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  1. arbotimus

    The Iron Bug - Part V

    Oh boy, it has been quite a while since I 've worked on this story. This update comes in two parts. This one is the plot-heavy one. Feel free to skip through at your leisure if that is not your jam. Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V -- The Well We have lingered in the chambers of sea By sea-girls wreathed with seaweed red and brown Till human voices wake us, and we drown. - T.S. Eliot, "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" The clouds were painted flat and grey against the sky, leaving a muddy warmth in their wake. The pale morning light that made it through lent a calm air to the morning, the blue-hued rays filtering through the needles of trees. It was a day like any other. I waited outside Charlie’s house for him to leave for class. I had no plan. Short of makeshift handcuffs, I was out of ideas. He could probably knock me out at any time, and I had no idea how he did it. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to ask nicely. He opened the door wearing a white wife beater that was just tight enough to show his abs through the fabric. When his verdant eyes turned to face me he looked amused. “You look different, little man,” he said. I stared at him blankly. I wasn’t sure what to do. He chuckled. “What is it you want from me anyways? You made your wish and it has nothing to do with mine.” He said. “What are you talking about?” I inquired bluntly. “I never made any wish. Frankly I have no idea what’s going on…although I’m not complaining, I guess,” I stated, rubbing my thick hands across the deep, shredded crevices of my abs. God, what was happening to me. “Sorry, that’s become a force of habit lately,” I mumbled. “You’ve never been to the well?” Charlie asked. “No. What well?” I asked impatiently. “Then what happened to you?” He seemed genuinely interested, the amusement on his face giving way to curiosity. And he clearly knew a lot more than I did. It couldn’t hurt to share. I described the metal bug, the insatiable desire to lift, the ravenous hunger, the euphoric growth, the second bite, and the dream. Well, the relevant parts of the dream. I also left out the parts about Delilah. He gazed at me intently before breaking into a smile. Then he took a deep breath. “Well, so much for class today. We’re going on a field trip.” Charlie said, dropping his backpack inside the door and then shutting it for good. He stretched and I could see the soft shadows of his triceps that I had felt in my dream. I was bewildered. Apparently my ignorance was enough to warrant his help. “Get ready for a bit of a hike. It’s not too far, but more than a quick walk.” After that he started ahead off without me, and I jogged to catch up. I followed him quietly as he led me through the neighborhood to a trail into the forest. It was a path I had run a few times before. Tall evergreens surrounded us, soft and inviting in the pale morning light. I spoke up once and he looked at me stolidly, telling me to “Just wait until we get there.” The rest of our trek was conducted in the relative silence of the forest. Only the frogs made sounds as they fell asleep for the day. I tried to focus on our surroundings instead of gaping awkwardly at his chiseled backside. I worried he would catch me staring and knock me out. Maybe I was just being paranoid. Squirrels ran through the leaf litter and up the trees, eying us cautiously as we made our way up the path. After about forty minutes we came to a unique collection of ovoid rocks that were stacked against one another, and he led us off the path to wade through the remnants of a trail overrun with forest scrub. I was forced to watch him as he guided us through, and I found that the longer I focused on him the less I was able to focus on anything else. There was a certain magnetism about the way he moved, confident and alluring. My eyes ate up his every motion hungrily. Everything about him was perfect. His back sculpted like the smoothest stone, his walnut colored hair reflecting beautifully in the sunlight, the beefy heads of his calves separating every time he took a stop, the sweat rolling off his caramel tanned skin, his clothes hugging his tight body with every motion. Amongst all the beauty of the forest, including my own, he outshined us all, a guiding light in the darkness. His radiance enraptured me, made me feel whole. A branch swept across my face, forcing my attention away from Charlie. The trance was lifted, and the rest of the world came rushing back into view. I felt on my face where I had been struck but could not find a cut or any pain. Another part of the transformation, I guessed. I wondered silently if anything could hurt me. When I looked back up at Charlie he seemed like an ordinary person again. Still just as attractive, but I was no longer transfixed by him. I found that if I stared for too long, however, I started to lose clarity again. It was best to focus elsewhere and follow the sound of him moving through the scrub. The last of the wildflowers were wilting in the mild summer heat. Another half an hour of trekking found us in a small clearing that was mostly shaded save for a few sharp slivers of sunlight that pierced through. Charlie stopped and took a long, deep breath. Leaf litter from the surrounding trees covered the ground, but few plants grew here. The ones that did had long, thin leaves almost like needles and vibrant red flowers that let their stamens out towards the ground. In the center of the clearing stood a stone structure resembling a well. The clean cut stones were a deep, mottled grey that I did not recognize. The well overflowed with water, and it spilled into a shallow pool of the same stone that encircled the structure. The water that flowed out seemed unnaturally dark, like it refused to let any light leave its shallow prison. A wooden covering was held by thin posts ornately carved with various animal and plant designs. It looked like it had been built long after the primary structure by someone other than the original architect. A small wooden bucket hung from the roof as well, although it did not seem to serve much purpose. “Welcome to the wishing well,” Charlie said with false ceremony. “I…don’t get it, honestly. Why are we here?” I said, perplexed. “Just go up to it. You’ll have to take your shoes off and put your feet into the water to look inside. Then you’ll see.” I agreed reluctantly. The whole structure, although simple enough, gave me an ominous feeling. Light and sound seemed to move oddly through the clearing because of it, sometimes enhanced and sometimes subdued but never what was expected. The well itself had a certain Lovecraftian alienness about it, as though whoever built it had tried to create something familiar but had failed in the details and instead made something entirely foreign. I steeled myself for whatever fate awaited me, taking my shoes off before the water. What the hell, I thought, rubbing my cheek where the branch had hit me. I am practically invincible now, anyways. The inky water was smooth and cool on my feet. The flow from the well gave me the impression of wading through the tide rather than standing in a pool, and I noticed that the water drained into holes along the pool’s stone edges. The closer I came to the well the more everything around it seemed to go dark in my vision. Soon the only thing I could see was the stone and the water, and my feet moving through it. The rest of the world had faded into a giant expanse, endless, vast, and humming with a vibrancy of life despite its emptiness. I rested my hands on the well, feeling the cool rush of dark water flow over them, and looked inside. Images swirled and began to take shape and form against the darkness. Soon I was a part of them, as though I was in a dream. I could not tell at first if the visions I saw were scenes from the future or memories. At times they felt like both. Each one was a snapshot from my life, not always in order but generally progressing forward. They came slowly at first, then faster and faster until they began to blur together. Important moments and small moments rubbed up against one another in a ceaseless barrage: graduation from university, a gentle kiss from a stranger, my election to head of an engineering firm, the desert view from atop a tall rock, my sister’s funeral. In every image I was the same age, and as time sped past I was oblivious to its effects. I traveled the world and experienced more than most do in a lifetime, summiting mountains and skyscrapers, exploring though canyons and across highways until I felt there was no more to see. I met others, many of them, from all walks of life. I talked with them, laughed with them, loved them, fucked them. I grew from each of them, and I cherished every one of them. In the midst of my travels, in a dark city alley lined with high adobe walls, I found a mirror. The humid air and sandy floor of the alley faded as I gazed into it. The reflection was my own, but I had grown to titanic proportions. At least twice my current size, and all muscle. The shelf of my pecs eclipsed the sun for those who stood under me, and the strength a single arm was enough to topple buildings. I was invincible, the epitome of eroticism and power. In the mirror’s visions, I filled my time with prodigious displays of my boundless strength, lifting ships with the flick of my wrist, stopping bullets and tanks that would stand in my way, eating and drinking and fucking whomever I pleased. I was indomitable in the world of men, a god for others to worship. I looked away from the mirror and continued on my own path. But the visions from the mirror stuck with me, haunting me. Time continued its march and I moved with it effortlessly, but the others did not. I watched my friends and loved ones die, and new ones sprang up to take their place. The stars continued to turn overhead, but I stopped counting the revolutions of the earth and the numbers of days that passed. Time was just an excuse for everything not to happen all at once. I watched the world change as my body refused to age. The seas rose and dried up, technologies advanced beyond what I thought possible, the natural world around us dwindled and was restructured in our image, countries rose and fell in what felt like minutes, and soon we left the earth behind. Eventually I jumped across stars with the rest of our species through the grandness of the cosmos, watching patiently what became of us as we traipsed from galaxy to galaxy. And just when I felt myself start to slip into a boundless infinity a hand pulled me out from the well. I inhaled sharply, as though I had just been rescued from the bottom of a pool. “What did you see?” he asked calmly. “I was immortal. I saw everything.” Charlie regarded me cautiously. “That’s a new one. Must have been why you were out for so long. “Look, just be careful. The well shows you the wish you want, but it doesn’t always grant it. Mostly it works out, but sometimes it fails and things get tricky. That’s probably where your bugs came from, too. Whoever made that wish may not have even been bitten.” I paused, considering what monstrous incarnation of eternity would spring forth from the well to grant my own wish. Finally I regained the courage to speak. “What did you wish for?” I asked. “I haven’t. I’m like you. The product of someone else’s wish.” I stared at him blankly. “When my mom was young she found this well by accident. Just like you and everyone who comes across it, it showed her what she wanted most, although she didn’t know it at the time. She says she saw the most beautiful woman in the world, one that no man could resist. When she asked the well to make it real, a branch grew from the water and offered her a fruit. “She got her wish. Not only was she beautiful, but men became obsessed with her. She drove them mad. And when she spoke, she could ask them to do anything she wanted.” “Like what you did with me?” I asked. He nodded. She had asked to become Helen but had become a Siren instead. And apparently it was heritable. “The way her wish was granted, she never knew if men loved her or were just lost in a trance. But she managed to fall in love with my dad, somehow, and they lived together long enough to have me. “Then one day while he was working on his car he cut his arm pretty deep, and when he looked at her she was a stranger. It took him a long time just to remember who she was, and after he couldn’t even look at her. They split after that. That’s the short version anyhow.” “What happened to her?” I asked. “She still lives here with me. She rarely goes out now. Too many eyes watching. Now she only talks with the others who have been to the well. Most of them online. They tend to scatter.” “What about you, then? Have you ever looked in the water?” “No, I haven’t. Too risky. I don’t have it even a quarter as bad as she does,” he said, gesturing down to his body, “And you can barely even look at me for more than five minutes.” I blushed. I wasn’t sure if he had noticed. “I have my whole life to think about what my wish will be. There’s no rush.” “So I could wish for everything to go back to normal?” “I don’t know. Whoever or whatever built this well doesn’t seem to need it anymore, so we can’t ask questions. We only know what we know from the wishes we’ve made. “Look, I only brought you here so you could understand what’s happening to you. It probably would have drawn you here anyways, even if I hadn’t shown you. That’s what happened to me, sort of like your dream. I can’t stop you from making your wish, but you should know it doesn’t always go according to plan.” I thought to argue, but it was useless. He had made up his mind. And so we left the clearing and headed home in silence once more. The siren’s son led me from the water, safe to dry land. -- The night was dark from thick cloud cover and an absent moon. I had spent all day packing, throwing away most of my clothes that wouldn’t fit anymore. I was already a day and a half late, and I tried to rush but I found it hard to focus. My mind was preoccupied with the well. My head buzzed with the wish that I would make, what, if anything, I would tell Delilah, and the behemoth that had stared back at me in the mirror. If I wanted to, I could ask for it. But that was someone else’s wish, I had to remind myself. Although, even still… I loved the way the downcast lighting reflected off of my body, the way every single crevice formed by my impressive musculature made a deep shadow. I thought about how I could make men cum just by letting them worship me, how even my fingers had the strength to bend metal with ease, and how the hard flesh under my skin was now akin to the metal that I lifted. Pre leaked ceaselessly from my hard cock as I subtly flexed and explored what my body had become. -- My flashlight barely lit the forest path as I made my way out to the well. I got lost a few times, having to turn back before I found the rock formation I was looking for. I stumbled my way through the trail, freshly beaten by our steps from this morning, and found my way to the clearing. The red flowers glowed with a soft phosphorescence in the darkness of the night. Only a few scarce stars were visible overhead. I took a deep breath, removed my shoes and placed my feet into the water. The temperature had not changed, and against the cool night air it was warm on my feet. The infinite expanse opened up to me again, my surroundings even darker than the night I came from. I saw the same visions pass before my eyes, including the mirror. And when it was done I stood silently for a few moments, the weight of eternity on my shoulders. Then I made my wish.
  2. arbotimus

    The Iron Bug - Part IV

    Oh boy, it has been quite a while since I 've worked on this story. This update comes in two parts. This one is the sexy one. A short summary of previous parts will be posted below. Part I Part II Part III Part VI -- Metamorphosis As soon as I closed my eyes I found myself drifting in a vast darkness. Everything was black and empty except for a dull, growing warmth inside me, like I was on the cusp of a fever. Time was hard to gauge here. I passed what could have been minutes or hours through the emptiness before the pulse in my veins began to rise. Slowly at first, but then stronger and stronger until it was near bounding. At the same time my muscles swelled and tightened to their own rhythm, every fiber burgeoning with more power from each flexion. The pleasure of each muscle filling out to its rightful proportion was exhilarating, almost orgasmic. Pre leaked out of me in streams and floated aside me through the abyss. I was lost in a tranquil euphoria, becoming something greater. More immeasurable time passed before the transformation slowed to a halt, and I realized that I was still dreaming. The darkness faded into a blue sky, my body falling gently into a field of tall grass. I opened my eyes slowly. The sun shone radiantly, casting its bright light over my body and a few crimson flowers that each rose like its own little sun from between the long blades. The warmth of the grass pressed against my now cool skin, the bristles soft against my hard flesh. I laid there calmly, basking in the afterglow of my metamorphosis. When I lifted my head and sat up, Charlie stared down at me. His expression was almost mischievous, like a little kid caught doing something he knew he shouldn’t. His feet dragged through the tall blades as he stepped towards me, pushing me back down with his foot as his body towered over mine. Even when he lifted his foot his confident gaze was enough to hold me in place. Something about him was spellbinding, commanding. My titanic strength was useless before it. He kneeled down on top of me and I felt the softness of the grass on my back mirror the smoothness of his skin on mine. Every muscle on his body was solid, smooth, and flawlessly proportioned. Running my hands across his triceps I felt each curvature as they flexed with the simplest motion. His eyes shone marvelously and effortlessly. Our lips touched. The physical separation between us faded as we continued to explore each other. I guided my hands along his burly arms while our lips played with each other’s, and then he ran his nose thorough the deep crevice of my solid abs, his fingers gently toying with my erect nipples until he brought his tongue back up to meet them. In an instant I rolled us over and pressed him down, forcing my tongue into his mouth. I was stronger, and it thrilled me. I pinned his arms on the ground and held his legs down with my massive quads, rubbing my dick slowly on top of his. Our abs slid across each other as my dick throbbed in anticipation of my load. Suddenly his lips left mine and he gazed into my eyes with a sort of smug expression. He guided me gently with his hands, and I could not help but yield to his touch. He flipped us back over. He stared at me again with that overwhelming confidence, and then started to kiss his way down to my cock. I leaned my back onto the stone well that had appeared behind us, as objects sometimes do in a dream. Just as he started to reach past my apollo’s belt, I let out a deep groan… -- I awoke to rain pounding on the roof. It was heavy and full and warm with summer. I stared at the fine grains of the wood of the ceiling for a long, hard minute before I was convinced that I wasn’t dreaming anymore. My heavy breathing and the drops on the windowpanes were the only sounds that filled the room. The paltry, muggy light of dusk gave me just enough light to see the vague outlines of the walls. Apparently I had slept for a long time. The blankets had tangled from my tossing and turning, and I carefully unraveled my cocoon of sheets to find freedom. A sharp inhale filled my lungs, my chest expanding outward proudly to let the air rush in. Even without seeing it, I felt thicker, stronger, more powerful. My muscles moved like steel under my skin. When I flexed them I felt as though I had the strength to lift buildings and move mountains. The sheets tore as I gripped them in anticipation. Fuck. I flipped the light switch on to guide my way to the bathroom, swelling with the suspense of my image in the mirror. To my horror, I found my body hadn’t changed at all. My heart fell out of my chest. All of my work had been for nothing. My cock head begged to differ, however, flaring larger than any I had ever seen and standing atop a dick that was one and a half times its original size. I had gone from just above average to well endowed, with thickness to match. When I touched it lightning ran through my body. But I held on, stroking gently. Watching myself jack off in the mirror was still something to behold. I lifted my 18 inch arms and watched each belly stand out in relief, chiseled, rock solid, perfection. My abs crunched down and formed a cobblestone eight pack. Fuck, I was starting to get weak in the knees. I grabbed onto the shower certain rod for support. Instead the metal bent in my hand, removing the rod from its holds. I fell on my butt and the rod clanged on the floor. Without getting up, I picked up the warped metal and gave it a quick bend with just my right hand. My left stayed dedicated to stroking off as I twisted the metal into whatever shape I pleased, watching the muscles on my forearms danced as I contorted it like it was nothing more than a piece of paper. It was exhilarating, knowing the strength I had in just my fingers. My cum reached the ceiling from the floor as I came. Good thing I was just tall enough to reach up there now. I kept playing with the rod as my cock finished its final spurts. A note for the iron bug manual: a full bite grants you Priapus’ cock and Hercules’ strength. Good to know. And then I had an idea. -- Two hours later I found myself in a big city, noticing the streetlights' reflection off of my old beat up truck and a few scattered puddles on the ground. The apartment building I was looking for seemed to rise up stoically out of the cement, featureless and foreboding for its onlookers. I felt the cool, fresh night air run across my hard flesh as I walked inside. The lights in the lobby flickered fluorescent and bright, in stark contrast to the melancholy world I had just left. A shell of safety and warmth. I took the elevator to the third floor and walked the long, sparsely decorated hallway down to room 304. When he opened the door he smiled at me. I’m sure he was surprised at what he found, since I had used pictures from two transformation cycles ago to find him. “Come on in,” he said, his deep voice complementing the hypermasculine stature that stood proudly before me. Head shaved, white skin, shirt that looked tailored to show off the size of his chest and the slimness of his waist. I guessed he was between 32 and 35, his face showing the subtle signs of aging that were combated by a life dedicated to lifting and fitness. He turned around and left the door open. I liked the way he walked. It was a mixture of that arrogant jock sort of saunter and the stilted, muscle-bound waddle of bodybuilders. His confidence was exuberant. That was going to be fun to break. He was just finishing dinner. In a large red cast iron pan, some inedible-looking green paste was still frying. He offered some to me. I looked at him and gave him a sly smile. “I don’t really watch what I eat,” I said, my expression falling back to the cold, elusive demeanor that I had adopted since the metamorphosis. He started to coach me on the impacts of diet on fitness and health and my attention drifted. I noticed his chest bounce every time he made a gesture. I could tell that he liked the way it stretched the fabric. Every movement was proud, calculated. I got up and moved towards him, him still going on about the lean muscle he had gained on his current diet. I took his wrist in my hand. It was solid, doubtlessly from years of lifting and perfecting his body. I wanted him to resist me, to give him a hint of how this night was going to go, but his hand moved with mine. I lifted my shirt and placed his rough fingers along my abs. “Does it feel like I need to go on a diet?” I said. He whistled, and a horny grin followed. “Okay, fair point,” he said. “Let’s head to the bedroom,” I said. He didn’t hesitate any further. “Wait, I need to use the bathroom first,” I lied. “Sure. It’s just around the corner there,” he said, pointing behind me. I watched him practically skip his way down the hall. He had a nice ass, perky and firm. Hi torso twisted to get through the doorframe. Meanwhile I took a quick detour to the garage. I got lucky. It was full of weights. I took a few minutes making preparations for the night. When I came back I found him with his shirt off, trying to look casual but clearly giddy with anticipation. I had to admit, his body was even more impressive without clothes on. Slightly marred by age, he still had a tight six pack and his lats stuck out noticeably from his sides, making his waist seem more trim. I could even see some of the striations in his pecs. He could compete as a lightweight bodybuilder if he wanted to, and maybe he had. “You like?” he said, lifting up his bicep. Probably over 18 inches. Bigger than mine. I smirked at him. “Sure, it’s alright.” He must have thought I was being sarcastic. “Where do you wanna start, big guy?” I said, playing to his pride. Having waited long enough, he pressed his lips into mine, softly. His lips were practiced, and his tongue moved skillfully in and out of my mouth. He led me over to the bed, but before he could lay on top of me I flipped us around and pushed him down onto it. He scrambled to take off his shorts and underwear and I took off my shirt slowly, letting him savor every moment of the reveal. I may not have gained much in size, but there was something of an unspeakable strength and dignity to my body. Every part of me was like iron, the flesh just barely containing the strength that lay under it. I stood over him for a few silent seconds before I revealed the metal bar I had kept hidden in my waistband. Normally it would be twice as long and more suited to hold weights, but I had torn it in half for what I had in mind. His expression was a mixture of confusion and curiosity. I bent the bar into a U shape right in front of him. It was like wire. I barely even felt the resistance. Without warning him I grabbed his wrists with my hands. He was in shock for the first few moments, but then he remembered that he should struggle. It was kind of cute. He thought he was strong, that I couldn’t possible keep him in my grip. It turned out the power in my fingers was more than he had in his entire upper body. I took the bar and put it around his burly wrists, clamping the metal shut with just one hand. The horror on his face was juxtaposed with his throbbing erection. Even if he didn’t understand what was happening he sure liked it. “How do you feel?” I asked, crushing off the loose ends of the bar and tightening down the space between his hands to form makeshift handcuffs. “What are you?” he responded, exasperated. “I honestly don’t know,” I replied. “Does it really matter?” I noticed that with his hands stuck together it made his chest stick out. Even while he was indisposed, the fullness and definition in his pecs were still admirable. My dick hardened at the thought that I had incapacitated him with so little effort. I reached down for his cock that was sticking out of his boxers. He was leaky. Hell, I would be too in a situation like this. There wasn’t a single part of my body that wasn’t worthy of salivating over. I threw him a few poses while I had him as my captive audience. Then I drew his throbbing member from its cotton sheath and whistled at what I found. At least eight inches, hard as stone, head throbbing with anticipation. Gaining momentum, I lifted him up off the bed and hefted him over my shoulder. Then I pressed him up with one hand. The metal dragged along my back as I lifted him, and I could feel the indentations my fingers had left. He stared at me with an expression of wonder and lust. I smiled at him and brought him back down towards me, allowing our lips to meet. Then I worked my tongue down his neck, past his nipples, across his abs until they met the head of his cock. I was pleasantly surprised that he lasted for more than a few minutes with my tongue wrapped around his head. I took my time, never letting him drop an inch even as he started to leak. When I felt him getting close I held him with both hands around his waist and started rubbing his cock against my chest. The idea must have really riled him up, because he came almost immediately. I laughed as his rather prodigious volume splashed up against my chin. Some of it found its way to my lips. It was sweet. I tossed him on the bed to marinate in his own juices while I went to wash off. But before I got in his shower, I spread the substantial volume of semen that I had earned across my chest. I liked the “oiled” look, the way the lighting made every fiber in my already awesome chest stand out even more. Turning the water on, I took turns bouncing them up and down as I washed them. I went slowly, admiring the absolute control I had over every muscle in my body. Soon I was touching myself all over… My cum stained his ceiling. I was sure he wouldn’t mind. When I got back to the room he lifted his bound hands towards me and begged: “Please, officer?” I obliged, twisting the metal off of his wrists without a drop of sweat. “Can I see you again?” he asked, almost pleading. I frowned. “Sadly, I’m moving tomorrow. I was supposed to leave yesterday, actually, but some business came up. If I’m ever back in town, you’ll be the first person I call.” I left him on the bed, still soaked in his own cum, dazed from what I had done to him. I felt sated. It was time to get some answers. Part V
  3. londonboy

