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  1. Cuerpo de demonio cap 2 pesadillas y cambios //Un pequeño inciso, para los que no leyeron la primera parte aquí les dejo el link, hice un error de novato al publicar la idea de esta historia y públicar ahí mismo la historia, lo are separado y esperar a ver qué les gusta e ir construyendo la historia. En esa misma noche del martes, nos habíamos acostado temprano Owen y yo, aunque tenía ganas para algo hoy, él tuvo un día pesado en el trabajo, él es soldador así se mantiene en forma trabajando con metales pesados cuando no iba al gym. No pude dormir bien esa noche como había dicho el profesor Trevor; tenía demasiada energía aún y mi mente no se calmaba, sentía que alguien me hablaba pero no llegaba a entender bien. Me obligue a dormir pero tarde mucho en ya calmar mi cuerpo y mente, y surgió una pesadilla, les estoy contando esto ya una semana después, habían pasado muchos cambios más la pesadilla era la misma cada noche; estaba en un cuarto oscuro, las paredes estaban difuminadas y pintadas en negro con orillas finas blancas que apenas se notaban, no había techo sólo un vortice como de humo blanco que era aspirado hacia acá detrás de estas paredes, el suelo era una fina capa de agua dándome mi reflejo y alguien más detrás de mí, no podía distinguir su forma más aya de ser humanoide, una sombra de lo que es con ojos rojos y pareciera ser muy grande, escuchaba una vez más ese lenguaje incomprensible más fuerte, y cuando trato de voltear detrás de mí para ver quién es solo despierto en mi cuarto sudando frío. Me despertaba siempre una hora antes que Owen, no dormí todas mis horas pero jamás me sentí cansado o con ojeras. Durante la semana también sucedieron cosas extrañas, ¿no te pasa que cuando conoces una persona en algo que no necesariamente tenemos que interactuar pero tu mente ya la enfoca en la multitud de la gente o por la calle? Pues eso pasó con los 4 participantes, durante la semana me los encontré de uno a uno y me hablaron de sus experiencias con el suero, aunque nadie había tenido pesadillas más que yo. Fred fue el primero a quien encontré, a lado del hotel donde trabajó había un McDonald's y siempre me quedaba de paso caminando al trabajo, ahí lo encontré sentado en la ventana próxima a la entrada con por lo menos 3 hamburguesa listas para comer, quería evitarlo un poco pues soy más de llegar puntual aunque parece ser que también se dió cuenta de mi y tocó el cristal para llamar mi atención, ya por no ser grosero pues entre a hablar con él; me dijo que ya sentía un leve cambio tras dos días de la inyección, se sentía con menos hambre, había comida mucho menos que lo habitual para él y solo comía mucho en la mañana para luego sentirse algo… caliente en general, creo que fue muy sincero y específico al mencionar que vio más paguínas porno y cuáles vió, el es hetero y dice que su gusto cambio un poco, que le gustaban chicas con grandes traceros a chicas más definidas no solo de su parte de atrás. Simplemente inventé una excusa para salir, no quería imaginarme que hizo para ayar su polla y que hizo. Al otro día en el gym me encontré a dos realmente, Jack y Erick en mi gym a casi la misma hora; Jack si se me hacía familiar, es un adolescente que quiso entrar al gym para poder defenderse de sus matones y tuvo grandes resultados creo que le gustó levantar pesas y ya tiene unos 2 años aquí. Está vez yo me acerque a verlo, no hablamos mucho sólo me dijo que le dolía mucho su cuerpo sobretodo los músculos, como si hubiera hecho una semana entera de peso pesando en todo su cuerpo todo en un solo día, al tercero también de la inyección. Aunque de estadísticas no había cambiado mucho, levantaba una gran cantidad de peso 85 libras de puro calentamiento para bicep, su fuerza había aumentado considerablemente. Erik por otra parte, no hable con él, más bien lo ví en las duchas cuando ya estaba por irme, yo voy a unas duchas más privadas pues las otras solo se separaba de uno del otro por dos láminas de cristal. Él también estaba a punto de meterse a esas duchas privadas, sólo había 3, lo ví desde lejos entrar sin mucha confianza tratando de tapar su entrepierna, aunque pude ver qué era pequeña desde aquí no me dió mucho tiempo de verla bien a detalle, ahora sabía por qué fué a las pruebas y por qué se bañaba aquí; ya iba a entrar también en las duchas hasta que ví el cuaderno que nos dió Trevor, estaba ya abierto con algunas mediciones, me picó mucho la curiosidad y leí que ponía, él mismo había sacado sus mismas medidas las cuales eran iguales a las del laboratorio, pero había dos más las de sus bolas y polla había comparado sus pelotas a las de un limón pequeño y su polla específica que mide solo 9.7 cm de largo totalmente dura, con 10 cm de grosor, y 4 cm flácida, la verdad esperaba más pero no sé acababa ahí pues los datos también se actualizaron 3 días después llegando a 12.3 cm de largo, 10.5 cm de grosor y 5 flácida, algo definitivamente había cambiado no sé si por el suero pero dejo una carita sonriente al final de las medidas. Kevin descubrí que era un vecino mío de departamento, él estaba en el piso 5 y yo en el 3, no hablamos mucho de cambios y así aunque me dijo que si hubo cambios no me dijo cuáles y solo me dejó en la duda. -por cierto Alex, ¿sabes si de casualidad hay otra tienda de calzado por aquí? -hay una a unas cuadras de donde trabajó aunque está un poco lejos, pero también hay una doblando la esquina a la izquierda, ¿no la viste? - sí y veo por qué se te hace extraño que pregunte, pero es que no tienen de mi talla. - entiendo, bueno iré a mi departamento, nos vemos después. Nos despedimos y de reojo ví que salía del edificio con sandalias, no se veía tampoco fuera de lugar, quizá buscá otro tipo de zapato y no es su cambio. ya le había pagado a Martha lo que le debía, me quedé sin un centavo en el bolsillo pero ya estaba tranquilo de no tener deudas hasta el otro mes que no paguemos. Yo por otro lado aparte de las pesadillas cada noche, solo se retrasó mi mes está semana tocaba pero no salió nada, me preocupa que quizá sea un embarazo aunque tengo fé que realmente este es el cambio que debía pasar conmigo, me are una prueba de todas formas.
  2. Hey y'all. Long time reader. First time Writer. Here's a little story I've been working on while I'm bored in quarantine. Part 2 will be coming very soon. Hope y'all enjoy. Chapter 1: Making Plans It had been a long quarantine for Collin and Sam. With all of their classes being moved online and them being locked in their tiny house together, they were getting a bit stir crazy. With Collin being at high risk with his asthma, and Sam wanting to protect his friend and roommate, the two of them hadn’t really left the house except for groceries and the occasional errand that Sam would run. Each of them had enrolled at the local college and met their freshmen year. They met at a party one night and started talking and became fast friends. Every year since then, they had been roommates together in a small house they rented. Now, juniors in college, they are stuck in the house with each other. Luckily, it was looking like their long quarantine would be coming to an end. The governor of their state had slowly been reopening stores and restaurants. With the country appearing to go back to normal, they thought it was appropriate to have some friends over at the very least. “Oh, come on Collin. I know you are worried about this pandemic, but we have been cooped up in this house for over three months. With everything reopening, I think that we can at least begin to see our friend group again,” said Sam trying to convince his roommate to let his friends back into their life. “It doesn’t even need to be the whole group. It can just be a few of them.” Sam walked into the kitchen of their small house to grab a snack. “I don’t know Sam. I’m just worried about the possibility of any of them bringing the virus to us,” said Collin as he sat down on their couch in the living room. “We are going to be exposing ourselves to whatever they have come in contact with.” “But you’ve already been exposed to the outside world,” said Sam as he sat down in the chair facing Collin. “I go to the grocery store once a week or so and then I come home. How is me going shopping less dangerous than our friends coming over to see us?” “You’ve been staying safe. You don’t leave the house besides going shopping. We don’t know where they’ve been. They could’ve gone to restaurants or bars for all we know. I trust that you’re being safe. I don’t trust them.” Sam leaned back in his chair crossing his arm. Clearly disappointed by his friend’s aversion to the slightest bit of human contact. Sam’s face lit back up with an idea. “What if we can make sure they social distance for at least two weeks? The 4th of July is coming up two weeks from this Saturday, if all of our friends could social distance for those two weeks, could we have a barbeque?” Sam gave Collin the biggest puppy dog face imaginable. Accentuating his big blue eyes to drive the point home. He knew Collin couldn’t resist the face. After a moment of thinking, Collin finally surrendered to his roommate’s begging. “Ugh, fine. If you can get all of them to social distance for two weeks, we can have them all over for the 4th.” Sam jumped up from his seat with glee. “Woohoo! You won’t regret this bud! We are gonna have so much fun!” Sam gave Collin an excited side hug and ran into his room to get his phone and texted everyone who was still in town. Collin watched as Sam ran off to his room with a slight smile on his face to see him so happy, but it faded into worry for what might happen if his friends fail. Sam presented the obstacle to the group and they were all on board. He took a head count and requests from everyone for what they would like served. Sam said that he would cook everything and they’d Venmo him their share. This way there would be less people preparing the food. A couple weeks went by and Sam went out the Friday before to get all of the food they were going to need. With twelve people to cook for, Sam would have his work cut out for him. On the menu were burgers, chips and dip, mac n cheese, jalapeño poppers, and Sam’s homemade chocolate pudding. He bought everyone a few different types of beer and some seltzers for the nonbeer drinkers. He wanted to go all out for this get together if it was going to be the first one after months of isolation. As he was shopping for ingredients for the dishes, he came across a fun spice kit. It was a six-piece spice set that read “Spice Up Your Life”. None of the spices seemed familiar to Sam but he thought ‘What the hell? With the way my life is going, I’m gonna need all the spice I can get.’ He grabbed the kit and continued shopping. He arrived home and started unloading the groceries. “Hey Collin!” Sam shouted from the kitchen. “You mind running out to my car and grabbing the rest of the groceries?” Collin groaned in protest but reluctantly got up from his bed and came out to help Sam. Coming into the kitchen, he saw all of the food that Sam had already brought in. “You have more food in the car? This is enough food to feed a village for a week and we’re having 10 people over for one afternoon,” Collin said with shock. “We can have leftovers if we have to,” said Sam, getting out various bowls, plates, and cutting boards for the preparation of the food. “Besides, you could easily eat all of this food by yourself in one sitting,” said Sam gesturing toward the slight gut that his friend had gained since the quarantine began. “I haven’t put on that much weight, have I?” Collin looked down at his slightly bulging belly and rubbed it. “Well there is a reason why I have to go to the store every week instead of waiting longer.” Sam walked over and smacked his friend’s stomach and watched it jiggle a bit after. “But there’s nothing wrong with that. You normally live in the gym and eat the same diet while we’re in our normal life. It’s just your calorie needs have gone down, but your intake hasn’t,” said Sam with more sincerity in his tone. “I guess you’re right,” Collin said with a bit of sadness for his lack of gym routine. He normally was a buff stud. But he had put on that COVID 19 and his muscles have deflated a bit from his normal jock physique. He sulked for a second and then proceeded to go get the rest of the groceries. “Hey, don’t get down about it bud. I’m gonna tell you the same thing you told me the night we met. “I always love a little more cushion for the pushin’”,” said Sam with a wink and slapped his roommate’s ass. “Now go get the food. I have a lot to do if we want everything ready for tomorrow.” Collin smiled and grabbed the rest of the groceries. Sam had wished he could repeat the night they met. But he knew not to get his hopes up too much. Sam carried on cooking and prepping for the barbeque. He was going through his groceries and saw the spice kit he had randomly thrown in his cart. He opened it up and saw the six spices. Each seemed to have their own specific color of the rainbow for each flavor. Sam divided each flavor up to a specific dish that he’d prepare. But that left him with one spice left over, purple. He didn’t know what to do with it. So he stowed it in the pantry for another day. After what felt like hours of preparing, everything was ready to be cooked tomorrow. Collin walked out of his room to see all of the food. “Ooooo is that your world famous homemade chocolate pudding?!?” said Collin, reaching out his finger toward the giant bowl only to have it batted away by Sam. “Yes, it is, and you can’t have any. It’s famous for a reason. Everyone loves it and I want to make sure everyone gets some tomorrow.” “Oh come on Sam. Just a little finger? Pretty please?” Collin said trying to use Sam’s own begging trick against him. Trying to slouch down to Sam’s shorter height to really sell it. “Hey no fair. That’s my trick,” said Sam with a bit of a chuckle. “Alright. If you really want some, the spoon is sitting over there on the counter. Just finish up before I put everything into the dishwasher.” Collin beamed with delight. “You’re the best.” He walked over to the counter with joy in his steps. He picked up the spoon and sat down at their dining room table. Licking the spoon and loving every second of it. “Mmmm. You really should make this more often. It’s become one of my favorite desserts ever since you’ve started making it.” “I know. Everyone loves it, but it just takes me forever to make it.” Sam began washing the dishes while talking with his roommate. “Yeah, but you won’t let anyone help you since it’s your family’s secret recipe.” Collin standing up quickly from the table feeling a bit of heft to his body that he was not used to. He walked over to put his now spotless spoon in the sink for his roommate to wash. “And it’s staying that way. If you wanna try and recreate it, be my guest.” After Collin put away his spoon, he began grazing the counter for any other treats he could snack on. He saw that Sam had already finished making the dip for tomorrow. He reached into the pantry and grabbed some chips. Shoveling out the dip and into his mouth. Letting out the occasional “Mmm”. “Hey. The dip might not be as well renowned as the pudding, but I’d still like to serve it tomorrow,” said Sam grabbing the dip and hoisting it in the fridge. “You’re no fun.” Collin put his chips back in the pantry with defeat. “Can you at least make me something that I can eat?” “Do I look like your mother? No. You’re a grown ass man. You can cook your own food,” said Sam as he went back to cleaning the dishes. “Pleeeeeease Sam? I’m letting you have this barbeque. Just make one sandwich for me.” Collin again went down to Sam’s level and gave him the puppy dog face. Quivering his lip every now and then for dramatic effect. “You’re getting way too good at that. Fine, I’ll make you a sandwich.” “Again, you’re the best.” “Yeah yeah yeah. Just get me out everything you want on it. I’m almost done with the dishes and then I’ll make it.” Collin grabbed bread, cheese, and butter. He was wanting a grilled cheese, but not your average one. He also pulled out some jalapeños, some bacon and even grabbed a spice that Sam was using before. “Got it. Now what?” “Why don’t you start cooking the bacon and slicing the jalapeños? I’m almost done with the dishes and I’ll cook it for you after that.” Collin did as he was told. Frying the bacon and dicing up the jalapeños while dashing bits of spice onto them. “Alright everything’s ready. Done with the dishes yet?” “Almost. Why don’t you grill it and I’ll eat it when I’m done?” “You’ve been done with dishes for a while now, haven’t you?” Collin said while throwing his sandwich on the skillet. “And you didn’t cook all day, did you?” “I retract my previous statement. You are no longer the best.” He picked up his sandwich and took it to the dining room “Nope. I’m better.” Sam walked in and joined his roommate with a banana to eat. “So how has everyone done in terms of keeping their distance?” asked Collin between bites. “From what I can tell, good. I don’t have ankle bracelets on them so there’s no real way to know, but from what they’ve said, they have been.” “They’d better.” Collin said getting up to put his plate away. As Collin got up, Sam noticed his shirt was riding up a little more on his belly. Nothing too severe, but it definitely bulged out from his body a little more. Sam followed him into the kitchen and threw his banana peeled into the trash. “Need anything else before I head to bed?” “Maybe just help me put everything away,” said Sam as he walked by his roommate to make room in the fridge for everything he’d prepared. He turned around to grab the food only to see his roommate’s pecs right in his face. ‘That’s odd. Normally I’m eye level with Collin’s chin.’ “Hey Collin, did you get taller?” Collin looked down at his roommate. He’d always been a few inches taller than him, but Sam was looking particularly small tonight. “I doubt it. I stopped having growth spurts a while ago. Maybe you just shrank?” laughed Collin, ruffling his roommate's hair. After the kitchen was completely clean, Collin started walking toward his room. “Night tiny.” Sam rolled his eyes. “Night big guy.” He watched Collin walk away. His eyes lingering on his fat ass. I looked like it was pushing those poor shorts to their limit. Watching it wobble from side to side. Each cheek looked like a soccer ball. Sam knew what he’d be jerking off to tonight. He headed to his room and shut the door. After a quick jack, he went to bed, excited for their get together tomorrow. For more updates, story ideas, or general MG stuff, Follow my twitter: https://twitter.com/Musclesaber
  3. Quería presentarles mi primera historia. Tengo otras empezadas.. que son hojas y hojas de word, pero nunca las termino, y queria experimentar con un formato corto de capitulo unico. Es simple, pero espero les guste y dejen sus comentarios para intentar hacerlo mejor una proxima ----------------------------------------- Con un leve pánico me apuré en la cocina. Me froté el antebrazo por la frente para secar mi sudor y quitarme algunas manchas de harina… aunque la prioridad de momento era darme prisa. Genial! Los ocho medallones de carne en el horno parecian estar listo y desde la sala,con su voz gruesa, podia escuchar sus impacientes quejas. “Vamos, RAPIDO! tengo hambre!” Retiré la carne de la bandeja del horno y un poco mas aliviado, fui armando la última tanda de hamburguesas para ponerlas junto a las otras. Para agilizar, ya tenia la lechuga, el tomate y los panes rebanados. Todo listo: 24 hamburguesas, las 10 patas de pollo al horno y una generosa fuente de Lasagna. Subí todo al carrito y empujé hasta la sala. Allí aguardaba él. Roger, el hombre mas grande inimaginable parado frente a mi, con su imponente estatura y tan ancho como el portal de la puerta. Me sentia insignificantemente pequeño a su lado -y lo era-. Aunque un fisicoculturista profesional también sentiria lo mismo. Vi en su rostro una señal complaciente y enseguida tomó las patas de pollo, que entre sus dedos gruesos parecian de juguete y con una simple supción, como si fuera una paleta de niños, extrajo la carne del hueso. Una, dos, tres.. podia llevarse varias a su boca al mismo tiempo. Cuando se habian acabado, extendí la fuente con hamburguesas por sobre encima de mi cabeza. Él levantó la bandeja, la inclinó sobre su boca y dejó simplemente que las hamburguesas cayeran dentro. Lo mismo hizo con la segunda fuente, y mientras tragaba y tragaba, y veía que las hamburguesas iban desapareciendo rapidamente, yo sólo rogaba que la comida fuera suficiente. Crucé los dedos para toda la ración alcance al calmar al apetito del gruñón. “BURRRPPPP...Pero... ¿esto es todo?!” se quejó decepcionado al ver que el carrito ya estaba vacio. La fuente de Lasagna extra que habia adicionado no fue alcanzó a saciarlo. El cuerpo me temblaba un poco.. y es que estaba agotado. Estaba tan exhausto de pasar la mayor parte de mis dias cocinando sin parar, que creo haber perdido algo de peso. Podia notarlo en la holgura de mis pantalones. Pero es que, el apetito de Roger se habia vuelto tan demandante que apenas tenía tiempo libre para descansar. De pronto mis pies dejaron de tener contacto con el suelo. Miré hacia abajo y estaba flotando a un metro del suelo. Roger me habia jalado de la camiseta, y con nuestros ojos frente a frente me reclamó “MAS, QUIERO MAS! ALIMÉNTAME MARCO, QUIERO MAS. MAS COMIDA”. El corazón casi se me para de un susto ante esa exigencia en tono amenazante. Y aqui estaba yo. Otra vez en la cocina amasando, y recordando aquellos dias. Admito que tengo la culpa.. aunque ya de nada sirve. Era demasiado tarde ¿como no pude preverlo antes? A menos de un año del primer encuentro, los recuerdos eran tan frescos como si hubiese sido ayer. * * * Miré el reloj, y allí sobre una mesa del rincón del café aguardaba sentado un apuesto morocho. El hombre se puso de pie y extendió su mano para saludarme cordialmente. “Soy Roger” me dijo a los ojos. Teniamos la misma altura, aunque él rellenaba mejor su camisa. Se notaba que era un sujeto que gustaba del entrenamiento. Podria haberle hecho algunos comentarios sobre eso, pero preferí ir directamente al grano. Saqué de mi maletín un frasco con 15 comprimos proteicos y le indiqué que ayunas, tomara uno cada Lunes. Este suplemento, que prometía mejorar la masa muscular y el rendimiento de un atleta, lo habia creado yo. No fue nada fácil. Pasé noches y noches desvelado investigando e intentando decifrar algunas misterios del ADN, las celulas y algunos asuntos metabolicos relacionados, hasta finalmente lograrlo. Las pruebas en laboratorio fueron exitosas, y era momento de avanzar un paso mas. Ya estaba decidido en probarla en un humano, pese a que esos imbéciles del consejo interamericano de ciencia me denegaran el permiso. Pero no me importaba, no iba a parar. No iba a dejar que un grupo élite me negaran la posibilidad de ser reconocido como el autor de la pildora proteica que revolucionaría la industria del deporte, y que me llevaría a lo mas alto de la fama y el prestigio cientifico. Asi fue como todos los Domingos, Roger comenzó a visitarme para un chequeo semanal, y la experiencia estaba resultando positiva. No dejaba de expresarme lo enérgico que se sentía, y en como cada semana superaba sus cargas. “¿Porque no te quitas la camisa para que pueda verte mejor?” le sugerí el último dia del tratamiento. Roger se quitó la camisa y comenzó a flexionar sus músculos frente a mi. El estaba maravillado con los resultados obtenidos en esos tres meses y con la atencion extra que recibia en el gimnasio, y las miradas al transitar por la vía pública. Yo no podia menos que acompañar mi elogio con unas caricias sobre sus brazos. Yo tambien estaba maravillado al comprobar la efectividad del exitoso tratamiento. Se sentian duros incluso en reposo. Saqué una cinta métrica del cajón y lo envolvi sobre el abultado biceps de Roger. “Excelente!.. 41 centimetros!”. Eso eran 4 centimetros en comparación al registro inicial. Intenté controlar mis emociones.. pero era único y placentero ese sabor del exito de haber creado al adonis que tenia enfrente mio. Y mas al comparar el número que arrojaba la báscula. El peso corporal de Roger se habia disparado de 80 kilos a 97!. Y esos numeros no mentían. No hacia falta ver un numero en una báscula para darse cuenta que todos los músculos del atleta se habian engrosado como si hubiese entrenado por años. Bastaba verle como ese jean se pegaba a esos voluminosos cuadriceps y sinuosos gemelos, y en como la camisa también le calzaba notoriamente mas ajustada, al punto en el que ya no era le era posible abrocharse el botón superior ante la presión de sus carnosos pectorales. Me contaba además que con su nuevo tamaño y fuerza habia desplazado al muchacho mas grande y fuerte del gimnasio en el cual entrenaba. Que orgullo sentía haber creado a tal semental. Contemplé su musculatura y de impulsivo le lancé una pregunta. La maldita pregunta. “¿Acaso no te gustaria verte un poco mas grande y fuerte?”. En caso de aceptar la propuesta, le pedí que solo debia cumplir una unica condición: pasar las próximas semanas en casa. Necesitaba tenerlo cerca para estudio médico. No estaba tan seguro del efecto biologico que podria traer una extensión del tratamiento, pero mi sed de cientifico deseaba ir por mas. Cuando mayor fuese el éxito, mayor sería mi prestigio. Ya podía imaginarme en la tapa de los principales magazine de ciencia del mundo. Roger se mudó a casa, y para su sorpresa yo le habia montado un gimnasio hogareño en el garage para que pudiera entrenar a diario. Tenía barras, discos, mancuernas y bancas reclinables.Estaba encantando de tenerlo como huesped, y con la excusa de alcanzarle un bocadillo, yo me apoyaba en la puerta del garage, y me quedaba viendo como sus músculosos se tensaban en cada movimiento. Era como arte en movimiento, y el brillo del sudor recorriendo los surcos de sus brazos, sus hombros y sus pectorales lo hacia mas imponente ¡Que placer cocinarle a un hombre musculoso como él! Roger progresaba asombrosamente. Las mancuernas de 40 kilos las levantaba con una mano como quien alza un libro y en pocos dias, no tenía con que vestirse. Sus pantalones parecian pintados sobre sus cuadriceps, y tenía dificultades para hacerlo subirlo mas alla de sus turgentes y fibrosas nalgas. Sus camisas tampoco se salvaban. Un movimiento o una flexión a medio hacer, ya era suficiente para reventar las costuras. Se hizo momento de actualizarle el talle a uno o dos mas acorde a su nuevo tamaño, asi que visitamos al Mall. Antes del volvernos con todas las bolsas, paramos por unas rosquillas. Roger tenía hambre, y no importaba que se atraque con una docena de rosquillas rellenas, su indice de grasa corporal se mantenía estable. Me giré para ver a mi alrededor pude comprobarlo. “Tenias razón muchacho…”. La gente que pasaba a su lado lo quedaba mirando, y algunas chicas -y tambien chicos- lo codiciaban con la mirada. Increiblemente exitoso! El Peso de Roger se habia incrementado de 97 a 99 kilos en la primera semana… de 99 a 104 kilos en la segunda y de 104 saltó a 112 kilos para la tercera semana. Para el término del primer mes en casa, el muchacho habia alcanzado unos impresionantes 120 kilos, y por supuesto que yo acompañaba los festejos como si los numeros me fuesen propios. Su exito, era mi exito. “Doc, usted se esta encogiendo?” Me preguntó en confianza, y una mueca engreida. Oh! ¿como no pude notarlo antes?! Al tenerlo frente a frente, nuestros ojos ya no estaban alineados a la misma ahora. Delante de mis ojos tenía a su nariz. Miré hacia abajo para chequear si no era algun efecto visual del calzado, o algun tipo de broma.. pero estaba descalzo. No podia creerlo! y con esfuerzo para contener mi entusiasmo ante tal descubrimiento, fui en busca de una cinta métrica. Roger habia pasado el metro ochenta. ¡1,83 metros, Para ser mas preciso!. No solo venia aumentando su masa muscular mas rapidamente, sino que ademas también sumó 4 centimetros a su escultural cuerpo. Un efecto colateral gratamente impensado. Pero si creia que esos números eran asombrosos, no habria adjetivos para describir los que vería en las siguientes semanas: 1,84… 1,85… 1,87… Para el final de otro mes tuve que ponerme en punta de pie para leer su altura. Ya media casi un metro noventa!. Los dias seguian pasando, y sus hombros se elevaban mas y mas por sobre el nivel de mis ojos. Cada vez tenia que inclinarme mas para hablarle, y esos carnosos pectorales comenzaban a eclipsarle el rostro cuando me miraba desde arriba. “¿Quedó un poco mas de Lasagna?.. aún tengo hambre” Un plato de pasta ya no era capaz de saciar el creciente apetito de Roger. Tampoco dos. Se necesitaba mas que eso para cubrir el gasto enérgetico que su tono muscular en expansión le demandaba. Desde el punto de vista del experimento era grandioso…pero tambien admito que la situación se estaba volviendo un poquito inquietante. Y algo mas cansadora. Necesitaba pasar algo mas de tiempo en la cocina para preparar un mayor volumen de comida, acorde a su tamaño. “Mierda!”. Tomé nota de otros 7 nuevos kilos y 3 centimetros que habia crecido mi huesped en los últimos siete dias, y al trazarlos en un gráfico la situacion era preocupante. Sus progresos eran cada vez mayores, y la sospecha ya era un hecho. Al ver como la curva de crecimiento mostraba signos de aceleración, me vi en la drástica decisión de suspenderle la ingesta de la pildora proteica. Bien podría haber cancelado el tratamiento, pero... ¿dejar que se regrese a su casa?. No, lo queria conmigo! Despues de todo, ver semejante hombre con ese torso tan masculino que parecia haber sido esculpido por los dioses griegos, paseando por la sala con apenas un shortcito ajustado que no dejaba nada a la imaginación, era todo un privilegio. No podia privarme de ese deleite para la vista, asi que opté reemplazar los comprimido proteicos por unos simple comprimido para el dolor de cabeza. El plan no funcionó. El crecimiento de Roger no se detenía y sus números seguian subiendo mas y mas. Pasadas tres semanas mas, necesité subirme a una silla para poder extender la cinta métrica hasta la cima de su cabeza. “Me siento enorme!!, Doc HAHAH” No era para menos..¡2,14 mts!. Tan alto como un basketbolista pero grueso como un fisicoculturista. Los umbrales de la puerta presentaban grietas y marcos por sus descuidos.. Algunas veces olvidaba agachar su cabeza al pasar de una habitacion de la casa a otra, y otras veces, por bruto sus hombros y dorsales impactaban contra los bordes. Roger flexionó sus brazos para mi, y al contraerlos, unas abultadas bolas se inflaron tan altas como mi cara. Tremendo biceps! Lo envolví con la cinta métrica, que a ojo calculé serian de unos 48 centimetros pero me quede corto. ¡51 centimetros! Eso explicaba porque cuando se lo apreté entre mis manos, no logré cubrir toda la circunsferencia por completo. Con esos brazos y esa espalda ancha era fácil saber porque reventaban las costuras de sus camisas. Admito que sentía placer al ver mi obra maestra poniendose enorme. Pero contradictoriamente al mismo tiempo mi preocupación aumentaba fuertemente cada dia mientras veia como su cabeza se acercaba mas y mas al techo. ¿como era posible que continuara creciendo sin el suplemento?? Y mas alarmante era el ritmo en el que lo venia haciendo. Ya ni el talle 4XL podia contener terrible lomo. Y tampoco los muebles de la casa se salvaban. No habia material de la sillas que pueda resistir a ese mole de 181 kilos en la mañana. que para la noche la cifra habia ascendido a 192. Pero yo no tenía tiempo para repararlas, ni para comprar otras.. debia pasar mi tiempo cocinando, cocinando y cocinando para él. * * * “APÚRATE QUE TENGO HAMBRE...MAS RAPIDO, MARCO. DAME COMIDA!” Fui corriendo a llevarle la nueva tanda de pizzas recien amasadas. Con cada bocado que tragaba, yo veía pasivamente como sus músculos se hinchaban. Lo habia entendido, aunque muy tarde. Las calorias eran el combustible para que siga creciendo. No tenía certezas de por cuanto tiempo mas el gigante que esta cerca de duplicarme duplica en altura seguirá creciendo, pero a ese ritmo muy pronto su cabeza chocará contra el techo. Quizá en un par de dias… o en horas. “MAAAAS” siguió reclamándome. Con todo lo que se comió en minutos, podria haber alimentado a un equipo completo de rugby. Pero ni eso era suficiente para calmar al insacible. Queria mas! “MAS. Mas, Marco. MAAAAAAS!”
  4. **Note from Author: hey everyone, this is my first ever story on the forum, so be easy on me. I’m heavily inspired by @dredlifter’s hot stories, and I wished there was more content like his, so I decided to start something. Let me know what you think!** “Colton!!” My friend Shawn barrels down the hall, hugging me tight. I had just finished moving my stuff back into my dorm room for my Sophomore year at college, and I was very excited to be living on the same floor as all my best friends. I hadn’t seen them all summer, and to be honest, we weren’t very good at keeping up via text, but I knew we would be able to pick it right back up. “Hey Shawn!” I say, settling down from the hug. “How has your summer been?” “Great!” Shawn says, running his tan fingers through his blonde hair, which has grown out a little bit longer from what I remembered. “I have been skateboarding a lot this summer, and just spending a lot of time exploring the city. You’ll never guess what I..” At that point, our friend, and Shawn’s roommate, James comes out of the floor elevator, arms full of stuff and yells over at us. We run over and start helping him out. We head down to his car, and realize he has at least 4 more loads to bring up, even with all of us helping. “James, I didn’t realize you had so much shit!” I say, lugging a oscillating fan over my shoulder. “Whatever,” James snarks, “You’re young, and you guys are in shape, you can do a few loads.” “In shape” might have been somewhat of an overstatement. I’m about 6 feet tall, 190ish pounds, some of it is muscle, but I definitely like to eat a little more than I like to go to the gym. Shawn and James are about the same height as well, but they’re quite a bit skinnier than me, at about 155 pounds. I was always jealous of their metabolism, but I am proud of the few muscles I have that they would never be able to have. “Yeah, this isn’t gonna be a big deal.” Shawn says, grabbing one of the bigger suitcases and carrying it back towards the dorm. I never really thought Shawn could carry something that heavy, but I’m glad to not have to carry that up later. After a couple trips, we’re pretty sweaty, covered in August sweat, with a few more trips to go. James whips off his shirt, revealing his slender body, and Shawn and I follow suit, although I am always somewhat hesitant to strip, as I’m a little uncomfortable with my extra fluff. I look over at Shawn, and he’s tan as hell and, although still thin, has the ridges or abs and the start of some pecs and biceps balling up as he moves around. “Damn Shawn, you been eating like crazy this summer?!” James notes. “Something like that!” Shawn says, dismissively, as he jokingly flexes at us, his newly existent biceps popping up. He grabs a bottle of water, and I look at Shawn directly for the first time since we have gotten back. Is he a little taller than me? I mean, we’re 20, so he might’ve had some puberty left in him. I hope I’ve got that coming up soon too... He looks good. I guess I’ve always thought he looks good. His blonde hair, his smooth, thin body, and his pretty big dick, which I’ve seen in the dorm showers quite a few times. He’s not shy. Maybe I’m just more self conscious than my friends... I only recently have come to grips with the fact that I am gay. You’d think I would know that, what with all the gay porn I’ve watched since I was a kid, but it took a lot of therapy to undo the religious guilt I felt. I know Shawn isn’t gay, because he’s pretty obsessed with this girl Izzy from his Bio class last semester, and he’s not afraid to share all the details with us. I haven’t told Shawn and James that I’m gay yet, it felt weird to text them over the summer, but I plan to soon. Maybe later this week. Before school ramps up, for sure. We finally finish unloading all of James’ stuff, and we chill in their room for a little while, just catching up about our summers. “I mostly just worked,” James shares. “My dad’s bakery has been booming, and I needed the cash. I’ve gotten pretty good at baking though! Too bad we have to live in the dorms for two years here.. I guess I may not be able to maintain my skills!” “I bet we could bake at Izzy’s place!” Shawn says. We look over at him, surprised. “Oh, haha, I guess I forgot to text y’all, I had my internship here over the summer, and she was actually one of the other interns. We got to talking, and we’ve now been dating for a few months now!” “Congrats man!” I say, crossing my legs, trying not to plump up think of Shawn’s now-wiry body pulsing next to Izzy, “She lives close?” “Yeah, just across the street. You’ll probably have the room to yourself quite a bit, James.” Shawn laughs, and nudges James, winking. We roll our eyes, and James asks, “It is too bad Alex has to drop out over the summer. Do you know who your new roommate is?” I had been planning to room with our friend Alex this year, but a few weeks ago his Mom passed away, and he had to take a gap year. I had hoped nobody else would sign up for my room, but a few days ago someone named Kyle showed up on the housing website. I tried looking him up on social media, but all he had was a Facebook account that hasn’t been updated in 4 years. The profile picture wasn’t even a picture of him, just some artwork from a video game I didn’t recognize. “I don’t know him, but his name is Kyle!” I say. “He seems like a nerd, so we will probably get along, I hope.” “Oh cool. ” James says, “I’m surprised we haven’t seen him moving in yet!” “Yeah, but we have been in here a little while. You guys want to head back to my room with me, and see if he’s in there?” “I’m actually gonna shower up, and head over to Izzy’s place.” Shawn says, “I want to have some ‘quality time’ before we start feeling the stress of the semester. She had something she wanted to give me too, but she said it was a secret.” “Huh.” I say, “You will have to keep us in the loop. What about you James, you in to meet my roommate?” “Nah, I’m pretty pooped. I think I’m gonna crash for the night. I’ll meet him tomorrow!” “No worries. Probably better to not swarm him all at once anyways.” I head out of their room, and head across the hall to my room, the door propped open. I look in, and on the other wall of our room is a giant pride flag, with the correlating desk covered in Drag race stickers, pride kitsch, all the works. “I guess Kyle’s gay too,” I think to myself. I hope he’s hot. Or maybe I don’t. I’m still figuring out myself as a gay guy. Even if he was hot, available, and wanted to fuck his roommate, I wasn’t sure if I was ready. I piddle around the room, setting up my desk just the way I want, anxious to meet my roommate. After about 20 minutes, the door creaks open more, and a little guy, wrapped in a towel, furry chest on display, comes in. “Oh hey! You must be Colton!” He says, “I’m Kyle! Nice to meet you. Sorry I’m just hopping out of the shower. I have been moving in for the past little while!” “Nice to meet you too Kyle!” I stand up, walking over to shake his hand. As I walk over, I realize just how short he is, his eyes about on level with my collar bones. After I shake his hand, and we chit chat for a bit he starts getting dressed, changing locker room style, keeping the towel on even after putting on shorts. He’s a shy little cutie, but not really my type. I’m relieved. I think we’ll get along, and it will be good to have another gay guy around as I work on coming out to everyone. It’s a small school, so I haven’t known any other out gay men. Not that I have been looking, before now. After we settle in, he starts playing league of legends on his computer, headphones on, and I start playing the FFVII remake I tried to finish before school started. Just as I’m getting in the groove, there’s a knock on my door. “Come in.” Kyle shouts at the door, not looking up from his game. “Hey!” Shawn peeks in, “I’m Shawn, one of Colton’s friends. I live right down the hall. I just wanted to swing in to see if Colton wanted to come workout with me in the morning, before classes start.” “Workout?! Since when?” I say. “Just a few weeks ago,” Shawn says, blushing. “Izzy was telling me that she likes her men buff, so I’m trying to fulfill the fantasy.” “Ah! That’s why you look the way you do. I’m in, having some accountability should help me stay to a regimen. What time?” “Pretty early, like 6?” “Yeah, sounds good.” I reply. At this point, Kyle pulls his headphones down and looks over, “do y’all mind if I tag along? I just transferred, and I don’t really know anybody.” “Yeah, totally.” Shawn replies. “Our friend James might eventually join us too, but when I asked him, he looked at me like a maniac. His loss, when the three of us are jacked, he’ll be struggling to keep up!” I find myself crossing my legs once again at the thought of a jacked Shawn, but I laugh, and tell him to have a good time with Izzy. As Shawn heads out, Kyle wraps up his game, and pulls his headphones off and looks over at me. “I don’t mean to butt in, I hope I’m not crashing the party by asking to come along to the gym!” “No way,” I say, adamantly shaking my head. “Why would you even say that?” “I just don’t mean to.. intrude.” He pauses, “I know how it feels to have interrupted time with a crush.” “A crush?” I ask. “Oh!” Kyle asks, “I guess I misread the situation. I just felt some chemistry between you two.” “Well, to be honest, you’re not wrong.” I admit. “I have had a little bit of a crush on him, but I only recently even realized I was gay. I planned to come out to my friends tonight, but it just didn’t happen. I don’t think they’d care, but they’re also somewhat aloof. How’d you know?” “Call it men’s intuition,” he says. “You’re cute. You should be more confident. I mean, he seems straight, so maybe a confident crush on someone else?” “Haha, thanks for the advice, gay oracle.” I joke. “I’m just telling it like I see it. Do you know if there are any cute guys that will be at the gym tomorrow?” “Not sure, I never really go to the campus gym in the mornings. I’m more of an evening workout guy.” “Well, I’ll dress up, just in case.” And with that, Kyle puts his headphones back on and starts up another game. I grab a seltzer out of my fridge, play a little more of my game, and start wrapping up for bed. I’m wiped from the day, and end up turning in for the night pretty quickly. I fall asleep fast, not even disturbed by the clicking of the mouse echoing from Kyle’s rig, which would usually keep me up. I wake up around 5:45 to my alarm, and see Kyle already up and ready, stretching in some tight little shorts and XS JJ Malibu tank, showing off his tight butt, and surprisingly wide back. “Oh hey!” He says, seeing me get up and changed pretty quickly. “Do you want to head over to Shawn’s room, or meet him there?” “Let’s head across the hall. I’m about ready.” I say, slipping on an old t shirt, while brushing my teeth. I leave the room, Kyle following behind, and we head to Shawn and James’ room. I jiggle the handle, the door unlocked like usual, and there was Shawn, ready to go, in a shirt that looks just a little too tight on him, mixing something into a cup. “Hey guys,” he says, keeping his voice low to not wake up his roommate. “Izzy gave me some protein powder last night that her dad’s company makes. Do you want some?” “Nah,” I say. I always feel like my metabolism can’t keep up with the extra calories, I do my best to keep from gaining weight. Maybe protein would help, but I have just never felt comfortable with it. “I wouldn’t mind some!” Kyle pipes up, “I wouldn’t mind bulking up a bit. Maybe I can make up for my height with some more width!” Shawn whips up a water bottle for Kyle, and we head down the stairs and towards the campus gym. A perk of such a small campus is just how easy it is to walk everywhere. We get to the gym and head to the weight area. Shawn and Kyle look a little lost, I know Shawn has never stepped foot in this gym, and Kyle is probably looking at the early morning gym bros. They’re there en masse, the gym is much more crowded than I thought it would be. At least there’s views, and I look over at Kyle, who raises his eyebrows at me, gesturing at all the buff men, giving me a big thumbs up. I gesture over to the dumbbell rack, and start warming up with some 25 pounders. Shawn comes up next to me and warms up with some 10 pounders, and Kyle heads straight to the squat rack. I quickly move up to my max, this summer I was able to curl the 40s for reps, which I have been pretty proud of. I was surprised to see Shawn not far behind, curling the 30s with quite a bit of fervor. I go through my workout like usual, and Shawn follows behind me, obviously copying my workout. I don’t mind, and it feels good to be lifting more than him. Although, not as much more as I thought I would be. He’s only about 10-20 pounds behind me in most lifts. He must’ve really gone for it over the summer, getting those beginner gains before we got here. I look over at Kyle, and he’s talking to a few other guys at the squat rack, his shorts riding dangerously high on his ass, while a few others around him look on. He’s a bottom on a mission, and he’s letting the whole gym know. After about 45 minutes we wrap up with some stretches. Kyle starts talking to Shawn, “that’s the best I’ve ever felt during a workout. That protein powder was great!” “Yeah, Izzy said that it’s a new experimental protein. I didn’t really understand everything she was saying, but it has some preworkout components to it, so it just jazzes you up.” “I definitely feel ‘jazzed up’, but I thought it was just the men in there!” Kyle says, laughing. I laugh too, but I take a quick glimpse at his shorts, noticing he’s sporting a noticeable semi, as is Shawn. Welp, look at that, so am I now. We head down to the showers, and Shawn strips naked immediately. He looks great, his pump making him look even bigger than he did yesterday, and... do I find myself looking up into his eyes? I mean, I guess I noticed that he grew yesterday, but it’s even more noticeable now. I try not to look down, but there I go anyways, and I see his dick, still somewhat hard, looking as great as ever. I quickly head over to a shower stall and lock it, hoping I didn’t stare too much, or my erection was too noticeable. Him and Kyle follow shortly behind, taking the stalls to my left and right. The water starts flowing, and I get in and out. As I walk back to my locker, I notice that Shawn didn’t quite close the stall door all the way, and he’s straight up jerking off in the stall. He’s playing with his nipple while he leans against the wall, and looks like he is in pure ecstasy. Filing that away for later. I change, and, not wanting to wait around too long, head back to my room on my own. About 20 minutes later I hear some laughter coming down the hallway, and Kyle joins me in the room. “Hey Colton! Where did you go?!” “Oh, I just didn’t want to wait around for y’all. I take quick showers.” “Yeah, sorry about that. I usually do too, but I was just so horny, I ended up jerking off in the shower! It’s like I had to!! I have never felt that way before. I’m telling you, Colton, that protein powder is something else. I feel great too!! I mean, look at me! This is the best I have ever looked!” With that, Kyle flexed his arms, and he looks notably more muscular than he did this morning. I must not have been paying attention. I mean, his gym clothes are VERY tight. It is strange that both of them were jerking off in the showers, though. Must be some horny goat’s weed in that experimental mixture too. I may have to give it a go the next time we head to the gym.... To be continued!
  5. pasidious

    Proving a Point

    Hey all, this is the first story I've actually bothered to see finished in a long time. It's been difficult writing, lately, and I don't expect this to be as well-received as some of my previous stories. But, I'm just happy to have finally finished something! So, let me know what you think. I hope it's at least somewhat enjoyable. OH! Also, this is a college story. No one is under 18. And of course it's entirely fictional, based on no real person or place. _______________________________________________________ He stood in front of us, visibly upset, breathing heavily, his chest and shoulders rising with his deep breaths. "You all think you're so smart, huh?" he said, the venom clear in his voice. "Well, maybe one day you'll see that not everyone is born to be your victim. Not everyone will take your shit lying down." "Dude, calm down, it was a joke," one of my friends said. And it really was just a joke, at his expense, of course, but a joke nevertheless. They... or I should say technically we just made fun of his thin size. Oh and we made several comments about him having a small dick. He really did have a small dick, though. Several of us had seen him naked in the shower. But this is what dudes do! We make fun of each other, give each other shit. We did to him nothing that we haven't done to each other. I was honestly confused why he was taking it so personally. Maybe he was far more insecure than he let on? "It's only a--ughh--joke if what you're saying isn't--rnnngg--true!" He had his hands clenched into fists, arms arched a bit, still breathing heavily. "But you know what? You'll see I'm a grower not a shower. Watch this." And then, to our uncomfortable horror, he put his hand on his crotch and began rubbing it. I say "horror," when really it was just one of those really weird and awkward situations where you have no clue what to do with yourself. Do you respond? Try to diffuse the situation? Look away? Walk away? My own mind was a tangled mess of nothingness. I felt the urge to look away but my eyes remained fixed on him, particularly his crotch where we could all see him rubbing himself with an intensity we're all surely familiar with. I mean, we all jerk off, no doubt. But here he was doing it in front of us. "Dude we've seen you hard, too. You're not that big then either so--" "Sam, dude, shut the fuck up!" I snapped. Apparently he was too dense to realize this wasn't a time to be an asshole. "Let him talk shit, it's okay. Mmmmyeahhhh..." I looked back at him and his crotch had a definite tent there. He was wrapping his hand around it and squeezing and rubbing it, and he looked like he was enjoying it. I felt myself starting to get a little hard, too. "Ready? Mmmm yeah... Watch." I noticed that none of us had turned away, averted our eyes, or anything. As uncomfortable of a situation this was, it seemed that we were all more curious about what he was trying to prove than anything else. But I'll admit I was enjoying watching him jerk off, even though he was still fully clothed. Something about it was enticing. I suddenly wondered, though... what was it that made him get hard? It almost seemed as though he willed it to happen. But then he took his hand away from his crotch and just stood there, eyes closed, head tilted back a little. He had a little grin on his face, and I suppose he truly was enjoying this, whatever it was. But then I looked back at his crotch, and his tent was super prominent. There was no mistaking he was hard. Wait... yeah, he was definitely clearly hard, but... why was I able to tell that? We all were a bunch of douchebags and pointed out how small he was. We've seen his hard dick. It would barely create a bump in his shorts. Now it's a prominent tent. "I see Jake's figured out what's happening," he said, thrusting his chin at me. "Uhhh..." I gulped. "We're... mere seconds away from seeing indecent exposure?" I tried to say it sarcastically, but I suddenly realized I was super nervous. Why was I nervous? I really ought to be repulsed by watching a dude make himself get a boner and partially jerk himself off. He flexed his dick and I couldn't believe what I saw. The tent bulged out farther. I heard some of the other guys gasp and a single "What the fuck..." Now I definitely was nervous. "Ohhhh yeah..." he moaned slightly, his hand moving toward his tent. But then he jerked it away, as though he's trying to restrain his impulse to touch himself. I guess we all know, as dudes, how it is, to want to jerk off when you're hard. "Fuck yes!" he suddenly cried. "It's happening! Are you guys watching?" We were all definitely watching. I think at first we were all sort of annoyed with his seemingly whiny outburst, but now we can all see there's a lot more to this than just whining. I think he may have wanted any excuse to do this, to be honest. "Mmmmm fuck," he moaned again, and we all watched the tent push out farther, and I heard a slight groan. It was his fucking shorts! His tent had grown so much, he was finally straining the front of his shorts! "Here we go... Unnnghhhh!" He clenched his fists, and... "POP!" A large, thick cock popped out of the front of his shorts. At first only the head was visible, but the cloth of the shorts receded and his dick became more and more exposed. He was pretty fucking big, now. He took his hand and pulled at the front of his shorts so more of his dick would be visible. He flexed it again, and yes, it grew even bigger, right before our eyes. "FUCK yes! Still think I'm tiny now?" And even as he said those words, his cock was ever so slightly still growing, and I realized I was staring at it intently. Protruding from the front of his shorts was his hard, throbbing, growing bigger dick. What the hell was happening? No one responded to his question. Did he actually want an answer? "Well?" I guess he did. "N-no, you're not t-tiny," I managed to squeak out. Why did I answer? Why? "What's with the stuttering?" he grinned. "I wouldn't think such a weak, small-dicked 'baby' would make you nervous, Jake." I cringed. He was using my own words. I'd actually called him that one time. It was forever ago, and he remembered. "I'm not... n-nervous..." I couldn't stop stuttering. But why was I nervous? I mean, yeah, this is very off-putting. But he just proved he's definitely a grower. So what if he has a bigger dick than we all thought? He probably took some Viagra and just had to prove us all wrong about his dick. He was still a skinny, weak dude. He simply laughed. "Well, whatever dude, I don't care." He looked down at his own dick for a few moments and flexed it again, and it bounced a bit and grew some more. FUCK! "Ohhhh yeah, it's coming. Are you watching? I can feel it." Some of us looked at each other, and I'm guessing we all were thinking 'what the fuck does he mean?' He wasn't about to cum, was he? He reached his hands down and started to stroke his big throbbing veiny dick. Yes, he needed both hands to cover it. He was lovingly rubbing his dick, back and forward his hands went, slowly. "Unnngghhh" he moaned. His movements were hypnotic, and I couldn't avert my eyes as I watched a dude jerk himself off. I suddenly realized I was harder than steel, myself. "It's happening. Ohhh yeahhhhhh..." he closed his eyes, moaning, and we all finally saw what he meant. What was happening. His entire body was growing. At first I thought I was imagining it, or maybe he was rising up on his toes, but he was definitely getting taller. Slowly but surely. His hands never stopped moving, and he continued growing taller, and he'd grown maybe three or four inches in height before I realized something else. His chest had begun to push out. "Holy sh--" I involuntarily spoke in a hushed voice, stopping myself just before getting the entire word out, not that it mattered since there was no hiding what was going to be said. "Yeah, just watch," he said. His arms had some veins snaking around them now, and I could see his forearms thickening, too. He was growing muscles! FUCK! How was this happening? My dick throbbed in my shorts, and I was immediately brought to realization that I was genuinely enjoying the show. Still growing taller, his arms thickening, his chest pushing out, I also noticed his calves were bulging, too. And his dick was still growing! His shoulders had begun to broaden as well, and I suddenly realized his shirts was getting tighter and tighter, and it was at this point I finally noticed his biceps. They were wrapped in the cloth of his t-shirt, when before the sleeves were loose with plenty of space to spare. "Fuck yeah, keep--unghh--watching..." he said, as he continued to stroke himself, his hands wrapped tightly around his throbbing rod. I watched as those sleeves got tighter and tighter, his arms growing with each stroke of his now huge dick. His traps were rising up, too, and soon that shirt was painted on his body, and he looked like he practically lived in the campus gym. "Oh fuck, fuck... fuck..." his stroking was becoming more rapid, speeding up, and so was his growth. It was like the faster he stroked his dick, the faster he grew. I glanced down and saw his calves were now fucking enormous, bulging out, making it clear he never skipped leg day. Wait, can I even say that? But then more groaning sounds came from his shorts, and I realized his quads and hamstrings had been growing, too. His shorts were tightly wrapped around his muscled legs, and thanks to his new height, we could even see the heads of his quads right above his knees. "Here it--unghh gunnnghhh-- oh it's coming!" His stroking was fevered and wild now, full-on jerking off. His shirt was so tight I couldn't believe it was still holding on. "It's coming!! I'M CUMING!" And he did cum. Oh did he cum. We could literally hear the first burst of cum shoot from his huge dick. It hit my friend David right in the face. "RIIIIIIIIIP!" His shirt finally tore down the middle, his heaving pecs protruding from the tattered cloth, and his biceps ripped the sleeves, a rend going all the way up to his cannon-ball shoulders. "POP! POP!" His legs exploded out of his shorts, each leg ripping up to his belt. More cum was still shooting from his dick, his muscles throbbing as he shot each blast of cum. He was deliberately aiming for us with his cum, hitting not just David before, but two of my other friends as well. Actually, he somehow missed me entirely, but got everyone else. And then his dick was simply dribbling cum, still very hard, though. Cum was dripping down his shaft, onto the hand still holding his dick, and dripping onto the grass. "You like that? HUH?!" He had a wild, somewhat evil grin on his face. "Who's fucking small and weak, now?!" His free hand not holding his dick rose into the air and flexed into a mind-shattering bicep peak, his shirt ripping further, all the way up to his collar until "SNAP!" it too ripped off, leaving the entire one side of his shirt to fall into tattered cloth dangling from what was left on the other side. And then came his other arm, finally releasing his dick, still semi-hard and staying aloft on its own, rising into the air and flexing into yet another huge bicep peak, destroying what was left of his sleeves on that side. His entire shirt fell, revealing what none of us could see to this point. A perfect set of 8-pack abs. Clenching and unclenching with his breaths, washboard enough to actually literally wash clothes on. "WHO'S FUCKING SMALL AND WEAK NOW?!" he asked again, and I guess he was looking for a real answer. It wasn't until now that I finally realized he was towering over us, too. He had a good foot of height over me, at least, and I know I was taller than most of my other friends. He was sure as fuck stronger than any one of us, now, too. Probably stronger than all of us put together. He started to walk towards us, his still semi-hard dick bouncing with his steps, and with each step, more small rips could be heard from his shorts as they struggled to hold on. "What? Y'ALL SUDDENLY GOT NOTHING TO SAY?!" "W-w-we are...?" David actually managed to respond, and I saw he was literally shaking. Was I shaking, too? I couldn't even find my own thoughts, much less feel my own body. "IS THAT A FUCKING QUESTION?!" He reached down and picked David up by the front of his shirt and tossed him across the grass a good ten to fifteen feet. David quickly scrambled to his feet and ran, clearly not caring in what direction since his dorm was in another direction. "GET. THE FUCK. OUT. OF HERE!!" he shouted to the rest of us, and I didn't need to be told twice. I was somehow surprised I'd managed to stick around this long. "OHHhh no, where the fuck do you think you're going?!" he half shouted, grabbing me by the front of my shirt and lifting me off the ground like David, his bulging biceps flexing into gigantic relief from his massive arm. I closed my eyes, bracing myself, prepared to be tossed away. "You're fucking retarded, you know that?" he said, still holding me in the air. I opened an eye, only one eye, and saw his scowling face looking up into mine. Was this another question he wanted answered? How could I fucking know? "Such an asshole," he continued, "Can't see what's in front of you. I've been in love with you for ages now, and you're so concerned with keeping appearances you've never let yourself realize you're fucking gay." He reached out with his other hand and grabbed my crotch which was, yes, still hard, and leaking, too, apparently. "So now what do I do with you?" he asked. I honestly had no clue how to answer that question, even if I could muster the strength to.
