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  1. For those of you who have interacted with me, this story is a departure from my usual fare. I had an idea a few years ago and have been tinkering with it on and off for a while. The following will be fairly long, but hopefully a different take on the term "Muscle God" will be refreshing. This story is dedicated to the little guys that love making big guys feel big. Chapter One: Work Plans Travis was just about to turn off his computer when he saw he had a message from his boss, Jeff, to come see him right away. The message was brief and didn’t include anything alarming, but asking to see Travis at the end of the work day was unusual. Travis stood up tall and stretched his thick arms up over his head. He really needed to stretch more while working, he thought to himself; his muscles always got tight while sitting in front of his work computer all day. After loosening his tight back, Travis lumbered down the hall to his boss’s office where Jeff was finishing up a phone call. Jeff waved to Travis for him to come in and wait. Travis complied and entered the large office and sat himself down in one of the chairs in front of his boss’s desk. The chair was small for Travis’s large body, but the employee wasn’t one to complain. Jeff was the type of man that liked the way the chairs looked in his fancy office and never sat in them himself. As uncomfortable as the small chairs were, they at least made Travis feel big. The thought made the big man smile “Yes. Next week.” Jeff spoke charmingly into his phone. “Mmm hmm. uh huh. It is short notice, but we can send someone next week. Uh huh. Uh huh. Very good. Travis Hawley. Yes, that’s him. You know him. Uh huh. Good to hear. Okay. Goodbye.” Travis looked at his boss quizzically at the mention of his name. “Travis!” Jeff smiled at the big man. ‘How’d you like to go to Cleveland next week?” Travis did not possess anything resembling a poker face. Instead the big man frowned silently as his boss continued. “Travis, this will be good for you. You’re doing well here, and meeting clients face-to-face will be a good step for your career here. You do great work, but the clients don’t really know you because they haven’t met you. Here’s your chance.” Jeff looked at the frowning man and did his best to hide his own doubts. Where Travis had no poker face, Jeff could sell anything and convince people on the most improbable lies. Jeff needed Travis to go to Ohio. No one else was available — but looking at the big grump in his office stirred up additional worries. Travis was not his most charismatic team member. “How long?” Travis grumbled with his deep baritone voice. “Just a week.” Jeff spoke smoothly as Travis sighed with resignation. “You’ll fly to Ohio, get a nice hotel and work with the clients for a week. That’s it.” Jeff stood up and walked around closer to Travis and half sat on the edge of his desk. Travis briefly wondered if his boss was trying to intimidate him. Travis was a big guy, and Jeff… wasn’t. Travis realized Jeff wasn’t trying to look bigger, but to look approachable and on Travis’s side. “Working directly with clients is a great opportunity for you Trav.” Jeff settled into a groove. “Good feedback from the clients will reflect well on you and give the higher ups reasons to promote you. No one likes to travel, but it’s part of the job.” “But a whole week?” Travis sounded more angry than he intended, but Jeff was unfazed. Travis looked like a bruiser, but his boss knew the big guy wouldn’t hurt anyone. Nevertheless, Travis’s gruff voice reminded Jeff of a few potential pitfalls. Jeff was a shrewd boss who knew how to get the most out of his staff. The break room was stocked with dozens of different kinds of coffees and tea for his caffeine addicted staff members. He even made sure there were chocolate bars in the break room so those looking for an afternoon shot of sugar could get their fix without any trouble. Jeff wasn’t exactly a pusher, but he was perfectly willing to feed the legal addictions of his staff. The exception was Travis who never drank coffee or tea, and if he ever snacked on a chocolate bar the rest of the office would probably assume the end of the world was imminent. Travis’s addiction was the gym, and Jeff learned a few years ago that as long has he never scheduled Travis for an early morning meeting that cut into gym time, all would be okay. Jeff recalled the last time Travis skipped a morning workout to get to work early instead. Grumpy Travis combined with his less than charming outward appearance terrified the rest of the staff. Unfortunately, they happened to have a new hire that day who retreated to Jeff’s office petrified of the big man. George admitted that Travis hadn’t actually threatened him or yelled at him, but just the look of Travis and his scowl had George a nervous wreck. After the ‘George-Incident,’ Jeff made sure Travis never had early morning appointments so the big guy wouldn’t have to skip his morning workout. From then on, while everyone else got caffeine and sugar as needed, Travis got his early mornings free for lifting. “A little travel will do you good.” Jeff was in full sales mode. “You know what? When Chris gets you your travel details, I want you to look up a local gym by your hotel. I know a shitty hotel gym won’t cut it for you. Buy yourself day passes or a week pass, hell, buy a whole month if you have to, and put it on your expenses.” “Really?” Travis’s expression lightened considerably. “Look Trav. I know you. I know you’re a great guy that wouldn’t hurt anyone. But let’s face it, when you skip your workout, you get… um… intense.” Jeff smiled at Travis to keep the big man placated. “The clients will learn you’re a great guy too, but when you first meet them… it would be better if you were at your most relaxed. Make sure you get your morning workout in.” Jeff stood up and walked back to his desk seat. As Travis got up to leave Jeff’s office, Jeff added, “Oh, and try to smile more.” Travis frowned at Jeff with look that if Jeff didn’t know better said Jeff had less than 10 seconds to live. “Yeah, not like that,” Jeff commented with a smile. The big man forced a smile and left his boss’s office. Travis knew his boss meant well, and the ‘less than handsome’ look of his face wasn’t news to Travis in the least. In fact, the big guy was painfully aware of how his rough features and crooked nose turned people off. And while no one would insult him directly, Travis overheard comments like “From the neck down he’s hot, but…” all the time. He figured the only reason no one said these things to him directly was the 250 pounds of muscle connected to his unsightly face. That night he looked at himself in his bathroom mirror and practiced smiling. He had to admit, he did look better when he smiled. Chapter Two: The Flight Travis dreaded his flight to Cleveland. Not because he was scared of flying or even the annoying Cleveland part, but because he knew he would not be comfortable in the tiny airplane seats. Where his boss, Jeff, was generous in many ways, paying for upgraded seats on flights was not one of them. While Travis was the tallest and biggest in the office, plenty of other guys had complained about not getting business class seats on flights to no avail. There was no way Jeff was going to give Travis an exception when he had been denying others for years. At least he had an aisle seat. Travis looked sharp in his dress shirt, suit and slacks. His business clothing softened his rough features and made him look less like a ruffian and more civilized. He edged his way towards his seat, being careful not to slam his bag into the passengers already seated as he made his way down the airplane aisle. As he reached his seat he saw the middle seat was already occupied by a smaller gentleman reading a book. As Travis loaded his bag into the overhead bin and moved to settle into his seat, the guy in the middle seat looked up at him and grumbled, “You gotta be kidding me.” The bigger man tried to ignore the comment and pretend he didn’t hear it, but his face turned red with embarrassment. Travis’s pale complexion made hiding his feelings practically impossible. The seating for Travis was cramped and uncomfortable, especially with his height and wide build, but he did his best to not jam his knees into the seat in front of him, both for the sake of his knees and the woman seated there. He also leaned forward so his shoulder wouldn’t squish into the small, rude stranger. As much as he was looking forward to getting home at the end of the week, Travis was not looking forward to the return flight where he would have to do this ordeal again. Travis sat as still as he could, hunched forward, and prayed that there would be no delays and the uncomfortable torture would be over soon. A few minutes later another passenger arrived to take the window seat, which Travis had neglected to notice was empty. Travis was about to un-wedge himself out of his seat when the man next to him loudly proclaimed, “Oh Hell No,” and jammed his finger into the call button above their heads. Travis looked at the man next to him with confusion, then turned to look at the other passenger and realized why the man was so irate. Standing in the aisle with a duffel bag over his shoulder was the biggest and thickest man Travis had ever seen in person. The guy looked like he didn’t have an ounce of fat on him but was still bigger than anyone else on the plane by far, including Travis. The tight t-shirt and shorts he was wearing couldn’t hide any bit of the solid muscle the guy was carrying. Not only did he look much thicker than Travis, he looked taller too. The man’s height, wide shoulders and thick muscle outclassed Travis in every way. When not at a gym, it was rare for Travis to encounter a guy bigger and more muscled than his 250 pounds, even in New York. The stranger had it all, causing a twinge of jealousy to ripple through Travis, and when he saw the man’s handsome face, that jealousy blossomed to full blown envy. The man had perfectly styled blond hair and a youthful but masculine handsomeness. He had a face that, unlike Travis’s own rough look, everyone would adore. His strong chin fit perfectly with his hulking frame. Travis was smitten as well as envious of the big guy. As a flight attendant made her way to their row, the man in the middle seat started shouting at her, “You can’t expect me to sit between these two!” She looked at the muscled man standing in the aisle, then looked at Travis hunched over in his seat trying not to take up as much room as his body demanded, “Uh, no, I guess not. Sir, could you come with me, I think we have an empty seat further in the back.” She addressed the smaller man in the middle seat. “Why should I have to move?” he demanded. “You just asked me to move you, Sir. You do not have to change seats if you don’t want to,” she replied with a hint of annoyance. “You should move them,” he sneered at Travis and the other muscle man. “You can ask to be reseated, Sir, but you can’t demand that we reseat other passengers” the flight attendant explained with remarkable patience. “Fine. I’ll move” he conceded. Travis wordlessly got up and exchanged looks with the muscle man still standing in the aisle waiting for the seat situation to resolve. When Travis made eye contact with the muscle man he received a wink and a nod of approval. Travis felt unusually elated and smiled in response, and Travis was not one to smile often. Once the middle seat guy had scampered off, Travis backed up to allow the muscle beast access to his window seat before resettling into his own aisle seat. The situation was much improved. With the middle seat empty, Travis could sit back and let his arm and shoulder spill over into the middle seat space. Looking at the other guy, he saw he was doing the same. There was only about 9 inches between their shoulders. “I’m Matt” the muscle guy introduced himself and awkwardly turned to offer his right hand to shake, then chuckled at the absurdity of their tight quarters. Realizing that Travis would have no room to turn his body to meet right hand to right hand, Matt closed his right hand into a fist bump. “Travis” Travis replied as he reached his left fist across his body to meet Matt’s fist. “Could be worse, we could be flying cross country” Matt joked. Travis smiled again, he was finding it easy to smile today. “Is Cleveland really much better?” “Hey!” Matt replied with mock offense. “Oh sorry.” Travis turned red. “No worries. Cleveland isn’t New York, that’s for sure, but it’s Home.” Matt smiled at Travis, and Travis wondered if he had ever been so attracted to anyone before. “Its my first time to Cleveland. Work trip.” Travis explained. “I’m staying at the Cleveland Grand. Do you know it?” “Sure. I know it.” Matt replied. “Do you know of a good gym in that area? I’d like to get some lifting in this week. You know how skipping lifts can be.” Travis said with an eagerness that he could not manage to contain. “Yeah, I know where you should lift.” Matt pulled out his duffel bag and rummaged through the contents, pulling out a crumpled business card for a gym. “The gym I lift at is in your area.” Travis took the beat up card and cheerfully offered his thanks. “When do you usually workout? I’m going to go early, before my work assignment.” “I work out early hours too.” Matt lied. “Maybe I’ll see you there. 6AM?” Matt suppressed a cringe as he stated the obscenely early hour. “Yeah. Awesome.” Travis was elated. The two muscle-heads chatted the entire flight, talking about lifting and comparing notes. Travis shared a little bit about his history, starting to lift in college and sticking to it. “Six feet one inch and 250 pounds,” Travis found himself proudly proclaiming, even though he knew Matt was considerably bigger. “And you?” he added as he simply needed to know just how big, ‘big’ could be. “290.” Matt replied coolly, trying not to be boastful. “Six foot three.”, he added. “Damn, it’s hard enough packing on size at 6’1”. I can’t imagine how you got so thick at your height.” Travis was talking more freely than usual, and as he finished his sentence he blushed a bit more as he realized that he probably did know how Matt got so big. He didn’t care if Matt used steroids. It wasn’t something Travis did, but he didn’t object to what others did to grow. And to be honest, Travis was considering making the leap himself. Looking at Matt, he could see the appeal of steroids up close. “Yeah, it can be hard.” Matt downplayed what Travis had said. “But I got there, right?” Matt smiled with a bit of unease. Travis felt terrible. He wanted to say he was cool with it, but he also didn’t want to broach the subject explicitly. “So another early bird like me.” Travis changed the subject. “I love lifting first thing in the morning. It seems weird, but it gets me energized for the rest of the day… after the initial exhaustion.” The two continued to talk and settled back into easy going conversation. Travis avoided anything that might imply or lead to a discussion on steroids, and Matt’s outgoing personality came roaring back to the fore. Once they landed and deplaned, Travis said goodbye to his new friend and felt a flutter in his stomach as he thought about seeing him again the next morning. Chapter 3: Monday Morning Chapter 4: Monday Evening Chapter 5: Tuesday Chapter 6: Wednesday Chapter 7: Thursday Morning Chapter 8: Thursday Midday Chapter 9: Thursday Evening Chapter 10: Thursday Night Chapter 11: Friday Morning Chapter 12: Friday Afternoon Chapter 13: Saturday Chapter 14: Sunday Chapter 15: The End
  2. pasidious

    Jolias Finally Lets Go - Part 2

    Still no growth, sorry about that. But it'll come. Part 1 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By the time we reached the Denny's, my cock had finally calmed itself down. Which, I think, was a good thing at this point. Mainly because I couldn't bear to leak any more into my already damp pants. It wasn't all that cold outside, but it was fall, and there was still a chill, and damp pants were uncomfortable more so in this condition. I suppose after finally humanizing Jolias, my libido had enough sense to turn itself down a bit. But I still had to strive to keep my mind out of the gutter whenever I looked at his sexy face. My cock was still semi-hard, though. We entered the building, and of course, the only people patronizing the restaurant were younger folks like us. And a few thirty-something adults who were probably just looking for a quick place that was still open that wasn't a drive-thru. We sat down at a table and awkwardly tried to idle in silence. I mean, I guess even Jolias found himself in a situation that was somewhat unusual. He asked a random stranger whose name he didn't even know yet to get food. And I certainly wouldn't have been here under any normal circumstances. He was just so damn hot I couldn't bring myself to say no in spite of every part of my body urging me to do so. But, I was thinking with my dick. I found myself fidgeting with my hands on the table, and Jolias sat there in front of me looking around, and we both apparently forgot how hungry we were since neither of us bothered to glance at the menu, even though by now most people already know what they want when they decide to enter a Denny's. I couldn't bring myself to look directly at him. It was like avoiding looking directly at the sun, but instead with Jolias I didn't want to allow my dick to grow into full hardness again rather than avoiding being blind. By the time the waitress finally came around to collect any type of order from us, I stuttered a bit when ordering my usual root beer, and Jolias surprised me a bit by ordering just water. When the waitress wandered away, Jolias was the first to finally break the silence between us and said "Cheaper, y'know?" as he half-grinned at me, and I felt myself blush a little. Why, I couldn't know, but I also knew he was right. These places, all restaurants over-charge for beverages. "Know what you're getting?" Jolias asked me, continuing to speak. I shook my head no. "We should probably look at the menu, then, 'cuz neither do I," he giggled, and picked up his menu and started to browse it. Truthfully I already did know what I wanted. I always think I don't because I convince myself I'll try something different, but I always acquiesce and get the buffalo chicken sandwich. If it's one thing Denny's gets really right, it's their buffalo sauce. In my opinion, anyway. I pretended to look at the menu for a little bit, and then put it down, and he was still searching through it. But I quickly came to the realization that the last thing I wanted this hot dude to do was regret his decision to come here with me. Sitting here like a useless lump on a log would certainly not ring in his memory as a fun experience. "Yo, Jolias," I started, trying to sound cool. He looked up from his menu, rather expressionless, expectant of more to come. "I, uh... where'd you graduate high school?" I stammered. He half-grinned, still holding his menu up a bit, and responded "Home school. I never really attended any high school, and I stopped going to public school back in middle school. Why?" "Just curious," I muttered, feeling stupid for my pathetic attempt at making some sort of conversation. "What about you, dude?" He asked. "Huh?" He chuckled. "Your high school. Where'd you graduate?" "Oh! Uh, right here in town. Stayed local for college." "Oh cool, so if I had been going to school, we'd probably already know each other." "Probably," I said. "Well, now we can get to know each other." I felt my heart thud in my chest again. He said it with a smile. Like he genuinely wanted to get to know me. And I know it's silly, but FUCK. Jolias is the hottest guy I'd ever seen in my entire life, even on the internet or TV or in movies. Never would I have imagined he'd ever socialize with me, let alone hang out with me. But in no time at all, he was sitting across from me at a restaurant. I smiled back, not wanting to be a creepy motherfucker just staring blankly at him. "Oh shit, you already know whatchu want?" he asked, noticing my menu was flat on the table. "Y-yeah, I kind of knew before even looking at it." "Well, fuck, I gotta hurry up!" he chuckled, looking back at his menu. "No!" I burst out, too loudly and exuberantly. He looked back up raising an eyebrow at me. "I mean, uh don't feel rushed dude, take your time, I ain't in a rush." He chuckled again and looked back at the menu. "What're you getting, anyway?" he asked while keeping his eyes on the menu. "Buffalo chicken sandwich," I stated. "You like spicy, huh?" "I can go either way, but I really love the buffalo sauce Denny's has." He let the menu drop to the table and said "Well, I guess I'll give it a shot." He grinned. "Why'd you wanna come here with me?" I blurted out. I couldn't believe myself. It kept rattling around in my head, that very question. And I just accidentally blurted it out, probably sounding like I didn't want to be here. "What?" he asked, seemingly a bit taken aback by the question. His brow furrowed. 'Rephrase! Rephrase!' kept flashing in my mind. "I mean... well, yeah, we only just met, so what made you wanna come here with someone who's basically a stranger?" "I D K," he said, saying the letters instead of the words 'I don't know.' He shrugged his shoulders, and it was cute. So cute. "Kind of curious about ya, y'know?" he continued. "You seem interesting." Interesting? But then I remembered he watched me pitch a tent right in the middle of our class while having what was, to him, an obvious daydream. My heart fluttered, and anxiety crept into my mind. He's probably going to ask me what I was day dreaming about. But the waitress finally returned with our beverages after what seemed like an eternity. How long must it take to fill two glasses with liquid? But it didn't matter since we were ready to order food. And her timely reappearance allowed the subject to move away from what I was fearing would be asked of me. I told her I wanted the buffalo chicken sandwich and Jolias said "Same for me!" with a big smile, showing his shiny white teeth. "How is it you went to school around here before but didn't know there was a Denny's here?" he suddenly asked after the waitress wandered away. I actually couldn't help but laugh. "Good question, but this town is larger than it may seem. This place is kind of tucked away and I've never had much reason to venture out here." "Makes sense," he nodded, "College campuses sometimes seem like their own separate realms, don't they?" "Uhm, how many colleges you been to, dude?" I laughed. "I wouldn't know." He laughed, too. "Makes sense, though, don't it?" "Yeah, I s'pose so," I said, still chuckling a bit. I felt myself becoming more comfortable with him. He was becoming a human rather than just an object of my fantasies. Which, he still was, of course. But I could look at him and see more than that, now. "So, Jolias, how'd you get those red eyes?" I asked, and I saw his eyebrows perk up as he cocked his head at me. I continued, "I mean, what're they? Colored contacts?" His face broke out in a grin as he raised his arm and scratched the back of his head. "Nope. They're my natural eye color." "Seriously?" He nodded. "Yup." "That's so cool, dude. Never knew it was even possible. They're... striking." I saw his face turn red. Holy shit. Did I make him blush? "People always stare at them, but no one's ever said it's cool before," he said. "It's so unique and they stand out like crazy with your dark tan." Now it was my turn to nervously scratch my head. "I mean, of course you already know it's unique. I'm just sayin' I think it's awesome." He was grinning. It's almost like he's at least somewhat embarrassed by his eyes, or at least not used to receiving compliments about them. Not entirely sure why anyone would think negatively of them. But then he gave me a perfect example. He sort of glanced down at the table. "I've, uh, been told they make me look evil. And... I don't mean, like, jokingly. I once heard some woman suggest I was Satan himself..." "Seriously, dude? That's fucking stupid." But in reality I guess it made sense. If you've never even seen a person with red eyes before, I guess it was shocking when it finally happened. And some of those old-fashioned people, especially the religious types, would find some kind of problem with it. But they tend to weave their own delusions. "It's alright, though!" he perked back up. "Most people don't say anything, but then there's you who said it's awesome," and he gave me a cheesy shit-eating grin. "Here you guys go," our waitress returned carrying our food, placing the plates on the table. "Would you like refills?" she asked. We both looked at each other and then said simultaneously, "Sure, why not?" And then I, being the lame-o that I am, looked at Jolias and said "Jinx!" only to hear his voice resonating with mine. We burst out laughing at each other and the waitress kind of just grinned at us then walked away. "She probably thinks we're nuts," I said, after my laughter subsided. "I don't think either of us is allowed to speak right now," Jolias said as seriously as he could but broke out in a grin anyway. "Pretty sure it canceled itself out, dude." Then we laughed again. We dug into our food because, for real, we were both pretty damn hungry. I don't think either of us was used to having to wait so long to eat. I'll have to plan to eat before class next week. Who knows? Maybe Jolias will join me then, too. "Shit, you weren't lyin'," Jolias said with a mouthful. "Hm?" I grunted as I chewed my own mouthful. He swallowed. "This buffalo sauce is killer, dude." "Told ya," I muttered before taking another bite. We continued to eat our diner dinners in relative silence, both of us eating at an accelerated pace. I was super hungry and wanted to eat everything. I got the impression that Jolias felt the same. I finished first and sat back in the booth seat, and silently watched Jolias finish his food. I didn't feel as awkward or self-conscious now watching him. But, even now, looking at his cute and sexy face, even as he dumped food into his mouth, he was causing my cock to stir in my sticky boxers. The guy was truly hot. But then he took his last bite and mimicked my own behavior and sat back in his seat, letting his ass slide a bit forward and somewhat matched my posture. We sat like that in silence for a few moments as the waitress came and collected our plates and left the check. I ignored the check, not wanting to leave yet. I kept my eyes on Jolias and noticed he was looking directly back at me, straight into my eyes. "So what were you daydreaming about?" He finally asked it. I knew it was coming. "Hm?" I feigned ignorance. "Y'know, in class, when you almost went all catatonic." Shit. "Uhmm, nothing interesting, was just imagining, uh..." I trailed off as my mind frantically searched for a plausible lie and couldn't find one. Why? A billion different things I could have been imagining and somehow I couldn't come up with one. "Nuh uh," he said before I could finish thinking of a lie. He sat up a bit. "No way you were thinking of anything uninteresting with a tent like that. No way." He broke out into a grin. "So what was it?" "Dude, you know guys get horny sometimes, we're both dudes, so you know." "Fuck that noise, dude, I wanna know what was in your head!" he said, sitting up further. "I mean, shit, I get horny sometimes in random places at random times but nothing makes me pitch a tent like that. Dude you were full-on hard." Shit shit shit shit shit. Wait, I saw an out. "What, you sayin' just because you got a small dick that every other dude must have one too?" I said as jovially as possible, grinning. He chuckled. "Fuck off, man, my dick is plenty big, don't you doubt it." He looked around and said quieter, "Were you fantasizing about sex?" He wasn't going to let this go! Goddamn it! I'm running out of ways to skirt the topic. And having him tell me his dick was big wasn't going to help me stay soft, either. "Jo... I was... just..." I tapered off before I could even begin. I couldn't think of anything to make him let it go. "Yeah, I was imagining having sex. So what?" "Who was it? Dude you gotta tell me!" he excitedly responded. "Wait would I even know her?" he cocked his head, looking slightly up towards the ceiling. And then he looked back into my eyes and said "Is it even a her?" grinning widely. "No you wouldn't know him!" I blurted out tersely and way too quickly for my mind to find the right pronoun. I knew I slipped up and revealed too much the instant I said it. My lips puckered as I watched Jolias's face as his eyes went wide, but he kept that stinking grin. "I mean, her-- I meant to say her-- it's a she--" "It's okay, dude, I had a feeling." Jolias stopped me from continuing to stammer like an idiot. But now it seemed there was no convincing him otherwise, not that it wasn't even true. "H-how... could you have a feeling? You only just met me," I muttered, my eyes diverting to the tabletop. "Guys like us, dude, we just tend to know sometimes. We get a feeling. Don't you?" I honestly didn't know what he was talking about. I've never possessed the ability to look at another dude and just know or at least have a strong suspicion that he was gay. "No, I've never been able to..." I trailed off. I just realized he said 'guys like us'... "Wait. Did you just say 'like us', as in... you're gay, too?" I quietly said, looking into his face. He nodded, fidgeting a little with his hands. "Shit," I breathed, somewhat relieved but surprised at the same time. That's two for three so far. I'd initially believed he'd never want to socialize with me, ever. I was wrong about that one. And then I believed he couldn't possibly be gay. That's another wrong idea. Now, all that's left is... nah. No way I'd be so lucky he'd actually be into me, too. "So who were you daydreaming about?" Oh for fuck's sake. "I, uh, did say you wouldn't know him, didn't I?" "Ohhh, right," he said, a certain playfulness in his voice. I reached my hand out to grab the check. As soon as I had it within my grasp, Jolias dropped his hand onto mine. His hand was surprisingly soft. I looked into his face and he into mine. I figured he was going to argue over who should pay it. I was dead wrong. "It was me, wasn't it?"
  3. Supercrav

    A friend at last

    I wanted to start a short something, but it's already starting to draft all over the place... So here's some beginning, why not sharing? I almost haven't proofread it, hope it's readable. Don't hesitate to correct me, please, again ************ They didn't know it was love at first. But at the moment their eyes met both got struck by a feeling they never had before. Gunther was on his way back from the gym, and Jack was smuggling cigarettes on the sidewalk. Gunther was already a pro bodybuilder, living in his bubble, the shy 7'2 giant had no friend to speak of and his life was nothing but bodybuilding discipline. The smaller, scrawny Jake made a joke about Gunther as he was passing by. It was late and there was only the two of them on the street at that time. Gunther looked at the guy, the spell caught them, and Gunther laughed a little, as the joke wasn't insulting, and actually fun and smart. Jake, who had never seen a man so colossal, gorgeous, powerful in his life, quickly fired another witty line, as he was determined to try to extend this moment in the presence of the sublime God for as long as possible, maybe even interact with him. Even if it would be lasting a handful of seconds, an encounter of such mind blowing proportion was a chance of a lifetime. The conversation started, the wise and clever Jake skillfully extruding every single concentrate drop of his natural charm, and it worked quite well, as Gunther was amazed at how effortless and comforting it felt to socialize with the little bandit. Meanwhile, Jake started clearing his merchandise out of the ground. When done he put his backpack on, and naturally they started walking as their pleasant exchange went on. Jake was supposed to go in the opposite direction, but doing so hadn't crossed his mind the slightest : not a thing in the world could beat the necessity of drenching his own soul in the violent, intense flood of pure extreme maleness projected all around his body by the superhuman next to him. Not to stare drooling out of his fallen jaw at the miraculous demonstration of nature's infinite greatness walking by his side, Jake mostly looked at the floor on the way. Are that feet ? Oh gosh, that's... insane, I never thought feet could get so big. I could put a skateboard with each of his sneakers. Hell, he's almost bursting through them, I can see the muscles of his feet bulging through the fabric as he walks. Jake realized that he still hadn't seen the hands that went with it. Gunther had his hands stuck in the pocket of his huge parka all the time. He would try to fix this at the next intersection. " Gunther tell me, I'm rather new around here, St Charlotte station is over this way, right?" Bingo, Gunther took out one hand to point at the right street. As he was giving Jake directions, it occurred to him that he wasn't listening a single word, he was aghast, eyes popping out, stunned by the size and bulk of the hand up there. Gunther stopped pointing and exposed his hand flat in front of his new friend's face. " Yes, I know, I'm a freak." And put his hand back in his coat. Jake poked fun at him. " Oh my poor man, you're as tall as it gets, built like a barn, packed with fucking humongous muscles overflowing everywhere, the idol of millions of people, the dream of every woman, and your hands are too big what a shame. - Hehe, oh, OK, forget it." Now he had a smile on his face. Cool. Jake had never felt attracted to a man before. Not sexually attracted mind you, but this went way further than likeness and early friendship. Along with a loud and raspy cloud of solid body odor you could cut through. There could be no one else on earth but Gunther, this grotesque overload of explosive male power to unleash a stench of this amplitude over his surroundings. Jake was floating in a daze from this exquisite, divine perfume. In front of Gunther's house they said goodbye, exchanging their numbers. Once inside, Gunther stared at the note and he felt bad. He didn't want to let Jake go. It would have been kinda weird to invite him in his house. Around 1 AM, as he couldn't sleep, Gunther was staring at his phone. He wasn't sleeping, in fact, because he had been hesitating to call Jake for the last three hours. And now it was far to late to call him anyway, so that was a blunt point. Yet, every fiber of his muscles was dying to call and talk to Jack. Waiting even more would make things even worse... OK he had set his mind now, he feverishly dialed Jack's number, and when he pressed the call button the phone started ringing. With the same number on the screen... It was Jake calling him. They spent the night over the phone. Gunther called jack again just before noon after his training, during three hours, and around 7PM Jake called Gunther, until 11:17, when his battery went dead. They became inseparable. Jake stopped his wheeling and dealing habits as Gunther didn't like it so much, so he found a job in a e-cig shop. The cool thing is he had found a way to modify his shift schedule so Gunther could come have lunch with him every day, and after work, if went to Gunther's gym and waited for him outside. It was a very exclusive gym and Jake couldn't get in. Then they would usually spend the evening at Gunther's home. Jake once told Gunther that if he didn't take his shower at the gym, it would shorten his wait. Gunther really didn't feel like changing his routine, as the routine was all he had in his life before Jake ; but that question was a no brainer, if something could please Jake in any way, Gunther would instantly comply and do whatever it takes to make it happen, so that slight change wasn't a big deal. Not a big deal for Gunther, but that was a smart move from Jake, if a bit slyly : this way, not only he could enjoy the full intensity of his friend's muscle sweat smell he loved so much on the way home, but also, having Gunther showering at home led every night, to the most amazing, exclusive, breathtaking event that could ever exist, the emergence of the greatest and disturbingly monumental celebration of the supreme magnificence that could only be obtained by the male bodybuilder featuring the most revolting abuse of muscular hypertrophy overkill, emphasized by the fantastic pump provided by the unreal workout that ended minutes ago. The giant's powerful and respect commanding bare feet, deeply planted in the soft thickness of the room's carpeting, that was sprinkled, in a large area around them, by water dripping from the soaking wet and glistening body gloriously naked except for the small towel he held around his waist. As Jake's gaze lingered upwards, relishing the divine accumulation of muscular heaps, each more fascinating and delicious that next, the formidable Gunther waited patiently for his deer friend to fully feast his adoring eyes and slobber over all of this overwhelmingly luscious and monstrously abusive muscular profusion. When Jake's stare finally reached the head that was almost at the top of the mountain of muscle, he was rewarded by the perfect, broad smile that was up there for him, on a face that was so manly, so powerful, so handsome that it was also unreal, and the kindest look in the eyes of his beloved Gunther, who then said something in the like of "It really feels great, thank you buddy !" - and then went back in the bathroom putting on fresh clothes. Soon, the evening at Gunther's went from being a regular occurrence to an every day routine, as they became more and more intimate with each other, Gunther bothered less and less to get dressed after his shower, and went directly sitting on the couch next to his little friend, and the towel never stayed tied around his waist for very long, and they spent hours every night watching stuff on TV, but chatting mostly about nothing and everything, sharing, laughing, and opening their hearts. Offering the contact of his naked body to Jake, as he was sitting next to him, felt a bit weird to Gunther the first few times. And it had to be this way, as Gunther's body filled almost all of the couch when he was sitting in it, so there was no way to avoid physical contact even if they had tried to. But Gunther made that move because he was loving his friend Jake so much. Jake had lit up his life, he even wondered how he could have been making through it before meeting him. Gunther had always considered himself uninteresting and bland as a person, unworthy of anyone respect not attention, and clearly that was his motivation when he dedicated his life to hardcore bodybuilding, he wanted some people to notice him, and exist. It never really worked, as he was still withdrawn socially. He thought it would make him a King, popular, and get lots of girls, but it didn't work that way. In fact, the more noticeable he became, the more he felt the need to be discreet and non-existent. Sure, girls have shown interest in him, quite aggressively sometimes even, but he was very uncomfortable with it, and shied away from it. He got to the conclusion that maybe he wasn't interested in girls so much, it seemed. He was uncomfortable with anyone giving him too much attention. So, that intense, profound friendship he had with Jake, something he had never felt before, and the best feeling he ever had, was so unique and miraculous, Gunther was terrified at the idea of loosing this. He knew, and there was no way around it, it was bound to happen, and he was baffled that it hadn't already, some day Jake would realize how uninteresting, shallow, unworthy and utterly stupid Gunther was, and then move on and set sail. Jake was so smart, quick, fun, charming, Gunther had no idea how to keep up with Jake, and didn't what to do. Jake was politely having conversations with him, but Gunther knew that he couldn't contribute much, there was no way anything he would say could be anything but laughably stupid and boring and useless, as Jake enlightened and impressed him every second. Sometimes Gunther thought of something to say that might be of interest, or a relevant question, but didn't dare to let it out, as it would certainly have the opposite effect and expose his stupidity and ignorance even more. Jake could feel that Gunther was uneasy and nervous at these moments, and tried to encourage the man to share his thoughts. Not pressing him by any means, but through a comforting, welcoming attitude. And each time Gunther finally expressed thoughts about the subject at hand, Jake listened attentively, and showed great interest in Gunther's input, praising the wisdom and pertinence of Gunther's observations. Gunther didn't really believe that Jake was mocking him, although he couldn't help considering the eventuality ; or if Jake was probably just being the adorable, delightful, delicious man that he was. Yet Gunther felt inadequate, useless, unable to please Jake. On the other hand, Gunther had noticed some strange behavior Jake had sometimes... He would have his eyes almost popping out of their sockets, a trickle of saliva continuously pouring down his dropped jaw, his hands wildly shaking, awestruck when Gunther was kinda close to him. From there, after hours and hours of intense reflection, Gunther had a stroke of pure genius. The most clever idea he had ever come up with. Gunther, his brain severely aching from processing all the data involved in this incredibly complex, intricate enigma. He decided to take a chance on the mischievous course of action he had in mind. Gunther didn't want to trick nor deceive Jake in any way, he respected and cared about him so much. But as Jake's patience and kind tolerance was about to wear off any second, he had to do something, anything, even if it sounded crazy. Or at least far fetched, as this was Gunther's plan : someway, somehow, he had to find a way to keep strong this improbable, unexpected bond linking him with that man. But how could it be possible, with no brains to speak of, and being as uninteresting as it gets? Suddenly, in the middle of a legs extension set, after days of relentless torture over this question, the solution sparked into Gunther's mind.
  4. Hola, esta es mi primer historia aquí; me inspiré en un video que vi en YouTube; así que si hay similitudes es por eso. También quisiera aportar algo a la comunidad en español que adoran los músculos y el muscle growth. Capítulo uno Un día viernes, finales de primavera e inicio de verano. Yo soy Henrry un científico que se dedica a desarrollar nuevas formas de crecimiento en seres vivos, aunque solo se pueda probar en plantas. Vivo en los suburbios con mi novio, Ben; él es un maestro de parvulario, le encanta cocinar y comer pastelillos, y sí, es obeso. Mi cuerpo es uno más saludable que el de él, soy más alto y soy el activo de la relación; él es un poco más bajo y más gordo que yo, pero aún así lo amo, es mi osito Teddie y el es muy tierno conmigo y todos los niños lo aman, lo conocen como el profesor Teddie o profesor osito, muy tierno la verdad. Ben siempre intenta hacerme feliz cocinando ricas comidas; aunque a veces suelen pasarse un poco de calorías; es por eso que el tiene "un poco" de sobrepeso, yo en cambio tengo un buen cuerpo, delgado y de 1.77, cuido mi dieta un poco más y como menos que él ya que no tendría el corazón para despreciar su comida. En serio lo amo; pero hay algo que me hace querer cambiar; él se estaba poniendo un poco más obeso, lo cuál era normal con su dieta; pero vi un video sobre un muchacho que se veía como Ben y terminó viéndose como una morsa gracias a que nunca cambió su dieta e incluso no podía levantarse de su cama, tenía miedo de que esto le pasara a mi osito, además veía cómo las parejas solían salir a ejercitarse y tenían cuerpos saludables, realmente quería que Ben y yo hiciéramos eso; además que se acercaba la reunión de ex alumnos de preparatoria y varios de mis ex novios y amigos estarán allí y aunque lo ame, muchas personas hablarán de su físico... Ese mismo día en la noche decidí preguntarle si podría dejar de poner demasiadas especias y hacer otra cosa diferente para comer. -Oye, amor. ¿Qué te parece si haces otra cosa que comer? Hemos comido mucho filete y ya estoy aburrido. -Eh? Pero ya casi está todo listo... *decía con su dulce voz* -Sí, pero no sé quiero probar algo diferente a lo que cocinas... -¿No te gusta mi comida? *preguntaba decepcionadamente* -Sí, me gusta pero no sé, quizá algo un poco más saludable, quizá. -Pues... Es que ya preparé todo y no sé qué hacer... -Agh, sabes qué? Vamos a comer (No podía decirle que no, es tan tierno y fue mi culpa por no haberle dicho antes; aunque en el fondo no me sentía a gusto ya que sólo hacía que comiera menos sano) -¡Está bien, a comer! Lo hice con mucho cariño para ti, como todas mis comidas la verdad, já. -Sí, jejé... Decidimos ir a ver televisión un rato, estábamos abrazados y justo pasaron un comercial sobre un gimnasio nuevo. -Oye, mira un gimnasio, ¿interesante, no? -Sí, si tú lo dices... -Vaya, mira sus cuerpos delgados y tonificados, es impresionante. -Hmmp... -Ah, y mira como se divierten usando las máquinas, ¡eso si que es una vida en movimiento! El comercial terminó y Ben me veía un poco descorcentado y decepcionado al mismo tiempo. -Oye, una pregunta... ¿Te gustan más ellos que yo? -Qué? N-no... Solo me parecía interesante. -Pero decías lo bien que se veían y yo pienso que quizás a ti no te gusta como soy... -No, para nada, solo me parecía interesante como eran capaces para moverse así y tener la energía para eso; tú eres perfecto así como estás, eres lo mejor que me ha pasado en la vida, así con tus muchos kilos...estás...bien... -En serio? G-gracias, te amo Henrry. Toma, te compré un pastelillo, es de mi pastelería favorita, fui a comer hoy allí. -Gracias... Así que fuiste allí otra vez, eh? -Sí, me encantan sus pasteles. -He de admitir que también a mi, pero me gustan muchos más los que haces tú. -Ah, sí. Toma, tu pastelillo que te hice esta tarde, olvidé que también te hice uno. -¡Gracias! La verdad no puedo resistirme a sus pastelillos, son tan deliciosos y siempre me recibe con uno y un regalo demás, en serio se nota que me ama, y aunque todos los días me coma un pastelillo, siempre bajo esas calorías cuando corro en las mañanas; hablando de correr; sí, he intentado que se una a mi pero no quiere ir, le da un poco de vergüenza ya que se cansaría más rápido que yo, y no puedo obligarlo... El siguiente día, un nuevo científico llega a la ciudad y se une a los laboratorios donde yo trabajo. Él era conocido por haber hecho investigaciones sobre los cambios del cuerpo humano y sus diferentes tipos, él tenía un cuerpo parecido al mío, solo que con 2cm menos de estatura. Me acerqué a él para saludarlo ya que su trabajo me parecía muy interesante. -Hola, Dr. Magnus, quiero decirle que amo su trabajo e investigaciones. -Hola, tú debes ser el Dr. Henrry, he oído mucho de ti, creo que tú trabajo será muy útil para lo que tengo en mente. -¡Vaya! Eso es genial, estaré dispuesto a lo que sea, con tal de trabajar con usted. -Me alegro mucho. Ven a mi laboratorio luego de la reunión de bienvenida por favor. -Ahí estaré. -Ah! Y por favor no le digas a nadie que te cité. Estaba emocionado, esto podría darme un gran reconocimiento. Me pregunto qué querrá hablar conmigo... Llegué lo más rápido que pude al nuevo laboratorio del Dr. Magnus, era un laboratorio enorme y tenía un gran tanque de agua, enorme en realidad, al parecer él lo había mandado a hacer; quizá haría experimentaciones con el agua y eso. -Ya estoy aquí Dr. -Muy bien, es hora de que hablemos de un proyecto que tengo en mente; pero primero que nada he de decir que he leído tu trabajo y me alegra que hayas tenido buenos resultados. -¡Sí, muchas gracias! Estuve trabajando como loco, aunque es una pena que solo funcione en plantas, esto beneficiará mucho al mundo, espero probar esto en otros seres vivos como peces u otros animales para saciar la producción de comida en el mundo. Para el que no sepa, mi trabajo fue sobre el crecimiento acelerado de plantas y su beneficio para la agricultura; fue exitoso y me parece genial que le haya gustado al Dr. Magnus. -Sí Henrry, espero que funcione en animales; pero ¿y en humanos? -Podría también, pero eso es arriesgarse mucho. -Pues para eso estoy yo, y es por eso que te he traído hasta acá para que trabajemos juntos en esto. -¿y qué es? -Pues verás, existen diferentes tipos de cuerpos humanos; pero ¿Qué tal si todos tuvieran un cuerpo delgado? Sería beneficioso para evitar los casos de diabetes, hipertensión, etc. -A qué se refiere? -Me refiero a que con tu método de aceleración de crecimiento, ¡podríamos acelerar la pérdida de peso en muchos seres humanos! -Vaya... Eso suena realmente bien. -¡Sí! Pero el problema es que no me dieron el permiso de llevarlo a cabo, ya que no les parece bien experimentar en humanos y blah blah blah. Por eso quiero que no le digas a nadie, ser nuestro secreto... -¡Pero eso sería ilegal y para nada ético!.. No lo sé. -A ver, tu experimento fue un éxito y yo he investigado mucho y me he preparado para esto durante toda mi vida; creo que seriamos capaces de llevarlo a cabo y ser exitosos. Además te pagaría muy bien, eh. -Mmm... -Vamos, ¿no quieres arriesgarte y salir victorioso? O prefieres estar conforme y no volver a tener otro éxito... Recuerda que yo pondré la cara por este experimento si algo sale mal, aunque lo dudo mucho; cómo dije me he leído y probado tus experimentos y he estudiado mucho, esto sería el experimento del siglo. -Yo... mmm... Acepto.... -¡Eso es! Me alegra que aceptaras, verás que no te decepcionaré. -Eso espero. Veía como el Dr. Magnus sonreía confiado, la verdad me hacía sentir un poco mejor, es decir, por algo es uno de los científicos más exitosos del siglo. Llegué a casa a las 2:00pm, Ben ya se encontraba dentro ya que hoy no trabajaba. -Hola... -¡Hola!... ¿Estás bien? Te noto algo triste. -No, solo estoy pensativo... Es algo de un experimento importante en los laboratorios y tengo que trabajar mucho. -Oh, bueno, espero que te vaya bien *Se dirijió y dio un beso a Henrry* Te compré algo, espero que te anime. *saca una camiseta para Henrry* Recuerdo que me dijiste que te gustó una camisa y te la compré. -¡Vaya! Gracias amor. *Le da un beso en la frente a Ben* eres el mejor... Eres tan tierno y dulce... -Gracias, jé... Me compré una yo también, aunque me queda algo apretada...y eso que es grande... -Que lindo, jé (Recuerdo que el Dr. Magnus dijo que este experimento volverá a las personas obesas delgadas y les quitara muchos problemas de encima, quisiera ayudar a Ben, en serio...) Oye, ¿tienes tiempo para salir esta noche? -Sip, ¿vamos a salir a comer? O ¿a dónde? -Te gustaría ir al laboratorio conmigo? Me gustaría que fueras, es algo importante... -¿Hay algo importante? Sí es así voy, no quiero decepcionarte... -No, no es demasiado importante, solo quiero que me ayudes con algo, eso es todo. -Pero yo no sé sobre ciencia y eso, no sé en qué podría ayudar... -No te preocupes, irás para ver algo impresionante que he preparado, será fantástico. -E-está bien, iré para ver, me pregunto que será, aunque seguro que es impresionante como todo lo demás que hace *Se dirije a darle un abrazo a Henrry* sabes que te apoyaré en todo. -Gracias, eres muy especial para mi, te amo... (no sé si deba, pero es por su bien) Me dirijí hacia mi habitación para llamar al Dr. Magnus. -Hola? Dr. Magnus creo que tengo al candidato indicado para este experimento. -En serio!? Genial! ¿Quién es? ¿Podrías enviarme una foto? -Es mi novio Ben, es un chico obeso y es perfecto para el experimento... (En serio iba a hacerle esto?) -Vaya, si que es lindo pero veo que lleva un camino hacia la obesidad mórbida, uyuyuy. -En serio!? Usted cree? -La verdad sí, pero no te preocupes, con este experimento todos sus problemas se acabarán y estarás feliz con tu novio, quien sabe quizá hasta sea favorable para cuando realizas relaciones sexuales con él. -La verdad, es un poco difícil tener relaciones sexuales con Ben, no lo puedo levantar al momento de penetración, no siquiera puedo probar muchas otras posiciones ya que suele cansarse rápido por su peso, y hay tanto que quisiera probar... -(Por qué me dice eso?) Sí, es una pena; ya verás que con esto tendrás relaciones como si estuvieras en una escena porno con el mejor pasivo del mundo, jé... -Sí, no puedo esperar y verlo más saludable y más lindo de lo que ya es. -Yo sé que no Henrry, así que te espero a ti y a tu compañero para el experimento. -Ahí estaré. Adiós. -(Agh, realmente espero que salga bien... Hablar de porno me calentó demasiado, pensando en como disfrutaré con mi nuevo Ben, pequeño y delgado, siendo un power botton total... Pero no es tiempo para dejarse ir, tengo que preparar las cosas) Llego el momento esperado, me llevé a Ben a los laboratorios, en su mirada podía ver lo intrigado que estaba, y lo inocente que era; lo que iba a hacer va a cambiar su vida por completo, pero seguro que le hará bien y puede que su autoestima mejore un poco. Entramos al laboratorio lo más rápido y naturalmente que pudimos, dejé a Henrry fuera de el para que esperara a que prepare el experimento. -Hola Dr. El candidato está afuera esperando, hay que preparar las cosas. -Estupendo, todo está saliendo cómo debería *decía mientras veía a Ben sentado afuera por medio de la ventana* Se ve que necesita tu ayuda, a simple vista puedo decir que tiene una baja autoestima y es muy tímido, esto le ayudará a sentirse mejor. -Sí, la verdad se siente un poco incómodo con su cuerpo; cuando iba a la universidad algunos chicos se burlaban de él y aunque no era nada grave lo hacían sentir mal... Pero usted como sabe que tiene una baja autoestima? -A parte de científico también soy Psicólogo y se mucho sobre las personas con solo ver su comportamiento. -Oh, tiene sentido... ¿Y qué hacemos primero? -¿Trajiste todas tus sustancias? -Sí, incluso las que no usaremos, já, como la de crecimiento muscular y testosterona, y la de crecimiento de estatura. *Dice mientras las muestra y las pone sin percatarse en el escritorio de el doctor* -Perfecto, dame las que aceleran el cambio corporal y las que ayudan a quemar grasa. -Tome *Da las sustancias pedidas a el doctor* (Vaya, si que quiero ir al bañó, debería haber ido hace rato) -Okey, primero vierto las que yo traje a este enorme tanque, y luego las tuyas. *Dice mientras vierte sus propias sustancias para acelerar el metabolismo y el maximizador vitaminico, que brinda las vitaminas necesarias al cuerpo humano* -Mmng.... Por favor.... Tengo que ir al baño, Agh. *Dice mientras da varios saltitos* -JAJA, bien ve. Yo estaré aquí. -Gracias. *Sale corriendo hacia el baño* -Muy bien, vamos a verter las sustancias del Dr. Henry y listo.... *Ay, olvidé conectar la manguera para llenar el tanque con agua, lo saldré para que pase por la ventana y llegue hasta acá. -Uff, ya estoy aquí Dr. Magnus... Hmm parece que salió... Oh, no ha vertido las demás sustancias aún *Dice mientras observa las sustancias que se encontraban en la mesa y sin saberlo puso ahí* muy bien, las verteré yo y nos ahorramos tiempo. *Vertió las sustancias completamente y tiró los tubos a la basura* Oh, parece que el profesor está intentando meter la manguera por la ventana, le iré a ayudar. -Gracias Henrry, solo llenamos el tanque y terminamos. -De nada, al parecer esto tardará un poco... -Sí, hay que distraernos mientras se llena, calculo que será media hora para que lo haga por completo... Y bien? ¿Qué le dijiste al paciente? -No le he dicho para que venía, le dije que quería que viera algo conmigo, no creo que le guste que le diga que vengo a cambiar su cuerpo, además le dije ayer que él era perfecto, soy un mal novio... -Bueno, esto lo haces por su bien, así que no pasa nada. Además, imagínate el buen sexo que tendrías si Ben fuer delgado como esos que salen en los videos porno, haciendo diferente pocisiones más atrevidas y ser más flexible para abrirse; también podrías cargarlo y darle todo lo que tienes ahí abajo... Oír esas palabras hacían que mi verga se pusiera muy dura, estoy seguro que después de esto iré a probar el nuevo cuerpo de Ben y sé que me encantará; verlo pequeño, delgado y sano me hace muy feliz. No tendría que preocuparse por su obesidad y sus camisas le quedarían bien. -S-sí, no puedo esperar para ver al Nuevo Ben, Dr. Magnus. -Yo tampoco; además esto hará que tenga más confianza en sí mismo y estoy seguro que eso te hará feliz. -Sí, el merece ser feliz, es muy tierno y amable pero eso hace que muchas personas quieran aprovecharse de él, pero yo lo protegeré de eso, después de todo es y será mi pequeño osito, solo que más delgado. -Oh, mira el tanque ya se llenó. Trae a el candidato por favor. -Voy *Se dirijió a traer a Ben* Oye Ben, ya está todo listo entra. Ben yacía dormido con sus brazos cruzados encima de su barriga que estaba a punto de desaparecer, aunque él no lo sabía. Y aquí termina el primer capítulo, para no hacerlo tan largo, el segundo capítulo saldrá pronto, esperenlo y lo siento si cometo muchos errores o si voy muy lento, no soy muy bueno escribiendo; pero espero que les haya gustado.
  5. pasidious

