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  1. Supercrav

    Mon copain Antoine [FR]

    C'est un peu n'importe quoi encore mais bon... -------------------------- Qu'est ce qu'il y a ? Tu n'es pas content que l'on passe l'après-midi ensemble? - C'est pas ça... - Depuis le temps que tu me reproches de prendre mes distances avec toi, alors que ce n'est pas vrai, j'aurais pensé que tu serais un peu plus joyeux que je passe un peu de temps avec toi. - Oui, bien sûr je suis content de te voir, mais c'est que... - Quoi ? - Je n'ai pas envie de sortir. - Sérieux ? Mais on ne vas tout de même pas rester enfermés chez tes parents toute la journée, regarde comme il fait beau dehors ! Allez, bouge-toi on y va. - Mais justement... - Eh mon pote, il faut que tu sortes un peu de temps en temps. Tu sais, rencontrer des gens, avoir une vie sociale... - Oui je sais, toi tu connais plein de gens tu as plein d'amis. - Je n'ai pas "plein" d'amis... enfin, j'en ai normalement, quoi... Mais tu pourrais en faire autant. C'est vrai que l'on se voit moins qu'avant, et tu restes mon meilleur ami, mais j'aime bien voir du monde, rencontrer des gens... Mais toi tu restes prostré dans ton coin. Fais un effort gars, on va aller se balader tu vas voir on va s'éclater. - Oui, mais dehors... - Quoi. - Il fait super chaud. - Et bien quoi, ce n'est pas bien grave, tant mieux, même.D'ailleurs je vais finir par attraper la crève avec cette clim ici... - Mais je vais avoir chaud. - Il ne fait pas si chaud que ça je t'assure, tu n'as qu'à enlever ce pull et te mettre en t-shirt comme moi, tu verras ça ira très bien. - Mais je ne veux pas enlever mon pull. - Ah. Pour quelle raison je te prie ? - Il y a plein de gens dehors. - Et c'est bien pour ça qu'il faut que l'on sorte aussi. C'est quoi le problème des gens dehors ? Ca t'arrive bien de sortir des fois. - Oui mais si je suis en t-shirt, j'aurai les bras nus, et les gens... enfin je vais devoir les montrer. - Quoi, tu ne veux pas que les gens voient tes bras ? C'est juste ça ? Alors là je suis sur le cul. Et parce que ? - Parce que... Je ne... - Hé Antoine. Parle-moi. Qu'est-ce qu'il y a. - Je... Je ne suis pas beau. - Oh Antoine, non ne pleure pas. Mais je... je ne comprends pas. Il faut que tu m'expliques. - Mais il n'y a rien à expliquer, je suis moche je ne ressemble à rien un point c'est tout. - Non mais Antoine, depuis des années, depuis que tu as quitté le lycée, tu passes ta vie à faire de la muscu dans la cave de tes parents, et maintenant tu vas me dire que tu n'es pas content de ton corps et que tu en as honte? Mais alors, à quoi bon avoir installé tout cet équipement là en-bas, pourquoi avoir soulevé toutes ces tonnes et ces tonnes de fonte pendant toutes ces années ? - Justement, je voulais essayer de ressembler à quelque chose, mais je serai toujours aussi laid, je n'y arriverai jamais. - D'accord. Ecoute moi Antoine, il faut que je te parle sérieusement. - Oui ? - Tu me fais confiance, Antoine, oui ? Tu es mon pote d'enfance, tu le sais. - Oui Loïc, je te fais confiance. - Alors écoute-moi bien Antoine, et regarde-moi. Antoine, tu as le corps d'un Dieu. Ton corps est superbe, et pour quiconque aimant le muscle, ton corps est sublime. - Merci Loïc, c'est très gentil, mais... - Je ne dis pas ça pour te faire plaisir ni pour te consoler, Antoine. C'est la vérité. Ton corps est une putain d'oeuvre d'art mon pote. - Mais, comment tu peux dire ça, la dernière fois que tu m'as vu ça devait être à la piscine au collège. - Et déjà t'étais gaulé mon gars. Alors que tu n'avais même pas commencé ton obsession pour la gonflette. - A vrai dire, j'ai toujours été obsédé par le bodybuilding. Aussi loin que je puisse me souvenir. Et j'étais tellement hideux... oui, ça va peut-être un petit peu mieux maintenant, mais franchement... - Tu me demandes comment je sais que ton corps est putain de magnifique ? Mais c'est évident mon pote. C'est l'évidence même. Parce que même sous ton pull c'est évident que tu débordes de muscles de partout. Parce que t'es large comme une putain d'armoire à glace. Parce que tes bras sont gros comme des jambons. On peut même voir la forme de tes abdos à travers ton pull. - Vraiment ? - Mais oui mon gars ! Dans cette ville tout le monde t'appelle Musclor. Pourtant tu ne sors pas beaucoup. Quand j'ai dit à mes potes que j'allais te voir aujourd'hui, ils m'ont tous sorti des vannes à la con. - Pour se moquer de moi ? - Mais non, à me demander si j'avais pris mon matériel d'escalade et mon GPS, si j'avais une bonne mutuelle pour les os broyés, des trucs comme ça. - Je ne comprends pas. - Des blagues sur le fait que ta musculature est tout bonnement colossale, mec ! Sérieusement, je pense avoir senti un poil de jalousie chez pas mal d'entre eux. Je t'assure, je pense qu'il y en a plus d'un qui aurait aimé être à ma place à passer la journée avec toi. - Mais personne ne m'aime. - Ne dis pas de conneries. Il y a même Greg qui a demandé s'il pouvait venir avec moi. Simon aussi, mais c'est surtout Greg qui a lourdement insisté. - Greg ? Le Greg qui se moquait tout le temps de moi en primaire ? - Celui-là même. Je n'étais pas vraiment surpris, il me parle de toi de temps en temps. Surtout une fois où il était complètement bourré à une soirée. Il m'a pris à part et m'a posé plein de questions sur toi, puis il a commencé à délirer, à me demander si j'imaginais ce que ça faisait d'être aussi puissamment musclé que toi, à se demander les sensations que ton immense force physique pouvait te procurer. Clairement le Greg a de l'admiration pour toi. Je pense même que si ça se trouve, secrètement, il a le béguin pour toi. Une fois j'étais posé avec lui et deux autres potes à la terrasse du café de la mairie, et tu es passé de l'autre côté de la place. C'est Didier qui t'a vu le premier, tu ne le connais pas, et il a dit 'c'est quoi ce monstre !' alors avec Greg on s'est retournés, et j'ai regardé la gueule de Greg à côté de moi, et clairement il avait la bouche bée et des étincelles dans les yeux. - C'est incroyable. - Mais c'est toi qui es incroyable mon Toto, je te jure, t'es un phénomène mon gars. Ne rougis pas comme ça... tu sais, tu n'en as peut-être pas l'impression, mais je suis fier d'être ton pote. - Alors, pourquoi je ne te vois jamais, souvent tu ne me réponds pas... - Oui, je suis toujours à droite à gauche... - Jamais tu ne m'invites à des soirées ou des trucs comme ça. - Bah, tu n'es pas très à l'aise avec les gens, déjà à l'époque si on allait à une fête ensemble, tu restais dans ton coin, tu ne parlais à personne... Et tu me collais un peu aux basques... Si j'allais voir des gens j'avais l'impression de t'abandonner, et si je restais avec toi je ne faisais que ça de la soirée. Ne m'en veux pas, mais voilà quoi, la teuf les sorties c'était pas trop pour toi. - Oui, tout le contraire de toi... Toujours le mec le plus populaire, tout le monde t'adore, tout le monde veut être avec toi... Et puis, tu est tellement beau... Tu as toujours été le plus beau. - ... - Tu es toujours avec des nanas aussi... - Antoine, regarde-moi dans les yeux. Je te demande de me faire confiance. Enlève-moi ce pull. - Tu veux que... J'enlève mon pull ? - S'il te plaît Antoine. Fais ça pour moi. - OK... - Oh... Oh putain de bordel de merde. - Quoi ? - Je savais bien que tu avais des bras énormes, mais les voir en vrai comme ça... Nom de Dieu. - Qu'est-ce-qu'il y a ? - Mais bon sang, toutes ces grosses boules, toutes ces striations, toutes ces veines... C'est... Wow, je n'ai jamais vu un truc pareil. - Tu... Ca te... - Non, c'est magnifique, vraiment. Je n'aurais jamais pensé qu'autant de muscle pourrait être ausi beau. S'il te plaît, Antoine, est-ce que je peux toucher tes biceps? - Je... attends, je vais faire juste quelques pompes avant pour les faire gonfler encore plus. - Ah ? Très bien. - ... Hmmf... Humff... Voilà. Va-z-y Loïc, tu peux y aller. - Oh mon Dieu... C'est un truc de fou... Je n'ai jamais ressenti un truc pareil. Palper ce gros tas de muscle comme ça... Mais il me faudrait combien de mains pour couvrir ton biceps, gars? Hahaha putain trop cool. - Tu veux que je le contracte ? - Ah merde, euh... Mais oui mon gars ! Fais-moi bander cet énorme biceps mon Toto ! Allez mon Toto ! Gonfle-moi ce OH ENCULÉ ! - Gnn... Là tu vois Loïc, je le contracte presque au maximum, le muscle n'est pas vraiment chaud mais je suis plutôt content il a atteint une belle taille. - UNE BELLE TAILLE ? Mais putain de merde Antoine c'est un iceberg ton biceps ! J'hallucine complètement. Et puis c'est tellement dur ! C'est vraiment de l'acier ! Je ne m'étais pas préparé à ça, mais alors pas du tout. Je suis choqué mon gars, j'en crois pas mes yeux, j'en crois pas mes mains. Mais tu dois avoir les plus gros biceps au monde, je ne peux pas croire qu'il soit possible que des biceps puissent devenir encore plus gigantesques que ça ! - Il y a un gars qui s'appelle Franck Lefort qui les a plus gros que ça c'est sûr, après je ne sais pas. - Eh mon gars je vois la fierté dans tes yeux et ça me fait tellement plaisir. Tu peux être fier mon copain, tu peux être grave fier, t'es une putain de montagne de muscles et tu es magnifique. Allez enlève-moi ce t-shirt, il y a tes gros pecs qui me narguent à se dresser sous mon nez depuis tout à l'heure. - Je ne sais pas... Tu sais Loïc le pull c'était déjà un gros effort pour moi... - Dis-moi Antoine, c'est la première fois pour toi que quelqu’un te caresse les muscles ? - Oui Loïc. C'est la première fois. - Et dis-moi Antoine, tu as aimé ça ? - ... Oui Loïc. C'était très agréable. Et je suis très heureux que ça ait été toi. - Et c'était un grand plaisir pour moi aussi, et un grand honneur. Plus qu'un plaisir, une révélation, un grand moment de bonheur. Antoine, je t'en prie, pourrais-tu avoir la bonté de bien vouloir m'offrir la chance de pouvoir admirer ton torse nu ? Regarde, je pose un genou à terre. - Non, rassie-toi voyons... - Attends, ça te mettrait plus à l'aise si j'enlevais mon t-shirt moi aussi ? Voilà c'est fait. Regarde la crevette que je suis comparé à ta fantastique musculature. Je suis ridicule, un rien du tout. - Mais non Loïc, tu es très beau... - Tout ce qui m'importe c'est que tu sois à l'aise et que tu te sentes bien. - D'accord, Loïc... Un petit instant. Il faut que je... Gnnn... Et... Voilà. - ... - Loïc ? Ca va ? - Mec, t'es un Dieu. T'es un surhomme. T'es un mutant. Un super héros. T'es mon héros en tout cas. Je peux...? - Toucher ? Mais bien sûr Loïc va-z-y. - Oh mon Dieu comment c'est lourd, comment c'est gros, et tellement dense, merde, on peut sentir la puissance qu'il y a dedans, putain, c'est vraiment une sensation extraordinaire... Je n'ai jamais ressenti un truc pareil. Et tu te rases le torse ? - Non, je suis resté imberbe. Tiens, touche mes abdos aussi. - Oui, tout de suite. Oh mazette. C'est des briques tes abdos la vache. et sur les côtés t'as des muscles de partout... - Tiens, je te contracte mes pecs. - Oh putain, j'ai failli me les prendre dans la gueule. Mais c'est tellement dur, c'est comme deux putains de rochers ! Et tellement épais, j'ai l'impression que je pourrais mettre tout mon avant bras entre les deux. - Et bien essaie, là je les relâche. - Blam. Les deux grosses masses qui retombent. Attends j'enfonce le bras... Oh putain c'est doux c'est chaud... Ah ça y est j'ai atteint le fond. C'est complètement dingue. - Je vais les contracter un peu à nouveau, ne t'inquiète pas j'y vais doucement. - Oui, ne vas pas me broyer le bras ! Comment c'est beau toutes ces striations qui se répandent sur la surface quand tu bandes ces deux gros tas de muscle. Oh stop, ça commence à serrer là tu me fais peur. Ouf merci, j'ai sauvé mon bras ! - Regarde, je peux les faire danser aussi, sans bouger. A la volonté je peux les faire bondir super vite, je fais ce que je veux avec. - Oh, oh putain c'est trop génial ! Oh, tu... Hahaha ! Hahaha ! HAHAHAHAHA ! - ... - Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, mon Toto ? Pourquoi cette tête ? - J'ai... j'ai peur que tu te moques de moi. - Je te jure que non, pas du tout. Je te jure, je suis en admiration totale, je n'ai jamais rien vu d'aussi beau. Mon Toto, je suis désolé de t'avoir délaissé ces derniers temps, ces dernières années même, je te promets que je vais me rattraper. Je passerai te voir autant que tu voudras, on passera tout le temps que tu veux ensemble. Je réalise à quel point tu es quelqu'un de fabuleux et à quel point tu es important pour moi. Tu sais quoi Antoine, je vais te prouver à quel point je tiens à toi, je veux que tu aies confiance en moi et je veux être là pour toi. Approche-toi. Tu sais à quel point je kiffe me taper des meufs et je m'en tape à tours de bras. Tu sais que je les enchaîne et que je suis le plus gros queutard qui existe. Et bien, si je ne te respectais pas, si je ne t'aimais pas de tout mon cœur, est-ce que je ferais ça. [...] - Wow, oh Loïc... Merci Loïc... Tu sais je me suis toujours demandé ce que ça faisait de... de t'embrasser. - Et il y en a encore plein d'où ça vient ne t'inquiète pas, redonne-moi ta bouche que je t'en remette une couche, s'il y a bien une chose que je sais faire c'est rouler des pelles à la perfection. [...] - Et ça tu vois mon Antoine j'ai jamais fait ça à un mec et je pensais pas le faire un jour, mais tu m'as donné une telle preuve d'amour aujourd'hui, en bravant ta pudeur pour m'exposer tes muscles, en m'offrant la jouissance tactile de leur opulence, le moins que je pouvais faire était de te prouver l'étendue de mon affection pour toi. J'ai bien compris qu'au fil des ans tu aimais de plus en plus ma gueule de beau gosse, et tu vois ce sourire, tu vois ces yeux bleus, ils sont à toi mon copain, et j'ai encore envie de t'embrasser. [...] - Ah quel bonheur de lécher ta bouche en malaxant tes énormes muscles surpuissants, allez viens Antoine, je me rhabille, il est temps de livrer ta surabondante hypertrophie musculaire à l'adoration du peuple ! J'ai hâte de te voir faire spectacle de ce torse nu ultramusculeux, les visages ébahis, les regards pleins de désir, d'envie, de haine, il n'y a pas une seconde à perdre. - Moi marcher torse nu dans la rue, devant tout le monde ? Mais ça n va pas la tête. - Attends ! Tu seras habillé de lumière. Je vais faire un tour dans la cuisine... - Mais qu'est-ce que tu fabriques ? - Voilà ! J'ai trouvé ce truc marron, mélangé avec de l'huile tes muscles vont être d'une belle couleur, et bien luisants ! Je t'étale ça vite fait... Magnifique... - Non Loïc, écoute-moi s'il te plaît ! Pas question que je sorte avec rien sur le dos. - Hmmm... Et si on prend ma caisse, et qu'on va à la plage ? - ... non, même. - Ah, je sais. Je reviens tout de suite. - Qu'est-ce-que tu fais avec un paire de ciseaux ? - Passe-moi ton t-shirt. Tu vas avoir un t-shirt sur le dos. - C'est n'importe quoi. Non. Ne touche pas à ce t-shirt, j'ai assez de mal à en trouver à ma taille. - ... Oh je sais, mieux ! Moi je serai torse nu, comme ça, et toi tu seras en t-shirt ! - Mais Loïc pourquoi tu découpes ton t-shirt comme un sauvage ? - Tiens enfile ça. Voilà. Très bien. - Mais, Loïc... C'est pire que si j'étais torse nu ! C'est juste deux bouts de ficelles sur mes épaules, qui rejoignent un bandeau de tissu autour de ma taille... C'est obscène, mes muscles débordent de partout... - Attends, la touche finale, là... - Mon jean ! - ..Et là ! Magnifique. Le short juste au dessus du genou.... Parfait pour la plage. - Loïc... - Antoine, c'est le début d'une nouvelle amitié pour toi et moi. On va se balader tranquillement tous les deux sur la plage, je serai torse nu à côté de toi tu paraîtras encore plus énorme, encore plus sublime, encore plus surhumain, juste une petite demi-heure et après on va chez moi et on se posera tous les deux tranquillement, tendrement, et je prendrai bien soin de toi. Si ça te rassure, je peux te tenir la main quand on sera sur la plage. - Je ne suis pas sûr... - Penche-toi un peu vers moi que je t'embrasse encore.
  2. This is the beginning of a story, that’s taken quite a bit of work. It’s one of the first I’ve written, so it may have a lot of quirk. It seems I write pretentiously, so I could look like a burke. What you’re about to read is my tale. Of a muscle-obsessed man on his trail. With twists and turns beyond the pale. After all these words, I hope you enjoy. Or else another’s work you’ll have to deploy. Chapter 1- The Fantasy The towering pillars of stone stood clustered around the brand centre of York. They began as traditional buildings made over the centuries in the old capital, then built to the sky in increasing style, at the cost of great pain and price. At the base of these looming towers, the square of the city, winding rivers of shoppers and socialites snaked through every street and corner. Every man, woman, and child were dressed in the latest fashion of the day with hair pushed and shoved and washed and blown and dried and arranged into a meticulous style. The gentlemen in their pressed suits, the ladies in their vibrant dresses (as featured in every magazine), and the children barely looked like children at all in clothes strikingly like the adults that lead them. However, the thing that most united them was their bodies; stick-arms protruding from thin shoulders sat on legs that looked unable to support anything. Even the gentlemen fit this trend, with even the thinnest of suits hanging from their limbs, and soft facial features below pretty-boy hair styles. Every cobble they walked on was perfectly in place, the gilded statues were polished to a shine and each branch of the trees that decorated the streets had been expertly pruned, as anything less would have been an insult. In one of the highest rooms in one of the most mountainous towers sat one of these people; skinny as a pencil with hair freshly cut that day and what used to be a neatly pressed suit before he'd collapsed onto the wide bed. Richard had no use for a bed this wide, he'd never shared it with a soul, and the art around his walls was miles away from what he liked, but he imagined the fuss if he didn't need to keep up appearances. He was just lying there in the place he often spent time but could never be found, his fantasy. Miles away from this place were the brownfields and greenfields; in these far-away lands were the people of Richard's dreams. He saw them when driving through the greenfields with his parents, he could barely take his eyes off them while his parents chuckled and scoffed. The workers in the fields toiled for hours, and in the summer months the men wore only their boots and shorts to counteract the heat. Their hair was shaggy and unkept, what clothes they had on were torn, and their skin was tanned from days in the elements. But what intrigued Richard was the bodies of the male workers; the countless hours of work left the marks that the people in the upper classes tried so hard to avoid. Their arms bulged out with biceps that rose like the hills of the Yorkshire countryside around them, with veins popping from their forearms as they grasped their mighty farming tools. Their shoulders seemed broad enough to carry the most impressive boulders that decorated this land, and they were the perfect headers to the winding rows of back muscles that shifted and dived as the workers tilled or planted. Their chests ballooned out with imposing pectorals that seemed to challenge the boulders themselves, looking just as large and solid from the car window. Their cores were not targeted by their labour, yet some still had grown perfect columns of muscles, Richard often counted them and couldn't help but smile with glee when he saw sets of six or eight. The trunks of the trees in the distance appeared to be twigs compared to their thighs, with deep valleys between muscles that could be seen on the men brave or warm enough to wear the shortest of shorts. There was a noticeable range of body hair among them, from enough fur to look like one of the animals of the woods, to perfectly smooth chests that accentuated every muscle and masculine contour. Even their faces were enchanting, many with square jaws like bricks that were decorated by stubble, while others had full beards that would have shocked those of high society to their cores. In Richard's mind, they were the most beautiful jewels of the dales, putting the emerald hills, opalite skies, and fields of crops that were spun from gold to shame. Richard's fantasy was to be just like them; he dreamt of putting down his tools and pushing the hair from his eyes while he shielded himself from the sun with a powerful arm so large it cast a shadow over his face. His perfect body would glow as the sunlight hit the sweat he'd made from his honest work. He would then take a cloth from his pocket to dry himself, making sure to reach the gaps between his washboard of core muscles and between his mountainous pectorals. He would breathe a sigh of relief as he was free of the expectations and rules on who he could be that so plagued him when he was at the top of the social ladder. Richard had heard stories of the open nature of the greenfields and brownfields. How sex was not just for making more people, but often an activity of raw sexual attraction between whoever lusted after each other. Muscle and strength were valued here, with the most powerful adonises having first pick of the lot, but almost everyone could find a willing partner if they looked. This information was passed to him through splutters of pure disgust and mockery, but it was heaven to Richard. He dreamt of worshipping the imposing muscles of another man, a body so large it was greater than any he would have himself, running his fingers over every inch and trying but failing to squeeze the muscles that filled his hands. He even pictured receiving this perfect man's throbbing erection as it filled him; it felt so wrong yet so good at the same time. A sudden knock at the door awoke Richard. Then, in an instant, his fantasy had faced once again, but he was happy in the knowledge it would return. As he scrambled to pull his tie back up and buckle his belt, he felt crushing shame at the body that was so desired in his world. As he walked to open the door, the opulence that surrounded him was only a reminder of how far he was from his dream. However, as he pulled the door open on that perfectly average evening, it was the first step in his journey to make the impossible fantasy a reality. But, if you wish to know what (or rather who) stood behind this door, you must wait until the next instalment of The Adonis of York, coming in due course.
  3. Guest

    The Internet Staulker

    Here I am trying to meet yet another guy on the internet dating site, and when he shows up, he is nothing like he said he was when we talked online. I guess that is the risk of online dating. I know that I have a certain person in mind when deciding if he is “the one” for me. You see, I have this fetish that not just anyone can understand. I am sure that most of you have heard of a lift and carry fetish, but most of the time when you look it up online it is a girl lifting a guy. That does not do anything for me. I am not a small guy by any means. In fact, most people would say I am larger than the average American male. I am 6’2, 235lbs, and I love to be lifted. When I tell people that, I mainly get the same response. “You should be the one doing the lifting”. Yes you are right, I am big and I am pretty strong too, not fat, just big. So you can see my dilemma. I have a specific criteria that I am looking for when it comes to dating. The guy must be confident, but not arrogant. He must be strong…very strong. I would really like for him to be taller than me, but that is not a must. Most important, he must be able and willing to lift me. I want it to be as much a turn on for him to lift me as it is for mee to be held by him. I am beginning to wonder if he is even out there, or is only in my fantasy that this can come true. As I said, I meet this guy online and he tells me he is tall, about 6’6 and 285lbs all muscle. That should have been a red flag right there, but my man parts got the best of me and I went with it. This guy before me now, is about 5’9 with shoes, and no more than 200lbs, with no muscle to show for it. I excused myself from the table to go use the restroom and try to figure out how to get out of this date without hurting his feelings. When I got back the table was empty, and my date was gone. I was shocked, but relieved at the same time. So, I sit back down and order a beer. The waiter comes over with my drink and as I offer him payment, he said “oh don’t worry about, the guy at the end of the bar just picked up your tab for you!” WHAT??? I look over and there is this guy in his late 30’s wearing an oversized hoody, and is looking right at me. He is sitting down on the stool, so I cannot see much of his lower half, but not a bad looking guy. He smiles at me and nods his head inviting me over to him. I am not really in the mood for another guy hitting on me when the last guy totally played me, but I felt drawn to go over to him. As I got closer, his features became more clear to me. He still had this oversized hoody which concealed any muscle he may have. When I approach him, it puts his hand on the stool next to him. “Did you just get hooked with another loser you met on the internet?” he asked. “Is it that obvious?” I asked him. “Well, I could tell that there was no chemistry between the two of you. When you went into the bathroom, I went over and told him you were not interested in him. He got the point and left.” I was kind of taken back by him butting into my business, but I was also somehow grateful as well. “Were you watching us the whole time?” Something was really strange with this man, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. “Let me just say I know who you are, and what you are looking for, and he is not the one!” He was right, but how did he know these things about me so well. I couldn’t respond, I was just frozen in place. Here is what I think you are looking for. You are a pretty big guy under normal circumstances. But you don’t want that In a relationship now is it?” I just nodded my head up and down like a child would respond to his parent when being asked a question. “…and I know that size is important to you as well. The guy must be strong…very strong. He must also be confident, but not arrogant, am I right?” How does he know this. “You don’t have to respond because I already know the answer. You see, I know that you want to feel protected, to be picked up and carried like a child.” Well I wouldn’t go that far, but I do want to be picked up and carried. “I know that you want to feel like the smaller guy for once don’t you? Again, don’t respond, I already know the answer. “What the hell is going on here” I get up out of my seat and start to back away and then I believe that my eyes were opened for the first time. The man in front of me was not sitting on a regular bar stool, but a chair that he brought up to the bar to sit in. I am still face to face with him sitting down. WTF?? The man stands up and I am now at chest level as he slowly walks towards me. I know I should run, but my feet feel like cement stuck to the floor. As he gets right in front of me, he looks down at me, puts his hands underneath my arms and lifts me first about his head, then lowers me so I am face to face with him. He is not angry, but almost see compassion in his eyes. “Just relax Blake, I am not going to hurt you. I just want to show you how it feels to be manhandled by a real man. Wait did I just call you Blake, my mistake, I didn’t mean to say that in public, I know your online name is cumliftme isn’t it?” So here I am in this giant man’s arms, well over 7ft tall, feel dangling off the ground, and he it telling me things about myself that nobody should know. How is this happening. “My name is Daniel, and I have been watching your online activity from a distance. I saw that you have the same user id for several different lift and carry websites. I knew that you were meeting this guy tonight, but he would not be what you were looking for.” Again, I was dumbfounded by what I was hearing. Blake, I don’t want you to be frightened by me. I came tonight to protect you. I want to be the man that you are looking for. I want to take care of you if you will let me. I can make all of your fantasies come true. I believe I am doing part of that right now aren’t I? You see me now as a giant of a man, but I have only just begun to show you what I can do to you and for you. When you came over here, you had no idea what you were getting into. You just saw a man that was big, but you had no clue how big until I stood up. Now look at you! I have been holding you for the past 5 minutes and I am not even straining.” I look down and I see my feet dangling two feet off of the ground. Until right now, I only lived this type of fantasy in my mind, now I am experiencing it in real life. I am being held in the arms of the man of my dreams, but even though it was obvious he has been studying me for a while now, I did not know anything about him. What if he was being nice to me until he was alone with me. Would he rape me, leave me to die? But somehow I knew that I could trust him. Daniel is looking down and sees my tent and begins to laugh. “I can see that you like me holding you don’t you?” I knew that I did not need to respond because it was obvious what the answer was. “Blake, I am not going to hurt you, I promise, and if you want to leave, I will put you down and you can go on your way, but I don’t think that is what you want me to do is it?” I nod my head in response. He walks back over to my stool and sets me on top of it. “wait here, and don’t move from this seat, I will be right back.” He walks away to use the restroom. I can’t believe what just happened. What is he planning to do with me. I knew this was my chance to run, but I couldn’t move. I was obedient and waited for his return. The wheels of my head were spinning at this point. I was beginning to think I was imagining what just happened. But then he returns. He has removed his sweatshirt and has a muscle shirt on as tight as can be. This man is huge!! His arms had to be 25” around, I have a 48” chest, and I only was only half of his. I knew he was tall when he was holding me, but damn, he was really tall. Well over 7ft tall. Along with the L&C fetish, I have a thing for smooth giant pecs. I wanted to bury my face into his at that moment. And he is still a ways off in the distance walking towards me. He walks up to me with a great big grin on his face, knowing what I was thinking. “There, I feel better now. I didn’t want you to notice my size before it was time. If you were attracted to your date, I didn’t want my physique to be a distraction. Plus, I wanted to surprise you when the time was right.” I am sitting on the bar stool, which sits up pretty high, but I still only came up to his chest. He looks down at my crotch and sees my tent. He reaches down and grabs my cock and squeezes. Not with his full strength because he said he did not want to hurt me, but in a way that made his claim on me, that I was his and his alone. “Are you ready to go?” This time, he lifts me off of the seat with just one of his gigantic arms. His smell was amazing. I knew the cologne he was wearing immediately. It was the cologne that they sell at Hollister. He must have known that about me too. I am head over heals with that smell on a man. So here I am, a fully grown man, drooped over the arm of the biggest man I have ever seen. He is walking towards the door. The bar was crowded, so people were watching us as we passed by, moving out of the way of this giant behemoth. We walk outside, I mean he walks outside with me in his arms. He stops and maneuvers to bring me to the front of him. “I want to take you back to my place, but first I thought we would go for a little walk first.” Somehow he was able to turn me around so I was facing away from him and he lifts me high above his head and places me on his shoulders. “are you comfortable up there little guy. I place my hands on his head, ruffling through his blond hair. “This is amazing up here” “I thought you might like it up there. I want to show you all of the ways I can lift you and for how long.” Daniel starts walking down the street with me on his shoulders. “I want to share with you how I found you and started to fantasize about how to lift you. It is easy to lift a little guy, there is no challenge, but there are not very many guys that are as big as you that like to be lifted. I think we were made for each other Blake.” This is only the beginning…
  4. Chapter 11: Casey Meets the Muscle Squad October 21st, 2022 2200 Hours Twenty minutes later, Casey stood in the center of the main Valhalla laboratory, stripped down to a tight shiny black micro posing suit, bulging dangerously in the pouch, and threatening to burst. His muscles glowed. He was huge, enormous, the biggest he had been yet in his young life. Lightly oiled, his youthful brown skin gleamed in the clear white LED light. Dr. Zaftig stood at his side, beaming with calm inner pride. But Casey was nervous. There he was, stripped down to bulging posers that barely covered his manhood, and ready for review. For the first time. And as always, in some place deep inside him, he was embarrassed by his hugely oversized penis. It was just too big. One by one, the 18 bodybuilders filed in silently from their post-White Cap-workout showers in the next wing, looking over the gigantic new recruit with studied casualness. For almost two years they’d grimly listened to Dr. Irving’s deliberately passive-aggressive progress reports. Casey was this, Casey had that, Casey lifted this much, Casey was however-big, Casey was the hope of the future. Etc. They were weary of it. They were angered by it. And some were threatened by it. And perhaps, just a little fearful? No: not fearful. Challenged. And in the case of Hension, Blankenship, Lang, Meyer and Waring, more inspired than anything else. “If he’s that big, I wanna be bigger,” said Hension one afternoon at lunch, to no one in particular. Chad smacked him on the back of his head, and with a short grunt, Hension came a little in his jock. “Sorry. I forgot you liked that.” “I’d like it more if you were a girl.” Hension had long since given up hiding his particular fetish. He took a big mouthful of beef and chewed, ruminating. “You wanna fuck pussy? Abdul can arrange.” From across the table, Abdul grunted and shook his head. “He don’t want pussy.” “Naw. He’s right. I don’t. Hot pussy don’t dig muscles like mine. I just wanna chick who knows how to slap my face right. Good and hard each time. Back and forth. Pow, pow. Leave hand prints. Then I wanna fuck boybutt pussy. And suck some big dick.” Hension looked at Abdul. “Yours, maybe.” Abdul nodded slightly. “Sure, you suck dick good. Any time.” He sipped his coffee. All chuckled a little, but everyone was still thinking about Casey. Over the last few weeks, a few had gone so far as to belly up secretly to the cadet gym two-way windows late at night to watch and study Casey’s lonely training late night training sessions. There the giant teen was, alone night after night in the vast half lit gym, fully clothed, muscles bulging in the yards of a completely enveloping, dripping cotton sweatsuit, insanely going through punishing reps, hurling buckets of sweat, drawing blood, banging out steaming iron reps with teeth-clenching screaming pain, grimly determined, all the while screaming and moaning to himself: Gotta get bigger Gotta get bigger Gotta get bigger….. And on it went. Night after night. The boy was insatiable, indefatigable. As if nothing could ever stop him. And now, the time had finally come. Casey watched them file into the lab. Outfitted in crisp, clean tan khakis and wearing skin tight Army regulation green t-shirts, hair still wet from their post-workout showers, they were an intimidating herd of hardcore beefmeisters. Huge, cut, and vascular to a man, their massive physiques almost aching with heavy, rippling muscle. Casey had been watching them for months, grabbing glimpses of them on campus, running, bicycling, practicing their posing, whenever he could, just as he knew they had been watching him as well in the corridors and working out in the cadet gym. He even knew a few of them by name. Private Lang and Corporal Alvarez, who were always together, Private Gunst, Private Waring, Private Jin. He had never spoken to any of them, out of shyness and awe. And he even recognized Corporal Obatu from Raw Weight Gym. He nodded bashfully to him. Obatu grinned hugely and waved with his huge paw of a hand. “Hello, Casey,” he said in his best Isaac Hayes. “Hi!” Casey said eagerly, but caught the glance from Zaftig. He resumed his blank expression, readjusted, and gazed ahead, eyes high. He squared his shoulders and stood with his pecs pointed high in full 'bodybuilder rest' pose. Of course Casey knew nothing of the cum-blasting shower orgy from which the men had just emerged. And to a man, rather feeling drained, all were primed and ready....for whatever came next. A few had their hopes, but discipline would prevail. Tonight was presentation. Only. Or so they thought. The men looked him over. “Hmmmm,” muttered Schumacher. “Damn he’s got big nipples!” someone whispered. There was the sound of that someone being smacked. In the second row of bodybuilders, an astonishingly handsome young bodybuilder stumbled and grabbed the back of the head. “Hey!” said Hension, indignant. “Shut up,” said Chad. Casey was excited. These men were seriously huge, each and every one far even bigger than Miles Donovan. Though he was almost sure he was prepared for them, even so – man alive! This was a lotta muscle. He gulped with nervousness. Sergeant Moster entered last. Casey stared, suddenly stricken. He’d never seen Moster before. Even in his clean white loose-fit baggies, he was the biggest muscleman Casey had ever seen in his life. It seemed to him he towered over the others, though truth to tell, if he’d been calmer he’d have noticed that at least 3 of the men were close to him in size and muscularity. Close. But not the equal. Not yet. “This is Staff Sergeant Rod Moster,” said Dr. Zaftig. Behind Moster, Dr. Irving scurried into the room, struggling noisily with his omnipresent video camera, lights, and clipboards. “Sergeant Moster will be supervising your training in the future.” “Yes, sir!” Casey had never been prouder. He stood straight and tall. Moster strolled over to Casey. “So this is Cadet Rockland,” he said slowly, appraising him up and down. He seemed to take over from Zaftig, who stepped back, offering no protest. Here, Moster was in charge. Moster circled Casey. He looked impressed, in spite of himself. Finally he had to give in. He turned to Zaftig. A moment passed. “He’s got great bones,” he said quietly. “Yes, great bones,” said Zaftig. “Bones like that come along once every three generations.” “He could go the limit.” “Maybe. Can’t tell yet.” What’s all this about bones? Casey wondered. He gathered it was something good, though, even great, so he stood erect, proud and tall. He fixed his clear blue eyes on the wall straight ahead and stood at attention. To a man, the 18 glanced down at the boy’s pendulously swaying posing suit pouch. The soft, thick bulge lay slack than halfway down against his right quad. Lang licked his lips. Next to him, Blankenship dug his elbow into Lang's abs, nodded, smiled, and winked. He pointed to his own mouth and with his fist simulated taking in a big organ. Moster barked out a few terse questions. “How old are you, Casey?” “18.” “What was that?” “18.” He corrected himself, and barked, “I’m 18, sir!” “That’s much better.” Moster smiled, amused. “And how much do you weigh, cadet?” “310 pounds, sir.” “Hmm. Really. Good. Good for you, son.” Casey readjusted and stood a little taller when he heard the huge black man say "son." Now the 18 were murmuring and looking him over with critical sharpness. Looking for weaknesses, looking for a lack of symmetry, looking for a spot of subcutaneous fat. And no weaknesses were to be found. One short young ginger muscleman whose name he didn’t know was smiling at him sardonically. He was uncommonly good-looking, as were they all, but something about him looked mean. He whispered to a grizzled older bodybuilder next to him, who was bigger and even meaner looking than he was. The older guy scowled. He was perhaps 40, bald, with rough deeply tanned skin, a day old beard, and a chest coating of iron-grey hair. Casey couldn’t help but notice the heavily looming bulges in the crotches of their khakis. As he tried not to stare, the pretty one who had gotten his head smacked reached down the front of his pants for some adjustment. Moster followed his gaze and smiled a little. Zaftig, as always, was clueless. "Tell him to turn around." "Casey, let the men see your back." Casey turned full around, facing the rear of the lab. He readjusted. He couldn't see the men's faces. But he could hear them. A few moaned quietly. "Jesu Christe, check out dem glutes..." Two round, rock hard butt cheek globes, glinting with light filled the room. No one could look elsewhere. Meyer, the deaf mute, stared, his mouth slightly open. He turned and nodded vigorously to Abdul, toweing over him, pulling at his belt. "Yeah, I see them," said Abdul, careful to face Meyer so he could read his lips. "Them. Er. Him. I see him." "For the record," said Zaftig airily, "Dr. Irving and I think Casey's traps and rear delts may be his best bodyparts." "Yeah, they'll do," said Alvarez. His hand went down to the front of his pants absently. His bulge was beginning to get a little bigger. "Now that's a bubble butt," said Obatu. "Sweet, sweet cupcakes. Cupcakes for a man to enjoy...." Casey was coloring deeply, glad the men couldn't see his face. "Lat spread, Casey," said Zaftig. Casey complied. Bat wings spread wide, fists plunged into his sides. His spread his legs slightly for the full effect. "And now, rear double biceps." Cannonballs shot to the ceiling. The glutes hardened slightly, veins popping, striations shining like rivers of platinum. "All right, then, turn back. Sergeant?" "Yes." Moster walked to a lab table and picked up a thick 4-foot iron bar. He tossed it at Casey, who caught it handily with one hand. It weighed about 75 pounds. “See what you can do with that, son.” Casey paused. “Sir?” “I’m not going to say it twice.” Casey nodded. He imagined the sergeant wanted him to bend the bar. He wanted to impress him, so he raised the bar high over his head, and easily bent it into a U shape. He brought the bar down and inspected it a moment, and then walked respectfully over to Sergeant Moster and handed it to him eagerly. Moster took it. “Okay, fair, fair,” he said, nodding and showing the bent bar to the group. Some of the men began to nod and chuckle. Casey returned to his spot and resumed his muscle-ready stance. Moster took the bar in his powerful hands, and bent it back to something like its original shape. He grinned, his big white teeth shining. Then he threw the bar into the air, caught it, and with a single movement powerfully snapped it in two. Casey’s jaw dropped. “Damn,” he said. “Dr. Irving, let’s hear the man’s measurements.” “We haven’t taken his measurements for a month, Sergeant.” Moster glanced down over Zaftig, his deep voice resonating. “You present a new cadet to the team, and you don’t have his recent measurements? Zaftig, you’re getting sloppy.” “I thought perhaps you might want to record the cadet’s measurements for yourself, Sergeant,” Zaftig said slyly. He wasn’t intimidated. Moster looked at Zaftig expressionlessly, then called back over his shoulder. “Private Tiffany, step forward and take the man’s measurements.” The short ginger bodybuilder stepped forward cockily. He looked younger than Casey, though Casey guessed he was really just his age. His wavy red-black hair fell in a forelock over his forehead. He had freckles. His skin was butterscotch tan, his eyes a deep, rich blue. And, like the others, he was hugely muscular, packing well over 220 pounds on his 5’6” frame. Casey noted the perfect round shape of his strong young baseball biceps, rife with rivulets of veins, and the piston-thick forearms. His heavy shoulders bulged with packed muscle. He could have moved pianos with one hand. He was bow-legged, his quads swaying gently outward as he walked. In his fly, his package appeared to be nearly as big as Casey knew his own to be, but on such a short guy it appeared twice as big. He looked as if he had to walk around his dick with each step he took. And he looked vaguely familiar. “This is Private 1st Class Joe Tiffany. I see you’re wondering about his age. Private Tiffany, get the tape measure and the clipboard from Dr. Irving. Tiffany here is 19 years old. He started with The Protocol when he was 15. I’m sure you two will be great buddies.” Casey didn’t know what to make of this. He decided that even with the kid’s big muscles, thick package and all, he didn’t want to be buddies with him. “Okay,” he said. “Hello.” Tiffany stepped forward, extending a hand as if to shake and, as Casey leaned in, walked past him, instead taking the tape measure and clipboard from Dr. Irving. Turning back, he graciously handed just the clipboard to Moster, and strolled confidently over to Casey. He looked up slyly at the baffled, tall young musclemen towering over him. “Hi, Casey,” he introduced himself breezily. “I’m Joe Tiffany. You’re very lookin’ good, man. Like the buzz cut.” Casey gazed down at Tiffany, perplexed, who grinned back at him serenely, displaying two rows of perfect white teeth. He was smart and smooth, and he grinned easily. He made Casey nervous, all the more so when, for a flash of an instant, he detected a wicked twinkle deep in Joe’s eyes. Joe winked at him. Then he wiped his face clean and looked back at Moster, all innocence. “Sir, I need some help, sir.” Moster snorted impatiently. “Corporal Schumacher, get Tiffany something he can stand on.” From the line the older guy Tiffany had been whispering to strode to the desk area and returned with a metal stool. He tossed it in the air to Tiffany, who caught it easily. While never very bright, Casey was all the same possessed of unquestionably fine animal instincts. He knew trouble when he saw it. He glanced up and down the older man Moster had addressed as Schumacher. His muscle density was impressive. His arms were thick, ripped and veiny. Two iron cross tattoos graced each forearm. His skin was calloused and rough, and his hands were huge, with bruised, knotty knuckles. He was now leaning in to Tiffany, so close to him his heavy pecs were almost touching his face. Casey could see the outlines of two heavy brown nipples in his tight Army regulation green t-shirt. Schumacher shot a dirty look up at him, and pushed his pecs into Tiffany’s’ face. “I told you before I want to see you my room. Later.” He spoke in a low tone. The muscleboy stepped back indifferently and spoke with offhand innocence. “Hey, it’s late, dude. I don’t think so tonight.” He pulled out the tape and turned to Casey. Schumacher glanced briefly up at the muscleman towering over them both and sneered a little, but Casey could spot the dash of respect in his eyes. He turned back to Tiffany. “I mean it, punk. In my room. Later.” “Leave me alone, old man. I have work to do with the young dude.” He stepped on the stool without looking again at Schumacher and stood before Casey, holding the tape measure and smiling sweetly. His words stung. Schumacher looked up at Casey and silently mouthed the words H-A-N-D-S O-F-F Casey returned the look dumbly. “Later,” Corporal Schumacher snarled to Tiffany. Moster looked up. “You have a problem, Corporal?” Schumacher turned and strode away. In the corner of the lab, Dr. Irving was recording every moment on his ever-present video cam. Standing on the stool, Joe was now a little taller than Casey. He squatted down just a little, stuck his butt out behind him for support, and brought his eyes even to Casey. He looked him up and down and whispered in his ear. “Let’s see how big you really are, buddy,” he murmured. He brought his hand down and flicked his own crotch gently with his thumb, turning his broad back for cover. Only Casey could see him do it. He looked at him out of the side of his eyes, suddenly nervous about this big little bodybuilder, who clearly had more than his share of cojones, and his dangerous muscle daddy friend, who clearly had issues. “Whenever you’re ready, Private.” “I’m ready, sir.” “Good. Get to it. Right biceps.” Casey snapped his right arm to attention and flexed the biceps full. Tiffany let out a low whistle. “Bring it on home, baby. Nice peaks. Cannonballs, even. Swole. Nice.” “Yeah, yeah,” muttered Casey, flexing both biceps now, trying to be casual. “Get to it, Private,” repeated Moster. “Okay, measuring. Sir! I’m guessing 23 inches, sir!” Casey glanced contemptuously at him with one eyebrow cocked high. “Try that again,” he said levelly. Tiffany charmingly fumbled with the tape measure and double-checked. “I’m sorry, sir,” he reported. “26 inches, sir.” “That’s better.” Casey looked forward and tried to make his face serene. He was already getting pissed. What did this young asshole know? Moster made a note on his clipboard. Behind him, Schumacher was fuming. Casey imagined he could see smoke coming out of his ears. “Left arm.” Casey lowered his right and brought his left forward. Pow - Ka-boom.. .. Tiffany brushed the rocky peak with his fingertips. “No touching the goods,” Casey hissed. “26 inches, sir.” Tiffany was all smiles. “Chest.” “Let’s see, Superman, just how we’re going to do this. Turn to one side?” he inquired sweetly. Casey just looked at Tiffany. “Damn it, cadet, turn! Do as he asks.” Moster was getting impatient. Casey turned. “And expand your chest.” Casey’s giant pecs roiled and blew to their fullest size. Tiffany gently reached around Casey, and by tossing one end of the tape from one hand to the other, he coyly avoiding touching him with all but the tape and his lightly pinching fingers. “68 inches.” “Hmmm. There’s room for growth. Waistline.” Tiffany climbed down from the stool and brought the tape around Casey’s taut abs. Again he managed not to touch him. Even so, Casey felt a slight stirring from his crotch. “32 inches.” “32?? Dammit, Zaftig, what have you been feeding this boy? Chocolate cake? Twinkies?” I’m no boy, thought Casey. And I don’t eat Twinkies. His crotch twitched again. He glanced around the room and saw other crotches twitching as well. 6 or 7 of the men seemed to be sporting half erections, bulging in their khakis. No one said anything. All expressions were deadly serious. It was as if no one noticed, minded or cared that more than a half dozen of these musclemen were now sporting serious wood. “I’m sorry, Sergeant,” said Zaftig. “I haven’t felt it was the time, before tonight, to put Casey under your advanced care and guidance. He wasn’t quite ready, I felt.” “Assuredly. Casey, things are going to be a little different for you after tonight. Quads.” “33 inches, sir.” “Dayumn….” muttered Hension. Then the sound of the back of his head being smacked again. “Ouch!” In back, Karim Abdul watched stonily, not reacting. He, Moster, and Dr. Zaftig were the only men in the room whose flies remained unexpanded. Even Dr. Irving was by now showing a little bulge. “Room for improvement everywhere,” said Moster. He made a note on the clipboard. “Calves?” “28 inches.” “That’s good, anyway. Feet?” “I wear 18 DD shoes,” Casey answered. “Speak when spoken to, Cadet Casey. But thank you. Inseam.” Inseam? “For the uniform.” Oh. Tiffany crouched down and placed the tape just at Casey’s ankle, and brought it up. He paused. “With or without testicles, sir?” he asked. “Without.” Moster was impatient. Tiffany was getting on his nerves, but he wasn’t about to show it. “Sorry, big boy, but you got a couple of low-hangers there. Pardon my fingers?” In a swift move that startled Casey, Tiffany, ignoring Casey’s growing tumescence, gently cupped Casey’s balls in his hand, lifted them and delicately moved them out of the way. “Shucks, dude, they’re pretty heavy,” he smirked. Casey was thoroughly humiliated. He felt like knocking this punk's block off, realizing that if he did he’d probably kill him if he even tried. He said nothing. “42 inches.” “Good. Now Zaftig, leave us alone with Casey. We all want to get to know him better.” Zaftig glanced over at Dr. Irving, who had withdrawn to the far corner of the room to be as far away from Moster as possible. He nodded towards the door. Irving cleared his throat and buttoned his lab coat. Zaftig leaned in and whispered harshly to Moster. “No touching. Leave him be.” Moster nodded. "Sure, of course. We'll be nice." Zaftig and Irving left the lab together. In the corner, the video camera whirred, its red light blinking, unheeded. As soon as they were gone the other 16 men came forward. Slowly they circled Casey, Joe Tiffany, and Sergeant Moster. “That’s all, Private Tiffany. Get back in line.” Moster turned to Casey, paused, and began to speak with great deliberation. “I’m the man in charge here. Going forward, you’ll do what I say. These men have all been through it. It’s your turn now.” The bodybuilders gazed evenly at Casey, who stared back, his head slightly bowed. He had neither seen nor imagined such a landscape of muscle in his life. He was beginning to get intimidated. “The motherfucker’s huge,” murmured Private Lang appreciatively. “Yes, sir.” Casey forced a smile, and he saluted. Moster smiled back, a grim humorless smile. “It would seem that you want to please me. Is that the case, Casey?” “Yes, sir, I do, sir!” “Glad to hear it, son. You have a few more years of hardcore training ahead of you. You have great potential, boy, but you haven’t realized it all yet. Has he, men?” Mutters. We’ll get you down to the gym tomorrow and we’ll all shake it out together. Men, you’re done here tonight. Dismissed. Go to bed. Good night.” Moans of general disappointment. Schumacher and Karim Abdul remained silent. “That’s all men.” A pause. “You too, Tiffany.” “Not just yet,” said Abdul. Moster looked at him, his eyebrow raised. “Corporal?” Abdul turned full to Moster. “Not just yet. I want to see if he can take it.” Moster knew full well what he meant. “Take what, Corporal?” “Get him a singlet,” said Abdul to Lang, who eagerly turned and scampered out of the lab. “You know where to meet us,” he called after him, perhaps unnecessarily. The men could hear Lang’s running footsteps as he hightailed it gleefully down the long hall to the locker room. Moster sighed. “Do we have to go through this? Again?” He remembered that when Alvarez was admitted to the program, Abdul had demanded to meet him in the wrestling ring right off the bat. He looked around. All the men were smiling in anticipation. Casey was baffled. “A singlet? We gonna wrestle?” “Yes, son, we’re going to wrestle,” answered Abdul. “You wrestled before?” Casey remembered his brutal ring training with Ramon Ramon, who never failed to pin him, even though he was only half Casey’s size and weight. “Yes, sir.” “Good.” Abdul turned to go, slipping out of his t-shirt. Casey could see he was wearing a singlet underneath, and was surprised he’d missed it before, considering how tight the t-shirts were. Karim was walking away, going for his belt, when he turned back. “You comin’?” Casey gulped a little. “Yes, sir.” The man who stood before him was fearsome indeed, a dark, mature Arab with blackened, hairy, super dry, super vascular, magnificent superheavyweight muscles. The thick black hair of his chest was like a matted carpet, tinged with grey and curling around the heavy, downward pointing nipples. His python-thick cock unfurled heavily in the singlet crotch, heavy, soft, half-visible behind thin, quivering spandex, pulsing, veined, thrust forward between powerful hips. His waist was impossibly narrow, his abs like 8 anvils, his pecs and biceps bulging with muscle and ridic veins. He spread his legs wide. “Hey, look,” breathed Blankenship, staring. Casey looked down, a little panicky, and saw his own massive cock was now tent-poling his posers. Reinforced or no, the 5 square inches of cloth that still managed to cover his big penis head were straining, the fabric ready to tear to shreds. His veiny blond shaft was completely exposed, pointing straight up and out. Curling thick tendrils of his young blond pubic sprouted generously from the juncture of his penis and his vascular, rocky pubis mound. He colored deeply, squatted slightly, tried in vain to readjust himself, his fingers digging deeply into the side straps, trying to control the pouch, which was nowhere near equal to covering Casey's looming erection. Suddenly Casey's penis head ripped through the black cloth, an alien bursting out of a stomach. Casey looked up, utterly distressed. “Don’t worry about it, Casey,” said Moster quietly. The men turned and looked back, and for the first time, got a glimpse of Casey’s humongous penis, half exposed, throbbing behind his expanding posers, which was tearing slightly, ballooning away from his hips. Blond, thick-skinned, massive, covered with luscious veins. “I’d call that a suckable fuck machine of the 1st order,” said Blankenship. He licked his lips a little. Casey looked humiliated. “I asked you a question,” said Abdul. “Are you coming?” And Casey came. “He seems to be,” said Alvarez drily. Just a little precum, appearing at the tip of the piss slit, dribbling down the corona onto his erect shaft. But it was enough. His face turned beet red. He looked up, his eyes hopeful. "Okay?" he finally asked. The men nodded in satisfaction. Abdul ignored it. “Then let’s go, asswipe.” He turned and walked out of the room, headed for the wrestling ring in the next wing. The musclemen followed, each one turning slowly and massively, heading for the door. “Let’s go, Casey,” said Moster wearily. He threw him a towel. “Here, cover up if you’re embarrassed.” “Thank you, sir,” said Casey meekly. “Though with a machine like that you should be proud, not embarrassed. Tiffany!” Moster called out. “Get Dr. Irving back in here and tell him to move that camera down to the wrestling ring.” He smiled grimly. “I have a feeling Abdul may be a little surprised.” __________________________________________ Want to read "The Twenty" from the start? Links to chapters of "The Twenty": "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Precis, Introduction, Chapters 1 & 2 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapters 3, 4, 5 - White Cap Training / Hardcore Muscle / A Brief History of Casey Rockland  "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapter 6 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapters 7, 8 - Hardcore Training, Part 1 / Tiffany's Talent "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapters 9, 10 - Good for Morale "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 11: Casey Meets the Muscle Squad "The Twenty" Chapter 12, Part 1: A Very Turkish Wrestling Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 12: Part 2 Casey vs. Karim Abdul: A Very Turkish Wrestling Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 13: After the Match "The Twenty" - Chapter 14: In Which Casey Discovers He Likes to Get Worshipped "The Twenty" - Chapter 15: Casey's First Interview with Sergeant Moster "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress. Chapter 16 - Hardcore Training Part 2: Casey’s First Herculaneum Workout, and What Happened After "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 17 - The Presentation "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 18 - The Musclemen Revealed: Inside Zaftig's Lab "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress - Chapter 19 - Further Encounters, Part 1 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 20 - Pose and Approve: Further Encounters, Part 2 "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 21 - Sam and Casey "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 22 - Field Trips for Worship, Part 1 "The Twenty" - Chapter 23 - Field Trips, Part 2 – Casey Rediscovers Muscle Worship, and Makes a New Friend "The Twenty" - A Muscle Novel in Progress: Chapter 24 - Further Encounters 5: Sam and Casey Again, and Moster and the Cadets
  5. Finally, university is over, and now im a proud nurse! Now all i want is find a good job and start living my way. But first, some damn good days of nothing to do and get the best of Summertime. Im Pedro, a 23yo guy. Just a regular guy, i guess, not realy a party animal, but i like to have fun and enjoy life too. Im still living with my parents, well, with my dad. You see, when i was 16yo they broke up, and my mother, well, lets just say, she wanted to forget everything… So it was just me and my old man. Well, old not that much. My dad, Hugo, is realy an amazing man. Not only a hard worker, but someone that always protected me and gave me all the love i needed, to be a good kid. Even when extremily tired from all the hard work, he is a construction worker by the way, he always has some time to talk and know how im doing. Having my dad around me was always something i loved, in fact, was always a good thing and a bad thing… Let me explain, my dad is a very handsome man. Like, he is 51yo now, but damn, his body is in another age for sure! 6´0 tall, and all muscle power. Even with clothes on, everybody can see the shape if his extremily big, bulging muscles. And believe me, it was not easy to catch my dad naked. I can count very few times that i saw him without a shirt or even at beach. You would think that someone that looks like him would be cocky or more into showing off his muscles, but no. And its a shame, well, kinda. Well im gay, and yeah i have a thing for muscle guys. At very young age i knew that muscles were my fetish. So as you would imagine, having a muscle dad around you is a mix of feelings. As a construction worker, you exercise your muscles alot, but wasnt enough for my dad. In our basement we have a realy cool home made gym, and he worked out there at least 5 days a week. I work out there myself too sometimes, but i rarely work out with him. Well its obvious that he is alot stronger than me, besides, lets just say that seeing my big dad lift so much weight has some strong effects on me… But occasionally i would catch him. Always with his baggy gym clothes on, again, such a shame. I always imagine his powerful muscles contracting and expanding inside those damn clothes. Dad is a big “grunter” too, but then again, when you bench press 250lbs i guess you are allowed to grunt that loud. From time to time i check his gym progress journal. I really love to follow his stats. Usualy a bit heavier in winter but his stats are always impressive. This current month: weight 192, body fat 15%, 18,5 bíceps, 48 chest, 32 waist, 30 quads. Believe me, sounds awesome, but looks even better. Anyway, I try hard not to think about it, but my lust for my dad muscles is getting almost out of control this last months! Having him around me all the time drives me nuts, and i just cant stop staring at him. Always trying to enter bathroom when he is showering, or see the sleeves of his shirt almost burst as he does simple moves. Yes HIS BICEPS. I love every muscle, but peaked huge bíceps drive me even more insane. And my dads cannons are just freaky, not only their size but the amazing shape they got. Perfect veiny peaks that bulge like mountains!! Mmmmmm… But my new thing is to jerk off as i hear him workout down our basement… i just can’t help it, knowing he is growing even more, pumping bigger and BIGGER… Oh God!!! I know its wrong, he is my dad, but i can’t help it. He is a muscle beast. If only he would show off more for me… Oh god, i always start precuming just thinking about it… So today was another hot summer day, and i decided stay home laying on sofa and watching some movies. Every Friday night dad would have some time with his buds after work, so i usualy wait for him to dinner. I like to have this moments, at home, alone to have fun with myself… 9pm, 10pm… and i was getting damn hungry. Usualy dad is home around 8pm – 9pm. Dad never arrives too late, he eats and sleeps well so his muscles are always at their best. Finaly i hear the front house door opening - Hey dad, was starving here man - Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy… here´s my boy… - Wow, someone is lagging… - Ahhh, a man has to have some fun time to time, no champ? Damn, i cant remember last time i saw my big dad drunk. Its really, really rare, since alcohol is bad for those who workout their muscles and dad was very serious in his regiment. - Since when you start driking? - Naaaaaa, just a couple of good old beers son. Was Pedro´s birthday, so we just celebrated at the bar. Let me sit next to you. Say, is it damn hot inside here or its just me? And just like that he falls over the sofa like a rock. He is sweating like crazy, and i can smell all his manly strong musk. My cock jumps as i see his big sweaty body next to mine. Strugling, he takes his jacket off, revealing his undershirt, finaly showing his big shoulders and bulging arms - Dad, maybe you should take a shower, it will cool you off - Maybe son, maybe you right. Im still all sweaty from the competion - What competion man? - Well, the guys were taunting Pedro, because he turned 43yo. But i said he was still damn Young. And then they were all like, yeah next to you he is. So i was like, im the oldest here but i can win any of your weak bodys! And believe me son, i won all of them in an armwrestling competion!! And by saying this, dad flexes his bulging arms in an amazing double bicep. Fuck!! My heart almost stops, my dad peaks are bigger than ever!! OMG here is my dad, sweating like a bull flexing his bíceps, making his pipes bulge like 2 cannonballs!!! - WOW dad! Those arms are huge!! - Yeah son, and they will grow even more! Just because im more than 50yo, doesn’t mean i will start getting weaker. I will always be strong son, always!! My god, what a display of pure power. My dad cant stop staring at his hulking peaks! - Actualy, i thing im even bigger than last week already… damn… guess its working… - What do you mean? What is working dad? - Hã? Oh nothing son… nothing Oh fuck, i can feel my cock dropping precum, I'm fucking creaming myself over my dad right in front of him. I quickly grab one of the pillows before the wet spot forms. I never saw my dad this confidente, displaying his powerfull muscles like this. I turn to see him hitting a most muscular pose, looking really fucking huge, bigger than I have ever seen him before - Damn dad, your muscles are realy powerful, look at you! - Yeah! You should have seen their faces when i finished them all. I even hitted some poses for them - Realy, you flexed for them? Can you show me too? OMG, i know this was perhaps too far, but this was my oportunity to finaly get to see my dads body in full glory. Taking advantage from him while he was drunk felt cheap, but my desire to worship his amazing muscles was so much stronger. - Hell son, you should know by now how powerfull your dad is. Oh man, im sweating like crazy... Here let me remind you how lucky you are for having a big dad like me Dad suddenly grabs the bottom of his undershirt, pulling up the fabric like some sexy stud in a worship video. I try not to openly gasp at the amount of muscle that bulged off his chest. He struggles to get the sleeves past his arms, giving me those momentary few seconds of total lust. My god he looks massive! While most men his age would have some sag around their muscles, my dad’s were tight and perfect, like he had the body of a 20 year old! Oh god, i dont think im ready for this, i can feel my cock bursting from my jeans… - 51yo and im still a bull son! He raises his right arm up and practically stuffes the bicep into his face. I know my dad tended to get obsessed with things, but I never took him for having an arm fetish. He takes in this deep long breath, like he is sniffing his own musky scent. The sheer size of his deep pits is almost unreal, twice as large as any normal mans. He just keeps on pushing his bicep closer and closer to his smiling lips. I swear he is about to lick it! - Im telling you son, its time to get to the next level. In a few weeks nobody well ever think calling me old again. Nobody!! Was my dad having a midlife-crisis? I couldn´t care less, im just having my biggest fantasy right now, with my own muscle dad. And he is so into it!! I never saw him like this, i can clearly see his bulge growing under his pants… - Can you imagine this arms bigger? - But dad, they are already so big - Yes, almost 19 inches boy, but wait till they hit 22! - 22?? - Or maybe even bigger! God i cant stop sweating… and all this posing… Mmmm… Oh god look how fucking huge he is! And his pants, they are stretching so much they look like they are gonna burst. Every detail of his body including his manhood inside his pants is visible and bulging. Does he know about me.. He found my stash of cum covered muscle mags or something? - I need get bigger son, i will get bigger!!! And like that, he stands up and hits another massive double bicep pose. This time I can't hold it in and began to moan like a horny dog, neck thrown back, body shuttering, there was no hiding it this time. My bucking hips push the pillow off my crotch letting dad look upon my throbbing boyhood, creating a giant wet spot on my jeans - Ohhhhhh, what? Son? What the hell… - Dad sorry…Oh god! But, OMG you are so big!! Ahhhhhhhhh… -What the…? Son… Fuck, must be this damn formula… Mmmmmmm… Im so horny too… OMG i can’t believe it, my dad just saw me cum to his muscles!! OMG, what am i going to do? Fuck, fuckkkkkkkk! But… But wait, he is getting off too… what the… - Damn son, all this muscle posing is getting me so fucking hard again… Fuck, i need to… - Dad please, im so sorry! Please… - Mmmmmmm… No son, its ok, guess i don’t need to hide it anymore - What…? Is this really happening?? My dad is getting off on his own muscles? This must be a dream! His bulge is so huge now! - Guess my growing muscles are making everyone cum already? - Im so sorry dad, but i always wanted to worship your colossal body, i mean, look at your arms. They are huge! - Yeah! I got big fuckin' muscles, son! And i just started growing even more! Come here and feel this cannonballs He finaly takes his pants off and stands in front of me with his arms flexed, staring at them as I start runing my fingers over the veiny peaks - Mmmmmmm, that feels good. Feelin your growing daddy´s big muscles! You like my hard biceps, don't 'ya? - Yes sir, you got really big cannons. Biggest around! I just keep sounding like a little kid, impressed with his big daddy's hard body. OMG, my 7" cock is getting hard again, and by the looks of it, his is about to explode. Dad lowers his hands and flexes his massive pecs and i immediately put my hands over them. He threws his head back and I can see how big his bull neck is too. - Damn son, i cant wait to see how much bigger i get this next weeks. Fuck, im already adding so much size, and its only week 2 - But dad, what the hell is that business then? What are you into? - Mmmmmm son… i Will tell you, guess i can’t hide it anymore.But first i need to do this Spreading his bulging legs over the sofa again, dad takes off his boxers, finaly revealing his what it looks like 7 inch fat veiny cock. Its so hard, already pumping heavy drops of shiny precum - I don’t want to scare you son, but it seems you are into my muscles as much as i am - Damn dad, you are a beast… - Yeah! You like my big strong muscles, don't you, son? While sited, he hits a most muscular pose and his traps rose like mountains beside his thick neck. His massive pecs jump and bulge like they are about to burst, his arms bulging into massive porpotions. My hands are now all over his hulking torso, feeling his broad shoulders, his biceps, triceps and massive veinyy forearms. Dad keeps jerking his hard cock with intense force, sweating even more, looking like a fucking animal… - Mmmmmmmmm son… Please don’t hate me, for years i tried to keep my own muscle fetish for myself… - Dad, no. I am the one that needs to apoligize - Fuck… This is not how i wanted to be, but you must understand… Mmmmmm… Im so full of muscle power!! - Fuck dad, you are a truly muscle beast, this is the best moment of my life!! I can tell im about to cum again at any second… Worshipping my massive dad as he jerks his manhood right in front of me!! Oh god, i want this moment to last forever!! - Promisse me you will not freak out with all of this son…Mmmmmm… Please - No way dad, i love you even more… - Oh god! I cant hold it any longer…, IM GONAAAAAA… AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !!! - Oh fuckkkkkkkkkkkkkkk, daddy !!! Hitting one last colossal single bicep pose, dad starts cuming like a volcano. Head back, his huge muscles convulsing, forcing out waves of white muscle cum all over his gorila chest. As im seeing all this i start moaning again, having another intense second orgasm, pumping even more cum into my already soaking briefs… - YEAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!! Im a fucking beast!!! BIGGER - Mmmmm… AAAHHHHhhhh, oh my god… you are a God dad Fuck, my dads cock just keeps gushing wave after wave of white seed!! Im trying to start breath again, but he is still in the middle of what it looks like a never ending orgasm. Much of his cum is all over my hands that were over his pecs too and i so want to taste it… - Fuckkkkkkkkkk… Oh man, and i just shoot like 2 hours ago while flexing at the bar… - Damn dad, this is umbelieveble… - Son… Son!! Oh man im sorry kid. You must think im a freak - No, dad. Its ok. Listen - Fuck, i don’t know whats happening, i never felt this horny for my muscles. Im so sorry!! - Dad, listen! I never told you i was gay, and i should. You always said to me to be honest to you - But… - But i didn’t, and im sorry. And im sorry for always been in lust to your big muscles… Dad stares at me. A mix of shame and hapiness feels his face - Well son, it seems we have a lot to talk then - Yeah big man, we have - Here, lets clean all this mess first - We sure need a shower We both smiled and went to our bathrooms... Hope you like guys, (part 2) as soon as possible
  6. Mickyh29

