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  1. Hola, esta es mi primer historia aquí; me inspiré en un video que vi en YouTube; así que si hay similitudes es por eso. También quisiera aportar algo a la comunidad en español que adoran los músculos y el muscle growth. Capítulo uno Un día viernes, finales de primavera e inicio de verano. Yo soy Henrry un científico que se dedica a desarrollar nuevas formas de crecimiento en seres vivos, aunque solo se pueda probar en plantas. Vivo en los suburbios con mi novio, Ben; él es un maestro de parvulario, le encanta cocinar y comer pastelillos, y sí, es obeso. Mi cuerpo es uno más saludable que el de él, soy más alto y soy el activo de la relación; él es un poco más bajo y más gordo que yo, pero aún así lo amo, es mi osito Teddie y el es muy tierno conmigo y todos los niños lo aman, lo conocen como el profesor Teddie o profesor osito, muy tierno la verdad. Ben siempre intenta hacerme feliz cocinando ricas comidas; aunque a veces suelen pasarse un poco de calorías; es por eso que el tiene "un poco" de sobrepeso, yo en cambio tengo un buen cuerpo, delgado y de 1.77, cuido mi dieta un poco más y como menos que él ya que no tendría el corazón para despreciar su comida. En serio lo amo; pero hay algo que me hace querer cambiar; él se estaba poniendo un poco más obeso, lo cuál era normal con su dieta; pero vi un video sobre un muchacho que se veía como Ben y terminó viéndose como una morsa gracias a que nunca cambió su dieta e incluso no podía levantarse de su cama, tenía miedo de que esto le pasara a mi osito, además veía cómo las parejas solían salir a ejercitarse y tenían cuerpos saludables, realmente quería que Ben y yo hiciéramos eso; además que se acercaba la reunión de ex alumnos de preparatoria y varios de mis ex novios y amigos estarán allí y aunque lo ame, muchas personas hablarán de su físico... Ese mismo día en la noche decidí preguntarle si podría dejar de poner demasiadas especias y hacer otra cosa diferente para comer. -Oye, amor. ¿Qué te parece si haces otra cosa que comer? Hemos comido mucho filete y ya estoy aburrido. -Eh? Pero ya casi está todo listo... *decía con su dulce voz* -Sí, pero no sé quiero probar algo diferente a lo que cocinas... -¿No te gusta mi comida? *preguntaba decepcionadamente* -Sí, me gusta pero no sé, quizá algo un poco más saludable, quizá. -Pues... Es que ya preparé todo y no sé qué hacer... -Agh, sabes qué? Vamos a comer (No podía decirle que no, es tan tierno y fue mi culpa por no haberle dicho antes; aunque en el fondo no me sentía a gusto ya que sólo hacía que comiera menos sano) -¡Está bien, a comer! Lo hice con mucho cariño para ti, como todas mis comidas la verdad, já. -Sí, jejé... Decidimos ir a ver televisión un rato, estábamos abrazados y justo pasaron un comercial sobre un gimnasio nuevo. -Oye, mira un gimnasio, ¿interesante, no? -Sí, si tú lo dices... -Vaya, mira sus cuerpos delgados y tonificados, es impresionante. -Hmmp... -Ah, y mira como se divierten usando las máquinas, ¡eso si que es una vida en movimiento! El comercial terminó y Ben me veía un poco descorcentado y decepcionado al mismo tiempo. -Oye, una pregunta... ¿Te gustan más ellos que yo? -Qué? N-no... Solo me parecía interesante. -Pero decías lo bien que se veían y yo pienso que quizás a ti no te gusta como soy... -No, para nada, solo me parecía interesante como eran capaces para moverse así y tener la energía para eso; tú eres perfecto así como estás, eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, así con tus muchos kilos...estás...bien... -En serio? G-gracias, te amo Henrry. Toma, te compré un pastelillo, es de mi pastelería favorita, fui a comer hoy allí. -Gracias... Así que fuiste allí otra vez, eh? -Sí, me encantan sus pasteles. -He de admitir que también a mi, pero me gustan muchos más los que haces tú. -Ah, sí. Toma, tu pastelillo que te hice esta tarde, olvidé que también te hice uno. -¡Gracias! La verdad no puedo resistirme a sus pastelillos, son tan deliciosos y siempre me recibe con uno y un regalo demás, en serio se nota que me ama, y aunque todos los días me coma un pastelillo, siempre bajo esas calorías cuando corro en las mañanas; hablando de correr; sí, he intentado que se una a mi pero no quiere ir, le da un poco de vergüenza ya que se cansaría más rápido que yo, y no puedo obligarlo... El siguiente día, un nuevo científico llega a la ciudad y se une a los laboratorios donde yo trabajo. Él era conocido por haber hecho investigaciones sobre los cambios del cuerpo humano y sus diferentes tipos, él tenía un cuerpo parecido al mío, solo que con 2cm menos de estatura. Me acerqué a él para saludarlo ya que su trabajo me parecía muy interesante. -Hola, Dr. Magnus, quiero decirle que amo su trabajo e investigaciones. -Hola, tú debes ser el Dr. Henrry, he oído mucho de ti, creo que tú trabajo será muy útil para lo que tengo en mente. -¡Vaya! Eso es genial, estaré dispuesto a lo que sea, con tal de trabajar con usted. -Me alegro mucho. Ven a mi laboratorio luego de la reunión de bienvenida por favor. -Ahí estaré. -Ah! Y por favor no le digas a nadie que te cité. Estaba emocionado, esto podría darme un gran reconocimiento. Me pregunto qué querrá hablar conmigo... Llegué lo más rápido que pude al nuevo laboratorio del Dr. Magnus, era un laboratorio enorme y tenía un gran tanque de agua, enorme en realidad, al parecer él lo había mandado a hacer; quizá haría experimentaciones con el agua y eso. -Ya estoy aquí Dr. -Muy bien, es hora de que hablemos de un proyecto que tengo en mente; pero primero que nada he de decir que he leído tu trabajo y me alegra que hayas tenido buenos resultados. -¡Sí, muchas gracias! Estuve trabajando como loco, aunque es una pena que solo funcione en plantas, esto beneficiará mucho al mundo, espero probar esto en otros seres vivos como peces u otros animales para saciar la producción de comida en el mundo. Para el que no sepa, mi trabajo fue sobre el crecimiento acelerado de plantas y su beneficio para la agricultura; fue exitoso y me parece genial que le haya gustado al Dr. Magnus. -Sí Henrry, espero que funcione en animales; pero ¿y en humanos? -Podría también, pero eso es arriesgarse mucho. -Pues para eso estoy yo, y es por eso que te he traído hasta acá para que trabajemos juntos en esto. -¿y qué es? -Pues verás, existen diferentes tipos de cuerpos humanos; pero ¿Qué tal si todos tuvieran un cuerpo delgado? Sería beneficioso para evitar los casos de diabetes, hipertensión, etc. -A qué se refiere? -Me refiero a que con tu método de aceleración de crecimiento, ¡podríamos acelerar la pérdida de peso en muchos seres humanos! -Vaya... Eso suena realmente bien. -¡Sí! Pero el problema es que no me dieron el permiso de llevarlo a cabo, ya que no les parece bien experimentar en humanos y blah blah blah. Por eso quiero que no le digas a nadie, ser nuestro secreto... -¡Pero eso sería ilegal y para nada ético!.. No lo sé. -A ver, tu experimento fue un éxito y yo he investigado mucho y me he preparado para esto durante toda mi vida; creo que seriamos capaces de llevarlo a cabo y ser exitosos. Además te pagaría muy bien, eh. -Mmm... -Vamos, ¿no quieres arriesgarte y salir victorioso? O prefieres estar conforme y no volver a tener otro éxito... Recuerda que yo pondré la cara por este experimento si algo sale mal, aunque lo dudo mucho; cómo dije me he leído y probado tus experimentos y he estudiado mucho, esto sería el experimento del siglo. -Yo... mmm... Acepto.... -¡Eso es! Me alegra que aceptaras, verás que no te decepcionaré. -Eso espero. Veía como el Dr. Magnus sonreía confiado, la verdad me hacía sentir un poco mejor, es decir, por algo es uno de los científicos más exitosos del siglo. Llegué a casa a las 2:00pm, Ben ya se encontraba dentro ya que hoy no trabajaba. -Hola... -¡Hola!... ¿Estás bien? Te noto algo triste. -No, solo estoy pensativo... Es algo de un experimento importante en los laboratorios y tengo que trabajar mucho. -Oh, bueno, espero que te vaya bien *Se dirijió y dio un beso a Henrry* Te compré algo, espero que te anime. *saca una camiseta para Henrry* Recuerdo que me dijiste que te gustó una camisa y te la compré. -¡Vaya! Gracias amor. *Le da un beso en la frente a Ben* eres el mejor... Eres tan tierno y dulce... -Gracias, jé... Me compré una yo también, aunque me queda algo apretada...y eso que es grande... -Que lindo, jé (Recuerdo que el Dr. Magnus dijo que este experimento volverá a las personas obesas delgadas y les quitara muchos problemas de encima, quisiera ayudar a Ben, en serio...) Oye, ¿tienes tiempo para salir esta noche? -Sip, ¿vamos a salir a comer? O ¿a dónde? -Te gustaría ir al laboratorio conmigo? Me gustaría que fueras, es algo importante... -¿Hay algo importante? Sí es así voy, no quiero decepcionarte... -No, no es demasiado importante, solo quiero que me ayudes con algo, eso es todo. -Pero yo no sé sobre ciencia y eso, no sé en qué podría ayudar... -No te preocupes, irás para ver algo impresionante que he preparado, será fantástico. -E-está bien, iré para ver, me pregunto que será, aunque seguro que es impresionante como todo lo demás que hace *Se dirije a darle un abrazo a Henrry* sabes que te apoyaré en todo. -Gracias, eres muy especial para mi, te amo... (no sé si deba, pero es por su bien) Me dirijí hacia mi habitación para llamar al Dr. Magnus. -Hola? Dr. Magnus creo que tengo al candidato indicado para este experimento. -En serio!? Genial! ¿Quién es? ¿Podrías enviarme una foto? -Es mi novio Ben, es un chico obeso y es perfecto para el experimento... (En serio iba a hacerle esto?) -Vaya, si que es lindo pero veo que lleva un camino hacia la obesidad mórbida, uyuyuy. -En serio!? Usted cree? -La verdad sí, pero no te preocupes, con este experimento todos sus problemas se acabarán y estarás feliz con tu novio, quien sabe quizá hasta sea favorable para cuando realizas relaciones sexuales con él. -La verdad, es un poco difícil tener relaciones sexuales con Ben, no lo puedo levantar al momento de penetración, no siquiera puedo probar muchas otras posiciones ya que suele cansarse rápido por su peso, y hay tanto que quisiera probar... -(Por qué me dice eso?) Sí, es una pena; ya verás que con esto tendrás relaciones como si estuvieras en una escena porno con el mejor pasivo del mundo, jé... -Sí, no puedo esperar y verlo más saludable y más lindo de lo que ya es. -Yo sé que no Henrry, así que te espero a ti y a tu compañero para el experimento. -Ahí estaré. Adiós. -(Agh, realmente espero que salga bien... Hablar de porno me calentó demasiado, pensando en como disfrutaré con mi nuevo Ben, pequeño y delgado, siendo un power botton total... Pero no es tiempo para dejarse ir, tengo que preparar las cosas) Llego el momento esperado, me llevé a Ben a los laboratorios, en su mirada podía ver lo intrigado que estaba, y lo inocente que era; lo que iba a hacer va a cambiar su vida por completo, pero seguro que le hará bien y puede que su autoestima mejore un poco. Entramos al laboratorio lo más rápido y naturalmente que pudimos, dejé a Henrry fuera de el para que esperara a que prepare el experimento. -Hola Dr. El candidato está afuera esperando, hay que preparar las cosas. -Estupendo, todo está saliendo cómo debería *decía mientras veía a Ben sentado afuera por medio de la ventana* Se ve que necesita tu ayuda, a simple vista puedo decir que tiene una baja autoestima y es muy tímido, esto le ayudará a sentirse mejor. -Sí, la verdad se siente un poco incómodo con su cuerpo; cuando iba a la universidad algunos chicos se burlaban de él y aunque no era nada grave lo hacían sentir mal... Pero usted como sabe que tiene una baja autoestima? -A parte de científico también soy Psicólogo y se mucho sobre las personas con solo ver su comportamiento. -Oh, tiene sentido... ¿Y qué hacemos primero? -¿Trajiste todas tus sustancias? -Sí, incluso las que no usaremos, já, como la de crecimiento muscular y testosterona, y la de crecimiento de estatura. *Dice mientras las muestra y las pone sin percatarse en el escritorio de el doctor* -Perfecto, dame las que aceleran el cambio corporal y las que ayudan a quemar grasa. -Tome *Da las sustancias pedidas a el doctor* (Vaya, si que quiero ir al bañó, debería haber ido hace rato) -Okey, primero vierto las que yo traje a este enorme tanque, y luego las tuyas. *Dice mientras vierte sus propias sustancias para acelerar el metabolismo y el maximizador vitaminico, que brinda las vitaminas necesarias al cuerpo humano* -Mmng.... Por favor.... Tengo que ir al baño, Agh. *Dice mientras da varios saltitos* -JAJA, bien ve. Yo estaré aquí. -Gracias. *Sale corriendo hacia el baño* -Muy bien, vamos a verter las sustancias del Dr. Henry y listo.... *Ay, olvidé conectar la manguera para llenar el tanque con agua, lo saldré para que pase por la ventana y llegue hasta acá. -Uff, ya estoy aquí Dr. Magnus... Hmm parece que salió... Oh, no ha vertido las demás sustancias aún *Dice mientras observa las sustancias que se encontraban en la mesa y sin saberlo puso ahí* muy bien, las verteré yo y nos ahorramos tiempo. *Vertió las sustancias completamente y tiró los tubos a la basura* Oh, parece que el profesor está intentando meter la manguera por la ventana, le iré a ayudar. -Gracias Henrry, solo llenamos el tanque y terminamos. -De nada, al parecer esto tardará un poco... -Sí, hay que distraernos mientras se llena, calculo que será media hora para que lo haga por completo... Y bien? ¿Qué le dijiste al paciente? -No le he dicho para que venía, le dije que quería que viera algo conmigo, no creo que le guste que le diga que vengo a cambiar su cuerpo, además le dije ayer que él era perfecto, soy un mal novio... -Bueno, esto lo haces por su bien, así que no pasa nada. Además, imagínate el buen sexo que tendrías si Ben fuer delgado como esos que salen en los videos porno, haciendo diferente pocisiones más atrevidas y ser más flexible para abrirse; también podrías cargarlo y darle todo lo que tienes ahí abajo... Oír esas palabras hacían que mi verga se pusiera muy dura, estoy seguro que después de esto iré a probar el nuevo cuerpo de Ben y sé que me encantará; verlo pequeño, delgado y sano me hace muy feliz. No tendría que preocuparse por su obesidad y sus camisas le quedarían bien. -S-sí, no puedo esperar para ver al Nuevo Ben, Dr. Magnus. -Yo tampoco; además esto hará que tenga más confianza en sí mismo y estoy seguro que eso te hará feliz. -Sí, el merece ser feliz, es muy tierno y amable pero eso hace que muchas personas quieran aprovecharse de él, pero yo lo protegeré de eso, después de todo es y será mi pequeño osito, solo que más delgado. -Oh, mira el tanque ya se llenó. Trae a el candidato por favor. -Voy *Se dirijió a traer a Ben* Oye Ben, ya está todo listo entra. Ben yacía dormido con sus brazos cruzados encima de su barriga que estaba a punto de desaparecer, aunque él no lo sabía. Y aquí termina el primer capítulo, para no hacerlo tan largo, el segundo capítulo saldrá pronto, esperenlo y lo siento si cometo muchos errores o si voy muy lento, no soy muy bueno escribiendo; pero espero que les haya gustado.
  2. Ultrabeef

    Magic Memo

    Magic Memo By Ultrabeef As a teacher it often feels like my work is never done. Responding to emails has to be my least favorite part of the job as it can often take hours after a long day in the classroom. I’ve been doing this job for 20 years so it isn’t often that I am surprised but tonight was different. I saw an email from an unfamiliar address that somehow made it through my school’s spam filter. “Tired? overworked? ready to work smarter, not harder? Have we got the app for you! Magic Memo is offering a free trial to a select group of educators. Simply click the link below to download the app and let your new magic memo enhanced life begin!” I usually don’t click links in suspicious emails (especially ones that make outrageous claims) but my curiosity was peaked. Sure enough the link took me to an official looking app store page and immediately started downloading Magic Memo onto my phone. Once downloaded, the app popped open and directions appeared. “Welcome to the Magic Memo app. Simply speak what you want into the app and it will translate your speech into action. Need a letter? Say “write letter” then speak what you want the letter to say and Magic Memo will take care of the rest. “Cool” I thought to myself, this could really save some time. A few hours later, after cleaning out my email inbox, I was just about to exit out of my work (and truthfully browse some internet porn), when an email popped up from a former student, Landon White. I had always liked Landon (and suspected that he might have been suppressing some homosexual tendencies while in school). But he had graduated 3 years ago, and like with most students, I had lost track of him. Landon had been a smart student; he was a tall, lanky kid with curly brown hair, olive eyes, and a polite manner. Landon had caught my eye even then, and I definitely wondered what he was up to now as a 21 year old. Based on his profile picture he was a thin but handsome young man. Landon’s email was asking for a letter of recommendation/character reference for a job. I quickly replied and suggested we meet up for coffee the next day. The next afternoon, I headed to a nearby Starbucks to meet up with Landon to get details from him before I wrote his letter of recommendation/character reference. A little past noon Landon walked in. He looked older and more mature than I remembered with his dark navy pea coat, dark jeans, and black boots. He still had curly brown hair and olive green eyes and was still tall and thin. He smiled broadly when he saw me and gave me a firm handshake. “Mr. Williams, it’s so great to see you!” “Likewise Landon, you look great. All grow up.” “Yeah, I guess so”. Landon blushed shyly, the nervous boy briefly coming back. “And you can call me Andrew, you’re not a student anymore”. Landon blushed again and smiled. As we sipped our espresso and Landon told me about the medical assistant job he was applying for, I was struck by how cute and handsome Landon was and I felt a stirring in my jeans, which I suppressed. I promised to write Landon’s letter and offered that he could pick it up at my apartment the next evening around 7pm. After giving him my address and directions to my place, he hugged me and thanked me for always being his favorite teacher, and we parted ways. The next evening, after procrastinating all day, I sat down at my kitchen table to write the character reference for Landon. He would be stopping by to pick it up soon. Just for fun I decided to try using the Magic Memo app to write Landon’s letter. I opened the app and spoke “write recommendation/character reference for Landon White”. The app responded with flashing “ready” icon. So, I started to speak “it is with great pleasure that I write this recommendation for my former student...” I trailed off and my own horniness and boredom took over, and I decided to write a fantasy letter. “It is with great pleasure that I write this letter of recommendation for my former student, and current boyfriend, Landon White. I smirked at the thought of college Landon being my fantasy boyfriend (since as a 46 year old slightly overweight balding teacher I had no hope of finding a cute young guy to date). I felt myself unzipping my jeans and my hand reaching for my dick as I recalled how cute Landon had looked in the coffee shop yesterday. Getting into my fantasy character reference/ letter of recommendation I continued with the speech to text feature of the Magic Memo app. “Landon White is an incredibly handsome and hung total top twink who is an expert in the bedroom”. I grabbed my growing dick and stroked before continuing, my imagination taking over. “His chiseled features, high cheekbones, full pouty lips, beautiful green bedroom eyes, curly brown hair, ear and nose piercings and flawless pale skin are super hot.” I felt my dick swell larger in my jeans as I stroked it picturing Landon with piercings and even more handsome features. “Landon is totally committed to me as his lover and is in constant need of hot, horny, passionate sex”. I was really stroking furiously now as my imagination continued to run wild. “Landon’s ripped muscles and perfect six pack are so fucking hot”. I was getting close to cumming. “I love when he fucks me hard, feeling his massive dick penetrate me is all I need”. I grunted and felt myself cum in my hand. “Fuck! that was hot” I thought to myself. The Magic Memo app dinged and I looked at the screen. “Save changes?” I pressed the “yes” button before dropping my phone on the kitchen table and heading to the bathroom to wash up. As I came out of the bathroom I heard noise coming from the kitchen. “Shit, did someone break in while I was cleaning up?” I nervously wondered. As I rounded the corner, I found myself looking at Landon White standing in my kitchen. Except it wasn’t the Landon White I had met for coffee yesterday. Landon had definitely changed. The Landon standing in my kitchen looked exactly as I had just described him in the fantasy letter of recommendation I had written in Magic Memo app. Landon was only a tight white thong that displayed his sculpted torso, pierced nipples, and perfect six pack abs. it was obvious that his thong was struggling to contain what looked like a cucumber. His cute smooth bubble butt and toned legs were gorgeous with his pale skin. “Hey babe, what’s this?” Landon motioned to the open Magic Memo app on my phone as he picked it up. “Landon...how? How did you get in here? And why...why do you look so different?” My head was spinning as the sight of my former student, now a total stud, standing in my kitchen. “Stop kidding daddy you know I live here”, Landon grinned a beautiful perfect smile, his nose piercing and ear gauges glinting in the light. “Wha...Landon, that’s not possible. That letter I wrote in the app was just a fantasy”. Then as I looked at the hot twink in my kitchen it hit me. “Did you...did you just call me “daddy” young man?” “Sure did, babe” Landon smirked with a devilish grin. “Let’s have some fun...daddy” Landon clicked start on the Magic Memo app and spoke “Mr. Williams, Drew and I have been dating since I graduated from high school”. I reached for the phone but Landon pushed me back with his powerful muscular arm. As he pushed me back memories of dating Landon filled my head. Whatever Landon spoke into the app was becoming reality! “Drew’s an amazing power bottom who is totally in love with me” Landon continued as more memories flooded my brain. I frantically tried to get the phone from Landon but the shy boy from the coffee shop had been replaced by a cocky, horny stud who had no intention of stopping. Landon smirked as he held my phone up to his beautiful face and clearly spoke. “Fuck daddy, just look at your big juicy ass “Urrgh...no, stop!” I moaned as I felt my glutes swell up into to big melons and burst through the fabric of my khakis. Landon cupped my big exposed butt with his warm hand and smirked. “Yeah, that’s real nice! I love how my sexy daddy’s big booty just aches for my big, thick cock” Landon cooed in my ear. I almost dropped to my knees as my ass throbbed with the desire to be filled with Landon’s dick. “Oh...fuck...no...Landon...stop...” I moaned gasping for breath. “I just love my daddy’s huge hairy pecs and big, super sensitive, orgasm-inducing nipples” Landon grinned. “No! Oh fuuuccckk!” I practically screamed as I felt my chest expand into two massive globes of thick beef and burst out of my button down shirt. Buttons flew across the room as my freakish muscle tits swelled and forced my thickening nipples toward the floor with their weight and mass. I could see red stretch marks forming near my arm pits as my skin struggled to keep up with my rapidly expanding mass. Landon tweaked one of my newly expanded nipples and wider areolas with his finger and I moaned in pleasure. I could feel my dick shoot cum just from his touch. “My daddy just loves when I play with his big muscle tits” Landon spoke into the app. My face flushed red at the sight of Landon touched my hairy pecs. “Mmmm...more” I moaned as I ripped off the remains of my blue plaid shirt and shredded tan khakis. “My daddy had thick, veiny arms, wide shoulders, and a sexy muscle gut” Landon continued as I felt my body morph to his words. I could sense my shoulders growing wider and my arms swelling with muscle. As I flexed my newly muscular arms I could see big blue veins snaking across my 20 inch bicep. “My daddy’s tree trunk thighs and thick calves are so hairy and sexy” Landon continued with total lust in his eyes. “Landon...please...you’ve got to stop...” I moaned as my legs bulked up and dark hair spread across them. “Oh, I’m not done yet stud” Lance grinned a sexy smile. “My daddy has a super sexy deep voice and beard”. Oh shit!” I murmured as my voice dropped three octaves to a deep rumbling baritone and I could feel hairs sprouting across my jaw as sexy salt and pepper stubble spread across my widening jaw and neck. “Landon...stop this...please!” I groaned in a deep bass that seemed to shake the walls. But Landon just grabbed my dick and spoke into the app: “my daddy is huge everywhere except for his tiny little dick that constantly leaks precum and leaves him horny for me all the time”. “Noooooo!” I moaned as I felt my dick shrink to a tiny nub and start leaking precum. I could think of little else other than how hot and sexy Landon looked and how much I needed him to play with my pecs and fuck my ass. “Urrrghhh...fuuucckk!” I groaned in my deep voice as I sprayed cum all over my muscular hairy body from my tiny nub of a dick. “Fuck yeah, sexy daddy, show me that big ass” Landon purred. I felt so sexy and powerful and in love with both Landon and the complete freak I had become from his words and the Magic Memo app. Full of lust, I immediately bent over a kitchen chair and spread my legs. “You like what you see stud?” I grinned smacking my huge ass with my meaty paw, causing it to bounce and jiggle seductively. “Holy shit...Mr. Williams...I...” for a moment the mind of the old Landon had returned and was horrified at what he had done to me. “Let’s go boy, I want to feel that big fuck stick of yours inside of my hungry man pussy”. My voice snapped Landon back into his new persona and kissed me hard on the lips and our tongues mingled passionately as he flicked my nipple causing me to moan in ecstasy. “Damn you are one fine muscle daddy!” Landon purred, his huge dick growing harder by the minute as he pulled his enormous cock out of his thong and lubed up my willing hole with his spit. “Oh fuck yeah Landon! Daddy needs that big cock” I whimpered and moaned as my own tiny dick leaked cum and I played with my hairy pecs and nipples. “That app really is magic, isn’t it daddy?” “It sure is boy” I breathlessly murmured as Landon shoved his monster cock into my ass. Meanwhile, unnoticed by either of us, my phone that had been tossed onto the floor read “Thank you for using Magic Memo. Your free trial has now ended” before the app deleted itself from my phone.
  3. EclipseWing

