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Hope you enjoy the start of a new story! Food of the Gods Part One “Vince!!” From across the bar, Mason shouted at the top of his lungs. Mason was sitting at a table in the corner, looking fairly content, if not almost jubilant, with a greasy hamburger, fries, and a half a beer in front of him. Taking off his black woollen hat, Vince crossed over to his table, not making eye contact with the bartender and servers who definitely wanted him drinking if he was taking up space. “Just the fella I wanted to see!” Vince extended his hand to Mason, but his friend grunted slightly and then hungrily picked up the hamburger instead of shaking Vince’s hand, and took a huge bite. “You texted me, Mason. You told me I had to meet you here..” “Sit down. Sit down. Want a beer?” Mason took another bite, practically forcing half of the burger into his mouth. “No thanks. Too many carbs. I’m good.” “It’s on me. Get a beer. Maybe you want a whiskey?” “Beer would be great.” As Vince loosened the scarf his mother had knitted him last year for Christmas, Mason waved his hand at the server and forcefully pointed to his beer. Vince imagined how much the server must loathe Mason’s non-verbal bar communication signalling he wanted another round. Mason was in the bar most nights, so Vince was sure the staff must be used to his demeanour, but it didn’t make it any less off putting. Once he had gotten the servers attention, Mason threw a handful of fries into his mouth and then looked Vince in the eyes. “Rumour on the street is that for the past four months you’ve been selling that legendary cock of yours for $50.00 blowjobs.” Mason always was a straight shooter. “Yeah, well, desperate times. Since I was cut loose due to cutbacks, I’ve been struggling a bit. Need to use what I got.” Vince wasn’t ashamed of what he had to do to make some money. He was just surprised the news had spread all over town so quickly, especially since he drove 40 miles into Wichita to hustle his ass. In the last two weeks, he had gone further than receiving blowjobs from patrons and had been fucking three to four different men or women a night. “Understandable. That’s why I thought of you when this fell into my lap the other day. Do you…”. Mason grew quiet as the Server came over to the table and deposited Vince’s beer. He didn’t speak again until he was far enough away. “Do you know what this is?” Mason dug into his pocket and removed a plastic bag which he held up for Vince. Inside was a handful of what Vince could only guess was dried corn. “Got me. Chicken feed? And if this is about raising turkeys again to sell for Christmas, I’m out. I still have scars on my hands and wrists from last time.” “We’re not going back to the turkey biz, Vince. This is going to be bigger. Much much bigger. What do you know about Professor Regwood?” “Who?” Vince took a sip of his beer as Mason hungrily finished off the last of his fries. “This was before your parents moved you here. I think he came to Tander around 1980… 1981.” Vince hated when Mason talked with his mouth full, but he couldn’t deny that his friend was a great storyteller. Sure, most of the things he came up with were bullshit… but it was always entertaining. “Apparently he’d been a chemistry professor or researcher… kind of like you…” “I am a chemistry researcher. The lab let me off like every other place in this area. If my mother wasn’t so sick, I’d move somewhere else and I’d be working again.” Vince didn’t know why he was defending himself to Mason. He didn’t know why their relationship was always competitive, but it was. “I’m not arguing with you, Vince. It’s the main reason I told you to meet me here. I’m just giving you some background. Professor Regwood was exactly that. A professor. He taught at University of California or Nevada before being thrown out for ‘unethical practices;’ whatever that means. I've done some research online and all mentions of him working at any university have been wiped clean, so I’m guessing whatever it was was pretty extreme.” Mason paused for a moment to close his eyes and probably gather his thoughts. Like an uncontrolled creature, his hand reached out for more fries, but the basket was empty. Upset, he flipped it over and grabbed for his beer. “He moved here without his wife or son. That’s still a mystery. I never even heard of them till about 5 years ago… long after Regwood was dead. I’ve discovered evidence of them both leaving California with him, but never arriving here to Kansas. I reached out to some relatives, but none of them were very close with her and had no clue or cared about her whereabouts “ “You ever think about joining the force or the FBI? You’re pretty good at this research shit.” Vince took another mouthful of beer and wished Mason hadn’t eaten all of his fries. He was starving and couldn’t afford to buy some of his own. “Unfortunately I was never fit like you are. They wouldn’t take me. Anyway… local legend…” “Local legend?” “Local legend has Regwood moving here to do research on something called Herkalor IV.” “How the hell you know all this?” “My grandfather, you remember him, he was chief of police. You know that. He used to tell me stories just before he died. Can I continue?” “Go on.” “This Herkalor IV was some alkaloid that would help create an extendable food source.” “A what?” “Damn! For being so friggin smart, you’re thick! It would grow livestock bigger. Bigger cows… bigger chickens… bigger pigs…” “I get it.” “Apparently, the initial testing was done on six chickens. My grandfather interviewed Mr Skinner who supposedly worked for Regwood with the feeding and care of them. He confirmed the stories. He said the chickens grew to about six times their original size and were totally healthy. Unfortunately for Regwood, he had to terminate the experiment because the chickens started turning against them both; acting violent… attacking both him and Redwood. Of course, this was before the wasps and rats got at the feed mixed with Herkalor IV.” “Come on. This is bullshit.” “I’m telling you what I’ve been told. Everyone who lived through this is pretty much dead, but if they weren’t, they’d tell you it was 50 wasps and 20 rats that grew and began to attack residents. That I call bullshit. My grandfather said it was something like 2 wasps and 5 rats that were easily handled with rounds of bullets. He said that in all likelihood, they were only beginning to grow and who knows what the hell might have happened if they had been allowed to continue.” “Regwood was found dead at his house. Autopsy showed it to have been from anaphylactic shock. Killed by multiple bee stings on his hands and face. My grandfather guessed they were caused by some giant bee, but none were discovered. He did say that he did wonder if what Regwood had been working on caused the sudden emergence of killer bees in the US. Who knows.” Mason pointed to the server for another round for both of them. “Skinner pointed my grandfather to the chicken feed, and it was taken in as evidence. Evidence that was never used, but the bags of it remained in large air proof totes in police holding until recent flooding hit the basement.” The story paused while the server delivered the beers and waited for payment from Mason. Smart kid, Vince thought. Wonder how many times Mason got drunk in here with no funds available to him. “Alan, you know my Alan, he came in early to work at the station three Monday’s ago to find the basement under 4 feet of water. Paperwork and boxes that should have been destroyed 20 years ago were now floating around and causing havoc. It took 3 weeks for the cleanup to be completed, and eventually they delivered to me, at the dump, 25 cartons of moldy ass paperwork and two totes filled with feed to incinerate.” Mason grinned at Vince. “And?” “Two totes filled with seed!” “What? You’re thinking this feed is the same shit that made the chickens grow.” “I know it is.” “Prove it,” “Thought you’d say that.” Mason pulled himself up from the chair he was sitting in, shocking Vince for the first time since he sat down. From when they had been kids and through their teenage years, Mason had always been shorter and pudgier than the 6’3 Vince. Vince guessed that Mason stood about 5’6… maybe 5’7 on a good day. He had always made up for his lack of height with a round belly and a quick, if not sometimes, cruel mind. Now though, as he stood for Vince with a shit eating grin, it was obvious that all of that had changed. Mason was still overweight, but he now towered above the sitting Vince at around 6’2. “Holy fuck!” “Gained this from a handful.” Mason sat back down in the chair and leaned into Vince. “Shit makes everything grow, if you get my meaning!” “You're lucky it didn’t kill you.” “Sometimes you need to take risks. This one was worth it. I’m slightly over 6’2 now and my 5 inch cock grew to nearly 8 inches when hard.” “Fuck.” “Took it last night. The growth stopped around 10 this morning.” Looking at Mason now, it was obvious to Vince that Mason was indeed much bigger than the last time he had seen him, which had been about a week ago. It wasn’t that he had simply grown taller. Mason's entire body had… Vince searched for the word he was thinking… magnified. Everything was bigger… including his sizable stomach. “Damn! You’re nearly taller than me now.” “Yeah. If my cock grew anymore, I could start selling myself like you… but I have a better idea. That’s where you come in.” Mason leaned in closer still till Vince could smell the beer and burger on his hot breath. “I want you to use that chemistry brain of yours and find out what exactly Herkalor IV is. How does it work? How does it make shit grow? How can we remake it and use it to our advantage?” “You said you have two totes. Sell it to the highest bidder. You could make a mint.” “I can’t. It’s stolen property. I was supposed to incinerate it. Remember? I can’t just go around selling laced chicken feed.” “True.” “But, if you could figure it out… you could remake it… and we can sell it.” Mason’s eyes gleamed as he talked about money. “It’s not that easy…” “You must really love selling ass if you aren’t interested in this.” “I don’t love selling ass…” “Then take the corn and let me know how it works. How long do you think it will take?” “To recreate it? I have no clue.” “Isn’t that what you used to do?” “Kind of. Finding out the chemical properties of different vaccines or drugs and re-engineering them to make off-label brands is a little different from what you want. Besides… I don’t have the things I need…” “I thought you’d say that.” From Mason’s coat pocket he pulled a thick white envelope. Putting it on the table, he slid it over to Vince. “Open it.” Vince did as he was told. Inside were about 40 100 dollar bills. “That should get you started. There’s more where that came from. This…” Mason pulled a second envelope out of his pocket. “This is for you. To help tide you over. Another 3,000 dollars.” Vince badly wanted to grab the other envelope and shove it in his jeans pocket, but he stopped himself. “Maybe you should just burn the feed. Like you said, it's dangerous. What if more rats ate it?” “You don’t need to worry. I’ve got it safely contained where nothing can get at it.” Mason leaned on the table as best as he could. “You really surprised me, Vince. I thought you’d be jumping at this chance. Don’t you want to be rich? Don’t you want to help your mother out? Make her comfortable in what could be her last days?” “Of course I do.” “Don’t you want it to be like it was when you were Captain of the football team back in highschool. Fuck!! Those were the days! You were the fucking golden boy. You had pussy falling at your feet, was on that float in the Thanksgiving parade, and even got your face on the front of the paper. You had everything. I thought you were gonna be a huge star… take the world by storm. But, let’s be honest, you wasted it. You were just a tall kid with a big cock and a great body. You didn’t know what you were doing and didn’t have anyone to guide you… direct you. Imagine if you had all of that back again. You're smarter now… college graduate… better head on your shoulders. You could have all of it… and more. Lots more. Imagine the money you could be making.” “Say I did do it. How would we split it?” “60/40. You take the bigger percentage. You did all the work. I just found the shit.” “You’d give me 60 percent?” “Sure. 40 percent of a couple of million would be enough for me.” Vince knew that there had to be a catch, but the money sitting on the table was calling to him. “Look, Vince. I know you owe three months on rent and they’re threatening to evict you. You have no food in the house, and your mother’s fighting cancer in the hospital. Let me help you by making you help yourself. Find out how the Herkalor IV works… how you can remake it… and let me take it from there. By this time next year… we might be rolling in dough.” “I don’t know.” “What have you got to lose? I mean… let’s be honest, Vince, your life is shit. You're thirty seconds away from either living on the street or moving back in with your mother, which at your age is pathetic. You don’t have a girlfriend or a boyfriend or anyone in your life. I mean… come on… even I have a guy and a girl I fuck regularly!! You’ve been out of work for 8 months and can’t get a job bagging groceries. It’s either this or just put yourself out of your misery. You know what I mean? “I know what you mean.” “This is your chance to get what you had back… possibly even more. Your final chance to hold your head up… way up!” Masons fingers played with the empty fries basket. Looking down at them, Vince could see how much larger they were… thicker… chubby but stronger looking. If Mason decided to punch someone now with that fist… he’d do some serious damage. “I should be able to order the stuff I need tonight… get it delivered tomorrow. It’ll take me a little while to synthesize it.” “We need to be quick, Vince. We need to strike as soon as we can.” “How are you going to explain your new size?” “I’m not. It is what it is. It’s not like I’m fucking King Kong or something! Besides, at this height and size, who’s going to question me? “I’ll need to deposit that money… pay my landlady…” “Have what you need delivered to my cousin Kenny’s place.” “Why there?” “He’s in rehab so the place is empty. Besides… he has a barn which will be the perfect place to set up.” To sweeten the deal, Mason slid the fat envelope closer to Vince. “This will solve a lot of your problems… and there will be a shit load more where this came from. I promise. Is it a deal?” Vince looked from the envelope to Mason. Finally, need won over fear and he grabbed it and put it in his jacket pocket. “Smart boy.” “I still think it’s crazy… but… who knows. I thought the internet was a crazy idea!” “Go deposit that before it’s too late and order what you’ll need. I want you starting on this by tomorrow night. You can stay with me at Kenny’s. Bring anything you think you’ll need. And don’t tell anyone what we’re doing. It needs to be a surprise.” “Alright.” Vince chugged the rest of his beer, put on his hat, and stood up from his chair. As he turned to leave, Mason stopped him. “Be at Kenny’s tomorrow. Early.” Mason watched Vince exit the bar much faster than he had come in. As he took a sip of his beer, he winced as he felt his feet grow slightly thicker in his recently purchased sneakers. He had thought the growth had stopped this morning, but it had begun to rear its ugly head again about 15 minutes ago. All during the conversation with Vince, he could feel himself growing slightly larger. He could feel it in the tightness of his clothing, how much smaller the chair was feeling, and how his stomach moved closer and closer to the table. He guessed that when he had left the house that morning he had been around 6’2 and now he guessed that he was closer to Vince’s height of 6’3. The chemical that made him grow was no doubt leaving his body, and these small growth spurts were probably the last of it. Maybe he’d grow an inch more. He didn’t mind the thought of that at all. Looking over at the server, Mason waved him over to his table. “I’d like another burger. A double. With fries. And bacon. I’ll get another beer as well… and whatever you’re drinking.” Mason paid his bill and watched the server walk away, feeling how much more room his cock and balls took up in his briefs. He was proud to be sporting, what he could only guess without seeing, was now over 8 inches. It felt good being this big. He was really enjoying it. Walking in the parking lot to go pick up some new clothes at Walmart, Mason had taken in how people watched him maneuver his much larger body. He had been lucky that at home he had sweatpants and a sweatshirt that were large enough to fit him, but he hadn’t been so lucky with underwear. As he walked commando around the store, picking up clothes that would fit, he found himself getting hard as he noticed more people glancing his way with admiration. Yeah. Being big was a powerful feeling that, now he had it, he never wanted to lose. He had to pee. Leaving his new jacket on the chair, Mason stood up Looking around at the bar from his new height, Mason thought to himself how different the bar and the patrons looked from this perspective. Much more… insignificant. Walking to the bathroom, Mason noticed that his new jeans had already started to rise up slightly revealing his socks, and when he reached the narrow hallway, Mason found that he had to maneuver himself differently to get through the narrow door and into the bathroom.. Pulling out his 5 inch soft cock caused Mason to chuckle. He was seriously growing down there. He was now as big soft as he had been hard. Wait till he hooked up with Alan. He was sure that he wouldn’t be able to get enough of his now much longer and fatter cock… not to mention the rest of his body. Sure, the Herkalor IV had also grown his fat, making him over 120 lbs heavier than he had been yesterday, but he could deal with that. In fact, he actually liked his bulk in this new body. It made him seem even bigger than he was… more imposing. After relieving himself, Mason stood at the urinal and watched as his cock began to harden. He was in awe as he watched it plump up thicker and longer. When fully erect, it now had to stand at a whopping 9 inches long and 4 inches thick. Fuck! He was nearly bigger than Vince was and he knew that boy was packing a serious 10 incher. His balls had also doubled in size and now hung lower and larger in his sack. As he stroked himself, Mason commended himself on his own brilliance. At first, he had wanted to try the formula on a mouse to make sure that it worked and that it wouldn’t kill him, but paranoia drove him to take a handful himself. He was so concerned that the police might be checking out his place for the feed that he took it over to his cousin Kenny’s and hid it in the safe in his basement. There was no way anyone was going to come and take his new size and his new revenue away from him. The feed falling into his lap was like a gift from god… and it was a gift he was going to use to its fullest. Mason grunted as his cock suddenly swelled thicker in his hand. As his feet grew even more crowded in his sneakers, he felt both his torso grow longer and his stomach fatter. His t-shirt rode up over the bottom part of his belly just as a roll came pouring out, revealing his belly button. With both hands, he pulled it down to cover his bulk, but it refused to stay, continually riding up. As his cock flexed and proceeded to grow slightly longer, Mason groaned. The Herkalor IV had to nearly be out of his system. It had been nearly 24 hours since he ate, and he hadn’t even ingested that much. His shoulders broadened as his cock proceeded to near the 10 inch mark. 10 inches!! All of his life he used to imagine what he would do if he was built like Vince and had 10 inches of cock… and now he nearly had it. He most certainly would have it, if not more, by the end of the day! He might just end up packing 11 inches of cock by the time this was over. Alan was a real size queen at heart, and even though he let Mason fuck him, he was always remarking about how huge his ex husband had been. Yeah. He couldn’t wait to surprise him with this piece of meat. Another guy entered the bathroom and Mason found himself quickly trying to do up his pants, not realizing how difficult that was going to be with his cock so huge and so hard. Chuckling to himself, he turned so that the new patron in the toilet could see all of him. The stranger's eyes grew wide as his 10 inches came into view. “Sometimes it sucks being this huge… but what the fuck can you do? Interested in having a go on it?” The guy turned red and went into the available stall. “Guess not.” Laughing, he did up his zipper the best that he could, and pulled down his shirt to cover the immense bulge. He then opened the door without washing his hands and walked back to his table where his food was waiting for him. Hell yeah! He was starving and needed to eat before he headed over to his cousins. The guy from the bathroom walked out and joined his friends who all proceeded to look over in his directions. Lifting his beer, Mason looked back and toasted them. Hell yeah!! This was the best thing that had ever happened to him. He was like a kid on Christmas Day!! As he ate, Mason thought about the money that would be pouring in once Vince could remake the formula. Maybe even improve on it! It had been around 4 am, as he was growing, that Mason had come up with his money making scheme involving Vince. Vince had never been the brightest bulb, and Mason knew that his vanity, his longing to be relevant again, and his money situation would have him take part in his scheme. He knew Vince wouldn’t be able to resist the $3,000, but Mason had stashed another $2,000 in another pocket just in case he had to use it. Now Mason had him exactly