    Worshipping my younger bro! Pt1

    I’m going to start this off with a simple question! Is it ok for a 23yr old Male to worship his super fit hot 18yr old younger brother?? Depending on what side of the sexual orientation spectrum you fall on will no doubt point you in the direction of your answer. Its blatantly obvious that I’m coming from this from a gay older bro view. I should point out that my hot younger bro obviously knows I’m gay, as does the whole family, and, as I’ll explain later, it was he who loosely came up with the idea of the whole worship thing. So who is my hot younger bro and what does he look like.............. Well this is Ellis.......... I think from looking at those pics you can see that I dont use the words hot and fit likely!l! Check out those plump pecs and bi peaks for starters! Who wouldn’t want to worship that? He has some pretty good strength to go with that hotness, recently benching 150kg and squatting 180kg, all at a bodyweight of only 78kg and I'll repeat only 18! Ellis has always been sporty ever since he was In junior school, loved his Friday sports lesson in the school hall. In senior school he excelled in PE, made the schools football team and a year in the rugby team. The school had a pretty good gym with plenty of weights and machines and that’s where his love for working out really started. When Ellis went to college at 16 he took up sports as his topic of education, got his gym membership and has never really looked back since, hammering away at the gym every day building his body to the level of hotness it is now. So how did this whole “ me worshipping him “ thing come about!! Well like most 23yr olds I flew the nest a few year ago, but I always make a case to come back and visit the family during the summer holidays. So I got back around 2 weeks ago, Ellis was at the gym and would be back soon according to my parents, the house only had 3 bedrooms so I would be sharing with Ellis which even before I saw his new hotness would be fine as we had a great relationship, his room was big enough for two beds so my mam got the sofa bed sorted in his room. I was in the room putting my stuff away when I heard the front door open. “ hey guys I’m back.” It was Ellis but his voice had a much deeper tone from when I was last here. My mam informed Ellis that I was upstairs and tea would be ready in about half hour. “ cool mam, I’ll go see bro and shower, I’m starving” I heard Ellis spring up the stairs and towards the room, I had my bag turned as he entered, “ Hey bro good to you! “ he said. I turned round and was just about to return the favour, then I saw him, I just froze, jaw fully ajar. FUUUUUUCK I thought to myself, the tee that he had on was like a second skin, moulding sexily round the aforementioned plump pecs and solid arms. A bulge was embarrassingly becoming apparent in my trousers, I whisked my hands quickly infront hoping he didn’t see. I tried to regain some composure and string some words together. “ B b b bro, er great to see you too, wow you’ve put on some size haven't you!” I instantly walk over to hug him, anything to get close to his insane body, we wrap arms round each other and hug, “ ooopph got some strength to go with those muscles too I see!” jesus his grip was strong! We both let go. I stand back and just stare in awe at my fit as fuck bro. “ jesus bro you certainly know how to make a gay man happy, wow your looking fantastic!” as you can tell I’m failing at the trying to hide my enjoyment speech!. Ellis just smiles at me then laughs, “ ahh thanks bro, I’ve been working out harder this year and seems to be paying off I reckon! “ he winks at me. I try to pull myself together but I just can't! “ er yeah quite clearly, bet the girls are falling all over for you!” Getting there!l “ I think some of the boys are too hahha" Ellis replied. “ right better get showered before tea.” What Ellis did next kicked all the sensibility I had left into next year. Ellis peeled off that tight tee he had on, FUUCKKKKKK, that body was dripping with sweat and oozed tonnes of masculinity, every one of his hot muscles pumped to the max. And that's when it just came out, as free flowing as a river, not even silent or hidden.......... “WHOAHHHHHHH" I erupted. I realised straight away and instantly put my hands over my mouth, but it was too late , Ellis had obviously heard it, he just looked me and continued to smile as if he wasnt bothered that his older bro had given the clearest hint yet that he digged his fit body. “ shit, Ellis I’m so sorry, er I dont even know what to say, you have a fantastic body and it’s quite clearly had an effect on me, errr don’t be mad! “ I just stand there face bright red with admission and embarrassment. Ellis just laughed, “ Well it’s quite clearly had a effect on you bro, isn’t liking muscle one of the gay 10 commandments any way hahah!” I’m in too much of a trance to verbally reply so I just droolingly nod. “ well if my body makes you happy then I’m happy, in fact.... no no you wouldn’t want too with me being family. “ Ellis starts but cuts off and for the first time looks angry with himself. My eyes now in full puppy dog mode, “ no no Ellis tell me its fine, what is it.” Ellis regains his strong confident look, “ Would you like to worship me bro?” He walked over to me all dominantly. Those 7 words were music to my ears, fuck yes I would love nothing more than to get my hands all over his fit body and hes offering which is even better. “ bro I’m not gonna lie, hell yes I would love too! But why the sudden change in tact, wouldn't have had you down for this.” I ask. “ I do some part-time modeling on a weekend, some I’m used to girls and boys getting there hands on me, so it’s kinda a natural progression Haha. Plus I’ve recently discovered a little dominant side to me thru football, being captain etc has given me some new found bossiness Haha.” As he says that he grabs my hand and raises it to his pumped pecs, and starts moving it over them. Sweet jesus they felt like warm solid marble, I couldn’t help but start tracing my finger round his nipple and in his pec gap, “ whoah” I whispered again. Ellis looks up at me. “ How about after tea, we get into some serious worshipping bro?” he says with a confident masculine authority! All my brain would let me physically do was nod!
  7. Helping my muscle dad pipes (part 2) So… ya, what can I say? In a matter of minutes, my dad flexed his powerful muscles like I never seen it before, I jerked off to it, we both shoot waves of cum to his muscles and I finaly told him that I am gay… What a fucking mess! - So… here we are hã? - Well, ya son… - So… - … - We can pretend that this never happened if you want… - Damn it son, im the older one here, I should start this. From the beginning ok? - Ok… - You know I always been into sports right? Hell, even when I think about school time I always remember me doing push-ups and lifting chairs while the other kids were just playing around with cars and stuff - I believe dad, and you always been built as far as I remember, since I was born in fact - Exactly kid, growing my body always was important to me, long before you were born you know. At 17yo I was entering the gym for the first time. In 2 years I was already the biggest kid around. I will never forget when I turned 19yo and my arms were the same… - You mean… 19 inch biceps! - Yes son, 19 inch cannons! Some fat, got admit, was eating like a lion, all I wanted was to GROW. - That’s fucking amazing dad, had no idea - I was around 195 pounds that time, everyone called me the bull. Then I start having nutrition tips, got my first supplements, always lifting more and more. LAter i start working, I met your mom, then you came to our lifes, so many things happened. But my desire to become the biggest muscle guy around never went away… - Dad, what were your max stats? How huge? - Will never forget son, about 1 year before you born, 225! - No way!! - And this pipes exploded up to 21 inches!!! Dad flexes his big biceps again, staring at them. My god, they were about 19 inches now and already so round and freaky, I can’t even imagine them at 21!!! - Damn your body is fenomenal dad, but those arms are just surreal - Not only the size son, but the shape too. This fuckers always had insane peaks! - Yeah and they are like rocks! - Well you felt them kid - I sure did, it was… intense… - Ya… well you love muscles right? - Alot dad… I hope… well I hope its ok with you - Son I love my muscles so fucking much too. And knowing you love them too really makes me push myself extra hard - Oh man I hope you get as huge as you can dad, but you know, it really turns me on… - That’s ok, you are my son. You saw me cum to my muscles too. How more awkward can it be? - Well, that’s a good point - Come on grab this cannonball again! - Jesus dad, look at the difference in size between my hand and your peak!! - Growing everyday, and I want you to measure me daily, so we can make sure im maxing out my gains - I sure will! - So as you can see, im proud of my body at my age, but I´ve been bigger son, and I miss those days - I understand - And that’s why I decided, you know… - Roids… - Well, yes… Smart boy - Had to be dad, I mean, for the last 4 or 5 years you been very consistent on your stats, and all the sudden this last month you added very noticeable size, and just minutes ago when you posed… Man you are hulking out - Son I have no words, I can feel it 24/7 - How long already? - 2 weeks, this is a 10 weeks cycle. All my stats are increasing!! - You always been natural right? - Yes - So this stuff is new to your body and you were already very big… man you are gonna explode dad!! - I really believe I can rich my prime shape again! And maybe even more… - Oh man, I cant wait dad, I will help you in whatever I can - Thanks son, this will be our journey - But tell me, is it safe? This cycle? - Well, the guy says it’s a new but well known cocktail used by the big bulls in the middle east. - Awesome, is he your friend? - Well, not realy, like kinda? - … - Well its not like a normal friend you know, more like a client… My dad suddenly looks away and starts to turn a bit red. Maybe he is ashamed of who is getting him the drugs? Or is something else? - You ok dad? - There are some more things I need to tell you son… - Sure dad, anything you want - Well, you know that some guys are into, you know, muscles - I sure know… - Ya, well exactly, and as I got bigger, some guys started to ask me for… well - Worshiping… - … - Dad, you must understand that’s my territory. Im gay, I love muscles, I love muscle worship. That’s why I jerked off to your muscles… - Ya, its just that, never tough I would have this kind of talking with you, you know? - That’s ok, if you are ok with it, so am i - Well, its easy money I won’t lie. And all I need to do is what I love doing, flex and pose my muscles - So, its just that? Any touching? Or… - You mean, anything more sexual? - Ya… - No son, they can touch, lick and kiss my muscles. And well, some just cant control it and just start cuming all over them sometimes, but that’s it. And believe me, many were the times that I could have won much more money, but I have my limits - Sure dad, was just asking - So this guy, Cesar, is a long time client, and even loving my body as it is now, he really wants me even bigger - Damn, perfect combo. - Exactly, he had the contacts, so I said yes! - And you… - He can worship me for free and follow all my process of growing huge - Damn… Now im the one that needs time to process all this… - I know… But it is what it is son - Yeah, at this point we better have no lies between us Dad waves his head in agreement. I don’t know what to feel about all of this. My head is running 1000 miles per hour and as much as I’m trying to be serious about all this, I can fell my cock swelling again, knowing that I will now see my growing muscle roided father flex his massive muscles many more times… I will cook the best protein meals, get our basement gym always clean and ready for him to use, hell even inject him if he… Oh wait, bytheway… - Hey dad, who is injecting you? - Oh about that son. I sure know and im very proud that you are a nurse now, but I couldn’t have ask you, well not back then, so Cesar said I could inject into my biceps - Into your biceps? Never heard about that - Yeah, he said glutes were ideal, but was too complicated for me to do it to myself. And legs were too painfully so he said this cocktail could be shoot into my biceps, but the side effect would be that they would grow a bit more… - As if that was a problem… - Haha, not at all! GRRrrrrrrrrr Damn, my dad doesn’t lose an opportunity to flex his cannon biceps! I swear to god that the more he flexes, the more those peaks grow! And not just his peaks, but his bulge is always very alive… - Dad, I see you are much more into your muscles too… am I right? - Oh, son, sorry. Yeah, you are right… My cock is always hard since I start roiding - That’s fine, but I was really not expecting it. I can tell you cant stop admiring your growing body - Cesar said I would feel very horny during this cycle. And boy am i, im cuming 2 to 3 times a day! - Damn dad, that’s alot - Alot indeed, and by cuming I mean waves of it. You saw it - Fucking unreal, you are truly turning into a muscle freak! - Haha, I hope so son, and now with your help I feel more confident than ever! - So whats the first goal? - All about balance and size son, I will add as much mass as I can but I don’t want it to be fat. And some of my muscle groups needs more attention. Of course my arms are almighty but I need bigger pecs. And i know I can get much wider, plus my middle section needs get tighter too, I miss seeing my bulging abs - Damn dad, I don’t know what I will do when you finally reach all those goals - Well I think I know judging by your bulge… Oh man, I really need to be more careful. Look at this, I already have another wet spot in front of my just new fresh pants… - Damn it! Sorry dad, is just that you are so big and getting even bigger… Its too much for a muscle worshiper like me - Its ok son, we both are turned on by my muscles. I stop denying it too. If worshipping me makes you happy, then that makes me happy too son. Besides, as I said, muscle worshipping is not new to me - Thanks dad, you were always amazing to me - I love you son I lift my arms and we both hug each other. What a turn of events, and I am feeling the luckiest guy in the world… So, days are passing and dad is just bursting with pure mass! This will be a different Summer indeed, not beach and partys at all, oh no. My priority is having everything ready for my hulking dad so that he can maximize his gains, helping him reach the freakiness that we both want! Dad is getting wider so fast, almost like a fucking inverted pyramid… - Dad, lunch is ready! – I scream from kitchen - Hold on… Mmmmm… - Come on, you need to feed those muscles - … Tuna, rice, broccolis and pineapple, 3 full plates for my champ. Third week ending and dad already added 10lbs more! Now I can clearly see why he says he thinks he can get even bigger than his prime shape. I just cant stop boning to his hulking lats. His traps are popping from his neck, pecs are swelling so fast and his biceps… I don’t even try to hide my wet pants anymore, one quick look at those mountains and cum just starts to run all down my legs… - Don’t complain that is cold champ - Mmmmm… - Are you alright up there? - Son… You better come here… GRrrrrrrrrrr…! I quickly go upstairs. Is my dad hurt? What the fuck is happening? I enter his bedroom… - Dad?! - … - DAD !!! - It´s, it´s happening again… GRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!! With nothing more than some black workout pants and with his hands on the floor in a crouch position my hulking dad is sweating like crazy, veins bulging everywhere, his face turning red with each heavy breath, his big bare feet stretching… - MMmmmm… im… im ok - Dad! Look at you… - It´s another growth spurt son… It happened before - Growth spurt…? - Yeahhhhhh… Mmmmmm, My muscles just start… BULGING - But you look in pain… - It´s just that, Mmmmmm…. I can feel my muscles expand… I always get great gains when its… over… - Cesar told you about this? - Yes… Oh boy… Its ok, all I need is to… FLEXXX !!! - OMG!... Without warning dad raises up his hulking torso, hitting a colossal most muscular pose! Eyes closed, growling like an animal, his muscles bulge like I never tough it was possible… - Fuck dad, you already look so much bigger… - OH yeah, YESSSSS… Wait till this is over! Get ready… Im gonna explode!! GRRRRrrrrrrrrrr ( ( DING DONG ) ) - Oh shit, someone is at the front door - MMmmmmmmm… its ok son, this is about to get really freaky here! GRRRrrrrrrrr - No, but I want to see it… - Go open the door!! Fuck! I want to see my dad hulkout, what the hell!! I go fast down stairs again and open the fucking door, my cock is just so fucking hard that is hurting like hell stuck inside my pants - Who is it?! - Oh hey, you must be Pedro right? - … yeah, and you are? - Cesar, im your dad´s friend. Is Hugo inside? - Yes… well, no, I mean - … - He is really busy now - It´s happening isn’t it? - … Wait, did my dad just call him to assist his growth? - Its ok Pedro, I know what is happening to his hulking body, I was the one that got the stuff… - Yeah, he already told me… - Good, you like how is working? Is he growing? - Growing? He is hulking! - Oh fuck, I knew he was the right one! - And he is having another growth spurt just now… - I know, he called me! Fuck Pedro, let’s see how is turning out! Slamming the door behind us, we go upstairs as far as we can. Entering the bedroom again I don’t hear anymore sounds… Then, at the corner left, in front of the mirror I see the form of an immense human figure… Cesar shakes his head in disbelieve - My god Hugo, look at you… With his back in full display to us, my dad almost has no space between his monster lats and his colossal arms. Yet his small waist makes him look even more freakish and powerful… Each of his hulking legs looks almost same size of his waist, and his muscle ass looks immense… - Cesar, I hope you like your investment… - OMG, I knew by the photos you sent me that you were getting so much bigger Hugo… but seeing it is just… - Freaky? - More than freaky, oh god im already precuming, fuck… - Fuck dad, I cant believe it!! You are a fucking MUSCLE GOD! Im all wet too… - Haha, you two sound satisfied… But wait until you see it all !! Dad turns around and hits his signature pose! Grunting louder in full pleasure he hits a massive double bicep! His monster arms bulge and his peaks rise like nothing I ever seen in my life!! - Come here boys, time to worship your master!! On our knees, precuming uncontrollably, me and Cesar start feeling and admiring my hulking dad muscles in what would be the first of many worshipping sessions together…
  8. Gaizer

    Life at Apollo Heights

    Author's Notes: I wrote the complete first chapter of this story a while back. I already have a good idea of where/how the story will progress, but it would be quite unlikely I will be able to write the subsequent chapters (let alone post them) any time soon. I'll definitely revisit this story and post any updates whenever I can.
  9. For those of you who have interacted with me, this story is a departure from my usual fare. I had an idea a few years ago and have been tinkering with it on and off for a while. The following will be fairly long, but hopefully a different take on the term "Muscle God" will be refreshing. This story is dedicated to the little guys that love making big guys feel big. Chapter One: Work Plans Travis was just about to turn off his computer when he saw he had a message from his boss, Jeff, to come see him right away. The message was brief and didn’t include anything alarming, but asking to see Travis at the end of the work day was unusual. Travis stood up tall and stretched his thick arms up over his head. He really needed to stretch more while working, he thought to himself; his muscles always got tight while sitting in front of his work computer all day. After loosening his tight back, Travis lumbered down the hall to his boss’s office where Jeff was finishing up a phone call. Jeff waved to Travis for him to come in and wait. Travis complied and entered the large office and sat himself down in one of the chairs in front of his boss’s desk. The chair was small for Travis’s large body, but the employee wasn’t one to complain. Jeff was the type of man that liked the way the chairs looked in his fancy office and never sat in them himself. As uncomfortable as the small chairs were, they at least made Travis feel big. The thought made the big man smile “Yes. Next week.” Jeff spoke charmingly into his phone. “Mmm hmm. uh huh. It is short notice, but we can send someone next week. Uh huh. Uh huh. Very good. Travis Hawley. Yes, that’s him. You know him. Uh huh. Good to hear. Okay. Goodbye.” Travis looked at his boss quizzically at the mention of his name. “Travis!” Jeff smiled at the big man. ‘How’d you like to go to Cleveland next week?” Travis did not possess anything resembling a poker face. Instead the big man frowned silently as his boss continued. “Travis, this will be good for you. You’re doing well here, and meeting clients face-to-face will be a good step for your career here. You do great work, but the clients don’t really know you because they haven’t met you. Here’s your chance.” Jeff looked at the frowning man and did his best to hide his own doubts. Where Travis had no poker face, Jeff could sell anything and convince people on the most improbable lies. Jeff needed Travis to go to Ohio. No one else was available — but looking at the big grump in his office stirred up additional worries. Travis was not his most charismatic team member. “How long?” Travis grumbled with his deep baritone voice. “Just a week.” Jeff spoke smoothly as Travis sighed with resignation. “You’ll fly to Ohio, get a nice hotel and work with the clients for a week. That’s it.” Jeff stood up and walked around closer to Travis and half sat on the edge of his desk. Travis briefly wondered if his boss was trying to intimidate him. Travis was a big guy, and Jeff… wasn’t. Travis realized Jeff wasn’t trying to look bigger, but to look approachable and on Travis’s side. “Working directly with clients is a great opportunity for you Trav.” Jeff settled into a groove. “Good feedback from the clients will reflect well on you and give the higher ups reasons to promote you. No one likes to travel, but it’s part of the job.” “But a whole week?” Travis sounded more angry than he intended, but Jeff was unfazed. Travis looked like a bruiser, but his boss knew the big guy wouldn’t hurt anyone. Nevertheless, Travis’s gruff voice reminded Jeff of a few potential pitfalls. Jeff was a shrewd boss who knew how to get the most out of his staff. The break room was stocked with dozens of different kinds of coffees and tea for his caffeine addicted staff members. He even made sure there were chocolate bars in the break room so those looking for an afternoon shot of sugar could get their fix without any trouble. Jeff wasn’t exactly a pusher, but he was perfectly willing to feed the legal addictions of his staff. The exception was Travis who never drank coffee or tea, and if he ever snacked on a chocolate bar the rest of the office would probably assume the end of the world was imminent. Travis’s addiction was the gym, and Jeff learned a few years ago that as long has he never scheduled Travis for an early morning meeting that cut into gym time, all would be okay. Jeff recalled the last time Travis skipped a morning workout to get to work early instead. Grumpy Travis combined with his less than charming outward appearance terrified the rest of the staff. Unfortunately, they happened to have a new hire that day who retreated to Jeff’s office petrified of the big man. George admitted that Travis hadn’t actually threatened him or yelled at him, but just the look of Travis and his scowl had George a nervous wreck. After the ‘George-Incident,’ Jeff made sure Travis never had early morning appointments so the big guy wouldn’t have to skip his morning workout. From then on, while everyone else got caffeine and sugar as needed, Travis got his early mornings free for lifting. “A little travel will do you good.” Jeff was in full sales mode. “You know what? When Chris gets you your travel details, I want you to look up a local gym by your hotel. I know a shitty hotel gym won’t cut it for you. Buy yourself day passes or a week pass, hell, buy a whole month if you have to, and put it on your expenses.” “Really?” Travis’s expression lightened considerably. “Look Trav. I know you. I know you’re a great guy that wouldn’t hurt anyone. But let’s face it, when you skip your workout, you get… um… intense.” Jeff smiled at Travis to keep the big man placated. “The clients will learn you’re a great guy too, but when you first meet them… it would be better if you were at your most relaxed. Make sure you get your morning workout in.” Jeff stood up and walked back to his desk seat. As Travis got up to leave Jeff’s office, Jeff added, “Oh, and try to smile more.” Travis frowned at Jeff with look that if Jeff didn’t know better said Jeff had less than 10 seconds to live. “Yeah, not like that,” Jeff commented with a smile. The big man forced a smile and left his boss’s office. Travis knew his boss meant well, and the ‘less than handsome’ look of his face wasn’t news to Travis in the least. In fact, the big guy was painfully aware of how his rough features and crooked nose turned people off. And while no one would insult him directly, Travis overheard comments like “From the neck down he’s hot, but…” all the time. He figured the only reason no one said these things to him directly was the 250 pounds of muscle connected to his unsightly face. That night he looked at himself in his bathroom mirror and practiced smiling. He had to admit, he did look better when he smiled. Chapter Two: The Flight Travis dreaded his flight to Cleveland. Not because he was scared of flying or even the annoying Cleveland part, but because he knew he would not be comfortable in the tiny airplane seats. Where his boss, Jeff, was generous in many ways, paying for upgraded seats on flights was not one of them. While Travis was the tallest and biggest in the office, plenty of other guys had complained about not getting business class seats on flights to no avail. There was no way Jeff was going to give Travis an exception when he had been denying others for years. At least he had an aisle seat. Travis looked sharp in his dress shirt, suit and slacks. His business clothing softened his rough features and made him look less like a ruffian and more civilized. He edged his way towards his seat, being careful not to slam his bag into the passengers already seated as he made his way down the airplane aisle. As he reached his seat he saw the middle seat was already occupied by a smaller gentleman reading a book. As Travis loaded his bag into the overhead bin and moved to settle into his seat, the guy in the middle seat looked up at him and grumbled, “You gotta be kidding me.” The bigger man tried to ignore the comment and pretend he didn’t hear it, but his face turned red with embarrassment. Travis’s pale complexion made hiding his feelings practically impossible. The seating for Travis was cramped and uncomfortable, especially with his height and wide build, but he did his best to not jam his knees into the seat in front of him, both for the sake of his knees and the woman seated there. He also leaned forward so his shoulder wouldn’t squish into the small, rude stranger. As much as he was looking forward to getting home at the end of the week, Travis was not looking forward to the return flight where he would have to do this ordeal again. Travis sat as still as he could, hunched forward, and prayed that there would be no delays and the uncomfortable torture would be over soon. A few minutes later another passenger arrived to take the window seat, which Travis had neglected to notice was empty. Travis was about to un-wedge himself out of his seat when the man next to him loudly proclaimed, “Oh Hell No,” and jammed his finger into the call button above their heads. Travis looked at the man next to him with confusion, then turned to look at the other passenger and realized why the man was so irate. Standing in the aisle with a duffel bag over his shoulder was the biggest and thickest man Travis had ever seen in person. The guy looked like he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him but was still bigger than anyone else on the plane by far, including Travis. The tight t-shirt and shorts he was wearing couldn’t hide any bit of the solid muscle the guy was carrying. Not only did he look much thicker than Travis, he looked taller too. The man’s height, wide shoulders and thick muscle outclassed Travis in every way. When not at a gym, it was rare for Travis to encounter a guy bigger and more muscled than his 250 pounds, even in New York. The stranger had it all, causing a twinge of jealousy to ripple through Travis, and when he saw the man’s handsome face, that jealousy blossomed to full blown envy. The man had perfectly styled blond hair and a youthful but masculine handsomeness. He had a face that, unlike Travis’s own rough look, everyone would adore. His strong chin fit perfectly with his hulking frame. Travis was smitten as well as envious of the big guy. As a flight attendant made her way to their row, the man in the middle seat started shouting at her, “You can’t expect me to sit between these two!” She looked at the muscled man standing in the aisle, then looked at Travis hunched over in his seat trying not to take up as much room as his body demanded, “Uh, no, I guess not. Sir, could you come with me, I think we have an empty seat further in the back.” She addressed the smaller man in the middle seat. “Why should I have to move?” he demanded. “You just asked me to move you, Sir. You do not have to change seats if you don’t want to,” she replied with a hint of annoyance. “You should move them,” he sneered at Travis and the other muscle man. “You can ask to be reseated, Sir, but you can’t demand that we reseat other passengers” the flight attendant explained with remarkable patience. “Fine. I’ll move” he conceded. Travis wordlessly got up and exchanged looks with the muscle man still standing in the aisle waiting for the seat situation to resolve. When Travis made eye contact with the muscle man he received a wink and a nod of approval. Travis felt unusually elated and smiled in response, and Travis was not one to smile often. Once the middle seat guy had scampered off, Travis backed up to allow the muscle beast access to his window seat before resettling into his own aisle seat. The situation was much improved. With the middle seat empty, Travis could sit back and let his arm and shoulder spill over into the middle seat space. Looking at the other guy, he saw he was doing the same. There was only about 9 inches between their shoulders. “I’m Matt” the muscle guy introduced himself and awkwardly turned to offer his right hand to shake, then chuckled at the absurdity of their tight quarters. Realizing that Travis would have no room to turn his body to meet right hand to right hand, Matt closed his right hand into a fist bump. “Travis” Travis replied as he reached his left fist across his body to meet Matt’s fist. “Could be worse, we could be flying cross country” Matt joked. Travis smiled again, he was finding it easy to smile today. “Is Cleveland really much better?” “Hey!” Matt replied with mock offense. “Oh sorry.” Travis turned red. “No worries. Cleveland isn’t New York, that’s for sure, but it’s Home.” Matt smiled at Travis, and Travis wondered if he had ever been so attracted to anyone before. “Its my first time to Cleveland. Work trip.” Travis explained. “I’m staying at the Cleveland Grand. Do you know it?” “Sure. I know it.” Matt replied. “Do you know of a good gym in that area? I’d like to get some lifting in this week. You know how skipping lifts can be.” Travis said with an eagerness that he could not manage to contain. “Yeah, I know where you should lift.” Matt pulled out his duffel bag and rummaged through the contents, pulling out a crumpled business card for a gym. “The gym I lift at is in your area.” Travis took the beat up card and cheerfully offered his thanks. “When do you usually workout? I’m going to go early, before my work assignment.” “I work out early hours too.” Matt lied. “Maybe I’ll see you there. 6AM?” Matt suppressed a cringe as he stated the obscenely early hour. “Yeah. Awesome.” Travis was elated. The two muscle-heads chatted the entire flight, talking about lifting and comparing notes. Travis shared a little bit about his history, starting to lift in college and sticking to it. “Six feet one inch and 250 pounds,” Travis found himself proudly proclaiming, even though he knew Matt was considerably bigger. “And you?” he added as he simply needed to know just how big, ‘big’ could be. “290.” Matt replied coolly, trying not to be boastful. “Six foot three.”, he added. “Damn, it’s hard enough packing on size at 6’1”. I can’t imagine how you got so thick at your height.” Travis was talking more freely than usual, and as he finished his sentence he blushed a bit more as he realized that he probably did know how Matt got so big. He didn’t care if Matt used steroids. It wasn’t something Travis did, but he didn’t object to what others did to grow. And to be honest, Travis was considering making the leap himself. Looking at Matt, he could see the appeal of steroids up close. “Yeah, it can be hard.” Matt downplayed what Travis had said. “But I got there, right?” Matt smiled with a bit of unease. Travis felt terrible. He wanted to say he was cool with it, but he also didn’t want to broach the subject explicitly. “So another early bird like me.” Travis changed the subject. “I love lifting first thing in the morning. It seems weird, but it gets me energized for the rest of the day… after the initial exhaustion.” The two continued to talk and settled back into easy going conversation. Travis avoided anything that might imply or lead to a discussion on steroids, and Matt’s outgoing personality came roaring back to the fore. Once they landed and deplaned, Travis said goodbye to his new friend and felt a flutter in his stomach as he thought about seeing him again the next morning. Chapter 3: Monday Morning Chapter 4: Monday Evening Chapter 5: Tuesday Chapter 6: Wednesday Chapter 7: Thursday Morning Chapter 8: Thursday Midday Chapter 9: Thursday Evening Chapter 10: Thursday Night Chapter 11: Friday Morning Chapter 12: Friday Afternoon Chapter 13: Saturday Chapter 14: Sunday Chapter 15: The End
  10. PumpCulture

    The Mass of Us - part 2 (TEASER)

