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  1. londonboy

    The Strong Shy Type

    I pulled on the handle at the front door of my house, forgetting it was locked, and the entire thing came screeching off in my hand. Hinges ripped apart, lock mechanisms were torn to shreds, the wood frame splintered into tiny fragments, and chunks of broken cement fell on the porch around me. I immediately felt like crying. In my haste to get inside I had forgotten the change. In my moment of total frustration my hand also squeezed the steel nob into an unrecognizable glob of destroyed junk. This made me want to sob even more. I calmly leaned the door against what remained of its frame and sat down right where I was. I just couldn’t take any more. I didn’t want to move, I didn’t want to touch anything, and I certainly didn’t want to have super strength anymore. Let me rewind to the beginning. I’m an accountant – just a simple accountant at a huge firm downtown. I have a meticulously ordered cubicle and I do my job from nine to five without causing anyone grief. I definitely never draw attention to myself. I am a friend of Reed in the cubicle next to me and I sometimes speak to Doris who answers the phones. I inherited my parents home after my mother died two years ago and I maintain a simple life as organized as my cubicle. I don’t venture out of my daily schedule, I don’t talk to strangers, and I liked my life very much until a few days ago. Some people may say all of this sounds sad and pathetic, but it was heaven to me. I am not what you would call a ‘people person’ and I enjoy everything in my life being patterned with familiarity. I graduated top of my class in business school and I have served my firm well for almost ten years. All of this harmony and contentment ended last Thursday. I was walking home from the Bergermont Station – the station I have walked home from for almost ten years and was not veering off my normal and trusted path - that is, until I came upon road construction that made me detour down an unfamiliar street. I was quite bothered by this unforeseen intrusion in my plans and knew it would delay me getting home for about five minutes. I found this quite frustrating, but realized it was unavoidable. The street was cluttered with heavy machinery and there were caution signs and temporary concrete dividers positioned everywhere. I quickly noticed that the street was deserted and as I tried to look through covered fencing to see what was being built, I stepped onto a piece of plywood that had been placed over a large hole. There was no warning sign and no detour barriers had been placed in appropriate places to force people to walk around the hole. As soon as my full weight was placed on the center of the piece of wood it jostled slightly and then fell – yes, fell down into the hole, taking me with it. The first thought that came to mind when I hit the bottom was that m delay was going to be a tad longer than planned. I fell on my butt as soon as the plywood hit the bottom of the hole. I didn’t hurt myself and when I looked up I immediately saw the problem – the board placed across the hole was clearly smaller than the opening itself. I stood up and peered upward, realizing that I was about nine to ten feet below street level. I tried to dust off my pants and thought about how hard it would be to get reddish mud stains out of clothes. It then dawned on me that I might not be able to climb out of the hole. The walls were basically a mixture of smooth rock and hard dirt. I quickly thought about using the board in some way, but noticed that the thing was now tightly wedged in the confined space at the bottom. I looked upward again and immediately noticed a black pipe halfway embedded in the dirt and rock on one side – about six feet up. I am five feet eight inches tall so I knew it was possible for me to grab hold of the cylinder and pull myself up. I found a loose stone in one of the corners and used it to knock some of the dirt from around the tube so I could get a good grip. When that task was done, I made sure my satchel was secure around my shoulder and then I gripped the pipe and tried to pretend like I had done pull-ups for most of my life. I only weighed one forty so how hard could it be. It took me two tries before I even got my chest above the pipe – mainly because I had no upper body strength whatsoever. It is amazing what desperation can cause in a person’s body and I actually got my head near the top of the hole on the third try, but that is when the pipe chose to burst. I guess my weight was too much for the thing. It came apart at one of the joints and this sent me falling back to the ground. It also caused lime green slush to come streaming out of the pipe all over me. I felt like I was being slimed as if I was on one of those children’s networks I sometimes caught when flipping through channels. I instinctively closed my eyes and shut my mouth as soon as I felt the slushy stuff hit my head and start oozing down over my body. I also jumped up and moved out of the way. I wiped my eyes and then opened them to see gallons of the green goo streaming into the hole. For a brief moment I thought about how this was going to ruin the good shirt I was wearing, the nice slacks I had on, and my favorite shoes I had chosen that morning. My disappointment was brief, however, when I realized that the slime filling the hole was actually my saving grace. By this point the green gunk was well past my shins and I realized the hole was going to fill up quickly. The stuff was thin enough for me to tread in place when it got as high as my head and I’d just allow it to help my body rise to the top. It was only at that moment when I realized how terrible the slush smelled. It wasn’t like a sewer odor – it was more like chemicals. I tried breathing through my mouth to help a little, but that only seemed to irritate my insides. I just held my breath for long moments and then stole quick inhales. It was when my head was about two feet from the top of the hole when I realized my satchel was not over my shoulder. It dawned on me that it must have fell off when I dropped from the pipe. Since it contained my wallet, my phone, and the work I was bringing home I did the only logical thing – I dove into the green paste and blindly searched for it on the bottom. When I finally grasped it I quickly swam back to the top and realized I was able to now easily grab the edge and slide out of the hole. I also noticed the liquid had stopped rising – clearly there wasn’t anything still pumping into the space. I looked down at my body and realized I now looked like a gooey mess. The liquid didn’t seem to hold its green color after I emerged from the hole and I found that a blessing as I started walking home. I noticed two hazard signs attached to folding barricades and also a couple of orange pylons. I took the time to place those items around the hole before I left. I didn’t want anyone else to have the misfortune of falling in. As I placed the final pylon I looked back down and was shocked to see that the green goop was gone – it had obviously evaporated or seeped into the ground. I could not believe it had disappeared that quickly. I then made my way home carefully, not wanting to bump into anyone and have to explain my messy look. When I arrived home I immediately went to take a shower. When I stepped into the bathroom I glanced in the mirror and saw that my clothes were completely normal looking. They were totally dry and wrinkle-free. As a matter of fact, I thought they looked better than before I fell in the hole. I glanced down at my shoes and was shocked to see them sparkling like they had been professionally shined. I still thought it best for me to take a shower – even though it was not part of my evening routine. As soon as the water hit my body I felt a slight stinging wherever it landed, as if the water were too hot or I was sunburned. I turned up the cold water but the liquid still hurt a little. I didn’t really think anything about it – mainly because I wanted to clean myself completely – but when I stepped back in front of the mirror my body was as red as a lobster. I thought it was just the bathroom lighting until I pressed on my arm with a few fingers and it was briefly much whiter in that spot after I removed them. My body didn’t hurt at that point, so I just assumed it was because I scrubbed so hard to get myself clean. I finished in the bathroom and decided I could allow myself to go ahead and get in my pajamas since I had been through so much. I was ecstatic to fall back into my familiar routine for the evening and I quickly fixed my dinner and settled down to watch the two episodes of Downton Abbey saved on my DVR. Before I went to sleep that night I chewed two antacids as I always did – as a precautionary step – and then I made sure my alarm clock was set, I placed my glasses on the side table, I turned on the nightlight, and then I settled down for a peaceful sleep – happy to have this day ending. My night, however, did not go as planned. First off, there were the nightmares. I don’t usually dream at all, or if I do I don’t remember, but that night my visions as I slept were all about change – things not being where I placed them, addresses being messed up, receiving phone calls not meant for me, and talking to people I didn’t know. I woke up twice during the night and was literally sweating from anxiety over what was going on in my head. I was also extremely hot. The second time I woke up I decided to do something I had never done before. I took off my dam pajamas and slept in only my briefs – without even a blanket or sheet covering my body. At first it felt terrible and I couldn’t go back to sleep – probably because of guilt or shame, I think - but finally it felt so good that I drifted back to a heavy sleep. As usual I woke up before the alarm went off, I reached for my glasses and put them on – and couldn’t see a thing. It was all blurry. I thought for a second they were just dirty or foggy. I took them off to clean them and my vision immediately cleared. It was the wildest thing. I looked over at the clock and I could read it perfectly – something I hadn’t been able to do in years. I reached over to push down the button to turn off the soon-to-be buzzing alarm and I must have caught the thing wrong – because the entire clock just shattered to pieces. I was so caught off guard by the freak accident. The entire mechanism just broke into thousands of fragments that shot out everywhere. I panicked a little and bent down quickly to pull the plug from the wall so there wouldn’t be live wires on the table. I was so disturbed by the intrusion into my morning I decided I would clean the mess later on. I also could not believe how hungry I was. I felt that the first thing I should do was get breakfast – even though that was usually the last thing I did. I also shocked myself by choosing not to put on my pajamas. I just felt like being nude – something totally different for me. I knew it sounded strange, but as I slipped out onto the floor I felt that my queen-sized bed was smaller than usual. I shook it off and went out to the hallway. As I moved from the bedroom it felt a little odd going through the doorway – something was a little off but I couldn’t figure out what it was. Again, I just decided to ignore it – mainly because my stomach was now growling loudly. As I passed the fridge in the kitchen it seemed like the appliance was shorter than I remembered. That was a bizarre thing to notice. I flipped the switch to start the coffee maker and then went to the fridge. When I grabbed the handle of the stainless steel Frigidaire and pulled the thing came off in my hand. The blasted thing had been loose for a while, so I wasn’t really surprised. I then looked down and saw that the screws holding the handle to the door were actually snapped in two. I became a little angry at the poor workmanship – knowing that my extended warranty would pay for the repair, but it was still a nuisance. I reached out and placed my fingers around the top of the door to pull it out – noticing that I was actually looking down at what I was doing. I was still shocked that the fridge seemed so short. My morning mind was playing tricks on me. I tugged pretty hard and the entire door came off in my hand. I let out a small yell as soon as I was standing there with the entire right door of my doublewide refrigerator dangling in the air by my one hand. I started thinking about going back to bed since the morning was getting off to such a bad start. Instead of dealing with the broken door at that moment I decided to just push the thing back into place, knowing it would stay put because of the lining around the door. I made a mental note to call the repairman as soon as I got to work. I decided it was a toast morning and I grabbed a couple slices of bread and put it in the toaster – intentionally being careful with the smaller appliance since I didn’t want anything else to go wrong. When I grabbed my favorite coffee mug from the cupboard I was caught off guard how different it felt in my hand. I typically used two hands to hold my extra large Star Trek cup, but today I was halfway through my first round of caffeine when I realized I was handling it easily with one hand. As a matter of fact it looked smaller than I ever remembered. I clicked on the television to watch CNN and ended up having six pieces of toast. I was just that hungry. I was actually still hungry after the last piece, but I knew I needed to get ready for work. Going back into the bedroom I definitely got the feeling that something was very different about the doorway – it just felt thinner and lower for some reason. I worried for a few minutes I might have a fever and it was causing ‘fun house’ hallucinations, but then I realized I actually felt really, really good – fantastic, as a matter of fact. I stepped into the bathroom and stood right up against the counter top – knowing I’d need to be close since I didn’t have my glasses on. When I looked into the mirror I could have sworn the world stopped spinning and my heart stopped beating. The first thing I noticed was I couldn’t see my face. The top of the mirror was too low – something that couldn’t be. I stepped back out of necessity, but as I did I got my first glimpse of something that made me immediately think of the green goo I had fallen in the day before. I was floored by my reflection in the mirror. It took me a good three minutes to sort through all of the emotions flowing through my head – shock, disgust, wonder, being freaked out, and then back to shock. My thin little body – the body I had come to trust and adore – was no longer there. Instead, staring back at me in the mirror was the body of some muscle bound behemoth. As shocked as I was about my new huge physique, I immediately thought about the alarm clock, the doorframe, and the refrigerator. Those had not been freak accidents. Those had not been faulty appliances. Those had not been feverish hallucinations. I was now almost as wide as my doorways and my head missed the top of the frame by maybe six inches. I used to have to almost stand on my tip toes just to place my palm on the top of the frame – now my messed up morning hair actually brushed against it. I looked down at my arm and my hand and I knew instantly that the accidents with the alarm clock, the fridge handle, and the door itself weren’t chance mishaps. I had done all of those things easily because I now looked like that guy who played the Incredible Hulk on that old television series – and later was on King of Queens. I couldn’t think of his name at the moment and it bugged the crap out of me. I went through the alphabet quickly to see if any letter would help ring a bell and make me remember the guy’s name. I think I was actually doing anything possible to not have to face what was staring back at me from the mirror. I just couldn’t fathom that I had grown into this giant hulk reflected before me. It just wasn’t possible, but then I remembered the green slime in the hole at the construction site. I knew it had something to do with my changes. I knew… Lou Ferrigno. His name is Lou Ferrigno. Man, I was so glad that I thought of his name. That was going to bug me all day at work. WORK!!! I felt like I was about to have a panic attack and I actually stopped for a moment to think about whether huge bodybuilders ever had panic attacks. It seemed to me that if you were as big as I was now you didn’t really have anything to panic about. I then started thinking about how big men like the one in the mirror usually made me very uncomfortable and most of the time I went out of my way to avoid meeting or talking to them. I didn’t go to gyms and I certainly didn’t play sports. A huge bear-like guy had tried to pick me up at a bar once and it had caused me to completely stop going to gay bars. I was so sure that he would have taken me home and killed me – even unintentionally. He could have just rolled over on top of me in his sleep and his tremendously huge body would have crushed me. But now I had that tremendously huge body. I shook my head hard when I realized I had gotten off track again. I returned to my pseudo panic attack about work. There was only one thing to do. I had to call in sick. That was something I had never done in the almost ten years I had been at the firm. I started to rationalize why I shouldn’t call in sick and how I could actually go to the office and try to avoid everyone all day. Two things, however, made that plan the most foolish thing I had ever thought – one, I certainly had no clothes that could come close to fitting the body that I now possessed and two, how in the world was I going to hide what looked to be a six foot six inch and certainly over three hundred pound body in a cubicle. What kind of drugs was I taking to even consider going in? I stepped into the bedroom and went to the landline on my bedside table. I was so overwhelmed by the situation that I picked up the cordless receiver and held it a little too tightly. Before I could even turn my hand towards me so I could dial the number I crushed the thing to smithereens without even trying. I opened my palm wider and fragments of the demolished receiver fell to the floor. It looked like someone had driven over it with a car. I stopped for a moment and focused – telling myself that I needed to be more careful when I was handling anything. I went to my dresser and picked up my cellular phone lightly. I also pushed the touch screen softly, noticing how hard it was to operate the phone since I now had giant fingers. It took me three times to finally dial the number correctly. I got my supervisor’s voice mail. When I started speaking I immediately stopped and freaked out – the voice was not mine. It was deeper and much more masculine sounding than anything I had ever heard. I erased the first part and started over, using the bass sounding tone to help give the impression that I was truly sick. I had never lied to my supervisor and I’m not sure I was too convincing. I hoped that the way I sounded would actually say a lot more than the words I left. After I hung up I went over to the bed and sat down, noticing that my knees came way up in the air since I was now so tall. I just needed a few minutes to let everything sink in. It was just a little too much to be happening at one moment. My well-ordered life was being interrupted and I didn’t like it. That’s when I finally took stock of what my new body really looked like – and it started with my trusted friend ‘Willy.’ So, yes, I was one of those guys that named his penis. It all started with an old movie about an Orca whale. Every time I needed to find release I would tell myself it was time to “free Willy.” It probably had something to do with my embarrassment of using words like masturbation, orgasm, or hard-on. It just seemed easier to have a code name for my penis and the act of beating off. As I gazed down at my crotch I noticed that Willy had, indeed, been freed. He had grown so much that most of him now stuck out way beyond the confines of my briefs – and he wasn’t really fully excited. I really never looked at Willy that much – especially since he hadn’t been that impressive before now. Growing up I was painfully aware of how inadequate I was in that area of my body, so I just simply ignored it until the Saturday night ritual of freeing him was established in my late teens. I simply realized it was a natural need and I went about the task methodically and making sure everything was as sterile as can be. Now, however, I noticed that the Orca description more accurately fit what protruded from my crotch and stuck out past the boundaries of my now overextended briefs. The fat head of my penis looked almost as big as my fist – well, my old fist. It flared out wide and full like a giant mushroom, which had a very thick and extremely long stalk. The term ‘log’ jumped into my mind as I looked at the profuse base underneath the head. I immediately pushed that thought out of my head finding it crude and inappropriate – I liked to use correct words for body parts – but it kept creeping back into my mind as I looked at Willy. I stood up and shoved my underwear down – gasping a little when the size of my thighs made the cotton material split on both sides and the remains fell down, getting caught on my bulging calves. Once Willy was truly freed he arched out from my new body like the long neck of a diplodocus dinosaur. I was slightly mesmerized by the giant thing and made it bounce a little by tightening my crotch muscles. The size and sudden awareness of the weight of my new humongous testicles caused me to move away from Willy. I was immediately embarrassed by my fascination with my newly enlarged member and felt that it was beneath me to stay focused on that area. I decided to, instead, peruse my new abdominals. I had never used a washboard and I had previously never understood the reference to a man’s stomach, but suddenly it made perfect sense. I saw that I could clearly have gone down to some river and cleaned a few baskets full of laundry on the ridges that now made up my mid-section. I realized on a subconscious level that it was extremely hard for me to see my full stomach because of my now colossal pectoral muscles, but I was too focused on the bottom part of my – what was it some people called it, oh yes – six pack to acknowledge anything else. The crevice down the middle of my tummy made the thickly muscled bumps on either side stand out more. Without even knowing where the instinct came from I tensed my lower torso and the washboard bulged out even more. I did it a few more times just to marvel at how I could control that part of my body for the first time. I had always been pretty thing, but that particular part of my body had been very smooth and uninspiring. I caught myself having negative thoughts about my old body and I immediately shut down that part of my brain. Yes, my stomach muscles were now what you might call ‘chiseled,’ but that was no reason to not like the old me. I had been very happy in my life until falling into the hole the day before and I didn’t like what the changes were doing to my psyche. However, when I let my attention finally focus on my chest I briefly lost control again. I felt like I was looking down two giant ski slopes running side by side, but the paths seemed to go straight out for a while and then drop off like sheer cliffs. I could actually feel how much thickness there was in each pectoral muscle and how heavy that made them. Again, without even knowing what caused me to know how to even do it, I began to make each half of my giant chest bounce up and down. I felt Willy jerk to attention a little as I gazed at each humongous side swell upward and then fall back down. When one of my pectoral muscles would balloon up I would get a quick glance at the hardened nipple jutting out from the edge and it surprised me when the thrill the sight caused actually made the thick piece of dark flesh perk up even more. Both nipples looked like fingers pointing out from my immense chest. I took a huge gulp of air just to watch my pectoral muscles swell to a previously unfathomable size. I then noticed the tip of Willy poking straight out – far enough for me to see it clearly in the deep valley in the middle of my chest. The sight of the huge log fully hard unsettled me – it made me realize I was letting my urges get the best of me. Suddenly I needed to find clothes to cover my body – and find them fast. I was beginning to view myself in a way that was just not right – not how I wanted to act. This was all indecent and I was not that kind of man. I behaved according to the norms of society and giving into any lust-filled moment was just not proper behavior for a gentleman. The sight of my pulsating giant cockhead as I glanced back down, however, made my body tingle so much that I again forgot about being a gentleman. How on earth did something so nasty look so unbelievably hot? Thinking the word ‘hot’ snapped me out of my uncharacteristic desire for my own now-huge penis. I did not use such words to describe myself. I actually never used such words at all. I stood up and went to my dresser, pulling open drawers like a mad man. I grabbed a pair of briefs and bent down to pull them on. As soon as I got just above my knees – having stopped for a few seconds to marvel at the size of my bulging calves – my underwear snapped apart loudly as I attempted to pull it up over my humongous thighs. I didn’t even get halfway up my upper legs before the material just ripped down the seams on both sides and went flying a few feet away because of the elastic. It all happened so fast that I was caught off guard and didn’t realize what had caused the destruction. I almost reached in to grab another pair, but then it began to dawn on me that my legs had simply become too big for my ‘old me’ underwear. I was beginning to think that my entire body had become too big for my ‘old me’ life.
  2. Hi everyone!!! Hope you enjoy my new story. Ive actually written the entire thing as one long story, but I'm going to break it up into portions since it will be much easier to read that way. Hope you like it. I got the concept from guy Ive been chatting with on here, Mr Alice, and then just let my horny post-workout self do the rest. I have two endings... one that is crazier then the other, but still not sure which one I'm going to post. We'll see!! Enjoy!! I Want What I Want Part One *** Top Secret *** Official Transcript of recording found at Ground Zero: New York State. For clarity and ease to the reader, moments where only action takes place as well as lapses in time will be notated. Although encrypted, this file MUST be deleted once reading is completed. When the full examination of recordings has been finished, you may request to view it. approval will be made on an as needed basis. Time Stamp - Start of Recording. Friday February 15, 2019 7:19 pm. Professor Grant Jennings: Okay. Hi. I figured this might be quickest and easiest way to get the information out. What I’ve helped unleash on the world... the destruction... the deaths... I don’t know how to stop it... I can’t stop it, so I’m hoping someone, with the help of this recording might be able to... but I doubt it. Maybe I’m simply doing this to ease my own conscious. That’s probably most likely what this is. Please know I’m not a horrible person. That’s not how this started. I wanted to help. I really did. All I’ve ever wanted to do was help. I’m going to edit together all of the recordings I took, and in some instances where no recordings are available, I’ll simply have to tell you what happened. You’ll have to trust me that all of it is true. Why would I start lying now? This is being filmed on my IPhone, but it will also be instantly imported to my cloud drive. My name is Grant Jennings, and at 37 I’m the youngest, and in my humble opinion, the most brilliant designer and programmer of nanotechnology living at the moment. Living... As you may know... or maybe you don’t, there has been many advancements in DNA or gene editing but on very small levels. Malcolm Kind Laboratories, who had become aware of my work with genome editing or gene editing nanotechnology, had hired me right out of Grad School. The work I had been performing with MKL has been in perfecting technology to promote the growth of missing or ill formed limbs, skin, and in some cases, internal organs. It was all a dangerous and highly guarded project that anyone at MKL would have denied even existed. We had incredible success on mice, monkeys, and finally on a gorilla where we were able to regrow more then half of its body. It was going great at MKL, but a little too slow and safe for me. I’ve never been a very good team player, and the idea of working for a lab bothered me somewhat, but the money they supplied had enabled me to have quicker advances then I had even shared with them. If they wanted real progress, they’d needed to break into my office in the basement of my home; that was where real magic was happening. Unfortunately, my boss was well aware of that. I was first summoned to Malcolm Kind’s office in NYC two years after my initial work had begun. I’ll skip all that you know about Malcolm Kind. Yeah, he was the richest man living, yeah he could be a tough business man, but I never saw that side. What I did see was a man scared of death... and when we met, he was indeed dying. His body was riddled with cancer, and all the finest doctors in the world gave him less then five months to live. ** An explosion rocks the camera and sends Dr. Jennings to the floor. The lights flicker on and off for a moment, but then come back on ** DJ: I have to hurry. Okay. All you need to know was MK was dying and he wanted my help. In exchange of a sum... a large sum... he wanted me to use him as the first human Guinea pig using my technology. He didn’t just want the cancer destroyed... he wanted all of his internal organs renewed... reinvigorated. And to make a long story short... I was able to do it. In a fairly short period, all of MK’s internal organs were that of a healthy twenty year old. Money and science had helped him beat cancer and partially beat the hands of time. Unfortunately, that didn’t stop him from being killed in a skiing accident one year later. That is where Benjamin Kind enters the picture. Three weeks after the funeral of his father, Benjamin summoned me to his father’s mansion outside the city. I had never met Benjamin before, but had heard of him as the much loved but much misguided only son of the trillionare. We met in the library over coffee, and after a few formalities with the 34 year old, he came right down to business. “My father,” he said, “trusted you with his life. He told me everything that you did for him... and I’m forever grateful that you were able to help him in the way that you did. Now that he’s gone... I also want your help... but more in a vanity project sort of way.” “ At this moment I’m the richest man alive. I have everything I could ever want, except one thing: an incredible body. My father didn’t pass on the best genes. As you can see, I’m short, overweight, balding, and have awful skin. I’m willing to give you 60 million to change all of that. Make me into what I want to be.“ I remained quiet while he talked, not that he gave me a chance to get a word in anyway, but the thought of 60 million dollars??!! I could finally do what I wanted to do. I could help my family... assist brilliant kids who didn’t have the resources for good schools or higher education. I could do so much with 60 million... “I blame my parents for my shortcomings. They should have been wiser with who they reproduced with for the sake of the race, but unfortunately they hadn’t thought about that. So, it’s up to you and I to fix all of their mistakes. You have the brains, and I have the money.” “So... Where would I want you to start? You’re a guy so it probably will only take you one second to guess what the first trial I want to be. I’ve been dreaming of this for years... I’m going to be honest with you, Grant. My cock is nothing but small to average. It’s about 4 inches in length and 2” in girth when erect. When soft, it isn’t even worth measuring it’s so small. So, I want you to change that.” Benjamin has been pacing around the room while he was talking, but now he sat next to me... so close I could smell the coffee on his breath. “In my pants, Grant, I want a real ass ripper. I want the kind of cock that would make another guy stop and think twice maybe three times whether or not he wants me to go through with the act of letting me fuck him. My cock would make it nearly impossible for a guy to give me a blow job because the head itself is just so damn thick!! No matter what I wear, my VPL is always visible, and wearing a speedo or even square cuts is impossible due to there not being enough fabric to cover my meat and balls!! I want a cock where, when I step up to a urinal, I stand back so everyone can catch a good glimpse of my massive horse meat and let loose a stream that would make a fire hose jealous. I have enough money not to care what the world thinks… and I want to be a freak of nature… you have no idea how freakish I want to be… and my cock will be the starting point.” “Two years ago I found this picture online... “ Benjamin pulled out his phone and scrolled through it until he found the picture he wanted to show me. “I think it was on Tumblr, when they could show such things... It’s my dream cock. It’s obviously morphed and doctored, but it’s length and girth and... sheer power is simply incredible. I must have jerked off a thousand times to this picture just imagining what it would feel like having it between my legs... feel it’s pull when soft... feel how heavy it is when hard. Yeah...only something like this will do for me. I want you to give me this.” He stopped talking and waited for my response. “Mr Kind...” “Ben. Please.” “Ben... of course it’s possible. It’s just... I’ve never...” “You never rebuilt a whole man’s insides, but you could do that for my father. You’re a brilliant man...” “Thank you... it’s just...” “60 million transferred into your account right after this is done... and then One hundred and fifty million, transferred after you give me the body I want. What do you say?” What do you say to that? You say yes!! 60 million to give a guy a huge cock he’s fantasized about, and then 150 to give him a great body? Who would ever say no to that? What harm was there in giving him what he wants? Now you all are paying for my greed… “Great!! We’ll start tonight. I’ve had portions of the lab closed and everything you’ll need transferred into the basement. I also took the liberty of having your clothes and personal items brought to the house so you can start prepping everything that will be needed.” “How did you know I was going to say yes?” “ I wasn’t going to give you the option of saying no.” That night, I infused Ben’s body with 15,000 microscopic and computerized “viruses” that would invade and alter his system as required. It was a long process for him to sit on his ass as the drip delivered 15 million dollars worth of technology induced fluids into his system. Yes. 15 million dollars, but that was a drop in the bucket for MKL. They’ll easily be able to get that money back come tax time... if there ever is a tax time again...I tried to distract him with Netflix, but he continually found it difficult to sit still. Four hours after the initial delivery began, and the last drop of LRS was in his system, I brought the ‘bots’ online. Although it was late, Ben wanted to continue with the first trial, but the ‘bots’ needed to map his entire body first. That was completed around 5:00 am the next morning. Here is what it looked like. ** Dr Jennings moves the IPhone. On a computer screen are two images. One is a naked 3D rendering of Benjamin Kind’s body. The other is another rendering, this one showing the interior: bones, veins, organs, etc. ** Fucking amazing, isn’t it??!! Even to me it’s scary how accurate it is. The ‘bots’ had gone through every mm of his body, reading and processing his DNA, body mass, bone density, organ size and density, until they had a complete working map. As he looked at it the next day, all Ben could do was comment how easy it was to see his flaws reflected on the screen back at him. That afternoon, preparing for our first trial run, I went through the diagnostics to verify that all of the ‘bots’ were still online and ready for their commands. Everything appeared to be in working order, and all of the bots were signaling back to the host which meant everything was online. Perfect. After that, I took the image Ben had given me of that massive cock and balls and dragged the picture from my desktop into the upload portion of the program. Once the picture was imported, I let the program know exactly what organ it was so it would be able to properly judge proportions when it created the 3-D image. This program I had been working on at home could take any image of a body part, map it, create a 3D rendering, and come up with the DNA it would require to create it... alter the users original system to accept it as if it was always its own... and grow it. In this program, I had a library of approximately 50,000 different body parts to pick and choose from, or you could upload a specific one. This library could also help to build a proper image even if you only have a front or side view using the examples in the library. We only had a front shot of that cock, but once the program knew what it was, it was able to put the pieces together and create the complete thing. I’ll show you a picture of it. ** Dr Jennings positions the IPHONE in-front of the computer screen. ** There you have it. The 3D image of Ben’s monster cock. The statistics put it at 12.8 inches by 7 with the glans being 3” long and a whopping 8” thick. A thick finger-sized vein runs up the right side of it, with additional sizeable ones branching off of it. The testicles were simply enormous as well, about the size of kiwis. It’s was massive... so sizeable that... fuck... would Ben think it was too much even for him?? No way!! It was exactly what he always wanted... what he had dreamed of. But first, he required some alterations to be made.... to improve upon it. First he had me edit the function of both testes to ensure they produced a nearly unthinkable amount of both pre and cum. He wanted to be leaking like a faucet when hard and blowing like a volcano when he ejaculated. Okay. That was easy to program. Then I took the cock rendering and had it merged it with his DNA. Moments later, it showed up on his 3-D rendering. As soon as Ben saw it, he began hopping up and down like a kid at Christmas. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck yes!!! Look at that!!! Fuck!!! I want that soooo bad!!! That cock and balls will be the most ultimate part of my body... as if the rest of me didn’t grow because it was too busy growing this GodCock!! Fuck it! That’s what I’m talking about!! Just... maybe a little bigger.” I shifted the size to make it 13.2x7.5 with a head 4x8.5. “Much better, Grant!! Love it more freakish!” Once he was happy with it, I had the computer write the command to alter his DNA to grow what he wanted. It took about 2 hours to process. Longer then I had anticipated, but the entire strand was finally complete. ** Dr Jennings points the IPHONE at the screen again ** As you can see from the updated 3D image, the muscles in his groin area had become enlarged to enable his new cock to stand at attention when hard. Also, and this was surprising, you can see when soft that it had a foreskin that was only able to cover about half of the head when soft. That hadn’t been programmed, which was strange, but being a guy who’s cut, Ben loved the idea of having foreskin. He thought it would be a new experience and one he was really looking forward to. Hell!! Having that whole massive cock and balls was going be a new experience for Ben, and one he couldn’t wait for. So... Ben wanted to know... what were we waiting for? The DNA code was prepared and the bots were ready to alter the strands already in his body. All I needed to do was type in the command and it was a go. With one command I did it. With one command I began the downfall of our planet. Every nonobot in Ben’s body was now working in tandem to alter his DNA and replace it with the one where he would possess that cock. I wasn’t sure how long it was going to take. The trial tests on animals took a few hours before visible signs of change were obvious, but never having done a full test run on a human made the timing an unknown. Ben was horny from the get go. He talked about wanted to jerk off right then and there, but he waited. “I never want to touch that little cock again. Soon I’ll be rid of that mistake and replace it with one fit for the man I’m gonna be.” Those were his very words. I remember them like they were yesterday. We waited and waited, Ben wondering if everything was working properly, and I kept informing him that it was. Finally at 11:38 pm, Ben let me know that something was starting to happen. For scientific purposes, I recorded the entire thing. Here it is. None of this footage has been altered. ** Here Dr Jennings has attached an additional file timestamped at 11:40 pm. Benjamin Kind is sitting on the couch of what is presumably the makeshift laboratory. He is naked. Sweat is beading on his forehead. He appears anxious and excited. ** ⁃ Describe what you’re feeling for me, Ben. ⁃ Okay. About ten minutes ago I started feeling a little something in my balls. I don’t know how to describe it... but it felt like an engine starting up. Now it’s only getting stronger. I feel like my balls are... ugh!! Damn that hurt. It’s really getting strong now. It feels like my balls are just churning away... filling up... getting heavier. If you look at them, they do look like they are slightly bigger in size. Not by much but a little. They... fuck!!! This is really starting to hurt now. The feel like their swelling... growing... Grant... look!!! My balls are!!! Fuck!!! They’re growing!!! Buddy!!! Look.. you can totally see that they are... Oh yeah!!! I’m... finding it harder to talk... I just feel so.... so horny. I don’t think I’ve ever been this fucking horny in my life!! Argh!! It hurts. It hurts a lot. It feels like I’m getting kicked in the groin... over and over again... but it also feels so good. I don’t know if you can understand... but it feels... fucking amazing. ⁃ I’m sure you can see, Grant, but my cock... it’s getting so hard. It’s never been this hard before in my life!!! And my balls... you can totally see now that they are much larger. They’re both pulling down on my sack. Blowing it up like a water balloon. ** Benjamin laughs as he winces in pain. ** ⁃ Who would have thought getting bigger balls would hurt so damn... FUCK!!!! Look at the size of these bad boys!! I can grip one of them with my hand. It’s like an XL egg right now. ** Benjamin Kind closes his eyes and starts to breathe heavily. ** ⁃ Fuck fuck Fuck!!! ** A large amount of pre-ejaculate squirts out of Ben’s penis. ** ⁃ Oh my God!!! That felt amazing!!! Shit!! It shot across the room!! ** Benjamin Kind laughs ** ⁃ I can already feel it building up again. Oh God!! Oh God!! Here it comes!! **. An even larger amount of pre-ejaculate squirts from Ben’s penis ** ⁃ Fuckin hell!! What the fuck is... AHHHH!! ** Benjamin grabs onto his penis as it shoots squirt after squirt of pre-ejaculate. This continues for 10 ejaculations. Still breathing heavy, Benjamin stands and begins to pace around the room ** ⁃ My cock and balls are growing!! I can’t fucking believe this... ⁃ Maybe you should sit down, Ben ⁃ This is almost too much... no! It’s not enough! I fuckin love it!! Here it comes again!!! ** Benjamin falls onto his knees and begins to moan loudly. Ben’s penis begins to squirt pre-ejaculate in larger and larger amounts until it begins to look like a constant stream. His penis continues to throb over and over, noticeably getting thicker. Benjamin wraps his hand around his penis and begins to stroke it. ** ⁃ I... can... hardly... speak... My balls are... sending out... a continuous river of pre! Is this... supposed to... happen... ⁃ Ben… come over here and sit down… This could be a complication from altering the testicles processes… ** Benjamin laughs while looks down at his penis and tries to control where it is spraying. ** ⁃ This is gonna... be a... bitch for the... servants...to... clean up... tomorrow!!! ** Benjamin laughs even more. He watches as he strokes his penis, smiling at the camera. ** ⁃ Can you see this, Grant?? Every time it squirts it’s getting thicker... FUCK!!! Oh yeah. It’s getting much thicker. I can feel it... argh!!! I can feel it... ** Benjamin’s penis abruptly stops flowing. ** ⁃ What the fuck?? Benjamin closes his eyes tight, starts to pant, and scrunches his whole face as he screams; His entire penis begins to swell like a water balloon at bursting point, when a massive amount of pre-ejaculate is suddenly emitted from his penis. This continues for nearly ten minutes of the recording.** ⁃ I can literally feel and hear the flesh ripping and repairing itself as it gets thicker and more eminence. My heart is beating so fast... more and more blood keeps getting pushed into my cock. Fuck!! Look at how thick it’s getting. I can hardly get my hand around it!! I fuckin love this, and I love the fact it’s only getting bigger!!! ⁃ Here it comes again... even stronger!!! My balls are churning more and more... I’ve never felt anything like this before. I can actually feel and hear my balls churning!!! Look at them!!! I don’t think I can even close my legs anymore... I... ** Benjamin grabs onto the couch as he begins to arch his back ** ⁃ It’s getting... so heavy!!! I can feel it starting to pull on my groin. It has to be at least 7 inches long now. Five more to go!!! Look at it!! So thick!! Hah!! I can’t even get my hand around it now at all!! Look at the space between my thumb and middle finger!! This would tear a guy up already... and it’s not even as thick as it’s gonna be. ⁃ This whole room stinks of bleach!! I don’t think there’s a surface I haven’t covered in pre. It just doesn’t stop coming! My body just keeps producing more and more... an endless supply... forcing my cock and balls to just keep growing. ⁃ You’re a fucking genius, Grant Look at this thing!!! Come on, baby!! Keep getting longer!! Keep getting... ⁃ FUCK!!!! ⁃ My cock head!! It feels like its gonna rip in two!! Blood just keeps getting pumped in, forcing it to swell. Argh!! The piss slip is starting to tear... getting so much longer as the head takes over the growth... getting so massive! I’ve never seen a head so meaty. The piss slit has gotten much longer... and keeps ripping to accommodate the size of my head. Look at me covering the head with my hand!! It’s thicker then my palm... so bulbous and still growing!! ⁃ Fuck!! A shot just went through my balls like lightning. It’s all happening so much faster now. My sack has nearly doubled in size to accommodate the two kiwis residing there. And my cock... two hands doesn’t even start to cover it!! ⁃ Growing so quickly now. One second it’s nine inches, then ten!! Keep growing!! Keep growing!! I’m becoming a total freak with a cock like this... but I love it!! Damn!! Where’s all the blood coming from to fill this thing??!! ⁃ I need to fuck! I need to fuck sooo bad. I need to fuck over and over again... I don’t think I’ll ever really be satisfied again! I’m going to always be constantly horny. ⁃ Here comes another surge!!! Here... it... FUCK!!!! Growing so... my voice?! What’s happened to my voice?! It sounds like it just dropped!! How can that... there!! It’s happened again!!! My voice is getting so deep... so masculine... sounds like it dropped an octave!!! so... FUCK!!! ⁃ I’m thicker then 2 Liter now... my voice just oozes sex!! I love it!! ⁃ My cock looks exactly like the picture!! Even two handed I barely cover it! ⁃ Something else is happening... my balls are churning more. Can you hear that?? So loud!!! My cock is nearly 13” and so thick!!! So... thick!!! My balls are even bigger then kiwis! Swelling even larger. No way I’m gonna hide any of this in trousers! I don’t think I’ve even got underwear that will fit this beast!! ⁃ So hard... so colossal... just looking at it makes me want to get fucked by it! I want to suck it... get fucked by it... over... and over... and over... ⁃ My cock and balls are pure sex. Fuck... I’m pure sex!! I think I’m... I’m gonna... balls churning more... I’m gonna blow... need release... need to empty these... ⁃ FUCK!!!!!!!! ** Benjamin Kind begins to ejaculate continuously for eight minutes. During this time his cock continues to lengthen and thicken even more, the head blowing up to unthinkable proportions. As his ejaculations begin to become less frequent, Benjamin keeps stroking his penis and laughing. When he speaks again, his voice rumbles in a deep bass. ** ⁃ It worked even better then we thought!! I’m even bigger then predicted. It’s thicker then my arm! I have the monster cock of my dreams!!! My voice!!! So deep... so sexy!! Like my cock!! I cum like a fire hose, and I’m as hard as a steel girder. It would take four of my hands to cover this cock!! You’re a fucking genius! And if you can do this... imagine what else you can do!! I can have the body I’ve always dreamt of. The existence I’ve always dreamed of. You’re gonna make my dreams come true, Grant. You’re gonna make me into a God!! ⁃ One step at a time, Ben. We need to look at why you’re much bigger then you were supposed to be... ⁃ Measure it!! ** Dr Jennings sets the phone down so that Benjamin is still in view. He walks over with a tape measure. ** ⁃ It’s... 14.6 inches long and...8.8 inches wide. ⁃ Yes!!!! ⁃ The head itself is... 5 inches long and 9.6 wide. ⁃ Fuck!!! My head is bigger then my old cock used to be!! My balls. Look at then. Like two oranges fighting for space in this sack. I wonder how big I am soft...but I haven’t been soft yet!! ** Benjamin laughs and then winces in pain again. ** ⁃ What’s wrong, Ben? ⁃ Nothing!! Everything is great!! I have to go... ** Benjamin starts to leave the room but stops, leaning against the wall. Professor Jennings runs up to him. Benjamin starts laughing. ** ⁃ I can just feel it growing again, Grant. It hadn’t finished growing... look at it!!! Fuck!!! Getting so massive... ⁃ We need to go run diagnostics on this, Ben... ⁃ It’s still getting bigger!! Don’t freak out, Grant!! It’s what I want... what I’ve always wanted... I’m a fucking living morph!!! ** Benjamin winces again. When he speaks, his voices is even deeper then before. ** ⁃ I need to fuck!! Need to fuck right now!!! Need to fuck all night!! Balls are already starting to fill up... churning. Fuck!! Getting blue balls!! That can’t be right!!! Starting to hurt already!! Just a reminder that this cock and balls were built for constant use!! ** Benjamin starts to move around the room, in and out of the frame. ** ⁃ Gonna go fuck, Grant. Find some poor soul and tear his ass apart. Got to fuck! Now!! Right now!! Not sure what I can wear... this won’t fit in any of my trousers... fuck it!! Let them see the massive bulge of this God cock!! Let them see I’m packing and what they’re getting!! ⁃ Ben, you can’t. We need to figure out what’s going on!! ⁃ Want me to fuck you, Grant?? That what you want?? ⁃ No... I... ⁃ Then get out of my way... all I can think about right now is fucking... getting off...FUCK!!! It’s still growing... and my balls!!! I’m gonna... ** Benjamin grabs onto his penis with both hands as he begins to ejaculate once again for four minutes, moaning and stroking as he does. When he finished, he looks at Dr. Jennings and laughs! ** ⁃ Measure me again ⁃ It’s... 15.4inches long and...9.7 inches wide. ⁃ Yes!!!! ⁃ The head itself is... 6.4inches long and 10.2 wide. ⁃ It’s a fucking monster, Doc, and I have you to thank!!! I’ll see you tomorrow, Doc... not too early... I think I’ll be too busy... sleep all day... the servants will take care of you. I have some great ideas what we’re gonna do next. I can have the body I’ve always dreamt of. The existence I’ve always dreamed of. You’re gonna make my dreams come true, Grant. You’re gonna make me into a God!! Gonna go fuck!! Talk more later!! ** Benjamin starts to exit the sitting room, his penis hard and still leaking. He stops and turns back to the camera. ** - Don’t be worried, Grant. You have no idea how amazing this feels. Ive never felt so alive… ** The recording ends ** That night I went through every diagnostics and everything was working properly. There was no reason why Ben’s penis and balls had grown to the size they now were. If I knew then what I know now... I would have destroyed that program right then and there. But I didn’t... and we didn’t stop... and now... fuck... what the fuck has Ben become? What’s he finally going to be??
  3. remerting

    From Hulk to God (Part 2)

    Part 1 The Hulk grinned as the human seemed to understand what he meant and wanted. He followed Richard into the other room, turning sideways to fit through the door frame. Even that wasn't enough however, as he felt his rock solid pectorals bend the metal frame to allow passage. "Human good. Human know what Hulk want." He rumbled, ruffling Richard's hair gently. "Now give it to Hulk." Now centered in the large lab chamber, Richard could see the destructive hole left behind by his colleague's enormous endowment. Turning his view to the other side of the room just parallel to the opening, he could see the still fresh discharge dripping down the wall. Such power he thought. The walls were at least half a foot thick of pure concrete and yet the giant could still puncture through with his erection alone. Going further might result with even more demolishing results... The Hulk huffed and stroked his endowment gently, panting ever so slightly as his erection and need continued to itch at his mind. "Human turn machine to full. Hulk take anything machine give." He grunted flexing an arm and admiring the sheer mass of his bicep. He slowly started to chuckle, edging closer to another release. He grunted and forced his hand away. He didn't just want to feel good, he wanted to feel great. The beam, the growth and the worship from the human would do that just fine. It was hard for the smaller man to think straight with Hulk so uncomfortably close to his being. He could already feel the scorching knee-low hairy sack of his titanic friend nuzzling against his lower lumbar. "Go over there and I'll turn the machine on", Richard said as he turned back to face his looming green partner. The Hulk grunted, walking further into the room, his shoulders hunched to allow his massive frame to fit into the room with ease. He pressed himself gently to the human, oddly enough enjoying the feeling of one too small being so close to him. "Hulk go stand, no tricks or Hulk smash you." He growled, tensing an arm in a vicious demonstration. He stepped onto the platform, surprised it could hold his weight, at least for now. He was happy to find he had a bit more headroom, at least he wasn't constantly hunched over. Each switch, dial and keyboard input was set to the appropriate setting. Richard swiped his hand over his forehead, wiping the sweat from his blushed face. His mind was racing at the possibilities of what he was capable of giving to his brutish assistant. it was hard for him to tear his focus off of the erect green hunk waiting for his next dose of radiation. He was immense already and that result alone was just from one single instance of radiation exposure. Not only that, the console's dial was still only set to the 1 setting. There were at least 10 levels available... "Why waiting! Hulk want!" The bellow, his body twitching eagerly. He growled as he adjusted his stance, preparing himself to feel the climactic rush, the growth, the building of overwhelming power within his body. He felt his massive shaft dribble eagerly, pre-cum leaking from his slit. "Hit Hulk with best shot!" Before turning on the machine, Richard adjusted the turn knob to the 2 setting, convinced that no matter what size Hulk would be, it wouldn't be enough for him. "Here we go..." He said under his breath as the scientist flipped the switch and activated the machine again. The machine hummed and buzzed, bathing the green giant in the highly concentrated gamma light. He threw his head back, groaning loudly as his body throbbed, flexing his chest as the radiation soaked into him. Wordlessly, he snarled and began to caress his body, his muscles and his cock. As he lavished himself, he began to feel heavier, his balls already hard at work, dropping lower and filling faster then before. It was a rapturous display being presented to the human. The build up was slow but the ecstasy was almost palpable. Richard could only stare on longingly, pinning his hips against the console as he too was hot and bothered from the Hulk's libidinous submission. "Human, come help Hulk! Hulk want to feel how big he is!" He chuckled as he widened his stance, his body eagerly resuming the slow growth from before as he filled his cock, slowly running a large palm along his titanic manhood. "I-I think I'll stay over here if you don't mind." Although as compelling as the offer stood, Richard had no intent to receive the same growing treatment. He had every intention to cater to Hulk's hunger for size. The Hulk growled, but understood. He was the very epitome of power, anyone in their right mind would be terrified to approach him. He grunted as his shoulders widened, muscles surging in size, neck slowly reaching up to swallow his head, only for his neck to lengthen and head begin to widen. Hulk panted, still focused on his ever growing shaft, caressing the thick veins that ran along its sides. Richard buckled his hips as he saw Hulk enjoying his ever increasing size. Licking his lips, the dial was then set to 3, the radiation pouring out more excessively now. Although it seemed as though the machine was slowly growing the monstrous man, its function only served to amplify the beast's sex drive. Each stroke of his hand pumped his frame to bigger and wider proportions with every caress more powerful than the last the longer he remained under the machine. His cock only hardened more and once his climax has reached and his member plush and soft again, the need to fill it with blood and pump will only worsen, practically making the giant addicted. Hulk let out a strained groan as his muscular mass increased at a quickening rate, every stroke, tug and squeeze of his manhood brought further growth to his frame. His steadily increasing weight bent the metal platform he stood upon. He shudders as his shoulders widened further, cracking his knuckles as he increased further in size, palms wider then a manhole cover. "Mmmmmore!! Hulk want more!" Richard wanted more as well. With no regret, the dial was switched to 4 as the spill of radiation continued to fan the flames of Hulk's sex drive. Naturally, the brute's body was further endowed to cater to his constant cravings. More curly hairs appeared across every inch of his body. His odor only enriched and invaded his nostrils with an exhilarating scent. Of course, even witnessing his very growth and massive musculature served to make the beast enraptured in bliss. The Hulk let out a bestial, primal roar as his growing passion was only further increased. It was maddening, consuming and mind-boggling. He furiously worked his shaft, oblivious to the hair sprouting along his swollen pectorals, between the deep crevices of his abs, tracing the near perfect horseshoe of his traps. He found himself widening his stand as his quads pumped full of raw power. He groaned and moaned panting and shaking. Richard only committed to their antics further. The dial went up to 5, then 6. 7. 8. He couldn't help himself. This was his only opportunity to see their experiment to its fullest potential. The scientist's eyes only widened at the sight of Hulk's massive arms raising and lowering, the biceps mashing against the pillowy huge pecs which flexed up and down into the grunting face of his partner. His cock was practically peaking past his head and his low hanging hairy testicles were bloating near the floor. It seemed like he was about to blow at any second. The Hulk could feel the building pressure throughout his body, from the tips of his sprawling toes to the very top of his dark forest cock. He shut his eyes and grinded his teeth together, fighting against the ever increasing climax that was building at the base of his cock. He roared and cried out, placing a hand on his tip, surprised to find his cock head was bigger then his palm. That moment of shock was all it took. His guard dropped and his balls pulled tight. Every muscle on his body expanded faster than his skin could keep up, making it look like his entire body was flexing. His eyes rolled back as he cried out, his shaft pulsating as thick jets of cum blasted from his tip through the ceiling. At that point, the trajectory of the discharge collided against the machine, damaging the emission of radiation above him to where no setting could hold back what was being expelled into the green monster. The mighty climax followed the same response previously, enlarging every facet of the Hulk's body at a quickening speed. Every hiccup his length made only pulsed his frame bigger. What cum hadn't escaped the enclosure only fell onto the giant. His cock had already punctured a new hole where his ejaculate carved out and his head was reaching to be next. Unleashing a guttural growl, the Hulk moaned and grunted as his body increased in mass almost uncontrollably. His voice deepened as the ceiling drew closer. Hulk bent forward as his back pressed against the ceiling, pulsating, stretching, thickening. Concrete gave way to flesh as he pushed up into the ceiling and through the building, pipes, wires, rebar and so much provided no resistance as his size continued to exponentially increase. The Hulk's head quickly vanished past the destroyed ceiling where his disproportionately enormous pecs were soon next to press firmly into the remains of the roof. What space was left inside the open chamber was quickly being filled with the titan's hirsute mass. Below his rocket of a cock, the vast pillowy sac was rolling outwards towards the scientist, finding any room it can to spread itself out. Despite being unable to see it, Hulk's ever thickening legs could feel the scorching hot balls overtake his stance, bulging between his limbs and underneath his taint. His loaded hairy ass had matched the protruding distance of his back, both pressing hard against the wall behind him with cracks forming against the aggressive swelling. The feeling of his body stuffed inside the crumbling confines of the room only catered to the Hulk's libido, making his impressive spire of cock shoot his loads even harder, more copious. His cock shivered, trembled and leaked like a river. Sweat rolled down his body as his bones cracked and snapped, expanding along with his body. The Hulk wordlessly bent down, pushing the roof out of the window, reaching down to grab the scientist that helped him. He smirked as he wrapped his hand around the puny human, hoisting him out of the soon to be destroyed lab. "Human help Hulk. Now Hulk help human." The green giant bellowed as he placed the man of science on his overly developed pectorals. Thirty feet above the ground, Richard could finally see what kind of experience it must had been for such an immense giant. Snuggly fit between the moist crevice of his partner's chest, the musk was the first thing to really hit the tiny man. Being so rich with hair and sweat, the smell of pure man was almost lethal. Still Richard welcomed such a beautiful odor even if was hard to breath at first. At last, being so elevated on top of his idol, he could gaze onto the dripping face of the Hulk, chiseled and stubbly with a vast jawline, shelf-top brows and toned cheekbones. His test subject was handsome, neanderthal-like but still beautiful in every way masculine. His head was bigger than the doctor but compared to his body, it was the smallest thing about him. Forcing his attention away from the titan, Richard looked behind him to see the Hulk's length stretching upwards, six feet above the Hulk's head. Its lobbing of semen had died down to a dribble as the growth was nearing its end. Hulk had his upper body freed from the facility, the hot Arizona heat now more apparent than ever. Aside from his shaft, everything below the Hulk's waistline was still inside the ruins of the central chamber. Hulk panted slowly unsure if the sweat permeating his body was caused by his sexual release, the mind numbing growth or the desert heat. All three maybe. He glanced down at the man resting on his chest, slowly grinning at him. It felt like hours since the Hulk's heart beat wasn't racing. He could hear his blood rushing in his ears, fading slowly. "Human... did good." He said, slowly raising an arm to better look it over. "Hulk happy." He brought his bicep up to his face, slowly kissing the emerald colored muscle mountain. Such a tease the dumb hung giant was. The deep moans and slobbering sounds of his tongue stroking his peaking arms gave the doctor quite a show. Although still horny, the amount of size the Hulk had piling onto his shaft had made the monolith slump down to its flaccid state, making the entire package rival to that of his entire lower half. The uncut cock rested against what ceiling was intact of the facility, keeping it from joining the rest of his member. The Hulk nuzzled his massive arm, almost needingly. It was obvious he was in love with his power and size. He moaned as his massive manhood slowly dropped down, brushing against the roof of the lab. The contact sent an electric tingle up the green behemoth, making his hair stand on end for a moment. He paused from his muscular ministrations, if only long enough to nod at the human and resume fondling his perfectly split bicep with his tongue. Having an arm raised just to grace the bicep, Richard couldn't help but also notice the curly hairs peeking past the pectoral landscape. The bush below his arm must have been stuffed senseless. Although the up close display was erotic beyond belief, the doctor couldn't help but feel as though he's missing out on so much more of this green stud. "If I was just on the ground..." "Human want down?" The brute asked, hearing the voice in his own head. He blinked as he tried to process the fact. He slowly reached towards the human, holding out his hand for Richard to climb onto. "Y-yes. Yes! I do!" How could this be? Amazingly the Hulk somehow knew what he was thinking. With his left half shifting slowly with easeless flexing, a giant beefy palm glided flat near the chest. With his bicep and shoulder shifting towards his torso, his pec in response molded itself up bigger. Everything about him continued to impress the scientist. Being appreciative, the little man jumped into the lumpy lift that was the Hulk's hand. "Hulk heard you say tho...." Hulk slowly lowered the human to the ground, looming over him as he lowered him down to the roof of the lab, the sunlight dancing lazily through his forest of hair, both on his head and the stubble along his broad jaw and chest hair. He stood back up, staring at the puny human and slowly smirked, the size difference between him was exciting. Below, Richard was placed directly in front of where the Hulk stood, right next to the fat flaccid cock that laid itself straight down across the roof's pavement. Looking up, Richard can see the Hulk having been nearly as wide as he was tall. "You knew what I was thinking?" Richard asked in a quiet voice. Hulk looked down at the human, ears too far away to hear what he said. He was hit by the thought a moment later then nodded. "Hulk heard!" He roared with a grin. "This is incredible!" It was unexplainable how the Hulk knew what the little man was thinking but the only real explanation could be a new super power birthed from the radiation he had indulged in moments ago. The Hulk didn't worry himself about the means of his abilities, like the little human was. He cared more about how massive he was, how thick his arms were, how absolutely titanic and grotesquely powerful he was now. His shaft stirred already, the vague thoughts of power, his power, already so intoxicating. "God you've gotten so big Hulk..." Richard put a hand up to the wall of cock, a pulse shook the surface as the scientist felt it pass through his digits. Even his feet felt the vibration shake through the concrete roofing. "Hulk didn't get big. Hulk got HUGE!" He roared with a crab flex, his traps and neck bulging out, his cock slowly rising off the concrete as his libido returned in full force. "You're right! Hulk IS huge! Hulk should show off more." The giant green behemoth slowly turned, exposing his maze-like back, muscle rippling and shifting, changing the pattern from one moment to the next The sheer turn of the giant's body left quakes along the facility. The blood surged cock, still soft, slid across the roof and fell lazily against the side of the structure. Richard was treated to a back, twenty feet wide and rippling, hair dusting across the surface as it shimmered in the beating sunlight. The ass however was closer, a mesmerizing combination of solid fiber-like muscle and round fatness. Its size almost rivaled that of the back, mere feet away from touching the upper body completely. The crack was stuffed to the brim in hair, unsubtle in it's presentation. "Wow..." was all Richard could muster up. The Hulk guffawed, rolling his deeply striated shoulders, back rolling like waves. His arms rose as he growled, pumping out a titanic double bicep flex. The Hulk knew the human's eyes were glued to him, his planetary glutes, the sweep of his hair and the sheer mass of his body. "Hulk know what human want! Human want Hulk." His booming voice echoed across the empty canyon, announcing the desire Richard had for the green behemoth. There was no hiding it. He knew what the little man was thinking. Richard's pornographic thoughts were completely laid out for the Hulk to revel in. It was almost reverse psychology as Richard couldn't keep himself from hiding his hottest dreams. The forest colored giant slowly placed a hand around his massive shaft, lavishing his dark green tip slowly. This was what that tiny speck wanted. To witness all of his sexual glory and obscene might. He rumbles softly, shaking the air as he did so. “Little man like it when Hulk go slow, when Hulk make sure little man sees everything.” He cooed teasingly, slowly lifting his other arms up and behind his head, fighting his own mass to do so. Having Hulk reward the tiny human with a visage of manly captivation almost seemed generous to Richard. Although having the godly mountain of man do anything but pleasure himself would be illogical. The experiment had already made sure that Hulk's sex drive was at its apex and seeing little Richard's visions of his green master ascending higher and flaunting carelessly only turned him on even further. Hulk smirked, loving the attention, the thoughts directed at him knowing exactly how much space he took up in the tiny human's even tinier brain. He growled and pumped his arms and stared down at his massive, planet sized biceps. His cock throbbed and tensed. The Hulk reached out and gripped his shaft, working his shaft with both hands, moaning loudly. "Ohhhh yessss big Hulk, feels good... So good!" If the outside didn't already leave the two hot from the sun, Hulk's cock-pumping workout would have surely reproduced the same heat. The sweat piled on, pouring from every hairy orifice on the giant's body. With his cock already craning back up past his head, the slick burly hands started up his growth again, his pleasure fueling his size. The ruins of the building around his figure were but an afterthought to him, crumbling feebly as his growing body collided against them. Richard, still on the partially destroyed roof, watched in awe. "Yes, that's it! Keep growing Hulk!" The behemoth grunted and grit his teeth as the full body pressure of growth began once more, he screwed his eyes shut, working his monster shaft eagerly, His colossal pecs heaved and bounced as his hands worked his titanic shaft, he howled and panted, working his growing shaft harder and harder, faster and faster now. "Work that cock big boy! Show me just how big you want to be!" Richard egged the monster on. His mind raced and conjured subliminal images of Hulk twice as big, three times as big, catering to the hunk's bottomless cravings. 45 feet came and went with a cock past even that. Hulk's height carried his hairy balls up in full view for Richard to see though at this point, the poor human couldn't even see past the length of his god. Being so close, the smells had already made the human light-headed, sweat raining down on him, making the stench he loved so dearly permanently stuck to his being. "Guuwaaaarrrr!!! Hurrf hurrf!" He snarled and roared as his shoulder grew further apart, making space for his neck muscles to balloon out, almost swallowing his head completely. He licked along the tip of his thick cock, his flesh quivering and bulging faster now. "Hulk feel... like he gonna!!!" He cried out, the pressure growing faster now, the feeling of growing, strengthening, muscle piling on top of muscle mixed with the absolutely pleasure he way forcing into his cock was mind numbing. The man's eyes widened. His feet could feel tremors passing through the soles of his shoes, signalling the Hulk's next explosive surge in size. Having reached the fifty foot mark, the expansion would surely push against the rest of the facility, along with the smaller scientist. Still wanting to live to witness his partner's ascension, Richard bolted across the rooftop to find a ladder down before it was too late. Turning away, he could only hear moans, grunts and rumbles, the Hulk's shadow casting far from his position. Unrelentingly, Hulk couldn't keep himself from slobbering against his fleshly pillar, desperate to get his fill of sex in before he'd ultimately have to start over again. "Ah... ahhh! AHHHHRRGGG!!!!" Instead of feeling the sweet release of orgasm, The Hulk's growth once against flew out of control. Muscle exploding in size, limbs lengthening to make space for the new tons of flesh. "Awooorrgg!" He flexed, tensing his bulging pecs, admiring the slabs of flesh as they stayed swollen, only increasing in size as he tightened his 10 pack, releasing them. His biceps stretched out, almost tearing his skin. Hands and feet exponentially increased in size, hair covering everything of newly formed skin. Finally reaching the earthy ground, the shadow Richard saw before could be seen widening and stretching further away. He ran out into the open, away from the destroyed facility and turned as he did to catch a glimpse of the heaving heavenly hunk soaring higher. Testicles now matching the Hulk's own width demolished the building with its own size, concrete breaking away meter by meter, hardly an obstacle to the massive cum tanks. Richard stopped and turned, seeing the cock head bubbling and frothing as it was ready to make its first shot.
  4. Guest

