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  1. Quería presentarles mi primera historia. Tengo otras empezadas.. que son hojas y hojas de word, pero nunca las termino, y queria experimentar con un formato corto de capitulo unico. Es simple, pero espero les guste y dejen sus comentarios para intentar hacerlo mejor una proxima ----------------------------------------- Con un leve pánico me apuré en la cocina. Me froté el antebrazo por la frente para secar mi sudor y quitarme algunas manchas de harina… aunque la prioridad de momento era darme prisa. Genial! Los ocho medallones de carne en el horno parecian estar listo y desde la sala,con su voz gruesa, podia escuchar sus impacientes quejas. “Vamos, RAPIDO! tengo hambre!” Retiré la carne de la bandeja del horno y un poco mas aliviado, fui armando la última tanda de hamburguesas para ponerlas junto a las otras. Para agilizar, ya tenia la lechuga, el tomate y los panes rebanados. Todo listo: 24 hamburguesas, las 10 patas de pollo al horno y una generosa fuente de Lasagna. Subí todo al carrito y empujé hasta la sala. Allí aguardaba él. Roger, el hombre mas grande inimaginable parado frente a mi, con su imponente estatura y tan ancho como el portal de la puerta. Me sentia insignificantemente pequeño a su lado -y lo era-. Aunque un fisicoculturista profesional también sentiria lo mismo. Vi en su rostro una señal complaciente y enseguida tomó las patas de pollo, que entre sus dedos gruesos parecian de juguete y con una simple supción, como si fuera una paleta de niños, extrajo la carne del hueso. Una, dos, tres.. podia llevarse varias a su boca al mismo tiempo. Cuando se habian acabado, extendí la fuente con hamburguesas por sobre encima de mi cabeza. Él levantó la bandeja, la inclinó sobre su boca y dejó simplemente que las hamburguesas cayeran dentro. Lo mismo hizo con la segunda fuente, y mientras tragaba y tragaba, y veía que las hamburguesas iban desapareciendo rapidamente, yo sólo rogaba que la comida fuera suficiente. Crucé los dedos para toda la ración alcance al calmar al apetito del gruñón. “BURRRPPPP...Pero... ¿esto es todo?!” se quejó decepcionado al ver que el carrito ya estaba vacio. La fuente de Lasagna extra que habia adicionado no fue alcanzó a saciarlo. El cuerpo me temblaba un poco.. y es que estaba agotado. Estaba tan exhausto de pasar la mayor parte de mis dias cocinando sin parar, que creo haber perdido algo de peso. Podia notarlo en la holgura de mis pantalones. Pero es que, el apetito de Roger se habia vuelto tan demandante que apenas tenía tiempo libre para descansar. De pronto mis pies dejaron de tener contacto con el suelo. Miré hacia abajo y estaba flotando a un metro del suelo. Roger me habia jalado de la camiseta, y con nuestros ojos frente a frente me reclamó “MAS, QUIERO MAS! ALIMÉNTAME MARCO, QUIERO MAS. MAS COMIDA”. El corazón casi se me para de un susto ante esa exigencia en tono amenazante. Y aqui estaba yo. Otra vez en la cocina amasando, y recordando aquellos dias. Admito que tengo la culpa.. aunque ya de nada sirve. Era demasiado tarde ¿como no pude preverlo antes? A menos de un año del primer encuentro, los recuerdos eran tan frescos como si hubiese sido ayer. * * * Miré el reloj, y allí sobre una mesa del rincón del café aguardaba sentado un apuesto morocho. El hombre se puso de pie y extendió su mano para saludarme cordialmente. “Soy Roger” me dijo a los ojos. Teniamos la misma altura, aunque él rellenaba mejor su camisa. Se notaba que era un sujeto que gustaba del entrenamiento. Podria haberle hecho algunos comentarios sobre eso, pero preferí ir directamente al grano. Saqué de mi maletín un frasco con 15 comprimos proteicos y le indiqué que ayunas, tomara uno cada Lunes. Este suplemento, que prometía mejorar la masa muscular y el rendimiento de un atleta, lo habia creado yo. No fue nada fácil. Pasé noches y noches desvelado investigando e intentando decifrar algunas misterios del ADN, las celulas y algunos asuntos metabolicos relacionados, hasta finalmente lograrlo. Las pruebas en laboratorio fueron exitosas, y era momento de avanzar un paso mas. Ya estaba decidido en probarla en un humano, pese a que esos imbéciles del consejo interamericano de ciencia me denegaran el permiso. Pero no me importaba, no iba a parar. No iba a dejar que un grupo élite me negaran la posibilidad de ser reconocido como el autor de la pildora proteica que revolucionaría la industria del deporte, y que me llevaría a lo mas alto de la fama y el prestigio cientifico. Asi fue como todos los Domingos, Roger comenzó a visitarme para un chequeo semanal, y la experiencia estaba resultando positiva. No dejaba de expresarme lo enérgico que se sentía, y en como cada semana superaba sus cargas. “¿Porque no te quitas la camisa para que pueda verte mejor?” le sugerí el último dia del tratamiento. Roger se quitó la camisa y comenzó a flexionar sus músculos frente a mi. El estaba maravillado con los resultados obtenidos en esos tres meses y con la atencion extra que recibia en el gimnasio, y las miradas al transitar por la vía pública. Yo no podia menos que acompañar mi elogio con unas caricias sobre sus brazos. Yo tambien estaba maravillado al comprobar la efectividad del exitoso tratamiento. Se sentian duros incluso en reposo. Saqué una cinta métrica del cajón y lo envolvi sobre el abultado biceps de Roger. “Excelente!.. 41 centimetros!”. Eso eran 4 centimetros en comparación al registro inicial. Intenté controlar mis emociones.. pero era único y placentero ese sabor del exito de haber creado al adonis que tenia enfrente mio. Y mas al comparar el número que arrojaba la báscula. El peso corporal de Roger se habia disparado de 80 kilos a 97!. Y esos numeros no mentían. No hacia falta ver un numero en una báscula para darse cuenta que todos los músculos del atleta se habian engrosado como si hubiese entrenado por años. Bastaba verle como ese jean se pegaba a esos voluminosos cuadriceps y sinuosos gemelos, y en como la camisa también le calzaba notoriamente mas ajustada, al punto en el que ya no era le era posible abrocharse el botón superior ante la presión de sus carnosos pectorales. Me contaba además que con su nuevo tamaño y fuerza habia desplazado al muchacho mas grande y fuerte del gimnasio en el cual entrenaba. Que orgullo sentía haber creado a tal semental. Contemplé su musculatura y de impulsivo le lancé una pregunta. La maldita pregunta. “¿Acaso no te gustaria verte un poco mas grande y fuerte?”. En caso de aceptar la propuesta, le pedí que solo debia cumplir una unica condición: pasar las próximas semanas en casa. Necesitaba tenerlo cerca para estudio médico. No estaba tan seguro del efecto biologico que podria traer una extensión del tratamiento, pero mi sed de cientifico deseaba ir por mas. Cuando mayor fuese el éxito, mayor sería mi prestigio. Ya podía imaginarme en la tapa de los principales magazine de ciencia del mundo. Roger se mudó a casa, y para su sorpresa yo le habia montado un gimnasio hogareño en el garage para que pudiera entrenar a diario. Tenía barras, discos, mancuernas y bancas reclinables.Estaba encantando de tenerlo como huesped, y con la excusa de alcanzarle un bocadillo, yo me apoyaba en la puerta del garage, y me quedaba viendo como sus músculosos se tensaban en cada movimiento. Era como arte en movimiento, y el brillo del sudor recorriendo los surcos de sus brazos, sus hombros y sus pectorales lo hacia mas imponente ¡Que placer cocinarle a un hombre musculoso como él! Roger progresaba asombrosamente. Las mancuernas de 40 kilos las levantaba con una mano como quien alza un libro y en pocos dias, no tenía con que vestirse. Sus pantalones parecian pintados sobre sus cuadriceps, y tenía dificultades para hacerlo subirlo mas alla de sus turgentes y fibrosas nalgas. Sus camisas tampoco se salvaban. Un movimiento o una flexión a medio hacer, ya era suficiente para reventar las costuras. Se hizo momento de actualizarle el talle a uno o dos mas acorde a su nuevo tamaño, asi que visitamos al Mall. Antes del volvernos con todas las bolsas, paramos por unas rosquillas. Roger tenía hambre, y no importaba que se atraque con una docena de rosquillas rellenas, su indice de grasa corporal se mantenía estable. Me giré para ver a mi alrededor pude comprobarlo. “Tenias razón muchacho…”. La gente que pasaba a su lado lo quedaba mirando, y algunas chicas -y tambien chicos- lo codiciaban con la mirada. Increiblemente exitoso! El Peso de Roger se habia incrementado de 97 a 99 kilos en la primera semana… de 99 a 104 kilos en la segunda y de 104 saltó a 112 kilos para la tercera semana. Para el término del primer mes en casa, el muchacho habia alcanzado unos impresionantes 120 kilos, y por supuesto que yo acompañaba los festejos como si los numeros me fuesen propios. Su exito, era mi exito. “Doc, usted se esta encogiendo?” Me preguntó en confianza, y una mueca engreida. Oh! ¿como no pude notarlo antes?! Al tenerlo frente a frente, nuestros ojos ya no estaban alineados a la misma ahora. Delante de mis ojos tenía a su nariz. Miré hacia abajo para chequear si no era algun efecto visual del calzado, o algun tipo de broma.. pero estaba descalzo. No podia creerlo! y con esfuerzo para contener mi entusiasmo ante tal descubrimiento, fui en busca de una cinta métrica. Roger habia pasado el metro ochenta. ¡1,83 metros, Para ser mas preciso!. No solo venia aumentando su masa muscular mas rapidamente, sino que ademas también sumó 4 centimetros a su escultural cuerpo. Un efecto colateral gratamente impensado. Pero si creia que esos números eran asombrosos, no habria adjetivos para describir los que vería en las siguientes semanas: 1,84… 1,85… 1,87… Para el final de otro mes tuve que ponerme en punta de pie para leer su altura. Ya media casi un metro noventa!. Los dias seguian pasando, y sus hombros se elevaban mas y mas por sobre el nivel de mis ojos. Cada vez tenia que inclinarme mas para hablarle, y esos carnosos pectorales comenzaban a eclipsarle el rostro cuando me miraba desde arriba. “¿Quedó un poco mas de Lasagna?.. aún tengo hambre” Un plato de pasta ya no era capaz de saciar el creciente apetito de Roger. Tampoco dos. Se necesitaba mas que eso para cubrir el gasto enérgetico que su tono muscular en expansión le demandaba. Desde el punto de vista del experimento era grandioso…pero tambien admito que la situación se estaba volviendo un poquito inquietante. Y algo mas cansadora. Necesitaba pasar algo mas de tiempo en la cocina para preparar un mayor volumen de comida, acorde a su tamaño. “Mierda!”. Tomé nota de otros 7 nuevos kilos y 3 centimetros que habia crecido mi huesped en los últimos siete dias, y al trazarlos en un gráfico la situacion era preocupante. Sus progresos eran cada vez mayores, y la sospecha ya era un hecho. Al ver como la curva de crecimiento mostraba signos de aceleración, me vi en la drástica decisión de suspenderle la ingesta de la pildora proteica. Bien podría haber cancelado el tratamiento, pero... ¿dejar que se regrese a su casa?. No, lo queria conmigo! Despues de todo, ver semejante hombre con ese torso tan masculino que parecia haber sido esculpido por los dioses griegos, paseando por la sala con apenas un shortcito ajustado que no dejaba nada a la imaginación, era todo un privilegio. No podia privarme de ese deleite para la vista, asi que opté reemplazar los comprimido proteicos por unos simple comprimido para el dolor de cabeza. El plan no funcionó. El crecimiento de Roger no se detenía y sus números seguian subiendo mas y mas. Pasadas tres semanas mas, necesité subirme a una silla para poder extender la cinta métrica hasta la cima de su cabeza. “Me siento enorme!!, Doc HAHAH” No era para menos..¡2,14 mts!. Tan alto como un basketbolista pero grueso como un fisicoculturista. Los umbrales de la puerta presentaban grietas y marcos por sus descuidos.. Algunas veces olvidaba agachar su cabeza al pasar de una habitacion de la casa a otra, y otras veces, por bruto sus hombros y dorsales impactaban contra los bordes. Roger flexionó sus brazos para mi, y al contraerlos, unas abultadas bolas se inflaron tan altas como mi cara. Tremendo biceps! Lo envolví con la cinta métrica, que a ojo calculé serian de unos 48 centimetros pero me quede corto. ¡51 centimetros! Eso explicaba porque cuando se lo apreté entre mis manos, no logré cubrir toda la circunsferencia por completo. Con esos brazos y esa espalda ancha era fácil saber porque reventaban las costuras de sus camisas. Admito que sentía placer al ver mi obra maestra poniendose enorme. Pero contradictoriamente al mismo tiempo mi preocupación aumentaba fuertemente cada dia mientras veia como su cabeza se acercaba mas y mas al techo. ¿como era posible que continuara creciendo sin el suplemento?? Y mas alarmante era el ritmo en el que lo venia haciendo. Ya ni el talle 4XL podia contener terrible lomo. Y tampoco los muebles de la casa se salvaban. No habia material de la sillas que pueda resistir a ese mole de 181 kilos en la mañana. que para la noche la cifra habia ascendido a 192. Pero yo no tenía tiempo para repararlas, ni para comprar otras.. debia pasar mi tiempo cocinando, cocinando y cocinando para él. * * * “APÚRATE QUE TENGO HAMBRE...MAS RAPIDO, MARCO. DAME COMIDA!” Fui corriendo a llevarle la nueva tanda de pizzas recien amasadas. Con cada bocado que tragaba, yo veía pasivamente como sus músculos se hinchaban. Lo habia entendido, aunque muy tarde. Las calorias eran el combustible para que siga creciendo. No tenía certezas de por cuanto tiempo mas el gigante que esta cerca de duplicarme duplica en altura seguirá creciendo, pero a ese ritmo muy pronto su cabeza chocará contra el techo. Quizá en un par de dias… o en horas. “MAAAAS” siguió reclamándome. Con todo lo que se comió en minutos, podria haber alimentado a un equipo completo de rugby. Pero ni eso era suficiente para calmar al insacible. Queria mas! “MAS. Mas, Marco. MAAAAAAS!”
  2. Robiqe2


    Had some time tonight, and wrote this quick. I have an ending planned, but feedback welcomed. Max is newly 40 years old, straddling two jobs, one that is very unique. Enjoy! “Hey Max, before you go . . .” It was Tracy, the desk clerk, stopping Max Sharpe as he was leaving the special gym after his shift. “What’s up Trace?” Max just worked his four hours, and was eager to head out. “Ken didn’t show for his shift, and there’s a pump class starting in five minutes. Is there any way you could stay?” This was the second time. Gerry covered for Ken yesterday, and no one had seen Ken since Sunday. “Dammit Ken,” Max grumbled. Tracy had her puppy-dog eyes in full effect. “Fine, but he seriously owes me when he shows up.” In truth, Max didn’t want anything from Ken. Ken was a tool. No fluff about it. First impressions from everyone were he had talent, but to say Ken was arrogant was saying there’s a lot of tea in China. Max remembered when Ken maxed out the K2000 machine, boasting to the gym, on Facebook, and Twitter that the owner would have to try harder if he didn’t want Ken running off to start his own lower gym. That’s what they were called: lower gyms. The owner came through, releasing the K3000, which no one could top. “Max, if you hurry, you can warmup.” “What level pump?” “It’s a masterclass, five definite and one tentative.” “Ken was teaching a masterclass? Wow!” Max had some trouble hiding his surprise. “Okay, I’ll be in room two, if it’s open.” “All yours, and thanks. Okay to lockup?” “Yeah, might as well. Have a good one!” “Goodnight Max.” “And let’s take it to 5 over your static min. We’ll pulse up and back down to no less than 5 for five minutes, and rest at 12 for three minutes to finish this set,” Max instructed in his best Mr. Rogers voice. Ten minutes later and the small class was placing their tubes in the cleaner. Dwayne, a younger guy, probably in his thirties, stayed behind. “Can I ask why you’re not the primary instructor for this class? You’re great at this. This is one of the best pumps I’ve had in two years. Seriously man, this class would be packed if you were in the driver’s seat.” “Uh, thanks Dwayne. I teach the intro courses, Manual I & II.” “Oh, you mean stretching and pumping?” “Yep, and clamping, ballooning, edging, etc, but I sub both the weights classes and the pumping classes. Can’t teach ‘em all.” “Right, well, thanks for the class. I’m going to head out.” “Okay, g’night Dwayne.” Max was glad to be rid of him. Some of the guys seemed to be confused about what the gym’s priorities were, despite the rules. As in, you weren’t allowed to cum, or to be seen outright masturbating; and you certainly couldn’t have sex of any kind. Max was always able to separate his passion for size from lust. Some new members fizzled out, thinking lower gyms were for hooking up with well-endowed men, only to be shunned by the strictly enforced rules. Max knew Dwayne was hitting on him, especially since his eyes kept darting below Max’s waist before he could put on his apron. All men wore aprons in the gym, changing upon arrival. The aprons covered from the waist to several inches above the knees in the front and covering the ass with an elastic band on the bare sides. Shirts and shoes had to be worn with aprons, unless you were in a workshop (class). Almost all of the machines in the open air room could be accessed by lifting the apron and stepping into the holders. Max finished resetting the room for tomorrow’s Man II class, and turned off the workshop room lights. He passed through the main machine room, pausing at the K3000. Despite knowing he was alone, Max checked over his shoulder, ensuring the room was empty. Max stepped onto the machine deck, and sat on the truncated seat. Leaning down, he adjusted the weights to 10lb shy of highest limit. Max removed his restriction ring, setting it atop the machine box, and lowered his soft but thick length into the holding tube. He tightened the grips and grabbed the release. The effect was immediate, pushing near 90lb of force on his penis. Max squeezed with all his might, watching a gauge on the machine readout hit 72lb. He released. Squeeze, 75lb. Squeeze, 79lb. Squeeze, 82lb. Max was rock hard now, adjusting the grips to loosen so he could move further into the tube. Starting again, 74, 78, 82, 82, 85, 86, 86, 86, 86, 86, 87, 86, 86, 86, 86. Max had to loosen the grips again. Maybe it was the combination of the fresh pump, or just knowing Ken could only push 58lb on this machine, but the K3000 was Max’s best friend lately. On nights he closed, he had it all to himself, not that many others dared touch it, as few could even master the K2000. He could feel the head of his dick humming, almost vibrating on his own. He stared at the weight dial. Just two notches left. Max went for it, turning the dial to 95. He’d never tried this before, but everything felt right tonight. 83, 82, 86, 88, 86, 86, 87, 86, 89, 90, 91, and safety. He felt that one! Blood pooled back into areas pushed from the last pump class. Max found this combination very successful. He knew he had the best control of any of the gym trainers. The pulsing was stronger now. He released the grips and was pulled even further into the tube. Six years and three inches. There were only 5lb left to go. Why not? Max turned the dial to 100lb. There was an audible click somewhere behind the machine’s paneling. 77, 80, 84, 86, 87, 89. Max engaged the safety. Heavy, but he wasn’t giving up. Six years and three inches, and that was just length. Nearly two inches in girth as well, but those weren’t his best traits. It was his strength, vascularity, and stamina. He used every machine in the lower gym those first few years, finding he liked the auto-pump and K-Series Stamina Builders best. After years of training, Max could summon steel erections and last for hours, even experiencing multiple orgasms when he focused. Enough rest, time to try again. 75, 81, 86, 89, 89, 91, 93. The humming was now a pulsating, unlike the throbbing heartbeat along his veiny shaft to which Max had become accustomed. His deep tissues were burning. The pulsating traveled from the head to his flat stomach. Nearly a minute after his last set, Max was treated to a mini-orgasm for his efforts. A few more of those, and he would be breaking some gym rules. Okay, time to go again. 78, 84, 86, 89, 87, 86, 89. Dammit, bad set. Perhaps he really was done for the night, and had reached to far too soon. Max couldn’t complete 2lb on the K1000 when he first joined. The card his high-school friend gave him when they were both working at the insurance office changed his world. At first, Max thought it a joke, a San Francisco “lower gym?” It took a lot of evidence to convince him of the legitimacy, and several months before Max could ignore other gym members walking around in aprons. You saw a lot of man-flesh, and despite the rigorous cleaning practices every morning, there was always the thick aroma of musk. Maybe one more set with everything he’s got. 81, 88, 86, 90, 91, 93, 99, click. The grips released without being touched, and the holding tube split in half, by design. Max pulled his turgid rod from the machine. The underside was slick with precum, easily visible standing straight in a one o’clock position. Veins from root to head flashed full to fuller, continuing the pulsating action taught by the K3000. It all clicked into Max’s head that the machine was designed for this, to teach his cock to pulse, requiring a new level of control and stamina. It took nearly twenty minutes for Max to figure out how to reverse blood flow, a valve he could newly control. He turned out the lights, and went to the rest room to take a piss. Once relieved, he went to the staff locker room and removed his apron. Even flaccid, Max’s veins seemed oversized, distortion making him appear larger than actual size. In the mirror, Max tried activating his new skill. Blood rushed so quickly in his penile structure that he nearly lost his balance. His glans filled and stretched wide, and the pulsating sensation and effect returned. He pulled blood back out, slamming the valve shut once drained, and repeated the action. By the third time, his entire girth was stretching further out with fresh blood. After the fifth run, Max was exhausted knowing this was his last pulse-push. He ran over to the quick-measure, and placed his entire package on the scale pushing against the clear plastic plating to get an accurate length reading. Max scanned his membership card to update his measurements. The stat differentials came back: L +1.2”, G + 1.4”, V +12Pt, GT + 5Pt. Max keyed yes to save these results, but was confused about the GT number. He never saw that one before, and navigated back to the home screen to see all stats. Length: 10.2”/Girth: 7.1”/Volume: 92.42Pt/Growth Tangent: 25Pt Growth Tangent? Max still had no idea what that was, but figured he could ask someone tomorrow. After packing up, Max locked up, and headed out into the humid parking lot for his ride home. The next morning Max went to his part-time job thankful he sat at a desk for four hours, as his pump from last night’s activities was difficult to hide in khaki slacks. After lunch, Max went back to Sil’s Underground. Tracy was at the desk as usual. “Hey, I thought you weren’t working today?” “I’m not, but I see Gerry’s on the board again instead of Ken. Sil’s going to have to get another member to step up and start training.” “Oh, well, yes. Apparently, Ken’s really missing. No posts. No answer to calls. His boyfriend came to the gate asking questions.” “What kind of questions?” Max was capable of putting his loathing for the man aside for some gossip. “Well,” Tracy leaned in so only Max could hear, “according to the boyfriend, Ken had been coming here at night, after closing, with the owner’s permission, ya’know.” “For what?” There was some jealousy in Max’s tone. “Personal training? I don’t know. I left Sil the message, but he said he didn’t know anything when Ken first didn’t show. It’s right out of a soap opera. Wait, if you’re not teaching, why are you here?” “I’ve scheduled use of the recovery chamber. I’m a little sore after last night.” “Sorry about that. We received several comments in favor of your class last night, though.” “No worries Trace. Can you let me know when Gerry finishes up?” “Sure thing, honey. Enjoy your rec session.” The three-part recovery gave Max time to ruminate on some of what Tracy said. Ken had access to the gym at night? That must be how he was advancing so quickly. Was the owner, Sil, training him? Max had never met Sil, though there were pictures posted at the entry: an average looking elderly man, partially bald. Once the chamber drained, Max removed the grips, and exited the chamber. The recovery chamber was fairly new, and a godsend. The primary cycle was electrical stimulation, followed by ultrasound provided by a mechanical roller, blissfully painful. Lastly, the chamber filled with a warm gel that felt like ocean waves pulling and pushing. You had to have at least 8” of length and 48 months of membership to use the chamber. Veterans of the gym viewed it as a reward for loyalty, as more lower gyms were popping up in major cities. It allowed the trainers to recover faster to be able to teach more often. “That’s better,” Max thought, as he headed back to the main equipment room. Many noticed him, and approached. The gym was crowded, and he answered questions, and gave advice when asked. The K3000 was empty, but there was someone on the K2000. Max walked by and checked the dial: 18lb. Not bad, but a long way to go. Walking back, Max noticed a chrome glint on the K3000, and paused to look at it. Instantly, multiple members turned to look, hoping someone dared to use the beast of a machine. Max knew better than to try this machine after last night, but the chrome was an addition to the weight dial. There were two more notches: 110lb and 120lb. Not even 5lb increments. When did Sil update the machine? Was Ken here after he left, and he and the owner updating machines? Could Ken really control 110lb? K-series machines taught users how to separate simple erection activities from absolute control. Experienced K2000 users could separate veins and chambers, move blood to areas surrounding the shaft, and introduce control of normally involuntary functions. Max went home disappointed. Why did Sil favor Ken? Was he not good enough? Max showered, ate, and watched highlights until 10:00PM, sitting in his lounger, stroking himself for almost an hour. He wouldn’t nut. This was about cleaning out dead cells. But Max couldn’t take it anymore. He had to know for himself. It was quiet at the gym, no cars in the parking lot. Max disarmed the building and used his key copy on the backdoor. He didn’t know what he expected to find? Sil setting up a new machine? Ken training in the dark? But there was no one. Max convinced himself that since he was there, he might as well get a quick workout in. Out of habit, Max changed into an apron, and stepped onto the equipment floor. Ken skipped the K1000. It was for new members. Once locked in the K2000, Max turned the dial to 50, and easily pushed/squeezed 40 reps out. Barely resting, Max moved the dial to 80, and engaged. This time, Max worked for 50 reps. He had to adjust the grips by about an inch, as he achieved his absolute erection. Maximum weight in the K2000 was still 100, and Max hit 60 reps with ease. Setting the K3000 to 80, Max pushed as much of his erect cock into the holding tube as he could, and set the grips, taking a deep breath before clearing the release. Twenty reps burned, but with the release on, the traveling pulsation returned. Max moved the dial to 90. Twenty more strong reps. Max could feel his veins bulging inside the chamber, and adjusted the tube slightly for comfort. The dial was moved to 100lb. Ten reps, and Max was now sweating, trying to focus. There was a competing sensation of pleasure mixed with disbelief. He felt bigger. This machine wasn’t for growth, but he felt bigger. He felt amazing. Max looked at the new dial settings, and without hesitation, moved another 10lb to the right. Only four reps. Max tried to remember sensations from last night, a “valve” sensation. Max released the safety, and tried again. Three tries it took, but Max found it. The head of his cock flared inside the tube, almost forcing Max to orgasm, but he stopped it. The next 10 minutes were surreal with Max achieving ten reps at 110lb, then twenty, and finally reaching 28 reps. Max reached for the dial, noticing veins along his exposed arms sticking out. The dial clicked into its final position. Max knew what to do. He released the safety, with the weight immediately being placed on his entire package. Everything, even his balls, felt weighed down, almost pulled under this weight. He let the machine pull, and responded by embracing the valve sensation and adding his power squeeze. Blood filled his entire shaft, immediately pushing into every crevice. Another rep, and blood filled the head, and maxed out the veins. Max repped again, and felt an unfamiliar expansion. Another rep, and blood pushed past the restriction limits of the holding tube forcing blood into his balls to grow. Was is blood? This felt different. Max continued, in an altered state, as veins throughout his body, in his muscles, grew and protruded beyond his skin. Veins bulged from his forehead to his feet, always cycling back to the holding tube. Max lost count of the reps completed, when he heard another click, and the tube split open, releasing a surprise. Max’s shaft bounced from the horizontal position to slap his chest, glistening from tip to root with fluids. Stepping off the platform, Max couldn’t believe what he saw attached to his body, afraid to touch it. His apron was pointless, as the mass pushed the heavy cloth to the side. How big was he now? He had to know, and rushed to the quick-measure, though with difficulty. The girth and overall size stretching from his waist had a gravity to itself, requiring a wider walking gait. Max lined up, pushed against the measuring plate, and scanned his card: L +3.6”, G + 2.3”, V +72.3Pt, GT + 54Pt *Length: 13.8”/Girth: 9.4”/Volume: 164.72Pt/Growth Tangent: 79Pt *Member 367, your measurements will not be saved. Verification Required. Management to advise. Thank you. There was no option to save; just OK or cancel. Max was too shocked by the measurements to complain about some silly error message. Max removed the monster, and gripped the base to enjoy a single stroke. The already bulbous head flared wider, fit to bursting. A guttural moan escaped from Max, as he orgasmed, making sure not to break any rules by ejaculating. His moan grew into a scream as mini-orgasms came closer and closer together, continuing for nearly two whole minutes. The next morning, Max moved slowly, first believing the previous night was a dream. It wasn’t uncommon for him to dream of an impossible size, but last night was so vivid. Moving his right leg under his sheets, Max knew right away it was no dream. Thankfully, he was flaccid, but felt soreness along his entire shaft. In his bathroom now, Max dropped his sleep shorts for a full mirror view. If not for the Sharpie-thick veins from tip to root and beyond, the reflection could have been one of those bad internet morphs. Max moved to turn on another overhead light, causing his manhood to sway. Soft, he was at least 10” long with the thickness of a beer can, but that wasn’t the only near comical sight. Pushing against his thighs were two heavy oval orbs in newly stretched skin sacs. The shaft rested on these giant testosterone pumpers, causing a downward facing arch. Max gripped the base, noting his fingers wouldn’t touch, and moved to stroke the monster. Soreness stabbed at his gut and pubic base, almost doubling him over, making him regret not using the rec chamber. Despite the pain, Max had to know if last night was a fluke. He thought about the K1000, and activated muscle and mindset to achieve an erection. Blood pooled into his shaft chambers, moving the soft muscle to a 3 o’clock position becoming more turgid, rising to 2 o’clock, and finally 1 o’clock, with tip just above his belly button. Max considered the K2000, locking his erection in place, pushing blood in and out, refreshing oxygen as the center, the middle chamber, of his cock grew stronger and harder. His testicles relaxed, moving further away from his body, setting off a separate reaction of pre-cum traveling along his newly reinforced length, to collect and trickle from his exposed and plum-sized head. Veins both large and small grew large only to flatten in pace with his heartrate. Max removed his simple white t-shirt to relieve his hardening nipples. Other areas of his body began to radiate with pleasure: his pits, ass, the back of his neck, and abs all becoming erogenous zones. Max pushed his mind and body to remember the K3000. This time it was easy to find the valve. All parts of Max’s groin began to pulse, almost as if the veins couldn’t keep up with the new demand. Deep tissue rose to skin’s surface, pushing the veins even further out. Pre was now oozing in a continuous flow to drip from Max’s balls onto the bathroom mat. Max didn’t care. His shaft was stretching, his balls losing their egg-like shape in favor of large oranges or grapefruits. A similar sensation from last night welled inside of him, spreading further into his body. Sensations of pleasure spread from his groin into his abdominals, his legs, his chest, his back, his feet, his hands, neck, arms, and even his face. Veins on Max’s entire body grew large and angry, while his body heat rose. Lost in a state of pleasure, his head forced back by the ecstasy, Max didn’t notice the height of his shoulders rising. Veins continued to push further, straining to be released from his body. Strands of muscle forced by blood spread through his glutes and back to his groin. The loop throughout his body was complete. Max stayed in this state for nearly an hour, drool pooling on the now soaked mat, unable to release himself from K3000 state. Not wanting to release himself from this state. Left to charge on his nightstand, Max’s phone buzzed and pinged as an incoming call rang out. Max’s lower mind concentration broke. All power and influence in his body returned to his groin, slamming back to its home. The force was unexpected and unprecedented. Max bellowed from a deep, masculine force from with, feeling the orgasm before producing its common effects. Citing his mirror, max noticed the shaft between his engorged pecs bouncing on their own. Max felt the weight of his new grapefruit-sized sacs as if for the first time; their sensations adding to the ongoing spasms of eruptions. Max came screaming, gripping the shower curtain bar, breaking it in half, stumbling as the first eruption shot straight into the air, barely missing his new firmer chin. Max gripped the sink with the left, and attempted to point his mini-Vesuvius away from his body with the right. The second shot hit the mirror, the shaft easily bent by Max’s sinuous and vascular arms. The third shot was more forceful hitting the mirror and cracking it. The fourth was difficult to control. Spurts were coming faster and harder, and Max was losing control. He didn’t know what to do, where to grip to control it. Max tried both hands, and shot into the corner, his hips in time with the release. Even Max’s larger feet and thick muscle thighs couldn’t maintain his balance on the pre and spittle soaked bath mat. He slipped, and gripped the towel rod, ripping it from the wall as the next set of spasms rocked his body. Exhausted, Max crumpled to the warmed and wet floor, feeling his body exit K3000 mode, then K2000. Max arched his widened back, still ejaculating like a hose after the pressure’s been removed. It took another eight minutes for his erection and ejaculation to subside. Showered and three gallons of water heavier, Max checked his phone. It was a missed call from Tracy. She left a message. Max played it, “Hey babe! It’s Tracy. Um, I don’t know what’s going on, but Sil wants to see you. Tonight, after closing. Gerry is going to cover your intro class, training that Leslie guy from New York to help replace Ken. I hope everything’s okay. I want all the details. Call me!” Could this be because he broke in last night? Was it really breaking in if you had a key? Max ordered food, a lot of food, and tried to find some clothes that fit, but nothing did. Everything was . . . bigger. Eventually, Max found a never-worn XXL t-shirt in the donate pile, from a walk for autism event, where he was given the wrong size. He tried some sweats but everything clung to his body. Eventually, Max gave up on briefs, missing his work apron. He cut the length of his baggiest sweat pants to make oddly erotic tight shorts. Max cleaned the bathroom, stealing glances at himself in the mirror. His cock and balls were grotesquely large and visible under their thin cover. When he walked, the tip of his glans peaked out the left side of his “shorts.” His chest pushed the shirt away from his body, constantly scrapping against his fat nipples and new skin. Irritated, Max removed the T-shirt, wondering why he ever thought the shirt was too big to wear. The sight of his chiseled abs and outline below the waist almost recharged his lust, but hunger stalled his constant groping and mirror-checking. Max ate and cooked everything in his fridge and pantry, but it wasn’t enough. Max spent most of the day eating and drinking, ashamed of all the times in his life he used the word “starving.” The responses from the delivery boys were becoming amusing. The first time, Max forgot he wasn’t wearing a shirt or shoes, or anything other than tight shorts. After opening the door, the kid just stood there starring, his eyes going from chest to cockline, back and forth. Eventually, Max cleared his throat, and forced money on the delivery boy noting how his own hands dwarfed the young man’s. To be continued.
  3. Dangeresque