  6. Well... here you go. A new story... first part of... maybe three of four. Not really sure. Hope you enjoy it!! Oh... Ive seen so many incredible illustrators out there... if anyone is every interested in illustrating one of my stories... I would love it!!! -Q ThInk It: A Writer's Tool (Based on a True Story) Chapter One: The First Chapter Quinn O’Rourke had never been much of a writer until he began penning erotic muscle growth stories to help further feed his obsession. Finding both mental and physical release through his writing, he lived for sharing his monomania for serious muscle growth and transformation of both mind and body to all of the unknown readers on a website. It made him grateful when he read constructive criticism, and over the moon when people wrote or DM’d him on how much they enjoyed his stories, got off on them, and just like himself, wanted more. His own mania with all things muscle and growth had begun when he was 12 and read a Dungeons and Dragons Choose Your Own Adventure-type book. In it, the hero was a young ninja trying to save his land from a dark magician. As he read, Quinn had become spell-bound when the hero, finding a liquid in a bottle, drank it, and began to grow into a massive and muscular giant. Unfortunately for Quinn, that adventure had ended there as the hero grew and took down the castle, burying him beneath him. Quinn lay there after reading that page… and could feel his blood boiling. He didn’t know why… and he didn’t have the language to comprehend how reading this had turned him on… and how it would mark his future. He did disagree with the ending, and imagined one where the hero rose through the rubble like a God, growing as massive as a mountain, and becoming more and more muscular. When Quinn eventually hit puberty… late… at 16… he hit it with a bang. Up he shot to 6’6, his shoulders became naturally broad, and his body had the musculature of an active teenager. His mother, being somewhat over protective, never let him play after-school sports, but he did excel in gym class, and did go for a swim and run every morning before school. In his bedroom, he jerked off to daydreams of men with muscle beyond imagining, massive penises, and growing to enormous size… his mind always going back to that first story. In college, Quinn worked out for the first time… and took to it like the metaphorical fish to water. Watching his body change, sculpt, and grow became an obsession… one could say… an addiction. By senior year he had really bulked up, adding over 46 lbs of pure muscle, and discovered that his own body turned him on more than anything else… well that was not entirely true… As he stood in front of the mirror, flexing various muscle groups, admiring his own symmetry and size, running his hands over his meaty pecs, and loving how thick his quads were…. he would also fantasise about getting even bigger… more masculine… more muscular, taller… thicker… a beast of a man. Grabbing onto his 7” cock, he would stroke it slowly as he took in his body… imagining growth shooting through him making him bigger and more mighty… more mountain then man. Faster and faster he would stroke, not wanting it to end but needing to feel that orgasmic rush flood through him. Minutes later, sweat dripping from his head and his pits, beads flowing down through the valley between his pecs and over his cobblestoned abs, he would shoot a massive load all over the mirror. Exhausted and panting... he would lean his head against the mirror, frustrated that he would never reach his full potential. Time passed… Quinn graduated… got an internship with a bank… did well… they kept him on… and he began to climb the corporate ladder. He still worked out and took care of his body… but time never allowed him to do it with the same intensity… he was just maintaining. He dated guys… loved how it felt when they worshipped his body and screamed out when he fucked them, but he never could reach the high he was always searching for. Usually when the left or slept, he would go into his bathroom, stand in front of his mirror, flex, lick, and worship himself, imagining his shoulders growing broader, his pecs thicker and larger, his biceps ballooning to sizes larger than his head, and his quads bursting into redwood proportions. Ejaculating to this often satisfied him more than a mouth, ass, or hand could. He once met with a guy who simply wanted to worship his body and muscle, and ‘bask in his masculinity.’ Quinn thought that this might be exactly what he was looking for… but unfortunately it just did very little for him. Perhaps it was that he wasn’t physically attracted to the guy. He did do his best when it came to massaging, licking, cleaning, and all over worshiping Quinn, and even though he was an expert ass-eater and cock sucker… when it was over… it didn’t give Quinn the same high his own overactive imagination could give. Quinn was now 32… he had a high powered job, an office with a kick ass view, a body most 25 year olds would kill for, and a lot of money in the bank. When he was offered the transfer to London to oversee the international sector, with a raise and a bonus of £500,000, he packed his bags and moved. London was an incredible city… always on the move and always alive. There was something to do every second of the day, and when he wasn’t working or working out, he was going to clubs, the theatre, museums, and festivals in the park. It was at Hampstead Heath in July where Quinn’s future took a turn. The Heath, a popular gay cruising site, was a large park with three swimming areas: one for men, one for women, and one for families. With some friends, Quinn went one Bank Holiday to the pond, and there, while swimming, he met Russel. Lying in the sun, they talked, drank, and it was obvious that they both wanted the same thing. As Quinn fucked him at his flat, Russell screamed out words that rang through his head: ‘You’re huge… fuck your muscles... such power… you’re a beast… fuck me harder… use all the strength your body has… use me… show me how Alpha you are!!!’ Using Russell’s words for inspiration, he fucked the life out of him… and when it was finally over and Russell was leaving… he kissed Quinn and said: ‘Fuck!!! If I didn’t have work tomorrow I’d let you do me all night. Never met an Alpha like you! The only thing better would be two of you… or two of you rolled into one! Fuck yeah… muscles going on for days! Fuck… you’d be a mountain of a man! My ultimate fantasy come to life!!! Welcome to London, mate! They exchanged numbers with the knowledge they would never get in touch, and as Quinn lay in bed that night, his cock hard and leaking, he heard the words echo in his head: ‘Alpha… you’re huge… mountain of a man… such power… you’re a beast… use all the strength you have… your muscles… two rolled into one… muscles for days…my fantasy come to life.’ Yes, Quinn thought as he shot all over himself and the bed… that is my fantasy as well… ’ The next day, Quinn made a decision that changed his life. He worked hard but worked out even harder. As his muscles grew larger… he let the hair on his head and body grow out. No more shaving his chest for him… he was a beast... No one at work said anything… but everyone noticed the transformation occurring. You couldn’t miss it!! Within a year and a half he weighed 266 pounds of hard, swollen muscle. He had let his dirty blonde hair grow down to his shoulders, grew a beard, and had several tribal tattoos designed and inked to decorate his body. His exterior matched the Alpha he had always been inside… but as he venerated himself in front of the mirror… as he flexed and licked and touched and stroked… he wanted more… he needed more...he would have more. That was 8 months ago. With months of hard work, some hgh and test, Quinn weighed in at a stacked 293 pounds of ripped muscle. He still did extraordinarily well at work, and even if his boss didn’t like the new look… he couldn’t argue with a man who was bringing in millions each day. Quinn could care less, though. His heart just wasn’t in his job anymore. All he cared about was muscle… fucking… and being the biggest and best in the room. The true Alpha. Through a Google search, he found his way to a muscle growth story web site, and had spent days reading, and wanking. He loved most of what he read, and really respected a good handful of writers… especially the ones who could get him leaking and on the edge of cumming without ever touching himself. Now, those were outstanding stories… but he also felt that many didn’t go far enough. The desire for muscle was one thing… but the need… the obsession… the hunger and the yearning for supremacy wasn’t always there. That erotic mixture of bodily pain and pleasure… that was what Quinn needed. One night, when his fantasies and throbbing cock wouldn’t let him sleep, he decided to try his hand at writing a story of his own. The first couple were horribly cliche, and he wouldn’t dare show anybody. For a while he tried to write at night after work, but found that his imagination was completely fuelled right after working out. \in a new ritual, he would leave the gym swole and horny, his balls churning for relief, take a shower at work, get into a suit that barely fit him anymore, and sit down at his desk to write. Finally, after weeks of hard work, and afraid but willing to give it a shot… he decided to post the first chapter of one of the stories he had been working on… and people actually liked it!!! Soon his days were filled with working out and writing with some work thrown in. The good thing about being upper management of a bank is that everyone below you does the actual work for you. He was just there to manage a team, get the information needed to make the bank even more money, tie it together and deliver with a pretty bow. This gave him plenty of time to write. As he became more captivated by his own words… turned on by his own writing… he wouldn’t let himself cum until what he was working on was perfect! Everything was flawless until the bank put up a new firewall on all of the computers. No attachments could be sent to unauthorised outside computers. If he asked to have his home computer authorised, that would put up several red flags… what could he want to send to himself? If he brought a laptop to work… that would look odd, and if he used a Zip drive in the computer, that was logged automatically onto the system. The only thing he had left to write on was his phone, and his hands were just too large to comfortably hit the right keys on the touch screen. Opening the App Store, he searched for writing apps where he could use his voice to type. Several popped up, but one that caught his eye was called: ThInk It Writing Tool. Reading the app description, it had everything he could want: it was easy to set up, it would detect only one voice if he was outside or somewhere public, it could be programmed to only respond to his voice, it would sink to his cloud, and as an added bonus, it hosted a community of writers and readers if he was ever interested in putting his stories out there to a wider public. The one thing that solidified the deal was the logo: a muscular arm holding a globe with an illustrated brain in it. Waiting till he got home to try the App, he was grateful to see that his friend Jacob, from the States, wasn’t around. He’s probably either at rehearsal, out sightseeing...or whoring around, Quinn thought with a grin as he unbuttoned his shirt and took it off. Any one of those options was a possibility. Quinn and Jacob has been frat brothers in college, and used to play volleyball, and sometimes workout together. After graduation, Jacob followed his dream of staring in musicals on Broadway, and now he was actually doing it. He was in London for the next 8 months playing the role he had originated on Broadway in a West End musical. The production company had rented him a flat, but while it was being recarpeted and painted, Jacob was staying with Quinn. Their friendship was purely platonic, thought being the only two out gay guys in their frat house, they had fooled around together until they realised they were both tops, and just kept the friendship. Jacob fit the quintessential leading man stereotype. His was talented, his voice was amazing, he was an incredible dancer, he was tall, dark, and handsome with a tight hairless muscular body, square jaw, and a smile that could battle the brightness of Piccadilly Circus. The one thing he didn’t have going for him was that he had a small cock. Now, it wasn’t freakish small… it was about 4.5 when hard, and perhaps it was a little thin, but it worked perfectly fine. No one had ever told him that they had a problem with it… but for Jacob, with his height and looks, he was always subconscious. Quinn has never thought this was an issue to Jacob until the other night, when after a few drinks, he began to confess how inadequate he felt. Apparently he had gone home with this cute blonde twink, and found him to be packing a huge piece of meat. Jacob had felt so belittled that he couldn’t even perform and had to leave. He was the top!! The bottom couldn’t have a bigger cock than him!! Totally understanding how Jacob felt regarding his own body dissatisfaction, Quinn tried to talk to him, but Jacob blew him off with a laugh, exclaiming that he had to be joking: Quinn was a muscle master, he said, and he knew it! After that, Quinn never brought it up. Sitting in his favorite chair in the empty flat, a story began to pop into Quinn’s head. He couldn’t help Jacob, but he could write about it. He got out his phone and opened ThInk It! A blank white screen popped up. Character/Characters Name: We recommend using the name of people you know to create realistic characters. Using just his voice, Quinn said loudly: Jacob Effortlessly the name popped up on the screen. Yes, he thought. This is going to work out great. Wonderful. If you have additional characters, please return to this prompt. What is Jacob’s goal? To have a massive cock. Wonderful. How will Jacob achieve this? He buys an experimental drug from a sex shop in SoHo. Wonderful. What is Jacob’s location? My flat. Wonderful. Now dictate the first paragraph and we’ll bring your words to life. Jacob sat on the bus a few moments away from his stop. He was sweating and his heart was beating fast as he thought about what was in his backpack. If he got only half of what that guy had, he thought, he’d be a happy man. Pressing the button, Jacob waited for the bus to come to a stop, and got off. Quickly he walked down the street until he came to the door of the street entrance flat he was staying in for a week with his friend Quinn. Jacob unlocked the door hoping that no one was home, and as he ran from room to room, he was positive he was alone. Quinn must still be at work, he said to himself out loud… Quinn was startled as the door to his flat flew open and Jacob rushed into the living room. - Hey man!! How’s it… - Quinn?! You home? Quinn?? - I’m sitting right… Jacob walked right past him and began looking in each room, calling his name. Finally he returned to the living room. - Quinn must still be at work. As soon as he said those very words, Jacob stopped moving and stood frozen in place. - You okay, man? Quinn got up from his chair and walked toward his friend. Jacob appeared before him as if Quinn had paused him on TV. Even with all of his strength, Quinn couldn’t move him. - What the fuck?? A bell tone came from his phone. As he tried to move Jacob again, the bell tone occurred more often and proceeded to continuously get louder. Frustrated, Quinn grabbed it from where he had laid it down. Wonderful start! Jacob is waiting. What happens next? Quinn looked back at Jacob, looked at his phone, and spoke aloud: Secure that Quinn wasn’t home, Jacob grabbed his backpack, sat on the couch, and opened it. From within he pulled a black plastic bag. Quinn had just finished his last word when Jacob started moving again, doing exactly as Quinn had described. As soon as he pulled out the black bag, he froze again. The bell tone rang again and Quinn looked at the screen. Wonderful! Jacob is waiting. What happens next? When you feel that your authorship of Jacob’s story is complete… you will be faced with the options of saving, deleting, or editing.. How, Quinn thought, how can this be happening? He didn’t want to believe it, but it was true: Through the app, Quinn was controlling Jacob’s reality!! Lets see how far we can go with this! From the black bag, Jacob removed a long box. With serious intention, he opened the box, and sitting within with was a large syringe filled with an orange/brown fluid. Quinn laughed out loud as he watched his words come to life. Looking at the frozen Jacob, Quinns cock started to get hard as he thought about all of the possibilities. Soon his cock began to leak as his imagination went wild. Jacob pulled the large syringe out and looked at it, admiring the orange shine. With a steady hand, he placed it on the table. From the box, he removed a typed slip of paper and read aloud: In the chamber are 6 cc’s of compound 8GN. Although human trials have been conducted, we have discovered that the effectiveness varies per individual. As this compound is not diluted, feel free to dilute with saline solution 1:1 to soften results. As the adage says: a little goes a long way. Remember that all effects are permanent. To use, inject into quad. Results are nearly instantaneous. Jacob put the sheet on the couch next to him, stood up, removed his shoes, and pulled off his jeans and underwear at the same time. Taking a quick glance at his own quad, Jacob leaned over and grabbed the syringe. He had never been a fan of needles, but there was no stopping him now. On the count of three, he impaled his right quad with the syringe. Once the needle was all the way in, Jacob stood there questioning what to do next. With a shaking hand, his thumb pressed down on the syringe and watched as 1cc of liquid plunged moved into his muscle. Stopping for a moment, Jacob proceeded again, this time adding two more. Satisfied, he was going to pull it out, but he stopped himself. If this works… I know myself… I’m gonna use it all. That guy who sold it had a solid 12 incher, and that’s exactly what I want. I want some guys to turn me down cause it’s too big! I want a bulge that shows the world I have a serious piece of meat in my pants. I want to be known by everyone for my twelve inches!! I’ll be a fuckin legend!! Filled with new determination, he injected the rest of the compound, and swiftly removed the empty syringe. Returning the syringe to the box, Jacob sat back down on the couch and waited. One minute passed, then two, when suddenly Jacob felt a flush of heat go over him. A third minute passed, and Jacob began to giggle… he didn’t know why… he just couldn’t help himself. By the fifth minute, Jacob was leaning his head back on the sofa and breathing deeply. Rapidly, his cock went from flaccid to hard in less than three seconds. It’s working!!! I can feel it!! It’s fucking working!!! Jacob lifted his heavy head and looked down at his cock with a grin. It had never been this hard or this swollen ever in his life!! Every vein was plumped up as if he was wearing a cock ring, or had some sort of invisible vice around the base of his shaft. His head kept falling back as wave after wave of elation and rapture shot through him. With each heartbeat Jacob could feel his cock filling more and more with blood, but it seemed as if none of it was exiting back into the rest of his body.. Looking down again with a laugh, his cock looked purple and swollen, the head tighter than it ever had been before. His cock was pulsing to his heartbeat now as more blood was forced in. Jacob was beginning to feel serious pain in his cock, and through his euphoria, worried that perhaps he had made a big mistake. With each heartbeat, as more and more veins popped up and fed his shaft, he worried that the skin from his cock was just going to split open and rip his cock in two. Need to call 911 or watEVER… Jacob fell back onto the couch as he felt himself get kicked in the balls over and over again by an invisible foot. The pain was agonising as his body convulsed. Just when he was positive that he was nearing death, the convulsions tapered down until all he felt was a swelling and a dull burning ache in his testicles. Leaning his head on the back of the sofa, beads of sweat dripping down his face, he moved his shaking hands to his balls and could feel that both were much larger than before, and like his heartbeat, were pulsating. Every few minutes the pain would intensify, and Jacob watched as his balls swelled larger. Within four minutes his testicles had grown to two large eggs fighting for space in his sack. Quinn was certainly hard right now watching Jacob in a fit of pleasure and pain. How far was he going to take this? A rush of power went through Quinn as he suddenly realised he held Jacob’s future in his hand… everyone’s future. He simply had to speak it and it came true. An idea came to him that he wanted to try out. In his fog of testicular growth, Jacob was startled when Quinn came home from work. The chime on his phone went off again, stopping Quinn from proceeding. Wonderful! Are you adding an additional character? Yes Wonderful. What is their name? Quinn. Quinn’s name appeared on the screen. Wonderful. What does Quinn want? This remains to be seen. Wonderful! If you need any character goals, please simply say: Goals. Would you like to return to your story? Yes. Wonderful! Quinn took a deep breath and began again. - Fuuuuck!!! Man… I… Yes… Quinn thought. He can finally see me! I’m part of the story now. What the fuck’s going on?? Jacob tried to answer him, but was slipping into an abyss of carnal lust. My cock… growing… soon… gonna have… twelve inches… of…meat… UUURRRGGGHHH!! Jacob’s head was thrown back as he panted and moaned. He knew Quinn was there… but he didn’t care! He could feel it in his crotch… as his balls continued to swell larger… he knew the birth of his new cock was just around the corner. Lifting his head, he could see his balls were as big as large kiwis now and swelling faster. The pressure in his cock was rising, and either it was going to explode with growth, or burst apart. Here…. it… FFFUUCCKKKKK YYEEAAHH!!! Jacob’s cock began to swell thicker. Breathing heavily as if he were in labour, laughing as well… in minutes it was Coke can thick and he finally felt like he had a real piece of meat in his hands. Growing… a… real… ass… ripper... Throbbing pulsing, and growing with his heartbeat, Jacob realised with glee that his thumb and fingers didn’t meet anymore. Almost as… thick as… my… wrist… now… Quinn. I can fucking see that!! Feel… it… feel how hot… and thick… it is… Feel… it… grow… Quinn kneeled down and placed his large hand on the shaft. Fuck, man!! It’s nearly as thick as a Foster’s can!! Only… the… beginning… Jacob spread his legs wider to accommodate his orange sized testicles that were now laying on the sofa. His sack had begun to grow along with his balls now, and Quinn was shocked when he could actually hear them churning, becoming super driven cum factories. In no time at all, Jacob’s cock head flared wider, the slit grew longer, and pre began to shoot from his cock as if he were cumming. Quinn’s fingers were no longer meeting as Jacob’s cock continued to thicken. The room began to smell of bleach and musk as pre was continuously flowing. A couple of heart beats and a couple of throbs, and there was more than an inch between Quinn’s thumb and middle finger. Gonna… have to… train boys… to take… it… FUICCKK!! Jacob’s cock swelled even wider until finally with the pressure, it began to lengthen. Really… growing… Elated, Jacob and Quinn both watched as Jacob’s cock crept up over 5 inches. Once it had started, it seemed to Jacob that his cock made up for lost time. Passing 5 inches… it soon reached six… and then seven. Let me… feel it… growing. Quinn took his hand away from Jacob’s cock, and in the time it took Jacob to place his own hand there, it was 8 inches. Jacob grinned wildly at Quinn, and throwing his head back, began to stroke himself. Quinn could only stare in awe as his best friend stroked his growing python, Jacob’s moans getting louder and more primal as it grew. Jacob’s balls were larger than baseballs, and shooting out more precum in greater volumes. His cock was now most certainly thicker than Quinn’s own wrist, and showed no sign of stopping. Is it… ten inches… yet??? Oh yeah. Should… be… stopping… soon… But, his cock, enjoying its new power, lengthened to eleven inches and then twelve. Quinn noticed that the veins of Jacob’s cock had grown much larger to force more and more blood in, nourishment needed for the newborn monster. When it hit 13”, Jacob’s cock-head began to join in the growth as it swelled thicker, flaring up and outward. Wanting to be larger than the shaft, it began to lengthen as well as becoming meatie,r until Jacob’s cock head was longer than half of his old cock!! With a loud rip, the slit lengthened even more, till it rivaled the length of Quinn’s thumb. As it hit 14”, Jacob moaned loudly as his cock and balls proceeded to swell even larger. Won’t… be able… to fuck… anyone with… this… now…. too… thick.., I know… I… don’t… care!! I… want… a… monster… Make me… a… freak… Quinn.., It’s as if he knows what’s happening here…. Meeting his best friends eyes… as another wave of growth hit him and it stretched longer than 15” Is this what you want? YES!!!! Are you sure? Do… it!!!! Make me… a fuckin… freak!!! Jacob smiled at Quinn. Within moments of speaking those words, his cock proceeded to grow even faster. FUCK YEAH!!!! At over 17”, his cock head much longer than his old erect cock, and his shaft thicker than Quinn’s 22” bicep, Jacob’s cock began to dip down as the weight of his beast began to overtake it. His balls were bigger than grapefruits now, and were constantly producing enough cum and testosterone for ten men. Using two hands, Jacob was frantically trying to jerk himself off. When it hit 18”, Jacob looked at Quinn and spoke in a suddenly surprising deeper voice I… need more… hands!!! Jerk it… with me! Quinn placed his hands on the immense column, and felt waves of superiority coming from it. The musk Jacob was emitting along with the smell of pre was intoxicating… Quinn looked at his friend, and realised that where once he had been clean shaven, a thick five o’clock shadow had taken up residence on his face. My body… is becoming... a tool for... pure… sex…. Quinn stroked the immense stanchion as it continued to get longer and thicker. More and more veins erupted to the surface, thick as hosing, feeding the emerging beast. Jacob’s stroking along with Quinn’s became more vigorous as his cock grew to a whopping 19”. Quinn stood to get a better grip on the upper shaft and head. My God, he thought… Jacob’s head is bigger than two of my hands! Jacob gave up using his hands and started to simply thrust his cock through Quinn’s hands as if he were fucking them. Jacob’s moans got deeper and louder as his cock hit 20” and showed no sign of stopping its incredible growth. My balls… can you hear them… so loud… producing more cum... and testosterone... than an army of men!!! Quinn looked down at the laughing Jacob. Staring at Jacob, Quinn could see that a change was overtaking his friend. The testosterone flooding through his veins had indeed done a number on him, and he was looking more primal… more masculine than he ever been before. Even his face was changing as his brow began to extend a little further and his eyes became deepset. He had a full beard now, and hair all over his body had sprouted and thickened. The smell coming off of him in waves was overpowering… it made Quinn’s head swim and had him thinking that he wanted to submit himself to Jacob and be used as his sex toy. As the essence passed through both of them, it became apparent that nothing on earth mattered except Jacob and the colossus that was wildy emerging from his crotch. Moaning and thrusting himself faster and harder into Quinn’s hands, lost in his world of sexual stimuli, Jacob began barking orders at Quinn. Fucking… lick my.... Cock head… boy!!! His voice, Quinn thought… his voice is so powerful… so loud, so deep, and… and so commanding. What is all of that testosterone doing to him? Trying to keep in his head that he was the only true Alpha in the room, Quinn found himself obeying Jacob and starting to feverishly lick his cockhead. That’s it… boy… worship this cock!!!! I am. How big… am I… boy? At least 25” inches long… thicker than my quads… Am I… a sex… god… now? Quinn struggled to answer… but he knew he had to tell Jacob the truth. YES!!!! All of the world will worship your cock! Never has there been one so huge, so magnificent, so impressive, so potent, and dominant. In a few minutes... I will cum… I can… feel it… Tell me… what will happen? Your cock will shoot up even longer and thicker. Your balls will swell larger, flooding you with more and more testosterone… You live for one thing and one thing only now… SEX!!! Jacob threw his head back and in a voice that sounded amplified, echoing throughout the flat… a deep deep bass… oozing with sex and power. - YES!!!! Jacob thrust twenty to thirty more times as Quinn tried as best as he could to worship this mighty cock. Suddenly, without warning. Jacob stopped moving, stated at him wide-eyed… and Quinn realised in the silence he could hear the torrent of cum rising up from Jacob’s balls. FFFFFUUUUKKKK!!! Jacob tried his best to grab onto his cock, but as the largest orgasm known to man overtook him, all he could do was close his eyes, pant, moan, and shout. A minute later, a geyser errupted from Jacob’s cock, and cum shot all over the room, hitting Quinn and throwing him backward on impact. It was impossible to control the massive hose as it began to spray the walls, the ceiling, several windows, and shattered the screen of his plasma TV. With each pulse that sent more and more cum skyward, Jacob’s cock and balls proceeded to gain more and more size and mass, shooting up past 31” and getting so thick that it was hard to believe this was a penis and not some redwood or stone pillar. After 5 minutes of continual orgasm, Jacob’s cum production began to slow down until he was only leaking from the massive slit. Just when Quinn thought it was all over,Jacob let out a thunderous, FUCK His cock shot up several more inches, and then he collapsed onto the couch, barely able to hold his head up. Quinn looked around at his flat, completely covered in cum. His friend was frozen once again on the couch, a drop of cum leaking from his cock frozen in mid-air. Fuck, Quinn thought… it's really easy to let your imagination run away with you on this app. Needing to clear his head, Quinn opened up a window. I can’t believe I allowed his musk to become so strong that I couldn’t even control myself. A few minutes longer and I might have let him fuck me. Great to go huge my first time!!! Quinn was taking in another deep breath of clean air from the window when he heard the chime from his phone. Wonderful!! Is your story is finished. Would you like to: a) publish it so it lives on forever, b) delete it and no one will ever know it existed except you, or c) take a moment and edit your story with clearer eyes. What will be your choice? Quinn looked at Jacob and wondered what he would want. Is this how he would want to live… a sex dominated stud with an unimaginably massive cock, a musk that held guys in his power, guys falling to their knees to be fucked by him, cumming gallons every time…. is this how he would want to live? Is this how I would want to live? Looking deeply at Jacob, Quinn knew what he had to do. Jacob tried to catch his breath as he came down from his mind altering orgasm. As he looked around the room at the chaos surrounding him… as he took in his slowly deflating titanic cock and balls, and as he began to feel the beginnings of his balls starting to churn again, he moved his eyes up to meet his friend, grinned, and said in the deepest and most sensual voice Quinn had ever heard: Fuck me!! That’s a pretty powerful weapon you got there now! Tell me about it!! You going to keep it? Don’t think I have an option! Well… while you were firing cumshots around the room, I looked online to see if there was an antidote, and it seems that if you...um… rub olive oil and salt on it… … couldn’t think of anything better on the fly, Quinn??? … within the first three hours of injection, it sucks the formula out and everything goes back to normal. Yeah… I don’t think so. Well, you got your answer. This monstrosity is the best thing to ever happen to me. You have no idea how it feels!! For the first time I feel alive!!! Really alive!! I don’t even exist anymore! It’s my master and I need to serve it. My life now is devoted to sexual pleasure only. I need to find more and more people to worship it, lick it, suck it, let me fuck them with it, and cum over and over and over again. I’ve been called for a greater purpose, boy, and I need to minister to it. You understand? Yeah. I think I do. Good. Jacob stood up the best he could and walked on shaky legs to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. It’s insane, Quinn. My balls are already starting to churn, and it feels even more potent than before, and I think this is how it’s always going to be… getting stronger and stronger… cumming longer and longer, until one day I just orgasm for eternity. How can you carry such weight so easily. The muscles in my groin… I think they evolved to enable me to. It’s heavy… but in a good way!! Love feeling the tug and pull!! Looks like I’m a grower and not much of a shower now! Quinn could see that fully soft, Jacobs cock was only twelve inches long and as thick as a Pringles can. Even his balls had shrunk to something a little more manageable. Take a good look because you’re not going to see it soft like this very often!! I bet! Join me!! Go buy a syringe and join me! I’d love to, man… but I have my own journey coming up… and I think it’s going to rival yours!! Good to hear! I can’t wait. Well, wish I could stay and clean up, but I have followers to initiate into the world of hedonism. Jacob took off the T-shirt he had been wearing and stood in front of Quinn in all of his glory. The testosterone of hundreds of men had perfected his body giving him a larger, muscular frame, and a hairy chest that made his muscles look even sexier. No more clothes for me anymore. Won’t need them. How will you survive? Didn’t I tell you? The day I left America, I bought a lottery ticket… and I won! 50 million dollars!! Good thinking, Quinn!! Give him an even happier ending... a massive cock and 50 million!!! That should be enough to build a temple great enough for this cock. Jacob walked toward the door, opened it, and was about to step out, when he turned back to his friend. Thanks for everything, boy. I might just go to that shop in Soho and buy another syringe or two… see what another dose will do! I bet it will be amazing. I think so too! See you soon, Quinn… and take a hold of that journey you’re about to go on by the balls, and demand the world sees you. Oh… if everything goes to how I imagine it… the world won’t have any option but to see me. Good boy!! It’s our time now. Quinn could hear Jacobs balls loudly beginning to churn and saw a flow of precum begining to leak from his cock head. The aroma hit Quinn right away, and he felt as if he needed to kneel down and worship that God-Cock. Before he submitted, Quinn moved toward the window to clear his head. Bye, Quinn. Don’t worry… we’ll meet again! With that, Jacob left Quinn’s flat. What did the future hold for him? Quinn wasn’t sure, but he knew whatever it was… it was going to be a life satisfying every carnal whim. Exhausted, Quinn leaned against the wall, his own balls aching for relief. Fuck!!! That was amazing, he thought! He was just about to whip his own cock out and jerk off when the bell tone came from his phone. Wonderful! I see your story is complete. Would you like to: a) publish it so it lives on forever, b) delete it and no one will ever know it existed except you, or c) take a moment and edit your story with clearer eyes. What will be your choice? A. Wonderful!!! Your story is now published and out in the world to see. Having completed one story, you have unlocked several new options. We look forward to working with you on your next story. Me too, he thought as he leaned against the wall stroking his hard cock. I can’t wait to see what my next one is!! ... to be continued
  7. This is the first of a two part story. I had written this back in October as a story to amuse myself. I never thought I would put it out there for the world to read... but since you have all have welcomed my other stories so kindly... here it is!!! I rewrote some of it to give it better flow, etc. The second part is a little crazier... involving more transformation, muscle, destruction, etc. If you aren't into that... let this part be what you read and that is it. This has an ending. If you are into stuff a little wilder... I'll post Part 2 soon!! I hope you enjoy it!!!! Comments and suggestions always welcome!! Tell Me You’re Mine PART ONE I watched as Richard tried once again to fight against the ties that bound him to the leather/wooden cross. I couldn’t deny that he looked hot naked, handcuffed, and with a ball gag in his mouth. No, I scolded myself!! Don’t look at him. Don’t think about him. He’s a means to an end and that is all!!! I leaned once again over the smoke coming from the silver bowl and inhaled... the sharp odour calming my nerves. Soon this would all be over. Soon I would have what I desired. This wasn’t how it originally started. I had gotten home from the gym, horny as fuck with the knowledge that tonight was the night I had been waiting and preparing for for years. I hopped on the hook-up app I often used for quick fucks, hoping he would be on... and I wasn’t disappointed. There he was... Richard from the gym... built, young, cocky, and obviously out for NSA fun. It had been a while since I had seen him at the gym, but perhaps that had been for the best. My pic on my profile was recent, but the lighting might have made me look a little buffer and a little younger then I really was. As I began sending a message to Richard, three guys hit me up at once. Quickly looking at their profiles… one of them was passable and might be an option... but no... only Richard would do. I sent my message and waited to hear back. It wasn’t long before he had taken the bait. I was older then Richard by about ten years, but my picture shows me at my best: an athletic man with black hair and ice blue eyes. Our initial conversation went well, so I decided to simply go for it and asked him if he wanted to play. Sending my location, Richard was glad to know my home was only six blocks away from his own... a fact I already knew. Yeah, this had all the makings of a perfect quick hook-up for him... we could each get off and he would have plenty of time to meet-up with some friends. When I showed him my dick pic... that sealed the deal. He would be over in ten. When Richard arrived, he commented on the slight silver at my temples and stated that it was a sexy addition, and one he approved off. I took his coat, offered him a glass of very fine red wine, and then we began kissing on the couch. Now, my body is not as muscular as Richard’s, and I’m not as tall as he is, but I do have a tight runners build that was obvious, by the bulge in his pants, that he respected. Also, once we had stripped out of our clothes and were naked, I was able to prove, to his eager mouth, that I truly was sporting an XL endowment. After nearly fifteen minutes of kissing... deep and passionately, Richard wanted to move it to the bedroom, but I let him know I had other plans. How adventurous was Richard feeling? Sure I could easily fuck him... but why not put a little handcuff play into the action... I could see the wheels in his head spinning behind his eyes. No, Richard, he was thinking. That’s how guys get killed… I hardly know this guy. But, the leaking of his cock was screaming: Yes!!!! This guy is totally normal!! His cock won out. Richard took a gulp of his wine, texted a friend where he was just in case he disappeared… always a smart move, and followed me down the hallway. The room, the prize of my house, was a large conservatory that I had converted into a personal library with shelves and shelves of hardback books, some intricately bound and other centuries old. They were the result of my decades of research, and I knew each one practically by heart. The ceiling is over thirty-five feet high, and the sun can easily be blocked out with shades that moved electronically. I knew he was impressed by the sheer size of the room, joking it was bigger then three of his apartments. What really took Richard’s attention were the tools of my play: masks, hoods, gags, handcuffs, dildos of all sizes, and a multitude of paddles and whips. The collection was lit by several dim pin lights, but my prize was what took centre stage: an imposingly large wooden cross padded with leather, raised up on its own circular platform. Nervous, but ultimately turned on as well, Richard took in the entire room in awe. His laughter echoing in the enormous room, he said he had never read 50 Shades of Grey... or seen the film... but he had heard of the ‘Red Room’ and imagined it had to be something like this. I told him I hoped mine was a little classier then Christian Grey’s. Quietly I came up behind him and began to gently kiss his neck, my arms wrapped around him, my hands stroking his abs. ⁃ I’ve never done anything like this before. I’m usually pretty vanilla. ⁃ We don’t have to if you’re not comfortable. ⁃ No! No... I want to. ⁃ Are you sure? I want everything to be totally consensual. Richard lowered my hand down to the his hard cock signalling the affirmation of his desires. I turned Richard around and pulled him toward me, our bodies pressing together while we passionately kissed. Within moments and with expert hands, I was exploring every inch of his body, traveling my tongue over every muscle. Richard’s cock began to leak pre-cum again as his excitement mounted. Lapping it up with my tongue, I succeeded in taking Richard’s entire cock in my mouth, deep throating him like a champ. Richard placed his hands on the back of my head and began to massage my scalp, tremors of ecstasy running through him. ⁃ Let me worship your body. It’s so beautiful, so built. I want to lick every inch of it. ⁃ Do it!! I looked into Richard’s eyes and pushed him toward the cross. Willingly, Richard allowed his arms to be placed on the cross bars, and he let out a low moan as I grabbed his hands and locked them swiftly and dominantly into the handcuffs. I did the same at his feet. Then, to make the picture complete, I covered his eyes with a leather mask. As promised, I worshiped, licked, and sucked every inch of Richard’s quivering and flexing body. My tongue traveled into crevices no tongue had ever reached, and Richard bucked his pelvis uncontrollably as an orgasm appeared on the horizon. I wrapped my mouth around Richard’s cock and brought him closer and closer to explosion. Seconds away from coming in my mouth, I pulled back and looked up at Richard. ⁃ You like that? ⁃ Yeah!!! ⁃ Want me to finish you off? ⁃ Oh yeah!!! ⁃ Tell me you’re mine. ⁃ What? ⁃ Tell me you’re mine. ⁃ Fuck!! I’m yours! Do it!!!! I attached myself to Richard’s cock again, and with my hand began to massage his balls. Unable to hold on much longer and entirely under my sway, Richard felt his balls rise up in his sack. ⁃ I’m gonna... I’m... I removed my mouth seconds before Richard shot and captured his release in a small silver bowl I had hidden near the base of the cross. Using my hand, I milked more and more cum from his balls until Richard cried out that he couldn’t take anymore. Beginning to already go soft, Richard’s masked face looked down at me and smiled. ⁃ Fuck, man!!! Richard chuckled as he shook his head. I stood up, took off the mask, looked at Richard, and kissed him once again. His cock started to get hard again, but playtime was over. Richard watched in silence as I walked to the side of the room and opened a cabinet. Inside was a large copper bowl. Removing it, I walked back over to Richard. Placing the bowl on the floor, I looked up at him with a grin and quickly bound Richard’s waist to the cross with thick rope that had been lying on the floor, hidden in the shadows. When that was complete, I removed a sponge from the bowl, and starting with Richard’s feet, began to wash him with the mixture of goat milk and other herbs I had prepared the night before. The mixture was warm to the touch and had a spicy smell emanating from it. ⁃ Damn that smells good. Very sexy. What are you doing, man? I looked up at him, his cock hard and throbbing, a grin on his face. ⁃ I’m cleansing you. ⁃ What? ⁃ Cleansing you. Preparing you. ⁃ For what? ⁃ For the ritual. You will be the soul I give in place of mine. Richard laughed, believing that I was joking, but when he looked in my eyes, he knew I was totally serious. He attempted to free himself as I began to wash him again, covering his softening penis with the sponge. ⁃ You’re fucking with me… right man? You’re totally fucking with me!!!! Silence. I began to wash Richard’s abs. Richard was attempting to loosen himself from his binds but found it was virtually impossible. Panicking, I could hear his heart racing in his chest. He tried to reason with me as I began to cover his pecs with the milky substance. ⁃ Please let me go man. ⁃ You gave yourself to me. ⁃ We were fucking around!! You know we were! I didn’t give you anything! ⁃ I asked and you responded. You even gave me your seed. You are mine. ⁃ HELP!!! SOMEONE!!! HELP!!! ⁃ No one can hear you. Believe me. But if you’re going to be difficult... I walked to the opposite wall and pulled a ball gag from its place. Upon my return, Richard attempted to move his head from side to side, but in my position now I was a little stronger and a lot faster. Eventually, Richard was gagged. Screaming over the ball was useless, and trying to move his head away from me proved futile as I concluded the cleansing by covering his neck and face with the milk. When he was completely covered, I took the bowl and poured the remaining over Richard’s head, cascading over his hair and dripping down his muscular body. Swiftly, knowing time was of the essence, I moved to another cabinet, removed red and black candles and began to place them strategically around the room. When that was completed and all 36 were lit, I returned to Richard with a pot of black paint and a paintbrush. With expert hand, I began to use Richard’s body as a canvas, covering it with intricate symbols that only a very few could read. These were runes forged at the beginning of time, instructions of how to carry out my desires. Richard tried to cry out again, but I found he was becoming weaker over time with fear. It took nearly thirty minutes, but with my expert hand, the job was complete and Richard’s entire body was covered in markings. I moved away and stared at my work admiringly. For so long I had prepared for this... for years... and now it would actually be happening. I left the room for a moment and returned with a large brass bowl filed with kindling. Placing this down in front of Richard, I struck a match and lit it. From a shelf on one of the bookcases, I returned with both a silver bowl and a silver knife. Walking up to Richard, I began to chant the invocation under my breath while moving the knife in elaborately choreographed movements. Trailing the knife in patterns on his chest, Richard barely felt the moment when I cut him just below his left pec. As the blood flowed, I captured it in the silver bowl. It was by no means a mortal wound nor one that might leave a scar. Even if it had been mortal, in a few minutes it wouldn’t matter to Richard. Nothing would matter to Richard. As the blood continued to drip, I captured some on my hand. With this, I began to stroke Richard’s penis again. Despite being in total fear for his life, Richard’s cock was hard once again. Stroking him faster and faster until he came a second time, I allowed his ejaculation to merge with his blood in the silver bowl. From the first bowl, the bowl with his first ejaculation, I used his semen to pain the last symbol, the one that would let Astaroth know that Richard was mine. When finished, I poured the rest of the ejaculation into the other bowl and sat myself on the floor behind the open flames. Placing the silver bowl on top of the burning wood, I began the Invocation, calling the most powerful of all demons to me. The incense and herbs I threw into the silver bowl began to float on the air. My volume was raised as I became more and more frantic, wrapped up in the incantation I was weaving. I could feel the energy in the room changing; I could feel that he was here. He simply just needed to show himself. Finally, after waving the silver knife in different directions, I stood up, and raising the bowl over my head, I screamed the demon’s name. Over and over I called for him... ⁃ Astaroth!!! Astaroth... most powerful... even more powerful then his father, Lucifer! Astaroth… hear your servant!!! Astaroth... receive my gift... Astaroth… find me worthy!!! Astaroth!!! Fill me with your power!!!... Over and over again I repeated this chant until the room grew cold, there was a great wind, and the candles all blew out simultaneously. A moment passed... then two... when suddenly all of the candles were lit once again by some supernatural hand. I kneeled down on the floor and began the invocation once again with even more passion and fervour. He was close… so close… this was the furthest I had ever gotten before. A pillar of smoke began to rise from the silver bowl, growing thicker and thicker, filling up the room, until a long clawed hand shot out from within it. I watched in anticipation as a face made entirely of fire emerged from the smoke. On top of the demon’s head were thick ram horns the curled upward. Pulling its way out of the smoke, the creature emerged fully formed. The smell that came with the creature, a mixture of rotten eggs and death, made me feel both physically ill and excited at the same time. I had prepped for this moment... and now it was here. The concept that this was actually happening hit me again as Astaroth moved toward Richard. As it walked, it left behind burnt hoof prints in the stone floor. Still existing on two planes, the creature looked to be created from both flesh as well as the thick smoke that trailed behind it. Eventually, as it gained strength, it succeeded in fully crossing over into our realm. Once the flames that had covered its body disappeared, it’s skin looked horribly burnt, but the longer it remained in this world, the more like human flesh began to appear. It wasn’t tall... maybe 5’6, and walked on black hoofed feet. It’s legs were entirely covered in long jet black hair, but this didn’t hide the immense penis that erupted from its crotch. It’s chest was also covered in hair, but it was quite muscular, a tight firm body any man would have wanted. The only difference was that it had a human eyeball in place of each nipple. These eyes looked independently around the room, leaking tears of flame. It’s face... perhaps at one time had been human, but now most of the flesh had been burnt away revealing a skull that appeared more wolf or jackal then human. It’s eyes glowed blood red and were reptile-like. From its snout, sharp long fangs emerged, and instead of a tongue, a living snake. What remained of its hair was long and black, and traveled from its head down its back. Finally, it dragged behind it a powerful serpent tail that left a trail of ooze wherever it lay. Moving toward Richard it sniffed him before moving its claws over the patterns that I had drawn there. After taking the time to read what I had placed on Richard’s body, it turned to me and spoke. ⁃ Egnahcxe ni tseuqer uoy od tahw? The creatures voice was serpentine yet quite deep, with smoke emerging as it spoke. Expecting this, I held a large mirror high above my head. From within the glass, smoke began to blossom until it exploded outward repeating Astaroth’s words: ⁃ What do you request in exchange? ⁃ I want power. ⁃ Elaborate. ⁃ Make over my body. Sculpt it as mighty as can be. Form my sex into a colossal tower. Let me stand above the masses, forever young, forever virile, forever healthy, preaching our master’s name. In exchange, I give you my slave. ⁃ And he comes willingly? ⁃ He is mine... proclaimed so by his own words and deeds. It was his seed that called you. It moved up to Richard and smelled him again. Too frightened to move, Richard allowed the serpent tongue to travel over his face, down his neck, and over his pecs. It was obvious the demon was examining him... but would he accept him in trade? ⁃ Yes... it is writ that he is yours to exchange. Richard tried to cry out, to deny that he was mine, but the gag made it impossible. Astaroth looked from me to Richard. The gag, the rope, and the handcuffs were suddenly released, and he was free. Wasting no time, Richard tried to run for the door, but Astaroth was too fast. In a split second, he had leaped onto Richard’s back and brought him down to the floor. Richard screamed out as Astaroth opened its mouth and began to insert Richard’s head in. Like a vacuum, it swallowed his shoulders, then his chest, his torso, his legs, and finally his feet. Within moments, Richard was gone. Throughout time, history rewrote itself, and Richard ceased to ever have lived... ever have existed... remembered by only me. His soul was now hell bound, sent in exchange of mine. Once Richard had been ingested, Astaroth turned its head to look directly at me. ⁃ The deal has been made, and the payment received!! Young and virile you forever will remain. Tall and mighty your body shall become, and a monument to our master your sex will be. Smoke flowed out of the silver bowl and slowly began to swirl and wrap itself around my body. My heart began to beat faster as my fate lay before me. What would Astaroth make of my instructions. What was I to become? What I had written on Richard’s body... was that possible? Could a human grow so massive... so tall... so powerful? For a second I feared what I had written. This room I stood in... my sanctuary would be like a dollhouse. Was this what I wanted??? Oh yes, I thought with a grin!!!! Yes!!!!!! As the smoke wove around my body faster and faster, an unholy cry began to pierce my head. ⁃ Screams! I hear screams! ⁃ Yes!!! It is the energy of the thousands of souls preparing to power your body. My penis got hard thinking about the power I was soon to possess, the smoke swirling around every inch of my cock. The smoke began to pick up speed until it was like a storm wrapping itself around my body. Lightening burst from the smoke and began to strike my body over and over again. I embraced the power invading me. I had never felt anything so incredible. The sound of the smoke storm was now so loud that I could barely hear myself think. Above the storm, even louder, were the screams of thousands of tortured souls crying out from hell. ⁃ You are willing to accept what gift I give you? ⁃ Yes!!! Fill me with ultimate power!! Make me mighty!! ⁃ As you request, so I do!!! The storm sped up even faster, covering me in a shroud of pure darkness. Suddenly and without warning a smoke tentacle broke away from the source and shot itself into my face, forcing its way into my body. Following its lead, more and more of the smoke storm rocketed its way into every inch of me. I welcomed it, trying to digest it all. Eventually, I had swallowed the entire thing, and those souls had taken up residency within me. ⁃ Yes!!! I can feel them within me!! I feel them changing me... altering me... so much power!! I never expected so much power!!! ⁃ But a taste. Now I complete you!! Astaroth released a jet of fire from its mouth, and once again it wrapped itself around me, this time with even more force then before. I wanted to shield my eyes from the bright flames swirling around my body, but it was impossible to not watch. This was the power that would change my body... my world forever!!! ⁃ Yes!!!! Give me even more power then I can imagine!!! The flame shot up in the air and then down into my open mouth. I wanted to scream out in ecstasy as my whole being quaked as it filled with what the demon had gifted me. What felt like an eternity lasted a few minutes as what had entered took root. Suddenly I was afraid of what I felt... I was afraid yet turned on by my desires. ⁃ I... I can feel my humanity being stripped away... I’m.... no... no... I’m no longer human... am I? ⁃ No. ⁃ What am I becoming? ⁃ Exactly what you requested. The earth will soon quake beneath your feet. The world will shudder when it sees you. Never has there been a more beautiful... more monstrous creature then you. All I could hear in the room was my own breathing and the thousands of souls preparing to power my transformation. No longer was I human. I had been stripped of that by this creature, but did I care... perhaps for a moment but that was all. I was too eager for my conversion to start. I breathed several times in and out... The power was welling up inside of me, ripping through my body and altering every cell. Uncontrollable spasms hit my body over and over again as the power prepared me... burning through me. Unexpectedly, the creature released a jet of fire from its mouth once again, this one longer then the first, and again it shot directly into my mouth. Screaming out, the onslaught forced me to the ground. What was this creature doing to me?! So much power existed inside my body now… much more then I had asked for. I was unable to control my limbs as I flailed on the ground receiving more energy then a nuclear bomb!! When the smoke cleared, the room was illuminated only from the red glow coming from... yes... coming from my eyes!! My eyes no longer saw as a human saw... but what was I becoming? When I spoke next, my voice was filled with steel. ⁃ Fifty thousand souls are prepared to fuel my transformation... to make me power incarnate!!! Shakily, my body still spasming over and over from this onslaught, I rose to my feet and faced off with the creature. Sporadically, flames would erupt from my body and a howling emerged from my mouth when I opened it. I was intoxicated by what I felt. This had far surpassed what I had imagined it would be like... yet like every addict, I knew what I wanted and that Astaroth had more to give. On shaking legs, I approached it. ⁃ Be careful what you ask for. ⁃ I need it all!!!! ⁃ Then take it!!! The creature smiled, flexing its muscles for me. Yes. He was the well from which I had to drink. I had the power of fifty thousand of souls in me prepared to fuel my metamorphosis, but I needed more!! Falling to my knees in front of it, I took my hand and placed it on the creature’s mighty shaft. Stroking it, it quickly rose to a swollen 15”, flames dripping from the head. As I nervously licked the head, one drop touched my tongue... my brain exploded as I witnessed in one second all of the power Astaroth held. Needing more, I wrapped my mouth around the mighty head and began to suck it, taking as much of the shaft down my throat as I could. Minutes passed. Astaroth’s claws dug into the back of my head forcing me to take much more of its cock then I thought I ever could. I could feel my body quaking with power as I mined for more. I sucked and stroked the shaft demanding it give me what I deserved. Eventually, Astaroth began to grunt and groan, breathing heavily due to my expert mouth. ⁃ Turn back now, human... while you can!!! This warning only caused me to suck and stroke harder until finally the creature reached orgasm, and unloaded its powerful load inside of me. As he deposited it in my stomach, I felt like I was being electrocuted. I no longer could control my body as I convulsed from the onslaught of what was being bestowed upon me. I continued to suck on its shaft, determined to drain it all… until with one mighty blow it threw me off its cock and to the middle of the room. I tried to stand but couldn’t. I had ingested too much power and my body was unprepared to digest it all. My whole body was pulsating with life. My entire body began to shift, to throb.. my skin began to bubble. This tapped force was attempting to surge out of my body, seeping my pores, releasing flames when it ruptured. My entire being had overdosed on power and was being ravaged by it. I felt lightheaded and sick to my stomach at the same time. I put my head in my hands and felt my face and skull give way as it pressed and merged around my hands. Never had I felt anything like this onslaught of power, and it was it was getting more powerful by the second. As I tried to stand again, my entire being began to smoke as if I were burning from within. I could only chuckle at what I was going to become, and knowing it was about to happen at any moment made my 8” cock go hard. From the reflection of the glass on the ceiling, I could see my eyes were shining a bright blue now. Soon… I could feel the power rising up within me as if my whole body was about to cum. It was getting stronger and stronger. A sudden burst of laughter erupted from my throat as I realised my time as Darren was over and that a new creature was going to take my place. ⁃ I will be the mightiest creature to walk this Earth!!! I will take what is rightfully mine!!!! I will exist at the top of the food chain!!! Nothing... will ever... stop me... AGAIN!!!!!!! My whole body suddenly stopped fluctuating and tensed up, my back muscles beginning to cramp. It felt as if hundreds of hot nails were being hammered into my traps at once. I released a scream that bounced around the room and was echoed by the thousands of souls within me. As I screamed, I could feel my back beginning to swell with muscle. Larger and more defined it became, and still it continued to grow. My collarbone and scapula made gruesome cracking noises as they fractured and then expanded, growing wider… my arms moving further away from my body. The pain was agonising but welcome. This is exactly how I had wanted it. My body was being tortured to make me even more mighty. For what seemed like hours, but was only minutes, my shoulders extended, becoming wider then any door, and showed no sign of slowing its growth. As the bones continued to stretch longer and thicker, my shoulder muscles began to join in the development of my traps. I was determined to stand, but the orgasmic rush of growth proved too much for me, and I fell once again to my knees. ⁃ My shoulders... my delts getting so round and thick!!! My whole upper body stretching wider and wider... my upper back... so filled with muscle and strength... my traps getting so concentrated... my... ARGH!!!! My upper body surged even wider. There would be no way possible that I could ever walk through a normal door again, my shoulders were simply too wide. My traps were riding higher and rounder on my shoulders giving me the look of a bull that I had always longed for. With a sudden eruption, my lats began to swell, pushing my arms even further from from my body. I couldn’t believe how quickly my upper back, shoulders and traps had become mountainous, and far from the realm of human possibility. With all of this muscle, it was as if four bodybuilders had been fused together to create my upper back, and still I continued to bulge and grow. ⁃ More!!! My hunger is insatiable. Make me bigger!! Make this body a monument to your strength!!! I cried out in orgasmic lust as my neck began to swell into a Grecian column of muscle. I tried to feel it with my hands, but they were now too far away and too short to even reach my neck!! Moving my head with ever growing difficulty, I could feel that it was so dense and muscle bound that it must look more like a quad then a neck!! As my traps continued to rise up higher and higher and started to fuse with my neck, my lats continued to widen until, to my joy, my upper back resembled that of a immense morphed cobra head. The horrific sound of cracking filled the room even louder then before as my arms and hands began to lengthen. ⁃ Fuck!!! Look at these arms??!! They’re getting longer then my legs!!! How big am I gonna be??!! ⁃ Monstrous. The creature hadn’t spoken until now, but simply watched with glee as my body was racked with pain and the birth of what I was becoming. I looked up when it spoke in shock, awe, and desire. ⁃ Freakish. Never on Earth will there have been one to rival your size or mastery. ⁃ Yes!!!!!!! Grow me!!! Stretch me!!! Don’t stop!!! Ever!!! Hearing my plea, my legs and feet began to lengthen along with my arms and hands. Although still top heavy, I could finally stand! My legs were so long and wobbly that I must have resembled a newborn pony. Standing for the first time, I was shocked at how tall I was, yet even more surprised when my hands dragged on the floor. The ceilings in the refurbished conservatory were over 35 feet high, and here I was standing a little above what I estimated at ten feet. I couldn’t help but laugh as I took in my new view of the world. ⁃ Look at me... towering above you... towering above everything!! I continued to get taller, my inhumanly wide and muscular back began to resemble a flesh-like shell, it was so mountainous with peaks and valleys of muscle. The thickness of my neck and traps made it virtually impossible to turn my head, and I found I had to turn my whole body if I needed to look around. I was being hit by the impracticalities of my new size, but I didn’t care. I revelled in them and I wanted more. I ceased to care about a normal life and wanted to exist purely as a creature of brute strength and muscle. I lifted my growing hand and marvelled at the sheer size of it. Each finger was much longer then my own head and thicker then three or four of my old fingers put together. My palm... fuck... that is where I gaped at the size... the palm of my hand was growing to become nearly as large as my own chest!!! As I continued hurling into my metamorphosis, I could feel this energy burning up inside of me. ⁃ The screaming in my head is getting louder... all of this dark energy erupting inside of me... fuelling me!!!! My torso soon joined in with my arms and legs, and loudly begun to elongate. The snapping and pulling of my body was soon so excruciating that my own screams merged with the moans of the souls erupting from me to create a symphony of terror. As my body developed taller and longer, I laughed through my pain thinking that I must resemble the urban legend of Slenderman made flesh. As the ground fell further away and the ceiling came closer, I tried to rationalise how tall I was becoming. Was I nearly fifteen feet tall now? The more my torso stretched, the quicker my arms and hands, legs and feet finally began to look in proportion to my body... but my own body was so out of proportion to every human on earth!!! Stumbling, I moved around the room on my stick legs, my enormous feet rocking the very foundation of my house. I’ll never be able to get out of this room without tearing the whole thing apart, I thought with excitement. How tall am I now?! The ceiling is getting so much closer!! I reached up my arm and found that I it wasn’t as far away as I thought it was!! Soon I would be able to easily touch it with the tips of my finger!!! Fuck!!! The ceiling that was too tall for a ladder, and soon I would touch it with my own hand... and still I grew. Contemplating how much larger I was to become, I felt an itching beginning to rise in both of my pecs. The itching became an irritation, and then the irritation became stabbing bolts of pain. I screamed out, a sound the whole neighbourhood must have heard as my pecs began to explode with size. Like two massive inflatable rafts attaching themselves to my body, my pectorals simply blossomed, quickly getting firmer and rounder. The sensation of feeling my blood engorged muscles grow made my head spin. Looking down as much as my neck would allow, I saw these massive globes coming to life, taking over the top half of my chest. I rubbed my hand over the right one, and nearly collapsed as my hand brushed over my nipple. My nipples had never been sensitive before, and I never understood nipple play, but now... fuck!!! Now I could!! With each beat of my heart, my pecs swelled larger and larger. Using both of my hands, I grabbed my nipples and I squeezed them. Colours formed in front of my eyes and my head spun with ecstasy. I squeezed them again and twisted them at the same time, releasing a low moan from my throat. They were the most sensitive things I had ever felt. As if they were trying to enrapture me to play with them more, they both suddenly began to get larger and thicker, the areola getting wider and browner, and the nipple bursting with size until they both were nearly the length of a human finger. My pecs, fuelled by my intense nipple play grew even mightier, extending feet from my chest. The sensation of feeling my blood engorged pecs grow fuller made me want to roar. I looked down at Astaroth who appeared so tiny now compared to me. ⁃ Look at my pecs... getting so full... so heavy with muscle. I can’t wait till my whole body feels this way... weighing thousands of pounds of muscle!!! ⁃ Thousands of pounds? Too small!! Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of pounds!! Your muscle mass making the very earth tremble!! No scale ever strong enough to weigh how heavy you really are. His words swam in my head as I watched my pecs beginning to find more room to grow on my body, rising up while being forced down at the same time. The gap between my pecs was so deep, but it also grew tighter as they took up more space. I took my hand and placed it down into the gap, and felt the pressure being forced on it by these two powerful masses. Soon I would be able to crumble boulders between my pecs, or splinter trees just from flexing them together. Never have pecs been so mighty My abs and lower back began to burst with muscle at the same time to prevent my upper body from collapsing down upon it. My back, lats, and traps were still gaining mass, and I could just imagine how I looked. My traps rose up to near my ears, now giving me the guise of either having no neck at all or one so massive that it rose simply from my back. My abs exploded one by one, but there was to be no simple six-pack for this body. With my hands I felt, since I couldn’t see anymore below my pecs, that my own body was mutating and I now possessed a twelve pac!! With my knowledge of the male anatomy, I was aware that most humans have, at most, eight muscle bellies making up their ab muscle, but here I was with my abdomen divided in 6, with each becoming thick and as dense as cinder blocks. Fuck!!! How I wanted a mirror in this room!! ⁃ As you command. Vanished were the walls of bookshelves and toys, my chamber was now composed entirely of mirrors. Every surface… every wall… even the floor and ceiling were mirrors. There wasn’t even a door anymore!! Everywhere I looked I saw me, and what I saw freaked and thrilled me!! Astaroth watched as I took in my half formed body. The first thing I noticed was my head. It had only grown a small amount with the rest of my body, and my eyes still glowed a bright blue with no pupils at all. My head was tightly wrapped in between my immense traps, which now rose mightily past my ears. My neck, larger then my waist, was barely visible, as my pecs and deltoids simply covered it up. Finally, my lats caused my upper body to curve away from my body but then taper back in. How wide was I? I had no way of knowing in inches or feet how big I was, but at this size, it simply didn’t matter. My upper body had to be larger and wider then a car... and still I grew!! My lower torso... my abs... a brick wall didn’t do it justice!!! Each ab alone was a testimonial to muscle, and jointly created a pure work of mastery. Each crevice in the wall of abs, along with my newly forming Adonis belt was so deep... so so dark. My waist... no matter how thick, as it had to be over 50 inches, was firm compared to my massiveness of my chest giving me the ultimate wasp waist. I smiled at my reflection, and looked down at the Astaroth. ⁃ The birth of a monster. ⁃ Only the beginning... My legs began to tremble and quake as my feet began to grow longer and to thicken with muscle. Stretching upward, both my calf muscles began to take on mammoth proportions. They swelled up so thick that, the diamond shape of the two heads began to expand outward on all sides and take up more room over my ankle until it appeared that my foot formed right from my calf. My calf muscles stretched upward toward my kneecaps, but a titanic rumbling sound announced the birth of my new elephantine quads. I cried out in exhilaration as each muscle simply erupted in size. I could only drool over how massive they quickly were becoming. The lateral and medial muscles of my quads immediately became so swollen that I had to widen my stance. Each time I did, and created a little more room for my balls, they would quickly take up all available space. In no time at all the rectus emerged as two massive teardrops that dipped over my kneecaps and required me into a bow legged and crouched position for comfort. I was resigned that for the rest of my existence I would be forced to walk this way, and it made me supremely happy. By the fifth time I had spread my legs, this time as far as they could possibly go, I heard a familiar cracking noise and knew it was my pelvis breaking to enlargen my stance. This caused my waist to broaden as well, which only forced my upper body to grow more as well to keep my tapered look. As I felt my gluteus grow, I cried out. I had been growing for nearly thirty minutes now, and with each change and alteration to my body, the more orgasmic it felt. I moved my hands to try and feel my swelling ass since even with the mirrors I had trouble seeing it, but with my widening lats, I had difficulty moving my arms to even touch it. ⁃ My body... how did I ever exist in anything but this body you are forming for me!!! I am indeed becoming monstrous as you said. ⁃ And you shall remain this way for all eternity... immortal as you requested. ⁃ Fuck!!! I had forgotten that... ⁃ Never ageing... never sickening... never dying... existing as you are for eternity... pure power!!! I clenched my jaw and grit my teeth as I felt the agony of my pelvis bone breaking and growing again, extending my waist more and causing my stance to become far more unnaturally bowlegged. My legs were now so muscle bound, so massive, and so engorged, that some might say they bordered on the grotesque, but I only cried out for more. Every time I stepped now, the entire house shook and the stone floor beneath me cracked and shattered to dust from my insurmountable weight. In no time at all, I knew this entire house would come down around me simply due to my very existence, and that had me begging for more size and mass. As best as I could, I lifted my arms above my head and found that with some manoeuvring I could easily place my palms against the mirrored ceiling. By this time, I was over twenty feet tall, no doubt nearing twenty-five. My deltoids had grown so dense with muscle that it wasn’t easy to lift my arms above my head, but at this time it was still a possibility. My arms began to shudder and ignite with a blissful burning sensation as I finally felt my upper arms join the rest of my body in its symphony of growth. Flexing my upper arm, I watched as it quickly bloated with power, my biceps and triceps becoming thick and dense as stone. I wanted to scream out as my clavicle fractured and enlarged to create more room for upper body growth. The prominence of my upper arms made it difficult to bend my arms, forcing them down off of the ceiling. So much strength were in these arms now. I could easily rip apart a tree or a boulder with my bare hands, and my strength only increased as my forearms surged with size. My hands... fuck... the muscles of my hands expanded until I knew that by the time I had broken out of this house, I would be able to crush coal into diamonds and diamonds into dust. I glanced at myself in the mirror again, a creature of pure muscle. I saw myself as the world might see me: I was nightmarish, I was a mutant of muscle, I was freakish... I was beautiful!!! A beast of pure strength and power. I did a full body flex, and watched as my whole body became even more grotesque as it surged larger. When I released the flex, my body maintained the pump I had gained. Until this moment, my head had remained the same size as when I had first begun this journey, but with an unanticipated flash of pure torment, the bones that formed my entire cranium began to split and re-fuse larger. I tried to keep my eyes open to watch this happen but it was truthfully a frightening sight. My skull swelled and grew first until my head resembled an immense light bulb. My neck muscle continued to thicken to support the added weight of my new head. Soon my eye sockets expanded, as did my eyes. I had thought I understood pain with my last growth, but this surpassed even that. As my eyes doubled and tripled in size, I was afraid they were going to explode. My upper head looked alien, but as my cheekbones and nose began to grow as well, I could see that very soon I would look like me again... just a leviathan version of myself. My chin grew and squared off at the same time my brow ridge became more prominent. Fuck!!! This was now the head of a true Brobdingnagian!!!! My traps, afraid of being left behind, soon grew more immense and once again fused above my ears. I felt a peculiar feeling in my abdominal wall, and looked gain at myself in the mirror. It was odd to know I would never truly see my lower half again due to my immense pecs, but that only made me smile with happiness. That was how I wanted to live. My abdominal muscles were growing larger... lengthier... stretching down like thick tentacles toward my pubis. This was it, I thought. This was the moment I had been waiting for, and my body was preparing itself for it!!! I thought my body was evolving my pubis to be more muscular in order to hold the massive cock I was soon to have, but I was only partially correct. The tentacles of muscle forced their way into my penis and I could only cry out as the greatest surge of ecstasy hit me. Further and further this tentacle of muscle invaded my penis, starting at the base... forcing it to grow longer and thicker, transforming it from tissue into a shaft of pure muscle. My cock was becoming as the rest of my body was... nothing but bulging, pulsating, throbbing muscle!!! I whimpered as this metamorphosis occurred, as my cock was inundated with muscle to become this hard and thick shaft. My muscle cock, because what else could I call it, grew tremendous, nearly as thick as my own forearm, and just as my body continued to grow more massive with muscle, so did my cock. I wrapped my hand around what had once been my old cock, and instantly felt the difference. My muscle cock was no longer pliable with a soft feel but hard as the rest of my body was. I stroked it and felt it flex for the first time, growing even more tremendous in my hand. It was more sensitive then my original flesh cock, as my body evolved to have thousands more nerve endings imbedded throughout it. I could only drool as wave after wave of pleasure besieged my body as I stroked this new muscle cock, watching it grow even more colossal. The tentacles of muscle eventually reached the head, and I watched as this too was transformed into muscle, more bulbous and wider then ever before, the slit a vast open cavern. This was exactly the cock I had wanted, and watched as it expanded and lengthened until it grew even larger then my arm, the head mushrooming even fatter until it was thicker then my fist. I roared... I actually roared as my balls began to widen. I could feel the testosterone in my body being forced into overdrive, as my evolved testicles became a power plant to fuel my last metamorphosis into a being of total size and total masculinity. My head spun as my evolution went wonderfully out of control. As my balls grew immense and sent out shockwaves of testosterone fuelled by the hundreds of thousands of souls within me, I grew even faster, adding on hundreds of pounds of muscle each minute. Hair erupted all over my body, growing quicker and thicker on my face and chest. My hair growth was so out of control that where one follicle would once have grown, I know had five or six, making my newly grown beard thick and dark. Within minutes, I had a full beard that lengthened as I grew taller, my head nearing the thirty foot ceiling. My pecs were covered in a pure pelt of jet black hair, but no matter how thick the hair on me was, it couldn’t hide the musculature beneath it. The hairs on my arms and legs lengthened, trailing down onto my hands and feet, and my underarms had a forest of long jet black hair. My pubes grew denser as well as they covered my pubic mound and ever expanding balls. Thick hose like veins rose up all over my body feeding my musculature. New veins and arteries were formed doubling and then tripling the amount the human body had. My body needed this larger amount so my massive heart would be able to pump the required power throughout my body. My cock muscle, now nearing the length of my leg, grew even thicker as pipe-like veins took root, crisscrossing the entire surface and feeding this monster. The head... ugh!!! The head grew even larger, nearly the size of my cranium. My cock was indeed more then simply a devise for reproduction. It was a monument to all things muscle, all things strength, and all things masculine. Leaking a constant flow of precum, my entire body began emitting the most intense musk... sexual and masculine. Still the world spun around me as my whole being went into overdrive. ⁃ Changing... becoming... something else... all of my senses are becoming heightened... becoming... my voice...so deep... more like a rumble of thunder then a voice...yes...becoming even stronger... becoming... yes... a being of pure instinct... I feel as if I am transforming into something more animalistic the more masculine I become. ⁃ This is what you wanted. ⁃ Was it...??? ⁃ You wanted to be the alpha.. reign supreme over everything.., I am giving you that... ⁃ Yes... The largest surge of power shot through my entire body and I let out a massive roar, which shattered the walls of mirrors. This new evolution was wanted... asked for... but unexpected. I didn’t truly realise what it was I had desired, and now I was receiving it. ⁃ What is happening now... I’m... I’m becoming smarter... my intellect doubling... no tripling... Ha!!! Quadrupling!!! I’m smarter then any man alive!!! How is this happening??!! My brain... taking in so much information at once...YES!!!! Smarter then any human!!!! More powerful then any human... more supreme then any human!!! I am indeed the ALPHA!!! I breathe in and I can smell everything around me... every person, every creature. I am now the apex predator!!!! I have evolved past humanity into what humanity wishes it was!!! About to crash through this ceiling... soon I will be forced to reveal myself to the world... their superior... their ruler... and yet... can I say it... YES... I want more!!! My head smashed into the ceiling, the mirror and metal shattering and falling apart around me. As my growth surged one last time, my head appeared over the roof of my house, my shoulders where the mirrored ceiling had been. I had broken free of my womb and now planed to enjoy the playground that lay before me. The wind of my new world blew through my long black hair and caused my titanic nipples to harden. At one time I would have been embarrassed for the world to see me naked, but now that was the only way the world should see me!! How else would they bask in my magnificence? Worship their... could I say it? Could I speak the word?? YES!!!! Worship their new god!!!