    Next Level Love: Jailbreak

    Next Level Love Next Level Love: Location Enabled ============================================ Next Level Love – Jailbreak “What the hell?!” Eros screamed into the mirror. “I’m huge!” The once twunk-ish god was now a foot taller and the size of an amateur bodybuilder. His chiton hugged every curve of his body. His once average cock was now a thick footlong sausage, currently getting manhandled by Ganymede. “Apollo’s gonna be so jealous,” Gan drooled. “Let’s not worry about the how and just let me take you for a test drive…” “Gan! T-t-this is serious!” Eros spluttered and began pacing. “It’s got to be something with the app, right? Some kind of feedback error… ugh! Hephaestus warned me about mixing magic and technology.” “So? Why complain about a gift? I think you’re looking sexier than ever…” Eros groaned. “Can you think with your head instead of your dick, please? This isn’t normal, even for us! I have to shut the app down until we figure out what’s wrong.” “No, you can’t!” “Gan, I know you like this but-” He shook his head. “I’m serious babe, shutting it down could make things worse.” “You’re right… well, at least there’s only two couples with the app, and both of them are total successes. They probably aren’t even using it anymore.” ============================================ “Dammit.” Dylan laughed. “Maybe you should actually read the directions before trying to force pieces together?” He set the directions down for the new bed and scooted over into his massive boyfriend’s lap. Sure, Dylan was big enough for about three men now, but Kyle was enough for five. He got the best of both worlds: being a muscle god amongst men while being small enough o be engulfed in his boyfriend’s arms. “I love you.” Kyle’s frustration with the bed diffused. “I love you too.” He then looked at the clock. “Ah man, I’m gonna be late for practice.” “C’mon, staaaay. Not like you need it,” Dylan quipped, waving his phone. “Yeah and thanks, but it’s about working with the team, not just me. And… isn’t Seth coming over for a study group?” “Yeah, midterms.” Kyle heaved himself up and gave Dylan a deep kiss before gently setting him back down. “Okay, just remember your promise.” Dylan’s impish grin spoke volumes. “Hey, you promised!” “I know, I know. Just saying you seemed to enjoy fucking through the whole team… and you look like you enjoy thinking about it too.” Both of their enhanced libidos and busy schedules necessitated an open relationship sexually, not that either minded. Both got off on the worship of their peers. Kyle ignored his growing bulge and pressed his boyfriend against the wall between his mighty pecs. “Dylan.” Dylan melted between the continental divide on his chest. “Okay, fine! I promise not to use the app on you during practice.” Kyle gave him a pec bounce, a hug, and dashed out the door, gear back in tow. Dylan flopped down on the mattress beside the bed pieces. He idly flipped through his phone. His finger hovered over the app. “No, I promised. Even as a joke…” He paused. “But maybe there’s something for me…” Just then, a knock came at the door. “Seth? It’s unlocked.” At first glance, most would see Seth Morimoto as a yakuza punk. Tall, with a slight slouch, several piercings, he even wore skinny jeans and a leather jacket. The mixed-heritage man had the ultimate resting bitch face, a permanent “fuck you” sneer. Most telling of all was the intricate rose tattoo that started at his neck and crept down his back and chest finishing at his right hand (not that Dylan had seen it all). Dylan only started talking to him when they were paired for an assignment in Statistics a few semesters back. Much to his surprise, Seth was pre-med and had a heart of gold. “Hey man.” “Hey. Where’s your friend? The comp sci guy from the other section? Thought he was gonna come by.” “Yeah, he’s coming, gonna be a bit late though, got stuck with the professor.” He shut the door and sat next to Dylan, playfully grabbing his arm. His sneer melted away into sheer adoration. “I swear you’re bigger than this morning.” “No, what makes you say that?!” Dylan squeaked. His phone flew out of his hands. “Calm down, geez. Never thought a guy your size would freak out.” Dylan sighed. He still had to get used to the reality filter the app created. When he first met Seth, they got to be close friends almost immediately. Later – thanks to accidentally seeing Seth’s secret blog – they discovered they both had a thing for muscle. For a while they drooled over hot guys online, sharing morphs and stories from their favorite sites, but after Dylan grew, things changed. Seth got a lot more handsy with him, only after first asking permission of course. Yet, it was as if the original Dylan was completely wiped from his mind. “I still have some growing to do. Gonna try to add another inch before the end of semester.” Seth salivated at the thought. “You should totally go to that hardcore gym off campus. Y’know, that one the frat king goes to.” “Frat king?” “Yeah, that guy who dumped enough cum into those himbos to fill a silo. Don’t remember his name though… something Russian I think.” “Dude, just because they’re frat guys doesn’t mean they’re himbos.” Seth stared at him. “The ones from Delta Alpha Pi. The house on Clover and University.” “Point taken.” Dylan stretched. “You want a soda?” “Yeah.” Seth smirked, admiring Dylan as he stood and bent over to reach into the mini-fridge. He was distracted however by the strange explosion of hearts on Dylan’s phone. “What’s this? A new game?” “Don’t touch that!” Dylan nearly jumped across the room. Neither knew who, but someone’s hand hit the screen. “Shit…” ============================================ Kyle had to admit, the app made his life a lot more interesting. Ever since the change, the locker room was more of a Billy Harrington set than an actual locker room. “Chris, get Craig’s dick out of your mouth and get dressed. Practice first, sex after.” The lineman sheepishly extracted himself from the water boy turned roid beast with a fist-thick cock. Kyle laughed inside, already making a mental guess list of who would go home with who that night. Some players were already in couples and polyamories while others preferred to, shall we say, play the field. That didn’t mean everyone was happy. Austin, a wide receiver, sighed as he closed his locker. The changes from Kyle’s cum and Dylan’s meddling turned him into a beefcake that was just soft enough around the middle for some heavenly cuddling. Unlike most of the others, he was gay before the “Kyle Shower”, but very deep in the closet. “Are you okay man?” Austin forced a smile. “I’m fine.” Kyle crossed his arms. Austin muttered something under his breath and pulled Kyle to a quiet corner of the locker room. “Okay, I’m worried, I-I-I don’t think he likes me.” “You guys have been on two dates! You barely had a chance to know each other. Besides, Dylan says he’s raving about you.” “You sure?” Austin asked. He looked like a hopeful puppy. A big, musclebound puppy. “I’m completely new to datin’ stuff, I don’t wanna mess up. You and Dyl make it look easy.” “Okay, first, only I get to call him Dyl and even then, he’s not a big fan of it. Second, it’s not gonna happen like magi-” He bit his tongue just as a familiar wave of growth flowed down his cock and into his balls. The warmth swelled inside, snapping his custom jockstrap as his massive balls stretched another six inches in diameter. “Fucking hell!” Austin had it in him to blush, looking away, despite his own jockstrap tent. “You… you good?” “Peachy. One sec man.” He stomped over to his locker and tore the door off the hinges. He angrily opened the app. “Couldn’t keep your promise for five minutes? Fine! Let’s see if you can take it.” Edge of Glory Your soulmate will be continuously edged until the next time you both have sex. As they are edged, their testicles will slowly swell. This perk may be chosen again after the effect wears off. ============================================ “White Gold?” Seth read off the phone. “Your soulmate’s balls have been pumped fuller than… what the fuck, Dylan?” “It’s just a game.” “Really kinky one… would be cool if it was real.” “Yeah… real…” Dylan grabbed a pillow and moaned into it as an invisible hand suddenly grabbed his cock. “H-how… how are you and Austin doing?” Seth didn’t seem to notice but instead lit up the room with a smile. “He’s amazing! He’s so sweet, he actually cooked for me on our last date, and man he’s good on a grill.” He took a sip of soda. “He’s also got pecs the size of a tire; I want to shove my face in them.” “Who said romance is dead.” “Shut up! We’re taking it slow anyway, but damn, last time I had to go beat off in the bathroom. Twice.” “Slow? Kinda surprised, figured he’d be pent up.” “He called himself old fashioned. I don’t mind though, nice knowing he’s not just gonna pump n’ dump. My sweet Texas cowboy…” “Isn’t he from Spokane? He doesn’t even have an accent.” Seth laughed. “Oh… uh, nevermind.” Dylan bit his lip. “Tea. Now.” He stared at the floor. “I might have seen his twitter on his phone when he went to the bathroom?” “Dude, don’t go snooping…” “I know, I know! I wasn’t – wait, not the point. He was on size Twitter.” Dylan dropped the pillow. “Wait, what?!” “Yeah, he likes big guys. Like really big guys. Like every one of his recent likes were on super huge macro guys.” “I thought you weren’t snooping.” “Not the point! You know me, I’m a total top, but there’s no way I’d ever be big enough for him.” He flung himself back on the mattress, nearly spilling the soda. “Wish that app was real so I could be big like you and my friend so I could make him happy.” “Yeah, if only it was- wait, what did you say?” “I wanna make him the happiest bottom in the world?” “No before that.” “Oh, I wish-” He was cut off by a boom of a knock. “Oh hey, speak of the devil.” Seth bounded up and opened the door. Dylan’s jaw dropped. The man on the other side was inhuman – though he felt a stir of pride that he was still smaller than Kyle. Yet, Dylan knew this guy was way bigger than he should have been, even if he was lifting out of the womb. He knew no one else on campus even came close to their size, even that himbo frat king. “Gymshark eat your heart out,” he muttered to himself. “What?” “Sorry, nothing. I’m Dylan!” The big guy seemed a little shy and just as shaken at seeing Dylan. “Hi, I’m Mateo.” ============================================ Kyle scrolled through the phone. “Kinda see how Dylan got addicted to this… time for a little revenge.” “Parker! Stop playing on your phone and get to work!” Kyle looked up to see the Coach walking towards him. Since the change, their coach was a 450-pound daddy with a thick carpet of hair that made him look more like a werewolf on the field and especially on the cot in his office. He refused to wear shirts during practice, and any player on the bench was welcome to worship him. “Just because you’re big doesn’t mean you get-mff!” Kyle simply grazed a hand across his coach’s nipple. He leaned in close and growled in his ear. “Coach, dealing with my boyfriend right now.” “But-” Kyle reached out and solemnly twisted both nipples. As far as the team knew, only the quarterback was able to tame the dom daddy. Like flicking a switch, a thick veiny cock rocketed out from below Coach’s waistband. “Oh god, Kyle… fuck me right now.” “Later Coach. Boyfriend first, but I think Sanchez was hungry for you if you can’t wait.” Kyle went back to his phone, deaf to the gagging sounds from lineman on the sidelines. “Oh, actually that’s a good idea.” Rewired and Streamlined Your soulmate’s nipples and hole are now ultra-sensitive. Brushing against either in the right way is like packing an hour of foreplay into a few seconds. “That’ll give him something fun to do during his study group.” “Is that some kind of kink thing you guys have going on?” “What the?!” He nearly jumped out of his skin. “Christ, Austin! Don’t sneak up on me like that!” Austin shrugged and scratched his pecs. “So, what is it? Looks kinky. Is that how you and Dylan are so good together?” “No, well… yes… it’s complicated man.” ============================================ The study group proceeded with awkward mumbling, with Seth interjecting how worried he was about his upcoming date. Mateo pretended to read while Dylan tried his best not to buck his hips. Finally, with all the confidence of a world leader, he stood and announced, “I have to piss.” As soon as the door shut, Dylan took his chance. “How the hell are you that big?” Even just turning towards Mateo made him groan. Mateo didn’t expect the attack. “I… work out? My boyfriend’s a trainer.” “Bullshit.” “He is! We’re at the gym off campus.” Dylan studied him. There was that gym again… it felt like he had two sets of memories. One world where the gym was the most hardcore bodybuilder’s paradise and another where it was a typical health club. Then it clicked. “The app.” Mateo paled. “What?” “The app! Next Level Love, you have the app!” “How do you know about that?!” He hissed back. Dylan showed him the phone. “Holy… so, you and your boyfriend weren’t always that big?” “Are you kidding? A couple months ago, I was an average guy and Kyle – well, he was always hot as fuck, I just gave him a boost.” He pulled up the list of active perks and they traded phones. Mateo scrolled through, his small grin growing bigger and bigger into a full-on kid at the toy store with a blank check giddiness. “Okay, I’m definitely getting the mega-cum perk for Leon later.” “Wait, you can apply it to places too? That’s not fair!” Mateo shrugged. “Y’know, I could probably update your phone.” “What do you mean?” “Well, I’ve got a copy of the app data, so it shouldn’t be too hard to copy it over. I mean, we could probably copy the whole app to a new phone if we wanted.” The possibilities alone nearly made Dylan’s cock tear through his pre-soaked pants. “Wait, do you think we could put a copy on Seth’s phone?” “Put what on my phone?” Seth asked. ============================================ “You’re telling me this is some kind of magic phone app? Looks like a random game to me.” “No, seriously!” Kyle said. The two of them had gone back to the locker room. “Whatever change you choose really comes true! It could be for anything. After Dylan and I finally hooked up, we even got a perk on his phone to fix mine and my copy of the app.” Austin crossed his arms. “Obviously you picked some fun stuff too.” “Obviously.” He flexed an arm that swelled larger than Austin’s thick waist. The wide receiver let out a low moan, reaching for that veiny peak. Just as Austin was about to lick the sweat out of the crevasse between his biceps and delts, Kyle pulled back. “Sorry, forgot about the hypnotizing effect.” “Shit, that’s really strong,” Austin murmured, pulling back. His cock was painting his abs with pre. “Hey, could… could you maybe choose a perk for me? Something to help me on my date?” “Sorry, doesn’t really work like that. The perks usually only affect the two of us – unless you want another locker room incident?” Austin paled. “Um, don’t take this the wrong way… it was hot and all, but you were kinda my first…” “Wait, really?! Oh man, I’m sorry.” “Don’t be, it was fun, but I want to wait for Seth, y’know?” “Right, but I wonder if we can get a copy of the app to you somehow…” ============================================ “So, it is real! I can change myself however I want?!” “Yeah pretty much.” “And it’s also the reason you’re hard and stretching your shirt?” “That’s more Kyle but yes, basically.” “All done,” Mateo announced, disconnecting the phones. “Each of us has a copy of my version of the app, though you might want to be careful with the location perks. Gets out of hand really easily…” “Sweet!” Seth unlocked his phone and opened the app. As usual there was a burst of purple and pink hearts. The winged hourglass appeared to finish loading and then a blond bodybuilder in a bright pink tank top and teal running shorts popped up. “Wait, Eros is supposed to be a twunk,” Dylan said. Stranger than that, Eros didn’t move. He didn’t say a word, just a fixed creepy smile. “Uh, Mateo, I think you broke it.” “That doesn’t make sense; it should work.” The hourglass appeared again but this time, the glass was cracked. It loaded properly but with crimson hearts falling down the screen. A man with curly black hair and a slight tan appeared. He only wore a crimson bikini poser and cheap costume demon wings. He was cut and sculpted enough to make the most die-hard aesthetic bodybuilders green with envy. “Well, well, hello naughty boys. Someone’s been pirating the game I see.” The pretend demon purred. He floated onto his back, revealing just where the straps disappeared into his supple glutes. “I guess I can’t complain since I get to play the game now.” “Where’s Eros?” Dylan asked. “It’s an app, it can’t talk back,” Seth replied. “Oh please, what part of magic phone app don’t you get?” the man on the screen scoffed. “Oh so you’re like the Chroni-” “LEGALLY DISTINCT!” He stopped for a moment. “Oh wait, public domain, I forgot. Yeah, it’s like a Chronivac.” Seth was nearly drooling, his mind raced with the possibilities. “So, we can still use the app and change stuff, right?” Mateo asked. “Or are you some kind of anti-piracy?” The man laughed. “Anti-piracy? More like pro-piracy! I hid myself in the code. The more the app spreads the better and I want to make sure as many couples get together as possible.” “Yeah right,” Mateo scoffed. “You’re literally dressed like a demon.” “Listen, I was going for a sexy thing that was an opposite of the bubblegum twink look Eros had. Anyway, time for me to get to work.” He blew a heart-shaped ring of smoke and looked Seth over. “Hmmm… your special someone is a lucky guy, you’re really cute. How tall are you? Five-eleven? Six feet?” “Six-two, I slouch!” “Yeah, we’re gonna fix that.” Instantly a perk appeared on screen, followed by a sharp crack of bones. In a ripple of pops, Seth’s spine stretched and straightened. Stand Proud Your spine has been straightened and strengthened. You will always have perfect posture, no matter how you pose. Your next line will be “Wow, that felt good.” “Wow, that felt…” Seth frowned. “Hey, I’m supposed to pick!” “Of course! How about you get your buddies to help out. I’m gonna research your lover. Oh, Dylan and Mateo? Gave you guys admin privileges. Have fun. BRB!” The demon disappeared in a poof of smoke. “Maybe messing with a magic app wasn’t my best idea,” Mateo muttered. “Fuck that, we have admin privileges!” Dylan bit back another moan as his shirt was soaked by a fresh load of pre. “First though, let’s get Seth big.” Seth scrolled through the list of perks. “What should I do first? Height? Muscle? Cock? Oooooo, what if I do a location one?” “No wait!” Growth House All members of this dormitory are men dedicated to becoming as big as humanly possible. A bright flash of light blinded them, yet nothing seemed to happen. “What… but?” Mateo groaned. “It only affects those who actually live in the dorm. Like…” Both of them looked to Dylan who moaned, still grabbing at his pecs. He was fifty pounds heavier with pure lean muscle, distributed a little heavily on his legs. “I need… I need Kyle so bad… right now…” “Okay,” Seth said sheepishly. “At least it could be worse?” Mateo shushed him and held up his phone. It was an Instagram account of a bodybuilder with long hair a la mid-2000s. The slideshow depicted a guy pretty intent to show off, eventually settling on a picture of him and his hipster boyfriend holding hands. “Brett… he’s pretty hot. So what?” “This was a co-ed dorm. And Brett used to be Britney.” “Oh…” ============================================ For the rest of practice, Kyle helped Austin stretch and work up his confidence. “All the other guys said I shouldn’t sweat it. They said if I get an OnlyFans I’d probably make a mint, but… it’s not the point.” “Believe me I get it,” Kyle agreed, thinking back to when he could hardly speak to Dylan without his heart racing. Just then, Austin’s phone pinged and both men turned to look. “No way…” Sure enough there was a notification from Next Level Love. “That’s the app, right? Looks a little different than yours though.” “Must be an update. Take a look.” Just then, they heard the team returning from outside. “C’mon, boiler.” The boiler room off the locker room was a now defunct room used officially for storage and unofficially for hookups. So long as someone left a chalk mark on the door, people knew it was occupied, leaving Kyle and Austin in privacy in the bowels of the old section of the stadium. Austin opened the app to an explosion of hearts and then… nothing. “Strange… there’s usually someone there guide you through the tutorial,” Kyle muttered. “Can’t be that hard right?” Austin opened the store. “Let’s try this one.” OnlyFreaks Your musculature will triple but you will not grow any taller. There will be no extra stress on your organs and you will retain full mobility. Both waited, but nothing happened. “Should… should something have changed by now?” “It’s usually instant. Try another one.” Knee Slapper Your soft cock is so long it dangles past your knees and is thick as your wrist. Your balls will grow to be proportional. Again, nothing. “C’mon! I want to change!” “I thought you were a bottom?” “Yeah, doesn’t mean I don’t want a giant cock!” War of Attrition Your soldiers will hold the line as long as you command! In other words, fuck for as long and hard as you like and ride through multiple orgasms without needing to stop. Austin slammed his fist into the old boiler, leaving a decent dent. “Here, let me try mine.” Kyle scrolled through and saw one that made his slap his chest. “I… I didn’t know we could do that…” He clicked, hoping this hidden fantasy could come to life. Two Things Come from Texas… But why not have both? Your soulmate’s pecs will swell with nutritious milk that they will love to have you drink straight from the tap. This perk will also grant them soft body hair and strong skin. Chocolate, strawberry, and coffee flavored milk still in development. “Did it work?” “Don’t know unless we go see him.” The only thing going through Kyle’s mind was pinning Dylan down and milking him, keeping his cock buried in his lover while listening to every sweet sound he makes… Austin sighed and tried one final perk. Machamp in the Making You are granted an extra pair of arms (and all other necessary muscles to move them). As a bonus, you’ll also be completely ambidextrous. Austin flexed his arms hard, but nothing happened. ============================================ “Okay, I’ll admit I didn’t think this through.” “You think?” Dylan huffed. “First you make me bigger when Kyle already used something on me to-fuuuuuuck…. – to keep me from cumming and now you’ve taken up half the dorm room!” Here We Grow! Like eating a mushroom, you’ll be growing an additional half of your current height. Next Level Love is not responsible for any future attacks from turtles or kidnapped soulmates. “He likes macro…” Seth mumbled. Mateo sighed from another corner. “Yes, and that one alone would’ve been fine, if you didn’t pick that other one too.” Hulk Out! Everything about you doubles in size when you become aroused. Green skin not included. The eighteen-foot giant sighed. All of his clothes were in shreds on the floor. His added musculature however only gave him a swimmer’s build at this point, since it had been stretched across such a large frame. “Guys, I just got excited! Like you didn’t when you first got the app?” “Okay, fair.” “Yeah.” “That’s what I thought.” Seth scrolled on his tiny phone. “There we go!” Through a groan and screech of metal and wood, the room stretched and cracked. Bit by bit they were able to move again. Dylan looked around the new room, which looked more at home in a mansion in the Hamptons rather than a college dorm. The pieces of the bed had assembled themselves and seemed to have grown twice as large too. “What did you do?” “Two things. One got myself a better phone,” Seth said, waiving around a smartphone bigger than some flatscreens. “Second, this.” Fraternal Scholarship You and your close friends now live in a mansion of in a location of your choosing that will be built to meet your current size needs. “Wow, that’s awesome! Thanks!” “Least I could do after you guys got me the app.” Seth then smirked and tapped another perk. LOCC (Low Orbit Cum Cannon) This heavy armament upgrades your output to four gallons of cum. In addition, your cock size is doubled and ball size tripled. With a moan, his manhood swelled like a firehose, and just about as thick. The others could nearly hear the skin stretch and his newly grown balls slosh. Dylan groaned, losing himself to lust again. Mateo was starting to have trouble himself, wondering how Leon would feel with his cock that much bigger. With a little smirk to himself, he hit the perk on his own app, and snuck out back to their apartment. ============================================ “You turned it on and off again?” “Yes! Twice! You’ve been right here!” Austin groaned. He reopened the app for what felt like the twentieth time and got the same message as the first nineteen. Error. Unable to synchronize cloud data. “I don’t get it,” Kyle muttered. “I’ve never seen an error message like that.” “You’re the one who had it first. How do I fix it?” “Dylan would know more than me.” Austin reopened the settings, tried to select perks, everything. Again and again. Error. Unable to synchronize cloud data. Suddenly, it dawned on Kyle. “OH MY GOD, WE’RE IDIOTS!” “The hell are you talking about?” He waved his arms around the room. “We’re in a concrete box! No service! No wonder it isn’t working!” Both of them laughed and headed for the door. As soon as they stepped outside, Austin moaned and fell to his knees, instantly painting his stomach with cum. “Austin?!” “Oh shiiiiit… it’s so strooong!” He panted. “Feels so GOOD!” All at once, all of the perks he chose activated at the same time. Pound after pound of muscle piled on, fighting for space and forcing him wider and wider. He fell onto his back and continued to grow, overwhelmed by each wave washing over him. His lats forced his arms out, only to be forced farther by the new pair of arms and the extra pecs underneath. His thighs squeezed together, barely leaving enough room for his grapefruit sized balls and salami of a cock. He groaned, suddenly feeling a strange slickness in his ass and a deep hunger. He fought the urge to cum, holding himself back through the chain orgasm. Finally, he fell silent. “…Austin?” The extra-wide receiver was packed with so much muscle that it was a miracle he could move. He sat up with a growl. “We’re gonna go see Seth now. I’m ready for my date.” ============================================ “M-my pecs!” Dylan shouted. The overdeveloped chest cast an impressive shadow over his abs. A steady trickle of milk dripped onto his abs, mixing with the flood of pre. A prickling sensation washed over his entire body as dark body hair painted itself across his chest and down his torso. “What the…” Dylan grabbed a towel and tried to wipe up as much as he could. “Okay, Kyle’s getting out of hand…” “Didn’t you do the same to him?” Dylan said nothing, partially out of stubbornness and partially out of holding back his groans. Seth laughed and looked back at the app. “I just need one last change. Gotta grow just a little bit more.” He soon found just what he needed. Reproportioned Chances are that with height changes your other proportions may be out of balance. Choose this perk to rebalance everything. A small table appeared with spaces to insert stats. Seth wasn’t sure what to enter but chose “Aesthetic” out of the template drop-down menu. The table populated with the following. Reference Height – 6 feet Reference Weight – 211 lbs Chest – 57 inches Arms – 21.5 inches Waist – 27.5 inches Thighs – 27 inches Calves – 19 inches Ending Height – 18 feet “Looks good to me. Can’t wait!” The hourglass appeared for a moment before a new chart appeared. New Weight – 5697 lbs Chest – 14 ft 3 inches Arms – 64.5 inches Waist – 82.5 inches Thighs – 81 inches Calves – 60.5 inches Seth grabbed his cock and began pumping, each stroke seeming to add an extra ten pounds of muscle. He growled as his biceps pulsed outward, crowding against his pecs. His tattoos stretched over his new mass, the rose pattern nearly looking like it was blooming and spreading. His waist grew and tightened revealing a wall of tight abs. His taper from his lats was in sharp relief, despite his waist being over six feet around. The biggest change was his legs, exploding outward into sculpted pillars that looked more at home holding up a bridge. “How do I look Dylan?” He smirked with a most muscular pose. “Man, I should jump on a stage! I could probably juggle the competitors!” “Not faaaaaair…” Dylan groaned wanting nothing more than to finally get release. Thankfully, fate was merciful when the door swung open. “Dylan, are you heeee-oly fuck!” Kyle gaped at the giant. “Oh, uh, hey Kyle,” Seth said, a little sheepish at the reveal. “How’d you find us?” “Um, this guy Mateo ran into us and told us to-” Dylan couldn’t take it anymore. “Out.” “What?” “Seth, out. Kyle. Bed. Now!” Seth laughed and grabbed his far-too-small things and ducked out of the special sized door. “Austin’s in your room,” Kyle shouted after him. Kyle turned to his boyfriend. “You look good with chest hair. Is someone a little pent up?” Dylan dove onto his boyfriend, tearing away his pants and swallowed his manhood in a swift gulp. Kyle shivered with pleasure but pulled his boyfriend off. “No, let’s try something different.” He gently pushed Dylan down onto the bed. He ran his tongue along the swollen pecs before capturing a leaking nipple in his mouth. Dylan screamed in ecstasy, sending streams of milk shooting across of the bed. “So, did we learn anything?” “It was an accid-FUCK! Don’t stop!” Kyle finally decided to let up on his teasing, gently prodding Dylan’s waiting hole with his battering ram. “You know, I’m a little jealous of Seth. I think both of us need to grow.” He chose a final perk and tossed his phone aside. Extra Protein You and your soulmate can make the other grow through your cum and/or milk. Kyle began pounding away, still drinking. With each gulp, his muscles rippled, twitching with new growth. Dylan was light-headed, unable to make any coherent sentence after being edged all day. He could feel Kyle’s weight slowly pushing him farther and farther into the bed, the ever-lengthening cock stretching him farther and farther. Dylan clamped down as hard as he could as Kyle drilled him. Neither could hold on any longer, their giant balls overflowing. Kyle flooded Dylan, squeezing him tight as he began to grow. Dylan erupted into the ceiling, chipping the paint with each concussive blast. Each time they thought they reached the end, ten more blasts rocketed out. The two only stopped for Dylan to demand. “Again.” Both were too invested in their own lovemaking to hear what was going on in the next room. ============================================ Austin drooled over the overgrown Seth. A raging fire of desire filled him. His arms could only wrap around part of his mighty thighs, his cock trapped in the deep split near the teardrop. Seth too couldn’t help moaning, feeling the dense meathead against him. “You… you have extra arms?” “Yeah, you like them?” Austin flexed all four, surprised by a worshipping tongue. “God, you’re so big!” “Thought you might like that,” Seth said, a little sheepishly as Austin traced the lines of his tattoos. “So, um, you want to get something to eat or maybe watch a movie?” “Maybe… we could do something more fun?” “Oh?” “Like… we could… you know?” “I-I-I thought you wanted to take it slow?” “You are literally my most twisted wet dream, and this is the third date.” The beefy man flushed a little, grabbing at his towering date. “Please don’t make me beg.” “Don’t have to ask me twice!” Seth shoved his tongue down Austin’s throat. The wide receiver was taken aback, moaning into the kiss and grabbing as tight as possible onto his giant. Seth took Austin in one hand, the 400-pound man feeling like nothing more than a toy. As gently as possible, Seth fingered him open. “God, you’re such a hot little beefcake…” “Nnnng!” Austin groaned out, splattering Seth’s chest with his load. “I-I’m sorry!” Seth gently kissed him. “Don’t be. I know you’ve got more in the tank. Please flex for me.” Austin moaned but managed to arch forward, bringing his arms down into an explosive crab. Seth captured his dick, teasing it with skillful licks. “Too… too much!” Seth backed off while Austin caught his breath. “I’m gonna be shooting dust before you cum once at this rate.” He then reached back and started to warm himself up. “Austin, magic app or not, my cock is as wide as your hips. I don’t want to test the limits.” Austin looked like a kicked puppy, but it soon passed with a little grin. “Okay, how about this?” He pressed his body up against the massive cock. He squeezed his way up, licking along the helmet. “Ooooh yeah little guy.” “Fuck, I love when you call me that.” He wrapped around the giant cock and began to hump and squeeze himself up and down. He lapped up the pre that cascaded down over him, just as Seth grabbed him. The giant hand pumped him up and down. It didn’t take much before Seth began to gasp. “Yeah, cum for me! Cover me in your giant load!” “FUUUUUCK!” Seth roared as gallon after gallon of cum drenched the room. Austin’s own load was lost in the deluge as he too was plastered. Seth plucked him from the sticky mess and kissed him. “Damn… never realized how hot this could be.” “Oh I’ve got a long list of things for us to try,” Austin grinned, snuggling against his giant’s cheek. ============================================ After five rounds, Dylan was finally sated. He fell into a deep slumber, contentedly cuddled into Kyle’s arms. Kyle however couldn’t sleep. After a while, he opened the app, surprised to see his had changed to be just like Austin’s. This time however, someone did appear. “Aww, I’m late! I missed all of the fun. At least they didn’t get to try the admin stuff yet, can always watch that… just need to get them to spread the app a little more.” “You’re not Eros. Who are you?” “Oh, hello there, stud.” The demon gave him an impish grin. “You can call me Ganymede.”
  4. The Prelude to this story may be found HERE The preceding chapter of this story may be found HERE My Hulk-daddy is Paying Chapter Four "No, just the old, dated model. Some of the guys need some initial encouragement to feel the true Hancer urge." "I can't believe, that the old model is still in use. All that debate about safety issues and what it did to some guys' brains." "I'm old enough to have tried it myself." "You are kidding?" "Nah. It was back in the days. I'd worked out seriously for years and tried Tren and Deca and the things that were popular back then, and proper Hancing wasn't a thing, yet: The tech did exist on an early and risky level, but it wasn't general knowledge. There wasn't a word for it, and no Hancer-culture around. No Bad Boys either. It was just about lads wanting to go beyond what gear allowed, and Jock-up Xtreme 3000 was portable. You could do it at home in your bedroom, which freaked some parents out, and there were sport coaches who bought it for their team members. As long as you don't overuse it, there are no risks, but some of the early Hancers got addicted and used it again and again at increasing levels, and they got their brains fried and their metabolisms ruined. It wasn't supposed to be used like that." "I still don't like it. The risks." "What do you expect? Transport an entire Chamber or Tank or Growthpod around? Look what he's achieved already while asleep!" "Only portable option. Well ok. Admit he added some nice tone. More than some tone. But was it really necessary to give him that H.?" "Wasn't any insane dose of H. Not like the crazies overdose it. Just a tiny, little one to make him more receptive. Don't like the name of it, personally. I think they went for "Hulk Out" for marketing purposes, and some of the product names are just ridiculous." "Hey, Vitaly, he's waking up." "Thanks, Bob. Sooner than I expected." The prisoner felt confused. Confused about his whereabouts. Confused about what had happened, and what still happened. Confused about who he was. Why some sort of sack over his head, so he couldn't see properly? Why was he tied to a chair? And then he felt the nice feeling surge through his body. Exquisitely. Voluptiously. "Which sub-routine did you choose? "J.O.S.H."? "Inner Chad"? "Coach's Alpha"? "The invoice says ... O, wait, did you hear that? Is he ok?" "Ok. Better check, that it's running properly." "Just don't upset him." "Who do you take me for?" Yes! Nice feeling. Exquisitely! Voluptiously! Uh! His body! "Hey, bro? How do you feel?" Someone called him "Bro". Deep voice. Sounded like a Hancer. He like Hancers. Big. Impressive. "Do you feel ok, buddy?" "Feel ok. Feel good.", he mumbled. Wow. Voluptiously! Bro. Mmmm. He's a good Bro. Not disappoint his bros. "You are a Hancer, aren't you, bro?" Hancers. Big. He shivered. His body ... Something nice was happening. With his body. Hancer himself? Hard to think. Something didn't sound right. "I'm a Hancer Fan, I guess?" "No. You can't be just a tiny Hancer Fan, bro. You're built." "I do work out. Been disappointed. Can't be a Hancer myself, can I?" "Of course you are, bro. As a Hancer to another Hancer, you look like a beginner Hancer, little bro." Nice feeling surge. Body. Biceps felt harder. Mmmmm. Harder. Quads and hamstrings, too. A certain beefiness he didn't remember. But, then, he didn't remember much, either. Didn't matter. Growth mattered. His muscles. Muscle Growth. Oh, fuck yes! Voluptiously! "You're a real Hancer now. Taken the first step. Wonders ahead of you." Real Hancer now! His dick jumped inside his unfamiliar underwear. Was he wearing a ... "Feel so good, bro." "Of course you do. Do you look forward to your next workout? Lift heavier than ever before?" Beefier. Surging through him. Yeah! Beefier! Not only his arms and legs ... also his back and pecs. His pecs! His ... "Can you see it, bro? I can feel it! I'm ... O fuck, I'm ... ofukkofukkofukkofukk ..." So intense now. All his muscles spasmed, but not in a painful way, but in ... "Yes, I can see it, bro. You're becoming a proper Hancer, now. Looks great. Suits you. Impressive beef. All those gains." "YES! GAINS!", he yelled to no one in particular. A wave of power was building. A build-up ... a fucking good build-up into something incredible. He couldn't believe what he felt. Every single fibre of his body. His muscle-fibres ... His hair tingling. His bodily ... His ... He was ... Build-up ... wave of power ... lift heavier than ever before ... his jock-mind inside his jock-body ... the POWER-gains of his jock POWER-body ... He ... His Hancing career had just begun. "I didn't ask you about your name, Bro? Are you ok?" "More than ok ... name ... hard to remember ... look at me! Look at these gains! My name ... Uh! My name is ... Brad, and I'm ... uh ... I'm ..." Build-up. Power wave. Jock body. Lift heavier than ... Real Hancer now. GAINZ. Yeah! "MY NAME IS BRAD MAXXX, AND I'M A BEEFY ST00PID JOCKBOI!!!" * * * Chapter Five may be found HERE
  5. Part one may be found HERE Once and future Part two Mr. Blackadda knocked on the door of the cottage. He was accompanied by his manservant Baldrick, by Padarn and and by Padarn's childhood friend Ruadhán, who had fled with his mother to Anglesey from Ireland when he was a baby nineteen years ago. Someone opened the door of the cottage. It was an elderly man with a long white beard, wearing a sky-blue gown and a peculiar and odd-looking sky-blue head-covering. From his belt hang a gilded scythe. "Sorry. I don't want to buy any dish brushes today. Good bye." The old man tried to close the door, but Mr. Blackadda put his foot inside the doorframe. "We are not selling dish brushes, Sir, we are here on behalf of the King." A nervous glint came and went in the old man's gaze. "And how may I help you? I've payed my taxes." "It's not about taxes, Sir. I gather, that you are a bard. Is that correct?" "Oh, that's a different matter, then. Yes, I'm a bard. Do you want to inspect my harp?" "Among other things. May we enter?" "Yes, yes of course. Come on in. And with whom do I have the pleasure to speak?" "I'm Mr. Blackadda. This is my manservant Baldrick. I assume, that you know young Padarn and Ruadhán from the village?" "Ah. Yes. Yes, of course. You grow up so quick. I am known under many names – "Keeper of hidden lore", "The Silver-tongue of Glamorgan" and "The Mauve Oracular Salmon", but you may call me ... Tim!" "I see, Sir. And what do you occupy yourself with?" "I remember past events and genealogies. I am a legal expert. I know the paths of the planets and the stars. I gather herbs and animal parts for medical use. I am an expert in poetry." "Like a druid, then?" "No, of course not. Nothing of the sort. Look: I own a harp, and I'm ready to use it!" "Do you have a license for that harp, Sir?" "Yes, it is hanging there on the wall, surrounded by my diplomas from The Taliesin Institute for Higher Bardology, The Glastonbury Foundation for Alternative Medicine and The Gordon Ramsay Award for Most Foul-tasting Potion in Britain. I'm also a member of the Gorsedd." "I see. It's this one, right under the membership card of Welsh Association for Male Choirs?" "Yes, that's the one. But you haven't explained why you are here." "His Majesty is worried over the S.E.I." "The S.E.I.?" "Yes, the Supernatural Events Index. According to fresh statistics, the occurrence of supernatural events has continuously decreased by 89% over the last twenty years. His Majesty's council is well aware of, that we have to expect a certain cyclicity of boom and bust, but we are now running at an unprecedented low, which is a pity, considering how well supernatural events served the Latinate and Cymrophone establishment in the relatively recent past: Swords emerging in stones, swords emerging from lakes, amphibious abilities, miraculously good eyesight, walking trees, visions of Holy Grails, levitating furniture, age-delaying islands, powerful swans with the ability to pull small ships, invisible castles – et cetera, et cetera." "But why are you asking me about these things?" "I have an official report here, and I would appreciate a second opinion. An Oxford scholar was asked to write an official report, and he says (and I quote): 'The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air. Much that once was is lost; for none now live who remember it.' (end of quote)." Tim fell silent for a while, glanced at a big old book laying on a table, and then spoke reluctantly: "Some knowledge is dangerous in the wrong hands. Don't tell anyone, but I guard the knowledge about the supernatural islands located in the Atlantic Ocean – one of them rotating around its axle and entirely made of glass. I guard the knowledge about the Earth circulating around the Sun. I guard the knowledge about the dragons asleep under Snowdon and Oxford." "But that's ridiculous! Everyone knows, that the Sun circulate around the Earth!" "Some would say, that some knowledge guard itself. May I ask, what King Maelgwn would do, if he had access to some supernatural item or ability?" "He would use it as a secret weapon, in order to scare any potential attacks off." The facial expressions of at least four persons present changed. Padarn was the first to speak: "Wouldn't he use it, to defend Londinium from the Essex Army?" "What do you say? Is Londinium under attack?", Tim exclaimed. "Don't change the subject. Of course he wouldn't use it. If everybody knew the exact nature of the secret weapon, everyone would like to have one.", Blackadda answered. "But, Sir ...", Baldrick interrupted, "Would the secret weapon have any use as a deterrent, if the Saxons weren't allowed to know that it existed and how dangerous it was?" "Don't interrupt me Baldrick. The son of a Bishop's retinue and a garden gnome wouldn't understand complicated things like politics." "Is any of the kingdoms going to assist Londinium in its time of need?" "I'm not able to speak for any other kingdom than Gwynedd, Tim, but, at the present, His Majesty's council is of the opinion, that it's too early to form any opinion about the Essex-Londinium situation: It might be a false alarm. It might blow over. Essex may leave the area. Alarmism doesn't serve the common good, and to be honest: What good has Londinium ever done for us?" "But if it isn't a false alarm, and what if Londinium is in real danger?" "The options available for His Majesty's council are very limited. There is nothing we can do." "But if Londinium fell, and were annexed to Essex in perpetuity? What would you say to defend your inaction?" "We would say, that it then would be too late to change the state of affairs. Now, do you know any supernatural means, that could serve as a secret weapon?" "Of course not. I'm a bard. Why would I know such things?" Blackadda rose, approached the table, and opened the big old book. He glanced at the pages, and with a disappointed expression he closed the book again. "That's The Book of Getafix, an ancient tome of dru- ... of bardic lore, written in an archaic dialect of Breton. Most of it consist of astrological ephemeridae. It would probably not interest you much." "Let us return to the official report about the S.E.I." "You asked for a second opinion, Mr. Blackadda. In my capacity as a bard, I would say, that supernatural events follow the astrological cycles of the planets and the stars. Some aspects between the two slower planets occur only rarely and many centuries apart. I would agree with the Oxford scholar, that the world is changed, but neither do I believe, that the change is permanent, nor that things are lost forever. It could, however, be centuries until the stars are right again." With a disappointed expression, Blackadda left Tim's cottage, but before the group left the place, Tim whispered in the ear of Padarn: "Gather all young men of the village and come here tonight, but don't tell Blackadda." * * * It was night. Blackadda and Baldrick had left for another village, and Padarn had left his Grandpa sitting before the open fire, enjoying a few glasses of metheglyn after dinner. Padarn had brought Ruadhán and the other young men from the village to Tim's cottage. A bonfire burned in Tim's garden, and the light of the bright full moon fell over the farmstead. Tim's door opened. The bard looked worried: "If anyone is a coward – leave now. If anyone isn't willing to assist anyone under threat of war – leave now. If anyone fear the supernatural – leave now. The others may stay." No one left. "If you are willing to defend the innocent in the hour of their need, you are worthy of the ancient elixir of Getafix. If you are ready, step forward." Padarn's friend wasn't known for his reluctance. Ruadhán brashly stepped forward, the light of the bonfire illuminating his freckled cheeks, his emerald eyes, his honest facial expression and his fox-coloured hair. A very big cauldron bubbled over the bonfire, and unfamiliar aromatic scents filled the nocturnal air. Tim held a ladle in his hand. Then Ruadhán swallowed the fresh and still hot elixir. How long time that lapsed could be anyone's guess, but it wasn't much, until Ruadhán clasped his belly and emitted a brief shout of pain. The group of lads took a few steps backward, and exchanged a few glances of concern. A few moments passed, and then a broad grin spread over Ruadhán's flame-lit face. He began to moan – not in the bad sense of the word – and it seemed like the elixir had a pleasant, perhaps even arousing effect on him, as he arched back, tensed his arm-muscles before himself and exclaimed: "Did I tell you the story of Cúchullain and his warp-spasm? Now I understand how he must have felt. It feels ... Uh! ..." In the flickering yellow-red light of the bonfire and the silvery light of the full moon, the other lads could see how Ruadhán grew taller and wider. Youthful muscles built by toiling at the acre, carrying wood and taking part in the village's armed self-defence practice now grew considerably bigger, and the rosy suntan caused by hard labour at harvest-time soon became more obvious, when Ruadháns widening and hardening back muscles forced themselves out of his linen shirt, together with his impossibly huge shoulders forming a powerful Y-shape none of the lads had ever seen before. "So good! So strong! ... So hard ... Look at me lads! I'm ... Uh! ... I'M INVINCIBLE!" Tim didn't have any difficulties finding suitable candidates for the elixir now: The young men flocked around the cauldron, and it came close to a fisticuff before the serene authority of the bard restored some order and let everyone taste the content of the cauldron in an orderly fashion. Some of the young men, Padarn and Ruadhán included, drank from the ladle twice. Padarn felt how the warmth of the elixir spread in his body, and a brief pain swiftly gave way for an exquisite feeling spreading through his veins, circulating in his veins, trickling like treacle with thunderbolts through his veins and spreading a sense of strength and power. The hair on the back of his head bristled, so did the fine hairs of his forearms. His growing forearms. Hig muscular forearms. Flickering bonfire. Silvery moon. Tight shirt. Painfully tight shirt. Ripping sound. Bursting out. His bulging brawn bursting out of his linen shirt and his woolen plaid trousers. The cool air of the late summer night touching his naked flesh. Surrounded by other young men. Surrounded by youthful bronzed or rosy flesh that became huge and hard and powerful ... Their cobblestone bellies ... The mounds of beef, that were their chests ... The strength ... He couldn't comprehend ... His strength ... His power ... THEIR strength and power ... He and the others ... Together ... Mates ... Becoming warriors from old tales and sagas ... "Look at you mate! Padarn Gadarn!" Padarn Gadarn! Padarn the Great! Yeah! Uh! Padarn the Big! Padarn the Huge! All of them together. Legs of granite-hard beef that pushed each other apart, causing him to waddle ... His back like Ruadhán's back now ... All of them ... Wide ... The scent of dozens of young men's sweat ... Huge together ... Warriors together ... Defend ... The bonfire light and the moonshine on their elated wide-eyed confident faces ... UH! Ruadhán and some of the others roaring ... YEAH! Roaring, like the war-cry of many ancestors ... He had to join them and howl, too ... Beyond seven feet ... Couldn't believe ... Giants ... All of them giants ... Ruadhán was right: INVINCIBLE! INVINCIBLE! ... INV ... Uh! * * * "Say farewell to me, Grandpa, and wish us good luck." It was two days later. Padarn and his fellows towered over the rest of the villagers, only wearing plaid kilts, sturdy leather-boots, belts and leather-wristbands. Some of them had decorative gilded torcs around their powerful bullnecks. Some of the young women watched them shyly at a distance. Some of the middle-aged women stared unashamedly. Grandpa removed some tears from the corner of his eye: "I'm so proud of you, Padarn. I've never seen anything as impressive as you and your friends, not even on the glorious day in my youth, when I watched some of King Arthur's knights ride off to punish Sir Bruce Sans Pitié and his villainous bunch of rogue cataphractarii. They had to kill Sir Tarquin the Dark Knight twice, or so they say. Yet, since Mr. Blackadda told me about the grave danger for Londinium, I worry for the future of Britain." "A few days ago, I was the worried one, and you tried to dismiss my worries. Now you are the worried one. Don't be. Don't spend any thought on the abandonment of Calleva Atrebatum, and King Caradoc's marriage to an Anglo-Saxon princess. Dumnonia is unthreatened! Gododdin stands! Eboracum stands, inside its ancient Roman walls, whatever the Deirian Angles nearby attempt! Elmet stands! Viroconium and Pengwern stands! Caer Gloui stands, and don't blame the descendants of House Vitalianus for what King Vortigern did one hundred years ago. Caer Ceri, Cotswolds and Chilterns stands! Most of the Icknield Way is still in our hands. Essex may believe that Londinium will be theirs, but they haven't seen our might, yet. Don't worry Grandpa. You are Cunedda of Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch! Never forget that. Don't let us lose any time, by too long farewells. I don't say goodbye. I say: Till we meet again!" They were too heavy to ride horses now, so they had had to dismiss the Roman cavalry tactics, which had been applied so successful a few generations ago, at Mons Badonicus in particular. The village blacksmith had told them yesterday, that he didn't have enough metal to make any lorica segmentata their size, so they had to fight unprotected. But why would they wear protection? Their ancestors in the past had considered chainmail and loricas to be the signs of cowardice, and they had entered battle naked or semi-nude. The fearsome war-spirit of a hundred generations of ancient Celts howled in his blood, and he was willing to meet the Saxons alone and single-handed, if needed. It wasn't for the sake of perfidious Albion he was willing to fight: Not for the Kings in their regal halls, not for their ever-talking and scheming councillors in fine livery, not for chauvinism or self-service, but for the farmer women and children fleeing westwards from burning villages in the east, for peaceful craftsmen, who had lost their tools of trade in the tumult of wartime and become eyewitnesses to the human sacrifices the Saxons performed, for monks and nuns praying for peace and treating the ill and wounded in monastic hospitals. In a better future, decades or centuries from now, Welsh and Saxons would possibly be able to trade peacefully with each other, share knowledge of craftsmanship, reach out their hands to each other in friendship, and live together in the common pursuit of happiness, but this was not that time: He had to defend Britain from England. It was for Logres he fought, for the ideals held high back in the age of Arthur, the once and future King: For peace and happiness, for bravery, duty and self-sacrifice, for the protection provided by Law, for the heritage inherited from Druids and Romans, for Saint David and for the Holy Grail! * * * They had walked for many days. None had dared to threaten them, when they crossed the borders of several kingdoms. The last few days, they had followed the Thames valley. They could see Londinium now: The city-walls still intact. They could also see the army camps from Essex surrounding the old Roman city. All of the members of his brawny war band were painting their faces and chests with woad. Scent of woad and freshly woven wool and freshly tanned leather. Padarn had finished his war-paint – now with blue stripes over his massive chest and manly face – rose, and began to talk. The brave and youthful faces of his friends watched him: "Brothers! Comrades in arms! Logres' finest! Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous British lands have fallen or may fall into the grip of Woden-priests and all the odious apparatus of Saxon rule, we shall not flag or fail. We shall go on to the end. We shall fight in Brittany, we shall fight on the seas and oceans, we shall fight with growing confidence and strength, we shall defend our island, whatever the cost may be. We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight in the harbours, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never surrender, and if, which I do not for a moment believe, this island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then Anglesey, Isle of Man, the Hebrides and the Isles of Scilly, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the Emerald Island, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of Logres." And then they entered the battle. POSTSCRIPT The above is a fantasy-story, part comedy, part tragedy, not a historical short story, of course, and there are a lot of anachronisms for the sake of laughs, but, despite generously seasoning the story with elements borrowed from such high mediaeval chivalric fiction, which projected back fantastic and supernatural things on the time period 410-600 CE, I have not taken any liberties with the Anglo-Saxon expansion and the Romano-British kingdoms as such: For linguistic reasons, Cerdic "of Wessex" most probably wasn't a Saxon, but a Romano-British petty king who allied himself with the Saxons, and it is highly unlikely, that the word "Wessex" was in use as early as the 6th century The exact circumstances and date of Essex' Anschluss of London are not known from historical sources, but there is no attestation of London being under Essex rule until the early 7th century, and there might have been several failed attempts in the 6th century (although the latter is just conjecture). The frequency of Saxon artifacts inside Londinium's walls grow gradually in excavated layers from the 6th century, but there is no way to say with certainty if this is a sign of conquest or trade. That gives me enough leeway to tell something fictional about an undefined date sometime in the 530s or 540s. The Kingdom of Mercia isn't attested until the 570s CE Pengwern didn't lose a certain amount of independence from Mercia until the reign of Offa (757-796 CE), when any remaining political ties with Powys were cut