    Jesse Goes for a Walk

    A commissioned story from Sleta as his amazing Character Jesse goes for a simple walk down the way. Let me know what you think? Enjoy the story Jesse was a Caucasian male with silver and blond hair and a short black beard. He wore tennis shoes, blue jean shorts, and a white short sleeve polo shirt. He sat in his large backyard. in the pleasant Californian suburbs, and lay back on a chair with a pair of sunglasses on, just soaking in the sun and relaxing. He was anything but an ordinary man. The chair he sat in was specially reinforced to contain his ten foot tall hyper masculine frame. His muscles were a thing of wonder and it was a wonder he was able to keep any clothing on his gargantuan body. His seven hundred pound body didn't have an ounce of fat but rather was immensely packed with superhuman muscles that, even if he were five feet tall, would put any bodybuilder on the planet to shame. Jesse stirred from his seat, there was a desire that welled up within him. He wanted to go for a walk. He felt like dipping his toes in the ocean... but at the same time wanted to dip his fingers in an entirely other ocean. A smile spread over his face as he flexed subconsciously and crushed the chair under his weight as he already reached a height of twelve feet in size. Miraculously his clothes, while stretched super tight over his tremendous form, seemed to grow along with him as if by magic. The giant man rose to his huge feet and stood in his yard then turned towards the East coast and started his leisurely walk, tossing his sunglasses off without a care. The transformative feats would have been an unbelievable marvel for any other person but the Jesse it was just another day. He walked out of his backyard and rather than open the gate of his wooden privacy fence he simply trampled over it. His feet ripped free of his sneakers as he approached the 15 foot mark, crushing and splintering the wood to nothing between his toes as he trampled over it. He decided that then and there nothing was going to get in the way of his walk. He trampled barefoot through the side yard, leaving six inch deep foot indentation in the grass and dirt as he walked on. By the time he reached the pavement of his cul de sac street he was already 20 feet tall and his massive frame was already putting his shirt and pants to the test. He willed the charms on his clothes, that allowed them to continue growing with him, to dissipate and then awaited the tell tale ripping sounds as he continued his walk. The foot falls of the 25 foot tall giant quaked the ground and left foot deep footprints in his wake through the concrete and asphalt of the city streets. People stopped their cars and watched as his tremendous muscular frame ripped open his clothes a bit at a time. The light flexing of his thighs caused his pants to shred further up his legs as he approached the 30 foot mark. His walk had carried him to the edge of the city in no time, at that height, and his pecs started at the top of his polo shirt, steadily ripping it down the middle till the meat mountains were free to breath with his pink nipples hardening as they were exposed to the cool ocean breezes wafting in through the city. It only took the light flexing of his arms to tear the bicep covering portion of his shirt free an soon his shoulders were bare as well. He chuckled which flexed his abs and neck muscles, ripping out of the last remnants of his shirt, sending the tatters fluttering to the ground as he walked onward, leaving 2 foot deep impressions of his massive six foot long feet. At the forty foot height he now stood, his pants were next to go, tearing free of his frame by the sheer immensity of his soft cock bulge and incredible glutes. More fabric fluttered to the ground and left the giant all but naked except for his blue speedo which he left the growth charms on to keep a shred of decency on his cross country jaunt. He paused in the city by a mirrored skyscraper and stood sixty feet tall with ten foot long stompers that sank into the ground four feet with every powerful foot fall. He flexed his toes, really making a mess of the city street as he posed and flexed for himself in front of the mirrored building, swelling bigger and faster. His muscles stretching larger with a sound more akin to that of someone rubbing an over-inflated balloon... and Jesse could only smile. Jesse the giant walked on as little men and women fled from the hundred and fifty foot tall giant. He quaked the entire city with every footstep and his feet sank into the ground fifteen feet each time, leaving a trail of gargantuan footprints in his wake. He stepped on cars and buses, crushing the shrieking metal between his toes and leaving them as a sort of art installation within the deep and perfect foot imprints he made while his size and strength soared exponentially. He kicked through buildings without a notice, small shops being turned to rubble by invincible toes. His massive, swinging, soft cock, still barely contained by that incredible speedo, knocked into buildings and toppled them as the soft cock flesh itself was 100 feet long on the now 600 foot behemoth of pure masculinity. He walked out of the city and continued to grow, by the time he reached the mountains he was already 1500 feet tall and still growing and growing faster all the while. It seemed his growth cycle only managed to fuel itself. The more he grew the more power he had which he used to grow even bigger. He walked through the forest, crushing hundreds of trees underfoot and leaving massive footprints and kicked up debris in his wake as he continued his leisurely walk. He headed for Mount Whitney which stood an impressive 14,505 feet tall but as he walked up the side of it, his massive feet digging into it, he already stood 2000 feet tall himself with 300 foot long ground pounders that carried his mighty muscular frame. He stood atop the mountain, visible for miles in all directions and looked upon the vast countryside. He grinned and then flexed atop that mountain. He grew and grew, flexing and posing, crushing the mountain beneath him to gravel and dust and didn't stop till his feet were now longer than the mountain was tall. The massive giant breathed in a moment at his new height of 90,000 feet tall, standing over 17 miles in height alone with feet nearing three miles long as he continued to swell. Jesse chuckled a laugh that could be literally heard the world round, his every breath now powerful enough to change the weather around him as his head and body were in the realms of the clouds. He then walked on, his growth only increasing. Unbelievable footprints were left in his wake as he literally cratered the ground with every step of his terribly terrific frame. The word gargantuan was not enough as he reached the middle of the country a fifty mile tall giant who had a path of destruction the likes of which had never been seen before and that was by his casual footsteps alone. He saw he was only half way there and then he closed his eyes and shut down the limiter within him that kept him from his true size. There was an immediate surge of growth that caused the clouds to explode away from him as his gigantic feet swelled out and crumbled forests and towns in their now 100 mile long imprints. The six hundred foot giant now had his waist up to the level of the atmosphere of the planet so he stood half in the atmosphere and half in space. Jesse walked on, his feet cratered the ground beneath him and shook the whole planet with every footstep. Magma kissed the bottoms of his soles as his feet sank so deep into the planet's crust. He weighed so much and had so much mass that he even began to pull the moon from orbit a bit just from his leisurely stroll. He finished his walk and his growth at the same time, a giant who stood 3000 miles tall. He stood with 500 mile long feet that had crushed countless mountains, towns, forests, and god knows what else under them and his toes were dipping in the Atlantic ocean, spanning several beaches in the process. The mega giant squatted down and sat, his speedo covered ass quaking the whole of the planet in the process. He then dug his heels into the East coast of the united states and pushed. His ass sliding across the entire country and clearing out some of the smaller yet still massive foot prints he had left. He lay down with his feet in the Atlantic, his ass in the Midwest, and his head resting back in the Pacific ocean. He reached his goal to dip his toes in one ocean and his fingers in the opposite. Light splashing causing mile high tidal waves from the playful giant. He lay back on his new seat and just relaxed, soaking in the rays of the sun once more.
  4. OliverX

    Growing in the dark

    A story I wrote many, many years ago. Slightly edited I post it again, as it is the prequel of the story ‘Darkgreen pills’. The basement of the university of Eldros de Rimbara, a dark and silent place no student or teacher preferred to be. They got easily lost in the maze-like network of corridors which had been taken over by bugs, mice and dust over the years. In the past, this was the place where different faculties had there labs, but during the first modernization new laboratories where build at the higher floors of the building, leaving the rooms in the basement empty and forgotten. Only a few small lamps shone a dim light into the large room and the only sound was that of bubbling liquids in all the colors of the rainbow. In the center of the room, surrounded by a dozen desks, stood a large mirror and blackboard full of complicated calculations. In front of it sat Donny at the largest desk. He was looking at one of his test tubes. The student examined the boiling, blue liquid the test tube contained with excitement. Would this be the mixture he had been working on for so long? From the day he found and claimed this ‘secret’ lab in the basement of his university he had been working on a biochemical serum to make his body bigger and stronger, so he could beat his brother someday. His brother, who has dominated him since he was a child, a bodybuilding fanatic, impressing others with his body and his strength. The pride of the family. As his brother was gifted with a strong body, so was Donny gifted with an excellent intelligence. Only twenty one and already a fourth year student. ‘Ah, the mixture should be ready by now’, Donny thought delighted. A bit nervous he took the test tube, put out the fire underneath it and turned to the blackboard, re-reading his calculations. ‘It should be perfect!’ Donny smiled as he looked at the last mouse in a tiny cage on a corner of his desk. ‘Well let’s hope this one works,’ he said to himself. ‘I’m not in the mood to run through the corridors to catch mice again.’ Donny took a needle, filled it with the blue liquid in the test tube and injected it in the mouse’s body. Nothing happened. Focused he examined the mouse. It moved a bit and ate some of his food. Suddenly the mouse didn’t move anymore. Angrily Donny washed his hands at the rusty sink. It was time to go home now. His parents waited for him with dinner. And of course his brother would be there, teasing him from the moment he walked through the door. Donny shivered at the idea. One last look at the blackboard. ‘The first thing tomorrow when college is finished is catching some mice! Hey, what’s that? That calculation is wrong. Of course it didn’t work!’ Donny grabbed a calculator from his desk and made one of the calculations again, discovering what he did wrong the first time. He looked at his watch. ‘Hmmm... Will be too late for dinner if I finish this. But when it works...’ With shaking hands the test tube was placed in a holder and Donny added some other liquids to it, until the liquid in the test tube turned dark green. He took a needle and filled it with some of the green liquid. ‘The mice are gone now’, the student thought. ‘No time to catch others.’ Full of doubt cause of the risks, he injected the liquid into his arm. His heartbeat rose when he became fully aware of what he just did. ‘What if this go wrong? I haven’t created an antidote.’ Suddenly he felt a stitch in his arm and just a few seconds later his whole body was burning. A terrible pain in his stomach made him fall on the cold floor. His breathing became heavier. He looked into the great mirror next to him and in awe he saw his arms getting more ripped. When he looked better he concluded that his arms were not getting more ripped, but that the muscles in it became bigger. His shirt became fuller and tighter, as a pumped up balloon. Donny screamed when he felt his jeans getting too tight around his legs. His skin was burning and his body felt big and heavy. With loud pops the buttons of his jeans gave way and the fabric ripped. Eventually his body even grew out of his shirt, revealing a body as big as a professional bodybuilder. The growth stopped and slowly Donny started moving his limbs. After a while he tried to get up. He laughed when he saw his new, bloated body in the mirror. He flexed his pecs and his arms which were forced outwards a bit due to his lats. His abs were nicely defined and his legs where thick and round. He walked to the scales next to the large mirror. ‘286.6 pounds’, he screamed. ‘That’s better than the skinny 143 pounds I weighed before.’ ‘Now I can go home,’ Donny thought. ‘I believe I’m bigger than my brother.’ He smiled. ‘He’ll probably catch in with me over a few years, but it’s good for now.’ He looked at the blackboard and laughed again. ‘I’ve done it.’ Then he saw the test tube which was still filled with 2/3th of the dark green mixture. ‘Why should I wait till my brother grows bigger than me’, Donny thought and fetched another needle. Again he injected himself with some of the green stuff. This time his body really, really hurt and screaming he fell to the ground. Donny closed his eyes and concentrated on anything else but the pain. Again he felt his body growing and breathing became heavier. His traps grew over his ears, making his head look very small. The shoulders grew big and meaty, making his upper torso twice as wide as his waist. His chest was pressed outwards, making his thick neck invisible. Even his nipples became larger, stretched with his skin. His arms pumped themselves up with every second. The football sized biceps and twice as large triceps were forced out by lats which didn’t only grow to the side, but also to the front. Donny felt his body going up in the air as his huge back ballooned out under him. He screamed again. His skin was so tight now you could hear it stretching. His calves where like pillows, raising his feet in the air. He couldn’t bend his legs, there just was to little space between the hams and his calves. Veins became visible, providing the growing muscles with blood, to pump them even more. The growth stopped and Donny had to lay there for a few hours before he could move again. He sighted and moaned trying to get up. After a few failed attempts he finally managed to get his huge, bloated body from the floor. Taking deep breaths he waddled to the mirror, which was to small now to show his whole body. Donny was in shock. He was so HUGE. But it in seconds shock turned in excitement. He tried to flex his veiny biceps, which failed. They were so enormous there was no space left to bend his arms correctly. The boy looked over his hugely swollen chest and saw the size of his nipples. He saw that his chest was so hugely overgrown they covered his upper two abs. The other abs looked like stone bricks. He had to put his feet as wide as he could to create space for his legs. He slowly turned around, cause he found it difficult to find balance with this new, heavy body and carefully he walked to the scales. Donny looked down to see what the scales had to say, but could only see his wide and thick chest. He used the reflection in the mirror showing 510 pounds. ‘Yeah baby,’ Donny said. ‘This is what muscle is meant to be.’ He smiled when he saw the last bit of the green substance. He got another needle and used his right hand to fill it up with the mixture. Another problem occurred. He couldn’t bend his arms far enough to inject the stuff. After a few minutes of thinking the student put the needle on his desk, with the sting side up and injected the liquid in his enormous right triceps by pressing his arm downwards. Again Donny fell on the floor while his body grew. Clouds filled the young students mind while his body blew up. He screamed. ‘Something goes wrong here,’ Donny thought. ‘I’m going to get too big!’ His body grew like mad. The already bloated chest grew before the boy’s head. The two legs pressing the feet even wider from each other. With raw shocks his back pumped up, lifting the screaming guy higher from the ground. His chest was so big and heavy now, he could hardly breath, and still the growth continued. His arms getting bigger and bigger. Biceps the size of beach balls were pressed outwards by the ever growing lats. Some of the veins popped. Also Donny’s shoulders grew. Wider and wider, pushing some desks away. A lamp fell on the floor, leaving the young boy growing in the dark.
  5. OliverX