    Little Mouse - Part Eight

    Michael heard them arguing before he even got within the pool area. It suddenly dawned on him that neither guy would want to see him there. Tommy was probably furious that he had seen Matt last night and Matt had made it very clear he didn’t want Michael seeing Tommy anymore. Michael crept into the pool grounds and stood behind some bleachers – where he had a clear view of both men and could hear what they were saying. He was completely taken aback, and kind of turned on for some reason, when he glanced around the bleachers and saw that chubby Matt was holding Matt in the air – his hand clenching the front of the wrestler’s pants and his belt. “Put me down, Tommy.” “No, not if you’re going to try and slug me again, Matt.” “I’m sorry about that. It was stupid of me. You just gotta promise me that you won’t give Michael any more power bars. And I think it would be best if you didn’t even talk to him.” “I don’t think you’re in a position to be telling me what to do, Matt.” “I’m not telling. I’m asking as a friend.” Tommy immediately dropped the wrestler to the ground and turned from him. Matt’s tone had been friendly – almost begging. It was a very different attitude than Michael had ever seen in the guy. Matt fell on his butt, but slowly got back up and faced the other man. “Can’t you do this for me, Tommy? You know I like the guy.” “You’re stringing him along, Matt. Just like you did to . . .” “To you, Tommy? We both know that’s not true. I was honest from the start. You knew I had a girlfriend. You knew I didn’t want to be out of the closet.” “And the same thing is happening now with Michael!” Tommy turned back to face the other guy. They stared at each other for a few seconds. “You don’t know that, Tommy. Michael and I have something special. I just need some time to work things out. I know he’s told you how he feels about me. You don’t want to go and mess with that, Tommy. We know what happens if you mess with true love after dealing with the power bars.” Michael basically missed the last part of what Matt said. He was too focused on the fact that the big guy had said he was working things out. And he used the words ‘true love.’ Michael’s head and heart were so busy trying to wrap themselves around the idea that Matt really cared for him, he missed a huge part of the next few sentences in their conversation. Michael was too elated to hear anything. “Why shouldn’t I give him more bars, Matt?” “You know why, Tommy.” “Yeah, but I want to hear you say it.” “Okay. I want to be the biggest and strongest guy on campus.” “You’ll never be the strongest.” Tommy glared at the wrestler. It was clear they both knew that title only went to Tommy. “Okay, the biggest and the second strongest. Are you happy?” “Why couldn’t you love me, Matt?” The obvious pain in Tommy’s voice and the bluntness of the question snapped Michael back into the present situation. Time stood still while he waited to hear Matt respond. The next few sentences were obviously going to define the guy in Michael’s eyes. “You wanted too much, Tommy. And I wanted different things.” “I gave you everything I had!” “I know, Tommy. And I continue to thank you for that, but we both have to move on. Remember, you made the choice. I didn’t force you. I didn’t make you this.” “I loved you, Matt. That’s why I did it.” “Maybe you loved me too much.” There was dead silence. Michael was pretty sure Tommy was crying. His heart broke for his fraternity big brother, but his lust for the wrestler was too much. Matt had said he wanted to work things out with Michael – and that made the newly muscled guy very happy. “If you still love me, Tommy, and if you feel about Michael the way I think you do, then you’ll let me have him.” “You know what it will do to me.” “I do, but the good news is you’ll still have your strength.” “I don’t do this for you, Matt. I do it for Michael. I know he likes you . . . a lot. But I swear, if you hurt him . . .” Tommy stopped in mid-sentence. There was nothing more to be said. Both men knew the conversation was over. They both understood the other’s stance. Tommy glared at Matt for a few more seconds and then he turned and walked away – in the opposite direction of Michael. There was a strange tugging in Michael’s heart at that moment. Something in Tommy’s voice . . . his demeanor . . . his firmness moved Michael very much. But as the younger guy looked at Matt, the wrestler, that familiar lust . . . no, need . . . for his muscled body returned. There was something deeper and more powerful resonating in Michael, but he didn’t stop to analyze the feeling. He went back to the gate, opened and closed it loudly, and then called out. “Matt, are you here?” He walked around the bleachers and the look on Matt’s face was exactly what he wished for. “Holy fuck, Mouse, look at you!” “What?” Michael asked, feigning ignorance. “You look like you’ve been supersized three or four times.” “Oh that. Yeah, I guess I’m a little bigger. Care to take it inside the gym and wrestle, just to see how much I’ve truly grown.” Michael had moved close to Matt, enough to notice he was breathing kind of hard. The big wrestler was clearly turned on. This made Michael go crazy. He could feel the blood – tainted with a wild sexual drive – pumping through his body. He wanted Matt more than ever. There was something in the back of his mind gnawing at him, but his raging hard-on helped him to ignore it. “Naw, mousey-Mouse, that’s okay. I’m a little beat from lack of sleep. I think I’ll just head back to my room.” “I really wasn’t asking, Matt.” Something sinister took over Michael. He could feel the power surging through his body and he loved it. He knew he was strong as shit and all he wanted to do was use that strength – to impress Matt . . . or was it to put him in his place. It didn’t matter. The urge won out. Without any warning, Michael dipped his newly broad right shoulder down and pressed into Matt’s tight mid-section before the wrestler could do anything. Suddenly, Michael was back upright and Matt’s body rested easily in the air on his shoulder. Michael started walking toward the gym. “Matt, remember when you said I wouldn’t be dominating you until donkey’s flew? Well I think a bunch of jackasses just sprouted wings. Your body feels so light on my shoulder. So light, in fact, that it feels like I can do this.” Michael bounced Matt’s body into the air with his shoulder and at the same time he brought his open hand up – pressing into Matt’s mid-section and before the wrestler even had time to figure out what was happening, Michael pressed the guy into the air – with just one arm. Matt’s body was suddenly held aloft by Michael’s extended gun. Then, as if to pour salt in an open wound, Michael started to press the wrestler’s body up and down without any sign of struggle. Matt was too flabbergasted to say, let alone, do anything to stop Michael. It wasn’t clear if he would have been able to anyway. When Michael got them into the gym he noticed two guys were playing basketball. He hoisted Matt’s body into the air and walked directly to a spot near them. He simply growled loudly and easily pumped out a rep with the wrestler’s body. The two guys immediately got the message and left the gym so quickly their unforgotten ball rolled across the floor slowly. Michael then walked over to the wall and with his free hand he reached up and grabbed the corner of the mat that was hanging there by three big spikes – it’s where the thing was stored during basketball games or when wrestling wasn’t happening. Michael tugged, but was a little too forceful and two of the spikes came out of the wall while the third snapped in two. Michael acknowledged what he had done with a slight ‘huh’ and then dropped the mat on the floor. He raised his arm – taking Matt’s body up with it and then dropped him onto the mat, as well. Matt scrambled to his feet quickly, just like a good wrestler. Matt’s crotch revealed that he was already sporting major wood – clearly turned on by Michael’s display. “Oh, little Mouse, you’re going to be so sorry. Those power bars are pretty powerful, but you’re no match for big Matt. I’m a national champion wrestler and a few added muscles doesn’t make you anything more than the dweeb you are.” “Matt, Matt, Matt – what are you packing there? A twenty inch arm?” “Twenty one, little punk.” “Well take a look at this, big boy. It might make that hard cock of yours shrivel up from feeling inadequate. I believe my ‘dweebish’ arms are now up to twenty three inches and they’re still growing.” Earlier that morning, Michael had been obsessed with his growth, so he had measured himself. He was shocked to see how enhanced he had become from the power bars. When carrying the wrestler into the gym, he had already deducted he had passed the guy in size. This made Michael go wild inside – since his dream of dominating Matt was about to come true. He was going to take it slow, though. He wanted this moment to last. He brought both of his arms up and flexed them hard – making the biceps swell upward like giant mountains being revealed by a stupendous sunrise. Matt’s eyes bugged out wider than before and his mouth dropped open in shock. It did seem that the tension in his crotch immediately subsided, too. “It seems I’ve become Mighty Mouse while you weren’t looking, Matt. You might be a world-class wrestler, but I believe my intense brute strength is going to easily dominate you – no matter what you bring to the mat. It’s going to be like when a suped up truck meets a tank – no matter what fancy bells and whistles the vehicle has, the stronger, more powerful, tank destroys it with the greatest of ease. And by the way your shorts have tented out again, I think you’re digging the idea of this Mighty Mouse having his way with you. You’re going to be such a fun big toy to play with, Matt. Matt, indeed, could now feel his cock leaking pre – just from listening to Mouse spout off about his size and strength. There was something about being challenged by a bigger guy that just sent the wrestler over the edge. He knew he’d dominate Mouse with no problem – even with the obvious improvements. Mouse had only taken two power bars. That was nothing. He had also only been growing for a few days. His strength could be growing, but nothing compared to the biggest man on campus. Matt was looking forward to plowing his challenger’s sweet mouth later on. “Oh, and I should confess that I lied to you yesterday, Matt. I told you I’d only been benching 400 pounds since having the power bars, well that wasn’t exactly true. It’s a little more than that. Today I benched 800 pounds without any struggle. That’s also why I didn’t have trouble pumping out one-handed reps with your big body.” “No way, little Mouse!” There was a tonal mixture in Matt’s response. It was full of disbelief, awe, jealousy, and lust – all at the same time. Matt looked at the now bigger Michael and began to realize his desire for Mouse to grow huge and strong was intense. He was beginning to get that the guy was now really strong – probably strong enough to bench the 800 pounds, for he had lifted Matt easily with one arm. It had been like Matt weighed nothing at all. It didn’t take a brain surgeon to figure out what Matt was going to do next. He was, after all, a wrestler. Michael dropped his right leg back a little and tensed his mid-section as he watched Matt lower his shoulder and take aim. “Little Mouse is going down!” It was like some kind of battle cry. The wrestler knew how to tackle a guy and he fully anticipated taking the Mouse down to the mat with what would be a forceful slam of his shoulder. Matt didn’t take into account, however, how much Michael had grown and how much thicker he had become. The loud thud of the wrestler’s muscled shoulder meeting the unmovable torso of Michael was deep and echoed throughout the gym. The sound emphasized how dense the newly big body had already become. The fact that Michael did not budge at all stunned Matt – both physically and mentally. Little Mouse had just taken a full-on shoulder slam from the wrestler and he didn’t double over in pain or go crashing to the floor. He stood there – absorbing he hit with his now muscled-covered body – as if he was the windshield of a speeding truck and Matt had been an unlucky splattered insect. Matt was too dazed and confused to react very quickly. “Well that didn’t work out the way you thought it would, now did it, Matty?” With lightning speed Michael reached down and locked his arms around the other guy’s upper torso from behind. In one quick move he jerked Matt upward – so the wrestler was now hanging upside down in Michael’s strong arms. Matt faced away from his challenger, his legs flailing in the air while his abdomen was held tightly against the other man’s body. “Oh man, Matty, I love holding your big body in the air like this. Let’s give you an upside down bear hug – to see if you can handle the pressure of my twenty-three inch arms. Let’s start off slowly to make you think it’s not going to get too strong and then feel your body respond in multiple ways as the squeeze starts getting unbearable. Oh, think of the guys you’ve done this to in the past, Matty. And to think you never really thought it would be done to you – especially upside down. Here, I’ll walk around a little just to emphasize how easy it is for me to hold you like some kind of stuffed animal.” Michael began to stroll around the middle of the basketball court – showing off his growing strength. Matt’s arms were tightly locked in place at his sides – Michael’s grip being too strong for the wrestler to challenge. He was like a baby wrapped in a blanket - twisted numerous times around his frame. The pressure was already getting a little unbearable, but that fact didn’t bring the wrestler discomfort. In fact, it did the opposite. It turned Matt on in a way that was utterly new and uncontrollable. As his torso was crushed by thick arms and it became harder and harder for him to take a deep breath, the guy became majorly aroused – his cock raging hard like a lone oak tree jutting upward in an otherwise barren field. He also had goose bumps all over his body and his blood was pumping a hell of a lot faster than it ever had before. Matt was being treated like he was nothing more than a rag doll and it thrilled him beyond belief. He suddenly realized he was moaning out loud and he hadn’t even noticed. “Sounds like the little man is beyond excited being dominated by someone bigger and stronger. Oh Matteroo, now you’re getting a feel for what your body does to me. Soon, all you’ll think about is my big muscles and how you want me to manhandle you. You’re going to want my humongous guns wrapped around you any chance you can get. You’ll be sneaking out of Janice’s bed late at night just to come and beg me to easily lift your body into the air. It’s getting harder to breathe, ain’t it Matty? Oh, you just love being forced into submission, don’t you? We’ve only just begun to have some fun, little man. I got to make up for some lost time – all those nights when you used me to please yourself and I didn’t get any satisfaction.” Matt’s body began to flail wildly – like he was trying to escape Michael’s hug, but it quickly became obvious that the dude was having a massive orgasm. This brought even more joy to the big man holding him in the air. Michael’s strong grasp and talking all dominant had proven to be too much for the captive wrestler. His lust for being forced into submission was just too intense. His ejaculation was powerful and long. Michael hugged the convulsing dude even tighter – cutting off all airflow for a few seconds. When the orgasm was over, Michael dropped Matt onto the wrestling mat and stared down at the spent boy. “Aw Matty, was my strength too much for you? You couldn’t stop from exploding, could you? Look, you’ve made a big nasty mess in your pants. A big old tribute to my new muscles, huh? I wish you could feel all this power surging through my body, man. It’s like I’m growing by the second and all my bulges are just constantly begging to do something to use my new strength. I just want to flex all the time. Gotta show you, little Matty, what these humongous guns look like now!” Michael shot his arms up into a double bi flex and mounds of muscle shot up all over the place. His new size and tensed arms proved to be too much for his tight tank top. The two straps both snapped apart as soon as the big man’s arms and chest popped out like mountains. The remnants of the destroyed shirt floated down around the guy’s small waist. Matt was watching from down on the ground and let out a loud moan as soon as he heard the cloth rip. “Yeah, look at that, Matty, all this hugeness wanted to be free. That shrimpy little shirt just couldn’t contain all of this. My Mighty Mouse muscles need to be out in the open for you, little fella – so you can worship them. Hey, let’s get you back up on your feet so we can have some more fun.” Michael bent over and grabbed Matt at his waist. He easily lifted him off the floor and held him so his feet dangled in the air. Toying with the cute wrestler was making Michael crazy with excitement. He was going to some place he knew was dangerous, but he didn’t care. Never in his wildest dreams did he ever think having strength and muscles would be so much fun. He was now understanding Matt’s domineering cockiness on a whole new level. He related to his friend in an entirely new way and was having trouble remembering what it was like to be the smaller guy. Right now, both men were terribly excited about Michael’s newfound strength and the fact that he held the wrestler off the ground without any problem. “Matty Smatty, you are so freaking light. I’m holding you off the ground and your weight doesn’t even register to my huge guns at all. We’re going to have to add some more muscle to you, little man, so I’ll actually feel something when I pick you up. Hey, Matty, did you ever want to fly? Let’s see how high I can toss you.” Without much of a warning than those few words, Michael shot his arms into the air and released the wrestler’s body. Matt sailed straight up – about fifteen feet and then fell back down towards the ground. Michael grabbed the wrestler by the waist and caught him before he could hit the floor. It all happened so fast Matt had very little time to consciously register what was happening, he merely gurgled joyfully like a little kid. Michael immediately did it again, sending Matt’s body even higher – soaring up without any problem because of the gym’s high ceiling. This time, when Matt was caught in Michael’s arms a deep moan escaped the wrestler’s mouth – he loved the fact that his big body could be tossed so easily. “Well that certainly pleased you, didn’t it, little guy? You were soaring through the air with the greatest of ease. Did you feel like a superhero, Matty? Like Peter Pan? Or did it take you back to when you were a little tyke and your father would toss you up like that? I think it’s time for something really fun. Let’s have a strength contest, okay, little guy. Here, I’ll set you back down on land and we’ll lock hands. Let’s see what those little muscles of yours can do.” Michael lowered Matt to the floor. He then held up his big hands and Matt let out a slight moan when he saw how much the guy’s paws had grown. Not only were Michael’s guns now twenty-three inches thick, but his fingers were much thicker, as well. Matt placed his smaller palms against Michael’s and they both tightened their fingers. Immediately, Matt started squeezing and pressing into the other guy. Michael let out a loud yell of pain and his hands went backwards. “Arghhhh!!!” Matt was instantly super charged by the fact that he had caught the other man off guard. The wrestler intensified his pressure – squeezing his fingers with all his might and pushing hard. Michael’s legs began to buckle and the big man’s body started lowering to the ground as he gritted his teeth and tightened his eyes in pain. A loud growl came from Matt’s throat as he clearly took control again and dominated the other guy. “Yeah, Little Mouse, you’re not so mighty now, are you!” Suddenly, Michael’s face no longer showed pain and a somewhat sinister smile crept across this lips. He turned his gaze upward and the grin got bigger. His palms abruptly stopped moving and it was clear that Matt’s efforts were doing nothing at all to the big man. “I had you going for a second didn’t I, Matty? Is that all the pressure you got, man? Cause I’m feeling nothing. I just thought I’d put on a little show for you – you know, to get you going. Here, dude, let me show you what real power is.” Michael only used a fraction of his strength. He knew better than to use his full power – it would have crushed every bone in Matt’s hands, but he did exert enough pressure to instantly make the wrestler cry out in pain. Michael stood back up fully as his hands easily pushed back against Matt’s and he squeezed the guy’s fingers mercilessly. Matt’s eyes were wide with shock and lust, even though his fingers felt like they were caught in some kind of tightening machinery. He was completely turned on by the fact that he had been duped by Michael. The strength in the other guy’s hands was amazing, cock-hardening, and excruciating all at the same time. Matt’s eyes widened even more as he struggled hard to push back against Michael’s hands and nothing happened. “Remember when you used to hold me down on the bed with one hand, Matteroo? That used to turn me on so much. You had so much power in that one arm smashing me into the mattress. The more I struggled the more I got turned on. Now, you’re getting a taste of what that felt like, aren’t you, baby. I can tell you’re excited – way beyond belief – by the fact that my hands barely register any pressure from you at all – but you’re struggling with all your might. I’m using about as much force as I would to swing open a door, man. Doesn’t that make it even hotter?” Michael’s words made Matt moan with a mixture of pleasure and pain. His fingers felt like they were very close to the breaking point and the thought that Little Mouse was dominating him so easily brought him to the brink of orgasm, as well. He was, indeed, using all of his strength and, yet, Michael was easily pressing him backwards. Since they were facing each other and were very close, Matt got his first good look at Michael’s newly improved muscles. Bulges popped out everywhere – not from being tensed, but merely because they were now huge and hard. Michael knew Matt was admiring his new body. “Oh Matty-my-man, I used to think you were so strong! I could blast out a big one just from thinking about your strength and what you could do to me. The way you could toss me around the room was the only kind of foreplay I could ever need. Now, it seems the tide has turned. Look at all those little beads of sweat across your forehead as you try to compete with my new power. Here, let’s get you into a friendlier position. I’m not going to break anything, Mattty, but I am going to show off a little.” Michael squeezed his fingers a little more. Matt threw his head back as he let out a scream of pain and his knees buckled. Within a few seconds, Matt was kneeling before Michael with his wrists bent backwards – unable to anything except give in to the stronger man’s grip. Michael then quickly pulled his arms in revers – dragging Matt’s upper torso with them. Matt’s face slammed into Michael’s raging hard on, barely concealed by his tight cotton shorts. Both men immediately let out loud moans of pleasure. Matt instinctively turned his head sideways so he could wrap his mouth around Michael’s hard cock. “Guess you figured out those power bars helped another part of me grow, too, huh, Matty? I can kind of dominate you in that area now, too. We’ll have to compare later on, so you can get excited even more – seeing how thick and long my tool has become – especially when compared to yours. Oh man, your mouth feels so hot, Matty. You have no idea how long I’ve dreamed about this moment.” By this point, Michael had released Matt’s hands and placed his big paws behind the wrestler’s head. He was pressing Matt’s face into his crotch even harder and moving the guy’s mouth up and down on his stiff log to give himself more pleasure. Matt could do nothing but enjoy the job – he wouldn’t have been able to pull his head back even if he had wanted to. Being used as a pleasure tool by the bigger man was almost too much for Matt – he could tell his own cock was ready to spew again. The shift in roles – from dominator to the one being dominated – was such an amazing turn on. Matt couldn’t explain it – even if he had tried. He just loved the fact that he could feel Michael using him like he was nothing more than a dishcloth or a toy. The pressure behind Matt’s head made it very clear that the wrestler couldn’t do anything to match the new strength of Little Mouse. He simply had to give in and do what his master ordered. And that thought got his cock harder than it had ever been in his entire life. “How ‘bout we really get this party started, Matteroo!” Michael pulled the other guy’s head back from his crotch and then gave him a little shove. Matt’s body fell back to the mat on the floor and he lay there looking up Michael’s huge muscles – with a face full of desire. Michael fell on top of the wrestler and could tell his weight coming down hard knocked the wind out of Matt. Immediately, Michael started grinding his crotch against Matt’s and pressed his big frame into the other man. The mixture of the heavy weight, hard cocks rubbing against each other, and Michael letting out a deep growl made Matt moan like an alley cat in heat. Michael pressed his newly muscled body into the wrestler even more – just to get the guy to moan louder. By this point, Matt had no control over his body whatsoever – he had simply submitted to his intense desire for having Michael dominate him. He no longer struggled against the bigger man – he merely gave into all the pleasure he was feeling. “Oh Matt-baby, I love squishing your body against the floor. You feel so small and defenseless underneath me. I bet I could grind you to orgasm with just a few more thrusts. You ready to cum for me, Matty? You ready to give up control of your cock to my muscles . . . my strength. Tell me how much you want me, man. Beg me for more, Matty. Come on; let me hear you plead for domination. Tell me how much you want me to pound that sweet tight wrestler ass of yours.” “Oh fuck, Michael, please plow me. Take my virgin ass, now, man. I’m all yours. There’s nothing I could do to stop you, anyway. Fuck me now, please. Overpower me with those big muscles and have your way with me. God, I need you inside of me right now, man. Pop my sweet cherry ass, Mighty Michael. I want you to control me completely.” Sweeter words had never been uttered in Michael’s opinion and the fact that Matt used his real name almost sent him over the edge. He now fully understood why the wrestler used to get so turned on by dominating him. Controlling the smaller man was mind-blowing. Hearing Matt beg to be plowed was like winning the lottery, celebrating Christmas, and a combination of all your birthdays happening on the same day. Michael raised his body off the other man by pressing up with one of his huge arms. At the same time he used his other bulging gun to easily flip Matt’s tight body over. As soon as Matt was facing the floor, Michael brought his big paw up to the man’s ass and grabbed it hard. Matt cried out loudly with desire. Michael kneaded those sweet ass cheeks like he was crushing bricks in his hand. Matt raised his ass off the mat both from the pain and as an invitation for the bigger man to claim his prize. Michael gripped the man’s pants and easily ripped them and his underwear from Matt’s lower body. The wrestler’s perky bubble butt was now fully exposed and Michael let out a primeval yell that sounded like some huge animal about to pounce on his prey. “Aw, holy hell, look at that fucking hot ass, little Matty. That thing looks sweeter than a thousand doughnuts or trash bags full of candy. Hot damn, that thing also looks tighter than anything I’ve ever seen. You sure you want my big rod prying those cheeks apart and slamming into that pretty little hole of yours, Matty baby?” “Fuck me Michael! Fuck me now! I’ve never wanted anything more in my entire life! I love you, dude. Take me. I’m all yours. I give myself to you. I want you with every part of my body.” “You sure, little man? It’s going to be painful. You sure you want this?” “Yes! I’m all yours!” “Nope, not happening, little Matty. Not today. Not ever.” And with that final comment Michael quickly pulled his body away and stood up. It took a few seconds for Matt to realize the big man wasn’t on top of him anymore. Matt quickly turned his head and looked up at the other guy. His ass was still poking up in the air – begging for penetration. Michael had a smile on his face that immediately revealed his feelings. “Now you know, Matt. You know what it’s like to want something so much and realize you can’t have it. I used to pine for you in my dorm room every night. I used to jerk myself off just hoping and praying you’d call and beckon me to your room. It hurts, doesn’t it, little man – to want something that badly and then to find out it can’t be yours. Look at you – so hot and bothered you can’t even see straight. I played you, dude. Just like you’ve been playing me for a long time. I can’t plow you, little Matty, cause – you see – I’m in love with someone else. There’s a guy that’s shown me what it really means to be cared for. There’s a guy across this campus that has never called me ‘Little Mouse.’ And he never took advantage of me. As a matter of fact, he always helped me. Sure, he might not have your nice muscular wrestler body, but he’s got something even better. He’s got a good heart. I’m going to walk out of here now, Matt, and I’m never going want you again. I’m also going to smile as I leave because I know before I even get to that door over there you’re going to be beating off that little dick of yours thinking about me. And you’re going to continue to think about me for a long time – even when you’re with Janice! You know, Matt, I did really care for you once. I want you to know that. But that’s in the past, now. I need to be with someone a little more authentic and truthful. I wish you the best, man. I really do. But this huge muscular Mighty Mouse has a date to keep. A date with a fantastic guy. Here, I’ll give you a big biceps flex to fuel your orgasm! Take care, Matt.” Michael raised his arms into a double biceps pose and flexed hard. His biceps seemed to have grown even larger in the last hour or so. Matt’s hands shot immediately to his hard cock – even as his face continued to look shocked and lustful. Michael held the flexed pose as he walked away – knowing full well the wrestler would be watching him the entire time. Right before he walked out the door he heard some loud moans, a few deep breaths, and then the throttled grunts as Matt released his giant load in homage to the now larger and more dominant Michael.
  4. bbmikenj

    Dork to Beast , Pt 2

    As the summer progressed, Danny continued to make rapid gains in his size and strength. His trainer Ivan had never seen anything like it. He was proud of the kid, who'd made such tremendous changes to his body, but Ivan was also somewhat envious, jealous even, of his young client's rapid improvements. Danny was now benching over 620lbs for reps, which was twice his bodyweight, and more than double what Ivan could bench. The same was true of his squat and deadlift. Despite Danny's initial reluctance to workout, he now trained like an eager puppy, looking forward to each session, and lifting with wild abandon, aching for Ivan to add more and more weight to the bar. When Ivan left for a week to fly back to Poland and look into some new "supplements", he told Danny to take the week off, too. They'd be training twice a day for almost a month now, and Ivan said Danny could use the time to let his body recuperate. Danny looked at himself in the gym mirror as Ivan was telling him this. He didn't think his body looked like it needed any rest. He was in a stringer tank, and his muscles looked full and thick and tight. His delt caps were the size and shape of soccer balls. He could make the rounded shoulder muscles roll and flex, and he loved doing it. Ivan said he had some of the best muscle control he'd ever seen. This made Danny beam with pride, and got him to practice more muscle flexing every chance he got. "But a whole week?" said Danny. "What the heck am I gonna do?" "See how much weight you can gain," said Ivan. "Sometimes the best gains are made during a rest week. You've got the mass gainer powders I gave you. How many times a day are you drinking a shake?" "Twice." "Up it to four," said Ivan. "See what happens." "I'll do five,"said Danny with a grin. Ivan left the next day, but only after making Danny promise not to go to the gym while he was gone. They both laughed at the irony of it, given that Danny didn't even know where a gym was up until two months ago. Danny still wasn't sure what he was going to do to kill time, so he started by texting his friend Dwayne. They hadn't seen each other since graduation. They'd texted back and forth a couple times, but Danny was always busy lifting or eating or flexing in his bedroom mirror to get together. So he invited Dwayne over. He said he had something to show him. When Dwayne pulled into the driveway, Danny was in the garage. He hit the garage door opener, but stayed out of sight as the door went up. He kept the lights off too. Dwayne got out of his car and came to the open door. As his eyes tried to adjust from the bright outdoor sunshine, he couldn't see much of anything in the dimly light garage. "Come on in," said Danny. Dwayne stepped into the garage, and Danny had to chuckle to himself. Dwayne was in for a shock. He hadn't change a bit since high school. "Dwayne the Dweeb" was what the jocks called him. Not much better than "Danny the Dork", but Danny had transformed into a superheavy weight musclehead. Dwayne was the epitome of the skinny white nerd, in his white short sleeve dress shirt, and heavy rimmed, heavy-lensed glasses. At 5'8", he weighed all over 130lbs. "Why's it so dark in here?" asked Dwayne. "I just didn't want to freak you out," said Danny. "Freak me out how? You get nerdier than ever?" Dwayne said, snorting. "Turn on the light switch by the wall," said Danny. Dwayne turned and flicked the switch. When he turned back, Danny was standing right under the light in an XXXXL tee shirt and a pair of basketball shorts. His chest ballooned out the shirt, and his huge thighs stretched his nylon shorts skin tight and pushed them halfway up his quads. Danny had not lifted at the gym, like he'd promised Ivan, but he had found ways to workout with stuff around the house and in the garage. From this, he'd gotten his veins to stand out on all of his thick limbs. Dwayne backed up and leaned against the wall, looking his huge friend up and down. "What the......" he stammered, as he soaked in the vision of his formerly fat friend's new physique. "Dude.....you told me you were lifting, but didn't say you morphed into a behemoth!" "Yeah," grinned Danny. "Remember how my arms used to be so chubby?" He pulled the sleeve of his right arm up to his shoulder, then flexed his arm up. "Now look." "Holy smokes, Danny. It's a mountain peak. I knew you had muscle underneath all that blubber." "Very funny," said Danny. But it was true. Dwayne had always thought that Danny was more solid than he looked. But this was insane. "Dude, I know you got all A's in AP Chemistry...did you cook up some kinda super roid or something?" "Nah, man, I'm just lifting heavy and taking some vitamins." "Sounds like Vitamin "S" to me, Danny. Where you getting them?" "From that personal trainer I told you about." "The one from eastern Europe? And you think his supplements he's giving you are from GNC?" "Nah, man, I know they're not. But feel my fuckin' arm, dude." Danny did a half flex of his left arm. Dwayne came over and put his hand on it. "Geezus, dude. Feels like marble!" Danny stretched his arm out to his side. "Try and pull my arm down." Dwayne grabbed onto Danny's thick forearm and yanked down on it. He tried again and again, but the big arm didn't budge. "Hang off it, lift your feet," said Danny. So Dwayne wrapped his arms around Danny's wrist and then lifted his feet off the ground. Dwayne clung to the forearm like a lemur clings to a tree limb. Danny held him in the air like he weighed as much as a lemur. Then he curled his arm upward, lifting his friend up and down. "Man, you got sic strength!" "I know. It's so awesome. And watch this." Danny grabbed a crowbar that was hanging off the pegboard behind his dad's workbench. He held it out in front of him, one hand on each end. "Put your hand back on my arm," he told Dwayne. Then Danny began to bend the crowbar. His arm muscles tightened and surged. Veins popped out on his neck and across his traps. The crowbar creaked as the ends started to bend downward. He bent it until the ends touched. Then he dropped it to the garage floor with a loud clang. "Oh man," said Dwayne. "I think I just came a little." "That ain't nothing," said Danny. "Watch this." He went over to his dad's Mercedes, squatted down next to the side doors, reached underneath the frame, then deadlifted the car up until both tires were off the ground. "My fuck..." stammered Dwayne. Danny did ten reps with the car, then set it down. "Ah, yehhh," said Danny. "Help me pull my shirt off, man, my arms and lats are too bloated to do it." Danny leaned over and outstretched his arms. Dwayne grabbed the bottom of the tee and started pulling it off Danny's torso. It wasn't easy, even with Danny's help, but they finally got it over his head and arms. Danny stood upright. "Damn, man, look at your six pack!" said Dwayne. "I know. They're like brick. Go ahead and hit me." "Hit you?" "Yeah, go ahead, slug my gut. You won't be able to hurt me." "Aw man," said Dwayne, but he started to punch Danny's abs. He started slow, but then hit them faster and faster, and harder each time, until his fists began to hurt. Danny's brick abs didn't even dent. Dwayne stopped as he started to get winded. "Man...that's crazy!" "I know, right? Craziest thing is, I'm wasn't even flexing them. Watch." Danny clenched down on his ab muscles, and his six pack swelled out, the muscle bulging out like rising loaves of bread...bread made out of stone. "Fuck, man. Fuck," said Dwayne as he leaned against the workbench. His whole body shook to its core. "Damn you man, I just came in my pants. Holy smokes, Danny. That is...that is wild." "Ha, you're funny, dude. I didn't even know you were into muscle." "Neither did I, till now. Who wouldn't nut to what you got going on? You're a ubermasculine superhuman!" Then a thought occurred to Dwayne. "Hey, you got any extra of those "vitamins"? "I have enough until Ivan gets back. Why?" "Let me have some." "Why? You don't even lift." "You didn't either til a couple months ago. Let me try one a day for a week or two, see what happens." "Yeah? Ok, man, that might be interesting. Don't do any lifting though, we'll see if it does anything at all." "Dude, the only thing I know how to lift is my dick. Look at me. Even if it jacks me up a little, I'd be happy." "Ok, then, come on." They went up to Danny's room, and he doled out two weeks worth of his supplement. Dwayne noticed the sweat rolling down Danny's huge torso. "Geezus, man, even your sweat smells good. It smells like leather and cotton candy in here." Danny laughed, then put his mitt-sized hand behind his friend's head and pressed his face into his deep pit. "Breathe it in, little dude," Danny said, and Dwayne sucked in the aroma like he was using his inhaler. He had to push away when he thought he was going to pass out from pleasure. "Cut it out, man, that's not cool..." but he could have spent all day in that muscle cavern. "Get me some water, I wanna take one of these now." As Danny grabbed a bottle of water off his bedside table, Dwayne noticed the reflection of the two of them in the bedroom wall mirror. The size difference was so astonishing that he had to sit down on Danny's bed. "Just how big are you?" he said. "Almost 300lbs now, but I haven't weighed myself today." Danny handed Dwayne the water. "Imagine if you met up with Jack the Jerk now," said Dwayne, referring to the jock in high school who used to torment Danny the most. Danny and his friends called him the Jerk, but certainly not to his face. The guy was a state wrestling champ, and an arrogant tool. During Danny's short stint with the wrestling team, Jack had secretly peed in Danny's shampoo. When word gets out in high school about something like that, it's hard to live down. Danny's face reddened from the memory. "That," said Danny, clenching his fists as he checked himself out in the mirror, "would be an interesting encounter." "Hey, didn't you get a full ride to RU?" Dwayne asked, as he watched Danny's thickly muscled back muscles tighten. RU was the university near where they lived. "I did," said Danny. "I heard that Jack's going there too, on a wrestling scholarship." Dwayne swallowed down the pill, then said. "You know my sister Heather works there, in the housing department. She said that Jack and his evil cohort Tip were going to room together. You remember Tip?" "'Course I do. He used to chase you down and shove you into lockers." "Yeah, that's the one. At least I learned to run fast from him hunting me down. Anyway, I was thinking that my sister could 'accidently' mess up their dorm assignment, and slip you in with Jack on the down low." "With neither one of them realizing?" "Yeah. Imagine Jack's face, moving into his room and finding you there, like you are now." Danny picked up a tank top from his bed, and put it on. "Didn't he wrestle as like 175lbs?" "Yeah, that has to be about right. He might be bigger than that now, but you could mess with his head pretty good. Bet you have 100lbs on him." "Yep. And a bigger dick too." Dwayne laughed. "How do you know that?" "I remember seeing him in the showers, and thinking, for such a big dickhead, he had just an average cock. Mine was bigger even then. And now, it's gotten bigger." "Yeh? From the pills and lifting, I bet. Lemme see, man." Danny reached into his shorts and flopped out his cock and let it hang, thick and weighty, halfway to his knees. "Geezus, dude. That things an anaconda!" "I know," said Danny, packing his meat back into his shorts. "Do me a favor. Text your sister, let's make this thing happen."
  5. Hey guys! I know it has been a while since I last wrote. The story is pretty much still unfinished but I realized that having all the chapters spread out wasn't helping either. My plan now is to post all the chapters here, edited of course, this being so if you reread you will get a little extra fun from it. I'll also be posting progress pics within the story of the character,Vonny, who is based off of me and has very similar muscle progress. This way you can imagine how the character is growing a little better along with reading. I will also be posting pics from the web of what other characters look like and some scenery in order for you all to fully experience everything. Thanks for being patient and I hope you all will enjoy. Leave a comment if you have and questions or ideas!
  6. Muscle Worship Univeristy* is a place where students from around the world can further their academic goals in a setting where muscle growth and admiration are given free reign and encouraged by the faculty and programs to create the strongest, most muscular students possible. With so many hard, competitive, testosterone-fulled bodies in one place (both the professors and those they teach), there's bound to be some heated encounters. This is an idea I had the other day that I thought would be interesting to explore. Instead of a traditional written narrative or web comic, what if I made a storyline that incorporated a number of visual media to help explain the details and give this universe a sense of place? I can sort of write, sort of draw, and sort of morph, but I thought I could do a better job combining various skills into one setting to make for a more interesting reading experience. You could see internal memos sent to staff, student text messages, research reports, ads for events and gatherings, booklets outlining available courses etc. Where this project will go from here is something I'm not sure about. In a perfect world, there would be a whole wesbite dedicated to it, where you could click on different parts of the campus and see stories and videos (some indpendent from each other, others interwoven) from within those settings (dorm, classroom, locker room, football field, lab etc). However, the reality is I don't have the skills or talent to put something like that together, though I would be open to collaborating with others. Realistically, I'll just make posts in this thread for free (NOTE TO MODS: Please don't move as this is NOT an advertisement) to get feedback from all of you. If I feel there is enough interest, then MAYBE I'll start a Patreon for it, or I'll just keep posting in this thread. *I chose "worship" over "growth" because I thought it would more clearly tell others about the erotic nature of the material.
  7. BigBen

    Supergod part 2

    I know its been a while, and this one is rather short too, but i hope you guys enjoy it. .... Travelling faster than a locomotive, soaring above skyscrapers, mountains and dressed in nothing but the right blue and red suit that not so long ago belonged to Daily Planet reporter Clark Kent, Dan relished the feeling of his newly acquired powers, abilities and Godlike status and stature. After Dan was done with flying he soared down and landed with a "superhero landing" as he punched the ground, sending shockwaves across the fields and trees and suburbs nearby. He then stood up to his full height of 7 feet and started to flex, feel and admire his new physique, he was in a word - massive, and harder than titanium. As he continues to feel his muscles through his spandex superhero outfit his supercock began to spring to life underneath his red trunks, lengthening and hardening. "Mmm I think it's time a god like should be finally worshipped" and Dan knew just the dweeb for the job. ... Sammy was quietly studying in his room when suddenly he heard a tapping at the bedroom window, he goes to look and check what's outside couldn't believe his eyes and sees the most massive, muscular behemoth of a specimen just...floating...FLOATING?! outside the window "Holy shit! Dan?! Is that you?! How the hell did you get so massive? Why are you floating?! And why are you wearing a superman costume!" "That's too many questions that I care for Sammy!" Dan replied with a cocky grin on his face as his huge powerful arms were folded over his ginormous pecs. "Come with me shrimp! We're going for a ride!" Dan then grabbed Sammy, pulling him through the window with ease and then took him under one arm and flew up, and up as Sammy started screaming "what the fuck? ! How is this possible? Where are you taking me?!" Dan took Sammy to the top of the citys tallest building and landed down sitting Sammy on the ground "now take a good look dweeb! Take a look at what I have become!" Demanded Dan as he struck a double bicep pose before his eyes went red and his heat vision struck part of the building opposite causing a doorway sized hole! "Oh my god!" Sammy said in part astonishment, part excitement, and part fear, "you have superpowers, and look at all that muscle!" As Sammy approached the mighty new Superman and felt his pecs, legs, chest and back through the skintight suit. "HAHA YES! WORSHIP ME! YOU THINK I LOOK GOOD NOW!" Dan shouted before taking a step back, "WELL HOW ABOUT THIS!" and with that Dan used his superspeed to spin superfast, disrobing his outfit in the process leaving him stark naked in the moonlight, proudly showing off his new mass, size definition and supercock as it jutted out as thick as a beer can and a length of 12 inches. Sammy just knelt down in shock and admiration as Dan flexed his arms, then his legs, then back and finally his chest. "I am the most massive, most powerful man in the world now Sammy! And lucky you gets to be the first one to service me" as Dan grabbed the back of Sammys head and slowly entered his mouth, then throat. And Sammy was all too eager to please. And please he did as he continued to suck this new god while squeezing supergods rock hard big bubble butt and then soon after making him empty his load down Sammys throat! "Ahhhhh thanks dweeb that was real sweet!" Said Dan before pulling his supergod costume back on, "I'll fly you home don't worry shrimpy " And as Sammy was flown back home in the arms of this former jock, now godlike entity, he gazed upon him with lust, admiration, worship....but also, deep inside Sammy there was a little envy too.... That night Sammy jacked off to the thoughts of Supergod and the chance of getting to see him again...hopefully at school tomorrow. And then Sammy slept, but little did he know, something inside Sammys lithe little body was changing. ...
  8. bbmikenj