  8. Thanks to Dredlifter for the idea suggestion of this little thing - or maybe it will wind up being a big thing. I haven’t written a story like this in a long time - at least 4 years. I hope you will bear with me for a slow burn introduction here and getting my “verbal” chops back into shape. But the fun stuff will start coming next chapter. I am open to any and all feedback as I want to re-hone my writing abilities. Critiques are welcome -------- To Protect and Serve - Chapter 1 - The First Morning Prelude: Just imagine - You’re standing at attention with your peers in your best Class-A Uniform. All around you in the auditorium your friends, family, and fellow officers who can come are here to see the solemn occasion. A freshly earned, freshly shined badge has just been pinned on your chest by the Sheriff. You raise your right hand and take the oath. The oath is a bit different from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but we boil its meaning down to one phrase - “To Protect and Serve.” So many have taken the oath. Some who took it did little things that made a big difference, while some risked their lives and paid the ultimate price. And some … well … some are special. This is the story of one of those special ones - no, he is even more than that. Though it was not his intention nor mine, he went beyond special. How do I know? He saved me. He has given me a life I could never have dreamed possible that first early morning. And what happened to him? Well, a transformation that is better in the telling. To those who take the oath as seriously as he did; To those who give it a new and bigger meaning as he did; to those who change more than they can imagine by repeating those words as he did, this story is dedicated. This is the story of what could happen if you could protect and serve many thousands of people, and just one man, me, in ways beyond your wildest imagination. ~ Gabriel York ----- A deceptively small man hung his duty shirt onto a dry cleaners hanger and placed it in his locker. As he stood bare chested in the cool air, he appeared to be hiding his body, but he had nothing to be ashamed of - having a lithe but very tight build under that shirt. Nicely shaped, mounded pecs accompanied hard small orange sized biceps. A tight 6-pack graced his lower abdomen to an impossibly small looking waist. He was way better than most men of his age, no “dad bod” here to be sure. But, the man always felt self-conscious in the locker room despite the room being empty. He wasn’t one of THEM, something that had haunted him since high school. He lifted one booted foot and then the other onto a wooden bench before him. Loosening the laces and pulling the side zipper, he removed each boot. He held them in his hands like precious artifacts for just a moment, remembering the first time he put these on. Soon it would be his last, he mused. His time could go on as long as he wanted. But -- he questioned why. What had he done to stay on? What good had he really done? REALLY made a difference? It took but a few more minutes for him to put on his civilian duty clothes (a departmental polo, slacks,and loafers), secure his badge to his belt, and close his locker. Most locker rooms were replete with all sorts of combination locks, but not here. A few men and most of the women officers used them, but it wasn’t exactly necessary. You couldn’t be in a much safer place after all. Deputy Sergeant John Declann closed his locker for the millionth time and went to collect his personal sidearm from the gun locker clerk. He had no sooner than entered the hallway from the locker room, he heard a truly tremendous booming upper bass voice: “WHOA, ONE SIDE DECLANN.” Declann immediately pulled back into the doorway and looked up … and up, to see 5 men in a tight formation with shields and cell-entry equipment. Each one of them was every bit of 6 foot 4 inches plus - although tactical boots always made you look taller than you were. They were more like 6 foot 2 without them - but still, they all out-weighed John by at least 60 pounds of muscle. At his 5 foot 7 inches in height and in normal shoes, he felt positively TINY seeing them pass by. That was sort of the point of those uniforms - to try and intimidate anyone who saw what was coming - and it always did, at least it did Declann. They were in helmets and wore thick padded vests, under which were black t-shirt with black BDUs and those boots below. While those clothes were technically “loose,” they did little to hide every oversized muscle in their massive bodies. Gigantic arms stretched forth from sleeves that seemed to be straining to the breaking point. 2 pairs of arms were thick, powerlifter looking, and 3 more were supremely cut muscle. The CERT - Cell Extraction and Response Team - blew past him looking like they were heading to Mary-pod - the maximum security section. No doubt it was to remove an offender from a cell for morning counts who did not want to be removed. There was no question, he WOULD be removed, no matter what it took. The injury inflicted was entirely the offender’s choice. And, that amount of muscle and its overwhelming power could do plenty of that. Declann had tried out for both the CERT and SWAT teams years ago. But at his 165 lb, it was deemed he just did not have the physical size necessary. “You have all the skills needed and more Deputy Declann,” he had been told. “You should be proud of that. But some other officers just beat you out in the scores. And we need you on the streets. That is where you belong.” Funny, he thought in a moment of jealousy. It was always those guys who were of larger than life proportions that got the spots, even if their skills were not as good as his. After the group had passed, Declann walked down the hall toward the sallyport and stopped. He always did it at times like this, halting at the Officer’s Gym. He looked inside. It was rather quiet, normal at 0545 and shift change. Still, he could see some of the remnants of workouts by the big guys on the force. 45 pound plates left on the sides of incline bench press rack. What looked like 5 plates on a side on the bar on the squat rack. Dozens on the leg press sled. It was a bit of a mess, in truth, but most well used gyms were. Now, Declann was no physical slouch. He always kept in shape and his skills honed as the primary martial arts instructor for the Sheriff’s Office. He could have done well in that room, even though he was pushing 40 years old. Could have grown. But, he sighed and went on. There was just a part of him that never wanted to face big men in the gym. The injustice of being mocked for his smaller size and unfamiliarity with the equipment the one time he went in blazed in him still all these years later. He guessed the big men thought it was good natured fun, but it hurt Declann deeply. So, he kept to his body weight fitness room and small dojo set up in the garage at home. That made him feel less conspicuous. When it came to them, John always saw himself as a small man in boots that were a size too big. And yet - to so many others, he wasn’t that at all. He was everything that made police work an honorable profession. --- John Declann had wanted to be a police officer for as long as he could remember. Since his youngest days, he had been fascinated by police dramas on TV, how they always seemed to catch the bad guy no matter the odds. How they always saved people in distress. In his mind, there was no better calling. No better way to spend his life. He had the mind to be anything he wanted. He excelled in most subjects in school and was a top flight musician. But, those pursuits were not where he heart lay. He was a cop at heart by his teenage years, and he did everything he could to prepare himself. He took JROTC through high school, where he picked up his interest in martial arts and started Aikido lessons. Though he wasn’t the best team sports, he blasted through the competition at his dojo. He became quite fit from the military style calisthenics workouts he adopted during ROTC summer camps. And, that fitness matched perfectly with his blooming skills with his hands and feet on the mats. Before high school was over, his featured had matured into those of a very fit, handsome young man with striking brown eyes. And he had his first degree black belt, the first degree of many. It took a nearly a year after graduating high school to get his first small town commission to the force. He spent his first 18 months in the jails, and then took and passed his Colorado POST exams. He had been a road officer ever since. Now, he was a Sergeant in the Boulder County Sheriff’s Office - an area not unknown for large scale crimes as it held the University of Colorado. “The Berkeley of the East” though had its full measure of minor offenses. But the area wasn’t exactly the worst gang spots in Denver either. He had for served with true distinction for nearly two decades since - being decorated for bravery multiple times for saving civilians lives under fire. He had saved those intent on suicide. He had even delivered a baby once in a convenience store, and the story made the local news. He had had plenty of hands-on run ins with offenders, but he gave way more than he got, never having much more than a bruise or a black eye on occasion. He just never saw what the community and his immediate superiors did - a good man, serving the people Boulder and the kids of the University the best way he knew how. --- John went out to his car - an unmarked Dodge - cranked it, and began the slow crawl toward the Turnpike then Wheat Ridge. One of the things he learned in his own initial officer training long ago was to never live in the county you worked in. It could always lead to problems with local offenders. So, it was up and over the Flatirons toward home. Even though traffic volume was already increasing as it spread toward Denver in the morning rush, his mind wandered as if on empty roads. He made the necessary turns though the city and came proximate to the University entrances, but was running his schedule through his mind. He was due for a weigh in at the doc’s today. And they usually took his measurements too. Height, waistline, all that stu -- John’s senses caught something in the barely lit dawn. Someone moving way too fast to be normally jogging to the right of his car. Moving toward campus. John slowed his vehicle and his brain went into observation mode. It captured the scene in moments with his practiced eyes and mind. A young man -- looking to be just outside of college age but could still belong to the University. Short, black hair. Trimmed beard. White button down shirt and navy slacks. Looked like there was some money invested in those clothes, certainly not cheap. Behind him, perhaps eight or so paces, was running - and running faster than the first - a white young man, shaved head, jeans and ratty t-shirt, tatted with jailhouse tattoos that stood out even under the fading street lamps. And, then John caught sight of a gun in the rear waistband of the second’s jeans. Semi-auto by the outline. Instinct took over. John turned his car in an instant, hit the flasher toggle for his lights, and wound with wildly fast, yet practiced precision toward the danger. Less than 20 seconds later, John pulled his car to a stop where his instincts said he could cut this off. “Boulder County Sheriff's Office -- ON THE GROUND NOW” John yelled as he leapt from his car and drew his weapon virtually simultaneously. The running suspect didn’t listen, just as John had expected. He instead broke his pursuit of the well-dressed man and taken off toward a side alleyway. But, John was good at his work. The offender was fast, but John - was FASTER. He holstered his weapon as he calculated his movements nearly autonomously. He had chosen his intercept point well. John calculated the takedown, knowing an almost undisputable, universal law - 95 percent of offenders have no idea of how to fight, and the remaining 5% seldom need to fight. And this one looked like the former. It took a few seconds, but just a few, for the whole pursuit to be over. Exactly two PPCT strikes and a normal compliance take down and the suspect wa on his back, with John twisting his arms and putting the handcuffs on. He never even had to hurt more than the punk’s pride. Once secured, John kept his knee in place just under the lower shoulder blades, cuffed arms resting on his quad, knowing a bodyweight advantage and leverage would be critical with this man who slightly outweighed him. “What’s your name?” John demanded as he patted down the suspect and quickly removed a 9mm weapon and several baggies of what looked like methamphetamine. “Fuck you” was the response. John smiled a bit and gave a half chuckle under his breath. He loved this a bit too much when it happened, and some mischievous streak in him just drove him to do it. “OK, Mister Fuk Yu. I am placing you under arrest for possession of an illegal firearm and possession of controlled substances. You have the right to remain silent …” John mirandized the “Mr. Fuck,” pulled him up to his feet, and maneuvered him the few yards to his car. He put the offender in the back seat and locked the door of his unmarked. The guy was going nowhere. Now, to more important matters. John made his way toward the young man being pursued - who had by now stopped and was almost collapsed on the sidewalk. Declann withdrew his cell, called 911, and requested uniformed officers to his location. He was upon the man on the sidewalk just as he hung up. John immediately knelt down to do a quick assessment of his condition. There were no obvious signs of trauma at the first once over. He then took a more careful look at the victim’s features. While he certainly wasn’t of student age, he was still under 30, John guessed. And, he was a very nice looking under 30 to boot. Blue eyes setting off dark, intense features. Old enough to just have the barest hint of a wrinkle at the eye but nothing else. John noted a rather slim body - the size of his own would have been were it not for his training in Aikido and Krav Maga. John felt a twinge of attraction.Yes, John was bisexual, but no one cared among his superiors anymore. Besides, he had always kept that part of himself separate when on duty. “You OK Sir? I can’t see any obvious injuries. Do you need an ambulance?”John asked as he came and sat down at the man’s level. “Thank you . . . . officer, thank . . . you.” The man panted in reply with a pronounced British accent. “I was . . . just going toward my . . . lab . . . after my tea . . . when this fellow . . . started chasing me screaming at . . me. ” The young man was now gathering his breath, becoming easier to understand. John was a bit surprised to hear that English accent coming from him. Not unheard of, but still unusual in Boulder. “Did he assault you in any way?” The Englishman finally looked up to see John’s slightly older but obviously concerned and kind face. He visibly relaxed as he looked into John’s light brown eyes. “No, he never caught me but he was close. I am not exactly in running shorts and shoes here. But thanks to you, I’ll be OK. I do not know what would have happened if you had not arrived when you did.” “With what I found, I suspect he wanted to mug you. You are rather well dressed for campus, if I may observe. And, forgive me, if he heard you accent, you may have looked like an quick target as a tourist. When the uniform officers get here, you will need to give a statement to them, or you can give it to me if you prefer. We need to make sure this scumbag gets what he deserves.” “Of course. Anything I can do to assist, although I would be much happier speaking to you.” the man said giving just a hint of a smile. It was then that the uniformed officers in their black and white vehicles showed up. John excused himself for a moment, let the uniforms know what was going on, and allowed them to take the offender back to the jail for booking. John then returned to the man still sitting on the sidewalk. Pulling out a notebook he kept on him for times like this, John got all the pertinent information as he had done thousands of times before. Name, description of what happened, when, and why, if he knew. Any details the young man, who he had come to know as Gabriel York, may have remembered before, during, and after. As he took the statement, John became even more convinced this was an attempted mugging, perhaps for more drug money, maybe even more if that weapon came into play. Knowing he had all he needed, John said, “Finally, is there a way we can contact you if we have further questions. The staff from the District Attorney's office will be sure to want to speak with you about testimony if it comes to that. Although with the evidence we have, this one will probably plea. This is not his first time in jail.” Gabriel reached into his pocket for a very expensive-looking leather wallet and removed a business card. “This is my lab contact information. I am easiest to reach either here on campus or with my secretary. My other lab is ...a… well ... it is easier to reach me here. Again I can’t thank you enough, Sergeant.” “Believe me, Dr. York, it was my pleasure. I am just glad you are safe and sound.” John said. “Are you OK to go on your own or would you like me to escort you to your lab? I would be happy to do so.” “Thank you sir, but I think I’ll be fine. My lab is just over the hill in the Biological Sciences building.” Gabriel replied. “OK” John said, handing Gabriel a card of his own with his name, rank, and contact information on it. “This is my card. If you need anything or remember anything else, please do not hesitate to call me anytime, day or night.” ‘Of course. Sergeant Declann.” The Englishman arose with a friendly hand from John. Almost as an afterthought as he was leaving, York turned around. “Oh, Sergeant Declann, by the way. I do ….ah… certain work down at the Federal Center in Denver. I will have to report this incident to my superiors there and to the British consulate. In case there is testimony or something as you said. They may wish to speak with you. Just to make sure. You understand?” John nodded. Ah, he works with the feds as an international scholar of some kind, and the red tape must be dealt with. “Of course. No problem at all. I’m proximate to the Federal Center half the time anyway.” York nodded an ascent and turned again to walk away. John stood a moment watching - and admiring - Dr. York move until he was sure he was alright AND that he was moving toward the Biology building. He turned around and began to make his way back to his car. As he did, he looked down at the card: Gabriel York, MD. PhD., FACS Research Director/Professor of Medicine Advanced Bio-neurological Applications Project University of Colorado School of Medicine Hmmm, John thought. He looked a damned sight young to be in such a prestigious job, a full professor under 30 and with two doctorates at least. And a fellow of the ACS -- so why talk to the Consulate? John’s “detective sensor” started to sound off in his mind. This advanced applications thing wasn’t a program he was familiar with, but there were so many new research projects on campus these days. But, as soon as the “alert” came, he let it go. Probably a government grant given what he said about the Federal Center. John was reviewing the incident in his mind for his own after action report as he pulled onto the highway. Suddenly, there was a loud roar of a horn and air brakes. John never even saw the tractor trailer that plowed into his car, crumpling it in an instant like so much tissue paper and driving it 30 yards down the highway. *** Two Hours Later *** Trauma room one at the University of Colorado Hospital was abuzz with activity. At least a dozen doctors, nurses, and specialist technologists in yellow plastic smocks and shields hovered over a trauma bed doing a myriad of tasks to the man laying there. “What do we have?” the lead trauma surgeon said as he came into the room and took up control of the life-saving operation. On of the smocked figures raised up and stepped back, raising his shield. “John Declann, caucasian male, age 39. Boulder County Sheriff’s Deputy. MVA - car versus tractor/trailer. Passenger was in a seatbelt with airbags deployed but required extraction by fire-rescue. Initial assessment shows superficial cranial abrasions, with most likely a simple concussion. No evidence of other cranial, brain, or upper spinal injuries. Seat belt bruising pattern is highly indicative of internal organ disruption, but nothing so far on physical examination and plain films of the abdomen. Lacerated and collapsed left lung, reinflated with chest tube. Pneumothorax proximate to same lung injury also responding. Initial x-rays show compromised T-12 vertebral body and possible pelvic fracture. No apparent lower limb trauma beyond cuts and bruises from extrication from the vehicle. CT scans are coming up now for the spinal and pelvic injury areas. This was a driver’s side T-bone crash. I think that this guy’s level of fitness is why we’re talking about saving his life and not pronouncing him. ” the lead resident efficiently rattled off. The lead surgeon took a look at the patient, and agreed with the resident’s assessment. John was alive because of his trained, flexible, body and more than a little random chance. But what kind of life was it going to be? The doctor walked over to the computer terminal screens and pulled up the CT scans. The pelvis showed a simple left side Ilium fracture. Non-displaced. Something the orthopods could deal with easy enough. He then flipped to the scan of John’s spine -- and frowned. “Fuck,” he said under his breath as he looked. He sat down on a stool and zoomed, in, out, rotated, and closely examined the different views provided by the technology. The burst fracture was unmistakable and at precisely the worst spot for leg function. As he walked back to John, the doctor barked orders to the residents and nurses, while he removed an ink pen from his pocket. He ran the pen up first one foot and then the other. Goddamnit, he thought. The veteran doc’s heart sunk even more. “Get neurosurg here stat. Tell them severe impact, burst fracture at T-12, CT visualization and reflex response indicative of cord injury.” The room went silent for a moment before carrying on. It was always hard to treat an officer. Much less for this. The supervising physician turned and again just looked at the radiology. The soft tissue injuries were no walk in the park, but were easily fixable, recoverable in just a few weeks, the pelvis in a couple of months, except …. that. There was no hope for that, in his experience. This man would be paralyzed. Five minutes later the head of neurosurgery looked at the same CT scans, and came to the same conclusion. No hope. They could do an exploratory, check and see if by some miracle there was just pressure on the cord from a fragment, but not likely. Better to just do a vertebral stabilization with the orthopods, but his chances to recover function … Declann had been stabilized and was ready for transfer to have his lung laceration repaired. As he was about to be moved, another man in a white coat burst into the trauma room. One look from him toward John, and his eyes moistened. “I...I...can’t believe it.” the black haired man wept at the side of the bed. “I had to be sure.” The man almost looked skyward, “Why him?” Gabriel tenderly wiped a finger down John’s cheek. “Gabriel?” the head of neuro looked up. “What are you doing here? Do you know this man?” “This man, he saved my life this morning, not even four hours ago. Kept me from getting mugged by this man with a gun. Everyone heard the crash and when I saw that the wreckage was his car. Is he going to be OK?” Gabriel was out of breath and had obviously lost clinical detachment between the events of this morning and the shock of seeing the officer who had been so kind and patient with him lying there. He would have been removed if treatment were still going on, but it was basically complete save moving him to OR. The two attendings just nodded toward the computer screens with the radiology still on it. Gabriel walked from John’s head side, looked, and was overcome with remorse and guilt. Had he just been at his normal time, 15 minutes later, none of this would have happened. But, he just HAD to check on a minor experiment. And now, this man lay here because of him. Gabriel zoomed in to the machine’s maximum sensitivity. He looked again and again. Through a choking voice, Gabriel looked around and almost whispered. “Jack, can you send me these scans please? To my secondary lab.” The lead neurosurgeon looked horrified, searching for a reason not to. “Gabriel. You can’t be serious. You know I can’t do that. It violates protocol, federal law--” Gabriel cut him off, almost angrily “Jack you know I can take care of that with one call to Washington.” “What are you going to do?” Jack asked, never having seen such anger in the young, brilliant surgeon and scientist. “IF I can, if there is anything I can do, I am going to try and help this man.’ “You can’t have a man as a lab r--. I can’t sanc---” Jack stumbled. Gabriel stood to his full height, taking on an almost military bearing. “You know I can and will go over your head if I have to. I will have him removed if I must.” Gabriel took a breath and seemed to calm a bit. “Jack I am not promising that I can or will do anything, I do not know if there is anything to do. But I have to try. I owe it to him. He is here because of me. I have to try or I’ll never forgive myself.” Jack knew Gabriel could follow through on his threats in an instant. He had seen some small manifestations of Gabriel’s connections to political power before, and he knew that interference in hospital functions was the very least of what he could do. As much as Jack detested it, with this kind of anger Gabriel could bring down the mountain on top of his whole hospital. But, as it was, there was nothing anyone could do for Officer Declann, not even York. Jack just silently waved his fingers in a gesture of defeat, nodded an ascent, and transferred access to Gabriel as primary attending physician. “Thank you Jack. I owe you about 10 times over for this.” “I WILL HOLD YOU TO THAT,” the older surgeon replied, his voice suddenly sharpened. “And I insist on one thing. Before you present him any of those things you do that I do not have a clue about, you will at least get his consent.” Gabriel looked like he had been shot himself and his voice shook, “I would NEVER do anything to harm him.” York turned on a heel and left the room, walking out of the ER doors, and toward his car in the parking lot. As soon as he was in the vehicle with the door closed, he pulled from his pocket an encrypted cell phone with just one number it could access, locked to his fingerprint. A male voice answered in military precision, “Yes, Doctor York?” “Codeword Ariana. I want the full computer network prepped for simulator study based on some CT scans that will be coming from CU Trauma ER shortly. Run the program with emergent parameters and stand by to report when I get there. Not a proof of concept level scan, Don, but full cellular level calculations. I am leaving the hospital now. We have 24 hours at the most to complete simulations. And...ah.. Don. This is important to me, personally.” “Yes SIR,” the sharp voice on the other end said. Gabriel could not quite understand what he was feeling, this pull toward this man. He didn’t know the man existed six hours ago. Sure, there was guilt and anger and sadness. But, he just could not remove from his mind those eyes he saw this morning. Those haunted, caring brown eyes. Something about him. This John Declann. He did not know what. But he saw it in his eyes. He deserved more than this, and Gabriel would find out why. He would make it happen, he willed it to happen as he drove toward the freeway. This good man would walk again.
  9. NOTE: The m/f was removed from the last paragraph to make this m/m. The bodybuilder character still does have a wife, but in the second part, the character has a boyfriend. Howdy. I have often wondered about leg lengthening surgery. I am 6'5" and would never do it because being taller than I already am would suck. When you look up pictures of people wondering about the surgeries, they always show their pictures with stretched legs. But it wouldn't actually be like that. Your legs would actually get smaller because the muscle would stay the same size and be pulled a greater distance. So what I really wonder about is what happens after that point. You look at a tall person and a lot of the times they are ectomorphs. If a mesomorph or endomorph got leg lengthening surgery, they would still be a meso or endo - they wouldn't magically become an ectomorph just because they are tall. Yes, they would have their muscle size "shrink" at first because of the stretching, but they should still have the acumen to gain muscle/size. That would give them an incredible advantage in truly becoming huge over someone who is naturally tall and lanky. Here I explore what might happen in that scenario Unusual Surgeries Hey, you already know who I am. I have a bunch of sponsorships around the fitness industry and my IFBB pro card. You would recognize me when someone jokes about the 4'10" pro bodybuilder. Even though I am retired from contests now, I still hit the gym (and the "celltech") pretty hard. No sense losing my hard earned body because of getting older. Currently, I am 6.4 heads tall. I know they say the ideal is 8 heads tall, but screw them. I have pretty awesome proportions on my body. I am 22 inches wide from tip to tip on my shoulders. Less than 1% of the population can claim that and they even have almost a foot over me on height. My waist is 35 - yeah I know it should be in the 27 area. My chest totally makes up for it at 50 inches. My quads are 29 inches and biceps 21. Not too shabby considering what some would call my stubby limbs. I really lucked out on genetics, though. If someone sees me, my body looks like I am average height. It isn't until I am standing next to someone else that I look short. My wife of 11 years is a hot powerlifter. In the offseason, she cuts down some and enters some fitness competitions. However, she prefers to be bulked. She is 5'8" - kind of dwarfing me, but we totally love each other. We push each other to always better ourselves and train, eat and sleep together every day. Not to brag, but my 8x7 inches looks quite impressive at my height. I know that she does not stay with me because of my penis, but I am sure it helped open the door at the beginning of our relationship. That thing was a bear to adjust during contests. I probably spent more time pumping that than my muscles in the pump room back stage. Anything to keep it contained for the show. Even though I am totally happy with my body (as is the wife), there are many times when being a bit taller would be very useful. Just doing everyday tasks is troublesome since I have to have a stool handy at all times. More times than I care to admit, my wife was asked what her child was having for a meal. My bicep is bigger than your freakin head, dude, how am I her child? After years of reading medical research on height surgeries, we finally decided to take the plunge. It wasn't for me. It wasn't for my wife. It wasn't for anybody else. It was just so I could have an easier life during my retirement. My high testosterone and stocky muscular build are super equipped for healing and that made the risk factors somewhat low. I decided first to extend my femurs and humeri. That was not a fun process. I went out of the country for the procedures and had to stay for 5 months before I could travel again. First, they broke my bones and then inserted these devices to extend the lengths between the breaks. Basically, while the break is healing, it is making the bone longer. As a lifter, I fought through pain my entire career. I had so many muscle tears that I lost track. These bones pains were a drop in the bucket compared to everything else. And bless my wife, she stayed with me the entire time - using a gym close to the hospital to train on her own while I was resting. After the 5 months, they finally removed the devices. I was told not to exercise for another 5 months to continue recovering. I contacted a practitioner back in the states to do monthly checkups. I knew from experience that light lifting can help with recovering. I ignored the advice and started lifting again after 1 month. By month 8 of the whole process, I was completely healed. Conservative projections said that I would gain 2-3 inches in height. The bones were healing so fast, that I doubled that amount. I gained 6 inches in my femurs and over 4 inches on my arms. I was now standing at 5'4" and could not have been happier with the procedures. The only disappointing thing was that stretching out the bones also stretches out the muscles. My biceps dropped down from 21 to 16 inches from being stretched. My quads dropped from 29 inches, down to a still respectable 24 inches. It took quite a bit of getting used to being 6 inches taller. Something as simple as being in the kitchen was difficult. We had been living in that house for 8 years. I could have walked around with my eyes closed and found anything (even eyes closed and using the stool). Now it was like someone shifted around my house. Reaching for the refrigerator door was 6 inches lower and 4 inches closer. I kept jamming my hands for the first few weeks reaching for things. Light switches, oh my gosh. You just take it for granted that light switches are always in the same place. Now lower all of them by 6 inches around your house and tell me how disconcerting that is. Although there were troubles, I was still kinda hooked at that point. The positives of having access to 10 more inches of space (6 in height and 4 on my reach) was absolutely amazing. But I wanted more. Five weeks after I was cleared from the first surgeries, I was on another plane. This time it would be tibia/fibula and radius/ulna surgery. Admittedly, I was a little bit more nervous about having four bones broken. That was four ways complications could arise. Things went even more smoothly than the first time - bones broken, devices inserted, and 4 months of lengthening. My beautiful wife was there again, keeping me strong. You know what, I changed my mind - I was doing this for her because she deserved the best version of me and I wanted to give that to her. Once more, I ignored advice and started light workouts to help speed up healing. In under two months, I was cleared. This was another very successful round of surgeries. I gained 4 inches in height and 3 inches on my arms. There I stood, the same height as my wife. The first time I was able to stand without a walker or bracers, she just stared at me in complete shock. Then, we wept in each others' arms about how much of a life changer all of this would be. So a little over a year ago, I started this whole process at 4'10" and now was 5'8" with access to 17 inches more of the world than I had before. I was finally up to the normal stature of 7.5 heads tall, although a couple inches shorter than the average person. There was a problem, though. I had not anticipated what my arms would look like compared to the rest of my body. Compared to my legs, my arms looked perfectly fine. However, compared to my torso, I looked like a gorilla. My hands were well beneath my groin. In fact, they could touch past mid-thigh without bending over. My wife and I discussed it and she was very supportive of anything I wanted as long as it made me happy. Before my recovery was finished, we had already made the plans. The day after I got cleared by the doctor, we were on a plane again to get an experimental spine lengthening surgery. This one did not seem as horrific as the legs and arms since nothing was being broken. Basically, they would insert vertebrate spacers up the length of the spine. They also needed to include spacers in the ribcage or I would be prone to getting a hunchback. The spacers in the ribcage would dissolve and be absorbed by the body over the course of 2 years, with most of the material being dissolving around the 6 month point. The spinal spacers were much more complicated since the lats, traps, spinalis, serrates and a whole host of other muscles needed to compensate in their attachment points. The majority of patients recovered to normal mobility. A small number had decreased mobility and even fewer had increased mobility. With my back's already large muscles and my body's natural (and chemical) abilities for building muscle, the doctors felt that the decreased mobility was a slim to none chance of happening. So the surgery proceeded as planned. The doctors were very happy with the results, but I did need 2 months of bedrest and to wear a brace covering my entire torso up to my skull during that time and for 4 months after that. Unfortunately, there was no way around recovering with the brace on. It restricted most movement and even sitting/standing was a struggle. Getting in and out of bed was more like rolling around and propping myself up with my arms. We installed some ropes on hooks in various places to help me pull myself up. I could still walk around OK and we could already see the results after the initial 2 month recovery. Drum roll, please... It was an absolutely crazy result. After the 2 month recovery, I stood at 6'2" - a gain of another 6 inches. The doctors said that expansion would continue throughout the 4 months until most of the ribcage spacers dissolved. At that point, there would be too much pressure on the spinal spacers and growth would come to a halt. Boy were those doctors right. By the time the brace came off, I had gained another 5 inches. My wife could not contain herself whenever we were together. She admitted that having someone a foot taller than her (almost) was always a secret dream of hers. She preferenced it by assuring me that she would love me at any height. But being 6'7" was just so freaking hot. It was just nice for me that my arms hung down to a normal area. I was no longer a gorilla man. In addition, being able to reach things 28 inches further away than where I could reach two years ago was out of this world. I was starting to forget what life was like as a short man. I never heard a snicker or a joke about my height. It never crossed anybodies' minds whether or not I was my wife's child. But I still was not completely happy. I loved my proportions when I was short. The 22 inch wide shoulders at 4'10" are crazy impressive looking, but not so much at 6'7". An average guy at 5'10" has a shoulder width of 18 inches. When I was short, I boasted being 47% wider proportionally to the average guy. Now at 6'7", I was only 8% bigger. My wife did not like the idea of another surgery. Partially because she felt that height was the only thing holding me back in life and also because surgery meant recovery time and no sex. I convinced her that I just wanted 3-4 inches more width and I was done. No more surgeries after that and life would finally resume. I also threw in that clavicle surgery would not affect anything downstairs and we could still have quite a bit of fun. On a flight, under the knife, and back into recovery. The surgery turned out much like the leg/arm lengthings. My clavicles were broken and then set up in the little devices. The doctors said to expect around 1 inch on each side. I had wanted at least 3, but 2 would be better than nothing. At least that would double me up to 15% wider than average. Recovering went well. After 4 months, I was back home with the devices taken off. That surgery definitely hit me harder that the previous ones. I needed some extra physical therapy as just light weights would not have done the trick. I worked through it and came out the other side 5 months later. I was very happy with the results. I got 3 inches on one side and 2.75 inches on the other. The quarter inch was barely noticeable. The 28 inch wide shoulders was absolutely noticeable. As promised to the wife, I was finally done. The width did not make a difference to her, as she got back into the groove of jumping me at first sight. I was happy being 37% wider than average with a huge added bonus of extending my reach by another 3 inches. I could now reach 31 inches further than I could have 3 years ago. I also measured slightly more than a massive 8.5 heads tall. If the normal was 7.5 heads and the ideal 8 heads tall, I became the alpha at 8.5. I did not even care that my head looked small on my body. I had already promised my wife no more surgeries, but why would I want to increase the size of my head anyway? I had to ease back into the gym. Other than light weights and physical therapy, I had not been lifting for 3 years. Muscle memory kicked in and I was able to at least get my stats back up pretty quickly. I regained my 16 inch biceps and 24 inch quads. My waist was very interesting. With my spine being extended, it allowed my organs to have more space and brought my waist down to a tiny 27 inches. While I had a massive waist at 8 inches past ideal while at 4'10", I was actually 9 inches under the ideal waist size of a 6'7" person. My pecs and lats were also interesting. I had lost a lot of the thickness because they were now stretched tight in both the horizontal direction from the clavicle lengthening and vertical direction from the spinal lengthening. My ribcage did not grow or shrink during all of this - just the ribs spread apart a bit more. The stretched lats provided much more width and actually gave me a 60 inch chest measurement. My 60 inch chest was now bigger than my previous 58 inch height. Imagine that, flattening your muscles by stretching them and still gaining quite a few inches. Needless to say, I approved of the 2.2 chest to waist ratio. My traps also looked slightly improved. Since my squatty neck had been lengthened, the traps were about 50% taller than before. So with my recovery complete and some small amount of size regained, I began to push myself harder and harder. My wife totally got in on that action as we drove each other to reach new heights (ha... ha...). My delts, arms, legs, pecs, lats and traps were all flattened, stretched and tight as hell. It was brutal really getting into it again. But I have always had really stocky endo-meso genetics. In the offseason, I would jump up to 260 pounds of prime beef at 4'10". During contests, I could swing around 210 pounds. I didn't get a pro card for nothing. I put in all of the effort that the big boys would. Just because I was "tall and lanky" now didn't mean that I would go easy on myself. Plus, it is not like brain suddenly switched my genetics to ectomorph. Back in the gym, I started at around 225 pounds - post surgeries. Before all of the surgeries, I was hovering around 235 in my retirement. I lost 10 pounds from spending most of 3 years in bed resting. Plus, you do not really feel like eating much with braces and devices and needing a walker to get around. I quickly gained 5 pounds, then 10, then 25. My body craved filling out the way I used to be and at 250 I definitely looked like I belonged in the gym again. The hard stretch that all of my muscles were under just needed to be pumped a little. The fascia was as taunt as it could possibly get and I started going to get deep tissue massages weekly to break it up. By six months post surgery, I had regained most of my former stats. At 290 pounds (65 pounds in six months), my arms were 22 inches cold. My quads were 32 inches - dwarfing my previous leg measurements. They always did respond well during training. I gained 2 inch on my waist, which was fine since I gained 10 inches on my chest. My traps and delts were filling in nicely. Even with most of those stats surpassing my previous numbers, I still felt like I looked very thin with a giant's body. At least in comparison to my tank-like looks from before. My wife and I kept pushing and pushing, harder and harder. She entered a powerlifting meet three months later and completely demolished the competition. We were not done yet, though. I still wanted to give her the best version of myself and she was completely motivated by my transformation. If we weren't about to throw up every exercise in the gym, we considered it a failed workout. By one year post surgery we looked like total beasts. Nobody even talked to us at the gym any more. We would spend hours driving the other to lift one more rep and tossing plates on and off of the bars for max weight and drop sets. She decided to cut for a few months to enter a fitness competition. By the time that rolled around, the organizers begged her to join the bodybuilding side instead as she did not have the "fitness model look" anymore. She didn't care what she entered as long as she had some fun. I quickly taught her bodybuilder poses since she wouldn't be able to get away with her normal posing routine. Her shear size just blew away everybody else. She took the super heavyweight and overall categories. Things continued the same for the next few years. I got up to 452 pounds and am still fairly lean. The whole time, my muscles just wanted to fill out instead of adding overall mass like regular bulking would do. And fill out they did. My biceps are now just a hair shy of 37 inches. Way bigger than my legs used to be. My quads passed 50 inches a couple of months ago and now sit at 52 inches. Out of everything, they are still responding the best to the extra 6 inches they were given. My waist is up to 34, which is still 2 inches under the ideal for my height and 3 inches under my biceps. Heck, it is still one inch below what it used to be when I was short. My pecs jut out 4 inches past my ribcage and clavicle without even flexing. With being stretched in two directions and now filled out, a single one of my pecs is close to half the size of what my entire torso used to be. Both together, including the cleavage that rivals my wife's, are definitely bigger than my old torso. I no longer have a V-taper, it is more like a U-taper with my lats just flaring out. In an overhead pose, the width of my lats is somewhere around three or four times that of my waist. With the help of my lats adding slabs of muscle since they have so much extra space, my chest measurement is 95. Whoever said that a chest should be 12 inches over a waist obviously skipped chest and back day. Having a 2.8 chest to waist ratio has definitely got to become the new ideal. I cannot even grasp my traps any more. Then again, I have tiny 4'10" sized hands. Even more funny are my 4'10" sized feet. I wear a US size 6 for the comfort even though I could probably fit into a size 5. But my traps stick out so much that I can do squats without holding on to the bar. It can just fit in the groove formed from my traps popping from my neck. Just once I did a squat with a bar on my traps, a bar resting in the four inches of space at the top of my chest and a dumbbell in each hand. It was pretty epic - you can probably still find the video of me doing it somewhere on Youtube. Finally, we come to my delts. They were difficult to get going. With the clavicle lengthened, but scapula still the same, my delts were stretched in the weirdest angles out any muscle. Now, they do have some nice sized caps on them again, though I can feel that they are no where near finished with growing. The caps add an extra 2 inches to my width on each side. That puts me around 32 inches wide from tip to tip. I would take the hinderance of not being able to fit straight through most doorways over not having the height to reach things any day. I guess instead of a V or U shape, the T-shaped body might be a more accurate description, although my quads beg to differ with that assessment. I remember being worried about my width being less than 10% above average. I am closing in on 60% above average now and still growing wider. Since I am pretty lean, I think I could cut around 30 pounds and be contest ready at 420. If I do come out of retirement, I will probably need to assume a new identity for registration purposes. I would rather not deal with the questions that might arise. I gained almost 2 feet in height, close to a foot in width and doubled my weight. All the while, my waist shrunk by an inch and looks even smaller since it is elongated and can get compared to the monstrous chest and legs. Why even bother, though? Too many questions and too much of a hassle to get into that arena again. I personally know that I would wipe the floor with anybody on the stage. Instead, I should focus on gaining those last 50 pounds and see how I look at 500. Maybe if I really push my legs, I could make them as big as I used to be tall. I am just 6 inches away and have already put 28 inches on those tree trunks in the past few years. I know I promised the wife no more surgeries, but I wonder if she would be opposed to a penis lengthening surgery. I mean I used to be 8 inches at 4'10" and it does not look as impressive on my new body. Plus, my 7 inch girth compared to 52 inch quads makes me feel a little inadequate - though I still do not get any complaints. The doctors said during the spinal surgery said that there was a very small chance of increased mobility - yeah, I got that. The entire length of my spine gained around a 160% increase to flexibility. I am like an acrobat in the bedroom. With my massive muscles and mobility, I can contort into positions that have never even been dreamed of. Anyway, I lost my train of thought. Proportionally, my penis looks incredibly small. I think 11x8 would look a little bit better, though 12x10 would make it more in proportion to my legs. We'll see. My retirement has been grand and it is only getting better...