    Dark green pills

    Grinning, Tony and Marlon sat side by side on the couch in Tony's small studio in the center of the Eldros de Rimbara metropolis. They were discussing their latest adventure in the new game "The Road Back" a multiplayer shooter. Their scrawny bodies squirmed with laughter as Tony remembered how his game character had shot another player off the server. It turned out to have been a rather comical moment. Due to the always tropical heat on the island of Pardisos de Rimbara, he only wore shorts. Marlon was not wearing much more. With a smooth swing, he placed his thick feet on the coffee table and lazily stretched his black body. He banged his bald head against the wall behind the couch with a thump. "Au!" His thick lips grimaced painfully, and a small tear of shock slid from his dark eyes, which looked Asian through his high cheekbones. Tony got up and walked lanky to the narrow kitchen to get a bottle of Coke from the refrigerator. His white, smooth body shone with sweat. He was not made for this heat and was happy that air conditioning would finally be installed in his studio next week. He rubbed the sweat from his face, which was much narrower than Marlon's wide face, and immediately stroked his blond, sticking hair. With his light eyes he looked at the black guy on his couch. "Those feet are getting bigger every time I see them, aren't they?" he asked, looking back at the light colored soles as he walked back to the sofa. "No, your nipples are getting smaller," was the response. Tony indeed had large, puffy nipples that were like pink patches on his skinny chest. The boys laughed at their comments. The doorbell rang and tensed with excitement they placed their glass of coke on the coffee table. Tony looked at Marlon with a smile, getting up to open the front door. They both knew what would be delivered today and hoped it would happen now. Today was Tony's 18th birthday and 18 was a magical number on the island. It was determined by law that you were allowed to place orders on somnix.com from the age of 18 and this was exactly what Tony had done this morning upon waking up. Marlon had been super excited when he heard what his best friend had done. He had to wait another year before he was allowed to place orders there. He had just turned 17 last month. "It's in," Tony said, beaming and placed a small cardboard box on the coffee table. Marlon watched with interest as the package was hastily torn open, until there was nothing left but a small plastic bag filled with two large, green pills and a printed note. "Thank you for your purchase ..." Tony began to read. Roughly the note was pulled out of his hands by Marlon, then he walked to the kitchen. "Just open that bag," he said impatiently, filling two glasses with tap water. Marlon was right. What interested him in that welcome note? He had already gone through all the specifications of the product on the website several times. From the moment he accidentally saw the pills, when his older brother was surfing the site, he had his sights set on it. And now, two years later, he was finally able to try them out himself. He opened the bag with a sharp jerk and took out the two dark green pills. "They look like suppositories," Marlon said, putting a glass of water in front of Tony. "Are you sure you have to swallow them and they shouldn't go in the ass?" Tony laughed. "I'm sure, otherwise I wouldn't have invited you. You don't think I'm going to stuff such a pill between those fat, black buttocks of yours? " "These are not fat buttocks," said Marlon, protesting. "They call this a bubble butt." However, he knew very well that his bulging buttocks were larger than average and was very proud of it. He turned his bottom to Tony and hopped up and down. His shorts moved violently with the heaving movements of the fat butt that was inside. Marlon stopped hopping when Tony gave him a green pill. The boys excitedly tried to swallow their pill, which was not easy. The pill was so big that it stayed on the back of their tongue. Almost all the water in their glass was needed to flush it. As Marlon stared at the coffee table on the sofa, waiting for what was going to happen, Tony nervously moved up and down between the sofa and the kitchen. "I feel something," he said suddenly when he was in the kitchen. Marlon felt it too. A strange rumble in his stomach. Tony rubbed his belly. He felt his abs bulge under his skin. "It works!" he screamed. "With me too!" Marlon screamed back. Tony was bent by the contracting abs, as his chest started to grow. Like two airbags that inflated, they got bigger and bigger. His arms were pushed away by his chest muscles and when his biceps started to bulge, he could no longer touch his navel between his ever-growing abs. Marlon lay back on the couch to give his body plenty of room to grow. Tony looked startled at the black body on the couch. It looked like a big balloon that just got bigger. He didn't look much different himself. His shoulders grew so fast that he was afraid of getting stuck in the narrow kitchen. He got out with difficulty. His thickening legs had less and less space to move freely along one another. The shorts were tighter with every second. His heart raged and he gasped as his head was pushed forward by the growing trapezium. Marlon struggled to get off the couch. His growing buttocks needed more room. But he lost his balance due to the size of his growing legs and relapsed. He landed on the bench with a crash. Crack! The bench broke in two with loud creaking and he tumbled back awkwardly. He would have bumped his head hard against the wall, although his over-pumped back broke the fall. His thick traps and almost as thick neck kept his head in place. He heard Tony scream, but couldn’t see him. He could no longer look over his chest. Tony felt sore skin around his pecs. Although the rest of his body had stopped growing, his chest continued to pump. "I explode!" He cried. Marlon did not respond. He, too, felt strong pain shoots. In his legs and especially in his ass. He groaned loudly. Suddenly the pain disappeared. Except for the boys' panting, the studio was quiet. "Are you okay?" asked Tony after a while. " "Yes," sounded from behind two bloated pecs on the ground between the broken bench parts. Slowly Marlon moved his thick arms and tried to get up. "Help me out," he said. "I can't get up anymore." Tony slowly walked to the "struggling" Marlon. After every step he had to regain his balance so as not to fall. The size of his legs had ripped his shorts, and he tried not to tighten his immense chest muscles for fear of tearing out of his skin. Puffing with exertion, he reached Marlon, who in turn gasped from all the attempts to get up again. His shorts were completely gone. Not surprising, seeing that his legs were much thicker than Tony's. Fortunately, he wore a light purple thong, which still covered his noble parts. "Sorry about your couch," Marlon said as Tony leaned forward to help him up. His bulging abs got in the way. Because of the size of his chest and biceps, Tony struggled to get his hands close enough to each other to grab Marlon by the arm and pull him up. "My whole body hurts," he wailed. Marlon did not respond, but looked at his friend, who was standing there like a tightly stretched bouncy castle. His round shoulders made his head look small, and his arms which spread away from his body were much thicker than the shoulders. He stood in front of him wide-legged, as the hams pushed each other away. Marlon was shocked to see the two huge pecs, which bulged prominently under his neck and cast a shadow over the seen abs. The top two were hiding behind the pecs. "Those nipples really don't get any smaller," Marlon said, looking at the two pink patches that looked painfully tense. They were no longer puffy and shined in sweat. Tony, in turn, looked at the huge black body in front of him. Marlon's face seemed less wide because of the width of his shoulders, and he too kept his arms wide away from his body because of their size. His chest was not as big and bulging as Tony's. Instead… Tony stepped back to get a better look, almost losing his balance. He stared wide-eyed at Marlon's huge, veined legs. If he didn't know better, he would have thought they were too full of air. The muscles bulged far over his knees, and his hamstrings pushed his feet even further apart than his. "That was cool!" Marlon called suddenly, and the boys started laughing loudly, their massive muscular bodies bulging in all directions. Marlon slowly staggered into the kitchen, almost pushing Tony away. They were able to catch each other just in time before they fell. "So!" shouted Tony when Marlon passed by him and looked at his wide back. "That ass!" It immediately became clear to him that much of Marlon's muscle growth had gone not only to his legs, but also to his butt, which moved vigorously with every step he took. The fragments of what was once his shorts hung from the deep crack. "Are they beautiful?" Marlon asked curiously after finding out that he could no longer look over his pumped back to see his own buttocks. The idea of hopping up and down had been a bad one. He immediately felt that he would lose his balance, so he didn’t. "They’re like two beach balls," Tony replied, pulling the rags of shorts out of the butt crack. "And I found your shorts. Oh… and your skin is torn I see. " With a sore face, he looked at a small tear in the right buttock. Marlon didn't care. He staggered on to the kitchen to pour a glass of water. The "growth" had made him thirsty, but upon arrival it became apparent that he could no longer fit in the kitchen. He was too wide. Transversal was also impossible, his big ass bulged outwards too much to fit. "I have to get a bigger room," said Tony, after pouring a glass of water for Marlon. His legs and butt were less big and his huge chest had just fit between the counter and the cupboards above. Since it was impossible to look over his pecs to see what lay on the floor in front of him, he needed directions from Marlon to find the scales, which were on the floor in a corner of the kitchen. He had pushed the thing out of the kitchen with his feet. The boys burst out laughing. What a situation! "398lbs," Marlon shouted enthusiastically, while Tony stood on the scales with one foot. The other dangled next to it in the air. It was no longer possible to get both feet on the scales, his legs no longer allowed. He stepped off the scales, smiling, to make way for Marlon. "407lbs," said Tony. The boys spent the rest of the afternoon getting used to their new bodies. And a new sofa was bought via the internet. "When are we going to take another one," Marlon said suddenly when the sun went down and it was time to go home. Tony smiled.
  6. BigZargo12

    Metal muscle 5

    Metal muscle five After a long day of working out Oliver was heading towards the showers. With his aching muscles he needed some hot water to loosen up the knots in them. Opening the shower stall Oliver step through reaching out with his right-hand towards diverter valve in an attempt to turn on the shower when he heard a scream. Immediately Oliver went into action heading towards the sound which was coming from the gym’s locker room. What he saw caused him to stop in his tracts, huge muscular metal people gleefully attacking people with brutal efficiency. One of these muscular metal men whose thick metal arm was stabbing a big fat man belly looked at as Oliver and said. "Look what we have here boys, an old man.” Oliver quickly looked around trying to seek an opportunity to help the gym goers. But all of them were incapacitated with different states of damage, some were so bruised badly that they couldn’t even move, while others had broken limbs, were knocked out on the floor and others were being handled by a muscular metal man or just flat out dead. Oliver seeing that the situation was hopeless and that he could not help anyone, attempted to grab a towel in the hopes of blinding one of these metal monstrosities so that he may retreat to fight another day. But it was not to be, before Oliver could even a grab a towel from a nearby bench, a metal man ran up to him with such speed that Oliver perceived the metal man as a blur. With his huge muscular arm, the metal man grabbed Oliver by his throat lifting him up in the air and strangling him at the same time. Oliver’s skin felt like it was on fire at the touch of the metal man. “Tell my Lord Emperor maximum I said hello.” The metal man said. As he clenched his huge hand into a fist. “what in hell are you talking about,” Oliver croaked while gasping for air. As the metal man punched Oliver’s face leaving a big bloodied crater in it. Oliver woke up in the dark room with four metal like stone pillars on each side with ambient red as light. When he got up, he found that he was naked, and he was in some kind of place there was only the hard-stone floor and pillars the rest was a black void. Then Oliver heard a powerful voice, “you will do.” He Suddenly felt a powerful presence begin to invade his mind. He was like an open book to this presence. His years as a child, a young adult and as an old man came to him in a flash. “Daisy,” Oliver said. As a teardrop fell from his eyes. The powerful voice gave a grunt, as if rifling through his memories was nothing. That grunt of apathy cost Oliver to get angry and with a roar yelled out. “I don’t know who you are but get the hell out of my head.” “Who am I you say said?” It said in a bemused tone. “I am your father, I am your Lord, I am your master, I am Emperor maximum you puny warm, but I shall fix that.” Oliver got the impression of Emperor maximum giving him an evil smile. Oliver screamed as he felt his mind being torn apart by Emperor maximum. Some of Oliver’s memories were devalued others were destroyed and others were altered, and worst of all new memories, and thoughts like how to serve Emperor maximum were planted in their place. Through the power of Emperor maximum Oliver’s wiry old body began to grow with new life and muscle. With every breath His pecs grew out, his biceps grew, his abs popped in the place, his back straightened and widen, his thighs swelled out, his feet grew longer, and he became taller. Oliver was growing, reaching light, medium and, then heavy weight bodybuilding levels growing out even more, Eventually Oliver’s human skin began to change into metal. Oliver was in now a 10 feet tall metal beast with insanely huge muscles, with pecs so big at the nipples point down words, biceps like bowling balls, thighs like thick tree trunks with lower legs to match, huge meaty hands, with a wide waste with a strong V to surround his eight pack ads, a strong square jaw, a huge 12 inches long erect cock, a pair of orange size balls, glowing red eyes, metallic coppery hair peppered all over his body with a beard and mustache and a bald head. Oliver came shooting hot metallic cum as red lightning surrounded his metallic body. The week Oliver was no more now there was only the general. The general opened his eyes to find himself back in the locker room. He lifted his huge body up his head nearly touching the ceiling and left the locker room. When he got to the weight room it was filled up with huge metal men each taller than a man but who were shorter than him. He looked upon these men who were once patron of this establishment who are now warriors of Emperor maximum and said. “Come with me my brothers we will conquer this world in the name of our master Emperor maximum.” “For Emperor maximum,” The rest of the metal men said, as they saluted. The general began to walk towards the exit with the other metal men following smashing anything that gone their way. Couple days later a small military base was being assaulted by the sons of Emperor maximum. Their metal bullets were useless against the metal man. The soldiers made a terrible discover for each male human slain or touched would slowly turn into a metal man joining the invaders by the time anyone discovered their weakness to a special type laser it was too late the base was overrun. Although two soldiers escaped the slaughter, the surrounding towns and cities were not so lucky and now in the hands of Emperor maximum making his army grow even further. Chapter end Authors note: The series is been fun, but I am going to take a break from Metal Muscle for now. Let me know what you thought of the Metal Muscle series so far and let me know ways to improving my works for the future stories. I am planning two another series: “Muscle mist ogre’s gift” and “Beef up the world ultra-bear”. I’m not going to say that “Muscle mist ogre’s gift” done but got all the ideas for the stories listed out for the first chapter. I just have to get the character bios made like what the characters look like that sort of thing for “Muscle mist ogre’s gift”. For “Beef up the world ultra-bear” I have the ideas for the first two part already typed up. Muscle mist ogre’s gift: a small town is enveloped by magical mist which causes people’s muscles to grow and eventually transformed them into big hairy musclebound ogres. Beef up the world ultra-bear: Bobby Brooker is running away from the enforcers when he its saved by a mysterious benefactor, who offers him a deal. Beef up all the men in the world and attain power and wealth or sit back and watch his world become enslaved by the triumvirate. Let me know what you think about these two-story ideas in the Reply section.
  7. Mickyh29

    Big Bro Jack Pt 1&2

    Pt1 This is a story about Jack, Jack is no ordinary 19yr old……………. “COME ON ONE MORE!!!!” shouted Dean, Dean was jacks training partner. “ARRRGGGHHHHHH” grunted Jack as he lifted the last of his 12 reps on bench press on to the rack, jack stood up and looked in the mirror, staring back at him was a sight that drew gasps from both dean and others in the gym. Jack was a 6ft brick shit house. His chest was rippling with thick dense rock hard muscle, the vest he had on could not contain the sheer size of his pecs, they were so thick every time he breathed in the vest would ride up his torso and begin to tear under the sheer mass of his chest. “add another 25kg on each side mate” he asked dean Dean placed the weights onto the bar which was already loaded with 300kg, bringing it upto 350kg. Jack repped out another 12 reps like it was nothing, re racked the bar and got up again. “This is to easy, I need a real challenge! Whack another 100 on!” Dean added the required weight so that the bar had 450kg loaded on it. “ Man this is crazy shit jack, can’t believe what you’re doing, your pressing over 4x my body weight!!” “Well when you’re as big n strong as me there’s no room for light weights, its heavy as fuck or nothing at all, you don’t get pecs like these by lifting sissy weights!!” Jack bounced his enormous pecs, each bounce shifted his perilously frail vest close to breaking point. Jack laid down on the bench, got his tree trunk arms into position and with a mighty grunt lifted the bar from the rack, each rep was greeted with an almighty grunt, his pecs were bulging with blood pumping round his massive chest. Jack managed 8 reps before re racking. He stood up. “Arrrghhhhhh, im fucking pumped man, look at me? This is what u call pure beastly muscle!!” Jack was pumped, like nothing anyone had ever seen , he moved closer to the mirror, ripped off his vest to reveal the rest of his enormous body, his pecs still filled with blood and rippling from his bench press, sweat was dripping down to his stomach which resembled a block of marble which had had eight large chunks carved into it, his triceps were also rippling from the routine, his tri’s n bi’s were huge at least 35” round, veins snaking down to his beefed up forearms, his giant boulder shoulders looked strong enough to barge through brick walls, his meaty traps stretched up his thick bull neck and his lats were two thick slabs of rock jutting out of his sides. It truly was a sight to behold for everyone not at least dean who was trying so hard to hide his erection going on in his pants. “Jesus jack you look incredible, I’d hate to see a guy cross you!!” dean said with a hint of jealousy. “if they did, they would end up like this!” Jack picked up an olympic sized barbell with no weights on and began to bend it in half like it was made out of rubber, then tossed it aside. “anyway dean im 400lb of freaking huge muscle, I’d be surprised if anyone would cross me!!” Dean gave a laugh of a guy who was like ‘yeah I suppose so but really wanna see it’. “true enough, ok now its my go!!” Dean was inferior to Jack in height, weight and strength so before he could even start his lifting he had to take 400kg worth of weight of the bar. Dean was only 18 and had the physique of a track n field athlete, so he was fairly toned with a bit of size but that size looked skinny compared to Jacks mammoth size. So with 50kg left on the bar dean started his routine. Even though Jack and Dean were good friends jack always took the piss out of dean for his inferior showings, mostly to try and spur him on but also to show his superiority and dominance over him, dean could not help but feel intimidated by jack, he daren’t tell him to shut up or go away in slight trepidation of what jack might do. “ Come on you skinny git, call that heavy lifting I can’t even see your pecs there that small and feeble, if you don’t start tryin harder im gonna crush you, now LIFT!!!” jack’s booming shout reverberated around the gym. Dean finished his first set and sat up, “ Jesus jack im tryin alright!!” Dean bit back a little. “that’s not trying that’s playing safe, you wanna grow ? You want to lift heavy!!! That isn’t heavy look!” Jack then proceeded to lift the loaded bar of the rack with one hand and start repping some shoulder presses, after 20 reps he re racked the bar. “see!!” “alright jack stop showing off ya big headed freak!!” dean sarcastically replied. “Jealous you skinny fuck? Well you better be coz unlike you I wanna grow! I wanna get bigger and stronger than ever before.” “ well maybe you do mate but im an athlete, my sport does not require me to get big n bulky, so i maintain what I have!” Dean tried to hide the fact he actually likes jack being all dominant etc coz it makes him hard, and whether jack will like the fact that dean loves being with this muscle mammoth. After dean had finished his chest routine he and jack decided to hit some biceps. As Jack was so big and strong the dumbells the gym had were to light for him so jack had to curl using an Olympic bar and plates, he started of light by curling 100kg for 15 reps, “easy!! Whack another 250kg on dean.” Dean added the weight. Jack composed himself, lifted the bar off the ground and slowly started to curl the 350kg bar, with each curl his massive biceps ballooned to unprecedented sizes, thick veins popped and stretched with every move, after hitting 10 reps he placed the bar back on the floor, looked in the mirror and hit a double bi pose, his biceps bulged and formed a gargantuan mound of granite muscle that looked bigger than his head, he relaxed then hit it again this time managing to squeeze an extra inch on top of his already impressive bi’s. Dean had never seen jack hit a bi pose before, his cock was now so hard it was making an impression in his shorts. “ WOW jack they are awesome man fucking huge!! Im gobsmacked!” “I can see your impressed, I only have to look at your shorts to notice that, ya big gay, come over here?” Dean walked over to where jack was, the size comparison was breathtaking, next to jack dean looked like a twig. “take your top off” jack asked Dean didn’t dare disagree so he took his shirt off, his tight body glistened with sweat. “now stand infront of me and flex!” Dean flexed his biceps, moderate sized peaks appeared from his arms, they looked pretty cut but looked no bigger than 15”. To rub the salt in more jack then flexed his bi’s behind him, his bi’s clearly 3x the size of deans. Then without warning Jack picked dean up and started curling him, every curl took deans face to within cms of jacks biceps, jack curled dean 20 times before putting him down. “you like that gay boy, your cock sure did!!” Dean looked down and saw a dark grey wet patch were he had cummed, he looked up and said, “ that was awesome!!” Jack and Dean made their way to the changing room, got showered and headed home. Pt2 Jack and his younger brother got home from the gym. Jack unlocked the door, “ get inside now boy!” He grabbed hold of dean's shirt and flung him into the house. Dean went flying into the wall with a thud. Dean got back up and rubbed his shoulder. “ Wow master, you threw me like I was a rag doll!” He said in amazement, a huge smile beaming on his face. Jack slammed the door behind him, “ Listen shit bag, You are a rag doll to me boy, a skinny weak runt I'm gonna have so much fun with. Your my slave now, you do exactly what i say boy, I own you, I'm bigger, stronger and far superior than you in every way possible. You go to bed when I say, you get up when I get up, you cook what I tell you to cook, you get the picture boy?” “ Y y yesss master, anything for you, you are by far the biggest and strongest person I have ever seen!” Dean replied. “ Would master like me to do anything?” he asked Jack. Jack walked over to his younger bro, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him high in the air. Dean's feet were dangling at least 3ft off the floor, Dean was gasping for air, his legs flaing about, he looked down at his brothers menacing face, his eyes bulged at the sight of jacks huge, ripped, juicy muscled forearm easily hosting his light body up, Dean also had a view of his brothers immense pecs and collosal shoulders, both rippled with devastating power. Jack finally drops Dean on the floor, Dean coughs and splutters as air returns to his lungs. Jack stood over him his massive bulk dominating the space around them. “ Master would like to know what it feels like for you to be so easily man handled by your brother, how it makes you want to worship my huge muscles and witness my immense power?” he asked. He folded his huge arms across his even bigger chest, both fighting of space. Dean looks up at his brother, watching his huge devastating muscles fight for superiority on his body. “ It feels fantastic master, you are so strong you could lift anything, I would happily let you man handle me all time if it means I get to see your fantastic muscles in action. I would love nothing more than to lay my hands on your perfect body master and feel the power those huge muscles possess”. He replied. Jack smiled menacingly. “ Get up boy, take your shirt off!” He demanded. Dean picked himself up and lifted his shirt off his ripped body and tossed it on the sofa. He looked down at his lean ripped body then up to his brothers gargantuan body, he sighed in embarrassment. “ What would you like me to do master?” Dean asked. “ I want you to flex for me boy, I want to see how small and worthless you really are!” with that Jack shoved his bro towards the wall length mirror, Dean flew across the room and stumbled into the mirror. Jack prowled up behind him, he had a tape measure in his hand. “ Flex your bicep now boy.” Jack demanded. Dean knew better than to disagree so he reluctantly accepted and flexed his left bicep, a small hard ripped peak rose up his arm. Jack sniggered, “ my god so small!” He wrapped the tape round dean's arm, “ Christ you are pathetic boy, 12 inches! “ Dean hung his head,” yes master I am pathetic.” Jack then wrapped the tape round dean's chest and again chortled, “ 28in, disgusting, lift your left side shorts up you weed!” Dean obeyed and lifted his shorts up, his skinny athletic legs had a light coating of hair on, Jack knelt down and wrapped the tape round the upper part of the thigh. “ 23in, you are just one lanky piece of shit aren't you boy, how can you be happy looking like that, I've got broomsticks that are bigger than you, here.” Jack throws the tape at Dean, “ time to see what real muscle looks like boy!” Jack started by flexing his gargantuan biceps, peaks that would make Everest look small rose imperiously up his arm, muscle grew on top of muscle. “ Whoa…….” Dean moaned. His hands shaking as he approached his brothers immense arms, he began wrapping it round the peak, he joined the ends together and read the numbers. “ Fuuuuuckkkkk, 34in master, your a monster!” Jack cackled with delight, “ yes a boy I'm a monster, 34 in arms, the best in the business, I'd wipe the floor in any competition, now my chest boy!” Dean moved the tape to Jacks impossibly pecs, he started to wrap but jacks body was so huge and wide he had trouble keeping it there,” er er er master can you hold the tape please? “ he asked. Jack laughed, “ am I to wide for your pathetic skinny arms boy, there! “ Jack placed a meaty finger on the tape, Dean continued round his brothers bulk, he eventually joined the ends. “ 78in master, unbelievable! “ Dean was mesmerized by his masters sheer size. “ I could fit your skinny assbody in my pec gap and crush you with there power. Dean shuddered with fear as he took the tape away. “ Now my legs boy!” Jack lifted his shorts leg up to reveal the thickest most densely populated leg of muscle anyone had seen, ridges upon ridges of muscle piled high and wide engulfed his quads. Dean gulped hard, “ Sweet Jesus master your legs are freakishly beastly!” He began to wrap the tape round jacks meaty quad, the two ends met, “ 65in master, incredible! You are a collosal behemoth! “ Dean was opened mouthed at his brothers unbelievable body. “ Boy, come and kneel in front of my leg and open your legs,” demanded Jack. Dean knelt down and spread his legs a little, Jack moved closer placing his right foot in the gap in dean's legs, then looked in the mirror. “ Look boy my quad is wider than your upper body hahah” it was true, one of jacks thighs stuck out at least 15cm each side of dean's body. Dean was drooling. “ Master you are a dream come true, you are ginormous, stronger than anything I know, I am nothing compared to you, I'm weak, worthless, I am……….” He was about to continue but got interrupted my Jack. “ Enough of the talk boy, I know your weak, pathetic, worthless, a sad existence. Christ if you weren't my brother i would have destroyed you by now, you see boy, I want more, much more and your gonna help me get it, I wanna grow more bigger and stronger, so the question is do you wanna help me? Choose your answer carefully! “ Jack cracked his bull thick neck, the sound alone sent shivers down dean's spine. “ Y yyyess master anything you want I will get for you just say!” Dean knelt down and bowed before his brother. “ That's a good boy, now I want food, I need to eat big, get cooking for me boy,time to grow!” Jack ordered Dean to the kitchen. Jack got Dean to cook 1.3kg of lean mince, 500g of wholewheat pasta, 4 scope of optimum nutrition weight gainer and 500g of instant oats, it came to a whopping 6151 cals. Jack slammed it down in 20 mins. “ Boy, get down the shops and get me more food!” “ yes master”. Dean put on his coat and went shopping.
  8. 111dash111