    Dork to Beast, pt 3

    Two days had gone by since Danny had given Dwayne the supplement he got from his trainer Ivan. It was still early in the morning, and Danny was working out in the garage. He had promised Ivan he wouldn't lift weights while Ivan was visiting Poland, but he hadn't promised not to pump up everyday, so he'd been busy doing handstand pushups, bending rebar, breaking lumber and crushing brick. He'd just finished his 6th set of deadlifting the front of his dad's Range Rover, when he got a text from Dwayne. "Dude, that stuff u gave me is kickn in," he wrote. "I woke up at 6 this morn and went for a run. A run, man, and no one was chasing me. I ran all the way to the city park." "Isn't that like 5 miles from ur house," Danny answered. "Yeh and I didn't even get winded. U know that fitness trail at the park?" "The one with chinup station and monkey bars, shit like that? Yeh I know it." "I hit that thing like an American Ninja. I did 40 chinups. Remember how many I could do in PE?" "5?" "3. Sometimes only 2. And even they were bad ones kicking my legs all over. Everyone mocked me. Now I fly thru the monkey bars. I'm stoked man, that stuff is legit." "Told u" "Yeh but now I'm insane hungry. Meet for food?" "OK, how bout McDonalds there by park?" "OK, but shouldn't we be eatin lean or oatmeal or something?" "Yeh probably but it doesn't seem to matter. C u there." Danny got the keys to his dad's car and headed out. He wasn't supposed to drive the Rover, but what was the old man gonna do, spank him? Danny chuckled at the thought. He pulled into McDonald's and saw Dwayne waiting outside in a sweat-soaked running shirt and cargo shorts. "Hey, man," Danny said as he got out. "Dude," said Dwayne, "you got no neck anymore, you're just huge traps clear up to your ears." "Yeah, I was doing deads with the truck, it swells up my back and traps pretty wicked." "This truck?" "Yep." "Geezus, man," said Dwayne as they headed inside. "What's in your gym bag?" "My mass gainer shake. I'm gonna have it with about ten McMuffins." They got their food then sat down at a table. Dwayne said, "Did you see the way that cashier was checking you out?" "Nah, man, I thought she was looking at you. You're looking jacked." "I know, right? Look at my forearms." Dwayne held out his arms, his palms upward. Veins were showing all over the underside of his forearms. "Any maybe you're right, she was looking at me. I noticed it at the park, too, girls looking me over with that 'look'. Some guys too." "Get used to it, bud, I get it all the time now." "Well, yeah, you. Look at you in that stringer. I never had anyone look at me with hunger in their eyes before." Danny was already through with half his McMuffins, and was now downing his mass gainer. He saw Dwayne looking at him, and he said, "It all turns to muscle. It's crazy. I had 3 large pizzas and a gallon of this gainer shake last night around midnight." "It doesn't bloat you up?" "Yeah, fiercely for awhile. Take a look," said Danny, pulling up his tank to show his gut, bulging out like a balloon, the skin stretched tight, but with abs ridges making his stomach look like a tortoise shell. "I shaved it down this morning. Wanna touch?" "God yeah," said Dwayne, coming around the table and laying his hand on Danny's muscle gut. "Holy shit, dude, it's like a Buddha belly, except hard as marble!" Dwayne rubbed his hand on the smooth hard mound. "Yep. Except in about two hours it'll be flattening out and I'll be starving again." "My hunger's been thru the roof too, and I've never been much of an eater." "You know what else?" said Danny, "Your skin's all cleared up, too." Their faces were only a few inches apart, and Danny couldn't help but notice Dwayne's complexion, which was smooth and healthy looking. He had always had a lot of skin problems. "You're actually kind of a looker now." "Shut up," said Dwayne, going back to his seat. "You're right though, all my zits cleared up almost overnight." "Hey, I heard from Ivan last night on WhatsApp. He's taking another week over there, to go to Russia. He might be getting a supply of something new." "Stronger than the stuff we got now??" "Not sure. Guess we'll see." They finished eating, and headed out of the McDonald's. When they got outside, Dwayne said, "You want to go check out the fitness trail at the park?" "Sure." "We'll see if I can beat you on some of the stations," said Dwayne. "Yeah, ya think? Think you can beat these?" Danny flexed his arms, his biceps rising into mountainous peaks. A car that was pulling into the parking lot rear ended another car. "Dude,"said Dwayne, "your arms just caused an accident!" Danny laughed. "I think you're right. Let's go to the park. You wanna ride?" "Nah, man, let's run. It's less than a mile. I'll race ya." "You're on," said Danny, and the two friends started running up the hill that led to the park. Danny couldn't believe how fast Dwayne was. It was like he was racing the Flash. By the time Danny got to the hilltop park, his smaller friend was resting on a bench. "What took you so long?" chided Dwayne. "Very funny, pip-squeak. I'd a beat you if I didn't have 150lbs more muscle to schlep." Danny went over to the back of the bench, picked it up and tipped it up until Dwayne fell off of it. Dwayne landed on the ground in a heap, but he wasn't hurt. He looked at Danny in awe. "Man, that bench is made of cement...it must weigh 450lbs! . "Does it?" asked Danny. "Doesn't feel that heavy," and he pressed the bench up over his head and started pressing it for reps. "Fuck," said Dwayne, watching his huge friend from the ground. Then he said, "Geezus man, your legs..." Danny tossed the bench behind his head where it landed on the grass and sank in about a foot. He looked down and saw that the run up the hill had bloated his legs full, and had brought out a whole new level of vascularity. His massive quads were covered with them, snaking in and out of thick layers of muscle, and his big calves each had a garden hose sized vein running across the outside sweep. "Hoo yeah!" said Danny, bringing his right foot up and flexing his calf. The thick muscles bulged outward, shifting the vein to one side as it swelled. "Let's skip the fitness trail, and go into the woods behind the park. I'm feeling like I could uproot a tree or two," said Danny. They crossed thru the park along the jogging path. Almost every jogger they passed turned back to get a second look at the two young friends. One guy looked for so long, he ran into a tree. Dwayne went back to help him up. "My friend is so huge, it's hard not to look, isn't it?" Dwayne said to the guy as he got him back on his feet. "He is yeh, but I was looking at you. You're jacked up so lean and hard. You look real strong for your size." The guy jogged off, embarrassed but unharmed. Dwayne stood there for a second, stunned. No one had ever complimented his physique. "Dude, come on," yelled Danny. "Did you hear what that guy said?" asked Dwayne as he caught up. "Yeah, I heard. You got him all atwitter inside, stud." "I did, didn't I?" The two of them headed into the woods, with Dwayne walking with an exaggerated swagger like Vince McMahon heading to the ring. They made their way thru the trees, until they came upon a stand of birches. "Think I could rip one of these outta the ground?" asked Danny, stripping off his stringer tank and tossing it to the ground. "Just one? Why don't ya try two at once, ya cocky brute." "Yeah? You wanna see cocky?" Danny found two birches, about five feet apart, and stood in between them. He reached out his arms and grabbed their trunks, one in each hand. He tightened his grip around the trees, each trunk about 20 inches in circumference, his meaty fingers crushing into the crunchy bark and almost reaching completely around the trunks. He squeezed harder, adjusted his stance, and began to lift. Muscle all over his body tightened and clenched, and his nostrils flared, as he lifted upward with his huge arms. The leaves on the two trees started shaking, and more bark flaked off as Danny's powerful grip dug in. Dwayne heard the ground start to rip around the base of the trees. "Dude...." he said in awe, as his Herculean friend began to force the tree trunks upward, inch by inch. Danny grunted deeply with each effort to lift the trees more. Thick veins popped out on his neck and across his chest and delts, and down his big arms. He threw his head back and his neck bulged like a column of sinew. The trees lifted higher. The ground around them tore apart faster as Danny lifted them up, up, up. He shook the trees back and forth, freeing the roots from the earth. Finally, he ripped them free of the ground and held them midair like two trophies. "Dude..." said Dwayne, leaning against the trunk of a third tree."You a freak..." Danny let the tree trunks go so that they both fell behind him with a crashing thump. "Yep," he said brushing his hands together to knock off the bark flakes. Sweat rolled down his thick muscles, dripping to the ground. His huge barrel chest heaved in and out. "You got me all riled up now, man," said Dwayne. "I got to try something myself." "You gonna try to rip up a tree?" "Nah, I ain't no rhino like you. But I've been watching mma vids, and I've been aching to test out a roundhouse kick." Dwayne was already circling a birch tree. Not as big as the ones Danny had taken on, but not a sapling either. He squared himself up to it, then swung his leg into it, whacking the trunk with his shin. The tree snapped in half, the top part toppling down next to the two trees Danny had uprooted. "Aw, yeh!!" growled Dwayne. "Man, didn't that hurt your shin?" "The weird thing is, it didn't. I felt it, but it's not like real pain. I've been kicking and punching stuff at home, like walls and columns, and it doesn't hurt me." With that, Dwayne stripped off his running shirt and flexed into a most muscular pose. "Man, you are definitely jacked up! You look like Conor McGregor without the ink!" "Who's that?" said Dwayne, looking down at his newly sinewy arms. "You've been watching mma stuff and you've missed McGregor? You gotta look him up. Fuck, you could probably take him if you can snap a tree in two with one kick." "I doubt that, but I am starting fighting lessons at that UFC gym downtown tomorrow. I met the manager who thinks I have potential." "You definitely have that. Flex your arms for me." Dwayne grinned and lifted his arms into a flex. "Man, you got peaks! I bet those things are 16 inches of pure muscle." Danny reached out and put one hand on each of Dwayne's arms. He squeezed them. "Fuck, dude. They don't even dent." "Oh come on, those sausage fingers of yours can't dent my little arms? Squeeze harder." Danny crushed down on the biceps, digging his big thumb into the belly of the muscles. "They're like rock," he said. "This isn't hurting you at all is it?" "Nah, man. I feel it, but it sorta feels good. it's kinda fucking turning me on." Danny lifted Dwayne up off the ground by his two arms. Dwayne smirked. "Awww, yeh man. Harder!" Danny walked with his friend in the air, over to an oak tree, and pinned Dwayne high up against the trunk. His crotch was even with Danny's face. "You ever have a bj, Dwayne?" "Heck no man, you know I've never had sex yet. Neither have you." "Let's change that," Danny said, and he started unzipping Dwayne's cargo shorts with his teeth by biting down on the tab and sliding Dwayne higher up the tree. "Oh god yeh,"groaned Dwayne. Not only had his muscles gotten bigger and harder, so had his cock. Thicker too, and able to muscle its way out of his pants and plop onto Danny's face. Danny took it into his mouth. He'd never given a blow job, but he figured there couldn't be that much to it. He just started sucking and bobbing, while pinning Dwayne's arms against the tree. Dwayne arched into his big friend's face, as a feeling of total ecstasy flushed thru his body. Nothing had ever felt so good. "Goddammmm," he grunted over and over. "GodDAMMMM>" It didn't take him long to bust like a fountain down Danny's throat. Danny took it all like a seasoned pro. It was like being force fed a protein shake, so he continued to milk his friend until he was totally dry. Then he lowered Dwayne to the ground. Both of them were a little lightheaded. They laid down on the mossy ground, both smiling like deflowered virgins. "You want payback?" Dwayne asked Danny. "Eventually," said Danny,"but now I have to get going, I'm running late." "For what?" I have to drive out to the university. I have an appointment with the wrestling coach." "You're going to try out?" "Yep. And I'm going to make a deal with the coach. I'll be his heavyweight champ, but only if I get to use Jack as my training partner." "Dude, that's too wicked good," said Dwayne, getting to his feet and zipping himself up. "Definitely let me know how that goes."
  9. TheWeremuscleForest

    Behind the Badge Part 1: The Traffic Stop

    Wyatt: ‘Ahh damnit, I’m late for work again. Stupid damn lights, I don’t have time for this. Why does the speed limit have to be so low on this freaking road? UGH! Man, I hope there are no cops anywhere close to me. Hmmm, I think I am going to chance it.’ *sirens whizz past his car* Wyatt: ‘Ahh whew! I thought they were going to stop me, so far so good. *looks at dash for time* Oh fuck, my boss is going to kill me if I am late again. Where is my damn phone? *takes eyes off road for a few seconds and flies through light barely missing another car* OH SHIT! GAWD DAMN! I have got to stop doing that. Hmm, maybe if I can call him he will listen to me. *dials workplace number* Get me Corbin please I need to talk to him. *Bluetooth picks up call* Corbin: ‘Who is this? Wyatt if you are late one more time young man, you won’t have a job to come to anymore.’ Wyatt: ‘Sir I seriously had no idea I was late. I promise it won’t happen again, I know I shouldn’t be late, but I have been having problems lately with my health and I end up oversleeping a lot. Can you cut me a break?’ *Corbin sighs* Corbin: ‘My gawd son, you can’t expect me to believe that can you? I mean, I’m not that much older than you. Like I said before, one more chance and that’s it.’ *sirens getting closer* *Wyatt realizes there is a cruiser behind him* Wyatt: ‘I need to get off here now boss. I don’t want to get distracted any more than I already am. I will talk to you shortly.’ Corbin: ‘Fine man, just get here as soon as possible. I promised your father you would be a fine worker, you just need to get your priorities together.’ *Wyatt pulls over to the side of the road* Wyatt: ‘Goodbye Mr. Abrams.’ *Cruiser parks and a very large policeman steps out of his vehicle* *he is wearing a skin tight uniform which shows off all of his muscles* *he is wearing sunglasses and appears to have a black beard* *the first thing that Wyatt notices are his gigantic biceps looking quite vascular* Wyatt: ‘Oh shit, he is enormous. I can’t let myself look nervous or he will definitely give me a ticket or something.’ *officer walks to the back of Wyatt’s car and stops* Wyatt: ‘What is he doing? Damnit I can’t believe I am so careless.’ Officer: ‘Sir, can you please stop moving for me, I don’t want to draw my firearm.’ Wyatt: ‘Oh crap, yes officer I am holding still now.’ Officer: ‘Put your hands on the steering wheel for me then sir.’ Wyatt: ‘Yes sir.’ *hands on wheel* Officer: ‘Sir, you forgot to turn your car off.’ Wyatt: ‘You said to put my hands on the wheel and I did.’ Officer: ‘I realize that, but you should have turned your car off when you parked.’ Wyatt: ‘Okay.’ *takes right hand and turns ignition off*’I did it.’ Officer: ‘Thank you sir. Now I am coming up to your window.’ *officer walks slowly as Wyatt cranes his neck to look at his uniform* *officer stops at his window and sighs* Officer: ‘License and registration please.’ Wyatt: ‘Ummm….’ Officer: ‘You can take your hands off the wheel now.’ Wyatt: ‘Thank you.’ *rummages in glove compartment and finds registration* *quickly pulls out wallet and drops it in the floor* Officer: ‘Long morning man. You are way too nervous.’ Wyatt: ‘Yeah sorry, I got started late today.’ *tries to reach for wallet* Officer: ‘Take your time sir.’ Wyatt: *grabs wallet and hits head on wheel* ‘Ouch, fuck that hurts.’ *rubs head* Officer: *smirks a bit* ‘Just give me your license buddy and I will move this along for you.’ Wyatt: *hands him his license* Officer: ‘Stay put and I will be back in a minute.’ *Wyatt watches him turn and walk back to his cruiser* *His huge firm ass hugs his uniform perfectly and makes him moan loudly* *The officer stops and turns* *Wyatt mutters under his breath, ‘Ah damn’* *the officer comes back to the car* Officer: ‘Sir, is there something you need to say to me?’ Wyatt: ‘Uh no officer, I was talking to myself sorry.’ *Wyatt looks over and notices his nametag says King* *King takes his sunglasses off and shows his deep brown eyes to him* King: ‘Sir, step out of the car now.’ Wyatt: ‘Yes officer. I am…..’ *King stops him* King: ‘Be quiet. What is your name? *looks at license*.....Wyatt…..Williams…..that is an interesting name. Well Wyatt, come to the back of your car and spread your legs out to the side for me.’ *They walk to the back of his car and he does* King: ‘Lean forward for me Wyatt so I can search you.’ *King puts his gloved hands on his back and starts to search his pockets and even quickly touches Wyatt’s crotch* *Wyatt moans a little too loudly* King: ‘Wyatt did you just moan when I did that? Turn around.’ *Wyatt turns around and feels King pushing him against the car* *The huge officer moves his face in on his and gives him a mean look* *Wyatt starts to shake* *King smiles and backs off* King: ‘Wyatt I need to put you in the back of my cruiser while I check your information. Now you are going to be good right. Puts your arms behind your back so I can cuff you.’ Wyatt: ‘But I haven’t done anything wrong here officer. Why….’ *King interrupts* King: ‘I saw everything Wyatt. You nearly wrecked another car and you were speeding. Don’t give me some ridiculous story. I want to let you off on this, but you aren’t making it easy. Give me your arms sir.’ *Wyatt turns back around and places his arms behind his back* *King cuffs him and pushes him back to his cruiser* *He opens his side door and puts Wyatt inside* *He slides into his driver side door and closes it* *He starts to type in Wyatt’s information while Wyatt groans* Wyatt: ‘I don’t get this. Why am I in the back of this cruiser?’ King: ‘You need to shut up man. I need to focus here for a minute.’ *Wyatt’s mind wanders for a minute as he begins to stare at King’s huge back straining in his jacket* *Wyatt moans again and it makes King laugh in his manly voice* King: ‘You are clean Wyatt. I guess I will only write you a ticket.’ Wyatt: ‘Ahh come on, I am already late for work. I don’t need a ticket, please can I get a warning or something?’ King: ‘Wyatt, I have another idea. I think you will like it too.’ *sound of a zipper going down**he sheds his jacket to reveal his massive back* Wyatt: ‘Umm, OH…..’ *he moans again* *King gets back out of his cruiser and opens the side door* *he climbs inside where Wyatt tries to move away from him* King: ‘Come here, I know you want to touch me.’ *King grabs his legs and pulls him underneath his chest* *Wyatt feels his heat and it makes him sigh* Wyatt: ‘Ohhh…..uhhh…..I do want to touch you officer but…..’ King: ‘Use your mouth Wyatt, I want you to lick my massive pecs.’ *King leans down to smother him with his pecs* *Wyatt squeals as he plants his tongue on the huge mounds and tastes the sweat pouring off of them* *He instantly calms down and feels his cock springing to life* *King feels it against his body and reaches down to rub it slowly* King: ‘Good man. I think we can have a little fun Wyatt. You might not get a ticket after all.’ Wyatt: ‘Mmmm you taste so good officer. I really want you to take these cuffs off so I can feel you with my hands.’ King: ‘No sir, I think you are doing fine the way it is.’ *slight moan* *feels Wyatt moving over to his nipples and lightly licking them* ‘Ohh that feels great Wyatt, keep it up.’ *the cuffed admirer feels officer King’s bulge growing as it strains the fabric in his police suit* *low growl* ‘MMMM feels so good man.’ Wyatt: ‘Please release me, I think…..*has trouble focusing* I have learned…..*moves away from him again and stares into King’s eyes* my lesson officer uhhh…..’ King: *smiles at Wyatt and flexes his massive guns as they swell up into huge softballs* ‘You like these man. I am proud of these boys. *kisses them* ‘Come on and move back over to me Wyatt, you are doing great so far.’ *slowly pulls him back down to him* *Wyatt moans as King grabs a hold of his dress shirt and rips it open to expose his defined chest* *He reaches down to rub the young man’s chest and then licks his abs and pecs* *Wyatt writhes trying to make him stop but realizes he is powerless* *Officer King undoes his belt buckle and unzips his pants revealing his enormous rod which plops on top of the cuffed driver’s chest* Wyatt: ‘Why are you doing this to me officer? I just…..’*King puts his hand over the driver’s mouth and looks him straight in his eyes* *He becomes mesmerized again by the beautiful brown hues staring directly into his own green ones* King: ‘Calm down Wyatt and just give in to your needs. I promise you won’t have to worry about a ticket or even a warning today. ‘ Wyatt: ‘Uhhh I do want you to fuck me…..but I am afraid my boss will fire me if I don’t get there soon.’ King: ‘What is the phone number of this company? I will take care of this right now.’ *King pulls his cell out from his pants pocket* *Wyatt gives him the phone number and he dials it* *He sits up as his glistening torso and cock make the cuffed driver swoon as King uses his free hand to undo Wyatt’s pants and pulls his cock out to press up against his own* King: ‘Am I speaking to the supervisor?’ *someone on the line says no* ‘I would like to speak to your supervisor please.’ *King pulls a key out from his pants and places the end of it inside the lock to the handcuffs behind Wyatt’s back* *he turns it and Wyatt’s hands are released* *King grabs one of his arms with his free hand and puts on both of their cocks* *Wyatt starts petting and stroking while the sweaty officer waits for the supervisor* Corbin: ‘This is Corbin Abrams and who is this?’ King: ‘This is Officer Marquez King with the Halford Police Department and I would like to speak to you about one of your employees, Wyatt Williams.’ Corbin: ‘Yes he hasn’t arrived here yet…..’ *King interrupts* King: ‘The reason he hasn’t showed up yet is because the police need to talk to him. He has been in a wreck and we need to get his information. I want you to give him a pass today because it wasn’t his fault and he is pretty shaken up. Do we have a deal?’ Corbin: ‘Hmmm, well I hope he is alright, but he hasn’t been the best employee. I will give him a pass this time, but tell him that next time he won’t be so lucky.’ King: ‘I will tell him sir, you have a great day.’ *King hangs up and smiles at Wyatt* ‘Mmmm why don’t you keep stroking me man, it feels so good.’ *Wyatt increases his speed as he jacks both cocks* Wyatt: ‘I….I….have fantasized about this before officer.’ King: ‘Wyatt, call me Marc if you want to, I actually like you a lot.’ *Pulls his pants completely off as well as his boots* *King’s thickly muscled legs press up against Wyatt’s own legs still inside his pants* King: ’Make me want to fuck you little man. I want you to try and tackle me.’ *Wyatt jumps at him and tries to pin him down, but King’s strength is too much* *King eases up a bit so that Wyatt can tussle with him* *The big policeman stares into the driver’s eyes again and winks* *He pulls Wyatt’s pants off of him as the smaller fellow moans* Wyatt: ‘Ohh Marc I want you inside me really bad. Please why do you tease me?’ *King wraps his arms around Wyatt and pulls him in to kiss him on his lips* *Wyatt moans and puts his hands on King’s head as they embrace* *They quickly lock tongues and their breathing increases* *Wyatt hops on top of King and tries to push his huge cock inside him* King: ‘Mmm Wyatt, you don’t have to move so fast man. I am in no rush to leave, if you want to worship me, then you can.’ *King squeezes him and presses him against his chest as he wraps his huge arms around him**Wyatt moans as he begins to rub and kiss every muscle on King’s chest* *The officer growls and flexes them to make Wyatt purr* King: ‘Yes Wyatt, taste me, feel me, I will make you want me.’ *King squeezes his massive cock slowly up into Wyatt* *He feels his small admirer twitch just a tad as he begins to fuck him slowly**Wyatt leans back at looks up at King. His eyes look almost glazed over* *King reaches down to kiss him deeply and pulls him into him again* *He pumps faster getting closer to blowing his load inside him* *Wyatt squeals as he feels King starting to get close* Wyatt: ‘Ohh Marc, I want you to cum inside me muscle daddy. I fucking love it. I need to feel it rush through me.’ King: ‘Mmmm I like the way you think man. Here it comes.’ *King’s voice begins to get louder as he feels the cum starting to rush through his cock* *He thrusts numerous times as Wyatt yells in pleasure feeling huge ropes of cum flying inside him* *King laughs and holds him tightly* King: ‘You okay man. I think you kind of enjoyed that.’ *he smiles at him as he pulls out of Wyatt’s hole* ‘I think you need some relief yourself Wyatt, let me help you with that.’ *he pulls him up to his face and starts to suck Wyatt’s cock* *he moves rapidly making the smaller man start to buckle* *he smacks Wyatt’s ass as he sucks and even takes one of his hands to his hole* *Wyatt moans as he feels himself starting to cum* Wyatt: ‘I’m cumming man…..’ *King stops sucking and opens his mouth to catch the spunk* *Wyatt shoots numerous ropes of cum which coat the officer’s mouth and even land on his beard* *King gobbles his cock down and looks up at his accomplice and winks* *Wyatt squeals as King continues to suck him* King: ‘Give me more cum man, I am hungry. I don’t care how little it is, I just want to taste your spunk.’ *King slows down a little as he rolls his cock in his mouth* *He picks up the pace and slows down every couple of minutes* *Wyatt finally starts to moan louder as King growls* *The smaller man unloads another pile of seed this time down King’s throat* *The muscular officer sighs feeling it flow down into his stomach* *he rubs Wyatt’s chest and back and pulls his cock out of his mouth* *he pulls him down to where he is at and kisses him again* King: ‘Wyatt, I think we need to see each other again man. I thoroughly enjoyed this and you are quite sexy.’ *he lays the driver down on the seat and gets on top of him* Wyatt: ‘This is one of the greatest moments of my life Marc. You are the most beautiful man I have ever seen.’ *King smiles and presses up against Wyatt* King: ‘Do you want me to cum in you again man?’ *Wyatt nods yes and King enters him again* *King’s pace is rapid as he growls intensely holding Wyatt’s legs up* *After a few more minutes, King shoots another massive load inside his small accomplice* King: ‘I could do this all day Wyatt, but I need to get going. I actually need to get back to the station to clean up a bit. Now I want you to come by sometime and speak to me. Do you hear me?’ Wyatt: ‘Yes Marc I promise I will. I don’t guess I need to work today do I?’ *puts his clothes back on* King: ‘No I guess you don’t, now get the hell out of my cruiser.’ Wyatt: ‘Yes officer.’ *Climbs out the side door and begins to walk away* *King yells for him to come back after he puts his pants back on, his boots, and his jacket* King: ‘Where are you going so fast? Give me a hug before you go.’ *After stepping out of the back of the cruiser, he raises his arms out* *Wyatt embraces him and sighs* *King leans down to give him a nice long kiss* King: ‘Mmmmm, you are an amazing kisser Wyatt. You give me a warm feeling every time. I will be waiting for your visit.’ *King puts his glasses back on and gets into the driver’s side of his cruiser* *He drives off quickly* Wyatt: ‘Oh my god, what just happened. I think I have strong feelings for him.’ *Walks back to his car and gets inside only to sit there and stare off into the distance* *After a couple more minutes of pondering, he starts his car up again and turns around to go back to his apartment* Is this the end or just the beginning?
  10. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Giant Reveal (5 of 6)

    After a tiring week, Morris spends the last remaining days of the semester resting quietly in his apartment. He also can’t resist texting and calling Lance after what happened the previous week. The big Arabian stud gave him his number not long after that experience in the gym. Avery seems to have disappeared in the last few days which seems really strange to both of them. That Sunday, Morris receives a call from Professor Hardman which surprises him. ‘Morris, I want you to meet with me and Lance Elrusso at the university football field. You will be taking your final exam there.’ ‘Is there some reason why we are not going to be in the classroom professor?’ The professor pauses for a few seconds and laughs a little. Morris now believes what Lance and Avery have been telling him for the past several weeks. ‘Has Avery talked to you any Morris? This exam is highly physical and may even be a little dangerous.’ ‘Yes professor, he has told me about the exam, but I am unclear as to how I was supposed to prepare for it.’ ‘You have already prepared for it Morris. Avery has kept me up on your progress as well as Lance’s. Just be here tonight at around 10 and we will get started okay?’ ‘Okay professor, I’ll be there.’ They both hang up as Morris sits up on the couch he was laying on. Ben walks in and stands beside him with an odd look on his face. ‘Dude…..don’t you know what the final exam is? I can almost guarantee that Professor Hardman is going to make you do some kind of powerlifting. You might be fine though considering how much bigger you are. Since you started in that class, you have probably gained at least 30 pounds of muscle. If I was homo, we would probably be getting busy about any time now.’ Ben does a little goofy dance before he turns to leave the room. Morris dials up Lance on his phone afterwards. The Arabian answers and seems a bit conflicted. ‘Morris…..are you as nervous as I am man? I don’t know what to expect from this. I think I know what is going to happen, but the uncertainty is killing me.’ ‘I agree, maybe we can go there together? You know where my room is, don’t you?’ *seems cheerful now* ‘Ohh yeah I do, I’ll be there in a few minutes.’ They hang up as Morris gets up to move around a little. He leaves the room to walk into the main lobby to wait on Lance. While he stands there, Avery comes up behind him and picks him up. The surprised student shutters as the stronger man holds him up above his chest. Morris turns his head to look at him. ‘Hi there buddy. Are you ready to experience something new? The professor wanted me to round you up before you go over to the field.’ ‘Ohh well Lance is coming over here to meet up with me anyway Avery.’ ‘Awesome, saves me a trip then. *flexes his huge guns* Come on stud, flex yours so we can compare.’ Morris makes a noise basically telling Avery no which makes the bigger man lightly punch him in the stomach. The student’s arms twitch and contract as Avery positions them into a double bi pose. ‘Flex them! *Morris flexes* Hehe, there you go, not bad stud. You look better every time I see you.’ Lance arrives soon after and gives Morris a huge bear hug. The two men start growling at each other playfully and wrestling around a bit before they lean in and kiss. Avery looks on in shock. ‘Whoa! Things are definitely heating up between you two. I thought me and you had a thing Morris?’ *smiles greedily as Lance turns to stare at him* ‘You said the same shit to me Avery. I know you are just doing your job for Hardman. Let’s get going since it is after 9:30.’ The three men cram into Avery’s van and ride over to the field located about five minutes away. They get out and see the professor standing by in the nearby tunnel. He looks like he has been working out for hours judging by the amount of sweat pouring off his face and neck. He looks at Avery and nods his head. The graduate student walks past the professor and down the tunnel. When he gets to the end, he starts to run out on to the field. Morris and Lance get up to the professor and stop when he motions for them to see him. ‘Hey guys, welcome to the final exam. I know you have questions as to why this is being done on a Sunday at the football field. Well you will find out soon enough. Let’s get warmed up with a nice jog around the field why don’t we.’ The unsuspecting duo starts jogging with the professor down the tunnel and out the end on to the field where Avery is already halfway across. ‘We are starting early professor? I thought it was at 10?’ Hardman looks over at Morris and winks as he wipes his glasses. ‘Ohh it is at 10, trust me guys. This is just meant to get the blood pumping and our muscles loosened up.’ After about 15 minutes of this, the professor stops jogging and moves over to the middle of the field. Avery is already there while the other two wonder if they are supposed to go meet there too. The professor doesn’t say a word to them when he leaves so they just continue to trek along the edges of the sidelines. Avery keeps looking at them and smiling. At this point, it is ten till ten and it appears the professor is starting to have trouble controlling his breathing as he stands there. Morris and Lance finally decide to meet up in the middle with the professor and Avery. ‘Is he going to be alright Avery? He looks like he is in pain.’ Lance puts his hand on the professor’s back which is very hot to the touch. The sweat cascades down Hardman’s body like a river now as he completely loses his voice. Avery leans in to the professor and nods a few times. He then pulls Morris and Lance in front of Hardman and takes over on the talking. ‘It appears that the professor will be starting the exam a bit early considering that he is having a bit of trouble at the moment. And…..uhhhhh…..fuck…..*stretch*…..it is now spreading…..mmmmm…..over….. damn……*pop*…..to me. Guys……*rip*……get ready……to be amazed.’ The graduate student grunts a few times before his pecs start growing and shredding his shirt down the middle before they flop out. His arms completely destroy the sleeves as they continue to balloon into what amounts to watermelons. He rips his shirt off and roars in delight feeling his upper body growing at an alarming rate. He then reaches down and rips his pants off with just a few of his thick fingers as his legs and calves double in size. His underwear rips and shreds so quickly it falls to the ground as his cock thickens and his ass swells. He moans feeling his rod widening and lengthening as it pools precum all over the field. ‘OMG! Lance he is becoming a beast! What the hell am I a part of here?’ Lance doesn’t seem to be listening to him though as he watches the professor beginning his transformation. Hundreds, maybe thousands of cracks and pops are heard emanating from Hardman as his body struggles to keep its shape. He wails in pain for what seems like minutes as it appears he is losing control over his body. He stops moving at one point as it appears that the sequence is over. Lance is hypnotized by this. ‘Huh? What the…..HOLY SHIT!’ The professor starts moaning deeply as his voice changes and his body reacts. His muscles immediately explode out of his clothes as pieces of fabric remain glued to his growing body. He quickly surges past 200, then 300 pounds, as his body continues to expand its way outward. At this point, Avery is finished growing and rushes over to pick the other two up to sit on his shoulders. ‘Take a good hard look at that monster guys,’ he says in a much deeper voice since he is now over 350 pounds. ‘This is a gawd emerging in front of you of epic proportions.’ 400…..500…..600…..his height starts to catch up to the sheer bulk soon after as Hardman’s spine continuously stretches pushing him up higher and higher…..7 ft…..8 ft…..9 ft…..the three men look on in awe as the professor begins losing his human characteristics as the muscles completely deform him. 700….800….900…..10 ft…..11 ft…..12 ft…..Avery walks over to stand underneath the giant behemoth. They feel it raining on them as the professor’s massive 3 foot dong drops precum on top of them. ‘Guys this is the last part of the exam. The professor is going to coat you in his…..rain. Whatever happens after this will be completely unknown to all of us. It won’t affect me though since I have already…..changed. I am going to put you both down on the ground now and don’t move.’ Avery slides them both down on to the turf and quickly moves away as the professor continues to grow. Hardman’s body now takes up nearly five yards of the field as he reaches nearly a ton in size. The two young men grip each other’s sides as they await the final shower. The giant hulk roars in ecstasy as the ground shakes and the stands rumble. The two young men can smell the rain’s musk changing above them which makes them both feel extremely funny on the inside. They look at each other and realize it must be their turn now. ‘Oh fuck Morris, I am so afraid but yet I want this badly.’ ‘I feel the same way Lance. I hurt so badly too, but feel compelled to let this happen.’ As they feel something raging inside their bodies, the flood comes flowing out of the hulk’s raging dong and drowns the two men. They fall over and start convulsing as Avery gets hit too behind them. He falls too and crawls over to check and see if they are still breathing. The behemoth continues shooting thick jets all over them as he falls over. It causes a giant sinkhole to form in the field as he lies there unconscious still shooting cum up in the air. Sirens can now be heard in the distance as Avery starts feeling vibrations coming from underneath their skin. ‘Morris……Lance……guys…..talk to me……shit I hope this works otherwise me and the professor are so fucking screwed. This has to work quickly or everyone is going to know our secret.’
  11. EcchiMultiverse

