lib-300 from another host before work, otherwise those bastards at Muscle-Management will wipe the floor with us. “ Telepathically he ended the message and started to walk to work. As he got up Cindra awoke dazed, with her brain functioning at 30% capacity. “You’re going out without getting dressed?” Hedlan just smiled and said “Why?” imprinting the image of his supercharged chest into her brain as she passed out once again. Ch 3 - Going to work - As Hedlan stepped outside he felt the warm radiation of the sun kiss his skin. He never understood why but he loved the way light bounced off of him, particularly while he was still dripping in a thick layer of sex-based sweat and biological compounds. In the breeze the salty wind of the ocean core beneath the floating platform sent the smell of fresh delicacies rising from the food pits below. Before Hedlan was a bodybuilder, he started off as a chef’s apprentice deep down by the shores, hardly ever feeling the sensation of sunlight. He left eventually to pursue his own passion, but as a child he understood why they’d stay down there, the taste of such food is sublime when it’s fresh, and it isn’t to be exchanged for any substitute. To do so would be a disservice, not just to the meal, but the craft itself. That’s what motivated Hedlan. Perfection and respect for his craft. Only to him, it wasn’t the milliseconds between flipping the grill, but the flow of blood and energy within his own complex body. Pressuring each layer of muscle until it fractured perfectly, and healing the organic pattern as quickly as possible, just to shatter it again. Like his own body was his own pottery and he was a master of Kintsugi. “I don’t understand these firewall inefficiencies” rang out a voice in Hedland’s mind. “I can’t be late for Armada practice again”. “I love the smell of fresh herbs blowing in the morning.” “I should surprise my lover at work today…” Hedlan lowered the volume of these voices as he approached the local gathering spot. Idle dribble isn’t what he was interested in overhearing from other people’s minds. However, as he stepped into view in front of the grassy clearing, a few turned heads and glances blared at the perfect volume inside his head: “Fuck, let me get some of that hunk.” “Fuck me, I haven’t felt aroused by a male in decades…” “That beast… I wouldn’t last a minute with that monster… Maybe I should upgrade…” “Please. Please notice me. Please. I need it. I need to feel that hot god against my skin… I want to lick those muscles clean…” Hedlan grinned and produced a small nod at the thirsty woman giving that last open thought, whose face went red as she turned her thoughts back to private. As he continued walking across the soft dry grass, more and more thoughts like that massaged his ego until it matched his enormous proportions. In the open public of the Alpha Centauri Heart Planet it was common to see humanoid variants ranging in size from a meager three feet, to twenty foot goliaths twice the size of Hedlan both clothed and baren. However, towards the southern side of the coastal plateau, was the sinful Muscle Beach. A libidinous stretch of over three miles, where the thick crowd of muscular adonises would flair their bodies in conjunction with each other. From one end of the beach to another, was an endless swarm of mostly naked figures caressing and fawning over superior specimens. The air of this region was actually laced with a byproduct from the Lib-300 production factories below known as W-Tin-K, and while at first options were weighed to fix this issue, it soon proved to not only be difficult, but undesirable and counterproductive to the economy and tourism. W-Tin-K is a powerful hallucinogenic compound that’s quickly broken down by oxygen, its effects vary from subject to subject. Those who ingest this substance are filled with a harmonic lust towards the most powerful specimen in the area, where their minds are slowly corrupted by the euphoric sensation of licking and touching a specimen stronger than oneself. While this sounds concerning, over seven thousand years of research has gone into the study of W-Tin-K, and no concernable link between health and ingestion of W-Tin-K has been found. Survival on the beach is somewhat determined by one’s ability to handle W-Tin-K and perhaps more importantly: The ability to handle other people Jacked out of their minds on the chemical as well. While a few horny utopian citizens licking your legs up and down is fun, a body that isn’t built to handle the inner crowds of the area will be savagely ripped apart by dozens of lust-crazed beasts. It’s for this reason that the southern beach was where Hedlan’s personal back-up for Lib-300 would be found, as any Lib-300 producing beast that could survive here would be able to take monsters ten times Hedlan’s current ability with no issue. The Hive directed Hedlan deeper and deeper into the crowd as the muscular quality and size of the men and women around him increased to match himself as more and more of those smaller than him began to delve deeper and deeper into acts of passion for their current master. Finally, Hedlan finally found who he was looking for. A young stud, merely nine hundred years old, his mind lost for days, perhaps even months, within his seemingly endless pursuit to be drowned in the cum of the gods he helped to build. His name was Levidicus. Hedlan glazed over him, his mind not even for a moment distracted by the other beasts in the distance larger or the pathetic simps clawing at his legs. Levidicus was a massive specimen just shy of Hedlan’s height at a staggering 8 foot 10”. All of it raw muscle, of course, he didn’t have the sensation of growing to such an expanse each day like Hedlan, rather Levidicus would start and end each day the same size. A thought Hedlan pitied him for. However, aside from that Levidicus was perfect. Estimated a 95% compatibility with himself. His pectorals glowing with Lib-300 as he was built to produce the chemical endlessly, however Hedlan didn’t have that kind of time. He needed to bring Levidicus to stage three quickly. However, without speaking a word, the Hive informed them both of the issue at hand. Levidicus was no object to be used. He was a savage animal that needed to be tamed. He wouldn’t give up his throne of power to bow to anyone, and if he would, Hedlan would have to prove he owned it. Both of them knew from the start, exactly who would rein supreme, but with a cocky grin, and a grip of his own python, Levidicus made it very clear he wasn’t going to make it easy. Once again, Hedlan started with stage 1. Thankfully, the various other members of the area had already begun the activation process, direct interaction was all that was necessary. So, Hedlan primed his tongue and gripped his adversary by the balls and began. “Ah… Oh fuck yes. Finally. A bitch who knows his place. MMMmmm. Damn straight… You suck that cock boy. You suck that fucking pole. You know who I am bitch… I’m your fucking daddy…. Don’t forget it. Half your age, but twice your worth. You hear that you god damn peasant. If you dare take your lips off that cock, I’ll flip you over and fill your ass with it too… I’m your god damn boss now, your fucking GOD. I demand this worship.” While Levidicus teased Hedlan about the process, Hedlan was not so prideful to feel even slightly inferior. He knew what was to come. If a sense of superiority helped Levidicus reach climax faster, good. It didn’t distract Hedlan from the thousands of micro-movements his mouth was performing any more than the gusts of hot sex-soaked wind swirling around them. All it took was a few more minutes of bucking before Levidicus finally broke mentally. “Shit. Fuck. DAMN! Oh fuck tiger. Looks like I’m about to let the dam break. MMM! Good. I bet your sick fuck ass loves this part.” And with that Hedlan grinned a warm white cum-stained grin as the familiar feeling of growth reached his chest again. It was slow, but he knew it was there. Hedlan wasted no time. He spun Levidicus around and prepared to inject his own chemical in the most effective way possible for stage two. “WOah there baby. Be gentle now!” Leviticus begged through gritted teeth as Hedlan wasted no time pumping his swollen four foot cock deep into Leviticus’s perfect bouncy ass. “Ah… AH! FUck… THat… THAT ALL YOU GOT BITCH BOY!” Levidicus screamed as Hedlan’s fat member began to swell to even more inhuman proportions inside of him. “I CAN TAKE THIS ALL DAY!” “I’m sure you can Levi, but I’m afraid I’m going to have to speed this up…” Hedlan spoke softly into Levi’s ears. A small glance of fear appeared in Levidicus’s eyes as Hedlan directed all his growth to his genitals and flexed. “YOU FUCKING BITCH! OH THAT’S JUST NOT GAH! FAIR! OH… FUCK…” Hedlan gripped Levi’s firm yet shrinking tree-trunk like legs as he rammed his cock inside him for the final push. Like a bottle of champagne, Hedlan released the chemical into Levi’s body where it quickly began driving Levidicus to a new heightened level of pleasure and production as his internal organs were only just barely saved from decimation by a powerful pressurized burst from Hedlan’s expanding cock. As Levi’s mind began to succumb to the blur of pleasure and synapse limitations, he looked up to see the man who just minutes ago was almost his height, now towering above him at a menacing ten feet. “Now for the fun part.” Hedlan grinned evilly as Levi’s eyes lit up with fear and lust. Levi’s body was glowing from the insane amount of liquid being forced to his surface. As his mind raced to process it all, he was discovering new ways to climax. His throat erupted with a sweat bile he’d never tasted, which Hedlan drank from his lips as he squeezed his body to it’s limit like a juice-box. While at first he figured his cock would be left disappointingly free, like so many others only interested in his Lib-300 production, Hedlan was a professional, and was actively using his matrix of expanding abdominal muscles to maintain Levi’s climactic state for longer than Levidicus had ever experienced. His ass was expanding along with Hedlans, not due to any chemical reason, but because Hedlan’s thirsty cock was deep inside the source of what he could offer Hedlan, slurping and replacing as much of the material as he possibly could with each thrust. It was forced to expand to survive. All the while, Hedlan’s body was accelerating even more so than with Cindra. Ten foot. Eleven foot. Twelve foot. Soon, Hedlan’s massive Sixteen foot body was lifting Levi’s tiny husk like a doll Levi looked up at the monster Hedlan had become, and all he could muster was “Damn daddy… You got game…”. The rest of the beach cheered in awe as they watched the man who walked into the beach a quarter of the size he was now, walk out like it was another day at the office. For Hedlan, he was satisfied. Fifteen - five would have done fine, but sixteen would likely get him a raise. “Thinking of which, it’s likely about time I get to work…” Part 4 - Actually getting to work - Coming soon! Make sure to like and reply in the meantime. Coming soon! Make sure to like in the meantime.
  5. Trunks was on the way to his mother's house. She called him earlier and it seemed urgent. He had felt an enormous ki this morning and it couldn't be his father or Goku,, who were gone to train with Beerus and Whis. It didn't bode well. "I'm here Mom. You called me ?" "Yeah. I have a bad news. You must have felt earlier this gigantic ki ? I think that's Broly." "BROLY ? But Goku hadn't defeated him ?" "Unfortunately, no" "Fuck, and Dad and Goku are not here." "Yes but I think we can do without them." "Against Broly ? Are you fool ? We have no chance to beat him. I'm not enough strong for this" "Not now but... it's the second reason why I called you. I'm working on my last invention : a power gun. It allows to increase physical abilities of a person and when I say increase, it's really really increase. But I don't test on a human subject" "And... you would like test it on me, that's it" "Exact. But even if I tested on you now, it would be insufficient for to beat Broly because there is one detail that could change the situation. I noticed that the intensity of transformation depends of person's current ki. More high it is, more powerful you will be. As I already told you, if I use on you now, it would be insufficient but what would happen if I used it on you when you are transformed ?" "If it depends of ki, I suppose that effects will be more important" "Exactly, very more importants. Do you remember your fight against Cell ?" "Yes, I had transformed myself in ultra super saiyan. At the time, with this transformation, I was the most powerful among us but this it had a big inconvenience." "Yep, your speed was very decreased. But maybe my gun could correct that, but I'm not sure." "So if I understand, you would like to test on me when I'm transformed in ultra super saiyan ?" "Exactly. However, I have to warn you I don't know the results with certainty but I think that you will be enough big and powerful than Broly, maybe more. So Trunks, do you want to be my guinea pig ?" More powerful than Broly ? Trunks had trouble to imagine it but this idea pleased him, very even. He had loved this transformation but his inconvenience had made him abandonned, so more powerful and without inconvenience of speed ? Yes ! Oh fuck yes he wanted ! "Oh fuck yes I want!" he said with a big smile. "Very good ! But we are not going to make test here, firstly it's not discreet and then, it would be dangerous for citizens." "We could go on the place where I fought Cell, it's really desert." "Excellent idea. Oh, I forgot but I would like that you wear your suit. I would like test his resistance." "Ok !" *Few hours later* "Ok, we are arrived, so let you transform. Don't worry, go to max and when you will be ready, I could use the gun on you." Trunks flew, transformed into super saiyan and began to concentrate him. He hadn't used this transformation for a long time but he remembered this fabulous feeling of power. Some seconds passed and firstly nothing happened, then his shoulders started to shake. Trunks clenched his teeth. Just a little more effort ! More seconds later, it was his chest and arms which whaked. And suddenly the car started : Trunks bent him back and yelled. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!" His hair instantly grew and pick up. His chest and arms seemed start to swell. Under his suit, Trunks could feel his pecs grow and push against his armor. He could feel his abs bulged and quickly become a good sixpack. Trunks straightened his head. Holy fuck, he could feel his traps rose up and his shoulders become canonballs size. His pupils disappeared, leaving his eyes totally white, symbol of a very big power. Lightnings began to appear around him. Trunks was also taller, more than 7 feet. Bulma looked his son become a powerful saiyan but it was nothing compared who waited him. Trunks yelled more when he felt an new energy wave altrought him. All of his body swelled ; he felt his traps rose more, his neck widened, his shoulders became true bowling balls, His arms gained inches after inches. He felt his pecs became more bigger, more thicker, his back widened more and more, Trunks couldn't see but he felt his abs exploded out of his stomach, like boulders implanted under his skin. His six-pack was now very ripped. His legs became more wide than tree trunks. And he was growing again in height and weight. Soon, the transformation seemed to end, Trunks was the head towards up and he was moaning ; this sensation of pure power was very incredible and he waited next with envy. Blue lightning appeared around of him. Finally, his pupils were return. The Ultra Super Saiyan was back ! Trunks stopped to moan and said : "Fuuuuuuuuuck, it feels so gooooood!". Bulma looked captors. Holy shit, his son was a giant, he was almost 8.5 feet tall and his weight was 620 lbs. It was huge yes, but really not enough for to beat Broly. So it was time to test his gun. "Trunks, are you okay ?" "Oh yeah, more than ever." "Ready for the next ? Sure ?" "OH YEAH!" Bulma activated gun and locked his son. The gun roared, more and more and more, and suddenly fired a big blue ray, which hit Trunks in this chest. Trunks widened his eyes. If the previous sensation was like a burning, this was like a nuclear explosion, even more. Nothing could be prepared him to this. During few instants, he said nothing then suddenly, he bent again back but more violently and yelled like he never yelled. This time, it was more intense, very more, very very more. "AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOOH FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKKKKKK !!!!!!!!!!!" Lightnings around him became thunder, he clenched his fists and fkexed his arms ; instantly they exploded with muscle, his chest bulged, his traps exploded out from his back, his legs swelled more. And he was taller too, Bulma looked his screen : 9.6 feet and... 1060 lbs. Holy Fuck !!! He was titanic. *crrrrrrrr..crrrrrrrr..crrrr* Bulma heard this crack but didn't know where it came from. Some moments later, she understood : Trunks's armor was starting to crack, firstly it was imperceptible but more muscle he gained, more cracks were visible. Normally, his armor was created for to adapt on user's body but here, his muscles became too big. And it's what happened : next muscle growth spurt literally destroy it. Trunks was now only in his blue combinaison, giving a perfect view on his muscular body. Bulma looked his stats : 10.5 feet tall and 1870 lbs ! Crap, Trunks was taller of Broly ! But the transformation wasn't over : Trunk started to scream even louder when his whole body grew even bigger. "AAAAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH AAAAAAAAHHH AAAAAAAAAAAAAH AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH !!!!!! OOOOOOOOOOOHHHH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!!!! IT'S SO FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD" Bulma could hear that his voice became more deeper, more cavernous. She looked her screen again : 12 feet, 2480 lbs. God ! She knew that eher invention would work but not at this point.. Trunks, meanwhile, was a second state. Everything he felt was pure power, at every second this power increased, he felt his body growing more and more and more. He had already had this sensation with ultra super saiyan but now, it was multiplied by a thousand. And it was not yet the end : he felt a new wave of power coming. "HOOOOOLYYYYYYYYYYYY SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTTTTTT AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH". His voice became really deep. He felt himself widening, his traps grew even bigger, to the point he had no more neck but only a muscle mountain which surrounded completely his neck. His pecs exploded more, to the point where they hid his sight. If he looked down, he couldn't see other than 2 fucking huge mountains. He bounced them few times and enjoyed of this amazing feeling. Even if couldn't see, he could perfectly feel his six-pack start to swell ,and suddenly, first row literaly popped out of his midsection (like when Buu returned to its original form), then the next row, and finally the third. Shit, his six-pack had doubled in size. But it didn't stop, Trunks felt the hard pressure go down and few moments later, a fourth row exploded out, giving him an incredible fucking eight-pack. His legs continued to grow, becoming redwood trunks. His suit was very very very tight and it gave right to a nice show. Every detail was clearly visible : striation of his shoulders, veins on his biceps, his gigantic lats, striations of his pecs, his nipples, every muscular brick of his amazing eight-pack, his fucking obliques, his amazing adonis belt, veins on the bottom of his abs, every bumps of his muscular quads. His suit yelled to agony and few moments later... "riiippp.. riiiiiippp... riiiiipppp.....riiiiippp..." Tears noises could be heard. Bulma widened his eyes ; after this armor, she noticed several tears appear on Trunks's suit. Even his suit, which was designed for to be very malleable and adapt of user's body, even more than his armor, couldn't stand more. Trunks was simply too muscular and tall for his suit. He was 13 feet tall and weighed 3000 lbs. And it was not yet the end : he felt another wave. Trunks's body exploded everywhere. He was growing, and growing and growing, add several hundreds of pounds in few seconds. His suit didn't supported and was disintegrated, leaving Trunks completely naked. His enormous cock was releasing and comes knock against the top of his eight-pack. Finally, the transformation seemed to end. Bulma took a look on the final statistics : 16 feet tall, 3600 lbs. HO-LY CRAP ! It was a lot more than anything she expected. Broly was "only" 9 feet tall and weighed 800 lbs. Trunks was there, fully naked... HOLY FUCKING SHIT : look at the size of his humoungous python. Bulma had not thought about this "detail" but yeah, there was no reason his dick didn't grow... Bulma wondered how long he could stay like this, because saiyan's transformation consumes a lot of energy, and generally, more powerful it's and more quickly it consumes energy, it's why they can't keep them forever. But in the Trunks's case, she was stunned when she saw her screen : Trunks didn't lose energy, on the contrary, he was producing it ! Trunks's body was became his own nuclear plant. It meant that he could stay like this... forever if he wanted it. Trunks moaned, savoring all sensation he felt. All that he could feel was power, true power, very more than previously. Even motionless it was orgasmic. So he began a flexing session : Trunks started by clench his fist "OOOOHHH Goooood it's so fucking good !" Then he flexed his forearms "Oooooooooh shiiiiiit !" Then he flexed his arms "OOOOOOH FUUUUUUUCKKK !!" Then he flexed and bounced his pecs "Holy shiiiiiiiiiiit" Then he flexed his eight-pack "OOOOOH GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOSH !!!!" Then he flexed hi legs "SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTT !!!" All this flexing session maked him really horny. Trunks was trying to refrain his huge envy to cum, because he was in front of his mother but the pleasure was really too much : he was going to cum, it was inevitable. So he took his cock and he reached the climax when he flexed all his muscles in same time. "HOOOLYYYYY....... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK !!!!!!!". His yell was so loud that it could be heard on ten of miles and cause an little earthquake. And his shot.... it wasn't a simple shot, it looked much more like a super kamehameha. There was several rocks on the path : it pierced them like it was nothing and finally to dig a crater in the ground. The flood continued for at least 15 minutes. Finally, after an eternity to come and moan, Trunks looked his mother "THANKS MOM !" Holy shit, his voice was incredibly deeper, and very more louder, it was such as he speaked through a megaphone. He flew near to his mother. "T-T-Tr..Trunks... are.... are you okay ?" "If I feel me okay ? Mom... ... it's the BEST FEELING I felt IN MY ENTIRE LIFE !". And effectively, it was unbelievable, every movement or flex were so fucking orgasmic ! Bulma was envy to touch him but he was produced too much energy, lightnings constantly appeared around him. She had planned several tests, including a kamehameha, but after to see this amazing power, the kamehameha's test was a very bad idea. By the way, Trunks's eyes were now constantly white, like Broly, contrary to his initial transformation. It was time to make few tests. "So.. let's see if this speed problem is fixed, fly until our house and go back. It's far enough but you should only take about 2 minutes. I could calculate your speed". Bulma did not have time to see Trunks start, but holy shit, what a shock wave ! 12 minutes later, he came back. "Hmmmm, 12 minutes, it's weird, it takes really more time than I thought" said Bulma. "Crap, I really hoped it would solve your speed problem" "Oh don't worry Mom, it's fixed, really ! Because I don't just only fly to our home... I did an Earth tour" "WH... WH...... WHAAA... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT ?!!!!! A....AN....AN EARTH TOUR ???!!!" exclaimed Bulma in shaking. "So... I think that this speed problem was definitly fixed." An Earth tour... a fucking Earth tour...... How fast did he fly ? He did the turn in 12 minutes and the diameter of Earth is 12742km. So he flew at.. ... ... 63710 km/h !!!! HO-LY FUCKING SHIIIIIT ! Bulma takes several minutes for to recover. It was unbelievable, Trunks was flying faster than a rocket, literally !! So yes, speed wasn't a problem. "Ok now, test your strength. I would like you destroy his big rock but don't do a kamehameha, I wouldn't you destroy the Earth haha." Trunks walks towards the rocks, which was really big, almost 40 feet, and he gave a little flick against and... the rock was reduced in pieces. "Strength won't be a problem either" said Trunks. "So, I think what I'm ready for to beat Broly no ?" Bulma remained silent for several seconds. She knew it would work, but there, it was completely unimaginable. She didn't think to say that one day but... yes, now, there was no chance to lose. "Ok we can go meet him. But before Mom... if you could find clothes for me. And I not need of armor, just suit will be sufficient." *Few hours later* "Finally, it was time ! I'm going to crush this Legendary super Saiyan" Trunks flew to place where they detected Broly early and waited after him. His gigantic power didn't take long for to be detect by Broly. And effectively, Broly searched after Kakarotto when he felt a gigantic ki but really really gigantic. Never he felt a power like this (it over 9000 :p). He was troubled during some seconds before returning to his senses. No matter how powerful, he was the legendary super saiyan, he could beat anyone and anyoune couldn't beat him. So why he will be worried ? So he decided to flew towards this amazing ki. And he came in front of fucking muscular titan. He recognized him directly, it was Trunks. But not the same little Trunks as usual. Now, he was a fucking muscular titan, more tall than Broly himself. How did he reached this level ? "You will not go further; I give you one chance, go far away and never come back. Otherwise..." said Trunks. "Otherwise what ? Well, you've been training what I see. I have to admit I'm impressed. But it will not enough for to beat me. I'm the Legenday Super Saiyan, you forgot ? NOBODY can beat me !" "Nobody ? Really ? Ok, so you know what ? I will let you hit me in first. But little advice, hit me with all your might because otherwise after... And I didn't move, I promise you !" "Let me hit you ? Are you fool ? So you want to be kill ! Ha, pathetic. But if you propose, I didn't refuse" Broly clenched his fits and says "GOODBYE TRUNKS !". And he hit with all his might. A very big sound could be heard : *CRACK !