  10. This story is a conversion of an old RP I did with a friend, @jsmith230. It was one of my favorite RPs so I thought I would convert it and share. While my first preference is muscle growth with a secondary love of height growth, you could say his preferences are the inverse of mine. So that will give you a hint of what this story will entail. Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13 *************************************************************************** Elongro “Dude, have you heard of that new 'Elongro' drug? I have to get my hands on it. I want to get huge this year!” Seth rolls his eyes as he listens to Trevor ramble on about the new miracle drug that has been making a splash among the young adult community worldwide. Trevor and Seth are college roommates and best buddies currently in their second year of college. The two were paired up as dormmates during Freshman year and their friendship blossomed from there. Both 19 years old, the two share a small apartment just off campus. To the outsider, Trevor is the alpha of the friendship, much more confident, outgoing and outspoken than his counterpart. He has always been very athletic and since coming to college has fully invested his free time into fitness and working out. He's obsessed with trying to put on mass and is always trying the latest supplements, pills and powders, along with constantly reading articles on new exercises programs to try. He has built himself up to a nice, ripped, 185 lbs on a 5’10.5 frame. His body fat hovers around 10-12% and he sports a nice 6-pack. But, like any true wannabe bodybuilder, it wasn't, deep down he wanted more. Much more. Seth is Trevor's roommate and while he also has a natural athleticism to him, he hasn't pursued it nearly to the degree that Trevor has, though few people could really say that. Some of the reason behind this is that Seth always felt just a bit too small to ever have great success in sports. He was one of those people who were content to be good enough to make the high school baseball team though he only saw limited playing time. Since college began, Seth exercised a couple times a week, mainly by just jogging, leaving him with a naturally slim and toned 145 lbs on his 5’8 body. The pair were pursuing business degrees although Trevor wasn't quite sold on the idea after his first year. While Seth fully intends to pursue a sales and marketing career, Trevor has considered switching to a more body-centric physical therapy program that would work well in parallel with his pursuit of fitness excellence. What currently has Trevor excited is the discovery of a new drug that offered an exciting possibility. Within the past year, a new compound was developed and released in Korea that is commonly known as “Elongro”. It's use had begun to spread across the developed world. However, due the USA’s overly strict drug testing protocol, the drug is still not legally available in the USA though it is available in most of Asia, Europe and Canada. The drug has caused excitement for people who are small in stature, either height or build. What the drug does is that it basically freezes a young adult growth rate, including hormonal levels, where that rate might be starting to wane. Along with enhancing the sex characteristics, it also keeps their growth plates open for an extended amount of time, allowing an individual to continue to grow for much longer than they normally would. Seth shakes his head as he listens to his roommate explain the drug. “What that means, Seth, is that if you naturally had, say, one more month of growth before your plates fused, you might keep growing at the same rate for another 2-3 months instead with Elongro. But, just think, if you were in the middle of a big growth spurt and originally had many months, or year left, you could potential retain that growth rate for a few more years! Isn't that awesome!” “Uh huh. Sure man. Sounds cool man,” Seth replied cooly. “Sounds a bit too good to be true, really.” “Well, it's not perfect, you're right.” Trevor pulls up his phone to read the details of the drug from the website he'd been researching. “The major drawback of the drug is that it has been shown to cause devastating side effects if a person is still showing any signs of puberty. Most humans complete puberty by the time they are 16 or 17 but keep growing in size for another 1 to 4 years. Because of this risk, most countries that allow the sale of the drug ban it from being used on any person under the age of 19. Also, the drug will not work if a person’s growth plates have already fused, which for many people has already occurred by the time they are 19. Thus, the window for success for the drug is very limited, if open at all. The reports say that only about one-quarter of the people who try to drug experience any results.” Trevor looks away from his phone at his disinterested roommate, but his own excitement cannot be interrupted and he keeps scrolling through the information showing on his phone. “For those that it does work, though, the results have been significant! Bro, this website says there are online rumors from the drug’s testing phase of people putting on 40-50 lbs of muscle and growing up to 6 to 8 inches taller well into their 20s! Shit dude, that would ROCK! I read that for those who are lucky enough to still be growing, the average success rate has been 15 lbs and 2-3 inches over an additional 6 months to 1 year of growing. I would give anything to put on some more size like that! My training has really stalled lately.” “That is pretty sweet, Trev. But you said it yourself, it may not even work. If you've finished your natural growth you're S.O.L.” Trevor huffs as Seth downplays Elongro. Tervor can't help but imagine the possibilities. Though he never mentioned it, while focused on growing his muscles, he secretly always wanted to be taller as well. He hadn't told Seth, but he had already started the process of obtaining the Elongro. He had already set up a quick weekend trip to Canada where a close friend was to obtain a prescription and then supply him with a vial of Elongro. He's aware of the illegality but the chance to put on some size even if it's just a few pounds or an inch in height, is too much to pass up. Because of the drug’s scarcity and the fact he has to obtain it illegally, it will cost Trevor over $1200, a huge amount for a poor college kid. “Seth, from my doctor’s appointment this summer I found out that I had grown another ½” to my current 5’10-1/2 height. So I'm positive I'm on my final growth spurt! I just KNOW it will work. But I got to get started soon before my growth stops.” “Ok, man, whatever. Man, you really are obsessed with size. You've got that dysmorphia thing, haha. I men, you are already jacked, you should be happy.” “Never big enough, bro!” the handsome stud chuckled in reply. “So how does it work? Is it a pill or something?” “Naw, it's an injection. It works from just one single injection. Each vial contain enough liquid for 5 injections, even though only one is needed. This is where you come in, bro!” “Me? What for?” “Well, the thing is, this shit is really expensive. And, like I said you only need one injection, but each vial has enough for five injections. So, I wanted to ask, If I get the Elongro, could I sell you an injection too? It would help me out and I would appreciate it. My girlfriend already said she'd take one of the injections too. Help a brother out, it's fuckin' expensive stuff. I'm not even asking for the full price of a dose, just $200 to help me cover.” “C'mon Trev, don't ask me that. I don't... Man, I don’t think I’ve grown in a couple of years, it would most likely be a waste on me.” “But, Bro, even if you had the slimmest chance to be just a little taller and stronger, wouldn’t you want to take it?” Trevor tries his best to pitch the idea. Seth rebuffs his approaches but he knows what will get Seth on board. “Hey, you know that girl that works at the rec center you’ve been crushing of the past year? Remember how you told me you overheard her talking with her friends that she said she would never date a guy under 5’10 and 175 lbs? She says that because she's pretty tall for a girl, like 5'9 or so. Just think, buddy! If you put some size maybe she’ll give you a second look!” Trevor sees the gears turning in Seth's head. He still seems unconvinced but he can tell he's touched a nerve. “C’mon man, you always told me how you felt like you were too small in high school to be one of the jocks on campus even though you were on the baseball team. This could be your chance to put on some size and least be average height. Wouldn’t you want that, little buddy?” Trevor tosses in ‘little buddy’ because he knows Seth hates when bigger dudes call him that. And that seals the deal. “Ugh. Fine, bro. Whatever," he says with annoyed defeat. "And hey, I’m way past puberty so there’s no risk, right? Other than I’ll be out $200." “That’s the spirit, pal! I promise this will be worth the investment!” * Seth walks to his room to collect the cash. He can't help but shake his head at Trevor's crazy antics. "This stuff is never going to work on me," he says to himself. But, knowing how into this Trevor is he knows that the right thing to do is to support his roomie and at least give it a try. Plus, that way when it doesn't work, he can hold that over his head! Or at least Trev will give it up and move onto something different, just like he always does. The following weekend Trevor makes five hour drive up North to Canada. Upon his return he excitedly enters their apartment and makes himself known. That night, the two friends administer the shot. They both have it their our heads that the effect would be immediate, even though all of the documentation says they won't know right away whether or not it works. But the placebo effect is very real those first few days and it drives the two crazy not knowing for sure if they will see an impact, but the excitement builds. That night Seth dream of growing taller, standing over guys who always made fun of his short height and pushing his skinny body around... being seen as tall... growing again... finally becoming the man he'd always wanted to be. Not being relegated to playing right field in baseball having never hit a home run. All those guys looking down at Seth! He jolts awake and realizes his dick is tenting the sheets. Even though he was skeptical at first, he can't help but think how deep down he must want this injection to work. How badly he needs to become bigger and stronger. He chuckles, knowing how slim the odds are and fades back to sleep. After the first few days of no noticeable changes the two both act as if nothing has happened. Although they both seem to be constantly checking themselves against the heights of familiar landmarks and people, including each other. Inside Trevor is still stoked, convinced that he will reap significant gains. Knowing that Seth hasn't grown upwards in years, he knows it likely won't work for his friend, but he was happy he at least he got $200 out of Seth. Truthfully, Trevor loved having Seth as his roommate. Not only from a personality standpoint, but he loved being the bigger and more dominant man compared to Seth. It was nothing against Seth, it just fed well into Trevor's desire to get bigger and build up his physique. Whenever they went out, Seth always demurred to Trevor when choosing which movies to watch, with parties to go to, what girls to hang with. Trevor was the alpha apparent. Two weeks after the injections the two are eating dinner and Trevor notices Seth is wolfing down a ton of food. "Hungry, there Seth?" "Dude," he says between mouthfuls of grilled chicken, "I can't remember the last time I was this hungry. I just can't get to feeling full lately... it's so weird..." Trevor chuckles as he watches Seth go back to finishing his chicken before starting on some brats. Trevor shakes his head, teasing Seth that “the freshman 15 is real, just delayed for you" before getting up to do the dishes. A bit later the two are hanging out watching TV and chatting about classes and wanting to catch the new Spiderman movie. Seth rubs his full round belly and ponders, pausing, before finally asking his roomie a surprising question. "Have you been making any gains in the gym? I was thinking rather than just running maybe I would try lifting some." Trevor is taken off guard. He knew Seth never went to the rec center other than to run, and certainly never made his way into the weight room. "I was thinking... maybe... I could like... join you sometime?" While Seth has managed to stay relatively thin, having a fitness obsessed roommate might be starting to rub off on him a bit. "Its just, with how I've been eating... maybe I should," he jokes. "I'll get fat if I keep eating like this. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have a bit more muscle for the ladies... maybe get some attention for once. It seems to have worked out well for you!" "Hell yeah buddy! I would love to be your training partner. Hell, I was thinking I might want to make a career out of it in the future, either personal training or physical therapy. I'd love to show you the ropes, you could be my first client! But, don't worry, little buddy, I won't charge you." Seth's face tightens at the words 'little buddy' and Trevor instantly feels bad. "Er...sorry, Seth. But yeah, even though you haven't been lifting I can tell you are a little bit thicker lately, just from all the food you've been eating. I'm still making gains, but it's slow going." The next day Trevor takes Seth to the gym for his first weightlifting workout. Seth marvels at the poundages that Trevor buddy can lift. Trevor boasts that he can bench 225 lbs ten times and Seth seems to be in shock when he performs the feat. On his turn, Seth can barely do 135 lbs five times. He is disappointed but his new trainer props him up. "Hey, dude, honestly that's a great weight, especially for your first workout. When I started I couldn't even bench 95 lbs once!" Seth perks up at that. As the two leave the weight room Seth notices the hot girl at the towel desk, Stacy. He is understandably smitten as he steals glances. “Fuck, Trevor. That Stacy is one super hot chick.” "Oh I hear ya man. I certainly don't mind the eye candy when I come here to lift everyday. Would love to get into that...if I weren't currently dating Brooke, that is, haha." Grinning stupidly, Seth replies. "Yeah, she's so hot Trev.... but I doubt she'd pay much attention to a guy like me." Seth can't help but notice her height, not too far off from Trevor's. Noticeably taller than he is, certainly. That seems to be the case with a lot of girls on campus. So many of the college girls and guys seem so tall lately. Trevor laughs and reminds his friend that time in the gym won't hurt and that if he stays consistent and pushes himself that she won't care how tall he is. "Muscles always seal the deal!" Trevor chuckles and throws up a double bicep pose, flexing his impressive exposed arms, grinning cockily, causing Seth to roll his eyes. "Trev, doubt you'll be saying that when you are a six footer with me looking WAY up at you!” Seth jokes. "Then you will be tall AND muscular. I'm going to look like a little kid next to you.... so yeah, I better start lifting more I guess!" * A few weeks go by and Seth has been sticking with the gym, much to the surprise of his roommate. While it wasn't like Trevor had no faith in his buddy, he just knew the dropout rates for new lifters was very high. Trevor continues to coach and direct Seth, both in the weight room and giving him advice on his diet . His training advice is sound, and both can already see an improvement in Seth's physique, though it's not been easy for the new gymrat. "Ugh, Trevor, is it normal to ache all the time? I can never seem to really recover..." “Haha, buddy that's part of the deal. Though the more you lift the less sore you should be. It could be that you're not taking enough time to recover. Could be that your muscles are actually growing or any number of reasons. Just growing pains. But, it means that you are actually working and growing, so be excited, man!” Before long, Seth begins to notice that his shoes are uncomfortably tight. He'd worn size 9s since he finished growing taller a few years prior. At first he figures it's the workout. One day after class he hits the mall to get a new pair. While Trevor hangs out at their apartment he gets a text from Seth: [Trev, you won't believe it. I had to get new shoes! Size 10.5!! Crazy!!] Tervor's mind races, trying to process Seth's text. He'd been denying Seth's progress, playing it off as beginner gains. But could his smaller buddy actually be growing? A hint of fear and jealousy permeates his mind. He thinks to himself how his size 11 shoes haven't been feeling any tighter. He calms down and rationalizes that maybe the little guy is going to have one small growth spurt. There is still no way Seth will ever catch him. He convinces himself that must be growing too, even if his shoes still fit. I mean, your feet don't HAVE to get bigger to increase your height, right? Trevor remembers how he is up 7 lbs to 192 lbs, the biggest he's ever been and he doesn't seem any more muscular or more fat, so he assumes that extra weight is coming from added height. The thought calms his nerves and he smiles to himself, excited for the growth that lies ahead. * It is now six weeks after the shot and the two are once again in the gym working out. Seth has been make even more noteworthy progress and has settled into a dedicated routine. This time Trevor brings a notebook. In the locker room after the lifting session Trevor confronts his protege. "Dude, I am a terrible trainer! I forgot to take your initial stats to see how you are coming along. So let's start now, better late than never. We'll use this notebook to make sure you keep progressing. It's good motivation too to see your lifts go up week after week. Ok, how tall again?” "5 ft 8" Seth says, slightly annoyed. "Well, just a bit under actually." “Really? Are you sure?” Trevor looks at Seth, unconvinced. At first he is apprehensive to find out for sure, but he can't deny that Seth looks at least a little taller. Wanting to be a trainer though, he knows he needs to be accurate and thorough with his log books. "Nah, dude, let's find out for sure." Trevor directs Seth to stand against the wall while he takes a tape measure out of his bag. He measures his buddy. "Just a hair under 5 ft 9, dude!" Seth eyes widen and he looks at Trevor excitedly. He shouts, "Maybe that stuff is working for me! I've never been over 5'8 before!” “Dude, that's awesome! You're not quite AS tiny as before, haha. Ok c'mon let's take your weight.” Next, Seth hops on the scale. It reads 160 lbs. “Great job, Seth. That's a 15 lb gain in just 6 weeks. Those are pretty good beginner gains, dude!” Seth can't be more excited as Trevor notes his huge grin. He is thrilled! “Ok man, let's get your other measurements for the log.” Trevor tapes all of Seth's a major muscles groups and writes them in the notebook. Arms: 14.5” Chest: 38.5” Waist: 31” Quads: 21.5” Calves: 14” Trevor can't help but mentally compare his own stats to feed his ego. While Seth may have crept up in height he took solace that he still had him beat everywhere. He knew his 17” guns, 42” pecs, 24.5” legs and 15.5” calves were all well bigger while his tight 30” waist was even more ripped than his little buddy's. Not to mention, from what he had seen of his roommate in the showers, he had more 'down there' as well, the thought of which gave him a reassuring grin. “Not bad, dude! You've got some really big arms compared to the rest of you, definitely a strength. A good one to have too. Chicks dig big guns.” "I still can't believe it, Dude. I grew! I grew!" he keeps saying, trying not to draw a ton of attention to himself. "This is awesome. If it's working for me, it MUST be working for you too! Do you want me to measure your height too?" Tervor shifts a bit, clearly looking uncomfortable and conflicted. "It'll only take a minute... come on... this is exciting!!" Trevor shrugs and submits. Seth grabs and extends the tape measure, coming in closer to take his height. As he does, Trevor can't help but notice how much Seth seems to have closed that gap. The difference between 5ft8 and 5ft10.5 is noticeable, but an inch and a half really isn't. From a distance the two could look the same height! The thought causes the competitive trainer to shudder at the thought. He's always been bigger and taller than his roommate. "And it'll stay that way," he thinks to himself as he stands as straight as you can. The wait for Seth to declare the number feels like hours. Finally, he speaks. "Five Ten, Trev. Still." Seth pauses and watches for Trevor's reaction. He seems deflated momentarily before regaining composure. Seth attempts to reassure him. "Maybe it works different on people depending on their growth stage... I'm sure your growth will come soon!!" Seth says, slapping his back, "Hell, you've made great gains in the gym so something is happening!" Trevor seems to take this to heart, but Seth can tell he isn't completely convinced. Even so, while Seth is jubilant about his growth, he keeps it to myself to not offend his roommate. "Hey Trev, how about you have Brooke come over? I can cook us dinner tonight. I'm starved!!" he says as they grab their bags and head for the door. On the way back to their condo Trevor is obviously dejected but does his best to hide it. He can't believe that Seth is only about an inch shorter than him. And what happened to 5'10 and a HALF? Seth must've missed that last ½ inch, he tells himself. Still, it hurts not feeling as big. With the overall presence of his ripped muscles on his frame Trevor always felt like he towered over his smaller roommate. Not so much anymore. That night Brooke comes over as Seth is whipping up a feast in the kitchen. Having listened to Trevor go on an on about how important a big diet is for big muscles, Seth knew a big nutritious meal would cheer his friend up, let alone sate his own growing hunger. By now the two are well into the second semester of the school year. Everyone is deep into their studies neither had seen Brooke in about three weeks. When she comes in Trevor is stunned at how gorgeous she looks, even more beautiful than he remembered. He felt a stirring in his crotch as his girlfriend made her entrance. The FaceTime chats that they had been relegated to just didn't do her justice. She comes in wearing heels and is almost as tall as Seth! Trevor remembered her being about three inches shorter than Seth when he first introduced her. He now realizes she must be about 5'7 now! Seth too was stunned, noting how tall and sleek she looked. He recalled how Trevor told him he gave her the shot too and it seemed it was working on her too, maybe even more so than Seth! "Hey boys!", she said as she entered. “Hey babe! Damn, I've missed you. You are smokin'!” She goes over to her boyfriend gave him a kiss. Seth notices that Trevor didn't have to bend over like he used to, or at all to kiss her on the lips. She looks over at her boyfriend's roomie. "Hey Seth! You are looking good! I can tell you've been hitting the gym. Trevor said you'd been lifting with him lately. I can see that you've put on some muscle. You're going to have to move up size large, that medium shirt is looking a little tight! Trev, Babe, you must be a fantastic trainer!" The trio have a great evening catching up with each other and enjoying the grilled Caribbean chicken dish that Seth prepared. That night, after the friends retire to their rooms, Trevor goes to town fucking Brooke. All night long he had been staring at his girl full of lust. She just looked so fit and healthy. She was always fit, but she seemed to be on a another level tonight. Maybe it was the longer legs. He also couldn't deny that he was in much need of some release due to the frustration that he seemingly wasn't growing nearly fast enough. * Over the next few weeks, Seth is like a demon in the gym, pushing himself harder and harder and harder. Trevor watches and celebrates his gains, proud that his training techniques are working so effectively. And yet jealously, he see's his buddy making gains so quickly. While Seth started out benching 135, he's now pushing 185 for the same number of reps easily. It's an astounding change. And his shirts keep getting tighter and tighter, to the point now that he's started borrowing old shirts from Trevor! Trevor shakes his head, barely believing that his supposed small roommate needed them now. The duo keep pushing themselves in the gym, even during finals. They can hardly believe that the semester is almost over. It's even harder to believe that two are both getting summer jobs, though Trevor's will be out of state. "Sucks I won't be able to train with you for a couple of months, Trev... it's really been awesome. I've never been so buff in my life." Trevor has recently noticed that Seth's voice has gotten deeper over the last few weeks. Luckily, though, Seth hasn't seemed to have caught him in height. It's something they both have been watching for out of the corners of their eyes. During their last lift together for the school year Seth points to his notebook in Trevor's bag. "Maybe we should take stats again so that I can keep track of the progress myself?" “Erm...yeah man. Of course. Let's see how much mass you've put on, bro!” he says, purposely not mentioning height. The two head to the locker room and strip to their skivvies. Trevor notes how's Seth's body has developed so much that he's not too far behind himself, a thought that worries him. Seth steps on the scale first. The two watch it, with widening eyes, as it swings to 175 pounds. Seth's face brightens excitedly. "Dude... that's another 15 pounds in five weeks. NO WONDER none of my clothes fit!!! Oh wow I could tell I was getting some muscles when I look in the mirror, but this is awesome! Ok, let's take my other measurements. Bro, you are an awesome trainer!" The two high five and Trevor grabs the tape and steps up to Trevor. “Ok. Arms...16 and a quarter”. Woah dude. You are still rocking those huge guns, damn! And they are so defined, crazy, man.” Seth flexes his arm and Trevor watches, stunned, as the ball of muscle leaps into relief. It isn't huge, but a big, solid, undeniable lump of muscle bulges. It is the first time he has seen his roommate flex in any way. “Holy shit, Seth. Your peaks is sweet. Geezus. Ok, let's get the rest. Chest is...41”. Big gain of over two inches, wow. Waist is still 31”, so you're not getting fatter. It seems to be all muscle, dude! Legs...now 23”. Calves...another inch at 15. Those are some studly gains, dude! You're beginner gains won't quit!” “Thanks Trevor, I owe a ton of it to you bro!” “Any time, roomie! Ok move out the way so I can check my weight.” “Hey Trev, can you take my height?” “Erm...um yeah I suppose. You think you are still growing?” “I think so. I hope so.” It's the moment Trevor been dreading. Seth steps against the wall, standing as straight as he can. The anticipation is killing him. He WANTS to be bigger. HE WANT to be taller, even if it seems like he hasn't quite matched Trevor yet. Trevor measures him once... then again... and again. "Dude, what's up?" Seth asks. Trevor grins at him. Internally, Seth worries that he's hasn't grown anymore. Then shares the news. "You are five-ten now!" Now Seth understands the grin on Trevor's face. If he's 5ft10, that means... "Dude! Trevor, you must have grown TOO!!" The two high five, both ecstatic at each others' growth. "I told you, Trevor! It was only a matter of time!!" Trevor looks thrilled, FINALLY this drug was WORKING. Seth steps aside and readies his measurements without a word. It's clear he wants to know. He NEEDS to know. Seth first takes his weight, "200 pounds! Swole man, damn!!" And then he measures his height. "Almost 6ft, dude! You are nearly there!!!" * Trevor is so excited he could almost cry. He bear hugs Seth and lifts him off the ground, taking note of how newly solid and heavy Seth now feels. "Hell yeah buddy! We've both put on about an inch!” He sets his friend down. “But wait, you said 'almost 6 ft'. What was it really?” "Oh,...um...it was right at 5ft11.5. Maybe just a hair under.” Trevor's smile slightly wanes but he certainly can't be disappointed after the last measurement turned up no discernible growth. "But still, Seth, that's just about an inch of growth. I am totally going to hit 6 ft, I just know it!" “Hell yeah man, and maybe I can at least get to 'almost 6 ft' like you said, haha. Starting out at 5'8” I'd be more than happy being 'almost 6 ft'!” “I guess you were right, Seth. It does affect everyone a bit different. I mean, Brooke actually grew the fastest out of all us so far, she's put on like two and half inches.” “Sorta makes sense, I remember back in Junior High that the girls often grew faster at first compared to the boys. But yeah, man, it's working for Brooke though. She looks extra hot lately. Hope you don't mind me sayin'.” “Haha. No prob, dude. You can look, just don't touch!” The two laugh and high five again. Even though Trevor discovered that he is just slightly shorter than what Seth had originally let on, he is still joyous. His confidence that he always remain the bigger roommate returns. That night after the measurements Trevor meets up with Brooke for their last night together before they break from summer. Like him, she will also be away for the summer so they plan a last special night together. After eating at their favorite restaurant the two head home for some intimate time. Back at Trevor's condo, his excitement in the bedroom is palpable and spills over into his performance. “Woah there, tiger. What's gotten into you? I like it, stud.” Brooke asks, pleased at the sensations he is giving her. Brooke is also looking taller and more voluptuous than ever, further revving up the horny college stud. He proceeds to give her a heavy dicking from all the excitement at finally growing and making some noticeable muscle gains. He relays the news to Brooke and in the middle of their fucking she wants to be measured too. Trevor excitedly obeys and measure her now at 5 ft 8.5! He thinks to himself how his girlfriend is becoming quite the vixen before the two return to the bed for another round. The two, both enhanced and excited by the results of the Elongro, are able to go longer than they ever had before. The couple drift asleep in each other arms, Trevor dreaming of growing stronger, more muscular and taller than he could've ever imagined. To Be Continued... Jump to Part 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/16655-elongro/?do=findComment&comment=207069
  11. One of the ideas that came to me for Storyversary. Have two other projects, collabs, I'm working on, but needed to get this out of my head first. LOL Hope you enjoy. He Who Protesteth Too Much... by F_R_Eaky "Senator Roberts! You are just a sick SICK man!" bellowed Senator Michael Santini. His little head on his small framed body turning beat red as he looked up to Senator Caleb Roberts. Senator Roberts was a pretty good looking man for being in his mid fifties. His hair was still very thick and lush, vibrant, glistening ebony with streaks and flecks of grey and silver popping through. This sat on a handsome, modelesque face with sparkling blue eyes, and despite him being an older man, enjoyed wearing a beard always only as long or as full as three day old scruff. This hawt looking face sat upon a body that rose to a decent 6' 4" height that was very broad and very thick with muscle. His waist was just starting to give, losing some of its tightness, but currently he only looked like an older style bodybuilder where the waist and abs were the same thickness as his hips. Despite its thickness those abs still poked through with quite some size and definition; he would probably develop one of those off seasoned roid guts. But he wasn't quite as large as a bodybuilder. No... more like a personal trainer, maybe up to a wrestler. Although his hands were large and thick, looking like he had lifted since birth, and his feet were large and manly, thick and long. A size 16. And all of that body covered in thick, feathery, thin hair, just as black and speckled with white and grey as his head was. The body hair covered his chest, abdominals, arms, crotch, and legs completely, but it was so thick one couldn't see the muscular definition he had. Senator Michael Santini on the other hand, was short. Around 5' 4" tall, with a midsection that been developing since he started in politics some 35 years ago. His gut was so round, Senator Roberts often wondered if he pushed Santini over, would Santini simply bounce back up like the ball his gut was. He had the build of a weeble....an oompa-loompa. .. fake orange tan, too. His hair had already gone white and was quite balding. He kept his face perfectly shaven and clean. He had spectacles that partially hid his dulling brown eyes. His large fat jowls quivered and shook whenever he was angry. And tonight he was. "I can't believe you're pushing that mother fucking, damn homo agenda again!." "Michael, I only want equality for us. We have the ability to marry I want to make sure inheritance and hospital visitations and other things hetero sexual couples are entitled to are there for us as well." "It goes against nature. NATURE! It goes against GOD! And how disgusting, you and that man-child of yours." "That's my partner, and he's not a man-child. He's thirty yea...." "He's twenty-five years younger than you. That's not right. It's sickening!" "Well, there's nothing you can do about it. We're married, living in our own house, here in D.C. We don't attend your parties out of respect to you. We don't send you our Christmas cards. Just friggin' deal with it, you decrepit, old, blow-hard!" "OLD! You and I are...." "But no one would know it, would they? You look twenty years older than you are. You hold stuff in, so much anger, another five years and you'll look like the Grim Reaper, himself!" "Well... I reached the end of my rope!" "Good. Let go and fall." "I mean it. I'm not taking any more of your people's shit?" "You know what? I think you need to calm down. Why don't you go cash in your points at 'Whores R Us' this evening?" "YOU BASTARD!" And with that Senator Santini swung his heavy briefcase right into Roberts' groin. Roberts double over in pain, only to meet the briefcase side to face, flipping back over his car's trunk lid. "Are you nuts?!" Apparently the answer was yes, for at that moment, Senator Santini pulled a knife out from his fancy walking stick and attempted to take a jab. However, with Senator Roberts shaking his car a bit, it alerted his bodyguards and they came streaming out of the miniature limo. All of them easily between the 6' 6" to 6' 10" mark, with very well developed musculature that threatened to pop off every chest button from their button up shirts. Quickly one grabbed Senator Santini's hand and wrenched it backwards, forcing the knife to drop from his hand. Santini sputtered and cursed, under the questions the body guards had inquiring if they should call the police or just dump him off by his car. "No..." said Senator Roberts very solemnly. "I, too, have had enough. Me think the man dost protest too much, and we all know what that usually means. ... ... ... I have something better in mind for him. You two, go ice his tires and rip whatever you can get a hold of under the hood. You two hold him right there." Reaching into his car, Senator grabbed something out of his briefcase that looked long, wooden, highly polished, and slightly tapered at one end. Pointing it directly at Senator Santini's crotch, Senator Roberts looked as though he swelled a little larger, became a bit brighter, and then a low whisper came out of his mouth.... "Libido organum mutare te!" There was spark of light that shot out the stick that struck Santini's crotch, made it glow, made his penis and testicles radiate warmth, and then there was nothing. Senator Santini rolled his eyes back a little bit and curled his toes in his shoes as though he were having a slight orgasm. "What.... what have you done to me?" "Let us see exactly what you're made of, Michael. You will have to walk home tonight. I will make sure no one, nothing, will pick you up. You must walk home, and as you do so, this spell will cause your, what I'm sure is a minute pecker and cheerio sized balls, to grow.... the more it grows, the more it will make you grow later, turning you into a true paragon of whatever you are. If you like women, you'll become a good looking, womanizing, younger, middle-aged man again. If you don't... .... .... Well, let's just allow the magic of the universe to do what it wills." And with that two of Roberts bodyguards carried Santini and his briefcase back to his car and let him go. As he watched Roberts' mini-limo leave the garage, Santini swore loud and long many a curse word their direction. Then looking at his car, he spat in disgust, pulled out his keys, threw his briefcase into the passenger floorboard, and then locked the car back up. He first pulled his phone out and attempted to call for help from co-workers, taxis, uber-services; but no one heard him on the other end of the phone. He tried to flag down cars, but folks just drove right by him. He attempted to board a bus and then the subways, but every time he went to sit down in a seat, he'd suddenly be standing at the stop again, while the bus or car pulled away leaving him behind. Finally he gave up and began walking home. He walked briskly, with his head held up, for he knew some of the areas around the Mall were slightly dangerous at night, but if he looked like he knew where he was going, there would be a slightly less chance he'd be attacked. There were a number of couples out taking strolls along the park and he smiled and thought to himself, "As it should be." When, after passing several couples, nothing seemed to happen to him he laughed and thought, "Bastard Roberts tried to make me think that Harry Potter kind of shit was real. Ought to get that kind of stories banned, the damage they do to our children!" Santini rounded a corner and stopped for a moment. He could hear laughter. A male laughing, followed by the sound of a loud smooch. Over and over with the smooch sound. He thought to himself, "Go get her, man. Take her and make love." There was some rustling in some trees and bushes, followed by the sound of another man's voice laughing. Santini stopped in disgust, just in time to see one man falling backwards out of the bush, being caught by the other and pulled back into his arms. They were young, in their twenties. One was very thin and lithe. The other was a little beefier. The heavier one was in a sleeveless muscle shirt, the other in tank that was nearly pulled off his torso. They embraced and kissed fully, hard, and long. Their tongues were exploring each other's oral cavities and checking their tonsils for sure. They suddenly paused and noticed Santini standing there and gasped. Then looking at his face, laughed, looked at each other, and ran down the sidewalk, holding each other's hands. Santini started to mumble something about how unnatural it was but then stopped, struck dumb. A warmth came over his crotch and suddenly he swore he felt his cock ooze out a little more from his body. "I am not getting an erection over that. I despise it!" His balls responded this time swelling just a touch larger. Santini stood there trying to keep control, but it felt as though he might blow a load. Not here.... not in public.... that's so lewd! Just then some men appeared, walking together in a group, and they had their eyes set directly on Santini. He knew they were trouble. He could tell they meant to rob him. Quickly he crossed the street and then once across began to sprint down the side walk. Over his labored breathing he could head the pounding of their footsteps running at top speed and the sound was getting louder, closer. "We just wanna talk to you, man!" "Yeah, help a brother out?" "You look like you have some extra cash you don't need." Most of the men chasing him down were taller than Senator Santini, and much younger, so it didn't take too long before they overtook him. The leader, a man of about six feet in height and around 190 pounds of muscle, dressed in a muscle t-shirt and sleeveless denim vest, with blue jeans that had a severe case of slash marks, flipped Senator Santini around by his shoulders and slammed him, backside, up against a wall. "I really hate those that run!" the gang leader bellowed in Senator Santini's face. "You're gonna stay right where I tell you or you're gonna deal with this!" And with that the young man flexed his right arm in front of Santini's face. Santini's eyes grew wide in fear, not because of the man's ample sized upper arm created by a rising bicep peak or a well formed tricep horseshoe, but because the warmth spread over his groin again and he worried what this man might do if he realized. Realization was inevitable as quickly Santini's snake began to slither out farther from his groin, and as it grew and bunched in his underpants, Santini was unable to silence the moan escaping from his lips. Looking down the leader could see Santini's package filling out a little more. "What the hell? Do I turn you on, you pervert?" The leader didn't have time to hear the answer. The quick wail of a police siren and Santini kneed the man in the groin. Santini then took off running, with a couple of the gang members still following him, others went in different directions, and the rest were detained by the police. With a part of the gang still in pursuit, Santini made his way through various garages and alleyways as well as some well travelled main streets to give the gang the slip. They were however just as keen as the Agency or the Bureau to use cell phones and pairs to keep tabs on him. He could see a pair of them spotting him again as he took off down an alley which, lucky for him, had a couple coming out of a door that was useable by one side only. He ran up past, the couple, and then caught the door behind them. Swinging around he pulled it shut and then turned to face the room he was in. It was a movie theater. "Oh gawd." Santini thought. "This could be saving or the kill." Yes, it was indeed a public place, but they could lay in wait for him outside, or worse yet, come into the theater and sit by that exit door and the seating arena's entrance. He needed to make sure no one else saw him so that they could tell the gang members he was there, in case they said they were "looking for a friend." Being a small man, he ran for the arena entrance and then ducked into a trash bin. His short and lithe frame, well, with a bit of paunch, fit just snuggly, but well, with inside the confines of the box. It worked out well as when the attendants came round, they merely peaked down the top of the garbage bag and saw it wasn't anywhere near to being one-fourth of the way through and so they let it be. Santini exhausted from running, being out of shape, old, and him coming down from the adrenaline rush, soon fell asleep. He woke up to the sound of a movie going. There was sound of breaking glass... or china, raised voices in a heated argument. Gingerly, although not quite as stealthily as he would have hoped, Senator Santini came out from his hiding place. Walking into the seating area, he peered around and above the wall he stuck close to and saw no one was in attendance for this movie's showing. Breathing a sigh of relief, before he began to walk his way home again, he though to rest in the seats for just a moment to ease the tension of his back, shoulders, and neck. "Why are you so angry with me, Ted? And how could you be with Skye?" the movie played out. "Because you left me. You said we were going to do everything together, be everywhere once we got away from our parents and half way through your sophomore year you bailed on our college, on me." "Oh lord..." thought Santini to himself. "All the places I could hide in and this one is showing the movie I wanted banned." "I needed you there, Craig. Even if we didn't stay together, I needed you. I needed your street smarts. Help me navigate coming out to family, introducing and working myself into the gay community, to see who the predators were, the one night stands, the clubs where I'd get my wallet picked clean, the places one could actually have fun, the introduction to... .... ... You left. You lost all those chances. Skyelar came in and helped me, assisted me. He taught me all the code words we use to classify ourselves into this genre or fetish, introduced me to the leather world, the drag world, the bear world, the we just look like plain ordinary men but we love ass world. And the whole time he never made an advance on me. He never thrust me into a situation that was more than I could handle or comprehend. He sat by me during my first morning hangover wipeout. You weren't here. You claimed you loved me, wanted to be with me, yet you missed out on every first. If you had just made some sort of si....." At that point in the movie Craig pulled Ted in and kissed him full and deeply. The kiss lasted for a good three to four minutes. Afterwards, Ted broke free and slapped Craig across the face and punched him on the chest. It was then the pair noticed that Skyelar was in the doorway. Senator Santini looked up in wide-eyed wonderment at the scene that was playing out and he felt something stir inside him - deep inside him. The stirring gave way to a warmth in his groin. "Oh.... no.... no.... no... not here.... NOT HERE!" The growing sensation this time nearly sent Santini flying backwards out of his chair. His hips, buttocks, and groin region raised up in the air and his pecker pushed itself out longer, thicker, than ever before while his balls inflated like a balloon on a helium tank. In a matter of seconds the bulge around Santini's crotch was very noticeable. The movie music cued dramatically as Skyelar punched Craig and then turned to grab Ted. The look was the typical "are you all right" look that is given just before the other person kisses the hero. "No. NO!" The senator burst through the exit door. Damn if the gang is still out there. He'd rather be beaten and stolen from than to watch that movie or have his cock inflated ever longer and with more girth because of it. Hobbling along, Senator Santini continued his walk towards his home. He package was ample enough it caused a little problem with his gate, especially in its balled up state. At about the half way mark from the theater to his home he crossed an intersection known for its "business." In fact the senator had frequently picked up a number of ladies here, some of them becoming favorites and regulars. In his worn out and harried state none of the ladies recognized him and so all were aggressively and openly hitting on him to take him home of the evening. The senator stammered no and pushed the ladies away, albeit politely and tried to continue his walk home. Several ladies joked about him not being a real man, man enough to handle them. That's when another figure stepped out from the shadows. It was man, who stated loudly that may he was too much man for the ladies and needed another man to handle the job. He did this while sliding up very close to the senator and then squeezing the senator's package. "Holy shit! Aren't you a blessed one! My gawd, I think I could either ride you for free or I ought to pay you." Stunned by the comment, Santini looked at the man in all his tight fitting and skin revealing clothing and realized he found the man and his body both attractive and the warming sensation hit his groin once more and the round package now bulged out as though the senator had a softball, perhaps a grapefruit, or something slightly larger, stuffed down the front of his underwear. The man of the corner looked down in absolute awe and bliss and gave Santini a wink. The senator turn and bolted, running for his house once more, although he was constantly racking himself in pain now. Finally he arrived at his house. His wife was still out for the evening at some charity function, so he quickly made his way into his study. Sitting down he poured himself a drink on the rocks, took a sip, and then proceeded to hold the glass to his groin as though cooling down his crotch rocket might help it return to normal. That's when he felt it. The warmth returned to the senator's crotch, but this time it seemed to build up specifically in his prick and then the sensation rose and spread out through his body. "Auuuuugh" He saw the tightness of his shirt around his gut loosen up a bit. He felt his feet become a little more snug in his shoes. His crotch didn't quite feel as heavy as it did a moment before. "Auuuuuugh." It happened again, this time he felt his shoulders spreading out. His arms felt as though they were filling out his sleeves a bit, like they had never ever done so in his life. "Auuuuugh." Again the pulsing and pushing with his cock shrinking? And his body seemed to stretch and grow. His shoes felt as though they had given way for just a bit, but then the leather wrapped around his foot and travelled about three-fourths of the way up his shin. "Ah-oooooooouh!" Again the inverted pulse, the cock apparently shrinking, Santini's body growing outward. His knees were pushing too far under the desk and close to hitting the drawer bottom. He felt something change with his pants. They felt tighter on him and when he moved they caused his leather desk chair to squeak in blurts and blaps that nearly sounded like farting. "Auuuuuuuuuuuuuugh!" His pants became tighter still, and shinier. The waist band wrapped itself around Santini's waist tightly and he could feel like his core was tight, taut, and strong. His arms were being pushed away by something, being lifted up and hanging out. The sleeves on his shirt were nearly form fitting and his shirt had become this billowing poets shirt with ruffley cuffs and collar. "Ah-hooooooooooooo!" Suddenly the Senator felt his hair touch his neck, no, touch his shoulders as a new goodly portion of his bangs fell down in front of his eyes. He felt his chest swell and a button fly off the poet shirt, whose sleeves filled out thicker and rounder from the senator's bulging upper arms and formidable forearms. His thighs and his ass swelled out more and caused the pants, which he knew now were leather, to stretch and tighten, form fit to his legs. While that was going on his calves were pulsing and throbbing, growing in size and density stretching the top of the leather boots he was now wearing and making the tops spread out wider and wider compared to the ankles. Meanwhile below, the front door to the house opened and in came Sylvan Santini, the senator's son. He had a college friend with him and the two giggled and laughed as they came in. "Mom? Dad?" Sylvan called out but there was no answer. No sound. No other lights on. "Perfect. Put your stuff there at the bottom of the stairs. We can take it up whenever we hear the buzz of the garage intercom go off, they won't know you're here yet and I can tell them you're already asleep so they won't argue about you staying here for a visit." "So if we're not going upstairs now to unpack, what are we going to do?" "This...." And with that Sylvan pulled his friend into the formal living room and reception area of the house and then thrust him backwards onto the couch. Sylvan was slightly like his dad, about an inch or two taller at 5' 6" with a slightly chubby body. Nowhere near as much as his dad was, but you knew he wasn't destined to be fit and trim. His mousy brown hair fell in the way of his bland and dull brown eyes as he climbed on top of his friend, Logan, who was a complete opposite of Sylvan. He was an athlete for the college the pair attended, standing 6' 8" and around 295 pounds of muscle, with a boy next door face, perfect smile, topped with a feather mop of strawberry blond hair, and his body covered in a two day, scruffy beard and light colored, feathery hair all over his body. Sylvan leaned over Logan and ran his hands up under Logan's football jersey, his fingers ruffling the feather hair and tracing the mounds and crevices of Logan's abs. He then leaned in a began to give Logan passionate and deep kisses on this lips as Sylvan's hands worked to undo Logan's waist button. "Wait!" Logan gasped. "What if we get caught? Do you want your dad to know? He's like the most anti-gay senator there is in D.C." Sylvan laughed and gave another kiss to Logan. "That's part of what makes this so arousing. The thrill of being caught by my dad. I'd so love to see his expression when he realizes his son is a...." and he did an impersonation of his father, "'...flaming pooftah!'" Meanwhile, upstairs, Senator Santini had had a few more of the pecker shrinking pulses radiate through his body. Having caught a glimpse of himself in the window reflection he bolted upright out of his chair. He couldn't believe how much higher than the desk top his hips, crotch, and buttocks were. He took a few steps and marveled at the large thud his body was making, as if he were a couple, maybe three hundred or more pounds. Looking into a standing mirror he saw how the leather pants now looked painted on, and the boots nearly did as well. The poet shirt was button popped about four buttons down and his chest spread the opening wide and down revealing to large, hairy covered slabs of muscle that were easily larger than any serving tray he had in the house and barreled more than any cask of wine located there, too. His arms no longer hung down at his sides, but almost straight out as though he were imitating the drawing of man by Leonardo DaVinci. The poet shirt only fluttered now at the frill of the collar and the cuffs, but the rest were nearly as tight as the skin tight and formed, leather pants. When he walked you didn't see a person with stick like appendages move, you saw flexing and popping, mounding muscle mass, undulating crevices, bouncing forms, and stone tightening peaks. He was a glorious behemoth of muscle that could easily take on, if not possibly dwarf Sylvan's friend, Logan downstairs. Looking confused at the style of belt that hung large and dangling off his waist and the cap upon his head, both of which were leather and highly studded, Michael Santini stop and froze when he heard the sound of giggles and moans coming from downstairs. As gracefully and quietly as a man his size could, he crept down the stairs and stopped at the bottom when he turned and beheld the spectacle that awaited him in the foyer. Logan had grabbed, with both arms one of the entrance columns, his head and back were tilted backwards and arch, an expression of pure bliss across his face. His pants and underwear were down and there was another young man going to town with his mouth upon Logan's decent, but not overly sized member. In split second of fluttering eyes, Logan perceived the presence of someone else in the foyer and gasped. This caused Sylvan to react and then feel the presence of another in the room as well. After exclaiming the word "what" to Logan, he turned his head sideways and saw a near giant sized muscle man in knee high boots, leathers, and a poet shirt standing at the bottom of the stairs. "D... Da...Dad?" Sylvan said as he looked at the face of this man, that looked like his father, but appeared much younger and much taller and broader than his dad could ever hope to be. "Sylvan?" said Michael Santini questionably, but the questions that might have come to the top were stopped as a wave of warmth spread over Michael again and an audible moan issued from his lips. Sylvan and Logan stared in wonder as they saw this man's pants inflate at the crotch and then shrink back down again in proportion as the man suddenly grew up taller, broader, thicker, and hairier than he had been just seconds before. The poet shirt developed a large black "x" across itself and then suddenly faded out of view as a chain and leather halter appeared and hugged Mr. Santini's chest, lats, and back so snuggly one thought, "If he moves, it will snap." "Whoa... Dad!" Michael Santini stammered and then bolted for the door. His footsteps thudded and echoed so loudly in the foyer one would have thought with each step he was breaking floor tile. Flinging open the door he tried to run through, only to smack his head upon the door frame, then his shoulders, chest, and lats on the door frame sides, and swear loudly. Finally realizing he needed to perform twist like dance moves, he ducked and twisted sideways at the same time and ran out of the house and into the street. He was out and out running this time. He had grown fitter, possibly slightly younger but only by a few years, if that. Still, his health however was definitely and dramatically improved. He could feel it in the way his body moved as he ran. How his lungs filled with air and released in timing with each step. However he was desperately trying not to become turned on and aroused more and more with each gait of his run. He could feel how heavy he had become, but heavy with dense, thick, and strong muscle. He felt the energy and power each and every time his foot touched the ground and then his calves and thighs helped launch him forward. He could feel the bounce and heft of his pectoral muscles as they undulated in lift and fall in gravity with the motion of his trotting body. The gait had become a swing out to go forward movement as his thighs rolled around one another due to their great circumference. His massive, bulbous upper arms that bounced as he ran, being pushed so far up and out by his flaring lats. He successfully ignored all of that, but the pull on his groin from his ballooning balls and lengthening cock proved to be too much for Mr. Santini. Once again his cock grew out slightly and then shrunk back in just a bit, producing that warm feeling that course through his body. He saw his point of view rise a little bit higher. He felt his body become a bit thicker, stronger, denser, wider, fuller. Suddenly studded arm bands appeared around the crevice created between his upper arm and his deltoids, studded leather cuffs also appeared around his wrists, while the hair on the front of his torso grew in and out thicker, furrier, and became darker losing all of its grey and white sheen to a beautiful chestnut brown. He wasn't sure where he was running to. He needed to find help. He needed to call someone. Up ahead to his right he saw the bright lights of an establishment, possibly a bar. They would have a telephone he could use. Surely the management would take pity on him and allow him to make one phone call. There was man at the front door, a fairly big man. Michael Santini was looking down at him, and now he was even more worried. Obviously he must have been pricked or given a shot of some drug by his earlier attackers as he could not possibly have this point of view, looking down on such a large....broad....uhm.....beefy.....man. "Welcome, sir! Go right on in." The bouncer at the door said enthusiastically with a lusty smile on his face. "Ah..." thought Mr. Santini. "There's a smart man who recognizes when someone is in distress." Ducking and twisting his way through the doorway, Michael suddenly felt very uncomfortable. All conversation in the place stopped and low whispers began travelling across the room. Men came up to him from every side; some to measure themselves up against him, others to place a hand on his upper arms or upon his abdomen. Cat calls and whistles soon were being heard over loud screams of dog barks and wolf howls. Michael felt his ass being firmly groped, followed by his crotch. There were men who were throwing themselves at his legs and hanging on as he tried to walk forward. He shut his eyes against all these lewd advancing men, and concentrated on getting to the bar, but secretly he was fighting the arousing sensation building in him once more - the urge to have a full erection. Finally he made it to the bar as the sea of men looked up to him and stood aside, parted as if Michael were Moses and his rod commanded all. "Hey hey, giant stud. Welcome to Flaming Shots. What'll you ha....." The bartender looked into Michael's face and realized something was quite right. "Are you okay? You look a little wobbly for some reason." "I need... .... to use your phone. I'm... .... not right.... .... something's..... wrong..." "Sure. Go to the end of the bar and I can take you to a back room where we have a phone." Michael made his way to the end of the bar, where upon the bartender guided him into a small room with a phone, and a small table. "You look kind of like you're in shock. I can make the call for you, but besides maybe the paramedics, any family you need to have called?" "NO! No ambulance. Can't be seen.... uh.... family..... No... they can't..... I..... uh.......Roberts." "Robert?" "No. Roberts. C...Ca...Caleb....Caleb Roberts." "The senator? Do you work for him?" "NO! What? I must speak with him. I NEED TO SEE HIM!" "Alright calm down. Just... have a seat right there at the table. I'll get you a glass of water and see about getting a hold of Senator Roberts." The man left to go get the glass of water, but then stopped to talk to another big bouncer that was standing at the bottom of a staircase. "Uhmmm hey, go tell Caleb we have a slight emergency down here. There's a guy, a BIG guy, who says he needs to talk to him. Looks like one of his personal body guards, but he is a bit out of it and about ready to scream for him and make a scene." The bartender then went to get the glass of water and bring it back to Michael Santini. Michael was becoming agitated, wondering when he could place the phone call to Senator Roberts, confused over why he felt the need the urge to call him. His breathing became rapid, his kept tensing and flexing his muscles. Finally he flipped the table in front of him over and bellowed for his ability to call Senator Roberts. "Now, now. It's okay, Mister...?" Mr. Santini turned his gaze and attention towards the man addressing him who had just reached the bottom of the staircase and was crossing the landing. It was Senator Roberts, in almost all of his 6' 4" muscled glory. He was wearing a Roman toga and sandals, with one pectoral exposed, as well as his thick thighs due to the toga's short, short length. His silver and grey pepper hair was semi-plastered to his forehead due to sweat. He had a riding crop in one hand and in his other he had the handle of a chain leash that hung down and travelled back up to a halter connected to a mountain of a man that was quite a bit bigger built than Senator Roberts' trainer size physique, as well as being around twenty years or so younger. Michael Santini stood there and suddenly let his jaw drop as though he were looking at the most beautiful man in the world as he uttered one word. "Caleb?" And then his gaze traveled up the chain to the man behind Senator Roberts and a look of disgust came across Michael's face and once again he said Senator Roberts' first name but this time with a bit of shock and disgust. Then suddenly a deep, lusty moan escaped from Michael's throat and his crotch inflated and inflated and inflated some more and then shrunk back just a little. His body began to rise higher, and push out wider and thicker than ever before. He was definitely hitting the medical legal definition of being a giant and a giant bodybuilder, extreme bodybuilder, at that. Within moments the arm bands that had just recently appeared snapped and flew off of him. His nipples grew hard, the crevices cut in deeper as his muscles got larger and tighter. Slithering pythons of veins rose to the top of his skin and traversed the peaks and valleys of every muscle belly on his body. The leather cuffs at his wrists snapped and tore leaving mere threads to hold themselves together. His leather pants shimmered and suddenly their crotch and ass section disappeared and they became a pair of leather chaps that could barely contain the massive thighs and calves of Mr. Michael Santini. Michael's prick then fell hanging so long and thick, like nearly three fourths the way down his thigh and then began to rise up and up into a massive, pulsing, vein covered, flesh toned, iron rod. Suddenly bursting into the room Sylvan and Logan were there to which Logan gasped and Sylvan became dumbstruck until he finally uttered out the word, "Dad?" "I'm sorry, sir." said the bartender. "They just came running in saying they heard reports of a hulkish man dashing in here and said it was their father?" Senator Roberts stood there for a moment, staring at the man before him, then over to Sylvan and Logan, then at the face of Mr. Santini. "Senator Santini?" Michael looked back at Roberts with a sort of punch drunk, blank expression on his face. "I never expected you to hold back from who you were this long. Nor did I expect... ... how long have you had a crush on me?" Michael just stared back like a puppy longing for companionship, his erect cock bobbing in front of him throbbing as though it might burst. "What the hell is going on here?" yelled Sylvan. "Obviously I don't have a problem with a gay bar, but I know this... ..... porn giant.... is my father. How did he become this?" "It...." started Senator Roberts. "...is a combination of my fault and your fathers." "What?" "You know he had an extreme hatred against homosexuals, did you not?" "Yeah, but..." "Your father attacked me in the garage near the Capitol building early this evening - knife and briefcase. He told me he had had enough and with him actually physically attacking me, so had I. I hexed him with a particular curse I thought was befitting because I suspected where his mind and heart truly lie. That he was a secreted, closeted, gay man. My curse was to have his own desires change him. Every time he saw something he would find arousing, he would change and grow. I left it to the universe to decide how long it would last and when it would wear off. I thought he'd come to terms, to acceptance with himself or acceptance of homosexuals at least, before too many changes would occur. Apparently he denied himself to the very end, thus causing him to grow into..." "Into what has got to be a seven and half foot tall muscle bound, leather clad giant. How the hell is he going to live with himself? How are we going to live with him? He'll be beside himself. He'll be angry. Confused." "He'll be all right. Yet you are correct his life, your life can't go on as it had been. Jameson, " said Senator Roberts to one of his bodyguards, "case, if you please." "Case? What are you going to do?" One of the formerly very large men that was a body guard to Senator Roberts went back up the stairs and then came back down holding a small wooden and silk lined case, which he presented to Senator Roberts. Roberts placed it on the now re-up righted table and solemnly opened it revealing the wand that caused Michael Santini all his problems for the evening. Picking the wand up he turned around and pointed it at Mr. Santini. "A historical, story timeline adjustment must occur to match up with the physical changes that have occurred to your father. Obviously with his much healthier, muscular, and youthful look, plus his large increase in height, no one, even with finger printing and blood tests, is going to believe he is Senator Michael Santini." "So... .... ....what's going to happen?" "Well... I'm going to perform a spell allowing the Universe to rewrite his history, and thus part of yours. Just stand there and close your eyes. You'll feel changes wash over you in your memory. You can be the informant, the narrator, for us so we know what his background has become and where we need to send him on his way to his new life." "O... ok?" said Sylvan questionably and then he just breathed a sigh and closed his eyes. Michael still standing somewhat dazed looking, looked questioningly towards Senator Roberts who took his wand in hand , pointed it at Michael and said, "Quod rescripserunt in DNA, Universum, rescribo historia eius." A swirl of air flowed out of the tip of Senator Roberts' wand until it wrapped around and encircled Michael Santini like a small, personal tornado, but there was a small break off funnel to danced and tickled Sylvan's feet as though it wanted to grab all of him. "He's... .... ....he's involved in security.... .... in fact he's working for you, Senator Roberts. He's one of your body guards now. A Senator... Phillips... it's the man who ran against my father so many years ago! He's the one who has taken my father's place. In fact, Dad worked security for him and he introduced my dad to you. He decided it would be better since... .... since he and my mom married after my father and mom's divorce shortly after I was born and Dad... ... .... came out?!" Sylvan opened his eyes just time to join everyone in the small room to see more changes come over Michael Santini. The chaps became whole again and the fabric turned into the fabric used for a good pair of relaxed, slightly stretchable professional work pants. The harness disappeared replaced by black dress shirt open a couple of buttons down from the neck, and then a black suit jacket matching the fabric of the pants - the leather boots now having turned into an incredibly large pair of dress shoes. "I can see it now too, Sylvan." said Senator Roberts. "He's my biggest bodyguard at 7' 4", I pay him decently, I allow him time off to compete at the Mr. Olympia and preliminary contests, he lives in the guest quarters of my houses, where there is an extra room for you when you come over to stay with him, while his bedroom has a king sized bed for him and..." Suddenly there was a man who faded into existence. The man was only about 5' 3" tall, but had a solid gymnast style build. Sandy blond hair, piercing blue eyes, and smooth and flawless skin. He was wearing some trainers on his feet, a pair of jeans that were a very light denim color and very tight and form fitting on his legs, with a dark blue polo shirt that hugged his upper arms, delts, shoulders, back, chest and lats so well one almost swore it was painted on or perhaps a tattoo. There was a quick glint of light upon Michael and the short man's hands where everyone could see matching rings, one on each hand, of a gold band with seven flat, inlayed diamonds, surrounded by two bans of polished black metal - modern wedding bands. At that moment Michael Santini stumbled forward, sighing. The small man sprang to life, attempting to prop him up as though he were the Atom, small man with super strength. "Michael..." Michael groaned. "It's o.k. Allyn." as he stabled himself by grabbing the arm of one of his fellow guards. Allyn looked up at Senator Roberts. "Sir... may I take him home? He's been having a series of headaches the last couple of days. I'm not sure he feels well." "Of... of course... Al...Allyn. Have my chauffer take you two home in my car. I can use one of the following guard's car." Senator Roberts stammered as the new history formed into his memory. Things returned to the new normal within a few minutes. The crowd was laughing, smooching, groping and drinking out in the bar. Upstairs the inner circle of the bar were fully making out, groping, petting, jacking off and giving blow jobs all while in leather and chains or other notable fetish wear. It was now just Senator Roberts, the man in chains, who was his partner, Sylvan, and his boyfriend, Logan. "Allyn." Said Sylvan. "He was my father's best friend in High School and part of college. At least that's how it used to be. He would tell me stories of how things changed between them in college so I would understand not everyone I was friends with in high school would remain so." "And Allyn was probably a man in love with your father and either wanted to come out or was more afraid to do so, and so the pair drifted apart." "But now... in this new history, they stayed together behind the scenes and got married after mom and dad divorced." Sylvan said as he kind of looked down sullenly at the floor. "You don't approve of your father's new history?" "No... it's not that... I mean... it's great and all. In fact it makes some things a lot easier. At least I know for certain now that one of my parents would approve of my boyfriend, here. Speaking of whom, this is Logan, my boyfriend, by the way." "Nice to meet you, Logan." "And you, sir." "But folks are gonna wonder if I have a syndrome or something." spoke Sylvan. "I beg your pardon." "Well... I mean. I'm his son and I may not necessarily grow to be as tall, nor as built as him, but he's almost two feet taller than me." "You think the universe should have changed you as well." "I don't know. On one hand it's going to be weird me being this short chubby man, the son of a behemoth built giant over seven feet tall, but at the same time, if I'm made too huge and tall, then that would change the dynamics between Logan and I and that would be...." "That would be hot as hell." blurted out Logan. "What?" Said both Sylvan and Caleb at the same time. "Bro...." Logan began. "I love you just like you are, being able to easily pick you up, to squish and tickle you, but if you wanted to become big and huge like your dad is now.... I.... I wouldn't mind it. I'm almost always the big dude. Yeah, some guys are built bigger than me, because I choose it. I have enough problems finding clothes that fit due to my height. My height which although there are some men who are taller than me, it's rare with me being as tall as I am, and if they are, they're usually a lot slimmer and thin. I'm always looked to for help, assistance, protection. Logan, lift this. Logan, reach that. Logan this guy is bullying me. It would be fucking hot to find someone I could climb, someone who could wrap me up in a cuddle, someone who would make me feel small. If you wanted to become that, so long as you did so without becoming a jerk....I think.... I....." Within a moment one could see that Logan wasn't small in other areas either as his rod expanded down his inner left thigh and then fought to raise itself in erection beyond the confines of the broad shorts. "God, Logan. Can't you ever control that anaconda of yours?" "Said Mr. Pot to Mr. Kettle?" Inquired Senator Roberts. "What?" and then suddenly Sylvan felt it. His own cock had developed a hard on, and although nowhere near as big as his lover, Logan's cock was... it was still enough to produce a throbbing bulge. He blushed and turned his face away. "The spell couldn't automatically effect you because of the other strings of your life, like how would this effect your relationship with Logan, school, and such, but... it looks as though Logan would still love you no matter what, if not more so as a behemoth like your father." "Hell, by now you'd be in your last years of junior competition; I'd help you train for your first Olympia to knock your old man down." Logan smiled. "You sure, Logan?" "I'm fine with it. Question is, 'Are you?'" Sylvan smiled. "I think... I'd love it. What do I do?" "Think back to my spell, and just invite those winds of change to wash over you." Sylvan closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. The small amount of whirling wind that tickled his feet earlier appeared once more and grew and grew until it engulfed Sylvan's whole body. A few moments later Sylvan began to moan, some blurts in pleasure, others in agony and pain. His feet had begun to grow and to stretch and thus his shoes extended longer and tighter. His heel began to muffin top over the heel top of the shoe. His toes began to form ridges along the top front. The sides of the shoe began to roll over, out, and down over the sides of the soles, while the laces were being pulled tighter and tighter across the bridge of Sylvan's feet. Then the sides began to slowly rip along their length and Sylvan could feel the fresh cool air tickle the sides of his feet and bottom of his soles. The laces began to snap as the eyelets were pulled farther and farther apart by the higher and wider arch of Sylvan's feet. At the same time the back of the shoe was ripping apart while the toes were ripping out and growing past the front. His feet kept growing longer, thicker, wider, until they not only engulfed but completely hide the soles of his shoes, while the shoe tops looked like torn and ever shrinking spats upon his massive, muscular feet, until the fell away to the floor. "Oooh gawd..." moan Sylvan. "My feet feel so heavy... so long...." and he patted them a couple of times upon the hard wood floor. In a few moments the hems of Sylvan's pants' legs began to rise higher and higher up his leg. As one watched him, one could see it was just his shins growing as although his whole body was rising, the stretch was contained between his feet and knees. Up and up he grew until the jean hems stopped about half way up his calves. Then with moans slowly and lowly coming out of his mouth, he began to travel upward, higher and higher once again. This time folks could see the stretch happening between the knees and the waist, but as he was growing up, his knees also grew larger and thicker, his hips and waist as well. He was still a fit, average man build, but they were increasing to the size of extremely tall basketball player. At one point the button snapped on the waist band, but the rest of pants hugged the larger body well and fairly tightly. When all was done it looked as though Sylvan was wearing a slightly snug and ill fitting pair of capris , whose hems were right at the middle of the knees. It was the hem of the shirt that took off next as Sylvan's torso began to extend and rise, higher and higher. The spine popping and rocking hither and yon, his rib cage expanding further outward and upward. His shoulder snapping and widening, causing the arm bones to grow longer and farther was well. As the neck started lifting Sylvan's head up higher and higher, the hem of the shirt was rising as well revealing the hips, the bottom abs, the navel, the second row of abs. In a few moments the shirt that once was slightly tight fitting on a pudgy frame was now stretched in some ways, very loose in others, and looked like a midriff shirt on his now towering body. The same way his sleeves had shrunk as well, once hanging very well over his delts and to the middle of his upper arms, they now stretched around his arm pits and about half way down his delts. Looking like some lanky, young, pool boy in his now capri style jeans and midriff muscle shirt, Sylvan stumbled a little bit as he was trying to gain his footing and understand his new point of view perspective, having grown now to be 12 inches taller than the door frames of the building. But then he stood straight and tall, planting one foot slightly in front of the other as if to take a powerful and well supported stance. Sylvan started breathing in slow and steady, quivering, then taking in gasping breaths, but not as if choking, more as if turned on, breathing heavy during the act of sex. That's when it started, with a low and powerful groan. Veins began to rise up on his skin starting with his feet, the rose up and across his ankles to climb over his shins and calves, then rolling over the thighs, across the butt cheeks, around his hips and down his shaft and balls, while other side snakes went up the abs brick over brick until they hit the crevice of his chest and then spread out like eagle wings across that broad horizon until the continued like tendrils over the delts, down the upper arms, over the fore arms and into the hands. A last few pythons worked their way up the neck and into the head. At that moment Sylvan was just a tall, lanky, man covered in a web of veins criss-crossing his body such it looked nearly like he had a purplish net over him. But then one could see the veins rising... plumping... no, they were pulsing. They would suddenly become larger and fatter with the pulse of Sylvan's blood, and then shrink down. Yet, as they shrunk down, his muscles began to swell out. With each pulse of his veins and their shrinkage, his muscles filled out thicker... harder... fuller... denser... more striated. Sylvan began to chuckle. He could see the new memories building up in his life: the time when by the end of his Freshman year in high school he was two inches taller than his father. By the end of his college Freshman year, he'd grown another four inches taller than that, making him half a foot taller than his father. He worked out like crazy right after both growth spurts, using the body's usual ability of filling out in muscle strength and size to move the new bigger body. This meant he achieved a huge amount of muscle growth both times. Consider that he kept working out in between those times, eating more, lifting more, stretching and relaxing more, his muscles just soaked it all up and inflated at great and maximum size and speed. Sylvan's chuckles got larger and were mixed with moans. He was seeing average sized men shrink around him in his memories until he was two feet taller than them, while the few seven footers on the college basket ball team were almost a foot shorter. He loved the fact that his body was so big, built, bulging, and heavy that almost any piece of furniture groaned under his weight, straining to support it. How he couldn't fit into most regular cars, or vans, let alone mini cars and doorways. It was a huge turn on with him and he felt his new and growing cock lengthen and harden as it grew to full erection down the left side pants leg making it look like he had stolen and stuffed an extremely large summer sausage down there. The memories kept coming... the first time he blew and arm sleeve out, seeing that it ripped all the way to the shoulder seam; the time he tried his father's pants on and the hem, which was a couple inches high on his legs, suddenly popped and ripped because his calves were larger than his bodybuilder dad's calves were. The thighs as well easily ripped the side seams wide open, while his bubble butt and orange sized balls and miniature baseball bat, took up too much space, and while the pants hugged like a second skin Sylvan's ass, his cock and balls ripped the metallic teeth of the zipper apart, eventually ripping the fly and joining the seam rips so the pants sloughed off and fell to the ground. The first time in public after he had grown quite a bit taller that his shirts were showing off his lower abdomen, and no amount of pulling would bring the hem down to his waist band. This first time he moved his arm and his lats, arms, chest, and shoulders caused the shirt to rip at the arm pit and side. The first time when stretching that the ball of his biceps split his sleeve right open, or the fact that as friends commented on it, he also flexed his forearm and busted the sleeve and then the cuff there as well. The first time he casually leaned back to relax while taking a deep breath and a sound was heard similar to a row of bubble packing paper being all popped - his expanding chest having cause four buttons to pop off and go flying across the room. This was the first time Logan let Sylvan know of his interest in him, as he joking tried to pull Sylvan's shirt closed and chastised him for not wearing clothes that fit, but secretly shoved his hand under the fabric to feel up Sylvan's vest, run his fingers through Sylvan's hair and whisper up to him, "Gawd that was so hawt; I'm totally horned and boned for you now." The muscles kept growing thicker and farther out. Deep were the cuts and valleys; defined were the striations; bulging and peaking were the muscle bellies; crazily full were his veins; deceptively thin looked his skin stretched over the mighty muscled mass; bushy and feathery was the hair covering his chest, abs, mid upper down to forearms, crotch, and legs; murky was the air with sweat and musk. His biceps peak rose so high in the opposite direction of his tri's that his whole upper arm looked to be as big and round as basketballs he could so easily palm and dunk. Not just one but two kegs barreled out from the top of his torso that were the solid yet bouncing and protruding pecs. A range of shoulders that looked like mountains attempted to squeeze off the great neck that looked like a cut away section of a giant redwood trunk. His Adonis belt, so thick, lats so wide, he looked as though he could glide if he jumped out of a plane, while his abs looked like a towering rock climbing wall. Massive tree trunk sized thighs that had a great many of hanging tear drop shaped bee hives encircling it, with a thigh bicep that threatened to dwarf his upper arms, including hamstrings so thick they might support the golden gate bridge, and all of this above calves so thick, so wide, so fully developed they were beyond small ball shape, beyond the beating heart, past the hard diamond, and skewed into a huge, three dimensional, kite shape. In front of him, more correctly in front of his great balls, hung the titanic tube, which had gone flaccid, and in this soft and squeezable state, still went down about three-fourths the way down his thigh. But then those veins returned to visit it, rising and swelling up across the top of the skin and as they did so, this preposterous python became even larger, longer, fatter, thicker, as rapidly rose in rigidity and threatened to go well past Sylvan's knee if allowed to hang straight down as it did flaccid. But a full standing erection wasn't possible, for it grows too long, too thick, too heavy for it to rise up and stand at attention pointing to the top row of Sylvan's abdominals. No, it stuck straight out and bobbled as it throbbed between a 40 to 90 degree angle from his body. With his growth finished, now naked, Sylvan made quite the intimidating impression to almost everyone in the room. Everyone that is except Senator Caleb Roberts and Logan. Logan moved fast to hug and embrace his new, larger, bulkier boyfriend. The man who once stood so tall to Sylvan, that Sylvan only came up to his chin, now only came to the top of Sylvan's chest, just under the top of the delts and under the shoulders completely. Looking up to Sylvan, Logan smiled and said, "I... I can remember our past lives, how and when we met, what we did, but I can also remember a new history, too. Like how I came on to you and the first time I ever took... that." And Logan grabbed Sylvan's super schlong and gave it a squeeze. "I so want to recreate that night right now." "Unfortunately, you can't go anywhere to do that.", announced Senator Roberts. "Sylvan doesn't have any clothes with him. For some reason, the magic didn't provide that." and Caleb sighed a small yet laughing sigh. "Jameson..." said Senator Roberts to another one of his aide. "Take Young Mr. Santini and his lover, Logan, upstairs to my secret room. There they can enjoy the evening recreating the first penetration of Logan, while I send someone home to see if clothes were materialized there, as well as someone to head out to have something tailor made incase not." And with that Logan escorted the nude Sylvan up to the secret, private room, while Senator Roberts and his husband, went back home, via the back door, to work off their horniness upon seeing two men grow into great muscular, giant, brutes Michael Santini felt completely fine the next morning and reported for bodyguard duty at Senator Roberts' house, but upon discovering it was Allyn and Michael's anniversary, he not only allowed Michael a couple of weeks off, but booked a two week cruise for the couple. Meanwhile Sylvan's history now had him belonging to a couple of athletic teams back at college, and he and Logan celebrate either of their or their teams' victories with a most intimate party for two... or sometimes three.... maybe four.... depending upon who is feeling randy, who wants to see the legend "at work", both of them having come out fully as being gay college athletes. Thus proof of the phrase they say, "He who protests too much... ... ..."