    Marvelous Man - Chapter 16

    All comments and critiques are welcomed here and on my Google Docs(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O52F8UJS70fDmrK2gYawUXBtklu8IEUwpOdaOZrPuoM) For other chapters, I will post them on here later. But you can find the archives on my FA and Tumblr with pics included. FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ecchimultiverse/ Tumblr: http://ecchimultiverse.tumblr.com/ For first looks and more illustrations, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ecchimultiverse First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter SPECIAL THANKS TO MY PATRONS: CHRISTOPHER FLOYD & DONALD MORGAN All comments and critiques are welcomed here and on my Google Docs(https://drive.google.com/open?id=1O52F8UJS70fDmrK2gYawUXBtklu8IEUwpOdaOZrPuoM) For other chapters, I will post them on here later. But you can find the archives on my FA and Tumblr with pics included. FA: http://www.furaffinity.net/user/ecchimultiverse/ Tumblr: http://ecchimultiverse.tumblr.com/ For first looks and more illustrations, check out my Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/ecchimultiverse First Chapter | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter SPECIAL THANKS TO MY PATRONS: CHRISTOPHER FLOYD & DONALD MORGAN Chapter 16: Wrongs, Rights, and Rimming? Marvelous Man’s reality felt like it was becoming undone. He had been careful to balance his two different lives without raising any suspicion from his friends and teammates. Adrenaline kept accelerating his heart rate with the sound of pumping blood raging in his ears, and it took every ounce of the musclebound superhero’s will to keep his breath steady. There were plenty of questions racing through his mind, but one statement drowned out the inquiries: SHIT!!! In one huge reveal, Gemini now had a new body that was exotically erotic and masculine. Apparently, he had also been employed by the D.A.B. to act as the team’s new member as a technician. But the one thing Marvelous Man hoped would not happen is Gemini recognizing Justice in his alter ego. The probability of that happening at this very moment can be compared to pulling a pin out of a grenade and not exploding. Gemini had just subtly outed Marvelous Man, while offering a handshake. There was no other choice but to keep playing along in order to keep up face. Marvelous Man accepted the handshake; gripping it with caution. The muscle demigod could feel Gemini squeezing hard enough that it felt like his hand was going to turn into a diamond. This would become the second time today his hand would be crushed. He strained back a smile. Marvelous Man stammered, “R-really? What a coimidam-I mean, coincidence.” “Yeah, I bet,” grinned Gemini. The Director sipped his glass of sweet tea before continuing. “Marvelous Man, I’ll need you to debrief Mr. Yin here about our current situation with the Skeleton Lord,” Director Skye ordered,” As for you, Gene, I’ll need you with me when we start interrogating our petrified guest. I supposed he will respond better with you in his visual vicinity.” “Understood,” bowed Gene. Director Doug turned to Fairuza. He drawled, “Fairuza, I’ll need you to help record our interrogation. Maybe you can find something whatever Gilgamesh spills to get us a better idea about our skeletal problem. Especially with how he is associated with that fiend and how he managed to keep his youth.” “Yes, sir. Of course,” replied Fairuza. The Director smiled, “Splendid. Now if y’all excuse me, we still have about two hours left before our guest thaws out, and I will be taking my lunch.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Being dismissed from Director Skye’s office, Marvelous Man and Gemini made their way towards the elevator. Neither said a word, but Marvelous Man was too aware of the tension between them. It was seconds after they entered the elevator and it closing behind them, that he tried to break the ice. “So…” said Marvelous Man, “uhhh, as the Director told you, we’re dealing with the Skele-” “Why didn’t you tell me that you’re a superhero?” interrupted Gemini. Marvelous Man paused, “I...am a superhero. Is my outfit not cl-” “DON’T! Bullshit with me, Justice! I know it’s you. I have facial recognition software like every other Soulem!” exclaimed Gemini. He continued, “I mean, at least have the decency to put on a mask or something. You can blend in with the crowds of other giant black bodybuilders in this city, but that can only fool human eyes.” The muscle demigod said nothing. Marvelous Man stared down at the ground; incapable of making any eye contact with his Soulem friend. The elevator dinged as it passed the fourth floor. “When we first met, you told me you were a trust-fund baby and was in between jobs,” recanted Gemini. Marvelous Man answered, “...That wasn’t a lie...at the time. After I met you that same day, the D.A.B. hired me to become a full-time hero. Before that, I had just got my superhero license and was patrolling as a hobby.” “Oh...Still, why didn’t you tell me? I thought we were friends...maybe even best friends,” frowned Gemini. The husky Soulem’s mood rings turned to a deep blue. Marvelous Man looked up at his best friend. It struck a chord in his heart to hear someone openly validate their friendship with the bodybuilder superhero. “We are! It’s just that...I mean...I wanted to protect you and my loved ones. I don’t want my enemies to know about you and hurt you, Gemini,” explained Marvelous Man. Gemini looked at Marvelous Man with a face of bewilderment, while his mood rings turned grey. He exclaimed, “What kind of fatherfucking logic is that?! Did your understanding of the world come from an old-timey comic book or something?! I ‘supposedly’ have close relations to the you that is Justice fatherfucking Starr. Because of that, I have to know your superhero alter ego, so that I can prepare myself in the event that your well-known enemies try to get the drop on your civilian life by targeting me.” The elevator dinged again, as it passed by the third floor. Mood rings flashing red, Gemini crossed his arms. “You’re doing more harm than good. You’re not helping. You’re just being selfish,” he lectured. Marvelous Man’s vision began to turn murky, as he could feel something building up in his eyes. He clenched his fists. He was a superhero. Superheroes do not cry. They must be a symbol of unwavering strength. But…the fear of losing the only friend Justice had and the sadness of betraying Gemini’s trust felt more painful than Gilgamesh breaking his entire hand. He choked a whisper, “...I’m sorry…” Gemini stared into the muscle demigod’s eyes. As he did so, the Soulem’s mood rings’ color shifted into white. His hand slowly drifted to Marvelous Man’s until it hesitated halfway. Changing direction, Gemini placed his hand on the bodybuilder superhero’s bulging shoulder. “...I care about you, Justice. You’re the only friend around here that I have, and I barely know you. Please...tell me the truth. Just everything...anything at all...Please,” he sighed. Marvelous Man closed his eyes to prevent any seeping liquids. He could barely hear the elevator’s ding of descending passed the second floor. The musclebound superhero sobbed, “...Okay.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Soon after Marvelous Man calmed down, the two relocated themselves at Marvelous Man’s apartment. Marvelous Man did not leave as Justice earlier that day, so the he had to enter the premise through the roof access. The muscle demigod then fished a silver key out of his pocket while making his way down the steps. “Ya know, I think this is the first time I’ve been on your roof. We should go swimming on your roof’s pool before fall sets in,” mentioned Gemini. Marvelous Man nodded, “Yeah, sure. I’ve never dipped in there yet.” “That’s a shame. Too much time taken up from superheroing?” inquired Gemini. Marvelous Man answered, “Yeah, and cause I spend all my free time hanging out with you. You kinda had a fragile body back then, so that’s why all we did was walk around the mall and watch anime.” The Soulem’s mood ring flashed to pink, while he flustered. “Oh...Well...thanks for being considerate,” replied Gemini. The muscle demigod smiled, “No problem.” Marvelous Man then stopped in front of his living room closet. He briefly remember his first time arriving in the real world through there. While the process of going to another world felt somewhat magical, crossing over and arriving into the real world was so instant and tame. The bodybuilder superhero place the silver key into the door’s lock; jangling an ice cream sundae with a cherry on top keychain attached to the silver key. “Soooo, are you gonna tell me who you are and stuff? Cause I assumed you brought me back to your apartment, cause you’d feel more comfortable dishing it here...did I really just say that?” said Gemini. Marvelous Man turned to Gemini, as the Soulem’s mood ring changed to white. He spoke, “I do, but I have to show you something first before I can explain everything about me. I promise it’ll make sense once I do. Just let me change before I show you.” Raising his arms above his head, the muscle demigod placed his golden bracelets on top of the other. Marvelous Man chanted, “Marvelous Muscle Magic, Metamorph!!!” The bodybuilder superhero was instantly transported into his transformation void. After having to do it countless times to maintain his double life, he no longer dreaded it. The feelings from the transportation and assailing on his erogenous zones were at first annoyance, then numbness, and finally accepting it and enjoying the teasing pleasures. His heroic outfit exploded like shattered glass; leaving his musclebound body floating nude in the void. This was then followed by silver paint slapping at his glutes and groin. His muscular globes jiggled in every direction, as silver fabric began to form. Once the hulking man’s silver thong fully materialized, the transformation vacuum collapsed. Justice landed gently on his large feet. Taking a breath to appreciate the pleasurable transformation, Justice could feel his sex at half mast. The bodybuilder looked at his handsome Soulem friend and noticed the bulging movements in Gemini’s zaffre fundoshi. Justice’s mouth began to water, as his thoughts wondered about his friend’s robotic penis. He then realized that Gene’s hypersexuality was starting to seep into his personality. “So...you have to say that every time to transform?” coughed Gemini. Justice sighed, “Yeah. At first it was kinda embarrassing to say, but I got used to it.” The musclebound man attempted to change the subject in the hopes of distracting his thoughts and changing Gemini’s dark red mood ring. “Did I ever tell you where I came from?” asked Justice. Gemini lightly nodded his head, as his mood ring’s color turned into purple. The Soulem recalled, “Yeah, you said you came from Sunnysville?” “Uh-huh. And I want to take you there. It’ll make sense once I show you, I swear,” said Justice. Gemini’s mood ring flashed grey, as he gave Justice a confused look. He replied, “Oookaaay...Like, right now? What, we gonna use teleportation magic or…?” The Soulem tilted his head, while his eyes gazed upon the silver key in the closet’s lock. His mood ring immediately shifted to a purple. “Wait a sec! Are we gonna walk through your closet like that magical wardrobe?!” inquired Gemini. Justice could see the curious giddy in his friend’s digital eyes. The bodybuilder replied, “Ummm, I’m not sure what you’re referencing to. But yeah, we’re gonna be walking through my closet.” Gemini’s white eyes dilated like a cat enraptured by euphoric catnip. “Oh my gosh, dimensional magic?! I am going to flip if you’re telling the-uhhh...wh-what are you doing?” stammered the Soulem. During Gemini’s flabbergast, Justice had bent down in an attempt to take off his silver thong. He continued to slide it down his tree-trunk thighs while looking up. The musclebound man noticed his robotic friend’s mood ring began to constantly fluctuate between pink, grey, and dark red. He replied, “Hm? Oh, I’m just taking these off. Nobody in Sunnysville is real, so it doesn’t matter if I’m naked. You can take yours off too, if you want.” “I’m, uh, I’m good,” said Gemini. As the Soulem watched his overly muscular friend pull the silver thong down to the ankles, his mood ring color shifted to black. A wicked smile crept on his silver face. Gemini spoke up, “Soooo, if you’re not gonna wear anything, mind if ya let me dress you?” The hulking bodybuilder stood up and kicked away his thong. He then looked at the husky android with a puzzled face; unsure if he heard his friend right. “Huh?” said Justice. Gemini pressed, “Just saying. It doesn’t matter if you’re not wearing anything, since you said the people aren’t real...which is a really weird thing to say-Sorry, getting off topic. But c’mon, let me dress you. It’s not like you can be embarrassed.” Justice had never seen the Soulem’s mood ring take on a black hue, but he knew it could not be good. His instinct told him that something was amiss and to say no. But he felt like he would be letting down his friend again if he refused. The bodybuilder already hurt Gemini’s feelings once today and did not wish to do it again. “Okay,” he sighed. Gemini replied, “Great! I’ll be right back!” As the beefy Soulem’s mood ring color changed to light blue, Gemini ran to Justice’s bedroom. Justice tried to shake his unease. It seemed like an odd idea, but it could be fun. He wondered if he had the will to refuse whatever Gemini wanted him to wear. The worst thing the Soulem could do is make him wear his buttplug. He then told himself it would not be so bad, since they are only touring Sunnysville. “Dude, did you buy some anime replica sex toy?” shouted Gemini. Justice flexed his eyebrows in confusion before his eyes bulged at a faint memory. A while back, he thought it would be fun to purchase sex toys from the internet that were shaped like props from famous television shows and movies. There was only one that caught his eye that was quite similar and came at a hefty price. And after purchasing it, he forgot about trying it out; leaving it to occupy a corner of his room. Gemini continued, “Dragon Pearls™ anal balls? Some kind of Chinese knockoff? Oh wow, yeah, instead of stars, it’s got Chinese characters, heh. Geeze, it’s heavy! What is this, fourty pounds?” “Shit,” muttered Justice. Exiting Justice’s bedroom, Gemini lightly jogged back to his bodybuilder friend. He was carrying several objects in his hands, but there was something else that would catch anybody’s attention. Slinged over his shoulders and around the back of his neck were eight orange spheres interconnected with a white string. The crystal-like orbs were bigger than softballs and had red Chinese characters planted in their centers. The Soulem’s devilish smile was even wider than before, and the color of his mood rings were constantly phasing back and forth with dark red and black. Evil seemed to be dancing in Gemini’s eyes; sending a chill down Justice’s spine. Justice quickly reasoned, “Those aren’t clothes.” “Neither is your Marvelous Man bikini, yet you wear it in public cause it technically clothes your immense dong and balls,” shot back Gemini. The Soulem whined, “C’mon, broooo. You said you’d let me dress you. I mean, are you not able to fit this in you?” “I can...but I don’t want to,” replied the bodybuilder. Gemini continued griping, “Justice. C’moooon. Please? You seriously gonna take back your word?” Justice did not need Gene’s ability to sense the sexual hunger radiating out of Gemini. He knew it was going to be awkward getting pleasured by his best friend. The bodybuilder briefly wondered if all Soulems with supposed functional sex organs were as perverted as Gemini was starting to become. Knowing that he would never hear the end of it and probably hurt their friendship, Justice knew what he had to do. “Fine,” sighed the hulking bodybuilder. Gemini beamed, “Yes! I brought some lube if you need it.” “I don’t, but it’ll make this go a lot faster. Just let me clean myself out first,” said Justice. The overly muscular man thumped his way over to the bathroom. His thick cock loudly slapped against his thunderous thighs with every step. Gemini called out, “Maybe you should get a spell tattooed on yourself, so you can stay permanently clean. Unless you’re like, ya know, some sort of supernatural being or have an artificial colon.” >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> The bulge in Gemini’s zaffre fundoshi pushed against the fabric with furious determination at a chance to be fully erect and free of the tie-string loincloth. In one hand, he held a bottle of Crack Addict lube and the Dragon Pearls™ in the other. The Soulem’s mood ring color flashed an intense dark red, as he stared at the erotic sight in front of him. Splayed open was Justice’s rear end. The bodybuilder stretched his legs open into a perfect split; resting his exceedingly meaty legs on the couch. With nothing to keep his massive bubble glutes together, his virgin hole was left exposed for the Soulem to behold. “Well? You gonna do it or not?” said Justice. Upon Justice voicing his impatience, Gemini shook his head to relieve the carnal daze in his eyes. The Soulem replied, “Huh? Oh, yeah! Sure. Just, uh, give me a second to lube up.” “Just put it on the balls. My ass doesn’t need the prepping,” said Justice. Gemini nodded, “Yeah, I can tell. It’s already got a gape. But, ummm, how’d you get it to be so puffy? It’s like a donut.” “Anal pump. I’ve been using it for...huh, it’s been years, but I actually lost count, heh. But I had to get a new one when I moved here,” explained Justice. Gemini exclaimed, “Damn! How are you not a sex obsessed being if you buy all these sexy clothes and sex toys?! You don’t bother eye-banging every guy we pass by when we go to the mall and stuff.” “I still do. Just not with every guy. And I just feel that all my sex stuff should be kept home in my own privacy. But if I was still in my teens, I would’ve let you bang me without question, hehe,” stated the bodybuilder, “But what about you? You’re trying to put a toy in me and keep staring at my hole.” The Soulem sighed, “Sorry. After my awakening and getting my new body, the moderators for my upgrade said that I’d have a hyper interest in sex for the next week or so. So it should go away soon.” “Oh, right! I totally forgot! Congratulations on your awakening! I guess that’s why you got a new body, huh?” said Justice. He then paused for a second as realization hit him. The musclebound man spoke up, “Ohhhh, so that’s why it’s also called robo puberty!” “Yeah...so I’m really sorry if I keep drooling whenever I look at you. It’s just that...your body is really hypnotizing. Especially your asshole,” licked Gemini. While Justice was used to people flirting with him, it was different to hear his best friend complement the sexual appeal of his body. It sent a tingling sensation that aroused his man meat to twitch and harden. Gemini has made comments about his body before, but it was usually about his bigness or strength. However, his Soulem friend’s new statement roused a new hunger in Justice that felt like it could only be sated with more of those sexy comments...or maybe more. Justice hesitated, “Oh. It’s cool. But thanks for saying that. Ummm, can you put it in me now?” Gemini said nothing, as his eyes kept staring at Justice’s pillow-like bussy. He walked towards the bodybuilder’s hole, as if he were in a trance, and kneeled down. The Soulem slowly leaned forward until his face planted against the stretched buttocks. With his nose pressing against the soft, donut-shaped anus, Gemini’s nose inhaled the manly scent. “Fffffuuuuuck…” exhaled the Soulem. The musclebound man flexed an eyebrow in confusion. He felt something odd, but it was not a feeling of penetration. Opening his mouth, Gemini’s black tongue rolled out. It looked almost like a normal tongue until it began to flex and undulate like a worm. As it slithered in the air, the wet tongue started to glow a soft neon blue. The glimmering, blue tongue wriggled its way onto the bodybuilder’s perineum; tasting the smooth, chocolate taint. Floundering about, Gemini’s tongue layered the soft area with Soulem saliva. The blue muscle was still not satisfied, and trailed down the perineum’s line. It met its unfortunate end, as it collided against the couch. Justice sharply gasped, “G-GEM?! Wha-” Tilting his head up, Gemini snaked his glowing tongue back into his mouth. The Soulem’s silver lips brushed against the overly-muscled rump’s. With them perfectly aligned, Gemini’s face pressed further into the exposed buttock. Justice could hear a wet smooch, as the bulky android puckered and kissed several times. “Wh-what are you doing?!” moaned Justice. He could feel a tickling sensation on his anus, but it was hard to describe. It was wet, and it felt so good. It also felt teasing, and he wanted more but not knowing what it was scared him a bit. He could also feel a big object pressing against his thick rear. The object felt smooth and metallic, but it was warm instead of the expected cold. He briefly wondered just what Gemini was applying before a new sensation took over; melting his ability to move or resist. Gemini opened his mouth, during the mouth to anus make out session, to allow his glimmering, blue tongue to squirm out. It swirled over the pillowy rim of the entrance in slow, clockwise motions. Upon completing a rotation, Gemini would return back to kissing. He would smooch the hole’s lips a few more times before releasing his blue tongue in the opposite direction. With the pumped rim now thoroughly wet, the Soulem’s tongue went into a new direction. The blue tongue slowly slid into the gaping hole. It burrowed deep into fleshy tunnel like a worm without a hint of defiance from the muscle ring. It squirmed in every direction before returning into the metallic mouth. Immediately after, the glimmering appendage darted right back into the bodybuilder’s rectum to taste the virgin meat and explore every part of it. Justice laid on the couch in his perfect leg split; moaning in ecstasy. The tickling, pleasurable sensation now traveled inside of himself. He was powerless to stop Gemini’s unseen action, as he could no longer form a coherent thought. The bodybuilder was now mindless; lost in a lust fog with his eyes rolled back into his skull. The senses in his head spun, and he could no longer tell what was up or down. Pleasures of electricity zipped across his spine; twitching every muscle cord in his body. He whimpered, “Gem…” Gemini stood up. His robotic erection strained against the zaffre fundoshi and lined up against Justice’s pumped, wet hole. The Soulem looked down and reached for the drawstring of his mokko fundoshi before stopping midway. The bottle of Crack Addict lube and the Dragon Pearls™ were still in his hands, and his mood ring color switched to grey. His eyes darted about as if he snapped out of his trance and wondering what just happened. Keeping silent, Gemini quickly doused the orange anal balls with the sex lubricant brand. The color of his mood ring during the lubrication changed to yellow, before fading back to dark red upon finishing. Dropping to his knees, the Soulem placed the bottle of lube on the ground. He then grabbed the crystal orb on the end of the white string, and placed it against Justice’s gaping hole. The donut-shaped entrance widened upon the lubricated Dragon Pearl™ pressing against it. As the hole enveloped the orange orb, it accepted it with a soft, wet shlop. Justice grunted in pleasure from being stretched and filled. The gaping orifice then twitched as if it were a mouth hungry for more. Gemini carefully proceed with the second orb; resulting in the same outcome. The bulky Soulem continued to shove the rest of the crystal balls into Justice’s plump opening. As he slid the last ball in, his hand accidentally slipped in. Justice moaned at the sudden fisting, while Gemini playfully rolled his hand about. Smirking, Gemini pulled his wet hand out with a loud plop. All eight orbs were successfully fed into the hungry hole. The only evidence of such a feat was a ring attached to the anal ball’s white string; hanging outside the pillowy rim. Gemini stood up and gazed upon his handiwork. A shiny, orange glint shimmered from within Justice’s virgin chasm. Gemini’s eye wandered about Justice’s twitching body that was still paralyzed by the onslaught of euphoria. His mood ring transitioned to black. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Justice opened his eyes. He felt full and surmised that Gemini successfully inserted the Dragon Pearls™ into him. He then wondered how he ended up on his back, as the ceiling and the top of his pectorals now stared back at him. There was also something clung around his neck, but it did not matter at this moment. The bodybuilder remembered his anus was being tickled and then lost his sense of self and time. As he tried to recall the event, Justice then felt an intense itching on his hole. Trying to sit himself up, Justice spotted Gemini. The husky Soulem stood in front of him; holding a bag of shiny objects. The color on Gemini’s mood ring had now went back to being white. “...How long was I out?” hesitated Justice. Gemini smiled, “Long enough for me to put on the finishing touches of your new outfit.” Justice positioned himself to get up before noticing something else. “Why am I still doing the splits?” he asked. Gemini shrugged, “You looked really sexy doin that, so I split your legs again after I flipped you over. You’re surprisingly flexible for a super buff guy. It wasn’t even a struggle to get your legs to do it.” “Years of gymnastics and yoga,” answered Justice. Gemini flexed a suspicious golden eyebrow. He inquired, “Between all the bodybuilding?” “I had a lot of free time back in Sunnysville,” shrugged Justice, “Anyways, let me see what you did before we go.” Breaking from his split pose, the hulking bodybuilder placed his legs together and stood up from the leather couch. Justice thumped his heavy body back towards his bedroom and could hear a jingling of bells that he could not identify its origin. He could feel the anal balls wiggling inside of him with every thunderous step he took. Justice mentally admitted to himself that although it was weird to feel so much stuffed into his body, it did feel pleasurable and sexy knowing he took it all in. As he approached the bedroom door, he could not ignore another sensation he had been feeling since he woke up. Justice’s hole itched and twitched with an intensity that needed to be scratched. It was greater than its usual urges to be stretched and filled. Justice thought the anal balls were enough but figured it might have increased his endurance to take on more. As he reached down to pet the sexually-hungered mouth, the bodybuilder heard his Soulem friend shout. “Oh! That reminds me,” said Gemini. Dropping the bag of shiny objects, the bulky android ran to the musclebound man and stopped within touching distance. Gemini grabbed the Dragon Pearls’™ ring, hanging out of Justice’s anus on a white string, with one hand and placed the other on the bodybuilder’s wide back. He yanked as if he were trying to start up a lawn mower. Gemini commanded, “I wish you wouldn’t touch your hole until the Dragon Pearls™ are completely out.” Immediately after Gemini said his wish, Justice’s hole began to bulge against an object trying to exit. An orange orb was pulled out of virgin rectum with a wet plop ringing in the air. The bodybuilder gasped at the sudden stretch and partial loss of fullness. Electricity danced in Justice’s body, as the musclebound man was now paralyzed by the pleasurable shock. Before Justice had time to breathe, Gemini yanked the white string again. “I wish that you can’t take off the outfit I put on you until the Dragon Pearls™ are completely out,” added the Soulem. Another crystal anal ball popped out of donut-shaped hole. Justice’s body was assaulted by the multiple sensations but managed to gain enough willpower to do one action. The musclebound man held out his arms and braced himself against the doorframe. In the act of doing so, Justice sacrificed the power in his legs. The bodybuilder sagged to the floor, as his overly-muscular legs could no longer stand. Justice’s rear end poised up upon reaching the tiled ground; held up by the anal leash grasped in Gemini’s fingers. The bodybuilder shuddered, “F-Father...fucker...Wh-what did...you do...that for?” Gemini playfully tugged at the Dragon Pearls™ string. The orbs did not react this time; causing Justice’s round, muscle rump to be lifted higher up. Squatting down, the bulky Soulem slid his white, rubbery index finger halfway into Justice’s pumped hole. He then twirled in finger in a slow clockwise motion; eliciting wimpy moans from the hulking bodybuilder. Gemini licked his lips with his glowing, blue tongue, as his mood ring flashed to dark red. “Just testing it. Apparently, this anime knockoff sex toy is a magical object,” he replied. Justice moaned, “What?!” Even though he should be angry and having many different emotions about this situation, Justice felt himself sinking back into the lust fog. All of his emotions were being drained by Gemini toying with his hole. Justice wanted to fight back, but a bigger part of him wanted to give in. Especially since the itching sensation on his anal lips was finally being relieved a little bit. “Yeah. I’m surprised you didn’t look at the booklet in the box. Or at the very least, read the description info on whatever site you bought it from. But I guess when you have all the money to burn, things like that or even the price won’t deter you,” said Gemini. The Soulem rambled, “Basically, the Dragon Pearls™ are a mind control device that isn’t labeled as a magical mind control device, cause those are illegal. Not to mention, they would have been cancelled out by the magical mind control disruptors placed all over the city to prevent mind hacking. But this enchanted sex toy uses lust energy and can only compel a person once they give consent to have the balls put in them. So it would be really hard for a terrorist to use it against the president or something.” “Anyways, once they’re in you, I’m able to give you eight commands, but I have to start it with ‘I wish’. And every time I command you, I have to pull out a ball for it to work. Don’t worry though, I won’t make you do anything rapey like having sex with me. But apparently, the eighth command is permanent, and all the previous ones are temporary depending on how much lust energy was absorbed,” he continued. Justice could not believe what he was hearing. He thought to himself that he really needed to pay better attention to the description info before he bought something on the internet. No wonder that sex toy had all those zeroes. Gemini explained, “So I’m just gonna say in advance that I’m really sorry about all this, and that I don’t have much control over myself. I’m just super horny right now, and I just am now realizing what a sadist me and my dad really are. Sooooo, while my inhibitions are really low, I’m just gonna try to enjoy this as much as possible. Consider it payback for keeping a secret from your best friend that could have explained why we couldn’t have hung out all those times you were heroing before I got my upgrade.” The hulking bodybuilder tried to sigh, but it ended up turning into a moan. Gemini was not going to let it go even after Justice apologized. He then figured it was better to play along with Gemini’s role play, to keep his best friend happy. But when Justice has hit his limit, he will stop pretending to be deceived by the husky Soulem. “Fine. But...why does...my asshole itch...so much?” asked Justice. The Soulem smirked, “Grabbed a bottle of Crack Addict from your room. It’s that irritant lube that makes ya itch wherever you apply it to. Must be driving you pretty wild, huh, bro?” “Yeah...Can I get up now?” said Justice. Ceasing the finger twirl on Justice’s hole, Gemini uncoiled the white string that had wrapped around his finger from the action. The Soulem then slapped his hand down on the bodybuilder’s massive, round glutes; causing the skin and fat underneath it to ripple like a stone tossed into a pond. Justice moaned loudly from the buttocks assault and again from Gemini leaning down to give the donut-shaped hole one final lick with his glowing, blue tongue. He replied, “Now you can.” Justice remained face down for a few more seconds before collecting enough strength in his massive legs to stand up. At full height, his hands remained braced against the doorframe to keep his body straight. The bodybuilder then opened the door and slowly thumped his mammoth-sized body into his bedroom. Other than the anal balls inside of him moving, he could now feel the two orange orbs outside of him slapping against the back of his tree-trunk thighs. It was almost as if he had a tail. Finding the many wall-sized mirrors installed on the wall, he stood in front to gaze at his appearance. He became perplexed at what he saw, and realized he really needed to pay more attention to what he bought. The outfit Gemini made him wear was technically allowed for public dressed, but it was on the same level as Gene’s dating wardrobe. A gold-plated slave collar was now adorned around his neck. It had a short-lengthed chain linked to the front of the collar and drooped down into the cleft of Justice’s colossal pecs. Justice spotted his ankles had also been arrested with gold-plated slave cuffs that had small bells linked onto the sides. Focusing on his crotch, he noticed his hefty family jewels had been fitted through a golden cock ring that had been lined with a stretchy fabric. The shiny, metallic silver spandex housed his sexual fruits and stretched to a skin tightness that every detail of his manliness can be seen. The shiny spandex had the word “IT” printed in large, metallic gold spandex, so that even his crotch spelled out that he was bounded to a submissive, sexual servitude. Justice’s eyes were finally drawn to the last of what Gemini put on him. Shimmering on his belly button and his forehead were body jewelry rhinestones. They were white and sparkled like diamonds. The one on his belly button was the biggest of the two; completely covering the fleshy depression with a circular shape. As for the one applied onto the center of his forehead, it had a diamond-shaped rhombus figure to it. More than likely, these rhinestones were the final pieces, since that is what was most likely in the bag Gemini held when Justice woke up. “Am I supposed to be some sort of sci-fi slave prince?” guessed Justice. Gemini shrugged, “Something like that. I just grabbed what I thought would look sexy on you.” Justice looked in the mirror again to take in his new appearance. There was something exciting about wearing such an outfit, and it was starting to grow on him. It felt as if Gemini had awakened something within him. He always knew he was a power bottom but did being subjugated turn him on? The musclebound bodybuilder felt that Gemini would be the only one he could trust with such a thing for now; even though the Soulem was being a perverted pain at the moment. Though part of Justice relished at how dominant Gemini was over him. The overly-muscular man poked at his forehead rhinestone. “Well...I don’t completely hate it. I’m kinda liking this bindi. And the belly button one is...not bad,” he said, “By the way, how strong is this adhesive? It’s not budging at all.” Gemini stated, “It’s supposed to stay on you for a week, so I’m guessing it’s pretty strong stuff. So unless you want to rip off some epidermis, you probably shouldn’t try. Oh, and it’s waterproof and heat resistant, so a shower ain’t gonna make it come off.” Justice frowned as he played with his metallic spandex-encased bulge. The fabric felt smooth to his fingertips, and he was finding it fun to jostle it in his hand. He then spotted in his wall mirror a wet spot starting to develop on the silver spandex. “Fine. At least I can take off the cuffs and collar when you get those Dragon Pearls™ out of me,” remarked the bodybuilder. Gemini then mentioned, “Oh, yeah. One last thing. I stuck a whole bunch of different-colored rhinestones on your back.” “What?” said Justice. Gemini grinned, “Yeah, I arranged it to look like the Gemini constellation. So that’s my brand on you for right now to show that I own you, heh. But I’m not feeling it right now, so I’ll probably try something later that’s more noticeable and more me.” “Fine. Whatever. Is there anything else you added?” huffed Justice. Gemini pursed his lips, “Hmmmm, nope. That’s it. But let me just do one last thing.” Grabbing the white cord sticking out of Justice’s hole, Gemini yanked it. “I wish that you can’t move unless I’m wearing the Dragon Pearls’™ pull ring or holding onto the string,” he commanded. Another wet plop emanated from Justice’s hole, as another orb popped out. The bodybuilder gasped at the sudden stretch, and its sensation coursing through his musclebound body. It might have been pleasurable to feel and relieved some of the itch, but it also felt humiliating. Justice exclaimed, “Okay, that’s it!” The muscular man reached behind himself and grasped at the sex toy’s cord. Relaxing his bowels, Justice tugged at the Dragon Pearls™. The bodybuilder expected his hole to be stretched multiple times, but nothing happened. He adjusted his grip on one of the orbs and jerked at it again and again. The outcome was the same; not at all budging and locked within his rectum. “The hell? I’m relaxing all my ass muscles. Why isn’t it coming out?!” he said. Gemini smirked, “I did just tell you about a minute ago that you bought enchanted Dragon Pearls™. I even gave you that whole spiel on how it works. Only somebody commanding you can pull them out one at a time.” “I thought you were just roleplaying or something. It’s just too crazy for something like that to exist,” replied Justice. Gemini sighed, “Says the guy that bought an anime knockoff replica sex toy.” Justice said nothing while releasing his hold over the orange orb. The bodybuilder then attempted to touch his itchy anus; his fingers reaching out to the affected area. Justice’s hand stopped in its tracks just as it was about brush against his asshole. It was as if there was some magnetic field that repelled his hand away from his hole. “Dammit,” he muttered. As Justice gave up, the bulky android’s mood ring color shifted to black. Gemini spoke up, “Allow me to demonstrate wish three.” The Soulem relinquished his grasp over the Dragon Pearls™; slapping against the bodybuilder’s overly-muscled thighs. He grinned, as Justice’s body immediately seized like a statue. Gemini’s hands began to wander over Justice’s wide, wing-like lats, as he leaned forward to kiss the musclebound man’s mountainous traps. Even though Justice could not move, he could still hear and feel the wet smooch applied to his skin. The bodybuilder then wondered how the Soulem’s metallic lips were warm, wet, and somehow tickled his skin. As Gemini finished his kiss, he squatted down. The husky Soulem moved himself in front of Justice and looked straight at his friend’s metallic spandex bulge. Extending his glowing, blue tongue, Gemini licked at the bulge’s wet spot that now had a raindrop-sized manly residue leaking through the shiny, silver bulge. “Mmmmm. Sweet. Just like you,” flirted Gemini. Justice felt his cheeks burn. He was not sure if it was from either being flustered at the compliment or being humiliated at his paralysis. “...Thanks...can we go now?” he replied. Gemini sneered, “Don’t want to have sexy times with your best friend?” As the Soulem stood up, he dragged his glimmering tongue over the silver bulge. It then slid across the cobblestone abs and into the crevice of Justice’s mighty pectorals. All evidence of such an act was a trail of the Soulem’s saliva on the hulking bodybuilder’s skin and the newly polished navel jewelry; shimmering in the bedroom light. Gemini then changed his attention to the watermelon-sized pecshelf. He softly bit onto Justice’s left pec multiple times, as his hand molested the other. Chocolate pec meat spilled through the white, rubbery fingers of the hard grip. Justice could only moan at the titillating action and groaned even louder once Gemini switched to the bodybuilder’s nipples. Justice gritted his teeth. It was very hot but also weird to watch his friend make love to his chest. He wanted to ask when Gemini started to have sexual attractions to him, but there was something else he needed to say. Justice could not let himself get lost in the erotic euphoria and excitement from being dominated. The bodybuilder gathered his willpower and thought of the most unsexy thing he could think of. Pickle peanut butter sandwich. “I think that’s why it seems awkward to me. You’re my best friend, and...I dunno...I still feel bad about what happened, and I need to show you the real me. Please?,” he answered. Gemini instantly ceased his erotic activity upon hearing his best friend. He looked up at Justice’s eyes, while the color of his mood ring changed to white. The Soulem frowned, “Sorry. You’re right. I’m getting so easily sidetracked right now, but...I do want you to show me more than anything, dude. I want to understand.” Next Chapter
  12. The two roommates wake up the next morning in completely different mindsets. ‘Morris…..dude…..I really want to know what went on last night. You did things in your sleep that seemed kind of strange. You kept rubbing your legs and chest with your hands and kept complaining about something moving around inside you. I was going to wake you but I figured it would cause you to punch me or something.’ ‘WHAT? You are watching me sleep? Damn Ben sometimes I wonder if you should just have sex with me and get it over with.’ Ben frowns and turns around to leave their bedroom before going down the hall to get ready for his next class. Morris feels something buzzing by his right leg and realizes that his cell is ringing. He picks it up and sees a number he isn’t aware of. He answers it and starts talking. ‘Uhh hello who is this?’ ‘Hello there Morris, this is Professor Hardman. Avery has filled me in on where you are in the course and it seems to me that you will not have to attend any more lectures since you have passed a key component of the class. I will see you in a few weeks okay? I still want you to keep up on the workouts you are doing and spend a little bit of time with Avery so he can prep you for the final exam.’ Morris is surprised by what he is hearing and now gets what Avery was talking about the night before. ‘Professor, is it possible that my roommate Ben could also pass the class or does he have to do something too to get further along?’ Hardman chuckles a little and asks Morris exactly who Ben is since he has not actually met him before. The young student describes him to the professor who admits that Avery has never talked about him. ‘Hmmm, well Ben will have to work a bit harder to get to the final Morris, but maybe you can bring him with you to your sessions with Avery. In the meantime, he will have to go to the lectures to compete with the other thirteen students. I will be teaching the lectures while Avery will spend his time in my office. I need to get going now and I hope you have a good day Morris.’ The professor hangs up before Morris gets another word in. He gets up and puts his phone down inside the shorts he is going to wear for the day. He goes down the neighboring hall and into the bathroom. Ben stands by the vanity mirror putting lotion on his body which he has covered by only a pair of very skimpy briefs. ‘I just talked to Professor Hardman and I guess I don’t have to attend any more lectures. You will have to though. I tried to get you out of them, but he wouldn’t listen to me.’ ‘Aww damn dude, that sucks. Well not for you, but of course I know why you won’t have to go. I’m not going to sleep with that brute besides I think it will be great to gain some more knowledge there so I can grow huge.’ Ben flexes his biceps in the mirror which appear to have decent peaks on them from Morris’s perspective. He laughs a bit before leaving the bathroom and going down into the kitchen to grab something to eat. After six weeks into the course, Ben is beginning to struggle with the pace that has been set by Professor Hardman. Morris is noticing a real change come over him that actually makes him wonder if he should do something about it. In between classes a few weeks later, the two roommates sit down in the students’ lounge to talk about what is going on. ‘Dude…..I don’t know if I can compete with those hulks in there. Some of those guys are so freaking huge and seem to be getting even bigger. I swear that one guy in front of me grew while I was sitting in class last week. I kept hearing this weird sound come from his back and it looked like his shirt was getting tighter. By the end of the lecture, it was skin tight and I could see every muscle in his back. It was fucking crazy.’ Morris stared off somewhere as Ben described his experience. Once he finished talking about it, he waved his arm in front of his buddy’s face and smiled. ‘Hello…..Earth to Morris? Did you even hear a word I said?’ ‘Ohh yeah man I did, it’s just…..I think I believe you when you say that. I just wonder if that will happen to me too. I still think you should come with me to see Avery tomorrow it can’t hurt to hear him out. Maybe he can help you through some things?’ ‘Oh I don’t think so dude. You seem to have some crazy connection to him now. The last time you saw him two weeks ago, you were really pumped. I think your muscles grew too. You are almost my size now which at one time seemed impossible.’ Morris smiles as he slowly bounces his pecs which just a few weeks before were too small to even notice. He flexes his arms making the veins stick out and snake across his forearms and biceps. Ben shakes his head and puts his left hand on his face. ‘Your confidence is so much higher now man. Avery is definitely helping you, but I am just not getting the same results. I am going to go talk to Hardman about maybe getting out of the course because I am feeling overwhelmed.’ Ben gets up and turns to walk down the nearby stairs into the basement. Morris wants to follow him, but feels compelled to stop when he sees the guy that Ben was talking about earlier. The hulk has a thick black beard, bald head, tattoos on both arms, and pecs that can’t be contained in his tight blue shirt. The glasses he is wearing give people the impression that he is not only powerful but intelligent as well. His exposed olive skin is covered in black fur. He stops walking himself to turn his head around to see that Morris is looking at him. His powerful legs strain against his beige khakis as his huge ass pulls along every seam. He wanders over to the smaller man and looks into his eyes. ‘Hey there. *smiles* Weren’t you in Hardman’s class at one time? I seem to remember you from the first day, but you disappeared after that.’ Morris notices beads of sweat slowly dripping down the man’s wide veiny neck between his huge pec shelf. He returns his attention to the man’s eyes. Those big hazel eyes seem to be seducing him ever so slowly but not before he starts to move backwards a bit. ‘Well, I scored highly on the test so Hardman went ahead and put me through to the final which is pretty great.’ The man is surprised by this and lifts his arm up to his head. The thick baseball in his right arm grows to stretch the sleeve to its limits. Morris can’t seem to take his eyes off of it as the man squeezes it tighter. Within seconds, the sleeve busts as the bicep rises to its fullest peak. The man laughs before putting his arm back down to his side. ‘Damn, I need to buy new clothes. I have had this shirt for two years and it has never been this tight before. Avery told me that I need to slow down on these workouts, but I just can’t stop. They make me feel so…..incredible. I feel like I could grow forever.’ ‘Wait? You know Avery? I was about to go see him for some coaching on the final?’ The man looks at Morris with an amazed look on his face. ‘Avery Goodwin? Ahh now it makes sense. Avery is pretty sure that I will make it to the final too. You don’t seem to be growing like me though? Do you workout all the time?’ ‘Obviously not like you. You are huge man. My roommate sits behind you in class I guess. He said he could hear you growing as you sit in class.’ The man laughs and accidentally rips the left side of his shirt which exposes one of his lats. ‘SHIT! This sucks so bad, hey do you mind following me over to this corner man?’ The man moves over to the corner of the lounge and grabs his shirt. As he does, the fabric immediately rips as he pulls it off his upper body. He removes the sleeves and collar before wading them up in his hand. He shrugs his wide shoulders as his tatted hairy pecs bounce. Morris stares intensely at them as they bounce. ‘Hey what is your name man? Mine is Lance.’ ‘Morris. It’s Morris. Wow you are thick Lance. Avery has definitely done wonders for you.’ The man winks and reaches down to grab the unsuspecting young man’s hands before placing them on his hard abs and pecs. Morris moans deeply feeling the power raging from inside Lance’s body. ‘OH GAWD! I don’t think this is the place for this Lance. I don’t even know how this happened.’ ‘I suspected something about you Morris. You exude some sort of musk that immediately drew me to you. I don’t normally do this trust me, but for some reason your touch is VERY enticing.’ Lance tries to go a step further but Morris manages to stop him before he strips his pants off. ‘I think I should go see Avery now. This seems to be getting out of hand. I will talk to you later Lance.’ Morris rushes away from him before he can make another move and ends up stopping at the top of the stairs to the basement to catch his breath. His heart beats faster as he looks down to see Avery standing at the first turn and is staring up at him. The hairy stud laughs knowing what has just happened. He points at the floor next to him and motions for the young student to come down. ‘So…..you met Lance did you? He has definitely changed a lot. I barely recognize him myself.’ Morris meets him at the midway point and they both go down the stairs and into the gym. Avery takes him into the back of the gym to the table that they normally socialize at. The young student continues to have trouble breathing for some reason. Avery puts his arm around him and hugs him close to his chest. The huge graduate student is wearing a very loose tee that barely hides his thick meaty pecs. Morris’s lips find them and immediately start to kiss them lightly. ‘Oh no man. I am supposed to help you prepare for the final and that doesn’t include pec worship. *he laughs* Although it might help you calm down a little. *pulls the front of his shirt down and rips it open exposing his massive boulders*’ Morris moans deeply as he starts to suck on Avery’s huge pecs and nipples. The big man feels his cock straining his jeans as it nearly rips its way out the side. ‘Okay okay……damn Morris. You are making my balls stretch tighter than I can remember. I suppose you are hungry for some hot man juice aren’t you? Well, I won’t hold you back from that.’ Morris smiles as he leans down to unzip Avery’s jeans where he immediately meets up with a huge leaky rod. The big stud gasps as the young student gulps his cock down and starts working it over quite rapidly. The graduate student looks up and makes a few ‘hmmph’ sounds which go unnoticed to Morris. He is completely unaware that another man has now joined in on the fun. Another remarkably thick cock starts rubbing against his face as he continues to massage Avery’s cock with his mouth. Caught up in the whole sequence, Morris stops sucking Avery’s cock to turn and gulp the other cock down. He hears a very deep manly voice moan directly above him. The juices coming from this man’s cock taste remarkably sweet to him which makes him work it over almost at the same rate as Avery’s. He takes turns moving back and forth from one cock to the other making the big studs moan and groan as they rub Morris’s body. They both feel their rods swelling and their ballsacs stretching to their breaking points. The other man finally chimes in. ‘OHH MAN, I can’t hold it. Get ready for a geyser Morris.’ It is at this point that Morris realizes it is Lance and stops to stare up at him. The man leans over to plunge his tongue down Avery’s throat who is moaning himself as he feels his cock ready to burst. Morris pulls his own cock out of his pants and lets it ooze all over the gym floor. He massages both men’s huge hairy chests with his hands as he anticipates Lance’s load. He strokes it in steady rhythm with his own cock which makes the big stud shutter in delight. Within a few seconds, the man growls as he coats Morris’s face in thick white spunk. The young student then swallows the spurting rod down and chokes on the thick wad it is shooting. Watching intently, Avery moans passionately as he humps the air making his cock swell to the point that it turns purplish. ‘SHIT SHIT Morris, here it comes, I always lose it when I see something hot like this.’ Morris pulls Lance’s wet cock out of his mouth just in time to turn and get soaked by Avery’s powerful rod as it drenches his face and shirt in ribbons of cum. Morris sighs before leaning in and slowly gulping down the thick pole as it continues to pump multiple loads inside him. He feels the river of jizz also flowing out of his mouth and down inside his shirt which eventually meets up with his own cock. He rubs it all over his rod and jerks it a little bit faster. The two men pick Morris up and put him on the table. They both encourage him to keep stroking. Morris starts yelling in ecstasy as he feels himself getting closer to the edge. Avery leans over to whisper something in his ear. ‘Yeah man…..keep stroking and you will grow fucking massive. I know you can do it, just keep going and you will get a huge surprise.’
  13. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Chosen Ones (4 of 6)