  6. Natural Nathan, part 3 - Natty No More By Ultrabeef Zack Vasco, former junior bodybuilding champ, had been the straightest guy he knew, dating and fucking his fitness model ex-girlfriend for years, but the transformation he had recently undergone from cute Latino bodybuilder into massive hairy gear-head, had also done something to his sexual preferences. His once big cock has shrunk during the transformation leaving him a hungry bottom and the sight of German physique pro Lukas Daren was all he needed to get him going. The feeling of Lukas’ big German uncut cock pounding his newly massive over muscled glutes was more than Zack could take. The two men went at it for hours as Lukas explored Zack’s freakishly bloated body. The next day when Zack awoke to daylight streaming through his blinds, Lukas was gone. Zack’s head felt fuzzy, had it all been a crazy dream? Zack’s sheets were soaked with cum and sweat but there was nothing to confirm that Lukas had actually been at his apartment for a night of passion. Zack lumbered to the bathroom and awkwardly maneuvered his beefy body into the shower. After cleaning himself up the best he could Zack squeezed into some gym clothes and headed to the gym. It was time to see what this big new body could do, and show that asshole Nate Lindy that there was a new big man in town. Zack entered the gym and smirked a cocky grin as he watched guys’ mouths drop open and heard the whispers “Holy shit! Is that Zack Vasco? He blew the fuck up!” “No shit! He as big as Nate Lindy” “No way dude! He’s fucking bigger!” Zack could feel his micro dick get hard and start to leak precum in his tiny, skin tight lycra shorts as he waddled his way to the locker room, his huge bulbous ass bouncing as we walked. Zack’s stringer tank too did little to hide his massive upper body, wide as a barn door shoulders, freaky lats and thick veiny arms. Zack’s big chest was covered in sexy dark hair and his wide jaw was covered in dark sexy, scruffy, stubble. Zack was loving his new look and felt so big and powerful. He loved how much more space he took up, he felt so masculine and sexual. As Zack turned sideways to get his wide shoulders through the locker room doorway he came face to face with Nate Lindy. Well, more like muscle gut to muscle gut as the two behemoths distended turtle bellies bumped into each other. “What the fu...” Nate trailed off, surprised to be confronted with a rival in the size department. “Sup bro...” Zack growled in his newly deep bass. “Fuck! Zack Vasco? Is that you? Oh shit!” Nate gasped in his equally deep voice his eyes bulging. “Yeah “small fry” you like?” Zack raised his arms into a freaky double bicep pose before shoving Nate backwards into the locker room. Zack could see a tiny bulge in Nate’s grey shorts and the beginnings of a wet spot forming. “Oh fuck! You’re so...big! So...hot!” Nate moaned. Zack loved that he was turning on his former Youtube critic but he also felt himself strangely attracted to the equally massive freak. “I wanted to see what it was like to be a big fuckin beast” Zack growled, “You can’t be the only freak in town”. Zack leaned in and brought Nate’s face toward him before giving him a long kiss. The two hulks started kissing and soon their sweaty bodies were slammed up against the lockers, leaving deep dents in the thin metal, as they passionately made out. Each man had never felt such power and hard, veiny muscle in their hands. As their swollen pecs and distended abs rubbed against each other they each shot their tiny load. “Fuck...that was so hot” Zack purred, rubbing his big paw through Nate’s thinning hair. “Shit, bro! That was amazing” Nate whimpered. “So much muscle. So much power” Zack breathlessly groaned. As the two hulks continued to grope each other and gasp for breath, Nate grunted “must...have...more”. “Fuck...yeah...need more” Zack groaned as he came again. As the stinking, sweaty freaks tried to clean their massive bodies up, they hatched a plan. Lukas had gotten the formula that had given them all this muscle. He had to be able to get more. And both Nate and Zack wanted more. They needed more. Zack and Nate squeezed into Nate’s van (Zack’s Mustang was far to small for them both) and they drove to Lukas’ apartment. “Let me go in first bro” Zack ordered Nate. Zack waddled up to the door of Lukas’ apartment and knocked loudly. Lukas opened the door and grinned at the massive hairy Latino stud staring back at him. “Back or more big boy?” Lukas cooed in his German accent. “Actually, we both are” a deep voice came from behind Zack. Zack moved aside to reveal the equally huge Nate. Lukas looked at them both confused. “I...I don’t underst...” Zack cut him off and powerfully shoved Lukas inside as Nate followed, shutting and locking the door behind them. “What...what do you guys want?” Lukas asked nervously. He was wearing white compression tights that showed off his huge bulge and a deep cut baggy grey t shirt that perfectly framed the cleavage of his pecs. His blond spiked hair, deep tan, and brilliant blue eyes made him look like a over muscular angel. “We want to be even bigger” Nate growled as he came up behind Zack and wrapped his thick veiny arms around him. “Yeah, we like all this fucking muscle” Zack purred, turning and biting his lower lip before kissing Nate. “What...what the fuck?” Lukas gasped in horror. “How...how do you...?” “We just got reacquainted at the gym” Nate grinned “and we both realized how hot it is to have this much muscle”. Nate flexed his massive arm as Zack started kissing the sweaty beef. “I...um...only have one dose of formula left and, I...think...” Lukas stammered, not confident for the first time ever. “Where is it?” Zack demanded dangerously. “Give it to us!” Nate growled, “now!” Lukas ran for the door but Nate stood in front of him like a wall. As Lukas turned around Zack came toward him dumbly grabbing at him. Lukas had his smaller size and speed on his side. The two massive freaks couldn’t move very well or very quickly. He knew that there was no way out of the apartment, there was only one door and there was no way he could get past both Nate and Zack. He just hoped they didn’t find the one remaining dose of formula in his bedroom, he had no idea what kind of fight would break out between the two beasts if they decided to fight each other for the formula. Lukas had barricaded himself in the locked bathroom and was desperately trying to open the bathroom window as Zack and Nate attacked the door. Lukas was halfway out of the window when splintering wood hit him and he felt Zack’s big hand grab him by the waist and jerk him out of the window. Zack carried him to the bedroom and threw Lukas roughly onto the bed. “Well, look what I found!” Nate laughed manically as he held up a small syringe that lay on Lukas’s dresser. “No! Put that down!” Lukas pleaded, the fear evident in his voice as Nate uncapped the syringe. “That shit’s mine bro!” Zack thundered as he tackled Nate knocking the syringe into the air. It felt as if time was moving in slow motion, the two hulking gear heads watched as the syringe tumbled toward the bed. The syringe flew through the air and landed on Lukas. Nate dove onto him, his heavy body pushing the syringe into the perfectly toned German hunk. Lukas could feel the syringe penetrate his stomach. A feeling of warmth crossed over his body. “Oh fuck!” Lukas moaned, “what did you dumb over-muscled fucks just do?” Lukas pulled the empty syringe out of his perfect 6 pack abs and tossed it away as he clutched his stomach. “Shit! It hurts...ughhh...so bad”. Lukas’s skin was glistening with sweat and wet spots were visible from the armpits of his grey shirt. Zack and Nate watched stunned as the former ripped German bodybuilder began to swell. Within seconds Lukas’ neck had thickened causing his voice to drop an octave. His guttural grunts filled the apartment as his shoulders and traps swelled larger and wider. Lukas could feel his sweaty pecs straining against his soaked shirt and then he heard the sound of tearing fabric as his swollen pecs burst forth into freedom. “Ughhh...fuck!” Lukas moaned as his reached up with his larger hand to feel his hard, thick chest. Purple stretch marks snaked from his armpits across his pecs. His nipples were puffing out into super sensitive bitch tits as acne started to spread across his once flawless skin. Lukas felt something warm and wet on his nipple causing him to moan in pleasure. It was Zack’s tongue rolling around his erotic nipples. Lukas could feel his cute bubble butt lifting him up off the bed as it swelled into a big muscle ass. Then he heard and felt his workout tights shred as his thickening quads burst free and struggled for room against each other. Lukas felt Nate rub his face against against his sweaty pubes before taking Lukas’s cock into his mouth. Lukas moaned louder as Nate sucked his rapidly shrinking dick. Lukas could feel himself cum in Nate’s mouth as his perfect 6 pack swelled into a thick muscle belly. “Oh fuck! Fuck!” Lukas moaned as the transformation slowed. Nate and Zack helped him up from the bed and led him to a mirror on the wall. “Oh fuck! What did you do to me?” Lukas groaned taking in his newly massive body. The formerly ripped bodybuilder bore little resemblance to his former self. Lukas’ muscles were swollen to the point of bursting out of his skin, thick veins snaking across his body. Lukas ran his larger hand through his terribly thinning blond hair marveling at how big his bicep and arm were. His once perfect chiseled face was bloated and covered in acne. The most glaring change was his once trim waist that now hung off his body as a big turtle shell like muscle gut. Lukas rubbed his big distended belly and decided that he liked how big and full he felt. He had never felt so masculine and large in his life. Lukas could barely see his now tiny cock, having shriveled as a side effect of the serum. “Looking hot as hell bro!” Nate slapped Lukas on his huge butt. “Fuck yeah! Big sexy German tank!” Zack grinned flicking Lukas’s nipple with his finger. Lukas could feel his tiny dick start to leak precum as the two roided studs kissed his huge body. Lukas grinned as he flexed and started to comprehend the beast he had become “Fuck yeah, don’t stop dudes. Definitely no more natty for me”.
  7. PREFACE Any actual growth will take place in the next chapter. The once and future Part one "It was much better in the days of King Arthur.", Cunedda said. "You say that a lot, grandfather.", Padarn answered. "In those days it was easy to get some proper British food, like garum, Cilician and Cypriot wine, olives, kippers and lemons, not these horrendous newfangled European bangers the Anglo-Saxons try to introduce. I haven't eaten proper British olives in years!" "I think bangers are delicious, if you fry them together with kippers and some black pudding for breakfast. They would probably be even better with some fried vegetables, but I don't think turnips make the cut." "I wouldn't even touch bangers with a spear. Without knowing it, next time we would be sitting there celebrating a Saxon October-fest." "I think October-fest sounds nice, grandfather. It's not food I'm worried about." "Which reminds me of the growing problem of binge-drinking youth. We never had any binge-drinking youth when I was young, as far as I can remember. If we enforce some stern legislation against anti-social behaviour in all kingdoms of Britain, binge-drinking will probably have turned extinct by 550 AD. It's only a fad." "Now when I think of it, I haven't seen many kippers in the last few years." They fell silent and gazed into the open fire. The Chieftain had lost his sons at the battle of Camlann, but his grandson Padarn was expected to succeed him. They were sitting inside their Romano-British villa, an old mosaic decorating the floor. The flickering light from the open fire caused the birds depicted in the mosaic to seemingly fly. "There's something wrong with the plumbing again, Grandpa. We have to use the outhouse. Do you really think it was a good idea to let the plumbers from Tuscany leave? The aqueducts are not working properly anymore, and something has happened to the leadpipes." "We had to leave the Roman Empire, trail our own path in the world, and take back control of our borders. Do you question the wise decisions of King Maelgwn of Gwynedd?" "Well, he didn't manage the plague particularly well, did he? We might see a second wave, soon. And speaking of borders, do you call it controlling our borders to sell Cantiacum to the Jutes, Essex to the East-Saxons and Sussex to the South-Saxons? King Caradoc invited Jutes to Isle of Wight! If it continues like this, we will soon see the Kingdoms of Nossex, Middlesex, and Nessex as well. Under Bozza, King of the Jutes, Cantiacum has been turned into a parking-lot for horse-carriages. That's appeasement policy. Soon we will all speak English." "Rubbish. Everyone speak Welsh and Latin in Britain, and nothing will ever change that simple and obvious fact. And my boy, don't ever use the word 'appeasement' when the King's advisors are around. They are terribly sensitive to that particular choice of word, for a lot of reasons." "I just think, that we would have been better equipped to withstand any English attempts to inroads into Britain, if the Roman legions had remained." "Nonsense, boy. Project Fear! Nothing to worry about! Everything will be fine." "Grandpa! The English have conquered the lands of the Iceni. What would Boudicca have done, if she'd been alive?" "Well, ehrrr, now when you put it that way, young lad, it's actually a very good argument. Turning the Icenian parts of Britain into that fake East Anglia nonsense is indeed an infelicitous development. Not proper at all, I say. A breach of nice old traditions, I say. I will mention the subject matter to the King next time I meet him, and advice him to discuss the matter when all British Kings meet in council, that is, if Vortiporius and Aurelius Conan turn up. I've heard, that Irish pirates have raided St. David's again." "What if the British kingdoms united with the Irish in order to turn the English tide?" "Nonsense. The Irish are our hereditary foe. Did Bendigeidfran then steal the magic cauldron from the Irish for nothing? We have nothing in common." "We both speak Celtic languages?" "Well, uhm." "We both have a cattle-based economy?" "Uh, well, but ..." "Since the last few generations the Irish are Christians, and so are we, while the English sacrifice to Woden and Thunor ..." "Well, yes, but ..." "Traditional poetry is held in esteem both among Welsh-speakers and the Irish ..." "But you can't ..." "The only difference I am able to recollect, is the fact, that we were integrated into the Empire for quite a while, and the Irish were not." "There you see. As I said: We have nothing in common." A servant entered the room. "There is a messenger to see you, Mylord." "A messenger?" "A messenger from King Maelgwn." "Oh goodness gracious. Tell him, that I'll see him soon in the atrium. Quick, Padarn, help me to my quarters. I have to put my toga on." * * * Since it was after sunset, the atrium laid in darkness, with the exception of the flames of a few wax-candles. Padarn hoped, that the messenger wouldn't notice Grandpa's plaid trousers under the toga. The messenger was a pale, dark-haired man, wearing a foot-length robe in a fashionable Byzantine cut, but it was entirely black, which was unusual. Byzantine robes were usually quite colourful in several senses of the word. "Ave, messenger, I am Cunedda, Chieftain of this village." "Ave, Mylord, I am Blackadda, adviser of Maelgwn, king of Gwynedd." "And how may I be of assistance?" "To be blunt, I've been sent to ask certain questions, on behalf of the King." "Please, go on." "Have there been any observations recently of subaquatic supernatural female arms-dealers in these local whereabouts?" "There haven't." "What a disappointment. That was on the top of my little list, but we have to go for the other alternatives, then." "Alternatives?" "Yes, King Maelgwn and his colleagues are considering any tactical advantage they might have, if the British-English tensions escalate further. Did you hear, that Londinium is under siege from the Essex army?" "Good heavens! There must be something we can do?" "Well, the next question on my little list, Mylord, is, if there have been any observations of part-time working minor goddesses of fate sitting under trees by cross-roads accosting knights?" "No, sorry." "Thirdly, have any Questing Beasts been observed in the area recently?" "I'm sorry to disappoint you. The last one was captured by a Saracen knight briefly before the disappearance of King Arthur into Avalon, and it died in the private zoo of a wealthy Sarmatian merchant two years later." "Well, I see, and fourthly, I wonder if there are any druids left in the region of Anglesey?" "How dare you! There haven't been any druids in Ynys Môn since Gaius Suetonius Paulinus killed them off, and as long as I am Chieftain of Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch, there will be no druids here either." "How disappointing. I wonder then, if there are any bards in this region?" "Bards, yes of course. Why?" "Very well. If somebody could introduce me to the bards tomorrow, I will interview them. It's late." * * * Since I now have learned how to edit, I'm able to tell you, that the second part of this story is found: HERE.
  8. Natural Nathan, pt. 2 - Natty or Not? By Ultrabeef 6 months had passed since Nathan Lindy, the popular YouTuber and natural fitness guru had mysteriously transformed overnight into Not-So-Natty Nate, a big, bloated, roid-head freak. At first all of Nathan’s followers, who loved his natural fitness tips and regular calling out of fitness competitors who claimed to be “all natural” but were obviously not, were repulsed by his 180 degree change. The once average looking college guy in decent shape had been replaced with a cocky, arrogant, testosterone filled gear junky who filled his Youtube channel with reviews of different muscle enhancing drugs and cam shows where he showed off his bloated physique. Zack Vasco, a local amateur bodybuilder who had been on the receiving end of Nathan’s public shaming, had schemed with fellow bodybuilders Lukas Darin and Kendal Kenyon to teach Nathan a lesson by forcibly turning him into a freak. Their plan initially had worked but lately, Zack in particular, was regretting their choice. Zack knocked on the apartment door and Lukas Daren pulled it open “hey Zack, come in bud”. Zack came into the German bodybuilder’s neat apartment and nervously glanced around the room. “So, what can I do for you?” Lukas asked quizzically. “I...um...stuff hasn’t been going to great in my life lately...” Zack stammered. “Oh yes! I forgot, sorry about you losing that NPC qualifier” Lukas sighed, “Kendal just had a better package”. Zack looked sheepishly at the floor, “yeah, he um...looked jacked and totally deserved to win”. “He moved to Vegas you know” Lukas continued, “engaged to Mariyah London, the female fitness champ”. “Oh...I didn’t know” Zack lied. “Speaking of which, how are you and Carmen doing?” Lukas asked innocently. “We...uh...we broke up. After I lost the show”. Zack mumbled. “Oh man! That’s brutal bro! I’m so sorry.” “Thanks” Zack sighed, “You know that stuff we injected into Nathan Lindy?” Lukas just stared at Zack before replying “Yes, of course. We taught that big mouth a lesson, eh?” Lukas grinned. Zack smiled weakly, “yeah, well I was wondering, um... where you um...got that stuff”. “Zack Vasco! You aren’t thinking of turning yourself into a roid-head are you?!” Lukas laughed. Zack smiled weakly but didn’t reply. Lukas stopped laughing and stared at Zack “so, you are. But why? Why would a promising, handsome Latino bodybuilder like yourself want to do that?” Zack gulped a bit at the word “handsome” as is escaped Lukas’s lips. The way Lukas was staring at him made Zack a little uncomfortable. Lukas continued “I can probably get the stuff for you but it isn’t easy, regulations on shipments from Europe are stricter than they were just a few months ago”. Zack smiled weakly, “thanks, I really appreciate that. I just feel like I have no choice, I just want to be a winner for once”. Lukas smiled back “you’re already a winner in my book, but if you insist...”. “How...um, how much is it? I mean, what does the stuff cost?” Zack asked, bracing himself for a large sum. Lukas smiled as he reached out and ran his hand through Zack’s black hair “let’s just say, you’ll owe me one”. Zack gulped and excused himself, “I uh, better get going”. “I’ll call you when I get the stuff” Lukas called after Zack and then whispered to himself “cutie”. A few weeks later as Zack was finishing up his chest workout at the gym he got a text from Lukas. “I’ve got the stuff. Meet me at my place at 7pm tonight”. Zack could feel his whole body shudder. Is this really what he wanted? Then he noticed the massive Nate Lindy grunting as he heaved heavy dumbbells doing arm curls across the gym. Three other buff guys cheered him on as he curled, one of them recording content for his YouTube page. Nate crossed the gym after slamming the dumbbells down. “Well, if it isn’t Zack Vasco!” Nate growled in his insanely deep bass. “My how the mighty have fallen! I thought for sure you’d have your pro-card by now, small-fry”. Nate and the other guys laughed as he sauntered past Zack, his massively wide back and shoulders straining his tank top as his thick ass and powerhouse legs struggled around each other in his compression tights. The other guys looked back at Zack and laughed before high-fiving each other “Fuck you” Zack muttered under his breath, “I’ll show you. I’ll show all of you”. After grabbing dinner and taking a quick shower, Zack drove his Mustang to Lukas’ apartment. Zack was wearing skin tight black jeans and a black v-neck t-shirt that really accentuated the pump in his sore pecs. When Lukas opened the door Zack gasped, Lukas was wearing only a tiny pink thong. It was obvious that he was hung like a mule, it looked like he had a cucumber in the pouch of his thong. His pale creamy Germanic skin was the perfect showcase for his absolutely ripped physique. “Hey, Zack...looking good bro!” Lukas purred. “Um...thanks. You...too” Zack mumbled in embarrassment. “Oh, sorry, I don’t want you to be uncomfortable” Lukas grinned and slipped on a short white silky robe that did very little to cover him. “No problem, man” Zack blushed and then tried changing the subject, “I ran into Nate Lindy at the gym today, even he was calling me a loser!” “Well my friend” Lukas grinned his beautiful smile “I think things are about to change for you”. Lukas carefully took out of a shipping envelope a small syringe filled with brilliant purple liquid. “Is that it?” Zack asked with curiosity, “where’s the rest? We used four syringes on Lindy. And the stuff was blue not purple! What are you trying to pull?!” Zack was getting angry. “Calm yourself, my hunky Latino friend” Lukas gently put his hand on Zack’s shoulder, massaging it slightly, “this is a new version of the serum, only 1 dose required to reach Nate Lindy level or beyond”. “Oh, ok...sorry...” Zack muttered dumbly. “You are too tense” Lukas cooed as he began to massage Zack’s shoulders. Zack quickly pulled away, “look dude, I’m not that way, ok?” Lukas smiled and quietly replied “ok”, “let’s begin then”. Zack grabbed the syringe from Lukas’ hand , “look, dude...I appreciate you getting this for me but I’m gonna just take it at home, by myself...ok?” “Of course, as you wish...Zack” Lukas looked disappointed but had a strange smirk on his face as he watched the young Latino bodybuilder leave. Zack’s heart was pounding as he uncapped the syringe back at his small apartment. Did he really want to do this? Would this stuff even work? Should he trust Lukas Daren (especially after he was acting all faggy)? Zack looked at himself in the mirror, he looked young and strong and handsome. He had worked really hard to build his physique and get to where he was...which still felt like nowhere. Zack felt like he had no choice, he wanted to be one of the big boys, a bodybuilding star. Without another moment of hestitation he jabbed the syringe into his arm and pushed the plunger down. Immediately a wave of warmth washed over his body followed by a feeling of nausea. Zack grabbed his stomach as he was racked with pain, he could see his shirt and jeans becoming drenched with sweat. “Oh...fuck...it hurts...so...much” Zack moaned as he fell to the floor and curled up in agony. Through his tears and the pain Zack looked at his hand and forearm and it looked thicker. “Oh...shit...it’s working” Zack groaned, “I’m...” suddenly his voice dropped an octave “...changing”. Zack could feel his t-shirt getting tighter across his chest and shoulders as his body continued to swell. “Oh fuck...” Zack moaned as he could hear the sound of ripping fabric as his shirt gave way and thick, muscular bulk burst forth to the freedom it desired. Zack looked down and realized that he couldn’t see over his pecs, his once shaved ripped chest was now hanging off of his body like two granite pillows and was covered in dark fur. Zack reached up to touch his massive pecs and his hand gazed a new sensation, his thick, hairy, distended roid gut. “Uh...shit...” Zack touched his hard distended gut, like a thick turtle shell, where his perfect six pack abs used to be. Zack could feel that his new gut had burst open the top of his jeans and as soon as he made that realization, Zack heard more fabric ripping...his jeans were in shreds as his thick quads burst forth. Zack could feel is cute bubble butt swelling into a huge, thick muscle ass. He reached back and grabbed his big butt and moaned as he felt his dick shoot its load. Then Zack remembered how Nathan Lindy’s dick had shrunk in the transformation. Sure enough, Zack could feel that his once proud 9 incher was now a sticky 2 inch nub. The pain was starting to ease and Zack, with some difficulty, pulled his much larger and heavier frame to his feet and staggered to the bathroom mirror. His quads rubbed against each other as he walked, adjusting to a new wider stance. Zack’s shoulders almost brushed the sides of the hallway, he was so much wider now. Zack looked into the bathroom mirror and moaned a deep, guttural moan. “Oh...fuck...what did I become..?” Staring back at Zack was a massive beast of a man, an almost inhuman creature. He was absolutely huge. Boulder shoulders and a freakishly wide back led to his thick gut and shelf-like ass. Zack’s tiny cock leaked precum as he ran his big hands over his sweaty, hairy body. The smell of musk and cum hung in the air as Zack shot his load again. Zack’s handsome face was less attractive with his wide lantern jaw and thick bull neck. Black stubble covered his jaw along with bad acne that also was visible on his chest and back. Zack’s thick black hair was noticeably thinner and his hairline was starting to recede. Purple stretch marks stretched from his hairy arms pits toward his chest and enormous veiny biceps. Just then, there was a knock at the apartment door. With some difficulty Zack maneuvered to the door, knocking over a lamp and chair on his way. Zack opened the door, not even realizing he was naked and there stood Lukas. Lukas was wearing just the pink thong he had on earlier. He took one look at Zack and is jaw dropped. “Oh fuck! Big hairy Latino roid freak!” Lukas exclaimed. As he stared at Lukas, Zack couldn’t help but notice how beautiful the German bodybuilder was with his smooth, ripped muscles and huge cock. It felt like something had snapped in Zack’s head. All he could think about was how hot Lukas was and how much he wanted to feel Lukas’ big shlong inside of him. “You like the freak you made?” Zack purred in a deep rumble. “Fuck yeah, stud. And I think it’s time for my payment” Lukas grinned, his dick swelling out of his thong and onto his stomach. Zack grinned “get in here bro!”
  9. The first part of this story may be found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/21053-take-the-lid-off-part-one/ Take the lid off Part Two WIDE! Kevin wasn't able to think clearly or coherently any longer, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to think clearly or coherently any longer -- not if The Treatment were able to overwhelm his consciousness with the physical and mental sensations of becoming ... UH! ... becoming ... WIDE! And it was! Uh! WIDE! His throbbing arms and legs blindly thrashed against the surrounding, and comfortably warm, liquid saturated with anabolic salts, but the rational and conscious awareness of his physical surroundings was a doomed and shrinking spot of light, surrounded by an approaching chiaroscuro of male instincts, empowering embodiment and overwhelming physical sensations -- approaching, in order to devour the reticent and timid person he was used to show the world, at least at work. Approaching, in order to replace his former self with something more assertive, something more unyielding, something more PHYSICALLY EMBODIED, something more like ...like Todd. Todd. He shivered. His meat throbbed inside the suction hose. Placed there, because ... "And which purpose does that serve, Dr. Korsakoff?" "The solution need to be perfectly balanced. The biochemicals present in the perspiration of Subjects may affect The Treatment to a very small extent, but that is easily counter-balanced from the control room. If you excuse my bluntness, the chemicals present in prostatic fluid of a Subject, on the other hand, could be able to unbalance the solution of anabolic salts, causing the control-room to lose control of The Treatment. About two hours from injection, add or subtract a few minutes according to a Subject's individual susceptibility, each Subject's metabolism will enter an altered state, which, among other things, will cause production of extremely high levels of testosterone and growth hormones." Todd. Shivered. Throbbed. He had watched Todd grow. He had remembered Todd's assurances: "Of course not something too exaggerated. Just enough to lose this dad bod belly." He should have told Todd before The Treatment. Taken the lid off his guilty pleasures. Told Todd: "I want you to grow huge. Not hold back in the gym, for me. Forget everything I've said to you about 'too big'" Showed Todd the morphs he had felt so embarrassed about. Should have. Too late. Todd! Shivered. Throbbed. The doubts he had had. Exaggerated marketing? Potential dangers? Sharing his secrets with Dr. Korsakoff, but not with his husband. He had watched Todd grow. The male form, that Todd's rugby-bod had approached after an hour's Treatment inside the ModPod, had indeed lost the pudgy "dad bod belly", that was true, but it would have been a damned lie, to describe the male form, that Todd's physique approached, after an hour's Treatment and longer, as "nothing too exaggerated". He had watched Todd GROW. Watched Todd's muscle flex and relax. Flex. And relax. Flex. And relax. Watched Todd's body arch. Watched Todd's BULGING arms and legs blindly thrash against the surrounding, and comfortably warm, liquid saturated with anabolic salts, inside the ModPod. Watched Todd's male form approach a shape unheard of before: Like a Strongman physique, but conditioned like an Olympia Pro. A merger of two different ideals, into something ... Watched visible muscle fibres of Todd's chest emerge. Watched visible muscle fibres of Todd's leg emerge. Watched visible muscle fibres emerge all over Todd's wide and tall body. Watched the veins crawl all over ... Watched ... the impossible happen to the man he loved ... Had felt warm, almost like a temperature. Sweat trickling all over his body. So aroused by watching Todd. Felt a pressure build in his entire body. Been forewarned about it, by Dr. Korsakoff. To be expected. Primed for The Treatment. Clock ticking. Todd. Huge. Temperature. Pressure. Only dim memory. Lost track during Todd's second hour inside the ModPod. Lost ... His awareness had drifted ... Waking up ... Hadn't noticed, that he'd lost consciousness ... Voices ... Men around him ... Men over him ... A voice he recognised, but deeper ... Todd's voice ... "What have you done to him?" Todd had sounded angry. In a deeper voice. The sound of dark chocolate slowly trickling over a pudding. A voice, which steamed of masculinity ... Kevin had opened his eyes, but had felt dizzy, his gaze flickering ... hard to concentrate ... "The effect of the injection has begun prematurely. Let me down, and assist me with his Treatment. Quick! We have no time to lose!" Todd grabbing Dr. Korsakoff by the latter's lapels and LIFTING him from the floor, shaking him. UH! Hard to concentrate, because it felt so good. His body felt so good. Kevin felt ... Todd's naked body close to his. Lifting him. Carrying him to the ModPod. Todd's -- UH! -- fucking Hulk-body lifting him effortlessly and carrying him effortlessly, like Kevin had been weightless -- UH! Weightless. His mind drifted out of and in into existence, gaze flickering: Vague sense of worry, vague sense of guilt -- but the man he loved lifted and carried him to the ... Todd's body heat. Emanating from Todd's Hulk-body. Comforting. Protective. Close. Their eyes meeting. A gaze full of love, but also full of something more: Concern for Kevin's health. And something more: Todd's cheeky, confident jock-gaze enhanced into ... enhanced into ... UH! Kevin had shuddered in delight, and his memories of what had happened, when Todd and Dr. Korsakoff lowered him into the ModPod, was a blur ... They must have ... They must have fastened the suction hose to his dick, because it was there, keeping his pre-cum from contaminating the anabolic solution. They must have put earbuds into his ears, because the waves and subliminals supposed to assist his metabolism and enhance his confidence were buzzing in his ears. They must have fastened the mask over his mouth and nose, because he was able to breathe. Inhale. Air. And perhaps something more, because it felt like he ... felt like ... he inhaled EMBODIMENT. They must have closed the lid of the ModPod, because he was floating where Todd had floated minutes or hours before. And he hadn't been able to brace himself for the impact of the Hypertrophic Energy, when Dr. Korakoff switched the ModPod on, so when it hit him ... UH! When it hit him, he did what Todd had done. His muscles flexed. And relaxed. Flexed. And relaxed. He could feel them grow. Tangibly, he could feel the sensation of his muscles growing. Occupying more and more space inside the ModPod. Aware of the entire physical extension of his body. Aware of, how it was bombarded by the hundreds of tiny purple power bolts he had watched cause the impossible growth of Todd. UH! Like Todd. Growing like Todd had done! Power bolts. Causing his power-body to grow power-muscles. Causing him to buzz of energy. Strength-enhancing energy. But how was this even possible, despite the daydreams he had shared with Dr. Korsakoff, if Todd had kept his promise, to aim for a small improvement. Tone up a bit. Not bodybuilder-big, of course. Nothing exaggerated. EXAGGERATED! Yeah! His body was turning into something ... EXAGGERATED! And Kevin was becoming ... WIDE! Kevin wasn't able to think clearly or coherently any longer, but it didn't matter. He didn't want to think clearly or coherently any longer -- not if The Treatment were able to overwhelm his consciousness with the physical and mental sensations of becoming ... UH! ... becoming ... WIDE! His bullneck growing into ... UH! His steel-hard abs forming obscene globes, that ... UH! The veins crawling over his mound-like biceps ... UH! His legs pushed apart because the sheer volume, the sheer mass, the sheer powerful mass of his ... UH! The raw and untamed masculine instincts lurking in Kevin's soul devoured any remaining rational awareness of the ModPod itself and the two men who, from the outside, watched him transform. There was only the primal urge to become a WIDE HARD COMPACT MASSIVE embodiment of exaggerated masculinity, a mean muscle-machine, an assertive mountain of steel-hard POWER-BRAWN buzzing with that hypertrophic energy -- UH! -- yeah, the power-bolts ... They ... It was all a haze of purple energy now. Kevin could no longer tell the difference between his mind, his body and the hypertrophic power, which ... UH! ... which turned him into ... UH! ... transformed him into ... Cock throbbing. Mind throbbing. Muscles throbbing. His entire body throbbing. ... because of the hypertrophic power, which ... - couldn't believe it: Muscles the size of footballs, the size of medicine balls, the size of boulders - The concentrated face of Dr. Korsakoff, working hard, behind the glass pane facing the control-room ... The face of Todd outside the glass pane facing the Observation Lounge ... Todd's eyes ... Todd's gaze ... Love ... Horny ... Cheeky ... Smug ... UH! Wait! What's happening? Todd leaving the Observation Lounge ... Todd, side by side to Dr. Korsakoff ... The feeling, it ... can't concentrate ... Todd arguing with Dr. Korsakoff. Todd touching the controls ... An EXPLOSION of empowerment in his mind and body, and then, suddenly, Todd, taking the lid off the ModPod, opening it. Korsakoff upset: "You are NOT allowed to do that while the Treatment is running, and you are NOT allowed to increase the settings of the dashboard, will you now leave the area while I finish The Treatment of your ..." Korsakoff's voice fell silent. There was a brief flash of fear in his face, as he ran through the control-room and left it empty, and Kevin could sense the presence of something ... someone entering the ModPod, lowering itself into it ... And then, Todd hugged him, floating inside, grabbing his hands, moving them both to a standing position, their faces now above the surface ... Todd removed the mask from Kevin's face. Their eyes met. Todd just said six words: "I love you. Grow with me." Then their lips embraced in a kiss. Todd's big hand fumbled with the suction hose, and removed it from Kevin's dick. Kevin could feel pre-cum uncontrollably spurt out of his rod, and for a second he felt alarmed, but the next second he could feel the chemical reaction inside the ModPod enhance the sensation of unbelievable increase of muscle mass, and the hypertrophic energy crackled and buzzed all around them. He moaned in pleasure. His enormous husband grabbed his steel-hard hockey-butt, and he returned the gesture, becoming aware of, how big his arms and hands were now. He was almost as tall as Todd, and he was now wider, than Todd. His cock throbbed, and so did Todd's, as they pressed their huge, well-defined and steel-hard abs against each other's cocks. The sensation of growing was stronger now, almost too intense to bear, but only almost. The sensation of buzzing, empowering, strength-inducing ENERGY was stronger, too. It didn't matter why. What mattered, was that he and the man he loved were turning into ... UH! Hypertrophic energy crackled between their teeth, as their lips remained pressed against each other in a kiss without end. Their cocks trobbed. Their minds throbbed. Their muscles throbbed. Their bodies throbbed against each other. Their cocks were engorged. Their minds were engorged. Their muscles were engorged -- steel-hard, rock-hard, impossibly hard -- and he could sense both of them growing uncontrollably, but he didn't want the growth to be controlled. He wanted uncontrollable, limitless, energising, empowering ... He bellowed, but he didn't allow his lips to leave Titan-Jock. The Treatment had released Muscle-Beast. Muscle-Beast hugged Titan-Jock, clinged to him, pressing their uncontrollably forthgushing steel-hard muscular bodies tightly together. The liquid bubbled around their bodies. The hypertrophic energy caused ghostly purple light flicker along the walls and from the inside of the ModPod. There was only the primal urge to become a WIDE HARD COMPACT MASSIVE embodiment of exaggerated masculinity, a mean muscle-machine, an assertive mountain of steel-hard POWER-BRAWN buzzing with that hypertrophic energy -- UH! -- yeah, the power-bolts ... They ... It was all a haze of purple energy now. Muscle-Beast could no longer tell the difference between his mind, his body and the hypertrophic power, which ... UH! ... which turned him into ... UH! ... which turned both him and Titan-Jock into ... -- fuck, it was almost too ... ... almost too much, but only almost, because Titan-Jock and Muscle-Beast were turning into ... YES! THE BRAWN! THE POWER! His grip around Titan-Jock increased. So did Titan-Jock's grip around his body. He could feel Titan-Jock shiver. Shiver of lust. Shiver of excitement. Shiver of increasing STRENGTH. Shiver because of Muscle-Beast's increasing SIZE and PROWESS and POWER ... As Muscle-Beast was shivering because of Titan-Jock's increasing ... UH! Yeah! More! Yes! ... transformed them into ... When they came, the chemical reaction intensified, and caused a loop, leading to the buildup to the next orgasm. The muscle-building potential of the anabolic solution doubled, and doubled again, exponentially. Purple power bolts caused the structure to rock, but the two heavy behemoths stood unperturbably at the epicentre of the havoc, unshaken, unharmed, ecstatically lost in and revelling in the sheer physicality of themselves and each other. Increasing. Again. And again. And again. * * * "It didn't turn out bad, did it?", the photographer asked. "No. It was an amazing experience. I could recommend a Treatment, if you can afford it. The first three photo sessions, we had to work for free, because the company used the photos in the ads, that payed for the repair, but I love the way it feel. I just wish, I had told Todd earlier, and that he had told me beforehand. Do you have many shoots left? The clock is ticking, and the fire brigade will wonder why I'm late. It feels good to be able to serve the common good, now when I'm built like this."
  10. Take the lid off Part One When Dr. Korsakoff initiated the process, Kevin felt how his arousal intensified, but he also felt a twitch of worry and regret. He blushed. He hadn't been entirely honest with Todd, and married couples were supposed to be honest, weren't they? The humming sound from the Modification Pod slowly and gradually grew louder. Taking the medical aspects of it in regard, when he first heard about it all, he had expected to have to wait for Todd's return from the Treatment at some sort of separate ward or hotel for next-of-kin, but no: Friends or relatives were allowed to watch the entire Treatment, if The Subject agreed to that beforehand. The small lounge adjacent to the Modification Pod was obviously designed on purpose, to make the experience of relatives or friends of The Subject comfortable. He sat comfortably in a dimly lit room a half-stair under the level of the Modification Pod, and, from Kevin's view, the Modification Pod resembled a large aquarium, fixed to the wall of the Observation Lounge at eye-level. "No, it's a fairly common request. We actually expect most of our Subjects' significant others to be present and watch the Treatment, and we have accommodations ready for that purpose." Kevin briefly remembered Dr. Korsakoff's words from the interview. Wasn't something wrong with him, if he had been able to talk more openly and honestly about his fantasies with Dr. Korsakoff, than with Todd himself? The memories of the surveys they had both taken individually before the Treatments, the promises of Dr. Korsakoff to design unique and individually tailored Treatment Profiles for each of them, based on the answers of them both ... "What did you answer?" Kevin had asked, but Todd had just looked smug. Kevin loved when Todd looked smug. Snuggling up close to Todd's burly rugby-physique with the little belly, that never disappeared entirely, despite these years at the gym ... The smell of Todd's armpits ... Todd looking smug ... Todd's idea in the first place, to consult the company about the Treatment ... Kevin's doubts: Sounded too good to be true, like one of those Muscle Growth stories he read online and erased from his browsing history on their computer, in order that Todd wouldn't find out ... Kevin blushed again. * * * "No, of course not. Not something too exaggerated. Just enough to lose this dad bod belly." "Todd, you know that you are my hero, and that's not a dad bod belly. You are more built than half of the other guys at the gym, and you know it." "Would feel more comfortable without it. And as I said, not something too exaggerated. I went for the option, which will allow you fill in a survey, too, so I put my destiny in your hands. Afterwards, I'll look 50% like how you wanted me to improve, and I hope, that you will return that favour, by allowing me to have a 50% say about your Treatment." Snuggling up close. Todd. And his dishonest reply: "Of course. I don't wish any of us to look like the more extreme options in the folder, of course. And if you want me to undergo it with you, I'm honoured. Could make this hardgainer bod a little bit more toned, couldn't it?" "You don't think I'm throwing away money, for some ridiculous vanity project?" "No. No, I wasn't just aware of its existence until you showed me. Just perplexed. Didn't think it was possible or legal. Make me grow. But not too extreme, of course. And I'll tell that company about how I would like them to modify your body composition. Todd, do you know, that you are hard?" "Just feel excited. I'm so glad, that you are willing to grow together with me." * * * Kevin's awareness returned to his present surroundings. Behind the thick glass-pane, Todd's imposing body floated in the liquid -- a solution saturated with anabolic salts, as Dr. Korsakoff had explained earlier. Kevin felt hot. Sweat trickled in his armpits and from his brow, just as it had from Todd's body two hours earlier. It was probably the effect of the injection kicking in. A mask allowed Todd to breathe inside the ModPod. That made it difficult, to discern the facial expression of Todd. Some sort of spasm caused Todd's jock-next-door physique to convulse. Kevin suddenly felt worried. It looked like Todd flexed all his muscles all at once, and then relaxed. Flexed. And relaxed. Flexed. And relaxed. What if Dr. Korsakoff took Kevin's fantasies literally? What if Todd, to 50% at least, ended up how Kevin wished him to be, and didn't like it at all? What if their marriage ... He'd been a fool. The humming sound grew louder. Power emissions crackled inside the ModPod. Kevin could see hundreds of tiny bolts of -- what did Dr. Korsakoff call it? -- Hypertrophic Energy hit Todd's exposed body. Todd's nice tan becoming more even, becoming darker, achieving a sort of golden-bronzed hue, and the pudge, that had bothered Todd so much and Kevin so little, began to shrink at a visible speed. If this was The Treatment was possible to do, Kevin regretted how much he had assured Todd, about his own goals: "No, just tone up a bit. Nothing exaggerated. Not bodybuilder-big, of course. Just a small improvement." He should have told him. He should have told him before. * * * Two hours later, it was he who floated inside the ModPod, and Todd who sat outside in the Observation Lounge, watching. * * * Chapter two is found HERE
  11. Before I start, I wanted to say that I’ve never written a story like this before. Having been inspired by Maxxxmuscle’s comic Harvzilla. It is honestly like the hottest thing I think I have ever seen, and it’s getting better every time he releases a page. So without further ado, here we go! Chapter 1: Coming out It started like it would with any love story. Josh was in love with his life long best friend, but had no clue how to express his affections. It was painfully obvious for all but Parker who was oblivious to his best friend’s feelings. Parker had his own secret though... One which he had never shared with Josh. The two were madly in love with one another! Josh was actually quite a strapping young man. At 6’8 and 245lbs of pure muscle. He was what many teenage boys wished they could be. On top of that, Josh was every bit of a grower. Hidden behind his jeans, and boxer briefs lied a foot long by the likes nobody had ever seen. He often caught people ball gazing, but thought very little of it. Hell, he hardly cared if people drooled over him. Paired with the young Adonis’ killer body, Josh’s well known size was the source of rumor for many at Westwood University. Despite this fact, He had turned down everybody who made the attempt to try and date him. Josh had his eyes on one person, and he was mere minutes away from confessing to that person. Sitting at his Desk, Parker was in the middle of daydreaming again. He had just gotten through a painful Calculus lecture, and was eager to spend time with Josh later that night. The two had planned to see a movie at the local theater. But, what the two didn’t know, was the others plan to confess feelings. While not as physically gifted as Josh. Parker was by no means a slacker. Standing at a smaller but still impressive 6’4 and weighing 215lbs. Parker packed a smaller, but still impressive anaconda of 10 inches. Like Josh, Parker was popular among the girls and the guys, but would reject everyone who bothered to ask. Like Josh, Parker was still a virgin, and it was a surprising fact. Few people expected someone of such an impressive size to still be one. “Hey, I’m on my way my dorm room. Wanna come hang out for a bit before the movie?” Josh texted Parker. Parker looked down at his phone and grinned, he loved hanging out with Josh. It wasn’t even a question of if he wanted to or not. The answer was always yes, and Josh knew it. ”Of course, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Parker responded. Josh received the text as he unlocked the door to his room but not before an unknown package he failed to notice fell over. Upon inspecting the package he noticed it to be some kind of experimental protein powder. Wondering what it was, he closed the door to his dorm room and opened it up, Finding a red warning written in bold letters, he began to read the side effects of overdose. “Overuse of the experimental Hyperbulk powder can result in several side effects that include but aren’t limited to, Extreme muscle growth, increased height, penis growth, an increased sex drive, and infectious cum” “Infectious cum”? Josh thought to himself. What do they mean by infectious? Before Josh had time to contemplate the message, he was overcome by a sense of hunger. “Well, I already have it. Why not try out some of this stuff while I wait on Parker?” Josh had been opening the bottle and gathering the other ingredients for a shake. The substance didn’t include a scoop and he had never been one to use one. So he decided that half the smaller tin would be an appropriate amount. It was about the same amount he usually used when he made protein shakes anyway. Blending it to perfection, Josh was excited as he poured the shake into a cup for his consumption. He had made protein shakes a daily part of his routine, and sculpted his body over the years to near perfection. (Or so he thought) By the time he finished gulping the shake down, he heard a knock at his door. Parker was thirsty, as he had just ran 4 miles to get to Josh’s dorm. It occurred to him that he hadn’t really eaten anything either. He was always the book nerd compared to his best friend. Indeed, Josh often playfully teased Parker for being a math major while he was at college on a basketball scholarship. Despite the two being different in almost every single way, they had been friends since they were just four years old! Parker didn’t really recall a time without his best bud. “Yo dude! Woah- you’re drenched in sweat and panting,” Josh noticed as he opened the door and greeted Parker. “Yeah, well I hate to keep you waiting. Besides I need the exercise,” Parker replied Josh led Parker to his couch, and went to go make another shake. Using the remaining half of the tin without paying any particular attention to the serving size amounts. Josh blended the shake to perfection, and handed this one to Parker. “Try this stuff out,” Josh said as he handed the drink to Parker Parker didn’t have to be told twice, especially being as thirsty as he was now. He gulped the contents of the shake down, leaving no trace of it in the cup. “Thank you, that hit the spot,” Parker let out a small burp of approval. Josh smiled and giggled a little bit. “No problem man, I actually just got that stuff delivered today. It was a sample of some new protein powder they’re developing,” Josh went on, as he began to felt a strange heat in his gut. “Well thanks man, but I wanted to tell you something.. Before we go out tonight. It’s been weighing on my mind now for months,” Parker began, as he too felt a weird warmth emanating from his gut. Josh sat on the couch next to Parker, and listened to what his friend had to say. Josh always listened to Parker, and cared a lot about what his friend had to say. “Well you see...” Parker began, “I like you a lot.. I have for some time. Everybody always drools over you and your body, and while I admit that’s a bonus. I’ve always liked you for more than that Josh. You’re my best friend, and know me better than anyone else. I’m more comfortable around you than I am anyone else.” Parker had intended to continue, but not before being interrupted by a pair of firm yet soft lips on his own. “I’ve loved you ever since our Freshman year of Highschool. I feared telling you because I didn’t want to lose our friendship. But are you sure I’m really what you want?” Josh blushed, as he exposed his more insecure side. “Of course you are...,” Parker responded The two leaned in to kiss, both battling the others tongue in a display of hot fiery passion unlike anyone had ever seen. Their intense make out session would move to Josh’s bed where the two gradually stripped clothing and continued making out. The two would begin to lose track of time as their bodies continued to rub against each other. However, the warmth in their guts began to spread throughout their bodies. Changes were beginning, that the two had yet to realize. Even Bigger changes were about to happen. Perhaps bigger than the two of them could begin to comprehend. End of chapter 1 Thanks to all those who have taken the time to read my first post. Hopefully you all enjoy this as I continue to develop it. I’ll continue to work on improving my writing as the chapters go on. But please, let me know what you thought!
  12. MizarAlcor69