  12. Home of the Gods Part Seven by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13486-home-of-the-gods-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13487-home-of-the-gods-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13490-home-of-the-gods-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13502-home-of-the-gods-part-four-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13527-home-of-the-gods-part-five-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14012-home-of-the-gods-part-six-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Eight: "... This morning finds one of the suburb areas of greater New York in an awe of wonder or maybe fear. A small handful of folks thought they may have seen big foot, or perhaps the yeti in the very early hours of the morning. They described a creature as being around nine feet tall, maybe taller, extremely lanky, and white, lumbering through the streets and alley ways of their city. Most people believe it to be some kind of new internet horror hoax, but it seems there is proof. "Foot prints in the snow of some folks' yards have a very deep and long impression, measuring at least twenty-one inches long and 8 inches wide, which would turn out to be a US Men's shoe size 41 with an E width. Local chapter heads of Big Foot Societies and local scientists are battling off over the appearance. The scientists saying it's impossible for a humanoid creature to grow to such height and that the sighting contradicts the Big Foot Believer's own testaments as Yetis have only been supposedly spotted around the Himalayas, with the brown furred cousin, Big Foot residing across North America. They also believe that some art or prop department could have easily made a set of giant prop feet and made the marks in the snow. "However, the Big Foot Believers have countered with the variations in depth of the foot prints indicating that it could only have been made by something with multiple joints and bone structure, as well as photo graphs of wet foot prints made of surrounding sidewalks which show a definite skin print pattern. Things that either could not be created or been exceptionally expensive or time and material consuming to create for some kind of hoax. We will report later as more information is gathered on this strange case." Fabian jumped when he heard the far door to the warehouse open. There were a few steps taken and then finally there was a call out. "It's me, Fabe." In strode Reid looking drained and utterly knackered. "Reid, you look horrible..." "A full shift delivering packages with hardly any night's sleep the evening before will do that to one. I need you to hide in the side room for a bit. I've got some stuff for you in the delivery van, but I need to open the truck door and back it in to unpack it. Any reporters, investigators, or police show up?" "No. I think the foot prints on the sidewalk all evaporated or were covered by more wet rain or snow." After that night of growth, they decided to move Fabian into the small warehouse Reid used to house some of his extra stuff. Having reaching a staggering 9' 9" tall, Fabian was too tall for the apartment.... too big all around even. Despite not having a huge amount of musculature, his height had him bending at the waist with bent knees and his broad shoulders, he had to turn and twist sideways to get through a normal sized doorway. He had to walk stooped and bent kneed in order to move through the house as although he was still just over two feet shorter than the ceiling, the ceiling fixtures like fans and chandeliers were quite another story, smacking his head and shoulders. The archways where like the doorways - nearly three feet too short, and the bed was neither tall enough and almost not wide enough - especially if both of them were going to sleep in it, and even though a slim build, at that height his weight was too much for the dining room chairs and stools. All of them crumpled like they were supposed to be collapsible. Fabian went and hid in the make shift bathroom while Reid opened up the garage door part of the warehouse, backed the truck up, and emptied it. When he was done there were several stack pallets pieced together along with several pieces of extra long and thick foam padding, stacked in two, to form a ten foot long by nine and a half feet wide bed. Other pallets were used to form a small - but tall standing table, a stand for their big screen t.v., a make shift counter so Fabian could prepare meals, and one last set to build a chair large enough for Fabian to sit in. As Reid was constructing all of that, Fabian had started doing some work in the bathroom. Having torn down a wall between the bathroom and the office it was attached to, Fabian and Reid had hoped to make the whole area a bathroom for Fabian to use until such time as they found a house big enough to rent or attempt to buy that Fabian could fit into. Fabian was currently busy changing a pipe on the shower stall so he could raise the shower head up several feet so he could actually stand under it. Shortly after Reid shut the garage door and Fabian was on his hands and knees having attached a new longer pipe from the floor level, there was a soft moan from Reid followed by a goodly sized thud. "Oh Faaaaaaabiaaaaaaaaan! Come out, come out, wherever you are?" Through the regular people doorway, before Reid could notice, Gan Otkai, Arjun, and Fernando - the hair man, the hung man, and the bodybuilder respectively, had entered the warehouse and Fernando had picked up a loose board off of a pallet and struck Reid out cold with it. "We're so sorry to have come en mass unannounced, but we heard you've somehow managed to take care of three of our brothers single handedly." Spoke Arjun. "So we decided to come together and have a little party. Don't worry though. We brought our own booze since you seem to be sequestered away and living so... sparsely. And don't trouble yourself for any entertainment; you're going to be providing that in spades. At least you better. Reid wasn't that much fun at all." Fabian's mind boiled over. He was seeing red. What had they done to Reid. Crawling on his hands and feet, he attempted to peer around the doorway of the bathroom to see where they are. He wasn't successful in doing this unnoticed for the trio had managed to see his head poking around the doorway, at his current hand and knee height around four feet our so. "There he is." snickered Fernando. "Arjun.... go get him." On the command Fabian pulled his head back into the bathroom and just sat there waiting. Arjun ran to the doorway and turned to face what he thought would be his captive. However, there stood a giant of a man who was shaking his pelvis at him with a natural firehorse that some firemen might balk at. Swinging his cock around, Fabian smiled at Arjun and said, "Hello, dickless. I've got fourteen inches soft now. That's what three inches more than you erect?" Arjun didn't know what to say or do. He stood there stunned looking back and forth between the height of the man before him and the size of the man's junk. Within a flash Fabian grabbed Arjun by the throat with a yell, one handed, and easily pulled the 6' 4" man into the room, past himself, and throwing Arjun against the back wall. Arjun collapsed to floor very much dazed. Fabian then walked out standing tall and naked, there in all his current glory in the middle of the warehouse. Fernando and Gan Otkai gasped and took a single step backward in shock. They exchanged glances and Gan Otkai motioned for Fernando to do the honors. With a nod back, the near professional sized bodybuilder began running towards Fabian, screaming at the top of his lungs. Fabian stood tall and reared back his right fist, ready to make a connection, however once close by Fernando dropped his shoulders low and instead of a punch to Fabian's face or stomach, he thrust his shoulders into Fabian's pelvic region and hoisted him up while running. "Ok, you're a giant, but you're a slim one at that, and I can still lift and hoist you and slam you into this wall!" The lift and hoist happened but the slamming never did. Fabian reached out and latched one of his hands onto a passing doorway while allowing himself to slid down so his feet hit the floor. Once done it was an all out stop. Even with Fernando's momentum, Fabian wasn't going too far. This sudden stop with the momentum caused Fabian to turn sideways while Fernando wound up spinning off of Fabian's side and tripping into the wall he imagined as the target Fabian would hit. Fabian then took off running toward the other side of the warehouse where Gan Otkai was making a mad dash for the door. At 6' 8" he wasn't a small man, and had a decent build, but he knew better than to attempt to combat a person single handedly that stood just over three feet taller than him. He made it to the door and just got it opened before this enormous paw of a human hand smacked the door shut and held it here. Gan Otkai turned around to see exactly who or what was attacking him, but then he saw stars. Fabian had leisurely balled his hand up in a loose fist and then bopped Gan Otkai on top of the head. It was a small little gesture to Fabain, without a lot of strength or effort, but it was enough to Gan Otkai that it crossed his eyes, made his sinuses sting and his nose tingle, and made his whole body swim. Fabian dragged his body by the collar towards his newly made chair. With the dropping of Gan Otkai's body, Fabian suddenly had a sharp pain as Fernando had returned, once more picking up and using the board, smacking Fabian's side. Fabian ran round the warehouse picking up momentum to out distance Fernando, but being inside a building, even as large as this was, Fernando was bound to catch up again to him at some point. They ran past the bathroom door way again, through which Arjun was attempting to exit. Fabian put his hand on Arjun's chest, which covered it, and shoved Arjun backwards back into the opposite wall of the bathroom. Eventually Fernando made contact, but this time it was to Fabian's blocking left arm. Fabian screamed aloud in pain, his skin was bruised and a little scraped, but surprisingly, the board itself became somewhat bowed and splintered. A dash again around the warehouse, brought the pair back near the pallet stack. Fernando picked up a couple and attempted to swing them at Fabian. Although he could handle the weight easily, the bulk proved to be a problem and his swing went a little wild and off mark. Dodging the swing, Fabian twisted and turned around to the pile and managed to pick up three pallets, hoisted them over his head, and before Fernando could recover from his weight shift stumble from his swing, brought all three pallets right down on top of Fernando's head from about an eleven to twelve foot drop. Gan Otkai had watched the whole thing in horror after having woken up in a slight daze and again was making a scurried sprint to the door as fast as his 6' 8" body would allow. Unfortunately he was jerked back by Fabian who had grabbed a tail of tresses of Gan Otkai's long flowing hair and, nearly ripping Gan's scalp off in the process, flung-dragged Gan to where Fernando lay, ordering him to get down and stay down. The fall resulted in Gan and Fernando's heads clunking, knocking Gan Otkai out cold. "YES! That's what I'm talking about!" screamed Fabian, not exactly himself. "Who's the alpha? WHO'S THE ALPHA AND WHO'S THE BITCHES? BI-ATCHES! AUUUUUUURGH!" Fabian danced around looming over them, feeling so happy he had won. Feeling almost pumped. Feeling excited....powerful.....horny..... As he danced his huge soft anaconda of a dick began to grow and stretch, thicken and lengthen, rising up more and more until it reached full rigidity jutting out nearly two feet from his crotch. Arjun had finally cleared his head and was coming out of the bathroom. Turning to see the sight of his friends collapsed on the floor and the 9' 9" tall Fabian hop-dancing around them and Fabian's giant member, he let out a small, but still quite audible, "Eeep!" Upon hearing it, Fabian turned and faced the direction Arjun was in. In was seemed like just two strides he stood in front of Arjun, face to face, or rather face to abs. That is abs blocked by enormous cock. Arjun just stood there, shaking and transfixed at the size of the man before him. His own package felt like it was receding inside of him at the site of a man more hung than he would ever be. Fabian looked down at the man and just stood there, slightly smirking. After quiet some time he looked down at Arjun said, "Goodnight." and with that took his hand and pulled his cock towards the side by its large, helmet like head, then let it go to smack Arjun up side of his head. Arjun turned on his heels, it was a forceful enough of a smack. He saw stars and felt utterly humiliated. He was going down due to being struck by a penis? Then Fabian's hand came down and finished him off with another of his light taps on the noggin. It was almost instant. The moment that Arjun hit the ground - the drums started. Pounding and pounding. Louder and louder. The noise building up in intensity and frenzy. Names carried in on the breeze began to echo all around the warehouse. Ke'atutelmusele... Ke'atuaule.... Ke'atutelho'i.... Ke'atutel'lauoho.... Ke'atutelmusele... Ke'atuaule.... Ke'atutelho'i.... Ke'atutel'lauoho.... Ke'atutelmusele... Ke'atuaule.... Ke'atutelho'i.... Ke'atutel'lauoho.... The pipes began to sing and hum louder and louder with the drums. The hiss of steam began to escape out of some of the joint joins as the pressure inside the pipes built up. The area that a making shift kitchen was being made had its sink explode water out of the spigot, fill the basin, and then the cascading water fell, streamed, and pooled around Fabian's feet. Once that was done the new pipe Fabian had laid for his shower exploded and hot water shot up like a geyser to fall down on top of Fabian. Using the water as lubricant, Fabian began to rub his massive hands up and down every inch of his torso, one hand eventually moving down to a thigh. He moaned in sweet satisfaction as his left hand began to fondle and play with his left nipple as his right hand began to cup and caress his balls and the stroke the base of his cock. "Oooooh yeah...... OOOOOOH YEAH!......... SWEET FUCK YES! YES! YES!" A slight spray of water had started striking Reid's face and he began to wake up. Feeling fuzzy headed his turn and say Fabian standing in the middle of the warehouse feeling himself up. Eventually Fabian stood with feet shoulder width apart, legs slightly bent, his shoulders tilted back, his arms outstretched and hands balled up in a fist. Repeatedly over and over again he screamed out "yes" like he was being sexually pleasured and done so quite well. At first Reid didn't notice it, but then he started to realize the veins on Fabian's prick were plumping up further, thicker. It started near the head and worked its way up the shaft before disappearing into the light hairs of Fabian's crotch. After that they began to rise and swell all over Fabian's abs then spreading up across his obliques, lats, chest, traps, shoulders, biceps and forearms, while also traveling lower across his thighs, calves and feet. His feet began to grow a little thicker, a little wider. As though he already had big feet, which he did, but they were being made wider by becoming more muscular, supporting more and more bodyweight, or being used to support a body that was hefting an extreme amount of weight. They swell meatier and heavier, followed by the ankles that became incredibly thick as though Fabian wasn't just an extremely tall man, but one who was thick boned, thick built. A body whose thickness would scream, "yeah... if I worked out I'd already start out two to three inches thicker than you and can build more mass on me than you ever would." This was followed by his calves thumping and swelling to the pumping of his blood. Each contraction it grew larger, thicker, harder that little ball of muscle that moved up and down when you walked or were on the balls of your feet. This turned into a much larger ball that all would know kicks soccer balls. Then the upside down heart formed pumping in time with its shape's namesake and getting larger by the minute. Soon a rock hard diamond stood on the back of each of Fabian's shins and that grew and expanded from that triangular look to more of a rectangular emerald cut with slightly rounded corners. Reid, still on the floor, felt himself tenting up, getting turned on as he realized Fabian was growing and swelling well beyond an olympic sized bodybuilder and combine with his height, Fabian's calves had grown to surpass the measurements of his upper arm. Fabian moaned and began to perform some slight knee bends as his thighs began to engorge and inflate with size and power. It at first looked like his thighs were simply getting fatter and fatter, but then one by one, each tear drop shape of his thigh began to grow and grow looking like balloons being inflated with gallons of water, but appearing hard, cut, and striated. Eventually his thigh biceps began to expand and harden and widen out the shape and size of his thigh from the back. Reid was positive when done, each of Fabian's thighs were bigger round than his waist... .... possible his chest! As he looked back over, Reid saw Fabian now twisting and crunching, stretching out his midsection and his abdominals and obliques began to grow in size, shape, and definition. Like those special effects in movies and t.v. shows where the infection or vampire blood spreads through the victim, the lines of Fabian's abs and obliques formed. Crunch, the lower rows of abs were outlined. Twist, the middle rows and lower obliques came to definition. Stretch! All of the lines spread out and criss-crossed his torso defining dozens of obliques and something like and eight-pack of abs. The bubbles of abdominals continued to swell and grow like two columns of miniature bread rising in the oven. When that was done, it looked as if Fabian received a case of hiccups. His back and head would go back a little and then his arms would bounce a bit. But with each bounce his arms were hanging differently at his body's sides. First they hung straight down and close, touching the body. HIC...not so close....HIC....he was like an athlete, the arms slightly out, forearms and hands bent towards the waist. HIC....upper arms are near ten degrees from the shoulder, hands are now freely hanging away from the body, only slightly hitting the thighs when walking. HIC....twenty degree angle. The upper arms sticking out, the lower arms bending back inward. HIC.... HIC..... forty degree angle, the arms almost look as though Fabian is beginning to imitate a plane. The lower arms hang with room to spare between them and the sides and even the abs of Fabian. His lats have been developing and they have grown thicker, wider. When his traps develop as much and as full as the lats have, the effect will look similar to the hood of a cobra on Fabian's body. "Oooooooh" Fabian was moaning and now placing his hands on his pecs and rubbing them...caressing them... cupping them....fondling them...out right groping them. With each squeeze, he'd bounce them, and with each bounce they grew and Grew and GREW. First the thin but tight outline showed, followed by two shallow crescent moons, which grew into small plates, then huge platters, then two semi circular globs, and now barreling out into two huge globes, and then still increasing in thickness and width their front shape squared up somewhat like an upside down trapezoid, but from the side looked like two giant oak casks were lodged into place just under Fabian's collar bones. During this time his nips had grown harder and harder, a little longer and thicker and along with their respective areolas, which had grown slightly oval and larger, had moved from sticking straight out to moving down...down...down... the pectorals until they were on the edge of lower front and underside. So firm, so long, so thick one might now consider calling them teats. Reid, still trying to fight his way to full consciousness, could only continue to watch, from the floor, in silence as he felt his ragging hard on become like steal and throb so hard it was causing physical pain. His pre cum was soaking the inside of his underwear and beginning to make a spot appear on his pants. But the show wasn't done by far as Fabian began to roll his shoulders and shrug. First the traps began to rise: hills....plateaus....mountains rising higher and higher up toward Fabian's head. But this mountain range was soon to be broken apart right in the middle by Fabian's neck that elongated slightly and then became thicker and thicker until his own head look like it rested upon a column of granite. The growth spread down and across his back now making his back, lats, and shoulders ever wider than before. When flexed correctly he didn't have a lil' Christmas tree shape. He had a giant arrowhead. And as the growth hit his shoulders they inflated into beautiful, hard balls - the size of bowling balls, beech balls, giant globes onto of ancient plinths that Altas himself could not shrug. And now the power flowed into the upper arm, first working on the triceps. A small ball was there shrinking and swelling as Fabian moved his arm. Then it grew into kind of a tear drop shape swelling with new power. Again it grew into something resembling the size of a football plastered on the underside of Fabian's arms. Still again it grew in mounds until there was this horse shoe shaped item so thick and bulging from the back of Fabian's arm. It would have looked odd, maybe like some kind of gross growth, but the biceps was soon to join in. The vein swelled and ran straight across the top of Fabian's bicep and it firmed up into that youthful toned look. Then a small ball formed and rolled back and forth whenever Fabian flexed. It grew to become the size of a baseball.... a grapefruit....it then began to morph a bit and when flexed showed two heads and a peak at the top of the ball. Higher and higher it rose looking as though someone had affixed a model of Mount Fuji from a diorama onto Fabian's arm. Together with the triceps Fabian's upper arms, both, separately were larger round than his own head. The arms finished up their growth the forearms, which if they had started would make Fabian look like the cartoon character of Popeye the Sailor Man. The whole effect of Fabian's body was akin to a slightly more realistic hulk. Having stumbled a bit after the water had struck him, he experienced much of the growth in another area of the warehouse on top of an old scale. It still worked and as Reid focused he had noticed the numbers go up and up and up... 852 pounds .....900 .....950 .......1000 .....1100 ......1200 .....1300 .....1400 .....1500 .....1550 ....1600 .....1601 ...1602 .....1603 ....1604 ....1605 ....1606 ....1607 ...1608 ....1609 .....1610. Fabian began to caress himself again. To glide his massive hands over all the rises and ridges into the crevices and valleys that were his massive muscles, but as he did so he appeared to get slightly darker? Reid squinted and watched as Fabians skin looked somehow darker and yet seemed to sparkle or shimmer. It was then that Reid realized it was hair. Fabian was getting hairer. Thicker and longer it grew on his body, feathering over his hands and forearms, half way up his upper arm, spreading from an ever thickening bush around his cock straight up his abs, all of them in their entirety, on to cover his chest, sprouting in a bush under each arm, followed by starting again half way down his upper arm, engulfing his fore arm and stopping on the backs of his hands. On top his face developed a five o'clock, midnight, one day, two - three day growth across his jaw line and upper lip, while on his head, his hair began to flop in front of his eyes and hang between his ears and shoulders. Given its deepening honey golden appearance, if he had a hammer, everyone would've sworn he was the god, Thor. Once the hair was done, Fabian began to buck his hips, but was moaning and crying as if he was having abdominal pain. A few jerks here and another few there, Reid watched as Fabian's balls grew a little larger, a lot fuller, hung slightly lower. Reid's mouth salivated as he watch the sight. Fabian had grown into a tree, and here were the nuts...the cherries...the apples...the lemons .... the grapefruit that hung from that tree and Reid desired to taste it so much. But then a new growth began to happen and Reid's eyes widened his awe, in desire, in lust, in fear.... For Fabian, who was already quite hung due to his cock being enlarged to accept more gods by the God, Ke'atuka'ine, was now taking on and over the trait of the other man he defeated, Arjun, who was nearly as hung as hung to could be. It grew out while flaccid, just a little, but what is just a little measurement on everything else, can be an extreme amount on something physical like a cock. Two inches, that's all it was, well a little more. As Fabian's cock grew from 14 inches soft to sixteen and one-fourths inches flaccid, Reid cried just a little and shifted his ass. Then the show really began. Despite the pleasurable moaning and stroking Fabian had down while his schlong oozed out more from his body in flaccid state, the veins had reappeared and were now snaking their way back across the super shaft and making it grow, thicken, and harden to a full erection. Seventeen inches....eighteen.... nineteen.....twenty.....twenty-one....twenty-two......twenty-three.......twenty-four. Once fully erect Fabian stood there with his two foot long billy-club and began to stroked it hard, fast, and continuously. Screaming out things like "Oh yeah! Big man! and Who's hung?" Fabian worked his personal pole better than any dancer could do at a club. His fore and upper arms swelling more from a pump created by the exercise. His mighty chest heaving harder and faster, his abs contracting. His might granite like legs shaking, his feet beginning to tumble while his toes began to curl. His breath becoming ragged. "Oooooh OOOOOH OH OH OH OH OH OH YEAH! OH YEAH! OH YEP! OH YES.... YES...YESSSSSSS..... AUGH..AH...HA...AHA...AH....AEIII...AEI....AH.... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" And with that Fabian's goodly sized balls contracted up, followed by a torrent stream of spoo shooting out of his wacker like some water cannon. Reid so in awe in what he was seeing, so in fear of what he had heard, he hadn't paid attention at the direction Fabian was facing. The blast was aimed right at him and it hit him in the face and then chest, sending Reid tumbling backwards where he passed out unconscious again, but this time with a slight smile on his lips, his brain having finally unfuzzed moments before the sperm impact. Fabian let out a roar of satisfaction that shook the warehouse walls and then collapsed to his knees, slightly chipping the concrete floor. The energy spent in jacking and off and releasing combined with the growth of muscle, hair, balls, and cock, had spent his energies and he collapsed unconscious to the floor.
  13. Home of the Gods Part Six by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13486-home-of-the-gods-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13487-home-of-the-gods-part-two-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13490-home-of-the-gods-part-three-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13502-home-of-the-gods-part-four-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13527-home-of-the-gods-part-five-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14012-home-of-the-gods-part-six-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Seven: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14350-home-of-the-gods-part-seven-by-f-r_eaky/ In the morning Fabian looked quite the site. His feet having grown and ripped out of his tennis shoes, it was known he wouldn't fit into any of his other shoes, especially his very form fitting bicycling shoes for hobby and work. Thus the morning's part of the day's deliveries were done with Fabian in his courier uniform, but with his feet being in just a pair of socks and a pair of Reid's size 17 flip flops - now only seven sizes too big for Fabian's feet, but the same feet are 4.5 sizes too large for the shoes Fabian owns. A bit of a hassle and exceptionally cold in the winter for his feet, but something inside Fabian kind of liked how his bigger feet looked in Reid's flip flops, especially when thinking how small they originally looked when the shoes were eleven and half sizes too large. A quick stop off during lunch to the bank and a shoe store and soon Fabian was cruising the streets in new size 10 bicycle shoes and a pair of sneakers for at home in his back pack. It was after his last delivery, and after he ran by a local Mexican restaurant to pick up two orders for dinner for him and Reid, yet another attack of the friends of Gabriel took place. Turning to ride down an alley between some apartments and a basket ball court, Fabian was suddenly yanked off his bicycle and thrown into the court. Shaking his head to recover from the throw and thus fall, Fabian looked up to view his attacker and looked up and up and up. It was the seven foot tall DeWayne who now straddled over the body of Fabian. Without wasting a moment, DeWayne picked up Fabian by his clothes and then slammed him, his back into a basketball pole and hoop. Taking the straps of the backpack Fabian wore and attaching them together, DeWayne had Fabian attached to the post. DeWayne then start lobbing basketballs at Fabian, alternating between making a hoop and letting it come down on Fabian's head or throwing them straight at Fabian's head or stomach. There were a couple of balls that made contact before Fabian began to shake the fog from his head and realize what was going on. He then began to raise his hands and bap the balls away from hitting his face or stomach. It wasn't too much longer before Fabian's mind was clear enough to realize what a lame trap this was as he just had to slip his arms out from his backpack shoulder straps to be free. "Oh no you don't!" Screamed DeWayne and he rushed toward Fabian. Fabian stood up with his hands up in a boxing like stance and bounced as though he was willing to take DeWayne on. DeWayne laughed at this sight and upon reaching Fabian went right into a swing to punch Fabian in the face, exactly what Fabian was expecting. Fabian dropped to his knees just before DeWayne's fist would have made contact, which caused DeWayne to punch the metallic pole supporting the basketball hoop. Clang! "YEEEEEOW! MOTHER FUCK! YOU'RE DEAD!" As DeWayne was shaking off the pain from his knuckles, Fabian unhooked and grabbed his backpack and his bicycle as he ran off the basketball court. As this was a frequently used route home, Fabian knew many of the people who lived in the brownstones, condos, or apartment buildings adjacent to the alleyway. Knowing he wouldn't be able to peddle as fast as he normally could, still clutching his stomach from the gut punch, Fabian opened a back gate of a building and tenants he knew well and semi flung his bike in there, able to pick it up later. He then proceeded to head through some open and garden plots on the way home. Sure enough, DeWayne was hot on his heels as the two were running and running. Through one fence line, Fabian ran through, turned and kicked a board to the right sending it across the bottom of the opening. DeWayne thinking Fabian had slowed down, believed he had a chance to catch him. No. Not seeing the board in time, DeWayne's decent sized feet and ankles hooked and tripped over the board with him unawares, sending him sprawling to the ground, which in this particular case happened to be a beautifully herringbone patterned brick walkway. "AUGH! YOU MIDGET SHIT!" bellowed DeWayne after he fell flat faced onto the walkway. Fabian didn't waste a moment and continued through the plot he managed to get to the out the yard and started running down the alleyway to get to another plot he knew, but he was suddenly tripped up by a flung garbage can lid. DeWayne had recovered faster than expected and having found some old can lids began throwing them frisbee style at Fabian. The first one managing to clip Fabian at calves and ankles. "Who the hell still has those style garbage cans?" Thought Fabian as he tried to recover his step. Knowing through the next fence break there was the back of a potting shed and on the side a small crack that only people as lithe and as small as him could squeeze through. It would buy him time. He ran through the break, grabbed a string he knew was secured on the other side, turned to see when DeWayne was coming and WHAM! Fabian went flying backwards into the back brick wall of the potting shed. Collapsing to the ground he looked up to see the looming form of DeWayne just behind the fence. He wheezed and coughed all while desperately trying to hold on to the string he had detached from the fence. DeWayne went off on a little self gloating rant like it was some major feat that his seven foot tall body could out run and catch up to Fabian's five foot two one. Eventually he bowed his head under the fences top frame to come through the space and finish Fabian off. Of course he lead with his head and then had to dip and twist to get his tall and broad frame through the small fence gap. One in that first position, bleary-eyed Fabian let go of the string and CLUNK! down came an 8 foot long 2 x 4 onto the back of DeWayne's head. The affect was instant. DeWayne's eyes rolled to the back of his head, his body went slack and down he went, falling more through the gap and forward his head and shoulders landing right at Fabian's groin area. Fabian lurched forward and swore he was going to hurl everything from today's lunch back to last week's breakfast. His vision became filled with black spots as the pain to his groin and testicles overwhelmed him completely. His ragged breathing from the ab smacking and the accidental groin head shot, Fabian pushed at DeWayne and pulled himself as best he could struggling to get his groin and legs out from under the mega-man. As he continued his slow struggle the slow and low sound of drums beating in rhythm began to be heard. The snow underneath the pair of men began to melt away and puddle in this slightly dipped section of the yard. Soon it began to become so warm wisps of steam was rising from the ground and the same thing was happening in the basin of a bird bath to the right of the two fallen men. The chanting then began to be heard loud and clear. " Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga... Ke'atutel'luga” Right at the moment that Fabian managed to break free from the heavy body of the unconscious DeWayne, the tiny solar powered fountain in the birdbath tilted and began to act as if it was a power-hose connected to both a power station and a dam, spraying jets of water on the top of Fabian's head. Fabian attempted to walk, more like stagger, the new few blocks to his home. Racked with pain he could hardly focus and his head being overwhelmed with the sound of the drums and chanting didn't help. He eventually made it home, in twice the amount of time required, still breathing a little heavily, hurting in his stomach, and shaking cold from being wet. Bumbling through the apartment complex door, he poured himself into the elevator and road it up to his floor. It was a bit of work attempting to stand and work the key and lock of the door and he nearly fell in when it opened. Closing the door he stumbled towards the kitchen. He hoped to get a glass of water and maybe some alka-seltzer, something to calm his stomach. That's when it hit him. The chantting and drumming became louder, but Fabian no longer could hear it. The was this odd noise filling his ears like the sound of breaking twigs, and every time he heard it, his body was racked with pain. "Auuuugh!" His left hand shot for the refrigerator handle, while his right reached out for the center island. After steadying himself, he tried to focus, do some deep breathing to calm himself down, but his heart leapt up into his throat. His shoes were becoming tight. The brand new shoes that he bought this afternoon were beginning to become so snug they were cutting off circulation to his feet. He'd hear the sound of snapping twigs and then he'd feel the rip of fabric and leather. He saw his finger tips extend further into the center of the table, he felt the space between the refrigerator handle and its door become smaller. He felt his toes poking through his shoe front, his heel ripping out the back, the sides of his feet causing the shoe sides to roll over and below the sole eventually ripping and separating from the shoe. He began to feel his hand engulfing the refrigerator handle and taking up the whole space between, his knuckles getting pressed into the door....denting the door! Looking down, he saw his feet extend and extend and extend. He screamed to his self in his head "My feet are becoming skis!" He watched as they grew and grew taking over one whole square foot tile and begin to work fully on the next. He was about actually scream and cry out, with tears streaming down his cheeks when his arms, legs, and torso suddenly lurched and stretched after the twig snapping sound. "WuuuuuAAAAAAUUUGH!" Clinging for dear life to the island and the refrigerator he began to notice the fridge top was coming closer to him. "Oh, no.... no... no no no no no no no no no......" He cried in fear and panic as his vision rose up higher and higher until he knew the top of his head matched the top of the fridge. Looking at this he began to become slightly aroused. The refrigerator is like 5' 7" tall. He's grown 5 inches! He's reaching average height! The pain and stretching returned and as Fabian went into automatic denial mode, still spewing no's out of his mouth, he noticed that the top of the fridge was falling away...lower....lower..... The no's faded to silence. He pulled the door open and grabbed a can of soda. It looked so tiny in his hands. Damn near miniscule. He stood there looking, mouth agape, gasping, sputtering, and as he looked back straight ahead he discovered the top of the fridge met him about the height of his chin. He moaned... "Oh, yeeeessssssssss. ... .... ... Oh yes. .... ... ... " It started again. Twig snapping, stretching, fridge top sinking. He felt the cuffs on his sleeves travelling up, further up his arm: to mid forearm, to elbows. He felt the cargo shorts bottom travel from his knees up his thighs. His courier's form fitting, under armor style, unitard, uniform began to stretch and stretch pulling tighter and tighter against his body, pulling his extra fine body hair as it tried to move and travel up Fabian's body like his cargo shorts did. He watched as the top of the fridge eventually became level with his shoulders, like it did with Reid. His groin became warm. His cock inflated a little. He felt the unitard pull tighter and stretch out more from his expanding cock. "Ooooooh yessssssssss." moaned Fabian and he saw the fridge top sink even lower and lower. He felt runs develop in the tight fabric, allowing more air to pass freely to his body. His ankles had snapped the top portion of his shoes that had still desperately tried to cling on. His cargo shorts were binding at the crotch, becoming stretched by his larger, but tight and taut ass. The top of the fridge dropped to his arm pits..... "Ooooh yes... Yes!.... YES!" It shrunk down to his another few inches under the arm pit. His cargo shorts were ripping at the crotch, busting at the waist band, splitting down the seams, while his courier uniform now actually developed true rips and tears in the fabric. And the fridge top went down....down....down.....middle of his abs...... "OOOOh GOD YEAH!" The clothes ripped their last and fell away from Fabian. The top of the refrigerator now only came up to his waist line or maybe down to the belly button. The can in his hand looked the size of a miniature sample cup to him. There was maybe two to three feet left between the top of his head and the ceiling. He felt so good all over... so big...so powerful.... his cock sprung to life and grew and grew and grew to its full length and heft, having kept proportion to his now much larger body. "YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!" He didn't know why he suddenly felt so good about this....but he did. "Fabe? Is that you hollering out here?" Reid came out into the kitchen from his bedroom, wondering what the commotion was all about. Coming through the kitchen door he stopped and froze looking at the giant in front of him. "Oh....my.....gawd....." Reid approached the towering Fabian now. He only came up midway on Fabian's abdominals. Dumstruck, Reid reached out and grabbed the mighty erect schlong quivering and bobbing in front of him. It felt like a baseball bat. Feeling the touch, Fabian looked down and down and down at Reid. Seeing where Reid came up to on him, seeing how his cock looked like the full length of one's of Reid's arms. How Reid's finger might possibly not be able to wrap around it. He saw how his feet were just a few inches shy of covering two floor tiles in the bathroom. "Oh...yes." And suddenly Reid lifted the humongous head of Fabian's cock to his mouth and began to make love to it and suck on it as if there was really going to be no tomorrow. Fabian snapped his head back, placed his feet shoulder width apart, pushing the island counter a bit further to his right, placed his hands on his hips as if in a great super hero pose and moaned loud and deep. "Yessssssssss. YES! YES!" His big bass voice booming across the apartment rattling all the windows, many of the light fixtures, scaring neighbor doors, and causing many folks to bang and tell Reid and Fabian to turn down their t.v. or radio. Reid attempted to reach out and fondle Fabian's balls, but so long was Fabian's cock, that with the head in Reid's mouth, the best that Reid could do was lightly brush them with his fingertips. This only heightened the experience for both men: Reid feeling like he was stroking some small pumpkins with Fabian feeling light, silky, tickling touches on the underside of his scrotum. Several times did Fabian's cock bounce, almost lifting Reid up off the floor. Eventually Fabian pulled his cock away, knocked Reid backwards and around with a swift poke of it into Reid's left shoulder, and then suddenly a pick up by his cock of Reid, thrusting through Reid's legs and underneath his crotch. Reid slid all the way down to the base, his back resting against the hard brick wall abs of Fabian's stomach. With a simple barked order of, "STROKE!", Reid began to take his massive hands and run them up and down the more gargantuan schlong of Fabian. Several times Fabian staggered round the apartment, dancing on curled tip toes as he moaned and groaned to the pleasure Reid was providing him. Eventually Fabian burst through the bathroom door just in time scream in ecstasy, buck his hips as he fell to his knees, his cock swelling that much larger as his melon sized balls pulled in and up into his body and a nearly geyser like gusher of spoo, spooled out of him and shot across the bathroom, hitting the far wall and splattering across the shower wall, the stall, the tub, the curtains, the faucets, everything. Reid turning to look at the sunken Fabian, his mind finally catching up to what has happened to his friend, his lover, he soon joined Fabian in action and shot his biggest load yet to date onto Fabian's abs and chest.
  14. Happy Father's Day by F_R_Eaky Chapter Three: A Keg & A Six Pack for Father's Day. Chapter one: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/12542-happy-fathers-day-by-f_r_eaky/ Chapter two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/12560-happy-fathers-day-chapter-2-by-f_r_eaky/ The phone rings. Oisin reaches out to pick it up and instead sends it flying off the end of the table. Cursing, he picks the phone up off the floor staring at his arms and hands in disbelief; he's been fumbling and tripping and knocking things over all day yesterday, and this morning is only mildly better. He has this thought, sensation that he's taller, bigger, stronger, but not by much. Something around four inches taller or so, although his feet and hands have gotten much larger and his build has become a bit beefier. Seeing his reflection in the glass of his cupboards, he's distracted from the act of answering the phone, absentmindedly setting back down on the table. He's in just pajama bottoms although they are riding slightly high on his legs, still comfortably snug. He is shirtless as the pajama top felt a bit off...tight?...confining? He turns sideways and looks at his reflection. He does his best attempt at a side chest pose. Then he faces straight on and attempts to put his arms straight down, but they're being held up by his back or is that lats? He has lats? "Have I gotten more muscular?" he thought to himself. "I don't recall being this built before?" Running his left hand over his pec, he inhales a quick breath as his fingers glance over his nipple, and then they continue down...down...down... his waist. No six-pack, but still slim, taut, and solid. His toes are being tickled and he realizes his feet are extended past the tiled area onto the carpeted. He wonders at this and backs his heel to beginning of a tile and sees his foot is the exact same length as the floor tile. Suddenly a rush is felt through his body. His groin is feeling very hot and his cock and balls are beginning to feel more and more cramped inside his briefs and his pajama bottoms. In a matter of moments he is looking down and staring wide-eyed at the decent sized tent his pajama pants are producing. The ringing of his phone again wakes him up to real life and he bends down to retrieve it and answer. "Uhm....Hello?" "Uhmmm Hi. This Lorcan Kiley. I'm trying to reach Oisin Shanahan...." "Oi... hi, Lorcan. This is him. How are you? Still planning to come over today?" "Yes, but I have a question for you." "I may have an answer. What is it?" "Well.... I don't want to seem presumptuous or cheeky, but.... I met this guy yesterday, not that I'm wanting to cancel, and he's not boyfriend material or anything... He's about your age, all alone in the world too, and well... ... .... He had a guy set him up for a supposed romantic date yesterday only to leave a note saying he was an ancient leprechaun and not worth dating." "No, he did not." Oisin gasped. "Aye. Not only that, but he and a bunch of his friends had hung back to watch when he read the note, then laughed at him and sped off in their car." "So you were thinking he might need a bit of a pick me up." "Aye. I told him I was coming over to your place today, but I didn't say he could come along, but I wondered... Two sonless guys and a fatherless young man, all single, no family...might be better with three to make the time go by ignoring all the father's day celebrations." "I appreciate the call, and I don't mind. Invite him over. Wasn't making anything fancy. Shepherd's Pie to be exact. I can just break out a larger cooking dish after I pop round the corner to get some more meat and veg." "Deadly. I'll call him and let him know." "Alright. See you two around one. Slán." " Slán." ************************************************************************** The phones rings. Cian opens his eyes and immediately shuts them, pretty sure that someone has instantly jammed needles into them. Groaning he opens his eyes a second time and watches as the room spins and rocks back and forth a bit; his vertigo is not acting correctly. He feels the ring of the phone pierce his ears more than he hears it. He stands up and tries to walk but he wobbles a bit. "My legs feel like rubber.... why are my thighs rubbing together so much? I can't walk straight." Cian thinks to himself. Stepping over huge piles of clothes he fumbles his way to the living room where his phone is, but upon walking he hears a deep resounding thud... thud... thud... coming from somewhere as if a man of goodly size was walking extremely heavy, very heel-toe like. He wished whomever it was would stop as it was making his head pound even worse. He stopped his walk to sense if it was coming from his neighbor upstairs. ... ... ... They stopped. He started to walk again, the heavy footfalls began once more. Cian looked up at his ceiling and called out, only slightly, "Oi! Ya bastard! Trying walking through ya flat instead of traipsing around like yer stompin' out bugs!" The phone rang again and he grabbed it from off the table somewhat angrily. "Oi, it's Cian." "Hi, Cian. This is Lorcan. They friendly guy from the beach yesterday." "Oh... yeah.... I remember." "Well, I spoke with my friend and he's fine with you coming over, if you'd still like to." "Sure... I still have to return your towel. Surprised you called me, given my abrupt departure." "It's ok. You didn't look to well. Might have been the heat." "Aye... the heat." "Well, since it's my first time heading to this guy's place, I'd like to pick you up around eleven if that's ok with you." "Sure, yeah, fine..." "Alright, see you then." "Aye..." Turning to head back into the bedroom, Cian clipped his foot on the table leg and staggered into his bedroom doorway only to tumble forward after slipping upon two empty bottles of Bushmills Irish whiskey. "OOF!! OW!! FUCKIN' TABLE! ... .... .... .... How the hell? ....I was fairly far away from...." Cian grabbed his foot, but still lying eye level with the floor looked across it to see almost his entire wardrobe laying, scattered on the floor. He stared at it in wonder and slowly his hand reached out to pick up one of his shirts. It was split in so many places. All of his shirts were split in so many places. Down the chest, down the back, busted sleeves, ripped out arm pits.... Nothing was whole. He then picked up some pants and some shorts. Many of them had their waist buttons missing. Most of them had tears in the crotch, at the butt, down the outer seems near the thigh, some even had split cuffs or hems. After picking up one pair of pants, he noticed a piece of paper on the floor, a couple of pieces taped together in fact, and there was writing, calculations, and the outline of a foot. Calculated the foot would be 30.5 cm long (12 inches) and need a UK size 13 (US 14) shoe. Shakily Cian sat up and swung his foot around and placed it on the paper... .... ... it was a perfect fit. Scampering in a backwards crawl from the paper as if it was some horrific thing, he slammed into one bedroom wall and sat there shaking and breathing heavy. It took a bit of time before he realized his stubbed foot was hurting and bleeding slightly. Walking weavingly into his bathroom, he broke out some medicine and bandages to clean and dress his foot. When he when he stood up however, he became motionless. Looking deeply into the mirror, he turned his head around to see if someone else was there. He stepped forward slightly and tapped on the glass and wave his hand in front of it to see if it was t.v. image or if someone else was standing on the other side of clear glass. His hands went up to his cheeks to smack them, then they progressed down over his chest as his breathing became rapid and his pecs heaved up and down. They then glided over his arms, down his waist line, across his thighs. This wasn't him...was it? Memories began to flood his brain of him coming home, after he made sure the coast was clear and once here, sitting down and belting a few back before looking at himself in the bathroom mirror. He then tore through his closet like a raging animal, trying this shirt on, with those pants and yet he couldn't successfully get them up or down to where they were supposed to be. Everything popped or snapped or ripped or tore. And shoes!... ... ...His feet covered his shoes now. His toes extended about one maybe two inches beyond the shoe. There was no way of ever getting them to fit in his size 5s again. Cian felt his heart rise up in his throat as he looked at his body in the mirror, then through the doorway to a couple of posters of particular rugby players, then back to the mirror, then back to the posters, back and forth, back and forth.... Suddenly he felt a good hard smack against his abdomen wall and looked into the mirror, then straight down. "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!" ` Splashing some water on his face, Cian went back into the living room, still fumbling his way, grabbed the phone and hit "dial last number." "Hello, Lorcan. It's Cian. Uhm.... odd request. I..... er..... I....that is uhm..... I... I had a break through... IN! .... I had a break in last night. No... I'm fine... just the gobshites went through and uhm....took knives or scissors or something to all my clothes. ... .... .... No, I'm fine. I wouldn't of noticed ... I kind of got really fluthered last night. Anyway... I kind of need to have some friends pick me up some clothes otherwise I..... I'm.... I'm going to be in the nip all day and I don't think they allow that usually outside of a man's house. Could we make my pick up closer to half past eleven or quarter till noon? ... .... ... Alright. Thanks." ************************************************************************** Lorcan and Cian arrived about a quarter till one at Oisin's home. It wasn't any bother them arriving early, he let them in and they sat in the living room. They had the tele tuned in to a rugby match, but they weren't paying a lot of attention to it. They were giving out a little background info, making lots of small talk, as folks do when they're newly acquainted and making friends with one another. They discovered a fondness of several card games and so Oisin broke out a deck and they continued to chat and play while the shepherd's pie continued to cook. When it was done, Oisin went into the kitchen to get it out of the oven, along with some bread and another side dish, as well as a pitcher of an ice cold drink to have with dinner. Cian went in to assist Oisin and Lorcan asked where the plates and things were to set the table. The three sat having a good time and a good dinner, joking and even playing some cards at the table with occasional screams at the t.v. to some rugby player or a referee. Eventually though they decided it was time to retire back towards the living room and they got up to clear the table. "Oi, Oisin. Gotta say that was an excellent shepherd's pie." "Thanks, Cian. It was my mother's recipe, or her mum's, or her mum's mum's mum's mum." "hahaha. Old family recipe." "Something like that." "Only thing we need now is a good Guiness or something like it to sip down while watchin' the rest of the game..." "Or playing cards." said Loran. "I still need to earn money back from you two or I'm not going to have enough to last me through the semester." Everyone had a good laugh at that and then Lorcan said he'd go grab the beers for Oisin and Cian, when suddenly both of them blurted out a very loud and firm no. Everyone stood there looking at one another for a moment or two before Oisin said with a smile, "That is you set the table, it's our turn to get things." "Okay, but it is supposed to be father's day, so you two grab your beers, and I'll clear the table and do the dishes. How about that. At least I can kind of feel like I honored the day." Cian and Oisin laughed lightly and agreed, grabbed their beers and sat down to relax in the living room while Lorcan went to wash dishes in the kitchen. They sat kind of silent for a moment before Oisin looked over at Cian and calmly asked, "So...what did you look like before?" "What?" "What did you look like before Lorcan poured you a drink through his magical cup?" "Whaddya mean?" "Well, you're a pretty big guy." "Yeah? So are you?" "True but I wasn't until about two days ago." "So?" "So.... you don't look like a guy who would have a rude note left for him calling him an ancient and tiny leprechaun not worth dating." "Oh..." and Cian looked away and down at the floor. "You also said 'no' a little to emphatically like I did, so I assumed he must have poured you a drink and you changed. He did the same to me." "You mean you weren't always kind of rugby looking?" "No... I was only 172.72cm tall and 9.14 stone." "So... what? Guys gonna find me interesting now because I'm kind of tall and built?" "I would've found you interesting even if you weren't tall and built?" "Yeah, right." "No, seriously. I have a thing for red headed guys. I just think they look great." Cian blushed so his cheeks matched the color of his hair. Still looking down he softly said, "160 centimeters tall...just under 8 stone.... but I was cut as hell...." Oisin smiled, "Like an anatomy chart? You could see all the individual muscles?" "Yeah....they just weren't huge and bulgy." "I still would've traced the hell out of them with my finger tip." Cian blushed again. "And now? Thirteen and half stones now at 188.88 centimeters." and Cian did a double bicep pose in the chair. "We're a matched pair then." "What?" "I'm the same.... 188.88 centimeters or six feet tall and thirteen and half stones or one-hundred and ninety pounds. And....I'd definitely jump you in a heartbeat. You really act all tough and macho, but you've got a great soft side, too." Cian blushed a third time, but blushed so hard his entire body turned red. "So uhm.... can I ask a personal question?" "I don't know we know each other that well, but why the hell not? Go ahead." "Did your... you know.... down there..." and then Cian hoarsely whispered, "your shillelagh?" "Oh.... that... yeah.... it did....Yours?" "Yeah...." "Ah...." "Ah...." "You measure?" "No. In total disbelief. Afraid to..." "So it's...." "Kind of out there, yeah." "Mine too." "Really?" "Yeah." "Ah." "Ah..." They sat there in silence for a number of minutes. "You know..." said Cian after a long pause, "I could go for you too. I like you dark guys. Thick dark hair, deep dark eyes, really tan skin, nearly looking more Spanish, kind of exotic." It was now Oisin's turn to blush. Cian continued. "Did he...Lorcan that is.... ask you what kind of guys turned you on?" "Yeah.... he did?" "Is uh.... that.... when the....changes started happening?" "Yeah..." "Yeah... .... ... me too." "Yeah?" "Yeah." "Ah." "Ah...." The silence hung heavily in the air once again before Cian finally broke it. "So you like big guys too?" Oisin sat up on the edge of his seat. "Oh yeah." "Like football or rugby players?" "Bigger." "Bigger?" "Yeah like bodybuilders." "Bodybuilders?!" "Yeah and not just amateurs, like pros. Seasoned pros. The ones at the top that are winning the Mr. Olympia." "Ooooh yes.... like like someone who is a superhero or specifically about ready to blow into the Hulk." "Oh gawd, yes." The two men began to shift in their seats. They could feel their new clothes beginning to close in on them like they were wearing apparel made from shrink wrap. "Do you feel.... warm?" "I feel hot!" "You look hot. Even hotter than just a minute ago." "So do you." And together they looked at each other and stated. "Lorcan." "The iced drinks..." "When he was setting the table...." "Poured the drink...." "Through his goblet." They sat there for a moment, being very fidgety, feeling their growth slow down as their clothes became just a little bit tighter. "Cian." "Aye?" "Your clothes are beginning to fit like under-armor exercise clothing." Cian swallowed hard. "So are yours..." "You want to continue?" "Fuck yeah! You?" "Come on... let's not reward him with a show. Let him be surprised." Oisin motioned for Cian to follow him and took him to his bedroom. Once he shut the door, Cian practically ran into him, kissing him fully, deeply on this lips. "Fuck this is so hot, you growing, me growing...." "You wanna grow for me big boy?" Cian growled. "Come on, tell me how big you like your men." "Awww fuckin' huge man...." "Hmmmmnnnn yeah....with arms as big as cannon balls?" "Oooooh uhuh....yes fucking bigger than your own head!" "Oh shit! uh damn that hurts, but feels so good..." "So powerful...." "So manly...." "FUCKING ALPHA!" The two started groping and feeling their bodies and individual muscles. It didn't take too long before their sleeves were ripping up to their deltoids, their chests were splitting their collars down to their navels, their lats and back were flaring out ripping the armpits wide open, and the backs began to be pulled apart screaming in tears and rips. Also too their butts were bubbling out causing the back of their jeans to explode. Their thighs started busting side seams. Their calves started making the bottom of their jeans round out and remain up, clinging to the large bulbous, diamond hard shape. "How tall....huh huh huh huh huh.....Oisin do you like your men?" "Very tall...." "Like American footballers?" "Taller" "Like wrestlers?" "Taller!" "Basketball players?" "The tallest of basketballers!" "OOOOH shite!" "Hmmmmmnggg fuuuuuck!" The rest of their shirts begin to rip and shred away along with their pants, which lost all hold on top as their bodies inched their way up and swelled out broader and thicker with the new height. Their waist buttons popping and smacking the other's new crunching and bunching abs and obliques, bouncing clear across the room. Their feet swelled and lengthened as well as thickened into huge manly feet made for extremely tall men and tall men that lifted huge amounts of weight. The sides of their shoes just grew out and rolled down to lie flat on the floor before suddenly ripping open straight across both sides of the shoe as their toes stretched and lengthened ripping out and pushing forward the front of their shoes until the fronts rested underneath the balls of their feet. Oisin let out a small hurt noise as his head hit the bottom of the door frame and continued to grow past it. Cian growing at the same rate, still lip locking Oisin as their conversation and grope fest continued. "How do the muscles grow, Oisin? Does the weight spread out over the new height?" "No... it grows with it.... " "Uggggghhhhnnnnn" "Oooooh daaamn..... they keep the size proportionately become hugely built giants." "Like the hulk?" "Like the hulk..." "Definition?" "Total.... one can identify each and every muscle, very cut, extremely defined." "HMMMMMMMM AUUUUCH! And.... and..... how well can you see the density?" "OOOOOOOH.... GAWD..... full..... FU-HULL! aaaahhhh huh huh huh huh full of striations, so many lines..." "Awwww maaaaaannnnn...." "How... how....huh....how about veins?" "Fuuuuuuck yesssss. I love to see veins.... how they highlight the shape of an upper arm riding across the peak from valley to valley..." "ShhhhhhhhhhiiiiiiiIITE!" "How they move into the chest looking like tubes filling the pectoral muscles with something causing them to swell out thicker, fuller, broader, heavier." "Oooooh...." "Hmmmmmmm." "What kind of man do you really love, Oisin?" "OOoohhh oh...oh...oh.... a.... a.... RED.....huh huh huh....a red head.... extremely tall.....extremely built......like totally white... not pasty white like an albino, but that natural white that make his red hair just stand out.... ..... extremely cut, tight waisted, totally smooth, except maybe..... maybe a little bit of hair around his nipples, a good bush under the arm, and around his cock. .... augh and long haired.... like down to his shoulders so his bangs can playful....uh-HUH! .... huh huh huh....playfully hide his eyes with what almost looks like a theater curtain but more natural color." "Oooooh" Cian began to moan and groan as his body began to morph and change just slightly and his freckles began to fade away on his upper arms and face, but his red hair began to become more vivid, but slightly darker into something like wine color, nearly burgundy, and then the hair under his arms and near his underwear's waist band began to grow in thicker and thicker and small sprigs of hair grew out in the center of his chest and the spread out and feathers ever so lightly but more dense from that center to around his nipples. Oisin backed his head away and looked Cian for a moment then erotically whispered in ecstasy, "Fuck..... like an alabaster statue of some new Greco-roman god, only much more developed... like three times the size of Heracles...." The groping and growing continued as they rolled around across the wall, their arms, shoulders, elbows breaking holes into the plaster, knocking pictures off, and breaking off sconces. "And you? Cian? What is the love of your life like?" "Some.....huh....huh.....someone.... someone who is just as tall as I am....just as big and strong as I am....extremely tall.....extremely built.....but that off season build.... or with what they call a roid gut..... a..... big.....huge.....bulbous.... medicine ball..... of a stomach....that still has the lines of his abs creasing in there........even though he's got that extra twenty....thirty pounds of weight.....his jet dark hair hanging long in the front but no longer than his ears in back, a style that flutters and flies up in the breeze but masks and makes his deep dark, smoky eyes play peak-a-boo..... ...... the same dark hair that creates a five o'clock shadow by noon and he usually just winds up keeping it as a three-day scruff looking beard.... .... along....along with..... body hair that grows in thick....but not so thick as to hide his muscles and definition....but still enough to know.... you're dealing with a man.... a bear!..... it grows and feathers out sparsely across his upper arms and thighs but then grows in thicker as it goes down his fore arms and shins....and of course up the center of his abs and chest up from his groin and feathers out across the great expanse of his chest, and across the obliques. He looks like a cross between a hairy power lifter and an off season Olympian." It was now Oisin's turn to moan and groan and buck as he grew and grew and his muscles grew slightly larger and a little smoother than Cian's, followed by his stomach distending more and more outwards as Cian looked down, moaning "oh fuck yeah!" over and over again as he places his hands over the growing gut, stroking, caressing, and cupping it. Oisin looked up at Cian and smiled broadly. They locked lips again until Oisin broke it off to ask Cian seriously, "And you man's shillelagh?" "I bet.... hmmmm mmmm nnnnrffff..... I bet just.....huh huh huh....just like yours..." "Like a bat?" "Oh yessssss.... I want my man to squeal ever so slightly... to know I'm filling him to the maximum...." "Like soft it's hanging down almost a two thirds down our thigh...." "And it's not just a shower...." "It's a grower...." "Like another three to four inches longer...." "And growing so thick...." "And hard...." "And veiny...." "Like our muscles....oooooohOOOOOOH!" "AAAH AH AH AHHHHHHH! yes... Yes....YES LIKE OUR MUSCLES!" "And our balls?" "Big and pendulous.... but still pulled up slightly tight to us...." "Hanging enough to be see and peaking on either side of our mammoth soft rod...." "And full of so much come....we need to jack off daily..." "OH! Twice daily!" "With enough spoo each time...." "We cause average men to nearly choke on the amount..." "They're stomachs actually full!" "AAAAUUUUGH!" "oh! Oh! OH! OOOOOOOOOOH!" And the pair groaned and writhed again this time as their cocks grew out like snakes coming out from a hole, the head followed by more and more of the body, slithering out longer and longer. But this time, the snake is wrapping around inside a pillow case as their cock became caught up in their now already too tight of underwear. It then became a bit painful as their balls began to swell and inflate, pushing out more and more forcing their cocks to push back at them and their underwear leg straps to cut into them until finally snaps and rips and tears were heard and the two men stood there with extreme cocks swaying and swinging against their undulating thighs. Cian backed away from Oisin and grabbed a hold of his underwear's waist band and grunted, once only, and jerked to snap what was left of his underwear clean off. Oisin growled at Cian and did the same. The pair then began to stand up and down on their tip toes and their pants hems that were just barely clinging to the top part of their calves just blew apart in one clean rip and the pair was now totally naked. The two stood there staring each other down, smirking, smiling, at each other with lust and devilish grins. "Cian?" "Aye?" "Are you a top.... or a bottom?" "I'm verse...." Oisin moaned loudly at the answer and moved in to embrace Cian hard. Pushing Cian towards the bed, he suddenly flipped them around as he whispered in Cian's ear, "As it was wrong for you to be dumped, be the alpha tonight. Take me....TAKE ME HARD!" The duet of mighty, mountainous men fell backwards onto Oisin's full sized bed. The frame groaned and snapped instantly. Cian and Oisin stopped and looked around, then busted out in huge fits of laughter and shrugged. Oisin flipped himself around to lay the length of the bed, his feet and legs sticking out and over from about the knees down. They were both about as broad as the bed or mattress and their combined muscular weight definitely made it so flat it looked like it was only a few inches thick. The sight of how small the bed was made the pair moan and laugh and very quickly, almost too quickly and very painfully achieve full erections, upon which Cian smiled at Oisin, who raised his hips and buttocks in the air and nodded in the affirmative. It was said that the grasp and groan of pleasure as Cian entered into the exceedingly tight hole of Oisin was so loud it was heard up to three houses away, despite closed windows and doors from all houses. Cian began his motion driving his rod in and out, just a small amount as first, but more and more as he worked up steam and speed. The pair looked like they were one of those old fashioned individual oil rigs that dot some areas of America drilling for oil. The hammer rising up causing a piston to pull out and then shoves it in as it comes back down. There would have been bed springs squeaking and making noise, but as they flattened them, instead it was the sound of large thumps slamming against the hard wood floor. Lorcan, looked up at the ceiling from the kitchen sink every now and then, but then went back to work washing the dishes for the fifth or tenth time. Eventually the two men were screaming in ecstasy, Cian filling Oisin until his spoo spurted out in great spurts from Oisin's hole, until he pulled his pecker out. Oisin spewing his goo all over Cian's thighs, abs, chest, neck, face, hair, until he looked like a bucket of white paint had been dropped on him. Once down, the two laughed and laughed in deep bass voices that shook the windows and echoed through all rooms of Oisin's house. They wiped each other off with the sheets, that nearly were like beach towels to them, and then continued to grope each other and pinch their nipples, lightly stroke their cocks, until the motions got slower and slower, and soon the mega men were fast asleep.