* Two opponents didn't move during few moments. where did this noise come from ? From Trunks ? From Broly ? After a few moments, Trunks says, in smiling "..... Mmmmh, I would say that you broke your knuckes on my abs no ?! And you know what ? I was not flexing them HAHAHAHA !!" Broly seemed very irritated. Nobody resisted him and it no was him who was going to start. "Bastard ! You have resisted to one punch but you will not resist to this ! DIE !!" And for the next minutes, it was a real rush of punches that received Trunks but he didn't move to an inch. Broly hit him and hit him and hit him... but it seemed to have no effects. He finished with a very huge kick on the side of Trunks's head but same result : Trunks didn't move. "Fuck ! trought Trunks. "Yesterday, this kick would have literally beheaded me... but today, I not feel anything ! It's so amazing !" "What ? That's all ? It's that the "Legendary Super Saiyan" ? It's a joke ? I didn't feel nothing. A baby hit more than you hahaha !" "GRRRRRRR !! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU BASTARD !!!" Broly flew further, raised his hands and suddenly generated a gigantic genkidama, biggest that those of Goku. "DIE !!!" he shouted before to launch it on Trunks. Fuck, it was probably not enough for to kill him but if it touched the planet, it would probably destroy it. Trunks had to stop it...... or maybe not, he had another idea. Trunks tried to hold this enormous genkidama. Broly laughed, anybody never not had sucessed to stop it, anybody. "This time, it's the end hahahahaha !!" yelled Broly. But after some seconds, the genkidame didn't move. "Hmm ? It's weird, it not seems move. Not matter, let's help it a few." Broly shot a lot of energy balls for to grow more his genkidama, which was now really gigantic. "HAHAHAHA STOP THAT IF YOU CAN !" But suddenly, an unexpected event happened : the genkidama decreased in size, then again, then again, then again... "WHAT ? NO ! It's impossible !! How ? How did he do that ?" Soon, Broly understood how and why ; he saw Trunks, with his two arms plunged in the enormous energy ball. He moaned of pleasure : Trunks wasn't trying to stop the genkidama, no, he was absorb it !! Trunks roared of pleasure, it was so fucking good, like he pumped the energy of a sun ! And more he absorbed, more he felt his body grow. His body grew at an accelerated rate. His biceps became really gigantic, with humoungous peakes of pure muscle, his shoulder became titanic, his traps reached his ears, his pecs were two gigantic mountains and below, he could feel again a very hard pressure in his midsection. Soon, like his previous muscle growth spurt, his abs exploded out of stomach, row after row, further increasing again and again in size and even the last time, a new row popped, giving him now an unbelievable shredded and ripped ten-pack. Trunks yelled and we could hear his voice became again more and more deep and loud. And during this amazing muscle growth spurt, obviously, he was also getting taller : 16.3 feet...16.7 feet... 17.. 17.4 .. 17.8... 18.5... 19.1... Tearing noises could be heard again : his suit was again in agony, until a last muscle growth wave shattered his clothes. And one more time, his dick came knock his abs. Gooooooooooosh, this amazing python was bigger than Broly's arms. And fun fact, his cock had to be more powerful than his entire old body. Trunks reached a humoungous 20 feet, totally naked. And his weight exceeded 5000 lbs. It was unbelievable. For comparison, now, one of his titanic abs was bigger than Broly's head. He moaned again for long seconds, savoring the power that ran through him. Then, he looked Broly, smiled and said "Thanks for this meal !!!". "FUCKING BASTARD !!!" yelled Broly. With rage, he rushed on Trunks and kicked him over and over. But nothing, he couldn't even push his fist through Trunks's midsection, which had become very more harder (and bigger) than the previous time. Trunks even had fun hitting him once or twice with... his dick. After 10 good minutes of punches, Broly had to resign, he could not beat him by force, he was totally outdone. This terrible truth only made him angry more. It was impossible ! It couldn't happen !! He tried one more time to hit Trunks, but this time Trunks stopped his fist between two fingers. Broly forced but impossible to move his fist. "You are so weak, so insignificant. And you call yourself legendary ? THAT it's legendary !!". And Trunks flexed all his muscles. This sensation which went through him was simply too unbelievable, he roared like he never roared, it felt like a orgasm multiplied by a orgasm which was itself multiplied by a orgasm. Instanly, he felt, with this fucking unbelievable god feeling, that the climax was very near and that it was going to be INSANE ! And he was about to give a little power lesson to the "Legendary Super Saiyan". Quicly, he caught his dick and pointed her in the direction of Broly. Then he came. Even the most powerful kamehameha of Goku was not so impressive. Broly was thrown on dozens of miles, smashing every rock in his path. And the scream of Trunks : the ground shook, even cracked, the sea became a storm. It's even said that the city, which was several hundred miles away, heard his scream and that some windows shattered. It lasted long, maybe 30 minutes and finally, the flood weakens and calm is restored. he exulted with joy : THIS was really LEGENDARY, yes legendary ORGASMIC !!! It took several minutes for Broly to come back even more raging; He was injured (and soaked, I wonder why...). He'd never been humiliated like this. This fucking asshole was gonna pay for it. This fucking planet was gonna pay for it ! Trunks laughed : "HAHAHAHA SO BROLY, WHAT DO YOU THINK OF MY KAMEHAMEHA, OR SHOULD I SAY, MY "CAME-HAMEHA" HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA !!!!" "BASTARD !!! FUCKING BASTARD !!!!!!!!!! IF I CAN'T BEAT YOU, I'M GOING TO QUICKY DESTROY THIS FUCKING PLANET !" and suddenly he shot a kamehameha towards the Earth for to destroy it. "NO CHANCE !". Trunks teleported and just absorbed the kamehameha, which made him gain one or two inches. He found an angle where his own kamehameha wouldn't destroy planets. "AND THIS, IT'S A KAMEHAMEHA !!!". And he shot... It wasn't just enormous, it was FUCKING AMAZING, UNBELIEVABLE TITANIC !!! Trunks was right to find a path without planets : he could easily destroy several planets and suns with only one shot. When Broly saw this humoungous kamehameha, for the first time of his life, he was scared : he knew this was the end for him. "WHA..." he not finished his sentence that the gigantic wave energy hit him. But unlike Goku, this kamehameha don't pushed him, no, it literally disintegrated him instantly and continued into deep space. The ray must have been run over several light-years before to it disappeared. Yeah Bulma was right to do not test on kamehameka ! The threat of the "Legendary super saiyan" was over. Now, Earth had the "Ultra legendary god super saiyan". And now, what do we do ? Trunks looked his body : "Mmmhhh why not an another shot ?" he trought but, finally no : he wouldn't destroy Earth just by sneezing ! Fun facts which happened after ; - It's been a real headache for Bulma to rearrange the routine of his son. Even if he didn't want, he destroyed everything he touched. even with the hardest of metals : a titane glass ? He crushed it. A titane door ? He crushed the clinge and ripped off the door. and if unfortunately the door was not wide enough, when he passed it... the wall came with him ! His bed ? He crumbled it (at the same time with a weight of 5000 lbs...). Other day, he just squeezed : if he don't destroy Earth, it was sufficient for to destroy his house. Yes, be the most powerful warrior of the universe, it was not easy for to have a normal life. Beerus even suggested to resume his job of god of destruction. - Few weeks later, a Cell from other universe, in his first form, tried to absorb Trunks... but he blocked after his head, rest of Trunks's body was really too much massive for to be absorbed. So, seeing he couldn't do it, he tried to sting Trunks with his stinger. Very bad idea Cell : his stinger just broke when it hit the amazing muscular Trunks's chest. Lazy, Trunks sent him waltzed for miles with a very little... flick then he finally decided him to lift his little finger (literally !) and he shot a wave energy sufficient for to disintegrate the monster. - An other annoying thing, it was Goku, completely overjoyed since he had an new opponent who was infinitely more powerful than himself. He constantly attacked Trunks, every day... and every night also, which exasperated Trunks. Obviously, none of his punches had any effect. Trunks could throw it off with a flick but Goku kept coming back. It was like a mosquito which attacked a giant, the bite less. Yes, it was sure now, with this god of god as protector, Earth was safe ! Or maybe not...
  6. A Zhu Crew Adventure: Destruction Manifest This is a story involving furries with hyper muscles, hyper endowments, gay sex in anal, oral, and other various creative varieties. It features hyper, growth, muscle growth, genital growth, displays of super strength, male lactation, destruction of property, transformations, magic, superpowers, freakish growth and a number of kinky fetishes. If you do not like those things then the story that follows is not for you. If they are however, then enjoy this tale of magic, technology, and fiction in a mostly modern day setting. The city of Royal Triamel was a modern metropolis with a population of 70 million people. Many would have likened it to a futuristic New York with sky scrapers that lined the horizon, some stretching as tall as 150 stories or more, making it a city with a number of buildings as tall as the Burj Khalifa. This was not terribly commonplace in the world where Royal Triamel resided but didn't seem out of place for any who lived there. True it was one of the larger cities and as such had a number of extraordinary individuals who lived there. In this world there are people with what has been described as “the spark”. A gift that granted them super powers tied into the magic of 8lue. Those who had the spark could use their magic abilities to act as sort of super powers, while others just used them to help with their every day lives. Some acted as super heroes while other inevitably used them to be villains. In Triamel, as the locals called it, there had been an extensive battle between several super powered individuals and a villain who called himself the Shroud. In the wake of that battle, about eighty percent of the city had been damaged to the point where the buildings there were deemed unsound. While the Shroud had been apprehended, the city officials and super powered groups devised a plan. Royal Triamel had already been evacuated and thusly they had magic users gather the personal belongings of those who lived in the city. Any thing of value was put into mystic storage containers to be retrieved at a later time. With the powerful magic users they had they decided to rebuild the whole city, a process that would only take them a matter of weeks. However, before it could be rebuilt... the old city would have to be demolished. For big demolition jobs there was only one company to call... Sila I Svet Demolitions. It wasn't their first rodeo and they were the best at controlled demolitions for just such an occasion. They drove to the city epicenter of Main Street and Pularoy in a big, beat up, mac truck with the S.I.S.D. Logo painted on the sides. That's where he came in. Despite such a big job, the company only had but 4 employees, including the owner and founder. The owner Rogovoy, drove the massive 18-wheeler through the abandoned city streets and his three employees rode in the back. The trailer they rode in was furnished with a number of over-sized and worn down chairs, which were fixed to the floor, but there was nothing else that decorated it. A couple of hanging lights swayed from the ceiling as the truck drove onward through the debris and destruction. The man who seemed to be best suited towards this type of work was one of those three and he went by Mihk. Pronounced Mick, his full name was Mihkensei Bleu Buisson. He was part bison and part water buffalo but all man. He was a wall of muscle bulging in every direction made up of good genes and hard work. His skin was a mix deep tan and light brown like autumn leaves on the forest floor. The fur that covered most of his hirsute body could mostly be described as satin gold with hints of silver that added an air of distinguishment to his overall coloration. The powerful horns that sprung from the sides of his head and curved upwards were a light brown with hints of gold filigree and many thought they complimented his big brown nose. His eyes pierced through from everything else with a sheen of hauntingly handsome sky blue. On this day, like most others, Mihk wore a tank top, basketball shorts, and roman-style sandals that wrapped half way up his calves. Partially because he liked to have his skin and fur able to breathe and partially because his clothing selection was limited for people of his enormity. He topped off at seven foot even but for the time being he sat on an oversized couch in the back of the trailer, taking up most of the space all by himself with his copious bulk. He crossed his legs and blushed a little as he watched his co-workers snuggling up on the couch that sat next to him. Many people had confused that duo for brothers, and while they shared the same last name, it was only because they were married. The muscular rabbits Buio and Leggero Coniglio were nearly as muscular and massive as the half bison next to them but stood a bit shorter, both coming in at six feet six inches (but eight feet tall if you counted the ears). They were both not only buff but very fluffy in all the right places, both having fantastic quoifs of head fur that flowed down their backs like Fabio. Another distinguishing feature was their overall fur and coloration. Buio was completely black furred on his left side and completely white on his right, conversely Leggero was completely white furred on his left side and completely