where he wanted him. Vince would reproduce the formula for him and if Mason felt generous enough, he’d give him 10 percent. Like he told Vince, businesses would pay big bucks for the formula… but so would some people who would do anything for power. He could imagine some politicians, some film stars, some guys in the mafia paying major bank to grow taller! Also, looking on the internet, Mason found a whole community of people who’d also pay to watch someone grow. He could pay some guy to take the formula and then put him on Only Fans. Maybe have a whole stable of giant guys and girls. He could pimp them out at a million a go! Oh yeah. Soon… very soon… he was going to have enough money to do whatever he wanted. Let the world deal with a giant problem. He’d laugh as he lived in a villa somewhere far away! Mason caught himself loudly grunting and nearly spit out the piece of burger he was chewing on as he felt himself shoot larger. Fuck!!! That was the strongest pull since late last night! It had really caught him unaware. When another hit him quickly after the first, Mason was reminded of standing in his living room and just jerking off as he grew bigger. Fuck!! Suddenly his world was spinning and he was feeling confined in the much tinier chair. He wanted to finish his food, but a third pull had other plans for him, forcefully grabbing him from what felt like the pit of his soul. Arching his back, Mason growled, attracting the glances of the people around him. As his clothes grew tighter, his arm shot out, knocking the glass of beer and plate of food on the floor. Everyone was watching, but there was nothing he could do. He couldn't control his own body. His mouth was wide open and he was grunting and groaning like he was having a fit. He tried to force his body to be still, but the pull was too powerful. Everyone was silently staring as his bulk exploded with serious mass. When it finally ended, much to the relief of himself and all the bar patrons, Mason was shocked by how much heavier he felt, even sitting down. Starting to stand, his ass and thighs got stuck on the arms of the chair, and Mason found himself pulling it off of his body. With a forceful tug, it shot out from under him and flipped onto its back. His T-shirt rose up over his belly button giving the entire bar a peak of his now sizeable stomach. He tried to pull it down, but there was no way possible that he ever could. He had grown way too big for it, and it was pulling taught across his shoulders and his chest which now looked more like tits. Mason laughed as he looked at all of the people staring at him. His cock was hard again and with the button blown off of his jeans, the head was now rising up against his stomach. Seeing it caused his smile to grow wider. It was definitely bigger than Vince’s now, standing proud and thick at nearly 11 inches! “Umm… Mason…”. The server was standing next to him and trying to get his attention. Looking to his right, Mason needed to look down to stare him in the eyes. Hadn’t the server been the same height just an hour ago? Now he was at least two inches shorter, putting Mason at 6’4. Fuck!!! 6’4! He was pretty much bigger than everyone in the fuckin bar!! “What?” Mason grinned as the server took a step back. “You.., you need to go. You’ve had enough.” “I’ll let you know when I've had enough, and I’ve only just started. Get me another…”. Mason's stomach gurgled as it swelled larger while his shoulders spread wider, tearing a seam under his arms. His cock rose up higher, forcing his zipper to open up further, revealing more shaft and pubic hair. “Look, Mason. Don’t make me call the cops. You… you can come back tomorrow.” The cops. No. As soon as they saw him they’d know. It was bad enough if someone talked about what had gone on at the bar. Fuck!! He was stupid. “Pick up my jacket.” The server quickly did as Mason told him. When he had the jacket In his hand, Mason patted the server on the head, turned and left. Walking to his car, Mason had never felt bigger or heavier. He guessed he weighed over 350 lbs now. It wasn’t just that he was taller and fatter. No. Looking at himself in a store window… he realized that he actually took up so much more space than ever before. It was like… well… like he was now two people in one! Was it possible that even his head was larger? Fitting himself in his car was difficult now that there was so much more of him to fit in the front seat. Sitting caused his zipper to pull down completely, and his 11 inch cock flopped out along with two XL egg sized testicles. His cock was no doubt the best part of growing bigger. His cock was now bigger than 98 percent of the male population in the world, and Mason was definitely proud of that. He couldn’t wait to fuck Alan with it. And with his extra mass… there would be much more force behind his pumping. A lot more. Mason definitely felt stronger than he ever had. He never before could use his muscles to get out of anything, always having to rely on his brain and his cruelty to do that for him. He was feared by many people… but due to the variety of ways he could harm them… but none would ever have been physically. Now, he felt that if he got into a fight he could totally hold his own. Probably even win. When he got to his cousin’s farm, he would have to test out his strength and see how it was. Looking up, Mason pulled his arm back and proceeded to forcefully punch the roof of the car causing a fist size dent to erupt in his hands place. Oh yeah. He was much stronger than ever before. Much. Mason started the car and pulled out into the street. His cock was still hard, and he jerked it slowly as he drove. His mind was playing out the next couple of weeks, and he couldn’t wait till the money started to pour in. Pulling onto another street, Mason began to whistle. He was practically euphoric. For a brief second, he wondered if it was the drug in his system causing him to feel on top of the world. He felt powerful… strong… and ready to take on anything. He was definitely horny, but he would have to wait till tomorrow to go to Alan’s. His hand would just have to do. Singing a song he made up, Mason drove down the road. Paying attention more to the road and his own cock, he didn’t notice when the back of his T-shirt split, nor the seam in his right arm pit. Even with his hand on his cock, he didn’t notice how it had begun to force his grip further apart as it moved in length ever closer to twelve inches. No. Mason wouldn’t take the changes in until he was at his cousin’s house and in the bathroom, admiring himself in the mirror. Fuck, he thought. I have to be… like… 6’5! Hell yeah!!! Tall… big… and with a cock that would split anyone in two!!! I’ll need to tell Vince to get me some new clothes. Doubt he’ll be able to buy them in Walmart. Might need to go to the Big and Tall!!! Mason lifted his arm and flexed. A sizable peak rose up as he did. As he felt it with his hand, his cock hardened. Watching his new anaconda rise up had Mason drooling. It was soooo long… sooo thick! It had more than doubled in size in 24 hours Mason grinned as he began to stroke his cock while watching himself in the mirror and admiring his massive bulk.. When he came, he thought he felt himself grow slightly larger, but as he cleaned himself and the floor and the mirror off, he thought he had only imagined it. He was exhausted. Walking into the living room, he took off the rest of his clothes, lay down on the couch, and shut the lights off. He only wanted to rest his eyes for 10 to 15 minutes; needed to rest them. But, his cock had other plans. In seconds it was hard again… achingly hard… and leaking onto his stomach. In the dark, with a grin. he grabbed it with both hands and slowly began to stroke it.
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The Growing Pains of Love (Part Four 03/11/22 Includes Entire Story)
RealIn2Growth posted a topic in Stories
This story is a little different from what I usually write. Well... it's somewhat the same, but different. I began writing this a couple years back when I first started to work out. As my body began to change and I began to feel more confident in myself, my relationship with my partner at the time got strained. He didn't like me working out and wanted me to stop. I just wanted to get bigger.. So, fast forward, the story I just wrote, Wish Granted had a couple in it that I was interested in playing around with. I guess you could say it is a sequel of sorts, but I'm not a huge fan of sequels. This is more of a continuation. So, this story is a new version of an old story I never put out. Hope you enjoy. The Growing Pains of Love Part One Andrew pulled himself out of his car and began quickly walking toward The Food Lion. He was still amazed that Simon had asked him to come down here before going home and give them Marco’s food requirements for the week. Andrew was the Personal Trainer, not the gopher. He didn’t even understand Simon’s reasonings of why he couldn’t just email the list. No, he wanted Andrew to drive all the way down here from Marco’s mansion and hand a ten-page list of food to the manager so it could be delivered on Monday. In his anger fuelled mind, all he could see was Simon using this move as some sort of a power play. For what? Who knew. Simon had changed so much since Marco grew. You would think he was ‘The World’s Giant,” rather than the side piece! Simon had always been jealous of Andrew and Marco’s relationship, and since that October, he had done nearly everything he could to annoy him. Andrew’s life had also changed immensely in the past eight months. Ever since that night… no one would ever forget that night… when Marco unexplainably began to grow… Andrew’s own life had never been the same. No one quite understood what had happened. According to the stories Marco during interviews, he had begun to feel a tightness building in his body since the charity carnival. Then, at the dance club, Metropolis, he had suddenly begun to grow. Hiding out in the bathroom, Simon, who had always been in love with Marco, found him hiding in a toilet cubical and took him home. It was at home where Marco had continued to grow and gain muscle mass until he stood 15 feet tall and 5,000 lbs of ripped muscle. He had been studied by doctors, examined, tested, and the conclusion was that Marco had simply gone through an abnormal second puberty. With so many endorsements, tv interviews, reality shows, and photoshoots to always be ready for, Marco had asked Andrew to quit his job and come on as a full time Personal Trainer for him. It had seemed like an incredible idea at the time. The money was great… so were the parties, the famous people he got to meet, and the different places he and Oli had been able to go to as part of ‘Marco’s Entourage.” The downside had been the insane amount of fans, the people who wanted to worship at Marco’s feet, but most of all, spending so much time around Marco made Andrew feel less of a man. Even when training Marco, Andrew was just a glorified babysitter. There was no way he could lift the weight Marco could after he had grown. And now, the weights that had been created for him using electromagnetic currents which would offer Marco a greater challenge and better pump, Andrew couldn’t even begin to lift. Months ago, Marco had begun exploring ways to raise his testosterone to help him gain more muscle mass and feel more like a man. At 6’4 and 186 lbs, each gain that he made was a trial, so taking supplements to help him just seemed like the natural thing to do. Working with a friend, a regiment was put together that would ensure his body was primed for maximum growth and potential. Since the start, Andrew had only gained 5lbs in muscle mass which he imagined he would have gained anyway. The next step was going to have to be performance enhancing drugs, and he was totally willing to go down that path if it made him feel better about himself while also producing mind blowing gains. His greatest comfort and joy, away from the madness, had been the house Oli had designed, and Andrew had built. It had originally been designed for Marco when it became apparent that he wouldn’t be able to live in a normal home. Oli went to work on the plans immediately and although Marco loved it, Simon had wanted something bigger… something grander. They decided to go in a different direction, so the original idea was scrapped. Andrew had loved the simplicity of the massive house and decided it would be the place he would like to live. So, eight months ago, with Oli’s approval, he had it built for himself to live in. It was big at 45 feet tall… much larger than Andrew would ever need, but this was done to accommodate Marco if he ever came to visit, which he never did. ‘Casa Andrew Grande,’ as Oli liked to call it, was outside the city limits in the country where only a few other houses were scattered. When you walked in the front door, you were greeted with one enormous main room. The ceilings were 17 feet tall, again built with Marco in mind, and the room was vast and spacious. Off the main room there was the kitchen, bathroom, and guest bedroom. A staircase spiralled up to reveal the enormous master bedroom, which took up the entirety of the second floor, again with 17-foot ceilings, and an immense bathroom. Oli often stayed over, as he was going to tonight. Even though Andrew had asked him to move in, Oli wanted to wait another year before they shacked up together full time. Andrew understood. The 6’ foot, muscular architect, hadn’t signed up originally for the life they were living now. He was more of a private person who was being forced into the spotlight. So, he often shied away from the limelight and distanced himself from the Marco Madness until the times when he and Andrew could be alone. Andrew crossed the parking lot, entered the Food Lion, and handed the manager the list. The grocery store was sponsoring Marco. As long as he featured the store in his reality series, appeared in advertisements, or arrived at scheduled, ‘unscheduled’ times to shop and be photographed, (which he never did since all his food arrived in 3 large trucks each week) they were happy to supply the enormous amount of food Marco needed to eat each week. Leaving the supermarket, Andrew realised a new health food store had taken the place of the old GNC in the strip mall. Remembering he was nearly out of pre-workout, Andrew walked the short distance across the parking lot and stepped inside the store. Moving to the Sports Medicine section, he grabbed three tubs and proceeded to bring them to the counter. The guy behind the register with ‘Tim’ printed on his name tag kept looking at him as he rang Andrew up. “Is everything okay?” “I’m sorry. I’m just kinda in awe. You work with Marco… right.” Andrew exhaled. “Yep. I do.” “That’s so friggin cool! What’s he like in real life?” “He’s nice. He has a good heart. Maybe fame’s gone to his head a little… I’m joking… but he’s a good guy.” Andrew held up his card to pay, but Tim just continued talking. “I really wish I had been there… in Metropolis when he started to grow… before he went home with his boyfriend. I bet it was hot.” “I was there that night, and honestly, I don’t think any of us noticed.” Andrew always had difficulty with that night. He knew what happened… yet he’d had dreams recently of Marco growing so massive he destroyed the whole place… killed hundreds. Of course, that was obviously a stress dream. Everyone knew Simon took him home when he was only 7 ft to grow… and fuck. It was only… the dreams were so real… “Is it hard on him… being that size?” “Not anymore. It was at first… but with the sponsorships, the massive house that was built for him, the reality show, and the modelling gigs, it’s becoming much easier.” Andrew tried to pay again, but Tim ignored him. “Imagine it was catching… like a virus. Imagine waking up and being that huge. Would be insane.” “Yeah. Totally.” “Me. I’d want to be bigger.” “You and me both. How much do I owe you?” “Oh. Sorry. That’s $63.99”. Tim began to bag the PreWorkout when he stopped. “Would you… if you had the chance… would you want to be bigger?” “Fuck yeah, I would. I’ve always been big… at least tall… but that was before Marco grew. Now… I’m just average.” “You look pretty big to me.” “Thanks, man, but if given the option who wouldn’t want to be a hulk of a man… a walking mountain. And I’m talking size and muscle… an insane amount of muscle… and something more…” “More?” “I’d want to be something primal…exuding masculinity. Imagine being so much more of a man than any other man…” Andrew grinned. “Sorry, man. It’s been a long day.” Andrew turned to leave, but as he was walking toward the door, he heard Tim behind him. “Would you… if you had a way?” Andrew stopped and thought about it for a brief moment. “Fuck yeah, I would. In a heartbeat.” “Hey! I’m sorry sir. Your card was declined.” Tim suddenly called after him. “Was it? Um… that’s weird.” Andrew moved again to the counter. “Just one second.” Tim moved about the store kicking other customers out and locking the door behind them. He moved past Andrew and ran into the back room. A moment later, he was back with a wrinkled brown packed lunch bag. “My brother stole this from the lab he works in. He’s a janitor. For five months this scientist has been trying to replicate Marco’s DNA. He doesn’t think Marco should be the only one with power. Apparently, he bought a clump of his hair from the barber who goes out each week to the mansion to cut it.” Tim pulled out a large syringe with a dark green liquid in it. “My brother said he watched it work on animals. Watched them grow massive.” Andrew looked at the syringe and back to Tim. “Why don’t you use it then?” “Believe me, I want to, but my dad’s in jail. We need money for his bail. That’s why Eric stole it. He wanted me to sell it to some roidhead, but they don’t come in here. All we get are hipsters and vegans. Until you.” Tim picked the syringe up. “My brother said it’s powerful. Stronger than whatever got Marco to grow. He said this mouse they tested it on was hippo sized and still growing before they had to shoot it in the head. Even then… my brother said it took six bullets to bring it down.” Andrew realised his mouth was dry and his cock was hard. Imagine, he thought! Imagine me… bigger than I’ve ever wanted to be. “How much?” “$10,000. You can deposit it directly into my account.” “How do I know this isn’t bullshit and you’re screwing me over?” “You don’t… but I wouldn’t. This is exactly what my brother told me… and he’s been talking about the experiment for months now. I’m not a con. I work in a health food store.” Do I or don’t I. It’s not about the money… I have the money. “Look, if we find it’s all a lie, I’ll give my brother to you. You can get the police on him. I’ll be a witness. Hell… you can send Marco to beat us both to a pulp.” Do it now, Andrew, or you’ll never do it. Andrew pulled out his phone. “What’s your account info?” In less than five minutes and one quick call to his bank, Andrew had transferred the $10,000 to Tim’s account. “So… I just inject the whole thing?” “Yeah… I guess. Yeah. He said you inject it all into the glute. Want me to pin you?” Andrew moved to the back room, pulled down his jeans, and let Tim insert the long needle into his ass cheek. It felt like it took forever for the liquid to go in due to how thick it was. Tim had to stop the injecting several times due to his thumb aching from the difficulty in pushing down the plunger. Finally, after the contents of the whole syringe were in his body, Andrew pulled up his jeans. “How long should it take to work?” Andrew could feel the heat from the liquid radiating from his glute. “I’ve no clue. You want to hang out here and wait? We can order some Chinese…” “I need to be getting home. My boyfriend will be there soon. I promised to cook dinner.” Andrew moved out of the back room and into the store area. “Here.” Tim handed him a slip of paper. “It’s my number. Call me if you need me. Or, if it works, let me know.” “If it’s as strong as you say it is, you’ll know.” Andrew felt his cock stir in his jeans. “I can’t wait. You sure you’re prepared to be a fucking walking mountain?” Tim grinned at him. “Yeah. I’ve been preparing my whole life.” Andrew grabbed the bag with the pre-workout in it and walked to the locked door. “Good luck, man!” Tim unlocked the door and Andrew left the store. Once Andrew had crossed the parking lot and gotten into his car, Tim locked the door once again. As he watched him drive away, Tim’s eyes glowed green for a few moments. Slowly, like mist, Tim began to evaporate until there was no sign of him or that the store had ever existed. As Andrew was driving home, head and body aches as well as fever and chills hit him. He began to sweat, and his stomach ached as he coasted along the highway out of town. Twice he had to stop on the side of the road to vomit. Reminiscent of ‘The Exorcist,’ thick green liquid was expelled from his stomach and onto the shoulder of the road. The cramps he was experiencing were nearly unbearable, and the smell of his own vomit made him nauseous. A drive which usually took him twenty minutes felt like it was taking years. Finally, Andrew arrived at his house, and he proceeded to park in his driveway. He sat there amazed that he actually made it home. All he thought about the last five minutes of his drive was how he just wanted to pull over and lie down and sleep. He had forced himself to continue, and now he was rewarded with the knowledge that his bed was only feet away. His glute muscle still ached, but the flu that gripped him, because what else could it be, was worse. As he dragged himself out of the car and up the stairs, he thought about calling Oli and telling him to stay away until he was feeling better, but it would really be great to see him and have Oli take care of him. Unlocking his front door was a challenge, but it was even harder for him