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  1. Freakoman2

    The Final Worship

    This just suddenly flowed out, and I thought it could be interesting to post it. A short one, hope you enjoy! You, the admirer, decide to come into my house... And that would be your dream come true, right? To worship me? Let's go then. First I would rip my shirt off, for you to watch in awe all of my muscles, full power in my body... Then I would grab your neck with one hand, you could feel how my hand encases it, pencil sized, compared to my forearms. I would flex them a bit just to give you a choke and for you to see the cords of muscle appearing on them, the veins starting to flow with blood... Then I would grab you with both of my hands and start pressing you, just to pump my delts. I would move to a large mirror so that I can appreciate my massive body getting even more massive, while lifting you easily. You would also watch this in the mirror, not believing how easily this is done... Then... I get bored. You weigh nothing. I just throw you against another wall and see your body thud to the floor. You crawl to me again and ask for one more opportunity. Maybe I could curl you to pump my biceps at least. I start curling you with both arms, slowly, watching the vein on them become inhumanly big, damn, I am a Muscle God... Huge mountains of muscle attached to my arms, growing to inhuman proportions... Superman ain't got nothing on me... You are in awe too... But you notice that your weight is, once again, nothing against my strength. So I stop curling you and just drop you to the floor. I start flexing looking at myself on the mirror, my guns becoming mountains as you already saw first hand. You stand up and try to touch my left bicep, I let you. You feel how big, rock hard and strong it is, and once you try to go to my forearm, I decide to imprison your hand between my flexed bicep and the rest of the arm. And now, I start flexing FOR REAL. The guns become even bigger as I listen to the sound of all the bones in your hand breaking, being crushed with my whole strength in a flex... Your hand disappears in a gush of blood between my humongous muscles. You start screaming in pain, and I just decide to end this all, I am bored now. For you, it would be a bliss how it ends. I would lift you up again and then put you in a bearhug... Your eyes at level with my huge pecs, for you to watch everything around you, everything becoming massive, gigantic, just amazing... I start flexing... My arms and pecs becoming even more and more huge. Even more strong, even more steel like. Cords of muscle and veins just appearing all over them because of the pumping and the flexing over your puny body... One of my arms is bigger than your whole torso... I can listen to your heavy breathing, you still don't know if this is something you enjoy or if you know this is gonna be the end for you... Maybe it's both. Then, the bones start to break. Your ribcage easily being destroyed by my strength... Slowly being broken, one by one, but we both enjoy it. You are amazed, in pain, but in disbelief of so much power, so much muscle against you... Then I look at you in the eyes. I stop for a while, you breathe, somewhat aliviated... And then I speak. "Now I will use my FULL strength, I was just teasing you with a third of it". Your eyes open wide, you just cannot believe this... all your body is surrounded by hugeness... And now it will become more huge? With a mighty growl, I give a final flex, becoming a beast of massive muscles, even bigger than before. This just breaks you inmediately in two parts, your torso being eliminated from existence by my arms, and your legs falling to the floor, without a body on top of them. I am a Muscle God.
  2. WARNING: This story contains scenes of a violent nature. Some readers may find these scenes offensive. Please do not read on if you feel like this applies to you. The air felt nice on Victor’s beautiful face as he flew across through the air, thousands of feet above the city streets. Below him, thousands of tiny humans went about their days, limited in their capabilities by their feeble strength and lack of true power. Today, however, most of them were distracted by the breaking news bulletins on their phones and tablets. Just a few blocks away a bank was under siege by armed gunmen. Don’t worry little insects, thought Victor. Captain Unstoppable is on his way. Victor finally came to a halt above the city’s most illustrious bank; faux golden columns and regal-like architecture. Impressive. Though, not as impressive as the god-like being that floated silently in mid-air, looking down upon the frantic scene that was unfolding before him. Still floating high above the scene, Victor began to scan the whole area with his eyes. His x-ray vision, microscopic vision, and telescopic vision all working in unison to meticulously detail the entire building and its internal layout; all in the space of just a few seconds. Now Victor new everything there was to know about the situation at hand. There were ten armed men inside the bank, and about two dozen hostages. There will soon be just the hostages, thought Victor. His excitement was increasing. The prospect of laying waste to a couple of humans always made his body tingle with anticipation. It…aroused him. Instead of descending down to the police blockade that surrounded the bank, Victor simply flew a full speed towards the building’s uppermost floor. His indestructible body smashed right through the wall of an upstairs corridor. Of course, he felt absolutely no pain or discomfort in doing so. Even his arms, exposed by the short sleeves of his t-shirt, incurred no injuries whatsoever. Instead of walking, Victor chose instead to hover his way down the corridor. Doing so always made him appear godlier. Being 7 ft. helped as well, of course. Thanks to his x-ray vision, Victor could tell that his first two targets were in the opposite side of nearby door. Upon reaching this door, Victor reached forward, but not for the handle. Instead his fingers effortlessly penetrated the upper midsection of the door. For him it was like poking your fingers through tissue paper. He then gripped down on the hole he had made, and simply tore the door off of its hinges. He tossed it aside where it smashed to pieces against the wall. “What the fuck?!” began one of the criminals, turning around upon hearing the sound of the door’s destruction. “Oh shit!” cried his partner, catching sight of Victor. “It’s him. It’s Unstoppable!” Both men raised their rifles and began unloading their ammo on Victor. Despite knowing full well who he was, Victor was nonetheless amused by their efforts to harm him. Victor closed his eyes to fully enjoy the feel of dozens and dozens of bullets impacting him on his thick, meaty, square pecs; his solid and chiselled eight-pack abs; and on his pristine face, complete with its astoundingly angular jawline. For him, the hail of bullets felt more like a pleasant massage. Each one imparting a nice, soothing touch before ricocheting off in some random direction. The sight of his bodybuilder physique being bombard with bullets, complemented by the fact that he was still hovering a few inches off the ground, really hit home the reality that Victor was not human. He was so much more. Eventually the two goons used up their current magazines, and frantically tried to reload. Now it’s time to play, thought Victor, a wicked smile spreading across his face. Victor finally set himself down on the floor, and he walked slowly but purposefully towards the two men. As he drew closer, the size difference between Victor and these endangered idiots only became more and more pronounced. Both men slowly stopped trying to reload their weapons, and instead looked up at Victor and his incredible body. Men often looked upon Victor with a mix of lust, envy, and fear. Victor did have the perfect male body after all. Victor could hear their tiny hearts beating like war drums, and his godly eyes could trace the beads of sweat that were forming on their brows. For a moment, Victor simply stood there, looking down upon the comparatively shorter men, both of whom were also just standing there looking up at Victor. Well…trying to look at him. In reality they were distracted by his pecs, traps, shoulders, and even his neck muscles. “We…we…*gulp*…we have orders to kill the hostages if…if you…if there was” stuttered on of the men, shaking as his admittedly impressive body suddenly seemed so pathetic in the presence of Victor’s. He was the first to die. Victor gently placed one of his large, muscular, and vascular hands on the side of the man’s head. For a moment Victor simply caressed the man’s scalp with his fingers and his cheek with his thumb, marvelling at how much of the humans head his hand fit around. Of course the human fell for it, initially believing that Victor had taken a sexual liking to him. He closed his eyes and breathed more loudly as his whole body was stimulated by the arousing feel of Victors touch (and the god’s scent). Victor then moved his hand gently to the top of the man’s head, still caressing him in a tender manner. The man opened his eyes and looked up at Victor. Victor smiled down at him, more amused by how the man now looked relaxed, incorrectly believing that this powerful being was friendly and loving. Victor closed his fist, and popped the fool’s head like a grape. “What the fuck?!” screamed the other man, backing away as fast as he could. The headless corpse continued standing for a few seconds before keeling over onto the floor. Blood rapidly pooled around its upper half. Victor looked down at his hand, observing the fleshy bits that were still stuck to it. A quick burst of heat vision cleaned that right up, vaporising all human remains yet leaving Victor’s hand completely unscathed. “Oh no, oh no, oh no no no. Oh god please! NO!” screamed the other man, who was now trapped in a corner of the room. Victor’s superhuman sense of smell easily detected the urine that soaked the man’s pants. The man had now fallen to his knees, looking across the room at the god and the dead human that lay on the ground before him. Tears streaked silently down his face. “Please don’t kill me”, he said, in almost hushed tones. Victor approached the man, who had begun cowering and whimpering even louder at the sight of this being approaching him. Filled with a sudden curiosity, Victor lifted the bottom of his t-shirt up, revealing his breathtakingly beautiful eight-pack. Each ab was such a clear and pronounce bump, almost like a line of diamond-hard cobblestones. The groves and cuts between them just as clearly visible. The muscle group as a whole expanded and contracted subtly with each perfectly calm breath Victor took. The crying man quickly fell silent. The sight of Victor’s abs aroused him to the point of temporarily off-setting his terror. While the man was enjoying the best (and last) view he’d ever seen, Victor was effortlessly probing the man’s mind with his telepathy. Just as I suspected, thought Victor, as he was treated to grotesque images of murder, rape, and violent assault. The pathetic bag of meat and brittle bones before him the perpetrator in them all. Victor dropped his shirt, covering up the masterpiece that was his muscled stomach. In doing so, the insect was no longer distracted, and once again fully aware of the situation. He looked up at Victor in time to see the god’s eyes glowing red. A split second later and the man was nothing more than a pile of ash. His scream echoed for a few more seconds. Not bothering with taking it slow any longer, as he was now fully aroused, Victor lifted off from the ground and plough through the walls and floors of the bank. Steel and concrete gave way to him as easily as the air did. Guided by his x-ray vision, Victor soon burst upwards through a ceiling, and found himself floating before another one of the criminals. Before this weakling could say anything, Victor grabbed him by the throat and raised him up into the air, and above his own head. The man’s feet were left dangling a considerable height above the floor. Victor himself was standing, not floating. As the man clawed in vain at Victor’s hand and thick, vascular, powerful forearm (with just a light dusting of hair), Victor himself admired the man. He was actually handsome. Dark eyes and a thick, dark beard made him very rugged. Plus, not a bad physique. A quick scan revealed to Victor the presence of a six-pack and some very nice quads. Shame, thought Victor, as he flicked his wrist. The man’s next snapped instantly, and the corpse was now dangling limply from Victor’s grasp. He dropped in unceremoniously to the floor, and carried on. For the next man, Victor took his little head and smashed it against the most bulbous and immaculately sculpted pecs you have ever scene. Goon number five was punched in the stomach by Victor, and thus reduced to paste. Six and seven were encased in ice, courtesy of Victor’s frosty breath. Although they were now dead, since humans can’t survive in temperatures that cold, Victor still decided to take it one step further. With a click of his fingers, Victor unleashed a sound wave powerful enough to shatter both the frozen bodies, and any glass in the room, to pieces. Number eight was taken into Victor’s strong arms. For a minute, the little man was allowed to feel Victor’s extraordinary biceps, triceps, and shoulders. All three muscle groups felt like cannonballs. Well, Victor’s biceps and shoulders felt like and looked like cannonballs. His triceps felt more like a bag of cement that was as full as it could be. Just as solid, but different in shape. Regardless, this didn’t stop the little human from kissing and licking them all with passion. Once Victor had decided the little human had had enough fun, Victor hugged the man. And then kept hugging him. First the man’s spine snapped. Then his lungs and stomach burst. Then all the blood in his body was being forced out towards the extremities. It leaked out of his mouth and nose, as his empty eyes stared upwards. Tossing victim number eight over his shoulder, Victor silently floated upwards a few inches, and then dove straight into the floor, smashing right down into the bank’s basement. The leader of the bandits, and the last of his henchmen, were standing right in front of the vault. They had been trying unsuccessfully to open the vault. Victor put on a calm and friendly smile, and began walking towards them. At last, he spoke. “Need a hand?” he asked, with a grin. Both of the frail humans were just staring in disbelief as Victor casually strolled up to, and then past them. Much like the door earlier, Victor reaching forward and simply sank his fingers in some random part of the vault’s titanium door. Like a hot knife through butter, Victor’s fingers sank in…deep. Despite it being no effort whatsoever, Victor’s arm still flared as if it was putting strain on him. His bicep exploded with power, and a single, massive, cable-like vain ran across the beautiful dome as it rose up to its fullest height. His forearm looked like a roadmap. And was about four times that size of a normal man’s forearm. And then, as easily as one would open a book, Victor ripped the vault door out and away from its hinges. But instead of throwing it, he simply held it above his head. He turned to face the men, supporting the vault door with just one arm; the same one that had dislodged it. Victor felt no difficulty at all. For him, it was like holding a light umbrella. He looked at the two men, who were both staring at his arm and the vault door in awe. “How could any human think they stand a chance against me”, said the violent superhero. With a flick of a finger he tossed the vault door over towards the two men. They were so enthralled by the display of strength that they forgot to scream. The room shook as the vault door landed, cracking the concrete floor and flattening the two criminals. Using just a finger, Victor pressed it into the side of the vault door like you would press your finger into playdough, and lifted one side of the multi-tonne vault door up to about the height of his waist. He leaned over to peek underneath it, just to confirm that the last two lawbreakers were indeed nothing more than crimson slush. Of course they are, he thought, and chuckled. Flying to where the hostages were being held, Victor used his laser vision to cut a precise opening in the room where they were trapped. The innocent humans (the kind that Victor would never hurt) poured out into the main hall, surrounding him and singing his praises. Both the men and the women alike all reached out their hands in the hope of groping some part of his incredible, muscle-bound body. Victor obliged them for a few minutes, putting on an impromptu posing showing, though he chose to keep his shirt, jeans, and hiking boots on. Once an overly eager bank teller got one last chance to feel one of Victor’s biceps, this supreme being rose up into the air and flew out through one of the holes he had made earlier. Crowds of onlookers, news reporters, and emergency services applauded Victor as he emerged. “Mr Unstoppable, we can’t thank you enough” said Police Chief Martin Stewards. The chief watched as Victor descended down to him, trying not to be distracted at how easy it was for Victor to appear god-like. “My pleasure, as always chief” said Victor, landing gently in front of the chief. Even with an enviable height of 6ft 2, the chief still had to look up at Victor. “I take it all perpetrators are…no longer with us?” asked the chief, one eyebrow raised. He always tolerated Victor’s approach to crime. “I scanned all of their minds to confirm that they were deserving of it. Most of them though aren’t…whole” replied Victor, smiling down at the chief. Victor had always like the man. “And collateral damage?” asked the chief. “Nothing insurance can’t handle” said Victor, delighted that his comment elicited a chuckle from the chief. “Whoa hold on now” said the chief. Victor had started to float upwards but stopped mid-air and looked back down at the chief with curiosity. “Come on, back down here please” said the chief, beckoning Victor with his finger. Victor obliged. Despite having just snuffed out the lives of ten measly humans, Victor did not consider good people and their requests to be beneath him. Victor once again landed before the chief. The chief took a moment to look around him at his fellow police who were now tending to the scene and to the hostages. He then turned his attention back to Victor. “God damn” said the chief to himself, leaving out a low whistle. He raised his arm and poked Victor’s left pec a few times. Victor smile incredulously, rolling his eyes. He had assumed that the chief called him back for something important. The chief poked a few more times, unable to make even the slights of dents in Victor’s chest muscles. “Alright, you’re dismissed” said the chief, taking one last look at Victor’s magnificent chest. “Have a good one chief” said Victor, as he flew straight up a few hundred feet, and the shot forward at incredible speeds. The chief watched his departure, while tucking his erection into the elastic waist of his underwear. “God damn” he whispered again, with another chuckle.
  3. It’s Friday fight night at the local illegal underground bare knuckle club, its well hidden so no issues with the police finding out. It was set up a few month ago by 24 yr old Johnny D’eath, allowing him to vent his anger and impose his dominance in the only way he knew, beating people to within an inch of there lives. Many people have been hospitalised and some even paralysed by him. No one has come close to even hurting him, the majority of the crowd turn up just to watch him slaughter the poor folk taking him on. Johnny has large advantage due to his monster 350lb frame which is covered in huge juicy unbelievably strong muscle, built up over the years through roid abuse, big eating and very heavy gym work, a recent bench press pb of 240kg for 15 reps proves he is one strong fucker!!! But……………. Following Johnny to every fight meeting and being his gym partner is his 18yr old brother Bobby. Johnny started taking Bobby to the gym with him 3 years ago as bobby wanted to be big and strong like his brother, back then Johnny was still a very respectable 230lb and was one of the strongest guys in the gym. The 2 brothers would train every day for 2 and a half hours, working a single body part each day. From early on training together Johnny knew there was something different about Bobby, even at 15 Bobby was adding some serious weight to his lifts on a regular basis. By the time his 17th birthday came along he was benching 180kg for fun, 1 rep maxing at 215kg. It was around this time that Johnny started hitting the roids big time, Bobby wanted a piece of the action too, seeing how well he had trained natural, his brother agreed to let him take them too. Back to the present day, and this really where the story begins…… So here we have Johnny on the top and Bobby on the bottom….. It’s 630pm, the two brothers have just finished having there high carb high protein meal, both meals in excess of 5000 cals, both are growing boys!!! Bobby is even more happier tonight as he will be fighting for the first time. “ Fuuuck bro can’t wait to fight tonight, I’ve been ready for ages and its finally happening” Bobby say joyfully as they start walking to the underground area. “ I feel sorry for the poor guy who has to take me on bro, what was it, 6 punch bags I’ve destroyed this past few weeks, even made a dent in that steel pillar a few times haha!!” Johnny looked at his pumped up, juiced up brother and smiled "yes bro, I can't believe how strong you gotten, I must admit I was no where near as strong as you when I was 18, I thought my genetics were awesome , but jeeez yours are on another level" Although he didn’t want to admit it, Johnny was very envious of his little bros superior size and strength gains for his age, at 18 Johnny was a athletic 150lb, at the same age is Bobby is a bulky 200lb. Bobby beamed in delight still “ yeah bro what was it I was benching for fun the other day? fuck man, 210 kilo benchpress at 18!!! Im only 30kg behind you, jeez I’ll be surpassing you soon!!!” “ Yeah that was majorly impressive , 20 reps , damn!! Surpass me, we’ll see about that soon enough!!!” Johnny replied, sounding confident, but deep down he knew his bro would begin destroying him strength wise very soon. But in a show of wanting to keep his authority for the time being, he stops, grabs bobby from behind and under the armpits and lifts bobby off the floor, Bobbys bulky weight means that johnny cant hoist him too high but its still a fair few feet of the ground. He squeeze his lats but comes up against the granite hardness of them. "Fuck my little bro has muscles of steel" Johnny exclaims, “ wow I’m impressed!!” Bobby chortles, “ hows this for impressive then…..” he begins to flare his lats which breaks his brothers grip instantly, bobby lands on his feet and turns round to face his bro “ did you look this good and feel this strong at 18 bro” For the first time ever, Johnny was beginning to feel inferior to his much smaller but insanely strong bro. "Well bob, you know what I looked like at 18! 18 yr old me would bet destroyed by you I have no fear in that" Bobby smiled cockily, “ yeah you got that right bro, would be a much closer match now I reckon!” Without warning he wraps his arms round his brothers waist and lifts him with a little ease off the ground, then puts him down “ 350lb for one!!! I’m one freaky strong 18yr old, no one is gonna beat me are they” “mmmpphhh....oh....fuuuck....mmmmph” Johnny trys to wriggle free but he cant shake free of the tremendous power and incredible unstoppable strength of his bro. “ Jeeez bro, where you been hiding that power!!!” Bobby looks at his bro, “ Well didn’t want to show my bro up to early now do i!!!” he winks dominantly at his bro. Johnny inwardly gulps hard, what has his bro turned into. Around 10 mins later they arrive at the venue, an expecting crowd already building, they walk through to the competitiors area. Both of them eye up the other fighters, all huge and built except one guy who was more a athletic build, “ good luck to him huh bro” Johhny says. " Yeah bro, he definitely wont last long, but holy shit man, some of these guys are mountains, I bet we’d destroy em all though bro haha” Bobby replies. "Of course bro, no ones beating us, let's go get changed" Johnny says Once in the changing room they take off their tops and get changed into gym shorts and barefoot. Johnnys legs were of course huge, but he looked at Bobbys and although smaller they still had some thick thick muscle piled on them. “Fuck bro, you even have thick legs now, they look solid as, remember years ago when in the changing room I impressed you by wrapping my thick legs around a chair and crushing it with my legs?" – Johnny looks at a chair in front of them both. "I bet you can't do that." The skinny athletic guy is a few metres from them, he is staring at them both but more intently at bobby. Bobby looks at his with a new found dominant look, “ bro I have legs that a full grown man would be proud of, SO bearing that in mind do you think that chair would be a match for me, but I’ll prove it anyway.........!” Bobby walks to the chair, he gives the watching skinny guy a evil look he shakes visibly, he wraps his legs round the chair and squeeze, within seconds it shatters into pieces. Johnny looks open mouthed "fuck, that shit is sick man, no time at all!” A bulge was beginning to appear in his shorts when mercifully the starter bell rang. They call the first fighting match, its Bobby versus the skinny athletic guy. Bobby walks uber confidently into the ring, the other guy too but he is looking shit scared after witnessing bobbys strength in the changing area. The match starts Bobby confidently walks around the ring eying up his visibly shaken opponent, as bobby gets closer to him, the size difference is clear for all to see, both fighters hands out boxing style, Bobby eggs the skinny guy on to make the first move, he takes the bait, he comes at him with a left hook, bobby easily dodges it and grabs his arm, he easily yank it to the side, CRACK, his shoulder shatters form the force, in the same movement bobby balls up his fist and aims a 25% strength punch to his face, breaking his nose entirely he falls on the floor. There is a audible gasp from the watching crowd at how ruthless that was, Johnny looks on, face one of joy and thoughts of “fuuuuuuuck!!” The guy stands up gingerly and scared like hell he bolts towards Bobby and lands a punch in bobbys stomach and one in the face. Bobby don’t even flinch, the skinny guy continues to pound his mid section with punches but non of them coming anywhere near close to hurting Bobby, he’s probably doing more harm to himself. Bobby just laughs at him, “ that all you got kid I’m bored “ with one shove of his arm he sends him flying into the fence. Bobby cracks his neck and knuckles and dominantly bounds over to him, fists charged, he then starts an onslaught of his own on the guys abs, using around 65% of his power bobby lay siege, each punch hitting there mark, destroying his abs with every punch, each punch came with a loud cry, left right left right he pounds for a good 2 mins, he steps back , the guy is barely conscious, his stomach is ballooned with bloody welts the size of melons. The referee takes one look at the skinny guy and instantly call it off the guy is not going to last much longer if it continues, the ref tries to hold bobby off "Ok man you got this match" Bobby looks at the judge “ get your hands of me “ he gives the death stare the ref backs away, Bobby turns and looks at his bro, he gives him a look that says, “its my time now!!!” Johnny gulps, wondering what his bro is going to do, looking at him, his big bulky body looking uber solid, ready to destroy again. Bobby walks over to the puny guy, grabs him by his neck and easily lift him high in the air, he turns in a circle to show everyone, the crowd gasp again at the young hunks power, gurgling, struggling to breath, the skinny guy hangs there. Bobby walks right over to where his brother is’ “Consider me an alpha now BOY” Bobby raises his other arm to reveal his young teen but masculine, sweaty hairy pits, the aroma oozing out of it fills his bros nostrils, Bobby stuffs the guys head in the deep crevice between his pits and lats and begins lowering his arm over the guys head like a vice starts easily crushing his head, within seconds his head caves in on itself, bobby raises his arm and lets the corpse fall on the floor. Bobby hits a most muscular pose and growls dominantly in his brothers face.