white furred on his right. They would be very hard to tell apart if one hadn't known who had what color fur on which side, but Mihk and their boss had known them long enough that telling them apart was a snap. Speaking of snaps, Mihk's attention was drawn back to the pair of rabbits next to him. The snapping sound was Buio adjusting the waistband on his boxer briefs and letting it snap back into place. A few times, drawing in the attention of Leggero and the half bison to his very prodigious bulge under the tight, dark blue, fabric. Both of the rabbits put even the well hung Mihk to shame. While Buio wore dark blue boxer-brief like pants, his husband Leggero wore a pair of identically fitting yellow boxer-brief style bottoms. Their bunny tails wiggled happily as they snuggled up close and cozy on the couch. The only other clothing they donned were tight fitting sleeves that went from their wrists to mid biceps and long socks that held snug to their truly massive feet, stretched over those powerful calves, and rode up to rest just past the knees. The clothing the rabbits wore matched the boxer briefs that were stretched ever so taught, almost like super hero costumes... extremely lewd super hero costumes. He watched as Buio sat back on the couch, straining it under his weight and that of his husband as Leggero stradled him, grinding massive bunny bulge to massive bunny bulge. Both the lapin gents moaned and groaned as Leggero ground against his lover and then pulled Buio's head, wedging his face between his massive black and white pectoral muscles. As they were facing one another they were black fur on black and white fur on white. They moaned as Buio mototboated his husband's massive pecs. Leggero chuckled and Mihk shifted a bit as the truck moved around through the city. He looked at the pair with a look that said, 'seriously?' and waited for them to notice his gaze. Leggero noticed first and smiled at the big bovine, “Something you wanted to add big boy? Feeling left out? Want to join in?” “Dude,” began Mihk, “It's way too early in the morning... How are you guys so frisky at the ass crack of dawn?” Buio pulled from his lover's pecs and leaned the side of his face against them as he replied, “How could I not be?” “Likewise,” added Leggero, “I can't be around my Buio Bunny without sporting a semi, bro. It's like not even possible.” “And my Leggy gets me goin' like nothing else. I can't resist no matter what time of day it is. Par example,” said Buio before going back to wedging his face between the monstrous pecs. Mihk sighed and focused hard on staying soft. He closed his eyes and said, “Whatever muchachos. I'm still not fully awake and even so I'm waiting till we get there before I...” The bovine man stopped as the truck came to a halt and the engine turned off. They heard the sound of a door open and close then heavy footsteps outside. “Sounds like we're here,” smiled Leggero, “You won't be waiting long to crank a few out, eh?” “Nothing doing till I had my coffee, dude,” said Mihk as they heard the rear door turn and then slid up before them. It was still dark outside and so the streets were only lit by flickering, damaged street lamps and by the hanging lights from within the trailer. “Did someone ask for coffee?” asked a rhino man with a heavy Russian accent, “Bozhe moy! Rabbits quit the zanimat'sya seksom right now! You need to stay covered for video. Fuck after. Sukin syn... and keep it in your pants. “Sure thing, Rosti,” said the rabbits in unison as they hopped up off the couch in sync. They popped a salute then hopped out the van in synchronized summersaults and landed behind the massive rhino. The one they called Rosti was a massive rhino man who's full name was Rostislav Spartak Rogovoy. He wore a red and black flannel shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, cargo blue jeans that were held up by thick suspenders, and over his big feet were huge, thick, steel toed work boots. He had pale gray skin that faded into pink over the front of his torso, the palms of his hands, the soles of his feet and in a few other key areas. His hair was coarse, thick, and gray. Atop his head he had his hair cut short and buzzed on the sides and back. He had a short beard that didn't conceal much of his other features. He left a few buttons undone on his flannel shirt, showing not only a great deal of pectoral clevage, but how incredibly hairy his tremendous muscles were. His forearms and the top of his hands made that evident as well as he held up a canister and tossed it to Mihk. “One large coffee at the ready, comrade,” said the big rhino. Mihk caught the canister, which was about the size of a 2 liter soda bottle but shaped like a thermos. He popped the top of the can, twisting it open and a heating element dropped down to warm up the coffee for him automatically. He brought it to his lips and blew on the hot drink a bit, then inhaled the scent and took a ginger sip, “Mmmm that's the stuff.” “So when do we start with the job?” asked Leggero. “Should we get crackin' guys?” asked Buio. “Not yet boys,” said the rhino. He walked casually over to a large metal case and popped open the top. Dozens of small robots flew out, each one looked like a small metallic sphere with a red glowing eye on the front, “We need to wait for dawn and then we will begin with filming.” Mihk stood up and departed the trailer, the shocks of the trailer shook and bounced as he hopped out, the ground thudding from his hundreds and hundreds of pounds of weight hitting the pavement. Even his sandals strain and moaned a bit from the impact. He looked around at the little robots and asked, “What makes this video so special, compadre? I mean we have a few dozen already.” “This will be the largest job we've had yet,” said Rostislav, “I want don't want rush job this time. Want to showcase one at a time what we can do. Should bring in many more jobs, da?” The rhino shot a thumbs up his way and Mihk gave him a nod. The half bison half water buffalo took another sip of the hot and energizing coffee, “Sounds pretty bodacious to me. In the meantime I'm just going to be caffinating. Let me know when you want me to do what.” Mihk took another sip from his steamy drink while the rabbits looked around at their surroundings. They seemed almost in constant contact with each other as they looked around, either holding hands, or rubbing one another in various places on their fuzzy and buff bods. Even their long ears seemed to mingle intimately as they looked about without speaking. “You two have been awful quiet. Should I be worry?” asked the rhino of the rabbits. “Hmmmm?” asked Leggero, “Oh. Naw. We were just telepathically wondering which block to start with first.” “Which would show up best for starting on the video,” Buio added. “Da. Da. I always forget you can talk to each other's minds when your ears touch. Got a little bit of the mind spark,” said Rostislav. “We sure do,” said Buio as his eyes darkened a bit, “but I also got the dark spark.” “And I got the light spark,” said Leggero as his eyes lightened up a bit in turn. “Speaking of light, dudes,” said Mihk as he pointed at the horizon. First light had struck with dawn soon to follow. He took a few more sips of the coffee and finished off the self heating cannister before tossing it into the truck. The rhino cracked his knuckles and closed the camera bots case. Sending the cam bots into motion. They spread out over a great area to capture all the action as it happened. “Alrighty boys. Prigotov'sya. I'll give intro before each segment. Then when I introduce you, you show your power and let the demolitions begin.” “Dude, don't we have to put up any phase barriers?” asked Mihk. “Nyet,” said the rhino, “Since we don't have any parts of the city to protect this time. We don't need them. We are leveling the whole place for once.” “Well I know but... Oh... yeah. I guess that means we wouldn't need any,” said Mihk. “Da. Now boys. We gonna record two videos today. First video is clean video. Promotional material,” began the rhino, “Then rest of city AFTER promotional video is going to be for the fans who want to see us really let loose, if you know what I mean.” The rabbits looked to each other and shared a devious and nigh identical set of grins before saying in unison, “Sounds like my kind of video.” “I know I'm looking forward to it,” Mihk commented, while focusing on staying soft for the first video, “Who's going first?” “I'll announce and then you go. I go last. Just be ready for when I tell you go. I tell you go then you go. Da?” said the rhino. Everyone nodded and he said, “Good. Now we start.” The rhino looked to the metal case and said, “Smart box.” The box beeped and some lights blinked then Rostislav said. “Smart box start recording promotional video.” The box bleeped and a cam bot went from a panning shot of the city down to the big rhino boss. He shot a winning smile and went into his shpiel, “Privet and welcome. I am Rostislav Rogovoy, owner and founder of Sila I Svet Demolitions. In this video you are about to see just what me and my employees can do for you. Starting off we have the powerful pair of rabbits ready to rumble this city to bits. Introduce yourselves boys.” With a gesture to the pair the camera floated over to them and they gave a few playful flexes as they introduced themselves being extremely flamboyant and effeminate as they began their segment. “Hi there everyone, I'm Buio,” said the rabbit in the tight blue clothes. “...and I'm Leggero,” said the rabbit in the tight yellow clothes. “And Today we're going to show you just what we can do with my power over dark,” said Buio. “And my powers over light,” said Leggero. “I'll kick it off,” said Buio, accenting his comment with a few powerful kicks, causing his muscles to flex and the scant clothing he wore to creak and strain. His eyes turned black and seemed to emanate dark flames as he said, “This is what I can do with the powers of darkness.” He floated into the air and had a dark aura pulsing from his body. Black lightning licked his heels through the ever taught socks, as he rose and flew to a block that had some shorter buildings. Then with a sudden boom he flew at supersonic speed, making the camera twirl from the sudden eddies of wind. The cameras kept switching to other cameras that were nearby, watching as the building before him nearly imploded from impact, collapsing down quickly. Then the rabbit rose from the rubble unharmed and a devious grin on his face. While floating over the rubble of the five story building he concentrated and then flexed his massive chest to even bigger proportions, firing a blast of pure dark energy from between his pecs like a laser beam that blasted through building after building, taking down a further three. As though he were just a kid having fun he then went down and flew through building after building til the entire block was demolished. The whole process took him about five minutes and when all was said and done he flew over to his husband and landed. The dark glow faded and he returned to his previous state. Leggero gave him a high five and dust came off of Buio from the rubble. He then helped Buio pat himself off and dusted down with a couple of coughs before Leggero pointed to the sleeve right at his his left bicep and said, “Oh no, love. You tore your sleeve.” The cameras captured all for the promo video, “Aw man... I guess it's ruined now. Oh well, Might as well take it off.” Then Buio proceeded to flex his already massive arm and just his arm to mind bendingly freakish proportions. His bicep and forearm popped and ripped free of it's blue constraints and soon the sleeve was left as just a strip around his wrist like a bangle from the once mighty and reinforced sleeves. Buio smiled and continued to flex, pump and show off his freakish arm, “There that's better.” “Better for you maybe,” began Leggero, “But now we don't match... Here, let me fix that.” Legerro then flexed his opposite arm in the same fashion and it exploded out of the constraining sleeve. He was much more methodical and slow, ripping it along a seam in very specific and controlled flexes to rise to power and ripped free of just his bicep. Then with his forearm he just exploded it all at once, bursting his arm free to relax it as just the same bangle of cloth remained much the same way his husband had. “There we are.” “Not quite, Leggy,” said Buio, “You flexed the wrong arm you silly goose, now we still don't match.” “Well what say we just even it up then fluffy britches?” “Sounds like a plan honey bun,” smiled Buio. The rabbits then turned to the camera and flexed in unison, making all four of their arms explode with size and freakish bulges in every direction as each individual muscle fiber contorted and grew to tremendous proportions. They throbbed with power and their naked arms now only had cloth wrist wraps where there were once blue and yellow sleeves. “Much better, my lovely,” said Leggero as his eyes went white and started to glow with a glimmering silver light. He pulsated with an aura of pure light much the way his husband had with his dark aura before, “But now it's my turn to show off a little.” Leggero then took flight and left a trail of shimmering light behind him as he flew into the center of a block between two ten story buildings. He then zoomed with a sonic boom to the ground and the impact resonated with such force that when his massive feet stomped the ground the buildings cracked and the surrounding cityscape quaked. His feet swelled and really strained those ever tight super reinforced socks. The buildings to either side of him collapsed down and the massive shards of buildings pummeled his incredible muscles. The rabbit gleaned, literally, and rose back up then