    ESP Enhanced Solder Programme

    I’m new to writing on this forum so here goes. “What have I got myself into?” Jeff thought to himself as the drill sergeant was screaming at the platoon. Jeff had decided he would join the army awhile back as he had always wanted to be big and feel strong and needed a way to motivate himself whilst giving back to the country. Jeff was a short and skinny 5 foot 4 guy and weighing just 110pounds, a drastic difference from his brothers, all naturally lean and muscled. He had always wondered why he was the runt of the family and felt it was just him not putting in the effort. “NOW LINE UP AND HEAD IN FOR YOUR ADDITIONAL MEDICAL TESTS!” shouted the drill sergeant. They took his height, weight, fat percentage and blood, which was odd considering he already had his medical done weeks before his enlistment date. One by one the recruits did their medical, and lined up outside the medical facility. Basic training went on as normal for the next 2 weeks and Jeff had felt himself slowly get stronger with all the PT he was doing. Whilst he was doing a standard obstacle course, 2 huge muscled guys approached his drill sergeant and pointed at him. “ RECRUIT JEFF! GET YOUR SCRAWNY ASS OVER HERE”, “please follow these men” the sergeant said. “Oh gosh what have i done? Did I get caught for something?” Jeff thought to himself as he followed the 2 huge guys toward a black van. One of the guys spoke and said “You’ve been chosen for a new elite squad” “There’s gotta be some sort of mistake, I’m the smallest skinniest guy in my platoon, and I am not a smart guy either” “No there’s been no mistake, you are special, one of the few” piped up the other muscled man. “Should I get my stuff then?” Jeff said worryingly. “No, you won’t be needing your old stuff, you won’t fit into them very soon.” Jeff stepped into the back of the van and they sped off. The van had no windows to see out from the back and he had no idea where they were headed. Each minute felt like hours for Jeff but they finally arrived at the destination. It was an underground facility, with a very high ceiling all painted grey, like a huge hanger but all out of concrete. Just round the corner there were at least 20 other guys, all skinny like Jeff. He was puzzled as to how this could be an elite squad, everyone was small and skinny. “Get into the formation” the muscled guy ordered. Jeff ran over and joined the formation. A big guy in a lab coat had walked in front of the platoon and started speaking. “You all must be wondering why you’re here, what makes me different to be standing here, all these will be answered in the next few hours. For now, just follow my instructions and do as you’re told. Now follow me” The man in the white coat started walking and everyone followed. “Sorry I forgot to introduce myself, I am Major Hollows, but you can just call me Hollows. I am the head of the Enhanced Soldier Programme, or ESP for short. And we will turn you into the finest soldiers this earth has ever seen. You will become the fastest, strongest, and most deadly soldiers ever created.” They soon walked into a bunk, with names on the end of each bed. On each bed were brand new uniforms, a set of boots, PT kit and what appears to be a black coloured neoprene drysuit. Here are your sleeping quarters, everyone head to your respective area, there will be a form on top of the new kit we’re giving you. Sign that and pass that to me, I will give you further instructions. Jeff headed to his bed, and picked up the form. It was a contract extension to 10 years to serve the army, and attached was a waver. “Yes, 10 years is a long time, but you will love your elite position in the army and 10 years will be too short” Jeff signed it, knowing he had nothing else better in his life to look forward to, so as every other recruit in the room. “Alright, everyone’s form is in, now it’s time to put on your new gear.” Jeff opened the box of boots,it said size 16. “This must be a mistake” he thought. He looked through the rest of his kit and saw everything was far too big, the shirts, the underwear, the pants, the socks. Only the drysuit looking thing was correctly sized. “Sir, these boots are far too big, in fact everything is too big” “There is no mistake, everyone put on your black skin suit, also known around here as a drysuit” “Once you’re done bring one set or uniform and the boots along and line up outside.” Jeff picked up the drysuit and immediately felt turned on “Quickly, take off your clothes in here and just put on the suit, you’re going to see each other for the next 10 years, so don’t feel embarrassed. Jeff hurried up and quickly put on the snug drysuit and rushed to line up with his oversized kit. “Alright, everyone follow me” They walked down a narrow corridor and through a huge thick metal gate with radiation danger signs on them. There was sure to be something dangerous inside this room. They entered a large all white room. There were many glass chambers inside this room. Each chamber was on a 45degree angle with a flat bed with straps on it. “Pick a chamber, and stand next to it, someone will assist you into the chamber. “ Jeff picked a chamber and stood next to it, there was what appears to be a diving helmet with a ball dangling inside. He also saw some hoses inside “That would explain the ports on the suit” he spoke to himself. A man in a lab coat came to Jeff. “Put on your uniform and boots then lay on the bed. Put on the helmet and fit the ball into your mouth as well” “This will supply you nutrients and there will be oxygen supplied within the helmet for you to breathe.Also, don’t worry about not being able to see out, there’s a screen inside it.” Jeff layed on the bed and placed the helmet on, following the instructions. He felt his arms being strapped down as well as his feet. This felt weird as the boots were 8 sizes too big for him. He then heard a hiss, and felt the chamber door closing in on him. The bed then angled itself to be level with the floor and the ball inside his mouth also began to expand.The screen in the helmet turned on and read “Standby” About 10 mins later, the screen switched to a video feed of Hollows with subtitles underneath. “Alright, time to explain what is happening. Your drysuit will begin filling with a liquid, so don’t panic whilst I talk. You have been selected to become an enhanced soldier as your DNA tests show you were suitable for this programme. Our programme will enhance soldiers by making your muscles grow and making you taller, with super strength and agility.” Jeff was suddenly super excited, and was really turned on. This was what he had been fantasizing his whole life, wanting to be bigger and stronger than his brothers. “Has the liquid been pumped in fully? Yes? Alright.’ Jeff felt the liquid slosh around inside his drysuit, following the empty spaces of his oversized uniform. Okay soldiers this is what will happen, there is liquid muscle inside of your drysuit that will become active once radiation is exposed. They will penetrate your skin and cause your muscles to contract, making microtears within. They will then attach themselves to your muscles and repair those microtears, becoming your muscles. This will also require lots of nutrients as your body grows, so you will be pumped into your stomach directly. This will also inevitably cause your body to grow taller as a side effect, thus the oversized uniform. It will hurt but you will be the best soldiers this world will see. There will be a countdown and the procedure will start, see you on the other side. ” The screen switched to black and the countdown began. 5 4 3 2 1 Initiating Jeff felt something flowing out of the ball in his mouth, it began gushing into his stomach, tasted like lemons. It began to fill him, until he felt like he was going to burst. Then, it happened. His skin started to tingle and his muscles started to contract, it hurt like nothing he had ever felt but it felt so good. Then the contractions became stronger, the straps holding him back from just flailing all over the place He felt his full stomach shrinking, and felt tight, his arms and legs felt extremely tight as well. He felt the drysuit shrinking, but it was actually him growing into the drysuit. His feet slowly growing into the size 16 boots. The pain began to subside, and began to fade out of his nirvana of pleasure. He felt the drysuit firmly on his skin and the uniform had fit him snugly. The screen turned on Initiating enrollment
  9. Guest

    The dominant species (2)

    Keith had a restless night. The minute he’d hit his bed, he had sunk into a deep, dark sleep. Strange images of a little grey, octopus-like thing sliding across his body had haunted him. Shivers had run along his muscular body. He shot up atop his bed, inhaling deeply. “Finally awake, sleepy head?” He looked up and saw Matt standing in the doorway leading to their bathroom. “What time is it?”, Keith asked somewhat groggily, noticing his sheets were drenched with sweat that was still sliding along his torso. “6.15 p.m.”, Matt replied, “You almost slept for 11 hours. I just got back from the gym.” Keith looked at Matt, who was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his muscular waist. His arms and shoulders still looked pumped from his workout. “Seems like you could also use a shower. Man, the entire rooms stinks of your sweat. I’ve got a date tonight so you have the room to yourself”, Matt said. Keith got up from his bed and walked to the bathroom. “Have fun, man”, he said with a grin and entered the shower. The shower worked wonders: the hot water made Keith’s muscles relax. He felt his balls churn and moved his right hand down to cup them. “Aughn”, he groaned as his fingers made contact with his over-sensitive balls. They felt a bit bigger than normal and he quickly turned off the water and moved in front of the large mirror. His balls did look a bit swollen. His entire body seemed a bit saggy, his muscles lacking their usual hardness. “A night of bad sleep. Most be some kind of flu”, he said to his reflection. Right then, his stomach growled loudly. He patted his six-pack, dried off, and walked toward their little fridge. He began eating and kept going until every ounce of food was down his body. He even eat the protein powder in the two tubs. He then gulped down two gallons of milk and burped. His right hand patted his somewhat bloated six-pack as he walked back to his bed. He got in and dozed off, not even hearing his roommate return deep into the night. The sound of water running pulled Keith from his sleep. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and felt his cock pulse inside his boxers. A grin formed on his face and his left hand disappeared beneath the sheets, moving toward his shaft. It disappeared inside his boxers and grabbed his morning wood. He began pumping his shaft. He felt his body heat rising as he stroked away. “This time you’re awake.” The remark made Keith return to the present. His roommate had just emerged from their bathroom. His hand froze atop his shaft as he looked at Matt. “I’m gonna grab us some food ‘cause you ate everything in the fridge. Make sure you’re ready to hit the gym when I return”, Matt said as Keith got up from his bed. “You’re not impressing me with that 8 little inches of cock”, Matt added with a grin toward Keith’s tented boxers before he headed out. Keith watched his roommate leave and then walked over inside the bathroom, dropping his boxers. He entered the shower cabin. Instantly a mixture of shower gel and musk hit his nose. He looked at the tilled wall and saw the sticky remains of his roommate’s orgasm slowly sliding down toward the floor. He didn’t know why, but the white liquid seemed to pull in his attention. Lick it A strange voice inside him seemed to whisper to him. Keith blinked a few times but felt his body move toward the tilled wall for some unknown reason. Feed…hunger… Lick it The next moment Keith’s mind went dark as the organism took full control of him. As his vision went dark, his body bent down, stuck out his tongue and licked the cum from the tilled wall. His tongue slide along the cold tiles as he licked away the last sticky remains his roommate had left on the wall. His vision returned as he stood back up. He blinked a few times, not knowing what had just happened and felt his cock smack against his six-pack. Mechanically, his right hand grabbed his shaft and stroked it roughly. Within seconds he was panting, his muscles hardened and he came. He threw back his head in pure bliss and closed his eyes. “UGHN”, he bellowed loudly. Inside him, the organism absorbed the cum pushed out by Keith’s balls. Unknown to Keith since he had his eyes closed, his cock blasted out a dusty cloud instead of its usual blasts of cum. He reopened his eyes as he heard his roommate come back inside the adjacent part of their room and turned off the water. He toweled off his body, put on his clothes and emerged fully energized from the shower. He followed Matt to the gym and had the workout of a lifetime, feeling stronger and more energized than ever. “Geez, what did you have for breakfast?”, Matt asked after their workout. He had struggled to keep up with the pace of his roommate. “Back on top, little guy”, Keith replied, “Let’s grab some diner. This one’s on me.” The next morning Keith awoke first. He heard his roommate’s calm breathing on the other side of the room. He got up and went into the bathroom. He sighed as the hot water cascaded down onto his broad, muscular back. He rubbed the shower gel along his torso, sliding his hands across his chest. Down below, he felt his 8 incher smack hard against his six-pack, begging for release. His left hand played with his nipple as his right hand closed around his rock-hard shaft. “Upf” Keith felt the tension build up inside him as a soft moan escaped his throat. His breathing got faster, his strokes longer and harder… “Dude, how much more time do you need?” The sound of his roommate’s voice and the knock on the matted glass pulled Keith back to reality. He noted the silhouette of Matt’s muscular body through the glass. He stroked his cock a final time as he was so close to his edge. “UGHRN!!!!!” Keith roared as his entire body jerked. His vision went dark from the pleasure that washed over his body. Like a day earlier, the organism inside him fed upon the cum produced by his balls. Before the liquid could reach the end of his shaft, it was consumed by the organism. His cock produced four large clouds of dust that sprayed in the air toward the ceiling. He reopened his eyes and gave his cock a final jerk. He inhaled deeply, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower cabin. He froze in his tracks as he saw his fully nude roommate standing against the sink. He noted the smug grin on Matt’s face who handed him a towel. “Hope you didn’t smear you cum all over the shower. Man, I think they heard you roar three rooms further”, Matt said as he moved toward the shower cabin. He pushed Keith aside and inspected the shower cabin. “Seems like ya produce more noise than cum, bud”, he said and turned his head to see his roommate leave the bathroom. He stepped inside the shower cabin and closed it. He breathed in, inhaling the cloud of dust produced by Keith and then turned on the shower. “Ready for class, dude?”, Matt asked 10 minutes later as he emerged from the bathroom. He grabbed his backpack and followed Keith to their lecture. After the boring lecture the two buds got back to their room to drop off their books, grabbed their workout gear and headed straight for the gym. Like the day before, Keith had an excellent workout. He hit a new PB on the bench press. This time however, Matt managed to keep up with his bigger friend. His energy was through the roof and he outworked his roommate on every exercise they did: he pumped out more reps and an additional set with weights that were only slightly less. By the end of their training, his sweat-drenched shirt hugged his pumped torso like a second skin. “Ow yeah”, Matt growled to his reflection as he threw a most muscular in front of the large mirror. The seams of his shirt popped open a bit at the sides as his pumped lats pushed the overstretched fabric past breaking point. “Someone’s having a good day. Looking good, man”, Keith said appreciatively. “So much energy”, Matt let out and hardened his flex some more. An obvious tearing sound signaled that his shirt lost the battle against his pumped lats. “Ya better got some new shirts”, Keith added with a grin. He blinked as his roommate ripped off his shirt and exposed his pumped torso. Every muscle on Matt’s torso seemed ready to burst through his skin. The shiny layer of sweat only added to the image. “Let’s shower”, Matt said and strutted past his buddy toward the locker room. Inside Keith, the organism was gathering more knowledge of his host. It lay in a near-dormant status inside his host, consuming very little of the man’s testosterone to avoid weakening him any further. It used its previous knowledge from the experiences in the lab in its advantage: it had acquired the knowledge not to drain the precious testosterone completely and kill the host. It was slowly bonding with the human body to survive on this new planet. Having been the dominant species on Mars for several centuries before falling into a near-fossilized state the tests inside the spaceship had brought it back to life. The rats had been a good snack and the first male had fallen victim to its overpowering hunger and urge to feed. The period inside the nurse had allowed it to get to know the dominant species on this planet. The lack of testosterone had forced it to feed upon itself and diminishing to almost nothing until the strong scent of pheromones given off by this young specimen of the opposite sex had pulled it back from its dormant state. Taking control of the female host to gain access to the male had been easy: these beings were no match for the impulses of the organism. It wondered how this species had managed to become the dominant one on this planet: it instinctively knew it could destroy these beings within seconds. Ever since entering the young male, it had been getting stronger feeding on his testosterone and the remains of spore the other male left on the cold surface in the rainy space they called ‘shower’. As it grew stronger and gained more insight in the functioning of its host, it began fusing slowly with its host. Two days later, Keith was changing into his football gear in the locker room as Matt patted him on the back and laughed as he hung onto his shoulders. “Heard some rumors you made Stacey a bit sore”, Matt said grinningly. Keith turned his head to look at him. “What…” “Geez, man”, Matt went on with his grin, “just crossed her on my way over here. She was still walking kind a strange. Heard the rumors there were very load groans coming from her room and ya were seen leaving pulling on yar shirt.” He squeezed his buddy’s shoulder more tightly. “Ya should ‘ve seen her face: smiling like a child on Christmas.” A grin formed in response on Keith’s face. He felt his legs working more and harder than usual to support his roommate’s body. Is he bulking?, he asked to himself, knowing that Matt had had excellent workouts the past three days. “Well, bud? No details?”, Matt asked. Keith felt some fatigue spread through his quads from supporting his roommate. He shrugged him off and went back to changing. “Ya could say I wore her out,” he let out. That’s the least, he thought as his mind went back to earlier that afternoon. He had been strangely horny and had pumped his cock into Stacey until she was begging for mercy. “Hope ya saved some energy for practice, bud”, Matt added and got changed himself. At the end of the week, Keith was standing in front of the mirror in their bathroom. He was looking at his shirtless reflection. He had lost about 10 pounds, making him look more ripped. “All this running at least got the summer pounds from partying off me”, he said to himself. “Yo, Keith. Ya in here?”. Matt’s voice made Keith turn his attention from his own reflection. “In here”, he replied and walked over to the adjacent room. He blinked as he saw his roommate standing at the end of his bed. “Back from the gym?”, he asked. “Nope. Class until now. Still have to hit the gym”, Matt replied as he turned around to face him. Keith couldn’t believe what he saw: his roommate filled out his shirt to perfection. Matt’s traps pushed the fabric slightly upward as his delts pulled it snugly around their round mass. His sleeves only came up to the top part of his biceps that filled them to their max even though his arms hung at his sides. A prominent vein ran along the side of the relaxed bicep and several smaller ones branched from it and crossed across the width of the upper arms. His forearms were decorated by more veins. The front of the shirt hugged his bigger pecs protruding more prominently from his chest. The shirt hung loosely around his midsection. “Wait… You don’t come from the gym? Geez… you look pumped as fuck, man. Guess you just need a bigger shirt then. Seems like this one shrunk”, Keith let out with a hint of disbelief. “Been growing like a weed. Like a second growth spurt or something”, Matt replied, “Gained like 20 pounds this week…” “20 pounds in a week? Better go easy on the food, chubby”, Keith let out with a grin. “And it’s all muscle”, Matt went on and lifted his shirt to reveal a tight six-pack. Keith’s grin melted away from his face as he stared at the chiseled six-pack that looked more defined than his own. He hardened his abs reflexively to make his own six-pack look more defined. His mind did the quick math. Fuck, that puts him at the 230 pound mark, he thought. “Looking good, bud”, he said”, “I lost 10 pounds.” “Of fat”, he added quickly. “So, ya’re about 210 right now?”, Matt asked. “Guess I’m the bigger guy now: have 20 pounds of muscle on ya”, he added with a grin. Being more muscular than his roommate made a rush of adrenaline shoot through him. “You’re heavier, but I’m still taller, chubby”, Keith shot back playfully. His smile froze once more in mere seconds as Matt came closer: Keith always looked straight at Matt’s forehead but now he was staring straight into his roommate’s blue-green eyes. A look of calm realization of someone that knows he’s the bigger man stared back at Keith. “Guess again, buddy: 6 feet. Just like ya”, Matt stated, “but bigger”. He flexed his right arm, making an 18.5 inch orb of muscle explode into hardness. Keith’s gaze was torn from his roommate’s eyes to the rock-hard bicep. Almost instinctively he raised his own arm and flexed it. His own bicep stopped as it reached 17 inches. The difference was obvious: his arm was more ripped but lacked the size of Matt’s bulkier one. “Come on. Let’s hit the gym. Having the greatest workouts of my life all week. It’s like I have energy for five. Can’t wait to pump some iron”, Mat said while he relaxed his pose and went to fetch his workout gear. “Well, ya coming or not?”, he asked as he saw Keith still standing in the exact same place. “Yeah, sure. Just a sec”, Keith replied and shook his head as he too got his workout gear. Inside the gym, Keith was relieved that his strength wasn’t off despite being 10 pounds lighter. He managed to match his personal record and even cranked out two reps more than normal thanks to lots of help from his buddy. “Fuck yeah. 6 reps”, he grunted as he sat up on the bench. “More like 4 and a half and one and half from me”, Keith replied grinningly. “Come on, buddy, move. My turn”. He pulled half the weight from the bar. Keith was still inhaling deeply as he got up, took a sip from the drink his buddy handed him and moved behind the bar to spot Matt. Matt laid down on the bench, took a deep breath that made his torso expand, grabbed the bar and cranked out 20 quick reps. Carp. 20 pounds more than my warmup weight, Keith thought as he looked down on his roommate who did a second and third warmup set. “Right. Add some weight, bro”, Matt said while he racked the bar. He waited for Keith to add the a plate at either side and then did his first work set. “…8,9,10,11,12”, he grunted and racked the bar. “More weight”. Keith obeyed and added another plate at each side. He watched his buddy crank out 12 more perfect reps. “More weight”, Matt let out and stared up directly into his roommate’s eyes. Two more plates were added to the bar and he un-racked it, groaning a bit as he lowered it slowly to his chest. “…8,euh9,euh10”, he grunted between his teeth while his face began getting red. Keith ‘s hand were near the bar to help but his roommate completed his set without a problem. “More weight.” “Are you sure, man?”, Keith asked. His buddy’s look filled with determination convinced him: he added two more plates to the bar, making the weight on the bar equal his own record. “Yeah”, Matt groaned as he un-racked the bar and lowered it to his chest. His face reddened further as he pushed the bar up. He growled, a deep guttural sound escaping his mouth as he continued his set. “…argh… 4,…humpf5, 6, yeah… 7… 8…9” Keith watched in disbelief as his roommate outperformed him with a weight he was proud off benching himself. He gave a spot and helped his buddy complete his tenth rep. “Geez, Matt. 4 reps more than me”, he let out appreciatively. “More…like… five”, Matt replied between deep breaths, “ya only did 4 solid reps with this weight. I did 9 perfect ones.” “More weight”, he added. Keith blinked at the remark. His mind was still processing the fact that his buddy had outperformed him with this weight. “Maybe you should call it a day, Matt. I mean, you already did better than me. Why risk…”. “More weight, I said”, Matt interrupted forcefully. Keith obeyed the order. He added two more, smaller plates to the bar that was now 30 pounds heavier than before. He looked down feeling a hint worried. He noted how his buddy’s engorged pecs protruded clearly against the sweaty shirt. Further down, he also noted a clear lump in the guy’s shorts. Matt un-racked the bar and lowered it in a controlled manner. “Fuck yeah”, he growled as he performed his first rep. Two more perfect reps followed. His face was dark red from the effort, sweat sliding along his forehead and his arms shook as he did his fourth rep. his pecs felt like they were on fire as more blood was pumped into the muscles. Keith moved in as his roommate lowered the bar for a fifth rep. “NO!”, Matt groaned to make Keith pull back his hands. “….arghugh…5” Keith stared in full disbelief as the bar was lowered another time and moved back up very slowly. He saw Matt’s arms shake as they pushed the bar further up. “…a…6…”, Matt grunted as he completed his sixth rep. Keith moved in and helped his buddy rack the bar. His mouth hung open slightly as Matt stood up and turned to face him: the guy’s pecs stretched his shirt insanely tight across the wide surface and seemed ready to burst through the fabric. There was no doubt who was the bigger guy now. “Fuck yeah”, Matt let out as he moved his arms back and forth to harden and relax his chest. “So pumped. Feels like my pecs ware gonna rip through my skin”. He grabbed the drink his roommate handed him and gulped half it down. “Right. Some pushups to finish things off”, he said more than he asked and moved toward the other side of the gym. Keith wandered behind his buddy and laid down next to him on the mat. Pushups had always been his favorite finisher of a good chest workout. He began pumping out reps, focusing on his form and breathing. He glanced aside and saw that Matt’s rhythm was faster than his own. He upped his pace a bit. After 20 reps, he felt the mild burning sensation spread through his chest. His breathing also got faster. Next to him, Matt kept pushing out more reps. At 35 the burning sensation turned into a painful soreness. He managed to pull out 5 more sloppy reps before his muscles gave out. Matt grinned as his buddy crashed down on the mat. “Giving up already?”, he asked playfully while he turned his head slightly. “I’ll show ya how it’s done”, he added and went back to his pushups. Keith just stared as he laid there, trying to calm his breathing. Matt passed the mark of 60 pushups without any faltering in his form. At the 80th rep, his arms began shaking slightly. “More”, he groaned as his chest began burning again. He closed his eyes as he pumped out more reps. “90”, he heard Keith say in a tone with hints of disbelief. His arms now shook more violently and his pecs felt like they were going to rip from his chest but he refused to give in. “Mo…re”, he wheezed, trying to ignore the almost stabbing pain in his chest. Keith shook his head in awe as his buddy went down at his 99th rep. He sat up grabbed the half empty drink and handed it over to Matt. “Thanks, man”, Matt said and grabbed the drink as he laid down to catch his breath. “You’re crazy, man”, Keith said laughingly while he stood up, “Too bad you didn’t get out a 100 reps. Better luck next time.” Matt gulped down the last bit of his drink and rose to his feet. Keith took a step back involuntarily as his roommate stood up: Matt looked massive with his pumped torso. The guy’s chest was so pumped it had ripped small holes in the fabric of the sweat-soaked shirt. “Ya were right earlier: I’m gonna need bigger shirts”, Matt said and ripped away his shirt. Keith’s stomach growled as his roommate revealed his torso. Inside him, the organism reacted to the scent of sweaty musk and testosterone. “Fuck. My pecs feel like they’re gonna burst through my skin”, Matt stated and looked past Keith at his reflection, “Fuack. Look at my chest. Just insane”. Matt laughed at his reflection. Keith stared at the pumped pecs that had a reddish shine beneath the sweaty surface. His roommate’s pecs looked like they had doubled in size during their workout. “Man, I can’t even flex ‘em. There so pumped”, Matt said grinningly. “Fuck. There so hard”, he added as his right hand groped the pumped chest. “Feel ‘em” Keith blinked at the remark. “Come on, man. Don’t be shy”, Matt went on. Keith didn’t move. He felt Matt’s hand grab his wrist and move his right hand up. He felt the warmth emanating from the pumped muscle as his hand was brought in closer. He sighed slightly as his hand was placed atop the left pec. It felt like concrete heated by the sun. “Watcha think, man?”, Matt asked and released his buddy’s wrist. Keith didn’t react. Instinctively, his left hand joined his right and placed itself atop the other, pumped pec. His fingers tested the pumped muscle, but couldn’t dent the rock-hard surface. The sweaty odor filled his nose and drove the organism inside him wild. Matt placed his hands atop his hips and stood there as his roommate fell his pecs. Having outlifted his former bigger buddy and feeling his own rock-hard chest resist the grabbing fingers, made him feel like a total alpha. He felt his plump cock inflate further inside his shorts. He closed his eyes in pure satisfaction. The growling sound of Keith’s stomach pulled him back to reality. “Let’s shower and grab something to eat. Seems like yar more hungry than me”, he said and brushed away his roommate’s hands. The shower zone was deserted as they entered and Matt walked over to the furthest shower in the corner. His hard 9 incher smacking against his abs in the process. Keith followed and took the shower next to his buddy. He looked aside and saw that Matt was facing the wall. The guy’s back looked more like a V each day. Matt’s right arm was placed against the wall, making a thick tricep jut out at its back as he let the hot water cascade down on his pecs. Keith noticed the faint rocking movement his buddy was making and heard his breathing getting faster and deeper. He automatically got what was going on. “Yeauhgn!”. Matt bellowed as he came in long bursts against the wall. The orgasm washed over him as the excitement of the workout and the realization of his new status flooded his mind. He pumped five thick blasts from his cock before he calmed down. “So fucking horny this week”, he said to his buddy and turned off the shower. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, man”, he added and walked back to the locker room. Keith didn’t react. As his roommate strutted away, the organism violently grabbed full control of him. His vision went dark while his body moved toward the adjacent showerhead. He moved toward the wall and began licking away the cum. Within seconds, he had consumed the last evidence of the powerful orgasm. The organism absorbed the precious liquid and felt the surge of energy as it returned to the slow process of bonding with its host. “Ya coming?” The shouted question made Keith return to reality. He shook his head, turned off the shower and joined his roommate. He toweled off and got dressed quickly to follow his buddy to grab some dinner. They decided to go to a diner off campus that was popular among students they had discovered a year earlier as freshmen. “It’s on me”, Matt said as they finished their meal, “I’ll go pay and see ya outside”. Keith stared as his roommate got up and left him to finish his drink. He noticed a cute brunette getting up from the adjacent table to follow Matt. As he joined his roommate a few minutes later outside, Matt was flirting with the girl. “This is Gwen”, Matt said to Keith. “Gwen, this is my roommate Keith”, he said to the brunette. “I heard Stacey and some of the cheerleaders talk about you”, Gwen said to Keith. Keith grinned a bit, catching the wink Matt gave him and also noting that the brunette’s hand was caressing Matt’s bicep. “Gwen studies literature. She wants to show me some of the poems she wrote”, Matt added, “I’ll catch ya later, bud.” Keith shook his head at the lame excuse as he watched his roommate walk off with the brunette, his hand firmly on her ass. “Show him some poems…”, he said to himself as he walked back to the dorm. Hours later, Keith was awoken by the sound of the door. “Interesting poems?”, he asked as he rolled over on his other side without opening his eyes. “Well, she had two very nice ones”, Matt replied with a laugh. Keith heard his buddy pull off his clothes and get into bed. A few minutes later, he heard the gentle breathing coming from the other side of the room and he fell back asleep himself. Later that night, when Keith and Matt were sound asleep. The organism took full control of its host once again. The organism had discovered that somehow this other male responded to its spores of dust by producing more testosterone. This reaction made the other male produce more of the precious, white liquid it could feed on without having to drain its host. Therefor this other male was the perfect source and the organism fathomed it had to provide him with a daily dose of spores to sustain the process. The side effect was that the other male grew bigger for some reason. The organism didn’t comprehend why just yet, but knew it had to learn much more from its host and that his knowledge would come with the process of bonding. The increasing size of the other male could perhaps come in useful in the future. Unknowingly and his brain fully shielded off by the organism, Keith got up from his bed and moved over to the bed of his roommate. He lowered his boxers and began jerking his cock. Within seconds the 8 incher was at full mast and throbbed. Matt turned onto his other side in his sleep, facing the exposed cock as it exploded. 4 big clouds of dust were blown onto his face and disappeared down his nose as he breathed in. Robotically, Keith pulled up his boxers again and got back in his own bed. He drifted off in a deep sleep filled with strange dreams as his brain regained control of him.
  10. geektofreek