  15. So I started writing this on another site and was convinced to post it here too. It will not be everyone's cup of tea, but hey, I think it's hot! This story will not nearly be as long as my last either, which is fine by me. We'll get to the action much quicker. ************************************************ Chapter 1: Recruited I’ll never forget the first time I met Coach in person. It was February of my senior year of high school and I had just arrived home from my after school workout. As I walked in the door there he was, sitting at my kitchen table, chatting with my parents. I had exchanged a few emails and phone calls with him in the past couple of weeks, but to meet him in person was an especially exciting event. Not just because he was a local celebrity and one of the most sought after young college football coaches in the country, but because of the opportunities he brought with him. But first, let me back up. The previous Fall, I enjoyed a surprisingly successful football season, racking up several accolades and honors. All of a sudden I was soon receiving some recruiting interest from the smaller universities in our region. This was all very surreal to me as never in my life did I think I, Mason Jackson, was good enough to extend my football playing career past high school. Not only did I question my own skill, but I played of the smaller high school in our state, which don’t tend to get the type of exposure needed to get recruited to the bigger schools. Even then, I thought I was too small to play college ball, being only 5 ft 10 but a solid 175 lbs. Granted, I played defensive back, which are always the smallest guys on any football field. The position I play is out in the backfield, which is mostly open space. Primarily, my job is to keep the faster players from the offense from catching passes. So being smaller, faster, quicker and more agile was an advantage for my position compared to the big, lumbering beasts who played at the line of scrimmage. Regardless, thanks to my own high school coaches, my name had gotten out there for the college coaches to review. It was exciting to receive the attention I was getting even though it was mostly from smaller universities. Of course, my parents were thrilled that I now had a chance to attend a school on scholarship. Being a straight A-student, I was already in line for some financial assistance, but a full-ride athletic scholarship was not something I was going to squander. But no offer was more exciting than the one I received for Biltoft University. Bilthoft University was the major college in our area of the state. It was located in a college town about 50 miles from my home. It was a smaller major, private university that was heavily invested in academics. Over the decades it had built up a reputation as being one of the top academic universities outside of the Ivy League. Of course, being our local university, I had grown up following all the Biltoft sports teams, along with the majority of my family and friends. The men's sports teams were known as the Brutes. The Bilthoft Brutes. While most of Brute teams experienced average levels of success, for most of my life the Brute football program had a sad existence. Apparently, the football team was quite good for about a 15-year era in the 60’s and 70’s but then went into a dark period for about three decades. During this time it was common for the team to only win two or three games per year and there were even a couple of winless seasons in that mix. During this period, the university powers-that-be invested very little into the success of the football program. Most of the school's resources were directed o expanding the academic profile of the school. At its heart, being an institute of learning, this certainly wasn't a bad thing and it contributed geatly to the school's academic profile. With this philosphy, Biltoft had even become one of the top universities in the world for its research in particle and quantum physics. So, while no one could really argue that a school shouldn’t spend most of its money on academics, it wasn't being realized that a lot of extra potential revenue was being missed that even a mediocre football program can generate. Revenue that could then be used for both athletic and academic improvements. So, as a result the football program languished for nearly three decades. Since Bilthoft was so heavily focused on academics, many of the football players recruited during this time were, well, nerds as well. Basically the university took in any smart high school football players they could get, regardless of skill level. For three decades the school's mascot was never more ironic. The Brutes, the hulking, muscular mascot betrayed the frail and weak (by college football standards) players on the Brute football team. During this time the university's squad picked up a derisive nickname, the “Bilthoft Boobs.” Although no one knew it at the time, the future of the school would forever change in the late 90’s when it recruited a tall, wiry, hardworking local linebacker named Mitchell Wood. Like most of the school's recruits at that time, young Mitch was virtually unknown. Mitch Wood's main intention was to attend Bilthoft for a biochemistry degree. He was of course, very intelligent, 4.0 GPA, valedictorian of his class you name it. He was a good player in high school, but did nothing that would indicate the star player he would develop into. After his college career, in various interviews Mr. Wood would talk about how most of his success could be traced back to when he really discovered the weight room his freshmen year. As he progressed through his four years at Bilthoft he lifted intensely and developed into one of he best defensive players not only in the school's history, but in the entire country. His startling physical development, combined with his impeccable intelligence, helped him become a beast on and off the football field. He set many of the Brute defensive and weightlifting records and still holds many of those records even to this day. There was even talk that, if he had been on a better football team, he could have been a contender for the Heisman trophy. By his junior year, he had NFL scouts chomping a the bits to draft him. The star Brute player had even led the team to its first bowl game appearance in 21 years. But, alas, halfway through his senior, Mitch Wood was felled by the all to common ACL injury. He still could potentially have rehabbed himself in time for that year's NFL draft and that was his original plan. However, he fell in love with the idea of coaching while sidelined with injury. He elected to forego the draft to the disappointment of many agents and finish out his college career to get his biochemistry degree, which he did that spring. The following year Mitchell Wood took a position at a local high school teaching chemistry and, of course, coaching the school's football team. His impact was immediate. His teams continuously improved and in just a few short years developed a new high school dynasty, even winning multiple state championships. Back at the University, soon after his time at Bilthoft had ended, Mr. Wood's impact was still being felt. Having had one of the the best players on the country leading the team to even moderate success had begun to weigh on the university's board. The younger members of the board began to realize how a successful athletics program can actually compliment the school's academic profile and not hinder it. The new revenue that Mr. Wood helped generate was a catalyst that began to weigh on the minds of the board. It was just a couple of years after Mr. Wood had left that program began to regress again and so the board decided to take action. They fired the football coach in search of a new direction. Of course, still being a relatively low-tier football program, the school knew they would not be able to bring in any high profile coaches. Thus, they decided to take a risk and hired Mitchell Wood, the formal Brute star and high school coaching phenom, to be the new coach at the tender age of 27. Coach Wood was absolutely thrilled to take over the position at his alma-mater and graciously accepted. Much like his high school teams, he quickly turned the Brute football program around. As a man hugely into weightlifting, he immediately revamped the team's strength and conditioning program. He was unusual in college football in that he assumed the shared role of head coach and also strength and conditioning coach. Very soon the brainy jocks on the field began to look bigger, faster, stronger and harder. After a 1-11 season the year before, Coach Wood led his first collegiate team to a 7-5 season and its first bowl game since he played. It was a stunning turnaround for modern college football. In just one year the average weight of a Brute football player increased by a full 25 lbs of solid muscle! It wasn't long before the school lost it's derisive moniker and soon the players were being known as the “Built Brutes”, a fun play on words that perfectly reflected the physiques underneath the Brute jerseys. His second season the team went 9-4, earning the school's first top 25 ranking in four decades. The third season they played for a conference championship and in his fourth season the Brute football program brought back its first conference championship trophy in FIVE decades! His stratospheric rise then led his teams to back-to-back 11-2 season and top 10 rankings. Unsurprisingly, with his meteoric rise to success many of the historic powerhouse football schools clamored to hire him away from Bilthoft. But, every year coach rebuffed their offers, saying he owed everything to the Brutes and that the now 33-year old coach was happy to build a new powerhouse football program, further endearing himself to the Bilthoft institutional family. What was even more surprising regarding the team's success was that Coach Wood kept with the schools proclivity to recruit the most intelligent players to maintain the school's high academic status. With the recent success on the field, the athletic profile of the average Brute recruit rose as well, but Coach had a knack for finding diamonds in the rough. The highly intelligent, but ultimately undeveloped players for which he considered himself to be when we first recruited out of high school. And so, this philosophy led Mitchell Wood to my kitchen table one winter day. He saw me walk into the kitchen and I immediately froze in star-struck awe. Even though I had been exchanging messages with him I had no idea he was coming to my house. He stood up and up and turned to face me and offered his hand in greeting. “It's nice to meet you, Mason.” Other than his celebrity, the man was simply overwhelming. From seeing him on TV I knew he was a big, burly man. But seeing him in person really illustrated that point. He had to be 6 ft 5 in, maybe 6 ft 6 in tall. He must've had a late growth spurt because I thought he was listed as a couple of inches shorter during his playing days. The other thing that astounded me was his muscularity. He was not just big like many ex players, he was still very buff! I knew he was a seriously lifter from researching his history once he started contacting me. I had found out that he had even competed in some amateur bodybuilding contests back when he was just out of college. With some internet digging you can even find a few photos of him flexing up on stage from about a decade ago, looking huge, jacked, tanned and shredded. But now, the man in front of me was even bigger and more powerful than the young man in those photos. He was wearing a dark blue polo shirt (the team's colors) with the Brute logo, a “B” with two cartoon biceps flexing on each side, plastered over his overdeveloped chest muscles. The tight blue polo was tucked into tan khaki slacks which were also tight due to his muscled glutes, quads and hamstrings. Not to mention that he seemed to be very well developed in the crotch as well. The man seemed to have it all. He had hugely muscular arms with a pencil thick cephalic vein running over his biceps and vascular forearms. It looked like with one accidental flex he would burst the seams of his polo. He was in fantastic shape. He had the type of build that suggested he could still compete in bodybuilding with just a few weeks of dieting and conditioning. His head was topped off with matching white baseball cap, his signature accessory, also with the Brute logo on the front. Being straight, I still couldn't deny that he was an amazingly handsome man with a rugged visage and chiseled jawline. He had a dark fu-manchu mustache which complimented the deep dark brown sideburns that stretched down from under his hat, framing his face. The fu-manchu added to his intimidating presence, but once he smiled warmly and shook my hand, I saw there was no reason to fear. “Nice to meet you, Mason. I'm Mitchell Wood, but I hope you'll call me 'Coach'”. I shook his huge hand which seemed to swallow up my own. I could feel the scratchy callouses on his palm, no doubt built up from years of gripping the knurling on weightlifting bars. His voice suited him perfectly, it was deep, rumbling and masculine. “It's nice to meet you Mr. Wood,” I began. “I'm a bit surprised you have expressed so much interest in me.” He chuckled down at me and gave me another friendly smile. “I see you are modest too. I have been watching your high school tapes and I am very impressed. You were a special player to your team, a great on-field leader. I fully believe I can help you develop that and that you would be a great asset to our program.” He was very charming too. This guy was the complete package, the perfect man. “Son, I am here to formally offer you a invitation to play for the Bilthoft Brutes.” I committed to play for the Brutes right there on the spot. *********************************************************** Chapter 2: A New Season I was seated in a large room with about 75 of my football playing peers early the following August. It was still three weeks before school officially began but the athletic teams were allowed to move onto campus early for practices. The room was abuzz with excitement as we waited. Finally, the coaches began walking in and stood at the front of the room. Coach Wood, stood front and center wearing what I would soon discover was his trademark outfit. On his feet he was wearing large white sneakers. Even from afar I could tell he had very big feet, I'm guessing at least size 15. The bottoms of his legs were covered with white athletic tube socks. The socks came up to encircle to the largest diameter of his massive, protruding calf muscles. Traveling up from his calves his muscularity and pulchritude became more and more evident. The lower half of his exposed, striated legs were covered by thin dark hair. Above his knees coach's quadriceps exploded outward in relief, the heavy muscle of his thighs so large that they threatened to cover up his kneecaps. This was clearly a man that had focused on squats and deadlifts to build up those tree trunk legs. A few inches higher coach was wearing mid-thigh length khaki shorts. I suspected the reason coach opted for short khakis was as utilitarian as it was aesthetic. The short shorts allowed his massive legs the freedom to move with causing much chafing, but it also gave his adoring fans a chance to ogle some of the beefiest legs you can imagine. Upward still, the legs of the shorts joined at the crotch where a sizable bulge was unmistakable. Coach was certainly a man whose large stature was in proportion everywhere. Above the shorts Coach was in his typical shirt. A tight, light grey, light fabric t-shirt that had “COACH” printed on the front chest in large block letters. His heaving pectorals were so large that the middle of the shirt was sucked into his muscled cleavage, thus slightly distorting the word “COACH”. Hanging just in front of those beefy muscle pillows was Coach's whistle, the noise of which we would soon become well acquainted to. Due to his tremendous bulk, the t-shirt was tight everywhere else too. Well, except at his waist. Our new coach obviously made an effort to keep his bodyfat relatively low. Further up, on the sides of his chest and under his arms his lat muscles pulled the fabric outward whenever he extended his arms or stood with his fists on his hips. Even further up, you couldn't help to be amazed at his arms. We all knew coach was a bodybuilder in his former years and his arms certainly led credence to that fact. They were enormous and sinewy, each with that large cephalic vein prominently sticking out over his unflexed arms. And you certainly couldn't ignore the huge meaty mass of his triceps hanging from the bottom of his arm, adding to his arms' intense size. I longed to see what his arms looked like when flexing. On top of his chest stood his fire-hydrant neck, framed by two huge triangular trapezoid muscles. On top of his neck sat his amazingly handsome, rugged face with his classic fu-manchu mustache and matching side burns. Completing the outfit he wore a white ball cap with a large blue “B” with two flexing arms, the logo for our Brute football program. As we settled down Coach began to speak. “Men, welcome to another year at Bilthoft! I look around this room and I see champions. Some of you may still be champions are in the making, but you all have what it takes to succeed. ARE YOU READY FOR A NEW SEASON!” The room erupted in hoots and hollers from all the players, the room was buzzing with competitive testosterone. The coach raised his hands to silence his players and then went down the line and introduced us all to the various position coaches. In general, each player would only be working with one or two of these position coaches plus the head coach during practices. “Ok boys, head to the locker and suit up for our first practice!” One of the seniors sitting in the front row piped up before anybody moved. “YO, COACH! YOU GOTTA SHOW THE NEW GUYS!” Coach grinned at the senior lineman who had addressed them. “Show them what, Jamal?” “C'mon Coach. Every year you end the first meeting showing us those huge GUNS of yours! It looks like you've been lifting even harder since spring practice ended. IT'S TRADITION, COACH!” Laughs and snickers could be heard throughout the room. Coach and his assistants were chuckling too. It was easy to tell why everybody loved Coach. Off the field he was a very easy going, playful, charming, and endeared himself to almost anybody he met. “Well, Jamal, I upped my caloric intake in the past couple of months and switched my lifting routine around a bit to see if I could put on some more mass. You guys have all been getting bigger so I decided I needed to put on some size too. Need to you keep you fella's in your place, haha.” Coach began bending and unbending his arms at his sides, smirking at Jamal as he spoke. “I've put a solid inch on these pythons, can yo believe that?” “Shit yeah Coach! You are looking monstrous. C'mon show 'em to us. You've got the ball cap with the flexing arms, all us upper-classmen consider your first meeting flex to be the real start to the football season!” Sheepishly, Coach replied, “Well, I don't know, Jamal, maybe we need a new tradition...” The room noise began to grow as the players protested playfully. Coach was toying with us all and we knew it. Catcalls, whistles and claps poured out from the crowd of jacked up young men: “Show us, Coach!” “Let's see it.” “I don't think your arms are any bigger!” “Flex 'em big guy!” Coach chuckled at looked at the ground with his hands on his hips. He loved that his huge powerful body was such a motivator for his players. "Well, boys, let's go suit up and have a great practice. I think this is going to be a special year. Work hard out there on the field, lift hard in the gym, study hard in the classroom and big things will come, and do you know why, boys?... … BECAUSE WE ARE THE BILTHOFT BRUTES!” Coach suddenly raised both arms into a herculean double-biceps pose. The enormous mass of his biceps exploded upward seriously testing the fabric of his tight, grey t-shirt sleeves. The huge hamlike muscles of his triceps simultaneously pulled the shirt downward, filling the tortured sleeves with pounds and pounds of muscle. His biceps were freaky! They looked like they belonged on a champion pro-bodybuilder, the peaks were amazing! The room exploded in a masculine frenzy of cheers as we all admired our colossally buff coach and also hyped ourselves up for our first practice. Coach finally lowered his arms, “OK boys, time for practice!” As we dressed for practice the upper classmen couldn't stop talking about coach. “Holy cow, bro! His arms were HUGE! He's always been jacked but I can't believe he put on even more muscle since we last saw him.” “Shit, bros, I hope he trains us like he trained himself, I would love to put on some more beef too!” I knew Coach was big and buff, but the last time I saw him in person he was in slacks and a polo shirt. Of course, I didn't see him flex when he recruited me so I didn't have much to judge by. I took my teammates at their word that coach was even bigger now. That first week of practice was one of the hardest weeks of my life. Coach worked our asses off. Even though he was so huge and intimidating and could've easily used fear to whip us into shape, he was such a great motivator that the thought of disappointing him was enough to make us give him 110%. Of course, that didn't stop him from yelling like a terrifying beast when he was displeased. But, there was never any threat of physical violence, he truly was like our huge, intense football father out there on the field. In the afternoons we would lift weights with our team unit. That is, for me, I lifted with all the other defensive backs. As coach was the strength coach as well, we was right there with us to teach us proper technique and push us to lift heavier and heavier weights. Since the outdoor practice in the hot summer sun usually left his grey t-shirt soaked with sweat and clinging to his lumpy muscles, he usually changed into a sleeveless shirt for the lifting session. This of course fully exposed those ENORMOUS arms. Once we were done lifting, the seniors again couldn't help egging him on about his huge pythons. Matt, the starting senior safety and captain of the defensive backs, always seemed to be the instigator of our group. “Damn, coach! How big did you get over the summer?” he asked. Coach just laughed at his players. Since the defensive backs were the smallest guys on the team, Coach towered over all of us and was also far more muscular. “Oh, Matt, about the same size, I guess, haha. 6 ft 6, just like always!” Coach teased. “Ah, C'mon coach you know what I mean. How much do you weigh now big man?” Now that our lifting session was over we gathered around to hear Coach out. “Well, Matt, let's go see.” We followed him over to the electronic scale that was in the corner of the weight room. Coach stepped up on it and we all watched the small screen as the numbers were calculated. “Well, little men, it looks like I'm up to 305 pounds!” “DAMN COACH! YOU ARE A FUCKING MONSTER!” Coached just stepped off the scale and looked down at us proudly. “That's what, another 25 lbs since last winter, right?” Matt asked. “Yep, Matt. I told you this new routine has really been helping me grow. It's the same routine I got all you on right now, so I expect the same result from all of you! I want to see all of you put on 25 lbs by the end of the season, GOT IT BOYS?” “YES SIR!” We all shouted in unison. However, Matt still wasn't satisfied. “Hey, Coach one more thing, you said you put a solid inch on those canons, how big are they now?” Coach just chuckled down as his senior captain. “Bigger than yours, Matty. Bigger than yours.” Matt, however, knew just how to play to Coach's competitive side. “Yeah I figured they gotta be like 20 inches or so. I mean, they didn't look very big last winter.” Coach smirked and stepped right up to Matt, who, at 5 ft 11, only came up to Coach's chin. “You think these monsters are only 20's?” “Yeah Coach, can't be that big, haha. Maybe 21s, but surely no more,” Matt grinned back. Coach chuckled and walked over to a bench press station that still had 225 lbs loaded on the bar. He grabbed the bar and quickly performed ten perfect barbell curls and set the bar down. He made it look like he may as well have been curling a broomstick. The peaks up his arms exploded in size as he curled a weight that many of us struggled to bench press, pumping them and filling them with nutrient rich blood. “Hey, Jackson,” Coach turned to look right at me. “Why don't you grab that tape measure hanging by the scale and we'll see how good a judge of size Matt here is.” Since I was closest to the scale, I turned and saw the tape measure that he was referring to hanging on the wall. I grabbed it walked over to Coach. “Why don't we measure Matt's guns here first.” Matt laughed. He was one of those cool, relaxed guys who had virtually no shame so he cheerfully stepped up to the plate. “Sure, Coach, but don't feel sorry when my huge guns make yours look like pipe-cleaners!” I walked up to Matt and he raised his right arm, gritted his teeth and flexed his bicep as hard as he could. I wrapped the tape around his arm, which for his size was quite impressive. I announced the number as 16.5 inches. Certainly not huge, but he had very little fat so it was a solid measurement. Coach patted him on the back. “Not to shabby Matt. Nice job. Ok, Jackson, why don't you do the honors and measure this little pipe-cleaner right here.” Coach stepped up to me and FLEXED his enormous arm right in front of the me. Gasps and whispers emanated from the other defensive backs as we watched the huge lump of muscle surge upward. I froze for a second, partially in fear and partially from awe, before stepping up to Coach with the tape. I placed one end of the tape on the very peak on his biceps and held it with my finger. It felt like pressing on warm granite. His arm was so huge that my hands looked like a toddlers as I wrapped a tape around his arms. I pulled the tape tight and read the result. “Just a hair under 24 inches.” “HOLY SHIT COACH!” Another stunned teammate shouted. “Those are like, pro-bodybuilder size arms! And your arms aren't fat, they're fucking jacked!” Coach dropped his arm and stood up proudly in front his players. “Well, Matt, it looks like you need to do a few more curls before you can match these babies! But, seriously, gentlemen, great lifting session today. Now after you shower make sure you head to cafeteria to refuel your spent muscles, otherwise you won't grow. Then rest up and we'll see you all tomorrow. Great job my little Brutes!” During that first week on campus it also became apparent just how popular Coach was outside of the athletic department. We all knew he was a smart guy and he could often be seen eating lunch with the scientists in the physics laboratory. It was quite a site to see, this huge, herculean man eating lunch with short, skinny, nerdy looking scientists. And they genuinely all got along. One time when I was in physics lab I overheard him speaking with this scientist friends and he was able to converse with them even at their own level of quantum physics technobabble, language that went right over my head. At that moment it really sank in just how intelligent Coach really was. About a week before our first game something happened on campus that would forever change the dynamic of Bilthoft University. School had just started and so campus was now full of students. While I was sleeping in my dorm on Monday morning my room suddenly rattled. At first I thought it was an earthquake but then I remembered those are quite rare here in the midwest. About 15 minutes later my phone buzzed with an automatic text message from the university: [Students. There has been a minor explosion at the physics lab. The University is still investigating but thankfully we do not believe there have been any major injuries. Please stay away from the physics lab as we continue to investigate and clean up.] Of course, as soon as I read this I ran outside, as did most of my dorm mates, and walked over the physics building. The campus police had already ran some yellow tape around the building and were keeping us all at a safe distance. We could see there seemed to be a small blowout of one of the outer brick walls and fireman were milling about. We soon realized that, as the message had stated, it seemed like true disaster had been diverted. That afternoon I received another automatic text message from the football coach's account, telling us to meet in the team meeting room before practice today. The team filled in the small auditorium, wondering what the occasion might be. The offensive coordinator, Assistant coach Harvey, an older 45 year old man, walked into the middle of the room. We were all wondering where the head coach was. “Gentlemen, I have some unfortunate news. Now, before I set you in panic, know that Coach Wood is doing well. Unfortunately, he was in the physic lab this morning when the explosion occurred. I don't have all the details, but the scientists and the doctors have been monitoring his condition as a precaution. I have been told that there is no reason to worry at this point. As such he will not be at practice today. I will be leading practice. I want you all to work harder than ever had to make Coach proud when he hopefully returns tomorrow.” All the players took that to heart and we really did try our best at practice. But, there certainly was a bit of somberness among the entire team. We couldn't help but feel at least a little bit worried about our beloved Coach's condition. Of course, for the rest of the day, the local news media was all over the story and had gotten wind that coach was involved. As the speculation ran rampant, it certainly didn't help with our anxieties. The following day my roommate, also on the football team as a wide receiver, and I went to class still wondering about the fate of our coach. Later in the morning we received another team message: [Practice will begin at it's normal time. Coach Wood is doing well and will be in attendance] Instantly we all felt better and looked forward to having Coach back on the field with us. No doubt we were all curious as to just what happened in the physics lab, as the details from the local news was still spotty. Later that afternoon the team had gathered in the locker room to change into our practice gear. I was chatting happily with my defensive back buddies, talking about how we couldn't wait to see Coach. We were speculating if we was even going to be able to participate or if he was just going to watch while he recovered from his injuries. Facing my locker, I had just pulled up my jockstrap and football pants when the locker room grew quiet. Suddenly I felt a large presence near me. This was not uncommon, as many of the guys on the team were in excess of 6 ft 5 and 300 lbs, but this felt different. I turned to look at my locker neighbor, Derrick, “Yo, Derrick, why is everyone so quite all of a sudden?” I glanced at his face a saw his mouth hanging open and his eyes wide, staring upward at something behind me. I slowly turned around and saw one of the most incredible sights of my life. There was Coach, standing a couple of feet behind me, in the middle of the locker room. He had his hands on his hips, with his elbows flared out in that quintessential superman pose. Coach was...big. I mean, even bigger than he was before. WAY BIGGER. I now understood why the room was silent. Coach allowed us all to take him in...and there was A LOT to take in. He had a cocky smirk on his face as he looked out around the locker room and saw all his players staring way up at him. Since he was standing right near me I took note of the true size of this man. I was standing straight up and noticed that my eyes were just about even with the waistband of his khaki shorts! Coach has GROWN! That meant that his legs alone were now almost as tall as I was! And Coach had of course retained his immense musculature. At his new size he probably now had more muscle in one of these meaty thighs than my entire body! My eyes followed his torso upward. He was wearing his typical tight coach shirt, tucked into the relatively small waistband on his coach shorts. From my vantage point down below I could actually see the underside of his heaving, fabric covered pectorals. His flared elbows and monstrous arms we now well above my head as well. I actually had to step back just slightly to see his face, which at close range was obscured by his muscled chest. Finally my eyes gazed upon his ruggedly handsome face and ballcap covered head. I noticed his head was right near the light fixture hanging from the high ceiling. He was a towering colossus of dense muscle. Being this close to him I had never felt so small in my life. A shocked murmer began to roll through the locker room as the players began to regain their speech functions. I heard several shocked phrases from my teammates: “Holy Shit!” “He's fucking HUGE!” “Look at the size of his arms! His chest is massive!” Finally Coach spoke, “Gentlemen, once you are dressed, please meet me in the auditorium for a quick team meeting!” With his new size his already deep rumbling voice was even lower. You could practically feel his voice vibrating in your chest. After he spoke he slowly turned and sauntered out of the locker room, having to hunch over to exit out the 8 ft tall doors, leaving his stunned team behind to finish dressing. Once he was gone Derrick and I shared a look. He spoke first, “Holy shit, Bro! Coach was already a big guy, now he's a GIANT!” The entire team quickly dressed and we made our way into the team meeting room. Coach was standing up front, dwarfing the assistant coaches. One we had all filed in coach spoke up. “Gentlemen, as you know, yesterday there was incident at the physics lab. Dr. Martin, the quantum physics researcher was showing me around the lab when we both heard a lout explosion. The next thing I know this weird green energy beam is blasting me right in the chest and rubble is all around me. Dr. Martin thankfully was able to quickly shut off the energy beam generator. Dr. Martin and the fireman rushed me to the hospital just to make sure I was ok while the fire department cleaned up the destruction. While at the hospital it became apparently that my clothes and I were, well, growing. Once my growth had stabilized the docs checked me out and allowed me to head home. Dr. Martin is going to continue to monitor me to make sure there are no adverse reactions to the that quantum laser beam that blasted me so there is no reason for further worry. Men, I am still your Coach, I'm just a bit bigger now.” One of the senior lineman couldn't resist replying. “A bit bigger, Coach? You are a GIANT!” The room erupted in laughter, and the coach just smiled handsomely. “How tall are you now?” “Haha, you lineman are always so obsessed with stats. Well, little men, as of last night your big coach was measured at 9 ft 10 in tall!” Coach proudly puffed up with massive chest as he announced his new stat. He obviously was enjoying his new stature as much as we were. The lineman couldn't contain his awe. “DAMN COACH! You gotta show us, Coach.” “Show you what?” Coach cockily grinned. The lineman replied, “C'mon Coach! You know what we want to see. Especially at your new size. Let's see 'em!” My teammates were now hooting and hollering up to our leader, showering him with encouragement. The giant man at the front of the room gave us a sheepishly look. “Alright men, let's go out there and have a great practice today. Work your little asses off, give me everything you've got. WE ARE THE BILTHOFF BRUTES!” Coach quickly brought up with arms into the most gargantuam double-biceps pose in the world. The sleeves of his strained shirt retreated upwards into the gap between the peaks of the muscle and his boulder like deltoids. At his new size his there was no doubt he had the biggest, buffest arms on the planet. We knew it was going to be a great practice. ************************************************ Hope you like!
  16. Happy Father's Day by F_R_Eaky Chapter Two: A Pint of Guinness Red Chapter one: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/12542-happy-fathers-day-by-f_r_eaky/ Kilterry Pier. There's not a lot to look at or much of it, but during the summer they sometimes have a beach with a life guard watching for swimming, and it's about the closest thing for sea swimming near Limerick, Ireland one can get. Cian (Kee-ahn) Brennan was walking, no, pacing up and down the small pier looking for something, perhaps someone. Finally after his third attempt of walking to the end of the pier, he saw a note that was taped to one of the posts. He opened it up, read it, and then in disgust flung the note from himself like he was tossing a frisbee so hard he hoped it would skip across the Atlantic to Canada. Immediately after there were a series of snickers and giggles coming from the brush and a group of young, college aged men took off running, piled into a car and drove away. Upon hearing the laughter Cain spun his 1.6 meter tall (5' 3"), lithe but well defined frame around to see the back of the car as it left. Flipping his beautiful, red hair that was somewhere between burgundy and pumpkin... just a deep, rich, muted color but one could still tell he was a redhead, out from in front of his sparkling emerald eyes, he screamed at least to one of the young men, "That's right leave ya, wanker! I di'na really want to be with ya anyway! Was gonna call it off, ya ejiot gob-shite!" And taking his sandaled foot, he scuffed the road as hard as he could in a great swift kick. "You look like a man who could use a drink." Cian spun around again and there sitting on one side of the pier was a man with long brown hair, hazel eyes, sort of tall with an average build. "Yeah go on make the jokes about red heads being hot tempered...." "Not at all. Just a warm day and you look angry about something. Figured a drink could help cool you off, at least in one way if not both." Cain stood still for a moment, his head cocked, looking at the young man. Finally he shrugged, "Why the feck not? Not doin' anything else ta'day.... What do ya have?" The young man popped open a small cooler and pulled out a can. "Guinness Red Harvest Stout." "That'll do..." There they were for a few minutes, Cian standing drinking his stout, the young man sitting in his folding chair drinking his. Cian polished his can off in a few brisk minutes. He was angry and he wished there was a bar located here so he could get good and pissed. Not too long after the young man asked him, "So what do you feel like doing?" "What with you? I don't feel like doing anything with anyone. I feel like takin' this can and crushing it between my head and hand, like it's collapsible." "Well, that might hurt, but it's your body." "Naw, I can not do it. Don't have enough strength in my neck or arm muscles to do so. I may looked ripped as hell, but there's practically no muscle." They stood there for a few minutes again in silence, before Cian spoke again. "Look, I'm sorry for making it sound like doin' somethin' with you was not worth my time. No reason for me to be a wanker because some maggot hurt my feelings." "What did he do to you anyway? I didn't even see him come near you." "It was the note... .... he left me...that I flung into the sea. ... .... .... I met him at a club last night. Yeah, I know... a man in his forties headin' out to a club." "I would think you'd be a pub man." "I would, but... .... ....I'm a gay man. Hard to find another one at a pub, sometimes, so I also head out to the clubs still. I'm not trying to find a shillelagh to shag just for the night. I'd like to have a long term relationship. Find someone I like, he likes me, see where it goes. I didn't think he was going to be the one, but when a younger guy comes up and hits on me, a forty-three year old man, it's kind of an ego boost and turn on all in one, ya know? Ach...listen to me askin' you that. I don't even know yer orientation, you don't even know who I am and I'm unloading my burdens like you're some barkeep." "It's alright. Everyone needs an ear to listen once in a while. My name is Lorcan." "Please ta meet'cha. I'm Cian." "So Mr. Arse-Shite hit on you last night, and that took you where?" "Nowhere.... as I just found out. At first he flirtin' with me like I'm the king of the fairies ready to grant him three wishes. Then he makes his move and practically pushes me into a back, dark corner of the pub. Once there we're sittin' in a booth and he's makin' out with me like come the mornin' it's judgment day. At one point I nearly thought we were gonna shag right there. Anyway... towards the close of the club, I'm thinkin' I'm gonna get his name or his number, instead he apologizes to me and says he can't go to my place or bring anyone home for the night as he has an important meeting early in the morning out at Ballylongford for some reason, tourism or something... but he'd be driving on his way back around eleven, and said to meet him here for lunch at noon - a picnic on the beach." "And he turned you down." "Yeah, with a note. A note! Fuckin' gobshite. An' he cannot even be polite about it. Fuckin' writes to me, 'Sorry, I don't date old leprechauns, ya short, elderly bastard.'" "Ouch... that is harsh." "Yeah... drive damn near an hour to get out here for that? I could've stayed home." Lorcan nodded his head in agreement. "So what's a young man like yourself doin' out here?" "I decided to go out to the middle of nothing to get away from all the well wishers for tomorrow." "Tomorrow, what's.... that's right it's father's day. What's wrong with father's day? Recently lose yours?" "No. ... ... ... he lost me. He found out I'm gay." "Oh.... .... ... one of those." "Aye." "So you're no in the mood to hear or see folks celebrating with their fathers right now." "Nope." "Well, picked a fine place to get away from everyone." Cian sat down on the ground next to Lorcan and after a few minutes finally looked up and over to him and said, "So you're out her t'day. What are you going to do tomorrow? That's when most of the guys will be out with their dads." "I'm actually headed to a new friend's house tomorrow. He's an older gay man, not too unlike yourself, no children, heard my story and decided to invite me over. Gives him a chance to cook and we could just talk, play cards, watch the tele, whatever. That way neither one of us has to see everyone celebrating. What are you doing?" "Nothing. Although I was kind of hoping for a weekend long date." "I think that note stated otherwise." Cian smirked, "You think?" and then he chuckled. "Not doing a thing. Both my parents are passed, never married, no kids, so no reason for me to celebrate." Lorcan nodded. "Wanna hang out with my new friend and me? I would need to ask him, but a fellow gay man in the same situation might as well make a group event." "Or our own private support group." Both of the men laughed and then Cian looked out to the sea, pondered for a moment and then said, "Sure, why not. Let me give you my name and number, then you can call him first, then call me if it's alright, and I'll come by, pick you up and we can head there. Deal?" "Deal." and the two shook hands firmly on it. The two sat there for a few minutes more when a glint caught Cian's eye and he stared at a backpack sitting under Lorcan's chair. "What is that?" "What's what? The beach isn't that desolate there's only one thing to see. Cian chuckled, "Smart arse. That thing on your back pack. Looks like some kind of jeweled key fob." "Oh that... that is the most precious thing I own. It's a tiny goblet I discovered near a holy well in my home town. Figured it must have been an offering or some kind of special token. It's a real tiny goblet. Thought to myself, when things are at their lowest and I have no money, I can sell it to a museum or something." "Well, that is an interesting find." "Yeah... it makes things taste better too." "Really...does it now?" "No joke. Here let me pour you another in a cup and you tell me." And with that Lorcan pulled the tiny goblet out of its case, pulled a can of Guinness out of his cooler, grabbed a cup, and proceeded to pour the Guinness into the goblet letting it cascade into the cup. After the can was drained and the cup filled, he handed it off to Cian. "Now tell me if that doesn't taste better." Cian took a swig and then looked at his glass in bewilderment. "That's gotta be some kind of parlor magic trick. You somehow switched ales on me." "Nope. Honest all I did was let it flow over the goblet." "That is amazing." The two sat sipping their ales for a while enjoying the day in quiet when Lorcan suddenly asks, "So what kind of man is mister right for you?" "What, you thinking of applying for the position?" "Ha ha ha ha... no.... just askin'." "I don't know... I'm kind of a paradox. I like bigger guys, but there can be some problems with a short and tall guy, so I kind of like my man to be the same height, although finding short guys like me is a tad more difficult." "So if you could have your fantasy man and it didn't matter the physics and logistics of getting intimate, he would be?" "Tall! ... ... aha....he'd be tall, like nearly a giant." "Like big men do ya." "Well, I've grown up being short all my life. Course I'd like to see or be with the opposite, especially if I could be the top. Taking a big tall guy and making him mine." Cian shifted in his sitting position a bit. He thought the couple of ales and summer heat must be getting to him and he felt like he had a dizzy spell, moment of vertigo. "And would this big man have big hands and feet." "Yeah.... slightly larger than average to body ratio so you can feel them. Like Kodiak paws grabbing you, holding you, while his feet, bare foot, so thick, so muscular, veiny....oooh...." Cian's sandals seemed to become smaller and tighter around his feet. He began to feel his tank top rise further up his abs. "So tall man, with big hands and feet..." "Yes...." Cian closed his eyes and swallowed hard..."Really tall man, like those giant like basketball players, or guys from the Viking legends or American tall tales. uuuuuhhhhh." The tank top bottom rose up higher on Cian's abs, his nips began to rise up, out, and over the tank top's top. One...two of his toes on each foot began to grow between his sandal straps and go past the shoe size. Meanwhile the rest of the sandal became form fitting to Cian's foot, shape and had begun to roll over the sides of the sole. His shorts' hems began to crawl up his thighs. "What about muscle? Super cut and lithe like yourself?" "No....super built, like Mr. Olympia or bigger and extremely cut and shredded. I just oooooh..." Cian felt his pecs swell out just a little bit, pushing the tank top's top out over the abs like a ledge or a shelf, pulling the top further down and threatening to move past his nipples and chest so the tank top suddenly was caught under the pecs and not really hiding them. And the sides began to tear away as Cian's lats began to fill and spread out, while his arms, delts, traps, neck, chest, thighs, and calves began to swell with new found size. "And are they built just for size or do they have maximum strength to them?" "Ooooh.... uhm....maximum strength, really dense, hard muscle, totally shredded, and veiny....uhm.... and....auuuuuuuch...." Again the tank top and shorts shrunk on Cian. The straps of the tank top began to snap, the fabric tore down the sides. It looked almost as if Cian were busting out of a woman's tube top instead of a man's tank top. His shorts began to rip up the sides due to the increase in muscular size, and in length of his thighs. His feet grew a little larger, wider, the side straps of his sandals now snapping or pulling loose from the sole. "And what about down under.... does your man fit the wives' tale of big feet and hands big...?" "Of course he does.... I mean I want him to have a bat. Long... thick..... hard.... throbbing....veiny.....So when I allow him to fuck me, I feel it all the way to my soul. And his balls have got to be like tennis ball size. Massive cum producers, so when he blows in me or I suck him off, I won't need dinner I'm so fuuuuuuuuuull.....FULL! oh gawd.... full...." Another surge as the tank top fluttered off of him. Yet another surge happened and this time the growth was all in his crotch, his cock and balls growing to full potential, filling out his basket further and further from his body. His crotch and zipper area of his pants extending farther and farther out until the zipper just pulled apart. It happened at the same time as his waistband button snapped, the shorts ripped all the way up the sides, and with the broken zipper the shorts dropped by the wayside, leaving basking gloriously nude in the summer sun. "Oh!.... .... I..... my GAWD!..." Both Cian and Lorcan stood up at Cian's exclamation. Cian was now just a hint shorter than Lorcan was and looking a bit built like an amateur rugby player. Looking around quickly, Cian yanked the beach towel from under Lorcan's cooler and hastily wrapped it around himself. "I.... I'm sorry... I don't what happ.... da fuck?! I.... I'll give this back to me tomorrow, if you call. I need to go...." Performing a tuck-tie of the beach towel around his waist, Cian quickly grabbed the remains of his shorts, pulled out his car keys, and ran as fast as he longer legs could take him, to his car. Opening the car door he hurt himself in several ways trying to get it like he normally did, but that wasn't happening now. Cursing at the car, he sat down sideways into the driver's seat and then adjusted the seat back a few notches. Shutting the car door, he slammed on the gas and drove off, sweating profusely and looking down at his body when not observing the road.
  17. FREaky

    Muscle Sighting by F_R_Eaky

    Muscle Sighting by F_R_Eaky The whirring of a computer, the green light on the camera comes on... ... .... "Ok...recording this so I have something juicy to tell all my bois back home. So I started my freshman year here at this college at an odd time, the summer semester, but DAMN! What a hot way to start and I ain't talkin' 'bout the weather. Well, I am, but I'm not. I'm talking about the guys and how they dress for the weather: in shorts and usually no tops. It's a good thing I'm not majorly hung or everyone would know what I'm packing nearly twenty-four and seven. "Anyhow although there are tons of hot Hot HOT HAWT! guys here with various sized bodies from thin mints to chocolate chunks or rocky roads, I've just got to tell you about one guy I saw. He's not the biggest dude I've ever seen. He's kind of tall, 6' 1" probably, like only two-three inches taller than me. He's slim, but kind of has a swimmers build you can just see some pumps and plumps from under his shirt and pants, and his feet look kind of big as well. Just enough when moves or bends it reveals some shapes as his shirt or pants pull tight. So truthfully not a body to write home about, but his face....oh my gawd, his face. ... ... ... "He's like a model, but not. He has that perfect combination of a square and round head, like very square at the jaw line, but completely round, ball like if he shaved his head. Strong chin, high cheek bones, and he's sporting about a two day scruff of beard. His lips are full and pillow like, but not overly thick or wide so that they look inflated, just handsomely soft so you really imagine that you want to kiss him. Nice straight arrow shaped nose, a good medium width to the bridge, right between his eyes... ... ... Good gawd those eyes...sharp, bright, in showing off quickness, intelligence, observation, but deep in their color and mesmerizing to behold. I could stare into them for hours. ... ... ... "Anyway those eyes are topped with thick feathery eyebrows that are still perfectly shaped over his brow and all of his face is framed by this thick mane of hair that hangs just above his shoulder and in a devil-may-care, wind-blown kind of style that makes one just beg to run his fingers through. Fuuuuuuck... I'm poppin' a woody just describing him, thinking about those eyes. ... ... ... "Augh... (low whistle)... so... where was I? Oh yeah, so I ran into this guy coming out of the Bursar's office. I guess he was finishing paying off for his degree or probably registering and all for his masters. I assume it's his masters as he looks to be about mid to late twenties. I was going in the wrong way as he was coming out. We blocked each other's path, I looked up at his face, the moment hung there for a bit, we both chuckled, he said, "Excuse me" - in this wonderful low baritone voice, and I stepped aside allowing him through. I should've given him my name, my number, something because I can't stop thinking about him, but...I'm a little stick twink; I'm sure he wouldn't give me the time of day. Anyhow... I'm gonna take care of this boner." ************************************************************************* "Holy shit... ok so you'll never guess who I ran into today... ... ... again! Yeah, Mr. perfect I described to you a couple of days ago. It must have been poor lighting in the Bursar's Office, but much brighter and clearer in this lil' bistro, because he is looking finer than I remember. His face is still as gorgeous as I described it, but the body I don't think I described correctly. First off he is tall... well just that beginning side of tall, you know what the tall men's' clubs start at around 6' 2 - 3". He's right at that point where you begin to look at a man and say, 'Damn, he's tall.' I imagine his feet are the same, can't see much through the sneakers, but his hands look pretty big and mitt like, and usually feet match hands so... ... .. "But he has an athlete's body. Like a European football or soccer player? You know just enough that his clothes show some peaks and valleys. Enough for his pecs to have that crescent shape and if he ran you could see a little bounce to them. Arms that almost fill the sleeve cuffs to full, with enough back and shoulders to stretch his shirt a lil' bit. He's tight enough around the waist that his shirt hangs all baggy there, with his belt and pants' waist band pulled in tight just below what has got to be a smooth six pack. You know, the kind that just has the slightest traces of all of his abs and oblique muscles. "And then he's got the tightest, compact, lil' bubble butt. When he's still it's like not much to look at, but when he moves... oh... you can see the pop and bulge and a rock back and forth in his jeans. You know he's firm enough to grab on to. Likewise his thighs and calves. You know he's got some size, and you just kind of hope his pants get wet so you can see their shape. ... ... ... Who am I kidding? You kind of hope all of him gets wet just to see the fabric cling, or him take it all off to dry. ... ... ... Speaking of wet...I need to take care of something." ****************************************************************************** "Oh man oh man oh man oh man... ... ... ... fuck-fuck fuck-fuck fuck Fuck FUCK! ... ... ... "Ok.... so I ran into HIM again. I've got to tell you, some places must have some serious piss-poor lighting or something, because I just don't know how the hell I missed all of this before. He looked so much smaller a week or so ago. So, I'm walking into the post office when coming out the outside next to me is THAT guy...and man is he big. I mean he attracts some serious attention, especially from my cock. whew.... "So I don't know how but I miss judged his height. Seeing him come through the doorway the guy has to be at least pushing the 6' 5 - 6'6" range. There was like only two to three inches of room between his head and the top of the door frame. And his body.... oh my gawd his body... "He is jacked. His muscles are popping when moving and flexed, large but sleek when relaxed. He has got some size and good definition. His shirt was at least one size too small: shoulders and back stretching it out, add the chest and it's pulling his collar wider open than it should be for a polo. Two really thick crescents are stretching the front of the shirt with clear nipple poke-age. They are large enough I know he's got to be able to bounce them. Like John Cena in that Hefty commercial. Lord I want to just scream 'Hefty! Hefty! Hefty!' at him. His arms are not only a descent shape and size, but they've got that run going... that vein that travels from back of hand, around the forearm, up and across the bicep and into the delts. And his arms flair out a lil' bit due to his lats which are just spreading out and attached to his tight waist that has some definitely defined abs. I know because his shirt hem was riding just above the waist band of his pants. As he walked and his shirt pulled you could see the bottom of his abs... ... ... and the top of a lil' love trail that leads to.... I don't know but if hands and feet were actually the kind of hinting clue the ladies say they are, he'd have himself a goodly sized member - both length and girth wise. "Hmmmmm so any way...His ass is gripping his jeans. There is no doubt you could bounce quarters off those two mounds, and his thighs only make his bubbled butt more pronounced as their biceps belly comes out and then cuts back in to make an awesome valley between butt cheek and thigh top. And his calves fill the bottom of the jeans leg almost so the fabric doesn't move when he walks. It also didn't help that his pants hem only came down to about an inch above his ankle. Which is fine because it gave me a good look at his shoes. Brand new sneakers - I mean totally brand new and they go about two inches beyond a floor tile length. "I don't know how I've missed it all this time. I mean how tall he is and how jacked his body is. It's like personal trainer kind of build, ya know. Hmmmmmm gawd, how I'd love to lift his bar. I'm gonna have to remember to have my cell phone out and handy so I can take pictures of him to send my friends. They will never believe me." ****************************************************************************** "Home late today. Traffic jam due to an accident and it had the highway blocked on all lanes one way. Construction has the next three exits in front of me, between me and the wreck, and the last four exits behind me closed off, so we're all sitting here on a hot, summer afternoon, doing our best impersonation of a used car lot. Most of us have got our cars turned off to save on gas and overheating, and you will never guess who is the car spot just in front of me and to my left... ... ... Mr. Fuck-me Tallman model that I last saw about three weeks ago. You know, that guy I've been recording about so far all summer. He was there waiting, on a motorcycle, and I have to tell you, holy shit don't things look better in the natural light of the sun than indoors. "So this guy is beyond trainer size, let me tell you. He's more like a wrestler's build, that notch just below an amateur bodybuilder, and let me tell you my eyes are watching him and my mind is screaming in my head, 'Lllllllllet's get ready to TUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMBLLLLLLLLLLLLLE!' It was just everything I could do not to unzip my pants, whip out my cock, and start going to town right there. "We'd been waiting for about fifteen minutes and it's around 85 degrees Fahrenheit or 29.5 Celsius, so 'Mr. Big' decides to stop straddling his motorcycle - he looked like he was beginning to dwarf the thing- and he starts stripping. First he peels off his shirt, then he shucks his pants, hopping, twisting, and bending around as he tries to get his massive feet and shoes out of the pants leg as he pulls the pants off. Then he bends over to stuff the clothes in a saddle bag and then stands there for a moment wondering what he's going to do. "As he's pondering, a couple of guys walk by him and he is dwarfing them, really seriously making them look small. Like those men only come up to just the top side of 'Mr. Big's' shoulder, so he's at least a foot taller than them. As the guys walk by my car, I recognize one of them from one of my classes - he's as tall as I am. That means 'Mr. Big' there is fuckin' basketball height material. He's got to be at least 6' 10" tall. "So then he's pacing a lil' bit, and did I mention what he was wearing? He's in a white tank top, which due to his sweating is now wet and clinging to him like saran-wrap, and then he has on a pair of red undergear compression shorts. Holy fuck! It's like almost nothing was left to the imagination!... And good gawd his arms. First off because of his lats which were thick, long, and wide, looking a little like a cobra hood, was pushing his arms up and up away from the body. Second because of the size of his arms: full, meaty, round....they were just pushed up and out. At rest they didn't hang parallel to his torso, to his body, they hung out at an angle from it. And his forearms were thick and hard and covered in the same noticeable veins that traveled across his bi and triceps. If it weren't for the fact that his whole body and upper arms were built equally proportioned with his forearms, he'd look like Popeye the Sailor Man cartoon. "And his chest.... when he breathes is just heaves.... it just swells out there and out there. It looks like it's fucking inflating, but it's rubbery like balloons, it's two solid hard globes that are stretching his tank top top into practically nothing. I mean he nearly ought to be just wearing a tube of fabric around his abs held up with his shoulders by two pieces of string. Ohhhh his shoulders... Every time he got a little uncomfortable he'd roll them with his arms and they just rose and mounded into his next. It was like watching the rise and fall of The Rockies when they were being formed. "But then he'd turn around and his tank top plastered onto him via his sweat like it was paper mache revealed this six pack of abs, each one a perfect bubble rock hard, popping....flexing....rolling.... every time he twisted or bent his torso..... and going around the sides to his back, his obliques were just as defined... all those crevices....all those little mounds packed together.... glistening....like dollar rolls coming out of the over....just want to taste them..... "But then maybe I'd rather bite into his ass. Two rather thick and hard bubbles you want to bite into like an good crisp apple. They move with mesmerizing action with the thighs and hamstring. Oh... the bulge of those thigh biceps whenever he would loosen up by squatting down and standing back up... with a hamstring so taut, so strong I'm certain it could rip his under armor compression shorts straight up the back if snapped. Then he turns around and I can see all those tear drop shapes, like his leg is made up of melting wax or something.... one... two....three.... four huge droplet shapes rolling and bunching on each leg, except one leg.... one leg you couldn't quite see that... "That's because Mr. Big really is Mr. Big! Oh fuck. The man is not just tall, not just jacked and swole, he's hung too. I mean this is a cock of billy-club like proportions. His compression shorts in this case don't compress. They hide nothing of the man's sweet rod. It's there, long, thick, like taking up half his thigh length, and the shadows let everyone know it's veiny and it's uncut. It needs to barrel out a little as well from the crotch area because he's got some serious balls, too. I mean really, if I sucked him off, I think I would actually have a full stomach. "Then when he faced away from me and either squatted or got back on his bike and straddled it one could clearly see his calves pop and throb... huge...heart shaped....that seemed to nearly pump with a rhythm large enough I swear I want them for upper arm size. With his veins it looked like to sacks of pythons squirming and writhing. I wanted to just get out and cup them, hold them, marvel at them, lay down at his feet and worship him. "Oh and I wish we were at the beach and not on the damned highway. Part of the only reason why the calves looked somewhat proportional on him was because his feet looked so damn huge, and I mean really huge. If he had on the usual maximum size sold at the stores, they're way too small. I could see the outline of his toes up front, and sides were being pushed out and down by the width of his feet, while the hole to put his foot in looked like it was tied on to cut off blood circulation. The mouth of the shoe nearly made his ankle muffin top over it. I'm even thinking I may have seen some side splittage. He's got to be a size somewhere around eighteen or twenty? "I sat there watching him for so long... then he sat up like he felt something... like he knew he was being watched. He then stared directly at my car, but I just before picked up my phone and pretended to talk, while shifting my head to root through my briefcase, sifting through files. I don't think he noticed me or that I had been watching him. ooooooh.... "Anyway... I'm going to sign off now... I have a really big wet spot to clean up...." ****************************************************************************** "Ok.... it's just a week before the fall semester starts. I don't know how often I'll be able to send out hunky guy reports once classes begin...but I have got to do this last one for the summer. So I'm in the grocery store getting the last of my food for the month, when I turn the corner to go down an aisle and I am behind... ... ... HIM!.... Oh... my gawd! HIM! Mr. fucking super jacked model that when I first saw him was only seeing him as this kind of short-tall, you know 6'1" - 6' 2", lanky build or so... but he's a fuckin' giant! He's like the hulk! He definitely should be doing some amateur to professional bodybuilding he's just that huge. "His shoulders are so broad and mounding so high, along with his bowling ball like delts, and his back, I swear he was nearly as broad as the whole aisle was wide. His arms flared out from his body and like at forty-five degree angles because his arms were just so massively thick -like the size of my waist!- and his lats were just so spread out....we should call him 'wingman!'. I mean he looks like he's one of those guys in a paraglider suit full open. But he wasn't in a full suit... in fact he was barely in his clothes. He was wearing a shirt I think I saw him in before, but how or why I don't recall it, is a mystery because I shouldn't have forgotten it. It's like he's almost wearing a cropped muscle tank top, but it's a regular shirt, but it had to be one from his junior high school days that he wears to work out in or something because it's just so small and tight on him. The sleeves damn ride up to the middle of his delts. There's a slight tear in the front from the middle of the collar down and the rest of the shirt just hugs, no...damn near conforms to the shape and size of his massive pecs. Auuugh! I mean this guy really can't see his feet his chest is so big. "Oh and those feet should be able to be seen. He was wearing some kind of repaired and home lengthened flip flops that his feet still were too big for and those feet were well beyond a floor tile length...and damn near width. Even with the flip flops on, his feet gave a mighty and low slap-thud as he walked. "But he didn't walk, he waddled. But not an elderly waddle or a gangly waddle... a bodybuilders gait and waddle... you know legs so impressively thick they have to kick them out and roll from the side to walk because there's no space between their thighs. Which along with his very meaty calves were clearly seen as he was wearing a pair of cut off jeans that looked like they too were made from old clothes the really didn't fit him anymore. Oh the quiver and shake of his leg muscles. How they bunched and scrunched, swelled and popped, all these loosey-goosey quivering motions of so many plump and full muscles, but when he suddenly stood still and would accidentally flex a leg.... BAM! Every one of his leg muscles became frozen in time, rock hard, popping is size, sunken in with definition like he was a marble statue of Hercules. "And that ass.... holy fuck! that aaaasssssss.... ... ... If I grabbed a hold of it, just one butt cheek would feel like a fifteen pound bowling ball in my hand. Forget quarters I could've bounced can goods off this man's ass and he'd never have felt a thing. "Then that mighty fine ass curves into his waits... so fucking tight and taut... ... ... every single fucking oblique and abdomen muscle is full, swole, hard, and yet tight and defined as hell. It looks like a brick wall one wants to climb on, while I just want to spend hours, a day!- tracing each and every brick by running one finger through each crevice. "And of course I'd have to go down those crevices...down... down....down.... Oh... to be stopped by that waistband of his, which even as trim and tight as his abs were they were still threatening to pop the button. He's just so tall and big the shorts have gotta be from some time earlier in his life. And if his abs don't destroy the waistband, then his cock - ughmmmmnnn! - his cock is going to burst the zipper, ripping its teeth apart. There was such a bulge on him, I swear it would enter a room before he does. How the hell he isn't dying in pain from the amount of racking those shorts and his thighs had to be doing to his balls, with the long, thick, heavy cock pushing down on them, is beyond me. I mean seriously... I wonder if he passes out as soon as his cock becomes erect. "And then again his height... towering over the grocery store shelves. One of the college jocks walked into the aisle, approaching him from the front and nearly wet his pants upon seeing him. He looked so in awe so in terror of this guy, and then has a look as if to say 'Crap... I am not a man. This guy could take men down in seconds.' And I know who that jock was... not personally, just know him because his on our football team and I keep track of the cute players. Any how this guy is six foot tall and he clearly only just comes up to just over Mr. Big's shoulders. Like right in between his shoulders and his chin. That guy just looked like an adolescent next to the guy I've been running into all summer. Mr. Big nearly looked like he was pushing a toy cart from Lil' Tykes. If he ever steps onto the Mr. Olympia sta..." KABOOM! "Holy shit! I think someone just broke into my apart..." "WHERE ARE YOU?!?" WHAM "AAAAAAUGH!" "There you are, you freak!" "You just kicked in my door!" "No I just slammed my fists onto it. Take a look at me.... TAKE A LOOK AT ME!" "Ye....yeah....yeah you're a giant guy, fucking professional bodybuilder kind of build, and probably strength and....and...good lord you're hung! Why is you shirt open? How is your shirt open?" "Because you made me grow!" "What?" "YOU MADE ME GROW! I'm standing there trying to move as gingerly as possible so as not to tear any of my clothing and suddenly my feet are popping the toe holds of my overly repaired flip flops, my chest expands ripping the front of this shirt straight down in a second, my butt rips out the bottom of these shorts, which were jeans that I had to cut because they became far too tight for my thighs, and my cock and balls have now grown large enough to bust the zipper on the front, not to mention I'm too tall now that even with a trim waist I've popped the button on the waistband!" "B...bu....bu...but I just saw you in the grocery story, things were..." "Yeah that's right you saw me in the grocery story. I was seven fucking feet tall then, but when I got home and had my car unloaded, suddenly I shot up - and out- again. I'm now like 7' 2" or something and you fucking did it to me!" "H...ho...how... how...how.... could I have done this to you?" "I don't know how! But you have to stop it! I've been growing all summer...and growing....and growing....and growing! At the beginning I was only 6' 1" tall! But then.... then I ran into you. Oh, I didn't know or realize at first it was you... I had suspicions... thoughts... after I ran into you in the bistro. I at first shrugged it off and tried not to look a gift horse in the mouth... being a little taller and bit heftier, stronger, more hung... what guy wouldn't like that? But then I grew again after my last trip to the post office, and I realized, I had walked by you on my way out. Suddenly I'm becoming this giant of a man... nothing is fitting anymore. I've got to go by cheap replacements for my clothes so I have something to wear, but I couldn't, why? Because one the rack clothing stops at around the 6'6" range for height and about twenty inches of chest or thigh measurements. I finally found something in the athletics department, while I'm being hounded by school officials wanting to know if I can play on the teams and the disappointed looks when they find out I'm a returning grad student. ... "Then.... then I saw you on the highway. Don't deny it! I knew it was you even though you thought pretending you were on a phone call and riffling through papers would make me not notice you or stop whatever this sick game you're playing is. I get home, park my bike and then suddenly I'm swelling... I'm growing....I'm expanding.... I run to the bathroom mirror just in time to see my eyes, nose, and mouth disappear from my reflection and then watch as my clothes burst off of me and my cock suddenly oozes out more and more from my groin like it was a tube of play-doh being pushed out through one of those factory sets that squeeze the dough out! "And now again today.... I've barely got a stitch of clothing I can wear.... I manage to get myself just decent enough to be able to go shopping for food. Less money to buy new clothes with because my appetite has fucking doubled....Tripled....QUADRUPLED....QUINTUPLED! Fucking quintupled because my height and all this fucking mass of muscle!" "I...I....I.... I...I'm sorry, man.... I'm sorry... I had no idea... I'm not trying to do this to you on purpo..." "YES YOU ARE, YOU FUCKING PERVERT! .... That's what this was all about wasn't it? Some kind of big man fetish. Some kind of uber man who's excessively tall, strong, and hung like a bull." "N...no...n..n...no...NO! It's not like that! I didn't even know..." "SHUT UP! You made me.... you're going to get your fantasy....because I sure as hell am going to get my jollies at least once, somehow....someway.... with what you did to me. Maybe if I have you, you won't be able to make me grow anymore, so get ready. You made me a demi-god, and thus the demi-god is going to pound a twink into oblivion!" "What? AUuuuuuuuugh! Fuck, you just like single handedly tossed me on the be....OOOOOFF! I can't breathe with my face buried into the mattress... I need to sit up straaaa HEY! MY PANTS! MY UNDERWEAR! You can't go ripping..." "Ripping just them off? No of course not..." SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRIIIIIIIIIT! "MY SHIRT! You tore off my..." "And let's just make this look good, shall we? Because who the hell really think it looks awesome for a man to make love or to be fucked in his socks!" "OW MY ANKLE! MY LEEEEEG...." "And now back down on the bed, face down." "Huhh...no...no no no NONONONONO!" "You're flailing against my arm isn't going to do you any good. I'm like a foot and half taller than you, I outweigh you now by probably 330 pounds or so, so just.... stay.... down!" "AUUUUGH!" "The nice thing is....exuding all this power.... makes me so horny....makes my rod reach full erection in like a matter of seconds....." "uuuuuuugh..." "Yeah you feel that? The large kind of ball thing touching your ass and hole. Yeah that's my cock fully erect. And in.... it..... GOES!" "AUUUUUUGH!.....oh..... ahh...." "Hmmmmm fuck yeah....tighter than seran wrap you are....." "Oooooh....." "Hopefully you're deep as WELL!" "fu-UUUUUCK! fuuuuuuuuuuuck....oh shiiiiiit...." "How do you like your fantasy master piece now, you fucking prick?" "uuuh....sooo....big..." "what?" "It's so fucking big... it's just so huge..." "Yeah that's right it is one might fucking ro-OD!" "Hmmm so...so damn thick..." "STOP! Stop that. SHUT UP! Not another w-ORD!" "Hmmmmmmmng....shit! oh....oh...shit..... it's so fucking huge..." "Stop saying that. Why must it be so hu-UGE!" "Because you're so fucking big!" "What no don't say HMMMMMNNNNERRRRRR" "OOOOH FUCK! Getting larger inside of me..... you're fucking hulking out while in me..." "HMMMMMMNNNNN N...N...N...NO NO MUSTN'T SAY TH-HAAAAAAT!" "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuugh..... so...big....too big..... can't take any more in...in....inSIDE ME! oooh..... becoming so muscular.... can feel the springs giving way in my bed, mattress sinking, flattening over your mass and height...." "STOP! STOOOOOOOOOOP!" creeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek....SNAP! CRASH! "Oh...OH! The bed is breaking..... ooooOOOOOOOOO OH! Auch...you're ripping my ass.....If only....if only you could make me grow....." "Hmmmmmmnrgfffff Like.... I.... know....how to.....to.....to do.... that. Just shut up... never describe me... " "But you're...." "SHUT UP!" "OH!.....gawd..... if only it could be like a fantasy.... your cum....makes me grow...." "Well you better grow as large as me, because now, I'm never going to find some-hoo-one....uh huhuhuh.... someone who HOO hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo c..c..cc...cc...cc....can..can...can. CAN....can take me!" "I would UUUGH....love that." "Yeah?....then huh huh huh oooh gawd that feels so.....huh huh huh huh then love.... ooooohhhhhguh.....Love..... aaaaaahhhh huh huh huh huh huh...love...THIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIS!" ************************************************************************ The whirring of a computer, the green light on the camera comes on... ... .... "....ok....muscle growth forum dot com.....name...password... enter.... click here.... click there and.....Alright guys, you are never going to believe this, but have I got news and pictures for you. I just got through working out at the college gym and when I was done and shucking my clothes to take a shower, out of the shower comes these two giant fucking hulks. They've got to be brothers because how else on earth can you have two fucking men so built so huge and so tall. I kid you not... the doorway space... completely blocked by just their feet to their shoulders. I mean they had to really dip to get under the doorway. Not just dip, but dip and twist. Their chest, forget about their shoulders which are huge, but just their chests were wider than the door way. They were so covered in muscle I think they'd make the hulk look small. All this bulging and popping and swelling and rising, covered in criss-crossing line of striation and river like networks of large veins, deep cuts and crevices of definition, muscles so swole you think if you pin prick one they'd pop like a water balloon. Their hands look like they could palm and crush a basketball. Their feet went over I think a couple of tiles. And then they bumped into one another coming through the doorway and had to catch themselves and they accidentally dropped the towels covering them and holy shit! Can we say hung?!? I mean if they were any taller, I could grab their cock and ride it back and forth like a swing. "Any rate.... they're so friggin big, I almost couldn't get pictures of them with my android... they make Lou Ferrigno look like a child... they could be the people to play the Hulk in a live action version of The Hulk. I mean I'm telling you.... ..... ....."