started to pulse with a blinding light. He put his hands to either side and fired powerful beams which leveled the rest of the city block. Another five minutes passed and then the rabbit stood victorious on the rubble, landing and crushing the rubble between his toes and under the socks. After the display he walked back to Buio and said, “Well that's all for what I can do, at least on my own.” “Should we show them what we can do when we put our minds together?” asked Buio. “Among other things?” smiled Leggero. “Exactly, my love,” said Buio as he kissed his honey. The rabbits then went hand in hand and leaped 300 feet into the air. Rather than falling down from that height they remained up, still holding hands. Their bodies each glowed. Leggero with light and Buio with darkness. Then the fur on the entirety of their bodies changed colors with Leggero changing to a completely white furred rabbit, and Buio changed to a completely black furred rabbit. They looked to one another and gave a knowing nod, their luxurious locks billowed in the breeze generated from their sheer level of power. Then they each glowed their respective shades of dark and light and black and white lightning rained down from their bodies over the city below as they flew down a street. They blasted beams of light and dark to either side, destroying four blocks at once. Buildings ruptured and burst apart from the sheer force of the blasts and from the licking lightning of the pair of rabbits. They hovered and held hands, watching as the mass of buildings collapsed to the ground beneath them, destroyed by their sheer power alone. Six blocks of the city taken down by a mere two rabbits in a matter of minutes. The powerful pair returned back to Mihk and Rostislav, landing as the dust whooshed away from them and when the released hands, they stopped glowing and each returned to their respective black half white half forms. They then gave a few victorious flexes, all while their cottontails wiggled ever so happily, for the cameras and said in unison, “Thank you everybody. We were the Coniglios. Remember to stay tuned for the rest of the show.” The cameras then shifted focus back to the massive rhino and he shot another winning grin, “Wow that was really great, fellas. Now for a special treat I turn over the focus to my next fantastic employee. A real master of what he does. Hey there big guy, why not introduce yourself?” The camera then panned over to Mihk and the big half water buffalo gave a happy smile with a small wave, almost coy in his approach as he spoke out like a Californian surfer, “What's up dudes? I'm Mihkensei but everyone just calls me Mihk. I've got a few powers of my own that I'm about to showcase but first things first. Hey Rosti?” “Yes Mihk,” said the rhino. “We still gonna be using this big rig after today?” “Nyet. I got a junker just to use for the video,” the Rhino assured him, “You can use it however you want, big boy.” “Bodacious, well I'm gonna borrow it for just a sec here,” said Mihk. He walked up to the side of the rig itself and then hooked a big sandaled foot under the side. In one swift motion he kicked it with a careful precision into the air, flinging the whole 18 wheeler up and through the side of a building. He looked down and saw that he had popped a few straps on his roman-style sandal then with a humph he simply flexed his feet and lower legs, growing them to freakish size and simply ripping out of his sandals altogether. He then walked barefoot up to the building that the truck stuck out of the side from and turned to the camera. “So, compadres, the rabbits have the power of light and dark, but I have the power of earth behind my spark,” Mihk smiled, as he started to flex, pumping his muscles larger and larger till his tight tank top gave way to his power, unveiling the rest of his hairy chest and back for all the world to see. He then showed off the the cameras in several professional poses, his legs tearing up his shorts a bit but somehow despite his muscle and how incredibly well hung he was, they took it like champs and clung on for dear life. He then turned to the building before him and raised his right leg up high and then stomped it down on to the ground. A massive spike of rock and dirt shot up through the twenty story apartment building before him, partially from the force of his kick and partially from an exertion of his spark, driving the very earth itself up through the building. A second stomp and the whole structure collapsed before him. When the dust cleared, Mihk stood unharmed among the debris. He dusted off his shoulders for the cameras then smiled, “Pretty righteous right? Check this out dudes.” The massive barefoot beast of a man the launched himself forward at a speed that was alarming. He steadied the launch with his earth powers so that there was very little kickback. Mihk impacted a small store with enough force that the side he impacted exploded out the opposite side and took out a further two buildings in front of him. Before the collapsing buildings crumbled he ran up with incredible speed and strength, shrugging off the crumbling buildings as they collapsed atop him like it were nothing. He ran into a fourth building and stopped mid way through he lobby. The tiles of the floor cracking under the sheer weight of his massive body as he ran and then suddenly stood. Flexing his toes, the concrete and marble floor crushed between his toes like sand at a beach. Mihk squatted down and then suddenly launched himself up through the 50 story building, exploding through every level and erupting out of the top, the whole building falling and collapsing onto a few others on his demo block. He came down with a crash that landed him on the 30th floor of a 120 store building, but crashed down to the 28th floor. He took a moment as he rose to his feet, adjusted his massive package a little and then stood at the windows. He kicked the wall out before him so his view was not obscured and looked out at the remainder of the block. He raised his hands and there was a quake as the remainder of the three blocks nearest him was swallowed up as the earth shifted beneath them and dropped the buildings into the ground. The massive beast of a man then stomped his way down through each of the the 28 floors below him and walked out through the wall into the open. With one final massive punch to the side of the building it collapsed and fell atop the last of the rubble on his block for the video. Mihk then leaped into the air and landed on the pavement right next to Rostislav and the rabbits. The ground cratered out from him and he had to climb out of the hole after his landing but then dusted himself off, pointed to the rhino and said, “I've been Mihkensei Buisson. It's all up to you now dude.” A cam bot panned over from Mihk to Rostislav the Rhino and he said, “Wasn't that something? Well. I suppose that is about all for this video... oh except for my part. Time for Rostislav to show them how it's done, da?” With a gesture the massive rhino had the camera pull back to show his full body. He then made a fist with one hand and clasped it in his other. Then he flexed and flexed hard. His tight flannel shirt literally exploded from his body and was left as tattered on his bulging, muscular, very hirsute upper frame. His loose blue jeans were suddenly made tight as spandex, and his feet up to his calves burst from his steel toed boots. That one flex left him in just what were now super tight jean shorts, that were tattered at the bottom, his suspenders, and a pair of white socks, overstretched across his truly massive stompers. Rostislav then said, “You've seen earth, light, and dark sparks. Mine is a bit of body but mostly control over kinetic energy. This mean that once I start... there is nothing that can stop this rhino. Watch as I take out now.” The rhino started to flex, pounding his fists into each other and then with his muscles and overall body flexed to astounding definition. The hair on his body seemed to double in thickness and the popping mass flex made sweat droplets fire from him in every direction like a mist. The sheen of his body shimmered in the early morning sun. He placed his hands onto the ground, assuming a running preparatory pose. He began to kick his foot like a bull getting ready to charge. His nostrils flailed as his body continued to swell even bigger, more vascular, more hirsute, more defined, and with throbbing muscle beyond the other three of his company combined. Then he kicked off. His massive hairy toes tore through the fronts of his socks as they dug into the the pavement a foot deep as he ran. Over and over his feet tore through the streets leaving a path of destruction as he built up speed. The power of his thrusting muscles only built upon his power and he manipulated his kinetic energy as he ran to the end of mainstreet. The power of the wind rushing from him was accented and empowered by his kinetic energy boosts. Everything he kicked up in his wake was dragged after him. He ran through a bus, cutting it in half on impact. The kinetic energy he used to power through, he amplified a hundred fold just before he impacted a 50 story skyscraper with the full front of his body and continued to run. The kinetic power boosted from his impact to the building exploded the front of that building in every direction before him. The bus halves impacted two buildings and the impact exploded out at the same time as the impact of the big rhino through that forefront of the skyscraper. He only continued to build speed and erupt through buildings. Every impact having the kinetic energy outburst amplified and that only caused further explosive demolitions in all directions. The beastly man continued to run through a whole city block and then stopped, standing in ruins as his now bare feet smoked from the exertion of power. Not even a trace of his socks remained. The cameras filmed in super slow mo to capture his slow look up then went back to regular speed as he grinned. The row of buildings he ran through and the two hit by his bus halves exploded out in a mass of demolished rubble that took out five city blocks and caused a quake that shook the ground for miles around. He ran back through the collapsing buildings at super speed, exploding brick and mortar against his nigh invulnerable frame. The powerful, hirsute, muscular rhino didn't stop till he arrived back at the group, dragging a cloud of debris with him. It was ten minutes before the dust finally settled. Mihk raised his hands and with a couple claps both he, the rabbits, and the rhino were all dust free for the cameras. Rostislav then turned on his best grin with a thumbs up as he looked to the closest cam bot, “Well well. That's fourteen city blocks taken out in merely an hour of time. Imagine what we at Sila I Svet Demolitions can do for you today! Dasvidanya and good day my comrades. Rostislav out.” With that final command the dust covered digital box beeped to signal the end of filming for the time being. The massive rhino looked down and gave a nod then looked to his employees, “Good boys. Very very good. We make good video today. Just one question Mihk.” “Hmmm?” asked the half bison, “Was something wrong?” The rhino nodded, “I don't know what it is you been saying when you are talking on the video. What is all this cowabunga dude bull shit?” “Oh well, I was trying to establish a character,” Mihk began as he started to talk with his hands while he explained his reasoning, “I figured I only had a few lines to like... make me seem like a lighthearted surfer bro. I wanted to seem less scary so that when I stomped the ground and leveled a few city blocks then people would be cool with it instead of seeing it as some kind of monster doing all that stuff... ya know?” Rostislav smiled with a single approving nod, “Well then well done, comrade. Just in any future videos... dial it back like sixty percent, da?” “Da,” Mihk said with a nod, “Sixty percent less bodacious. Got it.” He stuck his tongue out as he crossed his arms with a silly smile. The rabbits then hopped and landed between the two. “Speaking of videos though,” said Leggero. “And speaking of dialing it back,” added Buio. “Maybe we could dial back just how much clothing we all wore,” added Leggero. “And maybe we could dial up how sexy everything was going to get,” said Buio. Then in unison they said, “And maybe we could start making that other video we were supposed to start making?” “Keep your collective pants on till we can start filming,” said Rostislav, “Speaking of I think we should move to another part of the city for that perhaps.” “Yeah this place is kind of beat. We want a bunch more buildings if we're going to start blowing things up,” said Mihk. He raised his hands and a platform of pavement rose up into the air and floated to another part of the city. He found a good place about 20 blocks away and set everyone down to the city streets, moving the part of the street that was there out of the way so there was an empty slot for the part of the pavement they floated in on, “There we go. Fresh city for video two.” “Video two!” exclaimed the rabbits excitedly. The rhino nodded, “Remember boys that now we can go crazy. That video before will go on our site as a promo not only to draw in clients for future work... but also so that people can go to our pay side for more videos like what's gonna get made right now.” “You don't have to tell me,” said Leggero, “I'm the one who built the site.” “This isn't our first rodeo, Rhino Daddy,” said Buio, “But I do appreciate the pep talk.” Mihk cracked his knuckles and looked to the box then double tapped the button on top, “Alright dudes. We're recording so... Allons-Y!” “Da... that's not how this box works,” said