    Jolias Finally Lets Go - Part 3

    I know, I know. Y'all are probably cussing me out because I haven't had any growth yet. But I've started to dive deeper into writing narratives with lots of dialogue. It's different. I'm trying to imagine this out in a way that seems very real. So please bear with me. Once again, as stated in the first part, this entire narrative contains no character under the age of 18. Also, please comment. I love to see feedback even if you're telling me I suck (hopefully with some constructive feedback too). Part 1 Part 2 _________________________________________________________ I blinked. For that brief second, it was as though time had stopped. But then I ripped my hand out from under his and retracted my arm against my body as though I'd been burned. Truthfully I'd have loved to have kept my hand in his. But the idea that he had somehow at least guessed at what I'd been fantasizing about was startling beyond belief. What on earth would make him guess it was him so fast? And why, oh why did he have to be correct about it? At first he had a startled expression on his face. His brow furrowed and his mouth took on a slight curl of dissatisfaction. But things clicked into place in his own mind based on my reaction, and a smile slowly started to creep across his face. And... yes, he was also ever-so-slightly blushing. "Holy shit," he breathed in that harsh whisper people tend to use when they're trying not to holler. His smile widened. "It really was me, wasn't it?" I looked down at the floor, keeping my face out of his view. Trying to, at least. And then I muttered "No, that's not... that's not it." I'm a terrible liar. I can't commit to a lie strongly enough to get anyone to believe it, and even if they ever do, it's because they're just that gullible and naïve. So even as I muttered those weak words, I knew there was no chance he would believe me. And yet I wasted my time and breath anyway. Like I felt obligated to at least attempt to deny what he'd already figured out was true. And then suddenly I felt angry. Angry that he was somehow amused by this. I saw him sitting there, grinning about this, like it was a joke. And it made me feel angry. I felt my brow furrow. But he spoke again before I could react any further. "Was I any good?" he asked, still grinning, raising an eyebrow. "Better than good," I accidentally blurted out the first thing that popped into my head. I immediately felt my lips pucker again realizing I said out loud something I didn't intend to say. But it was true, not that any type of daydream performance of sex could be measured in any tangible way. And my daydream was shattered before he could even enter me, anyway. But my mind just knew he'd be an amazing fuck. He started giggling. A cute boyish giggle that betrayed his more mature age. "Oh god," he muttered in between his laughs. "So what?" I felt that anger surge to my surface again. "I think you're hot, big deal, it's not like you can't know you're hot already, and I'm so glad you think it's a joke." His giggling subsided but he kept that smile on his face. "It's okay, dude. I'm actually flattered. I think it's pretty awesome that you were daydreaming about me." Then he looked around again even though we already knew no one was close by our table. "Glad to know your dream version of me is good in bed, too," he grinned, showing those shiny teeth of his again. And, looking at his sexy face with those freckles under his blazing red eyes, I couldn't even fathom why I was ever frustrated with him. It all faded away. "Are you hard right now?" he suddenly asked. And truthfully I wasn't. My dick had finally relaxed enough that it wasn't in a constant state of some kind of hardness, and it's probably thanks to the fact that, again, I'd managed to humanize him. "N-no, actually." "Aw, what do I gotta do to make you hard again?" he asked quietly, still grinning. "Well, so far all you've had to do is exist, so, probably not much," I muttered, and felt myself finally allow a smile to creep across my face. Somehow this topic had become more comfortable for me as we continued to talk about it, even though in most any other situation it'd be completely inappropriate. He laughed and said "Good. I like having that type of control over another dude." And then he kept this evil grin on his face. I felt my heart flutter as I realized where this conversation had gone. It was almost like he was completely open to the idea that we may become more than just friends. But I won't claim any type of victory on that until it actually happens. But I still couldn't help but feel excited. "What you into?" he asked quietly, shaking me out of the brief reverie I'd entered. "Like... what?" I asked, feeling my face turning a shade of red. "Y'know... sexually." I looked around and noticed there were maybe like, two other groups left in the place and they were spread far enough apart and away from us that we didn't need to be so quiet. And yet, it felt necessary. "Uhhh... I dunno, dude, like... I've been with maybe like, three guys, ever, and it's usually been quick and simple." "No relationships or anything?" he asked, looking surprised. I shook my head. "Nope." "Why?" I thought about it for a second and couldn't really come up with any real and confident answer. All I could do was theorize. "I guess maybe because other dudes aren't into me? I dunno." "Seems weird. You're a cute dude." I shrugged my shoulders, feeling myself smile again at his compliment. It was such a strange feeling being complimented by this angelic and godly presence in front of me. I felt like I must look like a turd next to him. "Whoa, fuck, it's already 10:45, I got early class tomorrow. You ready to go?" he suddenly asked after glancing at his phone. Shit. I hadn't realized it had gotten so late already and I did have class early as well. "Y-yeah, I s'pose." I reached out again to get the check and as soon as my hand was on it his hand dropped onto mine again. I felt him squeeze my hand. "No, dude, I got this." "That's not fair." "How is it not fair?" he grinned. "I'm the one who asked you to come out." "But--" "No. I got it." He squeezed my hand again and it was almost like my hand turned into a pump that was inflating my cock with each squeeze. His touch was electric, and just knowing his skin was making contact with mine was making me horny again. "Next time," he said, then stuck his tongue out and closed one eye. Impish and sexy. Just... indescribable. And then he squeezed yet again. My cock throbbed. I felt my eyes begin to roll back into my head, and I had to shake myself free from the sexual feelings I was experiencing. I yanked my hand out from under his and once again retracted it against my body. I can't believe his touch alone was having such an effect on me. "Fine. Next time," I said, trying to smile. My cock was still throbbing. "And when might that be?" I asked. "I dunno. When're you free next?" Fuck. I didn't think he'd actually be so agreeable. I somehow believed he'd just tell me he didn't know; the usual way of ending such an inquiry while knowing within oneself there is no intention of ever doing it again. "I, uh, got time tomorrow after classes end for the day. Around 5-ish." "So, like, 'time' as in a couple hours? The whole evening? What?" he asked. "Uhh, I mean, yeah, the whole evening. As long as I don't get dumped on with homework and shit." "So us chilling tomorrow is dependent on whether or not we get homework?" "I... guess?" I replied, not entirely sure how he turned this around to make it seem like he was asking me to hang out. But I loved it. "Guess we better try not to get homework, then." He chuckled. "Come on, let's pay. I def wanna sleep tonight." He grabbed the check and stood up. I subsequently scooted out of the booth and stood as well, realizing my hoodie was still tied around my waist. I decided to leave it there because I couldn't tell if the wetness had dried yet, and either way, my hardon had returned and I knew Jolias, and probably any others, would notice. Jolias paid for our dinners and I sort of felt like a loser for letting him do it, but if he was serious about hanging out more, I'd definitely repay the kindness. We pushed the double-doors open and entered the vestibule briefly before exiting the second set of doors and entering the cold breezy night air. It had gotten colder out. And now I was faced with the undesirable predicament where I either shiver to death walking back or put on my hoodie and expose my still present hardon, in spite of the cold temperature outside. I decided 'Fuck it' and put on my hoodie, and I could tell my hardon was definitely obvious. But I didn't care as much because the hoodie was a welcome reprieve from the cold. And Jolias didn't say anything about my obvious boner even though I'm not sure if he even noticed it. We didn't hesitate long, though, and we started a rather brisk walk back towards the campus and our respective dorms. I actually didn't even know in which dorm he was staying. But we continued walking and even though I had my hoodie on, my teeth were chattering anyway, and I could tell Jolias was cold, too. We didn't speak, we just kept moving. And no, my cock stayed hard. And I think it was my own fault because I still couldn't get it out of my head how this hot dude was walking right next to me. The amazingly sexy guy who held and squeezed my hand. The dude who was the first to know that I was gay on this school campus. And so far, only. And, to me, it seemed like he was potentially interested in more than just friendship. God! My cock throbbed. We eventually reached a point where we both started to diverge, and it took a moment for me to even realize he was going in a somewhat different direction than me. I watched him stop and look at me mere seconds after I'd done the same. "Fuck!" he called out, and briskly walked over to where I was standing. "We're not in the same dorm building." "No, I didn't think so, forgot to ask which you were in," I replied, striving hard not to allow my chattering teeth to interfere with my speech. "I'm in Calvert, which is just down that way," he said, gesturing. "Ah shit, I'm in Carroll," I said, assuming he knew where it was. "Not too far apart," he said, smiling while grimacing from the cold. "Well, now we know where we're living." "Yeah," I said, at a loss for anything else to say. "You'd better get back quick, I know you wanna take care of this thing," he said and reached down and grabbed my hard fucking tent. I gasped as it felt like he was sucking my soul from my body through my dick. He held onto it, squeezing it, and brought his face closer and closer to mine. I thought for sure he was going to kiss me. But then he just chuckled and let go, and started backing away. My mouth was hanging open as I watched him continuing to back away, still facing me. He had a big grin, and called out as he turned to face forward, "Text me, alright?" and disappeared into the darkness, only appearing in full sight when he walked through the light of a courtesy lamp. And for a brief period of time I'd forgotten I was even cold. My mind was spinning, my cock was still throbbing, now harder than ever, and then it crashed down on me that I didn't have his number. I almost called out to him, and then even thought of running after him, but... how needy did I want to seem? Plus, if I'm being somewhat objective here, he was kind of sending mixed messages. Like, why did he make it seem like he was coming in for a kiss, and then not do it? I was probably thinking too much. I spun around to walk toward my dorm which wasn't all that much farther, cursing a storm because I had no idea of how to reach him without waiting until next week's class. I did not want to be the creep who hung around his dorm waiting and hoping for a chance to see him. I shoved my hands into my hoodie pockets to save them from the chill of the air. And my hand felt something inside my right pocket. A scrap of paper of some sort. I pulled it out and had to stop under a lamp to see it. It was the receipt from Denny's. 'How do I have this?' I wondered to myself. I started to ball it up to throw it away when I saw what appeared to be some sort of scribbling. I unballed what I'd done so far and had to get a second look at it, and on the back of the receipt there was a phone number and simply a name written in clearly a dude's handwriting: "Jolias."
  6. ToolShedCub

    Cubs Muscle up

    Cubs Muscle up Amazing Transformations Disclaimer: This is a story about unprotected consensual sex between men. If this offends you then do not read on. If you are under the age of 18 then please close this document. Chapter 1: The Beginning I was a normal 20 year old kid with the exception that he was gay, and attracted to muscle bears (big Muscular hairy gay men). Not only was I attracted to musclebears, but I also wanted to be one. At 5 foot 8 inches and 150 pounds I was quite scrawny and unattractive. Anyway, let me introduce myself. My name is Chad and I live in California. The mecca of gay musclebears. I'm also attending UCLA as chemistry major. One Friday night (yeah I have no life) I was working late in the lab working on a new batch of glow goo (I sell em to the rave kids for some extra cash) when a small quake hit and knocked some extra stuff into my formula. "Great, now I have to start over" I thought when I noticed that some of my mess had dripped into the mouse cage. Oliver (the mouse) was lying on its back twitching and got noticeably bigger. After the twitching was done he got up and seemed to be fine with one exception. The mouse was bending his water nozzle. "Well THAT shouldn't happen" I back tracked through what happened, analyzed the new "goo" and after I determined that it wasn't toxic I ran some more tests. This stuff was great! It seemed to enhance the muscle and bone structure of the one who drank it. Well since I made 5 gallons of the stuff I bottled it up and took it home. I live alone so nobody would interrupt me while I test it on my self. I decided that the best thing to wear was a little pair of running shorts and then setup my video camera and some mirrors to document the experiment. I poured out a full 8 oz helping, stared at it for a bit, downed it and waited. It seemed like forever and then I started to feel funny. Kind of nauseated and warm. Then came the convulsions. My stomach hurt so bad I thought I was gonna die. I managed to look up at the mirror on the ceiling (it wasn't hard since I was laying down) and I saw it happen my shoulders broadened and my chest was getting bigger. More convulsions. It started happening faster. Arms, legs, back, they were all getting huge. My shorts also started to feel really tight too. The crotch bulged up enormously then they ripped and out popped the biggest cock and balls I had ever seen. I was also sprouting fur and then it stopped. I stood up and looked in the mirror. I was BIG. I was a muscle bear. But I wasn't as big as I wanted to be so I drank a few more ounces. After that transformation I looked again and saw an ursine muscle GOD. I had a bit of a tummy but man was I massive. I looked down at my crotch and almost fainted. I was getting turned on by my bod but when I saw my cock I got hard immediately. And it was huge! I grabbed a tape measure. 12.5 inches long and 8 inches around and I was horny as hell! I was taller too. I jumped up to 6'3". I had to share this discovery so I called Jerry. "Jerry, hey u busy?" "No. Why?" Jerry is a long time buddy and bear chaser too. "I was in the lab last night and whipped up something wild" "Oh like what?" "Well come over and see" "Now?" "Sure why not. I think I might be able to fulfill one of your dreams" "What? Ummm.. Ok gimme a sec I have to put some clothes on" "Ok do you still have some of Jeff’s clothes?" "Ya why?" "Just bring them" "Ok be there in a sec" 5 minutes later Jerry knocked on the door. When I let him in he almost died. "What the fuck happed to you?!?!?!" "Remember the quake earlier?" "Yeah" "Well I was makin some glow goo and some other stuff spilled in. This is the result." "Wow. Awesome! You’re huge! Man can I get that big?" "Sure can. Strip down to your boxers and drink this" I handed Jerry 12 oz of the magic Juice. "Swallow this and lay here on the floor. It's safer and u can see your self up there." "Ok" Jerry drank it and laid down. I flipped on the camera and started the filming. "How long does it take?" "About 10 minutes. Let me know when u start feeling tingly" About 7 minutes later he started changing "I feel weird. Kinda like I'm sick. My tummy hurts" "It's Ok that is natural just relax" "Oh my god! What's happening?!" For the next 5 minutes Jerry twitched and grew and became more sexy right before my eyes. The beach towel that I had on started to tent and eventually fell off as my dick reached it's full size. When it was all said and done Jerry laid there sweating and breathing hard like he had run a mile. "My god that was intense?" "It was hot too. Look at your self" "Oh jesus. I'm huge!" "Just like me let's measure each other. You measure me first." "Ok. Biceps... 35 inches, chest...80, waist..42, thighs....40, calves....24 GOD DAMN!" "Don't forget the last muscle. I measured it earlier 12.5x8" "Holy fuck!" "Ok ok. Now you. Bicep....30, chest...59, waist...44, thighs...30, calves...20, and last but not least cock...11x7. Wow were awesome!" "Hell yeah! I'm horny too" "I noticed. I am too" I started rubbing Jerry's massive hair chest tweaking a nip. He moaned and his cock twitched. He grabbed my head and gave me the biggest hottest kiss I have ever had. Our hands roamed our massive muscle bear bodies. Jerry dropped to his knees and swallowed as much of my dick as he could which surprisingly was about ¾ of it. I almost came right there but I survived 20 minutes of the best head in the world. I was determined to swallow his whole dick. I laid him down and dove down. Forcing huge amounts of cock down my throat. Finally I managed to get it all then I backed off and proceeded to give him the sucking of his life. "OH FUCK STOP!" "Why?" "I don't want to cum yet. I want us to fuck each other first" "Ok!" I got out some lube and slicked up my cock. "Is it hot in here?" "Yeah I'm sweating" I got all slicked up, bent Jerry over and started pushing. GOD he was tight! He moaned as I slid inch after inch up his hot hole. When I finally had all 12 inches up in him he stood up and flexed his ass muscles. "FUCK that feels good" "Yeah 12 inches of muscle bear cock! You like that? You like this big dick up your ass?" "Fuck yeah bear FUCK ME!" For the next 30 minutes I plowed Jerry's ass in as many positions as I could think of. God it was hot. I was dripping sweat and I was getting close to cumming. "I'm getting close man" "Fuck yeah do, it cum!" I could feel it build and it was gonna be a big one. Pistoning in and out of Jerry's ass like a man possessed then it happened I came. I roared and let loose the biggest load of my life, that sent Jerry off and there was cum every where. He must have soaked a 4 foot radius and I dumped so much cum up his ass that every time I moved in him it splashed out. I continued to gently pump as we kissed and cuddled and after a while we decided to shower and get some food. After we had fed our face I looked at Jerry. I had an idea. "I think we should recruit more people. Daily orgies would be fun" "Hell yeah but who?" "I have a few ideas." Stay tuned for the next chapter....... Questions? Comments?
  7. Muscle fog ogre’s gift Ch 1 part four by Big Zargo Every Ogre Lord needs his court wizard When Samuel woke up, He thought he was in a stinky locker room, for all he can smell was musk; But then the memories hit. All Samuel can do was moan in exhaustion. “By the beard of my master I have failed.” He moaned in exhaustion. In all of Samuel’s life he thought being a guardian for some old forgotten entity, would be an easy career choice. No wizard politics, no demons, no Eldridge abomination and, no agent God’s just him, his wife, his three children, and one bumbling apprentice. Now more than half the people in town are missing. The town is covered by a mysterious fog generated by the entity and, his apprentice is off taking his magical exam. All that he can remember was leaving his house and he tries to remember how he got into this dark room. “Fuck! My bag he thought with donning horror.” Samuel’s bag is where he holds all magical supplies. On instinct he tries to recall it, only to moan in pain as he feels his pool of magic was near empty. Samuel would have tried to draw in the surrounding magic, but it was contaminated with something. He remembers how one of his allies to demon contaminated magic and got possessed by it. He feels that all the magic being used up trying to protect him and 2 others from the contaminated magic he guessed. All Samuel knows is that he erases some of his own mind with his own spell on purpose. Getting his bearings while in the room he discovers that, he is trapped in a magic cage with two other people. The contaminated magic forming an outline on the cage, thanks to his magic site letting him know. In order for Samuel to escape he would have to remove spell protecting the other two with him, but it will most certainly lead to their deaths if he do so. “That smell again,” he thought to himself. Samuel stops his thinking as the small musk became stronger and as he starting to hear some noises coming outside of his cloth cage. With no ceremony the cloth covering the case have been removed form Samuel’s and the two other men’s cages. “Time to wake up some sunshine’s,” deep mysteriously voice said. The light blinding Samuel as he regains his site. He and the other two men found themselves brought to a clearing filled with huge gray camping tents. It’s village of gray tents was next to the main library of Holmes top Borough letting Samuel know that they must be somewhere downtown, in the early morning. Samuel was disturbed site of huge hairy muscular caveman to round 10 feet tall like creatures; Most if not all were bare chested and they were wearing kilts, thong, loincloth, and some were just completely naked. Smell of sex is permeating the air as Samuel could literally see some of the creatures having sex. There have been place next to the largest tent among the village of tents; this large had a golden symbol of circle with two wavelike passing through it and one line passing vertically. Then Samuel noticed the creatures in leather arm and among them was the entity named Owen sitting on a huge chair reading a book with his huge hands. Samuel just knew that Owen was the one sitting on the chair he also discovered that he, for he was naked. Like the other caveman like creatures Owen had a pelt of black body hair, a 11 feet tall body with refilling muscle that reminded Samuel of the incredible hulk, a big cock, with a pair of huge hairy balls. As Samuel got closer, he could see that Owen had a strong square jaw, a bushy black mustache, a big round nose, a sideburn, brown eyes under a pronounce eyebrow ridge, with thick bushy eyebrows, a bald orange head. Owen marked and closest to the book he was reading. Owen smiles at the site of his three prisoners. the wizard was a fat middle-age short white man with black graying hair, grayish blue eyes and a round nose. One of other man had average body type and an average height tan skin, short graying hair black, sternum brown eyes, hawkish nose, a mustache, and a triangle face. While the other man had an average body type as well but was little bit taller than all three of them and had white skin, short hair black, thin mustache, green eyes, and the average nose. “It was a shame that the fourth person died he would have the made a great ogre. Still though why in the world would this wizard try to kill his allies, he didn’t know? Maybe the wizard thought that he was a powerful demon so decided to give his friends a swift death rather than being tortured by a demon. Still it took a lot of power to capture all three of them, he would have to send a couple ogres to pick up the body and all the other dead humans in Holmes top Borough. A few hours does wonders for him and his magic. With this pool of power being nearly full he should be to turn this Guardian into his ogres; Especially sense the wizard pool power was low to nonexistent. He must subconsciously had protected the other two men from my muscle fog with his magic,” Owen thought. “Now having his prize, a guardian Owen just have to locate the other Two guardians before he can be completely free from his magical shackles. He could have gone with making the wizard watch as he turns his two friends into ogres, but he might be able to escape while he was distracted. No, the wizard must be the first to receive his blessing, he will make a fine court mage.” Owen thought to himself. “Grabbed the wizard and hold them down on his back.” Owen commanded. With the snap of his fingers the part of cage holding the wizard vanish before re-appearing around the other two prisoners, as the wizard fall on his fat ass. Owen - “Let me see the key on you.” Before the wizard could try anything, Samuel was quickly grabbed by one of the Owens ogres in leather armor, before he can escape. With no prompting from Owen another ogre quickly stripped off the wizard’s clothes leaving him butt naked. “There is no key my Lord.” The other ogres said. “Seems I misplaced my key.” the wizard said. Lesson learned Owen thought secure the key first then attempt to corrupt them after. Owen smile did not waver at the news of the key’s disappearance. “You still going to tell me where it is, even if your dead. Once you die the protections on this key slack in and I could track where is, am I’m correct with this assumption?” All that Owen got for an answer for was a grunt from the wizard. “Of course, I’m not planning to kill you. Otherwise you would already be dead.” He says with a toothy grain. Owen got up from his chair, walking towards the restrained wizard. The ogre who had stripped the wizard of his clothes having begun to move back giving his lord plenty of room. “You may kill me or break me for your sick purposes, but the Council will seal you monster and banish all your friends back to whatever dimension they came from.” The wizard said with hatred. Owen - “Those are tough words coming from a fat powerless wizard. Although now you have my curiosity about this Council. When I’m done with you, you’ll tell me everything you know about this Council of yours.” Owen Places his huge hand on to the wizard’s fat belly and said. “Nice to meet you Samuel.” Samuel’s face pales as he felt Owen’s mind break through his defenses; Like a burglar breaking through his house breaking and stealing Samuel’s stuff. Samuel’s throat quickly became rough from screaming. “Don’t worry Samuel this won’t take long, you’ll be good as new when I’m done with you, no! even better than your old self.” Owen said in delight. If Samuel had his pool of magic filled, he would be able to resist Owen’s power. But as it stands now the absence of power in Samuel’s body allows Owen’s corruption to seeped through. Samuel could literally feel his humanity being washed away by Owen primal magic. Richard and Joseph slowed woke up because of Samuel screaming. “What the hell is all that noise?” The short black hair man said, whose name was Joseph. “When the world hit me.” The man with short grayish hair with some black in it said whose name was Richard. Both of them quickly woke up with the noise of Samuel screams. Each of them getting up and turning their faces to Samuel’s location. “Dear God.” Richard whispered in horror. At the site of Samuel’s apparent torture. Eventually Samuel stopped screaming and just lay there with his blank gray blue eyes and his mouth hanging open and saliva leaking out of it. The man known as Samuel was now a blank vessel for Owen to fill with power and manipulation. “Like breaking old chair to make the new stool. Now here’s the fun part.” Owen said. Owen starts to fill Samuel’s body with primal power. Forcing his once less than average pool of magic to grow. Samuel’s broken mind starting to repair at Owen’s direction. With Courage he did not know he had Richard said. “What in hell are you doing to Samuel, you giant Beefed up roid monster.” “I'm remaking him into a sexy ogre.” Owen said. Owen looks at Richard for a second then his gaze moves towards Joseph where he meets Joseph’s eyes and where he quickly loses the contest of wills. Samuel’s fat body grew wider and taller, right in front of Richard’s and Joseph’s eyes. His arms and legs grew with huge muscle. His hands grew into huge mitts with sausage like fingers. His biceps grew into huge bowling balls. His shoulders grew into huge boulders. His back grew muscle as his neck swelling up giving him a bull’s neck and deeper voice. His pecs grew into beefy pillows. His sagging belly grew straighter until it became tough gut. His ass grew into two huge soccer balls. His thighs grew larger than tree trunk. His calves grew into huge cannonballs, as his feet grew into huge pads with thick toes. His cock grew into a fat 12-inch-long monster, as his balls grew into huge oranges. His round jaw became a square jaw, his pointed nose having swells and rounds out. His eyebrows ridge became more pronounce giving them a caveman look. His slightly hairy body grew more hair as his face grew a huge-long beard going down to is now hairy pecs. Seeing that Samuel’s rebirth, it’s now complete Owen lifts his hand off of Samuel’s big tough gut. Backing off to see Samuel the ogre. Owen -“That a Hot daddy, you turn out well. With your slightly peppered long beard, a mustache and bald head.” The ogre that was still holding Samuel’s help lifted Samuel’s 10 feet tall orange ogreish body off the ground. Owen sat back in his chair looking a little bit drained. While the other ogres around him had hard dicks at the site of Samuel’s rebirth. “Come suck off daddies’ cock.” Samuel said to the ogre who stripped his clothes off. The ogre kneeled down and starts licking and sucking Samuel’s thick cock, while the other one who was holding him starts rubbing his cock near Samuel big ass. “This fat ass is your reward,” Samuel says in hunger. “Serving Owen is my reward daddy wizard. Besides your ass just looks so lonely and I figured my cock could keep it company.” The ogre behind him said. “You’re a good-looking cub. You’re welcome it in my ass.” Samuel said. “Thank you, sir, but don’t call me cub.” the ogre behind Samuel said. With those words the ogre behind Samuel plunges his fat cock into Samuel’s ass and starts moving his hips back and forth. Both Richard and Joseph stood there in shock, seeing Samuel a wizard be broken then turn into a sex crazed daddy ogre, filled them with dread. “Joseph, we need to find a way out here and a need to find it quickly. We need one of the other guardians and tell what happened here. Look for a weak spot in his cage while they’re all distracted.” Richard said. “Damn that ogres pounding Samuel’s ass real hard. I wonder if I can have sloppy seconds on Samuel’s plump ass.” Joseph said while rubbing his crotch. Joseph’s mind already succumbing to Owens influence. Richard slowly turns towards Joseph and whispers. “No.” Joseph is starting to look taller and a little bit wider, his white skin beginning to turn oranges. Richard see that Joseph muscle on body starts to grow while his clothes starts to become tighter. “No, no, no,” Richard repeated as he backed away from the changing Joseph. As he begins moving away to a corner of the cage Richard tries looking for an exit. The Smell of sex was in the air as the guard ogres start to masturbate when ogre Samuel starts is three-way with the two other ogres. The familiar smell of sex having been making Joseph feel a live. His cock and balls for the first to grow; they serve out slowly but as they grew so did his body. This feeling of primal energy going through his body was intoxicating to Joseph. so, he was himself go. Letting the power of Owen’s gift pass right through. His memories of his wife fade away as he changes into an ogre. He knew as an ogre that he would be strong that his libido would be fire that would help Ignite his soul burning away his humanity. Joseph was a man ruled by his libido, making Owens gifts so in resistible to him. Some part of his very soul urine for Owen’s touch. Joseph grew and grew stretching out his clothes with his growing muscles. His pants and shirt gain tears before falling off his growing body. “Oh yeah.” Joseph moaned out as his body grew. His now big bodybuilding’s body starts to rumble with ogreish might, as once human skin tone completely turning orange. “Fuck Yeah!” Joseph yelled out, while rubbing his growing cock. Joseph’s body grew taller and wider as his head eventually reach the ceiling of the cage. “This is getting too tight.” Joseph said while forcing to hunch his head. Now feeling the cage was being too small he stopped his masturbating with his growing body he began destroying the confining cage with his growing arms. With a mighty roar from Joseph, the top of the cage was forced out words as it was smashed to pieces. The once straight bars that were holding the cage now bands like metal hangers against Joseph’s growing ogreish body Cage that was hold them. The now 10 feet tall Joseph resumed his masturbating as he got out of the remains of the destroyed cage. His once clean-shaven face, with thin black mustache and short black hair was now covered with a 5 o’clock shadow with a big bushy mustache and wild black hair. His once average body was now like the other ogres big, wide, and tall, brimming with muscle and sharing the caveman look with hair peppering his huge body. Joseph masturbation began to pick up pace as well the other ogres, because of Samuel’s three-way sex was near its climax. Unscathed by the destruction of cage and seeing the ogres were distracted by Samuel’s three-way sex, Richard tried to escape. Richard was in a forest of huge giant man, each masturbating to site of Samuel’s three-way sex, but one the master of these creatures Owen. Sadly, for Richard he made the mistake of gazing at Owen’s eyes. “Oh yeah that’s hot,” one ogre said. “Fuck I’m about to bust my nuts,” another ogres said. With a single glance of Owens piercing brown eyes Richard froze like a deer in headlights. Within that second of eye to eye contact Owen challenge Richard to a contest of wills, Owens will be being like a tidal wave of lust and domination, compared to Richards Sandcastle of will. Richard’s mouth starts to drool, his cock becomes erect and his mind becomes foggy with lust. All that he can see is Owen’s fat juicy erect cock, beckoning to him to come and taste it. Owen- “Come take of my seed.” Samuel had never felt this good in his life. The primal magic flowing through his veins was making his three-way feel extremely good. “FUUUUCK!” Each thrust of the ogre that was behind Samuel gave a jolt of energy and pleasure to him. He felt the magic power inside him swell and swell with each thrust. Knowing that the excess energy is being sent to Owen, gave Samuel great joy. The ogres around Samuel starts to pick up their pace with their masturbating, as they felt Samuel’s climax coming near, some even coming early with a roar of pleasure, starting a chain reaction of coming. One by one each ogre offers their tribute to master and tell eventually Samuel and his two partners came. Each of the ogres drenches their seed across the clearing pelting the ground with their come. None of this ogreish rain spills upon Owen, but sadly for Richard he is soaking with the stuff. Each drop of white ogreish cum stains Richards skin oranges, like a bad chemical reaction to his skin, as he makes his way towards Owen. Slowly stretching his clothes to the breaking point by the time his tongue starts licking at Owen’s meat. One taste of Owen’s cock is enough for Richard to lose it. Licking and slipping at Owen’s cock, he starts to swell like a muscle balloon. From slightly standing to kneeling on all fours Richard body grew bigger and hairier as his became an ogre. His humanity fell as quickly as his clothes fell off his growing body. Richard Quickly grew into a huge 10 feet tall monster with freakishly huge well proportion muscles and his skin quickly and completely turns to an orange hue. Within the first minutes of sucking off Owen’s fat cock Richard became a musclebound ogre, With a caveman look with his hairy body, cum drenched graying black beard, wild hair and his big hairy ass up in the air just begging to be plowed. Richard’s fat cock is leaking out the remains of his humanity. Padding and rubbing Richard’s head Owen took great delight at Richard’s blow job. Owen thought, how easily they fall when the leader succumbs to my power. I must admit that that possums spell that Samuel cast was pretty clever for a ritual type mage. If I just had killed them instead of making them into ogres, he may have gotten away with it. Now that key that Samuel had will begin to deteriorate because of his transformation. Now that Samuel is mine, he will lead me to Noah and other two guardians, and when I turned them into ogres this prison, this town will become my sanctuary, my fortress. Looking down at Richard, Owen said, “you’re good cock sucker aren’t you? Let me reunite you with your son.” In answer he knew and felt Richard come, shooting out the rest of his humanity and signify the of his transformation into an ogre. A couple of seconds later after Richard came, Owen felt his climax coming as well. Closing his eyes Owen enjoys Richard’s work on his fat cock. Eventually Owen came shooting down ogreish cum through Richard’s throat. Unexpectedly Richard’s body grew with a nether growth spurt as if turning into an ogre again. He got up revealing to Owen his now 11feet tall ogreish body. “Did I please you, my Lord?” Richard said with cum and slobber drooling from his mouth. Richards once kind stern brown eyes now became a harsh glowing gray. He was much bigger than the average ogre, and much more loyal. His hawkish nose was blunted down, his triangle chin was smashed into a square jaw and he was now mist leaked from his body as if he were constantly sweating. With a nod of Owen’s head, the huge hulking Richard left Owens site; following his will Richard went to Owen’s tent. “Come to me Samuel we must talk.” Owen commanded. Walking towards Owen with Joseph behind his heels, Samuel bowed at Owen’s huge feet, a good sign of loyalty Owen thought. Owen -“First we need to find the other guardians as soon as possible. When that task is complete come and find me and tell me where they are. Joseph, I have a task you as well. You will find Jacob tell him to find the specialists as soon as possible, I can feel the deterioration of your brother’s minds. You two are dismissed.” I’m was looking for ways to improve my work. Feel free to leave your opinion down below. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
  8. Guest

    Escaping His Grip

    I woke up to the sun shining directly in my face. I looked over at the clock. 7:02. It was too damn early to get out of bed. My boyfriend had me wrapped in his arms. We both loved giving each other physical affection. Every night, and I mean every night we would cuddle up in bed. His 6’2, 245 lbs, hairy frame cradles my 5’8, 130 lbs tiny body. His beard and chest hair brush up against my back. His legs wrap around mine and his arms keep me in place. I try to drift back to bed but I can’t. The sun is right in my face. I try to work my way out of my boyfriends big arms but I can’t. His muscle mass keeps me protected and unable to move. I don’t want to wake him so I have to think of another option. I try to pull one of my legs out but they are locked tight. There is no use I’ll have to stay beside him until my boyfriend wakes up or changes positions. That’s it. I just have to get my boyfriend to change positions. I wiggle my legs to see if he can feel them move. Nothing. I wiggle my arms to see if he feels them. Nothing. I wiggle my whole body and I feel him stir a little bit! Welp! It looks like the only thing that’ll get him to move is if I grind on him. I start to move my butt up and down against the fabric of his cock. I hear my boyfriend moan as I start to go up and down. I can feel his erection grow bigger and bigger. His moans start to become deeper. I feel his body moving. Uhhhhh My boyfriend moans in my ear. His deep groans make me horny. My own little erection starts to stiffen in my underwear. As I continue to grind I can feel his erection starting to grow it’s full 8 inches. “Babe?” he says in my ear. “Yeah?” ”What are you doing?” “I wanted to get up. But I was stuck in your arms. So I thought that I’d try and make you shift your weight.” ”Hmm,” was all he said in response. Then my boyfriend shifted weight. He shifted until he was completely on top of me. His weight crushed me and my erection against the mattress. “Looks like your plan was right. Get me to cum and maybe I’ll shift my weight.” He giggled. I reached behind me and pulled down my underwear and then his as well. I moved up and down as best as I can. But I couldn’t move a lot because of my boyfriends weight. I was having trouble moving his big and hairy frame. “Let me help you,” he said. I felt his weight lift off of me. “Better?” ”A little,” I said. Then I felt his big erection slip into my tight asshole. “How about now?” ”Mm, hmm,” I responded. I felt his weight come back down on me. I started grinding against him and my boyfriend started to move with me. As I grinder my erection was growing harder. Feeling the weight and power of my boyfriend on top of me was so sexy. He is so strong and powerful. The weight of him is crushing me and tiring me. He can throw me around as he pleases and destroy me with his muscle mass. As we grind together I hear him groan in my ear. I shudder more and more as the weight makes me turned on. Together we both let out a groan. My boyfriend cums in my asshole and I on the sheet. I fee his weight come off of me and I can breathe again. “There now you can get up.”
  9. This is a bit different from my usual stories, but I had to write it. Hope you enjoy! Feedback is so desperately needed THE PERFECT STORM Story by Muscl4life Part I After long moments of hesitation, I decided it was time to put my gifts into full test, so I finally found the courage to enter the place. It was this hardcore gym built in an old factory building of the old industrial district, at the outskirts of the city. It was strategically located in the least attractive part of town, away from the bright modern ultra clean “Health and Fitness” centers, with lots of not so-brand-new heavy-duty equipment and tons of free weights. The owner was Larry Townsend and he named it “Dragon’s Lair”, but it could have been any other cliché name like “Muscle Pit” or “Larry’s gym”, because he pretty much knew his clients didn’t bother with fancy things, they just wanted a place where they could train hard and get great mentorship from a former world champion and sports legend. At 57 years old, former NPC champion, Mr. America and three times Mr. Universe, the amazing Larry Townsend was the best advertising for his business, because he still looked amazing at 250 pounds on his 5’10” frame, some would say he looked even better now than when he got his titles. Many of his protégés were taking over the bodybuilding scene like current NPC Champion Vince Stratford, or the latest winner of Arnold Classic Madrid Lazlo Prozinsky, not to mention two-time IFBB’s Mr. Australia Zander Vandross. In fact, The Lair was so famous and coveted that new potential clients had to wait at least 6 weeks in a line to get appointment with the famous trainer and hope he would take them under his still very muscular wings. At this point, I should have told you the reason I came to look for Larry. My name is Kirben but most of people just call me Kirby, although I really hate that nickname. I’m 5’6” tall, 145 pounds scrawny pale-skinned guy, 18 years old dressed in denim trousers and dress white shirt, with dark hair combed very neatly. No one would never picture a guy like me going to the Dragon’s Lair, but I was there in a mission. I needed to test my abilities. What exactly those abilities would be, one might wonder. Well, to put it simply, I can make guys grow. But, unfortunately, it is not that simple. There are a few “ground rules” that I’ve learned through the years. For starters, I can’t grow my own body, and I have tried, trust me. In other guys, however, my powers work well. I can actually make guys grow much bigger and more muscular, regardless their exercise routine or dietary habits, but, unfortunately, the outcomes of my supernatural interference over their bodies are not exactly consistent. Sometimes, the target grows in ways I did not foresee; I have attested that with my older brother Bryan. He has always been there for me when our parents split so right when I discovered my abilities, I rewarded him by making sure no one would ever bully him. We come from a very small-bodied lineage, none of our parents and grandparents stood above 5’7” tall, and Bryan used to be the smallest guy of his class until I started using my powers on him. I focused on his body and made his body grow during the night. I did make him get big and strong, but back then I was not aware of the several implications, so it turned out he just became very tall and big bodied. Now, at 22 years old, Bryan stands at 6’10” tall and weighs close to 300 pounds of rock solid thick pounds of brawn. He might actually be the biggest graduate at Stanford’s Law School. Sadly, Bryan has no other physical talent to compliment his phenomenal size, rather than a tremendous body strength that has hurt him more than it helped. He did try many sports like football, rugby and basketball, but he was far too slow and lacked of stamina. Therefore, despite having the perfect height to feature among the greatest NBA stars, he is just one “Big and Tall” man, and that truly frustrated me. I came to conclude that my powers alone would not function in the way I first imagined. Results also depended heavily on the target’s demeanor. I realized that Bryan was actually very scared of his sudden growth spurts. Our parents took him to several doctors, afraid of some kind of rare type of tumor pressing his pituitary gland. So, despite the initial happiness about his uncanny growth rate, until my family was sure his growth was “natural”, my poor big brother felt really miserable for his unusual height and augmented body, so he never accepted the growth. Of course, I only concluded that after comparing Bryan’s case with that of my second target: my best friend Theo. He was born in Laos and moved with his family to the US when he was still a baby and we became friends ever since elementary school. Unlike myself, Theo was very active, outdoorsy kid, who practiced wrestling, gymnastics and played soccer! Unfortunately, even that did not impede him from being victim of those bigger mean bullies, who loved to pick on my friend because he looked different. I knew I had to help Theo to stand up against those nasty dudes, but since I did not sleep in the same room with him every night, I needed to be more creative about the time to use my abilities. I soon discovered that Theo’s different competitions and physical activities were the perfect window for me to focus on his physique, feeding his body with my growing gift, without realizing that my external help actually made him excel in everything he tried! I stood there, casually cheering for my best friend while his body grew stronger and more powerful. Since I did not have the same amount of time to focus on Theo’s development, I soon learned how to pack the same kind of growth by focusing more intensely in shorter periods. Not to mention that the fact he was always playing, fighting or trying his best to overpower the challenges around him also contributed a lot to my goals. As it becomes obvious at this point, Theo was a rather successful experiment. Even at the tender age of 14 years old, Theo already stood at 5’6” tall, weighing close to 175 pounds of hard muscle, and unlike Bryan, he was visibly happy, and excited about his physical prowess. By that time, he decided he should focus on wrestling, and he was by far stronger and more capable than anyone he ever fought. I remember we used to talk about the way he always won his adversaries with ease, and how he considered me his “indispensable lucky charm”. Theo actually convinced the Coach to make me the official team’s mascot just to make sure I would never miss any championship he attended (although I hated using that stupid pirate costume). Theo became a true sports hero in our school, and a great role model for the other teammates, because not only he stood against who used to give him a bad time just because he was Asian, my best friend also defended anyone from being bullied. I was so happy that I finally was able to change a guy in such phenomenal way! By the time we were high school sophomores, Theo stood proudly at 5’11” and weighed 200 pounds of hard toned muscles with an invincible retrospect on his career. I focused so intensely on his development, but for some reason he was growing in a much slower pace. Theo actually told me very excited that he had a shot on Olympic team, but he needed to keep under 225 pounds. It was then I realized that I needed to let go off Theo’s growth, otherwise I would end up doing the same thing I did to Bryan. He eventually became an Olympian contender, and came back home with a gold medal, and I didn’t help him at all during the competitions. I discovered the target has to feel happy about his growth, but at that point, I did not know if target’s awareness could actually influence the outcome of my abilities. I accidentally found out the answer when I volunteered to work in a home for senior citizens, trying to spruce up my extracurricular activities to score higher at the fancy universities like my parents so eagerly wanted me to do. There I met Arthur Greenspan, a 72-year-old black man who had served many years as a police officer. Because of his bad eating habits and lack of exercise, Mr. Greenspan was seriously overweight and had developed type 2 diabetes associated to high blood pressure and suffered severe case of gout. Doctors also feared that he could lose his left foot, which was gravely infected. Despite all that, Mr. Greenspan was a very cheerful person, with whom I loved to talk during my afternoons in the home. He always had a good story to tell from his old crime-fighting days, but always asked me to sneak in candy bars for him. Deep down I realized that felt very lonely in that place, so I one day I told him that I could help him, but he needed to help me back. I spent that afternoon talking to Arthur, telling him all the story of Brian and Theo and how I managed to change their lives, and that I wanted to do the same to him, but he needed to trust me, and I knew it was very hard to believe at first. Mr. Greenspan heard it all very patiently, although he had a skeptical look on him. I did not care because all the time I was focusing on his body, trying to change the fat into muscle, trying to make his organism revert into a healthy state, which was rather different from my previous attempts, where I simply needed to wish my target to grow more muscular and stronger. However, to our uttering surprise, Arthur’s body reacted much faster than we both expected. Soon, he noticed his once flabby; fat body was tingling all over. His fat tissues were literally melting away, slowly changing into food for his muscular development. I still could not fully comprehend the impact of Arthur being aware of my abilities over the outcome, but I’d soon discover. I was prepared to spend several days working on Mr. Greenspan’s transformation, being careful to feed just enough not to hurt his old organism, but I forgot that in his prime days, Arthur was a man in formidable physical form. He stood at 6’2” tall and weighed 215 pounds by the time he joined police after being mariner for 7 years, so at the peak of his condition, Arthur was a prime specimen of muscular strong man, and for such reason his body responded promptly to my powers, in a way that I never witnessed before. We both stood there, watching the formerly obese man changing back into the physique he had in his glory days. On top of that, his injured foot healed immediately as the blood sugar levels lowered drastically because all the excessive sugar and fat instantly converted into muscular tissue, despite the fact Arthur was already a man of advanced age; his organism regained the same vigor and size of its prime glorious days. It was impressive that his peak condition could be so easily restored simply like that, without me having to build his size as I did with my previous targets. Arthur gasped while the clothes over his fast changing body became tight for all the different reasons. At some point, I realized that Arthur’s bodyweight was indeed much heavier than his glory days, so instead of just “slimming down”, I could use the energy stored in the fat tissues and sugar blood to foster new growth for his muscles! I focused harder to change his own spectacular form into something even bigger, even manlier, even harder! The retired police officer moaned, since that, along with his muscularity, I had also unadvisedly brought his libido back with a burning desire. His large manhood stood fully erect inside his pants, tenting up as his muscles augmented. I hear his deep moaning as his voice regained its regal, deep, manly authority. His powerful leg muscles increased and developed as I fed the transformation over his impressive physique. Arthur’s growing deltoids, expanding chest, ballooning biceps, widening shoulders, thickening neck and augmenting triceps continued to amaze me, because the reactions to my power have never been so intense. At that point, I also noticed that my considerably smaller dick was also completely hard, so I had added another component of that complex equation to the mix. My own state of sexual arouse contributed strongly not only to the result but also to its pace. I knew myself to be gay and attracted to muscular, manly men, but since my previous targets were my brother and Theo (who I cherished like a real brother), I actually had to restrain the sexual implications of the growth, which significantly reduced the outcome of my abilities. There I stood with a 6’2” tall massive Nubian King of Muscles, and Arthur weighed over 300 pounds of hard incredibly muscles, and a massive 11 inches cock, which I gladly discovered to respond to my powers as well. The glorious muscle grandpa just smiled as he stepped closer to me and hugged me in his powerful, manly, massive embrace. He looked at my face with such manly authority and determination. Arthur said that he never felt better in his life, and in order to emphasize his argument, the monstrous muscle man flexed his now 25” biceps, so hard and veined right in my face and ordered me to grope it, to kiss it, to make it bigger! Something inside me was so happy to oblige! I finally understood that my powers were to please a man who truly understood the amazing potential of those abilities. I kissed his flexed biceps, my tongue dancing around the hard fibers and licking the angled rugged stone of muscle, while my mind flooded his body with more growth, propelled by oy own lustful desires. Greenspan gasped, moaning deeper as his body augmented even further, while his clothes literally ripped from his body because his actual muscular size now surpassed his former obese forms, easily destroying the fabric and continuing to expand outwards as my feverish lustful mind commanded. He continued to flex his growing biceps and held my body with just one massive calloused hand underneath my arse. I felt the huge finger of my massive muscle master easily ripping through the fabric of my own pants and underwear, the invading body easily went up my virgin hole and I clinched in reflexive response. We both felt the sudden increase of the growth and Arthur just smiled and told me he would be honored to be my first. I blushed, he inserted his second and third fingers and kissed my lips, in such vivid, manly, passionate way that I lost any sense of direction. The kiss lasted until I had no air left in my lungs, gasping desperately to breathe. Arthur laughed at that, his growing body also made him look so regal, so magnificently masterful, so obscenely humongous! He gently caressed my face and threw his head back, amazed to the extent of his transformation. He thanked me once again, kissing my eager, unexperienced lips and firmly guiding me through the action. He stopped me to show when I should be sucking and when to let him suck, to savor our lips together and just let passion flow through us. His body augmented even more as my virginity blossomed to him, I could sense his enormous figure increased as I got closer to be fucked by the first time. The glorious black muscle daddy brought me to his bed, which, although fortunately reinforced to support his weight, creaked and squeaked as his new muscular figure laid on it. He just chuckled and removed the remainder of my clothes, ripping my shirt with his teeth, spitting them at the other side of the room. I thought I’d be nervous to be fucked by such a massive tower of man with an obelisk of black cock, which I realized to be over 14 inches of impressive size, but I was surprisingly calm and excited. Arthur was a massive gentleman, he gently spread my legs and used his own spit, mixed with the incredible amount of precum leaking from his member to lube my own boyish cherry hole. The moment Greenspan penetrated me for the first time I unleashed such an unparalleled wave of growth power into Arthur’s body that made him grow so much more muscular so fast that his entire left side grew too big for the right side. Fortunately, right at the next moment his body bulged back into this perfect monstrosity, and the glorious muscle monster just chuckled, complimenting me for not being a virgin anymore, which I replied by asking him to fuck me really hard. It was then I discovered that I can really grow a man when he is fucking my boyish anus, each time his engorged member went deeper inside my skinny body I made him grow ever so massive, ever so powerful, ever so muscular. Arthur just groaned, making me feel even better as he readjusted his bigger body, worried that his uncanny mass could accidentally crush my tiny skinny body underneath it. All of a sudden, I caused my first growthgasm as Arthur quickly nicknamed it. My eyes rolled back in their orbits and I let a primal scream of pleasure escape my throat as the monstrous cock dumped a hot torrent of jism inside my butt and right then I replied by unloading my own diminutive ejaculation over his black wall of abdominal muscles. But if my physical cum was nothing remarkable, the energetic breakthrough of my orgasm fed Arthur’s body into a frenzy of muscle growth. We were both shaking as his muscles developed even further, his body augmented and adjusted, growing even thicker and more massive, his shoulders expanded, his biceps engorged, his legs thickening, the calves flexing and growing while his chest pressed heavier over my head. The body convulsed with several different spots for uncanny muscle growth. Eventually, the bed broke down at the immense weight that Greenspan now carried into his monumental frame. I only came back to my senses a few moments later, with Arthur nursing me in his massive inside a room, which was not the same we fucked. He then told me that I had passed out after my orgasm, and he realized we could never explain the situation without running my secret, so he grabbed his stuff and burst through the wall carrying my slim figure with him. Arthur took us back to his house (that albeit listed to sell, fortunately never attracted a decent offer). It was the first time I saw him after the transformation, and he was proud to show me the facts, which got me so happy and shocked! The 6’2” 270 72-year-old formerly obese man was gone and in his place Arthur Greenspan now stood as a behemoth of 7’2” tall weighing 1,300 pounds of hulking, inhumanly HUGE massive size of muscles. His cock, which never got fully soft again, reached 14 inches long at that semi-flaccid state, and full 26” massive inches when fully hard. His flexed biceps reached 52” around and he had uncanny 120” chest, not to mention his 78” thighs with calves that reached the same size of his arms, which only made him look a perfect monster of muscle. The mixture of his senior features and the look of wisdom of his experienced days combined to the vigorous monstrosity of his new muscles made my heart melt. I hugged his monstrous body and begged him to fuck me again, sincerely hoping that I could make him even bigger! Sadly, I discovered that I would never grow Arthur the way I grew him. I mean, I still made him grow at least 250 pounds since we started, a few weeks earlier, but his massive transformation was limited to that fantastic day. Not that he complained, quite the contrary! Arthur made my life complete as he fucked me in ways I never thought possible, he taught me all his tricks and our sex is just incredible! However, my humongous muscle master is truly a wise one. He could tell I felt frustrated for never being able to grow my targets the way I really wanted to change them, so he told me that he would always be there to me, but I needed to search the world for a perfect storm. With Arthur’s motivation, I searched all archives about bodybuilding and strength sports in order to track down elder men with greatest physical qualities who still kept in great shape throughout the nation, I needed someone to combine everything I learned over the years in order to achieve full success. That’s why I came to find Larry Townsend. I want HIM to become my Ultimate Muscle Daddy, so I have to make sure that the subject is completely aware that I can make him grow, he must accept and embrace it, he must not only be okay with it. And most important, he needs to make me excited for making him grow. I truly hope Larry Townsend will fulfill all those requirements, because then I will have my Perfect Storm. To be continued.
  10. msclvrtoo