  18. bauq348

    Magician of the Nerds

    Magician of the Nerds Part I: High School Matt glanced around the locker room to see if he was alone. Then he flicked open the letter with his thumb: “Great Morndas upon you P.A. Matthew O’Leary, Our best wishes to you and your family at the start of your new year. This birthday, marking the end of your 18th year, now classifies you as Proto-Apprentice. You may perform any spells on this day, or any other birthday for the next four years until your 22nd birthday, upon which time you will be promoted to full Apprentice. As you are an underage magician, we remind you that you are forbidden to perform magic outside your home or Spelling Designated Areas (for examples of SDAs, please go to our website at https://www.spellinglawandyou.mp/SDA) on any other day except these birthdays, and that Public Practice and Civilian Protection laws are perpetually in place and will be enforced to the Code’s full extent by the Magic Detection Agency (MDA). Any P.A. magician, should they not follow these guidelines, will undergo full Minor Council Review resulting in possible promotion postponement and/or mystic mentorship. Have a great year. The Council at Avalon, The Fire within suffers no Shadows” Matt grimaced and folded the letter back in his bag before stuffing the bag in his locker. Bureaucratic shits, he thought (Matt picked up this term from his Mom), it’s not like they’re even on the same continent anyway. There were separate magical governments across the Atlantic from each other, in Britain and America. Both worked directly with their respective nations’ non-magical governments, but also adhered directly to the wisdom of the Council at Avalon. It was bullshit, cause the only way to get to Avalon for years was through Britain. Things have changed a bit. They were all still bureaucratic shits though. He took out his black basketball shorts, netted and a little short, and slipped it on over each leg. Matt hadn’t ever heard of a Proto-Apprentice actually getting into trouble on their Spelling Day, anyway. Maybe a zap on the wrist, but nobody was shit enough to send a teenager to the Council for a minor infringement. Still, Matt wished he didn’t have to limit himself at all. Spelling Day was great and he’d waited seventeen years for it, but it didn’t excite him nearly as much as it did when he was younger. Matt reached back in his locker and took out his gym shirt, and by gym shirt it was the uniform of his favorite Tweeding team, the Hudson Valley Bulls (though most of his family still prescribed to the Charles River Serpents, much to Matt’s rivalry). Matt could make out his team’s uniform anywhere: the smooth, sturdy material, the bold maroon color with the golden horned lining along the sleeves and neck hole, the Hudson Valley Tweeding Club’s crest over one chest, the Nike’s check on the other, and the white lettering that spelt out “Hudson Valley Bulls” in a proud and elegant font. To Matt, it meant fierce magicians battling it out with spells and brute force in raging river waters. To his classmates, it just looked like a hipster rugby team. He put the jersey over his head and put an arm through each whole. It finally fit well over his average body type after spending years being two sizes too big. The material felt good hugging his body and reminded him of growing up, when all his friends were from other Spelling families. They’d play games or wander into the back woods and imagine themselves older and grown, graduated from Avalon’s School and fixing the world with their powers. Or playing professional Tweeding with crowds and crowds of cheering friends. That was a long time ago. It felt like it at least. Spelling families tended to cluster together, and although they remained in the same community, Matt had drifted away from the friend pack. They all waved to him in the halls and they hung out now and then, but they weren’t his friends. Not his best ones at least. Matt slammed his locker door after he finished changing into his gym clothes. A whiff of stink went up his nose. He raised an arm and sniffed. Yup, that’s B.O. He put his left hand out and faced his palm towards his torso. Then he closed his eyes and took a slow, deep breath. He rang the words clearly and loudly in his mind: Impartis Oduro. A gentle breeze then hit his skin and a pleasant but nondescript scent filled the space around him and clung to his jersey shirt. Much better, he thought. He grinned now that he finally tried his magic in public. That spell he’d learned from his old babysitter. Gabe was a Spelling boy from Pennsylvania who joined their neighborhood a decade ago. With no relatives in Connecticut he had needed support, so the O’Leary’s hired him immediately and employed him consistently for years. He’d taught Matt some Spells every now and then, whether Matt’s parents had wanted Gabe to or not. Odd jobs and tricks and domestic chores were Matt’s main Spelling repertoire. He’d always had an affinity for Morphology, though. At a young and astounding age, his parents would find him playing with mysteriously long-tailed squirrels or fat and flightless birds. They’d scold him but also sit in wonder, their little toddler performing low-level metamorphosis spells with natural skill. And without knowing the spells themselves. His parents had told him to keep quiet about his talents. They hadn’t wanted him to hurt anybody, or have anybody hurt him because of it. ‘Special gifts’ in the magic community weren’t always accepted easily. The Council tended to be… Conservative. The locker room door banged open. Wiley Carter walked in and shrugged his bag off at his locker. He gave a nod and wave to Matt, which Matt returned. They kept to themselves. Wiley was smart and quick and funny, but quiet. He played Runescape with Matt in Middle School, but now they only talked in class and shuffled home at the end of the day. His hair was dark and straight, cut short on the sides and the back, and little longer on top, pushed to the side. He had an average frame but skinny limbs, a product of his gamer life and fast teenage metabolism. He had deep brown eyes, if Matt remembered correctly. He changed into his gym clothes too, slipping on small white shorts and a blue sleeveless under-armor. His face was pleasant, handsome even. He was a good-looking guy, under the radar and underrated. The locker room door boomed open again, this time followed by voices. Blair Callum rounded the corner with his buddies, Sanjay Tran, and Jonah Walton. “Watch it bro,” Jonah shouldered into Wiley as the group passed. They chuckled and snickered. “Can’t wait for Saturday, dude,” Sanjay piped up. “I’m so fucking ready, it’s gonna be lit man,” Jonah slipped off his shirt and banged on his locker. It bounced open. “If no one lame shows up,” Blair grumbled. Sanjay and Jonah over-enthusiastically agreed. Sanjay slid on some gym shorts, “Man, no one knows about it except Marnie’s squad and the team, right?” “I don’t fucking know, party rumors spread,” Blair’s head glared towards Wiley. Matt caught himself staring and twitched his head back to his locker. Blair was a douchebag. And it was even more annoying cause he was a handsome and athletic douchebag. His dusty blonde hair looked perfectly and nauseatingly preppy matched with his jeans and fitting short-sleeve button down. He had a douchey smile and an overall sense of douchebaggity elitism. It was all so attractive, and Matt hated that. “Hey Carter, you want to get some girls drunk?” Matt looked back and saw Jonah, “You looking to get in on this, eh?” Wiley ignored him and fiddled with his bag. “Hey bro, I’m talking to you. If you’re so interested in our conversation, join it… BRO!” “No thanks.” Wiley didn’t even turn back. Jonah and Sanjay cackled. “Fucking queer,” Sanjay slapped Jonah’s ass. “I’m not gay. It doesn’t matter, but I’m not. It shouldn’t matter,” Wiley lifted an eyebrow in their direction. Blair stood up. Matt rolled his eyes. “You think so?” Blair glared at Wiley, who looked away, “Who the fuck are you to decide that?” Blare was menacingly direct. And close, now standing behind the nerd. Wiley didn’t want anything to do with him. Matt heard a crash as Blair thrust his large hand on to a locker, next to Wiley’s head. Wiley didn’t flinch. Matt’s heart was beating faster now. “You may want to rethink your liberal bullshit for a second before this locker becomes your face.” The pit in Matt’s stomach burned and twisted. He was angry, for Wiley and for himself. He wanted Blair to be pummeled; he wanted to contort him, to shrink and shatter him. He wanted to wipe all the smug douche cockery off his face on to the ground and twist his head to look the other way. But he couldn’t break the rules. Not on his first day. “You gonna fucking say something, queer sucker?” Wiley sighed, “The locker becoming my face doesn’t make sense and you have irrational anger problems.” Blair fumed and had death in his eyes. Matt’s thoughts raced, faster than ever before. The world must’ve stopped outside. The only thing Matt knew is that he couldn’t hurt Blair with magic. There wasn’t even a spell he knew that was violent like that. There wasn’t going to be any attacking. But there was Wiley. Matt fixed his eyes on the scrawny boy in blue. His body was weak, but his shoulders were back and proud facing the lockers and his mind was sharp, waiting and watching for Blair over his shoulder. His pale face had a determinedly sad expression. It was a scowl, in disappointment, muttering the same questions that ran through Matt’s head. Why do they get to do this to us? Why do we have to live with this? Matt’s mouth was dry. His eyelids shut and air flowed in and out of his lungs. His mind cleared and the tingling on his neck reminded him there wasn’t much more time to waste. Instead of tears, fire lit in his eyes. He drove his passion into the energy around him and focused it at Wiley. Almost like a prayer, he willed it to fill him with strength, and agility, and confidence, and a fiery vigor to fight. Matt didn’t know what he was doing, mind you. He didn’t know if it would miraculously help, or if it was idiotic for a Proto-Apprentice to try to do magic like this without using a spell. And maybe it wouldn’t help him. Maybe it’d hurt him. Wiley took in a sharp breath and shuddered. His fingers clutched tightly to his bag. His body fidgeted a few times, almost like it were crackling and overloading with energy. Blair took back his hand, his expression softening then contorting again in confusion. Then Wiley’s limbs creaked, somehow becoming longer. His legs stretched nob by nob, and his arms grew along with his torso. “What the-?” Blair stepped away. Wiley’s breath continued to flutter, but his throat grunted. Low and resonate. His calves looked to be engorged with blood. In fact his whole body looked… Tight. Matt’s own breathe shook, but he kept on staring at Wiley, staying quiet. Then Wiley’s calves pulsed once. Then twice. Then they twitched and suddenly starting growing in size. The tendons and striations all along his legs tightened and inflated. It sent grunts of pleasure from his throat. They grew and filled his shorts, pushing the fabric higher up his legs. His ass clenched and slowly bubbled up, each bump smooth and curved and hard. Matt was staring and directing all his energy towards Wiley, but his eyes were wide and his mouth hung open. A thick wave rippled up Wiley’s backside and packed lean brawn behind his arms and all the way around his shoulders blades. His shirt stretched around the mass. Bulk filled his shoulders and spread down his arms, leaving engorged and hard muscles in its wake. His biceps twitched with strength and flowed with energy down his forearms to his fists. His hands even looked engorged, grasping his bag tighter and tighter. Suddenly, his shoulders jerked back and his chest stretched in his tank, growing into two solid and perky slabs. The motion tore a rip in the bag, but his hands stayed clutching to it. Then his entire body convulsed before falling forward into the lockers. Matt, dizzy and impassioned, tripped over to Wiley who turned over and rested his back on the lockers. Matt felt his cock twitch with recognition of the view. Wiley still looked like Wiley. His face even looked around the same age. But he was a huge Wiley, with tight thin skin and bulgingly full muscles that pressed his pulsing veins harshly to the surface. His color was a healthy tint of red; Matt could sense blood was flowing in and out of every crevice of his body and mind. It flowed fast but not too much so, like an engine revving and humming with life. “What the fuck is this shit man?” “Dude, dude we gotta go.” Blair stood staring, confused and enraged. His buddies tried hitting him, to wake him from his disbelief, but they ran off. “You okay?” Matt blathered to Wiley, who was taking deep breaths, his chest heaving up and down. It stared Matt in the face, asserting its shape through the stretched under-armor tank. Wiley merely nodded. “What happened?” a voice said. Matt turned and saw Blair looking at him. Blair took a fast step forward and grabbed Matt’s shirt, lifting him to his feet, “What did you do??” Matt just stared at him, still catching his breath, terrified and awed at what just happened. He suddenly wished he gave himself some size too. “Let go of his shirt.” Matt sucked in a breath and thought he felt Blair shudder too. The voice entered his ear and resonated through his blood, thickly to his dick, which swelled larger in his gyms shorts. Blair noticed. “What is- ? I-. I didn’t know there were two of you here, two fucking queers. Yeah, a queer lover and his perverted scamp,” Blair spat the words and shook Matt in frustration and disgust. A blurry fist whistled past Matt’s ear and struck Blair squarely on the side of the face. Blair let out a wheezing noise and fell straight to the floor. He started to pull Matt down with him, but Matt felt hands grab both his shoulders and hold him in place. Matt looked down at Blair. He was knocked-out cold. “Fuck.” The voice rumbled in Matt’s loins again and vibrated in his hardening nipples. He raised an eyebrow and grinned, enjoying the sensation. “Matt?” He turned to face Wiley, and suddenly his dick was a steel rod. Wiley was standing directly in front of Matt. Where once Matt was a half head taller than Wiley, they now stood practically eye-to-eye. Wiley seemed to have the slight edge, and his body was packed with hard bulges of muscles and thick tendons. All of them were flexing. His sleeveless tank clung to his chest and his rocky stomach, which moved in and out with slow, measured breaths. He stood there with clenched fists poised to fight and wide eyes. Crap, Matt’s mouth dropped open, I turned him into a god! Not a nerd, but Wiley: the God! Wiley: the Masterpiece!! Matt knew he’d done impressive Morphology in the past, but never on a human. Never something like this. Matt smiled and put his hands up in reassurance, “Everything’s okay.” Wiley didn’t budge, except for turning his fist a little more towards Matt’s direction. There wasn’t much space between them. He clenched his jaw and it was handsome and terrifying. “He was right, what did you do?” Wiley’s eyes glared at him now, but Matt barely registered it. He was too distracted by the sound of his voice. It was Wiley’s, but it rang deeper and commanding. It was as if his vocal chords were slowly, roughly rubbing together and resonating the sound of manhood and sex through the air. It rang out again, concerned: “Is he okay?” Matt shook from his trance. Wiley was glancing nervously around Matt’s shoulder. Matt turned to look and saw Blair lying still on the ground like stone, “I don’t know. You punched him,” he turned back, shrugging. “Do you think you broke anything?” “No. Maybe? I haven’t punched someone before!” “Well, you did a pretty good job…” “How are you so calm about this, dude?” Wiley yelped. Matt heard something desperate amongst the dick-throbbing sounds of his voice. Wiley’s head ticked to the side and back, and individual muscles twitched and bulged. “I’m freaking out here man,” he twitched again and his eyes closed, “I can feel... Fucking everything. I can feel every inch, every microscopic spot on my skin pulled tight over everything.” He grunted, still twitching but somehow more intentionally, stretching and flexing. His neck craned to the side and his traps bulged. Matt grunted with him. He couldn’t stop himself, and he wasn’t sure if he wanted to. Wiley wriggled around in his body. His brow was furrowed still very seriously, but now with a touch of curiosity. “And underneath,” he tensed everything. Things rippled. “I can feel all the blood flowing through,” he breathed in sharply, “flowing and filling up…” He bent his arms and brought his fists up to his shoulders, scrunching his biceps into baseballs. He lowered his arms, grunting, and did it again. And again. He was pumping his arms, but Matt thought he saw all of his muscles tense and squeeze, not just his biceps. Like his muscles were taking a breath each time he pumped his arms. “I can feel every string and cell busting at the seems. I feel… Full.” “You look it.” Wiley’s eyes shot open and looked right at Matt. He stopped moving, but remained flexed and tensed. Matt sighed, “Listen, Blair was being a douche. He was gonna beat on you, and then he was gonna beat on me, so… We beat on him together.” Wiley lowered his arms, relaxing, “We?” Matt gave a shaky nod and a knowing look and awkwardly gestured towards all of the muscles. Wiley hesitated, glancing down at his fists and pumped arms and stretched clothing. His shorts hugged his legs and did nothing but accentuate the throbbing bulge that came to life. He squirmed awkwardly, “So…” “So, I did all of that to you. The arms, the chest, the height, the dick apparently, the voice– “ “The punch?” “No, my friend. That was you. Let’s say I gave you the tools. You hammered in the nails, hard! Just in time to save me, too!” Wiley narrowed his eyes, making a connection, “You’re a Mystic. Aren’t you?” Matt searched for words. All that came was, “Well… Err, yeah.” “But I’ve known you since like fourth grade!” “Yeah, well, we keep to ourselves.” Wiley scrunched his eyebrows, remembering something, “We played video games together.” “Yeah, so?” “Do Mystics play video games?” Matt chuckled, “We’re not Amish, dude. We just cast spells. We don’t forego technology and other earthly desires. I don’t at least.” Wiley smiled, and it punched Matt in the heart. It faded as he looked back down at himself. He was finally relaxed, but everything still bulged. Not like a roided out body-builder, but like a meaty high-school wrestler whose skin was suctioned on and muscles were bulging to their largest capacity. Like he could dominate as a junior Olympian, or maybe as a new recruit in the real thing. He was in perfect Wiley physical condition. He placed his palms on his stomach and felt its bumps under his shirt. He slid his palms up his body and wrapped his paws around his meaty, ballooned pecs. “I’ve never seen someone spell something like this before.” Neither have I. “I don’t have much experience on humans. Though, you came out pretty damn well.” Wiley looked up at Matt and smiled again, “Well, what’d you actually do to me?” Good question. “Honestly, I’m not entirely sure. I didn’t spell anything specific, just pushed everything I had at you. I’m pretty naturally gifted in Morphology, so…” Wiley’s hands wandered to his butt and he squeezed it, “It all feels so real.” “It is.” “It actually feels like I’ve worked these to death for years,” he cupped a bicep with his hand as he flexed it, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” And then he was moaning, and feeling all the bumps and valleys that stretched out of his skin. His thumbs felt his nipples and his body shuddered at the touch. His fingers traced the spaces between his abs right down to the thick bulge in his shorts. He hesitated and then grabbed the whole thing with one large hand. He squeezed and lifted his chin up as he growled. “Fuck, “ he put his other hand behind his head and just stood there, lathering himself in the sensation of his own touch. Matt had never been more turned on in his life. He’d only just realized he was gay recently. He hadn’t had time to have any experience or even figure out what he liked. Although in this moment, he could tell he liked Wiley. Especially with how close he was; the way everything looked crafted to perfection, his skin smooth over hard bulges of strength, his open mouth releasing grunts that tingled Matt’s neck hairs and nipples, his handsome face and prominent jawline. He exuded confidence. He exuded manliness. It was as if his entire body was erect and juiced in swimming masculine energy. Like he could do anything. And feel anything. Matt felt a groan leave his own throat as his hand sheepishly fingered at his dick through his pants. Wiley opened his eyes and grinned at him. “This is a strange side effect.” Matt froze. “Don’t stop... I like that you like it,” Wiley squeezed his bulge again. He bit his lower lip and squinted his eyes that stared at Matt. Matt hesitated, “You said you weren’t gay?” “I don’t give a fuck about that. Right now, I like that you like it. You’re turned on by what you made. A mad scientist gazing on his Frankenstein, and you even come complete with the messy hair and spectacles. Not to mention the cute, well-meaning expression on your face. It’s sexy.” Wiley’s eyes gazed intensely into Matt’s. Matt was stunned, hand still on his dick. He readjusted his glasses reflexively and stammered through his thoughts. “You’re too pretty to be Frankenstein,” he said quietly. Wiley’s laugh rumbled soft and deep. “You might as well admit it, you’ve made a monster,” he whispered back, his face very close to Matt’s. Matt shook his head and grinned slyly. “I’ve made such a fucking man.” Their faces were inches away. They were both taking soft and shallow breaths, staring each other down with evident hunger. “Touch it,” Wiley breathed. Matt glanced down, “Touch what?” “Any of it.” The words whispered into his ear. His dick dinged to life again and he felt compelled to take Wiley up on the offer. Wiley closed his eyes, brows up expectantly. Matt didn’t know where to begin. He wanted to touch all of it. Was there a weird place to touch him? There couldn’t be. But, did he say what he said but meant something else? Was Matt supposed to default to something? Was Matt supposed to suck his dick? Wiley peeked an eye open, “There a problem?” Matt sighed and gave a smile like a shrug, “Yes, I think too much.” Wiley smirked. He snatched one of Matt’s hands and placed it on a pec. It was plump and heavy, even through the stretched material. Matt groaned. He squeezed it and felt the rock underneath and traced his thumb down to Wiley’s hard nipple. Wiley made a shuddery, grumbly noise. “Ooh, my god.” Matt smiled, “Feels good?” “You have no idea,” Wiley grinned. Matt put his other hand on the other pec and gave another good squeeze. He was enthralled by them: their shape, their size, and their weight, how he could sense the power and strength underneath. Matt wondered what it must feel like to feel that power, to sense the weight of your body and its capability. “Damn,” Matt whispered. A strange sort of lust was taking over him. He felt it everywhere, filling his heart and his stomach, and his head and his dick, a feeling of raw tension. He was deeply attracted to Wiley, immensely attracted. He wanted to feel Wiley’s entire body under his hands and smash his lips against his own and also figure out something to do with his dick, cause he had an impulse to move his hips towards Wiley’s and rub their clearly equally throbbing erections together. But there was another feeling. It made him hesitate and his body tense. He stopped squeezing Wiley’s chest and looked up at his face. His eyes were still closed on his handsome face, lost in a world of pleasure. Matt spread his fingers out and slowly ran his hands over Wiley’s chest to his shoulders and down his arms. Matt’s fingers latched onto Wiley’s triceps, and his thumbs could barely fit around his biceps. Matt tightened his grip and growled. He lifted Wiley’s shirt and moved his hands over Wiley’s abs with an unbreakable focus. He traced his fingers along the hard bumps, admiring how they crushed together to make an impenetrable wall over his stomach. His hands wandered around Wiley’s hips and found the two smooth bumps of his ass. Matt squeezed his fingers around the meat and both he and Wiley moaned. With some awkward effort, Matt shimmied his hips closer to Wiley’s. Despite his blatant urge to be forceful, he was still tentative and hesitant. He was confused by his thoughts. Standing there clutching Wiley’s muscled ass, Matt couldn’t figure out if he liked it cause it was there and it was Wiley’s, or if it was cause he wanted it for himself. He realized the deep lust he felt was getting infected with a bubbling envy. The mixture of hormones and emotions intoxicated his brain, and he mindlessly thrust his groin at Wiley’s groin and rubbed and squeezed and thrust and moaned. Wiley growled right along with him, and put his own hands around Matt’s average but eager ass, grasping on to the material of his basketball shorts. Both of their eyes opened and focused on each other. They stood, their hips locked together, swaying and rubbing to a gentle rhythm. “Wow,” Wiley growled. He put his forehead on Matt’s, “What a sexy mad scientist you are.” “I think this magic’s more of an art than a science,” Matt smiled, “At this point, it’s definitely not precise enough.” “Fine, crazy artist it is,” Wiley laughed. Matt felt the rumble come from Wiley’s chest and cascade down his torso. It sizzled at their groins and fireworks blasted in Matt’s mind. “And you’re a masterpiece,” Matt whispered, massaging his fingers on Wiley’s ass. Their dicks pressed together like hot metal iron rods. Matt thought about the magic that created this moment. It wasn’t anything he learned or calculated. It was fueled by his emotion and passion and steered by his will and, apparently, powerful enough to transform Wiley into the meathead that was currently doing very well in a game of swordfight between Matt’s and his dicks. He was thick and solid and powerful, and so fucking attractive. Matt wanted all of him. He wanted him there, attached to him, pressing their bodies into one, on top of him, around him, sharing every inch of each other. He wanted to feel Wiley and to feel what Wiley felt. And he wanted to feel thick and solid and powerful, too. He wanted to know what his body was capable of, and what he was capable of. Matt and Wiley moaned. Then, Matt gasped. He was breathing in steady, shallow breathes and electricity sparkled in his groin. One spark sputtered down to his toes and another went up and into his brain, both of them zapping pleasure around everywhere. It flashed images in his mind of himself with Wiley, both looking like men: scruff on their face, youth in their eyes, strength permeating their very veins. But no, they weren’t just images in his mind; That man existed. Matt could feel he was real. He could feel the power within his bones, and could feel as it flooded the spaces throughout his body, instantly and completely understanding what Wiley meant by his body feeling full. The energy escaped through his every pore and flashed brilliantly around him, his body suddenly heavy, steaming with sweat and magic, his clothes pulled tight and damp around his thighs, and his ass, and his chest, and his arms, and his shoulders, and behind his shoulder, and below that on his back, and everywhere that wasn’t his, apparently flat and hard, stomach. Wiley groaned, and Matt opened his eyes. At first it looked like Wiley was flexing all of his body extremely hard, but Matt realized his arms were too thick, his chest was too giant, and his shoulders were too wide for him to be the same size as before. Matt grew him… again. Matt heard another groan behind him. He spun his head around to see Blair grumbling on the ground still asleep. He didn’t seem injured at all, but there was no mistaking the body on the ground now was larger than it was before, and it wasn’t too small to begin with. All Matt could see was a tremendous butt, a set of thick and round thighs, two slabs of a backside, and full and meaty triceps. On second thought, he decided he could see a good deal. “What’s happened?” Matt’s face flushed. The tone of his voice rang deeper and echoed in Matt’s body even longer than before. He turned his head back and saw Wiley looking confused and earnest and full of lust. He was fucking handsome as ever, peering into Matt’s eyes. Even his jaw muscle looked like it had gained size, giving a manly square look to match the stubble that dusted his face. Matt smiled and shrugged heavy shoulders. He adjusted his glasses and felt his own stubble rub against his hand. “I’ve done it again,” he put simply. Matt felt his own voice rumble from his chest. He was turned on to feel its power vibrate through his body’s bulk. He felt his hard nipples rub against the material of the Tweeding jersey and he rolled his eyes at the sensation. It felt amazing to be so big, to feel all his bulk bulging out of his old jersey. He was practically bursting through it. His pecs sprang hard and round from his chest, and they felt full and alive. His sleeves fought hard against his arms, the bulging bits of muscle all contending for a spot to be seen. His shoulders were broad and Matt stood there like they were always supposed to be like that. The maroon of the Hudson Valley Bulls was everywhere, conformed to the shape of his body. Matt’s basketball shorts were practically disappearing under the onslaught of magical muscle growth. Matt had always possessed strong, decent sized legs, so after the blast they inflated into bulging masses of brawn. His shorts stretched and scrunched around his wide thighs and achingly bulbous ass. Matt tried to feel the weight of his entire body and breathed in the sensation. Then he flexed everything and felt energy and blood rush into it all. It felt like he had been upgraded. Or that he evolved into a more powerful form. Everything was him but different, larger and capable of more. Wiley was having trouble speaking, looking, and feeling at the same time, “You did it again, but this is different. This is you, too… You’re… You’ve transformed into your superhero persona!” The two of them laughed together, sounding like rumbles of happiness. “I think you better take a look at yourself too, Superman. You’ve got a little more size going on there,” Matt bit his lip, looking at all of Wiley reluctantly. Wiley followed Matt’s gaze and his mouth dropped open, “Sorry if you didn’t want it, I told you this magic was erratic, and I didn’t even know I was casting anything at the time…” Wiley sputtered as he took in his size, “You- You didn’t say anything about it b-being erratic. M-maybe imprecise, but not erratic, not like this! I’m fucking huge, dude!” He indeed was fucking huge. The magic that transformed Matt must’ve blasted out like a bomb, with Wiley in direct line of fire, and Blair not too far from it, and now they were all huge. From what he could see, it didn’t seem like any of Matt’s limbs changed length after the blast, though. So it wasn’t surprising to see that Wiley’s arms and legs hadn’t extended like they had the first time. Instead, each of Wiley’s muscles had simply inflated larger, bulkier, and brawnier. They had already been the size of a high school All-star’s, but now they looked like the broad and gritty muscles of a Tweeding pro-athlete, or even more like an ancient warrior from Merlin’s time. They looked experienced and they oozed raw strength. Everything rippled and bunched together. Each cable of amplified beef was grown by magic, and hummed with pure strength and hungered for action. Wiley was too distracted for action though. He tried cupping his mammoth pecs, but his paws weren’t big enough. Instead he ran them all along his body, loving the way his under armor tank clung to him like a second skin. He could even trace his abs bulging through the material. “I’m not sure I can face my parents like this, but… Damn, dude. I’d be lying if I didn’t say I like it at least a little,” Wiley grinned and winked at Matt before striking a double biceps pose. It was all so sudden. His arms bunched up into softballs, his forearms thick and throbbing, his chest raised proudly in the air, and newly widened lats sprang up under his arms. Matt caught himself drooling. “It’s unreal,” Wiley relaxed and reflexed multiple times, “It’s fucking unbelievable.” Matt felt a growl escape from his chest. Wiley turned his head to him, eyes piercing. He reciprocated a snarl and showed some canine teeth, his arms still raised and bulging at his sides. Matt nudged his face into Wiley’s neck and Wiley rubbed his stubble on to Matt’s cheek. Then Wiley’s thick arms wrapped around Matt’s body. His hands clutched the new ripples of beef that bulged from Matt’s back. Matt groaned and pushed the muscled nerd into the lockers. His glasses fell to the floor and he kicked them roughly away to avoid stepping on them. Matt felt an impulse take over, an animal within him awaken. He could tell magic was bubbling in him again; the feeling seemed so obviously distinct now. Matt’s shorts were so scrunched up that he wrapped his practically bare legs around the outside of Wiley’s thick trunks. He planted his feet firmly to the ground, clenching his ass for support. Their hips came together like magnets, like their dicks really were metal and had to rub against each other by the order of the laws of physics themselves. Matt didn’t know how it all worked; He hadn’t taken Mystiphysics classes yet. The cobble stone roads on their stomachs rubbed against each other and as they both moaned, Matt raised his hand behind Wiley’s head and smashed their lips together. Wiley urgently tightened his embrace and Matt grumbled like a dog. Suddenly, a monstrous groan echoed through the locker room. Matt and Wiley stopped mid-snog. Their breathing was heavy and their bodies stuck together. Movement from the corner of both their eyes caught their attentions. They sprang apart and faced the figure on the ground with a fighting stance. Their mouths dropped open immediately. Blair was on his hands and knees, attempting to get up, and his ass was facing directly at the two nerds. An enormous and glorious ass. Blair hadn’t changed into any gym clothes yet, so his hot-air ballooned glutes fought with all their might to be seen in his denim jeans. His thighs too were bulging tightly, his entire legs thick with exploded muscle. Matt sighed, breathing out more contradicting emotions than he could count, “Oh, for fuck’s sake.” Blair groaned again, stirring from a moment’s rest. He shuffled one foot underneath his heavy body. Then another. Now his butt was really sticking in the air. He let out a grumbling and hissing noise as he pushed himself off the ground and straightened his back. He clearly was dizzy from the punch and from getting knocked out, but he also looked… Uncomfortable. His collared shirt wrapped around bulges of contorted muscle. His arms stretched his short sleeves to an aching extent; Matt could tell they hung on by a thread. It was Blair’s slanted shoulders and shifting backside that kept Matt’s attention, though. Blair grumbled, annoyed like a sleeping bear. Suddenly there was a Pop! Matt flinched but saw Blair’s collar flick and a shiny button fling to the side. It crashed into a locker and sent an echo through the room. Blair froze, looking down at his chest. Like he’d waken up from a nightmare and was smashed in the face by a fucking amazing surprise. A grumble came soft and low from Blair. In a split-second crescendo it became a roar as he forced his shoulders back, sticking them out wide and proud. A pair of buttons smacked the lockers in a clanging duet. His arms ripped through the threads of his sleeves, and his legs followed with long tears in his jeans by his thighs. Blair let out a pleased grunt, like he was breathing properly for the first time. Matt didn’t blame him for his discomfort. He made a mental note that it was lucky he was wearing decently stretchable clothing. Matt wondered how to best approach this situation, what with the high-school hulk being prone to anger and all. “G’morning douchewad!” Matt’s eyes went wide for a moment and he glanced nervously at Wiley before turning to watch the brute react. “What are you doing?!” Matt whispered harshly. “I’m fucking with him.” “He’s huge! Why do you want to fuck with him?” Wiley smirked, “Cause he’s huge and I wanna fuck with him…” In a daze, Blair turned his hulking mass around. Matt allowed himself to close his eyes and breath. His fear dissipated immediately. “You both want to explain this?” Matt’s eyes bolted open and feasted on the speaker. His tongue salivated. Indeed, Blair was the Blonde Brute. He was tall before and he was tall now. His muscles looked like bulges of marble, inflated from the inside like blown glass would be. His shoulders made no contest of the tattered sleeves of his shirt and were as bold and mighty as the biceps that bulged from his arms. His chest rippled in the shadows of his torn open shirt. The boulders that were now his abdominal muscles made occasional appearance over his highest surviving button. His size was astounding. His bright colored eyes pierced from the face of Prince Charming, dimple and all. Most lovely was the night stick Blair was apparently keeping tucked in his jeans. It was quite thick, and long. Matt narrowed his eyes. And it was clearly hard and erect. “You got pulled into some magic. You’re welcome,” Wiley played confidently. Matt elbowed him. Blair closed his own eyes and tensed his body. Everything bulged. “This is some fucked with magic,” his smooth voice was accusing and yet… “I exploded,” Matt felt Blair’s gaze on him, “I- I mean, my magic exploded. Everywhere. I don’t really know what happened.” “Well you better figure it out and undo it! People are gonna think I juiced up. There’s no way this is allowed in a Division I school.” “Oh, don’t worry, it’s not like it’s a chemical. It’s probably undetectable!” Wiley slipped in. “Ere…” Matt grumbled. “Also, don’t even try to lie about liking it. I see that bulge in your pants…” Matt was stunned. Wiley was being so forward. Matt watched Blair’s face redden. “It’s okay, our dicks have been going for a while now too,” Matt offered, unsure if Wiley upset him. Another rumble sounded low in Blair. He took deep breaths through his nose. His hands suddenly grabbed the open sides of his shirt and mercilessly tore through the rest of the buttons and ripped the threads cleanly from his bulging body. His fingers found the tears in his jeans and nudged inside for a proper grip. Then, denim was flying everywhere and Blair’s legs were released from their restraints. He looked hand-crafted by an artisan sculpture. He looked like a classic representation of Zeus. Only younger. In his true prime. Blair groaned and ripped the last of the clothes from his body. His underwear flew and hit Wiley in the face. Matt chuckled at him, however briefly, before the sausage log of meat flopped out hard before them all. Blair merely roared and thick streams of cum sprang from his cock. The vibration sent both Wiley and Matt into uncontrollable orgasmic bliss. Their crotches filled with hot cream as the first jet of Blair’s shot hit the lockers with a bang. The second sailed through the air and hit Matt straight in the eye. “Agh! Wh-? Mm…” Matt tasted the cum and he felt it reinvigorate him. Blood rushed through his cock and his muscles and sent his body practically convulsing into further orgasm. And then it was over. The three of them there, and all that could be heard was the sound of their desperate gasps of relief. Matt stood hunched over, his hands on his knees. His mind was scrambled and he just focused on counting his breathing. In: One… Two… Three… Four… Out: One… Two- The locker room door slammed open and Matt could feel the shuffling of many heavy steps. “AlRIGHT boys. This ain’t funny. First you were late to class, and now I don’t know what pranks you’re trying to pull-.” Matt straightened up just in time to watch Mr. Royce turn the corner with the entirety of their male gym class in tow. It took Matt a moment before he realized: They were all bigger. Fuck. Mr. Royce crossed thick arms over his plump chest and tried not to look incapacitated when he noticed Blair immediately. Sanjay and Jonah stood behind Mr. Royce. Their muscles were pumped like they just finished a week-long work out. They clearly hadn’t grown as much as they would’ve had they been closer to the epicenter of the explosion, but they were pressing through their shirts impressively. The rest of the class stood behind them. And it was a wall of beef. No t-shirt was left un-stretched, no jaw left un-chiseled. Chandler Rocklin was thick and menacing in his polo shirt. Jimmy Nader busted his bicep through his long sleeve. Chase Newton was fucking sexy as fuck now that he had some meat on his bones. Matt stared in disbelief. What kind of fucking magician am I? “Well? Can any of you speak? Callum, put some clothes on...” Mr. Royce was struggling to maintain composure, but sounded authoritative enough. Wiley glanced down at the gym teacher’s crotch and smirked. “You sure you want him to do that?”
  19. FREaky

    Abduction Part Eight-Finale

    Abduction Part Eight - Finale by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ Part Three: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9055-abduction-part-three/ Part Four: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9137-abduction-part-four/ Part Five: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9182-abduction-part-five/ Part Six: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9374-abduction-part-six/ Part Seven: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9592-abduction-part-seven/ Early the next morning, the cacauphony of caws from the tropical birds woke up a powerfully built, blonde, and norse looking man. He had arrived in the middle of the night, anchored his boat out in the harbor, and then rowed a small dingy to shore, drug it up into the brush where the beach began to turn into forest and went to sleep in it. He had thought about ignoring the birds, rolling over, and going back to sleep for a little bit, but there entered another sound into his auditory cannal. "PARUMPFFF......PARUMPFFFFF....." The sound was getting closer and louder with each beat it made. Not only that, but whatever was making the noise was also beginning to cause the ground to shake. Upon the next sound and shake, the man sat up in the boat, attempting to look around, thinking about moving from where he was and leavign the dingy there, but within two more beats a large something moved in front and overhead of his position and shaded a large area greatly. Within mere seconds a pair of large hands pressed their way into the brush and then moved sideways apart, crushing and snapping all twigs, sapplings, and small trees that hid the large blonde male. To the built blonde's point of view, the shrubs suddenly parted and there behind the foliage curtain squated a giant of a man bigger than any one the muscular blonde had ever seen. This giant was easily almost three times the blonde's size, he was as muscular as the hulk, if not more so, hairy, with brilliantly glowing white-blonde hair, deep coffee colored eyes, and dark tan skin, and a cock that flaccid looked to be as thick and large as some of the palm trees and swayed back and forth like them as well, when the giant was standing as opposed to squatting down. "Greetings. My apologies if I startled you. My name is Loki. Welcome to my and my family's island." The man wasn't sure if he could ask the questions he wanted to or if he would just soon bust a load into his pants while staring at this extremely hot looking young giant. "Hi, Loki. My name is Dries. I'm trying to find two friends of mine. Perhaps you might know them." "Oh... I kind of doubt that. We don't get too many visitor's here. That's what lead me to you. I saw the boat out in the lagoon and waded out to say hello there first. When no one answered, I walked into shore and saw the small boat tracks and came here." "Well, you certainly did find me. The two guys I'm looking for are probably about six feet or so shorter than you, almost twice as tall as me. They go by the names of Julian and Terry." "Julian and Terry?! Those are my fathers' names...but they are the same height as my brothers and I are." "You're Julian & Terry's son? You have brothers? How? I mean... did they have sex with some alien women?" "NO! no no no no no no no...." and Loki collapsed onto his butt and side with laughter. "No... dad and dad had sex with each other." "But still that would only make you like ten years old?!? " "Yeah....we're apparently odd human beings number one being so tall, built, and uhmmmm hung like a whale and number two because my brothers and I reached full adulthood by the age of ten, where most don't reach adulthood until.... what is it eightteen?" "Uhmmm yeah, that's what most of them do." "Most of 'them'?" "Uhmmmm well. I'm not actually human myself, I'm a Nord'ok. On average we stand about a foot taller than most humans. Your fathers' original height I used to stand six inches to a foot and an inch taller than them at one time." "Really....well....you are a bit bigger than most of the humans dad and pa described to me, and you look pretty handsome...." "Really? Are you trying to.... WHOA!" "No trying to; I'm hitting on you, and my body is letting the both of us know, it likes yours." Suddenly Loki's cock just began to stretch out and fatten up and Dries just hopped onto it and began to ride it as it rose and bobbed. ***************************************************************************** On another side of the island and young, Polynesian man wakes up in the top of a palm tree and yet face to face with similar giant version of himself, which is pretty impossible to do as he stands 7' 2" tall and was fairly beefy. But this man... he...now he was around eighteen feet tall, with oliver colored skin, jet black hair, but deep forest greet eyes which stared at the Polynesian man with much scrutiny. "Hello.... .... Are you a regular human?" "Uhmmm.... yes." said the Polynesian man as he sat up and straddled the palm tree trunk. "Oh.... I'm a giant human." "No....I'm a giant human. Well... technically four inches short of being classified as a giant, but I'm a considerable man of size for humans. You are a colossal man." "Hahahaha.... well, giant man of diminutive size, my name is Ajay. What is yours?" "My name is Kawikani." "What's your first name?" "That is my first name." laughed Kawikani. "My last name is Onameahoolea." "I've not heard of names like that before." "You look so tan and... you live here on an island, how could you have not?" "I've not met anyone else before. We've never had any visitors. Just my two fathers and my three brothers." "Are they all the same size as you?" "Yes, exactly." "Wow..... you're..... you're like a god to me." "Hahahaha.... a god? No.... I'm not that." "Well.... it's hard to find someone who makes me look small, but you.... you're like twice my size and then some." "Is that a bad thing?" "No.... ..... it's kind of....a good thing.... depending upon what you like...." and Kawikani put out his hand and began to rub it round and round over Ajay's shoulder, down his chest, and then hanging over and cupping Ajay's nipple in his hand. "Oooooh.....uhmmmm......" There was a rustle from the bush below the palm tree and Kawikani looked down to see Ajay's ample cock ooze forward and through the brush increasing in size both length and girth. "Does the god like someone caressing his skin?" "Uh.... yeah." "And would the god like someone to strock his cock, slit, and balls?" "Uh..... hooo boy...." "And does the god have a name that his worshiper might call out as he stroked him off to spurting orgasm?" "uh....OH!" And Kawikani looked down to see Ajay's shaft bobbing in mid air and the gigantic blob of pre come dribbling slowly out the slit of its head. "Uhmmmm.....my name is Ajay. Ajay Dealmiki to be exact." *************************************************************************** On still a third side of the island, a behemoth of a man has been tracking giant foot prints since he was woken up by soft yet extremely loud foot falls at the break of dawn. The man recognizes these sound for what they are as he makes them himself. Standing and incredible 8' 11" tall and built bigger than a professional bodybuilder, the man just thinking about moving causes waves of sound to echo forth with his standing still, let alone heel to toe stomp. After walking for a number of hours he comes upon something he would describe as a base camp and after surveying the territory, walks back out and off the trail, squats down into brush tall enough to cover him, and pulls out a radio to attempt to communicate. "Capt. Brynglas to Major Payne or Colonel Sargeant, come in. Captain Brynglas to Major Payne or Colonel Sargeant, come in. I have urgent update to announce, over." Suddenly there was a large shadow looming over Captain Brynglas and he felt the backpack with the main part of the radio in it get crushed by something or maybe some one. Growling in anger on his equipment being trashed, he turned and screamed with hands clasped together to pummel the person behind him. "I AM CAPTAIN BRYNGLAS AND I AM HERE TO BRING YOU GIANT FUCKS ....AAAAAAAUUUUGH!" Brynglas' hands struck the enormous shin bones and muscle of a strawberry-blonde, black eyed, giant power lifter with a bit of a ball gut, causing some of his hand bones to be broken. Suddenly the same gigantic pinching fingers that squashed his backpack like a bug picked Captain Brynglas up by it and brought him face to face with the giant. "Who are you?" "Captain Robert Brynglas, United States Army. HUH!" "Well, Captain, what are you doing here again?" "Captain Robert Brynglas, United States Army. HUH!" "That doesn't answer my question Captai....." "Captain Robert Brynglas, United States Army. HUH!" The giant brought Robert up to his mouth and then roared. "HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH! If you're gonna continue to do what you're doing we can do without the huh as it doesn't add any kind of affect on me nor imparts answers or information I'm trying to get from you." Captain Brynglas suddenly quivered in his crotch area and legs, but he kep his stern composure on his face. "You will get nothing but name, rank, and serial number out of me." "Well, I want to know what you are doing here, as well as why looking around mine and my parent's home seems to qualify as important information you need to share." "Captain Robert Brynglas, United States Army. WHUH-AAAAAAAAAH!" The gargantuan powerlifter merely, simply tossed Captain Brynglas high into the air and then caught him. "And I am Calum Dealmiki giant human of this island and I'd like to know what you are doing here." "I WILL NOT TELL YOU... AUWAAAAAAAH!" Calum tossed the captain again and proceed to do so several times as he made the following statement. "I know... .... ... who you are, Captain.... ... ... What I want to know is... ... ... why you are here and why... ... ... my family is worth reporting about." A stream of fluid had come out the bottom of one of Captain Brynglas' pants leg at some point and the line of wetness showed down one pants leg. He was a little shaken and stammering a bit when he began to speak, but he kept his nerve. "Captain Robert Brynglas, United States Army. You will get no information out of me and if I don't contact my people in five days, they will come here and take care of your sorry ass. They can handle one giant!" Calum began to flip Robert into the air again, cathing him between alternate hands. "There... ... ... are .... .... ....six......of us... ... ...this... ... ... size... ... ... you puny... ... ... little... ... ...man!" Upon the last catch Calum held him by the back pack and brought Robert up to his face. At that point Robert looked the giant with a very mixed expression gasping out the statement, "There are six of you?", before his eyes started to roll to the back of his head, he moaned and ooohed, convulsed, and then a larger, darker, wet spot occurred where his pants were tenting near his crotch. "Are you? ... ... ... are you orgasming over me?" Robert said nothing, looking down, breathing hard. That's when Calum flipped Robert very high in the air, caught him and then brought his face close to Robert's and bellowed, "ANSWER ME!" Robert jerked and shook, somehow surprisingly the wet spot on his crotch becoming even larger and darker than ever before and now there was no mistaking the musky smell coming off of the once behemoth captain. Robert shook again and broke down and cried...."I.... I am....Captain Robert...." "I SAID...." "NO! NO! Wait.... wait..... I am Captain Robert Brynglas, not only of the United States Army but created years ago by the United States army." "Created?" "I... I.... am a genetic clone from the genes of Robert Pershing Wadlow and some of the strongest, toughest, and powerfully built men of all time. I've primarily been a top secret, but I was brought here to see if you and your partner had returned to the Earth at this island. But.... but we only had two of you listed and you're only supposed to be around twelve feet tall... or so." "I've never been off of Earth. You must be talking about my fathers. Why are you shaking and quaking and... ... ... and... ... ... and cumming?" "I... .... I..... I'm used..... used to being..... THE biggest man. I've never seen a man so tall and powerfully built as you. I'm.... I'm used to everyone being so much shorter than me. EVEN GIANT SIZED BASKETBALL PLAYERS!" The screamed words echoed across the island and faded away before Robert continued. "I'm used to towering over everyone... ... .... to looking down upon all. But you.... you're so big.... so powerful.....so fucking.....so fucking HUNG! I'm getting so horny talking to you. And the way you can just pick me up and toss me like I was a child.. ... ... .... I feel so....angry....so.... aroused? ... ... ... I'm so confused! ... .... ... I just want to hold you.... worship you.... measure you....see how much bigger than me you are..... to marvel at you and caress you..... and..... oh......God help me! I want to be inside you and feel you inside me. I want to be your fucking twink.... you're bitch! I'm supposed to be the giant alpha male but there's no chance next to you, and thus... I want you. ... ... ... I want to be with you." By the end of Robert's confession-admission of arousal, Calum's shaft had fully risen and extended bobbing parallel to a good number of feet of land. ************************************************************************ Over the next few days the three son's got up did whatever chores giants needed to do done and left home area very early. They were spending more and more time with the gentlemen they had found, respectively, and the gentlemen were all too willing to spend time with them. These were days of exploration and comparison with body parts being measured: length around biceps, height, nipple-penis-ball size, feet and hands; strength competitions who could lift what and then calculating the equal amount to the giant boys and recalculating how much they had beaten the regular men by; volume amount and rope distance of cum shots. It seemed a number of weeks went by before they trio of young men decided to tell their fathers about the visiting men, but not out of actually wanting to simply introduce them. Each of the young men had begun to experience and increase in chest size. At first all three thought perhaps it was happening due to all the exercise they go showing off to their lovers, but as their chests kept increasing, expanding, they thought they better tell their fathers straight away. Running into home camp, they noticed each other and became somewhat frantic and thus ran up and in near panic began to cry out to their fathers. Yet their fathers' minds were on something else and so it took several shouts and hollers before Julian and Terry notice their sons need attention. Meanwhile in between each cry for their father's the boys' chests just swelled larger....and fuller.....and thicker......and broader.....and more rounded......and more square........fully and fully they grew until they nearly looked like they were going to pop. Julian and Terry discussed it for a while, while Robert, Dries, and Kawikani looked in awe and horror as Calum, Loki, and Ajay's pecs continued to blow up even fuller. Finally they came to a decision. "Well, boys." said Terry "You other dad and I have decided what is happening is that you must really like these men, and these men really like you. In fact I think it's safe to say that you all are in love with one another." At that moment the six young men blushed. "Thus what is happening to you now, is similar to what happened to us when we gave birth to our sons. Except now, my sons, are wanting to change another human being so they will have the size and be formidable enough to take the physical abuse you guys could create while making love." After that and some greetings and reintroductions of Dries to Julian & Terry, and Kawikani to everyone and Robert to everyone, Loki took Dries off to the side to talk and cuddle with him, where upon Dries promptly began to suckle on one of Loki's nipples, where upon it began to shrink down to Loki's normal tremendous size. Then Dries in punch drunk fashion began to suckle on Loki's other nipple and it two deflated to it normal, gargantuan striated and vascular size. It was shortly after this that Dries began to hold his sides and roll around on the ground. Loki and everyone wondered what was going on but they soon found out. With beads of sweat dripping off his body, causing his hair to become plastered to his frame, Dries balls suddenly began to swell and grow, inflate and expand, first one and then the other, and they just kept expanding as though a hose was connected to them filling them with testosterone and spunk. Loki knelt down at Dries side wondering what he could or should do but then suddenly Dries balls gave a mighty contraction and on that contraction Dries' hands and feet just exaggerately extended to larger size. Shortly after with each contration his legs and arms, then torso, then neck and head, all began to lengthen is size as his feet and hands pushed out farther and farther carving ruts into the sand or ground leaving behind sloped trenches that got deeper and deeper. Trees became uprooted and broken in half, rocks and small boulders were pushed into great heaps. Then the ground began to give way and slightly crack underneath Dries' mighty form for muscle was now packing on his frame at an incredible and awe horrifying way. More and more his muscles twitched and popped, flexed and relaxed, swelled and grew, over and over again. Riverlets of veins criss -cross his entire being, score marks of striations defined the shape and curvature of each and every muscle, while every muscle grew to make it even more difficult to move, yet in a back position , simply lying down, it began to lift up his legs, his groin, his back, his arms, from all lying flat upon the ground. When all was said and done, Dries stood up and his new giant boyfriend was suddenly only crotch high to him. Dries extended his arms back and roared as his cock suddenly sprang in arousal becoming impossibly thick and incredibly long. There might have been some cause for concern, some form of protest, but Dries quickly began chanting the same mantra the boys had done numerous days ago: "Our race must be preserved." Soon he kneeled down and Loki impaled himself as best as he could on Dries prick, followed by the rest of the family Loki into Calum, Calum into Ajay, Ajay into Terry, Terry into Julian, Julian into Dries. The great daisy chain was formed again and each and everyone was pumping as best as they could while the scent of testosterone filled the entire home land area. Within moments everyone rocked back jettosing an extreme blast of spoo into the ass of lover or family member and then everyone began to stretch and broaden and grow and inflate become hairier and stronger and fuller and larger.... With that the tall and lumbering Kawikani approached his lover, Ajay, and discovered he now only came up the middle of Ajay's calf. Robert stood there in awe and wonder as well as arousal over the new size of his lover, Calum and the rest of his family. But something seemed to keep Robert in his place. He couldn't make himself walk forward and although he didn't understand why, he felt calm and secure in the decision that he was supposed to wait. Meanwhile Ajay sat in a position that made it easier to hold Kawikani and for Kawikani to climb over or rest in parts of him. It didn't take long for the pair to notice that the massive chest of Ajay was still proportionately distended, over-thick, and if he bounced them made sloshing sounds. Kawikani made short work of drinking in all the man milk that Ajay had produced and it had the same massively muscular and height affect on him as it had on Dries. But Kawikani stretched out even farther and broader and thicker and harder and defined and taller and stronger that any of the Dealmiki family were now and he kept growing. Growling and howling like some wild animal pent up in a cage, Kawikani swelled up to such proportions and such size one would think he was turning into a valcano god from the legends of his Polynesian heritage. When all was done the tables were now turned; all of the Dealmiki family stood only as tall as about half-way up Kawikani's calves, while poor Captain Robert Brynglas came up to Kawikani's ankles, if he was lucky. But that didn't stay the same way for long. Within minutes Kawikani lied down, practically destroying the family homestead with his colossal size, and Ajay walked over and began to stroke and lick Kawi's monsterous cock as best as he could. Another few minutes and Kawi blew a river sized stream of cum all over Ajay's body, which absorbed it almost instantly and gave Ajay the largest belly his torso ever had. In turn he blew and unprecedented sizeable load into Dries, who blew into Loki, who blew into Calum, who blew into Julian, who blew into Terry, who blew back into the mouth of Kawikani. Robert nearly blew a load for each man as he watched them all grow and grow and grow and their shoulders, hands, knees, and feet suddenly began to dig into the earth and carve ruts here, push stones there, dam up small creeks, flatten hundreds of year old palm trees. There... before him... now stood seven men that looked like the statue of Rhodes only with Hercules' features. Calum could bare see him on the ground, but he managed to reach his gargantuan hand and scoop Robert up, along with some rocks, trees, and sand, and deposited him on his abdomen just below his protuding pecs which were still heavy and swollen with milk. Robert didn't have to really climb. Calums pecs still swollen with muscle and growth milk had rolled his pecs so massively that his nipples were just shy of pointing straight down. Robert had problems at first, attempting to hold onto the massive granite outcropping that was Calum's nipple, but Robert endured using his what once was considered massive paws and impossible strength to hold onto and milk the giant nipple. It was somewhat difficult for an average person, if you could call Robert that, to drink all the milk that Calum was giving him, but Robert persevered. A few sucks and his stomach became distended like some great off season bodybuilder. He'd rest for a few minutes before a series of three sudden hiccoughs came out and his stomach went back to being a smooth, cut, six or eight back. Robert continued to drink this way, over and over again until he got both of Calum's pecs down to impressive and impossible normal size. Robert stumbled round as though drunk. Heaving forward as though sick. A misstep sent him over the side and off of the gigantic Calum, but it mattered not. While fallen in midair he hiccoughed twice and with that his balls suddenly blew up to damn near Calum's size. He landed with a slight bounce on them not enough to do any damage but enough cause a little pain. With that he alternated between ball growth, penis growth, and body growth. Another hiccough and his balls inflated more. Hiccough- and his dick oozed out fatter, thicker, and harder. Hiccough- his limbs stretched and extended. Hiccough - his muscles inflated, swelled, defined, became denser, Over and over again it happened. The Dealmikis watched as he grew and grew, egging him on, playing with their cocks, until Robert soon matched their size and then within a few short hiccoughs he was large enough to begin to push them and still he grew! Once done every one stood up and looked in awe at Robert. Up and Up and Up and out and Out and OUT! Despite all their recent growth the entire Dealmiki family, both new and old just barely came up to Robert's toes. Robert turned around to get his bearings, noticing that the active volcano on this island now only came up to just over his shoulders. His cock immediately sprang to life and he threw his hands and arms backwards, tightening his chest, upper arms, forearms, abs and legs as best he could, screamed and loudly proclaimed "YOU HAVE MADE ME A GOD!" The phrase echoed for a bit and the entire Dealmiki family all came and spooed on the spot. But then there was a weird look that came over Robert's face, and he began to try and scan the ground as best he could. The expression became more and more anxious. "I..... I..... am a god, but I will not rule alone. I need.... I need my love. I need him to be my size. I need his family with me.... oh....uh..... oh....." Despite the amount of times he came in the last few minutes, he whacked and jacked and blew a most extraordinary load all over the ground. This was absorved completely by Calum who then suddenly grew up out of nowhere as though he were a plant seed on instant growth formula or was a cartoon pill that one just added water too. This sence repeated itself as Calum then jacked off and the spunk was absorbed by Kawikani who then spooed for Ajay who grew and then spewed for Dries, who then spurted for Loki who swelled up and out and splooged for Julian, who squirted for Terry, who after his growth shad-a-wad back to Robert. The men stood there in a stupor for quite some time, when suddenly one of the boy thought and spoke up. "Where is Cotton? Cotton has missed all this glorious growth! GRRRRRRRRRRRR" Shortly after the last set of growth spurts, Cotton had arrived with a blonde gentleman with ice blue eyes, who stood only shoulder high to him and was stumbling and sweating profusely. There was a pale blue tint to his skin and he had a tattoo kind of birthmark similar in design to what all the Dealmiki's had, except his was a snowflake. Setting the shorter man down he ran to the fire that had nearly been extinguished by either shifting sand or the actual feet of his now towering, god like brothers. Creating another fire he began to shout and take palm leaves to make a canpoy over the fire and then remove it attempting to create smoke signals. "Dads! Dads! Loki-Calum-Ajay!" It took the others a while to notice but they finally began to realize some object bug sized to them was trying to get their attention, maybe make contact. Thus Julian decided to squat and lay down on the island and around the volcano as best he could putting his eye near the spot where the smoke was coming from. He smiled once his eyes adjusted at trying to look at something near microscopic. "Cotton! My eighteen foot tall yet microscopic son. We have become huge. We can not hear you where our heads are. Come walk into my ear and shout to me what you're trying to say and tell me where you have been the last few weeks." Cotton did as he was told and began to explain what had happened to him. "Dad a few nights ago I was walking on the farther shore of the island and I saw the brilliant blue star crash down almost in the exact center. I ran to it to see what it was, what it looked like and it actually turned out to be a space ship. But it didn't land correctly and it crashed. The pilot was hurt, but not too badly and I began to care for him. He is man like us, well like you used to be and I am, nearly our size. As I was taking care of him we talked of so many things and told me how you and dad came to his world and he fell in love with your looks and size. He says he's a prince of another world. Blizcard is his name and renounces his title to come here and live after seeing you and dad. And.... well.... we laughed and told stories and enjoyed our time together and....I think we're in love." "That seems to be reoccurring theme on our island, boy. As you can see we have three new members to the family. You have three new brother-in-laws and they have had a profound affect upon us all." "So Calum, Ajay, and Loki have taken them on as husbands?" "I believe that is what intent is. They have certainly acted like the family so far." "Then I am very happy for them, but I fear it may not be so for me. Although I have healed his physical wounds, there still seems to be something happening to him. Everyday he becomes weaker and weaker, he has a fever that won't break and he becomes paler and paler. I also fear there is something wrong with me as well, perhaps catching something from Blizcard because my pecs have swollen to such a tremendous size I can barely move my arms or head" "You pecs are to provide muscle and height and cock growth for your lover. That's why they blew up so full and sound full of fluid when you walk. But I.....ahhhh...... I...... oh...... I think the family will have to be connected before and addition can be made." "What?" "Terry, Calum, Ajay, Loki, one or a couple of you, make a large crater in the ground near the smoke. Cotton, you will need to put Blizcard into the crater once done and then get out of there quickly. I believe your milk will not only make you mates, but will cure him as well. He's originally from a planet full of ice giants and I don't think this tropical weather is doing him well, but OOOOHoooooooooooooooooooooooh. We need to take care of something first." Cotton's brothers took care of digging the crater while Julian stood up with Cotton in his ear and then tipped his head over to Terry after motioning for him to cup his hands together. As soon as this was done, Julian then blew a huge wad into Terry's hands which caused Terry to blow into his hands followed by Calum, Robert, Ajay, Kawikani, Loki and Dries. Cotton lay there sputtering and spitting, swimming around in so much spunk but then it began to receed and fade away and he felt his body begin to soar and stretch, blow up and inflate, widen and thicken, harden and grow. He soon was doll size in his fathers hands, then baby size, then child size, then he hopped out and grew into pre-teen, teenage, and finally equal sized adult. He stumbled and swayed, trying to get used to his new height after such fast growth, plus the size of his muscles which were even more enormous in density and size than he and his family were just moments before. Terry grabbed him and spun him around to face the crater his brothers dug that Blizcard now lay in and gave him a firm but polite sounding command. "Squeeze your pecs, Cotton. Squeeze them!" Cotton did so and it took only seconds for milky fluid to come streaming out like a giant sized water fall and fill the giant-hand dug basin which his lover lie in. Within two squirts it seemed as though it would be deep enough to already to begin to drown Blizcard but then the former prince began to stretch and broaden, grow and thicken, his already giant and mighty frame compared to Earthlings became even more muscular, more dense, now hairy, hugely balled, a cock that was growing out almost infinitely. Farther and father he stretch, larger and larger he grew. The ground beneath him began to cave and crumble. His feet rested upon the volcano and soon began to move it, shoving it over its own crater and causing it to seal itself up. He soon grew so big that Cotton at his new size was being lifted by either his legs or arms, then rolling over and resting on Blizcard's torso. The veins, the striation, the bulges, the mounds, the pops, the rocks, the feet, the hands, the hair, the balls, the cock.... growing and growing into God like status and going past into a Titan. When all was said and done, Blizcard was now a normal human pale that had been taned. Sweat wasn't dripping off of him as fast as it had been earlier and was now just enough to give him a sexy sheen highlighting every single mound and bulge of his muscular frame. When he stood tall, his lover and lover's family just barely came one-fourth of the way up his thigh. The poor poor volcano that had been shifted at its original height just barely came to the top of his knee His hair was now a platinum blonde with ice-nearly white-blue eyes and he picked up Cotton in his hand and placed him down in front of his cock. In an instant Cottom was sucking and his shlong sprung to erection straight out from his body which Robert latched onto followed by Calum latching on to his, Kawikani onto Calums, Ajay onto Kawikani's, Loki onto Kawikani's, Dries onto Loki's, Terry onto Dries', Julian onto Terry's and back round to Blizcard onto Julian's. Gigantic muscle titans surrounding the whole perimeter of the island, each looking like they were sucking on something longer and heftier than a fire hose that full of water and its pressure. Eventually that pressure would actually release and fill everyone's stomach until it became exceptionally round, hard, bulbous, and yet carrying the familiar grid pattern of carved abs. With that everyone save Blizcard exploded in growth and size growing to the point their bodies moved inland, moved into the water, grew off the edge of the shore, their shoulders rising higher than the trees. Their arms lengthening to accomodate the girth of their upper and fore arms which threatened to lock their elbows in and now made them look almost a little like gorillas. Their biceps easily becoming larger than their head. Their traps, shoulders, back, and chest threatening to pinch of their neck which rose higher and higher just enough to keep their heads safe from being pinched. They stood and waddled their legs nearly become locked from the size of their tear drop thighs, and the freakish thigh biceps, not mention the pulsing giant heart shaped claves that tried to make the tights look small, as well as a hamstring now so taught and tight it threatened to snap. Their body hair curved this way and that forming to the shape of the muscle area it covered, just enough to make the bulge and shape stand out but not hide or obscure the definition. The hair also glimmered with highlights in the sun's glow and swayed on them in the tropical breeze. Their nipples stuck out just a titch beyond their feathery hair and underneath veins rose up feet high on the top of their skin while lines of striation made long semi deep grooves across the body and deep cavernous crevices formed the lines that defined their uber jacked muscles so well. On top of their colossal thighs rested their bold, beautiful, godly ampled balls large enough so that each one individually nearly filled one of the giants' own hand and released a tsunami force of spunk that would fill the grand canyon. That coming out of a hose that was damn near half as long as their own body, that bobbed and swayed when erect about three-forths the way down their legs. The inner workings of their groin and abdomen muscles able to pull it up just slightly or parrallel to the ground when the abs were crunched and bunched. The weight of these three things would make them aroused and horny about 90% of their time. They stood up, leaving elongated craters for foot prints. One small shift and the island rumbled and quaked. The once grand volcano was a midgit to them now and they were so tall they could see the whole of the island and wonder if all ten of them could find comfort and sleeping there. With all the growing and cumming that had taken place, one would think that everyone would be completely exhausted but soon the boys and their new husbands complained of being hungry and so they all sat as best they could and jacked and feed off of one another. Not too long after that the boys and their mates not only became hornier than hell, but also went through the same ritual that their fathers went through to produce them. Julian and Terry smile watching the young men. Eventually Terry got up and began to walk out into the ocean. "Terry," called out Julian, "What are you doing?" "We're going to need to leave this island, hon. Our four boys have just gotten married and just all of themselves and our son-in-laws pregnant. If they grow bigger like our boys did, imagine how that will be with twenty-six of us fucking giant muscle titans." To which everyone replied, "That idea makes me horny." Standing ankle deep in the lagoon, Terry turn to look out to the sea he was walking into when suddenly it began to bubble and froth. "What's that?" There appeared suddenly a fleet of submarines followed by a few carriers and other military ships. A voice rang clear over a loudspeaker. "This is Colonel Sargeant. Captain Brynglas you are offically reported as GOOD GOD!" "Robert," called out Calum. "I think those ships are for you and us." "I don't think we have to worry about them, boys. C'mon, everyone in the pool." And one by one every joined Terry for a walk into the sea. This began to create large currents that the boats and subs couldn't navigate against. The Colonel tried to bark out orders and have various weapons fired, but the tow created by the giants caused several ships to sink, subs to collide, it raised the tide level a bit and swept the ships and subs out over the island, and then when the giants were far enough, left them all on dry land. Suddenly Terry stopped and began to bob up and down on his feet and began to chuckle loudly. "What's so funny, Dad," "I'm flat footed, Ajay. and could have been so for some time. The water just barely comes up to the top of our shoulders. WE'RE TALLER THAN THE SEA!" And he raised his tan hairy bulbuous arms and performed a bodybuilding victory pose, making him look like Neptune coming out of the ocean himself. "Where are we going to head to Dad?" "I figure we ought to head to our hometown, let the parents know we're alright, they've got grandkids, will soon have great-grandkids, and that a muuuuuuuuch larger guesthouse with ubersized quilts are gonna have to be built to accomodate us." and Terry began to laugh. "Dad?" "Yes, Cotton?" "Can we swing by the North Pole first, as a honey moon gift to Blizcard so he won't feel so homesick with all of this change?" "Ha ha! Why not?! I don't think it's going to be that big of a detour for the likes of us." And the giants walked the sea, hoping they were heading into the right direction. One small thing did attract Julian's eye and looked at it and addressed it as the boat moved under his chin. "Major Payne. Glad to see you're not hurt, but are trying to follow us as a beacon for the army?" "No... no, sir. I'm here on my own accord." "Own accord. Four of these strapping young men...." "Extra large, supersized, uber, titan god-like strapping young men...." "Yes.....they are your sons correct?" "Yes...why?" "Well....I.....they look very mature for...what it was only ten years you escaped and were take from us." "Yes that's about right, and?" "So it took them only ten years to grow into adulthood?" "Yes....and?" "And did I hear correctly every single one of your boys and their mates are now pregnant?" "Yes....where are you going with this Major?" "Well....I..... that is......would it be all right if I hung out with you guys for ten years and see if any of your grandkids would take a fancy to me?" "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" Julian laughed and laughed, picked up Major Paynes boat, held it by his ear until he heard the motor turn off, and then placed it on his head and continued his walk with his family.