    A Conversation with my Son

    I don’t usually like to talk about these sort of things. Personal problems and such. But my son, Aidan.... He’s just growing so out of control! You would think at nineteen-years old he would have stopped or slowed down a little. But no, not him. It’s almost as if his growth just keeps on increasing. Taller, wider, bigger. This never ending factory of testosterone! Especially his muscles. 270-pounds now. I’ve honestly never felt so small and inferior around another man before! “M-“Maybe it’s time you get a girlfriend or something, Aidan...“ I couldn’t help but stutter one night. Right at the dinner table. Watching him obsessively flex between each few bites. So in love with own increasing prowess. His own muscles. He could barley take his eyes off himself. “Meh...” Aidan, grunted in response. Finishing off every last bit of meat. *BURRRPPP “No ones really captivated my attention...” He continued. Giving his mammoth muscle arm a couple of pumps next. 24-inches of hulking teenage bicep. Seeming not even the slightest bit interested in the conversation. No girls. Not even guys. I honestly wouldn’t have cared if he was gay. But it was always just about his muscles. Nothing more. “Plus, I honestly just want to focus on getting bigger...” Aidan, stated like always. Pumping the Everest-sized peak of freaky bicep, right up against his face. Staring at it obsessively. “Bigger?” I stuttered. Actually dropping my fork to the floor. And yet the topic of conversation held me completely captivated. With my curosity finally at a tipping point. I just had to know... How big did my son want to grow? “Well, like... How much bigger...?” So I finally just had to ask. Seeing a bit of surprise in his face. The big wheels in his small head, slowly began to turn. With his face even turning a little red. It was almost as if he was embarrassed to admit. “It’s ok, son... We’re all friends here.” I tried to comfort him. But even my own curiosity wasn’t prepared for the magnitude of my sons muscle lust. “I don’t know, Dad...” Aidan, finally spoke up. “I’ve honestly been having the craziest dreams...” He continued. Already making me gulp. Watching him bring down one his arms. Adjusting himself in his seat. Pulling and tugging at his skintight bulging gym shorts. “Muscle growth dreams, I guess you could say...” He even bit his lips a bit. “Muscle growth dreams?” I questioned. “Yeah, Dad...” Aidan, gulped a bit. “Except sometimes, well... I don’t ever stop growing!” He shockingly continued. “Bigger, and bigger, and BIGGER!” Groaning with this insatiable lust. Cringing the words through his teeth. “J-Jesus, Aidan...” Leaving me to stutter in even more disbelief. Especially as I watched his huge nipples began to harden up. Adjusting himself so much in his chair, it began to creak and crack. Almost as if he was getting horned up. “400... 500-POUNDS of muscle!!” Aidan, unexpectedly snarled. This untamed beastly muscle lust. Suddenly flexing into a most muscular pose. blowing his tank-top apart like paper. Right at the diner table. *RIIIIPPPP* “F-FUCK!!” Making me squeal like some school girl. Shrink into my chair. Suddenly overshadowed by these two absolutely monstrous blimps of muscle-breast. Pecs bigger then watermelons. Twice as hairy as my own. “But you’re already so big, son...” I blubbered in confusion. Feeling as if I had opened up the biggest can of worms. And yet he was nowhere near finished describing his fantasy. “More... and more... AND MORE!” He shamelessly continued. “800-pounds... 900-POUNDS! Urrghhh!” Aidan, really groaned. Grossly bucking his hips, his huge dick, a couple times against the underside of the table. “1000-pounds...” Aidan, shuttered. Whimpered. As if that was the ultimate number. This big ungodly muscle goal. “Unnghh... I’m so sorry, Dad...” Aidan, cringed. looking down at his foot-long boner. Actually lifting the table off the floor. Trying to stop himself. Control himself. “The big pussy crusher”, I heard his friends once refer to it as. “I just get so excited...” Aidan, admitted. Rubbing his gigantic shirtless muscle chest. Flicking his huge rock hard muscle nips. Even though he was embarrassed. But then again, this wasn’t the first time this had happened. Seeing my son uncontrollably horned up was becoming an increasingly awkward event. Usually occurring after a heavy workout. But never so randomly like this. “It o-ok, Son...” I tried to be supportive. “That’s quite the hungry appetite you got there...” I stated admiringly. With his cock still raging out of control. Sliding the dishes slowly towards me. My unsatisfied curiosity drove my ignorance to whole new playing field. “Is it even possible for someone to grow that size!?” I don’t know why I asked. Obviously it wasn’t possible. And yet I just couldn’t seem to stop myself from feeding back into my sons insane fantasies. “I don’t know if it’s possible, Dad... but I want it SO BAD!” Aidan, groaned with unbearable lust. Cringing and biting his teeth helplessly. With his cock suddenly throbbing, raging, what appeared to be a whole inch bigger. I thought he was going to cum! Remembering all those times I had to change his sheets the past couple months. All the wet dreams he was having... Were they really all just about him growing!? “Jees, son... At that size, you’d be squatting semi-trucks.” I chuckled jokingly... *RIIIPPPPP* “SEMI-TRUCKS!? Unnnghh, DAD!!!” Aidan, roared with embarrassment. As he finally cummed uncontrollably. “My LEGS would have to be ENORMOUS!!” He roared with wonder. As if I exploded his imagination. Watching his gym shorts actually blow apart. With his huge horse crushing cock emerging. Engorging to a whole new level of monstrosity. Gushing like a fire hydrant. So much cum I didn’t even think it was possible! Rope after rope of thick warm semen all over the chair, the table, his feet... his gigantic ape-sized hairy muscle legs. “YOU shouldn’t SAY such things, DAD!!!” Aidan, had totally lost it. Groaning in totally agony. A big rumbling pleasure explosion. Tilting his neck back helplessly. What a fucking beast. With his eyes closed in cringing embarrassment. I shamelessly peeked underneath the table... “Oh god...” I weeped even more. How was this my own creation? My own flesh and blood? My own son? Never seeing a cock so big in my life... Not even in the wildest of pornos! And he just couldn’t stop cumming. Leaking so much man-juice all over the floor. Even his shoes. Draining his big bull-sized testicles down to the very last drop. Like he hadn’t had released himself in months. Rumbling our tiny house as he helplessly bucked his huge car crushing muscle butt. “Dad... Please...” Aidan, choked up a bit. Knowing I must have been caught. “Please don’t look...” He even begged me a bit. I didn’t know how else to respond. Raising my head up. Seeing him still panting with his tongue sticking out. His face stuffed around nothing but muscle. Suffocated by his traps and pecs. Drooling helplessly down his colossal hairy chest. “I swear, I’m not gay!!” Aidan, unexpectedly continued. Looking beyond perplexed. “I just really... REALLY like MUSCLE!” He shuttered a bit more. Shooting out one last throat choking load. All his muscles bulging, tensing. “Jesus fuck, son...” Was all I could seem to say. “I guess I better start buying you more chickens then...”
  11. Guest

    A Competitive Workout

    This is my first story. I wanted to adapt something that really happened to me in a trip, some years ago, and see if you like it (it's a short read) A Competitive Workout Lots of days have passed since I went on a vacation travel with some friends. Flying from Perú to make our dreams of knowing Hong Kong, Japan, Cambodia and Thailand a reality. Those were awesome days, Tokyo was actually a dream, and staying at Koh Phi Phi at the end of our trip was the best ending for it (and it was also quite weird, everyone, and I mean EVERYONE was insanely muscular, like if the water had steroids in it, but that might be another story...). And so, our last day of vacation arrived. The last night before taking the plane back, I stayed in the airport hotel, where they had this amazing and well equipped gym (maybe the best gym I've ever been). I always workout at night (like really late, after midnight), and it is usually empty at that time (even more when working out in a hotel hahaha). I went to workout arms as usual (and as you can tell from my pictures, that's my favorite body part to train). Biceps and triceps were the treat of the day. I don't know if it was because I had rested a lot before coming to train, but I felt particularly strong and my muscles resisted a bit more weight that night. Bicep curls with 40lbs in each arm, made my muscles pump to no believe, I could see two enormous veins filling with blood over my huge biceps (one on each arm). Then came the triceps extensions with 180lbs and the horseshoe on my arm became even more visible, I almost felt it was going to explode because of the amount of muscle that was pumping beyond believe... I was flexing, looking in the mirror, my enormous physique engorged with blood and a strength I never had before. My guns were HUGE. And then, suddenly, someone else came to the gym too. He was a really muscular man, taller than myself (well, I'm a bit short, it's not that difficult to be taller than me hahaha), and he was built like a bull. His neck was amazingly thick, putting mine to shame. He went to the mirror and started flexing his amazingly big muscles too, admiring himself. But, he also glanced at me while I was working out, like he was planning something. And then it began. Whenever I finished an exercise and started resting between sets, he went straight towards the weights I just left, and started lifting them for his own workout making lots of grunting sounds (which I really, REALLY hate hahaha). I could see all his muscles pumping and growing (which was a great sight, can't deny that), but somehow, he also seemed to struggle with the weights I was using. Whenever he finished a set, he always looked at me and flexed his gigantic arms, like if he was defying me to lift even more weight. I tried to ignore him for a while, just concentrating on my own workout, but I must confess I got really bored of his horrible grunts and his attitude, so I decided to teach him a lesson and END this muscle and strength competition. I went to the triceps pulldown machine, put the weight to the max (220lbs if I remember correctly), and started lifting a set with it, getting to 10 reps. My triceps became huge, and it was difficult to move them because of the pump they got. I didn't have to flex them in order to see a perfect horseshoe I had on the back of my enormous arm. Then, I got to the dumbbells, left the ones I was using before (40lbs), and got the ones that weighted 50lbs to do bicep curls, finishing my set too. My guns were amazingly huge right now. The two engorged veins were pulsating with power each time I moved the weight up and down, feeling how they got bigger and bigger. I couldn't touch my head as they were so pumped right now. It was like having two huge slabs of muscle attached to my body, responding to enormous strength. As I finished, now I was the one who looked at him, defying to outclass my already surprising strength. I'm not lying to you, he actually gulped. He was afraid. He had watched in awe as I moved all that weight with the power of my arms alone and started walking to were I left the weights. He first went to the triceps pulldown machine and tried to lift it to no avail. He tried, his face turning red, his already enormous muscles just stuck without moving... He had to reduce 40lbs of weight in the machine to finish his set. Then, he went for the 50lbs dumbbells. He looked at me and flexed his arms in a double biceps that would have amazed anyone in this forum, and then tried to lift the weights. He got them, each on one hand, and I thought that with his humongous size, he would be able to curl them... But he couldn't. Not even one rep. He went back for the 40lbs and angrily finished his set. I decided to give a coup de grace to his arrogance. One final set. I went to the dumbbell rack and got the ones that weighted 60lbs. I had NEVER lifted that much weight in each arm, this was a really a risk. But I felt confident, felt strong, my arms looked like they had doubled in size because of the pump and the adrenaline and I decided to try... And suceeded. I made my last set while looking directly at him as I pumped my arms. He was in complete disbelief. He watched this impossible weight (at least it was for me), go up and down for reps, my guns becoming EVEN MORE HUGE. I finished, drop the weights and looked at him while trying to cross my arms (it was difficult because of the pump really hahaha), and he just left the gym, afraid and ashamed. That was the most fun I’ve ever had in a gym, I guess competitive people like him deserve experiences like this one. This was a final selfie I took just after I finished, couldn't move my arms that much (my camera sucked big time at that time).
  12. Trying something a little different this time out, hopefully some of y'all fighting fans enjoy! Feedback is welcome! Sam the SEAL's Greatest Hits: Part 1 It was the eve of Sam’s retirement from a decades-long career as a decorated Navy SEAL, and the grizzled yet handsome older man stood in his office, surrounded by mementos from his days on an elite special combat branch. He stood 6’1, long body like a swimmer and thick with corded muscle, sporting salt and pepper hair complemented by a neatly trimmed silver beard. Some light facial scarring and a flat boxer's nose were the only indications of his decades of combat. At 65, he was in incredible physical condition from a lifetime of rigorous physical fitness instilled in him first by his Navy SEAL father and brothers, and then by his superiors later on. He maintained close to 10% body fat, with jacked arms visible even through his clothes. Sam had kept exhaustive notes after each of his combat engagements, and calculated that he’d emerged victorious in 99.1% of his engagements. Indeed, he was always known for excelling in combat, and for his superior fighting ability. Tonight, though, he reflected on those .9%, not in sullen reflection, but more to explore the lessons he’d learned from them. He picked up a very small, framed photo taken shortly after he’d completed a particularly rigorous training program, and chuckled. The raccoon. It had taken him quite a while to shake that particular nickname. Which takes us to the first of what Sam considered his “greatest hits,” in a way. *** The Year: 1980 The Scene: Sam’s dorm at the base Sam, then 25, closed his flat's door behind him, dropped his gym bag, stepped out of his sneakers, and strode into the living room, peeling off his sweat-soaked t-shirt as he went. Still pumped from his sparring session at the training facility, the young buck turned to examine his swollen physique in a door-length mirror. His biceps and delts bulged and ached from the intense workout he’d just completed. His flat, hard chest was beet-red with visible veins still streaming across his ripped pecs. His eyes moved down to his chiseled midsection, any fat long washed away through endless laps in the pool. Sam’s sandy brown hair was slick with sweat, his long, boyish, and unblemished face beaming with the post-pump glow. He’d started growing a mustache, and turned to admire its progress. It had always been instilled in him that vanity should be shunned, but he had to admit, he was quite the stud. He raised both arms synchronously in a double bicep pose, making his taut muscles dance in the moonlight, thick veins streaming across the peaks. He couldn't hide a smile. It was then that he heard a low whistle from behind him. Sam turned on a dime with one fluid motion, fists up, ready for anything, clad only in his short blue gym shorts and calf-length socks. Before him stood a small man of indeterminate race, dark hair, dark clothes. Sam assessed his height to be around 5’6, with a lithe, seemingly delicate frame. Sam kept his fists in a fighting stance but lowered his guard just a bit. “Identify yourself!” Sam barked, fists clenched, lowering his voice for tough-guy emphasis. The man smiled. “Easy, Arnold. Wanna see my ID? Like the government-issued one for your little combat troop you’re getting your photo taken for tomorrow?” Sam’s breath caught. “What? How did…” “I know all about you, Sam,” the man replied calmly. “It’s part of my job to know everything about the highly trained agents that go undercover to fuck with my employer’s shit.” Sam’s eyes narrowed, attempting to betray nothing. “Interesting. What’s the other part?” The compact man took a step forward, smiling darkly and cracking his knuckles. “Beating up on ugly white boys to send a message.” At this, Sam actually laughed, lowering his guard even more as he started slowly stalking toward the smaller man. "My friend," he started. "I'm not sure you know what you're getting yourself into here." "Oh, I do know," the man replied flatly. "Like I said. And when I saw you flexing those big muscles in the mirror, I've gotta tell you, I had some serious second thoughts about taking you on." "There's still time to act on them," Sam answered. "I've decided to let you walk away, if that's what you want to do." The man smiled. "You misunderstand me. I'm going to act on my first and my second thoughts. My first thought was to focus on the body so as not to leave any visible marks. But on second thought, I don't think I'm going to mind leaving some visible marks. Sam shrugged, smiled, cocked his head, and without hesitation launched a hard right hook straight for the smaller man’s jaw that cut an audible “whoosh!” through the otherwise silent dorm room. The man effortlessly ducked under Sam’s arm, and came up with a vicious uppercut that literally launched Sam off his feet, BAM. Stunned, Sam shuffled back on his socks, barely finding his footing before a hard right hook smacked him right across the jaw, this blow sending him stumbling back toward the living room wall. Feeling a tooth dislodge, he barely had time to register what was happening before he felt two powerful hands plant themselves on his chest and shove him into the wall. “UGH!” he grunted as his bare back connected with the unyielding drywall. The man was on him in a second. Sam seized the brief moment to try another right hook, and again the man ducked, lightning fast, and hammered a stiff right hook into Sam’s obliques that landed with a dull WHUMP. Sam winced and tried a hard left; once again the man crouched under, slamming his fist into the other side of Sam's body with the dull thud of fist on hard muscle. The man then delivered a brutal knee to Sam’s torso that folded him over like paper with an “ooof!”, and the next thing Sam knew he was airborne, and then crashing back-first through his dorm’s cheap standard-issue coffee table. Sam’s head lolled as he gazed toward the ceiling, still dazed from the blows to the head, a sickening feeling of defeat starting to spread through his hard belly. He had been top of his class, expertly trained in combat, 100% victorious in all of his (relatively few) previous engagements, and now this much smaller opponent had gotten the drop on him and was primed to beat the stuffing out of him, or worse. He heard footsteps as the man strode over to him. The man appeared to tower over him now, Sam’s prone body between each of his legs. To Sam’s surprise, the man promptly sat down, his butt placed directly over Sam’s groin. “Ugh!” Sam grunted with a mixture of pain, surprise, and involuntary arousal. “Don’t get excited, stud,” the man chuckled. He grabbed Sam’s arms and placed them at Sam’s sides, and then locked his legs around Sam’s waist and trapped arms, preventing any defense or escape. “I’m just getting better leverage so I can do this.” And with that, the man slammed his right fist deep into Sam’s exposed stomach. “OOOF!” Sam exhaled, his cheeks expanding like a trumpet player. He instantly regained his composure—all those body conditioning sessions in training hadn’t been for nothing—and tightened up his abs to turtle shell hardness. The man launched his left fist into Sam’s gut, the thud now duller and louder than it had previously been. “Ooh yeah!” the man hissed through gritted teeth as he began peppering Sam’s midsection with progressively harder blows. “Tighten ‘em up. Like beating on a drum.” Left.Right.Left.Right. Sam’s face was stoic and purple with determination and exhaustion as he took the barrage of punishment. Both Sam and the man were starting to grunt in off-time now, Sam with the effort to protect his internal organs, and the man with frustration that Sam wouldn’t break. But eventually, after a few minutes of rough body punches, Sam exhaled sharply, and the sound of the blows changed again. “There we go,” the man said as he continued pounding. Sam was groaning and grunting with each slam now. “I thought a good soft-gutting might make you think twice about any further involvement in my employer’s affairs.” After what felt to Sam like an eternity, the man delivered one final body-crumpling slam and stood, and allowed Sam to finally curl up clutching his battered midsection. The man took a handkerchief from his pocket and dabbed his brow. “Oh, I almost forgot,” he added mischievously. Sam’s already-destroyed stomach dropped with dread. “It’s picture day tomorrow. We want you to look your best, right?” The man then pulled Sam onto his back and straddled him once again. Sam’s vision blurred as the man yanked him up by the hair and delivered two sharp, targeted jabs, one to each of Sam's eyes. BAM BAM. Sam’s head snapped back with each impact, and then dropped back to the floor. “There,” the man said, mimicking dusting off his hands. “Now you’re gonna be all handsome for picture day.” Sam heard him leave at some point after that. He reported the incident to his superiors, who advised he be pulled from this particular mission. As if Sam could ever forget this first, impactful beating he’d receive over his long and storied career, he’d always have his framed ID photo showing off his mustache-of-the-moment, a missing tooth, and two perfect black eyes to commemorate the occasion. Part II Present-day Sam, recalling the woman at the facility’s shocked expression on seeing him limping toward her, impeccably dressed in his finest suit yet sporting two black eyes and a missing tooth, chuckled at the memory a little too heartily, causing a sharp ache in his right ribcage. Sam grimaced and rested his hand on the desk, reminded of a more recent assault he’d endured while undercover as a drill instructor at an elite military base. He’d been rescued eventually, but his mission to ID members of a marine cohort calling themselves The Wolfpack—smuggling in drugs and dispensing justice to any marines they felt violated their code—would be one he would never forget. The year: 2008 The scene: An empty gym at the base’s training facility, save Sam Sam heaved the barbell up with a deep grunt, pecs bunching under his sweatshirt, arms fully extended, face contorted in a grimace of concentration as deep lines furrowed his cheeks and forehead. Sweat clung to the ripped 53-year-old’s forehead, face, and neck, and pooled into a deep v-shape down his tight sweatshirt. He lay flat on the bench, feet on the floor, his braided, hairy quads on full display as his short, standard-issue olive gym trunks bunched to his mid-thigh. His sweatshirt was also bunched, revealing a strip of a taut, gnarled torso blanketed by silver fur between the bottom of his sweatshirt and his shorts’ waistband. He was really cranking out the reps…14…15…16…intensely focused. So intensely that by the time he heard the gym door slam followed by many rushed footsteps, it was already too late. He’d been lowering the bar back down to his chest when it was suddenly gripped on both sides by two figures who immediately crashed their full weight down, pinning Sam under the bar and its weight. “Got ‘im!” someone boasted. Sam gasped as the weight pressed into his upper chest, looking left and right to see figures on each side in marine fatigues. The Wolfpack. His cover was blown. Sam grinned despite the pain of the bar pushing down on him. "Figures it'd be all of you," he grimaced through his teeth. "Five on one...sounds about fair." "Shut up, gramps," one of the men holding the bar on his side barked. "You're fuckin' in it now." Sam pushed with all his might to get the bar off of him, but his effort was stunted another the young marine who kneeled to Sam’s side, hands clasped in supplication. Sam actually thought the guy was about to start praying, right up until the kid raised his still-clasped fists high into the air, only to SLAM them down on Sam’s vulnerable torso with a growl of determination. All the air went out of Sam’s diaphragm as his body jackknifed with an "OOOF!’. “Yeah!” another marine shouted. "Fuck him up!" Sam usually reserved dirty moves for when the situation truly called for it—it was only the honorable thing to do—but the prospect of a 53-year-old taking on five trained marines in their mid 20’s? That called for it. Sam released the bar and smashed his fists out on each side of him, catching the two who had trapped him right in their baby-makers. Both hollered in pain and released the bar, clutching their aching boys for dear life. Sam took the opportunity to hoist the bar and weights off of him, that familiar feeling of adrenaline kicking in. It felt good to be back on the game. Sam nimbly leapt to his feet to get some distance from his attackers, but only made it a few feet before he felt a yank on the back of his sweatshirt. “Ohhh no you don’t!” someone about his height snarled in his ear, yanking him back and locking in a full nelson. Sam flung his head backward in an attempt to break his captor’s nose, but the spry marine expertly dodged the blow. “Know all your moves,” the man taunted, forcing Sam’s head up as he locked in the nelson. “Gahhh!” Sam panted as the younger man brutally forced him upright. His sweatshirt rode up now, almost like a midriff, his solid core peeking out above his shorts. “Check it,” one of the other marines observed, stepping in front of Sam and pointing. “Dad abs, haha.” Sam flushed in irritation. "Hope I'm as jacked when I'm 80!" “Break this geezer down!” the man holding Sam commanded. And then it was on as two other man stepped forward, all starting to hammer at Sam like a communal punching bag, trash-talking the bigger, older muscle man the whole time. "Yeah!" THUMP. "Them muscles just for show, huh??" WHUMP. "Not doin' much good now, yeah??" THUMP. All Sam could do was grit his teeth and take it like a man. He'd been here before, but age was taking its toll, and he doubted he could endure too much more punishment. Rights and lefts, knees and kicks pounded his body from all sides, one well-placed kick in particular eliciting a discernible snap from one of Sam’s ribs as he grunted in pain. “Show ‘em what happens when you fuck with The Wolfpack!” the man holding him egged on. Sam’s head started to slump from the assault. One of the marines rolled up a sleeve and flexed a baseball-sized bicep in Sam's face. "This is real muscle, gramps." "Bro," one of the other marines chuckled. "The old man's still bigger than you, even all rag doll like he looks now, haha!" "Shut up," the marine retorted, and slugged a fist deep into Sam's drum tight breadbasket. “Where’s Ortiz at??” “Don’t use my name, man” came a voice from behind them. Ortiz, a young, wiry marine, emerged still clutching his balls from Sam’s escape. “He already knows, and he’s not gettin’ out of here anyway,” the man replied. “My man Ortiz was on his way to a Golden Gloves title before some shit got in his way,” the man explained to Sam. Now addressing Ortiz, he barked, “Show him why!” Ortiz smirked and stepped in front of Sam. He was probably 20, lean as fuck, negligible body fat—a true boxer’s build. Saying nothing, Ortiz crouched into an expert boxer’s crouch, throwing a few shadow punches to warm up, and without warning FIRING a hard right into Sam’s tensed gut. “OOOOOF!” Sam gasped from the impact as his knees almost buckled, shocked at the force of the blow. He’d taken a lot of lumps over the years, but this kid Ortiz was dangerous. Ortiz, sensing how quickly playtime would be over, backed off, and began jabbing still-hard rights and lefts all over Sam’s aching body, the sound of thudding echoed across the empty gym. Sam was dimly aware that he was starting to drool on his sweatshirt. After a few minutes, the lead marine still holding Sam in the full nelson spoke. “Ok, I think that’s enough for now. We gotta motor before they notice we fucked with the cameras in here. Put this fucker out, and we’ll bounce.” With that, Ortiz nodded, and launched a vicious right to Sam’s head, jolting it to the side. Sam grunted, feeling Ortiz wind up for another shot, and then felt no more.
  13. muscleaddict