    Just Dave And Me - Part I

    Here's Part I of four parts Just Dave and Me”: Part I By [email protected] [This story contains consensual sex between adult males. There is no intent to assess the sexual “preferences or activities of any individual with names similar to those in this fictional story. Read and enjoy.] Important Set-Up I wondered if this was just a dumb idea. I hoped not. I wasn’t sure. I knew that I’d thought about this for a long time. So, in that sense, it was important to me. Yet, how the hell do you know what to expect? Really? These questions were zooming around in my head when the main door to the clinic opened. “Mr. Scott Reynolds? Dr. Russell will see you now,” announced a young lady who acted too old for her age. I had a brief mental picture of what a smiling hugely muscled young body-builder stud might look like if he were sitting there instead of her. As I walked down the hall, the last few months flashed through my mind in just seconds. I had inherited a pretty sizeable chunk of money from my now deceased grandfather. As a single gay man, pushing 50, I was already in good financial condition. My business was successful. I was able to take vacations when I wanted. The only thing that was missing was a partner – a partner in mind, body and spirit. Sure, I’d had some “relationships” and have some good friendships, but no “partner partner.” I’d decided to take part of the inheritance and do something I’d fantasized about for years. This is about what I’ve thought about for years, especially every time I was in the cock-hardening company of one of those fabulously massive masculine muscular (I call them my “3Ms”) bodybuilder escorts. After weeks of intensive Internet research, I found the Institute for Human Potential. I went to their website and received some literature in the mail. While they had a lot of traditional therapy and new-age programs, I focused on their “experiential fantasy” program. It wasn’t therapy. I didn’t need any more of that. The idea of “fantasy,” though sounding a little hokey, made sense given what I was looking for. I had a lot of background participating in and delivering experiential education for adults. So I was already on board with “experiential.” Short of a long-term partner, what I was looking for was an experience with one very special man. This man would be my powerful, loving, totally and massively built loving father figure. This would be completely different from my abusing deceased real father (he died when I was ten) and my stepfather. I would be his son, a son who he would love unconditionally and allow me to explore whatever I needed to explore and didn’t as a kid. My idea was that we would be together, very intimately, for maybe a week or so at some great vacation spot. As a result of our time together, I would regain a sense of my masculine power that I threw away in my early teens and am now, pushing 50, just beginning to relish. My hope was that in that week, I would be with him and he with me… in ways that would literally push my own transformation as a powerful masculine male into high gear. I can imagine and see it now. God, he is one very muscular huge guy and ruggedly handsome, too! His smile is intoxicating me. As I lay on top of him, my cock is as hard as a rock and feels like it is going to explode. It’s in between his gigantic thighs. He keeps flexing those steel-corded monsters and crushing my cock like a human grinding machine. I jam it in hard each time he flexes and tries to stop me. We’re both into a nice power trip here. He’s turned on that I’m so turned on, and that is fabulous. I get off my elbows and let myself sink deep down into his cast-iron pecs and hairy chest. I rest my head in his crevice and gently lick the hair and the side of his right pec. It’s like I’m resting on two hard rocks being warmed by the sun. He flexes those mountains and my head rises an inch as he thrusts his chest out. My eyes remain about a half-inch (in an extraordinary side view) from some incredible striations that are even more sexy because they’re covered with light brown hair. As I slide my head up a bit, my heart leaps as I gaze at his square chin and the top of his neck, covered in a sexy light stubble. God, how sexy can a guy get? His high neck muscles and cords tighten as he moves his head from side to side showing off what he’s got. The dark stubble (only a short inch from my mouth) sits on top of these beautiful muscles provokes something damn deep in me. Very primitive and very powerful. He has an intoxicating musky man-scent. My lust starts me sweating again. My heart is racing. My tongue starts licking the underside of his stubbled chin. He tastes so delicious, so manly. My tongue feels like its licking soft warm steel, only now it’s covered with sandpaper -- slowing my tongue’s explorations to a deliciously slow pace. In addition to loving armpits, and the back of a concrete and corded neck, I quickly add this part of a man’s anatomy – a massive thick and corded neck -- to my turn on list. The power in his neck just blows me away. It is amazing how beautiful big bulges of muscle strips can be as they move gracefully down into his naturally explosive traps and shoulders. He knows it and he’s still getting off watching me go just a little nuts. And then he tightens his already concrete-like thighs against my cock, again, and again, and again. I flex my cock right back each time. It doesn’t get much better than this. That’s what I see is possible, for starters. Back To Reality I was quite direct and blunt with Dr. Russell about what I was looking for and why. He explained that what I was looking for was often called “surrogate services.” There seemed to be a good match between my expectations, what they offered, despite the “no guarantees” ground-rule. He talked about the different reasons for “surrogate services” and the roles surrogates can play. I’d written down what I was looking for and read him this list, making no apologies for what I wanted. I’m so grateful I didn’t let my embarrassment stop me. This guy would be a mature man, probably in his late 30’s or 40’s. He should be at least 6 feet tall and built like a competitive bodybuilder. He need not be cut for competition, but should have a lot of thick, bulging muscle. It makes no difference if he’s hairy or shaved. He doesn’t have to look like a handsome movie star. Dark or blond features made no difference. I told him I wasn’t interested in any S&M, dangerous stuff, or physical or emotional abuse. He seemed to understand. I continued to explain that I wanted a guy who was willing to play something like a father or big brother role and do it with a lot of respect and love towards me. He’d be willing to completely give himself physically and emotionally to me --- providing some of the experiences of being with a man that I’d wanted for years. He’d be the kind of guy that would love getting turned on himself and revel in sharing his body and totally masculine self with me. I indicated I didn’t expect a relationship out of this beyond the week. I did expect a guy who was a big heart and was 100% willing to give that to me, especially in body and passionate muscle worship, sexual passion, and tender caring. I’d been with enough escorts to know that what I had in mind was a very temporary experience. Yes, it is self-centered and narcissistic. Yet, I just saw myself as coming out of the week with a newfound sense of my own masculine power, having been coached and loved into that by a great big muscleman with a great big heart. Maybe it would help me in my own growth as a man and as a potential partner. Maybe it wouldn’t. I was willing to take the chance and spend the money. If nothing else, it would be a nice vacation with the potential for some great muscle sex with a massive, masculine, muscular (“3M”) god. Dr. Russell told me that the Institute had been approached by a number of gay men over the years with some similar, though not the same requests. He reviewed the process used to recruit and contract with surrogates. He asked me to be patient, given the specificity of my requirements. It would take time to find the right guy and train him in the basics, if he wasn’t already “trained.” We agreed that once the guy was selected it would be wise for him and I to meet informally, discuss the week, and check for chemistry. I gave him a retainer and a picture of me. Fortunately, I was a reasonably good-looking guy, although a tad heavy. At the end of our session, he made sure I understood the “no guarantees” aspects of this little project. At the same time, I felt excited by his confidence that his network would turn-up the right guy, either locally or nationally. Three weeks went by. My fantasies were going nuts. I was going nuts. I was masturbating like there was no tomorrow. As someone on the muscle-sex internet network said, “I hope masturbation is healthy, because if it isn’t, I’m gonna die soon.” My all time favorite, Pete K., kept popping into my dreams and daydreams. I loved to think about how cool it would be if it turned out to be Pete, Carl, Nassar, Ron, Gunter, Mike M. or any of the others – all legends that had been imprinted on my mind for years. I also had lots of moments of doubt. None of my friends or family knew my plan, yet. And, maybe I’d just keep it too myself and my special friend and coach, Rob. The Power of Fantasy and the Mind’s Creativity For the last couple of days, I keep seeing Nassar, Mike M. and Gunter in the same room with me. I’m on my massage table and these truly huge gods are getting very turned on as they turn each other on and take turns turning me on. It’s just after a recent Mr. Olympia contest and these three monsters are cut into ribbons on top of bulging mountains of steel hard muscle. They’re tanned, flawlessly oiled, and their sweat makes their bodies glisten in the light as they move from pose to pose. My favorite sexy monster, Nassar, is “calling cadence” and they all move at the same time from the same pose to the same pose. “Double biceps guys.” Their eyes are fixed on me, watching each of my reactions. “Give him your most muscular, now!” he orders. Smiles cross their faces when my cock does another leap. “Turn and flair those big backs, now!” When they’re not looking at me, they’re fixated on each other, driven to turn each other on which, by the look of their beautiful baskets, they are being very successful at. “Side chest, now!” Mike’s huge basket is wrapped in a tissue-like red fabric that is getting nearly transparent as the sweat drips down the crevices of his torso. It’s right next to my left shoulder and getting bigger and bigger. I’m overwhelmed trying to keep track of a set of huge arms that are covered with veins and his growing basket. “Abs, now!” Gunter, my blond and perfectly tanned Gunter, is in a sheer white strap that is barely holding his balls and cock in place. I see his piss slit through the fabric as his cock starts moving up to the edge of his left hip strap, about ready to push itself out in full glory. His smile is devastating. “Thighs, now!” barks Nassar. It disgusts me that he kept coming in number two in Mr. Olympia. “Traps and upper body, now!” If these judges would only weight symmetry, he’d have been on top for at least two years. For our session, he’s chosen to wear his signature black posing strap. It’s not a trunk. It’s not a brief. This extraordinary mountain of man wears a tiny strap that leaves nothing to the imagination. “Front lat spread, now!” His bulging basket is in between my toes at the foot of the table. He thrusts it in and I playfully hook my big toes on each strap and pull him forward and each strap pulls away from his incredibly sexy waist. A sly, knowing smile crosses his face and he plays right along with me. Then he turns and looks at his right bicep – both top muscles and his tricep (like a spare tire) jump as he pumps and pumps for everyone’s benefit. “Resting pose, now!” Completely out of my conscious control, my cock explodes in volleys of warm, thick cum. All these gorgeous men let loose with cheers as they watch their extraordinary collective impact on me. Shit, I had no idea I could pump so much cum…no idea…at least up until now. Progress One Friday morning, the phone rang. It was Dr. Russell. “Mr. Reynolds, do you have a few moments?” My heart leaped into my throat. “Sure,” I said with a mixture of excitement and anxiety. “I know it’s taken a while, but I think we’ve found a terrific guy for you. He’s on the west coast so you’d have to pay for his travel to meet you the first time or you could go meet him. That would be in addition to the travel to the resort if you decide to hire him. We just couldn’t find the right guy locally.” “Why do you think he’s such a good match? “ I asked, feeling very proud of not getting too excited too quickly. “He’s 45, gay, a competitive bodybuilder competing in masters tournaments. His name is Dave and he’s 6’3” and 285 pounds. He’s actually been an escort from time to time over the years but “moved up” to doing this kind of surrogate work a couple of years ago. A couple of my colleagues in L.A. recommended him. They also gave him some basic training in doing surrogate work. Dave is a rehabilitation therapist, in-between partners, and has a flexible work schedule. I wanted to call you first before I spoke with him directly. Are you interested?” “Absolutely,” I said. Dr. Russell said he’d do a telephone interview with Dave and cover all the things I was interested in and see if he was interested in the engagement. He also said he has a good “sixth sense” for people, even on the phone and would put that to work. I told him to not take it further with Dave if he didn’t think it was a good match. I thanked him, hung the phone up, and started sweating from a combination of anxiety and a rush of adrenaline. My mind flipped into a fast forward fantasy We had only moments ago entered a luxurious guest room. While still in our street clothes (his pants and shirt were very small and very tight and he looked absolutely incredibly powerful and gorgeous) he invited me over to the big over-stuffed chair. Neither of us wanted to waste any time given the weeks of planning. He sat his huge body down and motioned me to come over and sit on his lap. I knew I’d be sitting on his hard cock – I could see it through his tight jeans – poking up towards his right hip. He was so relaxed, so friendly, so focused on me. I was melting. After mentally flipping through at least five “lap positions” in a few nano-seconds, I decided to sit with my back into his chest so he could wrap his muscular hairy arms and hands around me and squeeze like there was no tomorrow. He knew exactly what to do. He asked me if it was okay if he held me in his arms. I just nodded. How wonderful that he really appeared to want to do what I wanted. I put my hands and forearms on top of his and squeezed his huge wrists while he gently squeezed my arms into my torso and my back into his flexed pecs. I just let myself go, sink into him, and savor this amazing moment. I’ve always been hooked on the total arm, with hair. It was like resting on top of warm steel. Then he started to rotate and pump his cock and abdominals into my ass. The power in his body just overwhelmed me. I was feeling so many muscles flex and move at the same time that I couldn’t believe it was real. It was real, and I could tell he just wanted to enjoy it all. He told me how much he liked feeling his own body against mine and how sexy it was to watch and feel me damn near lose all control. Another Call from Dr. Russell A week later Dr. Russell called again and announced that he was very impressed with Dave and thought that it would be worth my time and money to meet him. Again, I asked him “What impresses you?” “He’s a great combination of sensitivity and inner strength. We talked about his experiences as a surrogate, though mostly with women. He had worked with a few gay guys and felt more at home and more able to understand and respond to what men really wanted. The fee was satisfactory for him. His schedule is flexible with enough notice to his boss. If you give me your email, I’ll forward his photo. You’ll be delighted at how close he matches what you were looking for physically. Both physically and otherwise, he’s quite an impressive guy. Do you want to meet him?” “Yes,” I said with a clearly excited edge. We agreed that Dr. Russell’s staff would handle the arrangements. I’d fly out to L.A. and spend a night downtown, with Dave and me meeting for a meal or coffee. After two weeks of non-stop muscle fantasies I landed in L.A. and went to the Biltmore. I stopped masturbating two days before. As hard as that was, I wanted to have all my engines ready in case something great might happen. Dave had left a message and a day telephone number. Before I even unpacked, I called him up. I was amazed at how relaxed I was. “This is Dave.” “Hi Dave, this is Scott Reynolds.” “Great, I’ve been waiting for you to call.” “Thanks for your message and my schedule is open. What does yours look like?” “ I kept dinner and this evening open, as well as tomorrow around lunch. Unless the air travel bushed you, would you like to have dinner together?” “Sounds good to me.” “Let’s make it easy and plan to eat in the main dining room of your hotel. Would that be ok?” “Sure. What time?” “How about 6pm?” “Fine and I’m laughing because I certainly don’t need to ask you what you look like. I got your picture from Dr. Russell.” “I got yours too. Should be no problem.” “See you at 6pm Dave.” “I’m looking forward to meeting you.” “Thanks. Same goes for me.” Oh my God. I was damn near hyperventilating with another combination of anxiety and excitement. His picture. His picture was astounding. He was in a pair of very small posers that could not hide an extremely big package. I’d never seen a package that big before…only in morphs. I’d been looking at the thing everyday for the last two weeks. He’s a blond version of Pete K. A great combination of muscle mass, cuts, and a flurry of hair across his square pecs and down his six pack of abs. His hair is cut short and he has an easy look about him. I love his confident, mature and very masculine look. I hope his insides match his outsides. If they don’t, I’ll walk away from this and tell Dr. Russell to start another search. But, still, I had a good feeling about him. I loved the soft yet strong sound of his voice. He seemed truly interested in meeting and was well organized. I liked that. More Fantasy My mind flashed back on what it might be like in the guest room. God, as we lay down in our clothes on the big bed, I couldn’t wait to explore his bulging basket, straining his tightly wrapped and faded jeans. I had a hunch from the definition of his cock and its expansion (that was now up to his narrow waist) that he wasn’t wearing any underwear. I ground myself into his hulking body and moved myself down his torso, over his cinder block abs. I locked my arms on either side of his narrow waist and spreading lats. It felt unnatural – my arms weren’t parallel – they were twice as wide at my hands as I pulled my elbows in to lock onto his tiny waist. Then, as I put my nose and closed mouth on top of his huge hard steel tube, it was clear he was very very hard. It had to be at least eight inches. Its thickness was challenging the stretch of his jeans up and down its length. The fabric tension between the top ridge of his cock “downhill” on either side of his jeans was amazing. God, I truly love the mystery of a huge basket, cock, and balls being covered. I tried to push it with my mouth and rubbed it with my nose. There was no give --. None. I looked up at him with a big smile. He moved his arms back behind his head with a very self-satisfied grin on his face and said “I’m all yours, Scott. Go for it, buddy.” Just to make his point even clearer, he arched his back and thrust his hips up to within two inches of my slightly raised face. Okay, Scott, get back to reality here. After a two-hour nap, I put on some good-looking casual clothes and fussed with myself enough to get me to the point of feeling “well put together” – especially important for our first meeting. In the restaurant I found a table somewhat off in the corner and left instructions with the hostess that I was waiting to be joined by another “gentleman.” I liked using that word, “gentleman.” I was sipping at my water and watching the glass doors. When a particular guy walked in, I knew it was him. I felt instantly weak (It’s easy for me to feel truly weak with muscle guys. But, of course, we already know that! ). God, what a huge guy, even from forty feet away. He was dressed in dress slacks, a faux turtleneck, and a light brown tailored sports jacket. Damn. He was literally bulging out of his jacket. My mind went nuts for a moment imagining his bare, cut, and hairy arms, and his massive thick neck. Despite the close haircut, he had a full head of hair, a mixture of blond and some brown. Sexy is an understatement. I’d clearly hit pay dirt in the mammoth physique department. I’d dreamed of this meeting for so many years. It really was happening. I was overwhelmed with a sense of gratitude, excitement, and lust, lots of lust. As he walked so gracefully and easily over to the table, I stood up, came around in front of the table (I was trying to hide my nervousness), looked directly into his eyes, and put my hand out, confidently. We both said “hello and good to meet ya’” at the same time. We both chuckled. My knees still felt a little jittery. I was already perspiring again. We said down across from each other. I really was nervous now. He seemed incredibly relaxed. He said it was a little too hot and he got up and took his jacket off. Now, that was an experience to watch that will forever be burned into my memory. It amazes me that already huge and massive muscles can look even more so when covered in a tight full-body top. Fuck, he just exuded sexual energy and hyper-masculinity in extreme proportions. I knew he was watching my eyes dart all over him as I tried to comprehend the massive musclegod that was now right next to me. He smile seemed to say “Yeah, I understand…get this all the time.” My very stiff cock was aching in a way it hadn’t in years. End of Part I Part II to follow. Copyright©[email protected] Feedback welcomed. No flames, please.
  11. Before I start, I wanted to say that I’ve never written a story like this before. Having been inspired by Maxxxmuscle’s comic Harvzilla. It is honestly like the hottest thing I think I have ever seen, and it’s getting better every time he releases a page. So without further ado, here we go! Chapter 1: Coming out It started like it would with any love story. Josh was in love with his life long best friend, but had no clue how to express his affections. It was painfully obvious for all but Parker who was oblivious to his best friend’s feelings. Parker had his own secret though... One which he had never shared with Josh. The two were madly in love with one another! Josh was actually quite a strapping young man. At 6’8 and 245lbs of pure muscle. He was what many teenage boys wished they could be. On top of that, Josh was every bit of a grower. Hidden behind his jeans, and boxer briefs lied a foot long by the likes nobody had ever seen. He often caught people ball gazing, but thought very little of it. Hell, he hardly cared if people drooled over him. Paired with the young Adonis’ killer body, Josh’s well known size was the source of rumor for many at Westwood University. Despite this fact, He had turned down everybody who made the attempt to try and date him. Josh had his eyes on one person, and he was mere minutes away from confessing to that person. Sitting at his Desk, Parker was in the middle of daydreaming again. He had just gotten through a painful Calculus lecture, and was eager to spend time with Josh later that night. The two had planned to see a movie at the local theater. But, what the two didn’t know, was the others plan to confess feelings. While not as physically gifted as Josh. Parker was by no means a slacker. Standing at a smaller but still impressive 6’4 and weighing 215lbs. Parker packed a smaller, but still impressive anaconda of 10 inches. Like Josh, Parker was popular among the girls and the guys, but would reject everyone who bothered to ask. Like Josh, Parker was still a virgin, and it was a surprising fact. Few people expected someone of such an impressive size to still be one. “Hey, I’m on my way my dorm room. Wanna come hang out for a bit before the movie?” Josh texted Parker. Parker looked down at his phone and grinned, he loved hanging out with Josh. It wasn’t even a question of if he wanted to or not. The answer was always yes, and Josh knew it. ”Of course, I’ll be there in a few minutes,” Parker responded. Josh received the text as he unlocked the door to his room but not before an unknown package he failed to notice fell over. Upon inspecting the package he noticed it to be some kind of experimental protein powder. Wondering what it was, he closed the door to his dorm room and opened it up, Finding a red warning written in bold letters, he began to read the side effects of overdose. “Overuse of the experimental Hyperbulk powder can result in several side effects that include but aren’t limited to, Extreme muscle growth, increased height, penis growth, an increased sex drive, and infectious cum” “Infectious cum”? Josh thought to himself. What do they mean by infectious? Before Josh had time to contemplate the message, he was overcome by a sense of hunger. “Well, I already have it. Why not try out some of this stuff while I wait on Parker?” Josh had been opening the bottle and gathering the other ingredients for a shake. The substance didn’t include a scoop and he had never been one to use one. So he decided that half the smaller tin would be an appropriate amount. It was about the same amount he usually used when he made protein shakes anyway. Blending it to perfection, Josh was excited as he poured the shake into a cup for his consumption. He had made protein shakes a daily part of his routine, and sculpted his body over the years to near perfection. (Or so he thought) By the time he finished gulping the shake down, he heard a knock at his door. Parker was thirsty, as he had just ran 4 miles to get to Josh’s dorm. It occurred to him that he hadn’t really eaten anything either. He was always the book nerd compared to his best friend. Indeed, Josh often playfully teased Parker for being a math major while he was at college on a basketball scholarship. Despite the two being different in almost every single way, they had been friends since they were just four years old! Parker didn’t really recall a time without his best bud. “Yo dude! Woah- you’re drenched in sweat and panting,” Josh noticed as he opened the door and greeted Parker. “Yeah, well I hate to keep you waiting. Besides I need the exercise,” Parker replied Josh led Parker to his couch, and went to go make another shake. Using the remaining half of the tin without paying any particular attention to the serving size amounts. Josh blended the shake to perfection, and handed this one to Parker. “Try this stuff out,” Josh said as he handed the drink to Parker Parker didn’t have to be told twice, especially being as thirsty as he was now. He gulped the contents of the shake down, leaving no trace of it in the cup. “Thank you, that hit the spot,” Parker let out a small burp of approval. Josh smiled and giggled a little bit. “No problem man, I actually just got that stuff delivered today. It was a sample of some new protein powder they’re developing,” Josh went on, as he began to felt a strange heat in his gut. “Well thanks man, but I wanted to tell you something.. Before we go out tonight. It’s been weighing on my mind now for months,” Parker began, as he too felt a weird warmth emanating from his gut. Josh sat on the couch next to Parker, and listened to what his friend had to say. Josh always listened to Parker, and cared a lot about what his friend had to say. “Well you see...” Parker began, “I like you a lot.. I have for some time. Everybody always drools over you and your body, and while I admit that’s a bonus. I’ve always liked you for more than that Josh. You’re my best friend, and know me better than anyone else. I’m more comfortable around you than I am anyone else.” Parker had intended to continue, but not before being interrupted by a pair of firm yet soft lips on his own. “I’ve loved you ever since our Freshman year of Highschool. I feared telling you because I didn’t want to lose our friendship. But are you sure I’m really what you want?” Josh blushed, as he exposed his more insecure side. “Of course you are...,” Parker responded The two leaned in to kiss, both battling the others tongue in a display of hot fiery passion unlike anyone had ever seen. Their intense make out session would move to Josh’s bed where the two gradually stripped clothing and continued making out. The two would begin to lose track of time as their bodies continued to rub against each other. However, the warmth in their guts began to spread throughout their bodies. Changes were beginning, that the two had yet to realize. Even Bigger changes were about to happen. Perhaps bigger than the two of them could begin to comprehend. End of chapter 1 Thanks to all those who have taken the time to read my first post. Hopefully you all enjoy this as I continue to develop it. I’ll continue to work on improving my writing as the chapters go on. But please, let me know what you thought!
  12. (AM: This story is going to be a long chronicle. The growth is slow, and almost secondary to the story. This focuses instead on men exploring a relationship with growth being a part of it. I have had so much fun writing it so I hope you enjoy!) Chapter 1 Jeremy couldn't believe the situation before him. He had finally taken the plunge and downloaded an app. A dating app. It. Was... Awful! Men throwing themselves at each other dick first. The second you wanted to go on a date that might not lead to sex you get blocked. It was like a forest of dicks, but dicks were the weeds. Sure, they can look nice sometimes, but it's not the way Jeremy wanted to be introduced to someone. Then Jeremy came across the cutest guy. Handsome, and with a great body to boot. Even better he seems really sweet. It seemed too good to be true, which made Jeremy think it wasn't real. That being said Jeremy enjoyed the conversation, and the idea of this hot guy being into him was kinda nice. He seemed genuinely interested in Jeremy too, which was confusing. Jeremy was slightly shorter then average at 5' 7”. He hated it, but some guys found it cute so he just decided to accept it. That being said no one he had found liked his body as it was. Heavier, but not even to the degree that chasers would be interested, not that Jeremy wanted to be that big. This other guy had the body of Jeremy's dream. 6' 2” and built strong, but lean. He said he had tried a few bodybuilding shows but hadn't won anything yet. For his part, he seemed interested in Jeremy's hobbies. Jeremy told him how he had taken martial arts as a kid, but now at this weight he was nervous about his physical capabilities. Dreamboat said that shouldn't hold him back. Jeremy described enjoying video games, being a teacher, spending time helping run the school play. Mr Perfect to his credit took it all in stride. He even seemed excited when Jeremy said they were putting on The Producers. Turns out Mr Slightly-Less-Than-Perfect does not have a great singing voice, but he was trying to sing 'Betrayed' from the play. Both sent laughing messages about it. Thus Jeremy was nervous when finally tall, dark, and pitchy wanted to meet up, Jeremy was disappointed that the dream would end. On the off chance that this was real he had to go, but he was also pretty sure he was being catfished. He made sure to pick a public place in a populated area, tell people where he was going and when he would be back. Now he sat at a small table in a nice pizza place, jaw dropped. As Jeremy watched the man who came in and approached he was not sure is he had been catfished or not. The face of this man was similar enough that Jeremy knew he was the one from the profile, but Mr Amazing was not 6' 2” and not athletically muscular. He was easily 6' 4” and his shirt was a ticking time bomb that was going to explode from his body any minute as his muscles stretched an unforgiving cotton shirt.
  13. Chapter One "ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL!" As Francois, James and Larry all held the pose, the selfie timer clicked and posted the photo of "The Apprentice Musketeers (NFSW)" onto their Only Fans account and as the likes and tips came rolling in, James chuckled saying "And you though me creating a fantasy account combing naked Musketeers wouldn't make any money!" Larry and Francois laughed as James chuckled "Without it what we are going to do tonight would be impossible. We three are going to travel back to 1642 and become bone fide Musketeers under the tutelage of those brave men we know Henri and Porthos, you never know we might get to meet Aramis and Athos as well, although just so you know Athos is a bear and Aramis is straight as a railroad!" "Shame" replied Larry, "I'd like to show him my red rose!" and with that pretended to ram Francois who pretended to moan "Hide your thorns for I am lost and forlorn" poking fun at one of Aramis's poems that Henri had told them about. As James set about entering the last of the calculations needed to transport them to 1642, he chuckled "And the best part is, the Terminator movies were right, clothes can survive time travel, so we'll arrive naked as well!" *** "Oh, mon chere" moaned Porthos, "the waiting is driving me crazy, I cannot stand it any longer" and with that he dived under Henri's bed, grunted "Lie on it, mon chere" and as Henri did so Porthos raised the whole bed weighing, with his husband on it, some four hundred livres, ten times in a row, holding it at the top of the lift and allowing Henri to note "Mmm, there appears to be something eating the wood in the ceiling, best let the Captain now about that soon!" As Porthos lowered the bed for the tenth time, he suddenly yelped and rolled out stating "That metal ball at the end made me yelp!" "Ah" smiled Henri, as his hair started to stand on end, "I think our guests are arriving" and sure enough a large ball object arrived in front of them that slowly dissipated to reveal James, Larry and Francois, all completely naked and thanks to their incredible machine, now in 1642 and even more muscular than they were. As the three slowly stood up they all flexed their muscles and caused Porthos to moan "Oh, mon dieu, muscles!" and he instantly prostrated himself and cried "My lords, I am not worthy of your presence!" "Yeah!" moaned Francois, hitting a side chest, "You love us this big don't you? Yeah, between us we have a combined mass of 650lbs of lean, powerful, masculine muscle!" "And we are going to use every single bit of it" added Larry, flexing his glutes "Indeed" smiled James, making his quads bulge, "by the end of this week we are going to be Musketeers" and as he relaxed panted "Are our applications in order?" Henri nodded as he handed a parchment over and added "Nothing, bar your deaths, can prevent you taking the..." Henri's sudden stop caused Porthos to look up and as he did he asked "Are you alright?" "Mon chere?" asked Henri, a note of concern in his voice, "Is it me or are my feet disappearing?" "Your feet?" exclaimed James and as he looked down he gasped "No...oh, no, please...Henri, how much you do weigh?" "275 livres, why do you ask?" "And Porthos?" "375 livres" he grunted, thumping his chest, "375 livres of solid man!" "Six hundred and fifty" stammered James and then and then added "No, this wasn't meant to happen!" "What wasn't meant to happen?" asked Henri, his knees now joining his feet in disappearing "The universe hates things changing" explained James, "so when we moved ourselves from 2042 to 1642, that meant that our time was 650lbs lighter and your time was 650lbs heavier, so the universe is compensating by taking 650lbs from 1642 and putting it into 2042, but it was supposed to do so by taking that fatso you told me about recently" "Oh, you mean the brother of the Earl of Exeter?" replied Henri, now vanished up to his waist, "he died last week!" and then suddenly started to grunt in pain. However as Porthos went to help him, he found himself rooted to the spot and his feet disappearing too. "Please, mon amis" wailed James, "you're our mass substitutes, please believe me, I didn't want this to happen!" "You are forgiven, mon amis" replied Porthos as the two men screamed in agony as they completely vanished with a bang leaving two scorch marks on the floor. As Larry, James and Francois looked at each other James whimpered "The Test starts tomorrow, and we have no coaches"
  14. gayboyswag