  4. After reading many great stories on this forum, I decided it's high time to give back something to this community. I drafted my first story based on topics I really like and which turn me on - domination, huge muscles (obviously), power. I spiced it with a bit of snuff, although this will never be the main theme of this story. I tried to keep the story realistic - my hero will never become a giant or be strong enough to lift a tank. But he will be strong enough to beat the shit of any human. And have ample fun hearing him beg for his pathetic life. I am looking forward to your feedback and comments. Feel free to either comment below or by sending me a message. Today you get the first two chapters. If the story gets enough attention and positive replies, I plan to continue it of course. Happy reading and have fun! * * * PROLOGUE The helicopter was already flying quite low, just above the treetops. Below us was a vast forest, which we could barely see in the dark. The pilot was clearly afraid. And he had full reason to be. We were flying in the dark with minimal lights and not much moonlight, which already created a danger. But this danger was the lowest on his priority ranking. Worse for him was that we were flying over enemy territory and as we were flying so low, we were quite easy targets for enemy fire. But what he feared most, was me. And rightfully so. My legend preceded me. The pilot heard a lot about me before boarding this helicopter. In fact, when he learned whom he would carry on board tonight, he started to tremble. Although I did not care to say anything to him, my size, my Alphaness and my manly scent made his body automatically shrink and surrender. Only his completely average dick was totally hard during the entire flight. He was lucky I ignored his mediocre existence, as I was focused on a bigger fish to fry. * * * CHAPTER 1 My name is Serhyi. I am 29 years old and I am the latest experiment of Ukrainian scientists who collaborated with the best American colleagues to create a super-soldier; a ruthless and cruel killing machine. Even before being recruited to this experiment, I was a huge guy. I competed in international strongman championships representing my country, usually placing in the top 5. I won a few bodybuilding championships in the heavyweight category. I loved martial arts and wrestling, although I never competed on a national level in those. I loved fighting, cause it not only fulfilled my desire to be the best, which the other sports did too, but it also fulfilled my desire to crush my opponents, to make them realise and painfully feel their inferiority compared to Me. I loved to see fear in their eyes even before I started dominating them. I loved to inflict pain, to hear them scream, especially those who before the match believed they are macho. To me they were wimps and fucktoys. Unfortunately, this was not what they wanted at competitions, hence I never competed. When my country was invaded by the neighbouring Russia five years ago, I enlisted for the army. I wanted to fight against the invaders. I was immediately spotted by the recruiting commission, as I stood out from the crowd of mediocre men. I was 201 cm tall, which is 6 foot 6 inches in your American standards. And I was muscular, very muscular. A heavyweight bodybuilder with 61 cm arms (24”) which were bigger than the thighs of the weakling next to my right. My huge muscular chest was 145 cm (57”) at that time and contained more muscle than the whole body of the skinny wimp to my left, who timidly looked up at me from time to time praying that the enemy soldiers do not look like me. Add to the description of my magnificent body quite low body fat level (I wasn’t in competition shape, but it was around 8%, which made all my muscles nicely visible under my skin). I looked like a monster among petty humans. Which was exactly true. The head doctor who examined all of us who were standing in briefs was clearly aroused. He quickly checked all the average males and told me I would undergo a special inspection at the end. He was a middle-aged guy who was quite fit for his age and had more muscle than most of the candidates standing in front of him. Next to me though, he looked skinny and weak. He knew it and I knew it. I thought about dominating him and making him my puppet, but then I thought I should first wait and see what he has to offer me before subjugating him. It proved to be the right decision. After 10 minutes of inspections, the wimps were all proved worthy of being sent to the front and left the room. I was left alone with the doctor, who moved from his desk closer to me. I noticed he had a hard on, which was no surprise to me, as most males react with an erection in My presence. He asked me about my past, my sport experience, my strength while at the same time inspecting me. He started with the obvious - heart rate, pulse, then moved to inspect the quality of My muscles. His eyes were becoming wider and wider with awe. His dick harder and harder. Soon there was a wet stain between his legs. I smirked - I just subjugated another weakling without even bothering to make him feel My real power. The doc looked at Serhyi. He was in awe. What was before his eyes was a perfect male. Very tall, extremely muscular, very virile. The skin did little to hide the huge muscles underneath it. His pecs were like giant iron cushions. They emanated power and manhood. Just by looking at them anyone else already knew who the Alpha in the room is. On both sides of the giant pecs were two enormous shoulders. Each one the size of a watermelon. They made him look extremely wide and terrifying. Just beneath them were his rock-hard arms. Each one bigger than docs thighs, and doc was no stranger in the gym. They probably could curl more than what doc could leg press. Underneath the iron pecs were the beautifully carved abs. Even his obliques were elegantly visible showing his quite narrow waist. Then came the gigantic pillars of his legs. They seemed extremely long. As for their size - the doc wasn't sure he could circumvent the quads using both of his arms. He didn't even want to try doing that, as he was afraid it could anger Serhyi. And that was the last thing doc wanted to do. Below the huge quads were the brilliant, massive calves. Each one the size of docs thigh. And then came his long feet. Serhyi had even big muscles there. His scent was very manly. His pheromones subconsciously bombarded doc’s brain saying: “you are weaker, you are powerless in front of this male. Just accept it, as it's useless to deny it.” And doc did accept it. Fully. The doc was on his knees checking the density of My calves, each the size and shape of a rugby ball, when I asked him whether he wanted to see and check My cock. He slightly blushed and told me that this was on his checklist too, but he was too afraid to ask me. I didn’t even bother to reply to him and just took my pants off. My semi-hard already 18 cm (7”) long cock jumped out and flew above the head of the doctor. He licked his lips and looked lustfully at it. He tried to stay professional and started to measure its size with a tape. He then told me he needs to see it fully erect to measure it. He asked me whether I could make it hard. I replied that his hands and mouth are a perfect tool for that and that he is to do it himself. Without even realising it, he instantly obeyed my command. The first one of the many I gave him in the next months. He worshipped My cock just like he worshipped My muscular body - with care, respect and professionalism. He proved to be a worthy sub. My cock was full mast in less than a minute. It was easy, cause I hadn’t cum since morning and my balls were aching to be milked. My amazing steel rod was the only thing the doctor had on his mind at the moment. I was a little impressed that he still managed to control himself when he stopped slurping My cockhead and started measuring it. He looked at the numbers and proudly announced, “33 centimetres (13”) with a circumference of 30 cm (12”). The biggest and thickest in the whole Ukrainian army!” I nodded in approval - good to be informed scientifically about My superiority to other “men”. It will make My decision to subjugate other soldiers quicker. In case they would act cocky, I would order them to take out their dicks and compare them to My cock. I would always win and the guys would have to give Me their asses, if I wished so. Easy job. I looked at the doctor who now told me he needs a sample of my sperm in order to check My virility. “You doubt My virility?!” I raised My voice. He immediately turned rather pale and told Me he does not, but he needs it to be scientifically lab tested in order to check My health levels for the special assignment I might be given. I just nodded in approval and pointed at him and at My cock. He understood immediately and rushed to My cock with a measuring cup. I smirked looking at the size of it. It could barely hold 50 ml (1.6 oz.) of sperm, a small fraction of what I usually cum. But it was designed for average humans, not for virile muscle gods. I expected the doctor to drink the rest of My cum, which would not fit in the cup. The doc returned to worshipping My cock with his hands and mouth. You could see he was well trained - not like the bimbos I fucked after the wrestling matches. He really knew how and where to touch it and squeeze it. I was soon close to cumming and he felt it too. He was puzzled, cause he knew he had to catch My cum in the cup, but at the same time he was unable to stop himself from giving head to Me. I decided to release him from his dilemmas and told him that there will be more cum than he needs both for the cup and for his mouth. Without taking My cock out of his mouth, he nodded in approval and awe and continued slurping. A few moments later, I growled and started cumming. In My standards, it was just an average cumshot, but the unprepared doc was shocked. He was too slow in swallowing My nectar, so his cheeks quickly filled with My cum and it started pouring out of his mouth. He rapidly put the cup under his own chin and in no time, it was completely full with My seed too. As he started choking on My cum, he released My rod which continued shooting and making his doctor's smock completely covered with My juices. From now on he was marked as My property. As I finished shooting, I looked down at the doc’s pants and saw the obvious - he came, too. He will be taught that next time he is to ask permission for cumming in My presence. But it was my first day in the army and not all of My rules have been applied here yet. This will change as time passes and people will learn to obey My orders. Even those who are theoretically above Me, as they have a higher military rank. That will not prevent them from being subjugated by Me. On the contrary - it will make their fall under My feet even sweeter. If needed, some will be snuffed in the process. It will just make My glory and My fame greater. The doctor came back to his senses from the biggest orgasm he ever had (till now) and started looking around. His face and his smock was covered with My cum, the cup was completely full and there was a large puddle of My goo on the floor. I decided to slowly start training My new sub and ordered him to lick the floor clean. He looked up at Me with a question in his eyes, but when he met My steel gaze, he immediately understood that I am deadly serious and started cleaning the floor with his tongue. He took his wet smock off which allowed me to inspect his upper body. It was nicely shaped. I could see that doc was a regular in the gym and that his diet was well under control. His arms had decent biceps and the pecs were nice and juicy. His abs were clearly visible. His ass was deliciously sticking up as he kneeled, licking the floor. I found his body worth My fuck next time we do it again. The fact that he was a top, of which I was informed later, did not matter to Me. For Me all were bottoms. I usually preferred tops even more, as their asses were tighter, although for My rod every ass was tight, especially during the first few fucks. The doc finished licking My goo and turned around. In the meantime, I walked behind the desk and sat on his chair. The chair squeaked under My weight. To help the poor chair a bit, I put My huge muscular long legs on the doc’s desk, trying not to crush his keyboard in the process. The doc was at first shocked to see Me sitting from where he usually commanded the room and the subordinates, but he understood that from now on the hierarchy will look different. He took a small chair opposite the desk and sat like a suppliant in his own office. His eyes were sliding over My huge muscles which were simply relaxing after a pleasant fuck. I looked at him and said, “So - what special assignment are you giving Me?” He replied, “It’s not sure that you would be given it. There are a number of other potential candidates.” I repeated My question slightly louder, “So - what special assignment ARE you giving ME?” He swallowed his saliva and said, “It is most likely that you will indeed be the one we are looking for. So far you tick all the boxes of the perfect candidate. We would like to create a super soldier who would significantly raise our chances of winning this war. We need someone who is extremely powerful to make him even more powerful, beyond what humans usually can do. But there are several restrictions, potential bottlenecks and side effects. That’s why, for example, we need to test your sperm. We will also need to check how you react to the serum, as you may be allergic to it, which would ruin the whole experiment.” “Then test it now,” I said. “Now??” He clearly did not expect such an answer. “Yes. Inject it and let’s see.” The doc quickly analysed something in his head and agreed. He took a syringe and filled it with some purple liquid. He told Me that due to My size, he will apply a double dose of the serum. I approved his proposal. He will learn that he can propose something, but it is Me who will take the decision. As a smart doc, he already was learning it, even if subconsciously. The injection was quick and a bit painful. I love pain, both when I apply it and when I receive it, so it was a pleasure. The doc told me that we need to wait at least five minutes to see the first results. After five or six minutes, I started feeling really good. Even more manly that I usually do. I didn’t see much of a difference in My body. Maybe only My muscles were more tense and dense. Suddenly the door opened and an officer entered holding one of the average Joes who were recruited with me. The Joe seemed frightened and the officer aroused. He shouted at the doc, “Andryi - this recruit is not from Odessa as he claims. We just found out he is a Russian spy who wanted to infiltrate our army. What shall we do with him?” Andryi, as now I knew the docs name (I didn’t care how he was named till now), told the officer that the potential spy needs to be interrogated and that we can use me to do it. Then he turned around to Me and he realised he committed a grave error. He looked apologetically towards Me and said, “Sir, would you approve of interrogating this scum?” The doc was a fast learner. He even started calling Me “Sir” before I ordered him to do so. I was impressed. I approved his proposal and took over Ivan or whatever his name was. I felt anger, as the guy wanted to infiltrate My new barracks and put Me in theoretical danger. Before I even said a word to him, I punched him quickly in the face. He was completely unprepared (neither was the officer who held him). Due to the impact of My fist, Ivan hit the wall behind him and fell to his knees. The officer managed to jump aside, but he was angry. I didn’t care. Ivan in the meantime spit out two of his teeth. His nose was broken and he started to bleed. He looked from his position up to Me. He saw a muscular giant towering him nearly up to the ceiling wearing only briefs. He saw the anger in my eyes. He knew that I would not play along any civilised rules of interrogating a suspect and that I wouldn’t care if he dies in the process. His correct analysis of his situation was brutally interrupted by My kick in his chest. I loved kickboxing and I knew how to kick to create the most impact. His eyes nearly popped out, he was lifted up from the ground by the impact and he could not breathe for a longer moment. His chest had a huge bruise roughly in the shape of my foot. And I have really big feet. He started coughing and spit out some blood. But even before he could catch his breath after the kick, a new wave of pain emerged in his body, as my foot after the kick landed on his left palm on which he tried to support his upper body in order to regain breathing. I weighed over 140 kg (310 lbs) then and I had no mercy to use My weight in order to crush his finger bones. In order to do it completely I twisted My heel, nicely pulverising them in the process. His shriek was heard quite from afar. I was happy he quickly understood his position and started begging me to stop. We started the interview. The officer asked a question. If the victim did not reply immediately, he lost another part of his flesh or bones. Fifteen minutes later we knew his real name, his unit, his commander, his home address, the codes he was to be using to connect his home unit, even his bank account number in Moscow and the PIN card to the new account he just got in Ukraine. As well as all the data of his girlfriend. Ivan just lost one eye in the process (I didn’t expect it to float out so easily). His left leg was broken, the bone sticking out through the mangled muscle. His left hand was pulverised and his small balls were ripped off. I gave them to doc as a souvenir. But he was alive and even conscious. He probably cursed the day he agreed to take this mission and even more the moment he stumbled upon Me. The officer took the victim out of the room into his new prison cell. It just left the two of us. The doc was clearly impressed. He told both Me that the serum worked exactly as expected. It gave me way more power and precision. I thought back at the interview and indeed noticed that breaking bones was way easier for Me than it normally was. I was even impressed how soft the victim was and how effortless it was to crack him. Now I knew that he might have been completely normal and it was Me who gained so much more strength as to make breaking a human a piece of cake. * * * CHAPTER 2 It took Me a few weeks to get used to My new strength level. I crushed and meld several things in the process. Dumbbells, knives, plates, mugs, even a rifle, although that was by pure coincidence. My PRs in the gym seemed so easy to break. Deadlift, bench press, squat - all were surpassed by 25-50%. I was fed well and gained new muscle mass. The doc took good care of Me and fed me with the best supplements on top of the serum he was giving Me. I demanded two servants, who were to fulfill My needs day and night. My officer (whom I subbed the first night I met him) talked to his commander, who at first rejected My proposal. My officer did not know how to inform Me about the fact that someone dared to contradict Me. When I finally forced him to tell it (a good choking session with My biceps always helps), I smiled and said that I always like some challenges. He relaxed and was even rewarded for his loyalty to Me with his first ass fuck. He couldn’t walk properly for three days after that. But he seemed happy and treated this as a special recognition. After fucking My superior (only in rank, as he was inferior to Me in every way, even though he looked quite decent for a human), I went to the major. He seemed not to be aware yet that I gave the orders here. I entered his office just after a gym session. I was wearing a tank top, which revealed the incredible size of My muscles. I didn’t even bother to knock. The major was behind his desk. He was a skinny short guy in his late 40-ties. We never met before, as he was on a mission somewhere in the past days. He heard about Me of course, just like everyone on the campus. Now he was about to learn his position in MY campus. He looked at Me from behind the desk and was clearly impressed. He did not dare to protest that I entered his office without even knocking, let alone having an appointment. I came straight to his desk, sweaty still from the good upper body workout I just had. My manly musk filled in the room, as the windows were closed. “So it is you, Serhyi!” said the major. “Yes, it’s Me, Oleh,” I replied. I didn’t bother to name him by rank and directly called him by name, crossing all the rules in the Ukrainian army. This was to make him understand that rules apply to others, but not to Me. And to make him softer to crack. I sat on his desk with My ass and back towards him. But as I came here with friendly intentions, I turned My head towards him and even slightly smiled. He was shocked by My behaviour, but I didn’t give him time to get used to it, as I started nonchalantly taking off My military boots. “I heard you did not fulfill My order, which I sent to you via My intermediary. I am a busy man and I do not have time to do all the things myself. As you already know, I am the pinnacle of your army and as such, I expect respect from all. You included. From you, I also expect obedience, as you seem to have some power here. Your powers are to be used to emphasize My power and My authority. If you have a stupid idea to go against Me, we will have a big problem here. I will need to talk to your commander and have you replaced. And it might be quite painful. For you of course.” As I spoke, the small man became smaller and smaller. He was sweating and had a clear problem speaking since I entered the room. Having no response from him, I paused to speak and started to take My socks off. The room was filled in with My scent even more. If someone had entered it, he would not feel the smell of another male in the room. As, in fact, there was no other male in the room. The other human was reduced to his asexual agamic form. I continued to speak, “You have the reports about My strength, My abilities and My new superpowers. In fact, I am currently sitting on this report. You therefore know what I am capable of. Your report probably includes information about the two guys I already killed here and a few others who got injured. I came here with friendly intentions and want you to be happy to work for Me. Remember that My success will also be your success, if I allow you to continue commanding this unit. So - will you agree to submit to My power and fulfill My orders and needs?” He clearly read the report and knew I could kill him on spot before he even could cry for help. Still unable to speak, he nodded his head. “Good!” I replied. “You will address Me as Sir from now on". He nodded again. “Now let Me give you a little reward for your cooperation. Go under your desk and stick your head from My side, facing up, so that you can see Me sitting here.” He obeyed. Good, cause snuffing him would create a bit of havoc, would delay My transformation and the short-term pleasure would be outweighed by mid-term nuisances. His head appeared from underneath the desk, right between My feet. From this perspective, I seemed even bigger to the major. “To visualise our new relations, you are to lick all the sweat off My feet. I know you will enjoy it.” The guy was so confused at this moment, that he started licking before his brain analysed what I just told him. Then it was too late to stop and he continued his feet worshipping session. I took out My mobile and did a series of photos and a video of him servicing My feet to blackmail him in case he has the dumb idea to resist Me next time. If he is good however, I might send him a copy, so that he has some jerk off material when I am not around. After the first few moments of overwhelming fear, I could see Oleh started to relax and enjoy his new position. I knew he was a feet fetishist from his lover, beautiful blonde-haired Junior Lieutenant Irina. She was not only his lover. In fact, she fucked every tenth soldier in this campus. She slid into My bed the second night I was there and she got way more than what she was expecting. I gave her more orgasms than she had in the last two months combined. I also made her holes too wide for most of the soldiers. She gave me lots of secret info on anyone worth My or her fuck. She remained My fuckspy throughout the whole time. We agreed however that I would only fuck her in the ass and only halfway deep. Otherwise she would not be able to fuck other guys well, making her way less useful for Me. In the meantime, Oleh was moaning and getting close to orgasm. I heard a strange sound from the other side of the door. The serum enhanced my hearing abilities; I could hear sounds normal humans could not. Without a hesitation, I took out a knife I had in My pocket and threw it forcefully at the door which was on the opposite side of the room. The knife flew perfectly and with a loud thud entered the door up to its handgrip. I heard a sigh and saw drops of blood mixed with brain dripping of the blade. Someone who dared to listen to My interaction with Oleh has just been snuffed. Probably another Russian spy whose task was to control what Oleh was doing. Oleh understood what just happened, but he was already too high and it just made his arousal higher. He started cumming under the desk. I didn’t even care to see it. Once he finished, I prepared to jump off the desk. He was petrified. His face grew ashen and his skin taut against his skull as he thought I would crush his skull. My 150 kg (330 lbs) hard flesh flying into his skull would certainly make his death a quick one. Although I killed a guy just a minute ago, I had no intentions of adding Oleh to this list. Not today. I swiftly landed just above his head, turned around so that I could face him and unzipped My fly. He got terrified again, as he thought I would fuck him. He was straight and never had male sex till now. But that was not on My menu either. His body looked so pathetic, that My cock did not even get a hard on in the process. I took out My cock so that I could piss on him, further engraving in his mind his position in My presence. After emptying My bladder, I left the room, leaving the commander in My piss on the floor under his own desk. I opened the door with the spy still pinned by My knife to it and took My knife back, wiping the blade with the uniform of the dead guy. I didn’t even check who he was. It was irrelevant currently, was it not?
  5. This story is dedicated to and inspired by Jason, this absolute monster of muscle I've been chatting with on and off for years. You can find all the visual inspiration you can handle here at his Instagram page: https://www.instagram.com/jf1515/?hl=en This story is four chapters; the final chapter will be posted Thursday or Friday (tried to finish it all tonight but then, heh, I ran out of motivation so to speak). I figure 6000+ words over three chapters is enough for the storiversary for now. I features muscle growth, size theft/drain, plenty of sex, some violence, and (in chapters 3 and 4) some snuff elements. Chapter 1: Jason finished his set of bench presses and sat up. He looked in the expansive gym mirror and flexed a little. At age 50, most guys would be thrilled to look like he did, but Jason was not at all satisfied. Looking back was a mature bodybuilder, dense muscles bulging out of his stringer tank top and basketball shorts. His short buzz cut and dark, scruffy five o’clock shadow were practical rather than elegant. He flexed his chest harder and squinted, crows feet extending out from his eyes, which had the trademark epicanthic folds and dark irises of his ancestry. His chest bulged out with hard, hairless, striated muscle; he was relatively lean for 220lbs. He raised an arm up and checked his bicep, and it rose into an impressive, round peak that was hard as rock. He waddled over to the dumbbell rack to get heavier weights, appreciating the way his thick, uncut cock bulged out of his basketball shorts; that part of him had never been a disappointment, as many local bottoms could attest to. Because he was only 5’5” he looked thicker than his weight would suggest. Being short and thick was one thing he had always loved, but lately it felt like it wasn’t enough, never enough. He had always been obsessed with muscle and done everything he could to pack on as much size as possible – steroids, hormones, you name it. And it had paid off, but not as much as he dreamed. It had gotten even worse lately. Since his 50th birthday last week, he felt like he was running out of time to achieve the kind of size goals he had always dreamed of. For his birthday, he had finally pulled the trigger on a supplement program he’d heard about on a podcast. He knew there were potential complications with the cycle he had just started, but he didn’t care. He had to get bigger. A close second to building up his muscles was big muscles on other guys. Bodybuilders, gym bunnies, powerlifters, athletes, he couldn’t get enough. Best of all was being able to outmuscle other big guys and see how much bigger his own muscles were than other guys, but since he had plateaued at 220lb, his ability to enjoy that had slowed down. Nothing turned him on like proving his superiority over other meatheads, and he couldn’t dominate the bigger guys at a mere 220lb. He frowned and lifted harder, working up a sweat and soaking his loose tank top. By the end of the workout, he noticed a young, smaller bodybuilder looking him over as he flexed one last time before heading the locker room, and watched as the lean, muscular guy followed him into the locker room. They made eye contact while Jason shucked his sweaty gym gear and grabbed a towel for the shower; Jason flexed and gestured for the smaller guy to follow him to the shower stalls. Jason turned on the hot water and a moment later the smaller, lean but muscular gym bunny followed him into the curtained stall. Jason breathed sharply through his nose as laid hands on the smooth, hard muscle of the younger guy, his cock awakening. “You like this muscle?” Jason said as he raised an arm up to flex. “Yeah, you’re looking so big,” the younger guy said. He was a few inches taller than Jason’s 5’5” but couldn’t be more than 200lb. “Thick mature muscle,” he breathed as he slicked up Jason’s bicep in the shower, rubbing and squeezing the impenetrable muscle. “That’s right,” Jason grunted, his voice a rich, confident gravel. He knew exactly what he wanted, and he was going to get it. “Feel the size of my chest,” he said, diverting the twunk’s attention to his pecs. “Still growing,” Jason added while he bounced them, water splashing off the hard, smooth pecs. The young bodybuilder breathed heavily as he let his hands explore Jason’s hard body. Jason reached down and grabbed both of their cocks, hard and long at this point, and started squeezing. “I’m bigger than you down here too,” Jason intoned, leaning in against the twunk’s hard, smooth abs. “Feel my fat muscle cock,” he said as he pushed down on the young guy’s shoulders. Jason’s uncut cock was thick and long especially for his proportions. It curved against his bulging quads. Jason pulsed it as it emerged from his foreskin. The twunk sunk to his knees and slurped up the thick cock readily, stretching his lips wide and lashing his tongue over it. Jason hummed with pleasure and looked down, appreciating the way his own muscles appeared much bigger compared to this guys’ thinner, leaner ones. “Yeah, choke on my thick cock,” he growled as he thrust his hips harder. Suddenly Jason felt a tingle, an intense wave of pleasure beyond a normal blow job, as the twunk worked his thick, uncut meat. Jason gripped the guy’s traps, squeezing them as he grunted with pleasure, feeling waves of warmth radiating from the point of contact and through his body. He looked down and his eyes bulged as he saw, noticeably and visibly, the twunk shrink smaller and skinnier, watched his muscle atrophy away while simultaneously feeling his own muscles bulging thicker and bigger. The increasingly skinny bodybuilder groaned and tried to pull away, but Jason gripped the back of his head with a firm hand and pressed him harder on his swelling cock. He tried to push away, but Jason’s legs were too strong and he didn’t budge. “Need to get huger,” he growled. Jason’s pecs swelled out, looking like he was flexing but then settling in at that bigger size, pulsing and bulging with every thrust of his cock into the twunk’s tight lips. Thick veins snaked over his thick forearms as they grew, and his upper arms grew thicker and pressed against his bulging lats. The size difference between them became even more pronounced. Jason was so much bigger and getting even huger! “Yeeeaahhhhh,” Jason groaned as he unloaded into the smaller guy’s mouth, thick ropes of cum blasting down his throat. The smaller guy coughed and choked as he stumbled backwards, the water from the shower still spilling down on him. “What did you do to me!?” he shouted as Jason loomed over him. Jason’s slick cock was still dripping cum. From the twunk’s perspective, Jason looked enormous. “I guess it was time to bulk up again,” Jason said with a cocky smirk. He lifted his arms and flexed. “Yeah,” he breathed, admiring his own gains, “Look at that.” “But, you, how did you, you stole from me!” the little guy stammered, rising in anger, but when he got to his feet he realized he was the same height as Jason instead of taller, he was frail and skinny instead of buff, and he was weak instead of strong. Jason pushed him backwards out of the stall, causing him to stumble over the shower curtain. “I guess so,” Jason said without an ounce of pity in his voice. “Give it back!” the smaller guy whined in desperation as Jason stepped out of the shower, his big thighs quivering with muscle as he adjusted his weight, rivulets of water streaming off his massive chest and swollen, turtleshell gut. “All my size, all my hard work, ruined,” he groaned. “Not sure how it happened,” Jason droned, like he was contemplating a math problem. “But it’s mine now,” he said and brought his fists together in front of his waist to flex. He looked down, admiring the deeper, harder cleavage between his pecs. “Give it back!” the smaller man yelled again, trying to push Jason, who didn’t move. Jason pushed him back again, forcing him out of the shower area. “I would leave,” he said, “before I decide to take more!” Jason sneered and the former bodybuilder slunk away to the locker room and left as fast as he could. Jason felt how much he’d grown as he dried himself off. He couldn’t believe what happened, but the proof was right there in his hands, feeling the thicker pecs, harder biceps, and bigger thighs that rubbed against each other when he walked. He was BIG, finally feeling like the huge bodybuilders he always aspired to look like. He stepped over to the scale and dropped his wet towel. It leveled out at 250. His jaw dropped. He had put on 30 pounds of muscle mass in an instant. He made his way to the mirror and a wide, eager grin spread across his face. He flexed and breathed heavily as he surveyed his sudden gains, obsessed with the growing size of his new body. And suddenly he realized: he didn’t just have to stop with one guy. He could have more. He looked around at the other guys in the locker room and his grin became a sneer. His cock chubbed up thinking about how much bigger he was going to get.