    Morris’s breathing slows down as his chest begins to rise. The two hairy studs notice the changes starting as the student’s arms begin to fill out as the veins thicken up and his biceps stretch the sleeves to their limits on his shirt. He moans feeling it spreading through him as his entire body reacts. His quads begin ripping the seams on his pants as they spill out the sides making the two bigger men growl in delight. ‘Yeah Morris, let it take over. Fucking grow like us, you won’t regret it.’ He stops stroking his cock as it thickens outward and begins shooting pre like it is cum. Morris squeezes his biceps making the sleeves completely rip open revealing two huge round mounds of muscle in what were his scrawny arms. The veins pulse as they move up to his shoulders which are ripping their way through the fabric also. His nipples strain his shirt to the point that he moans feeling them ready to explode from their confines. The two bigger men rip his shirt off and start punching his mammoth pecs making him gasp in pleasure. They know it feels amazing since they have had the same reaction before through their changes. Each time they do it his cock jumps and sprays another jet of precum. ‘Shoot it man it would be the ultimate finish to a great change.’ Both Avery and Lance pick him up and pull his ripped pants off before toying with his crotch and ass. Morris squeals as he feels his load finally pushing its way up into his cock. The two men smile as he finally shoots his cum all over them before falling back on the ground. His growing glutes make him bounce slightly as he feels his legs stretching and pulling themselves bigger and wider. He continues moaning as he feels himself getting larger as the other two continuously massage his cum into his skin. ‘Feels awesome don’t it Morris. Me and Lance were shocked at the way it felt ourselves. The pump is so incredible. *both men flex their biceps above Morris* Aww yeah, embrace it man because it goes away quickly during the first change.’ Morris feels himself starting to lose a bit of the pump Avery was talking about as it starts to deflate his muscles slowly. He groans feeling himself shrink as the other two pick him up on both sides and take him to the showers. They smile at each other as they reach over to turn the stalls on and drop him down on the ground. Morris makes a few agonizing sounds and stares up at them both. He tries to get up but slips a bit making the other two studs crouch over in laughter. ‘OMG man……this is too damn funny. You know we are just playing with you Morris. The truth is…..you are a part of us now man. Consider this a hazing of sorts you are going to have no problem passing the final exam now. Hardman will give you and Lance the exam next week so get ready. Now you two need to get cleaned up and go home.’ Avery washes up quickly and leaves for the locker room. Lance walks over and puts his hand out to lift Morris off the ground. He lets go soon after as the smaller, but noticeably fitter Morris starts slipping on the floor again. He lets out a few groans before Lance grabs his arm to keep him balanced. The thick hairy stud walks over to his stall beside Morris and starts lathering himself up. Morris stands there to take in the view for a few seconds and realizes that he is incredibly attracted to him. He feels his cock getting hard again and slowly walks over behind the sexy man. He wraps his arms around Lance’s chest and starts rubbing the man’s huge heaving pecs and ab slabs. The Arabic-American moans deeply, resting his back against Morris’s chest as he reaches his own arms around to rub the smaller man’s legs. Morris arches his head around to kiss Lance on the lips, but the big man resists. ‘Come on Morris…..we can’t be doing this man…..you are obviously still feeling horny from the change. *feels the small student’s cock rubbing up against his hairy ass* Well…..*smiles at him*, I guess you could shove it in there for a few minutes if you want.’ Morris growls eagerly as he slowly pushes himself inside Lance and thrusts in and out. Lance rubs his thick beard against the smaller man’s head and moans deeply feeling every inch inside his hole. He slaps Morris’s quads with each individual thrust making the excited top grunt. ‘Yeah man, fuck me. The water really feels good against our skin doesn’t it? I noticed this after I showered the first change the other day.’ Morris grips Lance’s thick waist as he pounds him faster. The versatile big man leans his head back to whisper something in the top’s left ear. ‘Don’t cum in me okay? Avery told me that it will cause problems if I have sex with another man similar to me. Just spray it on my back.’ Morris lets go of Lance and pulls out as he jerks his cock wildly and feels his balls filling up. Lance then decides to turn around and jerk his cock too. They both lean up against each other and wrap their arms around their shoulders to bring themselves to climax. They change things up and jerk each other off with the other’s hand feeling their rods swell and tense against the pressure. Finally after a few minutes of edging, the two men spray each other with thick creamy wads as it cascades all over their bodies. Lance yanks Morris under his shower stall and starts lathering soap on him. They lightly punch each other in the chest while cleaning the cum off and laughing as they do it. Morris looks him in the eyes and winks before jumping into Lance’s arms. The big man winces for a second and leans in to kiss his buddy’s lips. They moan as they remain under the water and hold each other. Before long, other guys start showing up in the showers and glare at them in a rather negative way. Realizing that they need to get going, they let go of each other and rush to grab towels to put over top of themselves. When they get to the locker room, Morris sits beside Lance and rubs the big man’s back in a comforting way. ‘I feel like we need to be together Lance. I can’t seem to stay away from you now. The connection I have with Avery is a little different, but with you it feels like we should be linked.’ Lance looks into Morris’s green eyes and smiles. ‘I feel it too man. *puts his right hand on Morris’s left leg* We do have a personal connection. I would have never known it if we didn’t have sex. I know now why we are the two finalists we are both linked through Avery who is tied to Hardman too.’ Morris looks puzzled as to how this could happen. Lance sees this and attempts to explain it. ‘Obviously you know that I have had sex with Avery since we both have this gift. Well Avery is not the main source of this, it is actually Professor Hardman. The reason there are only two of us in the end according to Avery is the fact that Hardman doesn’t want his secret to be out in the open. He entrusted Goodwin to select the best two from the fifteen he allowed in the class, that is why Avery led the first session. He chose me before the class ever began so I knew that I would be here at the end. I noticed you with him after the second part started. He was definitely into your potential. I have no idea why, but he picked you over the rest because of what lied beneath your skin. Obviously, he was right because our chemistry is amazing.’ Lance leans over and kisses Morris before pulling him into his chest and squeezing. The smaller man moans feeling the thick fur against his face and massaging the big stud’s back. Unbeknownst to them both, Ben is walking towards them from the gym area. He taps Morris on the shoulder to get his attention. ‘Well well well…..I should have known you would be messing around with this guy. I quit the class man the professor told me I wasn’t going to make it to the final anyway. It is quite obvious that you two are the ones that did. I just didn’t know that you two were THAT close.’ Morris turns around to let go of Lance to smile up at Ben. ‘I promise I didn’t cheat on purpose Ben. It just happened that way.’ Ben curls his lip up to the side and shakes his head. It is apparent he doesn’t believe him. ‘Whatever man, it doesn’t matter because the results speak for themselves. Anyway, I am finishing up early because I have another final to get to. I will talk to you later.’ Ben runs into the showers to clean up while the other two men kiss one last time. ‘I guess we should be going too Morris before other guys here start talking; time to split man.’ Lance gets up as his towel falls off showing off his hugely muscled lower body before slowly sliding his shorts over top of his beefy ass. He can hear Morris moaning over on the bench they were sitting on. The big man turns to push him off and growls in a flirty way. ‘Hey get up goofball and dress. You have got to get moving, I know you have other finals.’ Morris admits that he does and gets up to go over to his locker to get a clean outfit out that he left there the other day. When they finish dressing, Lance rushes out the front doors of the gym so Morris doesn’t follow him too closely. By the time Morris goes up the basement steps into the main lobby, Lance is nowhere to be seen which makes the student a little sad but he knows that he needs to study for the four other finals that are taking place the rest of the week. He returns back to the student lounge with his backpack in tow and lays his books down on one of the tables to study.
  14. geektofreek

    The Black Stallion

    Hey guys! This story was supposed to be only a singluar chapter, but the growth scene is getting longer then expected. As usual, I wrote this all on my phone, so please excuses the errors. Enjoy! THE BLACK STALLION PART 1/3 Marcus, took off his shirt in front of me, revealing his totally smooth, yet thickly carved, half-black muscle chest, handing me his smartphone and asking me, his own mother, to snap some pictures of his progress. We stood outside by the pool. I knew it was wrong of me, but I whimpered at nearly every shot. When did my baby boy get so handsome, I kept on thinking, as I bit down on my lips. “Hey, mom!” Now the the boy was even bigger. Standing outside his college dorms, filling up nearly every inch of his college branded hoodie, bloating almost obscenely his once loose basketball shorts. He looked so unbelievably masculine and huge, this big black stallion, I thought, as he stood outside and waited for me handsomely in the rain. “W-Wow!” I stuttered as I got out of the car. “Just look how big you’ve grown!” “Thanks, mom. Sorry about the rain!” “That's Seattle for you!” I tried humorously replying, trying to hold back my motherly whimper, just from receiving the smallest hug. His huge black male muscle cleavage nearly suffocated me, entrapping my tiny white womanly face, between the depths of his musky and incredibly iron carved breast, pungent, even through the outside of his sweater. I squeezed a little tighter, making him squeeze a little more back. I honestly could barely breathe at this point. The powerful wall of his abs, eight huge bricks, combined with his pecs, compacted against my tiny motherly frame, nearly crushing me, with ease, like I was nothing more than some insignificant human grape. “Mind if we go upstairs, for a second, mom?” Marcus shamefully scratched his neck. “I really have to use the restroom.” I figured the poor boy had to take one of his glorious protein dumps, watching him quickly publically scratch his butthole, remembering, with a smile, just how many shit’s he used to take back in high school. It was almost hard to comprehend, just how many he would possibly have to take now, to even sustain such a beastly and huge physique. FARRRTT “S-Sorry, mom!” Marcus stuttered embarrassingly. The smell was nearly unbearable, as I walked closely behind him, behind his monstrous and muscular swampy bubble butthole, up four flights of stairs, up to his dorm room. But that didn't stop me from moving my nostrils any closer. All that was missing was a swinging horse tail and some flies, I queerly joked in my head. That big black stallion ass. He probably could have crushed me up there, if he wanted to. “Here it is.” Marcus said opening the door. “It's pretty tiny.” The smell was even worse in his room, so much overpowering shit and body odor, that in fact, there really was a small swarm of flies in his tiny closet-sized on suite bathroom. Marcus didn't seem the slightest bit phased, opening a window to his room, yes, but only complaining that it was a little hot, and not because of the horrendous smell. “It's cute, sweetie.” “Thanks! My roommate, Carl, just moved out. I don't think he liked that I used the bathroom so much…” Marcus grabbed the base of his sweater. “Oo-OH, well that's a s-shame!” I whimpered frantically, as he suddenly exposed to me every inch of his totally monstrous and muscle bound, now completely hairy, chocolate brown bodybuilder chest. He had pulled up his sweater, accidentally lifting up his t-shirt. There wasn't a single part of my body that could move, so glad that that my little boys face was covered, as I grew so weak in the knees and my panties began sopping wet. “A little help here, mom?” Marcus struggled beneath his own sweater. His beautiful teenage arms had grown so colossally muscular, so overly developed with these obscene black chiseled boulders, that even his t-shirts sleeves became hopelessly caught, the verge of exploding, was more like it. I quickly tried to help, so overwhelmed by his rank manly odor, all the curly and practically afro-thick armpit hair, exploding out into my face. Even I found myself eventually struggling with a whimper, just to help get my baby’s own shirt off, almost afraid that I might slip, fall into the absolute cave of his dark smelly armpit, underneath the mountainous black peaks, twenty-four inches, of teenage bicep, coming down and snuffing me out. “Thanks, mom!” Marcus finally pulled off his sweater. “All my clothes have been getting real tight lately.” He said the words, snapping me out of my daydream, as he raised both arms for a quick flex, proudly and confidentially, high above my small little head. His huge grinning white smile stretched across his black stubbled face. I honestly couldn't hold back this time, as he demonstrated his awesome and titanic teenage muscle strength, to his own proud and watching mother. “OH-OH!” I squealed openly. “Look at the SIZE of my baby’s arms!” “You like these gains, mom?” Marcus flexed a little more. “I really want to get big.” He said the words as if he wasn't big enough, as if the two bowling ball, bigger than my face, skull popping black powerful biceps, weren't enough for my baby’s giant dreaming appetite. I reached up with a gulp, trying so desperately not to show, that at this point, I was on the verge of having some totally out of control, panty destroying, hands-free orgasm. My small white womanly hands, my tiny painted pink fingernails, got nearly lost in the immensity of each bulging muscle head, the sirloin-sized sweaty meat-packs of triceps, dangling from my son’s mammoth arms. They were the biggest arms I had ever felt. FARRTTTT “My goodness!” I yelped. “S-Sorry, mom!” Marcus squirmed, cupping his flatulating butthole. “I almost completely forgot about using the bathroom.” Marcus took a huge couple thumps, turning around and carefully stuffing himself into the tiny closet-sized bathroom. To think, it was just the start of the school year, I lustfully thought. I heard the horrific groan of sewage pipes beneath the walls, the old hardwood floors creak and bend beneath my feet, the walls bow and strain, as he undoubtedly, innocently sat down to go poop. I know it was wrong of me, the smell was so grotesque, but I pressed my ear lightly against the door, imagining the view of my big baby boy, that huge beastly physique, crammed between those small bathroom walls, those massive hairy black bloated muscle thighs, hauling down on that tiny porcelain throne. My baby, must have been pushing over 300-pounds of solid muscle, I delightfully thought, and he was only eighteen years old. What a fucking man! FARRTTTT FARRTTTTTTT Marcus groaned loudly, as the flies began swarming even more, the smell grew even worse. I knew the whole dorm hall, awkwardly, could hear every minute of it, the gigantic muscle man devastation, his huge bull-sized protein shit. Eventually the smell got so bad I had to stand by his bed, or I should say, the airy open window. It gave me a small chance to look around his dorm room. The brand new laptop, grandma, had purchased him, looked fairly untouched, dusty practically. Probably from being at the gym all the time, I gleefully thought. His old roommates empty bed area, was now a stash for all his gigantic tubs of protein powders, towering bottles of supplement pills, and hundreds of protein bars, most of them already eaten and unwrapped. “O-oh my.” I whimpered underneath my breath, fingering, palming, as I squeezed my thighs together, my now completely soaked groin area. “Doesn't my boy want to grow big…” Thankfully, Marcus, was still so preoccupied, as I practically teared from overjoyed pleasure. He would always tell his father, that he never, sadly, wanted to become an actual “bodybuilder”. But now, as I looked even closer between the seemingly endless stash of muscle growth products, I became filled with ecstasy, coming into view of an absolutely pornographic array of fitness and bodybuilder magazines. I always hoped that my little boy would desire more, more than what he actually told people. That he would just keep eating and growing, never stop wanting more, until he transformed, my big black stallion, into the biggest and hairiest muscle-god… “...to ever roam the entire PLANET!...” I moaned in ecstasy out loud, just as the toilet flushed. My motherly pussy was on a total orgasmic breakdown. The best part, as I composed myself with his desktop tissues, while he washed his hands, there was this little post-it note that read, “Ask mom for more food money. Get BIGGER”. I was visiting him up at Washington State University, for an entire weekend, visiting from San Diego, and within fifteen minutes, I was already torrenting an orgasm. “Wow, I feel so much better.” Marcus groaned happily, thumping and squeezing his huge shoulders and legs from out between the small-framed door. He quickly then closed the door behind him, still itching his big butthole, but it was because of that I noticed, that at the top of his own global ass, the top of his huge bulging black watermelon-sized muscle glutes, was this entirely gross, shockingly long, dangling piece of shit covered toilet paper, swaggering now behind his big bloated muscle legs and ass, just like a horse, with each thumping step. “Oo-oh, s-sweetie…” I tapped him gently on the ass, so embarrassed to even bring it up, clenching with ecstasy as I felt, just how overwhelmingly powerful, even just a corner, of one of his tremendous, earth-quaking, stallion-sized black buttcheeks were. “Wh-when did THAT get there!” Marcus yelped embarrassingly, making things stupendously worse, as he thumped and hoofed around, clumsily trying to reach the stuck toiletpaper for it himself. It wasn't long, my big little growing boy, soon came to the shocking realization that I soon came to marvel over, that his arms were just too pumped and swollen with muscle, to even attempt to reach the middle of his gloriously huge muscular stink hole. “OH-my-ga-gawd!” Marcus roared in humility. “S-sweetie, just let me help.” I reached around his thumping beast-sized black muscle legs, the beauty calming down the beast, I romantically thought. It smelled unbelievably bad being that close, right after having him taken a dump, but you wouldn't believe the view. His shorts could barely contain, in fact they couldn't, the tremendous size of his chocolate colored, teddy-bear hairy, child-gobbling bodybuilder butt. It was no wonder my baby was having so many growing problems. “WH-WHAT are you doing, mom!?” “Stop fidgeting, Marcus! It's just your own mother!” The words dropped out of my mouth like it was a sin, as I tugged and pulled down the back of his skin-tight red basketball shorts, unleashing, like two air-bags going off, the expanse of his enormous, horrendously musky and farm smelling, black muscle butt. It was even more glorious than I could have ever possibly imagined, the most gigantic, most freakishly muscular bodybuilder butt I had ever seen in my life. Not to mention the fact, that it was slightly smeared with shit. “Ooh, ga-gawd, M-Marky…” I whimpered in disgust. “I'm sorry, mom!” Marcus wiggled and stepped uncomfortably, his big swampy black bodybuilder butt. “The showers here, they're just so small. It's hard for me to clean myself!” It was the perfect opportunity, I gulped, perversely thinking to myself, to finally get some real close alone time with my little boy’s, this stallion-sized, black muscle man butt. I grabbed a washcloth, while he stood there, bending over so obediently, still humiliated, that his own mother was going to wash out, with a wet rag, his own ass, but what choice did he have. “I'm so s-sorry, m-mom…” Marcus groaned, faintly under his breath, stepping and pushing back, his huge shit covered muscle butt, bending over, deeper against my motherly cleaning hand, the large wipes of my warm rough wash cloth, taking tender care of his beast-sized ass. There was a moment where his humongously powerful glutes couldn't stop quivering, flexing, especially as I wiped deep against his tender, I'm sure, teenage virgin male prostate. The more mommy buried my hand, the more my baby tried to fight back his deep grunting moans. “W-W-Wait… M-Mom, stop!” RIIIIPPPPPPP Eventually he asked me to stop, but it wasn't because of my washing. I was confused at first by what had happened, the indefinite sound of fabric tearing, my huge black stallion, heavily whimpering with whispers of embarrassment. He was trying to cover something up, trying to hide something in the front, his massive carved arms flexing to keep it from my eyes. Was it really that big, I devilishly began to thought. I put down the washcloth and began making my way to the front, coming into view of his blown apart briefs... ************************************************************ READ PART 2 HERE ************************************************************ Comments are appreciated.
  15. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Professor: The Transmitter (2 of 6)