    Trey's Growth Part Two

    Part two to Trey's growth, like last time I'm gonna warn you that This story will contain a bunch of my fetishes. I'm not sure exactly where it will go yet though. I do know that it will include incest, macro, muscle growth, straight to gay, and musk. If any of those offend you, this won't be the story for you. After the wonderful sex with James, Trey sat worried on his couch. In his efforts to grow big fast, he didn't even begin to think about how the rest of the world would see him. But James's comments about work brought him back to reality. His dad would be home from his own job shortly, and would be expecting to see the short shrimpy boy that Trey formerly was, not the grown, muscular man that he had turned into. Trey began to walk to the bathroom, his now large soft cock flopping as he walked. He examined himself in the full body mirror. Now standing approximately six feet tall, Trey looked nothing like his former self. His body was strong and defined, and covered in hair, a sharp contrast from his twig like frame. On top of that, his face looked different too. Well, he thought to himself, not exactly different, just more... mature. He still had the large brown eyes and Roman nose, along with his larger than average lips, but the face itself was different. No longer round and boyish, he now had a strong jawline, and had lost any remnants of baby fat on his angular, chiseled face. He stared at his body again, realizing that he was exactly the type of guy he would have gone for. If anything, maybe a little small. His cock started to harden, from a soft 4 inches to its full, nine inch mast. I can't believe I'm getting hard at my own reflection, Trey thought to himself. But he couldn't stop. He was so damn horny. Trey grabbed his large cock in his meaty paws, and began to jack off. For the first time in his life, Trey used two hands, instead of his earlier two finger technique. His hands stroked up and down his thick tool, and played with his big bull balls, as he slowly stroked to erection. On a whim, Trey pinched his own nipples. A jolt shot through his body as his cock jumped. Damn that feels good he moaned, and continued to stroke. Trey felt an orgasm building as he rubbed his hairy chest with one hand and frantically jerked his cock with the other. His cock was leaking precum like a faucet. Finally, he couldn't hold it any longer. With a loud moan, Trey shot all over the mirror. Eight strong spurts of cum ran down the mirror, as the final shot trickled down over his inflamed cock head. Suddenly feeling self conscious, Trey cleaned up the mess with a towel the best he could, and headed to his room in order to find something to wear. Unsurprisingly, nothing fit. Trey tried to cram his body into the small clothes, but everything either looked ridiculous, tight on his body and unable to close up, or it just ripped from the strain of being put on. With that, he headed to his father's room. Trey's father had been the polar opposite of Trey. Standing at 6'2” and 210 lbs, the beefy construction worker was all man. The only thing that they had shared was a name, Trey being actually Raymond Warren III. Ray, the former football player had kept in great shape as the years went by, and only a slight gut and graying hair belied his true age, 39. Trey threw open his father's closet and began to look for clothes that would suit him. Giving up on finding anything in his style after a quick glance, he finally settled for an old college t shirt, slightly too small for his father, and a pair of jeans. With that, he heard the garage door open. Trey panicked and began to throw on the clothes. The jeans were slightly baggy on his muscled frame, but he couldn't find a belt. He began to slip on the shirt as he heard his father enter the house. “Trey, I'm home. You there?” the bear of a man called in through the door. “Yeah dad, I'm just in my room,” Trey yelled back, not remembering his deeper voice for a second. He quickly ran through the hallway into his room, shirt still half on. “You sound funny, boy. Are you getting sick or something?” His father asked from the kitchen. “Yeah I think so,” Trey finally answered, thankful that his dad had given him an out. “Anything I can do to help?” Ray asked. “No I'm good.” Trey responded, feeling guilty. Even though he and his father weren't alike in either size or in interests, his dad was great. After Mrs. Warren ran off when Trey was a baby, the two of them had been together, with his dad, who while encouraging Trey to play sports and be active, never seemed upset that Trey had been more of a band and chess club kind of kid. He also took the news of Trey being gay shockingly well, even if he did follow up Trey coming out with saying that he had thought Trey might be “a homo or something.” But he had immediately redeemed himself by hugging his son and saying he'd love him no matter what. Trey sat back in his bed and thought about what to do. He couldn't avoid everyone he knew forever, but with his new body, he'd barely pass as the old Trey. He sat on his bed and realized he was still sweating, massive stains beginning to show on the pits of his father's t shirt. There was a knock on his door. “I brought you some soup, sport,” his father said, as the doorknob began to turn. Trey shuddered, there was no avoiding what was going to happen. At that moment the door opened, his father took one look at the stud on the bed that had been Trey, and gasped, dropping the bowl to the ground. “Trey... Is that... you?” His father finally asked after a period of uncomfortable eye contact. “Yeah dad,” Trey responded. “I'm finally a big guy, huh?” Ray just looked at his son. “This is insane. You're all grown up.” He stared at the bulging muscles under the t shirt. “And you look so strong too.” “Like I said,” Trey answered, “something weird happened.” “Should I call a doctor?” “No I think I'm fine. Just sweaty,” Trey answered. “And I don't have anything to wear.” Ray looked at his son, wearing his baggy clothes. He admitted to himself that his son would look much better in something less baggy, that showed off his new definition, then wondered quickly where that thought had come from. “Well in that case, why don't we clean up this soup and then I'll make you a real meal. You must be starving. We can head to town tomorrow to get something new for you to wear.” “Sounds great dad.” Trey answered, and then climbed out of bed. His dad and him together began to mop up the soup, and sweep up the broken glass. As he stood in close quarters to his dad, the pheromones began to do their work, not that Trey noticed. But he did notice their effects. His dad seemed to have a raging erection. Trey pretended he didn't notice. After they finished cleaning up, he told his dad he needed to take a shower. Ray agreed, and said that he'd make them dinner while Trey washed up. In the shower, Trey soaped up his body. He wondered to himself if all the sweat was a side effect of the pills, or just his body growing. Either way though, he was covered in it. As he cleaned himself off, his cock began to get hard again. He thought of his father's erection at his body, as he began to jerk off. Trey sat in bliss, jerking his meaty tool until he was brought back to reality by a call from the kitchen. “Dinner's ready son,” his dad's deep voice yelled out. Trey groaned and painted the shower wall in his thick cum. “I'll be down in a minute,” he responded. After washing off the cum, Trey came out of the shower. He toweled his body dry when he realized his mistake. The only clothes he had near him that fit were covered in sweat. Wearing just the towel, he walked over to his father in the kitchen. “Hey dad?” he asked. “Can I borrow something else to wear? Nothing of mine fits anymore, remember?” Ray stopped what he was doing and stared at his sons body. Out of his clothes Trey was even more impressive. With his massive, hair covered pecs leading down to a treasure trail lined six pack, and the large biceps on display, his son was a true man. His eyes shot down, seeing the prominent bulge in front of his sons towel. His own 9 incher began to make his pants tent out. He must have been staring for quite some time because his son asked again, “Dad can I borrow something to wear?” Ray shook his head and came to. “Sure son, just pick anything from my drawers and set the table. I need to go to the bathroom.” Trey went up to get dressed as his father made a bee line to the bathroom. The room smelled like musk and cum, no doubt from Trey's previous actions in the room. He sat down on the toilet and took his own thick cock in his hand, and, for the first time in his life, jacked off to the images of a man. His own son, no less. Trey came down and set the table, wearing a pair of jeans from the back of his dad's closet and another old t shirt, he had finally found something that almost fit him, if it was hilariously out of style. But clothes were clothes at this point he thought to himself. His father came out of the bathroom a few minutes later, seeming flustered and a bit embarrassed. Trey didn't notice, however, being more concerned with stuffing his face with the burgers his dad had made. “These are great.” Trey commented, his mouth still full of food. “Glad you like em, sport,” Ray answered, stealing glances at his son as he ate his own burger. “I knew you'd be hungry after all that growing.” Four burgers, countless fries, and a salad later, Trey stopped eating. Ray sat at the table with his son, as they began to talk about their respective days. Ray related a story about his manager at work, while Trey talked about his day at the mall, and what happened when he grew, sparing his dad the details of the store front and the sex with James. His father looked intrigued. “What exactly sparked this random growth spurt?” he asked his son. Trey decided to come clean. “Well, I found these pills, and they made this happen.” Ray looked shocked. “Steroids? Even those don't work this fast.” Trey shrugged. I don't know dad. All I know is I took more than I was supposed to, and then this happened.” Ray still sat there, his mouth open. “I could show you if you don't believe me,” Trey said after a long pause. Ray was torn, part of him knew that this was a bad idea, that his son had already grown so much so fast, and any more could cause some real problems. Another part of him, a newly awakened part, would very much like to see his son grow huge and grow fast. The new part won out. “Go ahead Trey, he said, “Let's see this thing work.” Trey smiled and grabbed the jar of pills from the corner of the kitchen. Grabbing two pills and popping them in his mouth, he washed it down with a glass of water. “Last time it worked pretty fast,” he said, “so if you don't mind I'm gonna take off these clothes.” Trey's father more than didn't mind, the mere idea of seeing his son naked was very exciting to him all of a sudden. “Go ahead sport.” Trey stripped off his clothes, and stood naked in front of the man who had raised him. His soft cock sitting nestled in his prominent bush, hanging over his big balls. Ray's own cock was throbbing in his pants, and the show was yet to begin. First, Trey's frame began to stretch out, growing about four more inches, surpassing his father's own height of 6'2”. Then his body began to fill out. First his biceps, expanding from merely 15 inches around to an impressive 18 inches. He was beginning to look more like a lineman than a linebacker, as his pecs also expanded, growing hard and powerful. His nipples truly pointed down now. His six pack hardened further, becoming like defined bricks on his tight stomach, as his quads and calves expanded to become those of a hardened weightlifter more than a soccer player. His body hair grew thicker and more defined as well, becoming like a carpet across his pecs, and coating his abs, but not to the extent that they hid the definition. Then the last muscles in his body expanded. Trey's balls stretched to the size of tangerines and hung low in his sack and his cock began to stretch even farther. Soft now it had to hang six inches. As a final touch, his jaw became even more square, and grew from stubble to a short beard, maybe two days' growth. His body was covered in sweat by the time his growth slowed to a stop. “It went kind of like that, dad,” he said to his shocked father. Ray wasn't hearing a word of that. But the deeper voice sent him over the edge. He came hard in his pants, leaving a large wet stain. “Trey...” he moaned. “That was the hottest thing I have ever seen.” Ray smiled as he said it but still seemed embarrassed by the fact hat he was so turned on by his son. Filled with lust and remembering the effect that he had had on his friend, Trey smiled. “You haven't even seen the best part yet,” Trey said, as he began to flex. Striking the double bicep pose from earlier, his thick armpits became exposed. His father felt the effects immediately and began to get hard again. The pheromones filled the air, and Ray became overcome with lust for his stud of a son. He stood up and walked over to Trey, before asking, “May I?” Trey smiled, knowing exactly what his dad wanted. “Yeah dad, but let me see you first.” His dad grinned at the idea, and stripped down himself. Ray wasn't bad looking either. His small gut from drinking too much beer was covered in the same salt and pepper black hair that lay thick on his head, and his visible pecs had the same coating. His own biceps were large, but not as big or defined as his son's had become, and as he stripped off his pants it became apparent just how turned on Ray was by all of this. His own, nine inch cock was throbbing, with the slightly upward curve causing precum to run down the underside. Below that hung a nice pair of testicles, almost as big as his own sons had become, which sat atop thick thighs and strong legs, more those of a man who worked for a living than gym-built muscles. Trey was insanely turned on by his bear of a father, and his cock throbbed to its new length of 12 inches long and as thick as a beer can. Seeing this caused Ray to be pushed over the edge. His cock gave one final throb, and then he shot his load, coating his sons furry abs in his cum without even touching his cock. “I'm sorry,” Ray said. “Let me clean that up.” Ray leaned forwards, and began to lick his own load from the hairy muscleman's sweaty abs. He still didn't know why he was doing this, knew it was wrong to be doing to his son, but too turned on to care. He began to lick and suck on his sons chest, going up and chewing on the nipple and licking at his thick armpits. Then he began to lick down Trey's body. All Trey could do is groan as his father had his way with him. He stood there as his father's tongue gave his body immense pleasures. His cock, too, was throbbing without being touched. “Hey dad,” he said, feeling cocky. “You're missing my best muscle.” With that Trey jacked his cock a few times in his hand, before letting his dad take over. His father took over immediately, giving Trey's cock the same lavish attention that he had given the rest of his jacked body. He'd take the cockhead in his mouth, and play with it with his tongue, before removing it and licking up and down the sides of the hot dick. He'd occasionally take a break from the cock entirely to start to lick and suck on the huge balls and play with Trey's muscular ass. But he'd always return to the cock. “Oh shit,” Trey moaned, “I can't take much more of this.” Ray smiled, and grabbed Trey's ass, pushing as much as the cock down his throat as he could. About six inches were down Ray's mouth when he decided to put his son over the edge. He stuck a single finger in Trey's muscular ass, feeling his son's prostate. With that Trey shot his massive load. Ray moaned as he tried to suck down the whole thing. Although mouth of his son's load made it down his throat, it was too thick and came out too fast, and he drooled cum down his chin and onto his own pecs. He stood up, and looked up at his son. “Fuck that was great” he said, his rock hard cock straining as it brushed Trey's leg. Ray looked down at himself, and wiped off some of the cum. He licked it up. “Let's keep going in my room,” Ray said to his son, clearly not feeling uncomfortable any more. Trey couldn't agree more, and followed behind his father, watching his hot ass as they walked, thinking of the pounding he was going to give it. Little did they know, the drugs coursing through Trey's body caused a powerful effect on men when they are consumed, especially in the form of semen. ******************************* So I've decided to write a bunch more parts, because honestly writing this story made me horny as hell, and it got a great response last time. I'm not sure how much yet, but I can assure you you haven't seen the last of Trey's growth.
  15. While working on the next chapter of Next Level Love, I had a bit of a fun idea for a muscular pastiche/parody of one of my favorite novels. Given we’ve officially entered the spooky month I took it in a bit more of a Halloween monster B movie direction. I hope you enjoy it. ============================================ Disappearance on the Overland Limited ============================================ Cast of Characters The Detective Ted Ward – Private Investigator from Sacramento, California on business to Chicago The Muscle Mack Simmons – Former Army Ranger and Detective Ward’s faithful companion and bedfellow The Conductor Mr. Orville Hubbard – Conductor employed by the Southern Pacific to serve the Overland between San Francisco and Ogden The Valet Ollie Sorenson – A young valet aboard the Overland with secrets of his own The Farmer William “Billy” West – Newlywed husband from Green River who plays his emotions close to his chest. The Wife Lucille “Lucy” West – A beautiful young lady ready to live her happily ever after The Widower Nancy Halverson – A frequent traveler aboard the Overland whose nervous demeanor belies a buried past The Socialite Delilah Johnson – An heiress from New Orleans with a sharp tongue and deep pockets The Beast – The mysterious creature rumored to roam the Nevada desert ============================================ Part I: The Facts ============================================ ~October 1901~ It was one o’clock that afternoon in Sacramento. People milled about and paced along the platform of the Southern Pacific depot. There was a nip in the air; winter was coming early. Snow already capped the Sierra Nevada and all traffic had slowed to a crawl. On the tracks was a splendid sight. The proud Atlantic class locomotive hissed contentedly before the line of well-polished Pullmans. The Overland Limited may have already been five minutes late for departure waiting on the slow freight to arrive, but it was still the height of luxury travel west of the Mississippi. Created by a partnership of three railroads, the Overland Limited was the fastest train of its day from the San Francisco Bay to the Great Lakes. Standing on the steps of one Pullman was a man, a bit scruffy and weathered in appearance. He was decently built but more of a runner than a fighter. The corners of his eyes crinkled as he watched the clock, lost in his own thoughts. He only stirred when another man, this one barrel-chested and balding but with a fiery beard and moustache arrived. “Stationmaster said the snow on Donner Pass is fallin’ fast as they can clear it,” the brawler of a man grunted. “No way we’re getting’ to Chicago on time, Ted.” “More time for us to relax then, Mack.” Ted Ward grinned. “Besides, I figured a man of your caliber wouldn’t be so worried about a little snow. Who ever heard of a soldier complain about something children love?” Mack Simmons shook his head and pushed past his partner. “Cuba didn’t have any snow.” Ted laughed and followed his assistant into the car. This time of year combined with the cold snap meant fewer travelers. They had the only occupied Pullman sections in the car. The young valet quickly made a few final touches to the cleaning of the car. His fitted uniform made it clear he was rather slim, but he had an ample behind like a succulent peach. He turned and jumped. “Oh, I’m sorry! I thought I was alone!” He blushed, very apparent on his pale Scandinavian skin, and stashed away the rag. “My name is Oliver Sorenson, though everyone just calls me Ollie. I’ll be your valet up to Ogden. You must be Mr. Ward and Mr. Simmons.” Despite an attempt to be surreptitious, Ted caught the young man’s eyes carefully crawling over him and Mack. Before he could comment, the conductor strode in. “I hope you’re not bothering the guests, Ollie.” The conductor was a solid man in his late forties, salt and pepper starting to show in his moustache. He might not have been a barrel-chested many like Mack but years on the railroad had given him a strong build and the soft bulge in his trousers was very telling. “No trouble at all,” Mack chimed in, clasping a hand on Ollie’s shoulder, only making the valet blush harder. “Mr… uh?” “Orville Hubbard,” he replied. “And we’re likely to be an hour late into Reno with the snow, but we should make up the time between Winnemucca and Promontory. In the meantime, we will be serving complementary drinks in the dining car. Please enjoy yourselves and we’ll do what we can to get caught up.” He snapped his pocket watch shut as another whistle blew outside, and a manifest freight rumbled by. “Gentlemen, please excuse me, that’s our cue.” Ollie nodded. “I’d best make sure your bags have been loaded. Please let me know if you need anything!” As soon as the two were out of earshot, Mack whistled. “You didn’t mention the sights on the train were better than the scenery.” “Rein it in you horndog.” “Don’t act all high and mighty,” Mack said, grabbing the bulge in Ted’s slacks. “I know this ain’t your gun. You were thinkin’ the same thing.” “Guilty as charged,” Ted smirked, thumb pressing against the thick nub poking through Mack’s shirt. Mack bit back a little groan. “Now, I think we best calm down before we end up making a mess in the vestibule. Best not put on a show, eh?” Mack released him. “We’re finishin’ this later.” “Sure thing,” Ted replied, swatting Mack’s muscle ass and swinging the door open. As to be expected of the luxury train, the dining car was immaculately decorated with intricate wood carvings, etched glass, and even small crystal chandeliers. As Ted had noted, the train was very light this evening. “Oh dearie me, I thought we were all that was left aboard tonight.” A lady in her late-twenties put out her cigarette and approached them. She was dressed in the finest of eveningwear that seemed to be straight from 5th Avenue. She cocked her hip slightly. “Miss Delilah Johnson of the New Orleans Johnsons, how doooo you do?” “Ted Ward and Mack Simmons, ma’am. The pleasure is ours,” Ted replied politely taking her hand. She frowned, expecting a little more. “Well, yes. It is. I have to say I can’t believe this train is late again. My daddy invested a lot in this railroad, and I doubled our shares. I’d expect a little better. I’m a busy gal.” “You can’t pay the sun to move,” a man piped up. “Not yet,” she huffed and went back to her table. “Pay no attention to her,” the man said. “She’s been talking everyone’s ear off since we left Emeryville. I hope she didn’t bother you Lucy.” “Oh Billy, nothing’s ruining tonight,” the man’s wife said snuggling into his arms. She proudly showed off a shining ring to the two. “Congratulations!” Mack shouted. “A round for the new couple!” “Just coming back from our honeymoon actually,” Billy grinned. He was the definition of a cornfed country boy. His arms stretched his sleeves and Ted swore he could hear seams popping near his shoulders. His wide legs were clearly squeezed into his pants. “Headin’ home to Green River to start our new lives.” “We’ve got an adorable little homestead,” Lucy gushed, “but our parents gave us a little weekend out in Santa Cruz to ourselves.” By the way she beamed, Ted figured it must have been a very productive weekend. Of course, her hand slowly inching up Billy’s thigh was a good clue. She was dressed in a simple homespun outfit, but somehow made it elegant by the gleam in her eye and the dazzle in her laughter. Mack brought a few drinks from the bar when he almost collided with the last passenger. “I’m so sorry, ma’am. I didn’t see you there.” “That’s alright. You remind me of my husband, dearie,” an elderly woman said, patting Mack’s hand. “Such a handsome strong man.” Mack floundered for a moment, unsure of what to say. “Oh dear, where are my manners. Nancy Halverson, a pleasure to meet you.” “The pleasure is ours Mrs. Halverson,” Ted said. “What two handsome men…” She said again, with a faraway look in her eyes. “You best be careful… you don’t know what could happen… that monster likes handsome men…” She wandered off, a little lost. “You understand a word of that?” Mack whispered. “She’s not playin’ with a full deck if you ask me.” “Perhaps not,” Ted replied. The train lurched into motion; the engine bellowing smoke as it began to climb out of Sacramento. The whistle cried as Mack set the drinks on the newlywed’s table. They toasted the happy couple and began the first of many drinks. Ted watched the city roll by but couldn’t help but feel a slight sense of unease. ============================================ A cry pierced the night, rousing him from his sleep. In a heartbeat, Ted was on his feet, hand on his Colt. He bolted down the coach knowing his companion was hot on his heels. He took only a brief moment to make sure his activities with Mack that night weren’t overly apparent. He threw open the vestibule, leapt the gap, and charged into the next car to find a group of people had already gathered around the Pullman section. “Please, keep calm and return to your beds. We will sort this matter out shortly,” Mr. Hubbard said, gently trying to ease the passengers away from the sobbing woman on the lower berth. “I’m sure we could be of service,” he said as he and Mack drew near. “I’d certainly appreciate it, gentlemen,” the conductor whispered, “and so would Mrs. West.” He motioned to the sobbing lady, revealing it to be Lucy. She clutched a handkerchief to her bosom, hiccupping through her wails. Ted caught a glimpse of Mrs. Halverson as the conductor sorted the other passengers away. He ignored her for now and knelt next to the sobbing bride. “Lucy, dear God, what happened?” It took several minutes for Lucy to gather herself. “Oh Mr. Ward, it’s awful! I can’t find Billy! He’s gone missing.” Ted shot a look over to Mack. “Lucy, perhaps Billy just went to, err, use the facilities or stretch his legs. We did have quite a bit to drink after all.” “No, no! I saw him! He was being taken away by,” she paused to blow her nose, “by the Beast!” She now broke down in a new wave of sobs. Ted scanned over the berth, but there was nothing strange. The sheets weren’t torn off the bed, just moved to the side as anyone would when getting out of bed. The only thing of note was a couple missing shirt buttons. Just then the conductor returned with some whiskey to help her calm her nerves. “We’ll do our best to find him, don’t worry.” Ted stood, knowing that it was best to let her rest for now. Suddenly he stopped. “Do you smell something Mack?” “No, should I?” “I thought I smelled something… almost like smoke.” “We’re on a train, boss.” Ted glowered at him. “Not like that, like cherry wood.” Ted and Mack headed back to their car with the conductor. “Do you think she’s delirious? It could’ve been some nightmare that woke her? Surely, you’ve found Mr. West?” The conductor shook his head. “I’m sorry but I haven’t. I directed the staff to search top to bottom. Mr. West is no longer on board.” Ted pursed his lips. “How’s our schedule looking?” “We’re behind, but so’s everything else on the line. All that snow back on the Sierras has everyone behind schedule. Even with Dispatch giving us priority, we should’ve been in Winnemucca hours ago.” “Have we passed anywhere that Mr. West may have jumped off?” “Doors have been locked tight ever since we snagged mail in Lovelace and we haven’t stopped once since then, only slow orders.” “Any chance of him jumping off between stations?” The conductor chortled. “Well, I suppose they could’ve but where would they go?” He waved his hand towards the window. “There’s nothing but sand and rock as far as the eye can see. Desert is mighty cold this time of year. If he went wandering on his own without protection, he’d be dead in minutes. Closest civilization from here is either Imlay down the line or the Lassens’ Ranch about a half-day horse ride away.” “And this beast?” “An old superstition in these parts. Same old story about some wild hairy man you hear west of the Rockies. Believe me gentlemen, there’s nothing like that Sasquatch fella anywhere near here.” The conductor left as Ted and Mack sat down on the beds. “So, what are you thinkin’?” “I don’t know Mack,” Ted muttered. Once he was sure they were alone in the quiet sleeper, Ted rested his head on Mack’s thick shoulder. “It’s strange…” “Of course, but you’re workin’ on an idea.” “How’d you know?” “Only two reasons you ever reach for my cock. You’re horny or you need somethin’ to play with while you think.” Ted stifled a laugh. “You kiss your mother with that mouth?” “You didn’t have any complaints about my mouth a few hours ago.” Ted shoved him with a grin, stood, and began to pace. “Y’know, when you promised me a trip on the Overland Limited, I wasn’t expecting to work. Then again, I’ve never known you to turn down a case.” “Never can in this business. You ever hear of that beast thing?” Mack scratched at his beard. “Nothin’ worth mentioning. All I’ve heard is that it’s some monster that appears every now and then. Miss Lucy probably just had a nightmare like you said. With all the spirits she took I’m surprised she’s not seeing more than monsters.” “Details, Mack, details.” “Fine, fine. Folks say it’s a gigantic man, not so much Sasquatch. Old railroad workers say they saw entire trees knocked to the ground with the imprint of a fist in their bark. Other folks say it can carry a Texas Longhorn over one shoulder. Stories go back long before the good ol’ U.S. of A. moved out here. Honestly, nothin’ more than tall tales to tell around a campfire.” He studied his partner’s face. “You aren’t seriously considerin’?!” “No, no… well, yes. But it’s definitely far-fetched. There’s a billion other possible reasons, say he decided he wanted out of the marriage? I’m more interested in why that was Mrs. West’s first response. There’s no such thing as monsters like that, and certainly none that would attack a train!” Suddenly, the floor jerked and a terrible screech filled the air. Ted flew up into the air and crashed against Mack while bags and parcels were flung around the car. “What in tarnation?!” “The emergency brake,” Ted muttered. “You alright?” “Me?! You’re the one who did a somersault!” “Good,” Ted grinned. “Let’s go see what the fuss is about.” They dashed outside with several other passengers and made their way up along the tracks to the locomotive. The engineer and the fireman were already out of the cab of the hissing Atlantic. The headlamp shone brightly across the dark desert, but it made the problem all too clear. One of the rails had been bent a good two feet out of the way. “I’ve never seen a thing like it!” The engineer roared. “We’ve had warped rails before, but this is some kind of madness.” Ted walked up the ties and ballast and stared at the rail. He motioned Mack over. “What do you see?” “It’s not possible!” “My thoughts exactly.” Ted motioned to the heads of the railroad spikes, bent in half and torn from the wood. “It was intentional. Sabotage.” “That’s all well and good, but I’m more worried about that!” Mack hissed. Ted looked closer at the rail and his jaw dropped. Clear as day, he could see four indentations in the metal. Four indentations as if grabbed by a mighty hand. ============================================ Part II: The Evidence ============================================ “That’s it, we can’t keep going tonight,” Mr. Hubbard said. “We’re heading back to Lovelace so we can telegraph ahead to stop all trains.” He began to shoo the passengers back inside while Ted and Mack stared at the rail. “It can’t be,” Mack murmured. “It can’t… can it?” “Tell me you know of some machine that can do that. A machine that can be assembled, used, disassembled, and moved without so much as a trace!” Ted motioned wildly to the desert sand, seemingly undisturbed. As he turned to Mack, he stopped. There was something strange on the wind… something familiar… “Gentlemen, inside please!” Ted and Mack relented, but Ted was still frowning as the train began to move again. “Tonight just keeps getting stranger…” They boarded the train, just in time to hear Miss Johnson complain again. “I swear, I’m going to sell my shares as soon as I can tell my broker!” Ted fought the urge to roll his eyes before taking a seat in the lounge car. Everyone else had gone back to bed, leaving only the two of them. Mack eased himself onto a sofa. “There was a funny smell out there. You smelled it too, right?” Ted nodded. “I can’t place it though. It’s like some kind of cologne or perfume. Cherry wood smoke… earth after a rain… new leather boots… Same thing I smelled near Lucy’s bed.” “That’s not what I smelled. Smelled like cigars and pine to me. Smelled… good.” Ted settled back in the chair. For a second, he frowned. His pants felt a bit small, and his shirt sleeves a bit short. “Strange, very strange. I definitely didn’t smell anything like that.” Just then Ollie snuck out of a small storage room. “Oh, I’m sorry to bother you.” “No, no Ollie, no trouble at all.” Ted paused. “Say, you haven’t smelled anything strange around here lately?” “Well, um, I…” He shook like a leaf. “C’mon and sit down with us,” Mack said warmly motioning to the spot next to him. Ollie quietly obliged. Mack placed his arm behind him. The young man looked like a scared rabbit but slid backwards ever so slightly to let Mack’s arm touch his back. “So, anything strange?” “I… shouldn’t say. The railroad has been fine, nothing weird…” “Nothing?” Mack said again, now gently letting his hand drape onto Ollie’s shoulder. At the same time, the buttons on his shirt seemed stretched to the limit, ready to snap. “I… I…” Ollie stammered, eyes mesmerized. Ted rolled his eyes though he did enjoy seeing the cute man squirm. “Mack, please, don’t torture him. Though, I’m sure we’d be willing to indulge him if he were to talk…” Both men sent a smirk to each other as Ollie became very focused on the floor, but his pants had a very noticeable bulge. “Promise not to tell?” Mack paused just long enough to undo the top button of his shirt. “We’re not gonna say anything unless you do.” His other hand drifted down and gave the valet’s bulge a gentle squeeze. The telltale sign of pre stained the pants punctuated by a needy groan. “Hmm, we’re your first huh boy?” “Y-y-yes sir,” Ollie mumbled. “I was too scared to- EEP!” Ted’s hand snuck down into Ollie’s pants, groping his supple cheeks. “All you gotta do is tell us.” He moaned into his fist. “Someone’s gonna see!” “Not if you hurry up. Now spit it out.” He nodded. “Mr. West wasn’t the first to disappear. At least one man disappears around Imlay on every trip I’ve been on.” Both Ted and Mack looked at each other. “Every time?” “Yeah, but the big wigs’ve been paying people to keep quiet. I… I saw one of them get taken away. I peeked in from the door and saw one burst outta his clothes, slowly tearing through them. It was so…” The valet moaned, openly switching between grinding on Mack’s hand and trying to let Ted grope as much of him as he could. “You should’ve seen it! He was huge! After he finished growing, he broke open the door and leaped off the train. Last thing I saw, he was painting the desert white and stomping off after a giant shadow north.” “Good boy,” Mack growled in his ear, before capturing his virgin mouth in a passionate liplock. Ted teased his hole as he left a little love bite on his neck. Ollie cried out like a Reno whore and soaked his uniform in his seed. The bliss on his face soon melted into embarrassment. “I’m so sorry, I shouldn’t’ve-” Ted and Mack squeezed him between them. “Nonsense. How about you come by a little later and we’ll finish what we started.” Embarrassment morphed to sheer excitement, stars in his eyes. “Really?” “Yeah, but we need to work on this case for a bit first.” “Oh, right… yes!” With that, the valet skittered away to change into a fresh uniform. Mack grinned and pulled Ted into his hairy chest. “We better hurry up, otherwise you’re gonna have to deal with this.” Ted grinned. “Then you better hurry up with the case.” “That’s easy! If the railroad is covering it up, then they probably have something to do with it.” Ted chewed the thought over. “That’s excellent reasoning, but you’re forgetting one little thing.” “What’s that?” “Why would the railroad want to scare away potential customers? Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t put it past them to do something shady, even with that old bastard Huntington six feed under, but it doesn’t make sense.” He scratched at his scruff. “No… they’re covering it up, because they don’t want a scandal; protect their profits at all costs. The question is, are they reacting to it like we are, or do they know and can’t stop whatever it is that’s happening? “The way I see it,” Ted continued, “there are three possible solutions. Number one, Mrs. West got rid of him. I admit it’s very simple, but sometimes the simplest answer is the truth. We know the door was unlocked. It wouldn’t have taken much for her to push him out. Number two, our southern belle is actually a beast – though I don’t mean that literally. She sure tried to make a scene. Could be purposely trying to drive down the stock price of the railroad.” “Why would she do that?” “Lots of companies want a piece of the pie in the Southwest. There’s lots of money to be made out of California. That then leaves us with solution number three.” Ted frowned. “And what’s that?” “The Beast is real.” Mack crossed his arms. “You’re kidding. You actually believe that children’s fairy tale monster is real?” “It’s crazy I know, but there’s definitely something driving the stories. That said, a man growing out of his clothes and going out into the desert in a sex driven frenzy? I don’t know if we can count Ollie as a reliable witness. We need more evidence, but it’s clear the stories exist for a reason.” Mack snorted. “Kid’s stuff. Though I gotta say, wouldn’t mind growin’ like that.” “Oh really?” Ted pressed with a crooked grin. “Are you saying you’d want to get even stronger? Grow so big that you tear your clothes to tatters? Have a cannonball for an arm?” Mack’s breathing grew shallow. “You’re a fuckin’ tease, you know that?” He flipped Ted onto his back and pressed him into the sofa. “Maybe I’ll grow carry you around on my cock. Just flex and I’d make you cream yourself. I’d… I’d…” Mack trailed off. “Aww, come on, whisper more sweet nothings to me,” Ted snarked, but he saw Mack grow pale as he looked out the window. “Heaven’s sake, look at that!” There, just outside the window was a monstrous silhouette running alongside the train. “We’ve got to tell the conductor. Whatever that thing is we’ve got to get away!” Instead, the emergency brakes came on and the train screeched to a halt. The shadow reared back for a moment but stopped next to their car. Ted hardly had time to duck as a boulder smashed into the side of the car. Upon closer inspection, it wasn’t a rock, but a fist. That same scent stronger than ever hung heavy and humid in the air. Before Ted could react, he was smashed back by a flying chair as the hand scooped up Mack and made off into the night. ============================================ Part III: Ted Ward Sits Back and Thinks ============================================ With one car practically destroyed, the passengers were more than frightened. The force of the blow had knocked not only the first car but several others off the rails. After long deliberation, Mr. Hubbard arranged with a passing ranch-hand to help ferry the passengers back to Lovelace. Ted sat on the ballast, sipping down whiskey from the dining car. He tried to think, but panic kept filling his mind. Mack was gone… Mack was gone… Every so often, he’d stagger to his feet, swearing to go find his companion but the other waiting passengers would shush him and set him back down. “Don’t worry Mr. Ward,” Ollie would say sweetly. “Mr. Simmons is strong, I’m sure he’ll be alright.” Sure, Mack was strong, but strong enough against whatever that fist belonged to? Ted nursed his whiskey as he thought. On the bright side, he knew unequivocally that the Beast existed. On the other, he had no idea what the Beast actually was, nor what it’s purpose was in attacking a train. No, wait… he thought back. It wasn’t attacking a train, but rather the train. It only attacked the Overland Limited, or at least the missing people were on the Overland Limited. None of the local trains were attacked. So, what was the common factor? He tried to think, but the combination of Mack’s abduction and the whiskey only made him sluggish. The night seemed colder and darker than ever. “Darkest before the dawn,” Mack would have said. “Dearie, are you okay?” Ted looked up. It was Mrs. Halverson. “Just shaken ma’am.” The old matron sat down next to him and gingerly patted his shoulder. “I lost my husband to the Beast long ago…” Ted looked up in surprise. “Why didn’t you say something?” “Because I… I didn’t want to say something when I wasn’t sure.” She paused. “You see, the night my husband disappeared, there was something strange I noticed. For one, that terrible stench.” Ted nodded, though he wouldn’t call the odor terrible necessarily. “But there was another thing. You see, I always suspected, but I never wanted to say for sure just in case. After all it’s difficult to come to that conclusion, and everything is really a guess in the end if you can’t ask the person yourself.” “Ma’am please.” “Oh, you’re right,” she smiled weakly as she wrung her hands. “Well… when the Beast took my husband, he was… smiling.” “The Beast was smiling?” “No, my husband. Absolute happiness and for the longest time I ignored the rather obvious answer. I did my own research on the disappearances you know and they all seemed to have something in common.” She looked up at Ted. “All the men that have been kidnapped have been… um… sharing the company of other men.” Ted stared back. “You’re positive?” “Seven of the ten I heard about for sure. I’m afraid I can’t say for Mr. West but consider it my intuition.” The cart returned then and she got up with the last of the passengers. “I imagine you’ll want to investigate Mr. Ward, but I have a feeling this may be the last time we see each other if you stay. The Beast will be coming for you next. Good day, Mr. Ward.” Ted couldn’t form words as the cart trundled away, but he was more determined than ever to find Mack. “One final shot. A race against the clock.” He climbed back into the ruined cars. He took his handkerchief and soaked it in perfume from a broken bottle in the barber’s room. The intense aroma made his eyes water, but it drove away the scent that clearly had an effect on Mack. He tied it around his nose and mouth and walked through the cars. It wasn’t long before he could hear a sound from the lavatory. Someone panting and groaning. He kicked open the door. “Mr. Hubbard?!” The conductor had shucked his jacket and pants, standing only in his underwear, shirt and vest, groping at himself. He was growing before Ted’s eyes at a tantalizingly slow pace. Each breath slowly stretched the threads a little farther… a little tighter. His underwear was soaked in a never-ending river of pre. “Detective…” he said huskily. “So glad you could join us for the final trip.” “The final… what are you talking about?” The conductor laughed, licking pre off of his hand. “The final trip. Master promised to reward me for all of the men I delivered to him. He promised to fill me until I pass out and make me one of his special men.” “You’re insane!” “No, you just haven’t submitted yet. Submit to him and grow!” Ted slammed the door shut and slid a chair in front of the latch. It wouldn’t hold the growing brute for long, but it was enough for him to escape. “It’s true, Ollie was right- shit! Ollie!” He spun on his heel and ran back through the train, looking for the valet. Each car was empty, boxes and parcels overturned, sheets and clothes left strewn about in the panic to escape. Finally, there was only one place left, the car Mack was taken from. He kicked open the door. It was that smell again, but it was even stronger than before. The car was empty except for Ollie who was on his knees clutching at his crotch. “What’s wrong?” Ted asked, holding the perfume-soaked handkerchief to his face. “Oh… Mr. Ward… it feels so good…” Ollie moaned. “I’m so scared but – OOOOOH – it’s so GOOD.” Ted watched in shock as he saw Ollie’s pants stretch and fill with a mountainous bulge. The young man’s voice cracked as he continued to moan, his uniform starting to grow tighter and tighter around his growing body. “Please Mr. Wa-AA-rd… don’t let it stop!” His voice was now a solid timber as he flexed the sleeves off of the jacket. “Oooh yeaaaah… I feel so big. Mr. Ward, feel how solid I am!” Ollie walked towards him, each step forcing another ripple of growth through his body. His pecs exploded through his shirt as his spreading lats finished destroying the vest. Ted could nearly hear Ollie’s heartbeat, seeing the skin stretch and muscles writhe just below, weaving into new massive cords. Ted felt his back hit the wall. “Mr. Ward, please, don’t you want to be like me? I want you to grow too.” He flexed his pecs. “You can grow and make me your boy. I want a monster of muscle to have his way with me. Someone sexy like you.” The massive leaking cock trapped him against the wall, dousing him in a steady stream of pre. “Maybe you and Mr. Simmons can take turns… put a young’un like me in his place under two muscle beasts.” Between everything, Ted felt his head begin to swim and he began to fall to the ground. The world spun and everything grew dark. ============================================ Part IV: The Culprit Revealed ============================================ Ted’s head throbbed as he slowly came too. He groaned and wrenched himself up off the dirt. The world swam for a moment, but when it focused, he could see he was in a small forest clearing next to a creek. He was in a chalked circle near a roaring campfire that kept him warm that freezing night. At three equally spaced points in the circle was a bowl filled with flaming sage. The smell was completely overpowering. Ollie in his fully grown glory was knocked out on the ground. Ted’s heart sank but it was soon clear he hadn’t been hurt, far from it actually. A colorful smattering of hickies on his bull-neck and traps and a slowly softening tower of a cock revealed Ollie was drunk in bliss. Right next to him was Billy… or at least it was Billy. Now it was Billy times one hundred, far larger than any man could ever be with a massive turtle shell of a stomach and mountainous pecs. Ted couldn’t tear his eyes away from how large he was. His forearms alone were thicker than Mack’s thighs had been. Not to mention the anaconda and boulders he had that made even a stallion look as small as a blade of grass. “Ollie! Billy!” Ted hissed as loud as he dared. “C’mon pull yourself together!” He crept to the edge of the chalk circle. “I wouldn’t cross that line if I were you.” A voice like thunder rumbled through the room, shaking inside Ted’s chest. “It’s the one thing keeping you from going into a frenzy.” Ted scrambled back toward the second and looked around the shadows. “Who are you?! Show yourself!” He reached back for his gun, but it was missing. “Don’t worry, I’ve put it away for safekeeping. Beautiful weapon, but who needs that when you’ve got your fists.” “Where am I?” The voice chuckled. “Detective, I thought you would have figured it out. You’re at my little homestead. My ranch, as some of my men have come to call it.” The voice paused. “Don’t worry about them, they’re just tired. Burned a lot of energy in the transformation.” “Show yourself!” “Demanding, aren’t we?” Out from the shadows emerged a massive, hairy foot. Ted looked up and up and up. A twelve-foot giant, easily over a ton of pure muscle stood tall and proud before him. The new monster made Billy look like a child. His calf alone was nearly as wide as Ted was tall. If the other two had mountains for chests, the man before him had the entire Rockies. Ted couldn’t help himself as his eyes drifted to this monster’s cock, but he soon realized it was planted firmly up the newly grown Mack’s ass. Mack was massive, but his face was swallowed between the monster’s hairy, sweaty pec cleavage. With each breath however, Mack was growing bigger and bigger. A steady stream of cum dripped from the monster’s abs as Mack continuously unloaded, locked in a bottomless sea of lust. He was twice as big as Billy and becoming more and more like the Beast with every passing breath. “So, am I everything you expected, Detective? You seem to approve.” His features were so sharp, even behind his thick beard and long wild hair, his face looked carved from stone. Ted had to take a moment to find his voice. He then noticed he came without touching himself. “Who… who are you?” “People have called me the Beast… turns me on.” A flood of cum dripped out of Mack’s ass, unable to be contained. “A massive Beast who can make mere men grow into his pack simply by being near them. I don’t need a name anymore.” “H-h-how?” “Inheritance. The original made more Beasts that could make men grow and so on and so on. No one’s sure who the first was or how, but when you’re built like a battleship with a five-foot cock that never goes soft – well, you tend to have bigger things on your mind.” Ted looked at Mack again, who was greedily licking up the sweat on the Beast’s pecs. The overpowering sage made it clear. “Your musk…” “Fuck, I love the smart ones,” The beast knelt down and grabbed Mack with one of his massive hands. Without ceremony, he pumped the man up and down on his cock as if he weighed nothing more than a feather. Ted was mesmerized watching the dense veins and muscles in the bicep bunch and release. “You’re drooling, Detective.” Ted blushed but didn’t make an effort to stop. He only thought about how he wanted to see the Beast really go toe to toe with a locomotive. The thought of him curling it with ease or pushing it with a finger was enough to make him want to rush across the circle. “The transformation makes men not much use for anything but fucking for about a month. Not to say afterward we don’t fuck like rabbits but we can at least have an intelligent conversation.” The Beast smirked. “Can’t say no, can you? I bet you want to take your friend’s place, don’t you?” “But I give all of my conquests an out.” The Beast stopped leaving Mack and Ted both groaning for more. “You’re left with a choice, detective. Go back into the world and hide or submit to me and live free.” Ted Ward did not need to decide. Before he knew it, he had crossed the line and felt the glorious burn in his muscles as he breathed in the Beast. Just like Ollie, his cock tore free first, suddenly expanding to a two-foot log. Ted screamed in a mixture of agony and bliss, covering himself in his own cum; his balls growing and filling faster than they could be emptied. “Yes,” the Beast rumbled, fucking Mack in a frenzy while watching the show. “Feel that blood rushing through your body, pumping every last bit of you bigger and bigger. You have no choice but to grow!” Ted screamed, not even attempting to hold back. The delectable smell of smoke and leather was his whole world as he felt his body throb with energy. It was like a tank filled to the brim and ready to explode, to completely exceed his humanity and fly straight into beastdom. His muscles writhed below the skin as rivers of veins rose to the surface. His limbs jolted with each pulse of growth flooding into him, knocking him onto his back. He could feel his arms swell and fight against his thickening lats for space. His pecs thickened into heavy slabs hanging over a tight wall of abs. He trembled as his glutes pushed him off the ground, growth flowing into his massive legs and stretching feet, all the while his orgasm continuing unabated. When all the muscle had nowhere left to go, his body forced him taller, only to pile on more muscle anywhere it could fit. As waves of pleasure and spasms slowed, Ted stretched and flexed his now eight-foot tall mass. With a lustful hunger in his eyes, he turned towards the Beast. Their howls echoed across the desert.
  16. EclipseWing