  6. Black Cat Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 WARNING! Contains snuff. Chapter 7 | Chapter 8 | Chapter 9 Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 Epilogue Sequel: Black Cats Chapter 1 The wife lays on the bed on her side, passed out. Her long auburn hair covers her sweaty, cummy face, neck and tits. Cum leaks out of her pussy and ass onto the soaked hotel sheets. Sunlight from the window lands on her 36C breasts, her nipples still hard and extended from my manipulations. Those beautiful breasts jiggle, the bed creeks and the headboard hits the wall with each of my thrusts. "Oh, God! Fuuuuck!" the husband moans under me. I pin his head to the bed with my left hand. My right hand grips and lifts his pelvis keeping his ass inline with my cock. For the last twenty minutes I've been pulling all the way out, waiting for his sphincter to close, then, with a low-pitch growl, ramming in deep. "You like that, boy? hmmmggggggrrrrrr. Like getting fucked slow and hard?" The husband moans something that sounds like, "yes, Daddy", as his fists tightly clutch the sheets. I roll my head back and inhale deeply, relishing the musky scent of sex. I spike his ass with a quarter of my rod. "AAAAHHHHHHGGOOOOOODD!" the pitiful excuse for a male wails. "GRRRR! I don't give a FUCK what you like, cunt," I growl. Enough of treading lightly with this virgin ass. I grab his shoulders with both hands and use my abs for countless short hard strokes, smashing into his prostate with every fuck. The bed frame crashes against that wall with a loud BAM, BAM, BAM, BAM, BAMBAMBAMBAMBAM as I bore into him. I keep up the rapid-fire assault, grunting with each fuck, until he yells, "I'm cumming!" I wrap my left hand around his throat and lift him off the bed. I stand tall and press the back of his head into my chest. He utters a satisfying scream as he slides father down. A minuscule amount of cum bubbles through the tiny cock cage his little penis is trapped in. His legs swing and bump my shins as I walk to the floor-to-ceiling mirror. By the time I reach the mirror he's panting like a bitch in heat. I turn to face the mirror and look over the "man" impaled on my cock. Mid-twenties, crew-cut blond hair, handsome features. I guess you could say that he's got a middleweight bodybuilder physique. A decent chest above his six pack. An above average limp dick swings off of him. He could probably place in a regional bodybuilding competition if he didn't skip leg days. His eyes are squeezed tightly shut. "Open your eyes. Come on boy," I thump his head with my free hand, "open." When he doesn't obey I forcefully flex my abs, driving my ramrod deeper into his gut. "Aaaarrrg!" his eyes snap open and looks at me in the mirror with fear, lust and fear. He begins to hyperventilate. "Hey, calm down, little man." I slide my hand off of his throat putting him in a choke hold. I lightly squeeze his windpipe between my forearm and bicep. His hands immediately grab my arm and vainly tries to move it. I whisper into his ear, "Take slow deep breaths. That's it. Good boy." With his breathing slowing I find myself involuntarily slow fucking his tight ass and watching my hulking figure in the mirror. The husband's head, his mouth gaping open, is held between a forearm thicker than his upper arm and a bicep bigger than his head. Thick veins under my paper-thin skin look like a metropolitan subway map. Above my bowling ball delts thick traps rise like mountains to meet my corded neck. The husband whimpers when I flex my free arm into a Herculean ball of power. "You like that, puny boy? Grrrr, yeah, I think we both know who's superior." I feel a pair of tits against my wide lats and a sopping wet pussy grinding on my massive rippling leg. "Fuck him, baby." The wife wraps her tiny hands around my torso. One hand slowly strokes my ten-pack, fingers following the perimeter of each thick cobblestone segment. Her other hand travels up to my shelf-like pecs to try to squeeze the rock-hard muscle. Giving that up, she begins to pinch and tweak a downward pointing nipple. "Show him how to use that thing between his legs." She's kissing and licking my back. "He's never satisfied me. You…oh god…you made me cum more than I've ever had. Show him how a real man fucks." Never wanting to disappoint the ladies I break the bi pose and slap the husband's glute. He yelps and calls out for mercy to whatever deity he thinks is listening. I seize a leg and bring it to his chest as I start to pound his ass balls deep. I roar. The husband screams in terror and submission. The wife moans, "Make him your bitch like you made me your whore…Master" *** Good. Now I have your attention. With all the instant gratification, short news cycles and screaming 140 to 280 character dispatches from who-the fuck-cares you have to grab attention by the balls, squeeze and not let go. Even if the owner of said balls slaps you with an injunction. Which never happens to me…usually. Hi, I'm Bruce. Bruce Banderole. Ripped let me hijack his account to tell my story. I didn't used to be this way. The domineering alpha male, not the ball grabber. Well, maybe not that either. Anyway, I was just your typical, average office worker schmuck sitting in a nondescript cube surrounded by sappy inspirational posters from HR in the boring corporate world. To say I was the pinnacle of physical health would be laughable. Twenty-six years old at this time. Under the average height for a male, just under the definition of obese, nearsighted and balding. My idea of exercise was carrying a box of a dozen doughnuts to the office every Friday. The only thing in my life that brought a ray of sunshine into my gloom was my girlfriend, Val. Six weeks ago that would all start to change. On that Monday nothing could brighten my mood. I grabbed two different socks out of the sock drawer, my sandwich was moldy, the printer repeatedly jammed on duplication of a fifty page report and I had my review. See, there's me after work in line at the bus stop waiting for the 5:10 to my house. Hunched shoulders, thinking about the day and mumbling, "How the fuck did I get a 'adequate' on the Reynolds account? I busted my ass for that fucker!" I look up to the guy behind me, "Tell me why a guy that looks like an avocado had sex with an older more disgusting avocado complained?" The old lady behind him stepped back aghast. The guy looked at me and said, "Maybe it's your use of harsh language." When I realized I left my umbrella at home, it started to rain. I sighed defeat to the universe as the bus rolled to a stop. The doors opened and I heard something in the alley. I ignored it and shuffled forward. After a few steps I heard it again. This time I think I heard a cat. I had a cat once. My sister wanted to name it Dog. A few more shuffling steps and I definitely heard a cat. I reached the bus door, looked up at the driver and said "Wait for me, I'll be right back." I think I heard the driver mumble, "Yeah right buddy" as I turned into the ally. "Here, kitty kitty kitty." I heard a reply from the left ten feet down the alley. I called out again, followed the reply and found an average sized undernourished young adult black cat under a piece of cardboard. It looked up at me with pleading electric blue eyes. I knelt down to the cat, and slowly blinked, "Hey, there." I extended a finger in front of its nose. "You don't look too well." The cat sniffed my finger, blinked and replied with a meow that almost sounded like, "Help?" I extended the finger to scratch the cat's chin. I didn't see a collar when the cat lifted its head for more scratches. "Oh, so you're a stray huh? Well we can't have you walking the streets can we?" As I gently lifted the cat it began to purr. I turned around with the cat cradled in my arms just in time to see the back of the bus disappear down the street. I sigh and mutter, "Fuck." "Mew?" "It's just been one of those days, cat. There's a vet school a few blocks from here. How about we get you checked out and get something to eat?" "Purrrrmoowprrrr" "I'll take that as a 'yes'." Two hours later I ordered an Uber and headed for home with a $200 vet bill, a box of stuff and a very groggy cat. When the Uber pulled up I saw my favorite driver, Debbie, in her beat up Hyundai Accent. "What the fuck ya got there, Bruce?" she yelled at me over the blaring death metal as I put the cat carrier and box in the back seat. I closed the squeaky back door and yanked on the front passenger door until it opened. Most people don't like Debbie. It might be that she curses like a sailor or that she'd rather insult you than get a tip. I kinda liked her; the petite figure, the girl-next-door face, the long blond hair in pigtails just went so well with the spiked leather collar, ripped band t-shirt, short shorts and bowie knife strapped to her thigh. Think Harley Quinn without a psychopathic homicidal boyfriend with a pasty complexion. At least I hoped so. "I found a stray cat and decided to adopt her," I replied once I sat down in the seat and turned down the screaming Norwegians. "The vet named her Brenna. Apparently that's Gaelic for 'black hair'." Debbie lifted a single eyebrow when she glanced from the back seat to me, "You, a cat? What's that fucking bitch Val gonna say?" I buckled up and replied, "Yeah, a cat. I'm secure enough in my manhood that I don't need a hundred fifty pound slobbering dog that you have to get up at five o'clock in the morning to walk. Besides, everyone should have a little pussy." She blushed as she pulled the car out into that traffic and replied, "Uh-huh. You got food and a goddamn cat box yet?" I pointed my thumb at the box in the back, "Yeah. The vet gave me a box of stuff. Said it was a CCL Starter Kit." We almost get into an accident when Debbie snorted and started laughing. "You mind not killing us and tell me what's so funny?" She composed herself just enough to reply, "Shit! CCL stands for Crazy Cat Lady." My eyes involuntary rolled heavenwards, "Laugh it up, Deb. One cat doth not a crazy make." "Mrr, aarrr?" came from the back seat. "I didn't ask you." With a snicker she stated, "They say the fucking first step is talking to the them." "And yet you talk to your crappy car." "Hey, don't insult Reggy! He's very sensitive!" The car backfired in agreement. She started stroking the dashboard, winked at me and said, "There, there, Reg. Don't listen to that mean asshole. You still haven't said how your cocksucking bitch-friend's going to react." "A FUCKING CAT!" was the reply I got from Val to a text with a pic of Brenna on my lap. When we got home I set everything up for Brenna. She had some water and cat food from her bowls in the kitchen and used her box in the bathroom. With her belly full she constantly purred while I scratched and rubbed her chin, throat and belly. She held my arm with her paws to make sure I didn't stop. She especially wanted me to scratch under her new orange-red nylon collar. I tried to think why the love of my life would say that as I scrolled up the app and saw all the pics she sent of her Pekingese, Alcaeus. The many, many pictures of Alcaeus dressed in a toga, birthday hat, sunglasses. In a sombrero for Cinco de Mayo. In a Santa beard and stocking cap for Christmas. The pics of Alcaeus with a hair bow on its head, in a Che Guevara t-shirt and beret, dressed as a Minion, lapping up a strawberry smoothie (from MY glass, mind you), wearing a Mario cap and, the worst, with cat ears. I typed out my reply with the thumb the little spoiled shit bit last week when I tried to get him away from my smoothie, "I found her in an alley downtown. I'm not going to walk away from that. Come on over and meet her, babe." A minute later the reply chat bubble started bubbling. Two minutes later I see, "Ugh fine cu soon." "We're going to have company, Brenna," I told the purring ball of fur on my lap as I rubbed behind her ears. Then I noticed the pizza boxes on the coffee table and dirty socks on the sofa. I sighed and said, "Looks like I've got to clean this place up a bit…" "Myeah." "…so you're gonna have to…Wait a minute, did you just say 'yeah'?" She just blinked those beautiful electric blue eyes and purred. "Ooookay then. Let me just set," I lifted her up and settled her on the sofa, "you here while I straighten up the place." The garbage was tossed and a load of laundry started when I heard the familiar sounds of Cadaver's "Cannibalistic Dissection" outside, Val screaming, "You expect a TIP after THAT?!" and a creaky car door slam. I open my front door to Val in a tight blue mid-thigh dress, her auburn hair in a bun, oversized sunglasses and a floppy wide brimmed hat. Behind her I saw a Hyundai peeling rubber and the driver's arm sticking out the window with a middle finger extended. "Ugh! That cabbie is the WORST! I don't know why they don't just fire her ass!" "She's not a cabbie and they can't." I gave Val a kiss on the cheek as she blew past me. "You know she's an independent contractor and the best driver in the city." "WHATEVER. So," she scanned the room, "where's this cat?" When Val set her oversized purse down her "dog" squeaked and poked his head out. "She's on the sofa. Be gentle, she's not used to…" When Val saw Brenna she charged towards her. Loudly, she said, "Oh, aren't you just the cutest thing!" Brenna jumped to the back of the couch, yelled, "Moor? REEEOW!" and hissed. When Val started to reach for her she jumped down and hid under the couch. "Hey! That's not how you act around a new pet, Valerie!" Alcaeus jumped out of the purse and started yapping at the couch. "Pfft, what do you know. It's just a cat." Brenna came out and sat in front of Alcaeus. Alcaeus continued to yap away as if he was a fearsome beast. Brenna, just yawned and cleaned her paw. "Yeah, well, she MY cat and I won't have her becoming neurotic due to…" We both heard a cut off yip and looked down to see Brenna's paw pinning Alcaeus's head to the floor. Her tail swished and she gave a "humph" sound. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY DOG!" Val exclaimed. I suppressed a snicker and said pridefully, "I see there's no chance of that." Val reached down to pick up the dog Brenna sniffed her hand. "Get away!" She clutched the shivering dog to her breasts, "That cat is EVIL!" "No she's not. This is all new to her. It'll take time for her to adjust." "Yeah, well…" Val's phone sounded out a notification I haven't heard before. Her face went flush and her eyes widened when she looked at her phone. "Sorry, babe. Gotta go." "You just got here?" I said, my hands outspread. "I know, but somethings come up…at work," Val collected her purse, shoved the shivering mutt in it and headed toward the door. "Can I call you an Uber?" "With HER again. I don't think so. Besides, my ride is already outside. Bye!" And with that Val slammed the front door on her way out. I stood in the middle of the living room wondering what just happened when I felt Brenna winding herself around my legs. "Well, that could have gone better." I said looking down at her. She blinked twice. "She's really very nice, ya know." "Mnoow," was the only reply in the room. Did my cat just say, "No"?
  7. This is based on a role play I had - - I only deserve half the credit but I'll take all the blame if you deliver it with a flex... He is known as a dangerous hit man. I think I see muscle and power under the leather jacket, but it's so big I can't imagine someone actually fills it with just muscle. He must be thick with a 'protective layer' over the muscles that were primed a decade ago. I'll have to think of a way to talk him out of that jacket and see for myself. I understand he is usually paid for his services by billionaires. Fat, ugly older men lusting for his body - but he only sells death. Believe me, I've checked. I'm no billionaire, but I have nice clothes, a great car and a very expensive watch that shows both taste and affluence. I'm sure he won't be impressed as he is big enough to take what he wants even if it isn't a toned body. Weight and height still equal control in most situations. But I'm the kind of handsome that is cute. I can turn as many men with my looks as he can with his size. I've got to try if he can't be bought... I feel like he keeps looking at me. Am I piquing his interest? Nah - he looks more like a thug wanting to hustle my watch off of me. I'm drawn back to the size of that jacket as it spreads and creaks against his back. Quite a few beasts must have given their pelts for that thing. One moment I think I can see his is really muscular, the next I think it's a trick of height, thickness, leather and positioning. Either way he is good looking enough to try. A slightly receding hairline which shows maturity. I get so tired of 'kids' that think they're the shit. Nice skin, but not unaffected by time and weather and maybe even some smiles. Oh, God - he just looked at me and gave me one of those smiles. He looked squarely at me, raised his drink (a cocktail, mind you, not some stupid cheap beer) and fucking smiled. He's standing up. Definitely a solid man. Perhaps six two or better? Gotta be tipping over 260. And now that he has unfolded from his small table, there's clearly no belly, so maybe he IS jacked?!! "It's really hot in here, and you are under the only air conditioner. May I?" He was indicating his jacket and the chair at my table. He didn't wait for a response to either. He just peeled it off. None of this slow, teasing crap. He just stripped out of the jacket, gave a little bunch of his muscles like feeling free, sat quickly and pulled his chair closer. Looked me in the eye. And then pulled closer again so our thighs touched and I had to turn sideways. It happened so quickly I could hardly process. He wasn't as tall as I thought. There were boots. That made the mass more impressive. The t-shirt certainly clung. I expected a roid gut but didn't see it. This was what a real life Thor or Hercules must feel like up close. Only very real. And so close. "Yeah, I'm big." I was excited before, but mister show off without showing off found a particular button of mine. Proximity. Shit - I hate being so easy a mark. "I believe you are looking for me. Hired me for a job, correct?" He picked up a decent sized stone used on the table as a paper weight for the menus. He just cracked it with a squeeze and dropped the pieces in front of me, put his forearms on the table, which creaked under the weight as he leaned on it, indicating the pieces. "That is what you buy. Destruction power." "That doesn't impress me Jimbo, or Butch, or whatever your name is. If you don't want to do as you're told, we have no business to discuss," I say while purposely keeping my eyes on him rather than the broken rock OR his corded forearms he obviously wanted seen. "Choose to stay and obey or walk away now." He looked at me deeply, kind of scrunched his nose and tilted his head with a look of incredulity that turned to a smirk that landed in pursed lips and a nod of OK.He put his arm around me and pulled me even closer. I kept looking forward. He came terrifically close to my ear and whispered, "I'm staying. You get one painful death of the societal asshole of your choice for your fee. And my name is Mark. Are you scared I might snuff you instead, little man?" "Welcome to a night you might really enjoy, Mark. I'm Max. I'm not a bit afraid of you near me. I like the heat you emanate and I'm very attracted to well-built men. But I didn't hire you because I want to slather you with compliments or act like a size queen. I have much better ideas than that." I know he wants to show off. I know he likes o hurt people that deserve it. And I'm dick-hardingly afraid he might like doing it to anyone he chooses, too. A cash payment through a surrogate already happened, so what would he care if I disappeared. "See that guy over there at the end of the bar? He enjoys touching his nieces after his workouts. He makes them do things no woman should have o do unless she chooses. He fancies himself a pretty big man and doesn't seem o care if folks know. He beat the hell out of his brother when he confronted him about it. I hired you to make an impression on him. Literally. Leave a mark he can't erase." He pulled from me mid description and created space between us and the table as though he wouldn't wait for me to finish. "Dead or alive?" I stand and straddle him in the space he created. He doesn't flinch. I take his face in my hands and turn him from the asshole to look at me. "I want his straight, abusive ass to fear you and still cum because he wants you. Impress me, Mark." I move to kiss him, but instead, pull his attention deeper into me through his eyes and just give him a wink - - then pull my scruff across his face as I move in to his ear and whisper, "I'm going to make YOU cum before the night is over. But if you refer to me as anything but an equal again, I'll kill you." I stand up and give my hand to pull him up. He takes it and lets me help. He smiles at my boldness, winks back, rolls his shoulders with a tiny pec bounce and flex. He heads to the end of the bar. The man there sees me as he gulps another beer. Mark exchanges a few quiet words with the man. I couldn't make them out. Mark wraps his arm around the fucker's shoulder and gives him a squeeze. I see the lowlife recoil at being embraced and then watch him try to release himself and then wince in pain. He goes pale as he looks up at me as he was certainly told to do. Mark moves him from his chair without releasing the hold and brings him to my table. People around the bar don't seem to notice, but I see his feet barely touch the ground. He is slammed into the bench along the wall across from me. "This is my boss, Max. He says you're a very bad guy, friend. Why don't we start with a nice, heartfelt apology, asshole?" Mark said this almost cheerily, with encouragement in his voice. The target tries to jump free of the the table. I think he might make it past Mark, but Mark was letting him think he had an out. Mark uses one arm to contain the escape, let's him struggle and even punch him right in the face twice and then just opens his paw and shoves the man back down. He touches his face to make sure there is no blood and all the while the smaller man is staring at Mark's arm. I notice he's kind of keeping his own hands on the gigantic arm. Not a direct fondle, but more of a check of size and ability. But he is afraid and impressed at once. He makes one more pull on that arm with all his force, sure he's going to move it and Mark just takes the big, oak table with his free hand and pins the punk against the wall. It takes his breath and he releases his grip and nearly screams, "Who are you!? What do you want from me!?" Mark puts his arm on the table and flexes it. The dude instantly shuts up and looks at the sinews or the biceps and the impossible size of the triceps. That isn't an arm. It is an entity. The abuser stares slack-jawed. Mark flexes and relaxes it a few times, moves a little closer and opens for a gape of the forearm, flexing it into more width than a bowling ball. He slides closer to the man and clenches his fist which his admirer cannot avoid looking at. He then pulls slowly into one more biceps pose, lifts his elbow from the table so it brings the arm right under the man's nose. He tries to look away but is only able for a fraction of a second. Mark moves his peak to touch the tip of the man's nose. After staying there for longer than even I felt comfortable - with the inferior man panting and trying to pull his head back further, Mark simply said, "Look," and he flexed like he hadn't actually been flexing before. The head split right under the man's nose and grew so much it pushed his nose up. It made him inhale and I believe the pheromones from Mark's underarm hit. The man looked dizzy. I realized his arms were pinned by the table. He was STRAINING to touch the prize now. He began to mumble words like amazing and big and huge and hard and good and such. Mark turns to look at me while leaving his arm in place. He starts to push backward like he's doing a rear deltoid fly and I see he's really putting pressure on the man's head. "This dick has a weak brain. He's easy to control. You, however, have power Max. I can tell you are turned on by me and you can handle yourself in my presence." Mark took his free hand and pulled the table back from nearly slicing the man in half and his arms immediately flew up to the arm. He was both flailing to end the cranial pressure and groping the very tool being used to punish him. Suddenly, Mark let him go and said, "I told you to apologize to my master." The perpetrator gained quick confidence from the air in his lungs and said, "The fuck I will," and swiftly lifted an arm to swing at me. Mark grabbed his hand before he swung and simply shook his head as they locked eyes. The man so angry and Mark so calm. "Wrong answer." Mark squeezed and breaks the mans hand. He slides over fast and throws and arm around him and catches his mouth just as a scream of pain started to escape. It ended up sounding like a big laugh to others, I bet. The dude looked at me with his eyes full of terror and then bit Mark's hand. Instead of pulling away or calling out or becoming rougher, Mark gritted his teeth and moved his hand from the man's mouth to his forehead to pull his head back to the wall. He let his own blood drip down the man's forehead and just left him huffing in anger, pain and frustration. "I'll ask just one last time." The lesser man looks up at Mark with tears in his eyes. I start to wonder if I should have hired Mark for this. I mean, I'm not really into pain, but he seems to be. Both giving and receiving. It seems second nature. I get lost for a moment thinking where he must have come from? I quickly return to the moment remembering he said master. That's when I realized my pants were wet with pre-cum. I get even more excited that he seems impressed with my mental control. Perhaps I can please him? I suddenly make a move because I want Mark's attention. "He's not going to apologize for shit, " I say. "Damn...right...mother...fucker," he manages to gasp out softly but with defiance. I see Mark's eyes go wide. "Are you calling him that, or me, little man?" "You're...both...pro...bably...homos. Big...asshole...small dick." A pause as he tries to free his head. "Prove....me other...wise." That's it. Yes, I'm happily bisexual, but who wouldn't be attracted to the gravity of a specimen like this, I'm thinking. And he just showed he is VERY desirous to see more of Mark. "The best part of this moment, prick, is you will both pay for your crimes against decency and manhood, and the last thing you'll remember before you die is how this man - this incredible mountain of a man - made you cum in lust without your ability to resist. You will want him, fear him and obey him and hate him before the night is over. He will enjoy it and you will orgasm in awe and respect. Then he'll snuff the life out of you...mother fucker." I had moved close to his face and nearly whispered the last two words and spat in his face. He started to react violently and I see Mark move lightening quickly and stop his forward momentum by his throat. Holding him back while he swings at us both - connecting with Mark and being prevented from doing so to me - Mark leans across the table in front of him and I rise up to meet him and we kiss right in front of him. "This is going to be fun," Mark declares.
  8. Joejames1