Rostislav, “It only responds to my commands. Besides we need to get dressed to impress first.” The rhino tapped the top of the box and said, “Box, give us outfits.” The robotic box then opened and unfurled into a massive wardrobe. The rhino opened the standalone closet and pulled his outfit out with a nod, happy with his choice then motioned for the others to do the same. Mihk pulled out a little gray and white number. Buio took out something orange and somewhat torn while Leggero took something fancier and purple from the wardrobe. Mihk brought up separaters made of stone from the streets and the four men got dressed. The four were surrounded in stone by the half bison so they could get dressed and ready for the video with a big reveal planned. The rhino called out for the cam bots to start recording the second video and a few seconds later Leggero burst onto the scene. The big black and white rabbit kicked through the stone wall and stomped onto the city streets revealing his new outfit for all the cameras to record. He wore a purple pinstripe suite with a green undershirt, purple tie, green socks, huge shiny brown shoes, and dark shades. The clothes hugged to his huge muscles as he walked out into the city and struck a few classy poses, dusting off his shoulders with a tiny brush he kept in his inner jacket pocket. The crotch had been specially tailored to hold back his tremendous endowments but he wasn't afraid to thrust them forward a bit and really strain their fabric prisons. His tail twitched happily as he was stylin'. Buio was the next one to burst onto the scene, punching through his wall and jumping up to land with a skillful crash on his feet. And what big bare bunny feet they were. Massive even for his size, they were thick and strong feet with powerful toes. Resting atop them were orange fabric anklets, like ripped up sweat bands from an 80s movie. He had similar arm bands at his wrists and one atop his brow as a proper punk sweat band. All orange as was the rest of his outfit which consisted of a pair of tight fitting boxer briefs that really accentuated his massive bulge, but both the fabric at the waist band, and where it ended on his mid thighs, was frayed and torn to be rather stylish. His orange shirt was stretched perilously over his tremendous pecs and was torn around the v-neck collar and along the midrift ends on the bottoms. Whatever sleeves there had been were either torn or flexed out of at the shoulder leaving tufts of torn cloth that billowed in the breeze. He did a few breakdance moves with some playful flexing mixed in and ended on a head spin windmill that ended with a final freeze pose held aloft by his strong hands alone. Mihk was the next to make his way onto the scene. The stone encasement moved aside, as his power moved the earth to begin with, and he sauntered out very feminine with a hip sway to put the best drag queens to shame. That was just as he liked and was very much in drag for his second intro. He wore an ill fitting french maid outfit that was stretched to the extreme. It was a tight, tailored, gray dress with a white apron, white collar, white puffy sleeves that covered his shoulders with a frilly design but stopped at the biceps, and a white collar with a light blue bow around his neck. He also had a white underskirt crinoline to make his short skirt fuller, helped by his tremendous crotch bulge, a crotch that was covered by his only undergarment, which was a tight white jock strap stretched to the extreme and was shown off a bit every time the wind blew against him just right. His arms were adorned with black fishnet stockings that went from a fingerless glove start at his hands and ended with a frilly gray ribbon half way over his biceps. Similarly his feet were clad in overstretched gray socks that were styled like no-shows to cover his feet but were attached to black fishnet stockings that rose up over the curves and hills of his powerful legs, ending half way up his thighs in a frilly lace that was hooked to the band of the jock strap underneath to keep them up. He completed the maid look by having a gray mobcap with white lace atop his head that had a frilly blue bow on the side and then also held an over-sized feather duster. The duster looked normal in his grips but, as he was a seven foot seven inch wall of muscle with huge hands, it would have practically been a broom to a smaller man. Mihk sauntered here and there with a feminine sauntering step that set the rabbits on edge, he walked over to a parked car and put his hands on the roof, crunching it down a little as he thrust his powerful ass into the air and wiggled it for the cameras. Then came the rhino. Rostislav was not one to saunter. He burst from his encasement by stomping the ground and letting the heavy rocks collapse and break apart over his powerful muscles. Muscles that were all too on display for his fans. The only thing covering his torso were his suspenders which held up a pair of custom tailored daisy duke style gray jean shorts, stretched to the max, as one might assume, by his bulge that could go blow for blow against Mihk's own size. There was something else over his crotch, under the jeans, that seemed to prevent the cameras from getting the full details of his cock outline from under those jeans but that was a surprise that he was saving for later on in the video. Over his feet he had a pair of knee high white socks that had blue and red stripes at the top. Socks that bulged with his massive, hairy, well defined legs. Similarly over his arms he also wore a pair of the same style socks that had the ends torn through by his fingers so that he had full ability to grip still. The arm socks rode over his powerful muscles as a perfect tight fit that ended with those stripes just above the mid level of his powerful biceps. Atop his nose, pulled over his horn he seemed to be wearing socks that the rabbits were wearing previously, one was stretched over his head like a blue luchadore mask with holes poked for his eyes, ears, and muzzle to protrude through. It was bunched up just under his chin like a scarf that ended his sock mask. Then there was a yellow sock, pulled over his muzzle with his nose, horn, and lips all defined through the stretchy material, bunched up around where his muzzle met the rest of his face, completing the mask in total. He inhaled deeply and his muscles over the whole of his body swelled a bit bigger as though he was fueled by the erotic nature of the socks he donned, stretching the ones he wore all the more. He walked out into the street and gave a few playful flexes to show off for the others and to the cameras before he said, “Alright fellas... let us fuck this city up now.” Leggero looked over his shades to his husband in the orange outfit and said, “Has anyone ever told you that you have the same fashion sense as Flash Beagle?” Buio looked to his lover in the purple suit, “Said the man who's cosplaying as the Joker right now?” “Sexy Joker sure,” said Leggero with a few flexes to stretch out his suit a bit. He looked to Mihk and said, “Speaking of cosplays... who are you supposed to be? Is your drag name Raye Nessance?” Mihk chuckled a bit then said with a lisp, “Honey please, with these massive milkers?” he said pointing to his chest, flexing a bit as his nipples swelled under the dress, “If anything you can call me Maid Moorian.” “All I know is...” Rostislav began then flexed harder in a most muscular pose, fraying the ends of the socks covering his arms and legs. His cock then burst free from it's prison, revealing that it was wearing a huge sock like a condom as his coconut balls and massive python freed itself. He swayed his hips, the massive 18-inch soft cock, “I am ready to begin the fuckening.” Mihk felt his own 18 inch soft endowment start to swell under his dress from the display while Buio and Leggero felt their 22 inch softies tighten their pants as well. The rabbits had balls the size of 16 pound bowling balls and they felt them swell a bit along with their friends as they saw everyone in their full sexy glory. Rostislav the rhino started simple by stroking his massive sock covered cock, watching it grow and lengthen till it really filled out that sock. Thickening, his member went from it's 18 inch flaccid state to a full 38 inches of sock throbbing, rock hard, steel i-beam dick that made that sock like a second skin as copious amounts of precum spilled from the head through the fabric, soaking it in further down the shaft while also dripping out onto the pavement below. He watched Mihk struggle to sit still atop the partly crushed car and await his turn in the spotlight. His puddles of precum only increased as he watched the rabbits work their wiles for the show. Buio, dressed in his 80s garb pulled a huge boom box from seemingly out of nowhere then rested it on his ample shoulder, held up by an arm wrapped around it and hit play. A tasty synthwave song began to play that cut in with a bit of hip hop and the rabbit bobbed in time to the music. He started to break dance, setting down the boom box as he twirled, kicking it over to Leggero, sliding it on the ground over to his husband. He smiled and kept dancing, even though that massive bulge should have made it more difficult, he seemed to move with grace despite it's size protruding from his body. He only stopped when Leggero stopped the music, effectively letting Buio freeze in place in a hand stand. The rabbit in the suit popped the tape out, flipped it over, and hit play. A salsa song kicked in and he began to do a sensual, fast paced dance over to his husband, then nudged his bulge with a strong hand to knock him on his bum. He continued to dance but at the same time flexed and not only popped the tie from his neck but also popped the first three buttons of his custom tailored shirt. Showing off his huge pecs as he continued to dance. Buio flipped to his feet and was not about to be out shown. He dance up to his husband and kept pace, executing a choreographed number as the pair kept dancing and in doing so flexed their muscles. First their feet which made Buio's feet larger but made Leggero burst from his shoes, leaving his feet clad only in the lime green socks. Next they flexed their pecs and abs. They worked in sequence that tore Buio's top in two but opened up Leggero's shirt completely. They flexed their muscles in unison, forcing their pecs to intertwine in a writhing mass of masculinity. Their abs flexed in sequence that caused them to clap together, one by one then all at once then showing their incredible muscle control as they went back to one at a time. Leggero's massive cock had snaked down his pants leg past his knee and kept lengthening before it hardened. Likewise Buio's cock had lengthened the opposite way, snaking off to the left around the side and then continued to fill out his orange boxer-briefs. It snaked around his waist like an inner tube and eventually came full circle as it went all the way round him. He then moved to his huge lover and said, “Enough of the dancing, lets move it up a notch. Flex out of your top my love above all others.” “As you wish my sweet bunny Buio,” smiled Leggero. The pair then grunted in unison and flexed their chests and abs harder, The expanding muscles pushed the two buff fluffy men apart a good ten feet before they relaxed and let their torsos return to normal, relatively speaking. Buio then heard the track change from a salsa tune to a power ballad rock song and began to flex in time to the music. Bouncing his pecs and biceps then flexing his lats, trapezius muscles until his shirt was blasted from his torso, leaving his upper body naked except for his wrist bands and headband. He showed his unbelievable precision muscle control by flexing each muscle group separately, making each one bulge out from his fingers, flexing like they were bulging biceps, then up to his forearm where he flexed each muscle individually bulging out in groups from the longus to the brevis to his ulnaris and the digitorum muscles. Then he moved on to the upper arms starting by flexing his wenis till they touched the ground and sprung back up, then the biceps, triceps, deltoids and everything in between. He shifted positions and flexed each part of his back separately, working hard on his traps and lats till it looked like he literally had a pair of gigantic wings that he flapped with enough strength to blow his counterpart's hair like a strong breeze. He danced forward a bit and then pointed to his husband happily. Leggero was more than happy to take the next leg of the sexiness. He began by moon walking back a few yards and then began to flex his feet, flexing bigger and taller. The soles swelling huge, his feet growing overall and stressing his socks to the max till he blew out the fronts with his growing, lengthening and thickening rabbit toes. Wiggling said toes ground the pavement between them to dust like sand on a beach and then with some further foot growth, his gigantic feet tore free from his socks altogether and made him stand a full four feet taller from all the growth. He then used his long ears to dust his shoulders one by one and then started to work on his arms. He started with his shoulders, flexing them up till they were like gigantic boulders that swelled through and out of his shirt and jacket like they were tissue paper. He left his shoulders giant then made his upper arms grow to match, ripping free the next segment of his shirt with his biceps, triceps, and all the muscles in between. Next came the forearms and hands, swelling till they exploded with size, followed by his hands. He flexed his arms like the stud he was with each arm equally as big on it's own as his body was just moments ago. He let his chest and abs