    Ben waves and leaves the room. The man gets up and pulls one of the other chairs up in front of Morris’s table like he did before. He crosses his arms and looks a bit concerned. ‘Alright man. I’m sure you have heard that we only pass two guys in this course. This is the first session and you are already refusing to complete an assignment.’ ‘I just don’t like putting my personal thoughts on paper so others can read it that I have never met before. Does this mean I am finished here?’ The man smiles a little and shakes his head no. ‘The professor will look over all fifteen students’ assignments and I will explain to him what your concerns are. Frankly, I don’t think it will matter whether or not you complete the last part anyway because I think you are right for this course. I was you when I started and I see so much in you that reminds me of me. Call me Avery by the way. I just realized I never introduced myself to the class. (laughs))' Morris laughs with him and studies the man’s hairy muscles with his wandering eyes. The man grabs the student’s arms and places them on his pecs. Morris moans a little feeling their incredible power. ‘You do know you are taking the last part now don’t you. It is essentially the same since you are showing me that you are into muscles on a sexual level.’ ‘Ummm…..uhhh…..okay I guess. I am a bit embarrassed actually, but your body is quite incredible…..Avery.’ ‘Let me show you a little more then. (gets up from chair and pulls his dress pants down) How do you feel about these? (flexes and tenses his huge quads making the striations show)’ Morris’s eyes grow wider as he sees the thick forest of hair on top of the diamond-shaped muscles. Avery grunts a few times making his entire body flex. Morris feels his cock straining his undies watching the graduate student pose. It is at this time that the professor walks in and shakes his head. ‘WELL WELL, Avery Goodwin. I wasn’t expecting you to break away from the code of conduct with one of the students.’ ‘Ohh damn, sorry professor. It’s just he needed to complete the third part of the assignment and didn’t want to do it on paper so I sort of helped him do it through touch and visualization.’ The professor takes his glasses off and shakes his head up and down while looking amused. ‘I have to say that is a great approach and obviously you like this student so…... (pauses to think). I don’t even have to look at the other parts of the assignment for him then. Congratulations......(walks over to his desk to look up the names listed at the tables) Morris, you will continue to remain in the course.’ Morris does a little dance in his chair before getting up. Avery walks over to the professor’s desk to retrieve his dress shirt to go with his dress pants he left on the ground. Hardman picks up Avery’s drenched shirt rag and looks at him in a bad way. ‘Ummm Avery, what the hell did you do? Did you rip this off during the session?’ ‘I had to professor, it was stuck to me and I couldn’t get it off.’ ‘Goodnight Avery, I will talk to you tomorrow.’ He tosses the rag into the trash as Avery picks up his tablet and dress clothes. He is wearing gym shorts which don’t leave much to the imagination since the outline of his cock is visible. He starts to leave but not before Morris follows him. The professor yells quickly, ‘I will send you your next assignment at the end of the week Morris. Good luck!’ The young student stops the bigger man in the hall to ask him a question. ‘(shyly asks) Would you mind if…..uh…..i could talk to you some more about how you got to this size and maybe a few other things?’ Avery laughs a bit and reaches down to flex his guns in Morris’s face. The surprised student rubs the huge hairy veins traveling up each arm. He nearly forgets that he was supposed to meet Ben at the dorm as he becomes slightly hypnotized by the huge beauty in front of him. ‘Are you interested in worshipping me man? You know when I first saw you last week, I thought you were trying to spy on the professor. Now I think you are just trying to get information on him through me. You are persistent for sure and frankly that is smart. I think you want to fool around with me a little.’ ‘No…..that isn’t what I meant…..uhhh…..well maybe a little. (smiles a little)’ ‘Uh huh, I think we need to visit the gym down here and get a little MORE acquainted.’ Avery grabs his arm and pulls him into the gym and then into the back part of the shower area. Morris’s heart pounds harder as he realizes that this may go to a place he wasn’t expecting. ‘How about a little bit of wrestling man? I once trained to go into the pro ranks, but I was lured back here to work with Hardman because he offered me a great salary and…..some extra perks too.’ ‘You aren’t going to tell me anything are you Avery? Are you going to hurt me?’ ‘No Morris, but you have put me in a great mood to play around with you for a bit because you are starting to interest me. Come on strip down to your undies and let’s play. (winks)’ Morris slowly takes his shirt and pants off as well as his socks and shoes. He looks around the shower and locker area and wonders if anyone will see them. ‘Don’t pay attention to anyone else Morris. Just focus on me man. I may be able to teach you a few things.’ Morris runs towards Avery who instantly picks him up and drops him down on the ground which makes the small man yell in fright. Avery squeezes tightly as Morris tries to grab his shorts. The huge hairy stud laughs and wraps his cannons around the younger man’s chest making him lose his breath. Morris pulls Avery’s shorts down to reveal his groomed crotch and dangling cock. ‘Ahh now, you shouldn’t have done that man. Now I will have to do the same to you. (pulls Morris’s undies down and off) Now we are equal.’ Morris’s cock bounces as his wiry body flexes trying to keep up with Avery’s power. The big stud lightly moans as he looks at his younger opponent’s thick cock. ‘Ohh wow Morris, you have a nice one. I think we can have a lot of fun. Don’t let my size deter you from what you really want. Come at me runt. (laughs)’ Morris jumps on him as they fall to the ground. Avery holds him in place and flips him around to where their cocks sit along each other’s faces. They both grunt feeling their bodies tense against each other. ‘You know you want me man. We both have needs and have to satisfy them. I haven’t blown a load in days so I know I have a lot to give. I think you do too judging by how swollen you are. Let me just see how strong you are.’ Avery flips Morris around and down to his cock and gulps down the smaller man’s thick cock as it travels down his throat. He moans letting it move up and down inside his mouth. He works it with a strong steady motion making Morris grip his opponent’s incredible quads. The big stud’s cock grows bigger beside Morris’s head as he grabs the smaller man and pushes his face on top of it. Morris opens his mouth swallowing it slowly as it makes its way down inside. The juices make the smaller man moan deeply as he loses himself in the moment. He feels the thick stream flowing slowly into his stomach making him flail about for a few seconds before the big stud stops him from moving. ‘Shhh Morris just calm down man. You haven’t even gotten to the best part yet. Work it over really good and you will get quite the finish.’ As he makes several gurgling sounds trying to keep from passing out from the sheer size of the huge rod, Avery works over Morris’s cock making the smaller guy hump his face voraciously. ‘NO MAN! Calm down. (laughs) Let me do the work so you can concentrate on my cock. *feels his own balls moving* Ohh that feels good, you seem to be getting somewhere now man.’ Avery savors Morris’s thick cock which surprises the young student as he stops to look up every few seconds before letting out a few deep moans and going back to massaging the big guy’s hairy brownish pole. The big bodybuilder rubs Morris’s balls and feels them swelling in his hands as he puts a few fingers inside the small student’s hole too. ‘Let me help you out a little more man.’ Avery pulls him down a little to plant his big tongue inside the young man’s hole. Morris moans loudly as he has trouble focusing on what he is doing. Avery growls hearing him in ecstasy and makes his cock jump several times. ‘Morris…..uhh yeah man…..you have a hot voice…..cum for me sexy and I guarantee I will too…..i am getting so close now as it is.’ The big stud continues rimming him making Morris hump his face. ‘I can’t, I can’t Avery. Oh shit, I have to cum, let me cum, uhhh, shit.’ ‘RAWR! Yeah man cum, shoot that hot load. Hit me right on my fucking chest. (slaps his big hairy pecs and abs with one of his hands) RIGHT THERE sexy, RIGHT THERE!’ Morris wails as his cock shoots several powerful ropes all over Avery’s powerful chest. The big man moans deeply as he feels his cock starting to swell. ‘THAT’S IT MAN! HERE IT COMES! Oh yeah, the sensation is so fucking great!’ Morris watches as Avery’s cock blasts numerous jets all over his face and neck but not before he grabs the throbbing rod and gulps it down making the big stud shutter and laugh in his deep baritone. He reaches down and rubs Morris’s back and slaps his ass before grabbing the small man’s oozing cock to lap up the juices. The bodybuilder works it slowly each time he moves up and down on it moaning deeply. ‘MMMMM MAN! You were bold to track me down after class Morris, but I think you made a wise decision too. (winks at him)’ Morris pulls Avery’s cock out of his mouth and taps on his legs to drop him. The huge man obliges and he falls to the ground. He lands on his sides and turns to sit up. He looks up at the big bodybuilder and looks exhausted. Avery smiles down at him and appears to have a glimmer in his eye. ‘Hard work right? Well you have just set yourself apart from the others too man. It is almost a guarantee that you will be one of the last two.’ Morris looks at him puzzled and wonders what he means by that. ‘How is that Avery? You mean the sex we just had?’ (smiles) ‘Uhh yeah for the most part yes. You just consumed a decent amount of my seed man. That isn’t normal sperm swimming in your body now. When the time comes, they will be activated by some unforeseen catalyst. You will know when that happens fairly soon.’ ‘What? Am I going to be really sick when this happens?’ (shakes his head no) ‘Ohh no, I wouldn’t call it that. It is a gift that was given to me as it turns out. I didn’t get this big on my own trust me. (flexes his huge bis and reaches down to pull Morris up off the ground) Come on, we need to get cleaned up and out of here before someone comes around and finds us.’ Avery carries him into the shower before putting him down and going over into his own stall. They clean up and put towels on before grabbing their clothes and rushing out the back doors of the gym. When the young student enters the dorm, Ben is sitting in the lobby on his laptop. ‘DUDE! What the hell happened to you? I tried texting you and you never responded. (sees him in only a towel) ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? Did you have sex with that graduate student? (smiles) I don’t blame you at all man, I am in lust for muscle too and he is even hot to me. So…..was it good?’ Morris rolls his eyes and turns around to go upstairs. Ben jumps up from his seat and follows closely behind before they rush into their room and shut the door.
  16. john245

    The jock brothers

    Two muscle bound jocks are in the gym working out, both looking pumped from a hour session One who's curling a heavy dumbbell in one arm looks at his partner who is doing push ups "Hey bro, your position is wrong" he said to his bro on the floor, "Oh my bad, thanks" he repositions himself and continues his push ups. he looks up while working and say to the other bro " hey, nice pump you got going there" he complemented watching him curl the dumbbell, he replied " thanks bro you too" and the both of them continued their workout. The end. Happy april 1st
  17. john245

    The bodybuilder and his wife

    A bodybuilder is getting to get to the gym, he's was quite massive for Training for several years. He picks up his backpack and begins to walk to the door. His wife stops him to give him his lunch "Aww thanks honey" the massive man said happily and bent down to give her a kiss "Have fun ok" she wished her man happily and accepted the kiss. As he walk away, he then flustered gleefully as his wife gave him a nice spank on his muscled bum. The end. Happy April 1st
  18. Between the moans and groans from the young apprentice, Craig lovingly caresses Owen as the huge mature stud rubs his massive cock and immense abs up against the smaller man’s body. His cock drips a few drops of precum as it slowly stretches and lengthens. Owen’s balls grow gradually pulling the fabric tighter inside his boxers. ‘Ohh no…..please Hardesty, I’m not ready for this. Oh gawd it feels so good but yet I am afraid I will lose control of myself.’ Brooke continues to sulk in his chair but can’t keep his eyes away from the two men as they stand approximately 10 feet from his desk. Hardesty looks directly into Owen’s eyes and smiles before caressing his sweaty face and hair. ‘You won’t regret it man. You can’t stop now anyway because it is already beginning. I am a little intrigued because your transformation is starting in a different place than what I am used to seeing from new conversions. It will be great, don’t worry about it.’ ‘I….don’t know Hardesty…..ahh…..it hurts…..so bad…..’ Owen lets go of the hairy tailor and bends over to his side as massive popping sounds start radiating up and down his back. Hardesty watches as the apprentice’s jacket and shirt start rising higher up his body as his spine cracks and starts lengthening making him grow taller. The huge mature muscleman watches as this happens and seems quite amazed. ‘WHOA Owen! This is crazy man. I wish I could help you through this but I don’t think I can do anything.’ Owen yells loudly as his balls finally emerge from captivity as the sound of fabric ripping is heard coming from his crotch. A black forest of hair fills in the space where his pants are open. His lower body starts stretching and popping quickly filling every square inch of his drenched pants. Hardesty moans watching Owen’s small ass grow to twice its size slowly splitting the seams in his trousers one by one as a shiny new pair of glutes appear not far from where the big man is standing. ‘Ack…..Hardesty…..I can’t feel my legs anymore…..it is like they are not there.’ Hardesty’s cock immediately starts rising again as he feels Owen’s changes close to his body. The hairy tailor slowly moves over and rubs Owen’s hard ass feeling the raging power flowing through the young man’s hams. ‘Oh my gawd Owen, you are turning me on so much man. (pauses for a few seconds) I’m sorry…..but I have to do this.’ Hardesty pushes his cock up inside the growing apprentice’s hole and feels it slowly loosen up against his huge cock. He gasps feeling the walls of Owen’s anus massaging his tool. Immediately a rope of cum goes flying inside the young man’s hole making him yell in ecstasy. The sound of ripping fabric immediately follows as Owen’s huge quads and hamstrings explode out ward and continue growing. His nonexistent calves have now formed into giant heart-shapes on both legs as his ankles and feet begin swelling. The horny tailor slowly humps Owen as he looks down to watch and hear the stretching and pulling of the fabric and material on the grower’s socks and dress shoes. ‘OH YEAH Owen. This is so awesome. I know you aren’t enjoying this, but from my perspective this is heaven.’ On the other side of the office, Brooke strokes his cock in his chair witnessing this happening and not saying a word. Owen yells in pain before Hardesty watches his growing feet rip and tear their way out of both shoes and continue to thicken up. The sweat rolls down his lower body endlessly as the hairy tailor pulls off the shredded material hanging from Owen’s incredible vascular tree trunks. For a few moments, the growth stops commencing making the two lovers react. ‘Huh? Hmm this has never happened before. Are you doing alright Owen?’ Hardesty rubs the young apprentice’s gigantic quads and reaches around to massage the growing stud’s thick beercan cock which is continuing to drip precum. The tailor gets a few thrusts in before he moves his hands to Owen’s undeveloped back. It now appears to be much longer than it used to be. The tailor leans in to kiss this area and moans a bit. Owen sighs in relief and leans back to rest himself on the tailor’s powerful chest. ‘I feel so strange Hardesty. Is this going to continue? (feels shockwaves moving up from his waist into his chest and back) OH MY GAWD! IT IS TOO MUCH FOR ME TO BEAR! AHH!’ The growth starts up again quickly as his waist swells moving up into his back as his jacket and shirt immediately shred along the sides as his multiple back muscles and obliques double up on each other. Hardesty gasps in delight as he sees Owen become unrecognizable from behind in a matter of seconds. Brooke’s response is nearly the same as he watches him change from the front. Owen’s voice disappears as he sticks his chest out and destroys every stitch and seam on his shirt and jacket almost instantly revealing two monstrously huge swollen pecs and a rapidly expanding rack of abdominals even a seasoned pro would be proud of. Brooke shoots multiple ropes of cum all over his desk as this happens. His skinny arms sound like they are about to explode as his biceps and triceps balloon into engorged veiny cantaloupes. He feels his hands and forearms stretching to twice their size also as he sticks them out in front of him watching their transformations. From behind, Hardesty sees the metamorphosis continue as the young apprentice’s head, neck, and shoulders expand wider and harder than before. Even Owen’s face is cracking and popping as he quickly matures into a man nearly ten years older. He grunts and groans with each small change in his face and upper torso. Hardesty moans deeply feeling his young studly bottom grow wider and harder up against his own muscles. He pumps more cum inside the young giant which makes Owen grunt even louder. His voice is notably several tones deeper and is making the other men in the room swoon. After what seems to be the end of the transformation, Owen falls over on to the ground taking Hardesty with him and cracking the hardwood floor. ‘(breathing heavy) WOW OWEN? Are you awake man?’ Hardesty rubs his huge wingspan and powerful shoulders to try and get his attention. He hears deep growls coming from the stud’s mouth and starts to pull his cock out of the beast. Owen reaches around and grabs the tailor. ‘NO! Hardesty leave it in, it feels so good inside me. I just want to lay here for a minute or two to compose myself.’ ‘Oh okay Owen. Can you turn your head so I can look at your face man? I want to see what you look like now.’ Owen turns his head to the side to reveal his new beefy defined face which now has brown eyes, a nice set of dimples, and reddish-brown stubble. His hair has a reddish tint to it also. ‘MMMM Owen, you are downright hunky. How about I give you a nice kiss on the lips while you relax?’ Hardesty leans down and is met by a smiling Owen who wraps an arm around his head and pushes him into his massive frame. They both moan deeply as their tongues meet drawing a bit of anguish from Brooke. The office manager gets up from his chair and goes over to try and get Owen’s attention. ‘Hey Owen? Remember me? You know the guy that interviewed you earlier? You know the guy that is supposed to hire you for a job?’ Owen stops kissing Hardesty and looks up at Brooke and smirks. ‘I know you are still here Mr. Brooke, but I don’t think you are in a condition to really play with us. I might hurt you if you come down here.’ Brooke realizes that Owen is right and goes to try and find a reactive pill in his desk. As he rummages through the drawers, the other two muscled gods slowly start to stand up. Hardesty pulls out of the young giant’s hole and walks over to where his friend is. He puts an arm on the smaller man’s shoulder and watches Brooke get a bit panicked. ‘Damnit, I can’t find a pill. Why did I revert when I did Craig? I should have known this would happen.’ ‘Don’t worry about it Grayson. You will have your fun soon. Besides in a few minutes myself and Owen will have to revert back anyway before we leave the office. In fact, I am stunned that no one has tried to come in here with that racket me and Owen just made.’ Owen looks at the two men a bit dazed, but seems a bit drunk with lust as he slowly stumbles over to them by the desk. Shredded fabric is glued to his upper torso which makes Hardesty laugh a bit. He tells Owen to come over so he can peel it off of him. The young giant wraps his cannons around his hairy top’s back and hugs him tightly. Hardesty moans a bit before giving Owen a nice hug himself. Brooke goes over to the office door and opens it to go out on to the main floor naked. The two huge studs lightly rub and kiss each other’s swollen muscles and just stand there looking at each other and smiling. ‘Owen I am going to have to return back to my regular size because I need to get back to work man. I hope we can do this again soon because this was incredible.’ ‘NO! Please don’t, not yet Hardesty. You are the hottest man I have ever met, seriously. I want to return the favor before you do that. I have to fuck you.’ Hardesty grins and hops up on Brooke’s desk on all fours. Owen growls and gets behind him to plunge his thick cock inside the hairy tailor’s hole. He moans loudly feeling the young giant’s cock pushing its way further inside. ‘OH YEAH Hardesty! This feels so good, is this going to make you grow even more?’ ‘I don’t think so man. Where I am now is the extent of the serum inside me. As for you, you may be different.’ Owen pumps harder making the tailor grip the desk harder. Their yells shake the walls of the office as Owen feels a surge of power race through him. He stops fucking Hardesty to contain himself which prompts the tailor to turn his head around. Owen looks down at him and smiles really big. It is at that moment that Hardesty can feel the young man’s muscles growing again. His cock stretches the tailor’s hole even more growing thicker and longer. ‘OH DAMN OWEN! This feels insane.’ Owen’s deep manly voice rumbles as he looks up at the ceiling feeling his chest and arms swelling bigger as the muscles stretch and pop to even larger sizes. He immense legs grow wider and start to push the desk away from its original position. ‘YES! YES! OH GAWD YES HARDESTY! I WANT MORE MAN! Oh shit, but I don’t want to hurt you either.’ Owen senses the danger of growing bigger and pulls out of Hardesty quickly to continue his growth cycle. The tailor sighs feeling his hole pulse from the pressure applied by Owen. He jumps off the desk as it crashes into the wall. Owen’s growth cycle stops after about 45 seconds. He appears to be close to 450 pounds now and over 8 feet tall. His body has defied all logic as his new 12-pack glisten in the lights among his gargantuan proportions. Hardesty worries that it is too much for him and rushes over to the desk to find a reversion pill. ‘NO! Let me savor this for a few minutes Hardesty. Uhh yeah I feel like a gawd! Such freedom! MMMM….I want you to grow with me man. Why can’t I make you bigger? I am sure that it can be done.’ Hardesty senses a bit of a problem and tries to get into the desk to find the reversion pills. Owen lifts the desk up first though and launches it out a nearby window crashing it on to the road beneath them. The tailor looks extremely surprised and gets a scared look on his face. The enormous young man waddles over to him and picks him up. He can see the fear in Hardesty’s eyes now and lightly caresses the hairy man in his hands. ‘Please Hardesty, I don’t want to be the only one to revel in this. I think you will enjoy this as much as I do. I think I know how to do it.’ He puts the tailor down and dangles his giant cock in front of Hardesty’s face. The pool of precum appears to be stopping as Owen grunts and flexes his giant piece. His engorged balls swell larger which makes the hairy tailor start to panic. ‘Ohh don’t do this Owen. This was a mistake, I shouldn’t have done this to you since you are so young. This has gone to your head a little too much. I….OH GAWD NO!’ Owen moans deeply as he feels his balls contracting and pushing gallons of cum up into his cock. The veiny love muscle swells as the cockhead’s slit begins to gap open. Owen wraps his massive arms around Hardesty to keep him in place so he doesn’t move. ‘NO OWEN NO! This can’t be good…..I can’t grow anymore, I don’t know what might happen to me. I may have no control over my actions.’ Owen laughs as he starts to spray his goo all over Hardesty’s huge hairy muscles. The young behemoth’s left hand shoves Hardesty’s mouth open so that several jets go careening down his throat. The tailor tries to resist but feels it flowing down inside him. Owen growls knowing there is no turning back now for the resistant tailor and releases him as he finishes cumming. ‘Come on and join me Hardesty into the godly ranks. I want to feel your thick furry mountains against my steel skin so we can have some real fun. I DEMAND IT! GROW HAIRY STUD, GROW!’ Hardesty sits down on the ground to compose himself but knows that Owen is probably right about him growing again since he just did it to the young giant. The young apprentice’s summoning appears to be jumpstarting things because the tailor can feel his muscles tensing and straining almost immediately. Owen’s wish appears to be coming to fruition.
  19. geektofreek

    The Black Stallion - PART 2

    Hey guys! Here is part two of my twisted little mommy tale. Please excuse the errors as this was written on my phone. Enjoy! READ PART 1 HERE THE BLACK STALLION PART 2/3 “P-Please, m-mom, don't look at me that way…” Marcus begged, but even I couldn't stop myself from looking, not this time. My big baby boy, my big black stallion, had been secretly somehow sporting the most disgustingly overgrown massive black cock, ten-inches in diameter at least, growing well over a foot long, throbbing beneath his hands, with still room to grow! What was even better, below it all, was the two most massive bull-sized testicles, two giant semen tanks, testosterone and muscle juice reservoirs, visually churning beneath his hairy dark sack, no doubt preparing for another disastrous load, an inevitably huge mess. One that mommy could clean up. “OOOooo, Marky!” I wailed in disbelief. My pussy was gushing. It was literally all I could say, squealing faint moans under my breath, approaching my erect baby boy, this gigantic black beast, regardless of all the incestuousness, as if in a trance, intoxicated, slowly placing both my small womanly hands against his dark naked and mammothly steel-carved ape-sized muscle thighs. His usual deep teen voice moaned, only for a moment, like a boy again. It was seconds of silence as I worshipped his colossal hairy manly legs, marveling at my own offsprings impressive muscle gains, thinking he could probably lift a car, a small truck, relishing as my tiny pink painted fingers fell between the spectacular divides of his dark meaty-muscles. Oh god I was about to cum again. “M-M-Mom, please stop...” Marcus continued his whimpering, with a few faint moans of continuing pleasure. “You have N-NO idea how BIG it is!” As he said the words, his monstrous black cock began unexpectedly gushing pre-cum, torrenting was more like it, right underneath his “hiding” hands, splurging thick white-goo, right between his black iron blistered fingers. My huge mommy tits got so rock hard from watching the spectacle, the top button of my blouse suddenly popped off, going completely unnoticed of course by my shy muscle giant, my big black stallion, who was cringing like some innocent child with his eyes closed. “P-PLease, mom, for the last time!” Marcus continued to whine. He was still so determined not to give up, to not stop “hiding” his erection from his own mother’s viewing eyes, yet he freely let me continue my slow worship. Rubbing my hands up and down his naked gigantic black legs, bending down and even moving past his knees, rubbing his bloated basket-ball sized calves, which were beyond freaky, the biggest I had ever seen. Finally I made my way back up, in one swift grazing motion, to those fully-loaded teenage cum-tanks, watching the continuing dribble of thick white bull-juice fall down his grotesquely large black veiny shaft. As I reached both my small womanly hands underneath, to cup, his large sensitive horse-sized balls, his gigantic manhood suddenly began to rumble to life. “I C-CANT H-HANDLE it anymore!” Marcus roared, throwing his huge mountain-sized neck back as he groaned, my own beastly son, my big black stallion, gushing a small amount of pre-cum onto a part of my face, right into my blonde hair. He finally released the pressurized cock-head from his powerful dark hands, his giant cum fountain, unleashing, what I could only imagine to be, the world's most gigantic cock, a black monster of its own, finally freed from its cage. My big baby boy groaned even more, thumping the floor as he adjusted his stance, those huge heavy black feet, even wider, making the floor groan, the room practically. That, or maybe it was just the sound of his blood filling every inch of that pussy splitting giant cock. I continued to watch, moaning with disbelief, as the shaft grew past what must have been fifteen-inches, sixteen-inches... “It's g-growing OUT of CONTROL!” Marcus looked down in humility, as his big cum gushing black mushroom head inched up past his fat dark pancake nipples, heaving and and nearly thundering halfway up between his titanic dark male muscle cleavage, literally inching up towards his own face humiliated face. It wasn't long before all that cum-gushing hit the bottom of dark stubbled neck, shot against his chin, splurged right into his whimpering lips. His cock must have measured EIGHTEEN-inches long. “OH-oh LOOK how big my baby boy is!" I moaned in motherly ecstasy, clutching my sopping wet pussy. "And he's making such a MESS!" “T-THIS is why everyone says I'm TOO BIG, mom!” Marcus wailed, uncontrollably shooting more cum right into face, his eyelids, his open whimpering mouth, no doubt oozing down his throat. “That I need to STOP!” “Mommy thinks you should grow even more…” I said continuing to grip my pussy, dig my fingers through the fabric. “WH-WHat!? You DO!?” Marcus blubbered in confusion, like some big little schoolboy, so red in the face from his indecent exposure, as I casually walked over to his roommates old bed, where he kept all those protein bars and shakes, grabbing an unhealthy handful, two handfuls actually, double-fisting about twelve-bars in all. But I knew he wanted it, wanted to eat, wanted to grow. I on the other hand, wanted to see him explode. “W-Wait, Mmpf!” Marcus became muffled, as I stuffed two bars into his mouth, watching him eagerly chew, like he had been rationing them. “M-MOM, these are so expensive!” “Oh don't even worry sweetie. Mommy will pay for ALL of them. Even MORE if you want…” I continued shoving more protein bars into his chomping face. “MMmpf” Marcus groaned happily, opening wider as I even shoved in THREE protein bars, my pretty white hands into his huge black mouth, all at once. “Y-You WILL!?” BURRRPPPP “In fact, you should probably just eat EVERYTHING right now!” “Oh god, you're GOING to make SO BIG mom, MMmpf!” Marcus continued to chomp, as I shoved the remaining bars down his beastly flexing throat. It wasn't much longer after that I began to realize something, something even more exciting than his gigantic cock, his muscles, something that my little baby boy must have been hiding from me for a long time. You see, he apparently wasn't just exaggerating when he said I was going to make him big. Because he was literally growing bigger right before my eyes. “OOOoOooo” My pussy gushed at the site, the view of his expanding black muscle chest. “M-Marky, you should have TOLD me!” “I'm SCARED, mom!” Marcus said timidly. “I just want to grow SO big, MMmpf!” He continued chewing. “MORE than anyone should!” BURRRPPPPP FAARRRTTTTT “And I'm already having so many PROBLEMS!” Marcus continued his excuses, all while his cock gushed torrentially, failing to hide his closeted excitement, to grow into this totally monstrously muscular beast, a REAL black stallion. His gigantic and marbled dark muscle physique continued to slowly grow, swell easily past 325-pounds, maybe even 350-pounds, all muscle! But mommy still wanted to see more. I still wanted to see SO much more. I felt all my womanly juices squirt down both my legs at just the curious thought, how big could I actually make my little boy grow? “W-What are you doing now, mom?” “Just mixing the ENTIRE protein tub…” My big muscle boys eyes bulged, but I knew he wanted it, he wanted it bad. I handed him the mixed up tub of protein, watching his whimpering lustful eyes, the turmoil. He began gulping regardless, drinking, feeding his muscles with all that endless protein. His huge muscle engorged gut, the bulbous twelve-pack of abs, began bloating even bigger like a balloon, swelling into this beastly large roid-gut. GULP GULP GULP FAARRRTTTTTT, BURRRRPPPPPPPP “OH-GAWD!” Marcus wailed while taking a breath. “What am I going to DO mom, I can barely use the toilet as is! MMmpf!” GULP GULP GULP FARRRTTTTTTTT “You don't even worry about that.” I walked around to the back of his physique. “I'll never get tired CLEANING this ASS!” “HOW can you stand the SMELL?!” Marcus squirmed with curiosity, like some big child who had to pee, thumping and hoofing around. “This one girl even SUFFOCATED up there…” My poor baby boy. Dealing with all those amateur woman, those girls. He was so sensitive up his enormous muscle butthole, that even the slightest touch of my hands between his dark hairy ass-crack, the middle of those two gigantic black watermelon muscle glutes, started quaking, quivering with anticipation. The entire room, admittedly, smelled like a barn house, and it was all emanating from this giant swampy cave of muscle and shit. The musk combined, however, was so overpowering. I couldn't stop from drooling, the urge to bury my face and get lost up this gigantic spectacle of godly devastation, suffocate if I have to, just like that girl. “Oooo, I want to LICK my baby's ass so bad!” “You want to LICK MY ASS!?” Marcus wailed in even more confusion. The poor kid must have thought no one would ever go up there again, or simply didn't understand why anyone would want to. I pushed both my small womanly hands, right in the center of his stinkhole, peeling back the huge black marbled flaps of his ass cheeks, using all my strength to open his butthole just a little, just as he let out another small rank fart, blowing my hair back. It was absolutely frightening, the power alone, but being his mother, I still felt confident in going for a little graze. “OH-GAWD!!!” Marcus groaned. “Mmm, SO GOOD!” I on the other hand was tearing in ecstasy, burying my tongue deeper, further. “W-WAIT, mom!” Marcus whimpered with ecstasy, trying his best, squirming, not to hoof around again in confusion, accidentally crush my tiny little face. “B-BE CAREFUL up there!” BURRRPPPP BURRRRPPPPPPP “OH GOD, please!” Marcus preyed. “I think I might be GROWING again!” Marcus continued his warnings. I already knew he was growing. As my small womanly white tongue licked the dark musky-cave walls of his black swampy muscle butthole, I could feel those entirely car crushing ass cheeks, those titanic and powerful muscle glutes, slowly inflate around my head, my own face, inflating nearly endlessly against skull, yet I still dug deeper. Using what little strength I had left, I desperately attempted to peel back those gigantic black ass cheeks even more. I continued pushing and stuffing my eager kissing lips, feeling the walls of his ass close in around me. “MOM, please get OUT of there!” Marcus wailed in fear. “Before it's TOO LATE!” He was being such a baby, but I had a feeling he was right. All the worshipping I had been doing, the digging, the rimming, was giving my big little boy so much pleasure, his gigantic black bodybuilder butthole was literally eating me, slurping up my tiny little womanly white body up, burying me between the huge uncontrollably flexing muscle glutes of my own only son. My pussy, of course, kept gushing orgasm after orgasm. But the truth was I was stuck, yet I still showed no signs of stopping. FARRRTTTTTT POP, THUMP Luckily, just as I was about to draw my last breath, Marcus, my big black stallion, unleashed another one of his explosive protein farts. The sheer force blew my head out, my body, shooting me out his ass like a cannonball to the ground. My face was totally smeared in his filth, his stench, but I proudly licked it up, at least what I could. What was even more staggering than the entire situation, was watching that huge protein tub suddenly fall to the ground, completely empty, and then looking up. “O-O-Ohh, m-my goodness...!" *************************************************** Commented are appreciated. Stay tuned for Part 3.
  20. The young clean-shaven blonde college graduate walks into the office with a big smile on his face as he goes to sit down at the huge mahogany desk. As he does, the slender 36-year old office manager closes the door and quickly locks it before rushing over to sit down at his oversized captain’s chair. The man grins showing off his remarkably sharp canines which immediately get the attention of Owen. ‘So…..let me take a look at your credentials for a minute young sir.’ The man undoes his nice blazer and pulls it off to reveal his crisp alabaster dress shirt. A tuft of chest hair peeks above his brown tie and top button. Owen stares slightly at it while the man taps his desk lightly with his long fingers. He looks up and seems a bit puzzled at something he sees on the paper lying in front of him. ‘Hmm….Owen (takes his glasses off from his head), what do you know about this company?’ The young man goes on a small tangent about what the company’s background is and what products they offer. The older man puts his hand up and gets a snarl on his face. His face fuzz seems a tiny bit thicker than from when he sat down. Owen thinks it is part of his imagination and just sits motionless as the man gets up. He walks over to the window in the corner of the room. ‘What I am asking you sir is, do you REALLY know what we do here?’ Owen seems to be confused as to what the older man means by this. ‘Umm…..well according to your website, you develop and market products to be distributed to pharmaceutical companies such as serums to be mixed with toxic venom to create antidotes.’ The man smiles and shows his teeth again before lightly wiping a few beads of sweat off his head. His bald head lightly glistens as he stands by the window. He turns to look at Owen again. ‘That is true sir…..but…..(pauses for a few seconds)…..what I really want to know is did anyone refer you for this position?’ ‘As a matter of fact someone did which really surprised me. He said that this part of the company is the most rewarding so I accepted his offer to come interview for this position with you even though I have no idea as to what exactly it is supposed to be.’ The man appears to be sweating a little more than before as he wipes a few more beads of sweat off his head. His pits are creating wet spots under his shirt as Owen notices the thick patches of hair from beneath them. He tries not to look too closely but the manager is fully aware of his curiosity. ‘Interesting Owen…..I think your coworker may have been holding something back because if he sent you to me…..(pauses again this time for about ten seconds as he feels his whole body sweating now)…..then he must think you are qualified to work for me. You wouldn’t happen to know……(the man groans a bit as he puts his hand on the window)…..who it was that you spoke to would you?’ Owen can see that the manager is in some kind of discomfort, but is afraid to move from his chair. ‘Yes, his name is Blake Dartmouth. He said he was your apprentice about four years ago and highly recommended me for a similar job. I suppose you need a new assistant to help you out?’ The man makes a few jerky movements as a few popping sounds start to ring in the air making Owen look around the room. The manager starts to breathe a bit heavier now as he turns his body around towards the back wall showing his soaked back which suddenly looks as if it is slowly expanding. It was once fairly loose but now is slowing stretching the fabric as Owen hears the popping sounds increasing. ‘Ohhh…..(breathing increases as the man now has a slight angst in his voice)…..I remember…..ummm…..Blake…..(stretching sounds)…..’ ‘Mr. Brooke, are you alright? You seem to be having trouble with your clothes.’ Owen can see new contours forming in the man’s legs as his slacks pull tighter against his body and ride his wider ass which is putting a lot of strain against the fabric. ‘Ummm……Owen…..I think we may need to conclude the interview…..rrriiippp…..I seem…..(feels power starting to course through his veins)…..to be in the middle of something.’ Breathing heavily, he turns back around to show his growing pecs soaking through his shirt as the thick muscles pull the fabric tightly against themselves and his chest hair forces its way through each gap between the buttons. ‘Ohh gawd sir……(stretching continues)…..i guess our secret in this department is going to be out now…..I (ripping sounds)…..sort of used some of the serum on me…..(more stretching)…..and it kind of worked. Oh my gawd, it feels so amazing Owen.’ The man’s massive quads split the seams on his slacks as they spill out over the sides. Owen stares shockingly at the growing manager’s legs. The man wipes his face and head with his bare hands which are getting thicker and slightly hairier. He now has a fully-grown beard covering his face and his neck muscles have begun to grow. ‘If you want to avoid what is going to happen next Owen, I suggest you go unlock that door behind you because I…..*rrriiippp*…..am…..*stretch*…..oh fuck…..*boom*…..WATCH ME OWEN, WATCH ME BECOME A FUCKING GAWD.’ The man’s chest blasts buttons everywhere as his engorged hairy pecs rip and shred their way through the front of his shirt. Numerous shredding sounds are heard as his back, lats, and traps destroy several other seams. ‘OH YEAH OWEN…..KEEP WATCHING MAN…..WATCH MY PUNY ARMS BECOME GIANT CANNONS.’ With the sleeves still fairly intact, the man strains as he flexes his biceps and triceps. The expanding balls of muscle quickly disintegrate the sleeves and continue to grow wildly. The sensation of them growing sends a surge of power into Brooke’s crotch. ‘MMMMM…..OH MY GAWD YES…..LOOK DOWN AT MY COCK OWEN…..IT WILL BE FREE SHORTLY.’ Owen hears loud stretching sounds coming from the manager’s crotch as the man’s underwear shreds and falls to the ground. The surprised young man can see what looks like an expanding snake from beneath the man’s pants. His balls continue to expand as his belt strains desperately against his thickening midsection. His tiny waist swells up into a magnificent roid gut as his emerging abs stretch and pull their way across his middle. The thick obliques manage to meet up with his massive lats which are flaring up against his huge arms. The thick veins in his forearms continue to grow as his hands tear off what remains of his dress shirt. ‘AHH YES…..FUCKING DESTROY THAT BELT……MMMMM…..I LOVE THE WAY THIS FEELS…..ALL OF THAT POWER RAGING INSIDE MY COCK…..’ Owen can see the leather starting to split on it as the cock thickens even more. The zipper finally gives way revealing a huge segment of his rod which has an engorged vein slowly tearing its way through the fabric. The young man can’t take his eyes off of what is happening. The seam in the back of the manager’s pants finally rips open as his growing hairy ass begins to force its way out. The manager immediately rubs his hole with his thick meaty fingers and shoves them inside. He growls as he feels his cock leaking tons of precum on the inside of his slacks. ‘OH GAWD YES…..MY FEET ARE GROWING…..’ Owen hears two huge explosions as Brooke’s growing toes and ankles destroy the leather shoes he is wearing as well as his socks. It isn’t long before the man’s belt finally breaks and his slacks fall to the floor. His raging cock slings a few jets of precum on to Owen’s clothes which surprises him. The once slender office manager is now resembling a gigantic bodybuilder similar to Craig Golias or maybe even Greg Kovacs. His monstrous size finally makes Owen jump up and run to the door. Brooke laughs a little before he finally says something to the frightened young man. ‘OHH you can’t go now Owen. You had your chance to leave but you stayed to watch the whole thing. You have passed two parts of the interview, now in order to get the position, you have to pass the third part.’ Owen tries desperately to unlock the door but fails once Brooke goes over and breaks the knob off. The huge muscled man lightly grabs Owen’s hands and puts them on his raging cock. The young man feels the power racing in it and moans. ‘AHH now see. You responded to that in an unusual way young man. All you have to do is complete a test with me and you will be my new assistant. It won’t be that hard for you I know because I’m sure you have had a little bit of practice.’ Owen stares intently at the bouncing rod between his hands. He then leans his head up to stick his tongue out and chew on the dangling nip on his right pec. This surprises Brooke and makes his shoot another rope of precum onto Owen. ‘MMMM FUCK THAT FEELS SO GOOD MAN. COME ON, MAKE ME CUM OWEN. WORSHIP ME…..WORK FOR YOUR JOB.’ Owen moves back and forth to both nips as he puts his hands on to Brooke’s incredibly veiny cannons and squeezes them tightly. He moans loudly moving his mouth up to both arms and buries his head into both of them. ‘YES OWEN…..FUCK YEAH MAN…..LOSE YOURSELF IN MY BODY…..MAKE ME ERUPT…..MMMMM FUCK I FEEL IT BUILDING NOW…..’ Brooke feels his balls stretching his sac to the point that they nearly burst. The volcano flows into his cock quickly as he squeezes Owen against his chest nearly crushing him. Owen feels the mountain of muscle against his soaked suit and yells in ecstasy as he stains his pants and underwear with his jizz. ‘GET DOWN QUICK OWEN SO I CAN SHOW YOU WHAT A REAL GAWD MAKES INSIDE HIS BODY.’ The young man jumps down and gets underneath the purplish rod to feel its power as the veins contract. Owen licks its sides as the eruption begins shooting massive ropes of cum all over the office. Brooke yells in delight as Owen decides to lock his own mouth onto the massive head of the manager’s cock and gulp down some of his seed. The manager is shocked by this and rubs his young applicant’s head. ‘OH FUCK OWEN…..I DON’T THINK YOU SHOULD BE DOING THIS. I don’t know what could happen to you as a result of drinking my cum.’ Owen continues to gulp down each rope until he nearly throws up. He falls over as Brooke drips the remainder all over the young man’s drenched suit. He reaches down to pick the unconscious man up and puts him on his desk. He locks his lips on Owen’s and starts doing CPR. It isn’t long before the young man chokes and spits a bit of the cum out. Brooke smiles down at him and rubs his wet shirt and jacket. ‘You are hired for the position Owen. I think you are the perfect candidate for the job. Blake was right to send you to me because you have the drive to succeed under me. You have already dived into the work headfirst so we might as well see what happens next.’
  21. TheWeremuscleForest