    The Test - Chapter Seven: Zeus

    We are now coming to the end of this story. I have actually written the conclusion, but am rewriting some of it. Thanks to everyone for the PM's with comments and ideas. I've really enjoyed writing this story, but it is time to complete it. I've loved writing for Declan, a villain who just wants ultimate power!! Who can't be seduced by that!!! The Test Chapter Seven: Zeus Since the coming of the age of Cronus, the world had gone insane. Many tried to flee London where he/they first appeared, but as their word stated, Cronus could be everywhere at once, and reveled in the power they now possessed. Still conscious within Cronus, Declan insisted on being the God he now was, and found more and more joy watching existence teeter out of control by his whims. For the first few days there was mayhem, but Cronus intervened by smiting millions dead and assimilating their matter, growing even larger. Falling in line, and fearing for their lives, the rest of the Earth’s population became priests, accolades, and celebrants to the God. To forever keep an eye on their unruly subjects... The New Mount Olympus materialized in the sky, viewable from every point on earth. Within, where he resided, Cronus was forever awake...always watching. Jacob would never forget the day Cronus had manifested himself to the people, growing more massive by the second, speaking to each individual at once, proclaiming their own mastery over all creation. Running, but finding it nearly impossible to concentrate with Cronus’ words ringing in his mind, Jacob fought his way into the Bath House. Oddly immune to what was happening outside its doors, Eros lay on the floor being worshipped continually by hundreds of men. Getting closer to the source of Eros’ scent... Jacob found it difficult to concentrate, forgetting why he was so panicked and out of breath. Pushing masses of men out of his way, Jacob forced his way next to Eros’ side. Enjoying each moment of ecstasy his worshipers brought him too, Eros moaned and grinned, constantly leaking cum. Realising that Jacob was near to him, Eros reaches his arm over his considerable chest, and effortlessly lifted him up and started to kiss him deeply. The taste of Eros’ lips was so appealing, so warm and welcoming that all that was happening outside was forgotten. As they kissed, Jacob could feel his friends passion growing, his tongue diving deeper into his mouth. ⁃ I need to fuck you, Jacob. Right now. In front of everyone. ⁃ I can’t. It would be impossible. ⁃ Nothings impossible anymore. Jacob felt his clothing beginning to disintegrate until he was entirely naked. Moving his thick fingers to Jacob’s ass, Eros began to massage it gently, then with more force. In a state of anxiety mixed with ecstasy, Jacob looked up into his friend’s eyes and found they were now glowing a vibrant blue colour that was virtually impossible to look at. ⁃ I need to fuck you so badly, Jacob. Now!!! I need you now!!! A strong invisible force tossed Jacob to the floor. As he tried to stand up, he found he was being pinned like a butterfly to a board. Eros rose to his feet, crudely tossing all of the other men away, and stared down at what he required. His eyes still glowing, Eros began to will Jacob’s rectum to open wider and wider. The pain was excruciating as unseen hands forcefully stretched him beyond any level of comfort. ⁃ Please don’t, Chad!! I’m not ready!! ⁃ I have to!! I need to breed you right now!! Jacobs’s asshole stretched further until he thought it would tear, but some supernatural force was preventing this from happening. When he thought he was ready, Eros grabbed Jacob with his mighty hands, lifted him up, and with one swift motion, impaled him on his column sized cock. Jacob screamed out and Eros roared as he forced the entirety of the head in. Pushing down on Jacob like a rag doll, Eros continued to plunge his self- lubricated cock deeper. When all of the head and a few inches of the shaft were in, Eros proceeded to savagely fuck him. ⁃ Take it.... Jacob!! Take all of me!! Faster and deeper Eros fucked Jacob, attempting to bury himself in as deep as possible. Jacob tried not to scream out in anguish as he watched the hundreds of worshipers jerking off to the sight of what was happening. All Jacob could think of was how Chad could do this to him. Even a God should know how to control himself... but perhaps as Eros, he no longer could. The longer he was Eros, the less and less like Chad he became. Could he be loosing himself in this transformation? With one final monumental thrust, Eros shot his massive load into Jacob. The pressure threatened to push Jacob off, but Eros held onto him by the shoulders so that he could empty every last drop into him. After convulsing for several minutes, Eros finally finished cumming and removed Jacob from his impalement. With no strength left in his body, Jacob lay on the floor, the worshipers coating him and Eros with their own ejaculations. Eros, his eyes ceasing to glow and returning to normal, shook his head as if he had just come out of a fifteen minute slumber. As all of the men continued to deposit their seed on Jacob, the roof of the Bath House was ripped off the building by the colossal hand of Cronus, and thrown into the Thames. Cronus laughed hysterically as pandemonium ensued, naked men trying to escape the newly born God’s wrath. Enjoying the sight of the bugs running in fear bellow him, Cronus smiled and sent lightening bolts shooting from his eyes into each man, killing them all until only Eros and Jacob remained. Eros was too small to attack the 90 foot giant, but made his best effort of trying to protect Jacob by placing his body in front him. ⁃ Finally we come face to face, Eros. So much fuss over such a small insignificant abomination. With a single glance, Cronus threw Eros across the room, slamming him into the wall. Slowly standing back up, Eros questioned what he could do to get Jacob out of the building and to safety. Eros knew that he couldn’t be killed by the God, but Jacob easily could be. Making the quick decision to grab Jacob and disappear, Eros began to run as fast as he could across the room, but crashed into an invisible barrier that separated them. ⁃ Stay!!! With one word, Eros was unable to move, though he could still hear and see everything around him. ⁃ Jacob??!! Is that you??!! Its so hard to see you from this distance!!!!! Cronus laughed some more as he destroyed several walls of the building attempting to get closer. Extending his neck beyond the realm of possibility, Cronus brought his head down to where Jacob lay, his eye larger then the man at his mercy. ⁃ Do you not recognize us?? It’s you we have to thank!! You freed us and enabled us to reach Godhood. Now we reign supreme over everything. Everything!!!! ⁃ What are you?? ⁃ We’re your God, Jacob, and you will respect us!! Now... what to do with you?? How do We thank you?? With a cunning grin he looked directly at Jacob, and then turned his head to face Eros. ⁃ We know!!! We need to thank your boyfriend!! It was he who began to free us from our prison... wasn’t he?? Eros!! Our way of thanking you is to kill you!! Jacob screamed as Cronus proceeded to shoot fire repeatedly from his mouth into Eros. Jacob stood up and tried and get to him, but the invisible barrier put a stop to this. After several minutes of constant fire blast, Cronus ceased his attack. When the smoke cleared, Jacob could finally see Eros, sprawled on the floor, exhausted and soot covered, yet alive. ⁃ Unfortunately , We set into the fabric of the universe that a God could never be killed at another’s hand... except in only one way... Will you give us everything We desire, Eros? ⁃ NEVER!!! ⁃ We thought that would be your answer. Therefore, it’s eternal torture!! Now what can it be??? What befits a God such as you? Cronus’ neck slithered his head back into position on his shoulders. Stroking his beard, acting as if he was in deep contemplation, Cronus smiles a wicked smile. ⁃ Yes... yes... We think that is a brilliant idea!! So be it!! Torment befitting the God of Lust!!! Cronus had barely uttered his last word when Jacob saw Eros’ sprawled body be pulled like a marionette to his feet. Now able to control his arms and legs again, Eros attempted to struggle, but that proved fruitless; Cronus was merely too strong. Once he was standing erect, Jacob could only watch in horror as invisible hands began to clutch at the hair on Eros’ head and forcibly rip it out. Simultaneously, hands pulled at his beard, chest, body and pubic hair, enforcing the same punishment. Eros cried out as the attack persisted, a deep echoing chuckle emanating from the God watching above. It took several minutes for Eros’ body to become hairless, his beautiful black locks littering the floor at his feet. Even though he knew that wouldn’t be all, Jacob still jumped when he heard the cracking sound, and watched as Eros’ head was pulled further and further back till he was forced to look up. With a loud snap, his entire head shifted even more until it lay impossibly on his shoulders with his mouth facing the sky. Eros’ tried his best to reach his arm out to Jacob, but was prevented when his head slowly began to swell. Larger and larger his head expanded, quickly becoming an oddly formed mass balancing on his neck. Eros’ head was so out of proportion that his eyes were mere skits, and his nose had been stretched until it disappeared. As his head continued to inflate and reshape, his mouth began to stretch longer until it appeared to split his head in half, eventually repositioning itself in a permanent oblong shape. Jacob could see that Eros’ breathing had accelerated and that he was obviously panicking. His head was now so large and so disfigured that it didn’t resemble Eros at all. His head as actually starting too… Suddenly Jacob knew what was happening. Cronus was transforming Eros into a enormous cock!! Experiencing agonizing pain, Eros’ attempted to have his hands to clutch onto his cock and balls, but the flesh melted, slipped through his fingers and filling in the gap between his legs, down to his feet. All muscle mass on his body was rapidly beginning to waste away, and his skin was starting to loosen and wrinkle. Eros attempted to speak, to cry out to Jacob, but all that came from his mouth was a thick clear liquid that flowed down his body. The bones of his arms completely faded and hung lifeless against his body. Jacob could just stare open mouthed as the flesh that had was once been Eros’ arms commenced turning a bluish colour. His fingers burrowed into his side until they were buried in his skin past his wrists, the rest of his arms fastening to his body, transforming into the massive veins required to feed this colossal cock. Looking back up at Eros’ face, his eyes were completely gone, and his neck had become thicker, nearly as large as his head. What was once his head was enormous, with a mushroom-head ridge going around it. With blood now feeding it, Eros began to elongate, becoming thicker and longer, until he stood at attention like the massive errect cock he had become. Cronus’ reached out and took Eros in his hand. ⁃ Now he truly is a magnificent specimen. The perfect addition to add to our collection. Cronus’ own penis shifted to the right as he thrust Eros’ shaft into his pubis until it was fully attached. Smiling with glee, Cronus stood there stoking the erect cock that had once been Eros, massive drops of pre flowing from his mouth and onto the floor like rain. ⁃ Do you want to know the best part, Jacob? He still knows what he is... or rather... was. He’s fully conscious... existing forever as an addition of us... something he should forever be grateful for. Cronus closed his eyes and willed two additional testicles to form below Eros, completing the transformation. Jacob could only stars in horror at what Eros had become... and what the insane God had planned for him. ⁃ Now... this will be my favorite part of the day... your death!! I couldn’t kill Eros, but I can easily kill you!!!! Before Jacob could even think to move, Cronus’ right hand which doubling as his scythe came down in a mighty arc to bisect him. The sound of metal shattering into millions of pieces could be heard in several different universes as the scythe came in contact with Jacob’s body. No one saw the look of shock cross Cronus’ face, but the Earth felt his growing anger as the entire globe began to tremble. Buildings began to fall and mountains tumbled as the God cried out: ⁃ No!!!!!! This couldn’t be?!! How could a mortal destroy a piece of Cronus? Cronus willed the scythe to regrow twice as strong, and found that nothing would form on the broken stump. Jacob stood and began to back away from the God. He wasn’t sure what had happened, what had saved his life, but he did know it was best to get away since it might not happen again. As he ran for the door, fire rained down on him, igniting the walls and floor around him, but leaving his body without a mark. Ice that flowed next did nothing to harm Jacob, and neither did the lava that erupted from the cracks in the ground. Nothing Cronus conjured could touch him. Both God and mortal questioned what was keeping him alive? ⁃ May it be known on this world and every world that whoever is found feeding this man shall instantly die. Giving water, shelter, or any form of help or comfort shall result in instant death!! Run, Jacob!!! Run!!! I may not be able to destroy you right now, but you aren’t immortal!! You can die! It may take a while, but you will die!! I can wait!! I’m eternal!!! RUN!!! With no plan or direction, Jacob ran naked through the streets. Following the command of their God, no one came to his aid. No one would help. Each person acted as if he didn’t exist, and after several days of this... Jacob began to wonder if he did. Running away from the city and into the countryside, existing only by eating fruit he found growing on a trees. For the first couple of weeks this was a difficult but bearable existence, until one day Cronus decided to torture him more by having all fruit wither and rot the moment it touched Jacob’s hand. The same thing happened to any liquid that might quench his thirst; it simply evaporated as it came near his mouth. He may not be able to kill me directly, but this will indeed do it in time, Jacob thought. Further and further he walked, growing hungrier, thirstier, and exhausted. On the fortieth day of his exile, he came to a large Oak tree in the middle of a field. Lying beneath it, Jacob welcomed death. He could think of no better location for a final resting place then right there. As he began to fall into unconsciousness, Jacob could feel his hair and brow being stroked. Trying to open his eyes, all he could see was the blurry bearded face of a man... his eyes glowing a bright blue. Somehow, he had taken Jacob’s head in his lap and was now stroking it and gently speaking to him. ⁃ It is here where you must take up arms... where you must find it within you to reclaim all that is yours. I’ve returned... and together we will triumph. Zeus looked down at and watched as Jacob’s eyes began to glow, matching his own. * Cronus paced around the infinite halls of Mount Olympus, anger flowing off of him in lightning that continuously struck the earth. Over and over He had willed his right hand to regrow, but all that had formed was a misshapen appendage, virtually unusable. The essence that had once been Declan questioned Cronus what had saved Jacob, why his hand refused to grow back, but Cronus remained silent. Anger made Declan’s will grow even stronger, and Cronus found it more and more difficult to match him in supremacy. As the days past and Cronus refused to answer him, Declan fought a war within himself forcing the old God to begin to fade into the background. Declan wanted complete control over Cronus, and what had begun as joint power began to fall in the ex-mortals favor. As Declan began to win the battle for supremacy, streaks of jet black hair began to appear mixed with the white on his head, face, and chest. As the weeks passed, Declan questioned Cronus incessantly until one day, all Cronus would whisper was one word… a word and an existence that had been kept hidden from Declan: Zeus. ⁃ Surly we must be more powerful then our son!!! We are Cronus!!! We are the first God!! In answer, a memory replayed. First there was nothing but a swirling mist of absolute power and consciousness. This being... called Ouranos was the beginning and the end. It desired matter to exist, for only it could create and destroy such a thing. Light was birthed from its design, it expanded, and all life began. Ouranos existed and controlled everything... for there was only Ouranos. Desiring to never be alone, it split like an ameba, creating two forms of consciousness, Cronus, and Zeus. Together they were meant to rule, brother and brother... equal sides of the scale. They were yin and yang... Alpha and Omega. The part of Cronus that remained Declan saw this and understood. Ouranos had once been total absolute power... his consciousness had been everything... but with the creation of Zeus, that power had been diluted. Zeus had overthrown Cronus, locking him away until now. ⁃ Where is Zeus?? Declan questioned Cronus.. questioned himself... and was surprised when they didn’t know. Zeus was concealed. - If we merge with Zeus... what will we become? ⁃ We must not... ⁃ If we merge with Zeus... what will we become? ⁃ We will be as we were before... total absolute power. We are everything. We exist as everything simultaneously. We are limitless. We are beyond power. What we were... you can never comprehend. Cronus looked down at his withered hand. God should not be injured. God should be ultimate power... The longer he remained merged with Cronus, the stronger Declan found he was becoming. The original God, although formidable was old and tired, easily confused by this modern age. Cronus wished to return to a simpler time, but Declan denied him this. This was becoming Declan’s time... his epoch. To be able to create and destroy matter... to be everything at once... to be supreme power... to actually be all of existence...this was what Declan craved and Cronus feared. With such power... I could reform existence in my image... I could reverse the clock and start again... I will be everything!!! ⁃ Tell me, what lays beyond... what created you? ⁃ That we can not see. ⁃ Power greater then even what you once were? ⁃ Far greater. Far... far greater... * Yes... Zeus thought... as he began to merge with Jacob...his pecs inflating and his abs becoming an army of steel plates. Remember what we once were Cronus. Remember the first spark that brought us into being. The beginning will finally be our end. We are ancient... it is time for us to sleep forever... it is time for a new existence to rise. Jacob moaned as he lay on the ground. Every tree, every animal, and every piece of plant life happy to give up its matter so that it could reform him in Zeus’ image. We must be prepared, Jacob. We must be ready. Soon... everything will change. Jacob lay in a crater 10 miles wide... concealed by Zeus from Cronus as the merging continued... Jacob’s body exploding with new life. The rebirth of Zeus had begun.
  5. remerting

    From Hulk to God (Part 1)

    From a roleplay I'm doing with a friend. There's been a lot more written so keep an eye out for part 2 later on. The series includes, muscle growth, hyper and macro. It was mid afternoon deep in the Arizona desert. Doctor Banner had been out in this isolated lab now for the better part of two years, working out how to make monsters out of men. Improving the military's selection of men and surpassing the limits of human biology. anything to get a leg up on the looming danger of foreign agents. Rumor was they too were working on something similar. He was currently standing in front of a large computer console, adjust a vast multitude of dials and switches, adjusting his math on the fly to accommodate the varying inputs the system was being fed. "Alright... I've regulated the output and the correction algorithm is steady. I hope your math was as good as you say." the beanpole doctor said, his voice a little nervous. He trusted their work, but facing down the emitter itself was a little nerve racking. "Have faith Bruce. You've seen the numbers so there's no reason for doubt. After we succeed in the tests, you and I can finally get out of this place. I'm not taking any more delays just because the military can't decide on who should be their test subject." Although Richard was completely committed to seeing his work finalized, he too couldn't help but feel anxious going through with the final trial. After all, it was Banner's idea to take the test but the experiment was almost too good to be true. Banner might really be the next superhero in the world, but even then, what would that spell out for the rest of the military. "I know, I know. I'm human. Doubt always lingers, even when facts show there is nothing to fear. We see monsters in the shadows at night." Bruce sighed, adjusting his glasses gently on his face. The concept of super human powers was extremely glorious. His brain and the brawn they were artificially creating would be a tremendous force for good, as long as he kept his morals. That's why Richard was around. "Everything is set over here, how're things with the emitter module?" "As good as one can expect. Just step onto the platform and we can get started. I'll give you a minor dose and from there we can witness the results." "Right, base of our simulation resulted... At this dose my shoes should be tighter, but nothing else." he said taking off his glasses and setting them down somewhere safe. He left his lab coat on his chair as he walked over to the patch job platform they made. "Ready!" From the console, Richard turned the dial clockwise to setting 1. An audible hum buzzed above Bruce as the dish-like machine was being fed the appropriate power. After typing away on his keyboard, Richard set his hand onto a large switch mounted to the console. Looking up, both men saw eye to eye in anticipation. "Here we go..." "Alright. Lets play god!" Bruce shouted, giving a final thumbs up as the machines whirred and buzzed around him. Even though the voltage was low, the machine was rather dramatic. The switch was flipped. Visible green distortions in the air could be seen whirling around Banner in an instant. Although the machine was clearly working, the ray of radiation had no bearing on Bruce. Despite being affected, the only thing he could truly feel was a light headed sensation. Bruce winced gently, looking at the green flickers and glittering around his body. He looked at Richard's blur and shrugged. "Doing good." He shrugged gently. A good minute had passed and eventually the switch was flipped again. Richard could see Bruce completely untouched by the event. Although expecting noticeable alterations in Banner's physical appearance, super powers can sometimes be hidden away and thus further examination was necessary. "Well... for all the sound and spark the machine gave off, I feel relatively the same. could you hand me my glasses?" Bruce said, carefully stepping down from the platform. He wandered over to Richard's blur, wondering if he looked any different. "Well Bruce, you don't look any different, but we never really expected that much to change on a physical level." Richard reached out to hand Banner his glasses. "How do you feel?" "To be frank. Light headed and annoyed. I'm concerned we may have to go back to formula." He frowned as he slipped on his glasses. He shifted gently, his clothing felt a little off to him, but perhaps it was the treatment. "We may want to do this nude next time. My shift feels starchy." "Don't be so hasty. You might have gained something after that kind of exposure. We can't risk another dose until we know what's changed. Are you sure there isn't anything about you worth noting?" "Hmmm nothing of notice right now but I see what you're saying, give the treatment time to work." The doctor nodded as he slipped the lab coat back on as well. Bruce picked up a clip board going over the questions, post test. He shuffled a little, feeling a little warmer, but nothing concerning. It was later that day lunch had just past and the sweltering heat of the desert was rising steadily. Bruce was sitting at his desk in the lab, slowly pouring over their calculations, theorems and various documents and tests. By this point in time, he felt that something should have happened, there should have been a change, yet nothing at all. He kept his calm however, this was the first trial on an organic creature they tried. it wasn't a set back. Soon there'd be a swath of overly grown men, charging across battle fields. He grinned at the idea. heck if the test had worked, he would have been one. He felt his cheeks grow warmer as he pictured himself at superhuman sizes. Bruce coughed gently as he got up to answer. He twisted the knob and pulled it open, harder then he expected. "Yes?" He asked. "Sorry to bother, it's just been several hours since the experiment and I wanted to know if you've come to any conclusions yet on the test." "Nothing yet, I apologize." Bruce said to Richard, inviting him into his lab. Bruce found himself adjusting the AC in the lab, lowering the temperature further as he felt even warmer. "Warm today, isn't it?" He began to prepare the coffee machine. "Did you find any breakthroughs?" He said as he shifted his stance a little. Richard gave Bruce a puzzling look. "Nothing to work from I'm afraid. I will say, you have this room freezing cold right now. Are you sure you're okay?" "You find it freezing? I'm feeling really warm" Bruce huffed and sat down at the lab desk once more, stretching himself. "I kind of wish it had work though..." Richard leaned on the desk next to him. "It's hard to say. Maybe genetics are a factor. After all, you're the only one we've tested. I suppose we can try another dose later." Richard looked at Bruce and noticed sweat marks around his work shirt. "If you had these powers, what do you see yourself doing?" "Hard to say, but it would make assembling labs a lot easier." Bruce chuckled, slowly starting to day dream about hoisting large lab machines over head, being built like a tank and just... so big, so colossally huge. He didn't even notice his hand lowering down to his crotch, caressing his cock gently through his pants. "I can't imagine it being wide spread through military interactions. So many men getting that treatment. One can only imagine what life would be like living with such power on a daily basis..." Bruce nodded and chuckled in agreement. "Men the size of giants, walking around, training, maybe it would spread into the general populace," he smirked as he felt his manhood harden in full."God i wish it worked on me." He moaned softly, squeezing the fat head of his manhood. "I don't think it would-" Richard paused after he heard the rustling of Bruce's pants. "Banner what are you doing?!" Bruce was a little lost to his growing lust, slowly working his shaft out of his pants. "Sorry Rick, i just... really need to take care of this." He muttered, almost admiring his decently sized manhood. "Something had happened to you hasn't it! I mean I know it's been a while, secluded and isolated but where's your decency!" Regardless of his outcry, even Richard was impressed how fat Bruce's uncut malehood was. "I'm nowhere near the projected results. I think its just cabin fever..." he grunted, slowly letting Richard admire his manhood. From the few choice veins running along the shaft to his thick, fat glands and the green tint slowly spreading over it. "W-What's happening!?" Richard was in awe as the pinkish skin tone of Bruce's junk was slowly changing to a dark green hue, but it wasn't just Banner's cock that changed, even his skin was gradually shifting to green as he pumped his dick over and over. Bruce huffed and panted working his shaft faster now, the green spreading. His cock was slowly stretching, pulsating, enlarging between his fingers. "Uhhhfff Richard... I think... something's happening." The scientist backed away slowly from Bruce, witnessing the changes overtaking in his body. The masturbatory arm locked into a flex was noticeably bulging inside Bruce's tightening work shirt. His neck filled the collar, veins creeping out as his expression grew more intense. For every push and pull of his growing hand going up and down the enlarging cock, Banner's form only widened, clothes filling with his mass. Banner could feel the changes overtaking him, at this point he welcomed it, flexing and relaxing his masturbating bicep, watching the muscle swell and relax, then swell even larger. He could feel his shoes growing tight around his feet, his shirt struggle to stay clasped. he couldn't help but begin to laugh. His tongue hung out as his belt gave way to his widening hips. Bruce's bellow sounded almost deeper than his regular voice. Richard was still in awe, absolutely paralyzed and yet, overjoyed in some way. "My god Bruce, it actually worked!" Bruce was too far gone to hear what Richard was saying. All he knew was that he felt good, wanted to feel even better. He dropped his cock for a moment, brought both his arms up slowly, and pumped his biceps into twin peaks. Thinking was hard now, his mind addled by the sheer rush of power from his entire body. "Big now. Getting bigger!" Each ball of muscle tore seams across his long sleeve shirt. His hard cock stretched to a foot in length right in front of the flexing behemoth, twitching in wait for his touch. The brute that was Bruce had gained a foot to his frame and even the chair creaking and groaning suggested he had put on a tremendous amount of weight. All of this started just from Banner being hot and bothered and even as he sat there, hands off his meaty cock, his growth slowed to a crawl. Maybe masturbating really did set off a chain reaction. "Bruce, I can't believe I'm saying this but, I need you to... to keep touching yourself." The massive brute huffed and eagerly continued to work his shaft. He didn't need a puny human telling him what to do, but it seemed he enjoyed the show. The green monster couldn't help but flex while he continued to pump his monster cock. "Puny human, like what you see?" Of course Richard liked what he was seeing but did Bruce really not know who he was? "Banner, it's me, Richard. You know who I am right?" Richard said all the while the green behemoth continued fondling his girthy length, his body growing continuously as more rips and seams formed across his clothes. The growing hulk grunted as he opted to stand, his feet bursting through his shoes as he suddenly increased in height, grunting as his muscles expanded in a rapid burst, his shirt tearing and bursting as his muscles expanded further. "Hu-Hulk can't stop! Hulk want morreeeee." Richard fell backwards, staring up at the growing green giant. He stood at eight feet, clad in nothing but loose torn shorts made from his pants, already on the verge of breaking as they held his filling balls. Veins traveled across his hairy physique, sweat dropping like rain as droplets zig-zagged around the curves and crevices of his muscular body. Hulk radiated with such an immense heat, still pumping his loins as he inched closer to the ceiling. "H-Hulk?" Richard could only question the new name of his partner. The green giant roared and flexed, all but tearing the last vestigial remains of his shorts off. His balls dropped with a pleasant bounce, bringing a blush to the huffing brute's face. "What?!" He barked as the man called out his name, he stepped toward him, his muscles moved in tremendous harmony, like semi trucks maneuvering around a parking lot. Hulk grit his teeth and growled. "What human want from Hulk?" Richard had to constantly crane his head back to keep the approaching Hulk in view. He stood uncomfortably close with his foot and a half prick poking against the scientist's chest, smearing pre into his work shirt. Richard continued to gawk up at Hulk, his heat and odor getting to his sensitive senses. Without saying anything, Richard put both of his hands onto the Hulk's shaft, slowly moving his palms back and forth, the deep green foreskin stretching and pulling back. The Hulk snarled growing impatient moments before the human's hands were upon him, slowly working his shaft. The big green man placed a hand on the wall to steady himself. He licked his lips and moaned gently as his shaft was working. "H-hulk feel good. More! Hulk want more!" Sweat formed on Richard's face as both the heat emanating from the Hulk's body combined with the lingering expectations expressed by his oversized partner. Never before would he have imagined himself in this situation, his lab assistant several times bigger, enraptured by sexual acts conducted from both curiosity and fear. Nevertheless, Richard picked up his pace, pressured by the brute's anticipation. The Hulk groaned and placed his free hand on Richard's head, stroking him gently as the man pleased him. The green giant felt a rise in pressure through out his body, drawing several long growls from him as his muscle inflated further, straining his emerald skin as his grip grew stronger on the human's head. Each stroke served to separate the smaller scientist's hands apart from each other as the shaft pushed up and out. He was growing. The stimulus from each masturbatory act only fueled the beast's power. Ever so slightly did the Hulk's shoulders bulge horizontally, chest furl forward, legs thicken in every direction, feet and hands scaling to larger sizes. His head remained almost untouched with the exception of his jawline growing bulkier, his brow shelving and cheek bones more pronounced. His overall appearance was made manlier. The growing brute felt his power increase, his body take up more room, his figure growing more and more imposing. his shoulders grew further apart, granting more space for his muscles to expand into. His musculature bulged under his skin, as deeply striated and detailed as the support cables for a bridge. He smirked down at the human, as he grew smaller and smaller. He felt his balls slowly drop down, swelling as his seed filled them, almost to bursting. Witnessing the scene of his colleague, brutish and virile, growing right before his eyes had ignited even the doctor to sink deeper into his love-making. Eagerly, Richard pressed his lips against the smelly underbelly of the green cock while his hands pushed towards the back side of the stiff tool, lathering the meat with his tongue. The smells, the taste, the increase in flesh and splendor, all of it left the two intoxicated. The growing brute cried out with each wave of growth that radiated out from his massive shaft. the smaller hands, the warm tongue and the sheer physical pleasure of this transformation was growing to be too much for the Hulk. "Hulk gonna... Need to cum!" Suddenly, Richard noticed the Hulk's involuntarily growth had ceased, replaced instead by a shaking sensation that tackled every foot of the green brute. He stepped away slowly, as if anticipating a bomb ready to go off at any moment. Hulk roared and grabbed his massive cock, working it furious as his felt his balls tighten, muscles deep inside him sprung to action as his hips involuntarily thrusting his shaft into the wall, pounding through the concrete until at last, release was granted, his thick seed shot out in pulses as he let out a guttural roar, flexing with all his might. His growth suddenly returned, his head slamming into the ceiling as his body expanded faster now. cords of muscle growing discordantly. He stared at the hand gripping his manhood, watching as his fingers ballooned one by one, his palm widened to match, knuckles popping and rising like mountains. He hissed and snarled as his other hand, curled into a fist grew to match. Hulk... feel HUGE!" he bellowed. Slowly, the orgasm subsided, the giant green man panted and rubbed his head, and slowly looked himself over, admiring his new mass and size. "Human... make Hulk feel grow again." he growled. Richard stood behind him, jaw dropped as he stared on at the miraculous presentation of the Hulk's fuzzy backside. So many muscles were shifting hypnotically from the simplest of movements. Richard's eyes widened in excitement when he looked below to see such an enormous ass, strong yet plump with curly hairs sprinkled between each cheek. Even below that, the Hulk's mighty testicles hung low between his legs, bigger than ever, reaching just below the knees and hairy, like the rest of his frame. The Hulk slowly turned to Richard, his brow furrowed in annoyance, his eyes deep in his skull now, as his brow had expanded tremendously. As he turned, the other scientist would get a clear view of the perfectly sculpted delts, his triceps and striated lats. His bicep slowly swung into view, as large as a car tire. His pecs followed, each globular mass jutted out from his chest like the peaks of a mountain. Across his body grew the gently curled, black hair. His lantern jaw was dusted with a healthy 5 o'clock shadow. Despite the perfect spectacle of throbbing muscles, sweat and hair, the Hulk's presentable turn brought forth an even bigger cock into view, growing flaccid now but thicker and bigger than before. The width could match even his hulking legs that draped in front of his titanic sack. Just how big could Hulk get? Richard could barely even process such a size. "Human no hear Hulk?" He grumbled stomping forward towards the man, cock swinging from side to side leisurely as he walked forward. "Human!" Shaking in fear, all Richard could mutter was "Y-Yes?" The Hulk started to fill his sight as he approached, a twelve foot muscle bound giant approaching, hunched over with abs of steel flexing and his traps carving indents into the concrete ceiling. The Hulk struggled to move at times, dragging his rising traps through the concrete roof, shaking the dust off his shoulder. "What happened?! How Hulk... grow?" he asked, sounding genuinely curious. "W-well Hulk, you're....hammer right there", Richard raised a finger pointing to the enormous girth between Hulk's legs. "That make's Hulk grow..." "Hammer? Hulk no have hammer. Have fists!" he growled, holding one out for Richard. "See! Better than hammer, stronger." He unfurled his fingers gently, his forearms rippling as the muscle pulled his ligaments in a synchronized dance. "Hulk remember though. Making Hulk feel good made Hulk grow. But Hulk remember... light, green, made Hulk! Get light, Hulk wanna see if it make Hulk Hulkier." "A light?", Richard asked questioningly. Perhaps he meant the machine. Green radiation could be the green light. If one dosage made him this big, what kind of an effect would another do to him? Regardless, Richard was almost giddy picturing the Hulk at a giant's size. After all, it was a discovery, a scientific discovery. He was ready to discover just how big man could be. "Hulk follow me" he said to him and walked out into the next room where the experiment took place. Part 2
  6. WoodcrusherMorphs

    A new world

    Hey there. Welcome to the gemini universe! Out here an ancient society on earth has released an powerfull spell, causing certain people around the world to gain powers and become quite special heroes and villains.
  7. macreau


    第二十五章:抽樣 到了下午五點,正陽醒了過來,他全裸的走出休息室到滿是精液的活動中心,大家都已經先回家了,正陽走回休息室把東西都收好也準備回家時,他看到手機有一封簡訊,打開訊息裡面寫著:「正陽先生,今天下午五點時,請您到seminal Inc.公司一趟,會有專車到您學校門口等候。」正陽從休息室裡找到好幾條大毛巾把下半身的巨屌和睪丸遮掩起來,但是還是可以看到明顯厚重的形狀,他走出校門看到一輛大黑色轎車停在旁邊,一位肌肉發達的司機走下車說:「你是正陽先生吧,請您上車吧。」正陽上車後,車子便開往seminal Inc.公司。過了一會,車子開到了seminal Inc.公司,正陽下車走進大門,看到肌肉社長已經在等候,社長說:「正陽先生你好,看來你已經使用了完成品的formula x,身體比之前見面時變大了不少,連巨根都有這麼明顯的成長。是這樣的,因為你已經是我們公司的試藥員,所以之後會需要你到公司試驗藥物,也需要抽取樣本。那麼話不多說就馬上來抽取樣本吧。」正陽說:「抽取樣本?要怎麼抽取?什麼樣本?」社長說:「當然是抽取精液啊。你會在我們的抽取室裡抽取精液。」話說完,肌肉社長就帶著正陽往二樓的抽取室走去,路上經過一間大玻璃牆的抽取室,裡面有一個比正陽大上一倍的肌肉男,巨根上套著吸取器不停吸出大量的精液,他的雙手捏著乳頭、用假巨屌不停上下抽插自己的後庭,正陽看到這畫面直接勃起,巨龍把毛巾掀起露出龍頭,淫水就像開水龍頭一樣流到地板上,社長看到正陽那模樣說:「這位也是我們的測試員,他目前高三,三個禮拜前開始使用formula x測試品,他每天都吃三顆以上,也是今天才吃formula x完成品,身體能增長成這程度也是很有資質的。」兩人走到另一間測試室門口,正陽將被淫液弄濕的毛巾脫下,社長說:「你進去後,裡面會有一整盤的性藥,是用來催生精液和提高性慾用的,但是要記住,那個性藥是公司特別研發的10倍性藥,一顆就濃縮了10顆普通性藥在裡面,只能吃一到兩顆,要是吃多了,可能會造成一些副作用。」正陽走進測試室後,他從裝滿紅色性藥的藥盒裡拿出一顆並直接吃下,突然間,正陽瞬間勃起噴出淫水、乳頭變硬流出乳汁、全身發熱一直流汗、肛門一緊一鬆渴望被插,可以明顯看到睪丸變大,正陽感受到睪丸裡面突然暴增了幾公升的精液,正陽用手捏了一下乳頭,正陽瞬間大爆射,噴出大量的精液,就連乳頭也跟著噴出精液,測試室的地板沒多久就被精液淹到腳踝,過了10分鐘,正陽疲累的躺在精液裡,他的睪丸也因為精液全部噴出而變回原來大小,這時地板打開好幾個排水口把測試室的精液全部都放光,肌肉社長打開麥克風說:「正陽先生,你如果覺得已經抽樣夠了,抽樣就到這裡別再繼續了,可以出來準備做其他的檢測。」正陽直接爬起來說:「我要…在繼續…我還能射…」肌肉社長看到正陽這麼堅持,打開了測試室裡的一個開關,測試室的牆壁翻轉出一堆假巨根,天花板降下跟剛才另一個測試室一樣的吸精器,社長說:「接下來就交給你了,我先去處理其他事情等等回來。」說完,社長就先離開了,正陽走到性藥盒旁邊,當正陽要準備在拿一顆性藥時,他想到剛才那極度爽快和淫亂的快感,光是想到那畫面和感受就直接大勃起,還一直流出淫水,他的身體渴望那種感覺和快感,完全按耐不住,正陽直接拿起10顆性藥吞下肚,他的身體的敏感度瞬間提升到只要碰到一下就會直接射精,乳頭變大變硬,就像是一個成年人拳頭一樣大,睪丸變大到直接碰到地板而且還在變大,正陽感覺就像是被強灌了幾加侖的精液在睪丸裡,他的巨根硬挺頂到胸肌、血管和青筋暴露、淫水氾濫、看起來只要一碰到就會直接噴發,正陽拖著不斷變大的睪丸,強忍著全身的性慾把吸精管套到硬挺的巨根上,並從一旁的假屌中拿起兩個最粗最大的一起插進自己渴望被操的後庭,正陽瞬間大噴射,精液被大量的從陰莖中吸進吸精管裡,這個噴射足足花了10分鐘,但是睪丸完全沒有變小的跡象,反而精液越來越多,正陽的性慾也越來越強,他開始用那兩個巨屌激烈的抽插後庭,每插一次,正陽就一直噴出精液,但是很明顯在睪丸裡只是少量的精液射出而已,正陽的腦袋已經完全被性慾佔去,完完全全是為了性存在的淫獸,接著他用身體磨蹭變大的睪丸,雙手大力捏了一下巨大的乳頭,乳頭瞬間噴射出不輸巨根份量的精液,就這樣持續了一個多小時… 第二十六章:淫欲 肌肉社長忙完事情回到正陽的測試室,他進門看到的是吸取機已經吸取了幾十公升的精液,他急忙的看向測試室,看到非常巨大且一直變大的睪丸和乳頭和巨根一直噴出大量精液的正陽躺在精液海中,肌肉社長見狀先打開排水口排掉全部的精液,從旁邊的盒子裡拿出一根針筒衝進測試室,直接把給正陽注射了某種液體,正陽的陰莖和乳頭瞬間噴出了比剛才更大量的精液,吸精管被突然增量的精液給用爆,沒被管子套住的巨龍直接噴射到天花板,測試室瞬間又變成了精液海,正陽的情緒慢慢的緩和下來,他的睪丸也明顯越來越小,過了10分鐘,正陽的睪丸變回原來大小,他無力的躺在精液海中睡著了,過了30分鐘,正陽醒來了,他被綁在一張床上,肌肉社長在一旁好像在用電腦檢查什麼,正陽說:「肌肉社長。這是怎麼回事?」肌肉社長說:「目前在檢測你的身體,因為你吃了過量的性藥,所以可能會對你的身體有影響…再等一下檢測就會有結果了。」沒多久,檢測結果出來了,肌肉社長坐到床邊說:「正陽先生,你在測試室中吃了大量的10倍性藥,所以你的身體裡殘留了大量的性藥藥效,在測試室時我給你注射了排精針,讓你大量的排出精液,但是你身體裡的性藥藥效沒有排出,現在你身體裡的性藥藥效已經到了臨界值,只要在吃下一顆性藥,你的睪丸之後可能只要忍著性慾不發洩,就會讓精液的產量暴增,只要你在接下來的一天內都不要吃任何性藥,你身體的性藥藥效就會慢慢消失,所以今天請你先回去吧,我們之後再跟你聯繫。」正陽的身體因為吃了性藥,他的乳頭已經變成一個拳頭大,連胸肌也變得厚實許多,全身肌肉也因為性藥的催化而稍微變大了一點,肌肉社長幫正陽準備了符合他體型的衣服,正陽穿上後準備離開公司,這時他經過了剛才他用的測試室,看到桌子上有一盒藥丸上面寫著「實驗品性藥」,正陽偷偷的把盒子藏到衣服裡馬上搭上離開公司的車離開了,晚上7點正陽到家了,他的體型已經比家門大上快一倍,進門時肌肉直接把入口撞壞,走進家裡後聽到弟弟們在房間裡激戰,正陽心想:「等一下我就來疼愛你們…」突然正陽看到客廳有一箱包裹,正陽打開後裡面是一罐完成品的formula x和一張溫泉旅館招待券還有一張上面寫著「謝謝您今天的抽樣,這是以你的精液中的樣本製作出來的藥。」正陽心想:「是時候讓弟弟們也永遠變成肌肉男了。」正陽把衣服全部脫光後打開偷拿出來的藥盒,裡面有一顆藥丸和一張紙寫著「研究實驗品性藥X,50倍」正陽看到這性藥的強度就想起在測試室的情況,讓他不經勃起流出飲水,正陽拿出一顆性藥吃下肚,另一方面,在房間內的正月、宇晴和盛良已經一起做愛三個小時了,這時盛良被一樓巨大的聲響吵醒了… 第二十七章:兄弟淫亂 盛良拖著疲累的身體走下樓查看聲響是什麼,他聞到一股很濃的精液和汗味,躲在樓梯上偷看,他看到一個肌肉巨人在客廳,周圍家具都被弄倒全是精液,巨人身體透紅、就像是剛洗完澡一樣全身都是汗、超級硬挺的巨根和巨大的乳頭不斷噴出精液,盛良還看到他最不敢相信的事情,在巨人的胯下有從來沒有看過如巨大的睪丸,已經跟一個國中生一樣巨大,而且還在慢慢變大,盛良看到這畫面,原本已經被發洩完的性慾又突然高漲,他慢慢的走到巨人的身後,摸了一下巨人的肌肉,突然間巨人大吼一聲,原本噴出的精液量突然大增,巨人轉過身抓住盛良,硬挺的巨根直接到他面前,噴出的精液全噴到他身上,這時盛良發現那個巨人是正陽,盛良興奮的說:「正陽哥!?你怎麼了?你又變得更大了呢。」由於盛良他們身體裡的試驗品藥效都已經退了,身體都只剩下一些小肌肉,正陽堅硬的巨根比盛良的手臂還要粗大,盛良心想:「這巨根插進來會壞掉的!」正陽將盛良抓起來,直接將巨根插進盛良的後庭,盛良痛到直接大叫出來,隨著精液噴進他的身體,強烈的爽感馬上占據疼痛感,明明才剛射完精液,怎麼感覺…」盛良的身體吸收了正陽的精液,他的身體肌肉瞬間暴漲,巨大的胸肌、結實的腹肌和背肌、粗壯的手和腳都回來了,這時的盛良已經不想管了,他完全只想跟正陽一起做愛直到完全累倒為止,當正陽把盛良當成自慰套不斷在巨根上上下插動時,盛良用雙手大力捏正陽巨大且在射精的乳頭,正陽噴出的精液瞬間變成強力水柱,盛良的身體一直吸收正陽的精液不斷變大變強壯,就連性慾也是越來越強,這時正陽直接把盛良的硬屌塞進嘴巴吸吮,盛良大爆射,正陽再次喝了盛良精液中的性藥成分,已經完全淪為發情的淫獸,而盛良已經變成淫獸發洩性慾的玩物,隨著進入盛良體內的精液越來越多,盛良的體型和巨根就越來越大,盛良的意識已經完全被性慾佔去,兩人已經變成了淫亂巨獸,兩人就這樣持續了幾個小時,到了晚上12點,正月和宇晴一起睡在精液裡,這時整間房子的開始晃動,正月兩人被晃醒了,宇晴說:「這是地震嗎!?我們先出去外面吧!」正月說:「等一下。震動好像是從樓下傳來的,而且好像還有很像淫叫的聲音。我們下樓看一下。」兩人慢慢的走到一樓,這時他們聞到一股非常非常濃的精液、汗味,他們看向客廳發現像發情肌肉野獸的正陽把盛良壓在地上不斷的抽插他的後庭,而盛良一直發出淫蕩的叫聲,更讓正月他們驚訝的是,正陽和盛良的體型就像是巨人一樣,且兩人的巨屌都比之前還要巨大,就連乳頭也一直不斷噴精液,正月和盛良看到這畫面已經完全忍不住了,兩人瞬間勃起,原本平息的性慾又被燃起,陰莖不斷流出淫水,兩人直接衝向前一起插進正陽的後庭,兩人很快就射了,但是正陽和盛良完全處在兩人的快樂時光,根本沒注意到正月和宇晴,由於正月和宇晴身體的藥效幾乎都沒了,所以性慾和體力也減退的很快,只射了一發就耗掉大量的體力,這時正月看到一旁的的罐子上寫著formula x完成品,直接打開罐子拿出兩顆就吃下肚,正月的身體開始流汗、肌肉就像是被消氣的氣球直接灌滿氣變大,陰莖也增長增大到比之前還要大、當身體穩定下來後,正月體型已經跟正陽一樣大了,正月直接抓起宇晴,上演跟正陽和盛良一樣的情況,沒多久宇晴身體也越來越大,這四兄弟就這樣持續了幾個小時… 正陽:230/160公斤 屌50/11 勃起85/14 正月:220/140公斤 屌45/10 勃起80/13 宇晴:180/120公斤 屌65/15 勃起100/20 盛良:190/135公斤 屌45/10 勃起80/13
  8. macreau


    第二十二章:性藥 盛良走到地下室時,他看到地下室都是幹掉的精液,還有兩大包之前他們射在保險套裡的精液,盛良想像到哥哥那淫亂的畫面,忍得住勃起的更厲害,盛良找到一個箱子,打開裡面是粉紅藥丸和保險套,他拿走整罐粉紅藥丸跑到正月房間外,盛良直接吃下4顆藥丸,他的身體瞬間感受到前所未有的感覺,身體通紅全身發熱不停的冒汗,巨根佈滿青筋一直跳動,而且比之前勃起的還要大上一倍,睪丸大到可以明顯看出裡面裝滿著精液,盛良那淫亂的模樣,就像一直被打了性藥的肌肉猛獸一樣,他殘存一點理智打開門,宇晴趴在地上,正月正在用巨根不停的抽插宇晴的肉穴,突然間,比正月和宇晴的巨根加起來還要粗大的巨龍無預警的整根插進正月的後庭,正月被突然的劇痛和爽感刺激,直接大爆射在宇晴體內,正月的肚子明顯可以看到一根巨屌的形狀 ,趁著正月在射精的同時,宇晴把5顆性藥塞到正月的嘴裡,讓他吞下,在宇晴體內的巨根突然變大,就像是在被插入一根巨屌一樣,原本快射完的精液突然又大量射出開始從宇晴嘴裡流出來,正月的奶頭變得非常硬挺,還一直流出乳汁,接著正月和盛良開始激烈的前後抽插,每抽插一次就噴出大量精液,正月和宇晴的肚子已經被精液填滿,就連腹肌都被撐到快看不清楚了,這時盛良直接把正月抱起來,正月的巨根從宇晴的後庭拔出,流出來大量的精液,當宇晴被自己大到不行的肚子壓的喘不過氣的時候,盛良和正月抱著對方的巨屌側躺在地上,互相用嘴巴吸吮著馬眼,用身體搓揉巨根,宇晴拖著巨大的肚子走到藥罐旁,直接吃下10顆藥丸,正當盛良和正月都快要大噴射時,一根比他們的屌加起來還大上2倍的巨龍,從他們兩的陰莖中間插入,這時的 宇晴已經完全的變成發情的淫獸,他快速前後抽插,三人的巨根在摩擦的同時,宇晴各給自己和正月,盛良吃下15顆粉紅藥丸,三人瞬間大噴射,像海嘯的精液直接淹滿整間房間,精液從房間淹到二樓走廊全部都是,正當正月他們在大爆射的時候,正陽剛好回到家了,正陽進家門就看到大量的精液從樓梯上留下來,心想:「。那三個好弟弟又在爽了」正陽踩著精液慢慢走上樓,站在正月的房間外看到三個人一直對著牆壁不斷噴 第二十三章:淫亂校園 的x,這是正月他們三個都起床下樓了,正陽看到他們三個因為藥效已經退去,身體已經快要變回原本的大小,肌肉也不像昨天一樣明顯,正陽看到後就把從健身房裡拿的藥全部放都餐桌上說:「這些給你們用吧,讓你們變得更大,今天我回來就跟你一起......」正陽沒說完就直接出門了,但是弟弟們都知道哥哥想要說的事情,三人都想像著晚上的畫面勃起一邊吃著早餐,正月,宇晴和盛良吃完早餐後就帶著哥哥給的要藥出門上學,到了學校後就直接到精液泳池,這時在泳池的所有人身體都因為藥效退去而變回原來的大小,正月直接跳進精液泳池裡大口喝精液,正月的身體開始慢慢變成昨天的大小,這時其他體育社團的學生都到游泳池來了,一位籃球隊的學長說:「。聽說你們這裡有幾位肌肉發達的學弟,我們想看看是什麼樣的人」突然間一個巨大的身影 從精液泳池裡站起來露出上半身,那巨大的肌肉比在場的所有還大,巨大的公雞直接頂的正月的胸肌,正月因為精液池中的藥效而被淫欲佔據理智,他那巨大的肌肉,硬挺的巨根和龐大的身軀讓所有人都勃起著呆站在原地,籃球隊的學長走進泳池裡到正月的巨根前面不自覺舔著從馬眼流出的精液和淫水,突然間,學長的身體因為精液中藥效,肌肉變得緊實,身體稍微變大,他把身上的衣服全部脫掉直接抱住正月的巨根瘋狂的舔著,就像是吃了性藥一樣,泳池旁的其他人都看著這畫面,也一起跟身旁的人做愛,宇晴看到學長舔了正月精液的反應跟盛良說:「。盛良你脫下褲子」盛良把褲子脫掉露出巨大的巨屌,宇晴開始幫盛良手淫,當盛良的陰莖開始勃起,流出淫水時,宇晴舔了一口,他瞬間感覺身體非常的發熱,陰莖瞬間硬挺衝破褲子,宇晴心想 「難道昨晚吃大量的性藥讓我們的精液也有性藥的藥效了。」宇晴的意識也馬上被淫欲給佔據,直接把盛良撲倒在地上,並拿出正陽早上給他們的藥丸直接吃下了10顆,宇晴的肌肉瞬間暴漲,他將硬挺的巨根直接全部插進盛良的肛門內,盛良瞬間爽到快要失去意識,宇晴馬上也給盛良吃下10藥丸,盛良的身體和肌肉都變得跟宇晴一樣大,這時越來越多人都跳進精液池裡喝著精液一邊做愛,整個泳池已經變成了一個淫亂野獸的地盤 第二十四章:健美比賽 X吃下,正陽感覺他的身體開始發熱,一直流汗,剛平靜的巨根瞬間勃起起變得更大,肌肉脹大一倍,身上的衣服都被肌肉撐破,就連訂製的比賽褲都快要被那覺醒的巨龍撐破,這時正陽的淫欲和睪丸內存了一個禮拜的精液已經快要到了讓正陽變成一隻淫欲野獸,沒多久健美比賽開始了,比賽請所有年級的學生來投票選出一二三年級分別的隊長,前面從三年級開始,當肌肉男隊伍開始走上舞台時,在場的所有人都看到這不是一般健身肌肉男會有的肌肉和體型給驚呆了,很多人看到台上的選手那巨大的肌肉和比賽褲內的厚重感都勃起了,很快的三年級和二年級的隊長都選出來了,輪到了一年級的選手出場,前面剛出來,一樣讓大家驚嘆連連,這時在隊伍最後的正陽走上舞台了,在場所有人都瞬間勃起了,正陽比台上其他人都還要高大的體型,那完美結 實的肌肉和線條,在比賽褲內不斷流出淫水的巨根,讓全場的學生都興奮的叫好,在全場的歡呼聲中,選手們都開始擺姿勢展現自己的肌肉,這時正陽心想: 「好多人在看我的肌肉,就像是正月一樣。」正陽想起正月之前一直看著他肌肉時的表情和心情,想著就突然勃起了,正陽的身體開始發熱流汗,肌肉也慢慢變大,台上的選手跟台下的同學都看到勃起,這時正陽的忍耐終於到了極限,突然大吼一聲,他那勃起的巨根直接衝破比賽褲射出了一發精液,所有的人看到這一幕後都一起射了,正陽的精液直接射到活動中心四層樓高的天花板,正陽全裸的站在台上,他的巨根一直流出淫水,台下的同學都忍不住了,都把正陽當成意淫的對象開始打手槍和跟身旁的人一起做愛,這時正陽身旁的選手都撲到正陽身上飢渴的舔著正陽的身體和巨根,「正陽,我 忍不住了,一個禮拜的量,就在這裡做吧!」所有選手都跑上台開始互相做愛,正陽直接被三個學長狂插,他的巨根被好幾個人猛舔,活動中心變成了一個關著一大群發情淫獸的牢籠,過了三個小時,所有人都發洩了淫欲後累倒在滿是精液的地上,而正陽因為藥效的關係性慾一直高漲,不斷的用自己的肛門榨取台上所有人的精液,過了一個小時,正陽的肚子被精液灌滿,就像是塞了兩顆籃球一樣,精液瞬間被正陽的身體吸收,圓圓肚 正陽200/145公斤屌40/9勃起75/11
  9. Guest