    CW: FMG, muscle worship, f/f. Thick white suds and streams of cold water ran down Ellie’s gargantuan body, steam rising up from her overheated muscles in the dim fluorescent light of the butcher’s kitchen. The abandoned facility was the largest room with running water that they could find. Ignoring the vicious meat hooks still hanging in rows along the ceiling became a necessity. It might seem like a cruel space, but it was the only space big enough to bathe Ellie in, except for the freezing lake a mile down the mountain. Ellie hadn’t used a shower since she was 16. Far too cramped. At age 17, she was already too wide for most doors. Now, at age 18, Dina had to hose her down and use a brush and a sponge at the end of poles in order to scrub off the sweat and mud from her bruised and stretch-mark-scarred skin. Dina daren’t stick her hands between the deep crevices of those freakishly bloated muscles. The bones of her fingers might snap with an involuntary flex. Ellie couldn’t always control what her body did. But Dina didn’t mind. Sure, things were different now… When Joel had first introduced the idea of getting stronger in order to survive -- We’re put here on this godforsaken Earth to survive, at all costs, he would say -- the idea of putting on some muscle seemed novel, if not hilarious. Ellie was nowhere close to muscular four years ago and none of them could’ve imagined how much weight she continued to gain. Rapidly. If anything, the rate at which she packed on more mass had increased over the years, not diminished. At first, Ellie and Dina, girlfriends, teased each other about the differences in their weight. Dina always thought the new definition and toning was attractive. Then Ellie’s mind began to change, growing more obsessed as her body grew larger. At some point, Dina began wondering where it would stop as it became apparent that Ellie’s body was responding better than anticipated, but that was long before it spiraled out of control. Now Dina was bathing her like she was cattle. At first, baths were fun and new, even as Ellie’s muscles became frighteningly, alarmingly extreme. They played with the water, shot each other with the hose, and giggled, sometimes wrestled. Now? The air was thick with vapor and humiliation. They didn’t laugh. They didn’t even talk. They were disconnected, clinically so. Dina assumed the role of the nurse. Ellie was the patient. They didn’t look each other in the eye. Dina could tell that it bothered Ellie to have to be washed like an animal, like a semi truck, but she couldn’t find it in herself to comfort her. All there was was the writhing muscular barricade of the body her girlfriend was trapped in. Sometimes Joel talked about Ellie’s miracle, the thought of a cure residing in her genes, how maybe it was her genes that turned her into… this. Next spring, he estimated she would outgrow the butcher’s kitchen. He talked about designing a shower system for her with the bulldozer and a water tower. Joel talked about a lot of things. Mostly survival. Being prepared. He was disconnected in his own way. When he looked at Ellie, she felt like he was looking at someone else, either at somebody from his past who she reminded him of... or somebody he was trying to shape her into. Ellie, staring at the puddles on the cement floor, raised one of her colossal arms. Even a task as simple as that had become difficult, nevermind properly bathing herself without assistance. Dina adjusted the gray strap of her tank top while she waited, bravely enduring the creaking noise of Ellie’s bones hefting all that weight, and the tightening sounds of Ellie’s muscles contracting and stretching. She grabbed hold of one of the big stainless steel hooks, lightly. Ellie’s bicep, the size of a couch cushion, grazed across the side of her cheek, brushing an errant strand of her brown hair over her cute, freckled face. For a moment, Ellie’s green eyes looked up at Dina and their gaze met. Only for a moment. Ellie looked down at the floor again as Dina got to work scrubbing her girlfriend’s armpit. Shame but acceptance. Survive, at all costs... (access the full story at patreon.com/pumpculture)
  11. VRGoh

    Muscle Island

    This story idea is a variation of my Random Acts of Muscle thread from the old forum with a "Fantasy Island" twist. The premise is simple: random one-shot stories of --you guessed it-- massive mega-masculine muscles. The catch with this one is that a main and/or secondary character from any previous installment should be used in the one you write. Enjoy and happy writing! --------------------------------------- Alan stepped off of the plane, ready to begin his two-week vacation on the island of Adonis's Cay (Cay is pronounced as 'key.') He won the all-expenses paid vacation from a raffle offered by philanthropist and business executive Jason Talbot. Alan did some research on the corporate magnate and found out that the CEO of Talbot Industries, a multi-national conglomerate, has a foothold in nearly every major industry in the world. One would expect that making more money on his day off than most people will ever see in 10 years would mean that he was a greedy venture capitalist who would steal from the poor to line his own already-full pockets. However, the multiple charitable donations and funds for the needy set up in his name proves the exact opposite. Alan also found out that Talbot is rarely seen at business meetings, leaving his financial affairs in the capable hands of a cadre of business executives, accountants, bankers, and assorted financiers. Many see Talbot as eccentric for staying on his private island in the tropical waters of the Atlantic just north of the equator; only a few know why, as Alan and the other guests to the island would learn. As Alan and his fellow guests made their way off of the plane, they were greeted by a rather imposing sight. Approaching them was a man in his forties dressed in a white guayabera (Also known as a Mexican wedding shirt, a guayabera is a short-sleeved, button-down shirt with four pockets in two rows of two, two at the chest and two at the abdomen) and khakis. A white hat sat atop his head like the crown of a king in his summer palace, while a pair of shades protected his eyes from the sun's harsh glare. Alan saw the air of authority in this man and concluded that this would be their illustrious host. To either side of the gentleman stood two identical mountains of muscle. Each standing roughly 6'6" tall, the twins looked to weigh 300 pounds or more with nary a shred of body fat on them. Both were dressed in knee-length shorts and sandals, displaying the wealth of muscle on their shirtless torsos for all to see. The stern faces on the twins meant that they must be his personal security detail. "Greetings, one and all," said the older gentleman. "I am Mr. Talbot, your host. Welcome to Adonis's Cay. Many of you were the winners of the raffle I created for the Trevor Project, while some are my personal guests. I'll leave you to figure out which is which." Alan had briefly reflected on his own life, and how he was kicked out of his parents' house simply for telling them that he was gay. His father, who had spent a lot of money sending his only son to private school to become a "good Christian boy," was disappointed that Alan would "choose a lifestyle that was an abomination to [his] Lord and Savior." He had managed to squirrel away some money from his job at the coffee shop to help get an apartment, but it was dwindling fast. With the stress of finding a better job and getting into college, he needed a vacation; however, he would not be able to afford it. He lucked out when he entered the raffle on a goof and was notified the following week that he won. After the initial orientation on the services offered on the island, the guests were shown to their rooms. When he arrived at his room, he was greeted by another massive mountain of muscle exiting the room across the way. This one looked for all the world like a six-foot-tall California surfer who took up bodybuilding in his spare time. A wealth of golden tresses cascaded down past his shoulders, while his skin was a sun-kissed bronze. A pair of blue and white shorts and a pair of sandals were the only clothes he wore. A smile crept across his face as their eyes met, Alan's brown eyes to the blond god's blue eyes. "Looks like we'll be neighbors for two weeks," the god said in a distinctly California accent. "I'm Matt." He held out a meaty paw, callused from what Alan assumed to be many hours in the gym. "Alan," he said, shaking hands with his new temporary neighbor. "So," Matt said, striking up a conversation, "what brings you to Muscle Island?" "To what now?" "Muscle Island. That's the nickname everyone gives this place. I'm pretty sure Talbot knows about it." "Oh, the Trevor Project raffle." "Lemme guess: parents kicked you out for being gay?" "Yeah. Dad wanted me to have a 'good Christian education,' so he sent me to a religious school. When I came out, he practically blew a blood vessel. I think he would have if I told him that four years of reading the Bible made me an atheist, along with just about everyone I knew at that school." Matt laughed at the irony. "Say, need any help getting settled?" Matt offered. "Besides, you look like a guy that appreciates guys with big muscles." "Sure," Alan said, and the two entered his room. "Is it that obvious that I like muscular guys?" "It was when you were talking to my pecs," Matt answered with a bounce of his thickly-muscled chest. "Go ahead and feel them; I can tell that you want to." Putting his suitcases down on the bed, Alan approached Matt and explored the larger man's ample pecs. "It's like groping velvet-wrapped boulders," he commented. "You must live at the gym." "Well, I am a regular at the Muscle Beach pit," he admitted. "Let me see what you've got under that shirt." Without another word, Matt slipped Alan's T-shirt off and took stock of the smaller man's casually muscular physique. "Not bad," he said. "A bit on the skinny side, but you have potential. Ever thought of lifting?" "Me, lift weights?" Alan said, completely lost in the sheer superiority of Matt's body in comparison to his own. "I, uh, I never thought of starting." "It could help with your obvious self-esteem issues," Matt said. "Plus you'd look good with some muscle." "Really?" Alan said, his eyes glazed over. Matt turned the smaller man around to face the dresser mirror, showing the two of them together. Matt stood behind him, looming over the slim Alan and wrapping one massive arm around his chest. "Imagine having arms like this," he said, flexing the arm draped around Alan, "that could burst the sleeves of shirts like they were rice paper." Alan immediately started kissing and licking the head-sized ball of sinew in front of him as Matt spoke, his libido getting stroked by every word and motion. "How about huge shoulders that can barely fit many doors, a massive chest like mine that's bigger around than some people are tall? Picture yourself with a set of abs that could be used to grate cheese and legs that belong in a redwood forest." "God, it must be hot to be that huge,"Alan managed to say, his hands barely able to keep from stroking his cock. "Fuckin' white-hot being this fuckin' massive," Matt said, standing to his full height. "My arms are the size of legs, my legs the size of the average guy's waist, and I never strike out with muscle worshipers. I used to be as skinny as you and just as shy; but all of that changed when I hit the gym. Now, my confidence is through the roof as are my gains. You want all of this, little Alan? You want to be this fuckin' huge?" "God, yes," Alan blurted out. "Good," Matt said with a lust-filled smile, "but first, let's fuck. I wanted to pound your ass since I saw you."
  12. It is my first shift at the Protein Bar and I am a little nervous. This is my first job at a LGBT+ specific bar. Not only that, but it was also catered to big muscle monsters! I am this nerdy kid. I have glasses, my hair is always a bit messy, I have some acne, and I’m the size of a twig. I have never been surrounded by guys like this my entire life. But the idea of serving all these alpha bodybuilders turns me on. The idea of a big muscle man bossing me around has me shaking. I walk in and I find the owner, Scott, an ex-bodybuilder. “Welcome, Tim!” his voice booms as he sees me. “You ready?” he smirks at me. “I think so,” I mumble. “Ha! You won’t be. These guys love bossing around little nerds like you.” Scott seems to have sealed my fate. “But you’ll survive. Let me give you a employee shirt.” Scott leaves for a moment then returns with three pink shirts. “Pick one!” he says. There is a tank top, a crop top, and a regular employee shirt. I go with the regular employee shirt and clock in. “So the way that this is done here is the customers pick what server they want,” Scott explains. I look around at the other servers, not one of us look the same. There is Emil, a beautiful African American man with long braids. Tanner, a small and stocky Asian man with a buzz cut. Nick, a tall, big, and beefy Native American. Lastly, Armie, a feminine Latino. “The customers pick who they want? Isn’t that a little degrading?” I ask. “It didn’t start off like that. But soon enough all these guys are making requests for servers and I can’t stop them. They come in here with expectations, you know how a restaurant can be.” “Well, am I gonna get any tables? Because I’m sure everyone is gonna want to go to Nick’s section.” “No, there’s love for everyone here, you’d be surprised,” Scott reassures me. I go off to my section and start taking tables. I was expecting the guys the be big, but I didn’t realize how big all these guys that came into the protein bar were. Many of them tower over me. Their biceps are bigger than my legs. Their legs are as wide as my body. They all have over 100 pounds on me. I know understand why there aren’t any booths in the restaurant, none of the customers would be able to squeeze in them. All the customers are cocky. They are all wearing tank tops and short shorts to show off their physique. I love it. I have this table of four guys. They are all beefy and hairy. They all have thick bears. I can see their muscle guts sticking out of their thin tank tops. I come up to them and introduce myself. “Hey it’s Tiny Tim!” one of them chuckles at me and the rest follow. I run through the specials quickly and they all want protein shakes. I go to the back and start making the shakes. I hop around to other tables. I just got sat three times in a row! How the hell am I gonna catch up? The busser, Juan, places waters at all of the tables for me. Juan is the biggest guy I’ve ever seen. The crop top tee shirt he wears is painted on him. I’m surprised he hasn’t ripped through it. “Oh he will!” Scott says to me. “It’s not a good shift if Juan hasn’t torn through a shirt.” I finish getting the milkshakes and bring them to the four top. They want their order taken because they have to be somewhere. They want steaks, protein pancakes, eggs, sausages, bacon, home fries, and oatmeal. Their order comes out to be about $200 between the four of them. I ring in their order and tend to my other tables. Three more tables! Shit! “Looks like Tiny Tim is pretty popular,” Juan smirks at me as he picks up the plates from one of my tables. “Geez, I know,” I did like the attention because it meant more tips. But my brain was racing with all of the things I had to do. The four guys call me over. “The milkshake has quite a few ice chunks in them, I need you to make them again. We can’t drink them,” the biggest one at the table says to me. “Fine,” I take their shakes and put them in the blender again. I run to my other tables that are asking for my assistance. Every table needs me. Every muscle monster wants me to do something for them. I’m happy to do it for them. My brain is just running wild. “Are you alright?” Juan puts his hand on my back and I could feel my heart skip a beat for a second. I look over and see his body pumped from all the bussing he has been doing. His pecs nearly rip apart the fabric of the crop top. They fold on top of his abs. His shoulders and back are round balls of meat. His face is chiseled, and his eyes look at me with all sincerity. “I’m fine, this four top is being difficult.” “You know, I’m a busser for a reason,” Juan smiles at me. “I can take a pounding. Do you want me to talk to them?” “No, it will be fine. Thanks,” I smile back at him. I watch Juan walk away. His muscle ass and legs move against the fabric of his jean shorts with power. I give the shakes back to the four top. I make rounds to all my other tables. The food for the four top is up. But I can’t bring all the food over by myself. “Need some help?” It’s Juan. “Yeah please, I can’t take all of these trays with me,” I ask him. In an instant, Juan has a tray of food on each boulder shoulder of his. I carry the third one on my shoulder and he follows me to the four top. “Do you want anything else?” I ask. “Ketchup,” one of them says. I bring the ketchup to them. “Anything else?” “Oh yeah, salt and pepper.” “Anything else?” “Oh yeah, can we get more water?” “Anything else?” “There is no more ketchup in the bottle, can we get more?” I had gone back and forth to their table six times. My other tables were looking at me with a hungry rage. “What is going on?” Scott asks. “That four top is being really annoying. They keep asking me for things and they aren’t happy with anything.” I explain to him. “Alright, I’ll have Juan talk to them.” “I think I’m gonna need a manager,” I plead for help. “Don’t worry about it, Juan’s got it covered. He likes doing it,” Scott insists. I tend to my other tables and see Juan talking to the four top. I am able to get somewhat caught up with my other tables. Soon enough, my four top leaves. They give me a $10 tip on a $200 bill. Assholes. Juan talks over with the bussing bin and starts collecting the dirty dishes. Juan lifts the heavy bin of plates and RIIIIIIIIIIIIP! The seams in Juan’s crop top rip apart. Everyone in the restaurant looks over and cheers. Juan smiles and takes the buss bin back to the dishwashers. Juan comes back having not replaced his shirt, and still smiling. “Does he go the rest of the shift without a shirt?” “Yes,” Armie says with googly eyes. I can see the true power in all of his muscles. His chest, shoulders, and biceps, are exploding with his pump. I know why everyone is cheering now. “Hey Tiny Tim, who don’t you go on break?” Scott tells me. “There’s someone waiting for you in the back room.” The back room was different from the break room. The break room was where all of the employee’s belongings were. It was where we could eat and rest before getting back on the shift. The back room was something else entirely. I walked through the door of the back room and saw my four top that had just left. I knew what this meant. In the back room is a few weight machines and a bed. The four men look over at me and smile. “Hey Tiny Tim! Come over here.” One of them say. “Sorry we were jerks at the table earlier. We just love bossing little nerds like you around.” “I don’t mind if you boss me around, maybe next time just leave a better tip,” I snap back. “Think of this as part of your tip,” the four muscle men strip off their shirts. Their large chest and guts are covered in thick fur. They all bounce their pecs in front of me. “Touch them,” one of them commands. I go over and place my hands around the big muscle pec. The muscle monster moans as I caress his chest and his nipples. “Don’t forget about us,” one of the others say. I make my way over to the other guys. Each one I admire the size of their chest in my hands. “Now kiss our biceps,” on command they all lift their arms into a double bicep pose. The cannons of muscle explode from their arm. As I kiss their large biceps, I can’t even put my mouth around the entire thing! My erection starts to grow in my pants. I can’t get enough of their alpha power. “Looks like Tiny Tim isn’t so tiny after all!” one of them chuckles. “Alright time for a workout.” The four men take off their clothes and peel off mine as well. I let them left me up and take off my uniform and all my clothes until we are all left naked. One of the men kneels down and puts his mouth around my raging erection. Another muscle man comes behind me. He messages my asshole with lube and sticks his hard on up my tight hole. Another opens up my mouth and slides his cock down my throat. The last muscle master takes my hand and messages his cock with it. They all work together to use me and I am obsessed with it. I hear their growls becoming louder. Their thrusts become more aggressive. Simultaneously we all orgasm. The muscle monsters pour their hot come all over me. I am covered with it. They look at me with desire. They could go again, they want to go again. And I want them to. “Alright Tiny Tim, breaks over! Get cleaned up and back on the floor,” Scott shouts as he hands me a pink Protein Bar towel. All my nerves are gone as I walk back to the floor covered in muscle cum.
  13. This is a bit different from my usual stories, but I had to write it. Hope you enjoy! Feedback is so desperately needed THE PERFECT STORM Story by Muscl4life Part I After long moments of hesitation, I decided it was time to put my gifts into full test, so I finally found the courage to enter the place. It was this hardcore gym built in an old factory building of the old industrial district, at the outskirts of the city. It was strategically located in the least attractive part of town, away from the bright modern ultra clean “Health and Fitness” centers, with lots of not so-brand-new heavy-duty equipment and tons of free weights. The owner was Larry Townsend and he named it “Dragon’s Lair”, but it could have been any other cliché name like “Muscle Pit” or “Larry’s gym”, because he pretty much knew his clients didn’t bother with fancy things, they just wanted a place where they could train hard and get great mentorship from a former world champion and sports legend. At 57 years old, former NPC champion, Mr. America and three times Mr. Universe, the amazing Larry Townsend was the best advertising for his business, because he still looked amazing at 250 pounds on his 5’10” frame, some would say he looked even better now than when he got his titles. Many of his protégés were taking over the bodybuilding scene like current NPC Champion Vince Stratford, or the latest winner of Arnold Classic Madrid Lazlo Prozinsky, not to mention two-time IFBB’s Mr. Australia Zander Vandross. In fact, The Lair was so famous and coveted that new potential clients had to wait at least 6 weeks in a line to get appointment with the famous trainer and hope he would take them under his still very muscular wings. At this point, I should have told you the reason I came to look for Larry. My name is Kirben but most of people just call me Kirby, although I really hate that nickname. I’m 5’6” tall, 145 pounds scrawny pale-skinned guy, 18 years old dressed in denim trousers and dress white shirt, with dark hair combed very neatly. No one would never picture a guy like me going to the Dragon’s Lair, but I was there in a mission. I needed to test my abilities. What exactly those abilities would be, one might wonder. Well, to put it simply, I can make guys grow. But, unfortunately, it is not that simple. There are a few “ground rules” that I’ve learned through the years. For starters, I can’t grow my own body, and I have tried, trust me. In other guys, however, my powers work well. I can actually make guys grow much bigger and more muscular, regardless their exercise routine or dietary habits, but, unfortunately, the outcomes of my supernatural interference over their bodies are not exactly consistent. Sometimes, the target grows in ways I did not foresee; I have attested that with my older brother Bryan. He has always been there for me when our parents split so right when I discovered my abilities, I rewarded him by making sure no one would ever bully him. We come from a very small-bodied lineage, none of our parents and grandparents stood above 5’7” tall, and Bryan used to be the smallest guy of his class until I started using my powers on him. I focused on his body and made his body grow during the night. I did make him get big and strong, but back then I was not aware of the several implications, so it turned out he just became very tall and big bodied. Now, at 22 years old, Bryan stands at 6’10” tall and weighs close to 300 pounds of rock solid thick pounds of brawn. He might actually be the biggest graduate at Stanford’s Law School. Sadly, Bryan has no other physical talent to compliment his phenomenal size, rather than a tremendous body strength that has hurt him more than it helped. He did try many sports like football, rugby and basketball, but he was far too slow and lacked of stamina. Therefore, despite having the perfect height to feature among the greatest NBA stars, he is just one “Big and Tall” man, and that truly frustrated me. I came to conclude that my powers alone would not function in the way I first imagined. Results also depended heavily on the target’s demeanor. I realized that Bryan was actually very scared of his sudden growth spurts. Our parents took him to several doctors, afraid of some kind of rare type of tumor pressing his pituitary gland. So, despite the initial happiness about his uncanny growth rate, until my family was sure his growth was “natural”, my poor big brother felt really miserable for his unusual height and augmented body, so he never accepted the growth. Of course, I only concluded that after comparing Bryan’s case with that of my second target: my best friend Theo. He was born in Laos and moved with his family to the US when he was still a baby and we became friends ever since elementary school. Unlike myself, Theo was very active, outdoorsy kid, who practiced wrestling, gymnastics and played soccer! Unfortunately, even that did not impede him from being victim of those bigger mean bullies, who loved to pick on my friend because he looked different. I knew I had to help Theo to stand up against those nasty dudes, but since I did not sleep in the same room with him every night, I needed to be more creative about the time to use my abilities. I soon discovered that Theo’s different competitions and physical activities were the perfect window for me to focus on his physique, feeding his body with my growing gift, without realizing that my external help actually made him excel in everything he tried! I stood there, casually cheering for my best friend while his body grew stronger and more powerful. Since I did not have the same amount of time to focus on Theo’s development, I soon learned how to pack the same kind of growth by focusing more intensely in shorter periods. Not to mention that the fact he was always playing, fighting or trying his best to overpower the challenges around him also contributed a lot to my goals. As it becomes obvious at this point, Theo was a rather successful experiment. Even at the tender age of 14 years old, Theo already stood at 5’6” tall, weighing close to 175 pounds of hard muscle, and unlike Bryan, he was visibly happy, and excited about his physical prowess. By that time, he decided he should focus on wrestling, and he was by far stronger and more capable than anyone he ever fought. I remember we used to talk about the way he always won his adversaries with ease, and how he considered me his “indispensable lucky charm”. Theo actually convinced the Coach to make me the official team’s mascot just to make sure I would never miss any championship he attended (although I hated using that stupid pirate costume). Theo became a true sports hero in our school, and a great role model for the other teammates, because not only he stood against who used to give him a bad time just because he was Asian, my best friend also defended anyone from being bullied. I was so happy that I finally was able to change a guy in such phenomenal way! By the time we were high school sophomores, Theo stood proudly at 5’11” and weighed 200 pounds of hard toned muscles with an invincible retrospect on his career. I focused so intensely on his development, but for some reason he was growing in a much slower pace. Theo actually told me very excited that he had a shot on Olympic team, but he needed to keep under 225 pounds. It was then I realized that I needed to let go off Theo’s growth, otherwise I would end up doing the same thing I did to Bryan. He eventually became an Olympian contender, and came back home with a gold medal, and I didn’t help him at all during the competitions. I discovered the target has to feel happy about his growth, but at that point, I did not know if target’s awareness could actually influence the outcome of my abilities. I accidentally found out the answer when I volunteered to work in a home for senior citizens, trying to spruce up my extracurricular activities to score higher at the fancy universities like my parents so eagerly wanted me to do. There I met Arthur Greenspan, a 72-year-old black man who had served many years as a police officer. Because of his bad eating habits and lack of exercise, Mr. Greenspan was seriously overweight and had developed type 2 diabetes associated to high blood pressure and suffered severe case of gout. Doctors also feared that he could lose his left foot, which was gravely infected. Despite all that, Mr. Greenspan was a very cheerful person, with whom I loved to talk during my afternoons in the home. He always had a good story to tell from his old crime-fighting days, but always asked me to sneak in candy bars for him. Deep down I realized that felt very lonely in that place, so I one day I told him that I could help him, but he needed to help me back. I spent that afternoon talking to Arthur, telling him all the story of Brian and Theo and how I managed to change their lives, and that I wanted to do the same to him, but he needed to trust me, and I knew it was very hard to believe at first. Mr. Greenspan heard it all very patiently, although he had a skeptical look on him. I did not care because all the time I was focusing on his body, trying to change the fat into muscle, trying to make his organism revert into a healthy state, which was rather different from my previous attempts, where I simply needed to wish my target to grow more muscular and stronger. However, to our uttering surprise, Arthur’s body reacted much faster than we both expected. Soon, he noticed his once flabby; fat body was tingling all over. His fat tissues were literally melting away, slowly changing into food for his muscular development. I still could not fully comprehend the impact of Arthur being aware of my abilities over the outcome, but I’d soon discover. I was prepared to spend several days working on Mr. Greenspan’s transformation, being careful to feed just enough not to hurt his old organism, but I forgot that in his prime days, Arthur was a man in formidable physical form. He stood at 6’2” tall and weighed 215 pounds by the time he joined police after being mariner for 7 years, so at the peak of his condition, Arthur was a prime specimen of muscular strong man, and for such reason his body responded promptly to my powers, in a way that I never witnessed before. We both stood there, watching the formerly obese man changing back into the physique he had in his glory days. On top of that, his injured foot healed immediately as the blood sugar levels lowered drastically because all the excessive sugar and fat instantly converted into muscular tissue, despite the fact Arthur was already a man of advanced age; his organism regained the same vigor and size of its prime glorious days. It was impressive that his peak condition could be so easily restored simply like that, without me having to build his size as I did with my previous targets. Arthur gasped while the clothes over his fast changing body became tight for all the different reasons. At some point, I realized that Arthur’s bodyweight was indeed much heavier than his glory days, so instead of just “slimming down”, I could use the energy stored in the fat tissues and sugar blood to foster new growth for his muscles! I focused harder to change his own spectacular form into something even bigger, even manlier, even harder! The retired police officer moaned, since that, along with his muscularity, I had also unadvisedly brought his libido back with a burning desire. His large manhood stood fully erect inside his pants, tenting up as his muscles augmented. I hear his deep moaning as his voice regained its regal, deep, manly authority. His powerful leg muscles increased and developed as I fed the transformation over his impressive physique. Arthur’s growing deltoids, expanding chest, ballooning biceps, widening shoulders, thickening neck and augmenting triceps continued to amaze me, because the reactions to my power have never been so intense. At that point, I also noticed that my considerably smaller dick was also completely hard, so I had added another component of that complex equation to the mix. My own state of sexual arouse contributed strongly not only to the result but also to its pace. I knew myself to be gay and attracted to muscular, manly men, but since my previous targets were my brother and Theo (who I cherished like a real brother), I actually had to restrain the sexual implications of the growth, which significantly reduced the outcome of my abilities. There I stood with a 6’2” tall massive Nubian King of Muscles, and Arthur weighed over 300 pounds of hard incredibly muscles, and a massive 11 inches cock, which I gladly discovered to respond to my powers as well. The glorious muscle grandpa just smiled as he stepped closer to me and hugged me in his powerful, manly, massive embrace. He looked at my face with such manly authority and determination. Arthur said that he never felt better in his life, and in order to emphasize his argument, the monstrous muscle man flexed his now 25” biceps, so hard and veined right in my face and ordered me to grope it, to kiss it, to make it bigger! Something inside me was so happy to oblige! I finally understood that my powers were to please a man who truly understood the amazing potential of those abilities. I kissed his flexed biceps, my tongue dancing around the hard fibers and licking the angled rugged stone of muscle, while my mind flooded his body with more growth, propelled by oy own lustful desires. Greenspan gasped, moaning deeper as his body augmented even further, while his clothes literally ripped from his body because his actual muscular size now surpassed his former obese forms, easily destroying the fabric and continuing to expand outwards as my feverish lustful mind commanded. He continued to flex his growing biceps and held my body with just one massive calloused hand underneath my arse. I felt the huge finger of my massive muscle master easily ripping through the fabric of my own pants and underwear, the invading body easily went up my virgin hole and I clinched in reflexive response. We both felt the sudden increase of the growth and Arthur just smiled and told me he would be honored to be my first. I blushed, he inserted his second and third fingers and kissed my lips, in such vivid, manly, passionate way that I lost any sense of direction. The kiss lasted until I had no air left in my lungs, gasping desperately to breathe. Arthur laughed at that, his growing body also made him look so regal, so magnificently masterful, so obscenely humongous! He gently caressed my face and threw his head back, amazed to the extent of his transformation. He thanked me once again, kissing my eager, unexperienced lips and firmly guiding me through the action. He stopped me to show when I should be sucking and when to let him suck, to savor our lips together and just let passion flow through us. His body augmented even more as my virginity blossomed to him, I could sense his enormous figure increased as I got closer to be fucked by the first time. The glorious black muscle daddy brought me to his bed, which, although fortunately reinforced to support his weight, creaked and squeaked as his new muscular figure laid on it. He just chuckled and removed the remainder of my clothes, ripping my shirt with his teeth, spitting them at the other side of the room. I thought I’d be nervous to be fucked by such a massive tower of man with an obelisk of black cock, which I realized to be over 14 inches of impressive size, but I was surprisingly calm and excited. Arthur was a massive gentleman, he gently spread my legs and used his own spit, mixed with the incredible amount of precum leaking from his member to lube my own boyish cherry hole. The moment Greenspan penetrated me for the first time I unleashed such an unparalleled wave of growth power into Arthur’s body that made him grow so much more muscular so fast that his entire left side grew too big for the right side. Fortunately, right at the next moment his body bulged back into this perfect monstrosity, and the glorious muscle monster just chuckled, complimenting me for not being a virgin anymore, which I replied by asking him to fuck me really hard. It was then I discovered that I can really grow a man when he is fucking my boyish anus, each time his engorged member went deeper inside my skinny body I made him grow ever so massive, ever so powerful, ever so muscular. Arthur just groaned, making me feel even better as he readjusted his bigger body, worried that his uncanny mass could accidentally crush my tiny skinny body underneath it. All of a sudden, I caused my first growthgasm as Arthur quickly nicknamed it. My eyes rolled back in their orbits and I let a primal scream of pleasure escape my throat as the monstrous cock dumped a hot torrent of jism inside my butt and right then I replied by unloading my own diminutive ejaculation over his black wall of abdominal muscles. But if my physical cum was nothing remarkable, the energetic breakthrough of my orgasm fed Arthur’s body into a frenzy of muscle growth. We were both shaking as his muscles developed even further, his body augmented and adjusted, growing even thicker and more massive, his shoulders expanded, his biceps engorged, his legs thickening, the calves flexing and growing while his chest pressed heavier over my head. The body convulsed with several different spots for uncanny muscle growth. Eventually, the bed broke down at the immense weight that Greenspan now carried into his monumental frame. I only came back to my senses a few moments later, with Arthur nursing me in his massive inside a room, which was not the same we fucked. He then told me that I had passed out after my orgasm, and he realized we could never explain the situation without running my secret, so he grabbed his stuff and burst through the wall carrying my slim figure with him. Arthur took us back to his house (that albeit listed to sell, fortunately never attracted a decent offer). It was the first time I saw him after the transformation, and he was proud to show me the facts, which got me so happy and shocked! The 6’2” 270 72-year-old formerly obese man was gone and in his place Arthur Greenspan now stood as a behemoth of 7’2” tall weighing 1,300 pounds of hulking, inhumanly HUGE massive size of muscles. His cock, which never got fully soft again, reached 14 inches long at that semi-flaccid state, and full 26” massive inches when fully hard. His flexed biceps reached 52” around and he had uncanny 120” chest, not to mention his 78” thighs with calves that reached the same size of his arms, which only made him look a perfect monster of muscle. The mixture of his senior features and the look of wisdom of his experienced days combined to the vigorous monstrosity of his new muscles made my heart melt. I hugged his monstrous body and begged him to fuck me again, sincerely hoping that I could make him even bigger! Sadly, I discovered that I would never grow Arthur the way I grew him. I mean, I still made him grow at least 250 pounds since we started, a few weeks earlier, but his massive transformation was limited to that fantastic day. Not that he complained, quite the contrary! Arthur made my life complete as he fucked me in ways I never thought possible, he taught me all his tricks and our sex is just incredible! However, my humongous muscle master is truly a wise one. He could tell I felt frustrated for never being able to grow my targets the way I really wanted to change them, so he told me that he would always be there to me, but I needed to search the world for a perfect storm. With Arthur’s motivation, I searched all archives about bodybuilding and strength sports in order to track down elder men with greatest physical qualities who still kept in great shape throughout the nation, I needed someone to combine everything I learned over the years in order to achieve full success. That’s why I came to find Larry Townsend. I want HIM to become my Ultimate Muscle Daddy, so I have to make sure that the subject is completely aware that I can make him grow, he must accept and embrace it, he must not only be okay with it. And most important, he needs to make me excited for making him grow. I truly hope Larry Townsend will fulfill all those requirements, because then I will have my Perfect Storm. To be continued.
  14. msclvrtoo

    Just Dave And Me - Part I

    Here's Part I of four parts Just Dave and Me”: Part I By [email protected] [This story contains consensual sex between adult males. There is no intent to assess the sexual “preferences or activities of any individual with names similar to those in this fictional story. Read and enjoy.] Important Set-Up I wondered if this was just a dumb idea. I hoped not. I wasn’t sure. I knew that I’d thought about this for a long time. So, in that sense, it was important to me. Yet, how the hell do you know what to expect? Really? These questions were zooming around in my head when the main door to the clinic opened. “Mr. Scott Reynolds? Dr. Russell will see you now,” announced a young lady who acted too old for her age. I had a brief mental picture of what a smiling hugely muscled young body-builder stud might look like if he were sitting there instead of her. As I walked down the hall, the last few months flashed through my mind in just seconds. I had inherited a pretty sizeable chunk of money from my now deceased grandfather. As a single gay man, pushing 50, I was already in good financial condition. My business was successful. I was able to take vacations when I wanted. The only thing that was missing was a partner – a partner in mind, body and spirit. Sure, I’d had some “relationships” and have some good friendships, but no “partner partner.” I’d decided to take part of the inheritance and do something I’d fantasized about for years. This is about what I’ve thought about for years, especially every time I was in the cock-hardening company of one of those fabulously massive masculine muscular (I call them my “3Ms”) bodybuilder escorts. After weeks of intensive Internet research, I found the Institute for Human Potential. I went to their website and received some literature in the mail. While they had a lot of traditional therapy and new-age programs, I focused on their “experiential fantasy” program. It wasn’t therapy. I didn’t need any more of that. The idea of “fantasy,” though sounding a little hokey, made sense given what I was looking for. I had a lot of background participating in and delivering experiential education for adults. So I was already on board with “experiential.” Short of a long-term partner, what I was looking for was an experience with one very special man. This man would be my powerful, loving, totally and massively built loving father figure. This would be completely different from my abusing deceased real father (he died when I was ten) and my stepfather. I would be his son, a son who he would love unconditionally and allow me to explore whatever I needed to explore and didn’t as a kid. My idea was that we would be together, very intimately, for maybe a week or so at some great vacation spot. As a result of our time together, I would regain a sense of my masculine power that I threw away in my early teens and am now, pushing 50, just beginning to relish. My hope was that in that week, I would be with him and he with me… in ways that would literally push my own transformation as a powerful masculine male into high gear. I can imagine and see it now. God, he is one very muscular huge guy and ruggedly handsome, too! His smile is intoxicating me. As I lay on top of him, my cock is as hard as a rock and feels like it is going to explode. It’s in between his gigantic thighs. He keeps flexing those steel-corded monsters and crushing my cock like a human grinding machine. I jam it in hard each time he flexes and tries to stop me. We’re both into a nice power trip here. He’s turned on that I’m so turned on, and that is fabulous. I get off my elbows and let myself sink deep down into his cast-iron pecs and hairy chest. I rest my head in his crevice and gently lick the hair and the side of his right pec. It’s like I’m resting on two hard rocks being warmed by the sun. He flexes those mountains and my head rises an inch as he thrusts his chest out. My eyes remain about a half-inch (in an extraordinary side view) from some incredible striations that are even more sexy because they’re covered with light brown hair. As I slide my head up a bit, my heart leaps as I gaze at his square chin and the top of his neck, covered in a sexy light stubble. God, how sexy can a guy get? His high neck muscles and cords tighten as he moves his head from side to side showing off what he’s got. The dark stubble (only a short inch from my mouth) sits on top of these beautiful muscles provokes something damn deep in me. Very primitive and very powerful. He has an intoxicating musky man-scent. My lust starts me sweating again. My heart is racing. My tongue starts licking the underside of his stubbled chin. He tastes so delicious, so manly. My tongue feels like its licking soft warm steel, only now it’s covered with sandpaper -- slowing my tongue’s explorations to a deliciously slow pace. In addition to loving armpits, and the back of a concrete and corded neck, I quickly add this part of a man’s anatomy – a massive thick and corded neck -- to my turn on list. The power in his neck just blows me away. It is amazing how beautiful big bulges of muscle strips can be as they move gracefully down into his naturally explosive traps and shoulders. He knows it and he’s still getting off watching me go just a little nuts. And then he tightens his already concrete-like thighs against my cock, again, and again, and again. I flex my cock right back each time. It doesn’t get much better than this. That’s what I see is possible, for starters. Back To Reality I was quite direct and blunt with Dr. Russell about what I was looking for and why. He explained that what I was looking for was often called “surrogate services.” There seemed to be a good match between my expectations, what they offered, despite the “no guarantees” ground-rule. He talked about the different reasons for “surrogate services” and the roles surrogates can play. I’d written down what I was looking for and read him this list, making no apologies for what I wanted. I’m so grateful I didn’t let my embarrassment stop me. This guy would be a mature man, probably in his late 30’s or 40’s. He should be at least 6 feet tall and built like a competitive bodybuilder. He need not be cut for competition, but should have a lot of thick, bulging muscle. It makes no difference if he’s hairy or shaved. He doesn’t have to look like a handsome movie star. Dark or blond features made no difference. I told him I wasn’t interested in any S&M, dangerous stuff, or physical or emotional abuse. He seemed to understand. I continued to explain that I wanted a guy who was willing to play something like a father or big brother role and do it with a lot of respect and love towards me. He’d be willing to completely give himself physically and emotionally to me --- providing some of the experiences of being with a man that I’d wanted for years. He’d be the kind of guy that would love getting turned on himself and revel in sharing his body and totally masculine self with me. I indicated I didn’t expect a relationship out of this beyond the week. I did expect a guy who was a big heart and was 100% willing to give that to me, especially in body and passionate muscle worship, sexual passion, and tender caring. I’d been with enough escorts to know that what I had in mind was a very temporary experience. Yes, it is self-centered and narcissistic. Yet, I just saw myself as coming out of the week with a newfound sense of my own masculine power, having been coached and loved into that by a great big muscleman with a great big heart. Maybe it would help me in my own growth as a man and as a potential partner. Maybe it wouldn’t. I was willing to take the chance and spend the money. If nothing else, it would be a nice vacation with the potential for some great muscle sex with a massive, masculine, muscular (“3M”) god. Dr. Russell told me that the Institute had been approached by a number of gay men over the years with some similar, though not the same requests. He reviewed the process used to recruit and contract with surrogates. He asked me to be patient, given the specificity of my requirements. It would take time to find the right guy and train him in the basics, if he wasn’t already “trained.” We agreed that once the guy was selected it would be wise for him and I to meet informally, discuss the week, and check for chemistry. I gave him a retainer and a picture of me. Fortunately, I was a reasonably good-looking guy, although a tad heavy. At the end of our session, he made sure I understood the “no guarantees” aspects of this little project. At the same time, I felt excited by his confidence that his network would turn-up the right guy, either locally or nationally. Three weeks went by. My fantasies were going nuts. I was going nuts. I was masturbating like there was no tomorrow. As someone on the muscle-sex internet network said, “I hope masturbation is healthy, because if it isn’t, I’m gonna die soon.” My all time favorite, Pete K., kept popping into my dreams and daydreams. I loved to think about how cool it would be if it turned out to be Pete, Carl, Nassar, Ron, Gunter, Mike M. or any of the others – all legends that had been imprinted on my mind for years. I also had lots of moments of doubt. None of my friends or family knew my plan, yet. And, maybe I’d just keep it too myself and my special friend and coach, Rob. The Power of Fantasy and the Mind’s Creativity For the last couple of days, I keep seeing Nassar, Mike M. and Gunter in the same room with me. I’m on my massage table and these truly huge gods are getting very turned on as they turn each other on and take turns turning me on. It’s just after a recent Mr. Olympia contest and these three monsters are cut into ribbons on top of bulging mountains of steel hard muscle. They’re tanned, flawlessly oiled, and their sweat makes their bodies glisten in the light as they move from pose to pose. My favorite sexy monster, Nassar, is “calling cadence” and they all move at the same time from the same pose to the same pose. “Double biceps guys.” Their eyes are fixed on me, watching each of my reactions. “Give him your most muscular, now!” he orders. Smiles cross their faces when my cock does another leap. “Turn and flair those big backs, now!” When they’re not looking at me, they’re fixated on each other, driven to turn each other on which, by the look of their beautiful baskets, they are being very successful at. “Side chest, now!” Mike’s huge basket is wrapped in a tissue-like red fabric that is getting nearly transparent as the sweat drips down the crevices of his torso. It’s right next to my left shoulder and getting bigger and bigger. I’m overwhelmed trying to keep track of a set of huge arms that are covered with veins and his growing basket. “Abs, now!” Gunter, my blond and perfectly tanned Gunter, is in a sheer white strap that is barely holding his balls and cock in place. I see his piss slit through the fabric as his cock starts moving up to the edge of his left hip strap, about ready to push itself out in full glory. His smile is devastating. “Thighs, now!” barks Nassar. It disgusts me that he kept coming in number two in Mr. Olympia. “Traps and upper body, now!” If these judges would only weight symmetry, he’d have been on top for at least two years. For our session, he’s chosen to wear his signature black posing strap. It’s not a trunk. It’s not a brief. This extraordinary mountain of man wears a tiny strap that leaves nothing to the imagination. “Front lat spread, now!” His bulging basket is in between my toes at the foot of the table. He thrusts it in and I playfully hook my big toes on each strap and pull him forward and each strap pulls away from his incredibly sexy waist. A sly, knowing smile crosses his face and he plays right along with me. Then he turns and looks at his right bicep – both top muscles and his tricep (like a spare tire) jump as he pumps and pumps for everyone’s benefit. “Resting pose, now!” Completely out of my conscious control, my cock explodes in volleys of warm, thick cum. All these gorgeous men let loose with cheers as they watch their extraordinary collective impact on me. Shit, I had no idea I could pump so much cum…no idea…at least up until now. Progress One Friday morning, the phone rang. It was Dr. Russell. “Mr. Reynolds, do you have a few moments?” My heart leaped into my throat. “Sure,” I said with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. “I know it’s taken a while, but I think we’ve found a terrific guy for you. He’s on the west coast so you’d have to pay for his travel to meet you the first time or you could go meet him. That would be in addition to the travel to the resort if you decide to hire him. We just couldn’t find the right guy locally.” “Why do you think he’s such a good match? “ I asked, feeling very proud of not getting too excited too quickly. “He’s 45, gay, a competitive bodybuilder competing in masters tournaments. His name is Dave and he’s 6’3” and 285 pounds. He’s actually been an escort from time to time over the years but “moved up” to doing this kind of surrogate work a couple of years ago. A couple of my colleagues in L.A. recommended him. They also gave him some basic training in doing surrogate work. Dave is a rehabilitation therapist, in-between partners, and has a flexible work schedule. I wanted to call you first before I spoke with him directly. Are you interested?” “Absolutely,” I said. Dr. Russell said he’d do a telephone interview with Dave and cover all the things I was interested in and see if he was interested in the engagement. He also said he has a good “sixth sense” for people, even on the phone and would put that to work. I told him to not take it further with Dave if he didn’t think it was a good match. I thanked him, hung the phone up, and started sweating from a combination of anxiety and a rush of adrenaline. My mind flipped into a fast forward fantasy We had only moments ago entered a luxurious guest room. While still in our street clothes (his pants and shirt were very small and very tight and he looked absolutely incredibly powerful and gorgeous) he invited me over to the big over-stuffed chair. Neither of us wanted to waste any time given the weeks of planning. He sat his huge body down and motioned me to come over and sit on his lap. I knew I’d be sitting on his hard cock – I could see it through his tight jeans – poking up towards his right hip. He was so relaxed, so friendly, so focused on me. I was melting. After mentally flipping through at least five “lap positions” in a few nano-seconds, I decided to sit with my back into his chest so he could wrap his muscular hairy arms and hands around me and squeeze like there was no tomorrow. He knew exactly what to do. He asked me if it was okay if he held me in his arms. I just nodded. How wonderful that he really appeared to want to do what I wanted. I put my hands and forearms on top of his and squeezed his huge wrists while he gently squeezed my arms into my torso and my back into his flexed pecs. I just let myself go, sink into him, and savor this amazing moment. I’ve always been hooked on the total arm, with hair. It was like resting on top of warm steel. Then he started to rotate and pump his cock and abdominals into my ass. The power in his body just overwhelmed me. I was feeling so many muscles flex and move at the same time that I couldn’t believe it was real. It was real, and I could tell he just wanted to enjoy it all. He told me how much he liked feeling his own body against mine and how sexy it was to watch and feel me damn near lose all control. Another Call from Dr. Russell A week later Dr. Russell called again and announced that he was very impressed with Dave and thought that it would be worth my time and money to meet him. Again, I asked him “What impresses you?” “He’s a great combination of sensitivity and inner strength. We talked about his experiences as a surrogate, though mostly with women. He had worked with a few gay guys and felt more at home and more able to understand and respond to what men really wanted. The fee was satisfactory for him. His schedule is flexible with enough notice to his boss. If you give me your email, I’ll forward his photo. You’ll be delighted at how close he matches what you were looking for physically. Both physically and otherwise, he’s quite an impressive guy. Do you want to meet him?” “Yes,” I said with a clearly excited edge. We agreed that Dr. Russell’s staff would handle the arrangements. I’d fly out to L.A. and spend a night downtown, with Dave and me meeting for a meal or coffee. After two weeks of non-stop muscle fantasies I landed in L.A. and went to the Biltmore. I stopped masturbating two days before. As hard as that was, I wanted to have all my engines ready in case something great might happen. Dave had left a message and a day telephone number. Before I even unpacked, I called him up. I was amazed at how relaxed I was. “This is Dave.” “Hi Dave, this is Scott Reynolds.” “Great, I’ve been waiting for you to call.” “Thanks for your message and my schedule is open. What does yours look like?” “ I kept dinner and this evening open, as well as tomorrow around lunch. Unless the air travel bushed you, would you like to have dinner together?” “Sounds good to me.” “Let’s make it easy and plan to eat in the main dining room of your hotel. Would that be ok?” “Sure. What time?” “How about 6pm?” “Fine and I’m laughing because I certainly don’t need to ask you what you look like. I got your picture from Dr. Russell.” “I got yours too. Should be no problem.” “See you at 6pm Dave.” “I’m looking forward to meeting you.” “Thanks. Same goes for me.” Oh my God. I was damn near hyperventilating with another combination of anxiety and excitement. His picture. His picture was astounding. He was in a pair of very small posers that could not hide an extremely big package. I’d never seen a package that big before…only in morphs. I’d been looking at the thing everyday for the last two weeks. He’s a blond version of Pete K. A great combination of muscle mass, cuts, and a flurry of hair across his square pecs and down his six pack of abs. His hair is cut short and he has an easy look about him. I love his confident, mature and very masculine look. I hope his insides match his outsides. If they don’t, I’ll walk away from this and tell Dr. Russell to start another search. But, still, I had a good feeling about him. I loved the soft yet strong sound of his voice. He seemed truly interested in meeting and was well organized. I liked that. More Fantasy My mind flashed back on what it might be like in the guest room. God, as we lay down in our clothes on the big bed, I couldn’t wait to explore his bulging basket, straining his tightly wrapped and faded jeans. I had a hunch from the definition of his cock and its expansion (that was now up to his narrow waist) that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. I ground myself into his hulking body and moved myself down his torso, over his cinder block abs. I locked my arms on either side of his narrow waist and spreading lats. It felt unnatural – my arms weren’t parallel – they were twice as wide at my hands as I pulled my elbows in to lock onto his tiny waist. Then, as I put my nose and closed mouth on top of his huge hard steel tube, it was clear he was very very hard. It had to be at least eight inches. Its thickness was challenging the stretch of his jeans up and down its length. The fabric tension between the top ridge of his cock “downhill” on either side of his jeans was amazing. God, I truly love the mystery of a huge basket, cock, and balls being covered. I tried to push it with my mouth and rubbed it with my nose. There was no give --. None. I looked up at him with a big smile. He moved his arms back behind his head with a very self-satisfied grin on his face and said “I’m all yours, Scott. Go for it, buddy.” Just to make his point even clearer, he arched his back and thrust his hips up to within two inches of my slightly raised face. Okay, Scott, get back to reality here. After a two-hour nap, I put on some good-looking casual clothes and fussed with myself enough to get me to the point of feeling “well put together” – especially important for our first meeting. In the restaurant I found a table somewhat off in the corner and left instructions with the hostess that I was waiting to be joined by another “gentleman.” I liked using that word, “gentleman.” I was sipping at my water and watching the glass doors. When a particular guy walked in, I knew it was him. I felt instantly weak (It’s easy for me to feel truly weak with muscle guys. But, of course, we already know that! ). God, what a huge guy, even from forty feet away. He was dressed in dress slacks, a faux turtleneck, and a light brown tailored sports jacket. Damn. He was literally bulging out of his jacket. My mind went nuts for a moment imagining his bare, cut, and hairy arms, and his massive thick neck. Despite the close haircut, he had a full head of hair, a mixture of blond and some brown. Sexy is an understatement. I’d clearly hit pay dirt in the mammoth physique department. I’d dreamed of this meeting for so many years. It really was happening. I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude, excitement, and lust, lots of lust. As he walked so gracefully and easily over to the table, I stood up, came around in front of the table (I was trying to hide my nervousness), looked directly into his eyes, and put my hand out, confidently. We both said “hello and good to meet ya’” at the same time. We both chuckled. My knees still felt a little jittery. I was already perspiring again. We said down across from each other. I really was nervous now. He seemed incredibly relaxed. He said it was a little too hot and he got up and took his jacket off. Now, that was an experience to watch that will forever be burned into my memory. It amazes me that already huge and massive muscles can look even more so when covered in a tight full-body top. Fuck, he just exuded sexual energy and hyper-masculinity in extreme proportions. I knew he was watching my eyes dart all over him as I tried to comprehend the massive musclegod that was now right next to me. He smile seemed to say “Yeah, I understand…get this all the time.” My very stiff cock was aching in a way it hadn’t in years. End of Part I Part II to follow. Copyright©[email protected] Feedback welcomed. No flames, please.
  15. Guest