    Next Level Love

    So, stop me if you've heard this one before: long time lurker, first time poster. With all the free time from the quarantine, I've been trying out some new things. Since I've enjoyed the stories here so much, I thought I'd try writing one of my own. I hope you enjoy it! ============================================ Next Level Love Dylan sighed as he walked back to the dorms. It was the beginning of the new academic year at his university, and everyone seemed to be already paired off. For years he didn’t mind being single, but it was starting to wear on him. It didn’t help that he was relatively average all around. Not big, not small, not thin, not fat. Nothing really to catch the eye. “Oof!” He stumbled for a moment and looked up into the warm chocolate eyes of Kyle. “Oh, hey, sorry about that.” “My fault,” the jock smiled back. “Wasn’t watching where I was going.” Kyle was a jock with the body to show for it who, according to the rumor mill, modeled on the side. Just standing next to him made Dylan nervous, not only from the sheer embarrassment of being a nerdy twig but also from fear of popping wood next to the big man on campus. After the two were paired up for chem lab last year, hardly a night went by where Dylan wasn’t imagining a long steamy worship session. Dylan didn’t just admire him for his body though. Kyle was a great study partner back in class. He always brought snacks when they had to cram for tests in the library. Best of all, Kyle was always the first to say “Hi” to him, and he always asked how his day was. “So,” Dylan ventured, brushing some hair back over his ear. “Heading out to class?” “Football actually. Coach wants one more practice before tomorrow’s game. Our offense could use a little work.” Dylan tried to keep his eyes off Kyle’s solid chest that seemed to bounce on its own. “Oh cool.” He swallowed hard, slowly moving his backpack to cover his crotch. Inwardly he sighed, knowing there was no way to seduce his crush. The guy was way out of his league. “I-I-I need to get going, test tomorrow. So, uh, good luck!” “Thanks, you too!” “Yeah,” Dylan murmured, watching his crush walk away. ============================================ Kyle kicked the ground, grumbling. “‘You too’? Could’ve said anything and just ‘you too’?” He hissed. “C’mon and grow a pair, Parker!” He had his eye on Dylan all last semester, trying to find some way to get close to the little guy. The nerdy twink could calculate molecular weights in his head and made O-Chem is bitch. The way his eyes sparkled when he got excited always made Kyle smile. He was smart, dedicated, nice… really nice. He’d give you the shirt off his back. What did Kyle have? Sure, he had some muscle, but it wasn’t like he was big enough to really turn heads. Nothing like the bodybuilders he idolized. He was a quarterback, sure, but he was only on the JV team. Even the “game” he mentioned was just a team scrimmage. Was that even worth bragging about to a guy like Dylan? It’s not like Kyle ever had problems with getting girls and guys in the past, but the little guy completely disarmed him. When it came to guys, he tended to go for muscle daddies and gym bunnies for hookups, but Dylan was boyfriend material. He never had a boyfriend before, and he couldn’t fuck this up. This was no wham, bam, thank you Sam, he wanted Dylan to be his. Kyle groaned. “Who am I kidding? If I was bigger, I bet he wouldn’t be able to take his eyes off me.” He tried to clear his mind before getting to practice but he felt his phone buzz in his pocket. He pulled it out, but it slipped and cracked on the ground. “Shit!” he muttered to himself. The screen was filled with static. It tried to load something but instead buzzed one last time and went dead. ============================================ Dylan sank into his desk chair, trying to will his boner to go away. Lucky for him, his roommate was out of town for the week. His phone buzzed with the arrival of an email. “Perfect, a distraction,” he muttered to himself. It was another request for closed beta test. It was a quick and easy way for him to pick up extra cash, even if the games were usually garbage. This time, the app was a bright pink icon with bubbly teal letters “NLL” pierced by a golden arrow. Upon opening, cartoonish hearts with candy-like shades of pink and purple filled the screen. A stylized cartoon twunk in a bright pink tank top and teal running shorts popped up. “Hello there! Congrats on being picked for the closed beta of Next Level Love. We’re sure you’re gonna love this app. Just give us a sec to finish loading.” A progress bar with a winged hourglass popped up, and Dylan felt his interest start to drain. “This is one of those micro-pay gacha games, isn’t it?” The mascot popped back up. “Hiya Dylan, I’m Eros, your guide here in Next Level Love. Hope you’re ready to have some fun with your new love life. We’ve located your potential soulmate, but it seems like his phone isn’t working at the moment. Not to worry though, you can still use the app.” Dylan groaned. “I swear, ever since Undertale everyone thinks they’re so cool for reading local data.” A greyed-out outline of a vague human shape appeared. “So, where’s my soulmate?” “I bet you’re wondering where your soulmate is. Don’t worry, we’re keepin’ an eye on him. We could tell you, but where’s the fun in that? That’s where the game comes into play. As you do stuff in your own life to take care of yourself, you gain points to find out more about him. When you level up, you can even buy special perks for him.” Dylan raised an eyebrow. “How’d it know I’m gay?” “Let’s try it out! Here’s a point to start. Now tap the store icon.” “Yeah, here we go, you’re gonna ask for my credit card.” Dylan tapped the shopping bag in the top right corner. Eros appeared again, but now in an apron with a heart on the chest. Across the top read “Perks!” with two sub-tabs reading “Soulmate” and “Dylan”. To his surprise, there were no prices. “Here you’ll be able to buy stuff for either you or your soulmate. Love is about giving, so why don’t we give something to your soulmate?” Dylan tapped the “Soulmate” tab and there was one option. Lover’s Embrace Your Soulmate will feel you in their arms each night, helping them get a peaceful night’s rest. “Sounds good to me,” Dylan said, who usually needed three cups of coffee by ten in the morning. He chose the option and suddenly a fanfare played, and confetti fell on the screen. The screen jumped back to the main menu. “Congrats on your first level up! You get experience by completing your to-do list in real life, like working out, getting a good grade, or finishing our tutorial.” Eros winked at him. “Each time you level up, you unlock more options in the store and get more points to buy enhancements and perks for you and your soulmate. You also get a hint to your soulmate’s identity.” “Huh, that’s kinda cool, I guess,” Dylan murmured. He looked at the clock. “Getting late, guess I should sleep for that test.” ============================================ The next morning, Kyle woke up more refreshed than ever. No soreness, no pre-game anxiety, just calm, clear focus. He reached up to his cheek. It was warmer, as if someone’s hand had been resting there. He looked down to see his morning wood harder than ever. “Hey! Did someone come over last night?” he called to his roommate. His roommate called back from the bathroom. “Nope, but you were muttering a bit in your sleep. Seemed really into someone.” “Huh…” Kyle rolled out of bed, unable to shake the uncanny feeling. ============================================ Dylan’s phone buzzed like a hornet’s nest the second he got out of class. The test was killer, but he figured he did a passable job. He fished his phone out of his backpack, seeing a ton of notifications from that game again. “Ah, what the hell, why not?” He opened it up to see a list of the day’s activities preloaded from his to-do list app scroll by. With another fanfare, he leveled up. A whirlwind of text flew by, describing the experience point breakdown for each task from getting up on time to finishing the test. “Congrats on the level up!” Eros popped up again in another shower of confetti. “Since you’re now Level 3, you get to pick two perks! There’s new stuff for sale, and we have some juicy insight into your soulmate!” On the screen, the grey outline was still there, but there was now a little notebook icon. Dylan tapped it and a little note was added: Likes to play sports. “Eros, you and I have different ideas of ‘juicy insight’,” Dylan laughed, but he still wanted to play along. He opened the shop and scrolled through the options, choosing one he thought his supposed soulmate would like. Jock Envy Your soulmate gains a significant boost in muscle. His reflexes are also a bit quicker. “That’ll help him out, right?” Dylan thought aloud. He scrolled through and saw another perk. Medical Miracle Your soulmate will never get sick. Dylan looked back to the experience checklist. Since everything came from his productivity apps… “I wonder,” he muttered. He hurried back to his dorm room to begin his experiment. ============================================ “I swear I caught that stomach flu from Chris. Been feeling like shit all day.” “Dude stay away from me. Kyle, you alright?” “Never better!” Kyle was filled with energy, ready to kill on the field. The only strange thing was that his clothes felt tighter than normal. He shucked his shirt and reached for his pads. “Dude! You look huge!” Kyle looked down. His normally loosely etched abs were now a model worthy six pack. His pecs and arms were swollen like he had just finished a workout, and his quads looked ready to crush with a single flex. Even his calves were starting to show a split. “What the hell?” he murmured to himself. “Hey meathead,” one of the wide receivers snarked, “how about spending more time on the field instead of the gym?” “At least I go to the gym. You call those toothpicks arms?” he called back, tossing up a double bi. A ripple of laughs passed through the locker room and the conversations moved on, but Kyle was still shaken by the sudden growth. ============================================ “Ah-ha!” Dylan shouted in triumph. His level was rocketing up on the screen. A little flaw in the code made it so that each time he checked off an item on his to-do list, he got experience points. If he unchecked and rechecked it after a minute, he still got the points. He filled his list with fake tasks and spent a few minutes grinding his way to infinite experience and infinite perk points. “Okay, let’s have a little fun.” The notebook of his soulmate had filled up with a few more hints. Plays football. Bisexual Has a sweet tooth “Oh, lots of date ideas there then,” he said as he scrolled through the shop. “Okay, what perks are best?” Obviously, the character was fake, right? He just wanted to win the game. “Wonder what the max level is- oh hey! This is perfect!” Move over Montana A new legend is born on the field! Your soulmate is especially gifted in football. He’ll never fumble, and every throw is a perfect spiral, right on target. “Hmm… what else…” He poured over the list. “I guess I could give you the Barry Allen perk for running, but that won’t help much if you’re a center. Maybe it’ll tell me what position you are later. At least you’re a shoo-in for the pros now.” He looked down and snorted with laughter, instantly choosing the perk. Packing Heat Your soulmate gains an extra inch in length and an extra half-inch in circumference on his “weapon” “I mean, what guy doesn’t want a little extra?” Dylan then saw some new notes got added. Average student, but wants to excel Enjoys being on both ends of muscle worship sessions “Okay, you really are Mr. Perfect. Then, hmm, what to choose? Oh, if only you were real…” ============================================ “Down! Set! HIKE!” The center snapped, and Kyle launched it downfield. “Smooth as butter,” he grinned to himself, watching it fly with the best spiral of his life straight to the wide receiver in the endzone. As they moved up for kick, he reached down to adjust his cup. The snug protector was usually a perfect fit, but today it was as if it had shrunk. Suddenly, a tingle passed through his body. The feeling of two worshiping hands passed over every muscular curve. He could feel his waistline tighten and his glutes fatten. His chest pushed out, his pads creaking in protest until finally the string snapped. His tights began to split along the seam near his quads. As his calves pushed his socks to their limits, another tear started along his sleeves. A soft moan escaped his lips. His feet forced the cleats to stretch just shy of the breaking point. Most uncomfortable of all, his jock was definitely now too small. It felt like he was trying to squeeze into his gear all the way back from junior high. “What… the fuck?” He panted. He was living the best pump ever, every bit of him swollen and heavy. He wanted nothing more than to sneak back to his dorm and explore his new body. “You okay, Kyle?” “Yeah, I’m fine.” It would have to wait for now. ============================================ Super Soldier Your soulmate is the envy of militaries across the globe. He’s blessed with perfect proportions and could easily win a Men’s Classic competition. Bonus points, he’s faster, heals quicker, and is hyper-virile with genitals that would make a horse jealous. Note: Proportions may be overridden by other perks. Dylan was proud of that one. “Now if you get hurt playing football, you’ll heal up in no time. Might help your workouts too.” He sighed, scanning the list of perks. “So, you want help with your classes… wish I could tutor you myself, but the Quick Learner should help you out until then. Don’t think you’d want the Himbo perk. I mean, it’d be hot, but that’s kinda the opposite of what you want. I just hope you’re okay, wherever you are.” Dylan stopped and pinched the bridge of his nose. “What am I doing? The guy doesn’t exist. It’s a Friday night, I should be out doing something.” He looked back at the game. “But… I can always dream right?” His heart fluttered as he found a few more perks. Single Digit Club Your soulmate’s fat percentage will never go above 9% regardless of diet Gift of Gab Your soulmate knows just what to say, especially if it is going to turn you on. No rock kissing required. Friend of the World People have trouble finding faults in your soulmate and generally see him for the likeable guy he is. Accidents and weird changes are honest mistakes and won’t affect his relationships with others. T++ Your soulmate produces far more testosterone than most men. Expect a deeper voice, larger muscles, stronger musk, and more body hair. Most of all expect a higher libido. “There babe,” Dylan whispered with a content smile. “Now you can eat whatever you want, and you don’t have to stress about body comp. You can negotiate your way through anything so no one’s gonna question why you grew. Plus, you’re gonna be the manliest guy on your team, no one is gonna mess with you.” He paused and added one more. Contest Ready No body hair below the neck and an automatic tan. “Okay, a little selfish I admit, but I’ll change it if you want! Just come find me.” He looked to the door, hoping for a knock. All that he got was the sound of people heading out to the bars. “Of course, I can dream.” He said again, frowning at his phone. ============================================ The team was in an uproar once Kyle got close. “Dude, did your jersey shrink?” “I knew you were on something, but…” “Guys,” Kyle soothed, as he raced to come up with an excuse. “It’s nothing. I just… I just decided to take up bodybuilding! Guess the gains are starting to show, huh?” His teammates all stared back until the normally quiet tight end nodded. “Seems legit.” “Yeah bro, you’re lookin’ really swole!” “For sure! No homo though.” Kyle faltered, surprised it worked. “Um, yeah. Thanks guys. How about we take a water break?” “Great idea, dude!” Kyle let go of a breath he didn’t know he was holding. As his teammates dispersed, he wracked his brain. Nothing was making sense today! Not that he was complaining of course, but guys didn’t usually just start growing into their fantasy body. “I bet Dylan would know how to explain this,” he muttered, but he barely finished saying it before another ripple passed through him, twice as strong as before. His jersey tore clean down his chest to the top of his abs. His swelling traps and delts double-teamed his pads, cracking the plastic frame. His cleats tore open, letting his feet stretch and spread. He could feel the elastic in jock starting to give up. “God… more, don’t stop… feels so good,” he thought as he bit back a moan. Just as he felt the swelling sausage between his legs start to pre, the coach started to head his way. “Shit!” “Parker!” The coach shouted. “What are you doing playing in a small uniform?” Each step closer, Kyle could feel another stitch on his pants snap to make room for his quads and hamstrings. The coach’s stern look faded and he put a hand on Kyle’s shoulder, leaning in close. “Listen, I won’t get mad. You’re our star player, but you gotta help me help you. What are you on?” “Coach, I swear I have no idea what’s going on.” “It’s okay Kyle, you’re like family to me. I’ll take care of you.” The coach’s other hand made its way to Kyle’s chest. With a mind of its own it started to rub in tiny circles. “Yeah… let Daddy take care of you…” “Coach?!” The coach was not so much speaking as babbling to himself. His eyes were glassy, and a little drool was starting to form. Kyle broke away. “How about I just hit the showers?” That seemed to break the spell. “You’d better,” the coach muttered, red as a rose and keeping his clipboard in front of his shorts. ============================================ “Okay, I might have gone a little far in a few places, but I wanna make sure you’re the muscle god you want to be. Sure, the mind-warping pheromones might have been a bit much, but y’know.” Dylan reasoned out loud to no one, accidentally adding another perk. “Oh shi- oh… yeah that’s fine.” Seizing the Means of Production Your comr- err, soulmate produces and ejaculates five times the amount of a normal healthy adult male. He then hovered for a moment over the Confirmed Bachelor perk but held back. “No, he’s bi, that’s part of him, and it’d be wrong to change. Besides, if we’re soulmates, who cares?” He stopped for a moment. “Should add this just in case something happens before we’re together though…” Woohoo! Your soulmate can only impregnate when they consciously choose to do so. Dylan frowned. “I’m spending way too much time on this.” He was about to lock his phone when Eros popped up, looking more than slightly salty. “You’ve leveled up quite a bit lately. You also seem to not be getting much for yourself…” “I don’t want perks for myself,” Dylan said. “If this guy is mine, I want him to be happy.” “It sounds like you just want to change him to fit your fantasy.” “No, I want him to be happy, seriously!” Dylan shot back, not realizing he was now arguing with an app. “He wants to be good at football, so I gave him those perks. I also made sure he’d be popular, never get sick, eat what he wants…” “Look, I get it. It’s nice you’re thinking of him, but he’ll be happy if you take care of yourself too.” “I guess, but what do I get myself? I want to make sure I get something that he’d like on me. If I could just unlock more of his likes, then I’ll make myself like that!” “That’s not the point! He’s your soulmate, and he’ll like you for who you are, not someone who tries to be perfect for him. I swear, humans today…” “Fine,” Dylan murmured. “Wait, what was that last part?” “Nothing!” Dylan shrugged and scrolled through his side of the store for once. Suddenly, his cheeks burned. “Oh crap, should’ve gotten these a while ago.” Mr. Fantastic You can stretch to accommodate any size without pain, and you will always feel perfectly tight to your soulmate. Fanfiction Logic You never have to prepare to receive during anal intercourse. You are also instantly lubed. Don’t ask questions, we don’t know how it works either. Eros rolled his eyes. “You’re hopeless.” Dylan however didn’t even hear him as he was already trying to decide what to give his soulmate next. ============================================ Kyle stood in the stream, letting the showerhead blast him with ice cold water. It had no effect, he could have drilled a hole in the wall with how hard he was, and he swore the water began to steam as it hit him. “What the hell is going on?!” He slammed his fist on the wall, cracking the tile. “Damn it.” He already tore off a locker door and then ripped the towel rod from the wall, now he was about to punch it down. That said, it’d be a lie to say he didn’t enjoy it a little… He ran his hands down his new shredded eight pack and fondled his monster cock, now just shy of a foot long. His testicles were the size of eggs. He could practically feel them vibrate and churn. All the hair on his body had mysteriously disappeared when he stripped, leaving him smooth as silk. At first, he was mad, but when he caught a glimpse of his reflection, he couldn’t help but beat off to his new body. Twice. Now, here in the shower, his cock hadn’t softened at all. He took a quick peek to make sure no one was coming. Then, he started to stroke again with one hand, letting the other wander across his chest, playing with his downward pointing nipples. He moaned, his normal voice now a deep rumble that only turned him on more. “So big, so manly… so hot… yeah, won’t be able to keep your eyes off me now Dylan… fuck yeah, you can grab whatever you want. Bet you’d love to suck this monster. I’m gonna give it to you. Gonna make you mine and pound you so hard you won’t be able to think about anyone else… FUCK!” A pint of steaming cum splattered against the shower wall. Suddenly, Kyle realized what he had been saying and turned bright red. “Where did that come from? Ugh, and that isn’t gonna wash down, is it?” ============================================ “Why wasn’t this an option before?!” Dylan shouted. Not the Droids You’re Looking For Chances are your changes are going a bit overboard. Not to worry, use this perk to bend reality and no one will question any changes to you or your soulmate no matter how bizarre they are. Of course, both of you will still notice. “Sorry!” He shouted to his phone, again forgetting it was a game. “Hope no one has given you any problems. I’ll make it up to you, promise!” He turned to the notes section and poured over the information he had gathered so far. New bullet points had been added. Main fetish: Muscle Growth, no boundaries Preferred Dom Top “You’re my soulmate for a reason!” Dylan cheered. His cock was at full mast as he imagined the scene about to play out. He began stroking furiously as he scrolled through. “Here you go, my beastly love, I hope you enjoy it! Just please, find me soon.” USDA Grade A Beef Your soulmate has muscles that are the upper limit of what is humanly possible, including with steroids and hormones. His genitals grow to proportionally match. This enhancement is not recommended without perks such as Mr. Fantastic or Porn Physics 101. Rocket 69 Your soulmate’s ejaculation is inhuman and strong enough to shred condoms. Not recommended for casual hookups with women without the Woohoo perk. ============================================ Kyle roared as he pumped out another gallon of cum into the shower. The drain was completely clogged now, but he didn’t care. All he could do was enjoy the ride. “Oh shit… another growth wave?” This time, he could feel his body stretch out, a gentle blissful pull at both ends as the floor got farther and farther away. His head peeked out over the stalls, putting him at seven feet tall. His ass swelled outwards. His tight waist could no longer remain small and trim and inflated out as muscle piled onto his abs giving him a proper thickness, while his chest forced his shoulders out. He looked more like a T than a V, complete with mountainous shoulders and deep splits in his traps. His skin was stretched paper thin revealing all striations and veins. His balls were now baseballs, forced forward by his redwood thighs. Even his calves kept up with the growth, far thicker than his teammate’s arms. Hell, they were thicker than some of their waists! Kyle, now feeling more than a little claustrophobic, knocked out the stall divider into the next shower and stretched. “Fuck yeah! I’m a living hulk!” He flexed as hard as he could, his cock twitching with need, ready to explode. He couldn’t hold back and grabbed it with both hands and repainted the ceiling. He didn’t have a chance to enjoy the afterglow. “What the fuck? Something just dripped on me!” Kyle spun around to see the team in the locker room, half of them covered in his cum. Before he could say a thing, one of them spotted him. “Kyle, hey, did you get something on the ceiling?” The question was surprisingly innocent. “Um… I… don’t know?” Kyle choked out, suddenly noticing his voice had dropped again into a rumbling baritone. He then saw a bunch of hungry eyes looking at him. “Dude, when did you… when did you get so hot?” “Yeah, it’s like I never noticed before… don’t go hidin’ from us now.” One of them tore away the shower curtain. Kyle slowly backed up. “Guys, you’re kinda scaring me.” “Nah man, we’re just enjoying you. We wouldn’t do anything to hurt our boss, our… alpha.” Suddenly, a linebacker jumped on him with a tape measure and a very noticeable hardon. “C’mon let us measure you, please?” Cheers went up and half of the teammates, already naked, were fighting to get closer. Kyle fought to hold back another explosion, but with the team looking at him – no, worshipping him with their eyes, all standing around him – he coated them all in another giant load. A chorus of moans echoed through the room as the mass of zombified teammates moved on him, desperate to touch the massive muscle beast. ============================================ It’s Turning the Frogs Gay! Contact with your soulmate’s cum will convert any straight male to a gay male. “Huh,” Dylan said, looking back at his phone as he wiped the excess spunk off his hand. “Don’t remember clicking that one. Guess I better add this just in case. Don’t want anyone getting hurt.” Porn Physics 101 Class is in session and logic doesn’t matter. Your soulmate can fit in anyone, regardless of size. The receiver may feel some, but manageable, pain without the Mr. Fantastic perk. Your soulmate also cannot catch or transmit any disease, infection, or other health condition through intercourse or related acts. He then popped open the information tab again. This time, the app decided it was time to share some stats. “Oh man, I’m gonna cum again!” Height: 7 feet Weight: 635.2 pounds Chest: 95.9 inches Biceps: 38.6 inches Waist: 47.7 inches Quads: 48.2 inches Calves: 37.5 inches. “But,” he said mid-stroke, “you probably want to be a little bigger…” ============================================ “Fuuuuuck,” Kyle groaned, pulling his still diamond hard cock from the center’s ass. The rest of the team lay in a heap in the locker room, fucked silly and covered with his cum. Even the coach joined in at the center of the dogpile. “What am I doing here? I’m huge! I could totally ask Dylan out now…” he trailed off. “But… what if he thinks I’m a freak?” A shiver shot down his spine, and the air grew heavy. The team began to moan around him, those few who were conscious now worshipping his mighty legs. Suddenly he felt something wash over his mind like a warm bath. All his fears evaporated. A cocky smirk blossomed on his face. “No, Dylan’s gonna love this,” he growled. “He’s gonna be mine. Boys! Make a path!” Kyle stomped down the aisle as the team squirmed out of the way. Without the least bit of effort, he tore a bank of lockers from the wall. He folded the sheets of metal as if they were thin as origami paper into a makeshift belt. He tore the shower curtains and hitched them to the belt into a simple loincloth. “What do you think? Am I presentable for my future husband?” He was answered by a collective moan and a few stray cumshots. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He smashed down the wall and walked out into the night. He bounced his pecs, laughing. “I’m unstoppable! I should take Dylan down to the train station and throw trains for him. Bet that’ll make him cream himself.” ============================================ Alpha Dream Your soulmate has unstoppable confidence and mass-produces pheromones that influence others to follow his will. For you, it is an aphrodisiac instead. Priority over all other perks. Eros glared at Dylan as he scrolled back through the perks he applied. “Okay, okay, I’ll admit, I officially went too far.” “You think?!” “Hey, don’t point fingers, it’s your game!” “I’m not the one who decided to cheat the system.” “You asked me to beta test.” “That’s a good point.” Eros shifted his glare away. “All of this would’ve been fine if jock-boy didn’t drop his phone. You guys would’ve at least traded perks then.” Dylan sighed, looking back at the perks and full stats. Height: 8.2 feet Weight: 1019.2 pounds Chest: 110.1 inches Biceps: 44.2 inches Waist: 54.7 inches Quads: 55.1 inches Calves: 44.1 inches Penis Length: 20 inches The new description of his soulmate sounded more like an oversexed superhero he’d read about online. “Yeah, I guess I should’ve added more for me too. I mean, if a guy like this really existed, he wouldn’t look twice at me.” A thundering knock came at the door. Dylan jumped, nearly dropping his phone. He shoved his dick back into his boxers and yanked up his pants. “Who is it?” “Kyle,” the voice called back, though it really didn’t sound like him. “Hold on a sec,” Dylan shouted back. “You okay? You sound really-” He cut himself off as he threw open the door and looked up… and up... “Hey Dylan,” the beast purred. “Sorry, would’ve stopped by earlier but I got held up.” Dylan made a few noises that didn’t quite approach a coherent sentence. The man before him, if man was even the right word anymore, was far larger than anything he had ever seen, save for morphed pictures. It was as if someone had photoshopped the best assets of the bodybuilding greats together and multiplied it by ten. The quarterback couldn’t stand straight in the hallway. “So, you like what you see? Because I like what I see.” Dylan whimpered, feeling his already sensitive dick shoot again into his pants. The smell… the smell coming off Kyle was foreplay by breathing, each breath a sensual caress down his chest. “May I come in?” Dylan nodded furiously. Kyle somehow squeezed through the door and shut it behind him. His monster was barely concealed behind the shower curtain thong. Dylan sat in his desk chair with a squeak, feeling smaller than ever. Kyle paused for a moment to search for his words when he saw Dylan’s phone on the desk. “What’s this?” “I-I-I…” “Breathe buddy, not gonna hurt you – unless you ask.” He added with a small rumble of a laugh. He picked up the phone and carefully scrolled through the list. “You… you did this?” The dam broke. “I didn’t mean to! Well, I mean… I did but I thought it was a game! It said it was for my soulmate and – well – I guess I chose it because you liked stuff like that, so I wanted to make you happy, but I didn’t know it was you, you know and-” Kyle pressed a finger to Dylan’s lips to shush him. “But you did do it? Can you show me?” Dylan swallowed hard and carefully took his phone back. Kyle sat Dylan on his forearm so he could watch. “So, like… there’s these and…” Dylan quickly tapped three perks, not paying attention, but immediately paled when he saw what he chose. Quick Reload Your soulmate has no refractory period. Missile Silo Your soulmate has a monstrous weapon of “ass” destruction… Not all puns have to be 10/10, y’know. What is a King to a God? Your soulmate has transcended humanity and their physique is beyond mortal capability. His titanic body is completely flexible and does not tax his internal organs to maintain at all. Kyle let out a combination of a growl and a moan as his cock tore through the makeshift poser. It rose proudly like the cannons of a battleship, reaching just below his collarbone. Almost immediately a river of pre began to fall from the tip. Kyle’s growth wasn’t done though, as his body became packed tightly with as much muscle as it could possible hold. He panted, holding in another orgasm and looking at Dylan like a starving man. Dylan remained frozen, unsure of what the muscle god would do. Kyle shut his eyes and focused on breathing. Finally, he managed to ask, “What about you?” “What?” “Why didn’t you use it on yourself?” Dylan tried to manage his babbling, but words were pouring out faster than his brain could process them. “I… I didn’t really want to use it on me when there was stuff I could do to fulfill your fantasies, at least to start. I knew you wanted to be good at football, so I picked stuff for that and… it kinda got away from me. I thought it was a game – not to say I wouldn’t have done it if I knew it was you! You’re were already great to start with though, so it’s not like I had to change stuff. I mean, you’re perfect, or you were perfect, but I think you look really hot now! I should stop talking.” “For me?” Dylan was taken aback by the surprise in Kyle’s voice. “You… like me?” “Of course!” Dylan bubbled. “You’re so talented at sports and you’re really nice! You’re a lot smarter than you give yourself credit for. And… you were always friendly to me, always checking in on me and making sure I’m alright.” Dylan took a deep breath, now looking embarrassed. “It’s why I’ve been wanting to ask you out ever since the beginning of our classes together, but I got scared I’d lose what we already had.” Kyle frowned. In one swift motion, he flipped Dylan into his hands and pinned him – not roughly but firmly – to the bed. “You’re telling me,” he growled, “I could’ve been in here with you every night for the past semester?!” Dylan was petrified. “What?” Kyle suddenly realized what he said. “I… fuck it. I’ve been trying to work up the courage to ask you out for months! But now, this happens.” He laughed. He pushed his face into the crook of Dylan’s neck, rewarded with a symphony of sweet sounds. “But… I…” Kyle silenced him with a deep kiss. Dylan nearly melted in his arms, feeling like his soul was leaving his body. His hands wandered the mass before him, squeezing but not even denting Kyle’s 747 lats. “You’ve got too many clothes on.” Kyle rumbled and before Dylan could protest, they were in tatters on the floor. Dylan wrapped his way around Kyle’s battering ram, kissing the head softly. Now it was Kyle’s turn to be surprised. Dylan curled up and started sliding onto Kyle’s cock. Kyle could hardly resist, all he wanted was to fuck hard, to claim Dylan as his. “How are you taking all that?!” Dylan laughed nervously. “I might have had a few prep perks.” Kyle snorted a laugh as his control crumbled. He began pushing the massive log inside the twink’s perfect ass. Dylan’s tight muscles milked his dick, pulling it in farther. At halfway, he couldn’t hold back anymore. In one swift punch, he hilted Dylan. The twink’s eyes rolled back in his head as he shot across Kyle’s abs. The spasm shook him to his core, sending a little vibration down Kyle as he began to plow hard. With each smack of his hips against his soulmate, Kyle felt his cock swell, already pumping Dylan full of pints of pre-cum. He pressed Dylan into his chest and kept pounding away, shaking the bed. Suddenly, the mattress fell to the ground as the iron frame finally gave way, but neither man noticed. All they cared about was the other. “Gonna… cum…” Kyle finally said. Dylan could only nod, already feeling another load building up. In one final roar, Kyle slammed into Dylan, burying his cock as a tanker load of cum flooded his ass and shot out the sides. He shoved his tongue into Dylan’s mouth, and kept him tight together. Dylan could only moan in bliss, unloading again onto Kyle’s rocky abs. Five minutes later, Kyle finally finished cumming and withdrew. Dylan finally broke the kiss and gasped for air, looking lovingly at the god he created. “Oh my god, that was worth the wait.” “Hell yeah,” Kyle laughed. “Ready for round two?” “Round two?” Dylan groaned. “I need a break!” “Okay a little break, but you’re not leaving this room until you’re milked dry. Give me your phone.” “What?” Dylan squeaked as Kyle tossed him over one arm and lumbered to the desk. “Just a little thank you gift for my man,” Kyle purred in his ear. He held out the phone to show Dylan the new perk. Sharing is Caring All active perks will apply to both of you. Dylan felt his dick shoot back to life as tingles began to spread through his body. ============================================ Eros hammered away at the computer. “I should have expected someone would do that,” he grumbled tapping away. “Ah well, what is it humans say? Find a bug, fix a bug, find twenty more." “That’s why it’s still in beta,” the voice of Ganymede came form between his legs. “Told’ya we should’ve done more bug testing first.” Eros purred feeling the prince’s mouth envelop him. “Hey, at least it worked out in the end. Modern problems need modern matchmaking, right?” Ganymede laughed, teasing the god’s balls. “Yeah, which means you deserve a break.” “Gan, c’mon. If I finish the app, it does my job for me, and we can have all the fun we want. I just need to make a few more cha- oh!” “Later,” came the possessive growl. “My turn now.”
  17. EclipseWing

    Next Level Love: Location Enabled

    After two months of being sick off and on - thankfully avoided the big one - I finally have time to write again. I hope you enjoy! Next Level Love Part 1 ============================================ Next Level Love: Location Enabled “You know Gan, you can type faster if you use both hands.” Ganymede smirked, tightening his grip around Eros’ dick. “Are you really complaining?” “Nah, but I want to get this done.” Eros and his divine other half were spread across their giant bed on a veranda overlooking the gardens of Olympus. Comfy as it was, Eros was still working furiously on the app. “Fine,” the former prince mock whined. “It’s not gonna take much longer, drama queen. I’ve already patched the whole thing with the repetitive task bug. No more task grinding for levels! And for certain tasks, the users are required to check in to areas. No saying you went to the gym without actually going.” “That’s great! So, no more glitches?” Eros frowned “Well, I think… I sent it out for another round of testing already.” “You’re too impatient,” Gan said, pulling Eros into a cuddle, shoving his own laptop away. “Is it too much to ask for time with my husband?! I’m the damn God of Love and Sex; everyone else gets to enjoy it but me.” Gan laughed. “It’s okay sexy, we’ll have our alone time soon. I really appreciate you’re trying to spend more time with me though.” “I know.” His computer pinged. “Oh hey, the test copy is active!” ============================================ Mateo was not happy. Every morning he woke up and stood in his boxers before the mirror, and he’d frown. From an outsider’s perspective, Mateo was blessed. Sure, he wasn’t built like a brick house like his father and the other men in his family, but he had other gifts. He was slender and svelte. His skin was flawless without effort and the only fat on his body was on his rear, leading to no shortage of envy from his sisters and cousins. He was the perfect twink. But that’s not what he saw in the mirror. No, Mateo saw a scrawny nobody. He saw a guy who was too thin, no muscle, and with a small member down below (he was actually average). He was blind to the desperate looks from closeted guys and deaf to the flirting of every top in the university. His self-doubt was only fueled by accidental comments from his Tia that he had eyelashes any woman would kill for – though she, of course, meant it as a complement. Today, he had had enough and marched his way to the gym off-campus. He felt imagined stares as he pushed the door open, his heart starting to race. He relaxed as he saw the tall athletic trainer with his hair pulled back in tight box braids. “Got your text. So, what’s your big emergency?” “Leon, I’m done. I’ve done everything I could, and I’m not putting on any muscle. I need your help.” Leon couldn’t help but laugh. “Matty, you’re a lot better off than like ninety percent of the guys I work with. They’d kill for your abs; hell, I’d kill for your abs.” “I only have abs because I’m skinny; they don’t count.” Mateo huffed. “And don’t call me Matty! We’re not kids anymore!” “Hey, you’re the one who wanted me to call you that back in the day.” Leon gave him a grin bright enough to light up the night. “Okay, fine,” Mateo sighed. “Just, can you help me or not?” “You know I’d do anything for you, man. Everyone knows pinky promises on the playground are for life.” Mateo rolled his eyes. “C’mon, let me get a few measurements so we have a starting point.” Annoyed as he pretended to be, Mateo could never be mad at the walking ball of sunshine. As he stepped up to the scale and let Leon crawl all over him with a tape measure, he couldn’t help but think about the days on the playground. Fate clearly had different plans for them as puberty hit Leon like a truck, turning him into a built man with near golden proportions. Leon jotted down the last few numbers. “Well, best thing I can say is that if you want to be bigger, you need to eat more – a lot more. And by that, I mean decent food.” “You know I get sick when I eat too much!” “Well, I don’t have any magic potion for you otherwise. I’ll cook the chicken for you myself if we have to. Next, we’ll start you on a simple four-day program, basic stuff…” Mateo tuned him out and stared into the free weight area. To be completely honest, there were two reasons he had chosen to use this gym instead of the one on-campus. The first, obviously, was to work with Leon who definitely wouldn’t judge him. Being in front of so many people… well, he needed all the help he could get. The second was because of the man named Dmitri. Perhaps “beast” was a better word than “man”. He came to the United States as a foreign student and instantly made waves. Rumors circulated about how he had to have been on a steady dose of HGH since he was a kid. He was the biggest at the university – well, not counting the quarterback and his boyfriend, but they were in a completely different league and more importantly taken. Dmitri was single and so far, had hardly looked at any women. Mateo (and every other gay guy in a ten-mile radius) waited with bated breath hoping for evidence to whether he was gay or not. Mateo sighed without realizing, watching the living hulk heave plate after plate onto the bar. The man’s neck was thicker than Mateo’s thighs. That was nothing compared to Dmitri’s thighs which were easily as thick, if not thicker, than Mateo’s waist. He fought not to swoon, watching those massive, vein-webbed forearms twist and jump as he made a note in his workout notebook. He tossed the book in his bag and chalked his hands. That’s when he saw Mateo watching him. Mateo felt his heart skip a beat. Dmitri stared back through the mirror with a haughty smirk before heaving the bending barbell up in a clean deadlift. “What’s your goal?” “Dmitri…” Leon leaned in and flicked his ear. “Earth to Matty, you can drool over the meathead later. We need a body goal for you.” “Oh right,” Mateo blushed as he rubbed his ear. “Um… well, I don’t need to be huge I guess, just ‘jock’ status?” “Jock status, we can work with that.” He made a note and stood. “Alright, time to get started!” “Wait, we don’t have to go in there with everyone else right?” “Yeah, but…” he stopped and saw Mateo tremble. “Oh, I get it. How about for this first one we go into the yoga studio. It’s always empty right now.” “Thanks,” Mateo sighed, already feeling better with Leon’s smile. ============================================ The workout was quicker than Mateo expected, but Leon didn’t pull any punches. The upper body workout absolutely destroyed him. After finishing cooling down, Mateo slumped onto a yoga mat. Leon shoved a protein shake his way, but Mateo tried to wriggle away. “You’re gonna drink the shake, or I’m going to get a funnel and force it into you.” “But those taste terrible!” “Do you want to get bigger or not?” Mateo took a reluctant sip, and his stubborn look melted into a sheepish one. “Chocolate peanut butter?” Leon grinned. “Knew you wouldn’t drink it otherwise.” “Thanks, maybe I’ll actually put on weight.” “One step at a time. For now, you’d better rest up. Big leg day tomorrow!” Mateo groaned internally but muttered to himself, “I’m gonna do it this time. I’m gonna get big.” “Yeah man, you’re gonna do it!” Just then, Mateo’s phone buzzed in his gym bag. He fished it out and got a strange notification. “Everything okay?” “Yeah… some weird game advertisement?” ============================================ Back in his dorm, Mateo opened up the strange app. An explosion of pink and purple hearts flew across the screen revealing an animated twunk with a bright pink tank top and teal running shorts. Both left little to the imagination. “Hey there Mateo, my name is Eros and welcome to Next Level Love, the game that brings you closer to your soulmate! You’ve been chosen to participate in the closed beta for version 2.0 of the game. Both you and your soulmate have been given a copy of this app. We won’t tell you who he is just yet; it’d ruin the fun! As you do stuff in your own life to take care of yourself, you gain points to find out more about him. You can even buy special perks for either him or yourself to really take your relationship to the next level.” “Great, my phone got a virus.” He reached to close the app. “Wait a second! This isn’t a virus, I promise! We’re testing out some things, and I can promise you won’t be disappointed. Even with our glitches we have a 100% success rate with our matches! You have nothing to lose.” For reasons he wasn’t sure of, Mateo decided to indulge the app. “Okay, so how do I play?” Eros led him through a quick tutorial, including the simple Lover’s Embrace perk to start. It was then that Eros popped up again. “For completing our tutorial and for finishing all of your tasks today, you’ve leveled up two more times, congrats! You can use those points to purchase more for your soulmate or yourself. We’ve even created new location-based perks, so you can even get a bonus while working on your tasks. Finally, we’ve got some info on your soulmate.” On the note page, a single line had been added: Loves lifting at the gym. Mateo felt a mix of emotions. On one hand, he was happy his soulmate was probably jacked. On the other… he looked in the mirror again and groaned. “Okay, that first one is definitely being used on me. I have a lot of catching up to do.” His finger hovered for a moment over the shop icon. “It’s not cheating, it’s just a little boost.” He skimmed the options before picking one. Hyper Healing When you go to sleep, you will instantly reap the benefits of your workout. Your muscles and joints will be completely healed. It is impossible for you to overtrain, no matter how long you workout, so long as you get at least six hours of sleep. “Perfect, that’ll buy me some time. All I have to do is workout every day, and I’ll be making gains in no time!” ============================================ Mateo bounced into the gym, nearly breaking into song. He’d never felt so rested before. It felt like the stress from school, life, and everything had completely melted away. Best of all, it felt like had been cuddled all night long; he guessed that his soulmate also sent the Lover’s Embrace. He was on top of the world, he even forgot to look in the mirror. “Someone woke up on the right side of the bed,” Leon said, looking Mateo over. “I was a little worried when you didn’t text me back. You’re not sore at all?” “Nope, let’s do this!” Leon let out a shaky laugh. “Oookay, let’s start with some warm-ups. We’re doing a lot of leg work today.” “Alright-” Mateo cut himself off as he saw the mirror. He was going to complain about how far he had to go, but his reflection was different. “Are the mirrors warped?” “No, we’re not about lying to the members.” Mateo stared. He actually had muscle. Not much, just enough to be considered fit, but he wasn’t scrawny. He lifted his shirt, seeing a six pack. It might have been there due to just being thin, but it wasn’t a bad start. “Hey, Narcissus! You can flex on us later, let’s get some work in first!” “Right, yeah, sorry!” ============================================ After the workout, Mateo was a sweaty lump on the floor. Leon shook his head. “Your attitude is awesome, but you might want to take it easy until you get a bit more adjusted to the routine. You don’t know your limits yet.” “My legs are jelly,” he moaned back. Leon shoved another protein shake in his hands. Mateo leaned against the wall in a little ball, slowly sipping. Leon slid down next to him. “How’d I do? Do I have a pump yet?” Leon snorted. “You’re doing fine, but it’s gonna take time. You gotta be patient.” He then got back up to his feet. “Rest day tomorrow, I think you’re gonna need it. My next client is here, so I’ll text to check in on you later. If you’re still feeling like shit, I’ll bring some food by.” “Thanks, see ya,” Mateo groaned into the shake. Everything hurt. It was going to be hell in a few hours, that is, it would be if he didn’t have a magic app on his phone. As soon as Leon was out of sight, he whipped his phone out. “Hey there, looks like you had a really productive-” Mateo cut off Eros, tapping furiously to get to the shop. “Okay, okay, fine! Calm down!” The shop loaded with several new options and a ton of points to use. “Okay, recovery first.” Green Potion Your body is completely rejuvenated, and your stamina recovers at a faster rate than humanly possible. The smell of peppermint filled the air, and he felt a soothing cool flow across his sore muscles. “That’s better… now, what’s next?” “HEY!” Eros shouted from the corner of the screen, tossing on his shop apron. “Slow down, I need a chance to get ready! I get what you’re doing, but that perk is only going to really help you in the short term. How about you try one of the location ones?” “Location?” “If you were listening, you’d know you can apply them to places where you complete tasks.” Eros grumbled. “Like the gym for example. You can use the perk to help you with your tasks and since your soulmate likes lifting here, it could help you guys hook up.” With a snap of his fingers, the shop changed to a new tab and scrolled down to a list tagged “Gym.” “Why don’t you try this?” Senzu Bean Resting and drinking a protein shake from the gym will immediately remove all soreness and restore your stamina. Mateo chose it, but then he saw a different one just below it. Ironworks Your gym is focused on those who want to build muscle. Anyone who works out there will always reap the maximum benefit of their workout as if they had perfect health, sleep, and stress. It is incredibly easy to bulk or cut. “Wait I thought I removed that one…” “What?” “Nothing! Um, maybe you don’t wa- and you clicked it.” Eros groaned. “Okay, but I’m adding this one automatically. You don’t want to deal with their questions.” Reality Filter You went too far, didn’t you? The massive changes you’ve made and will make in the future will not be questioned by anyone. Only you and your soulmate will notice. ============================================ Mateo threw the doors open to the gym, eager to see the changes. It was still busy, but there were less people overall, and there seemed to be more men that usual. While the building looked the same, the racquetball courts had been replaced by an expanded free weight area. The kids area was transformed into extra machine space. Right in the center of that new area was Leon, cranking bent rows on a smith machine. He was soaking in sweat and rocking a crazy pump. “Wow, you’re on fire!” The weights hit the bottom and Leon wiped the sweat off his face. “Today I’ve been feeling great! Add another 25 on that side okay?” “You sure you’re not trying to show off for someone?” Mateo joked, tossing on the plate. “Maybe,” he shrugged back. His back looked ready to tear the sides of his tank top. “Are you seriously working out today? You’re still a beginner, you need to rest.” “Don’t worry, just wanted to do some cardio.” He tried to sneakily look over his shoulder. Leon huffed. “He hasn’t come in yet.” “What?” “Dmitri.” Mateo blushed. “I-” “Don’t play dumb, it’s pretty obvious you’re crushing on him. He’ll be in though; he always trains legs today.” Leon rolled his shoulders and gripped the bar. “Hang around and you’ll run into him. Just don’t do something stupid.” “Thanks.” Mateo wandered for a bit, debating if he wanted to actually do cardio. Going into the free weight section alone? Absolutely not. He settled on a treadmill with a perfect view of the free weights when a commotion caught his attention. A bunch of guys took over the empty benches, earning more than a few annoyed glares from everyone. They were freshmen from the university who all seemed to have TikTok e-boy builds – in other words their personality was that they had abs. Mateo nervously looked at the mirror again. A small flame of pride blossomed in his chest; he was actually slightly bigger than them. The party boys were working arms today, but as far as anyone could tell, it might as well have been a dick measuring contest. They were fighting over who could grab the highest weight. Mateo sighed; it definitely wasn’t the show he wanted. “Hey.” It was a single word, and more of a rumble at that, but Mateo nearly fell off the treadmill. He turned and came face to face with a giant sweaty chest that was torturing the straps of the stringer that barely held them back. His eyes slowly started to crawl downwards over the thick roidgut, but he wrenched himself upward to look into the eyes of Dmitri. “Hey,” he managed to squeak out. “I saw you here the other day, right? You’re gonna put on some good size if ya keep this up. We should work out together some time.” “Y-yeah!” With that they exchanged numbers. Dmitri smiled and lumbered towards the locker rooms. Mateo stopped the treadmill and slumped down, heart racing and trying desperately to make sure his erection couldn’t be seen. ============================================ “I gotta get bigger, I gotta get bigger…” He kept up the mantra as he kept looking between the mirror and his phone. “There’s gotta be a good one here somewhere…” Just then he was interrupted by a text. >> Hey man, are you doing okay? I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Don’t feel like you have to rush or anything okay? He hammered off a quick response to Leon assuring him he was fine. Right as he hit send, a shock rocketed up his arm. He clutched his stomach and watched in shock as the joints of his hand popped and stretched. Suddenly, he remembered his soulmate also had the app. Mateo moaned with each pulse of growth rippling through him. It grew from his abs and moved outward in waves, disproportionately starting with his legs and forcing his upper body to catch up bit by bit. He flexed, forcing the growth into his biceps, watching the peaks grow higher and more cut. “Not… enough…” He growled. His clothes said otherwise, ripping down his pecs and splitting up the side of his quads. He slammed his finger into the phone again, choosing a perk without looking. Gym Leader You might still be on your journey to be the best that ever was, but you’re pretty damn good already. You are one of the biggest guys at your gym and others look to you for advice and motivation. The fire inside him burned brighter and brighter. Each breath seemed to engorge his body a little more. With a roar, he flexed and blasted the clothes to shreds leaving only his boxers. The tortured underwear now looked more like a poser, only holding by a thread. He looked himself over in the mirror. Where once had been a twunk now stood an amateur bodybuilder practically ready for his first show. “That’s good for now, but I’m gonna have to really grow some more to get Dmitri to really fall for me.” He brought his arm up and could practically hear the skin stretch. He flexed in the mirror for all of half a second before the frown returned. “I forgot I need to balance out…” There’s the Beef! The bulge you show off will be noticeably large in proportion to the rest of your body. With a final snap, his underwear gave up the fight and joined the rest of his clothes in tatters on the floor. A ten-inch slab of cock now hung soft from his body with thick balls to match. Almost naturally, a cocky grin spread across his face as he flexed. “Nice to see a bit of confidence on you,” Eros chirped from the app, “but don’t you think you should maybe spread the love a little?” “You’re right!” Eat Clen, Tren Hard Simply training at the gym will give patrons the benefits of being on an aggressive steroid cycle, but with none of the drawbacks. “Humans, I swear to Auntie Hera…” He rubbed his temples. “Okay, listen. I’ve seen a lot of relationships, good and bad. That’s why there’s the app, we’re doing the work for you to make sure the guy on the other end doesn’t just like you, he loves you. Best part of all? He’s gonna love you regardless of what you look like. The app isn’t to make you attractive to him, it’s to enhance and nurture what’s already there. For you both to grow together!” “He already loves me?” “Y’know if you actually read the notes, you’d know that. He’s crazy about you.” Mateo opened the list, more than a little embarrassed. · Gym rat · Fantasizes about you · Wants to get as big as possible · Exclusive top · Can help you relax ============================================ The talk with the app and the notes gave Mateo a lot to think about when he got to the gym, though that last one felt like a call-out. However, all of the other notes were pushing his buttons. He was so deep in thought, he almost walked into the wrong locker room. He shyly backed away, considering skipping. “Walk in the streets with you in your worn-out jeans-Hey!” Leon cut himself off on seeing Mateo. “Holy…” Mateo realized he never considered what that last perk would have done to a guy who worked for the gym and practically lived there. Leon was huge yet absolutely shredded. Despite the app’s magic, his sharp taper and tight core were only enhanced. He was some golden combination of Serge Nubret and Phil Heath, but still kept his usual hairstyle. “See something you like?” “Damn, you’re looking good… wait, were you just singing Taylor Swift?” “Yeah, so?” Mateo playfully shoved him, but this time he sent Leon staggering. “Shit, sorry!” “It’s okay man, guess you don’t know your own strength. You’re really blowing up.” Leon paused for a moment, but Mateo hardly noticed. “Let’s get started. Gonna need to do something intense to tire you out now.” “Bring it on!” They headed over to an open space to do some dynamic stretching when Mateo saw the frat boys again, but they too were changed. All of them looked like they had done nothing but lift through high school and even though their legs were still lacking a bit. They were still rowdy and if anything, cockier than ever. “I hate having to clean up after them…” Leon groaned watching them, but then had a sly grin. “Hey Matty, wanna help me out a bit?” “What do you need?” “We’re just gonna work with a group.” “What?!” Suddenly, Mateo felt small again. “I… I don’t know…” “Just follow my lead, besides you’ve got nothing to worry about. You’re twice as big as them.” Mateo looked in the mirror and realized he was right. He swallowed hard and followed his friend. “Hey guys, you mind if we work in?” It was as if a flock of peacocks all decided to fan their tails at once. All of them were clearly flexing, despite trying to look natural, yet when they saw the two massive men, they all seemed to shrink. “Always fun to work with a group don’t you think, Matty?” “Yeah,” Mateo replied, though he wasn’t so sure. He didn’t have long to think before Leon was shoving dumbbells into his hands. “Matty,” he whispered. “You deserve to be here as much as they do. Show them what you can do. Don’t even think about them, just focus on me first.” Mateo nodded, keeping an eye on Leon’s blinding smile. The first rep felt like the world was watching, but the second came easier. Then the third. Then the fourth. Before he knew it, he completed the set and was sitting on the bench while Leon did his own. Leon was giving out advice as he did, but Mateo could only sit with a smile. The other frat guys were completely hypnotized watching Leon and Mateo, the new targets of their hero worship (and other worship that would happen in their fantasies) but neither man knew it. They were completely focused on their work. “You should be proud,” Leon said at the end of the session. “It’s not so bad being in front of others after all, huh?” “Shut up,” Mateo laughed, but his cheeks burned. He still couldn’t believe he did it. As he left the gym, his phone buzzed. It was Dmitri. >> Wanna workout together tomorrow? Planning on doing a second leg day. Mateo didn’t hesitate to text back. ============================================ The mantra changed the next morning. “Not big enough, not big enough…” He could practically hear Leon telling him he was fine, but yesterday was around normal guys. Dmitri? That was a different story. He could help but feel smaller and smaller the more he thought about it. He gasped for breath, then shut his eyes. He focused on Leon’s warm smile. Slowly his chest released. “Okay… Leon would say I can do this. He’d say I’ll be fine.” His eyes fell to his phone. “Buuuuut… a few extra pounds couldn’t hurt right?” He skimmed through the list, seeing a handful of good ones but nothing seemed to fit what he was looking for. “Wait, if I pick a change to the gym that stacks with the Gym Leader perk… it’ll make me even bigger automatically, right?” Supersize Me Those who go to your gym are absolutely addicted to growth. Everyone is committed to pushing the human body to the limits of what sizes are possible… and thanks to this app they often exceed those limits too. He had barely confirmed his choice before the familiar waves of growth washed over him. He fell to his knees, groping his pecs greedily as they swelled into mountains. The overdeveloped masses stuck far out over his now rounded abs as his shoulders and arms seemed to be in a race to push the most veins to the surface by their swelling bulk. His best assets of course were still his titan legs and shelf-like glutes. He gasped as the growth built in his balls for the grand finale, stretching them to the size of tangerines, then lemons. His cock erected into an eighteen-inch tower. He roared as a massive load unloaded into the bottom of his chest. “Now… now I’m ready…” He panted. He looked into the mirror and small Mateo flickered back for a moment. “Maybe a shower first.” ============================================ The gym had completely changed. What was once a futuristic looking place that was more of a sports club was now a top of the line facility solely focused on bodybuilding and powerlifting. Thanks to the recent changes it was packed with guys trying to get as big as possible. The posters of soccer moms at yoga classes were replaced by signed posters of bodybuilding greats. A whole section seemed dedicated to posing practice with a trainer dedicated to adjusting stances. In the weight section, Mateo had never seen so many dumbbells and plates in one place as there never seemed to be a shortage of any type. “Hey, there you are!” Dmitri waved him over towards the squat rack. “Was worried you were gonna skip.” Mateo meant to say “No way! Let’s get started!” but it ended up “N-n-no way.” Dmitri gave him a crooked smile but didn’t push. “So, I usually do legs today…” His voice faded away as Mateo loaded up the squat rack. He didn’t expect all of the other guys to be so much bigger now! Even the frat boys were ready for at least an amateur classic competition… and judging by the bulges down below as they playfully grabbed each other they seemed to have discovered something along the way. “Hey, are you listening?” “I… I’m sorry, I’m nervous, I don’t usually workout without Leon and…” Dmitri looked at him and grinned. “What?” The hulk laughed. “I’m surprised you agreed without him. Aren’t you with Leon?” “N-no?” “He and I workout sometimes. He won’t shut up about you. Truth is today’s just a pump day for me. I asked you to work out with me, because I wanted to make sure you were the right kind of guy for him.” “What?!” He shook his head and then put his hand on Mateo’s shoulder. “You’re fucking blind. You’re too worried about what you don’t have to see what you already have.” “I’m not with him though, I’m just, no, he’s… He’s like my best friend.” “A boyfriend is just your best friend that you wanna fuck.” Mateo was speechless. Dmitri shrugged and racked the bar. “Okay, who was it you went to for help?” “Leon.” “And who texted you each morning to make sure you were okay?” “Leon.” “And who was your biggest cheerleader, celebrating every little victory? Who’s smile got you to calm down?” “…Leon.” Everything was falling into place. “Oh shit, Leon… Leon has the other app…” “You know what you need to do.” Mateo hugged Dmitri. “Thank you!” “Don’t worry about it,” he grunted. He then saw the frat guys watching his every move. “Y’know, I think I’m wanted. You better get going.” He winked and lumbered to the locker room. While the group of frat guys obediently followed as if hypnotized, Mateo bolted out the door. ============================================ Leon lived off-campus in an apartment down a sleepy street. Mateo hammered on his door, nearly splintering it. The other residents of the apartment peered at him, but all of them were too intimidated to ask him to knock it off. Finally, Leon answered the door in only a bath towel. “M-Mateo?! What are you doing here?” “Leon, please, I’m so sorry! I was so stupid and-” He stopped when Leon started to laugh. “What’s so funny?” “This is just like when you thought you broke my Optimus Prime when we were kids.” “How was I supposed to know the leg bent that way on purpose?” Mateo sighed, but began to blush as he realized the judging stares follow him. “Can I come in?” “Yeah, c’mon man.” He ducked under the doorway and carefully squeezed inside. He was afraid to break the furniture, so he sat on the floor, which was more than a bit of a challenge for him at his new size. Leon sat across from him. “Kinda wish you came a few minutes later man… I just got out of the shower.” Mateo had noticed and was hoping Leon didn’t notice the effect it had on him. “I… uh…” “You good? You look sick. I’ll grab some medicine or something…” “The app!” Leon stopped. “What?” “You’re the other one, right? My,” Mateo swallowed hard. “My soulmate.” Leon held up his phone, showing the familiar pink hearts. “Guilty.” Mateo could see a list of the changes he made, though the one at the top caught his attention first. Eyes Unclouded by Hate Your soulmate might be a bit too hard on themselves and can’t see what’s really there. This perk will show them how you see them. “I didn’t grow that first night…” Mateo murmured. “You just…” “Wanted you to see the you that I saw,” Leon sunk back into the couch. “I hated seeing you beat yourself up. I thought it would help.” Mateo wasn’t sure what to say. For a moment he forgot he was the hulking mass he was and just wanted to cuddle into Leon’s arms. “Though… after you started growing, I did do some of the later spurts…” Leon laughed. “Gotta say, mass looks really good on you. And hey, you did do this to me.” He motioned to his giant pecs that looked like the perfect spot for Mateo to shove his face. “I was a little worried you wouldn’t be interested.” Mateo shook his head furiously. “I’m just sorry it took so long!” Leon knelt down next to him and gave him a gentle kiss. “I waited this long; I was fine with a little longer as long as you figured it out in the end.” One kiss led to another… and another… and another, each slowly deepening. Mateo then felt something jab into his stomach. “I might have made a few personal changes too…” Mateo unwrapped Leon’s massive manhood from the towel, easily several inches larger than his own. He couldn’t help but grab it. The thick pillar was all that was on his mind as he watched his fingers dance along its length. He could already feel Leon twitching in anticipation. He teased the head with his tongue. As much as he wanted to take him deep down his throat, there was something else he wanted more. “Um, Leon… can we?” Leon was nearly drooling. “Hell yes.” Mateo may have been the bigger of the two, but Leon seemed to undergo a transformation all his own. The friendly light in his eyes was replaced with a hunger. Without warning, Leon’s hand smacked Mateo’s copious glutes, eliciting a sweet squeal of pleasure from the larger man. “Taunting me for years with this just isn’t fair,” Leon pushed Mateo to the floor. “How about you flex for me, stud?” Mateo started with a double bi but crumped as Leon’s tongue flicked across him. “Hooooly shit… Leeeooooon…” “Bigger than any guy I’ve met, but it’s easy to make you melt.” His tongue was replaced by lubed fingers. Each touch was a little shock. “Leon, please…” “Please what?” Leon asked innocently, adding another finger. “Oh god… please, I need it…” “You should really use your words, Matty.” The nickname now made his heart flutter as he squirmed on Leon’s fingers. “FUCK ME PLEASE!” “Good boy Matty,” Leon said, slowly working his cock in. Each inch was agony, slowly grinding through all of Mateo’s sweet spots and then drilling into new ones he never knew. By the time he bottomed out, his cock was burbling a river of pre and he was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. “Oh no, my turn.” With a growl, Leon slammed into Mateo. Each thrust made Mateo cry out, slamming his own hips back. He tried to hold back, knowing the whole apartment building could probably hear him, but each time Leon ground against his prostate, he couldn’t help it. He could feel Leon nip at his neck and one hand was having its way with his chest, twisting and pulling away. His cries became desperate whines. Leon pulled his cock back almost all the way before slamming in once more. “My Leon… more!” Leon lost it with that and began thrusting at a rapid, punishing angle. One final dominating kiss later, both muscle gods came, pleasure blinding them as Mateo was filled and Leon was painted with pints of cum. Leon collapsed onto Mateo without withdrawing, both men gasping for air. He nuzzled into Mateo’s neck. “I can’t believe I finally got to do that with you.” “I shouldn’t have kept you waiting. If I knew it was gonna be like that…” “Guess I owe Dmitri for talking to you.” “You’re the only muscle god I need,” Mateo laughed, curling around Leon. “Tomorrow we’re gonna head back to the gym so I can teach you the right way to use your muscles.” “I was thinking maybe you could maybe… grow bigger than me?” Mateo mumbled. “I like that idea more.” Leon thrust back into him. “In fact, why do we need to wait?” ============================================ Eros sighed. “Okay, the location idea might have been a little too overpowered.” “Yeah, too much collateral damage.” Gan stretched and frowned. “Y’know, Zeus is gonna start asking questions if we keep fucking up this university.” “He’s too busy.” “Trust me, you didn’t date the guy. Anything with sex he’s like a hawk… sometimes literally.” “It’s fine, Auntie Hera owes me a favor, so she’ll keep him busy.” Gan flinched. “Not sure he deserves that.” Eros shrugged and looked at the code. “I’ll patch out the location stuff later. Let’s take a break.” “Fuck yes!” Gan shouted, climbing on top of his lover, but instead of diving into the usual passionate make out session, he stopped and frowned. The question was out of his mouth before the thought even fully formed. “Have you been getting bigger?”
  18. elysiumfields