to climb the stairs up to his bedroom. Twice he had to stop and sit while the world spun around him. Eventually he got to the bathroom just in time to vomit again. Once he felt his stomach was significantly empty, Andrew grabbed a thermometer and crawled to his bedroom. There he stripped off everything he was wearing and climbed into bed. Even the sheets hurt against his tender skin, but the chills forced him to cover himself up with blankets. He took is temperature and was shocked to see it was 103. He really was burning up. His head was heavy, and the light hurt his eyes. In a few minutes he was asleep. Oli arrived at the house two hours later to find Andrew passed out in bed. The entire room stank of sweat as the fever burned through him. Oli tried to get Andrew to talk, but each time he did, he told Oli to leave him be and let him sleep. Not wanting to catch whatever Andrew might have, Oli moved into the guest bedroom. Andrew’s sleep was restless. Fever dreams plagued him as he saw Marco ripping through the ceiling of Metropolis and levelling the whole entire building. As Marco moved, he stepped on hundreds of people, pulverising them beneath his feet. Andrew could only watch as a mania hit Marco and he began to destroy everything. EVERYTHING! Then the dreamed changed. He was flying… or he thought he was flying. He was above the clouds and the wind was whipping through his hair. As he took in below, he was still amazed by how high up he was, he had to be souring higher than the birds… higher than the planes! Looking down, he remembered how meaningless the ground meant to him. He felt that he would rather live up here in the clouds then having to deal with what lay below. Up in the sky, Andrew felt at peace. His fever broke at 2 am. His bedsheets were soaked with sweat, his body still ached, and he definitely needed a shower, but he was feeling much better. Getting out of bed, he went downstairs and grabbed a glass of cold water from the refrigerator. The liquid felt good on his lips and throat, and after three glasses, Andrew was beginning to feel like himself again. Moving from the kitchen, he crossed the main room to the guest bedroom where Oli was snoring away. Andrew smiled at his muscular boyfriend and moved quickly to get in bed with him. Wrapping his arms around him, Andrew kissed his neck. “No, Babe. You’re sick.” “I’m feeling much better. It must have been a 24-hour thing.” “Good to hear. You just work out?” “Yeah! Went for a 10-mile run! Of course, I didn’t work out. Why?” “You smell like a locker room. Moreso than usual.” “You love that smell… don’t you?” “Yeah… but I’ll love it more later… when I’m awake.” Oli began to fall back to sleep. Andrew kissed his neck again and moved down to his delts. Oli had the best delts. Thick and powerful. As he kissed Oli, Andrew was suddenly hard. Moving his body, he pulled back the sheet to see Oli’s naked frame. His glutes were also one of his best features and he always had difficulties finding trousers to fit his ass. Andrew’s cock was rock hard as he moved his way down Oli’s back, licking and kissing him till he arrived at his ass. A fire erupted within Andrew, and all he could think of was mounting Oli and fucking him. His cock pulsed, as like a man possessed, he positioned himself near the foot of the bed, grabbed Oli’s ass cheeks with his hands, parted them, and began to rim him. Oli groaned. “Babe! You must be feeling better. It’s been forever since you’ve done this.” Oli kept his eyes closed in case it was a dream. “Your ass. I can’t get enough of it. I want to live here!” Oli laughed as Andrew dove his tongue in deeper. This must be a dream, he thought. It has to be. As Andrew ate Oli out, he could feel his cock get even harder and heavier and begin to leak. He had never been much of a pre-cummer, so he was surprised by this, but his growing horniness only had him thinking about one thing: fucking. Even though Oli and Andrew were both versatile, Oli was often the one fucking Andrew. But now, Andrew grabbed his cock in his right hand, spread the copious amount of precum around the head and shaft, positioned it right by Oli’s waiting hole, and proceeded to enter him. Oli was wide awake as he felt what had to be Andrew plunge into him. It didn’t feel right, though. It felt harder… thicker. “Babe. Stop.” Andrew grabbed Oli’s waist and forced himself in deeper. “Almost there, baby.” Oli’s ass was stretched wider as Andrew moved in deeper. “Babe. Stop! It hurts! It’s too big!” “Too big! Right! You’re the one who’s too big! Imagine having that 9 incher in your ass!” Andrew moved in deeper still. Oli felt like he was being split in two. It had to be a toy, he thought. There’s no way this is… “Fuck!! Andrew!!! Stop!!” Oli moved quickly, grabbed Andrew, and pushed him away. “What the fuck is wrong with you? I told you it hurt!” “I’m sorry. It just felt so good. I couldn’t stop myself.” It was true, he thought. Even now all he could think of was fucking Oli. “I’ll be gentler… I promise.” Andrew moved toward Oli and began to kiss his neck. “Not now, babe. Tomorrow. I’m just not ready for you now. I forgot what it felt like. Tomorrow. I promise.” Andrew’s cock was so hard it ached. He didn’t care that Oli wasn’t ready. He wanted to fuck. Now! Another glob of precum shot out of his cock, but with difficulty, Andrew moved away from the bed. “Maybe I should go back to sleep. Maybe I’m still sick. I’m sorry. I don’t know what came over me.” Andrew felt his cock throb as he spoke. “Really. I’m sorry.” “It’s okay, babe. Really. It was hot. I just wasn’t prepared. Tomorrow.” In the dark, Andrew could hear Oli settle back into bed. “Tomorrow. Your ass is mine.” “I’m counting on it.” “I’m going upstairs.” “Okay. I’ll see you in the morning.” Moments later Oli was snoring again. Andrew walked out of the room but paused by the stairs as he felt his cock throb. He hadn’t felt this horny since he was 15! Moving up the stairs, he turned to the bathroom, closed the door, and turned on the light. Andrew gasped when he saw his own cock. It had to be nearly 10 inches and thick. Much thicker than it ever had been before. And the head! Fuck! The head was so swollen… so meaty. Andrew felt a throb and watched as his cock swelled and released. Every twenty seconds or so, there was another throb, and Andrew watched in awe as it grew. The injection, he thought. It’s working!! Andrew shut the light off in the bathroom and hurried to the bedroom, his now longer cock slapping his stomach hard as he ran. Once there, he shut the door and locked it. Turning on the light, he moved to his desk but had to stop for a moment as his cock throbbed again and extended even more right before his eyes. Pulling open the drawer, he grabbed a tape measure. Scrolling it over to top of his cock to his head, he stopped at 10.3. His dick had grown three inches!! Wrapping around his cock, he was blown away that now he was 7.5 inches thick. A wave of heat washed over him as his cock spasmed again. This time the sensation lasted longer than before. Using the measuring tape again, Andrew saw his cock now was 10.9 inches long. It wasn’t only his cock that was growing. His balls hung lower, larger, and heavier. Lifting one up in his hands he marvelled at its size. It was now bigger than an XL egg! Holding it, Andrew could swear that he felt cum swirling around inside of it. Another spasm, another grunt, and Andrew measured himself at 11 inches. Fuck me, he thought with pride, I’m fucking 11 inches long and 7.8 inches thick! Oli thought I was big before… what till he gets a load of this beast… and I’m still growing. I can’t wait to fill up his perfect hole with this piece of pipe! Just thinking about it, his cock shot a wad of precum onto the carpet. “Babe? You awake?” Oli knocked on the door fand then tried to open it only to find it was locked. Andrew moved quickly across the room and into his bed. A spasm hit his cock which caused him to stop and freeze in place as it grew. “I’m falling asleep, Oli.” Looking down, he watched as it extended longer and thicker, his balls swelling. “Why did you lock yourself in?” “I can’t trust myself around you, Oli.” Another spasm. Andrew wrapped his hand around his cock and felt it expand. “Don’t be stupid, Andrew. Open the door.” “I was only joking. I’m sick. I don’t want you to catch this virus. I thought I was feeling… ugh… better, but I’m not. I knew you’d come up here, so I… I… locked the door.” Again, and again Andrew’s cock throbbed larger. “I’m that predictable?” “Yep. Oh… fuck!!!” “What is it?” “My… my stomach… feeling queasy. I’ll… fuuuck… see you tomorrow.” “Okay… but unlock the door. I don’t want you being sick, and I can’t get to you.” Andrew looked at the door… looked at what had to be a 12-inch cock extending from his pelvis, and moved quickly to unlock the door. He then jumped back in bed, hitting his balls in the process, and threw the covers over his monstrous Johnson. Oli opened the door slightly and peeked in. “You, okay?” Andrew looked flush and was sweating. He watched as a wave of nausea washed over him. “I’m fine. Just need to sleep.” “I’ll be right downstairs if you need anything.” “Alright. See you… whew… see you in the morning.” “You sure you don’t want to go to the hospital?” “No! It’s a virus. Really. I’m starting to feel better. I just need sleep.” “Alright. Love you.” “Love you too.” “Can I give you a kiss?” “A kiss?” Andrew didn’t want a kiss. He was so horny! He wanted Oli to sit down on his cock right now and ride it. “Of course, babe, but I don’t want you getting sick.” Oli opened the door wider and moved into the room. As he was crossing to the bed, Andrew took the massive shaft in his hand and held it down so it wasn’t so noticeable under the covers. Leaning his face toward Oli, he accepted the gentle kiss. “You want me to stay up here?” YES!! “We’re… we’re playing with fire, Oli. If you stay up here… I’m not sure what will happen. I mean… I don’t know if I’m going to vomit or shit myself or you’ll get sick…” Fuck! His own cock was fighting against him as throbbed more and more to make itself known!!! “Maybe I should go downstairs.” “Yeah. Maybe you should. I’ll see you tomorrow morning. We can just lie on the couch and watch TV.” “Looking forward to it.” Oli closed the door. Andrew held his breath and listened as he walked down the hallway and descended the stairs. Moments later he was back in the guest bedroom. Andrew tossed the covers off and laughed when he saw his own cock. It was… amazing! So huge! He grabbed the measuring tape and measured it at 12.9 x 8. The head itself was thicker at 8.4 inches. Andrew stood up and felt the weight of his immense cock. Just feeling it pull down on his crotch felt powerful. Moving back to the bed, Andrew started to slowly stroke his cock. It felt so different in his hand now. Unlike when he usually masturbated, Andrew had both hands wrap themselves around the shaft, and together they stroked the length of his cock. It felt so sensitive now. Much more than it had before. As he stroked with his right hand, he massaged the head with his left. Again, his cock throbbed. He could feel and hear the entire organ stretching slowly longer. Blood flowed in in greater amounts, and the head swelled thicker. I’m in love, he thought. I’m in love with my own cock! I’m in love with the idea that soon my whole body will be growing bigger and bigger and bigger. Stretching even longer, Andrew stroked the expanding surface with more frenzy. His balls had proceeded to grow as well until it looked like he had shoved two large lemons in his sack. Moving his left hand to massage his balls, he was in awe of the sheer volume he now possessed and imagined them slapping against Oli’s ass as Andrew fucked him. Andrew could feel an orgasm was coming closer as his whole body vibrated and felt as sensitive as his cock. Moaning quite loudly, Andrew saw it expand even further until he was sure he was sporting 13.5 inches. Looking at it with lust in his eyes, Andrew leaned forward and proceeded to take the head into his own mouth. I’m sucking my own cock!! Fuck!! I’m sucking my own cock and not having to bend that far! Andrew dived down further as wads of sweet precum were shot into his mouth. As he sucked and licked the head. Andrew continued to stroke the long shaft. Coming up for air, Andrew felt his balls swell even larger as they rose up in his sack. His whole body was shaking as he descended again onto his cock with his mouth. Moments later, he was rewarded with the largest, most mind-blowing orgasm he had ever had. He swallowed quickly and repeatedly to ingest the amount of cum he was expelling. Just when he thought it had to be stopping, the orgasm continued. Throwing his head back into the pillow, Andrew felt his cock spurt at least ten more thick ropes of cum before it began to slow down and then stop. Opening his eyes, Andrew laughed at his cum covered chest and face. He had shot everywhere but was relieved most of it had landed on himself. Just before it began to go soft, Andrew grabbed the tape measure and laid it down the length of his cock. 14.2 inches long, and the width came to 8.10!! He knew he had to clean himself up, but for a moment he was bathing in the afterglow. His cock was still leaking copious amounts of cum which trailed down his body and onto the bed. Once his heart and breathing had returned to normal, Andrew lifted his head and watched his new monster cock sleep. Grabbing the tape measure, he discovered that it was 8.5x7 inches soft. Soft, he was now bigger than he had been hard!!! Standing up, Andrew felt the weight of his package for the first time. It was heavy and pulled down on his crotch with a weight he had never known. To Be Continued...- 14 replies
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- muscle growth without effort
- height-growth
- (and 5 more)
The story takes place in Farmington, Connecticut during the Autumn of 1992 and is told through the first-person perspective of Nathan. Nathan is barely 16 years old, has a pretty average build and height, loves exercising and is far smarter than he looks. Unfortunately, Nathan's life is shit; he's bullied regularly for not being popular, his teachers are assholes, and he basically does not exist to his family, regularly being referred to as "the first kid" and gets neglected in favour of his younger brother and sister, both of whom are incredibly spoiled brats. Nathan considers himself lucky that he inherited his late grandparents' strong wills, or else he'd never survive this family... With school out and having nothing better to do, Nathan decides to take himself into the woods, and to his "utter surprise" his parents brush him off like nothing. He leaves home and goes for a walk, dressed in a comfy fleece and tracksuit pants and with desires in his head. Nathan wishes and prays to have a change in his life, unbothered but tired of being forgotten by everyone. Just as he makes the wish however, the sky shimmers and down falls a meteorite no bigger than his palm, startling Nathan! The teenager approaches the fallen rock and it opens, revealing a green orb with a strange aura surrounding it. Curiosity overrides any logic or sense in Nathan and with not a hint of fear, he picks up the orb and is jolted by an electric shock. He falls back into a bush and starts breathing rapidly, feeling a unfamiliar but arousing mix of sensations coursing around him; his stomach churning, his insides slowly warming up, and raging lust pumping his loins into overdrive! Nathan tugs at his tightening fleece and moans while he grows much taller, and more muscular as well! Nathan looks in the reflection of a nearby stream. He was not only bigger but also looked much older as well - he was somewhere around his mid 20's, with thicker hair, and a handsome face complete with a light stubble! Nathan checks out his body, and it was huge! Nate towered at 7'0" tall with a jacked figure, a more-than-noticeable bulge pants, and a lot more hairy around his crotch. His fleece and pants were straining badly from his muscles, while his sneakers lay in tatters across the forest floor, leaving him barefoot. Once he had took all his changes in, Nathan grinned eagerly! Never has he felt so powerful and full of life, nor has he ever felt so horny too... The big man flexes his new muscles and dry-humps a couple of trees, shamelessly loving every second of it. Despite it being chilly outside, Nathan was hot and panted like a dog left in a warm car in Summer. Realising the orb was the cause of his age progression and massive expansion, he grabs it from the forest ground and grips it tightly, smiling as the feelings return and he grows again! His fleece shrinks and rises up his body, revealing the ten-pack abs which he was rapidly obtaining, and his tracksuit pants start to look more like shorts. Nathan is consumed by lust and wants to continue, demanding for more muscle mass. However, he lets go of it and manages to regain his self-control. Nathan continues to revel in his new size, momentarily dreaming about a multitude of endless possibilities he could achieve in this stage. Nathan thought about his family and what they'd think of him, but then he also thought about just... leaving. They probably would not even care anyways - he went camping in the woods for several days last Summer without a single indication, and when he did come home, his parents actually looked disgusted to see him return. Snapping back to reality, Nathan decided that he was past that life and picked up the orb effortlessly, managing to pull the waistband of his pants out just enough where he could get one hand down there. He carefully wedged the orb onto the tip of his penis. His belly began to churn again and the ecstatic heat returned in full swing Nathan started growing again - growing faster. As Nathan ascends beyond the trees, his ill-fitting fleece tears off at last, and his tracksuit pants begin looking more like a speedo as they struggle to contain his junk. The hulking hunk roars in pleasure, laughing at the sheer size he's accumulating. Farmington fell away as Nathan's height soared like a plane! At some point near to 300ft tall however, the orb's seemingly-infinite energy finally depleted away, and Nathan stopped growing. At the same time however, his libido began to go nuts, with the rising pressure of an impending ejaculation swelling within him. Nathan, lost in the pleasure again, did nothing to hold it back as he came, the warm gooey seed flooding his straining pants and leaking down into the river below. As a titan among mortals, Nathan's life no longer sucked. As his orgasm ended, he continued to flex in pleasure, revelling in his new form. THE END
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- muscle-growth
- age-progression
- (and 4 more)
The Stone of Agios - Parts One, Two, Three, and Four (26/08/23)
RealIn2Growth posted a topic in Stories