explode out before him and his back explode out behind him, demolishing the last of his shirt then relaxed his flexes and returned to a relatively normal, albeit slightly bigger size than before. Where the rabbits once stood six foot six, not counting the ears, before they now stood no less than seven foot tall each. They looked down and swelled their feet bigger and bigger till they both had massive feet that were each the size of a small sedan. They walked on tip toes up to each other till they were able to pull each other's arms to hug chest on chest and kissed passionately. Their gigantic toes intermingled as they played footsie while making out. Because they were facing one another it was black fur on black fur and white fur on white fur. Leggero's pants were the first to give way to his 50 inch long monstrosity that ripped his already stressed pants from his frame and went between the legs of his lover, colliding with his tremendous balls with a resounding thwack. A thwack that drove his lover wild as the cock pushed Buio away and lifted his feet off the ground. Buio did the splits, flexing his balls atop that massive humanoid, pink, rabbit cock to hold it in place, his feet out to the sides with toes pointing away as he moaned and toe curled while his cock and balls swelled to meet his lover's size on par with nearly identical cocks and balls. However his started by tearing the front of his shorts off, then moving around his side, to the back and then swinging around to collide with Leggero's pecs with a speed so great the impact caused a sonic boom that blew out the windows of nearby buildings. He was going to fly off Leggero's cock, but managed somehow to clap his massive soles and toes around that gigantic member before he flew off too far and the grip caused his husband to stumble back on his own massive bunny feet, making him fall back to his heels and accidentally smash the boom box to bits. At that point, Leggero wore nothing but a few tatters of cloth around his ankles and Buio only had on his ankle bands, wrist bands, and headband. Leggero was able to hold up the bunny that clasped to his cock by massive feet alone and managed to flex his cock up and down, bouncing his husband in the process. Buio then flexed his cock and allowed it to grow even bigger, swelling larger and thicker, bouncing with his body and really slapping the sides of his feet hard, spraying Leggero with gallons and gallons of precum as he did so. Leggero responded in turn spurting hundreds of gallons of precum from a throbbing, expanding, growing cock that got big enough to start spreading apart the sedan sized feet of his husband and those hundreds of gallons that spurted from every edge of the massive feet, and between the toes, began to simply erupt from the now exposed cock head, bathing the swelling balls of his mate. Buio couldn't hold out very long and without warning his feet slipped from that massive cock. He flexed his ass to gargantuan size, like twin bean bag chairs to cushion his fall. He landed with a crash, his slickened feet to either side of his massive mate. On landing their cocks slapped together and both moaned in unison. They then began to sway their hips and thrust massive cocks against each other, getting precum everywhere as they had a proper sword fight in the city streets. Then Buio lifted his feet and placed them to either side of Leggero and engulfed his mate's body entirely with those massive rabbit feet sticking out the bottom and his massive cock out the front. His head was between two massive toes on either side and as he took in the intoxicating scent of his mate and his own precum he lost control. Leggero was the first to cum. He blasted with the force of a railgun through the side of a building and through the building behind it. Both buildings collapsed from the repeated shots of his particle beam firing cock. His shots practically glowed with his power over light as he blasted again and again. His partner was so turned on by the display that he erupted in turn and his massive cock fired straight up into the air, raining down super rabbit cum over the city. The rabbits came for minutes straight before the orgasmic end left them writhing on the ground and deflating to 8 foot tall, before the ears, hyper muscular versions of their previous selves. Mihk however had put up an over-sized black umbrella with white frilled lace on the top center and around the outer edge, keeping his maid's outfit clean from the oncoming cum storm that hit mere minutes before. He floated daintily on gusts of wind that lifted him by the strong maid's umbrella like a bizzaro Mary Poppins made of thick bovine muscle and hair. He floated through the air till he found a dry spot on the pavement and then released his umbrella, falling to the ground with a crash that cratered the street in a ten foot radius from him and tore the foot sides of his stockings. He sauntered over to a busted lamp post and with gentle movements he bent it over in half at waist height, then bent it around and flattened it with his hands to make a flat table-like surface to set a singles record player he pulled from under his skirt. Where he hid it, no one knows. A flip of the switch and it cranked to full volume. He set the needle to start and began playing an old record of “La Vie En Rose”. The half bison, half water buffalo, hyper buff, hyper hung, hyper masculine man dressed in one of the most effeminate of outfits then began a well practiced routine. Starting with a relever moving to several glissers, pliers, sauters and a healthy mixof elancer and entendre with expert precision to the music. Then he started to slowly flex bigger and bigger, growing the muscularity of his whole body. Every muscle expanding larger and larger as well as his massive nuts, cock, lips, brow, forehead, and chin. The jock strap gave way along with prongs of his fishnets in random places over his arms and legs. In a pirouette his toes expanded too long and when he stuck the landing they tore through the fabric of his hoes, airing them to the world as the massive man danced. The big man continued to swell and ended his routine along with the song, then casually lifted and tossed a car through the air single handed, crushing the record as it began to skip at the end of it's play. He smiled after the crash and continued to swell. More strings and straps popped free from his fishnet stockings over both the legs, feet, hands and arms. His shoulders filled out the formerly poofy short sleeves of his maid's dress and his collar bow popped along with the top two buttons of the white collar along his dress. The tears spread further down as he sauntered on down to where the laying rabbits recovered. Mihk had already stretched his body to eight and a half feet tall by the time his feet ripped free of the sock bottoms from his stockings. His cock had been 18 inches soft but with his swelling had become 24 inches soft, however, since he began walking it also began to harden. His balls became more boulder-esque and were kept tucked behind his legs so that his member was unencumbered to sway before him as it grew and grew, pointing like a man destroying meat missile, ready to crush. It lifted past the rim of his short skirt and the head of his pink, humanoid, cock of incredible girth had a gray ribbon tied around just behind it with a gray bow atop it. The jock strap that held his stockings up had since ripped off those constraints and was now stretched to the max as his dick reached full mast at 60 throbbing inches of pure bovine power. A mighty throb of his cock popped that bow and ribbon right off. He reached the rabbits, swishing mostly barefoot as his arms and legs were now no longer covered in any sort of fabric that would hide his incredible, swelling, vascular muscles of untold power and virility. Mihk smiled to the pair and pointed between them, “Who's going to help milk me first? Should I just go eeny meeny miney mo?” “Could be the both of us at once,” said Leggero as he rose to his feet. Buio rose up as well and made a change to that plan, “Better yet, perhaps you should use whoever you catch first, my bovine chum?” The rhino, not to be forgotten chimed in as he stroked his still throbbing sock clad member, as he stood with socks soaked in an ever expanding pool of his own precum, edging and holding off his orgasms as he watched. Another orgasm approached and he squeezed his cock, his balls rumbling bigger behind him all the while as another orgasm was surpressed. They were now each as big as 3 city busses smooshed together. He grunted as they swelled again and said, “Mmm yes... you keep doing just that... Then we get to the real freaky stuff.” “Oooo. That's gonna be fun. Also, I like the idea of a hide and seek, mes amis,” said Mihk, “I'll give you each one big jump and then I'll come a knockin' to find the fine lapine who will help. Est-ce que ça va avec tout le monde?” The rabbits looked to one another then back to Mihk and said in unison, “Oui.” At once the already massive rabbits flexed their legs and the four limbs exploded with muscle from their buttocks to their thighs, calves, soles and toes. They squatted down on the newly buffed out legs and jumped with a force that propelled them in different directions. Buio exploded through the front of a skyscraper and the building collapsed in his wake. Leggero cleared the buildings before him but on his descent, flexed the soles of his feet to the size of city busses and his toes each to the size of a volkswagen bug. Speaking of bugs, on his landing he stomped down and through a three story office building, collasping it and cratering the structure in his wake. The cameras captured it all and the rhino edged to the video relay given by the box. Mihk smiled and then charged his body with the powers of earth and air and then smiled as he said, “Ready or not... here I come little bunnies...” He then flexed his eyes like massive twin battering rams that soon extended out like ever growing pillars. They pierced through wall after wall of the buildings before him until they bumped into a massive set of toes that belonged to Leggero, Mihk called out with a great billowing voice that trembled the buildings his eyes had pierced as he started to retract them, “Peekaboo I see you.” The massive beast of a man, in tatters of a maid's dress, ran forth through building after building after the huge black and white rabbit. Leggero flexed his pecs up like a shield in front of him as he saw exploding building after exploding building as the half water buffalo charged. He spread his pecs so that he could see down the middle, only just in time to see the massive Mihk explode out the nearest building. He screeched to a hault before impact and said, “Oh I see. Think you can stop me with your muscles? Think your pecs are really something? Let me show you what real pecs can do!” Mihk's whole body flexed and grew like a full body erection with muscles exploding out on all sides. He continued to throb bigger and bigger without really gaining any height, except for that which his powerful soles added to the equation. He then concentrated and flexed his chest hard. His pecs exploded and tore him free of the last of his maid's outfit, leaving him only wearing the small hat atop his head. His pecs swelled bigger and bigger, engulfing his 120 inch boner and pushing his boulder sized balls back behind his legs as they impacted the ground eight feet down and were equally as tall above the man. Expanding out eight, then ten, then twenty feet in every direction. His gargantuan nipples were the size of manhole covers and exploded milk out from his glorious pecs with the strength of a dozen broken fire hydrants. He kept flexing till his pecs engulfed the swelling rabbit entirely from the tips of his ears to the ends of his toes, massive pec shield and all. They continued to swell and he continued to spray as soon his pecs expanded out a hundred feet in all directions, crushing all in their path. “Olly olly oxen free!” Mihk cried out. He then heard thud after thud a Buio hopped through the city streets, running though buildings, kicking through cars and punching through busses as though they were made of tissue paper. The beastly man couldn't see beyond his pecs but heard the other rabbit come up from behind. “Where is Leggero?” asked Buio. Mihk looked over his shoulder, his head had flexed his facial muscles larger as he focused on his powerful growth. His forehead had greater ridges, his chin had a gargantuan cleft and his lips were truly swollen with power. Mihk didn't speak but rather instead just slapped his pecs. “He's in there?” asked Buio, his boner throbbing to the 200 inch mark as he imagined what must have transpired. “He is... and if you want him out I need your help milking him free... mmmmph... So full of milk...” moaned the beastly man as he gripped his own pec flesh and massaged it with immense hands that only grew bigger and more hirsute by the second. The bovine man moaned, “Better hurry... Need to erupt...” Buio gave a grope of his massive ass then ran at super dark speed with a trail of black fire behind him as he came to one of Mihk's massive nipples, it was already 4 feet across and 8 feet long, pulsing, throbbing, and spraying milk by the gallon... That is until he plugged the hole. He stuck his 10 foot rabbit cock down it and gripped it tight, starting to fuck. He pounded away with massive balls slapping the nipple attached to a pec that went at least 100 feet down into the ground before the rabbit. He fucked away and then his balls swelled and started to erupt. He fired thousands upon thousands of gallons of rabbit cum down the huge nipple and soon enough Mihk's right pec was twice the size of his left, causing