    So a bodybuilder I follow on Twitter posted a video of him posing in the gym and I felt inspired to write something. I sent it to him and he said he loved it and gave me permission to share. Video followed by story below. “Two seconds, Drew!” Shane says, playing with his iPhone. We’re in the gym that’s empty apart from me and my training partner. I’ve just blasted through a back and biceps workout. My shoulders are cooked. My biceps are pumped. My quads feel full as fuck. And I’m standing in front of Shane with my trackies round my ankles ready to flex and pose and show off what a pumped up fucking muscle freak I am as he films the whole thing on video. God I love this shit. “Okay, mate - let’s show these fuckers what you’ve got!” Shane says, holding his iPhone up to capture me posing. I smirk at Shan’s comment. The cheeky fucker. I feel a heady rush of excitement at the thought of where this video will eventually end up. Showing all of those muscle hungry lads who follow me on Twitter and go crazy whenever I post videos and pictures of myself posing (especially in my golden posing trunks - God they love those golden posers). Okay - time to focus. Time to pose. Time to (as Shane said) show these fuckers EXACTLY what I’ve got. I place my right hand over my left hand that’s clenched into a fist. I’m not gonna fuck about here. I’m going STRAIGHT for the money shot. My favourite pose. My best pose. Most. Fucking. Muscular. And OOOFF - I’m squeezing into the pose. I feel my quads tensing. My upper body tightening. My freaky shoulders popping. I know I look as good as I feel right now. I switch my hands up. I pose some more. I shuffle back. All the time squeezing into the camera on Shane’s phone. All the time showing how pumped and full I am right now. Time to switch it up. I swing my arms out, lean forward and, as I crank into the first of what will what probably be a dozen crab most musculars, I scrunch my fucking face up, grit my teeth and - FUCK IT - I open my mouth as wide as I can as I blast into the pose. Hell yeah! And then - OOOF - I squeeze it just a little harder and stick my tongue flat out like the cocky fucking fucker that I am. James Flex Lewis - eat your GOAT fucking heart out. I relax from the pose. And now I’m slowly stepping closer to the camera, adjusting my undies as I do so. I’ve gotta make sure there’s as much muscle and beef on display as possible. Hmmm. Maybe I should have bought those golden posers with me to wear? I look dead into the camera and tense my quads, breathing heavily. I’m fucking staring into the lens with this intense look on my face. Think I was cocky before? You haven’t seen anything yet. It’s time to really crank up the tude. Time to rip this shit up. Time to show everyone what a pumped up, muscle packed fucking animal I really am. Still staring menacingly into the camera, I clench my fists, stick out my tongue, scrunch and screw my fucking face up, bring both of my fists in and SQUEEZE. Check. This. Fucking. Shit. Out. Motherfuckers. And now I’m swinging my arms out again. And you KNOW what’s fucking coming. I slowly bring them back down and put my fists together, open my mouth wide like some kind of feral fucking BEAST and BOOM - I’m blasting out a brutal, muscle exploding crab most muscular. The tongue comes out again. Because why the fuck not? I’m a pumped up fucking muscle beast. An obscenely muscular freak with erupting traps and exploding biceps. I’ve pushed my body to outrageous limits to become something not of the norm. I’m a fucking BODYBUILDER and I’m going to flex and pose exactly how I want to and be as cocky and arrogant as I fucking well like. I give one final squeeze into the camera, curling my mouth in an arrogant fashion and letting out a cocky, “HOOOFF!” sound. I could stop there. But nope - let’s give those muscle obsessed Twitter followers just a little bit more to go nuts over. I step even closer to the camera and give my quads a little wobble. Serving Branch Warren freakiness. Fuck yeah. My quads look pretty fucking crazy at the moment. Thick and full with some freaky shreds peeking through. I shuffle and then just flex the one quad. Wobble wobble wobble. Shake shake shake. Wanna see this bad boy flexed and tensed? Wanna see those crazy striations appear and erupt before your very eyes? You’re about three fucking seconds away from doing so. I stop and tense my quad and then … SLAP … I whack the hard, freaky, shredded muscle with my hand. Think it’s over now? WRONG. One final, quick most muscular. Just because I want to. Just because I can. Just because I’m a tongue flashing, quad slapping BODYBUILDER who can be as cocky and arrogant as I fucking well like. Over to you, Twitter followers.
  14. Hialmar


    Selected Don't struggle lad. Resistance is futile. I will not let you down, but rest assured, that I don't mean any harm. Will you just relax, while I carry you over my shoulder, to ... Huge? Yes, I know: My shoulders are huge. Yes, like an ultra-wrestler or a Hyper Guard. You watch ultra-wrestling shows a lot, don't you? How I know? Well, to begin with, you have spent most of your life in Area F. Ultra-wrestling shows are not particularly popular among earners in Area E or entertainers in Area B, and the shareholders in Area A are able to send for entertainment in a private setting, if they want to. I know. Not everyone in Area F, but you are not your Nan. Secondly, I abducted you because you have been selected, and the profile of the selected ones often includes a likeliness of watching ultra-wrestling, so that's why I know. Selected to what? I don't know if you have heard any of the rumours – there are so many rumours circulating out there: Some of them ... Sorry, I have to take care of this ... Yes, the lift descends. Illegal hideouts of criminals and the deserted underground are not the only things down there. Tell you? I have no obligations to tell you anything, sport, but if it makes it easier to undergo The Process, I am allowed to reveal a few basic facts. It's not like you would be able to tell anyone else, until you have undergone The Process yourself. Not want to? This is not a matter of what you want or not. It is a matter of what The Corporation deem you suitable for. You should be happy: After this, you will leave Area F, and you will no longer die of diabetes, obesity or cholera like all those other residents of Area F will probably do. A diet of Nutri-Cheap, surplus whitebread and soda isn't helpful in the long run, and hadn't it been for the free lunches at the Sikh gurdwara and the Catholic vegetable foodbanks, I wonder how people in Area F had survived at all. Sorry, I have to press these buttons, to ... So. Where was I? Stop hitting my back like that. It's useless. As you probably know, The Corporation owns all information about which TV programmes you watch and which websites you browse. Since your ability to spend on consumer goods is low, information about you and your neighbours is of course less valuable, than similar information about residents in Area B, C or E, but it may help the Board to decide if any consumer match the profiles for recruitment to earner-status, extended abortion (up to the seventy-second trimester), euthanasia in advance (from the age of 18) or selection to Processing. Kill you? No one will kill you. You have been selected for The Process. As I tried to explain earlier ... wait ... Sit down, and take your shirt off. I'll explain while I cut your hair. Just take your shirt off and sit down. No need to look surly. If it makes you feel better, I'll let you know, that I went through all the things you go through now. Yes, really. I grew up in Area F, too, and The Process saved my life. I don't give a fuck about how you prefer your hair. Sit. It has to go. Have you any favourite ultra-wrestlers? Stud Brawn? Yeah, lot's of people like him. What do you think about Mega-Mass? Yes. Yes. A lot of people say that about him. Now. What would you say, if I told you, that there's a reason why ultra-wrestlers and Hyper Guards look like they do? No, it's not just steroids. Conventional steroids alone wouldn't cause that level of mass, even on the genetically gifted, and have you noticed, that they are able to stay fat-free and with low water-retention 24/7 all the year round? Like these. Yes, I like my forearms, too. You're allowed to call it a miracle if you want to, but The Process is real, and The Corporation use similar, but not identical, versions of it on those who are selected. Some become Hyper Guards, other become ultra-wrestlers and some, like me, stay in the production line between Selection and Process. Have you ever heard those tales about the Ghost Van of Area F? Yeah. I grew up with the same stories. They have been around for awhile. Some ghost stories were probably around before Hyper Guards and ultra-wrestlers existed, and not everyone rumoured to have been taken by the Ghost Van where abducted for The Process, but a fair amount of those whose disappearance is blamed on the Ghost Van were probably brought away because the had been selected. Look in that mirror. Not so bad, is it? Buzzcut suits you. Don't blush. Legend says, that in the past, The Corporation selected subjects regardless of if the subjects feared The Process or if it was likely, that they would readily accept it, but the fear caused some subjects to die or become mentally damaged by the process. For a short while, The Corporations used surveys, but the candidates didn't answer the surveys truthfully. Today, selection is entirely automatic, and based on the psychological profile. The selection program wouldn't have selected you if it wasn't probable, that you would unconsciously cooperate with The Process. Follow me. Because I will give you the preparation treatment. Oh come on! You can shout at me all day, and deny that you want it, but that bulge in your trousers and your blush betray you. You are welcome. Some people have called me much worse things. This way. Yes, I know, but it's real. I'm not interested in that. This is just how The Corporation works. I'm not a shareholder, so why should I have an opinion? Someone need to keep people safe, and it's nice to watch a show, so both Hyper Guards and ultra-wrestlers are needed to keep The Corporation running. Keep dreaming. Wouldn't happen. This is how it is. Even if you had a choice, would you really want to return to that drone life with bad flats, unhealthy food, bad tapwater and street crime? Negative. Take it easy, or I have to force this needle. So. Nothing to worry about. Yes. That first reaction comes quickly, but it will feel even better within twenty minutes or so. Drink this. Still reluctant? Drink this and think of Stud Brawn. There you go! Feel good? Yeah. Most of the lads tell me that after their shot and their cup. I felt good, too. We are going to the Process Pod. Each of the selected enter their pod individually, and when their Process has begun they are connected to the collective network of the selected. Don't worry. You don't need to understand in order to undergo it. Just relax. Yes, I can hear you. Even when the lid is closed, I will hear your voice from the loudspeaker on the outside. Yes, it's good. Lots of selected units agree with you. Hard and horny? You're not the first. What did you say? That's because I'm moving your pod to the main hall. Easy. Easy, sport. You are bigger already, if you want to know. Just relax. The network will speed it up. You will join us. You will become one of us. Don't worry. You are allowed to enjoy it. Just relax. Connect to the network.
  15. CardiMuscleman

    The Mystery of Mesoamerica

    Chapter One "Good evening, gentlemen, and may I say before I begin how very kind and indeed a little unexpected it is to be addressing this evening. When I received the invitation to address this inaugural meeting of the British Archaeological Society, I did wonder whether or not there had been a spelling mistake and I was to address the British Physical Culturist Society, but no, the invitation was indeed to this august society and therefore enough though I must stick out like a sore thumb, I shall address you as if I were one of your own" There was a polite ripple of applause as the speaker opened his bag and pulled out the biggest lump of gold ever seen in England. It was at least a foot in all directions and as the speaker noted "is twenty four karat gold and weighs 1,204 lbs, and let me tell you I am glad that my bag managed to contain it" which prompted a chuckle from the audience and with that the speaker gave a polite cough and formally started his talk. "My name is Henry Cardigan, the seventh man to bear that name since the first Henry Cardigan, known as Henri de Ceredigion, in the seventeenth century. He was a Musketeer in the army of King Louis XIII and was said to have strength that matched or even rivalled the Titan, Porthos, himself. He disappeared in 1650 leaving no trace, save his son, Christophe. Since then there have been five other Henry's all of whom have excelled at some aspect of strength. The second Henry Cardigan was said to be the strongest man in all of France, the third was said to be stronger that Paul Bunyan, the fourth was formally declared the strongest man in England by Louis Stevenson, the fifth, my grandfather, was the first man to pull a steam locomotive and the sixth, my father, was formally declared to be the most powerful man in the world by none other than Sir Arthur Conan Doyle himself. Therefore you might look at me and wonder why I am talking to an archaeological society and not to the physical culture society founded by Mr. Sandow. Gentlemen, the picture I am about to show you was taken two years ago, in 1920, and despite appearances is me" and with that the speaker raised a photograph and gasps emerged. "Gentlemen" announced the speaker, who stood nearly seven feet tall, "that was me two years ago" Because both myself and @GymJunkieMuscle are in the same boat at the moment (both under a government ordered lockdown to prevent the spread of Covid-19 in our communities, I decided the best way to support him was to join his Patreon and asked if he wouldn't mind illustrating a story. He didn't seem to object and so am giving him carte blanche to take this photo (taken for a virtual cosplay competition) and go to town as much as he likes to turn it into the descriptions that will appear in this story.
  16. Astromuscle

    Black Blood Experimentation

    Chapter 1: (AM note: as every story goes, first chapter lays a lot of groundwork for some major growth later) Medusa seems confused as she look at her stores of black blood. She looks around the room only to see a shadow slide out of the room. Black arrows slide along the walls as Medusa chases the shadow. The shadowy man flips and dives away as arrows attack off the walls, slowing his getaway attempt. a clash of a dagger helps divert arrows away from dealing any serious damage to the man. Finally however the magic takes the better of the man and the arrows whip around him, constraining and tightening around him until Medusa comes to face him. The man himself was a rather shorter 5' 4" man, wiry and lithe as only someone taller can normally be, but athletic enough to explain the aerial maneuvers he had been doing previously. Maroon brown short hair topped a rather cute face that gave the impression of being that of a young boys, but with enough lines to show the true maturity of his age of likely 30 years. Medusa began to put together how she would respond in a witty way when the man began laughing. "Well I knew this was a stupid idea but guess my luck finally ran out. Before you decide to bake me into a pie I should mention I'm not quite the spryest spring chicken" Medusa couldn't help but smile at the humour of her hopeless prisoner. "It was particularly more stupid then I think you could imagine. Do you even know what you are messing around with?" The man laughs harder. "Black blood? I've seen the damage your little son has wrecked. Colour me intrigued." Medusa seems to weigh the man up. "A power thirsty man. Can you explain to me why I should entertain this talk any longer?" "Because I think you would be interested in putting black blood through it's paces." Medusa seems to chew on this "What did you have in mind?" "You made Crona so mentally traumatized, in an effort to allow Ragnarok the ability to control him. Aren't you at least a little curious to see what happens when someone's goals align with it?" "Now listen here little man. Based on our conversation, you just want power. Let me guess here. You have always been overlooked and felt weak. You have spent your life trying to make yourself skilled, but it's not enough. You can't hunt for the academy, you can't even steal from me well, or escape." The black arrows let the man down, humour not seeing to be present on his face any longer. It all had bled into Medusa's toothy grin. "Boy, you think you are so different then Crona, you are just as hopeless as he is." With that Medusa approaches, takes the black blood from the man's pocket. An arrow comes from behind and pierces the man through the chest, suspending him in the air before Medusa. She unstoppers the black blood and pours it into the wound. "Let's experiment." The black blood seeped into the man's body immediately. With that Medusa's arrow flings him out a door and onto the ground. The man, groggy as ever got up and slowly slumped away, trying to piece together what had just happened, and what had cut both sides of his shirt but not so much as scratched his skin apparently. Stepping into his house he stumbles on, his mind a buzz until a voice comes from the corners of his mind. "let me in, and I will give you the power you crave" He moves on, stumbling into a kitchen to get a drink. He had gone to steal the black blood. "You did, and you succeeded. Let me take control, and I will make you strong." The man stops. He definitely heard something that time. "I can make you do anything. Untold strength. Give over to me" It came back to him. The theft, the attack, the blood. "You are the black blood... Aren't you...?" "I am. You are weak, do you want to be strong?" The man grabbed his water and looked across a kitchen island, as if he were talking to someone sitting there. "I will be strong." "I want to help you." "I want your help." "Give yourself over to me" The man looks down, and then once his deliberation was done he lifted his head. "I won't do that." "WHAT!" With that a black figure bursts from the man's back. Pure black and muscular with a large white 'X' over it's face. "You are small, you're weak, you're pathetic. You couldn't become anything without me, so give into it." The man grabs the creatures wide shoulders and pins it to the island. "And how pathetic would it make me to give myself away to you! I don't want you to control me, I want you to help me. I worked for it, and I will continue to work for it. So you can help me or I swear to god I will rip you out of my back, throw you in a blender, and drink you down just so I can do it again." The black blood monster laughs uproariously, catching the man off guard. "I don't know if you know. I'm already in your head, Stephen. I'm so muscular and huge right now because you want me to be, because you want to be like this." The black figure flexes his pecs one at a time. "But that also means I know you are serious when you threaten me AND I LOVE IT." With that the black monster raised itself off and flexed itself in front of Stephen. "I can make you like this. You will be so powerful, but if you want me to be in, I need something in it for me." Stephen shakes himself back to his senses from being transfixed by the face full of chest and arm muscles before him. "Oh so you don't know that part? I have something in mind." With that Stephen began walking, the monster attached to his back followed along. "Wait are you blocking me from seeing what you are doing. Are you doing some meditative bull to keep me from reading your mind." Stephen seems to grin "Just testing to see if I have ANY privacy. Plus I prefer to think of it as anticipation. Are you excited... What do I call you?" "I go by Armageddon" As Stephen goes though his house he opens a door only to find an old maid cleaning the room. "Armageddon, meet Ophelia." Ophelia sees the imposing muscle monster jutting out of Stephen's back and screams and falls back. "Ophelia, you seem afraid. I like it. You should be." "Ophelia, I wanted to thank you for your service, but unfortunately I have one more task for you. I'm offering your soul in place of mine, to become a servant of Armageddon." Ophelia screams as Armageddon laughs, their voices fighting to fill the room over the other. Stephen sticks out his hand and a black blade juts from the end of his hand and pierces Ophelia through the heart. "My blood should now be black, infect her and replicate Armageddon. I have known her for a long time, she doesn't have the willpower to fight." Ophelia cuts off her cry to process Stephen's betrayal and Armageddon stops his laughter in turn. "I accept your sacrifice. You will have my strength at your disposal. THIS IS GOING TO BE FUN." With that black blood dribbled down the blade flowing down towards and then into Ophelia. The blade retracts and Ophelia convulses on the ground as her veins go black. Stephen and Armageddon watch on as the convulsions stop a minute later as Ophelia gets up and out of her back a clone of Armageddon, with just as much muscle and vascularity jets out of Ophelia's back. Ophelia, now aware looks back up at the beast that frightened her before, and now sees it coming out of herself and screams once more. The new Armageddon leans around to look her in the face. "That's right honey. I'm in you, I can read your thoughts. I am infecting you more and more every second, and there's nothing you can do about it." Ophelia's eyes at first show defiance but then glaze over with hopelessness. In this moment The new Armageddon's body appear to pulse, and visibly grows larger. Where before it would have been fitting to say it was a ripped bodybuilder with the packed muscle of a 5'6 competitor, now it had that same if not more muscle packed on, and appears as though the bodybuilder in question were 6' in height. Stephen's eyes bulge at the view. New Armageddon laughs looking down at Stephen and his Armageddon. "As we take over, we gain power, and I prefer to show it in my size." Stephen, attempting not to drool over the muscle in the room reaches out his hand. "I agree, this is going to be fun. I have plans for us all." Ophelia's Armageddon reaches out his large hand, thick with the same strength the rest of his body conveyed, and a smaller but identical and strong hand reaches from behind as Stephen's Armageddon puts his hand into the mix. "I am shivering with this anticipation."
  17. rey906

    muscle pills part1 &2

    hey this is my first attempt at writing a story so any feedback would be appreciated, if its good ill probably continue it, ideas for stories or things to add in the comments would be appreciated. Returning home from the gym Alex was about to strip and go for a shower when his door bell rang, opening the door he collected a small parcel from the post man before closing his door and rushing back to his room. Opening the parcel reveal a small bottle of pills, his exitement began to rise, "finally" he thought his muscle pills had arrived. At 5'8 and 153 lbs his body was far from impressive although several years of gym had give him an athletic body with almost 14" biceps toned abs and thin pecs but despite that he hadnt been able to push past it. quickly reading the instructions Alex learned that each pill should add about 5lbs of muscle. However if he had read more than the front of the bottle he would see the side effects ' side effects include: height growth, penis growth, testicular growth,increased semen production, increased libido' 'WARNING DO NOT CONSUME AFTER EXERCISE THIS CAN RESULT IN UPTO 10X MUSCLE GAIN'. opening the bottle Alex took out one pill and stood infront of the mirror taking a look a his body "time to see what 5lbs more looks like" he said to himself, his cock stirring at the image of his body becoming huge. "here goes nothing" he said as he swallowed the pill and waited, less than a minute late his body started to feel hot his cock had swelled to full mast and all 6.5 inches were straining against his shorts. His muscles felt pumped his veins pushing against his skin, "yess, grow" he groaned before he doubled over his abs contracting, before bening pulled back up as his lower back started to fill out. My thighs spazamed and shook as they swelled filling my lose shorts and pulling them tight, his cock outline visable pushed against the tight fabric. His calves grew into muscular diamonds. he started to grow taller growing to 5'11" his t shirt rode up exposing the bottom bricks of the 6 pack that was now outlined through the material, "fuck yessss" he moaned as his upper body started to swell his pecs thickening and pushing out into slabs of must that over hung his deep abs. the shirt strained as his back widened sheets of muscle fighting for space forcing his shoulders wider. The seems straining as large lats cascaded down his sides. At the same time is taps and delts grew , traps curved down from his thick neck as is almost nonexistant delts balooned into boulders. Biceps began to bulge growing bigger and harder until his sleeves struggles to contain them. his forarms thickened to match the swollen guns. A low moan emininated from his throat as his head rolled back, his glute grew into square blocks of muscle eating the seam of the shorts, groaning lounder as his cock started to swell, he watched in the mirror as it snaked further down his thigh, the fabric was so tight the outline of the bulbous head was visible, his balls churned growing and filling up any remain space in his shorts, a wave of testosterone washed over him as the thick members started to drool pre. "yess"he grunted feeling the growth wind down, he raised his arm seams slitting and pumped it the ball of muscle swelling on command causing a spit peak to rise several vein rivers ran down the mountinous muscle, the peak rose splitting the sleeve of the t shirt. Grinning he looked back at his reflection in awe of what he had become, "5 lbs really does make a biiiig difference" ....
  18. Using the Talk to Transformer website I auto generated this story. Left mainly as is with few modifications. Enjoy. 220 feet tall, huge hairy muscles grow bigger. This is my body now and all mine. MANLY, GROW BIGGER! Oh god yes OH YES!!! I'm getting bigger and getting ready to shoot my load! Oh god YES!! YES! YES! SWEET SEXY CUM, BIG HAIRY MUSCLES MANLY, GROWING MAN! And ready to shoot his cum. YES YES! MANLY, GROW BIGGER! YES! I'm growing even bigger NOW, I'm gonna cum!!! YES! Oh fuck yes, I'm cumming all over my body!!! Mmm yummy cum all over my body! Mmm So much cum, BIG Hairy Cock, Manly, growing bigger! Oh fuck man! I’m, I’m growing MORE! BIGGER, I WANT MORE! I’m, I’m growing BIGGER! YUM, YES YES YES! Yeah, oh, keep Cumming! Oh fuck, It’s all over me. Don't stop, don't stop Cumming... Oh my god, Oh my god, Holy Shit! I’m cumming more & still growing! More Muscle! Hairier! Manlier! Massive cock! 300 ft tall! Fuck yes more!! Yum, YES YES YES! Ohhhhhhh, YES!! More!! Fuck my ass, keep eating my cum, keep cumming! YES YES YES! Squeeze my ass! Squeeze my ass! Yes Growing bigger! Hairier! More muscle! Yes! HUGE! 350 ft tall still growing! More fucking MORE GROW! Oh my GOD! 370ft tall still growing! 450ft tall still growing! Huge! When will I stop growing, will I stop growing? Oh my yes grow more grow bigger, more muscles growing!!! 500 ft tall, 550ft tall, 650ft tall, huge growing, growing!!!! Cumming!!! Delicious Muscle Cum!!! Yes, yes...yes, yes, please, cum, cum! Yes grow! Bigger! Taller! Hairier! Yummm, yummm, yummm!!! Cumming... Cumming... Hmmm, yes yes, yes...YES! GROW MORE!!! Oh my GOD! 600ft tall, 900ft tall, MUSCLE GROWING, HAIR GROWING, CUM, COCK! GROW! Cumming, growing...fuck! Cum! 1,000ft tall, 1,400ft tall, growth continues, feet growing, muscles growing, growth resumes 1,900ft tall, massive hairy muscle. YES! MORE! GROW! Yes! Spurt of jizz, explode, up, up, up! 9,000ft tall, massive hairy muscle, veins popping, look up. HAIR GROWING, huge MOUTH, sucking cock, eating cum YES! Spurt, swallow every drop! 9,400ft tall, massive hair, muscles getting big, further growth. Yes! SPEED UP! YES! Spurt. SEX! MORE! ROOOORRRRRRR! 15,000 ft tall! Massive hairy, manly muscle! More muscle. More hair. Grow more. Yes. Expand more. 10,800 ft tall! Manly hairy muscle, muscle getting big, hairy, tigher. YES! Maybe expand more! More, more, more EXPAND! MORE, MORE, MORE! 11,000 ft tall! Huge muscles, stronger muscles, mass increased. EXTEND! MORE, MORE! EXTEND! MORE, MORE! 11,500 ft tall! Huge hairy, muscular muscles, growing more. Grow! STRENGTH! STRENGTH! 20,000 ft tall! Massive muscles, huge muscles, huge muscles. STRENGTH! STRENGTH 21,000 ft tall! Massive muscles, hairy muscles, huge cock. MAXIMUM! 22,000 ft tall! Massive muscles, hairy muscles, huge cock. MAXIMUM! 22,000 ft tall! Massive muscles, huge muscles, huge muscles. ULTIMATE! 24,000 ft tall! Massive muscles, huge muscles, hairy muscles. EXTREME! 25,000 ft tall! More cum! Getting hard and horny by myself! Getting harder and horny and taking more cum! 26,000 ft tall! MORE CUM! Huge muscular muscles, hairy muscles, huge cock, huge balls, more cum! 27,000 ft tall! More cum! Getting hard and horny by myself! Getting harder and horny and taking more cum! 28,000 ft tall! MORE CUM! Huge muscular muscles, hairy muscles, huge cock, huge balls, muscle freak, cum gut, more cum! 29,000 ft tall! MORE CUM! MORE GROWTH! Huge muscular muscles, hairy muscles, huge cock, huge balls, muscle freak, cum gut, cum dump, more cum! 30,000 ft tall! MORE! Titanic, hairy muscle freak. YES! MORE!
  19. YoungHunk69