The Stone of Agios Part One My fifteen years of study, research, and excavation finally led to my discovery of the whereabouts of The Stone of Agios. It had been unearthed in 1928 by an Englishman, Sir Lionel Pherril, who had kept it in his private geological collection without quite knowing what it was. Since the family had now found themselves falling on hard times, they were more than willing to sell the yellow crystal for a song when I approached them with my offer. I found it difficult to hold back my excitement as the mythical stone was placed in my hand. It was larger than depicted in drawings and heavier than I thought it would be, but small enough to fit comfortably in my carry-on that evening. I was taking no chances. After giving the envelope with £50,000 cash to Mr. Pherril, I went right to Heathrow airport and booked the first direct flight home. Several times I opened my bag to make sure the stone was safe, and many times I wanted to trial it’s power for myself, but I strengthened my resolve to wait until I was in the privacy of my own home. I leaned my head back against my seat in Business Class and closed my eyes. As I thought of the stone, a smile appeared on my face and my stubby cock got slightly hard in my jeans. The Stone of Agios. I had first read of its mythological origin during an archaeological dig while an intern in college. An ancient scroll unearthed that fateful day told the legendary tale of The Stone’s origin, how it had given birth to the Ancient Titans at the beginning of time and fueled their power. A crafty prehistoric man stole it and used its power to evolutionary propel themselves further than they ever should have gone. The Stone had granted man power over fire, assisted in the invention of the wheel, and given them victory in battles. From my decade of research, I discovered that the stone was rumored to grant the desires of those who held it. These legends birthed the tales of wish granting genies and other such items around the world. Eventually, I could never find out quite how it came into the possession of a priest who feared its demonic powers. He was t able to destroy it, so he hid it from the world until it was unearthed by a local craftsman who had purchased a rundown abbey. The legends, having long been forgotten, left the stone to an uninteresting life of being a paperweight. I knew it was still in the possession of the Pherril’s after seeing it sitting on a desk in a photograph. Now… it was mine! As I drove home from the airport my hand brushed the uneven surface of the stone. Soon, I thought. Soon I’ll have everything I ever imagined. I parked the car in the driveway and walked into my home. For the past twenty-five years I had lived in this three level Victorian conversion which I purchased several years after I became a professor at the university. Teaching Ancient Greek and Latin studies enabled me to continue my quest for the stone while holding down a fairly easy job that I enjoyed. I had several partners come and go, but none who’s interest ever held me long. My split with my last partner had only been six weeks prior and he had messaged me while I had been in the UK. “Hey, Johnathan. Give me a call when you get back. Thought we might grab dinner or a movie. Hope your trip to England was good. Talk soon.” I’d have to remember to call Steve and see how he was. For now, I was more than interested in the dusty yellow crystal I held in my hand. Walking into the kitchen, I turned on the lights and walked over to the sink. Running warm water, I ran the stone under the flowing tap until it was clean. I then carefully towel dried it and carried it into my library. There, I poured a glass of wine and sat on the leather couch staring intently into it. No time like the present. Clearing my throat, I said out loud: “I wish…” I stopped. I needed to think. I needed to test it before I attempted any elaborate wishes. “I wish… I wish I was the very definition of a stud and my cock was 13 inches when hard and 8 inches thick with a 9 inch thick head that swells to near bursting! ” I felt the crystal begin to throb in my hand as if it were breathing. Soon after, a bright yellow light began to pulse within the heart of the crystal growing brighter and more powerful each second. Suddenly, the light became blinding as the crystal pounded in time to my own heart beat. I found myself turning my eyes away from the blinding glow as it grew in intensity. Then, just as it started, the glow faded and the stone was still. I was shaking as I gently placed the stone on the table. Would the wish be granted just as I had asked? If so… what would I ask for next? I felt butterflies begin to fly wildly within my stomach as I thought of all the possibilities that now lay before me. I could… Fuck… I could be a God… a Titan! My 4” cock began to harden in my trousers. I rubbed the head with my hand as it jumped in its fabric covered prison. Then, with shaking hands, I began to undo my belt and unbutton my jeans. If it was going to grow… and I had every faith that it was going to… I needed to watch! Pulling my jeans and underwear down, my rigid cock slapped against my flat stomach, harder than it had been in years… harder than when I was a horny teenager! Grabbing onto the shaft, I began to slowly stroke it, relishing in the steel-like sensation and sensitivity I was experiencing. I imagined what all of my partners would say when the finally saw the massive cock I had hidden in my pants. How many times hook-ups had told me my cock was too small to be a dominant top? Now, they were going to be in for a massive surprise when I rammed their tight asses over and over and over again with my giant cock! “Fuck yeah! A Giant cock! A real warrior's cock with the sex drive of an army!” I grunted as the head of my cock swelled and began to start leaking a considerable amount of pre-cum. All of my life I had wanted to be one of those guys whose cock leaked their own lube like a fountain, but no matter how hard or aroused I was, it never happened. Now, my cock was actually shooting ropes of pre onto my stomach and leaking down the shaft. Bringing my hand up to my face, I took in the potent musky smell. Fuck!! It smelled of masculinity… of virility…. I hungrily began to lick my own fingers enjoying the powerful flavor. My cock grew even harder, and what had once been pleasurable minutes prior was now a throbbing ache. The flow of pre became an even wilder river as more and more was expelled in larger amounts. The spurts of pre were now so powerful that my abs and then pecs and finally neck was getting pelted by it. From the amount flowing off of my body and onto the leather couch, it looked like I had pissed myself! I laughed and grunted again as an even larger wad was fired at my chest. Pain radiated up from my balls causing me to inhale a shallow breath. The sensation of being kicked in the balls over and over again by a mule grew stronger as the stream of pre shooting out of my cock grew stronger. Soon, there were no longer any spasms or spurts, but a continuous cascade of pre-cum bursting out of my swollen cock head. I found myself stifling a loud groan as the pain grew worse. Instinctually grabbing onto my nuts to calm the pain, I felt them begin to pulse and then proceed to swell in my hands. Moments of pain mixed with orgasmic pleasure passed, and soon I could feel my walnut sized balls swell until they closely resembled two chicken eggs, both fighting for room in my tight sack. Sweat was pouring down my face as my head rested on the back of the couch. I was terrified my ball sack was going to split as my egg sized testicles soon appeared to grow again until they more closely resembled large kiwis. I had been so distracted by my balls swelling right before my eyes that I failed to notice that my cock head had begun to start growing thicker as well. I brought my right hand to the head and stroked it, shocked by how sensitive it now was. I watched in awe as the head flexed and pulsed, growing heftier, fleshier, meatier, and more delicious looking. My head swam as my entire body was overloaded by erotic sensations. I could feel saliva dripping out of my open mouth as I took in the deep red color of my fist sized cock-head. The morphed-looking glans belonged to my own cock, and I was afraid of it. Any ass or orifice it entered would no doubt be stretched to capacity, and I was glad that I would never be the one being impaled by it! “Fuck!!” I cried out as my balls swelled even larger. I lifted the swollen orbs in my hands and was amazed at how heavy they now were. My sack had stretched along with the unbelievable growth of my nuts, but no matter how large it became, the swelling testicles took up more and more room. As the expanded, I began to feel a new and welcomed sensation from within; the creation and churning of gallons of potent cum. The amplification of my balls was turning me quite literally into what I had asked for. I was becoming the very definition of a stud. My balls now felt filled to capacity with sperm, and every second I sensed my cum engines were creating more. I knew that I was now so potent that any woman I fucked would get pregnant with just a drop of my cum, not to mention the gallons that would be shot out when I finally did ejaculate. “Thank… God… I’m fucking… gay!! I’d have a billion kids!! I could repopulate this planet!!” My cock was an open faucet causing puddles of pre to appear on the couch cushions and dripping onto the floor. My fingers stroked the portobello mushroom sized head which caused me to audibly gasp. The shaft now looked ridiculous, like a pencil holding up the roof to a house! “Grow!!” I grunted, willing my shaft to stretch and swell along with the rest of my sex organ! Massaging and lifting the increasing weight of my balls, I felt them pulse and expand past the size of kiwis until they both rivaled ripe peaches. Never in my life could I imagine a human man with such ridiculously sized bull balls, but I was going to become more than the average human male. What I would turn into would be the epitome of the Alpha male… created for sex and pleasure… built to dominate, master, and control. I would be a new form of man that the world would lust for! I spread my legs wider and felt my ball-sack stretch closer to the floor, heaving and heavy with my peach sized testicles. As my balls grew, I noticed that my pre was changing as well… becoming more of a golden color, thicker and stickier like syrup. It was more than just a lubricant… it was the primer coating for fertilization with my sperm! “I… just… wanted to fuck… every guy… I… saw!! Instead… my wish… is transforming me… into… a stud… born to… breed!!” Suddenly, I felt a throbbing in the base of my cock. Looking down I saw that the skin of my shaft had begun to develop a beet red color and when I touched my hand to it, I felt it was hot to the touch. Then, with a loud grunt, I felt a massive push as more blood was forced into my cock causing it to expand. “Starting… to swell… growing… thicker…” I wrapped my hand around it only to discover that my thumb and pointer finger no longer touched anymore, and each time it throbbed, they got even further apart. I no longer recognized the cock I had been jerking and fucking with since I was 14! It was morphing into this angry tool of pleasure mixed with destruction, and I loved it. My shaft continued to balloon wider while my balls grew even more dense. The churning rising up from my sack was easily audible now, and as my balls continued to swell, it only got louder and more hypnotic. My own pheromones appeared to be growing stronger as a new scent rose up from my balls. It smelled of leather… wood… dirt… and primal sex. I found myself being turned on by my own scent. I couldn't imagine what it would do to anyone else. “No one… will be able… to resist… me!” I didn’t know how I knew this, but instinctively I knew that my pheromones would act as a spellbinding opiate, making me even more alluring and magnetic! I could only laugh as the gap between my pointer finger stretched from three… to four… to five inches. Thick veins erupted along the surface of my cock that now looked broader than a Pringles can. Much thicker! My cock had grown to over 5 inches long, but that was only due to the immensity of my cock. To me, it now resembled a fire hydrant; stumpy but meaty! I knew that anyone who saw my cock now would call me a freak, but I welcomed it. All of my life I had been average, but with the stone, all of that was going to change. Soon every man would be jealous of what he was packing in his jeans… and what he had become! Suddenly, I cried out and grabbed both sides of my head as a loud ringing noise filled it. With no warning, my mind was inundated with images, thoughts, ideas, sexual positions, massage techniques, and tongue artistry that could fill hundreds of books on sex! It felt like an unknown source was downloading every possible sexual idea or thought into my brain until I knew everything there was to know about sex with both men and women, and every way to bring pleasure to my partner… or partners. I knew how to watch for changes of breathing pattern, the flush of a chest, the rise in a pulse, or the change in pheromone intensity to indicate what a partner was enjoying or not enjoying. Even with a cock as thick and intimidating as mine, I knew how to bring hours and hours of pleasure to my partners along with myself, making me the most proficient lover in the world!!! I laughed and grunted as I discovered that I now relished every fetish imaginable. Nothing was taboo to me any longer. I could accomplish thousands of positions and pleasure myself or others for days. I opened my eyes and a world of endless sex lay before me. I found I had no other wants or needs but endless sexual pleasures. As my sexual knowledge grew vaster, I found I could now control my own pheromones, strengthening them until every person on earth would serve only me “I am… the definition… of a… stud…” I laughed and found the sound of my own voice entrancingly erotic. Then, a stabbing punch in the base of my massively thick cock caused me to groan. I watched with lustfulness as my cock finally proceeded to inch longer, soon passing six inches… seven inches… and then eight. When my cock grew past nine inches, I even wanted to worship at the altar to it. It was so incredible to look at… so beautiful… so masculine. It went perfectly now with my tight muscular body. All I wanted to do was walk around naked so the whole world could witness the mastery of what the male body could be. Uncontrollably, I began to stroke my cock, but each time I did, I had more area to cover. My entire house reeked of my scent, and the bigger my cock and balls grew, the stronger it became. I knew with one whiff I’d have an army of men at my feet ready to worship me. I felt a slight burning coming from my shaft, and watched as thicker, pipe-like veins began to erupt and snake around my cock. This new network succeeded in forcing more blood to the shaft, allowing it to grow even thicker and longer. Looking down at the rising leviathan, I watched as the head swelled larger and shot denser wads of golden pre further than before. There was barely a surface in the living room that hadn’t been marked by the bombardment of precum fired by my flesh bazooka. I didn’t think it could be possible, but the growth of my cock picked up speed, and in the blink of an eye, it was over ten inches and moving onto eleven. I would definitely need to wish for larger hands as they looked so tiny compared to the flesh cylinder I was currently stroking. I felt a sharp snap and watched the head mushroom further and swell larger than the width of the shaft. I suddenly had the desire to see what the poor souls would witness just before I fucked them. Standing up, I was shocked by the weight tugging at my groin. As I walked towards the bathroom, my enlarging sex organs swung and throbbed, slapping my quads and knees, leaving behind a trail of pre down the hallway. Turning on the light, I finally saw what I was becoming. No longer did I see Johnathan Briggs. I saw a cock that was a deep red, pulsating, buttress of masculinity that needed to be worshiped. I needed to be worshiped myself because I was now much more than a man. A small portion of me screamed out to go back to the stone and reverse the wish… call it off before it was too late. My subconscious knew that something wasn’t right and it was doing its best to figure it out… but my new self shoved it down and stifled it until it could no longer be heard. Looking deep within my eyes, intense carnal knowledge passed through my brain making me aware of the millions of ways I would be pleasuring myself. Most I had never imagined, but each one I was now willing and eager to try. Using both hands to stroke myself in front of the mirror, I watched as my cock grew even longer and thicker and soon it had passed twelve inches in length and was quickly approaching 13! My cock pulsed to the frenzied beating of my heart. Looking at myself in the mirror, I saw what the world would see, my body was now just a base on which my dominant cock existed. I was quickly metamorphosing into the very definition of a stud, a human fuck machine, and I knew that this was exactly what I had always wanted to be. “I will exist… merely to fuck… merely to breed… merely to give myself and others sexual pleasure!” With more determination, I stroked the entirety of my cock. It was now even more sensitive as millions of nerve endings rose closer to the surface granting me more pleasure. My cock had now surpassed the wished upon 13 inches and was quickly gaining on 14, while the shaft had to be over 9 inches thick. I didn’t know how this could be possible. I had been very specific when it came to the dimensions of my cock. I could only groan as my weighty balls began to rise up in my sack. My entire cock felt like it had been edged for days. I could barely think. My only thoughts were about my cock and the mounting pressure now building up in my balls. Suddenly, I began to uncontrollably grunt and groan as my entire body started to shudder and convulse. Soon, a river of my seed began to rise up the mighty stanchion and explode out of the bulbous head! A torrent of cum shot out of my cock like a cannon and quickly began to cover all areas of the bathroom. My cock grew even longer causing the cum to have to flow further and further up my shaft to exit into the world. I grabbed onto the sink to keep falling onto the floor as my orgasm grew in intensity. All I could do was moan and groan loudly as my cock ballooned. I tried to watch as it grew past 13 inches… 14 inches… 15 inches… 16 inches… My cum was no longer coming out in short bursts but in long continuous explosions that forced my entire body to flex. Lights flashed in front of my eyes as my body trampled and thrashed, forcing me onto my knees onto the bathroom floor. Finally, after five minutes of overwhelming orgasm and cumming, it began to fade. I gasped for breath as my cock shot a final eight ropes of cum followed by a drooling and then a dripping. Staggering backwards, I slammed into the wall of the bathroom and slid to the floor. I almost cried out as my sensitive ball sack hit the cold tile floor causing it to shoot one final thick wad of cum. My cock was still hard, and rose up like the monument it was. I couldn’t even comprehend its size. It was just so long… so thick… so monstrous! I grabbed at one of the drawers in my vanity and pulled out the measuring tape that I used to write down my body’s stats. Moving the tape down the shaft, I was dumbstruck as I saw that it was nearly 20” in length and 10” around… not to mention the head that rose up thicker and meatier than the shaft. Lifting my voluminous balls, I could already feel them churning and producing more sperm to be released in another torrential orgasm. I breathed slowly as my cock began to slowly deflate. Finally, at 13 inches, it was completely soft, or as soft as it ever would be. I stood up and walked back into the living room, exhausted but horny once again. Sitting onto the pre covered couch, I picked up The Stone of Agios. “What have you done to me? I wish…” I knew I shouldn’t do it. I knew that I should put the stone down and step away. Maybe return to it tomorrow after a night's sleep, or not even at all. Yet, wasn’t this what I always desired? I was repairing all of the mistakes of my own DNA. I was transforming myself into what I knew I truly was deep down inside. My cock hardened slightly as I gazed deep into the stone. “I wish… my body was like that of 7 foot tall barbarian, weighing over 550 lbs of pure muscle. My power and size are unrivalled in all the world, and my strength is legendary.” The stone began to pulsate and glow, but the words refused to stop flowing from my lips. “No! Not 7 foot tall. 8 foot… weighing over 700 lbs of pure muscle… No… 900 lbs! I’m a mountain of muscle… just muscle on top of muscle on top of muscle.” The stone on my hand glowed so brightly that it was hit to the touch. Pulling my hand away from it, it dropped to the floor and rolled under the table. To Be Continued...- 19 replies
- 32
- muscle growth
- macro growth
(and 7 more)
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This story was a fun one to write. It was a commission and I was asked to create a world where an innocent is corrupted by more and more power. Hope you enjoy. Let me know what you think in the comments. Corrupting Absolutely It all started innocently enough. I was staying at the beach at my parents’ house while they were on a month-long cruise. I normally wouldn’t have the time to house sit, but unfortunately, I had been let go from my job with The Bank. My boss, Thomas Grayson, felt that I needed to get out and find new opportunities. He was afraid that the job was keeping me stagnant. What could I do? Maybe he was right. Thomas and I had started at The Bank together. We had even dated for a year, but he had come to the conclusion that we were both better off as friends. After we split, Thomas began to really grab life by the proverbial balls. He had started working out at the gym, dressing better, and progressing higher in The Bank while I was still in the same position. I could tell by the way he spoke to me that he was trying to look after my own best interests. He had even put together a pretty good severance package for me. Since I didn’t have to worry about money for the next 6 months, I decided to wait to find a job till the start of the new year. I had sent out some resumes and talked with some recruiters, but I wasn’t actively looking for employment at the moment. Let me tell you, there is nothing more depressing than staying at a beach house during the winter. My parents had moved to the beach six years ago after they both retired. They never seemed to mind the winter season when most of the town packed up and left, but then again, they often went on long vacations during that time. Since I wasn’t working, they thought it would save them some money if I drove down and house-sat instead of hiring a professional to do it. As I said, I had lots of free time, so why not? The house isn’t very large. After climbing 20 steps, you arrived at a wooden porch with two rocking chairs on it and a table. This was an amazing place to watch the sun set during the summer, but I doubted I would be using them very much during my stay. The front door brought you automatically into the living room that had a dining room attached. The small kitchen was off to the right while the bathroom was down the hall to the left. There were two bedrooms. I would be staying in the guest bedroom and kept my parents’ bedroom closed so nothing would be disturbed. The first week flew by. I caught up on several television shows I had been wanting to watch for years as well as a couple of books. Each day I’d get up early, go for a jog in the beach, go work out at the local gym at 11.00 am so that it was fairly empty, grab a coffee at Starbucks, and then just chill for the rest of the day. Often in the afternoons I’d go for a walk along the beach, but for the past three days it had been raining, so I was staying inside. While waiting for my coffee at Starbucks, I saw a sign on the ‘Local Activities’ board for an estate sale. It was taking place that afternoon at the most legendary house in the area: Collinwood. I had only visited my parents a couple of times, and I even knew about it. The Collins family had founded the town in the late 1700’s and made their money with the local cannery and fishing fleet. The massive house stood on a hill away from the town, and for the past 15 years or so, the last member of the family had lived there on her own. When Carolyn died, everything was set to be sold and the house turned into a luxury hotel. Since I had no real plans, I decided to go. Like most of the people there, I was attending to find a good bargain as well as to take a walk