    The Test - Chapter Six: Cronus

    The Test: Episode Six Cronus Vengeance practically glowed with the electricity he had called from the sky. His skin was slick and the metal parts of his flesh shone bright. He flexed his whole body and walked over to his father, Chaos. - Do you approve, Dad? - You did well. - I’m massive, aren’t I? - Yes. - Bigger, I think, then even you are. - You might be. - I feel so alive, Dad. So fucking alive!!! Vengeance roared and electricity from the sockets and lamps shot into his body, massaging it. His muscles swelled up even larger and he seemed to grow taller. - I can’t stop, Dad!!! It feels too good! I think I’ll just keep growing forever!! - Control yourself!! We have work to do. - Work??? We have work to do??? Another massive roar, another burst of electricity, and Vengeance’s pecs swelled to greater proportions. - I decide when I work and when I don’t work! I make the decisions now!!! A fireball appeared in his hand, and he threw it across the room, setting part of the couch ablaze. - I think it just might be time to dethrone you, Dad. What do you think about that? Chaos just stood there and watched at his son. - I said: What do you think??!! Vengeance generated another ball of fire and hurled it at Chaos, striking him directly in the chest. The energy blast flung him across the floor and onto his back. As Vengeance walked over to him, he drew energy from every source, bulking up further. His gargantuan arms, filled to the breaking point with muscle, swelled even larger. - What do you think, Dad? - I think you are a sniveling little brat who should be taught a lesson. Vengeance struck Chaos with a second blast of energy, and then a third. Chaos was hurled against the wall. - I can do this all day, Dad, but I’m not sure you can. I have a secret, Dad. I know how to kill you. The gem told me. Chaos wanted to speak, but stayed quiet. - Very well. I take that silence to be my answer. I make the decisions now. Here, let me help you up. Vengeance extended his hand to Chaos, but stopped and pulled it away. - On second thought... lick my hoof. - What? - You heard me!!! Lick... my... HOOF!!!! An unseen force grabbed Chaos, picked him up, and pitched him down on his knees. Chaos attempted to fight it, but the strength of the force was stronger then even he, and it began pushing him down closer and closer to Vengeance ‘s hooves. - Worship me, Dad!! Worship your new King!! The force pressed down even harder on Chaos while he tried to fight back. Never in his life had he kneeled before someone, and he wasn’t going to start with his own son. With all of the mental and physical strength he could muster, Chaos threw himself onto his feet, twisted toward his son, and in one instantaneous movement, ploughed his entire arm deep within his chest. Taken totally by surprise, and assuming his metal casing would protect him, Vengeance just gaped with wide eyes and open mouth. - No son of mine will ever speak to me that way again!!! The noise that Vengeance emitted was ungodly, forcing Destruction to cover his ears. With the same rapid movement, Chaos pulled his hand out of his sons chest, clutching pieces of the gem and pulling tentacles trailing behind. Once the tentacles hit the night air, they slunk back into the gem making it whole once again. Vengeance looked at his father with shock and sorrow. As he tried to speak, blood and foam began to bubble up out of his mouth and run down his face. Vengeance started to shake wildly as every part of his body began to pulsate, bubble, and hastily begin to fall apart. Flesh dropped off as his whole body began to liquefy. Falling to his knees, he struggled to reach out for his father, but Chaos simply kicked him away. In mere moments, Vengeance was nothing more then a large mess on the floor. Chaos turned to Destruction. - Do it!!! - What? - Remove my heart now!! - I don’t... - Do it!!!!!!!! Destruction didn’t have to be told twice. Walking up to Chaos, he pulled his arm back and then sunk it into his chest. He was shocked how easy it was, and found himself silently wishing it killed Chaos. Everything seemed to be moving quickly out of control. Through gritted teeth, Chaos barked another command. - Do it!! Destruction enfolded his hand around Chaos’ beating heart, yanked, feeling the veins give way, and slowly removed his arm with the prize in his hand. Blood began to drip from the corners of Chaos’ mouth. With a shaking hand and sheer determination, he lifted the gem to the gaping hole and forcefully thrust it in. He waited for what seemed like eternity until he began to feel the gem beating in his chest like his own heart once did. His flesh filled back in, and Chaos was whole once again. Silence filled the room as Chaos took a step and then another, trying to remain on his feet. Every aspect that had become a part of him when he created Chaos swiftly began to revert to the original form Declan had possessed for most of his life. Chaos was just a memory, a bookmark in his quest for power. In a voice barely above a whisper, he spoke. - I demand you give to me what you were hinting at with my son. I know the power that lies within you and I want it all. Only I can weald such power! Give it to me!!! Listening to his demands, an indescribable feeling began to fill his entire body, his entire being, and his mind. Destruction watched as Declan began to shudder and then tremble, a smile emerging on his face. - Yes!!!!! I can feel it flooding my entire body. It’s like nothing I’ve ever felt before. It’s mind altering!! I’m opening my brain to it! Fuck!!!! Yes!!! I can now see so much!!!! I can see the whole universe!! Not just our universe, but every universe! The gem began to beat faster in his chest and commenced glowing so bright that it could be seen from within his chest. - I have been given the key to everything!!! I am being handed the entire universe!! Every cell... every atom, every piece of matter in this and the billion other universes on this and every plane is mine!!! In a blink of an eye I can be anywhere... and everywhere!!! It’s more then I expected!!! It’s not simply power, it’s all power!! Declan grabbed his head with his hands and started to scream. - All of the knowledge of this universe... It’s forcing its way into my brain!!! All of the knowledge of every universe is flooding me!!! It’s... almost... too... much... to.., handle!!! Lightening shot down from the sky, through the ceiling, and began to strike the ground around Declan. Destruction could hardly see him behind the blinding rain of lightning bolts. With his head still bowed to the ground, Declan lifted his arms up into the air as if welcoming the energy into its new host. On command, thousands of bolts of lightning began to shower down into his body. As he was hit over and over again, Declan proceeded to laugh. With one quick movement that was nearly impossible to see, Declan stood and caught a bolt as it hurled down from the sky. Holding it before him, he looked deeply into it. - Inside of this human body I now hold the secrets of everything, everything!!!!! I know where the universe stops and where it ends. I know why we are here, and what started it all. I look through the curtain to see the creator... and I see me!! ME!!! All of my life, this puny creature I was wanted to know everything... and now I am everything!!!! I am becoming the beginning and the end! I am becoming God!!! Holding the lightening bolt up high, he threw it into the wall where it burst into flames. Declan screamed out again, holding his head. Destruction moved toward him but Declan held up his hand, chucking him backward into the wall. - Even Asarualimnunna didn’t know what would happen if I claimed the gem as my own. It never knew what it really was. He only knew to safeguard it. Now I am it and it is me. We will merge, and nothing will ever stop me again!!! Destruction tried to cover his ears as Declan spoke. His voice was so loud now, so deep, and so powerful. It seemed to come from everywhere at once. His voice was in Destruction, around him, and becoming a part of every single molecule. - It’s taking every ounce of my will to stop myself from breaking apart into millions of atoms!! I was never meant to rise again, yet here I am being reborn!!! No human should be able to handle this without going insane!!! No!!!!! He’s trying to take me over... forcing me to loose myself. I forbid this, do you hear me??!! We must merge!! We must become one!!! An energy surrounded Declan as he fought for dominance. - Look at me!! I will becoming God!! I demand it be so!!! Attempting to hold onto reality, Declan began to pace around the room. He was talking so fast that Destruction found it nearly impossible to keep up. All he wanted to do now was run away. If Chaos was really becoming God… the world was in trouble. - Asarualimnunna assumed the gem would be safe within my son but Asarualimnunna underestimated his rage and newborn desire for power. That yearning weakened the walls of the gem letting out bursts of supremacy. When I saw what he became... was still becoming... what dominance he held... I knew it was supposed to be mine.... It was my destiny!!! So I took it.., Declan screamed out again in anguish as he fell onto his hands and knees. Destruction felt like he was watching a time-lapse movie as every stitch of clothing Chaos/Declan had once been wearing rapidly began to age, pull apart, fall from his body, and disintegrate. Crouching naked on the floor, was the average body Declan had always possessed. Lifting his salt and pepper haired head to look at Destruction, his eyes glowed a powerful white. Laughing hysterically again, Declan began to speak, but as he did, every language since the beginning of time piled on top of each other came out. Stopping, Declan grabbed his head once more, and in time started to speak again. - So hard to focus when one sees everything... when one experiences everything... I was here when time began... I’ve always been here!! Always expanding... always infinite. You question if you’re alone in this universe... you are... we are... but there are an infinite amount of planes and an infinite amount of universes with an infinite amount of lives and now I am all of them!!!! Not wanting to be alone, I... no!!! Not I!! We!!! We created more of me... The Titans. We ruled over every realm, every plane. My son... Declan laughed. - Like my own... desired supremacy all for himself. He found a fragment of existence where We had never been, and he fashioned a prison so strong that no one could escape it. The key was his own existence. The energy needed to fashion this prison ripped holes in many of the planes letting creatures easily pass from one to the other. In your own world... near its beginning... creatures like the Gorgon and the Kraken, and the Minotaur, and you, moved from their planes to this... hundreds of stories are told of them and each one true. My son used this prison to merge the Titans back into one and hold me there. He then took this prison, this gem, and he swallowed it. There in his stomach I lay. And he ruled over this realm and many others till soon his worshipers began to forget about him and he began to fade. In his last moments, he fashioned a creature to surround the gem... one of instinct that would never know what it held... Asarualimnunna... and sent it hurling through the planes of existence. Yearning to return home, it threw itself back through space and time...landing here... before it was originally created… where it fed. All it wanted was to feed... but it learned, and the unconscious desired more. Eventually separated from its heart, Asarualimnunna was pitched into its own prison, with only the longing to feed and keep the crystal safe... a jail warden. Asarualimnunna had to wait for the right moment, and began to break free again using the strongest of energy sources, your rage induced orgasms, to rip open the planes... bringing him closer to what he considers his home to feed. But I no longer need a jail warden!!!! Declan called forth Asarualimnunna and he appeared in his true form. Snarling and snapping, the demon attempted to escape, but it was imprisoned in Declan’s will. Extending his hand, Declan seized the creature and held it up to look at it. The demon started to screech as Declan willed every atom of Asarualimnunna to break apart. Breathing in, he ingested then all. - With no guard, the prison was weakened, and my own son began to find kinks in the armour. I sensed that if left to his own devices, the power within him would only continue to develop. It is my destiny to rule, to be worshipped, to have supreme knowledge and power at my fingertips!!!! Declan began to shudder again, his naked body shifting and pulsating. He cracked the knuckles in his right hand and watched it grow stronger. The fat around his belly disappeared, and years of age was removed from his face. - In all of my years wanting everything, I will now possess it all. Do you hear me!!! I made the decision to rip my own heart out!! I consumed the gem!! I willed the prison to be open!!! Now we will merge!! I demand that I become the universe! Every universe! I will not Be the false god Asarualimnunna made me. I will be THE God!!!! As he spoke, Declan began to get bigger. His muscles swelled larger with new vitality. - My strength, though infinite is limited. I need worshipers at my feet!! Looking at Destruction, Declan called to him. - Come and worship at my feet!! Under no power that was his own, Destruction slunk toward the man that had once been Chaos. Rising from his crouching position, Declan watched the creature trembling at his feet. - Your fear tastes delicious… Wash my feet… with your tongue. Under duress and under no will of his own, Destruction began to lick clean every inch of Chaos’ feet. As he licked, he could tell that they were starting to get slightly larger, longer, and thicker. Declan’s voice was even deeper as he spoke again. - Yes!!! I can feel my power growing stronger!! I have learned so much from each of you... what symbolizes power and influences fear and worship. Fuck!!!! There are no words you would understand to tell you how feel!! Don’t stop licking!! Destruction felt his own tongue growing longer and thicker in his mouth. Declan was compelling this to materialize so that he could now lick more surface areas of his growing feet. - Do you worship me, Destruction? - Yes. - Will you give me everything I desire? Think before you answer - Yes! - That’s all I needed to hear. Destruction began to be elevated off of the floor by invisible hands. - My first creation, you have served me well. Before Destruction could even scream, Declan separated all of his atoms and breathed him in. With a grin on his face, Declan could feel Destruction’s life force filling him up. His muscles swelled larger on his entire body as all that had been Destruction became his. The man grew taller and taller, reviling in the power he possessed. Flexing his biceps, they plumped up thicker and denser, his traps elongated and filled with pound after pound of muscle. His legs, once short and weak became columns of muscles, forcing him to have a wider stance. His midsection, freed of fat, began to bulk up with cobblestones of muscle, his skin wrapped tightly around each one, the crevices between each, deep. All of the matter from Destructions body forced Declan taller and broader, younger and more virile. As Declan welcomed the changes his human body was going through, he was finding it more and more difficult to keep his thoughts straight, not knowing what was happening in the past, present, or future; on this plane or the million others. All he knew was he had to hold on to his sanity until the merging was complete. His mind reached out and he saw creation and destruction at the same time. The part of Declan that was still human couldn’t believe that his dearest wishes were coming true one hundred fold. Once he wished to become a God among men, then he was gifted the image and powers of a God, but even that wasn’t enough. Now He was merging with and becoming Cronus, the first God... father to Zeus... ruler of everything!!!! Needing more matter to further fortify his body, Declan reached out and emancipated every atom in the house that surrounded him. Breathing in, in mere minutes, he ingested the matter of the entire building, furnishings, and plant life that surrounded it. When complete, he stood in the center of an immense crater in the ground. The matter from the combination of Destruction as well as the building forced the merging of human and God to quicken. Cronus fought for complete control over this body, but Declan wouldn’t surrender what was his. Through his insane will power, he was forcing Cronus to become one with him. A battle took place within Declan as he proceeded to grow taller and more muscular. On several planes of existence the two fought for supremacy, yet Declan’s craving for power was overwhelming, even to Cronus himself. Not admitting defeat but choosing what was perhaps the best option, God and human began to merge. - Yes!!!!! This world... every world is mine!!!! Suns, stars, black holes, and worlds exploded in thousands of universes across thousands of realms, the matter being dissolved and fed into the emerging God. The power of eternity rained down on Declan as he began to change. His hair grew longer and thicker, flowing down past his shoulders, and converting to an intense white colour. Hair began to sprout on both his chest and face, swiftly filling in and becoming extremely dense. His facial hair grew into a formidable beard, and both it and his chest hair matched the white locks on his head. As his beard grew longer, his skin grew younger and firmer until it was impossible to judge his age; he could be 20 or 80 for he was eternal... he was all time. All Declan could do was grin and experience all that was happening to him. Comprehending that he was now God was nearly too impossible even for him!! Supremacy was all he thought!! I now have supremacy over everything!!! Declan continued to grow taller and more muscular as he and Cronus merged. Every organ in his body ceased to exist as there was no longer any need for them. Like a sun that sat in the middle of the universe that was growing within his body was the gem. Swirling inside his body were other realms, planets and suns. Declan was the universe made flesh. The pecs that developed on his chest pumped up thicker and more dense. The hair that covered them was copious, but nothing could completely hide the musculature that existed on his body. His already wide lats quadrupled in size as his waist tightened, creating the greatest of V shapes. His traps thickened as his shoulders grew wider. The arms connected to this immense core bulged out even further with muscle as it traveling down his arms to his forearms and then to his hands. - I must hold on!!! I must not be defeated!! I must complete the merge!!! As his left hand grew more and more muscular, Declan’s right hand began to tranform dramatically. All of the fingers were merging until his arm resembled one enormous column of muscle. The area where his hand once was commenced turning silver as Declan realized it was now entirely made of indestructible metal. Touching it with his left hand, he discovered it was solid metal and had absolutely no feeling. Not contemplating what Cronus was causing, he watched as the right half of the extremity began to grow longer, stretching out away from his body. It curved slightly as Declan grasped that his right hand was now a gigantic sickle. Swinging it through the air, Declan embraced the weapon that was now a part of his body. It had been what Cronus had forged the universe with and maintained control, and now it would be a part of them permanently. Declan now stood nearly 14 feet tall and several tons of ripped, bulging muscles. As the wind tore past is naked body, he tried to comprehend what he was. Every sense was heightened a thousand fold. His physical eyes could see for miles and his inner eyes could see for eternity. He smelt every smell that ever had been, and heard every thought. Declan could only grin widely as he embraced all that he was becoming as they merged more and more. On one item, both Cronus and Declan were in total agreement: Declan knew they needed more size and Chronus believed they could never be big enough. Reaching out to more and more universes, to more and more realms, they sacrificed them all for matter. Declan rose taller and taller as hundreds of pounds of muscle was healed upon his body every second. - I won’t stop growing!!! I never have to stop!! Let me ingest more suns, more worlds to make me go on forever this way!! FUCK!!!! What am I becoming??!!! Declan’s penis, already of considerable size for a human was an embarrassment for Cronus. With one simple thought, it began to sprout as mighty as his own arm. Veins the thickness of trees wove around his cock, feeding it, not with blood, but with pure matter from ten thousand suns. Thicker and longer it rose till the gigantic head could be seen nearing his pecs. His testicles also grew immense as they filled with ambrosia, the nectar of the Gods. Declan tried to concentrate on the plane he physically was existing on as worlds being created and then destroyed passed before his eyes. The voice of Cronus rang out in his head: - You have sampled only an inkling of what I possess. Turn back now and I’ll let you live. - Give me it all!!! We will merge!!! - SO BE IT!!!! Declan screamed as he was given everything he desired. He yearned for power… and discovered he was power. Anything he desired was at his command. With a mere movement of his pinky, entire worlds would stop turning. He would reign supreme forever for he was eternal…immortal. He could punish for no reason, or rain wealth down on the needy. He was life… he was death. He was destruction. He was growth. He began and ended everything. He was God. Declan and Cronus ceased to exist as two entities any longer but together as one mighty force. This is how it always was and always would be. When they spoke, they spoke in unison but in a chorus of two voices; both deep and soul consuming. A mere thought might haunt Cronus as they remembered that at one time a piece of them had been human, but that no longer mattered. Cronus was everything. Standing thirty feel tall and hundreds of tons of muscle, Cronus took in their surroundings. The world had changed since their imprisonment, and not for the better. Now that they had returned, the world should return to how it once was. With this desire, hundreds of humans transformed into Gorgons, ,Harpies and Sirens, Cyclops’s and Minotaur’s, Chimaera’s and Dragons, and Demons. The world of myth of… chaos… would once again reign. Humans flocked outside to see them in all of their glory. Standing proudly in their nakedness, they began to walk, their powerful footsteps echoing for hundred of miles around. As they made their way, they would walk right through buildings leaving them intact. They would come to them out of respect, not out of fear… yet. Admiring this world, they grew larger, soon standing over 50 feet tall, then 60 feet tall, then 70. Their musculature was beyond measurement as there had never been any creature so immense. Without opening their mouth they spoke to everyone at once. - We have returned. We are Cronus and We will worshiped. You will build temples to Us, make sacrifices to Us, and honor Us. In return, We will allow you to live. Anger Us, and We will rain fire down destroying you all. Cronus’ body burst into flames, every inch of them living fire. Their eyes were fire, their hair and beard were fire, their cock was fire. - We have returned and we will reign supreme!! These words rocked Jacob as he was running back to the bath house to get Eros, and hoped he wasn't too late. These words woke Zeus from his slumber. These words echoed through every world on every plane through eternity. The sovereignty of Cronus had begun.
  10. remerting

    Mr. Incredible VS Dr. Grow

    This was part of a collaborative roleplay I had with Arribous that we never finished. I found the whole thing to be hot and well written and I've always enjoyed Arribous' writing style. Hope everyone likes it. The scenario features a would-be villain attempting to sap away Mr. Incredible's super strength only to find that things go awry. Contains hyper, macro and some sexual scenes. "SO! Mr Incredible, we meet at last!" Bob heard the voice emerging from the darkness of the large, echoing room. His arms and legs were stiff, stuck in place as he felt suspended in air. Dramatically, fluorescent lights flickered on as the interior was lit, showing the warehouse in its entirety with shelves stacked against walls and a man standing before him. The figure wore a black jumpsuit with leather straps wrapped around his body. Bob turned to see what was restraining him as he noticed the two generator-like machines to his sides, buzzing loudly as they work to keep him trapped. Both wrists and ankles had been latched to metal plates with a noticeable blue energy surrounding them. He was left with both arms raised over his head, as if he had been shackled in some kind of dungeon. "What a pleasant surprise it is seeing you here. I didn't think you'd be so foolish to just waltz right through the door but now here you are, hands tied by my magnetized machine. I applaud your efforts." He didn't remember how he'd ended up like this, it was supposed to be an easy job that he could handle on his own. All he remembered was arriving at the warehouse...and then he ended up here. He knew his head was killing him, the middle-aged hero groaning and pinching his eyes closed as the ringing in his ears started to fade. "Ugh..." he groaned, shaking his head. He tugged at his restraints, testing them, finding that since they weren't physical objects he could overpower, he was stuck here. He sighed, hanging his head, an annoyed expression on his face as he looked at this...interesting individual. "Who're you?..." he grunted, not familiar with this person "Why I am Dr. Grow of course and you my friend are the very enticing Mr. Incredible. I've kept my eye on you for some time now." The masked villain said as he gave a slight pinch to his mustache. "Your superior strength is a fetching trait I hold much respect for. I'm almost jealous of it. I AM jealous of it." He turned away, giddy at the reveal of his master plan. "Brains aren't enough for me anymore. What I want is what you have." Bob sighed, furrowing his brow. He didn't have time for this, this was some two-bit hack that the police force shouldn't have any issue with. "You don't think a gym membership would have been easier than capturing me?" he said with a smirk, not particularly concerned. He didn't think this guy had much up his sleeve that could hurt him. "Oh believe me Mr. Incredible. What I have will make gyms obsolete! BEHOLD!" With a dramatic turn, Dr. Grow revealed his weapon. "This my burly friend will be the end of your super days: The Drain Gain!" The small ray gun was sleek and appeared comically canon to weapons of science fiction. "This little tool will suck the brawn right out of your body, harvesting your heroic muscle so 'I' can live in your shoes." The slightly-pudgy superhero was more curious than he was afraid, there was no way that this guy could drain his super-strength, right? Even if he got smaller, he'd still be able to draw upon his massive strength reserves whenever he needed to. He let the wannabe super villain boast about his device, remaining silent and waiting for an opening, his eyes darting around the room behind his mask as he looked for anything that could help him escape. "But why explain it when I can just show you." Giggling maniacally, Dr. Grow had switched the device to the first setting, aiming the Drain Gain at Bob with glee. "Any last words before I make you obsolete?" Bob grimaced, gritting his teeth a bit. "Once I'm out of this thing, you'll regret what you're about to do," he cautioned him, despite knowing it'd fall on deaf ears. "Do your worst." With the pull of a trigger, the weapon blasted a ray of green energy at the helpless hero, encompassing his form in an emerald aura that tingled his skin. Dr. Grow, smiling wide, looked on with excitement, desperate to spot the effects taking place. The process was slow and hard to notice but unbeknownst to Dr. Grow, his choice weapon was having the opposite effect. Even to Bob, he was convinced the alien sensation was taking a toll to his powers yet his figure sluggishly swelled. Bob grit his teeth as the ray hit him, expecting something painful...but he cracked an eye open when he didn't feel a blast of pain, only a strange tingling feeling working its way through his muscles. His suit creaked softly as the mass beneath it began to slowly expand outward, the hero instinctively flexing his muscle as best he could, given his position. The metal clamps around his calves and forearms were starting to feel rather tight. Slowly, Dr. Grow's smile was beginning to sink. At that point, the growth was noticeable to him. Bob's biceps had started to slowly swell closer to his face. His visible lats were wider, thick thighs even thicker, chest size growing, pushing out more. Something was wrong. Releasing his finger from the trigger, the growth had completely halted as the Doctor had disappointment written across his face. "Uhhh...give me a second here." Bob snickered, looking down at himself, his pecs having grown a bit thicker, his biceps tugging against his suit a bit. "Heh. Seems your little toy there might actually be useful. I think it grew me bigger...Maybe you need to turn it up some, maybe it'll work then," he said with a coy grin, hoping that the maddened doctor would go along with it. Maybe he'd get strong enough to break out of here. "Be quiet you! It's just a bug, nothing more..." As he examined the gun, Dr. Grow noted the setting set properly to drain. Perhaps down the line, his configuration functioned in the exact opposite. Switching the setting to gain, his confidence returned once again. "Now Mr. Meathead, watch as your new muscles suddenly vanish!" The beam struck him just the same, and the same effect happened. His muscles slowly swelled, his body getting thicker, wider, heavier...but since the machine was calibrated to only hold someone of his mass and not a larger person, his levitating bindings began to wobble, starting to let him drift down towards the ground. Seeing his opportunity, Bob grinned and began to struggle with the restraints, trying to do whatever he could to get out of the field's effect! "No! Stop!" Dr. Grow's attempts to remove his finger from the trigger hadn't stop the gun. The trigger was stuck in the active setting. No matter how hard he attempted to point his gun elsewhere, the stream was already too familiar with Bob's body. The magnetic machine was starting to groan. The added weight of Bob's mass was overloading it's field of influence. Bob was looking quite beefy now, his frame tumbling forward out of the machine's stasis field, falling to the ground and getting to his feet. Now that he was free, he quickly plied his strength to rip off the shackles around his wrists and ankles, freeing him from the device's grip permanently. But still that beam continued, his shoulders widening, his pecs flaring out in front of him, his glutes more defined and thicker beneath his suit. He grinned cockily, reaching up to flex one of his arms, grunting approvingly. "Whoof. Nice...don't suppose this is permanent, eh?" he chuckles, rubbing his arm. Prying the trigger with both of his fingers, the device finally went off. Now that his focus was on Bob, he stood stunned to see the hulkish hero, seven feet tall, almost seven feet wide. The sudden burst of brawn and beef had left the doctor scared. The moment was so perfect and now his plans had been thwarted on his own accord. And then there was Bob, holding his attention captive. The silk-like red suit stretching enough to show a hint of skin. The "I" insignia adorning his chest was pulling across his hefty breast. Even his black tights had a noticeable heft between his thighs. Dr. Grow was not only afraid, but intrigued. Bob took advantage of his opportunity, lowering his arms and flexing his biceps against his chest with a grunt and a broad grin. "Grrrh! I'd say that's a hell of a little toy you got there, doc! I think it about doubled my mass...look at me, heh," he chortled, relaxing his muscles and idly bouncing his thick pecs, a near-hypnotizing motion for the doctor. "What do you say about pumping me up a little more, eh? Even me out some? You've got scientific curiosity, right?" "Don't think this is over!" Dr. Grow said with a shake in his voice. "Just because you're some Adonis with...flawless arms and chiseled abs...and..." His concentration kept falling victim to the perfect physique he had crafted. "Laugh now, because I'm still going to drain you of all of that." The Doctor was lying of course. Even he knew that his weapon had no effect to suck the powers from his adversary. That still didn't stop him from holding his ray up and pulling the trigger, knowing well of his defeat. He might as well enjoy seeing his victor become even more irresistible. Bob ran his hands down his abs, touching every finely-contoured line, rumbling his approval. "Mmmmm. Even got rid of my pot belly too, heh. It might even help my hairline grow back," he chortled, raising his arms up and flexing, flaring his back out as wide as it could go. It was during this flex that he was struck with the beam again, which made him laugh deeply as he felt his body start to swell outward in every direction, gaining height and muscle and even more mass between his legs, the crotch of his suit stretching and deforming around his swelling manhood! "Rrrrghh, that's it! Keep it comin'!" he barked, his voice growing deeper and louder as he grew. Two feet was added to the glory of Bob's body before Dr. Grow stopped his gun again. The sheer arrogance of his nemesis toyed with his libido, drawing his enthusiasm towards his form. He approached Bob timidly, still pointing his weapon at him. "You like that don't you? You like being my lab rat." The doctor stood a few feet from his manly creation. He could see damp spots below the shoulders and around his chest. The smell of man was unavoidable, even at his distance. That suit; amazing that it still managed to keep itself around the curves of each bulbous muscle. He was even more amazed at how the ray was affecting the hero's member. The outline of his cock and balls had made his junk so apparent in the black speedo. His Drain Gain was never intentionally made to affect such an area but to the amusement of Dr. Grow, he wasn't complaining. Bob's hands reached up to grope and heft his newfound pec-shelf, a manly grunt of approval rising from his throat. "Hrrnnfh...I like getting bigger, and stronger. And you seem excited to give that to me. Maybe...you always wanted me so big and huge and hung, eh?" he chuckled, reaching a hand down to shamelessly grope at his package, the soft cock as thick as his wrist and so long it was forced to curve forward and below his nuts inside the stretchy confines of his suit. Sweat was starting to pool under his suit, soaking into the water-resistant fabric, beads rolling down his face as he panted and groaned under his newfound bulk. Dr. Grow almost pawed at his figure, fixated on giving it a touch. He was still frightened, fearing his worth drain with every blast, yet he still wanted to fire at him. "Tell me big boy, how desperate do you want to grow?" "Hahaha," Bob laughed, turning to the side for a side-chest pose, grunting as he flared his incredible pecs outward, tensing his bicep against them. "You say that like there's any outcome aside from you blasting me again. But I'll humor ya. I wanna GROW. REALLY huge," he grunted, his voice carrying a lot more presence now. "Give it to me." The desire for growth almost worried him more but his attitude suggests he doesn't take the villain serious enough. Nervously, Dr. Grow replied: "First, you kneel." Bob chortled, shrugging his massive shoulders. "Heh, yeah, why not?" he grunted, a little caught up in his growth himself. He dropped down to one knee, still looking down at the shrimpy doctor, though not quite as much as he had been a few moments ago. "I'm waiting," he grunted in mock annoyance, the heat from his body radiating off him like sunbeams. Dr. Grow's heartbeat was racing. He was actually complying to his demands. "Raise up your arm", he asked, hoping the loyalty was still present. It was never really there to begin with, Bob was just playing along so that he could grow bigger. He raised his arm as bidden and flexed, the bicep peaking up enormously, so tall that he could rub his knuckles on the top of it! "Hah, like this?" No reply was made. The glorious mountain of arm was a sight to behold, yet the bothered doctor had his interests below it. He crept closer to his pit, breathing heavy of its aroma. The already sweaty face of Dr. Grow was moistened further by the damp surface of the lat. He only continued to close in further towards his body. If Mr. Incredible can enjoy his newfound size, why couldn't the doctor? Bob grinned wolfishly as he realized what the doctor was getting so worked up about, the scent radiating from his pits, cascading down the inside of his suit, his man-stink leaking out despite the tight elastic contours of his suit. "Heh, you like my smell, doc? Y'know, it'd probably be a lot stronger if I grew big enough to rip out of this thing. But it can take a lot of stretching, so I'd have to get pretty damn big." "And big you will be, once I'm done with you..." The doctor leaned into Bob's side, face pressing against the cavernous contours of his pit. His tongue rolled against the fabric, the musk unbelievable to his senses. One hand caressed the side of Bob's chest, grazing against the protruding nipple under his suit while his other hand felt the lumpy surface of his flaring back. Above him was the mass of Bob's arm, still dripping on top of the wimpy doctor. "Grrhh...yeah, get a taste of a real man," he grunted, tensing his fist and flexing his bicep and lat and pec as strong as he could, the exertion causing the sweat spot to spread further, his musk invading the doctor's nostrils even more fully, he felt Bob's incredible, spicy male-scent reach into his lungs and brain! "Mmmnf, lick my pits more, taste my manhood little guy!" Dr. Grow obliged, lathering every inch of Bob's pit with his mouth. While he tasted the super beast, his arm reached for his ray gun again, unleashing another wave of growth while he savored the salty taste of man. Bob closed his eyes and groaned low in his throat as his nine-foot frame began to swell and bloat upward and outward once again, his muscle creaking beneath his suit as it grew bigger, thicker, stronger. He didn't even know how this might interact with his powers, but he had no doubt it'd make him exponentially stronger! His free hand reached up to heft his pecs, fingering the meaty nipple beneath the suit with a groan, sliding his palm down his bulging 8-pack of abs, feeling the Adonis belt he'd grown under his fingers...he was getting so BIG now, he had to be more than twelve feet tall, looking like he weighed two tons of musclebound brawn! The suit was still holding, but who knows how long that'd keep up. Stopping his ray gun again, Dr. Grow dismounted from Bob's soaking pit, stepping away as to fit every inch of sweat soaked muscle into view. Mr. Incredible was a titan. It was amazing how much room had vanished from his presence. Seeing his deep red suit turn pinkish, stretching from how much muscle it had retained inside only made the doctor tingle. All plans of sapping the hero's muscle were burned away by the villain's libido; the results were just too good. There was still so much room in the warehouse for him to continue and he saw no reason to stop soon. Still, he enjoyed toying with Bob. Any power he had over him was dictated by him giving Bob power. He was all too excited to continue his game. The hulking blonde superhero grunted, flexing his biceps against his chest, leaning his head back against his swollen traps, a broad and eager smile on his face. "Mnnnf. How do I look, Doc?" he snickered, raising both of his monster biceps and flexing them with a growl, the twin peaks of muscle forcing his forearms to bend outward. "Look at me...look how WIDE I am, haha! I feel stronger than ever!" Indeed, Mr. Incredible's physique was pushing to freakish levels. The enticing flexes and soaked suit only played with the Doctor's composure. "Yes, you've certainly grown quite a bit, but you're still too weak, wouldn't you agree?" his eyes fixated on the knee hanging clad member. Bob nodded eagerly, smiling brightly and relaxing from his flex, looking down at the doctor and looming over him, now more than double his height and hungry for more. "Oh yeah. I could stand to be a LOT bigger. I dunno what kinda freaky beast I'm gonna grow into...but I can't wait to get there and find out!" "Then you'll be a good little hero and let me... inspect your changes." The doctor's voice was breathy and dry. He crept closer to the heaving mound of cock, wrapped snugly into the distended leathery tights of Bob's suit. The member had grown to half the doctor's size with the leg holes extending on the sides to show the pink skin wrapped away by his red suit. The pouch was incredibly moist and musky and the smell only intensified the closer he came to it. From his perspective, he could see Bob's face slowly falling into obscurity behind his pumped up pecs. Both of his hands caressed the bulge, tiny in comparison to its magnificence. The balding demigod moaned happily as he felt those tiny hands on his massive dick, grinning from ear to ear and reaching forward with one of his huge hands, gripping the doctor's back and shoving him closer, pushing his face into the incredible bulge between his legs, smearing his face with the sweat pooling beneath his suit. "Yeahhh, how's that feel, little guy? How's my muscle-sweat smell?" he grunted, getting into his status as a growing beastman. It was impressive and divine in its shape. Dr. Grow could only imagine it unsheathed from its restraints but settled to see the outfit pushed to its limits. His hands attempted to lift the meat from its underside but his strength could not compare to its weight. Eagerly, Dr. Grow hoisted himself on top, feebly trying to climb on top of the manhood, pushing his weight against the thick bulge. He could feel his feet shifting as they slid the skin underneath the fabric. The hero's bulge was so big that it was enough of a platform for the smaller man to stand on top of as he balanced against the hulk's body. Bob chortled at how into this the doctor was getting, reaching down with his monster arms and pulling the little fella in to his abs, burying his face in the stretched-out bit of the suit that crossed the divide between his pecs. The doctor was in complete rapture. Half of his very being was scorched in the heaty embrace of his captive. His face could very well sink in between the crevice of the behemoth's chest. He craned his head upwards to catch a glimpse of the ripened man, lost in the handsome smug smile he had with masked eyes half way closed. It was hard to focus on such an amazing jaw line when the hero's breast continued to obscure it from sight. Dr. Grow widened his embrace until his hands glided far enough to caress the beefy nipples wrapped in red. It took the entire span of his arms to finally reach such a prize but that only excited him to realize just how immense the man had become. Bob groaned and instinctively bucked his hips gently at the touch of his fat, swollen nipples. His eyes pinched closed and he moaned softly, his smug grin getting even wider. "Nggghhfff...yeah...squeeze those super-nips, doc. See if you can even dent 'em!" he chortled, flexing his pecs against the doctor's frame. Just as Bob claimed, they were as tough and thick as the rest of him, it was like trying to squeeze a fleshy can of soda that was filled with lead! Much to Bob's ego, the grip of the doctor proved just how weak he really was, showcasing the comparison of just how mighty he's become. One flex of Incredible's chest swallowed up half of Dr. Grow's face, snaring him in walls of clothed, sweaty flesh that dumped the intoxicating alpha stench into the doctor's olfactory senses. Truly he has created something divine and despite Bob being so easily capable of snuffing the villain out, the doctor was rewarded instead with peak masculinity. The hulking hero groaned with bliss as he felt his chest muscles so easily engulf the normal-sized man, a hungry grin crossing his face as he pondered what to do next. His fingers were too thick to use that device that the doctor had, so he needed the little guy to cooperate with him. His man-stink seemed to be intoxicating to the little man...he wanted to grow more, so he needed the doctor to slip further and further into unthinking bliss. To that end he relaxed his chest and hoisted the doctor upward, leaning forward to press his lips to the much smaller man's own, growling as his tongue hungrily invaded the little man's mouth, stamping his masculinity and superiority into his face forever. So much force had entered into Grow's mouth. His hero was eager for more and communicated his hunger in a way that awarded the doctor further. With his face meeting with Mr. Incredible's, Dr. Grow had to lay belly-first across Bob's vast chest just to be drunk from. His noodly arms wrapped around the bullish neck, thrilled to be experiencing such a lust not only from himself but from his experiment, his guinea pig. He could make him as big as he wanted to and still he would beg for more. Happily, the doctor aimed his gun behind the giant's head and dosed him yet again as they continued to kiss. He felt the fabric beneath him stretching and creaking as it turned a lighter shade, the suit growing tighter and tighter across the hulking giant's frame. But if it bothered him in any way, he didn't show it, groaning in bliss as he began to expand outward once more. His voice grew deeper, his bones creaked as he grew taller, and the tongue filling the doctor's mouth expanded slightly. His head was growing but nowhere near the pace the rest of him was, his proportions were becoming freakier and freakier with each subsequent dose! Another ton and a half of muscle was added to his godlike body, swelling up past 14 feet in height. His man-stink rose into the air like heatwaves off of asphalt, filling the doctor's lungs with every breath he took. Dr. Grow had to part mouths, coughing as the intensity of Bob's hot breath was almost too much. As the ray stopped, he noticed just how much his position had been rearranged, his flat body balancing 90 degrees against hulking pecs instead of the previous slope. Knowing this, the doctor was all too eager to see what had become of Mr. Incredible. The middle-aged, balding hero chortled deeply when he looked down at the little man laying on his chest, reaching up to grab his lab coat with two fingers and hoist him up, leaning forward and placing him on the ground at his feet, allowing him to look up in wonder at the demigod he'd created. He couldn't see anything below Bob's eyes thanks to the huge shelf of his pecs, and the superhero was all too eager to make his head vanish completely with a simple flex of his titanic pecs, his body so wide that there was no way Grow could reach both of his nipples at once now. "Hahaha...Whaddya think, doc? Am I big enough yet?" he gloated, raising his arms to flex his biceps, the deep armpits soaked with sweat. "Nnghhh...pits feel all bunched up...must be a lot more hair in there than there used to be..." The doctor was dumbfounded. the sheer width of the titan was inhuman to say the least and the suit he wore, still clinging for dear life, hid almost nothing. Every freckle and hair follicle could be seen with only a hint of red shrouding it faintly. Dr. Grow had to keep stepping back just to keep the godly man in full view. "Amazing. You must show me more." Bob grunted, lowering his arms and pawing at his crotch, which had also grown disproportionately huge compared to his height. The gigantic shank of flesh in his suit had to be at least five feet long, and looked to be completely soft as well, his balls each the size of his bicep! "More..." he groaned, his eyes half-lidded, flexing his bicep against his pecs to rub and squeeze his nipples, his suit growing more and more soaked with his scent. "Believe me. I want more too, but I want to experience you my way. I've only seen you from the front but what are you hiding from the behind?" "Hehehe...there's more than you can see, doc. Check this out." His body sloooowly turned in place, each footfall shaking the warehouse around the two of them, making the ground beneath Grow's feet shake and rumble. He gradually turned his monolithic backside to the curious doctor, raising his arms and making his lats flare out as wide as they could go. "HRRRNNGHHH...YEAH...Check out this power, doc!" he roared, his back surging to more than ten feet in width! "My my, how much you've grown. I guess every part of you is perfect... well almost." Dr. Grow drank in the view, his eyes treated to a helping of Bob's beef. With his massive legs spread wide, the doctor couldn't help but keep his focus on Bob's low swinging balls, dangerously close to riding against the floor. Even more impressively was the ass. Luscious and fat yet still powerful and rippling, the two glutes were in a constant state of squeezing the life out of the black spandex that were strung between the boulders, each one having grown higher over the waist that even Mr. Incredible's lower lumbar was nearly unviewable by the enclosure of lats and cheeks. "Oh my..." Bob snickered, wiggling his ass in the air for the doctor's enjoyment, flexing the two gigantic, mountainous glutes together. "Grrhhhh. I could crush coal into diamond between these, haha! Anything you want flattened?" he asked with a cocky tone, squatting down to let his titanic nuts rest on the ground. "Nghhff...feel so heavy hanging from my crotch like that..." "Your ass is something to behold my guinea pig." Dr. Grow started to walk back towards Bob, as to gain a better view of his rump. The heat intensified with each of his steps. No doubt the entire warehouse was a sauna of stench, windows clearly retaining droplets of moisture in the air. "In fact, there's one last thing you can do for me and after this, I'll give you the fix you so deservingly need." Bob chortled, lowering his arms and attempting to look over his shoulder at the doctor, but his traps were too damn huge to make it possible! "Heh. I dunno if you can give me what I need at this point, doc. But I'll humor ya. What's that little thing ya need?" "Lay yourself down so I can experience that luscious rump of yours. After that, I'll make sure that damn suit comes off of you, and then some." The hero grunted, squatting down further, letting his knees impact the ground with a massive earth-shaking FOOM that rattled some of the sweat off the windows. His suit was fitting him like a second skin at this point, nearly transparent from being stretched so much, his body coated in sweat and man-fur that he hadn't had before. He laid down on his front, laughing as his pecs propped him up so much that he was forced to rotate his torso to the side, hiking his ass into the air to let the doctor explore it. "Heh. Try not to get lost in there, little man." So much mass had shifted with such a change in posture. With Bob having no space below him, his titanic nuts pressed out between his legs, right before reaching the prized booty. The doctor could see it now. The older man's crack had been loaded with blonde salt and pepperish hairs, barely concealed from the red suit. It was almost time to be rid of that obstruction but first, Grow climbed on top of Bob's ballls and graciously mashed his hands against the hulking glutes. He could feel the hair trapped beneath the suit crackling and grinding up against itself as he manhandled Bob's glutes, the man-stink just as strong here as it was everywhere else, a mohawk of fur ready to burst out from between his glutes the moment the suit was torn from his body. The hero flexed one glute, then the other, like a wave filled with steel. "Hahaha, you know, guys my age usually get a prostate exam, you up for the task, doc?" he teased, reaching back to grip his glutes tightly, pulling them apart as much as he could, exposing more hair and even more man-smell. "I'll give you something better." With a new air of dominance, Grow lowered his head into the enclosure, hoping almost to please Mr. Incredible as much as he was pleasing himself. He felt in control yet a part of him still enjoyed the idea of being Bob's bitch in the end. Deeper he went. Grow was slack jawed and ready to feast from his god. His tongue readily lapped against Bob's pulse. Even through the suit he could taste Bob's incredible manly essence, coating his tongue like an oil and overwhelming his senses, making him feel warm and hard as a rock atop the weathered hero. "Grrhh...that you eatin' my ass, doc? Hard to tell with how tiny and weak you are," he grunted matter-of-factly. Bob's words fell on deaf ears. Grow can tell he was speaking with command as his powerful words almost vibrated across his body. Nevertheless, the doctor kept swiping his tongue, drinking in the moment he would never experience again. With a grunt, Bob let go of his ass cheeks, letting them gently enfold the doctor between them, feeling his mass and power and warmth and sweat and stench surround him, temporarily trapping him in this musky jungle of flesh and fuzz, surrounded on all sides by glute muscle! What Bob hadn't expected was that familiar rush of growing energy coming from his ass of all places. As euphoric as having every inch of his body caressed by man-flesh, the doctor grew Bob further, letting the walls part away as to let him breath for air. Slipping out, the doctor fell out past the testicles and onto the floor, gasping and smiling as his arm was still extended, dosing Mr. Incredible more, sealing their deal. The hulking superhero groaned with delight as he felt his body swelling upward and outward, he was growing wider faster than he was growing taller! But he didn't mind, his rock-hard member throbbing as it reached up to his chin, the middle-aged hulk laughing as he raised his arms and tore the roof of the warehouse in half with a single motion, bending the metallic roof like it was made of aluminum foil. He took a big breath of the fresh air outside, now more than 50 feet tall, laughing with a steadily-deepening voice. "Haha! Yeah, that feels AWESOME, doc! Keep going! I'm gettin' so damn BIG and it feels better the bigger I get!" It was finally happening. The paper thin fabric that squeezed against the ever expanding musculature of the hunky hero was finally tearing. Rip by rip, the red uniform was giving up its endeavor to keep Bob remotely covered. The first to go were the black tights, their defeat obvious by the god cock that Bob had, nearing a size to his own body. Dr. Grow could only gawk at how much mass the titan was gaining, though the ray gun was proving to be less potent as Bob's dense muscles needed more and more energy to grow on. His sudden burst of size slowed down a bit as the tiny man below held his arm out to keep it going. He giggled to himself, smiling and licking the salty sweat that poured down on him as he was under his creation. "You hot monster..." left his lips whisperly, but unbeknownst to the villain, Mr. Incredible just so happened to hear him. All of the superhero's senses and powers were seemingly amplified by the ray's energy, not just his size and strength! He laughed as he turned to face the doctor, casting a shadow over him thanks to his massive pecs, his gigantic nipples pointed straight down due to the heft of his chest, leaking big drops of sweat as the hot sun warmed him up even further, the thick tangles of chest and armpit fur giving up big splatters of his sweat. "Grrr, that's right, doc! A hot monster that you created! I feel UNSTOPPABLE now!!" he roared, flexing a massive bicep, making the rest of his suit tear off, the peak of his muscle so tall he could press his palm flat against it! Dr. Grow stood up in shock, amazed to see the giant so high up hear him so vividly. As his finger left the trigger, stopping the growth temporarily, a large thin shedding of super suit had landed on the doctor's head, the smell so intoxicating and addictive, he was almost hesitant on even taking it off. His super beast was fully nude, drenched and clearly horny now, his mammoth chest inhaling and exhaling as though he had just finished a brutal work out. Citizens outside could be heard panicking at the sudden emergence of a 100 ton man attempting to look down at his tiny acolyte. Out of all the chaos ensuing, Grow could only say one thing: "Wait...you can hear me?" "Yeah!" Bob said with a grin. "Why, should I not be able to? I can hear all kinds of stuff, doc. Every part of me feels stronger. "Why'd you stop with the gun? Don't you want me even BIGGER, a more POWERFUL monster-freak for you?" he asked with a cocky expression, bouncing his massive pecs, sandwiching his freakish cock between them and starting to pec-fuck himself. Supposedly the ray gun had given the monstrous man some newfound power, another unforeseeable mistake thanks to Dr. Grow's incompetence at villainy. "Well... you'd want that wouldn't you?", he said, choking on his own words, although deep down he too wanted his experiment to take on magnitudes of size. "Besides, why the hurry? Why not show me just how much you love your new size. The city has so much to offer."
  11. macreau