    A Couple of GHI's (Chapter 0)

    This is my first piece of...anything after lurking on this site for a few years. Fair warning, this story is just a piece of work that is entirely self-indulgant, and made by a guy who has no understanding on how to write erotica or stories in general. … Anyways, Enjoy! (Also please give me any criticisms or thoughts you have. If I'm making horny garbage, I want it to be good horny garbage) (Also also, this chapter is pretty much just exposition, sorry.) ----------------------------- People are weird. More specifically, their tastes in partners. Especially me… especially me Ever since I hit puberty, I could count the number of guys that I didn't find attractive on one hand. That one pudgy guy with glasses I shared P.E. with? Sweat looked good on him. That one guy who looked like he could crush me with that build that screamed, "POWER"? Sit on me please. My best friend? Yes, even if it was pretty awkward and painful, especially when I confessed and got slammed into the friend zone… … Ok that's beside the point. This conflict only got worse when they showed up. When giants started to pop out of the woodwork, sometimes literally. You know that guy I was talking about? The one who looked like he could crush me, I was not joking. 10th grade, and the guy looked like a powerlifter. Not to mention his height. People would have to lift their heads more and more to look at him as the years passed. He wasn't the only one growing like this though. People all around started growing, either slowly, in a literal blink-of-an-eye, or having puberty hit them like a truck. At first, action was taken to restrain the giants. Camps and such were made just so the Government would have some time to find out what needs to be done. This didn't last long though, turns out quite a few superhumans didn't like the idea of being restrained, and broke out with ease. This was a sort of wake-up call, and everyone tried to make room for the giants in every aspect of life. Economically, giants thrived in jobs involving hard labor. Turns out they had stamina almost on par with their size. Businesses were being created for the purpose of helping or offering services to giants. The very first restaurant that could technically serve them was opened not even a year later. Politically, action was taken to guarantee an equal playing field. Though, that doesn't automatically mean that giants had a good deal of political power, too much fear... I guess. The one area that was near impossible for giants to succeed in was Socially. Again, the general populace were terrified of giants. The Media didn't help matters much either. Plus, it's hard to keep communication going between two people if one side literally looks down at the other. Luckily, an innovation was made. A group of scientists began to develop a medication designed to cut giants down...in size. It was a series of unnamed medication called GHI's (I just call them Guys). It technically means Giant Hormone Inhibitors, but they had quite a few effects on giants. One of them severely cut down on the rate of growth in giants. Though, this didn't help much for the ones with a more...sudden growth spurt. Not only that, if a user that grew in a sort of "slow burn" didn't take it consistently, their hormones would spike and growth would occur almost instantly. The amount the person grows actually depends on how big they would have grown normally, and how long it was suppressed. Luckily… Another medication had a more revolutionary effect on giants. It would actually alter someone's build to the point where a giant could live life as a regular person. A decrease in muscle mass, height, all of it. I've heard though, that the process is somewhat irritating in the fact that laxatives are needed before the transformation for reasons I don't want to get into...food doesn't shrink after all. The last of the medications was basically Viagra on steroids, but the opposite. Giants can literally become so horny they can get sex-crazed, that medication just served as a way to not actually fuck someone to death. "But, that was in the past, I'm horny now!" You may say. Well my loves, I have a story involving a certain giant, and how we became very, VERY close. ---------------------------- ~Once again, sorry for the lack of any action this "chapter". I don't really have an update schedule either. Thanks for giving this a read anyway. I just want to make some contribution to the community. Edit: Changed name to something more fitting for the plans I have. Edit: Changed last paragraph for the same reason.
  13. EclipseWing