    The muscle frat (8)

    Eight The next morning Tristan was wolfing down his breakfast when Mark walked into the kitchen. "Ready for some training, T.?", the wrestler asked as he sat down in front of the huge teen and dug into a big bowl of cereal. "Can't wait to toss your frail body around", Tristan replied with a grin and shrugged his shoulders, making striations explode across his wide, perfectly round delts. Mark took in the display of male dominance and emptied his bowl. "I'll grab my gear and meet ya in the locker room", he said and got up. In the locker room, Brad was getting ready for his morning workout. He'd just put on his workout gear when he heard the door open. "Hi, Brad" Brad turned around and saw Mark, the heavyweight wrestle champ entering. "'sup", he replied. "In for some practice", Mark said as he went to his locker and put his bag in front of it while he unlocked it. "Who's the victim?", Brad asked as he tossed his towel over his shoulder and locked his locker. "Oh", Mark began but was cut off by the opening door. "Ya're already here", Tristan said as he entered and saw the heavyweight wrestler. "Bro?", he asked as he noticed his older brother in the center of the room. Brad stared in horror at his massive brother who seemed to fill the entire locker room with his presence. "You guys are brothers?", Mark let out incredulously. "Yeah. He's 3 years older than me. But you wouldn't say", Tristan said smugly and stepped up to his brother. Brad gulped as his younger brother towered over him. "I guess I have the good genes. Don't ya agree, bro?", Tristan said playfully and put his right paw atop his brother's bare shoulder. A hint of disappointment flickered in his eyes as no tingling sensation brook out. "Mind if I pass and get to the gym?", Brad said as deeply as possible. "Good idea, bro. You need to grow a bit to be a real man", Tristan replied and put some pressure on his brother's muscular shoulder. Brad felt his brother's fingers dig into his delts and his knees buckled a bit from the force. He summoned every ounce of strength not to sink to the ground. "Don't want to disturb you ladies but I'ld like to get some practice in", Mark said. "Catch ya later, bro", Tristan said to Brad as he let go of his shoulder and turned to the wrestler. Brad headed over into the gym for his morning workout, hurrying to get away from his brother. "You have a singlet, T.?", Mark asked while he grabbed his customized blue singlet from his locker. "Nope", Tristan stated, "why don't we wrestle in our boxers?". He took off his hoodie and pulled off his shirt. "Fine", Mark replied and put his singlet back inside his locker and stripped down to his boxers. He turned aside and gulped as he noticed how the beastly teen outsized him in every department. "Still want to go through with this?", Tristan asked mockingly while he compared their bodies: Mark's 220 pound frame was filled with thick muscles but also carried a certain amount of fat that gave him a bulky look; his own 300 pound body was a living anatomy chart with insanely ripped muscles that rippled with every breath he took. "Let's do this", Mark said and led the teen beast over into the wrestle hall. Tristan followed the heavyweight wrestle champ and stopped in the center of the mat as instructed. He looked at his 220 pound training partner who faced him from a few feet away. He nodded as Mark explained the basic rules. "Ready, T.?", Mark asked as he took a defensive position. "Bring it on, little guy", Tristan replied. He was surprised by the swift attack of his opponent and felt the guy's hand grabbing his neck before he could react. He braced his thick legs for support and his right paw grabbed the champ's neck while his left hand interlocked with the guy's left hand. Mark instantly felt the beastly teen's incredible force and flexed his heavily muscled quads to withstand the counterattack. His strong left arm was being pushed back by his opponent's 30 inch arm. He jumped backward to free himself and took a few deep breaths to control his breathing. "What have I gotten myself into?", he thought as he kept his gaze on his huge opponent. "Running away?", Tristan asked as the champ retreated. He moved in on the heavyweight wrestler. Mark anticipated the attack and dove under the paws that reached for him. He found himself inches from the teen beast and wrapped his 22 inch arms around the guy's torso in a bear hug. "Trapped?", he asked playfully and hardened his grip, veins exploding along his arms. "Ugh", Tristan let out in surprise as the strong arms hardened around his torso. "Guess again", he replied and lifted his thick arms up to easily break the grasp. Mark stumbled back in disbelief: until now, no one had ever broken free from his bear hug. He held up his hands in a defensive motion and thought about his next move. "My turn", Tristan growled and moved in on the heavyweight wrestler. Mark followed his huge opponent's moves, he knew he didn't stand a chance if the beastly teen could grab him. So he took a step back with every step the 300 pound Tristan made in his direction. As he turned in circles to maintain the distance, Mark felt his own breathing slow down and he also noted from the heaving of his opponent's protruding chest that Tristan wasn't used to training. "Tired, big guy?", he asked tauntingly. Tristan let out a low, vibrating grunt in response. "Quit dancing around and fight", he barked and moved in. Mark saw the teen beast slight lower his arms as he stepped toward him and made his move: he dodged the paws and moved swiftly behind his 300 pound opponent, his arms reaching underneath the perfectly round, cannonball-sized shoulders as his big hands reached for the back of the thickly muscled neck. "What the ...", Tristan said, surprised by the heavyweight wrestler's sudden move. Mark's hands joined together and he locked them hard, securing his full nelson atop the thick traps. "Gotcha", he said into the teen beast's ear. Tristan shrugged his shoulders, making his traps mound upward and budging against the hands locked behind his neck. He felt the grasp giving away against his meaty traps and repeated the process. Striations exploded across his wide shoulders as he shrugged them once more. Mark felt his grip being pushed apart and used every trick he'd learned over the past years, holding onto the beastly teen's neck with everything he got left. A wave of euphoria went through him as he managed to maintain his full nelson. His cock hardened a bit from the friction against the muscular lower back. "No fucking way", Tristan groaned as he tried getting free. He tried reaching for the heavyweight wrestler, but his 30 inch arms couldn't free him like before. No matter what he tried, his opponent refused to let go and was wearing him out. He felt the cock harden against his back, sending a responsive jolt through his own flaccid member as he slowly sank to his knees. "You give?", Mark asked in between fast breaths without releasing his hold. "I… yeah", Tristan replied. Instantly the arms let go of his neck and he laid down on his back on the mat, inhaling deeply to control his breathing. "Who's the champ?", Mark yelled and threw a double bicep pose. Excitement and adrenaline rushed through his body as he realized he'd just taken down an 80 pound heavier opponent. Tristan looked up at the heavyweight wrestler, noticing how his muscles glistened with sweat and the growing bulge inside the guy's boxers. He placed his hands aside his body and sat up, his thick triceps flexing in the process. "Congrats, man", he said, "I really thought I could take ya". "Yar strength is unreal, I felt it from the start. My experience handed me the win. If ya learn the moves, ya'll be unstoppable", Mark replied. His gaze travelled down to the growing bulge in the beastly teen's boxers. "Let's hit the showers", he said and extended his hand to help his 300 pound opponent get up. Tristan grabbed the hand and got up. He looked down into the 6 feet champ's eyes and before he could react, the guy kissed him on the lips. "What…", Tristan said as he broke the kiss. "I… ehr… sorry", Mark muttered as he looked up into the beastly teen's dark brown eyes, his heart pounding in chest as he realized the guy towered over him in height and width. "Tristan, I…", he began. "We both want this", Tristan said, grabbed the back of the heavyweight wrestler's head and pulled him in for a passionate kiss. Mark's eyes widened in surprise as his 220 pound body was pulled against the 300 pound beast and the tongue invaded his mouth. He returned the kiss and let his big hands roam the mounds of muscle that flowed into each other across the insanely wide back. The teen's thick pecs pushed into his own heavy chest and one of the guy's paws cupped his muscular ass. Black dots began dancing before his eyes as the beast kept kissing him. Tristan finally broke the kiss and took in a deep breath, making his protruding pecs dig into the harden against the wrestler's muscular ones. He felt his own dick grow to full hardness between their heavily muscled bodies along the 220 pound guy's rock-hard cock. "Fuck me", Mark moaned in pleasure as his hands grabbed the beefy biceps and tested the hardness of the beasty teen's relaxed arms. "I…", Tristan muttered and began blushing. "You're a virgin, aren’t ya?", Mark asked as he noted the shy reaction of the huge guy. Tristan nodded. "I mean… I had blowjobs before but never really", he rattled on and clenched his fists to make his bicep harden under the heavyweight wrestler's touch. Mark's rock-hard cock jolted in his boxers as the steely biceps pried open his hands. "You're cute when you blush, T.", he said, "And no worries: I've never been fucked before. We'll take things slowly". He ripped away his own boxers and did the same with the teen beast's boxers. Both their rock-hard cocks smacking against their abs as they were freed from their fabric prison. He kissed the 300 pound Tristan on the lips again and slowly leaned back, letting the teen beast gently lead him down on the wrestle mat. Tristan carefully laid the heavyweight wrestler with his back on the mat. He placed his knees aside his legs, positioned his elbows next to the guy's heavily muscled torso and kissed him once more as he was leaning over him. Their rock-hard cocks brushing against each other, sending shivers of bliss through their bodies. "Common, fuck me", Mark whispered in the teen's ear while he gently bit the earlobe and rubbed the hot surface of the thick pecs that hung over him. "Mhm", Tristan mounded and positioned the fat head of his 14 inch cock against the meaty ass of the heavyweight wrestler. "Here we go", he said as he very slowly drove his cock in between the ass cheeks. Mark's muscular back arched up from the mat as the thick head pushed passed his ass cheeks and slowly brushed against his hole. His hole clenched in anticipation. Tristan gently pushed further and let the head of his 14 incher enter the 220 pound athlete. "Umpf", Mark grunted in pleasure as the searing hot pole pushed past his defenses and invaded him teasingly slowly. His back arched further off the mat and his arms wrapped around the heavily muscled torso leaning over him, trapping his own rock-hard 10 incher between his bulky six-pack and the teen's ripped eight-pack. Tristan placed his paws against the wrestler's back and kept driving his lengthy snake inside him. Pleasure flowed through his 300 pound body as the tight ass engulfed his cock like a fleshy glove. Lightning bolt-like flashes crackled in Mark's vision as the 14 incher was completely inside him and the pubes of the teen beast's brushed his muscular ass. He felt like a ragdoll in the grasp of the hulking man and loved it: his cock was throbbing against the deeply grooved eight-pack while his hands groped the hard mass on the guy's broad back. Tristan began pumping his cock back and forth inside the clenching ass; slowly at first but faster and deeper as he seemed to gain more confidence. "UGHN", he bellowed as his balls exploded and his cock blasted a first load into the heavyweight wrestler. A spark of energy shot from the bottom of Mark's spine up into his head, exploding into a firework of white light as the beastly teen filled him with his seed. His own 10 incher exploded between their muscular bodies, covering their pecs and abs in his sticky juices. Tristan's orgasm lasted seven long, big blasts before wearing off. He gently withdrew from the 220 pound athlete and laid down next to him, his chest heaving from the orgasm. "Best sex I've ever had", Mark said and ruffled the 80 pound heavier guy's hair. He smiled as the beastly teen blushed once again. "Let's shower", he said and got up.
  16. muscleaddict

    An American Muscle God

    So this was the first story I ever wrote, I think around 2012/13. I'd since deleted it from my blog but @kadethewolf messaged me this week to say he really liked it and asked if I would send it to him. Then he suggested I post it here and I thought fuck it - maybe some of the followers my AJ & Noah and Muscle University stories had might be interested to read my first attempt at a story! So a slight of warning beforehand - there's not much in the way of an actual story. It's basically just a muscle worship encounter between a muscle lover and an American bodybuilder. I like to think my character dialogue has at least improved a bit since this story, if nothing else! AN AMERICAN MUSCLE GOD One There’s really only one thing you need to know about me. I absolutely love huge, freaky muscle. Nothing turns me on more than the sight of a ridiculously huge and insanely shredded muscle monster flexing and squeezing his superhuman mass. Every single absurdly sized and outrageously pumped body part twitching and bulging underneath his inhumanly thin, cling wrap skin. Everything and anything about the sight of a huge, ripped bodybuilder drives me absolutely crazy. From full, thick pecs which bounce and twitch with the slightest movement as if they have a life of their own to huge, pumped croquet ball shaped biceps stretching the owner’s paper thin skin to the max. From hard, shredded abs popping out of the owner’s stomach like bricks to cartoonishly huge and comically wide watermelon shaped delts. From big, thick, tree trunk quads wider than the average man’s waist to crazily developed, inhumanly striated glutes which look so hard they would break any fingers that would attempt to prize them apart. I even love the tiny, shiny, brightly coloured posing trunks they wear on stage, the way they hug the bodybuilder’s cock bulge buried in between his huge quads, and the way the back often get swallowed up into the muscle freak’s ass crack because his glutes are so damn thick and huge. I love the ridiculously dark bronzed tan they often use on stage, the way it enhances the muscles and makes them look as freakishly ripped and cut as humanly possible, and I absolutely love the arrogant, cocky, superior attitude that comes with being a monstrous mountain of muscle. The way bodybuilders arrogantly grimace, scrunch and screw their faces up as they flex their mighty mass, the cocky facial expressions, grins and smirks as if they’re saying “fuck yeah, I know I’m shit fucking hot” and the outrageous way some bodybuilders stick out their tongues and arrogantly open their mouths as wide as they can as they squeeze their phenomenally huge muscle. The knowledge that they look amazing, that they’re bigger than the average man, and that they’ve morphed their bodies into something so crazy, insane and freaky that people will stop, stare, shriek and gasp in horror at the sight of them, and the power that comes in knowing that there are people out there who are so unbelievably turned on by their indecently pumped and shockingly huge mass that the mere thought of them makes them want to cum. People who would give anything just to touch their freakishly developed muscle mass. People exactly like me. Just watching videos, or even looking at pictures of huge, bronzed, flexing muscle Gods was enough to make me lose my load, but of course, I’d always fantasised about being with a bodybuilder too. What it would be like to have a bodybuilder flexing within inches of me, seeing that huge, ripped mass twitching and bulging before my eyes, and of course, what it would be like to reach out and touch that flexed muscle. How it would feel to have that hard, pumped mass bulging and flexing beneath my fingers. Touching, feeling and squeezing the kind of gloriously shredded and otherworldly huge muscle I’d been obsessing over for years. I had always known that the possibility of this happening was fairly slim. I knew that most competitive bodybuilders were straight, and that the small percentage of gay ones would probably only be interested in other bodybuilders, not a guy like me, who had built up a small amount of muscle from regularly going to the gym, but for all intent and purposes, was still a slim guy. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect to find a bodybuilder who would make my fantasies a reality how and when I did. I wasn’t the type of guy who spent hours trawling through profiles on Internet dating sites, but every now and then I would have a look out of boredom and curiosity. I’d always discover a fair few muscular guys in London. I’d got lucky a few times and met some of the smaller ones, sometimes for dates, others just for sex, but often, they were only really interested in guys who matched their size and muscularity. I’d only ever come across a handful of guys who described themselves as “bodybuilders”, often they would be fairly big guys with a decent amount of size on them, but they were still a world away from the huge and ripped competitive bodybuilders I’d spent years fantasising about. All of that changed, however, last Saturday afternoon. I hadn’t particularly found anyone of interest online that day, the usual muscle guys I always saw, most of whom I’d already previously spoken to, or been ignored by, pages of lads I had no interest in or attraction to, and a few cute guys I didn’t really have the energy to message. I distinctly remember boredom setting in and thinking to myself that it wouldn’t be long before I logged off and found a more constructive way to spend my day, and then, as I scrolled down a page of thumbnail versions of profile pictures, I came across one which instantly made my stomach jump into my throat and my eyeballs almost pop straight out of my head and collapse onto the keyboard. It was a bodybuilder. A genuine picture of a huge, ripped, tan drenched bodybuilder in an abs and thighs pose at what looked like a competition. It was so surreal to see such an image on a gay dating website I visited regularly. In the midst of all these ordinary, regular sized guys was a huge, pumped muscle freak. Sceptical that the profile was genuine, I clicked on the profile name “american_muscle_god”, which appealed to me almost as much as the picture, and his full profile popped up in another window. As his main picture appeared in full size, I instantly recognised him. I couldn’t quite put a name to the face, but I knew who he was. He was a pretty well known American bodybuilder, who was rumoured to be gay. I got instantly hard looking at his main picture. He was handsome, with big pretty eyes, and a shaved head. In bodybuilding terms, he wasn’t huge but he was a big guy, at a guess, an amateur heavyweight competitor. The picture, as suspected, was of him in competition squeezing the most amazing abs and thighs pose. His enormous biceps were bulging either side of his head, his gorgeous looking deeply cut abdominals were fully crunched, and his phenomenally thick and amazingly detailed quads were tensed. His eyes were closed and his mouth was forced wide open in the most shamelessly cocky and arrogant facial expression. Another one of his profile pictures, a most muscular shot from the same show, beautifully showed off his impressive upper body and fully displayed his monstrous sized delts and insatiably thick pecs. As my eyes eagerly scanned the other pictures of this amazing muscle freak, a side chest shot in what looked like a gym locker room, displaying his fantastic cuts, impressive size and ridiculously gorgeous looks, and a close up shot taken in the bathroom mirror brilliantly displaying his ripped abs and huge arms, I started to wonder whether this profile could actually be genuine. My hope grew further as I scanned the brief text on his profile. Competitive American bodybuilder, 5’11, currently at 250 lbs in ripped competition condition. In town for a short time. Looking for sexy guys who appreciate big muscles. My mind was racing with questions. Could this be the real deal? If he was in competition condition did that mean he was competing here in London? He hadn’t specified what kind of guys he was interested in. Could there be any kind of small chance he’d be interested in me? I had to message him. I predicted that he’d probably received a ton of messages already so I had to make sure mine stood out. As I thought about what I could possibly say to this potentially genuine competitive bodybuilder, I realised just having the opportunity to speak to him, and the prospect of a simple reply, no matter how short, was pretty amazing. I decided to play to my strengths. I was crazy about muscle and bodybuilders and taking the sexual element of it aside, I had a genuine interest in the bodybuilding industry. Even if he didn’t consider me to be one of the “sexy guys” he was apparently looking for, maybe there was a chance he’d at least appreciate hearing from a genuine muscle fan. From: londonboy85 To: american_muscle_god Hey, man. Genuine bodybuilder/muscle fan here. Follow the competitions, been to a couple of shows, seen a lot of the big pros. Awesome to find a genuine competitive bodybuilder on here! You look amazing. Insane cuts and definition, the quads are especially crazy, awesome sweeps, incredible size all over, impressive fullness and thickness of the pecs. You say you’re in competition condition, does that mean you’re in London to compete? Would be great to hear from you, if not take it easy and keep up the amazing work. I edited the message a fair few times, read it over and over, analysed it, wondered if there was more I could say, if I’d said too much, whether he’d read it and think I was just some guy chancing my luck and ignore it, whether he’d actually read it at all. I still wasn’t completely convinced it was a genuine profile at that point. I decided I wasn’t going to just sit and stare at my PC screen anticipating whether he would reply. Instead, I stood up, walked out the room, and did some things around the flat to try and distract myself, but the only thing I could think about was whether the “American Muscle God” had responded to my message. After about ten minutes, I couldn’t stand the anticipation any longer, so I returned to my PC eagerly examining the screen for a notification that I’d received a message from the muscle freak. I got to the screen, and nothing. My heart sank, but then, about three seconds later, a message notification came through. From: american_muscle_god To: londonboy85 Hey, dude. Great to hear from a genuine fan! I’m in town competing in an amateur bodybuilding show tomorrow. Staying at a hotel in the Docklands. You’re cute! Why don’t you stop by for a visit? My stomach leapt into my chest. I couldn’t quite believe what I was seeing, and I had serious doubts about whether the profile and the message were genuine or not, but with all of those doubts came an overwhelming feeling that I was potentially being faced with a once in a lifetime opportunity that I would always regret if I didn’t take. This was something I just had to do, whatever the outcome. I agreed to go round straight away. In the messages exchanged following his original, he had described himself as “ripped to the bone, super pumped and horny as hell” which I found both a little cheesy and outrageously hot. I was incredibly nervous getting ready in my flat, and even downed two shots of neat vodka to calm my nerves. I was potentially about to meet and have sex with a real American bodybuilder in competition condition. I don’t think I’ve ever felt more nervous than I did sitting on that tube train on my way to meet the muscle God. It felt like someone was literally squeezing on my insides, and yet, sitting on that tube, feeling the slightly hazy effects of drinking vodka in the afternoon, on my way to potentially meet not just any man, but the kind of man I had fantasised over for years, not knowing what situation I was getting myself into, I also felt an incredible rush of excitement. Unfortunately, about half way through my train journey, a negative thought suddenly came into me mind which plagued me until the moment I knocked on the muscle God’s hotel room door. Why would a bodybuilder be attracted to me? I knew I wasn’t exactly the worst looking guy in the world but it was rare that I’d attract the attention of what you’d call a “muscle guy” let alone a competitive bodybuilder. In my previous experience, I found that most muscular guys were only interested in guys similar to themselves. If I struggled to attract guys who were merely muscular, why would a competitive bodybuilder find me attractive? The nerves, doubts and fears were all so prominent on the journey to the hotel, and yet, as soon as that hotel room door opened, they all seemed to disappear. I’ll never forget the moment that door opened to reveal what I can only describe as an absolutely monstrous muscle freak in a bright red tracksuit. It sounds stupid, but I had completely underestimated just how big a bodybuilder would be in real life. Sure I’d been to shows and seen bodybuilders compete on stage, but close up in the normal surroundings of a hotel room I was completely blown away by the sheer size of this monster standing before me. Everything about him was just huge and larger than life. Even his dark, bronzed hands looked bigger than an average man’s. I remember thinking how he looked like a man from another superior, almost superhuman race. He stood in the doorway with a huge friendly grin on his face. The warmest, most gorgeous smile you’ve ever seen. His bright white teeth shined and contrasted against his beautifully bronzed, almost golden skin. He was so much better looking than in his pictures and was undoubtedly one of the most handsome guys I’d ever seen in person. He was extremely masculine looking, but at the same time he had a cute, almost boyish quality. Big pretty eyes, gorgeous skin, and his head was completely shaven. I had always found guys with completely shaved heads extremely masculine and sexy and this guy was no exception. I couldn’t see much of his body as his baggy red tracksuit was zipped right to the top of his neck but one thing was for sure, the guy was an absolute tank on two legs. His unbelievably wide upper body looked about twice the width of mine. Looking at this real life muscle monster standing before me, beaming at me with the most gorgeous smile, I distinctly remember thinking how it was quite possibly the hottest image I’d ever bared witness to in my life. It wasn’t long before that would change. I was slightly taken aback at how warm and friendly his tone of voice was as he spoke. “Hey, how ya doin’? I’m Matty.” I could imagine some bodybuilders just being rude, egotistical nightmares, and yet Matty, the name I’d been struggling to remember, had the most attractive and endearing warmth about him. My head was spinning as he ushered me in and asked if I wanted a drink, but as soon as we started talking about mundane things such as the tube and where I’d travelled from, he put me at ease and made me feel extremely comfortable. His demeanour was almost as attractive as his appearance. Friendly and down to earth, while oozing an incredibly hot confidence which I imagined came as part of the parcel of being a 250 pounds muscle monster. As he was talking to me, I suddenly realised he was standing at a distance. He seemed to enjoy my company but he hadn’t actually shown any signs that he found me attractive. My fears and doubts had started to kick in again, but standing in front of him, completely dumbfounded at just how huge and amazingly hot he was, the realisation that he might not find me attractive didn’t seem so devastating, more expected. At that moment I decided that whatever the outcome, if he told me I was a nice guy but it just wasn’t going to happen and then shipped me off shortly afterwards, it had still been an amazing experience. Finding a genuine bodybuilder online, the rush of going over to the hotel, actually meeting him in person and having a conversation with an utterly monstrous and astonishingly hot American bodybuilder with the hottest accent and the most attractive ethos had already felt like something out of a dream. As he went to use the bathroom, I prepared myself for the awkward let down to come, and expected to be back on the tube within the following ten minutes. From the moment he emerged from the bathroom, however, I knew that wouldn’t be the case. The atmosphere had suddenly shifted, the friendly bravado had gone, and he was walking directly towards me with that serious, tense, longing look right before you’re about to kiss someone. I didn’t really have time to think about what was happening, and before I knew it, Matty’s lips were passionately locked to mine, and my slim, regular sized body was melting into the mammoth mountain of huge, rock hard muscle which made up his amazing body. It felt like my entire being was sinking into a huge pile of muscle mass, and I was about to be swallowed completely into an eternal abyss of pleasure. Matty’s tongue was incredible too. Like the rest of him, it felt huge and seemed to consume my entire mouth, providing me with the most amazing and sensual sensation as it wrapped and interlocked with mine. Both hard and soft in equal measures, the kissing was the kind that was so intensely passionate and unbelievably hot that you suspected if it were to go on long enough your cock would explode with no hand going anywhere near it. As we unlocked lips, we looked at each other still embraced, both smiling, with a shared sense that what had just happened had been an unspeakably hot and passionate experience. He looked even more handsome than before, with his smouldering smile and big pretty eyes, and I couldn’t quite believe that the experience was actually mine. With the kissing brought to an end, the sensation in the palms of my hands which were wrapped around and firmly placed on his enormous planet of a back suddenly heightened, and I felt an unbelievable charge of electricity. I also had the biggest hard on, as it dug into his groin and my legs sunk into the huge hard cushions of beef below his waistline. It was the kind of hard on you get when you haven’t cum for about a week, and you suddenly find yourself uncontrollably horny and badly needing to shoot a huge load. The kind of hard on where you feel like your whole cock was just pumped full of cum, and you were so immensely and unequivocally turned on that it would explode out at any given moment. As he stared into my eyes and adorably ushered the words, “You’re a cutie,” all the insecure and paranoid fears of wondering whether he would be attracted to me vanished. I suddenly became very aware of the fact that I still hadn’t even seen any of his actual body yet, which was still covered up by his red tracksuit. I had no idea at that point what this muscle freak’s body would look like in the flesh, or what effect it would have on me. Still pressed against his torso and locked into his huge arms in an affectionate embrace, I suddenly had the urge to explore every single inch of this indecently hot muscle God’s freakishly huge body.
  17. Psuace