    He should have been first.

    He threw the trophy to the floor. The muscular head cracked off the figure and the plastic plinth it stood on smashed into pieces. “Second place? Second fucking place” - he knew he’d been robbed. Years of hard work, early mornings in the gym, the diet, the sacrifices ... the roids. He knew he was worth more than second place. He stood in the bathroom backstage, his body pumped, vascular and as big as it had ever been. Wearing only his deep red posing trunks which struggled to hold his leviathan back, he scanned his body. His pecs were full, round and a huge deep crevice between them dripped with sweat. Quads were massive, smooth and pushed his cock forward making it seem even bigger than it was. He looked good and he knew it. Ever since he’d taken up bodybuilding, he’d become sexually aroused by his growth. With every new growth spurt, it had sexually charged him, pushing him to want to add more size. He’d no need of a partner because looking at his bull like reflection turned him on - self worship was all he needed. He lifted his hulking arms up into a double bicep. The veins bulged like newly laid cables. He couldn’t resist - his tongue found the peak and it explored every inch. Next - down into a most muscular. “Fuck” he thought - “I’m a fucking GOD”. With that, the leviathan awoke. Uncurling itself from its sleep, his bulge grew bigger and bigger “yes, fuck - look at how big I’ve become” he roared. Now at full mast, the posing trunks could hardly contain the granite structure it held. His fingers and thumb felt along the elastic strap of the trunks, it was stretched to its capacity. His thumbs now under the strap hardly needed any help as he pulled them away from his body. The elastic gave way and his monstrous cock smashed against his abs. The posing trunks fell to the floor, ripped and ruined. Now totally naked he could explore his body further. His left hand slid down across his ridged steel abs to where his fingers could cup his avocado sized balls while his thumb stroked the heaving sack. His right hand grabbed the shaft and it began rhythmically stroking his member. His fingers rubbing the ridge of his mushroom while his thumb coaxed the precum from the slit. His body was tanned, huge and he knew he should have come first. He didn’t even notice the door to the bathroom close - he was too intent on worshipping his body. “What the fuck are you doing mate” - a voice called from behind him “This is a public bathroom - you fucking freak” - the voice continued. He couldn’t hear him - his body was all he could focus on. The voice came closer “Hey mate fucking stop that - that’s ..” But that’s as much as the voice said His left elbow smashed backwards into the guys jaw - momentarily leaving the comfort of his ball sack. The trophy the guy was carrying fell to the floor. He turned, naked, pumped and a mix of horny and angry. “Why the fuck they gave you first place ill never know” he said With that, his right hand stoped the rhythmic pumping of his cock and now in a fist - it hit him on the guys right cheekbone making a cracking sound as it did. Almost defiantly crushing the eye socket. The guy fell to the floor, catching his posing trunks on a door handle as he went, tearing them from his body. Writhing in pain, blood pouring from his cheek and nose, the guy was now naked and unable to move. “And that’s what you call an excuse for a dick?” He said staring at what looked like a prepubescent cock. “I’m bigger, I’m stronger and my dick is superior to yours” He stood over the guy in a most muscular pose, a string of precum from his abs to his cock. His right hand in a first again and this time it landed square in his already damaged jaw, cracking it as it came down. The guys tongue lolled out of his mouth, unable to speak, half dazed, half dead. The mighty bodybuilder was slain. He knelt down next to him, his throbbing cock in need of fulfilment. He took the guys head in one hand and with the other, fed his snake of a cock into the guys mouth. Now in a squat position and his member in place, both hands took control of the guys head. He forced it into and out of the guys mouth. Thrusting it with immense power and strength. Feeling the broken jaw cracking and being in control of such a huge muscular man, turned him on. His dick swelled with pleasure, knowing he’d now had taken out his opposition. The guy gagged and feebly tried to stop the rhythmic movement of his cock - but failed. He turned and looked in the mirror. Seeing the guy slumped on the floor and how his massive body had conquered it made his balls tighten - he was ready to unload. As if sensing it, the guy made a final attempt to stop him from ravaging his mouth - but failed. A hot stream of protein and roid cum pumped into the guys mouth. The guy began to choke. but this only spurred him on. Deeper he thrust his member, making sure the guy got one final and privileged protein shake before he died. Anabolic cum spewed into the guys throat and he was unable to resist. The guy inhaled and began to choke. With one final spurt it was over. He withdrew his satisfied cock and wiped the remainder of his cum on the guys cheek. He stood up and placed one foot on the guys chest. With a deep roar he pushed his foot down, his arms in a double bicep pose - the guys ribs cracked under his immense size and strength. The guy was finished, he’d taken his last breath. He looked in the mirror. He was victorious at last - as it should always have been. He walked over and picked the guys trophy up from the floor - it was his now and now the competition had been taken out - nobody else could stand in his way. He was the ultimate human being, a superior bodybuilder, a true muscle god.
  9. Silver

    Horse Crusher

    Warning this story contains acts of violence against animals and in Graphic detail. If this not your thing please turn away now. This is purely fantasy and as a horse lover irl I would never think of harming an animal. The tan skin rose, under it where muscles. A huge swell was created in John’s right arm as he brought it into flex. Fist closed and gripped tight he looked at the impressive mount that sat between his shoulder and elbow. His left rose as he created a double biceps pose holding his arms up proudly to the mirror. The grey tank top he wore had once provided a loose fit but now was stretched to near translucent sheet over his torso. His chest had transformed in a wall of muscle that the top had a hard time covering. Pec's bigger then a man's head ballooned out from behind the top, his cobblestone like six pack dropped out the bottom of his tank top. His bottoms hadn't fair any better. Tree trunk like legs and his spurt in height had reduced his shorts to looking more like briefs that clung to the thick muscles of his legs, and around the throbbing mass that hung between them. The muscle bound hunk puffed up his mighty “RIP!” Seconds later two scraps of grey fabric hit the floor while he looked at his own bare chest. Blood pumped through his veins till yet again there was a mighty rip then a sudden crack. The shorts he had worn now dropped from his legs in several pieces. Cracks snaked throughout the reflective glass as the enormous foot long cock buried the semi erect length into the wall behind the mirror. “Fuck” the 7ft tall Latino said as while his hand stroked down along his body prompting his semi erect cock to grow longer and fatter. Pre dripped from the aching head. Naked and hornier then he had ever felt himself John placed his hand on the wall and pushed gently. No resistance came as hundred year stone, and cement, built to resist ancient siege weapons, gave to conservative use of force John had applied from the tips of his fingers. The side of the , two storey building slammed down onto the large courtyard of the hotel the god had booked into. The cold English air struck the Mexican god, the monster erection deflated a little in the cold but was still enough to shame a horse .as his bare feet sunk into the flagstone of the courtyard. Cracks spider out as his now immense weight reduced the solid stone to powder below his foot. His cock throbbed as he eyed a structure across the yard. Within seconds he strode to the structure. Behind him lay a trail of solid stone slabs that were now pulverised. He smirked “stables, prefect~” The stables came alive with noise when the wooden door into bolted from its frame and travelled down the stable before becoming splinters against a stone wall. The door was filled by a large mass. John had been force to duck to avoid smashing through the doorway. Upon entry the titanic horny young man’s eyes lit up. Before him stood a group of fine equestrians. All of them looked big and strong compared to a human yet all they all paled in comparisons to him. The first equestrian he encountered was a large brown shire horse, his muscles where clearly defined under his thick brown coat and between his legs hung a large package hung, cock out the sheath the moment John busted down the door. He towered over the equine and looked down to lesser being and watched it cower as a true alpha loomed above it. He leaned down and smirked as he pressed a hand against it's chest of the horse, feeling the soft coat of the equestrian, and the supposedly powerful muscle of the workhorse. Barely applying the slightest bit of pressure he felt the equines body feeble shift across the stable floor as if it weighted nothing as it let out a tremendous neigh as it was moved like an oversized chess piece, despite it's loud and aggressive protests. “God how weak are you?” He asks laughing as the horse's shaft throbbed in deep arousal as it came to realise that it was inferior in every way possible, and this being had no mercy. Reaching in he grasped the equus and lifted it up so he could peek at its shaft “HAHAHA! Hung like a horse, pah my soft cock could flatten could crush your whole package then some” he said with a dark chuckle as he dropped the squirming horse back to the floor. His cock which twitched and throbbed as he reached down and brutally grabbed the equines maw as it laid on its belly struggling to stand back up. Raising a foot he stomped on it's left foreleg with an almighty crack disabling the horse “awww looks like I'm gonna have to put you down pathetic little pony” he says tauntingly. His fingers slide into the maw of the horse shattering a few of its teeth as he did. His two fingers effortless prized the jaw open while he locked eyes with the cowering animal, displaying complete and other dominance over the normally power animal. He hoisted the horses head upwards, holding its head before his tip forcing it to take it the potent alpha males musky scent. His arm dragged the body through the straw bedding to the pulsating head of the colossal cock. The mighty shaft was a tight fit in the mouth which could easily engulf a humans hand. The stallion let out muffled neighs and snorted as the cock filled it's maw, the shaft slid deeper into the mouth dislodging teeth as the massive mushroom ploughed into its throat. .The panicked snorts of the equine became more rapid as it struggled for breath with the oversized cock blocking it's throat. One hand on it's neck, resting in the short cut brown mane, this effortlessly restrained the squirming beast. John's moans soft shuddered the structure as he forced the horse to blow him. It’s remaining legs kicked out relentlessly as it tried break the vice like grip. The maw of the equestrian was barely able to fit the semi erect shaft in but the horse found that his cock was erecting. Thickening and growing longer the cock pressed ruthlessly against the jaw of the horse. The stallions eyes watered as it looked up its mouth bulged, it looked to be in unbridled pain. “What struggling on my manhood?, to big for you little horse. You should be honour to please me~” he taunted all the while the mighty cock grew longer and longer as John pressed the helpless creature into a forceful blowjob it couldn’t handle. With a sudden “CRACK!” the squirming stopped abruptly. The spine of the horse jutted from the back of its neck. A bloody gouge had been ripped open by the growing length as it reached it's full size. “Ahhh fuck.. Puny thing was nice, thanks for getting your alpha god hard.” he teased to body of the horse. He spied his next little victim and ran a hand along his blood painted member. Looking to the other equestrian, this horse was his next victim. The white speckled Andalusian brayed as John moved closer, the war horse panicking at the presence of such a mighty being. He then looked to its face that was almost on the level with his own “don't worry big guy” he said with a smirk as he took a look under it and snickered as he saw the well hung stallions throbbing meat, laughing at how small and puny these stallions really where. He grabbed a thick rope and tossed it around the stallions neck before tying it around his left wrist. “YAH! “He yelled in a voice loud enough to shudder the stable causing the brave horse to make an effort to flee. It ran at full pelt for a second before it ran out of slack on the rope. John watched as the horse pulled against his arm, pouring all its might into moving the arm yet John could not feel the equines feeble efforts. “Is that everything you've got?” he asked raising an eyebrow before shifting his arm backwards flinging the equine back across the room “Well time to go for a ride I think” the hunk playfully teased as the horse rose back to its hooves. He grasped the horses by its mane as he swung a leg over the animal. He rested his bare ass on the soft fur of horse and let his full weight rest on its back. The horse let out a colossal neigh which was more like a scream as the muscular body weight more than it seemed. The legs of the beast of it shuddered violently as the it was force to bare the brunt of his incredible weight, “THUMP!”.The horse legs yielded, snapping like twigs under the incalculable weight of its passenger. The mighty stallion now laid on the ground pinned under John’s herculean body. His dick throbbed as he felt the big equestrian crumble under his monstrous weight. Rising up he saw the imprint his buttocks had left embedded in the horses back. Reaching up he gently grasped a steel support beam, his fingers dug into the steel like it was play doh. His legs grasped the barrel of the horse and the panting animal felt the tight grip of the legs as it seemed to weigh nothing to John. He hoisted himself up holding the horse as if it weighted the same as a feather as John began performing pull-up. The junks weight the agonized solid steel truss as with each rep his powerful thighs tightened on the beasts ribs, it panted as the air was slowly squeezed from its lungs as his thighs tightened around it. Feeling the mighty legs tightening and ruthlessly squeezing the life from the Andalusian it began to fight back struggling with all its strength, this only aroused John further as he felt how feeble this creature was. The horses ribs where no match for the power of John's thighs, effortless powering through the equines torso till the large triceps touched reducing a section of the horse's spine to a fine powered before he opened his legs and the war horse dropped from between his legs as two parts. The the animals internal organs where pulverised to a lumpy red paste that leaked from the two halves of it. The thick metal beam snapped as he pulled himself up for the last time “urgh flimsy metal” the god grumbled as he looked down to his legs that had been painted red with blood from it. Reaching down he grabbed a lung from his leg. walked through the wooden divider that separated the horses stalls, reducing it to splinter as he passed through it. John watched in amusement as the white Arabin stumbled backwards in shock seeing John effortless walk through the divider. With a smirk he gave his shaft a rub. The blood from his first victim acting as a lubricant. The rock hard shaft slammed into the white race horses neck, knocking the equine to floor like it was merely a toy. The brutal slap left a bloody red stain on the prefect white equine. It let out a panicked neigh as John firmly planted a foot on its back “Stay down” he command while chuckling to think of how he was toying with the extremely pricey and highly sort after breed to get of. His hand kept rubbing his rock hard and throbbing shaft, the blood across his tip mixed with pre that dripped out onto the back of the horse as he aimed his massive shaft down at the trapped horse. The horse let out squeals of pain as the boiling hot pre burnt it's skin much to John's arousal. His hand jerked the bloody shaft while he moaned out, placing a hand on the wall causing it to shudder as the dust fell around shaking stable and his fingers sunk into the stone of the old building. His hand kept going rapidly along the mighty foot long shaft, dripping copious of his boiling pre across the equines back coating the trapped horse's back in burns and dried pre cum. With every impact of the boiling liquid the horse screamed in pain. Pausing the alpha male looked around and smirked, he grabbed the rear end of his second victim and chuckled. “You might be enough” he taunted as he entered the horse as if it was guy. His massive shaft carved a path through the body rear end of the horse. He pulled the equine into himself till his shaft broke from the torn half. He began to drag it along his shaft, back and forth, dribbling more pre. After several seconds of stimulation using the ruined equine he let out a deep and powerful moan before a river of seed spilled from his shaft across the back of the equine. He gripped the rear end resting on his shaft and tore it in two “AHHHHHH FUCK YEAH!” he roared out drowned out the panicked neighs of the horse he war burying in his hot seed. The panting titan paused as the heavy and sticky splooge trapped the equestrian up to its neck. “awww well looks like your mine now” he taunted. He strode to the front of the pinned horse and stood with his hands on his hips “think yourself honoured puny beast I'm going to crack your head between my thighs, like egg!” he laughed as he grasped the head between his thighs, his large balls rubbing on the horses mane. His thighs began to gently squeeze the Arabians skull, it let out panicked noises trying to force itself free of the cum and the gods thighs. He held the head in place for several minutes. Cracks echoed though the barn as he would slowly squeeze tighter, applying more pressure to the equines skull, shattering bones, popping veins causing his already red thighs to get a fresh coat of paint. A resounding “crack” filled the room followed by a soft “splat” as he felt the brain of the horse splatter to paste on his legs. The skull itself fell from the torn skin of the face to the floor, shattered into hundreds of fragments in a slow and painful process. “hah yeah take that worthless horse” he bellowed before he made his way to the second to last stall in the stable He looked at the horse and grinned as it had retreated to the rear of the stable. In the centre of the stall was a large pool of white “Awww heh glad even simple things like you know how sexy I am” he said looking at the pool of cum before turning to see the large animal had backed itself into a corner foolishly. Trying to avoid death at the hands of John. The gate on the front of the stall did nothing to stop him as he walked thought it letting the wood disintegrate against his thighs. His feet left imprints thought out the stall as he slowly and purposely walked towards the cowering equestrian, intimidating the large creature with his size and displays of power. Looking down at the scared horse “Awww what’s wrong scared of big ass me…..well hehe good you should cower before me” he laughed and put a foot down on the normally huge chestnut brown Belgian Draft horse. The horse was even larger then the prior shire horse he’d murdered but still laughable compared to him. Watching the breed that held the tittle of strongest in the world struggling to shift his large foot was entraining to say the least, the sight of just how powerful he was caused his cock to stiffen back to it’s full and rather colossal size. He lifted his foot of the stallion he chuckled and lifted both of his large into a double biceps pose, each was thicker then a cannon and was more powerful then the combined might of all the equines upon the planet “calling this guns would an insult~ they’re more powerful then any guns.” he said with a smirk spread across his face. Reaching down he grasped it’s muzzle and yanked the equine up forcing it; s head onto his right arm. He effortlessly fought the forceful protests it put up and simply laughed at it’s efforts to stop him. Still laughing at the measly horse he slid the head so it rested between his arm and biceps. It’s eyes soon saw nothing but John as the large, dense beef of his arms obscured it’s vision. “Think yourself lucky horse~ your going to get a close up of my prefect biceps~” He taunted as his flex began. The frantic and ruthless struggles of his trapped prey only became even more aggressive. A leg kicked out, the hoof crashed into his torso with a resounding “Smack !” before a clang echoed throughout the barn as a horseshoe crashed down into concrete in parts, shattering more as it impacted. Blood trickled down his abs as the horse neighed in agony as it’s hoof split wide open. John simply laughed while begin to flex his arm. The muscle’s that surround the horse’s head suddenly began swelling. He felt the soft groomed coat of his large prey as his huge muscles surround the head. The muscles gripping like a vice, engulfing the skull within them and blotting out the horses vision. He stopped flexing and looked to the swell of muscle that had captured the horse’s head and felt the throb of his monster cock “Hehe well the beast is ready for round 2 it seems and no little horsey I don’t mean you” he laughed as the sensitive nostrils of equine where filled with the stench of pure manliness as the horse was blinded by muscle and suffocating on musk, “What a feeble fucking creature you are” he said stroking his shaft with his free hand and laughing as he continues to flex his right arm. The muffled and just audible cracking of bones escaped from his muscle vice along with shrill neighs of the dying draft. He kept flexing making sure to keep a slow pace as to drag the suffering of his plaything. The body of the equine collapsed from exhaustion having struggled against him futility for 3 minutes while it’s oxygen was replaced with the potent musk of John. Feeling it was nearing it’s end he ramped up the pace. “CRUNCH! SPLAT!, CLAP!” Filled the old structure as his arm and biceps. met. The head of the equine as mostly gone, it’s muzzle that had barely poked from his muscle dropped to the floor while the rest was splattered along the inside of his flexed arm. The body had gone limp once behead, simply laid life as blood pour from the neck. Opening his arm unsurprisingly it’s head was no more. Red paste coated the inside of his arm, fragments of bone that once made up the horse’s sturdy skull pulverised to near powdered like substance mixed in with the viscera of it’s brain and feeble muscles “Only one more left” he chuckled to himself and grabbed a saddle as he exited the stall leaving a large behead body behind. The next stall contained his final victim. A horse he’d rode prior that day. The gypsies horse was scared clearly and had back of from the stalls entrance as it heard Johns footsteps shattering the stone floor. As John walked in front of the stall he turned with his back to the equine and raised a fist before delivering a brutal blow to the wooden doors in front of the stall. The white wood planks went flying across the courtyard and scattered across it, those directly impacted by his large fist exploded into splinters from the gentle punch “hehe now come I wanna ride you” He said hoping over the stall door shuddering the entire structure as he did and causing the small Irish cob to stumble into him, it’s head bashing into his abs. “It’s okay Silver” he chuckle to the extremely dark purple and white painted horse. His hand gripped it’s neck as he tossed the saddle on it’s back “I enjoyed our ride earlier so I decided where going on another..short ride” he laughed as he walked around the moderately tall horse and stepped over it’s back with easy and lowered himself. The stallion took his titanic weight just. It wanted to rear and buck this spine bending weight from it’s body but found that it was barely stand and began to plod out the stall as John pressed his legs gently inwards, painfully squeezing it’s barrel. The ground under the failing animal crack as the weight running though it’s legs caused them to bend as they left the stable. Each step becoming more and more of a strain as it felt as if the being on top was getting heavier. With every step his steed grew closer to collapse. The stallion had been right John was getting heavier, however not only was it heavier but large to. John’s butt expanded over the saddle and top Silver’s back, while in the front his package travelled up the equines neck resting before it’s face. John could feel how each step forward became more and more pained, the animals feeble struggle becoming greater and greater as it’s rider swelled slowly in scale and mass. Half across the yard “flump” Silver’s legs gave out as he and John both fell to ground. Silver was now pinned in place by John who smirked down now 10ft tall “Awww what to weak to hold me up this time ?” the growing Mexican teased and stroked his cock as his growth continued. His body quickly swelling larger and large Silver found himself being engulfed by the large ass and package of his rider. The flagstone of the courtyard shattered as his swelling body spilled from his disabled mount onto it. The owner of the farm ran from his house shotgun clutched in hand just in time to his the hind legs of one of his stallions vanish under John’s butt. The 30ft tall Latino heard the bird scattering bang of the shotgun and didn’t even look back to wielder as the pelts did nothing to his godly body. Though this growth the neighs of silver had been ever presence, panicked and continuous only stopping the stallion was forced to stop to take in the musky air. Now those neighs became muffled as John’s massive balls overtook the head of his little Irish cob pinning in place under him “Heh now little equine should I simply let my massing weight flatten you to a pulp or blast you out of existence with a fart~” he questioned as he felt the horse’s slight squirms under him. He felt the little horse struggling under his balls and ass. It’s weak frame barely able to move under the massive hunk of muscle. “Ahhh lets put you out of your misery” the titan taunted shifting from a sitting position so he was kneeling, legs spread out and the horse between them. Looking down at the large butt shaped dent he left in the courtyard. Laid cripple within the centre of it was the horses small purple and white body sticking out from the crumbled grey flagstone. Splayed out it had being compressed into the ground slightly by his tremendous weight. He decide to enjoy the view for a few more seconds before he dealt with it “Awww puny thing you where barely able to move me across the yard you flimsy little animal, I bet my dick’s bigger and stronger then you” John said as he grasped his shaft and moved it down to the disable equestrian. Lowering it down he rested the weight of his massive cock on the beaten and broken body of the horse. The tip of this massive member rested atop the equines head. The majority of it’s titanic weight compacting the what was left of the ribs of his toy horse while it throbbed. The shaft’s tip began to swell with blood as John became more aroused feeling the equines body breaking under the massive of his dick. Each time it swelled large the horse’s only intact body part, the head came under more pressure. His hips began to shift slightly grinding his cock back and fourth slightly, this gently movement rock the farm and more importantly to John bloodied his shaft as the movement tore flesh and pulped it to his shaft trailing a red gory mess along it. From this the tip and whole shaft grew slightly stiffer and larger pressing the skull of it’s equine plaything into the ground hard fracturing the fragile animal’s skull as it let a frantic and panic stricken neigh as John stopped and lifted his massive shaft from the animal laughing at the caved in ribs and mangled limbs of it. Standing up he raises one of his large and rather clean feet before stomping it down upon the animal. It let out a fleeting neigh but was cut of as the huge foot engulfed it’s body with a muffled “splat” coming out from under his sole as he began to grind “ hehe lets get busy~”
  10. Mrmusclewriter

    Meet the Machine - The Wrong Fight Part 2

    The testosterone level was sky high in the auditorium while the people were evacuated brought outside the building. The other guys were in the locker room getting dressed, leaving tan stains all over their clothes. To be such huge men, they were very scared to what was going to happen on the stage. None of them wanted to participate to fight and Kiril well instructed the fellas to leave the stage immediately. The audience leaving the building and stomping their feet while leaving the building sounded like bombs were detonating all over the place. If the two rivals could have had super power, with the anger running through their veins, they probably had the building destroyed in few seconds. Kirill and Adam were staring at each other at long distance, to the opposite side of the stage. "I will destroy you Kirill, I will wreck you, you will be dead by the end of the day" Adam said. Kirill only smiled to such ego and arrogance and replied: "Try me" "You think I came alone, don't you Kirill? Nikolay, came in". A damn huge Russian bodybuilder emerged from the curtain. He was a living tank, taller and bigger compared to the two bodybuilders on the stage. His face was squared and massive, the right structure for his rock hard and muscular body. Nikolay walked toward Kirill, he stopped in front of him, he was a tower compared to the Ukrainian muscleman, he crossed his huge arms over his chest and spoke: "I will smash you" Kirill smiled again and that attitude drove Nikolay insane. Nikolay punched Kirill face, the Ukrainian guys did not move a single inch, like if Nikolay was punching a hard concrete wall. Nikolay was surprised, he tried again but the punch was stopped by Kirill hand. Kirill wrapped his hands over Nikolay's arms like like cling film. Firmly he squeezed his opponent hand. Noise of cracked fingers were heard, Nikolay was brought to his knee, screaming and moaning for the pain. Kirill with an evil look, watched his prey suffering down, while he was still applying pressure to the tank's fingers; few bones snapped and Nikolay screamed louder for each broken finger. The Ukrainian released the hold, Nikolay grabbed his destroyed hand and brought it to his massive chest, he was crying like a baby. "I am not done yet with you, tank" Kirill said. With his left hand he grabbed Nikolay by the jaw and afterwards he was standing with an additional pain on his face. While Kirill grabbed the Russian's over his jaw, he applied so much pressure that he was able to fracture the jaw of the huge guy. Nikolay cried more, Kiril spoke: "You are useless to be so big, I will end you". Kirill got closer to the Russian tank, he wrapped his arms over him locking the big guy in a bearhug. Nikolay's arm were locked in the squeezed, not able to move them. Kirill started applying pressure, Nikolay's arms bent in an unnatural way, his arms were breaking so was his back that was bending backward, Nikolay screamed and cried at the same time with his head reclined to stare the ceiling. Two typed of screamed thundered the auditorium; the pain of Nikolay and the excitement of Kirill. A loud snap boomed the stage, Nikolay's back was broken, his ribs crushed, his arms diverted. Kirill released the hold, Nikolay fell off onto the floor like a bag of potatoes, Adam was shocked and scared at the same time, he could not believe at his own eyes. "Meet the machine, the crushing killing machine" Kirill said, looking at Adam with evil smile and so much proud. Kirill Nikolay Adam:
  11. BrutalPowerDemon