    Boat Race Muscle

    Another quickie mass muscle growth short from my archive.. REPOSTED from the 'defunct' MGS Multiple Muscle Growth/Reality shift BOAT RACE MUSCLE I rushed down the southern embankment close to Barnes Bridge spanning the River Thames,hoping to catch the last stretch of the Oxford-Cambridge Boat Race.Surprisingly,even though it was a gloriously warm and sunny day,the crowds,though numbering in the thousands along the length of the race,where thinned and stretched out along the banks leading up to the finishing point,and thus i managed to get perfect view from the rivers edge just as the two teams of 8 crew,spurred on by their cox's, sitting so low in the boats that they could just barely be seen, came cutting through the water,cresting literally neck and neck towards the winning point. I peered through my binoculars at the two crew,seeing the strain on their faces and their lithe muscles aching with each frantic pull of the long oars.These boys must have gone through some serious training prior to the race to cope with stroking through the hard waters of the Thames,and i could see the results under the tight lycra singlets they wore - light blue for Cambridge and dark blue for Oxford.. Lean muscled physiques,oars,strong powerful arms and broad shoulders to pull hard at the oars,along with firm muscled chests,thickly muscled thighs and wide rippling backs..Yes,they definately kept in shape.I could see clearly as they came closer,still head to head despite each effort both teams tried out. Only a few hundred yards now.. 'My,these guys are certainly well built!' i thought ,admiring them as they started to go past my vantage point. I could not take my binoculars off of them,noticing their rather thickly muscled torsos straining seemingly pumped from their exertive fight.'And look at those biceps!' i exclaimed inwardly,catching a glimpse of bulging biceps that looked the size of coconuts on the curly blonde haired guy at the front end of the Cambridge boat.'He must of hit the gym pretty hard toget guns like that!' i thought. I lost sight of both boats as the view was blocked by a small group of spectators,giving me chance to refocus the binoculars as i saw the teams again,now coming up to the finishing line and causing the crowds cheering to rise in pitch. Cambridge was in front by just a fraction but i could not be sure. When i raised my bino's again,i nearly dropped them!. The Cambridge team looked as if they were sitting a little higher in their boat,but i soon began to realise that impossibly,they seemed to have grown in height,but the poor cox squatting just in view at the end of the boat now looked dwarfed by his team mates. I glanced around at the spectators around me trying to gage any reaction to what i was seeing,but there was just normal cheering and waving. Another peer through the bino's and i was astonished to see that not only had Cambridge grown,that they also seemed to be swelling up with bigger muscles with every stroke of the oars.Their light blue lycra singlets were definately becoming packed with more shapely and thicker pecs, and their arms becoming rippled with sinewy muscles,short sleeves burgeoning with fatter bloating biceps and forearms bulging powerfully. One glance across to Oxford and the same was happening to them, and neither team seemed none the wiser to their sudden inexplicable growth.Only the cox's seemed left out. I peered up at the sports coverage helicopter buzzing above and whether they or any of the thousands of viewers were noticing what i was seeing too.!A rise in the cheering indicated that the teams were reaching the finishing line.I raced along the embankment,like many others were doing, running as fast as i could to keep up with the rowing teams. The added muscles were also increasing the strength and stamina of both teams,and the boats cut faster through the water,almost like speedboats.I reached the end line just as both teams looked to have crossed dead level. Both teams carried on rowing,such was the sudden pick up of speed in their rowing before they realised that they even crossed the winning line. The crowd grew a little more dense here,and i could not see either Oxford or Cambridge clearly,but what i did see, it seemed to me that they nolonger showed the exertion that i had earlier seen on their faces.Eventually i broke through the crowd to see the teams. gliding back towards the boat house not far away.There was no slumping back in exhaustion,panting and red faces.Both teams just sat in their boats almost emotionless and every once in an often i could see them flexing a bicep or puffing out their big bulging pecs.They had apparently reached the pinnacle of their incredulous muscle growth,sitting ungainly in boats that now looked like child-like canoes.Biceps way bigger than coconuts,more like bloody watermelons!.Thick swollen pecs so big that they looked as if they had stuffed pillows under their near bursting singlets.Wide rippling lats that made their backs seem three feet across. I was starting to get an erection at this sudden display of huge obscene muscle..'Holy fuck..this definately turned me on sexually!'. After quite a while where the judges were trying to fathom who had exactly won,and with me getting steadily sexually aroused by the sight of 16 burly university students unable to resist flexing bloated biceps and groping their pecs and then feeling up their team mates muscles,almost as if they were getting horny just as i was getting,..the announcement came,that for the first time ever,both teams had tied dead equal. There was some consternation from the supporters of either team at the result,but no alarm bells ringing about their sudden muscle growth,which totally baffled me as to why i seemed to be the only only one to notice. The rowers themselves did not seem to care less. I watched as they rowed up to the sloping jetty of the boat house,and clambered awkwardly out of the boats. The poor cox's,small like racing jockeys to begin with,now totally dwarfed by the huge guys. Now i caught sight of the handsome young guys in all their muscular glory. With the massiveness of their huge muscles,they did not look too much increased in height but still stood at impressive 6.5 to 7 feet. Yet it was their obscene oversized muscles that was the real size to them...and there was something else.! The crotches of their singlets were literally bloated by impossible bulges caused by a truely shocking growth in their genitals. I could see the definate outlines of huge fat juicy cocks looking as fat as my forearm and pressed out towards their hips or very close towards their knees. And their balls looked bloated and full like ripe grapefruits heavily laden with gallons of hot man cum. The sight of their overfilled freakish bulges nearly made me cum right there on the riverbank in my pants,and i had to support myself against a tree to let the orgasmic feeling subside.I fought to keep myself under control as i watched the two teams be presented with their joint trophy and then go through the necessary interviews.Eventually,the teams headed for the boat house,deciding to share changing rooms.I noticed some of them touching each other erotically,groping each others firm round butts or flexing biceps or even kissing.And i nearly came in my pants again. 'Shit,..i wish i was in the changing room and showers with these guys!' as i watched 15 guys go in to the boat house.Then i felt an immensely muscled arm wrap around my waist from behind, and i was lifted easily off the ground,carried towards the boat hose under the strong thick arms and the bulging lats of the 16th rower like i was loot claimed by a rampaging Viking invader..I glanced nervously up into the beautiful face of the blonde Cambridge rower i noticed earlier. "I saw you react to us when we got out of our puny boats..and i want you to be our sex slave..." My cock grew painfully erect and i could no longer hold back my orgasm, creaming my pants with slimy cum...
  19. Chapter One is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7118-with-a-little-help-from-magic-chapter-one/ Chapter Three is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7668-with-a-little-help-from-magic-chapter-three/ Preface Finally. The concluding part. No growth here, but I just wanted to finish the tale about the characters. With a little help from magic, Chapter Four John and Aram agreed: It was a strange experience to remember two versions of Winter Break in bygone years. Both remembered the opportunity to spend a week playing hockey in the brief winter daylight, but their memories didn’t stem from the same reality. When one of them had enjoyed Winter Break, the other one had memories of dread. Winter Break was also one of the times of the year, when the difference between the garden suburb and the council flats became visible. Emma, Simon and Anderson were accustomed to go on vacation to the mountains, skiing, every year, while John, Carl, Aram and Peter never had the opportunity. Emelie disliked skiing, and didn’t go away, even if her parents could afford it. John’s family, though, had went to Thailand once, trying to escape the chilly February weather, and another year Carl’s family had managed to go on vacation in Majorca in February, for the same reason. It was usually easier to get vacation approved in summer. It had become one of Emelie’s traditions to arrange a party for those of her friends who remained in the city during the Winter Break, and this was not an exception. The winter sky over the suburb was red and purple. Snow droves formed small mounds by the side of the streets, and the suburb was more silent than usual, since so many families were away on vacation. Her parents understood her need for privacy, and were spending the evening watching Euripides’ The Bacchae at one of the theatres. ”This will be the last time we have this party.”, she observed, sitting in an old armchair designed by the famous designer Carl Malmsten, holding a glass of wine. Her parents didn’t regard it particularly offensive to break the law in that regard. A black-clad presence occupied one corner of the cream-coloured sofa, with three glasses of vodka before them: Her goth friends, the male one quite inebriated. Earlier, he had unsuccessfully tried to snog Emelie, and she had rejected his advances. He insisted to be called ’Moonsorrow Shadowpain’, but his actual name was Lars. Three SHARPs sat in another corner: Carl, John and one of their mutual friends: Three bald-shaven, masculine lads made of the right stuff, perhaps looking less intimidating since they had left their shiny boots in a tangle of bootlace by the door. Aram’s younger brother sat in the same corner, having found a new hero in Carl, who had defended him against Anderson in the past. The four of them shared a few cans of beer. Sitting in the remaining Carl Malmsten armchair, Aram was talking to Peter and four girls from class, who occupied the remaining corner of the large sofa, including two lambskin tuffets from one of the Baltic islands. Aram had filled his wine glass from Emelie’s bag-in-box, but Peter and most of the girls were drinking alcopop, with the exception of one of them, who was a member of the temperance movement. Since their tastes in music diverged so much, the sound from the loudspeakers had changed several times during the evening, but now something ambient was droning in the background. ”I can’t believe it. Time flies. What will you do when the semester end?”, one of the girls remarked. ”I will apply for art school.”, Emelie answered. ”Ooooh. Arty farty! An ordinary university education is not enough, for you?”, Carl exclaimed in friendly banter. ”I want to trail my own path.”, she answered. ”As usual”, Aram remarked, and looked at her with his warm brown eyes. ”As usual”, she answered him, with a smile. ”It isn’t a secret, that I will apply for medical studies.”, Aram said, as a matter of fact. ”And you?” ”I will probably apply for university studies later, but, during next year, I will probably serve in the armed forces. They have re-introduced conscription, if you remember.”, Carl answered him. ”I went to Selective Service, but as soon as they noticed my myopia, I was allowed to return home. I didn’t even have to make any tests.” ”They only select a few thousands each year. If you have any health issues, you are excused. I want to be one of the few and the brave.” ”You are one of the few and the brave in my book, even if they don’t send you a draft.”, John said, and gave Carl a hug. ”Thanks bro.” ”I will work at my cousin’s café during summer, and if I like it, I will probably remain at the café.”, one of the goth girls said. ”A higher education will always be useful later.”, Aram answered. ”Later, yes. That’s later.” ”I am worried.”, said Peter. ”I would like to repair cars, but haven’t found a place yet.” ”Are you sure? I thought unemployment was decreasing, especially for mechanics.” The small talk went on, until one of the girls in Peter’s corner asked: ”And you, John? What will you do, when summer arrive?” John still didn’t feel entirely comfortable, when all eyes turned in his direction. He was a half head taller than any of the other persons in the room, and the width of his shoulders caused him to occupy a significant share of the sitting space in his corner of the sofa. His legs were wide apart, struggling for space between Carl’s and the other skinhead’s manspreads. His burgundy braces kept his camo trousers up, and contrasted nicely against the navy blue polo. ”Actually, I have been thinking about several alternatives. Some of the mates at the gym have asked me to work as a temp there during summer, and they say they would pay 50% of the fee if I take a PT education, but on the other hand, I think I would make a difference, by becoming an officer in the Amphibious Corps.” The others reacted in different ways. Two of the girls in Peter’s corner cheered enthusiastically. Aram’s younger brother watched him admiringly, and could no longer decide who was the coolest kid in the room anymore. Peter bowed over the table in a way endangering the glasses, and grabbed his hand approvingly with a drunken smile. Carl looked unusually uncomfortable, and crossed his legs in an unfamiliar way. The drunken Moonsorrow Shadowpain started a long incoherent rant about violence, imperialism and capitalism, but was cut off by Carl, who remarked: ”And what have YOU done to make the world better?” While the rest of the company moved in the direction of the kitchen or the bookshelves, the argument between Carl and Moonsorrow became more heated. The goth was physically swaying to-and-fro because of his vodka, but the beer hadn’t affected Carl to the same degree. Moonsorrow tried to punch him, but Carl avoided the attack, and the goth tumbled with his face into the sofa. Carl watched him: ”I don’t fight men who are more pissed than myself. There’s no honour in it.” Then he turned around, heading in the direction of the bathroom, but the incoherent Moonsorrow didn’t give up. Struggling to get up, he staggered after Carl, exclaiming incoherent noises, trying to grab Carl’s neck with the inside of his elbow, which was a very bad idea, as it turned out. Carl avoided the grip, turned around, grabbed his opponent’s Adam’s apple, and pressed him to the wall. A small watercolour painting, depicting a boat, fell to the floor. ”Now. You. Keep. Calm.”, Carl said, staring angrily into his opponent’s eyes. He released his grip. The goth sunk to the floor, less because of Carl’s grip, than because of drunkenness. ”Idiots!”, Carl exclaimed, and entered the bathroom. Those who stood outside couldn’t avoid to hear the loud sound of pissing coming from the loo, but most of the guest were occupied in the kitchen. When Carl returned from the bathroom, his skinhead mate and one of the goth girls had decided to help the intoxicated Moonsorrow home to his parents, and two of the other girls had left. John awaited him outside the loo. ”He behaved like an idiot, but he was drunk, and I am able to defend myself.” ”I know, but I… I felt insulted. What has HE done to counter racism? What has HE done to raise money for human rights associations? What has HE done to debate injustice in society? And his pacifist tosh, when we have a dangerous unpredictable neighbour across the sea…” John towered over him, and kissed him on his forehead. A hug. This time it was more than brotherly. Testosterone flowed in Carl’s veins and in John’s. Comforting presence. Mutual muscular protectiveness… Camo-clad bulges pressing towards each other… ”You are cute when you are angry. Do you know that?”, John whispered in his ear. Carl emitted a low yelp in John’s ear. Emelie returned from the kitchen, noticed them, but didn’t say anything. Then her phone rang. A few words. A worried look in her face. She hang up. She thought for a few seconds. Then she called the attention of every remaining guest. ”It was Emma.” ”I thought she was skiing with Anderson?” ”Don’t interrupt. She is on her way home. They have quarrelled. She hasn’t told her parents, for some reason. She is on her way here.” An hour went by. Some of them tried to sober up by drinking coffee or energy drinks. Emelie and Peter competed in the kitchen for the right to make Emma a sandwich. Then, the doorbell rang. Emma, who usually never left home without using some perfume, was dressed in synthetic trousers, suitable for skiing, and a quilted and down-stuffed nylon jacket smelling of sweat and melted snow. Her makeup had melted in an unflattering way, because of tears. Aram, John and Aram’s brother wanted politely to give Emma some breathing-space and privacy, but the other guests at Emelie’s party preferred to express their concern by surrounding Emma. It was Emelie’s commanding presence, who caused the crowd in the hallway to part, and led Emma into the bathroom. When they returned outside, Peter and one of the girls were ready with a sandwich on a plate and a mug of hot coffee. Emma had a hickup, but her face looked refreshed without any makeup. This way, however, her black eye was even more obvious. ”I will kill him! I will kill the fucking wanker!”, Carl shouted, and, by the look of his face, it seemed like Peter was willing to assist Carl in the project, or even race to come first. Emelie glanced in the direction of the five remaining lads, raised an eyebrow, and said: ”Now. You. Keep. Calm.” It had the desired effect. The young men sat down in the sofa, while Emelie and the other two young women helped Emma and her mug of coffee upstairs. ”What do we do now? Just sitting here?” ”You know she was right. It doesn’t make Emma feel better if you two prepare an ambush outside Anderson’s door when he arrive home.” ”But we must do something.” ”Give Emma and the girls some time, upstairs. They need to talk. We would probably interrupt.” ”But we must do something.” ”Both of you have said that a couple of times, now. Take a couple of deep breaths and calm down.” ”More coffee?” ”I don’t drink coffee. I drink this.” Aram’s brother dangled a can of energy drink before them. ”Same here.”, Peter said. ”I prefer coffee. Energy drinks would destroy my workout results.” John returned with the coffee kettle of glass and filled Aram’s, Carl’s and his own mugs, and put the glass kettle down on a heatproof coaster. ”I am as upset as you, but the correct procedure is to let the police know. Anderson is 18 now, and he will become 19 years old in summer. He is responsible for his actions. The situation will not improve by any of us behaving like an idiot.” They heard the sound of a key in the key-hole, and the next second, Emelie’s parents returned from the theatre, dressed in a comparatively posh way. Emelie’s Dad peeked around the corner into the sitting room. ”Calm and silent here. What is wrong with teenagers today? Back in 1980 we knew how to party. Has some of you already left? You are welcome to stay as late as you want, but where is Emelie?” ”Something sad has happened, Mr. W. Emelie and the other girls are upstairs with Emma.” ”I thought Emma was away skiing the entire week?”, Emelie’s Mum interjected. ”And call me Ola.”, Emelie’s father added. ”You better speak with her, yourself, but I believe you’d better give them some time. Do you need the kettle?” ”No. Not this late. I sleep badly if I drink coffee after dinner, but thank you for your concern. I will drink some tea before sleep.” ”If there is anything left, I would like a cup of coffee.”, said Emelies Dad, and filled a small cup. His wife had disappeared upstairs, and a faint sound of an electric tea kettle was heard from the kitchen. He sat down in one of the Malmsten-armchairs, observed the serious faces of the young men, and said: ”Glad to see, that skinheads and Arabs are able to party together, but I would be more happy if some of you lads left that style behind.” Carl and Aram’s brother sighed in unison. Aram looked like someone had told him a joke. ”What did I say?”, Emelie’s Dad exclaimed in a soft voice, his eyebrows raised in a polite way. ”Sorry, Ola. We hear some of this all the time.”, Aram answered. ”Syriacs are not Arabs. We lived in Turkey, Syria and Iraq long before the Arabs arrived, and we are descendants of the first Christians. And when it comes to skinheads: Our friends here are anti-racists. I’ve heard from my mother, that most skins in your youth were racists…” ”At least the visible ones.”, Carl interjected. ”At least the visible ones.”, Aram continued, ”but skinhead sub-culture originally grew from an interest in Jamaican music. Oi! punk rock was added in the seventies. There has been a conflict between racist and anti-racist skins since the eighties, and some try to avoid politics entirely. There is nothing wrong with our friends here.” ”I didn’t know that. And I’m sorry about confusing Syriacs and Arabs. Didn’t read that in school.” He paused. It was obvious he tried to say something polite. ”Sometimes I am worried that you youngsters don’t get enough exercise, sitting with playstation and computer games all the time, but when I see you, it seems like you all exercise a lot, so I might be wrong.” ”Exercise is quite popular today.” Emelie’s Dad was obviously a nice man, but his attempts to small-talk became increasingly strained, and the young men’s thought went to Emma and the other girls upstairs. It was a relief when Emelie’s Mom returned with Emma and all the other young women, who returned to their seats in th sofa. ”Ola. Emma’s boyfriend has abused her, but she prefer to sleep here tonight. I will call her parents.” She disappered to the telephone in the kitchen. John wasn’t sure to which extent the presence of her friends helped Emma to cope with the situation, but he tried to be comforting. Peter showed an unexpected tenderness, and allowed Emma to lean her head against his shoulder. Aram and Emelie sat down in the same corner, with serious facial expressions. Aram’s brother ended up in the same corner as the two remaining girls, while John and Carl sat together. They talked for hours. - - - The tinkling sound of the bell made Madame Cremorna aware of the presence of a customer. It was that goth girl, again. Madame Cremorna returned to the transparent counter desk. ”And how may I help you?” ”Do you have anything to punish a bad person?” ”This sounds serious. Do you want a cup of tea?” After a brief hesitation, Emelie accepted, and they sat down around a small table. They were talking a long time, and when Emelie returned from the botanica, she brought a paperbag with a powder with her. Madame Cremorna had called it ’a minor working’. - - - Emma was of the opinion that ’she could change him’, and continued her relationship with Anderson, and refused to report him to the police, despit what her parents told her. Emelie had got her opportunity a few days later. She had refused to invite Anderson since the Winter Break, but changed her mind, and allowed Emma to bring Anderson with her to Emelie’s family’s house a Saturday afternoon, one week before Easter. Emelie’s parents had been conveniently away, buying new gardening equipment. Emma and Anderson had stayed fo a few cups of coffee and cinnamon buns, but the awkward strain between Emelie and Anderson had caused them to leave earlier, than when Emma visited on her own. Emelie had been able to put small amounts of Madame Cremorna’s powder in Anderson’s trainers. Emelie looked out through the window. Lemon-coloured sunshine filled the garden, but there were no leaves on the bushes yet. The grass was yellow and lifeless. Under the shadows of treetrunks, spots of dirty snow still covered the lawn. In a sunny spot of the lawn, white snowdrips were growing, their small leaves the only sight of green in the garden. She hadn’t heard their car, but her parents must have returned: Her Dad pushed a wheelbarrow with a few heavy sacks of something to the garden shed. She could hear her mother enter the house. ”We were not the only ones, who had got the idea to buy things for the garden. What queues!” The doorbell rang. It was three girls and a boy in primary school age. They were all dressed up as easter witches, and brought a plastic bag to collect sweets. ”Happy Easter!”, they exclaimed. ”Aren’t you cute, all of you?”, Emelie’s mother answered. ”Happy Easter! I shall see if we have something for you.” She returned with two bags of multicoloured egg-shaped sweets, and put them in the children’s bag. After the children had left, Mom disappeared to the kitchen, beginning to cook the lamb for dinner. - - - It was two weeks later. Easter Break had come and gone. The familiar sound of rushing steps and lockers. John and Aram agreed, that it was a relief, that Anderson wasn’t able to bully anyone, but they couldn’t avoid to feel pity when they saw him with his bandaged foot sitting in a wheelchair. Skiing accident. Anderson’s family could afford two vacations during skiing season, and Anderson didn’t think twice about bragging about the fact, but it hadn’t turned out well this time. Chemistry class in the beginning of the day. Mr. Gustavson brought good news. ”I wouldn’t worry for your chemistry grades, Aram. And that’s true for you, John, as well. Good work.” The hours of morning lectures were no longer dark. Honey-coloured daylight flooded into the room, and only a few gravel-mixed snow heaps were scattered over the schoolyard. They had noticed buds in the trees on their way in, and the air was mild. ”You do what?” They had joined each other at lunch break, and sat in the school cafeteria. Emma had just told them all, that she was breaking up with Anderson. No one seemed to disapprove. Peter patted her on her shoulder, and Emelie gave her a hug. ”How did you spend Easter?” Emelie was first to answer: ”Parents spent time in the garden. We had some relatives over. Haven’t seen Grandfather since Christmas.” She glanced at Aram. ”No. I will tell them.”, he said, as answering a silent question. ”Emelie and I are an item now. Just so you’ll know.” Cheerful voices. Congratulations. The buzz of the cafeteria in the background. Spring daylight through the windows. ”And I went to St. James’ with the family. And you?” ”Grandmother was over. I followed them to Bach’s St. John’s Passion in Holy Trinity on Good Friday, but I spent the rest of the weekend with Carl.” ”Punk concerts on Easter Eve and Easter Day. Good bands.” ”Any of you joining me to the gym tonight?”, John asked. ”You know it.”, Carl answered, and Peter also gave his assurances. ”No, I will spend time with Emelie, tonight.”, Aram answered. - - - John felt full of energy. Bench press: 200 kilogrammes. Dumbbell press: 70 kilogrammes in each hand. Peter couldn't hide how impressed he was. Carl expressed his appreciation later, in another way. They were in John's room again. The night sky outside the window was dark blue in a way it never is the rest of the year. Carl shivered in anticipation, and removed his polo shirt. His braces hang from his jeans. He hadn't removed his boots this time. They had both found, that they liked to make out with their boots on. John stood before him, his torso uncovered, and swole from the workout. John smiled confidently while he watched his shorter friend in his eyes. He did a double biceps. "Yeah. Watch this." And he did a crab, flexing his vein-covered pecs. Carl arose and took a few steps closer to John, and put his hands on John's pecs. John flexed his abs, and Carl eagerly let his fingers explore the hardness and power of John's abdomen. Carl yelped, and kissed John's biceps. John picked Carl up, and curled him playfully a few times. John could see the throbbing bulge in Carl's trousers, and lifted Carl higher, burying his face against the denim fabric of Carl's crotch. Carl moaned. John laid Carl down in his bed, and lowered himself on him. Carl's breathing increased, and the moaning sounds returned. "Fuck, mate. If you continue like this, I will blow before the rodgering even begins! It's like fucking the bloody Terminator!" Epilogue John found it hard to believe, that it was already ten years ago. He and Carl were back in their native city over the weekend, to attend the tenth anniversary since they left school, and they were now 29 years old. It hadn’t been that bad. It turned out, that Aram was a practicing physician now, and Emelie had got a job at an art gallery, but their relationship hadn’t last. They were still good friends, though, and had travelled together to Florence and Venice last year. Emma had married Peter, and they had already three small children. Emma worked as a receptionist, and Peter had succeeded in working with cars. They had enthusiastically told about gatherings for fans of old cars, and they attened several such gatherings annually. There was no sight of Anderson, but no one missed him. ”I would never had guessed that you were gay. Real men like you? Never. I’m cool with it. Thank you for not hitting at me at school, though.” It was Peter who commented in his usual blunt way. John and Carl had continued their relationship, and had a flat in another city, where one of the units of the amphibious corps were located. John worked in the marine, and Carl had, unexpectedly, become a PT, and worked at a gym. ”I read about your wins in bodybuilding competitions, John. That’s awesome.” It was Peter who continued to talk. ”I have another competition in December, Peter. Why don’t you come and watch?” After all, the school reunion had turned out well. He was now walking with Carl at his side in the old quarters of the city, trying to find a botanica Aram had mentioned. The two broad-shouldered buzzcut men walked side by side in the cobblestone alley. John could feel the bodyheat of Carl, and put his arm on his shoulder. In the warm summer weather none of them needed a jacket, and they were both dressed in snug polo shirts, which allowed them to show off their body shapes. Mighty pecs stretched the polo fabric to its limits. The tight shirts hinted at their defined abs. Houses plastered in lavender, yellow and dove-blue. Dentists, former bicycle repair shops. No traces of any bookshop. She must have left. It was all so long ago. It seemed like a dream. Was it a dream?
  20. I want to thank muscledrain, who suggested the theme and general outline of this story, and Gunshotuk, who friendly assisted with proofreading. I added these links, by editing my original post. Chapter one is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7118-with-a-little-help-from-magic-chapter-one/ Chapter two is here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/7140-with-a-little-help-from-magic-chapter-two/?hl=magic With a little help from magic Chapter Three A few weeks earlier, it had been completely dark at the hour when the students arrived for the first lesson, but now rose-tinted clouds and an icy blue sky sleepily floated over the brick building, although the sun itself hadn’t reached above the roofs of the neighbouring buildings. The snow-ploughs had left high snow-drifts against the surrounding walls. The outdoors temperature had dropped to minus twenty Centigrades, and the breath of the students formed clouds of visible vapour in the air. One of the bus lines was at a standstill, due to the icy cover on one of the steepest roads in the city, and this had caused a late arrival of some students. Aram was irritated. With no bus, he had been late, and got on a later tram departure than usual. The situation had affected many students from the same parts of the city, and he wasn’t entirely alone in the corridors, although most of the students already sat in their lecture rooms. He put his jacket and his training bag in his locker, and grabbed his biology book. ’Oi Swotter!’, shouted the too familiar voice of Anderson. Aram sighed. Here we go again. The angry faces were there as usual, shouting things as usual, with one minor divergence: Peter wasn’t there. Slowly, a hunch began to emerge, but Aram wasn’t given the time to finish his thought. Anderson was there, wrestled Aram quickly, until he lay on the floor, getting salt stains on his clothes. Anderson shouting things about going back to his own country. ’You know that I was born here, don’t you?’, Aram asked. The scent of Anderson’s leather jacket. The scent of a cheap cologne and adolescent sweat. The scent of Anderson’s bad breath: Probably a yoghurt breakfast. The scents which could have been perfectly neutral, or even the scents of a friend, but now, since several years, the scents of humiliation. Anderson’s football scarf dangling in Aram’s face. Shouting. Spittle. Something about Arabs. ’And no. I’m not Arab either. My ancestors lived in Syria, Turkey and Iraq long before the Arabs.’ Anderson’s hand around Aram’s Adam’s apple. It was useless to resist: The footballer who dabbled at the gym was significantly stronger and heavier than Aram. Anderson’s bodyweight disappeared. At first, Aram was too dizzy to register what had happened, but, when he composed himself, he could watch Anderson in a knuckle fight with Peter. The other members of Anderson’s little crew standing passively, not knowing what to do. Aram adjusted his eyeglasses and his tie, quickly remembering how he had suffered from myopia since primary school, and how John had not. ’What are you doing, fatso? We are mates, aren’t we?’, Anderson tried to convince Peter. ’I’m tired of you Anderson. I’m tired of being the fatso. I’m tired of being your excuse for this. I thought that I was the leader of our gang, and then I realized, that I have been your puppet all the time. Always blame the fatso. Always nagging about how I was dismissed from the hockey team!’ ’But you were dismissed from the hockey team, fatso. You didn’t have what it takes. You realize that, huh? I remained in the football team because Coach saw my qualities. But why do you defend the little Prof? Have you become an Arab lover all of a sudden?’ Peter was over Anderson in a second. He must have left all self-control, and punched on the leaner rocker uncontrollably, using his weight to his advantage. But Anderson was faster, and used that to snake himself out of Peter’s grip and range. The three other rockers froze from their disbelief and hesitation, and surrounded Peter. ’Fatso! Fatso! Fatso!’ ’Frigging bloody wanker. Now I have a blood stain on my new plaid shirt. You will pay for this! What is it? Don’t want to be reminded of what a bad hockey player you are? A failure! A loser! And you were never a real rocker either! Couldn't afford a real jacket? Couldn’t afford a second hand car? Letting others pay for your beer and hot dogs on the motor festivals? Do you think I’m scared of you?’ The last sentence wasn’t delivered convincingly. Peter stared Anderson in his eyes. The small hesitation was all Peter needed. He pulled himself free. Neither Anderson, nor Peter, saw what happened next, but Aram saw it. John and Carl arrived. Both were of course taller than any of the young men, but Carl probably wasn’t in much better shape than Anderson, and considerably more light-weight than Peter. John, on the other side, towered over the group, his escalating results on the gym progressing almost visibly each day. It was probably the bad weather that had caused Carl to wear army cargotrousers instead of his favourite bleacherjeans, but, unlike John’s city camo, Carls trousers followed the greenish colour scheme for forests. The bulky and glossy bomber jackets enhanced their size, one black and one metallic blue. The military origin of two of their garments, was contrasted by the stylish details of others: Carl’s favourite maroon polo, his blue braces and blue shoe laces. John had shaved his braided ’Vikings’ hairdo off, and Aram noticed a black and yellow-striped polo shirt and thin, black braces, that John hadn’t worn before. Had he joined the SHARPs? Yes he had: Aram could see a new embrodiered patch on John’s jacket. Anderson’s followers looked at the two skinheads for a second, and left the place. Anderson became aware of Carl and John, and lit up. ’Oi fellas! He is all yours. Now he even attacks friends, not to mention poor Prof over there.’ It was Carl who answered. ’Don’t try to fast talk out of this. We heard before we saw. Get out of my way if you don’t want any more thrashing.’ Anderson was silent when he left the lockers. * * * Grumblingly, Carl had accepted that Peter followed them to the gym. ’What I can't understand, is that you have the patience to have him around you. If I had been you, I had wanted to punch his face in.’ Aram didn't know exactly what to say. Nor did John. Remembering two versions of reality gave you perspectives on things that could have been, but Carl wouldn’t believe them if they tried to tell him, and it was probably best a guarded secret. Carl wiped his boots with a wet tissue, in order to remove salt stains. ’You ought to wipe your boots too, John. Salt damages the leather terribly.’ Peter arrived into the locker room, and they changed the subject. * * * John and Carl were on their way home from a concert in another city. They had gone with two of Carl’s old friends, one of whom owned a car. The concert had been fantastic: Some of the song texts about injustice in society, some song texts about football or loyalty to your neighbourhood. Stirring refrains. Many in the audience sang along in the the refrains. John surrounded by friends, with Carl at his side. Sturdy Carl. Good Carl. John had never seen so many skins at the same place at the same time: Short, tall, some in their 60’s, some in the same age as John, and every age between. Some, going for a more old-fashioned take on the style, wore lambskin jackets of a sort that had been popular among skins in the early 1970’s, and not a few, coming from the southern parts, wore crombie coats (although they had bitterly found out that, up here, crombies better had to wait until spring arrived). Bearing in mind the outdoors temperature, it wasn’t strange that most of them wore bomber jackets: black, blue, green or burgundy. In the middle of the concert, John had a short vision of individuality blurring, and his consciousness floating in an atmosphere of affinity, belonging, and joy. John and Carl now shared the back seat of the car, while their friend in the front seat tried to keep the driver awake by talking to him. Loud music played in the car, something by Rancid, John thought. The wintery landscape passed by in the night, swiftly illuminated by the headlights, and then, as swiftly, left behind in the winter night’s darkness. Snow on spruces. Snow on firs. Snow. A road sign, warning for elks. Snow. A small village with a petrol station, street lamps illuminating the back seat for a few seconds, and then winter forest again. Darkness. Snow. He removed the hockey scarf from his neck. It was hot enough inside the car. Carl fell asleep shortly after they left the concert, resting his head against John’s shoulder. While awake, Carl was always so assertive, so confident. When he was asleep, his face looked different: Relaxed, innocent. During the journey he had slid, and his head now rested against John’s side. John had protectively laid his arm around Carl’s shoulders, feeling the silky but synthetic surface of Carl’s jacket. Suddenly, John became aware of, that Carl’s hand, which had rested against John’s trousers, had moved to touch John’s crotch through the fabric of the camo trousers. John hadn’t thought about it, but his tool was hard by being so close to his best friend, if that word was enough to describe his feelings. In his sleep, Carl began to clench John’s dick through the fabric. Clenched. And relaxed. Clenched. And relaxed. John tried to wake Carl up. Carl would be terrified if he had known what he did. John didn’t want to catch the attention from the guys in the front seat: They would tease Carl for weeks, if they knew. Clenched. And relaxed. ’Carl, wake up. Wake up.’, John whispered, and shook him carefully. ’Wake…’ The clenching felt good. Carl had cupped his hand over John’s dickhead. Carl didn’t awake, in spite of Johns silent attempts to wake him. Clenched. And relaxed. They passed by another village. Street lamps revealed a smile on Carl’s face, the blond stubble on his hair glistening like gold in the electric light. And then the car rushed into the night again. A pleasant darkness. Clenched. And relaxed. John’s bloodstream was filled with warm honey, running slowly and exquisitely through his system. Clenched. And relaxed. His dick felt like steel now. Clenched. The warm presence of Carl so close to him. Silky but synthetic. And camo. And relaxed. Reliable. Tough. Kind. Clenched. Loyal and masculine. And relaxed. His invincible friend. Doing this. Clenched. And relaxed. A mist of dark red pleasure floated inside his eyes. Floated. Slowly and exquisitely. Mist. Of a thundercloud. Rushing. Through him. Through his muscles. Feeling big. Hard. Best friend. Thunderbolt. Mist. Rushing. Through him. Smile. Stubble. Close. Thunderbolt mist. Rushing. Now – pure pleasure. It wasn’t aware of it’s existence now. It was. Only. The. Pleasure. Only. The. Pleasure. Only. The. Only. Only. Only. Onl… Clenched. * * * Carl and John had had their ’little chat’ with Peter a few days before, Carl hesitatingly, and John well aware of what Aram and himself had agreed upon. If reality could change, persons could too. Carl had probably been a little bit too harsh, but John had focussed on reason: A few years after arrival, refugees pays tax. Financial argument against refugee policy are therefore without foundation. Freedom of religion is something good: Would you like to be forced to practice something against your will, yourself? No? Then don’t do it to anyone else. Food? Is it really a good idea to decide what anyone else would eat? Do you really like fermented herring yourself? No? You hate the stench? So do I. Why would you then like to dictate that anyone else’s dinner tables should be stuck in the 1890’s or 1920’s? Only upper class eating sushi? I wouldn’t call my cousin upper class: She assists elderly people in their homes. Do you eat pizza? Yes? You know that pizza isn’t indigenous food in Northern Europe, eh? Want to retain a good system of social security? But why then argue for a right wing party? You know that they side with the big companies against workers’ rights, don’t you? Not a commie bastard? If you don’t like the bunch of people Carl hang around with, it’s fine, though they are not exactly commies either. Make up your own mind. There are more answers to these things than two. There are a lot of political parties in the centre, if you prefer that. Most of them are in favour of a well-functioning social security. Your grandfather vote Labour? Then I suggest that you have a chat with your grandfather about this. Wouldn’t that be a good idea? Thought so. Peter looked tired after the conversation. Carl and John had seen smugness or angry sullenness before, but the present sad expression on Peter’s face had none of them seen, and there was something puppy-like about his eyes. Carl handed him a low-carb soda. Peter and his mother lived in a flat consisting of three rooms, all of them considerably smaller than what Carl and John were used to in the younger and recently renovated part of the area. Old-fashioned containers for salt, sugar, meal and oats hung under the dressers, and John noticed to his surprise that the flat lacked a dishwasher. Although cigarette-smoking was falling out of fashion, it was obvious that Peter’s absent Mum was a smoker, which was a pity, since the living room with the old TV could have been quite nice otherwise, with an old fashioned parquet floor and shelves with framed photographs of relatives. Unlike Carl, Peter didn’t have a TV in his bedroom. It didn’t take too long to convince Peter that some of his former views were wrong, although some of the changes probably didn’t go more than skin deep, initially. He had proved that he was able to take sides with Aram, and he was childishly enthusiastic about being instructed by John at the gym. Carl had sadistically ripped away the Confederate flag from Peter’s denim jacket, and the rectangular spot didn’t look impressive, but the weather forced Peter to wear a warmer (rather humdrum) jacket anyhow. The temperature outdoors was burning cold, and it hurt in their cheeks when they returned indoors. * * * Aram arrived late to the gym. ’Sorry. I had to spend some time with Emelie. She was upset. Did you see Emma’s bruise earlier today? No? Anderson had beat her yesterday, and Emelie tried to persuade Emma to leave him, but Emma is stubborn. What a nasty piece of work Anderson is: Disagreeable and nefarious!’ Peter looked on the floor, already dressed for workout, but in cheaper equipment than John and Carl. ’You are much better than me with words’, John said, froze, and stared at Aram silently. Aram stared back. ’Than I am’, Aram answered with some hesitation. ’What is it?’, asked Carl, but John and Aram changed subject. Fifteen minutes later, they stood at the cable stand. ’You have probably seen people train their pecs with cable handles up here, but if you lower these, your chest will actually have to work much harder to press the handles together, especially if you don’t bend your arms.’ ’Yes… Uh. Nrrrgh. Definitely much more resistance…’, Aram noticed, red in his face. ’Seven. Eight. Nine. Uh.’ ’But it doesn't feel like usual. I miss something.’, Carl remarked a minute later. ’The idea is’, John explained, ’to let this part work harder.’ John pressed his fingers on the insides of Carls now very hardworking pecs. He then put his fingers in Carl’s armpits, and nodded in the direction of the dumbbell press. ’These parts of the muscles will get their share of the workout in the next exercise over there.’ Carl shouted, and dropped the cable handles with a noise. ’I am ticklish. Never do that again’, Carl said, and disappeared towards the locker room. * * * The winter night shrouded the slopes and the flats in darkness, but the crusty snow on the lawns reflected the light from the street lamps and the moon. The caretakers had obviously spread another amount of salt during the preceding day, since the ice had melted on the pathway, and the moist asphalt surface peeked out from the surrounding snow, like a snake with black scales. Peter had left them in the older corner of the area as usual, and the other two had left Aram by the stairs to his family’s flat. Aram watched the white clouds of his own breath, watched the sky, noticed the upcoming conjunction between two planets he had read about in a scientific magazine, and went indoors, the bag on his shoulder. His mother was not at home: Probably giving an introductory language course to newly arrived Syrian refugees. His sister probably visited friends. He warmed some chicken in the oven and some lentils in the microwave oven, and ate absentmindedly in the kitchen, before returning to his room. He had just opened the computer file of a composition about mithocondriae, when something strange struck him. He felt dizzy and exhilarated. It felt like reality circled around him for a second, he felt a rush of information streaming inside his head, and he found himself in a state of analytical clarity beyond what he had longed for. He was sure he hadn’t understood all these mathematical proofs just a minute ago, but he could also remember how he gradually had achieved this insight for several years. He looked at the candle from Madame Cremorna’s. Burnt out and empty of wax since several weeks. He sat silent for a long time, trying to regain composure, went out to the kitchen for some tea. Holding the warm jug of tea between his hands, he took an educated guess about what probably had happened. It was probably a good idea to wait a few minutes before calling John on the phone. * * * ’Carl. There is something I want to talk to you about, but we haven’t had a good chance until now.’ They sat in John’s room. John sat on his adjustable chair. Carl sat on John’s bed. It was the sort of week when John’s mother worked night at the home for the aged, and John’s father was away playing floorball with workmates after work. ’Sure. Something political? Something about music?’ ’No. No, nothing like that. Eh. Uhm. Something strange happened when we were on our way home from that concert.’ ’Nothing I noticed. I slept all the way home. Didn’t wake up until the car stopped in the parking lot.’ ’You didn’t dream something strange?’ ’Can’t say that I did. Not something I remember anyway.’ John fell silent. Then he took the matchbox, and lit the novena candle in the window. It was Tuesday, after all. Within a minute the scent from the oil mixed with the candlewax was noticeable in the room. ’I want to tell you a secret. Aram bought that candle to me last autumn. You know: The church his family belongs to is into saints and things. The idea is that it will bring… Bring good luck, in a way.’ ’You know that I am as agnostic as you are. There is no way to prove the supernatural, neither a way to disprove it. It’s just meaningless. I’m not like the hardcore Atheists, ranting about sky fairies and spaghetti monsters, but whatever may or may not exist – if something supernatural exist, it will be so complicated that no human book would be able to describe that something, so I prefer to relax and not spend time on the subject. There’s a world out there to make better. I'm not a bloody hippie.’ John picked a book from his thinly populated bookshelf. He waved with it before Carl: Bodybuilding: A Handbook. ’May I discuss some of today’s exercises?’ ’Sure. Why not?’ John sat down beside Carl at the bed, and began to explain. He was probably ten minutes into the discussion, when he felt a strange heat inside. He rose and opened the window. ’What are you doing? It’s bloody cold outside. Don’t let that cold air inside.’ John closed the window again. The flame of the candle flickered. John could see that there wasn’t much candlewax left. He returned to the bed. ’I feel funny. Don’t you feel the heat?’ ’Heat? The windows’ got good insulation, and the radiators are working, but you can’t call this heat. What’s the matter? Do you feel ill?’ A worried expression John hadn’t seen before spread over Carl’s face. John reclined on the bed, with Carl sitting close to his knees. ’It feels better now. But it still feels funny. In a good way.’ A pleasant feeling filled his back, and continued to spread. ’Mmm. In a really good way.’ The feeling filled his traps, and continued to his pecs. ’Are you okey?’ ’Mmm. Oh. Umm. Yes, I’m okey. It…’ The feeling changed into a burning feeling in his abs, and he felt how a strange but pleasant feeling of hardness filled his shoulders and his quads. ’Oh. Carl. Do you see it, or is it just my imagination?’ ’See what?’ It now filled him entirely, from the stubble on his head to his fingers and toes. It was different from the subtle changes at the other times, it was… ’John. I can’t believe this. It looks like you are growing.’ John moaned, and then arched with a short scream. He tensed his biceps, and felt how he tensed his pecs. The fabric of his t-shirt couldn’t take the strain anymore. With a ripping sound, Johns growing biceps split the short sleeves of the shirt apart, while his growing shoulders and neck tore asunder the rest of the shirt. ’It’s bloody unbelievable, John. It’s like a frigging dream. Do you feel alright?’ ’So good… So good… Yes. Yes. It’s happening.’ The flame of the candle flickered, consumed the last remains of the oily wax, and went out with a silent puff. ’IT’S HAPPENING!!!’ John felt how his body convulsed in a pleasant way. ’Uhnnn. Uhnnn. Oh yes… Uhnnn. More!’ Carl was rigid with fear. And something else. Then, he reached out his hand towards John’s chest, and touched John’s growing left pec. With a sigh and a smile, John’s growing right arm grabbed Carl around his waist, and let Carl fall with his face on John’s pecs. A few seconds he struggled, and then relaxed. John could feel a kiss on his left pec. John let his left hand caress the stubble on the backside of Carl’s head. John could hear Carl mumble: ’I’m fucking dreaming. This is unreal.’ ’If it is a dream, you are free to do whatever you would like to do in a dream’, John answered, but whatever he had tried to say was abruptly cut off by another wave of growth. He moaned and groaned of pleasure. ’Oh, yeah. Grow for me mate. My best friend becoming a bruiser… Oh. This is so good. These mountains of power…’ Carl sat on John’s groin, touching John’s biceps with his hands. ’Oooh.’ Carl leaned forward and kissed John’s right bicep, and then licked it. ’Oooh. It’s still growing. You are still… Oh. This is so good.’ John felt how he became hard down there too. Carl must have noticed. He slide from the bed, removed his shirt and trousers, and then began to remove John’s trousers, but they were stuck on John’s large and still growing calves. ’Oooh. Uhn. Mmmm. Yes.’, John deliriously exclaimed. Carl gave up his attempt to remove John’s trousers, and directed his concentration on John’s shoulders, grabbing one with each hand, whimpering lustfully at the touch. ’Oh. My buddy, the warrior. My mate, the hero. My friend, the… the war god. This is so bloody good. So fucking unreal. So, ummm.’ John’s mobile phone rang, but they were both too excited to notice. Carl’s steel hard rod, although still decked by pants, had touched John’s bulging and steel hard abs, and he shivered at the sensation. Another lustful whimpering escaped his mouth. John could feel Carl rubbing his groin against John’s abs, and it felt good. He was able to drive his friend crazy of admiration. Another wave filled him. He bellowed, and distantly felt how his calves split the seams of his trousers, releasing him from any restraining clothes. His dick found its way between Carl’s thighs. Carl moaned. John looked up on Carl, smiled and tensed both his biceps. Carl held his breath, and something began to pulsate wildly inside Carl’s pants. Again. And again. And again. The last stages of John’s transformation were still going on, when Carl regained the similitude of awareness of his surroundings. Veins began to cover John’s chest, legs and biceps, and all muscles protruded well-defined in a manner suitable for the best junior bodybuilders. A blissful smile was upon John’s face, his eyes closed. He breathed quickly. Carl readjusted his position, and sat between John’s knees, grabbed John’s rod with his right hand, and pulled it a few times. It didn’t need much encouragement, until it ecstatically exploded in his grip, and pulsated in a powerful ultra-masculine way between his fingers and his palm. In a voice, deeper than before, John asked Carl: ’Why didn’t you tell me before?’ * * * Chapter Four is here, but doesn't contain any growth: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/13032-with-a-little-help-from-magic-chapter-four/
  21. Guest