    Next Level Love: Location Enabled

    After two months of being sick off and on - thankfully avoided the big one - I finally have time to write again. I hope you enjoy! Next Level Love Part 1 ============================================ Next Level Love: Location Enabled “You know Gan, you can type faster if you use both hands.” Ganymede smirked, tightening his grip around Eros’ dick. “Are you really complaining?” “Nah, but I want to get this done.” Eros and his divine other half were spread across their giant bed on a veranda overlooking the gardens of Olympus. Comfy as it was, Eros was still working furiously on the app. “Fine,” the former prince mock whined. “It’s not gonna take much longer, drama queen. I’ve already patched the whole thing with the repetitive task bug. No more task grinding for levels! And for certain tasks, the users are required to check in to areas. No saying you went to the gym without actually going.” “That’s great! So, no more glitches?” Eros frowned “Well, I think… I sent it out for another round of testing already.” “You’re too impatient,” Gan said, pulling Eros into a cuddle, shoving his own laptop away. “Is it too much to ask for time with my husband?! I’m the damn God of Love and Sex; everyone else gets to enjoy it but me.” Gan laughed. “It’s okay sexy, we’ll have our alone time soon. I really appreciate you’re trying to spend more time with me though.” “I know.” His computer pinged. “Oh hey, the test copy is active!” ============================================ Mateo was not happy. Every morning he woke up and stood in his boxers before the mirror, and he’d frown. From an outsider’s perspective, Mateo was blessed. Sure, he wasn’t built like a brick house like his father and the other men in his family, but he had other gifts. He was slender and svelte. His skin was flawless without effort and the only fat on his body was on his rear, leading to no shortage of envy from his sisters and cousins. He was the perfect twink. But that’s not what he saw in the mirror. No, Mateo saw a scrawny nobody. He saw a guy who was too thin, no muscle, and with a small member down below (he was actually average). He was blind to the desperate looks from closeted guys and deaf to the flirting of every top in the university. His self-doubt was only fueled by accidental comments from his Tia that he had eyelashes any woman would kill for – though she, of course, meant it as a complement. Today, he had had enough and marched his way to the gym off-campus. He felt imagined stares as he pushed the door open, his heart starting to race. He relaxed as he saw the tall athletic trainer with his hair pulled back in tight box braids. “Got your text. So, what’s your big emergency?” “Leon, I’m done. I’ve done everything I could, and I’m not putting on any muscle. I need your help.” Leon couldn’t help but laugh. “Matty, you’re a lot better off than like ninety percent of the guys I work with. They’d kill for your abs; hell, I’d kill for your abs.” “I only have abs because I’m skinny; they don’t count.” Mateo huffed. “And don’t call me Matty! We’re not kids anymore!” “Hey, you’re the one who wanted me to call you that back in the day.” Leon gave him a grin bright enough to light up the night. “Okay, fine,” Mateo sighed. “Just, can you help me or not?” “You know I’d do anything for you, man. Everyone knows pinky promises on the playground are for life.” Mateo rolled his eyes. “C’mon, let me get a few measurements so we have a starting point.” Annoyed as he pretended to be, Mateo could never be mad at the walking ball of sunshine. As he stepped up to the scale and let Leon crawl all over him with a tape measure, he couldn’t help but think about the days on the playground. Fate clearly had different plans for them as puberty hit Leon like a truck, turning him into a built man with near golden proportions. Leon jotted down the last few numbers. “Well, best thing I can say is that if you want to be bigger, you need to eat more – a lot more. And by that, I mean decent food.” “You know I get sick when I eat too much!” “Well, I don’t have any magic potion for you otherwise. I’ll cook the chicken for you myself if we have to. Next, we’ll start you on a simple four-day program, basic stuff…” Mateo tuned him out and stared into the free weight area. To be completely honest, there were two reasons he had chosen to use this gym instead of the one on-campus. The first, obviously, was to work with Leon who definitely wouldn’t judge him. Being in front of so many people… well, he needed all the help he could get. The second was because of the man named Dmitri. Perhaps “beast” was a better word than “man”. He came to the United States as a foreign student and instantly made waves. Rumors circulated about how he had to have been on a steady dose of HGH since he was a kid. He was the biggest at the university – well, not counting the quarterback and his boyfriend, but they were in a completely different league and more importantly taken. Dmitri was single and so far, had hardly looked at any women. Mateo (and every other gay guy in a ten-mile radius) waited with bated breath hoping for evidence to whether he was gay or not. Mateo sighed without realizing, watching the living hulk heave plate after plate onto the bar. The man’s neck was thicker than Mateo’s thighs. That was nothing compared to Dmitri’s thighs which were easily as thick, if not thicker, than Mateo’s waist. He fought not to swoon, watching those massive, vein-webbed forearms twist and jump as he made a note in his workout notebook. He tossed the book in his bag and chalked his hands. That’s when he saw Mateo watching him. Mateo felt his heart skip a beat. Dmitri stared back through the mirror with a haughty smirk before heaving the bending barbell up in a clean deadlift. “What’s your goal?” “Dmitri…” Leon leaned in and flicked his ear. “Earth to Matty, you can drool over the meathead later. We need a body goal for you.” “Oh right,” Mateo blushed as he rubbed his ear. “Um… well, I don’t need to be huge I guess, just ‘jock’ status?” “Jock status, we can work with that.” He made a note and stood. “Alright, time to get started!” “Wait, we don’t have to go in there with everyone else right?” “Yeah, but…” he stopped and saw Mateo tremble. “Oh, I get it. How about for this first one we go into the yoga studio. It’s always empty right now.” “Thanks,” Mateo sighed, already feeling better with Leon’s smile. ============================================ The workout was quicker than Mateo expected, but Leon didn’t pull any punches. The upper body workout absolutely destroyed him. After finishing cooling down, Mateo slumped onto a yoga mat. Leon shoved a protein shake his way, but Mateo tried to wriggle away. “You’re gonna drink the shake, or I’m going to get a funnel and force it into you.” “But those taste terrible!” “Do you want to get bigger or not?” Mateo took a reluctant sip, and his stubborn look melted into a sheepish one. “Chocolate peanut butter?” Leon grinned. “Knew you wouldn’t drink it otherwise.” “Thanks, maybe I’ll actually put on weight.” “One step at a time. For now, you’d better rest up. Big leg day tomorrow!” Mateo groaned internally but muttered to himself, “I’m gonna do it this time. I’m gonna get big.” “Yeah man, you’re gonna do it!” Just then, Mateo’s phone buzzed in his gym bag. He fished it out and got a strange notification. “Everything okay?” “Yeah… some weird game advertisement?” ============================================ Back in his dorm, Mateo opened up the strange app. An explosion of pink and purple hearts flew across the screen revealing an animated twunk with a bright pink tank top and teal running shorts. Both left little to the imagination. “Hey there Mateo, my name is Eros and welcome to Next Level Love, the game that brings you closer to your soulmate! You’ve been chosen to participate in the closed beta for version 2.0 of the game. Both you and your soulmate have been given a copy of this app. We won’t tell you who he is just yet; it’d ruin the fun! As you do stuff in your own life to take care of yourself, you gain points to find out more about him. You can even buy special perks for either him or yourself to really take your relationship to the next level.” “Great, my phone got a virus.” He reached to close the app. “Wait a second! This isn’t a virus, I promise! We’re testing out some things, and I can promise you won’t be disappointed. Even with our glitches we have a 100% success rate with our matches! You have nothing to lose.” For reasons he wasn’t sure of, Mateo decided to indulge the app. “Okay, so how do I play?” Eros led him through a quick tutorial, including the simple Lover’s Embrace perk to start. It was then that Eros popped up again. “For completing our tutorial and for finishing all of your tasks today, you’ve leveled up two more times, congrats! You can use those points to purchase more for your soulmate or yourself. We’ve even created new location-based perks, so you can even get a bonus while working on your tasks. Finally, we’ve got some info on your soulmate.” On the note page, a single line had been added: Loves lifting at the gym. Mateo felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was happy his soulmate was probably jacked. On the other… he looked in the mirror again and groaned. “Okay, that first one is definitely being used on me. I have a lot of catching up to do.” His finger hovered for a moment over the shop icon. “It’s not cheating, it’s just a little boost.” He skimmed the options before picking one. Hyper Healing When you go to sleep, you will instantly reap the benefits of your workout. Your muscles and joints will be completely healed. It is impossible for you to overtrain, no matter how long you workout, so long as you get at least six hours of sleep. “Perfect, that’ll buy me some time. All I have to do is workout every day, and I’ll be making gains in no time!” ============================================ Mateo bounced into the gym, nearly breaking into song. He’d never felt so rested before. It felt like the stress from school, life, and everything had completely melted away. Best of all, it felt like had been cuddled all night long; he guessed that his soulmate also sent the Lover’s Embrace. He was on top of the world, he even forgot to look in the mirror. “Someone woke up on the right side of the bed,” Leon said, looking Mateo over. “I was a little worried when you didn’t text me back. You’re not sore at all?” “Nope, let’s do this!” Leon let out a shaky laugh. “Oookay, let’s start with some warm-ups. We’re doing a lot of leg work today.” “Alright-” Mateo cut himself off as he saw the mirror. He was going to complain about how far he had to go, but his reflection was different. “Are the mirrors warped?” “No, we’re not about lying to the members.” Mateo stared. He actually had muscle. Not much, just enough to be considered fit, but he wasn’t scrawny. He lifted his shirt, seeing a six pack. It might have been there due to just being thin, but it wasn’t a bad start. “Hey, Narcissus! You can flex on us later, let’s get some work in first!” “Right, yeah, sorry!” ============================================ After the workout, Mateo was a sweaty lump on the floor. Leon shook his head. “Your attitude is awesome, but you might want to take it easy until you get a bit more adjusted to the routine. You don’t know your limits yet.” “My legs are jelly,” he moaned back. Leon shoved another protein shake in his hands. Mateo leaned against the wall in a little ball, slowly sipping. Leon slid down next to him. “How’d I do? Do I have a pump yet?” Leon snorted. “You’re doing fine, but it’s gonna take time. You gotta be patient.” He then got back up to his feet. “Rest day tomorrow, I think you’re gonna need it. My next client is here, so I’ll text to check in on you later. If you’re still feeling like shit, I’ll bring some food by.” “Thanks, see ya,” Mateo groaned into the shake. Everything hurt. It was going to be hell in a few hours, that is, it would be if he didn’t have a magic app on his phone. As soon as Leon was out of sight, he whipped his phone out. “Hey there, looks like you had a really productive-” Mateo cut off Eros, tapping furiously to get to the shop. “Okay, okay, fine! Calm down!” The shop loaded with several new options and a ton of points to use. “Okay, recovery first.” Green Potion Your body is completely rejuvenated, and your stamina recovers at a faster rate than humanly possible. The smell of peppermint filled the air, and he felt a soothing cool flow across his sore muscles. “That’s better… now, what’s next?” “HEY!” Eros shouted from the corner of the screen, tossing on his shop apron. “Slow down, I need a chance to get ready! I get what you’re doing, but that perk is only going to really help you in the short term. How about you try one of the location ones?” “Location?” “If you were listening, you’d know you can apply them to places where you complete tasks.” Eros grumbled. “Like the gym for example. You can use the perk to help you with your tasks and since your soulmate likes lifting here, it could help you guys hook up.” With a snap of his fingers, the shop changed to a new tab and scrolled down to a list tagged “Gym.” “Why don’t you try this?” Senzu Bean Resting and drinking a protein shake from the gym will immediately remove all soreness and restore your stamina. Mateo chose it, but then he saw a different one just below it. Ironworks Your gym is focused on those who want to build muscle. Anyone who works out there will always reap the maximum benefit of their workout as if they had perfect health, sleep, and stress. It is incredibly easy to bulk or cut. “Wait I thought I removed that one…” “What?” “Nothing! Um, maybe you don’t wa- and you clicked it.” Eros groaned. “Okay, but I’m adding this one automatically. You don’t want to deal with their questions.” Reality Filter You went too far, didn’t you? The massive changes you’ve made and will make in the future will not be questioned by anyone. Only you and your soulmate will notice. ============================================ Mateo threw the doors open to the gym, eager to see the changes. It was still busy, but there were less people overall, and there seemed to be more men that usual. While the building looked the same, the racquetball courts had been replaced by an expanded free weight area. The kids area was transformed into extra machine space. Right in the center of that new area was Leon, cranking bent rows on a smith machine. He was soaking in sweat and rocking a crazy pump. “Wow, you’re on fire!” The weights hit the bottom and Leon wiped the sweat off his face. “Today I’ve been feeling great! Add another 25 on that side okay?” “You sure you’re not trying to show off for someone?” Mateo joked, tossing on the plate. “Maybe,” he shrugged back. His back looked ready to tear the sides of his tank top. “Are you seriously working out today? You’re still a beginner, you need to rest.” “Don’t worry, just wanted to do some cardio.” He tried to sneakily look over his shoulder. Leon huffed. “He hasn’t come in yet.” “What?” “Dmitri.” Mateo blushed. “I-” “Don’t play dumb, it’s pretty obvious you’re crushing on him. He’ll be in though; he always trains legs today.” Leon rolled his shoulders and gripped the bar. “Hang around and you’ll run into him. Just don’t do something stupid.” “Thanks.” Mateo wandered for a bit, debating if he wanted to actually do cardio. Going into the free weight section alone? Absolutely not. He settled on a treadmill with a perfect view of the free weights when a commotion caught his attention. A bunch of guys took over the empty benches, earning more than a few annoyed glares from everyone. They were freshmen from the university who all seemed to have TikTok e-boy builds – in other words their personality was that they had abs. Mateo nervously looked at the mirror again. A small flame of pride blossomed in his chest; he was actually slightly bigger than them. The party boys were working arms today, but as far as anyone could tell, it might as well have been a dick measuring contest. They were fighting over who could grab the highest weight. Mateo sighed; it definitely wasn’t the show he wanted. “Hey.” It was a single word, and more of a rumble at that, but Mateo nearly fell off the treadmill. He turned and came face to face with a giant sweaty chest that was torturing the straps of the stringer that barely held them back. His eyes slowly started to crawl downwards over the thick roidgut, but he wrenched himself upward to look into the eyes of Dmitri. “Hey,” he managed to squeak out. “I saw you here the other day, right? You’re gonna put on some good size if ya keep this up. We should work out together some time.” “Y-yeah!” With that they exchanged numbers. Dmitri smiled and lumbered towards the locker rooms. Mateo stopped the treadmill and slumped down, heart racing and trying desperately to make sure his erection couldn’t be seen. ============================================ “I gotta get bigger, I gotta get bigger…” He kept up the mantra as he kept looking between the mirror and his phone. “There’s gotta be a good one here somewhere…” Just then he was interrupted by a text. >> Hey man, are you doing okay? I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Don’t feel like you have to rush or anything okay? He hammered off a quick response to Leon assuring him he was fine. Right as he hit send, a shock rocketed up his arm. He clutched his stomach and watched in shock as the joints of his hand popped and stretched. Suddenly, he remembered his soulmate also had the app. Mateo moaned with each pulse of growth rippling through him. It grew from his abs and moved outward in waves, disproportionately starting with his legs and forcing his upper body to catch up bit by bit. He flexed, forcing the growth into his biceps, watching the peaks grow higher and more cut. “Not… enough…” He growled. His clothes said otherwise, ripping down his pecs and splitting up the side of his quads. He slammed his finger into the phone again, choosing a perk without looking. Gym Leader You might still be on your journey to be the best that ever was, but you’re pretty damn good already. You are one of the biggest guys at your gym and others look to you for advice and motivation. The fire inside him burned brighter and brighter. Each breath seemed to engorge his body a little more. With a roar, he flexed and blasted the clothes to shreds leaving only his boxers. The tortured underwear now looked more like a poser, only holding by a thread. He looked himself over in the mirror. Where once had been a twunk now stood an amateur bodybuilder practically ready for his first show. “That’s good for now, but I’m gonna have to really grow some more to get Dmitri to really fall for me.” He brought his arm up and could practically hear the skin stretch. He flexed in the mirror for all of half a second before the frown returned. “I forgot I need to balance out…” There’s the Beef! The bulge you show off will be noticeably large in proportion to the rest of your body. With a final snap, his underwear gave up the fight and joined the rest of his clothes in tatters on the floor. A ten-inch slab of cock now hung soft from his body with thick balls to match. Almost naturally, a cocky grin spread across his face as he flexed. “Nice to see a bit of confidence on you,” Eros chirped from the app, “but don’t you think you should maybe spread the love a little?” “You’re right!” Eat Clen, Tren Hard Simply training at the gym will give patrons the benefits of being on an aggressive steroid cycle, but with none of the drawbacks. “Humans, I swear to Auntie Hera…” He rubbed his temples. “Okay, listen. I’ve seen a lot of relationships, good and bad. That’s why there’s the app, we’re doing the work for you to make sure the guy on the other end doesn’t just like you, he loves you. Best part of all? He’s gonna love you regardless of what you look like. The app isn’t to make you attractive to him, it’s to enhance and nurture what’s already there. For you both to grow together!” “He already loves me?” “Y’know if you actually read the notes, you’d know that. He’s crazy about you.” Mateo opened the list, more than a little embarrassed. · Gym rat · Fantasizes about you · Wants to get as big as possible · Exclusive top · Can help you relax ============================================ The talk with the app and the notes gave Mateo a lot to think about when he got to the gym, though that last one felt like a call-out. However, all of the other notes were pushing his buttons. He was so deep in thought, he almost walked into the wrong locker room. He shyly backed away, considering skipping. “Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans-Hey!” Leon cut himself off on seeing Mateo. “Holy…” Mateo realized he never considered what that last perk would have done to a guy who worked for the gym and practically lived there. Leon was huge yet absolutely shredded. Despite the app’s magic, his sharp taper and tight core were only enhanced. He was some golden combination of Serge Nubret and Phil Heath, but still kept his usual hairstyle. “See something you like?” “Damn, you’re looking good… wait, were you just singing Taylor Swift?” “Yeah, so?” Mateo playfully shoved him, but this time he sent Leon staggering. “Shit, sorry!” “It’s okay man, guess you don’t know your own strength. You’re really blowing up.” Leon paused for a moment, but Mateo hardly noticed. “Let’s get started. Gonna need to do something intense to tire you out now.” “Bring it on!” They headed over to an open space to do some dynamic stretching when Mateo saw the frat boys again, but they too were changed. All of them looked like they had done nothing but lift through high school and even though their legs were still lacking a bit. They were still rowdy and if anything, cockier than ever. “I hate having to clean up after them…” Leon groaned watching them, but then had a sly grin. “Hey Matty, wanna help me out a bit?” “What do you need?” “We’re just gonna work with a group.” “What?!” Suddenly, Mateo felt small again. “I… I don’t know…” “Just follow my lead, besides you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re twice as big as them.” Mateo looked in the mirror and realized he was right. He swallowed hard and followed his friend. “Hey guys, you mind if we work in?” It was as if a flock of peacocks all decided to fan their tails at once. All of them were clearly flexing, despite trying to look natural, yet when they saw the two massive men, they all seemed to shrink. “Always fun to work with a group don’t you think, Matty?” “Yeah,” Mateo replied, though he wasn’t so sure. He didn’t have long to think before Leon was shoving dumbbells into his hands. “Matty,” he whispered. “You deserve to be here as much as they do. Show them what you can do. Don’t even think about them, just focus on me first.” Mateo nodded, keeping an eye on Leon’s blinding smile. The first rep felt like the world was watching, but the second came easier. Then the third. Then the fourth. Before he knew it, he completed the set and was sitting on the bench while Leon did his own. Leon was giving out advice as he did, but Mateo could only sit with a smile. The other frat guys were completely hypnotized watching Leon and Mateo, the new targets of their hero worship (and other worship that would happen in their fantasies) but neither man knew it. They were completely focused on their work. “You should be proud,” Leon said at the end of the session. “It’s not so bad being in front of others after all, huh?” “Shut up,” Mateo laughed, but his cheeks burned. He still couldn’t believe he did it. As he left the gym, his phone buzzed. It was Dmitri. >> Wanna workout together tomorrow? Planning on doing a second leg day. Mateo didn’t hesitate to text back. ============================================ The mantra changed the next morning. “Not big enough, not big enough…” He could practically hear Leon telling him he was fine, but yesterday was around normal guys. Dmitri? That was a different story. He could help but feel smaller and smaller the more he thought about it. He gasped for breath, then shut his eyes. He focused on Leon’s warm smile. Slowly his chest released. “Okay… Leon would say I can do this. He’d say I’ll be fine.” His eyes fell to his phone. “Buuuuut… a few extra pounds couldn’t hurt right?” He skimmed through the list, seeing a handful of good ones but nothing seemed to fit what he was looking for. “Wait, if I pick a change to the gym that stacks with the Gym Leader perk… it’ll make me even bigger automatically, right?” Supersize Me Those who go to your gym are absolutely addicted to growth. Everyone is committed to pushing the human body to the limits of what sizes are possible… and thanks to this app they often exceed those limits too. He had barely confirmed his choice before the familiar waves of growth washed over him. He fell to his knees, groping his pecs greedily as they swelled into mountains. The overdeveloped masses stuck far out over his now rounded abs as his shoulders and arms seemed to be in a race to push the most veins to the surface by their swelling bulk. His best assets of course were still his titan legs and shelf-like glutes. He gasped as the growth built in his balls for the grand finale, stretching them to the size of tangerines, then lemons. His cock erected into an eighteen-inch tower. He roared as a massive load unloaded into the bottom of his chest. “Now… now I’m ready…” He panted. He looked into the mirror and small Mateo flickered back for a moment. “Maybe a shower first.” ============================================ The gym had completely changed. What was once a futuristic looking place that was more of a sports club was now a top of the line facility solely focused on bodybuilding and powerlifting. Thanks to the recent changes it was packed with guys trying to get as big as possible. The posters of soccer moms at yoga classes were replaced by signed posters of bodybuilding greats. A whole section seemed dedicated to posing practice with a trainer dedicated to adjusting stances. In the weight section, Mateo had never seen so many dumbbells and plates in one place as there never seemed to be a shortage of any type. “Hey, there you are!” Dmitri waved him over towards the squat rack. “Was worried you were gonna skip.” Mateo meant to say “No way! Let’s get started!” but it ended up “N-n-no way.” Dmitri gave him a crooked smile but didn’t push. “So, I usually do legs today…” His voice faded away as Mateo loaded up the squat rack. He didn’t expect all of the other guys to be so much bigger now! Even the frat boys were ready for at least an amateur classic competition… and judging by the bulges down below as they playfully grabbed each other they seemed to have discovered something along the way. “Hey, are you listening?” “I… I’m sorry, I’m nervous, I don’t usually workout without Leon and…” Dmitri looked at him and grinned. “What?” The hulk laughed. “I’m surprised you agreed without him. Aren’t you with Leon?” “N-no?” “He and I workout sometimes. He won’t shut up about you. Truth is today’s just a pump day for me. I asked you to work out with me, because I wanted to make sure you were the right kind of guy for him.” “What?!” He shook his head and then put his hand on Mateo’s shoulder. “You’re fucking blind. You’re too worried about what you don’t have to see what you already have.” “I’m not with him though, I’m just, no, he’s… He’s like my best friend.” “A boyfriend is just your best friend that you wanna fuck.” Mateo was speechless. Dmitri shrugged and racked the bar. “Okay, who was it you went to for help?” “Leon.” “And who texted you each morning to make sure you were okay?” “Leon.” “And who was your biggest cheerleader, celebrating every little victory? Who’s smile got you to calm down?” “…Leon.” Everything was falling into place. “Oh shit, Leon… Leon has the other app…” “You know what you need to do.” Mateo hugged Dmitri. “Thank you!” “Don’t worry about it,” he grunted. He then saw the frat guys watching his every move. “Y’know, I think I’m wanted. You better get going.” He winked and lumbered to the locker room. While the group of frat guys obediently followed as if hypnotized, Mateo bolted out the door. ============================================ Leon lived off-campus in an apartment down a sleepy street. Mateo hammered on his door, nearly splintering it. The other residents of the apartment peered at him, but all of them were too intimidated to ask him to knock it off. Finally, Leon answered the door in only a bath towel. “M-Mateo?! What are you doing here?” “Leon, please, I’m so sorry! I was so stupid and-” He stopped when Leon started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” “This is just like when you thought you broke my Optimus Prime when we were kids.” “How was I supposed to know the leg bent that way on purpose?” Mateo sighed, but began to blush as he realized the judging stares follow him. “Can I come in?” “Yeah, c’mon man.” He ducked under the doorway and carefully squeezed inside. He was afraid to break the furniture, so he sat on the floor, which was more than a bit of a challenge for him at his new size. Leon sat across from him. “Kinda wish you came a few minutes later man… I just got out of the shower.” Mateo had noticed and was hoping Leon didn’t notice the effect it had on him. “I… uh…” “You good? You look sick. I’ll grab some medicine or something…” “The app!” Leon stopped. “What?” “You’re the other one, right? My,” Mateo swallowed hard. “My soulmate.” Leon held up his phone, showing the familiar pink hearts. “Guilty.” Mateo could see a list of the changes he made, though the one at the top caught his attention first. Eyes Unclouded by Hate Your soulmate might be a bit too hard on themselves and can’t see what’s really there. This perk will show them how you see them. “I didn’t grow that first night…” Mateo murmured. “You just…” “Wanted you to see the you that I saw,” Leon sunk back into the couch. “I hated seeing you beat yourself up. I thought it would help.” Mateo wasn’t sure what to say. For a moment he forgot he was the hulking mass he was and just wanted to cuddle into Leon’s arms. “Though… after you started growing, I did do some of the later spurts…” Leon laughed. “Gotta say, mass looks really good on you. And hey, you did do this to me.” He motioned to his giant pecs that looked like the perfect spot for Mateo to shove his face. “I was a little worried you wouldn’t be interested.” Mateo shook his head furiously. “I’m just sorry it took so long!” Leon knelt down next to him and gave him a gentle kiss. “I waited this long; I was fine with a little longer as long as you figured it out in the end.” One kiss led to another… and another… and another, each slowly deepening. Mateo then felt something jab into his stomach. “I might have made a few personal changes too…” Mateo unwrapped Leon’s massive manhood from the towel, easily several inches larger than his own. He couldn’t help but grab it. The thick pillar was all that was on his mind as he watched his fingers dance along its length. He could already feel Leon twitching in anticipation. He teased the head with his tongue. As much as he wanted to take him deep down his throat, there was something else he wanted more. “Um, Leon… can we?” Leon was nearly drooling. “Hell yes.” Mateo may have been the bigger of the two, but Leon seemed to undergo a transformation all his own. The friendly light in his eyes was replaced with a hunger. Without warning, Leon’s hand smacked Mateo’s copious glutes, eliciting a sweet squeal of pleasure from the larger man. “Taunting me for years with this just isn’t fair,” Leon pushed Mateo to the floor. “How about you flex for me, stud?” Mateo started with a double bi but crumped as Leon’s tongue flicked across him. “Hooooly shit… Leeeooooon…” “Bigger than any guy I’ve met, but it’s easy to make you melt.” His tongue was replaced by lubed fingers. Each touch was a little shock. “Leon, please…” “Please what?” Leon asked innocently, adding another finger. “Oh god… please, I need it…” “You should really use your words, Matty.” The nickname now made his heart flutter as he squirmed on Leon’s fingers. “FUCK ME PLEASE!” “Good boy Matty,” Leon said, slowly working his cock in. Each inch was agony, slowly grinding through all of Mateo’s sweet spots and then drilling into new ones he never knew. By the time he bottomed out, his cock was burbling a river of pre and he was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. “Oh no, my turn.” With a growl, Leon slammed into Mateo. Each thrust made Mateo cry out, slamming his own hips back. He tried to hold back, knowing the whole apartment building could probably hear him, but each time Leon ground against his prostate, he couldn’t help it. He could feel Leon nip at his neck and one hand was having its way with his chest, twisting and pulling away. His cries became desperate whines. Leon pulled his cock back almost all the way before slamming in once more. “My Leon… more!” Leon lost it with that and began thrusting at a rapid, punishing angle. One final dominating kiss later, both muscle gods came, pleasure blinding them as Mateo was filled and Leon was painted with pints of cum. Leon collapsed onto Mateo without withdrawing, both men gasping for air. He nuzzled into Mateo’s neck. “I can’t believe I finally got to do that with you.” “I shouldn’t have kept you waiting. If I knew it was gonna be like that…” “Guess I owe Dmitri for talking to you.” “You’re the only muscle god I need,” Mateo laughed, curling around Leon. “Tomorrow we’re gonna head back to the gym so I can teach you the right way to use your muscles.” “I was thinking maybe you could maybe… grow bigger than me?” Mateo mumbled. “I like that idea more.” Leon thrust back into him. “In fact, why do we need to wait?” ============================================ Eros sighed. “Okay, the location idea might have been a little too overpowered.” “Yeah, too much collateral damage.” Gan stretched and frowned. “Y’know, Zeus is gonna start asking questions if we keep fucking up this university.” “He’s too busy.” “Trust me, you didn’t date the guy. Anything with sex he’s like a hawk… sometimes literally.” “It’s fine, Auntie Hera owes me a favor, so she’ll keep him busy.” Gan flinched. “Not sure he deserves that.” Eros shrugged and looked at the code. “I’ll patch out the location stuff later. Let’s take a break.” “Fuck yes!” Gan shouted, climbing on top of his lover, but instead of diving into the usual passionate make out session, he stopped and frowned. The question was out of his mouth before the thought even fully formed. “Have you been getting bigger?”
  14. Preface I used to think I understood the world. I went to work, I enjoyed my friends, I loved my husband. The world was small and manageable. I liked that world. But that world was a delusion. Reality is so much bigger. So much bigger. Before it all happened, I didn’t really know my brother, my coworkers, or my husband. I didn’t even know myself. Now I know enough to know how little I know. But I know enough. I know the seductive power of being the largest man in the room. I know that office gossip and contract law can be dangerous and exhilarating. I know that temptation is one of the strongest forces in the universe. I know that magic is real. That last one was the biggest shock. But there’s a lot about me that’s big nowadays. At the beginning, I never would have believed any of this. I would have dismissed it as utter bullshit. But then it happened to me. My world began changing on a Friday morning in late March. It was a Friday morning like so many others. It was supposed to stay a perfectly ordinary Friday. It didn’t.
  15. MuscleBearDaddy

    Yeah Homo

    This was a one hour writing prompt that just scream to me after the hour was finished. Hope you enjoy everyone. Watching the male cheerleaders workout and do the flamboyant routine of the cheer squad, Lyon whispered to himself, "Homos, they don't even get that they have prime chance to feel up some of the hottest women on the school ground but they never take those chances." What the watcher did not see was the head cheerleader that just came out of the locker room when he said that. She dabbled in witch-craft and smiled as she cast a small spell on Lyon. She tapped him on the shoulder and smiled. "Excused me," she said as she let the magic flow into Lyon, "Can you leave so we can practice without perverts looking at us." Lyon gulped as he could feel the magic but mistook it as female alpha power. He nodded and left the gymnasium. Kicking a rock once he was out of the building, Lyon walked and found himself at the open air lifting zone of the school. There were a few bodybuilders and meatheads working out there. Most of them were shirtless and wore compression shorts. Lyon found himself staring at them when one started to workout. The way the body moved and flex as they worked out showed that they know what they were doing. Then he heard a chuckle from them as they pointed at him between sets. He blushed and said out loud, "No homo." The young man did not notice that after he said that, his body changed a bit. Muscles became more defined but still not noticeable under his clothes.The gymrats laughed and continued their workout. Lyon kept watching as they worked out and sometimes even when they showed off a bit. They knew they had an audience and loved to show off their strength and bodies. Again as Lyon watched, he said to himself, "No homo." A bit more muscle added itself to his frame and even some hair appeared on his chest. The youth scratched his chest when this happened but still did not notice the way his pecs were a bit larger than they were that morning. The bodybuilders started a bit of a pose off and Lyon said those words again as he watched in awe. "No homo." His shirt started to get a bit snug but he thought it was just because he was standing in the sun for while and it was a day where there was a bit of heat. That is when he decided to go get a drink from the fountain. The closest one was in the locker room of the weight room. Lyon got to the water fountain and took a long drink. Finishing the drink, he enjoyed the cool feeling that was spreading into his body as the water went into his stomach. He turned and was greeted by a perfect view of the open showers. There was a swimmer, naked and shaving his body, but that is not what Lyon noticed. The swimmer was very endowed which was heightened by him being clean shaved. "No homo, No homo, No homo," Lyon said quickly. This time his muscles burst in mass, body hair became even more pronounced, and his shirt ripped at the seams where the arms met the torso. “Fuck,” he said as he heard the rip and notice how his body has been changing. “How the fuck this been happening,” he asked to no one and just noticed how tight his pants were getting. He looked down and noticed his thighs were thicker. He grinned when he noticed how large his groin looked. Stripping down, Lyon walked toward an open stall and turned on the water before starting to jerk his cock. Not only did it feel good to stroke his cock, it was large then it was this morning when he jerked off. He bit lightly on his lip to stifle a moan and closed his eyes. Lyon focused on the pleasure of his engorged cock was giving him. Lost in the pleasure, he did not feel the passing of time until he heard the water hit something. Opening his eyes, Lyon saw a member of the wrestling team looking at him and stroking his own cock. “No homo,” Lyon said and this time felt his body grow. The pleasure increases as all his muscles stack on more size. His hand was forced open as his dick widened as well lengthened a bit. Using his free hand, Lyon reached up to his chest and rubbed his pecs feeling the growth of hair. Lyon groaned as he felt the weight of his pec and his thumb rubbed over his nipple. He heard the wrestler take a step and grope his chest. “No homo,” he moaned as the wrestler massaged the pec as he felt the growth kick in. The wrestler took the chance and pushed Lyon to the wall and took Lyon’s cock in his hand. “No homo,” said the growing youth before the wrestler shut him up with a kiss. It was rough but it did its job along with making Lyon realize that he was growing facial hair too. The wrestler’s hand was calloused but felt good on the sensitive skin of the shaft along with his own hand. Both felt the growth stop but continue to kiss. The wrestler broke the kiss and got on his knees and engulfed the cock head. “No homo,” whined Lyon as the wrestler started to suck on the head. The growth added to the pleasure Lyon was feeling as the wrestler sucked his cock. Both were moaning but the moans of the wrestler sent vibrations right to Lyon’s balls. Within minutes, he felt his balls draw up and moaned. He was about to shoot his load when the wrestler removed himself from the enlarging cock. The next thing Lyon knew was that cock was now resting between the wrestler's ass cheeks as the wrestler aligned the head with the asshole. “No homo,” he whimpered as he felt the wrestler push back onto his cock. “Fuck yeah,” moaned deeply the wrestler as he began to feel the growth in his chute as he fuck himself on the cock of the growing muscle bear, “Your dick feels soo good in my ass.” Lyon could not believe how good a tight but yielding ass felt. Tighter than any pussy he fucked before and that was including virgins. The muscles of the ass worked on his cock as the wrestler worked back and forth, milking the cock for ever drop even before the orgasm. It was slow at the start and getting used to the feeling, Lyon grabbed the wrestler’s waist and began pounding the ass. This change of power made the wrestler moan and say, “Break in that new cock of yours bro.” Fucking the wrestler only lasted fifteen minutes as Lyon was already close to cumming before the ass was introduced to his cock. The two of them were grunting and growling with pleasure when Lyon said right before organism hit, “No homo.” the wrestler moaned loudly as he felt his ass fill with both cock and cum. The now muscle bear was panting as he felt the pleasure of his orgasm and growth intertwine. Both allowed the post orgasm high clear way before removing each other. The wrestler chuckled as he felt the overflow of semen flow out of his used ass. “That was great bro,” he said as he stood up and smiled at Lyon. “So what about homo now bro,” he said with a bit of mirth in his voice. All Lyon could do was smile back and say, “Yeah homo.”
  16. beastcz