around the house and gawk. Everything for sale was at a reasonable price to encourage buying, and I found myself picking up three first editions for a steal along with an ornate wooden puzzle box that caught my eye. The woman running the sale looked to see if the box came with instructions for opening it, but she couldn’t locate any. I told her that was fine, and she ended up taking $10.00 off the asking price. By the time I got back to my parents’ house, the sky was growing dark. I prepared a bowl of tomato soup and a grilled cheese sandwich and sat down at the kitchen table to try and open the box. Nothing I did moved any of the pieces, and I was beginning to think that it was never going to be opened. It was at 11.30 pm, and I had moved into the living room and was sitting on the couch. After doing nothing for the past six hours, I was surprised to find that I was finally able to move a small square at the top of the box. This led to another piece being released on the side which led to another and another and another. The long box was extremely well made and intricate, having more than 100 sliding or turning pieces to uncover. Eventually, as I turned a small, raised circle on the bottom, a large rectangle in the top slid open. A strong smell of honey and flowers rose from the dark recess. I put my hand into the opening but pulled it back quickly as a severe electrical shock zapped it from within. Looking at my hand to make sure it was okay; I then lifted the box and gave it a good shake. I heard a rattling from within. I moved my face closer to the opening to have a peak in and experienced a plume of red mist erupt from within and shoot into my eye and then out into the room. Falling backwards onto the couch, the box fell from my lap and onto the floor. The red mist was filling the room as it seemed an endless supply had been encased in the box. Fearing it was some sort of poisoned gas, I stood up to run outside, but felt an invisible force push me back onto the couch. The mist was escaping from the box so quickly now that the pressure to escape the box had split the entire structure in half. The room was inundated with the red mist until the box emptied, leaving the thick red fog the only visible item in the room. The room had become hauntingly quiet, and the only thing I was able to hear was my heart pounding in my chest. Standing, I was once again propelled backwards by the unseen hand. In this moment of terror, I began to feel another sensation fill my body; I was suddenly incredibly horny. My penis was instantly hard in my sweatpants, and I could feel pre ejaculate begin to drip. Looking down, I watched as the crotch of my sweatpants began to show a large wet spot where I was leaking. I had never had anything like this ooze from my penis before, even though I had read about in forums online, so this was a new experience for me that I was enjoying a lot. The feeling of arousal began to grow exponentially, and soon I found that I had begun to stroke my hard-on through the fabric without realizing I was doing it. I completely forgot about the odd red mist that had filled the living room of my parents’ home, and I closed my eyes, leaned against the back of the couch, and proceeded to pull my pants down and release my insanely hard rod. As I began to stroke my penis, I opened my eyes and saw the mist had begun to start moving in a circular motion around the room. My penis was harder than it ever had been, and I began to have the feeling that my testicles would explode if I didn’t ejaculate soon. A new sensation came over me as I removed my hand from my shaft and placed my arm behind my head. I wasn’t sure what made me do this, but I felt like it was expected of me. Then, with my heart beating even faster, I watched as the mist began to come together in front of me and formed the body of the most beautiful man I had ever seen. He was tall, probably over six foot, and had a tight, firm muscular body. His blonde hair was long and wavy, and fell down over his shoulders. His eyes were a piercing ice blue, and his lips a dark red. Moving my eyes down over his magnificent body, I took in the long and thick phallus that hung down over two large testes. My first instinct was to be afraid, but this quickly faded as The Man began to move until he stood right before me. Falling to his knees, he leaned over my equipment and with one quick movement, took the entire 4 inches into his mouth. In seconds, I was having the most pleasurable blow job I ever had. His mouth did things to my shaft I had never experienced before in my life. He was expertly skilled with his tongue and lips and created just the right amount of suction and tension to make me quickly reach the point of no return. Within seconds I was ejaculating in the man’s mouth, his throat acting like a vacuum to take in every drop. Just when I thought I had finished cumming, he grabbed onto my balls with his right hand and forced more and more out of me and into his stomach. The pleasurable sensation soon moved to pain as it felt like he was draining every drop that my testicles held. Eventually, his hunger satisfied, he moved off my Johnson and proceeded to lick any small drop he may have missed. He then stood up, allowing me to take in all his glory. He appeared to be studying me as intensely as I was looking at him. Finally finding the strength, I opened my dry mouth and spoke. “Who… who are you?” Without moving his lips, I heard the man’s words echo throughout the room. “I have no name… no form… until you give me one. This body pleases you?” His voice… was this his voice I heard in my head… it was deep, masculine, and commanding. “Yeah. You’re amazing.” “You released me.” The tall man’s voice had an accent I couldn’t place. “I am bound to you until I fulfil your three deepest desires.” “My three desires?” “Yes. Once fulfilled, then I am free to return to my own dimension until the next worthy individual opens the box.” “So… my desires… they’re like wishes?” “They are as I said. They are desires.” “I can ask for anything?” My mind raced through what I might ask for from what had to be the sexiest genie I could imagine living. “You ask me for nothing. From your essence that now courses through me, I have pulled out the three most potent and secret desires you possess.” “You know already what I want?” “I know what you desire. These are needs that you may hide from even yourself but will now be yours.” From far away, yet filling the room with sound, I heard a clock tower chime. The sound of the bells resonated through my entire body like an electric current. “Your desires shall be fulfilled. The wheel has been set in motion… and once in motion… there is no stopping it.” I watched as the form of The Man begin to revert back into red smoke while the puzzle box began to reset itself. The opening in the top proceeded to grow smaller as the smoke returned back from where it came and soon disappeared from view. All I could hear was his voice. “The path shall take place over the course of three midnights. You will hear the bell chime, and you will know your desire will then be granted. Never shall you see me again, Joel Matthews.” The top of the puzzle box closed, and the room was silent. I shook my head. Had all of that really happened? Had the mist been some sort of hallucinogen and I had just dreamed it all? As if to answer my question, I heard the bell ring and felt the current course through my body once again. Then, from around me and from within, I heard the man’s voice. “To you… granted your desire for supreme virility.” “What?? What do you mean? I have no clue what you’re talking about!” I stood up half expecting the invisible force to knock me back onto the couch, but nothing happened. I crossed over to the puzzle box and picked it up, looking closely at it as if answers might be printed on its surface. As there was nothing, I moved over to the kitchen and set it down on the table. I must have been asleep. That could be the only explanation. I had to have been dreaming. There was no way any of that could have been real. I must have fallen asleep before I even began solving the puzzle box. I ended up having an insane dream about some sort of genie that told me what wishes… no… desires he was going to grant, and then woke up when the box fell onto the floor. It was all so easily explained. I’d been by myself for too long. That was the problem. I was imagining hot men when I should be out meeting them. No wonder I had a crazy sex dream. I needed to get laid. That’s exactly what would help pull me out of this loneliness. I walked back over to the couch and grabbed my phone. I opened the Lock Screen and proceeded to pull up my Grindr app. There wasn’t much of a selection out here in the middle of nowhere, but somebody was better than no body. Looking at the selection, I began to get hard thinking about what I might be getting up to tonight. Yeah. This was exactly what I needed. I scratched an itch on my face and kept scrolling. There was one guy, a fit man in his early 50’s that caught my eye. Looking at his pictures of himself running a marathon and working out, I could see that he took care of himself. He wasn’t too far from me. I’d be willing to drive up to 30 minutes for some fun tonight. I scratched my face again and was about to message this guy when I decided that I needed something to drink. The room was a little hot and my throat was dry. I got up from the couch and quickly entered the kitchen. Opening up the fridge, I began to reach for a Diet Coke, but instead the idea of drinking one of my father’s beers became a better option. I opened it and took three large gulps. No. This wasn’t doing the job. I drank some more, but my throat just seemed drier than minutes before. Fuck this, I thought. Beer is for frat boys and pussies. Suddenly, it came to me what would quench my thirst. I needed a shot of whiskey. I grabbed a tumbler, put a cube of ice into it, and walked to the liquor cabinet in the living room. From there, I poured a double whiskey over the ice to cool it slightly. Raising the glass to my lips, I took a sip and felt the burn as it traveled down my throat. Oh yeah, I thought, that hits the spot. I poured some more into the glass to make up for what I had already drunk, and crossed back over to the sofa, scratching my stomach. Sitting there, I took a sip, and rubbed my dick, feeling how sensitive the shaft was, how full my balls felt. I set the glass down on the side table and proceeded to pull my sweatpants down to my ankles. Once freed, my dick stood stiffly at attention, the head a deep angry red color. The vein that ran down the side looked much larger than it ever had been before, and I could feel the constant pressure as it forced more blood into the shaft. I had showered when I had gotten home from the gym but found the woodsy metallic musk smell rising from my balls intoxicating. I had never paid attention to my own scent and discovered that it made my mouth water and made me even hornier. I stroked the length of my 4-inch penis and felt a wad of precum rise out of my prostate, up the shaft, and fire onto the wooden floor below. Reaching down to rub my precum around the head and shaft, I found that it also had my sharp woodsy scent, but even more potent and domineering than anything had ever smelt. I kicked my sweatpants off of my ankles and spread my legs wider. Fuck it felt so good… taking up more room on the couch and airing out my cock and balls. I rubbed my balls and felt how incredible… how powerful they were. A rush of heat passed through my balls, and I watched as they began to swell larger, taking up more room in my sack. A minute later, the same rush of heat, yet this time it was slightly stronger, and I was able to see them both grow again. This time, my ball sack stretched as well, and even lying back against the cushions of the couch, my balls began to hang much lower and rested on the sofa. Several wads of precum shot out of my cock again as my balls proceeded to gain more mass. Soon, what had once been walnut sized, now resembled large eggs. I lifted them up with my hands and could feel how much more weight they had then before. As I held them, I felt another rush of heat, and experienced their growth as they took up more room in the palm of my hands. I stood up and felt the hefty weight my balls now had as they pulled down on my crotch. They had surpassed egg size and now looked like I had shoved two peaches in my sack. I felt them both churning, gaining more power to produce more sperm. I whimpered as they grew larger once again. Remembering why I stood up, I proceeded to take my shirt off, and was amazed to see dark hair now coated my chest and traveled down over my stomach and joined in with my crotch. I lifted my right arm to see the excess of hair growth that had taken place there as well. A whiff of my own musk rising from my pits made me even hornier and was proceeded by my testicles growing even larger. These are now the fucking cum factories of a man, I thought as once again the swelled. Precum was now constantly leaking from the head of my cock and had proceeded to form a puddle on the wood floor below. My own scent was filling the room, becoming even stronger as my testosterone levels rose higher. I ran my hand over my chest and felt the hair that had most recently grown there become much longer and begin to cover more area of my chest. Looking down, I could see that my arms and legs had also become much hairier, and my crotch had proceeded to grow a significant forest of its own. Again, my balls grew bigger, but this time the sensation was more magnified as I felt a large amount of blood be forced into my cock. This occurred repeatedly, proceeding to stretch the shaft longer and thicker. I leaned back onto the couch and closed my eyes. Whatever was happening to me felt so incredible. My whole body was feeling sensations I had never experienced before. Every inch of my skin felt more sensitive, causing me to moan, a sound that was now much deeper. I opened my eyes and gaped at my growing cock which had to be nearly 9 inches long, and so thick that I could barely touch my thumb and middle finger together. The head was much fatter than the shaft and I knew that at that moment it would definitely be a challenge for anyone to get in their mouth. I scratched my face and discovered that my jaw was now covered in a formidable beard. Never in my life had I been able to grow a beard, and now I had one that I could run my fingers through and tug! I couldn’t believe how incredible masculine I felt… how masculine I must look. Just having a massive cock and balls made me into a stud, but being hairy as well simply magnified that. No one would be able to resist me anymore. Guys would be lining up to take a ride on my fuck stick! I flexed my arm and watched my bicep jump. I’d need to work out harder to grow a body that deserved a cock like mine, but I had never realized that my body was in much better shape than I had thought. Bringing my face closer to my pit, I inhaled my potent musk. This was how a fucking man smelled. He didn’t smell like fucking cologne or flowers… he smelled like sex… he smelled like the gym… he smelled like the testosterone that flowed through his body. I grinned and let out a low bellow of a laugh and downed the rest of the whisky that had been in the glass. Not wanting to be forgotten for one moment, my cock and balls surged even larger. While I was paying attention to my body, my cock had done some significant growing. I had no idea how so much blood could be forced into the shaft without having passed out, but I was shocked to see that it had grown to be thicker than my own arm and was nearly as long! My balls were now each the size of oranges, and precum no longer leaked out, but flowed like a faucet turned on full blast. The floor was a mess, coated with so much pre that it looked like about 10 drunk men had pissed on it! The entire house smelled of me now. The scent was strong and domineering and was being exuded from every pore. I felt a sharp snap, and my cock proceeded to grow even longer until I knew that it had to be over 13 inches long. So used to my 4-inch penis, my cock now resembled a fucking monster that every man would envy when they saw it in the locker room showers. Fuck!! I couldn’t wait to show this thing off in the gym tomorrow. Hell, there was no way I was ever going to be able to hide this beast, and I never wanted to. All I could think of was fucking and cumming. I needed to fuck over and over again. I was never going to be satisfied. My balls were always going to be full and begging for release. My cock and balls grew larger as I began to stroke myself using both hands for the first time in my life. There was so much surface area to cover that it seemed to take minutes to go from root to head. I flipped into my front and began to fuck the cushions of the sofa. Then I had a better idea and ripped open one so that my cock would actually be sliding in the stuffing. I pumped the sofa harder and harder, my softball sized balls slapping against the cushions. I felt my cock grow even more monstrous as I pumped up and down with my ass. Sweat poured down my face as my pheromones spread through the house. Every inch smelled of me… of the most virile man on earth. My desire!! Fuck yeah! That was what I had become… the most virile man on earth! As I fucked the sofa, my cock grew and tore its way out of the cushion. Pulling it out, I began to lick, and tongue fuck the head. For a moment I thought this growth was never going to stop, until I felt my immense balls pull up, and then felt gallons of cum shoot out of my cock and onto myself and the rest of the room. Minutes passed before my orgasm stopped. I looked around and wondered how I was ever going to clean the room. The living room was a mess, but I didn’t care. This was how the most virile man in the world lived. I can’t stop how much pre and cum I produced from my 15 inch monster of a cock! I stood up and felt the weight of my immense cook and balls weigh me down. I crossed to the bathroom and looked at the beast I had become. I oozed sex. My whole body looked like it had become more primal… almost de-evolved due to the intense amount of testosterone that flowed through my body. Needing to piss, I aimed into the bathtub and let loose. It appeared to be a mix of pre and urine, and when it shot out, it caused me to have mini orgasms. I knew I should be tired, but I was wide awake. I needed to fuck. I closed Grindr and opened Scruff. I needed some real men who could handle my cock and sex drive. I took several pictures and videos and began sending them out. At first people didn’t believe it was real, but after a few demonstrations, they were begging to come over and worship it. By 4 am I had 12 guys paying homage to my cock. They had made me cum several times, but it was never enough. My pheromones seemed to have some sort of control over them as they would do anything to please me. As one guy rode my cock, I wondered what more was in store for me. What would be the fulfilment of my other two desires. What were they? I never knew this was one of my desires until it happened to me. Now I couldn’t imagine not living as a sexual beast. I grabbed the guy and flipped him onto the bed, my cock impaling him as I plunged it deeper. I could hear several of the men cleaning my living room and the other rooms where my cum had left quite a mess. What else were cock slaves for? I fucked him even harder until I began flooding his insides with cum. I pulled out and began to shoot all over his body. Forever he would be marked with my scent. When I finally stopped cumming, I told him to get out and send in someone else. I had worn him out, but I was far from done. The most virile man on earth need to fuck. * The sun was bright when I woke up around 2 the next afternoon. I had sent all the men home once they had finished cleaning the house and repairing any mess that I had made. I still felt sexually unsatisfied, but I suspected that I never would be. Although my cock would go limp at times, it was still a hefty piece of meat to carry around. Soft it was 9” long with two softball sized balls. After my shower, I was going to shave off my newly grown beard, but decided to keep it, really liking how the rugged look worked for me. I also noticed that despite any amount of deodorant I would wear, my body gave off a naturally strong pheromone scent. From my observation at the gym that morning or at Starbucks, it was not an unpleasant scent. In fact, it was quite the opposite, and I found myself satisfying three guys in the locker room at the gym and one in the toilet at Starbucks. No one questioned my immense package. It seemed like once they saw me… and smelt me… they expected me to have it. At 7 pm, I sent the three guys that I was fucking home. I wanted to be mentally and physically prepared for what my next secret desire would bring. I sat down with a whiskey and began to run through ideas of what it could be. I had always been a very vanilla person all of my life, so I wasn’t aware that I had desires that I hid. I was happy with my current improvement. I had never had so much sex until the past day, and I was enjoying myself. I never knew how much I enjoyed being a man and how potent being hyper masculine was. I had become the epitome of masculinity and virility. Every pore oozed of it, and I never felt so alive in my entire life. I sat there wondering what was coming next for me. In some ways I wanted out of the next two wishes. I liked what I had now. What could some secret desires be? When I was a kid I had wanted to transform into a werewolf… but that can’t be a desire could it? Fuck. It can’t be something like that! Werewolves don’t exist. I got up and poured myself another whisky and downed it in one go. I looked out the window at the clear night sky. The stars overhead were bright. The moon shone down