    At Home Workout

    The quarantine has ruined by roommate’s life. Colin can no longer go to the gym and push his muscles to new limits. He is stuck at home doing bodyweight exercises. Colin whines after every at home workout. “I just don’t get the same pump that I do in the gym!” Now Colin may be complaining, but I am certainly not. He is great to look at! Colin is 6’5 and 263 lbs of big, beefy muscle. He is perfectly tanned across his body. His big dark brown beard is as square as his actual jaw. Colin’s chest explodes in every tee shirt (when he’s wearing one) and his chest hair peaks through. One of Colin’s legs is the size of my torso, if I were stuck between them, he could probably crush me in an instant. I have to hide in my room when Colin does his workout in the living room. One time I walked out and my erection nearly popped out of my underwear! It was that time again. Colin was about to start working out. I’m hiding in my room with embarrassment when I hear a knock at my door. “Hey buddy, I need some help!” Colin says. “Yeah, what is it?” I ask looking up at his hazel eyes. “Can you be my weight for my workout? I am doing legs today and they need a good pump! Not that you’ll give them one,” I’m not sure if that was an insult, but I don’t care, he’s right. “No, I can’t,” If I were Colin’s weight, I would absolutely get an erection. “Come on buddy, I promise I won’t throw you around too much.” I can’t say know to him. Colin is so masculine. His chest screams out of his shirt at me. His thick coat of fur pokes through the fabric. His biceps force the fabric to ride up to his shoulders, but even they can’t contain his mass. All he wants is to grow bigger and harrier and I am stopping him from doing that. “Alright fine.” “Yes!” Colin roars with excitement. His low voice sends shivers down my spine. “Alright, let’s go!” Colin peels his shirt off to reveal his thick pecs that pillow over his gut. Veins crawl up his forearm and into his shoulder. I must’ve been staring at him too much. “You ready?” he asks. “Yeah.” Colin instructs me to stand behind him. Colin squats in front of me. His big butt graces my crotch. I lean over his shoulder. Colin traps me in between his head and bicep. My legs wrap around to his other arm. He holds my tiny legs still with his other hand. Colin lifts me up from his squat position and smiles, “you ready.” I didn’t get a chance to answer before Colin already started lowering into the squat position. Colin stood back up like it was nothing. Colin squatted again then stood. He did rep after rep with me lying across his shoulder blades like I was nothing. I can’t take his strength. I wasn’t even giving him a challenge! Colin’s strength completely turns me on. I feel my erection getting harder at the back of Colin’s neck. He has to notice it. He has to. But Colin doesn’t say anything, he just continues to do his reps. I can still feel my hard erection against Colin’s neck. His tight grip around my head and feet refuses to let me escape. I can start to smell Colin’s musk. My face starts to flush and my erection starts to pulse as Colin continues to lift me up and down. What even makes it worse is that Colin starts to groan! With every rep, Colin lets out a deep cry of satisfaction. I look down at his shorts and see his erection trying to burst out. Colin continues to groan with every rep. The pressure in my erection is building so much that I can’t take it. I start to let out soft moans until Colin and I are moaning together. Colin and I let out a loud moan and I come in my shorts. I look down and see cum pouring through the fabric of Colin’s shorts. He puts me down and I face him. “Do you wanna-“ “Let’s go on to the next workout,” Colin says. “I’m gonna do lunges next.” Colin instructs me to jump in his arms. My face is right night to his as he cradles me in his arms. “You ready?” he whispers to me. I nod. Colin puts his right foot forward and lunges. He steps backwards and then lunges with his left foot. He continues to alternate feet as my erection starts to grow again. Colin moves his face closer to mine with every rep. I feel his beard scratch against my baby face. Then his lips meet mine. Colin continues to lunge, holding me in his arms, and exploring my mouth. I can feel his erection poke my butt. Our tongues dance with each other as Colin holds me like I don’t exist. Forward and backward Colin lunges. Forward and backward his tongue moves in my mouth. Forward and backward his erection rubs against my butt through his shorts. We start to moan again. I can hear his deep voice rumble through his body. “I’m gonna make you come again,” Colin commands. “And I’m gonna do it hand’s free.” I do what he says. I don’t touch my erection. I run my fingers through his beard as he moans in my mouth. The pure power and dominance of Colin sends me through a frenzy. I feel safe in his arms. I am his. Pressure builds and I cum in my shorts for a second time. As I groan, Colin lets out a roar. A vein in his bicep bulges and I feel his cum splatter on my shorts. Colin puts me down. I look at his short that have been soaked through with his own cum. “I don’t need these anymore.” Colin peels the shorts off his gigantic legs. His tanned, veiny, and hairy erection pops out. It doesn’t look tired, neither does Colin. In fact I think he is just getting started. “Alright, next exercise. Burpees.” Colin instructs me to climb on his back. I wrap my legs around his waist that is bigger than my shoulders. My arms wrap around his chest. The hair on Colin’s body curls around my arms and legs. Colin does a jumping jack and falls to the ground. Colin does a push up. He lunges up and does another rep. I hang on as Colin goes up and down with each rep. My erection starts to grow another time. This time, it pulses against his back. Precum starts to lather up like oil. Colin’s voice starts to boom again. I take a peak around his wide lats and see his raging erection. I moan in Colin’s back and start to kiss it. I can taste his sweat and smell is manly stink. Colin roars even louder than before. His back muscles flex as he stands straight up. I orgasm in his back. I can hear Colin panting. “Get off,” he commands. I do what he says and turn to him. His long ropey come is all over the ground. “Good workout bud,” Colin smiles at me. “But it’s time for a post workout flex sess.” Colin commands me to sit on the ground. I do so. He sits in front of me and smiles devilishly. Colin wraps his legs in a scissor around me. “Try to get out!” Colin says. I try to inch my way through, but his meaty, hairy legs are too strong for me. I try to leverage myself from his legs but nothing works. I am at Colin’s control. “Haha! You’re mine!” Colin boasts. I continue to try and pry but there is no use. Colin is too strong for me. I look up and see Colin looking at me with the most dominating sneer. He points his erection at me. It spews out hot cum on my face and chest. Four times! Colin orgasmed four times! I licked up the cum around my face and chest, then Colin let me go. Colin reaches over and kisses me on the lips. “Good workout, bud! We’ll do arms tomorrow.”
  22. Guest

    (Un)indentical twins (2)

    Sorry for the long delay between parts one and two. Enjoy! Two Half an hour later Brett emerged a totally broken man from the bathroom. His eyes were red from the tears, his agonizing ass prevented him from walking normally and his self-esteem was completely shattered. Where he once strutted around the house, he now cautiously scanned the corridor before slowly exiting the bathroom and walking to his room while glancing behind him. As he passed his brother's room, he felt his heart pounding in fear of seeing the dominant alpha show up even though he knew that his brother would be in the gym by now. He quickly went inside his own room, shut the door and locked it. He spent most of his holiday hiding in his room, hearing his brother's heavy footsteps sounding in the corridor and on the stairs. Only in the evening during the family dinner he had to face his brother, who was always grinning smugly from his side of the table. He decided to leave for campus two days early, pretending that his coach had called in the team for some additional practices. Since his parents had to go to work, they agreed to drive him to the station. The morning of his departure, he descended the stairs joyfully to finally free himself of his brother. He headed with his parents for the door. "Not leaving without saying goodbye are ya, little bro?". The deep remark made Brett and his parents turn around. Jason was standing in the doorway between the living room and the kitchen, radiating masculinity with his skintight tank top. "We'll go the car so you two can say goodbye", their father said and went out with their mother. Brett gulped as his parents shut the door and left him with his brother in the kitchen. His brother’s smug look added to his intimidating aura. "I like the look of awe and fear when ya look at me, little bro", Jason said and closed the distance between them. Before Brett could react, his brother wrapped his arms around him and pulled him in for a hug. He felt his brother's strong muscles press against his own softer ones. 'Ugh", he grunted as the embrace tightened some more and his brother's biceps dug into his flanks. He tried resisting but his weakened body was no match for his brother. "Don't ya forget who's the new top dog, little bro", Jason groaned in his brother's ear while he hardened his embrace some more. He felt his brother's cock harden against his own quad. "Enjoying being close to my muscles", he growled, "I'm looking forward to yar next holiday, little bro. Imagine how much bigger than ya I will be by then". He hardened his hold a final time and then released his brother. Brett stumbled backward as he tried to catch his breath. He rushed out the house totally humiliated and jumped into the car. He looked behind as the car drove away but he couldn't see his brother anymore. A beeping sound made him look at his phone. A shiver went through him when he saw that his brother had texted him. He put his phone in his pants without opening the message and looked at the passing landscape, happy to leave his new tormentor behind. Later that evening when he was alone in his dorm room, he opened the message his brother had sent him. A reminder of the new reality, little bro. Brett opened the attachment. His eyes stared at the screen of his phone as the video appeared on the screen: his shirtless brother was standing in the gym locker room and grinned into the camera. The muscle atop his brother’s torso were rock-hard, vascular, pumped and shiny with sweat. “Watch this”, his brother said and threw a most muscular. Brett’s eyes widened as his brother’s torso exploded into a symphony of striations and veins that filled the screen of his phone. He tossed the phone atop the desk and drifted off to sleep. Brett awoke from a peaceful sleep. The fact that his now dominant brother was hundreds of miles away had given him a state of calmness he hadn’t felt until before the holidays. He got up, ditched the boxers he’d slept in and went into his little bathroom. He turned on the shower and let the hot water rain down on his 212 pound, muscular body. He chased the thoughts of his last shower incident from his mind as he rubbed soap across his meaty chest. Half an hour later, he emerged a new man from the shower. His brother was just a bad memory far away. He grabbed a towel and began drying his body. The sound of his phone made him look toward his desk. He continued toweling his body while he walked back into his room. He grabbed his phone without looking at the screen. "Hello", he said as he finished toweling off. "Sup, little bro." The low voice of his brother sent shivers along Brett's spine and made goosebumps exploded across his entire body. He felt his face go red and quickly wrapped the towel across his midsection to cover his cock, even though he knew that his brother couldn’t see him. "Did ya already check out the video?" "I…euhm…", Brett stammered. "Ya did, didn’t ya", Jason said at his brother's embarrassed tone, "Guess what, little bro, I’m standing in yar room right now. Miring my 215 pounds of pure muscle in their full glory. Ya don’t mind me using yar big mirror, little bro?”. “… “, Brett couldn’t get a reply past his lips as his mind filled with the image of his naked brother. "Ya should see me, little bro", Jason continued, "All pumped from a long session at the gym. My arms are so pumped I can’t even flex ‘em. Fuck man, my bis are so hard. Like fucking rocks crammed under my skin. And the web of veins crossing them…” Brett listened in silence. He felt his cock inflating under the towel. “And my pecs, slabs of thick beef hanging from my chest”, Jason continued, “Fuck, little bro, ya should feel the weight of the shelf of striated muscle. My abs, a wall of eight bricks separated by deep grooves. Fuck. I'm getting hard myself." Brett's cock throbbed violently as he heard his brother describe his muscles. "Ughn", he grunted as he came inside the towel. "Blew yar load hearing me touch my muscles. Ya're pathetic, little bro", Jason said and ended the call. Brett stared at his phone, his rock-hard cock tenting the cum-slick towel. Even miles away, his brother still dominated him and made him feel inferior. The next days more students arrived back on campus and life began going back to normal. Brett kept thinking about his lanky brother's sudden growth. He searched the internet for a muscle transfer curse but could only find some sites with fictional stories about muscle theft curses. He read some of them but didn't find any actual proof of the kind of curse his brother had mentioned. "That prick's just on steroids like I thought", he said to himself as he closed his laptop, "He took advantage of my fatigue after the first semester and his roid-fueled strength to outlift me during our workouts. I can't believe I let myself be intimidated by him." He balled his fist as he thought back at the humiliating scene in the shower. "I'll make him pay", he said to himself. His anger resurfaced and drove him to reclaim his spot as the alpha of the family. The next day, Brett rushed into the university's gym and had the most grueling workout he'd ever had. He lifted until his entire body felt like it was on fire and all his muscles screamed for mercy. After an hour, he stumbled down to the floor as his quads gave out and he threw up in a trash can against the wall. "Got your stamina back, eh". The rumbled remark made Brett look up and he saw Mike, the star quarterback, stare down on him. He nodded, grabbed hold of the man's hand and let him pull him up to his feet. He leaned against the wall for support as he tried to calm down his breath. "Well?", Mike asked. "My… brother…got big…", Brett said in between quick breaths, "Put on… 60 pounds… in one semester. Bigger than me now." "60 pounds in one semester?", Mike replied, "Man, he must be on some powerful stuff. What are you going to do to get bigger than him again?" "Train like a … madman", Brett replied, "Shakes, food, anything to grow." "We both know that won't cut it", Mike stated and looked around to check the gym but didn't see anyone else, "I was stuck around 220 pounds last year. Thanks to some chemicals I'm now just over 260. Shot up 40 pounds in just three months. Enough to give me an edge on the field and not too much mass to arouse suspicion. Check out these guns." He flexed his right arm that hardened into a 23 inch orb of power. "Got some stuff left?", Brett asked without taking his eyes from the heavily muscled arm that clearly dwarfed his brother's arm. A grin formed on Mike's squared face. "I'll make some calls. See you in your room tonight." Brett awaited his teammate eagerly in his room. He had gulped down four thick protein shakes during the afternoon and couldn't wait for the star quarterback to arrive. He would finally have the tools to knock down his brother. His heartbeat jolted up when a loud knock resounded. He rushed to the door and threw it open. He stepped back instinctively as he looked up into the 6'5, 261 pound athlete's eyes. "Mind if I come in?", Mike asked casually. Brett motioned him to enter and stepped back, staring at the man's wide back as he shut the door. "And?", he asked nervously. "Calm down, little man", Mike replied and put his backpack down on the desk. He pulled out several vials and a syringe and put it atop the desk. He grabbed Brett's hands as the guy reached for the goods. "These things aren't free", he said and named his price. Brett blinked at the amount. His mind urged him to bargain but his desire to grow bigger was too much. "I don't have that much on me", he said, "but I'll give you everything I have right now and get you the rest tomorrow." Mike accepted the money and filled the syringe with the liquid from one of the vials. "Drop your pants", he said as he tapped against the syringe and turned to Brett. Brett turned around, dropped his pants and boxers and exposed his ass to Mike. He shivered as he felt the needle plunge into his ass and the liquid being pushed into his body. A faint moan escaped his mouth as the thought of his new growth filed his mind. "There you go", Mike said and pulled back the syringe, "Take one dose every day for a month to start. And I expect my money tomorrow or else…". Mike clenched his fist, making his meaty forearm explode in hardness to emphasize his point. Brett gulped as the large athlete made his point. "Don't worry. First thing tomorrow morning after my workout." "See you tomorrow morning in the gym", Mike said and left. Brett took his phone, dropped his pants and played the video of his flexing brother again. "Enjoy your size while it lasts, little bro", he grunted while he pumped his dick. Once more, he climaxed as his brother hardened his flex to the max, but this time Brett thought of his own superior future size. Three weeks later Brett noticed the first results of his new routine: he was up to 227 pounds, his arms reached 19 inches and felt more energized and stronger than ever. Even his performance on the field improved. That night, he flexed in front of his mirror and jerked off to his own reflection. "Curse my ass", he said to himself and compared his own flexed body to his brother's in the video, "Fuck yeah! bigger than that squirt again. He'll pay for what he did to me". His eyes scanned the new beef on his body while his hand stroked his cock vigorously. "UGHN", he moaned as he exploded and his cum splattered against the mirror. The next weeks flew by: Brett practically lived in the gym, working out two times a day and gulping down massive amounts of protein to feed his now growing body. The steroids combined with his grueling workouts and protein gave him a growth spurt. After a month, when he injected his last dose, he'd put on 28 pounds of meat and now weighed 240 pounds. He once more dominated the other freshmen on the field and had even briefly replaced Mike when the coach wanted to spare his star quarterback for a more important game. "Nice hustle out there, man. You trashed the other freshmen." Brett turned around and saw Mike entering the otherwise deserted shower zone. “I feel unstoppable”, he said while a grin formed on his face. They had just had their last training of the season and as usual this semester Brett had totally dominated his fellow freshmen. Even some of the older players avoided him now out on the field. " Looking good, man. What do you weigh now?", Mike asked and stepped up to the shower next to Brett's. "240", Brett replied proudly and puffed his beefed up chest as he compared their bodies. He was now a big man himself, dwarfing al the other freshmen and most of the older players as well but Mike still had 20 pounds of beef on him and half a foot of height. "You’ll be the new star on the team once I’ve graduated", Mike said as he noted Brett taking in his size. “But smaller than me this year”, he added with a grin and bounced his thick pecs to emphasize his point. “Yeah, but way bigger than my brother now. Can’t wait to show him who’s the real alpha”, Brett replied and flexed his right arm. The 21 arm exploded into hardness and was only 2 inches shy of Mike’s superior gun before he went back to washing his body. Mike nodded appreciatively. “How ‘bout a drink then to celebrate your new top spot in your family?”, he asked and added, “You’re buying”. He turned off the shower and strutted back to the locker room. A month later, Brett returned home for summer filled with bliss: he had somehow managed to pass all his exams, had become the undisputed number two of the football team and knew he would move on to number one next year and he couldn’t wait to get back at his brother and unleash the full force of his beefed up body on the guy that had humiliated him during their last holiday. He felt somewhat disappointed when his father picked him up at the airport ant told him that his brother was out celebrating. The disappointment quickly made room for anger when his father added that his brother now occupied his room and had moved his stuff to the smaller room he had lived in all these years. Brett’s fist clenched and his bicep hardened inside his shirt, tensing the seams of the sleeves. One they got home, Brett greeted his mother, grinned at her remark of how big he’d gotten and walked upstairs to the bedrooms. He tried the door of his former bedroom but found it locked. He then proceeded to his new room and found all of his stuff tossed around on the floor. “I’ve wanted to put your things in the closet, but Jason told me not to”, his mother said as she appeared in the doorway, “He said you could arrange your stuff yourself”. “I can’t wait to get a talk with him”, Brett replied through clenched teeth and began picking up his clothes. “Don’t worry about it, mom”, he added. Deep in the night, Brett was awoken by the sound of his brother walking up the stairs. He heard him slam the door of his room shut. “See ya tomorrow, little bro”, he said to himself and went back to sleep. His dreams were filled with images of him teaching his brother some lessons of who was in charge. The next morning Brett awoke to a quiet house: his parents were already off to work and his brother was still sleeping. He went down and grabbed a quick breakfast. He ended it with a large protein shake from the container of his brother in the kitchen and went into the bathroom for a good shower. His fists clenched as the thought back at how his brother had humiliated him in here last time. “Can’t wait to show that squirt who’s the alpha now”, he rumbled to himself as he turned on the water and let it rain down on his beefed up frame. A good ten minutes later, he turned off the water, dried himself, wrapped the towel around his waist and went back into his room. He froze in his track when he passed the door of his brother’s room. A smirk formed on his face. “Why waste any more time?”, he asked himself and threw open the door. “WAKE UP, LITTLE BRO”, he bellowed as he stormed into the room and pulled open the curtains to let in the light. “What…” The grunts turned Brett’s attention toward the bed. His brother was lying under the sheets and only the back of his head was visible. “GET UP, SQUIRT!”, he yelled again. This time he got more reaction: Jason turned around and opened his eyes. He blinked several times before his eyes settled on Brett. “What the fuck ya think yar doing in my room, bro?”, Jason spat back in anger. Brett blinked as the deep, rumbling voice that filled the room and he took in the square face. His brother’s ones ratty face had somehow evolved into an ubermasculine, face: a strong, angular jawline gave it a squared look and his cheeks were covered with the stubble of a five o’clock beard. His once semi-deep baritone voice was now a deep, rumbling bass that vibrated down the room. He couldn’t see the rest of his brother’s body because Jason had pulled up the sheets over his body. All that Brett could see was the strong, bull-sized neck that supported his brother’s head. He noticed his brother taking in his new size. “Ya look bigger, bro. What do ya weigh now?”, Jason asked casually. “241”, Brett replied and bounced his chest to emphasize his point. He felt some of his old dominant nature return at the compliment. “Yar waist is thicker. Been roiding?”, Jason asked. “So what?”, Brett spat back, “I’m up almost 30 pounds since the last time we’ve seen each other”. He flexed his 21 inch left arm to underline his new status. His thick bicep balled up. He noticed his brother staring at his bicep and felt ready to reclaim his spot as the alpha as testosterone soared through his veins. “Seems like the tables have turned back my way, little bro”, he said and emphasized the word ‘little’. He had dreamed off this moment and knew that his revenge was going to be sweet. A smirk formed on his lip and tension hung in the air while he stared down on his brother. “Time for some payback”, he added cockily and hardened his flex some more to make his bicep swell a tad bigger. Jason didn’t say a word. He tossed the sheets aside and got up from the bed in a swift motion. The arrogant smirk froze on Brett’s lips as he took in his now truly massive brother. His mind noted that his brother had gone to bed fully clothed, but that was the least of the things it perceived. He saw striations ripple across his brother’s wide chest through the tight fabric of the insanely stretched shirt. His boulder-like shoulders pulled the shirt snug around their mass and the sleeves didn’t manage to cover the meaty arms. As Brett’s gaze travelled downward, he saw the lines of an eight-pack pressed against the shirt and he could even see the separation of the quads through the jeans that seemed painted on the tree-sized legs. “Did ya say anything about tables that had been turned, little bro?”, Jason rumbled and emphasized the word ‘little’ like his brother had done seconds earlier. He stepped toward his brother. Jason’s knees weakened as his brother seemed to swell with every step he came closer. He had to tilt his head back more and more to keep looking into Jason’s eyes. As his brother stopped a few feet from him, the massive guy eclipsed him completely: Jason’s 6’8 feet body towered over Brett’s 5’9 body and his brother’s shoulders were at least twice as wide as his own. “Guess what, little bro: I grew too”, Jason growled grinningly, “I told ya I cursed yar ass. For every pound ya gain, I put on 10 pounds of muscle at first. The curse is wearing off and these last few months, it’s only 4 pounds. I’m now 327 fucking pounds of pure muscle!”. His last booming remark was followed by his left paw grabbing his shirt and ripping it into shreds from his body. Brett looked in horror and disbelief at the bare torso of his humongous brother. The wide shoulders formed a strong line topped with thick traps and capped with two bowling ball-sized delts that highlighted the separation between the different heads of the muscle. His ham-sized upper arms hung relaxed but menacingly heavily muscled at his sizes and flowed into meaty forearms crossed with cable-like muscles leading up to his huge paws. His chest looked like someone had stuffed two half watermelons under his skin: the hefty, striation-crossed pecs defied gravity despite their mass and formed a protruding rack of muscle that hid his nipples from view as they pointed straight down to the floor. The top half of his deeply grooved eight-pack was obscured by the shadow of the pecs but the last two rows of brick-sized abs rippled against the paper-thin skin and a dark treasure trail ran across the center of the lowest row of thick abs. Brett blinked at the sight: with every breath his brother took, his abs rippled and his pecs seemed to go burst through the paper-thin skin they stretch to the max. Jason laughed smugly at his brother’s reaction. “So, whatcha think, little bro?, he asked and bounced his chest like his brother had done just minutes earlier. Brett’s eyes widened as the massive rack of muscle atop his brother’s chest danced before him and exploded in a display of striations and veins. He felt a jolt go through his cock beneath the towel as blood began rushing toward it. “Let’s compare our bodies”, Jason rumbled and moved his brother in front of the large mirror. “Some old mirror from the gym I put on here”, he said as he noted his brother’s quizzical look. Brett stared at his reflection that now seemed way less intimidating than before. He saw his brother pull down his pants and noticed how his boxers were stretched tight around his waist and pushed up by the mass of his tree-sized quads. He also noted that the front of the boxers were fully stuffed and stretched by his brother’s package. “Right, let’s check things out”, Jason said and positioned himself a few feet behind his brother. “I think yar invisibly when I’m standing behind ya, bro”, he rumbled with a grin. Brett looked at their reflection and gulped: his body seemed to drown into his brother’s beastly frame. His own well-muscled shoulders ended a few inches shy of where his brother’s canon ball-sized ones began. His own muscular arms were sticks compared to the monster arms of his brother that hung at his sides. He saw a small tent beginning to form beneath his towel as his cock kept hardening. He inhaled sharply as his brother put his hands on his hips and flared his lats: Jason seemed to almost double in broadness and eclipsed him completely. “Flex yar left arm, little bro”, Jason commanded as he relaxed his pose. Brett did as he was told. He raised his left arm and flexed as hard as he could. His 21 inch arm hardened into a fleshy orb of hard muscle topping a thickly muscled tricep. “Remember that last time I only had half an inch on ya? 18.5 inches to your 18 inches. Seems like ya put on some size. How small are yar arms now, little bro?”, Jason asked. “21 inches”, Brett muttered. “Let’s compare then”, Jason said as he took a step closer and he extended his own left arm behind his brother’s flexed one. Brett couldn’t believe the sight: even fully outstretched his brother’s arm looked more defined than his own flexed one. And then Jason flexed… His bicep didn’t just harden, it exploded upward and outward to form a perfectly round hill drenched in veins that eclipsed his own arm like a mountain eclipses a boulder. Even Jason’s low-hanging, titanic tricep was visible beneath Brett’s tricep. “How… euhrm… how big…”, Brett muttered without taking his eyes from the incredible sight in the mirror. “28.5 inches of steely-hard muscle, little bro”, Jason answered. “Just look at how my canon outsizes yar feeble gun”, he added. Jason suddenly lowered his arm and placed his paw atop his brother’s flexed arm. Brett shivered as the hot paw grabbed his upper arm and he felt the fingers dig slightly into his tricep. He hardened his flex some more to resist but his brother’s strong fingers dug into his flexed upper arm as if the hard muscle was pure jelly. He winced in pain as the vise-like grip crushed the ball of muscle atop his arm. “P….please, bro”, he pleaded and his right hand reached for his brother’s wrist. “Jeez. I’m not even trying. Yar so weak, little bro”, Jason replied and hardened his grip a final time before releasing his brother’s upper arm. “Let’s check yar wheels, little bro”, he added. Brett was still inhaling deeply, trying to ignore the pulsing pain in his right upper arm when his huge brother barked his second command. He pulled the towel aside gently to let his left leg appear through the split without exposing his semi-hard cock. He flexed his quad, making the deep lines appear between the mass of hard muscle atop his leg and the prominent tear drop shape form next to his knee cap. His legs had always been one of his best-developed muscle groups. Jason looked in the mirror at the display of his brother’s muscular quads. Without a remark, he closed the distance between them, positioned himself directly behind his brother and placed his own leg against his brother’s. Brett whimpered as he felt his brother’s thick rack of pecs push into his neck and the back of his head. His eyes were drawn down at the image of his brother’s leg. He couldn’t believe the sheer size of the monster leg pressed against his own heavily muscled one. Even though his brother’s leg was still relaxed, it dwarfed his own completely in length and thickness. The hard lines on his own flexed quad were nothing compared to the crevices high-lighting the separate heads of his brother’s still relaxed quad. And then, Jason flexed his quad… Brett blinked as his brother’s quad seemed to explode in size and hardness: the crevices turned into deep canyons as the muscles forming his quad hardened beneath the paper-thin skin. The tear drop shape totally obscured his brother’s knee cap and thick veins snaked across the hefty mass of meat atop the quad. “Wow’, he muttered and his cock jolted as it hardened even more. Jason switched his position slightly so that his two legs were against his brother’s legs and flexed them. Brett felt the superhuman legs flex and dig into his own. He tried resisting but his brother’s thick quads seemed like pure concrete. He felt like he was being crushed. “P…please, bro… you’re… hurting me…”, he pleaded again. “Weak runt”, Jason spat back and released his grip. As he did, the towel wrapped around his brother’s waist got pulled back and dropped to the floor. Brett was too busy rubbing his aching quads to notice his brother’s grin. “Seems like ya enjoy being close to me, little bro”, Jason said smugly as he saw his brother’s rock-hard 8 inches pointing straight at the mirror. “Can’t blame ya: even in the gym most guys can’t keep their eyes off me when I’m working out and sport wood when they share the shower. Hell, even I get turned on by me new bod. All these hard, huge muscles. Feels so fucking good to be the alpha”, he added. The thought of his own muscular superiority and totally dominating and outsizing his beefed up brother filled his mind. In a matter of seconds, his own cock sprang to life inside his boxers and raced to full hardness. With a tearing sound, the fleshy snake ripped away the boxers and reed itself from it’s fabric prison. Brett shivered in fair as he felt his brother’s rock-hard cock slap against his muscular ass. Memories of their last encounter in the shower whirled through his mind. He took a step forward to escape, but his brother shoved him to make him smack with his pecs against the mirror. He placed his hands against the cold glass to get away, but his brother’s paw landed on his shoulder, making him freeze in his tracks. He felt his brother’s breathing in his neck as Jason positioned his mouth next to his ear. “Remember last time? How my 8.5 incher made ya whine like a baby?”, Jason asked. Brett didn’t reply. His hole clenched in a ridiculous attempt to defend himself from his now beastly brother. His mind knew it was useless, but his natural instincts made his hole clench in a defensive reflex. “Guess what, little bro: my cock grew along with my muscles”, Jason went on, “Picture it: soon ya’ll have 14 inches of me inside ya.” Brett shuddered as his brother’s remark raced through his head. Images of an impossibly thick and unusually long cock popped up in his mind. Another jolt shot though his own painfully hard 8 incher. He tried speaking but the words died on his lips. “Have ya been looking forward to meeting again, little bro? Thinking to reclaim yar spot as the alpha?”, Jason asked. Brett nodded in response. He thought back at the countless times he had flexed in front of his mirror in his dorm room, comparing his beefed up frame to his brother’s body in the video Jason had sent him, jerking off at the mere thought of going to physically dominate his brother that had humiliated him. Every hope of realizing his plans made during his long workouts had molten away from his mind like snow in the sun. He knew there was no way he could stand up to his now over 80 pounds heavier brother. “Guess what, little bro: I have been eager to see ya again ever since my body exploded in size. I knew instantly ya had to roiding. Fuck, I gained like 60 pounds of pure muscle in three weeks. And the slabs of muscle only grew more and more on my bod”, Jason said into his brother’s ear, “Energy and testosterone coursing through my veins, feeding my ever growing muscles. Fuck, little bro, ya made me into a tank: unstoppable!”. Anticipation hung in the air for a split second. Then, Brett felt the thick head of his brother’s cock being positioned against his asscheeks. His breathing fastened as he knew what was coming. His brother’s strong paws placed on his left shoulder and right hip made any escape or even movement impossible. He closed his eyes and tried thinking of pleasant things. Images of himself dominating the football field formed inside his head, followed by images of him setting new PR’s in the gym with his grown body. None of Brett’s attempts was enough to prepare his mind for what came next. A loud, pain-filled shriek tore open Brett’s mouth and flew through the room as the thick head of his brother’s cock pushed inside. His tows curled against the floor. His hands clawed at the mirror. His back arched and pushed his neck and head into the thick rack of muscular pecs shoving against him. His breathing froze inside his chest. His heartbeat pulsed inside his ears. No matter what he tried, he couldn’t focus his mind on anything else to relax: the sheer size of his brother’s cock was the center of his entire existence at that moment. “Still enjoying my new size, little bro?”, Jason asked sarcastically into his brother’s ear, “Feeling the difference with last time?”. Brett couldn’t answer: his mouth was torn open in a soundless scream. His knees buckled from a combination of pain and pleasure, sending trembling motions through his 241 pound body. Jason felt his brother’s muscular body shake in his firm grasp. He continued pushing his cock deeper and deeper inside the helpless athlete in his grip. “There we are”, he rumbled inside his brother’s ear as he pushed the final inch of his cock inside him. Brett didn’t know what was happening: black dots danced in front of his eyes and agonizing jolts of pain made his overstretched ass spasm. He was forced to stand on his toes as the entire length of his brother’s manhood filled him. He felt his brother’s trimmed pubes brush against his ass, a scratching sensation that felt somehow pleasant. But the very center of his being, the essence of his entire existence at that moment was the searing hot, thick snaked that filled him unlike anything he’d ever felt. His own cock spasmed wildly into the air. Jason noted the look of pain, pleasure and sheer ecstasy on his brother’s face. He felt the overstretched ass spasm around his thick cock, sending a responsive feeling of electrical pleasure through his rock-hard shaft. “Mugh. So fucking tight”, he growled into his brother’s ear. His left paw released his brother’s shoulder and grabbed on to the 241 pound athlete’s left hip. Brett felt his brother grab his waist tightly. He moaned in relief as he felt the cock withdrawing from his ass. With an audible ‘pop’ the fleshy snake left his ass and he inhaled deeply. His body shivered as his knees buckled again in weakness but the strong paws held him upright. He inhaled loudly and deeply to fill his burning lungs with oxygen. The nerves around his wrecked hole sent painful stabs to his brain. But a feeling of emptiness dominated his mind. After what felt like an eternity to Brett, but were only seconds in reality, Jason’s 14 incher was pushed back in. “Oughnpf”, Brett squawked as the fleshy snake sought its way again inside him. Once more, the thickness of the engorged shaft destroyed his defenses and overstretched his ass. He felt goosebumps brake out cross his body and his back arched him against his brother’s protruding shelf of pecs again. The black dots came dancing before his eyes once more as inch after inch of rock-hard meat invaded him for the second time. “Mugh. A bit less tight, but still a near perfect fit”, Jason said as he buried his dick completely inside his brother. Brett had closed his eyes in complete submission. He stood on his toes, impaled on his beastly brother’s 14 incher, feeling smaller and weaker than ever. His own cock still stubbornly hard. Jason grabbed his brother’s hips more tightly and began thrusting back and forth, plowing his brother’s ass as his cock moved back and forth inside it. He looked into the mirror and saw the striations on his freakishly wide shoulder as the massive delts bulged from the movement. His massive triceps jutted from the sides of his arms. Brett’s face was shoved against the cold mirror, drool leaking from his opened mouth onto the glass. His body rocked under the force of his massive brother’s thrusts. He felt the thick pecs push into his neck as the 327 beast inhaled and the strong breath ruffled his hair when his brother exhaled. The low grunts rumbled into his ears. “Ughnpf”, he groaned as his brother upped the pace and force of his thrusts. His left hand let go of the mirror and reached down. He closed it around his own throbbing 8 incher. He began pumping his shaft as the grunts of his brother got deeper and the breathing onto his hair got faster. “BRO…ughn”, he yelped as he came in long spurts against the mirror. His entire body spasmed and cramped up as his balls blasted out their load with an unprecedented force and violence. Jason felt his brother clamp tight around his cock and heard his cum splatter against the mirror. The thought of totally dominating him sent him over the edge. He buried his dick violently and deeply inside his brother as his lemon-sized balls drew tight and rushed out their load. His cock twitched forcefully as it spewed its hot liquid into the 241 pound athlete. “YEAUGHN”, he roared in a sound that rivaled thunder and rattled the window of the room. Brett’s eyes widened in disbelief as he felt the fleshy snake fill him with cum. The pressure kept building up inside him while his six-pack began bloating and he felt the hot liquid drip along the inside of his legs.
  23. NoLongerActive