    The Muscle Department: The Tailor (2 of 3)

    The young apprentice continues to gurgle cum as he lays there in pain. Brooke sits down in his chair and lays back in it as he gets a little more comfortable. Owen is able to notice that the furniture in the room now fits the huge manager’s frame perfectly and it dawns on him that perhaps this whole department may have the same ability that his new boss does. ‘I guess you are wondering now how I get back to my normal size don’t you Owen? Well it takes a little bit of practice but all you need is a reversing pill and voila, normalcy again.’ Brooke leans over and opens a drawer in his desk. He pulls out a brown pill and plops it into his mouth before crunching on it. Within seconds, Owen hears odd sounds coming from the man’s body as he sees him shrinking. His muscles revert back to their normal size within just a minute and he stands up. His decent sized cock leans up against Owen’s body. Brooke shows his teeth again as he leans down to give his apprentice a few more rubs on his chest. ‘Don’t worry Owen, you won’t change this quickly since it has to take up residence throughout your body. It doesn’t always work the same way with each guy either. I have been managing this department for probably nine years and in that time I have had probably four apprentices. They all responded in different ways. Blake though was quite eager to grow and didn’t take much coaxing to change. Even when he doesn’t draw it out, he works out heavily. I’m sure you have noticed.’ ‘Oh yes Mr. Brooke quite a bit. He is quite buff and…..I think he is very hot. I…..I think I have a crush on him actually.’ Brooke smiles and motions for Owen to sit up. He pats the young man on the back and tells him to get back into his original chair. ‘Well I’m sure I can arrange a few projects with Blake. You might even be able to witness his change if you’re lucky Owen. The thing is though…..Blake is already a well-built man and…..his other half can get a bit…..large.’ Owen seems quite surprised and wonders if he will be in some kind of danger with Blake. ‘Are you saying that I may not be safe with him?’ ‘Well if you weren’t exposed to me Owen I would say definitely, but when you put two men together with the same type of hormonal balance, things can happen. The reason why you are not reacting with me right now man is because I reverted back to my original body to prevent it. I have expounded my energy for the time being so you will be okay.’ ‘Oh…..i find this to be really weird but kind of exciting actually. I feel dirty in this suit now though, could you get me a new one perhaps Mr. Brooke?’ ‘You might as well start calling me Grayson, Owen, since we can be candid about these things. I feel like I can trust you. You are handling this quite well. As for your suit, I won’t ask you to strip for me so I will get you another one, but I need your stats.’ Owen writes them down and hands it over to the nude man. He calls down to the company tailor and gives him the information, within minutes there is a knock on the door. Brooke stands up and walks over to unlock the door and opens it. ‘Whoa, Grayson you are already breaking in a new guy? I would say you look great, but you already know that.’ ‘Hehe thanks Craig and wow this is a great suit.’ The bearded man winks at Owen and starts to leave but not before Brooke grabs his arm. ‘Huh? Is there something else you need Grayson?’ ‘Sure man why don’t you come in for a minute.’ The man looks at Brooke puzzled for a few seconds before he starts to smile. He walks in and goes to sit in another chair directly beside of Owen. He puts his hand out and motions for the young apprentice to shake it. Owen does and they clasp their hands together. The energy travels through both of their bodies making them both shutter. ‘WHOA! What was that? I have never felt such power move through my body at one time. Is this what you were talking about Mr. Brooke?’ Brooke walks back over to his desk and sits back down. He smiles at both of them knowing that this may result in some kind of change in both of them. The 48 year old tailor with the salt and peppery goatee feels a bit relaxed after what he just felt pass through him and slowly jumps to his feet. He turns to look at Brooke and seems a bit unsure as to what he should do next. Owen doesn’t seem to be affected now as he feels the same type of calm come over him that the tailor is experiencing. ‘Grayson Grayson Grayson…..what are you trying to do to me? I don’t want to tear up this suit in here. I spent so much time customizing it to fit me and I’m not a big guy like you either.’ Owen keeps looking at the gray-eyed fit man standing in front of him and seems to be growing more attracted to him by the minute. It is a feeling he didn’t feel before they clasped their hands together. He stands up in his soiled suit and walks over to the older man and starts to rub the hair on his head which makes the man shiver just a bit. ‘Ohhh wow that feels young man…..oh my gawd…..’ The tailor feels it starting to build inside him which makes him a bit unhappy, but Owen’s surprisingly strong fingers against his skin feels just right to him. The young apprentice runs his hands down inside Craig’s dress shirt and feels the thick forest of silvery hair against his fingers. His tight chest muscles are starting to sweat at a fast rate as he tries to keep things from getting carried away. Brooke shakes his head back and forth and laughs watching his good friend try to prevent a growth cycle from occurring. Owen rubs the firm pec muscles before sliding his fingers along Craig’s washboard stomach all drenched in perspiration. It is at this point that Owen leans his body against the tailor’s and lightly rubs his chin on the older gentleman’s neck and shoulders. Craig continues to try and keep his composure fighting and tensing his body to the point that it is pumped. He groans as Brooke nearly falls out of his chair laughing. ‘This…..isn’t…..funny…..Grayson….. It feels so good but……I…..won’t…..give…..in…..’ ‘Come on Hardesty, the young man is totally into you. Trust me Owen, he won’t disappoint you. Craig is an incredible stud when he changes. That hair all over his body looks fantastic over his massive muscles trust me I have seen it many times.’ The tailor feels his cock reacting in his pants as it starts to drool precum down his wool pants leg. ‘Please young man, I have ruined too many suits because of this kind of stimulation. Grayson can be such a jerk sometimes to me. I…..can’t…..hold it back any longer……DAMNIT!’ Owen moans feeling and hearing the tailor’s muscles stretching and popping beneath his hands. The tight pectorals on Craig swell up filling every tiny inch of his dress shirt before Owen can get his hands out. The muscles in his back flare out to the point that his wool blazer splits in the back unable to contain the giant mountains forming. ‘OH GAWD NO! I shouldn’t like this but the sounds turn me on.’ Owen notices that the tailor doesn’t wear underwear as his cock pushes its way down his growing left quad which along with his right one is stretching the fabric to its limits in his pants. Owen grins as he peers over Hardesty’s growing shoulders watching what is commencing in the front. The growing tailor no longer feels the need to complain as he feels himself hulking out feeling his muscles press harder on the fabric. Brooke stands up completely erect and walks over to stand in front of his friend to watch him change. Craig growls, ‘RAWR! YEAH I LOVE IT…..I CAN FEEL THEM READY TO BUST OUT…..’ The tailor’s clothes look like they are painted on him as his nipples nearly protrude out little holes forming on top of them. Owen leaks precum all over the floor as he pulls his cock out to let it free. ‘Damn Hardesty, this is one of your hotter transformations. We need to get that jacket off you. Owen rip that thing off him so we can get a better view of his growing arms.’ Owen shreds his jacket in half as Brooke pulls the arms of them off gradually exposing the skin-tight sleeves on Craig’s blue dress shirt. The young apprentice moans seeing Hardesty’s swollen arms pulse. Brooke’s cock starts to drop a small load of cum on the ground without him touching it. ‘MMMMM Craig, you are turning me on so much. How about you Owen? Is this not hot seeing him change so slowly?’ Owen agrees as he rubs the soaked back of Hardesty feeling its raging power as it starts to pull the seams tighter. The holes grow bigger on Craig’s nipples making Brooke rush in to chew on them knowing that his shirt is about to lose to his expanding muscles. Owen watches as Hardesty’s back shreds the upper part of his shirt making the older stud growl. ‘OH YEAH, this is the fun part. I love feeling my power emerge.’ The fabric along Hardesty’s pecs rip open as his mammoth grey-haired boulders spill out making Brooke squeeze them tightly. Owen shoots a rope of cum on to Craig’s pants leg. Hardesty turns his head which has started to thicken up as his goatee darkens a bit to look at Owen. He smiles as his shoulders and delts shred the top of his shirt. ‘Hey there young man, I bet you haven’t seen such veiny cannons on a man my age before have you?’ Owen immediately turns his attention over to both arms which have immense hoses growing beneath the shirt sleeves. The strain of the fabric on them makes Hardesty growl deeply as he feels his quads emerge from their confines. The seams explode as his gorgeously hairy salt and peppery tree trunks spread out before his footlong slaps his left leg and spills a little bit of jizz down his leg. Two sweaty golf balls are stretching his sac to its limits and appear to be pulsating. Even his calves shred his pants which makes the growing stud laugh. ‘Seriously young man, my arms are crazy they put me right over the edge.’ Hardesty’s huge hairy slabs under his mountainous pecs blast through the buttons above his belt. Owen notices that Hardesty’s ass is starting to appear as the seams one by one rip revealing his pumped sweaty bubble butt. Owen feels the urge to slap his cock on it which sends the tailor into a frenzy. ‘OH DAMN MAN! I love it! Are you ready to see these guns? I know I am.’ Brooke gets down on his knees to pull the ripped fabric off Hardesty’s quads and calves to worship his giant tool and chew on the huge bouncing balls sitting beneath it. The tailor’s boots explode as his feet emerge covered in piles of ripped fabric. The eager worshipper slowly sucks on Hardesty’s hairy cock tasting its salty contents and squeezing his incredible legs. Owen watches intently as the tailor’s shirt sleeves slowly shred as two massive cannonballs force their way out and immediately flex. The huge veins make quick work of the rest of the sleeves all the way down to Hardesty’s big hairy hands. His forearms grow into giant vascular softballs as he flexes them. The thick forest of hair traveling all the way up and down the huge mature man’s arms makes Owen immediately reach around and squeeze them tightly as he shoves his cock inside the tailor’s waiting hole. The growth finally finishes as Hardesty rips the rest of his shirt off revealing his enormous lats and thick hairy back. Owen buries his head into the enormous contours of Hardesty’s delts as he squeezes the tailor’s engorged biceps and triceps. ‘MMMMM Owen…..I like the way you touch me man. I have to make you grow too. I haven’t felt this good transforming in quite some time. Sorry Grayson but my cock belongs to Owen this time.’ He pulls his rod out of Brooke’s mouth and slides himself off of Owen. The surprised young apprentice is amazed when he sees the immense stud turn around and face him. The hairy stud’s cock bounces as he flexes his entire body for Owen. The young man reaches in to run his hands up and down Hardesty’s arms and chest and swoons. Craig picks him up in his arms and starts kissing him holding him tightly. Brooke seems a bit miffed and goes back over to sit in his chair. ‘Come on Owen…..let yourself go. I am really anxious to see what you will look like. I know you will be incredible when you change.’ As they kiss longingly, Owen’s cock flexes a few times before he starts groaning a little bit. They both look down and notice it starting to swell.
  22. After increased interest, here are Parts 1: and Part 2: After being shown where he will be staying, Jessie decides to go ahead and get a little more comfortable with his surroundings by taking a nice long nap. After about twenty minutes, he gets a knock on his door. When he opens it, it is Victor again who comes rushing in and goes to sit on Jessie’s bed. Victor looks like he just came back from a very intense workout since his tank is completely drenched with sweat as he slowly drips perspiration off of his face and head. He takes his tank off to prevent more of a mess from occurring. “Sorry about this Jessie, I didn’t mean to get all of my junk on your comforter man.” He realizes what he just said and laughs. Then he motions for Jessie to come sit by him for a couple minutes while he talks to him. The sleepy man does so and wonders why Victor can’t just talk to him while he is standing. He basically just stares at Victor’s body whenever he is around anyway so it doesn’t really matter all that much. Victor’s muscles bounce every time he talks as the sweat continues to bead up and roll down his neck and chest. “Damnit, I can’t seem to stop sweating. Can you give me a few minutes Jessie while I go hop into your shower?” He gets up and rushes into the bathroom. He pulls his shorts off before he even gets into the room as Jessie sees his coach’s gorgeous Italian bum for the first time. There is a nice treasure trail of hair that is leading into his asshole. Jessie softly moans as he gets up to peer around the corner of the bathroom. He sees the gorgeous stud lathering his hot body up with the body wash he just put in there as his cock hangs sideways and is semi-erect. Jessie starts talking to his program coach from the corner of the doorway. “So……ummm you can tell me from the shower what you were going to say to me?” “Ohh well I was just going to discuss the next part of your program with you. You will be training with me of course, but that will be the easy part.” Jessie walks into the doorway and sees Victor with his back to him as he bends over revealing his hairy hole as he cleans it with his hands. The smaller man moans a little louder now as he quietly takes off his clothes to go sneak up on his coach. Jessie’s cock bounces frantically as it attempts to find its way into Victor’s enticing hole. Victor continues to speak to his client without him even knowing that he is right behind him in the shower. “I suppose that you will want to know what is going to happen next with you. Well….” Jessie starts rubbing his coach’s hot bubble butt and slaps his cock up against it. Victor jumps at first but grunts as he turns around to grab Jessie and slams him up against the shower wall. They both moan deeply as they kiss each other longingly and smack their cocks together. Victor starts stroking them both as he presses his muscular body up against his smaller partner. The horny man runs his tongue along Victor’s pec shelf as the muscly Italian puffs it up for him. “Mmmmm worship me Jessie, I really do need someone to appreciate what I have accomplished. It doesn’t happen all too often.” “I thought you said you had a lot of guys that were into you?” “Heh nah, I’m too old for them I think. You seem to like what I have though. You want to fuck me don’t you? Mmmm sounds good to me.” Victor stops stroking him and turns to bend his ass over so his hole touches Jessie’s cock. Jessie stares as his cock throbs wildly and starts to slowly part Victor’s hole. Victor moans loudly as he begins to move himself on top of his smaller top’s hungry cock. Jessie yells feeling his coach’s ass swallow his bloated prick. Victor then pushes Jessie down onto the shower floor as he starts to ride him. Their slick bodies rub together as they both grunt and groan. Jessie rubs his coach’s huge back muscles as they contract in his hands and is even able to reach around to feel his coach’s abs working overtime. “Mmmm Victor this feels amazing despite the fact that you’re doing all the work. I feel like I should be contributing somehow.” Victor slowly turns his body around to face Jessie and leans in to talk to him. “Jessie pretty soon you will probably be pounding guys into oblivion. Besides what you are doing with me right now is a sign that you have a dominant trait that is just begging to be cut loose. It takes a lot of guts to pursue the guy that is going to coach you and turn you into the man you deserve to be. And my gawd I can’t wait to make you fucking blow up into a superman.” Victor bounces is now picking up speed on Jessie as he feels him starting to draw closer to cumming. Jessie leans in to plant another kiss on his coach as they embrace each other. Jessie exerts his authority on Victor now as he pounds him harder making the coach grunt louder and even laugh. “OH FUCK YEAH JESSIE, you are going to be an insatiable beast, now cum for me you crazy man.” Jessie pulls out of Victor to starts slapping his cock on top of Victors heaving pecs. The sensation is getting him even closer. Victor takes it in his hands and continues slapping it onto the underside of them. They both growl as the coach rubs Jessie’s cock on his nipples. This is making Victor’s cock to start dripping all over Jessie’s legs. “MMMMM Jessie if you can spray your load onto my huge pecs that would make me cum harder than I have in weeks. I am beyond ready for you to coat me.” He slaps it harder on his pecs as Jessie tenses up. Victor strokes him harder once he can feel the cum racing into his partner’s cock. Jessie yells as he splashes his cum all over Victor’s bouncing pecs. The coach yells himself as he feels his cock preparing to burst itself. Jessie quickly leans down to start nursing on his coach’s nips which immediately puts Victor into a lustful trance. “AHH FUCK JESSIE, THAT’S IT! I CAN’T HOLD IT BACK ANY LONGER!” Jessie feels Victor spray several thick white ropes onto his lean chest before the coach pushes him up against the wall again and sits up to slap Jessie in the face with his leaky cock. “Mmm fuck yeah Jessie. You really know how to make an Italian guy like me feel good. I think you have just convinced me that you need to be transformed into a giant musclebeast.” “I just hope I don’t disappoint you Victor. You are so hot yourself. I would be happy to be at least half as hot as you are.” Victor smiles and pulls Jessie into him again as they cuddle with each other for a few minutes. After that, they decide to dry off as Jessie hugs him a little more making Victor purr deep down inside. He turns to kiss Jessie longingly again as he holds him close one more time. At this point it has been over an hour since Jessie saw Arliss. He wonders if he is moving too fast with all of these men since he has already had sex with both of them. Victor tells Jessie that he needs to go now, but he will be back soon to escort him over to the training facility. The Italian coach manages to find an outfit he can wear in Jessie’s wardrobe before he departs. Jessie puts on a fresh outfit as well before sitting down in a chair to check out some of the channels on his television. After a few minutes go by, he gets a knock on the side door adjacent to his room and realizes that he will have a roommate. Instead of getting up he tells them to go ahead and come in. They open it and come over to sit down beside of Jessie on his bed. It is Bronson who seems really upbeat after being down earlier in the day. Jessie smiles and asks him if his meeting went well with Arliss. “Did Arliss help you get settled in here?” Bronson curls his lip a bit and makes a strange face. “Well dude, he wants me to lose weight before I enter the program. I’m not sure that I can do that because he also said that I only have a few days to do it. Do you think that is even possible?” “Hmm I’m not sure man. Maybe your coach Lorenzo can help you figure out how to slim down.” “He said that to me, but I haven’t seen Lorenzo since I got here. He has been a real jerk and I don’t think he really cares about what happens to me. Has your coach been available dude?” Jessie smiles at him and nods. “Ohh yes, Victor is an incredible man. Very personable and really cares about what happens to me. He is supposed to come back here to take me to the training facility soon I think. I am a bit anxious though.” “You are really lucky Jessie. Maybe I should go find Lorenzo then. I will talk to you later.” Bronson gets up and walks back through the side door and closes it behind him. Jessie gets up and opens his door to walk out into the main hallway. He sees some activity going on a couple doors down and notices a thickly muscled stud standing in the doorway to someone else’s room. When he gets there he realizes that it is Thomas’s coach. The two men have been arguing quite a bit and Thomas looks extremely upset. Jessie’s curiosity gets the better of him as he walks down there to find out what is going on. He knows that he shouldn’t really be involved though. “I shouldn’t bother you two since it seems like you are in the middle of something.” The huge man grabs Jessie by the arm and turns him around. The brute is quite tanned with tattoos down his arms and has a thick beard on a very nicely developed face. His sparkling green eyes peer into Jessie’s as he smirks. Thomas sighs and walks back into the room he was in. “Oh no, you aren’t interrupting anything man. I am just trying to get Thomas motivated for his upcoming routine. He isn’t used to being pushed obviously. I’m Cliff Byutov by the way. You must be Jessie because most of the coaches and trainers have been talking about you.” “Good things I hope because I don’t want to be the black sheep here.” Cliff leans in again and gives him a big smile. His huge beefy arms wrap around him as he pulls him into Thomas’s room. He lets Jessie go and has him go sit in one of the chairs by the window as he walks into the bathroom to retrieve Thomas who appears to be hiding. “Get out there runt. I think one of the other guys here can be a great influence on you since you don’t seem to want to deal with me all that much.” “I don’t really want to do this. I don’t understand why it had to be me that ended up in this program. My friend Owen is the one that wanted to be transformed, not me.” “Well Owen isn’t here and I am not giving up on you Thomas. Get out there and sit with your other roommate.” Cliff pushes him out of the bathroom as Thomas staggers to go sit on his bed. Cliff comes marching out and stands between them. His huge beefy chest is covered in thick brown fur as Jessie scans it over with his eyes. Cliff winks at him and crosses his arms as he turns to stare down Thomas. “Alright Thomas, you have been chosen to go to training first. You will be required to go through some testing as well to prepare your body for what it will be exposed to. Now with Jessie here, I can inform him too that he will go through the same type of testing. I’m not sure if you are going after Thomas or not though. I think the other guy in this program has some prerequisites before he can even proceed so you might be after him.” “Well I know that Victor is supposed to come back to talk to me soon. Maybe I should go back to my room and wait for him?” Cliff puts his arm out and gestures to stay put. Thomas looks a bit miffed as Cliff walks over and picks him up. He rubs the small man’s back and hugs him. Thomas looks a bit more relaxed now after Cliff puts him back down on the bed. “You worry too much Thomas. I won’t make you do something that will make you regret coming here. Your mind is going to change a bit through the program anyway. I want you to feel comfortable in your own skin. I really do think that Jessie being here could be helpful to you in the long run. You should both get a bit more acquainted with each other to ease your concerns.” Thomas seems to agree with this as Cliff walks out of the room. Jessie goes to sit by Thomas and gives him a light hug. Thomas lays his head on Jessie’s shoulder and takes his glasses off. He sighs a bit before looking up at Jessie. “Cliff makes me feel so insignificant. He is such a huge man and I can’t understand why he would want to even train me. I mean I know he was assigned to me, but could they not find a guy a bit smaller eh?” Jessie laughs at what he just said. “Have you seen what my coach looks like? Victor isn’t exactly small either. I guess it depends on how we handle certain types of stress. If you want me to help you through this, then I will; besides your coach is quite hot.” Thomas smiles a little and agrees. He says that Cliff does like to hug him a lot and thinks that maybe he enjoys spending time with him. Jessie tells him that some guys like to exert their dominance and thinks Cliff might be into that. “The truth is I think Cliff probably wants to see you blow up into someone that he can have some fun with. You should get to know him a little better because you both might be able to build some kind of long-term relationship with each other.” “Ehh you might be right…..I guess I should start to listen to him more. I do agree that he is quite hot, I sense a nurturing side to him as well which is quite sexy…..okay…..I feel a lot better now, thanks Jessie.” “Sure Thomas, I need to go back to my room now because I figure that Victor is waiting on me. Talk soon man.” Jessie gets up and walks back out into the hall again where Cliff is hanging out. He smiles at Jessie and walks up to him. He puts his hand out and gestures for Jessie to put his out. He does and they shake hands. Cliff lifts him up and squeezes him tightly. Jessie groans a bit before Cliff puts him back down. He then walks back into Thomas’s room and shuts the door behind him. Jessie slowly walks back down to his room and opens the door. Victor stands by the window shirtless and turns to see Jessie in the doorway. They smile at each other as Victor gestures for him to close the door behind him so that he can spend some more time with him again in private. End of Part 3 Mocking the Hosts: Moving the Needle: Managing the Transition:
  23. NYBear