    Christmas gifts

    Tom is a 13-year-old country. His body is very thin and short, so he is often ridiculed and bullied by his male classmates. His wish is to hope that he can become stronger and bigger. Chapter 1: Special Gifts The day before Christmas, Tom walked on the way to school as usual. At this time, there was a cry in the alley. He curiously went to the alley to see what it was. The three male students who often bullied him in the class were In the alley, they masturbated each other. Tom was so surprised that he was standing still. He wanted to leave, but his feet couldn’t move. The male students saw Tom and paused in front of him. One of them was a little muscular. "This is not a dwarf Tom? How come here? Is it because we want to help you vent your desires? Hands-on." The other two students put Tom directly on the ground, and Tom struggled and said, "Let me go." ...I...I just accidentally passed...put...I am going..." Jimmy directly held Tom's erect penis with his hand and said, "It's already hard like this, let's help you." Jimmy took Tom's pants off. The penis popped directly, Jimmy began to help Tom blowjob, Tom was struggling more, Jimmy sucked faster and faster, Tom said: "Fast... fast... shoot!" Tom squirts a wave of semen in Jimmy's mouth, Jimmy wipes He said, "Look at your skinny body, the squirting of the semen is quite a lot, and the penis shot a hard or hard, really lascivious." At this time the other two students opened Tom's clothes and sucked his nipples. Tom has been struggling with this stimuli, and the penis is harder and squirting. Tom said, "Come on... I can't stop... nipples don't work..." Jimmy said, "It seems that your nipples are sensitive. Let me help you strengthen." Jimmy took two jump eggs and stuffed them into Tom's back court. Tom said in a panic: "You...you... what's your stuff!?" Jimmy turned the switch to the strongest, and the two vibrating eggs were intense in Tom's backcourt. The shock, Tom is so cool that he can't talk, and he is no longer struggling to resist. Seeing that Tom is no longer resisting, Jimmy lets Tom's penis into his back court, and keeps pulling up and down, so in the alley. After an hour, Tom had already shot and didn't know a few times. He couldn't move on the ground. Jimmy said, "It's so cool today. Don't forget that tomorrow's Christmas party is coming, let's play with you." After that, three people I put the clothes on and went to school. After a while, Tom stood up and put on the semen-filled clothes and ran home. Tom came to the bed and went straight to the bed. Thinking about what had just happened, he was very sad but enjoyed it. In that process, he picked up his favorite muscle Huge pillow and said, "I hope that they can be like them to me." At this time, Jimmy opened the egg-switching switch at school, and the egg in Tom’s backcourt began to vibrate again. Tom was The smashing egg smacked directly, he wanted to take the jumping egg out, but the jumping egg was stuffed inside, and the connection was pulled out. He couldn’t get it out. Tom was very helpless, so he had to wash his body and clothes first. I can only get along with the jumping eggs in the back court until tomorrow. At this time, at 9 o'clock in the evening, Tom sat on the bed and thought of everything that happened today. He began to wish that he could become what he wanted and revenge for Jimmy. they. It didn't take long for him to fall asleep. On a quiet night, when Tom was sleeping peacefully, the closet in the room suddenly fell and made a loud noise. Tom was awakened by the sound. He climbed up from the bed and saw two huge black shadows in the room. The shadow said "When you look at you, you can say that the two will come in too much and you will be forced to come in." The lamp that Tom opened the room was amazed. The two shadows in the room were an orc of reindeer and tiger, two orcs. The whole body muscles, big size hit the ceiling, wearing only a pair of panties and Christmas hats, the tiger said: "You see you wake him up. You don't have to be afraid, we are here to help you." Tom said: "Help... help me?" The reindeer said, "Don't you make a wish at night? We are here to fulfill your wishes." Tom looked at the muscles of the two orcs, and he shyly said, "That... that's just me." Just think about it, and... didn't particularly want it." The reindeer touched Tom's crotch directly and said, "I'm called Charlie. The stinky tiger is Reid. If you don't strongly hope, we won't show up. It’s here. It’s hard like this, It’s cute.” Reid said, “Don’t play. We’re here to do business.” Reid pulled out a collar with a small bell from his underwear and said, “You can achieve this by wearing this collar. The wish." After giving the collar to Tom, Charlie said, "I will give you a big child like you." Charlie's hand reached into his underwear and pulled a drop of liquid into Tom's mouth. Tom instantly Feeling dizzy and fainted. Chapter 2: Merry Christmas The next morning, there was white snow in the sky. The ground was covered with snow. The sound of the alarm clock woke up Tom. He got up from the bed and thought, "What happened last night was a dream?" He went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. Seeing the collar worn by Reid on his neck, Tom said, "Is this? It was true last night!" He suddenly walked out of the bathroom and found that his clothes seemed to be tightening. He opened his shirt and saw his body. From the thin body to the strong muscles, like a bodybuilder, Tom thought: "Is this a gift from Reid and Charlie? Great! Thank you so much." Suddenly The two vibrating eggs in Tom's back court began to vibrate again. Tom was so cold that he slammed directly on the ground. The penis erected and rushed out of the trousers. It was obviously bigger than yesterday. Tom couldn't help but start shooting the pistol. Not long after, he shot several shots. The jumping egg also stopped. After a little cleaning, Tom suddenly noticed that his body seemed to be getting bigger. Just a little tight clothes had been broken, the whole body muscles were getting bigger, and some yellow hair and soup were growing on his body. Excited to wear tight-fitting clothes out of school and went to school. At school, Jimmy talked with two of her classmates about what to do at night and what happened in the morning. When Tom walked into the classroom, Jimmy said, "Tom. How about it? It’s cool in the morning... right..." The muscles of Tom’s body were stunned. During the class, everyone discussed Tom privately. Jimmy was no exception. Jimmy thought, “I don’t know what happened? But I will let Tom go out in front of everyone. So when it was time to go to school, everyone went to the school gym to participate in the Christmas party. After the Christmas party began, everyone enjoyed the party. A group of people were surrounded by Tom. Tom instantly became a popular king. Jimmy took it. After a drink, I said, "Tom. We bully you and make us very embarrassed. I hope we can be good friends later. Please forgive us." Tom said: "It doesn't matter. We have always been good friends." Tom put Jimmy. The drink was directly drunk, and suddenly Tom felt hot, squirting, and the penis erection was particularly stiff. Tom pressed the penis and rushed quickly. In a compartment of the toilet, Tom took off his pants, his penis was full of lascivious water, and Tom said, "This...this is!?" Jimmy then walked in with the classmates and said, "How? The cup of drink was added. 10 sex medicines go in and sputum, and it is a medicine that can increase physical sensitivity. It is a sputum that you can't alleviate if you don't get a dozen haircuts. Ok, let's play it." Jimmy again After pressing the egg-hopping switch, I saw the toilet door violently vibrating. The ceiling of the toilet was sprayed with a pool of semen. The classmate next to Jimmy said, "Ji... Jimmy, the situation seems to be not quite right..." Suddenly Tom broke the door directly. Putting them on the ground, Tom took off all the clothes. His strong body was covered with a layer of tiger fur. The stiff penis had been pushed directly to the chest muscles, the head became a tiger, and the tail grew. Tom Panting and saying: "I... I want to... let me... more cool..." Tom tore their clothes with tiger claws and rubbed them on the three with the giant roots. In the process, Jimmy climbed out with all his strength. He See the soup It looks like an estrus tiger. Jimmy said, "Don't be too despised!" He took three of his bags and jumped three times more than the eggs that had been inserted into Tom's court. Into Tom's back court, Tom instantly sprayed, two students were sprayed with semen, but Tom was more fiercely rubbed, the two students had been stunned by this violent shaking, Jimmy turned on the switch, five vibrating eggs strong vibration Tom squirted semen again. The two students felt that they were not quite right in the semen. Their bodies became strong, they also grew a lot of body hair, and they grew their tails and antlers. The two soon became images of reindeer orcs. In the same way, Tom has completely turned into a tiger orc after two ejaculations. He shouted: "It's great!" Turned and grabbed Jimmy, and inserted the giant root into Jimmy's back court. Jimmy instantly couldn't speak. Come, Tom said, "What's wrong? I haven't put it in half yet. Then I have to accept it." After that, the intense thrusting began, the penis rubbed in Jimmy's body, and the stimulation of the egg jumping. Let Tom directly A lot of semen, Jimmy's body was sprayed with hot semen, the stomach was big, the body of Jimmy began to change, the body became bigger and stronger, the body slowly became imaged like a werewolf, and Tom's stomach forced five All the jumping eggs are spouted out: "It’s not enough for me to jump eggs. You have to satisfy me. Tom let the two penis's penis into the back court together, and he has been pumping Jimmy all the time. Jimmy subconsciously squeezed Tom's nipple directly. After Tom was stimulated, the action became more and more intense. The classmate's penis continued in the back court. The spurs of the glans have been sprayed, Tom’s penis has not stopped ejaculation, Jimmy’s body has been filled with semen, and the three have completely become Tom’s sex toys. After an hour, due to the loud noise from the toilet, the outside person Open the door and see that the four muscular orcs rushed straight out. The whole party was turned into a lecherous beast by four estruss, and Reid and Charlie both looked at it outside the stadium and said, "It seems like a wish." Realized it. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!"
  12. The previous six parts are here: Meeting the Coach: Massaging the Super: Making the Rounds: Mocking the Hosts: Moving the Needle: Managing the Transition: Mastering the Formula: “Mmm Jessie, that feels insane. It is like being stroked, except it is your mouth doing the work instead of your hands.” The hugely-muscular coach and his client are spending some of their free time just hanging out in Jessie’s room by the window exploring each other again. The younger man has pulled Victor’s pants off and is playing with his coach’s meaty pecs, licking and tugging on both erect nipples lightly with his teeth and tongue. Victor’s thick and veiny cock is sitting on Jessie’s chest underneath his neck, throbbing and lightly leaking onto his client’s fairly tight t-shirt. Aberdeen stops chewing on them when he feels Victor start to get close to bursting. “This is really fun Vic. I wonder how much longer you can last. Why don’t we find try and find out.” Jessie runs his hands between Victor’s sweaty abs and traces his fingers along the contours of his coach’s huge pec mounds, squeezing and rubbing them slowly as he moves back into position to nurse on the thickly-developed man’s nipples once again. Victor moans deeply as he rubs his young partner’s hair with his strong hands and feels his balls making more cum. He has been edged for quite some time since Aberdeen arrived back into his room. Dumas’s large veiny cock bounces violently and throbs as a sticky ribbon of precum has attached itself to Jessie’s shirt. The young stud can see it out of the corner of his right eye as he stops to move down to hold it in his left hand. He kisses Victor’s cock on the sides of his shaft before running his tongue along the underside of his cock head to lap up the precum. He lightly smirks as he stretches the ribbon out from the piss slit about a couple of feet as it drips down onto his shirt. He moves back in as Dumas grunts continuing to rub Jessie’s hair. He is not going to last much longer at this rate. Jessie squeezes Victor’s huge balls with one hand and his bloated shaft with his other one stroking forward with his tongue out as another thick strand of precum flows into his mouth. Dumas is moaning loudly now as he pushes Jessie down over top of his shaft. “YES! It feels so good Jessie. So…..FUCKING……GOOD!” The young stud chokes a few times before situating his throat to the point that he can feel the precum flowing down into his stomach. He works Victor’s shaft with his mouth slowly making the older man breathe heavier as the sweat pours profusely down his body. Jesse is soaking his entire shirt with perspiration as they both hear a knock on the hotel room door. Aberdeen stops sucking so he can cough as his coach quickly pulls his raging shaft out. He is so close to the edge and yet he can’t cum. They try to compose themselves before they proceed towards the door. Jessie decides he will go since he still has his clothes on. Victor moves over to an area of the room where the person at the door can’t see them as he opens the door.” “Who are you?” “Mr. Aberdeen, I am an assistant to Arliss Mancari. He has sent me to take you to the medical arena for your procedure.” “Ohh it is that time already? Well I will let Victor know then and we will be there in a few minutes.” The man shakes his head no. “No, you don’t understand. I am to escort you to the arena. Mr. Dumas will meet up with you in a bit. I would suggest that you change into looser clothing because you will not be in those beyond a minute or two.” Jessie looks down and agrees. “Alright, give me a couple of minutes and I will be back then.” He closes the door halfway and rushes over to where Victor is in the room. He is still completely nude. “Are you going to be alright Vic? You were so close to blasting me that I wonder if I should have just finished you off?” The sweaty beefcake laughs as he watches Jessie strip out of his soaked clothes and rushes over to put on the outfit he was given for the procedure. The shirt and shorts are not as loose as the ones that Thomas wore, but that is partly due to the fact that the once-scrawny nerd had no muscle definition. Victor is starting to calm down slightly as his cock dangles a few strands of precum off the end of his cockhead. Jessie sees it and wants to lick it off but Victor stops him from approaching. “NO! No Jessie, you have to go. I will be fine. This is actually perfect because when I do go out there and see you explode into the man you were always meant to be, I will lose control and have the most amazing orgasm of my life. Get going! I will see you in a bit.” The fit young nerd is feeling more confident about himself now than he ever has before. The man with him grabs his left arm and rushes him down the corridor into the main lobby and down another hallway past several rooms which have colossal-sized men in them. He makes quick glances inside each one of the rooms and notices that most of the men are either watching their TV monitors or are talking amongst each other. It appears that they have just finished relieving themselves from a previous ceremony. Jessie attempts to hide the tremendous bulge in his shorts, but it is too obvious especially when the two men eventually meet up with Arliss, who is waiting for him at the end of the corridor they are in. He smiles as he extends his immense arms out to hug the young man. Jessie wraps his arms around the hairy stud and takes in his scent for a few moments before letting go. “Taking in the atmosphere are we, Jessie? I have to say that the last time I saw you I don’t remember you looking so ripped. Did Victor already get you started on the growth cycle?” Jessie laughs as he slowly rubs his crotch on Arliss’s huge right quad. The thick muscle daddy shakes his head no a few times to completely quash what he is doing. “Now now, you shouldn’t entice the man that will be controlling your fate from here on out. We need to get you prepped…” Jessie stops him mid-sentence as he steps back to give him an idea. “I just wondered if, maybe, the doctor who makes these serums for us could give me one that could, uhh maybe, make my body grow even bigger than originally planned.” The huge Italian puts his thick right hand on the nerd’s right shoulder and gives him a sly look. “I knew there was something different about you Jessie. That time we spent together was quite memorable for me and I am willing to accommodate your request. Is this simply for you or are you also doing this for Victor?” “Both actually, he told me that guys that win the lottery don’t realize they can request to be upgraded. I figured since me and you shared some time with each other earlier that maybe something could come out of this.” “You would be right, you devious cutie. I will let Dr. Doblones know and he will meet with you in private. This is going to be amazing.” Arliss motions for the man that came with Jessie to contact the doctor. The muscle daddy is now rubbing the young man’s facial stubble with his free hand. “Do you want this to be private between just you and Victor? Or are you willing to let the others watch as well? They are likely pretty drained from watching the last guy change.” “Hmm, I have never thought about that. Yeah I think maybe it is better if this happens in front of a gallery of one. Unless you want to watch it happen as well?” Jessie winks as he reaches over to slide both of his hands underneath the thick Italian’s loose tank to make contact with his furry pec meat. The big hunk moans softly as he quickly answers him. “You better believe I want to watch you become a fucking god. You have to remember, I have tasted your delicious sauce young man, and it was quite tasty. Heh, I shouldn’t talk that way because you are not doing this for me, but…if you are willing to let me experience this along with Victor, then I will accept your invitation.” Arliss and Jessie lean in to kiss each other on the lips and embrace for a few moments again. It is obvious that they are fond of each other, but still manage to keep their hormones in check. The younger man is leaking precum through his shorts now. They pull themselves apart again. “This is great Jessie. You are going to be amped for this. We don’t normally want the clients doing this, but in your case, it will get the serum flowing quicker throughout your body.” They both hear someone behind them clearing their throat. They turn and it is Dr. Doblones. He looks at Jessie and motions for him to follow him into a side room. Arliss waves goodbye as they enter the room and sit down at a round desk with two chairs. The doctor gets his tablet out and puts it on the table for Jessie to see what he wants to show him. “Mister…Aberdeen…what a pleasure it is for you to request an upgrade. The serum that will be administered to you will feature an experimental myostatin inhibitor that has only been used one other time. And before you ask, no it was not used on a human. The recipient was a gorilla that we called Edison. We figured that since they are closely related to humans that they would likely respond to the serum in a similar way.” The doctor then plays a video showing his medical team administering the serum to the gorilla, who is inside of a 10 x 10 metal cage. The beast is surprisingly calm after they remove the syringes from its body. Dr. Doblones is seen in the background watching intently at the animal’s reaction. It isn’t long before it starts grunting and arches its back. The hair begins falling off in huge piles as its muscles begin swelling all over its thick frame. The gorilla was already well over 300 pounds to begin with, but within seconds grew an additional 100 pounds. The doctor is seen directing people to hit the animal with arrows filled with some other type of fluid. The gorilla’s sheer mass was starting to become too much for the cage as the metal bars were beginning to buckle under the sheer power of the swelling monster behind them. Jessie is both horrified but turned on by the rapid growth he is witnessing in the video. After nearly fifty arrows are shot into the hulking beast, it collapses onto the ground. Several medical personnel move in to assess the animal as it quickly starts to shrink back to where it began. The doctor is seen motioning for the video to stop and it ends. Dr. Doblones reaches down into a small bag beside him to pick up two vials and places them in front of Jessie’s face on the table. The doctor smiles as he looks into the young man’s eyes to examine them. He can tell that the man is a bit conflicted by what he just saw. “Okay Mr. Aberdeen, I want you to tell me the truth about what you just saw in that video. Did it terrify you? Were you surprised at how large the animal grew? I have been watching your reaction from the moment the video started to where it ended. While I know you are scared by what happened to the gorilla, I could tell that you were also excited by how enormous it became in such a short amount of time. It may even surprise you to know that Edison is still alive. *picks up his tablet and swipes a few times before he shows a camera shot of Edison to Jessie* There he is, and he is as calm and collected as he was before the procedure.” “The point I am making here is the experimental serum was successful. While we did have to shoot Edison full of the reversion, that was also proven to be successful. He quickly returned back down to his normal size once again and is perfectly fine. We knew here at the lab that there was a chance that he would be out of control because he is not human and doesn’t have the control that we do. The point is if something goes wrong with this, we can fix it. *picks up the right vial* THIS is the serum. I am ready to give this to you. *picks up the left vial with his other hand* THIS is the reversion. We are fully prepared for your procedure. Okay, talk to me young man.” Jessie is still staring at the tablet with the camera still on Edison. He is grinning now. The doctor is also grinning. “Before I came to this place, I would have never even considered doing something like this, but everyone has opened my eyes to new and unimaginable desires. What happened to that gorilla is ridiculously scary but at the same time it is highly pleasurable to see him just revel in it. I want that same feeling for me and those people that are close to me.” The doctor stops him. “No, this is for you. Look, you are the first person this is being offered to after we have successfully managed to control the whole scene. You are different Mr. Aberdeen, and yes, you are right. You have changed since you have been here. Physically your body has started to change, and we haven’t even done much yet. Mr. Mancari, Mr. Dumas, and myself have been grooming you for greater things. The food you have been eating here had small traces of the serum in it. This need you have has slowly been building up inside your brain. Your chemistry with both of these men you have been around has developed because deep down you have always wanted this kind of affection, which is why you are sitting here with me right now. Your mind is now telling you to plunge that serum into your veins and to leave normalcy behind.” Jessie is now looking at Dr. Doblones and is shaking his head yes. He is in amazement, and feels totally fine with what has happened. “Yes, you are right. I mean…I know what you did was completely ludicrous, but I also know that what you are doing for me is a tremendous gift. My life was so broken before I came here, and now I feel like I will be rewarded. *pauses to take a breath* Okay, let’s do this. What happens now?” The doctor motions for Jessie to get up at the same time he does as they leave the room and go down the hall. The doors are now all closed except for one that is at an angle. They walk through it where about ten medical technicians are set up in different stations. Each one appears to have a different purpose. There is a huge chair with titanium restraints attached to it for arms and legs. Jessie immediately knows that he is going to be sitting there for the procedure. The doctor picks up a different outfit from the one that Jessie is wearing. “You won’t be wearing those rags you are wearing anymore Mr. Aberdeen. You are going to be needing fabric that is much more durable. *has Jessie feel the material* This fabric is also highly experimental. On a normal human frame, it is loose and unremarkable so when you put the shirt and pants on, you will think it looks ridiculous. Once the growth cycle kicks in though, you will be testing the fabric and how far it will go until it gives way.” The fit young man can’t help but to bounce his cock a couple of times as he is handed the outfit. “Go change behind the chair, nobody will bother you there. When you are done, sit down in it and try to calm yourself down. I know you are excited, which is fine, but we do need to get you hooked up to the channeling system for the serum to travel through.” Jessie rushes to pull his old outfit off and slides the new one on in mere seconds. He jumps into the chair which doesn’t budge an inch. It is quite obvious that it was built to withstand a lot of abuse. End of Part 7 Motivating the Mind: Marking His Territory:
  13. Motivating the Mind: “Mr. Aberdeen…please take a deep breath and settle down. I am excited myself to get this process moving along, but you will give yourself an aneurysm before we even start.” Dr. Doblones is now busy trying to get a few of his medical technicians to jot down some of the things he is telling them. They are being instructed to attach a specialized IV bag on to the back of the chair to a four-way channel that will lead over and under Jessie’s arms and legs. He will have four syringes impaling his major arteries to get the serum into his body. He then finishes his instructions to go stand in front of the eager client. “Okay young man, I am going to turn this operation over to Arliss, if he will get here…” The huge hulking hairy stud is walking briskly into the medical arena with a smile on his face. Dr. Doblones looks over at him and winks. “Alright, Mr. Mancari will be entrusted with the transition. I know you two will get along just fine. *tries not to show emotion* I honestly don’t know what will happen, but I do know that it will be unforgettable for all of us. I will be looking down on the transition until I know that you will be okay Mr. Aberdeen. I have a feeling though this is going to go off without a hitch.” Jessie can see Victor off in the distance from where they walked in. He is wearing a loose tank and a pair of shorts along with a pair of sneakers on. He is called out by the guy in the chair from about hundred feet away. “Vic…hey come over and join us? I could use a little more support here. Remember your promise?” The doctor and Arliss turn to see who he is talking about and notice him too, hiding in the shadows outside the door. The man in the lab coat moves toward him which prompts Victor to start walking in the other direction. He is quickly told to stop walking by Dr. Doblones. “Victor Dumas stop walking. Get back here.” He sighs before turning back around after moving a few feet away from the door. “Normally I wouldn’t allow you to go in there but you two are bonding in a way that I rarely see here. You can probably calm him down as well so you will also be included in the transition. Just make sure that you and Arliss don’t fight over him too much. He will likely have his way with both of you so try not to destroy the room like what usually happens in the other wings. Have fun Mr. Dumas.” The doctor proceeds down the hall into the main lobby as Victor waddles his way over to the other two at the chair. Arliss is locking Jessie into the chair’s restraints by way of an expandable material that will obviously be tested by Jessie’s growth cycle. He is making sure that they are secure and tightly affixed to the sides of the chair as well. The young man is wondering how his small frame would possibly get to the point of even testing the limits of those restraints. “I mean…am I going to get THAT big? The space between my forearms and the titanium is practically double, maybe even triple. *feels his cock twitch* MMMMM, I shouldn’t feel so much pleasure in this but I do.” Victor studies the apparatus behind the chair since he has never seen such an arrangement before. He is fascinated by how it will be transfused into Jessie’s body. The syringes are being attached to the serum chambers by two medical technicians who are now showing both Arliss and Victor on how to correctly insert them into Jessie. They finish their instructions and leave the area. The two huge studs look at each other briefly before searching for just the right arteries to impale. Victor leans in to kiss the young man on the lips before going back to doing what he was instructed to do. “I am a bit nervous I am going to hit the wrong one Jessie.” Jessie squeezes his arms to make the veins pop out and find their way to the surface. Both Arliss and Victor laugh and shake their heads no. “Well…that is fine and all cutie, but we are supposed to put these thick needles into an artery. It will likely hurt really bad when we do this so we will do them one at a time. There will be two in your legs too.” Both hunks think they have found the right one in both arms as Victor tries to distract his partner. “Were you just trying to edge me earlier Jessie or was that supposed to go the distance?” “Ohh I was definitely trying to make you…AHHHHHH! ! ! !” Arliss slowly jams the thick syringe into the young man’s right arm until he thinks it is secure. It is a successful effort on his part. Jessie is obviously in a bit of distress. “Okay cutie, you were nice enough to let me join you and Vic in this experiment, what do you think will happen once…you know…the other you comes out?” Jessie is trying to focus on Arliss to answer him. “I…uhh…I don’t know. I mean…I wonder if the other me is a bit of a douch…AHH SHIT SHIT SHIT…” Now Victor is pushing his syringe into Jessie’s left arm until he thinks it is secure enough. It is a tougher ordeal partly because his partner’s left tricep is a bit thicker than his right one. The lottery winner is hunched over in pain with his head in his lap as the sweat starts pouring down his face and back. Both Arliss and Victor give him a minute or two to compose himself. “Okay buddy, Vic and I are going to have to do the same to your legs. I hope the pain isn’t as bad down there.” They both slide a part of his shorts up so they can view his lightly hairy, but nicely firm quads to search for the biggest artery they can find. Jessie rises back to his original position and is trying to calm himself down again. Instead of making chit-chit again, both of the hulks decide to stick him at the same time. Jessie yells in pain as they quickly slide the syringes into his quads and get back up to their feet to give him some tight hugs. He is crying a bit from the ordeal. “We are sorry cutie. We know that the pain is awful. The good news is though you probably won’t even know they are there in a few minutes.” The remaining technicians in the medical arena are now checking to see if the entire system is going to be operational. When they check Jessie’s attachments, they give the two huge hulks a thumbs up as they leave the area. Victor stands up and leans against the chair above Jessie’s head while Arliss finds the button that starts the IV transfer into the four chambers. He flips it as the serum slowly starts flowing into each tube. Victor is now rubbing his partner’s face and chest with his hands. He is quite nervous and Jessie can tell. “It is going to be alright Victor. I am at peace with whatever happens here. I pretty much have no choice at this point, the real me will be emerging soon enough.” Arliss and Victor watch as the serum finally meets up with Jessie’s insides. The young man involuntarily jumps at first before sighing a few times as he feels it start to flood his arteries and vessels. Mancari is checking the lottery winner’s vitals to make sure nothing drastic changes. He jumps again as Arliss finishes just to make him react and laughs. Both of the big guys look at each other in bewilderment. “Are you doing that on purpose Jessie? This stuff must be making you relax and goofy. I don’t think I have ever seen you do that…” Before he can even finish his sentence, Victor reaches over to feel something happening to his partner’s left arm. Jessie is lightly moaning as his cock jumps a few times in his shorts. He does not appear to be in pain anymore. Instead, he leans back in his chair and has a smirk on his face. The big hunks are now paying attention to nearly every square inch of his body to see what is about to occur. “MMM…I can feel it invading my brain now. There is no doubt about it that this is what I have always craved my entire life.” He can feel the muscles in his arms and legs starting to burn as his body proceeds to reprogram itself according to what his mind is telling it to do. He is now flexing them making the veins stand out once again. He turns to look at Victor and grins. “Victor…I think the transformation is about to start because I am feeling the urge to grow myself now. It is the strangest sensation I have ever felt, but I LOVE IT! I can’t really hold it back since this stuff is continuously flowing into me.” He laughs as he feels both of his arms straining before they finally start to swell. Victor can feel Jessie’s bicep and tricep growing beneath his left hand, eyeing the veins as they begin expanding just beneath the young man’s skin. Arliss can feel the same thing happening with his right arm, rubbing each thickening vascular branch and muscle fiber as they slowly stretch his skin. Jessie can feel the same thing happening in his quads as well. “YYEESS!! AWW FUCK! What a feeling! I think I can feel my legs reacting now.” The growth is more rapid in his legs as both Victor and Arliss look on in total disbelief as they see and hear the muscles in both quads stretching and growing closer together. The gap that was present between his legs is quickly evaporating as his shorts are being forced upward into his midsection. Jessie is clearly becoming more eager to grow as he looks over at both of his arms and sees the swelling start to move down into his forearms. At the same time, it is closing in on his calves and feet. Arliss lets go of Jessie’s arm and moves away from him to take in the sight of his young friend’s transformation. He is now located far enough back to where he can watch the IV solution empty. He undoes his pants and pulls his erect cock out to let it start dripping precum beneath him. Victor lets go of Jessie’s other arm to get on his knees. He is anticipating the scenario that he has always dreamed about for his partner. Jessie speaks again. “GIVE IT TO ME! ! ! This is all I want now.” He grunts feeling the veins and muscle fibers stretching the fabric holding his forearms in place. Even his fingers and palms are growing thicker as he grips the chair. Sweat coats his entire body as veins pulse beneath his shirt and along his neckline. The muscles beneath his knee are stretching and growing thicker as leathery sounds can be heard beneath his ankles. His feet are expanding as the fabric in his shoes begins to stretch to try and accommodate its growing inhabitants. His calves are growing wider making him moan deeply. Both Arliss and Victor can clearly see them jutting outward from his legs. There are new branches of veins and capillaries forming in places that previously had nothing to show. The fabric that is wrapped around Jessie’s ankles is being stretched as the fabric draws closer to the clamps that are holding them in place. The young man’s lower half, besides his crotch, is glistening with new muscularity, hugely veiny with peaks and valleys of thick densely constructed power. Arliss gets the attention of Victor and motions that the IV is not even half empty yet. His thick rod is lightly dripping precum down his shaft and he is breathing quite heavily. Next obviously, the serum will be moving into other areas such as Jessie’s chest and head. The growing young stud’s shoulders are swelling, making the fabric over top of them sound like there is water inside of a balloon. He laughs as he leans forward to show them that his back and ass are starting to react. There are tons of sounds radiating from his back as muscles begin to emerge from out of nowhere. He is growling as his two glutes inflate in seconds, nearly stretching the back of his shorts to their limits. “OHH FUCK…MMM…ohh shit Victor…the sensations of my ass growing like that is stretching my hole as well. It feels like someone pushed a foot long into my butt. I am leaking soo much…” He is breathing heavy now as the serum saturates his torso and his vocal cords. His voice goes an octave deeper and it is exciting him. He finally feels his testicles and penis being influenced. It is the meeting of the minds as the serum is now fully melding with Jessie. He growls again as he feels his spine crack and pop a few times. He is getting taller. As a result of this, he is growing more muscles in his back as the veins and cords of muscle fibers leading up into his delts are starting to test the limits of the doctor’s fabric. His traps are now forcing his head forward even more as they stretch across to his engorged shoulders, which are still somehow hidden beneath his shirt. He can no longer sit back in the chair as he starts to feel his chest react. “Watch my pecs Victor…*feels them start to swell*…FFUUCCKK!!!” Arliss moans loudly watching Jessie’s pecs inflate, not realizing that the young man’s cock and balls are also starting to grow. The two formerly thin chest muscles are stretching the shirt, pulling the fabric and creating a giant gap at the top. His nipples are growing as well as they protrude just beneath the fabric. They are as hard as they can be. He is in total ecstasy feeling his entire stomach area reacting as his abdominals are completely visible beneath the fabric in eight nearly perfect slabs. He is not even close to being satisfied as he feels his pecs bunching up on each other trying to break free from the fabric that is keeping them from breaking free. “SSHHIITT…this damn fabric is too strong. Victor…heh…my cock wants to say hello by the way. You should come and take a look.” Victor moves over and sees Jessie’s cock slowly stretching out the side of his shorts. It is spitting precum down the side of his right leg. It is also quite obvious that he is sporting a huge set of testicles as they are stretching the fabric in the front. Dumas is done watching now and leans down to start slurping on the huge young man’s thick 10” cock. He is able to shove part of Jessie’s cock down his throat and is sucking on him. Arliss is so turned on now by the transformation that he shoots several ropes of cum on top of the two men. Jessie laughs hysterically knowing that he is making both of these insanely gorgeous men lose their minds. His neck is now stretching thicker and beefier than before as the hair on his head falls off and new veins form all over the top. He can feel the muscles bulging as his face as he begins to sport a blocky and more masculine look. He is mostly hairless now, but doesn’t even seem to notice it. He grunts feeling his cock being massaged vigorously. Victor gulps down the river of precum that comes oozing out every few seconds. He can feel Jessie’s raging ballsac beside his face and wants badly to empty them. “YYEESS Victor…worship my big cock…I hope you are leaking as much as I am because I am about to unleash my fury on your throat.” He can feel his testicles starting to contract. “Get ready for a HUGE surprise.” Victor chokes as Jessie’s huge cock starts pumping thick gobs of cum down his throat. It is spilling out all over his face and shirt. He can’t take anymore as the thickly-built young man shoots a few jets over to where Arliss is standing. They hit him in the chest as he moans in delight. He is in awe of Jessie as he tries to get Vic’s attention again. “Hey Vic…the serum isn’t done. That was just 60% of it. That means he is going to grow again.” Jessie overhears them and smiles before trying to sit back in his chair. He is slightly uncomfortable, but there is no pain. He is taking a breather after launching his missile at both of them. “How big am I right now guys? I want to know. I feel good, but not great. This first phase was like an awakening for me, but I need more, WAY MORE!” The serum continues to flow into the huge young man. Arliss starts to evaluate him as he walks over with his cock still dangling. He is drenched in sweat as his clothes stick to him. The same can be said with Victor as well. “I would say you are probably a good 280 Jessie. You just added probably 120 pounds to your frame. Those arms are easily 22, maybe 23 inches. Gawd, your forearms though…probably close to 18 or 19 inches and that is HUGE.” Jessie lets out a few very deep manly grunts as he starts to feel the serum penetrate his mind again. “I guess it is time for round two then guys. This time, I will get to dictate the growth and I can guarantee that I will get out of this chair somehow.” End of Part 8 Marking His Territory:
  14. Marking His Territory: “Let me look at your eyes for a minute Jessie.” Victor peers into his partner’s piercing greenish-blue eyes and notices something unusual about them. “Whoa! The serum is actually making a part of your irises turn red Jessie. I am a bit concerned that you are not going to be the same man I fell for anymore. Are you still feeling like you are in control, or are you sharing a mind now?” Jessie is now trying to adjust himself so he is more comfortable for when he decides to keep going. He smiles up at his lover and keeps motioning for Victor to lean in. They kiss each other deeply, which definitely gets his hunky coach to react. He can feel a surge move through his body all the way down to his cock which jumps in his pants. They move away from each other again. “Does that reassure you just a little Victor? It is true that I am not completely the same, but the serum is starting to get too confined and is running out of room in my body.” He turns to look at his other mentor. “How much is left in the IV now, Arliss?” The huge hairy hulk takes a peek and is still quite surprised. “Looks like about a quarter of it is still left cutie. Well…I should say hunky since the cute part of you has since disappeared.” Jessie turns back to face the front again. “Well then…I guess I better get the show moving along once more.” Jessie starts to grimace as he squeezes his legs and feet. The fabric in his shoes quickly start ripping apart as his feet burst free. Victor is shocked to see how large they have grown. The same can be said for the rest of his lower half as well as both of his mentors watch as his quads begin squeezing together and mashing each other, growing bigger and thicker with each passing second. His calves add even more veins to their already freaky appearance. They are now larger than some muscular beasts’ triceps. His shorts are now literally painted to the top of his quads as his enormous hamstrings slowly rip the underside fabric. “RRAAWWRR! I need to be BIGGER, and GROW FASTER!” He leans forward before grunting and squeezing his upper body as he feels the fabric in his shirt start to give in to his power. His laughs loudly as he feels his explosively growing delts and upper back start to destroy the middle as it splits nearly in half. He then sits up and leans back to puff his chest outward as the shirt practically disintegrates under the intense pressure from his expanding pectoral mountains and silver dollar sized areolas. His heaving pecs bounce several times once they are able to break free from the confines. He is feeling the most intense rush of his life. “FUCK…I HAVE to destroy this chair…SERIOUSLY! I MUST HAVE MORE SIZE…MORE MUSCLE…MORE…COCK…” Jessie’s cock is now swelling to the point that it is starting to tear through the side of his shorts. His balls are ripping the seams beneath them as his massive glutes do the same to what remains of his pants. He is being lifted up slightly higher again because of the added thickness of his immense ass. His cock flops away from his leg and down the front of the chair as it hangs freely and starts drooling precum onto the floor beneath him. His ballsac, now filled with two baseball-sized testicles, is slightly mashed underneath his swollen rod. His shorts are now destroyed besides the waistband, which clings desperately to his expanding muscle gut which has completely burst through the rest of his shirt and is jutting out nearly as far as his immense 70” chest. His pecs have swelled all the way up to his face now as he tries to sit his head on their shelf. He is moaning and grunting at the same time as he takes turns looking at both of his expanding arms. “COME ON GUYS…GROW FUCKING MASSIVE FOR ME…I…HAVE…TO…BREAK…FREE…YES…YESS…YYYEEESSS…” Whatever fabric was clinging to his arms is being destroyed as both of his entire arms swell even bigger and thicker than they were. His bloated triceps are starting to make contact with the back of the chair as Victor and Arliss can hear it squeaking loudly under the pressure. Arliss is moaning loudly and as he runs his hands up and down his soaked clothing watching Jessie become an absolute monster. Jessie’s forearms are literally begging for mercy and throbbing wildly as additional veins and capillaries form beneath the skin. His hands have swollen again and are hanging over the edge. He is about to do what he has set out to do the whole time and wants to savor every last second and minute of it. Victor is slightly concerned that he is going to be severely outmanned by his partner, but is in complete awe of what he is watching him become. Arliss is obviously unconcerned and is in complete ecstasy. The serum is almost entirely inside the muscle behemoth at this point which is great news; however, the bad news is, that means that Jessie is not done growing. He isn’t even talking anymore because he is now concentrating on his restraints. The two older men can hear odd noises coming from the doorway that they entered earlier. They are being locked in. It appears that Dr. Doblones suspects what is about to happen to Jessie and doesn’t want him to get out. In the back of Victor’s mind, he wonders if he should go and try the find the antidote in case this gets out of hand, but he is frozen in place, and can’t stop watching his partner’s transformation. In an intensely powerful voice, Jessie turns to his lover and says, “WATCH THIS VICTOR! RRRAAAHHH…” The colossal muscle monster flexes his forearms and ankles as the metal starts to bend like paper. He is also literally pulling the chair out of the floor. He stands up with the whole apparatus attached to his back before gripping the sides of the chair and pulls it downward as the arm restraints creak loudly and his wrists bust through the top of them. He can barely reach one of his 30” guns over to his right hand to place a finger inside the fabric that is still attached to his right wrist. He rips it off to release his right arm which swells a bit more before it finally stops. He grins over at Victor. “I am getting closer to freedom Victor. Are you ready for me?” He grunts as he reaches over to rip the fabric off that remained to let his left forearm finish growing. He then reaches down to tear his ankle restraints off. He yanks off the waistband still attached to his muscle gut and starts to examine himself for a bit. His cock, now a 16” dong, flops from side to side, and has created a giant puddle beneath his immense feet. He notices how huge it is and places his hands on the giant rod to give it a few strokes. The intense rush of the serum inside of his ballsac makes him nearly spray cum everywhere. He stops quickly since he does not want to release it just yet. He is able to stand up as much as he can to take a breather for a few more seconds before he looks over at Victor again. “MMM…I hated that chair. Let’s see if I can turn around and tear this fucker in half.” He turns and starts grunting loudly as he leans down to pick it up in his giant hands. He grimaces and yells in delight as the apparatus squeaks before finally buckling beneath his astounding power. He has somehow torn the entire structure into two halves. The needles that were placed into his arms and legs earlier are now barely even visible inside of the bloated veins. He remembers that they are still inside of him and slowly slides them out before tossing them out of the way. Arliss has now rushed over to another part of the medical arena to avoid him for the time being. Jessie laughs once he notices that his mentor has fled. “Now wait a minute Arliss…you wanted me to be here, remember? You are getting off on me right? Well…I am FUCKING on cloud nine over it; however, I have a gift to give to my Victor.” Victor is still frozen in place as Jessie waddles over to where he is standing. The muscle monster with his 30” biceps, 25” forearms, 75” chest, bloated ab rack, flared lats, cavernous delts and traps, 60” quads, 20” calves, size 20 feet, and an ass that juts out several feet slowly picks his partner up and runs his massive veiny hands underneath his partner’s ass to tear an opening inside his pants and underwear. “Hello beautiful…” Victor is making nervous sounds as he feels Jessie searching for his quivering hole. The behemoth tries to calm him down as he finds his destination and slides two of his beefy fingers in and out of his coach’s ass. He smacks Victor’s thick glutes with his free hand and holds him up against his swollen chest. “You know what is amazing Victor, I have enough serum inside me right now to feed to you. And since we are such a perfect match for each other, I think maybe…just maybe…” Jessie stops finger fucking him to position his giant cock to where it will slowly enter his frightened coach’s relaxed anus. “Just stay relaxed Victor. I have to be able to…MMM…YYEESS…the serum should be able to find its path inside you.” The behemoth pushes his immense cockhead inside Victor’s swollen hole to start thrusting. “Jessie…I don’t think you fit…UHH…AHH…you will hurt me…” “Just let me thrust inside you a few more times Victor…MMM…MMMMM…YES…YYEESS…YYYEEESSS…” Jessie pushes his cock a bit further into Victor’s hole so he can start launching his cum into his partner’s body as Arliss watches on in the distance. He is mesmerized. The monster grunts loudly as his partner can do nothing but let him dominate him. Jessie grips him in a loving way as he hugs Victor’s body up against him. He is eager to make his partner as big as him. Within just a minute or two, it is obvious that Victor is already feeling something happen because he is staring into his partner’s eyes and looking dazed. “UHH FUCK…you are right Jessie…I can feel it rushing through me. It is flooding my mind with massive amounts of hormones and…AND…it feels INCREDIBLE!” Victor can feel it heating his muscles up. He wraps his hands around Jessie’s head and they lock lips. It isn’t long before the hulking behemoth can feel his partner’s tight hole start to swallow his massive cock. The hairy stud moans deeply into Jessie’s mouth and throat as his glutes start swelling inside his pants. They slowly rip through the seams before finally freeing themselves. The hungry top grips him tightly so he can feel every change happening to his partner. They stop kissing to focus on the situation. “OHH FUCK YYEESS! ! ! This is exactly what I want for you Victor. I want to grow you…” He squeezes his mammoth cock further inside his partner to pump more of the serum into him. He thrusts a few more times to spray more cum. Victor’s pants can no longer withstand the two expanding tree trunks that are emerging from within its confines. The shredded fabric tumbles to the ground as the thickening muscle fibers and vascular canyons are completely visible as he wraps them around his master’s powerful waistline to satisfy his lust for more. All of the thick fluffy hair that was on Victor’s body is now falling off as well as Jessie feels his partner’s cock contracting and swelling against the pocket between his pectoral mountains and the top of his two engorged abs. The growing bottom’s cock is mating with his partner’s pecs and is getting close to losing control of its self. His big ballsac is pressing up against Jessie’s musclegut as they both throb against each other. Victor is breathing heavily feeling it moving up into his chest and back. “COME ON VICTOR! Spray my tits with your hunger for growth! We are made for each other…even the serum knows this.” After adding another inch or two to his calves, Victor’s midsection and lower back begins to thicken outward even further than it was before. His shirt is stretching from the bottom up as his abdominals’ strain against the flimsy material. He is moaning loudly. Jessie stops thrusting to give him some time to concentrate on the growth. The behemoth is massaging Victor’s thick 13x8 hose with one of his hands and is rubbing it against the overhang of both of his massive pecs bouncing them as he squeezes several ribbons of precum out of his partner’s wet shaft. He rubs some of it onto his pecs before licking the remainder with his tongue. He shivers in delight. “MMM FUCK…don’t cum for me yet you hungry beast…I want you to massacre that weak fabric. You know what you have to do…” Victor laughs and grunts feeling his lats and delts stretching and pulling the shirt to its limits. He can also feel his pecs trying to reach his chin as his neck muscles and traps begin destroying the seams on the top of the shirt. The sensation of his swollen nipples tearing through the fabric is enough to make Victor soak his partner’s smooth, cavernous terrain in thick white rivers of cum. He is completely lost in his transformation now. “OHH MY GAWD…MORE…MORE…MMMOOORRREEE…” The shirt is being decimated from all directions as his swelling upper body makes quick work of the fabric as it sticks to his expanding frame. He gasps feeling the growth moving through his gigantic inflating shoulders and down into his swelling biceps and triceps. There are deeply-rooted rumbles emanating from both arms as his 22” guns…surpass 23…then 24…and finally hit the 25” mark before they finally stop. Once again, the sensation is so intense Victor unloads another massive river onto his partner’s throbbing chest. “FUCKING YYEESS…I love you so much Vic. Let’s make those forearms as big and veiny as possible.” The nearly full-grown muscle bottom yells in ecstasy as his forearms shake and tremble as they make the same deep rumbling noises. The veins start expanding and growing as the 17” muscles of power beneath them begin their new growth cycles. “FUCKING GROW BOYS…I want you to make him cum so much that he can feed me his boys from here.” “AHH…AHH…wait Jessie…FUCK…OHH GAWD IT FEELS SO GGGOOODDD! ! !” Both forearms stretch and swell past 18…then 19…20…21…Victor can feel his balls quickly filling up again as Jessie arches his partner’s cock towards his mouth. He opens up and sticks his tongue out laughing and watching Victor nearly lose his mind. Once his engorged forearms pass 23”, his cock starts flexing again as they both yell loudly anticipating the most intense orgasm yet. The newly enhanced Victor sprays his partner’s face and chest with several more jets of thick cum. As his partner finishes growing, Jessie decides to try and move his nearly 380 pound lover’s spurting cock up to his thirsty mouth to drink down its remaining contents. It is a nearly impossible task, but he is going to do whatever it takes to make it happen as he quickly lays down on the ground and sits Victor on top of him to shove his partner’s hose down his throat. Victor moans loudly as Jessie gulps several times shoving more and more of the massive tool inside him. The exasperated bottom is completely spent as he tries to lie back on his partner’s incredible quads to rest. Jessie finally drains Victor’s balls and slowly pulls his partner’s cock out of his mouth to let it sit on his musclegut and pecs. His cock bounces wildly against his equally impressive lover’s chest. It is obvious that the huge behemoth needs one more release himself. “Victor…don’t go to sleep on me just yet…I need you to make me cum one more time…” The cum-soaked top instantly feels two powerful hands stroking his cock slowly and methodically as precum flows freely down his cock again. The two muscle monsters are completely unaware that Arliss has moved over beside them and wants desperately to be involved, but is a bit scared to get too close. As Victor maneuvers his position over enough to start licking and massaging Jessie’s immense rod, the remaining hairy stud left in the arena joins him as well. He is finally noticed. “AHH YES…I never forgot about you Arliss…MMM…let’s see what I have left in the tank for you then. Let’s help our good buddy out Victor.” Arliss is transfixed on Jessie’s huge cockhead and slurps loudly on the river of precum coming out of the slit. He is dazed from the emotions flowing out of his brain. Victor lets him completely take over as he moves out of the way so Arliss can focus as Jessie moans watching his close friend hunger for more growth. He doesn’t want to tell his mentor that he is nearly free of the serum, but he still wants to see if he can at least make him challenge his clothing. “YYEESS…work me over GOOD Arliss…make me lose control…I want to grow you so bad…” “MMM…Jessie…I need it…grow me please…” He can feel the load stretching his testicles and knows it is going to be a good one. The need to feed Arliss is actually making him produce more hormones than he thought. “Okay hunk…slow it down…savor it…make me feel it…Try and stick that beautiful ass over top of my cockhead.” Arliss yanks his pants off and moves over top of the behemoth. Jessie studies his friend’s lower half and moans as he motions for him to try and sit on the very top of his rod. The hairy stud spreads his ass just enough so he can try and squeeze it inside his tight hole. He grimaces feeling it stretching his anus slightly. Jessie shakes his head no and has him pull it out. “Nah…let me do this for you. I am going to just jerk it out and feed you that way. Are you ready? Let’s do this Arliss.” He has his mentor sit beside his cock on his left quad as he strokes himself. He is moaning and grunting loudly, trembling feeling it sloshing inside his ballsac. He is not going to last long now. He arches his cock towards Arliss and tells him to catch as much of it as he can. The hungry stud wants Jessie to stop stroking so he can be in control of it. “MMM…YES…milk me Arliss.” The river immediately coats him as it continues to flow out of Jessie’s cock. He gulps as much as he can down his throat, choking and moaning at the same time. This goes on for the next couple of minutes until the cumming behemoth finally passes out from the orgasm. Arliss feels a bit of heat radiating throughout his body, but it isn’t what the other two experienced. He grunts trying to make himself induce a transformation of his own, but it doesn’t seem to make a difference. He is disappointed. He notices that Victor has also passed out behind him as he attempts to get up to his feet again. He is drenched in cum himself as the tight shirt he is wearing clings to his impressive hairy chest. He is envious of his friends, and wanted what they have, but knows that the serum is limited. He hoped there was enough for him, but he wasn’t quick enough. He wanders over to where the antidote IV is and picks it up. He can hear the cameras above him moving in his direction and stops to look at them. He smiles knowing that he can reverse the whole process if he wants to. The question is, will he do it or not? End of Part 9
  15. Hi everyone! Welcome to Chapter Three. This chapter came about a few days ago as I was working out with a friend of mine and we talked about body dysmorphic issues we both have with out bodies, and how we both see ourselves as the fat kids we used to be. I haven't been fat for a long time now... but I have trouble not thinking of myself that way. The transformation sequence in this chapter comes from what my friend said he would evolve into if he had to become what he really was deep down inside. I think he enjoyed telling me about it too much!! Enjoy!!!! The Test Chapter Three: Destruction Chad and Jacob emerged from the ether outside Chariots in Vauxhall. Jacob had never been to a gay sauna before, but as he gazed upward toward his friend, he could see that Chad was practically vibrating with excitement. - Can you feel it? Each man in there is calling out to me. As each one experiences lust, desire, orgasm, or experiences any form of sexual stimulation, it is like a call out to my soul. I can hardly control myself. It is taking every ounce of strength I have not to take you right here, Jacob. I need to be among them. Chad walked away from Jacob and approached the door. Without even touching it, the door swung open, and he stepped inside. Jacob ran after him, nervous to be alone. William who had passed out towels and charged the entrance fee at Chariots for seven years was bored with it all. He had seen everything and there were no surprises… that was until the wind blew the door open, and the man in skin tight leather pants strode in. He had to bend down to get his muscle mass through the door. It also looked as if the door suddenly stretched itself to allow the man into the room, but no doubt that illusion was only due to the sudden heat that filled the room. William was instantly hard… something that hadn’t happened in 24 years, and he waved the man through without asking either he or his small friend for the 20 pound entry fee. He must have been so enraptured by the mere sight of this God standing in his presence that as he walked away into the next room, it seemed as if the leather pants disintegrated from his body, and he was totally naked. I definitely need to get my eyesight checked, William thought as the man’s perfect ass and back disappeared from sight. William placed his hand on his erection, the hardest it had been since he was 15. Waves of intense horniness passed over him, and he could barely think straight. Fuck it, he thought as he got up from his stool, and followed the man in. He needed to be with him… worship him like the God he obviously was. The sound of sex was everywhere as Jacob and Chat entered the main room of the spa. Fog filled the air and the smell of poppers came from every directions. There appeared to be twenty men in the room. Some were fucking, some were observing, some were masturbating, and others were simply talking to each other while stroking their cocks. Chad observed his disciples with pride. With one thought, Chad closed his eyes and released his scent into every molecule of air. It traveled quickly throughout the room reaching each and every man. Silence quickly overtook it. One by one, each man slowly stopped whatever they were doing and walked over to Chad. At first, they only stared, afraid to touch him. Filled with his own uncontrollable desires, Jacob moved next to his friend and began to lick and clean the deep grooves between his abs. As if Jacob had singlehandedly broken the damn, every man began to touch Chad, caress him, lick him, kiss him, and even fuck him. Soon Chad was brought to the floor by the men so they could better pleasure him. Sill not satisfied, Chad called out for more worshipers. From miles away, men who were straight, gay, and questioning stopped what they were doing and made their way to Chariots. Three blocks away the local gay theatre company stopped performing their production of Beautiful Thing when nearly every member of the audience (five lesbians remained in their seats) stood up and left the auditorium with the group desire to worship Chad. Even the cast walked away from the stage and followed the audience to Chariots. Within one hour of Chad being there, hundreds of men filled the room. They each took turns fucking Chad and even trying to be fucked by him. A few dedicated fisters succeeding in having him slightly enter them, and were rewarded with the most intense orgasms they had ever had. Every inch of Chad was covered with men pleasing him. Soon he could not hold back, and he began to spray the populace with his seed. Each man took in as much as they could, enjoying the sweet ambrosia that flowed from his loins. Momentarily awaken from his sexual haze, Jacob could hear each man emanating a sound from deep within their souls. It was a word. - Eros! Eros! Eros! - Why are they saying that? - They know that is my name. - I thought it was Chad. - Chad was my human name. Eros is now the name I possess. A wave of sadness filled Jacob. He suddenly realized his friend was gone to him. Chad had never really needed him, but there had been a certain bond between them that had seemed special. Now that he was a God, Chad, or rather Eros, needed nobody. The God of Sex and Lust didn’t need a human wingman or hanger-on. Jacob began to separate himself from the group and walk away. Noticing his friend was gone, Chad turned and with his powerful hand, picked Jacob up and deposited him onto his massive chest. - You can still call me Chad. I’d like that. As hundreds of men brought pleasure to his body, Chad moved his large head toward Jacob. Without any supernatural influence, both men began to kiss… softly at first, and then filled with more passion. It was the best sensation either had ever felt, and Chad began to cum again. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Chaos materialized outside the lab building close to the Jeep Jacob had driven to his house. How long ago that time seemed, and how pathetic his life had been then. He had been a man pretending to be a God… yet here he was… a God disguising himself as a man. He breathed in deeply and attempted to get the whereabouts of the one he could only describe as his ‘new-formed brother.’ As he attempted to locate he and Jacob, a psychic punch threw him backward onto the pavement. Something powerful was blocking him from learning their location. Sparks of lightening shot from his eyes. His desire was to kill every human in his path with one blow… but he attempted to control his craving. There must be another way. Chaos stood up, dusted himself off, and moved closer to the Jeep. Taking a deep breath, he took in its scent. From the sensory explosion in his mind, he knew this was indeed his brother’s vehicle. He could smell human sweat mixed with cologne mixed with sex coming from the machine. Images of the many men his new-formed brother had fucked flooded his mind, and Chaos grew angry. How easily this man had lived his human gay life. Men had fallen at his feet, and he took them for granted. He took is existence for granted. Simply out of spite, Chaos reached out to his ex-wire and caused her to stumble and injure her back. Chaos grinned as he saw this occur in his mind. She was the one who had idiotically gotten pregnant. She was the one that had demanded a second child. She was the one who had entrapped him in a marriage and life he couldn’t stand. Anger bubbled inside of him again, and he threw is ex into a second contraction of pain. He clenched his fist tight as he continued the agonizing pain pulsating through her body. When he felt she could handle no more, he continued for another minute before setting her free. Returning to the Jeep, Chaos flicked his forked tongue at it, receiving tiny chemical molecules of information. In moments, he knew the exact location his brother had been in prior to arriving at the lab. A gym. Of course it was. The hunt was on. Now the fun could begin. Dark mist swirled around the figure of Chaos, and he disappeared. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Adrian Brooks shut off the foyer lights and turned the lock in the gym door. What had once been a massive old warehouse with immensely tall ceilings had been converted three years ago into a gym that catered to casual gym goers and muscle heads alike. Admiring the empty gym club, he admitted that this was his favorite time of the day. This was when he had the place and all of its machines all to himself, and he could work out in peace. All day he sat behind the desk welcoming patrons, answering questions, making smoothies, and cleaning white towels. The next two hours he had, working out on his own always made up for the prior eight. Adrian was a self-proclaimed gym rat, and he took no offence when people told him that he had only one real love: his body. It was a true. He took better care of his body then anyone he knew, and would rather work out then go to a pub any night. He hadn’t always been this way. Adrian had been a fat child, unhealthily attracted to chips and Coke over veg and water. Believing she was showering love on her only child, Adrian’s mother overfed him every chance she could. By fifteen, Adrian was severely overweight, had several health conditions including chronic anxiety, was bullied at school, and hand the lowest of self-esteems. One day in July two years ago, despising that he needed to hide his body behind baggy track pants and sweatshirts and couldn’t wear the shorts and skinny jeans he saw other men sporting, he decided to take his life into his hands. He began cooking his own healthy food, jogging little by little every day, and began reading up on current health and nutrition. In October of that same year, after loosing more than four stone, Adrian took his first step into a gym. With money he had saved from birthday’s and Christmases, he hired a personal trainer to show him the ropes. In no time at all he saw the faint outline of muscles replacing the fat that had once possessed his body. In a year and a half, Adrian was half the size he had been, proudly showing off his newborn pecs and biceps, and wearing the tightest clothes possible. When the front desk job at the gym became available, he jumped at it. The job meant working out for free and spending all of his time in a place he thought of as his second home. Now at age 20, Adrian stood before the mirror and flexed. He had come a long way, but still there was room for improvement. Removing his T-shirt, he focused on each muscle group, flexing in the mirror, and then judging and debating what he needed to do next to make them larger and more prominent. He knew he needed to shave his chest again. The light brown hair that coated his pecs and flowed down over his abs matched the hair on his head and stubble that had risen on his face today. Now that the gym was empty, he could do the one thing he had fallen in love with doing: working out in only a jock strap. Lifting without any clothes on allowed him to easily tune his mind with his body when he could clearly see the pump he was getting. When he opened his own gym one day, he would encourage this. Of course, it also sexual aroused him, but this was beside the point. Anything to do with muscle turned him on. He lived his life for muscle morning, noon, and night, and nothing would stop that. Adrian stacked the plates on the sleeves of the bar and began his set of bench presses with a cool 175. He completed 20 reps with this, and returned the bar to the catcher. He stood up and wet to load 25 more on each side when the lights in the gym began to flicker and go out. The emergency lights turned on, and the room was slightly illuminated, but mostly bathed in shadows. The temperature in the gym appeared to Adrian to also be rising, and he wondered if something was wrong with the Shoreditch powergrid. Beads of sweat began to emerge on his forehead and upper lip, so he reached for his towel and dried himself off. As he turned, he could see what appeared to be the air on his right ripple and bend. What could only be dismissed as an optical illusion or the sudden rise in temperature, Adrian leaned down and reached for his water bottle to cool off. - Could you be of some assistance? Adrian spit out some of his water, and nearly jumped out of his skin when he heard the man speak. Looking to the shadows that bathed most of the space, he saw a man clothed all in black standing halfway across the room. - I’m sorry, mate. We’re closed. Adrian wanted to ask the man how he had gotten into the building, but he couldn’t help admiring the muscular physique he had. The man standing in front of him was simply immense with a size, that was practically unheard of. Most certainly a professional body builder, he thought, and a friend of the owner. He no doubt had his own key. That’s how he got in. Damn his size was monstrous. - I was just finishing locking up and going home myself. Thought I would get a quick chest workout in, but honestly, I’m knackered. I really should be getting home. Do you often work out here? I’ve been coming here for two years, but only started working here about six months ago. Adrian stopped talking because he knew he was just blathering on. The man dressed all in black simple stared at him and smiled. - No. I’ve never been here before. Though I doubt the equipment here could give me the pump I require. The man bounced his pecs for Adrian causing him to get slightly hard in his jock. Slowly the man walked closer to where Adrian was sitting, touching pieces of equipment as he passed. Each piece he touched suddenly rusted before Adrian’s eyes, and collapsed into a pile of dust on the floor. In shock, it took Adrian nearly twenty seconds of seeing this before he moved to run in the opposite direction. As he hoisted himself up to run into the locker room, his arms supernaturally turned completely to rubber, stretched, and distorted themselves around the bench press machine, tying themselves in a tight knot and forcing him to lie still on the bench. Although his arms were totally made of rubber now, the pain he could feel was agonizing, and any movement he made instigated the torment to rise. Closer and closer the man came until he stood right before Adrian. - You’re going to help me, aren’t you… little man? - What do you want? - Tell me who this is. The image of Chad developed in the mirror in front of Adrian. - That’s Chad. Chad Mitchell. - More. - He’s a trainer here. I think he’s worked here for a year now. - More. - I don’t really know any more. I swear. I don’t really know him. Chaos grinned and sat himself down on the bench as close to Adrian as the massive man could. With one figure, he began to stroke Adrians chest. For a moment Adrian was afraid he was going to touch him and he would disintegrate like the machines, but nothing happened. - More. - Ummm… he’s not a bad guy… he can be a bit of a jerk… kind of full of himself. - And have you ever seen this man? An image of Jacob took Chad’s place. - Yeah. That’s Jacob something or other. I don’t remember. They work out together. - Right. Chaos took his nail and began to run it over Adrian’s nipple. - And where do you think I could find Chad Mitchell. - I have no clue. I really don’t. I’m sorry. I really want to help, but he left hours ago. Chaos started flicking Adrian’s right nipple. - Hours ago? How many hours. - I don’t remember…it’s what… 9 now? I think he left at 5 or 6 Chaos continued to flick and play with Adrian’s right nipple. With lightening speed, Chaos squeezed his nipple tight sending shockwaves through Adrian. When he let go, milk abruptly started to pour from it. Chaos leaned over, and with his snake-like tongue lapped it up. - That is your fear leaking out of you… and it tastes delicious. - I want to help… please! Maybe he’s at XXL. He talks about going there a lot. Chaos grabbed the left nipple and proceeded to squeeze that one as well. Like the other, milk began to flow. Like a thirsty animal, Chaos continued to lap up the milk, his tongue burning Adrian as it touched his skin. - Please, God!! Please help me!! Chaos looked Adrian in the eyes and laughed. - The God you call on has abandoned you. Only Chaos remains. - Let me look in the files to find his address. I’m sure it has to be there. - Truthfully… the thought of my brother tires me at the moment. I’m suddenly much more engrossed in you at the moment. You taste so marvelous. You want to play some more with me… don’t you? Chaos rose to his feet and stood before Adrian. Mist whirled around the lowermost half of Chaos, and his black jeans and boots evaporated and in their place were two muscular horse legs and the most enormous hooves Adrian had ever seen. Chaos grabbed onto the hairy shaft that extended down the middle of his legs and began to stroke it, causing what was inside to elongate and harden. From within the shaft, Adrian could see a ginormous horse cock begin to emerge. - It’s time to play, Adrian. It’s time for you to play with Chaos. Without knowing how it happened, Adrian found the bench that had been supporting him had disappeared, and he was naked, and his arms were now tied to a metal rack, bending him over, ready for Chaos to fuck. An invisible finger began to play with Adrian’s hole, forcefully trying to open him up further. - Please, don’t! Please! I’ll do anything to help you! Anything!! Chaos stopped, frozen in place. He tried to lift his feet from the ground but found that he couldn’t. Even with all his strength and might, Chaos found himself immobile. Mist wrapped itself around his legs, and he was once again clothed in his tight black jeans and knee-high boots. Chaos screamed into the shadows of the empty room: - Who’s doing this? His scorpion tail tore through the ass of his jeans and swung wildly around behind him. Since he was facing away from Chaos, Adrian wasn’t sure what was occurring, but he could hear the loud sound of destruction the tail was making as it swung around, smashing into the mirror and overturning machines. - I have allowed you your little temper tantrums and show of dominance… but not it is my turn to display my power. See how… like a puppet... I control you. At the mere sound of Asarualimnunna’s voice ringing in his head, anger welled up in Chaos. - No one controls me! The tail swung and shattered another of the mirrors. - Quiet!!!! An invisible sword cut through Chaos’ tail, severing it from his body. With a heavy thud, it fell to the floor, twitching as if it were still alive, and then dissolving into a puddle of sludge. - I am your Creator! I control you! I have always controlled you! Say it to me now, or I shall snuff you out of existence. Through gritted teeth, Chaos spoke the dreaded words: - You are my creator. You control me. - Good. I will destroy you, Chaos though. I will destroy you. - Now, as you play with this human, Eros has gained nearly 150 worshipers. In his mind eye, Chaos could see Eros being worshipped from head to toe; each second more joined in the revelry. - You’ve disappointed me, Declan. I had such high hopes for you. Hearing his human name spoken by Asarualimnunna shamed Chaos down to his core… and enraged him. - Let me play the role of Creator then. Let me give you this human to help free you from your prison. Eros is doing nothing to help you. I am here to do your bidding. - Unfortunately, you have proven yourself untrustworthy. - Try me. If I fail you, then be my judge and executioner. Silence. Chaos wondered what Asarualimnunna’s decision would be. He received his answer when Adrian appeared standing in front of him. Adrian wasn’t sure what had happened and what had freed him from being raped by the man in black’s massive horse cock, but whoever did it, he was forever grateful. If only they would take him away from this psychopath. Adrian’s heart beat quickly as he saw the man in Black slowly begin to grow larger and larger, ripping through his clothes. His back snapped right below his Adonis belt as two massive horse legs grew to join the two already standing on the floor. The man’s torso grew longer and harrier, massive horns grew from his head, and a large scorpions tail swung from his hind end. When the transformation was complete, Adrian couldn’t believe what he was standing before. He had never seen something so incredible yet so filled with evil. - Look upon my true form, human. Larger and larger the creature grew until he towered feet above Adrian, his mighty horns nearly impaling the ceiling. - You have been chosen by Asarualimnunna and myself to take your place among the God’s. - Please let me go. - You beg for mercy when all I want to do is free you. I look within you and all I see is sadness. Let me be the father you never had. Let me give you the universe. Let me give you power beyond your wildest dreams. The words echoed in Adrian’s head. He wanted to close his ears so he couldn’t listen to the massive Centaur, but Chaos had a way of entering into his soul. - Tell me what you are. - Please - Tell me what you are. - I’m nothing. - That is not true. Look within yourself and tell me what you are. - I can’t. - Look at what I was. The image of a stern middle-aged man with grey thinning hair and with a half-way decent physique appeared before Adrian in the mirror. This was once the creature that stood before him, thought Adrian. This fairly average looking man was now so imposing, so regal, so god-like. - Simply from looking within, I discovered what I really was, and Chaos was born. Look within yourself. Look. Afraid of what he might see, Adrian looked within and saw himself at 16, fat and lazy. Hating this image, he tried to run from it but it engulfed him until it was all he could see. No, he thought. This isn’t me. Not anymore. As he fought his past, the image began to morph until it became what he was today. - What are you, son? - I’m muscle. - Yes. Look deeper. - I am strength. - Yes!! - I am muscle built upon muscle. - Continue! - I am perfection. I am stronger then any man who has entered this building. I tower over them. - Are you my soldier? - No…. I… I think I’m more. - I know you are… and now you must take your place. Through the many realms of existence, the birthplace of all supremacy began to glow, powering the gem stone. Rays of light shot from the gemstone in the laboratory and into the ether. Chaos felt it enter into his soul. Taking in Adrian as he stood there, Chaos released it through his eyes. The moment the beam hit him, Adrian feared every word he had said. - No! Please! I don’t want this! - You have looked within and admitted what you are. The power now fills you. Adrian felt every inch of his body start to slowly vibrate with a power that came from the God’s. He tried to fight it with all of his mental capacity, but found it harder and harder to concentrate on anything but his body. He was his body. He was muscle. What else did he need to be? Perhaps the man was right… - No!!! - Don’t fight destiny, Adrian! I can feel the power filling you, caressing you, embracing you. - You can’t have me. - I already do. Stop fighting me and become what you were always meant to be. Adrian fell to his knees. The energy that coursed through every cell of his body was quickly raising his temperature. Sweat poured out of every pore. Chaos flicked his tongue and enjoyed the scent emanating from Adrian. Any second now it will begin, he thought with a wicked smile. Any second I will have my first soldier. Adrian screamed out in agony. He opened his eyes but found it difficult to focus. When he closed them, all he saw were the visages of armies of muscular men… each larger then the other. They were calling to him. Join us, they said. Take your place among us. Adrian reached out his hand to touch the herculean image that had appeared in his mind’s eye and discovered that it was him. When the two hands met, his word exploded. The sound of bones shattering filled Chaos’ ears as Adrian cried out. Every bone in his body was cracking and becoming lengthier and denser. His spine began to elongate as both his legs and arms grew further from his core. The bones of his skull cracked and rearranged themselves as the skeleton underneath grew and refined itself. Adrian reached for his face, trying to hold it together, but found it difficult to control his elongating hands. Through the pain, he opened his eyes and gazed at himself in the mirror. He could no longer identify himself from the stretched out creature he saw revealed in the mirror. Minutes before he had only stood 5’6, but now he had to be nearing 6 feet. He tried to stand erect, but his feet were too long… everything about him was too long. Once again, he tried to stand, and found that with time he was able to balance himself. His head rose up past the mirror now and continued his journey. Through his fear, Adrian heard himself giggle. Once he was looked down upon by everyone… now he would stand above them all. He laughed again but was thrown off balance by his own body. He landed on his ass with a thud. Looking at himself in the mirror again it looked as if all of his hard gains had been stretched out over his body forcing him to look like a tall emaciated skeleton. He crawled to the mirror the best he could and looked at himself closer. The heat emanating from his core was slowly tanning his body to a golden brown. If he didn’t look so sickly skinny, he would have thought it was the healthiest he had ever looked in his life. As he continued to examine himself, the stretching stopped, and there was silence. Adrian slowly got to his feet and moved away from the mirror so he could see himself completely. From what he could guess, he had to be nearly 7 feet tall. His face had elongated and thinned drastically, and the nose that had been broken twice by his drunk father had repositioned itself into a perfect Roman configuration. His jaw was sharp and angular, and his lips had a slightly pouty look he had never had before. Due to the massive heat emanating from him, every single hair on his body had fallen out and now lay on the floor… even his eyebrows. His torso was incredibly extended, finishing with the longest and scrawniest legs and arms he had ever seen. Even his penis had elongated. It flopped down in front of him half way to his knees and was as thin as an earthworm. When he grabbed the disgusting thing with his skeletal hand, it could have easily encircled it several times. With terror in his eyes, Adrian looked to the man in Black. - What have you done to me? - Patience, my son. That was only the beginning. Chaos blinked, and the energy flowed from within him again, and into Adrian. Adrian was thrown back slightly, but he maintained his balance as he felt his body getting heavier and heavier with muscle mass. - I’m growing! Adrian relished in the feeling of his muscles multiplying on his body. Larger and thicker each muscle became. No longer did his legs look like sticks, but massive tree trunks with awe inspiring calves and quads. A light dusting of blonde hair began on his legs and spilled lightly up the newly formed cobblestone abs. One by one Adrian’s abs popped out firmer and thicker, the crevices between them growing deeper. Adrian lusted after this perfect six-pack that was appearing on his lower torso, and just when he thought he couldn’t get enough, two more appeared on top. An eight pack!! I can’t believe it, he thought!! His waist caved in deeper giving Adrian the most awe inspiring and physically illogical wasp body. His waist was a mere 32 inches and his chest erupted into a massive 58 inches. Adrian felt up his own chest, loving the pecs that had grown there and the deep crevice that had formed between them. As he touched his nipples, the areoles grew larger, darker, and more sensitive. Adrian’s lats spread out wide from his back, but his arms, which were hard and full, were long enough and in proportion to this incredible form that they still rested down on his sides. His neck became a wonderful column of muscle holding up a beautifully sculptured face. Muscle sculpted his face till it would remind one of a statue created with care by one of the masters. Blonde hair grew out of Adrian’s head, long and full, going down past his shoulders. The final organ to form on this perfect specimen of manly beauty was his penis. It grew thicker with a bulbous head. His pubic hair grew in blond as well, brushing the ball sack, which held two oranges in there, proving to the world how virile he now was. When the growth finally stopped, Adrian stood before the mirror in utter awe. He had never seen such a beautiful manly form as himself. Every inch was pure perfection. There was not a blemish nor a spot nor a mark on any part of his body. Hair grew in all of the “right” places, and every muscle was in impeccable proportion and symmetry. Perfect was all he could think of when he looked at himself. Adrian’s hands couldn’t stop touching every inch of his body. He looked to Chao’s and smiled. The Centaur looked down at him. - What do you think, my son? - I’m perfect. - Yes. - So beautiful… yet so manly. Adrian shook his hair and laughed as it fell around his shoulders. He looked again at the man in black and saw that he was smiling, but there was something dark in his eyes. Was he attracted to my new form, Adrian wondered? Now that he was larger he might be physically able to take the man’s cock, but did he want to? Not wanting to appear ungrateful for what he was given, Adrian approached the Centaur. - Thank you. Thank you so much! - Thank you… father. - Thank you, father. - Are you satisfied? - Yes!! Totally!! - Really? I’m just not sure I am yet. Maybe your pecs need to be bigger. Adrian’s pecs started to swell larger before his eyes. Rounder and fuller they grew. Pound upon pound was added to his pecs until they threatened to block his view of his lower body. - No. That’s not it. Maybe it’s your body hair I don’t like. Blonde hair began to sprout all over Adrian’s chest, getting fuller and bushier. The hair traveled down his abs, coating them but never covering them. - No! That isn’t it either!! Chaos looked deeply into Adrians eyes and smiled a wicked smile. - I know exactly what it is. The magnificently huge Centaur walked behind Adrian, and placed his hands on his shoulders. Gently… almost too gently… he turned Adrian so that he was once again looking at his reflection. - You looked within, but you wouldn’t look deep enough. You looked and saw only what society told you you should be. Just as you tried to build a body the world would love, you created this mask that is still covering the true you. You still want the world to love you, don’t you Adrian? - Of course. - I will teach you something now I learned long ago… the world will never love people like you and I. They despise us. They always have and they always will… until we force them to love us. Think of all of the people that have hurt you. Your father beat you, belittled you, broke your nose several times, and then abandoned you. Your mother’s affection only harmed you, and when bullies attacked you and made fun of you every day at school, what did anyone do? - Nothing. - Exactly. They allowed it to continue. It seemed they even welcomed it. Chaos continued to speak, evenly and intensely, and the words buried themselves deep within Adrian’s soul… slowly forming a bitter fruit there. - Even when you did something for yourself, lost weight, built a new body, did anyone notice? Did anyone really care? - No. - Did your life change for the better? - No A tear fell from Adrian’s right eye. - No. Even here… the place you love more than anywhere else in the world… does anyone really respect you? Treat you as an equal? They watch as you serve them and clean up their mess, but never really see you. People like Chad Mitchell will never really see you, will they? You asked him out once, didn’t you? - Yes. - When you had gathered the courage, convinced yourself that you were his equal, what did he do? - He told me no. He told me I was too young for him. - He laughed at you. Chaos conjured up the image of Adrian asking Chad out for coffee, and it appeared like a movie on the mirror. Chad thanked Adrian, told him he was flattered, but that Adrian was too young for him, that he should ask out someone his own age. Adrian, dejected walked away. Chad watched after him, and then started laughing. “As if!!!” Chad said to the departing figure. “You think you could touch this?!” Chad flexed his bicep in the mirror and licked it. “Fuckin fatties are always lusting after me. Hate it!” The image of Chad froze on the mirror. Tears fell freely from Adrian’s eyes. - They all laugh, Adrian… until you give them a reason not to. Look at me. No one will ever laugh at me again. I looked deep… deep within and I discovered what I was. Let me help you. Let me show you the way. You aren’t this, Adonis, are you? - I want to be. - Of course you do, but for the world it will never be enough. Let them truly see you, Adrian. Let them hear you. Let them fear you. - Yes… yes… They need to see me. - Exactly. - They all need to pay for what they’ve done. - They will, my son. I promise you. Now, look deep within. Is this really you? - No. - Tell me what you see. - Muscle. I am muscle upon muscle. - Yes. - Muscle creating dominance. - Yes. - Muscle creating supremacy! - Yes! - I’m bigger, more immense then anyone! They scream in terror and awe at the sight of me!! - Yes!! - The whole world fears me, for with one word I can bring upon their destruction. - YES!!!! - That is what I am. I am Destruction. Simply saying the word caused Adrian’s voice to fall several octaves, and caused Chaos’ loins to stir. The power build up once again inside of Chaos and shot out of both of his eyes and into Adrian. Knowing that more was needed, Chaos opened his mouth wide, and a beam of light emanated from it into Adrian as well Adrian screamed as all three rays hit him at once. Within moments, he was growing again. His legs exploded in size, becoming so freakishly muscular that he was forced to spread his legs as wide as they could go just so that he could continue standing… and still they continued to pack on muscle. His feet got larger and thicker, and his toes quadrupled in size in order to hold up the immeasurable mass of his legs. When it seemed that they could no longer balance such columns of muscle, they mutated, his immense big toes shifting down and more toward the middle of his feet, creating what could only be described as a massive hybrid of human and gorilla feet, enabling him more room for control and balance, and of course, growth. Just when he thought he couldn’t spread his legs any further, the pelvic bone of the man once known as Adrian split and dislocated, growing and reforming in order for his legs to gain more and more muscle mass. Enormous veins wove themselves over the surface of his legs trying desperately to feed the colossal quads and calves. The creature once known as Adrian felt only relief and pleasure as he let himself go and evolved into his true form. Gone was the Adonis belt as his abs grew bigger, thicker, heavier, and the grooves between them grew deeper. His stomach appeared to distend creating a powerful roid gut, accentuated by an impossibly jaw dropping 15 pack that grew on it. Adrian rubbed the cobblestones of his stomach wishing them greater and more enormous. Even the sight of his stomach must cause fear. Just thinking it caused more freakish abdominal muscles to grow until he possessed an unheard of 18 pack. The creature screamed out as his rib cage cracked and split, quadrupling in size, giving more room for his massive chest to grow… and grow it did. Pound upon pound of muscle deposited itself on his pecs forcing them to become rounder, fuller, and denser. The creature drooled, happy at no longer being able to see his lower half. Bigger, he thought. Make me mightier!!! Lost in the sensation of every muscle in his body growing out of control, Destruction grinned as he had difficulty lifting the heavy arms that were growing nearly as large and as veiny as his legs. With only lust and muscle in mind, he began to massage his pecs with his ginormous hands. As he massaged his pecs, the creature noticed that something was starting to force them slowly upward toward his chin. Moving his hands down, he discovered what felt like two more nipples emerging from the skin under his pecs. Squeezing them, he discovered that they were indeed two new sensitive nipples. With what sounded like an explosion erupting from his chest, another set of massive pecs burst out and formed under the original. Yes, he thought, pinching and rubbing the massive thumb sized nipples on his new pecs. If two are incredible, four are simply amazing!! The two newly grown pecs grew larger in size till Destruction’s torso was forced to begin stretching and growing upward again to form more room. Taller and taller he rose, growing closer to the high ceilings of the gym. He was thankful that this building had such high ceilings, but even more grateful that his body was creating more space to pack on more muscle. Destruction’s lateral muscles grew more gigantic, compelling his mammoth arms away from his side. When he did try to set his arms down against this side, he was not only prevented by his lat span, but by two large lumps that had formed two feet below his arm pits. Trying his best to look in the mirror as it got further away, he saw the lumps getting larger and larger, pulsating with a power from within. The pressure built up underneath them until they finally erupted like two volcanic pimples, forcing out two new colossal arms. Destruction roared as the two additional arms gained size to match their brothers. They were nearly impossible to control at first, moving as if they had a mind of their own, until he found that through some concentration, he was finally able to manipulate them himself. Still he continued to grow taller and more muscular. Never had Chaos seen such a specimen as this manifestation of all of the anger the man once called Adrian had held down for so long. Dark brown hair erupted all over Destruction’s body, coating his arms, legs, and chest in a thick carpet. The hair on his head turned a dark brown, and a thick beard began to grown on his face becoming fuller by the minute. Standing nearly 13 feet tall, Destruction continued to grow. The world would definitely see him now. The world would quake at his massive feet. As if fuelled further by this new found anger that had been released inside of him, Destruction continued to transform. An angry ripping sound came from Destructions body as foot long razor sharp horns angrily erupted from his elbows and his shoulder blades. Raising all four of his might hands in front of him as best he could, Destruction laughed as one by one he made a tight fist, and ten inch horns began to protrude and curve from each of his upper knuckles. With his two upper arms, he easily dragged the horns of his hands across the ceiling ripping it apart. Material fell around him, but this only caused Destruction to laugh, his voice now so deep that it sounded more like an unearthly grumble. Destruction roared again, his mouth growing larger as he did. Two more rows of sharp pointed teeth forced their way through his gums behind his original teeth, creating a terrifying shark-like mouth. Exuding so much heat from his own transformation, sweat began to pour down Destruction’s brown onto his face and chest. The burning of the salt water started to irritate his eyes, so to the best of his ability, he tried to brush it away, but he found it impossible to even touch his eyes with his bloated muscular arms. The more he tried to wipe the sweat away, the more appeared to fall. Chaos watched as the colossus tried in vain to stop the odd flow of sweat. Soon though, he realized it was not simply sweat, but appeared as if Destruction’s own flesh from his forehead was turning to liquid and pouring down his face and puddling around his eyes. The liquid soon started to solidify, and like clay, began building a wall in front of his eyes. - What’s happening to me??!! Stop this now! - I’m sorry, but it’s all simply out of my control. The flesh continued to flow, building up more and more in front of his eyes until it finally covered them completely. The creature, now blinded, roared and stomped around the room causing devastation all around him. Loosing his balance, the colossus fell to the floor. Chaos watched as the flesh smoothed itself out on his forehead until it looked as if he eyes had never been there at all. - It burns! It burns!! A primal roar came from deep within Destruction as his brow ridge distended further causing an oddly masculine Neanderthal look to overtook Destructions face. The skin below the ridge began to bubble and flex, and with a loud rip, one massive red eye opened in the middle of his forehead. Arching his back, Destruction roared again. Chaos watched with excitement as the four massive nipples ripped open as well creating four more additional red eyes. - Look upon me!! Look at what I am becoming!! Destruction got to his feet with a deep bellowing laugh. Chaos could feel all five eyes on him… staring deep into him. - I will be seen!! I will be feared!!! Would you like to see another trick, father. - Show me. Destruction reached his two bottom hands down and began stroking his immense penis. The more he stroked it with animalistic force, the more it grew. As he jerked it, the shaft grew thicker and thicker, quickly tripling in size. The head continued to grown larger and more bulbous as well, overtaking the shaft with how thick and long it was itself. The most erotic and sensual feeling began to emanate from the massive shaft. Smiling and looking directly into Chaos’ eyes, Destruction stopped what he was doing. Suddenly with one quick flick, he dug the horns of his right hand into the underbelly of his penis. The beast roared out, but the sound appeared more like pleasure then pain. A moment later, Destruction lifted his left, and dug those horns into the top of his penis. Chaos expected blood to start flowing, but all he could see was the flesh of the penis moving and puddling on its own like clay. A thick river of pre began to flow from the bulbous head soaking the floor. Flexing his might biceps, Destruction pulled his arms apart, and with a loud ripping sound, Destruction’s thick cock split in half. The clay-like skin quickly formed around it, and within moments, Destruction possessed two immense penises, both now dripping free flowing pre. - What do you think of your son now? The two penises continued to grow larger, standing at attention. Using two hands to stroke his penises and two hands to massage his basketball sized testicles, Destruction brought himself to the most forceful of orgasms. Cum rocketed from both shafts, covering the floor and shattering the mirror. Asarualimnunna smiled as the wall into the fifth realm cracked and he could easily slip through. Standing now at an immense sixteen feet and weighing thousands upon thousands of pounds of pure muscle, Destruction had finally been born. Angrily he began to tear the building apart, wanting to free himself from his prison. - Calm, my son!! Destruction did as his loving father requested. - There will be plenty of time for you to show yourself to the world. First, we must find another to join our army against the common enemy…Eros. We must build it before he is able to, and if my calculations are correct, only four more will be able to be born. Come with me. I think I know the next perfect candidate.
  16. Guest