    The Blessing: Part 2

    Part 1 Here: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/20010-the-blessing/?tab=comments#comment-274869 —————————————————- So, when my alarm when off at 7, I realized Claude was still resting on my body, his face nuzzled between my neck and my shoulder. I nudged Claude, but he was still out cold. I slipped from underneath the gentle giant and began decorating the roo— I just realized I didn’t describe it earlier to you. Ok, so it was a square room, and I had one of those joint desk/bunk bed thingies that was parallel to the door in the back left corner, against the windows. Claude had a full, probably from coaxing the college into a bigger bed. Anyways, his was against the back right corner, facing the door, and his desk was on the other wall perpendicular to mine. To return to the story, yes, Anyways I continued to unpack when Claude started to stir awake. ”Hey bro.” ”G-good morning” ”Did I fall asleep during the movie? Hope I didn’t snore” ”Ah it’s ok, you did but I feel asleep in my bed after you passed out.” ”Ah ok, I’m gonna go take a shower to get rid of my stink, wanna come along?” ”Uhhh sure.” Claude and I walked to the communal showers, It was quite spacious. It was 18 showers, curtained off from each other, with a large skylight above them. The morning sun made the seagreen tiles look almost translucent. “I’ll be right back Steven, I need to go grab my towel.” Said Claude I entered one of the showers in the corner and turned it on, icy cold at first, but warmed up quickly. I began to reflect on yesterday’s events. I still can’t believe I met such an amazing guy like Claude. He was perfect in every single way, I loved his round pecs pressed against my face, His strong arms wrapping me tightly, His perky butt that bounced when he ran down the football field. It was such a shame he is probably straight. I started to massage my 6 inch cock and tweak my nipples. Just the thought of Claude turned me on. I heard the door to the showers open and close. I didn’t pay much attention to it until I turned around, and there standing was Claude. He was completely naked. ”Hello Steven. Why did you say you slept in your bed when the sheets weren’t even put in yet?”
  24. It's my first story and I want propose something of little special. I have always loved Jaypat's stories and everytime I finished one, I wanted the next because it finished often on open endings, so, often, I imagined the next. Unfortunately, Jaypat hasn't posted anything since longer... ). I began to write this story completely independent of his universe but I had finally some similar elements (and I loved his style of write !) and then, I have this idea, the idea to "connect" my story to one of him but not like a direct sequel (even if I would like), but more like a "spin off" (and who know, maybe a "crossover" between of two but for that, I will to have his agree before and as he didn't give any signs of life since one year...). But I prevent, I have not the pretention to write as well as he does, but really, I loved his stories. However, it's not my intention to infringe his author rights, only to propose a side story that I would have liked to read in a universe I really loved and which is directly linked to one (this story taking place in another city not far from that of the protagonists of "The swimming hole"). If it's a problem, don't hesitate to report me and I will delete this story. Link of original story, by Jaypat : https://www.metabods.com/stories/the-swimming-hole PS : my english is really bad, so please excuse me if sometimes I do big mistakes. An other motivation for write english stories is that also a good method for me to improve my level. _____________________ Chapter 1 Hello, I'm Nicholas, nicknamed Nick and I'm gay. I'm 18 years old and I recently moved in a new city. At my new school, there is this guy, Christian, nicknamed Chris. I fell in love at first sight, I have never seen a most beautiful guy. He was 19yo and he was the perfection. Perfect face, perfect eyes, perfect lips, perfect hair, perfect smile, slighty muscular, perfect skin. But unfortunately, if I thought he was also gay, I dont't think that I please him. I'm a nerd and like all nerds I'm very skinny. But I got a plan. I was very good in chemistry and I heard this story of these guys who are became muscular giants thanks to a substance, in a near city. I thought this information was a fake, and after all it seemed to be, a hulk potion, seriously, who believed this story ? But I did my researches, I learned that one of these guys destroyed his house. But who know ? Maybe I found more information over there? So I went, there had really a destroyed house, and after many hours I found what I searched : a sample, in the debris, but only a few drops, too little for to get good results. It was a kind of blue goop, really too blue for to be "natural". So I take risk to test and suddenly I felt a electrical sensation through me and like if I was growing but very very very slighty. Damn, it was like a wet dream which became a reality ! But I needed more, so I took decision to recreate it and use it on me for seduce Chris (and maybe grow him also !). But even if I get there, I have to do this slowy, pass from skinny guy to muscular giant, it will be too suspicious, and maybe I will fear Chris. And this, I woulnd't ! So I have to use little doses until to reach my goal. After some weeks, I had an experimental prototype and I needed to test it on a subject. But who or rather what ? I didn't try yet on an human. I could hear a little shrill noise behind me. Raaah shit, what this damn rat still want ? He is hungry I bet but... ... wait ... a rat ? ...But.... Fuuuuck, why I didn't think earlier ? Test on who ? Obviously : on my rat ! And it's perfect time : he's hungry. I have just to add a dose in his meal. I only hope that it wont't kill him. I put a good dose for a rat because I need to really view changes, but not too much, I wouldn't have a giant rat in my bedroom... Ok, this dose will be perfect. I put his dish in his cage. And now, I have just to wait. "Enjoy your meal Carl." Carl sniffed his meal, waited few seconds then finally eat. Nothing happened during next seconds then suddenly, Carl froze and started to tense up. He cried a lot, like if it hurt him. And then I saw it : I could see slowy his back move and his paws. have swollen. Bumps were starting to appear on his back, back which was widening at front legs, giving him quickly an aspect of V. Carl lay on his side then on his back. I didn't believe what I saw : on his belly, we could see several bumps appear. 2 bigger on top, and several smaller below. Holy shit : Carl had pecs and abs ! I had a fucking rat with pecs and abs ! And he was bigger also. Then it finally stopped. I stayed speechless : my formula was working ! My formula was REALLY working ! Holy shit ! It was like a dream became a reality. So it was the time, time to take my first dose and to launch my plan for seduce Chris ! For better see results, I undressed and took a big mirror. I calculated what dose I need for to give impression that I started to workout. I didn't hide I really envy to swallow and to become Hulk but I had to remember why I wanted go slowing : Chris. Few instants later, my first dose was ready. I fixed it few seconds then I drank the vial. At beginning, I didn't felt anything and then a little tingling. But quickly this tingling has spread all in my body and became more like a burning. And I felt it, I felt all my muscles slowy swollen. I could see my shoulders became more rounder, my pecs slowy emerge from my chest, a central line appeared on my flat stomach but I could felt my abs slowy pushed out and soon I saw the very slight of a sixpack. My arms also swollen and became less skeletal, more athletic, same with my legs. Then it stopped. I was a little disappointed, I hoped there would be more changes. However, I know why I have to take my time. As I excepted, changes were no visible when I was dressed. I noticed that I was taller, I passed from 5.6 feet on 5.8. But it doesn't matter, soon more changes will come, a lot of changes ! But for now, so as not to arouse too much suspicion, I will take one dose per every three or four week, enough for to give the illusion that the results are due to my workout. Tomorrow we have a gym classes and Chris will be. Perfect moment for to see if my changes will be noticed. *The next day* The alarm rings, the classes was finished and we have now our gym class. This was time ! In the locker room, I purposely took off my shirt for everyone could see and then and pretended to answer at a message. During one minute, nobody says anything and I thought that it was fuck up for this time but... "Well well, it looks like someone has finally decided to start workout". It was Jake, a sportive guy. I had no problem with him but it was cool that he noticed. Some guys looked me quickly, let out a little breath, then continued. And finally Chris looked me, he looked few seconds my chest, then he fixed me also few seconds and go out. I hoped more but it was normal, changes were yet insufficient. But he looked me, that was the most important. Next weeks were a torture, every day I wanted take an another dose. But no, I had to simulate a real progression. Then after a good month, it was time ! Same the first time, I undressed me and I was holding on front of mirror, almost naked with my precious vial. I drank it in one sip. Immediately I felt this burning, more intense than previously. "Oh fucuuuuuck" I moaned. I began to sweat then it started : I saw my neck thicken and my previously inexistant traps emerge. My shoulders get really round. "Oh goooosssh" said I. During all grow spurt, I was moaning and panting. My biceps/triceps bulged out, my forearms thickened. My back widened, giving me a really good V shape. I saw my pecs grow, like if I had been implanted 2 balloons. Below my slighty sixpack became more ripped, really becoming visible. "Ooooo fuuuucck, oooooh fucking fuck !". My quads swollen more, became really big, my calves exploded out of my legs. THen it stopped. "HOLY FUCK !" I almost yelled, if previously I looked like a guy who started to have good results, now I was lookng like a muscular teen. And like last time, I was also taller : almost 6 feet now ! Thick and ripped muscles everywhere. I was excited by my reflection so I took my python.. Holy shit ! I didn't notice but it was growing too ! I began to rubbing. Waves of pure pleasure crossed me. It was not only bigger but also more sensible, more intense. I increased the rythm and began to moaning. "Oh gooossshh oh fuck ooooooooooh... this feel........ soooooo gooooooooooddd oooooooooh aaaaaaaahhh ooooooooohhhh" and I felt the climax come. "oooooOOOOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKKK !!". I came and I came and I came and I came. Finally after one minute of pure pleasure, the torrent decreased then stopped. Shiiiiit, the mirror was fully covered. I have to shoot one or two liters, oh fucking god ! I had also bought a compression shirt, before never I thought buy this kind of cothes but now, it was the best way for to show my progress without to have to undress me. And fuuuuck I looked very good into : I could see separation of my shoulders, my pecs were really visible, we can see even my nipples which pointed down. Previously my abs were invisible with clothing but with this compression shirt, we can see bumps. Not huge bumps of the world but we can easily guess that I had a sixpack. And my legs were thights, my quads filled completely my pants. And my arms looked so good, there was no longer any doubt that I was workout, well, that I was supposed to workout. The next day, I arrived with a coat so as not to let see the results directly. But in class I could hear whispers and even some people saying to their neighbor "Did you see Nick ? I never noticed that he was so big !". At the break, I even had people to whom I never spoke who came to see me to congratulate me and ask for advice. Then the noon time arrived. The waitress even gave me a double ration because "It takes a lot for a big boy like me". Then I sat down at my usual table. And it's at this time than I heard a familiar voice. "Can I sit down next to you ?". It was Chris. Internally I jumped of joy, but outwardly, I said just "Of course you can !". "So, I can see that you started working recently. And fuck, yours results are really amazing". "Thanks !" I said. "What's your program ?" he asked me. Fuck ! I didn't think about it. I couldn't say that I did just some push ups. So I quickly invented a program with basics exercices that everyone knew. "And you have this results with just this program ? Weird. You must have a very good genetic". We talked during all break when the ring rang. Next days and weeks, Chris was getting more closer of me. I saw that he liked my body but I didn't know if he was in love or not. It didn't matter : I was going to give him a boost ! I let pass almost a month and half before to take my dose. I was really excited, logically after this, Chris will be completely crazy of me. But I had to be careful, I didn't want to be Hulk, well, not yet. Ok, a few more drops and I will have good but credible results. I swallow the vial. "OOOOO FUUUUUUUUUCCCCCKKKK" I yelled ! It was yet more intense that last time. I felt my neck thicken yet, my traps rose. "OOOOOOOOOOOOHH NNNNNGGGHHHHAAAAAHHHHH !". My shoulders became canonballs, my amrs became huge guns, 17 or almost 18 inches I think and with a big vein which ran trough them. My back widened and could feel a lot of bulges popped out "HOOOOOOLLLY SHIIIIIIIITTT" ; my pecs became football balloon, fully round. My sixpack developed more, I passed my hand on them and fuuuuuuuccckk, now it was really boulders under my skin. My quads became so big, with a lot of bumps. My calves exploded more out of my legs, my feet grew more. Then, one more time, it stopped. When I saw my reflection, I came instantly : I was huge ! Not just well muscular but like a teen bodybuilder. All muscles was huge, ripped. I tried my compression shirt and holy shit, it was so tight. If the grow spurt had during more time, it would be too small. And shit, if we could guess my muscle with previously grow, now my compression shirt was like a second skin. All was so ripped, so big. I was excited to be tomorrow. And the next day, when I entered in the yard, there is a silence as I never heard. All fixed me, were wondering if it was really me and how I had do for to have big results like this in small time. Weirdly, almost no one came to talk me, like if they feared me. But one people came, the one that I had hope. "Shit man, I don't know how you do, but fuck yeah, you look so good ! Tomorrow, the gym will be closed so, I told me that you could come to my house for workout ?". "YES" I yelled insidely. "YES YES YES YES YES OH FUCK YEAH YES". But outisdely, I just said "Of course I can !"" with a smile. "Perfect" asked me Chris. "So we'll see us tomorrow". This night, I couldn't sleep. I knew probably how it finished and why he wanted that I will go in his house. Yes we will do a workout, but no only... Next day, when the final ring rang, my heart beat really quickly. In few minutes, I will be in Chris bedroom. And in few hours maybe in his bed. I left school and went to Chris. For to go more speed, I decided to run. Fuuuuuuck, I didn't notice but it was so easy to run, I'm sure that I could run a marathon. Finally I arrived to Chris's home. I shaked before to ring. When Chris open me, I think that I was almost going to pass out. "Hi! Nice to see you." he said. "Nice to see you too" I asked. "Ready for our... workout ?" he says me with a small smile. "Yeah, I'm ready" We went in his bedroom, there was some workout equipment. After a little warm-up we started to train. Fuuuuuck, I didn't notice but even workout was fucking easy. Before, I never had more than 5 or 6 push up and I couldn't do any pull up. But now, I could do this all day if I wanted. After 20 minutes, Chris says me he needs a break. Then he fixed my chest and arms. "Shiiiiit, you look very very very good". "And you don't seen all" I asked in flexing my arms. I could see Chris's eye widening. "You want feel it ?" I asked. "Of course" he said. And he passed his hands on my biceps "Fuuuuuck, it felt like steel". While he was rubbing my biceps, I fixed him in eyes. Then, always with his hand on my biceps, he fixed me. He smiled. I smiled. He smiled. I smiled. Fuuuuuck, look his eyes, this nose, this mouth, this lips, shit, he was really perfect ! And, finally, he closed his eyes, open his mouth and approached to me. I did the same. This moment felt me like an eternity but finally, this inesperate instant happened : our lips touched and we started a dance of tongue. I didn't believe it, I was going to kiss Chris, I fucking was going to kiss Chris ! I got hard intanstly. We continued some moments then he stopped and open his eyes. I feared that he would get angry... but he had a big smile, a very big smile. And we start again. I don't know how long we did it, 5 minutes, 10, 20, 30 maybe but for me it wanted that he will be for eternity. Finally, we fell on his bed and I felt that he took my shirt. He had a little trouble to remove it, it was so fucking tight and then it did same. He kissed and licked every part of my body, he started by traps, then my shoulders, my arms, forearms and hand then he licked my pecs, then abs, where he licked every grooves and kissed every bricks. And he took my dick. "HOLY SHIT ! What's this thing ?". "You want see it ?" I said. He said "Yes" of head. I undressed me and removed my underwear. "HOLY FUCKING GOD !" he said when he saw my dick. "FUCKING SHIT ! IT'S HUGE !". Then he looked me and said quietly "Nick ?". "Yes ?" I asked. "I wanted to go slowy but... fuck me". "What ?" I couldn't believe what I heard, I knew that it will arrive but not too early. "I want you fuck me, here and now" I didn't what say but finally I said "I hoped you asked me this" with a smile. But it will be... my first time" "Haha don't worry, you will see, it's easy... especially when you are in love" he said in smiling. Shit, it was the sentence I hoped hear more than all. "However, I think I need to be lubricated for to welcome this monster otherwise my black hole will remember it haha". I took the bottle and started to apply it. Nick did small moans. "Haha you see, you are more good what you thought !" "Ok, and now ?" "Now I let you the next. My ass is to your. Little advice, go slow, it give better feelings" I lay down on Chris and naturally, I started to kiss his neck and rub his hair, neck and shoulders. And he was right, very naturally, my train pulled up in front of the tunnel entrance and, wagon after wagon, enter into. "OOOOOOOHH SHIIIIIITTT" he yelled. Instantly, I stopped "Are you okay ? If it does hurt we can stop and..." "No no no !" he said "It's just more intense what I was thinking but don't worry, continue". I restarted to kiss and rub him and push some wagons in him. Chris was moaning and panting. "Oh shit, oh fuck, aaaaaaaaahhh...Haha you see ? For a first time you are really good". I continue to push until finally, all of my cock was into him. Then I went go back then forward. "OOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUCK" yelled Chris. "Are you okay ?". "Yeah yeah don't worry, it's just too fucking good". I continued like during next minutes : back, forward, back, forward. And litle by little I increased the rythm. Soon Chris don't stop to moaning "OOOO SHIIIIT OOOOOOOOH AAAAAAAAHH FUUUUUUCCCKKKK OOOOOOOOOOHHHH". I continued like this for several minutes when I felt the climax was very near. "I think than I was going to came Chris". "Try to... aaaaahh...contain.. ooooohh... you, you... oooooooh... will see, it's.. nnnnggghhhh... will be really... aaaaaaahh better". I tried to contain me too long, I closed my eys and clenched my teeths, And I pumped, again and agan and again until what after three minutes, I can't contain more. I have just time to prevent Chris : "I'm commmiiiaaaaaaaaAAAAAARRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !". I couldn't see it but shit, I felt like I fired cannon. Chris yelled like he never yelled. I came, and I came, and I came. It seems unstoppable. At a moment, I could felt that it overflowed but I couldn't stop it. Finally after three or four fully minutes of the most powerful orgasm I have been, the torrent finally ended. We were here, on his bed, in moaning, panting, covered by sweat and maybe cum. "Fuck yeah Nick, it was most amazing thing I have felt in my entire life" he said me while he was panting. "Me too" I asked while I was still in Chris. Finally, I retired me and laid me down next of him. "It maybe indiscreet but... how did you do ?" "How did you do what ?" "For to be honest... I don't think you have this amazing body by workout. It's too much results and especially in a so small time. I understand if you don't want ask me but I'm very curious to know how" During one time, I want to lie him but finally, after what we had live, I decided to tell him the truth. "I'm going to tell you, but I think that you didn't believe me" "Try, you will see" And I told him all about the blue goop. "Effectively, it seems really crazy but I'm going to trust you. For to be honest, I thought to steroids but even steroids are not too quick for to have results like you. And it's was the maximum you could have ?" "No, apparently, you could be a fucking giant of 30 feet if you want. More you drink, more you grow" "Holy fuck ! That seems amazing, too amazing for to be real" "However it's it ! Look that !" I showed him pics of Carl. "Fuck ?! What's this thing ?" "My rat. It's on him I tested the formula" "Holy shit ! But he almost doubled. And he is so muscular" "Yeah, as I told you, you can be a fucking giant" "But... Why are you not bigger ?" "What ?" "I mean you could be a fucking muscular giant. Not you are not muscular but your body is a "normal" body for a teen bodybuilder. And you are not grow so big directly also." SHIT ! He noticed... But fuck, I didn't do nothing bad. I have to tell him the truth. "For to be honest... I wanted to seduce you" Chris smiled. "Haha really ? I'm very honoured... but you know, it was not necessary for to seduce me because... you did it since the beginning !" "What ?" "You believe that I fell in love since you grew ? Nick, I'm in love of you since the first time I saw you !" "What ? But I'm not..." "A beautiful guy ? But of course you are beautiful, more beautiful than you think. I had just too fear than it wasn't reciprocal" "Shit ! So I did all that for nothing ?" "Obviously not, I'm in love of you, with muscle or not but I have to admit that you look so so good with. I fucking love that. And for to be honest, I really envy you. I would be a muscular god too ! But... maybe not a 30 feet giant, it was too much". "We can arrange that! And for to be honest also, I wanted grow again, but not without you. So I'm very happy that you ask me. Let me only go in my bedroom, I will prepare doses and join me in one and half hour in the woods, outside the city" "In the woods ? Why ?" "More discrete. Even my little doses, I was moaning, so all ine one dose, you will roar. And also...I hope a second round" I said in smiling. "Oh don't worry for this, you will have your second round" "Ok, so in one hour" "In one hour, my love" I quickly go at my home. Ok, Chris didn't want to be a 30 feet giant but however more than any simple human, 8 feet will be good. I prepare his dose and mine and some little if he wants some "supplements". And I went in the woods. My heart beat very quick : in few hours, we will be two fucking muscle god. I was like a dream which became a reality. When Chris saw me, he had a very big smile. I think he was also excited than me. "One more time, are you sure to do this ? There is no back after" "Nick, you have transformed a fucking dream in a reality, who whouldn't that ?" "Yeah, I though the same thing" Nick started to undress him "Like this, you will enjoy the show !"t When I gave him the vial, I coul have sworn I could hear his heart beat. "Cheers Nick !" and he drank it. Instantly, I saw he widened his eyes and he began to moaning loud. "oooOOOOOOHHH FUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKK !!!" He started to sweat a lot of and I noticed his veins appeared all on his body. Quickly, I could see his pecs swollen, his abs pushed out of his stomach. His biceps bulges, started to have a nice shape. His back widened, his traps started to raise up. His quads bulged. And he grews more, and more and more. Shit in less of one minute, he looked already like a bodybuilder. Chris flexed his chest. "Fuuuuucck" he said, rubbing his hand on his huge pecs. "They feel like steel !". His hand slid down and he was rubbing his bulged abs. "And them, they feel like a fucking brick wall, oh gooooossshhh !". And it wasn't finish, Chris could feel they were growing. His shoulders was pushing, enlarging, becoming bowling balls. He could feel his back was getting wider and broader, some bumps popped out. His traps began to really erupting from his back and surround his neck, giving him a bull neck. And Chris felt that his lower body was growing too. "OOOOHHH SHIIITTT OOOOOHH FUUUUUCCK MY... MY LEGS !". Chris could felt his quads bulking up, swel, like a balloon. But it was not filled with air but muscle. Soon he could feel that his boxer was tight and didn't resist not longer. I was here, just staring my boyfriend became Hulk, in drooling, gasping and moaning because I was orgasming. It was the most fucking sexiest thing I have never seen. "You like it Nick ? Because me I fucking love it hahaha ! NGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH... and it is not finished, I can feel it !". Effectively, Chris could feel that the pressure was increasing, very increasing. And all of his body started to explode with muscle. Firstly, his shoulders grew in huge huge balls of rock hard flesh. His arms bulged bigger and bigger, becoming immense bulbous masses, even his forearms were so fucking huge. And his hand, shit look their hands, they were so big ! His pecs were growing into two gigantic globes of pure muscle. "FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCKKKKK !" roared Chris. I could see his abs swollen and became bigger then suddenly, he yelled when the first row litteraly exploded out. o-ly fu-cking SHIT ! They were humoungous !! he yelled again when the second row did same and some later, he yelled for the third time. He was panting and moaning loudly, thinking that it was finish for his abs but suddenly he roared one more time : a fucking fourth row exploded out from nothing, giving him a incredible strong, huge, powerful and very ripped eight-pack. No doubt that I broke my fists if I tried to hit them. And his legs were becoming monstrous muscle pillars. Humoungous massive quads, where every striation was clearly visible, huge calves. His boxer didn't resist and litteraly have been completely disintregated, releasing a FUCKING monster. And it wasn't not finished, Chris still had some muscle spams, each adding tens and tens of pounds of pure muscle. "OH YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !! BIGGER !!! BIGGER !!!!! BIGGER !!!!" and effectively, he was bigger every time he said this word. And every time this voice was also deeper. And finally, he roared like he never roared in a last big muscle spasm, who must have added not far from a hundred pounds. And it was over. My boyfriend was now a fucking amazing 8 feet Hulk. He must have more strength only in his little finger than I had in all my body. It was a true power monster and the most fucking sexiest thing that I have seen. "OOOO GOOOOOD !". Shit ! His voice was so deep, so sexy. "It was the most amazing feel that I felt in my entire life ! And even now, the slightiest movement was so fucking good, even only breath was orgasmic !! OH FUCK, I'M A FUCKING GOD I'M SOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHH !!!". And he came. Holy fucking mother shit !! It was like a giant geyser, and it was so powerful : the blow went to hit a rock and made a hole into. Holy shit ! If it was me, I would be instantly impaled. The deluge during almost ten minutes before it stops. "HOLY SHIT CHRIS ! You was already so sexy but now... you are the fucking sexiest thing I have seen of my life !" I said while I was gasping because I came into my pants "Thanks my love, I have to admit that was fucking amazing. And all this thanks to you ! You are a fucking genius ! Now it's your turn, and we will do this second round !". Yeah, because for now, it was clear that I couldn't "welcome" this "monster". I took my dose, look my boyfriend and says : "Cheers my big love !" "Cheers my little love !" Chris asked me. And I drank. Instantly, it was like an eruption. All my body was lava. I started to shaking and sweating and I noticed that I forgot to remove my clothes. I felt my traps started to rise out while my neck was thickening. My shoulders were stretching out and grew into huge balls of rock hard muscle. I felt my upper arms become gigantic peaked masses while my forearms expanded inti great wedges of muscle. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH !" I felt my pecs was swelling and suddenly exploded into twin canonballs, ripping top of my shirt. The pressure go down in my midsection and, under my shirt, I felt my ripped sixpack grew. "GAAAAAAAHHHHH... AAAAAAA... AAAAAAHHHHHH ... ... MY... MY ABS !! OH FUUUUUUUCK" and then, like Chris, the first row popped out of my stomach. Fuck, the sensation was so fucking good ! I roared two more times and, like Chris I pushed a last big roar when my fourth line exploded out. I passed my hand on them and fuuuuuccck, even with my shirt we could clearly see eight huge bricks which were practically blowing out of my stomach. I felt my shirt was in agony. I filled it completely. And when my back started to grow, I could hear a lot of tearing sounds before to be completely destroyed. I could feel my back was widening and my lats explode with bulk, getting huge and thick. And I didn't notice but I was taller, 7 feet. I could feel my legs swell quickly, my quads filled my pants and soon we can see even separation. My pants will resist again few instants and then tears appeared everywhere. A last jolt tore him completely, leaving in my boxer, which was more elastic. Then it stopped, I mean, that's what I thought. A spasm ran through me and I felt all of my muscle growth. Then another, then another, another, another. I instinctively started laughing. "OOOOOHHHH YEEEEESS ! Bigger ! Bigger ! BIGGER !!!". And I could feel my boxers tightening, tightening, tightening. Th final spasm, which was more intense than other, destroyed it and released my fucking huge cock that was as hard as he could And it was over, I was also a fucking 8 feet tall muscle giant. Then I looked Chris with a big smile and above all a very big desire. He was also very hard. "Ready for next round ?" I asked. "Oh fuck yeah I'm ready !" he said me. And instantly I jumped on him. We rolled each other (and crush everything on our paths), we were exploring every bumps (and there was a lot of !). "Can I ?" asked Chris. "Oh fuck yeah you can !" I said. I turned me and Chris laid on me. Weirdly, he didn't feel heavier than last time, but however he must do almost more one thousand pounds. As usual, he started to rubbing my hair, kissed my neck and rubbing my gigantic traps and shoulders, then my bumpy back. Shit, he may be a fucking 8 feet giant, he knew be tender and I loved those moments, it was the calm before the storm. And the storm arrived when I felt he was entering in me. "HOOOOLLLYYYY FUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCKKKKK" I roared. I thought I had the best feeling but this sensation was more better. I moaning loudly when little by little, he pushed entirely his monster in me. And he started to pump. And he pumped, pumped, pumped. Soon, I was moaning continually. I gripped two tree trunks for to keep stability. Chris kept bangt me for several minutes in increaseing the speed. I heard his grunts were more loud and deep and soon I could hear a long moan. : this was the storm. "I can't hold it anymooOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH !!!!!". It was not a human cry, more a bestial cry, almost like a T-Rex. And he shooted a true torrent. The sensation was so intense that I roared and completely closed my fists. I heard a big crack : I had completely crushed the two trunks, only with my hands. Holy shit, I was so fucking strong. During almost 15 minutes, Chris came, and came, and came, in roaring. Then the flood stopped. When I looked around... HO-LY FU-CKING SHIT ! When we make love for the first time, I was already impress byt the quantity that I had ejaculated but here... he shooted more than a pool. Holy shiiiit ! "So, what do you say it, my love ?" "Shiiiiiit Chris it was so amazing !" "Yeah I have to admit that was so unbelievable. I saw you broke two tree trunks with your hands. I asked me : Would you like to test our new body ? I mean, we don't know how much strong we are, I want test it. But we need a true challenge and I think that I have what we have need. Do you remember we have a tank at the entrance at the city ?" "Wait, you are not serious ? Chris, you know like me how much it weighs ? It's the heaviest tank of the world ! So yes, I know we are now fucking muscle god but, even, this tank...You believe really we can to lift 415000 lbs ?" "Yeah I know, this tank weighs 415000 fucking pounds ! But I want see what we are able to lift" Few hours ago, I would find it difficult to lift my previous weight so now a 415000 lbs tank ? But I have to say I was curious also. "Ok let's go !" And on the way we had fun : we could run as fast a car, jump of several tens of meters, in length and height and finally we arrive quickly in front of this monster. "You start ?" asked me Chris. "Ok" I placed my hands underneath and started try to lift. But as I expected, it was heavy, very heavy. I forced with all my might, I became all red but I was amazed to be able to lift of few inches but I couldn't do more. "My turn" says Chris. Like me, he used all his might. I could see all bumps in his back flexed, shit it was a beautiful show. And like me, he was just able to lift of only few inches, what was already fucking amazing. For reminder, this monstrous thing weighed 415000 lbs ! "I'm little disappointed..." said Chris. "What ? Are you kidding me ? Disappointed to be able to lift a fucking 415000 lbs tank ?" "Yeah but I thought we were able to lift completely...but maybe with more..." Then Chris fixed me, with a small smile and I understood what he was thinking... "You want grow again, isn't ?" "Yeah, but just a few, no need to be 20 feet more. Just 1 or 2 would be sufficient." I have to say that I was also disappointed by that, and we were already 8 feet giant. So a little more, why not. "Ok. I have what we need." I took 2 doses and gave one at Chris. "We do together this time ?" he asked me. "Ok ! Cheers Chris !" "Cheers Nick !" And we drank. Instantly, we felt this familiar sensation, like if a lightning hit us. "OOOOOOOHHHH SHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITTTTTT" roared Chris. I looked my already huge hands and saw they became more bigger. My forearms quickly grew, shit it was fucking thick ! My upper arms exploded into gigantic peaked masses. My shoulders became fucking humoungous ! My traps rose to my ears. I could feel them flexing when I turned my head. My pecs became really mountainous, blocking completely my view on my chest. I felt a enormous hard pressure in my midsection. I passed my hand on my abs and I could feel them swell; I suspected what was going to happen and it was quickly confirmed. I swear I even heard the "POP" noise when my first row exploded out of my stomach, giving a fucking amazing sensation. Then I heard quickly 3 others "POP". But I felt the hard pressure go down one more time. Oh crap, I was thinking, I was going to have a te... but I didn't have time to finish my thought because I yelled in same time I heard the fifth "POP". Holy shit, I had a fucking ten-pack ! A holy fucking ten-pack. God I thought it was impossible (but well, I didn't think to become a fucking 8 feet muscle god was possible too few days ago). I heard Chris yelled, same thing happened for him, and it was a nice show. I could see his already big and sexy abs popped out more, row after row, and Chris yelled at every "POP". And finally, like me a fifth row appeared from nothing in same time of the huge roar of Chris. It was funny, we looked like Freeza while he was tranforming in his 2nd form : our upper body was disproportionate to the bottom because our legs didn't grow yet. But it's not last long when I felt my huge quads exploded with a lot of muscle mass en became fucking gigantic, same thing with my calves and my feet. We were taller, 9 feet tall I think. Oh and obviously, our huge amazing cocks grew too. And the muscle climax arrived. A last wave surprised us : forearms, arms, shoulders, traps, back, pecs, abs, quads, calves. All our bodies exploded in one time with more muscle mass. It was so intense we roared so loudlyn enough for to explode every window on several miles. And finally it was over. "OOOOOHHHH FUUUUUCKKKK" roared Chris, flexing every muscle. "It feels so good ! So fucking good !". And fuck yeah, he was right : it felt so so so so so good !! I couldn't believe it : we were now 10 feet muscle god giant and 7 feet wide. Every move was orgasmic, I bet that I could come instantly only I flexed. It was like our bodies were nuclear reactors and every move or flex was a nuclear explosion. "Ready to retry ? I let you the honor" I asked. "Chris took him in position, placed his hands underneat and lift and, this time rather, he lifted the tank with absolutely no difficulty. It was like he lifted a toy." "Shiiiiit, it's so light" He tried to lift with one hand and same, he lifted it very easily. "You want try ? Haha it's not even funny" Same as Chris, I placed my hand underneat and I lifted. And yes, fuck yeah, it was so easy, even too easy. I don't imagine what strength we had because, fucking shit, I was going to lift a fucking tank which weighed 415000 lbs like it was nothing. And then I have been a idea. "Hey Chris, do you like soccer ?" "Mmmhh ? Yeah but why ?" "For this !". I put my hands on tank's side and started to compress. Quickly, the sound of metal twisting was heard. Shiiiit, I became instantly hard when I though what I was doing : I was crushing a fucking 415000 lbs tank... to bare hands. Never I could imagine that. Some minutes later, it was just a ball of steel, also big as me before. We began to make passes. Suddenly I shooted the ball in sky and Chris did a high jump for to intercept. Shiiit ! He jumped so high, maybe 80 feet. When he fell and hit the ground, I could feel this latter shaking. Chris cleared the ball and, holy shit, it went so far, somewhere in the woods. "Ha sorry, too far. Let's go ?" asked me Chris. And we ran towards woods. Crap ! We ran quickly, very quickly, even a speed car couldn' outrun us, then Chris tried to jump and fuuuuuuuuuckk, he literally flew trough the sky like Hulk in movie. Shit, we were unstoppable ! I rejoined him. "So I think we lost it" while he looked all around. "I just hope no one's got it in their head" I joked. I enjoyed of this moment for to admirer my boyfriend and his new amazing body. I remembered him when he looked like a model. Now he was a fucking god, even god of Hulk (by the way, it was funny to think we were bigger than him). I looked his fucking legs, gigantic muscular quads, below there was ten huge boulders, harder than diamond, and two unbelievable gigantic pecs, his shoulders were so fucking huge, and his biceps/triceps fuuuuuuuuuckk look these monsters, and his neck with his fucking amazing huge traps which surrounding completely his neck. And then there is only thing which didn't change : his face. Yeah it was very bigger but it was same beautiful eyes, sexy nose, lips. And his voice was so deeper. Chris looked me, noticed that I was drooling on him, smiled and said "It looks like someone whants a third round... but you will have to catch me haha !" and he started to ran in the woods so I started to purchase him. We ran trought woods. I saw him sink in the trees and boulders and shatter them like it was nothing. We were unstoppable. Finally, I caught him on a slope and we rolled, while we were kissing, until to arrive in front of a swimming hole. "You want us to bathe ?" said Chris. "Why not !" I asked, and we went into swimming hole. "Since you caught me, you deserve your trophy" and he turned him. I laid down on him and like our previous sessions, I started to rub and kiss him. Really, I loved those moments of tender. But this time, I didn't know why, I felt like a electrical sensation, like a strong swarm. I was rubbing his fucking huge delts, shoulders and traps, but it felt weird, it felt like it was... moving or... swelling ? I stopped all movement for to better feel and... yes, fuck yeah, he was growing, but slowy. "Chris ? I don't know why but it seemed you are ... growing ? Do you take another bottle of goop ?" Chris, between moans, said "No... but since we are in this swimming hole, I felt a weird sensation, like if I was very energized." "You too ? It's weird, it feels like our grow spurts but less intense...". Then I looked around and when I saw it, I understood instantly : barrels with a chemical dangerous logo, but it was what was inside which shocked me : blue goop, blue goop like my sample. "HOLY SHIT ! I think I found where does this substance come from !! There is a barrel of this goop further. I think that it's diluated in water. That's why we are growing ! We are taking litteraly a muscle growth bath. Maybe we have to stop and go out no ?" "Stop this ? You are crazy ? it feels so fucking good ! And Nick, we are already 10 feet fucking muscle god, and it's very less intense than yours vial so one feet or more, why not ?" Yeah he was right! And we had spent too much time for the aperitif, it was time to move on to the main course : again, I began to enter him. He roared like a beast. I have to admit that to make love and growing in same time was so fucking hot and so good. While I was pumping him, in the same time, I could feel my back slowy widening, my pecs slowy grow, my abs slowy swell, my arms became bigger. And same thing happened to Chris, who was doubly moaning, because I was fucking him and he was growing in same time. I could feel his ass become more tight but my fucking giant monster grews also inside him. After 20 minutes of non stop pump like a jackhammer, I felt that climax was near. Chris understood instantly with my groans. I continued during few minutes, clenching my teeth and closing my eyes on the end, holding me back as long as possible, then there is one moment of pure silence and next, 2 most powerful roars I heard. We roared like we never roared. Even a T-Rex roared less. I think our roars could be heard on several miles. It was the most powerful feeling I had felt in my life (I think that it wasn't the first time I said this, but every time it was more powerful, more intense that previously), even our previous growth or orgasm didn't feel so good, so intense, it was a god-like level. For a comparison, if my previous orgasm felt like a nuclear explosion, this one felt like a supernova. And it was a deluge which lasted at least 20 minutes. During 20 minutes, we roared, came and grew, roared, came, grew, roared, came, grew. And after an eternity, it was finally over. When we got up, no doubt, we were more bigger and taller, at least 12 feet. I looked around and holy fucking shit : the swimming hole was now the white swimming hole. It was litteraly a sea of cum. It'll take weeks to get back to normal. Then I looked Chris and shiiiiiiiit he looked so fucking good. Everything was gigantic but so beautiful and sexy in same time. I didn't believe that it was the same Chris as this morning. This morning, it was a 6 feet Chris, a build like a teen model, and now, only some hours later, he was a fucking 12 feet giant muscular god, more than 2500 lbs and a strength which could probably now move mountains (literally !). And this god was my boyfriend ! Never I could imagine this situation could be real, but it was and I fucking loved this. And it was not finished but for today, we decided it was sufficient, it was already too much (but so fucking good). When we got home, we obviously had a lot of questions: pass from skinny nerd guy to a muscle god of 12 feet, it didn't keep unnoticed. Me who wanted keep low profile, it was a failure. But some biceps flex and groans later, nobody pissed us off. I ask me why haha. We could crush them just with our little finger. So they were forced to set up a warehouse for us because we were too bigger for to back in our house (and I'm not sure that my bed would bear my weight, in my opinion, if I tried, I crushed it and the other floors for to end with a nice crater in the basement. If we tried this, we destroyed simply all. And it remembers me this destroyed house, where all started, maybe same thing happened to their guys. I asked me how big they were and the question : how did they find this strange goop ? Maybe I will go in near city for to see if I don't see no other muscle giant. I would like meet them, it could be very cool. And I know Chris, he couldn't resist to take an another bath or vial, but if he did it, such as today, soon, this warehouse will not be sufficient...But to become a 30 feet muscle giant, finally, why not ?
  25. brstealth13

    The Manly Connection

    Part 1 It was a clear, humid August afternoon on the Dan Jensen’s life changed forever. Soon to be a senior in college, Dan had returned home for a couple weeks before the beginning of his final year in school while he was between leases. Life was good; in only 14 short days, he would hop on a plane back across the country to move into an aweesome 2 bedroom apartment with his friend since freshman year, Alex. In the meantime, he was home, and today, Dan had plans to hang out with his other friend from freshman year, of high school this time, Brendan. Dan, around 150 lbs, 5’10”, was super excited to see Brendan. Though they maintained their close friendship even as they attended different colleges hundreds of miles away, Dan had been coming home less and less often during the summers between semesters. This year, though, Brendan had just moved into a new house he was renting near the local state college he attended, with a friend Dan had heard stories of but had never met, Cedric Martinez. Dan was sitting alone in his parents’ kitchen, fanning himself with a magazine on this blazing August day. Across the counter, his phone quietly buzzed and lit up. He answered it. ”Hey B,” said Dan. ”Yoooo dude what is up! You’re finally back yeah?” replied Brendan. ”Yeah, as of this morning.” ”And you’re only here for what, 2 weeks right? Man we gotta catch up! It’s been so long and you haven’t even seen the new place yet, you gotta come check it out.” ”Yeah man, I do. You free this afternoon?” ”Hell yes my dude. My housemate Cedric‘s gone for the day helping his family garden or some shit. I think he’s gonna come back after dinner. You wanna stay for a while? I’ll have him pick up some brews and we can game or something.” Already bored after only a few hours at home, Dan was stoked. “Sounds awesome. Lemme get some shit together so I can stay the night. I know how much beer you always make me drink.” He put the phone between his shoulder and ear and started up to his bedroom, grabbing a backpack and throwing clean clothes and underwear in it. ”Say dude, I was gonna get a workout in this afternoon, you wanna join? I remember you were saying you’ve been pumpin’ iron lately. I’ll give you a great workout!” Brendan suggested. ”Yeah sounds legit,” Dan answered. The two hammered out their plans and Dan finished getting ready, texted a note to his dad, and left in the car his parents agreed to loan him for his time back home. Dan was always a wiry guy, but he had been trying to bulk up for some time, both to feel better about his own body image, but also to hopefully impress the ladies. He had never had much luck with them - and he figured being a skinny 5’10” 145 lb guy didn’t help. Gaining muscle, or any weight in general, was tough for him. Though he had made a little progress and was up to 155 lb these days, he barely had any definition and had a hard time staying motivated. Maybe Brendan could help, though. Based on the pictures he saw on his Facebook, Dan could tell Brendan had rocketed up in mass over the past few months. He pulled up to the white house on the hill as the GPS computer voice informed he’d reached his destination. The house wasn’t too large, but had a long driveway which turned left behind the house to a garage well hidden in the house’s back yard. There, he saw the garage door open and his friend Brendan standing in it with a dumbbell in each hand. Dan stepped out of the car as Brendan turned to greet his friend. “Broooo! You couldn’t wait for me?” said Dan. ”Dan the man, it’s been way too long!” Brendan set the dumbbells down to give his best bud a hug hello. Although it has been some time since they last saw each other, Brendan had packed on some serious muscle. He was wearing short black athletic shorts and a homemade cutoff shirt. His biceps bulged out of the wide holes on the sides of the shirt, smooth, tanned, and bursting with muscle. Dan’s gaze lingered on his friend’s pecs, which were enormous globes of muscle jugging out into a shelf of pure manliness, pushing the shirt tightly outward and exposing a glimpse at Brendan’s sculpted tan body through the huge armholes of the shirt. He lifted his left arm high above his head, stretching as he led Dan into the garage turned home gym, exposing a bushy mass of tangled armpit fur, and leaking out a fierce musky odor. Brendan was everything Dan had wanted to be. He had the body of Dan’s dreams- but how? After all, only about a year ago, the two guys stood in Brendan’s parents basement, also working out, but looking much more similar to each other. They vowed back then to keep trying to bulk up.... but while Brendan had accomplished his goals and then some, Dan was left in the dust, still a relatively skinny guy. ”Alright dude. Let’s get started. I’ve got a chest and bicep day planned out for us. It’s pretty tough so let me know how you’re feeling and we can take a break,” Brendan said. Though the garage was a little small, it boasted an impressive collection of workout equipment. Over in the corner was a power rack fitted with a barbell, a bench, and several heavy weights. There were more dumbbells and a couple of other benches off to the side where Brendan led them first. Behind all this, up against the wall, were several large blue gym mats. ”You guys really tricked this place out!” Dan smiled, selecting a modest 20 lb dumbbell to start doing bicep curls with. “Yeah man, thanks! The mats are Cedric’s, he’s into wrestling. He’s been showing me a little bit here and there.... thinking I might do some rec league in the fall.” Dan and Brendan continued the small talk as the latter showed Dan each exercise and gave him tips on his form. As they went on, Dan started thinking more and more about Brendan’s massive rise in size. Could Brendan have been juicing? Maybe this Cedric guy was a bad influence on him. Still, his friend didn’t seem any different, personality wise. Maybe a little more confident, but how could he not be with guns like those? About 40 minutes in, the head was starting to get oppressive. The two guys were already sweating profusely and finally made the call to ditch their shirts. As Brendan peeled off his drenched cutoff, a massive wave of his manly stench hit Dan’s senses like a wall. It was disgusting, sure. But weirdly, a part of Dan’s brain kind of likes the smell. He didn’t process it as the sort of funky, stinky BO that you often think of. Instead, it was more of a musk. Like a manly, testosterone laced pheromone. Dan was immediately jealous but increasingly obsessed with this smell- questions about it swirling in his head, like, “how can I enjoy this so much?” but more importantly, “how can I make myself smell this way?” and “how can I get more of this without Brendan knowing?” Finally they wrapped up their last set and Brendan led Dan inside. “That was awesome dude,” said Dan. “Holy hell you put on so much beef!” he jokingly, but deep down, seriously, flirted, grabbing at his friends sweat slick pecs. Brendan smiled. “You’ll get there.” They entered the house through the back screen door, which led into a small laundry room. Dan spied a wrestling singlet hanging up to dry and several pairs of jockstraps next to it, as Brendan led him into a hallway which opened up into the living room and kitchen area. For a house occupied by two college guys, it was surprisingly clean and well decorated. The living room had a large leather sectional and huge flat screen tv accompanied by the latest in video games. Across the room, the kitchen was separated from a small dining area by a low counter stacked with appliances and workout supplements. Brendan put his preworkout from earlier away and started making Dan and himself two protein shakes. As he finished with the blender and poured two tall glasses of thick white protein, Brendan roared, “Damn it’s hot! I’m sorry man, I gotta get cool somehow.” Brendan ungracefully pulled down his black shorts, sticky with sweat, revealing his bare, sculpted calves to Dan. More importantly, and shockingly to Dan, Brendan was wear a skimpy white jockstrap with a gray waistband, his massive package soaked in sweat and barely contained by the fabric. Brendan’s bubble ass jutted out, too, barely contained by thin white straps. Dan’s rational, “this is wrong, my friend shouldn’t been acting this way in front of me” brain was quickly losing the battle to the curious and aroused brain. Panicked he would do something embarrassing and out of character, he stammered, “Hey, maybe we should hit the shower?” He quickly gulped down some cold protein shake and held the bottle awkwardly down in front of his crotch to try to cover his stiffening tent in his own workout shorts. ”For sure,” said Brendan. “Let me show you to the bathroom.” Dan immediately realized his miscalculation as Brendan led the way upstairs to his room, treating Dan to a full view of his jock strapped muscle ass, perfectly sculpted, smoothly shaved with just the right bit of hair sticking out of his cheeks. Dan could swear he could even see Brendan’s heavy package swaying between his and they climbed the stairs and turned to corner into Brendan’s bedroom. Dan struggled to keep his boner in check. He just had to make it a little further. Now in the bedroom, Brendan opened the door to the master bathroom and stepped inside. “I’ll just be a minute,” he said, leaving the door cracked behind him. The shower started and Dan breathed a little relief, sitting down on Brendan’s king sized bed. Only a minute later, Brendan emerged, the shower still running. “Sorry man, where are my manners? I should be letting you get clean first.” He mercifully had a towel wrapped around his waist, allowing Dan to maintain some degree of control over his stiffening cock. Dan quickly slipped by into the bathroom. He shut the door tightly behind him. The bathroom was large, with a longer counter covered with various bathroom toiletries, but one thing in particularly seemingly was calling out to Dan. There, on the counter just next to the sink and left of an electric razor in it’s charging cradle was a wet, sweaty jockstrap. Dan almost screamed at his luck that Brendan left this behind for him. He ripped off his shorts and underwear, springing free his 5” cock. He wanted to do everything to this jockstrap- smell it, wear it, rub it all over himself- he wanted to inhabit the smell entirely. He thrust it into his face, covering it completely with the sweat drenched pouch. He grabbed his cock with his other hand, firmly grasping it and letting go of his control. Lightly moaning now, he grew intoxicated by Brendan’s aroma, rubbing the jock up and down his chest, into his crotch and armpits, and back up to his face. His dick was hard as a steel rod; Dan had never felt anything like this before. He glimpsed at himself in the bathroom mirror briefly, staring into his own blue eyes and he saw his mouth covered by a jock, his short light brown hair matted down with sweat itself. Dan was so into it, now, jerking himself as he continued to inhale, fully immersed in pleasure that he failed to hear the sound of the bathroom door opening. “Well now,” said Brendan. “Looks like you’re having fun!” Dan froze. Busted. His face covered still by the jock, he hid behind it in shame as he turned in the direction of his friend’s voice. Slowly, and with great fear, he lowered it and opened his eyes to see Brendan, a mountain of muscle, standing before him with his hands on his hips and a rock hard, 10” long, nearly 2” wide cock of his own. ”Come here you little stud,” Brendan said. Dan leapt into his arms, now fully encased in a muscly grip. Brendan presses his forehead against Dan and held his face between his massive hands. “So you like what you smell, huh boy?” Dan nodded. Brendan’s cock just barely grazed up against Dan’s. “Well let’s have some fun,” he grunted. Brendan plunged his mouth onto Dan’s, kissing him passionately. For Dan, who had never before done this with a guy, the feeling of Brendan’s tongue in his mouth felt strange. Though he had kissed women before, Brendan was more aggressive, more forceful. Dan felt like he could relax for one, and let the bigger man have his way with him. He closed his eyes and let Brendan begin to take control even more, as Brendan brought the full weight of his muscular body against Dan, pushing him backwards against the tile wall of the bathroom. Brendan slurped his tongue in Dan’s mouth, releasing only to playfully taunt him. “I could tell you were squirming at the sight of me even when we were working out.” Brendan reached down and grabbed Dan’s cock, feeling its modest warm length. “Not terrible,” he said slyly. “But it’s hard to understand why you’d be called ‘Dan the Man’ with a piece like this. “Me on the other hand...” He grabbed his own cock and aligned its shaft with Dan’s, proving it was nearly twice as long. Dan loved feeling the length of his cock pressed fully against his friend’s hot meaty schlong. For Brendan, this was an incredible display of dominance; to so clearly impress his larger endowment against Dan’s made him swell with bestial masculine pride. He wrapped his hand around both cocks and began jerking together. Dan, now feeling the entire weight and body hear of Brendan’s muscled frame, returned his attention to the musky smell that got him into this in the first place. Now, with his face positioned just next to Brendan’s pit, he smelled an even greater concentration of testosterone laced pheromones being emitted from Brendan’s hairy armpit. He meekly pushed Brendan’s bicep upward and tilted his head toward the pit, putting his face right next to the faucet, so to speak. “Oh, you like that, do you? Yeah, you loved my jock, ya little freak,” moaned Brendan. “Why not go right to the source though?” He pulled away from Dan now, grabbing the smaller man’s shoulders and pushing him down to his knees. Now face to face with Brendan’s crotch, Dan nearly whimpered in excitement. “You want to smell my crotch, dude?” grunted Brendan. Dan nodded. “No, I wanna hear you say it, dude. Little straight boy Dan, you want daddy Brendan’s cock?” This evidently was enough goading to get Dan to completely share his thoughts on Brendan. “Fuck yeah dude. The minute I saw you I had to know what my bro from high school had been up to. I’m fuckin’ jealous dude. A year ago we were right there at the same stats as each other and you just exploded. And I don’t know what the hell you awakened in me, but I fucking NEED this. I want to BE you but I want to feel everything you have to give too. Now give me that fucking man meat.” Dan lunged forward as Brendan thrust his cock into Dan’s face, smearing the whole length of his meaty tool all over Dan’s wanting cheek and face. The smell was intoxicating; but Dan was starting to get the taste, too. He wrapped his lips around Brendan, fully feeling dominated in the process. He wondered how Brendan must feel, using him like this. On his end, he loved feeling submissive for once. Feeling like his entire purpose was to serve Brendan’s masculine primal urges. As Brendan thrust his cock further into Dan’s throat, he fell into a rhythm of slobbering and sucking deeply on his friend’s 10 incher. Sweet, but salty precum began to leak into his mouth as Dan gagged deeper and deeper on cock, jerking himself feebly in the process. He felt Brendan’s cock pulsing and throbbing, getting closer and closer to emptying the load from his full balls all over and into Dan. God, what would the load feel like, he thought. He tried to imagine it - it would be like the ultimate domination, being sprayed and coated with Brendan’s essence. Would he ever be big enough or manly enough to return the favor? Brendan had done it, so could he? As he thought about this, Brendan quietly slipped his cock out of Dan’s mouth. Brendan started jerking, pointing his tool right at Dan’s open mouth. “Dan dude,” he said seriously. “I cum a lot. Like.... a freakish amount. Just a warning.” Dan nodded and jerked himself off too, the anticipation of Brendan’s “freakish” load weighing heavy in his mind. Maybe it would be- But the floodgates opened right there. Brendan howled, roared, grunted, all at once, unleashing a torrent of cum straight at the ready and willing Dan. A few shots hit him straight in the mouth, some going down his throat and the rest dribbling down his chin and onto his chest. It felt awesome, of course- hot, thick, and of course, bearing the same musky smell as all the rest of Brandon. Dan felt shot after shot fly off Brendan’s cock, getting everywhere; into his mouth, on his chest, on the floor and even onto Dan’s own cock as he jerked. He lost count by now- what was it, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen?! His mind descended into bliss, his own cock slick with saliva and Brendan’s cum, finally shooting his own load onto the floor as his body crumpled under fatigue and bliss into the puddle of cum on the bathroom floor. “Fuck, Dan,” said Brendan, spent and breathing heavily. “Well, now you’re a part of it too.”
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