    Mysterious Stranger

    Legends told, in a public rest room not too far away. A mysterious stranger occupying a stall. He's muscular and strong, broad shoulders and thick arms. Shapely pecs, stocky core. Thunder thighs and bubble butts. His face, what can be seen under his concealing hood, has rugged strong jaw and manly hair. Sometimes, it's a handsome scruff. Sometimes, it's a full thick beard. But the most notable features of his, people whispers, are his thick cock and bull balls. Don't be mistaken, their size are impressive, but not exceptional. What make these so special is the properties they hold. Legends told, of a beefy bull stud, offering his service in a public restroom not too far away. If you accept his offers, of blowjobs and barebacks, you may find his generous offers even more wondrous. With his overflowing loads in your mouth and hole, you may find your body grow. Muscle strengthen and bulging, frame enlarged and looming, hair spread and covering, and manhood virile and empowering. His gifts given, his lust satisfied, you find he disappeared. Without a word, without a sound, nothing left behind except your new body. Vanished, dimmed and faded without a trace. Legends told, of a mysterious sexy stranger, in a public restroom not too far away. If you except his offers, fulfil lust his and yours, you may find he leaves you a gift, studly body like his assured. --------------------------------------------- This one's format is a little bit weird. Just an experimental style I want to try out. I was hoping it would give the snippet a bit of a mysterious atmosphere. Posted here in the story section because I feel like it has potential for development later on. May expand this into an actual full length piece later.
  17. Second thoughts When Charles' second thoughts began to dawn, it was too late. The company. The offer. It all sounded so great. Presumably exaggerated, because of the way salesmen talk. The offer to have the treatment payed for by a future employer, if any such materialized after the treatment, and otherwise having the treatment at a discount, payed by himself once a month over two years. Affordable. Possible. The effects probably exaggerated, but if half of the effects were true, Charles' life would improve. Not so shy in the gym anymore – presumably. But now ... The interview had caused him to blush. Too personal questions. The Lab... looking like it tried very hard to give the impression of being a set from a sci-fi film. And now. Now, when it all was becoming reality... He found out, that he wanted to get out of the cylindric glass tank. Floating inside it, almost naked, just wearing posing trunks. Green, warm and luminous liquid surrounding him. Luminous ... perhaps dangerous? Floating in it. IV-tubes in the crooks of his arms: Two chemicals dripping ... almost pumped into his system. The mask over his mouth and nose supplying him with oxygen. Oxygen and ... and something else? His childish fantasies about cylinder-shaped growth tanks ... His childish fantasies about Bane and venom ... Like the company had delivered exactly what he wanted, and he had begun to realize, that he didn't want it ... not in reality, only as a treasured fantasy ... because reality was scary, and would have a real impact on his life ... What would his colleagues at the office say if he ... Second thoughts. Out. Stop the process. To get out of the growth-tank. To return to his familiar, normal, boring life. To... The effects. He could feel them. Surrounded by the warm liquid. Floating weightless in the middle of the tank. More ... embodied. More ... present. Cupping and squeezing his biceps. Hard biceps. Bigger biceps. Veiny biceps. Couldn't believe ... Not what he had expected. More, than he had expected. Felt good, actually, but this level of brawn wouldn't suit his worklife well... Bad for career. Needed to get out. Had committed a mistake. Bad decision. Allowed daydreams to run amok. Hadn't expected this much difference. This much change. This ... this transformation. The feeling of his chest. Pecs growing beefier at an almost visible speed. Cupped his pec. Flexed. It bounced in his hand. Hard slab of meat. Full. Imposing. He could feel his manhood ... expand ... inside his posing trunks. His chest feeling hefty. Chiselled and beefy. Different from before. Different. Better. Beefier. Brawnier. Not like before. Him. Brawnier. God! Felt so hard. All of him: muscles, dick, mind. So hard. Tubes in his arms: Pumped into his system. Pumped muscles. Dick pumping. His mind pumped up, because the testo ... the testo levels ... He was becoming a testosterone-factory. Yeah! His entire system. His entire body ... was a testosterone factory now. More than he asked for. He had to ... He had to get out ... He had to... He had to embrace the experience, revel in his newfound mass, and take it all in, and becoming ... O fuck, yes! His hand – bigger now – caressed his six-pack. Rockhard, steelhard well-defined six-pack with deep, deep valleys between each of the ... He emitted a moan inside his mask, and inhaled the formula deeper. Yes! Deeper! Into his entire system! Pump him full! His temples pounded. His skin covering his entire sculpted and bulging gym-physique bristled and tingled pleasantly. Buzzed. Feeling his muscles growing at visible speed. Bigger than ... Uh! Anabolic state. Shedding all fat. Visible muscle definition. Luminous liquid. Crackling and buzzing. Like his entire body was connected to a power-current. Not a painful power-current. Not like an electric shock, but rather like ... Uh! Like... Oh, fuck! Like gamma radiation in the comics were real, and that he... FUCK! SO GOOD! Power into him. Power through him. Empowering his strength. So strong now. Power that... Uh! BECOMING power! And the gas still hissing ... What had he thought... Lost his thoughts earlier? Something ... ... well, yes, had to get out because ... ... yes, why? No reason to get out. Wouldn't miss this for anything. Wanted more! MORE of the two serums in his veins. MORE of the gas in his lungs. MORE of the power-current. MORE of this feeling of being a testosterone-factory. More of endlessly increasing muscle mass. Become beef! Become brawn! Become ... Chuck felt good. He was becoming what he was destined to. Biggest bloke in the gym. Chuck never skip leg day. Able to focus his training aggression. What matters in life: Workouts. He and the weights. And to show off before those who want to worship his mass. Mmmm. Zapped by the growth-tank to become even bigger, brawnier, beefier. His jockboy bod. Show off. Feel the satisfaction when his worshippers realise that he is superior. The dominant Alpha in the room. Have his biceps licked by worshippers. Ummmm. Yes! The growth-tank: continuing the process, increasing the process, becoming a testo-factory. Pumped into his system. Pumped muscles. Dick pumping. His mind pumped up, because the testo level... Breathing in more GROWTH. Inhaling beefiness. Power into him. Power through him. Empowering his strength. Stronger. BECOMING power! POWER HOUSE! Chuck big! I'll show you fukkers, who's Alpha! Wait until I get out, and I'll show you, but not yet, not yet, because he was still growing bigger. Transforming into something even more ... Uh! Yeah! Look at me! So fucking good! Feel good to turn into titan jockhood beyond reason. So he had to stay inside the growth-tank to become ... to become ... what his new employer wanted him to become. Yeah. So he would be able to dominate his new employer, the way both of them wanted. Built by steel-hard spheres now: Bowling ball shoulders, volley ball biceps, medicine ball pecs, bullneck and insane traps, his quads forcing his legs wide, wide apart ... Yeah! Wider! Arms forced upwards by his meaty, beefy, intimidating lats... Yeah! Look at me! This is how perfection looks like! Testo-factory... Chuck big! Chuck biggest jockboy there is! Chuck can feel his own power! Feel how he increases! Feel how ... uh ... power pumped into him, to become ... become his new employer's Dominator. All muscle mass. Feel good to dumb down. The more old memory seeps out of Chuck's mind, the bigger Chuck becomes. Yes! Bigger! MAKE ME BIGGER! The BIGGERMOST dumb jockboy in the world! I'll show you my strength, and let you choke on my ... Beef lad. Steel titan. Power mass. Pure strength. Mass monster. Yeah. This is... This is... my real me. You just let me out of that insignificant little scrawny one... can't remember... Always been Chuck. Chuck enjoys lifting. Chuck never skip leg day. Look at me bro! Look at me nerds, and tremble! Strength pumped into my system. Pumped muscles. Dick pumping. My mind pumped up, because the testo level... Breathing in more GROWTH. Inhaling beefiness. Power into me. Power through me. Empowering my strength. Stronger. BECOMING power! POWER HOUSE! This is what you wanted to turn me into? Think so? I'll tell you, you scrawny wankers, watch me! THIS! This is what I always was supposed to be. Because I'm Chuck, and Chuck is the ... Uh! Fuck! Yeah! More! Yeah, I like when you increase it like that. Yeah: INCREASE! Beef lad. Steel titan. Power mass. Pure strength. Mass monster. The dumb Alpha jock you asked for. The BIGGERMOST dumb Alpha jockboy in the world! BIGGERMOST! POWERBRAWN ALPHA! STEELTITAN ALPHA! ULTRA-PUMPED DOMINATOR! CHUCK PURE BEEF NOW! PUMP MORE OF IT INTO ME! PUMP MORE OF IT INTO ... Oh, fuck ... PUMP MORE OF IT ... Can't belive.... Look at my biceps... PUMP MORE OF.... Uh! Uh! Oh! It's ... mass... beef ... I'm ... PUMP MORE.... The testo ... you can't imagine... PUMP... The strength, it's ... PUMP... Insane power ... I'm ... PUMP... PUMP... PU-
  18. Dylan’s Muscle Growth BY LORUS My name is Dylan. Dylan Mass. Can you actually believe that’s my surname? What were my parents thinking? My dad took part in some secret government experiment back in the early ‘90s and changed his surname from ‘Grady’ to ‘Mass’ in anticipation of “big changes” to come. Alas, the experiment was a failure. Or so the powers-that-be initially thought. One hundred men signed up for the trial of this serum connected to Area 51, or some shit like that. I don’t have all the details, as all records of the program were destroyed when the secret facility “accidentally” burned down. My dad, along with ninety-nine other suckers, were told their bodies would be transformed into supermen: Metazoans, to be exact. But it never happened. The 100 men went their separate ways and everything was forgotten over time. Until I and several dozen others were born some years later. And now most of us are in our late teens or early twenties, and things were very different for us. Before I continue my story, let me explain what Metazoans are. We’re super-HUGE bodybuilders, one and all. Of coure, we’re not all exactly the same. This is determined by when our genetic gifts passed on by our gay fathers – yup, you heard me – actually kick in. The guys who develop early into puberty have all that extra adolescent growth hormone to help them grow not only massive muscles, but reach huge heights, too. There’s one guy in America, Ronny Fortuna, who is over 12-feet tall, and weighs over 5000 lbs. He’s the biggest documented Metazoan in the world. Huge, yes, but it’s not just about height versus weight and the overall distribution of muscle mass around the body. It’s got to do with muscle density. That’s what all we growth-freaks focus on with our eating and training, as well as how much Metazenic activity is happening in our bodies’ cells. The lucky ones – like me and only two others in the world – were late bloomers. Sure, we went through adolescence like any other bloke, but we knew we were special because we were naturally big and athletic from late childhood onwards. But our heights developed more or less just beyond the natural threshold, so all three of us are pretty much of equal height . And, like all Metazoans, we were encouraged – with help from the Cyrus Redfern Institute of Metazenic Research – to bodybuild like fucking crazy, so that when our Metazenic genes finally kicked in post-puberty, our muscle gains would be crazy. I stopped gaining height when I turned 18. 6 feet 6 inches is really a terrific height for a bodybuilder. I may not be anywhere near Ronny Fortuna’s weight. But I’m half the height he is and, well... let me start at the beginning. Lots of good stuff here. And it’ll have you cumming like a fucking rutting bull, I guarantee it. So back then I stopped gaining height at 18. Which was fine. It meant that I could concentrate on packing on as much muscle as possible, which to guys like me, really is to grow without limit. The feeling of my muscles getting bigger and bigger and bigger with no end in sight, makes me want to jizz just by thinking about it. Oh man, if only you normals could live my life. Once the height increases stopped, I really began to fill out. I celebrated my 18th birthday at a special ceremony hosted by the good folks at the Redfern Institute. Cyrus Redfern came out of hiding three years before this, when the government approached him to not exactly re-initiate the program he’d designed that everyone thought had utterly failed, but to create a facility where the gay sons of the gay men who partook of the original experiment could now be monitored and studied. But it’s not like we’re lab rats or anything. We’re not locked in cages and prodded with sticks or nothing. We actually have every luxury afforded to us. Redfern and his team are particularly interested in me and the other two who no longer gain height, but seem to grow bigger, stronger and denser muscles as if by mental will alone. Daniel – from Sweden – weighs about the same as I did back then, but my pecs are way­ bigger than Daniel’s, which got him miffed every so often, when I’d beat his bench press record, sometimes with just one arm, heh heh heh. I will admit to being an upper-body growth freak, and although my legs are pretty well-developed, I tend to concentrate on growing my upper body as much as possible. I’m the bustiest bodybuilder on the planet, even “out-peccing” the 7- and 8-footers, who continue to gain height proportionate to their increases in mass, so it looks like they’re not really filling out as much as myself, Daniel and Flex. Flex is the baby of the three. 18 years-old now, but stopped gaining height when he was fifteen, reaching a respectable 6 feet 3 inches. He was bodybuilding near-constantly, even dropping out of school. There was no need for us to get smart. Everything we’d ever need monetarily would be provided by the Redfern Institute, so we could concentrate on being big dumb muscle-jocks building our bodies to godlike prortions and beyond. Flex doesn’t have the mass of me or Daniel, but his cock is fucking enormous. I love to get fucked by it as much as possible, because being fucked helps me to concentrate on training harder and getting huge beyond belief. In fact, Flex spends more time fucking us other “hugies” – sometimes even during our training sessions – than actually concentrating 500% on his own bodybuilding. Musky muscle-sex in a Redfern-facilitated gym is one of the best things ever. Even my gorgeous male model boyfriend Cole gets in on the action. He’s not a bodybuilder, and has no plans to ever take it up. He’s not Metazenic, but is a respectable 6 feet tall and a slender 145 lbs. His weight tends to fluctuate, though. And that’s my fault. But I’ll get to that later. A week after my 18th birthday, I noticed that I wasn’t gaining further muscle mass. I’d been recently measured, in awe of my 48-inch arms, 103-inch chest, taut 34 waist, mammoth 60-inch thighs and 32-inch calves. The Institute developed some amazing new training equipment as a present for my birthday, plus refinements to the Enerflex serum originally given to our fathers, only it didn’t work on them but instead passed into their semen, so that when they impregnated our mothers... well you get the idea. Enerflex helps us to grow in the same way steroids work on regular 'mortal' bodybuilders. Except with us the growth is more dramatic. Enerflex used to work pretty fast, actually increasing our mass in just minutes. But that led to uncomfortable skin-tightening – and in extreme but rare cases – actual tearing. The formula was refined and now it’s a slow-release metabolic catalyst. It also makes our skin more elastic, so we don’t get stretch marks or tearing. Redfern provided me a decent dose of Enerflex for my birthday, so I could put the new machines to the test. Using powerful electromagnets to provide the resistance where normal gym iron simply couldn’t give muscle-gods like us the workouts we deserved, I soon had their gears grinding and wailing as I pushed the machines to their limit. I broke all of my lifting records and grew ENORMOUS in just two hours, bursting out of my gym clothes until I was fuckin’ naked in front of my parents, younger step-brothers (non-Metazoans), as well as the onlooking team of understudies under Redfern’s tuition. It’s fine. My parents are really open-minded about this sort of thing because they accept and encourage me to become an even more exceptional son. My step-bros, whom my step-mum had prior to marrying my father are just typical averagely-built teenagers. Bud, the youngest, is into video-games and nothing but. He has no interest in getting a girlfriend, whereas Stevie is a bit of a slut and goes through girls like tenpins, which is his thing. Even though we’re not related, he has the same blonde hair, blue eyes, and angelic dimples as I do, so we could pass as biological brothers. Only I’m fifteen times his bodyweight, and it’s all fuckin’ muscle. I love my family, but enough about them. I packed on 150+ lbs of muscle, that day, much to my delight. I was a massive, bulging jock of hugeness. My veins looked like they were going to burst out of my skin as I flexed and growled and cockily displayed my massive size to all those staring in shock at my growth. “Well done, Dylan,” said Doctor Redfern, but he didn’t mind us calling him Uncle Cyrus. “That’s your most impessive growth spurt yet. And on your 18th birthday, too.” Laser scanners built into the gym-cum-lab took my measurements with ease. My fuckin’ gorgeously ballooning muscle-chest, had increased in part thanks to my birthday workout from 103 mind-blowing inches, to 116 inches. I was huge, but it simply wasn’t enough. I growled like the hulk, flexing my muscles harder and harder, my 16-inch cock swelling and hardening with every pose I struck. One of Redfern’s team was there with a vial to collect my precum for analysis, but Uncle Cyrus regularly drank the fluids of his muscle-god progeny, as it kept him feeling young and vital and full of vigor. My dad also took it in capsule form, as it helped him grow back his receding hairline, overcome impotency, and get my step-mum up the duff at 39 with a new half-sibling. I guess I’m a walking Wellbeing Clinic. Back to my growth spurt: “It’s impressive, yeah. But I want more. Much more. Can’t you give me a fuckin’ overdose of that Enerflex, Uncle Cyrus? I really want to grow my muscles bigger than Ronny Fortuna’s. Imagine me outmuscling the biggest Metazenic muscle-giant on planet Earth, actually weighing more than he does, but at only half his height? I’d be fucking amazing!” “You’re amazing already, son,” my dad assured me. I got my amazing good looks from him. Pity the Metazoan stuff from days long gone hadn’t worked on him. Turned out that of the 100 participants, only the gay ones actually produced the exceptional offspring. The reason for this is still being searched for and Redfern is confident he’ll nail it, one day. My dad is gay, but also pansexual, so pretty much anything with a pulse will turn him on, so long as it’s human. He’s very happy with his missus. Of course, all Metazenic bodybuilders like me are engineered to be gay. This was initially introduced to keep our numbers low and not turn the entire human race into massively muscled mega-hunks. Also, the serum only works on the Y-chromosomes, so women aren’t affected. Sorry girls, but all this muscle is for the guys. “You should both start drinking my jizz,” I’d often say to my step-bros. They’d yet to take me up on this, but if they took it in capsule form, like my dad, then what was there to be grossed about? It’d lenghten their lives and improve their overall fitness. I often drink my own, just for fun, and mostly after workouts. I hate wasting protein. In fact, I can’t get enough. I ate 24 chicken breast pizzas at my birthday along with a dozen massively protein-infused muscle shakes. Combined with the workout and the Enerflex, I should have grown more muscle on my birthday. “I’m not about to hand out Enerflex freely, Dylan. It’s hard to produce and slow to quicken. There is a batch in development, but it’ll be a week at least before it’s ready. For now continue to bodybuild as you normally would, by lifting fast and lifting heavy, getting plenty of sleep, and eating plenty of protein-rich foods. You can also try different steroid combinations, but we don’t provide them here. Just stick to trustworthy sources,” Redfern advised, Daniel once got hold of some sinister shit on the dark web that made him grow huge, but it also gave him the worst urinary infection in history, and he spent nine days in hospital. We all learned from that one. “So in a week, can I have a MASSIVE dose? I want to get fuckin’ gigantic, Uncle Cyrus,” and to demonstrate my rampant hunger to bodybuild and bodybuild and bodybuild beyond all sane thought, I exploded into a massive upper body lat-spread flex, puffing out my ribcage and inflating my muscle-boobs until you could barely see my head. I actually got out of breath doing this. Some of the research team got erections and wet stains in their pants, but that was to be expected. My body seemed to grow, but it was only just the muscles flexing with extra blood powered by my increased heart rate and adrenal gland going into overdrive. I soon came bucketloads, which, of course, was collected for study and consumption. I drank some of my own jizz back mixed with a protein shake, then worked out until long after my family had gone home. I spent a lot of time at the Institute, because I was too strong to live at home and was forever breaking things and putting my elbows through the walls and stuff. I could easily lift up the family car and toss it about fifty feet by this stage of my growth. I was even stronger after my growth spurt, so I could probably benchpress a fire truck now. On the night my birthday ended, I lay restless in my modified bed in my modified room at the Institute. I couldn’t sleep. I wanted to get bigger. These are the thoughts that ran through my head, chanted as a personal mantra to help me grow... huger and huger and huger... When I go to the gym, I don’t go to hang out, or to be seen, or to socialize. I go for one reason only: to BODYBUILD. This is reason for being. My only reason to exist. I exist solely to bodybuild. I am a bodybuilder. I need to grow my body bigger and stronger. And I will gain more and more freakish muscle as I enhance my BODYBUILDING progress in order to get so much bigger. So while the ‘normals’ of this world are showing off their enhanced pics on Instagram and doing shitty workouts with shitty weights, just for show and to grab more and more followers, THIS huge fucker is BODYBUILDING and BODYBUILDING, and BODY-FUCKING-BUILDING, GRRRRRRRR, bigger than he’s ever been. I AM A BODYBUILDER. AND I AM GOING TO GROW. AND GROW. AND GROW. I am the best built bodybuilder. I am the biggest and densest bodybuilder relative to my height. Gotta bodybuild and do so much more bodybuilding, so I can bodybuild and bodybuild and bodybuild huger than ever I AM A BODYBULDER. Aw fuck yeah!!! Watch me grow huge... into a huge bodybuilder. So huge from bodybuilding to be bodybuilt with the body of a massive bodybuilder. THIS is what bodybuilding is. It’s what it is to be a gigantic bodybuilder. I will bodybuild more. And when it seems like my bodybuilder’s body can’t grow any more, I will do more and more bodybuilding, breaking new ground, bodybuilding and bodybuilding and BODY-FUCKING-BUILDING MORE AND MORE AND GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!! But the next week was hell. Because I didn’t gain another pound of muscle. And that pissed me off a great deal.
  19. My Celtic Cross Tarot Reading I was walking around a Renaissance Faire one Sunday. I barely get any time off, and it seemed like a fun way to spend a day off. At least it would get my mind off of life. I reached a little tent as I walked down a trail, seemingly away from all of the festivities. It didn't even seem like it was part of the faire. Maybe one of the actors lived on site. I called hello a couple of times as I approached, with no response. I just wanted a quick peak inside before heading back. I got close and gently lifted the tent flap. You could hear a pin drop, I was being so quiet and not even breathing. Inside seemed dark, so I got closer. I could barely make out that a table was in there, but not much else. Still holding my breath, I got my head all of the way in, and then I heard the flap close behind me. In shock, I spun around. I was fully inside of the tent and it was lit by many candles. Turning back around, I saw a round table in the center of the room with various cabinets and supplies placed around the exterior. There was an incense stick giving off little wafts of smoke in the middle of the table. There was movement from the back room. Wait, there was a second part to the tent? Wait, wasn't this tent a lot smaller on the outside? Wait, how did I actually enter the tent? "How can Madame Tempest help you today?" A lady in a gypsy looking costume entered the room from the back. I must have looked completely dumbfounded. "Yes, yes. You are in my home, but nobody enters Madame Tempest's home without reason. I can sense that you are confused. But your confusion is not about why you are here. You are confused about your place in life. You are confused about your direction. Come, come. Sit at my table with me." She approached the round table and sat down, gesturing for me to do the same. I did so. "Let me see your hands." I placed my hands on the table. She took the left one and turned it over on to her own. She closed her eyes for a few seconds. Then, she went to my right hand and started tracing the lines in the palm. "Ah, I see now. Your life is not how it should be. You have great strength inside of you, but it does not come through. Others see you as weak and you have begun to agree. Madame Tempest thinks otherwise. Here, let me show you." She clapped her hands together and a deck of cards was in her left palm. None of this made sense, but I was just going with it. "Now, I will take reading. You must shuffle the cards and let your will infuse into them." She spread them out on to the table. "Now really make sure that the cards are mixed. They do not have a correct orientation. Right side up and up side down and both just as necessary to the reading." I mixed them up like I had seen poker dealers do before a game. I then pushed the cards together back into a deck. "Do you want to cut the cards?" I shock my head no. She nodded in approval and grabbed the deck. "This is called a Celtic Cross." She deal one face down and another perpendicular on top of it. She then dealt down, left, up and to the right of the original two cards. "These all represent your past, present and future. This will reveal a challenge you are facing with some reason drawn from your past." She then dealt four more cards in a line to the right side. "These cards will give you some insight into the challenge and what might affect it. Finally we will see what the outcome will be." I gestured at the cards for her to continue. She slid the first face down card out and placed it in front of me. "Present - Temperance in reverse... Not the best start to a reading. It indicates that you are currently being pulled in the extremes. Your life has lost its balance. Things may seem turbulent right now, but it may not be that way forever." She grins devilishly. "Obviously it will not stay turbulent into your future cards since we already drew temperance here." I nodded. She wasn't wrong. It is kind of strange though. I really do feel like my life is all over the place. Am I focusing on the right thing? Am I living my life the way I should be? The perpendicular card was then turned. "Immediate Challenge - The Magician... Since this card was on its side, there is no reverse. Your main goal will be yours for the taking. Make sure to take initiative and you will accomplish it. This is a very nice card to have as your challenge. Things seems messed up right now. But your challenge is to grab life by the horns and do what is best for you. If you accomplish that, you will have what you desire." That was weird. What is my main goal? "Distant Past - Justice in reverse. Your distant past has been plagued with other people affecting your life. You feel like your own decisions and actions have no meaning because you are constantly faced with other peoples consequences. This is probably what lead to you feeling the turbulence surrounding your life. It would certainly lead to temperance in reverse as your present card. Do not fret, as your own goals are now opening to you." She tapped on the Magician card. I really never have had control over my life. Why do I lend myself to others' whims all of the time. Being easy going is a curse. I watched as she flipped the next card. The devil??? Man, this keeps getting worse. "Recent Past, the cause for getting to this point - The Devil sounds like it is a bad card. However, it does not mean that Satan has been controlling you or some evil presence is here. All this means is that your main goal is being driven by you base desires, your animal instincts. You are not controlled by these instincts, instead you desire to follow them where they will lead you." I actually responded for the first time, "I do desire to have freedom. So my desire to be free and my past of having no control over my life is causing great conflict. That makes sense. But what is this goal that is supposed to bring my life into balance? Wouldn't getting balance be a goal?" She nodded thoughtfully. "I cannot claim to know what your base desires are. However, this next card may help you figure that out. This location on the Celtic Cross is the best outcome to the challenge. You got The Tower, reversed... The tower itself represents catastrophe and rebuilding, which would make sense for your situation. As in, everything falls apart from the turmoil but you can rebuild from that. Though, in reverse is has a different meaning. Through your challenge in obtaining your goal, you will be built up instead of falling apart. The best outcome will be that you come out stronger than you were before." I shrugged in acceptance. It still did not answer the question about my goal. But at least it does indicate that things will get better. "In your immediate future, we have The Wheel of Fortune in reverse... In general, the wheel means that sometimes things will go well and sometimes badly. In the end, karma will balance out. In reverse, karma will not balance out and you will be faced with good and bad changes. I am sorry, I know that is not what you wanted to hear. But let's move on to the next card because it should explain things a little bit better. Factors affecting situation..." I nodded. This one would start to get into the nitty gritty. "The Emperor is what will be affecting the challenge. The Emperor is a symbol of masculinity, authority and power. This means that someone in authority will have a big influence on your challenge. Perhaps a boss or a parent will help your reach your goals. Pay close attention to what those around you are saying. There may be an opening where they will no longer control your life and instead give you the reins." "Ah ok. Since the goal is unclear, I need to 'keep my enemies closer' as it were. They may be the ones causing turmoil, but they may also save me in the end." "Oh, there is a second card underneath. Strength in reverse. How odd. I never deal two cards in the same spot. But we mystics believe that when two cards are dealt, both have equal part in the story of your life. We are still on the factors affecting the situation. In reverse, strength refers to a weakened resolve. Your own inner strength will be low. This might be why you need to rely on the authority figure to help." I scoffed a little. These cards are basically telling me that I suck. Everyone else controls me. My own desires are squashed away. I am not even strong enough to accomplish my heart's desire - I need someone else to do it for me. "External influences - Wait, what? There are two cards here again. I believe these extra cards may have more meaning that we think. It is no coincidence that you have gotten two cards on both the factors affecting the outcome and the external influences outside of your control. This leads me to think there will be a duality to the situation. Outside authority versus your own will. Or in this case," she flipped both cards. "The Sun and The Moon. This is a very mixed message. This is a mixture of your fears and positivity, your dark impulses and upbeat attitude. It could also be a literal card definition - the factors influencing the situation would be the sun and the moon... Perhaps you need to focus on your sleep schedule. It might take some trial and error to find a better schedule than what you have right now." That actually made sense in a way. I have been wanting to go out to clubs more at night. Maybe I need to find a job with a later start time so that I could party late and sleep in afterwards. "Hopes and fears - Death in reverse. At least there is only one card this time." She noticed my eyes widen - I fear death? "Just like with the Devil card, this is not literal. In reverse it is more difficult to interpret, though. So your hopes would be that your journey will have convergence. You will not want things to keep changing. Your fear will be that you are at the end. Again, not at the end of your life. It would be that you are afraid you will not get a new beginning." I relaxed a little bit. That was somewhat comforting. Again, not liking the turmoil and change and want something more balanced. So my goal is to find balance in my life and someone above me will help. "Culmination/Final outcome - The World... This is literally the end of a journey. The journey will end in accomplishment and closure. Even though you face good and bad things," she indicated The Wheel of Fortune again, "the outcome will be the completion of the challenge." I smiled, "And all of it indicates that my challenge is to find balance in my life. That goal seems reachable." "Yes, I have full faith in you. Be weary of your surroundings. Start to move away from people that are controlling you and get closer to those (especially bosses) who want your life and work and anything else to be in harmony. Madame Tempest wishes you all the best in your journey. It seems like it will be exciting." I stood and gave her a little wave goodbye and turned around to leave the tent. I tripped on a stick, but managed to keep my balance. I wondered why there was a stick inside of the tent. I looked up towards Tempest to say something, but I was outside on the trail. When...? I stopped myself from asking any more questions and just quickly made my way back to the faire on the trail. The following day at work, I was not incredibly productive. That whole thing with the tent and the strange gypsy lady never left my mind. "My goal is to achieve balance. I need to distance myself from stress but keep some authority figured around for guidance." I was daydreaming and mumbling to myself. I glanced at the time and it was almost lunch. I shook myself out of it and groaned. I had nothing to show for my time so far. I needed to skip lunch and just focus on work. As the clock turned over to 12 noon, I felt a sharp pain in my stomach. I tried to cry out for help, but the agony prevented anything from escaping my lips. Tears were filling up in my eyes, and then it stopped. It felt like hours had passed, but the clock read 12:01. I just needed a quick walk and a drink of water to clear my head. The daydreaming must have been getting to me. The pain was completely gone, but I still had a lot of work to do. ============================ So do you think Madame Tempest was correct with her reading?
  20. elysiumfields