    The Test - Chapter Two: Chaos

    Here is the second chapter in The Test. I honestly don't know where this idea is coming from, but I write and it just pours out of me. I have outlined a complete plot for the next five chapters, so I will continue to write them. I have already started on Chapter Three. Each of the chapters are pretty long as I don't want to leave anything hanging, and I always want them to include some sort of growth. Let me know what you think!! Enjoy!! The Test Chapter Two Chaos Asarualimnunna sat in the seventh plan of existence contemplating his good fortune at having so easily reached the simple mind of the human called Chad. As soon as the other had left the room and Chad had picked up the crystal, the connection had been made. Being in the eight plane made it difficult for him to speak directly with the human, but he placed a compulsive desire within him to help his friend discover the mystery of the stone at any cost. As soon as that was engaged, the rest had easily fallen into place. Now Asarualimnunna had broken into the seventh plane through the hole ripped open by the power set off by the human. His prison was a complex one, but not one he couldn’t unweave. Time had no meaning to him, and having been locked away for longer than 2,000 years was nothing more than an irritation. Soon he would be free again, and nothing would stand in his way. Of course, as before, he had to grant a desire like a pathetic djinn in order to achieve the amount of psychic power needed to break through the barriers, but so be it. There was always a cost in achieving ones aspirations. Asarualimnunna knew that only too well. This time it will be different, he thought to himself. This time when he took complete control, it would be through the worshipers he was creating. They would keep the humans at bay while he attained his purpose. The first was perfectly formed. He only had two objectives: muscle and sex, and that was what he created. Chad was the epitome of virility, and just like those pathetic Greeks, mankind would follow him blindly. He reached his will out to Chad once again, and discovered his disciple was about to bring the other human to orgasm. No matter how hard he tried, Asarualimnunna couldn’t reach Jacob. There was too much doubt, too many questions. Ultimately, he would fall; there was no doubt. He had hoped that by witnessing Chad’s transformation he would bow to the power of the crystal, but something still stopped him. It wasn’t fear… It wasn’t rebellion… It was something more. Asarualimnunna would have him… must have him… but that would have to wait. Scanning both for his next creation, he found the perfect candidate in a brief memory released by Jacob. Yes. This one was what he needed. This one would demand followers. Using a reserve of power, he set the plan in motion. It was easier now that he was on the seventh plane to control the human realm, and found the manipulation of the content on one zip drive was quite simple to alter. When had finished, exhausted, Asarualimnunna’s will, which held his body together, broke apart, scattering him throughout the seventh plane. One final suggestion implanted in Chad’s psyche, and the ball was rolling again. Before this mortal day was complete, Asarulimnunna would be existing on the sixth plane. Chad continued to tongue fuck Jacob. This was easily performed, and he was pleased that his friend was receiving so much pleasure from so little. He wanted to do more with his friend, much more, but he knew that in his present human form, Chad would easily destroy him. It would have to wait until Jacob took his place next to Chad as a God. Cum dribbled from Jacob’s penis as he cried out in ecstasy. Chad experienced compassion for his friend as he compared himself to Jacob. He craved deep down that Jacob would experience the cataclysmic orgasms he himself now had, instead of this this contemptible exhibition of pleasure. Nevertheless, Chad loved his friend, but he understand that in many ways he had left him behind. No! He refused to allow Jacob to maintain this pathetic quality of life. He would take him now to the stone and turn on the power. He would force Jacob if he didn’t want to do it… Chad felt an unexpected urge deep down in his soul. He had to fuck. He needed to fuck. He needed hundreds of men worshiping his body. Yes. That is what he required. Pre began to drip from Chad’s cock as he unwrapped his tongue from Jacob’s penis. Not wanting to waste the dribbled essence that had fallen to the floor, Chad quickly lapped it up, and retracted his tongue back into his mouth. He smiled down at his friend as he sat him on his desk. - How do you feel? - Incredible! That was magnificent! Jacob hoped off of the desk and moved toward Chad’s massive cock that grew from his crotch. Gently he began to caress the limb, stroking it, even daring to lick the massive head. - I want to satisfy you now. Tell me how. Tell me what I can do. - Unfortunately, and don’t take this poorly, it is nearly impossible for you to satisfy me. I want you, Jacob. Believe me. I want you badly, but if I took you now… it would kill you. - I’m sure it would. I don’t think anyone could take that and live. - If you want to bring me satisfaction, come with me. Let’s go where there will be many who can worship me. - How can you go out like that? Where will you ever find clothes that will cover you? With a simple thought, black leather pants formed around Chad’s legs. The leather was tighter than skin tight, and reminded Jacob of something a superhero might wear in one of those DC comic films. Chad’s immense penis was still evident, snaking down his right leg, and appeared even sexier behind leather than when he was naked. Leather armbands enfolded themselves around Chad’s colossal upper arms, and piercings materialized in both of his nipples. Black thick-soled boots formed on his feet completing the look. - Well? - You look like Tom of Findland’s wet dream. - Perfect. Let’s go. - Let me just put this away. Jacob crossed the room to the gem and detached it from where it sat. Still clear, the crystal now resembled the Hope Diamond he had seen once on holiday with his family. Moving to his desk, he released the bottom drawer and placed it back in the metal coffee can it had been shipped to him in. When he was finished, Jacob looked at his best friend, once again taking in Chad’s complete form. - Thinking about it now…I don’t know how you are ever going to get out of this building without destroying it. - Come here and grab onto my arm. Jacob did as he was told, and unexpectedly felt himself and Chad both evaporating into vapor. His consciousness still existed, but his form was totally gone. Declan Lease grabbed the Uber driver by the back of the head and demanded he drive faster. If he had been this worm, he would have pulled over and insisted Declan leave his car at once. To frightened to do anything but what he was told, the driver proceeded to his destination. Declan had been sitting at the airport terminal, impatiently waiting for his late flight to board. Something was apparently wrong with one of the lavatories, and this was a cause to inconvenience him even further. Determined not to waste any further time, he removed his laptop from his bag and began to skim the presentation Jacob had put together for him. As he read, Declan had to confess that it was good, though he would slit his own through before saying a word to Jacob. When he had first hired Jacob for his department, he had gone out with him and several colleagues for drinks, and found himself attracted, even charmed by the manner of the diminutive man. That night he had gone to one of the baths and face-fucked a twink boy that reminded him of Jacob until he was satisfied. Fourty-six, divorced, and with two useless sons, Declan would never reveal his desire for men, so his craving for Jacob turned to animosity. Not a day went by that he didn’t belittle him in one way or the other. At least he paid attention to him. Most men walked right by Jacob without even seeing him. As he flipped through the PowerPoint presentation, Declan noticed that some of the slides didn’t match up with the rest. Reading through these slides that were placed by accident in the middle of his presentation, it appeared that Jacob was analyzing a gem Elliot had discovered on his dig in Greece. Anger began to spew within Declan as he realized he would have to delete this information himself and reformat the presentation himself. The talk was tomorrow afternoon and he landed in New York tomorrow morning. He flipped through several other slides with notes on this gem when he came upon a video link. Without even pressing it, the link started playing. On the small screen, Jacob saw an extremely handsome and muscular man standing before the gem that had been described in Jacob’s notes. Offscreen a switch was pulled, and a beam of light went through the gem and into the man. The video jumped time, but what he saw made Declan lean forward and look at the screen closer. The man was standing directly in front of Jacob, and he was growing taller, broader, and hairier. The man was evolving right in front of his eyes. Just as Declan was beginning to get aroused, the video ended. Declan’s heart began to race as he questioned what Jacob had discovered. He flipped back through the presentation to read the notes again, but Declan realized that the every slide with information on the gem was now missing. Rapidly he returned to the slide with the video on it, and that too was gone. All that was left was the perfect presentation Jacob had put together for his meeting. Sitting in his chair, his pants straining against his errection, Declan began to contemplate what was going on. He had always prided himself on keeping fit, maintaining the rugby physique he had formed at university. Sure there may be a little more padding then he would have desired, maybe he had more of what they called a ‘Dad’s Body’ then he liked, maybe his brown hair had more grey in it then before and was thinning on top, but his age didn’t prevent him from showing off at the gym everyday in front of the younger men. He was even strong then most men his age, had better stamina, and more muscle mass then most of his friends. A doctor friend of his had prescribed a testosterone supplement, not because he needed it, but because he simply wanted it to keep young and virile. Somehow, Declan assumed, this gem had caused that man’s muscles to begin to grow…and if that man had it… Declan wanted it. Declan always got what he wanted. Declan left the terminal just as they were announcing boarding for his plane. He didn’t tell anyone he was leaving, and knew that his absence would more than likely cause the plane to be further delayed, but he didn’t care. All he cared about now was finding Jacob and seeing the gem for himself. He hardly remembered his journey to where Uber picked up. He was thinking of only one thing and one thing only…power. As Declan sat in the Uber craving for it to go faster, a message arrived to his Whats App. Grabing his phone from his trousers, Declan saw that it was from Jacob. What was Jacob doing sending him a message? How did he even get his number? Declan opened the message, and saw that it was a gif. Tapping on it, the image came to life. It was the same muscular man, now massively huge. A snake-like tongue was emerging from his mouth and he was fucking Jacob’s ass with it. Once again, as quickly as it played, the gif and message disappeared. What game was Jacob playing with him? Was he laughing at him… gaining everything he himself wanted? This was the moment that Declan grabbed the driver by the back of the head and yelled for him to drive faster. Declan jumped from the car and ran to the door of the dark building. It was locked, but thankfully, he had his set of keys. He had no need to worry about an alarm, as every thief in the vicinity knew that there wasn’t anything worth steeling in the century old building. An alarm had been placed, and the signs and bells were attached to the building, but there was no code and no panel on which to set it. Fumbling for a moment to find the keyhole in the dark, Declan threw the lock and swung open the door. He was climbing the stairs as the door closed behind him and the lock turned on its own. Scarcely out of breath, Declan made it to the laboratory on the fourth floor. He swung open the door and stepped inside, ready to confront Jared and his friend, but the room was eerily empty. Using the flashlight on his phone, Declan walked to the apparatus that had once held the gem and noticed that it was gone. Of course, that prick would hide it away, the thought. He knows what he possesses and doesn’t want to loose it. Now…if I were he… where would I put it? Would I take it home with me? No… it might get stolen on the way. It was safer to leave it here… but where? Declan turned around and around the room to figure out where to begin when one word entered his head: - Desk. Declan stopped and heeded what he had heard as if it has simply been a thought that had come to him. He moved quickly to the desk on the right of the room and began go through the drawers. Swiftly his hands moved discarded objects around the desk drawers until he heard an odd sound coming form inside an old Greek coffee can. Shaking as he lifted the can out of the bottom drawer, he removed the plastic lid and beheld the gem. It was clear as glass and simply beautiful. Slowly he placed his hand in the can and caressed it. The moment his hand touched the stone, it turned a dark ruby red and then black. Declan smiled as his pants tented again. Carrying the gem in his hand, he placed it in the apparatus he had seen on the film. He then walked over to a computer like surface where there were an odd amount of switches and knobs. Flipping one switch and then another, Declan powered up the laser. In an instant, a beam was shooting through the gem and into a spot on the opposite side of the room. Declan grinned. He first removed his overcoat and jacket, then his tie and shirt. One by one, he threw these items onto the floor until his hairy bare chest flickered in the light. Predicting the changes that were about to transpire, Declan proceeded to remove his shoes, his belt, his trousers, and then his socks. Proudly he stood in his black briefs, his thick penis slowly leaking, heralding his eagerness. With one quick move, he removed the briefs and walked slowly toward the beam. My world changes today, he thought as he moved his entire body into the path of the beam. The moment it hit him, his mind exploded into a thousand points of light and sound. He still existed on the corporeal plane, but he now could see all that had been concealed before. His grin grew larger as he felt thousands of fingers glide over his body, caressing him and welcoming him home. With his newfound sight, he detected that the beam itself was not merely ruby red, but red mixed with specks of black. He stretched out his hand to the beam and the light wash over it like a river of water. He moved himself so the beam was hitting directly onto his penis… the source of his own power. He felt so good… so alive. This is why he had been born. This was why he existed. Declan laughed aloud in the room and it seemed to echo, bouncing off the walls. What now, he thought? What happens next? He felt so good he never wanted it to end, but he also desired more. He called out to no one in particular. - What happens next? What do I need to do? Declan stood directly in the beam, being caressed by its brilliance when it went from red to fiery white. He shielded his eyes for an instant due to the overwhelming power coming from the gem. A voice rang out loudly in his head. - I called and you answered. Very good. - Who are you? - Call me Asarualimnunna. - Asarualimnunna. Who are you? - You’re new master. Declan grinned broadly. - We’ll see about that. - You wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for me. I have been controlling your path for the past two hours. I believe that makes me the master and you the dog. - Why did you call me? Why send me all of those hints? - We have a bargain to make. - A bargain? - I can offer you what you yearn for, and you will give me what I need. - Like selling my soul? - Your soul is long gone, my friend. - I know. I’ve always been aware of that. I never needed it anyway. - Good. Now…tell me. What are you? Deep down… what are you? Images flooded Declans mind. He saw himself slap his wife when he discovered that she had cheated on him even after he had deceived her on dozens of occasions. He saw himself pounding the asses of faceless men, each one or no significance or meaning to him. He them saw himself belittling hundreds of individuals from wait-staff to friends, to his very own parents. He saw himself climbing the ladder of success and not caring anything for those he left behind. - You show me exactly what I know I am. - Say it. - I’m power. Unbridled power. - Exactly. And will you be my soldier, Power? - I’m no ones soldier. - Good. My warrior then? - I want to lead. I want to control. Give me the strength of hundreds of barbarians. That is who I am. - I have that and more within my grasp to give. Look deep within yourself and tell me what you are. - I’m Power. I’m Annihilation. I’m Plunder. NO! I know exactly what I am. Yes. I am Chaos. - Say it!! - I’m the God of Chaos. - So you are. The power of the beam became stronger as Declan felt it filling him up. It’s happening he though. I’m about to change. I am the God of Chaos. It’s time I took my rightful place. A cracking sound was heard in Declan’s ears. He looked down to where it was coming from, and saw his hands growing before his eyes. - Yes! He shouted. Both of his hands grew wider and longer, thicker and stronger. He placed his hands directly in the beam and watched the process speed up. - Give it all to me, Asarualimnunna. Give me every bit of your power. His hands continued to get larger before him. They were the strongest, most masculine hands he had ever seen. Black hair was sprouting on them and traveling up his fore arms, which were also growing and thickening. Declan willed the beam to inject more power into his arms, and he could feel himself pulling it from the source like a boy sucking a milkshake threw a straw. - Accept what I am giving you, mortal! Take only what I give! - You called me for a reason. Give it to me! I demand you give me it all!! Declan pulled harder, and suddenly the beam became thicker, filled with more light. Asarualimnunna fought to partially close the doorway between the two worlds, but this mortal was proving himself to be even stronger than he suspected. The two were in a battle of wills. Declan walked slowly toward the source of the light… the source of the power, the gem. His arms were exploding in size. Bigger and bigger they grew, veiny and thick with hair. His arms had surpassed the size of every pro body builder and every Mr. Olympia. - Give it to me, Asarualimnunna! I demand it! All of it is mine. Declan reached for the gem and the realms blew apart. Cracks appeared in each realm from the seventh to the 24th. Power flowed wildly out of the realms and into Declan. Fire washed over the human’s body as he screamed out. It was suddenly too much. What had he done? What was he becoming? Asarualimnunna tried to shut the cracks, but as one closed another ripped open. The will of this mortal was too strong. Soon all of the power of realm 24 fell… then 23… then 22. He was slowly draining all power from each existence. Declan looked down at his glowing body and saw that his torso was stretching taller and taller. He held the glowing gem in his hands as it deposited all of its power into him. His pecs burst with power, quickly gaining hundreds of pounds in a minute. Still he continued to stretch taller, his chest getting wider and wider. Asarualimnunna watched as Declan’s super human drain on the power of every realm continued. He had received the power of five so far and was eating his sixth. Chad had only received a fraction of this power when it had been given to him. Chaos did indeed stand before Asarualimnunna. As he feared his new creation, he couldn’t wait to see what it would bring. The man called Declan could no longer see over his powerful chest, but with his hands he felt it getting thicker and hairier. His abs were become like 4 inch plates of metal. A human could hide their entire arm within the crevices of his abs and not be able to see it. He gloried in what he was becoming. He welcomed it. Wishing to bring on more change faster, Declan he pulled harder, and more power entered his body. Near where his Adonis belt was growing grander and deeper, two small mounds began to erupt. Chaos moved his hands down to them, and felt the round hairy protrusions. Without realizing it, thick dark hair had covered the entire lower half of his body, and it was getting thicker. He turned around and saw his perfect ass and part of his back was entirely covered with the long stiff black hair. He had never been a fan of hair before, preferring to keep most of his body hairless, but now he welcomed the growth. He fingered his hole, and even that was filling with hair. With his hands, he felt his crotch and discovered that too was covered with an unusual amount of hair. He wanted to see over his pecs, but they continued to gain size and mass, nearly too heavy for his body to carry. Understanding that the evolution was swiftly moving out of control, Declan felt the protrusions began to get larger, and underneath something was beginning to stir and trying to get out. - What are you doing to me? What are you turning me into? - I am doing nothing, Chaos. This is all your desire. As soon as Asarualimnunna spoke these words, the mortal that had once been known as Declan knew it was true. He released all fear, all humanity, and allowed the powerful change to wash over him. Chaos shrieked an inhuman scream as two large stallion hooves emerged from the mounds. Thick black legs pushed their way further out, growing longer and more commanding than any Earth-born horse. Chaos grabbed onto the legs and felt that they were indeed his. A second inhuman screech emerged from his mouth, this time deeper and louder, as his human back broke, repositioning him onto his new torso. Chaos fell to the ground as his lower half grew grander, lengthier, and far superior to any stallion ever created. He was wracked with pain, but still he pulled on the power source. More words were being shattered to create this new creature. Thousands of souls died to give birth to it. Asarualimnunna watched as world after world was snuffed out. Chaos’s original human legs reformed themselves into the thick hind legs of a massive stallion. The beast he was becoming could easily hold twelve men on its back and still have room, he was so large, and still he continued to grow. Chaos stood on his four legs and saw that he was nearing the ceiling of the laboratory. Every muscle in his body screamed from the influx of power, but still he desired more. Quicker, more power poured from the gem into Chaos’ body causing his penis to elongate and grow. Thicker and longer, the phallus emerged from its thick hair covered sheath. No longer able to feel it with his own hands, he swiftly moved it in and out of the sheath causing pleasure filled friction. Make me more virile than any before me, he willed the power. Make my penis thicker, and longer till nearly nothing can take it. He thought the words and they rang true. His penis grew in size, massive veins feeding its magnificence. His testicles grew along with his cock sending even more sensations coursing through his body. Chaos lifted himself onto his hind legs, and then slammed his front two legs to the floor, forming a large crack. He could run for days now without getting tired. These four legs could leap over houses. His cock could pierce brick walls. He was the epitome of power… but now he wanted more. He wanted the world to fear him. With true power came fear… and Chaos wanted it all. Chaos’ will drew on the gem. His lats began to grow wider, thicker and larger then ever before. His arms were pushed away from his sides as his lats began to defy any source of known anatomy, and still they grew. He forced his arms to grown longer and broader, keeping in proportion to his inhuman lateral muscles. Chaos drew on the gem further and his back widened even more. The world will fear me he thought as he drew the power of the destruction of the realms into him. The world will cower in my presence… Two large black wings emerged from Chaos’ lats. Veins crisscrossed the surface and they extended getting lengthier and fuller. Far from being birdwings, they would remind the casual viewer of large bat wings, but even more powerful then that. That was merely a human comparison, and Chaos’ defied all comparisons. Nearly there, Chaos thought, as he pulled further power from the source. On the dock where a tail had never formed, a mass of muscle, tissue, and veins emerged. Thick and twisted, the mound lengthened further and further, resembling what one might have thought of as a half formed penis. Drool fell from Chaos’ mouth as he forced the newly grown appendage to continue to extend and thicken. Chaos enhanced the muscles in his magnificent glutes, adding hundreds more pounds, as the new appendage became nearly too substantial to hold up. Still it continued to elongate and stiffen, becoming harder and sharper as it grew. I can do this, Chaos thought as more power was thrust through the source into his growing appendage. Ultimately, it began to curve forward over Chaos’ back, become a colossal venomous scorpion singer. Beautiful was all Chaos could think, as he flipped his new extremity, and struck it into the floor, creating a three foot crater. Nearly perfect, Chaos’ thought and laughing at the creature he was building for himself. Drawing again on his own fantasies of what he always wished to be, Chaos pulled in more power and destroyed another realm. With this, his head began to grow in proportion to his massive body, and his chin became squared with a deep cleft in it. Thick black horsehair grew on his upper lip and around his mouth forming a perfectly groomed goatee. Closing his eyes and emitting a guttural moan of pain and pleasure, two mounds erupted from either side of his forehead. Pushing with all his might, two massive bull horns emerged, shiny and black, but with tiny specks of red in them. Each horn stretched up and to the right, twisting from their thick roots. Chaos’ neck sprouted denser with more muscle to enable him to hold the practically one hundred pound each horns that propagated from his cranium. Majestically lifting his head, he gouged out a enormous hole in the ceiling, permitting him further room for evolution. Standing over fifteen feet tall, Chaos posed a colossally erotic yet malevolent figure. His monumental wings extended nearly the length of the room, and his tail, when protracted, nearly doubled him in length. The black hair of his horse body traveled up over his cobble stone abs, and onto his meaty pecs. I am nearly perfect, he thought. Chaos opened his mouth wide in what resembled a yawn, but a cracking sound revealed he was breaking his own jaw to make it slightly longer. Baring his teeth, two large canines emerged, lengthening from their source into snake fangs. Not to be outdone by the memory of Jacob’s muscular friend, he stretched his own tongue out, augmentation it further. When it stretched two feet from his mouth, his mere will ripped the tip in two, creating a snake-like tongue. Yes. Now I am perfection, he thought. - Gaze upon my form, Asarualimnunna! Look what I have created! - Give me what you owe! Chaos’ penis quickly hardened, as a feeling of uncontrollable horniness filled him. From the end of the room, another male Centaur emerged. This new figure was not as large as Chaos, but still quite muscular and blonde. The creature walked up to Chaos and began to caress his massive pecs, playing with both nipples. Unable to control his animal lust, Chaos grabbed the other Centaur and began to kiss him deeply. Suddenly, and with all of the strength of his upper body, he forced the male around till he was in position to mount. With one graceful gesture, Chaos mounted the second Centaur and impaled him balls deep with his five foot penis. The blonde Centaur screamed out as he felt Chaos forcefully enter him, and tried to pull away, but he was no match for his strength and power. Chaos pounded the other Centaur’s ass harder and harder till he neared completion. In the final moment before orgasm, just when he began shooting his seed into the other’s ass, he dug his razor sharp teeth into the blonde Centaur’s neck. The poison traveling from Chaos’ teeth destroyed every cell in the others body, quickly reducing him to dust at his hooves. Seeing how easily he could destroy, Chaos shot more, destroying the wall into the sixth realm. Still cumming, Chaos destroyed the room around him. Flicking his scorpion tail, he reduced the apparatus to rubble, and with one powerful flick of his massive fists, destroyed the console that powered the laser. None will come after me, he thought. I am complete and ultimate power. - The humans will never accept you in this form. - They will be forced to submit to my will. - In this form you will never be worshipped like the other… the first of my creations. - I am my own creator!! I fashioned myself! - Let them come to you, then reveal your true form, like any other conqueror would. Chaos knew Asarualimnunna was right. With a thought, he went through one final transformation. Two of his thick horse legs evaporated as the other two became thick muscular legs covered by jet-black jean material. His large penis traveled down his left leg and sat just above his knee, always erotically visible. His hooves became size 18 length knee-high riding boots. His upper torso reassembled itself back into human form, yet maintained a 34” waist and 67” chest. His wings folded down into a long black top coat, and a simple black tshirt stretched over his massive chest. His horns laid down and became long black hair which fell to his shoulders. His tail retreated back into the curve right above his perfect ass. Only the venomous tip remained visible, now covered by his jeans. The canines retracted, but remained razor sharp and venom filled. The tongue he kept as it was. Chaos’ visage now resembled the soul that had always grown inside of him. Standing seven feet tall and weighing over a thousand pounds of muscle, he was power mixed with distinction. - Better. Good boy. Chaos smiled when he heard Asarualimnunna’s voice. Walking over to where the clear gem sat on the floor among destruction, he picked it up and held it in his hand. With no mere effort than what it might take to crinkle a sheet of paper, Chaos closed his massive hand around it, reducing it to dust. Letting the dust fall to the floor, Chaos called out. - Enjoy your prison in the sixth realm, Asarualimnunna! Now, the first thin he need to accomplish was to find Jacob’s friend have him submit to him. Then he would gather worshipers. Soon he would control this whole world. Reducing himself to mist, he walked through the wall and disappeared. Asarualimnunna regarded the retreating figure. Enjoy your prison, my friend. Though not in physical form, Asarualimnunna could still feel the pain where Chaos had taken him, and then the area of his neck where he had bit into him. It had all proven necessary as he examined the sixth realm. The seventh and eighth were still intact, but the others leading up to the 24th had been drained and destroyed to create Chaos. Yes, he had underestimated the human’s power mad will, but that would never happen again. With a pulse from his consciousness, the room reassembled itself, looking as if nothing had taken place minutes before. From the floor, the power reformed into the clear crystal. With one final pulse, Asarualimnunna called out to the next who would succeed in destroying the wall between the sixth and fifth realm. Soon… very soon… he would be free.
  17. I haven't posted a story in a while - here's my next offering, I hope it's enjoyable...I really loved writing it. There are three parts, all pretty much written so I might post some more later. Part 1 “Oh FUCK baby…give it to me,” Justin moaned. I looked down to watch my thick cock sliding in and out of my boyfriend-of-2-years’ tight ass. “Mmmm, you fucking slut,” I growled, picking up the pace, ramming my 8-inch cock in hard and fast, enjoying the sound of Justin’s breath catching in his throat as I did. We both LOVED fucking doggy style. I grabbed his hips with both hands, pulling him back onto my cock and looking down to see my flexed biceps bulging. Justin screamed with pleasure. “OH FUCK YEAH”. Sweat dripped from my heaving, swollen pecs down onto my defined abs. Still pounding Justin’s sexy ass, I ran one hand up his back, feeling him shiver to my touch, and grabbed his hair, pulling his head back hard. “Mmmmmmm YEAH,” Justin moaned, desperate. He loved it rough. “TAKE THIS THICK COCK SLUT BOY,” I roared, fucking him even harder. Justin gasped, moaning continuously and pushing his twink ass back onto my cock. “Breed me Daddy,” he begged. I was getting close. “Oh I will boy,” I grunted, pounding him like an animal rutting. I looked up at the mirror on the wardrobe opposite our bed. God we looked hot when we fucked. I brought one arm up, flexing my bicep as I hammered Justin’s ass hard. I loved the look of my swollen peak, veins mapped across the surface, the epitome of manliness. Justin loved it too – he looked up while we fucked and then reached down, starting to jerk his cock as he stared at my pumped bicep. “Mmmmm look at your fucking huge biceps,” he groaned, clearly close to cumming himself. The sight of my hot twink boyfriend jerking his cock to my muscular arms, pushed me over the edge. “FUCK BABE I’M GONNA CUM,” I roared, feeling the orgasm start to rise up from my swollen balls. “BREED YOUR BOY,” Justin moaned in response as I grabbed his hips again, thrusting my throbbing dick deep in him. With that, my thick cock swelled even more, pleasure ripping through my entire body and an animalistic scream escaping my mouth. Jets of cum shot from my cock and I looked down to see Justin writhing too in his own intense orgasm. It was always like this for us. “FUCK,” we both screamed over and over, bodies writhing. I collapsed forward, my hard cock still in Justin’s tight ass. I knew he liked the feel of me on top of him like this and heard him sigh in pleasure. We lay like that for several minutes as our powerful orgasms continued to subside, our rapid breathing starting to settle. “Right babe…I need to hit the shower,” I said, suddenly aware of the time – I couldn’t be late for work again. He tried to reply but no real words came out. I chuckled as I headed to the bathroom, pleased I could still fuck him into a sex coma. I turned on the shower and, as I waited for the water to heat up, I appreciated my reflection in the large mirror above the sink. I couldn’t deny I was pretty happy with what I saw. Pushing on for 35 and with a busy job that involved plenty of shift work I had to put in a lot of effort to stay in shape. A boyfriend 10 years younger than me certainly helped as motivation. I’d been hitting the gym 4 times a week for 15 years and I guess it showed. I liked how my slightly hairy pecs jutted out over my abs, still heaving from the exertion of the fuck. I liked the size of my arms – I couldn’t help pulling a double bicep flex and watching the symmetrical mounds of muscle bunch up tight. Impressive peaks for an amateur lifter. I liked my 8 pack abs and the “v” leading down to my thick, now soft, cock. And I fucking loved my quads – big and thick – just looking at them made me feel so strong. I quickly jumped in the shower, conscious that if I kept up this line of thought I’d be rock hard again and subsequently late for work. I let the warm water cascade over my worked-out body, totally relaxed from the amazing fuck session. Five minutes later, I was back in the bedroom, a towel wrapped around my waist. Justin had barely moved, other than to flip himself over so that he was now lying staring at the ceiling, his arms above his head. I couldn’t help letting out a deep moan as I took in the beauty lying in front of me. I loved his slim figure and smooth skin, still glistening with drops of sweat from his pounding. His cute boyish face was totally peaceful and a beautiful smile lightened his features as he opened his eyes to look at me. I ran a hand up his tight abs (Justin too kept himself in shape) and then tweaked his hot nipples causing him to shudder in response. “Don’t…” he moaned. “You’ll be late for work…”. A mischievous smile on his face. I knew he was right and headed over to the wardrobe to find my work clothes. “Erm…Dan?” Justin said a minute later, his hesitancy causing me to turn and take in the slight frown that had appeared on his face. “Yeah babe…what’s up?” I asked, pulling on my scrubs and walking over to sit next to him again. “I was just thinking…” Justin was never nervous. “Go on babe, spit it out,” I said kindly, stroking his short blond hair. “Well…could we…perhaps…try it the other way round next time?” he asked, immediately looking to the side to avoid my gaze. Ah. “Justin…we’ve talked about this. I just don’t think it would work babe,” I replied, full of love for him. “Why not Dan? You never tell me why…” he said, accusation in his voice. This conversation came up from time to time. At first, it had been natural that I’d be the one doing the fucking – Justin loved riding cock and I loved to give it. Recently though he’d been more questioning…why couldn’t we swap sometimes? It was getting more and more difficult to diffuse the situation… “It’s because of this isn’t it?” he questioned angrily, holding his cock in his hand. I was surprised at his directness and was too slow to deny the accusation. It didn’t help that there was truth in what he said – Justin was blessed with a cute face and fit body but his smaller-than-average cock had always been a sore point for him. I didn’t want the experience to be disappointing for either of us… “I knew it,” he barked, his normally beautiful features rearranged into a mask of anger and humiliation. “No Justin…it’s not that,” I replied, trying to placate him. It was not a total lie. There was something else contributing to my reluctance – I had to admit that I’d gotten used to being the “big spoon” in our relationship. It just worked for us. The idea of taking on a more submissive role would be hard to swallow and even harder to admit. “You’re lying,” he shouted, tears welling up in his eyes. “No babe…wait,” I pleaded as he jumped up and ran to the bathroom. I heard the lock click and knew it was too late to convince him otherwise.
  18. This story is a conversion of an old RP I did with a friend, @jsmith230. It was one of my favorite RPs so I thought I would convert it and share. While my first preference is muscle growth with a secondary love of height growth, you could say his preferences are the inverse of mine. So that will give you a hint of what this story will entail. Part 2Part 3Part 4Part 5Part 6Part 7Part 8Part 9Part 10Part 11Part 12Part 13 *************************************************************************** Elongro “Dude, have you heard of that new 'Elongro' drug? I have to get my hands on it. I want to get huge this year!” Seth rolls his eyes as he listens to Trevor ramble on about the new miracle drug that has been making a splash among the young adult community worldwide. Trevor and Seth are college roommates and best buddies currently in their second year of college. The two were paired up as dormmates during Freshman year and their friendship blossomed from there. Both 19 years old, the two share a small apartment just off campus. To the outsider, Trevor is the alpha of the friendship, much more confident, outgoing and outspoken than his counterpart. He has always been very athletic and since coming to college has fully invested his free time into fitness and working out. He's obsessed with trying to put on mass and is always trying the latest supplements, pills and powders, along with constantly reading articles on new exercises programs to try. He has built himself up to a nice, ripped, 185 lbs on a 5’10.5 frame. His body fat hovers around 10-12% and he sports a nice 6-pack. But, like any true wannabe bodybuilder, it wasn't, deep down he wanted more. Much more. Seth is Trevor's roommate and while he also has a natural athleticism to him, he hasn't pursued it nearly to the degree that Trevor has, though few people could really say that. Some of the reason behind this is that Seth always felt just a bit too small to ever have great success in sports. He was one of those people who were content to be good enough to make the high school baseball team though he only saw limited playing time. Since college began, Seth exercised a couple times a week, mainly by just jogging, leaving him with a naturally slim and toned 145 lbs on his 5’8 body. The pair were pursuing business degrees although Trevor wasn't quite sold on the idea after his first year. While Seth fully intends to pursue a sales and marketing career, Trevor has considered switching to a more body-centric physical therapy program that would work well in parallel with his pursuit of fitness excellence. What currently has Trevor excited is the discovery of a new drug that offered an exciting possibility. Within the past year, a new compound was developed and released in Korea that is commonly known as “Elongro”. It's use had begun to spread across the developed world. However, due the USA’s overly strict drug testing protocol, the drug is still not legally available in the USA though it is available in most of Asia, Europe and Canada. The drug has caused excitement for people who are small in stature, either height or build. What the drug does is that it basically freezes a young adult growth rate, including hormonal levels, where that rate might be starting to wane. Along with enhancing the sex characteristics, it also keeps their growth plates open for an extended amount of time, allowing an individual to continue to grow for much longer than they normally would. Seth shakes his head as he listens to his roommate explain the drug. “What that means, Seth, is that if you naturally had, say, one more month of growth before your plates fused, you might keep growing at the same rate for another 2-3 months instead with Elongro. But, just think, if you were in the middle of a big growth spurt and originally had many months, or year left, you could potential retain that growth rate for a few more years! Isn't that awesome!” “Uh huh. Sure man. Sounds cool man,” Seth replied cooly. “Sounds a bit too good to be true, really.” “Well, it's not perfect, you're right.” Trevor pulls up his phone to read the details of the drug from the website he'd been researching. “The major drawback of the drug is that it has been shown to cause devastating side effects if a person is still showing any signs of puberty. Most humans complete puberty by the time they are 16 or 17 but keep growing in size for another 1 to 4 years. Because of this risk, most countries that allow the sale of the drug ban it from being used on any person under the age of 19. Also, the drug will not work if a person’s growth plates have already fused, which for many people has already occurred by the time they are 19. Thus, the window for success for the drug is very limited, if open at all. The reports say that only about one-quarter of the people who try to drug experience any results.” Trevor looks away from his phone at his disinterested roommate, but his own excitement cannot be interrupted and he keeps scrolling through the information showing on his phone. “For those that it does work, though, the results have been significant! Bro, this website says there are online rumors from the drug’s testing phase of people putting on 40-50 lbs of muscle and growing up to 6 to 8 inches taller well into their 20s! Shit dude, that would ROCK! I read that for those who are lucky enough to still be growing, the average success rate has been 15 lbs and 2-3 inches over an additional 6 months to 1 year of growing. I would give anything to put on some more size like that! My training has really stalled lately.” “That is pretty sweet, Trev. But you said it yourself, it may not even work. If you've finished your natural growth you're S.O.L.” Trevor huffs as Seth downplays Elongro. Tervor can't help but imagine the possibilities. Though he never mentioned it, while focused on growing his muscles, he secretly always wanted to be taller as well. He hadn't told Seth, but he had already started the process of obtaining the Elongro. He had already set up a quick weekend trip to Canada where a close friend was to obtain a prescription and then supply him with a vial of Elongro. He's aware of the illegality but the chance to put on some size even if it's just a few pounds or an inch in height, is too much to pass up. Because of the drug’s scarcity and the fact he has to obtain it illegally, it will cost Trevor over $1200, a huge amount for a poor college kid. “Seth, from my doctor’s appointment this summer I found out that I had grown another ½” to my current 5’10-1/2 height. So I'm positive I'm on my final growth spurt! I just KNOW it will work. But I got to get started soon before my growth stops.” “Ok, man, whatever. Man, you really are obsessed with size. You've got that dysmorphia thing, haha. I men, you are already jacked, you should be happy.” “Never big enough, bro!” the handsome stud chuckled in reply. “So how does it work? Is it a pill or something?” “Naw, it's an injection. It works from just one single injection. Each vial contain enough liquid for 5 injections, even though only one is needed. This is where you come in, bro!” “Me? What for?” “Well, the thing is, this shit is really expensive. And, like I said you only need one injection, but each vial has enough for five injections. So, I wanted to ask, If I get the Elongro, could I sell you an injection too? It would help me out and I would appreciate it. My girlfriend already said she'd take one of the injections too. Help a brother out, it's fuckin' expensive stuff. I'm not even asking for the full price of a dose, just $200 to help me cover.” “C'mon Trev, don't ask me that. I don't... Man, I don’t think I’ve grown in a couple of years, it would most likely be a waste on me.” “But, Bro, even if you had the slimmest chance to be just a little taller and stronger, wouldn’t you want to take it?” Trevor tries his best to pitch the idea. Seth rebuffs his approaches but he knows what will get Seth on board. “Hey, you know that girl that works at the rec center you’ve been crushing of the past year? Remember how you told me you overheard her talking with her friends that she said she would never date a guy under 5’10 and 175 lbs? She says that because she's pretty tall for a girl, like 5'9 or so. Just think, buddy! If you put some size maybe she’ll give you a second look!” Trevor sees the gears turning in Seth's head. He still seems unconvinced but he can tell he's touched a nerve. “C’mon man, you always told me how you felt like you were too small in high school to be one of the jocks on campus even though you were on the baseball team. This could be your chance to put on some size and least be average height. Wouldn’t you want that, little buddy?” Trevor tosses in ‘little buddy’ because he knows Seth hates when bigger dudes call him that. And that seals the deal. “Ugh. Fine, bro. Whatever," he says with annoyed defeat. "And hey, I’m way past puberty so there’s no risk, right? Other than I’ll be out $200." “That’s the spirit, pal! I promise this will be worth the investment!” * Seth walks to his room to collect the cash. He can't help but shake his head at Trevor's crazy antics. "This stuff is never going to work on me," he says to himself. But, knowing how into this Trevor is he knows that the right thing to do is to support his roomie and at least give it a try. Plus, that way when it doesn't work, he can hold that over his head! Or at least Trev will give it up and move onto something different, just like he always does. The following weekend Trevor makes five hour drive up North to Canada. Upon his return he excitedly enters their apartment and makes himself known. That night, the two friends administer the shot. They both have it their our heads that the effect would be immediate, even though all of the documentation says they won't know right away whether or not it works. But the placebo effect is very real those first few days and it drives the two crazy not knowing for sure if they will see an impact, but the excitement builds. That night Seth dream of growing taller, standing over guys who always made fun of his short height and pushing his skinny body around... being seen as tall... growing again... finally becoming the man he'd always wanted to be. Not being relegated to playing right field in baseball having never hit a home run. All those guys looking down at Seth! He jolts awake and realizes his dick is tenting the sheets. Even though he was skeptical at first, he can't help but think how deep down he must want this injection to work. How badly he needs to become bigger and stronger. He chuckles, knowing how slim the odds are and fades back to sleep. After the first few days of no noticeable changes the two both act as if nothing has happened. Although they both seem to be constantly checking themselves against the heights of familiar landmarks and people, including each other. Inside Trevor is still stoked, convinced that he will reap significant gains. Knowing that Seth hasn't grown upwards in years, he knows it likely won't work for his friend, but he was happy he at least he got $200 out of Seth. Truthfully, Trevor loved having Seth as his roommate. Not only from a personality standpoint, but he loved being the bigger and more dominant man compared to Seth. It was nothing against Seth, it just fed well into Trevor's desire to get bigger and build up his physique. Whenever they went out, Seth always demurred to Trevor when choosing which movies to watch, with parties to go to, what girls to hang with. Trevor was the alpha apparent. Two weeks after the injections the two are eating dinner and Trevor notices Seth is wolfing down a ton of food. "Hungry, there Seth?" "Dude," he says between mouthfuls of grilled chicken, "I can't remember the last time I was this hungry. I just can't get to feeling full lately... it's so weird..." Trevor chuckles as he watches Seth go back to finishing his chicken before starting on some brats. Trevor shakes his head, teasing Seth that “the freshman 15 is real, just delayed for you" before getting up to do the dishes. A bit later the two are hanging out watching TV and chatting about classes and wanting to catch the new Spiderman movie. Seth rubs his full round belly and ponders, pausing, before finally asking his roomie a surprising question. "Have you been making any gains in the gym? I was thinking rather than just running maybe I would try lifting some." Trevor is taken off guard. He knew Seth never went to the rec center other than to run, and certainly never made his way into the weight room. "I was thinking... maybe... I could like... join you sometime?" While Seth has managed to stay relatively thin, having a fitness obsessed roommate might be starting to rub off on him a bit. "Its just, with how I've been eating... maybe I should," he jokes. "I'll get fat if I keep eating like this. Plus, it wouldn't hurt to have a bit more muscle for the ladies... maybe get some attention for once. It seems to have worked out well for you!" "Hell yeah buddy! I would love to be your training partner. Hell, I was thinking I might want to make a career out of it in the future, either personal training or physical therapy. I'd love to show you the ropes, you could be my first client! But, don't worry, little buddy, I won't charge you." Seth's face tightens at the words 'little buddy' and Trevor instantly feels bad. "Er...sorry, Seth. But yeah, even though you haven't been lifting I can tell you are a little bit thicker lately, just from all the food you've been eating. I'm still making gains, but it's slow going." The next day Trevor takes Seth to the gym for his first weightlifting workout. Seth marvels at the poundages that Trevor buddy can lift. Trevor boasts that he can bench 225 lbs ten times and Seth seems to be in shock when he performs the feat. On his turn, Seth can barely do 135 lbs five times. He is disappointed but his new trainer props him up. "Hey, dude, honestly that's a great weight, especially for your first workout. When I started I couldn't even bench 95 lbs once!" Seth perks up at that. As the two leave the weight room Seth notices the hot girl at the towel desk, Stacy. He is understandably smitten as he steals glances. “Fuck, Trevor. That Stacy is one super hot chick.” "Oh I hear ya man. I certainly don't mind the eye candy when I come here to lift everyday. Would love to get into that...if I weren't currently dating Brooke, that is, haha." Grinning stupidly, Seth replies. "Yeah, she's so hot Trev.... but I doubt she'd pay much attention to a guy like me." Seth can't help but notice her height, not too far off from Trevor's. Noticeably taller than he is, certainly. That seems to be the case with a lot of girls on campus. So many of the college girls and guys seem so tall lately. Trevor laughs and reminds his friend that time in the gym won't hurt and that if he stays consistent and pushes himself that she won't care how tall he is. "Muscles always seal the deal!" Trevor chuckles and throws up a double bicep pose, flexing his impressive exposed arms, grinning cockily, causing Seth to roll his eyes. "Trev, doubt you'll be saying that when you are a six footer with me looking WAY up at you!” Seth jokes. "Then you will be tall AND muscular. I'm going to look like a little kid next to you.... so yeah, I better start lifting more I guess!" * A few weeks go by and Seth has been sticking with the gym, much to the surprise of his roommate. While it wasn't like Trevor had no faith in his buddy, he just knew the dropout rates for new lifters was very high. Trevor continues to coach and direct Seth, both in the weight room and giving him advice on his diet . His training advice is sound, and both can already see an improvement in Seth's physique, though it's not been easy for the new gymrat. "Ugh, Trevor, is it normal to ache all the time? I can never seem to really recover..." “Haha, buddy that's part of the deal. Though the more you lift the less sore you should be. It could be that you're not taking enough time to recover. Could be that your muscles are actually growing or any number of reasons. Just growing pains. But, it means that you are actually working and growing, so be excited, man!” Before long, Seth begins to notice that his shoes are uncomfortably tight. He'd worn size 9s since he finished growing taller a few years prior. At first he figures it's the workout. One day after class he hits the mall to get a new pair. While Trevor hangs out at their apartment he gets a text from Seth: [Trev, you won't believe it. I had to get new shoes! Size 10.5!! Crazy!!] Tervor's mind races, trying to process Seth's text. He'd been denying Seth's progress, playing it off as beginner gains. But could his smaller buddy actually be growing? A hint of fear and jealousy permeates his mind. He thinks to himself how his size 11 shoes haven't been feeling any tighter. He calms down and rationalizes that maybe the little guy is going to have one small growth spurt. There is still no way Seth will ever catch him. He convinces himself that must be growing too, even if his shoes still fit. I mean, your feet don't HAVE to get bigger to increase your height, right? Trevor remembers how he is up 7 lbs to 192 lbs, the biggest he's ever been and he doesn't seem any more muscular or more fat, so he assumes that extra weight is coming from added height. The thought calms his nerves and he smiles to himself, excited for the growth that lies ahead. * It is now six weeks after the shot and the two are once again in the gym working out. Seth has been make even more noteworthy progress and has settled into a dedicated routine. This time Trevor brings a notebook. In the locker room after the lifting session Trevor confronts his protege. "Dude, I am a terrible trainer! I forgot to take your initial stats to see how you are coming along. So let's start now, better late than never. We'll use this notebook to make sure you keep progressing. It's good motivation too to see your lifts go up week after week. Ok, how tall again?” "5 ft 8" Seth says, slightly annoyed. "Well, just a bit under actually." “Really? Are you sure?” Trevor looks at Seth, unconvinced. At first he is apprehensive to find out for sure, but he can't deny that Seth looks at least a little taller. Wanting to be a trainer though, he knows he needs to be accurate and thorough with his log books. "Nah, dude, let's find out for sure." Trevor directs Seth to stand against the wall while he takes a tape measure out of his bag. He measures his buddy. "Just a hair under 5 ft 9, dude!" Seth eyes widen and he looks at Trevor excitedly. He shouts, "Maybe that stuff is working for me! I've never been over 5'8 before!” “Dude, that's awesome! You're not quite AS tiny as before, haha. Ok c'mon let's take your weight.” Next, Seth hops on the scale. It reads 160 lbs. “Great job, Seth. That's a 15 lb gain in just 6 weeks. Those are pretty good beginner gains, dude!” Seth can't be more excited as Trevor notes his huge grin. He is thrilled! “Ok man, let's get your other measurements for the log.” Trevor tapes all of Seth's a major muscles groups and writes them in the notebook. Arms: 14.5” Chest: 38.5” Waist: 31” Quads: 21.5” Calves: 14” Trevor can't help but mentally compare his own stats to feed his ego. While Seth may have crept up in height he took solace that he still had him beat everywhere. He knew his 17” guns, 42” pecs, 24.5” legs and 15.5” calves were all well bigger while his tight 30” waist was even more ripped than his little buddy's. Not to mention, from what he had seen of his roommate in the showers, he had more 'down there' as well, the thought of which gave him a reassuring grin. “Not bad, dude! You've got some really big arms compared to the rest of you, definitely a strength. A good one to have too. Chicks dig big guns.” "I still can't believe it, Dude. I grew! I grew!" he keeps saying, trying not to draw a ton of attention to himself. "This is awesome. If it's working for me, it MUST be working for you too! Do you want me to measure your height too?" Tervor shifts a bit, clearly looking uncomfortable and conflicted. "It'll only take a minute... come on... this is exciting!!" Trevor shrugs and submits. Seth grabs and extends the tape measure, coming in closer to take his height. As he does, Trevor can't help but notice how much Seth seems to have closed that gap. The difference between 5ft8 and 5ft10.5 is noticeable, but an inch and a half really isn't. From a distance the two could look the same height! The thought causes the competitive trainer to shudder at the thought. He's always been bigger and taller than his roommate. "And it'll stay that way," he thinks to himself as he stands as straight as you can. The wait for Seth to declare the number feels like hours. Finally, he speaks. "Five Ten, Trev. Still." Seth pauses and watches for Trevor's reaction. He seems deflated momentarily before regaining composure. Seth attempts to reassure him. "Maybe it works different on people depending on their growth stage... I'm sure your growth will come soon!!" Seth says, slapping his back, "Hell, you've made great gains in the gym so something is happening!" Trevor seems to take this to heart, but Seth can tell he isn't completely convinced. Even so, while Seth is jubilant about his growth, he keeps it to myself to not offend his roommate. "Hey Trev, how about you have Brooke come over? I can cook us dinner tonight. I'm starved!!" he says as they grab their bags and head for the door. On the way back to their condo Trevor is obviously dejected but does his best to hide it. He can't believe that Seth is only about an inch shorter than him. And what happened to 5'10 and a HALF? Seth must've missed that last ½ inch, he tells himself. Still, it hurts not feeling as big. With the overall presence of his ripped muscles on his frame Trevor always felt like he towered over his smaller roommate. Not so much anymore. That night Brooke comes over as Seth is whipping up a feast in the kitchen. Having listened to Trevor go on an on about how important a big diet is for big muscles, Seth knew a big nutritious meal would cheer his friend up, let alone sate his own growing hunger. By now the two are well into the second semester of the school year. Everyone is deep into their studies neither had seen Brooke in about three weeks. When she comes in Trevor is stunned at how gorgeous she looks, even more beautiful than he remembered. He felt a stirring in his crotch as his girlfriend made her entrance. The FaceTime chats that they had been relegated to just didn't do her justice. She comes in wearing heels and is almost as tall as Seth! Trevor remembered her being about three inches shorter than Seth when he first introduced her. He now realizes she must be about 5'7 now! Seth too was stunned, noting how tall and sleek she looked. He recalled how Trevor told him he gave her the shot too and it seemed it was working on her too, maybe even more so than Seth! "Hey boys!", she said as she entered. “Hey babe! Damn, I've missed you. You are smokin'!” She goes over to her boyfriend gave him a kiss. Seth notices that Trevor didn't have to bend over like he used to, or at all to kiss her on the lips. She looks over at her boyfriend's roomie. "Hey Seth! You are looking good! I can tell you've been hitting the gym. Trevor said you'd been lifting with him lately. I can see that you've put on some muscle. You're going to have to move up size large, that medium shirt is looking a little tight! Trev, Babe, you must be a fantastic trainer!" The trio have a great evening catching up with each other and enjoying the grilled Caribbean chicken dish that Seth prepared. That night, after the friends retire to their rooms, Trevor goes to town fucking Brooke. All night long he had been staring at his girl full of lust. She just looked so fit and healthy. She was always fit, but she seemed to be on a another level tonight. Maybe it was the longer legs. He also couldn't deny that he was in much need of some release due to the frustration that he seemingly wasn't growing nearly fast enough. * Over the next few weeks, Seth is like a demon in the gym, pushing himself harder and harder and harder. Trevor watches and celebrates his gains, proud that his training techniques are working so effectively. And yet jealously, he see's his buddy making gains so quickly. While Seth started out benching 135, he's now pushing 185 for the same number of reps easily. It's an astounding change. And his shirts keep getting tighter and tighter, to the point now that he's started borrowing old shirts from Trevor! Trevor shakes his head, barely believing that his supposed small roommate needed them now. The duo keep pushing themselves in the gym, even during finals. They can hardly believe that the semester is almost over. It's even harder to believe that two are both getting summer jobs, though Trevor's will be out of state. "Sucks I won't be able to train with you for a couple of months, Trev... it's really been awesome. I've never been so buff in my life." Trevor has recently noticed that Seth's voice has gotten deeper over the last few weeks. Luckily, though, Seth hasn't seemed to have caught him in height. It's something they both have been watching for out of the corners of their eyes. During their last lift together for the school year Seth points to his notebook in Trevor's bag. "Maybe we should take stats again so that I can keep track of the progress myself?" “Erm...yeah man. Of course. Let's see how much mass you've put on, bro!” he says, purposely not mentioning height. The two head to the locker room and strip to their skivvies. Trevor notes how's Seth's body has developed so much that he's not too far behind himself, a thought that worries him. Seth steps on the scale first. The two watch it, with widening eyes, as it swings to 175 pounds. Seth's face brightens excitedly. "Dude... that's another 15 pounds in five weeks. NO WONDER none of my clothes fit!!! Oh wow I could tell I was getting some muscles when I look in the mirror, but this is awesome! Ok, let's take my other measurements. Bro, you are an awesome trainer!" The two high five and Trevor grabs the tape and steps up to Trevor. “Ok. Arms...16 and a quarter”. Woah dude. You are still rocking those huge guns, damn! And they are so defined, crazy, man.” Seth flexes his arm and Trevor watches, stunned, as the ball of muscle leaps into relief. It isn't huge, but a big, solid, undeniable lump of muscle bulges. It is the first time he has seen his roommate flex in any way. “Holy shit, Seth. Your peaks is sweet. Geezus. Ok, let's get the rest. Chest is...41”. Big gain of over two inches, wow. Waist is still 31”, so you're not getting fatter. It seems to be all muscle, dude! Legs...now 23”. Calves...another inch at 15. Those are some studly gains, dude! You're beginner gains won't quit!” “Thanks Trevor, I owe a ton of it to you bro!” “Any time, roomie! Ok move out the way so I can check my weight.” “Hey Trev, can you take my height?” “Erm...um yeah I suppose. You think you are still growing?” “I think so. I hope so.” It's the moment Trevor been dreading. Seth steps against the wall, standing as straight as he can. The anticipation is killing him. He WANTS to be bigger. HE WANT to be taller, even if it seems like he hasn't quite matched Trevor yet. Trevor measures him once... then again... and again. "Dude, what's up?" Seth asks. Trevor grins at him. Internally, Seth worries that he's hasn't grown anymore. Then shares the news. "You are five-ten now!" Now Seth understands the grin on Trevor's face. If he's 5ft10, that means... "Dude! Trevor, you must have grown TOO!!" The two high five, both ecstatic at each others' growth. "I told you, Trevor! It was only a matter of time!!" Trevor looks thrilled, FINALLY this drug was WORKING. Seth steps aside and readies his measurements without a word. It's clear he wants to know. He NEEDS to know. Seth first takes his weight, "200 pounds! Swole man, damn!!" And then he measures his height. "Almost 6ft, dude! You are nearly there!!!" * Trevor is so excited he could almost cry. He bear hugs Seth and lifts him off the ground, taking note of how newly solid and heavy Seth now feels. "Hell yeah buddy! We've both put on about an inch!” He sets his friend down. “But wait, you said 'almost 6 ft'. What was it really?” "Oh,...um...it was right at 5ft11.5. Maybe just a hair under.” Trevor's smile slightly wanes but he certainly can't be disappointed after the last measurement turned up no discernible growth. "But still, Seth, that's just about an inch of growth. I am totally going to hit 6 ft, I just know it!" “Hell yeah man, and maybe I can at least get to 'almost 6 ft' like you said, haha. Starting out at 5'8” I'd be more than happy being 'almost 6 ft'!” “I guess you were right, Seth. It does affect everyone a bit different. I mean, Brooke actually grew the fastest out of all us so far, she's put on like two and half inches.” “Sorta makes sense, I remember back in Junior High that the girls often grew faster at first compared to the boys. But yeah, man, it's working for Brooke though. She looks extra hot lately. Hope you don't mind me sayin'.” “Haha. No prob, dude. You can look, just don't touch!” The two laugh and high five again. Even though Trevor discovered that he is just slightly shorter than what Seth had originally let on, he is still joyous. His confidence that he always remain the bigger roommate returns. That night after the measurements Trevor meets up with Brooke for their last night together before they break from summer. Like him, she will also be away for the summer so they plan a last special night together. After eating at their favorite restaurant the two head home for some intimate time. Back at Trevor's condo, his excitement in the bedroom is palpable and spills over into his performance. “Woah there, tiger. What's gotten into you? I like it, stud.” Brooke asks, pleased at the sensations he is giving her. Brooke is also looking taller and more voluptuous than ever, further revving up the horny college stud. He proceeds to give her a heavy dicking from all the excitement at finally growing and making some noticeable muscle gains. He relays the news to Brooke and in the middle of their fucking she wants to be measured too. Trevor excitedly obeys and measure her now at 5 ft 8.5! He thinks to himself how his girlfriend is becoming quite the vixen before the two return to the bed for another round. The two, both enhanced and excited by the results of the Elongro, are able to go longer than they ever had before. The couple drift asleep in each other arms, Trevor dreaming of growing stronger, more muscular and taller than he could've ever imagined. To Be Continued... Jump to Part 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/16655-elongro/?do=findComment&comment=207069
  19. Guest