    Muscle Worship, Series 2

    Hey guys, I took some time off from writing after I finished the first series, which you can find under my page. There were 19 chapters and a separate page with identifying the different characters. I had so much fun with the guys in that series, I decided to continue on with them. Hope you enjoy. As always, any feedback, positive or not, is welcome. Ace. Part 1, Back to the Beach We lay on our bellies on the gold and blue blanket with a hexagon pattern, under my blue umbrella. The mid-day sun is beating down on the sand around us, causing heat waves to shimmer off it. We’re both in board shorts. His, a solid navy blue one fits like a second skin on his 6’3”, tight, muscular body. Mine, a bright green one, fits perfectly over my 5’11” body, which is nothing to sneeze at either. I’ve slowly gained about ten pounds of muscle over the past 9 months and am very proud of myself, but my 175 is nothing compared to his 240. I’m making gains with my biceps and chest, which is what I want to do, but my abs have always been my best feature. This is due to years of sports in high school and college. Keeping them tight and visible has been my top priority. They are a complete six pack with inroads towards an 8 pack. I’ve kept active with sports after college, meeting Jay, and getting my job. I play tennis, beach and grass volleyball, disc golf, and some touch football. Jay likes some of these activities, but is mainly a weights guy. We hit the gym on a regular basis, but go our separate ways once there. I’ll never be in his league, weight lifting wise, but I do pretty well for a guy my size. I have a nice deep dark tan thanks to my Italian heritage, but the damn public beach and their ‘no nudity’ rules keep me from getting an ‘all over’ tan. Jay on the other hand, with his Scandinavian background and blonde complexion, burns just walking from the house to the beach, which is only a 5-minute walk. He needs to be fully clothed and wearing a hat. I do enjoy spreading lotion on his large muscled body though. We’ve gotten plenty of cat calls and whistles, and a lot of people staring and/or leering at us while I apply the SPF 100 lotion to him. We both take it in stride and Jay seems to have fun playing it up when some whistles at his body. He’ll throw a double bi or most muscular just to put on a show. The deep blue ocean is spread out in front of us. It’s high tide and there are a few white caps, but nothing to keep us from going back in for another swim. We got in when we first got here a few hours ago. We splashed around for 30 minutes or so and then got out, gingerly walking over the shells and stones at the water’s edge. We toweled off, and lay on the blanket. We had some light snacks and talked about Cam and Ming, Davey and Ty, and Eddie and the twins. Everyone seems to be back on track, which is good. Jay’s enormous right arm is draped over my shoulders, holding me securely, yet gently to his body. His right hand casually playing with my curls. I’m getting a woody just from the feel of his fingers running along my scalp and through my curls. It’s an almost unconscious act on his part, but it means so much to me. Blue skies, salt water smell, an ocean breeze, and my Jay next to me. Today is the perfect day. I lean over and give him a kiss on his cheek. He’s attempting to grow a beard and hasn’t shaved in two weeks. I can grow a full beard in about a week thanks to my Italian parents, but his Northern European roots mean he can barely grow stubble, much less a beard. I poke some fun at him, but encourage him all the same. I like the new look. It gives me something else to play with. I twist under the weight of his arm. He senses I want to move and lifts it up a few inches. I turn over and lay on my back. He lets his arm down again and it pins me to the blanket. The weight makes it hard for me to breath. I tap it a few times and he lifts it off me and sets it between us. I rub my fingers along the short hair he has on his arm and he moans. Yet another area where my touch arouses him. I drift for a few minutes, close to sleep, when I sense movement. He rolls onto his side and moves closer to me. I look into his clear blue eyes and see excitement and mischief at the same time. I have an idea of what he wants to do, but I want to make him work for it. Add some spice to our lives, not that we need it. “You look gorgeous.” He says to me. I smile, put my left hand on his face, and gently rub his stubble. “You do too buddy.” I lean over and give him a soft kiss on his lips. He reciprocates. He puts his right hand on my butt and forcibly moves me closer to him. I can feel his erection under his shorts. I start to get hard as well. He feels my response, smiles, and pulls me in for another, longer kiss. Keeping his hand on my butt, he slowly rolls onto his back and pulls me on top of him at the same time. My added weight is nothing to him. I seductively slide my body up and down his midsection and he groans in utter pleasure. The hair on my chest and abs rubbing against his smooth skin turns us both on. I can feel both our erections getting harder. We’ll need to take care of them at some point soon. He moves his hands behind his head and does a slow double bi flex. I stare at them. There are veins crawling all over them. Their denseness and their size still astonish me even after all the years we’ve been together. I stop my movements and lean down and start to kiss him again, more fervently now. I put my hands on his biceps and start to massage them, enjoying the feeling of the solid, rock hard muscle. Jay knows I love his arms and tenses his muscles even more as I rub them. I let out a guttural moan and increase the pressure on them, hoping to dent the muscle, even just a bit. Jay breaks our kiss, looks into my brown eyes, now surrounded by my curly hair, and teasingly says, “I’ll let you have what you want, if you let me have what I want.” He then winks at me and exhales a gust of air that pushes the curls off my face for a few seconds. When he’s done, they float back down and encircle my face again. I lean back down, but don’t kiss him. I go to his ear, blow some warn air into it, lap at the lobe for a second, moistening it, and coyly say, “Well Muscles, we can’t do it here on the blanket. Ocean or house?” I nibble on his lobe a bit more and before he can answer I move my hands to his chest and push myself upright. I’m still sitting on his midsection and quickly move my hips back and forth a few times, just to make sure he’s still hard, which he is. I stand up, quickly adjust myself, wink at him, and head to the ocean. “You going to join me?” I say over my shoulder as I walk away. I get to the water’s edge when I finally feel him coming up behind me like a thundering herd of wild elephants. I feel the sand pounding and see his shadow over take me. I brace myself for what is coming. Whoosh. He picks me up in his arms while in a dead sprint. We travel into the ocean until he is calf deep in the water. He slows and spins around twice. I start to laugh and he joins me. He pulls me in for another kiss and just before our lips meet, he pulls back and says, “Time to get wet again Max.” He effortlessly tosses me 15 feet into an oncoming wave. My arms and legs splay out in different directions, all of them looking for solid ground but not finding any. I splash thru the wave and pop up on the other side spitting out salt water. My curly hair is plastered to my head and my hard-on is plainly visible as my shorts are now glued to my body. I grin and see Jay moving towards me again. The water is waist deep, crystal clear, and in the upper 60’s. He easily slices through the water and walks right to me. He bends over a bit, puts both his hands on my ass and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck, even though I know I’m secure in hands. Now comes the real kiss. Long and sloppy. Passionate and sensitive. Loving and carefree. I’m sure people are staring at us, but we don’t care. Life is too short to worry about what others think of you or how you express your love. As we kiss, he walks us to deeper water. Before I realize it, the water is chest high on him. He stops and plants his feet in the sand. He winks at me and I know we’re not going anywhere unless he wants us to. No wave, no matter how strong is going to move us one inch unless Jay allows it. I grow harder just at the thought of his strength against ocean water. A shudder runs through me. Jay feels it and grins. “Just what I wanted.” He says softly and moves back in to resume kissing me. I feel his bulge getting larger too. He jostles me in his arms and makes sure my legs are secure around his waist. He releases his left hand and brings it out of the water and flexes the bicep right next to our faces. I don’t see it until he turns our heads towards it. “Hmm, is that for me?” I whisper. My erection knows it is and responds before he has a chance to answer. “Well, you have been a good boy recently, so yeah, you can have it.” He whispers back. I release my right hand from his neck and curl my fingers around the top of the muscle, feeling the expanse and hardness. My erection grows harder still. He extends his arm, relaxing the muscle, and I get a good grip, knowing what he’s about to do. When I have my finger planted on the muscle, he slowly, painfully slowly, starts to curl the muscle. My fingers grope the muscle unabashedly. As he continues to flex it, he pulls it closer to my face. So, while my fingers are mashing at the hardening muscle, I wet my lips in anticipation for them getting in on the fun. The moment they meet, I swear sparks flew between his muscle and my lips. I feel a shock in my spine and it energizes me. I pull myself closer to Jay, my erection is pushing against his brick wall of abs through my suit. I squeeze my legs tighter in an attempt to stop myself from blowing my load too soon. I use my left arm to pull myself up another inch, and then close my eyes for a second to prepare myself to attack his bicep again. I open them to see, the veins are pumping, the striations are prominent, and the short blonde hairs are standing on end. He is just as excited as I am. I re-wet my lips and go at him like a baby to a bottle. My fingers claw at the muscle trying to make a dent in the now fully flexed, rock hard bicep. My mouth covers the face of the muscle and my nose smashes into it as well. I feel like I am trying to lick the last bit of chocolate off a candy wrapper and no one can convince me the job is done and there is nothing left. Then I feel it. Jay very subtlety relaxes his arm the smallest bit and my fingers dug into the muscle. I moan. The sensation of feeling his muscle, the fibers, the blood coursing thru it, the pulse, send me to a new high. My erection is pulsing to new levels, which causes Jays to grow as well. He tightens the muscle back up, then relaxes it again, just a bit. This time my teeth nibble on the loosened skin, my tongue brushes over the hairs wetting them sloppily, and my lips are pursed and kissing the vein running across the face of the muscle. He pulls me close and licks my ear around the outer edge. He whispers into my ear, “Third time’s a charm sexy boy.” He flexes and slowly relaxes for a final time. I dig my fingers into the muscle like they are trying to get a grip on a smooth mountain wall. My mouth continues its assault. Then I sense he is hardening the muscle and just as it gets rock hard again, I blow my load into my shorts. As I spurt, I released my fingers and mouth, turn to face Jay, and bury my head into his shoulder and let loose a long pleasurable moan. He knows what was happening and steadies me with the arm still around my back. After what seems like an eternity, I take my head off his shoulder. I look into his clear blue eyes, see the playfulness and love, and move in for a thank you kiss. We break the kiss and he says, “We’re just getting warmed up Curly.” I smile and nod in agreement. “Back to the house?” I nod yes eagerly. He turns and walks us back to the shallow waters where he puts me down. I’m still partially erect so I wander back into waist deep water, turn away from the beach, make sure no one is watching, and quickly adjust myself. When I turn back, Jay is staring at me with a huge dumb ass grin on his face. I walk up and past him and sternly say, “Shut it.” He chuckles and just shakes his head. We get back to the umbrella and towels. We throw some t-shirts on and I start to gather the trash and put it in a bag. Jay grabs the umbrella, pulls it out of the sand with a quick yank. He rolls it up and puts a bungie cord around it tightly. I shake out the towels, careful to not shake sand onto the people near-by. I stuff them into a backpack and toss on a baseball hat. I hand a hat to Jay too, and his sunglasses. We load everything into the cart and start back. The sand is blisteringly hot, but I have my mind on other things, so I don’t let it bother me too much. Jay takes the lead with cart in tow. I follow, making sure nothing falls out, oh and so I can get a good look at his shapely ass. His legs are doing all the work in the soft sand. His calf muscles explode with the workout of pulling the cart and digging into the sand. He seems to enjoy it. As we get closer to the cart path, the sand is more compact and firmer. I catch up and walk beside him, reaching my right hand out for his left. At the break between beach and path, we pause to put our flip-flops on. We start on the path between the dunes to the house. It’s still a gorgeous afternoon. A stray cloud floats by, a few seagulls sit on the dunes, calling at us for any spare food we may have. I shoo them away, but they return quickly and resume calling at us. As we walk along the path, I mention that Shae and Ro want to Skype with him soon. Their lacrosse season is starting soon and they are looking for some workout tips to build stamina. He says ok, he’ll call them in a few days. He mentions his Gran want us over for dinner. We have not seen her in a few weeks. I say ok. Jay says he’ll call her too and set it up. We walk on for a bit. A few people pass us on their way to the beach. These late comers will set up and stay until dusk, enjoying the fading light and heat. There are dunes on both sides of the walk with grass and small flowers shrubs to help keep the dunes from washing away during storms. I hear Jay quietly ask, “Still in the mood Curly?” He squeezes my hand gently and caresses his thumb along the top of my hand. I release his hand, walk in front of him, turn to face him and press my hands to my upper thighs, stretching my board shorts flat, showing off the erection, which I’ve been maintaining. He smiles an evil smile and says, “Nice, can’t wait.” His tongue flicks out and licks his lips. I turn and pick up my pace. I want to get back to the house first. I hear Jay behind me quicken his pace too. I glance over my shoulder and see he is practically running. I slow to let him catch up. When he’s about 10 feet away, I casually say, “Your backpack bounced out back there.” I nod to it about 20 feet behind him, “You should take more care. You cannot afford to lose your lotion.” He turns, sees it, and groans. He drops the cart handle and jogs back to the bag. I take the opportunity and sprint to the house. There’s a slight decline in the path and it helps me put some distance between us. I hear him yell to me, “Two can play at this Max. You just wait.” I wave a hand at him as I go down the small hill. I get back to the house first. I wait at the bottom of the ramp at the house. I see his head rise over the small crest of the hill. He sees me waiting for him and smiles. I smile back. As he gets closer, I open the gate door and let him enter first. I swat his ass as he passes. It’s like slapping granite. Once on the deck, we take everything out of the cart. I shake out the blanket and towels more thoroughly and spread them over the deck railing to dry in the gentle breeze. Jay takes the umbrella out and puts it in the closet next to the house. I grab the outdoor hose and rinse the sand off the cooIer. I unlock the sliding doors and set it inside the door. I grab two towels from a chair just inside the door. “I’ll shower first.” I say to Jay as I walk to the outdoor shower on the side of the deck. He raises an eyebrow. I reach an arm into the shower and turn on the water and put both towels on a hook on the inside of the wooden contraption. He walks over to me, untying his shorts, “We could shower together and, you know, get all the sand off each other.” He winks at me and gives me another devilish grin. I feel the water again and it is just the right temperature. I raise my eyebrow and say sarcastically, “Muscles, you know we both don’t fit in this little box, given all the times we’ve tried.” He laughs. “Plus,” I add, “I want you to think about what you’re waiting for.” And with that, I quickly step in, shut, and lock the door. I know I won’t have much time, so I drop my shorts and quickly grab the bar or soap and get to work. I lather up my face, arms and chest. Jay comes up to the door, knocks, and politely says, “Open the door Max, or I won’t huff and puff, and blow you.” I pick up my shorts, hold them under the shower head and rinse as much as sand out as possible. I toss them over the wall to him. “What am I supposed to do with these?” He asks. I grab the shampoo and put some in my hair. I say, “I can’t hear you; I’ve got shampoo in my hair.” “Funny Maxwell…” I hear him shake the wooden door tentatively, “Max, if you don’t open the door, I may need to withhold sexual favors from you.” I lather up my legs, groin, and ass. “Just a minute please.” I say politely in a sing-song voice. I hear him gently rap on the door again. I step under the shower head and let it wash over me, cleaning the soap, sand, and shampoo off. I turn the water off, shake my curls out, grab the towel and quickly dry off. I unlock the door and Jay is standing right there, with his left forearm over the door frame. “Jeez dude, couldn’t wait 3 minutes for me?” I pat him on the chest and duck under his arm. He turns to grab me, but I scoot away. “Stay away sandman.” He looks at me with an astonished look on his face. “Your turn to shower. I’ll be upstairs…” I eye up from toe to head and pause at his midsection and whistle. He turns and quickly gets into the shower. I walk to the sliding door into the house and consider locking it, just to piss him off a bit more, but decide not too as he may break the glass to get in. I carry the cooler to the kitchen sink and put it in. We can deal with emptying it later. I head upstairs to our bedroom. The room is painted a light blue and has wooden floors covered with an area shag rug which is dark blue with white tassels. The king size bed has a yellow and green comforter with a floral print. The pillows match. There is a stand-up bureau, and some side tables and chairs, all with a nautical theme. There’s a 46-inch widescreen TV on the wall opposite the bed. There’s a ceiling fan over the bed, which is never really turned off. The windows open to the ocean and I look out to see the blue water. I glance down to the deck and can just see the top of Jay’s head. He seems to be moving quickly thru his shower. I head to the attached master bath. There’s a huge walk-in shower and all the regular bathroom amenities. I glance at myself in the over sized mirror. I look pretty good. I run a hand thru my chest hair and groan. I need to trim it up again, which means some manscaping down below too. I shake my head, things I do for my boyfriend. I turn on the radio in the bathroom and tune it to the local Alternative Music station. Cage the Elephant’s ‘In One Ear’ is playing and I sing along. One of my favorite songs. I grab a towel off the towel rack and put it over my head to dry my curls. This is the part I hate about having curly hair, drying it. I’ve thought about cutting them off, but since it was done to me previously without my permission, I quickly put that idea out of my mind. I bend over and start to dry, rubbing the towel around. I feel another pair of hands join me in the job. I think, ‘He got done his shower fast. He must be really anxious to get going.’ I say aloud, “Wow Jay, fastest shower on record for you.” There’s no response. I lean up and realize, the hands are too small and bony to be Jay’s. Suddenly the person grabs the towel and twists it around my head and neck, cutting off air and blood. I cough and choke. Breathing gets harder due to the towel being wet and part of the towel cutting into my windpipe. I flail my arms in an attempt to hit the intruder, but they dodge the swings. At one point, they grab my left arm and twist it around and pin it to my lower back in a hammer lock hold. I reach my right hand up to the towel and try to pull it away from my neck. The person kicks me in my right knee. I start to stagger, but the person keeps a tight grip on the towel. He increases the pressure and I feel woozy. I can still hear the radio, but the song is muffled. He drags me backwards into the bedroom and I continue to struggle. The towel covering my bottom half comes lose and falls off. He leads me to the bed and leans me over, face first onto the mattress. He pushes me face into the bedspread in an attempt to suffocate me. I kick backwards with my left leg, but he raises his leg to block it. He puts more pressure on my head and I feel him practically get on my back. I can feel he is wearing jeans and there is a belt buckle poking into my lower back. I continue to struggle, and try to roll side to side, but it is getting harder. I make one final effort and jerk my head upwards and hit him right in the chin. I see stars and moan at the pain I feel in my head. He grunts in pain and let’s go of my left arm and rabbit punches me in the side a few times. I let out a howl of pain through the towel. He then punches me on the side of my head. I go slack. In the encroaching darkness, I hear Jay’s voice yell, “Max? Are you ok?” I kick my right leg back and connect with my assailant’s knee. He lets out another load grunt and I hear Jay start running up the steps. His heavy footsteps are my only salvation at this point. I hear a picture fall off the stairwell wall and the glass crash onto the steps. We continue to struggle, twisting and turning. We slide off the side of the bed and I land on top of the intruder. He quickly scoots back so I am between his legs. He still has a hold of the towel. I hear Jay enter the room. He angerly says, “You? How? You should still be in jail.” I feel my assailant pin my left arm to my side, and he reaches into a pocket and pulls something out. I hear a quick flip and realize he’s opened a switchblade. I feel the pointy object on my left rib. “Not another step Asswipe or your boyfriend buys it.” I think to myself, ‘No way. How’d he get here?’ I feel the blade push further into my side, but it hasn’t broken the skin yet. I try not to flinch. With him holding the blade to my side, his right hand has loosened its grip on the towel around my neck. I can breathe a bit easier but am still in a fog. I’ve got to do something to give Jay time to get to me. I debate on whether to jab him with my right arm or go for his hand holding the blade. I’ve only got one shot at this. I can hear Jay and the man still yelling at each other. I can faintly hear the bathroom radio playing ‘Natural’ by Imagine Dragons but am in my own world and their voices and the radio are just background noise. I try to concentrate on my assailant and my situation. I can feel the blade. The pressure lessens then increases as he and Jay argue. Every time he yells at Jay, he leans forward and the pressure increases. When he takes a breath, it eases off. I stay very still. He yells at Jay, “Back off, dude, out of the room. Nice and slow. I don’t want my hand to slip and the blade to puncture your boyfriend.” I feel the tip break the skin. I grunt. Jay snarls back, “You hurt him, and I’ll make our last meeting look like a walk in the park.” The guy grunts and lets out an ugly laugh. The blade backs off as he starts cursing at Jay again. Now’s my chance. With his attention distracted from me for second, as quickly as I can, I reach my right hand for his left. I miss, but still manage to grab his wrist. I try to push it away, and it moves an inch or two, but then he pushes back, and I feel the blade enter my side and then come back out. He releases my left hand. Surprisingly, I don’t feel pain. I reach my left hand to where I think the blade entered and feel something wet and a bit sticky oozing out. I distantly hear Jay take two steps to me and feel a breeze as his fist goes past my face. I hear it connect with the person behind me. Immediately the tension on the towel is gone and the person falls backward. I also fall backwards onto the guys stomach. I feel a pain in my upper back and wonder about it. Darkness is encroaching. Jay is yelling to me, but it is getting fainter, “Max, stay with me buddy, stay with me…” I feel the towel being untwisted from my head and suddenly there is a blinding light in my face for a split second and then Jay’s beautiful blue eyes are looking right into mine. He’s still talking to me, but it’s getting fainter. As I fade out, I hear him yell, “Larry, you’re….”
  18. It was the summer of 1962 and a sickening humid day in rural Alabama. The circus had recently arrived in my hometown of just over five thousand people and I had chosen to spend one of my final days of freedom at the popular weeklong event. My college graduation had been two weeks earlier and I was set to start the world of adulthood as an accountant in the nearby larger city of Mobile in just five days. The Shrine Circus was always a mixture of fair rides, freakish sideshows, and the main event in the central big tent. My favorite part had always been the smaller tents that highlighted unbelievable attractions from across the globe. One year I watched a boa constrictor swallow a small sheep, another year I was surprised by an authentic bearded lady, and the advertisements this year touted a wild strong man called “The Bear.” This spectacle seemed to excite me in a different way than all the others that came before. It was hard to explain, but I wanted to see this man more than anything. I looked at the cartoon posters scattered across town that showed a guy in a red suit coat and top hat cracking a whip at a huge hairy man-beast who was lifting a rock that was larger than an elephant. I didn’t understand why the picture caught my attention in such a special way, but I was ready to check out ‘The Bear’ for myself. After buying my ticket I avoided all the rides and amusement games and headed for one of the side tents, which had a big sign announcing the beast I had come to see. I stood in line with about twenty other people until the appointed hour and we were ushered into the tent. It took a few seconds for my eyes to adjust. There was a four-foot high fence in the middle of the open space. It prevented the crowd from getting too close to a large cage that spread across the complete back end of the tent. My gaze was immediately drawn to a hulking figure sitting on the ground in the back corner of the tightly barred spacious container. I scooted quickly up to the fence so there’d be no one between the show and me. At first it was hard to determine anything specific about the huge mound of skin and hair sitting on the ground. I was finally able to discern dark brown bloodshot eyes darting quickly back and forth across the crowd as if it was trying to seek out the greatest danger. I also began to see that the huge figure wasn’t just a huge blob - there was actually definition and enormous body parts to the mass on the floor. I was able to discern humongous fur-covered shoulders rising up and down as the beast breathed in and out. The Bear seemed to be sitting in a crouched position with his monstrous legs in front of him. The hairy calves were huge and the upper legs were almost unrecognizable – since they each easily dwarfed the bodies of most healthy teenagers. My cousin Farley was one of the biggest men in Alabama and before the Bear even stood up I could tell it was twice as large or even more. At that moment, the red coated guy with the top hat from the posters walked into the space between the fence and cage and took a wooden cane and let it hit up against the bars as he moved up and down the large space. I could hear how sturdy the thick metal poles were, which was the obvious intention of his actions. The guy in the top hat turned to the crowd. “Ladies and Gentleman. Welcome to our show today. We have something so spectacular for you to see that you’ll be talking about it for weeks to come. The Shrine Circus has searched the world over to find mind-blowing acts for you to see and this year we have brought you one of the best. Recently, I was in Yugoslavia and introduced to something so unbelievable that I knew I must have it for our circus. I must warn you, though, if you are faint of heart you will want to step back from the fence – for what we have here today is as frightening as it is amazing. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Bear.” As he spoke the man pulled out a key and opened a giant padlock attached to a large chain draped around two bars that sat side by side at what was a door to the cage. The announcer carefully locked the door behind him after entering. I noticed immediately that the hulking figure in the corner seemed to cower even more into a huge ball. The gentleman in the coat unhooked a coiled whip from his belt and snapped it loudly into the open space. He then took a pistol from its holster at his side and held it in his other hand. A low grumbling noise came from the mass of hair and what I now knew was muscle in the corner of the cage. It caused the back of my neck to tingle in either fear or anticipation – I couldn’t tell what emotion was stronger. A few ladies immediately backed up from the fence – and a couple of guys, too. I didn’t move an inch. The second loud crack of the whip was in the direction of the Bear and the announcer yelled something that was unrecognizable. I assumed it was Yugoslavian or maybe something else. All that happened in the next few seconds made my knees begin to visibly wobble and my eyes to widen in disbelief. The gentleman with the whip had obviously ordered the Bear to stand up for the huge hulk immediately began to unfold from its crouching position and when it was fully up on its barrel-sized legs the crowd began to gasp in fear and awe. Nothing could have prepared me for what I saw. As the man-beast rose up the giant hide of a large brown bear fell away from its body. I had mistaken the fur of the bearskin with the dark hair of the living thing underneath. The Bear was indeed covered in dark thick hair, but it was not enough to completely hide the giant body beneath, as I had originally thought. The man standing before us appeared to be as thick as one of the bulls my uncle kept fenced in at his farm - just for impregnating cows. The Bear’s shoulders were a foot higher than those of the man with the whip – and just one of them seemed as wide as the entire smaller man. The face of the beast was a mixture of wildness and rugged good looks. Its head was covered in long hair – down to the shoulders - but its dark beard was neatly trimmed along the strong chin. The resemblance to my uncle’s bull continued when you took in the Bear’s thick neck. I believe the thick support under its big head was as wide as my waist. My mouth dropped open even further and I let out a small yelp-like sound when my eyes finally took in the behemoth’s hairy chest and stomach. For years I had secretly salivated over the mostly unclothed body of Charles Atlas in comic books. I had always dreamed of ordering his dynamic tension program and building my chest up like the guy on the beach in the ads, but what stood before me put the Atlas body to shame. If Charles Atlas was considered big then the thing before me had to be what you would call massive or gargantuan. The Bear didn’t have a flat stomach like Atlas or Steve Reeves in that Hercules’ film, but it was clear the thick hard mid-section before us was needed to hold up such a giant chest, shoulders, and arms. My first glance at the Bear’s limbs hanging from his shoulders almost made me faint. My moment of taking it all in was interrupted when the whip cracked again and another order was given in the same strange language. “I can tell everyone is quite taken with The Bear. Now, let me show you what he can do.” The ringmaster or whatever he would be called stepped over to a big bar on the ground with giant metal balls attached to its ends. Hand painted in white on both of the hefty-looking round black globes was the number two hundred. The man in the red coat put one of his heavy boots against what he called a barbell and seemed to use all of his strength to try and move it. The immense looking thing didn’t move an inch. He then asked the crowd if anyone wanted to come in and try to lift the thing – in case they didn’t believe it was real – but we all turned down the offer quickly and were completely satisfied that it weighed over four hundred pounds. My cousin Farley had once carried a small cow for a short distance – but the thing had only weighed two hundred and he used his shoulders. My body was beginning to tingle all over as I figured out that the Bear was going to lift this thing with just his hands. The whip again snapped loudly and this time is was very close to the big beast. Another order in the foreign language was given and the giant hulk moved to the barbell. The Bear bent down and wrapped his huge hands around the bar. This action gave me a perfect look at his thick arms. I knew with just one glance that each of his forearms were wider than one of my legs and his upper arms were thicker than both of my legs put together. I could feel the same warm stirring in my crotch that had happened the first time I gazed on Steve Reeves in ‘Hercules.” I could feel my big friend below my waist getting stiff. There was just something about big muscles that always gave me an embarrassing boner. Right before the creature in front of us lifted the bar he stared at the faces of the crowd. It seemed like it was a trick it had been taught to do – to increase the effect – but when the Bear got to my excited smiling face he paused a little and seemed to look right into my soul. I saw the big brute move his gaze down my body and the sides of his mouth seemed to curl slightly upward when he saw what I’m sure was the prominent outline of my hard dick in my pants. He then returned his eyes to mine and kept them locked on me as he raised the bar into the air. It was done so quickly that I almost didn’t believe it had happened, but then I watched as the Bear held the big thing above his head and every muscle in his body seemed to pop out to new size. He then pumped it up and down a few times to really prove what he was capable of, finally stopping with it in the air. The giant then gritted his teeth and we watched as his forearms, upper arms, and shoulders started to tighten, causing cord-like veins to appear everywhere. I had no idea what was happening, but then I noticed that the middle of the bar above his head was slowly inching upward. The man was bending the metal bar and causing the big balls to move toward each other. After getting it almost to a right angle he let it drop to the ground with a loud thud and we all stared as the heavy balls, which had sunk partially into the ground because of their weight. The Bear had not taken his eyes off of me the entire time. I surveyed his massive body and noticed it was now covered in mouth-watering droplets of sweat, which matted his body hair in places and emphasized his bulking muscles. The sudden crack of the whip, this time hitting the left shoulder of the bear, caused me to snap out of my muscle trance. I looked at the Bear’s face to see if it registered pain but it was obvious he had not felt anything at all – it had probably only felt like a fly landing on him. I did notice that the big beast glared at the ringmaster and a sneer crept across his lips. I glanced at the guy in the red coat and noticed a distinct look of fear – even if it was very brief. “There you have it, Ladies and Gentlemen, the full power of the Bear. This is surely the strongest man in the world. Remember, everyone, that this creature will be displaying his strength even more under the big top later this evening. Make sure you don’t miss the main show tonight at six. But wait, what’s this? It seems like the Bear has seen something in the audience that he likes. I must warn you, ladies and gentlemen, when he gets like this we have trouble containing him. I think he has seen some pretty young lady who has made his animal instincts go out of control. I’m not sure I’ll be able to keep him from going wild. Folks, it would be best if you exited the tent right away. Just to your right there!” It was pretty clear that this was all part of the act. The Bear had started acting a little crazy, grabbing the bars and shaking the entire cage. The thing started growling and grunting like an animal and the ringmaster was playing the part of a worried keeper – but very poorly. He started cracking the whip into the air and yelling orders in the foreign language. Some of the people around me immediately stepped back and one or two of the ladies screamed. I didn’t move. I was mesmerized as I watched the Bear grab two metal bars of the cage and start to pull them apart. I could hear the steel squealing as his strong hands easily deformed it. The big man never took his eyes from me as he started to pry the bars away from each other. I moved my gaze back and forth between his huge arms and his eyes – wanting to see what his power could do but also somehow on fire by how he looked at me. It was a feeling I had never experienced before. Just as the Bear got the bars pried far enough apart for him to turn sideways and stick his upper body through – reaching out toward us with a huge hand – the ringmaster shot his gun into the air. All noise and motion stopped – even the Bear quickly snapped back into the cage and froze. The ringmaster shouted an order and the huge man immediately moved to the back corner, crouched down, and covered his large frame with the bearskin. Something made me look up at the roof of the tent – fully intending to see bullet holes, but none were there. Just as I had thought, the gun used blanks. “No need to panic, folks. The Bear just wanted to make contact with some pretty girl. Don’t worry; we have him under control. Come to the big top later tonight and you’ll see him do a lot more. Everyone can exit out to your right. Have a great day.” The crowd started to move toward the tent opening. I wanted desperately to stay – and I didn’t know why. It was clear that the Bear had not noticed some girl, for he had stared at me the entire time. His gaze had made my stomach feel weirder than I ever remembered. I moved with the crowd but just before exiting I stepped behind a large wooden cutout of “The Bear” that was used for decoration in the front section of the viewing area. My heart was pounding, but I was compelled to stay by some unknown desire and it was the most powerful pull I had ever felt. Someone outside closed the opening to the tent and suddenly there were only three of us in the space. I was ready to somehow get a chance to face the Bear one on one. {PART TWO} “For crying out loud Bear, why did you bend the barbell? You know that’s not part of the act. What was that all about, huh?” There was a sudden change in the ringmaster’s behavior and voice. He now sounded like one of those mafia guys from New York in the movies. And he was talking English to the Bear. I was very confused until I saw the Bear stand up and let the fur covered cloak fall to the ground. He looked down like a kid caught doing something wrong. When he spoke it was a powerful voice, but very restrained. “I’m sorry Hank.” “Not good enough Bear, not good enough. You were showing off for that good-looking kid in the front weren’t you. You can’t do that Bear. I mean it. You gotta follow my script and the orders I give. I know you got urges, man, but you have to control ‘em. We can’t take chances – especially down here in the south. They might lynch you for acting that way. You understand me Bear? You hear me?” “Yeah Hank. I’m sorry.” “Sorry’s not good enough, Bear. Now fix the barbell and the cage. You need to rest up for tonight. I want to try that new act where you hold back the two horses. You feel up to it.” “Yeah.” The Bear moved to the barbell implanted in the ground and this time he reached down and lifted it with one hand. I immediately felt duped by the act. I had been sure the thing was real. So many things of the last few minutes confused me. I watched the behemoth bend the barbell back into one straight line and then return it to its original place. The Bear then walked over to the bars on the cage and he quickly straightened them out, as well. They screeched again as he put them back in perfect place. The things sure sounded real. “Shit, even after all these years it still amazes me when you do that, Bear. You are one strong fucker. Now get back to your place and let me lock you up. I’ve got some grub over there for you. I’m going to get a quick bang from Sally and then head into town for a few beers. I’ll be back a little before six. You need anything, Bear?” “No Hank. Um . . . can I go with ya’ Hank.” “You know you can’t Bear; you don’t need to ever go out of this tent.” The Bear went over and spread out the thick hide on the ground. He then stat down and took a large metal clamp and closed it around his ankle. The guy named Hank came over and locked the clamp with a small key. He then took a hammer and pounded a large spike through the end of a large chain attached to the clamp around the Bear’s leg. Hank handed the big man a mound of food and a jug of water. He exited the cage, locked the padlock, and then hung the key on a hook beside the door. “See you big guy. Do a hundred push-ups later on, okay? We need you looking pumped tonight. I’ll be back later.” “Can I do more Hank?” “Knock yourself out doofus, knock yourself out.” I watched Hank leave the tent through a back entrance and then turned to look at the Bear. I could not understand what was going on – both between the two men and within my body. My dick was throbbing hard and I felt like some kind of giant raw nerve. I was sure a strong wind could have sent me over the edge. I could not fathom what this situation was all about. I contemplated sneaking out the tent entrance to my right. “I’m not really mean, ya know.” The Bear’s words made my body go rigid. I held my breath and after a few seconds I carefully peered out from behind the wooden cutout. I saw the smiling face of the Bear chomping on a huge piece of meat and looking straight at me. I immediately pulled myself back behind the cutout and started making plans to run. “You’re really cute.” His voice sounded child-like and very sincere. My heart was pounding hard and I still hadn’t taken a breath. I finally exhaled and forced myself to step out into the open area. I looked at the Bear. He had stopped eating – with the food still in his hands – and he was staring at me. “I bended the barbell just for you, ya know. You liked it. Didn’t ya? I saw you did.” I had no idea what was making me so bold but I stepped a little closer to the fence between the cage and me. I didn’t get what he was saying and I must have had a confused look on my face. The Bear broke into a big smile and he laughed a little. “Your pecker got real big. That’s how I know.” My hands immediately flew to my crotch as I attempted to cover the giant ‘pecker’ God had given me. I’m sure my face turned bright red and I immediately looked at the ground. I could not believe two men would ever talk to each other this way. This was all new to me. I finally glanced back up at the big man. “It’s a real purdy pecker. And big too. Like mine!” The Bear spread his legs apart and I instinctively glanced down at his crotch, noticing the long thick outline of a hard penis snaking down the inside of the knee length cut-offs he was wearing. Seeing his hard dick was thrilling enough, but added to that jolt was my first real intense look at his mammoth legs and this made me gasp out loud. “I’m big all over, ain’t I?” “Yes.” My mouth was completely dry so my answer was soft and raspy. I could tell my face was still very flushed and all I could hear was the pounding of my heart in my eardrums. I was very worried that I was going to faint at any moment. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself down. I returned my gaze to the Bear’s face. He was still smiling – like a proud little boy. Something in his smile helped me to regain control of my body, as well as my mind. “You are very big and I think you are also very strong.” “Yeah, real strong. I like bending things and picking up real heavy things.” “Is that real?” I was pointing toward the barbell. The Bear followed my hand, which was visibly shaking, and looked at the huge thing resting on the ground. He turned back to me and his smile grew even larger. “Yeah, it’s real. Hank doesn’t like it when I bend it, though. I broke two of ‘em before. They just snap in two. They cost a lot to make. But I wanted to show off for ya’. You saw Hank get mad ‘bout it, didn’t ya’.” I now moved to the fence. I still marveled at the size of the man before me. He seemed even bigger than before. Something beyond my comprehension took control of my body and I jumped over the fence and walked to the edge of the cage. Without even thinking I grabbed the two bars the Bear had easily bent and I tried to pull them apart. They didn’t budge at all. I pulled harder and it was perfectly clear they were real. I glanced higher on the bars – to where the Bear’s hands would naturally grab – and I saw clear indentations where his fingers pulled during the show. My dick twitched a little and I heard the Bear giggle. I glanced down at him. “Your pecker’s all happy ain’t it. It’s jumping around a lot.” “I blushed red again. I glanced down at the outline of my large dick sticking across my thigh. I watched it move back and forth as I held onto the steel bars that the Bear had bent so easily. I was about to lose control of myself so I let go of the cage and returned my gaze to the big man. I smiled back at him – starting to get more comfortable with the situation. “Ya’ want some food?” He held out the big chunk of meat in his hand, his fingers wrapped around the bone at the end. I was touched by his incredible generosity and what I could tell was innocence. I had never been so attracted to someone in my entire life. It was totally confusing and completely comfortable at the same time. “Yeah, that would be nice. How about you come over here and bend the bars for me so I can come in.” I was so incredibly bold all of the sudden. I believe my new attitude was fueled by my desire to see up close and personal what the big man could do. My inhibitions were suddenly gone because I had been granted a private audience with the strongest man in the world. This kind of opportunity would only come once in my lifetime and I was going to take advantage of it. “Naw, I can’t. This thing won’t let me.” The Bear pointed at the thick clamp around his ankle, which was chained to the metal stake in the ground. I was instantly confused. I had seen this man lift over four hundred pounds with one hand and bend steel like it was nothing. He could have easily pulled out the stake – not to mention pull the chain apart or rip the cuff thing off of his leg. I looked at his face to see if he was teasing me, but he looked sincere. “How can that keep you down? You’re so strong.” “Not as strong as this. These things keep all the big elephants in place. I’m not stronger than that.” I immediately remembered a story my grandfather had told me when I was younger. He explained that circus people would use stakes and chains to hold baby elephants in place and as the animals grew older and bigger they seemed to never forget that they could be so easily contained. Even fully grown they thought the small chain and stake could keep them in place. I was now seeing this lived out with a human being. My heart suddenly reached out to the Bear in an unexplainable way – the man became endeared to me on a much deeper level than before. All fear left my body. I became focused on one thing and one thing alone – to be this big man’s friend and protector. I quickly moved to the cage’s door, took the key and opened the padlock. I entered the cage, walked over to the big man’s bear hide, plopped myself down, and took the big piece of meat he was offering to me. I took a large bite and then handed the heavy thing back to him. I chewed the terrible tasting clump in my mouth and then swallowed. I watched as the mountain of a man beside me did the same thing. After he swallowed he turned and looked down at me. I was suddenly very aware of how much this man completely dwarfed me. His huge hand was much bigger than my entire head. I gulped loudly. “I ain’t ever been this close to anyone but Hank.” “What? How is that possible? What about the other people in the circus?” “Nobody likes me. Hank says I scare ‘em. You ain’t scared, though, are ya’?” “Not at all. I like you.” “I knew it. Our peckers don’t lie, do they?” “No they don’t.” “What’s your name?” “My name is Eden. What’s your name?” “Bear.” “No, I mean your real name.” “Hank says I can’t tell nobody my real name. I have to be called Bear.” “Well I won’t tell Hank. I promise. Do you like the name Bear? I’ll call you that if you want me to.” “No . . . I . . . don’t like it. It makes me sound mean. Don’t tell Hank. He’ll get something mad. My name . . . is . . . Bobby.” “Well Bobby it is really nice to meat you.” “Nice to meet you Eden.” We shook hands and the big man’s strength was evident in his grip. I cringed a little from the pain but Bobby didn’t seem to notice. He was looking down at me with a face full of happiness. I did not think I could ever remember someone being so joyful. “I ain’t never had a friend. Are you my friend, Eden?” “Yes sir. I am your friend, Bobby.” This made the huge man smile like never before. He took another bite of the meat and then held it out for me. Even though the taste disgusted me I took a big bite, as well, just to please my new friend. He laughed and then pushed me with his free hand. I know he thought it was a light shove, but it had enough force to send me to the ground quickly. He realized what he had done and grabbed my arm roughly to pull me back up straight. I was a little dazed but so on fire with lust for the big guy that I ignored all of the pain. “Did you like my show, Eden?” “Yes, very much Bobby. I’m wondering, though. Why do they call you ‘The Bear’, instead of just Bobby?” “Hank says it’s better pub . . . bup . . . pub . . . li . . . ci . . . ty. I think that’s right.” “Yes, I can see that, Bobby. Can I ask you something else, friend?” “Sure, friend.” I could tell he loved that I called him that and it was clear he felt comfortable enough to call me the same. He was beginning to trust me and it made me feel good. I was already deeply in love with him – even if I didn’t know it. I wanted him to count me as a close ally – someone who knew what was best for him. I wanted him as something more than a good friend – I wanted him as a . . . a what? . . . a lover. Yes, I wanted Bobby to desire me in a sexual way. Realizing that fact caused a floodgate to open within me and suddenly I was drawn to the man in a way that was incomprehensible a few hours ago. He excited me beyond my wildest dreams. I wanted him almost as much as I wanted air, itself – maybe even more. “Do you like working for the circus?” I saw the immediate conflict my question caused in his head. I was suddenly very sorry that I had asked him the question. Was it fair for me to ask him to re-evaluate all that he had known for such a long time? I didn’t want to lose his trust so early and I certainly did not want to make him dislike me. I desired his affection more than anything. “Yeah, I guess. It’s all I done forever. Hank says I am the best act he ever had. He treats me okay.” “Do you ever want to go out there – where I came from? Do you ever want to see what is beyond this tent – what’s beyond the circus?” “Yeah.” That’s all the big man said, but I could hear volumes in his response. He looked at me as he took another big bite of his meat. The behemoth wanted more than just his present life – even if he didn’t realize it. I took advantage of the situation and placed my hand on his big thigh. I immediately felt his body quiver with excitement and I visually saw his python of a dick expand down his inner thigh. I was having the same response to touching his body – turned on beyond belief by the hard muscled leg my hand now caressed. We both looked into each other’s eyes as I gently stroked his thigh. “I ain’t never been touched, Eden. It makes my body feel strange.” “Do you like the way it makes you feel, Bobby?” “Yeah. A lot.” “Me too. I like how you make me feel – a lot – too.” “Hank says I ain’t suppose to like boys, Eden. He says a big man like me needs to like a girl.” “What do you think, Bobby?” “No girl ever made my pecker as hard as it is right now . . . Eden . . . sorry if that is wrong.” “Give me your hand, Bobby. Here, feel that. You see how big my pecker has become, too?” “Yeah!” I had forced his hand on my rock hard penis. He had responded by grabbing it roughly. It hurt like hell, but it also felt so good. My body kind of caved in as soon as he wrapped his big hand around my large cock. It was as hard as it had ever been in my entire life – and I knew it was because of Bobby. “You make me hard, Bobby.” “You like boys, too, Eden?” “I like men who are big and strong, Bobby.” “There ain’t nobody bigger or stronger than me, Eden.” “And that’s why I like you, Bobby. I like you a lot.” “My pecker’s about to spit up, Eden. We have to be careful. Hank says I gotta not make my pecker spit out. He says it will make me weak. I don’t want to be weak, Eden.” I removed his hand from my dick. I did not want to scare the big man. I also took my hand from his body. I wanted to save our explosions for later on. The man made me crazy with lust and he didn’t even understand it. I was lost in my love for the huge guy. “You ever thought Hank was wrong, Bobby?” “Yeah . . . I guess so. He says I ain’t suppose to like boys but I do. I try hard to like girls. I look at their bodies and I close my eyes to picture their faces but it always comes back to boys. I really like boys that are small like you. You made my pecker big as soon as you walked in the tent today.” “And mine got very big as soon as you stood up, Bobby.” “Yeah, I know. I glanced over at the big barbell as Bobby took another bite of his meat. I was still trying to grasp just how strong the big man actually was – but it was all so mind-boggling. I turned back to Bobby, who was watching me closely. He swallowed before he spoke. “You wanna go see if it’s for real, don’t cha?” “Yes.” “Go ahead Eden. Hank still tries to move it sometimes – even after being together for a long time. He never pushed it even an inch.” I stood up and walked over to one of the large round balls of the barbell. I reached down and placed my hand on its surface. The thing was cool to the touch and as hard as my father’s anvil out in the barn. I turned my hand over and knocked on the thing with my knuckles. I was immediately sorry that I had tapped so hard because it caused some pain. I could tell the thing was solid, through and through. There was no echo inside and the sound was dull, like I was knocking on the side of a big rock. I placed both of my hands off to the side of the huge mass of metal and then pushed with all my might. The only thing that moved were my arms bending at the elbow because I pressed so hard and the barbell didn’t move at all. My body fell into the side of the metal ball. My body was on fire with awe and lust as I realized the behemoth in the corner could actually easily lift something so heavy and then bend it with his hands like it was a small piece of wire. I pushed my body back into a standing position and turned to look at Bobby. He was smiling at me – again with a face full of pride. “When you pick it up Bobby what does it feel like?” “I dunno – I guess like I’m picking up a boot or something. It’s real light.” “If you don’t lift it how many guys does it take to move it?” “Six or seven – but they have to be big guys, ya know.” “How did you get so big Bobby? “I dunno – I’ve always been big. My ma and pa were big, too. My pa had to use small trees to whoop me when I was a boy. He used to get real mad when they busted on my behind.” “How did you meet Hank?” This question caused Bobby’s face to scrunch up, like he didn’t want to respond. I waited a few seconds to give him some time to work through what was going on in his head. I smiled to let him know he could trust me. The huge man looked down at the ground and spoke softly. “In jail.” “Why were you in jail Bobby?” “Some fellas and me got caught playing with our peckers.” I moved back over to join him on the ground. I sat close to him so he’d see that his story didn’t bother me at all. I took a chunk of bread from one of the plates in front of us and started chewing on it. I looked at the large man, who was still staring at the ground, but I could tell he was fully aware of my support. “These fellas used to make me come to their barn and show off and all. They liked it when I would lift things and bend horseshoes and stuff. We would get nekid and they would sit on my pecker until it spit up. The law found out and came and took us away. I wasn’t in the jail very long Eden. They let me go but told me to git out of town. Hank was let go the same day and he took to me and said he would help me. I been with him since then. We joined this circus ‘bout three years ago. You don’t think bad of me, do you Eden.” “No, Bobby. I don’t think you did anything wrong. I believe those fellows took advantage of you and got you into trouble. You just need to be careful about who you trust. Does Hank take good care of you?” I could see that my question caused a little turmoil in Bobby’s head. He was concentrating hard on what I asked and it almost seemed like he didn’t want to answer. I started to tell him to forget my question, but he responded before I could. “Hank likes me just as I am. He knows I like boys and he don’t say I’m bad or nothin’. I wish . . . I wish . . . he would let me do more stuff. I just sit in this cage most of the time. Even when we go to another town I have to ride in the back of a big truck. I don’t see nothing at all. Hank don’t let me talk to no one.” Big tears began to slide down Bobby’s face and then fall from his chin onto the huge chest below. I was overwhelmed with a need to show this huge man how good he really was. I had never felt this way about anyone – especially another man. My cousin Farley used to make me breathe funny when he was near me, but I had never had this intense desire to show someone how much they moved me. I reached up and placed my hand on the side of Bobby’s face, allowing my thumb to caress the trail marks left by his tears. I then moved my knees under my body and raised myself up so my face was even with his. Without even thinking about what I was doing – without even doubting if it was right – I leaned in and kissed a man for the first time in my life. Bobby’s thick beard felt mighty good against my cheeks. His lips were soft and slightly wet. I pressed my smaller mouth against his and I could immediately tell the kiss made the enormous man very happy. He parted his own lips slightly and allowed me to slide my tongue into his mouth. His own large tongue began to grapple with mine like they were wrestling. My body had never felt more alive than it was at that moment. We kissed each other hard and with a passion that could only be described as masculine and almost animalistic. I was instantly aware that if I did not pull my face away from Bobby’s we were both going to have what I called ‘happy accidents’ in our pants. I separated my lips from his and moved back a little, never taking my eyes off of his. We both broke into big smiles. “I ain’t never kissed a boy before, Eden.” “I haven’t either.” “It was real nice. I’m glad you stopped, though. Old Petey down there was about to spit up something awful.” “My pecker was about to do the same thing.” “Really? That’s good. You ain’t named your pecker, Eden?” “No Bobby, I haven’t. You want to name it for me?” “Yeah. I name it Rufus. That’s my daddy’s name. Your pecker is about as big as my daddy’s.” “That’s a good name. You hear that Rufus. You and Petey are going to get to have some fun one day. What’s that? Yeah, I’ll tell him. Rufus says he really likes Petey. He likes Petey very much.” “Well Petey says he likes Rufus, too.” I could tell that Bobby clearly understood the message below our little interplay. It was obvious the big man was uneducated in the world of books, but he was a scholar when it came to everything involved with the body – and that included sexual attraction. I was the student when it came to matters between Petey and Rufus. At that exact moment I made the most important decision of my entire life – it seemed that everything in my past had led to this exact second and everything to follow would be determined by what happened next. [start Here, but first four lines should be italicized to emphasize they are from end of last chapter] “Do you trust me Bobby?” “Yeah.” “Will you try something if I ask you to?” “Yeah.” I reached down, grabbing the middle of the long thick chain that connected his ankle to the spike in the ground, and pulled it closer to him. I lifted the heavy links into the air and held them out to him. I could tell Bobby was a little confused, but I was determined. I spoke softly and smiled to comfort the man. “I’d like you to pull this chain apart - into two pieces, Bobby. Trust me, you can do it. It won’t take any effort from you at all. I know you think you can’t do it, but that’s because no one has ever said you could. Rufus will really be happy if you break this chain with just your bare hands.” The last comment made the big guy smile. He glanced down at my crotch and then licked his lips. It was almost humorous, but I knew deep down he really loved making my Rufus happy. He also knew that what I was asking him to do would make his Petey happy, too. “Hank don’t like me to play with the chain, Eden. And it holds the elephants in place.” “You are stronger than the elephants, Bobby.” “No I’m not.” “Yes you are. Trust me. I wouldn’t ever lie to you, Bobby.” The colossal man looked at me with a face full of love and amazement. I, again, realized that no one had ever told him something like that before. He was beginning to see that I liked him very much and he felt the same way about me. The man dropped the chunk of meat in his hand and reached out – although tentatively – to grab the chain with both of his hands. The links had looked huge in my hands, but in his they looked quite small. I knew it would take him no effort at all to rip one of the rings apart. Bobby held the chain up at chest level and started pulling his hands in opposite directions. At first, I could sense he was very scared to do what I was asking, but then I reached out and put my hand on one of his mammoth upper arms, my spread fingers not even covering half of this portion of his body. “I want to feel your power while you do this, Bobby.” That was all the encouragement Bobby needed. It was very apparent he used little of his total abilities. I watched as the middle link between his hands started to stretch further and further apart – it was like dough being manipulated in a baker’s strong grip. Finally the now thin piece of steel popped completely apart and fell to the ground in between the big man’s legs. It was completely mangled and looked nothing like it had just seconds before. I watched his face explode with excitement and I knew that both of our pecker’s had grown even bigger. I looked at Bobby and shook my head in amazement. I wanted him to know how impressed I was. “That was nothing for you, was it Bobby?” “It was real easy, Eden!” “I told you it would be. You can trust me. You could probably put about ten of those chains together and pull them all apart all at once.” As if to prove me right, Bobby quickly took the side of the chain that remained attached to his ankle and doubled it over. He then held it at chest level again and made sure I was watching. He easily snapped both pieces of the chain in two with one short tug. I let a little moan escape from my mouth and this made Bobby giggle. He looked down at my crotch and was pleased to see my pecker twitching again. “You really like how strong I am don’t cha Eden!” “Very much Bobby, very much. And now for something even better. Here, put your big finger down on the inside of the metal clamp at your ankle and break it off. You can do it without any problem, I promise.” Bobby’s excitement was palpable. He was like a little kid that had just learned to read or ride a bike. He slid his big right index finger between his thick ankle and the equally broad metal band and started pulling out. The band busted at the fastener quickly and easily. The man had just snapped metal in two with only one finger and it was as simple as breaking a wet string of spaghetti. This amazing feat caused me to cry out even louder and Bobby began to laugh. “I’m stronger than them elephants!” “Yes you are, Bobby. Yes you are.” I stood up quickly and grabbed the other piece of chain that was attached to the metal stake in the ground. I thought I would be able to pull the stake out of the soil, but it was too deep and all I did was strain my back a little. Bobby got up quickly too – causing me to gasp when I saw how much taller and bigger he was next to me – and grabbed the chain from me with one hand. He effortlessly pulled the long broad stake out of the ground. The man was able to somehow know what I had planned to ask him to do with the pointed metal pole. He held it in his hands and swiftly bent it over, causing it to snap in two long pieces. Then, just to show off, he bent those two pieces again and broke the once solid metal stake into four pieces. He dropped the destroyed stake to the ground. Bobby was now out of control. I had unleashed some newfound awareness in his psyche and not only did the man trust me completely, but he wanted to show off, as well – in a big way. He promptly walked over to the big barbell and lifted it up with one hand. He came back over and started lifting the thing up and down, with his body right next to mine so I could see his arm swelling bigger each time the barbell went high in the air. “Grab my arm now, Eden. See how big it grows.” “It’s unbelievable, Bobby. Your arm is beautiful.” I quickly started running both of my hands all over his bulging upper arm. I had learned from some magazine that this part of a person was called the biceps. Bobby had the biggest biceps I had ever seen. The humongous man quickly moved behind me and pressed his body against mine – which allowed me to feel his hard dick for the first time as it pressed into my back. He brought his other hand to the barbell and held the thing in front of my chest. I didn’t need any instructions on what to do – Bobby and I were now communicating easily through our mutual lust for his power and our desire for each other. I reached out and placed my hands on top of his, which were wrapped around the heavy bar with the two big balls on each end. Bobby began to press down with his huge arms and immediately the thick metal started to bend into an upside down V. I could actually get a small glimpse of the power Bobby contained in his body as I felt his hands easily manipulating the metal bar. He wasn’t using all of his strength but I could feel his brawny hands making the metal do his will even as his fingers crushed into the bar leaving more than just slight indentions. There was a sudden loud pop and the thick bar cracked apart. Bobby let out a loud growl-like sound and let the two big balls fall to the ground. I felt the area around us shake a little from the impact. Bobby leaned down and wrapped his big hands around my body, bringing his thick forearms across my chest. He stood back up and easily lifted my entire body into the air. The man was so tall that my feet only reached his knees. He brought his bearded face to the right side of my neck and started running his lips up and down my skin. At the same time he pressed his big cock into my lower back and let his heavy balls smack against my ass. “You feel good, Eden. Old Petey likes how you feel, too.” “I think I know a way to make Petey feel even better, Bobby.” “Yeah. I know it, too.” “I . . . uh . . . I haven’t . . . ever sat on a pecker, Bobby. I’m kind of scared.” “I know how to make it not hurt so much, Eden. Trust me, okay. Can I show ya’? I don’t want to make you do nothing ya’ don’t want to. I can make ya’ feel real nice, though.” “Show me Bobby. I trust you.” The big man held me against his chest with one arm and reached down to unbutton and unzip my pants, causing them to fall to my ankles. Rufus immediately snapped straight up against my stomach. I also heard him do the same thing with his pants but I knew his legs were too big, so he had to shove his pants down a little to free his Petey from confinement. It was incredible to finally feel his bare skin against mine – and even more special to feel the base of his hard pecker against my bare behind. The giant man bent his legs way down so he could reach out and dip his hand into a softened block of butter that rested on a plate near the bread. I watched as he scooped a big glob of the stuff into his fingers. Bobby then stood back up and used his strong arm around my body to raise me higher against his chest. Suddenly I felt big fingers pushing my butt cheeks apart and the warm soft butter being lathered around my tensed hole. I cried out when the grunting man pried his thick index finger into my opening and forced it up into me. I knew instinctively to relax my body and I was also very thankful for the slipperiness of the butter. Soon, Bobby was moving his finger in and out of my hole and it started to feel very nice. He was even able to work up to three fingers and I only cried out a couple of times. Finally, my body started to move along with his hand – inviting the invasion to go deeper each time. I knew I was opening myself to the massive man and I was beginning to long for Petey to be inside of me. Bobby could feel my desire. “Ya’ sure you want old Petey to poke you, Eden.” “Hell yes, Bobby. I want to make old Petey spit up real hard.” “Yeah. Trust me, Eden. I’m gonna make Rufus real happy, too.” Never had I thought about having a man’s penis up my ass – but at that moment it seemed like the most natural thing in the world. I would have done anything to feel Petey inside of me. I was on fire with lust for Bobby and it was the strongest thing I had ever felt in my entire life. When I became aware of the thick tip of Petey pressing against my greased up hole I somehow opened myself wide and pushed down with my stomach, causing the fat thing to pop inside of me. This time it was Bobby’s turn to cry out in pleasure. The immediate pain caused by having something so thick inside of me made me grit my teeth and clench my jaw. I didn’t make a sound. Bobby and I both waited a few seconds for my body to get used to old Petey. Soon the enormous man could tell I was ready to move on and he started pressing more of his pecker into my body. At the same time he brought his butter-covered hand around and grabbed hold of Rufus – which sent a thousand quick jolts through my body. Bobby brought his face back down beside mine. “Rufus is mighty hard, Eden. I think he’s happy.” “Very happy, Bobby. And how about old Petey?” “He ain’t never been this happy.” The rhythm of Bobby’s shoving and pulling started to increase. He could sense that my body was ready for whatever was about to happen. I might have been new to all of this, but some basic instinct inside my core had begun to willingly respond to Bobby’s advancement. I knew exactly what to do to please the big man. I tightened my butt when he was pushing in and released it just a little as he pulled out, being careful to clamp it closed just before the tip of old Petey came near to escaping. Bobby seemed to be as skilled with his hands as he was with his penis. He was pumping Rufus like some kind of pro. I could feel thick hard calluses on his palm as he moved up and down on my penis, which only increased the building pleasure. Bobby could perceive when my Rufus was close to spitting up so he would relax his grip and allow my body to recover a little. I quickly gathered that the giant wanted to time it perfectly so that Petey and Rufus both shot off at the same time. I glanced down at the thick forearm and biceps pressing into my body – easily holding me against his huge hard chest behind. Bobby was continuing to breathe heavier and grunted like some wild animal - right next to my face and this only increased the pleasurable tension throughout all of me. “Can Petey explode in your hole, Eden? He sure wants to!” “Yes, please Bobby. Please.” I was lost in some kind of other realm. I had never felt anything close to the bliss that was shooting through my body. I wanted one thing and one thing only – to please old Petey so much that Bobby would want me forever. As the big man’s moans got louder and his pounding inside my ass got faster and harder, I began to realize this is what I had always wanted and it was why I had come to the circus. Posters of the Bear had drawn me here and I had somehow known I would be able to please the beast in a special way. With each thrust of Bobby’s crotch we both came closer to explosion. I could also feel Petey and Rufus both getting even harder with each deep push. I felt Bobby’s body go extremely stiff at the same time as mine. He pulled his arm tighter around my chest and seemed to squeeze me like a lemon, causing my juice to suddenly shoot out from my body across the open area of the cage. Old Petey shot off into my hole at the same time. My toes were scrunched painfully together as my entire frame shook wildly in Bobby’s strong grasp. There was so much happening to my own body that, at first, I completely missed that the giant man was roaring louder than the lions in the cages outside. It took me a minute to realize, too, that old Petey was spitting out so much that Bobby’s thick warm liquid was running down the backs of my legs like an overflowing fountain. Somehow the immense man was able to hold onto me and remain standing even as his body bucked back and forth like the stallion my dad had broken last summer. Somehow I knew the power of Bobby put the strength of the big horse at home to shame. It took about ten minutes for our bodies to recover from their simultaneous explosions. Bobby released the painful pressure of his arm against my chest and I slid down to the ground, hearing a popping sound as his slowly deflating penis left my sore behind. He kept a big hand on my shoulder just to help me stay standing. Bobby could sense that I was completely worn out by the ordeal. “Come away with me Bobby.” I do not know where I found the strength to say what had just escaped my mouth. I knew completely that I wanted to be with the big man for the rest of my life. I had no idea how he felt, but I was not going to let the moment pass without saying what I so strongly desired. I turned my worn out body – still fully alive, though, from the experience – towards him. I looked up into his face and found that he was crying again. I instantly began to worry that he was too fearful to leave Hank. “I know you think it’s safe here, Bobby, but you should be treated better. I can take care of you – I mean really take care of you. You won’t ever have to be in a cage or have a chain around your ankle again. You’ll be able to go outside any time you want and we can do lots of things together. I know you think Hank has given you a lot, Bobby, but you deserve more. I can give you more. And we can make sure that Petey and Rufus have a lot more fun, too! I know it’s scary, but please trust me. I can make you very happy and you can make me very happy, too.” The big guy was now crying very hard and I began to feel like I had asked too much. Bobby was a good and simple man. I was scared I had taken advantage of that and misread his actions and words. It was probably too much for him to think about leaving all that he had known for so long. How dare I think a short brief hour together would affect him the same way it had me. I quickly regretted my impatient invitation. I knew I needed to make it right. “I’m sorry Bobby. I’ve asked too much. It’s just that this last hour has changed my life forever. I think I have always wanted to be with someone exactly like you and I got carried away. I love you, but I also can’t ask you to do anything against your will. You have to decide for yourself. I’m really sorry I made you confused and sad. I promise that I’ll . . .” I didn’t get a chance to finish my sentence. Bobby reached out and grabbed me by the shoulders. He squeezed tightly and pressed in and up at the same time. My body came off the ground and he pressed his furry manly face into mine – kissing me harder than before and dominating my mouth with his powerful tongue. He held us there for a few seconds and then pulled my body slightly away from his. He was smiling and his eyes were full of joy. My dick had suddenly shot hard again. I didn’t say a thing. I simply stared at the face of the handsome man before me and waited. I could not even begin to anticipate what would come next. “You don’t think old Petey could let his new friend Rufus get away do ya’, Eden?” My heart immediately surged with happiness because of Bobby’s words. I wasn’t sure exactly what he meant but I did believe he was saying we would be together. I asked my next question slowly. “Will you come away with me, Bobby?” “Yeah, but I gotta do one thing first. You have to help me, too.” Bobby put me back down on the ground and we both pulled our pants up. I watched in awe, as he had to tug hard to get the top of his cut offs up over his big legs. He walked over to a chest in the corner. He opened it up and brought me a piece of paper and a pencil. He held them out and I took them “You write what I say, okay Eden?” “Yeah, sure.” “Dear Hank. I’m leavin’ for good. If ya’ try to follow me this is what’s gonna happen to you. Signed, Bobby. And then write ‘not the Bear.’ You got all that Eden?” “Yes, but I don’t understand.” “You will.” Bobby took the note from me. He walked over to one of the big balls lying on the ground. He bent down next to the thing, brought his arm back, and then sent his fist flying into the middle of the round chunk of metal. It sounded like two big cars hitting each other. I watched as his hand sunk deep into the ball and then gasped out loud as I watched the thing crack and shatter into many different chunks. Bobby took the piece of paper and placed one of the larger pieces of the demolished ball on the corner. It was now clear what the note meant. I watched Bobby go back to the chest and pull out a triple large shirt and put it over his large frame. It was clear he couldn’t have buttoned the thing even if he had wanted to and the material did nothing to hide how huge he was. He also put on some sandals and pulled out a duffle bag. He walked back to me and nodded his head as he looked around the cage. “Are you sure you’re ready to leave, Bobby?” “If you’ll have me, Eden.” “Forever.” This made the giant smile and he placed a hand behind my back and directed me to the door of the cage. I stopped before we got near the exit and I could immediately sense that Bobby knew what I wanted. I turned to him and he handed me the duffle bag. He walked over to bars of the cage and grabbed the two directly in the middle. With nothing more than a simple shrug of his arms he jerked the two steel poles apart – actually ripping them from the metal beam at the top of the cage. He continued to pry them apart so we both could fit through. He turned to me and I smiled to show my approval. He reached down and adjusted old Petey who had swollen up big as Bobby destroyed the cage so easily. We stepped out and walked to the entrance to the tent. I looked up at him. “Are you ready Bobby?” “Old Petey can’t wait for new adventures with Rufus.” We both laughed and stepped out of the tent into our new life together.
  19. I am reposting my first series. It can no longer be found on the site (i tried to find it). There are 19 chapters.. Here are the characters and their story titles (they will appear in others stories for plot points etc.). Just an FYI, some guys listed have not appeared in the stories I have already posted, but are in stories I am working on for this first series. Jay (Jason) and Max – Worship Session Jay – 6’3”, 250, Blonde, Blue eyes Max – 5’11”, 165, Curly brown, Brown eyes Eddie, Ian, and Colin (Ian is G1 and Colin is G2) –Gingers Eddie – 6’2”, 235, Blonde, Grey eyes Ian and Colin – 6’, 190, Orange, Green eyes Ty (Tyler) and Davey – New Gym Ty – 6’2”, 220, Black, Brown eyes Davey – 5’11”, 175, Brown, Brown eyes Ming and Cam – Toy Time Ming – 5’6”, 150, Black, Blue eyes Cam – 5’7”, 170, Blonde, Green eyes Stu ad Kenny – background guys – no story of their own in this series. Stu – 6’0”, 185, Black, Brown eyes Kenny – 6’1”, 185, Blonde ponytail, Green eyes Paulo – future character – no stand-alone story in this series. Paulo – 6’1”, 230, Brown, Brown eyes The ‘Bad Guys’ Ron – Davey’s ex. Shaun, Bull, Ash, and Larry – Jay and Max’s nemeses. Willie – future character Others - some of these appear in the 2nd Series. Roman – Ro – Max’s 17-year-old brother Schaefer – Shae – Max’s 15-year-old brother Evan – one of Ty’s former boyfriends Gran – Jay’s grandmother Franco – one of Ty’s one-night stands Simon – Cam’s first love ** Enjoy and let me know what you think. ** He held me close, his left bicep flexed. My left arm wrapped around his thickly coiled neck for support and closeness. My right arm holding onto his flexed forearm encouraging him to flex his bicep harder. My tongue running along the flat face of the arm, the light tan hair on the muscle moistened by the saliva of my gentle kisses. He moaned, I moaned in response. His bicep was not obscenely large, but just big enough for my tongue to be able to wander around and trace lines on the protruding veins which gave us both the pleasure of knowing the strength it possessed. I switched my attention to the top of the bicep which was a rounded mound and was split into two heads. I upped the intensity and planted sloppy wet kisses on the whole muscle. He twisted his arm to allow me greater access to it. I moved my right arm to the valley between his forearm and bicep in response to the new position. I kissed the top of his bicep ravenously, like it was going to be my last kiss with him. His right hand on the back of my head, gently but forcefully maneuvering it back and forth, encouraging me to worship the entire top of the bicep. My tongue swept through the valley between the two heads. He playfully flexed the muscle, gently trapping my tongue for a brief second. While it was trapped he took the moment to gently blow warm air into my left ear. He used his tongue to caress the outer ear and softly engulf the lobe. The sensation caused me to spurt some pre-cum. It dribbled down my shaft and spilled onto his leg. He felt the moistness and flexed harder knowing he had hit my sweet spot. He lifted his arm up over his head and his triceps were on full display. I re-wet my tongue and went to work. Gently at first, licking from his hairless armpit up the length of his arm to the elbow and back again. He moaned again when my tongue washed over the sensitive short hairs along the bottom of the muscle. I let my tongue linger there, quickly remoistening it and pursing my lips against the hard muscle and hair. I moved my right hand from his elbow to his bicep and began to joyfully massage, egging him to flex it harder, knowing it would cause his triceps to be flexed as well. He responded eagerly. My fingers slid over the wet surface of the bicep squeezing the mounds gently at first then more intently. My tongue on his triceps and right hand on his flexed bicep, my brain was going into overload. More pre-cum escaped my dick and trickled down. When he felt the new moisture on his leg he let out a soft giggle and pushed his tongue back into my ear. This time he had wet his tongue. He swirled it around the cartilage of the outer ear before plunging it into my inner ear. He brushed across the short sensitive hairs and lapped at them. I squirmed but he moved his right arm around my waist holding me tightly to his body. I tried to move my left arm from around his neck so I could create some room between us, but he trapped it there with his shoulder muscles. I tried to roll my head away but he kept pursuing me and eventually he pinned my head to my right shoulder. He playfully pushed his tongue back into my ear and continued to caress the short hairs with his tongue and warm breath. My tongue had come off his triceps due to the new position of my head, but my right hand was still groping his bicep. He lowered his arm but kept it flexed. I applied more pressure to see if I could dent the muscle in any way, but could not. He sensed my intention and my need to feel his strength. He un-flexed and straightened his arm out. I let my fingers caress the length of his arm, from shoulder to forearm. Gently at first. First trip down, my fingernails barely touching the arm, on the way back, a light touch, stirring the short hairs, he squirmed. Next trip down, the back of my fingers touching the skin and drawing zig-zag lines on the muscles. On the way back, my fingernails to gently rake his skin. He shivered and plunged his tongue back into my ear causing me to quake. He kept at it, I kept at it. We both knew we had pinpointed each other’s sweet zone and we were going to do our best to make the other suffer with unfathomable pleasure for a long time. Next trip down I used my finger tips to gently massage the bicep and triceps muscles. Lingering on them for a few seconds, tugging at the skin and hair. On the way back, I was at full force, completely and unashamedly applying full force thru my fingers. He started to flex and I could tell he was smiling. He enjoyed being worshipped and really enjoyed showing off his muscles and strength. He pulled his tongue of out my ear, relaxed the pressure on my trapped left arm and pulled his left arm into a full flex. I moaned aloud and he shifted his legs and jostled his dick higher into my ass. I was in heaven. My eyes rolled into the back of my head. My head rolled on my shoulders. We turned to face each other. His bright blue eyes piercing my dark brown eyes. His tanned skin, and dirty blonde hair complimenting his appearance. He smiled and jostled his hips again to show me his strength. I wrapped both arms around his neck and slowly moved in to kiss him. My dick trapped between the two of us, now steadily leaking pre-cum causing his abs to be sticky. He maneuvered me up and down by using his hips so as to spread the stickiness over all his abs. His left arm was still flexed. Now he was just showing off to get me off. I smiled and just before our lips met, I licked his nose. I laughed, he smiled warmly.
  20. tester26