    ALPHA: Parts 1 - 6

    ALPHA - Part 1 I was ushered into the large warehouse by two hulking, young Marines outside of Camp Courtney in Uruma, Okinawa, Japan, after the long flight from Washington, D.C. The President had sent me to check up on a classified super-soldier program that hundreds of millions of dollars had been poured into for twenty years. The Sergeant Major greeted me tersely as I entered a room with a twenty-feet tall window and sectioned steel curtain behind it, obscuring the room beyond. “Welcome, Sir. I think you, and the Commander-In-Chief, will be pleasantly surprised, and pleased, with what we have accomplished here!” he began. “We have finally had success in a massive way. We began with the present subject, a delinquent local boy, and have been molding him for five years by injecting him with hormones and other enhancing compounds. In addition, he has been psychologically indoctrinated through visual and physical stimuli to elicit the responses required to subvert any foe, both physically and emotionally. One effect of the injections was unexpected, so don’t be surprised when we allow you to view him and his capabilities. Not only was his strength and endurance enhanced, but his physical stature, as well. Ummm . . . “ the Sgt. Major cleared his throat, “due to a few unfortunate mishaps, we presently keep him restrained, but, for the most part, he obeys commands.” I began to interrupt to have him define “unfortunate mishaps”, but he quickly continued his monologue. “We found from past experience that tying sexual gratification to a subject’s desired actions greatly increases the outcome we expect. This subject responded so well that we believe he was already internally ‘wired’ to be an Alpha (which is what we now call him) and the enhancements and conditioning we provided him really just accelerated him to becoming what he was truly born to be, a . . . well . . . you can see for yourself during demonstration.” With that, the Sgt. Major motioned to some men in white lab-coats clustered around a console towards the back of the room we were standing in and the steel curtain parted in the center and began to separate, each side sliding towards the wall pockets. As the curtain slid open and the lights in the next room were turned on, what I saw caused me to stumble back towards the console to steady myself. Chained to a massive chair was an absolute mountain of muscle! The totally nude and completely hairless creature had to be, when standing, at least twenty feet tall and every inch bulging with rippling muscle. The most perfect specimen of manhood in history stared through the bulletproof glass that separated us. His full lips parted in an evil grin, exposing inhumanly pointed and sharp, white teeth, as his eyes seemed to lock with mine. A long, thick tongue appeared and licked those pouted lips as he flexed hard within the solid chains holding him. Muscles already seeming to be fully flexed and rock-hard ballooned and rippled beneath the dark, thin skin that covered them. Hose-thick veins pulsed to life and the links of the chain that constrained him seemed to warp under the light flexion of such an absolutely perfect specimen of masculinity. My eyes travelled down from the stunning, young Asian face, roaming the vast, powerful surface of his arms, torso and abs. Then I saw the thick, flaccid cock set upon two huge balls, hanging between the beast’s massive legs, pre-cum roping into a large bucket beneath. “Holy FUCK!” I almost shrieked as my knees went weak, my breathing became ragged and my cock jumped to life. A dark, wet spot immediately formed at my crotch as piss escaped my swelling manhood. The Sgt. Major looked at me, eyed my crotch, grinned and stated, matter-of-factly (and knowingly), “The EXACT response we designed it for.” Turning to the lab-coats, he ordered, “Introduce to of the rats.” A door opened on the far side of the room containing Alpha. Two massive men entered the room carrying machine guns. The two men looked around and quickly focused on the boy in the middle of the room. One dropped his gun and turned to the closed door, but it was now locked. The other man fell to his knees as Alpha’s grin faded and his head pivoted on his impossibly thick and powerful neck . . . the grin turned to a sneer as the Sgt. Major took a microphone, eyes sparkling, and simple said, “Alpha . . . have fun.” The giant grinned and I couldn’t help but notice the massive, pre-cum leaking cock begin to jerk, pulse and rise as the beast flexed hard. I could see the chain’s thick links deforming as his thick, rolling muscles solidified further, growing and expanding until they stretched . . . one by one, they ruptured like nothing more that links made of plastic. Several link halves flew towards the bullet-proof glass and embedded into the (what was supposed to be) impenetrable material. The beast stood, his now rigid cock pointing towards the ceiling and flowing with copious amounts of pre-cum. He raised his arms and flexed hard, biceps and triceps exploding into mountainous masses of powerful muscle and, for the first time, I heard him speak as he stepped towards the two men trapped in the room with him: “Like what you see, you pathetic little excuses for men?” Lowering one arm and beginning to stroke his vein-encased cock, he mocked, “I am a real man . . . you are merely fragile little playthings only living for my pleasure!” With that, he grabbed the man who had tried to escape, palming his head like a basketball, with his huge hand and lifted him, kicking and screaming, from the floor. He lowered his other arm and wrapped that massive fist around the waist of the other blubbering man’s waist and effortlessly lifted him. He walked over to the window separating us and placed the guy palmed in one fist against the window as he positioned his erect and throbbing almost man-sized cock over the squirming man and pressed his cock against him, trapping him between his throbbing fuck trunk and the glass. Pre-cum flowed down, coating the glass and man, the trapped little man’s struggling only seeming to make his godly captor increasingly horny. Alpha then placed his other toy against one boulderous pectoral and leaned into the glass, trapping that unfortunate man between the glass and the unfathomably powerful and solid chest brawn of such a colossal muscle deity. Alpha placed both of his palms against the glass separating him from us five men in the control room and began to grind his hips. The man between his cock and the glass slowly and methodically began to be compressed and crushed with each slow and deliberate thrust of the godly man humping the glass with him between. As I looked up at the glass, all my field of vision could take in was muscle and power pressing against and gyrating towards the seemingly small room that we occupied. I looked up and over the pectorals pressed against the glass towards the top of the room to see Alpha looking directly at me and grinning. I saw his mouth slowly form the words, “I - WANT - MORE - LITTLE - MAN” With that, Alpha’s palms formed fists and he pressed hard against the bullet-proof barrier between us. Both of his toys thrashed about until he flexed both his cock and his pecs at the same time. There was a deafening sound of tortured glass as both of the muscular little bodies trapped between the glass and the giant, omnipotent muscle creature exploded in great, dripping masses of smashed flesh and blood, coating his rippling flesh and flowing down the pane. Alpha groaned and leaned his head back, thrust his hips, and his god-cock exploded with gallons of cum, the pressure of the first volley compromising the protective glass and coating the five of us with his steaming nectar mixed with the remains of his fuck toy. He looked down at me, drew his hips back again, positioned his cock directly at the compromised area and thrust again. At the same time, he extended his long tongue between the glass and his rippling pectorals to lap the protein-rich remains of his pec-crushed victim into his mouth. Alpha’s cock crashed through the bullet-proof glass and hovered over us, bucking and spurting cum, covering us all. As he pulled his cock back out, the glass caught on his protruding corona and the protective glass simply shattered. Alarms sounded, lights started flashing and the Sgt. Major and three lab-coats tried to run for the exit door, slipping and sliding in Alpha’s cum on the floor. I just stood, transfixed, staring up at the most beautiful, gigantic human I’d ever seen, grinning down at me as he wiped bloody remains from his chest, lifted them to his lips and lapped them up. My cock was now rock-hard and pumping pre-cum into my slacks. Alpha looked at my crotch and grinned as he raised his herculean forearm and wiped some blood from his lips. He boomed to me, “YOU WILL HELP ME GROW, LITTLE MAN . . . UNDERSTAND?” as he reached in and grabbed the Sgt. Major, lifting the cursing, struggling man to his face. “YOU HAVE GIVEN MY MY LAST ORDER, YOU INCONSEQUENTIAL LITTLE BUG!” Alpha thundered at the sputtering little authority figure. “Fuck you, Alpha, you are nothing but a stupid, fucking juvenile delinquent that we used for our purposes. You will never . . . ” He stopped in mid-sentence as Alpha simply licked his lips and smirked. With the Sgt. Major’s lower body in his fist, he lowered his other hand and wrapped it around the pathetic little man’s torso. Looking me in the eye, he slowly twisted his wrists in opposite directions, the cracking, snapping and tearing sounds of wrenching the Sgt. Major in two resounding throughout the room as he pulled him apart, blood and gore dripping onto his, once again, rock-hard cock. Lifting one hand, he pushed the torso into his mouth, chewed, and swallowed as he lowered the other half to his cock and crushed it against the pulsing surface and began to stroke with the fresh, bloody lube. The three lab-coats had their backs pressed up against the door, watching, as Alpha effortlessly snuffed their boss and ate. I, not even realizing it, had stripped as the muscle-giant snuffed three powerful men out of existence by merely pleasuring himself. I stood stood stroking furiously before control, strength, and power personified. “YOU WILL HELP ME GROW TO MORE, LITTLE ADMIRER, OR . . . !” he rumbled as he continued to stroke the remains of the Sgt. Major up and down his hungry shaft and reached over me towards the three screaming lab-coats. ALPHA - Part 2 As I watched the massive arm reach over me for the three wailing lab-coats, I noticed a thick, white vapor begin to pour into the room from the vents Still, they continued to attempt to scoot away from certain death at the hands of the powerful boy. I looked around the room and into the huge chamber where Alpha had been restrained earlier and observed both rooms were being filled with something that couldn’t be good! Alpha frowned as he noticed, also, and glared down at me. “I have nothing to do with this, Alpha!” I squealed as I saw his chest expand. He inhaled a huge volume of air from above the toxic cloud that was forming and held it in his cavernous lungs. Before I knew what was happening, I saw his huge, rough hand divert from grabbing the three now gasping lab-coats as he reached for me. I felt the pressure as his long, thick fingers curled around my waist and he lifted me to his face. He grinned as he pursed his lips, brought my struggling body to his mouth and sucked my head in to the hot, moist cave. Those impossibly large, thick lips firmly held my arms to my sides and I awaited my inevitable, bloody and painful, albeit quick, demise in the grinding jaws of this gigantic, incredibly muscled boy. I screamed in shear terror until, apparently, I used up the small amount of oxygen held in his maw and I passed out. The next thing I remember was hearing, from a seemingly great distance, “Doc . . . wake up! Doc! Doc! Are you okay?” The voices seemed to get closer as I opened my eyes and I slowly focused on two medics hovering over me. “We saw your legs protruding from the giant’s mouth and pulled you out. Being in there must have saved you from the poison gas that was released to contain or kill him!” I turned my head and saw that there were three covered bodies by the wall where the lab-coats had been huddled together the last time I saw them. I then slowly turned to look towards the other side of the control room . . . to where the separation glass had been. I was startled as my field of vision was filled with the head of the giant Japanese boy. The substantial lips that had sucked me in to his monstrous mouth were just feet from my saliva-soaked head and torso. “SHIT!” I screamed as I quickly scooted back instinctively and realized I was now wrapped in a large sheet. As I backed away, I took in, from my close vantage point, the incredible size and bulk of this immense and powerful specimen. I couldn’t believe that the experiments with my formulas for creating impervious super-soldiers had caused this side effect of physical augmentation . . . and to such an exaggerated degree. I whispered, “Holy, FUCK!” as my eyes roamed the vast expanse of thick, corded muscle protruding from every part of the colossal boy’s body. I stood, but immediately slipped on the slick, semen coated floor. The medics steadied me as I cautiously moved around the tremendous creature before me. Its eyes were closed and the great pectorals were still . . . no indication that the giant boy was breathing and still alive. "What a waste." I mused silently, still sexually charged by all that I had witnessed. Two MP’s entered the room and escorted me to an adjacent control room where there was a visibly upset military commander. He had taken control after quickly reviewing video recordings affirming the grisly death of the previous commander at the hands of this apparently violent and uncontrollably lethal giant boy soldier. “What the HELL happened here?!?!” the man bellowed as he turned, looked me in the eye, the veins on his thick neck pulsing with fury. “I - I - I don’t know, Sir.” I haltingly responded, “I would have to review how the subject was indoctrinated and how his psyche was molded for control and survival. All I can say is, its responses had to be consistent with how it was molded and shaped to respond to certain stimuli, so the error had to be in programming.” The commander turned and began to replay the recording of the deadly incident. “Come and look at this disaster!” he commanded. I walked over and watched as the incredibly thick muscles of Alpha’s chest, arms and legs solidified and effortlessly broke free of his restraints. As he stood to his full twenty feet height, he looked towards the control room and grinned, licking the full lips that would later envelope my comparatively small body. He flexed his obscenely huge musculature as his elephantine, already pre-cum issuing cock pulsed to life with obvious desire and anticipation. I lowered my arms and turned away as I felt my cock thickening and pulsing to life as my mind began to replay what followed: The toying with and snuffing of three full-grown, strapping men as if they were nothing but sexual playthings to this domineering creature! I was relieved, and fortunate, that the decimated control room was not being recorded. I'm not sure how the Marines would have responded to my reactions to the seductive and tantalizing actions of the monstrous muscle-boy, had I been recorded. The four MP’s entered the destroyed control room with video apparatus attached to their helmets. Broadcast onto a large screen, split into four views on the wall, we could see what was before them. The magnificent creature’s head and part of his massive torso was still occupying a good part of the space of the control room. The rest of Alpha’s herculean body was sprawled out into the containment room, his long, thick, blood and gore coated cock draped over his bulging quadriceps. Even flaccid, pre-cum still roped and puddled on the floor by his hamstrings. A plan had to be made as to how to move the tonnage of this behemothic body to another location for some kind of study and, then, disposal. As my eyes were drawn back to the at least yard-long, flaccid penis, I thought I saw the hose-thick veins mapping the thick organ pulsing. I looked again and definitely saw blood pulsing through the impossibly large appendage. My eyes focused on another view on the screen where I saw that another MP was examining Alpha’s sprawling palm, blood still dripping from the fingers. My eyes moved to another feed where an MP’s camera was focused on Alpha’s face, lips still glossed by some of the remains of the previous commander. Another feed was focused on the mountainous chest. As I looked, I saw where an MP had scaled Alpha’s body and was standing on his torso, just below the cliffs of the mighty pectorals. Suddenly, I noticed, the pectorals move down as the MP watched in confusion and stumbled forward. “COMMANDER! FUCK!” I yelled, “He’s been holding his breath this whole time . . . he’s still alive! Get your men out of there . . . NOW!” The commander looked at me, confused at my audacity to order him. I looked at the screen and focused on Alpha’s face, once again. The slanted eyes slowly opened as the black irises focused with quick expansion and dilation and an evil grin formed. His tongue appeared between his lips and licked them clean of the remaining blood that was still coating them. I looked back to the screen exhibiting the cock as it pulsed and rose from the thigh, foreskin peeling back over the bulbous, mushroom head and slowly sliding through the pre-cum coating as it rose and slid up towards the massive bricks of thickly muscled abdominals. The MP’s noticed life in the creature, as well, and three quickly began to back towards the exit as they focused their automatic rifles on Alpha. Audio of their terrified chatter was piped into the control room where we stood. “Orders, Sir! Should we fire?” the team leader barked to the commander. Three views showed the MP on Alpha’s chest fall forward into the crevice between the pectorals towering over him. His screen was simultaneously filled with the view of smooth, dark flesh rippling with thick muscle fibers dancing beneath seemingly paper-thin skin. Alpha grinned, exhibiting his large, sharp teeth. Flexing his abs and placing his palms on the floor, he raised and pushed his muscle encased torso up. His triceps, biceps and forearms exploding with size and power as they easily lifting his immense weight. At the same time, his pectorals tensed, trapping the unfortunate MP between the two massive granite-hard orbs of muscular perfection. The other three MP’s cameras were still focused on him and showed him stand to full height back in the containment room. He walked over to the thick, still intact floor-to-ceiling glass in the adjacent room where the commander, the two MP’s that brought me there and I stood gaping up in awe and fear. “SIR! Orders, Sir!” crackled over the speakers from the MP’s, once again. The commander stood slack-jawed as he beheld the untamed, superhuman muscle-boy the military had created with my serums. The boy stepped forward, his pre-cum flowing sex tool coating the pane and sliding up between his rippling abdominals and the glass. His exercise ball-sized testicles hung pendulously beneath, visibly churning. Further up, we saw the MP, his head and shoulders trapped between the giant’s pectorals. We saw the trapped man’s fists punching at unfeeling flesh and his legs kicking and flailing about uselessly. Then Alpha spoke, his thunderous voice picked up by the microphone of the pec-trapped MP as the pane vibrated and the room rumbled: “You took me off of the street not knowing my desire to be more. Your indoctrination was unnecessary . . . I was born to conquer and rule those on the streets. Your serums, chemicals and psychological implantations have just excelled me physically and emotionally into an inhuman, brutish GOD among you puny, pathetic little creatures. You have instilled in me that not just any enemies you may have, but you, as well, are only good for my amusement and gratification.” With that, it moaned, licked its lips, reached down and wrapped a massive hand around it’s throbbing cock. Its huge, rounded, split biceps and its massive, horseshoe shaped triceps pressed forward by the hanger-wide latissimus dorsi fighting them for room. Ropes of veins mapped and pulsed over the perfect, dark and hairless flesh. It began to slowly stroke. It looked me in the eye, once again, and spoke, “I - WANT - MORE, UNDERSTAND, LITTLE MAN?” as it slowly flexed its pectorals. The MP trapped there thrashed about furiously. As those godly pecs reached full, hard flexion, there was an explosion of red emanating from where the MP’s living, struggling body once was and splattering against the pane. He was simply squashed like a bug between the powerful mounds of muscle. Blood and tissue ran down the glass and onto the throbbing cock as Alpha used his tool to scoop the remains from the window for added, warm lube. The lower part of the MP separated as Alpha alternately flexed his pecs and the MP's legs and waist fell to the base of his bucking cock. The boy-beast wrapped his fist around the remains and crushed them against his sex-trunk, purring at the added stimulation. He flexed his mountainous pectorals hard, again, and extended his tongue, lapping the snuffed MP's blood and gore that squished out from the shelves created by the top of his pecs. He grinned a bloody grin as he stroked and looked through the pane at the four of us. He saw large patches of liquid staining all of our tented crotches. “You are all frail and powerless to stop me from doing as I please . . . and you are too pitifully weak to resist your base urges when in the presence of a true Alpha-God.” Alpha lifted the crushed remains of the muscle-snuffed MP’s leg to his lips and slurped it in, chewing and swallowing as he continued to stroke. Looking the commander in the eye, he boomed, “You feeble little excuse for a man, tell me what I am to you! I see your sexual attraction to what I am. You are small, you are weak. Admit it, little slave. After witnessing what I am, you serve me, now. Tell me, boy! Fall on your KNEES in my presence, you inconsequential little bug, and worship the superior being that I am!” “NO! I - I will DESTROY you!” the commander stammered, still trying to maintain a control he would never again have. Alpha frowned, placed his fists on his hips and flexed. Every muscle inflated with unimaginable size and solidity. “WORSHIP WHAT I AM, WORM!” he bellowed to the commander, the protective pane vibrated and small fissures appeared with just the power of his voice. I saw the commander grab his crotch and fall to his knees. At the same time he grabbed his chest, “Oh, my GOD!” escaped his lips as he fell forward on his face, dead, his heart unable to withstand the sights and sounds of power personified, but his cock still rocketing volleys of cum into his slacks in his final death throes. Alpha smirked, “What fragile, feeble little fucks you are!” It was then that I heard the sound of rapid-fire weapons from within the giant’s chamber. He grinned, rolled his head from side to side and turned to face his attackers as the messaging bullets bounced harmlessly off his diamond hard musculature and impenetrable skin. ALPHA - Part 3 As the giant muscle-boy turned, my mouth dropped and my cock throbbed achingly beholding just how impossibly thick and corded his towering body actually was! Mounds of powerful, rippling masses ballooned and rippled from his thick, burly neck to his weightily muscled ankles as he moved. He lifted one oaken leg and his vast sole came down squarely upon one of the firing MP’s. The unfortunate man was instantly squashed out of existence like the bug he was to this diabolical teen behemoth, his remains splattering out in all directions from beneath Alpha’s gigantic foot. The other two MP’s, witnessing the dispatching of their comrade without so much as a warning or, really, any thought at all from Alpha, dropped their weapons and turned to run. Unfortunately for them, not only was Alpha massively muscular, he was also lightening fast. Before the men could take a step, they found themselves firmly in Alpha’s grasp and lifted from the floor. Their struggling, screaming and begging for mercy seemed only to excite Alpha, judging from the rapid twitching of his inhuman cock. Pre-cum was streaming from its throbbing crown, and the smirk that appeared on his handsome, Asian face as he turned to face me in the control room made my blood run cold. He lifted one MP to his mouth and, much like he had done to me earlier, inserted his head, shoulders and torso and close his lips around the man’s waist. I saw the sinister grin before I saw those monstrous jaw muscles flex and heard, even through the glass, the snapping and crunching of bone over a shrill and muffled, albeit short, scream. Alpha simply bit the man in half, chewed the torso like a snack and swallowed as he tossed the twitching legs to the floor. The other MP was crying and vomiting as Alpha raised his forearm and wiped the blood dripping from the corners of his mouth and focused on him. “Oh, GOD! Please! NOOOO!” “INSECT!” Alpha boomed, “If you do as I say, I may spare you. Understand?” The MP nodded his head vigorously in Alpha’s grasp. He set him on the floor at his feet (beside what remained of his comrade). Alpha began stroking his man-sized sex tool slowly as he looked at the man and said, simply, “Strip, bug.” There was no argument from the MP who disrobed as quickly as he possibly could and stood before the teen muscle-beast glaring down at him. Alpha placed his hands on his hips and flexed, spreading his extensive lats like massive wings beneath his bulging arms. He flexed his beastly cock and pre-cum poured from the slit and roped down onto the little man. He fell to his knees and his cock shot to attention as the hot fluid coated him. Alpha grinned. “Drink a handful of my nectar, bug.” he spoke with authority. The MP did more! He looked up, opened his mouth and let the pre flow directly into his mouth, gulping down as much as he could. “You want this God’s cock, don’t you, you pathetic little worm?” Alpha smiled. The MP nodded again as he continued to slurp the beast’s nectar flowing down over him. “So be it!” thundered Alpha. Before the MP had time to realize what was happening, Alpha had snatched him from the floor, grabbed a leg in each hand, lowered the poor man to his cock-head and pulled down as he thrust his cock up. The entry of the head, as round as the man’s chest, split him in half at the hips and I could see the beast’s throbbing crown travel into the torso, displacing and crushing every organ and bone before exploding through the corpse’s neck, its head limply lolling to one side, staring blankly into space, as blood flowed over Alpha’s cock. I was repulsed, yet completely in awe of the power and, somehow, drawn to the ruthlessness of this boy-God. I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the god-cock cloaked in a fresh, warm human condom. Alpha looked me in the eye, lowered a hand and resumed slowly stroking, bits and pieces of the human plaything coating his pole ripping and tearing apart and falling to his feet in a bloody heap. His muscles bulged and sparkled as he stroked. He stepped towards the glass. “Come, taste of what I am, Little One . . . You will help make me MORE! You want to worship what you know I will become. I am your GOD, Bug . . . you are MINE!” he simmered. My cock erupted into orgasm as I fell to the floor unconscious. I awoke, once again, with medics hovering over me asking if I was okay. I bolted upright. “Where is Alpha?” I screamed. One of the medics quickly gave me a shot and sat me down. “Calm down, Sir. He is under control, see?” He motioned towards the containment room and, through the blood and gore smeared glass, I saw Alpha, glistening with sweat and blood, seated in the massive chair I had originally seen him in. He was restrained with massive chains around his arms, legs, chest and neck. His cock was slung into a fifty-five gallon drum, like before. “How?” I asked incredulously. “He was sitting there when we arrived, Sir. This kind of thing has happened before. He always stops, sits there and waits to be restrained, again.” the medic stated matter-of-factly. “Normally there are no survivors, Sir . . . you are the first.” I saw the coroners cleaning up what was left of victims as some enlisted men cleaned up the warehouse and control rooms. The medics gave me a robe and I walked out into the containment area, cautiously approaching Alpha. He looked at me and his muscles tensed and bulged attempting a salute. “SIR!” he thundered “Relax, Alpha . . . do you remember me?” I asked, his eyes looking, somehow, different, softer, than with my previous encounters. “Sir! No, Sir!” he responded in his booming voice. “And you must be mistaken, Sir! My name is Takeo, Sir!” “Okay,” I responded pensively, “Do you know why you are chained . . . and why you are four times larger than any other man here?” “Yes, Sir! I was living on the streets and agreed to be trained as a super-soldier, Sir. They told me I would become bigger, stronger, smarter, Sir.” he stated. “Takeo, lift your arm.” I ordered. “Sir! I am chained to the chair, Sir.” he responded. “Takeo, I ORDER you to stand at attention, Marine!” I bellowed. Before the words had left my mouth, his dense musculature erupted into even larger, inundating masses of power and the large chain links deformed and broke from his wrists, arms, legs and chest. His neck swelled with sinew until that chain, also, snapped and he stood to attention, in all his nude glory, that trunk of a cock swaying down by his knees, and saluted. Everyone in the building gasped and scattered, running for the exits. I stood in front of this goliath, my head at the level of his flaccid, pre-cum flowing cock-head. I knew this giant wasn’t the same demon that I’d encountered earlier. “I’m sorry, Sir!” he apologized. “I did not know that I could break those restraints.” “It’s okay, Takeo.” I mused. I needed to find all the records relating to this experiment. It appeared that the psychological indoctrination may have brought forth an alternate personality within the giant my serum had created. With the main programmer now dead, there was noone to ask. Takeo looked down at me, “Sir?” “Yes, Takeo?” As I looked up into his eyes, they seemed to flicker and become dark before I heard him growl, “I - WANT - MORE!” I stumbled back, still looking up into his eyes, and they seemed to soften. “Sir? Are you okay?” he asked as he kneeled down on one knee, his pre-cum slick cock, its base nestled atop his massive, churning testicles, sliding on the floor towards me. I reached out to touch that appendage that, not too long before, I had watched fuck the life out of a full grown man with one thrust. I looked up and drew my hand back quickly. “Yes, Takeo, I’m fine. We’ll talk later. Please sit back down and let them restrain you.” I turned and ran out of the building yelling to the handlers to double the restraints. I had to find out what was happening to this powerful, hulking teen! I had seen what he could do . . . and I knew what he could become. ALPHA - Part 4 I ran to the science building going immediately to the records having anything to do with the Super Soldier project. I was looking for anything that would indicate someone had noticed a personality change in Takeo, more specifically, any indication of a dual personality within the subject. As I poured through the mountains of files and the notes they contained, one caught my eye from approximately one year earlier. The file was definitely designed to catch someone’s attention. It was marked “TOP SECRET: PROJECT ALPHA” with an ominous subtitle: “Observation of First Negative Effects of Chemically Induced Super-Soldier Conditioning”. As I opened the file, I found that there was only one page with a few notes about Takeo’s size increase to twenty feet after his last injection, along with documenting astounding simultaneous increases in both muscle size and strength. There was, apparently, no increase in body fat nor loss of vascularity with the incredible growth recorded. A temporary change in Takeo’s attitude and demeanor that appeared to be temporary was also noted. At the end of the notes, highlighted and underlined, was a strong suggestion to suspend the further injections of my serum and to use restraints on the subject for the remainder of the project testing. The last sentence was direction to view video contained on a flash drive in the file’s side folder pocket that would make the reason for such recommendations clear. I notified the security detail, closed and locked the door to the file room, shut the blinds and disabled the surveillance of the room’s interior, as was protocol for viewing top secret video files related to Project Alpha. So that no one that might be trying to listen through the door could hear anything from the video recording, I inserted headphones into my ears, opened the file and began to watch. In the beginning of the video, the only thing I found remarkable was that Takeo was not restrained at all. He appeared to be living in the same thirty feet tall containment building where he was presently held. The twenty feet tall observation windows connected to the observation rooms were all the same as what I had experienced when I first arrived at the base. It appeared that clothing had ceased being issued to Takeo after he reached fifteen feet in height, so he roamed his “home” freely without any covering at all. HIs appearance still took my breath away. The thick, bulging and vein-mapped muscles covering every inch of his body rippled beneath his skin, not just with every movement he made, but every breath that he took. His prodigious manhood hung nearly to his knees over a nutsack that contained his two huge balls. He appeared to be leaking pre-cum continually. As I watched, one of the doors entering from one of the observation areas opened and a Marine came in bringing food for Takeo. He was a massive soldier of about six feet, five inches tall with thick powerful muscle stretching the clothing he was wearing: only shorts and a tank top. He pushed a large wheelbarrow overflowing with, what appeared to be, raw sides of beef. “Hey, Chuck!” Takeo’s powerful voice boomed as he grinned. “‘Sup, Take?” Chuck responded with a shortened nickname, apparently, “How’s our human Godzilla doing today, man?” he joked. “Only thing up is me, as always, little man!” Takeo jested as he reached down and lifted the barrel of his pre-cum leaking cock for emphasis. Chuck grinned, “Shit, Take . . . I’m just glad you’re on OUR side, kid! And stop playing with your weapon, man!” Obviously these two were friends. Chuck turned and started walking back to the door he had entered through, “Enjoy your snack, Godzilla. I think they have you scheduled for a drill this afternoon. Have fun!” Immediately, I saw a change in Takeo, his muscles tensed and bulged to rock-hard masses of power. His face, which had been friendly and jovial, hardened and his grin faded to a sneer as his eyes darkened. His enormous bulk was blocking Chuck’s exit faster than the recording equipment could catch the giant moving. Alpha stood, smirking down at Chuck who slowly began to back away into the center of the vast room. “Take? Everything okay, bud?” Chuck asked, the tension clear in his voice. Alpha raised his arms and flexed hard, muscle erupting obscenely in colossal waves all over his awe-inspiring body. He lowered one arm, place his huge palm beneath his leaking cock head until it filled with the hot, slimy fluid. He coated the head and shaft and slowly stroked as he squeezed more pre-cum from the long slit at its tip. Chuck stumbled back, but you could clearly see his shorts begin to tent as he looked up at his giant, beastly friend. “Fuck, Take! What’re you doing man?” he quivered. Alpha’s voice boomed, “You like what you see, don’t you Chucky! I can smell it emanating from your pathetic little body. . . I can see it in your throbbing dick. Come on, Chucky! You know you’ve always want to feel the power in this body. Now’s your chance. Touch me, Chucky.” Chuck was visibly conflicted, not just by being in the presence of this giant, powerfully muscular boy, but also, by the imposing creature speaking with such a self-assured, overbearing authority. “Take . . . no, man! Stop fucking around!” he spoke haltingly. Alpha grinned, almost tasting the awe, mixed with fear, rising in Chuck. His already heavy cock began to increase in length and girth, pulsing larger with every beat of Alpha’s massive heart. He continued to slowly stroke the beast. “Get out of those constricting clothes and get on your knees, Chucky. Let’s compare.” Alpha taunted. I watched as something within the heavily muscled and obviously powerful Chuck just seemed to snap. “Yes, SIR!” he gushed as he peeled all of the clothing from his huge body and fell to his knees before Alpha. Alpha walked over, holding his cock over Chuck and squeezed as pre-cum flowed all over what was, obviously, now nothing but his muscled little plaything. “Good boy! You are so pitifully weak and insignificant, Chucky, aren’t you?” he belittled as he reached towards him from above. “What the FUCK just happened?” I wondered as I backed up the video and replayed, my cock throbbing painfully in my pants. It started again with Chuck’s last exchange, “ . . . think they have you scheduled for a drill this afternoon. Have fun!” I slowed the playback down and watched Takeo’s transformation frame by frame. The change was eye-popping. My cock began spurting pre-cum as the giant boy solidified into a ferocious mass of power. I backed the video up one more time and let it play. I stopped it at the change in Takeo. “What the hell?” I said out loud, but something gnawed at me. Something Chuck had said sounded familiar to what I’d heard before. Yes. Something the Sergeant Major had said to Takeo or Alpha before I witnessed the first discharge of Alpha’s savage aggression. Could it be? Had they been ignorant or stupid enough to implant a verbal trigger into Takeo’s psyche to initiate aggressive behavior . . . and foolish enough to make it such a commonly used phrase as “Have fun!”