onto the ocean when suddenly, I heard the chimes of the bell ring and felt a strong electrical current course through my body. My entire body shook from the energy it was being inundated with, this time much stronger than the last. Then, from around me and from within, I heard the man’s voice. “To you… granted your desire for utmost might and sovereignty.” “Utmost might and sovereignty? What do you mean by that? Show yourself! I want to talk. I don’t want the rest of these desires. I’m happy with what I have now.” “The box was opened. Your desires must be set free. You have no choice in the matter.” The voice filled the air as my whole body quaked again, more and more energy being siphoned into it. My body shook uncontrollably as the lights in the house flickered. Falling to the floor, it must have appeared that I was having a seizure as what felt like every atom, molecule, and cell were filled to near breaking with energy. What felt like an eternity, but in reality, it was only twenty minutes, my body finally stopped trembling. I lay on the floor physically exhausted. Every muscle hurt. Was that it? Did I now have utmost might and sovereignty? Did that mean what I thought it did? Supreme strength and rule over everything? I stood up on shaking limbs. I was naked. Looking down where I had lay, I saw with a shock the burnt remains of the clothes I had been wearing as well as the outline of my body had been burnt into the wooden floor. Moving to the bathroom, each step I took left another burnt footprint on the floor. My heart raced as I tried to comprehend what was happening to me. Just as I was going to turn on the lights in the bathroom, I realized there was no need. My eyes glowed such a bright white color that they illuminated the entire room. I began to panic as I looked into the mirror and saw the burning white light my eyes had become. I no longer had any resemblance of a pupil. Just this intense white glow. I grabbed onto the sink and watched as my handprint began to burn into the ceramic. I pulled it away, but as I did, I felt a pressure well up behind my eyes and explode outward. A swelling beam of light shot from my eyes and obliterated the mirror in front of me. I leaped backwards, covered my eyes with my arm, and fell onto the commode. All the areas that my skin touched began to smoke and burn, quickly melting the plastic of the seat. Standing, I uncovered my eyes, and in the broken shards of glass, I could see they were just the glowing orbs I had before. Through concentration though, I discovered that I could will the pressure from behind my eyes to rise up and expel a beam of intense energy, burning and melting everything in its path. I let out a burst of nervous laughter as I watched myself destroy the tiled shower in the bathroom just by looking at it. After a couple minutes of practice, I found that this new skill was easy to control and became nearly second nature. My eyes… my body… every inch of me could burn through any material. I knew this wasn’t all. I could sense that my body had changed in many ways and was continuing to change. I left the partially destroyed bathroom and moved into the living room. Standing there, I tried to listen to the subtle changes happening to my body, and as I did, I began to feel myself rise off of the floor and hover above it. When I realized what was happening, my body fell back down to earth with a thud. More concentration enabled me to cause the levitation to occur again as I lifted off the floor and floated closer to the ceiling. A huge smile crossed my face. My desire to be a fucking superhero had come true. Using my mind, I propelled myself out the front door and down to the beach, my eyes glowing and lighting the way. Once I stood on the cold sand, I looked up into the sky, raised my right arm, took a small leap, and took off like a shot into the night sky, red and orange flames trailing behind me as I flew. My stomach fell as I went higher and higher into the air. Moving my body slightly, I was able to move up and down and left and right as well as slowing myself down and hovering in midair. I traveled up and down the coast, going so far as Florida and back up to Maine in no time at all. I never felt cold, and I never seemed to have any issue with lack of oxygen as I flew higher and higher. To test myself, I shot upward like a rocket and kept going up until everything around me was pitch black and I was looking at the Earth below. I inhaled, but the fact that there was no oxygen didn’t seem to bother me. I lay up in the blackness of space for a while until I began to feel I should go home. 15 minutes later, I landed back on the beach where I had begun my journey. As I walked back to the house, I began to feel strange. Not bad… just strange. I felt as if boundless energy was beginning to fill me again. I bounded up the stairs, burning every step, and into the house. Once inside, I felt my back crack, and my body began to slowly grow taller. Another group of cracks, and my arms and legs joined my spine. I was amazed to see how different the world looked as I rose higher and higher. I had lived all of my adult life at 5’8, and now I was moving upwards into the 6-foot category. As I admired my stretching reflection in the glass of the window, I began to feel my shoulders start to widen. As they did, the area of my upper torso became much more expansive. Running my hands over my newly enlarged delts, I could feel that the muscles had grown slightly thicker as well as rounder. My heart began to pound in my chest. I moved to cross to the sofa, but a sharp throbbing pain in my shoulders stopped me from completing the journey. The pain radiated through my shoulders and then down into my torso. I imagined this was what a heart attack would feel like if I didn’t know what it was. I heard a loud snap and crack as my body went rigid and my clavicle began once again to grow wider. The pull on my body was even more forceful this time than it had been prior. The ringing in my head was even louder than it had been before and was followed by intense waves of heat. I felt my shoulders and chest being pulled wider still as a second crack resonated through my body as I felt my backbone being tugged upward. My head was swimming as my torso was pulled and stretched minute after minute. Racked with pain and heat, I felt my legs stiffen. Then, with the now familiar snap and pull I felt my own legs beginning to lengthen further. All I could do was stand there as my body was assaulted with growth. My heart was pounding so loudly that I was afraid it was going to tear itself out of my chest at any moment. The pain grew even worse as I felt my legs, shoulders, and torso shoot upward again. I heard a crash as my right shoulder smacked into the liquor cabinet pushing it roughly into the wall. My lengthening body soon propelled my head upward as my left leg smashed into the television cabinet on the opposite wall of the room, sending it crashing to the floor I let out a “fuck” as I felt my feet start to lengthen. My whole body felt out of control as it grew longer and wider. I began to sweat, but the heat that radiated from my body forced it to evaporate the second it was released. The burning suddenly intensified as the pulling became more intense. My world was unending pain. I never could have imagined growth would feel like this. My body felt like it would burst into flames from the heat being radiated from it, and I could see the burn marks that occurred every time my growing body touched anything. The lengthening of my body began to slow down and eventually stop. I closed my eyes and tried to catch my breath. Minutes passed before the pulling sensations left my body and I felt more like myself again. Looking around, my head nearly touched the beach house ceiling, which meant I now stood under 9 feet tall. I glanced at myself in the reflection of the windows, and I was in awe of how big I had become. I was not only tall, I was also extremely wide, and I filled a large portion of the living room with my body. I was amazed by how incredible it felt being so tall… so wide! I cracked my neck as a new sensation ran through. I felt a new heat rise up and fill every muscle of my body. For a moment I thought I was going to pass out as I saw colors explode in front of my eyes. My legs felt strong… yet weak as I leaned my body against the wall, the paint beneath me turned black instantly. The new sensation in my muscles grew in intensity as different muscle groups began to flex involuntarily. I felt my stomach cramp, forcing me to double over and begin to pant like a wild animal. Falling to my knees, I felt my minute abs start to become thicker. Looking down, I watched as my abs began to rise like a brick wall on my lower torso and becoming more and more pronounced. Never in my life did I imagine that a six pack could look like a cobblestone mountain range… the crevices between each ab dropping deeper as each peak became more prominent as they expanded and pressed further against my skin. To accommodate such immense abdominal muscles, my waist grew larger as well yet remained tight. As they grew larger, my abs resembled large bricks that had been shoved under my skin and then shrink wrapped. Each ab was so monumental that they fought against each other for more room to grow. I raised my head and looked at the glass of the window. My abs appeared to be bursting from my stomach while my waist became much larger, yet without an ounce of fat. I punched my stomach, and the impact left my hand feeling like I had just hammered my fist against a wall of stone. As my waist thickened, I felt the fire fuel further growth in my hands. I just laughed as I raised my hands and watched my fingers growing longer and thicker. “Hands like fuckin baseball mitts… palms growing wider…. Fuck!! My arms… forearms and biceps… muscles growing thicker! I flexed my arms and watched my bi’s and tri’s engorged further. Each time I flexed, I felt the muscles in my arm swell larger and more pronounced. My guns were filling up with pure power. Flexing them again, I marveled that the peaks of my biceps had grown so high it was becoming difficult to bend my arms. Thick pipe sized veins began to wind themselves up and down my body, feeding each muscle to grow more immensely. My entire body quickly became extremely vascular, forcing more blood into various other parts, helping them to swell. My shoulders began to get rounder as my deltoids joined the rest of my body in spontaneous growth. Gaining more muscle mass, my pecs began to swell, growing rounder until my nipples were forced to point down toward my abs. My lats grew wider, creating an extremely wide V taper on my massive 8-foot frame, while my neck thickened to the size of one of my quads. Moaning as every muscle group continued growing out of control, continually flexing, bulging, swelling, and pulsating on their own. The last muscle group to begin growing was my legs. Making up for lost time, my quads, hamstrings, and calf muscles grew thicker and denser. I could feel the intense burning that had taken up residence in my legs, reminding me of what it must feel like to do thousands upon thousands of squats. I couldn’t stop myself from touching, stroking, and feeling every inch of myself. As I grew thicker, I began to do a most muscular pose. Suddenly, my penis begins to expel a continuous flood of cum onto the floor. Laughing, I continue to flex my body, growing larger by the minute. My shoulders grew wider and rounder… my quads thicker… my pecs more mountainous… my biceps freakishly large… until with a roar, I punched the wall of the living room, and with that one blow, every wall collapsed around me. Lightning began to whip around my naked body touching my skin with its energy. As it roared over me, a tight suit of white and red fabric began to coat my body up to my neck as well as covering my feet and hands. I reached down and felt the fabric over my pecs and knew I had never felt silkier or tougher fabric in my life. Despite now being covered, my musculature could not be hidden. I was immense. A long red cape grew out of the seam below my neck, trailing over my shoulders until it settled right before hitting the floor. A red logo of a C with sparks appeared on my chest as I knew the world would refer to me as Conductivity due to my ability to control all sources of power, whether electrical, wind, or nuclear. “I Am Power!!” My deep voice rattled and then shattered several windows in the house. I projected myself through the ceiling and into the night sky. As I flew faster, electrical energy trailed from my body. The most virile man in the world had now become the biggest and mightiest superhero imaginable. * My existence as Conductivity, the most powerful man in the world was pure bliss. I could do anything and be anywhere at any time. I discovered that my body was indestructible, so no matter what happened to me, there was no way for me to be hurt. I tested numerous ways to kill myself, but happily, none of them worked. As I stood on the Moon, standing where astronauts had stood so many years before me, I realized that the blue marble below me was mine for the taking. Observed on radar and by governments around the world, I tried to keep a low profile, but that’s hard for a 9-foot man in a white and red skintight suit with glowing eyes whose stats were: biceps: 27.9 inches, chest: 72.44 inches, waist: 55.75 inches, quads: 34.26 inches and weighed 779 lbs. My penis has grown along with this body as well making it 24 inches in length and 10.49 inches thick. I could will my uniform to appear and disappear, but nothing could hide what I had become. By 8 am the next morning, I was on every television, newspaper, and internet site. The world wanted to know where I came from and what I was. When questioned, I told them what I knew: I was power. What I didn’t tell them was what I knew was my greatest and scariest strength… If I wished, from my hands, I could now release a nuclear explosion that would destroy countries. This thought scared even me, and I hoped I would never have to display this ability. I didn’t prevent any crime that first day since I felt no real inkling to do so. If I had known of any major disasters, I would have tried to prevent them… but being a superhero was nothing like in the comics or movies. I felt no duty to do any good. I felt no moral obligation. I simply lived with the knowledge that I was more powerful, and therefore more superior than anyone on Earth. I landed at my parents place… which they would have to move out of since I pretty much destroyed it all… and I grabbed my cellphone. Holding it in my hand, I attempted to use it to get on Grindr or Scruff and meet up with someone to fuck, but my fingers were too large and too strong, and I destroyed the thing with one press. I looked at it, and in anger watched as the pieces melted into liquid fire in my hand. Throwing this onto the ground, I flew quickly to Starbucks to meet up with Peter, a guy who had worshipped me just two days prior. Landing in the parking lot, I attempted to enter the store, but found my body was now too tall and wide to go in. Now I was getting mad. I was horny, and I needed release. Using the solar beams I emitted from my eyes, I burnt a massive hole in a side of the building and walked in. The first thing I saw as I entered the store through the new opening were customers all cowering on the other side of the building, all afraid of what I was and what I could do. I walked over to Peter and watched his eyes glaze over as he came in contact once again with my pheromones, now even stronger than before. Without saying a word, I grabbed him and flew up and out of the building through the ceiling, unfortunately ruining the structure and causing it to collapse on everyone within. I looked back at what I had done, but seconds later I realized it didn’t matter. I was so above those people… so above humanity, that it didn’t faze me if some were lost. All I could think of was fucking Peter’s greedy hole. We landed far down south where it was warm. I told him to remove his clothes and I willed my suit to evaporate. I stood before him, my now bare feet melting the sand beneath them, nearly double his size and nearly a thousand pounds heavier. My cock was ready and leaking, but as I moved in closer, I began to realize that as soon as my flesh touched him without the barrier of my suit, he would begin to burn. I tried out my hypothesis by having him stroke and lick my cock, but as soon as he did, he pulled his hands back as if he had just touched a hot stove. Never again would I be able to touch another human man. As soon as I did, they would burst into flames. I angrily cursed The Man who had filled my hidden desire, and knew that one day I would make him pay for who he had done. He had given me an unquenchable sex drive without any way of satisfying it. Using my own hand, I brought myself to orgasm, my cum shooting out of me like lava, knocking down and igniting the trees and grass that it coated. I then took off, leaving Peter in the middle of nowhere. I heard him screaming as he called after me, the entire area on fire, everything quickly burning due to my lava temperature ejaculate. Lucky for you I couldn’t fuck you, Peter, you most definitely would have burned from the inside out! I was power… the most powerful man in the universe, and this power now made it impossible for me to fuck another guy without him dying. At this thought, I got angrier and angrier, and without realizing it, I flew right through a skyscraper. I looked back, and unable to control my own anger and emotions, several fireballs were released from my eyes. The feeling as they launched from my eyes was orgasmic… a full cranial orgasm unlike anything I had felt before. It was a true high. I hurled several more and groaned as my cock hardened. For this… I wouldn’t need anyone else. For this… the pleasure was all mine. I focused once again, releasing wave after waves of fireballs that enveloped the entire building. I could hear the screaming coming from the building as well as below. I willed my suit to disappear, and proceeded to jerk myself off, finally erupting a torrent of lava from my cock that took out streets below. I turned around when I was finished and flew off. That was when I realized… I wasn’t a superhero. I was never meant to be a superhero. Deep down… I was a super villain. When you are so superior to a race… why save them when they mean so little to you. My suit reappeared, covering my body, but this time it was midnight black with a deep red logo, almost the color of blood. My deep red cape fanned out behind me as I flew away, confident in what I had become. I returned for a moment to the shell of a home that once belonged to those humans who originally gave birth to me. Zipping through the rubble, I found the box that I was looking for. Grabbing it, I shot up and into the sky, knowing I’d never return. Landing hundreds of miles away on a deserted island, I threw the box down onto the sand. Taking very little effort to concentrate now, I focused on the box. A laser beam of hot energy shot from my eyes and began to ignite the top of the box. Noticing that the intense heat was doing nothing, I turned up the concentrated energy over and over again until even I was sweating, the sand below where it sat melting and turning to glass. Turning it up once again, the box was inundated with pulses of nearly the strongest energy I could create without destroying everything on Earth. I watched as the Box began to blacken, then smoke, and then begin to burn. I grinned as more of the wooden surface began to catch fire. Eventually, as a deep hole began to burrow into the side, magenta smoke began to billow out and into the sky, taking on the form of The Man I had first seen only days prior, though it felt like years. Again, he didn’t speak with his mouth, but through the use of his mind. “You have pierced a hole between your dimension and mine calling me back. I have granted you two of your three desires… the third to be released upon you in a few hours… what meaning do you see behind this?” “Your wish granting ability sucks, and I don’t like the idea of you granting my desires without my input. I demand a redo with me being consulted. If you don’t, I will do everything in my power to destroy the box.” “Destruction of the box would destroy my dimension killing millions.” “Ah well. Give me what I want. It’s your choice.” A long moment passed before he spoke. “What desire do you wish for me to fulfill?” “What you’ve done to me…what you’ve released in me… you’ve driven me crazy with power. I can’t get enough of it. I want more… I want it all. I want what I am now to be a mere insignificance to what I’ll become. I want ALL power. I want to be Power Supreme… but not tied to anything or trapped… I want every piece of power flowing through me and I am its conduit.” “That desire can not be fulfilled due to what danger it would pose to all existence.” “Then the box will be destroyed.” I focused my eyes and the box and began to ignite it again. “No!!! The box must never be destroyed. It is but one pathway into my dimension… and there are millions into various other dimensions. “They give me what I want. I don’t give a fuck about the rest of existence.” I stood looking at him. I was so much larger than his pathetic frame… more masculine… more powerful. He was envious of what I had become and he was jealous. That was why he wouldn’t give me what I wanted. “The box can not be destroyed.” “I promise… if you give me what I want… the box will survive.” “Although my kind will never again return to this dimension because of what you will become… the box must stay whole.” “You have my word. Now do it.” “Name your desire. Give it life.” “I want to be a conduit of all power from every universe. I want it to flow into me until I am only power!” “As you desire.” As soon as The