    Sean & Ty (Part 2)

    Another tale of Sean & Ty together. Got a bit carried away with the improbably large loads here, but enjoy! Sean & Ty (Part 2 of ?) With thanks to HSMuscleBoy & Galthroc for the inspiration Ty slid off the couch and walked out to the balcony of Sean's twelfth-story apartment, taking his shirt off on the way. His muscled body bulged as he bent over to remove his pants and undergarments. Slowly, he pulled his jeans down. A fat shaft was revealed as the jeans were dragged down and down, more and more was revealed, as though it would never end. Finally, as the jeans reached his knees, he gave a swift final yank and his cock sprang free, the fat footlong shaft slapping his thighs. He gives his boyfriend a wink before climbing into the hot tub, sighing with relief and leaning his head back on the edge of the tub. Sean grinned and followed suit, having already been shirtless and going commando, he slipped out of his cargo pants and climbed into the tub, his low-hanging softballs rolling over the edge as he moved in, his 14 inch soft meat hanging low from its weight. Ty's eyes follow those dangling beauties throughout their descent, watching their every small movement. He licks his lips and scoots closer, extending a thick arm and scooping one of the large testicles in a hand, it barely fitting. He exhales loudly, starting to get aroused as he lifts and plays with the huge thing, feeling how heavy it was. His cock started to poke out of his sheath, as though wanting to see what was going on. "God, Sean... so huge." Sean moaned softly as his equipment was handled by Ty. "Mmmf, Ty..." he groaned. "That's feels great.” He reclined in the hot tub, his arms crossed behind his head, smiling to the concrete overhang above him that was the upper apartment's balcony. Ty caressed those huge balls, shuddering when he let go and they fell onto where Sean was sitting in a heavy heap. His other hand was traveling up and down Sean's body, squeezing his bulging muscles, occasionally squeezing his growing dick. His own cock was already laying flaccid in front of him like a snake, pulsing with life as blood started filling it as he grew more aroused. Sean smirked and wrapped his left hand around the middle of Ty’s growing shaft, rubbing the length with his thumb while squeezing it tight. Ty hunched over to take Sean's swelling cock in his mouth, struggling to fit the mushroom inside his mouth. He managed, letting his tongue swirl around the glands, his throat closing around the head, before popping that fat meat out with a slick sound accompanying. "You taste so nice," he remarked, winking at Sean, his own cock now semi hard, up past his navel and almost as thick as his forearm. His stomach and chest heaved up and down as his breathing grew deep because of his arousal. He put Sean's cock back in his mouth, working magic with his tongue and throat. Sean gasped as his shaft was taken into Ty's mouth, already starting to leak pre inside of him. "God," he said, "you're g-good at this..." He placed his hand on the back of Ty's head, coaxing him on. Ty raised himself and let his palms roam Sean’s body as he licked and slurped on that big cock. He moaned as he cupped the stud’s bulging pecs and washboard abs, loving how his gigantic dick throbbed against his tongue, the taste of the fluids coating the member making him hungrier and hungrier. Ty increased the pace and strength of his sucking, taking more and more cock in his mouth until he gagged, but regained his composure. He kept his lips and throat tight, spit leaking out from his lips and staining his cheeks, precum and saliva oozing down Sean's huge cock. Sucking and slurping noises galore came from Ty as he worked his stuff, making sure Sean got a blow job that'd make him shoot his load like never before. Sean reclined in total bliss. His cock-head was warm and wet and drooled pre by the cup. His urethra pulsed and swelled as copious amounts of precum surged through it. His nuts churned beneath the water. He continued to rub the back of Ty's head. He could feel it through every muscle, every tendon, every nerve ending in his cock; he was close to cumming. Ty pulled back, and lay back in the tub, his own cock landing hard between his pecs. He stroked it eagerly with one hand, the other jerking off Sean’s. "Fuck, Sean, is that monster getting bigger?” he asked, fascinated. Sean smiled and placed a hand affectionately on top of the middle of his dick, stroking it gently as if it was his satisfied stomach. “You like this dude?” he asked with a smile, looking down to his cock that reached almost to his chin. “Twenty-two inches when I last measured.” "FfffUCK!" Ty groaned, arching his back, chest heaving into the air. Hearing just how fucking huge that cock was sent a massive wave of pleasure through him, sending his hips skyward, cock so hard it didn't move despite his squirming. Precum spit out like a water gun, coating his body. "I can't wait to see it cum..." Ty said as he went back to blowing his partner. Ty took more meat in his throat than he thought possible, his throat bulging from the effort. His head bobbed up and down so quickly it was nearly a blur. His free hand jerked and squeezed what remained of Sean's cock outside his mouth so roughly and tightly, he could feel the veins pushing against his palm. At the apex of his advanced blow job, he popped his head off of Sean's cock, let go, and sat back, leaving Sean hanging. He grinned and casually stroked his erect meat, his fat head leaking between his huge pecs. Sean gasped as he stared at the tip of his massive cock. As if perfectly on cue, the slit opened up and a massive wad of precum shot upward, splashing perfectly on Sean's nose. Sean sneezed, wiped the goo away, and then glared evilly at Ty. "Thought we might try some edging. Better payoff in the end. Not to mention your dick gets HUGE right before you cream," he pointed at Sean's huge, throbbing and leaking cock. "And god damn is that hot!" Sean frowned at Ty across from him. "Alright," he said, "if that's how you want to play it." He reached forward and wrapped his hands around Ty's shaft, squeezing tight around the base and slowly, ever so slowly bringing it up to the very tip, then plummeting his hands to the base quickly before restarting the process. Ty's eyes flickered when Sean worked his way up his cock. His whole body would jolt and tense when Sean suddenly forced his hands back down his shaft, muscles popping all over his body. "Ohh FUUCK, Sean. Keep doing that. Don't stop. Oh YEAH!" He moaned, his head jerking back in forth in pleasure. He tried to thrust into Sean's palms, but their grip was too tight to allow that. Precum surged out of his opened slit, oozing in waves down his fat, throbbing shaft, which was growing a darker shade of red by the second, veins starting to pop out and throb. Sean smirked and gently kissed Ty. "Thought you'd enjoy that,” he said and continued his treatment. His fingers felt like magic on Ty's cock, squeezing incredibly tight as he pleasured his boyfriend. He now began to corkscrew his hands back and forth as they slowly rose up the massive length. Ty grit his teeth and squeezed his hands into tight fists, making his arms bulge. Precum was spewing out like his cock was a broken faucet, dousing his body in clear, sticky fluid, his muscles becoming sleek and shiny. His pecs squeezed together and his abs crunched tightly, the base of his cock bulging obscenely as a tidal wave of horse cum prepared to burst forth and shower then both in spunk. "Fuck..Sean...gonna cum soon. Oh God, keep going. It's going to be huge." Sean promptly pulled his entire body away and jumped backwards, his nuts sloshing through the water. He stood there, leaning against the back of the hot tub, his arms folded over his chest and his cock hanging in the air. He smirked over the tip of his own shaft at Ty as he had done the same thing Ty had done to him. "Oh, you were reeeeeeeeeeally hoping to cum, weren't you?" he asked. As if on cue a bubble seemed to form in his urethra and climbed upward until it reached the head. At this point a bead of precum the size of a large grape emerged from the tip and oozed down his shaft, landing with a loud plop in the water beneath them. Ty sat there trembling, trying to fight the urge to cum right there without even touching himself. His cock throbbed and bounced in front of him, piss slit wide open and winking at him, ready to splatter all over the place. With much effort he managed to quell it, his dick "deflating", losing a few inches in length and girth. "Jesus that was close," he said. "Your turn!" he immediately lunged forward and grabbed Sean's enormous cock, jerking the shaft furiously with one hand and swiveling the other around the head in glands. He worked with no mercy, keeping a super tight grip, his motions quick and relentless. "Like that? You're gonna wanna cum in seconds. Look at that big cock throbbing like that!" Sean's eyes went wide and then slammed shut. He braced himself against the hot tub as his cock shot a massive wad of precum onto Ty's face. "Oh, GOD!" he shouted. "FUCK YES!" he tried his best to thrust but couldn't move through Ty's grip. He knew how Ty had felt during his treatment. "Yeah, you really like that don't you?" Ty moved his swiveling hand down a few inches to make room for his mouth, which he planted on Sean's cockhead. He licked and sucked briefly before replacing his mouth with his hand again, licking his lips of Sean's precum. "Mmm so much precum, too. Can't wait to feel that massive load. Yeah, and to rub it all over my body. Wouldn't that be nice to see, Sean? To see all your cum over my big muscles?" he continued to tease Sean as he jerked him fervently. "You like me telling you how much I like your cock? How badly I want you to coat me in your seed?" Sean’s dick spurt a wad of pre onto his chest. "I can feel it already. All that hot spunk all over my body. It'd feel so good..." "And that body..." Ty said, teasing. "So ripped. So much muscle. It makes my cock ache just looking at you.” "Yeah?" Sean grunted, breathing heavily. His member was swollen beyond belief, a few inches of girth being added and lost as it throbbed mightily. His hands trembled, hovering over his shaft, wanting so badly to jerk it and let it be done. Sean whimpered, his shaft swelling to massive proportions from his blood being cut off by Ty's vicelike grip. He panted as his cock became so hard it started turning from red to almost purple, and Sean loved every minute of it. He panted and gasped as his cock drooled more precum in a few seconds than in a normal person's orgasm, his own massive wall of pleasure slowly closing in. Ty placed a palm on that heaving chest, moaning softly as he slowly closed his fingers, squeezing the muscle. His palm traveled over Sean’s shoulder and then down his arm, resting at his bicep, the muscle trembling and twitching. Sean took a deep breath to calm himself, and slowly brought up his arm. A titanic mountain of muscle rose, growing higher and higher as he brought his fist closer to his head. Ty's palm traveled up, up, up, rubbing all over that huge bowling ball-sized muscle. He dug his face onto it, licking it, kissing it, caressing it. Just as quickly as Ty had started, he stopped, removing his hands and putting them down to his side, watching Sean's cock throb hungrily, nearly drooling. "God Sean. You're so fucking big. This just doesn't get old!" Sean roared with anger and lunged forward, practically tackling Ty's cock. He brought his mouth to the piss slit and kissed it hard, opening his mouth and dipping his tongue into it and moving about. His lips travelled around the whole head, kissing and licking about the shaft. He was literally making out with Ty's massive dick. Ty's hips bucked into the air from the sudden burst of pleasure. "FUCK!" he roared, writhing on his seat, muscles tensing and relaxing seemingly at random. His butt clenched constantly as he involuntarily started to lightly thrust his hips. His cock exploded in torrents of precum, splashing all over Sean, who was handling his cock in such a hot way, he knew he wouldn't last long. Sean continued to french kiss Ty shaft in front of him. His hands roamed the surface as his lips roamed the head, loving the taste of the stud’s salty precum covering his face, his shoulders, his chest; pretty much his entire body. Ty arched his back, leaning over the edge of the tub, his legs lifting his bottom off the seat several inched as the pleasure increased to mind-shattering proportions. He could feel the orgasm coming, and he didn't know if Sean would be able to stop on time. Sean promptly let go of Ty's shaft and stood up. He held his arms out to his sides and fell back, plopping into his seat, his cock now at chin level. Ty stood in front of Sean and squatted so that both of their cocks were level, his legs bulging with muscle. He propped his shaft against Sean's and held them together with both hands. Then he started to thrust against Sean's cock, their two members slipping and sliding together, lubricated by the waterfalls of precum seeping out of each one. Sean gasped and braced himself against the wall of the hot tub, pleasure rolling through his massive nearly two-foot cock as the two shafts painted each other with their clear glaze. "Mff, s-so hot..." Ty's cock was throbbing and leaking obscenely, ready to burst. He sped up his thrusting, feeling Sean's shaft pulsating against his own, the feeling driving him crazy with lust as he humped against Sean. "Gonna cum soon..." he moaned. Sean gasped and groaned as his cock continued to spurt. He felt himself on the edge of orgasm. That wasn't good. He promptly pushed Ty back, letting his own cock bubble and spurt before him. "N-not yet," he gasped. "I'm n-not through with you yet..." Sean panted as the pleasure slowly left him. "I-It's your turn," he said with a smirk Ty laughed. "What? I'm the one who lunged at you and started frotting." Sean smirked over his drooling shaft at Ty. "Yes, but you have yet to pleasure me and only me and not yourself. I'm waiting, big boy." Ty huffed and looked down at Sean's huge member. He hunched down and stuck his tongue out, lapping at the base. His hands worked the enormous head while he slowly brought his tongue up the shaft, kissing and licking it. His palms dug into Sean's head, a finger even slipping in the slit. Sean gasps and lowers his head, watching the finger vanish down his cock. "F-fuck," he said, "s-stole my idea..." "Whoops," Ty says, smiling. His trick ends when his mouth finally reaches the top of Sean's cock (which took long enough). He replaced his finger with his tongue, shoving down the slit and darting it in and out while his hands swiveled up and down that huge shaft quickly, squeezing tightly. "M-Mmmmf..." Sean curls his fingers along the edge of the hot tub. His shaft pulses out streams of precum onto Ty's face, glazing him over in warm goo, his own orgasm drawing nearer as Ty's tongue does its job. Ty shoves as much of his tongue as he can down Sean's gaping slit, the taste of precum driving him into a frenzy of lust. He nearly forgot all about Sean's impending orgasm until the tell-tale signs started to emerge. When that big cock he was loving started to get even bigger, he immediately snapped out of his trance and let go, sitting back and smiling. "I think we'll go crazy if we keep this up much longer." Sean was unable to reply, eyes wide and lustful as he clung to the edge of the hot tub, his cock two inches longer than normal and spurting precum by the bucket. "I th-think you're right..." he said. "F-finish? Or more?" Ty's shaft was thumping against his body with need. He rolled his head back and moaned, squeezing his legs together, which made him even harder, his cock turning purple. "Please...I need to finish." "Th-then let's..." Sean reached forward and wrapped his right hand around his cock, squeezing hard around his tip as his orgasm edged nearer. Ty moaned with relief as he grabbed his own shaft, finally able to achieve the orgasm he so craved. It didn't take long. In just a matter of seconds his cock was bigger than ever, throbbing just below his chin, purple and squirting precum. "Ohh YEEEAH!" he roared, his hands flying off his cock as he thrust the air, cum rocketing out like a firehose, flying into the air before splattering back onto his body as well as Sean. Sean howled to the sky as he came as well, his shaft filling up and his urethra bulging out as cum rocketed through him, splattering Ty in massive blasts. He came and came, his massive softballs pulled up to his body and emptying themselves on Ty. "Fuck yeah! Coat me with it! Ohhh GOD...!" Ty roared, rubbing his strong body, his flexed muscles coated with thick layers of semen. His cock thumped on his chest as he did so, spurting a massive rope of cum into the air with every throb and thump. "Keep cumming on me. Don't stop!" Sean threw his head back and continued to moan, his body being pasted with both Ty's cum and his own cum which splashed on impact off of Ty's body onto him. Ty kept rubbing his body, flexing an arm next to him and licking the cum off of his enormous, twitching bicep. He humped the air relentlessly, his cock bobbing to and fro, slapping loudly against his body, spraying cum all over. "FUCK! I never want this to stop!" he roared. "Keep going Sean! Please!" Sean leaned forward in the hot tub and began to make out with the sexy stud in front of him, cum and spit mixing between their mouths as both cocks came together, the tips touching and erupting together. Ropes of cum flew over the side of the jacuzzi as the two studs rode out their mutual orgasms. Sean's hands roamed Ty's muscular body, kneading his own cum into Ty's massive pecs and firm abs. Ty wrapped his strong arms around Sean, holding him close, tongue darting all over Sean's face in a lustful frenzy. He humped against him, his cum-covered cock slipping and sliding all over, adding to the mess every second. He loved the touch of Sean's hands on his body. "Like that?" he managed to moan between kisses. "Don't stop...feels so good..." Sean was happy to obey, his hands flying over Ty's body in all places, rubbing over his firm pecs, his strong abs, his steely, pulsing cock, his low, heavy nuts, his rock solid ass, and everything in between and around them. Sean just continued to kiss. To kiss, and to cum. Ty managed to pop his cock in his mouth as Sean touched him, the greater stimulation making him explode more. He bobbed his head up and down his member, sucking like a vacuum, swallowing what the could and letting the rest pop out of his full cheeks. He pumped his shaft as he sucked, the throbbing piece of meat not ceasing its exploding. Sean roared and bucked upwards, his slickened shaft sliding between Ty’s eyes and hosing him down with cum. His powerful blasts shot straight up onto the concrete balcony above them and ricocheted down, splattering them both. Some even made it off the edge of the balcony, no doubt hitting the cars in the street below. Ty popped his mouth of his cock, his orgasm finally coming to an end with one last, huge spurt that splattered onto Sean on top of him. He pushed Sean back onto his seat and grabbed Sean's cock, jerking it furiously, putting his mouth in the way of the stream a few times. "You taste so good," he said, pumping him. "Come on. Just a bit more. Lemme see that big cock explode." Sean just gasped and squirmed as his titanic pillar of meat unloaded a bucketful of cream into Ty's mouth and onto his face, his cock still spurting several feet into the air whenever Ty's mouth didn't come in its way. Ty slowed his jerking, becoming exhausted from the effort, his orgasm having really fatigued him. He fell back onto his own seat, just watching Sean with amazement in his eyes, running a hand down his cum-soaked body and licking it like ice cream. Sean just stared at his cock with glazed eyes, marveling his level of output. He lazily leaned to his side, aiming his cock over the balcony and spraying blasts of cum over the railing. He smirked lazily as he heard people gasp with terror as steaming white cum splattered the street, their cars, and even them. He felt bad for anyone who had a sunroof open on this fine summer's night. Ty smiled, panting hard, wondering if Sean would ever finish (not that he minded if he wouldn't. He could watch this all day). His cock was still hard and throbbing with need, but it was so sore he was afraid to touch it. The jacuzzi was filled with a mix of their cum and water, the jets struggling to circulate the more viscous fluid. Sean let out a sigh of content as his stream finally slowed, then stopped completely. He licked a strand of Ty’s cum off of his lips. He smirked deviously and looked back to Ty, his cock still hard. He was panting heavily, arms at his sides, body slick with his cum. “Fuck dude, that was intense.” Sean said, panting. His cock laid across his massive chest, rivers of cum dripping down his pecs and into the milky, cum-filled water. Ty sat there, eyes never leaving that member. “Sean….you're so fucking big..." he groaned, "I need you to fuck me...just grab me and FUCK ME!" he growled, thrusting high into the air, his cock lurching and spewing a massive amount of pre right onto his face and body. "Turn around," Sean snarled at Ty. He obeyed, leaning over the wall of the jacuzzi, his perfect rear end facing Sean, swaying to and fro with the intention to tease, eager to feel that huge rod inside him, his small pink hole winking. Sean's cock lurched at the sight, a few drops of cum falling slowly into the pool in long, white, heavy ropes. Inflating to an even large length and girth for a few seconds, he fired off a large wad of precum straight onto Ty's back. Ty moaned when he felt it, bringing his hips down and grinding his cock along the jacuzzi wall. His tight ass clenched and flexed, making Sean all the more anxious to get inside. Sean slowly jerked himself for a while, running his hands up and down his shaft, making it sleek and shiny. "You want me to fill you up with his huge cock?" ”Yes..." Ty moaned, humping the wall very slowly and sensually now, showing his bottom off for Sean. His thighs bulged with muscle, flexing as he thrust his hips. His triceps also jutted out from his arms, supporting his quivering body. "Please. I need to feel it. I need to feel all that cum inside me." "Ohh, yeah?" Sean grinned, teasing Ty by putting his cock between his bulging pecs and flexing them, trapping his meat in the cleft between the two mounds of muscle. He slowly thrust his hips, moving his cock up and down as it was sandwiched between his muscles, tongue out and lapping at the leaking cockhead as it approached his lips. "Mmmm," he moaned. "Don't hold back," he said with a harsh breath, breathing heavily. His dick was so hard it was nearly pointing straight up, his 18 inches of hugely throbbing, cock throbbing as though housing a second heart. "I want you to fuck me senseless.” Sean unclenched his chest and let his cock fall. It slapped against Ty's back. He slowly retracted his hips, letting his member slide down Ty's back, leaving a hot trail of precum in its wake. Finally his cockhead was at Ty's entrance, wet and dripping. He pushed forward -very- slowly, letting only the smallest amount of meat penetrate Ty, his precum already dripping down Ty's legs. Ty convulsed, nearly slipping, but his trembling arms kept him upright. He pushed against the invading cockhead, letting more pop inside him, groaning loudly. Sean had his hands on his hips, letting Ty do all the work. He looked calm and composed enough, but he was struggling greatly to keep the pleasure he was feeling pent up inside him for now. Feeling his nearly apple-sized cockhead popping into that tight hole was incredible. Ty slowly slid more meat inside him, inch by inch. Sean's lip trembled as he grimaced, feeling Ty's tight rear clenching tightly around more and more of his meat. He his hands on Ty's hips, lifted up Ty's rear, and pushed more of his meat deeper into him at a quicker pace. "Oh GOD!" Ty screamed, pounding his fist against the balcony railing, his cock bulging and shooting a wad of precum onto his chest. "MORE!" he demanded, clenching his bottom around Sean's cock, trying to push him out to make Sean feel better. "NNNNGH!" Sean grunted, digging his fingers into Ty's waist, half of his cock now inside him. He pulled out slowly, his cock slick his pre, many ropes of it dripping off his shaft, before slamming his meat back inside. Ty howled, his cock exploding in another torrent of cum, the power of his orgasm increasing as Sean began to fuck him. Ty’s huge cock spewed jet after jet of cum over the balcony edge, screams of terror down below adding to their pleasure. The water sloshed violently as Sean was simultaneously thrusting into Ty as well as moving Ty's bottom up and down his cock, slamming more and more meat inside with every thrust until his cock was nearly entirely engulfed. “Fuck yeah dude! Cum for me!” he moaned, "You like that huge cock inside you?" Ty was nearly crying in pleasure, his cock thumping against his stomach and constantly shooting smaller ropes of cum until he was spent, shooting blanks instead. He turned back and pulled Sean in for a deep kiss, as Sean wrapped his arms around Ty’s chest, squeezing his pecs and nips. His hips continued to pound his monster in and out of Ty’s tight hole. "Fuck me!" Ty cried between roars of pleasure. Sean thrust into Ty a few more times before letting his cock pop out, a wave of precum escaping as well. Sean turned Ty around and lifted him up by the waist, Ty wrapping his arms and legs around his partner. Sean had to bring his hips very far back in order to give his cock enough room. Sean gently entered Ty's ass, their lips locked as Sean’s cock slowly slid back inside. When Sean was completely hilted, he gently thrust in and out in an even, practiced motion. Ty grabbed Sean tightly, crying out in pleasure. He marveled at Sean's strength as well, running his hands over Sean's bulging and throbbing arms, which were flexed in their effort to lift Ty, exploding his muscle. He ran his hands over Sean's biceps, giving them firm squeezes, then let them fall onto Sean's pecs. He tweaked Sean's nippled, squeezed his chest, and worshipped his body. His cock was sandwiched between his body and Sean's constantly being rubbed, making Ty blind with pleasure. Sean was bringing his hips backward, arching his back greatly, before slamming them forward again into Ty. A waterfall of precum was cascading down his shaft and balls, dripping into the tub in long thick ropes as well as flying every which way when he thrust into Ty. His butt clenched with every thrust, which Ty was sure to feel up with his feet, every muscle in his body now flexed and working. Sean balanced Ty on the edge of jacuzzi, lifting his legs and spreading them, still thrusting into Ty. Ty's abs crunched and flexed as he rocked back and forth from the power of Sean's thrusts, his abs sleek with cum. "Getting close..." Sean grunted. "Fill me. I want to feel all that seed inside me." With one final, powerful thrust, Sean hilted his cock inside Ty. He hunched over as the power of his orgasm took hold of him, pumping Ty full of cum that almost instantly squirted out. "OOOOOH GOD!" Ty immediately began to cum again, ropes of cum painting the balcony ceiling. Sean composed himself enough to start fucking Ty again, massive amounts of cum splashing out of Ty and onto Sean's body as well as the tub. Sean was fucking harder than ever now, a primal instinct taking over him, the pleasure controlling him. "RRRRRR," he roared. "TAKE IT!" His cock was nearly a blur, it was moving so fast in and out of Ty. Ty bent down, slurping as his exploding cock. He coughed and gagged on the cum, occasionally popping it out for air, letting the stream instead nearly hit the ceiling, only to fall and rain on his body. His mouth moved up and down his meat, swallowing what he could. The two studs rode out their orgasms, cum filling the jacuzzi. Ty cried out as his cock exploded in another, larger fountain of cum, coating the stud fucking him in his spunk. Sean fell back, supporting himself with his palms, as the teen coated him in warm spunk. "Yeah, shoot all over me..." he moaned. His thrusting soon became too sloppy, however, and his cock fell out, a torrent of seed following it. The studs locked again in a passionate kiss as their orgasms finally ceased. "Now it's your turn loverboy!" Ty growled. The balcony was an absolute mess and the jacuzzi a swamp of cum, but neither wanted it to end. Their hands traveling over each others’ slick muscles as they flexed for each other. Ty growled as he pushed Sean back. Sean winked and spread his legs. He ground his cock between their rock hard abs, enjoying the stimulation. He started to hump their chests, soaking them in even more spunk that also splattered against his chin and the balcony railing behind him. His ass clenched greatly as he thrust, and Ty couldn't resist. Ty mounted Sean, his cock sore but wanting some stimulation after seeing what Sean was doing. Ty spread the stud's cheeks wide before driving his massive rod into Sean. He penetrated Sean, thrusting his full eighteen inches in instantly, making Sean moan. "FUUUCK!" Sean roared, his back rippling and tense, arms braced against the wall as Ty relentlessly fucked him, going until his balls touched his rump before coming all the way out and slamming himself back in. Ty slammed his cock into Sean, hips pulling far back before slamming back down again. "C'mon stud and fuck me good!" Sean growled as Ty fucked him fiercely up the ass. Sean had masterful control over every muscle in his body, including in his ass, and massaged Ty like a pro, while Ty’s huge beast massaged every pleasure zone in Sean’s ass. "God yes...YES!" Sean moaned. He used his massive arms to push his torso back against Ty’s. He kept thrusting forward and back, slamming against Ty's cock, his own member slapping against his chin. He licked and slurped at it. Ty put his palms on the railing behind Sean, his triceps flexing, as he thrust into the stud’s ass. Soon his cock inflated, dumping a load of cum into Sean. Sean wanted to moan out in pleasure, but he was too busy sucking his massive, throbbing cock while being fucked by another. Eighteen inches of stud dick ground hard into the stud while powerful washboard abs rubbed against his throbbing cock. Feeling his insides fill with steaming hot seed made his cock lurch, and orgasm hit him like a brick, bulging his cheeks out and splashing out onto Sean’s body. He popped his mouth off his cock, and pointed his dick towards Ty. His stream of cum splashing onto his body. Ty roared in pleasure as he pulled out and pointed his cock at Sean, his own stream splashing onto the other teen. They jerked themselves feverishly at they came all over each other, kneading their cum into their bodies, hips jerking into the air as they continued to cum, bodies writhing and twitching, muscles flexing. Both teens were groaning and screaming in ecstasy until their bodies finally came to rest, and again the two locked in a passionate embrace. They sat up looking as though they had just stepped out of a bath of cum, which basically they had. "You..." Ty was panting, lying in a heap besides Sean, "are a GOD! We're totally doing that again in a few hours..." “Like I’d wait that long,” Sean said and smiled, helping Ty up onto his feet and pulling him in to a cum covered embrace. They looked around the balcony - the ceiling, the floor, the furniture, and the railing all painted white with their combined loads. The balcony looked like it had been host to a giant orgy, not two oversexed teen muscle gods. Ty climbed out of the jacuzzi turned swamp and looked over the edge of the balcony. Pools of cum were glistening in a wide arc on the ground and cars below, connected by streams of white. One car straight below the balcony was almost completely obscured by thick layers of cum. “Fuck dude,” he said with a smile, “we made huge mess again.” Ty lay back onto a soaked lounge chair and put his arms behind his head, his bodybuilder muscles shining in the moonlight. “Aw fuck yeah dude, we’re fucking gods man” Sean replied, looking down at the carnage. The sight of all that cum and Ty’s glistening body already starting to excite him again. Ty lay back onto the bed as Sean climbed out of the jacuzzi, his cock swaying in front of him, slowly rising up with each step. Ty spread his legs, letting his large balls fall to the bed. “You’re fucking insatiable, Sean!” Ty groaned with a smile. “Can’t help it when your lover is so fucking hot,” Sean replied. Sean's powerful legs flexed with every step, his massive cock swaying to and fro, gigantic baseball testicles swaying and flopping as he walked. Finally Sean got on his knees in front of Ty again, his massive cock presenting itself in front of Ty's lips. Ty immediately obeyed and took it in his mouth, sucking hard. Sean nearly fell back in pleasure, his desire for orgasm rising again. He thrust into Ty’s mouth and soon he found that he was being deepthroated by Ty. The Ty’s growing cock bounced on his chest, spurting pre all over his chin and face, and Sean grabbed the pillar of meat and jerked it roughly as he thrust into Ty’s mouth, spit and precum splashing all over. Sean lay down on top of Ty, kissing his own shaft and Ty’s as both cocks grew rock hard again. He pulled his cock out of Ty’s mouth with a loud pop, quickly replacing it with his tongue, and the two ground against each other as they made out. Sean and Ty kept kissing, really getting into it. They broke the kiss and moaned loudly, bucking against each other, Ty biting his lower lip and looking at Sean with a lust-filled gaze. His cock was being pressed against his chest, a puddle of precum oozing from it and down his side, tickling him. Sean’s butt clenched hotly as he thrust, and soon Ty placed a palm on each cheek, squeezing tightly, holding the teen close against him as their bodies slid against one another. Ty writhed on the bed, sliding his hands all over his muscular body, scooping up handfuls of cum from their coated muscles and licking it up like ice cream. "Yes...." he moaned, humping Sean, his huge cock slapping against his chest, precum splashing him in the face, and the wall behind him. "Don't...fucking...stop!" Suddenly, Sean stood up. “What the fuck Sean,” Ty whined, humping the air, his massive cock begging for release. Sean winked at Ty, “One more show for the world?” he asked, tilting his head towards the balcony rail. Ty caught on and grinned. “You horny fucker,” he said, pushing himself up off of the soaked day bed with a loud squelch. The two leaned back against the balcony railing, their hard cocks sliding between thick layers of cum between their pecs as they each began to suck themselves. Ty’s head traveling up and down the thick length of is giant, throbbing member. He was moaning loudly, torrents of spit and precum coating his cock and puddling on the floor as it oozed down in long, clear ropes from his bulbous, huge balls. The way he was thrusting made his leg muscles flex impressively, his giant quads bursting with strength and power. Sean meanwhile was literally making out with his cock. It was so big, that he could wrap his arms around it and hug and kiss it without even stretching his neck. His arms flexed and bulged with tight, enormous muscles as his hands roamed his titanic shaft, his butt clenching as he thrust into his grip. His mouth traveled all over his cock, kissing it, licking it, shoving it into his mouth. He threw his head back and squeezed his pectorals with both hands, letting his cock fall out of his mouth, a thick rope of precum dripping out and falling to the ground. "Yes...oh yeah...fuck...!" he was moaning, whispering quietly to himself, eyes closed. He was jerking himself painfully slowly, shuddering every time his hands went up, up his cock at a snails pace, and then quickly plummeted down again. He squeezed his muscles, licked them, worshipped them. The two teens took their time, edging and holding off for over an hour. They each could feel each other getting close, catching each other’s eyes as they ran their hands down their wet bodies, tweaking their nipples, toying with their abs, feeling their arms and flexing over and over again in different poses. All the while their cocks was thumping on their chests, hard as a rock, begging for attention, spurting and spurting ropes of pre. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" The pleasure was becoming too great. Ty shoved his cockhead back into his mouth, gagging already on the massive amounts of pre flooding his mouth. He could feel the big one coming. He popped his head off his cock and moaned, rubbing his hands up and down the massive, swollen shaft. He squeezed the base again, gasping as his shaft momentarily inflated due to the blocked bloodflow. His cock turned a deep shade of red, a plethora of veins popping out and throbbing against the sleep flesh. Cum struggled to spurt from the tip, coming in short bursts like a leaky pipe. His cock was simply ready to explode. And that it did when he let go. "FUUUUCK! YES! YES!!!!" he roared as the orgasm of orgasms came. His cock lurched and throbbed with every shot, thumping on his chest after each wad. Wave after wave of thick, creamy spunk splashed against the two muscle studs. They all moaned as their bodies were covered with heavy, warm cum. He turned and ground his spurting cock against the balcony railing, enjoying the pressure against his cock. Ty’s eyes were rolling into the back of his head, his mind becoming overloaded with pleasure. He shut his eyes tight, thrusting harder against the rail, his cock throbbing, veins pulsing. He arched his back, thrusting into the air as cum sprayed out over the balcony, splattering loudly onto the pavement and cars below. "GOD! MORE! MORE!!!" he shouted, his orgasm growing in strength as he thrust the air, his butt clenching mightily. He writhed and continued to roar and moan, running his hands down his soaked body, up his powerful cock. Ty brought his head down again to slurp on his exploding cockhead, which was purple and swollen to the size of an apple. His abs crunched as he sucked, trying to recycle the cum, slurping as much as he could before getting full. "Mmm..MMMMM....UUUGH!" he roared again as his lips popped off his cockhead. Sean doubled his efforts as he felt Ty’s hot load cover his body. He moaned as he gazed on Ty’s gorgeous body flexing as he came. Sean reached down and grabbed the base of his cock, stroking himself with one hand as he brought his other arm up and flexed his bicep, watching it bunch up and throb with power. He kissed it, practically making out with his own muscle as his tongue roamed around it. His cock lurched in his hand as he rapidly jerked his meat. He moaned loudly, kissing his muscle more fervently now. Ty crawled over to help Sean out, licking at the shaft as Sean sucked the top quarter of his member. He fondled Sean's huge balls as Sean's moaning got louder and louder, his cock growing harder and harder, precum spitting out like a broken faucet, ready to burst. It was simply enormous. It had to be the length and thickness of a normal man’s arm, and it's size matched his enormous body perfectly. Simply put, Sean was the perfect embodiment of masculinity and power. Pure pleasure. A sex god. All at once, all four hands gripped Sean's member and jerked it, not even close to covering the whole thing. Sean thrashed around in convulsions of pleasure. Ty was jerking Sean off furiously, pointing Sean’s cock over the balcony. "Come on, you fucking hot stud," Ty growled. "Paint this whole fucking town white." Sean grunted, arms bulging with muscle from the effort of jerking this huge cock. "UHHHHH YEAAAAAHHH!" Sean was roaring, thrusting against Ty's hands, his cock a colossal 22 inch pillar of meat. Sean's whole body went rigid as he finally reached orgasm. It was like nothing either of them had ever even imagined. The rope of cum was so thick, so strong, it could have knocked a man over. Instead, it shot up 10 feet in the air, and rained down on ground below. Ty opened his mouth and leaned in to catch the endless ropes of cum, splattering all over him, coating him in layer after layer of hot spunk. He humped the air as Sean rained more thick ropes of spunk onto the stud’s hard body. "YEAH!" Ty roared, jerking Sean off even harder. Sean flexed his muscles, licked his arms, and started to thrust the air, back arched. Again and again, Sean shot more and more cum from his huge cock that just didn't seem to stop. It was literally like a fire hose, dousing everything around them in white spunk. "FUUUUCK!" Sean roared. It was out of control, and he had no desire to stop its flow. Rope after rope of steamy, thick cum exploded from his inflated member. It throbbed and lurched with every huge spurt, splashing all over the ground, coating cars, setting off alarms. "YES! OH FUCK! YEAH!" Sean roared. Cum soaked his body, and he spread it all over his flexing muscles, worshipping his cock, worshipping himself. He flexed his arms and kissed and licked them, then he bent down to suck his cock again. "So fucking hot..." Ty said, watching Sean suck his meat, marveling at how the cockhead bulged enormously as it deposited load after load into the cum-soaked teen’s throat. Finally, though, that load subsided, and Sean let his softening cock fall out of his mouth, letting it drop between his legs. He breathed heavily, eyes closed, exhausted. "Jesus, I've never seen you shoot such a load!" Ty said in awe. "I've been shooting blanks for a while now! FUCK that was hot!" The two of them embraced and surveyed the damage. The walls were splashed with white, thick pools coating the floor. The lounge chair was completely buried under layers of cum, the jacuzzi similarly covered. They looked over the balcony edge and erupted in laughter. It looked like a freak snowstorm had dropped a 20 foot arc of snow outside their building, several cars buried under thick layers of cum. Sean and Ty felt on top of the world, enjoying the afterglow as they shared another kiss. "We're all covered in cum, you wanna' take a shower?" Sean said with a mischievous grin. “Sounds good to me." Ty replied as they headed inside, arm in arm. They got into the large double-wide shower stall, and turned on the water. Sean and Ty gently washed and scrubbed and each other's magnificent bodies. Water traveled through the gap between their pecs and then through the lines of their eight pac abs, dripping down their softening shafts and falling like a waterfall from their cocks. They moaned softly as they rubbed each other with soap, eyes closed, feeling their wonderful hard muscles. At the end of the shower they dried each other off, taking their time feeling up each other. They headed to the bedroom, Sean pushed Ty onto the king-sized bed. They made out for a few minutes before falling asleep, sleeping in each other's arms. The two giant muscle teens sleeping peacefully like angels, Ty’s head resting on Sean’s huge chest.
  21. Guest

    The Dominant species (5)

    A feeling of dominance flowed through Matt as he saw Sean flinch. It was the first time the star quarterback hadn’t stood his ground and also the first time Matt had taken advantage of his new size. “Yar days as top dog are number, Hearst”, he growled at the quarterback who retreated at his own locker and got dressed quickly. Matt stripped and took a quick shower. As he got back to his locker, he got dressed quickly and went back to the infirmary to check on his roommate. Keith looked up as the door opened and smiled at his roommate. “How ya feelin’, bud?”, Matt asked and sat down next to his roommate atop the bed. “Bit shaken up. And a headache”, Keith replied a bit weakly, “Nurse told me you carried me in here.” Matt nodded. “Carried ya straight from the field in here.” “Thanks, man”, Keith said and gently patted his buddy’s hand. Matt smiled down onto his roommate. He looked aside as the door opened and stood up. “How long does he have to stay here, Miss?”, he asked. The nurse looked up at the huge athlete, her eyes quickly scanning his thickly muscled physique. “I want to keep him here for the night”, she answered, “If everything continues to evolve like this, mister Summers should be able to return to his room tomorrow morning. Now, you should give him the rest he needs.” “Thank you”, Matt stated and turned back to his roommate, “Get some rest, buddy. And I’ll see ya tomorrow morning.” Matt left his roommate and strutted away from the infirmary. He left the building and walked past the bleachers. “Matt!” The soft voice made Matt stop and look up. He saw a smoking hot girl sitting halfway the bleachers and get up. “Gwen?”, he asked as he recognized the top cheerleader and Sean’s girlfriend who descended toward him, “What are you doing out here?”. Gwen jumped from the bleachers and landed smoothly next to the huge jock. “Been waiting out here to talk to you”, she said as her eyes roamed the torso that filled out Matt’s shirt, “My friends and I watched the practice.” “I noticed you when we got out on the field”, Matt replied. “You did see me”, Gwen let out without taking her eyes from Matt’s torso, “You looked real good on the field.” “Biggest, strongest guy on the team”, Matt said proudly and playfully bounced his pecs. Gwen’s eyes widened as the protruding pecs danced beneath the tight shirt. “It’s getting late”, she said as she looked at her watch, “Care to walk me to my dorm room?” “Sure thing. Can’t let a pretty girl like you walk around campus alone at night”, Matt answered. Gwen giggled and took his arm, leading him over to her dorm room. Her hand played with the hard mass of the thick bicep as she walked alongside the huge jock. “Thanks for making me feel safe, Matt”, she said when they arrived at her room. “Care to come in?”, she added seductively. She didn’t wait for an answer: opened the door and grabbed the waistband of his sweatpants with her other hand and pulled him in her room. Matt let her lead him inside. “Don’t you feel warm? It’s kinda hot in here. Don’t mind pulling of your shirt to feel more comfortable”, Gwen said matter-off-factly. “You’re right. It’s kinda hot in here”, Matt replied with a grin and pulled off his shirt. His grin got a bit larger as he heard Gwen gasp. “You’re way bigger than Sean”, Gwen let out in awe and closed the distance between them. Matt’s grin only got broader as he felt her hands trace the hard lines separating his abs. He flexed his eight-pack under her touch. “Biggest guy on the team”, he growled as he felt blood flow to his cock. “You weren’t even flexing”, Gwen said in awe-filled disbelief as the strong abs hardened beneath her hands. “So hard. So ripped. Much more than Sean’s abs”, she added while her hands roamed all over the tight eight-pack. Her excited remarks filled with lust complementing his size sent more blood into Matt’s cock. She saw a more prominent bulge forming inside the jock’s pants. Her finger played with the treasure trail running down from his bellybutton in the center of the lowest row of abs before her left hand disappeared into his pants. Another moaned gasp escaped her mouth as her hand discovered his cock. She tried closing her fingers around it but the still swelling shaft was too thick for her grasp. Matt groaned as the frail fingers roamed along the length of his shaft. “I’m bigger than Sean in every way”, he said, “Check it”. Gwen quickly retreated her hand. She yanked down his sweatpants and boxers in an eager motion. She breathed in heavily as the jock’s cock swelled to its full 10.5 inches and smacked hard against his eight-pack. “Wow”, she muttered as she stared at the huge jock in his full glory. Matt stepped out of his pants and boxers, excited by the hot cheerleader’s reaction to his body. He pulled Gwen toward him and took off her shirt. He marveled at her firm, round breasts before freeing them from her bra. He leaned down to kiss her as his hands cupped her nice ass. He felt her hands roam across the mounds of muscle atop his wide back. Gwen’s knees buckled slightly as she felt his rock-hard cock pressing against her belly. The head of the huge jock’s cock brushed against the bottom of her breasts. Her head began to spin from his deep kiss. Her left hand slid along his back, over his sides and grabbed hold of his 10.5 incher between them. A shiver went through Matt’s mighty body as her frail hand clamped onto his cock. Gwen broke their kiss and her hands travelled up to Matt’s protruding chest. She shoved him backwards, making the 283 pound athlete take a step back. Matt felt the bed against the back of his knees and sat down atop it. He watched with lust as Gwen pulled off her now soaked underpants. Gwen smiled at Matt as she sat down atop his lap, his 10.5 incher standing up straight between them. Matt moved in for another kiss and wrapped his mighty arms around her delicate body to pull her in. his tongue invaded her mouth and he felt her hands claw against his back as he deepened the kiss. “Mmmm”, Gwen moaned as she was kissed more deeply. The strong mounds of muscle easily resisted her hands as she clawed against his broad back. Matt felt some of her juices leak from her pussy and rub onto his thick quads as he broke the kiss. Gwen inhaled deeply to recatch her breath. Her eyes zoomed in on the rock-hard 10.5 incher that pointed straight at the ceiling between them. Her hands reached for it and her fingers traced the veins that snaked along the lengthy shaft. She heard the huge jock groan and his erection throbbed under her touch. She moved her head down and gently licked the head of the 10.5 incher, letting her tongue tease the sensitive skin. Another groan escaped the jock’s mouth. She brought her mouth up to his ear. “I want you inside me”, she whispered excitedly. Matt opened his eyes at her remark. He carefully grabbed her sides and lifted her. His thick biceps bulged from the movement, but didn't feel her weight. Gwen giggled like a schoolgirl, a nervous laugh filled with excitement as she was lifted higher and higher. Her hands reached for the meaty, 23 inch biceps, groping the steely hard muscle that didn’t budge under her attempts to dig into it. “You’re so…hard. Feels like touching hot rocks”, she let out in between fastening breaths. Her hands slid along his arms, caressing the corded muscle atop his forearms. She looked down and saw that her pussy was right above the rock-hard cock. She looked straight into the huge jock’s eyes. Matt saw the mixture of lust and a hint of fear in the cheerleader’s eyes. “You decide, Gwen. We’ll go as fast as you want”, he said as he held her perfectly still above his cock. Gwen looked down and saw his large erection throb underneath her. Her lust for his majestic body overcame her instinctive fear. She grabbed hold of his meaty traps and got ready as she felt the thick head of his cock pushing against her pussy. “Do it”, she growled. Matt gentle lowered her a bit, making the top of his 10.5 incher slide inside her very slowly. His tongue played with one of her nipples. “Unpf”, Gwen moaned softly as electric shivers of pleasure exploded along her nipple through her. She lowered herself slightly and a scream of pleasure escaped her lips as the thick head slid fully inside her. “Yeaughn”, Matt let out as the warmth of her pussy enveloped the top of his 10.5 incher. His mighty quads hardened somewhat as he pushed his cock further inside her. Gwen’s mind span with pleasure and amazement of how gentle this huge man was treating her. This was nothing like the hurried fucks Sean gave her. “More”, she groaned in his ear before her mouth moved to his lips and kissed him passionately. Matt felt her hands clamp harder onto his traps, not denting his steely muscle, as he pushed further inside her. He felt hot juices flow along the length of his shaft as his cock disappeared deeper and deeper inside her. “So…big…so…hard…umpf”, Gwen grunted while two thirds of the 10.5 incher were now inside her. She wrapped her legs around his lower back and her hands clawed at the mounds of muscle spread across his wide back. “Bigger…than…umpf…Sean”, she let out as more pleasure flooded her body. Her last remark only added to Matt’s excitement. The thought of completely dominating the star quarterback on the field and now giving his girlfriend more pleasure than Sean could ever do, turned him beyond his wildest dreams. He gentle lowered her a bit more. Her hot juices made his cock slid in more easily. “Ah!... Yeaugn”, Gwen groaned when just over 8 inches of his cock were inside her. She threw back her head, arched her back, clamped hard onto the hard traps beneath her hands as her orgasm flooded her senses. “Euhghn… MORE”. Matt felt her pussy tighten around his cock and her hot juices flowed profusely along his shaft. He eased deeper inside her. “FUUUUCKUGHN”, Gwen screamed in extasy as the thick cock filled her deeper and deeper in its relentless invasion. “Oh…God…Matt…ughn”, she let out in between fast breaths. Her pussy spasmed around the jock’s dick that stretched it. She felt him getting even deeper inside her. “Biggest… so…thick…hard…never…had…ughn…so…mughnch…pleasure…pleaseughn”. Her hands balled into fist and she smacked them hard against his traps, her hands bouncing off the hard muscle. Her screams only turned Matt on even more. He pressed his cock in even deeper and more incoherent sounds escaped her mouth. He lowered her down completely and drove his 10.5 incher completely inside her. “HRAUGHN”, Gwenn screamed out as the thick head invaded her deeper than Sean had ever done. She felt his groin press against her and her orgasm only intensified. Her eyes rolled back as she felt his 10.5 incher throb inside her, sending a jolt through her body. Matt began thrusting his cock back and forth, making her bounce up and down along the top part of his shaft. He felt his own breathing go faster and faster and a tingle started to spread inside his hefty balls. “SO…ughn…strong…fuck”, Gwen yelped as more pleasure flooded her. “MORE…” Matt got more and more excited from her awe-filled screams. He felt his balls drew tight. He was on the verge of exploding himself. He wrapped his arms around her and pulled her in against his body to devour her mouth in a deep kiss. The feeling of her delicate body against his own, muscle-filled torso sent him over the edge. He broke their kiss, threw back his head and a deep, thundering roar escaped his mouth as he came deep inside her. Gwen groaned as she felt his thick, hot juices squirt deep inside her. She felt his mighty muscles tighten around her as his entire body tensed from his orgasm. Matt pumped his loads inside her. Thoughts of his sexual prowess and his new, superior size flooding his mind. He kept pumping out more loads into her, feeling her get tighter and tighter around his cock and feeling his own juices drip from her atop his hard quads. When his orgasm finally cooled down, her delicate body was lying passed out against his heavily muscled chest. He gently pulled her from his still hard cock and put her down atop the bed. He got up and began hitting pose after pose in the mirror as he felt pure testosterone coarse through his veins. “Mmmghn” The faint grunt made Matt turn around and he saw Gwen sitting atop the bed, staring at him. He grinned at her and flexed his pecs in an impressive display of hard striations. Gwen couldn’t believe that Matt was just standing there flexing. After a fuck, Sean was usually out for at least 15 minutes, but this man’s stamina was through the roof. put a finger in her mouth and sucked it as she watched him flex. Her other hand grabbed her own breast and played with the hard nipple. She noticed the huge jock’s half-hard cock harden as he hit another pose. “Come here”, she said and playfully motioned him over. Matt walked over toward the bed, his cock inflating further with every step he took in her direction. He stopped in front of the bed, towering over her. He shivered a bit as she instantly took most of his 10.5 incher in her mouth and began sucking. Gwen gagged as the thick cock filled her mouth. Her hands reached up and grabbed his balls. Matt groaned as her hands clenched around his balls. He placed his hands atop his hips and let her suck him. Within seconds, he felt his balls draw tight and he began spraying his load into her throat. Gwen gulped down as much as she could, but his balls quickly overstuffed her mouth with his cum despite his recent orgasm. Cum dripped along her lips and even from her nose as she pulled back. Her sight got dark as a final blast of his juices covered her face. Matt sat down aside her, cleaned up her face and gently placed her on the bed. He laid down next to her and sank off in a peaceful sleep. The next morning, Matt entered the infirmary at 7:30. He greeted the nurse and asked her if his buddy was okay. “Mister Summers can return to his room. Make sure he takes rest the remainder of the week. No classes, no training. Just plain rest”, the nurse said. “I’ll make sure he doesn’t leave his bed, Miss”, Matt replied and motioned his roommate to join him. Matt and Keith left the infirmary and began walking back to their room. “You didn’t have to come over this early”, Keith said. “No problem, man. I already hit the gym this morning and thought to pick ya up on my way back to our room”, Matt replied. “Did ya get some rest?”. “Yep”, Keith answered. He felt his breathing getting heavier as he tried keeping up with his bigger roommate. Matt’s powerful, long strides proved too much for his own, still weakened body. He paused and grabbed hold of the wall to catch his breath. He felt his legs shake slightly from the effort. Matt stopped as he didn’t got an answer on his question and turned around. He saw his roommate leaning against the wall a few feet backward and noticed the guy’s red face. “Keith, are you okay?”, he asked as he rushed back to his buddy. “F…fine”, Keith let out, “Still a bit weak, though. Can’t keep up with you”. “No worries. I’ll carry ya back to our room”, Matt replied and scooped up his roommate. Keith felt the powerful arms lift him and the next moment he was leaning against his roommate’s muscular pecs as he was held across the guy’s torso like a child. “Don’t…don’t hurt yourself, Matt”, he let out as he wrapped his arm along the thickly muscled neck and let his head rest against the boulder-like shoulder. Matt laughed a bit at the remark. “Trained my quads with heavier weights this morning. I think I can handle yar weight, bud”, he said and walked back to their room. Keith felt comfortable and totally safe lying in the thick arms and leaning against the muscular torso. The sound of a blender made him jump up. “Wh…what?”, he mumbled. “Ya want a shake too?”, Matt asked. “Where…where am I?”, Keith asked as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. “Back in our room. Ya fell asleep in my arms. Put ya on the bed when we came in”, Matt replied, “Well, care for a shake?”. Keith watched his roommate’s arm bulge as the guy gulped down a double portion of protein shake straight from the blender. He nodded ‘yes’. Matt prepared shake for his roommate and chugged down another double one himself as he watched Keith drink. “Ya might want tot take a shower, man. Yar still wearing yar football gear from yesterday”, he said grinningly and pinched his nose shut. Keith looked down and only then the odor of dried sweat hit his nose. “You’re right, man. I stink”, he said and got up from the bed. He took two steps and his sight got blurry. “Easy, man”, Matt stated and closed the distance between them to grab his roommate’s arm to support him. “Here, let me help ya.” “What… are you doing, Matt?”, Keith asked as he felt his roommate pulling of his football gear. “Ya can’t shower with yar clothes on, man”, Matt replied and noted his roommate’s reddening face, “Don’t be shy. I’ve seen ya naked in the locker room.” Keith grinned and let his roommate help him out of his clothes. “Thanks, man. I’ve got it from here”, he said and walked into the bathroom. He had to grab the doorpost for some support. He somehow made it to the shower cabin. Then, a large shadow fell over him. He slowly turned around, closing his eyes shut for a moment tot stop his head from spinning, and stared at his roommate’s face. “Ya don’t feel okay. Do ya?, Keith?”, Matt asked as he placed his hand atop his roommate’s shoulder. “No, still weak”, Keith replied. “Thought so. Come on, I’ll help ya get cleaned up”, Matt said and pulled off his own clothes. “Get in the shower”, he said as he stripped off his bowers and saw his roommate still staring at him. “I…”, Keith began. “Come on, man. We’ve showered a hundred times together after practices and matches”, Matt interrupted him and made the smaller guy step into the shower cabin. Keith inhaled sharply as his buddy stepped inside the shower cabin with him. Standing this close to his roommate’s bulk made him feel a bit uneasy. Despite being 198 himself, he felt and looked like a child standing mere inches from the 283 pound jock. “What’s wrong?”, Matt asked as he saw Keith’s quizzical look. “If you get any bigger, you won’t fit into the shower any more. Your shoulders are almost against the glass”, Keith replied. “That would be nice”, Matt answered with a grin. “Let’s get ya cleaned up, stnky”, he said and turned on the water. Keith sighed as he felt the hot water rain down on him. He let his roommate soap him. He was surprised at the gentle touch of the huge man. He let his body being turned around so that his roommate could wash his back. “Would be nice”, he muttered. “What?”, Matt asked as he noticed the mumbling. “Thought it would be nice to see you get too big for the shower cabin. You would look awesome with more muscle”, Keith stated and let himself being turned around again. “More muscle”, Matt replied as the image of his own, even bigger body popped up in his mind. He noticed his roommate moving down. “Keith, ya okay?”, he asked a bit panicked. Before he could say anything else, he felt his roommate’s lips around the top of his cock. Inside Keith, the organism needed another feeding. It knew that the huge male’s seed was the best source to feed on. Seeing the organ between the guy’s lags starting to swell, it knew what had to be done. It grabbed full control of its hosts body and moved in. “Ughn”, Matt groaned. He placed his forearms against the tilled wall, positioned his forehead against his crossed wrists and closed his eyes. He felt the hot water cascade down atop his wide back and the hot wetness of his roommate’s mouth engulf his rock-hard 10.5 incher. Despite having fucked Gwen five times that night, his cock was ready to go again. The organism didn’t want to lose any time. Unlike last time when it had taking its time, it made its host suck with all his might onto the hard organ in his mouth. “UGHN”, Matt rumbled as his balls blasted out their first load into the eager mouth. His eight-pack contracted in a hard flex as more loads followed. The organism absorbed the energizing fluid at full speed. It had sensed the safeness and protection inside the huge male’s arms. It made its host’s right hand grab hold of the soft organ between his legs and stroke it to hardness. Within seconds, clouds of dust blasted from its hosts throbbing organ and began travelling upward as the cloud kept growing. Unaware of what was happening below him, Matt kept pumping out more loads of cum into his roommate’s mouth. The organism fell its host growing weaker and made him stroke out a fifth and final cloud of dust. As Matt’s cock blew its eight load, he felt the mouth around his 10.5 incher slide away. He looked down and saw his roommate slumping against the tilled wall. He bent down, inhaling the cloud of dust that now filled the shower cabin, scooped up his roommate and turned off the water. He toweled off both their bodies, put his buddy’s boxers on and gentle placed the guy atop his bed. He made his way back to the bathroom to putt on his own boxers as he felt a rush of energy flood his own body. It was as if his 283 pound body ached to get back to the gym despite his heavy session an hour earlier. “Grow some more”, he grinned to his reflection as he put on his gym gear and went out.
  22. tester26