    On A Cold Winters Night

    Just re-posting my old story from yuletide years past,just in time for this christmas.. On A Cold Winters Night : A Christmas Tale. Part 1 Daniel Crown had been reclusive since the sudden tragic death of his beloved husband Jeff.. Ever since the state passed a legislature allowing gay marraige,both men,who had loved each other for close to twenty five years,and had the potential to grow old together,bonded in a lavish civil partnership ceremony. But fate dealt a cruel hand, and Daniel,now 50, was left to grow old alone.The pain was too much to bear for Daniel to move on,it had only been a year since Jeffs death from a sudden heart attack,and the loss was all too fresh. . Jeffs death hit Daniel hard.. He shut himself off from much of the world and shied away from the fun social life he had had with Jeff.. Places,people...brought reminders of his beloved back to him. Even though Daniel missed Jeff dearly,the reminders only caused him to sink lower into depression at the loss and emptiness....and to alcohol. He hated life lately... Anything to seek an end to it and be with Jeff,but he was even too cowardly at that as he thought... Now, as winter blew the first snows into the suburbs of the city where Dan and Jeff had lived, Daniel felt this was a sign of change. He did not want to spend a second Christmas alone in this place...the first had been a heartbreak Daniels grandfather had left him a cabin up in the pine hills away from the city where as a child and teenager Dan had spent many a summer with his gramps fishing on the lake and hiking through the woods. Sometimes Daniel had brought Jeff to this romantic retreat and its the one place that Dan felt happy with the memories of both his lover and his grandfather,who had passed away almost what felt like a lifetime away. And when his father neglected him for his homosexuality, his grandfather,one person who had been brought up in a time that had conservative and deeply homophobic values,suprised Daniel with his liberal compassion and sheer love.. love that he would still feel for his only grandson no matter who or what he was.. That golden time was gone. Daniel was all alone now as he packed up his VW Beetle convert and wrapped himself in his coat before glancing back one last time at the apartment before he got in, sputtering the engine into life and then drawing out of the driveway for the long drive to the cabin, in hopes of reaching it before the weather closed in.. And the weather would be notorius that high in the Pine forests. ==== ==== 17 year Jacob Quill sat in the diner overlooking the misty freeway that would take him to the next small town in search of some kind of solace and freedom from the harsh life he had with his worthless parents. A father that had often slapped him around and finally showing open disgust at his sons homosexuality.. A mother who had done little to openly support Jacob and largely shrank into the background of her husbands dominance. Confused,alone with himself, Jacob had enough and packed and left his sorry existence in hopes of finding someone,..anyone with kindred spirit to share his life and love with.. Now he sat staring outside the diner window,stirring his murky cup of coffee and staring out at the passing traffic trundling along,hindered by the encroaching snows and mist rolling down off the forests. He had managed to hitch a lift with a truck driver this far but now needed to try and get another lift to go further.. ...And he saw one potential lift now.. A rather smart red VW Beetle convertible rolling onto the gas station close by.... Part 2 On his way up to the cabin, Daniels gas tank beeped that it was near empty.. He cursed lightly under his breath that he not remembered to fill the car up before he left the city. Fortunately for him,he found a Gas station rather soon and pulled in to fill up enough to more than last him the journey there. After paying up in the convenience store,grabbing some mint sweets on the way, Daniel wrapped himself in his thick coat and trudged back through the slushy snow towards his car, as the wind whipped it around his head and howled over the tops of the Douglas fir trees that lined the edge of the freeway. Just as he got to his car,he heard someone trying to gain his attention. "Hey mister...mister..!'' Dan looked around to see some guy wrapped tightly in a snug grey duffle coat with its wool lined hood pulled up over the guys head and a black scarf that pretty much effectively hid much of his face from the elements,and carrying a heavy looking green duffelbag. The guy drew level with Daniel and tugged down the scarf to reveal to Dan a young and strikingly handsome face that for a breif moment made something stir inside him. ''Hey Mister,....um,..are you heading towards Evendale at all..?'' said the young man,who by Dans standards looked barely into his twenties. Dan grumbled for a few moments as he fumbled for his keys as the youth next to him hopped lightly from one foot to the other from the cold. ''I dunno kid,. I might not be going directly INTO Evendale,but..'' Dan had to pass through the outer suburbs of the town to get to his cabin but was'nt too comfortable with the fact of picking up a hitchhiker,who could turn out like the urban legend and be a crazy axe-weiling nutter,but as his eyes met with the kids stunning turquiose blue eyes,he again felt that tiny spark of attraction. ''Aw please mister.. I'll give you a couple of bucks.. I just wanna get that far at least.. Please.. I been waitin' here ages for a ride but everyones been too reluctant..'' pleaded the kid. ''Ok,..but i'll take you as far as i can, thats it.'' replied Daniel as he got into the car. ''Aw geez,..thanks mister.. Thought i was gonna freeze to death waitin' here'' Daniel started the engine just as the kid got into the passenger seat,placing his bag into the back and throwing down the hood to reveal his surfer blonde short cropped hair. ''Names Jacob..'' he said enthusiastically,pulling off a glove to shake Daniels hand. ''Daniel'' he replied. Dan set off along the freeway towards the Ridge road that would take him up over the pass towards Evandale and on to his cabin.. ''So what takes you out this way..?'' Dan asked Jacob. ''Oh, just wanna get away from some shit homelife and start afresh. Parents give me hassle and now i got the chance to cut free and live my own life'' Dan said, unbuttoning the coats top buttoms and warming his bare hands on the cars heater. ''And you..You live out this way..?'' ''Oh,..i got a cabin up in the hills just past Evandale i'm gonna spend Christmas in..'' said Dan,his eyes on the road. ''Sounds real romantic.. A cabin in the woods all covered in snow,with a roaring fireplace..'' ''I wish it was... I just got over the loss of..'' Dan hesitated.. ''Of someone i loved''. ''Sorry buddy,..i did'nt mean to be ....'' Daniel interrupted him with a gentle wave of his hand.. ''Don't worry,..its fine'' He watched out of the corner of his eye as Jacob pulled out a small leaflet of some kind out of his inside coat pocket. Jacob noticed. It was a Fitness and Bodybuilding leaflet advertising a some protein shakes and other muscle building products.. ''You into Bodybuilding..?'' Dan asked Jacob. ''I'd like to be.. I wanna try and get big..massive. My pops kept tellin' me i was a scrawny and weak little..'' he paused, to find a different word.. ''lowlife, who would'nt amount to much.. So it gave me the motivation to take up weight-training and now i'm starting to see some results'' Daniel could not see much of Jacobs body under his coat but he did have quite a thick neck,..and he had the face of an Abercrombie and Fitch model..'' ''You go to the gym..?'' Jacob replied,eying up the rainbow triangle pendant hanging from the rear view mirror.. Could'nt be a gay symbol could it..? he thought. ''Only now and again. I pretty much stopped going when my partner died'' ''Hope you don't mind me asking.How long..?'' asked Jacob, tentatively. ''Just over a year now..'' 'Fuck it' Dan thought.. 'Nothing to live for..Just come out with it..!' ''My boyfriend died of a heart attack last September''. Daniel swallowed hard and waited for the boys reaction But after all, he had the car, so he could dump the kid somewhere safe if he acted up'' ''You arer gay.?'' said Jacob, physically sitting up straight in the seat with the guys revelation.. ''Yes i am.. Any problems with that and i can just dump you off.!'' ''No...no,sorry mister.. Its just that...'' Jacob squirmed to find the right words. 'So am i.. I just try and keep it private because my pops was an asshole about it.'' Daniel relaxed and even smiled a little, reassuringly. ''Then your pops just does'nt understand..I hate bigots like that'' They sat quietly for a while as the snow blew into a blizzard and whipped around the car, visibility decreasing as the road passed throug a scenery of ddeper snow,blowing in drifts across the tarmac and howling around the trees that closed in.. ''So, just how old are you Jacob..?'' Dan said,casting a quick glance to his young passenger. ''17'' ''You are a brave man to f...'' Dan did'nt get to finish his sentance before Jacob shouted out ''Look out''. A heavy tree branch that could no longer take the strain of the snow compacting onto it,snapped off and fell with a crash into the road ahead.. Too little too late for Dan to fully avoid.. His car clipped the branch as it cracked the windscreen and shoved the car to the opposite side of the road. Daniel tried to regain control but the car swerved maniacally across to the right side and then back onto the opposing lane,skidded on some ice and then hit a snowbank,throwing the car into a roll down a slope till it crash landed upside down against a Redwood tree that showered it with a heavy shower of snow from its branches.. Part 3 Jacob awoke groggily to find himself hanging upside down. For a moment he was too dazed to know what had happened. Then, as his faculties cleared, he was sharply brought back to reality.. He had been in a car accident. The car had landed on its roof and Jacob was upside down in the car and still buckled into his seatbelt,which had almost certainly had saved him from being catapulted out of the the car through the shattered and now missing windscreen. He turned to look at the driver, the guy who had given in to giving him a lift. Daniel was also still hung in his seatbelt upside down, but he seemed unconscious.. Blood trickled from a deep cut on his head closest to his door and the roof on his side had caved in considerably,squashing the door,blocking access. Jacobs first instinct was to unlock his seatbelt to try to attend to Daniels potentially life-threatening wounds. When he managed to free himself he slumped with a thud onto his upper neck and shoulders and suddenly cried out in agony as a sharp pain ran through his right shoulder. Jacob tentatively propped himself up the right way,wincing as he felt more sharp pain through what could have been a dislocated shoulder or even a fracture to his collar bone. This was'nt the place to diagnose injuries just yet. The ice cold wind was blowing the snow stingingly through the broken windows as Jacob focused himself into extracating Daniel from his seat and getting help.. He fumbled to release Daniels seatbelt and eased the older guy from the drivers seat as best as he could. Daniel groaned and stirred slightly as it seemed evident he was drifting in and out of consciousness. Jacob gritted his teeth,trying to use a quick burst of strength to cut out his own pain as he hauled Dan from his seat and through the smashed passenger window. ''Don't worry buddy.. Gonna get you some help. You''ll be good in no time''. Now outside of the vehicle for the first time Jacob tried to get his bearings in his winter cloaked surroundings. The car had come to rest on its roof down a sharp slope against a tree, having turned over several times down the steep incline. Jacob could hardly see too far,such was the aggressiveness of the wind blowing the falling snow into a near horizontal sheets of icicles that stung at Jacobs face. This weather was beginning to turn into a blizzard. Jacob swung his hood over his face and then hauled out his bag and used it as a pillow to prop up Daniels head,and covering his face with his own scarf,trying to use the car as much as possible as shelter from the howling white-out. With a bit more digging,Jacob had found in the trunk,Daniels packed bags and pulled out another coat and another scarf. He covered Daniel and used the scarf as best as he could to tend to the nasty cut on Daniels temple. It seemed as if Daniels head had hit the side of his drivers door as it caved in during the cars roll down the slope and Jacob could'nt tell just how bad Dans head injury was.. He needed medical help immediately. Jacob tried his phone but there was no signal. Cursing,he nearly threw it in anger into the nearby snow but thought better of it and shoved it back into his coat pocket. Looking up through the near blinding snow, he thought about clambering up onto the road to call for help from a passing motorist.. ''Hey buddy..be right back.. You just hang in there..'' Jacob snapped off a thick bare branch from part of the tree that had fallen of in the impact of the car against it, and using it as a prop,he tried to scramble up through the deepening snow to the edge of the road. Tired and aching from the pain in his shoulder,he reached the top and stumbled into the road. For as much minutes as he dared spare leaving Dan, he stamped up and down the road calling for help and waiting anxiously for a car to come by. Finally frustrated, he slid back down to the car and to Daniel and lightly tapped him on his cheek. ''Hey buddy.. You still with me..?'' Daniel groaned and moved his head slightly,and muttered. ''Jeff..?'' In Dans semi-conscious state,he could see Jeff looking down and smiling at him.. Jacob was at least this bit relieved that Dan was still holding on,but he still needed help.. He shouted at the top of his lungs for help.. And for a few minutes all he could hear was the howling of the wind and the crwaking of the trees. He gritted his teeth in anger. ''Not like this.. Not fucking like this..'' He did'nt want to end up frozen to death in the wilderness,..like Jack Nicholson freezing in the Maze at the end of The Shining..! Suddenly,the wind seemed to die down just that slightly for Jacob to hear what sounded faitnly like bells jingling. This first sign that someone,..anyone, could be out in this white-out could potentially mean survival. Spurred on,he jumped to his feet and tried to focus his ears and eyes on the sound.. Then,..through the snowfall he could see a misty image that gradually became clearer as it drew nearer. ''Hey..over here...Help..Help.!'' A shape of a sleigh drawing through the snow greeted Jacob.. It was drawn by a single reindeer,harnessed in leather that was adorned with the bells Jacob thought he had heard. On the back and guiding the sleigh was a figure wrapped in a thick tawny brown fur or fur-like coat..a hood lined with grey-white fur or wool drawn over his head and hiding his face, and his trousers of similar tawn colour and fur. Even his boots seemed thick and woolen..Like this fella was used to the outdoors life in harsh wilderness. The sleigh pulled up close to the crashed car. ''Whoah there Blitzen..Good boy'' the stranger said apparently to his reindeer as if it was a pet. Jacob for a moment was rightfully overjoyed that help had arrived. ''Hey mister, my friend needs help.. We crashed and now i think hes badly hurt.. We need to get him to a hospital fast..!'' The hooded stranger stepped off the sleigh,..itself covered in furs and a deep red woolen cover, and trudged through the snow over to where Daniel lay prone. He bent down and slipped his hand out of the thick brown gloves he wore and gently touched at Daniels wounds. The,turning to look up at Jacob, he slipped off the hood he was wearing to reveal the face of an old man who looked wizened with age.He had a thick white beard and wispy white eyebrows and a weathered and slightly reddened face that overall, to Jacob he seemed to look so calming and warm. ''My boy,I'm afraid that this snowstorm has downed communications and getting him any help up here might take some time. The weather will close in as soon it will be nightfall...'' ''But you gotta do something..He could die for Christs sake..!'' Jacobs moment of glee faded somewhat. ''My cabin is nearby.. It has a welcoming fireplace,some needed warmth..and i have a gift at helping those in need.. Don't worry my boy. I will take care of him..Of both of you till the morning breaks..'' Why was it for some reason that Jacob felt at ease with this guy..? ''Come boy, lets help your friend onto my sleigh..'' Jacob helped the stranger load Daniel onto the sleigh and wrapped him in the furs and the red cover. ''On Blitzen..'' And with that command the sleigh set off through the snow. Part 4 The snow was falling heavily by the the time the old Outdoorsmans sleigh, carrying Daniels prone body, had reached his cabin deep in the pine forest. ''Come help me take your friend inside'' prompted the old man to Jacob who for a moment stood dithering.. Together they propped up the board Daniel lay on and carried him into the cabin.. ''We'll put him on the couch by the fireplace to keep him warm as he recovers..'' said the old man as he nudged the wooden door open and nodded in the direction of a wood framed low couch cushioned with soft woolen pillows and earthen coloured woolen blankets that was placed in front a large stone set fireplace with a high mantlepiece and several thick logs already burning welcomingly in the wide fireplace. The old outdoorsman and Jacob carefully lay Daniel down on the couch and covered him with the woolen blankets.. ''Do you have a phone in the cabin so we can at least try and call for some rescue.. Daniel might have some kind of bad head injury.?'' said Jacob as he scanned the large interior of the cabin looking for any sign for a link to communications to the nearest town. He could not readily seen any.The kindly old man spoke up ''I'm afraid with this blizzard howling,it may not be till morning until we can seek help for your friend here..". He stood up after making Daniel as comfortable as possible. He could see the worry in Jacobs handsome face. ''Don't be worried. I'm certain that he will pull through with my help. I have, lets say, a certain magic about me that may aid my tending of his wounds that i know are not as grave as you fear..'' Jacob fidgeted uncomfortably over Daniel. ''How can you be so sure..?'' ''Oh don't worry..I have a had plenty of time on this earth to gather some good enough medicinal knowledge.....a few centuries at least..!'' said Nick as he headed away through an adjoining door to another room,but hesitated before passing through to glance back at the boy "Oh,my name is Nicholas by the way.." Jacob did'nt click to Nicholas' last few words.he just shuffled slightly,answering his and Daniels name clearly distracted with worry,to pay attention fully to what Nicholas had just said. Finally relaxing a little,his eyes had wandered off Dan for once as he looked around the cabin,noticing boughs of evergreen holly spotted with ruby red berries,and trails of cut Ivy and Fir branches hanging along the inner eaves or hooked onto the pine log walls. The cabin itself felt welcoming with its natural light wood furnishings and plaid red and green textiles and curtains,a plush fur-like rug positioned between the caramel upholstered three-piece suite placed around a low oak trunk coffee table...In all, a traditional family cabin in the forest.. Dan stirred and groaned,drawing back Jacobs attention, just as Nick returned from the kitchen with a red cloth draped over his shoulder,carrying a tray with a clay bowl full of steaming liquid and what looked to be a clay mortar and pestle to which he set down on a small stool next to Daniel. ''Whats that..?'' queried Jacob, as Nick dampened the cloth in the warm water,the steam wafting up to Jacob and the smell reminded him of spices.. ''Oh, its a remedy that will fix any injuries he might have taken to his head..'' Nick dabbed the cloth over Daniels forehead,then folded it it and lay it like a cold cure remedy across his forehead,propping Dans head up on a pillow.. Dan responded with a groan in his semi-conscious state. ''You think that some kind of homeopathic medicines like this can cure him of a brain injury, just like that..?'' said Jacob finding Nicks simple home medicinal deeds a little incredulous.. 'Nick just smiled ''Have faith my friend''. Jacob watched with uncertainty as Nick pulled out a small cloth bag tied with string from his inside pocket,unfastened the string and gently poured the powdery contents into the 'pestle'..cup and then poured a little of the bowls liquid into it,grinding and stirring it up with the mortar.. For a moment,Jacob thought he could see the powder glitter like stardust but shook his head. Nick gently lifted Daniels head and eased the cup to his lips,trying to stir him enough into a moment of consciousness for him to drink the contents. ''Come on buddy, drink up...come on,...this will make you feel better'' Daniel weakly opened his mouth and took several slow sips of the water before Nick rested his head back. Jacob glanced out of the window hoping the snow had lessened. It had'nt one bit.. But through the blizzard,towards the shelter where Nick had placed his Reindeer,he could see another one nuzzling against Blitzen,and for a brief moment he thought he could see a faint red glow near its nose. 'Fuck,...i must be tripping.!' he thought, rubbing his eyes before looking out and now just seeing two ordinary Reindeer in the shelter. When he turned around,Jacob nearly jumped out of his skin.. Nick was standing right next to him,smiling.. ''I have given your friend a something to help him heal,not just his physical wounds but the wounds to his emotions as well..A little sleep will help him out'' He followed Jacobs gaze out the window across to the the deer shelter. ''Oh thats just Rudy,..he helps me find my way on certain foggy nights.'' Jacob suddenly remembered Nicks comments about 'centuries of experience..!' ,and a thought came across his mind. 'No, thats just rediculous..'' he said as he shook the thought out of his head. Nick just smiled at him as he let Jacob realise just who he was.. ''No..no, this is just too stupid.. You can't be...'' Jacob was placing the small things together.. A jolly,white bearded old fellow called Nick,in a sleigh drawn by a Reindeer called Blitzen,..and another called Rudy...RUDOLPH..!'' Then as the realisation dawned on just who he was speaking to, Jacob stumbled back,almost tripping over the armrest of the couch Dan now lay asleep.. ''You can't be him..!'' he said,wide-eyed. Nicks face seemed suddenly radiant and his eyes all twinkly in the light of the roaring fire. ''Who would you call me..?'' ''Santa Claus..!'' said Jacob,mouth agape like a catfish. ''Santa,Father Christmas,Pere Noel,Kris Kringle...St,Nicholas..whatevers suited best..!'' said Nick.. ''What are you doing way out here in the forest..?'' said Jacob,trying to find some kind of rational answer for this amazing situation. ''Christmas Eve is not for a few days. Even i'm entitled to a little R&R..!'' ''But if you are such a magical being,then why can't you just make this storm stop and whisk us on your flying sleigh off to the nearest town..?'' Jacob said,sobering up to this strange reality. ''Its not as simple as that..I do'nt really control the weather..Why'd you think i'd ask a Reindeer with his 'nose so bright' to guide my sleigh on foggy nights..?'' They both glanced out of the window across to the deer shelter where Rudys nose was now shining brightly red..affirming the unbelievable situation Jacob was now in.. ''I'm just as stuck here til morning as you,my young friend.'' And,reading Jacobs face he added before the boy said anything. ''..And though i can heal people of most wounds, i cannot heal them just like that..'' Nick emphasised the last word by clicking his fingers.. ''Healing someone takes a lot of my energy..'' Jacob started pacing up and down. ''This is just too freaky..!'' Nicholas moved to stop Jacobs pacing by gently holding onto his arm. ''..But there is something i can do for you both..'' Jacob glanced down at Daniel then at Nicholas. ''What..?'' '' I know your heart is heavy with the lack of love and companionship. You have felt betrayed by those you thought loved you dearly. But if he finds it in his own heart to love again,you will find him a dear and committed partner..'' Nicholas glanced down at Daniel and Jacob knew.. ''But we have only just met.. And this guy is dealing with the grief of losing someone he loved.. What am i to him..?'' ''You can be the one to make him feel love again,to heal that sorrow.'' Feeling a little awkward, Jacob spoke what was on his mind.. ''But he is not really my type of guy..'' ''Oh,but once he finds his way,he will become 'your type'.. But love is not all based upon looks..Its whats in the heart.'' Jacob smiled. ''I stopped believing in you a long time ago. In my childhood i did not have the greatest of times at Christmas..'' ''I know Jacob. When you stopped believing,there was no room for me..And for my part i was foolish to neglect you.. If there is a gift i could bestow upon you i will gladly offer it..?'' ''Well, theres one thing i've wanted.. What i've been training to become..'' Jacob said furtively. Nicholas smiled knowingly.. ''You are training to become a top class bodybuilder. Bigger muscles...hmmm, not a gift i've often if ever granted, but,lets give it a try....'' Part 5 Daniel eyes were closed but yet he could see bright light through his lids..With a stretch of his body and a yawn he stirred into consciousness,slowly opening his eyes,and at first unaccustomed to such bright sunlight which greeted him.. Although his hearing was the first sense that kicked in... to the sounds of birds chirupping somewhere close by. When his sight finally cleared he took in his surroundings.He was laying on green grass beneath a huge old English Oak tree,feeling a gentle warm breeze blow across his exposed chest,..which soon sharpened his senses when he realised he was lying almost naked except for a pair of sky blue boxers. As he sat up he became aware of someone else sitting just behind him. Looking around at first he could not see the person,such was the brightness of the sun behind him,but as he let his eyes focus,when he saw just who was beside him his face went ashen white and his jaw fell agape.. ''Ah, Danny-boy, enjoy your little siesta..'' There,looking back at him with a radiant smile was Jeff,shirtless and revealing a smooth slender gym-toned torso.. With the bright sun haloed directly behind his head he looked like an Angel..! Daniels heart lept into his mouth and he felt like a dam was gonna burst full of tears. ''Jeff,but but...'' Daniel began to stutter,reeling with mixed feelings and emotions,hoping what he was seeing was'nt just a figment of his imagination.. Jeff quietly shushed him with a finger against Daniels lips,one hand holding a glass of champagne from a picnic laid out before them. ''Come now Daniel, my love...'' but Jeff could'nt finish... Daniel threw his arms around Jeff and drew him into an unbearably tight hug,causing Jeff to spill the champagne. ''Jeff, i've missed you so much it hurts..'' Daniel was unabashedly crying now,sobbing against Jeff bare muscled shoulder.. ''Everything will be alright now Daniel'' Jeff replied,placing the glass down and reciprocating the hug. ''You died.. Is it this heaven...Did i die..?'' Daniel,full of emotions just sputtered out questions ramdomly and rushedly to Jeff. Jeff hushed him. And they released each other from their embrace..Dans eyes never left Jeff,scanning him from his handsome face to his alluring bare torso.. ''Whats ahppened to you, you look so irresistably sexy and more toned than i could ever remember you..?'' Jeff just smiled,passed Daniel a glass of champagne and peered out from the Oak tree on the crest of a hill where they sat,taking in the wide open richly beautiful countryside around them..birds singing in the air and in the trees,butterflies fluttering across patches of flowers around them..the smell of pollen wafting in the air,...a church bell gently ringing from a spire that stood high above the red roofed cotswold stone cottages of a village in the near distance,nestled by a winding river glinting under the sunlight. ''You remember this place Daniel. Much Markham,England.We came here the summer..'' Jeff paused,smiling back at a beaming Daniel, who took a sip of the champagne,..before continuing. ''...the summer before i died.'' He could see the smile fade on Daniels face. ''Then are we dead... This IS heaven..Am i finally with you.?'' Jeff cupped Daniels face with his hand and then gently stroked the side of his face lovingly.. ''You are not dead.. I brought you here to this one place from your memory that held so much happiness and romance to you..'' Jeff paused again,noticing Daniels eyes begin to well up.. ''You were in an car accident during a harsh winters blizzard. There was a young man with you in your car but he is alright. A man of kind heart and warmth had found you both near the wreck and he took you to his cabin to tend to the wounds you have..'' Dans face showed signs of disappointment that his time with Jeff was not to be, and tears rolled down his cheeks.'' ''It is imperative that you find the will to carry on and fight to survive..'' Jeff said with such passion. 'But i want to be with you. Fuck my life.. My life is with you..'' Dans arm reached up and swept around and drew in the surroundings. ''Here is where i want to be with you..!'' Jeff smiled softly and he leaned in and gave Dan a short but loving kiss. ''Its not your time..'' Daniel broke in. ''No,..it IS my time.. What have i got to live for,without you..?'' ''You have everything to live for.'' Jeff replied sternly,cupping Dans head gently with both hands,framing his saddened face.. 'Listen to me...Its not your time...I will ALWAYS be with you..'' Jeffs hand reached down and he touched Daniel on his chest,above his heart. ''..in here..!'' Daniel could see the sincerity and the truth inside Jeff emerald green eyes, as Jeff continued.. ''You remember that boy in the car with you,don't you....Jacob,the hitchhiker..?'' Jeff said knowingly. Dan nodded slightly in acknowledgement. ''You will find happiness with him,i know.. You will find the strength to carry on and to enjoy life again.. He himself has needed to find that kindred spirit,that endearing love to share, someone to make his own life better and worthwhile after the traumas of the short life he has had so far..'' Jeff could see the spark of doubt in Dans sorrowful eyes ''Believe me,this young man is more like me than you know.. He reminds me,...of me, when i was his age...Young,virile,...up for anything...Fit and healthy with a body that yearned of dedication and commitment from gym work-outs that i was too lazy to keep up..'' Dans spirit was picked up by this memory of their past,with the period when they both went through the ''gym bunny'' phase but could'nt keep up with sweat and toil of keeping their bodies in absolute perfection.. not that either of them were out of shape by their mid forties..! ''I remember,..but i'm 'getting on a bit now for all that muscle mary stuff.'' ''You're fifty,..not ninety..!'' replied Jeff,gently swatting Dan across the top of his head.. ''But i can help you with that.. Just promise me you will live,..that you will move on..?''. Daniels mind reeled. His heart was torn by the thought of never seeing jeff again,..of forgetting even what he looked like as time progressed. Jeff leaned in and gave Dan another short kiss. ''I will always be with you in some form or another, in that big heart of yours,...in Jacobs eyes..'' Dan finally smiled again.. ''You said you can help me with my physique..?'' as he pulled Jeff in for a warm embrace and a more passionate kiss,his hands roaming across Jeffs tight six pack abs and smooth hairless chest. ''Oh yes,...just let your love flow..'' Jeff said between their increasingly erotic touching and petting. ''Stealing lines from the Bellamy Brothers..?'' Dan replied with a slight humourous grin, before both became pre-ccupied with lust. .... Up there, on that hill, a piece of Jeff flowed into Daniel,filling his heart with love, and filling his body with new found vigour...and youth. As they made love,the last vestiges of clothes discarded in passion..with each thrust of Jeffs cock into Daniel,Dan grew younger,more stronger.. His greying hair darkening into black like ink was being dyed into it.. The winkles of age and worry smoothening out and as the years ebbed backwards away,his face took on a beautiful male model look. Deep ice blue eyes framed with thin broad lightly arching eyebrows and a narrower slight upturned nose that gave him a cute elfin appeal. His rough lips becoming soft and moist and fuller,a potential for Dan to become a great kisser and great at something else he could wrap those luscious lips around..! With a slightest of pucker of those lush lips he could exude sexual sultriness that could make anyone who desired him,swoon weakly. A few days shadow of stubble on his chin just made him all the more sexier.. And the change did'nt end there.. As Jeffs angelic body pressed against his lover. As his tending hands took to every curve and course of Dans naked torso and arms, Daniel seemed to be invigorated with new found strength which then flowed increasing size into his smooth muscles. A tease of Jeffs fingers across Daniels once slight pecs of his lean chest,brought out their curves and rounding shapes. The flick of the fingers on Dans nipples hardened them and made Daniel groan with lust,adding more of Jeffs magic touch into Dans pecs that grew out thicker and fuller,becoming lightly dusted with soft dark curly hairs around his nipples,across the mounds and down into the deepening crevasse of his sternum between the growing muscles that grew from hillocks to heaving mountains. As one of Jeffs hands,now full of solid pec muscle,cupped it and tweaked at his nipples,Jeffs other hand flowed over Dans shoulders that rose into full broad slopes that framed a thicker lightly bullish neck,ever up till they nudged at his ear-lobes. The hand cupping Dans pecs,left to wander across the lean stomach that repsonded by ripping and tensing,and then his abs showing though,tightening,hardening into a solid six pack that rose like a tray of rolls in an oven.. Lines cut through sharply and defined the sensuous v shape towards his groin,like small rivulets eroding away at a bed of rocks that themsleves hardened even more and crunched together as Dan gently twisted and moved in the throes of passion..Two more hard blocks of abs arose,crunching together with the six,undulating like sand0dunes to finally reveal a shockingly cut 8-pack.. Job done on those abs just awaiting someones tongue to lap way at the sweat that funneled down the cuts between each block like tiny streams to the present that would soon await at his groin.. With both hands now,Jeff ran them up the side of Dans bigger,heavier,mightier,manlier torso,up to his arm-pits,and making way for his lats to swell,to flare out of near non-existance,into huge wide-spreading slabs that pushed him up higher off the grass and stretching and broadening his back shockingly wide,like the hood of a cobra and arising the thought of 'barn door lats' to amazing reality. And those wide wide lats tapered down in a sexy v shape into an awesomely tight and narrow waistline. Out went the hands, over the shoulders,across delts filling out big round hard delts that could rugby tackle Trajans Column and knock it down to dust.. Those magic hands of an angel passed down to the 'guns' that soon would be the hot top ticket to any 'gun show'.! Once lean sizeable but small biceps suddenly jumped alive as veins pulsed thickenly across the surface of the curves like water running through a firehose.. These veins plugged themselves into Dans bicpes and triceps and started to inflate them, to swell them rapidly from grapefruits to cantaloupe melons, swollen and engorged even fuller to cannonballs streaked with vascular pulsating electrodeds of veins. Biceps that soon reached 25 inches,and tri's that hung thick and hard,...to forearms so ripped and burgeoning like he could rip up a sequoia. Jeff pushed his cock into Dans tight hole as he felt up along Dans legs draped up over his shoulders.. Thighs that seemed to flex,and grow then swell with each flex until they were full of muscle and framing Jeffs head and seemed to give added weight in them as they grew tree trunk thick full of muscle.. Calves that bulged and bloated and tighly ripped.. Thick sinewy bulging leg muscles powerful enough Dan would look like he could dead-lift a bull Elephant..! With each thrust of Jeffs thick cock,he could feel Dan ass respond by clenching tighter against the sodomising intrusion, clamping at the cock as it slid in and out as the growth flowed into his glutes,raising them up,filling them out and gradually endowing Dan with a sexy curvaceous bubble butt. The final gift to Dan, was the growth in his genitals. In the throes of lust,Dans cock had arose into its solid,rigid erection of 7 inches,but now,that erection throbbed even harder,and with each throb,engorged even thicker and fuller,and longer.. It was growing like Daniels own Trajans column without the motifs.. The few veins streaking up along the hard shaft like old thick dry jungle roots creeping over ancient Cambodian ruins to cap a big flaring pinkish-purple glans oozing pre-ucm out of the slit like a tree oozing sap. And his balls too had grown low and heavy in their sac.. Full bloated with cum,lolling weightily like soft medicine balls between his upstretched legs.. .................................................. ............................................... In the cabin, if Jacob was not with St.Nick in a nearby room,for once risking a chance away from Daniel laying under the woolen blankets on the couch, he would have seen the wounds gradually healing themselves. He would have seen Daniel sleeping soundly,covered in a light sheen of sweat,not from the heat of the fire.. He would have seen Daniels face looking calm and serene.. ...He would have seen Daniel growing under that warm welcoming blanket,obscuring the gentle swelling of his muscles....the invigoration of youth flooding back into his face,his body,his hands.. The arousal of his cock as Daniel dreamt his life-changing dream. ....But Jacob would'nt be left out.. Not for long.. After all, Nick,...Santa Claus had promised him his Christmas gift.. ....But thats for the last part, the healing of wounds,the finding of love. ================== Oh,by the way..just learned that male reindeer shed their antlers this time of year,but females keep them,..but who am I to upset tradition. I wrote this years ago..! LOL
  21. Hi, everyone! So I'm starting this experimental series to see if a more traditional narrative would work here, and I would really appreciate all feedback and critique to help me improve. This is mostly going to involve more plot and character than growing, although there will still be a lot of growing done. It just won't be the main focus (for now). Writing is something I don't normally get to do on a regular basis, but it's something I want to make a living out of, so all advice is incredibly welcome. I am more than willing to alter the way the narrative develops and is written depending on how people prefer their pacing and writing. Thanks and enjoy! Hard at Work [Part 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5a -5b - 6 - 7 - 8a - 8b - 8c - 9 - 10 - 11a - 11b - 12a - 12b - 13a - 13b - 13c - 13d] PART 1 Working at my job wasn’t exactly the most exciting thing in the world, but it paid the bills. On an average day, I would sit at my desk, wondering how a bachelor’s degree in Chemistry got me a job in human resources. It’s not like I had particularly good chemistry with other people either. During my time at the company so far, I’ve only been able to get close to two people. One of them was a co-worker of mine named Marcus. He often pulled pranks on me and made childish jokes at my expense whenever we took a break for coffee. Normally, him being a 23-year-old man, anyone would expect some sort of maturity or sense of responsibility. Marcus was nothing of the sort. He played around far too much and just did whatever the hell he wanted to. Every attempt our boss had at scolding him fell on deaf ears. With any other employee, our boss’ words would stop us dead in our tracks. Boss had that charismatic, authoritative aura about him. Unlike Marcus, our boss, Mr. Wesley Smith, or just Wes, took everything seriously. He had a reputation to uphold. Sure, he had his fair share of dad jokes every now and then, but people in the workplace were already so used to Marcus’ absurd antics that nobody ever really noticed. The three of us were often referred to around the office as the “threesome of power.” In one way or another, we all held some sort of power around the office. Wes had his obvious influence and status. Marcus had his absurdity and over-all charisma. Compared to them, I didn’t have as much. All anyone ever told me was that I was the glue that held together our little threesome. In my opinion, it’s just an excuse to call us a threesome since we’re always together. I wasn’t a big fan of the name, honestly. Especially since I was the only gay one. The main reason people chose to describe us as a “threesome” specifically is that Marcus and Wes were probably the most attractive and sought-after guys at the workplace. Marcus was 5’11” and pretty damn attractive. He had wavy, blonde hair that looked like it was streaked with chocolate, and his eyebrows were incredibly thick and a deep chestnut. Of the three of us, he also had the best body. He had been a model in his university years, so he developed a toned, muscled body with a deep V-shaped torso and disproportionate pecs and shoulders. On the other hand, Wes wasn’t bad looking, but all his time spent in bars showed. He was a good-looking man for his age, 31, having South-East Asian genes, and he had a strong square face that accentuated his stocky figure, being only 5’6”. He did go to the gym after work, but he developed a gut after all the vodka. People often say his most attractive feature is his cat eyes. His eyebrows also tilted inwards, so he always had this fierceness about him. It didn’t seem like he was meant to be built in any way besides a small tank either. While Marcus and Wes were the stars of our threesome, I was labeled the “DUFF.” I was only 24, but the new terms the kids kept coming up with always got lost on me. I was the least attractive among us, I must admit. 5’7” isn’t exactly a height anyone would be flaunting off. It’s not that I looked like Quasimodo though. I was just… average—nothing spectacular about me. On one particularly rainy day, Marcus approached me at my desk, wearing his favorite sky blue button-down. He leaned over the divider with a coffee in his hand and sipped it so loudly it echoed. “What are we gonna do about the rain? Do you wanna just move bar night to Wes’ condo again?” he asked. “Yeah, but have you asked him? We might still be banned since you wrecked his condo the last time.” Marcus flubbed his lips, nearly spilling his coffee on my desk. “Don’t worry about it! Wes’ll understand. Besides, this time we got someone to clean our shit.” “I’m not cleaning your mess this time, Marcus.” “Not you, stupid. I meant the new intern. Wes said he was coming in today.” I looked at him, puzzled. “What new intern? No one told me about any new interns.” “That’s because you never join the meetings.” “What? The last meeting we had was two months ago, and literally all we talked about was how you put red food coloring in the water tanks to make it look like we were drinking blood.” Marcus laughed. “Well, now we just have meetings at the bar. I managed to convince him to move our meetings to the conference room with the dancers.” He chuckled. I sighed. “Fine, whatever. What’s his name? The intern, I mean.” “Ah, wait.” Eric brought out his phone. “I’ll ask Wes.” We waited for the phone to pick up. As soon as we heard Wes’ voice, Marcus didn’t hesitate to yell. “Yo, Wes!” I could hear an audible sigh come from the phone. “What’s up, Marcus? I’m kinda busy right now.” “I just told Dory about the new intern, but I forgot his name. What was it again?” “Froy Adamson. 20 years old from Harbridge University. He just texted and said he was coming up. Could you two let him in and show him around? Thanks.” “Sure thing, sir.” Marcus bounced his head to the side and looked at me as if he were planning something. He always did his squinted eyes, raised eyebrows, and pouted mouth. It was a staple of his. He wasn’t fooling anyone doing a face like that. I wonder if he ever noticed. He put the phone back in his pocket. “Well, Dory, looks like you’ve got some more work to do.” I knew it. “Seriously? Didn’t he tell us to handle him? To-ge-ther?” Marcus shrugged. “Well, I’ve got some work to do, and I’m reeaally tired.” He yawned. “You can handle the kid by yourself, right?” I said yes, and he was off, walking back to his desk. I don’t know why I let him do this to me. He’s lucky he was hot. Before I could prepare myself for the new intern, there was a knock coming from the glass door. I got up and headed over. Only people without access cards couldn’t get in and had to knock, which meant it had to be the intern. If I heard correctly, his name was supposed to be Froy, and a student at Harbridge… damn, someone was loaded. I got to the glass door and saw him standing outside. He was wearing a black button-down with his sleeves rolled up and skintight black jeans. They must have been pretty big too since he looked like he had to be at least 6’1”. His jet black hair was short and cropped with little spikes sticking up. He had a cute face too. He had the most precious baby button nose and pronounced dimples, making him look younger than he actually was. I wouldn’t be surprised if girls crushed on him everywhere. He had a decently lean body, but he definitely had bodybuilder potential by the way his broad shoulders stuck outwards, much like Marcus’. However, it didn’t seem like he was the braggart type. If anything, he was a bookworm. He looked like he lived and breathed in a library. All he was missing was a pair of glasses, but instead, he had the most perfect eyelashes. The poor thing seemed soaked by the rain. I opened the door for him and let him come inside, causing him to shiver in his shirt from the cold, freezer-like office temperature. He smiled at me and giggled nervously. “Sorry, sir,” he said with a nervous smile. “I forgot to bring an umbrella. I didn’t think it would rain today.” My heart hadn’t fluttered in so long by a guy’s voice. The last time I felt this elevated was when I was still in college and chatting up the star football athlete before he got caught doping and got expelled. I missed having crushes like this. Thankfully, Froy seemed to be legal. A co-worker of mine already got fired once for having “intimate relations” with an underage intern. I wasn’t going to be next. “It’s fine. Are you Froy?” I asked. He nodded. “Yes, sir. I was supposed to start last week, but my mother had an emergency at the hospital, so I couldn’t leave.” “It’s fine, don’t worry. Family first,” I said. “Did you bring an extra shirt? You might get sick if you wear that wet shirt here all day.” “No, sir. I don’t have anything to change into. Sorry.” I grabbed his forearm. “It’s fine. Here, I’ll let you borrow one of my backup shirts.” “Sir, are you sure?” “Yeah, it’s fine.” I brought him to my desk where I grabbed him a seat. My co-workers who passed by would smile at him, enticed by his cute face and meek demeanor. He’d greet them back with a small wave and shy smile. Some people even came up and asked me if he was my new boyfriend. How many times did I have to tell everyone that I’ve never had a boyfriend before? They were just making the boy uncomfortable. I brought out a plain white shirt from my emergency kit and handed it over to him. He looked it over and thinking about it now, it was probably too small for him. Such was a con of being six inches shorter than someone. He held it up to the light, trying to estimate its size. “I don’t think it’s gonna fit,” I said. “Could I try it on, sir? Just to be sure?” “Sure, go ahead. Just don’t tear it.” I leaned back into my seat as I watched him begin unbuttoning his button-down. At the back of my mind, I knew this was leaning towards sexual harassment—and on the first day of his internship to boot—but I couldn’t help myself. The kid wasn’t reacting negatively either, so I guessed he was okay with it. A lawsuit was the last thing I needed. He started from the top-down, exposing his lean muscle underneath. He had a decently-sized chest for his leanness, and I never noticed how perky his nipples were underneath the black fabric either. There was no body hair on him too, just like Wes. “Nice abs,” I said. He blushed. “Ah, thank you, sir.” “You go to the gym or something? You play sports?” “No, sir. I used to be part of the gymnastics team, but I quit so I could focus on my studies.” Froy raised up his arms and tried squeezing into my shirt. He stuck his head through the tight hole and did his best to stretch out my shirt to fit in as much as possible. He looked ridiculous. It was like a man trying to wear a child’s dress. “You’ve still got a nice frame. If you went to the gym, I bet you could build it up easily,” I said. He looked ridiculous in my shirt. The sleeves didn’t even reach past his shoulders, so the fabric dug into his armpits. The shirt only reached the first set of abs, exposing his core and defined pelvis. It looked like a crop top. How he even got into something so tight is still a mystery to me. “Sir, I’m not sure I can wear this.” “Obviously.” I punched his abs. “Come on, let’s go ask someone else. I’m too short to be lending you my clothes.” “You’re not too short, sir.” “Yeah, you’re just too tall.” I told him to take off the shirt. He looked like he was in too much pain to be wearing something so ridiculous before we found a better replacement. As he raised it over his head and pulled his arms through the sleeves, he accidentally tore it down the side from the left sleeve down to the hem. He froze in panic. “Sir, I’m so sorry, sir, I didn’t mean to break your shirt. It was an accident, sir, I swear.” “Don’t worry about it,” I said. “It’s just a shirt.” His lean torso was now exposed to the cold of the office again, but at least he wasn’t squeezed so tightly in my shirt. I didn’t want to kill him before Marcus did. I couldn’t afford that kind of blood on my hands at my age. No way my salary was going to cover it. I led the tall kid over to Marcus’ desk at the other end of the office. Marcus looked visibly disturbed, watching in silence as I approached with a tall, shirtless kid following closely behind me. I didn’t know what he was going to say or do. His eyes just kept darting back and forth between us, seemingly asking me, “What the fuck is going on?” “Hey, Marcus, this is the intern, and he—” “Why is he shirtless?” Marcus interrupted. I looked back at Froy, looking lost as always. “He got wet in the rain, and I told him I’d get him a new shirt. I tried giving him mine, but, uh…” Marcus raised an eyebrow. “But what? Dory, I need to tell you as a friend that you are very small. Did you try lending him your shirt? Was it too small? Did you come all the way here, to my cubicle, while I’m working, to ask for a shirt from me?” “Yes.” “Alright, here you go.” Marcus dug into his drawer and tossed Froy a clean, black shirt. Froy looked confused but put on the shirt. It fit him perfectly. Thankfully, Marcus’ tailored shirts to fit his broad shoulders and chest fit Froy just right. It was a bit short at the hem though. His pelvis would peek whenever he moved, but he was well-covered. The sleeves also accentuated what muscle he had on his arms, as expected from Marcus. “I have to say though, he’s got a nice body,” Marcus said. “The ‘overtime work’ he’ll be doing later is gonna be a nice work-out.” “Marcus, he’s not a maid.” “And I’m not Frida Kahlo.” “You aren’t.” “Shut up,” Marcus said. “Hey, kid, you’ll be coming with us after work, right?” Froy’s eyes grew wide. “Uh…” “Marcus, it’s only his first day. He doesn’t even know our names yet!” “It’ll be fiiiine. My name’s Marcus Fringe, and there’s your Sir Dorian Yale. You can just call us Marcus and Dory. Our boss is Sir Wesley Smith: short, stocky Asian dude. You can call him Wes. If you ever wanna come work for us, you could be a part of our little circle of friends here. We got cookies.” “Oh, I like cookies,” Froy whispered. “Stop fucking with my intern, Marcus.” “You’re not my mom.” Wes’ office was right in front of Marcus’ cubicle. Any time Marcus made too much noise or whenever Wes would leave for the washroom and caught Marcus doing something stupid, Wes would be the first to scold him. He often threatened to lower his pay, but Marcus didn’t care. They were too close to actually do anything like that. As we were talking, the door to Wes’ office opened. He walked out, wearing a skintight banana yellow collared shirt that showed off his muscles and small gut. Every shirt in his wardrobe seemed to be skintight. I remember him telling us once that he was raised to only wear the tightest clothing because it makes you look bigger. He was only 5’6”, so I could understand why. “Why are you making so much noise, Marcus?” he asked, standing in the doorway. “Oh.” I waved at him. “Hi, sir. This is Froy, the intern. I was just asking Marcus for an extra shirt since he got wet in the rain.” “Well, take care of him then. Show him around the floor or something, I dunno,” Wes said. “Oh, and Dory…” “Yes, sir?” “Take him out with ya later, aight? We’re gonna have a little fun.” Oh god. “Yes, sir.” Wes was returning to his office when Froy spoke up. “Oh, sir!” he said. “How do I get through the door? I don’t have an access card.” “Hm? You don’t need an access card. You just grab the handle, twist it, then pull. That’s how you open a door.” “Wes, never speak again,” Marcus said. “What about this?” Wes whispered. “Or this ♪?” he sang. “I’m done,” I said. “And I’m just getting started!” He fired double finger guns at me with the silliest grin, laughing at himself immediately afterwards. We all separated and went back to our work for the day. I finished up the rest of my work as fast as I could so that I’d have more time to tour Froy around the building. It was just a hunch, but I thought he’d appreciate the convenience store. The store has an unlimited sundae cone deal where you could get as much ice cream as you wanted as long as it’s in one continuous swirl and it doesn’t fall over. When we got there, I saw his eyes light up like a child at the carnival. He wasted no time and immediately ordered a sundae cone. I didn’t even have to tell him. It seemed like he was used to doing this sort of thing already. By the time the ice cream was five inches tall, I was getting worried. It looked like it would fall at any moment. “Froy, are you sure you wanna keep going?” “Yes, sir! I’ve done this before. My mom calls me a master at this.” By the time it reached 8 inches tall, he stopped the machine. He stood still at first, watching it intently. It looked like he was trying to connect his soul to the sundae, becoming one with its spirit or something. When he finally got it to stabilize, he smiled. “See, sir?” he said. Then he raised it up and dunked it in his mouth, all the way down to the cone. My eyes grew wide. Froy just took in 8 inches of freezing cold sundae in his mouth like it was nothing. “What the fuck? Did you just eat the entire thing in one bite?” He nodded, still swallowing the ice cream. When he finished, he accidentally exhaled into my face, filling my nose with his cold, breath-infused chocolate smell. He apologized and offered to wipe it off my nose. I had to tell him to stop since he still had the cone to finish. “How the fuck did you do that?” “My brothers taught me when I was younger how to exercise my gag reflex so I could take in more things. I could fit a whole foot-long in my mouth too!” he said. “It just got kinda messy… so we had to stop.” His face sunk. The cute smile he wore faded away after it seemed like he remembered something. “What happened?” “They, uh, taught me to give them blowjobs when I was 12. I thought it was normal for a few years, then they got arrested for selling drugs when I was 15. My mother told me they were horrible to me and told me what they were doing to me was wrong. So now I’m trying to find a job to pay for my mother’s hospital bills since I’m her only family left. She already used up all her savings on my tuition.” I felt horrible for him and found myself hugging him. He was stiff and caught in surprise at first, but he softened up and wrapped his arms around me too. I didn’t know he lived like this. I couldn’t take advantage of someone like him. It wouldn’t be right. “I’m so sorry.” He gave his ice cream a quick lick. “Don’t worry, sir, it’s fine. I’m over it now. I still miss them though.” “Who? Your brothers? They molested you as a kid. You shouldn’t be missing them. They deserve to rot in prison.” “We used to play games every day outside our house. They even bought me a goldfish once for my 14th birthday since it was all they could afford with their own money. I named him Pudge.” We headed back to my desk upstairs after finishing his ice cream and filing for his access card. The issue with his brothers was something we didn’t want to bring up too much in case he got triggered. More than half the office had already gone home for the day. Marcus, Wes, and I planned to leave for Wes’ condo at 8pm with Froy together. After I finished up, I asked Froy if he was okay with it. It was only his first day as an intern. I wouldn’t be surprised if he declined. Who knows what we might have been planning to do to him outside office hours? “It’s okay with me, sir.” “Are you sure? I haven’t even told you what we were doing.” “Oh, uh,” he said before chuckling nervously. “We’re going to your sir Wes’s condo to drink. Wes and Marcus just want you to be their sober caretaker, so you don’t have to go if you don’t want to.” Froy waved his hands. “Oh, no, sir, it’s okay with me. I’m used to being the sober one with my friends.” “Oh, okay. And don’t worry about something bad happening to you. None of us have ever done anything crazy before. Besides, Marcus is straight, and Wes is bi, but he has a family. I’m the only gay one here.” His eyebrows shot up. “You’re gay, sir?” “Yeah, why?” He looked away. “Nothing, sir.” That led me to wonder. Was he also gay? I guessed I could always figure that out some other time. After we packed up, we headed down to the basement carpark where Marcus and Wes were waiting for us at Wes’ truck. There were paper cups everywhere. It seemed like they’d been waiting there for a few years by the way they were lounging around and drinking coffee endlessly. When we got there, Marcus walked up to me and grabbed me by the shoulders. “What the fuck took you so long?” he asked. His pointed gaze shot into my skull. “You told me not to fuck with your intern, but is it really me you should be worrying about?” “We were just finishing up some shit. It took longer than expected. Sorry ‘bout it.” “Just get in the fucking truck already!” Wes yelled. “The vodka isn’t gonna drink itself!” I sat in the passenger seat, with Marcus and Froy in the back. It was the system we developed together when we first started hanging out at bars a few months ago. Marcus hated seatbelts and feeling claustrophobic, and I preferred the safety of the seatbelt. The three of us normally went out to the bar down the street on foot, but tonight, we decided to head to Wes’ condo instead to avoid the rain. The only thing different was that we had Froy with us. “Hey, kid, what was your name again?” Marcus asked. “Uh, sir, Froy Adamson, sir.” “Froy?” Marcus began to chuckle. He was visibly struggling to hold in his laughter. “Like fro-yo?” Froy was silent. “...Yes, sir. Frozen yogurt.” Marcus released his contained laughter, nearly keeling over his seat. Froy became worried and began to panic. Wes and I had to reassure him that making fun of people’s names was just something Marcus did on a daily basis to everyone around the office. Marcus was only a year younger than me, but he had the heart of a child that he never grew out of. We loved that about him. Marcus placed a hand on Froy’s shoulder. “I like this kid,” he said. Froy blushed. “I’m sure you do,” Wes said. “Everyone loves yogurt.” “Don’t predate on my intern, Marcus!” “I don’t wanna hear that from you, Dory!” Marcus said. “Hey, kid. I’ve been planning on going back to the gym again. If you ever wanna come with, just tell me, okay? You look like you’d be a great workout partner.” “Hey, what about me? Why do you ask the intern before your boss who you KNOW goes to the gym?” Wes asked. “How tall are you again, Wes?” Marcus asked. “Right now, about as high as your chances at a promotion, Marcus.” Marcus threw his arms around Wes’ seat. “Hey, come on! It was just a joke! It’s just too hard to be gym buddies with someone so short. Plus you’ve got that tiny gut.” “I can’t help it! Vodka might as well be my blood of Christ.” “So you’re a cannibal?” “What do you think happened to my first boyfriend?” The conversation continued for the next half hour on the road. Froy and I remained silent for the most part while Marcus and Wes bantered, with us being brought in every so often as jokes. Marcus couldn’t let go of “fro-yo.” The rain blocked the streets and kept us in traffic longer than we would have wanted. Wes began getting calls from his wife, asking about where he was since his kids were getting impatient after being locked up for so long. When we got to the forest separating Wes’ condo complex from the city district, Marcus brought out these small white pills he hid inside a tic-tac box. The resemblance was uncanny. Froy and I watched him, unaware of what the pills would do. No one was around to help if Marcus did something stupid. “Hey, Wes. You want a tic-tac?” Marcus asked. Froy and I watched in silence, fully aware of what Marcus was trying to do. “If you’re trying to bribe me for a pay raise again, it’s gonna take more than a tic-tac this time.” “No, seriously, come on. It’s just a candy. Completely free. No strings attached.” Wes held out a hand, and Marcus placed one on his palm. “This better not be another one of your fucking pranks, Marcus. The last one is still giving my kids diarrhea.” Wes threw the small white pill in his mouth without any hesitation. Suddenly, his stomach grumbled loudly. “God damn it, Marcus.” Marcus laughed and slammed his hand repeatedly against the back of Wes’ seat. Froy shifted closer to the door in fear. “What did you give him, Marcus?” I asked. “Dying in a car crash with you was not on my list of things to-do today.” “Mine too,” Froy mumbled. “Relax! It’s harmless. I already tried it on my dog, and nothing happened to her.” “I’m not a dog, Marcus! I’m your boss!” “And I’m not a scientist!” “That doesn’t make things any better, Marcus—Oh, my god... what the fuck is going on...” Wes looked uncomfortable, shifting around like there was a cactus on his seat. I looked down and saw that he was growing a tent in his pants. At first, I thought it was just viagra, but then a wet spot began to form. Wes’ face was red as a tomato and was completely speechless. I could smell the familiar smell that filled my room after school as a kid. Wes came. He came right in front of all of us. He didn’t even have to touch himself or do anything for it either. I looked back at Marcus and Froy, and Marcus’ face was frozen in a face of pure glee. He had the expression of a child witnessing Santa for the first time and couldn’t be happier. Froy on the other hand was completely mortified. The poor thing didn’t know how to react. Wes was barely able to keep his focus on the road because of the way he was feeling. He just came in his pants. I couldn’t even begin to imagine what that pill did to him. Wes stopped the truck at a nearby tree and turned off the truck, running out and checking the damages at a tree out of sight. The three of us followed suit. Marcus didn’t even look the least bit guilty about what he just did. Froy stood by me, waiting and watching for what happened next. “What the fuck did you give me?” Wes asked. Marcus waved his hands in the air. “Nothing! I swear it was just a bunch of random shit I found in my kitchen. I didn’t think it would do anything.” “Well, it did! Now my favorite pants are ruined.” Wes stepped back into the moonlight where we saw a massive wet spot all over his crotch. If we didn’t know it was cum, we might’ve mistaken it for piss just by its sheer quantity. I didn’t think it was possible to cum so much. Judging by the defined outline running down his left thigh as well, it seemed he was hiding more than just one secret. The short man had to compensate somewhere. “God damn it, Marcus.” “Come on, I’m sorry. I swear I didn’t mean it. I was gonna try it on myself, but I wanted to see if it—” “If it killed me?” “Well, no, but—” “I can’t believe I already wet myself… I haven’t even had a fucking bottle yet. You owe me for this.” Marcus shot me a look of relieved anguish, knowing he wasn’t going lose his job or his friendship. He walked up to Wes and helped him clean up by the tree. While Wes and Marcus were off cleaning up, Froy and I wandered a bit off to the forest to take in the beautiful nighttime scenery overlooking the city. The city lights shined brightly over the trees. They gave off an iridescent spotlight-lit night sky that shadowed the tree leaves and branches, blocking out the stars but lighting up the darkness. “This is a great view,” I said. “Yes, sir,” Froy replied. As we were enjoying our quiet time alone together, Froy noticed what looked like a shooting star in the empty sky. Wes and Marcus came over and joined us in staring at the falling light. A thought occurred to me, however, that this was not how falling stars normally worked. It looked as though it were literally falling out of the sky. I’m pretty sure falling stars aren’t supposed to look like they’re coming straight at us. “Hey, that’s no fucking shooting star, you idiots! That’s a meteor!” Wes said. “Hide behind something!” We could barely react when we saw that it was already a building’s height away from us. Froy and I hid behind a nearby tree. Marcus sprinted across to the truck with Wes. The burning rock rang a piercing loud screech in our ears before crash landing into the clearing between us and the truck. Flaming debris flew everywhere, covering the area in a black soot. Smoke filled the air for a good few minutes until we were able to breathe and see things again. All four of us emerged from our hiding spots and eyed the strange rock. Froy, Wes, and I approached it hesitantly, watching it from a distance in case it had any surprises waiting to pop out and do some serious harm. It could have had some new viruses or small flesh-eating aliens hiding inside. I highly doubted our job’s insurance program covered space AIDS. Meanwhile, while three of us were being careful, Marcus decided to make a headstart and gingerly walked up to it. He stuck out his hands and felt the intense heat emanating from the meteor. “What are you doing, Marcus?! Get back here where it’s safe,” Wes said. Marcus looked back and smiled. “Relaaax, it’s not gonna do anythingI” When the rest of us got to surround the meteor, it seemed to have cooled off. All four of us examined it closely, checking for any dangerous movements or glowing substances sticking out. For the next few minutes, it just seemed like it was a regular, boring old rock—from space. It didn’t grow a face and sing show tunes like I expected. I’d be lying if I said wasn’t disappointed. “It just seems like a rock,” Froy said. “Obviously,” Marcus said. “But what’s inside?” “If it's anything like your head, not much,” Wes said. “Then there’s nothing to worry about, right?” Marcus stepped into the crater and slammed his hands onto the meteor. He began pressing down on it with his body weight, trying to pressure it to crack open and reveal whatever monstrosity was inside of it. Froy and I backed away while Wes stepped forward and tried prying Marcus off of it. “Marcus, what are you doing?! Stop!” “I just wanna see what’s inside! It might have space diamonds, Wes!” Marcus let out a yell as he used all his strength and cracked open the meteor. From the crack, a neon green liquid splurged out, spilling onto Marcus’ shirt. He panicked, wondering what the hell the scentless, luminescent goo was, when suddenly the crack opened up further. It erupted, blasting a mortified Marcus with the strange gunk. He was covered head to toe, front to back, unable to even open his mouth or eyes in pure horror. The meteor now looked unstable. It was rumbling, and cracks began spreading from where Marcus first breached its outer shell. More and more of the green liquid spurted out. It didn’t seem long before it would explode. Marcus grumbled for help, running towards Wes. “Hey, stop! Don’t get that shit on me! I just got my pants dry!” Wes yelled. Before Marcus could even get to him, the meteor exploded. Nuclear green slime flew everywhere. Marcus got blasted back onto the ground by the sheer amount he was covered in. He didn’t look like he could move very well at all anymore. Wes was yelling out Marcus’ name when the goo flew into his mouth and covered his entire front from head to toe. I could hear him yelling as he swallowed it. “Sir!” As the meteor exploded towards us, Froy ran up to me. He used his body as a shield to block me from the slime, with his back spread out against the meteor. I looked up at him and saw fear in his eyes. Neither of us could move from where we were as we were frozen in absolute shock about what just happened. The meteor settled down, and there was green slime absolutely everywhere. It coated the trees, the grass, the soil, everything. Marcus was absolutely drenched in it, struggling to even stand up. Wes ran to a tree and began vomiting, trying to expel whatever he swallowed and trying to get himself clean again. Froy’s entire backside and his arms were completely covered. He shook his body as much as he could to try and get it off of him. “What the fuck just happened?” I asked. “That fucking—pfthuh—piece of shit meteor just fucking exploded!” Wes yelled, spitting out the remnants. “Are we going to fucking die?!” Marcus yelled, on his knees, crying in anguish at the sky, looking like a grotesque smile monster. “I don’t wanna fucking die, god!” “This is all your fault!” Wes said. “I’m fucking aware of that, Wes! I wasn’t expecting the meteor to be a fucking water balloon filled with green shit!” “Okay, everyone, just relax!” I said. “We just need to get clean and report this to the police so they can clean it up or something.” Marcus and Wes turned and glared at me, clean and dry from head to toe. “We can’t tell anyone about this! If the authorities find out we fucked with some meteor and got caught with some disease, then we might be forced to spend time in a lab until we die,” Wes said. Marcus pointed at me. “And why the fuck are you dry? Did you tell your little boytoy intern to be your shield?!” “No, he ran up to me himself. I didn’t tell him to do anything, Marcus.” “Fucking shit, man…” I stood watch by the truck while Froy, Wes, and Marcus cleaned themselves up by the river. It was nearly midnight when they got back looking absolutely exhausted after trying to get every drop of slime off their bodies for the past few hours. They dumped all their clothes in Wes’ gym bag and got into his truck in nothing but wet underwear. ‘Uncomfortable’ could not even begin to explain the atmosphere. I couldn’t even be bothered to appreciate all the hot, semi-naked bodies surrounding me when I was still reeling over what the hell just happened. I’d already seen all of them shirtless before at least once, but I had yet to see Froy’s business. Did he prefer boxers or briefs? Was he a shower or a grower? It didn’t seem that important. All I knew was that Wes was thick and hung like a motherfucker. “This has to be our secret, got it?” Wes said. “No one else can know about this.” We all agreed. None of us were in the mood to get dissected or experimented on for the rest of our lives. As Wes drove away, heading to his condo, I took one last look back at the scene. The meteor looked like a cracked egg that got blown up in a microwave. However, what seemed strange to me was how there seemed to be a lot less slime than before. What used to be a complete sheet of glowing green slime over everything was now mostly back to normal with some freckles here and there. It must have either dissipated in the atmosphere or got absorbed into the ground. Either way, it didn’t seem like that was just going to end there. I could feel in my gut that this wasn’t the last time this meteor was going to be a part of our lives. If the slime did get absorbed in the ground and trees, then what would happen with humans? There was no way they didn’t at least absorb some of it. There was just no way. Regardless, this was going to be our secret from now on. It seemed our little threesome just became a foursome.
  22. The Prologue is found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14714-the-assembly-line/ The former chapter is found here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14761-the-assembly-line-station-six/ The assembly line Finale Bigger! Harder! Invincible! Under the relentless onslaught of the anabolic radiation, Unit T.E.D. was becoming what The Program wanted him to be, but suddenly another sub-routine of The Program activated, and added additional impact. The air surrounding him began to shimmer, but he couldn't discern what it was. He was, however, able to observe what happened at the stations of the other Units. Something looking like holograms surrounded the other Units. Unit M.I.K.E. was surrounded by the shimmering and translucent image of an even more enhanced version of himself: Taller, brawnier, more conditioned, even more proportional. The same was true about the other two Units. Then, the three-dimensional image surrounding Unit M.I.K.E. blurred and switched into the image of an extremely built, but proportionate and conditioned bodybuilder with a sort of physique, which was often found in the 1980s and 1990s. A dim recollection of life before The Program, allowed Unit T.E.D. to remember, that Mike talked a lot about how bodybuilding had been, before the roid-gut became commonly occurring. Mike had often used words like "proportions" and "symmetry". Then, the image surrounding Unit M.I.K.E. shimmered and switched again, now into another old-school bodybuilder with a narrow waist and deeply cut abs. It switched again and again. The Program must have extracted Mike's ideas about the ideal male physique, when it scanned his mind back at Station Three. Something similar happened at the station of Unit T.I.M. Tim had found motivation to work out, by reading about bodybuilders close to his own age. Unit T.E.D. remembered enough, to recognize the appearance and remember the names of the young men, the images of whom The Program had delved out of Tim's mind: Lesukov, Compton, McCarver, Poirson -- all of them the bodily opposites of the tiny and fragile man Tim once had been. Before he encountered The Assembly Line. Though he had followed them to the gym with some frequency, Todd had never been interested in bodybuilding competitions or reading about that sport. Unit T.E.D. directed his attention to the station of Unit T.O.D.D., in order to find out what The Program had been able to squeeze out of the slightly nerdy Todd's mind. His gaze was met by the holographic image of a wrestler, quickly replaced by another one. Then, the images of imaginary characters out of cartoons: He Man. Bane. The incredible Hulk. "How typical for Todd", the remnant of Unit T.E.D.'s human nature thought, just before he was overwhelmed of what happened at his own station. Yes! More! POWER was crammed into his being, and he could feel his strength cumulate, his mass increase and his already considerable height irrupt. He was too overwhelmed by what happened to him, to notice what happened to the others. Then the platform of his station moved a quarter of a circle, to the point where Unit T.O.D.D. had been, seconds ago. They had all rotated. Unit T.O.D.D. was now positioned at Unit M.I.K.E.'s former position, the latter one where Unit T.I.M. had been, and Unit T.I.M. at Ted's former place. Unit T.E.D. was able to see the field surrounding his former position: Holographic images of bodybuilders and strongmen who managed to combine height and massiveness flickered in the air around Unit T.I.M. -- Morgan Aste, Greg Kovacs, Martyn Ford, Hafthor Bjornson. Unit T.I.M. roared, as The Program forced him to grow closer to the ideals projected around him, and then he grew beyond that. Embodying that particular ideal at an enhanced, uttermost and consummate level. Unit T.I.M. roared again. He was tenting in his uniform trousers, and he was staring unseeingly at what Unit T.O.D.D. was becoming. At his original station, Unit T.O.D.D. had achieved a broad and bull-like physique beyond what was naturally possible, but, as he now stood at Unit M.I.K.E.'s original station, he was bombarded by what Mike had considered harmonious proportions in his former life. Raw mass transformed into an archtypical hero-bod, and a cocky glint was awakening in Unit T.O.D.D.'s eyes. In front of Unit T.E.D., Unit M.I.K.E. was achieving the conditioned look of Unit T.I.M., the youthful brawniness which Unit T.I.M. had considered ideal before his own transformation, and the worn signs of Mike's bad years disappeared. He looked more vigourous than ever. Then the field hit Unit T.E.D. The field directed by Unit T.O.D.D.'s imagination of muscle mass beyond the limits of reality. MUSCLE MASS. BEYOND. THE LIMITS OF REALITY. Unit T.E.D. had been tall before, and had added lots of mass earlier in the process, but now, the feeling of his thighs for arms resting on his literal Hulk-sized lats pushed his power-craze close to the brink of insanity. Then the platforms rotated a quarter-circle again. He found himself standing with his legs wide apart at Unit M.I.K.E.'s original position. He was absent-mindedly aware of Unit T.I.M. becoming like a gamma-irradiated He Man out of fiction on his right side, and he was likewise absent-mindedly aware of Unit T.O.D.D. becoming conditioned and rejuvenated to the left of him, but the sight of Unit M.I.K.E. -- his childhood hero Mike -- adapting to his own ideas of perfection and the feeling of being exposed to Mike's ideas of perfection caused the remnants of the old Ted inside Unit T.E.D. to enter ecstatic rapture by the sheer physicality of it all. Becoming like Mike! BECOMING. LIKE. MIKE. Mike shouted: "YES! Taller! TALLER!" When he came to his senses, the platforms had rotated again. After the intense bombardment of several growth-inducing protocols at all the former stations, the conditioning and rejuvenation at Unit T.I.M.'s original station was allowing Unit T.E.D. to calm down and catch his breath. Unit T.I.M. was becoming his hero-dreams, and was lost in the experience of hypertrophy and lust. Unit T.O.D.D. was now adding the height he had lacked, but, in front of Unit T.E.D., Unit M.I.K.E. was exposed to Todd's imagination of the impossible. Unit M.I.K.E. had increased in height beyond human limits at the last station, and at the present station he was attaining the unattainable, and he seemed to like it. Inhuman confidence shone from his eyes, and his mouth was agape in a smile of voluptious rapture, caused by the sensation of his limitless virilisation. Built by bulging meat, far, far beyond the size of basketballs. Boulders upon boulders of uncrushable flesh. The ability to lift tonnes. TONNES. The traps of a monster-hero. The pecs of a monster-hero. The bicepses of a monster-hero. Quads and hamstrings of sheer MUSCLE-POWER. Unit M.I.K.E. flexed his bicepses, tented, moaned and roared. The sound caused all the other Units to lose all awareness of their physical surroundings. The anabolic radiation increased in intensity. They were growing beyond human imagination. They ... * * * Then Ted woke up. Wooah! What a dream! Dreams with a similar content had haunted him several nights in a row. Not that he complained, but he had to take care of that morning wood soon. Speaking of which... His heart felt warm. He could feel Mike's morning wood against his back, and he rolled around to face the sleeping Mike. His childhood friend. His teenage-years' hero. The veteran who returned home. His crush. His husband. The innocent expression on his sleeping face. Mike's breathing changed, and his eyelids opened halfways. "Teddy?" "I'm here." Mike's big hand groped and grabbed Ted's back, and pressed them tightly together. Mike didn't say anything, but the morning wood of both men grew harder. Mike yelped. Then the phone rang. Ted sighed and lifted the phone to his ear. "Unit T.E.D. You are hereby commanded to resume full physical shape, and report to Base C. Now, hand over the phone to Unit M.I.K.E." No! Wait? It wasn't a dream? It was ... Unit T.E.D. handed over the phone to Unit M.I.K.E. It had been given an order. It was resuming its full physical shape, and it could watch Unit M.I.K.E. to react to the phone call in the same way. Fabric ripped. They burst out of their clothes. Their eyes changed into a more machine-like stare, ready to obey orders without questions. Full physical shape. Felt good to not hide anymore. FULL. PHYSICAL. SHAPE. The two Units crouched, in order to not rub their heads in the bedroom ceiling. They removed the removable wall in the wardrobe, and recovered their uniforms. They stood there, in their glossy uniform trousers and tactical boots, powerful torsos exposed. Two Units ready for a mission. They could hear a personnel carrier arrive outside their house. It was time. They had an order to execute. The Program demanded it.
  23. elysiumfields