? I backed up the video one more time and watched. I paused it when it became clear that someone had, indeed, implanted that trigger phrase for the purpose of turning respectful and compliant Takeo into ferocious and unrestrained Alpha. Morbid curiosity, and lustful desire, caused me to click on play to witness what followed in that first appearance of Alpha and the “negative effects” of what my formula had created out of Takeo. ALPHA - Part 5 I clicked on the play button and witnessed Alpha’s huge hand descend and as he extended his index finger. He slid it over Chuck’s rigid cock (which immediately erupted in orgasm, his cum coating Alpha’s long, thick digit). Alpha grinned, slid his finger up Chuck’s torso, scooping the pre-cum flowing over Chuck’s body up to his mouth. Chuck wrapped his hands around the finger and began lapping Alpha’s pre-cum, mixed with his own cum, from the giant boy’s finger before he wrapped his lips around the tip of the finger, sucking and licking like a baby on a massive nipple. “Good boy!” Alpha boomed as he lowered to his knees, his pre-cum flowing cock settling on Chuck and knocking him to the floor. “This is what you really, want, isn’t it, Chucky? Be honest. It’s what you ALL want! You little bugs just want to be close to what I am, to feel a part of such gigantic, powerful perfection.” the creature toying with his prey taunted as he lowered his other hand and pressed the head of his cock down onto Chuck’s body sprawled out on the floor. In answer, Chuck wrapped his muscular arms around the pulsing, vein encased python, hugged and attached his mouth over the slit, drinking in of Alpha’s nectar as his hips thrust hungrily against his massive friend’s throbbing cock. “Holy FUCK!” I moaned. I couldn’t help but reach down and squeeze my throbbing, hard cock through my trousers as I witnessed, In mere seconds, how Chuck, a huge, powerful Marine, had been reduced to nothing but a little play-thing to Takeo . . . nothing but a worthless sex-toy to the powerful mountain of muscle that was obviously now Alpha. “That’s right, you inconsequential little worm, worship your God’s deadly cock like a good little devotee to real power!” Alpha grinned as he wrapped his massive mitt around Chuck and his huge cock and stood, squeezing. “You just exist to please me like I need to be pleased, don’t you Chucky, you worthless little worm!” Alpha boomed as he placed his other palm behind Chuck’s head and pressed him hard against his hungry cock-head. Alpha released his grip on his cock and Chuck’s body while smashing Chuck’s face against his pre-pouring piss slit with his other hand. Chuck’s hips continued gyrating in the air, his rigid cock dripping pre-cum mixed with cum as his distended, flattened face sucked hungrily on Alpha’s cock head, tongue fucking the slick slit, his body suspended before Alpha’s churning nut-sack. Watching the thick slabs of Alpha’s muscle bulge and ripple with each move he made was intoxicating. I fumbled and unbuckled my belt, unzipped my pants and started stroking my steel-hard, pre-cum leaking cock as I beheld the massive and powerful Alpha begin to unleash his lust-fueled and bloodthirsty savagery for the first time. Chuck’s body, suspended from Alpha’s hold on his head pressed into that bulbous crown, hung from Alpha’s fist firmly pressed against that angry cock-head. He began to flail about in the air in front of Alpha’s massive, churning nuts, his cock jerking wildly and firing off volleys of cum. Alpha moaned and increased the pressure to his cock-head, compressing Chuck’s head against his throbbing, pre-pulsing crown. Chuck was just something to stimulate this god-like beast. I saw the muscle and sinew in Alpha’s arm solidify and bulge as his inhuman fist contracted. I heard the loud CRACK/POP as blood, bone and brain sprayed from between Alpha’s powerful fingers as he began fisting his cock-head and the pulsing crown of his cock with Chuck’s warm blood, mixed with brain and exploded skull. Chuck’s body went limp and jiggled in death throes as blood and brain ran down his body and dripped to the floor at Alpha’s feet from the giant’s hand stroking that magnificent shaft. Alpha grinned, let go of his bobbing, dripping dick and lifted Chuck’s body. He briefly examined his handiwork before ripping the corpse in half and devouring it like a famished animal, blood and gore dripping from his lips and running over his pumped body as he, once again, lowered his hand and slowly stroked his gore-covered cock.. Edging hard, I clicked pause. Where the hell was security? Why hadn’t guards poured into the room as soon as Chuck was compromised? I pushed play, once again, and watched as Alpha wiped the blood dripping from his chin on his forearm, smirked, and walked towards the hanger door. He dropped to one knee, thrust his massive hand beneath the door as his back and arm exploded in size and he stood, effortlessly lifting the twenty foot door open, curling it like a light dumbell. I saw jeeps lined up and men clamoring at his feet as he revealed himself to those big, strong marines outside the door, powerless against the massive creature calmly stroking his bloody, pre-cum pouring, man-sized cock before their unbelieving, gaping mouths. The base commander jumped from a jeep and approached Alpha. “Takeo! Stand down!” he ordered. “NOW!” he barked as he stood at Alpha’s feet, staring up as bloody pre-cum roped down at the commander’s feet. “You inconsequential little WORM!” Alpha boomed as he lowered to his knees, his thick calf and leg muscles ballooning and rippling. His knees touched down and cracked the pavement on either side of the commander. The commander began to protest at Alpha’s words, but froze as he saw the muscle-beast begin to kneel towards him. All he saw was a living mass of muscle lowering towards him. He raised his arms as Alpha’s nutsack containing two massive balls knocked him on his back and covered him. He struggled beneath the hot, churning orbs, the stench of musky sweat filling his mouth and nostrils as Chuck’s blood filled his mouth. The guards immediately began firing their weapons, the bullets seemingly bouncing from Alpha’s dense, thin skin. Alpha quickly leaned forward and grabbed one guard. He lifted the struggling man in his fist over the remaining guards and thundered, “Do you really want to piss off one that can so effortlessly do this to anyone of you?” He constricted his fingers around the doomed little guard, slowly for emphasis, enjoying the struggling, the individual snaps and cracks of each bone, until blood sprayed from the pitiful little creatures mouth and the body pulped in his mighty fist, dripping blood and gore onto the remaining guards. They immediately dropped their weapons as they stared at the giant creature on his knees, exhibiting his ability to crush them like insects. They beheld the hyper-muscled, godly creature on his knees before them raise the remains of their so easily dispatched comrade to his lips and lap at his remains. Their commander’s arms were flailing and clawing at the giant beast’s sack harboring two monstrous balls pinning him to the ground. They all pissed in their pants as their cocks began to inflate being in the presence of such powerful perfection. Alpha grinned a bloody grin as he finished snacking on the little soldier. He closed his eyes feeling the commander struggling beneath his nuts, stimulating him further, “Good little worm . . . massage my cum factory, you fucking bug!” he purred as he continued to slowly stroke his more than man-sized, gore-slick, pre-leaking shaft with one fist. He snatched another one of the guards from the ground and lifted him to his face with his free fist. “Who do you take orders from, you pathetic, weak little creature? Did any of you actually think you could control what I am?” he roared as his muscles flexed and he lifted his stroking fist from his cock and brought it down into the now open palm containing the guard he’d lifted. I heard the high-pitched scream of the man as he raised his arms in a futile attempt to deflect the fist coming at him like a freight train. The sickening CRUNCH and SPLAT echoed out of the building as blood and gore splattered from the giant muscle-boy’s hands. He lifted his fist to his lips and licked the blood from his knuckles. He lowered his other gore-dripping hand and began to stroke his engorged cock, once again. “YOU ARE NOTHING BUT INSECTS TO ME. I NOW TIRE OF LETTING YOU THINK YOU HAVE ANY CONTROL OVER WHAT I AM. YOU WILL ALL BOW BEFORE ME . . . NOW!” The guards left surrounding the beast on their knees trembled as Alpha stood and glared down at them. As he stood, the base commander was released from beneath the giant’s balls and lay sputtering between his feet. Addressing the guards trembling and pissing on themselves before him, Alpha lifted a foot and placed it on the base commander. His quadriceps exploded into solid masses as he drove his foot into the concrete, obliterating the man beneath his foot and entombing him beneath the fissured surface as blood sprayed in all directions. He released his still rigid, leaking and blood slick cock and it bobbed up to the base of his rippling, rounded pectorals. “Remove your clothing when in the presence of your God!” Alpha sneered to the remaining guards gaping up at him worshipfully. They all complied immediately, tearing their clothes from their bodies and remaining on their knees while grabbing and stroking their erect little penises. Alpha sat and spread his legs out of the open hanger door, his bulbous testicles resting, once again, on the now blood and pre-cum slick surface. “Pleasure me If you can, bugs, and I may let you live.” he grinned sardonically. They all crawled towards the mountain of muscle. He reached out and grabbed another man, brought him to his lips squirming and squealing. The godly beast opened his mouth and bit the man’s torso off at the waist and chewed. Blood shot onto his chin from the lower half of the corpse and flowed down his chin and neck. Alpha turned, looked directly into the camera recording the events and boomed, “I WANT MORE! UNDERSTAND?” “Jesus CHRIST” I breathed raggedly as I orgasmed, cum rocketing from my cock and onto the computer screen and keyboard for a full minute. I stopped the video playback, hurriedly tried to wipe the spunk-covered equipment, and myself, clean. I quickly redressed and rushed to the door to have a guard let me out and accompany back to where Takeo was. Was Alpha actually speaking to me through that recording from years’ prior? How could he have known I would be here now, much less watching that recording? I had to get back to Takeo and speak with him. Was he aware of his alter ego and the things he had done? How had Alpha surfaced momentarily when I last spoke to Takeo? There seemed to be something I was missing, but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it. ALPHA - Part 6 I approached the hanger and the guards were outside. They quickly opened the door and two followed me in while two remained at the door. Takeo sat, double chained as I had ordered, to his massive chair. His man sized cock’s head, once again, slung into the barrel that collected his constantly flowing pre-cum. I felt so minuscule as I approached this titanic mountain of muscle. I walked up to him and my head only reached to his knees as he sat. I glanced at his always-churning nuts, each larger than my head and down to his massive feet, the feet that I’d witnessed crush humans like nothing by annoying little bugs. I looked up past his thick, jutting pectorals and saw him grinning down at me. “Hey, Doc.” he rumbled, “Do you like what you’ve done to me? Am I what you had hoped to create, little man?” “Takeo,” I started, my mouth suddenly dry and my knees weak. My tired cock leapt at the sound of his voice and his belittling words, but I maintained composure, “You have FAR exceeded my expectations.” I saw his cock lurch, rocking the fifty-five gallon drum enough that pre-cum flowed over onto the floor. The giant closed his eyes and licked his large, thick lips. “Mmmmm! Thanks, Doc. We want the same thing, you and I.” his impossibly bass voice boomed, “You are too pathetically small and weak to do what you want to do deep down. That’s why you worked so hard to create what I am. You had hoped that your formula would create a beast in every way.” He opened his eyes and looked at me for some type of reaction. “It has.” “What are you talking about, Takeo?” I blubbered, feigning confusion at his statements, yet knowing he was correct about everything he had said. “I know the videos you just watched pleased you greatly.” he grinned knowingly as his dark eyes seemed to bore into my soul. I stepped back, slipped on the pre-cum on the floor and fell against the now overflowing barrel. “What? Takeo, how could you POSSIBLY know what . . .” He interrupted and finished my thought: “. . . know what you’ve been doing? Doc, you created a way for me to inhabit this body. You thought you were only creating a super soldier that you could, hopefully, control and use to fulfill your deepest and darkest desires and fantasies. Don’t you yet realize that you’ve created more than an all-powerful giant? I am not constrained by time and space . . . I have spared you so that you can witness what you have unleashed upon mankind. I know that you long to see what I will do. I know that you mortals are so weak and completely powerless to resist my power and impossibly seductive sexuality. I knew you were mine before you even arrived on base.” He paused and grinned as I lifted my pre-cum soaked hand to my mouth and lapped at the warm, slimy nectar in which I had fallen. He flexed every muscle lightly and they ballooned, pressing hard against the chains in which he was wrapped, as cable-like veins appeared and pulsed beneath the skin and the rippling muscle it sheathed. My cock rocketed to attention and saluted its master. The two guards with me lowered their weapons as they gazed upon godly, masculine perfection, seemingly hypnotized be the creature’s massive muscles flexing and rolling on every surface of his gargantuan frame. He chuckled and continued, “I allowed you to believe Takeo and Alpha were here. They are now a part of me. We are Alpha, but really we are the creature that you created that I have been waiting for . . . a body sturdy enough where I can exist and unleash my darkest wanton desires. I am Agyo, the God of Overt Violence. Yes, Doc, I WANT MORE . . . MUCH MORE . . . and you do too, my worshipful little pet! Your Alpha is now here to stay!” the beast thundered as he took a deep breath, his massive chest inflating and solidifying as the chain links deformed and popped from his chest, arms and legs with his full-body flexion. I scooted back against the barrel as he stood, his cock leaving the barrel and floating over my head, coating me with his hot pre-cum. He grabbed a guard in each hand as he stood. They broke from their worshipful transces and began kicking and clawing at Alpha’s flesh. They would have screamed, but he was crushing the air from their lungs with his powerful grip. “Oh, my GOD! Alpha! What are you going to do with them?” I squealed, my dark macrophilia laden desires taking hold of my senses as I quickly disrobed and fell to my knees, naked and throbbing, looking up at the godly creature looming over me. “Good little worm,” Alpha grinned, “you have been mine since your birth, just dreaming and waiting for your God to appear.” With that he dunked one of the soldiers, head first, into the barrel of his pre-cum before moving him back to his globular, muscled ass. He relaxed his ass muscles and shoved his toy soldier in, head first, down to the little man’s waist. I watched, mesmerized by my creations brutal, sadistic power as the little legs protruding from the God’s ass kicked violently. “MMMMM, FEELS GOOD!” Alpha thundered as he, once again, looked me in the eye and grinned while simultaneously flexing that massive, godly ass hard. There was a muffled CRUNCH and the legs stopped kicking and quivered for a bit before Alpha flexed his ass hard once more and the little body was crushed within that godly ass, severed at the waist, legs falling to the floor. I had crawled over to Alpha’s massive ankle and wrapped my arms around it as far as I could, humping my God’s leg with my pre-cum covered body as he ass-snuffed the worthless little soldier. Alpha dropped the other stunned soldier into the barrel of pre-cum before reachng down and plucking me from his ankle. He raised me to his boyishly handsome, yet terrifyingly large, face. “It’s time for more, bug!” he whispered as he closed his eyes and I felt his grip slipping around me. I looked at his arms, shoulders, and chest rippling with power, bulging and expanding. I looked down and saw the floor becoming further away as we rose. He shifted his feet to a wider stance as his head and wide, rounded shoulders burst through the roof of the hanger, his gargantuan torso protecting me from debris. As he reached fifty feet in height and thousands of tons of pure, unadulterated muscle, he ceased growing and grinned at me, now in his open palm, stroking furiously. We could see jeeps, tanks and people scurrying about in panic at the sight of the titanic muscle-God Alpha’s appearance through the hanger roof. He bent back down and reached into the hanger by his feet and, between two fingers, lifted the barrel of pre-cum containing the other guard. The poor guy was standing in the barrel of pre-cum and stroking his cock feverishly as Alpha brought the barrel to his lips, opened his mouth and tilted it. I had a perfect view as the pre-cum roped into his mouth, carrying with it the flailing yet furiously masturbating little guard. The beast pinched the barrel flat between his powerful fingers as he moved the worshipful little snack around in his mouth. It was unfortunate for the guard that he was a bit too large to swallow whole. I saw Alpha’s huge jaw muscle clench in unison with a sickening, short scream and CRUNCH as the guard’s little body was chewed to a bloody paste for swallowing. Alpha grinned, his teeth red with blood, as he bellowed, “It’s time to begin, little muscle slut.” Cum rocketed from my cock at the sound of his voice as he set me on his shoulder and stepped through the wall of the hanger, flattening a jeep and its unfortunate occupants that had just pulled up. He reached down and picked up another jeep and its yelling, frightened and awed occupants as he began stroking his quickly lengthening and thickening cock, his balls churning in anticipation of what was to come.
  12. I am perfection itself. More than that. I almost feel perfection is an insult. There are many people that say they are "perfect", but there is only one of me. And I am more than any other man can ever hope to be. A lot of people don't believe that I really exist. That I am, in fact, a real human being. They think I'm just a photo, an image created by a particularly horny and talented artist. But I'm real. I know you want to see me. But I wouldn't want you to. Because, if you did, you might not survive the experience. You see, I am an enormous man. It's sometime hard for people to even recognize that I am human, that I'm not some God who descended on this Earth and took human form. Looking at my body is like gazing up from the floor of the Grand Canyon. It makes you realize just how tiny and weak and insignifant you really are. When you stand before me, the top of your head just grazing the bottom of my pecs, and look up, all you see is my massive chest, just two beautiful round heaving mass of muscle that flex and roll and grow with every breath of my lungs. My pecs totally eclipse your body, blocking out the sun, their size so impossibly, unbelievably huge that their bulging mass occupies every inch of your sight. You take a big step back, and tilt your head up thirty degrees. Now, you are staring straight into my nipples. They're perfectly shaped, so thick and dark that you feel an overwhelming need to kiss them, to lick and such on them. Breathing, eating, living, loving - you forget all these things. You forget your family, your friends, your children, your husband or wife. Because my pecs overpower them, just with their sheer existence, the way they subtly sway and bounce like a hypnotic lapdance. You grab them, then gasp, realizing that despite their elastic appearance, they are as hard as rock. You grab tighter, then try to punch them, but your hands fail to even dent my liquid iron chest. I chuckle - a sound so deep, so powerful, so masculine that you soak your pants right where you stand - and then hug my arms around you. You freeze - not because of the shock, but because you literally cannot move. My muscles are so impenetrably hard that, if you closed your eyes, you would really believe you are trapped between rock cliffs on a mountain. You feel how strong my muscles are - that if I evenly accidentally flexed a little bit too hard, your bones would shatter like cheap plastic. Even my veins are harder than your muscles, you realize, as the vein atop my left bicep rhythmically crushes your right rib with every pump of blood. I'm pumping out so much heat, you feel like you're in an oven, my body warmth alone causing you to sweat. My arms are literally wider around than your torso is, and unlike your torso, my arms are pure muscle. I remove my left arm, relieving your upper body of an intense amount of stress, and then extend it, fully straight at a horizontal. Even held this way, completely relaxed, my arms boast size proportionally obscene. With my almost nonexistant bodyfat, you can see every single muscle head - the deltoids, the bicpes, the triceps - and the way they lazily roll over each other, bowling balls of unfathomable size, every time I make the slightest move. I twitch, and my tricep erupts, flaring out to a size that proportionally would make Mr. Olympia green with envy. Then I flex my bicep, slowly, savoring the growth of the half-moon muscle until it peaks. I gaze upon it lovingly. These are my favorite muscles. They are perfect. Nobody has ever developed arms like these in the course of human history, and nobody ever will. Then I turn my sight towards you, and you subconsciously, meet my gaze. And then you forget. You forget that I am the tallest, largest, most powerful most muscular man on Earth. You forget who you are, where you are, why you are here, what you are doing. You only see my eyes. The most beautiful things you have ever seen. My gaze is so powerful that I gain complete control over you, just with my eyes. What color are they? You forget what colors are. They are deep as the blue ocean, mysterious as the green forest, intoxicating as brown wine. You feel yourself about to cum, so overwhelmed by my unfathomable beauty, a beauty that Narcissus himself would desire. But my eyes tell you not to. Just with a single glance, I override your brain's most primal needs, override your body's nervous system, and take control. I tell you to look at my face. You moan, heart yearing with sadness. How can anyone have such full, thick lips, you wonder. Such flawless cheekbones. Such a powerful jaw. This face cannot be real. If it were real, then the human condition is to be inferior. You despair. Nobody could ever be so beautiful. No other human being, none of the billions that walk on this Earth today or in the past or in the future, none of them could improve upon my perfection. If I were to reproduce with another, my offspring would only be tainted by my partner's inferiority. I must be fake, you tell yourself. It's your brain's protection mechanism, the way you preserve your own ego, the way you preserve the egos of the billions of humans around the globe. But then I do something that proves to you, indisputably, that I must be real. I give you a kiss. Your consciousness, for all intents and purposes, ceases to exist. You are only able to experience understanding because of the tiny thread of human awareness that my eyes have gifted you. You cum, over and over and over, producing new jism like a firehose, unloading at a rate that ought to be biologically impossible. My lips have filled your body with extreme sexual fulfillment, the likes of which nobody has survived. You are wracked with endless orgasms, the only thought imprinted in your mind is the feeling of my soft lips, the way my saliva tastes like sweet honey in your mouth. Satan himself could not grant a tenth of the pleasure that I gave you from that simple kiss, an action so easy and effortless and yet so incredibly deadly. You're alive. Your body refuses to shut down. The power of that kiss, even just the memory of it, is far greater than the pull of the afterlife. I still control your body, even as it shakes and vibrates like an out-of-control fucktoy. I unsheathe my cock. Had you been conscious, you would have died instantly, the mere vision of such a terribly huge fuckweapon too unbearable for the human mind. I place your open mouth on my cockhead and push it down, ripping your hyperextended jaw in half as my penis slides between your lips, fracturing the bones of your skull. I groan in approval, enjoying the massage your rapidly quivering body provides my cock, as I slowly slide myself further and further inside you. Muscles tear, bones shatter, a once-powerful human body broken by just the force of a single massive penis. My cock makes it all the way through you, and your body disintegrates, but not before you witness my own ejaculation. In those two seconds, I unleash more cum than you have in the entire past hour, despite the fact that you have been cumming constantly. I smile at you. You die, happy, gazing into the most beautiful face anyone has ever known.
  13. I was watching Sunday’s Game of Thrones episode, which was beyond words amazing, and the scene between Theon and Jon Snow immediately triggered this situation in my mind. If you haven’t watched Game of Thrones, (1) I’m sorry, and (2) spoilers – as in, major spoilers. Also, this is violent and involves rape – I don’t condone it, but it felt fitting. I guess I’m feeling a bit hypocritical. I hope it’s mildly enjoyable. *** Theon Greyjoy was surprised to see Jon Snow there on Dragonstone, given the humiliating defeat that his uncle, Euron, handed him at sea. He had reverted back to that weaker, smaller, defeated mindset — Reek — when he saw he was powerless against his uncle. Escaping the ship, he slowly snapped out of it. He had held himself together just enough to convince the other Iron-borne who saved him from the sea not to immediately kill him, but rather to return to Dragonstone to the queen, Daenerys Targaryan. There he can recouperate and snap out of this lowly, Reet state fully, and figure out how to stop his uncle. What Theon had not anticipated was seeing Jon Snow, the bastard of his former lord when Theon was a ward to then king of the north, Ned Stark. Theon was raised with the Stark children and Jon Snow and knew them as brothers...which made his betrayal all the more painful. It had lead to the deaths of two of his "siblings" — Robb directly and Rickon indirectly — along with his lord's wife, Caitlin, when he tried to take over Winterfell, their home. His fall from power resulted in this...this...Reek...where he had his once proud monstrous cock cut off of his body, fully erect, at the hands of Ramsay Bolton, and subjected to daily, hourly, psychological assault and humiliation. He finally snapped out of it, but seeing Jon Snow is bringing all back. Theon figured he should make the first introduction, to soften the blow. He felt the tension as he finished pulling his boat up onto the shore as Jon approached. "Jon, I didn't know you were here." Jon kept coming. "Sansa...is she alright?" Jon grabbed Theon...Reek...and pulled him up. God, he was always so strong. "What you did for her...is the only reason why I'm not killing you," hissed Jon at Theon. He had to turn his head away, ashamed, knowing Jon was right. He and Jon, along with Ser Davos, the Onion Knight, exchanged about Queen Daenarys and her help...but she was gone. Tired from the trip, Theon and his men moved around Jon Snow, the Dothraki guards, and Missandei up towards the castle. As one of the willing allies of Daenarys, Theon was provided one of the nicer rooms of the castle -- its views overlooked a large part of the sea that spread before the enclosure, receiving a nice breeze on those hot (yet not as hot as they used to be) afternoons. The bed was soft, with clean sheets, and it was quiet. He had grown used to the quiet since his...Reek...treatment. It was a nice change from the annoying chaos of sea battle. There may have been some wine consumed...a little less food eaten...and Theon found himself on the bed, feeling a bit less than his usual self. A good night's sleep in a real bed should help him recover from the incidents of the last week. If his Reek conversion has taught him anything, it's that he's not iron borne. ... A pounding on the door woke him up, similar to the pounding within Theon's skull. Whoever was on the other side of the door sounded angry, and probably was going to enter any second. Due to Daenarys's decree, he had no weapons within him, so he scrambled to find something to cover his partially naked body just as...Jon Snow entered. He was naked except for a loin cloth, revealing his chiseled body. He had grown so much since he and Theon were boys at Winterfell. Before Theon was a man: a thick, bold chest, sprinkled with hair to make the veins that cris-crossed over them seem hidden; eight bold, brick-like abs stacked atop each other in perfect symmetry; flaring obliques and lats that pointed towards a deep-cut V atop his under garments. His shoulders seemed smaller when he was dressed on the beach: each deltoid stood out over vascular, muscular, rippling arms. His legs, pale as his bastard name implied, were pale white, but covered with similar vasculature worthy of his toned body. His eyes, however, suggested revenge. Theon — no, Reek, that pathetic excuse for humanity — had fucked over Jon's family. His sister was raped, and two brothers dead, because of that Reek piece of shit. Jon desired to beat the fuck out of him, but decided he could do one better. He had heard Theo—Reek had lost his prized manhood, but he hadn't been properly treated by a man. Reek's sister, Yara, gladly and proudly slept with other women. It was time Reek learned what a real man would do to him. ... Jon normally achieved arousal from beautiful women, or at least he did before his (short lived) death. Now his only sense of erection, arousal, manhood, was seeing his family's enemies destroyed. The death of Ramsay Bolton brought hours of masturbation, where he filled cups with his cum. He found Ramsey's partially eaten body and poured his seed all over the corpse...which brought the dogs back to continue feasting. After that night, his manhood felt even more powerful, longer, harder, stronger, with his testicles filled with even more white cream seed. He had dreamt of being able to destroy another enemy of his family, like the Lannisters, but Reek presented before him was too good an opportunity to pass up. Jon's manhood started to thicken, engorging on the warm blood that fueled his anger for Reek. The undergarments started to stretch with his thickening cock, tearing noises started to become quite audible before the horror-struck Reek, fully aware of what was probably going to happen to him. Jon closed his eyes, smiling as he felt his cock stretch longer and thicken more as his knew revenge would be his. A cold snap hit the throbbing and dropping head of his penis—he had broken free, nearly the size of his fist—and his eyes now turned to Reek. Swiftly, like his beloved direwolf, Ghost, Jon pounced upon a helpless Reek, grasping him by the throat and lifting him into the air above his bed. "You fucked my family. You killed my brothers. You let my sister be raped by a piece of filth. I am not allowed to kill you, but I will fuck the revenge into you, Reek. You will reek of nothing but piss, shit and cum when I'm done...and everyone will now the filth you truly are." Jon’s true manhood stood out before him – at least the thickness of his wrist, if not his forearms, covered in veins, the length of a good sized chicken – he was a sight to behold. The head was dripping its clear, sweet lubricant, knowing that it would get to make another vessel filled and overflow. Reek screamed, knowing that whatever masculinity he still possessed was going to be ripped into him by such a massive, throbbing member. Secretly Reek wished he still had his once prodigious, although not nearly as impressive, member to grip in secret excitement. As the massive cock head pushed into Reek’s virgin asshole, the screams would be heard throughout the castle. Later it was said that the Onion Knight thought ghosts were again invading, having heard of Melisandre’s smoke baby killing Renly Baratheon. Jon’s eyes did not waver as each portion of his cock – his monster – pushed further into Reek, being pulled out gently and shoved in harder each time. The large balls, still remaining on Reek’s pathetic body, next to the stump that once could deliver the future of the Greyjoy line, bounced as Jon pushed more and more into Reek. Inhuman strength possessed Jon: his arms seemed to swell in size as he continued to push his python into and out of Reek’s pathetic body. Jon would lift Reek off his monster, feeling the cold breeze pass over each length of his swollen penis, and then immediately feel the warmth of Reek’s pathetic body, even more useless than the undergarments that were destroyed earlier, cover him with warmth. Each lifting of Reek’s body felt easier—Jon looked down, noticing that his once respectable pecs were swelling like a woman’s breast after childbirth. They were thick, covered with more veins and hair, feeling harder and more indominatible than before. His arms – biceps, deltoids, forearms – grew with each lift and trust of his mighty body. His waist grew tighter with the workout, pushing this pathetic shit of a boy onto his kingly cock over and over. Finally, after five minutes of Jon’s silence while Reek squealed like a pig, Jon had pushed the entirety of himself into Reek, and whispered “you’re mine, you piece of shit.” The swollen balls, haven also grown in size with his cock and muscles, pulled up as he unleashed pulse after pulse of his cum into Reek’s swollen, bleeding ass. Jon could feel his thick, white seed pouring down over his over thickening dick, dripping onto Reek’s bed. Reek had started to convulse as he was being filled with amazing amounts of cum, enough to where Jon lifted him off his cock and let him fall onto the bed. The convulsions continued while stream after stream of thick man seed poured out of the colossal cock onto Reek’s pathetic body, coating his chest and face. After a few minutes, the stream of cum slowed down and the convulsions stopped. Reek, covered in cum, started to speak when Jon immediately shoved the monster cock into his mouth, gripping his throat as though he meant to crush his windpipe. Jon’s cock had softened, but felt just as large in his pathetic mouth as it did up his bleeding asshole. “You don’t speak to me. I own you. That was payment for being in the presence of my brother Robb. You still owe me for Bran, Rickon, Aryia, Sansa…and then we start to talk about their troubles, deaths, and their grief due to you.” Jon’s eyes turned even darker, with his muscles swelling up even more, as his cock started to engorge in Reek’s mouth. The last memory Reek had, before blacking out, was the feeling that a rod, harder than Valyrian steel, was cracking his jaw open.
  14. musclehintz