    Sean & Ty

    Obviously, this is inspired by the two characters from HSMuscleBoy, Sean and Ty. This is a heavily rewritten story from a few furry authors, notably Galthroc on SoFurry. Sean & Ty The sunlight streamed through the bedroom window, shinning onto the double bed and highlighting the two sleeping figures. One stirred slowly, shielding the bright light from his face as he worked his eyes open, blinking the last dregs of sleep from his eyes. Ty was lying on his stomach, and lightly humping the bed with his morning wood. The sheet raised as his rear stuck into the air, and fell again as he ground against the bed in a circular sort of motion. Ty moaned softly and flipped onto his back on the bed. His cock got caught in the sheet in the process, flinging it off and onto the ground, revealing his ripped, muscular body and the musclebound body of his sleeping partner. Still caught up in self worship, Ty slid his hands along his chest, his massive pectorals heaved up and down as the teen breathed heavily. Brick-sized abdominals crunched as Ty thrust the air, the eight pack smeared with a shiny trail of precum. His 18-inch hard cock slid in between his pecs as he thrusted and flexed them hard, trapping the cock between them, milking an even greater spray of pre from that throbbing cockhead. Ty bent forward and slurped it up, wrapping his mouth around the head and suckling at it. His throat emitted soft moans, his tongue circling his own glands. He jerked his shaft slowly, letting thick ropes of precum ooze out and drip onto his chest. "Mmm, morning sexy" his muscular partner said in a sultry voice, stroking his 20 inch long morning wood at the sight of Ty’s self worship. Ty sighed a lustful reply "Morning big boy" as his slid over and explored the hard pecs and stunning abs of his boyfriend Sean. His grip sank slowly lower, wrapping gently around the base of the teen’s thick meat, fondling and stroking with obvious admiration. A naughty smile on his lips as his hand worked lower, rubbing along the way as he worked over the huge balls below. Sean grinned smugly and tensed his muscles for Ty. His abs bulged and crunched, ready to burst from the skin. His pecs jutted outward in an impressive display. "Show me those big arms," Ty said. Sean obliged, bringing his arms up to either side of him, clenching his fists and bending his elbows until two mountains of muscle surged upwards, each capped with a bulging vein that throbbed with power. “Fuck yeah..." Ty moaned, sitting up and cupping his hands over one, worshipping the towering bicep, licking it, smothering it. Sean kissed his bicep along with Ty, their tongues eventually finding one another's before they locked into a deep kiss. Sean leaned over, giving Ty’s cockhead a lick, eliciting another moan, before struggling to fit the mushroom inside his mouth. He managed, letting his tongue swirl around the glands, his throat closing around the head, before popping that fat meat out with a slick sound accompanying. "You taste so nice," he remarked, winking at his boyfriend. The two horny teen gods took turns flexing and worshipping each other, their perfect bodies shining with precum. Sean rolled on top of Ty, straddling his musclebound lover, thrusting his cock against Ty's, letting the head prod Ty’s lips, which promptly opened and suckled at the hot meat hungrily. Ty took his own dick and rubbed it against Sean's ripped body, moaning as he felt his cockhead grind against those hard abs. Sean shuddered when Ty's cockhead brushed against his nipple, smearing it with pre. Sean leaned forwards, pushing more of his thick rod down Ty’s throat. Ty’s cock found its way in between Sean's legs, and he thrust between Sean’s perfect ass globes. Sean lay down on top of Ty and closed his legs, his muscled thighs walled against Ty's cock so tight he could feel it throbbing. “Fuck dude, you’re so fucking hot,” Sean groaned. “Aw fuck dude, can’t stop cumming for you,” Ty moaned in reply. They kissed as Sean pulled Ty up from the bed. Standing up, the two separated, their giant dicks nestled between their bulging pecs. They grinned at each other, standing back to admire each other’s musclebound bods. Both of them were was enormous, over six feet in height, their entire bodies packed with muscle. Their arms bulged with quivering biceps and forearms wrapped in coils of muscle. Each torso was adorned with two giant mounds of firm pectorals, followed by an eight pac stomach that looked as though they were bricks, narrowing to impossibly tight waists. Tree trunk legs that seemed to be sculpted of marble lightly flexed and relaxed as they admired their builds. Ty, a few inches smaller than Sean, thrust forward a little, smearing his cockhead against Sean’s pecs. The two started to kiss again, precum spilled and oozed all over their chests, dripping onto puddles on the floor. The kissing got more intense. The studs faced each other, pressing their bodies together, their massive cocks getting sandwiched between the hard walls of muscle. They touched and rubbed their muscles, cocks slipping and sliding, covering their abs and chests with precum, making their bodies shine. Sean moaned softly, his twenty inches of cock sandwiched between their two sets of pecs, a rope of precum falling from it and puddling on the ground. The pressure on it from their embrace made it blood red, huge and throbbing, veins sticking out and pulsing violently. They began to jerk each other roughly, each one with his cock in the other's hand, grunting and moaning. Sean was kissing and rubbing Ty’s body, tweaking his nipples, sliding a hand down his abs. A constant, low moan came from his throat. Ty groaned as the slit of his cock opened wide, and a thick, heavy rope jettisoned out, splashing onto Sean’s face. Sean pumped Ty’s cock up and down, keeping his hands there as that huge cock lurched and spewed another massive rope. Sean quickly wrapped his lips around Ty’s cockhead, sucking down the next few blasts. Ty shuddered and fell back on the bed, pulling the cock out of Sean’s mouth. Sean wrapped both hands around his boyfriend’s massive cock, growling as he pumped it quickly, his whole body flexing from the effort. Ty roared in pleasure as he splattered them both with heavy, warm cum. Ty sat up and shoved his cockhead in his mouth as his orgasm began to subside, sucking on it like a vacuum as Sean continued to pump his cock. Cum sprayed from the sides of his mouth, oozing down his face and onto his body. Panting, Ty grabbed Sean’s throbbing member, pumping hard and fast. He could have sworn Sean was getting bigger, his cock inflated enormous proportions, throbbing so madly it looked ready to pop (but of course it wouldn't). Ty kept one hand around the base while the other worked the cockhead. He squeezed it and jerked it, Sean moaning loudly now, hands rubbing Ty’s cum all over himself. He ran his hands down his wet body, tweaking his nipples, toying with his abs, feeling his arms and flexing over and over again. Sean’s urethra started to bulge and twitch, cum trying to work its way past Ty’s tight grip. "Yeah....UUHHHHHH," he'd moan as he flexed. "So fucking hot. AWW, FUUUCK!" Blast off. Sean cried out his pleasure as cum rocketed out of his cock like a hose. His big dick swayed back and forth as it throbbed and came, ropes spurting out and landing with a splash on Ty’s body, coating the teen white. Ty continued to jerk Sean throughout the orgasm. "Yeah!" Ty yelled. "So much fucking cum! Keep shooting you fucking sex beast!" Sean growled and thrust into Ty’s grip, poking Ty in the chin a few times, cum continuing to surge out in copious amounts. Sean bent down and took his cock in his mouth, hungrily swallowing the last of his load, looking down at Ty through narrow eyes and winking, a gesture so sexy Ty felt his asshole twitch in anticipation. Sean popped his head off his cock, squeezing the base of his still-hard meat, breathing heavily as he took in the sight of his cum-coated lover. Ty smiled as he slid his body down the bed and spread his legs, his bulbous testicles falling onto the sheet. Sean pursed his lips and smiled. He got up on the bed and pressed his cock against Ty's, leaning down to suck both heads into his mouth. Sean alternated between the two cocks, lubricating his own with Ty’s cum. Ty groaned and pulled himself up, hands on Sean's neck, running his blonde head through his fingers. "God..." he moaned, slowly thrusting his cock deeper into Sean's throat, his shaft rubbing against the other. Ty leaned forward and began to make out with the sexy stud in front of him, cum and spit mixing between their mouths. The teen stud’s hands roamed his boyfriend’s muscular body, kneading his own cum into Sean’s massive pecs and firm abs. Saliva and precum oozed down both of their dicks, soaking into the bed. Sean wrapped his strong arms around Ty, holding him close, tongue darting all over his face in a lustful frenzy. He humped against him, his cum-covered cock slipping and sliding all over, adding to the mess every second. "Like that?" he managed to moan between kisses. "Don't stop...feels so good..." The two shared a cum-lubed kiss and Sean gave Ty a playful shove. Ty fell back onto the bed, Sean on top of him, Sean prodding Ty's bottom to find that tight hole. Ty's cock slipped and slid between their two chests, both of them soaked with cum and sweat. "OHHH, FUCK!!!" Ty screamed. Sean's huge meat had found Ty's hole at last. Sean took his time slowly penetrating Ty, squeezing his cock as he pushed forward gently. Even with all his experience, Sean’s thick monster was always a challenge. Ty's teeth were grit, and his eyes were shut; he wanted his stud to fuck him senseless. "C-come on..." he groaned. "Fuck me." Sean grinned and grabbed Ty's waist, pulling him down on his cock as he thrust his hips forward, cock throbbing as it slid further and further inside, precum seeping out and sliding down his shaft. "Doing good, dude,” Sean said, sliding out and then slamming back in, making Ty cry out once again. Ty started jerking himself furiously, hand a blur on his cock, precum spitting and flying out. Ty cried out in pleasure. "Yeah!" he moaned. "Keep going. Use me!" Sean was stretching the muscle teen more and more as he shoved his cock deeper inside mercilessly. Eventually Sean's grapefruit-sized balls were slapping against Ty's ass as he fucked the stud silly, his own rear sticking way out as he pulled out, huge balls jiggling slightly, before slamming his massive cock back in. "FUCK! UGH! Come on is that all you got!? HARDER!!!" Ty screamed. With a loud, short roar, Sean violently thrust his meat into Ty. Sean’s muscles were hard and tense as he thrust, his abs standing out, the sight all the more arousing due to the cum and fresh precum slathered on his stomach. His butt clenched as he humped Ty, and his muscular legs were bulging with strength. Ty looked at Sean's body as he thrust, the ripped abs crunching as he thrust, arms flexed and tense as they held Ty's legs steady. Ty’s cock was painfully hard, throbbing and spurting as it slid between his pecs with each thrust from Sean. His eyes rolled back in pleasure as he felt his load rising, ready to explode without him even touching it. Ty's eyes started to flicker, his breathing slowing down. Sean grinned, “You gonna cum for me again? Cum in your mouth. Drink that big load." Ty's cock was visibly throbbing, countless veins sticking out and pulsating. He bent over, opening his mouth just as his urethra expanded dramatically and a tidal wave of cum exploded into his open mouth. Ty coughed and sputtered, wrapping his lips on his erupting cock, his second blast causing a splash of cum to spray from his inflated cheeks to splatter onto his cock and chest, but he still managed to keep the rest in his mouth. "Yeah, swallow that cum," Sean growled, jerking Ty's dick as he continued to thrust deep inside him. Eventually Ty needed air, though. He gasped as he popped his mouth off, his cock continuing to lurch and spew all over his face and the headboard behind him before falling limp onto his chest with a thud. Sean's pace slowed. "You ready for my huge load?" he groaned. He squeezed his base as he slid his cock out of Ty. Doing this made him even bigger, his shaft throbbing like crazy, bulging outwards and turning red. Cum sputtered from the tip, begging to be released. “Aw fuck yeah dude! Cum for me again stud.” Sean took a deep breath and stroked his shaft just once before letting go of it. His entire body tensed and flexed, muscles bursting, as his orgasm hit. "FUCK!!!!!" he roared, his hands clenching his butt and he thrust the air. His cock burst fourth in a torrent of thick cum, splashing against the wall and Ty in an endless, continuous rope. "YEAH!!!" Sean roared, his cock splattering everything in front of him with his seed. “Oh GOD!" Ty moaned as warm cum rained on him. Sean's hands ran down his body as his first shot finally ended. His cock stopped for a few seconds, bursting into an even harder and more erect state before exploding in another shower of cum. "Yes! YES! YEAH!!! MORE!" he roared, lost in pleasure, jerking his cock for all in was worth, completely coating Ty, who was began to cum again without even touching himself, mingling with Sean's shower of cum. Ty opened his mouth and rubbed his body as the cum coated him. He was blind with pleasure. Finally Sean finished, cum dripping from his still-hard cock, ready for more. Ty got up from the sticky mess he was laying in and knocked Sean back onto the soaked bed. He straddled Sean and started kissing his body, rubbing his ass against that huge twenty inch cock like a stripper on a pole. "Fuck...put it back in me," Ty whispered, nipping at Sean’s ear as his hands squeezed his strong pecs. He thrust his ass upwards along the cum covered pole until his legs were nearly fully extended, Sean’s cockhead nestled up against his butt. Sean slapped Ty's firm ass and rubbed his cockhead against Ty’s hole, threatening to penetrate. Sean popped his thick cock into the stud, who groaned loudly, but encouraged Sean by slowly lowering himself, taking more and more meat. Ty was soon getting fucked hard again by the teen god, the massive cock slamming against his rear. Sean stood up, picking Ty and holding him by the waist as he fucked him in the air. Using his incredible strength, Sean managed to lift up the huge teen bodybuilder as he continued to fuck him. Ty’s cock thumped and slapped against his body as he was mercilessly handled. "You like this big cock in you?” Sean growled into his ear. "Yes!" Ty cried. "Oh...fuck me!" His body rocked and moved as Sean held him up. Soon, though, his cock became completely rigid, pointing straight up. "Oh, God...oh...""FUUCK!" Ty howled again as cum surged from his cock, sailing through the air and splashing down onto himself. Ty could feel Sean getting close. He started grunting, and his cockhead was flaring inside him, the whole member throbbing greatly against his clenched ass. The teen stud slammed into Ty with a mighty roar, and cum filled his partner in seconds, cum surging out of him as Sean continued to fuck him. Ty could feel Sean’s hard body becoming even harder as it flexed during his orgasm. Ty squeezed Sean’s massive softball-sized biceps. Sean flexed an arm for Ty, and Ty went crazy when he felt it grow even bigger, his cock spraying ropes of cum onto Sean’s oversized muscles. Sean groaned as he felt Ty’s ass squeeze his still spurting dick, causing him to cum again. Ty felt his belly start to swell a little as the cum filled him again. After a few hard thrusts, though, Sean lifted Ty up and pulled out, a flood of cum pouring out of his ass. He dropped Ty onto the floor, taking his shooting monster in hands and aiming it at Ty. Ty sat up and grabbed the tip of Sean's erupting cock, four hands jerking it furiously, suckling on the head and drinking as much as he could before gagging on the strong current of cum. Sean brought his arms up again and flexed for his lover, who pulled himself up on to his knees to lick Sean’s flexing abs. He ground himself against Sean's legs and spurting cock, still shooting arcs of cum above his head, covering the two of them with more sperm as a pool of cum expanded across the floor. Finally, Sean's cock sputtered a few more shots of cum before falling soft between his knees, a stream of white dripping down. Ty fell back onto the soaked floor, exhausted, cock sprawled across his stomach. He was mindlessly licking at his body, savoring the taste. Both panted heavily, smiling at each other. "Holy shit," they both said. Sean slid to the floor to join his cum-slick boyfriend. The two lay in afterglow, panting and huffing and stroking each other's cum-drenched bodies until they had gathered enough energy to rise and move to the bathroom connected to the bedroom-turned-swamp. They spent a solid hour rinsing off, lathering their bodies with soap to get the scents of cum, sweat, and lust off of them. It took several washings. Only about half of that hour was spent actually washing, though; the rest was time spent on touching, stroking, and making out under the hot water. They took their time toweling each other off, careful not to excite each other again as they each pulled on a pair of compression shorts, made skintight as they stretched over their tree trunk legs and massive bulges. “So what’s for breakfast, dude?” Sean says, giving Ty a soft kiss on the lips. “Mmm, how about another protein shake?” replies Ty with a wink. The two horny teens laughed as they headed to the kitchen to start their day. Sean Ty
  23. Mickyh29