    The Test

    Okay...this is my first story in years. Many...many years! But...I promised myself I would start writing again, and this is a story I've been working on over Christmas. I'm not sure if there is a Part Two or not. Let me know what you think...but be kind! Like I said... this is my first story in many years!!! The Test Chad hopped out of his jeep and ran up the twelve steps to Jacobs building. The lab was on the fourth floor, and no sooner had he entered the main doors, he was running up the stairs, taking them two at a time. Seconds later, he was bursting through the door. ⁃ Where were you? This is the third time this week you stood me up. ⁃ I left you a message on your phone. I said I was too busy with work to go. ⁃ Too busy to keep the gains you’ve worked on for the past 8 months? It was leg day...and we both know you can’t afford to miss leg day! Chad looked down at his friend and grinned broadly. They had been working out together for nearly a year now, ever since Jacob had joined the gym where Chad was a personal trainer. The relationship had been strained at first. Jacob was naturally shy and insecure in the gym, but once they discovered a common trait: their love for hot men, their friendship flourished. Since then, they worked out together, hung out together, cried a couple of times on each other’s shoulders, and passed from simple gym pals to best friends. Oddly enough, there was never any sexual chemistry between the two, and Chad felt it was best this way. He didn’t have the best track record with men, breaking several hearts in the time he knew Jacob, and sleeping with many many more. He didn’t even think Jacob knew what a complete man-whore he actually was. He never told his friend about his countless sexual escapades, not because he feared Jacob would think less of him, but more because he never really acknowledged what he was...a man who loved sex very, very, very, VERY, much!! Jacob looked up at his friend wearing the craziest pair of glasses/magnifying apparatus Chad had ever seen. ⁃ I’m really in the middle of something. ⁃ I can see that. What is that thing, an emerald? Jacob looked down at the large stone he was holding in his hand, exhaled a sizeable sigh of frustration, and took the optivisor off his head. ⁃ No. It’s not an emerald. We have no clue what it really is. It wasn’t even green this morning? ⁃ What? Really? Chad sat his large frame in the chair nearest his friend. ⁃ How’s it changing colours? ⁃ I have no idea. So far since it was excavated three weeks ago, it’s been orange, red, purple, yellow, and pink. No rhyme or reason for the colour change. It just happens. Usually over night. ⁃ Where was it found? ⁃ A few miles outside Athens. Some colleges of mine are on a dig, excavating what appears to be an ancient agoge. ⁃ A what? ⁃ An agoge...a vigorous training academy for the military. ⁃ Was the stone captured in a raid? ⁃ There was nothing with it except this piece of parchment. Since I’m a gemologist, they sent it over to me to examine. They had to sneek it out of the country by Fed Ex, shoved and sealed in a can of coffee grinds. ⁃ Why? ⁃ They have some idea what it might be after taking a look at this parchment that they found near it. But since they can’t leave the dig for another four weeks without arousing suspicion, they sent it to me to keep safe. ⁃ Trusting friends. ⁃ It’s actually my ex, Elliott. He knew I wouldn’t say no, and I like a good puzzle. ⁃ What do they think it is? Jacob reached over and pressed the space bar of his laptop. The screen came to life, and with a few clicks of his mouth, found the document he was searching for. ⁃ Here’s a copy of the parchment. From what I can translate...this figure is some sort of cosmic king. ⁃ Zeus? ⁃ No. It almost appears as if he’s beyond even Zeus. ⁃ An alien? ⁃ Maybe. I don’t know. Whatever it is, he’s asking this warrior a riddle. When the warrior gets the riddle right, a beam of light shoots from the gem into the warrior, transforming him into what looks like a magnified version of himself....the perfect soldier. ⁃ Damn. ⁃ Yeah. ⁃ I guess you need the alien king to make it work. ⁃ Maybe. I’ve tried sending light through it. Here...look... Jacob got up from his desk and moved to the center of the room where an apparatus was placed. ⁃ I’ve put the gem stone here, and sent light through it from here into several rats and mice, but nothing. No change. Nothing. I’ve tried every wave length you can think of, several different power sources, and even natural sun and moonlight, but nothing. I’m at a loss. I tried the light from a laser this afternoon, but the rat just sat there happy as could be. It must need a mediator of some kind to make it work, but I’m not sure what. So...you can see why I’ve missed the gym the past couple of days. ⁃ Yeah. Why work out when you can build your own warrior rats here. Chad got up and moved to near where Jacob was standing. ⁃ Why didn’t I go to college instead of joining the Marines? I could be working on interesting shit like this instead of waiting for lazy PhD no-shows. ⁃ I said I was sorry, ⁃ Did you? ⁃ I think I did...and besides I’m doing this on the sly. My boss has been driving me crazy, having me put together a presentation for him that he has to present at a conference. What time is it? I have to bring it to him at his house by six. Jacob and Chad both looked at the clock across the room. ⁃ Good. Only 3:40. ⁃ Buddy, that clocks wrong. After you, I had Mrs. Walsh, and I got done with her at 6. It had to be at least 6:30 by now. ⁃ What? It can’t be! Chad looked down at his watch and showed it to Jacob. ⁃ 6:45 actually. ⁃ No! No...no...no! Fuck!! It can’t be!! Fuck!!! Jacob ran over and grabbed a Zip drive from his desk. ⁃ He’s going to kill me. I’ll never make it over there in time. I only have my bike with me... Fuck!!! ⁃ Take my Jeep. ⁃ What? ⁃ Here take my Jeep . How far away does he live? ⁃ About 20 minutes by bike... ⁃ So you’ll get there in no time with my Jeep. I’ll stay here and when you get back we can go for a drink. ⁃ Oh my God. Thank you so much. ⁃ No problem. I have a spot right outside. Just calm down and be careful. ⁃ I will. I promise. I’ll be right back, Grabbing Chad’s keys, Jacob tore out the door leaving Chad alone in the now empty lab. He could never be holed up in a room like this, examining stones and rats. He was too much of a physical person. He needed to be out and about either working out, or jogging, or any other of his physical hobbies. He never had any interest in scholarly pursuits. To him the stone was just a stone...even if it did apparently change colours and come with a pretty cool backstory. Chad picked up the stone and looked at the computer screen one more time. ⁃ So...the light goes through the stone and into the rat... *********************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Jacob parked the Jeep, turned it off, and got out slower then he wanted to. After that ordeal at Professor Lease’s house, he was both physically and mentally exhausted. He had to simply stand there as the older man berated him over punctuality, responsibility, and the qualities it took to be an adjunct professor in his department. Jacob has nearly cried as Lease went on and on and on. He would have continued even longer if his Uber hadn’t arrived to take him to the airport. The final insult to injury cane as Professor Lease passed Chad’s Jeep and said: ⁃ This is yours? ⁃ No. I borrowed it from a friend. ⁃ I didn’t think someone like you would drive something like this. Shape-up, Mr. Harrow. With that, he slammed the door to the Uber, and was whisked away. Jacob waved to the car as it quickly faded into the distance wishing he had the balls to give him the finger instead of this ridiculous display of false affection. Now as he opened the glass door to the building that housed his office/lab, he decided that he would take the lift up to the fourth floor instead of climbing each of the stairs. Nearly thinking about the climb in his current mood filled him with dread. It was while thinking these thoughts that he suddenly realized the foyer to his building was in complete darkness. Moving to the wall that held the light switch, he blindly felt his hand around until he found it. Click. Click. Nothing. There must be an outage somewhere, he thought, and gazing outside, realized it was only his and a couple of other buildings in the area that were bathed in complete darkness. Carefully taking each step that laid ahead of him, Jacob began the journey to the fourth floor. Chad must be sitting upstairs in the dark since he wasn’t outside to greet him, Jacob thought as he reached the second floor. Jacob smiles as he thought of his friend doing push-ups or sit-ups to keep himself busy as he waited in the dark. He wished he had his friends energy and drive when it came to fitness...but it wasn’t anything that ever really interested him. He never would have even joined the gym if it hadn’t been for the offer to have 300.00 pounds taken off of his private insurance with proof that he was living a healthy life. He would have quit a week after joining if it hadn’t been for being paired up with Chad for an offer of four free sessions with a personal trainer. Chad’s sexiness kept him returning for the four sessions, and just the thought of being able to hang out with someone like him had Jacob signing up for three sessions a week. Now that they were friends Chad told him he would train him for free, but Jacob refused. He knew that his friend needed the money, so He made up the excuse of not getting Chad in trouble with his Boss at the gym for continuing the payments. It wasn’t a lot, but Jacob was glad to be able to help his friend out. As he climbed the final flight of stairs that would take him to his office, Jacob saw flashes of light as well as what sounded like sexual moans coming from under his door. As he got closer, Jacob could hear his friend clearly as Chad let out a loud ⁃ FUCK!!! Jacob laughed quietly. Chad must have gotten bored waiting for him in the dark and decided to rub one out while watching porn on his phone, which would account for the flashing light. He thought he would wait outside until Chad finished up when he heard Chad calling out to him, moaning as he spoke: ⁃ Jacob! Fuck!! Come in! ⁃ I think you’re doing just fine on your own. You don’t need me. ⁃ Get in here!! Man!! I have a surprise for you! Fuck yeah!! Slight embarrassed thinking about what he was about to see, Jacob opened the door. What he actually saw far exceeded his imagination of what Chad has been up to. The laser was powered on, and the beam was first going through a magnifying glass that had somehow been rigged onto the apparatus, then through the stone which was rapidly changing every colour known to man. The beam continued through the stone, emerging as a multi coloured arrow of light hitting Chad squarely in the chest. Chad was shirtless, and the sweat that was pouring down his chest was highlighted in the every changing array of colours. ⁃ You made it just in time. ⁃ What the fuck are you doing, mate!! You’re crazy. Jacob ran over to the switch that powered the beam with every intention of turning it off. ⁃ Don’t!! As Jacobs hand reached for the switch, an arch of electronic energy erupted from the panel, shocking him into submission. ⁃ He won’t let you stop it. Not now. Chad’s moaning continued, and his breathing became more rapid. Jacob could see he was aroused from the obvious tenting of his shorts. ⁃ If you felt like I did, you’d never want this to stop either. I feel like I’m having thousands of orgasms all at the same time, and they keep getting more and more powerful... I can hardly stand it. ⁃ Who’s this ‘he’ that you mentioned? ⁃ I don’t know. He’s just a voice I can hear in my head. He told me how to wire up your laser and draw all of the power from the building. He said you were so close... you just needed a push. ⁃ You shouldn’t have tested it on yourself. We have no clue what it will do to you. ⁃ I still don’t. All I know is as each second passes, it’s filling me up more and more with power. Jacob leaned against the desk and watched his friend experiencing what seemed like pain and ecstasy at the same time. ⁃ I just wanted to help. I got the idea for the magnifying glass from what you said about it transforming the soldier into a magnified version of himself. Maybe the light just needed to be magnified. So, I rigged that magnifying glass there, set the rat on the table, and turned it on. Nothing. I then thought...maybe you didn’t need a rat...maybe you needed a guinnea pig. A human one. So I moved the rat and put myself there. At first Nothing happened, and then I heard a whisper in the back of my head, almost like a thought to take my shirt off...so I did. Once it was hitting my flesh, I could hear the whispering better. He told me you were being too careful...the rat would never work because it had no real cognizant thoughts. Then he said the power was too low. He had me turn it up and then step into the beam. The voice was getting louder...and he said that it still wasn’t strong enough, so he told me how to rewire the entire console, draining energy from this building and three more that surrounded it. He also had me put that failsafe around the switch because he knew if you came back you would be worried and shut it…Awww! Fuck…Jacob!!! Nearly there!!! I’m nearly entirely filled up. Jacob!!! I’m so filled with power I feel like I’m going to explode! I can’t even explain how this feels. ⁃ What’s going to happen next? What happens when you get entirely filled up. ⁃ I don’t know! All I know is… Chad stopped talked and appeared to be listening to someone speak. - You were wrong, Jacob. It’s not a riddle. It’s a test. - A test? What do you mean? - He wants to know what I really am. Deep down…what do I really believe I am? - You’re a human…like me… - He knows that! Deep down…what am I? - Chad…please…stop this now…while you can. - I can’t, Jacob. Not now…and I don’t think I want to. What am I deep down? We both know…don’t we? We both know what I am. Jacob realized Chad was no longer speaking to him, but to the voice only he could hear. - Exactly. I’m a sexual animal. That’s what I am. I’ve always known that. We both know that. Silence again for a few moments…and then Chad started speaking again. - What do I wish to become? What will I be? A sexual beast…a sexual conqueror… a sexual warrior? Jacob leaned forward as he saw Chad smile and then laugh. - Exactly. Why stop there. You’re right. That is exactly what I need to be. A God. A sexual God. Suddenly the room went silent. The beam from the laser shut off, and the only thing that eliminated the room was a glow from the stone…now completely clear. - It’s happening, Jacob. I can feel it. I’m changing! Oh, Fuck! My cock! Look at my cock! Jacob watched as the bulge in his shorts started to get bigger and bigger, looking as if someone was inflating a large balloon with air. Chad threw his head back and started moaning loudly again. - I can feel my whole body changing, Jake. What am I becoming? Jacob watched as Chad’s bulge proceeded to get bigger and bigger until he finally heard his underwear rip, and his cock flopped out the leg hole of his shorts. Fuck, Jacob thought, his cock is nearly down to his knee and it’s still growing. The shaft continued to grow longer and thicker, the head growing larger and meatier. - Fuck yeah, Jake! Fuckin take a look at me!!! Jacob couldn’t help looking at Chad as his penis continued to stretch and swell. Within a few minutes the massive shaft was nearing the floor. It was thicker than Chad’s own muscular arms, and just as veiny. The head was nearly as thick as two of Jacob’s fist together, and had a gaping hole he easily could have stuck several fingers into. - I’m getting so horny, Jake. I don’t think I’ve ever been this horny. Chad’s cock began to get thicker and longer as it got harder, defying gravity and rising up off of the floor. Soon there was a war between Chad’s penis and his shorts, and to no ones surprise, the penis won, first tearing the leg of his shorts, and then quickly destroying the rest of the material. Chad stood there naked, his eyes wild and filled with lust, his hands moving toward the shaft of his newly grown penis. Even with his long arms he couldn’t touch the head of it, and both hands were not enough to encircle the girth. Chad looked at Jacob and grinned. - Can’t wait to fuck with this thing!! - I’m not sure anyone will be able to take you with it. - Oh yeah? Take a look! As if Chad was willing it of his own accord, a river of pre began to flow from the hole at the end of his massive cock. It was like someone had turned a faucet on and walked away from the tap. Jacob looked at Chad, and watched him close his eyes. - Take another look. Jacob looked back down at Chad’s cock, and watched as pre suddenly began to flow from tiny pores all over his cock. Soon, the entire shaft was slick and dripping with pre. - Apparently I’m self lubricating now. Chad’s hearty laugh suddenly deepened three octaves as his hands cuped the testicles that sat in his sack. They were quickly enlarging to match his penis. Chad felt around his sack, cupping the two orange sized balls with a smirk that suddenly turned into a grimace of pain. Jacob looked down to where Chad’s hands had quickly gone to, and discovered there appeared to be a third testicle emerging. - What the fuck’s happening to me? Chad’s voice was so low now it was more like a grumble. Jacob could see a fourth testicle suddenly form in his ball sack, and begin to swell. Chad’s sack grew larger as the four testicles grew to the size of extremely large grapefruits. This sudden rush of god like testosterone hit Chad all at once, and hair began to sprout all over his body. Jet black hair began to take root around his lips and on his chin forming the manliest of beards. His bare chest was next as hair began to thickly coat his pecs. Like water flowing down a mountain, his abs, then crotch, and finally legs were covered in silky black hair. Chad’s hands felt his face and chest, marveling at the sudden carpet of hair that had grown there. Soon after, his muscular arms began to be covered as well, leading to his arm pit which grew a dense outcrop of hair. - What do you think, Jake? I always wanted to be a little hairier. The exploration of his new hairy body was cut short by a sudden jolt of pain. Jacob moved toward Chad, but his arm flew out and stopped him. - It’s okay, buddy. Don’t worry. I think I’m growing. Jacob watched on with concern as Chad’s body began to jerk and then convulse wildly. He feared Chad was having some sort of a seizure, but realized it was simply every muscle in his body pulsing with new found power. Jacob surveyed Chad’s chest where it seemed to be hitting with the most force. His already muscular pecs were pumping larger and larger as if it was ten years of solid chest workouts in one minute. - Look at these chesticles! I can barely see over them! Chad had barely uttered these words when his pecs flourished even larger blocking any view he would have of his lower body. Chad looked preposterous with these now 100 pound each pecs plastered to his body, but that appearance was to be short lived. Chad’s neck began to grow outward, thickening like a redwood. His shoulders erupted upward, becoming grander and more rounded. Jacob heard the cracking of bones and noticed both of Chad’s arms were lengthening as his biceps and triceps expanded and enlarged. Soon Chad’s hands scraped the floor, as his forearms thickened to the size of Jacob’s own thigh. Each finger lengthened and expanded, and the palm of his hand became as large as a manhole cover. Chad lifted his hands off of the ground and examined them. - I think I might have some trouble finding gloves to fit these mits! Chad flexed both of his long arms with a grin. His bi’s and tri’s erupted in size, becoming larger than Jacob’s head and still continued to swell. Chad dropped his arms, his huge hands slapping the floor. They didn’t rest on the floor for long as Chad’s lats began to expand like the rest of him. His back was growing wider and wider, and soon his arms didn’t rest against his side anymore, but were forced away from him. A rumble of laughter erupted from Chad. His cock had started leaking pre again, and his hands had begun to stroke the mighty shaft. Even with his massive hands, Chad still couldn’t complete grip his cock, and needed to use both to completely encircle it. One hand left his cock and moved to his pecs where he began to play with his nipples. Along with his chest, each nipple had grown and now were the length and thickness of Jacob’s own thumbs. His pecs had gotten so large that the nipples were forced downward, and the cleft between them could completely hide Jacobs foot. From his pecs, Chad’s hands went down to his abs which were beginning to grow along with the rest of them. Chad had an incredible 6 pack before, but now each abdominal muscle swelled to resemble thick body armor. The hair that had grown on his chest did nothing to hide the incredible wall of muscle that was emerging on his stomach. The sound of bones breaking and reassembling themselves began again, and Jacob watched as Chad’s legs began to grow longer. Where the man had once been at least 6 feet tall, his height skyrocketed to seven feet and then closer to eight. In moments, Chad’s head had hit the ceiling, bringing plaster down onto his body. Not to be left out, Chad’s feet ripped from his sneakers, and soon began to cover three of the 12 inch floor tiles, and then proceeded to eclipse a fourth. Chad screamed out in pain and reached for his ball sack. - Fuck!!! I’m growing another set again! The growth of the third set of testicles brought a further wave of testosterone through Chad, causing his body hair to become even denser, and swelling his quads and calves until his legs were thicker than redwood trees. Chad had to adjust his stance several times as his thighs grew more and more massive. A further cry of pain brought his hands back to his balls. - What now??!! To Jacob’s eyes, it appeared like the six large balls were moving around on their own inside Chad’s ball sack. - They’re merging! Jacob watched in awe as the six large testicles merged into two of the largest balls he had ever seen. They didn’t appear out of place on Chad’s massive body, but next to a mere human, they would be as large as ostrich eggs. Chad’s massive hands flew suddenly to his head as he cried out again. Slowly, Chad’s head and face were expanding, getting large to fit in proportion to his body. His mandible cracked as his jawline squared off, somewhat hidden by Chad’s new beard, but still obvious. - This is it pal! This is it!! Every part of Chad’s body grew even larger than it had been before, gaining hundred more pounds in muscle and size in minutes. With his bearlike paws, Chad grabbed his cock and began to frantically jerk it off. The second round of growth continued faster as Chad fell to his knees as to not go through the ceiling. Even on his knees, Chad was taller than Jacob. Pre was flying everywhere as Chad proceeded to masturbate with fervor. He’s going to explode, Jacob though, watching his friend getting far larger than anything he could imagine. Suddenly, Chad stopped all action. Jacob wondered what was next, and realized Chad’s focus was now on his cock. Longer and thicker it swelled, finger sized veins criss-crossing the length of it. The head swelled even larger still, and with the power of his giant testicles, Chad began to ejaculate. Cum erupted from Chad’s penis, hitting every object in the room, including Jacob. Shot after shot were fired, until it seemed there was no end in sight. Chad grabbed hold of his cock again with one hand trying to control where it was firing, but only succeeding in exciting himself more. Sweat ran down Chad’s face as an eroma of male musk emerged from his body. Jacob came in his trousers simply from seeing and smelling his friend. Chad lifted his arm and smelled his own armpit. Smiling at Jacob, he proceeded to squeeze his massive right nipple, and let out the lowest moan of ecstacy Jacob had ever heard. Seven more shots of cum erupted from Chad’s penis, and then there was silence; cum dripping quietly from the massive hole. - It’s done, Jake. - You’re massive. - How big do you think I am? - I don’t know. Probably close to 9 feet tall and thousands of pounds. Your damn head is as big as my chest… both heads… and even after cumming for nearly 10 minutes your cock is still hard. - I’m still horny. I don’t think I’ll ever not be horny again. Jacob laughed. - I can’t wait till the world gets a look at you. - What do you think of me? - You’re incredible. So far beyond human. - I ceased being human about twenty minutes ago. He gave me a choice for my shape…and for a moment I thought of becoming a two-hundred foot dragon. What do you think? Chad closed his eyes, and through only his will, two large amphibious wings ripped from his back. They were as wide and masculine as he was. Chad breathed, and fire erupted from his mouth. His eyes became those of a snake, and a moment later, fire erupted from the head of Chad’s penis, proving to Jacob that he was indeed more God than man. - You’re magnificent now, but I’m more at ease with how you were before… - I could destroy you with a mere thought if I wanted to…reduce you to dust with a single wish. Jacob knew every word Chad was saying was true. But, when Chad smiled down at him, he knew he had nothing to worry about. Chad’s wings folded into his back again, and his eyes reverted to their customary look. - He wants to know when you’ll join us. He wants you to take your place among the God’s. - He still talks to you? - No. He’s silent. He’s waiting for you. - I don’t know… this might all be too much for me. I don’t know what kind of God I’d be. - Deep down you know what you are… just like I knew what I am. Jacob did know what he was, but he was afraid to admit it. Afraid of what he would become. - But first… I need to thank you. Chad blew, and every stitch of Jacobs clothes disappeared. Chad grinned, and opened his mouth, revealing his tongue. As Jacob watched, his tongue lengthened and proceeded to move snakelike down his body until it wrapped itself around Jacob’s cock and balls. Before he knew it, Chad’s tongue was slowly jerking him off. The tip of his tongue licked his cock head, and teased the opening. Just when he thought he couldn’t take amymore, Chad effortlessly lifted him off of the floor until they were eye to eye. Chad grinned a wicked grin, and his tongue proceeded to lengthen again, making its way toward Jacob’s asshole. Within moments, he was being both jerked off and rimmed by the God that held him. Chad’s tongue entered Jacobs hold, sending shockwaves through him. What will I become…Jacob wondered as his friends huge tongue proceeded to enter him further and further, thickening as it went, and proceeded to start fucking him. What will I become? He knew it was far from human… even further than his friend had come, and that scared and excited him.
  20. teroyugi


    Paolo Paolo didn’t know what he was getting himself into. A young bodybuilder of Mexican decent, he had just lost his job last week at the diner he had been working his ass off for the past 2 months. Surprise, surprise being a huge bronze muscle man wasn’t a hiring skill. Fortunately, a friend of his introduced him to a website where men would put on camera shows for cash. On the first night It started awkwardly with just one or two people tuning in to see him in his tank top, but as the views rolled in, and the tips and comments called out to Paolo to show more skin he was more confident to oblige. He started by stretching the top of his tank top until his barrel chest was exposed. The audience went wild with the comment box exploding with demands for more. Paolo took the webcam and brought it closed to his dark black goatee, “Quieres más? Then Paolo gets to hear the tip button ring more, then you get all of this!” He lowered the camera along his pecs and placed it back on the table, the angle gave him a gigantic perspective. “Ding, ding, ding!” the tip counter began to fill as more and more thirsty comments demanded Paolo show them more. “Sí es cierto, I’m your muscle giant, your god!” Paolo grabbed the shirt’s collar and ripped it in half. His stomach was a thick muscle gut, with faint traces of abs covered by a soft layer of fat. Paolo flexed his pecs and ran his fingers between them. “Yeah, you bugs want to be trapped between these peaks? Let these powerful pecs suffocate you with their size!” A pop-up window appeared on his screen. The box read “Private room request for 1000 USD tip.” “Alright peeps, looks like I have a special show to go to, catch yall later, and bring them tips for this giant!” Paolo clicked Accept and the screen opened up a new window. Paolo saw a guy, a huge guy, just as muscular as him with wide shoulder that could block an entire doorframe, big meaty bronze pecs swollen like watermelons, and a hot 4 ab stomach wet with sweat dripping from the protruding nipple of the muscle man. The odd thing was that the guy was wearing a helmet to cover his head. It was made of tinted glass that made it impossible to see who was underneath it. “Hey there, thanks for the big tip.” Paolo said. The man in the helmet waved. "You like giants?" he asked Paolo. "I am a giant." Paolo raised his arms up into a double bicep pose. His thick arms bulged forming twin peaks of muscle. Deep curves and grooves formed around the triceps while branches of veins covered Paolo's forearms. He brough his right arm close to him and gave it a kiss. "Look at all this muscle, all this power. I am freaking huge!" Paolo announced. A deep growl came from Paolo's speakers. Peering down over his pecs he saw the helmet wearing bodybuilder stroking himself while the other hand cupped his own pecs. Paolo grinned, he always found it a turn on when others admired his body. Still, watching someone just as huge as him get off made him feel something stirring in his sweatpants. His soft cock began to harden and elongate. On camera Paolo's tent was instantly visible. The helmet guy began to talk. "I love it when wannabe giants think they are all that. Makes it even more fun when they realize how much fucking smaller, they are next to me." He stood up and waved his dick at the camera, bouncing his pecs as he said, “You want to meet a real giant tiny?” “Tiny? Who was this ass?” thought Paolo. Just as he was about to say something Paolo was silenced by the weirdest thing, the helmeted guy’s thighs were expanding in front of the camera. Paolo leaned in to the screen, the guy's dick was rising higher and higher until it disappeared from view. "Hey, papi! " Paolo couldn't believe what he was seeing, no he wouldn't believe it, "What cheap camera trick you pulling?" "This aint no trick," said the guy, but the screen only showed a pair hairless tanned quad. The man’s voice was deeper than before, like he was the villain of some superhero movie. Paolo fell back to his chair. He looked down and noticed a dark wet patch spreading across his left thigh. Shit, he came from just the helmet guy's growing legs. The camera from the helmet guy’s side shook, he had turned around and was walking away. His ass was the size of two beach balls. He turned around squatted. The man’s helmet returned to view, it’s size somehow adapted to his sudden growth, but Paolo was too stunned by the rest of him to noticed. “Fuck, you’re as wide as the room!” Paolo let out. "I can be much wider than this." He raised his right arm and flexed. The already globe sized arm hardened and rose. Paolo gulped, the snake in his pants stirred again. The giant brought his bicep close and gave his pit a deep sniff. "You want this tiny man?" the giant asked. Paolo nodded. "How badly you want it?" The giant's voise was soft almost like a whisper. "Very, I'll take that whole cock if I have to and more. Let me be a giant like you!" The man in the helmet tilted his head with a deep groan. "Bug you don't know how much I want to stuff all of this in your pretty little mouth, and watch you struggle just to take in the tip." His cock stood erect and grazed the bottom of his cement bag sized pecs. If it could be called a cock, the length of the giant's dick was almost the size of a standing lamp. Paolo's head was heavy, his gut was telling him to just turn the stream off and get some sleep, but his heart wanted more. This was the chance for him to be the muscle giant he always dreamed of even before coming to the States. "...Bring it on then, the moment I become the giant you'll be gagging on my cock!" Confidence surged back into Paolo as he beat his chest like a gorilla. "Ngh, yes! More, you got to want it more!" The giant's cock was thickening, as though responding to Paolo's desire to grow. The giant's head rose while his shoulders widened. His pecs, arms, and legs continued their ascension and packed on layers of muscle. The giant's cock fired a wad of pre-knocking out the camera. Paolo stood up, his boner pointing towards the black screen. Still the sounds were coming through the speakers. "Yes! Yes!" The giant's voice was deeper than before. "Fuck you ceiling, you can't contain me." A thunderous crash came through the speakers with the last words Paolo heard from the giant was, “My dick’s coming for you Paolo!” The earth began to shake and the sounds of people screaming could be heard from outside Paolo’s window. He walked over and peered through the curtains. People were running about or pulled out their phones taking pictures of something to the right of Paolo’s apartment, but he couldn’t see what it was. Forgoing his shirt, the Mexican bodybuilder ran into the streets. The moment he stepped out onto the streets everything was blanketed by darkness. People were running back into their homes or in the opposite direction of where the chaos began. Paolo looked up, and was frozen with fear. Standing behind the nearby glass factory was a wide bronze back wide enough to cover the entire street Paolo stood on. Broken concrete and steel fell from the giant’s back and bounced off his gargantuan ass. Paolo’s brain was screaming at him to run, but he couldn’t budge. The earth shook again as the giant turned, and there the jet black helmet that teased him throughout the cam session was back again, only this time it was the size of the city’s water tank. Gigantic pecs with thick plump nipples pointing downwards combined with the bulging traps obscured the giant’s neck. His muscle gut shook as he took his first step forward. The sounds of metal flattening and breaking echoed loudly from the factory to where Paolo stood. “Paolo! There you are!” The giant’s booming voice sent shivers down Paolo’s spine. He continued to approach the smaller man, he literally kicked his way through the factory, smashing through the orange brick walls like he kicked a piled of dried leaves. Paolo fell from the increasingly violent tremors. A wave of dust washed over Paolo’s half naked body. Paolo gasped for air and coughed loudly, al the while he tried to pull himself back up but the shaking was just too much. Amidst the choking wall of dust Paolo made out a massive object the size of a truck crashing down onto his left side and then another to his right. He looked upwards and was slammed onto the road by a thick what felt like a barrel of glue. Musky, warm glue. Suddenly, Paolo felt thick meaty logs wrapping themselves around his body and lifted him upwards. "Hahahaha, you looked bigger on camera," the loud voice of the giant boomed. "Can't see!" Paolo shouted. "We can't have that, all these muscle needs to be admired!" With his thumb as large as Paolo's entire body the giant wiped away the pre off of his face. Even up-close Paolo couldn't see even a shadow of the giant's face. He tried to struggle free but his years of weightlifting didn't prepare him to break free from a giant's grasp. "Fight all you like little guy, the more you squirm the hornier I get." The helmeted giant clutched his enormous dick and shook off more streams of pre onto the ground below. Paolo was panting heavily, exhausted. "Tired already? You better stay fucking awake. I paid for your ass, and I damn well intend to collect!" The giant tightened his grip, like squeezing a rag doll. Paolo's face flushed red, despite the pressure building around him, he was embarrassed to admit that he had never been more turned on. His cock was begging to be milked. "Well what do we have here?" The giant opened his hand letting Paolo lie face up on the palm of his hand. The giant chuckled as he brought his other hand over Paolo's lower half and ripped the grey sweatpants off of his tiny toy. Paolo's dick sprang free, dripping pre like a fountain. Paolo groaned heavily. "You know what I like about you Paolo? You have the body of a juiced up muscle man, but you still keep the size down there." The giant caressed Paolo's hard dick with his thumb. "How it feel to be so small and powerless?" The giant asked. Paolo grunted and squirmed, he wanted to cum so badly. "If you love being played with do you really call yourself a giant?" The teasing continued, but something snapped in Paolo. With a thunderous roar he yelled, "Fucking hell I want to be a giant! This changes nothing. Make me fucking big like you!" The giant pulled back his thumb and the two exchanged a moment of silence. "That's exactly what I wanted to here." To be continued
  21. Florida20

    Super Soldier (Chapter 1)