  20. FREaky

    Abduction - Part Three

    Abduction Part Three by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Part Two: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/9036-abduction-part-two/ After Julian's growth it became quiet in the weird, alien operating room, and both Julian and Terry drifted in and out of sleep and consciousness. Eventually a couple of the short, pasty, large black-eyed aliens came and stood next to them, poking, prodding, taking stats down. But for some reason, this time, Julian and Terry could hear them. Could hear their thoughts as they were speaking to one another. "Has it been decided?" "Yes, these two, now, are large enough to make excellent drones for the home world. After we have initiated their proper growth pattern, they will make some of the best and strongest drones we have ever had." "Do we start the sequence now?" "No. They will be a bit too large for transport at the time. It is preferable to keep them this size and have them grow there." "When is their transportation?" "They are to be loaded now." "Initiating paralytic serum." Suddenly Julian and Terry felt something icy cold run through their veins and they realized their bodies became quite stiff and rigid. Scared they could feel their pulse and heart rates quicken. They could hear the beat of their heart in their heads. They were to be taken away from Earth. They would probably never see their families again and they were going to be slaves to these alien beings. The two lie there in terror, wishing they could at least turn their heads to look at one another. The aliens stepped away from the pair and the bright overhead lights dimmed leaving only side light to filter into the room from off branching corridors. "Drone Three-five-seven-one, load these two onto shuttle craft Beta-Beta immediately. Starship Beta-ap-Alpha is due to leave momentarily for the home world and these two are scheduled to go with it to become drones. Bieg Greevlix will be leaving this Bieg ship and transfer over to the transport ship to watch over these two and other prospects. As such he will fly the shuttle and its contents over. You are to accompany him." A very powerful drone, standing seven feet tall with a powerful strongman or power lifter like frame, turned his honey-gold haired head towards the alien and silently, stoically bowed at the waist and proceeded to punch some keys on the tables Julian and Terry lied upon. Once that was done he hit a side button, where upon the sound of releasing gas was heard and the table's base seemed to disappear. With that the drone pushed the table down the corridor and onto an awaiting mini ship in the shuttle bay. Once he had both Julian and Terry he punched some more buttons on the table and then on a side panel in the shuttle before fingering a small pad and then sitting down on a bench in the back and staring straight ahead. Shortly thereafter Bieg Greevlix showed up, coming through the back hatch, stopping to look at Julian and Terry. "Yes...yes... these will make some excellent workers for the home world. Is everything listed and prepared for departure, drone?" The giant man turned his head somberly and dazed like towards the alien and nodded an affirmative. "Good. Bieg Greevlix to Commander Heenah. I am aboard the shuttle and shall proceed with departure." "As ordered. Proceed Bieg Greevlix. Enjoy the return to the home world." "Computer initiate lift off procedure." There were some beeps from the computer and then suddenly the drone stood up and gave a chop like blow to the neck and head of the alien. He in turn immediately went unconscious and collapsed to the floor. Quickly the drone opened the side singular door to the shuttle, which was on the opposite side of any control center, and dropped Bieg Greevlix off onto the shuttle bay floor. Then, per Greevlix's previous commands, the shuttle began to rise up off the floor and slowly proceed towards the bay doors. Slowly the doors opened, but once the shuttle had reached that space midway of leaving the ship, one of the doors suddenly snapped back to the shut position striking the shuttle craft from the side abruptly. There was but a moment before there was a beep at the console and a voice was heard. "Bieg Greevlix, that impact was a sudden malfunction in the shuttle bay doors. You have continued to drift out, are you and your systems functioning." The giant brute stood up and approached the console. "This is Drone Three-five-seven-one. Bieg Greevlix was thrown from his seat and has struck his head. He is unconscious but appropriately stable. All shuttle and new drone transport mechanisms are functioning normally. The new prospective drones are perfectly fine and still in the transport mechanisms. I shall continue the short flight to Starship Beta-ap-Alpha, dock, and then have Bieg Greevlix looked at by medical personnel." "As it should be. Proceed shuttle craft Beta-Beta. Bieg Ship, Terra Delta out." "Confirmed. Shuttle Craft, Beta-Beta out. Computer, initiate flight sequence Four-Twenty Nine Terra." Those words spoken, the hefty drone stood up and went back to where Julian and Terry lay and actually spoke verbally. "Sorry, gentlemen. You will be not going to the home-world today. I am taking you someplace else. I will apologize for the ride, it is going to be a fast and turbulent one. Should you feel sensation return to your bodies grip the sides of the table as tightly as you can." After a few more taps and beeps on the table he quickly moved back to the cockpit seat. The shuttle craft, once near the Star Ship Beta-ap-Alpha, suddenly pivoted and warped out from underneath it, heading straight for another star ship that was in a lower orbit than Beta-ap-Alpha was. Going underneath that ship, it then came out from under and struck the Earth's atmosphere. It took a few moments before anyone of command structure realized what was happening, and by the time they went to give orders, the tractor beams were bouncing off of the secondary star ship, and then the shuttle craft was lost in the Earth's atmosphere. Any attempt to retrieve Julian, Terry, and the Drone was now going to be done via shuttle craft to shuttle craft, or risk informing the Globe of their presence. Upon hitting the atmosphere, Drone Three-five-seven-one walked over to the tables Julian and Terry were on and started madly poking buttons in a furious sequence. "Initiating infusion of proper growth sequence now." Suddenly Julian and Terry felt as though a warm liquid was not only being pushed through their veins, but poured over their entire bodies. They felt flushed, they felt powerful, they felt aroused and growing into a extreme sense of horniness. Suddenly their proud masts of eleven and three-fourths inches was standing straight and tall from their groins and there wasn't anything either of the two men could do about it. As the shuttle continued its decent, the Drone pulled out more clothing like his and began to dress both Julian and Terry in them. Around the time he got shoes that managed to fit them on, the shuttle's speed slowed down, the craft came to hover over a spot, and make then make a landing. Helping the two to sit up. "Gentlemen, I wish I could help you acclimate yourselves to walking again, but we don't have enough time. You must relearn to walk by yourselves while I get our next mode of transportation. Computer, open back hatch, followed by releasing gases to mask energy trail, followed by going into cloaked mode." After giving the orders, the buff drone walked out of the hatch doors and towards a large thicket on the side of a small field the shuttle had landed in. As he began to clear away some of the bush, Julian and Terry began to stand up. First Julian kind of slid off the table landing on his two feet. This made a resounding thud which startled him and he looked above as if they were being attacked. "Relax." Said Terry. "That's you. Men our size have a tendency of making some fairly large thuds when walking. Muscle mass weighs more than just bone and fat and we've got a bit of the mass on us." "Oh... right..." Julian turned and attempted to walk out the hatch doors but wobbled and fell over. Terry was there, still a little off balance himself, but only due to not having walked and using those muscles for the last few days or weeks, perhaps months. He stopped down and put his right arm under Julian's left arm pit and then around the back until his right hand was under Julian's right arm pit. Draping Julian's left arm over his shoulder and holding it down by grabbing Julian's left hand with his, Terry smiled shyly at Julian. "Here. We're both going to be a bit wobblely from lack of movement. Perhaps we'll do better supporting each other." "It's so hard to move with these legs." "That's what happens when you develop large, powerful thighs. They get in the way of each other. Here... kick your legs out kind of sideways when you walk. That'll help." "Yes... it takes some of the pressure off of....ugh...." and Julian laughed nervously. "What? It's ok go ahead and say it." "It takes some of the pressure off my balls. How the hell do you do it? With the size of these thighs and these bull balls, it's like I'm racking myself every time I take a step." Terry giggled. "Just wait till you learn to walk around with your cock snaked down your pants or at home you say 'fuck it,' and you just walk around naked. The weight of your cock pulling on your groin. Fuck, it keeps one aroused and horny twenty-four and seven. I honestly believe I was only going to have like a nine inch cock or so, but once it got to that size, the weight began to pull and kept me at that aroused state so much, I think it forcibly caused my cock to grow the extra two and three-fourths inches due to constant erection." Julian laughed as he felt his own now huge cock throb and bob in his pants, aching for release from the confines or the touch of Terry. His mind was also processing so much more than his arousal and moving with quantum quads: moving with big huge feet; the longer stride at six feet four inches; the feeling of his muscles being so full and swole, hard, dense, and strong; the feeling of those muscles touching Terry's; the two sets of muscles bulging and shifting against one another fighting for space; the shirt rubbing on his newly enlarged and downward pointing nips, or the shirt rubbing and shifting all his new body hair; and the realization he was just as tall and big as Terry was. Eventually making their way over to the side of the field. The trio of men watched as the shuttle cloaked itself and became invisible. Then they turned their attention towards a pickup truck that was on a slight ridge of earth that was a well hidden dirt road. Unfortunately the wheels were halfway buried in the soft clay. "It must have rained since this vehicle was placed here. We need to lift it up and out. Gentlemen, I know this is asking a lot, but we can do this. You two grab a back side each, while I take the front." Terry nodded at Julian who had looked at him questioningly, and then took a position next to one of the truck's back wheels. Julian moved around to take the opposite side and the two grabbed the sides of the truck just above the wheels. The drone moved to the front and grabbing a hold of the front bumper called out, "On three gentlemen. One.... Two.....THREE!" Together the three strongmen hoisted the truck up out of the muck and then on the Drone's pulling as he began to walk backwards, moved it slightly ahead of the ruts it created. Once down the drone told Julian and Terry to get into the cab while he went back around and replaced all the loose bramble and brush into the position that originally hid the truck. Then he climbed in the truck, started it up, and the three took off down the road. It was a few minutes before anyone said anything, but it was Terry who initiated the conversation. "So...uhm.... Drone Three-five-seven-one?" "Call me, Dries. That is the name I will be going by where we are living, Dries Van Donk." "Alright.... Dries..... uhm where are we going and what do you mean 'where we are living?'" "Allow me to explain much. You were kidnapped by a race of what you would called space aliens. They refer to themselves as the Syriegs. The Syriegs helped create my people, the Nord'oks, from people on this planet. We are bred to be large and docile, perfect little drones to do most manual labor for them, especially the heavy stuff. "Now at the same time, they are still studying your race, humans, and how they have developed over the last two-thousand years. Oh yes, you haven't been alone and you've not be alone for quite some time. At any rate, that is why you were both taken originally, to see how human kind has developed physically, psychologically, and so forth." "Wait, so they plucked us two to be samples for the entire Earth?" "You are an extraordinary specimen, Mr. Mikicia..." "Terry, please, since you gave us your first name." "Alright, Terry. ... You are an extraordinary specimen of your species, Terry, but these are a scientific race of aliens, do not let pride think that you are the only person they have taken and observed." "It's like all those stories we've heard about, Terry. Those alien abductions and people only remembering glimpses, if they ever even realize they've been abducted." "Correct, Julian. Although they can mask ones abduction very well, the process is far from perfect. But some of us Nord'oks have decided to it is time to end this. Not only do we wish to achieve freedom for ourselves, but for the experimentation and observation of the human species to stop as well. In order for this to happen, we need more of you to be aware and coherent about your abduction. Obviously we cannot just drop you off back home as they would find you there, and now that part of Julian's missing growth pattern has been restored, he would stick out like a sore thumb there, identifiable to anyone who saw him. I, too, need a place where I can hide and blend in. Being large men the best place for us to do so is a country where men are fairly broad and large." "And where is that exactly?" asked Terry. "We are in the Netherlands. Specifically heading towards the town of Geldermalsen a little over an hour away from Amsterdam." "The men are pretty tall here but not necessary broad. That's usually more of the Norse." "Which is why those of us planning an escape like this, especially for you two, we chose the Netherlands. If your body frame is too bulky and built and stands out too much, it is fairly easy to cross over into the Scandinavian regions and blend in better there." "So why were Terry and I chosen to be kidnapped?" "With your family away on vacation, and a home located in the countryside you were easier to abduct with minimal effort. Also they wanted to study you as there was such a difference in your appearance, they wanted to know how the divergence amongst family members became so great." "Divergence among family members? We're not related." "You and Mr. Dealag are not related, Julian?" "No." Dries began to laugh low and long, continuing until Terry interrupted it. "What is so funny, and what did you mean earlier by Julian's missing growth pattern?" "Part of the reason why you two were going to go to the home world was because of your exceptional size and strength. Although many of my kind are taller than you are, Terry, you have an ample ability to become far denser and stronger than most of us. Your musculature was something in particular they wished to study and breed. Given Mr. Dealag's..." "Julian..." "Given Julian's frequent appearances at your house for so many years, and the fact he was there on a night where the rest of your family was gone, it was assumed you were relatives. This was believed even more so when you, Terry, told us that Julian should have equaled you in height, musculature, and sexual organ size. In turn that statement was collaborated by Julian's statement of how he had never grown since sixth grade and we found documents that supported this, plus his charts of how he was supposed to have grown." "oh...my...gawd...." "What is it, Julian?" "Hence the reason why they wanted you two to return to the home world, your genetic code was to make you giants among your people and they wished to exploit that." "Giant's among men...Julian what did you tell them?" "It's still so foggy... but I think when they asked me why I was so much smaller than you, I told them my fantasy story I've had since junior high." "And what was that?" "That I just stopped growing at the end of sixth grade for some reason and thus I was missing like almost half of my physical development." "And so they gave it to you and that's why you're as large as I am now." "That is incorrect Terry." "Incorrect, Dries? Look at him. That's what they did. He's every bit as tall and as strong and as hung as I am." "Although that is true, that isn't however the replacement of the lost growth spurt we thought he, and you, were supposed to have." "Wait, me? What?" "Since you said Julian was supposed to be as big as you, we figured his development had been stunted and we brought him up to your size." "Right." "But then we found the documents about what should have been his physical growth that he didn't receive and we programmed treatment for him to have them. Since that would've have put him quite a bit taller than you, and they thought you were family, the same treatment was given to both of you." "Just what kind of documents where these? Where did you get the information?" Julian groaned and finally croaked out. "It was my fantasy journals." "What?" "My fantasy journals where I wrote how I hadn't grown properly missing part of the average male growth spurt between ages 9 and 12, all of the small growth spurt between ages 12 to 14, the big growth spurt between 14 and 18. All of which is recorded in an Almanac of information from like twenty years ago." "Do not forget the other information, Julian." "What other information? Julian?" "I also had created fantasy documents. One that showed how most males grow about another two inches between ages 18 and twenty five, how excessive exercise can cause an increase of height between four to five inches, and how I, being as I was premature was shortened seven inches of growth in the womb coming out so much smaller than the average baby boy." "And given what we thought was supposed to be both you and Julian's current corrected height, we added two more inches on to that." "My gawd! Julian! We're going to be real live fucking hulks! We won't fit anywhere. What the hell were you thinking?" "I certainly wasn't thinking that one day an alien race would one day kidnap my ass, look at the documents, think they were actual medical documents, and make it all happen! It was just a fantasy. Something I dreamed up." "But why?" "Terry... you don't understand... You grew up. You GREW! You grew into a taller than average man with all these rippling muscles and strength and balls of exceptional virility with a massive tube steak. You and almost every other guy in school, although in varying states of packaging than the complete one you got. There I was... five feet nine inches tall at the end of sixth grade, twelve years old, standing taller than my father, as tall as most of the teachers. My family thought I was going to be huge! A giant! And I just stopped. More and more all the other boys just grew right past me, taller, broader, stronger, more hung, and then they all began to tease me and taunt me, pick on me, abuse me, and even though I fantasized about them, being with them, making love to many of them, I also wished I could grow to join them. Then I wished I could grow and become slightly bigger than them taking over their records, beating them in sports, eventually growing into a giant of a man that they would be powerless to stop. It just became an all waking fantasy that I couldn't get out of my head, that I jacked off to more and more, and the more I did so, the more I needed to create things to get me off. Doctored photos of me being so huge, the documents showing what kind of growth pattern I should've had...muscle growth stories that made me horny and feel powerful. ... ... ..." Terry turned his head and stared in silence at Julian until finally whispering, "Gawd.... Julian.... we really did a number on you, didn't we?" "Yes..." "Well, now you're bigger than most of the guys from high school. You're built like a tank and hung like a horse, just like me. There are some men bigger than us, but we're large enough to command respect at a glance. Your fantasies have become reality now. You don't need to feel timid, frightened, or insecure anymore." Julian looked up and while blushing smiled at Terry, who smiled a very reassuring and beautiful smile back. "You two are going to be much bigger than this." said Dries. "In fact it's one of the reasons why we needed to hurry and get to our new home. I activated the growth program so it would be more difficult to find you as their last records of what you looked like would become incorrect." "Won't they be able to calculate how big we'll be?" "No. I've sent a virus back through the systems erasing all your files and both the bieg ship, the shuttle craft, pad, and medical tables. Here we are gentlemen." Dries pulled the truck into a driveway on the outskirts of town and parked close to a large two story house that looked like it was oddly proportioned. "Wow...huge house." "Indeed. We weren't sure how tall you'd become so we got this place which is an old four story granary type barn. Hope fully the floors are high enough you'll have room to move, although we'll probably have to adjust the doors to accommodate you." As they got out of the truck, Dries turned and tossed the keys to Terry. "Here." he said. "Unlock the door. There's only two keys so shouldn't take you long to figure out. Julian, help me with these boxes." Peeling back a tarp, Dries revealed three boxes containing provisions packed in plastic or tins, as well as some mechanical tools and objects for helping to get appliances running. Stepping through the door and the corridors, Julian and Terry discovered what was to be their new home: Entering through the back door, they came into the a combination mud room, breakfast/dining nook and kitchen. On the wall farthest from them in the middle was an open squared archway and on the far right hand side as set of fairly enclosed stairs going up. Stepping through the doorway was a decent sized room with hutches, china cabinets, and a dining table. Opposite the kitchen-dining doorway was another doorway that led to a great room that rose up all four stories and showed exposed rafters. It contained three couches, some recliners, a large radio, TV, desks with computers, door to a half bathroom, and the grand stair case that led to the second story, at the bottom of which was front door out of the house. Upstairs all the bedrooms and their private baths were as tall as the downstairs rooms not counting the great room, two stories tall. Each had some kind of bed, nightstand, armoire, and chest of drawers." "Come, help me get the provisions unpacked and into the...what do you call it? Pantry. I will get the stove, furnace, and fireplaces going." "Not a probAAUUUUUGH!" Terry had started to answer while smiling at Julian and clasping him on the back, but he suddenly doubled over in pain that was coursing through his entire body. Julian let out a yelp as well, experiencing the same kind of sensations. "Are you two, alright?" "Not sure, Dries." said Terry. Dries looked at Terry then backed up a couple of steps. "What? What is it?" "The growth is beginning and beginning now. Your face is completely devoid of any facial hair." Terry looked over at Julian and could see his face was smooth as a baby's bottom as well. Reaching over for the ties of the shirt, Terry untied the ribbons and pulled the shirt apart in the front. His chest and abdomen were also as smooth and hairless as his face. Suddenly his chest began to deflate a little and his abs to become not quite so defined. "What's happening to us?" Terry queried loudly, but his resonant voice scooped up into higher pitches as he asked and soon he sounded more a like a young preteen, albeit a fairly large preteen. "The program is reverting you back in age in order to more efficiently produce the replacement growth into your bodies. Get to the great room now. We have no idea if you'll grow too tall for the other individual rooms." Julian and Terry bolted for the grand stair case and then dashed for the center of the great room before they both doubled over in pain. Dries showed up with a couple of round disks and placed one each in the upper corner of both men's left eyes. "There is not much I can do. You will be going through this process, but it is rushed. You will be experiencing a great amount of growing pains as your skeletons enlarge and lengthen, the same for your muscles. Just try to breathe deeply and slowly, or lie down on the floor and meditate. The disks I placed upon you will show you statistical information through your eyes as your body changes. Will this happens I will go sort out the provisions and get the stove started. You will be exceptionally hungry after this ends." Dries left to go into the kitchen as Julian and Terry became a little thinner and even less hairy. Then a hush fell as everything seemed to stop and then both men screamed as it felt like someone was stabbing them with ice picks being driven straight up through the palms, heels, knees, and shoulder blades and into their shins, thighs, arms, and spine. "It might help if we attempt some kind of calisthenics, slight workouts to take our minds off the pain of growth." "That might increase it too. Do you think that wise?" "We're going to be giant fuckers anyway; might as well go for broke." And so as the process began, Terry began to wrestle with Julian, forcing him to use his body to counteract Terry pinning him or holding him into submission. In between the moving, the holding, the pressing, the pushing Terry asked questions of Julian, which their bodies seem to answer. "What...what's huh huh...the first....urrf.....first part?" "Uhm... the make up of my small birth length. Seven inches I think." "No.... they increased it due to my height remember...." "Oh....yeah...OOOOOOOOOOO!" The growth hit them hard this time and as they watched their straight on vision rise up higher and higher they saw in their vision the stat's counter rise and rise in numeric value: 6' 5", 6' 6", 7", 8" 9", 10", 11", 7 Feet, 7' 1"...7' 2". "Oh shit... said Terry, dropping to his kneels with Julian nearly collapsing on top of him. That... that was fuckin intense. How many more of these spurts do we have to go through?" "Fa.....fa....four to five...more...or so....." "And the next one?" "Finishing up an uncompleted growth spurt between ages nine and twelve." "Oh good. Not too much theOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" [7' 3", 7' 4", 7' 4.5"] "Julian...these clothes are already getting too tight and we've not even filled out yet." "Fuck the filling out. My balls and cock are growing and they're being racked by the shrinking crotch in these pants." "What...huuuuuuh.... what's the next one?" "Pre-spurt between ages twelve and fourteen." "Alright and how much is AAAAAUUGH!" [7' 5.5", 6.5, 7.5, 8.5, 9.5] "I think you have your wish for loosening your pants, Julian." "Yeah... we've grown far too tall for these things. My feet have split out of the shoes...." "Mine split out during the first growth for our birth." Julian laughed, "Yeah....true that. Mine as well. But I just split out of these pants in the ass and crotch." "I can tell. Your cock is hanging out all limp between your legs, you horse fuck!" "Who's calling whom a horse fuck, donkey dick?" The two stared at each other laughing but with a very devilish grin on their faces. Suddenly the two of them reached out for each other's cock, attempting to grab it and stroke it. "Oh no you don't. You're gonna get the public boner before I do, Sir Schlong!" "Course I'm going to get a boner. You're freakin' hung like an adult male already. That is so fuckin' hot! Gonna see how big it becomes by strokin' you off." "NO YOU DON'T!" The two began to wrestle each other even more as they attempted to grab one another's penis and cause the other to have an embarrassing erection. Both of them pulling, stretching, effectively jelqing one another's prick. "AAAUGH SHIT ANOTHER GROWTH SPURT! WHICH ONE IS THIS?!?" "Uhmmmm ahhhh.... main one during teen age puberty...." [Access to local information readjusting calibrations for growth spurt. Men of your height should have something akin to NBA player David Robinson....] "Did you see that flash across your eyes, Julian? What the hell does that mean?" "I think it means, we better hold... hold on! NMMMMMMMRGFFF!" [7' 9.5", 7' 10.5", 7' 11.5", 8' .5", 8' 1.5", 2.5". 3.5", 4.5", 6.5", 7.5"] "Auuuugh...aughhhh oh shit... did we? Did we just grow ten inches?" "Yeah...." "I don't think even myself personally at 6' 4" had a ten inch growth spurt.... oh my....Hmmmmmf" "And the small college growth spurt between ages 18-25 now....auuugh." [8' 7.5", 8' 8.5, 9.5, 10.5, 11.5, 9' 1."] "Auuuuugh.... did that just say... nine feet one? Nine feet one inch tall?!?" "Yes... Terry....I....oooh...... I think..... so......keep rubbing.... it seems to lessen the pain and we have one more growth spurt to go through...." "One more?!?" "The adjustment of height due to physical activity." "Oh shit.... we've been really physical due to this....oooh my gawd." Julian and Terry suddenly doubled over into each other's arms and while staring at one another could no longer help themselves. Forgetting all pain of the growth spurts they were going through, they embraced one another and began to kiss passionately and hug and grope one another lustfully, collapsing to the floor in a heap made up of two giant male bodies in the process of stretching ever longer and longer. [calculating effect of athletic activity upon overall growth spurt.... ..... ..... 9'1", 2", 3", 4", 5", 6", 7", 8," 9", 10".... 9'10" tall.] The two men couldn't have cared less by this point. They were rolling around on the floor groping and hugging each other, kissing in mad passionate love. All the whole while their muscles began contracting and expanding, flexing and relaxing, swelling and popping, becoming ever larger, firmer, stronger, more striated, more defined, and denser than ever before. It wasn't too long before whatever pieces of clothing they had left on were being popped, snapped, ripped, and torn off by mountainous mounding of muscle growing on their frames. They went well beyond whatever conditioning Terry's body had been before. They were now truly muscle freaks of the large extra tall, extra heavyweight class of Olympic level bodybuilding. The little disks eventually flashing the total of 1,265.75 lbs for the young men's individual weight. Eventually Julian broke free from Terry and flipping him over onto his back cried out, "Oh fuck this... I want your muscle cock!" and dove onto it right as the disks flashed before their eyes....24 inches - 2 feet. And as he surprising went down on Terry, his mouth and throat somehow taking him all the way down and began to bob his head, each time his nose met Terry's crotch, the crotch got hairier and bushier, thicker and fully while Terry's body became covered in that fine, yet thickly feathered hair all over his body, and so did Julian's too. Eventually Terry had to stop Julian because Julian's two days worth of beard stubble was tickling the inside of this thighs and besides which, he was begging to fill Julian's tight, extremely bubbled butt with his petrified and petrifying pole. Terry had just pushed himself all the way in at Julian's insistence, when Dries walked back into the great room. "Gentlemen, I have dinn....oh! Oh my...." And with that he turned and went back into the kitchen while Julian and Terry writhed on the floor in lust and ecstasy. Two gigantic bodybuilders in love with one another and their bodies.
  21. FREaky

    Abduction: Part Two

    Abduction Part Two by F_R_Eaky Part One: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/8794-abduction-part-one-by-f_r_eaky/ Gregorian chant. Something that sounded like Gregorian chant was playing, filling up Julian's ears. But it wasn't like that at all. It was not quite as hot? Cooler sounding, more logical feeling. It was flowing smoothly like Gregorian Chant did but with a brighter sound of electronics. It was as though Julian was at some holistic fair performing meditation, but on the set of some alien planet. Struggling to look around, Julian found he couldn't move his head, nor the rest of his body for that matter. Only his eyes could look and leer about. But everything at the edges were so bleary as if he was looking at the world through a TV. camera's fog lens. No matter how many times he blinked he couldn't clear his vision, and if he could would he be able to see anything? The area was so dark with only a bright light shinning directly above him. "That's it." He thought to himself. "I'm being operated on. The trip I took exasperated the blow to the head my abductor gave me." He kept blinking trying to wake himself up so he could ask questions about what was being done, what had happened to himself, but the blinking must have made him sleep, for he began to notice the pictures in his mind's eye weren't connecting as a living or film like experience. It was more like stills of the same room at different times with different folks. There were a couple of times he saw some people whom he didn't know. Two women and one man. They were very plain looking with very generic features, straight hair styled straight down and pulled back or cut very short and professional in the man's case. They were in straight lined, blue gowns or shirt and they spoke, but not to him. Looking across Julian they said things he couldn't understand or make out clearly. Still other times they looked down at him and said something, but Julian couldn't make it out and he couldn't tell if he was responding back. He didn't think so. Thinking to himself in one of his more semi-lucid states, "That must be a doctor and two nurses. I hope the man is the nurse. He looked cute... better chance of him touching me then." Julian smiled himself to sleep with that thought and then began waking up to someone or some people else. These were all men. All very big men. They all stood very tall between six feet four inches to seven feet tall. And were they ever muscled! Naturally thick bodies that looked they had each been training a number of years, but with white washed skin and hair that was the color of fire to strawberry blonde to platinum. It was like a convention of Norse people. As though all of these folks were descendants of the Vikings. The moved about him their arms raised at times as though they were carrying trays or something. Sometimes they came and stood by him and he could feel their large hands on his arms or legs and they would stare down at his face. They were all in some kind of wrap around sleeveless shirt. It was light grey in color with the edges trimmed in heavy piping. The front part of the shirt wrapped around from the left and tied on the right hand side. It gave a low v cut to the neck and head opening. Most of the men, their shoulders pulled the fabric up and out, as well as their chests barreling out and over pulled at the shirt opening as well. Each of their bodies pulling the top of the shirts open to reveal their great pectoral valleys. Their bulging delts and arms hung out and angles from their sides and the openings near the shoulders. Julian wished he could see further down, see if these shirts were all synched tightly at the bottom near these people's waistlines. He was developing a crush on these Viking reenacting orderlies or whomever they were. But then flashes of the occurring visions began to scare Julian. Much shorter men appeared to him, bent over him, looking at him as though he was under a microscope, and there were times he felt as though perhaps these men were poking him, prodding him, maybe even carving into him or...or... poking around in his brain! And then he began to realize these short men were not a pale skin white like the Viking styled men were, but they were a colorless, flat matte kind of white or ashen grey. And their eyes...their eyes! They were too large, pointed oval, slanted, and completely black. What did they want with him? What were they doing with him? Why was it with them he felt like his head was open! "Auuugh! Auuugh!" Julian began to thrash and move, quiver and shake, his head twisting to this side and that. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAUUGH!" Julian screamed as loud and long of a scream as he could ever do, and might ever do in his life. He had never felt as violated and as mortal as he did now. Not even the man, the supposed acquaintance who abducted him made him feel this unsecure about his safety or his life. He woke up from any kind of sleep and lie there on a table panting heavily and sweating profusely. "Ju...Ju...Julian?!" He heard a calm and deep voice say somewhat timidly. He knew he knew it but he couldn't quite recognize it. He found he could turn his head and so opened his eyes and attempted to look around and peer into the darkness that surrounded him. There on the other side of the room he was in was another table with a bright light directly above and shinning down on it. Filling up the slab was a man of goodly size and really grand build. The man had his head turned towards him and he could see his very handsome face: square jaw and chin that blended beautifully in very full and slightly chubby cheeks that sat atop very high cheekbones, soft and full pillow like lips underneath a square, slightly bulbous but very straight nose, and a pair of eyes that although slightly droopy on the outer corners, were big, full, and the richest kind of brown one could ever see. They were puppy dog kind of eyes that could at glance cause one to completely melt away and move the hardest of hearts. On top a thick mane of jet black hair ebbed and flowed down the sides and back of this man's head, pooling around his shoulders. Julian stared down the rest of this man's body, long, wide, thick with an incredible set of muscles, almost all of which were covered with a patterned of beautifully feathered, but somewhat thin jet black hair that all seemd to lay in pattern with the muscles they were covering. Julian looked back into the man's face which was slightly obscured by the dimness of the room but stared hard. "Julian!" the man hoarsely whispered. "Are you alright?" Julian just continued to star at the great muscled man and his face, Deep down he knew he recognized this man, and his voice. That rich deep bass that if spoken loudly just rolled and rumbled through one's ears and chest. Suddenly it was almost as if his vision came into focus, his mind became quite clear thinking. "Te...Terry?.... Terry Mikicia? Is that you?" "Yes. Yes. Julian. It's me. How are you doing?" "Good... I guess. As well as one could be while strapped upon an operating table in the middle of a....where are we? "I... I don't know, Julian, but I am so sorry." "Why?" "It's my fault you're here." "What do you mean it's your fault I'm here? I.... I don't understand." "Oh gawd.... let me.... let me explain." Julian wasn't sure how he wound up kidnapped with Terry Mikicia, his high school's star football quarterback. The boy who had everything: decent grades, killer looks, freakishly built body, and from all the locker room talk, had the longest cock and biggest balls any one, male or female, had ever seen. The young man should be at another university far away from where Julian was, participating in his Junior year of college hoping to start impressing scouts and decide on which professional National Football League he will sign a contract with after graduating a year later. "I don't understand. What do you mean? How did we get kidnapped by...by....whatever this is? Did they pick you up or before me?" "No.... auugh gawd.....No...Julian... they.... they....they picked us up together." "They didn't pick us up together, Terry. I was with another guy, kidnapped. Just escaped out of a barn in the middle of nowhere on some farm somewhere. I was nowhere near a major college football town. Just in that barn with this....huge....freakishly built....and....hung.....man...." "Oh gawd, Julian. I'm so sorry." and Terry began to break down and sob. "That was you?! It was you, wasn't it? Why? Why Terry? WHAT THE FUCK!" "I'm so sorry, Julian.... I had no idea we'd be kidnapped by... whatever... I guess... aliens. I didn't mean for anything like this to happen. I didn't mean to really hurt you either." "The blow to the back of the head kind of put a dent in that plan from the start, dickweed! Why? Why the hell did you need to kidnap me to have me... have me... what the hell do you call it? You forced me to make love to you so you can't really say I was raped...no wait you did eventually. You did eventually plow my ass! I called out for it! You got me to call out and beg for it, you son of a bitch!" "You don't understand. I had to know... I had to find out. All these mixed up feelings I had rolling around in my head. My heart. I didn't want to deny who...what... what I was, but I had to make sure it wasn't a fad before I acted on it." "What do you mean before you acted on it?" "You know I'm trying to go for a professional football career. I can't come out and truthfully hope to succeed, but if I really was gay, I didn't want to be an example of one of those men that stay hidden for years. What kind of example does that set for hundreds, thousands of struggling teens? I needed to make sure that it wasn't some kind of fad that I would grow out of. That my emotions, my arousals were really triggered by just men, or men and women, or just women. That way I could plan what my next course of action would be, how I prepared for attempting a professional career after school, not to mention how I continued my dating and searching for someone to be with the rest of my life. I've been so feed up at coming to the threshold with a woman and then...then....finding that I can't get it up or feel comfortable inside making love to her." "Why me? Why did I have to be the one to help prove whether or not you fly the great rainbow flag out of the pink triangle stand?" "Because you're gay..." "I figured that much out. There were a few dozen other homosexual guys from our class let alone our school." "I knew you liked very muscular men..." "Yeah yeah and how did you know that? It's not like I got to date any of them in high school. All the muscled boys were jocks who just as soon put me into my locker for the weekend." "We kind of did an experiment on you in gym class." "You did what?!" "When we noticed that you kind of stared at the more athletic guys of the class, we began to plan who was showering under the center showerhead. The one that stood across from the doorway to the showers. Which was directly across from the place you stood and hid while waiting for everyone else to be done with showering before you ran." "What...." "The more muscular the guy was the longer it took you to snap out of your daydream state and realize when the showers were empty." "You fuckers! So you chose me just because I'm gay and liked muscular men. You arrogant prick!" "No.... that's... that's not the only...uh....the only reason." "Oh great. So tell Dr. Phil here, what other possible psychological reason that you could have for choosing to fuck me against my will?" "You...ah.... you....you remember our tutoring sessions." "What you're getting back at me for failed grades or something? I did my best with you, but sometimes you never got it. Not because you couldn't comprehend it. Gawd....you are an exceptional smart man, besides being good looking and built, but sometimes you would wander off in day dream land thinking about the next great play on Saturday's game and you wouldn't pay attention to the lesson. It's not my fault that you di..." "I wasn't day dreaming about the next Saturday game." "Oh really? Then what was it? The next cheerleader you had to screw to prove your heterosexuality to the coach or your teammates?" "It was you." "Wha........ih....it was....what?" "It was you, Julian. I had a massive crush on you. You were so strong." "I wasn't strong. I was a skinny shit with thirteen inch upper arms that couldn't lift a twig!" "Not that kind of strong. You were strong of mine, of heart. You sang, you danced, you acted, you stated you were gay and were proud of it. The other jocks bullied you, punched you, threatened you, and yet even though there was no way you could physically ever win a fight against them, you stood your ground. And at the same time you still provided tutoring for some of them despite how they treated you. You showed real man colors by not only caring about those you loved and liked, but those who were cruel to you as well. You were brave, so brave and strong of character and mind. I was a weak sheep that just went with the herd. I so wanted to be like you and as such, wanted to be with you as well." "Oh....come on....you're....teasing me now....this is just a line of simple b. s." "No.... There were times in high school, especially around our senior year, I would fantasize about us being together. Sometimes I thought of ways to talk with you so we could be together after graduation. I didn't want to move away from you." "And that didn't let you know you were gay?" "No...my parents, the Church, pamphlets from other groups said it was just phase that young men go through. Something due to overactive hormones while going through puberty, and of course the church said it was wrong. Just a lie implanted into my brain by Satan himself." "And what brought you around to disregarding that?" "We're taught that anything we ask of God he will grant us, right?" "Well, anything that is as long as it goes with his own will." "So then if homosexuality is truly wrong, asking to have those feeling surprised forever or removed should be in his will, shouldn't it?" "I would guess so." "Well, he hasn't answered that prayer for me since I was eleven. That means that either it's not a sin to be homosexual or..." "It's a lie that God grants his followers anything." They lie there in the semi-dark and silence for a few minutes until Julian broke it again. "So... ... ... you really had a thing for me?" "Yeah." Terry laughed. "I had a major crush on you. You're still the man I kind of picture in my fantasies." "Well... that's...uhm....interesting...." "Why's that?" "You were the nicest of all the jocks to me. Not to mention the biggest built. I mean you were a fucking wall. Watching you develop in college via the news, it was just so hard to believe how much bigger you've become. I didn't think it was possible." "It wasn't easy." "I'm sure, but the point is, back then and now... you're in my fantasies. I used to fall asleep at nights rubbing an extra pillow, pretending that I was laying next to you tracing your abs with my finger and running my hands through your chest hair." "You like my chest hair? Most girls usually asked me if I'd shave smooth." The two laughed and allowed the silence to descend in the room once again. After a long time Julian turned to look at Terry. "Terry, you still awake?" "Yeah." "So this is it, huh. What an alien abduction feels like?" "I think so. I think this is what that is. You know with those short, "almond eyed" guys running around." "So, what do you think they wanted with us? What are they hoping to explore?" "Can you think of anything you said to them?" "Not sure. I'm starting to recall, but it's too fuzzy." "I might be able to help. I kind of figured I might help give you a gift so to speak." "A gift? How?" "I remember parts of one conversation. They were all concerned about your size, proportions, wondering why I was so much bigger than you. They mentioned something about you saying something about wishing you were bigger. ... ... ... Any rate, I agreed with that statement, saying you were supposed to be as big as me, equal in every size. I figured if they did any scientific experiments on us, if we ever got let go, maybe at least you'd have the kind of bod that would attract more muscular men you liked. If not, maybe at least it'd allow you to develop some kind of musculature on your cute little bod." "Well, I don't think that's happened? How do I look to you?" "Still that same cute average guy that I had a crush on." Julian smiled, Terry giggled, and the two sat in silence again for a while. Eventually Julian figured out the pitch of the humming sound the room was making and began to hum and sing songs that were in tune with it. Terry even joined in on a couple of choruses. They joked and laughed and wondered if any other abductees ever sang while being held and would the aliens flip out wondering if they had gone insane. They were about to start on one more song when Julian stopped and commented. "I've got to rest for a moment. My throat is a little dry. Man, they turned up the heat in here. Did they think we were raised in the tropics of the Earth?" "Heat? It still feels a little cool in here. I've still got goose bumps." "I'm beginning to burn up, I think. I'm breaking out in a sweat. I feel like my skin is on...AUUUUGH!" "Julian?!?" Julian moaned low, "auugh...it felt like I was just kicked in the balls, and I mean that's a man your size was a soccer playAUUUUUGH!" "JULIAN!" Terry turned to look at Julian. He saw Julian turn his head towards him, but his eyes were slightly rolled back and his mouth was agape. "HUWAAAH!" Julian let out another gasp and his eyebrows rose up in the center as his face registered nothing but pain. He would have doubled over but being strapped down on the platform. Suddenly Terry could see movement around Julian's groin. His cock was rising up, but not as if it was swelling to an erection, but like something was lifting it up. Squinting through the dimly lit space, Terry finally could see that Julian's balls were swelling, growing becoming a bit large on his frame. Maybe even a bit large on anyone's frame, but yet they didn't seem too out of proportion for some reason. "Oh shit!" "What?" said Julian. "Nothing... just breathe. Take slow and long, deep breaths." "Why? Why? What's happening." "I'm not sure, but I have an idea. Just lie back and breathe." "Ok but I don't know if I just re-AUUUUGH!" Another moan and Terry saw Julian's balls expanding once again. This would happen several more times until Julian had a most ample set of balls. Testicles whose shape and size were all too familiar to Terry. "OOOOOOH!" Another low and shuddering moan and suddenly Julian's cock began to just ooze out of him like a snake slithering out of his hole. The head moved forward, wriggling, squirming, as the body, or in this case the shaft continued to extend and extend out of Julian's groin, growing longer and longer, and thicker by the second. This too was a shape that Terry knew all too well. Another series of grunts and groans and a few glances from Terry, he could see that Julian's hands and feet were pulsing and lengthening, becoming thicker, wider, meatier, stronger and more sturdy. Out and out they grew until Julian began to look like one of the odd, lanky alien species as seen in Star Trek or Star Wars, the ones with thin bodies and extremely long feet and fingers. Soon his contortions and stretches began to spread out all over his body. Twisting and turning he kept edging out to either end of the table; longer, taller, higher. His body growing to match his feet and hand sizes, but still maybe not quite his cock and ball size. The shackles began to chaff and cut into his wrists and ankles now as they moved up or down away from the anchor they were tethered to. The air began to fill with the sounds of breaking and knitting bone in an eerie din. Meanwhile, the straps that went across his chest and knees began a migration inward towards the center of his body. The chest straps moved down to the top of the abs while the knee straps moved on up the thigh. Then Julian's body began to rise slightly, having some kind of spasm that looked as though as his body was being given one of those shocks for restarting someone's heart beat. Up and Up, over and over again, Julian's body lurched and rose and each time it did so, his body swelled out that much larger. His muscles were growing - all of them! All of them were inflating at once. The air was now filled with the sound of stretching as the skin got tighter and tighter across Julian's body, while the muscles inflated more and more, grew denser and harder, bulged and creviced, throbbed and pulsed. Like so many scenes from superhero cartoons, or descriptions in muscle growth stories that Terry - and Julian - had secretly read or watched, Julian's body was now mimicking the hero and swelling more and more with greater and greater power. Soon Julian's moans began to change from grunts of pain to moans of ecstasy. His cock began to grow again, but this time was rising in erection. Terry could see Julian's nipples begin to stick out hard and firm as well as his new mammoth schlong rising and rising up into the air and eventually smack and point to his abs. Fuller and fuller Julian's muscles grew, more defined with deeper crevices, swelling mounds, and interstates of blood carrying veins criss-crossing his body, covering the muscles, the crannies, the striations feeding them, accentuating them. Shortly thereafter hair began to appear and coat Julian's body. Not so thick as to look almost matted, but enough to decently cover most parts of the body, to feather out into patterns that lay with the shape and contour of the muscle it lay upon. A few more swells and the straps and shackles began to snap and pop, unable to contain the hulking figure that lie there, equal in mass, strength, size, virility, and stamina to Terry. "Oh! OH! OOOOOOH! HUGGGGGGGGGGH!" The sounds coming out of Julian were those of someone about to experience sexual climax. Terry stared at Julian, trying to study his face, but he couldn't help looking further down to watch Julian's prick bob and shake and swell just that much larger. Something that had begun happening to him the moment he saw Julian begin to swell with newfound muscular power. Then Julian suddenly awoke out of the unconsciousness the pain had put him under, he shouted a few exclamatory "ohs!" and then practically growled in a new bass voice that equally matched Terry's and caused such a rumbling in not only Terry's chest, but his balls as well, that at the very moment Julian released a load that looked like it came from two men, Terry's back arched, his head snapped back and he gushed for a load of equal size. The two men lie there, chests heaving, cum running in rivulet's down all sides of their chest and their abdominals. Julian fell unconscious again, while Terry lie there in a erotic stupor, their chests rising high in the air, such huge swelling slabs of beef.
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