Man spoke, I heard the bells peel, but this time they were extremely loud… louder than they had ever been. The peel shook me to my very core and caused a vibration to be set off through my entire body. Where before it was only one or two chimes, this time they seemed to be never ending, rising in pitch and intensity. I could feel the sand vibrating beneath my feet as a hot wind circled my body. I could see The Man watching me as the wind grew stronger, my dark hair whipping around my head. “More! Give me more! Give me everything at your disposal!! I want everything!!!” The Man lifted his hands and a current of dark energy transferred from his hands to mine. “More!! I know you have more!! I want it all!!” The current bent and split, the dark energy entering my hands and heart. “MORE!!! GIVE ME EVERY PIECE OF POWER IMAGINABLE!!!!” The ground shook as the current arched and split again, this time entering my hands, heart, and head. Every fragment of my body burned as the power of billions of universes was being forced into me. I started to laugh hysterically, and as I did, I heard my voice drop lower and lower and lower. This made me laugh even more, but now the sound was simply an almighty bellow that echoed all around me. “YES!!!!!” When I spoke, my voice caused the very ground I stood on to shake. “GIVE ME EVEN MORE POWER THAN I CAN HANDLE!!!” I felt The Man’s output of energy intensify even further as I demanded it. My body trembled as I ingested more and more. Looking at him, I could see that he now looked older… weaker…. He was feeding me every ounce of the Universes power including his own. I began to move toward him, the current moving quicker from him into me. Reaching out my arms, I wrapped my hands around his waist and lifted him into the air. This contact caused him to shake as well, as the power I was being fed grew more intense. “GIVE ME ALL OF IT!! EVERYTHING!! I DEMAND IT!!! GIVE ME THE POWER OF EVERY UNIVERSE IN EXISTENCE!!!” “You will drown! You will burn up! No one can handle that much!” “TRY ME!!! YOU ASKED ME TO MAKE MY DESIRE. I WANT THE POWER OF EVERY UNIVERSE IN EXISTANCE TO FILL ME. I DON’T SIMPLY WANT EVERY UNIVERSES POWER… I WANT TO BE EVERY UNIVERSE!!!! GIVE ME MY DESIRE!! NOW!!!! “To have the power of every universe within you and to be every universe!! As… you… desire!!!” Doubting his words, I pulled him toward me and wrapped my hands around him. All the Earth shook as I forced every ounce of unlimited power into my own body. I pressed him further into me and began to feel his body begin to be ingested by my own. I heard him scream as a deluge of energy burst into my body. He fought well, but eventually my demand was too much, and my body consumed him, his matter joining with mine. The ground all over the world still trembled as I released a roar that could be heard on many different continents. Trails of energy shot out of my mouth and into the cosmos. I tried to walk, but found it impossible to move my own body. It felt so heavy and anchored to the ground. I grit my teeth and attempted to lift my own leg, but I seemed rooted to the ground by a force that was refusing to let me go. What have you done to me??? From within, I began to feel an odd sensation… almost like indigestion after eating an extremely spicy meal. My stomach felt queasy at the same time as feeling like I had butterflies. Every few minutes, I could feel a force moving within my body, like it was waking up after a long sleep. My stomach lurched suddenly, and with a belch, I released a small amount of power back into the universe. It floated around my head like a group of mosquitoes, darted right and then left, then quickly hurled itself at me and returned inside by route of my nose. Again, I felt something surge within me, but this time moving downward rather than up. In my feet, I began to have this intense feeling of tightness that lasted for a minute or so, and then faded away. I tried to lift my feet, but as before I found it impossible, as it felt as if more mass than before had been forced into them. Suddenly, and without any warning, I felt movement again, the sudden grip of tightness, a loud pop, and then this intense feeling of expansion that lasted for longer than a minute. In awe, I watched my bare feet begin to lengthen and slide across the sand, quickly growing from size 10’s to size 15’s. The sensation rested for a minute or so, but came back quickly with more force than before. Soon my feet grew both longer and thicker, taking up much more space. When the sensation faded, I tried to understand what was happening to me. What had I asked for? It all seemed like a blur. I raced through my thoughts. I had asked for all of the power in every universe, and The Man had filled me with it. I knew I was now more God than man, and I could feel that as each minute passed, I was changing more and more… And now…. Fuck!!!! My feet cracked loudly again as they grew. My ankles looked comically tiny compared to my augmenting feet, and trying to judge simply by looking at them, I concluded they were now much longer than my own legs! Quickly they grew past the length of my legs, and soon gained on the rest of my body. There was no way possible I could ever lift them anymore. They were simply too ginormous. Another pause, and I could continue my train of thought. All the power of every universe was now contained within my indestructible frame. Nothing could pierce it… nothing could puncture it… nothing was getting in… or out… When the expansion began again, I was ready for it. The pain was more manageable now. It still would drive any mortal man insane..., but I was no longer any mere mortal man. My feet were preposterously large now… each toe longer than my own head… the width of each foot were now twice as much as my own torso. It was then… as if the power had gotten bored with just expanding my feet, that it began on my ankles and calves. Each ballooned and grew slightly larger before coming to rest as before. A pause… though each pause was now becoming fewer and farther between. All the power of every universe held within an indestructible form…. and as they were a part of universes before… they were forever spreading… extending… growing larger and taking up more space. I was now these fathomless powers universe… and as it expanded… I did too! That was when I realized what The Man had done. He had asked me to name my desire, and in my haste, I had done just that. I had wished for all the power of every universe to enter me… and for me to be every universe!! No wonder I could feel my humanity fading away. I was no longer a man… I was now becoming every universe!!! The pause lasted for much less time than before. A wave of dizziness hit me as my calves and ankles began to swell wider. There were five successive cracking sounds which forced my lower legs to stretch taller. In moments I had gone from 9 foot to nearly 9’4. As my calf muscles caught up to my monstrous feet, my quads joined in. Even though I worked out, I had difficulty gaining size in my quads, but now, all that was forgotten. My quads began to swell larger, and then simply exploded with impossible size. As my legs took up more room, they began to closely resemble redwood trees. While my leg muscles expanded, they also kept lengthening until I stood over 12 ft tall. Suddenly, both of my legs began to tremble and quake. My feet quickly grew longer and thicker as they too grew even more muscular. Moving up from my swelling feet, my calf muscles began to take on mammoth proportions. They swelled up so thick that the diamond shape of the two heads began to expand outward on all sides and take up more room over my ankle until it appeared to me that my foot now grew right out of my calves! While my calf muscles mutated and stretched upward toward my kneecaps, a new titanic rumbling sound gave way to further growth of my elephantine quads. As my leg muscles erupted, I let out a deep moan that seemed to cause these very muscles to quadruple in sizes. The lateral and medial muscles of my quads immediately became so swollen that I had to bow my legs out to widen my stance. Each time I did and was able to create a little more room so that my quads wouldn’t rub together, they would quickly take up all available space. In no time at all the rectus emerged as two massive teardrops that dipped over my kneecaps and required me to take a bow-legged and crouched position for comfort. My legs and feet had taken on a most formidable size. I was determined to lift my feet so I could spread my legs and make more room. When I attempted it and was able to do exactly how I wished, I was surprised by how easy it was. As my foot came back down onto the beach, it caused the entire island to shake and for the ocean waves to swell higher. The expansion slowed and paused. I looked out at the beach from a new vantage point as I must have now stood over 13 feet tall. Several trees that stood near me were no longer as high as they once were, and I knew that soon I would rival their height. Then I knew I would grow larger and leave them behind. I had wished for all of the powers of every universe, and that was slowly what I was being transformed into. I was the birth of a new universe. He thought he had tricked me, but he didn’t know that I loved this idea because soon I would be everything. I would be so wide… so immense that I would go on forever. From within me… planets would form… stars… solar systems… black holes. I could feel each growing slowly within me… waiting for me to be large enough to give birth. I felt my backbone crack as I stretched larger, the expansion having now reached my torso. I looked down and took in a world moving further and further away from me. While my torso grew longer, my abdominals proceeded to thicken. Moving my hands to my abs, I couldn’t believe the six-pack mountain range that had taken over my lower torso. Each second my waist and Abs grew larger and tighter, each ab thickening to the point of bursting. As they grew… as the strength in my lower body increased… I couldn’t help begging for more. Minutes flew by as I stretched taller and as each abdominal muscle grew denser and started to fight for more space on my body. The crevices between each segment grew deeper, and soon I found I could hide my whole hand between my own abs!!f. My Adonis belt, something I never had but lusted after in other guys, became even more enhanced as my waist fought to stay tight yet gain more size at the same time. I could easily move my lower half now and found myself moving around my shrinking world. When the pause finally came, I guessed that I now stood at least 15 feet tall. I was more than twice my original height and knew that soon I would surpass that. I tried to comprehend what it meant to be a growing universe as I began to shoot taller again. This time the pause had ended quicker than before so that I could barely cause it a pause. It was become a mere resting period. Soon even that would go by faster and faster as I expanded larger than this globe, than this solar system. As I grew… I would destroy what lay behind me and bring on fresh worlds for a new future. As my torso stretched, I cried out in orgasmic lust as my neck swelled thicker into a Grecian column of muscle. My collarbone and scapula made gruesome cracking noises as they fractured and expanded… growing wider, my arms moving further away from his body. I could feel the inner rhythm of my body pulsing larger and tensing up. Moaning loudly, I felt every molecule in my body cramp and swell, propelling my body to a larger size. Waiting for a pause that never came, I began to hear loud cracking and grinding, and then felt my arms begin to lengthen and my biceps and triceps becoming even more engorged than they had been minutes prior. Lifting my hand up to my face, I watched in awe and self-lust as my hands proceeded to grow thicker and longer. The agony I felt from my growing hands only intensified as my arms proceeded to grow as well. As I lifted my elongating limbs, I was in shock to see how quickly they had grown in such a brief period. They were now currently as long as my own legs and proceeding to grow even longer. I looked closely at my hands from every angle. They had to be nearly four feet long and just as thick. When the brief rest period arrived, I could take in now how truly massive I was becoming. New areas were expanding so fast to catch up with areas that continued to grow. At this moment in time, I had to be at least 18 feet tall and thousands upon thousands of pounds of muscle. When I walked now, no place was safe. It was difficult seeing what was below me, so I stopped caring. Reaching out my insanely muscular right arm, I gripped my hand around a large palm tree trunk, and as if it was made out of Styrofoam, I tore it out of the ground and raised it over my head. I held a 25-foot palm tree in my hand as if it were nothing! Bringing it down, I positioned it like a baseball bat and began to take down all of the trees that were around me. When that was complete, I leaped up and down one time, and watched as trees further inland fell. Marveling at the sheer beauty of how monumental my body was becoming, I gasped as it began to quake and throb again. Filled with more unexpected agony, I first felt and then heard every one of the bones in my body cracking, repairing themselves, and breaking again, only to grow more immense. I could sense that my bones were not only growing longer… they were also becoming something that would be able to hold a universe that would continue to stretch and grow for all time. A material that would be unbreakable and indestructible. I could only laugh at the pain as I welcomed what was to be my future. My mind whirled as I began to truly comprehend what it was that I was metamorphosing into. I was to be God and my body the entire universe. Was this how it was at the very beginning. Did someone else once crave to have all power, and he too began to grow? Looking down, I began to see something that scared and yet thrilled me. Around my titanic legs and waist… I began to see pin pricks of dust and matter beginning to form and revolve around me. The start of new planets and solar systems was already beginning to form around me. I moved my finger down to one and watched it begin to circle that mighty digit. I blew on it, and more matter escaped my mouth and began to swirl around my thick chest. I inhaled deeply, and blew out more and more matter and watched as it began to swirl around my head, my chest, my waist, and my arms. As I lost every ounce of humanity, I clung to the concept of bringing to life worlds that would exist within me. My entire body continued to pulsate in time with my heart. Every muscle in my body was becoming engorged with blood. The noise my body made was deafening as my skin stretched, my bones snapped and lengthened, and my muscles grew more mountainous. As my pecs began to thicken and swell, I could feel a them shift from athletic to highly developed, to pectorals of titanic proportions. Larger and more defined, the two hairy mountains grew so large they began fighting for room on my chest I rose up higher than any tree on the island. I must have stood 25 feet tall… then 30 feet… then 35. As my entire body grew at the same time, the expansion of my body seemed never ending. I moaned loudly as my traps increased in height and depth on either side of my neck. Quickly I found it difficult to move my head from side to side. My neck had become so dense, and muscle bound that there was no way it could ever resemble any neck found in humanity. My traps rose still higher and fused with my neck right above my ears. At the same time, my lats proceeded to widen more and more. My back muscles swelled larger, augmenting themselves until they rose higher up creating what might resemble a muscular turtle shell. My lats widened even further, pushing my arms further away from my body. Below me I could feel the ground starting to quake and give way under my immense weight. Parts of the beach were already beginning to cave in due to the strain of such a powerful force as I was expanded further upward and outward, now more than 50 feet tall. As every bone in my body stretched longer and thicker, shooting me quickly passed 50 ft tall, my shoulders began to extend further from my body. From newly widened shoulders, my traps grew further to create a muscular mountain peak unimaginable until my expansion and ascension. Every second the power within me extended out further, an unstoppable force of destruction and rebirth. My shoulders and my dents grew wider and rounder. My whole body was growing much heavier. My upper back grew even thicker as my traps stretched further up to merge with the back of my head. Never had there been someone of my size and power, and I just kept getting bigger. An inhuman roar erupted out of my body, fire and matter shooting out and igniting the sky before beginning to whirl around my body. My abdominal muscles had begun to cramp and spasm again as the power within me mutated me further. As they expanded even further, they became immense bricks of solid power. I roared again as the power expanded downward and into my cocky and balls. My testicles proceeded to swell and become more monstrous each second, that they lacked description. Both were now simply immense. For miles the churning of my balks could be heard as hundreds of gallons of pure unbridled power built up inside each one. Feeling the heat rising from my power generating testicles, my cock began to harden and then start to grow. As my heart beat, more power was forced into my hardened cock. Thick veins erupted over the surface of my cock, though blood no longer flowed through my veins; only power. My cock grew so hard… harder than it had ever been before… harder and thicker… so much thicker…. Reaching out with my hands, I grabbed onto the monolith that rose from my body, only to discover my hand couldn’t close around it anymore. Each time it swelled longer and thicker, I thought I was going to cum, but I never did. It just kept growing thicker… and thicker… longer… and longer…. until the immense head came into view over my pecs. The puss slit was now so wide… so cavernous. My cock and balls had been reformed into pure generators of power. I now welcomed every change and every sensation my body was giving off. Like the power that lay within every square inch of me, all I craved to do was expand further and fill every possible space. The deserted island I had landed on only an hour before had once seemed so large, yet as I grew, I began to overtake it. As I was propelled past 100 feet… 300 feet.., 500 feet… 1000 feet… 3000 feet…, the island began to crumble and be reclaimed by the ocean. Thick monumental veins erupted over the surface of my body to further feed my form more and more power. My body… was it any longer a body? My body was now so engorged with muscle… so bloated… so tremendous… so beautiful and yet at the same time so grotesque. I was mutating faster now to become exactly what I had desired…. The universe. The expansion was no longer pausing or stopping. The force had gained enough strength and momentum to keep it going forever. My body was now unstoppable. As I grew past 10,000 feet, I could see the pieces of matter that had begun to rotate around me had already started to grow larger and gain more mass. Soon there were more of them as my cock began to leak, giving birth to further galaxies, nebulae, and other planetary expanses. As I expanded past 30,000 feet, I could feel the weather patterns around me begin to change. I was now so heavy from my own muscle mass as well as the expanding power within, that my form was beginning to have its own gravitational pull. I laughed as winds whipped round my body, while debris moved closer together to form planetary orbs. The ground below me shook as sections of the Earth’s crust began to crack. I cared very little that this universe would have to be destroyed so that mine would live. Below me, waves rose due to my intense gravitational pull. Tides rose higher and higher until most islands were totally submerged in water while the coastlines over every continent flooded for hundreds of miles. Both New York and London were completely flooded killing millions. Suddenly, waves of energy reverberated through the planet due to the increasing strength of my own gravitational pull. Earthquakes and volcanic eruptions were triggered on every part of the globe. The push and pull from the Earth’s gravity and mine caused land masses to buckle and implode upon themselves. As I expanded even more, my gravitational pull grew stronger, causing the rotation of the Earth to slow down. All buildings that had withstood prior destruction fell. Earthquakes grew more extreme below as I felt the first portion of the Earth crack. Minutes later, a great explosion rocked the planet, and then I watched as the blue globe split into five pieces. Floating over the destruction, growing, and spreading faster than ever before, I welcomed the scattering matter into myself. I could feel orgasmic explosions ticking my massive body as suns were formed. I watched as the Moon began to crack just as the Earth had done before it. Soon every planet would fall to my strength and might, then recycled to become a part of me. The only thing that spun through my being that I did not create was a small wooden box that floated through the expanse of my space. Still, I continued to expand. I felt myself become one with every piece of matter that surrounded and lived within me. I found myself wishing life to occur on various planets, and as I commanded it, it occurred. My body expanded through space and time as I became even more than I had ever been. My desire had been granted. I was now Everything. I had control over Everything. Until another rose like I had… I would reign supreme. The universe grinned as it expanded into eternity.