    So on a day away from family, friends, internet, and work, I had an impulse to write a story for the first time in years. I didn’t get out of my chair until I finished the eighth chapter. I’ve got a few more chapters to go I think, but I feel confident I’ll have the entire story posted (in pretty regular intervals) within the month. Fair warning, (1) it takes a couple chapters before the real growth starts and (2) it’s got some hetero content in it. I hope you all enjoy… CHAPTER 1 I wiped a bead of sweat from my brow and sighed as I resumed the email I’d been writing. Fans hummed throughout the room but only made the hot air feel the devil’s own breath. I reached down to my lapel and gave my blouse a shake. Fuck these uniforms, I thought for the hundredth time. What’s the use blending into the desert if you’re dead of heat exhaustion? I looked out the door to my office at my staff, each dutifully working at their respective cubicles, knowing they were equally miserable. “Whoever decided to install shitty AC units in the middle of a god damn desert country needs to be drug out into the street and shot,” Staff Sergeant Whitaker said as he dramatically wiped sweat from his muscular neck. That desert country was Kuwait and those shitty AC units were probably top-of-the-line twenty years ago when these buildings were originally constructed. I decided to let Whitaker’s outburst slide; lord knows he’d be guilty of another at some point that day. Not for the first time, I wondered at the strangeness of this group. Myself, a navy lieutenant, in charge of four air force and two army enlisted men of varying ranks; a regular kumbaya commercial showing how the US armed services could work together. Each of us were at varying (but mostly early) months of one year tours at a Kuwaiti Air base where the United States oversaw its assets in the entire Middle East. It was a large base, housing about five thousand NATO personnel, most of which were from the US. I had been pulled unceremoniously from my normal navy career path to “support” joint efforts…the navy’s diplomatic way of saying “we can play in the desert and kill terrorists too!” I chuckled. I didn’t see myself killing any terrorists today. I was more likely to get a papercut. What my staff and I were actually responsible for was all confiscated foreign assets from the decades of wars we’d fought in this region. This meant supervising a dozen warehouses filled with the tanks, trucks, and weapons confiscated from Iraqi, Syrian, or terrorist organizations. We intended to hold it until peace broke out or something…then we’d return it. In practice, I was the overlord of a pile of rusty shit that wasn’t going anywhere fast. I wiped another bead of sweat from my forehead. Fuck it, I thought before saying: “Okay everyone, feel free to de-blouse.” A collective “yaaaaayyyy” went through the room and my team immediately tore off the heavy camo-print over-shirts (aka blouse) that made up the standard military OCP uniform, leaving them in their mud brown undershirts. My eyes immediately and covertly darted to Staff Sergeant Whitaker. Goddam, I thought as he threw his blouse onto the floor as if it was a pile of shit. His undershirt, darkened by sweat, was plastered to a body made of bulging muscle. I could see the striations in his shoulders dance as he returned to typing on his computer. Dinner plate sized pecs stretched the shirt comically over visible blocks of abdominal muscles. Those globular shoulders, bulging like pumpkins under short sleeves screaming for mercy, sat above the most beautiful upper arms I had ever seen in my life. Full and swollen yet cut and hard. A single bulging vein laced down the front of each one, bunching up each time he bent his elbow. God, they were perfect. I couldn’t wait to build a set of those myself. An isolated US Air Base in the middle of a desert country left little to do, leaving its inhabitants with a small set of options: work, eat, sleep, workout, or fuck. And all five options were in ample and endless supply. I noticed it the day I landed, almost everyone walking around the base was exceptionally fit, men and women alike. In the month since, I still wasn’t bored noticing the tight and taught bodies working out in the gym or walking by when civilian attire was authorized. I’d already made some progress. Always obsessed with fitness, I landed here a pretty fit 180 pounds. At 5’11, that doesn’t make me huge but people who saw me knew I worked out. In the month since, I’d gained three pounds. Certainly not something to write home about but if I kept that up for the next eleven months I’d be heading home weighing a ripped 215 pounds. That was, not coincidentally, Whitaker’s height and weight. I took another look at the Staff Sergeant, who now had his hands clasped together and arms stretched above his head. His lats bulged like wings under those beautiful arms. Striated horseshoe triceps flared as he gave one last good stretch and lowered his arms. He turned his head. “Jesus fucking Christ, Lewis,” he said in his testosterone laden voice. “You got your head suck on a scarecrow?” My eyes darted over to the subject of Whitaker’s comment, Airmen Lewis, my newest and most junior staff member. The nineteen-year-old was on his first overseas deployment and showed up only two weeks ago. My guess is he was 5’7 and couldn’t weigh more than 135 pounds. His brown undershirt hung loosely on a shrunken body, his twiggy arms void of shape or definition. Until now, his diminutiveness had been hidden under the baggy and ungainly blouse we’d just removed. The OCPs wore like pillow sacks on everyone whether fit, fat, skinny, or what have you. Even Whitaker’s body didn’t look exceptional when wearing the uniform…if one ignored his impressive bull neck. “Cool it Whitaker,” I said sternly from over my computer screen. I meant it too. I can both appreciate the guy’s body and completely loath his personality…which I did. The Staff Sergeant was a bona fide bully, always making every effort to cross the line if there was one to cross. “But look at him, sir,” Whitaker said and gestured to the airman with his paw of a hand. “Dude,” he continued as he turned back to Lewis. “How the fuck did you make it through basic?” “Knock it off!” I said loud enough to make Whitaker involuntarily cringe. “Fucking beta,” I heard him whisper to Lewis. I saw Lewis’s face redden and was about to formally council his bully when a female voice chimed into the room. “Hey guys,” the voice said to the room as it made its way to my office. Air Force Captain Dasa White turned into my office and smiled when she saw me. “Hey there sailor,” she said. “Hey Dasa,” I said as blandly as I could to the hottest female this base had to offer. This was not my opinion, it was fact. Captain White was gorgeous and she knew it. Her blond hair was pulled back into a tight bun that only accentuated her wide smile. Her blue eyes sparkled at me. I tried to avoid looking down as she too had debloused and sported only the brown undershirt that somehow hugged her well developed and femininely muscular body in all the right spots. Did she have those tailored? She was within a year or two of my own twenty-eight years, our ranks being equivalent, so we usually called each other by our first names instead of the more formal rank. “You up on the high side?” she asked. “I am,” I responded and shifted my computer screen to the military’s SECRET level internet. She invited herself to my side of the desk, leaned over my left side, and took over my mouse and keyboard. Her toned shoulder brushed lightly against my face as her tan arms did their work. She smelled of faint and distant perfume. Her breast rubbed against my arm just once as she reached for the mouse. God, she knew was she was doing and she was good at it. But I didn’t push it any further. Over the last month I’d given her both subtle and not so subtle hints that I was incredibly interested in her but she’d kindly and just as subtly rebuffed every advance. I’d noticed during that time she was only truly interested in the really muscular guys. I don’t think even Whitaker was big enough. She tastefully flirted with everyone but he’d only seen her mean it when the guy was at least 6’3 and 230. And there were plenty of those types around here. “Look at this,” she said once done with my computer. I looked at the screen and the first thing I noticed was the grainy picture in the middle of the screen. It looked like a still from a shitty security camera but in it was a group of about one hundred men, all obviously Arabic by their faces, naked from the waist up and wearing military fatigues from the waist down. It was immediately apparent the men were huge. Grainy as it was, they were as broad and wide and vascular as any professional bodybuilder. An old Iraqi flag hung over their heads and some Arabic script was imprinted on the bottom of the photo. “Iraqi bodybuilders?” I asked innocently, trying to make light of a picture which definitely had my attention. “Bodybuilders?” she asked back with incredulity dripping from the word. “Look at the rifles they’re holding.” I was embarrassed to note I was so taken by these men’s bodies that I had missed that each of them held an AK-47 in front of them. Well… they looked like AKs but something wasn’t right about them. “Are those toy guns?” I asked without taking my eyes off the picture. It took a bit to put my finger on what was wrong but I finally noticed the guns were too small. “No Alex. They’re real,” she said, letting me put the puzzle pieces together myself. “But that would mean…” My mouth dropped. She nodded, her perfect smile broadening. “My guess is those guys are eight feet tall.” “No fucking way,” I said but the more I looked at the picture the more I had to believe it. It wasn’t just the guns. These men were lined up on bleachers that looked a little too small. The doorway cut in half by the edge of the picture looked too small. Everything looked to small next to these guys. “It has to be a fake,” I said finally. “Look at the file name,” she said. I minimized the picture and looked at the folder she had open. “Saddam’s Supermen,” I read aloud. My heart fluttered a bit. “But that’s just a bullshit rumor.” The rumor apparently originated during the Iraqi invasion of 2003. I was a middle schooler at the time of that invasion so wasn’t around to hear it at the beginning but the story still cropped up jokingly in small circles from time-to-time. Who knows now much the current rumor had changed from the original one. Regardless, the version I heard stated that Saddam Hussein was obsessed with turning his famed million-man army into super soldiers capable of taking over the entire region. The rumor also suggested that we’d invaded Iraq back then because these supermen were the ACTUAL weapons of mass destruction we were desperate to take off their hands. “I guess you could call these giants weapons of mass destruction,” I said aloud with a laugh. “Hell yes you could,” she said, her eyes glued to the screen. “It would take an entire magazine to take one of those beasts down.” I looked at the folder from which she pulled the photo. It and the slew of parent folders housing it gave no indication a photo of supermen was to be found. “How did you find this?” “By accident,” she said simply. “I get bored on the watch floor and like to surf the web so-to-speak. There’s probably millions of files scattered in the guts of our SIPR servers and as unorganized as those warehouses you’re responsible for. I’m probably the first to stumble across that picture since it was first dropped there.” “Are there any more?” She shook her head. “Believe me, I tried. There could be. Finding a specific photo here is like trying to find a needle in a haystack.” Her eyes were still locked on the photo and were hungry. She liked what she was looking at. “You think they’re still around?” she asked. “Doubtful,” I said, shrugging. “I think people would raise an eyebrow if guys like this found their way into Abu Ghraib.” “Hm,” she muttered, nodding before shaking herself. “Anyway,” she concluded. “Thought you’d be interested.” She gave me a knowing wink that confused me but I willed the confusion away. “I’m heading to the gym. Dinner at six?” “Yeah,” I said as she turned to leave. I saw the heads of my team all snap to their screens in comic unison as she walked by and headed to the door. Their heads then bent to get a final shot of her backside as she walked through the door and shut it behind her. I couldn’t blame them, she was the only one I knew who could make those thick baggy uniform pants look good. The door was barely shut before Whitaker clapped his hands together loudly. “Ooooh, sir,” he said, a broad smile cracking his square head. “You gonna fuck that tonight.” He moved his hand as if slapping an invisible ass. The rest of the room looked shocked at the outburst. Proper military decorum was more than a bit dulled in a forward base like this one but there were certain lines that one did not cross. Sexual references of an officer was one of them. I slapped my hand on the table loudly. “That’s it, Staff Sergeant,” I bellowed and spoke to the broader room. “I don’t know who has the midnight watches on the silos this weekend, but you can thank Whitaker for taking them off your hands.” Whitaker’s face dropped. “But sir.” “Both of them,” I said over his objections. I looked at the time on my computer. 4:30 pm. Close enough, I thought as I felt another bead of sweat drip down my back. “Ok everyone. Close up shop,” I said, ignoring Whitaker’s sputtering. “See you all on Monday, when the AC is hopefully working again.” The team rushed out as if on fire, readily escaping the hundred-degree heat. I yelled after Whitaker before he made his way out the door. “Your first watch starts in thirty minutes Whitaker. Be. On. Time!” He grunted as he walked out. I spied Lewis close behind him. “Wait one, Airman Lewis.” Lewis lowered his head as if struck, turned, and begrudgingly made his way into my office. “Shut the door,” I said as gently as I could. Lewis did so and sat across the desk from me. His face was youthful even for nineteen. Sandy blond hair was tightly cut to his head. His narrow face was pale (unusual for desert dwellers) and blemish free. Bright blue eyes stared at me with apprehension. “I’m going to address what Staff Sergeant said with the Master Sergeant.” Master Sergeant Reeves was my second in command and the senior enlisted leader of my staff. It was technically his job to quell personal issues like this but he was on a trip to Afghanistan until Monday. “Don’t bother, sir,” the Airman said. “Master Sergeant is on him every day and it hasn’t done much.” The boy shrugged. “Besides, he’s right. I’m skinny. I’ve tried to bulk up since I’ve gotten here but I think I’ve actually lost weight.” “Eat,” I advised. “I have a fast metabolism too but the food here is free and you can get as much as you want. You should leave every meal stuffed to the gills.” Lewis just nodded. His eyes flickering to my computer screen and his jaw dropped. “Wow,” he said at the monsters in the photograph. “You think that’s real?” he asked. I turned my eyes back to the picture. “Could be,” I said noncommittally before continuing. “I’m no superman in the gym, Lewis, but I can give you some pointers in that arena if you like.” Lewis shook his head, his eyes remaining on my computer screen. “Thank you, sir, but no. I can take care of myself.” “I’m sure you can,” I said, removing my access card from the computer, sending the screen dark. Lewis shook his head as if breaking out of a trance. I grabbed my blouse and began putting it on. “You coming?” I asked as I made my way to the door. Lewis followed but broke towards his own desk instead of following me out the room. “If you don’t mind, sir,” he said awkwardly. “I have some work I forgot to finish.” “Suit yourself,” I said and gave the room a once over to ensure no classified material was left out in the open. Finding none, I walked out. Looking over my shoulder upon leaving, I saw Lewis back on his own computer, the picture of Saddam’s Supermen sitting boldly in its center.
  22. dredlifter

    The Librarian - Chapter Seven

    Chapter 1: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14262-the-librarian/ Chapter 2: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14459-the-librarian-chapter-2/ Chapter 3: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/14606-the-librarian-chapter-3/ Chapter 4: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15004-the-librarian-chapter-4/ Chapter 5: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15434-the-librarian-chapter-5/ Chapter 6: https://muscle-growth.org/topic/15680-the-librarian-chapter-6/ Ok, time for the final chapter. Sorry this took so long. I felt like this wasn't my best effort so I struggled to get it finished. Hopefully it is still good enough to give you some, ahem, satisfaction ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ CHAPTER SEVEN The next morning Tom crept out of the hotel room. He briefly stirred Austin awake for a long goodbye kiss. Stretching his arms, the young man smiled warmly as their lips met. “Wow, Tom. Last night was incredible. I can believe you fucked me four more times.” Austin grinned and gave Tom another long passionate kiss, feeling the overnight stubble of the big man giving him sensuous scrape on his own cheek. “Mmm, I'm going to miss you. I'm so exhausted though I just...need...some...more sleep.” Austin laid back down and drifted back into slumber. Tom examined the tight ripped body of his conquest, admiring how he had completely worn out such a fantastic specimen of young manhood. The thought made him grin, but he smiled even wider as he noted how tight his clothing was. All the exercise last night, along with the catalytic affects of the growth powder had pushed him to new dimensions. He rested that afternoon and enjoyed some new chapters of his book while lounging out in the backyard sun. The bright sun glistened off his newly engorged muscles, deepening his tan. After five more chapters he lightly dozed off and was awoken by his buzzing phone. It was Jack, he wanted to get together with Tom that night before he had to head leave town. [How about another workout and then we go out?] the text from Jack said. [I'm down for the workout, but how about I treat you to a nice meal at my place.] [Hard to say no to that! Lift at 5:00pm?] [See you there!] Tom treated himself to a filling pre-workout meal. He felt like he ate more than he ever had in his life, no doubt due to his new size. Of course, his meal was assisted by a mixed protein shake with more of the powder mixed in. He wasn't about to stop this growth train. An hour later, his body rested and fueled, Tom made his way to the gym. Since it was Sunday afternoon the place was practically deserted. Only a couple of the hardcore members came in on Sundays. Tom was now firmly established in that group. “HOLY SHIT, DUDE!” Tom heard Jack's deep voice behind him. Smiling, he turned around and eyed the hot body of Jack. “Damn, man, you look bigger every time I see you. You must be on some crazy hardcore cycle right now. I'm jealous!” Jack waltzed up and wrapped both his hands around Tom's biceps. The large librarian instinctively flexed as he felt the calloused palms on his dense arms. “There is no way my hands can even get close to wrapping around these monsters, damn dude!” Jack groped and explored the other parts of Tom's body. Tom soaked in the praise from the hot man feeling him up. Like Tom, Jack was also in a stringer tank and some mid-thigh length gym shorts. He noted with extreme satisfaction that his own arms now seemed to be larger than Jack's own 22” cannons! Being taller sometimes it was hard to tell. Tom noticed Jack look around the rest of the gym, only spotting two other lifters completely disregarding the pair. Making sure they weren't looking, Jack smirked and gave Tom's prodigious bulge a surprise squeeze. The big man jumped but found the move very erotic. Jack chuckled. “Yep, that big monster is still there,” he said quietly. “C'mon man, time to GROW!” The duo had no particular plan for this workout. It was primarily to be used as a form of muscle-man foreplay for their date. They opted for a full body routine to hit the major muscle groups. First up they started with some incline presses. The warmup sets progressed and soon another realization hit Tom. Where he used to end his incline benches with 225, he now using that as a warm up. “I'm feeling it today, Jack! 225 has never felt so light!” Jack, not knowing Tom's secret, was surprised. “Really?. As huge as you are I woulda thought that was nothing for you.” The two men added quarters. Once again 275 was also light. Tom hefted out 10 easy reps. Jack did as well. Finally it was time for three plates, a full 315. Jack got under the bar and repped out a hard set of ten. He stood up and swung his arms back and forth and flexed his pecs. “Nothing like that feeling of a huge pump, eh Tom?” Tom stared at the deepening cleavage of his muse, then realized his own pecs were just as big. He slid down on the bench and repped out another easy ten! “Damn, big man! Making me feel small today, haha,” Jack teased. Weight was added. First 355 then 385. Jack was able to pound out another nine and then six reps respectively. But Tom got another easy set of ten at 335 and then a hard fought set of 10 again at 385! By now the other two lifters had left. Tom and Jack had now worked up a good sweat and Jack stripped off his stringer, making Tom whistle in approval. “You are beastin' today, Tom. Get that tank off...wow.” Jack whistled back. “Ok I'm good on these, you want to try more? Gotta go till failure, big man.” The two then loaded on another plate on each side. Four plates per side. 405 total pounds. A weight that a few months ago would've seemed impossible not just to bench, but to squat or deadlift too! Tom slid onto the bench, Jack smiling handsomely down from above, his big pecs looming above the bar. “You got this, stud,” Jack encouraged. Tom lifted the bar and slowly let it fall to the massive exposed shelf of his pecs. After a quick hold he drove his elbows up, easily raising the bar. Again. Then again...and again! After the sixth rep he began to feel the weight, but with perfect form, he continued. With some monster grunts he forced out another three reps. From above, Jack noticed how deeply red and flushed Tom's chest muscles were getting, almost like a sunburn. He coached his growing buddy. “C'mon man. Keep growing. Those pecs aren't big enough. Make them big. HUGE. PUSH IT!” Another rep was eeked out. Large drops of sweat began to fall down his pumped chest muscles into the gorge in between. “GAH!” Tom grunted and extended his elbow, panting heavily. Jack commanded. “One more! DO IT!” Tom lowered the weight, slowly, perfectly, controlled. The cool bar grazed his tanned flesh, creating a bridge between the grand canyon below. With a grimace and grunt he pressed. The bar slowly moved up. Jack yelled for more effort. The bar moved slowly but nevertheless, never stopped moving. Up and up the bar raised. With one final push Tom's elbows were fully extend and Jack helped rerack the sagging bar. Tom jumped up and ROARED a most muscular flex to no one in particular, savoring the insane pump and feeling of masculine accomplishment. He felt like he could rest his chin on his pecs they were so bunched up. He turned around and Jack was staring in awe. “Shit dude, that was awesome,” he said quietly, reverently. Jack reached up and put his palms on Tom's chest. “Wow, man. I've never seen someone get such a huge pump.” Jack pressed into the dense pillows of muscle, feeling the warmth and heft of the pectoral meat. His fingers dug into the muscle until Tom flexed, instantly forcing Jack's grip wide and out. Tom relaxed and Jack kneaded them some more, using his palms and fingers to feel the roundness while his thumbs slipped down and rubbed Tom's nipples. “OH SHIT!” Tom sucked in some air at the erotic shock sent from his nipples down to his cock, which was already filling with blood. Jack smirked and looked down at Tom's shorts. “Haha. Down boy. We still got more muscle to pump.” Tom caught his breath, reached out and snatched Jack's big forearms pushing them away from his pecs. “Well, then you better be careful what you touch, there mister,” he said with a grin. Suddenly he leaned forward and gave Jack a quick kiss, leaving him stunned. “And there be much more of that and other things later, stud,” Tom said as he stepped away and unloaded his side of the weights. Jack's own bulge expanded as he smiled and helped unload the bar. The rest of the workout proceeded much the same. Tom set a new personal best on each and every exercise they did, even squats! Being a tall man, he notoriously hated to train his legs, but with his hard work and the help of the powder, his legs were becoming quite possibly his best muscle group. “Those wheels are enormous, big guy! You're quads are even bigger proportionally than mine. I gotta feels these beasts.” As Tom performed his leg extensions, Jack's hands were all over the bulging mass of sinews. On each hardcore flex at the top of the motion, Jack made Tom hold the position while his nimble hands traced the separations. “Fuck man, look at that insane rectus femoris, that huge vastus medialis! All so huge and and striated. Burn those muscles. Force that blood into them, Tom. GROW!” Tom grunted and groaned, forcing rep after rep until he could do no more. The weight slammed down so hard and was so heavy that it launched his large body up forward. Luckily, since Jack was in front massaging his legs he was able to catch him...sort of. “Woah there, stud! OOF!” The heavy weight of the monumentally buff librarain falling at him surprised Jack. He wrapped his own big arms around Tom and Tom did the same for support. Their sweaty pecs smacked against each other. Jack briefly held firm but the enormous weight of giant librarian and his own tired and pumped legs sent him backwards. Jack, being no stranger to holding heavy objects was able to control his fall, first sinking to his butt and them on his back as Tom landed on him chest to chest. Their arms were still wrapped around each other and Jack savored the feel of Tom on top of him. Chuckling, Jack spoke, “You just couldn't wait to get me on my back, could you?” While on the ground Jack began to flex and grind his hips into Tom. As the feeling returned to his quads, Tom grinned down at Jack. “You better be careful there wriggling like that under me. I may not be able to control myself.” The two laughed and stood up, Tom doing so in a very slow and wobbly manner due to the insane pump in his legs. “Easy there, big man,” Jack said as he helped Tom up. The rest of the workout processed with more intensity and new personal bests. After each pump Tom seemed to swell larger and LARGER. It was like his pump was compounding on itself. The two men finished up with biceps. While Tom was cranking out dumbbell biceps curl with 85 lb dumbbells Jack sauntered up right behind him and felt up the big man's arms while he ground his bulge into Tom's glutes. “Perfect reps, big Tom. Force that blood into those peaks.” Jack leaned forward to Tom's ear, “Watching you is forcing a lot of blood into my cock.” Tom let his arms fall to his side and turned to see Jack's face behind his shoulder and gave him a knowing grin. With their full bodies pumped to the max the two headed to the locker room. By now the gym had closed and the two were the last humans in the building. The attendant has closed up and left. “Just make sure the door is closed behind you,” the young man had said with a wave. In the locker room the two disrobed their renaming clothing. Once naked they simply stared at each other. Jack licked his lips as he eyed the incredible physique in front of him. Tom did the same. “Tom, you are incredible. So big. So dense. I've never seen this kind of full, bloated, dense musculature on a man so tall. And everything is still tight and defined! You're still rockin' that six pack. Geezus. How much do you weigh? Shit, you look like you are closing in on 300 lbs.” Tom's cock had reached full mast as he stared at the naked bodybuilder before him singing his praises. Jack chuckled and joked. “I bet you are carrying 20 lbs just in you COCK. Fuck, that thing is huge...” Tom stepped on the scale and digital display calculated. The number that show made Tom moan and his dick leak. 313 lbs. “Holy shit. Dude you are one of the biggest bodybuilders there is, do you realize that? You almost look stage ready with how shredded you are. Very few men, probably less than five, have ever stepped on stage at the Mr. Olympia weighing over 300 lbs. And you look like you have room for even more muscle! Your body is perfect. You are making me leak just looking at you. And so handsome too. You've got it all.” Tom wrapped his big arms around his smaller yet still massive lover and kissed him deep as their two swords of flesh fought each other below. “Tom, can I measure the rest of you? I want to know what kind of stats come on a man so BIG.” With a smirk, Tom replied, “Oh yeah, go and measure. Everything,” he added with a sexy wink. Jack grabbed the tape measure and began taking Tom's stats. He started at the bottom and worked his way. Crouching, he wrapped the the tape around Tom's calves. “21 inches. Bigger than most bodybuilders' arms. So hot.” At the news Tom reared up flexing his diamond boulders into extreme relief. Jack slid his hands up Tom monstrous thighs, giving the pillars of power some love before the big reveal. He ran his strong hands up and down the long but massive muscles, Tom's bulls nuts bounced along the top of Jack's hands at the top of this admiration strokes. He gave Tom's right quad a kiss and then taped them. “34 inches. Fucking monster wheels, big man. Mine are just a hair over 32.” Jack now stood up, letting the tip of Tom's cock drag along his own incredible physique as he rises with a grin, causing Tom to shudder due to the sensation. He wrapped his big arms around Tom's waist, grabbed his mighty glutes and pulled him tight, leaning up to give the big man a kiss. He released the kiss and stood back with the tape in hand. “Unreal, Tom. Your waist is just 32 inches. These abs are so tight and deep.” As the stats were revealed Tom just closed eyes and his cock pulses. He knew he had grown but the knowledge of just hot much bigger he'd swelled in the last couple of days had his bulls churning and his cock throbbing. Jack slid his hands upward. “Lift your arms a bit, big man. With all that chest and arm meat I need some space for access. Heh heh, I hope I can reach around these giant pecs and that barn door back of yours.” Tom chuckled, “'Barn door back'”? “Oh yeah, stud. I'm originally from Nebraska so all your hugeness reminds of beefy bulls and farms of the heartland. Ok now drop those arms.” Tom let his arms fall and his big pecs bunched up even more, seemingly growing in front of Jack. “Do you like big chests, big guy? Because yours is enormous. How does 62 inches sound?” “MMMMMmmmmmm. Oh fuck, I'm so big!” “Yeah you are. A beast of huge, aesthetic muscle. Incredible proportions. Ok, you ready for those big arms? FLEX THEM!” Tom quickly brought his arms up a tremendous pose with a growl. “Oh yeah, look at those giant arms. So big. These've gotta be some of the biggest muscular arms I've ever seen. I gotta feel these.” Jack then engaged in some hardcore admiration of Tom's arms. He nuzzled his nose against the mighty hanging ham-sized triceps, bulging downward to the floor. He then rubbed his stubbled cheek upward until he brought his lips to kiss the melon-sized lump of his biceps. He swirled his tongue on the peak, pointing it to trace the split peaks. Covering the muscle in his saliva as his hands caressed Tom's triceps. “Ok, I'll have to revisit these arms more later, let's find out how huge these arm. Oh shit, big man, I hope I have enough tape for this cannonball arm. Unreal guns, dude! Bigger than the last few Mr. O's! These arms are almost 24 inches HUGE!” “UUUUUUUHHHHHHHhhh,” Tom groaned in pleasure. It took all his effort to keep from painting his admirer's pumped physique. “Hold it in, Tom. Hold it in.” Jack leaned in close as Tom regained control. “Hold it in, because I want that inside of me later,” which only tested Tom's self control even more, causing Jack to chuckle. “Ok let's grab our post workout shake and then jump in the shower. We need to clean up...and maybe have bit more fun.” “That's sounds like a great plan, Jack. Bur first, you forgot one measurement.” Jack smarks his forehead dramatically, “How stupid of me, to forget perhaps the most impressive part on your already impressive body.” With a devilish grin he adds, “Well, let's measure those forearms!” The joke caused Tom to throw his head back and laugh. Jack laughs with him and then reached down, tape in hand. “Wow, look at this thing. It's good thing we don't have a ruler because it wouldn't be long enough! I just put the tap at the base. And no pushing in, no cheating on the length! Hehe. And then we stretch the tape out along to the top of this LOOOOONG cock. Look at all those inches go by. Six, seven, eight, nine. Still plenty more to go. Another inch...and another...almost there...” “..And there is Tom. You are the proud owner of a 13.25 inch monster cock.” Tom moaned in deep satisfaction. He instantly had to step away so that Jack's fingers are no longer touching his tool else he would explode like an atom bomb. It was now confirmed that Tom had one of the biggest cocks on Earth! Over twice as long as the average male. It made him feel even more manly and powerful. He closed his eyes as the feeling of sexual power faded, just slightly enough to allow him to control himself. He opened his eyes to see Jack smiling back. “Thought I lost you there. We will definitely have to revisit this and all of you very soon. But first, let's fuel up so we grow even more.” The two naked bodybuilders headed to their lockers to pull out their post-workout shakes. As Tom eyed his cup, the desire to grow more coursed through his body. He reached into the small tub of the special powder. Jack noticed, “An extra scoop today, eh?” “Oh yeah. A big workout with a studly lifting partner. I feel extra motivated today.” The bodybuilding librarian ended up mixing and extra scoop and half of his special powder. The two men filled their shakers with water and chugged down the protein-laden drinks. A warm feeling of energy spread throughout his frame. “Tom, you got some protein shake dribbling down your pecs, let's hit the showers and clean that up.” Jack reached out and swatted the bulbous glutes his larger friend and the two strode into the communal shower. Jack turned on the showers and let the water heat up until a nice steam buildup filled the tiled room. Jack squirted some shower gel into his hands and began to lovingly work the soap into Tom's body. “I'm gonna need a handful of this stuff for each muscle group, you've gotten so big.” At Jack's direction, Tom flexed whatever muscle Jack scrubbed. Starting with 'pecs', Tom cranked down into a most muscle pose. Jack worked the soap all over the pectorals that hardened into stone with the flex. Jack's soapy fingers traced the striations in Tom's upper chest. At one point he tried to insert his fingertips into the muscular gulch in between but was unable until Tom relaxed. Jack took extra time to work the under shelf, feeling and lifting the heavy flesh. With a grin he used his soapy fingers to tease and then pinch the big mans nipples, causing the hunk to shudder. “MMMMMmmmm feels so good, Jack. Wash my big muscles.” “With pleasure.” Jack turned Tom around and began to wash his back. He worked his hands over the lumpy, tanned expanse. Squeezing the lats and the traps. Tom couldn't see him, but Jack then squirted a bunch of gel on his own chest, lathered it up, wrapped his arms around Tom. Jack was using his own muscular chest to scrub Tom's back while he reached around to soap up the bumps and canyons of his abs. Tom felt Jack's tumescence nestle in between his bouldered glutes like a bratwurst in a bun. Jack used his strength to squeeze their bodies together into one. In front, Tom grabbed Jack's forearms and undulated his ass causing Jack to moan in his ear. Jack eventually releases the grip and walks around Tom again where he instructed him to throw up a double biceps pose. “Amazing. So fucking beautiful. Look at these canons. Those deep, DEEP pits flanked by pec, delts and biceps muscles. Rawr!” Jack growled then first spent three straight minutes licking Tom's right biceps muscle. Sucking and licking up the shower water that coated the glorious muscles. Tom flexed and unflexed making the muscle pump. Tom could feel the effects of the growth powder and knew that with every flex his arms were swelling with a trace of new size. Jack attacked his pits and the heavy hanging meat of his triceps as the two men moaned in muscular delight. Finally, once Jack had his fill he soaped up the mighty arm and then repeated the process with the left. Jack then dropped to his knees and worked his hands up each calf muscle and then the trunks of his legs. With so much quad muscle it again took a fair amount of time to give the legs the proper attention. Each of the four quad muscles were so large and defined that Jack was able to wash each one individually. Tom once again felt the pump in his legs growing, not just from the recent workout but the swelling recovery aided by the powder. Once each leg had been washed, Jack looked up and begins to kiss Tom's engorged cock. He took time sucking on the shaft and head of the mighty pole before using his slick wet hands to masturbate his Adonis friend. “Oh fuck, Jack! Suck me, stud. Suck that huge man cock!” After another few minutes of cocksucking, Jack then handed Tom the gel. Tom then began his own session of cleaning and sensually admiring the muscle stud in front of him. It was a dream come true. For decades Tom had dreamed of getting to feel up a true bodybuilder. Not some in-shape wannabe, but a true, ripped, bulging musclehead. Just like Jack. Even though he now had the body of his dreams, his excitement was inflated getting to feel up another bodybuilder. His big hand traced all over Jack's body, who flexed each muscle that Tom explored. Like Jack did, eventually he attacks the wide bulging mass of Jack's back, pulling the smaller yet still huge man against his immense form. With his height and longer arms Tom reached around and over and massaged Jack's nipples and cock as he nibbled on his traps and shoulders. He grinded his own rock hard cock into Jack's muscle butt. Jack turned his head and moaned into Tom's face, “Oh fuck. Fuck. So hot. You've got me so damn horny. I can't wait until after dinner. Do it, Tom. Fuck me. Fuck me with your giant cock.” Tom couldn't believe what he was hearing, but Jack's words made his cock surge with hardness. Perhaps it was the raging hormones of being so turned out, as Tom's entire body felt flush again even within the already hot spray of the shower. Tom reached his hand down to Jack's butt and began to use his fingers to loosen him up. Jack leaned forward slightly bracing himself against the shower wall. Once ready Tom slightly bent his knees and lined up the plum-size head at Jack's entrance, casing the bottom to moan. “C'mon man. Put it in. I need your muscle cock. That big bodybuilder cock!” This was it. Tom took a brief moment to remember the decades of lusting over bodybuilders. Austin was hot and fit, but he was not a bodybuilder. He remembered back years when we still fucking women. Would this feel better? Worse? The same? With a flex of his glutes the head popped in, breaching Jack's tight hole. “FUCCCCKKKKK!” Jack yelled. “So...so... BIG. AHHH!” Tom saw stars as the unreal sensation of masculine pleasure flooded his system. Every muscle flexed at the power he was feeling. Jack's tight butt along with his globular gluteus maximus muscle massaging his power tool nearly sent him over the edge just from initial penetration. Tom thrust in a couple more inches. “Geezus, Tom! You are stretching me out! Biggest I've had by far!” Hearing this only spurred Tom on even more and stoked his confidence. “Biggest by far, you say? Guess what, there's A LOT more to go!” “Fuck yeah, stud. Fuck me. Fuck my muscles!” Tom grabbed Jack's shoulders and with leverage slowly thrust the rest of the way in, causing Jack to hiss and Tom to groan some more. He held himself deep inside as Jack adjusted. Once he was ready Tom began to retreat and reenter, thrusting many inches in and out at a time. “There you go, big man. I normally top. I only let the biggest and best take my ass. You are the BIGGEST AND BEST! Fuck!” Tom continued to fuck Jack. It was far better than any woman or Austin. Jack's tight glutes and strong built body squeezed his cock with more sensations than anybody he'd had sex with ever before. Not to mention while simultaneously getting to feel the bulging muscles of the man he was pounding. As Tom continued to thrust Jack continued to moan louder and louder. “Fuck. It feels like your cock is actually getting bigger! Are you getting close?” Tom could have erupted at any time yet he noted Jack's words. His eyes had been rolled up and closed as he let the erotic sensations tickle his body. But he opened his eyes at Jack's words and looked down. It was then that he too noticed that Jack felt...tighter on his dick. Tom eyeballed his arms looking more vascular than ever. The cephalic veins on his arms were pulsing visibly. He released one hand from Jack's shoulder and flexed for himself. He could see it. His biceps were bigger. His cock was bigger. He was growing. Growing while inside of Jack. Tom looked down to see his pecs pumping up larger and larger. As he looked down his chin collided with the pec meat, impeding his downward gaze. He could feel himself slightly adjust his stance as his quads and hamstrings grew in every direction. The sexual exertion combined with the extra powder was causing him to swell right in front of his eyes! Jack, of course, could not see as he was facing forward and downward, nevermind the fact that his eyes were closed from the extreme bliss he felt as Tom's dick raked his love-nut. But he felt the effects inside. Tom couldn't help but voice his excitement. “I'm growing so big. So fucking huge. Ripped. Vascular. Bulging. I love being big. Being huge. And I can't wait...to...grow...fucking...BIGGER!!!!” With final thrust all the way in, expanding Jack's ring to new limits, Tom unloaded his essence. Instantly Jack's own cock began to expel juice onto the shower floor. With grunt after grunt Tom orgasmed, his body trembling as he pumped up even bigger. Jack continued to shoot as well, though tapering off well before the god-like bookworm bodybuilder finished. As the feelings of bliss drifted away, Tom wrapped his brawny arms around Jack and stood him upright, grabbing his chin, turning his head and kissing Jack. Tom wondered internally just how much bigger he had grown. At least another 15 lbs, maybe even 20. All added in less than 30 minutes of hot steamy shower time. He was thankful that at already over 300 lbs, another 15-20 wasn't too noticeable. The two made out for a few more minutes before Tom's removed his bull cock from Jack. “Tom, that was amazing.” “Thanks, Jack. I thought so too. You just helped me fulfill a dream of mine.” “Well, big man. Let's say we go have that nice meal...and then perhaps we can come up with some more dreams...or fantasies to fulfill after!” “That's sounds awesome, Jack.” “Yes it does indeed. Cripes, Tom. You pump up so huge with any exertion, even fucking. You are totally swole!” Jack reaches out and feels Tom's flexed arms, which look to be encroaching on 25 incredible inches. “What can I say, Jack. My body LOVES to grow. Let's get dressed and have that meal.” --- Jack would spend that night with Tom and the two would engage in hours of muscle play and bodybuilder lovemaking. Sadly, in the morning Jack had to return back home up north the next morning. Once he departed Tom looked in his cupboard and located the tub of growth powder. He used so much during the last few days to pack on nearly 75 lbs of muscle that was he nearly out, disappointing him. Arriving at the library that morning before the others, he prepared himself for what he would tell Susan and the rest of his workers about his new growth. He was already huge to them at the end of last week, maybe they wouldn't notice the growth? Fat chance, he thought to himself. 75 lbs is a lot to hide, especially since he hadn't had a chance to upgrade his clothes yet. Those XXXL-Tall shirts all felt painted on. Oh well, he would think of something. Tom walked into the closet which now seemed like a much tighter fit compared to last week. His shoulders must've been another 6-10 inches wider. He located the last tub of powder and went to inspect it. As he turned to leave his massive shoulders collided with the old wooden shelves, causing the flimsy end panel to snap off. “I'm like a literal bull in a china closet in here,” he chuckled to himself. As he inspected the broken end panel of the shelf he noticed and opening in the wall behind. It was small, about the size of an electrical socket and at first that's what he thought it was. Until he noticed some strange markings around it. He reached in to grab the opening. With a tug, a large section of the wall slide forward by and inch or so. “What the hell?” Using his Herculean strength, Tom easily moved the large shelf away from the wall. He was then able to fully remove the wall section, which ended up being about a 3 x 4 feet chunk. As he set the dislodged wall panel aside he looks inside. It quickly becomes apparent that the current wall of the closet is a false wall. As he peers inside the opening it reveals a thin, long space behind the current wall, about three feet wide. And in that thin space is more shelving. And all the shelves are filled with the black tubs of that magical growth powder. THE END.
  23. Very slightly inspired by a recent news story...……………. For the second day in a row, the doctor noticed the white van parked across the street as he pulled out of his driveway, heading to his office. The cul-de-sac he lived on had only two houses, his, and his neighbors, who had left for Florida for the winter just last week. They had mentioned before they left that there might be a handyman around, fixing things at the house while they were gone. That must be his van, thought the doctor as he drove by it. That evening, as he arrived home, he saw a ladder leaning up against the neighbors’ house, and the handyman was just climbing down off of it. It was dusk, so it was a little hard to see, but the doctor could tell that the handyman was a big guy. And as he stepped off the ladder, he triggered a security light that was on the house, and the doc got a better look at the size of him. “Whoa,” said the doctor out loud, inside his car. The handyman was not young, but he was thick with muscle. He had on a black sleeveless Under Armour shirt that showed off the size of his big delts and beefy arms. As he turned to pull the ladder off the side of the house, the doctor could see the guy’s back muscles bulging around thru his tight shirt, and thru his sweatpants, he could see that he had the glutes of a prized champion bull. The doctor had slowed his car to a crawl to see as much as he could. Even as a kid, he had lusted for muscle, and now, at 35, that lust was stronger than ever. As he watched the beefy handyman lift the extension ladder like it weighed as much as a pillow, the front tire of his car scraped up against the curb. He stopped the car, but the noise of the scraping made the big handyman look over. As he carried the ladder toward his van with one arm, he waved at the doc’s car with his other. “Holy shit, the size of his arms,” thought the doctor to himself, as he waved back weakly and embarrassed, but highly titillated. He steered his car away from the curb and into his driveway. He pushed his garage door opener and then pulled into the garage. As the garage door shut, he stayed in his car, his head spinning, his thoughts racing. Good Lord, he thought, the guy’s arms have to be over 20 inches. And that ass! So thick and mounded, swelling the sweatpants into two perfect globes. God, I love muscleheads too much, he thought. And he was right, he did love muscle too much. At 5’10” tall and 200lbs, he kept in shape himself, but he was nowhere near the size of the beasts he admired. That’s why he belonged to several different hardcore gyms in town, so that he could go scope out all the musclebulls he could. He discovered early on that most of these alpha meatheads wouldn’t notice him or give him the time of day, until they found out he was a doctor. Then the whole dynamic changed. And the doc took advantage of that change. When the topic of PE drugs would come up, which it always would, he’d tell the biggest of the men at the gym to make an appointment with him. Pretty soon, a good sized group of powerlifting and bodybuilding cops, firemen, bouncers, construction workers, even lawyers, were coming to him for pharmaceutical grade gear. As the list grew, he started ordering supplies from eastern Europe, so he wouldn’t get in trouble when the state came in to go thru his records. He found that the stuff from Europe was vastly more effective than what he got from the states. His office began to get overrun with big musclemen looking to grow, so he opened a second office downtown just for them. Lately, though, he was getting a little nervous about how many guys were showing up. He started asking his ‘patients’ to stop sharing where they were getting their gear, and had his musclebound male nurse tell anyone who called that they weren’t taking anyone new for now. Unfortunately, some guys don’t like taking ‘no’ for an answer, and one night, right after the doctor got home, someone knocked on his front door. When he opened the door, there stood a guy from his gym. The doc knew from other people that this guy was an ex-con with a temper. His neck tattoo also added to the sense of menace coming off him. He muscled his way into the foyer, and told the doctor that he knew what he was up to, and that he wanted free gear and a lot of it, or he’d report the doc to the cops. The doc backed up in the foyer as he began to panic a little. This guy was wearing a tight tank top, and was bigger than doc remembered, probably around 220lbs of muscle that was tight and wiry. Doc was good at guessing ages, and figured the guy for about 30. And he looked fast. There was really nowhere for the doc to go to get away from him. Despite that, the doc looked behind the guy, thinking about trying to get around him and out the door. The big con just snorted a laugh and said “Try it”. But when the doc looked out, he saw the handyman walking up onto the porch. “You got a problem here, doc?” asked the handyman. He looked almost twice the size of the ex-con, who turned back, startled, and his whole body language changed as he soaked in the mass of the powerhouse standing before him. The handyman put his beefy hand on the guy’s shoulder and squeezed hard. The doc saw the skin on the ex-con’s delt turn white as the meaty fingers crushed the blood out of his shoulder. The guy’s legs buckled from the pain, and he sank to his knees. “Grab his wallet, Doc,” said the handyman, holding the guy down with ease even as he twisted and pulled trying to shake loose. The doctor grabbed the wallet out of the guy’s back pocket. “Now read his address to me,” said the powerhouse. The doc read him the address, and the handyman squeezed down harder with his thick fingers. Doc could almost hear the muscle fibers of the guy’s deltoid smushing to pulp. He was going to have purple deep tissue bruising for a month. The ex-con’s face blanched white from the pain. The big man leaned into his face and shook him as he said, “Listen to me, boy. You go on home now, and you leave the good doc alone, or I will hunt you down like the scumbag you are, and you will wish you were still in lockup. I’ll gouge your eyes out with my bare hands.” Then he released his grip. The guy gasped from the release of the pain, and almost crumpled to the floor, but caught himself and pushed himself to his feet. He slid along the wall, past the big man in front of him, and scurried out to his pickup. As they watched him peel out of the cul-de-sac, the doctor said thanked the hugely muscled handyman. The big man wiped his hand on his skin-tight black sleeveless UA shirt, as if to rub the grime of the ex-con onto his ridged roidgut. Even this casual motion made the heavily yoked up arm ripple and bulge. “You like what you see, Doc?” That wasn’t hard to figure out, since the doctor was swelling up inside his pants. “How’d you know I was a doctor?” The big man laughed. “I see things, Doc. Like your license plate that has MD on it.” He laughed again. “Plus, I’ve been to that gym of yours lately. I’d seen that guy there, and heard things. You were bound to run into trouble sooner or later.” He stepped in closer to the doc. “You wanna feel my muscle?” Then he flexed his left arm. “Holy shit,” whispered the doc. “How big is that?” “23.5, and growing. Go ahead and touch it, I know you want to.” The doc reached out and put his hand on the big peak. Then ran his hand up to the soccer ball sized deltoid. Then around into the deep armpit that was damp with hot sweat. The handyman lowered his arm and trapped the doc’s hand in his musclepit. “You’ve got the densest muscularity I’ve ever felt,” said Doc. “That’s from 40 years of heavy juicing, Doc.” This took the doctor by surprise because he thought the handyman looked to be about 40 years old. “ So, how old are you?” “I turn 57 next week.” “My god, that’s unbelievable. So you’ve been using since you were 17? “More like 15. Does it show?” Doc’s hand was still trapped in the big man’s pit. He was fully aroused now, and could see the handyman swelling up in his sweats too. “How much do you weigh?” Doc whispered into the big man’s ear. “340. You want me to fuck you with it?” he asked, as he pinned Doc to the wall. “God,” groaned Doc. “I tend to get a little wild once I get going, and I don’t want to bust up any of your nice furniture, Doc. Let’s go out to my van. It’s got reinforced shocks and a mattress in the back.” He curled the doc up the wall until his feet weren’t touching the floor. Then he tossed him over his left shoulder and fireman carried him out toward the van. As Doc bounced up and down on the broad shoulder, he had a great view of the big man’s glutes, and noticed that his sweatpants were pulled up over his huge calves. Doc had never seen calves so overdeveloped and veiny. He could spend a week just worshipping the massive gastrocnemius muscle on this monstrous man. When they got to the van, the handyman opened up the back and tossed Doc roughly onto the mattress inside. Then the big man peeled the skin-tight UA shirt off and tossed it inside too. As he climbed inside, the van creaked and moaned from his weight. Doc couldn’t believe his eyes. He’d seen pictures and videos of men this developed, like Big Ramy and Hadi Choopan, and just the visuals of them drove him wild. But in person…oh my god. And the smell inside the van. So thick with the man’s musk. As Doc looked around, he realized that the guy must be living in here. He was overwhelmed with lust, but also a little frightened. “Fuck me,” he said, not so much as a request, but as a statement of wondering what he’d gotten himself into. “Oh yeh, babe,” growled the big man, “I’m gonna fuck you alright. Fuck you till the sun comes up, you sweet piece of candy.” “Hey,” said Doc, as the huge handyman swelled up onto him like an incoming storm cloud. “What’s your name?” The big man pulled back a bit. “What’s it matter?” he said darkly, staring down at the doc as he began to pin him to the mattress with those powerful hands. “I just wanna see if you can make me scream it out as you fuck me,” said Doc, thinking quickly, and hoping he hadn’t hit a raw nerve. “Oh, you’ll be screaming it out alright. At least 4 or 5 times. You’ll be hoarse from screaming it out. Name’s Ruben.” “God, you’re so fucking big,” said Doc, as the massive muscle loomed over top of him. “Just wait, Doc.” “How big you wanna get?” “I’m gonna be the first 60 year old weighing a shredded 450.” Then Ruben started tearing Doc’s clothes off of him. From outside, anyone watching would have seen the van start to bounce and tip from side to side. They’d hear the muffled sounds of grunts and groans and an occasional thud as limbs hit the sides of the van, denting it outward. The windows quickly steamed over from the inside. As the night wore on, the thumpings got louder and harder, to the point that the van tires began to inch forward, leaving skid marks on the road. As the sun came up, the back doors of the van opened. Doc stumbled out as he pulled on his tattered clothes. He looked back inside as he closed the doors. Ruben was in a deep slumber, snoring like a hibernating bear. Doc limped toward his house. He felt like he’d been hit by a truck, and he sort of had been. His arms were bruised up and down. His wrists hand burn marks from where Ruben had tied his belt around them, then hung him from a bar at the top of the van. He didn’t think his ass would ever be the same. Whoever thought that steroids made a man’s dick shrink had never met Ruben Ruben took him six times overall, but also let him pec-fuck his 74” chest. Doc shuddered with pleasure at the thought of it, the biggest set of pec mounds he’d ever slid his dick into. As he climbed up the stairs to his porch, he had to use the railings. He was pretty sure he had a couple of broken ribs. He had to shower and get ready for work. It was going to be a long day. But as much pain as he was in, he knew all he was going to want to do was get back home so he could get back in the van and let Ruben demolish him all over again. He limped up to his bathroom and took his tattered clothes off. He saw in the mirror how bruised up he was. “Jesus,” he said, as he touched his ribs and winced. Then he saw the hickey on his neck. He remembered Ruben giving it to him, as he pinned him to the wall of the van. Doc almost came as the huge handyman sucked on him like a musclebound vampire. He almost came again as Ruben had him suck on his 24 inch neck. His skin was leathery and tasted salty as caviar. He started getting hard as he touched the big hickey and remembered the taste. Now, he was going to have to pull out an old turtleneck to wear to the office. He took the hottest shower he could stand, which helped him feel less battered up. Still, as he limped his was into work, his big Filipino male nurse said, “Damn, Doc, what happened to you?” “I had a rough night.” “It looks it. How’s the other guy look?” “Not so bad, actually.” They both laughed and got to work, but it made Doc think about the superheavyweight beast sleeping in his van, and it made his loins throb. He made it thru the day somehow, although he did leave a little early. His juiced up patients were less enticing to him than usual, as all his thoughts were back at his cul-de-sac. When he pulled up to his house, Ruben was in the neighbors’ yard, doing landscaping. He had pulled up a couple big trees and was tossing them to the curb. The trunks of the trees looked liked they’d been snapped rather than sawed. Ruben’s thick mounds of back muscles rolled as he tossed them. He was shirtless and caked in dirt and pine needles. He waved when he saw Doc, who put down his window. “Man, you’re a mess. You want to shower off?” Ruben sauntered over to the car, put his hands at the top of the open window, then pushed the car up onto two wheels. “Whoa,” said Doc, as he slid in his seat. Ruben looked in at him with a grin. He smelled of outdoors and freshly cut wood. Sweat ran down his chest, making little muddy rivers on his big heaving pecs. “Yeh, I could use a hosedown,” he said, as he lowered the car back to the road. His size and strength were making Doc throb all over. He pulled into his drive, and the two of them went into the house. Doc led the big man up to his master bedroom. “Nice place you got here, Doc,” said Ruben as he stripped out of his sweats. His big dick flopped out, then his big balls. Nothing on him had shrunk up from decades of roid use. In fact, he had the biggest set of balls the doc had ever seen, and his sac hung halfway to his knees. Ruben smirked as he noticed the doc checking out the goods. “And they just keep getting bigger. Every year, Doc.” Doc swallowed hard at the thought, then led Ruben into the bathroom. It had a big open shower that could fit six. Ruben made it look small. His big shoulders almost touched opposite walls. Doc turned on the water. When the water got hot, he lifted the hand wand and hosed down the big man’s traps and back. Ruben spread his lats out as the muddy water ran down them, and they jutted out like hams on each side. Doc could barely speak as he watched them swell outward, but he managed to ask, “Are you living in your van, Ruben?” He’d been wondering about it all day. “Yeah.” “Do you need some money to get your own place?” Doc asked as he hosed off the back of Ruben’s huge thighs. “Hell no, Doc. I like it. Gives me freedom to come and go. Besides, I’m flush with dough right now. Your neighbor paid me 10,000 dollars to watch me fuck his wife.” “He did?” Doc moved around in front of the big handyman, and pictured his big club inside his neighbor’s wife. Ruben chuckled. “Yep. Did her three times the first night. Then a couple times after that, before they left for Florida. She was having trouble walking, but I don’t think she’ll ever forget it.” “No, I doubt she will.” He looked the big man over as water ran down his enormous chest. “Man, where did you come from?” asked the Doc. The look on Ruben’s face darkened. He grabbed Doc around the throat with one big hand and shoved him against the wall hard, causing Doc to drop the wand. “You writing a book?” Ruben snarled. He squeezed Doc’s neck harder, making him choke. “I don’t like getting grilled, little man.” Doc didn’t think he’d been grilling and he was starting to panic a little. What had he gotten himself into? He was trying to pull back on Ruben’s wrist with his two hands, but there was no budging that grip. But just as fast as it had started, he saw Ruben’s face relax. He loosened his grip and leaned in and whispered, “Let me kiss it and make it better, baby doc.” He put his lips on Doc’s neck and started sucking on it. Doc’s eyes almost crossed from the pleasure of it. “Gonna give you a hickey necklace, hide the bruising.” Ruben took his big hand off Doc’s neck and sucked his way around, sucking hard yet tender. Ruben reach the other side of Doc’s neck, stopped sucking on it, and stepped back,. “Sorry about that, babe. My temper gets the best of me sometimes. Why don’t ya suck me off, calm me down.” Ruben forced Doc to his knees. Doc didn’t know rather to break free and make a run for it, or do as he was told. He wanted to do both. He was pretty sure his larynx had been damaged. He would be hoarse for a month. Despite his concern about his own safety, he grabbed a bottle of body oil and lubed the big man’s monster cock with it. The water wand was still spraying hot water all around the shower, steaming it up. Doc popped Ruben’s big mushroom cap into his mouth. The big man let out a deep groan, and shoved himself in. Doc wondered if some nerves in his neck had been damaged, because the big club slammed down his throat without him gagging once. “Oh, you way better than your neighbor lady, Doc,” grunted Ruben as he face-fucked him, grabbing his ears and working him up and down his oiled up shaft. Doc could feel the big man’s quad veins under his hands as he braced himself. He felt the heat of pre-cum start to ooze down his throat, and soon after, Ruben’s ejaculate exploding in ropes. Doc knew the average volume was around 5cc’s. Ruben’s just kept going up and up. Over 100. Maybe 200, thought the doc, as he swallowed and swallowed. He felt like he was milking a soft serve ice cream nozzle, only the custard was hot and thick. When he finished, Ruben pulled himself out of Doc’s mouth. Doc reached to turn off the water, but Ruben stopped him. “I’m not done yet,” he said. He picked up the bottle of body oil and pored it on his hand. He flipped Doc around, face first into the tiles. Then he shoved two big fingers into Doc’s ass. “Got to loosen you up, wouldn’t wanna hurt ya.” He rolled his fingers around and around inside him. Doc’s whole body twitched from the feel. The big man popped his fingers out and lubed his still-hard dick with the rest of the body oil. Doc heard the bottle slide across the shower floor. Ruben jammed himself inside Doc and began to rut. When he was fully inside, he lifted Doc up and began to air fuck him like a blowup doll. Doc arched himself as much as he could, pain and pleasure searing thru his body as he felt Ruben’s insane power and size in him, heating him up from inside. “Oh yeh, you way better than your neighbor, sugar,” said Ruben. Then he wrapped one big arm around Doc’s neck, still holding him in the air. Doc could feel his thick biceps peak pressing into his bruised Adam’s apple. “You like my sleeper hold, Doc?” Ruben tightened his hold and Doc started choking for breath. “Gonna put you out as I cum inside you, babe.” He rammed Doc harder and harder, yanking him back and forth in his choke hold. Doc couldn’t breath, and could feel himself losing consciousness. He felt ecstasy and agony at the same time. Was this going to be how it ended for him? He hated it and loved it. He wanted it to stop, but he wanted it to keep going. The supreme power of the brute behind him, using him, owning him like no one ever had. What a way to go, he thought, as he spiraled into darkness.
  24. rmorris