the beastly man to moan and his nipple swelled, engulfing the rabbit whole and swallowing him up as he continued to cum. Then the pecs erupted with millions upon millions of gallons of half bison milk and a good deal of rabbit spunk mixed in out of one side. The pecs began to deflate as the city streets were washed clean by the milk and cum mixture.. Several million gallons shot into the air as Mihk leaned back and aimed his nipples with a few precise flexes to fire like dual laser beams at the buildings in his path, blasting through them like a power washer blasting leaves from a sidewalk. The city before them lay a mess of white but that only got added to as Mihk let out a roaring moo and came between his own pecs, washing out Leggero. Buio was fired from the pectoral muscle at the same time and the pair flew through the air blasting cum all the way. Their hands and feet ignited with light and dark powers allowing them to fly as the continued to shoot their loads, washing away blocks of the city with their death ray cum shots. Not to be out done, Mihk flexed his pecs and increased the lactation flow as he came. Millions upon millions of gallons of his cum and milk mixed with the millions of gallons of rabbit cum as a whole section of the city got washed away white. When all was said and done they had cleared a further 40 blocks by way of orgasmic demolishing. Mihk fell back on his rump with his pecs mostly back to normal but still huge and throbbing with the power of his spark as the last his lactation drained, leaving him with 6 inch soft nipples in the aftermath. The rabbit pair smiled and hovered over Mihk with their soft cocks flapping in the breeze about 10 feet above the man. They grunted together and flexed their cocks, still soft they went down towards the massive half bison and wrapped around his arms like boa constrictors at least 20 feet long, then as a team they lifted him and flew back to find their Rhinocerous boss. However, he was not where they had left him. What they saw was a pair of divots drug through the pavement that seemed to expand as it got further and further from his starting point. They saw the divots expand and get wider till they filled the whole street with a raised path down the middle. All three stood and walked down the street, their cocks dragging behind them over the sides of the raised path. They saw the divots expanded path with the sides of buildings collapsed and crushed inward as they went further along, and then they saw it... twin hairy gray and pink boulders that were at least 500 feet tall. The massive balls of the massive rhino that he had drug at least half a mile through the city streets. Buio and Leggero hopped atop one massive mountainous testee each and Mihk hopped onto the hairy cleavage in the middle. However on landing he found that he was swallowed by a literal forest of pubic hair as the massive rhino balls expanded and doubled in size as a response to the rabbits heavy impacts. He pulled up and tried to move but found his footing precarious as he was constantly being swallowed and bounced by the testicle flesh and bombarded by the sweaty forest of pubic hair, wrapping around him with every new step. Buio and Leggero were unaware of Mihk's plight as he played in the forest of gray rhino pubes, that was dark as night within, and made his way through to the front. They had each hopped off and saw what Rostislav had become. Their cocks instantly went from soft twenty foot anacondas to hard eighty foot long pillars of masculinity and virility. Rostislav had been busy edging and swelling but not only his balls were throbbing bigger with every given second. His cock was a massive rod that was 200 feet long and 40 feet wide just before the head. The cock sock he wore was specially made to accommodate hyper growth but even so was tearing throughout it's coverage from the sheer size. The throbbing, pulsing veins along the massive member pulsed so big and hard with his every heartbeat that they literally blew off sections of his hyper sock. His body hair had run amok and covered his chest and abs till they were gray and shiny with hot rhino sweat. The hair covered his shoulders, back, arms, legs, hands and feet, though most of those were not visible because his hyper socks were still holding tight. His face flexed to massive proportions, his eyebrows throbbed out like twin hairy erections that extended 10 inches from his face. His cheeks were massive and pulsing with strength. The rhino's lips looked permanently pursed from their gargantuan proportions on his now huge face. His chin extended down to his tremendous pecs and was wedged between them. His underbite had extended and his incisors looked just as long as his horns. His forehead had extended up and out a good foot from his normal proportions and was creased with ridges. Rosti's ears twitched as his head hair cascaded over them and down his shoulders, intermingling with his copious body hair. The socks on Rosti's hands up his arms gave way as he raised his arms to a massive flex that made his biceps cap out at 40 stories tall. He grinned showing off for the rabbits as his forearm muscles extended out 25 stories to either side of him, smashing buildings to dust with massive squared bombarding shields of swelling, throbbing, swelling, muscle flesh. The rhino himself stood taller than before, at least 15 feet of massiveness with power literally radiating off him in every direction. He turned his head to the left and licked his swollen, musky, naked bicep. He flexed his thighss and made them expand out from him, off to the sides so he could match his forearms. With a skillful precision flex of his upper and lower body, he manuvered his forearm and thigh muscles to go forth and wrap around those giant 80 foot rabbit cocks with 250 foot squared off battering rams of power. He then flexed his calves down behind him and those giant calves lifted him and the rabbits off the ground. The act lifted him and the rabbits off the ground, 450 feet in the air to be precise, and shifted his balls behind him, causing Mihk to tumble and fall, getting wedged and squeezed by the copious, churning, nutsacks that battered him on either side within the forest of massive rhino pubes. He slipped around as he was engulfed in musk upon musk and only made his cock shoot forward like a missle from his body, emerging from the forest fast enough to break the sound barrier. The sonic boom tremmored through the rhino and the surrounding city and Rostislave clenched hard to keep from cumming, his balls doubling in size once again. He was too buff to turn his massive head on the neck muscles that now nearly engulfed his head along with immense back muscles, so he widened his eyes and the extended from his head to look back behind him at where the massive humanoid bison cock was coming from. The rabbits then allowed their muscles to flex as their cocks lengthened to 150 feet long and 20 feet wide each. Their muscles engulfed and hugged over the Rhino's cock hugging thigh and forearm muscles. The destruction that was happening around them didn't seem to matter to the four any more as they were too lost in each other to even notice at that point. The rabbits touched as their muscles swelled and as they pressed to each other, the colors of their fur in black and white swirled about over their bodies as they flexed, grew and rode the orgasmic bliss together. Rosti groaned as he looked back at Mihk's cock, a 500 foot throbbing pillar that poked him in his massive back and spurted thousands of gallons of precum that cascaded over his tremendous frame. Mihk's balls swelled atop the 2000 foot tall immense rhino testicles, each one 2000 feet wide with a true and literal forest of hair covering them. Mihk's now 400 foot in circumference balls rested atop the Rhino's own. The half bison rubbed his now 10 foot long nipples and gushed milk over his massive cock, slickening it more than the sweat of the rhino's pube forest. Rosti watched it all and then flexed his rump, pushing Mihk back and then let his throbbing, gargantuan anus extend out and wrap around Mihk's massive cock, sucking it in and drawing 50 feet of cock into him, making his abs bulge out from the tremendousness. Mihk just kept stroking his nipples from within the rhino forest and his balls continued to swell bigger. With the rhino's attention drawn away, the rabbits took advantage, flexing their feet and toes to immense proportions towards the rhino's now 350 foot throbbing member. The rabbits curled and flexed their toes to great length as the rhino held them aloft with supreme ease but his attention was draw back up front. His appendage was suddenly wrapped in skillfull, gargantuan, flexing rabbit toes that tore his cock free of every last bit of fabric that once encased it. Their massive muscles writhed with the rhino's own as Mihk flexed and fucked him from behind. The Rhino's nipples shot forth and swelled bigger as he flexed his pecs with a roar as his eyes went back in his sockets again. The pecs extened half down his forearms muscles while his nipples went further down still and around the rabbits. A massive rhino nipple inserted into the muscular rear of each rabbit, fucking them and filling them with rhino milk as the black and white of their fur swirled about over their bodies in a sea of swirls and waves. The rhino's body control spark had spread not only to his every fiber but to the bodies of his companions as well and they all swelled in love and erotic excitement. Their fast muscles, throbbing with pulsing veins and writhing with pleasure overtop one another turned the whole group into an almost unrecognizable mass of strength and virility. Buio and Leggero extended their ears over their pecs to wrap around their nipples, stroking and milking them to spurt back at Rosti and Mihk. Milk rained down over the city as it splashed against their powerful companions and mixed with Mihk's own spray out from the forest. Buildings collapsed from the mass of impossible muscles and the streets were flooded with their sweat, precum, cum, and milk mixing in a swath unlike anything the city had ever known or could withstand. The rabbit toes flexed and intermigled over the rhino's cock while his nipples fucked them. The rhino's massive anus sucked in and out over Mihk's cock and his abs flexed to really rock that gargantuan cock, bumping against the rhino's thighs and forearms that held the rabbits firm. Rabbits that had flexed the vast majority of their muscles over top of those rhino arms and legs. The bottom of the rhino leg's calves extending down 500 feet to raise him from the ground. All parties were left totally nude by their explosive muscle growths. Mihk's pecs and nipples continued to swell as the pleasure overwhelmed all parties present. Then came the rumbling. The rumbling that could not be held back, not this time. Rosti was about to fire, his whole body tensing and flexing muscles bigger and bigger in all directions including over those people he was with. The rabbits gushed more and more with rhino milk as his rhinocerous ass cheeks flexed bigger and bigger, engulfing the whole of Mihk's tremendous cock and covered his entire body in the forest of pubes. Mihk and the Rabbits started to rumble as they felt it approaching the same time as Rostislav's... the whole city quaked with the encroaching destruction. There was a moment's peace as they entered the eye of the storm. Then it happened. Rostislav's cock expanded, doubling in width. Mihk, Buio, and Leggero's cocks all follows suit and Rosti's balls contracted, pinching the bottom half of his body and the top half engulfed in a heavenly embrace between the rhino's ass cheeks... and he fired... They all fired... Every spurt from every one of them exploded like a bomb that took out blocks at a time, cratering and destroying the ground around and below them in row after row as milk and cum erupted in gargantuan waves from the writhing heaving mass of muscle, sinew, and fur that flexed and convulsed in rhythmic bombardments which quaked the ground and made palpable waves of air that billowed out from all directions. The sweet scent of love went out for miles in all directions, much like the tidal flood of various passion fluids. The city once known as Royal Triamel was quickly being flooded out of existance with walls and waves of fluid that washed the remainder of the buildings away for nearly an hour of flooding and reflooding in rhythmic explosions that wouldn't stop. When the orgasms finally stopped the massive men reduced in size but the rhino kept his hair as hirsute as his fully flexed form even though he would now stand a mere ten feet tall. The four of them laid back, awash and floating in a sea of their own fluids. Steadily leaking the last of the orgasmic pleasures. It was going to take a while for the fluids to drain off and evaporate but in the meantime they all just relaxed and floated at a level above where the skyscrapers once reached. Buio floated and gently swam through the thick fluid as easily as he would through water for the muscular rabbit, “That really hit the spot.” Leggero chimed in, “It really did... and now we're both white bunnies my love.” “You know,” said Mihk, “I think I still see some buildings off at the edges of the city still... Should we swim over and take care of those or...” “Davai!” Rosti exclaimed, “Let's grab a quick nap first then we work... I can cum a lot but boze moy... take a load off...” “I think that we already did my horny rhino friend,” said Buio. “A load and then some,” Leggero chimed in. Mihk nodded and laid back relaxing, “Right then... nap time for now... but then we get to really let loose after...”
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