    Rush Hour Muscle

    iHi folks. A few members recently requested an interest in one of my old reality shift muscle growth stories. So here it once again for old times sake. RUSH HOUR MUSCLE Travelling on a bustling city subway train during a working weeks evening rush hour,can be particularly irritable at times,especially due to the fact that you've got to cram yourself onto a stuffy train carraige,overfilled with commuters who are just as irritable as you..and unwilling to yield enough space so you can squeeze in before the door slides shut. In my case..on my 25 minute journey home,i have to contend with mainly three types of commuters.: Office workers..often the most ignorant to allow me room..,dressed in their immaculate suits and shirt and ties. Construction workers..spilling in from the expansive construction sites developing the area as an upcoming business district...wearing their sand,dirt and cement stained t shirts,High Vis' vests and stained jeans and workboots..usually smelling of sweat and cigarettes.! And then there were the school boys pouring in from a 'well-to-do' All Boys public Oratory school.. 'St Dunstans' or 'St Duncans'..or something like that?. Loud,chattering boys ranging from 12 to perhaps 17, dressed in smart black blazers,white starched shirts,black and white striped ties and so on...some of these kids were small and looking dwarfed in ill fitting oversized blazers!.And then there was a mix of other commuters thrown in for good measure.. Just the normal daily evenings rush hour... but then, this Fridays rush hour was definately not going to be normal..! I just managed to slip onto a train just as the doors were closing,and work myself into a corner not far. Already,the carraige was warm and stuffy and full,but not as constricted with passengers as i had thought,although all seemed to be men,and though there was few hot mid forties Daddy types,the age range did not seem to exceed ,45,but i just shrugged it off as being coincidental that the old folks simply avoided the trains due to the warm weather and stuffiness of the subways. Unfortunately,i was'nt feeling particularly well myself,and i had been feeling unusually tired. I had an odd feeling in myself since the previous unsettled nights sleep..Odd in the fact that every time i caught sight of a buffed muscular young man,i kept on springing a boner in my pants with the slightest daydream or glimpsing fantasy, and i could feel myself dribbling pre-cum into my briefs,which made me feel all the more on edge. The train set off on its journey and i stumbled a little,gently bumping a handsome young office worker attempting to read his financial paper in the crowded carraige.."Sorry" i said,smiling weakly at him, and instantly springing another fucking boner!.He just raised an eyebrow at me and continued reading as i stole furtive glances at hints of a firm athletic physique beneath his black suit jacket and tight black suit pants that hugged a cute pert butt.His short hair was jet black and gelled into short spikes,and from what i could catch from the side,he had ice blue eyes and full lips...full kissable lips.. I shuddered as i felt my cock milk pre-cum into my moistened briefs,then tore my eyes away from him before he noticed. The train swayed again..and i glanced out the window at the darkness of the subway tunnel for a short moment. Then the headphones worn by a youth of around 16 or 17 standing beside me,rattled out what sounded like a Rap tune. I glanced at the youth. Cute. Blue eyes,snub nose,faint peach fuzz on his chin.Wearing dress code typical of modern British youth. Hooded grey jacket over a Burberry cap,white loose tee shirt,baggy black trackie pants and big white trainers. He caught me looking at him and curled his lip in a look of disgust,whispering 'batty-man'..an urban teenagers word for faggot..under his breath. The train stopped at the next station. A few passengers got off,several got on,including a trio of noisy school boys,perhaps around 14 or 15. All three were short,probably no taller than 5ft and likely awaiting puberty still to set in. One kid,a pale boy with ginger hair and freckles and dressed in as expected, a blazer that was obviously too big for him..and hefting a sports bag in front of him, gaggled loudly about his classes football game.I just peered out of the window again as the train doors slid closed and the train set off again. A few minutes passed when the train carraige jolted and this time, making the teenaged boy stumble hard against me as the light flickered briefly. The boy did not apologise like i had to the office guy.He just straightened up and glared at me with a menace that made me feel uncomfortable,even though i was in my thirties and twice as old as him. Our eyes met for a moment,before i yielded and glanced at first,absently to his chest.I had to tear my look away as i was stunned to notice his chest was firm with slender pectoral muscles lightly outlined by the tight fabric. I have a fetish about muscles,and big pecs in particular. My cock twitched into a stiff erection and i leaked pre-cum again. I could feel the youths eyes still bearing into me..and with the next sway of the train, he moved closer to me,about a foot away,as another passenger moved behind him to alight at the next station. I fought desperately not to meet his gaze but gave in. He stared into me and sneered again. I felt my mouth run dry and my heart pound in my chest as i glanced down at his torso..At the sight of his pectoral muscles seemingly thicker than before, and pulling the thin fabric tighter over them,accentuating the shapely curves even more. Thankfully,the boy was diverted by the train swaying and then pulling to a halt deep in the tunnel. But my eyes were fixated on his pecs. They were definately getting thicker and meatier,swelling perceptively under his tee,into deeply curved mounds.' How the fuck was this happening?' i thought.. The boy reached up a hand to adjust his left earphone and with astonishment,i watched as a sizeable bicep bunch and strain at his long sleeves,and the same action of raising his arm,pushed his growing pecs further out into heavier mounds of muscle,the nipples becoming clearly defined and poking out under the tightening tee. I was too slow to look away when the youth glanced at me. "You a fucking faggot?" he snapped loud enough for the office guy,the fit looking guy behind him, and the schoolboys to hear him. I went red with embarrassment. I put up my hands as if to feign innocence,and glanced around. Then i noticed the office stud..Sweet fuck,...was he beefing up too?He looked at me for a moment and returned to reading his newspaper.With his arm raised up holding the paper, i could clearly see a thick bulge of his bicep,even beneath his suit jackets sleeve.Like the boys pecs and biceps,his arm began to thicken and expand beneath the suit,and his shoulders beefed up and swelled. There was a snapping sound and i realised it was a button breaking off his blue shirt as his own pecs began to rise up and thicken like mounds to strain the filling shirt. I was in a state of disbelief at the sight of the youth, and now the office stud,growing ever more muscular by the second. I heard a grunt from someone behind the stud, and the sound of fabric stretching itself apart. The train jolted momentarily and i was drawn back to the youth..and his growing muscles,particularly a bulging chest that took up most of the space before me. The thick mounds heaved and pushed out further stretching the tee like a second skin over his mighty chest.I was sure at any moment that the fabric would rip apart as it strained for dear life,but incredibly it held, and really gave off the size of his pecs to shocking value,growing past the size of a pro bodybuilders!. The youth glared menacingly at me, and then smiled sinisterly.He raised his arms up to pull the hood off of his capped head, and i caught sight of the fat boulders of his biceps bulging obscenely in his overstuffed sleeves. What he did next,nearly made me come in my pants. He pushed his huge swollen pecs,apparently slowing down their expansion,against me, and pinned me into the corner. From out of view,i could hear one of the boys moaning as if he was in pain,followed by the sound of fabric seams ripping. Then.."Fuck,i'm growing" from one of the other boys..Not a tone of alarm,but more of delight..and i heard him swearing and yelling in glee. More grunts and groans and swear words rose from other passengers.Others were growing too. 'This is way too fucking freaky' i thought to myself,feeling a little claustrophobic,pinned in by the youths mountainous pecs.I could feel myself stiffly erect and dribbling pre-cum into my now damp underwear. 'What the fuck was happening?'. "You fucking love this,don't ya..faggot" sneered the youth,whose massive pecs were so swollen,that they pressed against his chin,his neck thickly corded with muscle. The train finally started off on its journey towards my stop. I had to get off.This was too much to comprehend.Yet a little part of me wanted to stay on the train and worship this youths huge muscles. As the train approached the station,the intercom from the driver crackled into life over the grunts and groans and obvious pleasures of this carraige full of muscle men. "Good evening..this train will terminate at ..." he broke off the announcement for a few seconds. "Fuck i'm huge..,sorry guys..i'm gonna have to terminate the train at the next stop..i'm too fucking big for the cab.." 'Shit!' i said under my breath..'Was the whole god damn train affected?' A few minutes later,attempting not to orgasm,i forced my way round the youths huge sexy pecs and towards the doors as they slid open at arrival at my stop.. There,my fears...or desires,were answered.Several huge,insanely muscular men got off from other carraiges.Their clothes,although.pitifully stretched to within an inch of life,and some torn at the seams in places..held in the huge bloated muscles..and then i saw huge obscene crotch bulges straining to keep in freaky sized cocks and balls, on each and everyone of the guys.. And the growth had'nt just affected the train.. Huge musclemen and boys waited and arrived on the platform for trains..They were everywhere i looked. 'Fuck' Was i in Muscle man Heaven or Muscle man Hell? I needed to get home fast..My cock seriously needed beating off..
  24. Yachirobi

    Life Changes

    Some quick smut I banged out today. Give it a like on my Tumblr if you're so inclined. Inspired by a photo Michael Kidd, shot by Rey Rey's Photography. He is not the character, this is fiction, you're an adult so you know the drill. Please, don't sue me. I'm poor. *** Dad wouldn’t tell me what he was up to but he was bigger. The way he filled his shorts in was obscene. He said he was just working out harder. Right. It had only been a month since mom left him and he’d grown. He been growing. He kept growing. My father got visibly larger every day. We’d worked out together before. Lifting weights was our regular father/son bonding since I was twelve. Even when I came out, we didn’t miss a session. But almost imediately after mom left, he insisted on training alone in the basement. He would’t let me down there anymore. Said it wasn’t me, just that he needed space alone. I figured he was crying down there, needed a place where he didn’t have to be “strong” when he felt weak and helpless. Then I heard the grunting through the vent. At first I thought he had a dog down there. A weird ass dog to boot. Maybe one of those mutts from Ghostbusters. Mom was allergic to dogs but dad had grown up with them. He actually got choked up talking them. He always stopped to pet dogs who came across him when he was out. But I never heard those sounds when he wasn’t down there. He’d have told me if he had a dog. None of those dogs made the sounds I heard. They were borderline sexual. That’s why I had to go down there. I needed to know what he was doing, why he had to be alone instead of spending man-time with his only child. He left the door unlocked one day while he was out. I’d been coming over mre often to check on him. Dad had said some stuff that made me worry he might hurt himself. Break-ups will cause that, especially one after thirty years of marriage. But I was glad he was out. I thought he might have found a girlfriend. And it gave me a chance to snoop. But I wasn't ready for what I found. The muscle mags were one thing. Dad was working out hardcore. Okay. Not that I ever knew he had so many. Then I saw that some of those mags had nudes. I didn't even know they still published skin mags with the Internet going strong. So my dad was gay and didn’t even bother to tell his queer as fuck only son. Terrific. And the mags were scattered everywhere. Pages were lying loose on the floor. Some were stapled to the wood paneled walls. Then there were the rags. Torn up t-shirts. Ripped pants. Jockstraps with the jock torn open. All scattered everywhere. So my dad was turning into the Incredible Hulk in the basement? No wonder mom had left. One of the shirts--a nice polo shirt I’d gotten him for his birthday, I might add--was stuck to the wall like he’d thrown it there. I saw splatter marks from the impact. That splatter? It was cum. Cum was fucking everywhere. Some of it was even fresh, scattered all over the mags and the exercise equipment. Pools of it. The smell was overwhelming. And it made me hard as a rock. I’m not even a smells guy but it turned a switch on in my brain and I couldn’t turn it off. I tried. Something about that stench made me feel manlier, like I was getting bigger and stronger just from inhaling my father's crazy-ass super loads. I took deep snorts of the stench. It made my nose buzz. It didn't even smell like cum or sweat as much as it smelled like manhood. And manhood smelled terrific! It felt terrific! I put my finger into some of the cum that he'd shot on the lifting bench and thought "fuck yeah, dad." I had a vision of him in his more powerful body pushing those weights up and down while he was rock hard and... I snapped back, sickened. I was in my childhood basement, holding my crotch in my hand while I was putting a cum coated finger into my mouth while rock hard, thinking about my own father. I got the hell out and thanked my lucky stars that Dad hadn't come home to catch me. But I was still rocking a stronger hard-on of my life for two hours, even though I tried to think about anything other than sex. Then the call came. “Abel,” dad said, “Let's go for a walk.” His voice was cold. Growly in a way that was unfamiliar. I hesitated but said yes. If he wanted to yell at me, so be it. I had some yelling to do too. When I got to the park he walk looking alpha as fuck. That had become standard but the effect never diminished. On that day, he seemed twice as manly as the day before and I hated it. On any other man that would be instant boner fuel. Thick, vascular thighs. Pumped arms. Gray beard. But he was my dad. Even gay boys don’t get hard to their own dads. I never had before. Then I caught a whiff, just a little whiff, of that freak man-smell, It might have been my imagination. Didn’t mater. I felt my dick buzz all over again. And I felt shame. “I’m not mad, Abel. I wish you hadn’t gone down there but, well...” Dad kept his eyes on me and I was the one who looked away. “That’s fucked up, Dad. That’s really... I don’t wanna know.” Sometimes we tell lies thinking they’re the truth. “You have to know now. I can’t keep it secret much longer anyway.” “Secret? What?” Just because dad wasn’t yelling didn't mean I couldn't. “Is this the shit that drove mom away?” “No. But if she hadn't left, this wouldn't have happened. I'm glad it happened too." “God damnit. Just tell me what's going on so you can get it off--" I winced. Bad word choice "--your chest." And, with even better timing, I noticed Dad's chest flaring. He'd always had a good shape to it but, for the first time, I realized my dad had pecs. Big ones. "Are you gay, Dad? Did you let me come out to you and not tell me you were gay too? Because that’s really fucked up. That’s fucking cruel. That’s...” My voice was breaking. “It’s not quite like that. I mean...” I shouted “Then what the fuck is it?” “Shut up.” If he'd slapped me with the back of his hand, it wouldn't have been as effective. “Follow me.” And I did follow, red faced and sniffling. We followed a paved trail deep into the woods, then he went off on a dirt path. I thought it was for bikes but it was too narrow and unkempt. “It happens at home sometimes. I like that. Gives me a chance to explore it on my own. But it's better here.” I screwed my face up in disgust but, before I could complain, I caught that scent again. “It’s better with the others. It’s stronger. Fuller. I dunno. I need to be with the others.” “There’s a group of you? Aw, dad. You were always warning me about internet freaks and now--” “This ain’t on the internet, Abel. And you better not tell anyone. We can’t let outsiders know.” That was when I noticed Dad's voice. It was deeper. Strained. He huffed and puffed. He put his hands on a tree and stretched out. His back... it was wider. "That smell means it's coming, son. It's coming real strong." I heard footsteps. Leaves rustling. “I’m sorry about this. But you won’t be. It’ll bring us closer together, I promise.” He punded his fist against a tree. I heard something snap. Not a branch from the men walking towards us but from his body. There was another snap. Then Iooked down at his ass. How and when my father had gotten a bubble butt, specifically a perfect bubble butt, was beyond me. And all of the sudden, as he arched his back forward, popped that ass out, cried out, and the cloth split open. I saw my father's ass crack for the first time in my life. And I smelled that superhuman man-funk erupting from his skin, stronger than what he'd left in the basement. And as my dad grunted and groaned and swelled and stretched, I saw those others come out. They were not men. Men aren’t that big. Guys spend whole paychecks on drugs and gym hours to look half as powerful. Now I know it’s a waste. They wore tatters that were wrapped around their carved-stone arms and legs. One man tore the remains of a shirt from his chest. Schwarzenegger could only dream of having a chest that big with a waist that small. I didn’t say no. Didn’t say yes either. I might have flinched or pushed a hand away once. But I walked head first into someone's someone’s hard, hairy, inhuman chest and any resistance I had went at that touch. I sank to the ground, surrounded by a set of Tom of Finland super cocks that all had a variation of my father’s freak smell. Then I found the one that wasn’t a variant. “I have to do this, Abel" he said. He pressed my head against his crotch. "I tried to fight it but I don't want to anymore. I wan’t you to be one of--” The moment he said “us.” I clamped my mouth on his cock and he growled. His voice dropped another octave. “I should have done this sooner!” the others laughed. Then they cheered. They cheered because the saw the start of my body swelling up and stretching out. I moaned because I felt stars exploding inside myself. I roared because I felt like a man. More than a man. More than an animal. When people ask me what's going on, I tell them I'm working out harder. It's true. I haven't bought new clothes yet. I don't want to. I'll do so when I'm down to my last set. Then I'll buy a new wardrobe to destroy. I've moved back in with Dad. It's easier that way. More private. More satisfying. When the urge overwhelms one of us, we both go for the ride. The house is a mess now. We fuck too much. Break too much. The neighbors are complaining. They say there's a smell coming from the house. The women don't like it. But the men? They've been poking around. Trying to see what's going on. Needing to smell what's going on. I think they'll come around soon. They might do it without us. I'm already seeing the changes on their bodies. Less fat. Less bone. More muscle. More men. They're looking alpha as fuck these days, but Dad is the real alpha. I'm second in command. We're sitting back. Watching it happen. Waiting. It won't be long. We can wait. Barely.
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