    Lake Light

    In the Beginning... I woke up in a good mood. The forest scent filled my nose with clean air. Grabbing my anxious cock, I had to take a much needed pee, so I walked out of the tent and walked to the edge of the campsite. As a nice thick steam of hot piss fogged the crisp air and cold ground, I watched in disbelief when to the right of me, I saw the huge figure of a man come out of the woods towards me at the campsite. I wasn't afraid of him, but I felt anxious. No...it was something else...I was in awe. This man was not ordinary in any way, he was just huge. His arms looked thick and muscled, but not super cut and his chest was enormous. Each pec was larger than my head. His neck was the biggest I'd ever seen, with enormous traps and shoulders. Still, even with all of his size, he looked strangely familiar and he was wearing my brothers University of Nebraska shirt that I had gotten him. That was a little too odd, but for some reason, it didn't matter. It was tight as hell on the man, and it even had a split up the seam of the right side and around the neck, which again wasn't a surprise, since he was so overblown with muscle. He looked like a pro Strongman, yet he had really boyish features. I continued my piss, never one for being piss shy and actually, as I watch him lumber slowly towards the campsite, I was getting aroused the closer he came. I'm bisexual, but mainly because I had a crush that turned into a relationship with my best bud in college, otherwise I've had girlfriends my whole life. Still, deep inside of me, I always had a thing for power lifters and bodybuilders. If they were big with muscle, my cock went big for them. No one in the family or even my closest friends, knew of my duel identity, but this wall of a stud was getting me hard and any inhibition of showing my gay side was ebbing at lightning speed. I just didn't care what he or anyone that may be passing by saw. In fact, I wanted an audience. I didn't know why, but all I knew was that there a hunger inside of me that was building. I waved with my unoccupied hand and I told him to join us, still thinking that my brother was asleep in the tent. Even though I had stopped pissing, my hand continued to message my growing cock until I was so rock hard, it was hard to fit my cock back into my shorts. The man, smiled and sat down on the make-shift picnic bench that my brother and I had made. Where we were camping, wasn't in some state park or crowded camping park. Our parents had brought us up to these mountains when we were younger and since mom's passing, we thought it fitting to come back to the place we cherished most. Dad, was having a harder time and couldn't join us, because any memory of mom just hurt him too much; even good ones. The forest was very dense, with a lot of wild animals, both tame and dangerous. We had seen bears and coyotes many times, but for some in-explainable reason, they never bothered us. This place was safe and private. Only a few hikers would sporadically come by. The place was peaceful, incredibly beautiful and isolated. It was special. I don't know why I didn't notice it before, but when the man sat down that's when I saw the shredded fabric of what was left of the red shorts that my brother had been wearing last night. It couldn't be...It just couldn't. I gave the man I look, that I'm sure was one of a mixture of "What the Hell?" and "If you hurt him...?" I walked over to the tent and pulled back the flap...empty. My heart sank, but then I heard my 16 year old younger brother’s, deepened voice come out of the man. He said that it was him...That he was Jimmy. I whirled around and looked into the man's eyes...and soon realized it was my brother's eyes. He stood back up and then I realized just how tall he was. He must have been over 6 feet and Jimmy was only a scrawny 5'2". I don't know how, maybe it was the eyes, or the voice or the clothes, but I knew this imposing figure was,in fact, my brother, only changed. Strangely, my lust for the beast before me, now my brother, did not lighten, in fact, it continued to build. I was slightly taken aback by that, but not disgusted; not in the least. I asked what had happened to him and he said that he woke up, while it was just beginning to get light out. He said that he was wide awake and felt instantly refreshed as he walked out of the tent and he felt like something was different. He said he felt different, too. He didn't want to wake me, just thinking that he was just being silly, so he decided to go for a walk up to the mountain lake for a swim. He felt like swimming. He didn't know why, but he just did. He said that when he got to the lake, he noticed something glowing in the water about 50 feet out in the lake. At first he thought it was the morning sun reflecting on the water. Then as he waded into the water he knew it was coming from under the water. Since we were just at the lake the night before and there was nothing, he decided to swim out to see what it was. He knew he should have gotten me first, but it was like he was drawn to it. He said that as he swam towards it, he felt the water getting warmer...or was it him that was warming up. He was sure, but then he said he felt stronger and stronger and (blushing) hornier. He still had his boyish charm. He felt pulled to the light as he continued and when he had finally gotten over top of the glow, he said he felt a rush of bliss (again blushing) like he had an orgasm, but it was all over his body and then he blacked out. The next thing he knew he was laying on the beach, his clothes were on but they were dry, tight and shredded, as he pointed to his shorts that now left nothing to the imagination, as his new, well over 7 inch cock and huge balls hung out in the open. Being such a short guy, Jimmy's cock was only 6 inches when Hard; I caught him beating off a couple of times. He said that he saw that he had grown muscle all over and there was another change in him, too. He had a hunger inside of him, but not for food. I told him that he should see his face...that had changed too, that he was incredibly handsome. I told him he had aged about 10 years and he looked like a man in his mid 20's. His eyes widened and grunted deeply in a "whattya know" kind of way. He said that he knew he had to come back and get me, so we could figure this out and so he could....he stopped his sentence, pausing for a few seconds as he looked at me and then he said that he immediately came back to the campsite and this is where we are now. I told him, he looked fucking amazing and he agreed as he looked at his body and began to caress himself, first his pecs, then his biceps, then in a moment a sheer fantasy, he did a double bicep pose that shredded his sleeves as he huge arms exploded in muscle. He looked away from his body and he looked at me, seeing my expression of shock, awe and not surprising....desire. He said, "You like what you see, big bro...yeah...I think you do" then his left hand grabbed his now growing cock. He walked over towards me as I was like a deer in the headlights. I couldn't move as he began to tower over me the closer he came to me. His cock was now over 9 inches and pointing the way to me. My own cock was so rock hard, it hurt. Then he stopped a couple of feet away, but since his body was so huge, his pecs were right in front of my face. I could smell the power in them. I looked up as his shadow covered my body. That’s when I noticed the hunger in his eyes. It was a hunger like mine, primal and sexual. My sweet brother was gone and what had replaced him was a massive hunter. The confidence and the animalistic attitude that poured off of him was incredible. I believed that to him, I was no longer his older brother...I was his bitch. I could feel it coming off of him and…it turned me on...more than I'd ever been turned on before. Normal reasoning said that his should not be, but it was as if we were no longer brothers, but...but an Alpha and his Beta. We just stood there for a few seconds with the lust inside of us building to a crescendo and then we leaped at each other tearing off our clothes as we embraced and kissed. Jimmy lifted me up with one hand and tore my shorts off with one easy swipe of his other hand. Once naked, he put me back down on the ground and I fell to my knees and took him in my mouth. His rock hard cock was huge, at least 11, possibly even 12 inches long and over 7 inches thick. I barely got his cock head in my mouth and only 6-7 of his incredibly thick inches would fit down in my oral cavity. He fucked my mouth like a bull and within minutes I welcomed the warmest and most lavish gush of cum to ever fill me up, but he didn't stop. He grabbed my head and continued his assault on my throat, miraculously pushing another few inches further into me, saying, "I can't stop Ray...I'm not done yet....I've got so much more...Aaaahhh!!" and he came down my throat a second time. I was having trouble breathing, so he pulled back just long enough for me to catch my breath, but then he plowed his huge cock even deeper into my throat. I thought my lips were going to tear it hurt so bad, but at the same time, I didn't want him to stop. And he didn't. He continued his assault as he face fucked me for another 2 massive loads. With each load he pushed further into my throat and by the last gush of cum down my throat, his balls were against my chin. I knew it was impossible. There's just no way I could have been able to take that abuse. I literally should be dead, but it was as if he wasn't human anymore, because no man could do that and at some point, I believe he changed me somehow. Then without even a glimmer of getting soft, he pulled out of my mouth, effortlessly picked me up and turned me around on my hands and knees and he plunged his granite cock into me. Only the head and a few inches were inside, but I screamed so loud, it scared the birds. Even with my cries of shock and pain, he didn’t ebb his momentum though. His grunts and growls only solidified that he was like an animal. A fucking Beast. He continued to push more of him in as tears rolled down my face, then more…8…10 and then I felt his pelvic bone against my ass. He was completely inside of me. That’s when something changed as it did with my mouth. Even though it was still painful, it was a pain that was incredible and sexy. The pleasure overtook the pain and it overtook my body. I didn't know why, but I later learned it was his cum that began to change me. It made me more palatable for him. It made me be the perfect sexual concubine for him. I began to plead for him to fuck me and then fuck me harder…and harder, to which he emptied the first load deep into my ass…and as I felt the warm cum fire into my stomach area, I felt the rest of my body orgasm, then he grabbed my hips, stood up, bringing me with him as held me like a wheelbarrow plowing his huge thick cock into me. His balls slapped my taint so hard I thought he’d bruise me. We continued to fuck for hours as we destroyed the campsite fucking in various areas and positions. I think he had unloaded over 10 orgasms into me, but I wasn't sure as I think I lost count. The tent fell on top of us, then we pounded on the picnic table, braking that and even I came three times before he finally came inside me for the last time with my shoulders on the on the sandy ground as he jack-hammered me, with such force and quantity that even though he had quite literally filled me up inside, the excess soaked the ground below us. When he pulled out of me, he was still hard as a rock and I believe he was still ready for me, but I was a lifeless lump. Completely exhausted, I pleaded for him to let me rest. Not surprisingly, he wasn’t ready for that, "I don't know why, but I can't...I need to take you there....I need you to change so we don't have to stop....ever!!" so he picked up my living, but exhausted body, draping me across his powerful arms like I was dead and he carried me up to the lake. My 16 year old younger brother, was now my master, my guardian, my lover, my Alpha. As I laid, slumped in his arms, I no longer even thought of him as my brother. He was the beginning of something amazing, and I was his first loyal subject. I knew what he was doing and I felt excited inside. I smiled and exclaimed “YES” when I saw the glow as we reached the edge of the lake. The air was different up here, instead of being lighter, it was heavy and you had to breathe in big lumbering breathes. My cock began to rise again has he walked into the water. My brother, pulled me up to him and bent down to kiss me as he said in an even lower and more booming voice, “We’re going to be Gods!” and I felt his cock push on my back under me coating me with his precum. Further and further he walked into the lake and with every step, I felt Jimmy's body react to the water. He was growing. I could feel his size increasing as I was cradled. As soon as my body touched the water, I instantly felt better. My brother held me like a lifeguard saving a drowning swimmer as he pulled us toward the light. I began to feel the strength in me rise and the feeling of power in me was exploding. I began to blissfully growl inside as my strength and power increased. It was as if thousands of hours of working out were paying off instantaneously. We both began moaning, vocally, as we got closer to the light. We weren’t even half way there when I told my brother I could go on my own, but he, told me no as he held me close and I was very glad he did as I could feel us both getting bigger and stronger. The feeling of my own growth was beyond comprehension, but feeling him getting bigger next to me, no human had ever felt such pure bliss before. We felt each other expanding and our lust to get bigger increased. We both had no inhibitions at all about what was happening to us and we welcomed it completely, with every fiber of our existence. At the campsite, my brother was like that of a linebacker, but now he was becoming a one of the biggest bodybuilders on earth. His muscles were growing and he was getting super cut. Thick veins formed on his skin. Hair formed on his pecs and actually all over his body as his testosterone levels must have been going through the roof. I myself, now felt what he must have felt when we were having sex, because I felt that I could go for hours and cum and cum and cum. I felt like I was stronger than most any human on earth and I knew that my brother was even stronger than that. We were still about 15 feet from the light when my brother seemed to convulse as his eyes turned bright blue and then a blue light wave exploded from his body and across the lake. I had know idea what that was about, but immediately, I felt like I could lift a house, with my strength increasing now like a rocket, but my body was still puny in comparison to my bother. I would find out later that at that moment, he had grown taller as well and that he was about 8.5 feet tall and his shoulders were over 5 feet wide. He was the biggest and strongest man on the planet. When we stopped above the light with it surrounding us, we again embraced as we tread water. We must have been out there longer than he was before, because I was now that of a slightly smaller Jay Cutler and he had reached his God status, that the light had obtained for him. My brother was still human, in his soul, but he was no longer a human being, physically and I envied him. His eyes became blue again and he began to chant. The words out of his mouth, seemed almost like the chant of an Indian would make. Then his body seemed to omit, the same light as what was beneath us; a golden hue that was filled with warmth and energy. We also noticed that we did not have to tread water anymore as either the light beneath us or my brother's light was keeping us afloat. Again, we hugged each other, in love, but mostly to feel each other grow. Wave after wave or continued power and strength fed into me, but now it was coming from my brother. I looked at him and into his blue eyes and he leaned in to kiss me. I opened my mouth to receive his kiss and that's when I felt it, one huge blast of energy shoot into me and I exploded in growth and power. I was now almost equal to my brother, but I knew that I would never obtain his status as he was the Alpha. I could feel my own cock growing in size, clearly surpassing most men, but I felt my brothers grow even more and when we let go of our embrace, I was held up by my brother’s cock. I felt it push against my hole and my hole opened for him. There was no pain, only sheer bliss. Again, I felt another explosion of him inside me and then everything went black… When we woke up, naked on the beach, we weren't alone. There were two hikers shaking us, but they quickly backed away when we woke up. Both men were very attractive, fit young men and it was clear to us that they were enthralled with us. We looked at each other and knew that we were going to overtake them and fuck them. They were going to be our newest recruits. They must have known it too and they walked toward their new masters. Both men didn't seem to be in a trance, but they knew that they were there for our pleasure and sexual release. The told us that they wanted to worship us and that they had never in their lives seen anything like us. They stripped off their gear and clothes and when both Jimmy and I stood up, they knelt before their new Gods. Then we all looked out into the water to see the glow still there and calling to us. It was as if the light was telling us to add to our lineage, which we were happy to oblige it by. The hikers asked us if we knew what it was? We did and we told them they soon would, but first, we needed to cum.
  24. muscleaddict

    Worshipping Tommy Foster

    This is taken from a bigger story I wrote but I think it works as a stand alone piece. Two muscle loving camera men have been invited to the hotel room of a competition conditioned bodybuilder. Part 1 It felt like the whole world had gone into slow motion as I tried to comprehend what was happening. A genuine bodybuilder in insane, competition condition was inviting me to oil him up. There had to be a catch. I looked down and noticed that the oil was in a spray-bottle. No actual bodily contact had to be necessary. I would press down on the head of the bottle and the oil would spray onto Tommy’s perfectly pumped, alien-like physique, but surely he would be the one to do the rubbing? Surely I wouldn’t actually get to place my hands on his phenomenally huge mounds and crazily developed slabs of thinly skinned muscle? Even though I was convinced that this was the case, the mere mention or thought of any kind of oiling up of a bodybuilder had not only caused a serious lack of space in my underwear, but it felt like I was suddenly sporting my biggest, hardest and most intense erection of the day. Without really considering an alternative option, I cautiously took the bottle of oil from Tommy’s hand, then shot a quick, nervous glance at Stuart Fox, who at this point seemed to be trying his best to act as if what was unfolding was a perfectly normal occurrence. Tommy also looked completely nonchalant as he posed his next question. “Have you ever oiled up a bodybuilder before Charlie”? Oh yes Tommy mate. Every bloody weekend an incredibly conditioned, freakishly muscular bodybuilder in brightly coloured, minuscule posing trunks pops round to my house, plonks himself in the middle of my bedroom and just stands there with his arms outstretched for a head to toe oil up. What the bleeding buggering hell do YOU think?! Still in a state of shock at what was happening, I shook my head and gave him a mumbled “no” and he casually proceeded to give me instructions. “You need to give the bottle a good shake before you spray it on. Just a few sprays on to the chosen body part, and then just really rub it in.” “Rub it in”! Did he just say “rub it fucking in”?! Chances of me fainting dead on Tommy Foster’s hotel room floor? VERY BLOODY LIKELY! “It’s probably best to start with my quads…” His quads! He wants me to place my hands on his ridiculously developed, gorgeously shredded quads! My actual hands. On his actual fucking quads! Fainting on Tommy Foster’s hotel room floor expected in 3, 2... “…and then work your way up”. Helloooo Tommy Foster’s hotel room floor. Do you mind if I just stay here for a while? “Don’t be afraid to be generous. It washes off easily”. Tommy then turned to my filming mentor. “You can get in here too Stuart. There’s enough of me to go round”. His mouth curled into an amused grin at his own outrageously cheeky comment and I couldn’t help but smile in amusement myself, all the time wondering how the hell I was still standing upright and conscious. Tommy Foster/Mr Gorgeous Abs had stopped talking, and the atmosphere suddenly seemed to have become slightly awkward. As he and Stuart Fox glanced at me, I suddenly realised that they were waiting for me to make my move. They were waiting for me to bend down, spray oil onto the insanely thick, deliciously carved quads of a genuine competition conditioned muscle freak, and rub it in using my hands (my actual hands). There was nothing else to do than to oblige. Crouching down, with one knee on the carpet, and my face mere inches away from his absurdly sized wheels, as instructed, I gave Tommy’s bottle of oil a few good shakes, and as I sprayed twice on to his left quad, three questions arose in my head; #1. How can one man’s legs be so monstrously thick and muscular? #2. Why am I so turned on by the scent of the shiny yellow fabric of his posing trunks, now mere inches away from my face, along with the thick bulge that’s still struggling to be contained by it? #3. How the bleeding buggering FUCK is this actually happening to me?! Conscious of the fact that Stuart was standing over me, I reached my hand up and gave him the bottle. Even though he looked more nervous than I’d seen him doing so before, the left corner of his mouth curled slightly into a coy, and excited smile as he took the bottle of oil from me and proceeded to kneel down next to me at Tommy Foster’s legs. As Stuart sprayed the oil onto Tommy’s right quad, I stared at the glistening mound of impossibly muscular, thinly skin wrapped leg meat. Time, once again, seemed to slow down as I prepared to do something I never imagined I would get the possibility to do and place my hands on the freakishly developed muscle of an actual living, breathing bodybuilder. What I certainly wasn’t prepared for was said bodybuilder to suddenly and unexpectedly tense and flex that freakishly developed muscle the second my hand made contact. If I had to describe the sensation of running my hands over the incredible mounds of rock hard, inhumanly thick, gorgeously soft skin wrapped muscle which made up Tommy Foster’s quads and feeling the deep lines and freakish separations under my fingertips, I would probably say it was the closest I’ve ever felt to experiencing an orgasm without actually having one. It was like I had transcended a normal level of arousal. My whole body felt like it was undergoing some hyper-sensual, otherworldly experience that the majority of people would never know existed, let alone have the chance to experience. The door to the world of extreme muscle I had opened when I’d stumbled across the image of the huge, shredded, flexing bodybuilder in my parents TV listings guide all those years ago was long behind me and I was now smack bang in the middle of it, down on one knee with the shiny posing trunk clad bulge of a muscle bull mere inches from my head, rubbing oil into his phenomenal sized, alien-like quads, feeling every ridge, line and separation under my fingers and wondering if I’d ever have an experience so powerful, intoxicating and mind blowingly erotic again. I wondered whether Stuart Fox was feeling anything even close to what I was as he gave Tommy Foster’s right quad the same treatment, and whether it was actually the first time he’d managed to feel the freaky muscle of a bodybuilder, either on one of his previous three shows or otherwise. That particular question hadn’t even occurred to me before that moment, but I’d suddenly become extremely curious to know the answer to it. The wave of disappointment I felt as the task of oiling up Tommy Foster’s incredible, barely human quads had completed, and Tommy spun around to present Stuart and I with the rear of his physique, quickly evaporated when he reached his hands around to the back of his posing trunks and outrageously tucked the bright yellow material into the crack of his ass and I was suddenly staring at a pair of gorgeously tanned and gloriously thick glutes. I looked over at my tanning buddie who looked completely awestruck and ever so slightly terrified, presumably at being in such close proximity of an ass so astonishingly big and suddenly barely covered, thanks to the owner, and as Stuart’s mouth curled slightly into a devilish grin, I wondered whether that fear was, in fact, for another reason. Was he, suddenly like me, wondering whether Tommy Foster had tucked his trunks into the crack of his mammoth sized bottom because he was expecting us to oil it up? Surely that was above and beyond the duties of any friend, training partner or nervous, muscle crazed work experience guy lucky enough to be asked to perform the task of oiling up a bodybuilder? Or was it? The glutes were a muscle group that would surely have to get oiled up just like any other. Was I about to get my hands on an actual pair of insanely developed and obscenely thick glutes? Predictability, rubbing oil into Tommy’s tight, taught hamstrings was considerably less arousing than doing so with his quads. So much so, that I completely underestimated just how incredible his freakish and enormous sized calves would feel. I’d never been massively into calf muscles, until that very moment I was knelt down on the floor at the feet of a bodybuilder running my hands over the granite hard, ridiculously huge mound of muscle exploding off the back of his lower leg. I’d almost forgotten that Tommy was an actual, living person, and not just a mass of freakish muscle put on the earth purely for the pleasure of Stuart and I until he spoke, and addressed us with a rather unexpected question. “So how long have you guys known each other”? Even without facing Tommy, the prospect of talking to him still all but terrified me, and it was left to my filming mentor to reply. “Erm…we only just met this morning”, he replied. “Oh, wow”, Tommy replied, with genuine surprise in the tone of his voice. “You kinda seem like you’ve known each other for a while”. I sheepishly looked at Stuart who was returning a slightly embarrassed but undoubtedly affectionate smirk similar to the one I was completely failing to repress. It was an expression which told me one thing; Stuart Fox was clearly feeling the same connection between us that I had been, pretty much since he started sharing his fantastic and inventive pump room game with me that morning. Whatever was happening between Stuart and I one thing for was certain; it felt incredible special. Furthermore, I couldn't deny how particularly brilliant it was to have a like minded muscle lover, clearly just as crazily turned on by muscle that I was, by my side and sharing my experience of oiling up a competition conditioned bodybuilder. In that moment I decided that I wouldn't go home that day without attempting two things; firstly, finding out whether Stuart Fox was currently embarking on his first experience of oiling up a bodybuilder, and secondly, getting his phone number. I'd just about rubbed every last bit of oil into Tommy’s calves when Stuart Fox handed me back the bottle of oil. With his hamstrings also well and truly oiled, I looked up to see the copious amount of Tommy's bum meat staring down at me in the most magnificent image and wondered what the hell my next move was going to be. I could only guess that Stuart Fox, helplessly and nervously staring back at me in that moment, was pondering the same question in his head that I was. The question which had been on my mind since Tommy Foster had unexpectedly wedged the back of those obscenely shiny posers into the crack of his ass and was now in desperate need of an answer; did Tommy Foster want us to place our grubby, muscle loving hands on his outrageously muscular, crazily developed, posing trunk devouring ass? "Hey guys", Tommy unexpectedly said. "Don’t forget the glutes". He wants us to place our grubby, muscle loving hands on his outrageously muscular, crazily developed, posing trunk devouring ass!! "I worked hard for those bad boys”! Two words: Cheeky bugger! Two more words: FUCK YES!! Wondering whether I'd experience a more surreal moment for the rest of my living days, I shook Tommy Foster’s bottle of oil and pumped two sprays onto his indecently thick and meaty right buttock. It wasn't until the second spray that Tommy suddenly tensed said buttock, and, right before my eyes, his amazing ass shrivelled up, a dozen of the freakiest lines and striations erupted and I was staring directly at the most beautiful pair of real life, genuine, gorgeously shredded glutes. It was a moment made even more brilliant when Stuart Fox unexpectedly and accidentally muttered a hushed "fuck!" in response, followed by a look of sheer panic and a sudden case of violent blushing to his cheeks. It wasn't just the actual words that made up Tommy Foster's response to Stuart Fox's verbal slip which suddenly made the whole scene feel even more highly erotic, but the incredibly arrogant, undeniably masculine and rather dirty sounding tone in which he delivered them; "Yeah baby"! There were so many factors as to what made oiling up Tommy Foster’s glutes even more erotically charged than when my hands were running over his thick, shredded quads. The actual sensation of feeling Tommy’s ass striations under my fingers, the fact that the act of having my hands on the glutes of, not just a bodybuilder, but any man felt a lot more intimate, the fact that my fingers kept making contact with what little of his shiny posing trunks were left covering up his unfathomably thick buttocks, and the fact that I was experiencing the whole thing knelt down next to a guy I was not only attracted to, but also felt an incredible chemistry with. A guy who was, no doubt, just as turned on by running his hands over a pair of gorgeously conditioned glutes as I was. Tommy’s obscenely sexy and dirty sounding “yeah baby” was also hanging in the air, and as my tingling and extremely sensitive hard on pulsated and throbbed in my jeans, I couldn’t help but, once again, wonder exactly what Tommy Foster’s motives were for inviting two guys who he’d confessed, in not so many words, to suspecting were gay and turned on by muscle, to rub oil into his freaky, shredded ass. With every single inch, line and striation of Tommy’s phenomenal and glistening glutes fully oiled, I took Stuart Fox’s lead in standing up in preparation to give Mr Foster’s back the same treatment. With my face not far away from the rear of his head, my torso from his broad, perfectly bronzed back, and the throbbing bulge in the crotch of my jeans from the indecently thick ass I’d just been running my fingers over, I suddenly felt a new kind of intimacy with the amazing middleweight muscle freak before me. After Stuart gave his lower back a few sprays, without a huge amount of pre-thought, I, perhaps rather adventurously, opted for the upper part of Tommy’s back, which seemed to slightly surprise him, as he briefly turned his head to the side of his body I was oiling up in response. Not to be outdone, Tommy Foster had his own surprise in store for me. As I rubbed the oil over the right side of his impossibly broad upper back, Tommy suddenly and quickly manoeuvred into a back lat spread pose, and before I knew what was happening, he was letting out an outrageously cocky “oooooh”, his back was opening up, and his impressively thick right lat was exploding and bulging underneath my fingers. With the sensation of feeling Tommy’s hard, flexed muscle came the realisation that it would take very, very little to make my throbbing dick explode with an absolute tsunami of cum. One little tug on my hard on through my jeans, or even just one little accidental brush of my crotch against Tommy’s phenomenally conditioned, barely covered glutes and it would undoubtedly all be over. With his magnificent back fully oiled, Tommy spun around to face Stuart and I, and the moment he did, my face suddenly flushed and I felt a new, crippling and intense sense of shyness, which would undoubtedly had been even more intense had I not long before been running my fingers over his gloriously striated ass. Whether the biggest contributor to this was the fact that he could suddenly see my face, and the un-nerving possibility of him being able to read my expressions, the fact that his slabs of perfectly smooth pec meat and thick, blocky, beautiful nickname earning abs were now inches away from my body, or whether it was the prospect of getting my hands on his insanely muscular, and crazily conditioned torso I wasn't entirely sure, but my pulse was suddenly racing and I seemed physically incapable of looking Tommy Foster in the eye. I'd never been more attracted to anyone than I was to Tommy in that moment. Here was a man who had transcended a normal level of hotness to become the kind of bona fide muscle freak of nature guys like me can only dream of seeing in the flesh. His potent, masculine, and extremely arousing scent was present once again and stronger than ever, and his gorgeous, rock hard, thinly skinned torso seemed to be radiating an incredible heat. As Stuart Fox sprayed oil onto the right, thick, slab-like pec hanging off his chest, I suddenly wondered what I wanted most in that moment; for a hole to appear beneath me on the floor of Tommy Foster's hotel room floor and swallow me clean into the ground, or for Tommy to suddenly wrap his magnificently muscular arm around my waist, push me into his hard, Adonis-like body and bring his lips to mine for an amazing, soft, passionate kiss.
  25. Be sure to check out the first half here before you proceed: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7334-how-to-change-your-life-through-muscle-therapy-part-1-of-2/ Abel can see what kind of effect this is having on Melvin which makes the red-skinned therapist grin. Clyde turns around to look at Melvin which absolutely stuns the small college student when he sees how different his friend looks now. The formerly rail-thin 21 year old now has 24” guns, a huge set of beach ball-sized pillows with quarter-sized nipples dangling towards the floor, a perfectly-aligned rack of 8 abdominals, a swollen 10” pole with golf-balls hugging his ballsack, which leads down to two wonderfully vascular redwoods with the biggest calves Melvin has ever seen before. Clyde’s size 14 feet still sit on top of the remains of his sneakers he was wearing when he came in to the office. When he walked in the door, Clyde was clean-shaven but now he is sporting a nicely-groomed black beard. His perfectly defined face now sports a dimple in his chin as his bluish-green eyes sparkle. He smiles at Melvin as he bounces his pecs and biceps before slowly flexing them. His veins engorge with blood as his muscles rise into two huge melon-sized mounds. He moves his head to the side and motions for his good friend to come over and feel them. Melvin is a bit in shock though as Abel slowly walks over to him to put his hand on the young man’s shoulder. ‘Now you can see what I can do for both of you. Clyde was completely open to letting his inner beast out. Not everyone is the same I know, but I knew exactly how to bring him out. Why don’t you go over and take a look at him Melvin? He is still the same guy you have known for years. He is just fulfilling his destiny now.’ Abel nudges him a bit to make him move towards the big hunky man. Clyde is still flexing his huge guns as Melvin walks around the broken chair and behind the big stud’s back looking over his new muscles and making unusual gestures with his face. He looks over at the therapist and begins to put his hand out to touch his friend’s back. Abel shakes his head no and motions for him to keep his hands to himself. The extremely muscular 21-year old smiles at him as he comes back around to the front and shows off his perfectly aligned teeth. Melvin is quite attracted to him and moans loud enough to where the therapist can hear him. Abel walks over to him to stand by his side. ‘So…..Melvin are you convinced yet? Clyde is looking quite amazing isn’t he?’ Melvin is still shocked by what has happened. His close friend is physically powerful and incredibly attractive. He looks at the therapist to ask him a question. ‘He is still the same guy isn’t he? I haven’t heard him say a word yet.’ ‘Oh yes. I think he is just trying to enjoy the first few moments after being reborn basically. Why don’t you say something to him if you want to?’ The skinny 20-year old turns back around to face Clyde again as he looks him directly into his eyes. ‘Clyde? Please say something, I just want to know if you are still in there.’ ‘What are you getting on about Mel? *notices his deep baritone* WHOA! Oh my gawd, my voice is insane! *laughs as he stops flexing to relax his body* Yeah, I can’t believe that my personality is still the exact same. I was a bit scared at first because it felt like my head was being lifted off my body. Literally, I lost feeling on just about everything. After my head finished growing, it felt like I had just woken up from the most erotic dream I have ever had, except that it is totally real.’ The big stud turns to look at Abel. ‘Can I not touch Mel? I have noticed that he is not allowed to be in contact with me.’ Abel walks up to him and runs his red hands up and down his gigantic torso. Melvin makes a few noises that suggest he is thinking about something. ‘I can touch you Clyde because we are part of the same guild now. Melvin has not signed the contract yet so if he touched you, he would most likely die. The contract protects him from any kind of harm, of course he becomes part of the guild which means he would have to do things to maintain his look in the best interest of the guild. *turns to look at Melvin again* Okay, it is decision time Melvin.’ The nude red-skinned man walks back over to the desk and points at Clyde. He motions for him to stand over to the side so that he can have Melvin sit back down in his chair again. The half-aroused college student is still a bit unsure about the whole thing but sits back down in the other chair, the one he was sitting in before. Clyde stands about ten feet from the desk as he wipes streams of perspiration off his head, chest, and legs. He looks down and notices that his cock is dripping as well which sort of takes him off guard a little bit. Abel shakes his head. ‘Did you really expect that you wouldn’t be leaking Clyde? You wanted to be this way after all right? *looks for Melvin’s contract again and hands it to him with a pen* Okay, you have already read the terms correct? I just need you to sign your name Melvin. After that, you can touch your friend over here all you want. He really wants you I can tell.’ Melvin once again pauses to read the contract again just in case he missed something. Clyde looks at him with a confused look on his face as the skinny young man glances at him. He seems visibly upset and can’t seem to make a decision. Abel moves back over in front of the desk again and stands just far enough away to let Melvin take in his scent. The therapist looks him deep into his eyes and appears to be calming him down somehow. The young man’s breathing slows down a bit as well. ‘Just relax Melvin and do what is best for you. I sensed your apprehension even before you ever walked in here. Clyde is an open book and it shows since he freely allowed himself to change into the muscle stud he is now. You are having trouble keeping your eyes off him. Even now you are trying not to look at him because in your mind you have always wanted Clyde to become a muscle freak because he has always been your true love. By signing your name on that document, you can fulfill your destiny by joining him and becoming the strong, intelligent man that wants to be unleashed. You won’t regret it, trust me.’ Melvin puts his hands on his head for a few seconds before taking the pen in his left hand and signing his name to the line where his signature goes. He hands the folder and the pen back to Abel and stands up to pace back and forth for a few minutes. The therapist goes over to try and relax him once again by rubbing on the young man’s back. The college student calms down and turns to look at Abel and Clyde as the huge musclebound stud involuntarily flexes his immense arms, pecs, and legs to show his skinny friend what he could have if he would just let himself be free. ‘It still doesn’t feel right to me Abel. I signed the contract, but yet I am still so stressed out about this. Is that supposed to happen?’ ‘For you Melvin, it isn’t quite the same. You want to feel empowered both inside and out and that is fairly normal. Elliott was equally apprehensive himself about this and that was eased once he let his more dominant side take over. I don’t have the power to change you, you and Clyde do. *points at the giant musclehead across the room* It is all about the two of you now and where you will go next with this.’ The concerned 20-year old slowly walks over to his massive 21-year old friend and tries to keep his distance. Clyde puts his hands out to touch him but Melvin moves backwards. He stumbles and nearly hits his head on the desk behind him. Clyde tries to catch him but Abel motions for him to not help in any way. The stunned man nearly loses his glasses as they shift sideways on his head. He rearranges them again to face his well-muscled friend. He looks into his blue-green eyes and wants to move towards him to just touch his muscles but feels a twinge of stress once again. Abel walks over beside the two young men to speak. ‘I think you have pretty much figured out the catalyst Melvin. Your touch on his body is the trigger which is why your brain and stomach are reacting so much. The contract is signed now all you have to do is start the process. Clyde is desperately wanting you to do this, look down at his penis.’ Melvin notices his friend’s cock getting bigger as it attempts to touch his pants leg. He feels the heat against his thigh which ignites his own cock as it reacts as well. He moans lightly and loses his concentration just a bit as he feels a few drops running down his leg as Clyde’s cock does the same spilling precum close to the same area. He feels himself being drawn to his big friend now as he places both of his hands on Clyde’s mammoth pecs. The big man flexes them as they press into his fingers. He can feel vibrations flowing through them as the feeling runs up into his arms and throughout his body. He starts making strange noises as swelling and stretching sounds radiate from his hands and forearms. He can see the muscle fibers, tendons, and veins engorge as his loose plaid shirt gets a bit tighter on his upper body. Clyde grunts feeling his friend growing as he continues to pump his energy into him. Melvin’s feet are tearing through his sneakers and socks as his pants now cling to the growing beasts from beneath the surface. The small cock he was hiding before is stretching its way down his right leg against restraining fabric that is cutting off the circulation in his lower body. He moans loudly feeling his back doubling up on itself as his shirt pulls tightly against his widening lats and torso. The top two buttons on his plaid shirt fly into Clyde’s face as he laughs in his deep baritone. Two emerging pec pillows destroy the front of his shirt as they flop out exposing the top of his new six-pack. His massive new guns shred his shirt in half as two hose-sized veins lead up to his nearly soccer-ball sized shoulders as his shirt flies off his upper body revealing the rest of his thickly muscled torso. He lets go of Clyde’s chest to reach down to rip his pants off so his lower body can finish its dramatic transformation and finally breathe. His cock shoots a few strands of cum all over Clyde’s left leg as the big man lifts Melvin up into his arms to hug him and to press his 11-incher up against his friend’s monstrously thick glutes. He places one of his thick hands on Melvin’s head to feel him finish changing as his face slightly changes from its soft appearance to a firmer and manlier form. His glasses stretch to their limits as Clyde slowly pulls them off before they break in half. A forest of fur grows up from Melvin’s patch just above his cock all the way up to his neck. A reddish beard follows along the curves of his face as Clyde finally leans down to locks his lips on his good friend. He pushes himself inside Melvin as the 20-year old feels his virginity being eradicated as his body fully embraces Clyde’s cock moving completely inside him. The two huge studs moan loudly as they have sex for the first time in their new powerful forms and move their way over to the desk where Clyde lies down. Melvin remains on top of him and knows his role as the power bottom as he hops up and down on his incredibly hunky lover. Abel can see that they need their alone time and leaves to go back into the bathroom to leave the two huge studs alone to their devices. After a very trying beginning to the session, Clyde and Melvin are letting themselves go to embrace the desires that were deep down inside them all along. Before he can close the door to the bathroom though, Clyde yells for him to come back in. Abel peers around the corner to smile and shakes his right hand at him to show that he isn’t going to get involved in a threesome. The big top makes a few puppy sounds which get a laugh out of the red-skinned therapist but he reiterates that he can’t get involved in what they are doing. ‘While it is tempting Clyde, I can’t be part of what you two are doing right now. Maybe later when you get more acquainted with the guild we can arrange something together.’ Abel shuts the bathroom door as Clyde goes back to pounding his well-muscled friend into oblivion on the desk. Meet two other brothers in the Darkori family: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1803-the-hormone-treatment-part-1/ https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1818-the-hormone-treatment-part-2/ https://muscle-growth.org/topic/1825-the-hormone-treatment-part-3/
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