    The Big Night

    Friday night is finally here. Finally, you can sleep until noon and not have a care in the world. After an exhausting and less-than-great week, this is just what you need, you tell yourself as you enter your bedroom. With a sigh, you take off your jeans and your t-shirt. Your whole body is sweaty from the soccer match earlier that day, so it feels good to remove the sticky clothing. The worst part is your underwear, which is clinging uncomfortably to its contents. As you remove the briefs, the sensation of the fabric sliding slickly over your dick makes you hard as you head to the shower. As you wash yourself, you remember how badly you lost that soccer match. A huge and muscular guy from the other team had shoved aside your little body with less than a swipe of his hand. It was an embarrassing defeat, and you keep telling yourself that you would’ve won if you were bigger and stronger. “It’s not fair,” you say to yourself as you rub soap all over your slim, skinny body. “It’s just not fair that he can have these huge muscles and I can’t.” As you picture his bulging meaty body contained within his stretched-to-the-limit soccer outfit, you begin to feel horny, grabbing your dick and stroking it as the hot shower water runs down your body. You imagine feeling his chest and pulling down his shorts to reveal his thick long— “FUCK!” you moan, jerking off harder and harder. You hold the shower wall with your free hand to steady yourself as you feel your load about to shoot. If only you could be like him, you think, if only your body was as muscular and sexy as his. You’re so close... “I wish I was huge!” you blurt out the split-second that cum spurts from your dick. Nothing happens. The cum goes down the shower drain, and you stand there feeling silly for a few minutes before deciding to dry off. With another sigh, you put on your white undershirt and a different pair of underwear, blue Calvin Klein boxer briefs. You lay down on your bed with a sense of hopelessness. You would never be anything but a weak, scrawny guy, you tell yourself. Not like that huge guy. He would be slobbered on by girls and boys alike, and would probably become a famous model. You, on the other hand— “Ohh...” Suddenly, you feel a strange tingle in your stomach. Was it something you ate? No, this wasn’t a stomachache, it was different. It was like a pulling and expanding sensation, that increased in intensity every few seconds. Lifting up your undershirt, you notice your flat stomach begin to push out into a perfectly shredded eight-pack. “Ohhh fuck...” you moan as you glide your hand over the rock-hard bumps of your new washboard abs. Overcome with excitement, you run into the bathroom to watch your transformation in the mirror. Then, the stretching sensation begins to itch up into your chest, which slowly fills out your undershirt with huge bouncy pecs and hard, perky nipples. Your full new pecs stretch your undershirt to the limit, but they aren’t done. With a pop, your huge round chest bursts through the seams of your shirt, sending a large rip down the middle of it. Your torso starts to expand, your shoulders broadening as v-lines form at your tight waist. You can feel powerful waves of muscle building on your back, ripping the rest of your undershirt off your body. You turn to see your lats exploding in the mirror, feeling hundreds of muscles flexing as you pivot. Then, as you struggle to see your own feet past the mountains of your pecs, the expansion spreads to your legs, which begin to thicken and burst with layers of leathery muscle. Your legs’ growth in size is matched by their growth in length, as over a foot and a half are added to your height. “Yessss...” you groan as the growth reaches your arms, slowly transforming them into veiny tree trunks. As you flex your biceps, they balloon to the size of bowling balls, sending intense shudders of pleasure through your body. Admiring your new bodybuilder physique in the mirror, you watch with excitement as your ass bulges in your blue briefs, bubbling snugly against the soft fabric. Flexing, you cause your ass to grow and push further against the elastic. “Ohhh fuck yeah...” you moan as you become aware of a throbbing feeling in your crotch. It feels like your dick is growing, but somehow it’s still soft. Pleasure rolls over you as you feel your cock thicken with each throb, your balls soon following, swelling to the size of oranges. You watch as your no-longer average-sized member fills up your briefs, bulging and bulging against the blue underwear until the python cock is thicker than your wrist. The endurance of the briefs are being tested as the full force of your wedding-cake ass and your pulsing horse cock cause rips to appear in the elastic. But hung like a stallion still isn’t enough, and your giant package continues to grow, tearing your briefs clean off your toned waist with a loud ripping sound. As your massive meat flops forth and slaps against your knees wetly, you pick up the monster cock in both hands and begin to stroke it. The already gigantic beast swells into an enormous boner, pinning you against the wall. Its constant drip of precum floods the bathroom and lubricates itself, bringing you closer to the brink of cumming. ”FUUUUCKKKKK!!!!!” you howl as your elephant cock drenches the entire room with sticky white cum. Exhausted by the sheer amount of energy from jerking off your mega-cock, you fall asleep in the bathroom, covered by your own juicy cum— but not before you realize that you will never lose another soccer match again.
  20. Mickyh29

    Worshipping my younger bro pt2

    While Ellis was showering I decided to go downstairs, I needed space to compute what had just happened during the past 10 mins or so, I had literally just become putty In my fit brothers strong hands, an 18yr old hunk making a 23yr old feel like a child getting a new toy. Ellis had me in a muscle hunk trance and one that he knew I enjoyed and if I’m honest so the fuck did I. I admit I would have been happy just to set eyes on his incredible body the whole time I was here but now with the whole worship thing I really do feel like that child. Around 15 mins later Ellis made his way back down stairs to the kitchen, luckily for my crotch , considering where we were, he wasn't wearing anything tight but opted for some baggyish grey joggers and a loose tee, even with them on you could still just about see the solid curvature of his pecs, and the roundness of his plump squatters arse. During tea the conversation was mostly about how my new life down south was coming on and future aspirations etc. Ellis was on to me though using every opportunity when mam wasnt looking to wink at me and bounce those ridiculous pecs of his under his shirt, each round of winks and bounces edged my bulge closer to making a visible bulge in my pants, a part of me wanted him to stop as we were nearly finished so I’d have a raging hard on when I stood up, but part of me couldn’t resist just watching as he effortlessly made me internally groan with delight. Ellis rightly or wrongly showed a little mercy and stopped, letting my bulge settle down, we both knew the main event was getting closer. Ellis told his mam that I was going to help him with some course work, we both left the table and headed upstairs, my heart was going 10 to the dozen, what would await me when that bedroom door closed? What did my hot brother have in store for me? I was about to find out, we got to the bedroom, I went in Ellis followed and closed the door behind him, here we go! “ So brother you want to feel what a hard muscular 18yr old body feels like do you? You want to feel every inch of this physique dont you, you want to feel what its like to be strong and have muscles, isn’t that right? ” As if a switch had been flicked inside his head, Ellis had gone from my younger bro to being a freaking hot dominant muscle master. That trance like feeling had been replaced with a real mental hold that Ellis now had over me, I was powerless to resist both mentally and physically, as mentioned Ellis can deadlift nearly 200kg, he'd make easy work of me! “ YES, YES, YES,YES! “ Is all could muster to say. I took a breath, “ I would love nothing more then to get my hands on such awesome muscles like yours, feel how solid they are, feel there power, you are right in everything you say bro.!!” Ellis smiled, “ good little brother, that’s right, little, I’m the bigger brother now right! Your nothing compared to me brother, I’m inferior to you in every way! Now come here and worship your godly brother.” Ellis then grabbed the V part of his tee round his neck, RIIIIIIIIIIIPPPPPPPPPPP, with no effort at all Ellis ripped his tee clean off his body, that muscular body of his primed and ready, I did need a second invitation. “ YES SIR” I blurted out, I moved the quickest i ever think i have towards him. My hands went straight for those bulbous pecs of his, taking in every inch of there fullness, roundness and hardness, I let out a groan as Ellis tensed them and made them impossibly harder, I couldn’t make a dent in them even if I tried. “ so hard so beautiful “ I exclaimed. I thrust my fingers deep into his pec gap, mmmm the power they must have. I move my hands down to his ripped toned midsection, taking in every ridge n rivet of his strong abs, God they felt hard as marble. “ punch me now brother! “ Ellis demands in a commanding tone. I look at him, “ er er er bro I’m not going to hi.......” Ellis' face turns angry, “ PUNCH me now you weak fuck!” he barks . I gulp hard in fear, a punch from Ellis would do 100x more damage to me then I would do to him, I shakingly ball up my fist, I move my arm back and with as much power as I had I aim a punch into his abs, “arghhh" I cry out as my hand feels like it’s just struck a mable slab, Ellis’ abs didn’t even buckle, my hand crumpled away, “ hahah impenetrable bro" Ellis mocks my attempt. “ yes bro they are, you are one solid 18yr old!” I quickly move my hands away and towards his arms, taking in the rippling muscle and size of his forearms, even to the touch you could feel the power surging through them. I slowly move to his biceps and triceps, tracing my finger round the noticeable mound that make you the horseshoe of his tricep, fuuuuck it looked thick and felt juicy, Ellis curled his arm to bring up the peak of his bicep, “ whoah fuuuuuuck" It wasn't even a proper flex but sweet jesus that peak balled up high on his arm, I clasped my hand round it my God it felt like molten lava, I thought his pecs were hard but christ his biceps took on a whole new level of hardness. As much as I wanted to keep worshipping those peaks I had to move on and upwards to his globe like shoulders, each shoulder was capped off with solid rippling mounds of lean muscle. During all this my insanely hard cock was doing its upmost to free itself from the confines of my trousers. Ellis shrugged his shoulders, my hands fell off easily. He turned round so his back was facing me, well when I say back I’m meant the 18yrold son of the Grand Canyon, fuuuuck Ellis’ back was built! I was just about to get my hands firmly on when he hit 2 unbelievable poses. Firstly a back double biceps: I didn’t even wait for the nod, I was straight in there, my bro had arms any grown man would be proud of. Just check out those peaks and believe me there just as impressive in the flesh, God help anyone who has to arm wrestle him, destroyed instantly! Then came the lat spread: It should be criminal for a 18yr old to have a back like that! Just look at that thickness and width, in-fucking- sane, my hands went straight for those lats, I grabbed as much of those meaty wings as I could, they felt unreal, slabs of pure solid muscle just hanging there like hams on a meat hook. Feeling the power that was flowing through Ellis' body and those muscles feeling like his body had been carved from the finest marble was beginning to make me feel weak at the knees.
  21. ZFerrari

    The Nakimoto Twins

    New story! Zach and Zane are driving to Leon's house in urgency. "Zach, slow down!" Zane yells. "Marcus sold me this car. I'm gonna drive it like I'm supposed to!" Zach yells back. "Like I said, Leon didn't even do anything!" "Leon was supposed to help you since you REFUSE to use the power I gave you!" "You mean the power that our father genetically gave us?! Yeah, sorry I don't use my power to destroy buildings and cause mayhem in Atlanta!" "Much destruction is needed in this broken ass city, so call it damage control" "Damage control?! So throwing a car through a window because you lost a black jack game is damage control?" "We don't talk about that. Besides we're here." Zach drift his car into a parking spot. Ever since Marcus trained him how to properly drive a car, he's been driving like crazy ever since. A 2016 Ford Mustang. He could do drifts like crazy. Zach and Zane get out and walk up to Leon's apartment door. Apartment 306. Zach knocks on the door very abruptly and loudly. Leon slowly walks up to the door with a gun in his hand. He looks in the peephole and see the 2 people he don't want to see right now. Especially after that scuffle 2 nights ago. "Open the damn door. We know you're home, cuz you're Altima is outside." Zach says. Leon slowly backs up from the door and cocks his gun. He didnt think he had to take a life today, especially 2 people he actually respect. He aims his gun at the door. Its all or nothing at this point. "Ok, this is taking too long." Zach says. Zach's right leg starts growing more muscular and vascular in his sweatpants. His thighs become more shredded and his calfs start to point out like a football. "Back up Zane" With one powerful kick, Leon's door is busted open. It sounded like a grenade went off. Leon started shooting at the twins but no success. The bullets literally stuck to the twins. Leon kept shooting until he ran out of bullets. "You mean to tell me this is your best friend? Since when does your best friend try to kill you?" Zach asks. "He knew the bullets wouldn't kill us. He just using that as a warning to stay back." Zane replies. "Yeah, exactly. The fuck you too niggas want?" Leon says. "Zane over here just got his ass beat, because he refuse to use his powers. And I hear that you were there but you didn't help him. So i just wanna know why." "You really think I would be able to take on those people? They had knifes, golf clubs, bats. Sorry that I'm not, you know, invincible like you are Zach." "So you left your best friend for dead because you were too chicken to even attempt to fight back. I know you had your hand cannon on you. But I,came here to give a little bit of a warning and a punishment. And Zane will assist me whether he likes it or not." "Exactly what are you gonna do to me?" "You'll see." Zach's left leg starts growing to match his right leg. "Lemme give you a recap on what we can do. We are the sons of Hanzo Nakimoto. His greatest feat was the power he inherited from his father, Lance Nakimoto. His power was being able to grow muscles on his body whereever and whenever he pleased. That includes this" Zach then takes his hand and rips his sweatpants and boxers clean off him. His cock is exposed and now growing in front of him. Zach is now smiling at the sight of his cock growing. Leon is looking rather scared of the snake he sees in front of him. "We can even grow our cocks, even they're not a muscle." "What's your point bruh? Are you gonna kick my ass?" Leon asks. "For real, like what are you planning Zach?" Zane asks "Leon needs to know not to leave you behind again." Zach's cock reaches up to the bottom of his chest. Zane is behind him looking real nervous on what his brother is gonna do next. His brother was always a loose cannon ever since he controlled his power. Whether the acts were good or bad, he always left a trail of destruction. Zane refused to use his power because he feared that he would turn out like his brother. Zane was the complete opposite of his brother. He was kind, soft spoken, had a good heart, and never had any bad intentions. He even helped the police to stop criminals when they couldn't. He only used his power when ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY. But that was rare. Zane is the nicer twin. It's even because of him that Zach isn't in jail yet. "You see this cock up to my chest?? I can grow it to however long and thick I want it. Plus anything natural with it gets stronger too." Zach says. "Such as..?" Leon asks "Such as this." Zach says. Zach's cock shoots a stream of cum upwards and hits the ceiling, denting it. "What the fu- what the hell are you doing?!" Zane yells. "Leons punishment" Zach replies. Leon was completely frozen. Shocked at the sight he just saw. Somebody really nutted in his house, IN HIS HOUSE, and put a dent in the ceiling from that nut, IN HIS HOUSE. "That was just pre, this is a real cumshot." Zachs cock begin hardening, till it becomes harder than steel. Pencil thick veins starts appearing, running from the base of his cock to the tip. Even veins appearing on his balls. Zach's hands turn into fists when another stream of cum next to the dent with the stream going through the roof and into the sky 50 ft in the air. Leon is in disbelief on what he just saw. He just saw the same guy nut again but put a hole IN HIS CEILING. "Whoo that felt good. But I'm not done yet. You're gonna come with me outside" Zach says. "You just put 2 holes in my ceiling! Im not going anywhere with you!" Leon yells. "You're gonna come with me or its gonna get worse." Zach shot another stream of cum upwards and put another hole in the ceiling. "Then I guess I'm gonna pay thousands of dollars to get my house fixed huh?" "Then I guess you can forget driving around for a while too huh?" Leon knew exactly what Zach meant by that. Zach starts walking towards the door with Leon and Zane trying hold him back with no success. Zach pushes Zane to the side and picks up Leon over his head. He throws Leon against a parked car, paralyzing his back. He looks up to see Zach holding his car, A pearl white 2012 Chrysler 300 in the air with both hands over him. He tosses the car straight up 500ft in the air. His cock grows up to his chin, riddled with more veins, and a lot thicker. He arches his back and lets out a big roar as a tsunami of cum shoot out from his cock and into the sky above like a rocket. The cum fly ups straight and hits the chrysler and punches a hole from the bottom and into the car, then it punches a hole through the roof of the car and it breaks into 2 halfs. 20 seconds later, both halfs of the car come crashing down beside Zach, along with a rain of cum showering him. He gives Leon a cold stare as a warning of what he is capable of. "I hope you learned something today. C'mon Zane we're going home" Zach says. Zane helps Leon up from his paralysis and holds him back from attacking Zach. "Don't worry, I'll be back tomorrow to help you. Call a uber, go to a hotel and rest." Zane says. The twins get in the mustang and drift off back onto the road. Leon gets out his phone to call an uber and he reflects on the events that have happened in the past 3 days. He gets into a fight, doesn't help his best friend, get his house and car destroyed "Well, unlike my cousin, I only have to deal with 2 and not 7..."
  22. Mickyh29

    Worshipping my younger bro! Pt1

    I’m going to start this off with a simple question! Is it ok for a 23yr old Male to worship his super fit hot 18yr old younger brother?? Depending on what side of the sexual orientation spectrum you fall on will no doubt point you in the direction of your answer. Its blatantly obvious that I’m coming from this from a gay older bro view. I should point out that my hot younger bro obviously knows I’m gay, as does the whole family, and, as I’ll explain later, it was he who loosely came up with the idea of the whole worship thing. So who is my hot younger bro and what does he look like.............. Well this is Ellis.......... I think from looking at those pics you can see that I dont use the words hot and fit likely!l! Check out those plump pecs and bi peaks for starters! Who wouldn’t want to worship that? He has some pretty good strength to go with that hotness, recently benching 150kg and squatting 180kg, all at a bodyweight of only 78kg and I'll repeat only 18! Ellis has always been sporty ever since he was In junior school, loved his Friday sports lesson in the school hall. In senior school he excelled in PE, made the schools football team and a year in the rugby team. The school had a pretty good gym with plenty of weights and machines and that’s where his love for working out really started. When Ellis went to college at 16 he took up sports as his topic of education, got his gym membership and has never really looked back since, hammering away at the gym every day building his body to the level of hotness it is now. So how did this whole “ me worshipping him “ thing come about!! Well like most 23yr olds I flew the nest a few year ago, but I always make a case to come back and visit the family during the summer holidays. So I got back around 2 weeks ago, Ellis was at the gym and would be back soon according to my parents, the house only had 3 bedrooms so I would be sharing with Ellis which even before I saw his new hotness would be fine as we had a great relationship, his room was big enough for two beds so my mam got the sofa bed sorted in his room. I was in the room putting my stuff away when I heard the front door open. “ hey guys I’m back.” It was Ellis but his voice had a much deeper tone from when I was last here. My mam informed Ellis that I was upstairs and tea would be ready in about half hour. “ cool mam, I’ll go see bro and shower, I’m starving” I heard Ellis spring up the stairs and towards the room, I had my bag turned as he entered, “ Hey bro good to you! “ he said. I turned round and was just about to return the favour, then I saw him, I just froze, jaw fully ajar. FUUUUUUCK I thought to myself, the tee that he had on was like a second skin, moulding sexily round the aforementioned plump pecs and solid arms. A bulge was embarrassingly becoming apparent in my trousers, I whisked my hands quickly infront hoping he didn’t see. I tried to regain some composure and string some words together. “ B b b bro, er great to see you too, wow you’ve put on some size haven't you!” I instantly walk over to hug him, anything to get close to his insane body, we wrap arms round each other and hug, “ ooopph got some strength to go with those muscles too I see!” jesus his grip was strong! We both let go. I stand back and just stare in awe at my fit as fuck bro. “ jesus bro you certainly know how to make a gay man happy, wow your looking fantastic!” as you can tell I’m failing at the trying to hide my enjoyment speech!. Ellis just smiles at me then laughs, “ ahh thanks bro, I’ve been working out harder this year and seems to be paying off I reckon! “ he winks at me. I try to pull myself together but I just can't! “ er yeah quite clearly, bet the girls are falling all over for you!” Getting there!l “ I think some of the boys are too hahha" Ellis replied. “ right better get showered before tea.” What Ellis did next kicked all the sensibility I had left into next year. Ellis peeled off that tight tee he had on, FUUCKKKKKK, that body was dripping with sweat and oozed tonnes of masculinity, every one of his hot muscles pumped to the max. And that's when it just came out, as free flowing as a river, not even silent or hidden.......... “WHOAHHHHHHH" I erupted. I realised straight away and instantly put my hands over my mouth, but it was too late , Ellis had obviously heard it, he just looked me and continued to smile as if he wasnt bothered that his older bro had given the clearest hint yet that he digged his fit body. “ shit, Ellis I’m so sorry, er I dont even know what to say, you have a fantastic body and it’s quite clearly had an effect on me, errr don’t be mad! “ I just stand there face bright red with admission and embarrassment. Ellis just laughed, “ Well it’s quite clearly had a effect on you bro, isn’t liking muscle one of the gay 10 commandments any way hahah!” I’m in too much of a trance to verbally reply so I just droolingly nod. “ well if my body makes you happy then I’m happy, in fact.... no no you wouldn’t want too with me being family. “ Ellis starts but cuts off and for the first time looks angry with himself. My eyes now in full puppy dog mode, “ no no Ellis tell me its fine, what is it.” Ellis regains his strong confident look, “ Would you like to worship me bro?” He walked over to me all dominantly. Those 7 words were music to my ears, fuck yes I would love nothing more than to get my hands all over his fit body and hes offering which is even better. “ bro I’m not gonna lie, hell yes I would love too! But why the sudden change in tact, wouldn't have had you down for this.” I ask. “ I do some part-time modeling on a weekend, some I’m used to girls and boys getting there hands on me, so it’s kinda a natural progression Haha. Plus I’ve recently discovered a little dominant side to me thru football, being captain etc has given me some new found bossiness Haha.” As he says that he grabs my hand and raises it to his pumped pecs, and starts moving it over them. Sweet jesus they felt like warm solid marble, I couldn’t help but start tracing my finger round his nipple and in his pec gap, “ whoah” I whispered again. Ellis looks up at me. “ How about after tea, we get into some serious worshipping bro?” he says with a confident masculine authority! All my brain would let me physically do was nod!
  23. pasidious