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- muscle growth
- muscle genie
- (and 9 more)
I'm a little late for Macro March but just in time for Easter! Life comes at you fast, but sometimes Easter comes at you faster. A seemingly normal Easter Egg hunt leads to some truly massive things. ---------------------------------------------- Mark did a double take when he saw the brightly colored, plastic egg lying in the grass nearby. This had to be some kind of April Fool’s joke, right? It was the beginning of April. It was waaayyyy too early to be doing Easter stuff. Easter was in like three weeks, right? Just to be sure, Mark whipped out his phone and opened up his calendar. To his surprise, Easter was in fact three days away! April 4th? That’s way too early! Personal opinions on when Easter should actually be celebrated aside, brightly colored eggs in the grass could only mean one thing: Free Candy! Mark was not about to turn his nose up at some free chocolate regardless of the holiday. He looked both ways to make sure there was nobody watching him and trotted over to the grass and scooped up the egg. A quick shake of the plastic capsule made it obvious that there was in fact something inside the egg. That was all the incentive that Mark needed to pop the capsule open and empty the contents onto his palm. The candies in question were fairly unremarkable. They appeared to be roughly the same size as M&Ms but without the obvious branding. Despite the lack of a small m on the candies, it looked like a chocolate, it sounded like a chocolate, and it acted like a chocolate, so it was probably a duck. Mark threw caution to the wind and tossed the whole handful into his mouth. Mark chewed, swallowed, and – satisfied with his sugar infusion – headed back towards the path to make his way towards class. He had barely set foot back on the pavement when he saw yet another brightly colored capsule. The first handful of sugar had not been nearly enough to whet his appetite, so Mark wasted no time in making a bee line towards the next egg, but as mark squatted down to pick up the capsule, he felt something very odd. His pants felt tight! It wasn’t just the waist that felt a little snug though. When he squatted down, his quads strained against the denim of his jeans, his calves pushed against the backs of his pants legs, his ass seemed to fill out the entire backside of his formerly loose-fitting jeans! Once the capsule was safely in hand, Mark stood back up and took a moment to look himself over. Sure enough, his jeans were looking pretty snug, but there was quite a bit more to it than that! Mark had pecs! They weren’t massive, but his formerly flat chest now had two discernible mounds of muscle which pressed against the front of his t-shirt. Even his formerly twiggy arms seemed to have a bit of muscle tone to them. Mark’s mind was racing. He was a slacker through and through. The closest he came to lifting was calling a ride-share. When did he get so lithe? It didn’t take long for a thought to pop into his head. He hadn’t noticed the muscles until after he had popped a handful of the unmarked candies. Could the sweets have made him bulk up? Was such a thing possible? One thing was for sure, though. Mark had the potential to pop open another egg and test his theory firsthand which is exactly what his did. Mark didn’t even empty the capsule onto his palm this time. He opened the egg and poured the contents directly into his mouth. Once the sugary pellets were down his throat, Mark stood there and watched his body intently. Mark waited anxiously for a moment. He wasn’t sure how long he was waiting, but time seemed to freeze as he waited with bated breath. Nothing seemed to be happening. He had almost given up hope when he felt it. Mark could actually feel his shirt getting tighter against his swelling pecs. He could feel his jeans straining against his swelling quads. Mark grinned from ear to ear as he looked down at his swelling body. The growth felt so good, but as amazing as it felt, it looked even better! Mark’s pecs strained against his t-shirt. His shirt stretched so taut against his dense muscles that he could actually see the outline of each and every individual abdominal muscle. Mark was so fixated on his muscles that he was oblivious to other changes that were happening to him as well. Had he taken a moment to take stock of the other changes he might have noticed that the bottom hem of his shirt, which formerly hung down so low that they covered his hip pockets, now only reached down to his belly button, and the cuff of his jeans stopped halfway down his calves. He also may have noticed the thick bulge in the front of his jeans. To say Mark was excited by his new muscles would be an understatement. He couldn’t get over how powerful he felt or how hot he looked. He wanted more. He craved more. He needed more! His eyes quickly scanned the lawn around him. Now that his was actively looking, he quickly spotted more and more colorful eggs strewn around the grass and in the nearby bushes. Mark dashed from one egg to the next. He would reach down, scoop up an egg, pop it open, pour the contents into his mouth, and before he could even swallow, he was on his way to his next target. Mark bounced from one target to the next like an old-school DVD screensaver on one helluva sugar rush. He would grab an egg, empty the contents, and find his next target all while steadily creeping up in size and stature. Mark barely even registered it as the tightly woven fabric of his denim pants popped and frayed and stretched and stained. By the fourth egg, his formerly loose t-shirt was looking like a skin-tight crop top. His bulging biceps and triceps were so massive that his sleeves didn’t even make an effort to try and cover them. His sleeves were now balled up around his shoulders, but even that wouldn’t save them for long. His swelling traps and lats were already causing the stitching on the sides of his shirt to pop and fray. Mark was getting so massive that even the canvas of his Converse sneakers was beginning the tear. As Mark emptied the contents of his sixth egg into his mouth, his jeans finally gave up the ghost. A loud rending sound split through the air as the sides of his jeans burst open exposing his legs to the elements. His massive, meaty quads and his thick calves spilled into view. What little bit of his jeans that still remained on his body looked more like a loincloth than pants. Tattered denim clung to his waistband and struggled in vain to block sight of the massive bulge which strained against his formerly baggy boxers. Mark swallowed the sixth egg which caused yet another growth spurt to course through him. This time it was his shirt’s turn to call it quits. His bulging pecs parted his shirt like the Red Sea. His shoes, too, tore clean open as they inevitably failed to stem the rising tide of his swelling feet. The feeling of the cool, spring air upon his nearly nude bod was enough to distract Mark from his egg hunt even if for only a moment. He took a moment to run his fingers across his new and improved muscles. The feeling of his dense, sculpted pecs in the palms of his hands was amazing. Both the feeling of his thick muscles in his hands and the feeling of his hands against his amazing muscles was intoxicating. He knew he needed more. Mark hastily tore away what few tatters of his shirt and jeans remained leaving him clad in only an ill-fitting pair of boxers. His massive, meaty ass was now far too large for his boxers to cover. Instead, the fabric of the backside of his boxers had been swallowed by his enormous, muscular cheeks making it look more like he was wearing a thong than a pair of boxers, and the front was somehow even more indecent. Mark’s cock had grown as well, and it wasn’t just in proportion with the rest of his body. Mark’s dick had previously been fairly modest. He was a grower, not a shower, so when soft, his bait and tackle looked more like an acorn atop a pair of grapes, but now his semi-boned wang was as long and thick as his swole forearm. His nuts were closer to the size of his fists. His package was so massive that there was no way his boxers could hold it all in. The front of his shorts was packed to the brim with balls and then some! Large swaths of sack could be seen poking out of the leg holes. His massive cock was so huge that only the head of it was actually inside the shorts. The rest was left exposed for all to see, and by this point there were quite a few people around to see it! It didn’t take long for word to spread about the massive, nearly nude dude in the center of campus. A crowd of onlookers had begun to form, but Mark was too enthralled by his growth and the hunt for more eggs to notice or care. Had he taken the time to take stock of his surroundings for reasons other than to find his next capsule of candies, he may have noticed that even the tallest onlooker barely reached up to his thighs. Mark only really began to realize how large he had become when the capsules started to become so small in his hands that he was having trouble opening them. They felt more like Tylenol capsules than toy capsules. Still, he was not about to be deterred. Even if they were too small to open properly, if you squeeze them hard enough, they open one way or the other. Mark squeezed a couple of capsules together and then picked out the plastic bits before pouring the candy contents of multiple eggs into his mouth. Mark swallowed his latest bounty and took a moment to bask in the sensations as yet another growth spurt wracked his body. Once again, his muscles surged outward as did other parts of his body. Finally, his boxers had had enough. The waistband snapped causing the tattered fabric to float to the ground in defeat. His massive cock and balls spilled out for all to see. His cock and balls were now so massive that the head of his semi-boned schlong dangled down between his shins, and that was after draping over his colossal nuts which not hung down to his knees. Either enormous orb was larger than even Mark’s head by a good margin! Mark gazed down at his body as he flexed his pecs and biceps. The sheer size and scope of his amazingly muscular body blew even him away! But despite how enthralling his enormous body had become, it didn’t stop him from spotting a large, colorful object in a nearby tree. Mark strode over towards the tree. As he did so the crowd of onlookers scattered to get out of the way. Mark’s heavy footfalls caused the ground around him to tremble causing some scrambling onlookers to stagger and fall. Once Mark reached the tree, he marveled for a moment that the tops of the bough only reached to his hips. His fat cock was as thick as the tree trunk. His massive, meaty quads completely dwarfed the tree trunk for sheer girth, but as fun as it was to completely outclass an old oak tree, that was not the reason he had come all this way. Mark reached out and grabbed a large, colorful, plastic egg that had been placed in the bough of the tree. It was much like the eggs that had been placed in the branches of the nearby bushes, but much larger in scale. This plastic capsule was so large that Mark actually needed both hands to open it. The egg was like the size of a beach ball in Mark’s massive hands! Mark didn’t have time to wonder how it had gotten there or even why it was so large. In his current growth, addicted state it made perfect sense. This egg had been placed there for him. He was the only one large enough to claim it. Mark wasted little time in popped the egg open. Once he did so he was not at all surprised to see that the capsule was chock full of tiny candies. At Mark’s current size the candies were like grains of sand inside the massive capsule. Mark tossed the top of the capsule aside and lifted the candy-laden lower half to his lips as if drinking from an oversized goblet. He didn’t even bother chewing. He poured the tiny candies down his throat as if chugging a keg. As he swallowed gulp after gulp of candies he could feel himself swelling in size. This growth spurt was nothing like the others. This growth spurt was so intense that Mark was dizzied by the sheer speed of it. He could hear the crowd gasp as he surged upwards and outwards in size. He could feel his ears pop as he got taller and taller. He could feel the gigantic goblet of an eggshell dwindle in his hands until it was little more than a teacup. Mark let out a contented sigh as he downed the last of the candy and tossed the eggshell aside. He felt so amazingly powerful and sexy that he was practically giggling. He was so giddy that he couldn’t stop grinning from ear to ear as he gazed down at the changes that had gone on in his already titanic body. Mark’s pecs jutted out so far in front of him that they would have eclipsed his view of the tree he had been standing over had his cock and balls not already done that. Mark’s enormous bait and tackle were now so proportionally huge that his nuts nearly scraped the ground at his feet and his cock now rested solidly on the ground in front of him, although given how hot and bothered he was becoming, his cock wouldn’t stay grounded for long. Mark managed to take his eyes off of his colossal cock and balls and his immaculate muscles to look out at the crowd that had gathered around him. Mark could barely comprehend how massive he had become. Everyone looked so tiny to him. They were like ants. Even the helicopters which had begun circling him seemed like flies. Mark noticed the colors on the sides of the helicopters. Even in his current, enthralled state, he recognized the colors of both local and national news outlets. He was no doubt being filmed for all to see. Soon his adoring audience wouldn’t be limited to the city. Soon the whole nation would know – and then the whole world. Mark’s smirk grew wider as he put on a gun show for the tiny film crews which floated around him like gnats. He felt so amazingly sexy and huge and powerful that he just couldn’t help himself. His colossal cock steadily stirred to life before him. Mark could actually hear the cries of shock and excitement from the crowd as his steadily boning rod lifted itself off the ground and begun to jut out in front of him. Mark turned to give his film crew a better view of all his angles. His massive muscles flexed for their tiny lenses. His colossal cock swung threw the air, nearly slapping one of the helicopters out of the sky. Mark flashed a sheepish, apologetic grin at the tiny film crew, but the grin soon gave way to a look of awe and understanding as his gaze fell upon downtown. There, seated on its perch in front of the convention center was one of the gaudiest pieces of modern art the city had ever known. The installation had a real name. Every knew it had a name, but no one used that name because the artist was the most self-absorbed douchebag that ever lived. Instead, everyone always just called it “The Egg” to spite him. But today The Egg looked different. The colossal structure had what could only be described as a crease in the center of it… almost as if it could be opened. Mark staggered towards the installation as if in a daze. The pavement cracked beneath his bulk. Car alarms blared as the reverberations of his footfalls triggered their security systems. Windows rattled from the shockwaves of his heavy steps. The news helicopters kept pace as Mark continued his trek. Did they have any idea where he was headed or why? Mark had no way of knowing. They were now so tiny to him that he could barely even hear the buzz of their propellers. Soon Mark stood in front of his goal. The Egg now lay before him in all its chrome glory. The Egg was massive by most standards, but to Mark it was little bigger than smart car. It was too big for Marc to lift, but there were other ways for him to get at his prize. Mark balled a tight fist and punched his hand clean through the outer shell of The Egg. To the shock of Mark’s audience but not to Mark, The Egg was filled to the brim with tiny candies – candies which were so tiny to the colossal titan that the mass of candy appeared to be almost liquid. Mark scooped handful after handful of the candies into his mouth. With each mouthful he surged in size and strength. Soon he was so massive that he could hoist The Egg above him as if chugging beer straight from the keg at a frat bash. By the time Mark had drained the last of the candies from The Egg, The Egg had gone from the size of a beer keg in Mark’s hands to the size of a beer can. Mark shrugged and effortlessly chucked the broken art piece into the bay. The Egg crashed down with enough force to cause waves large enough to send ships almost a quarter of a mile inland. Mark once more glanced out at the world around him. He was now even more massive and muscular than ever. Even the tallest skyscrapers in downtown barely reached up to his belly button. His colossal cock alone completely dwarfed even the largest structure around. His enormous nuts were now so massive that they rested solidly on the ground. Even just one colossal cojone could fill an entire football stadium and then some! Mark was so huge, so powerful, so sexy! He just couldn’t take it anymore! He reached forward with both hands and grabbed onto his massive cock. Mark’s colossal cock was so enormous that even the titanic stud couldn’t get his hands around it. It was like trying to grapple a Clydesdale. The best Mark could do was lean forward so that he was all but resting atop his own nuts and wrap his arms around the beast as if trying to suplex it. Even then, Mark’s cock was so enormous that he couldn’t even come close to wrapping his arms all the way around it, but it was enough for what he had in mind. Using every muscle in his titanic, yoked bod, Mark ran his hands along the length of his enormous rod. Every muscle in his body flexed and rippled as he grappled with the behemoth. The ground shuddered with the intensity of his thrusts. As Mark stroked his skyscraper-sized schlong, images of people he once knew crept into his mind. What would they think of him now that he was a literal god to them? He was so massive compared to even the biggest jock on campus. Would he even be able to see them anymore or were they little more than specs of dust to him? Mark tried to fathom just how massive he had become. He was so huge that his entire Bio class could hold their lab on just the tip of one of his nipples. Mark’s mind drifted to the news helicopters that were no doubt still floating around him. They were so tiny that he couldn’t even hear them. They were smaller than gnats to him. Mark had to wonder how much of his rippling, muscular bod could they even get in the frame. He was so massive that they’d have to get miles away to get a clean shot of his whole body. He couldn’t help but wonder, just what part of his massive body would they try to film? Would they try to get his face? His massive, meaty ass? His flexing, muscular backside? Would they get a shot of his colossal, pre-drooling slit? Even just the slit of his monolithic cock was so huge that even the Ever Green couldn’t get stuck in it. Mark grinned as he thought about the people watching the news at home. Even the biggest screen wouldn’t do the video justice. Even an IMAX would look like a postage stamp compared to the sheer size and scope of his colossal body. He was just so ridiculously mind and load-blowingly huge that he had to be seen to be believed, and even the people who saw him couldn’t believe it. Mark’s thoughts continued to run wild as he fantasized about how huge he had become while stroking his colossal cock. His breaths became loud, low, breathy moans that reverberated for miles around. Pre fell on the streets below as massive, viscous meteors. Even just his pre had begun to flood the streets. When he finally blew it would be a deluge for the ages. Mark didn’t last much longer. He was so horny from his growth that even had he not been actively stroking his cock, he would have popped like a champaign bottle before long. His full-body rub down of his dick just sped up the process. He let out a loud moan that was almost a roar. The sheer force of his cry shattered windows for miles around. His colossal cock gave a hard lurch and then another and then the shooting started. Thick, heavy ropes of warm spunk erupted from his volcano of a cock. Much of the heavy muck landed with a crash in the bay, but quite a bit of it rained down upon the streets below. Cars and trucks vanished in an instant under a thick layer of white spooge. Most of the audience had had the common sense to seek higher ground, but some of Mark’s more ardent admirers soon found themselves swimming in a lake of hot, thick titan cum. The muck was so thick that it was almost like swimming through rubber cement. The tiny people felt more like they were crawling out of it as opposed to swimming through it. Mark came and came again. His colossal stadium-filling nuts pumped out gallon upon gallon upon gallon of spooge. Either enormous nut had enough spunk crammed in it to fill a water tower a hundred times over! It wasn’t long before it became impossible to tell where downtown ended and the bay begun. Everything was just an ocean of cum with a few tall buildings sticking out of it. Eventually, the titan’s loads began to taper off until his cock managed a few weak, watery spurts before stopping altogether. His colossal cock, which would dwarf even the biggest building in Dubai, softened until it landed with a reverberating splat in the muck that surrounded the city and bay. Mark was so addled by the mind-blowing climax and the overwhelming afterglow that his thoughts were scattered and fragmented. All he could do was lie there atop his own massive cock and balls with a grin plastered across his face and cum plastered across his muscles, but even through the haze, he could manage to piece together one coherent thought. This was the beginning of a new life for Mark – a life as a god.
CW: FMG, muscle worship, f/f. Thick white suds and streams of cold water ran down Ellie’s gargantuan body, steam rising up from her overheated muscles in the dim fluorescent light of the butcher’s kitchen. The abandoned facility was the largest room with running water that they could find. Ignoring the vicious meat hooks still hanging in rows along the ceiling became a necessity. It might seem like a cruel space, but it was the only space big enough to bathe Ellie in, except for the freezing lake a mile down the mountain. Ellie hadn’t used a shower since she was 16. Far too cramped. At age 17, she was already too wide for most doors. Now, at age 18, Dina had to hose her down and use a brush and a sponge at the end of poles in order to scrub off the sweat and mud from her bruised and stretch-mark-scarred skin. Dina daren’t stick her hands between the deep crevices of those freakishly bloated muscles. The bones of her fingers might snap with an involuntary flex. Ellie couldn’t always control what her body did. But Dina didn’t mind. Sure, things were different now… When Joel had first introduced the idea of getting stronger in order to survive -- We’re put here on this godforsaken Earth to survive, at all costs, he would say -- the idea of putting on some muscle seemed novel, if not hilarious. Ellie was nowhere close to muscular four years ago and none of them could’ve imagined how much weight she continued to gain. Rapidly. If anything, the rate at which she packed on more mass had increased over the years, not diminished. At first, Ellie and Dina, girlfriends, teased each other about the differences in their weight. Dina always thought the new definition and toning was attractive. Then Ellie’s mind began to change, growing more obsessed as her body grew larger. At some point, Dina began wondering where it would stop as it became apparent that Ellie’s body was responding better than anticipated, but that was long before it spiraled out of control. Now Dina was bathing her like she was cattle. At first, baths were fun and new, even as Ellie’s muscles became frighteningly, alarmingly extreme. They played with the water, shot each other with the hose, and giggled, sometimes wrestled. Now? The air was thick with vapor and humiliation. They didn’t laugh. They didn’t even talk. They were disconnected, clinically so. Dina assumed the role of the nurse. Ellie was the patient. They didn’t look each other in the eye. Dina could tell that it bothered Ellie to have to be washed like an animal, like a semi truck, but she couldn’t find it in herself to comfort her. All there was was the writhing muscular barricade of the body her girlfriend was trapped in. Sometimes Joel talked about Ellie’s miracle, the thought of a cure residing in her genes, how maybe it was her genes that turned her into… this. Next spring, he estimated she would outgrow the butcher’s kitchen. He talked about designing a shower system for her with the bulldozer and a water tower. Joel talked about a lot of things. Mostly survival. Being prepared. He was disconnected in his own way. When he looked at Ellie, she felt like he was looking at someone else, either at somebody from his past who she reminded him of... or somebody he was trying to shape her into. Ellie, staring at the puddles on the cement floor, raised one of her colossal arms. Even a task as simple as that had become difficult, nevermind properly bathing herself without assistance. Dina adjusted the gray strap of her tank top while she waited, bravely enduring the creaking noise of Ellie’s bones hefting all that weight, and the tightening sounds of Ellie’s muscles contracting and stretching. She grabbed hold of one of the big stainless steel hooks, lightly. Ellie’s bicep, the size of a couch cushion, grazed across the side of her cheek, brushing an errant strand of her brown hair over her cute, freckled face. For a moment, Ellie’s green eyes looked up at Dina and their gaze met. Only for a moment. Ellie looked down at the floor again as Dina got to work scrubbing her girlfriend’s armpit. Shame but acceptance. Survive, at all costs... (access the full story at
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