    Krishna at the Pool (SNUFF)

    "Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Twenty." The barbell, loaded with over 1000 pounds of iron, crashed to the rack. Krishna sat up, rolling his gigantic naked pecs in the mirror. Fuck, he was so perfect. Shoulders wider than two fully-grown men. Pecs that jutted nearly a foot from his ribcage. Abs that would make a pretty boy supermodel green with envy. And god damn, he was handsome. With his deep, dark, powerful eyes, seductively sensuous full lips, and blindingly straight-white smile, Krishna's face looked more suitable for a professional model than a professional bodybuilder. Krishna pulled down his shorts so his flawless body was covered only by a tiny bikini. It would have been ample covering for a normal man, but Krishna's prodigious endowment was so huge, it was practically spilling out. Standing up to his full height, Krishna marvelled at how small everything around him was. At 7'2, he towered over other bodybuilders. Most of them were eye level with his nipples - even the tallest had to crane their necks up to make eye contact. Krishna would be attending his first Mr. Olympia competition next week, but he knew would win. The other competitors weren't even in the same league as him. They dieted and trained for years, pushing their bodies to the limit to become as huge and hard and ripped as possible. But for the 18-year-old muscleboy, it seemed like new muscles blossomed on his gorgeous body every day. Krishna was starting to get aroused, his cock expanding and pushing away his desperately undersized bikini away from his body. In seconds, the garment snapped open, allowing Krishna's giant phallus to rise to his pecs, a thick trail of cum dribbling from its head. The girthy organ looked even more huge when contrasted with Krishna's tiny waist - he was as thin as a supermodel, and never seemed to gain fat no matter how much he ate. Krishna left the gym to go to the outside pool. Nobody was around yet. It was only 6am, and the only other people who came this early were the gym staff. He dived into the pool and swam twenty laps easily, stretching his huge, pumped muscles. He stopped, then looked over to see three couples staring at him. They looked like college kids, based on their fraternity and sorority clothes. Each women was absolutely beautiful - cheerleader types, with massive racks and tiny waists. The men were muscular and good-looking. Each one had his eyes glued to the teen's incredible body - Krishna smirked when he realized that they all were sporting huge boners, with growing wet spots on each of their gym shorts. Krishna swam over to the group, his hard muscles cutting through the water like knives through butter. His naked dick had shrunk in the pool water, but he was hard and horny as hell, and seeing these beautiful women was giving him an erection that normal people couldn't even dream of. Krishna smirked as he got closer, seeing that the women each had their eyes glued to his cock. They weren't sure if it was a trick of the water, but it looked massive. Krishna climbed halfway out of the pool, slowly, allowing the streams of water to travel through the crevices of his enormous muscles. The first woman, Nina, gasped as she gazed upon Krishna's unflexed arms. Her boyfriend was Ryan, a musclebound jock who was both a football and wrestling star, as well as an amateur bodybuilder. Krishna noticed Nina's reaction, and casually, as if he was yawning, stretched his arms behind his head. The backs of his arms formed half-moons, the hulking triceps themselves larger than any of the musclemen's quads. Then, suddenly, Krishna flexed, basketball-sized biceps erupting like cannons from his arms. Nina's eyes rolled up in her head, and she instantly came, falling to the ground, limbs flailing wildly as juice gushed from her pussy. Krishna stepped out of the pool, revealing his full body for the first time. The other two women gasped, amazed at his height and, more importantly, his cock! Krishna walked up to Lamar, the second guy. Lamar was the university's basketball star, and besides being 6'7 he was also gifted with a foot-long erection that drove his girlfriend Carmen wild. But his dick - even at full mast, as it currently was - looked childishly small next to Krishna's flaccid pussy-destroyer. Lamar looked up. He had never done that before - he spent his entire life looking down at his peers, and now that he was confronted by this incredibly muscular, incredibly well-hung nude giant, he was scared. But also strangely turned on. He had always been straight, and had fucked dozens of girls throughout high school and college. But right now, the only thing he could think of was how beautiful, how superior, how perfect this man was. Krishna looked down, and Lamar's and Carmen's gazes followed. The basketball star's dick had grown so long, it cleared the bottom of his gym shorts. Lamar was getting dizzy - he had never had so much blood drain to his cock before, never had he been so aroused in his life. But then he looked at Krishna's cock, and gasped. Although Krishna's height meant that his cock began a few inches higher than Lamar's, the head of his cock cleared Lamar's own amazing erection by almost half a foot! In total, Krishna's dick must have been nine or ten inches longer than Lamar's own erection! But then they noticed Krishna's dick extending. At first they was confused, until it hit them - Krishna still wasn't at full erection yet. This musclebound, gigantic, model-handsome teenager was so big.. so huge... so impossibly hung... that he was nearly two feet long... and still... growing... The couple both passed out, erupting in orgasm and hitting the ground cold. They joined Nina on the floor, her limbs in a mess, he snatch busted wide open with vaginal juices. She wasn't breathing, and soon, Carmen and Lamar wouldn't be either. Krishna turned to the last couple, Lisa and Tony. Tony wasn't as accomplished an athlete as his friends, preferring to go surfing than competing in sports. But what he lacked in athleticism he made up for in good looks. With blue eyes, blond hair, and an All-American smile, the handsome frat jock found it easy to sleep with any girl he wanted. Lisa valued a beautiful smile more than anything else. But Krishna was so much more beautiful than anyone else she had ever looked at. Even ignoring his flawless body, his face - photoshop-perfect skin and angelic lips, with deep brown eyes so beautiful that you could get lost in them - was so erotic that she felt that she was on the verge of orgasm just looking at it. Her boyfriend Tony, her favorite movie stars, those hot guys in Playgirl - none of them even rivaled Krishna's divine beauty. Krishna walked up to woman. His heavenly lips spread open, and he said "Hello." Lisa orgasmed. Such a voice. Such a incredible, sexy, erotic, earth-shaking, deep, booming bass voice. His voice was so powerful, the tree leaves vibrated and the water rippled at its sound. A light bulb shattered. Krishna turned away from the woman's breathless body and flashed the two standing men a naughty smile. "He's gorgeous," Tony whispered to himself. "Drop-dead gorgeous... literally." Krishna lifted Ryan and, tenderly, placed him on his cock. The musclebound jock - a lifelong heterosexual and a dominant alpha male - didn't even resist as his ass was split in half, his pelvis cracking like a pretzel, to allow entry for the superhuman sex organ. Krishna slowly began fucking. At first it was pleasurable, as his virgin ass experienced the giant teenage cock thrust in and out, a few inches at a time. But slowly Krishna went deeper, his two-foot-long dick going farther and farther into Ryan's body, pushing aside organs, rupturing muscles, shattering bones. Ryan cried out in pain, cried out for Tony to help him, but Tony could do nothing but watch, dick in hand, as his best friend got torn apart by the world's largest penis. Suddenly, Ryan felt an inhuman crushing grip on his right thigh, followed by a sudden, impossible pain as the muscular limb was ripped out like tissue paper. Ryan let out a blood-curdling scream as Krishna casually crushed the human leg in his grip, savoring the sound of sinew and bone crumbling to mush inside his guillotine grip strength. Soon, the pain was followed by the same sensation in Ryan's left leg. Then, both of his arms. Now Ryan was just a torso and a head, a human condom with four red bloody stumps, a decoration for the largest and most powerful dick the world had ever seen. Krishna wagged his dick up and down, and laughed as Ryan's head flopped around like a ragdoll. Tony wasn't able to resist anymore. He needed to feel that body, those perfect teenage muscles. Tony put his hands on Krishna's waist, marvelling at how tiny it was, how something so small could be capable of supporting such a gigantic chest and such a broad back. Krishna smirked, knowing that Tony was under his control. "You like this?" he asked softly, his beautiful, seductive deep voice overwhelming Tony's ears. The blond model could only moan in affirmation. Krishna lifted Tony, being careful not to break the college boy by squeezing too hard, and gently kissed him. Ton kissed back, harder than he ever had in his life. But Tony tried to let go, he found that he couldn't he couldn't. Krishna held him in his grasp. Tony thought he was going to die of suffocation, but suddenly, Krishna started inhaling. Tony panicked, feeling air getting slowly pulled out of his lungs. Krishna continued inhaling for nearly twenty minutes, until suddenly Tony's heart flattened like a pancake and unloaded his jittery seed. Krishna roared at the feeling of Tony's death in his hands - killing a man, literally just by kissing him - and unleashed his own load, hundreds of times more volumous and powerful than Tony's own. The cum-explosion shot Ryan's carcass off his cock like a rocket, shooting over fifty feet in the air before landing in the far distance. Krishna smirked, then wiped away the blood and shit Ryan's ass had left on his enormous cock. He dived back into the pool to cleanse his flesh of the grime these pathetic men always left on his perfect body.
  15. musclehintz

    Krishna: Origins (WARNING: Snuff)

    NOTE: THIS STORY IS GONNA' BE VIOLENT. STOP NOW IF THAT TURNS YOU OFF. When Krishna was a child, he was, for the most part, normal. He always had an unnaturally beautiful face, one that could go on the cover of a magazine without any Photoshop. And he always was strong for his size, and loved playing rough. But nobody could have expected him to become the monster he is today. Once he hit puberty, Krishna’s growth skyrocketed past all human records. Krishna's metabolism was flawless - he never seemed to lose his pump, instead growing bigger and stronger after every workout. His body reacted explosively to even the slightest exertion, pumping up as huge and hard in fifteen minutes as a normal athlete would in an hour. He would eat at least eight times a day - a full meal every two hours - but only seemed to gain muscle, never fat. He could eat ten buckets of Blue Bell and still be as lean and ripped as Mr. Olympia. His heart pumped with enough force to kill an elephant, and his senses were so developed that he could see an ant and hear its footsteps from twenty feet away. His body naturally produced and utilized ten times more growth hormone than an average Olympic gold medalist. But despite experiencing a hyper-puberty that pumped his muscles with enough testosterone to swamp a high school locker room, Krishna never experienced any of the downsides of adolescence. His face seemed to evolve almost overnight from the sweet, effeminate innocence of a child to the seductive, masculine eroticism of an adult. He never once experienced a single pimple or an awkward voice crack. His voice dropped almost instantaneously into a deep, sexual rumble that made Barry White sound like a pipsqueak. His earth-shaking tones were so powerful that he gave straight men boners just by saying his name. He could hardly go through a day at school without giving at least one teacher a standing orgasm. By the time Krishna was a sophomore in high school, he had the body of Mr. Olympia and strength that surpassed any powerlifter. He destroyed the competition on the football field and the wrestling mat. He could shoot with perfect accuracy from anywhere on the basketball court. He ran cross-country with speed that would make Usain Bolt green with envy. And there was a genius brain behind that pretty face with a hunky body - by the end of his freshman year Krishna had already earned a perfect score on the SAT. His brain created neural connections so fast that he could read through entire graduate-level textbooks in a single afternoon. Krishna first learned of his love for violence when he was 15 years old. He was playing a game of football when he saw the kid. There was something about him Krishna hated - maybe it was his ugly smirk, or his nasally voice, or his obnoxious strut. But whatever it was, Krishna decided that he wanted to take the faggot down. He made it look like an accident. Krishna ran straight into him - a tackle so forceful that the man's spine, ribcage, and skull cracked. The boy hit the ground, breathless. After that, it was decided that Krisnha was too dangerous for sports. But Krishna discovered that killing that kid was way more fun than playing football. Later that night, Krishna went to his neighbor's house, an old pervert that was always ogling the hot young teen. Krishna showed up at the door wearing nothing more than a pair of black briefs, which were stressed and strained to the max by the boy's enormous manhood. The homo dropped to his knees, his eyes so wide that they might have popped out, his heart beating so loud that Krishna could actually hear it. The man rubbed his small, weak hands all over Krishna's quads and calves and ass, unable to believe such perfect musculature existed, unable to believe this was really happening, unable to believe that the hottest man in his sad little closeted gay life was standing right in front of him. Krishna pulled out his jawbreaking penis and shoved it in the man's inadequately sized mouth, tearing apart the sides of his lips and dislocating his fragile jaw. When Krishna was done facefucking him, the man was nothing more than a bloody stain on the dirty carpet. Krishna started sneaking out to the city after his parents fell asleep. He would find some skinny boy in an isolated part of the local college campus. Krishna would lead the poor sucker into a dark alley and give him a kiss with his full juicy lips. The guy would be so turned on, never having experienced such an amazing kiss in his boring suburban life, and he would cream his pants with his pitiful seed. Then Krishna would give the closet case a hug, and the poor sap would cream himself again, never imagining that he could ever be surrounded by so much dark,powerful, manly teenage muscle. But then he would squeal and beg for Krishna to let go. But Krishna wouldn't. He would keep tightening and tightening his death hug until the boy chest caved in and his spine shattered. Sometimes Krishna found a couple making out in the corner of a deserted parking lot. Krishna would make eye contact with the male, and the man's erection would grow bigger and harder than any woman could ever make him grow. Then Krishna would grab the woman and fuck her like a jackhammer as her boyfriend watched, his sex so mind-blowing that each and every thrust bringing forth a new orgasm from both the man and woman. Krishna's stamina was so great that he could fuck for hours without stopping. Eventually, the man's heart would give out, unable to handle so much sexual pleasure, and the woman's body would simply fall apart under Krishna's pussy-destroying cock. Once, a cop stepped in on one of Krishna's kills. Krishna started walking towards the cop, and the cop, panicking, drew a gun and emptied his barrel. Krishna dodged the bullets without even looking at them, his lightning-fast reflexes making the superhuman task easy for his overdeveloped body. When he was in arm's reach of the officer, he grabbed the officer by the head and crotch and forced the man’s skull backwards. The officer screamed as his spine cracked and his abs ruptured, Krishna forcing the head back further and further until his torso was bent in half and his head was shoved inside his ass. Then Krishna grabbed the man's arms and legs and ripped them off - Krishna's arms were so strong that the man's muscles and bones tore apart like paper in his hands. Krishna left the man to die - he didn't know whether he would die of blood loss or suffocation first, and he didn't care. The death of the officer was discovered the next day, and the headlines shocked the country. People were horrified of the photo of a muscular, middle-aged cop bent in half, head-in-ass, limbless and bleeding. When Krishna saw that photo, he masturbated to it for six hours. Krishna's career began when he was working out at a gym one day. A bald, tall man approached him. He was nearly as tall as Krishna himself, and would have looked muscular had he been standing next to anybody else. “Hey kid. You a bodybuilder? Powerlifter, maybe?” Krishna looked over at him. He had a confident smile on his face, despite the raging boner in his perfectly ironed dress pants and his nervously shaking hands. Krishna casually bounced his pecs, and chuckled at the way the man's dick jumped with them. “Why do you want to know?” The man strategically adjusted his hands to cover the growing wet spot at his crotch. “I'm an agent for bodybuilders and powerlifters. You're the most promising young man I've ever seen. I can provide you with tons of sponsors. Normally, getting to Mr. Olympia is a lifelong endeavor, but with a body like yours, I'm sure we can…” “Not interested.” Krishna interrupted. “I'm not interested in fame.” As Krishna walked away, the man frantically chased after him, an obvious trail of jism spurting from his pant legs. “Wait! It's not just fame. It's money too! Our sponsors can provide you with food, clothing. You'll be able to grow bigger, stronger. You'll be able to destroy your competition on stage in front of a huge audience. We'll give you all the…” “Destroy.” Krishna growled. The man stopped, practically holding his dick now, trying to stop himself from coming as he took in Krishna's impossibly beautiful body and sonorous, sexual voice. “Destroying the competition… I like the sound of that.” The man nodded vigorously. Now he was frothing at the mouth, his hips bucking, gargling incomprehensibly. “Give me your company's number. Write it down right here - I'll call them later.” The man grabbed the pen and erratically wrote the number down. The handwriting was barely legible, but Krishna was able to make it out. The man pounced on Krishna's relaxed arm, which hung lazily down his side. “Please,” the agent mumbled his last words, “flex it for me.” Krishna smiled, and slowly brought his arm to a horizontal. Then, with a casual flex and a sudden BOOM, the man died, his hands tightly grasping Krishna's literally heart-stopping bicep as he shot seed all over himself. Krishna soon made a name for himself when he broke every major weightlifting record ever set. He could bench and squat over a ton without assistance, for reps. He used weight for one-armed bicep curls that champions used for deadlifts. He became known as “The Last Lifter” because nobody else could ever hope to break a lifting record ever again. There were accusations of steroids, but doctors found nothing but natural teenage hormones flowing through Krishna's bloodstream. When Krishna stepped on the Mr. Olympia stage at 18 years old, he didn't even look like he was the same species as the competition. He stood over a foot and a half taller than the average competitor, with wasplike proportions - his powerful shoulders twice as wide as the biggest competitor, his miniscule waist narrow as a female supermodel. His muscles were unfathomable, so massive and monstrous individually yet so balanced and beautiful in unison. Every single man on stage had the largest erection they had ever experienced in their lives, yet their manhood was still dwarfed by the teen’s mouth-watering flaccidity. One of the judges had a heart attack. The others forgot where they were, so amazed were they by Krishna's unprecedented routine, bedazzled by his gloriously flexing biceps, his shirt-tearing triceps, his eye-popping chest, his tree-like quads. One of the competitors started crying halfway through, and soon, they all were. They weren't just crying that they lost the competition. They were crying that they would never be able to win. Crying that their bodies had no chance of attaining Krishna's size and power and perfection. Crying that not even the strongest performance-enhancing drugs could give them Krishna's body. Crying that their children and their children's children would still look like twigs compared to Krishna. They were crying from Krishna's beauty, his handsome face, his perfect smile, his flawless lips, his gorgeous eyes. Then they came, one by one, an entire stage of full-grown alpha males from around the world cumming at the sight and smell and thought of a single teenage boy, only barely legal but stronger and hotter than every one of them put together. Krishna took his trophy graciously and left the room, walking through a sticky mess of cum and jizz and pussyjuice covering the dead and dying bodies spasming across the floor.
  16. "You sure this is the same kid?" "Yep. Big-muscled Indian punk. He walks up on the Mr. Olympia stage one day - nobody knows how he got there - and decimates the rest of us. Ronnie and Jay? Like toothpicks compared to this guy. The whole fucking crowd nearly rioted when this kid came on stage, like a whole buncha' homos jizzing their pants. Says he only 18 years old. He's got the face for it. But, shit, I've never seen a man that big in my twenty years of bodybuilding." "Fuck." "Kid's not even old enough to drink and he ruins the sport for an entire generation of bodybuilders. Makes you wanna' kill a guy doesn't it." "Yeah. It does." --- As Krishna walked out of the gym, he was ambushed by two older bodybuilders. One held a knife, which he stabbed into Krishna's left pectoral. The other had a long steel pole, which he swung with ferocious force on Krishna's back. The metal screeched and twisted around Krishna's muscles, and the man stared, amazed, as the steel pole bounced off a body far stronger than steel. Krishna looked down at his pec, grunted, and flexed. The knife screeched as Krishna's chest muscles bunched up and forced the iron blade out. The knife dropped to the floor, twisted and ruined. Krishna grabbed both bodybuilders - each over 250lbs - and lifted them over a foot in the air, one-handed. The bodybuilders gasped, seeing the boy's biceps swelled and flexed to a size that they would never have been able to imagine. These were true biceps. These were a man's biceps. And those two professional bodybuilders despaired when they realized that despite their twenty years of lifting and dieting and steroids, despite a lifetime of training, they would never be able to compete against this 18-year-old boy. Krishna smiled. They cried. The first man, Krishna grappled into a headlock, squeezing the poor man's skull into a bone-crushing grip between his impenetrable lats and explosive biceps. The second, Krishna threw onto the hood of a nearby truck, facedown. Krishna scooped out of his pants his jawbreaking cock - a weapon so huge that his own giant hands barely covered half its circumference - and rammed it into he man's ass. The bodybuilder shrieked as he felt his tiny ass splitting in half to accomodate the enormous intruder, which effortlessly drove through his muscular body, rupturing his sphincter muscles and pushing organs out of the way. With each thrust, Krishna's cock tore the bodybuilder apart more and more. Muscles built over decades disintegrated with Krishna's superior fuckforce, unable to stand up to the teen's merciless sex organ. The truck's hood dented, then bent, then crevassed as Krishna's dick delivered greater power than the machine's engineers ever expected the vehicle to encounter on the road. The other man let out a blood-curdling scream as Krishna slowly, steadily flexed his incredible biceps, the hard skull disintegrating under the harder muscle. The truck fell to the ground, its tires popped and deflated, as Krishna fucked so hard that the parked vehicle skidded across the parking lot, leaving a gory trail along the concrete. The fucked bodybuilder's eyes shot up in his head as the teen's cock punctured through his abdomen, ripping it apart like wet tissue paper. Krishna roared as he unloaded, his orgasm lasting nearly two minutes and shooting twice as far as the dying man's spurting intestines. His cum blast shot with such force that it shattered the windshield, sending glass shards flying that scratched Krishna's flawless skin but couldn't penetrate the muscle. The electric intensity of the orgasm was so great that Krishna unconsciously jerked his arm, ripping the other man's head from his neck and crushing the skull like a pancake between his flexing bicep. The raped and decapitated bodybuilders unleashed their own loads, spurting worshipful cum even in their deaths. Krishna moaned, dropping the filthy bodies to the ground. Brains and gore covered his perfect teen body. It was time for a bath.
  17. dominantmusclemaster