    The Arab Prince

    This is my first ever written story published here. I have actually written one story before, but it was lost when my old laptop gave up. I've been hesitant to put anything here as I don't want my story telling getting too judged, but, this is an idea which is so hot to me, I just had to share. I hope you all enjoy, and any feedback is much appreciated, or feel free to drop me a message. “So, anything else that needs discussing before the next news meeting?” My editor asks. “Umm, well, is there anything I can be focussing on?” My voice slightly cracks, I’ve only been at the BBC offices for a few weeks but I’m trying to make myself come off as keen, but not too keen that everyone around me hates me and thinks I’m going to gun for their job. The World Service has been through some really, really tough months, job cuts, redundancies, people moving abroad to other networks, the BBC was not the place everyone wanted to work anymore, and certainly a young 25 year old upstart like me joining the most respected name in news worldwide might rub some up the wrong way. My game plan was simple, move in the right direction but slowly, and never appear too fast or eager. I genuinely wasn’t there to steal anyone’s job, certainly not deliberately. “Actually, there’s something we want you to do, wait behind.” The room vacated, everyone doing awkward British nods and smiles at each other as they left to complete their tasks. “We’re impressed, you’re progressing well,” she says, “so we’ve got a small interview we’d like you to do, but it is an important one, and it’s a foreign assignment so it’s a good first job.” “Oh wow, okay,” I pause, “go on.” “Prince Abdul Al-Aziz Al-Hamza is shortly to take over the small island nation of Thazzan,” she starts. “Isn’t that the country which has insanely high oil revenues but doesn’t really look after its people?” “Oh yes,” she says, “we’d like you to go there and interview him. His father’s in his dying days and he’s willing to give one radio interview, specifically radio, we don’t know why, to discuss what’s next for his country.” This was a perfect scoop, I mean, it was going to be boring as hell, but good. By boring as hell, I mean there would be no chance for real questions. Interviews with dictators and their sons always followed the same format and went on the same lines, how thrilled the people are to have them and how many changes they have planned for the country. No-one actually ever takes these kinds of things seriously. “I’m a bit concerned about LGBT rights,” I say, after a few moments of pondering. “They’re inviting you, it’s not going to be a problem, in fact I’ve already checked that,” she replies. “Wait you what?” I ask, rather startled. “You’re our only free reporter, so I was upfront about it,” she replies, calmly, I forget my editor has been doing this for years, “we used to check this kind of thing with reporters in other slightly homophobic countries nearby, it’s standard practice.” “How is that, remotely standard practice?” I ask, blood pressure raised. “Because then there’s a record that we checked that it was fine for you to go as a gay man, actually it protects you from being arrested for debauchery if they were to find out you were while you’re there.” “The last thing I’m going to do is hook up with some guy from a country where it’s so repressed and I can get thrown in jail for it,” I say, almost losing my temper, but, then remembering this is the person in charge of assignments, “but thank you for your concern,” I add, through slightly gritted teeth. “Can you leave this evening? It’s either this evening or an early morning flight I’m afraid. You can leave the office now. We’ve planned around 4 days for you there, there’s a visit to some oil refineries, some oil treatment works, some oil fields, and then the final day is the interview itself,” she says, “did you know the country’s economy is almost entirely dependent on oil?” She asks, with a wry smile. “I could have guessed.” I say. ******************************************** 24 hours later and I wake up my first day in Thazzan. The air conditioning perfect, the hotel nice, the BBC could never afford a really, really nice hotel, especially for an inexperienced reporter like me, but it was comfortable. Certainly more comfortable than most hotels around the M25, although that’s not saying much. My first visit to an oil field was boring, as I guessed all the visits would be. I ended up having a chat with the manager as we were wrapping up. Oil was booming, he was telling me, no he wasn’t concerned about the sudden drop in oil in the coming decades as the country was investing now, yes he was very confident in the new Prince. “He telephones in to our board meetings across the company,” he said, excitedly. “Oh so he is more hands on than most bosses?” I ask. “Oh, absolutely,” he says, “much better than in neighbouring countries. He always dials in and he’s very good at giving direction, after all, the country shares the oil wealth so we have to do it for the benefit of all.” He replies. It’s worth pointing out at this point that corruption indexes but Thazzan at one of the worst in the world for corruption, and the UN has repeatedly said that even though they have all this oil wealth, it is not trickling down to the people. Pleas have been made repeatedly to have the wealth shared more effectively, it’s all gone unheeded. I look up from his desk, sure enough, there was a smiling Prince Al-Hamza, probably embezzling huge amounts of this money for himself, not that the people would ever know. I hated myself for thinking this, in a country of such poor gay rights, but he was hot. The guy was hot. His Excellency, or whatever his formal title was, was hot. He had the kind of manicured facial hair and beautiful dark brown eyes that really turned me on to Arab men. Not one guy so far had really piqued my interest, but the Prince did. “Ah yes, it is his official portrait, we are all very pleased with him,” the manager grinned. I notice the date mark in the plaque next to his smiling image. “2008?” I ask. “Yes, why?” he asks. “That’s ten years ago.” “It is the most recent official portrait, he is twenty there, if something more recent comes, then we all have to change. We used to change them once every six months.” “Oh right, so does he look like that now? I mean, during your teleconferences?” “Oh no, you misunderstand, we never see him, he calls in on the phone.” This struck me as odd. I sat back in my chair and looked at the image of the attractive Prince in full Thazzan flowing white robes of national dress. It also made me wonder why the man had specifically asked for a radio interview with the World Service, any Prince on a good PR job would be after BBC World News on TV, not radio. TV had a better reach and could be used on YouTube, radio, not so much. “Have you ever seen him? Met him? He’s nice?” I ask, digging. “Nope, but he is a very kind man, he cares deeply about the people,” says the manager, “sometimes when oil revenues fall, he will call me personally and discuss.” “So he’s never visited your oil field?” “A Prince is far too busy for something like that, he has many diplomatic things to attend and people to look after, I would not expect him to come visit.” “But it’s your country’s main source of revenue?” I ask. “Of course!” He replies, he’s not going to comment further. I let his last two words hang in the air briefly, most interviewees will almost always talk more when you leave the room quiet, this man, not so. Perfectly trained in PR. The two officials standing near the exit to the office probably didn’t help either, while they were there ostensibly to help me around, they were almost certainly there to make sure all my visits were perfect. With that, I left the facility. ************************************** My final day had arrived, this afternoon I was told I had an hour with the Prince, to ask him what I wanted. He wouldn’t answer any question we hadn’t planned from the news team, but we could at least try. He would give highly scripted answers to complex questions and that would be done. I didn’t know why the BBC was going through with this total farce of an interview, but there we are. I was taken to the royal palace at 1pm. The huge, vast building opened up like an oasis in the desert as we drove nearer. An enormous monolith dedicated to housing the ruling family, it had hundreds of acres of perfectly manicured grounds and guards every few metres. I was shown into a big room, then another big room, and finally another big room. I was sat down at a table with a phone on it. “The Prince will talk shortly.” I was assured by a small man in perfectly fitted attire. I got ready to read through my notes for the upcoming questions, I got out my radio microphone, I worked out the best lines of attack. I thought I’d start out slow and ask about oil revenues, then start asking why the country was still not dealing with its poverty effectively. The phone rang. I looked around, but I was in this empty space alone. I gingerly picked up the receiver. “Hello?” I asked, my voice cracked slightly, I needed to drink more, the country was too hot. “Hello, I believe you have some questions for me,” came a slightly deep, immaculately accented English from the other end of the phone. My mouth went immediately dry. “Your Excellency! I didn’t realise we weren’t doing this in person?” “I am a very busy man. You must understand.” “I do, I do,” I say, biting my tongue, before realising I needed to state the obvious, “how am I supposed to do a radio interview over the phone?” “My people will record it,” he says, assuredly, here’s a man no-one has ever said no to. “I can’t do that,” I say, holding back a frog in my throat, “BBC guidelines, I have to record it myself.” “Why?” “You could tamper with the recording, it has happened.” A deep laugh came from the other end of the receiver. “Surely not?” he asks. “Yes.” I reply. “But you would know if it had been edited, you’ll have done the interview.” “Yes but that isn’t the point.” “Okay so what is your first question?” He asks, pointedly. “No, no, I’m really sorry, I have to insist, I have to interview you in person. There’s no point in me being sent all the way here in order to get audio from a telephone recording, I could do that in London.” “London is a beautiful city,” he said, randomly. “Yes,” I say, slightly caught off guard, “it is.” “I have many houses there, would you like to know how many?” “Yes, actually,” I say. “A few, Knightsbridge and Belgravia, all of my neighbouring royal families have houses in the same areas, you know, it’s a second home for us, so many of us in the Middle East are educated in London or around London, we like the UK.” Whilst this is interesting, I get what he’s trying to do. Distraction techniques don’t work with me. “I can’t do the interview like this. It has to be in person.” There’s a loud sigh let out on the other end. Then, some barking of Arabic at an assistant. “Wait,” he says. More Arabic is exchanged. A second voice enters his room and more Arabic is discussed. They have a slightly politer form of Arabic in Thazzan, clearly, more like Lebanese, softer, not the harsh guttural tones of Saudi Arabia. A new voice joins the line. “Hello, I am chief lawyer and legal officer here at the palace.” “Oh hello,” I say, just a trifle taken aback from this new development in proceedings. “It is highly against protocol to let people meet the Prince himself.” “I know, but it is also highly against protocol to even invite foreign journalists to talk to your officials, so this is a rather new day for you, isn’t it?” I say, smirking slightly at the way I am holding myself, surprising myself, really. A long sigh is let out. “We can let you see him,” he continues, “but you don’t have a camera, do you?” “Well I’ve got my phone.” “Surrender the phone, you need to hand us everything bar the microphone and any notes you may need.” “Okay.” “There’s also a contract you need to sign, what you in the west call a non-disclosure agreement, you do not discuss the Prince’s appearance with anyone, not even your colleagues or direct bosses.” “What?” “It is radio isn’t it?” “Yes.” “Then this is not a problem, the contract should be there now, it’s standard royal protocol to not discuss the Prince’s appearance.” “Why?” I struggled to hold back laughter, this was bizarre protocol. “I cannot comment, sign the form, you will see him.” “Thank you.” I say, to his rather curt previous remark. The perfectly dressed assistant who showed me to the table comes back in, this time a gold tray with a piece of paper is handed over, as well as a fountain pen. “Please sign,” he says, bowing. I read through it, it is literally nothing else other than that I must not discuss his appearance with anyone, no hidden clauses, nothing confusing, just that one stipulation. I shrug and sign, if this is going to give me the high quality audio interview we need, that’ll be it. “Please,” he gestures frantically, “leave this room, turn right, walk to the end of the corridor, it is the last door on the right.” I really didn’t need those instructions as a man had now come to stand next to me, and started walking very closely beside me. He was hot, too. I needed to focus. ******************************************************** The doors clicked open upon my approach, but no-one else was going into the room with me. They swung open and I walked in. The room was markedly cooler than the rest of the palace. To the left, at least twenty floor to ceiling windows looked over a perfectly manicured garden being tended to by a multitude of staff. I walked in, distracted by the windows and what they had to show. There didn’t appear to be anyone in the room, I meandered slowly towards the vast view of the courtyard, and the gardens beyond. “Hello?” I ask. My voice dying in the room as it bounced off the walls and marble floors. Nothing. “Hello?” I say, voice slightly raised. I hear footsteps and two men are now leaving the room behind me, the doors click shut. I frown. I hear heavy footsteps, ones more sounding like a rhino crossing the perfectly varnished, clean, white floor. I see a broad man approaching in a beautiful crisp, white national dress. I say broad, he’s across the room and I can see that he is built like a tank. He continues to walk heavily toward me, each step making a noticeable sound on the floor. This is a man who works out. I see it is the Prince, he has barely changed facially, but there are some noticeable changes. He extends an arm to shake my hand and smiles broadly, at which point I notice his neck is almost thicker than his head. Even under the free-flowing gowns of the Arabian Peninsula, it is obvious that this man works out, all the time. He places his large hand into mine and says the Arabic for welcome, I extend the same courtesy back. As he walks towards me, one leg is being placed purposefully in front of the other, clearly due to huge legs. The arms are stretching at his national dress, and it is by no means small. “It is nicer to see you in person,” he says, “my people were very talkative with your editor, I have heard much about you, you have been in the BBC long?” That perfectly accented English makes me weak at the knees, he has a perfectly manicured beard and immaculate teeth, the deep brown eyes make me melt and that thick neck makes me swoon, I wonder what he’s packing underneath the robes. “A couple of years,” I say, looking solidly at his neck. “You will see I am different to portraits, I am more of a man now,” he smiles. “I can see there have been some changes,” I reply. ***************************************** He turned his back to me, his huge, broad back stretching at the seams of the otherwise flowing robe. He walks off to a couple of extremely comfortable looking chairs at the other side of the room, still near the windows. I’m focusing on how heavy his footfall is with each step, his purposeful gait gives the air of someone who is used to dominating a room. He sits down, the chair creaks under his weight, I pretend not to notice. “I don’t have much time, I’m sure you’ll appreciate I am a busy man,” he says, straight away, rubbing his left hand with his right. “That’s fine, I want about half an hour with you, if that’s okay? Just to clear up all the questions the world media have.” “I completely understand, please, I will answer the best I can.” I look through my notes. “May we begin?” I ask. He nods and smiles. “Oil revenues are increasing, aren’t they, how do you use these to pay for the infrastructure of Thazzan?” “My kingdom is very fortunate to have been blessed with such resources to help us out. We have historically always struggled with our economy, imports and exports. It is just one huge export, but it helps out my country hugely, we are moving into the 21st century.” “Do you think the country could be doing any better?” I ask, trying to look at his arm slyly while he rubs his mouth with his right hand in thinking. “I think we have historically had problems with corruption, from previous administrations before my branch of the family came to power, we had big problems.” “What do you say to people who say that the country still has too many problems, too much poverty, for one which last year was estimated to make a few billion dollars a day in selling oil?” He shifts in his chair, it creaks again, he pushes his head back, his neck looks as though he just flexed it, is he trying to intimidate me? “Of course there will always be these problems, but in a Muslim society, we do the best we can to help those in need, I hope that these problems will continue to be eradicated, any poverty is too much poverty.” He shifts in his chair again, he looks uncomfortable. I think he doesn’t like asking questions from a media which actually searches. This is not the fawning state media he’ll be used to. “What are you doing to promote tourism? I understand you are bidding for worldwide sporting events?” He looks relieved at this question. “We are bidding for the World Cup, and for more sports to take place here, we need to boost our economy further with tourism and to show the correct Arab culture around the world, you know, Arabs are seen as so hospitable, yet everyone just associates us with terror attacks, it is awful.” The chair lets out a larger creak as he shifts again, he takes a deep breath. “In terms of your tourism economy, what -“ “Stop,” he interrupts. I momentarily pause, still looking at my notes, rather taken aback by his interjection. He reaches forward and rips the batteries out of my recorder, his huge arms at work under that national dress make me do a double take. “I am sorry, I am not feeling well, I had a brief illness last week, and I thought I would be okay, but I just need to get some water. This is off the record, illness is something my people would not associate with me.” I’m rather taken aback by the admission here, but pause. It’s highly unusual, but if he wasn’t feeling that well at the beginning of the interview then why did he proceed anyway? I ask him this. “I thought I’d be okay, but…” he lets out a long sigh, I notice the chair is creaking again, surely he can afford better chairs, “pass me some water.” He gestures at an ornate table, about five metres away, it has two huge pitchers of water on it and seven glasses. I walk over and pour some out. Hopefully we can bond over me helping him. I have my back turned to him and I hear another creak, he lets out a low groan. He isn’t going to be unwell is he? I can’t be accused of trying to poison him, can I? Is this a trap? I suddenly realise this man knows I’m gay in a highly homophobic country, is asking me to pour him water and hand him it, he could accuse me of all kinds of things, there are literally no staff in here. I don’t carry poison, but what can they accuse me of? I turn back around to face him, he’s sweating. “Are you okay? Should I get staff?” “No, honestly,” he lets out a huge burp, covering his mouth, swearing under his breath in Arabic, “I need some water.” He shifts back in his chair, then more upright, both times the chair makes the loudest squeaks and creaks yet. I rush back with two glasses of water. He has some beads of sweat forming on his forehead. This has to be real, he can’t be faking it at this point. He gulps down both glasses. His face is red, sweaty. “Can you stay longer? We may have to reschedule, I think,” he says. “Yes of course I can, what -“ I’m interrupted by the sound of ripping fabric. His eyes let out a look of panic, briefly, locking straight on to mine. I have no idea what to say, the pause hangs there immediately after the ripping. He continues to stare at me, rabbit in the headlights, as I notice the seams on his shoulders are giving way, the previous flowing robe now bursting at the seams. We both continue to stare at each other. In the corner of my eye I can see the seams getting wider on his shoulders. “Are you -“ I’m speechless beyond that, I don’t know what to say. I’m standing in front of him in the chair, staring. He continues to stare at me, almost completely vacantly at this point, but still panic-stricken. There’s no more words to be formed, I fantasise about this kind of thing all the time, every day, but is it actually happening? Had I finally gained the ability I had always wanted to have? This is the kind of thing I read about on muscle fantasy forums every night, night after night, after work, one handed typing, as I read hot stories of men growing. But this guy is doing it actually in front of me. This isn’t a wet dream. He lets out a deep breath and burps again, says something else under his breath in Arabic. I, automatically, in my British sentiment, excuse him. He thanks me under his breath. The pregnant pause continues, it’s unbearable, I want to watch him grow but I can’t believe it’s happening. There’s no batteries in my microphone, I can’t take notes. I just continue to look at his face. He continues to take in great gulps of air, a bead of sweat forming at the end of his nose and another trickling down the left side of his face. Finally, both stretches of fabric covering his shoulders give way and tear. At this point I sit down, my burgeoning erection had been going since I realised that this was happening, and that he wasn’t actually unwell. He smirks, gently. “You like this, don’t you?” He says, absent-mindedly rubbing his exposed left shoulder with his right hand. I can’t reply. I am staring. My boxers are wet. “Being trapped in such a small, island nation with only a few hundred thousand people and such bad gay rights, I was thrilled to find out a gay reporter was coming.” My mouth is dry. The chair creaks again, he didn’t shift in it this time. “Imagine how surprised I was to find that the security detail provided to you by my security services included that you were a member of the muscle growth forum?” Rumbled. I feel the colour drain from my face. I really want a glass of water now. “When we got into your account, had a look through, you’ve always dreamed of being the guy who encourages, stays the same while his partner gets bigger,” he continues. “I have to say, when I was handed the report by my special security services, and I came across that section in the online activity chapter, I knew I had found the man for me,” he groans under his breath and throws his head back, closing his eyes while something else rips elsewhere. My mouth is as dry as the desert outside. I struggle to prevent my hands shaking wildly. “I bet you want to know why poverty is so bad in my country, why healthcare is so bad,” he says, opening his eyes, staring at me again, those deep, beautiful eyes. I nod, mouth open, catching flies. “I have always wanted this,” he says, grunting a bit at the ‘this’, “ever since I was a child, I wanted to be bigger and better than everyone, I went to school at a private institution in England, I could never become the rugby player I wanted to be. “I have always felt like the only one in the world, who wanted this, like you do, but for me. But then I realised, I’m coming to power, let’s spend my family wealth on the one thing I want, I can be in charge of the government, let’s change government research and development from medical research to muscle.” The chair underneath him lets out two staccatos of creaking. He groans a bit. “My family makes billions per day, of course I use it for the people, and some offshore, but at least one billion of that goes into this.” He stands up, the robe falls to the floor, I involuntarily make a sound like the slut for muscle I’ve always known I have been. “You are literally looking at the only guy in the world who can grow, and grow on command. I have pills, I popped some before you came in, I take them when I want, they’re not perfect, I rarely go out in public, sometimes the growth takes over, so I rule from my palaces.” I look at the striations of muscle across his body, the tensing and flexing, the beads of sweat dripping down his hairy chest and arms, the only clothing he still has on are his undergarments, sandals and his headwear. He reaches out a hand to me, and pulls me out of the chair, I’m weak at the knees. His hands lead me to put my left hand on his chest, my right on his left arm, he tenses both areas. I feel a wet patch forming. “No-one is allowed to touch me except family, that’s a sackable offence in royal palaces,” he continues, “but you, you have always wanted this, you don’t want to admit it but a multi-billionaire prince who can also grow must also be something you want.” He flexes his left arm, I realise my voice box is involuntarily engaged as I let out a huge, sudden breath, I feel my body tense all over. I came. He looks at my now sticky trousers. “Well, well, well, your profile was not fake.” “I’m so sorry,” I say, shakily, sweating, barely able to get a word out, voice cracking. “Why are you apologising?” I stare, dumbly, I can’t take the situation in. “When you came in I was around 270lbs, I’m around 6’3, at this point I’m usually 100lbs more than that, there’s more to go, yet.” This makes me acknowledge the current situation and regain some ground. “How big do you,” I say, I pause to run my tongue round my mouth, “how big do you go?” “Well I only took a couple, so, erm, 200lbs more? I’ll end up somewhere around 500, it’s not an exact science.” My dick is hard again. Throughout all of this, I have noticed how huge his penis is, but there’s been so much else to take in. “And you’re hard again! Oh this will be fun,” he playfully states. He lowers his under robe, a huge, footlong, and thick as a wrist dick springs out, balls the size of small lemons. “You may touch elsewhere, I have no intention of firing you,” he flashes a shark-like grin. ********************************** I gingerly touch his huge, throbbing cock with my hands, left hand towards the hilt, right hand towards the head. I push the skin back towards the hilt and forth towards me, I start gently jacking him. “I love that you’re into this,” he grunts, “I usually have to get prostitutes, no-one likes a man to be this size.” I try and steady my breath, I want to have a calm conversation and not get too ahead of myself. “This is something I’ve noticed, there’s some sizes that most people just think are too much -“ I start to say. “As if there’s a too much,” he says, before groaning again under his breath. “I couldn’t agree with you more,” I say. I grip his huge dick slightly more with my right hand, keeping the rhythm going, while playing with his enormous balls. “Once I finish I usually start shrinking a bit back to my normal size,” he says, “sometimes it takes a few extra hours to reduce down.” “Your normal size is something I was impressed by,” I reply. “Oh believe me, it can go so much more than that,” he says, smirking, “actually, I’m taking the stuff so often it seems to have a residual effect, my smaller sizes are much larger than they used to be.” He flexes his hairy pecs, I moan and bury my face in them. He lets out a moan of approval. As I rub the left side of my face into his pecs, he raises his left arm and shows me its progress. I groan involuntarily, lean over and start kissing the huge growing bicep and tree trunk arm. He’s even thicker and bigger than he was before. “I like food too much to be a ripped god, but I guess from your messages on your muscle growth profile you like men beefier anyway,” he says, his voice has now definitely dropped an octave. “Size and mass are my thing,” I say, leaning over to kiss his now much enlarged arms. “You’re perfect,” he says. I hear a low rumble come out of his chest as his body expands further. “I must be getting close to the 400lb mark,” he adds. I step back, my hand still working his huge, perfectly cut and girthy footlong. He has expanded. He’s now starting to seriously take up my view of the room behind him, even when I step back. “Oh my god,” i whimper, under my breath. “So you’re enjoying this?” He flashes me a grin with those beautiful, perfect teeth. His eyes catch the light streaming in through the windows. The dark brown gets turned to a slightly reflective brown in the sun. He’s perfect. He lets out a low moan as I run my tongue along my lips. His huge arms envelope my back and he holds me tight to his huge chest. My face is buried in between the crevice of his impossible pecs. His slabs of abs, not super defined, but there, press into my stomach beneath my shirt. He squeezes me harder and I let out an involuntary whine. He gets his big hands under my armpits and lifts me just above the ground so we are eye to eye. “I told you I get bigger,” he says, his eyes looking at his enormous biceps. I can see them actually swelling, now that he’s holding me. Every pump of his heart is leading the muscles to engorge slightly more. In this position, hovering just a foot above the ground, his huge body visibly expanding in front of me, I feel something I didn’t want to feel again this quickly. My dick starts tensing incredibly hard, and before I know it, my cream trousers are once again coated on the inside. He looks at me closely as I groan under my breath. Then he realises. “Again?” He says, his voice even deeper than before. Those perfect teeth make another appearance in between smiling lips. My face flushes and I nod. He puts me down and starts unbuttoning my shirt and undoes my belt as I take off my clothes hurriedly. He gets to my boxers and runs his fingers along the huge wet patch. I’ve always been proud of how much I can cum. He rubs his fingers into it, and takes them to his mouth, and licks gingerly. “You taste good, actually,” he says, hesitantly. I hear him groan slightly under his breath. The traps and his neck now have no definite start or end point. He reaches out his hands and forces off my shoes, boxers and socks. I stand naked, in front of the Prince of Thazzan, he at around 450lbs I must guess by now, just his undergarments on, torn clothes on the floor, sandals and head garment still on. He holds me close to him again, my back clicks slightly as he squeezes me, I whine again. He kicks off his sandals and pushes me to my knees. He bends his huge body down slightly to lower the undergarment to his ankles and slaps his heavy dick across my face. His hands connected to his huge swelling arms wrap around the back of my head and force the dick between my lips. He gets two thirds in and I gag. My jaw is fully relaxed as it’s the only way to ensure I don’t bite any part of it. He pulls my head back and then fully back into his dick. It gets around 9” in. I gag again. I look up at him, eyes watering, his eyes and eyebrows just visible beyond his pec shelf and huge stomach. “I’m going to have to train you,” he growls. I feel my dick start to helplessly tense again. It’s looking up at his huge body that’s doing it. I beg internally for it not to happen as his huge dick tries to explore my mouth further and work further down my throat. I try and pull my head back but it’s useless to try something like that when there’s a 480lbs muscle guy restraining you. I close my eyes as they water, tears streaming down my face as I let out a moan on his dick and I shoot across the marble. I open my eyes and look up at him through the tears, dick still firmly lodged down my throat, my breathing partially constricted on it. He smirks, “you’re passing all my tests.” He grabs me under the armpits again and lifts me up, puts me down on the ground and my feet land in my own sticky mess. Great. He takes two steps back and I can feel every bit through the marble. “It’s solid foundations beneath this, you know,” he boasts, “that’s how heavy I am.” He gets on to the floor, when his hands touch the floor I feel reverberations too. “Pass me a pillow,” he says, I dumbly oblige, standing in my own cum. “Lie down, head on the pillow,” he growls. I get on my front on the cool marble floor as he stands up. Bones and joints click in his body. “On your back. I want to see you when I do this.” I dread what’s coming. He’s a monster. I knew this was going to happen but I’m still not prepared for it in the slightest. He lifts me legs with such effort as he gets on his knees, and the floor shakes, that I feel my ass and body being lifted up, up to my neck. “Oops,” he grunts, “you weigh nothing now.” He sits my feet on his shoulders and look up. I’ve never been more turned on. If I tilt my head left or right he still dominates my view. I feel the pain as my hole is stretched beyond belief. His now 500lb body lowering into me. Every inch feels like six with the added girth and pain. I am paralytic from pain and can’t even scream. My mouth is open but no sound comes out. He lowers his head right up to mine, forcing my legs back into a position I didn’t think possible, but his weight made inevitable. He kisses me on the lips, before moving his mouth to my ear. “This is my biggest, do you like?” he rumbles. He raises himself back up as his dick starts working in and out of my hole. I just want it to be over. He can train me, but the pain is too much. It would take years to adjust to a dick like this. I finally find my breath and let out a yelp of pain. He puts his right hand beside my head, I feel the ground shake, and his left hand covers my mouth entirely. “Shhhh,” he says, “I thought you liked guys my size,” he smiles. He removes his left hand from my mouth and flexes his left arm in front of me. My hands reach out for his arm like a thirsty person reaching for water and I realise both of my hands have no chance of ever being able to reach around his huge tree trunk arms. One hand barely covers a quarter of the circumference. “Do you like guys my size?” He asks, flexing his hulk-like left arm as I reach at it like a pathetic kitten. “Yes,” I moan, in between trying to breathe when not all of the 12 inches are inside. “This is two pills,” he gives me a wide grin, “I’ve got an unlimited supply,” he continues. I moan in approval, my hands now roaming over his impossibly huge, hairy chest and body. “I can grow like this any time I want,” he continues, as I continue to feel his burgeoning form, “any time,” he repeats. His thrusts get stronger, heavier, I feel his dick tensing inside my hole. “If it were up to me I’d be big like this all the time,” he says, I feel my dick starting to tense again involuntarily, I know what’s coming. “I want to be bigger than this, and I can get bigger than this any time I want, I only want to be this kind of size, only you understand,” he lets out a load groan and I feel what’s coming. His dick is pulsing hard deep inside my gut. “I have no limit!” I yell. I feel my hole suddenly flooded with sperm, his orgasms seem to actually be getting stronger. He lets out a deep, masculine roar as he collapses onto me, my legs flexed fully back beside my head. My dick tenses again and pumps out what it can from the very active half an hour it’s had. His orgasms seem to subside slightly before he groans into the pillow again, his full 500lbs of weight is seriously restricting my breathing and I start to panic slightly. I feel his huge strong dick continue to pump and tense inside me before he lets out a slightly higher pitched grunt and he feels less heavy on me. We lie there, breathing heavily.
  25. PhysicalLust

    Three Days to Pride

    This story was done as a commission for creatively-bankrupt on Tumblr. It contains some pretty heavy (for me) BDSM stuff towards the end, big time daddykink and masculinity kinks, but also LOTS of growth and fun. If that all sounds good to you, read on. ------------------------------- “Not Too Naughty?” Tommy Hanson sighs, staring at the blinking neon sign above the dated, 80s-era sex shop his boyfriend has dragged him into. “Can’t I just wear a pin like last year?” “Babe. It’s three days to pride and you’ve been working out. We’re getting you something slutty.” Zack, Tommy’s boyfriend, sifts through racks of brightly colored jockstraps as he tries to encourage his nervous (some might say repressed) beau. “I don’t work out to show off though! I look good for myself.” Tommy grimaces at the racks of toys and lube, briefly acknowledging the bottled blonde sitting at the checkout counter. She’s on her phone, and doesn’t look up as the two pass by. “And for me.” Zack chuckles. He’s moved toward the back of the store, where the more exotic gear is hiding. “What about some leather? You’d look good in leather.” “Guys like me don’t wear leather.” Tommy keeps his distance from the cuffs, straps, and other fetish pieces surrounding the pair. “I don’t have the body for that at all.” “Confidence, youngling. Oooh, what about this?” Zack pulls out a black studded harness, metal pieces clinking as they dangle beneath. “Maybe pair it with a jock or something and you’re set!” “I’m not set. I don’t even have a set, I have bird chest.” Zack cranes his neck down and kisses his boyfriend’s forehead, locking eyes with him. “Well I think you’re sexy as hell.” “I just don’t wanna look stupid.” Tommy slumps his shoulders, looking dejected. “Tommy. You’re the only person who would think that. Remember the outfits we saw last year?” “But what if I get sunbu-” Zack cuts Tommy off. “I’m hearin’ lots of excuses. Just try it on. For me.” “No fitting rooms.” The woman at the register chimes in, curtly. Tommy shrugs. “Ah, no fitting rooms. That’s too ba-” “Tommy.” The two stare at eachother, Tommy’s arms crossed. “Just put it on over your shirt or something. I wanna see it on you.” Tommy stretches his arms outward, sighing as his boyfriend wraps the harness around his chest, twisting him around to fasten it. Zack tightens the straps around Tommy’s chest, letting it pull Tommy’s shirt taut around his lean frame. His toned pecs are nicely outlined in the teal fabric, nipples hard from the cool air. Zack weaves around Tommy and the surrounding racks to get in a good look. “And just like that, you’re even sexier.” Tommy’s face reddens. “Ey, there a mirror in here?” Zack motions to the cashier. The blonde wordlessly points to a floor-to-ceiling mirror towards the side, which Zack eagerly drags his boyfriend towards. Tommy looks at his reflection, scanning the straps of the harness down his frame. Zack ducks out from behind him and grins. “Now you see? Sexy as fuck.” Zack grabs Tommy’s ass, making his boyfriend jump in the process. “… you’re killin’ me babe.” A slight smile crosses Tommy’s face as Zack’s hand runs up his back to his shoulders. Soon, Tommy feels Zack’s hot breath against his ear. “You’d look even sexier if you were buried balls deep in me.” Zack whispers to his boyfriend as he pushes his crotch into Tommy’s thigh and kisses his neck softly, massaging his partner’s shoulders. Tommy stiffens at the thought and takes a breath, his jeans tightening. “Maybe tonight, you can see for yourself.” Tommy turns his head and kisses his boyfriend. The two start to get handsy, Zack’s hand running down Tommy’s chest as he grinds into his companion’s ass. “Ahem.” The pair looks up to see the cashier staring at them, stone-faced. Giggling, Zack unfastens the harness and Tommy pulls it over his head, mussing his blonde hair and making his shirt ride up to expose the smooth V shape he’s been working tirelessly to maintain. “S-sorry, little uh… excited.” Zack chuckles as he pulls out his wallet, Tommy tugging his shirt back down when he realizes his excitement is, well, visible. He shuffles back behind his boyfriend, pushing his denim-clad hardon into the crevice of Zack’s ass. Zack hisses, elbowing him away. “Save it for bedroom, baby.” - - - - - - - - The door to Tommy’s apartment opens, the pair sloppily making out as they stumble inside and slam the door behind them. Zack drops his pink shopping bag and pulls Tommy down onto the couch, sucking at Tommy’s neck as the blonde moans aloud. Zack pops open Tommy’s jeans and reaches into his black briefs, pulls out Tommy’s rigid hardon, and licks a stripe up the shaft with purpose. Tommy bites his lip as his boyfriend tongues the head of his cock, eyes fluttering as Zack wraps his fist around Tommy’s member. Tommy thrusts into his boyfriend’s hand, groaning, when the vigorous pumps of his cock come to a stop. He cranes his neck upward and watches Zack strip, his partner making a show as he tugs his shirt over his head, his pants falling to the ground exposing the tented boxers beneath. Zack cranks his cock through the fabric, the two young men watching eachother jerk. “Babe?” Zack pulls his boxers down and lets his hard cock spring upward, precum slicking the tip. “Yeah?” Tommy moans out, thumbing the head of his hardon. “I wanna break in that new harness of yours.” Tommy shuts his eyes, laughing. “Already with the harness… jesus Zack.” He pushes his blonde locks back, shaking his head. “You’re going to look so sexy in it… fuck, can just imagine riding your cock with you wearing it.” Zack saunters over to his boyfriend and tugs his jeans off, Tommy’s briefs sliding down his smooth legs. Tommy sits up, his arms out. “Get the harness.” Zack twists toward the bag and bends over, tugging his asscheek back to expose his pink, tight hole to his boyfriend. He slaps his ass, thrusting it back towards Tommy, and ruffles through the shopping bag to grab the harness. “Get on up, babe...” Zack grabs the harness as Tommy stands up. He drapes the straps across Tommy’s shoulder, pushing his cock against his boyfriend’s and feeling the slick of their precum mixing. With a few clinks and snaps, the harness is in place and Zack steps away, admiring his handiwork. “Oughta call you daddy, fuck.” Zack jerks himself at the sight, the studded leather straps tight around Tommy’s lithe frame. “You can call me whatever you want, I just wanna stuff my cock in you so fuckin’ bad right now.” Tommy pants, his hand migrating to his right nipple and twiddling with the pink nub. Zack tugs Tommy by the harness towards his bedroom and falls back onto the bed. He spreads his legs, thighs opening wide as his companion retrieves a bottle of lube from his dresser. Tommy squeezes the clear lube on his palm and slicks his fingers, tossing the tube away to stroke himself as he steps toward his waiting boyfriend. Kneeling to the mattress, Tommy pushes his index finger into Zack’s opening, watching his cock jump as he’s penetrated. Zack pulls his arms back behind his head, thrusting his chest upward as another finger follows, Tommy working his entrance carefully. “C’mon daddy… want you to fuck my hole so fuckin’ hard...” Zack’s cock bobs with each flex of Tommy’s digits, a third entering him as Tommy teases Zack’s prostate. Precum bubbles from Zack’s cock as Tommy prods at his most sensitive space, Zack bucking upwards with a moan. Tommy pulls his fingers from Zack’s opening and positions himself, his hands on Zack’s torso as his wet cock kisses Zack’s hole. Zack shivers, bucking up once again. “Do it stud… f-fuck me...” Zack practically gasps as Tommy enters him, eyes closing as his beau eases in. With his full length inside, Tommy takes a breath. “Don’t you wanna watch daddy fuck you?” Tommy purrs. Zack’s eyes shoot open, meeting Tommy’s predatory gaze. He nods, taking a breath as Tommy starts to rock into him. The two are silent for the most part, only their harried breathing audible, when Zack begins to moan. “F-fuck… c’mon daddy.. fuckin big, sexy fuckin stud…” Zack groans between his deep breaths, Tommy’s pace quickening with the encouragement of his bottom. Tommy clenches his teeth, his thighs beginning to slap Zack’s ass as he fucks his lover in earnest. Zack’s eyes begin to droop once again, his head tilting back as his cock bounces with the rhythm of Tommy’s thrusts. Tommy reaches down and scoops up Zack’s legs, pulling him toward the edge of the mattress and spreading him further as he pistons into him, his balls slapping Zack’s cheeks as he fucks him. “W-want you to cum in me daddy, fill my hole babe...” Zack moans, strings of pre stretching from his dick to his shaved torso. “Y-yeah? You want me to breed you?” Tommy snarls. “Gonna breed your tight hole, daddy’s gonna fuckin’ fill… fuckin’ fill you up, fuck… fuck…” Teeth still clenched, Tommy bucks into his boyfriend as he feels his release bubbling up within him. Hunching over, Tommy thrusts vigorously into Zack, mouth opening as his groans of pleasure crescendo. “Fuck yeah, fuck, fuck, fuck!” Tommy’s body quivers as he cums deep within his lover, pumping into him with labored thrusts as hot seed fills Zack’s hole. Zack’s eyes widen, rolling back as his cock sputters and pulses white strings across his stomach, veins of his cock pulsating as Tommy cums inside of him. Sweat beads down Tommy’s chest, veins rippling across his shoulders and pecs, his body stiffening as he orgasms. Zack opens his eyes, in orgasmic bliss but locking onto Tommy’s shoulders, watching them spread outward beneath the light of his bedroom. “T-Tommy.. Tommy… f-fuck...” He tries to call attention, but Tommy’s lost in lust as Zack watches the unbelievable sight above him. The crevice of Tommy’s pecs deepens, black hairs sprouting across his chest as the V of his waist deepens, the smooth, toned surface of his abdominals tightening into hard, squared shapes. Zack stares at his boyfriend, his orgasm tapering as he sees Tommy’s jaw clench and stretch, tightening into an angular silhouette. With a deep groan, Tommy collapses on top of his boyfriend, his chin sprouting fur that scratches at the surface of Zack’s pecs. Wide-eyed, Zack stares at the ceiling and listens to Tommy’s huffs of pleasure, the moans deeper than he’s ever heard from his partner. He feels Tommy’s orgasm tapering off and reaches across his boyfriend’s back, poking him. “Tommy… holy fuckin’ shit, dude… wake up, babe…” Zack pokes Tommy’s shoulderblade, surprised by the firmness of the skin and muscle. Heaving, Tommy pushes himself off of his boyfriend in a daze. Up-close, Zack notices the fuzz that now trails down his chiseled jaw and across a vascular neck, his eyebrows thicker. “Am I crazy?” Zack blinks rapidly, trying to make sense of the sight. Tommy runs his hands through his hair, black fuzz across the back of his palms leading to strong, hairy biceps. In the span of a few moments, Tommy looks as if he’s aged ten years.. and gained twenty pounds of solid strength in the meantime. “Fuck, babe. I’m breathless.” Tommy gets his grips as Zack scans Tommy’s body, whispy black hair spiraled across his chest that now rests on the straps of his harness, his nipples a vivid pink. With a wet SLURP, Tommy pulls out of his boyfriend, his cock hanging between his legs with new girth as he steps back. “What just… what fucking happened right there?” Zack wipes sweat from his brow, letting his legs hang off the bed as he looks across Tommy’s furry thighs and reddened, wet cock. “What are you talking about?” Tommy rubs his forehead, still sort of dazed, and lets out a loud yawn. He scratches his chest, the short black fuzz tickling his fingers. “You’re fucking… this is not real, can’t be, no fuckin’ way...” Zack sits up, taking another breath as he tries to make sense of what he just saw. Tommy turns away from his boyfriend, showing his expanded, round ass as he strides toward the bathroom, reaching back to undo his harness as the door closes. “What are you doing Tommy? We gotta talk!” Zack gets up and bangs on the bathroom door, incredulous. “I gotta shower. Feel like a fuckin’ train hit me.” The deeper voice groans from behind the door as Zack hears the shower being turned on. “Something definitely hit you, but it wasn’t a fucking train. You just like… hulked out on me! For real!” “Dunno what you’re talking about man, unless you’re talkin’ about my gains. Hah.” Zack hears the plink of the shower curtain closing, trails of cum leaking down his thighs as he works to piece together what he just saw. He sinks down onto the apartment’s wood floor, zoning out from exhaustion and sheer disbelief. A few minutes go by and the door opens behind him, and Zack snaps out of it and looks up towards his boyfriend. Water drips across Tommy’s sculpted pecs, catching on the tiny hairs that circle his nipples. His blonde hair has gotten darker, the roots almost black. A towel is wrapped around his waist, sitting perfectly at his grooved adonis belt. “Your turn, don’t get cum on the floor or else I’ll make you clean it up.” Tommy smirks, pushing past his boyfriend to his bedroom, towel falling as he shuts his door. Zack shakes his head and heads into the bathroom to clean up. - - - - - - - - - - - Zack and Tommy have always had an open relationship, but Tommy was never one to explore his sexuality. Yet as Zack enters Tommy’s room, he finds his boyfriend sprawled across the bed, setting up a Grindr account wearing nothing but a pair of oh-so-tight briefs. Tommy’s nonchalant demeanor about what occurred less than an hour ago has Zack on edge, but Zack can’t push the subject – Tommy just insists Zack’s crazy. “Maybe we should sort this out before you go slut around on Grindr.” Zack rubs Tommy’s thigh, twisting the soft hair between his thumb and forefinger as Tommy lifts his phone and takes a selfie. “Nothin’ to sort out babe. Tommy’s turn to find a hookup.” Tommy’s profile is good to go, and he’s already wheeling and dealing as Zack stands up. “If you’re gonna be all bitchy about this when we both clearly know something’s wrong...” “Can you quit your shit for one second man? The one time in my life I wanna get my dick wet and you’re cock-blockin’ me.” Zack only shakes his head, confused at Tommy’s attitude. His boyfriend does have a point though, as Zack has long enjoyed the freedom of his and Tommy’s relationship. “I… I guess.” “Alright. Besides, you know I love that tight lil’ ass of yours.” - - - - - - - A few hours after Zack has left the apartment, Tommy is on his way to his first hookup. Emboldened by his and Zack’s earlier escapades, he brings the harness along with him. He knocks on the cream-colored door to his hookup’s apartment, wearing his harness proudly. “Are you Tommy?” A slim blonde opens the door in a tank top and shorts. “Call me Tom. You must be Jason.” Jason nods and ushers Tom into his apartment. “You’re uh.. you’re gorgeous man.” “Thanks. You wanna get a closer look?” - - - - - - - - Groaning, Tom has his arm wrapped around Jason’s neck as he raws the smaller man with an intense need. “Ahh, ahh daddy! Fuck me!” “Y-yeah, daddy’s gonna fill that hole of yours…” Tom chuckles at the term, he’d never considered himself much of a daddy, but it was getting him even harder. “Fill me daddy! Want you to – want you to breed me so bad!” The higher-pitched, needy groans of his bottom makes Tom work harder, pistoning back and forth into Jason, making the younger man gasp with each thrust. “M’ gonna cum! Gonna cum on your big cock!” Jason exclaims as he bucks into the sheets beneath him, spurts of white erupting from his cock as he falls limp beneath his top. Tom keeps pumping, but the silence and pants of his spent bottom is turning him off. “Y-you good, Jason? I haven’t finished yet...” Tom’s thrusts taper to a halt as he cranes his neck over to see Jason’s eyes fluttering. “Am I losing you?” “N-no… just, you know. Tired.” “But… I mean, daddy hasn’t cum yet?” “You can finish if you want. I’m just tired.” “…. you fuckin’ serious?” - - - - - - - - - - Tom left the hookup annoyed, his hardon stuffed back into his sweatpants, his harness traded for a t-shirt. He’d heard stories before about greedy bottoms, but he was having such a good time. “Fuckin’ kids. Bullshit.” Tom muttered to himself as he drove back to his apartment. He had a few other messages on Grindr he could tend to, but he was ready to forget about the site altogether and hit the hay. His cock softens as he drives home, and soon he’s in his creaking bed and falling asleep. The next day, Tom wakes up and preps for his usual routine. Off to his office gig, wearing a tight black dress shirt with just the right amount of cleavage exposed. His slacks were just as generous, painted on around his big thighs and gorgeous ass. Tom ignores most of his work for the day and browses Grindr, striking up conversation with the headless twinks that are swarming him. He blows most of them off, their vapid chat only making him shake his head. “Should just try Zack again.” Tom sighs and fires off a text message to his boyfriend before going back to his routine. After work, Tom checks in with Zack once again. He’s got a project due, so he can’t do anything tonight. Of course. Sighing, Tom heads to the gym and pumps some iron, working past his personal best, and heads to the locker room for some gratuitous selfies, with a twist. As he heads to the locker room, he scouts the area and locks the door behind him. “Heh.” With a smirk, Tom pulls the harness from his gym bag and wraps it around his chest, tightening it around his pumped pecs. His cock stiffens as the creamy leather touches his skin, and he tosses his shorts and shoes aside. Striding toward the mirror with his phone in his hand, he reaches down and adjusts his bulge with the other; letting it snake across his right thigh. Holding his phone out, Tom grips his cock through the fabric of his briefs and tilts his head, pouting his lips a bit. He snaps a photo and posts it on his profile, one hand sliding across his confined shaft, and posts it to his profile before moving to feel up his size. “Fuck yeah...” Tom throws his right arm into a flex, eying his bicep as it balls up beautifully. His cock pumps within its tight home, a wet spot forming at the tip as Tommy reaches up to pinch his right nipple. He tugs the warm nub, biting his lip as his cock jumps once more. “F-fuck… better than usual...” Tom takes a breath and starts on his other nipple, putting both hands to work as he teases the sensitive stubs. His cock throb’s violently within his briefs, precum soaking the fabric surrounding his fat cockhead as he pleasures himself, a bit of drool beading down the corner of his mouth. “Ooohh.. ahh fuckk… FUCK!” Tom throws his head back as his cock erupts in its fabric confines, hunching over as hot cream soaks his underwear. Hunching over, Tom bellows as his back snaps, his shoulders rippling as they stretch further out, his harness straining. The blissful stud thrusts his chest back outward, his abs tensing with his breaths of lust until they begin to bloom outward, tight around an expanding globe of bulk and mass. Tommy’s pecs fatten, hanging slightly lower, definition becoming pure rounded mass. His skin, once tanned and golden, darkens to a luscious brown hue, nose widening, taking on an exotic shape. Groaning once more, Tom falls toward the counter and braces himself as his rounded, athletic thighs expand, his legs cracking, back inching upward with new height as his underwear shreds apart, his hard cock smacking the bathroom counter, cum rocketing from his cock and splattering across the mirror as his thick glutes flex, freed from their prisons. The hairs on Tom’s pecs thicken, spreading up his shoulders and across his neck, darkening into a beard as matching trails snake down his thighs and across his ass, covering his upper and lower body with whispy black fur. Tom’s rigid hardon fattens, stretching upward as it spasms with each spurt of seed. The straining organ kisses Tommy’s bulky, distended abdominals, matting his pubes with sticky deposit as his pulsing testicles expand, straining his sack as hairs sprout across the surface. Lines of age and masculinity cross Tommy’s forehead, his brow jutting out as it densifies. “Y-yehh, awww fuck...” Tom’s voice is deeper, booming even, his adam’s apple more pronounced. His neck has broadened to match his wider shoulders, veins criss-crossing the surface as his beard connects with his darkening hair. Heaving, Tom stands silently as he rides out the remains of his sexual eruption. The lower part of the locker room mirror and sink are covered in trails of white that drip onto the tile floor. “Daddy’s fuckin’ horny today! Fuck!” Tom bellows in a gruff tone, a hand moving to his cock. He squeezes the shaft, jerking a few drops from his cockhead and rubbing them between his fatter fingers. He steps back to get a better view of himself, and feels something soft beneath his wider foot – a black leather jockstrap, splattered with his essence. “Was wonderin’ where that went!” Tom bends over and grabs the jock, threading his bulky thighs through it, his hardon refusing to calm as he stuffs his balls into the velvety pouch. The reddened head juts from the lip, still leaking as Tom smudges the beads of pre across the surface. Smirking, he grabs his phone and snaps a photo of his lower body. “Gonna stretch that tight ass of yours to the limit, boy.” He captions his photo and sends it to Zack, dick twitching at the thought of claiming his boy once again. A few minutes go by as he feels himself up in the mirror, rubbing his sticky hands across his chest, when a buzz is heard from the counter. “Who is this?” “Tommy? What the fuck happened?” “You don’t feel weird or anything?” “Tommy? Dude! You gotta fuckin’ talk to me!” Rolling his eyes, Tom opens up his phone. “What’s up?” “What’s up? You fucking hulked out on me again! You look like a fucking 40 year old!” Tom thought to himself… but he is 40. 42 to be exact. This wasn’t his first rodeo, but his trophy boyfriend seemed to have a bit of a kink for this hulk thing. Maybe he’ll indulge. “Yeah, and this hulk wants to smash your ass real bad, boy.” “… what?” “Daddy’s horny. Bet you would love to have daddy’s big dick fill your hole right?” Tom tugs his softening cock from his pouch and takes a video, gently kneading it in his hands. He fires it off to Zack, massaging himself as Zack types once again. “Wow. What a monster.” “Come to my apartment. Daddy wants to show you some of his toys.” - - - - - - - - - - Tom’s apartment is drastically different than the one he left earlier in the day. The barren, collegiate surroundings are now lushly appointed, with dark red walls and black accents. Luxurious leather fixtures abound, with dark wood floors and medieval-styled lighting. And a new, unmarked metal door to the right of the entryway. Zack is as awed by the new environment as he is by the hulking, hairy brute who insists he’s Zack’s boyfriend. Or, as he’d now like to be called, Master. “Behind this door, you are to address me as master. You do what I say. You cum when I say. I’m in control. Do you understand?” Zack hesitates for a moment. “Or do you need to be punished?” Zack’s cock jumps at the thought, betraying the uncertainty clouding his mind. “Y-yes… master...” Tom leads him past the door to a darkened room, a small light hanging from the ceiling and barely illuminating the polished cement floors. He locks the door behind him and takes a breath. “Safeword?” - - - - - - - Zack’s muffled shrieks of pain and pleasure bounce off the barren walls of Tom’s pleasure dungeon, shackled to a long wooden bench as Tom smacks his pert ass with wooden paddles. A tight collar sits at Zack’s neck, a bright red gag in his mouth. “And if you cum, it’s back to the bench. Understood?” Zack nods his head, his cheeks red, sweat beading down his forehead. Tom stows his paddles beneath the bench and grabs a thick, black plug from his cabinet. He pushes his free hand between Zack’s cheeks and stuffs the plug into his hole, eliciting another mad moan from his boy. “I’m going to unfasten you. When you’re off, you’re gonna pleasure your master. Got that?” Tom unlocks Zack’s restrains and lets the smaller boy fall to the floor, watching him move to his hands and knees. Tom kneels down and pops the gag out of Zack’s mouth, but his sub remains silent. The bigger man hunches over and pulls his jockstrap down, letting it fall between his hairy thighs. “Give your master a good cleaning.” Zack stares up at Tom’s broad back, his furry asscheeks thick and glistening. The scent of his manliness is apparent and rich, ripe even. He skitters over and pushes his nose between Tom’s ass, inhaling his rich musk as his cock throbs with want. Groaning, Zack sloppily tongues at Tom’s hole, the deep bellows of his master encouraging him as he laps at his daddy’s opening. Zack’s ass as he eats out his master, digging his nose into his ripe manhole. “F-fuck, boy… simmer down...” Tom groans as Zack pulls out, sitting back on his hands and knees as Tom stands up. “Good boy… tell ya what, daddy’s got a treat for ya.” Tom turns around, a cigar between his fingers. “You’re gonna get daddy’s cock all nice and wet so he can fuck ya real good, got that?” Zack’s dick springs up once again, finally getting a full view of Tom’s fat, uncut daddy cock. He nods eagerly, eyes wide at the sight of Tom lighting his cigar and taking a puff. “What’re you waitin’ for boy?” Zack rushes to Tom’s hard cock and laps at the head, tasting rich sweat and manliness from the mushroom head. Moaning, he takes the head into his mouth and starts to suckle, looking up at his master with eager eyes as Tom puffs on his cigar. The warm, smoky scent fills the room as Zack taking more of his master’s dick into his mouth as Tom crosses his arms around his hairy, thick chest. Tom’s bright pink nipples protrude from the dense fur coating his pecs, tantalizing to the point that Zack can’t stop staring as he sucks his master. Tom smirks as he realizes Zack’s want. “Yeh, they’re nice n’ sensitive too...” Tom starts to thumb his right nipple, his cock surging within Zack’s maw as the sub alternates between lapping at the shaft and twisting his lips across the head. Tom bellows as a jolt of precum spurts into Zack’s waiting mouth, making him groan from his musky taste. Tom fingers his thick pink nipple, his balls churning as he teases the pleasure center methodically. “Start puttin’ effort into it, boy.” Tom’s broad hand grabs Zack’s skull and pushes it down onto him, forcing his stout eight inches into the pup’s lips. Zack’s eyes water as his master blows a plume of smoke into his sub’s face. “I oughta put this out on your ass if you don’t get to business.” Zack starts to bob in earnest on Tom’s throbbing dick, obscene slurping noises accompanying the agile movements of his tongue on the red, needy shaft. Tom unlatches from his nipple and leans back as Zack buries his face in Tom’s wiry black bush, taking in the rough scent. He bucks forward, mouth opening slightly, knowing he might get put over the edge. “Alright boy, daddy’s gonna claim that tight ass of yours.” Zack disgorges, a string of pre hanging between his lips and Tom’s dick as he savors the taste of his master. Pulling away, Tom grabs Zack by the collar and pushes his head towards the floor, taking a knee to get a better view. “Ass up, bitch.” Zack thrusts his slim rear into the air, and Tom yanks on his tail and pulls it from Zack, letting his stretched hole gape for a moment. “Gonna seed that slutty lil’ hole of yours.” Tom teases, fingers brushing the stressed opening. He pushes two fat fingers into Zack, making his pup practically squeal in need. “Yeh, you want that tight lil’ hole stuffed full of big dick huh? Just a slut lookin’ to get bred. Aren’t ya?” Zack nods rapidly, tongue beginning to loll from his mouth. A third finger joins in, wetly flexing and working Zack’s opening as he blushes, the pain starting to overtake the pleasure. “Aww come on boy, how’s daddy gonna fill you if you can’t take a couple’a fingers? You wanna cum don’t you?” Zack’s dull, pleasured face is a bit more pained, and certainly more aware of his master testing his limits. A fourth finger wriggles into him and he’s contemplating his safeword, but those expert fingers have started to probe his prostate, sending droplets from his needy dick onto the ground. “You get all five in like a good boy, and daddy’ll let you cum. You got that?” Zack braces himself, trying to adjust his stance as he feels Tom’s fat, dexterous thumb begin to invade him. He contemplates the safeword once more, but remembers the old adage of “pain before pleasure” and powers through. Biting his lip, Tom balls up his fist and forces it into Zack with a wet slurp. Zack’s legs buckle beneath him as Tom starts to push in, twisting his fist to let Zack feel the full brunt. “You’re gonna get off on my fist boy...” Tom bellows as he rubs Zack’s prostate once again, flexing and thrusting his fist into Zack as he hears his lover’s moans. “n’ when you cum, you’re gonna call out my name. You better call out my name, slut.” Zack bucks his ass upward, his hardon bobbing beneath him as his master stretches his hole. “Y-yeah, ohhh… d-daddy, fuck, fuck!” “What’s my name!?” “T-ahhh… TOM, TOAHHhhh-” Streams of white erupt from Zack’s overstimulated cock, gushing across the cement floor as his balls surge. Tom feels Zack cumming around his fist, feeling his muscles clenching as his sub orgasms. Drool oozes from Zack’s mouth, puddling on the floor as he cums violently. Tom starts to work his cock as he sees his sub give in, watching the boy come undone only turns him on more. “Gonna feels so good when I fill that slutty hole of yours, boy.” - - - - - - - - - Zack’s hole is on full display, his lean body strapped to an angled table in the middle of Tom’s pleasure cave. Tom turns a gear and tightens Zack’s restrains further, pulling his arms and legs out wider as he kneels down to see Zack’s abused entrance. “So loose and wet for daddy. Good lil’ slut.” “Y-yes master, want you to.. to claim my hole...” Zack tries to rut onto the steel table, his hardon weeping, but Tom tightens the gears to keep him from wriggling. “It’s not your time anymore, slut.” A devilish grin crosses Tom’s visage as he steps forward, rubbing his stout, fat dick between Zack’s blushing cheeks. His hot breath runs across Zack’s neck, resting his head on the boy’s shoulders as he grips Zack’s waist. “Now take daddy’s big dick, slut.” With a labored thrust Zack is penetrated, Tom’s thick member driving into his used hole with an intense drive. Tom’s sweaty, furry musclegut and rounded pecs rub against Zack’s slim back, Tom’s grip moving up to Zack’s shoulders as he fucks his bitch like a man. Tom drives hard into the smooth twink, grunting with each heavy thrust, Zack’s stretched hole offering only the slightest resistance as Tom forces his full length into his sub. “Ain’t… gonna be long, fu-fuck.. FUCK...” Tom’s thrusts intensify, becoming faster as the beefy stud knows his big finish is approaching. He reaches up and pushes Zack’s head to the table, grunting as he fucks his bitch. “Y-ohh.. YEAH!” With a roar, Tom blows his load into his lover, bucking wildly into him as gushes of white spurt out around his cock, oozing down the table to Tom’s feet as he fills his sub. His animalistic mating echoes loudly, causing Zack’s stomach and chest to bang on the table as he finishes. “Oooh… ohhh fu—fuck yeahhh...” Tom’s voice tapers off into a deep growl, massive veins rocketing across his forearms and down his back as his deltoids bulge, thrusting his shoulders back as they stiffen and expand with new bulk. Thick black hair races across his back, spreading down the taper of his waist as it tightens, his chest barreling outward and forcing Zack back onto the table. Tom gnaws at the air, his thighs forcing his legs apart as they ripple with growth and strength, dense hair multiplying across the surface of his lower body. His calves bulge and stretch, back flaring out further as he gains more height. His blocky, rounded gut swells further, matching his cartoonish pecs in width, harness resting on the top of his solid muscle belly. Tom’s hair tightens across his skull, receding into a jet black crew cut that fades into his clean-cut beard, curls of fur spiraling out of his chest and tickling Zack’s smooth back. Sharp pains erupt in his fat pink nipples as his weight rests on Zack, large silver rings appearing on his chest, another blooming out of his broad nose. The eruptions of seed into Zack intensify as Tom hulks out once more, to the point where his smooth abs have begun to bloat from the volume of Tom’s release. Soon, Zack’s rigid cock pulses out a load of its own across the table, then another. The two begin to cum in unison, Zack’s moans growing higher as Tom feels Zack’s ass starting to cradle him, not realizing the twink’s rear is swelling. The flat, bubbly surface inflates into two snow-white globes, Zack’s skinny thighs strengthening as he keeps himself from falling limp. Zack’s flat chest blooms outward with new, squared pecs, undefined stomach crunching into a solid six-pack to match. The dusting of black on his chest disappears, his pubes sucking inward as his body takes on a golden tan, hair being slicked upward by an unseen force as it lightens to platinum blonde. The changing twink feels a bulge within his hole and screams, the hard object poking at his most sensitive areas as his release starts to slow, Tom’s tapering off as well. With an obscene SHLLURP, Tom pulls his cock from his lover to reveal a bulky silver Prince Albert piercing the head of his oversized cock, covered in warm essence. - - - - - - - - - Tom’s hairy, thick body was on full display at Pride, having traded up to a lavish five-point harness that wraps around his musclegut and back, accenting his broad frame. Zack followed him, leash dangling from his collar as he basked in his new life, doting on his monstrous muscle daddy.
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