    Big Bro Jack Pt 1&2

    Pt1 This is a story about Jack, Jack is no ordinary 19yr old……………. “COME ON ONE MORE!!!!” shouted Dean, Dean was jacks training partner. “ARRRGGGHHHHHH” grunted Jack as he lifted the last of his 12 reps on bench press on to the rack, jack stood up and looked in the mirror, staring back at him was a sight that drew gasps from both dean and others in the gym. Jack was a 6ft brick shit house. His chest was rippling with thick dense rock hard muscle, the vest he had on could not contain the sheer size of his pecs, they were so thick every time he breathed in the vest would ride up his torso and begin to tear under the sheer mass of his chest. “add another 25kg on each side mate” he asked dean Dean placed the weights onto the bar which was already loaded with 300kg, bringing it upto 350kg. Jack repped out another 12 reps like it was nothing, re racked the bar and got up again. “This is to easy, I need a real challenge! Whack another 100 on!” Dean added the required weight so that the bar had 450kg loaded on it. “ Man this is crazy shit jack, can’t believe what you’re doing, your pressing over 4x my body weight!!” “Well when you’re as big n strong as me there’s no room for light weights, its heavy as fuck or nothing at all, you don’t get pecs like these by lifting sissy weights!!” Jack bounced his enormous pecs, each bounce shifted his perilously frail vest close to breaking point. Jack laid down on the bench, got his tree trunk arms into position and with a mighty grunt lifted the bar from the rack, each rep was greeted with an almighty grunt, his pecs were bulging with blood pumping round his massive chest. Jack managed 8 reps before re racking. He stood up. “Arrrghhhhhh, im fucking pumped man, look at me? This is what u call pure beastly muscle!!” Jack was pumped, like nothing anyone had ever seen , he moved closer to the mirror, ripped off his vest to reveal the rest of his enormous body, his pecs still filled with blood and rippling from his bench press, sweat was dripping down to his stomach which resembled a block of marble which had had eight large chunks carved into it, his triceps were also rippling from the routine, his tri’s n bi’s were huge at least 35” round, veins snaking down to his beefed up forearms, his giant boulder shoulders looked strong enough to barge through brick walls, his meaty traps stretched up his thick bull neck and his lats were two thick slabs of rock jutting out of his sides. It truly was a sight to behold for everyone not at least dean who was trying so hard to hide his erection going on in his pants. “Jesus jack you look incredible, I’d hate to see a guy cross you!!” dean said with a hint of jealousy. “if they did, they would end up like this!” Jack picked up an olympic sized barbell with no weights on and began to bend it in half like it was made out of rubber, then tossed it aside. “anyway dean im 400lb of freaking huge muscle, I’d be surprised if anyone would cross me!!” Dean gave a laugh of a guy who was like ‘yeah I suppose so but really wanna see it’. “true enough, ok now its my go!!” Dean was inferior to Jack in height, weight and strength so before he could even start his lifting he had to take 400kg worth of weight of the bar. Dean was only 18 and had the physique of a track n field athlete, so he was fairly toned with a bit of size but that size looked skinny compared to Jacks mammoth size. So with 50kg left on the bar dean started his routine. Even though Jack and Dean were good friends jack always took the piss out of dean for his inferior showings, mostly to try and spur him on but also to show his superiority and dominance over him, dean could not help but feel intimidated by jack, he daren’t tell him to shut up or go away in slight trepidation of what jack might do. “ Come on you skinny git, call that heavy lifting I can’t even see your pecs there that small and feeble, if you don’t start tryin harder im gonna crush you, now LIFT!!!” jack’s booming shout reverberated around the gym. Dean finished his first set and sat up, “ Jesus jack im tryin alright!!” Dean bit back a little. “that’s not trying that’s playing safe, you wanna grow ? You want to lift heavy!!! That isn’t heavy look!” Jack then proceeded to lift the loaded bar of the rack with one hand and start repping some shoulder presses, after 20 reps he re racked the bar. “see!!” “alright jack stop showing off ya big headed freak!!” dean sarcastically replied. “Jealous you skinny fuck? Well you better be coz unlike you I wanna grow! I wanna get bigger and stronger than ever before.” “ well maybe you do mate but im an athlete, my sport does not require me to get big n bulky, so i maintain what I have!” Dean tried to hide the fact he actually likes jack being all dominant etc coz it makes him hard, and whether jack will like the fact that dean loves being with this muscle mammoth. After dean had finished his chest routine he and jack decided to hit some biceps. As Jack was so big and strong the dumbells the gym had were to light for him so jack had to curl using an Olympic bar and plates, he started of light by curling 100kg for 15 reps, “easy!! Whack another 250kg on dean.” Dean added the weight. Jack composed himself, lifted the bar off the ground and slowly started to curl the 350kg bar, with each curl his massive biceps ballooned to unprecedented sizes, thick veins popped and stretched with every move, after hitting 10 reps he placed the bar back on the floor, looked in the mirror and hit a double bi pose, his biceps bulged and formed a gargantuan mound of granite muscle that looked bigger than his head, he relaxed then hit it again this time managing to squeeze an extra inch on top of his already impressive bi’s. Dean had never seen jack hit a bi pose before, his cock was now so hard it was making an impression in his shorts. “ WOW jack they are awesome man fucking huge!! Im gobsmacked!” “I can see your impressed, I only have to look at your shorts to notice that, ya big gay, come over here?” Dean walked over to where jack was, the size comparison was breathtaking, next to jack dean looked like a twig. “take your top off” jack asked Dean didn’t dare disagree so he took his shirt off, his tight body glistened with sweat. “now stand infront of me and flex!” Dean flexed his biceps, moderate sized peaks appeared from his arms, they looked pretty cut but looked no bigger than 15”. To rub the salt in more jack then flexed his bi’s behind him, his bi’s clearly 3x the size of deans. Then without warning Jack picked dean up and started curling him, every curl took deans face to within cms of jacks biceps, jack curled dean 20 times before putting him down. “you like that gay boy, your cock sure did!!” Dean looked down and saw a dark grey wet patch were he had cummed, he looked up and said, “ that was awesome!!” Jack and Dean made their way to the changing room, got showered and headed home. Pt2 Jack and his younger brother got home from the gym. Jack unlocked the door, “ get inside now boy!” He grabbed hold of dean's shirt and flung him into the house. Dean went flying into the wall with a thud. Dean got back up and rubbed his shoulder. “ Wow master, you threw me like I was a rag doll!” He said in amazement, a huge smile beaming on his face. Jack slammed the door behind him, “ Listen shit bag, You are a rag doll to me boy, a skinny weak runt I'm gonna have so much fun with. Your my slave now, you do exactly what i say boy, I own you, I'm bigger, stronger and far superior than you in every way possible. You go to bed when I say, you get up when I get up, you cook what I tell you to cook, you get the picture boy?” “ Y y yesss master, anything for you, you are by far the biggest and strongest person I have ever seen!” Dean replied. “ Would master like me to do anything?” he asked Jack. Jack walked over to his younger bro, grabbed him by the neck and lifted him high in the air. Dean's feet were dangling at least 3ft off the floor, Dean was gasping for air, his legs flaing about, he looked down at his brothers menacing face, his eyes bulged at the sight of jacks huge, ripped, juicy muscled forearm easily hosting his light body up, Dean also had a view of his brothers immense pecs and collosal shoulders, both rippled with devastating power. Jack finally drops Dean on the floor, Dean coughs and splutters as air returns to his lungs. Jack stood over him his massive bulk dominating the space around them. “ Master would like to know what it feels like for you to be so easily man handled by your brother, how it makes you want to worship my huge muscles and witness my immense power?” he asked. He folded his huge arms across his even bigger chest, both fighting of space. Dean looks up at his brother, watching his huge devastating muscles fight for superiority on his body. “ It feels fantastic master, you are so strong you could lift anything, I would happily let you man handle me all time if it means I get to see your fantastic muscles in action. I would love nothing more than to lay my hands on your perfect body master and feel the power those huge muscles possess”. He replied. Jack smiled menacingly. “ Get up boy, take your shirt off!” He demanded. Dean picked himself up and lifted his shirt off his ripped body and tossed it on the sofa. He looked down at his lean ripped body then up to his brothers gargantuan body, he sighed in embarrassment. “ What would you like me to do master?” Dean asked. “ I want you to flex for me boy, I want to see how small and worthless you really are!” with that Jack shoved his bro towards the wall length mirror, Dean flew across the room and stumbled into the mirror. Jack prowled up behind him, he had a tape measure in his hand. “ Flex your bicep now boy.” Jack demanded. Dean knew better than to disagree so he reluctantly accepted and flexed his left bicep, a small hard ripped peak rose up his arm. Jack sniggered, “ my god so small!” He wrapped the tape round dean's arm, “ Christ you are pathetic boy, 12 inches! “ Dean hung his head,” yes master I am pathetic.” Jack then wrapped the tape round dean's chest and again chortled, “ 28in, disgusting, lift your left side shorts up you weed!” Dean obeyed and lifted his shorts up, his skinny athletic legs had a light coating of hair on, Jack knelt down and wrapped the tape round the upper part of the thigh. “ 23in, you are just one lanky piece of shit aren't you boy, how can you be happy looking like that, I've got broomsticks that are bigger than you, here.” Jack throws the tape at Dean, “ time to see what real muscle looks like boy!” Jack started by flexing his gargantuan biceps, peaks that would make Everest look small rose imperiously up his arm, muscle grew on top of muscle. “ Whoa…….” Dean moaned. His hands shaking as he approached his brothers immense arms, he began wrapping it round the peak, he joined the ends together and read the numbers. “ Fuuuuuckkkkk, 34in master, your a monster!” Jack cackled with delight, “ yes a boy I'm a monster, 34 in arms, the best in the business, I'd wipe the floor in any competition, now my chest boy!” Dean moved the tape to Jacks impossibly pecs, he started to wrap but jacks body was so huge and wide he had trouble keeping it there,” er er er master can you hold the tape please? “ he asked. Jack laughed, “ am I to wide for your pathetic skinny arms boy, there! “ Jack placed a meaty finger on the tape, Dean continued round his brothers bulk, he eventually joined the ends. “ 78in master, unbelievable! “ Dean was mesmerized by his masters sheer size. “ I could fit your skinny assbody in my pec gap and crush you with there power. Dean shuddered with fear as he took the tape away. “ Now my legs boy!” Jack lifted his shorts leg up to reveal the thickest most densely populated leg of muscle anyone had seen, ridges upon ridges of muscle piled high and wide engulfed his quads. Dean gulped hard, “ Sweet Jesus master your legs are freakishly beastly!” He began to wrap the tape round jacks meaty quad, the two ends met, “ 65in master, incredible! You are a collosal behemoth! “ Dean was opened mouthed at his brothers unbelievable body. “ Boy, come and kneel in front of my leg and open your legs,” demanded Jack. Dean knelt down and spread his legs a little, Jack moved closer placing his right foot in the gap in dean's legs, then looked in the mirror. “ Look boy my quad is wider than your upper body hahah” it was true, one of jacks thighs stuck out at least 15cm each side of dean's body. Dean was drooling. “ Master you are a dream come true, you are ginormous, stronger than anything I know, I am nothing compared to you, I'm weak, worthless, I am……….” He was about to continue but got interrupted my Jack. “ Enough of the talk boy, I know your weak, pathetic, worthless, a sad existence. Christ if you weren't my brother i would have destroyed you by now, you see boy, I want more, much more and your gonna help me get it, I wanna grow more bigger and stronger, so the question is do you wanna help me? Choose your answer carefully! “ Jack cracked his bull thick neck, the sound alone sent shivers down dean's spine. “ Y yyyess master anything you want I will get for you just say!” Dean knelt down and bowed before his brother. “ That's a good boy, now I want food, I need to eat big, get cooking for me boy,time to grow!” Jack ordered Dean to the kitchen. Jack got Dean to cook 1.3kg of lean mince, 500g of wholewheat pasta, 4 scope of optimum nutrition weight gainer and 500g of instant oats, it came to a whopping 6151 cals. Jack slammed it down in 20 mins. “ Boy, get down the shops and get me more food!” “ yes master”. Dean put on his coat and went shopping.
  24. Last Chapter guys. It's been a journey for me as well as the characters. As always, let me know what you think. It’s been 2 weeks since everyone was rescued from Shawn and Ron. Some made out better than others, but we all were shaken to the core. Jay is still on edge, feeling he did not do enough to protect everyone. I’ve tried to ease his nerves and soothe him, but he is stubborn and has been distant. He spends hours at the gym just working out. He visited Cam and Ming in the hospital every day and pledged to make sure they fully recover. I asked him to speak to someone for help, but he keeps shrugging it off. Eddie and the twins holed up for the first week. He took them to a place he has in the mountains and wouldn’t let anyone contact them, save their parents. He did sent a couple photos showing they were alive and ok. Ian’s bruises were fading. When they came back, the twins moved in with Eddie. He insisted. He said, nothing like this would ever happen to them again. Ty and Davey had a very rough time. Davey is back in therapy and back on meds to help with his anxiety and depression. He is sullen and quiet most of the time. He’s back at his job part-time until he can fully recover. Ty and Tommy had a discussion with his boss and explained what happened and why it was important for Davey to be at work. His boss was skeptical at first, but when Tommy showed him the police report and some photos, he quickly understood and agreed to the request. Ty has thrown himself into work at the gym. He is there 12 to 14 hours a day, almost like he is there to stay away from Davey, but I know it is something deeper. He needs to work through his part in all this. Did he do enough, soon enough, to protect Davey and the others? I’ve seen him and Jay have quiet intense conversations. When I approach they stop talking. I let it go, because I have a feeling I know what it is about. Ty talked to Paulo like he promised and offered him a job at the gym and a partial partnership. Paulo is very grateful and needs to think it over. Ty also caught a raft of shit from Tommy for not contacting him when we found out where Ron and Shawn were holding everyone. Ty explained the situation and let it drop. Ron, Shawn, and the others were arrested and thrown in jail. The judge refused them bail due to the severity of the abuse they inflected. They are awaiting trial. We all gave our statements. Listening to Cam and Ming tell their story was heartbreaking. Cam and Ming. Where to begin? They were both in the hospital for over a week and when they got out, they stayed with Paulo at his insistence. He cared for them like an over protective older brother. Their external scars are slowly fading, but the internal ones will take some time to heal. Since they’ve been home, we’ve gone over every night for dinner. Some nights are better than others. Cam is doing better than Ming. He is walking around and cracking some jokes. He wants to get back to work even though he has a broken nose and three cracked ribs. The swelling around his eyes is about half of what it was. His bleach blonde hair is growing out and his dark brown roots are coming through. He’s undecided if he’s going to bleach his hair again or let it go. I voted for him to bleach it. Ming was uninterested in the conversation. Ming is taking longer. His physical wounds are slowly healing. He can walk, but the abuse Ash and Shawn inflicted with the dildo caused some internal damage which will take another few weeks to heal. The emotional ones, well, Cam says Ming no longer sleeps a full night. Also, he will get up in the middle of the night, go into the Living room and sleep on the sofa. He won’t say why. I am planning on having lunch with him next week to talk about things and to see what’s up. Stu and Kenny disappeared for a while as well. They headed to the beach house to recover. Ty talked them every day and told them to take as long as they need. Kenny will still have a job. *** Jay and I are slowly getting back into a routine. We are heading to my parents for the weekend. It’s been a while since we’ve seen them and they want to see me in person to make sure I’m okay. It’s a 5 hour drive to their place. I take the first shift. We leave nice and early on a Thursday morning. The cast will be on my left arm for another week or so. I checked with the doctors and they saw no issues with me driving for long stretches of time. I just need to make sure I don’t get fatigued. We’re on the turnpike and Jay is quiet and his face has a blank look on it. He’s just staring out the front window or the side window. His left hand is on my right thigh. It’s just resting there, no gentle squeezes or playfulness. I put my right hand on top of it and gently stroke it. Nothing. I move my hand to the back of his neck and softly play with the short hairs there. This always gets a response of some sort. Usually his dick comes to full attention within minutes. Other times he will get just as playful and use his hands to grope me, making me hard as well. Now, nothing happens. I move my hand to his left bicep and wrap my hand around it, coaxing him to flex. Nothing. I turn the volume down on the radio. “Jay,” I start softly, “It’s not your fault. It’s not Davey’s fault either. Those guys were just assholes looking for revenge. The abuse Cam and Ming took was not your fault.” I glance over to him and see a tear roll down his cheek. Fuck, this is bad. I put my hand on his thigh and squeeze. I know I am not able to dent his muscles, but I am praying he feels my concern and love for him and that he knows he is not going thru this alone. He moves his hand from my thigh and puts it on top of mine. The barest of squeezes comes thru his fingers. It’s a start. I remember back to the night when they saved everyone, then returned to the apartment. Everyone was in shock, but Jay was especially troubled. Ty filled me in with some of the details, and after I spoke with Eddie and Paulo, I got the whole picture as to what Jay did to Bull, Ron, and Shawn and his emotional breakdown afterwards. The violence he unleashed on those guys was what he felt they deserved, if not more, but the toll it took on him emotionally, due to seeing Ming in his battered state, became too much. I’m glad he did not get a chance to see Cam until the next day. At least Cam had a chance to rest up. Jay still broke down and cried in the room. Cam held up better than I did. He told Jay the abuse he took was not his fault and he knows he did everything he could to rescue them as soon as possible. Jay said someone should have been with them when they went back to their place to get their stuff. Cam gently said it was impossible to know Shawn and Ash knew where they lived, so how could they have predicted they’d be taken. Jay still felt responsible and became even quieter after that. We pull over for a pit stop and to switch driving. I ask Jay if he wants anything from inside and he barely nods no. I go in, hit the bathroom, and grab some junk food. I come back out to the SUV and Jay is not there. The door is open, but he is nowhere to be seen. I close the door and start to scan the parking lot. Nothing. I pull out my phone and call him. I hear his phone ringing in the car. I start to wander around the rest stop, knowing he is here someplace. After about 10 minutes of searching between cars and trucks and checking inside again, I see him behind a picnic table, facing the woods, just staring. I see dried tears on his face. I sit down next to him and put his left hand into mine. I lean against his bicep and softly rub my head against it. He sniffles. I hug him tighter. He starts to get choked up and I hear him start to sob. I switch positions and get into his lap. He is facing downward. I lift his chin and stare into his blue eyes. There is such sadness and pain. The whites are all red from tears and emotion. I move in close and kiss him on the forehead. I then put our foreheads together and whisper, “I am here for you Jay, just as you’ve always been there for me, so many times.” The dam bursts. Tears come pouring out of his eyes. He wraps his arms around my back and gently squeezes. I wrap my arms around his back, lift my forehead off his, and pull him as close to me as possible. His head is on my chest and tears are still spilling out. My shirt is getting soaked, but I don’t care. I continue to hug him. He is holding on to me as if his life depended on it. I don’t let go. I join in and let my pain and anger come thru and start to cry as well. Tears stream down my face and sting my cheeks. The memories of what Shawn, Bull, and Ash did to me 4 years ago come back and are crystal clear. The abuse they did to me is nothing compared to what they did to Ming and Cam, but the pain of getting thru it afterwards is all too similar. Jay was there for me, and now I am here for him. His tears ease up for a few minutes, but neither of us move. It then starts again. He sobs and then lets his emotions take over. What Jay has endured for the past few weeks has been intense. Keeping it all to himself, pushing it out of the way so that he could lead us to saving everyone. Never thinking of himself or his own well-being. The tear subside again. I release him and he does the same. I lean back, away from his head. He is breathing deeply and heavily. I put both hands on the sides of his head and pull him in for a kiss. He tentatively kisses me back. Our lips touch. There is a spark, moisture, tenderness, love passes between us. I look back into his blue eyes and they are returning to normal. They are still red and puffy from the outpouring of emotion, but the sparkle is coming back. He pulls my close again, and whispers, “Thank you curly. You are my life and my reason for living.” “You are mine too.” I respond. I reach up and wipe away his tears. He leans back in and kisses me some more. I feel him hug me just a bit harder and his hands rub up and down my back. We sit for another 5 minutes, just relaxing. Me on his lap, playing with the hair on the back of his neck. Him rubbing my back and playing with my curls. His breathing returns to normal, deep and heavy. No words pass between us, but we both know the conversation is not over. It will be brought up again, and piece by piece it will be dealt with. He’s taken his first steps at realizing he’s not responsible. “Are you ready to go? Mom and Dad will be waiting for us. Also, my brothers will be wanting you to show off. I’m sure they’ve tightened some screws as best they could or nailed a few chairs to the floor.” Jay leans back and smiles at me again. “I love your family. They’ve made me feel welcome since the first time we met. Not sure where you came from?” I punch him in the chest and he laughs. He stands up, putting his hands under my butt and carries me back to the SUV. He jumps in the driver’s seat and we continue. He’s better for the second half. Cracking jokes, squeezing my thigh, running his fingers thru my curls. I lean over and kiss him on his cheek. He smiles and musses my hair. I laugh. I start to play with his neck hairs again and this time I get the desired reaction. “Careful buddy, we don’t have time for another pit stop.” “Um, I think we do. They’re not expecting us until 3. It’s only 11 now. Plenty of time.” I leer at him in a way which is pretty much illegal in many states. He moves his hand from my thigh to my junk and starts to massage me through my shorts. I lean my head back and sigh. He snakes a few fingers down my shorts and gets ahold of my unit and starts a slow jerking action. “There’s a pull off area in about 2 miles.” “How do you know that?” He asks in an unbelieving tone. “I’m a man with intimate knowledge of this area.” I wink at him. We ride on for about a minute and a half and there’s the sign for the pull off. “Ahem…” “Fine. You win, but we need to be quick about this, for many reasons, as I’m sure you’re all too aware.” I let out a raucous laugh and Jay laughs as well. We pull over. There are no other cars in the area. We wait for a break in the traffic and then hightail it to the edge and dip down into the woods and brush. It’s not easy to hide a 6’3” 250 lb. blonde hulk, but we manage to get out of sight. We slip behind some larger trees and I slip off my shorts. Boner is ready and raring to go. Jay seductively lowers his shorts. They’re half way down when I grab them and jerk them the rest of the way. “Remember big guy, ‘no time’, ‘consequences’?” I say with a snarky voice. He looks at me with a huge grin on his face. He puts both hands the sides of my face and hauls me in for a sloppy kiss. Drool and spit are everywhere. My face and chest, his fingers, hands, and arms. I take ahold of his dick and start to slowly yank on it. He does the same to me. He pushes my backwards to a tree. I am pinned against it and a sharp piece of bark pokes my back. I yelp in pain. Jay releases me somewhat and I move forward. “Ready?” I pull a tube of lube from the shorts on the ground and grease up my hole. “Like you wouldn’t believe. Bring it muscles.” He reaches down, puts his hands under my ass, and hefts me up, granting easier access to my hole. I position the tip of his dick at my hole. I relax and slide down. I hum, he sighs. “I’ve missed you Max.” I lean forward and kiss his pecs and nibble on his tits. He arches his head back and lets out a roar the likes of which I have not heard in years. He grabs my hips and starts to vigorously bounce me up and down. I grasp at his forearms to steady myself. “Whoa there stud. No need to blow your load in a few quick pumps. ‘Being quick about it’ doesn’t mean being done in 30 seconds” I massage his arms and calm him down. He slows his motion and gets into a nice steady pace. We’re about 5 minutes in and we hear a cop car siren coming. It gets louder and louder. Jay starts to look around, like we’re guilty of something. Well, having sex in a pull off area might be illegal, but as far as we know, no one saw us leave our car or has seen us through the trees. He slows his motion and is ready to drop me and pull on his shorts if the cops stop. The siren is deafening at this point, but they speed on by. The sound recedes into the distance over the next 2 minutes. Jay relaxes and then picks up the pace. I grab my dick with my right hand and start a serious tugging movement. He bounces me a few more times, then pushes me down and holds me there. He shuts his eyes and leans his head back. I feel his dick increase in girth and then he explodes into me. I shudder at the experience. I do a few quick, savage jerks and blast his abs and chest with my load. I reach out for his arm and grab at his bicep to steady myself. He just stands there like a statue, all be it a fucking hot muscular statue, but a statue just the same. He glances down at me and asks, “You good curly?” I nod yes and he lowers himself so I can dislodge him. I pull out 2 gym towels and we clean up as best we can. We toss our clothes back on and head back to the SUV. We get in and continue the trip, laughing about the fun we just had. We arrive at mom and dads. They’re waiting for us. I grew up in a small town, as John Mellencamp like to sing about, where everyone knows everyone. Roads are for kids to bike on, front yards are for them to play on and everyone looks out for each other. The neighbors and neighborhood have not changed much. There are a few more younger families now, but the older folks are still there as well. I had so many ‘neighborhood grandparents’ growing up, when my actual ones came over, we didn’t know how to act around each other. My neighborhood grandparents invited me in for cookies and milk, sat on the front steps with my parents enjoying a beer on a hot summer night, or brought over pot luck dinners in the winter. My real grandparent’s area just a bit high strung. Oh, they love my brothers and me, but they are just a bit distant, as if they know we are closer to our neighborhood grandparents than them. We go in and there are hugs and kisses all around. Mom eyes Jay up and down a few times and says he has lost weight and is practically withering away to nothing. I roll my eyes. Jay leans over, kisses my mom on the cheek, and says ‘Thank you.’ She looks at me and says I’ve added a few pounds and that I should watch what I eat. She winks at Jay. He winks back. I feel a conspiracy happening. Mom excuses herself and goes back into the kitchen to get some snacks and drinks. We offer to help, but she waves us off, telling us to go sit down and relax. Dad takes over. He leads us into the family room, sits us down and asks if everything is ok. Always to the point. He would say, why beat around the bush when everyone knows what’s up. He explains he wants to get this out of the way before my brothers get home from school. He says they know something happened, but they have not told them everything. My brothers are much younger than I am. Roman is 17 and Schaefer is 15. My parents had me soon after they graduated college. They realized how hard it was to raise a kid at 22 and decided to wait to have more kids until they were settled and stable. Mom comes into the room with a tray full of snacks and drinks. We dig in and explain everything that happened. More tears are shed, from everyone, including my dad. When we finish explaining, he gets up, walks over to Jay and hugs him deeply. Jay blushes, retreats into himself, and humbly says ‘Thank you”. Mom excuses herself again and goes upstairs. Dad looks at me, I nod, and follow her. She’s in my old room, which still has my bed in it. She’s fussing around, smoothing out the already smooth bedspread. I poke my head in and ask, “You ok?” She turns, quickly nods and turns away. “Mom, we’re fine.” “Jay is still troubled about it, isn’t he?” I stare at her. “I can see it in his eyes and the way you look at him.” Mothers always know. “Don’t lie to me Max, I know you too well and I am beginning to know Jay like a 4th son.” I sigh and sit on the bed and pat the spot next to me. “See this cast?” I wave my arm at her. “Those guys caused this to happen, as we said. From the moment Jay found out who did it, he did everything he could to protect me and our friends. I think it was too much for him. Everything spiraled out of control so quickly, he couldn’t keep up. When they finally got to the house and he saw Ming,” I lower my voice, “It was bad mom, really bad.” She stares at me. “We don’t like to talk too much about it, but Ming and Cam are lucky to be alive. If they had been held for another day or two, they’d probably be dead.” Mom grabs my right arm in a vice grip. I continue. “He went on a rampage in that house. He caused some serious harm to those guys and after it was done, he was emotionally spent. Our friend Paulo says Jay just broke down and lost it.” Mom is nodding and looking at the door as if someone is going to walk in on us. “We are making progress and he is getting better. I think this trip will be a big help.” She nods again. “Please do not make a big deal out of this. Just treat him as you normally do. He loves when you fawn over him and Ro and Shae get him to show off. He may act like he hates showing off, but he does enjoy making other people happy.” Mom gets up and says, “Ok” with a resoluteness in her voice which tells me the subject is closed and nothing more will be said about it. “Let’s go back downstairs.” She leads off and we rejoin dad and Jay. Dad is explaining the subtle ways to kiss a cue ball to get the slightest English on it to make a shot. Jay is captivated. Mom clears her throat and dad stops, “Ok, before Roman and Schaefer get home, we need to figure out what we’re telling them. We’re not lying to them, but they don’t need to know the gory details, understood.” We all nod yes, as if we had another option. The boys get home about an hour later, both with their lacrosse equipment in their bags. Ro is a defensive specialist and has several long sticks. Shae is offensive and has the short sticks. He’s also going to be the bruiser on the team. At 15, he’s already my height and weight. He’s putting on some muscle along with the weight. He’s looking good and I tell him as much. He’s also got the same curly hair as I do. He pulls it back into a ponytail. I’ve told him if he does a man-bun, we’re going to have issues. He laughs it off. Ro is my height as well, but not as heavy. He is lean and wiry and likes to keep his hair at crew cut length. They both have bruises on their arms and legs. Jay sees this and stiffens for a moment. I wrap my arm around his and ask them how practice was. They say it was fine. There’s a game tomorrow night and ask if we’re going to come. Jay responds, “Of course. We drove 5 hours just to watch you guys play.” He’s got a big grin on his face. Mom announces, “Dinner in 10, get cleaned up. And I mean all of you.” She eyes Jay and I as well as Ro and Shae. Dinner in an Italian household, wonder what it could be? Yup, homemade pasta, homemade gravy (or red sauce to everyone else), and homemade meatballs. There’s also soup, salad, bread, wine, and homemade cannoli’s for dessert. I’m surprised I don’t weight 300 pounds with how she feeds us. Dinner has always been a time when we talk about stuff and tonight is no different. I lead off and explain in very general terms what happened and why I have a broken arm. Mom and dad are eyeing up the boys and making sure they understand what happened and reassuring them Jay and I are fine. We get through dinner and Jay insists he and I do the dishes. Mom puts up a fight, but dad puts his hand on her arm and she relents. Ro and Shae go do their homework, but not before securing a promise from Jay for some workout tips. Jay washes and I dry, as best I can with the cast on. We bump hips and slash water at each other. I slap at his ass with the drying towel. He blows soap bubbles into my hair. Mom yells in that it doesn’t sound like the dishes are getting clean. I look at Jay and he gives me the big eye, ‘uh-oh’ look. We both laugh as quietly as we can. We get it done and Ro and Shae are in the basement waiting for us. Once they showed an interest in sports, Dad put in a small gym with some equipment he bought on EBay. He explained to them they’d need to get tough and strong if they wanted to succeed in a physical sport like lacrosse. They understood and took to the weights very easily. Shae more so than Ro. I pull Jay aside and quietly ask him not to show off too much, like he normally does. He winks at me and musses my hair. He turns to face them and in a deep commanding voice asks, “Ok gentlemen, what are we doing tonight?” Ro responds, “Bench presses.” I roll my eyes. Of course. “Let’s get to it.” Jay says easily. “Let’s start with nice easy warm up weight of 225.” My brothers look at him with mouths agape, but he continues, “10 reps with hands normal width apart, 30 second rest, then another 10 with a wide grip.” Dad chuckles and walks up the steps, “You kids have at it. Just don’t strain yourself too much. You have your game tomorrow.” Jay winks at him and smiles. “Ok, who’s up first? Jay asks looking from Ro to Shae then breaks into a big grin. “Gotcha.” The panic leaves their eyes. “Ok guys, if you want to work chest, yes flat bench press is great, but remember there are over 80 different exercises you can do. You need to remember to work the whole chest area, not just the pecs.” He is pointing to different areas as he speaks. “Flat bench is great as you can move the most weight. Try spreading your hands a bit and it will work parts of the outer chest. Or, try dumbbell presses. These are different than using a bar as the dumbbells are independent of each other and you will feel all the little stabilizer muscles working. You don’t need to do both bar and dumbbell, they are just about the same exercise. Maybe Ro does one and Shae does the other. That way you’re both working chest at the same time, but are not getting in each other’s way.” They nod. Jay asks, “What is your normal warm-up weight?” Shae responds, “95 lbs.” “Ok, load up the bar.” Shae throws some 25 on it and Jay slips onto the bench. “Ok, notice where my hands are, about shoulder width apart, with thumbs wrapped around. When I lift the weight off the support, it should curl into the palm of my hand, as such. Now, slowly lower the weight. Remember, the push up part is not the only part of the exercise, slowly lowering it activates just as many muscles. A quick decline and you’re wasting half an exercise. Watch.” And he quickly drops the weight then slowly pushes it up. Next he slowly lowers it, twitching his pecs to exaggerate the result. I grin internally. He then slowly lifts the bar and reracks it. Both guys nod. “Ok, Shae, you’re up. Ro, you spot him.” Shae slips onto the bench and positions his hands. Jay studies everything from a close position and nods ok. Shae lifts the bar off and slowly lowers it. He then pushes it back up. “Nice. Now do 9 more just like that.” Shae pushes out the rest of the set. He slows on the final one, but Ro is there to help with the weight. “OK, nice set. Remember when you’re the spotter, you need to encourage the other guy. Your main job is to make sure he does not drop the weight back onto himself, but the secondary job is to encourage him. Ro, on his last rep, when he’s slowing down, just a few words of encouragement will bolster the lifter into trying to get the weight up. You don’t need to shout or be obscene, just something easy like, ‘you got this’ or ‘come on, last one’. It shows you’re paying attention.” Ro nods. “Ok Ro, your turn.” Ro slides onto the bench and positions his hands. Jay makes a minor adjustment and nods. Ro lifts the bar and starts the set. He gets to 8 and starts to slow. Jay pokes Shae and he leans over Ro and says, “2 more bro, you got this.” Ro pushes out the final two reps. Jay nods to both. He spends the next hour working thru exercises and explanations. Mom yells down 10 minutes and everyone, Jay included, knows what that means. Ro and Shae look at each other and grow quiet. I glance from them to Jay knowing what they want, but seeing how they are too embarrassed to ask. I speak up, “Jay, what’s the most you’ve benched?” He eyes me up, sees me slyly wink, and knows why I’m asking. “495.” He says flatly. ”But seeing as you don’t have 11 plates here, it would be kind of tough to get it…unless we improvised.” The boys look excited. “Max, you’re about 165, right?” I nod. “Shae, you look to be about the same, but let me make sure.” He walks over puts his hands under Shae’s armpits and easily lifts him up. Shae grins from ear to ear. “Yeah, 165. Ro, you look a bit lighter.” He lifts him up and says, “About 155?” Ro nods and is also smiling. “Ok, so we have 485 right there. Now the task will be to distribute the weight evenly on the bar.” Jay thinks for a minute and says. “Max, I need you to sit out. I want you to be spot me and watch your brothers, so I’ll only be lifting 375. Ro, on my left, Shae on my right. Ro, we need to add 10lbs to your side. Grab a free weight. Here’s how it’s going to work. Listen carefully. Me on the bench. Once I’m set, Ro, on my left, grab the end of the bar with your hands and lift your legs toward the middle. At the same time, Shae does the same but from the other side. Please try to do this together so the bar does not become unbalanced. Max, you need to steady them and make sure they don’t fall off.” Everyone nods. Jay slides under the bar, secures his hands and pulls the bar down, firmly onto the supports. “Ok, now.” Ro and Shae get onto their sides, lock their hands onto the bar and carefully lift their legs toward the middle. I shift feet and calves around so Jay is not bumped in the head and his hands are free. I let him know everyone is set. He counts down, “Three, two, one.” And he simply lifts the bar up. He’s barely straining. His chest puffs out, he takes a deep breath and slowly lowers the bar to his chest. He rests it there for a good long second and then slowly pushes it up. I look into his eyes, and he winks at me. I blow him a kiss and he returns it. He proceeds to do twenty reps with ease. By the 15th, Ro and Shae are moving their hands to keep their grip. I tap Jay on the shoulder and he knows to wrap it up. He reracks and holds the bar securely to the supports while the boys get off. Once they’re down, he stands up, pulls off his shirt and does a most muscular for them. They are awed. “And this my friends is what working out can do for you.” We hear the door open and dad takes two steps down and says, “Ro, Shae, it’s time.” Both guys head up the steps. Dad stops them and says, “I think you have something to say to Jay, don’t you?” Ro walks back down and shakes Jay’s hand, “Thanks for the tips Jay and the demonstration.” Shae follows suit. The guys leave and dad comes back down. “Thank you Jay, your help and tips mean a lot to them, even if they don’t know how to say Thank you properly.” “It’s fine sir. I know their hearts are in the right place. If they ever need help or encouragement, they can always Skype me.” Dad pats him on the shoulder and walks back up. “Put your shirt on before you come up. Last thing I need is my wife seeing a muscle guy like you walking around the house shirtless.” He laughs as he leaves and shuts the door. I walk over to him and grope his chest. He flexes and turns it to granite. “Thank you.” I say to him. I lean up and kiss him tenderly. He smiles, pulls me closer, and kisses me back. We straighten up the area, Jay throws his shirt back on and we head up. We spend another 10 minutes talking to mom and dad then head to bed. Yeah, no sex, sorry. Small house with paper thin walls. Next day, Jay and I head out to see some sights. We go to the local world famous botanical gardens and wander around. Jay is amazed and grateful for the experience. We then hit the local art museum which is basically dedicated to the local artist’s family, given that he, his father, his son, and several of his siblings are well known artists. Around 3 we head over to the high school for the lacrosse game. Ro wears number 15 and Shae is in 52. Mom and dad meet us there and we small talk waiting for the game to start. A number of people recognize me from my time at the school and walk over to say hi. I introduce Jay and some gawk, some leer, some are just overwhelmed. Jay takes it all in and smoothly eases the situation. “I’m his personal bodyguard. You know those high maintenance Hollywood types.” He winks at people and they relax a bit. “I will get you back, you know that?” “Why do you think I’m doing it Curly?” He leans over and kisses me on the cheek. The game starts and we are entertained watching Ro and Shae show off their moves. Not sure if this is how they play regularly or if they’re putting extra effort because Jay and I are here. They each take a couple hard hits from the opposing team, which will lead to a few more bruises. Jay winces at every hit and I feel it. I hug him to let him know it is okay. The game ends and we win 9 to 6. We gather back at the house and have a celebratory dinner. A good time is had by all. Ro and Shae do have bruises forming on their arms and legs. They talk about them as war wounds. Jay gets unsettled and excuses himself. I follow and we walk down the front walk to the roadside, out of earshot of the house. He sits down and I ask, “You ok Jay?” “I will be, just give me a minute.” I stand behind him and put my arms on his shoulders and gently work the knotted muscles. He reaches a hand up and pulls me around to the front. I sit in his lap. We put our foreheads together and just sit in the silence. A solid minute goes by. I let him release first. He looks up into my eyes and runs his fingers thru my hair. He quietly says, “If it had been you, I don’t know what I would have done. I think I would have killed them and that scares me.” I pull him close and hug his head. “It really does.” “But you didn’t kill anyone and Ming and Cam will be fine. Jay, please, you need to stop beating yourself up. Nobody holds you responsible for anything, except saving our friends. Look at me.” I lift his chin. “I know you love me and you know I love you, right?” He nods, “Then our world is ok. Fine, we hit a pothole, but we recovered and are getting back to it.” He stares at me, the sadness has returned to his eyes. I quietly, but sternly say, “Ming and Cam will…be…fine…” then relax my tone, “You need to relax and watch it happen. Don’t keep that image of Ming in the basement here,” I touch his head. “Or you will never recover here.” I touch his heart, “And I want my Jay back.” I kiss him on the forehead. We sit for another minute. I get up and pat him on the shoulder. “Take your time, but please come back to me.” I walk inside. Jay appears 2 minutes later. I can tell he cried some more. I walk over to him and hug him. He hugs me back. Dad appears with 3 beers from Victory Brewing. Jay hesitates, but takes it. We walk back outside and sit on the front porch and clink bottles. He starts talking, “Ro and Shae are young and exuberant. Oh to have their innocence again.” He glances over to me and continues, “Max was a hellion at that age. You remember don’t you Max?” I nod yes. “Can you imagine me and his mom with Max at 15 or 16 and two toddlers? There were times we wanted to throw all three kids out the front door and lock it, just so we’d have some peace and quiet. But we stayed the path and took it a day at a time. It was rough at times, but I think we did a pretty good job with them. What do you think Jay? Max turn out ok?” Jay looks me in the eyes, puts his hand in my curls and responds, “Yes sir, he turned out just fine.” Dad gets up walks to the door, opens it, turns and says, “And so will you. Just give it time.” “Thank you sir.” Jay says softly. We are staring into each other’s eyes and I see the sparkle come back. Ro and Shae come out with sodas and sit with us. It’s a Friday night so curfew is a bit later, plus I’m back in town, so mom is being flexible. Ro pulls a walnut out of his pocket. I think to myself, ‘here we go.’ He tosses it to Jay who catches it and looks at it and tosses it back to him. “It’s a walnut, I’ve seen them before.” I laugh out loud. Ro turns red. Jay waves to Ro to toss it back over. Ro does. Jay catches it again and turns so both guys can see his arm. He places the walnut the crux of his of elbow and squeezes. It takes about 10 seconds, but the nut audibly cracks. Jay relaxes his arm and pulls the meat out of the shell. He dusts the shell off his arm. “What else boys? I know there has to be more.” Shae produces an apple. Jay smirks, “Too easy, toss it over.” He puts the apple in his palm and slowly closes his fingers. This would be a non-event in our place, but I know he wants to show off. He flexes his bicep and forearm muscles and the apple disintegrates under the pressure. The juices flow out between his fingers and the palm of his hand. He wipes his hand in the grass and looks at my brothers, smiles, and says, “That the best you got? Come on guys, give me a challenge.” Shae runs back into the house and Ro goes toward the garage. “You sure about this Jay?” He leans over and kisses me. “Yes, I’m having fun and your brothers are good kids. I want them to have something to talk about with their friends.” I rub his bicep which he flexes for me. Ro comes around the corner of the house, see Jay’s bicep fully flexed and stops in his tracks. “Damn.” Is all he says. “Um, language mister.” I say back to him, “but yes, it is impressive so I’ll let it slide.” I pat the bicep which Jay keeps flexed until Shae returns and has the same reaction. “Ok boys, what do you have for me?” Ro hands him a tennis ball. Jay puts in the palm of his hand and crushes it. There is a loud pop when it explodes. Shae hands him a frozen water bottle they would normally take to practice. Jay raises an eyebrow. Shae says they have plenty of others. Jay puts one hand on each end and starts to smash it like a trash compactor would. His t-shirt is now wet and clinging to his chest. His pecs and abs come into relief and he slowly twitches his muscles for my benefit. I’m excited and need to subtly shift positions so my growing erection doesn’t draw attention. Next, Ro hands him a 4 foot iron rod which is ½ inch thick. Jay eyes it up and asks, “Does your father know you took this? I don’t want you to get in trouble.” Ro pleadingly responds, “Max tell him how much junk dad has in the garage. He’ll never miss this.” Jay looks at me and I nod in agreement. Jay stands up, flexes his arm, puffs out his chest, glances at the boys, and says, “Ready?” As they’re nodding he easily twists the bar into a loop. He holds it up and Ro takes it and tries to bend it back. It won’t budge. “Here, let me help.” Jay says. He takes the bar and twists it again and now there are two loops in it. “Oops, didn’t mean to do that.” He says with a sly grin. He hands the bar back to Ro. My erection is growing. He’s just playing with me as well as the boys. He knows I won’t be able to jerk off while we stay here. “Ok, time for one last show, and then you kids need to go to bed. Both of you stand up and stand next to each other.” I know where this is headed, so I subtly cross my lets. They will be amazed and speechless. Jay moves into position in front of them and grabs their belt buckles. “Use my shoulders to stabilize yourselves” They nod. Jay bends at the knees, gets a firm grip, and stands up, straightening his arms, and pushing both kids over his head. Their feet are dangling and they put their hands on his head and shoulders. Both of them say “Whoa” at the same time. Jay lowers them so his arms are at 90 degrees, his biceps not even flexed, then he presses them up again. Now, they are both laughing. My erection is full on and I cannot stand up without causing a scene. Jay very slowly brings them down. Now he flexes his biceps to their full extent, just to show off. He is getting a kick out of this as well, as evidenced by his ear to ear grin. He sets them down and brings them in for a brotherly hug. They hug him back and come over to me and do the same. Shae says to me, “Your boyfriend is great.” “Yeah, he’s a keeper.” I look to Jay and wink. Ro adds, “The guys on the team won’t believe what he did.” “You do have the bar he twisted.” I say casually. They both grab for the bar and Ro gets it first. Dad appears at the door and says, “Ro, Shae, it’s time.” Ro and Shae hug us once more and disappear into the house. Dad steps out, hands us two more beers and asks, “How was the show?” Jay blushes. Dad says, “Jay, it is fine. Those boys think the world of you and Max. Now they have goals with regards to working out and putting on some muscle. Be prepared for more Skype calls than what you intended.” “Yes, sir. I’m glad they had fun and I’m sorry if I overstepped any boundaries with the other stuff.” Dad waves him off. “Jay, it’s not often we get a 250 pound, 6’3” muscle man in the house. I’m fine with it as long as no one got hurt.” He steps back into the house and turns off the lights. “Remember to lock up when you come in.” And he’s gone. I look into Jay’s eyes in the fading light and run my hand over his cheek. Crickets are chirping. Lightening bugs are flittering around us. I hear an owl in the distance. I sit in his lap and snuggle in. He wraps his arms around me and puts his chin on top of my head. I feel safe. We sit like this for 10 minutes or so. His breathing becomes heavy and deep. I put my hand on his chest and feel his heartbeat. It feels normal. I pat him and he releases me. We get up and walk into the house. We spend most of Saturday with Ro and Shae. We go to the high school fields and toss the football around. They try to show Jay how to play lacrosse, but he doesn’t seem to get it. We see a few of the really large truck tires that guys flip as part of their exercise routine. Jay makes a bet with the boys. If he can lift one over his head, they have to do one hundred push-ups each. My brain is screaming ‘sucker bet’, but I stay quiet and don’t let me face give anything away. Ro and Shae talk in hushed and clipped tones for a few seconds and come back with a counter offer. If Jay can lift and carry the tire over his head for one lap around the track, they will each do 150 push-ups. Jay eyes them up and say deal. Everyone shakes on it. Jay sheds his shirt, flexes his chest and arms, just to show off. He squats down in front of the tire and eyes it up. He lifts it upright and rolls it around looking for the best spot to grip it. He’s found it. He squats back down, pulls the tire over him, and grunts while pressing it overhead and standing up. Shoulder muscles bulge, chest is heaving, and his legs look like tree trunks. He winks at the boys and starts off around the track. Every once in a while he will stop, press the tire up and down a few times, then continue on. Ro and Shae follow him closely, and pepper him with questions – is it heavy, how hard is it to keep it from wobbling around, could you carry two? I see what their tactic is, distract him and maybe he’ll drop it. Not likely, but the boys are pretty good, wonder where they got that from? Jay’s about half way around the track and casually says, “You boys may want to get ready to do the push-ups. 150 each is quite a lot. It may tire you out.” Shae responds, “Nay, we normally do 200 at practice every day, so it’ll be easy.” Boom, and there it is. The sucker bet was on Jay, not them. Jay stops, turns to them, with the tire still overhead and says, “Excuse me?” Ro responds, “Yeah, coach told us they would help strengthen our chest and shoulders. So we do about 200 or 250 a day, depending on how hard practice is.” He casually adds, “If you had asked, we would have mentioned it. Max knew about it too.” Jay turns to me, with the tire still overhead, and I nod yes to him and shrug my shoulders. He feigns anger and tosses the tire about 10 feet away. The boys are dumbfounded and Jay uses the opportunity to rush them and corral them into a two man bear hug. He pulls their bodies to his and gently lifts them off the ground while gnashing his teeth and growling. The guys are roaring with laughter. Each one is grabbing onto the bicep they are trapped in. I stand back and watch thinking, been there, done that. After about a minute he starts to jog toward the bleachers with them still in the bear hug. He takes the steps two at a time and gets to the top and maneuvers both guys over the safety railing. “This is what I do to guys who sucker bet me…” and he loosens the bear hug grip just enough so they slip and inch or two down his chest. They both grab his biceps harder. Now it’s his turn to laugh. He pulls them back over the railing and sets them down. Everyone is laughing and sweating at the same time. “I know exactly where you guys get your sense of humor.” He is looking directly at me. “What can I say? They learned from the best.” Jay walks down to me, pulls me in for a hug, and says, “Yes they did.” Shae shouts out, “Come on guys, no PDAs here.” I look up to him and then back to Jay and haul him in for a sloppy, drool filled kiss. When we’re done, I wipe my checks on my sleeve and stare back up at Shae. He’s just shaking his head and laughing. We put the tire back where we found it, collect Jay’s shirt and the rest of our stuff and head home. I ask Ro and Shae not to mention being dangled over the railing as we all know how mom will react, even though they were completely safe in Jay’s grip. They understand and agree. Last night in town means another homemade dinner. Lots of food, good times, and good talk. We make it an early night as we need to get on the road in the morning to get home. Sunday morning brings a hearty breakfast. Jay says he’s cheated on his diet for the next month and will be eating lettuce and carrots for quite a while. Mom shrugs it off and says, “You’re allowed to enjoy some home cooked meals once in a while. This time, they happened to be in one weekend. You need to enjoy food Jay, just look at Max, he certainly does.” She looks over at me and cracks a wicked smile. “Thanks mom. Always appreciate it.” “Oh, my baby.” She comes over and smothers me with kisses and pinches my cheeks. “My baby is all grown up now. Can’t take a few jabs from momma?” I kiss her on the cheek and say, “Love you too mom.” We stand in front of the SUV, hugs and kisses all around. Ro and Shae are especially grateful for the workout routines Jay put together for them. He lets them know he wants regular updates on their progress so he can adjust each of their workouts, and if they have questions, he’s only a Skype call away. We pile in and take off. I lean over to Jay and say, “Thank you. They really love everything you did for them this weekend.” I give him a peek on the cheek. He runs his right hand thru my curls and says, “No, thank you.”
  25. Guest

    The dominant species (2)

    Keith had a restless night. The minute he’d hit his bed, he had sunk into a deep, dark sleep. Strange images of a little grey, octopus-like thing sliding across his body had haunted him. Shivers had run along his muscular body. He shot up atop his bed, inhaling deeply. “Finally awake, sleepy head?” He looked up and saw Matt standing in the doorway leading to their bathroom. “What time is it?”, Keith asked somewhat groggily, noticing his sheets were drenched with sweat that was still sliding along his torso. “6.15 p.m.”, Matt replied, “You almost slept for 11 hours. I just got back from the gym.” Keith looked at Matt, who was wearing nothing but a towel wrapped around his muscular waist. His arms and shoulders still looked pumped from his workout. “Seems like you could also use a shower. Man, the entire rooms stinks of your sweat. I’ve got a date tonight so you have the room to yourself”, Matt said. Keith got up from his bed and walked to the bathroom. “Have fun, man”, he said with a grin and entered the shower. The shower worked wonders: the hot water made Keith’s muscles relax. He felt his balls churn and moved his right hand down to cup them. “Aughn”, he groaned as his fingers made contact with his over-sensitive balls. They felt a bit bigger than normal and he quickly turned off the water and moved in front of the large mirror. His balls did look a bit swollen. His entire body seemed a bit saggy, his muscles lacking their usual hardness. “A night of bad sleep. Most be some kind of flu”, he said to his reflection. Right then, his stomach growled loudly. He patted his six-pack, dried off, and walked toward their little fridge. He began eating and kept going until every ounce of food was down his body. He even eat the protein powder in the two tubs. He then gulped down two gallons of milk and burped. His right hand patted his somewhat bloated six-pack as he walked back to his bed. He got in and dozed off, not even hearing his roommate return deep into the night. The sound of water running pulled Keith from his sleep. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and felt his cock pulse inside his boxers. A grin formed on his face and his left hand disappeared beneath the sheets, moving toward his shaft. It disappeared inside his boxers and grabbed his morning wood. He began pumping his shaft. He felt his body heat rising as he stroked away. “This time you’re awake.” The remark made Keith return to the present. His roommate had just emerged from their bathroom. His hand froze atop his shaft as he looked at Matt. “I’m gonna grab us some food ‘cause you ate everything in the fridge. Make sure you’re ready to hit the gym when I return”, Matt said as Keith got up from his bed. “You’re not impressing me with that 8 little inches of cock”, Matt added with a grin toward Keith’s tented boxers before he headed out. Keith watched his roommate leave and then walked over inside the bathroom, dropping his boxers. He entered the shower cabin. Instantly a mixture of shower gel and musk hit his nose. He looked at the tilled wall and saw the sticky remains of his roommate’s orgasm slowly sliding down toward the floor. He didn’t know why, but the white liquid seemed to pull in his attention. Lick it A strange voice inside him seemed to whisper to him. Keith blinked a few times but felt his body move toward the tilled wall for some unknown reason. Feed…hunger… Lick it The next moment Keith’s mind went dark as the organism took full control of him. As his vision went dark, his body bent down, stuck out his tongue and licked the cum from the tilled wall. His tongue slide along the cold tiles as he licked away the last sticky remains his roommate had left on the wall. His vision returned as he stood back up. He blinked a few times, not knowing what had just happened and felt his cock smack against his six-pack. Mechanically, his right hand grabbed his shaft and stroked it roughly. Within seconds he was panting, his muscles hardened and he came. He threw back his head in pure bliss and closed his eyes. “UGHN”, he bellowed loudly. Inside him, the organism absorbed the cum pushed out by Keith’s balls. Unknown to Keith since he had his eyes closed, his cock blasted out a dusty cloud instead of its usual blasts of cum. He reopened his eyes as he heard his roommate come back inside the adjacent part of their room and turned off the water. He toweled off his body, put on his clothes and emerged fully energized from the shower. He followed Matt to the gym and had the workout of a lifetime, feeling stronger and more energized than ever. “Geez, what did you have for breakfast?”, Matt asked after their workout. He had struggled to keep up with the pace of his roommate. “Back on top, little guy”, Keith replied, “Let’s grab some diner. This one’s on me.” The next morning Keith awoke first. He heard his roommate’s calm breathing on the other side of the room. He got up and went into the bathroom. He sighed as the hot water cascaded down onto his broad, muscular back. He rubbed the shower gel along his torso, sliding his hands across his chest. Down below, he felt his 8 incher smack hard against his six-pack, begging for release. His left hand played with his nipple as his right hand closed around his rock-hard shaft. “Upf” Keith felt the tension build up inside him as a soft moan escaped his throat. His breathing got faster, his strokes longer and harder… “Dude, how much more time do you need?” The sound of his roommate’s voice and the knock on the matted glass pulled Keith back to reality. He noted the silhouette of Matt’s muscular body through the glass. He stroked his cock a final time as he was so close to his edge. “UGHRN!!!!!” Keith roared as his entire body jerked. His vision went dark from the pleasure that washed over his body. Like a day earlier, the organism inside him fed upon the cum produced by his balls. Before the liquid could reach the end of his shaft, it was consumed by the organism. His cock produced four large clouds of dust that sprayed in the air toward the ceiling. He reopened his eyes and gave his cock a final jerk. He inhaled deeply, turned off the water and stepped out of the shower cabin. He froze in his tracks as he saw his fully nude roommate standing against the sink. He noted the smug grin on Matt’s face who handed him a towel. “Hope you didn’t smear you cum all over the shower. Man, I think they heard you roar three rooms further”, Matt said as he moved toward the shower cabin. He pushed Keith aside and inspected the shower cabin. “Seems like ya produce more noise than cum, bud”, he said and turned his head to see his roommate leave the bathroom. He stepped inside the shower cabin and closed it. He breathed in, inhaling the cloud of dust produced by Keith and then turned on the shower. “Ready for class, dude?”, Matt asked 10 minutes later as he emerged from the bathroom. He grabbed his backpack and followed Keith to their lecture. After the boring lecture the two buds got back to their room to drop off their books, grabbed their workout gear and headed straight for the gym. Like the day before, Keith had an excellent workout. He hit a new PB on the bench press. This time however, Matt managed to keep up with his bigger friend. His energy was through the roof and he outworked his roommate on every exercise they did: he pumped out more reps and an additional set with weights that were only slightly less. By the end of their training, his sweat-drenched shirt hugged his pumped torso like a second skin. “Ow yeah”, Matt growled to his reflection as he threw a most muscular in front of the large mirror. The seams of his shirt popped open a bit at the sides as his pumped lats pushed the overstretched fabric past breaking point. “Someone’s having a good day. Looking good, man”, Keith said appreciatively. “So much energy”, Matt let out and hardened his flex some more. An obvious tearing sound signaled that his shirt lost the battle against his pumped lats. “Ya better got some new shirts”, Keith added with a grin. He blinked as his roommate ripped off his shirt and exposed his pumped torso. Every muscle on Matt’s torso seemed ready to burst through his skin. The shiny layer of sweat only added to the image. “Let’s shower”, Matt said and strutted past his buddy toward the locker room. Inside Keith, the organism was gathering more knowledge of his host. It lay in a near-dormant status inside his host, consuming very little of the man’s testosterone to avoid weakening him any further. It used its previous knowledge from the experiences in the lab in its advantage: it had acquired the knowledge not to drain the precious testosterone completely and kill the host. It was slowly bonding with the human body to survive on this new planet. Having been the dominant species on Mars for several centuries before falling into a near-fossilized state the tests inside the spaceship had brought it back to life. The rats had been a good snack and the first male had fallen victim to its overpowering hunger and urge to feed. The period inside the nurse had allowed it to get to know the dominant species on this planet. The lack of testosterone had forced it to feed upon itself and diminishing to almost nothing until the strong scent of pheromones given off by this young specimen of the opposite sex had pulled it back from its dormant state. Taking control of the female host to gain access to the male had been easy: these beings were no match for the impulses of the organism. It wondered how this species had managed to become the dominant one on this planet: it instinctively knew it could destroy these beings within seconds. Ever since entering the young male, it had been getting stronger feeding on his testosterone and the remains of spore the other male left on the cold surface in the rainy space they called ‘shower’. As it grew stronger and gained more insight in the functioning of its host, it began fusing slowly with its host. Two days later, Keith was changing into his football gear in the locker room as Matt patted him on the back and laughed as he hung onto his shoulders. “Heard some rumors you made Stacey a bit sore”, Matt said grinningly. Keith turned his head to look at him. “What…” “Geez, man”, Matt went on with his grin, “just crossed her on my way over here. She was still walking kind a strange. Heard the rumors there were very load groans coming from her room and ya were seen leaving pulling on yar shirt.” He squeezed his buddy’s shoulder more tightly. “Ya should ‘ve seen her face: smiling like a child on Christmas.” A grin formed in response on Keith’s face. He felt his legs working more and harder than usual to support his roommate’s body. Is he bulking?, he asked to himself, knowing that Matt had had excellent workouts the past three days. “Well, bud? No details?”, Matt asked. Keith felt some fatigue spread through his quads from supporting his roommate. He shrugged him off and went back to changing. “Ya could say I wore her out,” he let out. That’s the least, he thought as his mind went back to earlier that afternoon. He had been strangely horny and had pumped his cock into Stacey until she was begging for mercy. “Hope ya saved some energy for practice, bud”, Matt added and got changed himself. At the end of the week, Keith was standing in front of the mirror in their bathroom. He was looking at his shirtless reflection. He had lost about 10 pounds, making him look more ripped. “All this running at least got the summer pounds from partying off me”, he said to himself. “Yo, Keith. Ya in here?”. Matt’s voice made Keith turn his attention from his own reflection. “In here”, he replied and walked over to the adjacent room. He blinked as he saw his roommate standing at the end of his bed. “Back from the gym?”, he asked. “Nope. Class until now. Still have to hit the gym”, Matt replied as he turned around to face him. Keith couldn’t believe what he saw: his roommate filled out his shirt to perfection. Matt’s traps pushed the fabric slightly upward as his delts pulled it snugly around their round mass. His sleeves only came up to the top part of his biceps that filled them to their max even though his arms hung at his sides. A prominent vein ran along the side of the relaxed bicep and several smaller ones branched from it and crossed across the width of the upper arms. His forearms were decorated by more veins. The front of the shirt hugged his bigger pecs protruding more prominently from his chest. The shirt hung loosely around his midsection. “Wait… You don’t come from the gym? Geez… you look pumped as fuck, man. Guess you just need a bigger shirt then. Seems like this one shrunk”, Keith let out with a hint of disbelief. “Been growing like a weed. Like a second growth spurt or something”, Matt replied, “Gained like 20 pounds this week…” “20 pounds in a week? Better go easy on the food, chubby”, Keith let out with a grin. “And it’s all muscle”, Matt went on and lifted his shirt to reveal a tight six-pack. Keith’s grin melted away from his face as he stared at the chiseled six-pack that looked more defined than his own. He hardened his abs reflexively to make his own six-pack look more defined. His mind did the quick math. Fuck, that puts him at the 230 pound mark, he thought. “Looking good, bud”, he said”, “I lost 10 pounds.” “Of fat”, he added quickly. “So, ya’re about 210 right now?”, Matt asked. “Guess I’m the bigger guy now: have 20 pounds of muscle on ya”, he added with a grin. Being more muscular than his roommate made a rush of adrenaline shoot through him. “You’re heavier, but I’m still taller, chubby”, Keith shot back playfully. His smile froze once more in mere seconds as Matt came closer: Keith always looked straight at Matt’s forehead but now he was staring straight into his roommate’s blue-green eyes. A look of calm realization of someone that knows he’s the bigger man stared back at Keith. “Guess again, buddy: 6 feet. Just like ya”, Matt stated, “but bigger”. He flexed his right arm, making an 18.5 inch orb of muscle explode into hardness. Keith’s gaze was torn from his roommate’s eyes to the rock-hard bicep. Almost instinctively he raised his own arm and flexed it. His own bicep stopped as it reached 17 inches. The difference was obvious: his arm was more ripped but lacked the size of Matt’s bulkier one. “Come on. Let’s hit the gym. Having the greatest workouts of my life all week. It’s like I have energy for five. Can’t wait to pump some iron”, Mat said while he relaxed his pose and went to fetch his workout gear. “Well, ya coming or not?”, he asked as he saw Keith still standing in the exact same place. “Yeah, sure. Just a sec”, Keith replied and shook his head as he too got his workout gear. Inside the gym, Keith was relieved that his strength wasn’t off despite being 10 pounds lighter. He managed to match his personal record and even cranked out two reps more than normal thanks to lots of help from his buddy. “Fuck yeah. 6 reps”, he grunted as he sat up on the bench. “More like 4 and a half and one and half from me”, Keith replied grinningly. “Come on, buddy, move. My turn”. He pulled half the weight from the bar. Keith was still inhaling deeply as he got up, took a sip from the drink his buddy handed him and moved behind the bar to spot Matt. Matt laid down on the bench, took a deep breath that made his torso expand, grabbed the bar and cranked out 20 quick reps. Carp. 20 pounds more than my warmup weight, Keith thought as he looked down on his roommate who did a second and third warmup set. “Right. Add some weight, bro”, Matt said while he racked the bar. He waited for Keith to add the a plate at either side and then did his first work set. “…8,9,10,11,12”, he grunted and racked the bar. “More weight”. Keith obeyed and added another plate at each side. He watched his buddy crank out 12 more perfect reps. “More weight”, Matt let out and stared up directly into his roommate’s eyes. Two more plates were added to the bar and he un-racked it, groaning a bit as he lowered it slowly to his chest. “…8,euh9,euh10”, he grunted between his teeth while his face began getting red. Keith ‘s hand were near the bar to help but his roommate completed his set without a problem. “More weight.” “Are you sure, man?”, Keith asked. His buddy’s look filled with determination convinced him: he added two more plates to the bar, making the weight on the bar equal his own record. “Yeah”, Matt groaned as he un-racked the bar and lowered it to his chest. His face reddened further as he pushed the bar up. He growled, a deep guttural sound escaping his mouth as he continued his set. “…argh… 4,…humpf5, 6, yeah… 7… 8…9” Keith watched in disbelief as his roommate outperformed him with a weight he was proud off benching himself. He gave a spot and helped his buddy complete his tenth rep. “Geez, Matt. 4 reps more than me”, he let out appreciatively. “More…like… five”, Matt replied between deep breaths, “ya only did 4 solid reps with this weight. I did 9 perfect ones.” “More weight”, he added. Keith blinked at the remark. His mind was still processing the fact that his buddy had outperformed him with this weight. “Maybe you should call it a day, Matt. I mean, you already did better than me. Why risk…”. “More weight, I said”, Matt interrupted forcefully. Keith obeyed the order. He added two more, smaller plates to the bar that was now 30 pounds heavier than before. He looked down feeling a hint worried. He noted how his buddy’s engorged pecs protruded clearly against the sweaty shirt. Further down, he also noted a clear lump in the guy’s shorts. Matt un-racked the bar and lowered it in a controlled manner. “Fuck yeah”, he growled as he performed his first rep. Two more perfect reps followed. His face was dark red from the effort, sweat sliding along his forehead and his arms shook as he did his fourth rep. his pecs felt like they were on fire as more blood was pumped into the muscles. Keith moved in as his roommate lowered the bar for a fifth rep. “NO!”, Matt groaned to make Keith pull back his hands. “….arghugh…5” Keith stared in full disbelief as the bar was lowered another time and moved back up very slowly. He saw Matt’s arms shake as they pushed the bar further up. “…a…6…”, Matt grunted as he completed his sixth rep. Keith moved in and helped his buddy rack the bar. His mouth hung open slightly as Matt stood up and turned to face him: the guy’s pecs stretched his shirt insanely tight across the wide surface and seemed ready to burst through the fabric. There was no doubt who was the bigger guy now. “Fuck yeah”, Matt let out as he moved his arms back and forth to harden and relax his chest. “So pumped. Feels like my pecs ware gonna rip through my skin”. He grabbed the drink his roommate handed him and gulped half it down. “Right. Some pushups to finish things off”, he said more than he asked and moved toward the other side of the gym. Keith wandered behind his buddy and laid down next to him on the mat. Pushups had always been his favorite finisher of a good chest workout. He began pumping out reps, focusing on his form and breathing. He glanced aside and saw that Matt’s rhythm was faster than his own. He upped his pace a bit. After 20 reps, he felt the mild burning sensation spread through his chest. His breathing also got faster. Next to him, Matt kept pushing out more reps. At 35 the burning sensation turned into a painful soreness. He managed to pull out 5 more sloppy reps before his muscles gave out. Matt grinned as his buddy crashed down on the mat. “Giving up already?”, he asked playfully while he turned his head slightly. “I’ll show ya how it’s done”, he added and went back to his pushups. Keith just stared as he laid there, trying to calm his breathing. Matt passed the mark of 60 pushups without any faltering in his form. At the 80th rep, his arms began shaking slightly. “More”, he groaned as his chest began burning again. He closed his eyes as he pumped out more reps. “90”, he heard Keith say in a tone with hints of disbelief. His arms now shook more violently and his pecs felt like they were going to rip from his chest but he refused to give in. “Mo…re”, he wheezed, trying to ignore the almost stabbing pain in his chest. Keith shook his head in awe as his buddy went down at his 99th rep. He sat up grabbed the half empty drink and handed it over to Matt. “Thanks, man”, Matt said and grabbed the drink as he laid down to catch his breath. “You’re crazy, man”, Keith said laughingly while he stood up, “Too bad you didn’t get out a 100 reps. Better luck next time.” Matt gulped down the last bit of his drink and rose to his feet. Keith took a step back involuntarily as his roommate stood up: Matt looked massive with his pumped torso. The guy’s chest was so pumped it had ripped small holes in the fabric of the sweat-soaked shirt. “Ya were right earlier: I’m gonna need bigger shirts”, Matt said and ripped away his shirt. Keith’s stomach growled as his roommate revealed his torso. Inside him, the organism reacted to the scent of sweaty musk and testosterone. “Fuck. My pecs feel like they’re gonna burst through my skin”, Matt stated and looked past Keith at his reflection, “Fuack. Look at my chest. Just insane”. Matt laughed at his reflection. Keith stared at the pumped pecs that had a reddish shine beneath the sweaty surface. His roommate’s pecs looked like they had doubled in size during their workout. “Man, I can’t even flex ‘em. There so pumped”, Matt said grinningly. “Fuck. There so hard”, he added as his right hand groped the pumped chest. “Feel ‘em” Keith blinked at the remark. “Come on, man. Don’t be shy”, Matt went on. Keith didn’t move. He felt Matt’s hand grab his wrist and move his right hand up. He felt the warmth emanating from the pumped muscle as his hand was brought in closer. He sighed slightly as his hand was placed atop the left pec. It felt like concrete heated by the sun. “Watcha think, man?”, Matt asked and released his buddy’s wrist. Keith didn’t react. Instinctively, his left hand joined his right and placed itself atop the other, pumped pec. His fingers tested the pumped muscle, but couldn’t dent the rock-hard surface. The sweaty odor filled his nose and drove the organism inside him wild. Matt placed his hands atop his hips and stood there as his roommate fell his pecs. Having outlifted his former bigger buddy and feeling his own rock-hard chest resist the grabbing fingers, made him feel like a total alpha. He felt his plump cock inflate further inside his shorts. He closed his eyes in pure satisfaction. The growling sound of Keith’s stomach pulled him back to reality. “Let’s shower and grab something to eat. Seems like yar more hungry than me”, he said and brushed away his roommate’s hands. The shower zone was deserted as they entered and Matt walked over to the furthest shower in the corner. His hard 9 incher smacking against his abs in the process. Keith followed and took the shower next to his buddy. He looked aside and saw that Matt was facing the wall. The guy’s back looked more like a V each day. Matt’s right arm was placed against the wall, making a thick tricep jut out at its back as he let the hot water cascade down on his pecs. Keith noticed the faint rocking movement his buddy was making and heard his breathing getting faster and deeper. He automatically got what was going on. “Yeauhgn!”. Matt bellowed as he came in long bursts against the wall. The orgasm washed over him as the excitement of the workout and the realization of his new status flooded his mind. He pumped five thick blasts from his cock before he calmed down. “So fucking horny this week”, he said to his buddy and turned off the shower. “Don’t keep me waiting too long, man”, he added and walked back to the locker room. Keith didn’t react. As his roommate strutted away, the organism violently grabbed full control of him. His vision went dark while his body moved toward the adjacent showerhead. He moved toward the wall and began licking away the cum. Within seconds, he had consumed the last evidence of the powerful orgasm. The organism absorbed the precious liquid and felt the surge of energy as it returned to the slow process of bonding with its host. “Ya coming?” The shouted question made Keith return to reality. He shook his head, turned off the shower and joined his roommate. He toweled off and got dressed quickly to follow his buddy to grab some dinner. They decided to go to a diner off campus that was popular among students they had discovered a year earlier as freshmen. “It’s on me”, Matt said as they finished their meal, “I’ll go pay and see ya outside”. Keith stared as his roommate got up and left him to finish his drink. He noticed a cute brunette getting up from the adjacent table to follow Matt. As he joined his roommate a few minutes later outside, Matt was flirting with the girl. “This is Gwen”, Matt said to Keith. “Gwen, this is my roommate Keith”, he said to the brunette. “I heard Stacey and some of the cheerleaders talk about you”, Gwen said to Keith. Keith grinned a bit, catching the wink Matt gave him and also noting that the brunette’s hand was caressing Matt’s bicep. “Gwen studies literature. She wants to show me some of the poems she wrote”, Matt added, “I’ll catch ya later, bud.” Keith shook his head at the lame excuse as he watched his roommate walk off with the brunette, his hand firmly on her ass. “Show him some poems…”, he said to himself as he walked back to the dorm. Hours later, Keith was awoken by the sound of the door. “Interesting poems?”, he asked as he rolled over on his other side without opening his eyes. “Well, she had two very nice ones”, Matt replied with a laugh. Keith heard his buddy pull off his clothes and get into bed. A few minutes later, he heard the gentle breathing coming from the other side of the room and he fell back asleep himself. Later that night, when Keith and Matt were sound asleep. The organism took full control of its host once again. The organism had discovered that somehow this other male responded to its spores of dust by producing more testosterone. This reaction made the other male produce more of the precious, white liquid it could feed on without having to drain its host. Therefor this other male was the perfect source and the organism fathomed it had to provide him with a daily dose of spores to sustain the process. The side effect was that the other male grew bigger for some reason. The organism didn’t comprehend why just yet, but knew it had to learn much more from its host and that his knowledge would come with the process of bonding. The increasing size of the other male could perhaps come in useful in the future. Unknowingly and his brain fully shielded off by the organism, Keith got up from his bed and moved over to the bed of his roommate. He lowered his boxers and began jerking his cock. Within seconds the 8 incher was at full mast and throbbed. Matt turned onto his other side in his sleep, facing the exposed cock as it exploded. 4 big clouds of dust were blown onto his face and disappeared down his nose as he breathed in. Robotically, Keith pulled up his boxers again and got back in his own bed. He drifted off in a deep sleep filled with strange dreams as his brain regained control of him.
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