    Dominant Muscle Master

    Edit - Just a warning that this story contains violence, snuff and gore. You have been warned The man was standing with his girlfriend so he clearly wasn’t gay, but it made little difference to me. I wanted him so I would have him and neither his girlfriend nor his sexuality would offer any impediment. I waited till he looked my way once again and then I caught him in my gaze, my beautiful brown eyes boring into his, holding him captive. I walked towards him, keeping my eyes focused on his as I did. “Hi”, I said holding out my hand, “I’m Michael”. I took a deep breath, pushing out my rock hard pecs and tightening my washboard abs, the sight of my perfectly sculpted, muscular body caused him to stammer as he reached for my outstretched hand. “H…hi”, he said, I’m Frank”. I gripped his hand tightly causing him to wince in discomfort. I was using only a fraction of my power and he could tell immediately that my strength was so much greater than his own, as he registered my subtle display of dominance. I turned to the woman next to him and flashed her a dazzling smile, watching as she tried to fight back the lustful feelings my remarkable body was engendering within her. “Are you his girlfriend?” I asked bluntly, although it was clear that they were a couple. She hesitated, taking in the dense musculature of my torso before lowering her gaze to the large, obvious bulge in the tiny trunks I was wearing. If the poor sap hadn’t been standing right next to her she would have denied it, hoping that her availability would give her more of a chance with me, but she eventually nodded her head in acknowledgement. “Yes”, she whispered her voice full of regret. “Not any more”, I said, and her face lit up only to turn to shock as I finished. “Frank’s my girlfriend now”. I turned back, an evil grin on my face. “Isn’t that right little man.” “B..but”, he stammered, “I…I’m not gay”, “You’re dick’s been rock hard since I walked through that door”, I growled, “so don’t give me that shit. You want me more than you’ve ever wanted anything in your miserable little life, don’t you. Look at me, look at my muscles, feel my power, my strength. I’m everything you’ve ever dreamed of being. You want to kneel at my feet and worship me with every fibre of your being, don’t you?” It was too much for the man, for any man, my presence was simply to strong, my body to incredible, my dominance to absolute. He was inferior to me in every way and he knew it. He nodded his head. “Yes”, he said eventually, no longer able to resist the inevitable. “Then drop to your knees and worship me”, I said. Without another word he fell to his knees, he reached out and began to rub his hands over the vast expanse of my muscle packed thighs. “My God”, he gasped “you’re muscles are like steel” “Kiss them weakling”, worship my body with your lips, your tongue. His ministrations soon had my dick hardening, and it began to push obscenely against my trunks as it grew. “Remove my trunks”, I commanded and he immediately began to peel them off me, freeing my spectacular cock and balls. His girlfriend almost fainted as she watched my dick expand to its full length of sixteen inches. Frank could only stare in awe. He would never have believed that any man’s dick could be so long, so wide, so incredibly hard. He looked down at his own erect dick tenting the front of his shorts, harder than it had ever been and oozing precum, yet its eight inches was insignificant next to my supreme appendage. I grabbed the back of his head and pulled him forward, forcing my dick into his mouth. “Suck it”, I commanded, and again he obeyed instantly, cowed into subservience by his now obvious inferiority. The girl watched her straight boyfriend kneel at my feet and suck hungrily on my monster shaft with a mixture of disgust and arousal. She was a beautiful woman with an impressive body and was used to being the centre of male attention, but now she was entirely superfluous. I turned to her, a look of contempt on my face. “You can go now”, I sneered, “I have no use for you”. Without another word I turned back to my new slave. I had already forgotten her and she knew it. Tears welled in her eyes from the pain of my rejection and the betrayal of her boyfriend. She had met me only moments ago, but my body was so perfect my eroticism so all-consuming that I knew my rejection hurt her far more than the loss of her boyfriend. “Frank”, she whimpered, but he completely ignored her. He was in a sexual stupor, completely unaware of anything but my absolute perfection. She called his name one more time before realising that he was lost to her and then she fled. Franks hands roamed up and down my thighs and over my hard muscular ass. His fingers slipped into the crack as he cupped my buttocks and with a cruel sneer I flexed my glutes trapping them in place. He attempted to pull them free but the strength of my glutes was more than a match for his arms. I continued to squeeze, crushing the digits between the hard slabs of my sculpted ass cheeks. His eyes widened in pain as he felt the bones of his fingers grind together but he was unable to scream as my cock effectively gagged him. I increased my thrusting, enjoying his discomfort as I raped his mouth and moments later I exploded in a powerful orgasm, pumping streams of thick hot cum down his throat. He began to gag and I released the vice like grip on his fingers and pushed him away, covering his face with juice from my still pumping cock as he fell to the ground coughing and spluttering. The taste and scent of my cum drove his lust to previously unimagined levels and i watched as his cock twitched involuntary as he released his own load without any physical stimulation. "Is that it", i sneered, "Is that all the sperm your pathetic balls can generate?" Frank had never had such a powerful orgasm, and by the standards of any other man it would have been an impressive amount, but then I'm not any other man. He looked at the wet stain on his shorts and realised that it was a miniscule quantity compared to my prodigious release. I stood over his prone body, droplets of cum dripping onto his stomach from my now limp cock. I raised my arms and flexed in a double bicep pose, causing him to groan in ecstasy as he watched my biceps expand and harden into two balls of unimaginable strength. I began to flex my legs, causing the muscles to swell and recede in a symphony of power. Within seconds my muscle display brought his dick back to life and i reached down and tore his shorts from him as if they were no more substantial than wet tissue paper. I resumed my display, flexing my legs, my abs, my chest, forcing him deeper under my spell with the hypnotic demonstration of my power and control. He lay beneath me moaning softly, so completely in my thrall that he was unable to speak. “From now on you will address me as Master, do you understand?” He nodded at my command his eyes were glazed and a thin trail of drool ran down his chin. "Hey, what the hell's going on here", a voice called out behind me. I continued the erosion of Frank’s free will with my muscle display; my only response was to flex my glutes and back, giving the interloper behind me their own muscle show. The voice walked towards me, "I said what's goi....". As soon as he drew level with me i reached out with one hand and grabbed him by the throat, lifting his entire body off the ground with ease. I turned and locked eyes with the suicidal non entity that had dared to disturb me. It was the receptionist, a skinny teenager that had just recently started the late shift. His six foot, hundred and thirty pound frame looked truly pitiful next to my own, as he hung suspended in mid-air gasping for breath. "You dare to interrupt me, you puny worm", i hissed, tightening my grip on his throat, completing blocking his airway. Within seconds his eyes rolled back, his body went limp and i let him fall to the ground. "Oh shit", Frank said, finally finding his voice. "Is he dead?" "Not yet", i grinned. "Take his clothes off, while i make sure no-one else dares to disturb me". Frank looked as if he was about to question me, until i narrowed my eyes at him. He immediately crawled over to the unconscious body and began to unfasten the boys belt, his dissent completely crushed by my gaze. I walked through the reception and locked the door, it was unlikely anyone would come in now but i wanted to make sure. When i got back Frank had stripped the boy and he was beginning to come round. I stood before him, hands on my hips, my strong, muscular body radiating power and authority. Slowly he stood up and looked at me, trembling in fear. "Please", he begged "Please don't hurt me". He was clearly terrified but my mere presence controlled his body more than his feeble mind could, and i smiled as his cock rose in obeisance to me. "Is that the best you can do?" i asked staring at his now rock hard cock which was barely six inches. "I...I'm sorry", he stammered, "this is as big and as hard as it's ever been". "And yet even limp my shaft dwarfs your pitiful erection", i said, walking towards him and grabbing him under the arms. I lifted him into the air and pinned him against the wall, stepping forward so that he was held in place by my vastly superior body. Anyone standing behind me wouldn't have even known that i held another person pinned to the wall as he was completely eclipsed by my muscular bulk. I took a breath, expanding my pecs and forcing them into his own inferior chest. I could feel his ribs bending against my abs and his sternum make a creaking noise as the thick slabs of my chest muscles crushed against it. I gave the slightest flex of my pecs and he groaned in pain as the pressure increased. No words were needed, he knew i could kill him in the most brutal way with nothing more than the slightest twitch of my mighty pecs. "Please", he whimpered fearfully, although his dick was still rock hard against my abs. I looked down at him my gaze boring through his very soul. I saw his fear and arousal, the only two emotions left to him as i dominated his mind, his spirit bending to my implacable will as easily as his body had bent to my unyielding muscles. I lowered my head and kissed him, my full, pouting lips engulfing his own. I felt his body relax as his fear yielded to his arousal and within moments i felt him tremble as he came all over my stomach. I broke off the kiss and looked at him. The look in his eyes was of absolute adoration. "Did you enjoy that?" i asked softly. He could only nod, to spent from the immense pleasure of the orgasm to speak. "Good", i growled, because now it's my turn. I stepped back and turned him round so that he now faced the wall, handling him as easily as a normal man would handle a doll. I turned to Frank who was watching in an almost trance like state. "Kneel behind me and worship my legs and ass with your lips", i commanded, “i expect to feel them on every inch of skin". I stepped forward again, once more trapping the teenager against the wall. "Please don't" he pleaded, as he felt the tip of my erection against his ass, but it was time to take my pleasure now, so i ignored his pleas and began to push my massive shaft into him. He screamed in pain as i forced my way inside him, slowly stretching his virgin ass to breaking point and then beyond. I clamped a hand around his mouth to stifle his screams, all the better to hear Franks groans of pleasure as he licked and kissed his way up my bulging, muscular calves to my oak like thighs. I noticed that he kept his fingers away from my ass crack, after the last time, but he was diligently covering every inch of my muscle packed legs and glutes with his tongue. I began to pump harder, each thrust driving my immense cock slightly further into the violated teenager’s ass. I also felt a warm spray against the back of my thighs as Frank lost control, and started to cum. Ironically the more damage i did to the teenager the more the blood lubricated the passage, easing his pain a little. The slight reprieve didn't last long of course. A few savage thrusts and i felt his ribs begin to snap as his lower body was crushed against the wall. A few more and my cock was buried deep inside him, destroying everything in its path, his frail body unable to withstand the its sheer size and power. I felt a familiar churning in my balls as my nut sac tightened, and i flexed my pecs, crushing the boy against the wall so tightly that his entire sternum shattered, his body flattening to a fraction of its thickness between the hard concrete wall and the even harder muscles of my body. At that moment i gave a roar of pleasure as i emptied my seed into the now mutilated corpse, my thick creamy sperm mingling with the blood and gore that leaked from his body. I felt another hot spray, over my ass this time as Frank once again succumbed to my immense sexuality, and i was impressed with his ability to keep cuming so often. "Enough", i said to Frank, stepping back from the wall and peeling the remains of the boy from my dick, dropping the shattered almost unrecognisable ruins to the ground. "Go find a mop and bucket, and clean this place up", i ordered, "while i dispose of this". I found a large canvas bag, which was just a little too short to fit the body in, but i soon remedied that by folding him in half, snapping his spine as easily as a dry twig. I also grabbed a couple of fifty pound plates and dropped them into the bag. "Do you have a car here?" i asked Frank when he returned with a mop and bucket. "Yes, it's parked right outside". "Give me the keys", i commanded. He picked up the shorts I had torn apart earlier, found the keys and handed them to me. I hefted the large bag onto my shoulder barely noticing the weight and went out to the car. I noticed there were no other cars parked nearby which meant that the receptionist didn't have one which was good. I dumped the bag in the boot of Frank’s car and headed back inside. It was only then that i realised i had gone out completely naked, covered in blood and cum, luckily no-one had been around. While Frank cleaned up the mess I had made in the gym I took a long hot shower, cleaning the blood and cum from my spectacular body. Once finished a pulled on a pair of black leggings that were stretched so tightly over my bulging musculature that they were practically see through. I often wear leggings in public, I love the way the skin tight material clings to my swollen muscles, hiding nothing of their power and beauty. I usually wear a pair of trunks under them to cover my manhood as the leggings are stretched to transparency, but it was late and I didn’t expect anybody to be around, so I didn’t bother. I covered my upper body with a white compression shirt, my abs, pecs and nipples clearly displayed through the material. I admired myself in the mirror for a few moments, flexing various muscles, threatening to rip my outfit apart with their size. I admired my long thick cock, covered by the leggings, but clearly visible through the material, and then headed back to the gym. Frank had finished cleaning up the mess and had returned the mop and bucket wherever he had found them. I had ordered him to get dressed once he finished and now he stood awaiting my return in a t-shirt and jeans. “Let’s go” I commanded, smirking as I saw his dick press against the material of his jeans at the sight of me. I locked the door of the gym as we left with a set off keys I had found on the reception desk and climbed into the passenger seat of Frank’s car. “Where are we going master?” he asked as he started the car. “The docks”, I said, “just drive, I will direct you”. Ten minutes later we parked outside the gate of the deep-water dock. The gate was secured with a thick chain and a large padlock, but it wasn’t thick enough to prevent my entry, or even test my muscles. “Wait here”, I said getting out of the car and walking to the gate. I grabbed the chain with both hands and began to pull, my biceps bulged, and there was a few moments of resistance before the steel links succumbed to my strength and snapped apart. I dropped the heavy chain to the ground and pushed open the gates, waving Frank through. I climbed back into the car and we drove to the edge of the dock, where I proceeded to remove the bag from the boot and drop it into the deep water. The weights I had added ensured that the bag and its contents immediately sunk to the bottom. I climbed back into the car and Frank had just turned around about to head back through the gates when a police car came driving in. “Shit”, I thought as they flashed us down. They had obviously seen the opened gate on their way past and decided to investigate. I briefly toyed with the idea of killing them; even armed they wouldn’t stand a chance against me, but I knew they would have already radioed back to the station with the car details and license plate. I would have to take an alternative approach, but it would be no less enjoyable. “Stay here”, I commanded Frank and quickly climbed out of the car. I flexed my upper body to the max as I walked towards their now stationary vehicle. My biceps shredded the already overstretched sleeves, my shoulders split through the top of the compression shirt, as rips appeared down the sides and front from my rapidly spreading lats and expanding pecs. The shirt was hanging in tatters from my spectacularly pumped upper body and I simply tore the remains of it from me. The two cops got out of their car and approached me warily, hands on the butt of their pistols. “What’s up officers?” I asked innocently, watching their eyes rove all over my body, trying to take in its absolute perfection. “Jesus Christ”, the older of the two men exclaimed, “you’re fucking huge. Jesus Jack, he’s bigger than you”, he said to his partner, who was obviously no stranger to the gym. “What are you doing here?” the buff cop asked. “I had some rubbish to dump, thought it would be easiest just to dump it in the dock. I know it’s illegal but just saves me the hassle of driving all the way to the dump”. I fixed my gaze on the older cop as I spoke, subtly flexing the muscles in my legs. I could sense he was the weaker of the two, mentally as well as physically. I noticed his eyes glaze over as he stared transfixed at the hypnotic display of pulsing muscle before him. “You cut the chain?” the other cop continued. “Yea, sorry about that”, I replied. “Must have been some heavy duty cutters you used”. “I didn’t use cutters”, I replied. He looked at me quizzically and I raised my arms into a double bicep pose. “I used these”, I continued. “No way” he said, gulping audibly, “that’s not possible”. “Look at me” I smiled, flexing harder, turning my body into a wall of living steel. “Look at my muscles, their size, their hardness. Do you think there is anything my body cannot do?” “I…I..”, he stammered, barely able to think in the face of such extreme strength and power, knowing that no matter how many hours he spent in the gym he could never come close to my size, my density. I turned back to the older cop, who was visibly trembling with desire. “Go to your car and radio the station back. Tell them you have checked me out and everything’s fine, nothing to report.” Without a word the cop turned back to his car to carry out my commands. The bigger cop may not have been as deeply under my spell as his partner, but he was too far gone to question the fact that I was now the one giving orders. I stepped towards the other cop and flexed my bicep in his face. “Feel it”, I ordered. He wrapped his fingers around the rock hard ball of muscle and began to squeeze. I could tell he was putting everything he had into it in an attempt to reclaim some of his masculinity, but he couldn’t make the slightest dent. “My God”, he gasped, “it’s like warm steel”. “Flex”, I commanded him. His body responded before his brain had even registered the command and he raised his arm and flexed it in front of me. I wrapped my fingers around the hard mound and began to squeeze. Almost immediately he gasped in pain as my strong fingers effortlessly overpowered his muscle, crushing into it with childish ease. “Please stop”, he gasped, “Please, you’re hurting me”. “Do I look like I am even trying?” I asked him. “No”, he cried out,” aahh….please…..no more”. “Do you understand just how inferior your body is to mine I asked”. “Yes”, he gasped, “you’re so strong, so unimaginably strong”. I released the man’s arm and turned to his partner who had just come back. “Well?” I asked. “It’s done”, he replied, “I told them we had sent you on your way and we were resuming our patrol”. “Good”, I responded, “now strip”. Both men immediately began to remove their clothes and in less than a minute they were standing naked before me, their dicks erect. “Kneel”, I commanded. Again both men obeyed me without hesitation dropping to their knees before me. My domination of their puny bodies and feeble minds was turning me on and my dick began to stiffen. I placed my hands on my hips and flared my lats, causing both men to moan with desire as they bathed in the glow of my magnificence. With my hands holding the waist band of my leggings in place, my dick began to press insistently against the black material until it simply tore through it with a loud ripping. The sight of my huge, powerful dick bursting through its nylon prison was all it took to crush the any last vestige of the men’s free will. Unable to control himself the smaller of the two reached out and began to stroke my calves, gasping with pleasure as he felt the hard nylon sheathed muscle beneath his fingers. “Did I give you permission to touch me weakling” I roared. The anger in my voice caused him to instantly pull his hand away, but my reflexes were so much faster. I took hold of his wrist and squeezed it painfully. “Aarrgg”, he cried out in pain “Please, i…I’m sorry, I couldn’t help myself, you…you’re just so strong, so powerful, so…so irresistible. “You need to learn your place little man”, I said, “you are nothing in my presence, do you understand?” “Yes”, he groaned. I turned to his partner, savouring the fear in his eyes, and raised an eyebrow questioningly. He nodded his head, confirming that he knew his place. “I am your Master”, I continued, “and you exist only to serve me, you have no will but mine, no desires but mine. You are nothing more than an extension of my consciousness, and as such you are mine to do with as I please. Do you understand your place now?” Both men nodded, “Yes Master”, they said in unison. My huge, beautiful cock was bobbing inches from their faces, the head glistening with precum, and both men stared at it as though in a trance. “Have you ever seen such a large, powerful cock before?” I asked them. The older of the two could only shake his head, unable to speak as my presence overwhelmed his puny mind. “No”, his partner whispered, “it’s incredible”. “You want to worship it don’t you?” I asked. “To pay homage to my incomparable masculinity with your lips. You want to taste my seed, my divine nectar, isn’t that right?” Both men again nodded their assent, groaning in pleasure at the thought of being given such an honour. I released the older cops wrist and began to stroke my member, looking down at the two men. “But I do not deem you worthy of such an honour”, I sneered. I watched impassively as whatever remained of their spirits shattered as I refused them the only thing they now desired. “Please”, the younger of the two men begged, while his partner groaned in despair. “You dare to question me?” I asked threateningly. “No Master”, he whimpered. I was still stroking myself and I could feel my orgasm build. “Despite your insolence and inferiority I will allow you to taste of my magnificence”, I said as I began to cum, spurting thick gobs of creamy sperm over the two men, coating their faces with my virulent seed. The two thralls unconsciously began to lick their lips, tasting my seed, the smell and taste of my powerful ejaculate causing them to respond in kind, coating my lower legs with their own inferior release. I looked down at the creamy goo that now covered my magnificent calves with disdain. “Lick me clean”, I commanded, and both men immediately leant forward and began lapping at my calves, their spent dicks hardening again as the feel of my powerful muscles against their lips enflamed their arousal. I stood before these insignificant whelps like the dominant God I was for a few moments as they greedily swallowed their own cum. “Enough”, I commanded, once they had cleaned off their mess and they immediately pulled away, their bodies instantly responding to my command. They looked up at me, fear, desire, and adoration in their eyes. They would do whatever I asked of them, without question or hesitation. They belonged to me now, their devotion to their Master absolute. “I am finished with you now”, I said, “You may resume your work”. With that I walked back to the car and climbed in. “Let’s go”, I said and Frank immediately drove off leaving the two policemen still kneeling on the ground, covered in my cum. Free from my presence the two men would begin to regain control of their senses. They would get dressed and resume their patrol, but they would never mention what had just happened to anyone. They wouldn’t even discuss it between themselves, shame and confusion over what had happened would make sure of that. Although a degree of self-control would return to them, their lives would be irrevocably altered. Sexual arousal would be impossible unless they were thinking of me, but they would think of me often. I would haunt their dreams, they would wake in the middle of the night in a cold sweat their pathetic dicks twitching as they involuntary orgasmed. Forced to live with the knowledge of just how truly inferior they were they would grow increasingly depressed, unable to take pleasure from anyone or anything, the memory of tonight the only thing that would bring them any respite from their despair. Eventually the thought of living like this, in misery and without my presence to console them would prove too much and they would take their own lives. If they were particularly strong willed their will to live might prevail but they would be a shadow of their former selves, barely capable of functioning as a useful member of society, rendered clinically insane. I gave Frank directions and ten minutes later we pulled up outside my house, on the outskirts of the city. “Take out your dick”, I ordered. Frank immediately complied, and pulled out his throbbing erection, which was dripping with precum. I turned his head so that he was facing me and leant forward. “You have done well tonight little man”. Before he could respond I pressed my lips to his, I felt his body immediately relax as he surrendered to my kiss. For several minutes I kissed him, expertly probing his mouth with my tongue. After thirty seconds I felt his body tense as he ejaculated all over steering wheel, but the overwhelming eroticism of my kiss kept him hard and he came two more times before I released his lips. “Will I see you again Master?” he asked breathlessly, his eyes pleading with me to say yes. “If I wish it”, I replied, “Now go home and dream of me slave”. “Yes Master”, he said as I climbed out of the car. By [email protected]
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