    I Grew Big: How It Started

    I know this is an idea overdone. I think. I don't know. I usually sit down to write something with one idea in my head, and then the story will often take on a mind of its own and I lose control. I hope you enjoy. ________________________________________________ I sat in class, bored out of my mind, listening to the professor droning on and on in the background. It was an Anthropology course, part of my required general education credits, and so far this semester, it had been overwhelmingly easy to succeed. I learned early on in the semester that I didn't need to pay much attention to be able to pass assignments and tests. The work was relatively simple and common sense, and what little reading needed to be done was quick and painless, although boring. I actually would have probably skipped a few classes if the professor didn't count attendance as part of the overall grade. So I sat in this lecture hall, which could seat about 50 people, but this course only had about 20, including me, taking it. I somehow wound up sitting in the middle of the room, with some people behind me, and some in front. I usually liked to sit in the back to remain inconspicuous, but not the very back because even that had a tendency to draw attention. I was not an attention-seeker. I liked to be left alone. I didn't need to raise my hand and ask questions or answer them. I'd only participate when required. It was about two months into the semester, and I was actually enjoying college life. The independence was great, after having lived at home til college. I came from Pennsylvania, but always had my heart set on going to this school. It was rather well-known, and I felt it would open more doors for me in the real world when potential employers saw from where I earned my degree. I was a freshman, so my dorm wasn't exactly the top pick for any student attending here, not when there were... fancier dorms on the campus, but it was perfect to me. I had what I needed. A bed, a room, internet access, and plenty of food from the campus cafeteria. We had a meal plan that would allow us to eat as much as we wanted. I also had a pretty cool roommate. He was normal, which isn't exactly descriptive, but it meant a lot in my eyes. He didn't have any weird tendencies that you see in a lot of people you encounter. He kept to himself, did his own thing, and let me do mine. Of course, that doesn't mean he was anti-social with me or anything. We talked and got along great, actually. We'd play video games together when we could, we'd often go get food together, and we'd even help each other with studying if it ever became necessary. One drawback, however, to being a first-year college student living on campus is my inability to have my car. Freshmen aren't allowed to have their cars for whatever reason. I guess it's to cement the permanence of our presence on-campus for prioritizing our studies. Without any ability to venture too far away from my new, if not temporary home, I'd found myself with a lot of spare time. Even with studying, there was often empty blocks of time in which I'd be bored, trying to find something to do. I'd tried passing the time with video games, or simply Netflix, or even reading. Those would get boring, fast, and I'd quickly started feeling lost in my own free time. One Saturday afternoon, my roommate was out, and I'd already tried playing literally any of the video games I owned, tried watching Netflix and even YouTube, and I found myself eventually just sitting in my chair staring at the wall. Once I shook myself out of my daze, I picked up my phone, grabbed my jacket, and walked out the door. I didn't even have a destination in mind, I just started walking. I walked down many of the paths I'd usually take to get to various classes and to the student union building where the cafeteria is. I went in a circle, twice, before deciding to try going where I'd never been. I figured if by some strange stroke of luck I got lost, I could call my roommate. Or someone. It's a college campus, how lost could I get? So I went down a path that I'd often pass between my dorm and the main classroom building, and I saw more buildings like the usual ones I'd see. Probably additional classroom buildings. They became quickly irrelevant though, when I passed a building with some large windows in the front near the entrance. I'd never seen that style of architecture on this campus yet, and it quickly got my attention. I stopped briefly and looked through one of the windows, and I remember I sort of scoffed. I actually felt the small puff of air escape through my lips as I scoffed. It was a gym. The on-campus gym I'd heard about. I'd never been a gym-goer. I was never an athlete in high school. So, I never had much interest. I actually used to think the dudes in high school who spent a lot of time in the gym were idiots. Not because I thought it was a worthless venture, but rather because they'd created this perception for me that gym-goers were assholes. They were always too cocky, and were often rude to people around them, including me. So I automatically resented people who would use a gym. I stood there like an idiot for probably too long, staring through the window, when the single dude who was using the gym at that time looked up from his bicep curls he was working on and saw me, and met my eyes. I instinctively looked away and began walking, briefly turning my head one last time to check on that dude before I was entirely past the windows, and I saw him smile and give a brief wave. And then poof he was out of my sight as I was out of his. I continued walking down this path on which I'd never traveled before, my mind suddenly filled with thoughts about the tiniest of interactions that just took place. No longer paying any attention to my surroundings, I had to wonder if that was all just a joke. I immediately began to believe that it was about to be an attempt to make fun of me or bully me. He was going to invite me inside or something, only to mock me for being skinny. "Hey!" I heard it in the background, and I paid it no mind. I continued walking, my mind still angered because of the perceived attempted treachery I experienced. "Dude!" Louder. I actually noticed and reacted to this one, and was about to turn toward from where the voice came when I was forced to turn against my will. I felt a hand on my shoulder, gently pulling me and turning me. Fuck. It was him. The guy I saw through the window at the campus gym. He was wearing a jacket now, when in the gym he had on just shorts and a sleeveless shirt. I'll admit, his arms were quite nice, toned, and big. At least from where I was standing. I guessed he threw on his jacket to come outside, as it was the only additional thing he had with him, if not the only thing he'd brought to the gym with him to begin with. So, great. I wanted to avoid the gym-jerks, and I managed to literally seek them out without intending to. One of them, anyway. "What's up, man?" He was slightly out of breath. "Saw you checkin' out the gym. You a freshman?" Hmmm. I opened my mouth to speak, and only a squeak came out. I cleared my throat and tried again. "I'm a freshman, yeah. I was just taking a walk and never knew it was there." "You interested in using it? I mean, I'm a freshman too, but I never worked out in high school. A friend introduced me to it, and I got hooked pretty quick. It'd be great to have a workout bud, if you'd be interested." I just stared at him. What was he doing? I'd never expected this. "Uhhh... errr..." "Have you ever even considered it?" "No. To be honest most dudes--" I paused and looked down. I saw his lower legs and they were pretty toned, too. Actually very toned. "--All dudes I've ever met who work out have been twats." He laughed a little. I awaited the mockery that was to follow. "I remember that. I know how that feels." Wait... what. "I think it's just a thing about high school kids. They need to exert dominance and if they're getting bigger and stronger it's so easy for them to do that. Timid guys like us wind up screwed, when if we really wanted to, we'd bulk up just the same." I blinked several times just staring at him. My mouth may have been hanging open. This is, by far, not what I expected to hear from this guy. I'd at least expected him to want to start something with me just because he'd assume I was staring at him through the window like some sort of weird pervert. He continued "This is college. It really is very different." He chuckled. I looked down at his legs again. Those calves bulged nicely. "I don't know... if I could be a partner for you. I'm probably too weak compared to you and I'd just get in your way." He laughed loudly at that. I guess I looked annoyed at that. "No, dude, don't take that the wrong way. I laugh because it's literally the same thing I said. If you have time to spare, and I'm guessing you do since you told me you were on a walk in the middle of the day, then come with me to the gym. I saw the look on your face and I remembered it all too well. You were the image of how I felt several months ago." "Why are you doing this? You don't even know me." I felt kind of bad for blurting that out. He had been super nice so far, after all. "Are you interested? I mean, you're right, I don't know you that well, but you're in one of my classes--I guess you haven't noticed me in it--and I want to give to someone else what I got when I arrived here. If I can help anyone get past their gym-jitters, then it's a great thing." I stammered a bit, trying to make words come out, and I just made noises instead. The telltale sounds of uncertainty. I think this is where he knew he hooked me. "Come on, dude. We're going," he said, with a kind but nevertheless huge grin on his face. He grabbed my upper arm and started pulling me in the other direction, back towards the gym. He squeezed my arm a little too hard, and I reflexively flexed. "Oooo, feels like you have plenty of room to grow, too," he said, smiling once more. "You want to do this right now? I mean, I have--" "You have what?" he asked, his hand still around my arm, gently but firmly guiding me towards those double doors that lead into the campus gym. "You have video games to play? Nah, dude, we're doing this now. Tell me you hate it, then I'll never bother you again. But how can you know if you never even set foot inside?" I resigned myself to my fate. He knew he had me interested even if I couldn't admit it to myself. It was that uncertainty he heard in my voice. And in my words, or lack thereof. But he never let go of my arm, pulling me all the way through those double doors and past the entrance to the weight room into the men's locker room. He finally let go, and he pulled his jacket off and opened a locker, putting his jacket inside. I was finally getting an up close look at those arms I saw flexing earlier, and damn, they were pretty damn big. Nicely shaped, and with his arms hanging by his sides, his triceps were standing out. I suddenly heard him chuckle. "Yeah, you want to at least try this. You can't look at my arms that long and not want to try," he said, that grin on his face again. I looked away, feeling my face turning red. "Dude, it's okay. Remember, I was right where you are. You're basically past-me. Or I'm future you. I looked at my friend's arms the same way the first time I set foot in here. It's enticing, isn't it? You want bigger arms. I can tell. Let's get you started down that path." I was still looking away, not wanted to be perceived as some muscle-pervert. He grabbed my hand, not my arm, making me snap my attention back on him, and my eyes went wide as I saw him flex his free arm into a beautiful ball of muscle, and I watched as my own hand was being guided right to it. He put my hand on his bicep, and held the flex. My instinct was telling me to pull away, but it was so hard. I'd never felt another dude's muscle before. I actually started to squeeze it and run my fingers over his arm, and not just the bicep. He straightened his arm and flexed his triceps, letting me feel that as well. I felt myself getting hard, and he relaxed his arm. I kept my hand there, in some sort of reverie, until I heard him chuckle again. "Past me." I yanked my hand back. He laughed again, and said "Take your jacket off. You're definitely going to get hot." I suddenly realized I was definitely not wearing the proper attire for gym-work. "Shit," I breathed, "I'm wearing jeans to the gym. And a sweater." "Then all the more reason to take that jacket off. Use my locker if you want. But don't worry too much, you're not about to go through some advanced grueling workout. I just want to show you the basics, hopefully allowing that iron bug to take a big bite." "Iron... bug?" "Yeah, y'know, the motivation. The drive. The hunger. The need to get bigger. To do what it takes." So, I finally took my jacket off and threw it into his locker. We walked into the weight room finally, and damn, I saw his water bottle and even his keys still sitting where he was when I'd first walked up to the window. He dropped everything basically just to chase me. I was actually starting to become quite convinced that this dude really was a good guy. I finally noticed a very disinterested looking security guard, or some sort of campus employee, sitting behind a desk. She didn't even look up. I guess she was just here to make sure nothing got stolen, broken, or no one got hurt. So, he started going through various types of exercises with me, showing me basic stuff like bicep curls, bench press, squats, etc. He explained to me that push-ups and sit-ups, while basic, are still important exercises and can build a surprising amount of strength and muscle. Everything I did, he'd do with me. He'd use a lot more weight than me, but he'd still show me everything. I could barely even get the bar off the supports on the bench press, which made me feel so embarrassed, but he didn't even chuckle about it. He was extremely encouraging. He left that jovial attitude in the locker room. "Dude, I've never met a single guy who was ever able to start with more than just the bar on the bench press. You got this. Before you know it, you'll have a plate on each end of the bar... and then two plates. And then bigger plates. It's a process." I realized over an hour into this that I was quite focused. I was hot as hell, which I expected, but I found that I wasn't as repelled by this as I'd initially thought I'd be. I was actually really into it. My muscles were burning, but they were crying out for more. But I was sweating a fuck ton and I'd overheat if I didn't take a break. "I'm so hot, man, I have to stop." My sweater was soaked with sweat, my sleeves were already rolled up as far as they'd go. And I even rolled up my jeans so they were like weird shorts. "Take a break, it's about time anyway. You realize you've been at this for two hours?" "What?" I looked around and couldn't find a clock. My phone was in the locker. "You're joking." "Dude, no, take a look." He showed me his phone and he was right. It was actually going to be dark soon. He chuckled. "I think someone got bit." I looked down, bashful as always, but I realized he was right. I felt a smile creeping across my face, and I was somewhat too proud to let him see it. But I was also sure he could see it anyway. I was actually enjoying this. My muscles, although overheated at this present moment, were crying out for more. It's like my body was hungry for lifting, and I'd finally let it get a taste today. "You wanna stop? Or do you wanna keep going. There's plenty more I can show you." "Errrmm... Yeah, I think I wanna keep going actually," I felt myself grinning some more, and he grinned right back, "But I'm just too hot with this shit on." "Dude just take it off. There's no rule here about being shirtless." "Are you crazy? No one wants to..." I trailed off, realizing I was being loud, and even though the only other person in the gym was the security woman, I still didn't want her to hear. I hushed my voice to a whisper, "No one wants to see my skinny and frail body." "Shut the hell up and just do it. You either want to continue or you don't. Do what you have to," he forcefully said these words, and I was slightly taken aback by how harsh he suddenly became. But he was smiling, and I got the distinct impression he was trying to be motivational. He was eyeing me up and down as I stood there, surely red in the face from the heat, and I felt something in my consciousness snap. I grabbed my sweater-bottom and pulled it off and over my head in one swift motion, and tossed it to the floor. "Yeahhhh man," and then he whistled at me. I was suddenly embarrassed and I felt my face blushing even though no one would be able to tell right now. But god it felt good to take that off. The cool air felt amazing. "You said you were frail and skinny. I see an amazing base to work from. And I can already tell you're gonna have that awesome V line beneath your abs that many guys would kill for." "Suuuure," I said, feeling like he was just egging me on, but I had to admit to myself that'd be so cool. I was stifling a smile, which was weird to me when I considered how I'd just exposed my embarrassing torso to a stranger, which I'd never have done prior to this day. But I felt excited, and I knew I had to get bigger. "Let's get back to it, bro! You ready?" he asked. I looked at him, and then at my reflection on the nearby mirror. I saw my weak body, but inside I knew it wouldn't be weak for much longer. "Yeah man, I'm ready," I said, and walked back over to the tricep machine. I was ready. Part 2
  24. dw2098lj

    Ken's self-worship

    This is a short story I've written inspired by the "self worship" thread (https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7756-self-worship/) - all about guys who are turned on by worshipping their own muscle bods. Check out this forum member's instagram who is the "Ken" of the story: https://www.instagram.com/ken_austin_fitness/. Ken Ken stood in front of the locker room mirror, his body covered in sweat and his pecs still heaving from the heavy work out. He couldn’t help pulling his pumped arms up into a double biceps pose. “Mmmm….FUCK!” he grunted as river-like veins popped up over his mounds of rock hard muscle. He held the pose, flexing harder and harder as more and more veins exploded under his skin, revelling in the power coursing through him. Soon, his arms were screaming in agony but still he held the flex, pushing himself, almost willing his muscles to grow even bigger. Just as he was about to pass out from the sensation Ken relaxed, letting his arms fall down by his side. A second later though he had pulled down the front of his vest, exposing his striated pecs which he then started to flex and bounce. “Look at these pecs,” he murmured under his breath as he hit each one in turn over and over, enjoying the feeling of the unyielding muscle under his fists. The sweat-soaked stringer vest had to come off. It was like Ken was in a trance as he pealed the vest up his torso and over his head before chucking it carelessly on the floor. He was lost in total self-worship of his amazing muscle body. Next Ken ran a hand up and down his cobbled 6 pack abs, flexing them hard under his fingers. “I’m a muscle God,” he moaned sexually as began to caress various muscle groups in turn – biceps…pecs…shoulders…abs…over and over, his hands continuously moving, his pumped body performing the most amazing muscle dance under his exploring fingers. He started to moan. Totally subconsciously. Lost. His cock was swelling. And swelling. Pressing out against his skin-tight gym shorts. Ken loved his body. He’d worked hard at it for this very reason. He loved being a ripped muscle God. Not caring that someone could walk in at any moment (‘Let them’, a subconscious part of his brain thought), he slipped his fingers into the waistband of his gym shorts and started to ease them down over the colossal mass of his thick tree-trunk-like quadriceps. This was some undertaking and Ken loved seeing the fabric stretch around the huge muscle bulk of his upper legs. Soon though he had them down and kicked off to somewhere on the other side of the locker room. Standing in front of the mirror still, he was now only wearing a jockstrap which failed to conceal the growing bulge of his thick muscle cock. “Look at these quads,” Ken growled as he flexed each one in turn. He loved the diamond shape which adorned the front of them and how they touched in the middle at the top of his legs, pushing his sizeable package forwards. This was why he lifted. This was why he wanted to grow and grow. “Total BEAST!” he roared, each of his muscles jumping out as his animalistic cry echoed around the locker room. He couldn’t wait any longer – the jock strap had to come off too. Ken nearly ripped it in his excitement, eager to be totally naked, everything on display. Soon his hand was wrapped around his growing cock as it quickly swelled to its full length and thickness. He started slowing jerking it, a now continuous stream of groans and moans escaping his lips. Ken’s other hand continued to explore his sweaty, pumped body, lingering over each sweaty striation, every rock-hard mound. “I LOVE MY MUSCLE BODY!” he roared. Surely people in the gym would hear him. Fuck it. Ken jerked his massive cock faster and faster. His moans were getting louder. He was a muscle animal, appreciating his own body. “Look at these massive pecs,” he groaned. His free hand kept coming back to them. Ken loved his pecs. He bounced them over and over under his exploring fingers. “Yes…SO STRONG…SO BIG!” he screamed as his cock erupted. Rivers of cum shot across the mirror, running down to the floor as Ken collapsed in a heap of pumped, sweaty Muscle God.
  25. The following is more of a teaser than a story, or perhaps consider it Chapter 1. It's based roughly upon a description and profile blurb of a bodybuilder I discovered recently. I won't promise any sequels at this point, but feel free to make suggestions, or use your own imaginations to continue the story. ============== "How much is a day pass?" "Fifteen dol...," the desk attendant started to reply, looking up from his paperwork. He gulped then answered more steadily, "Fifteen dollars, sir. Or sixty dollars for a full week," he added hopefully. The corners of the tall man's mouth turned up just a bit. He was used to that kind of reaction, but he still found it amusing. If he hadn't been wearing a loose sweatshirt, the next question would have been, "do you compete?" "I want to take a look around first," said the man. "Of course," said the attendant pulling out a form. "Would you mind signing this waiver first? We need it for anyone who goes out on the gym floor." He looked up at the big man and added apologetically, "I'll also need to see your ID." As the man pulled out his wallet, he inhaled deeply expanding his large chest. He observed the attendant carefully. "Looks like you spend a lot of time in the gym," said the attendant, as he took the man's ID. The man nodded but hid his disappointment. He knew there would be more chances to find the reaction he needed. While the attendant was making a copy of the ID, the man skimmed over the form and signed. "Here you go, Mr. King," said the attendant, handing back the ID. "I need to stay here at the desk, but feel free to look around. Free weights and machines are here on the first level. Upstairs are the training rooms, locker rooms, and some additional cardio equipment. If you have any questions, I'll be here. My name is Tristan," he added. Yes, JT King wanted to look around. The equipment and facilities were important, but he was seeking something he wanted even more, or rather _someone_. He was in town vacationing and had selected this gym intentionally. It catered to serious bodybuilders. Gyms like this drew big muscle. They were also magnets for muscle admirers. That's what the big man sought. Over the years as he got bigger, JT learned to tell the difference between two groups of admirers: The Impressed and The Obsessed. JT thrived on the attention of the men so obsessed with muscle that being in the same room with him could render them speechless. The desk attendant was in the former category. While JT appreciated his attention, clearly Tristan was not obsessed. Back when he was in his late teens, JT discovered bodybuilding. At that time, he was 6'1" and weighed 185 lean lbs. With focus, discipline, and hours and hours of hard work, he added muscle to his lanky frame. Within a couple of years, he had added a couple of inches in height and a little over twenty pounds of lean mass. He hadn't realized how his size had changed until the day he visited a grocery store after his workout. A stranger stopped him in the aisle, remarked on how big he was and asked to feel his biceps. JT was surprised but leaned down to the shorter man and flexed his arm. "Sure," said JT proudly. "Feel how hard this peak is." He turned his fist back and forth making the muscle jump under the man's hand. The man, his face flushed, squeezed the rock-hard muscle. First with one hand then with both together, the man rubbed and tried to knead the muscle. "Wow! It's like stone. Amazing... like steel... so hard... so strong..." the man's voice trailed off like he was in a trance as he continued groping the muscular arm. JT noticed a tent growing in the man's pants. It matched his own. Enjoying the attention, yet not wanting to make a scene, JT gently pulled his arm out of the man's grasp. "Hey buddy," JT said, nodding toward the man's arousal, "thanks for the compliment." Walking out to his car, JT grinned. He had enjoyed that, especially when the mortified man dashed off toward the store's restroom. JT strolled through the gym checking out the equipment and the other members. There was the usual assortment for this time of day--a few hardcore lifters and young business types, as well as some middle aged and older people. He had chosen this time intentionally knowing the gym would not be packed with the casual social crowd--the ones who spent more time texting and talking than they did lifting. As he looked over the free weights and other equipment, he received the admiring glances that he had grown to expect. Whether or not they were true muscle obsessives remained to be seen. Eventually, the big man made his way upstairs. He passed several training rooms. One had a variety of treadmills, elliptical equipment, and rowing machines. Another had a weight bag, a couple of speed bags, and some thick climbing ropes hanging from the high ceiling. There was even one padded with thick wrestling mats. At the end of the hall he found the locker room. He smiled at the floor to ceiling mirrors lining one wall. The locker room was quiet, not that it mattered. In seconds his sweatshirt and tank top were off and folded on a nearby bench. Flexing his quads with each step, he made his way before the mirrors. He appraised his lean bulk and began to pose. Turning to the side, he grabbed his wrist, flexed his arm up under his ribs, and puffed out his chest. His pecs swelled, their striations clearly visible. The natural taper of his waist was accentuated by the side pose. Even his baggy shorts couldn't hide the high rounded mounds of his well-developed glutes. Turning to face the mirrors, JT's big arms came up as he snapped into a double biceps pose. His eyes ran over the peaks on each arm, tracing the cables of veins showing beneath his thin skin. From there he flowed into the front lat spread, arms angled out and his fists down to his sides. This showed off his big round shoulders and thick lats. He lost track of the time as he moved expertly from pose to pose, tensing and flexing each one, building up a good pump. Boom, back lat spread. Boom, side triceps. One after another. In his dreams, each pose made him grow bigger. His skin glistened from the effort. Finally, he was ready for his last pose. He always saved it for last because it was his favorite. With a roar, he crunched down into the most muscular pose, shaking from the strain of flexing every one of his pumped muscles. JT heard a gasp. In the mirrors, stood a man behind him staring open mouthed. JT growled and flexed even harder, eliciting another gasp from the man. "Bingo!" thought JT. Although the man was probably old enough to be his father, JT didn't care. He had learned that true obsessives came in many shapes and sizes. It all depended upon their attitude and also, more importantly, the energy of his connection with them. JT slowly released the pose and rose to his full height. He turned and faced the man. "Like what you see?" asked JT, raising an eyebrow. "Definitely," the admirer replied. He approached JT to inspect more closely. His eyes roamed all over the bigger man's body, never pausing more than a couple of seconds at any one body part. JT had seen this reaction before in admirers who were truly obsessed. The man was like a kid in a candy store, wanting to sample everything and not quite knowing where to start. The bodybuilder helped him decide. He pulled up the right leg of his shorts and extended his muscular quad. First, he relaxed the muscle and wobbled it back and forth, showing off its mass. Then he flexed it, locking it in place as if it were made of stone. Without even asking, the man's hands grabbed and started caressing the bulk of the quad. JT felt a small shock, like from static electricity after you scuff your feet on the carpet. The man tried to squeeze the muscle. His knuckles grew white applying the pressure, but he was able only to move the thin skin around a bit. "You didn't bring posing trunks?" the man asked, looking up expectantly. Without a word, JT removed his shorts, revealing a pair of bright red posers. He handed his shorts to the man and pointed to the bench where his other clothing lay. The man reverently folded the shorts and placed them on the bench, but not before bringing them to his nose to take a deep sniff. The man returned quickly to JT's side. The bodybuilder was ready. Now that he was in his posers, the man could better appreciate the hours of squats and leg presses that he had been doing. JT turned his muscled glutes toward the man. Accepting the unspoken offer, the man placed his hands on either side of JT's remarkable ass. The bodybuilder flexed his glutes alternately, looking over his shoulder at his admirer's adoration. Next, he bent forward keeping his legs straight and touched his toes. He slowly stood back up, clenching his glutes the whole time as the man's hands moved and pressed and tried to squeeze his hard muscle. The man's hands made their way down from glutes to hamstrings to calves, pressing and squeezing as they went. He'd stop squeezing occasionally to trace the cord of a vein. The man was muttering to himself and JT could make out an "oh my," or "so big" every now and then. JT was enjoying the attention as much as the man seemed to be. As the smaller man's hands roamed reverently all over the powerful legs, JT waited for the right moment. Boom! JT closed his legs together tightly, trapping the man's hands between them. The man cried out in surprise, then struggled to pull them free. After half a minute, JT relented. The man pulled his hands out and wiggled his fingers, making sure they still worked. From the bulge in the man's gym shorts, JT's muscle demonstration was triggering a reaction. JT was glad to be wearing his stretchy posers, since it was affecting him almost as much. Turning to face the shorter man, the bodybuilder showed off his right forearm, twisting his fist in and out to make the muscle jump. The man traced up and down the thick veins with a finger and JT shivered involuntarily. That was strange, he thought. He didn't feel cold. JT pulled his arm away and stood with his chest out, arms akimbo, like superman. The admirer froze for a moment staring at the mounds of pumped up pec meat there before him, then reached out. This time he stretched a finger and very lightly flicked the tip of a nipple. Now it was the big man's turn to gasp. Like earlier, he felt a small shock, a bit like static electricity but not quite. And his pec quivered for a couple of seconds after. The man had noticed. He gently flicked the nipple again, watching in awe. The muscle twitched again and actually seemed to get bigger. "Did you see that?" asked the man. "See what?" asked JT, adding, "that felt amazing." JT stood with his eyes closed, enjoying the sensations emanating from his nipple and spreading across his broad pec. The man moved his finger and held it poised above JT's other nipple. He anxiously watched JT's face. When the bodybuilder opened his eyes and looked down questioningly, the man smiled and very gently flicked the other nipple. The reaction was much stronger. JT shuddered as his pec pulsed and grew slightly but noticeably larger. JT flexed an arm and offered it to the man. The man's hand started tingling even before he touched the bulging peak. JT felt it as well. The energy was getting stronger. The man clasped his palm over the peak, his fingers stretching not even halfway around the already large muscle. Tingling ran up and down JT's arm. The muscle throbbed, pushing the man's fingers farther apart as it expanded. "You must be balanced," the man said, nodding to JT's other arm. JT flexed it and the man grabbed on. Both men reveled in the feeling of the muscles as they expanded. They stood in awe of what had just occurred, their minds brimming with possibilities.
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